Paul Gets New Boots
[ "Paul wants to have some good footwear for winter.", "He decides to invest in a pair of heavy duty boots.", "Paul finds a great pair of boots.", "They're very warm.", "Paul is happy he has good winter boots." ]
[ "Paul is happy he has good winter boots.", "He decides to invest in a pair of heavy duty boots.", "Paul finds a great pair of boots.", "Paul wants to have some good footwear for winter.", "They're very warm." ]
[ 3, 1, 2, 4, 0 ]
First Date
[ "Nick and Jennifer met at a golf course.", "They decided to have their first date at a local restaurant.", "Jennifer was late because she couldn't decide which dress to wear.", "When she arrived, Nick told her she looked beautiful.", "Their date went very well and they planned another one!" ]
[ "When she arrived, Nick told her she looked beautiful.", "Nick and Jennifer met at a golf course.", "Jennifer was late because she couldn't decide which dress to wear.", "Their date went very well and they planned another one!", "They decided to have their first date at a local restaurant." ]
[ 1, 4, 2, 0, 3 ]
Train tracks.
[ "I was walking down by the tracks the other day.", "There were a lot of pretty trees down by the tracks.", "I saw a few trains roll by.", "I had a great time outdoors that day.", "I can't wait to do that again." ]
[ "There were a lot of pretty trees down by the tracks.", "I saw a few trains roll by.", "I had a great time outdoors that day.", "I was walking down by the tracks the other day.", "I can't wait to do that again." ]
[ 3, 0, 1, 2, 4 ]
Flunking Out
[ "John was doing poorly in school.", "He was on academic probation.", "If he failed one more class he would get kicked out.", "Unfortunately John knew he was going to fail two.", "He finished the semester and moved back home." ]
[ "Unfortunately John knew he was going to fail two.", "If he failed one more class he would get kicked out.", "John was doing poorly in school.", "He finished the semester and moved back home.", "He was on academic probation." ]
[ 2, 4, 1, 0, 3 ]
Bubble Bath
[ "The girl got out of bed.", "She checked her alarm clock.", "She still had time before work.", "She set the alarm.", "She took a relaxing bubble bath before work." ]
[ "The girl got out of bed.", "She took a relaxing bubble bath before work.", "She checked her alarm clock.", "She set the alarm.", "She still had time before work." ]
[ 0, 2, 4, 3, 1 ]
Flea infested dog
[ "Ginger took her son to the park one day.", "When they got there they found a dog.", "They have been wanting a dog so finding the dog made them happy.", "But when they started petting the dog they noticed something alarming.", "The dog was badly infested with fleas and bleeding bites on his skin." ]
[ "The dog was badly infested with fleas and bleeding bites on his skin.", "Ginger took her son to the park one day.", "They have been wanting a dog so finding the dog made them happy.", "But when they started petting the dog they noticed something alarming.", "When they got there they found a dog." ]
[ 1, 4, 2, 3, 0 ]
Holding the Door
[ "Tim was walking into the office.", "He noticed someone was behind him.", "He decided to hold the door open for them.", "They were too far away, though.", "Tim stood there awkwardly until they got there." ]
[ "Tim was walking into the office.", "He noticed someone was behind him.", "Tim stood there awkwardly until they got there.", "They were too far away, though.", "He decided to hold the door open for them." ]
[ 0, 1, 4, 3, 2 ]
High School Football
[ "Derek loved playing football.", "He was the quarterback and was pretty good.", "He only had one game left in his career.", "He wanted it to be a good one.", "He threw for the winning touchdown." ]
[ "He was the quarterback and was pretty good.", "He threw for the winning touchdown.", "He wanted it to be a good one.", "Derek loved playing football.", "He only had one game left in his career." ]
[ 3, 0, 4, 2, 1 ]
Karen's Ultimatum
[ "Karen had been with her boyfriend for years, hoping to marry.", "Now her younger brother was engaged and expecting a baby.", "Karen felt like it was time for her boyfriend to ask her.", "She gave him an ultimatum to either marry or leave.", "Her boyfriend chose to leave." ]
[ "Her boyfriend chose to leave.", "Now her younger brother was engaged and expecting a baby.", "She gave him an ultimatum to either marry or leave.", "Karen felt like it was time for her boyfriend to ask her.", "Karen had been with her boyfriend for years, hoping to marry." ]
[ 4, 1, 3, 2, 0 ]
Sarah finds a diamond
[ "Sarah is on vacation in another country.", "She checks into her hotel room.", "When she gets to the room she sees something amazing.", "A diamond is laying on the floor in front of the bed.", "She picks the diamond up and keeps it." ]
[ "She checks into her hotel room.", "A diamond is laying on the floor in front of the bed.", "She picks the diamond up and keeps it.", "Sarah is on vacation in another country.", "When she gets to the room she sees something amazing." ]
[ 3, 0, 4, 1, 2 ]
Hank's Day Off
[ "It was Hank's day off.", "He took a relaxing stroll to the beach.", "While there, he took pictures of the waves on the shore.", "He even got a photo of a passing boat.", "Hank felt much more refreshed when he went back to work." ]
[ "He even got a photo of a passing boat.", "He took a relaxing stroll to the beach.", "While there, he took pictures of the waves on the shore.", "It was Hank's day off.", "Hank felt much more refreshed when he went back to work." ]
[ 3, 1, 2, 0, 4 ]
Seth plays basketball
[ "Seth and his friends are bored on a weekend day.", "They are all coming up with ideas of what to do.", "Seth asks his friends if they wanna go play basketball.", "They all agree to the idea.", "Seth and his friends go and play basketball." ]
[ "They all agree to the idea.", "Seth and his friends are bored on a weekend day.", "Seth and his friends go and play basketball.", "They are all coming up with ideas of what to do.", "Seth asks his friends if they wanna go play basketball." ]
[ 1, 3, 4, 0, 2 ]
new friend
