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1 | washington iraq prime minister haider al-abadi visit president donald trump washington week march 19 white house spokesman say tuesday white house spokesman sean spic make announcement regular news brief without provide detail iraq 's al-abadi visit trump late march | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: washington iraq prime minister haider al-abadi visit president donald trump washington week march 19 white house spokesman say tuesday white house spokesman sean spic make announcement regular news brief without provide detail iraq 's al-abadi visit trump late march | 1 | 0.99486 | 1 | 0.99517 |
0 | donald trump sure know make want vomit skill master particular cringeworthy clip admit think paris hilton hot age 12 one moment.trump appear howard stern show go beautiful daughter ivanka bff child disturbingly creepy somebody lot people give credit actuality really beautiful paris hilton say know paris hilton time 12 parent friends mine first time saw walk room say hell wan na bang stern ask well 12 interest trump say never beautiful trump continue say paris hilton dumb like fox confess watch sex tape stern ask happen come across leak video gop nominee say wife melania show him.trump obsession women look secret neither love young women hell man say daughter flesh blood perhaps date watch trump talk hot paris hilton kid feature image via steve pope/getty image doug benc/getty image watch trump admit think paris hilton hot 12 video | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: donald trump sure know make want vomit skill master particular cringeworthy clip admit think paris hilton hot age 12 one moment.trump appear howard stern show go beautiful daughter ivanka bff child disturbingly creepy somebody lot people give credit actuality really beautiful paris hilton say know paris hilton time 12 parent friends mine first time saw walk room say hell wan na bang stern ask well 12 interest trump say never beautiful trump continue say paris hilton dumb like fox confess watch sex tape stern ask happen come across leak video gop nominee say wife melania show him.trump obsession women look secret neither love young women hell man say daughter flesh blood perhaps date watch trump talk hot paris hilton kid feature image via steve pope/getty image doug benc/getty image watch trump admit think paris hilton hot 12 video | 0 | 0.999831 | 0 | 0.999856 |
1 | washington u.s. president donald trump house representatives leaders push wednesday vote plan overhaul obamacare say make progress efforts win conservative republicans demand change legislation vote bill possible soon thursday members house freedom caucus conservative republican faction say negotiate alterations plan white house much discussion hinge conservatives desire scrap label essential health benefit service insurance plan require cover affordable care act commonly call obamacare mental health help tell make great progress mark meadows chairman hardline conservative house freedom caucus tell reporters yet hopeful trump meet white house members freedom caucus thursday 11:30 a.m white house say president court conservatives bill appear lose traction among republican moderate attend meet late wednesday house speaker paul ryan office representative charlie dent leader tuesday group house republican moderate issue statement say could back bill believe bill current form lead loss coverage make insurance unaffordable many americans particularly low- moderate-income old individuals dent say statement chairman house rule committee meet day wednesday set rule bill consideration house floor say late wednesday panel would resume meet thursday make definite decision time floor vote repeal replace democratic former president barack obama 2010 affordable care act first major test trump legislative ability whether keep big promise business plan air trump election campaign first two months office lift u.s. stock market new highs stock fell back sharply tuesday investors worry rough ride healthcare legislation could affect ability deliver big piece agenda cut tax regulation boost infrastructure major stock index wobble wednesday dow jones industrial average end slightly 500 slightly high investors eagerly await thursday healthcare vote could pivotal trump broad plan freedom caucus object bill members believe still close obamacare representative steve king conservative among lawmakers meet trump wednesday morning white house say would vote bill get commitment trump publicly advocate change legislation reach senate eliminate essential benefit also include emergency room visit maternity newborn care full firm commitment many witness president trump king say video statement youtube meadows say members freedom caucus also discuss essential benefit administration conservatives say reduce scrap mandate would bring insurance premiums side patient advocate say require coverage would hurt individuals healthcare providers could leave countless people little coverage meet health care need drive high rat uncompensated care hospitals already struggle cover cost bruce siegel president america essential hospitals say statement early wednesday freedom caucus aide say 25 members oppose enough stop bill pass republicans afford lose 21 vote party since democrats unite opposition democrats meanwhile say amend bill senate would affect procedure increase amount vote republicans would need chamber currently republicans intend pass plan budget reconciliation process little room change require simple majority pass white house spokeswoman sarah sanders also give sign negotiations make headway late wednesday continue move forward add new supporters constantly say indicate previously open change bill make good grow support primary aim obama signature legislation pass 2010 reduce number americans health coverage twenty million people gain insurance law nonpartisan congressional budget office estimate 14 million people would lose coverage republican plan next year also say 24 million few people would insure 2026. republican plan would also rescind tax create obamacare repeal penalties buy coverage slash fund medicaid program poor modify subsidies help individuals buy plan two weeks since unveil share hospital operators health insurers fall 10 percent healthcare bill pass house senate could take next week republican leaders hope senate act quickly bill could go back house final vote mid-april possibly allow trump sign law easter april 16. opponents overhaul fiercely vocal wednesday protesters many wheelchairs serious medical condition block capitol rotunda hour rather go jail die without medicaid chant capitol police say make 54 arrest late release protesters aca vs. ahca senators stand ahca americans feel ahca trump fight healthcare bill make headway conservatives | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: washington u.s. president donald trump house representatives leaders push wednesday vote plan overhaul obamacare say make progress efforts win conservative republicans demand change legislation vote bill possible soon thursday members house freedom caucus conservative republican faction say negotiate alterations plan white house much discussion hinge conservatives desire scrap label essential health benefit service insurance plan require cover affordable care act commonly call obamacare mental health help tell make great progress mark meadows chairman hardline conservative house freedom caucus tell reporters yet hopeful trump meet white house members freedom caucus thursday 11:30 a.m white house say president court conservatives bill appear lose traction among republican moderate attend meet late wednesday house speaker paul ryan office representative charlie dent leader tuesday group house republican moderate issue statement say could back bill believe bill current form lead loss coverage make insurance unaffordable many americans particularly low- moderate-income old individuals dent say statement chairman house rule committee meet day wednesday set rule bill consideration house floor say late wednesday panel would resume meet thursday make definite decision time floor vote repeal replace democratic former president barack obama 2010 affordable care act first major test trump legislative ability whether keep big promise business plan air trump election campaign first two months office lift u.s. stock market new highs stock fell back sharply tuesday investors worry rough ride healthcare legislation could affect ability deliver big piece agenda cut tax regulation boost infrastructure major stock index wobble wednesday dow jones industrial average end slightly 500 slightly high investors eagerly await thursday healthcare vote could pivotal trump broad plan freedom caucus object bill members believe still close obamacare representative steve king conservative among lawmakers meet trump wednesday morning white house say would vote bill get commitment trump publicly advocate change legislation reach senate eliminate essential benefit also include emergency room visit maternity newborn care full firm commitment many witness president trump king say video statement youtube meadows say members freedom caucus also discuss essential benefit administration conservatives say reduce scrap mandate would bring insurance premiums side patient advocate say require coverage would hurt individuals healthcare providers could leave countless people little coverage meet health care need drive high rat uncompensated care hospitals already struggle cover cost bruce siegel president america essential hospitals say statement early wednesday freedom caucus aide say 25 members oppose enough stop bill pass republicans afford lose 21 vote party since democrats unite opposition democrats meanwhile say amend bill senate would affect procedure increase amount vote republicans would need chamber currently republicans intend pass plan budget reconciliation process little room change require simple majority pass white house spokeswoman sarah sanders also give sign negotiations make headway late wednesday continue move forward add new supporters constantly say indicate previously open change bill make good grow support primary aim obama signature legislation pass 2010 reduce number americans health coverage twenty million people gain insurance law nonpartisan congressional budget office estimate 14 million people would lose coverage republican plan next year also say 24 million few people would insure 2026. republican plan would also rescind tax create obamacare repeal penalties buy coverage slash fund medicaid program poor modify subsidies help individuals buy plan two weeks since unveil share hospital operators health insurers fall 10 percent healthcare bill pass house senate could take next week republican leaders hope senate act quickly bill could go back house final vote mid-april possibly allow trump sign law easter april 16. opponents overhaul fiercely vocal wednesday protesters many wheelchairs serious medical condition block capitol rotunda hour rather go jail die without medicaid chant capitol police say make 54 arrest late release protesters aca vs. ahca senators stand ahca americans feel ahca trump fight healthcare bill make headway conservatives | 0 | 0.997783 | 0 | 0.997019 |
0 | much money take foreign nation buy unite state senator ask republican tom cotton.for lousy million paycheck israel hire cotton lead effort sabotage iran nuclear deal obama administration toil months achieve.bill kristol emergency committee israel donate cotton senatorial campaign long take office cotton pen letter sign 47 colleagues iranian leaders attempt get abandon negotiations warn republican president honor deal struck.his effort sabotage important diplomatic negotiations even draw criticism former army general express disappointment former veteran cotton know good undermine july cotton continue effort compare secretary state john kerry iran deal pontius pilate crucifixion jesus.then cotton openly make oath israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu trip israel pledge allegiance israel vow sabotage iran deal today meet reaffirm opposition deal cotton announce stand prime minister netanyahu israel work colleagues congress stop deal ensure israel mean defend iran terrorist surrogates perfectly illustrate israel get republicans turn country fit since recent nsa leak reveal israel indeed bribe gop members congress rail iran addict info report last week u.s. intelligence official involve manage nsa intercept say israel communications republicans include question get vote go take denial treason make either republicans israel point clearly israel successfully buy new puppets consider republicans crusade deal months fact america break campaign finance laws give israel secret opportunity donate campaign like cotton make republican israeli treachery credible.cotton get million dollars campaign israel super pac go work israeli overlords sabotage american foreign policy.sometimes really simple.featured image gage skidmore flickr tom cotton accept million israel sabotage iran nuclear deal | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: much money take foreign nation buy unite state senator ask republican tom cotton.for lousy million paycheck israel hire cotton lead effort sabotage iran nuclear deal obama administration toil months achieve.bill kristol emergency committee israel donate cotton senatorial campaign long take office cotton pen letter sign 47 colleagues iranian leaders attempt get abandon negotiations warn republican president honor deal struck.his effort sabotage important diplomatic negotiations even draw criticism former army general express disappointment former veteran cotton know good undermine july cotton continue effort compare secretary state john kerry iran deal pontius pilate crucifixion jesus.then cotton openly make oath israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu trip israel pledge allegiance israel vow sabotage iran deal today meet reaffirm opposition deal cotton announce stand prime minister netanyahu israel work colleagues congress stop deal ensure israel mean defend iran terrorist surrogates perfectly illustrate israel get republicans turn country fit since recent nsa leak reveal israel indeed bribe gop members congress rail iran addict info report last week u.s. intelligence official involve manage nsa intercept say israel communications republicans include question get vote go take denial treason make either republicans israel point clearly israel successfully buy new puppets consider republicans crusade deal months fact america break campaign finance laws give israel secret opportunity donate campaign like cotton make republican israeli treachery credible.cotton get million dollars campaign israel super pac go work israeli overlords sabotage american foreign policy.sometimes really simple.featured image gage skidmore flickr tom cotton accept million israel sabotage iran nuclear deal | 0 | 0.99906 | 0 | 0.998736 |
1 | washington mick mulvaney white house budget chief act director consumer financial protection bureau cfpb say monday intention fire leandra english attempt block take control agency former cfpb head richard cordray name english lead bureau follow resignation last month appointment mire turmoil u.s. president donald trump assign mulvaney role u.s. district court judge last week side trump say law give mulvaney right lead consumer finance watchdog english challenge decision news brief cfpb monday mulvaney tell reporters would absolutely consider fire english would like continue serve deputy director direct contact english could immediately reach comment lawyer deepak gupta since arrive cfpb mulvaney implement hire freeze suspend new regulations 30 days monday say also review 100 pending enforcement action include litigation well private settlement talk investigations decline comment specific case say two litigation action ask delay separately cite cfpb case mortgage company phh corp phh.n one issue without elaborate budget chief say data security also top priority instruct bureau stop collect personally identifiable information data security problems highlight bureau independent audit office address mulvaney week bring republican congressional lawyer brian johnson senior adviser plan quickly bring board political hire help review bureau exist pending regulations budget chief say go get weed something enjoy budget agency ... fund structure personnel type things add trump want move expeditiously name permanent replacement senate confirmation process likely take time mulvaney expect interim role seven months say interview reuters english expect formally file preliminary injunction mulvaney trump week accord court file mulvaney say plan fire u.s. consumer bureau 's english | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: washington mick mulvaney white house budget chief act director consumer financial protection bureau cfpb say monday intention fire leandra english attempt block take control agency former cfpb head richard cordray name english lead bureau follow resignation last month appointment mire turmoil u.s. president donald trump assign mulvaney role u.s. district court judge last week side trump say law give mulvaney right lead consumer finance watchdog english challenge decision news brief cfpb monday mulvaney tell reporters would absolutely consider fire english would like continue serve deputy director direct contact english could immediately reach comment lawyer deepak gupta since arrive cfpb mulvaney implement hire freeze suspend new regulations 30 days monday say also review 100 pending enforcement action include litigation well private settlement talk investigations decline comment specific case say two litigation action ask delay separately cite cfpb case mortgage company phh corp phh.n one issue without elaborate budget chief say data security also top priority instruct bureau stop collect personally identifiable information data security problems highlight bureau independent audit office address mulvaney week bring republican congressional lawyer brian johnson senior adviser plan quickly bring board political hire help review bureau exist pending regulations budget chief say go get weed something enjoy budget agency ... fund structure personnel type things add trump want move expeditiously name permanent replacement senate confirmation process likely take time mulvaney expect interim role seven months say interview reuters english expect formally file preliminary injunction mulvaney trump week accord court file mulvaney say plan fire u.s. consumer bureau 's english | 1 | 0.91181 | 1 | 0.994445 |
1 | rollout tax-cut plan promote u.s. president donald trump senior congressional republicans delay wednesday group lawmakers special interest dig key provision insist change contentious issue tax debate likely play come weeks months garner enough support pass congress send trump sign law 401 republicans eye new limit much money americans pump year 401 retirement account pre-tax basis low limit tax-free contributions would produce new revenue help republicans pay tax cut propose high-income earners corporations wealthy families inheritances taxpayers channel 18,000 income tax-free 401 s. republican tax writers initially propose low cap 2,400 pushback number flux firm manage 401 plan wall street firm execute trade 54 million americans 401 account could hurt change mortgage americans deduct mortgage interest incomes itemize deductions plan call change directly call double standard deduction separate tax return line determine eligibility itemize double would mean few americans itemize few deduct mortgage interest critics say double standard deduction would make mortgage-interest deduction benefit higher-income taxpayers national association home builders declare opposition republican plan propose create new non-itemized tax credit mortgage interest salt proposal eliminate popular tax deduction state local tax salt payments threaten derail republican plan democratic republican lawmakers high-tax state new york california new jersey oppose change would hit constituents hard real estate interest fight exemption state local property tax expect make bill cap salt-state republicans say would satisfy adequate property-tax deduction others say push preserve income-tax deductibility pass-throughs republicans want cut tax rate pass-through businesses partnerships sole proprietorships 25 percent high 39.6 percent winners would include many pass-throughs small mom-and-pop businesses would also benefit big enterprises hedge fund real estate partnerships losers would upper middle-class wage-earners unable channel incomes pass-through structure tax experts warn slash pass-through rate could unleash new tax-dodging scheme enable americans run personal incomes pass-through structure partnerships corporations sole proprietorships tax negotiators examine ways limit type professional partnerships would qualify new pass-through rate also weigh proposal limit new rate 30 percent business income business interest another change evaluate republicans end restrict tax deductibility business interest would mean business borrowers could long write interest pay debts businesses form group call build coalition oppose provision members include abbott laboratories abt.n owens-illinois oi.n global spgi.n lobby group private equity firm farmers mortgage bankers real estate investment trust casinos equipment lease group tax writers look ways exempt small businesses allow continue deduct business interest debts deficit long ago republicans stand firmly increase federal budget deficit national debt analysts say tax plan would hugely expand washington expect collect 3.3 trillion tax 2017 spend trillion leave deficit 700 billion previous deficits pile national debt 20 trillion trump tax-cut plan would reduce federal tax revenues 2.4 trillion first 10 years 3.4 trillion 10 years add greatly deficit debt accord tax policy center non-partisan think tank plan would give small economic boost soon overwhelm rise federal debt burden center say help rich tax plan struggle since unveil rough framework september criticism democrats social activists say giveaway wealthy corporations hurt neglect others issue tax policy center study say 2018 income group would see average tax fall taxpayers group would face tax increase high incomes would receive big tax cut factbox trump tax plan stumble local tax deduction 401 | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: rollout tax-cut plan promote u.s. president donald trump senior congressional republicans delay wednesday group lawmakers special interest dig key provision insist change contentious issue tax debate likely play come weeks months garner enough support pass congress send trump sign law 401 republicans eye new limit much money americans pump year 401 retirement account pre-tax basis low limit tax-free contributions would produce new revenue help republicans pay tax cut propose high-income earners corporations wealthy families inheritances taxpayers channel 18,000 income tax-free 401 s. republican tax writers initially propose low cap 2,400 pushback number flux firm manage 401 plan wall street firm execute trade 54 million americans 401 account could hurt change mortgage americans deduct mortgage interest incomes itemize deductions plan call change directly call double standard deduction separate tax return line determine eligibility itemize double would mean few americans itemize few deduct mortgage interest critics say double standard deduction would make mortgage-interest deduction benefit higher-income taxpayers national association home builders declare opposition republican plan propose create new non-itemized tax credit mortgage interest salt proposal eliminate popular tax deduction state local tax salt payments threaten derail republican plan democratic republican lawmakers high-tax state new york california new jersey oppose change would hit constituents hard real estate interest fight exemption state local property tax expect make bill cap salt-state republicans say would satisfy adequate property-tax deduction others say push preserve income-tax deductibility pass-throughs republicans want cut tax rate pass-through businesses partnerships sole proprietorships 25 percent high 39.6 percent winners would include many pass-throughs small mom-and-pop businesses would also benefit big enterprises hedge fund real estate partnerships losers would upper middle-class wage-earners unable channel incomes pass-through structure tax experts warn slash pass-through rate could unleash new tax-dodging scheme enable americans run personal incomes pass-through structure partnerships corporations sole proprietorships tax negotiators examine ways limit type professional partnerships would qualify new pass-through rate also weigh proposal limit new rate 30 percent business income business interest another change evaluate republicans end restrict tax deductibility business interest would mean business borrowers could long write interest pay debts businesses form group call build coalition oppose provision members include abbott laboratories abt.n owens-illinois oi.n global spgi.n lobby group private equity firm farmers mortgage bankers real estate investment trust casinos equipment lease group tax writers look ways exempt small businesses allow continue deduct business interest debts deficit long ago republicans stand firmly increase federal budget deficit national debt analysts say tax plan would hugely expand washington expect collect 3.3 trillion tax 2017 spend trillion leave deficit 700 billion previous deficits pile national debt 20 trillion trump tax-cut plan would reduce federal tax revenues 2.4 trillion first 10 years 3.4 trillion 10 years add greatly deficit debt accord tax policy center non-partisan think tank plan would give small economic boost soon overwhelm rise federal debt burden center say help rich tax plan struggle since unveil rough framework september criticism democrats social activists say giveaway wealthy corporations hurt neglect others issue tax policy center study say 2018 income group would see average tax fall taxpayers group would face tax increase high incomes would receive big tax cut factbox trump tax plan stumble local tax deduction 401 | 0 | 0.998475 | 0 | 0.998132 |
1 | harare zimbabwe electoral commission zec chairwoman rita makarau resign friday months vote whose credibility crucial new army-backed government efforts re-engage international lenders lure investors senior government source say makarau see ally 93-year-old former president robert mugabe give reason resignation official decline name say president emmerson mnangagwa swear two weeks ago wake de facto military coup end mugabe 37-year rule pledge hold elections schedule next year finance minister patrick chinamasa mention credibility elections least five time budget speech thursday sign vote importance shore harare democratic legitimacy opposition party demand reform electoral system say skew rule zanu-pf party favor makarau accuse partisan oversee overhaul voters roll opposition movement democratic change describe shambolic makarau answer mobile phone spokesman zec unable confirm makarau departure head zimbabwe election commission quit source say | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: harare zimbabwe electoral commission zec chairwoman rita makarau resign friday months vote whose credibility crucial new army-backed government efforts re-engage international lenders lure investors senior government source say makarau see ally 93-year-old former president robert mugabe give reason resignation official decline name say president emmerson mnangagwa swear two weeks ago wake de facto military coup end mugabe 37-year rule pledge hold elections schedule next year finance minister patrick chinamasa mention credibility elections least five time budget speech thursday sign vote importance shore harare democratic legitimacy opposition party demand reform electoral system say skew rule zanu-pf party favor makarau accuse partisan oversee overhaul voters roll opposition movement democratic change describe shambolic makarau answer mobile phone spokesman zec unable confirm makarau departure head zimbabwe election commission quit source say | 0 | 0.930458 | 1 | 0.93196 |
1 | vienna chief u.n. atomic watchdog reiterate friday iran world robust nuclear verification regime u.s. president donald trump strike blow 2015 iran nuclear deal defiance world power nuclear-related commitments undertake iran jcpoa implement yukiya amano director general international atomic energy agency say refer iran nuclear proper name joint comprehensive plan action u.n. nuclear watchdog reiterate iran subject world 's tough control | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: vienna chief u.n. atomic watchdog reiterate friday iran world robust nuclear verification regime u.s. president donald trump strike blow 2015 iran nuclear deal defiance world power nuclear-related commitments undertake iran jcpoa implement yukiya amano director general international atomic energy agency say refer iran nuclear proper name joint comprehensive plan action u.n. nuclear watchdog reiterate iran subject world 's tough control | 1 | 0.994615 | 1 | 0.99517 |
