{"tweet_id":551763146877452288,"text":"@ibnHlophe @eeviewonders @anjemchoudary A criminal to ISIS is anyone that does not agree with their barbaric and inhuman religion.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":551787027725705216,"text":"@REMY119 Israel is only trying to defend itself against murderous Muslims trying to wipe it out. UN votes by Muslim nations mean nothing.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":551787273256050688,"text":"@REMY119 The Muslims have exterminated Christians and Jews all over the ME and continue today. Where are the UN resolutions?","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":551787717168619521,"text":"@REMY119 Muslims are fighting with every religion and none religion on the face of the earth. But we are suppose to believe it's Jews fault","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":551796768623435776,"text":"It seems that Allah sits around all day obsessing about women's hands and faces showing. I guess idiots need a god on their level. #Islam","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":551807282153934848,"text":"The myth of \"moderate\" Islamic rebels. They are all fanatics and #Islam must be outlawed. http:\/\/t.co\/BYGcWWqJW5","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":551812016768172032,"text":"RT @IAMMGraham: I've been called an Islamophobe for saying Islam needs a theological reformation. Now the head of Egypt agrees:\nhttp:\/\/t.co\u2026","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":552253987701788672,"text":"@MoAnsar @arennie44 Furthermore, Islam demands that women be locked in their homes and covered. Stop lying. http:\/\/t.co\/iVd1vihPFa","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":552257230037213184,"text":"@ummayman90 The only reason the overall numbers increase is because Muslims breed like rats, just like their prophet told them to do. #Islam","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":552257867932106752,"text":"@ummayman90 It's not about who was not murdered by him, it's about who was.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":552259592634114048,"text":"@ummayman90 Only an idiot would think that god wants to be feared. Muslims cannot think beyond the characteristics of an earthly tyrant.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":552524577163988992,"text":"RT @riwired: .@ORehaf Oh No.Do NOT go to \"Islamic Center\" where they beat you down mentally w\/double speak & convert you asap! @izrinhariri\u2026","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":552527064159768576,"text":"@yousufpoosuf @RKingLive2Dance @izrinhariri But the fact that Islam is a declaration of war means that Islam will always produce terrorists.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":552528092691181572,"text":"RT @riwired: And every Muslim is a \"slave of Allah\" the more religious or \"Islamic\" the more damage and danger there is.@VileIslam @ORehaf\u2026","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":552554260957634560,"text":"@yousufpoosuf @RKingLive2Dance @izrinhariri No, the quotes mean exactly what they say. But most people are naturally less hateful than Islam","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":552567745301454848,"text":"@ibnHlophe @eeviewonders @CTFleaMarkets You don't guarantee them protection, you guarantee them third class citizenship and extortion.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":552579242706235392,"text":"@Muhammad1988x The real piss drinkers are the Muslims. Here is the proof. http:\/\/t.co\/eD031qpTR9","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":552709319763173378,"text":"@nura_skippor @ameerahusman Islam is 1000 years of contributing nothing to mankind but murder and hatred.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":552884719394648064,"text":"@ldstarr18 @AC360 You are a liar trying to shut people up using the term #racist. Islam is not a race and you know it. It is a death cult.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":552887374858825729,"text":"@Damhan97 @niall_cullen @AC360 A small percentage? The majority are radicals. http:\/\/t.co\/UVNjYoz2rM","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":553018384120422400,"text":"@azmoderate @JoeWSJ You are talking bullshit. The information is clear that the majority of Muslims are not moderate. http:\/\/t.co\/whdlCI8aXZ","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":553402310106157056,"text":"@IftikharAwan The Muslims relationship to god is fear. He is told to fear Allah again and again in the Quran.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":553692805864771584,"text":"@CamilleHughes16 @_Watch_Observe_ Nobody cares. The law protects women. Mohammed's phony laws abuse women. #Islam","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":553983024979644416,"text":"@AngelicPsalms @brassidio Stop threatening people to get them to do what you want. That's why people hate religion.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":554038114113437697,"text":"@mohamadraimi4 @korderakan Not only dead Daesh, but Baghdadi ran like a coward. Will he behead himself for fleeing like he does his men Gwer","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":554128548126932992,"text":"@Asadumarfans You are a Muslim. You are brain dead. You repeat what others have said a million times.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":554129465664475136,"text":"@Zeke311 Now if Hollande and other leaders will only understand that the Islam of the Quran is radical Islam. Outlaw Islam!","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":555021230999617537,"text":"Our politicians make inane speeches about freedom of speech while studiously avoiding the real source of the problem, the violence in #Islam","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":555166261504512001,"text":"RT @Loretta778: @tdw1116 @Salon The terrorists themselves trumpet their allegiance to Allah and their religion. It's stupid to pretend away\u2026","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":555167621935415296,"text":"@reza_rahman If Quran and Hadith are full of hatred and murder and if Muslims support Sharia, then the problem is Islam and screw leftists.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":555200804802793472,"text":"@JosephIsVegan @SumbelinaZ @IronmanL1 @Hatewatch And that doesn't count common crime in Muslim states.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":555207510840201217,"text":"@IAmThe1Teacher @IronmanL1 @stevecorrales80 It's utterly stupid to tolerate the intolerance of Islam.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":555813300823289856,"text":"@NNdabbour64 I know that they are forced into Islam by being brainwashed and never being given a choice.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":555813752356864000,"text":"@NNdabbour64 I know the truth. It is 280 million citizens of the earth murdered by scum shouting \"Allahu Akbar\".","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":556171709867245569,"text":"RT @b_kisan: @TRobinsonNewEra Same country where conversion away from Islam is illegal.....one way street and a slow wiping out of non-Musl\u2026","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":556517693923143680,"text":"@ShamiAnalyst No one ask for your pedophile serving propaganda, swine.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":556962746961375232,"text":"@Khaula @aminawadud Karen Armstrong kisses the criminal Mohammed's ass so that she can sell books.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":556966376418459648,"text":"@DavidHarvilicz @AFP More left wing scum caving in to the violence of Islam.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":557043947260743680,"text":"@PoliticalAnt @Lithobolos @ZaibatsuNews Eh, they all ostensible follow the ideology of Islam. Radicals follow closely, others less so.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":557265245274529792,"text":"@Lithobolos @PoliticalAnt @ZaibatsuNews So are you saying that the Quran is wrong with this piece of bigotry? http:\/\/t.co\/oW2W2HPmYZ","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":557293350630739968,"text":"@Lithobolos @PoliticalAnt @ZaibatsuNews Your mantra about \"a few\" is stupid. This proves it. http:\/\/t.co\/3KyD0zp8yK","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":557353866019090432,"text":"@DecolonisedSoul Islam declared war on all humanity 1400 years ago. It's time we recognize that and respond.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":557720607669092353,"text":"RT @geoffellis186: @Juliet777777 A simple question: ask complaining Muslims why #sikhs #hindus, #Jews, #budhists etc can integrate & live h\u2026","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":558065514950701056,"text":"@digvijaya_28 This guy spouted one lie after another and there is no response in this video. Just typical lying Muslim propaganda.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":559368263541350400,"text":"@LifeInKhilafah The cancer of Islam pushes even babies to begin thinking about murdering their fellow human beings.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":559462878596857856,"text":"@LifeInKhilafah You must be really young and ignorant if you think a few bombing runs are going to cause anyone to miss a meal. LOL.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":560305056591798273,"text":"@98Halima @rfrankh53 @BilalIGhumman @johnnygjokaj @cdnKhadija If there was a Satan he would have invented Islam.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":560312047280197632,"text":"@98Halima @johnnygjokaj @cdnKhadija @rfrankh53 ISIS makes women cover and locks them up because that is what Mohammed did.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":560315182740545538,"text":"@98Halima @johnnygjokaj @rfrankh53 @BilalIGhumman @cdnKhadija No Muslim land has ever lived under anything but tyrants, dummy.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":560316425357635584,"text":"@98Halima @BilalIGhumman @johnnygjokaj @cdnKhadija @rfrankh53 If you don't want to read a pedo, you have to stop reading the Quran.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":561406350962331649,"text":"@ingyusarms Earthly tyrants want to be feared because for them fear is control and obedience. The writer of the Quran was unsophisticated.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":561703391055716353,"text":"@SirajZarook @BilalIGhumman @OdiniaInvictus @IsraeliRegime Can't expect honesty from people who follow a caravan robber.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":561955807835594752,"text":"@Totenleserin @Dabiq_Warrior That whole \"lions of Islam\" thing is like some kind of red neck comedy.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":562666364939141120,"text":"@aliabdalhamid @izrinhariri Obviously you know nothing about your religion. Permission to rape slave girls is in both Quran and Hadiths.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":563363131154378752,"text":"@rico_hands @NAInfidels @semzyxx @owais00 Who cares. Jews don't marry children. Muslims do. All the time.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":563367195913101312,"text":"@semzyxx @NAInfidels @owais00 Furthermore, you cannot identify a single verse of the Quran that limits the age of marriage of a girl.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":563463565504282625,"text":"@PatVPeters Funny how defenders of Islam like to bring up the crusades. But the Muslim crusaders were attacking Christianity first.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":563481960236859392,"text":"@teddyboylocsin @tweetybird2009 @PatVPeters When has he ever done anything else?","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":563513394616344576,"text":"@obsurfer84 @teenage Let people look at the polls that Muslims answered and see that they come from hate. http:\/\/t.co\/j2BAMNBzi4","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":563577608453902339,"text":"@obsurfer84 And the Muslims robbed the wealthy merchants.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":563798109377925120,"text":"The Daesh are getting too thin on manpower to hold all the fronts where they need to fight. Bombing does have an effect.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":564128577486979072,"text":"@buttercupashby What does ISIS do that your pedophile prophet did not do?","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":564129446228021248,"text":"RT @bobwilsonn: The Assumption that #islam is just another religion already fooled a lot of ppl.Islam is about war &world domination. http:\u2026","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":564182620808806400,"text":"@MaDaSaHaTtEr_17 Yes, he's vile because he is against a religion that has produced more than 100 terroris groups. http:\/\/t.co\/38v2E6yjcx","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":564208595873435648,"text":"@PeoplesReport @AlterNet Scum bag ISIS supporters will say anything to justify their barbaric behavior.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":564279023899910145,"text":"@abunaseeha2 @uygaraktas It's okay, your pedophile prophet used catapults against cities and killed civilians all the time.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":564281990694707200,"text":"@exJizyacolector @abunaseeha2 Yes, only Islam can generate that level of barbarity, hatred, and inhumanity. https:\/\/t.co\/frOHLueT12","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":564453005500493824,"text":"@Vandaliser @sajid_fairooz @IsraeliRegime There are no Jews in Saudi or many of the Gulf states because the Muslims exterminated them.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":564454367932059648,"text":"@Vandaliser @sajid_fairooz @IsraeliRegime The Jews initially all lived in Muslim lands. The vast majority now live in Christian lands.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":564466022527148033,"text":"@Vandaliser @sajid_fairooz @IsraeliRegime Notice how most of the contributions are from Persians, not Arabs, and are despite Islam.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":564468680239493120,"text":"@Vandaliser @sajid_fairooz @IsraeliRegime Euclid uses Algorithms long before Islam existed. So stop with the garbage. http:\/\/t.co\/D8XrtdEYao","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":564536627159003137,"text":"@SumerSloan @PAWarnhoff @etsho127 Hamas has been launching rockets at Israel forever.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":564852801935646720,"text":"@Qoloob4 @Vandaliser @sajid_fairooz @IsraeliRegime The Quran is not a history book. All of it is instructions to man for all time.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":564910464983785473,"text":"RT @Ratillathehun: @1959greenarrow @ProudPatriot101 @george3612 There angry over cartoons but not beheadings, people being burnt alive, or \u2026","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":564930087514939392,"text":"RT @0rwellian: Labor & Islam working together RT @phlim1942: #pmlive Rotherham abuse victim: 'I was raped once a week, every week' http:\/\/\u2026","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":565554420772241408,"text":"RT @WSCP1: Obamas *moderate* pals: Syrian Rebel Sharia Enforcers Storm Wedding Party, Arrest 17 For Listening To Music http:\/\/t.co\/mSNFfEfM\u2026","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":565744222959972352,"text":"@Israelites234 @scamp_faridxx @CNN The first crusaders were Muslims, microbrain. 400 years before the Europeans headed in other direction.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":565748967019802624,"text":"@Israelites234 @Aliyaist Haven't seen that much idiotic and incoherent babbling, cliche and second hand propaganda in a long time. Blocked.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":566078929912340484,"text":"@Snerpusina @Just_Nafisa @FatimaFatwa Correct. Islamic permission to rape salve girls.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":566308549282631680,"text":"@WithTrish @JRehling The world is doing nothing. Islam is producing the terrorist activities and has been for 1400 years.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":566393848411090944,"text":"@discerningmumin Wrong. Apostacy is the equivalent of leaving America and becoming a citizen of another country. There is no penalty.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":566394160173690880,"text":"@discerningmumin The hypocrisy of Islam is that they expect to convert people from other religions but they murder converts from their own.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":566816273225375744,"text":"@Jubathesniper5 @munthir555 ROFLMAO. Where is the picture Daeshbag?","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":566825304362983425,"text":"@globnewsen How long before some idiot politician tells us that this is not about Islam, but about some Islamic extremist? #Copenhagen","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":567010992253452289,"text":"@watan71969 @s_rsantorini630 This coming from a Muslim hypocrite -the religion that declared war on humanity and are population imperialists","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":567012535627313153,"text":"@michellemalkin @TwitchyTeam As usual, he will say that Islamist terrorism has nothing to do with Islam.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":567037688444747776,"text":"@shehzilk @watan71969 Read the statistics microbrain. Look at the percentage of the worlds Muslims that want to kill apostates.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":567074689818693632,"text":"@truaemusic @mattybboi83 @Number10gov And he was also a total fraud. He made up the verses of the Quran when he needed them as he needed.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":567083648352927744,"text":"@truaemusic So if a Buddhist owns a slave you can say that he goes against his religion. But a Muslim slave owner is not going against his.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":567120681666478082,"text":"@awdnewsgerman @Raqqa_Sl Chomsky is a racist. Islam created ISIS.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":567363238040322049,"text":"@ZamiraTwitt One way of helping to prevent such crimes would be to outlaw the sick and sexist religion of Islam that victimizes women.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":567433875995901952,"text":"@jukes303 That's just as big a fallacy as the oil fallacy. The US had zero to do with the creation of Al Queda.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":567758911277510656,"text":"@islam4libya5 @IslamRevlution @BintStranger Islam was designed to benefit 7th cent Bedouin thugs, rapist, murderers, slavers,caravan robbers","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":567762841287061504,"text":"@KeeganNYC @syedmuhammad555 Why do 2\/3 of all Muslims want Sharia, which demands death for homosexuals and apostates? http:\/\/t.co\/1jE0S98Wmh","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":567841937052459008,"text":"@MiddleEastEye If you want to understand ISIS, understand Islam. They are exactly the same.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":567883873901625344,"text":"@BoomSlang321 Outlaw Islam!","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":568105161492533249,"text":"Why do ISIS, the Saudis and the Taliban imprison women in their homes? Because the Quran tells them to. #Islam #Iraq http:\/\/t.co\/dm64qJbkMj","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":568414024372654081,"text":"@DianH4 @ajwatamr @ExposeFalsehood Nobody declared war on Allah and his pedophile messenger. Islam's war is all started by Islam.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":568541747849998337,"text":"@buellerishere Who cares. ISIS does what Mohammed did. Tens of thousands also do and have joined him. Muslims crazy. http:\/\/t.co\/JXkY2pdJ93","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":568584217103179776,"text":"@KellyTurner99 @buellerishere Those law abiding Muslims that have a 90% domestic violence rate in Pakistan and murder people for blasphemy.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":569353716966387713,"text":"RT @davidjones720: OBAMA and his love for golf is greater that love for CHRISTIANS or Jews ! http:\/\/t.co\/LludcU5jSP","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":569597127019466753,"text":"@ikalin1 @nrllhkose All westerners didn't subscribe to Nazi ideology. All Muslims subscribe to the religion of hatered, murder, and bigotry","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":574001370384109568,"text":"@MaxBlumenthal Islamophobia is like Naziphobia, it's an abuse of language for political gain. It looks like this. http:\/\/t.co\/VXFlYOknor","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":574011831208935425,"text":"@YusufPeaceful @tummala82 @IndyVoices There is no choice. Ban Islam or it will destroy humanity.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":574013452856897536,"text":"@Don_Omar_Ar One of the vile things about Islam is that it murders people for exercising their freedom of speech.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":574015117207076864,"text":"@lajnamediausa Balance what? The hate cult of Islam has zero place in American schools.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":574191845703471104,"text":"@tummala82 @YusufPeaceful @IndyVoices Exactly. http:\/\/t.co\/54DHgqBS3B","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":574313774624063488,"text":"@ummsuhaym @logicalmind11 This would be another good example of terrorism. Control through fear, violence, brutality http:\/\/t.co\/9yklLhS1G6","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":574325264085184513,"text":"@Clashoftherats Liar. Those Hadith come from the USC Muslim student association Hadith web site. And here is more. http:\/\/t.co\/v9w4T4izgk","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":574673083983785984,"text":"@MaxBlumenthal Nice to see bigots like Blumenthal fight for people that practice honor killing, beating women, child marriage, homophobia.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":574673301328396288,"text":"@MaxBlumenthal So why doesn't Blumenthal go and ask Hamas why they never have elections.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":574683611640692736,"text":"@BDSSupporter 98% of Muslims are killed by other Muslims, microbrain. http:\/\/t.co\/f3erq7u9s3","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":574687791306575872,"text":"@BDSSupporter And here is the list of Jewish Nobel Laureats. They contribute about 400 times as much as Muslims. Muslims contribute hate.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":574757129271164928,"text":"@ardiem1m @MaxBlumenthal @oldkhayyam No it is the Muslims that have done the ethnic cleansing for 1400 years. Israel is putting a stop to it","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":574757696303316992,"text":"@ardiem1m @MaxBlumenthal @oldkhayyam Forget about your anti Jewish bigotry. How do you explain Hamas beheading gays and honor killing women","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":574772748599173120,"text":"@love_allah_01 Mohammed's first wife Katjia was a wealthy woman BEFORE Islam. So you are lying.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":574784816685674497,"text":"@asem_1994 Look at the kinds of opinions that the Islamic world is stuck with. http:\/\/t.co\/AryC4kA2CD","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":574792192608243713,"text":"@nyazpolitics @greenlinerzjm Actual Muslims know very little about Islam.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":574912721524682752,"text":"@biebervalue @greenlinerzjm Horseshit. Mohammed led 17 major military expeditions, owned 28 slaves, had 9 wives - one six years old.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":574920833459597312,"text":"@biebervalue @greenlinerzjm You fucking moron, slavery is approved right in the Quran. Read it you stupid idiot.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":574949457604648962,"text":"@asem_1994 Good morning. Here is the history of Islamic slavery. https:\/\/t.co\/xWJzpSodGj","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":574963307926323200,"text":"@haroonstyles @greenlinerzjm @halalflaws @biebervalue You try again. Mohammed screwed Aisha when she was 9. http:\/\/t.co\/gJ5Ob13HFX","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":575026803955236864,"text":"@AnwarPrince14 @SABCNewsOnline Why not? The Palestinians behead gays and honor kill women.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":575052625567047681,"text":"RT @BlissTabitha: Australia: Gifted teen embraces Islam, becomes a jihad terrorist http:\/\/t.co\/bpmb7EoaGv","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":575054847298301953,"text":"@drewmistak The content of the Quran and Hadiths give Islam a bad name.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":575061092780527617,"text":"@Kaya786 B. The only reason there are non Muslims on the earth is because the non Muslim armies defeated the Muslims.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":575087201379184642,"text":"@alihadi68 @David_Cameron Who's them? I only see real beheadings in Palestine and the rest of the Muslim world.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":575152166417002496,"text":"@halalflaws @greenlinerzjm @biebervalue Nobody on the Supreme Court had a clue about what a murdering, raping, bigoted, pedophile he was.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":575185133679968257,"text":"@alihadi68 @MaxBlumenthal @rudoren @nytimes Compare a Netanyahu speech to this genocidal Palestinian lunatic. https:\/\/t.co\/8cmfoOZwxz","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":575317753441075200,"text":"@MaxBlumenthal The Prophet Mohammed beheaded 600 Jews for not being loyal to him. And all the Muslims love Mohammed. So what's the problem?","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":575441138032619520,"text":"@Rubiconski You must be one of Putin's army of paid internet trolls. http:\/\/t.co\/stp5NmjZRY http:\/\/t.co\/IIZx95911L","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":575469795996385280,"text":"@harmlesstree2 Your pedophile Prophet made it exceedingly clear what his intentions were for Jews and Christians. http:\/\/t.co\/gVJcnOh5bm","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":575471203286044673,"text":"@harmlesstree2 The Jews were murdered for 1400 years by rampaging Muslim mobs in Spain, N. Africa, and the ME.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":575506339029352449,"text":"@BabaKristian @MuftahOrg Lol. You think there are no probs for people who don't tow the main stream line in Muslim c. http:\/\/t.co\/yZdJhnFQen","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":575548222204178433,"text":"@pNibbler @AlterNet @MaxBlumenthal Mohammed raped women. Jesus did not. Mohammed had people murdered. Jesus did not.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":575630993484206080,"text":"@SelenaKhan14 @PTISalarKhan @georgegalloway Every minority in every Muslim country is a shrinking minority due to Muslim abuse.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":575652621744103424,"text":"@congressman_aly It's not just a few Muslims, it's more than half. http:\/\/t.co\/URibpAnTcs","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":576022071823572993,"text":"@TawheedNetwork_ Quoting from the book of violent fairy tales again?","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":576356475322269696,"text":"@MaxBlumenthal Here are the verses from Quran and Hadith proving genocidal aim of the Muslim biggots. http:\/\/t.co\/pF8iwpdb1d","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":576357456080605186,"text":"@MaxBlumenthal @RaniaKhalek @norabf Here is a Hamas: Palestinians are Saudis and Egyptians conducting religious war. https:\/\/t.co\/8cmfoOZwxz","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":576361406573875201,"text":"@Michaelplates Maybe you should teach that respect to the Muslim hate mobs who murder Christians and Hindus for pretended blaspemy.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":576604892283809792,"text":"@MaxBlumenthal @mehdirhasan #Islam wants women to stay in their houses and cover themselves. ISIS makes sure that they do.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":576605692418609153,"text":"@MaxBlumenthal @mehdirhasan @tnr Mohammed declared a Jihad against all non believers. ISIS is executing a Jihad against non believers.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":576609979643236352,"text":"@MaxBlumenthal @mehdirhasan @tnr Imagine a Muslim journalist making a case for why ISIS is not Islamic. No self interest there. LOL.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":576622046957871104,"text":"@dankmtl Again, idiot, none of that changes the ratio of Muslims to Christians in Palestine. Only Muslim bigotry and abuse changes it.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":576637902660091904,"text":"@dankmtl what they tell you is their intention is not their intention.https:\/\/t.co\/8cmfoOZwxz","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":576639085730639873,"text":"@dankmtl And the number of Christians in Israel is increasing, while in all Muslim countries it is shrinking.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":576765290299568128,"text":"@AAlwuhaib1977 So while thousands of churches, temples, synagogs have been destroyed by Muslim biggots, you only worry about one Muslim ....","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":538130705382129664,"text":"\"He can't be a server at our restaurant, that beard makes him look like a terrorist.\" Everyone laughs. #fuckthanksgiving","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":553209558722555904,"text":"RT @joej2020usa: Netanyahu: Paris Massacre Shows Radical Islam \u201cKnows No Border\u201d - Israel News http:\/\/t.co\/kGGkulkTtp via @binalerts","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":574011536827490304,"text":"RT @Redeemed1952: \ud83d\udd35DEMS, the party that kicked GOD to the curb, but DEFENDS ISLAM! http:\/\/t.co\/CRQJE6vvfT","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":572345440600907777,"text":"@mykitchenrules Elegant and beautiful?Cheap and trashy!Nothing more unattractive than girls banging on about how hot hey are. #mkr #notsassy","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":568340978861355008,"text":"In the words of former contestant @whatsnextjake , Katie and Nikki need to calm their farm. #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572344011043688448,"text":"Actually Nikki really is quite good looking, wait till my shots hit the newstand! #mkr #photography #fashion","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572343828968943616,"text":"Stick to your day jobs girls #MKR","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572342944256032768,"text":"WTF....#mkr the girls used bought sorbet amd that was the standout!!?? Shouldn't they be disqualified? ??","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573423922764365825,"text":"Shut up Katie and Nikki... That is all :)\n#MKR #MKR2015 #mykitchenrules","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572335171862593536,"text":"Who is writing the bimbolines? #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572341252550627328,"text":"@mykitchenrules My god. You can't use a can opener? Reminds me of a joke I know. How do you know a blonde.....? #MKR","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572341118118936577,"text":"How the f#*k are they \"models\"? #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572339059613298689,"text":"Just me, or hot blondes on #mkr not at all hot?? Just average!","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572339019238940672,"text":"@mykitchenrules did you find Katie and Nikki in the line for Mt Druitt's next top model? #MKR","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572319608947912704,"text":"the theme for their instant restaurant appears to be \"barbie's dream narcissism kitchen\" \ud83d\udc8b #MKR","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572338645950062593,"text":"\u201c@walslab: Out of the two blondes, which one is Beavis and which is Butthead #MKR\u201d Does it matter?","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572338645950062593,"text":"\u201c@walslab: Out of the two blondes, which one is Beavis and which is Butthead #MKR\u201d Does it matter?