[ "Gabe was sitting in his school cafeteria eating his lunch.", "Suddenly, a female student sat his table.", "She began to talk to him.", "Gabe was surprised that someone wanted to talk to him.", "Gabe made a new friend." ]
[ "Suddenly, a female student sat his table.", "Gabe was surprised that someone wanted to talk to him.", "She began to talk to him.", "Gabe was sitting in his school cafeteria eating his lunch.", "Gabe made a new friend." ]
[ 3, 0, 2, 1, 4 ]
Kens mistake
[ "Ken was a cook.", "Ken was given an order for a medium rare steak.", "Ken cooked up the steak nice and rare.", "He went to serve it to the customers.", "The customer told him they wanted it well done." ]
[ "Ken was given an order for a medium rare steak.", "Ken was a cook.", "Ken cooked up the steak nice and rare.", "The customer told him they wanted it well done.", "He went to serve it to the customers." ]
[ 1, 0, 2, 4, 3 ]
Xander's Crush
[ "Xander has a crush on Sadie.", "He puts notes in her locker every day.", "Sadie writes notes back.", "Today, Xander is going to tell her he likes her.", "He hopes she feels the same way." ]
[ "He hopes she feels the same way.", "Today, Xander is going to tell her he likes her.", "Sadie writes notes back.", "He puts notes in her locker every day.", "Xander has a crush on Sadie." ]
[ 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 ]
Worst side effect
[ "Angelina has a medical condition.", "The Doctor prescribed her some daily medications.", "She has been taking them but has had some side effects.", "Some of them she can tolerate, and others are becoming intolerable.", "Her worst side effect that has become intolerable is the diarrhea." ]
[ "Angelina has a medical condition.", "Some of them she can tolerate, and others are becoming intolerable.", "Her worst side effect that has become intolerable is the diarrhea.", "The Doctor prescribed her some daily medications.", "She has been taking them but has had some side effects." ]
[ 0, 3, 4, 1, 2 ]
Broken Jars
[ "Larry was at the store.", "He was looking at glassware for his wife.", "He accidentally bumped into a display of jars.", "They all fell over and shattered.", "Larry had to pay for them all." ]
[ "Larry had to pay for them all.", "He accidentally bumped into a display of jars.", "They all fell over and shattered.", "He was looking at glassware for his wife.", "Larry was at the store." ]
[ 4, 3, 1, 2, 0 ]
[ "I bought a dvd with the Simpson's characters.", "Inside the box was a set of figurines.", "All the family members of the show were present.", "I took them all out and put them in a display case.", "I closed them inside and locked it for safety." ]
[ "I closed them inside and locked it for safety.", "All the family members of the show were present.", "I bought a dvd with the Simpson's characters.", "I took them all out and put them in a display case.", "Inside the box was a set of figurines." ]
[ 2, 4, 1, 3, 0 ]
Middle of Nowhere
[ "Ashley was driving with her brother.", "They decided to take back roads instead of the highway.", "They soon were lost and had no idea where they were.", "They spent hours driving around trying to find the right way.", "Ashley eventually stopped at a gas station to ask directions." ]
[ "They soon were lost and had no idea where they were.", "Ashley was driving with her brother.", "They spent hours driving around trying to find the right way.", "They decided to take back roads instead of the highway.", "Ashley eventually stopped at a gas station to ask directions." ]
[ 1, 3, 0, 2, 4 ]
[ "The tree lost its leaves.", "That winter it became very cold.", "The branches froze.", "The tree lost its branches.", "The next spring the leaves could not grow back." ]
[ "The tree lost its leaves.", "The next spring the leaves could not grow back.", "That winter it became very cold.", "The branches froze.", "The tree lost its branches." ]
[ 0, 2, 3, 4, 1 ]
Car Mechanic
[ "Barry always encouraged his daughter to do what she wanted.", "Recently, Barry's daughter told him she wanted to be a mechanic.", "Barry was shocked, but he decided to support his daughter.", "Barry's daughter is now a successful car mechanic for Toyota.", "Barry is so proud of his daughter's accomplishments as a mechanic." ]
[ "Barry is so proud of his daughter's accomplishments as a mechanic.", "Recently, Barry's daughter told him she wanted to be a mechanic.", "Barry's daughter is now a successful car mechanic for Toyota.", "Barry was shocked, but he decided to support his daughter.", "Barry always encouraged his daughter to do what she wanted." ]
[ 4, 1, 3, 2, 0 ]
Sam has a fall
[ "Sam is playing with her friends in her room.", "They decide to play hide and seek.", "Sam goes and runs to hide.", "While running she trips and falls down the stairs.", "Her friends all go and check on her and she turns out to be okay." ]
[ "They decide to play hide and seek.", "Her friends all go and check on her and she turns out to be okay.", "While running she trips and falls down the stairs.", "Sam is playing with her friends in her room.", "Sam goes and runs to hide." ]
[ 3, 0, 4, 2, 1 ]
Clean Up Time
[ "Abby noticed toys all over her living room.", "Abby immediately called her toddler to clean up.", "As she was cleaning up, they began singing the clean up song.", "Abby decided to help her daughter clean up the toys.", "Abby was proud that her daughter learned to clean up her toys." ]
[ "Abby decided to help her daughter clean up the toys.", "As she was cleaning up, they began singing the clean up song.", "Abby immediately called her toddler to clean up.", "Abby was proud that her daughter learned to clean up her toys.", "Abby noticed toys all over her living room." ]
[ 4, 2, 1, 0, 3 ]
First Drink
[ "My dad bought some nonalcoholic beer.", "Since it didn't have alcohol, I asked him if I could try it.", "He told me I wouldn't like it.", "I tried it, and made a terrible face.", "He laughed and kept pushing me on the swing." ]
[ "He laughed and kept pushing me on the swing.", "My dad bought some nonalcoholic beer.", "I tried it, and made a terrible face.", "He told me I wouldn't like it.", "Since it didn't have alcohol, I asked him if I could try it." ]