1 | puerto ordaz venezuela venezuelan drivers face grow queue buy gasoline despite world large oil reserve add opec country woes refineries sputter socialist economic system crumble line buy fuel shutter service station intermittent problems much year notably outside capital caracas recent days problem worsen line pop service station caracas drivers southern city puerto ordaz wait average four hours fill tank urgent medical appointment suspend gasoline line several block long say nelly gutierrez 35 accountant medicine water internet gasoline long government go put us state oil company petroleos de venezuela pdvsa immediately respond request comment reason apparent dip supply week unclear country refineries function record low due constant outages insufficient supply crude result slump output union leaders refinery workers say pdvsa suffer dramatic cash flow shortage result low oil price struggle pay import fuel fill gap case resolve major supply disruptions within days although one shortage march last several weeks affect export ally trade partner cuba fourteen tankers wait port venezuela caribbean unload total 4.2 million barrel fuel blend components commission pdvsa yet do lack payment accord thomson reuters data ship source early september many 24 cargoes hold await payment least six divert destinations atlantic storm cause supply tighten elsewhere others discharge recent days receive payments pdvsa force prepay fuel import payment delay lead suppliers halt open credit company u.s. sanction impose last month also make difficult pdvsa get letter credit need import export president nicolas maduro say country victim economic war accuse administration u.s. president donald trump worsen situation sanction really sad country situation say driver marvelia dominguez wait fuel car caracas even gasoline always one easy things us find venezuelans face grow queue buy gasoline | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: puerto ordaz venezuela venezuelan drivers face grow queue buy gasoline despite world large oil reserve add opec country woes refineries sputter socialist economic system crumble line buy fuel shutter service station intermittent problems much year notably outside capital caracas recent days problem worsen line pop service station caracas drivers southern city puerto ordaz wait average four hours fill tank urgent medical appointment suspend gasoline line several block long say nelly gutierrez 35 accountant medicine water internet gasoline long government go put us state oil company petroleos de venezuela pdvsa immediately respond request comment reason apparent dip supply week unclear country refineries function record low due constant outages insufficient supply crude result slump output union leaders refinery workers say pdvsa suffer dramatic cash flow shortage result low oil price struggle pay import fuel fill gap case resolve major supply disruptions within days although one shortage march last several weeks affect export ally trade partner cuba fourteen tankers wait port venezuela caribbean unload total 4.2 million barrel fuel blend components commission pdvsa yet do lack payment accord thomson reuters data ship source early september many 24 cargoes hold await payment least six divert destinations atlantic storm cause supply tighten elsewhere others discharge recent days receive payments pdvsa force prepay fuel import payment delay lead suppliers halt open credit company u.s. sanction impose last month also make difficult pdvsa get letter credit need import export president nicolas maduro say country victim economic war accuse administration u.s. president donald trump worsen situation sanction really sad country situation say driver marvelia dominguez wait fuel car caracas even gasoline always one easy things us find venezuelans face grow queue buy gasoline | 0 | 0.999075 | 0 | 0.997783 |
0 | since donald trump enact travel ban seven majority muslim countries last week spend time defensive position get bad trump post fake news story facebook timeline quickly debunk country kuwait right-wing media run proof trump muslim ban cool even muslim world.the article still trump facebook page say kuwait enact similar ban trump s.syrians iraqis iranians pakistanis afghans able obtain visit tourism trade kuwaiti visa news come one day us slap restrictions seven muslim-majority countries.passport holders countries allow enter gulf state blanket ban place tell apply visas.trump post 250,000 like nearly 70,000 share also share right-wing sit like breitbart infowars problem happen.the foreign ministry middle eastern country categorically deny claim affirm report nationalities big communities kuwait enjoy full right accord sunday morning report reuters.the story share trump allege syrians iraqis iranians pakistanis afghans able obtain visit tourism trade kuwaiti visa news come one day us slap restrictions seven muslim-majority countries story jordanian news outlet al bawaba official statement order kuwaiti government countries say face ban.source daily beastof course trump take story surprise trump administration apparently far comfortable lie truth tell truth lose support majority followers.featured image via joe raedle/getty image kuwait catch trump major lie refuse back | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: since donald trump enact travel ban seven majority muslim countries last week spend time defensive position get bad trump post fake news story facebook timeline quickly debunk country kuwait right-wing media run proof trump muslim ban cool even muslim world.the article still trump facebook page say kuwait enact similar ban trump s.syrians iraqis iranians pakistanis afghans able obtain visit tourism trade kuwaiti visa news come one day us slap restrictions seven muslim-majority countries.passport holders countries allow enter gulf state blanket ban place tell apply visas.trump post 250,000 like nearly 70,000 share also share right-wing sit like breitbart infowars problem happen.the foreign ministry middle eastern country categorically deny claim affirm report nationalities big communities kuwait enjoy full right accord sunday morning report reuters.the story share trump allege syrians iraqis iranians pakistanis afghans able obtain visit tourism trade kuwaiti visa news come one day us slap restrictions seven muslim-majority countries story jordanian news outlet al bawaba official statement order kuwaiti government countries say face ban.source daily beastof course trump take story surprise trump administration apparently far comfortable lie truth tell truth lose support majority followers.featured image via joe raedle/getty image kuwait catch trump major lie refuse back | 0 | 0.999157 | 0 | 0.999268 |
0 | let face obamacare disaster day 1. close rural hospitals late issue big one need travel farther get medical help.the ap notice something rural hospitals seem close happen american health care system recent years might help explain hmmm .from ap via abc honest commentary mix sac-osage one grow number rural u.s. hospitals close doors cite complex combination change demographics medical practice management decisions federal policies put financial pressure facilities sometimes average in-patients day rural hospital closure far occur south midwest risk nearly 70 percent state decline expand medicaid coverage federal affordable care act although experts hesitant draw cause-and-effect first ap try blame closure conservative state decide expand medicaid coverage spite obamacare explicit instructions admit likely correlation without causation expound obvious reason 70 figure generally speak rural state conservative therefore likely governor oppose obamacare enough refrain expand medicaid.after point listen scotus even ap could see one mile way.big city hospitals close rate rural ones past five years abundance alternatives major metropolitan areas typically reduce effect patients rural hospital close people may travel dozens miles reach near hospital inconvenience potentially matter life death.they briefly admit rural hospitals close roughly rate urban hospitals strong evidence might another reason close rural hospitals urban hospitals common hint obamacare decline populations stagnant economies make hard rural hospitals rural areas tend old poor sick populations say michael topchik senior vice president ivantage.that mean often high percentage patients cover medicare medicaid pair government health care program pay low reimbursement rate private-sector insurers hospitals rely heavily government program particularly hard hit federal budget cut provision 2010 federal health care law reduce charity care reimbursements change payment criteria.oh section pure gold course appear page ap admit part problem economy stagnant admit close large part specifically due low rat medicare medicaid pay make bad note government reduce amount charity care reimbursements go hospitals.obamacare disaster repeal via poor richard obamacare take rural hospitals | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: let face obamacare disaster day 1. close rural hospitals late issue big one need travel farther get medical help.the ap notice something rural hospitals seem close happen american health care system recent years might help explain hmmm .from ap via abc honest commentary mix sac-osage one grow number rural u.s. hospitals close doors cite complex combination change demographics medical practice management decisions federal policies put financial pressure facilities sometimes average in-patients day rural hospital closure far occur south midwest risk nearly 70 percent state decline expand medicaid coverage federal affordable care act although experts hesitant draw cause-and-effect first ap try blame closure conservative state decide expand medicaid coverage spite obamacare explicit instructions admit likely correlation without causation expound obvious reason 70 figure generally speak rural state conservative therefore likely governor oppose obamacare enough refrain expand medicaid.after point listen scotus even ap could see one mile way.big city hospitals close rate rural ones past five years abundance alternatives major metropolitan areas typically reduce effect patients rural hospital close people may travel dozens miles reach near hospital inconvenience potentially matter life death.they briefly admit rural hospitals close roughly rate urban hospitals strong evidence might another reason close rural hospitals urban hospitals common hint obamacare decline populations stagnant economies make hard rural hospitals rural areas tend old poor sick populations say michael topchik senior vice president ivantage.that mean often high percentage patients cover medicare medicaid pair government health care program pay low reimbursement rate private-sector insurers hospitals rely heavily government program particularly hard hit federal budget cut provision 2010 federal health care law reduce charity care reimbursements change payment criteria.oh section pure gold course appear page ap admit part problem economy stagnant admit close large part specifically due low rat medicare medicaid pay make bad note government reduce amount charity care reimbursements go hospitals.obamacare disaster repeal via poor richard obamacare take rural hospitals | 0 | 0.999131 | 0 | 0.99906 |
0 | donald trump campaign continue sink deep self-sabotaging downward spiral become clear even trump campaign surrogates former staffers trouble try stay positive outcome election past days see completely deny trump campaign make massive change desperation ignore poll donald lose thank former trump campaign manager corey lewandowski hold onto false hope trump still somehow win this.earlier today cnn lewandowski forbid contract say anything negative trump try convince everyone trump still track win election big opponent democratic nominee hillary clinton lose voters green party candidate jill stein libertarian party candidate gary johnson lewandowski say two-person race gary johnson jill stein race would say jill stein debate person go take away vote hillary clinton show end day donald trump go win election go win state gary johnson jill stein go take vote away hillary clinton lewandowski cling delusions cnn panelist bill kristol sit right beside shake head smile muffle laughter kristol could finally get enough control speak drop major truth bomb lewandowski trump go like last recourse campaign go lose hop third-and-fourth-party candidates go magically change equation end day 38 american people think donald trump president never get much number watch kristol giggle lewandoski silly hop clewandowski_ donald trump go win bc gary johnson jill stein take vote away fr hillary clinton https // new day newday august 18 2016featured image screenshot cnn panelist laugh corey lewandowski face hear new trump victory plan video | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: donald trump campaign continue sink deep self-sabotaging downward spiral become clear even trump campaign surrogates former staffers trouble try stay positive outcome election past days see completely deny trump campaign make massive change desperation ignore poll donald lose thank former trump campaign manager corey lewandowski hold onto false hope trump still somehow win this.earlier today cnn lewandowski forbid contract say anything negative trump try convince everyone trump still track win election big opponent democratic nominee hillary clinton lose voters green party candidate jill stein libertarian party candidate gary johnson lewandowski say two-person race gary johnson jill stein race would say jill stein debate person go take away vote hillary clinton show end day donald trump go win election go win state gary johnson jill stein go take vote away hillary clinton lewandowski cling delusions cnn panelist bill kristol sit right beside shake head smile muffle laughter kristol could finally get enough control speak drop major truth bomb lewandowski trump go like last recourse campaign go lose hop third-and-fourth-party candidates go magically change equation end day 38 american people think donald trump president never get much number watch kristol giggle lewandoski silly hop clewandowski_ donald trump go win bc gary johnson jill stein take vote away fr hillary clinton https // new day newday august 18 2016featured image screenshot cnn panelist laugh corey lewandowski face hear new trump victory plan video | 0 | 0.998654 | 0 | 0.998812 |
1 | washington president donald trump use fast-growing supply u.s. natural gas political tool meet warsaw thursday leaders dozen countries captive russia energy need recent years moscow cut gas shipments price dispute neighbor countries winter months export unite state would help reduce dependence russia trump tell group washington want help ally make easy possible u.s. company ship liquefy natural gas lng central eastern europe white house say trump attend three seas summit name several members surround adriatic baltic black seas group 20 lead economies meet germany slat meet russian president vladimir putin first time among aim three seas project expand regional energy infrastructure include lng import terminals gas pipelines members initiative include poland austria hungary russia neighbor latvia estonia trump presence give project lift say jam jones former nato supreme ally commander increase u.s. gas export region would help weaken impact russia use energy weapon bargain chip say jones think unite state show benevolent country export energy help countries adequate supply become self-sufficient less dependent less threaten say trump russia policy still take shape process make awkward investigations intelligence find russia try meddle 2016 u.s. presidential race russia deny allegations trump say team collude moscow lawmakers trump republican party many want see take hard line russia interference election crises ukraine syria support use gas export political leverage undermine strategies putin strong men try use light switch element strategic offense say senator cory gardner republican colorado senate foreign relations committee kremlin rely oil gas revenue finance state budget take market share would hurt moscow many ways lng export u.s. threaten u.s. policy russia say michal baranowski director warsaw office think-tank german marshall fund u.s. expect become world third-largest exporter lng 2020 four years start first export terminal u.s. exporters sell gas long-term contract still volumes offer export project draw board cheniere energy inc lng.a open first u.s. lng export terminal 2016 deliver first cargo poland june five terminals expect online 2020. tellurian inc tell.o propose project price tag much 16 billion hop complete 2022 time compete long-term contract supply poland expire year hold russian gas giant gazprom would like supplier compete market tellurian chief executive meg gentle tell reuters global glut supply may however limit u.s. lng export growth regardless trump support glut depress price make difficult lng exporters turn profit say adam sieminski energy analyst center strategic international study russia advantage europe due proximity pipeline connections europe go great competitive arena russian gas lng say daniel yergin pulitzer prize-winning oil historian vice-chairman ihs markit analysis firm europeans watch see whether trump clarify administration position new pipeline pump russian gas germany know nord stream 2. u.s. senate june pass package sanction russia include provision penalize western firm involve pipeline new sanction stall house representatives u.s. state department lobby pipeline potential supply chokepoint would make europe vulnerable disruptions threat sanction add tensions washington berlin germany government support pipeline trump position concern european diplomats trump promote u.s. natgas export russia 's backyard | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: washington president donald trump use fast-growing supply u.s. natural gas political tool meet warsaw thursday leaders dozen countries captive russia energy need recent years moscow cut gas shipments price dispute neighbor countries winter months export unite state would help reduce dependence russia trump tell group washington want help ally make easy possible u.s. company ship liquefy natural gas lng central eastern europe white house say trump attend three seas summit name several members surround adriatic baltic black seas group 20 lead economies meet germany slat meet russian president vladimir putin first time among aim three seas project expand regional energy infrastructure include lng import terminals gas pipelines members initiative include poland austria hungary russia neighbor latvia estonia trump presence give project lift say jam jones former nato supreme ally commander increase u.s. gas export region would help weaken impact russia use energy weapon bargain chip say jones think unite state show benevolent country export energy help countries adequate supply become self-sufficient less dependent less threaten say trump russia policy still take shape process make awkward investigations intelligence find russia try meddle 2016 u.s. presidential race russia deny allegations trump say team collude moscow lawmakers trump republican party many want see take hard line russia interference election crises ukraine syria support use gas export political leverage undermine strategies putin strong men try use light switch element strategic offense say senator cory gardner republican colorado senate foreign relations committee kremlin rely oil gas revenue finance state budget take market share would hurt moscow many ways lng export u.s. threaten u.s. policy russia say michal baranowski director warsaw office think-tank german marshall fund u.s. expect become world third-largest exporter lng 2020 four years start first export terminal u.s. exporters sell gas long-term contract still volumes offer export project draw board cheniere energy inc lng.a open first u.s. lng export terminal 2016 deliver first cargo poland june five terminals expect online 2020. tellurian inc tell.o propose project price tag much 16 billion hop complete 2022 time compete long-term contract supply poland expire year hold russian gas giant gazprom would like supplier compete market tellurian chief executive meg gentle tell reuters global glut supply may however limit u.s. lng export growth regardless trump support glut depress price make difficult lng exporters turn profit say adam sieminski energy analyst center strategic international study russia advantage europe due proximity pipeline connections europe go great competitive arena russian gas lng say daniel yergin pulitzer prize-winning oil historian vice-chairman ihs markit analysis firm europeans watch see whether trump clarify administration position new pipeline pump russian gas germany know nord stream 2. u.s. senate june pass package sanction russia include provision penalize western firm involve pipeline new sanction stall house representatives u.s. state department lobby pipeline potential supply chokepoint would make europe vulnerable disruptions threat sanction add tensions washington berlin germany government support pipeline trump position concern european diplomats trump promote u.s. natgas export russia 's backyard | 1 | 0.953966 | 1 | 0.953275 |
1 | moscow kremlin say thursday possible meet russian president vladimir putin u.s. president donald trump vietnam week still discussion nothing yet agree russian news agencies cite kremlin aide yuri ushakov early thursday say two leaders would meet friday asia-pacific economic cooperation apec summit vietnam kremlin spokesman dmitry peskov tell conference call reporters time place format meet still discuss friday meet possibility content meet agree agenda say peskov give trump putin attend apec summit peskov say paths would cross one way another possible putin-trump meet vietnam still discussion kremlin | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: moscow kremlin say thursday possible meet russian president vladimir putin u.s. president donald trump vietnam week still discussion nothing yet agree russian news agencies cite kremlin aide yuri ushakov early thursday say two leaders would meet friday asia-pacific economic cooperation apec summit vietnam kremlin spokesman dmitry peskov tell conference call reporters time place format meet still discuss friday meet possibility content meet agree agenda say peskov give trump putin attend apec summit peskov say paths would cross one way another possible putin-trump meet vietnam still discussion kremlin | 0 | 0.995245 | 1 | 0.991289 |
0 | democratic rep. john lewis georgia say view donald trump legitimate president skip next friday inauguration.lewis tell nbc meet press chuck todd russians help trump get first inauguration lewis miss since begin serve congress three decades ago lewis say home something feel wrong right lewis testify week trump attorney general nominee republican sen. jeff sessions alabama.democratic rep. raul grijalva arizona also say stay home protest call disrespect show americans incoming administration action congress say majority voters reject trump deserve respect john lewis lame excuse crybaby democrats skip inauguration fake reason video | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: democratic rep. john lewis georgia say view donald trump legitimate president skip next friday inauguration.lewis tell nbc meet press chuck todd russians help trump get first inauguration lewis miss since begin serve congress three decades ago lewis say home something feel wrong right lewis testify week trump attorney general nominee republican sen. jeff sessions alabama.democratic rep. raul grijalva arizona also say stay home protest call disrespect show americans incoming administration action congress say majority voters reject trump deserve respect john lewis lame excuse crybaby democrats skip inauguration fake reason video | 0 | 0.999777 | 0 | 0.999699 |
1 | washington carter page former foreign policy adviser donald trump presidential campaign testify june house committee investigate allege efforts russia influence u.s. election abc news report wednesday abc news say page tell schedule testimony also cite letter former trump adviser write leaders house intelligence committee investigation say witness panel already hear present one bias viewpoint former trump campaign adviser page testify russia probe june abc news | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: washington carter page former foreign policy adviser donald trump presidential campaign testify june house committee investigate allege efforts russia influence u.s. election abc news report wednesday abc news say page tell schedule testimony also cite letter former trump adviser write leaders house intelligence committee investigation say witness panel already hear present one bias viewpoint former trump campaign adviser page testify russia probe june abc news | 0 | 0.992423 | 1 | 0.983597 |
1 | geneva top u.n. human right official voice concern monday trump administration decision end daca program immigrants arrive illegally children urge u.s. congress give last legal status country refer move end defer action childhood arrivals daca program six months affect nearly 800,000 young migrants know dreamers zeid ra ad al-hussein tell unite nations human right council geneva hope congress act provide former daca beneficiaries durable legal status disturb increase detentions deportations well-established law-abiding immigrants u.n. right boss urge u.s. congress give 'dreamers legal status | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: geneva top u.n. human right official voice concern monday trump administration decision end daca program immigrants arrive illegally children urge u.s. congress give last legal status country refer move end defer action childhood arrivals daca program six months affect nearly 800,000 young migrants know dreamers zeid ra ad al-hussein tell unite nations human right council geneva hope congress act provide former daca beneficiaries durable legal status disturb increase detentions deportations well-established law-abiding immigrants u.n. right boss urge u.s. congress give 'dreamers legal status | 1 | 0.909265 | 1 | 0.99427 |
0 | donald trump may try destroy fail new york time seem rhetoric make publication popular ever send subscriptions though roof accord editor.these days publication print something trump like anything range fake news fake news fake news trump never provide guide define term new york time one favorite target criticism truth-telling whatnot.over weekend trump say new york time 100 pulitzer prize fail newspaper executive editor dean baquet say actually quite opposite trump help immensely trump best thing happen time subscription strategy baquet say every time tweet drive subscriptions wildly digital subscriptions roof print subscriptions warn important realize motivation behind trump statements matter much donald drive subscriptions look pattern president tweet actually design minimize institutions charge hold accountable think dangerous baquet also hit back trump recent demonization anonymous source administration express much distaste press much distaste role surprise people want criticise administration want without name attach anonymous source throughout career especially help burnish reputation add reference trump habit provide information true fake names.on monday sean spic clarify press trump say enemy american people new york time politico organizations trump call fake news word criticize enemy clear trump clear need stop let make happen.featured image via getty images/chip somodevilla trump moronic fake news attack accidentally send new york time subscriptions though roof | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: donald trump may try destroy fail new york time seem rhetoric make publication popular ever send subscriptions though roof accord editor.these days publication print something trump like anything range fake news fake news fake news trump never provide guide define term new york time one favorite target criticism truth-telling whatnot.over weekend trump say new york time 100 pulitzer prize fail newspaper executive editor dean baquet say actually quite opposite trump help immensely trump best thing happen time subscription strategy baquet say every time tweet drive subscriptions wildly digital subscriptions roof print subscriptions warn important realize motivation behind trump statements matter much donald drive subscriptions look pattern president tweet actually design minimize institutions charge hold accountable think dangerous baquet also hit back trump recent demonization anonymous source administration express much distaste press much distaste role surprise people want criticise administration want without name attach anonymous source throughout career especially help burnish reputation add reference trump habit provide information true fake names.on monday sean spic clarify press trump say enemy american people new york time politico organizations trump call fake news word criticize enemy clear trump clear need stop let make happen.featured image via getty images/chip somodevilla trump moronic fake news attack accidentally send new york time subscriptions though roof | 0 | 0.997242 | 0 | 0.997917 |