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572337676713512960,"text":"If only this Sasquatch had wings to help these girls fly out of the whole they've dug for themselves #mkr @mykitchenrules","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572337337318817792,"text":"Is #mkr sexist then? Four of the six teams in the fourth instant restaurants are an all-female team.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572336427867885568,"text":"#MKR you'd think in her downtime Annie would have paid Napol\u00e9on Perdis a visit and learnt not to use the same coloured blush as your hair...","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572336799340630016,"text":"What a riveting little lesson in walking the catwalk. Thanks ladies #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572336241871478786,"text":"Absolutely #blondemoment #MKR","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572334038163185664,"text":"well ya standards are pretty low bitch #MKR","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572331778309955584,"text":"#mkr nikki has hot teeth","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572329344577642496,"text":"Yeah I can't see her sporting Victoria's Secret wings anytime soon. #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572329028129968128,"text":"#mkr pretty sure that's how all the chicks walk at Mt Druitt Westpoint","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572328669428891648,"text":"When her hands get sore, she finds another way to get the job done... #MKR","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572328454227685376,"text":"Will this tart be the deconstructing of the #sassy girls? @MKR_Official #MKR @TVWEEKmag","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572328354281480192,"text":"Jesus how dumb can you get #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572328124165197825,"text":"RT @prprau: #MKR Tart. Lol.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572328116598652929,"text":"RT @mykitchenrules: Come on #Barbie, let's go party! #KillerBlondes #MKR","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572328088295456770,"text":"Put a bra on Nikki, you dumb slut #MKR #MKR2015","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572355295076208640,"text":"#mkr why do all these people WANT to cook for a living? Don't they realise it's another chore, just more housework? It's fun once or twice >","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572355275027443712,"text":"@IrinaLV143 Everybody get a little greasy on #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572349996919472129,"text":"#MKR if those girls use the word Sass one more time.. it does not mean what they think it means. #dictionary #dumbblonde #ergh","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575705043124502528,"text":"#mkr Katie & Nikki are atrocities, but Kat & Andre would be the ones leaving if they had scored the promoskanks fairly. Kat has no dignity.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575642526151020544,"text":"Seriously Nikki. Keep your arms down to hide the bingo wings and back flab. EEEE #mkr2015 #mkr #mykitchenrules","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575626133799968769,"text":"Fuck off Kat! Douchebag. #MKR #bitchy","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575598837819047937,"text":"RT @DustyPee: If #cuntandandre make it through, I'll... I don't know what I will do. #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575598798174576640,"text":"Borrowed time #CuntAndArsehole cant wait for you to get blown away by the decent teams. #FirstElimination #BeatItDogs #MKR #KatAndAndre","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575598345508401154,"text":"Kat the #CuntFaceBitch #mkr lives to fight on. http:\/\/t.co\/ngtgO2U85R","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575597765226463233,"text":"Quit bitching - if Kat and Andre had scored a 5 the blonde fuckwits would still have gone. Check out the other teams scoring... #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575596851346284544,"text":"Awww, bless them, they still think they were Hot...#MKR","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575596799848792064,"text":"Mmm bitter-sweet victory. The 'models' are toast but we still have Kat and Andre. #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575596721885048832,"text":"#cuntandandre #cuntandandre #cuntandandre, here we go again, you strategic arseholes! #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575596624006791168,"text":"#MKR if Cunt and Arsehole remain you are a bunch of rigged cunts!!\n#FuckOff #ShitCooks #CantCook #KatAndAndre","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575596562966958082,"text":"Shame Katie and Nikki .. Kat - you're going down #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575596490111852544,"text":"Your cooking is still shit Kat #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575596411498201088,"text":"Kat the Villian, but pulling off that red dress. #mkr http:\/\/t.co\/mx163Ds5Hz","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575596328182382592,"text":"I hope to god Kat cant sleep at night #MKR","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575596287602524160,"text":"FK YOU KAT AND ANDRE! #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575595781303963648,"text":"Kat needs to calm down with the crazy eyes #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575595652064931840,"text":"How do I actually feel sorry for Katie and Nikki. Kat and Andre are idiots #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575595633538629633,"text":"You \"fought hard\" so it \"wouldn't be fair\" to be eliminated? Are you joking me? You scored unfairly the whole time! #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575595620854988800,"text":"You know Kat and Andre are awful when I want Katie and Nikki to go through #MKR","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575595564764549120,"text":"No Kat, you didn't fight hard. You cooked, it was shit and you will probably end up staying by giving people ridiculous scores. Moll #MKR","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":576003027942969344,"text":"Kat, your cooking appears to be as unpleasant as you. #MKR","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575995622806855680,"text":"No wonder they are fucked, they are relying on Annies charm #MKR","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575984186495889409,"text":"Annie says a pony ... Are you joking...you idiot #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575972676516257793,"text":"It's karma kat #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575965746464849920,"text":"@mykitchenrules @bjtqld: #mkr2015 #mkr I think Kat thinks she is the best chef ever. Ah hello no","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575962180870262785,"text":"So happy the bae, Ash (and her perfect hair to match her perfect self), is back #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575959816239124480,"text":"Well done Ash & Camilla, now try some humility instead of being front bums #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575958589728116737,"text":"Kat has certainly set herself up for much pounding... I hope she is saved from it by being the first to go... She is quite horrid #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575957507975294976,"text":"Ugh. Fuck off Kat. Your turns next. #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575957239112032256,"text":"OH MY GOD. KAT IS SUCH A FUCKING BITCH. SO MUCH HATE #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575954602081783808,"text":"#MKR suck it kat u kent!!!","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575954545672466432,"text":"Oh Kat. This is what you deserve. #mkr #cuntfacebitch http:\/\/t.co\/bO5HNiaQKu","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575951242440019970,"text":"Positive Polly just fucked off to the pancake line #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575950340828209153,"text":"I'll help with the dough Sheri and Emilie im coming !! :D #mkr #hungrycampers","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575947218462507008,"text":"Oh kat.... never mind #cuntandandre #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":555197818252836865,"text":"@SumbelinaZ @IronmanL1 @Hatewatch Sorry bitch, you did your research in your own asshole.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":555222454319079424,"text":"@flatspaddler1 @SumbelinaZ @velvethammer @IronmanL1 @Hatewatch In the meantime the bitch looks right past the genocide of Boko Haram.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":574984044628209665,"text":"@AMohedin It doesn't say \"mentally beat them\". It says, \"beat them\". You are sugar coating for the kiddies and women.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":574984476037505024,"text":"@AMohedin Being strong physically does not mean strong mentally. The verse clearly says that a husband can force his will on a wife.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":560181343926353920,"text":"RT @CHSommers: How NPR helped create the current panic over a phantom campus \"rape culture.\" @jonathanchait @sullydish @davidfrum http:\/\/t.\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":560443767325753346,"text":"@BristolBen @aamattyhealy FTR...I'm an ERA, not MRA. Term MRA is flawed for same reason as feminism...gender specificity.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":560652455734939650,"text":"RT @p4ndiamond: i love equal rights, fuck men , i love men , men are rapists ,not all men i care about MGM , LOL HIS DICK GOT CUT OFF #Twee\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":561695991301431298,"text":"RT @niceguy239372: @MT8_9 @ExposeFeminism @MeReachingout @mjjchgdm @sh00ter_d yeah rape culture is a lie!! So true http:\/\/t.co\/CE6emx2zh9","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":561927697170182144,"text":"@PardusXY The idea...or the argument?","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":562432586002485249,"text":"@She_TheWolf Are you a feminist?","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":562467072073289729,"text":"@SnugRailgun She blocked me and I blocked her, why is that sexual abuse apologist @Auragasmic in my TL?","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":562474692863614976,"text":"RT @kaijusoshingeki: @CultOfVivian @shoe0nhead Wow.... just... wow. You hear that, ladies? You don't have to be afraid if Anita has money. \u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":562664611565285379,"text":"@p4ndiamond A known \"dudebro\".","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":562774158019686401,"text":"RT @The_Killah29: @MT8_9 I have the choice of either 1) marrying the woman and supporting her, 2) paying child support for 18 years or 3) j\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":562821560466407424,"text":"@willberthelot @naaadnerb Deadbeat dad-ism is ILLEGAL. This is the LEGAL system screwing him.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":562835643404144640,"text":"@tammykennon Men are assaulted 5 times more than women.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":562860227318796288,"text":"@cisrabbit \"Loose\" was a Freudian reference...","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":563022891638587392,"text":"@DavidicLineage I present Exhibits V-Z that #FeminismIsAwful http:\/\/t.co\/xDh0uVQEl5","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":563162901482336256,"text":"RT @Ectocooler_hi_c: #Questionsformen proves a man can be sexist without trying but women can't even when they create a hashtag explicitly \u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":563446724459782146,"text":"@IsabellaEscort When I ask them that verbatim question, they call me an abusive misogynist. You? Do you ever actually get an answer?","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":563547956230778880,"text":"@juliarforster Yes. http:\/\/t.co\/ixbt0uc7HN","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":563569952599592960,"text":"@vivant @tomsaw200 You sure? http:\/\/t.co\/THwiZ2qDBR","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":563601400115265536,"text":"@feministlah @GreenWeiner No True Scotsman.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":563605562211172352,"text":"@hayleyjoness ...as a result there is a POSSIBLE supply of 100% of the population for all \"female\" jobs vs. maybe 20% for some \"male\" jobs.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":563610875572285440,"text":"@feministlah @GreenWeiner Picture was gender neutral, but...sure.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":563780884994617344,"text":"@EuroSlavA @brenbarber Those two are the only self ID'ed feminist I can think of who are legit.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":563904669416964096,"text":".@BlackOpal80 But not a joke, a lot of her writing created the false \"rape culture\" crisis & whose theories were drivers of new CA rape law.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":564051782822023169,"text":".@knux1995 ...allow word to evolve to it's current meaning (selfish misandry) and remove them from the #equality movement so adults can work","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":564077514147254273,"text":"@wiemanindenwald Sooooo true.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":564081197685702656,"text":"@dultery @Dex_is_Dope No joke. A Swedish lawmaker proposed requiring men to sit when they pee...","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":564101649216835584,"text":"@SultraSoV Yes and no. 1A issue but banned as \"sexist\" when a feminist shirt would not be...","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":564123297940393984,"text":".@manishlimbu532 No. No reliable numbers. But, a small town police department did a nine year study of their cases once...41% false.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":564125884404084736,"text":".@abnormalcybias @manishlimbu532 ...women who are actually charged\/convicted of it. It's almost NEVER prosecuted. Cops just close the case.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":564130793702690816,"text":"@thesledgetobias ?","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":564227478546550787,"text":"@Audmum1 @ILivUndrUrBed @CarolynnEva You linked to BLASPHEMY!!!","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":564473244049100801,"text":"@cjn159u You've seen the article by founder of NOW's sister, right? More and more I see feminism thru this prism... http:\/\/t.co\/7jOETvnH9A","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":564473358293561344,"text":"@cjn159u ...it's backdoor communism.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":564802393402253313,"text":"@calcetin13 @boxedariel First hand account from NOWs founder's sister = BS how?","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":565141645818347520,"text":"@GamerBobobobob @trishesdishes Think she meant would men who shed obligations also lose rights..? Yes.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":565150073261408256,"text":"RT @TehMenz: @MT8_9 @brenbarber @MadMax9990 This tweet deserves more love. It's a good point.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":566029071151554560,"text":"RT @GreyUmopepisdn: When a radical feminist or SJW tries to argue with you, try these tips. #WomenAgainstFeminism http:\/\/t.co\/UP62bkHAEL","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":566069774132969472,"text":"RT @jjordon96: Pretty sure that #gamergate episode of law and order is basically the new Reefer Madness. Holy actual fuck this exists.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":566383161874350080,"text":"@JakSoulbright @Stan_Philo Sorry to hear that. Get well, man.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":566639374704844800,"text":"@AmarinaW I (would) never read\/see it, so I have no idea...what is the \"abuse\" they speak of?","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":566662339303571457,"text":"@Oneiorosgrip @Dogsplained That's what I thought at first...haven't read comics in a while, so...I have no reference. Awesome job if fake.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":566717938162741249,"text":"@ENDSexAbuseNOW Who is to blame for that?","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":566979937148891136,"text":"@comattwow @ChubsSays It allows me to simultaneously engage in specific conversation while putting out ideas I'd have to redundantly repeat?","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":567027161979031552,"text":"RT @SomeKindaBoogin: #WhatFeminismGaveMe irony http:\/\/t.co\/NsSXyZJXfk","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":567039911681744896,"text":"RT @AllstateJackie: @MT8_9 I'M CRYING.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":567124070727417856,"text":"@abillionjillian You seem like a nice girl. I just ask that u dig a little deeper into what feminism actually says\/does vs what they claim.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":567138070592761856,"text":"@JustLaurenB @accountrejected Hmm...I think it's the jaw...her head is kinda shaped like home plate...to carry on the baseball motif...","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":567147633442304002,"text":"@EqualityMen The motive doesn't lessen the outcome.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":567148844107182081,"text":"@Allehegens Don't count any chickens...most of the GOP candidates suck and could well lose to uneducated \"history\" vagina voters.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":567395682462756864,"text":"@LFESexuality So, you oppose #NoMorePage3 and the feminists trying to ban it, right?","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":567808215275274240,"text":"@Securedhappines @WilliamBakerGG @JudgyBitch1 Nope.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":568401125080215552,"text":"@Noin007 THIS is why I find the \"antifeminist women just want male attention\" argument moronic...as if there aren't better ways to get that.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":568413236577603584,"text":"@hannah_ashpole He respects their right to publicly lez out in private, you mean? What a gentleman.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":568777508310495233,"text":"@Noin007 I'm an atheist, but God bless hot women who embrace\/enjoy their own sexuality...","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":569358377874296832,"text":"@DidymusLeonhart She has a very low IQ.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":569387677000331265,"text":".@MaddyBaylor @LBigmann Estimates are guesses not proof. This is why you are called stupid. And you ignore that politics exist. Also stupid.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":569395893776060416,"text":"RT @uberfeminist: Emotional Terrorism https:\/\/t.co\/OnrVC8tOXv #TwitterFeminism","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":569401835183849472,"text":"@GibberAUS That girl is hideous in every way...","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":569564933928591360,"text":"RT @victorymonk: That awkward moment when a comment is more informative than the article. http:\/\/t.co\/mGSaftUnXs #WomenAgainstFeminism http\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":569567773916942336,"text":"RT @Superjutah: @MT8_9 Slim Thug had his bank accounts frozen for one year for a child which is not his! https:\/\/t.co\/y4c7bQVttI","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":569569004970311680,"text":"RT @ifihadanocelot: @antifempsycho2 @Angry_Feminazi @MT8_9 \"hey I have a gender studies degree, clearly YOU ALL are the brainwashed ones\"","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":569704810318061569,"text":"@DaftBrian Is that what #AskHerMore is?","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":569717690757193728,"text":"#DontDateSJWs unless you want them to date you, bang you, call you, stalk you THEN cry rape & do \"performance art\". http:\/\/t.co\/vRPol5nc67","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":569858945713643521,"text":"@NatalieTudor I never watch these things...do they ask men anything?","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":569901098762428416,"text":"RT @SteelThunder13: @MT8_9 You can practically hear his sexual orientation changing.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":570206807475429376,"text":"@RandomHero30 @rooshv @minasmith64 I get that. A Rotherham Redux. But, who raped Cytheria?","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":570236419026886657,"text":"@thehiredmind You can have this one. Untag. Thanks. I've gotten what I need from her... http:\/\/t.co\/rP894UHMYJ","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":570251901461237760,"text":"@JimyIsAHappyBoy @gabystama @HumanistFury I meant micro vs macro economics.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":570283338537295873,"text":"@BristolBen I think Arquette is a dummy who believes it. Not a Valenti who knowingly lies.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":570290612378972161,"text":"RT @Superslaviswife: @gabystama @MT8_9 So... you're saying it's men's fault that women work different jobs and fewer hours? Pretty sure I c\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":570330459281825792,"text":"@Audmum1 The girl who played Palin in porn only got $3000 for SAME job as Patty...","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":570701468778393600,"text":"RT @facerealitynow: @MT8_9 I asked that question recently and actually got an answer http:\/\/t.co\/oD98sptcGT","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":570740898147016706,"text":"@_Grampy_Bone_ @Dekashoko Possible.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":571004884666986496,"text":"RT @uberfeminist: Why are the dudebros at the office not inviting you to poker and scotch night? Gee, what a mystery #TwitterFeminism","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":571075645477920768,"text":"RT @MarkTrueblood: TRUTH! A smart woman explains why men don't want to have to \"handle\" their wives and girlfriends. http:\/\/t.co\/hcEfq6lsVi\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":571272938571374592,"text":"Hey @Lyall or @sara771987 what is @desertcrossing talking about? She seems to be trying to imply that AU wages are assigned, not negotiated.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":571276583379607552,"text":"@LeoKikiLady89 Not concerned w\/ equal here... http:\/\/t.co\/7DOkGSR8lG","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":571366302205517824,"text":"RT @BlaqAngus: Nimoy was also the original OG that killed Star Scream. #Galvatron #RIP http:\/\/t.co\/0UyQUzhqjL","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":571366961172631552,"text":"@BrokeTilIGetRch No @PelorsHope is right. Welles died before finishing the film.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":571370337096622080,"text":"@PelorsHope OK, you win that one. Go tell your cousin's friend to fork it over...","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":571441763698802688,"text":"RT @liebenlaramutti: She has such an ego that it will kill her in the end: she had option of begging jury for mercy--she refused. #NoSoul #\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572530408392425473,"text":"@DQTwitchStream Allegedly did Hartnells ugly wife.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":574702665008988160,"text":"RT @jowilliams293: On #InternationalWomensDay women who inspire me: @CHSommers @Fox_Claire @clairlemon @cl_kitchens @CathyYoung63 @XXFactor\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575333119613534208,"text":"@MeReachingout @GodfreyElfwick ...a pitch perfect parody. My bad.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":576356654503075840,"text":"@Superjutah A lot of MRA's are gay, actually. They see how feminism merely uses them.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":576447126718140416,"text":"RT @victorymonk: Oh, I have one too!!! @MT8_9 @HisFeministMama @fruitondabottom http:\/\/t.co\/jrvmjyILge","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":576740108843499520,"text":"@CassandraYoung Name that state.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":381988216292655104,"text":"RT @brian_day15: I swear, I'm not sexist, but I honestly just cannot stand the woman college football announcer on ESPN2","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":382350622411874305,"text":"RT @TwoThug4U: I'm sorry. But I don't see what's hot about girls who eat like guys. Call me sexist, but i like girls because they're girls.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":382518148617863168,"text":"RT @TwoThug4U: Feminism is a respectable ideal. Being over-sensitive, and searching for problems is not @YesYoureSexist","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":384042812473233408,"text":"RT @MilesMTV: This bitch. #NoSexist is walking around with a stroller and a dog in it. You're dog 1. Has legs 2. Doesn't need to be in Star\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":387255402691166208,"text":"RT @NothgirMas: I'm not sexist but I do have to laugh when girls say that boys are immature when they tweet some stuff on here which is com\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":388688365836443650,"text":"Stay outve Congress and we have a deal. @jacobkramer17 Call me sexist bt the super bowl should b guys only no women are allowed n th stadium","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":390255464522346497,"text":"RT @dmaffatato11 I'm not sexist, but women sports reporters always look like they have no idea what they are doing","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":390959260420423680,"text":"RT @GeorgeWorshingt Call me sexist, but shouldn't everyone on the panel have either played or coached at the collegiate level?","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":391666068554399744,"text":"RT @walkaway21 Not sexist. But there's nothing that annoys me more than female sports writers who cover mens sports.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":393899865786167297,"text":"RT @shawnreynolds08 I'm not sexist, but women can't drive...","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":394158831074148353,"text":"RT @Trizzzy13: @Travieee23 they need to go intercept some dishes if ya know what I'm saying.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":396281140392124416,"text":"Top-notch commentary A+ would ridicule again. @LTCuntMuscle @LeviathanPride hahahahahaha what a fuckin pussy","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":398112490543796224,"text":"@reeealbigsean the reason that ship sank and those guys died is because there is a woman on board of the Maverick. #notsexist #superstitious","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":398649355055288321,"text":"LOL OH YOU *TEE HEE HEE* @akidaffendi Yo fyi, I'm not sexist =_= i just like to piss off you girls x)","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":399354426499944448,"text":"Gold mine! @Watzittoyaa And no im not sexist lighten up and learn to take a joke","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":401077862016380928,"text":"@OfficialBeech I've never seen \"a women\" do anything. But I've seen Sam Gordon own a field full of boys.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":402276334367277056,"text":"@V_bergs always extremely skeptical when these things first come out Call me sexist or whatever you want but sexual assault is a broad term","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":410576547293048834,"text":"Why yes! @PatrickEheM Call me sexist, biased, or whatever. I seriously think terrible driving is passed down through the Y chromosome.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":414845063055675392,"text":"Ugh, I can't. @Stevobrooo Nothing quite as degrading as a man using a feather duster. #GenderRoleShock #NotSexist #JustManly","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":414845908610580480,"text":"RT @_chonz Call me sexist, but I couldn't watch a women do standup if my balls were an inch from the bandsaw.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":416656929713164288,"text":"RT @jcantrell12: For the record, I'm not sexist. But if you can prove me wrong about female comedians, I'll make a formal apology to the wo\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":416973461097967616,"text":"RT @ElleDunc Call me sexist, but I preferred COD without this stupid chick.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":420632903781855232,"text":"SO EDGY @Thecolouredkid_ I'm no sexist I'm just a realist and can't make sense of some of the shit we do as a society","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":421039249241014272,"text":"Gonna go out on a limb here and say you're actually both. @JakePowles I'm not sexist or racist. Just observant.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":427958402757574657,"text":"RT @4boardman I'm not sexist, but women comedians aren't funny at all","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":427959480089710592,"text":"Call me a misandrist but men in hardware stores amirite @iMudassir Call me sexist but shopping with women can take centuries >.<","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":430474347434618880,"text":"\"Females\" and \"guys.\" @AwkwardEP I'm not sexist but a lot of females lack true logic sometimes. A lot of guys are just dumb though.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":431094020727513089,"text":"Wow, you're a huge asshole! @JonTaylorr I'm not sexist, but women's football should be in the Paralympics.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":432289553659854848,"text":"RT @Jus_HollyWood Call me sexist but 98% of y'all women cannot drive man, and 100% of y'all read this and said \"not me\" in y'all head","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":434393294424911872,"text":"RT @AllxnCook Sorry, I'm really not sexist, but the stereotype has yet to prove me wrong about women drivers.