[ 1, 4, 3, 2, 0 ]
Donald builds a wall
[ "Donald started running for president.", "He eventually gets elected to be president.", "On his very first days in office he makes many changes.", "One of the first changes he makes is building a huge wall.", "Donald ends up building the wall between his country and Mexico." ]
[ "One of the first changes he makes is building a huge wall.", "He eventually gets elected to be president.", "Donald ends up building the wall between his country and Mexico.", "Donald started running for president.", "On his very first days in office he makes many changes." ]
[ 3, 1, 4, 0, 2 ]
Working all night
[ "I had a big project due last week.", "I had been working on it for months.", "The night before it was due I stayed up all night finishing it.", "When I was done I was really proud of it.", "I got an A on my project." ]
[ "The night before it was due I stayed up all night finishing it.", "I got an A on my project.", "When I was done I was really proud of it.", "I had a big project due last week.", "I had been working on it for months." ]
[ 3, 4, 0, 2, 1 ]
Foreign Food
[ "Karl went to an Indian restaurant.", "It was his first time eating such food.", "He tried a few different things.", "Everything tasted good to him.", "Karl returned to the place often." ]
[ "Karl returned to the place often.", "Karl went to an Indian restaurant.", "It was his first time eating such food.", "Everything tasted good to him.", "He tried a few different things." ]
[ 1, 2, 4, 3, 0 ]
[ "Kate and her friends were visiting Las Vegas.", "They decided to go to a casino.", "Kate played various games for two hours.", "And she was down $100.", "Kate decided to quit while she was ahead." ]
[ "Kate and her friends were visiting Las Vegas.", "Kate decided to quit while she was ahead.", "And she was down $100.", "Kate played various games for two hours.", "They decided to go to a casino." ]
[ 0, 4, 3, 2, 1 ]
[ "I grabbed a glass from the cabinet.", "Then I sliced a lemon and some cucumber to place in the glass.", "I poured water into the glass.", "I sighed after taking a big sip.", "That was a refreshing glass of water." ]
[ "Then I sliced a lemon and some cucumber to place in the glass.", "I sighed after taking a big sip.", "That was a refreshing glass of water.", "I poured water into the glass.", "I grabbed a glass from the cabinet." ]
[ 4, 0, 3, 1, 2 ]
Coupon Deal
[ "Jake offered to buy his friend lunch.", "As long as Jake chose where.", "Jake made sure to have a buy one get one free coupon.", "He used it and earned points for himself.", "His friend appreciated the free food." ]
[ "Jake offered to buy his friend lunch.", "Jake made sure to have a buy one get one free coupon.", "His friend appreciated the free food.", "He used it and earned points for himself.", "As long as Jake chose where." ]
[ 0, 4, 1, 3, 2 ]
Breakfast All Day
[ "Joe was really hungry.", "He wanted some breakfast food.", "Unfortunately it was past 11 AM.", "Then Joe remembered some fast food places still served breakfast.", "He wound up eating pancakes for lunch." ]
[ "Unfortunately it was past 11 AM.", "He wanted some breakfast food.", "Then Joe remembered some fast food places still served breakfast.", "He wound up eating pancakes for lunch.", "Joe was really hungry." ]
[ 4, 1, 0, 2, 3 ]
New Friends
[ "Saturday night I went to a bar with my friends.", "The bar was very crowded.", "I went to the counter to order a drink.", "Before I could pay for my drink, a stranger bought it for me.", "I thanked the stranger for the drink and went back to my friends." ]
[ "I went to the counter to order a drink.", "I thanked the stranger for the drink and went back to my friends.", "Saturday night I went to a bar with my friends.", "The bar was very crowded.", "Before I could pay for my drink, a stranger bought it for me." ]
[ 2, 3, 0, 4, 1 ]
[ "When Steven was 7, he wanted to learn how to swim.", "He took lessons once a week for a few months.", "He realized he loved swimming so he joined a swim team.", "He constantly improved his skills over the years.", "Next week, he swims for the USA in the Olympics." ]
[ "He constantly improved his skills over the years.", "When Steven was 7, he wanted to learn how to swim.", "He realized he loved swimming so he joined a swim team.", "Next week, he swims for the USA in the Olympics.", "He took lessons once a week for a few months." ]
[ 1, 4, 2, 0, 3 ]
Harold and Maude
[ "My wife and went to the movies in 1981.", "We saw the first movie.", "My wife did not like the second, Harold and Maude, and we left.", "Yesterday I saw the movie on DVR while my wife was at work.", "I enjoyed its offbeat character." ]
[ "My wife did not like the second, Harold and Maude, and we left.", "We saw the first movie.", "Yesterday I saw the movie on DVR while my wife was at work.", "My wife and went to the movies in 1981.", "I enjoyed its offbeat character." ]
[ 3, 1, 0, 2, 4 ]
Up-cycled clothes
[ "Rayna wanted new clothes but she didn't have any money to buy more.", "She then remembered watching a video about up-cycling old clothes.", "She realized that was a way to get herself some newer looking clothes.", "She went through her entire clothing attire and started altering them.", "When she was done she had 30 different newly upcycled clothing items." ]
[ "When she was done she had 30 different newly upcycled clothing items.", "She went through her entire clothing attire and started altering them.", "She then remembered watching a video about up-cycling old clothes.", "She realized that was a way to get herself some newer looking clothes.", "Rayna wanted new clothes but she didn't have any money to buy more." ]
[ 4, 2, 3, 1, 0 ]
Miles Eats Carrots
[ "Miles is feeling hungry one day.", "He decides to eat some carrots.", "Miles eats many carrots.", "Afterwards he drinks some water.", "Miles is glad he no longer feels hungry." ]