1 | paris/berlin french president emmanuel macron concern divisive discussion euro zone reform might undermine broad european agenda begin prioritize areas eu cooperation french officials say macron hint shift eu summit october describe plan create budget 19-nation currency bloc long-term project whose logic would become clear europe move towards close integration areas defense migration energy digital since french officials tell reuters elysee want get bogged technical debate euro zone reform time eu deliver front may resonate public euro zone one piece puzzle necessarily think best one start one senior official say goal technocratic discussion budget would work election campaign 39-year-old macron talk intently euro zone reform see critical strengthen european project years tumult ensure another sovereign debt crisis occur barely two decades euro want make sure single currency project strength flexibility last long-run remain responsive 350 million eu citizens depend daily french officials stress macron discard ideas euro zone decision shift priority list recognition political realities europe also underscore irony years german chancellor angela merkel wait ambitious partner france one less able deliver germany macron hop agree deep change euro area governance first half 2018 face months political limbo merkel try cobble together coalition early signal germany eu members underscore difficult macron deliver euro zone ambition call budget finance minister separate parliament currency bloc go unnoticed paris new dutch government october coalition agreement voice opposition euro zone fiscal mechanism cushion economic shock early month dutch prime minister mark rutte speak opposition european integration ideas come france new right-wing government austria could adopt similar stance dutch focus technical detail european reform wrong approach say sylvie goulard former member european parliament serve briefly macron defense minister really need focus big picture challenge u.s president donald trump china say echo view people macron entourage friday leaders 19 nations use euro meet brussels discuss strengthen currency union meet unlikely produce anything concrete due political uncertainty berlin eu goal agree concrete proposals june look ambitious prospect another german grand coalition include macron-friendly social democrats spd alleviate concern paris spd leader martin schulz make clear speech last week would put europe top party agenda loom negotiations merkel call unite state europe 2025. whether weaken schulz barely talk europe election campaign push merkel towards macron issue euro zone reform questionable skeptical share big hop merkel macron couple henrik enderlein head berlin office delors institute say last week event hertie school governance berlin cautious stance paris also reflect doubt merkel commitment change macron seek coalition talk free democrats green collapse last month merkel enthusiastic advocate macron ideas accord several participants green party one central difference berlin paris become obvious recent months macron push multi-speed europe france germany lead way cross-party consensus berlin reform push include broad swathe eu members position also back european commission contrast apparent french finance minister bruno le maire visit berlin last month spar green inclusiveness issue participants say officials berlin impress macron domestic reform push broad consensus merkel party next german government must find ways work french president monday vow work france joint corporate tax policy digital initiatives harmonization arm export policies mention euro zone ideas still old instinct little possible euro area say jeromin zettelmeyer former official german economy ministry develop euro zone reform ideas macron team french economy minister old instinct little possible accommodate france go sense something constructive must do resistance build macron shift focus away euro reform | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: paris/berlin french president emmanuel macron concern divisive discussion euro zone reform might undermine broad european agenda begin prioritize areas eu cooperation french officials say macron hint shift eu summit october describe plan create budget 19-nation currency bloc long-term project whose logic would become clear europe move towards close integration areas defense migration energy digital since french officials tell reuters elysee want get bogged technical debate euro zone reform time eu deliver front may resonate public euro zone one piece puzzle necessarily think best one start one senior official say goal technocratic discussion budget would work election campaign 39-year-old macron talk intently euro zone reform see critical strengthen european project years tumult ensure another sovereign debt crisis occur barely two decades euro want make sure single currency project strength flexibility last long-run remain responsive 350 million eu citizens depend daily french officials stress macron discard ideas euro zone decision shift priority list recognition political realities europe also underscore irony years german chancellor angela merkel wait ambitious partner france one less able deliver germany macron hop agree deep change euro area governance first half 2018 face months political limbo merkel try cobble together coalition early signal germany eu members underscore difficult macron deliver euro zone ambition call budget finance minister separate parliament currency bloc go unnoticed paris new dutch government october coalition agreement voice opposition euro zone fiscal mechanism cushion economic shock early month dutch prime minister mark rutte speak opposition european integration ideas come france new right-wing government austria could adopt similar stance dutch focus technical detail european reform wrong approach say sylvie goulard former member european parliament serve briefly macron defense minister really need focus big picture challenge u.s president donald trump china say echo view people macron entourage friday leaders 19 nations use euro meet brussels discuss strengthen currency union meet unlikely produce anything concrete due political uncertainty berlin eu goal agree concrete proposals june look ambitious prospect another german grand coalition include macron-friendly social democrats spd alleviate concern paris spd leader martin schulz make clear speech last week would put europe top party agenda loom negotiations merkel call unite state europe 2025. whether weaken schulz barely talk europe election campaign push merkel towards macron issue euro zone reform questionable skeptical share big hop merkel macron couple henrik enderlein head berlin office delors institute say last week event hertie school governance berlin cautious stance paris also reflect doubt merkel commitment change macron seek coalition talk free democrats green collapse last month merkel enthusiastic advocate macron ideas accord several participants green party one central difference berlin paris become obvious recent months macron push multi-speed europe france germany lead way cross-party consensus berlin reform push include broad swathe eu members position also back european commission contrast apparent french finance minister bruno le maire visit berlin last month spar green inclusiveness issue participants say officials berlin impress macron domestic reform push broad consensus merkel party next german government must find ways work french president monday vow work france joint corporate tax policy digital initiatives harmonization arm export policies mention euro zone ideas still old instinct little possible euro area say jeromin zettelmeyer former official german economy ministry develop euro zone reform ideas macron team french economy minister old instinct little possible accommodate france go sense something constructive must do resistance build macron shift focus away euro reform | 0 | 0.997449 | 0 | 0.994089 |
0 | 2016 2.14 million people move germany 2015 46 per cent increase come surprise less one month horrific terror attack ariana grande concert uk one big music festivals germany shut concrete terror threat.rock ring cancel open night thousands festival-goers tell leave site rburg calm control manner .some 92,500 three-day ticket sell festival due run friday sunday.the dpa news agency report festival clear open night koblenz police say receive information concrete threat .the cancellation announce rock ring facebook page.a spokesman say due terrorist threat police advise us interrupt festival ask festival visitors leave festival site calm control manner towards exit camp ground support police investigations via daily mail new normal massive music festival angela merkel islamic migrant nation germany evacuate concrete terror threat video | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: 2016 2.14 million people move germany 2015 46 per cent increase come surprise less one month horrific terror attack ariana grande concert uk one big music festivals germany shut concrete terror threat.rock ring cancel open night thousands festival-goers tell leave site rburg calm control manner .some 92,500 three-day ticket sell festival due run friday sunday.the dpa news agency report festival clear open night koblenz police say receive information concrete threat .the cancellation announce rock ring facebook page.a spokesman say due terrorist threat police advise us interrupt festival ask festival visitors leave festival site calm control manner towards exit camp ground support police investigations via daily mail new normal massive music festival angela merkel islamic migrant nation germany evacuate concrete terror threat video | 0 | 0.997713 | 0 | 0.998918 |
1 | new delhi indian prime minister narendra modi rule group sweep election home state gujarat survey show thursday shake serious challenge yet combine opposition election new state assembly gujarat see litmus test modi ahead national election 2019. vote close thursday win would help dismiss critics say rule bharatiya janata party support base erode last year shock move ban high-value currency note fight graft poor implementation national sales tax year hit businesses congress party lead rahul gandhi team regional politicians run tough campaign aim weaken modi home base rouse public discontent lack job soften economy three separate television exit poll close final round vote thursday show bjp win 100 seat 182-member state house well clear half-way mark 92 require rule congress main opposition party win 70-74 seat poll show good past enough oust bjp power another exit poll conduct today chanakya group give bjp two-thirds victory actual vote count monday exit poll survey often go wrong india millions vote congress party say quick call election base exit poll bjp rule gujarat since 1998 modi chief minister decade become prime minister three years ago modi praise transform coastal state economic powerhouse deploy business-friendly policies lure foreign investors ensure party prospect modi lead front campaign state address dozens public rally perform rituals even wave sea plane last day campaign trail thursday modi cast ballot gujarat ahmedabad city hit streets show ink finger walk surround hundreds supporters separate exit survey release state poll hold himachal pradesh state also show modi party emerge winner india pm modi 's party see sweep state poll popularity boost | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: new delhi indian prime minister narendra modi rule group sweep election home state gujarat survey show thursday shake serious challenge yet combine opposition election new state assembly gujarat see litmus test modi ahead national election 2019. vote close thursday win would help dismiss critics say rule bharatiya janata party support base erode last year shock move ban high-value currency note fight graft poor implementation national sales tax year hit businesses congress party lead rahul gandhi team regional politicians run tough campaign aim weaken modi home base rouse public discontent lack job soften economy three separate television exit poll close final round vote thursday show bjp win 100 seat 182-member state house well clear half-way mark 92 require rule congress main opposition party win 70-74 seat poll show good past enough oust bjp power another exit poll conduct today chanakya group give bjp two-thirds victory actual vote count monday exit poll survey often go wrong india millions vote congress party say quick call election base exit poll bjp rule gujarat since 1998 modi chief minister decade become prime minister three years ago modi praise transform coastal state economic powerhouse deploy business-friendly policies lure foreign investors ensure party prospect modi lead front campaign state address dozens public rally perform rituals even wave sea plane last day campaign trail thursday modi cast ballot gujarat ahmedabad city hit streets show ink finger walk surround hundreds supporters separate exit survey release state poll hold himachal pradesh state also show modi party emerge winner india pm modi 's party see sweep state poll popularity boost | 1 | 0.992539 | 1 | 0.986777 |
1 | brasilia three senior brazilian law enforcement officials include former prosecutor general say new leaders federal police prosecutors offices curb anti-corruption drive challenge centuries impunity latin america big country rodrigo janot mid-september brazil prosecutor general remain influential senior prosecutor tell reuters week believe president michel temer charge three different count corruption appoint new head federal police specifically divert graft investigations separately two senior law enforcement officials say raquel dodge janot replacement prosecutor general tell senior prosecutors capital brasilia shift away corruption probe stop talk publicly anti-graft efforts statement president office say police chief appoint consultations police force criticize suggestions new director would hind investigations someone ill-informed ill-intentioned could suppose interference investigations possible temer office say spokeswoman dodge say new prosecutor general vigorously combat corruption numerous front fernando segovia new police director email reuters say office strengthen fight corruption brazil crackdown graft recent years lead dozens convictions senior politicians government officials corporate executives inspire many brazilians believe longstanding culture impunity change also help spawn similar crackdowns elsewhere latin america brazil congress recently shield temer charge investigators prosecutors say elect officials find ways outmaneuver especially seek elections next year retain seat give constitutional safeguard prosecution sprawl nature many brazil inquiries conduct investigators dozens far-flung offices would make concert effort derail difficult corruption experts say janot dissent grow criticism express senior officials reveal grow rift top level brazilian law enforcement time investigators believe temer congressional ally quash landmark investigations time speak janot tell reuters effort vain effort include operation car wash several major investigations involve probe kickbacks private construction firm government officials politicians exchange public work contract uncover billions dollars worth illicit payments lead share evidence 40 countries many launch probe convict officials base brazilian investigators find rare two-hour interview brasilia janot especially critical segovia appointment head federal police spearhead car wash investigations 61-year-old prosecutor step prosecutor general second two term office expire september say believe segovia name complete mission divert focus investigations janot cite public commentary make new police chief include segovia criticism prosecutors investigations press conference shortly take office statements make appear select mission discredit investigation janot add segovia 48 spend two decades force email say seek strengthen investigations crimes public coffers involve corruption make clear public statements broaden strengthen operation car wash add new police chief appoint strong support temer rule brazilian democratic movement party pmdb appointment surprise within federal police segovia never hold consider one force major post accord investigators law enforcement experts press conference nov. 20 ten days new job segovia criticize prosecutors case temer call rush investigation belittle evidence include video shoot federal police temer aide accept bag 500,000 reais 150,000 cash single bag provide criminal evidence need segovia say prompt widespread scorn brazilian press social media deny statements make new director federal police extremely unfortunate read editorial folha de s. paulo brazil large newspaper afterward dodge take office sept 19 widely criticize police prosecutors many others brazil fail speech acknowledge historic car wash probe two senior law enforcement officials request remain anonymous say new prosecutor general tell prosecutors shift focus graft dodge also tell prosecutors stop use word corruption much public say prosecutor general spokeswoman respond question whether dodge tell prosecutors avoid word corruption whether tell prosecutors de-emphasize graft case janot decline comment dodge deal prosecutors say professional respectful relationship successor although early tenure dodge segovia prosecutors police investigators say already see significant slowdown procedures necessary pursue case janot instance say dodge office file far less paperwork brazil supreme court would expect give caseload take paperwork key step many big investigations top court authorize probe involve elect federal officials spokeswoman top court respond request comment volume paperwork term expire prosecutor general office year send average 302 request relate car wash corruption investigations supreme court month janot say dodge office say file total 450 request since take office mid-september represent average 180 per month roughly 40 percent drop experts say soon know whether shift away corruption investigations underway even possible orchestrate particularly number investigators pursue case across brazil time need say evaluate dodge administration even dodge segovia strategically appoint stop create delay investigations doubt would succeed process become decentralize say carlos pereira professor public administration getulio vargas foundation rio de janeiro lead expert corruption still involve ongoing case trouble prospect slowdown particularly national elections loom next october would prolong constitutional protections many office-holders face charge risk increase exponentially elections approach say carlos lima top regional prosecutor curitiba southern city car wash investigations begin conversation reuters janot criticize segovia support temer ally also face investigations charge person close tie people investigation charge say allow run institution size importance federal police janot say email segovia say type political party tie pmdb political party temer repeatedly deny wrongdoing stave prosecution largely ally low house congress must authorize charge sit president vote vote outrage many brazilians vote charge congress also investigate temer still face charge leave federal elect office pushback congressional committee investigate federal prosecutors carry probe temer go investigate always investigate us say carlos marun pmdb congressman temer ally dance low house floor vote send president trial marun face corruption trial home state mato grosso sul deny wrongdoing exclusive former top brazil prosecutor say successor police chief slow graft probe | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: brasilia three senior brazilian law enforcement officials include former prosecutor general say new leaders federal police prosecutors offices curb anti-corruption drive challenge centuries impunity latin america big country rodrigo janot mid-september brazil prosecutor general remain influential senior prosecutor tell reuters week believe president michel temer charge three different count corruption appoint new head federal police specifically divert graft investigations separately two senior law enforcement officials say raquel dodge janot replacement prosecutor general tell senior prosecutors capital brasilia shift away corruption probe stop talk publicly anti-graft efforts statement president office say police chief appoint consultations police force criticize suggestions new director would hind investigations someone ill-informed ill-intentioned could suppose interference investigations possible temer office say spokeswoman dodge say new prosecutor general vigorously combat corruption numerous front fernando segovia new police director email reuters say office strengthen fight corruption brazil crackdown graft recent years lead dozens convictions senior politicians government officials corporate executives inspire many brazilians believe longstanding culture impunity change also help spawn similar crackdowns elsewhere latin america brazil congress recently shield temer charge investigators prosecutors say elect officials find ways outmaneuver especially seek elections next year retain seat give constitutional safeguard prosecution sprawl nature many brazil inquiries conduct investigators dozens far-flung offices would make concert effort derail difficult corruption experts say janot dissent grow criticism express senior officials reveal grow rift top level brazilian law enforcement time investigators believe temer congressional ally quash landmark investigations time speak janot tell reuters effort vain effort include operation car wash several major investigations involve probe kickbacks private construction firm government officials politicians exchange public work contract uncover billions dollars worth illicit payments lead share evidence 40 countries many launch probe convict officials base brazilian investigators find rare two-hour interview brasilia janot especially critical segovia appointment head federal police spearhead car wash investigations 61-year-old prosecutor step prosecutor general second two term office expire september say believe segovia name complete mission divert focus investigations janot cite public commentary make new police chief include segovia criticism prosecutors investigations press conference shortly take office statements make appear select mission discredit investigation janot add segovia 48 spend two decades force email say seek strengthen investigations crimes public coffers involve corruption make clear public statements broaden strengthen operation car wash add new police chief appoint strong support temer rule brazilian democratic movement party pmdb appointment surprise within federal police segovia never hold consider one force major post accord investigators law enforcement experts press conference nov. 20 ten days new job segovia criticize prosecutors case temer call rush investigation belittle evidence include video shoot federal police temer aide accept bag 500,000 reais 150,000 cash single bag provide criminal evidence need segovia say prompt widespread scorn brazilian press social media deny statements make new director federal police extremely unfortunate read editorial folha de s. paulo brazil large newspaper afterward dodge take office sept 19 widely criticize police prosecutors many others brazil fail speech acknowledge historic car wash probe two senior law enforcement officials request remain anonymous say new prosecutor general tell prosecutors shift focus graft dodge also tell prosecutors stop use word corruption much public say prosecutor general spokeswoman respond question whether dodge tell prosecutors avoid word corruption whether tell prosecutors de-emphasize graft case janot decline comment dodge deal prosecutors say professional respectful relationship successor although early tenure dodge segovia prosecutors police investigators say already see significant slowdown procedures necessary pursue case janot instance say dodge office file far less paperwork brazil supreme court would expect give caseload take paperwork key step many big investigations top court authorize probe involve elect federal officials spokeswoman top court respond request comment volume paperwork term expire prosecutor general office year send average 302 request relate car wash corruption investigations supreme court month janot say dodge office say file total 450 request since take office mid-september represent average 180 per month roughly 40 percent drop experts say soon know whether shift away corruption investigations underway even possible orchestrate particularly number investigators pursue case across brazil time need say evaluate dodge administration even dodge segovia strategically appoint stop create delay investigations doubt would succeed process become decentralize say carlos pereira professor public administration getulio vargas foundation rio de janeiro lead expert corruption still involve ongoing case trouble prospect slowdown particularly national elections loom next october would prolong constitutional protections many office-holders face charge risk increase exponentially elections approach say carlos lima top regional prosecutor curitiba southern city car wash investigations begin conversation reuters janot criticize segovia support temer ally also face investigations charge person close tie people investigation charge say allow run institution size importance federal police janot say email segovia say type political party tie pmdb political party temer repeatedly deny wrongdoing stave prosecution largely ally low house congress must authorize charge sit president vote vote outrage many brazilians vote charge congress also investigate temer still face charge leave federal elect office pushback congressional committee investigate federal prosecutors carry probe temer go investigate always investigate us say carlos marun pmdb congressman temer ally dance low house floor vote send president trial marun face corruption trial home state mato grosso sul deny wrongdoing exclusive former top brazil prosecutor say successor police chief slow graft probe | 0 | 0.997449 | 0 | 0.998132 |
1 | washington u.s. president donald trump seek ban travelers iran muslim-majority nations enter unite state issue holiday greet wednesday iranians celebrate new year holiday know nowruz trump also criticize nuclear deal iran western power negotiate president barack obama administration refer travel ban statement nowruz mean new day persian occasion celebrate new beginnings sentiment particularly meaningful many iranians come country recent decades make new start free land trump say statement issue white house nowruz iran important national event celebrate family gather vacation gift-giving many years greatly enjoy wonderful friendships iranian-americans one successful immigrant group country contemporary history say trump take hard line immigration presidential candidate since take office try twice executive order prevent people several muslim-majority countries travel unite state promise build wall u.s. border mexico late order seek 90-day ban travel unite state citizens iran libya somalia sudan syria yemen trump administration say would appeal federal judge strike part ban day set go effect trump send holiday greet iranians mention travel ban | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: washington u.s. president donald trump seek ban travelers iran muslim-majority nations enter unite state issue holiday greet wednesday iranians celebrate new year holiday know nowruz trump also criticize nuclear deal iran western power negotiate president barack obama administration refer travel ban statement nowruz mean new day persian occasion celebrate new beginnings sentiment particularly meaningful many iranians come country recent decades make new start free land trump say statement issue white house nowruz iran important national event celebrate family gather vacation gift-giving many years greatly enjoy wonderful friendships iranian-americans one successful immigrant group country contemporary history say trump take hard line immigration presidential candidate since take office try twice executive order prevent people several muslim-majority countries travel unite state promise build wall u.s. border mexico late order seek 90-day ban travel unite state citizens iran libya somalia sudan syria yemen trump administration say would appeal federal judge strike part ban day set go effect trump send holiday greet iranians mention travel ban | 0 | 0.997527 | 0 | 0.997884 |
0 | donald trump thorn senator bob corker side quite time especially since mess donald disgraceful response deadly racist violence charlottesville virginia trump offer defense neo-nazis klansmen white supremacists corker say feature image via chip somodevilla via getty image one republican senator feed trump retire 2018 | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: donald trump thorn senator bob corker side quite time especially since mess donald disgraceful response deadly racist violence charlottesville virginia trump offer defense neo-nazis klansmen white supremacists corker say feature image via chip somodevilla via getty image one republican senator feed trump retire 2018 | 0 | 0.999256 | 0 | 0.999393 |