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":434393464143245312,"text":"RT @Tom_Greenbean I'm not sexist, but women should not be refs","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":435793912842579968,"text":"http:\/\/t.co\/ayOy83G6s0 @abbebarca I'm not sexist but women do cook nd clean better then us #ItsAcompliment","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":436563082093948928,"text":"RT @Millhouse66 @Maureen_JS nooo not sexist but most women are bad drivers","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":438736875260354560,"text":"RT @Nathaniel_L_K Complaining I haven't cleaned the house! Do I look like a women? Na jk I'm not sexist but common make me soup pls","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":443574940873134080,"text":"RT @RichieT_FTW: I'm not sexist but it annoys me when people are forced to make strong female protagonists in movies and books. Lamest char\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":447920774528004096,"text":"RT @KaiSchnitker13: Im not sexist or anything but womans college basketball is super lame","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":447921118297350144,"text":"RT @TayRaeAye: Call me sexist or whatever but men shouldn't telecast women sports, and women shouldn't telecast men sports. #sorrynotsorry","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":450426749323452416,"text":"uh @TommytheTank3 @SaintMarche whatever about a man (sorry im not sexist) but a woman should never let herself go...","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":450727254771769344,"text":"RT @LOTRQuotes69: Women are stupid. Fuck 'em then leave 'em. If you want to be intelligent hang out with men. #SorryNotSorry #NotSexist #So\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":450727284853321728,"text":"RT @NicBeardsley311: Id love to turn around and tell this lady to shut up cuz the way she is bossing her husband around, its a super annoyi\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":451831210302373889,"text":"HAHA @ThaRodickk Im not sexist....but I honestly think only men should be reporting on Football on Sportscenter...just saying haha","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":452125964835635200,"text":"RT @Mr_BrightEyes There is NOTHING more retarded then a female who talks shit about kicking a guys ass. I'm not sexist but get real bitch.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":452126299671121920,"text":"WE GOT A COMEDIAN OVER HERE @phildgreen007 @itvnews Not sexist, But it's a man hole.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":459788486405390336,"text":"RT @DarwinLp777 I'm really not sexist, but most women can't drive for shit!!","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":459789027546103808,"text":"#totallyneededtobetweeted @PowerbombJutsu I'm not sexist but I just don't care about women's wrestling","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":462636011512549376,"text":"RT @GeorgeN101: Call me sexist but holding a conversation with a women over football is possibly the most painful experience of my life. #b\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":466684739789680640,"text":"RT @JiggaThatNigga_: @YesYoureSexist you don't understand my intent","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":467391365530132481,"text":"RT @Joey_Eitner Please, let's hear the woman's perspective on a sporting event. That went well #notsexist #justobservant","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":469140023938281477,"text":"RT @darthkbub I'm not racist and I'm not sexist...I'm just tired of self-entitlement","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":470382497318985728,"text":"RT @RICANROLL: @YesYoureSexist no, rape is","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":474711657914978305,"text":"RT @Jepattybun I'm not sexist but every Pokemon team I've ever had has always been strictly male, hmmm","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":477142628048175104,"text":"RT @Deanowen118: I'm not sexist, but why the fuck do girls try and talk \/ tweet about football to impress lads. This is our thing, don't ru\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":480849866025746432,"text":"Ew @Matty__Clark Been going to social clubs since i was 12 and to see women in the main bar is mad like just not right. #notsexist","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":482356653728088065,"text":"Like howl with pain when their balls get kicked? Yeah. @cknightt06 I'm not sexist. But girls can't do everything a guy can do physically.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":483400915622187008,"text":"RT @chyaboi_zellms: The amount of times I wonder where people got their licenses is directly proportional to the number of female drivers o\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":488801649713238018,"text":"RT @noshirtkurt_ I'm not sexist, but a chick shouldn't be able to say \"I'm on my period i don't feel good\" and not have to work.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":489514919918702593,"text":"RT @Oli_Peace Can't believe they are releasing a female Thor comic book series. I'm not sexist but I really don't think it would work.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":489515251457466368,"text":"RT @gabronies I'm not sexist, but I cannot picture Thor being anything else then the character HE is now.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":490551324300562432,"text":"Original, breathtaking, inspiring @ipwnedyurmom @leeluuhbabyy_ course I do now get back to the kitchen #notsexist","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":492771864780230656,"text":"RT @m13rcus I'm not sexist but feminists annoy the shit out of me","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":493533836819460098,"text":"Can't wait till you get locked up! @Smuggly_Mcweed I'm not sexist, so I'm not afraid to hit a girl. In fact, I plan on it.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":498658714577276928,"text":"QE-FUCKIN-D @RizwanRock7 Are there any good female comedians?? Or comediennes if you prefer? Can't think of even one! #NotSexist","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":500116460652756992,"text":"RT @James_Kakisingi I'm not sexist. But I dont like dealing with women, when there is business to do. They are too emotional","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":500365325112995840,"text":"RT @johnsarkiss: @YesYoureSexist they just don't make me laugh. Like whip out your tits do something entertaining","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":504106578929545217,"text":"Rape is not a punch line. @hawaiinshirts lead singer of maroon 5 sound like he getting gang-raped in the showers","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":507728029079322624,"text":"RT @sketch442 I'm not sexist but women sort out ur fucking parking ffs","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":508669223087140865,"text":"So boring. @CrossMagic I'm not sexist. But women should not drive. Ever.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":509079778033668097,"text":"RT @truflo619 Im really not sexist, but its such a turn off when girls say bro like 20 times in every sentence. ...so fuckn ignorant. .lol","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":510254572309594112,"text":"RT @rinehart33 I'm not sexist.. But women drivers are terrible.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":511923204563415040,"text":"RT @Bohagan81: Call me sexist all you want, but from stories\/seeing this kind of stuff go down, women as a whole need to change how they co\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":512102351751360512,"text":"False. Equivalence. @HitlersBirthday: I'm not sexist i hate boys and girls equally.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":515673657847201792,"text":"RT @sir_lummox: @RichardMeal \"Well son, you've scored a shitload of goals for the youth team, but we can't make you professional, because y\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":516043561264250880,"text":"RT @thetrudz: And, it is comical for Emma to mention \"male gaze\" re: Bey, when her speech CENTERED men and was not intersectional. https:\/\/\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":518830890861211648,"text":"RT @Connor_Reed77: I'm not sexist but there's no way the nhl should let women in. They play a non-checking game. It's two totally different\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":518830991478362112,"text":"RT @SOULxciety I'm not sexist but women get upset with other women for stupid reasons. Women constantly say they have \"haters\"","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":520656002203787264,"text":"RT @TooBadDJs I'm not sexist at all, but I don't want to watch a ghostbusters film with just women in it #SoSueMe","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":523224642669256704,"text":"Yes @olijwilliams Call me sexist if you want, but I don't like female comedians. Don't know what to tell ya. Are they funny?","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":526505501308497922,"text":"RT @oglesbeast I refuse to watch a football game if a woman is commentating. I'm not sexist but some people just don't belong in some things","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":527603004909035520,"text":"JUST FELT THE NEED 2 EXPRESS THIS 4 SOME REASON @benjorrell Don't get me wrong I'm not sexist, but seeing female engineers on site is weird","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":528302834757169153,"text":"RT @BrettPorter55: Why do they get a Truck after winning the superbowl but just a interview from bitchy Erin Andrews when u win the world s\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":531477737463382018,"text":"RT @rkp12588: @YesYoureSexist @DaveGreene11 Just wanted to point out overseas labour isn't solely women in sweatshops... http:\/\/t.co\/8EvgBu\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":533841068706365441,"text":"I believe the correct term is bortches @gailsimone @BenDay23 I'm not sexist , but some girls are just straight birches honestly","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":537027926060191744,"text":"RT @kirbytaylorcox: I'm not sexist. But I can't listen to a female analyst talk about a male sport, played by ALL MEN. Talk about sports yo\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":539839514542215169,"text":"RT @howlintwolf I swear it's not sexist but Chase Budinger's release emulates a woman shooting a basketball.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":540261581708623873,"text":"OK @Krygier_Lilly Call me sexist, but most people I have muted on my twitter are women.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":543517522189090816,"text":"Nah, dude, we're going to continue to be awesome, thx. @NevanFuqua I'm not sexist but women shouldn't commentate sports","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":576005644718882816,"text":"I think Annie will know her way around HQ as well she does around Lloyd's jocks #MKR","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":548557519946133505,"text":"RT @runyanave ok I'm not sexist or anything but YOU WOMEN SUCK AT DRIVING OK? JUST. DON'T. PLOX. DO US A FAVOR.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":560082897647173633,"text":"RT @IBlame: Perturbed by neighborhood strip club, feminist asserts \"women are people 100% of the time\" http:\/\/t.co\/cGlkw9n2Zy http:\/\/t.co\/q\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":568595817046495232,"text":"RT @Josh_Harvey96 I'm not sexist, but it's extremely painful seeing some girls pretending to know what's going on in a football match","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575792813352218624,"text":"RT @NigglyPuffsJr: They are trying to replace Jackson with a gal on the 20 dollar bill. I'm not sexist but women spend all our money anyway\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572341950445166592,"text":"RT @Ben_Creasey86: #MKR \"everyone under estimated us\" umm bitch you came second last, like literally just survived - you didn't win! My god\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575954602371125248,"text":"Celine fuck off. \ud83d\udd2b #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575952690863214592,"text":"Omg!Can't wait until try hards, crazy eyed Kat & douch bag go home! She can't cheat anymore so I'm guessing that will b soon! \ud83d\ude24 #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572347954582851587,"text":"That blonde chick from #mkr is wearing my hot pink #becandbridge dress!! Lol","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572346065589944321,"text":"Cream and crumbs on a plate....work it gurls #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572343212326572032,"text":"@kate_1985 - not sure!! But never fear @mykitchenrules still has 751 teams left and another Instant Restaurant round to come. #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572342372417208320,"text":"#mkr is feeling a little rigged this year.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572342593566060545,"text":"They barely cooked anything on that entr\u00e9e #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572341820404858880,"text":"I've seen soup kitchens that provide a higher quality of food. Seriously. #MKR #MKR2015","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572335504403783680,"text":"So, I guess it's really happened. The #mkr competition is running for eternity.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572334924520280064,"text":"Katie, Nikki and Pete Evans are everything that is wrong with society. #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572340498322493440,"text":"So this season of #MKR is going to finish in which decade? Such a drag","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572340563829080064,"text":"@GBO26 She'll turn 18 just in time for next Season of #MKR meaning she could apply for MKR. Father\/Dtr duo?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572338390630154240,"text":"Here's a suggestion, let's make Manu and Colin the main judges for the show! #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572338554686214144,"text":"#MKR This is fast becoming like that crap 80's movie- Neverending Story! More instant restaurants- Aaaaargh!","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572315365662826496,"text":"I wouldn't want to deconstruct my lemon tart #mkr http:\/\/t.co\/1pl9GQRdp7","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572332017007763456,"text":"@mykitchenrules They can't be judged on the sorbet, it wasn't on the menu. Yep I went there, I just don't want Lynn and Tony to go home #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572335490885529600,"text":"Just when they thought it was safe to go back into the kitchen... Instant restaurant redemption round! #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572338997076221953,"text":"This Season, if you can cook with frozen food, spice from a jar, tin tomatoes, jarred capsicum, you will do well.WHAT HAPPENED TO FRESH #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572338703768547328,"text":"Not so spatchcocky now #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572338325740101633,"text":"@jez99 The Bruce McAvaney of #mkr \ud83d\udc4f","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572337494655557633,"text":"Sassy girls rule. #killerblonds #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572337402703814656,"text":"Another fucking round of instant restaurants!!!!! Ahhh I just want kitchen headquarters to start! #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572337315227439104,"text":"Don't get this dessert :\/ lol #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572336518422908929,"text":"This season's #MKR is going to finish in 2028 at this stage","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572337266426834944,"text":"@KylieGibbo9 yea, I completely agree. Four rounds of instant restaurants is far too much. Probably won't tune in this week tbh. #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572336655018823680,"text":"At this rate maybe they'll all be rocking up to my house soon expecting a meal - surprise round 47 #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572336283839668224,"text":"Lynn and Tony you've got no change. Say goodbye now #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572347291173928960,"text":"RT @GBO26: #mkr http:\/\/t.co\/GBC66NILLV","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572343405319094272,"text":"ANOTHER round of instant restaurants?! FFS #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572341813429739521,"text":"I hate these girls, far out. #mkr","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":572340758738432000,"text":"RT @NewIdeamagazine: They weren't kidding when they said deconstructed! #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572339675144179712,"text":"RT @KeeniMaree: Hashtag killerblondes is the dickiest hashtag in all #MKR history... Seriously... Why not #butcherthemodels","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572338366139650049,"text":"You know...kudos to #MKR for being able to stretch out a show....over a month onto the show and we still dont have final teams...","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572337041750433792,"text":"YES! RT @mykitchenrules: Are you upset about tonight's elimination result? #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572335860714090496,"text":"Another round of instant restaurants! #MKR This competition should finish sometime in 2018","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572335777687871488,"text":"EUUUUUUURGGGGH NOT AGAIN #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572335567997820928,"text":"Yes! Get rid of Kat! #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572335553170952194,"text":"RT @TheFIXninemsn: Saved by the tail of a spatchcock #mkr #promogirls","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572335435994693632,"text":"@janelouisegreen @Edible_Press capsicums from a jar...no one will notice!!!! Blah! #mkr #fassnidgewillnotice","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572335369267462144,"text":"I just remembered I don't really like many of them #MKR #MKR2015","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572335216016011265,"text":"RT @_kristinakek: 7 for the dessert? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Wtf is going on #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572335156243009536,"text":"RT @peteevansnot: There still trying to figure out if 57 is more than 46 or not.\n\n#mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572335153797730304,"text":"RT @crusha_32: Drasko is a ridiculous name and his personality follows suit #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572335026970312704,"text":"Wooo Hooo!!!!! Ash and Camilla are back!!!! #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572334654021222400,"text":"a definitive ruling: sherry and prawn cocktails are not competitive #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572334564099563520,"text":"How unfortunate... they're staying. #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572334398944747520,"text":"A 7? for unboned spatchcock and instant couscous?\n#MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572334247442169856,"text":"The reason why Katie & Nikki cooked the main was all in the name. #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572334005955108864,"text":"Three is a low score. Good work Sherlock. #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572333833372098563,"text":"shoulda named the restraunt #spastic #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572333576798121984,"text":"#thecockroachthatjustwontdie RT @bookshopaddict: Surprise announcement? Another bloody instant restaurant round? #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572333284291571713,"text":"I hope Colin doesn't like it #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572332878467489792,"text":"I think someone just pressed the wrong button. #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572332793608314880,"text":"Lynn and Tony being so strategic and gave a 3. I think I'll give them a 5 #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572332705209188352,"text":"RT @pommy_popsock: Skippy was NOT served up alleged deconstructed lemon tart in this photo. #MKR #PetsInAdBreaks http:\/\/t.co\/x0SS5G70W7","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572332658295889920,"text":"To be fair to Katie & Nikki, the combined group score is way too low compared to what they served up #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572332657058578432,"text":"Surprise announcement? Another bloody instant restaurant round? #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572332559733899264,"text":"Look if the girls stay they won't win the comp anyway so... I dunno dun care #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572332179574812672,"text":"RT @2479live: Volume off drasco talking #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572332158959792128,"text":"RT @PatriceChienne: \"You confuse me, but in a good way\" #MKR http:\/\/t.co\/Uq19q6PNAQ","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572332156011225088,"text":"RT @jls1988: I haven't cringed this much since the work Christmas party #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572331900456419328,"text":"RT @WittySam: Refined & pretty? Looks like something a blind kindergarten student chucked on a plate. #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572331784215511040,"text":"The deconstructed lemon tart, now being sold in flat pack from ikea.#mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572331557177827328,"text":"RT @jpthepower: Never eating at Nando's ever again. I've seen the old man add at least 107 times. I just can't #mkr #burrito","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572331470871650304,"text":"I think that the silver lining is really lightning. Wish the storm wold hurry up and blow them away #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572331370296442880,"text":"Why is Colon being so nice? WHY? #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572331316219256833,"text":"Woo hoo go you humble girls #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572331073708802048,"text":"I think I just got turned off lemon tarts #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572331059573964800,"text":"These girls do not know sass. But they do seem to be serving a healthy dose of vanilla. #yawn #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572330859279224832,"text":"Their restaurant is so TACKY #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572330729100587010,"text":"#MKR Finally food I can relate to\n#chevape #paprikash #wogfood #MKR2015","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572330469460606977,"text":"RT @natpattherat <<<as funny as a fart in an elevator : They have treated this lemon tart worse than Brandis did Triggs #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572330416914362368,"text":"I wish people would stop deconstructing desserts! #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572330406281809920,"text":"Oh so pastry and Kurd on the side #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572329982522888195,"text":"Well they butchered that desert #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572329857528434689,"text":"RT @daniel_kaye: Fuck your \"deconstructed\" #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572329596403625984,"text":"Yuk #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572329594239373312,"text":"Hot lemon curd. NO. *grrrrrrrrrrr* #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572329363573641216,"text":"#MKR ''for that catwalk, you gotta have that postya''- also, it means you don't have to speak. So I'm all for more of that","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572329337510219776,"text":"#mkr great catwalk. 10\/10","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572329277426806784,"text":"Nikki looks like jai'me walking the catwalk #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572329199848931328,"text":"Steve is acting so much like Drasko that I'm starting to dislike HIM too! #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572329051358040064,"text":"#prediction super model fail #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572328732205006848,"text":"RT @oh_deary_me__: I just Googled 'Drasko' and this is what it came up with. I'm feeling short changed #MKR http:\/\/t.co\/VL2wUnkzl7","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572328639057948672,"text":"What a relief! They're lucky they realised their mistake! #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572328548108656640,"text":"Hahahahah #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572328447067869186,"text":"#MKR learn how to open cans gee","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572327419966693377,"text":"RT @PaulHaydon: That spatchcock juice that they put in the couscous looked like the gelatinous jelly that comes in a spam can. Gross! #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572327202735443968,"text":"@SeaEph ooohhh the dessert, thought you were talking about Nikki & Katie for a minute\n#mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572326511069380608,"text":"Nikki's pouting is annoying me. I'm ready to wipe it off and kick her off the show! #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572326490865451008,"text":"Okay credit where it's due, well done girls. #MKR comeback, maybe.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572365453332385793,"text":"RT @DaleWoodward170: SASSY looks rubbish! I would not eat there #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572361748646273025,"text":"RT @Former_legend: Deconstructed Lemon Tart.\n\nThat would have went with the deconstructed kebab in my toilet on Sunday morning.\n#AGradeHang\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572358838436814848,"text":"#mkr Channel 9 sticking it into Channel 7 over the contestant who plays tennis. Probably in cahoots with each other to lift ratings.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572357465938903041,"text":"Will @Channel7 be offering us a pension... Seems that this season of #MKR2015 is never going to finish.. #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572356059412615168,"text":"2016 The Winner is revealed on #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572355585724715008,"text":"RT @missclarolyn: Can't even make your own chicken stock... #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572353272427642880,"text":"Seriously! two couples who could actually cook are gone while two others clearly should not even be on the show reputations in ruins #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572350144722550784,"text":"Colin u r kidding - you are so lame - those comments were so made up #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572349771152678912,"text":"#mkr really wtf? Sass this is ment to be a cooking comp not a run way for you know what's! Whatever","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575643501091651584,"text":"FFS last year WA had Chloe & Kelly and now we have Kat & Andre. Channel 7 doesn't like Perth haha! #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575640839734489088,"text":"That main course actually looks delicious. I would eat everything but the pork cutlet. #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575640060265000960,"text":"Not scoring fairly is called cheating #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575637328665825283,"text":"@mykitchenrules Love how Manu put Kat on her place \"cook good food to get good score\" #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575636215036145665,"text":"Hahaha as if you can talk.. Sorry, what did you do in your first round? #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575636049914789889,"text":"I fucking hate Mkr #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575635407926226944,"text":"RT @mykitchenrules: Will #MKR history be made TONIGHT? Coming up next! http:\/\/t.co\/dfecPPL0d1","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575630406487142400,"text":"Such food, much intense, so wow, much competition #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575629884929634304,"text":"Use ketchup #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575628719106064384,"text":"Did anyone else see that the livers were called \"Mains\" via the onscreen graphics #Entree #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575621920172949504,"text":"#MKR at least the blondes always scored fairly. They deserved to stay tonight to keep it a fair competition. Hope Kat&Andre played unfair !","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575620157386592257,"text":"RT @H4mmerz: It's for toasting sandwiches not cooking potatoes for head chefs!!!! #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575615296846725120,"text":"As much as I was looking forward to the girls getting their comeuppance, I absolutely hate Kat & Andre.. Bloody ridiculous scoring #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575611801431212032,"text":"RT @HarryCope3: #MKR that's appauling. You give a 1 if they serve vegemite toast","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575611391815503872,"text":"Cat needs to understand that she is a terrible cook and needs to strategically vote herself out of the competition #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575610971177287680,"text":"#MKR. Kat, you snake. Even if you win and open your own restaurant. Who's going to go?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575609874601504770,"text":"RT @RealtyGC: #MKR. A one? Kat and Andre. How does it feel to be the most despised people in Australia?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575609762261303297,"text":"RT @pwafork: Rosti in a sandwich press? Christ, the office kitchen's gonna be a mess tomorrow. #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575608533334392832,"text":"RT @LynneMcGranger: #MKR ooooooh C'mon #blondebutchers ! Livers crossed!! :)","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575607284874657793,"text":"Kat is such a witch! Someone throw water on her! #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575606312211472384,"text":"Kat seems to be getting 'strategic' mixed up with...you can't cook and you got scored accordingly! #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575604040853102592,"text":"Everybody hates you Kat!!! Shut the fuck up!!! #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575603981767962624,"text":"I would slap the smirk off Kat's face #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575603801677148163,"text":"#mkr the way she flirts with the young boys at Coles........Ohhh no","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575603347572416512,"text":"Watched one more time to see if Kat and Andre had managed to stop being awful people. No. Not even after Manu warned them. Bye bye #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575602509932187649,"text":"I can't handle all the sass at Sassy. Feisty foodies are definitely going home. #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575601898268426241,"text":"Lance Armstrong Award for Sportsmanship 2015 goes to... Trevor Chappell opens envelope, announces winner is Kat! #MKR http:\/\/t.co\/LHsphaw1cy","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575601587051085824,"text":"Not strategic; just being an A*hole. Calling it something else doesn't make it ok. #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575601551491796992,"text":"The #sideboob is out tonight on #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575601550237679616,"text":"RT @SarahVandyke3: @allankmelb Surely when you go to a restaurant you have certain expectations, given what is written on the menu? #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575601428821053440,"text":"RT @empaulina: #mkr Unbelievable how low Kat & Andre will go. Despicable couple. Can't believe how disgusted I am in their behavior.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575601341394878464,"text":"they are complaining that it's taking too long. typical of andre and kat #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575600862086590465,"text":"RT @sales88194029: At least Katie & Vikki can cook Garlic ! Bonus #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575600795845980160,"text":"#mkr Unbelievable how low Kat & Andre will go. Despicable couple. Can't believe how disgusted I am in their behavior.