[ "Afterwards he drinks some water.", "He decides to eat some carrots.", "Miles is glad he no longer feels hungry.", "Miles is feeling hungry one day.", "Miles eats many carrots." ]
[ 3, 1, 4, 0, 2 ]
[ "Caleb dressed as Batman for halloween.", "He ordered a costume that looked really cool.", "The chest part was extra huge on him.", "It made it difficult for him to move around.", "He had trouble carrying his trick or treat bag because of it." ]
[ "Caleb dressed as Batman for halloween.", "The chest part was extra huge on him.", "He had trouble carrying his trick or treat bag because of it.", "He ordered a costume that looked really cool.", "It made it difficult for him to move around." ]
[ 0, 3, 1, 4, 2 ]
[ "Bob left his bedroom and a familiar smell greeted him.", "He walked down the hallway, following the scent.", "The smell was coming from the kitchen.", "Grandma had just pulled a hot tray out of the stove.", "She made the best biscuits." ]
[ "Bob left his bedroom and a familiar smell greeted him.", "She made the best biscuits.", "Grandma had just pulled a hot tray out of the stove.", "The smell was coming from the kitchen.", "He walked down the hallway, following the scent." ]
[ 0, 4, 3, 2, 1 ]
[ "I always look forward to the weekends.", "On Friday, we took off from work a little early.", "We bought some beer and champagne.", "We relaxed and had a few drinks together.", "We laughed and watched movies all night." ]
[ "On Friday, we took off from work a little early.", "I always look forward to the weekends.", "We laughed and watched movies all night.", "We relaxed and had a few drinks together.", "We bought some beer and champagne." ]
[ 1, 0, 4, 3, 2 ]
Moldy Bread
[ "The man ate some bread.", "The bread tasted weird.", "He looked at the bread.", "It was visibly moldy.", "He threw the bread away." ]
[ "It was visibly moldy.", "The man ate some bread.", "The bread tasted weird.", "He looked at the bread.", "He threw the bread away." ]
[ 1, 2, 3, 0, 4 ]
Jason isn't good enough
[ "Jason worked very hard for his family.", "His wife didn't think he did enough.", "She told him that he needed to leave.", "Jason got very sad and depressed.", "Jason eventually left his family." ]
[ "Jason worked very hard for his family.", "She told him that he needed to leave.", "Jason got very sad and depressed.", "His wife didn't think he did enough.", "Jason eventually left his family." ]
[ 0, 3, 1, 2, 4 ]
The new dog
[ "Sandra adopted a new dog.", "Her family fell in love when they saw him.", "They decided to name him Rover.", "They played with him all night.", "The dog passed out on the living room floor after all that playing." ]
[ "Her family fell in love when they saw him.", "Sandra adopted a new dog.", "They decided to name him Rover.", "The dog passed out on the living room floor after all that playing.", "They played with him all night." ]
[ 1, 0, 2, 4, 3 ]
Arni's Restaurant
[ "Arni opened a restaurant with his son.", "He taught his son to make the best pasta in the state.", "They advertised all over for their grand opening.", "Hundreds of people ate there that day.", "Their restaurant will be open for years." ]
[ "Arni opened a restaurant with his son.", "Their restaurant will be open for years.", "They advertised all over for their grand opening.", "Hundreds of people ate there that day.", "He taught his son to make the best pasta in the state." ]
[ 0, 4, 2, 3, 1 ]
First Day
[ "Josh just moved into his new dorm room.", "He was nervous about meeting his new roommate.", "Luckily he seemed like a cool guy.", "Josh and him got along well.", "They became great friends." ]
[ "He was nervous about meeting his new roommate.", "Luckily he seemed like a cool guy.", "Josh and him got along well.", "They became great friends.", "Josh just moved into his new dorm room." ]
[ 4, 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
[ "The girl sat down.", "Her seat was wet.", "It soaked her pants.", "The girl had to change her pants.", "The mom cleaned up the chair." ]
[ "It soaked her pants.", "The girl had to change her pants.", "Her seat was wet.", "The girl sat down.", "The mom cleaned up the chair." ]
[ 3, 2, 0, 1, 4 ]
Cora Learns to Walk
[ "Sarah's dog Cora doesn't like to go out on the leash.", "She pulls or refuses to walk when Sarah puts her harness on.", "Sarah took Cora to an obedience school.", "She had to take her for five Saturdays in a row.", "It cost $200, but now Cora knows how to walk on a leash." ]
[ "It cost $200, but now Cora knows how to walk on a leash.", "Sarah's dog Cora doesn't like to go out on the leash.", "She had to take her for five Saturdays in a row.", "Sarah took Cora to an obedience school.", "She pulls or refuses to walk when Sarah puts her harness on." ]
[ 1, 4, 3, 2, 0 ]
John learns to swim
[ "John knew how to do almost everything.", "He did not know how to swim though.", "John wanted to learn so he took lessons.", "Eventually John learned how to swim.", "John went on to be a great swimmer." ]
[ "John knew how to do almost everything.", "He did not know how to swim though.", "Eventually John learned how to swim.", "John went on to be a great swimmer.", "John wanted to learn so he took lessons." ]
[ 0, 1, 4, 2, 3 ]
[ "Kate and her friends were sharing a suite in Vegas.", "There were four girls.", "And only one bed.", "Kate didn't feel like fighting.", "So she decided to simply sleep on a couch." ]
[ "And only one bed.", "There were four girls.", "So she decided to simply sleep on a couch.", "Kate didn't feel like fighting.", "Kate and her friends were sharing a suite in Vegas." ]
[ 4, 1, 0, 3, 2 ]
[ "The man stubbed his toe.", "He thought it was broke.", "He called the doctor.", "The doctor made a house call.", "He told the man that his toe was fine." ]
[ "He called the doctor.", "The man stubbed his toe.", "The doctor made a house call.", "He told the man that his toe was fine.", "He thought it was broke." ]
[ 1, 4, 0, 2, 3 ]
Dancing Contest
[ "Ken was a ballroom dancer.", "He had a big contest coming up.", "Unfortunately he hurt his ankle.", "Ken wasn't sure if he could do it, but practiced hard.", "Eventually Ken felt good enough to compete." ]