0 | despite racial outbursts insistence keep attack former primary rival even though primaries overall haphazard way campaign republican chairman reince priebus insist well nominee donald trump.of course like much campaign truth behind scenes trump make critical error could doom attempt win presidency simple racist comment drive party chairman nuts.meanwhile trump high-dollar fund-raise operation show sign duress people say joint fund-raise agreement hatch last month split proceed rnc trump campaign first joint fund-raisers go well rnc chair reince priebus phone associate express frustration trump want direct dollars ambitious plan accord person speak directly priebus include quixotic bid win deep blue state like california new york.the rnc respond request comment.there data indicate win traditionally blue state remotely possible trump pull poll show best shoot would come win streak so-called purple state state john mccain mitt romney try target president obama swing party difference one percentage point comparison republican california new york since ronald reagan epic landslide victory 1984 32 years ago state deliver huge lopsided victories democratic presidential candidates decades also consist diverse electorates latino black oppose insiders know understand trump ego insist contend blue state especially home state new york use money campaign fool errand republican party make even bad since gop far behind democrats secretary clinton raise ingredients election disaster.featured image via youtube gop chairman freak trump decision lose election | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: despite racial outbursts insistence keep attack former primary rival even though primaries overall haphazard way campaign republican chairman reince priebus insist well nominee donald trump.of course like much campaign truth behind scenes trump make critical error could doom attempt win presidency simple racist comment drive party chairman nuts.meanwhile trump high-dollar fund-raise operation show sign duress people say joint fund-raise agreement hatch last month split proceed rnc trump campaign first joint fund-raisers go well rnc chair reince priebus phone associate express frustration trump want direct dollars ambitious plan accord person speak directly priebus include quixotic bid win deep blue state like california new york.the rnc respond request comment.there data indicate win traditionally blue state remotely possible trump pull poll show best shoot would come win streak so-called purple state state john mccain mitt romney try target president obama swing party difference one percentage point comparison republican california new york since ronald reagan epic landslide victory 1984 32 years ago state deliver huge lopsided victories democratic presidential candidates decades also consist diverse electorates latino black oppose insiders know understand trump ego insist contend blue state especially home state new york use money campaign fool errand republican party make even bad since gop far behind democrats secretary clinton raise ingredients election disaster.featured image via youtube gop chairman freak trump decision lose election | 0 | 0.999144 | 0 | 0.999333 |
0 | also map show state accept refugees syria make mind yet leave obama call anyone question sanity bring hundreds thousands unchecked muslims country teach hate since birth anti-americans president obama say unite state need step part admit refugees syriahe say issue refugees terrorism equate aftermath paris attacksa handful republican governors publicly pronounce state would accept syriansobama make swipe gop leaders ask like president george w. bush aftermath 9/11now 25 republican governors one democrat say want syrian refugees state president obama recommit u.s. take portion population flee press conference morning turkey obama say unite state step part chide opposition party suggest religious test entry unite states.there concern friday brutal attack paris isis fighters infiltrate flee syria carry future violence west important obama say close hearts victims violence somehow start equate issue refugees issue terrorism however republican governors alabama arkansas florida illinois indiana louisiana maine massachusetts michigan mississippi texas wisconsin say would postpone program bring syrian refugees idea entirely accord associate press.governors state say syrian refugees alabama arizona arkansas georgia florida idaho indiana illinois iowa kansas louisiana maine massachusetts michigan mississippi nebraska new hampshire new jersey north carolina ohio oklahoma south carolina tennessee texas wisconsin list 25 governors tell obama muslim refugees syria welcome state | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: also map show state accept refugees syria make mind yet leave obama call anyone question sanity bring hundreds thousands unchecked muslims country teach hate since birth anti-americans president obama say unite state need step part admit refugees syriahe say issue refugees terrorism equate aftermath paris attacksa handful republican governors publicly pronounce state would accept syriansobama make swipe gop leaders ask like president george w. bush aftermath 9/11now 25 republican governors one democrat say want syrian refugees state president obama recommit u.s. take portion population flee press conference morning turkey obama say unite state step part chide opposition party suggest religious test entry unite states.there concern friday brutal attack paris isis fighters infiltrate flee syria carry future violence west important obama say close hearts victims violence somehow start equate issue refugees issue terrorism however republican governors alabama arkansas florida illinois indiana louisiana maine massachusetts michigan mississippi texas wisconsin say would postpone program bring syrian refugees idea entirely accord associate press.governors state say syrian refugees alabama arizona arkansas georgia florida idaho indiana illinois iowa kansas louisiana maine massachusetts michigan mississippi nebraska new hampshire new jersey north carolina ohio oklahoma south carolina tennessee texas wisconsin list 25 governors tell obama muslim refugees syria welcome state | 0 | 0.999221 | 0 | 0.999374 |
0 | house speaker paul ryan nothing spineless weasel early gop primary season seem actually bite common decency mention common sense call trump refuse disavow endorsement white supremacist outright say comfortable endorse trump however become increasingly clear trump stop ryan start prepare back attack billionaire mogul meet clearly preparation endorsement day come speaker ryan officially say prepare vote donald trump 2016 presidential election.ryan hometown newspaper gazette run column house speaker announce support trump ryan write column speak trump somehow comfortable endorse short time ago clearly write column conversations feel confident trump would help us turn ideas agenda laws help improve people live vote fall go say reality issue make agenda common grind disagreement course core ryan reason endorse dangerous racist narcissist position leader free world fact gop put party country ultimately stop clinton fine trump white house ryan go warn would happen clinton beat trump clinton white house would mean four years liberal cronyism government people serve quite simply represent agenda aim fix really paul ryan will let donald trump literally destroy america hateful ideas dangerous policy proposals willingness sever tie important ally order truly qualify president disagree politically.and top absolutely spineless man speech upload gazette website hillary clinton big anti-trump foreign policy speech clearly hop nobody would notice done.shame speaker ryan hopefully end political career one certainly hope.featured image via mark wilson/getty image paul ryan think nobody would notice trump endorsement clinton speech | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: house speaker paul ryan nothing spineless weasel early gop primary season seem actually bite common decency mention common sense call trump refuse disavow endorsement white supremacist outright say comfortable endorse trump however become increasingly clear trump stop ryan start prepare back attack billionaire mogul meet clearly preparation endorsement day come speaker ryan officially say prepare vote donald trump 2016 presidential election.ryan hometown newspaper gazette run column house speaker announce support trump ryan write column speak trump somehow comfortable endorse short time ago clearly write column conversations feel confident trump would help us turn ideas agenda laws help improve people live vote fall go say reality issue make agenda common grind disagreement course core ryan reason endorse dangerous racist narcissist position leader free world fact gop put party country ultimately stop clinton fine trump white house ryan go warn would happen clinton beat trump clinton white house would mean four years liberal cronyism government people serve quite simply represent agenda aim fix really paul ryan will let donald trump literally destroy america hateful ideas dangerous policy proposals willingness sever tie important ally order truly qualify president disagree politically.and top absolutely spineless man speech upload gazette website hillary clinton big anti-trump foreign policy speech clearly hop nobody would notice done.shame speaker ryan hopefully end political career one certainly hope.featured image via mark wilson/getty image paul ryan think nobody would notice trump endorsement clinton speech | 0 | 0.99929 | 0 | 0.999157 |
1 | washington u.s. interior department finalize rule tuesday aim prevent methane leak oil gas production federal tribal land one last major obama administration rule aim fight climate change interior bureau land management blm say tuesday rule update 30-year-old regulations govern flare vent natural gas leak oil gas production could avoid waste 41 billion cubic feet bcf natural gas per year rule prevent waste nation natural gas supply good government plain simple say interior secretary sally jewell prove cut harmful methane emissions contribute climate change put place standards make good economic sense nation environmental group praise rule industry western state call unnecessary one industry group sue blm incoming trump administration promise cut call superfluous restrictions energy production interior department fact sheet say 2009 2015 oil gas producers vent flare leak 462 bcf natural gas federal indian land waste much 23 million annually royalty revenue vent leak oil gas operations cause major emissions methane greenhouse gas least 25 time potent carbon dioxide rule would phase limit flare several years affect 16 percent oil well account 87 percent gas flare blm say oil gas operators comply expand gas-capture technology connect well exist infrastructure gather line operators would use technology infrared cameras detect methane leak invisible naked eye blm could also set adjust royalty rat oil gas drill federal land 12.5 percent currently blm discretion raise rate today announcement win western taxpayers long big oil company waste natural gas belong americans accountability say chris saeger director ngo western value project blm right address methane waste exist oil gas facilities action build important state federal progress already underway say fred krupp president environmental defense fund moments rule release western energy alliance independent petroleum association america file lawsuit blm wyoming court obama administration complete rule curb methane federal oil gas production | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: washington u.s. interior department finalize rule tuesday aim prevent methane leak oil gas production federal tribal land one last major obama administration rule aim fight climate change interior bureau land management blm say tuesday rule update 30-year-old regulations govern flare vent natural gas leak oil gas production could avoid waste 41 billion cubic feet bcf natural gas per year rule prevent waste nation natural gas supply good government plain simple say interior secretary sally jewell prove cut harmful methane emissions contribute climate change put place standards make good economic sense nation environmental group praise rule industry western state call unnecessary one industry group sue blm incoming trump administration promise cut call superfluous restrictions energy production interior department fact sheet say 2009 2015 oil gas producers vent flare leak 462 bcf natural gas federal indian land waste much 23 million annually royalty revenue vent leak oil gas operations cause major emissions methane greenhouse gas least 25 time potent carbon dioxide rule would phase limit flare several years affect 16 percent oil well account 87 percent gas flare blm say oil gas operators comply expand gas-capture technology connect well exist infrastructure gather line operators would use technology infrared cameras detect methane leak invisible naked eye blm could also set adjust royalty rat oil gas drill federal land 12.5 percent currently blm discretion raise rate today announcement win western taxpayers long big oil company waste natural gas belong americans accountability say chris saeger director ngo western value project blm right address methane waste exist oil gas facilities action build important state federal progress already underway say fred krupp president environmental defense fund moments rule release western energy alliance independent petroleum association america file lawsuit blm wyoming court obama administration complete rule curb methane federal oil gas production | 0 | 0.997199 | 0 | 0.996676 |
1 | new york republican presidential nominee donald trump pick endorsement monday union represent 5,000 federal immigration officer boost support immigration policy ahead first debate democrat hillary clinton trump lay hardline position illegal immigration propose build wall along u.s. southern border mexico take step crack flow undocumented people cross unite state immigration likely discuss debate national immigration customs enforcement council union represent 5,000 federal immigration officer law enforcement support staff announce would support trump describe first endorsement candidate elect office union president chris crane outline statement group back trump say union members last line defense american communities members prevent enforce basic immigration laws cnn/orc poll release sept. say among register voters 49 percent say trust clinton handle immigration slight advantage trump 47 percent crane say endorsement conduct vote union membership clinton receive percent vote ahead debate trump endorse u.s. immigration officer | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: new york republican presidential nominee donald trump pick endorsement monday union represent 5,000 federal immigration officer boost support immigration policy ahead first debate democrat hillary clinton trump lay hardline position illegal immigration propose build wall along u.s. southern border mexico take step crack flow undocumented people cross unite state immigration likely discuss debate national immigration customs enforcement council union represent 5,000 federal immigration officer law enforcement support staff announce would support trump describe first endorsement candidate elect office union president chris crane outline statement group back trump say union members last line defense american communities members prevent enforce basic immigration laws cnn/orc poll release sept. say among register voters 49 percent say trust clinton handle immigration slight advantage trump 47 percent crane say endorsement conduct vote union membership clinton receive percent vote ahead debate trump endorse u.s. immigration officer | 0 | 0.995801 | 0 | 0.98708 |
0 | children greet capitol step communist state wisconsin protestors sing hate songs sign read republicans walker rape molest women girls.appleton wis. frequent capitol build madison assume capitol singers group protest governor scott walker song fade away.i learn recently however line censor sitcom last man stand say clintons like shingle think go pop back receive email recently listener radio show chaperon field trip daughter 4th grade class horizons elementary school appleton take state capitol late may story share simply stun everyone field trip capitol eat lunch capitol step time group people protest walker act 10 sing hate songs hold sign say republicans walker rape molest women girls.another parent point daughter teacher sing think need find actually sing bunch students listen record cell phone happen realize sing terrible hate songs walker sign way teacher hold piece paper word sing kid way back start chant walker suck mean things stop ask know say ask three time one boys speak say mr. niquette also daughter teacher.feeling inappropriate confront teacher front children parent contact school see behavior violate school policy end email exchange teacher scott niquette scott issue go sing people field trip.did see sign hold guess saw word read sheet hold understand children saw sing scott video sing hate walker song.when kid walk back hill chant hate speech toward walker stop ask answer obvious someone influence live thing influence children trust lead cry loud scott sign way inappropriate talk molest children rap show olympian chutzpah niquette plead ignorance response respect capitol singers join lunch break simply enjoy sing currently active member church choir honestly see notice sign regard molest children rap women enter circle singers assure certainly would immediately leave join simply enjoy sing respect teach also take seriously take great offense accusations visit classroom numerous occasion sit lessons see hear stick objectives leave politics out.he resist join group scott walker haters public suppose trust keep politics classroom see sign say unclear lyric sing sheet reach horizons principal karen brice initially tell hear incident frankly find hard believe tell would look days late call back say school officials investigate determine whether district policy violated.then classic line niquette email response parent retrospect however think save sing capitol singers time capitol accord good reduce opportunities misunderstanding.via eag news parent furious 4th grade class join hateful protestors teacher chant capitol step governor walker suck | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: children greet capitol step communist state wisconsin protestors sing hate songs sign read republicans walker rape molest women girls.appleton wis. frequent capitol build madison assume capitol singers group protest governor scott walker song fade away.i learn recently however line censor sitcom last man stand say clintons like shingle think go pop back receive email recently listener radio show chaperon field trip daughter 4th grade class horizons elementary school appleton take state capitol late may story share simply stun everyone field trip capitol eat lunch capitol step time group people protest walker act 10 sing hate songs hold sign say republicans walker rape molest women girls.another parent point daughter teacher sing think need find actually sing bunch students listen record cell phone happen realize sing terrible hate songs walker sign way teacher hold piece paper word sing kid way back start chant walker suck mean things stop ask know say ask three time one boys speak say mr. niquette also daughter teacher.feeling inappropriate confront teacher front children parent contact school see behavior violate school policy end email exchange teacher scott niquette scott issue go sing people field trip.did see sign hold guess saw word read sheet hold understand children saw sing scott video sing hate walker song.when kid walk back hill chant hate speech toward walker stop ask answer obvious someone influence live thing influence children trust lead cry loud scott sign way inappropriate talk molest children rap show olympian chutzpah niquette plead ignorance response respect capitol singers join lunch break simply enjoy sing currently active member church choir honestly see notice sign regard molest children rap women enter circle singers assure certainly would immediately leave join simply enjoy sing respect teach also take seriously take great offense accusations visit classroom numerous occasion sit lessons see hear stick objectives leave politics out.he resist join group scott walker haters public suppose trust keep politics classroom see sign say unclear lyric sing sheet reach horizons principal karen brice initially tell hear incident frankly find hard believe tell would look days late call back say school officials investigate determine whether district policy violated.then classic line niquette email response parent retrospect however think save sing capitol singers time capitol accord good reduce opportunities misunderstanding.via eag news parent furious 4th grade class join hateful protestors teacher chant capitol step governor walker suck | 0 | 0.999713 | 0 | 0.999722 |
1 | washington u.s. secretary state rex tillerson authorize state department notify congress trump administration sale precision-guided munition saudi arabia use yemen campaign senior u.s. diplomat say tuesday notification one last step arm sale process trigger formal 30-day review allow members congress attempt pass legislation stop sale u.s. lawmakers introduce legislation last week seek block 500 million 110 billion arm sale saudi arabia include portion precision-guided missiles offensive weapons announcement sale expect march objections mostly democratic lawmakers human right group lead washington ask riyadh commitments improve target procedures would minimize civilian casualties ask tuesday whether saudis take specific measure improve target capabilities senior u.s. diplomat act assistant secretary state near eastern affairs stuart jones answer directly continue source conversation us jones tell reporters constantly try improve process yemen civil war pit iran-allied houthi rebel government back saudi-led arab coalition nearly 4,800 civilians kill since march 2015 unite nations say march jones say tillerson authorization expect occur president donald trump may 20-21 visit saudi arabia trump predecessor barack obama december limit military support saudi arabia campaign yemen concern civilian casualties halt sale precision-guided munition trip saudi arabia trump receive warm welcome gulf arab leaders want crack iran influence region commitment find lack obama trump also make overt mention human right abuse saudi arabia speech move criticize democrats republicans congress fact feature speech mean part bilateral dialogue jones say take public debate conversations directly quietly effective tillerson last week tell reporters human right issue central part trump private meet saudi officials instead focus fight terrorism path clear congress consider u.s. arm sale riyadh state department | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: washington u.s. secretary state rex tillerson authorize state department notify congress trump administration sale precision-guided munition saudi arabia use yemen campaign senior u.s. diplomat say tuesday notification one last step arm sale process trigger formal 30-day review allow members congress attempt pass legislation stop sale u.s. lawmakers introduce legislation last week seek block 500 million 110 billion arm sale saudi arabia include portion precision-guided missiles offensive weapons announcement sale expect march objections mostly democratic lawmakers human right group lead washington ask riyadh commitments improve target procedures would minimize civilian casualties ask tuesday whether saudis take specific measure improve target capabilities senior u.s. diplomat act assistant secretary state near eastern affairs stuart jones answer directly continue source conversation us jones tell reporters constantly try improve process yemen civil war pit iran-allied houthi rebel government back saudi-led arab coalition nearly 4,800 civilians kill since march 2015 unite nations say march jones say tillerson authorization expect occur president donald trump may 20-21 visit saudi arabia trump predecessor barack obama december limit military support saudi arabia campaign yemen concern civilian casualties halt sale precision-guided munition trip saudi arabia trump receive warm welcome gulf arab leaders want crack iran influence region commitment find lack obama trump also make overt mention human right abuse saudi arabia speech move criticize democrats republicans congress fact feature speech mean part bilateral dialogue jones say take public debate conversations directly quietly effective tillerson last week tell reporters human right issue central part trump private meet saudi officials instead focus fight terrorism path clear congress consider u.s. arm sale riyadh state department | 0 | 0.977543 | 1 | 0.988842 |
1 | ankara turkey main opposition call resignation prime minister binali yildirim wednesday say report sons own offshore company amount breach ethics yildirim two sons show owners two malta-based company accord so-called paradise paper series leak document offshore record relate global assets wealthy individuals spokesman main opposition republican people party chp bulent tezcan say offshore company deprive turkey much-needed tax revenue crime legal standpoint different argument wrong morally country need money yes say first thing prime minister need surface resign chp pro-kurdish hdp together submit motion parliament investigate name paradise paper although unlikely gain much traction legislature dominate yildirim rule akp yildirim say sons involve ship industry guilty wrongdoing ship global business business globe company contact world tell reporters depart unite state official visit tuesday invite critics open financial legal investigation say unacceptable accuse innocent people wrongdoing also show reporters certificate give family-owned company show one firm pay tax istanbul paradise paper obtain germany sueddeutsche zeitung share international consortium investigative journalists icij media outlets relate investments individuals u.s. commerce secretary wilbur ross britain queen elizabeth reuters independently verify turkish opposition call pm 's resignation sons offshore assets | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: ankara turkey main opposition call resignation prime minister binali yildirim wednesday say report sons own offshore company amount breach ethics yildirim two sons show owners two malta-based company accord so-called paradise paper series leak document offshore record relate global assets wealthy individuals spokesman main opposition republican people party chp bulent tezcan say offshore company deprive turkey much-needed tax revenue crime legal standpoint different argument wrong morally country need money yes say first thing prime minister need surface resign chp pro-kurdish hdp together submit motion parliament investigate name paradise paper although unlikely gain much traction legislature dominate yildirim rule akp yildirim say sons involve ship industry guilty wrongdoing ship global business business globe company contact world tell reporters depart unite state official visit tuesday invite critics open financial legal investigation say unacceptable accuse innocent people wrongdoing also show reporters certificate give family-owned company show one firm pay tax istanbul paradise paper obtain germany sueddeutsche zeitung share international consortium investigative journalists icij media outlets relate investments individuals u.s. commerce secretary wilbur ross britain queen elizabeth reuters independently verify turkish opposition call pm 's resignation sons offshore assets | 1 | 0.912436 | 1 | 0.892563 |
0 | little know time record accurate guest comment would last week episode 179 sunday wire host patrick henningsen speak author global affairs analyst f. william engdahl discuss recent article new us-israeli oil war golan heights syria connect west hide agenda create safe zone prophetic fashion engdahl go describe donald trump tool establishment place us presidency america deep state order fast-track destructive geopolitical agenda.note interview record days us missile strike syria support work subscribe become member 21wire.tvread syria news 21st century wire syria file engdahl trump puppet deep state | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: little know time record accurate guest comment would last week episode 179 sunday wire host patrick henningsen speak author global affairs analyst f. william engdahl discuss recent article new us-israeli oil war golan heights syria connect west hide agenda create safe zone prophetic fashion engdahl go describe donald trump tool establishment place us presidency america deep state order fast-track destructive geopolitical agenda.note interview record days us missile strike syria support work subscribe become member 21wire.tvread syria news 21st century wire syria file engdahl trump puppet deep state | 0 | 0.999075 | 0 | 0.998611 |