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575600469340389376,"text":"At least Katie & Vikki can cook Garlic ! Bonus #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575600375383769089,"text":"RT @daniel_kaye: @DustyPee @MrTimothyKaye I think the hashtag got some traction. #cuntandandre #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575599479862128641,"text":"14 couples remain on #mkr. Means if one team is booted out every week and two in semi finals then show will finish mid May.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575598823076052992,"text":"Kat and Andre are horrible people who do not deserve to still be in this competition #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575598502668955648,"text":"I don't like wishing ppl bad luck but gosh I really dislike Kat and Andre. Much worse than tennis man! #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575597992364789760,"text":"Kat and Andre are like, the worst. They probably don't have friends. #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575597971057811457,"text":"I wonder if not having a doorbell disqualifies you from applying to be an #MKR contestant.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575597882251722752,"text":"If you had an ounce of self respect, you'd accept that you have room to improve. Kat and Andre, you're so disappointing. \n#MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575597856322531328,"text":"Notice we didn't see Kat and Andre in any of those cut aways? #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575597712084619264,"text":"RT @Oh_tobs: Bless I totally forgot about the party favourite Shaz... #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575597551614734336,"text":"Who are all these people? I've forgotten #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575597359456854016,"text":"Great to see Colin just got out of bed for this get together. #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575597355853987843,"text":"Our favourite teams pushed to the limit. So Kat and Andre will have to cook weetbix and milk then. #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575597279744245760,"text":"The homeless man is back #mkr #coln","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575597216829685760,"text":"Outrageous! What awful people. I hope they are gone in the very next elimination. #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575597163436072960,"text":"If Adam wins he can use the money to pay his kid #deadbeat #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575597162781786112,"text":"Yay Jac and Shaz and Robert and Lynzey! My faves! #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575597154317680640,"text":"Wish there was a home viewer vote. Kat and Andre would be loooooooooong gone #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575597086458019840,"text":"RT @laylaviiolet: Kat & Andre there's a special place in hell for people like you #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575597045974593536,"text":"Completely disgusted with Kat and Andre's scoring - really disappointing #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575597011300315136,"text":"I am so sick of seeing pork crackling on #MKR. Time to do something different people. Actually I am pretty sick of MKR.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575596917578592256,"text":"UGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK OFF #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575596914286161921,"text":"taralovescats: Oh my god I can not handle one more ep of Kat and Andre, they are cooking my nut, big time #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575596892949626880,"text":"Love a good generalization about a entire nation of people. #not #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575596814981713921,"text":"NSW on the roll, killin it. #mkr #nsw","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575596714653962240,"text":"Kat and Andre why are you cheering you are now the worst team in he comp...#MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575596710560403456,"text":"RT @UnderYourPorch: Double elimination please #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575596707603484672,"text":"@MKR_Official a 1 isn't strategy, it's bastedry #mkr2015 #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575596697994141697,"text":"Damn have to put up with more of kat and andre . #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575596660048457728,"text":"Kat & Andre aka worst humans to ever inhabit this earth #fuming #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575596648220360704,"text":"Kat and Andre won't survive the next rounds anyway #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575596640339365889,"text":"As much as I disliked Katie and Nikki, they deserved to stay. I'm quietly hoping a rogue frying pan 'knocks' Kat out of the competition #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575596616154918912,"text":"#KatandAndre: safe one day, but it's not how long you may go, but how far does your knife throw? #MKR #MKR2015","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575596549108973568,"text":"Nooooo!!!!!! #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575596491957362688,"text":"its not close at all #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575596480251084800,"text":"NO! *flips desks* #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575596397136773120,"text":"If only both those bottom teams could be eliminated #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575596373082419202,"text":"Absolutely disgusting result scoring them a 1 #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575596283555004417,"text":"Fml #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575596274747076608,"text":"Well shit #mkr #mkr2015","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575596102855995392,"text":"They should feel embarrassed by their behaviour. Everyone played fair but those #FauxFoodies #DontDeserve2beThere #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575596062083129344,"text":"For fuck sake Annie. Sort out that disgusting blush. Enough is enough. #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575595968529235968,"text":"I hope #katandandre don't get kicked off\n#SaidNoOneEver #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575595916066861056,"text":"#MKR always needs an evil team for ratings. Kat & Andrew are that evil team. They will intentionally survive.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575595846340775936,"text":"What wuld happen to Kat and Andre if Manu and Pete turned around and said double elimination?Kat's head would explode! #mkr @mykitchenrules","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575595812392017920,"text":"#MKR Lets see who the producers think are going to be better TV - Kat or Nikki and Katie??","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575595808344555521,"text":"I hope the Promo's get 58 #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575595598080000000,"text":"What's Irene doing on #mkr?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575595533114474496,"text":"Sure Kat. Because nobody else worked hard in the competition. #FFS #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575595488839344128,"text":"#MKR Does a kick ass Apple pie mean its shit?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576373898884730880,"text":"Fuck off kat and andre #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576343716048187393,"text":"RT @lliam_BL2: #MKR and #GoggleboxAU Can both go FUCK them selves!!!","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576338550704070656,"text":"If I knew that Kat and Andre were gonna score strategically, I'd probably score high just to counter them and hopefully get rid of them #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576265503859167233,"text":"@StephenAtWar The image is from #qanda & #feminism - like combining #gamergate & #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576000094979301376,"text":"Crime against cooking ha ha... #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575996956264116224,"text":"Ooh so worried for Sheri and Emily they are two of my favourites :-( #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575993904614359040,"text":"Back on twitter just for @mykitchenrules #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575986545481515008,"text":"RT @maybeceejay: Kat should be kicked off for bullying. Disgraceful behaviour. #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575984347536211968,"text":"People choice even better!! #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575981248864104448,"text":"Catching up on tonights episode, Kat needs to go. The fuck kind of attitude is that to have because of someone else's downfall. #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575978071049658369,"text":"RT @australiacamper: Some yummy camping food on #mkr tonight! And some not so good food.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575970021236604928,"text":"RT @randomwibbler: What Kat and Andre are doing is called bullying. I hope they're proud of themselves. #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575967581875523584,"text":"@Glen_Noyce I know! How did they bloody get on this show?!?!#mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575967551219437568,"text":"Could slip into town and grab a carton while these bloody #mkr adds are on","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575964963488993280,"text":"Is #bonebroth trending yet? #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575964214348529664,"text":"#MKR Kat (the cat) and Andre make me not wanna follow the show anymore until they are off it. Anyone agree?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575962469736140800,"text":"Anyone else wants to punch Drasco in the head #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575961939076984832,"text":"Why are Annie and Lloyd cooking that for breakfast? #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575960442423545856,"text":"@babybrucewayne That's because they were safe from elimination as they finished top of their respective groups. #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575960368218030080,"text":"Monday night is going to be a ripper ;))))) #MKR ....Can't wait....","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575960025950199808,"text":"It's the Victorian thing and the fact that they're not Kat and Andre lets be real here #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575959981842771968,"text":"#MKR Jac and Shaz meal looks really good mum and i want it now","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575959767912316929,"text":"RT @Dean_Machine_: YAY! GO CASH AND MANILLA!\n\n#MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575959724937453568,"text":"Camilla was like... #mkr http:\/\/t.co\/loGXWzV1S0","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575959207054168064,"text":"Yaaay, I love Ash and Camilla! #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575959200162914304,"text":"Congratulations on peoples choice Ash and Camilla #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575959087927558144,"text":"Wooooo Hoooo!!!! My gals Ash and Camilla win!!!! #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575958841130627072,"text":"All Kat and Andre did was cut up bread and layer it with ham and cheese and they can't even get that right seriously they need to go #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575958696179552256,"text":"#MKR Baaarrrbbeeeqquuueee #Colin","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575958501328986112,"text":"Making delish burritos with my boy :) #instafood #burrito #mkr https:\/\/t.co\/vguY7VmZOH","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575958495712792576,"text":"HAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH EAT SHIT KAT AND ANDRE #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575958168737546240,"text":"#MKR #Kat & #Andre - SUCKED IN! #WhoAreTheSuckersNow #KarmaIsABitch #ThatsWhatYouGetForLaughingAtOthers","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575958006711525376,"text":"RT @aussie_gal27: The editing on #MKR is Genius #katandandre #Fools","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575957740729671680,"text":"Quote from my other half about Kat 'You can tell she's a rough pub mole'. #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575957334901530624,"text":"tbh rooting for jane and emma bc we have that lawyer bond #opposites #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575957238386335744,"text":"You jog Colin, Pete can just hurl into his spittoon. #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575956282512949248,"text":"Bianca deserves a medal cooking with Drasko #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575956049821315072,"text":"Colin + Pete = too much unlikeableness ... and orange. This season of #MKR is leaving a bitter taste in my mouth already. #MKR3015","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575955445988270081,"text":"@lovesummer22 @adamlambert woooo hooooo \\o\/ just so awesome of #mkr to play it!!!! :)","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575955392393392128,"text":"6:30am is early?? lol #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575955213263085568,"text":"I really hope the bottom two are Kat & Andre and Annie & Lloyd #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575955174004502528,"text":"Going out for breakfast tomorrow or it would be Pancake Fest '15 in my kitchen #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575955076767830016,"text":"Mmm taste that bandaid flavour. #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575954908593033216,"text":"Spoiler alert: it won't be you Lloyd #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575954787629277184,"text":"Where are the food police? Colin needs to call 000 #mkr http:\/\/t.co\/KEU7Op5cIt","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575954782457724929,"text":"Burnt rissoles for breaky. It's a crime against cooking! #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575954689587482624,"text":"where the hell are Debra & Eva?! what did you do with them?@mykitchenrules I want answers!!! #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575954361647407104,"text":"There is such a diff between reality & what certain contestants think of their cooking #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575954294328799232,"text":"There are some annoying idiots in this competition. #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575954289689923585,"text":"Hold the phone. Kat & Andre cook crap again, and think its amazing. #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575954270282850307,"text":"All the food looks delicious! I want to be a camper now! @mykitchenrules #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575954049985568768,"text":"#MKR Stuff that - just buy the dam tortillas and make the breakfast absolutely delicious. Not points for making your own in my eyes.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575953916581412864,"text":"Really Annie a pony? How can it fit in there? #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575953416821800962,"text":"#mkr of course the salmons fucking popular. Does that crowd look like the type of people who would actually buy salmon?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575953013996560384,"text":"Rob & Dave are in their element #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575952529306996736,"text":"Come on Sheri and Em you can't go to sudden death love you xx good luck #mkr #mkr2015","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575952506527690752,"text":"I feel bad for Annie and Lloyd! Should've made something with bacon... #mkr #mkr2015","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575952162330542082,"text":"@mickystre it took her ages to learn after she escaped from roswell #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575951924563845121,"text":"But marge, I'm missing the chili cook off! #MKR http:\/\/t.co\/lgMW4t7kJy","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575951845077618688,"text":"Meanwhile back in the English Boyz tent. #mkr http:\/\/t.co\/ezWQnQIiYH","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575951449814859776,"text":"Kid - \"You have to wake up earlier\" LOL #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575950873395793920,"text":"@No_KitchenRules No. Never. #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575950853644775424,"text":"RT @sl473: Mmm maple bacon is the bomb #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575950552418295808,"text":"Rob and Dave better win this! Bacon! #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575950429046972416,"text":"We ran out of tortiers...? #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575950322033524736,"text":"That's hangover food you nuffers Annie and Lloyd! #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575950239946801152,"text":"Madwoman fritters. I see. #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575950232371908608,"text":"\"We're serving leftovers for breakfast\" #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575949987516850176,"text":"Meatballs for breakfast. Not really a breakfast item. Saying that though I'd eat them #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575949925072011265,"text":"No one wants Lloyd's balls except Annie\nPoor Lloyd\n#mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575949567742451715,"text":"RT @mickystre: Half the people rushing forward had knives and jousting sticks aimed at Kat #MKR #TradingPost","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575949527514947584,"text":"\"@_AngryMan: #MKR someone should have served chicken liver blended baby food. Guaranteed 10 right there\"Sounds like a recipe created by Pete","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575949282227830784,"text":"Do you think for each of these cook offs they get help from anyone with their choice of dish they will cook? @mykitchenrules #mkr2015 #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575949187876954112,"text":"Maple bacon wins every time. #mkr #justsaying","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575948750713069568,"text":"RT @_AngryMan: #MKR someone should have served chicken liver blended baby food. Guaranteed a 10 right there","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575948271165698048,"text":"RT @PatriceChienne: Pony burgers from Annie with Diazepam sauce? #mkr http:\/\/t.co\/mRufYk5aQZ","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575948063576997889,"text":"It's clear who the thinkers are #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575947926737825792,"text":"@mykitchenrules meatballs to die for and bacon to cry for #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575947843845795840,"text":"Blue Bandaids rule!! #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575947785976983552,"text":"Did Celine just make an elephant joke? Girl your making it too easy #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575947751470452738,"text":"Urrrggg... going to be a lot of hungry campers going to maccas for breakfast #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575947471286853634,"text":"One thing's certain - we're pretty sad we won't get to sample the BBQ breakfasts! Which team would you head over to first? #MKR #tvweekmag","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575947390559129601,"text":"I would say Josh take your top off...but I feel like we'd be underwhelmed #mkr #wherearethehotmen","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576581060202405888,"text":"Look at the darlings of Aussie TV looking fabulous at the races today!!! #SuperSaturday #MKR http:\/\/t.co\/8NOyKUoItN","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576494834854305793,"text":"Dave and Rob playing it safe #mkr @mkr #ShakeNBake http:\/\/t.co\/zDpbAMhxr4","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575989888341782528,"text":"hopes Kat & Andre faces off with Vicky & Celine in Sudden Death. \n\nPlot Twist: BOTH teams get eliminated. #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":562703691783110658,"text":"wondering if there would be value in refusing to answer inquiries\/provide quotes for press that insists upon quoting wadhwa. #stopwadhwa2015","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":562710778613338112,"text":"@flyfishidaho but that tree is a creeper. look at it. Look into its eyes.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":562746115830059009,"text":"penguinman1337 is a regular poster to \/baph, the board that coordinates targeted harassment\/stalking\/SWATing http:\/\/t.co\/wLHXQ2kqJC","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":562766834962034688,"text":"RT @riotgames: LGBT players are welcome at official LoL tourneys. We're working with partners to ensure consistency with our values across \u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":562781353889255424,"text":"White women who need to ally for black women more.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":562781630893682688,"text":"@luizpsc no one is perfect. We all make mistakes, and then we have to apologize for them. Celebrities aren't special.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":562789357506269184,"text":"@MariachiMacabre it's cool. Don't worry about it","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":562869952072654848,"text":"@limbclock oh they did. And then they refused to remove my account, which pissed off the gators.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":562875260182466561,"text":"@Kryten2X4B1 if I was presenting, I probably would. But I don't want to deal with the cost of a hotel and all that.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":562875529561653249,"text":"@Kryten2X4B1 Who doesn't?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":562884222692892672,"text":"RT @a_man_in_black: oh my fucking god \nyou should see this @freebsdgirl http:\/\/t.co\/Qj4D4797uB","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":562898315982143488,"text":"RT @TheQuinnspiracy: New Crash Override Guide: Account Security 101: Passwords, Multifactor, Social Engineering, and You http:\/\/t.co\/mgJPHN\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563024299221864448,"text":"But it's about ethics in eggs warping facts, right? @anansi234","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563026328581328898,"text":"@IUseVATSTooMuch @anansi234 nah. A *really* bad data scientist with the worst sourcing methodologies ever","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563033637789401088,"text":"RT @codemastermm: It's official: The FCC will motion to have The Internet filed under Title II as a utility.\nhttp:\/\/t.co\/lHfSu4ctGh","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563034498586398720,"text":"I don't care what BS cernovich has done, have some goddamn ethics. For real, though.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563038441479634948,"text":"OHMYGOD I just realized what \"my soggy knees\" meant. That is better than \"freeze peaches\" - I feel so old","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563055392054591488,"text":"Proof http:\/\/t.co\/eWOqVzu5wL","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563066413628555264,"text":"@Sir5000 she auto follows back","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563076544592367617,"text":"@DennisCEarl no worries","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563245769231069185,"text":"My job gives me a constant stream of endorphins.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563301407684431872,"text":"@alain_vde patron?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563319021760569344,"text":"@Bard_of_peace indeed. Some people are perhaps a bit more protective in that regards than I would like.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563322577163014145,"text":"@Brysynner I wrote a tool so people wouldn't have to listen to their hate filled rants.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563322718859182081,"text":"@Bard_of_peace I think I need to get back to sleep now but thanks for having this talk with me :)","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563327601238745088,"text":"No. http:\/\/t.co\/ljHm8Wd27r","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563377690053337088,"text":"From the looks of my Twitter feed this morning, @rosie made herself relevant for the first time in yrs by saying something majorly fucked up","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563378805360709634,"text":"RT @thetrudz: Because anyone else would've at least answered Lauren's questions or say they'd look into the critiques of Ensler's work.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563411886666829824,"text":"He won't stop staring at me. http:\/\/t.co\/4sKaCpLNhN","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563427933499293697,"text":"It's called being an ally, pissants. Pay attention, you might learn something.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563443821980041219,"text":"@TheOmegaKira @slashdot doesn't look like I am.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563446641416359937,"text":"@hownowgobbycow @KaitlynBurnell really, though, show me someone that plays a string instrument and I'm a happy woman if you know what I mean","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563447829109022720,"text":"@eplerjc @srhbutts top kek","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563450196357431296,"text":"RT @a_man_in_black: @freebsdgirl link btw https:\/\/t.co\/bnNDBC5ob4","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563455277580558336,"text":"RT @a_man_in_black: send Kickstarter these:\nhttps:\/\/t.co\/mTvwZQopLZ\nhttps:\/\/t.co\/dTJPSIHuiF\nhttps:\/\/t.co\/qxWFSDVZfq\nhttps:\/\/t.co\/zvw6lCpGyk","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563461334814052352,"text":"@sigje mayyyybe. Is there a CFP? I've done some neat stuff with statsd\/graphite and abuse metrics","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563486327035789313,"text":"Worst drive. http:\/\/t.co\/KF4JBgH32w","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563487094010441728,"text":"RT @anildash: A friend's Facebook acct might get shut down because their legal name isn't the name they use\/are known by. Anyone at FB know\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563499468159340544,"text":"@mczub gas is pretty cheap right now","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563500113545277441,"text":"Portland IKEA: now with birds!","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563549344800841728,"text":"@KaivaxBlizzard garrisons are rad. I am just very committed to upkeep.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563549824461438976,"text":"@KaivaxBlizzard like I am actually more upset about forgetting about my Garrison that I am about missing my conquest cap. :)","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563556102541803520,"text":"@flatluigi yes.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563589107905884161,"text":"The past hour of driving was horrible. Have decided that I am in fact *not* from initial d.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563592062713331715,"text":"Leo is stoic as he guards me for the night. http:\/\/t.co\/JAYIsluOZ2","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563652316218155008,"text":"FML http:\/\/t.co\/ogzSGAe3Du","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563762142789132288,"text":"Oh yeah, car? well, ur face has no traction.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563763602289471488,"text":"Fml http:\/\/t.co\/CqHgitWO5Z","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563768704115023872,"text":"@2bithacker dark sky","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563835273973227520,"text":"RT @SilverMillsy: @freebsdgirl every day I find it harder and harder to tell you and @randi_ebooks apart","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563844747152736256,"text":"I don't really understand why everybody seems so okay with that.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563874836376592384,"text":"RT @wilkieii: I think we should have a public debate with @wadhwa and a woman in tech. Topic? \"Why should @wadhwa speak for women\" #stopwad\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563880376309805056,"text":"@girlziplocked the anti-abuse thing is my main focus, always. but in my spare time? his bullshit *is* abusive towards feminism.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563891135542607873,"text":"@jonrosenberg my markov bot was also on buzzfeed - it catches a lot of gaters. http:\/\/t.co\/6NgTAoDzyv","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563908597935902720,"text":"RT @girlziplocked: This is why the media needs to #stopwadhwa2015 @onthemedia @ameliagreenhall @freebsdgirl http:\/\/t.co\/gFHHLOO4hj","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564269965260234752,"text":"@m1sp hey, do you have a good way to consume multiple json dumps into a single corpus? i've been just hacking it together.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564270222761152512,"text":"@m1sp er, into a single model i mean. from multiple corpuses. or whatever.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564289684214263808,"text":"@vex0rian @m1sp it's a nice update! i quite like it.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564572890029625345,"text":"@Sir5000 hm?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564573353277919232,"text":"literally #devops","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564672115966627841,"text":"@dominictarason i was talking to twitter about it a few weeks ago, talked about it here a month ago (neener). :P","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564672790540742656,"text":"@eDRoaCH @orvtech this isn't de-anonymizing. the phone # wouldn't necessarily be stored. no names would be required.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564673679041118210,"text":"it is really not at all surprising to me that wadhwa and jason are both promoting a solution that removes pseudonymity.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564676969829117953,"text":"@tomdcc accepting pull requests for better ideas that don't violate pseudonymity\/privacy. <3","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564681146810638336,"text":"@sschinke @teh_maxh it sets a bad precedent.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564682144606216192,"text":"@banhammor @Spacekatgal @GlennF i think during GDC we should have a social justice league meetup at my apt kthx.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564697770389303297,"text":"nichegamer got blacklisted by a gaming company. they responded by posting an article friday night about being blacklisted. oh boy.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564701961736310784,"text":"also, lol at \"senior position\" - because it's an employer with titles, apparently. \/\/ @freebsd","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564702330126233601,"text":"gamergate just called @j4cob a \"copy boy or personal assistant\" on 8chan.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564717151592787968,"text":"@sibbysoyabean OH NOES","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564724346938077184,"text":"@sibbysoyabean isn't everyone?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564731828326510593,"text":".@bryneaux I prefer just getting up on stage and speaking, but most conference organizers want me to have slides. ;)","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564886152163758080,"text":"Oh, look. Here's nero and wadhwa colluding, to borrow a term from the GG playbook. https:\/\/t.co\/QSTEVNuPkN #stopwadhwa2015","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564960026700152832,"text":"Yo, security folks. Any thoughts on self-encrypting drives, specifically WD Passport Ultra?