[ "Eventually Ken felt good enough to compete.", "Ken was a ballroom dancer.", "Unfortunately he hurt his ankle.", "He had a big contest coming up.", "Ken wasn't sure if he could do it, but practiced hard." ]
[ 1, 3, 2, 4, 0 ]
Less Than
[ "Kate was using a service to find an apartment for her.", "They informed her they had 12 units in her price range.", "But when she arrived they had bad news.", "They had only found three.", "It was hard for Kate to remain positive after this news." ]
[ "They informed her they had 12 units in her price range.", "It was hard for Kate to remain positive after this news.", "They had only found three.", "Kate was using a service to find an apartment for her.", "But when she arrived they had bad news." ]
[ 3, 0, 4, 2, 1 ]
Small Portions
[ "Liz was out on a date.", "She was nervous at dinner.", "She only got a small amount of food.", "Even that she cold barely eat.", "Her date thought it was odd." ]
[ "Even that she cold barely eat.", "Liz was out on a date.", "Her date thought it was odd.", "She was nervous at dinner.", "She only got a small amount of food." ]
[ 1, 3, 4, 0, 2 ]
[ "Our chickens lay eggs.", "They like to find a secret nesting place.", "Sometimes they all lay in the same place.", "They change their nesting place from time to time.", "It seems as though they like to make us hunt for their eggs!" ]
[ "Sometimes they all lay in the same place.", "They change their nesting place from time to time.", "Our chickens lay eggs.", "It seems as though they like to make us hunt for their eggs!", "They like to find a secret nesting place." ]
[ 2, 4, 0, 1, 3 ]
Sharp Scissors
[ "Jimmy was playing around too much in class.", "He was warned to settle down several times.", "At one point he started running around with some scissors.", "He tripped and cut himself with them as he fell.", "He had to go to the nurse's office and learned a valuable lesson." ]
[ "He tripped and cut himself with them as he fell.", "At one point he started running around with some scissors.", "He had to go to the nurse's office and learned a valuable lesson.", "He was warned to settle down several times.", "Jimmy was playing around too much in class." ]
[ 4, 3, 1, 0, 2 ]
The decision
[ "I found out I was pregnant about 3 months ago.", "I did not want to know the sex of the baby.", "I have been trying to think of names.", "There are so many choices.", "I decided to wait until I saw the baby to name it." ]
[ "I decided to wait until I saw the baby to name it.", "I found out I was pregnant about 3 months ago.", "There are so many choices.", "I did not want to know the sex of the baby.", "I have been trying to think of names." ]
[ 1, 3, 4, 2, 0 ]
[ "Dan noticed several mangoes on his tree.", "He grabbed a ladder and climbed on top of his shed.", "While he was grabbing the mangoes, the neighbor noticed.", "Since the tree was on his yard, he became mad.", "He threatened to call the cops if Dan continues to take the mangoes." ]
[ "Since the tree was on his yard, he became mad.", "He threatened to call the cops if Dan continues to take the mangoes.", "He grabbed a ladder and climbed on top of his shed.", "While he was grabbing the mangoes, the neighbor noticed.", "Dan noticed several mangoes on his tree." ]
[ 4, 2, 3, 0, 1 ]
Playing Poker
[ "Charles was invited to play poker with friends.", "He had never played before.", "He learned as he played and kept winning.", "He did well by the end of the night.", "Charles decided to play with them again." ]
[ "He did well by the end of the night.", "Charles decided to play with them again.", "He had never played before.", "He learned as he played and kept winning.", "Charles was invited to play poker with friends." ]
[ 4, 2, 3, 0, 1 ]
Bath Time
[ "Every night Mike takes a bath.", "He prepares the tub and gets his clothes ready.", "Sometimes he stays in longer to play.", "His mother always washes him up before he gets out.", "It is one of Mike's favorite times of the day." ]
[ "His mother always washes him up before he gets out.", "It is one of Mike's favorite times of the day.", "Every night Mike takes a bath.", "He prepares the tub and gets his clothes ready.", "Sometimes he stays in longer to play." ]
[ 2, 3, 4, 0, 1 ]
Water Quality
[ "The water quality in my town has been going down.", "It seems like every week, a new report comes out.", "In my house, we decided to get some water filters.", "Since then, the water has at least tasted a lot better.", "Hopefully, it isn't as polluted, anymore, either." ]
[ "Since then, the water has at least tasted a lot better.", "Hopefully, it isn't as polluted, anymore, either.", "It seems like every week, a new report comes out.", "In my house, we decided to get some water filters.", "The water quality in my town has been going down." ]
[ 4, 2, 3, 0, 1 ]
Chicken Soup
[ "Since she was little, Debbie's mother made her soup when she was sick.", "She made all kinds of soup but chicken soup was her best.", "This winter when she got the flu, she called her mother.", "Later that day, her mother showed up with a large container of soup.", "She was feeling better in no time." ]
[ "She made all kinds of soup but chicken soup was her best.", "She was feeling better in no time.", "Since she was little, Debbie's mother made her soup when she was sick.", "This winter when she got the flu, she called her mother.", "Later that day, her mother showed up with a large container of soup." ]
[ 2, 0, 3, 4, 1 ]
Scuba Diving
[ "Deb had never been scuba diving before.", "One of her friends convinced her to go.", "The two of them went to a nearby scuba shop.", "The entire experience was thrilling to Deb.", "Deb had found a new favorite hobby." ]
[ "The two of them went to a nearby scuba shop.", "Deb had never been scuba diving before.", "Deb had found a new favorite hobby.", "The entire experience was thrilling to Deb.", "One of her friends convinced her to go." ]
[ 1, 4, 0, 3, 2 ]
Bad Sleep Patterns
[ "Tim stayed up all night watching television.", "He then slept it most of the day.", "The following night he wasn't sleepy.", "He tried to force himself to sleep.", "Unfortunately Tim just tossed and turned on the bed." ]