0 | wonder latino americans throw support behind donald trump concern strange people run neighborhood night several hidalgo residents invite cbs news reporter stop witness problem firsthand.note hidalgo even list top dangerous border cities americagraciela perez say concern people attempt sneak neighborhood every night.depending day 30 50 people pass hidalgo viejo neighborhood perez say dog start bark wake many residents think undocumented immigrants scar perez say honestly scar go mexico via valley centralthe number arrest make border people afghanistan pakistan significantly year compare last president national border patrol council say testify house hear tuesday.brandon judd also serve border patrol agent nearly 20 years also tell house oversight government reform committee subcommittee national security witness u.s. customs border protection cbp officials fudge alien apprehension statistics low-balling number get aways illegal border-crossers enter country avoid apprehend border agents.judd begin deny say obama administration claim border secure today ever border patrol agent tell exact opposite judd said.the obama administration fail give american public key indicators number arrest persons countries know terrorist tie countries compete economically interest support claim judd point statistics show fiscal year 2015 border patrol arrest five people afghanistan 57 pakistan 1,327 china.but number surge year accord judd already first five months fiscal year unite state border patrol arrest 18 afghanistan 79 pakistan 619 people republic china union chief say number alarm everyone see similar trend key countries like albania bangladesh brazil continued.judd also point say evidence drug cartels win say visit station del rio border patrol sector south texas resource-strapped agents able arrest 47 percent know border-crossers.he say 157 know entries week 74 arrest 54 evade arrest enter u.s. 17 evade arrest return mexico 12 still unaccounted 47 percent arrest rate say judd good also highlight gap border security cite email receive tuesday border patrol agent arizona point 10-mile stretch border unman two days criminal cartels able go fence cut hole fence drive two vehicles hole escape able put fence back try hide cut make judd say scary part vehicles enter unite state know vehicles explain border-crossers apprehend judd say know florida rep. ron desantis 89 chair national security subcommittee also ask judd whether cbp might fudge apprehension data hear similar report actually see judd say recall previous stint intelligence officer work station southern border.he say receive note high-ranking watch commander order remove number got-away report.via daily caller obama force poor americans fend dangerous criminals cross border | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: wonder latino americans throw support behind donald trump concern strange people run neighborhood night several hidalgo residents invite cbs news reporter stop witness problem firsthand.note hidalgo even list top dangerous border cities americagraciela perez say concern people attempt sneak neighborhood every night.depending day 30 50 people pass hidalgo viejo neighborhood perez say dog start bark wake many residents think undocumented immigrants scar perez say honestly scar go mexico via valley centralthe number arrest make border people afghanistan pakistan significantly year compare last president national border patrol council say testify house hear tuesday.brandon judd also serve border patrol agent nearly 20 years also tell house oversight government reform committee subcommittee national security witness u.s. customs border protection cbp officials fudge alien apprehension statistics low-balling number get aways illegal border-crossers enter country avoid apprehend border agents.judd begin deny say obama administration claim border secure today ever border patrol agent tell exact opposite judd said.the obama administration fail give american public key indicators number arrest persons countries know terrorist tie countries compete economically interest support claim judd point statistics show fiscal year 2015 border patrol arrest five people afghanistan 57 pakistan 1,327 china.but number surge year accord judd already first five months fiscal year unite state border patrol arrest 18 afghanistan 79 pakistan 619 people republic china union chief say number alarm everyone see similar trend key countries like albania bangladesh brazil continued.judd also point say evidence drug cartels win say visit station del rio border patrol sector south texas resource-strapped agents able arrest 47 percent know border-crossers.he say 157 know entries week 74 arrest 54 evade arrest enter u.s. 17 evade arrest return mexico 12 still unaccounted 47 percent arrest rate say judd good also highlight gap border security cite email receive tuesday border patrol agent arizona point 10-mile stretch border unman two days criminal cartels able go fence cut hole fence drive two vehicles hole escape able put fence back try hide cut make judd say scary part vehicles enter unite state know vehicles explain border-crossers apprehend judd say know florida rep. ron desantis 89 chair national security subcommittee also ask judd whether cbp might fudge apprehension data hear similar report actually see judd say recall previous stint intelligence officer work station southern border.he say receive note high-ranking watch commander order remove number got-away report.via daily caller obama force poor americans fend dangerous criminals cross border | 0 | 0.999183 | 0 | 0.999045 |
1 | brasilia billionaire joesley batista one owners jbs sa world large meatpacker executive ricardo saud surrender sunday arrest brazilian police lawyer say batista saud go federal police headquarter sao paulo sunday afternoon transfer brasilia monday lawyer pierpaolo bottini say arrest order supreme court justice edson fachin agree request brazilian prosecutor-general rodrigo janot court revoke immunity prosecution previous plea deal strike batista saud former director hold company investimentos decision order arrest least five days fachin write state witness selective present information relate crimes confess plea deal janot seek arrest batista saud record discuss crimes cover plea bargain tap conversation make public supreme court inadvertently submit prosecutors unrelated material last week statement sunday lawyers say men lie omit information plea deal supreme court justice deny request arrest former prosecutor marcelo miller accuse prosecutor-general help wesley joesley batista plea deal leave prosecutor office april private law firm brazilian billionaire joesley batista surrender police | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: brasilia billionaire joesley batista one owners jbs sa world large meatpacker executive ricardo saud surrender sunday arrest brazilian police lawyer say batista saud go federal police headquarter sao paulo sunday afternoon transfer brasilia monday lawyer pierpaolo bottini say arrest order supreme court justice edson fachin agree request brazilian prosecutor-general rodrigo janot court revoke immunity prosecution previous plea deal strike batista saud former director hold company investimentos decision order arrest least five days fachin write state witness selective present information relate crimes confess plea deal janot seek arrest batista saud record discuss crimes cover plea bargain tap conversation make public supreme court inadvertently submit prosecutors unrelated material last week statement sunday lawyers say men lie omit information plea deal supreme court justice deny request arrest former prosecutor marcelo miller accuse prosecutor-general help wesley joesley batista plea deal leave prosecutor office april private law firm brazilian billionaire joesley batista surrender police | 0 | 0.99539 | 0 | 0.99593 |
1 | vienna austrian chancellor sebastian kurz say wednesday new coalition would focus fight anti-semitism israel make clear would work directly minister far-right party back government kurz 31-year-old conservative swear rest government monday reach coalition deal hand control much austria security apparatus anti-islam freedom party fpo fpo come third october parliamentary election 26 percent vote israel react inauguration say would business operational echelons government departments head fpo minister fpo control foreign interior defence ministries though foreign minister karin kneissl officially member party anti-semitism place austria europe fight form anti-semitism full determination still exist newly import say speech outline government goals parliament one government significant task fpo found former nazis 1950s say leave anti-semitic past behind though still expel members year anti-semitic neo-nazi comment openly court jewish voters limit success leader heinz-christian strache also visit yad vashem holocaust memorial jerusalem israel wish underline total commitment fight anti-semitism commemorate holocaust israeli foreign ministry say short statement monday response austrian government swear european jewish congress call new government take concrete step anti-semitism take generally inclusive approach freedom party use jewish community fig leaf must show tolerance acceptance towards communities minorities say monday austria adolf hitler bear annex nazi germany march 1938. next year mark 80th anniversary takeover well 100th anniversary end world war one lead break-up austro-hungarian empire kurz say events 1938 shameful sad people party ovp fpo publish 180-page coalition manifesto weekend include plan cut public spend tax benefit refugees ovp october election hard line immigration often overlap fpo s. issue dominate campaign austria take large number asylum seekers europe migration crisis many muslim countries austria jewish community 10,000 tiny relative half million muslims live nation almost million many turkish turkish origin kurz strache warn muslim parallel societies say emerge austria despite obvious sign sectarian tension kurz fly brussels tuesday dispel concern alliance far right undermine european union speeches parliament strache say oppose turkey join european union position poll show majority austrians support turkey move wrong direction mean turkey certainly future european union say kurz criticise ankara clampdown dissent since fail coup last year tuesday night first foreign visit chancellor brussels kurz tell broadcaster orf would soon meet israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu hope succeed dispel concern exist regard fpo government members kurz say would interest countries austria 's kurz say fight anti-semitism israel voice concern | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: vienna austrian chancellor sebastian kurz say wednesday new coalition would focus fight anti-semitism israel make clear would work directly minister far-right party back government kurz 31-year-old conservative swear rest government monday reach coalition deal hand control much austria security apparatus anti-islam freedom party fpo fpo come third october parliamentary election 26 percent vote israel react inauguration say would business operational echelons government departments head fpo minister fpo control foreign interior defence ministries though foreign minister karin kneissl officially member party anti-semitism place austria europe fight form anti-semitism full determination still exist newly import say speech outline government goals parliament one government significant task fpo found former nazis 1950s say leave anti-semitic past behind though still expel members year anti-semitic neo-nazi comment openly court jewish voters limit success leader heinz-christian strache also visit yad vashem holocaust memorial jerusalem israel wish underline total commitment fight anti-semitism commemorate holocaust israeli foreign ministry say short statement monday response austrian government swear european jewish congress call new government take concrete step anti-semitism take generally inclusive approach freedom party use jewish community fig leaf must show tolerance acceptance towards communities minorities say monday austria adolf hitler bear annex nazi germany march 1938. next year mark 80th anniversary takeover well 100th anniversary end world war one lead break-up austro-hungarian empire kurz say events 1938 shameful sad people party ovp fpo publish 180-page coalition manifesto weekend include plan cut public spend tax benefit refugees ovp october election hard line immigration often overlap fpo s. issue dominate campaign austria take large number asylum seekers europe migration crisis many muslim countries austria jewish community 10,000 tiny relative half million muslims live nation almost million many turkish turkish origin kurz strache warn muslim parallel societies say emerge austria despite obvious sign sectarian tension kurz fly brussels tuesday dispel concern alliance far right undermine european union speeches parliament strache say oppose turkey join european union position poll show majority austrians support turkey move wrong direction mean turkey certainly future european union say kurz criticise ankara clampdown dissent since fail coup last year tuesday night first foreign visit chancellor brussels kurz tell broadcaster orf would soon meet israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu hope succeed dispel concern exist regard fpo government members kurz say would interest countries austria 's kurz say fight anti-semitism israel voice concern | 1 | 0.978713 | 1 | 0.993307 |
0 | wow former ambassador russia list failures obama syria video | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: wow former ambassador russia list failures obama syria video | 0 | 0.999713 | 0 | 0.557364 |
0 | partial transcript rant black community blame white racism believe hide face kkk come swing permit right condone kkk condone stand right like everyone else antifa black live matter show weapons want fight black people get get plantation get stop believe lie black people complicit slavery white people white people slave black people slave refuse acknowledge black people hand slavery 3,076 slave sell black people civil war period watch peggy hubbard defend trump…talks attack defend confederate statues antifa black live matter show weapons want fight | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: partial transcript rant black community blame white racism believe hide face kkk come swing permit right condone kkk condone stand right like everyone else antifa black live matter show weapons want fight black people get get plantation get stop believe lie black people complicit slavery white people white people slave black people slave refuse acknowledge black people hand slavery 3,076 slave sell black people civil war period watch peggy hubbard defend trump…talks attack defend confederate statues antifa black live matter show weapons want fight | 0 | 0.999846 | 0 | 0.999851 |
0 | fire fbi director jam comey offer explosive testimony intelligence committee unite state senate republicans scramble defend trump try make excuse could well obstruction justice will break rank criticize trump know damn well hillary clinton barack obama howl impeachment posthaste well one republican will call former congressman bob inglis.rep inglis take twitter story post house speaker paul ryan claim impeach democrat person things trump engage series tweet inglis trash ryan lie speakerryan know n't true know would inquire impeachment d. https // bob inglis bobinglis june 2017 speakerryan n't time draft article impeachment time pursue russia investigation vigor bob inglis bobinglis june 2017 speakerryan investigation lead pres family campaign n't obstruct justice put country first bob inglis bobinglis june 2017inglis correct course elect republicans craven cowardly weasels right put party political futures ahead country nation world burn trump criminal behavior rank ignorance stun incompetence hillary clinton know try find something anything remove office hell even anything wrong fact house oversight chair jason chaffetz say years investigations line wait hillary seem sure would win call removal second take hand bible whether anything wrong admit short elect republicans need grow spine admit mistake make nation world something donald trump still nation leave save.featured image via draw angerer/getty image former gop congressman trash paul ryan trump dem impeach | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: fire fbi director jam comey offer explosive testimony intelligence committee unite state senate republicans scramble defend trump try make excuse could well obstruction justice will break rank criticize trump know damn well hillary clinton barack obama howl impeachment posthaste well one republican will call former congressman bob inglis.rep inglis take twitter story post house speaker paul ryan claim impeach democrat person things trump engage series tweet inglis trash ryan lie speakerryan know n't true know would inquire impeachment d. https // bob inglis bobinglis june 2017 speakerryan n't time draft article impeachment time pursue russia investigation vigor bob inglis bobinglis june 2017 speakerryan investigation lead pres family campaign n't obstruct justice put country first bob inglis bobinglis june 2017inglis correct course elect republicans craven cowardly weasels right put party political futures ahead country nation world burn trump criminal behavior rank ignorance stun incompetence hillary clinton know try find something anything remove office hell even anything wrong fact house oversight chair jason chaffetz say years investigations line wait hillary seem sure would win call removal second take hand bible whether anything wrong admit short elect republicans need grow spine admit mistake make nation world something donald trump still nation leave save.featured image via draw angerer/getty image former gop congressman trash paul ryan trump dem impeach | 1 | 0.926304 | 1 | 0.613005 |
0 | hey bernie fan might want take look medicare leave one behind much cost pay much cost plan estimate cost 1.38 trillion per year.the plan would fully pay 6.2 percent income-based health care premium pay employers revenue raise 630 billion per year.a 2.2 percent income-based premium pay households revenue raise 210 billion per year.this year family four take standard deduction income 28,800 pay tax plan.a family four make 50,000 year take standard deduction would pay 466 income tax rat revenue raise 110 billion year.under plan marginal income tax rate would be:37 percent income 250,000 500,000 43 percent income 500,000 million 48 percent income million 10 million 2013 113,000 households top 0.08 percent taxpayers income million 10 million 52 percent income 10 million 2013 13,000 households 0.01 percent taxpayers income exceed 10 million tax capital gain dividends income work revenue raise 92 billion per year.warren buffett second wealthy american country say pay low effective tax rate secretary reason receive income capital gain dividends tax much low rate income work plan end special tax break capital gain dividends household income 250,000.limit tax deductions rich revenue raise 15 billion per yearunder bernie plan households make 250,000 would long able save 28 cents tax every dollar tax deductions limit would replace complicate less effective limit tax break rich include amt personal exemption phase-out limit itemize deductions.the responsible estate tax revenue raise 21 billion per year.this provision would tax estates wealthy 0.3 percent three-tenths percent americans inherit 3.5 million progressive rat close loopholes estate tax.savings health tax expenditures revenue raise 310 billion per year.several tax break subsidize health care health-related tax expenditures would become obsolete disappear single-payer health care system save 310 billion per year.most importantly health care provide employers compensation subject payroll tax income tax current law significant tax break would effectively disappear plan americans would receive health care new single-payer program instead employer-based health care.via taxprofblog holy tax plan bernie sanders release plan freebies | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: hey bernie fan might want take look medicare leave one behind much cost pay much cost plan estimate cost 1.38 trillion per year.the plan would fully pay 6.2 percent income-based health care premium pay employers revenue raise 630 billion per year.a 2.2 percent income-based premium pay households revenue raise 210 billion per year.this year family four take standard deduction income 28,800 pay tax plan.a family four make 50,000 year take standard deduction would pay 466 income tax rat revenue raise 110 billion year.under plan marginal income tax rate would be:37 percent income 250,000 500,000 43 percent income 500,000 million 48 percent income million 10 million 2013 113,000 households top 0.08 percent taxpayers income million 10 million 52 percent income 10 million 2013 13,000 households 0.01 percent taxpayers income exceed 10 million tax capital gain dividends income work revenue raise 92 billion per year.warren buffett second wealthy american country say pay low effective tax rate secretary reason receive income capital gain dividends tax much low rate income work plan end special tax break capital gain dividends household income 250,000.limit tax deductions rich revenue raise 15 billion per yearunder bernie plan households make 250,000 would long able save 28 cents tax every dollar tax deductions limit would replace complicate less effective limit tax break rich include amt personal exemption phase-out limit itemize deductions.the responsible estate tax revenue raise 21 billion per year.this provision would tax estates wealthy 0.3 percent three-tenths percent americans inherit 3.5 million progressive rat close loopholes estate tax.savings health tax expenditures revenue raise 310 billion per year.several tax break subsidize health care health-related tax expenditures would become obsolete disappear single-payer health care system save 310 billion per year.most importantly health care provide employers compensation subject payroll tax income tax current law significant tax break would effectively disappear plan americans would receive health care new single-payer program instead employer-based health care.via taxprofblog holy tax plan bernie sanders release plan freebies | 0 | 0.999183 | 0 | 0.998675 |
0 | accident president obama name vanita gupta act head civil right division doj gupta beloved radical leave militant hostility toward law enforcement officer fantastic overview j. christian adams intimate knowledge go doj work know doj turn politicize radical leftist entity obama administration example vanita gupta head department justice civil right division tell lawyers group colorado slavery jim crow help fuel ferguson baltimore riots.the last days see number fanciful stories obama administration seemingly question authority local police long maintain administration nakedly seek federalize police standards get rid local police way sound like something broadcast shortwave station austin texas step vanita gupta lend credibility idea want disband local police replace police power federal government speak group left-wing lawyers colorado gupta say conversation room however whether police kind police communities want deserve.there question need police communities.the conversation conversation gupta hear need correct bring idea might need police nobody sane sure.if read entirety gupta speech get sense go mind anti-police leave officials administration still think rational acceptable bring name michael brown context anything likely felon deadly force justifiably use behold gupta eric garner michael brown tamir rice john crawford walter scott freddie gray.these name many others become familiar us tragic circumstances recent months deaths unarm african american men women encounter police officer provoke widespread responses across country fuel black live matter movement communities color particular reaction stark seven months civil right division spend lot time local leaders community members cities across america include numerous mother lose children officer-involved shoot pain anger frustration lack trust police real profound.gupta ask question many americans already ask answer worth ask first get second go law-abiding americans idea flee police bad charge policeman already punch simply beyond realm get breakdown value perhaps pervasive tolerance lawlessness course say gupta let start first question consider source mistrust mistrust explain away kneejerk reaction ill-informed hyperbolic part product historical awareness role police play enforce perpetuate wait come slavery black cod lynch jim crow pjmediaread pjmedia doj leader put blame riot on…slavery | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: accident president obama name vanita gupta act head civil right division doj gupta beloved radical leave militant hostility toward law enforcement officer fantastic overview j. christian adams intimate knowledge go doj work know doj turn politicize radical leftist entity obama administration example vanita gupta head department justice civil right division tell lawyers group colorado slavery jim crow help fuel ferguson baltimore riots.the last days see number fanciful stories obama administration seemingly question authority local police long maintain administration nakedly seek federalize police standards get rid local police way sound like something broadcast shortwave station austin texas step vanita gupta lend credibility idea want disband local police replace police power federal government speak group left-wing lawyers colorado gupta say conversation room however whether police kind police communities want deserve.there question need police communities.the conversation conversation gupta hear need correct bring idea might need police nobody sane sure.if read entirety gupta speech get sense go mind anti-police leave officials administration still think rational acceptable bring name michael brown context anything likely felon deadly force justifiably use behold gupta eric garner michael brown tamir rice john crawford walter scott freddie gray.these name many others become familiar us tragic circumstances recent months deaths unarm african american men women encounter police officer provoke widespread responses across country fuel black live matter movement communities color particular reaction stark seven months civil right division spend lot time local leaders community members cities across america include numerous mother lose children officer-involved shoot pain anger frustration lack trust police real profound.gupta ask question many americans already ask answer worth ask first get second go law-abiding americans idea flee police bad charge policeman already punch simply beyond realm get breakdown value perhaps pervasive tolerance lawlessness course say gupta let start first question consider source mistrust mistrust explain away kneejerk reaction ill-informed hyperbolic part product historical awareness role police play enforce perpetuate wait come slavery black cod lynch jim crow pjmediaread pjmedia doj leader put blame riot on…slavery | 0 | 0.999131 | 0 | 0.999117 |
1 | bangkok thailand supreme court convict sentence former prime minister yingluck shinawatra absentia five years prison wednesday mismanage rice subsidy scheme cost country billions dollars yingluck flee abroad last month fear military government set coup 2014 would seek harsh sentence decade thai politics dominate power struggle thailand traditional elite include army affluent bangkok-based upper class shinawatra family include yingluck brother former prime minister thaksin shinawatra also oust coup yingluck face 10 years prison negligence costly scheme help get elect 2011. plead innocent accuse military government political persecution nine judge vote unanimously find yingluck guilty verdict read take four hours warrant issue arrest court say yingluck know members administration falsify government-to-government rice deal nothing stop accuse know government-to-government rice contract unlawful prevent ... supreme court say manner seek unlawful gain therefore action accuse consider negligence duty say former commerce minister government jail 42 years last month falsify government-to-government rice deal connection subsidy scheme norrawit larlaeng lawyer yingluck tell reporters outside court appeal discuss shinawatras command huge support court rural voters help win every general election since 2001 foes accuse corruption nepotism rice scheme yingluck government buy rice farmers above-market price lead stockpile distort global price losses amount billion military government say yingluck puea thai party defend scheme wednesday puea thai party believe various scheme party introduce previous administration phumtham wechayachai secretary-general party say yingluck ban politics five years 2015 remain unofficial face party populist movement support kan yuengyong executive director siam intelligence unit think-tank say wednesday sentence mark end political career add unlikely would return thailand near future politically execution yingluck verdict effectively take politics kan tell reuters thitinan pongsudhirak director institute security international study chulalongkorn university say puea thai party rudderless pheu thai officially become rudderless regroup new leadership dissolve leader compromise maybe thailand move say bottom line shinawatras corruption problems elect governments flaw unintended legacy help connect mass need openly adopt opponents thailand move dozens supporters gather outside court hear verdict wednesday far few aug. 25 court originally schedule deliver verdict find yingluck flee country though whereabouts disclose either aid junta reuters report last month flee dubai thaksin home live self-imposed exile avoid 2008 jail sentence corruption neither yingluck thaksin comment publicly immediately verdict nothing hear yingluck since flee country one lawyers sommai koosap tell reuters outside court wednesday contact photos post instagram week one thaksin daughters show thaksin london none photos feature yingluck leader junta prime minister prayuth chan-ocha say tuesday know yingluck would reveal verdict read thai authorities investigate yingluck escape say last week question three police officer admit help fugitive former thai pm yingluck get five years jail absentia | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: bangkok thailand supreme court convict sentence former prime minister yingluck shinawatra absentia five years prison wednesday mismanage rice subsidy scheme cost country billions dollars yingluck flee abroad last month fear military government set coup 2014 would seek harsh sentence decade thai politics dominate power struggle thailand traditional elite include army affluent bangkok-based upper class shinawatra family include yingluck brother former prime minister thaksin shinawatra also oust coup yingluck face 10 years prison negligence costly scheme help get elect 2011. plead innocent accuse military government political persecution nine judge vote unanimously find yingluck guilty verdict read take four hours warrant issue arrest court say yingluck know members administration falsify government-to-government rice deal nothing stop accuse know government-to-government rice contract unlawful prevent ... supreme court say manner seek unlawful gain therefore action accuse consider negligence duty say former commerce minister government jail 42 years last month falsify government-to-government rice deal connection subsidy scheme norrawit larlaeng lawyer yingluck tell reporters outside court appeal discuss shinawatras command huge support court rural voters help win every general election since 2001 foes accuse corruption nepotism rice scheme yingluck government buy rice farmers above-market price lead stockpile distort global price losses amount billion military government say yingluck puea thai party defend scheme wednesday puea thai party believe various scheme party introduce previous administration phumtham wechayachai secretary-general party say yingluck ban politics five years 2015 remain unofficial face party populist movement support kan yuengyong executive director siam intelligence unit think-tank say wednesday sentence mark end political career add unlikely would return thailand near future politically execution yingluck verdict effectively take politics kan tell reuters thitinan pongsudhirak director institute security international study chulalongkorn university say puea thai party rudderless pheu thai officially become rudderless regroup new leadership dissolve leader compromise maybe thailand move say bottom line shinawatras corruption problems elect governments flaw unintended legacy help connect mass need openly adopt opponents thailand move dozens supporters gather outside court hear verdict wednesday far few aug. 25 court originally schedule deliver verdict find yingluck flee country though whereabouts disclose either aid junta reuters report last month flee dubai thaksin home live self-imposed exile avoid 2008 jail sentence corruption neither yingluck thaksin comment publicly immediately verdict nothing hear yingluck since flee country one lawyers sommai koosap tell reuters outside court wednesday contact photos post instagram week one thaksin daughters show thaksin london none photos feature yingluck leader junta prime minister prayuth chan-ocha say tuesday know yingluck would reveal verdict read thai authorities investigate yingluck escape say last week question three police officer admit help fugitive former thai pm yingluck get five years jail absentia | 0 | 0.998326 | 0 | 0.998545 |