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564960658785972224,"text":"YOURE_WELCOME_exe http:\/\/t.co\/oxA2aaUmgp","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564961631432474624,"text":"@jeremiahfelt those are waaaaay more spendy. this is the drive i have. just considering using built-in or if i should go software.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565026623112499200,"text":"@SrslyJosh perf isn't a concern. It's mostly going to be backups and document storage.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565031658613510146,"text":"@dylanw fwiw, wasn't meant as a dig. i didn't know this until a few months ago when it was pointed out to me.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565032441916579841,"text":"Lord save me from the hurt feelings of men in tech whose ideas have been challenged.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565039629691125761,"text":"LITERALLY A CAPE","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565039853499195392,"text":"WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS BEING OFFICIAL SJW UNIFORM http:\/\/t.co\/o5X0Oz1RVx","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565040314873053185,"text":"FUCK. THIS IS SO AWESOME I CAN'T STOP TYPING IN ALL CAPS.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565094842561085441,"text":"I RUN FASTER WHEN I WEAR THESE http:\/\/t.co\/YwfGj6vMtV","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565094991370788864,"text":"@StephenKilbride i have a bunch of BM already, but not swims. >.>","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565095160426401792,"text":"@Sir5000 CAN'T. TOO BUSY BEING A SUPERHERO, RUNNING AROUND WITH A CAPE ON.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565321371920891904,"text":"@ProoN i would rather have teeth pulled.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565327857791279104,"text":"@vengarioth i broke up with a dude when i was a teenager by forkbombing his server.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565346006360129538,"text":"@a_man_in_black in all seriousness, i've been dying my hair since my teens. I can't remember the last time I used a single shade. Too flat.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565346174484611073,"text":"@ElisaRockDoc works well for some colors. the pastels are gorgeous but fade SUPER quickly. the blues are amazing.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565347600149516288,"text":"@milfgaardian it's relatively new. most salons have switched to using it here instead of specialfx.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565360715880726528,"text":"I'm working on a new project, video about harassment, & I need your help. Need vid clips of ppl reading an abusive tweet they've received.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565365012357971968,"text":"@davidsgallant thursday would be even better. ^.^","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565368038309244928,"text":"@atonal440 @desertfox899 I'm not actually a dev. I'm DevOps. I like doing things that I find interesting. This is interesting. ^.^","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565419885283790848,"text":"What would Joan Jett do?\n\nShe would cut her own damn bangs. http:\/\/t.co\/As7hiJ2rfr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565420092612431873,"text":"@athenahollow it would. i'm hoping for more personal attacks, but that's definitely troubling. :P","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565529197251407872,"text":"It's pretty funny that Georgie claims I harassed her. Never talked to her until last night, ignored the smear \"article\" she wrote. @sakjur","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565559415718154240,"text":"@drakino I was being sarcastic :P","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565583416884994048,"text":"@Manami_Fox @eevee @femfreq no u","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565596181284536321,"text":"@jasonbentley not me :) no hat","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565603809427480577,"text":"@SamanthaZeitlin I'm about to wander outside and enjoy the sun for a few minutes.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565609560137035778,"text":"@BenKuchera only if I can get a pass somehow :\/","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565622962565701632,"text":"RT @ColinBrauns: Wow... there's some insanely inappropriate harassment of @girldevorg speakers going on live via twitter of @arabelladelucc\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565639522466422785,"text":"It was difficult. I questioned if it was a good idea until someone in the crowd came forward for a hug & started crying. Then I was crying.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565640127943565313,"text":"Talked about the need for support, mentors. People that understand because they've been through it all, too.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565683663015522304,"text":"@tarkasteve sorry about that. >.>","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565753771696070656,"text":"Seeing @warrenleightTV getting mobbed, he'll likely miss this. If anyone is in contact w\/him, tell him abt #ggautoblocker. #LawAndOrderSVU","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565762827244560384,"text":"@ShaofHappiness i love your dog so much.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565763032010469376,"text":"@a_man_in_black you are helpful, valuable, and appreciated. your voice helps. we all appreciate you. you should know this.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565765275971514368,"text":"RT @TheQuinnspiracy: Dude if this is all because zoenitanna dated a shitty dude this SVU episode will be so on point i might break my sobri\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565955055338414080,"text":"RT @girlziplocked: WTF @onthemedia @tldr? Man gets upset that women in tech are upset that said man silences women. So you take it down? ht\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566064291431067649,"text":"RT @girlziplocked: .@Jason honestly, it's just not OK from an activist perspective to have a man try to tell women what's wrong with tech's\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566064824699076608,"text":"@sfmorrigan this is my first time ever watching it.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566069269084262401,"text":"@Quinnae_Moon @KaitlynBurnell it did feel like there wasn't much point to it other than ratings. a quick win based on current controversy.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566070438120673280,"text":"In regards to being harassed by GamerGate, i was just told: \"Let your experience better you as a woman instead of seeking sympathy.\"","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566070639837347841,"text":"Sorry to disappoint, but I think I'm already a pretty awesome women. A low self-esteem continues to not be an issue.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566090668422873089,"text":"@AxeloftheKey wouldn't have to use the API. I've got other methods.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566314575055052800,"text":"\"Speaking up\" isn't the same thing as \"speaking for\", and I'm sorry you don't know the difference. @halletecco @wadhwa @Jason","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566386000994115584,"text":"Nooooooo http:\/\/t.co\/HVZT1QD5aI","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566446882059476994,"text":"Having a hard time right now. It's probably hormones, but this is the closest I've come to making my acct protected. Kind words appreciated.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566451737834569728,"text":"@theRoUS I'm not mad at you. I just needed the DM noises to stop.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566657679503138817,"text":"@kaytheproblem same one.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566662752471891969,"text":"RT @waxpancake: Awww, Vivek made a new friend! http:\/\/t.co\/B482drk2pN","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566667312875335680,"text":"UNICORNS http:\/\/t.co\/shAq4nGPHN","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566668356850552833,"text":"@jhamby @sinboy @tarah sommers v2.0.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566717344680910848,"text":"@Spacekatgal she's setting herself up to go against some of the most prominent feminist voices in Silicon Valley. Won't end well for book.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566763988076494850,"text":"RT @amboy00: @freebsdgirl This reminds of that story about your buddy on the bus confronting some goaters. https:\/\/t.co\/rfJuQMMYpf","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566837241335398400,"text":"@KaelaJael http:\/\/t.co\/BXygHtfPk6","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":567026133837676544,"text":"@shereeny @caulkthewagon which she totally would have gotten had she not continued to rant about me publicly after I said I didn't know.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":567026468463468544,"text":"@shereeny @caulkthewagon she assumed I was *lying* when I said I didn't know, and that's ridiculous. I've been busy the past week.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":567029463104253952,"text":"@kunikos open world stuff just confuses me. there's too much to do. I need more of a guided path.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":567047586515677185,"text":"@lucaswj i'm disc. used to playing with a derpy warr\/dk.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":567086352227790851,"text":"Tried to play Fable Anniversary Edition with xbox one controller. Worked for 30 seconds. Then Steam started trying to call people. wtf?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":567089302195027968,"text":"RT @StephenAtWar: @freebsdgirl \n\nAnd Origin can join it.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":567110489067372544,"text":"Perfect way to spend a summer day. http:\/\/t.co\/rPACXztnor","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":567832219047235584,"text":"This is what innovation looks like. Horrible organization. Proprietary standards like AZW that have a substantial lack in metadata fields.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":567833448775163904,"text":"My review of Kindle Voyage: a resounding 'meh'","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":568176653962096641,"text":"RT @yjoyding: Male friend who interviewed at Uber asked about gender diversity & got the answer \"Our recruiters are so hot\".","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":568191572170244097,"text":"There is a dude here wearing a baby strapped to his chest and his beard is so long it appears the baby is Marge Simpson and I am *dying*","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":568202760270712832,"text":"@awizardsbeard do you realize how dumb you sound? There is one wall with anything on it. Tylenol, orajel, and pepto bismol","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":568203742031392768,"text":"@awizardsbeard I called you an idiot. Not a misogynist.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":568229346084667392,"text":"@Kuroishi11 blackwindow chroma.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":568231997060947968,"text":"@bytebug Corsair K95. Not the RGB.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":568267536569114624,"text":"@omglazerkittens well, damn. marking you off my 'potential partner' list.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":568301299831189504,"text":"I would just like to raise an eyebrow at all the people that were like \"whaaaat\" when I talked about how much I hated Lenovo laptops before.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":568316872484986880,"text":"@CassandraB Why am I buying this right now?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":568443777402011649,"text":"This person thinks that ~6 people tweeting at them for being a sealioning ass is the worst thing in the world.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":568444627973332992,"text":"@strictmachine hahahahaha","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":568456509421518848,"text":"@mwlauthor i've also got my phone docked next to my computer. It throws up a notification for DMs. I use the web interface on my PC to send.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":568459999833235456,"text":"@Krynis I was able to do so without a problem. :P But I have pretty strong arms. 27\" monitor is a lot lighter than the dumbbells I use. :P","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":568666374693728256,"text":"Oh my god.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":568814905609973762,"text":"@merusworks kathy sierra. and that's not what wadhwa is complaining about.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":568825114759798784,"text":"Let's not forget that wadhwa is the same person that believes pseudoscience needs a platform. wadhwa <3s homeopathy. http:\/\/t.co\/YYZ55EnjaA","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":568861035999985665,"text":"@faelys_ i don't use addons anymore. :P","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":568905157951361024,"text":"Ignore those tweets. Site maintenance stuff. It was autonotifying. Turned that garbage right off.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569179891746222080,"text":"@markemer ruby. :P perl doesn't have a good module for streaming API. forced me to get better at ruby! @sferik does good stuff.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569180224283226112,"text":"@SlaunchaMan \"we're totes not dog piling, but just so you know, you should be scared of us BUNNIES\" - yeahhhh.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569180902695137280,"text":"@markemer I love perl, but I think I'm starting to shift towards ruby. gem is nice. docs are horrid. need to read more about classes.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569181952424562688,"text":"@jneen_ i need to know the story behind that image","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569184919068352512,"text":"@Venomous9 pro death penalty, anti some provisions of obamacare, fewer govt regulations, free market better. BUT...","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569185213164625922,"text":"@AlfredDaw haven't run it against you.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569202720948621312,"text":"@mauvedeity i had a rescue puppy named rj45. :)","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569223030506803201,"text":"I've posted a contact form at http:\/\/t.co\/4S8Ug3bBUC for support regarding @ggautoblocker, speaking requests, feedback, etc.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569623979553480706,"text":"As a reminder, assistance requests are private. You can be anon, but I need to know situation, pref w\/location. PGP: http:\/\/t.co\/NwgZLY9G6r","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569625666582216704,"text":"@JohnDoty sometimes. :P i try.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569629006913384448,"text":"Aw. I was talking to a gater on reddit for the past few weeks. He seemed nice enough, but he just deleted his account. :\\ come back dude.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569633039396896768,"text":"This song. A million times. Loop it foreeever. http:\/\/t.co\/yUoZLAI7pY","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569633536283582464,"text":"RT @mcclure111: #DontDateSJWs #ThatWouldBeAViolationOfTheRestrainingOrder","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569635672560005121,"text":"@CALMicC wary isn't the same thing as condemnation. :)","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569714822536765441,"text":"@DARKDUME I said it in 2014, too. Likely 2013, 2012, 2011. Might want to attribute all the years.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569907031273967617,"text":"If someone has had a crime committed personally against them online, the police aren't likely to listen to anyone BUT them. @PendragonTarot","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569957017655226369,"text":"@OutworldDOTA2 i'm very entertained that all it takes is \"155 IQ\" for me to know precisely who is being discussed.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569962046848000000,"text":"@beardyblue @emily_esque general folks in the legal field at this point, but issues will mostly center around local harassment\/stalking laws","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":570460235598573569,"text":"@CoralineAda i like you.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":570617635651461120,"text":"One of the hardest things about not working on a team out of an office is never letting myself sleep in. Coffee, save me.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":570656444392935424,"text":"Pocky 4ever. http:\/\/t.co\/Sah8xed05T","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":570703619697192960,"text":"@Nayadrikj @sarcarsten I LOVE YOU NAYADRI <3 <3 <3","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":570792502531219456,"text":"Uh. This is what \/angry looks like with undead. It's supposed to be fist in air, not slapping my own butt. http:\/\/t.co\/YGzCldXqWQ","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":570792783016886272,"text":"I guess that's one way to get around the user token count limitation per app ID.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":570810916968669184,"text":"@freedominguez clearly witchcraft. ;)","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":570811039270309888,"text":"@FunkyreFresh @SuperSpacedad as a target of her delusions, yeah, i'm going to say these things about how she behaves towards me.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":570811117099884544,"text":"@FunkyreFresh @SuperSpacedad the claims she has made are... not something someone in their right mind would do.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":570815993842311168,"text":"At this moment in time, I am unaware of any effort he has made into this space. I'm tied in w\/many orgs. His name has never once come up.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":570834831648497664,"text":"@deathofrats01 LOOKING AT YOUR ICONS, JUDGINGGGGG","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":570846153845002240,"text":"@MetroidThief @deathofrats01 his face is a bit differently structured. he looks a lot like a collie in some regards.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":570846823222345729,"text":"Nintendo 3DS http:\/\/t.co\/HbxvCUvVNk","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":570989974926925825,"text":"I reached out to @ninaburleigh with concerns the day the article was published. No response. Nina cares more about page views than problems.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":570990261473406976,"text":"@Ethelmonster @ninaburleigh @wadhwa lol, she was one of the people that gave him a platform and then ignored detractors.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":570993039256133633,"text":"@DanielleIsANerd go fuck yourself. <3","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":570994002490556417,"text":"@PeerWorker yes. given that one group routinely posts mutilated bodies on twitter along with american passports, i'd say they are worse.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":570994466590314496,"text":"@kuuuramantoonis @DanielleIsANerd it was up on 8chan. someone probably has an archive somewhere.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":570996484776136705,"text":"You're not going to get the response you're looking for. Give up. @PeerWorker","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571000368437395456,"text":"@GodOfCyanide @PeerWorker http:\/\/t.co\/NGP9HAcuDo <3","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571004298860998657,"text":"@PeerWorker @EvvyKube when you're an asshole in someone's mentions and they react, it's not bullying.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571138276351823873,"text":"@KirinDave but regardless, i posted a screenshot of something i love doing, and you made digs about it being out of date. so... whatever.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571157509978738688,"text":"RT @thelindsayellis: you've got to be kidding me http:\/\/t.co\/EhfXB3Epww","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571162676673454080,"text":"RT @lead_miniature: @freebsdgirl I would never, ever want to get into a debate with *you* over whether or not something is blue","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571395023754764288,"text":"Until twitter provides us with a way to filter new accounts or provides a higher barrier to entry, these are just words that mean little.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571408348215513088,"text":"I didn't have an outward emotional reaction when my own grandmother died, but I am crying for Nimoy.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571426108249284609,"text":"Vibrating with excitement. Every day brings us closer to being able to make the announcement.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571443070887047168,"text":"RT @cnnbrk: He lived long and prospered: Leonard Nimoy reported dead at 83. http:\/\/t.co\/cyV5wmVb72 http:\/\/t.co\/buhfbNgtxC","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571459535807754240,"text":"RT @mczub: @freebsdgirl it feels like only new people claim sexism exist because the sexism already drove away the veterans","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571478633732182016,"text":"@ChrisWarcraft @alexlifschitz prove it. WHERE IS THE PROOF???","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":571711991804370944,"text":"RT @RichFelker: @freebsdgirl Standard operating procedure for bullies is to paint victims as perpetrators of bullying to authority.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571712340774662144,"text":"@Makofury glad I could help, and I'm so sorry that you're going through that. :(","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571716531597389824,"text":"How should I even classify this? Wielding a mob? Indirect bullying? I'm not sure.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571723778754887680,"text":"They also love to add 10 years to my age. Which doesn't bother me. I grew up envious of UNIX beards.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571727708004085760,"text":"@iglvzx he expects unix logins to map to github usernames - which they rarely will.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571741933233565696,"text":"So, just to save you all some time, BSD is my family. The only negative response GG ever received was from a non-dev.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571742086808018945,"text":"I have never felt more supported and safe than I do around the FreeBSD developer community. They are amazing, and I love them.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572015739411931137,"text":"RT @TheQuinnspiracy: if I go to gdc and see The Dress in any of your slides I am walking out of the talk and directly into the sea, never t\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572442015331323906,"text":"Well, to be more accurate, I'll be dropping by tomorrow during lunch. Hit me up if you want to say hi. :D","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572514232614301696,"text":"What's a decent RoR on 401(k)s? I've averaged 9.2% over the past few years. Not sure if that's decent or not.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572593396369395712,"text":"Not at my computer. Will report a bug with search & blocks later. Not sure if this is intentional or not, but it seems sub-optimal.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572969483234508800,"text":"RT @JillWetzler: \"Don't be mad cuz I'm doing me better than you doing you.\"","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573181235607957504,"text":"@kodriscoll_dev haha, you have until ~ 3:30 PST. :)","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573182328727445504,"text":"Last night I was meeting so many people and they were asking what I do, and I was like I CAN'T TELL YOU YET.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573182811298906114,"text":"@GentlerMouse hahahahhahaha.\n\nhttp:\/\/t.co\/iS0HgM89LK","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573208474361839617,"text":"@0xabad1dea these are museum pieces - if you can find authentic ones (it's rare), L fits up to like a size 22.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573222886648893440,"text":".@holman @onekingslane yo, i use ruby where are my ladies","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573224002795139072,"text":"@TheQuinnspiracy although vine may work too, since it's like a small part of what you are talking about. dunno.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573224848819814400,"text":"I'm going to lug my macbook air, my ipad, my 3DS, and my surface pro 2 with me. I need my battle station. This will suffice.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573226543448633345,"text":"@Hollapalooka press is involved. good luck with that. :)","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573244503512907776,"text":"@bidetofevil follow for DM please","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573245151679664128,"text":"@MyersNFL ME TOOOOOO","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573278017415327744,"text":"OAPI will focus on creating technical solutions for online abuse. http:\/\/t.co\/Gh10Nt5rEB","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573281414008864768,"text":"We will be releasing as many tools as possible under the BSD license. @korvys","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573316845408669696,"text":"The Online Abuse Prevention Initiative | Hacker News https:\/\/t.co\/5BM3GHH3JX","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573372526186786816,"text":"It is so hard not answering questions. Darn it. @SheriRubin needs to take my phone away from me. :P","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573373336761212928,"text":"The amount of kind words and support we've received from all of you has been immense. Thank you all so very much.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573547851449421824,"text":"@onealexharms we'll be making an announcement about that later. Until paperwork is complete, it's all funded by me & the money from patreon","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573553029904928768,"text":"@StephenAtWar hah! We have to secure funding first.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573587498091159552,"text":"@TransGeekMovie so looking forward to seeing your tweets!","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573593686841253888,"text":"Users want transparency in abuse systems, but there's a difficulty in this. It can allow people to game the system.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573593965800226816,"text":"@Cactus_Soup90 and that would break developer policy.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573614855141224448,"text":"@SuperSpacedad most of tech doesn't really know about gamergate and doesn't care. In a bigger sense, gamergate has no importance.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573629781163409409,"text":"Saw Mozilla and GitHub booths. \"HI I KNOW YOU\"","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573630339035193347,"text":"@aninkyaffair not sure yet, but I've heard good things from many people.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573714067581337602,"text":"Oh my god. @christinelove is ADORABLE. I have a crush. #gameloading","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573721309680529408,"text":"I see @legobutts!!! #gameloading","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573762651907448832,"text":"@KatieBatterman yeah, we should talk. I was just about to send an email over to them right before I was told it was retracted.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573773582683148289,"text":"@sschinke oh well.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573949262087610369,"text":"@juliaferraioli if you are a fan of fun socks, check out anything by Blue Q. http:\/\/t.co\/DZceddoGKK","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573950394008625152,"text":"@a_man_in_black WHY AM I NOT ON THE LIST","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573982128511176704,"text":"@glassresistor @thereaIbanksy ewwww. i saw this on my phone, so didn't see the salvation army logo.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573985038074712064,"text":"I had a migraine until we made the announcement, then all the feels in the past few days have me wanting to cry ALL THE TIME. good tears.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574057372974325760,"text":"Seeing a lot of talk about GDC vs PAX. I felt safer at GDC post-GamerGate than I did at PAX pre-GamerGate. So, there's that.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574092041904201728,"text":"@dunno_someguy i love & support sex workers. am friends with many.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574298576399945728,"text":"@twoscooters @Official_PAX keep in mind that PA put a sexual predator in charge of security and then brushed it under the rug 2yrs ago","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574300225931599872,"text":"Sickened but not surprised by what happened at PAX earlier today. PAX has a history of making poor decisions at the cost of women's safety.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574309955177684995,"text":"@srhbutts @snipeyhead yeah. it was pretty accurate. I don't see why that dude thought that these were bad things.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574310573271187456,"text":"@cwalker built-in would be good. i can do more with 3rd party services than i can by providing a client, in the meanwhile.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574311189863235584,"text":".@sindarina tweetbot is a paid client.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574362487333609472,"text":"@Glinner @ashleylynch @SuperSpacedad revenge porn dude is hilarious if you listen to him. he thinks large tech companies shouldn't exist.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574407264125120512,"text":"@athenahollow i suppose i have to get used to the idea of bloggers using my name to get hits. but slightly irritated.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574459143634821120,"text":"Guests use my Aria. I get emails w\/their weight. Sometimes, when we're playing card games, I'll silently mouth the number at them. I win.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574604196177031170,"text":"If you get a follow from @randileeharper, yes, that is me. Being a CEO is scary, and I want a private account for yelling :P","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574968587649069056,"text":"@yennijb i guess he was trying to say that - who knows? :P","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575075123557892096,"text":"@LaserVueEye always. :)","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575190224692584450,"text":"Woah! I just went to go prod sarah jeong to see if I could ask her a legal question, and saw she was gone. Hope everything is OK. :(","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575347321140969472,"text":"@dtm609 jira\/bitbucket. :)","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575353682063200256,"text":"RT @shanley: If ANYONE is defending you at this point, the same techniques are applied to supporters to make sure that stops.