[ "Unfortunately Tim just tossed and turned on the bed.", "He then slept it most of the day.", "The following night he wasn't sleepy.", "Tim stayed up all night watching television.", "He tried to force himself to sleep." ]
[ 3, 1, 2, 4, 0 ]
[ "The man got wet.", "He went home to get dry.", "His home was locked.", "He couldn't find the key.", "He had to go to a neighbor's house to get dry." ]
[ "He had to go to a neighbor's house to get dry.", "He couldn't find the key.", "He went home to get dry.", "The man got wet.", "His home was locked." ]
[ 3, 2, 4, 1, 0 ]
Job Hunting
[ "Meg was looking for a job.", "She applied to many different places.", "A store called and asked if she'd come in for an interview.", "The interview went very well.", "Meg got the job." ]
[ "A store called and asked if she'd come in for an interview.", "The interview went very well.", "She applied to many different places.", "Meg got the job.", "Meg was looking for a job." ]
[ 4, 2, 0, 1, 3 ]
Night Time
[ "Kate and her friend were finally in Las Vegas.", "They drove down the street in awe.", "It was 1 AM when they arrived.", "But the streets were still full of people walking and partying.", "Kate couldn't believe the streets were as full as the afternoon." ]
[ "Kate and her friend were finally in Las Vegas.", "But the streets were still full of people walking and partying.", "Kate couldn't believe the streets were as full as the afternoon.", "They drove down the street in awe.", "It was 1 AM when they arrived." ]
[ 0, 3, 4, 1, 2 ]
Missed Bus
[ "A man came out of the building today.", "He asked me if the bus to Harvard Square had left.", "I told him it had just left a few minutes ago.", "He got onto his phone and contacted Uber.", "He got his ride a few minutes later." ]
[ "He asked me if the bus to Harvard Square had left.", "He got his ride a few minutes later.", "He got onto his phone and contacted Uber.", "I told him it had just left a few minutes ago.", "A man came out of the building today." ]
[ 4, 0, 3, 2, 1 ]
Car Wash
[ "Ken decided to wash his car.", "It took him a couple of hours.", "He did a very thorough job.", "Just then it started to rain.", "Ken had to move his car into the garage." ]
[ "It took him a couple of hours.", "Ken had to move his car into the garage.", "Ken decided to wash his car.", "He did a very thorough job.", "Just then it started to rain." ]
[ 2, 0, 3, 4, 1 ]
Wild Mushrooms
[ "Sam was out on a hike.", "He ran across some wild mushrooms.", "He took them with him just in case.", "He verified online that they were edible.", "He risked it and cooked them into a delicious meal." ]
[ "He took them with him just in case.", "He risked it and cooked them into a delicious meal.", "Sam was out on a hike.", "He verified online that they were edible.", "He ran across some wild mushrooms." ]
[ 2, 4, 0, 3, 1 ]
Snowboarding For the First Time
[ "John was invited snowboarding by friends.", "He had never done that before.", "He decided to give it a try.", "The first time out he fell pretty badly.", "John decided to stop trying to snowboard." ]
[ "John was invited snowboarding by friends.", "The first time out he fell pretty badly.", "He had never done that before.", "He decided to give it a try.", "John decided to stop trying to snowboard." ]
[ 0, 2, 3, 1, 4 ]
Sandra gets a haircut
[ "Sandra is really unhappy with her hair.", "Her friends all criticize her it looks bad.", "She decides to do something about it.", "She heads to the salon to get a haircut.", "She shows off her new hair to hair friends and impresses them." ]
[ "Sandra is really unhappy with her hair.", "She heads to the salon to get a haircut.", "She shows off her new hair to hair friends and impresses them.", "She decides to do something about it.", "Her friends all criticize her it looks bad." ]
[ 0, 4, 3, 1, 2 ]
No Snack
[ "Needing a snack, I walked to the kitchen.", "I looked through the refrigerator.", "I grabbed the package of humus and some pita chips.", "There were not enough chips for a serving.", "I put the humus back." ]
[ "Needing a snack, I walked to the kitchen.", "There were not enough chips for a serving.", "I put the humus back.", "I grabbed the package of humus and some pita chips.", "I looked through the refrigerator." ]
[ 0, 4, 3, 1, 2 ]
Marriage or we break up
[ "Janet and John have been dating for 10 years.", "Janet has always wanted to be married to John.", "But John never wants to get married.", "Janet told John that they either get married or they should break up.", "Unfortunately for Janet, John chose that they break up." ]
[ "Unfortunately for Janet, John chose that they break up.", "Janet has always wanted to be married to John.", "Janet and John have been dating for 10 years.", "But John never wants to get married.", "Janet told John that they either get married or they should break up." ]
[ 2, 1, 3, 4, 0 ]
Record Time
[ "Fred had a really fast motorcycle.", "He wanted to break a land speed record.", "He went with his team out to test it.", "Fred was afraid of the bikes power but held on.", "He was able to beat the record." ]
[ "Fred was afraid of the bikes power but held on.", "He was able to beat the record.", "Fred had a really fast motorcycle.", "He went with his team out to test it.", "He wanted to break a land speed record." ]
[ 2, 4, 3, 0, 1 ]
Tuckers swimming adventure
[ "Tucker is swimming with his friends in the public pool.", "Tucker is having a great time with his friends.", "His friends all decide to get out of the pool.", "Tucker is wondering why they all got out.", "When he looks around he sees that someone peed in the water." ]
[ "When he looks around he sees that someone peed in the water.", "Tucker is swimming with his friends in the public pool.", "Tucker is wondering why they all got out.", "His friends all decide to get out of the pool.", "Tucker is having a great time with his friends." ]
[ 1, 4, 3, 2, 0 ]
Phil saves a cat