0 | atmosphere create conservatives anti-transgender witch hunt become apparent day trend start north carolina texas process follow suit restrict bathrooms gender birth word transgender woman double-dee breast wear miniskirt would require subject harassment go men room makeup way reasonable someone identify woman belong comfortable women restroom uneducated unwashed religious bigots country live life constant state discomfort.but hysteria reach point even cisgender biological women identify women must worry backlash one god choose imbeciles decide look feminine enough one woman aimee toms recently rudely inform belong women restroom toms mind business simply wash hand walmart danbury connecticut friday another woman approach inform disgust belong time toms wear baseball cap short hair say understand someone might think transgender appearance matter one iota reason hair short time make bigot encounter feel stupid video post online inform new hater know hair short january make third donation pantene beautiful lengths program know take hair donations make wigs give cancer patients free cost damn happy rock pixie cut kid get hair get wear worth know worth discriminate bathroom fuck asshole think right decide gender right judge experience discrimination face firsthand fathom discrimination transgender people must face lifetime say imagine go every day people tell people accept point hate get ridiculous people use restroom someone transgender point live without notice daytime talk show indicator hefty supply men sexual relations woman happen penis give fly ck time people people transgender people people happen bear wrong body speak harm society allow people simply without fear reprisals unfortunately american right disagree toms lay smackdown haters https // type=3 theaterfeatured image via newstimes non-transgender woman harass bathroom donate hair cancer patients video | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: atmosphere create conservatives anti-transgender witch hunt become apparent day trend start north carolina texas process follow suit restrict bathrooms gender birth word transgender woman double-dee breast wear miniskirt would require subject harassment go men room makeup way reasonable someone identify woman belong comfortable women restroom uneducated unwashed religious bigots country live life constant state discomfort.but hysteria reach point even cisgender biological women identify women must worry backlash one god choose imbeciles decide look feminine enough one woman aimee toms recently rudely inform belong women restroom toms mind business simply wash hand walmart danbury connecticut friday another woman approach inform disgust belong time toms wear baseball cap short hair say understand someone might think transgender appearance matter one iota reason hair short time make bigot encounter feel stupid video post online inform new hater know hair short january make third donation pantene beautiful lengths program know take hair donations make wigs give cancer patients free cost damn happy rock pixie cut kid get hair get wear worth know worth discriminate bathroom fuck asshole think right decide gender right judge experience discrimination face firsthand fathom discrimination transgender people must face lifetime say imagine go every day people tell people accept point hate get ridiculous people use restroom someone transgender point live without notice daytime talk show indicator hefty supply men sexual relations woman happen penis give fly ck time people people transgender people people happen bear wrong body speak harm society allow people simply without fear reprisals unfortunately american right disagree toms lay smackdown haters https // type=3 theaterfeatured image via newstimes non-transgender woman harass bathroom donate hair cancer patients video | 0 | 0.999015 | 0 | 0.998716 |
1 | berlin emphasis place holocaust integration course migrants germany justice minister say reflect heighten unease among lead politicians spate anti-semitic act include israeli flag burn million migrants arrive germany last three years many flee conflict middle east cause concern anti-semitism could increase german police report protesters set israeli flag ablaze use anti-semitic slogans berlin cities demonstrations u.s. president donald trump decision recognize jerusalem israel capital piece weekly magazine spiegel justice minister heiko maas write holocaust nazis kill six million jews significance need become even important part integration course migrants test examination end course lessons holocaust need one guide ideas lessons chapter german history say racism place germany everyone want stay germany long term need clear fight neonazis anti-semitism tolerate import anti-semitism immigrants either maas add jens spahn senior member chancellor angela merkel christian democrats cdu tell spiegel think immigration muslim countries one cause recent anti-semitic demonstrations berlin spahn say incidents recent days relate immigration culture people prissy deal jews homosexuals speak event mark 70th anniversary establishment israel german president frank-walter steinmeier say friday germany need remember historical responsibility include lessons two world war holocaust ensure israel security reject form racism anti-semitism end responsibility people bear afterwards exceptions immigrants say add burn israeli flag understand respect mean german interview funke newspaper consortium israel ambassador berlin jeremy issacharoff call ban burn flag anyone burn flag question israel right exist say stephan kramer head state intelligence agency eastern region thuringia warn spiegel anti-semitism become ever uninhibited many jews scar identify holocaust must big part migrant course german minister | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: berlin emphasis place holocaust integration course migrants germany justice minister say reflect heighten unease among lead politicians spate anti-semitic act include israeli flag burn million migrants arrive germany last three years many flee conflict middle east cause concern anti-semitism could increase german police report protesters set israeli flag ablaze use anti-semitic slogans berlin cities demonstrations u.s. president donald trump decision recognize jerusalem israel capital piece weekly magazine spiegel justice minister heiko maas write holocaust nazis kill six million jews significance need become even important part integration course migrants test examination end course lessons holocaust need one guide ideas lessons chapter german history say racism place germany everyone want stay germany long term need clear fight neonazis anti-semitism tolerate import anti-semitism immigrants either maas add jens spahn senior member chancellor angela merkel christian democrats cdu tell spiegel think immigration muslim countries one cause recent anti-semitic demonstrations berlin spahn say incidents recent days relate immigration culture people prissy deal jews homosexuals speak event mark 70th anniversary establishment israel german president frank-walter steinmeier say friday germany need remember historical responsibility include lessons two world war holocaust ensure israel security reject form racism anti-semitism end responsibility people bear afterwards exceptions immigrants say add burn israeli flag understand respect mean german interview funke newspaper consortium israel ambassador berlin jeremy issacharoff call ban burn flag anyone burn flag question israel right exist say stephan kramer head state intelligence agency eastern region thuringia warn spiegel anti-semitism become ever uninhibited many jews scar identify holocaust must big part migrant course german minister | 0 | 0.99903 | 0 | 0.998984 |
0 | trey gowdy rip doj fbi stun read new york time article last night video | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: trey gowdy rip doj fbi stun read new york time article last night video | 0 | 0.999803 | 0 | 0.998377 |
0 | j-lo sorry mean sing happy birthday someone accuse grave human right abuses.that serenade gurbanguly berdimuhamedow president turkmenistan summer.turkmenistan know one world repressive countries accord human right watch former soviet bloc country regularly criticize poor treatment women condition prisons well intimidation journalists.but j-lo know say rep accept 1.5 million pleasure sing head state via prl childish bias media chuckle president-elect donald trump inability attract big name star perform upcoming inauguration celebration vital part story media want tell inconvenient part number rich famous celebrities many obama hillary supporters willingly perform past murderous dictators human right abusers russian gangsters.related celebs play evil foreign tyrantsdid know beyonc perform live president obama hillary clinton also perform family libya murderous dictator late-muammar el-qaddafi fat seven-figure paycheck new year eve 2009 bey belt hit qaddafis lavish champagne-soaked party also attendance husband jay-z hip-hop kingpin russell simmons usher jon bon daily wire hollywood hypocrites lefty celebs play brutal dictators trump | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: j-lo sorry mean sing happy birthday someone accuse grave human right abuses.that serenade gurbanguly berdimuhamedow president turkmenistan summer.turkmenistan know one world repressive countries accord human right watch former soviet bloc country regularly criticize poor treatment women condition prisons well intimidation journalists.but j-lo know say rep accept 1.5 million pleasure sing head state via prl childish bias media chuckle president-elect donald trump inability attract big name star perform upcoming inauguration celebration vital part story media want tell inconvenient part number rich famous celebrities many obama hillary supporters willingly perform past murderous dictators human right abusers russian gangsters.related celebs play evil foreign tyrantsdid know beyonc perform live president obama hillary clinton also perform family libya murderous dictator late-muammar el-qaddafi fat seven-figure paycheck new year eve 2009 bey belt hit qaddafis lavish champagne-soaked party also attendance husband jay-z hip-hop kingpin russell simmons usher jon bon daily wire hollywood hypocrites lefty celebs play brutal dictators trump | 0 | 0.998299 | 0 | 0.993807 |
1 | new york republicans think democrat hillary clinton rather donald trump win presidency party candidate struggle difficulties include allegations sexual misconduct suggestion may honor outcome election reuters/ipsos poll release wednesday conduct oct. 20 oct. 24 find 41 percent republicans expect clinton win nov. election versus 40 percent pick trump reflect sharp decline confidence last month 58 percent republicans say think party nominee would win versus 23 percent expect clinton prevail among trump supporters 49 percent late poll say believe trump would win 67 percent felt way begin month still hope guess great deal faith good portion american public say bert horsley 38 belgrade montana say plan vote trump even though believe clinton would win horsley say felt country lean increasingly socialist voters incline focus trump problems issue face clinton include allegations mishandle classify email secretary state nation will overlook certain things people others say despite grow pessimism trump trail clinton national opinion poll still enjoy overwhelm support members party 79 percent likely republican voters say would vote many say support root expectation would promote conservative agenda congress appoint conservative justices supreme court democrats appear strongly anticipate clinton presidency 83 percent democrats say poll think would win percent predict trump would become president among clinton supporters 92 percent expect win 83 percent month early clinton hold command lead race win electoral college claim presidency accord result reuters/ipsos state nation project release saturday trump businessman former reality television star alarm mainstream republicans throughout campaign routinely bash political establishment make series provocative statements arouse criticism belittle parent u.s. soldier kill iraq war call ban admit muslims country accuse judge bias hispanic heritage also assert without show evidence u.s. electoral system rig republicans remain mostly confident candidate chance month videotape 2005 release trump could hear brag vulgar term kiss grope women least 10 women since accuse trump make unwanted sexual advance include grope kiss early 1980s 2007 accord report various news outlets trump deny women allegations call totally absolutely false promise sue women election trump also deepen divisions within party refuse promise accept outcome election keep suspense say ask issue oct. 19 debate clinton reuters/ipsos poll conduct online english american adults 50 state late poll include 648 people identify republicans 771 people identify democrats credibility interval measure accuracy percentage point republicans expect clinton rather trump win u.s. election | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: new york republicans think democrat hillary clinton rather donald trump win presidency party candidate struggle difficulties include allegations sexual misconduct suggestion may honor outcome election reuters/ipsos poll release wednesday conduct oct. 20 oct. 24 find 41 percent republicans expect clinton win nov. election versus 40 percent pick trump reflect sharp decline confidence last month 58 percent republicans say think party nominee would win versus 23 percent expect clinton prevail among trump supporters 49 percent late poll say believe trump would win 67 percent felt way begin month still hope guess great deal faith good portion american public say bert horsley 38 belgrade montana say plan vote trump even though believe clinton would win horsley say felt country lean increasingly socialist voters incline focus trump problems issue face clinton include allegations mishandle classify email secretary state nation will overlook certain things people others say despite grow pessimism trump trail clinton national opinion poll still enjoy overwhelm support members party 79 percent likely republican voters say would vote many say support root expectation would promote conservative agenda congress appoint conservative justices supreme court democrats appear strongly anticipate clinton presidency 83 percent democrats say poll think would win percent predict trump would become president among clinton supporters 92 percent expect win 83 percent month early clinton hold command lead race win electoral college claim presidency accord result reuters/ipsos state nation project release saturday trump businessman former reality television star alarm mainstream republicans throughout campaign routinely bash political establishment make series provocative statements arouse criticism belittle parent u.s. soldier kill iraq war call ban admit muslims country accuse judge bias hispanic heritage also assert without show evidence u.s. electoral system rig republicans remain mostly confident candidate chance month videotape 2005 release trump could hear brag vulgar term kiss grope women least 10 women since accuse trump make unwanted sexual advance include grope kiss early 1980s 2007 accord report various news outlets trump deny women allegations call totally absolutely false promise sue women election trump also deepen divisions within party refuse promise accept outcome election keep suspense say ask issue oct. 19 debate clinton reuters/ipsos poll conduct online english american adults 50 state late poll include 648 people identify republicans 771 people identify democrats credibility interval measure accuracy percentage point republicans expect clinton rather trump win u.s. election | 0 | 0.999402 | 0 | 0.999323 |
0 | keurig major company commit consumer suicide decision pull advertise sean hannity fox news show interview roy moore gop candidate u.s. senate alabama accuse sexual misconduct allegedly take place 36-40 years ago weeks election may want consider facts many media outlets uncover moore accusers advertisers might also want explain consumers never pull ads show interview bill clinton accuse rape sexual assault multiple women businesses may also want explain never pull advertise tv show interview hillary clinton accuse one victim threaten women bravely come forward expose husband sexual misconduct daily mail keurig makers home coffee brew system boycott angry consumers company announce weekend plan remove ads sean hanity fox news program follow coverage alabama senate candidate roy moore.keurig make bold statement consumers twitter claim work media partner fox news stop ad air sean hannity show.angelo thank concern bring attention work media partner fox news stop ad air sean hannity show keurig keurig november 11 2017keurig 23 eloquii nature bounty say weekend would long run ads hannity show follow interview embattle candidate prompt backlash protesters social media.after twitter user post busineses allegedly advertise sean hannity fox news show nature bounty respond confirm advertisements run program nature 's bounty naturesbounty november 11 2017here gentics company 23 respond twitter receive inquiries advertise hannity run tv advertise hannity continue closely evaluate advertise 23andme 23andme november 10 201723 sell saliva collection kit help consumers trace genetics.this thanksgiving bring family close save 23andme thanksgiving family offer mydnastory https // 23andme 23andme november 2017eloquii fashion store plus size women dead upcoming eloquii set also red boot need lydia hudgens lydiahudgens november 2017excited announce face eloquii new noir collection available https // xoq tess holliday tess_holliday november 2017here tweet assure consumers hannity block form advertise list hi hannity block advertise list help anything else please n't hesitate reach us social eloquii eloquii november 10 2017moore accuse pursue inappropriate sexual relationships young women district attorney alabama 1970s.moore vehemently deny allegations say believe time accusations aim undermine candidacy.moore speak hannity scandal radio show friday admit however return military date lot young ladies sponsor announce decision run advertisements hannity show via twitter fox news host ask audience give moore benefit doubt accord cnbc news let boycott begin keurig coffee major company cave left…pull ads sean hannity show interview gop senate candidate roy moore | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: keurig major company commit consumer suicide decision pull advertise sean hannity fox news show interview roy moore gop candidate u.s. senate alabama accuse sexual misconduct allegedly take place 36-40 years ago weeks election may want consider facts many media outlets uncover moore accusers advertisers might also want explain consumers never pull ads show interview bill clinton accuse rape sexual assault multiple women businesses may also want explain never pull advertise tv show interview hillary clinton accuse one victim threaten women bravely come forward expose husband sexual misconduct daily mail keurig makers home coffee brew system boycott angry consumers company announce weekend plan remove ads sean hanity fox news program follow coverage alabama senate candidate roy moore.keurig make bold statement consumers twitter claim work media partner fox news stop ad air sean hannity show.angelo thank concern bring attention work media partner fox news stop ad air sean hannity show keurig keurig november 11 2017keurig 23 eloquii nature bounty say weekend would long run ads hannity show follow interview embattle candidate prompt backlash protesters social media.after twitter user post busineses allegedly advertise sean hannity fox news show nature bounty respond confirm advertisements run program nature 's bounty naturesbounty november 11 2017here gentics company 23 respond twitter receive inquiries advertise hannity run tv advertise hannity continue closely evaluate advertise 23andme 23andme november 10 201723 sell saliva collection kit help consumers trace genetics.this thanksgiving bring family close save 23andme thanksgiving family offer mydnastory https // 23andme 23andme november 2017eloquii fashion store plus size women dead upcoming eloquii set also red boot need lydia hudgens lydiahudgens november 2017excited announce face eloquii new noir collection available https // xoq tess holliday tess_holliday november 2017here tweet assure consumers hannity block form advertise list hi hannity block advertise list help anything else please n't hesitate reach us social eloquii eloquii november 10 2017moore accuse pursue inappropriate sexual relationships young women district attorney alabama 1970s.moore vehemently deny allegations say believe time accusations aim undermine candidacy.moore speak hannity scandal radio show friday admit however return military date lot young ladies sponsor announce decision run advertisements hannity show via twitter fox news host ask audience give moore benefit doubt accord cnbc news let boycott begin keurig coffee major company cave left…pull ads sean hannity show interview gop senate candidate roy moore | 1 | 0.903294 | 1 | 0.947381 |
1 | phnom penh cambodia hit back thursday u.s. criticism decision expel u.s.-funded pro-democracy group accuse washington political interference describe american democracy bloody brutal prime minister hun sen strongman rule cambodia three decades take strident anti-american line increasingly tense run 2018 election u.s. state department criticize cambodia decision expel national democratic institute ndi wednesday statement u.s. embassy phnom penh question whether cambodia democracy open letter thursday cambodian government ask whether unite state come cambodia help hind khmer people blame contribute rise genocidal khmer rouge 1970s cambodians well aware democratic process mean need tell us letter say describe u.s.-style democracy bloody brutal wish send clear message u.s. embassy defend national sovereignty add tensions rise anew cambodia right group unite nations express alarm opposition accuse hun sen persecution ahead next year election government order expel ndi threat shut newspaper found american journalist pay back tax immediately u.s. state department voice concern government curtail freedom press civil society ability operate government supporters threaten protest u.s. embassy phnom penh pro-government fresh news web site report thursday protest likely large scale u.s. embassy phnom penh like 1960s american interference cambodia sovereignty say cite anonymous government source spillover u.s. war neighbor vietnam 1960s 70s help bring power khmer rouge regime whose rule mark genocide least 1.8 million cambodians starvation torture disease execution hun sen former khmer rouge commander one china close regional ally warn possible return war party win elections statement website wednesday ndi call cambodia reconsider decision shut institute say work major party work strictly nonpartisan ndi president kenneth wollack say ndi fulfil legal obligations registration hun sen also target local media right group say grow crackdown ahead election cambodia ministry information wednesday revoke license local radio station sell air time opposition cambodia national rescue party station also rent space u.s. government-financed voice america voa english news outlet cambodia accuse u.s. political interference call u.s. democracy 'bloody brutal | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: phnom penh cambodia hit back thursday u.s. criticism decision expel u.s.-funded pro-democracy group accuse washington political interference describe american democracy bloody brutal prime minister hun sen strongman rule cambodia three decades take strident anti-american line increasingly tense run 2018 election u.s. state department criticize cambodia decision expel national democratic institute ndi wednesday statement u.s. embassy phnom penh question whether cambodia democracy open letter thursday cambodian government ask whether unite state come cambodia help hind khmer people blame contribute rise genocidal khmer rouge 1970s cambodians well aware democratic process mean need tell us letter say describe u.s.-style democracy bloody brutal wish send clear message u.s. embassy defend national sovereignty add tensions rise anew cambodia right group unite nations express alarm opposition accuse hun sen persecution ahead next year election government order expel ndi threat shut newspaper found american journalist pay back tax immediately u.s. state department voice concern government curtail freedom press civil society ability operate government supporters threaten protest u.s. embassy phnom penh pro-government fresh news web site report thursday protest likely large scale u.s. embassy phnom penh like 1960s american interference cambodia sovereignty say cite anonymous government source spillover u.s. war neighbor vietnam 1960s 70s help bring power khmer rouge regime whose rule mark genocide least 1.8 million cambodians starvation torture disease execution hun sen former khmer rouge commander one china close regional ally warn possible return war party win elections statement website wednesday ndi call cambodia reconsider decision shut institute say work major party work strictly nonpartisan ndi president kenneth wollack say ndi fulfil legal obligations registration hun sen also target local media right group say grow crackdown ahead election cambodia ministry information wednesday revoke license local radio station sell air time opposition cambodia national rescue party station also rent space u.s. government-financed voice america voa english news outlet cambodia accuse u.s. political interference call u.s. democracy 'bloody brutal | 1 | 0.99494 | 1 | 0.995018 |
1 | washington group republican democratic u.s. senators introduce legislation wednesday would provide additional 2,500 visa afghans assist u.s. force work interpreters support function often risk live u.s. state department say last week would soon run visa special immigrant visa siv program design help bring unite state work government decade half u.s. force engage country u.s. embassy kabul stop schedule interview applicants seek visa program bill introduce republican senators john mccain chairman senate arm service committee thom tillis democrats jack reed committee top democrat jeanne shaheen tillis shaheen also members panel four senators lead efforts senate extend afghan siv program last year legislation would ensure continuation vital special immigrant visa program send clear message america turn back great personal risk stand us fight terror mccain say statement national defense authorization act pass late last year add 1,500 visa program tighten requirements eligibility shaheen office say 10,000 applicants still process obtain visa afghan visa announcement come u.s. officials prepare implement president donald trump executive order effective week temporarily ban admission refugees travelers six muslim-majority countries afghanistan one six members congress resist expand siv program concern militants could use enter unite state supporters program dismiss concern note applicants subject intense screen u.s. lawmakers seek visa afghans help u.s. force | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: washington group republican democratic u.s. senators introduce legislation wednesday would provide additional 2,500 visa afghans assist u.s. force work interpreters support function often risk live u.s. state department say last week would soon run visa special immigrant visa siv program design help bring unite state work government decade half u.s. force engage country u.s. embassy kabul stop schedule interview applicants seek visa program bill introduce republican senators john mccain chairman senate arm service committee thom tillis democrats jack reed committee top democrat jeanne shaheen tillis shaheen also members panel four senators lead efforts senate extend afghan siv program last year legislation would ensure continuation vital special immigrant visa program send clear message america turn back great personal risk stand us fight terror mccain say statement national defense authorization act pass late last year add 1,500 visa program tighten requirements eligibility shaheen office say 10,000 applicants still process obtain visa afghan visa announcement come u.s. officials prepare implement president donald trump executive order effective week temporarily ban admission refugees travelers six muslim-majority countries afghanistan one six members congress resist expand siv program concern militants could use enter unite state supporters program dismiss concern note applicants subject intense screen u.s. lawmakers seek visa afghans help u.s. force | 1 | 0.951863 | 1 | 0.868381 |