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575358837504389120,"text":"Gaters have started spamming @join_oapi instead of this account. It's cool, I'm modifying ggautoblocker to use mute just for that acct. ^.^","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575431309234868224,"text":"@Shervyn I need to be less uncomfortable talking about money. I don't like asking for it. Really bad at that.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575443531679973376,"text":"@Alan_Au yay! thank you! @sarahjeong I MISSED YOU AND I WORRIED.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575529084974931968,"text":"@jhamby i love @popehat.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575546120077733888,"text":"@filcab BECAUSE OF THE PRICE WHICH IS NOT A LEGITIMATE REASON","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575773130716639232,"text":"Yes, I know about @leighalexander's account. It's being looked into.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575895800108077056,"text":"RT @colocha_rachel: Whoa @MissJupiter1957 just got her camera taken \"for evidence\"! #Ferguson","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576093822435794944,"text":"@petecheslock after he tried pulling the \"you don't need to be here, woman, because i'm so senior and i've already done this\"","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576094128997412864,"text":"@MoerasGrizzly the sourcelist is now dynamically generated. it's not that different from the github list, though. :)","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576120218373742592,"text":"Really, really, really want to go to Blizzcon, but not sure how I'm going to afford it this year.:(","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576164772808261632,"text":"@darkuncle I can travel. Tickets I can't afford. Can likely find a hotel to crash in.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576172147313278976,"text":"There is another puppy.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576252364488732672,"text":"@banhammor it's not true. see last 2 tweets.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576253395805167616,"text":"To reiterate, some gater thought they found a way to exploit the block system and make themselves unblockable by changing their email 4x.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576255821941587968,"text":"@chaeronaea YOU LIVE IN MY AREA? HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS. LET'S GET WINE AND CHEESE 2GETHER","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576413268694044672,"text":"In case you think I'm joking. http:\/\/t.co\/E18k7iJcaW","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576422328180981761,"text":"@BasicMountain !!!! ALL OF THEM.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576465763273326592,"text":"Instead, he tries to turn this into \"if you're not with GamerGate, you're against freedom of expression\" - uh, no. We're against assholes.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576466830778216448,"text":"@caitbit BLACKMILK IS AMAZING. have you seen them before?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576468868446576640,"text":"@0xjared @Zython86 @m_m_myers @ChrisWarcraft for futher context, these are the same people that started going through my facebook friends","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576472648391258112,"text":"Grummz realized that no one would pat him on the back for not being an asshole, but GG would worship him for joining. @ANDAASONSAN @Shjade","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576479089432776704,"text":"@Leonard_Delaney yo, the tweet I made about the tetris book just got retweeted by boing boing. :P","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576484064451903488,"text":"@tobyfee @justkelly_ok #hipchat FOREVER","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576537604968972289,"text":"@MadTrophyWife content warning. :)","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576541502177816576,"text":"@BrownBagPantry to be fair, none of those things have anything to do with twitter's ToS or even free speech, for that matter. :P","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576545460149616640,"text":"@ashleylynch mentions of @TimofLegend + the hashtag surpassed that of anita\/zoe\/bri\/myself. HISTORY. Congrats, Tim.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576556772195880960,"text":"If your company has an abuse, social media, or community team, we want to talk. All industries welcome. [email protected]","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576571032993079297,"text":"@beardyblue it's a long winding story. :P","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576608966983094272,"text":"@samred yo, appreciate the shout out for ggautoblocker, but article is technically incorrect. http:\/\/t.co\/OkRpMbHhY9","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576624519630073856,"text":"@samred no rush or anything. like i said, it's been up for a while. i just noticed, though. :)","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":551622668730912768,"text":"@TheNativeBoy http:\/\/t.co\/FGUPLrvosi","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":551623607298703360,"text":"@IS_Remaining http:\/\/t.co\/I7D6q42Wkn","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":551761101869051904,"text":"@ZaenBassem http:\/\/t.co\/SVMKdrGoH8","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":551762086800678912,"text":"@ibnHlophe @eeviewonders @anjemchoudary http:\/\/t.co\/V6x5vmAlxE","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":551804422565543936,"text":"@UmarFarooq_ The one thing ISIS can provide better than anyone else is corpses to practice on. Headless ones of course.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":551813946844258304,"text":"@alrawy4 http:\/\/t.co\/b3sMOq9M3E","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":551851149590949888,"text":"@ChristophHeer52 @miskelayla Pilgar sides with communists, authoritarian dictators, and terrorist in every single case.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":551857425087623169,"text":"@joanneleon @ChristophHeer52 ... Nazi ideological indoctrination. And wiki will tell you that half the world's neo Nazis live in Russia.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":551863822789533696,"text":"@nwOryzen @_DirtyTruths ROFL. You really do have more than one screw lose.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":551864383790260224,"text":"@_DirtyTruths And you pick the same old lying scab until you finally die.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":552169443158421504,"text":"@MikePrysner Mike Prysner is some Putin paid Russian troll working in a propaganda sweat shop in St. Petersburg.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":552249571129425920,"text":"@imkhan1104 Here is what #Islam thinks about Merkel's democracy. http:\/\/t.co\/mwDPks3JP7","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":552535370412597248,"text":"@HillaryGuess @riwired @izrinhariri @BasimaFaysal We have proven to you again and again and you just repeat the same lie. No time. Blocked.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":553013848257466368,"text":"@Vrais66 And these. http:\/\/t.co\/V3cf0aGlcp","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":553016640502104065,"text":"@azmoderate @JoeWSJ So you admit you were wrong about Muslim extremists?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":553020226220986368,"text":"@azmoderate @JoeWSJ Sharia law: http:\/\/t.co\/SJalsZ3sKK","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":553057655833378816,"text":"@KhaledHamaki http:\/\/t.co\/mFBT2hMmBn","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":553359955160342528,"text":"@KhaledHamaki No, you have it backwards. It was Mohammed murdering Jews.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":553695183884140544,"text":"@tommydevlin1974 Why are you distributing and repeating their propaganda?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":553696603786076160,"text":"@NCGardener1 Not to mention universities shut down, Christians chased out, women forced to cover and stay home, doctors killed.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":554027973972480002,"text":"@Sayfudeeen @rupertmurdoch So will Baghdadi do the right thing and behead himself. Or is he a hypocritical coward? #Gwer #Sinjar","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":554143989058633728,"text":"@blendedpurple @rezaaslan Stupid idea from a conspiracy nut.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":555221515835150336,"text":"@flatspaddler1 CAR is 4\/5 Christian and the Muslims took the government by force. Finally the Christians fought back.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":555382475988688896,"text":"@SumbelinaZ @WorstViking @SallyTreadwell @Lg4Lg @IronmanL1 @Hatewatch Here are your poster boys. http:\/\/t.co\/NgXMdx8GYp","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":555831465452138496,"text":"RT @Vagersedolla: \"ISIS fighters were coming to buy us, choosing beautiful Yezidi women & killing Shiite women\" https:\/\/t.co\/1MhOB7OEix htt\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":555959746037940224,"text":"RT @DefeatMu: Dears in un,u r talking too much with no activities this is the way that people dies in mosul! http:\/\/t.co\/AOdUH4LRS2","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":556172359636234241,"text":"@Katrin_Salmani Lies. http:\/\/t.co\/Qax81lnvg0","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":556688877939736576,"text":"@EA_Pakistani @JRCallsTheNews @ShamiAnalyst Gee, why would someone display a fish market. And yes, I proudly hate ISIS and Islam.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":557024388130697216,"text":"@PoliticalAnt @Politics_PR @FoxNews You are a left wing asshole who thinks that everyone should defend their culture except whites.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":557026623954747393,"text":"@PoliticalAnt @Lithobolos @ZaibatsuNews But it doesn't matter what Muslims believe or do. It's all okay because they are not white Christian","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":557031734500290560,"text":"@PoliticalAnt @Lithobolos @ZaibatsuNews Muslims have blasphemy laws to impose such.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":557037980200607745,"text":"@okieatheist @Allison_312 @furiechicago @steeevi Thinkin that you have to be Christian to be against killing babies is just inbred stupidity","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":557252307478265856,"text":"@gripusa Yeah, I love idiots like you who tell me that I have to tolerate the intolerant. You can stick that.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":557253720916766720,"text":"@PoliticalAnt @Lithobolos And of course I would also fight against any theocracy - regardless of religion.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":557270974031089664,"text":"@Lithobolos @PoliticalAnt @ZaibatsuNews I'm against any Jew or Christian that wants to live by Old Testament law as opposed to secular law.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":557679866964099074,"text":"@reddroostermann @No1_2Trust So why not start a company that does not make a profit? Average corporate profitability is 6%....","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":557943989643378688,"text":"RT @TBillsss: #Palestinian cartoon celebrates the terror attack in #TelAviv, but the world burns when someone draws Muhammed. Pfff. http:\/\/\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":558024301379850240,"text":"@Omnia_Omnibus Load of drivel.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":558352004422983682,"text":"RT @Setarehgan: Is there any difference between #Iranian regime & #ISIS? (Daesh) #Iran #IranTalks #irantalksvienna #News #USA #UK http:\/\/t.\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":558356747614556160,"text":"@rickbilyak What data. I didn't see a single item of data - only one guy's conclusions.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":558768632105164800,"text":"Lockheed Martin will complete a fusion reactor in the next ten years and all oil dependent states, like Saudi, will sink.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":559053713386393600,"text":"RT @ChuckPfarrer: KOBANE SITUATION MAP: 24 JAN 2015. 1100 EDT. Major gains in E and W. #Kobane #Kobani #BijiKurdistan #Kobanebattlemap http\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":559092716601360384,"text":"@Colonel_Shami So do you think that the Daesh are planning the second battle of the trench to be in Mosul instead of Medina?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":559224744885514243,"text":"RT @sudixitca: .@OnlyTheTruthNow Islam is not a religion. This is what an honest ex-Muslim woman victim of Islam says: http:\/\/t.co\/Rt9muyOG\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":559360711680212992,"text":"@wammezz Your demand for perfection would lead to those kids living under ISIS and brought up as terrorists.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":559363423171928064,"text":"@anjemchoudary We have seen the mercy of Islam with 280 million citizens of the earth murdered. http:\/\/t.co\/q2IzowD2CV","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":559469893821927425,"text":"@adnanifares There were no chemical missles fired. The Pesh hit ISIS chemical weapons with their rockets.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":559589670842290177,"text":"@LifeInKhilafah http:\/\/t.co\/N9eYtW9wuj","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":559592020411711488,"text":"@ArcticFox_am_I @Millennial_ The Taliban wasn't formed until 1994. http:\/\/t.co\/u11mqcNwdb","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":559727725435691008,"text":"@sismawi90 Nice artistic conceptualization.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":560202733689397248,"text":"@AbuYigitAlCahrz @LeonardoMaxwel1 Did the western media throw these gays off a building? http:\/\/t.co\/7Av9DDDc2v","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":560291322578227200,"text":"@djosephj @ModouKandeh @BigShrinkz Submission.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":560301996855418880,"text":"@rfrankh53 @BilalIGhumman @98Halima @johnnygjokaj @cdnKhadija Here is bigotry. http:\/\/t.co\/7IH6t729fn","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":560304255806894080,"text":"@cdnKhadija @BilalIGhumman @98Halima @johnnygjokaj @rfrankh53 Satan is a fairy tale used to scare idiots into submission.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":560317445374611457,"text":"@98Halima @johnnygjokaj @cdnKhadija @rfrankh53 No, we give women the same freedom as men.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":561311344478404608,"text":"@SirajZarook @BilalIGhumman @OdiniaInvictus @IsraeliRegime And like Boko Haram and many others, they only need the concept of Islamic Jihad.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":561378627984424960,"text":"@ingyusarms All those things can be found in Islam's own Quran and Hadiths.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":561572793327030272,"text":"@SamkitSengupta Gandhi wanted to achieve peace between Hindus and Muslims. So he tried to get Hindus to see Islam in a better light.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":561702771166965761,"text":"@OdiniaInvictus @SirajZarook @BilalIGhumman @IsraeliRegime Fine by me. I had five Jewish friends in college. None ever went to a Synogogue.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":561704229241225216,"text":"@SirajZarook @OdiniaInvictus @BilalIGhumman @IsraeliRegime Three Jewish tribes lived in Medina before Mohammed moved there and attacked them","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":561712874377060352,"text":"@SirajZarook There were no traitors in Khybar. And not accepting Islam is not being a traitor.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":561717504515387392,"text":"@SirajZarook Stop lying. My Hadiths come for the Muslim students association of USC. Anyone can independently verify them.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":561744028312416256,"text":"@TurkishIranian @sudixitca The dignity of that Peshmerga as he faced death was remarkably heroic.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":561755226558828544,"text":"@Colonel_Shami2 Notice how there are no girls? And: http:\/\/t.co\/z8pv2GoNfU","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":561773040393281536,"text":"@Bahai144 Did you get that brain out of a box of cracker jacks?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":561775620590690305,"text":"@Bahai144 I knew that when you were pressed you would fall apart like Humpty Dumpty. And you want to attack Greta? You are a joke. Blocked.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":561951932537774080,"text":"@Dabiq_Warrior @Totenleserin Yeap, half your best fighters died in Kobane. You are down to sending children to fight and die for Baghdadi.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":561954004456833024,"text":"@Dabiq_Warrior The moron Baghdadi thinks he can throw undermanned forces out there on offensives and Allah will win it for him. #Kirkuk","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":561976439516704768,"text":"@Dabiq_Warrior @Totenleserin @P_Valerianus That's a lie. The only thing you milked was bombs, and all you gained was dead Daesh.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":561977771858354177,"text":"@P_Valerianus @Dabiq_Warrior @Totenleserin Exactly. The Kobane citizens stood on Turkish hills and cheered with every bomb that fell.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":562393877504487424,"text":"RT @Joyce_Karam: Back to Mongols? #ISIS destroys books in Mosul libraries #Iraq for \"disobeying God\" http:\/\/t.co\/CyEQPEKHvj http:\/\/t.co\/118\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":562396366857457664,"text":"@ExposeFalsehood Womderful.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":562478699686006787,"text":"@SaifAdDawlah The poor in Mosul are poor because of the Daesh.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":562662618838495232,"text":"@UmarMal Defeating terrorists is not a non essential expense.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563715008702320640,"text":"@westernreviews @hanna_bard I have seen that one. I'm not sure what it implies. I couldn't find any context in verses around it.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563758118387994624,"text":"RT @Isham_AlAssad: Large falls in the ranks of #ISIS terrorists in #Manbij, #Jarabulus & Al-#Sharq in the Northeastern #Aleppo countryside,\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564452728324124672,"text":"@Vandaliser @sajid_fairooz @IsraeliRegime Here is an example. The process of sentencing under Sharia. http:\/\/t.co\/jQdfEungg3","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564488865973411840,"text":"@scamp_faridxx How does the US back the Shia militia. And why do assholes find a way to blame everything on the US?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564493177315278848,"text":"@MsIntervention @RangAbdullah Probably has to do with the fact that Kurds are the only ones in the ME not calling for their extermination.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564495518517039104,"text":"We should refuse to provide weapons to Iraq without a guarantee that they will not go to the Shia Militia animals. #Iraq #Islam #Iran","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564496246094565376,"text":"RT @RKHayer: #Shiite #Militia Drives Back #IslamicState, but Divides Much of #Iraq #Iran #Diyala #shia #Sunni #War #Daesh http:\/\/t.co\/aNh4\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564607698356826115,"text":"RT @nukacola11: Best way I could describe Islam: #ShariaFree2016 http:\/\/t.co\/WTnXnAW6Du","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564814456320839681,"text":"@ChuckPfarrer So the retired Soviet military is fighting against the guy that Putin supports.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564970012620779520,"text":"@DefenseUnits YPG\/YPJ have been so successful lately that I'm concerned they may get a little careless. Be careful and good luck.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565007130961657856,"text":"@ibnabdulmajid http:\/\/t.co\/eoVLRt4vvO","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565175152992735232,"text":"RT @WolfSpirit2013: #Toronto Imam Rageah, Somalia Muslim, stirring up Islamic trouble in Canada.\n#cdnpoli #cpc \nhttp:\/\/t.co\/nRS4x89ikq http\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565549862281027586,"text":"@vernsviews Sorry, but you are wrong. Here are the polls. http:\/\/t.co\/Gx9J8tgnBd","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565679539674968065,"text":"@abu__ramadi We can see that by the Daesh fleeing Kobane and the Mosule countryside.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566082525957591041,"text":"@eS3udi @Just_Nafisa @FatimaFatwa @JRehling Apparently you are stupid and have done zero research on the subject.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566132316754288640,"text":"People need to stop with the \"breaking\" about Al Asad. The information is already both old and wrong. Everything is fine at Al Asad.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566240204139139073,"text":"@shariaunveiled Nope. Eight of the little Daesh vermin attacked Al Asad Air Base and all were quickly killed.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566294832327323648,"text":"@discerningmumin We neither created or supported Sadam. We dealt with him cause that was what there was.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566362297451286528,"text":"@discerningmumin Here. http:\/\/t.co\/3M1zKOKAOK","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566365390888923136,"text":"@RonaldElzenga @ForeignAffairs @Ediwriter You mean popular among dictators.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566630737072250880,"text":"@_divestment_ @AlgerianWitness They had a couple of very old ones. But they were destroyed while Deash were trying to learn to fly.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566736591860027392,"text":"@r3sho Settling on stolen ISIS land made them criminals. So they should have to flee.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566828219173597184,"text":"@edgeofthesandbx @batchelorshow @FearDept You haven't met any Ukrainians. Bandera is only popular among some Ukrainians.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566829173646172161,"text":"@edgeofthesandbx @batchelorshow @FearDept There is nothing Nazi about defending your country against a Russian invasion.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566833675719811073,"text":"@edgeofthesandbx @batchelorshow @FearDept The entire Russian propaganda machinery was used to sell Maidan as something it was not.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566834230018068480,"text":"@edgeofthesandbx @batchelorshow @FearDept Do you actually think that the Chechens Russia has sent to Ukraine are there to fight for freedom?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566835004164960258,"text":"@edgeofthesandbx @batchelorshow @FearDept No, the Russian terrorists and Russians themselves are the main ones using them.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566838504336814081,"text":"@edgeofthesandbx @batchelorshow @FearDept So contact some Jews in Lviv and some in Donetsk today and find out who is treated better.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":567050781635776512,"text":"@truaemusic @mattybboi83 @Number10gov One religion's barbarity doesn't excuse another religions barbarity.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":567356686818476032,"text":"@Roostrwoodstock @EnaLolena I'm not listening to any more of the filth that the proven criminal Putin is paying you to spout. Blocked.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":567396142170660864,"text":"RT @pies_n_prophet: @HPluckrose @RichardDawkins 'these people do not share your values' former archbishop of Mosul we project our enlighte\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":567440800212983808,"text":"@rileysomething I'm not adverse to putting boots on the ground at Raqqa and letting our boys kill ISIS through a scope sight.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":567541646196084736,"text":"RT @RavenHUWolf: Two relatives including the uncle of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi have been arrested near city of #Samarra\nhttp:\/\/t.co\/Ppe1vRbdqn \u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":567771893186469888,"text":"RT @SerioSito: YPJ Commander Azime Deniz: We will be in Tal Abyad, Minbij, Jarablus and unite #Rojava regions http:\/\/t.co\/fMvIthMKsW http:\/\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":567830705914277888,"text":"RT @GOPBriefingRoom: #News REPORT: Obama Refused to Assist Jordan, Egypt With Information on ISIS Targets (Video): Oliver Nor... http:\/\/t.c\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":567831314889453568,"text":"As a conservative I thought that many accusations against Obama were unfounded. But now he is protecting ISIS in Libya. Beyond belief! Islam","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":568082323742146561,"text":"RT @TatsianaL: @etreilly @phakanm @nyheternajohan nobody attacks people in Ukrainian towns until there's\" russian world\" Look at Slavyansk\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":568110038948003840,"text":"@UmarFarooq_ I can.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":568542985622659072,"text":"@buellerishere Give me the relevant Quran or Hadith verse numbers so I don't have to waste time.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569637371706085376,"text":"@AwaasM @Clarkkent2215 Also, Shia Muslims and Sunni Muslims have been attacking each other's institutions for years.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569638038814330880,"text":"RT @PeterTownsend7: #islam #ISIS engages in sexual slavery. Is this Anti-Islamic? http:\/\/t.co\/O97BgHT1rF http:\/\/t.co\/1gNMbCP7YY","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569671668617994240,"text":"@MisGrace @GBabeuf @RJennromao @DavidJo52951945 @Novorossiyan @gbazov @NewsCoverUp @rougek68 Russia, 4th most dangerous place f media t work","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569673590049677312,"text":"@MisGrace @GBabeuf @RJennromao @DavidJo52951945 @Novorossiyan @gbazov @NewsCoverUp @rougek68 Says the Putin owned troll.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569677393033498625,"text":"@MisGrace @GBabeuf @RJennromao @DavidJo52951945 @Novorossiyan @gbazov @NewsCoverUp @rougek68 ROFL. Gessen provides all the sources and data.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569680105938624513,"text":"@MisGrace @GBabeuf @RJennromao @DavidJo52951945 @Novorossiyan @gbazov @NewsCoverUp @rougek68 Thanks for the intellectual response. Blocked.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569698729680203777,"text":"@hunterewilliam @ava_kobane Turkey makes a show of being altruistic. But Erdogan hates Kurds.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":570360444503744512,"text":"RT @EzidiPress: [2] were struck by an airstrike. Local sources claims that about 80 ISIS terrorist were killed\n#Mosul #Iraq","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571472203910258688,"text":"@CherguiaMbark You are a liar. The Prophet Mohammed ordered dogs to be killed.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571486224801665024,"text":"@uygaraktas Not true. At 1 km they would be getting killed by snipers.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571774183971016704,"text":"@CavusSeyit I have no idea what makes you think that you are clever, because so far every one of your tweets has been moronic.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571919557138358272,"text":"RT @Rita_Katz: In other places, ppl take phone pix of celebs. In #ISIS, ppl take phone pix of man thrown off roof, stoned to death http:\/\/t\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571925370368237568,"text":"@LJesus12 Maybe we should get the opinions of all the SAS instead of the single one who shares your stupidity.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572243659044757505,"text":"@DerekBisaccio And the only success that the Daesh are still capable of are against civilians and weakly defended locations.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572244291302510592,"text":"@DerekBisaccio And if Daesh loose half their forces to air strikes while taking small villages, to say, \"not weakened\" is absurd.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572246969936027648,"text":"@AlMonitor It remains to be seen if they can hold Hasakah in any meaningful way.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572973000993079298,"text":"@ChuckPfarrer Putin also poisoned his friend, the former mayor of St Petersburg, once he became inconvinient.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573629984553598976,"text":"@tti1947 @MaxBlumenthal So exactly what are the Jews holding on to? http:\/\/t.co\/1TtHRhsWz8","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573999114205028352,"text":"RT @PeterTownsend7: @bermwalker @argylegray @ROCKInTheUSSA @JackSyit @VileIslam Please vote in wife beating poll with Chameleon http:\/\/t.co\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574327109864136704,"text":"@Clashoftherats Here liar. http:\/\/t.co\/jaH0MPLu4y","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574553002507247617,"text":"So Iranian General Soliemani has a 20 to 1 manpower advantage in #Tikrit, but is still having trouble getting the job done. What genius?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574586904529625088,"text":"@MaxBlumenthal Batty Blumenthal likes the Hamas \"One man, one vote, one time\" politics of Hamas.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574592922248577025,"text":"RT @ColdKurd: #Kobane Eest Front\n#YPG forces bombarded violently #ISIS at several points\nAbout 13 terrorists have killed in the same front \u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574662582503518208,"text":"@Bruciebabe @MaxBlumenthal The three best Muslim states you could come up with prove my point.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574764850590576641,"text":"@Alfonso_AraujoG @ardiem1m @MaxBlumenthal @oldkhayyam And that position has never changed because it was established by prophet Mohammed.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574794308261281792,"text":"@asem_1994 No, they had no rights in a court of law and had to hide the practice of their religion from Muslims and had to pay Jizya.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574800082727387136,"text":"@greenlinerzjm @urgedharry @nyazpolitics Again, showing you know nothing about Islam. http:\/\/t.co\/6sVrP3AWvu","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574961083108081664,"text":"@halalflaws @greenlinerzjm @biebervalue Islam says stay in your home microbrain. It's the same thing. http:\/\/t.co\/DJdgKdET5p","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574962583309971456,"text":"@haroonstyles @greenlinerzjm @halalflaws @biebervalue Show me the Hadith where you get your information. I'm waiting.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574966765978935296,"text":"@halalflaws @MelBiebs69 @biebervalue @greenlinerzjm What does your Quran 33:33 say?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574971717086380033,"text":"@MelBiebs69 @haroonstyles @halalflaws @greenlinerzjm @biebervalue We can get to that later. Let's stick with one issue and cover it. 33:33?