[ "Phil is out mowing his lawn one day.", "When he notices something stuck in his tree.", "He rushes over to see what it is.", "He sees that is a cat that is stuck.", "He climbs up the tree and rescues the cat." ]
[ "He climbs up the tree and rescues the cat.", "He sees that is a cat that is stuck.", "When he notices something stuck in his tree.", "Phil is out mowing his lawn one day.", "He rushes over to see what it is." ]
[ 3, 2, 4, 1, 0 ]
Pixie Hair Cut
[ "Abby had very long blonde hair.", "Recently, Abby decided she would donate her hair to charity.", "In addition, Abby decided she wanted a short pixie cut.", "Abby's hairdresser did the cut, and showed Abby the hair for donation.", "Abby was glad she could get a haircut, and donate to charity as well." ]
[ "Abby's hairdresser did the cut, and showed Abby the hair for donation.", "Abby was glad she could get a haircut, and donate to charity as well.", "Recently, Abby decided she would donate her hair to charity.", "In addition, Abby decided she wanted a short pixie cut.", "Abby had very long blonde hair." ]
[ 4, 2, 3, 0, 1 ]
Strong Winds
[ "Phil was out flying a kite.", "The day seemed extra stormy.", "He had trouble holding on to it.", "Eventually the cord snapped.", "Phil's kite was lost to nature." ]
[ "Phil was out flying a kite.", "He had trouble holding on to it.", "Phil's kite was lost to nature.", "Eventually the cord snapped.", "The day seemed extra stormy." ]
[ 0, 4, 1, 3, 2 ]
Getting Fat
[ "Loyd was in a car accident.", "He broke his leg.", "While recovering he gained a lot of weight.", "Lloyd blamed the leg but it went beyond that.", "He continued to let himself go." ]
[ "Lloyd blamed the leg but it went beyond that.", "He continued to let himself go.", "While recovering he gained a lot of weight.", "He broke his leg.", "Loyd was in a car accident." ]
[ 4, 3, 2, 0, 1 ]
Miranda's big news
[ "Miranda had a big announcement to make.", "She gathered all of her friends and family around.", "Miranda told all of her friends and family she was pregnant.", "Miranda got hugs and kisses from her family.", "Miranda was so relieved her family took the news well." ]
[ "She gathered all of her friends and family around.", "Miranda was so relieved her family took the news well.", "Miranda had a big announcement to make.", "Miranda told all of her friends and family she was pregnant.", "Miranda got hugs and kisses from her family." ]
[ 2, 0, 3, 4, 1 ]
Bad Directions
[ "Larry was visiting family in a different town.", "He got lost and asked for directions.", "After a while he was even more lost.", "He asked someone else and they gave him different directions entirely.", "Those took him to the right place." ]
[ "After a while he was even more lost.", "Larry was visiting family in a different town.", "He got lost and asked for directions.", "He asked someone else and they gave him different directions entirely.", "Those took him to the right place." ]
[ 1, 2, 0, 3, 4 ]
Cold Pizza
[ "Sam was hung over one morning.", "He didn't want to cook any breakfast.", "The only food available was leftover pizza.", "He was too lazy to even cook it.", "He ate it cold and it was delicious." ]
[ "He didn't want to cook any breakfast.", "Sam was hung over one morning.", "He was too lazy to even cook it.", "He ate it cold and it was delicious.", "The only food available was leftover pizza." ]
[ 1, 0, 4, 2, 3 ]
Smelly Shoes
[ "Jake noticed a smell in his apartment.", "He couldn't figure out what it was.", "Finally he realized it was his feet.", "His shoes got wet and smelled terrible.", "Jake decided to throw them away." ]
[ "Jake decided to throw them away.", "Jake noticed a smell in his apartment.", "His shoes got wet and smelled terrible.", "Finally he realized it was his feet.", "He couldn't figure out what it was." ]
[ 1, 4, 3, 2, 0 ]
Stolen Car Stereo
[ "Jake's car was broken into.", "The glass was shattered and stereo stolen.", "Jake was furious.", "He called the cops and they filed a report.", "The burglar was never caught." ]
[ "He called the cops and they filed a report.", "Jake's car was broken into.", "Jake was furious.", "The burglar was never caught.", "The glass was shattered and stereo stolen." ]
[ 1, 4, 2, 0, 3 ]
[ "Jim and his family lived on a farm.", "One day Jim sees a huge dark cloud coming towards him.", "He notices it's a tornado.", "He and his family go into the shelter.", "They wait in the shelter as the tornado passes." ]
[ "Jim and his family lived on a farm.", "He notices it's a tornado.", "He and his family go into the shelter.", "They wait in the shelter as the tornado passes.", "One day Jim sees a huge dark cloud coming towards him." ]
[ 0, 4, 1, 2, 3 ]
Ken's Break In
[ "Someone broke into Ken's car.", "His checkbook had been left in the car.", "Ken had to fill out a police report.", "He had to cancel out his checking account.", "Ken had to reopen a new checking account after the break in." ]
[ "Ken had to fill out a police report.", "Someone broke into Ken's car.", "Ken had to reopen a new checking account after the break in.", "He had to cancel out his checking account.", "His checkbook had been left in the car." ]
[ 1, 4, 0, 3, 2 ]
The Play
[ "I really wanted a part in the school play.", "I auditioned for a singing role.", "Unfortunately, I was instantly rejected.", "I still got a chance to be a part of the play.", "They let me open and close the curtains." ]
[ "Unfortunately, I was instantly rejected.", "They let me open and close the curtains.", "I really wanted a part in the school play.", "I auditioned for a singing role.", "I still got a chance to be a part of the play." ]
[ 2, 3, 0, 4, 1 ]
Ted hurts his back
[ "Ted is out working on his car.", "While bending over to look under the car his back snaps.", "Ted cannot move and is unbearable pain.", "He yells for his wife to come help him.", "She helps him up and drives him to the hospital." ]
[ "Ted cannot move and is unbearable pain.", "She helps him up and drives him to the hospital.", "He yells for his wife to come help him.", "While bending over to look under the car his back snaps.", "Ted is out working on his car." ]