1 | washington longtime trump communications aide hope hicks name interim communications director white house say wednesday late personnel move president donald trump continue seek someone job role communications director last fill anthony scaramucci new york financier oust 10 days follow obscene tirade make reporter new yorker magazine scaramucci prove divisive figure white house former press secretary sean spic resign arrival chief staff john kelly take fire scaramucci hicks 28 work communications trump campaign follow tenure trump organization work white house press secretary sarah sanders accord white house scaramucci predecessor communications director michael dubke resign may three months post search permanent replacement come trump repeatedly rail leak within administration attorney general also warn possible crackdown journalists source divulge classify information white house name hicks interim communications director | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: washington longtime trump communications aide hope hicks name interim communications director white house say wednesday late personnel move president donald trump continue seek someone job role communications director last fill anthony scaramucci new york financier oust 10 days follow obscene tirade make reporter new yorker magazine scaramucci prove divisive figure white house former press secretary sean spic resign arrival chief staff john kelly take fire scaramucci hicks 28 work communications trump campaign follow tenure trump organization work white house press secretary sarah sanders accord white house scaramucci predecessor communications director michael dubke resign may three months post search permanent replacement come trump repeatedly rail leak within administration attorney general also warn possible crackdown journalists source divulge classify information white house name hicks interim communications director | 0 | 0.999323 | 0 | 0.99952 |
0 | president trump lambast democrats ally media suggest million illegal alien likely vote 2016 elections.fake fact checker snopes quick discredit claim without evidence even go far say case voter fraud extremely rare fake fact checker politifact give president trump claim voter fraud pant fire rat fox friends host ainsley earhardt deliver disturb news viewers morning independent group claim 5.7 million illegal alien vote 2008 election give us president barack hussein obama many 5.7 million illegal immigrants might vote 2008 election report find fox friends foxandfriends june 20 2017a research group new jersey take fresh look postelection poll data conclude number noncitizens vote illegally u.s. elections likely far great previous facts conclusions confront side illegal vote debate say happen lot say problem one camp groundbreaking study professors old dominion university virginia attempt compile scientifically derive illegal vote number use harvard data call cooperative congressional election study.on side professors conduct study contend zero noncitizens 18 million adults u.s. vote liberal mainstream media adopt position proclaim old dominion work debunk odu professors stand work face attack leave conclude 2008 38,000 many 2.8 million noncitizens agresti analysis poll data settle much high number estimate many 7.9 million noncitizens illegally register year 594,000 5.7 million voted.these number line unverified estimate give president trump say number ballot cast noncitizens reason lose popular vote hillary clinton.last month president sign executive order set commission try find on-the-ground truth illegal vote head vice president mike pence panel also look outdated voter list across nation name dead people multiple registrants.for 2012 facts say 3.2 million 5.6 million noncitizens register vote 1.2 million 3.6 million agresti lay reason series complicate calculations compare u.s. census bureau figure noncitizen residents poll show noncitizens vote overwhelmingly democratic.for entire story washington time wow trump underestimate illegal vote new study show 5.7 million non-citizens vote illegally 2008 obama election video | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: president trump lambast democrats ally media suggest million illegal alien likely vote 2016 elections.fake fact checker snopes quick discredit claim without evidence even go far say case voter fraud extremely rare fake fact checker politifact give president trump claim voter fraud pant fire rat fox friends host ainsley earhardt deliver disturb news viewers morning independent group claim 5.7 million illegal alien vote 2008 election give us president barack hussein obama many 5.7 million illegal immigrants might vote 2008 election report find fox friends foxandfriends june 20 2017a research group new jersey take fresh look postelection poll data conclude number noncitizens vote illegally u.s. elections likely far great previous facts conclusions confront side illegal vote debate say happen lot say problem one camp groundbreaking study professors old dominion university virginia attempt compile scientifically derive illegal vote number use harvard data call cooperative congressional election study.on side professors conduct study contend zero noncitizens 18 million adults u.s. vote liberal mainstream media adopt position proclaim old dominion work debunk odu professors stand work face attack leave conclude 2008 38,000 many 2.8 million noncitizens agresti analysis poll data settle much high number estimate many 7.9 million noncitizens illegally register year 594,000 5.7 million voted.these number line unverified estimate give president trump say number ballot cast noncitizens reason lose popular vote hillary clinton.last month president sign executive order set commission try find on-the-ground truth illegal vote head vice president mike pence panel also look outdated voter list across nation name dead people multiple registrants.for 2012 facts say 3.2 million 5.6 million noncitizens register vote 1.2 million 3.6 million agresti lay reason series complicate calculations compare u.s. census bureau figure noncitizen residents poll show noncitizens vote overwhelmingly democratic.for entire story washington time wow trump underestimate illegal vote new study show 5.7 million non-citizens vote illegally 2008 obama election video | 0 | 0.999412 | 0 | 0.999393 |
1 | cairo egyptian president abdel fattah al-sisi appoint new arm force chief staff saturday interior ministry dismiss several high-ranking officials apparent reorganization country security command reason give reshuffle interior ministry decision come week deadly attack police operation western desert area giza province ministry say 16 police kill come heavy fire egyptian force fight several arm islamist group mostly northern part sinai peninsula since sisi help lead military overthrow president mohamed mursi muslim brotherhood 2013. hundreds members security force kill attack militants recent years local islamic state affiliate main foe security force north sinai statement presidency say gen. mohamed farid hegazy would replace gen. mahmoud hegazy make president adviser strategic plan crisis management separate statement interior ministry announce replace several high-ranking officials include head homeland security assistant minister security giza province director giza security director operations central security give detail shakeup militant group yet claim responsibility last week attack police remote desert area giza 130 km 80 miles southwest capital cairo thirteen militants kill raid farm hideout region friday state news agency mena quote security official say revenge blood men martyr last week oasis vast western desert region always security headache arm flow across frontier libya militant group find shelter since country fell chaos 2011 end muammar gaddafi rule sisi former military commander elect landslide 2014 present bulwark islamist militancy widely expect run re-election next year egypt announce reshuffle top security rank | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: cairo egyptian president abdel fattah al-sisi appoint new arm force chief staff saturday interior ministry dismiss several high-ranking officials apparent reorganization country security command reason give reshuffle interior ministry decision come week deadly attack police operation western desert area giza province ministry say 16 police kill come heavy fire egyptian force fight several arm islamist group mostly northern part sinai peninsula since sisi help lead military overthrow president mohamed mursi muslim brotherhood 2013. hundreds members security force kill attack militants recent years local islamic state affiliate main foe security force north sinai statement presidency say gen. mohamed farid hegazy would replace gen. mahmoud hegazy make president adviser strategic plan crisis management separate statement interior ministry announce replace several high-ranking officials include head homeland security assistant minister security giza province director giza security director operations central security give detail shakeup militant group yet claim responsibility last week attack police remote desert area giza 130 km 80 miles southwest capital cairo thirteen militants kill raid farm hideout region friday state news agency mena quote security official say revenge blood men martyr last week oasis vast western desert region always security headache arm flow across frontier libya militant group find shelter since country fell chaos 2011 end muammar gaddafi rule sisi former military commander elect landslide 2014 present bulwark islamist militancy widely expect run re-election next year egypt announce reshuffle top security rank | 0 | 0.996676 | 0 | 0.996055 |
1 | taipei least one chinese air force yun-8 transport plane conduct long-haul flight near taiwan sunday island defence ministry say amid simmer tensions two rival taiwan dispatch aircraft ship monitor deal yun8 return base fly bashi channel miyako waterway defense minister feng shih-kuan say unclear whether one plane make flight untoward incident public alarm feng say give detail china consider taiwan wayward province since chiang kai-shek nationalist troop flee island 1949 lose chinese civil war mao zedong communist force mainland beijing suspect taiwan president tsai ing-wen independence-leaning democratic progressive party want declare island formal independence tsai say want maintain peace china defend island security china never renounce use force bring self-ruled democratic island control china conduct numerous similar patrol near taiwan year say practice normalize press ahead military modernization program include build aircraft carriers stealth fighters give ability project power far shore september u.s. congress pass national defense authorization act 2018 fiscal year authorize mutual visit navy vessels taiwan unite state prompt senior chinese diplomat say month china would invade island u.s. warships make port visit chinese military transport plane fly near taiwan | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: taipei least one chinese air force yun-8 transport plane conduct long-haul flight near taiwan sunday island defence ministry say amid simmer tensions two rival taiwan dispatch aircraft ship monitor deal yun8 return base fly bashi channel miyako waterway defense minister feng shih-kuan say unclear whether one plane make flight untoward incident public alarm feng say give detail china consider taiwan wayward province since chiang kai-shek nationalist troop flee island 1949 lose chinese civil war mao zedong communist force mainland beijing suspect taiwan president tsai ing-wen independence-leaning democratic progressive party want declare island formal independence tsai say want maintain peace china defend island security china never renounce use force bring self-ruled democratic island control china conduct numerous similar patrol near taiwan year say practice normalize press ahead military modernization program include build aircraft carriers stealth fighters give ability project power far shore september u.s. congress pass national defense authorization act 2018 fiscal year authorize mutual visit navy vessels taiwan unite state prompt senior chinese diplomat say month china would invade island u.s. warships make port visit chinese military transport plane fly near taiwan | 0 | 0.977543 | 1 | 0.994358 |
0 | much criminal activity american voters will overlook americans get point crime commit hillary anyone attach hillary disqualify elect high office nation will accept long trust anyone work government organization america political organization virginia gov terry mcauliffe influential democrat longstanding tie bill hillary clinton give nearly 500,000 election campaign wife official federal bureau investigation late help oversee investigation mrs. clinton email use.campaign finance record show mr. mcauliffe political-action committee donate 467,500 2015 state senate campaign dr. jill mccabe marry andrew mccabe deputy director fbi.the virginia democratic party mr. mcauliffe exert considerable control donate additional 207,788 worth support dr. mccabe campaign form mailers accord record add slightly 675,000 candidacy entities either directly mr. mcauliffe control strongly influence figure represent third campaign fund dr. mccabe raise mcauliffe state party leaders recruit dr. mccabe run accord party officials lose election incumbent republican dick black.a spokesman governor say support jill mccabe believe would good state senator customary practice virginia governors insinuation support tie anything desire elect candidates would help pass agenda ridiculous among political candidates year dr. mccabe third-largest recipient fund common good va governor pac accord campaign finance record dan gecker receive 781,500 pac 214,456 state party campaign raise 2.9 million accord record jeremy mcpike receive 803,500 pac 535,162 state party raise 3.8 million year candidacy.the governor could recall one meet mr. mccabe state democrats meet couple march 2015 urge dr. mccabe run accord spokesman.the fbi say statement wife campaign mr. mccabe play role attend events participate fundraise support kind months completion campaign then-associate deputy director mccabe promote deputy position assume first time oversight role investigation secretary clinton email fbi officials say meet governor richmond march mr. mccabe seek ethics advice bureau follow avoid involvement public corruption case virginia avoid campaign activity mccabe supervision clinton email case 2016 see conflict ethics issue wife campaign mr. mcauliffe part email probe officials say decide run dr. mccabe say husband formal role campaign supportive husband children federal official everyone participate campaign understand respect could participate mr. mccabe longtime fbi official focus much career terrorism wife hospital physician campaign northern virginia couple live children.the 2015 virginia state senate race dr. mccabe first run office campaign spend 1.8 million race part mr. mcauliffe fail effort win democratic majority virginia legislature would give significantly sway richmond state mcauliffe central figure clintons political career decades 1990s bill clinton chief fundraiser remain one couple close ally public boosters mrs. clinton appear northern virginia 2015 seek increase number democrats state legislature entire story wsj break crook va governor close hillary friend give wife fbi official oversee hillary email investigation 467,500 | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: much criminal activity american voters will overlook americans get point crime commit hillary anyone attach hillary disqualify elect high office nation will accept long trust anyone work government organization america political organization virginia gov terry mcauliffe influential democrat longstanding tie bill hillary clinton give nearly 500,000 election campaign wife official federal bureau investigation late help oversee investigation mrs. clinton email use.campaign finance record show mr. mcauliffe political-action committee donate 467,500 2015 state senate campaign dr. jill mccabe marry andrew mccabe deputy director fbi.the virginia democratic party mr. mcauliffe exert considerable control donate additional 207,788 worth support dr. mccabe campaign form mailers accord record add slightly 675,000 candidacy entities either directly mr. mcauliffe control strongly influence figure represent third campaign fund dr. mccabe raise mcauliffe state party leaders recruit dr. mccabe run accord party officials lose election incumbent republican dick black.a spokesman governor say support jill mccabe believe would good state senator customary practice virginia governors insinuation support tie anything desire elect candidates would help pass agenda ridiculous among political candidates year dr. mccabe third-largest recipient fund common good va governor pac accord campaign finance record dan gecker receive 781,500 pac 214,456 state party campaign raise 2.9 million accord record jeremy mcpike receive 803,500 pac 535,162 state party raise 3.8 million year candidacy.the governor could recall one meet mr. mccabe state democrats meet couple march 2015 urge dr. mccabe run accord spokesman.the fbi say statement wife campaign mr. mccabe play role attend events participate fundraise support kind months completion campaign then-associate deputy director mccabe promote deputy position assume first time oversight role investigation secretary clinton email fbi officials say meet governor richmond march mr. mccabe seek ethics advice bureau follow avoid involvement public corruption case virginia avoid campaign activity mccabe supervision clinton email case 2016 see conflict ethics issue wife campaign mr. mcauliffe part email probe officials say decide run dr. mccabe say husband formal role campaign supportive husband children federal official everyone participate campaign understand respect could participate mr. mccabe longtime fbi official focus much career terrorism wife hospital physician campaign northern virginia couple live children.the 2015 virginia state senate race dr. mccabe first run office campaign spend 1.8 million race part mr. mcauliffe fail effort win democratic majority virginia legislature would give significantly sway richmond state mcauliffe central figure clintons political career decades 1990s bill clinton chief fundraiser remain one couple close ally public boosters mrs. clinton appear northern virginia 2015 seek increase number democrats state legislature entire story wsj break crook va governor close hillary friend give wife fbi official oversee hillary email investigation 467,500 | 0 | 0.999221 | 0 | 0.999103 |
0 | media try best control see see come alt-left tell truth violence instigate antifa black live matter instrumental days trump campaign video great compilation real aggressors truth spread liberals demonstrate political view hector morenco hectormorenco august 18 2017do remember 2016 campaign violence direct trump supporters pro-trump supporter attack egg inauguration antifa others destroy property assault pro-trump attendees plan expose shut inauguration remember berkeley destruction assault berkeley see go trump supporters fault never know news media propaganda way past time speak stop passive come door one day tell truth keep tell alt-left fake news media refuse tell video | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: media try best control see see come alt-left tell truth violence instigate antifa black live matter instrumental days trump campaign video great compilation real aggressors truth spread liberals demonstrate political view hector morenco hectormorenco august 18 2017do remember 2016 campaign violence direct trump supporters pro-trump supporter attack egg inauguration antifa others destroy property assault pro-trump attendees plan expose shut inauguration remember berkeley destruction assault berkeley see go trump supporters fault never know news media propaganda way past time speak stop passive come door one day tell truth keep tell alt-left fake news media refuse tell video | 0 | 0.999393 | 0 | 0.99929 |
0 | simple wrong obama border policy ask ice agents disobey federal law would nice people elect congress would stand legal citizens america literally invasion central america second wave please pick phone call elect congressmen tell job make difference hear ice oversight april 14 rep. trent frank r-ariz. refer obama statement town hall event february president say would consequences ice agents enforce federal immigration laws outside mandate enforcement priorities.representative frank ask saldana consequences would president also say know question proffer early somebody work ice follow policy go consequences frank explain enforce mean consequences follow policy consequences follow rule employee status agency whole manual saldana say cut would consequences someone position require follow president directives set constitutional issue aside moment president do guess would consequences frank press well whether directive assault employee office abide rule policy range punishment range anything verbal meet counsel person ultimately available employer termination saldana say video ice director agents could fire enforce obama lawless immigration policy | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: simple wrong obama border policy ask ice agents disobey federal law would nice people elect congress would stand legal citizens america literally invasion central america second wave please pick phone call elect congressmen tell job make difference hear ice oversight april 14 rep. trent frank r-ariz. refer obama statement town hall event february president say would consequences ice agents enforce federal immigration laws outside mandate enforcement priorities.representative frank ask saldana consequences would president also say know question proffer early somebody work ice follow policy go consequences frank explain enforce mean consequences follow policy consequences follow rule employee status agency whole manual saldana say cut would consequences someone position require follow president directives set constitutional issue aside moment president do guess would consequences frank press well whether directive assault employee office abide rule policy range punishment range anything verbal meet counsel person ultimately available employer termination saldana say video ice director agents could fire enforce obama lawless immigration policy | 0 | 0.998736 | 0 | 0.997748 |
1 | washington democratic u.s. presidential nominee hillary clinton tell federal investigators former secretary state colin powell suggest use personal email account new york time report late thursday clinton year dog question use private email account nation top diplomat newspaper say information come note federal bureau investigation deliver congress tuesday contain detail three hour interview agency conduct clinton private email use time also cite upcoming book describe dinner conversation powell tell clinton use email except classify information newspaper also report clinton ask powell 2009 email exchange use email serve former president george w. bush reuters could independently verify report representatives clinton could immediately reach late thursday colin powell office statement say could recall dinner conversation recall describe system use statement say suggest clinton write former secretary clinton email memo describe use personal aol email account unclassified message vastly improve communications within state department statement say time equivalent system within department use secure department computer manage classify information statement say powell say choice besides use private account department fully function email system join 2001. republicans repeatedly hammer clinton issue help drive opinion poll result show many u.s. voters doubt trustworthiness fbi director jam comey announce last month criminal charge would file clinton use private email servers secretary state rebuke extremely careless handle classify information clinton tell fbi colin powell suggest use private email nyt | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: washington democratic u.s. presidential nominee hillary clinton tell federal investigators former secretary state colin powell suggest use personal email account new york time report late thursday clinton year dog question use private email account nation top diplomat newspaper say information come note federal bureau investigation deliver congress tuesday contain detail three hour interview agency conduct clinton private email use time also cite upcoming book describe dinner conversation powell tell clinton use email except classify information newspaper also report clinton ask powell 2009 email exchange use email serve former president george w. bush reuters could independently verify report representatives clinton could immediately reach late thursday colin powell office statement say could recall dinner conversation recall describe system use statement say suggest clinton write former secretary clinton email memo describe use personal aol email account unclassified message vastly improve communications within state department statement say time equivalent system within department use secure department computer manage classify information statement say powell say choice besides use private account department fully function email system join 2001. republicans repeatedly hammer clinton issue help drive opinion poll result show many u.s. voters doubt trustworthiness fbi director jam comey announce last month criminal charge would file clinton use private email servers secretary state rebuke extremely careless handle classify information clinton tell fbi colin powell suggest use private email nyt | 0 | 0.99418 | 1 | 0.905322 |
1 | geneva unite nations refugee chief say wednesday big question regard 800,000 rohingya refugees bangladesh whether would allow return homeland filippo grandi u.n. high commissioner refugees say hop discuss statelessness rohingya myanmar officials geneva next week recognize complex issue clear cause crisis myanmar solution crisis also lie myanmar grandi tell news conference geneva return bangladesh call myanmar authorities end violence northern rakhine state solutions situation could discuss 480,000 rohingya flee northern rakhine since aug. 25 accuse army campaign violence u.n. call ethnic cleanse follow attack rohingya insurgents police post 300,000 rohingya previously cross neighbor bangladesh myanmar minister quote say wednesday yangon government manage redevelopment villages torch violence rakhine state since likely return take time happen violence stop important also find medium term suitable solutions people bangladesh grandi say call myanmar government implement recommendations commission lead former u.n. secretary-general kofi annan lack citizenship rohingya need address resolve say clearly people paper go back small number say think exercise go beyond really determine need national people allow go back give citizenship grandi condemn violence rohingya insurgents warn also obvious visit northern rakhine matter time terrorists would spring situation discrimination poverty prevail area say situation resolve risk spread terrorist violence whole region particularly fragile region high 'big question whether rohingya go home u.n. refugee chief | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: geneva unite nations refugee chief say wednesday big question regard 800,000 rohingya refugees bangladesh whether would allow return homeland filippo grandi u.n. high commissioner refugees say hop discuss statelessness rohingya myanmar officials geneva next week recognize complex issue clear cause crisis myanmar solution crisis also lie myanmar grandi tell news conference geneva return bangladesh call myanmar authorities end violence northern rakhine state solutions situation could discuss 480,000 rohingya flee northern rakhine since aug. 25 accuse army campaign violence u.n. call ethnic cleanse follow attack rohingya insurgents police post 300,000 rohingya previously cross neighbor bangladesh myanmar minister quote say wednesday yangon government manage redevelopment villages torch violence rakhine state since likely return take time happen violence stop important also find medium term suitable solutions people bangladesh grandi say call myanmar government implement recommendations commission lead former u.n. secretary-general kofi annan lack citizenship rohingya need address resolve say clearly people paper go back small number say think exercise go beyond really determine need national people allow go back give citizenship grandi condemn violence rohingya insurgents warn also obvious visit northern rakhine matter time terrorists would spring situation discrimination poverty prevail area say situation resolve risk spread terrorist violence whole region particularly fragile region high 'big question whether rohingya go home u.n. refugee chief | 1 | 0.994445 | 1 | 0.99427 |