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574971920447246337,"text":"@MelBiebs69 @haroonstyles @halalflaws @greenlinerzjm @biebervalue Stop changing subjects. What does your 33:33 say?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575001248727851008,"text":"@AMohedin @halalflaws @haroonstyles @islamdefense @greenlinerzjm I cut out 4:34 in Arabic and stuck it into Google translate.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575052842714537984,"text":"RT @DavidAWeinberg: 9 minutes of excruciating 9\/11 conspiracy theories by preacher who recently was handed Islam award by #Saudi king: http\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575058338288787456,"text":"@Kaya786 Or I can go directly to the Quran and Hadith for great reasons to hate Islam. http:\/\/t.co\/TywKjDNt07","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575070419583045633,"text":"@MadDr11 In fact, it was the Jews that settled Medina before the Arabs. Then the Muslims exterminated them.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575103118267916288,"text":"RT @proadstudio: Why deny facts straight from the Palestinian horse's mouth? @munnerlyn33 @NuritBaytch @themillieneal @MaxBlumenthal https:\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575108530765758466,"text":"@liamxkiwi @greenlinerzjm @halalflaws @biebervalue Sorry, I block cretins.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575134359100882944,"text":"@nader_haq @MadDr11 @MaxBlumenthal http:\/\/t.co\/DdECoBanZx","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575150241965473792,"text":"@halalcunty @biebervalue @liamxkiwi @greenlinerzjm @halalflaws http:\/\/t.co\/ds1dMbXrpX","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575182056134586368,"text":"@alihadi68 @MaxBlumenthal @rudoren @nytimes Showing that you are a liar since there is zero evidence.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575187966118641664,"text":"@alihadi68 @ajdarcy78 @dubh_uk Show a shred of evidence for your insane assertion head chopper.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575324057832267776,"text":"@Saeed6Ali @MaxBlumenthal @DaraDeBrun Since the slug is closer to your IQ, I can understand the fascination.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575324879773282304,"text":"@ThorsProvoni @NafeezAhmed @MaxBlumenthal @Number10gov I don't care about Slavo Turks or idiots that live on race baiting. Get lost.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575325839119638528,"text":"@DaraDeBrun So with four chances to say something of substance you have missed them all. Blocked","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575388181463330816,"text":"@MaxBlumenthal @Campagnebds P. \"Can you identify these Zionist thugs Mr. Blumenthal?\" B. \"My Mother.\"","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575434920085995521,"text":"@SamihNewsam @ludimar47 @MaxBlumenthal You just did, birdbrain.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575436268521181184,"text":"@AdnanSadiq01 @sibeledmonds Is Assad Syria, microbrain?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575437726645809153,"text":"@AdnanSadiq01 @sibeledmonds And there would have been no Iraq elections. Real shame.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575456314702213121,"text":"@MaxBlumenthal @PaulBlu As opposed to the Genocidal Islamist mega donors that support Blumenthal.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575477269818306560,"text":"@harmlesstree2 would soon be no one left to rob, and since they were only good for killing people, they would become impoverished.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575482649101258752,"text":"@harmlesstree2 Hell, asshole, if you have to live as a Dhimmi with no rights, wouldn't that make most convert?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575484077089804289,"text":"@harmlesstree2 Here8 https:\/\/t.co\/xWJzpSodGj","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575649052609531906,"text":"@rayyoosheh What do you call this? http:\/\/t.co\/raamroljZS","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575688024224239616,"text":"@Assiye61 What do you want me to do? Hand deliver the Quran to you. The verse numbers are right there. Get a Quran and look it up.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575745481558466560,"text":"RT @LYH786: New Pictures Of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Have Been Released After #ISIS Defeats In #Tikrit #Iraq And #Syria\nSee Picture http:\/\/t.co\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576057014041776128,"text":"@mutaSawwif @TawheedNetwork_ Are you actually denying that Sharia says that apostates must be killed?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576059495790428160,"text":"@mutaSawwif @TawheedNetwork_ Horse shit. The Quran says that apostacy is not accepted. Multiple Hadiths say apostates must be killed.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576352203021008896,"text":"@roisin_morgan @RaniaKhalek And why do you ignore the fact that this resulted because of Hamas rocket attacks on Israel.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576455906830864384,"text":"@PhilipMills8 @PsychBarakat @jncatron And there is no Palestine and never has been a Palestine.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576611697592442880,"text":"@dankmtl @PeaceNotHate_ Got some evidence for that?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576614517414608897,"text":"@congressman_aly http:\/\/t.co\/afA9Nw4ZTR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576764046411632640,"text":"@AAlwuhaib1977 Ahh, this is a Christian conspiracy book involving so few real Christians that their actions are unnoticed and irrelevant.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576780636930777088,"text":"@HoosierJason @ciomdx @JameelJaffer @ggreenwald And there is nothing wrong with stoping the Muslim genocide of non Muslims.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576781790334988288,"text":"@HoosierJason @ciomdx @JameelJaffer @ggreenwald They are a minority in India microbrain. Next door in Pakistan Muslim mobs are murdering ...","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":560287386371117058,"text":"@Mich_McConnell Link?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":560518901889781760,"text":"@JenLawliet Why...your behavior tells them for me...?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563435543552602113,"text":"@Nin_Klink Do you?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565366831272460288,"text":"@rosesareswift Yes. You?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576108433738457088,"text":"RT @EuropesHistory: Pirro Ligorio's 1561 map of Ancient Rome, which took him almost 20 years after locating ancient sites & monuments http:\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":396282247654805506,"text":"The only thing women should do is not give a fuck about what anyone has to say about their bodies.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":425798152763895808,"text":"@ThelmaSleaze ...such as crafts (needlepoint, sewing, knitting) or gymnastics, where women typically outperform men.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":429766515357794304,"text":"@jkronenwetter18 So secure in his unshakeable faith in patriarchy that he banned me from retweeting his asinine reply","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":430113824419487744,"text":"I have to give @OliPaterson the honor of making me laugh so hard I cried today. Wow, the blockheadedness is strong in this one.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":431099065036582912,"text":"Why are men so afraid of housework? Is it because a mop looks like a giant penis?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":432642364973125632,"text":"RT @Noaaammmyyy: @YesYouresexist @EverydaySexism excellent short film by Eleonore Pourriat - everyday sexism to a man http:\/\/t.co\/MpxBuaZc9\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":440906825106333696,"text":"You won't go to jail for being a raging miosgynist racist fuckbag, but that doesn't mean we all have to be silent about your fuckery","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":450726654331985920,"text":"@ItsJustYousef http:\/\/t.co\/DvSc4VhOVN","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":467064029274333184,"text":"@Haaaaileyyyy @9alex_cruz4 You have the right idea!","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":469139702549729280,"text":"@Mike_Antoniou15 \"I feel like\" = \"I have no evidence of this whatsoever but I'm gonna shoot my mouth off anyway.\"","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":470392096197578752,"text":"#YesAllWomen see fire when men make excuses for the murderer of seven innocent women. http:\/\/t.co\/7ursuKNAQo","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":470764134150053889,"text":"#YesAllWomen because once at a Louis C.K. show he said \"how do you make an old woman? You take a young woman and just ruin her.\"","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":471349762701017089,"text":"RT @WomenInTheology: \"Gay or Asian?\" Race, Masculinity, and the UCSB Shooting http:\/\/t.co\/Rs4xP8oehF via @WomenInTheology @suey_park","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":472447920407453696,"text":"@JakeDandrea_ @AnthonySammarco As though being fat is in any way worse than being a misogynist shitbag. Stop being a horrible person.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":482356851539853312,"text":"@WisNasty2point0 They were really busy studying neuroscience?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":485995743228882944,"text":"@Wibbys Yeah men are known for being completely responsible drinkers who never puke. It's that Y chromosome, the \"anti-puke\" chromosome.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":485996702780751872,"text":"RT @_leastweasel: @YesYoureSexist btw, i couldnt track the source of this, but the original said \"ive made a robot that screams\" and it was\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":488813782748364800,"text":"http:\/\/t.co\/BW9r97i4p0","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":491737968655097857,"text":"Indeed. @Mello_Mark: @YesYoureSexist Lol okaaaay, what I meant doesn't really pertain to the workforce but whatever","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":495589566217457664,"text":"A lighthearted romp: http:\/\/t.co\/8lEtkiEjGF","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":496425174841831424,"text":"@KKhanMarwat *dies laughing* You realize most men can't cook and clean for themselves, right?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":499027478724505600,"text":"Wow, really digging deep there. Ask yourself WHY, ALWAYS. @Hobag_Johnson Not sexist, but i prefer to read books writen by men","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":499379717368471552,"text":"You cannot make this shit up: http:\/\/t.co\/d6Q7dibCJO","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":501228027276460032,"text":"RT @alexwroblewski: Protesters in #Ferguson after getting hit by tear gas from police http:\/\/t.co\/UgqDuhxBWw","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":504336842205200384,"text":"their report is the very DEFINITION of cherry picking.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":504679394863222784,"text":"#twosecondcomebacks \"You're too sensitive.\" \"No, you're not sensitive enough.\"","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":504779762750201856,"text":"One of our strongest tools in stopping violence against women is public shame of the abuser and public support of the victim.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":505034328720814080,"text":"If you're not watching Tropes vs Women, I don't know what you're doing with your life. The last one was the best yet: http:\/\/t.co\/djHauKUyfm","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":505035054960345089,"text":"@schmeezi Having male employees truly sucks because they undermine your authority based on your gender and tweet about you to strangers.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":509470482564149249,"text":"Don't touch my fucking food = feminist mantra","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":509905995389087744,"text":"@IbaLeal Oh, you mean like Competitive Lipstick Application? Olympic Shopping? The World Series of Eyelash Batting?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":510240265764753410,"text":"<3 http:\/\/t.co\/O2MMoUh8mS","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":510551895329767424,"text":"@suey_park It's technically in the burbs but I love Graziano's. Epic salad dressing.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":511022337022771200,"text":"@kburgess33 I mean if I can't rank oppressions how am I going to know who I shouldn't bother feeling sorry for?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":511611130926862336,"text":"Ivan and William = 66% of drivers involved @frayers101 http:\/\/t.co\/wZwOIo3hZR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":511611256181391360,"text":"@frayers101 http:\/\/t.co\/HG6rD30Oup","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":516720620436869120,"text":"@xCali_Boundx See: History of computer science and textile workers","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":520655939658334208,"text":"@Belfastscouse1 @OK_Commuter_ Do you people even hear yourselves?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":522453387737300992,"text":"White dude wins the Nobel for lit again, shocking, next you'll tell me his novels speak to a universal human experience","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":523224825779998720,"text":"@HighKush420 Looks like Cracker von Patriarch is at it again","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":527917415980888064,"text":"I'm not a misandrist but men are all \"hey I can do anything you can!\" but they're always whining for help raising children and cooking","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":531991832742617089,"text":"@doneal97 Actually, you're 100% wrong: http:\/\/t.co\/EH6Vkq2YTd","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":532167548960534528,"text":"It's pretty telling that in our beloved patriarchy the worst way to insult a woman is \"you do sexual things on your own terms\"","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":534507314053939200,"text":"@Vonta624 Look dude black women are beneath you on the shitty world white supremacist hierarchy maybe try solidarity","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":534507597257531392,"text":"@FearlessBubble @TooSexist I'm pretty sure you meant MRAs at the top there","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":534508181779939328,"text":"@andythewookie1 I'm sure you've memorized it because so many people must keep saying it to you.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":535208242511880192,"text":"I make it a point to stay away from all white stoner gamers just as a precaution.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":537003150742654976,"text":"Please, make ample use of this company's contact page. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME http:\/\/t.co\/ra7iYSDaGe #antiblackness","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":538148966245093377,"text":"\"There's a woman who comes by on the weekends and screams TAMALES! and all our Hispanic employees go running for the back door.\"","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":539565747291172864,"text":"It hurts my brain just trying to come up with #sexistfacts. \"The sun is 92 million miles from Earth\"?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":539846074404311040,"text":"RT @LenLetaylor: @YesYoureSexist it was a joke. Get over it. I don't condone violence full stop. So was her racism OK then","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":539846525736599552,"text":"@LenLetaylor \"That shit was racist and unacceptable.\" <-- wow!","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":540292240879648768,"text":"RT @imransiddiquee: Protesting is a disruption of oppression, an affront to hate. It is an act rooted in empathy, in love. #BlackLivesMatter","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":540541288610013186,"text":"The thing about Uber is, even if it wasn't a horrible, sexist, shitty company, I would still be against it.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":540594637854232577,"text":"RT @elonjames: That's another problem in our society. Facts are heard as attacks. If you're hurt by a fact then perhaps you should ask your\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":542808291349254144,"text":"\"Women have been equal socially for quite awhile now\" <-- said with all of the authority of the truly uninformed","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575595594531520512,"text":"Why is no one talking about how fluorescent orange Pete is?! #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":543765651635314689,"text":"These white racists are unqualified and were only hired because of affirmative action for whites, otherwise known as life.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":547176226456997888,"text":"@JoshuaFelts12 See: the first 200-some years of presidential press conferences","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":547773897689804800,"text":"RT @MsPackyetti: \"I don't wanna be a protestor. This isn't what I want to do with my life. I don't want to have to keep coming out here for\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":549290689914478592,"text":"RT @anne_theriault: And there goes any respect I had for Emma Stone RT @direhellswan: what in the fuck is this http:\/\/t.co\/EFZEUTXGT6","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":549290697954983936,"text":"RT @anne_theriault: WHY are people still working with Woody Allen. The same people who said we had to believe survivors when it came to Cos\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":550473692187074560,"text":"It DOES work for everything! @Cgeddings911 http:\/\/t.co\/orsL6WmuhQ","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":551510977544749057,"text":"RT @the_author_: Men have to assume women are angry (and that women's anger is inherently irrational), otherwise they might have to admit w\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":555829578737123328,"text":"RT @rgay: So how can we develop an effective insult to demonstrate weakness that isn't gendered?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":555847284962119680,"text":"Bodily fluids and odd combos of curse words and plain words are my insults of choice, but.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":556229268834091008,"text":"RT @tnwhiskeywoman: I once had a bf make a statement about himself & when I agreed with it, he said I was wrong. #BanMen","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":556874402403745793,"text":"RT @BlackGirlDanger: Re LRT: If you're a cishetdude ask yourself this question today: \"what if I just shut the fuck up?\"","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":558023203264536578,"text":"Applicants can receive a code or number that they must use in the title of their resumes\/cover letters.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":558028990741774336,"text":"@RadRoopa a mix of enthusiastic recruiting of underrepresented groups and making it hard to be subconsciously biased would be the ideal","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":559740775534444544,"text":"LRT: It's fucking rich when women are delegated the lion's share of housework and then mocked for their prowess at it.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":560585580531052544,"text":"I don't even like Ghostbusters but I will see the HELL out of this movie to spite misogynists.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564267010830262272,"text":"Calling for more sexism against women in a field because they call out sexism in that field is blowing my fucking mind right now,","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":566656732076593152,"text":"@IMrTrippy That you haven't grasped that Humanity 101 fact spells disaster for your interpersonal relationships.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575278854912090113,"text":"RT @rgay: I must say @twitter is useless in terms of dealing with harassment. You block and report and they tell you that they won't do any\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572337625169727488,"text":"Oh Colin \ud83d\ude1c\ud83d\ude0d #MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572332887007080448,"text":"\u201c@xxchloe08xx: Nikki...Kermit the frog called and he wants his voice back #MKR #MKR2015 #KillerBlondes @mykitchenrules\u201d\n\nAnd his face!!!!","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572330367249616897,"text":"\u201c@emmadaisy___: They won't mind if it's not perfectly presented.\n\nReally girls? Really? #MKR\u201d says the girls who are \"All about pretty!\"","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572329180198776833,"text":"shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh #MKR \u2014 watching MKR Australia","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572328485181521920,"text":"Nicki's \"that's not good\" pout bought to you by Botox[\u2122].\n\n#MKR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575644023278305280,"text":"Been dying for a \ud83d\udeac all of #MKR. #smokerlife","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575640214082715648,"text":"RT @SevenPerth: The countdown is on until #crabfest15! See our local #MKR teams on The Good Guys Cooking stage http:\/\/t.co\/McL1z1D9TC http:\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575605680515629056,"text":"MANU JUST SASSED KAT AND IT WAS THE BEST THING I'VE SEEN\/HEARD. Viva la France #MKR #mkr2015 \udbb9\udce7","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575598780357083137,"text":"#MKR Kat and Andre don't like anything but yet Andr\u00e9s plate was clean funny that, fuck off already guys","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575597543205175296,"text":"#MKR Nope, fuck that bullshit\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576181925741727744,"text":".@larryemdur: \u201cI just want to reach over and touch her hair\u2026\u201d So do we, Laz! Full video: https:\/\/t.co\/5CzdotonBV #MKR http:\/\/t.co\/IGSqq5JZ8j","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575983783045804032,"text":"\u201c@GWN7: We're going camping on #MKR, or as Ash & Camilla prefer -#GLAMPING http:\/\/t.co\/iq6XPS0lRp\u201d\n\nPity there wasn't time for #MardiGras","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575967055679127554,"text":"Can't believe that Kat and Andre are still in the competition \ud83d\ude33 #mkr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575958871795093505,"text":"RT @StevesCorner: Kat & Andre got a right slap there, just wish it was literal! Vile individuals taking great satisfaction in the negative \u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575958131764645888,"text":"@mykitchenrules #katandandre maybe you should make sure your dish is up to scratch before you laugh at others #nasty #mkr #mkr2015 \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575954292953198592,"text":"Colin described it as a crime against cooking! Not sure we\u2019d be ordering that for breakfast! #mkr #hungrycampers","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575953071173427200,"text":"Hmm, not sure we\u2019d like to eat Vicky and Celine\u2019s breakfast if it tastes anything like it looks! #mkr #hungrycampers","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575947217489436672,"text":"So glad the instant restaurants are over and done with! I've missed this chaos \ud83d\udc4d #mkr #ilovebreakfast #andcamping","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575947167447154689,"text":"What the.. Who eats meatballs for breakfast? #MKR \ud83d\ude37","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576546911194222592,"text":"My Kitchen Rules: Annie Caroline shocked by \u2018backstabbing\u2019 from rivals Kat Donald-Hill and Andre Pagano #mkr http:\/\/t.co\/JtSepkMfg9","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":563416275779457025,"text":"@DoctorAvenue sorry \ud83d\ude1f","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":564596184572903425,"text":"\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f Oakland \u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\n\n#blacklivesmatter http:\/\/t.co\/2H7F76vNTM","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":565028387232546816,"text":"@dylanw also, totes constructive mention, there. I'm sure you are a great instigator. \ud83d\ude18","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":569219399191638017,"text":"@bergholt \u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\ude18","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572969595155308544,"text":"@JillWetzler I \u2764\ufe0f u","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":573370063803195392,"text":"@hypatiadotca so happy. \u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f thanks!","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575155291739713537,"text":"I am grumpy over having to argue about if CNAMEs are allowed to have underscores.\n\nIt's in the freaking RFC. \ud83d\ude24","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":555010868753076226,"text":"RT @fredwimpy: Hollywood Moron of the Day #tcot #2A LIAM NEESON ON PARIS ATTACK: US GUN OWNERSHIP \u2018A [BLEEPING] DISGRACE\u2019 http:\/\/t.co\/iZtgY\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":558030938677211137,"text":"RT @BiblicalMessage: Why Yemen Is Incapable Of Banning Child Marriage \u2026: http:\/\/t.co\/XQ1eA6B1fp","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":561746686590984192,"text":"RT @RudawEnglish: #Breaking \u2014 #Peshmerga forces regain control of state-run oil field in al-Khabaz, #ISIS militants controlled the oil fiel\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":568193072070201344,"text":"RT @Juliet777777: DENMARK imam eve of last week\u2019s Islamic terrorist attacks: \u201cWe don\u2019t believe in interfaith dialogue\u201d http:\/\/t.co\/u9HG3RKm\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":568564619674923008,"text":"RT @RudawEnglish: #ISIS arrests more than 180 in #Mosul as the campaign of writing \u201cLong Live Peshmerga\u201d on the city walls continue. http:\/\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576359685843861505,"text":"RT @JakeM_1998: RT BillSpindle: It's all about power at the top, but for fighters on the ground #Tikrit is religious war on both sides \u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572068636338364417,"text":"@Liss_Luxe I know. The first one should be #feminazi","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":594917674448072704,"text":"RT @glebd: Ever told a sexist joke and a woman teammate laughed along because \u201cshe\u2019s cool\u201d? Read this now. http:\/\/t.co\/aCxDW6iheq","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":595397515849043968,"text":"@sjkilleen that's often how it's thrown at us. :\\ not always, but enough to make it noteworthy.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":574688639457886210,"text":"RT @amoshay25: Ya'll meet the BLACK FBI agent\/informant James Wormley Jones who sold out Marcus Garvey sending him to prison. #Coon http:\/\/\u2026","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":595392198956306432,"text":"@lilithsaintcrow @KosmoATD the dangers of having a mechanical keyboard and typing very fast.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576588305338339328,"text":"Read the feminazi mom's letter to the teacher. Priceless.\n\n\"I hope you wind up with an abusive husband who beats... http:\/\/t.co\/Uy7fnllWjq","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":573892581614030849,"text":"#Israel is SOOO #racist - sure. after the #arab #terror #attack today. #Shabbat #Shalom. and #Happy #Shushan #Purim. http:\/\/t.co\/41niKuruQJ","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":597172763493707776,"text":"@TheQuinnspiracy @ashleylynch @Nikeyg1 lush vanilla powder also makes a good dry conditioner.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":568815771733794816,"text":"Man wtf is this damn #Coon ass nigga #BillyBlanks doing on that damn commercial? ? #CooneryAtItsFinest","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":595108095392514050,"text":"@karinjiri it looks like no one has challenged it yet. most people don't know their rights.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571686330696003585,"text":"Feminazi's Sink Their Claws Into Lewinsky Over Sexy Tell-All - #TCOT #TLOT #p2 #TGDN #RedNation http:\/\/t.co\/BXF1n5U1Wh","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":597102890189131777,"text":"@JWYoder I remember hearing of something bad in conjunction with this person - came under fire from a lot of people iirc","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571851437510139905,"text":"@CarlosGerboles dude I got it, you're protector of journalistic integrity number 15 to bravely defend Scott walker from my feminazi rhetoric","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":603674345341333504,"text":"#BlameOneNotAll good job, I guess, for being decent humans? Is a cookie or a gold star in order?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571404378692837377,"text":"@frootsicle he interrupted the girl who started the conversation to say how much he, as a Jewish male, hates the term feminazi","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":596969114842726400,"text":"@tekniklr but the house is so cute","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572117552492642305,"text":"RT @ProWomanChoice: This makes me laugh. Every single time. #feminazi #feminism #YesALLWomen #feminist #misogyny #fem2 #WarOnWomen #p2 http\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":598413669353947138,"text":"@Visnes based on all of your responses to me so far, yes. that's what it looks like.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":594570300785709056,"text":"@GentlerMouse uh. It does save money. Eating things with a decent nutritional value is pretty expensive. Also other reasons.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576564751372828672,"text":".@femfreq @ashleylynch she is a feminazi, also I am proud to have cartoon plastic surgery","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":595043794984251392,"text":"@Tilaurin i would prob divorce someone before faction changing. :P","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":597423673159524352,"text":"@tauriqmoosa seems like a winner.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":601868528799494144,"text":"A new low for extremist #Qatari @AJArabic . Iran is behind terror attack on Shia #Arab mosque in #Qatif http:\/\/t.co\/XgVcN62i0R @StateDept","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":575531990402924544,"text":"@mosqeptiq @hale_razor if she picks @SenWarren to be her VP, I will take comfort in the collective implosion of feminazi vaginas everywhere.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":594775988401086464,"text":"@chaeronaea wtf did I just read.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":595367309683752961,"text":"@aquarianfool when i try to talk about, it's offen assumed i'm being transphobic, misogynistic, etc.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":603663448531152896,"text":"Oh come on boys, it's not EVERY feminists fault that you're angry and unliked, whatever happened to #BlameOneNotAll ?