[ 4, 3, 0, 2, 1 ]
Eating berries
[ "The other day I went for a walk in the woods.", "I came across a bush full of berries.", "The berries looked tasty so I picked them.", "I took them back to my place to eat them.", "They were so tasty." ]
[ "The berries looked tasty so I picked them.", "They were so tasty.", "I came across a bush full of berries.", "The other day I went for a walk in the woods.", "I took them back to my place to eat them." ]
[ 3, 2, 0, 4, 1 ]
[ "Tom went to the bank.", "He had to deposit a check.", "He went there to the teller.", "He actually left his check at home.", "He had to go back." ]
[ "He had to go back.", "He actually left his check at home.", "Tom went to the bank.", "He went there to the teller.", "He had to deposit a check." ]
[ 2, 4, 3, 1, 0 ]
Sam gets a bike
[ "Sam is a 7 year old girl.", "She always wanted to own her very own bike.", "All of her friends wanted a bike.", "One evening while playing with her friend.", "Her parents roll out her very own bike to have and enjoy." ]
[ "One evening while playing with her friend.", "All of her friends wanted a bike.", "Her parents roll out her very own bike to have and enjoy.", "Sam is a 7 year old girl.", "She always wanted to own her very own bike." ]
[ 3, 4, 1, 0, 2 ]
Ken crashes
[ "Ken is driving home from the gym.", "He sees a deer in the road.", "He swerves out of the way to try and not hit it.", "He hits the deer anyways.", "He gets out to check on the deer, it ran off like nothing happened." ]
[ "He hits the deer anyways.", "He sees a deer in the road.", "Ken is driving home from the gym.", "He swerves out of the way to try and not hit it.", "He gets out to check on the deer, it ran off like nothing happened." ]
[ 2, 1, 3, 0, 4 ]
Going Bald
[ "Carl started going bald at a young age.", "He was twenty eight when his hair started falling out.", "Carl decided to get hair implants.", "He saved up money and was able to make it happen.", "Carl got more self confident afterward." ]
[ "Carl started going bald at a young age.", "He saved up money and was able to make it happen.", "He was twenty eight when his hair started falling out.", "Carl decided to get hair implants.", "Carl got more self confident afterward." ]
[ 0, 2, 3, 1, 4 ]
Lost Car
[ "Ken went to a big amusement park.", "When he went outside he couldn't find his car.", "The parking lot was massive.", "Ken looked for a long time.", "Eventually all other cars left and he could find his easier." ]
[ "Ken went to a big amusement park.", "Ken looked for a long time.", "When he went outside he couldn't find his car.", "The parking lot was massive.", "Eventually all other cars left and he could find his easier." ]
[ 0, 2, 3, 1, 4 ]
Going Fishing
[ "Tom went fishing with friends.", "He was the only one catching fish.", "For some reason he had better luck.", "His friends were mildly upset.", "Tom won them over by sharing his catch." ]
[ "For some reason he had better luck.", "His friends were mildly upset.", "Tom won them over by sharing his catch.", "He was the only one catching fish.", "Tom went fishing with friends." ]
[ 4, 3, 0, 1, 2 ]
[ "The doctor told my aunt Joshua had ADHD.", "He advised he be put on medication.", "She refused, saying ADHD wasn't real.", "He tried to explain to her that it was very real.", "After many years of difficulty, Joshua finally got the help he needed." ]
[ "He advised he be put on medication.", "The doctor told my aunt Joshua had ADHD.", "He tried to explain to her that it was very real.", "After many years of difficulty, Joshua finally got the help he needed.", "She refused, saying ADHD wasn't real." ]
[ 1, 0, 4, 2, 3 ]
The Doctor.
[ "Billy wants to become a doctor to help people.", "He learns interesting things as he progresses through school.", "He opens his own private practice.", "Billy becomes rich by helping patients.", "Now Billy only cares about the money." ]
[ "Billy wants to become a doctor to help people.", "He learns interesting things as he progresses through school.", "Now Billy only cares about the money.", "Billy becomes rich by helping patients.", "He opens his own private practice." ]
[ 0, 1, 4, 3, 2 ]
Molly survives the attack
[ "Molly is out swimming.", "Molly swims deep into the ocean.", "Molly feels something swim near her.", "A shark begins to attack molly.", "Molly swims back to shore and survives the attack." ]
[ "A shark begins to attack molly.", "Molly feels something swim near her.", "Molly is out swimming.", "Molly swims back to shore and survives the attack.", "Molly swims deep into the ocean." ]
[ 2, 4, 1, 0, 3 ]
Twitter Trouble
[ "Janet was always outspoken.", "She got a Twitter and kept it up.", "Eventually Janet upset a lot of people.", "She almost lost her job.", "She decided to delete her account." ]
[ "Janet was always outspoken.", "She almost lost her job.", "She got a Twitter and kept it up.", "She decided to delete her account.", "Eventually Janet upset a lot of people." ]
[ 0, 2, 4, 1, 3 ]
Youtube babies
[ "Latoya and Adam met at a youtube event.", "They both had a youtube channel of their own.", "The two of them had great chemistry and started dating.", "A year later they moved in together and got married.", "They have been together for 5 years now and have 2 babies together." ]
[ "The two of them had great chemistry and started dating.", "Latoya and Adam met at a youtube event.", "They both had a youtube channel of their own.", "They have been together for 5 years now and have 2 babies together.", "A year later they moved in together and got married." ]
[ 1, 2, 0, 4, 3 ]
Broken Record
[ "Sam got a new record player.", "He was excited to try it out.", "When he first played a record it sounded terrible.", "He was afraid that the player was broken.", "Same tried other records and realized the player wasn't the problem." ]
[ "He was afraid that the player was broken.", "Sam got a new record player.", "He was excited to try it out.", "Same tried other records and realized the player wasn't the problem.", "When he first played a record it sounded terrible." ]
[ 1, 2, 4, 0, 3 ]