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571219190691921920,"text":"In #Adelaide for #adelaidefringe? Get your excellent self in2c @MacKirstys \n#comedy + #feminism\n http:\/\/t.co\/QLDynRqasN via @adelaide_fringe","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571545796950147074,"text":"Here we go. Fucking twitter man i hate this moving around shit. But no better way to find feminazi's lawl. http:\/\/t.co\/mbnEQhCMyT","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":576533294789046273,"text":"@fussybabybitch @FunVampire02 he has dyed hair.... the SJW FEMINAZI ILLUMINATI GOT TO HIM!!!!!!","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":595097983898787840,"text":"i'm pretty sympathetic when watching dudes in early stages startups try to figure out how diversity works.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":602199444587675649,"text":"http:\/\/t.co\/ZxbZV39jru: Maine Coon Babys www.#of-loveliness.de http:\/\/t.co\/hnuMt7cCMK #babys #coon #maine","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572094235387822083,"text":"@Jacklynkendrick @philippenis @I_Am_SteeN she gets her \"facts\" from tumblr feminazi's lmfaooo","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":599021438750695425,"text":"@bunnikira because how does that help anyone else?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":597102227610685440,"text":"@leonawisoker questions should be sent to press at http:\/\/t.co\/dr8FqxKYmq","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":597102691538509824,"text":"RT @culturekills: @freebsdgirl @untimelygamer I can just imagine a lobby full of dogs like this now. http:\/\/t.co\/OYvGpqtpz9","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":603653475424141312,"text":"#BlameOneNotAll especially when we point fingers at the rape victim who trusted her guy-friend enough to drink with him.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":598049462670364672,"text":"RT @ashelia: This girl had princess in her name so my friend and I roleplayed that she was our princess all game. Her bf got mad. http:\/\/t.\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":598888587002716160,"text":"@gkrnours bastards","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575820927650430976,"text":"@FeministFailure @hannahmathews86 @femfreq Well, feminazi's would say that women does not have d right to join an all male social club :-)","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":598914078543720449,"text":"1\/2 to being able to afford the move. Ugh didn't want to have to do it this fast. This is the worst timing. June\/July are conference months.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571789775964921856,"text":"@Sr_Dios C'mon feminazi","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":571701392974458880,"text":"my dad just called me a \"kind of feminazi\" bc im pro choice omfg","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576082415464132608,"text":"@fernhilldammit You're just an ev\u00fcl feminazi arentcha?","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":598494346027995136,"text":"\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95 the smell of blocks in the morning \ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576580896926654464,"text":"RT @Coopster04: @beachfordVA You pay Limbaugh ad $. You must air his show live in showroom. Guests can hear Rush say \"slut, FemiNazi, nags,\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":599527040698552320,"text":"@cheeseplus I will forward chef all the dickpics I receive on okcupid","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575419756943163393,"text":"RT @RicciCastro: @IngridBanerjee that's because you are a feminazi with obscure views on Clarkson, He embodies all that is top gear #BringB\u2026","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":594318284427644929,"text":"@princessputout priest >.>","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575992730393976832,"text":"@annieknk \"But what about that one feminazi I saw suplexing a teen boy for a flippant remark? Misandry\"","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":598432516777771008,"text":"RT @mistressmatisse: \"Sex Worker Festival Redefines the Oldest Profession\" http:\/\/t.co\/6M3qI4ZRdO","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":595122514335899648,"text":"@momsydaisy social justice is bullshit.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":598755717164630016,"text":"this is probably how i'm going to brainstorm for my next talk.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":595278830144651265,"text":"HOLY SHIT","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":603648008853401600,"text":"What? #NotAllMen is evolving! #NotAllMen evolved into #BlameOneNotAll!","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":603683360075030529,"text":"#cosplay #larp #develishangel #heromancercosplay #worldends #madmax #coon #amazone #warrior... http:\/\/t.co\/Wt1dHQGGVp","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":603692984442433536,"text":"RT @Hermit_Hwarang: \"I know women are being harmed and killed by men every day, but let's talk about me & how nice I am first.\" #BlameOneNo\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":594315432628092929,"text":"@bpub @TheQuinnspiracy plz don't use the word 'crazy'","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571997656853168128,"text":"RT @GamingWorldUK: #Feminazi #Revolution60 http:\/\/t.co\/dofLbucj0D","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":598728041288740865,"text":"@shinypb i don't think i could eat a stick of butter.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575848525000478720,"text":"@RealDoctorWhite here's another good one- never trust a feminazi.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":596360933770821632,"text":"GamerGate isn't the cause, it's a symptom. Look at the bigger picture.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":599115957512994816,"text":"@edzitron @funranium @jonrussell @ow literally","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":597335250105081856,"text":"@meowrobot i've noticed this as well when switching between devices.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":595332824057581568,"text":"@ANN_Lynzee ie: someone once told me it didn't matter if a rape accusation was accurate because the target was a terrible person.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":598538324475645952,"text":"@russs_jimus @SJWreptilian one person from the SPJ that's already been fired for being an asshole in the past? nope.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":603689275591364608,"text":"#BlameOneNotAll because Benedict Cumberbatch, David Tennant, Jared Padalecki, and Jensen Ackles must all be rapists too, right tumblr girls?","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":596439115286974465,"text":"I worked there before PA was forced (yes, it was not out of the goodness of their hearts despite what they told everyone) to start paying.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":596967309840777216,"text":"@kliksf for all the bodies sacrificed to the killallmen hashtag, obviously.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571238190868140032,"text":"@theMirai @gigagiga333 You can't just generalize. You feminazi's wanna generalize when it suits you but get special treatments individually","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":597334170730242048,"text":"@sferik do you know anything about this? am i missing something?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":596553976599842816,"text":"@TheDanaAddams eep. yeah, all of his shoes would be pretty dangerous, then. :(","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576672480238133248,"text":"Nothing disarms a Feminazi more than suddenly opening a door for her. It also opens many other 'hidden doors'","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":595104667400441857,"text":"@lee4hmz @Popehat looks like it's been going unchallenged so far.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":603665580231684098,"text":"RT @AfroArabian_: lol which salty reject started #BlameOneNotAll","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":603687540843905024,"text":"#BlameOneNotAll is not because I want to be congratulated by not being a rapist. It's because I don't wanna be categorized with stupid men.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":599676245484314624,"text":"He gets RTs from his group of bullies, but this isn't going to help his career in the long run. He's lost sight of how the internet works.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575421578709704706,"text":"@pelirubien define feminazi","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":599138766834388993,"text":"@jagregory @JohnACowie @brunns @thoughtworks i think this would be a bit diff - instead, working w\/tech companies that have issues.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576055660913115136,"text":"Yes I meant tht to u....\n& relax I m nt a feminazi .....\nSo u dnt hv to abuse me....\n#IndiasDaughter","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":575713991307096064,"text":"RT @loveucats: \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude3b#cat #mainecoon #cute #kitten #best_cats #coon #relax #meow #funny #fun #tiger\u2026 http:\/\/t.co\/M9K1gElGXR http:\/\/t.\u2026","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":598886848006488064,"text":"@Geniasaurus no! i refuse to click the link until work is over. you will not ruin my productivity!","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":570966463793639427,"text":"RT @EllieBaker92: LOLOLOLOL #feminazi #detected http:\/\/t.co\/Zqwomftl02","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":599801429310590977,"text":"@Illdrinn omg!!!! congrats! with the person i met a year or so ago?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":594383861577945088,"text":"hahaha. @Nayadrikj: \"you haven't seen mean girls, so i can't take you seriously.\"","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576162110541025280,"text":"@Iipkloss I don't have a sister either, but you're just another disgusting feminazi bitch, so we cool","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":576018654174662658,"text":"RT @tweek75: BTW, using terms like #feminazi and #libtard are good ways to make yourself look like an ignorant buffoon, @xkit. @LTock","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":595259164575731713,"text":"Princess of Monday mornings. http:\/\/t.co\/HhxEEvOpnz","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":599808851953590273,"text":"@cheeseplus there is a *lot* i need to learn about dev that ops did not prepare me for.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":603650410650275840,"text":"#BlameOneNotAll https:\/\/t.co\/R1kWiO0saN","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":603651817453580288,"text":"#BlameOneNotAll http:\/\/t.co\/2kk6cXxHnX","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":597924995185057792,"text":"@freebsdgirl and of course i meant reign of kings. too much MRA garbage always coming at me. :P","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":599693258554413056,"text":"@Nayadrikj yes. better than most. lyft is okay too, and lyft is cheaper.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":596747577342595072,"text":"@RedConversation it's fine, and thank you for the lovely comment. :)","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":599067157016645632,"text":"@korvys 800 sq ft","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":597126411317448704,"text":"@TupperwareBox tbf, i'm uh, quite busty, and i have no back problems, but my core strength is pretty decent due to weight lifting.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571828900080295936,"text":"Feminazi's favorite hangout. http:\/\/t.co\/bQtbSuy9KG","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":576417416860815360,"text":"@nat_com1 @Feminazi_Front Equanimity means calm contentment. Stop redefining words. I still don't know what you point is.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":594290060045852672,"text":"RT @AlejandroDaGr8: Because the suspect is Black Widow of the Avengers, right? \n\nWhich explains how she fired a \"hidden\" weapon WHILE handc\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":596826116767227904,"text":"AHHH FRAMING THIS AND PUTTING IT ON MY WALL http:\/\/t.co\/ggBSG7X14a","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":595319075288457216,"text":"@_NotJuice @Mechanical_Crow @butt_hump @srhbutts @vex0rian @RSG_VILLENA you guys killed me. totally dead.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575292940593012736,"text":"Drive my heart into the night - you can drop the keys off in the morning \ud83c\udfb6\ud83c\udfb5\ud83c\udfbc #kylagray #teamkyla #asian #lace http:\/\/t.co\/xYmshvZBko","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":598740875473092609,"text":"@darkuncle it is. :)","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":596798835143233536,"text":"@edzitron do my pr","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575866867543212033,"text":"@Furious_Mulatto If you want to talk about buzzterms then Feminazi is one that's used more to decry any attempt to promote women in society","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":571913609913085952,"text":"@Brittany_Blade @Feminazi_Front well they aren't. ISIS claims to be Muslim, but they're beliefs are nothing like it. So I don't (1\/2)","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576271921802674176,"text":"@Feminazi_Front FUCK YOU!!!","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":603687880716726272,"text":"#BlameOneNotAll please because I don't want to be associated or generalized with stupid men and I want woman to be equal faster.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":602688203292856322,"text":"STUPID IS WHAT STUPID DOES... ALL ABOARD THE #COON TRAIN... https:\/\/t.co\/Nm5V9x27Ja","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576133933101936640,"text":"\u201c@grazynaaa: @melaniedrinnan feelings mutual mate, just gonna give up on feminazi's like yourself\u201d why do you hate yourself","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":595652677092139008,"text":"Twitter HQ has a tasty breakfast menu. Joked about wanting to intern there for a week just for the food.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":570984729832517632,"text":"#no #more #feminAZI #doctors #oppressing #our #RIGHT #2to #ILLNESS #I'm #a #fucking #wank","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":599729743441735680,"text":"This person is scary as fuck, and has been irl stalking one of my friends. https:\/\/t.co\/upxkmkgw8q","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":594314708947054592,"text":"When my arena partner broke up with his girlfriend, my first thought was \"maybe we can actually push rating this season.\"\n\ni'm an asshole.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571014085808152576,"text":"\u201c@Johnny_Blaz3: #coon http:\/\/t.co\/zI77Bki3nO\u201d dying","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":571378090066223104,"text":"@brikeilarcnn this really burns you as a feminazi doesn't it?","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":596951973372366848,"text":"@jmatonak don't do it. It's never worth it.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576490099447230464,"text":"@chris_howarth3 @TiC_Podcast I am not a feminist or femiNazi just because I don't think female characters need sexy outfit in every game.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":570755007697432576,"text":"Wonder how many feminazi & social justice warrior heads explode when Hillary makes Villaraigosa her running mate? Hopefully a lot.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":594941955043434499,"text":"@ViolettaCrisis you're probably safe as long as you don't join one named feminists tbh.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":571799959504355328,"text":"@Angry_Feminazi @Jezebel @ursus_arctos59 That's what I thought, but there's some evidence it might deter survivors from seeking help at all.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571604838263480320,"text":"@UberFacts Feminazi's in Sweden are going to go apeshit on the middleaged white male for this.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":594616494941679617,"text":"@warrior_tank prot bcz it's derpy and OP","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":596376408382775296,"text":"This is an ex-coworker of mine. She was also an enforcer for far longer than I was.\n\nhttps:\/\/t.co\/NByQoZCiK0","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":596165409029496833,"text":"@warrior_tank randi#1266","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575829304124309505,"text":"@_rachwbu pathetic for being so aggressive cause I disagreed and then calling me a feminazi and extreme? Hypocritical","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":594580901972946944,"text":"Kinda freaking out still about nytimes editorial board endorsing ggautoblocker.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576108760025825280,"text":"One of my exes has become a feminazi that believes in homeopathy, I think her bitch ass beta boyfriend is to blame","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":576128433450852354,"text":"RT @jilevin: Here's where Rush Limbaugh is wrong in his use of the term, \"feminazi\": http:\/\/t.co\/WpEe56FtrW","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":595021949794852864,"text":"blowing kisses to Hatock before we battle. #selfie #warcraft http:\/\/t.co\/XMj9twtIHb","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":595104600547397632,"text":"\"I'll show you out.\"\n\n\"Oh, lucky me.\"\n\n\"I love the girl with the dragon tattoo.\"","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":603661362162720770,"text":"Wow! Basically all men are responsible for rape unless they are manginas\nhttp:\/\/t.co\/CpRvdWEqu9\n#BlameOneNotAll","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":603671958341984258,"text":"#BlameOneNotAll http:\/\/t.co\/0M6fctHWlH","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":598189621994917888,"text":"@OfRedAndBlue oh. See, that's really tough. Anger is often justified. But it's a question of who we are actually angry at.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575809561791217664,"text":"RT @Coopster04: .@Laurel325 As a mom of daughters, I am asking if you would call them 'sluts, sexretary or FemiNAZI'? Rush does & you pay f\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":594389688657412096,"text":"@JacePro i'm not honestly certain how i feel about heartmob so far. sometimes well intentioned mobs are not a good idea.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":597874727831478272,"text":"@koukopoulos @noellejoyeuse yes.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":603692894407405568,"text":"RT @IndyVoices: #BlameOneNotAll: Do men who don't hurt women actually need to be congratulated? http:\/\/t.co\/2MASnVrU4I http:\/\/t.co\/HMYaj5Ew\u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":595248030674079744,"text":"@LibFeathers i haven't! but i will put it on my list. :)","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":596377699695742976,"text":"@petfish burn that mother down","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":597577071502569472,"text":"You don't fuck around with the GPL. The GPL fucks around with you.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":596368122963042305,"text":"@Alan_Au as long as the show side even has the corporate name, they are too linked for me to support it.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":594404899409891329,"text":"I'm listening to a drunk economics major rant about economics on skype and it is the best thing ever.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575779467471126528,"text":".@DKParagon As a mom of daughters, I am asking if you would call them 'sluts, sexretary or FemiNAZI'? Rush does & you pay for it. #stoprush","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":595346863684915200,"text":"RT @Quinnae_Moon: As if the perceived benefits of visibility outweigh the harms of harassment on some kind of cosmic balance sheet.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":595091639862894592,"text":"@ChrisWarcraft lol. I haven't watched tonight's ep yet. Was just about to put it on.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":597125675347120128,"text":"@Geeky_Suzanne hahahhaha that sounds like something i'd do :P","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":597366750238281728,"text":"@sschinke https:\/\/t.co\/VzW3DRXruL","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":603658205688942592,"text":"While planning my entire life around getting home before dark, I absolutely have time to applaud men for not raping. #BlameOneNotAll","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":594609094029225984,"text":"durotan is all \"i don't do selfies, go away.\" #selfie #warcraft http:\/\/t.co\/0XGSt85zxP","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":598769897372459009,"text":"I love my friends in that industry, and to be completely honest, I'm even a little envious. They all love what they do.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575624965145387008,"text":"I liked a @YouTube video from @uhohbrochannel http:\/\/t.co\/QxKZaOS0Ft Feminazi FAIL","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":571031283633033216,"text":"@Boarhound the number of times lately I've seen unironic use of \"feminazi\", \"pc police\", and for fucks sake \"thought police\" astounds me","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":596801733466042368,"text":"@voretaq7 i can't eat super spicy. sriracha is still breaking me into the idea of spicy food.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576409940996263936,"text":"@neekroh Your picture creeps me the fuck out. #Coon xD","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":597865256933662720,"text":"Soylent told me my stuff was going to ship 2 weeks ago. They even created a shipping label. Still hasn't been shipped. *glare*","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":603688669103415296,"text":"jumping in the #BlameOneNotAll tag.I expect to find all kinds of bigoted fucktards telling me how I'm the problem http:\/\/t.co\/MwgmqJXPiR","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575565747730124800,"text":"#Iraq's FM says the country's fight against terror is an example for the #Arab world. #SuliForum http:\/\/t.co\/flVXodMQMZ","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":598412307648028672,"text":"When we say #killallmen, we are mocking the people that think feminism is the actual eradication of men or masculinity.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":601214952926519297,"text":"Drive pa \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\ude97. Music be kpop tho \ud83d\ude05#bts #drive #asian #filipinovines #kpop #BPTeens https:\/\/t.co\/d6YANOfXbx","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":595304996268183552,"text":"If anyone's still talking to JW on other mediums, tell him he has my <3 and support.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571620689318293504,"text":"Never talk about sexualization near a feminazi.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":603675210357800960,"text":"watching the HT #BlameOneNotAll with 1st world feminists dictate to india how to live&think this feminist imperialism must stop","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":594943964207157248,"text":"Me and my girl Lokra. #selfie http:\/\/t.co\/pt5R7QXRC1","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":595367229278924800,"text":"@aquarianfool same. it's a hard thing for me to talk about because i come from a position of privilege.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":603672307115122688,"text":"#Blameonenotall - We get it, not all of you are rapists, you can stop crying now.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576114252404170752,"text":"@EllieBaker92 There are a lot of annoying pseudo feminists, but the term \"feminazi\" was coined by Rush Limbaugh @StopRush . Just fyi lol...","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":603653050205642752,"text":"getting called a \"feminazi\" by a member of the lgbt community is a great feeling considering the fact that I'm standing up for ur rights\u270c\ufe0f","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571035677858660352,"text":"RT @Boarhound: every time you use the word \"feminazi\" an SJW gets their wings\n\n*flutters away on 2535 pairs of wings*","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":594423311561412608,"text":"i swear to god if any of these people snapchat me dick pics they are getting posted on my site.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":596722445035249665,"text":"https:\/\/t.co\/DLu5foEDhY omg @rstevens <3 <3 <3","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":599720179321344000,"text":"So many devs in my mentions are confused about this usage of the term threading. I love it. :P","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572225179604127745,"text":"Bitch be old as hell. Like a feminazi and shit! #WalkingDead","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":603648681565396992,"text":"RT @HeyChrisEdwards: Instead of sitting on our asses saying #BlameOneNotAll, let's take responsibility and educate ourselves about consent \u2026","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":594331639620063233,"text":"seriously pleasurebot, what is your deal http:\/\/t.co\/UoafmmGRaj","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":603649099531943937,"text":"Thank you, uncle, brother, male cousin, father, male friend ... random MAN, for not doing what you weren't supposed to do. #BlameOneNotAll","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":576639320561315840,"text":"@Feminazi_Front well.. Time to start making robots to do it, Metropolis here we come xD","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":595846855789047808,"text":"Guilty of everything in this video.\n\nEspecially the end.\n\nhttps:\/\/t.co\/ToxPbfNYmJ","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":572304203126718464,"text":"@Teelin \nAlso: is a dude \nFeminazi gulag recruiting dudes now?\nThat figures. \nSmart move.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":571226602484342784,"text":"@8bitsofsound @theMirai @Anarchangel_ Could not agree more. I am married to a woman and my wife finds these SJW\/feminazi's to be insane.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":576684142999547904,"text":"#mainecoon #coon #cat #kitty #pet #animal #catstagram #catlover #ajka #animals #pets #pets\u2026 http:\/\/t.co\/iFKVGbusza http:\/\/t.co\/74UM0QKl9C","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":595326785161596929,"text":"@ANN_Lynzee i think every white person has some level of bias and has to keep that in mind.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575743610513195008,"text":"@nat_com1 @Feminazi_Front It doesn't really make sense to complain abt inequality when it comes to biology.","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":598183028104433664,"text":"Call out behavior, not people.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":603684843973693440,"text":"@subhamlawrence Your cartoon about men opening a gate for women--Why not just move aside and let the women open it? #BlameOneNotAll","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":595254351955763202,"text":"@coil780 yes. i own some. they are pretty rad. they make them for dudes, too.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":603676953263013888,"text":"I would like to #BlameOneNotAll but it feels so safe and innocent to just generalize.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575923425694367744,"text":"I liked a @YouTube video http:\/\/t.co\/tr6tNfwd2f Male rights activist owns feminazi","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":571602038636732417,"text":"@gameragodzilla @Totalbiscuit @Grummz @BenKuchera as slurs such as feminazi and the like get shouted around, and everyone goes into","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":597136492381622274,"text":"I dedicate this thread to @SwiftOnSecurity","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":598166260531101696,"text":"@a_man_in_black i can't help but wonder if she bothered actually *talking* to kiva about her concerns before calling her out","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":603665881038626816,"text":"Son read #BlameOneNotAll. This is why I don't have a problem with generalization about Black men. I know I don't do certain things.","label":"racism"} |
{"tweet_id":595369350837612544,"text":"@krainboltgreene or that some of my followers would take it upon themselves to \"defend\" me by tweeting at that person w\/o my knowledge.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":594914067157884928,"text":"@harper bs. It's still there and you haven't absorbed it.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":595118624068669440,"text":"Raising an eyebrow at those that claim \"dog piling is bad\" while actively participating in call-out culture of single individuals.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":571552295734935552,"text":"@adonisnoire People think I'm a feminazi because I don't laugh at their jokes.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":597333941368922113,"text":"I can get a list of userids that have RTed a tweet with GET statuses\/retweeters\/ids - but what about favorites?","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575835451577212928,"text":"@TheMightyTrout @augvision ... yes, and why they view her as a \"feminazi\" is what's misogynistic.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576149899504386049,"text":"Call me sensitive, a bitch, a feminazi I don't give a fuck because that is not resolving the problem.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":576489199408451585,"text":"@Ocotcoizo feminazi","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":571733616759312386,"text":"@UberFacts ohh this misandrist feminazi matriarchal system is destroying male integrity","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":598751925413117953,"text":"So many awesome conferences coming up. Can't wait to see all my old friends at #BSDCan. :)","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":575576758361133056,"text":"Feminazi Blog Reminds Liberals Today Is \u201cNational Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers\u201d\u2026 http:\/\/t.co\/82vQJQXhYd via @WeaselZippers","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":576404868300144640,"text":"@tsuundere_bot @feyris_eboobs @MeanGoats @Uni_ebooks I pictured her as a man can have a man wants rights, feminazi swarm like piranhas","label":"sexism"} |
{"tweet_id":601780841879097344,"text":"Can learners drive corporate training | absolutely, how? http:\/\/t.co\/6pTvZ1LCgM #singapore #japan #asian #indonesia #malaysia","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":603675765926858752,"text":"RT @the_author_: #BlameOneNotAll because http:\/\/t.co\/L149egARhF","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":596799045814734849,"text":"@M_Wein @edzitron im p. worried now tbh","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":596356013730598912,"text":"But this just goes to prove - @TychoBrahe only really cares about online harassment when it's happening to him or one of his famous friends.","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":594590438150971392,"text":"@tauriqmoosa i don't have cable that's classist","label":"none"} |
{"tweet_id":596840832931475456,"text":"RT @neilhimself: It looks like by mentioning the https:\/\/t.co\/aS6yqXGuqv Kickstarter I have unleashed a bunch of shouty people on my Twitte\u2026","label":"none"} |