0 | controversial conservative artist come leave outspoken brave modern-day patriot afraid venture conservatives never go sabo pseudonym shock many liberals conservatives alike edgy artwork would understatement say constantly push envelope whether agree disagree conservatives thank sabo utilize 1st amendment right take fight leave streets cities across america.if want help sabo create important anti-left message lead next election beyond please consider donate work get important message americans specifically young voter thing pay supply bill donations supporters please consider help website storehere example sabo recent work one personal favorites hillary baggage democrat candidates come town fundraiser sabo try surprise message wait like great piece wait hillary greenwich ct great welcome sign wait hillary way one fundraisers courtesy sabo special mile markers create los angeles marathon obama drone sign personal favorites americans smart forgo hours entertainment stop fund hollywood freak support destruction nation afraid call race baiters like al sharpton cry-baby college students look safe space immune counter-message poster mock blacklivesmatter anti-white movement plaster across street college fraternity house sabo use great illustration point entitlement mentality clinton crime syndicate believe throne white house rightfully belong hillary sabo make secret support ted cruz loyal supporter years piece art create illustrate kick ass take-no-prisoners style ted cruz gop leave despise interview glenn beck explain motivate sabo choose use street art get conservative message americans wonder sabo saw message obama secret service hang door surprise sabo call agent list door hanger schedule meet home 10 a.m. wednesday interview sabo post image alert facebook friends twitter followers pending visit shortly secret service visit sabo post video claim cover entire interview sabo tell theblaze little want get watch video visit warn video objectionable image dialogue contain profanity one tweet supposedly bring secret service sabo door message secret service 10,000 hand use buy month columbian hookers look way unsavoryagents unsavoryagents september 29 2014here video show sabo create street art // cdata function id var js fjs d.getelementsbytagname d.getelementbyid id return js d.createelement id js.src `` // xfbml=1 038 version=v2.3 `` fjs.parentnode.insertbefore js fjs document 'script 'facebook-jssdk // bitch backposted unsavoryagents sunday october 23 2011from sabo website bush young elect president claw come hollywood lose friends along great deal peace good time republican hollywood place could go punch face sort art define republican evil bigotted homophobic touch rich greedy snap leave allow define dissent voice right set record straight creatively speak one believe right great message sadly people tell leave damn fine job make us look like ass hole republicans damn thing fuck guess go think aim artist dirty grind level mean liberal artist use tactics methods appeal audience young urban street urchins message never hear style name sabo unsavoryagent hard-core conservative street artist sabo videotape visit secret service…who guy obama fear | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: controversial conservative artist come leave outspoken brave modern-day patriot afraid venture conservatives never go sabo pseudonym shock many liberals conservatives alike edgy artwork would understatement say constantly push envelope whether agree disagree conservatives thank sabo utilize 1st amendment right take fight leave streets cities across america.if want help sabo create important anti-left message lead next election beyond please consider donate work get important message americans specifically young voter thing pay supply bill donations supporters please consider help website storehere example sabo recent work one personal favorites hillary baggage democrat candidates come town fundraiser sabo try surprise message wait like great piece wait hillary greenwich ct great welcome sign wait hillary way one fundraisers courtesy sabo special mile markers create los angeles marathon obama drone sign personal favorites americans smart forgo hours entertainment stop fund hollywood freak support destruction nation afraid call race baiters like al sharpton cry-baby college students look safe space immune counter-message poster mock blacklivesmatter anti-white movement plaster across street college fraternity house sabo use great illustration point entitlement mentality clinton crime syndicate believe throne white house rightfully belong hillary sabo make secret support ted cruz loyal supporter years piece art create illustrate kick ass take-no-prisoners style ted cruz gop leave despise interview glenn beck explain motivate sabo choose use street art get conservative message americans wonder sabo saw message obama secret service hang door surprise sabo call agent list door hanger schedule meet home 10 a.m. wednesday interview sabo post image alert facebook friends twitter followers pending visit shortly secret service visit sabo post video claim cover entire interview sabo tell theblaze little want get watch video visit warn video objectionable image dialogue contain profanity one tweet supposedly bring secret service sabo door message secret service 10,000 hand use buy month columbian hookers look way unsavoryagents unsavoryagents september 29 2014here video show sabo create street art // cdata function id var js fjs d.getelementsbytagname d.getelementbyid id return js d.createelement id js.src `` // xfbml=1 038 version=v2.3 `` fjs.parentnode.insertbefore js fjs document 'script 'facebook-jssdk // bitch backposted unsavoryagents sunday october 23 2011from sabo website bush young elect president claw come hollywood lose friends along great deal peace good time republican hollywood place could go punch face sort art define republican evil bigotted homophobic touch rich greedy snap leave allow define dissent voice right set record straight creatively speak one believe right great message sadly people tell leave damn fine job make us look like ass hole republicans damn thing fuck guess go think aim artist dirty grind level mean liberal artist use tactics methods appeal audience young urban street urchins message never hear style name sabo unsavoryagent hard-core conservative street artist sabo videotape visit secret service…who guy obama fear | 0 | 0.998377 | 1 | 0.983971 |
1 | coralville iowa u.s. republican presidential candidate marco rubio say monday federal reserve approach interest rate increase accord clear rule make future hike predictable u.s. senator florida comment feed policy small news conference series five appearances eastern iowa hundred people attend event much talk feed much attention feed say economic growth result free enterprise rubio criticize miss senate vote recently make appearance support audit feed bill also support bernie sanders democratic presidential candidate u.s. senator vermont pass report emily flitter write meredith mazzilli edit matthew lewis sap sponsor coverage independently produce staff reuters news agency republican candidate rubio feed need clear rule guide rate hike | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: coralville iowa u.s. republican presidential candidate marco rubio say monday federal reserve approach interest rate increase accord clear rule make future hike predictable u.s. senator florida comment feed policy small news conference series five appearances eastern iowa hundred people attend event much talk feed much attention feed say economic growth result free enterprise rubio criticize miss senate vote recently make appearance support audit feed bill also support bernie sanders democratic presidential candidate u.s. senator vermont pass report emily flitter write meredith mazzilli edit matthew lewis sap sponsor coverage independently produce staff reuters news agency republican candidate rubio feed need clear rule guide rate hike | 0 | 0.997817 | 1 | 0.761716 |
0 | massive plan mall fight break across us monday force many malls evacuate shoppers close doors.december 26 one busy shop days years christmas specials.beachwood place mall outside cleveland ohio officer use pepper spray disperse large crowd fight prompt lockdown beachwood place monday even police least one juvenile custody connection fight break 6:30 p.m. near mall food court police say juvenile accuse assault police officer arrive break disturbance.officers initially call scene report shots fire since confirm gunshots police scene say cleveland.comthey shoot beachwood mall tho doe beezy/freebandz doeboyofficial december 27 2016gunshot-like noise fight lead chaos jersey garden mall https // steven p. miller sparkermiller december 27 2016a total seven arrest make huge fight break shoppes buckland hill manchester cause mall shut early monday night.manchester police say hundred teens involve several fight break mall shut shortly p.m. clear response suppose remain open p.m.according manchester police capt chris davis typical see teens mall holiday kid school lot hang streets come typically hang mall mall release follow statement tuesday morning buckland hill close even well-being shoppers retailers number one priority take matter seriously disrupt peaceful safe environment strive create community work closely law enforcement direct inquiries manchester police department shop center open tuesday.according police 8-10 teens start fight around 5:30 p.m. officer already mall break fight several hundred teens various locations throughout mall start fight time.davis say veteran manchester officer buckland hill monday night notice teens usual kind sense something amiss previous fight actually start kind sixth-sense officer fox61 fox valley mall wildin velma bfitman december 27 201614 malls nationwide shut due large fight report shots fire etc ashley michels reporterashley december 27 2016social media update aurora tc mall fight wait info police ashley michels reporterashley december 27 2016 gateway pundit 14 massive teen mall brawl include gunfire break across america day christmas video | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: massive plan mall fight break across us monday force many malls evacuate shoppers close doors.december 26 one busy shop days years christmas specials.beachwood place mall outside cleveland ohio officer use pepper spray disperse large crowd fight prompt lockdown beachwood place monday even police least one juvenile custody connection fight break 6:30 p.m. near mall food court police say juvenile accuse assault police officer arrive break disturbance.officers initially call scene report shots fire since confirm gunshots police scene say cleveland.comthey shoot beachwood mall tho doe beezy/freebandz doeboyofficial december 27 2016gunshot-like noise fight lead chaos jersey garden mall https // steven p. miller sparkermiller december 27 2016a total seven arrest make huge fight break shoppes buckland hill manchester cause mall shut early monday night.manchester police say hundred teens involve several fight break mall shut shortly p.m. clear response suppose remain open p.m.according manchester police capt chris davis typical see teens mall holiday kid school lot hang streets come typically hang mall mall release follow statement tuesday morning buckland hill close even well-being shoppers retailers number one priority take matter seriously disrupt peaceful safe environment strive create community work closely law enforcement direct inquiries manchester police department shop center open tuesday.according police 8-10 teens start fight around 5:30 p.m. officer already mall break fight several hundred teens various locations throughout mall start fight time.davis say veteran manchester officer buckland hill monday night notice teens usual kind sense something amiss previous fight actually start kind sixth-sense officer fox61 fox valley mall wildin velma bfitman december 27 201614 malls nationwide shut due large fight report shots fire etc ashley michels reporterashley december 27 2016social media update aurora tc mall fight wait info police ashley michels reporterashley december 27 2016 gateway pundit 14 massive teen mall brawl include gunfire break across america day christmas video | 0 | 0.998866 | 0 | 0.997783 |
1 | san jose calif. facebook inc begin overhaul handle political ads platform may put change place u.s. elections next year facebook chief technology officer say wednesday u.s. congressional state elections set november 2018 present deadline sort facebook social media company get good halt kind election meddle unite state accuse russia work stuff actively big focus company improve regular basis facebook cto mike schroepfer say interview go see regular cadence update change say speak sideline conference facebook host virtual reality technology chief executive mark zuckerberg say last month company would begin treat political ads differently ads include make possible anyone see political ads matter target u.s. lawmakers begin call regulations disclosures facebook twitter inc alphabet inc google products battlegrounds russian election meddle last year turn crisis silicon valley facebook chief operate officer sheryl sandberg washington week meet u.s. lawmakers moscow deny allegations meddle last year u.s. presidential election implement change tricky schroepfer say facebook want stifle legitimate speech volume material facebook world large social network billion users million advertisers invest heavily technical solutions operate unprecedented scale say facebook also use humans company say month would hire 1,000 people review ads ensure meet term schroepfer 42 facebook cto since 2013 previously director engineer also sit facebook board directors facebook deal problematic user-generated content past say want misuse platform whether foreign government try intercede democracy obviously ok whether individual spew hate upload pornography say facebook push ad overhaul 2018 u.s. election executive | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: san jose calif. facebook inc begin overhaul handle political ads platform may put change place u.s. elections next year facebook chief technology officer say wednesday u.s. congressional state elections set november 2018 present deadline sort facebook social media company get good halt kind election meddle unite state accuse russia work stuff actively big focus company improve regular basis facebook cto mike schroepfer say interview go see regular cadence update change say speak sideline conference facebook host virtual reality technology chief executive mark zuckerberg say last month company would begin treat political ads differently ads include make possible anyone see political ads matter target u.s. lawmakers begin call regulations disclosures facebook twitter inc alphabet inc google products battlegrounds russian election meddle last year turn crisis silicon valley facebook chief operate officer sheryl sandberg washington week meet u.s. lawmakers moscow deny allegations meddle last year u.s. presidential election implement change tricky schroepfer say facebook want stifle legitimate speech volume material facebook world large social network billion users million advertisers invest heavily technical solutions operate unprecedented scale say facebook also use humans company say month would hire 1,000 people review ads ensure meet term schroepfer 42 facebook cto since 2013 previously director engineer also sit facebook board directors facebook deal problematic user-generated content past say want misuse platform whether foreign government try intercede democracy obviously ok whether individual spew hate upload pornography say facebook push ad overhaul 2018 u.s. election executive | 0 | 0.997285 | 0 | 0.99486 |
0 | republicans need get backbone say former congressman jason chaffetz r-ut ask testimony jar kushner senate intelligence committee every time democrats say need call jar kushner donald trump jr. call chelsea clinton call clintons https // v=md3pma-iz_echaffetz fire inspector general issue report state actual crime bill clinton former president take millions millions dollars countries hillary clinton go business every time democrat say get ta talk donald trump jr. go bring chelsea clinton involve benghazi situation involve foundation mean try chairman oversight committee bring ben rhodes talk iran situation nobody know deal iran claim executive privilege chaffetz say would never clintons right money would never ever ever clintons fundamentally wrong could easily people world could easily claim executive privilege one proximity president son-in-law close adviser could easily pull gon na go open book get lot credit read rick well jason chaffetz call gop republicans need get backbone video | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: republicans need get backbone say former congressman jason chaffetz r-ut ask testimony jar kushner senate intelligence committee every time democrats say need call jar kushner donald trump jr. call chelsea clinton call clintons https // v=md3pma-iz_echaffetz fire inspector general issue report state actual crime bill clinton former president take millions millions dollars countries hillary clinton go business every time democrat say get ta talk donald trump jr. go bring chelsea clinton involve benghazi situation involve foundation mean try chairman oversight committee bring ben rhodes talk iran situation nobody know deal iran claim executive privilege chaffetz say would never clintons right money would never ever ever clintons fundamentally wrong could easily people world could easily claim executive privilege one proximity president son-in-law close adviser could easily pull gon na go open book get lot credit read rick well jason chaffetz call gop republicans need get backbone video | 0 | 0.999117 | 0 | 0.997603 |
1 | new york u.s. president donald trump tell french president emmanuel macron monday believe paris climate agreement unfair unite state look forward discuss issue u.s. official say brian hook director policy plan u.s. state department tell reporters new york trump also tell macron iran nuclear deal deeply flaw trump talk paris agreement iran france 's macron official | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: new york u.s. president donald trump tell french president emmanuel macron monday believe paris climate agreement unfair unite state look forward discuss issue u.s. official say brian hook director policy plan u.s. state department tell reporters new york trump also tell macron iran nuclear deal deeply flaw trump talk paris agreement iran france 's macron official | 1 | 0.995018 | 1 | 0.995018 |
1 | san francisco apple inc aapl.o chief executive tim cook refusal comply u.s. government request unlock iphone one san bernardino california attackers draw strong reaction critics supporters week unclear decision affect potential buyers company products open letter customers cook vow fight court order los angeles judge provide reasonable technical assistance investigators want access phone rizwan farook shooter san bernardino attack kill 14. cook say comply government request would set dangerous precedent could ultimately undermine security iphones users support oppose apple position flood twitter rival hashtags thankyouapple boycottapple facebook users write lengthy post move twitter ceo jack dorsey tweet support cook thursday join group like amnesty international applaud cook stance conservative pundit ann coulter among cook many critics suggest social media post apple make move pr purpose brand expert allen adamson founder brand simple consult praise cook forthright note customers corporate leaders good clear principled view customers either agree disagree rather ambiguity lack clarity company stand say adamson whose new york-based firm advise company volatile brand matter adamson brand experts say cook open letter important get ahead debate even users necessarily support company decision apple come fire republican lawmakers presidential candidates like donald trump company also rally support among privacy advocate lightning rod issue country right hugely emotional polarize still unclear connect consumers say adamson analysts also point apple brand power likely shield immediate backlash consumers recent survey 44,000 consumers brand consult firm brand key inc find company lead major tech brand virtually categories devices service customer engagement loyalty extraordinary high level emotional engagement consumers say brand key president robert passikoff steady stream customers visit apple store downtown san francisco thursday shoppers seem unfazed controversy buy apple product quality affect decision buy say esther stearns retire tech worker tim cook 's privacy stance win lose customers apple | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: san francisco apple inc aapl.o chief executive tim cook refusal comply u.s. government request unlock iphone one san bernardino california attackers draw strong reaction critics supporters week unclear decision affect potential buyers company products open letter customers cook vow fight court order los angeles judge provide reasonable technical assistance investigators want access phone rizwan farook shooter san bernardino attack kill 14. cook say comply government request would set dangerous precedent could ultimately undermine security iphones users support oppose apple position flood twitter rival hashtags thankyouapple boycottapple facebook users write lengthy post move twitter ceo jack dorsey tweet support cook thursday join group like amnesty international applaud cook stance conservative pundit ann coulter among cook many critics suggest social media post apple make move pr purpose brand expert allen adamson founder brand simple consult praise cook forthright note customers corporate leaders good clear principled view customers either agree disagree rather ambiguity lack clarity company stand say adamson whose new york-based firm advise company volatile brand matter adamson brand experts say cook open letter important get ahead debate even users necessarily support company decision apple come fire republican lawmakers presidential candidates like donald trump company also rally support among privacy advocate lightning rod issue country right hugely emotional polarize still unclear connect consumers say adamson analysts also point apple brand power likely shield immediate backlash consumers recent survey 44,000 consumers brand consult firm brand key inc find company lead major tech brand virtually categories devices service customer engagement loyalty extraordinary high level emotional engagement consumers say brand key president robert passikoff steady stream customers visit apple store downtown san francisco thursday shoppers seem unfazed controversy buy apple product quality affect decision buy say esther stearns retire tech worker tim cook 's privacy stance win lose customers apple | 1 | 0.937669 | 1 | 0.938576 |
0 | please listen linda sarsour speak dissapointed 22 state vote sharia law haha leader organizer washington womensmarch annoy 22 us state allow sharia laws blame islamaphobia onlinemagazin onlinemagazin january 23 2017 linda sarsour one organizers behind saturday women march hold washington d.c. recently spot large muslim convention chicago pose picture accuse financier hamas terrorist group sarsour head arab american association new york obama white house champion change speak last month 15th annual convention muslim american society islamic circle north america watch shock view woman life sharia law…women march organizer pro-sharia law video | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: please listen linda sarsour speak dissapointed 22 state vote sharia law haha leader organizer washington womensmarch annoy 22 us state allow sharia laws blame islamaphobia onlinemagazin onlinemagazin january 23 2017 linda sarsour one organizers behind saturday women march hold washington d.c. recently spot large muslim convention chicago pose picture accuse financier hamas terrorist group sarsour head arab american association new york obama white house champion change speak last month 15th annual convention muslim american society islamic circle north america watch shock view woman life sharia law…women march organizer pro-sharia law video | 0 | 0.999456 | 0 | 0.998918 |
1 | geneva another wave cholera could strike yemen saudi-led coalition blockade cut fuel hospitals water pump vital aid supply starve children world health organization say sunday dr. nevio zagaria country representative yemen tell reuters 16 percent yemeni children age five suffer acute malnutrition include 5.2 percent severe form life-threatening problem increase yemen million people face famine mire proxy war iran-aligned houthi arm movement u.s.-backed military coalition unite nations say lead world bad humanitarian crisis 960,000 suspect case cholera 2,219 deaths report since epidemic begin april figure show children account nearly third infections waterborne disease spread food water contaminate human feces cause acute diarrhoea dehydration kill within hours untreated although number new case drop 11 straight weeks 35 district yemen still report cholera high attack rat communities zagaria say deteriorate economic situation lack safe drink water due water sewage systems many cities lack fuel pump compound humanitarian crisis say perfect mix new explosion cholera epidemic begin rainy season march next year zagaria say telephone interview sanaa amid four days clash capital city work local authorities internationally recognize government houthi-controlled sana identify areas high risk spike cholera epidemic boost defences say campaign oral cholera vaccination initially plan last july acute phase abandon authorities reconsideration preventive action next year say meanwhile ship carry 35 tonnes surgical medical supply divert aden wait weeks offload hodeidah port zagaria say wait hop situation blockade resolve open humanitarian blockade open commercial blockade partial add unite nations appeal friday coalition fully lift blockade yemen partially ease last week let aid hodeidah salif u.n. flight sanaa u.s.-backed military coalition close air land sea access nov. move say stop flow iranian arm houthis control much northern yemen aid shipments cover fraction yemen need since almost food fuel medicine commercially import yemen health system virtually collapse health workers unpaid seven months support 130 hospitals across country provide fuel water oxygen drug medical supply essential equipment zagaria say fuel contractors work find difficulty keep stock say note hospitals require 60,000 liters fuel per month run 15 stabilization center severely acute malnourish children medical complications expand 10 zagaria say see constant flow newly admit patients center deterioration situation term malnutrition children increase ... difficult quantify precise number say zagaria go intensive care unit pediatric ward sadaa last week pediatrician work many years africa need take weight height cholera could resurge yemen due lack aid fuel | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: geneva another wave cholera could strike yemen saudi-led coalition blockade cut fuel hospitals water pump vital aid supply starve children world health organization say sunday dr. nevio zagaria country representative yemen tell reuters 16 percent yemeni children age five suffer acute malnutrition include 5.2 percent severe form life-threatening problem increase yemen million people face famine mire proxy war iran-aligned houthi arm movement u.s.-backed military coalition unite nations say lead world bad humanitarian crisis 960,000 suspect case cholera 2,219 deaths report since epidemic begin april figure show children account nearly third infections waterborne disease spread food water contaminate human feces cause acute diarrhoea dehydration kill within hours untreated although number new case drop 11 straight weeks 35 district yemen still report cholera high attack rat communities zagaria say deteriorate economic situation lack safe drink water due water sewage systems many cities lack fuel pump compound humanitarian crisis say perfect mix new explosion cholera epidemic begin rainy season march next year zagaria say telephone interview sanaa amid four days clash capital city work local authorities internationally recognize government houthi-controlled sana identify areas high risk spike cholera epidemic boost defences say campaign oral cholera vaccination initially plan last july acute phase abandon authorities reconsideration preventive action next year say meanwhile ship carry 35 tonnes surgical medical supply divert aden wait weeks offload hodeidah port zagaria say wait hop situation blockade resolve open humanitarian blockade open commercial blockade partial add unite nations appeal friday coalition fully lift blockade yemen partially ease last week let aid hodeidah salif u.n. flight sanaa u.s.-backed military coalition close air land sea access nov. move say stop flow iranian arm houthis control much northern yemen aid shipments cover fraction yemen need since almost food fuel medicine commercially import yemen health system virtually collapse health workers unpaid seven months support 130 hospitals across country provide fuel water oxygen drug medical supply essential equipment zagaria say fuel contractors work find difficulty keep stock say note hospitals require 60,000 liters fuel per month run 15 stabilization center severely acute malnourish children medical complications expand 10 zagaria say see constant flow newly admit patients center deterioration situation term malnutrition children increase ... difficult quantify precise number say zagaria go intensive care unit pediatric ward sadaa last week pediatrician work many years africa need take weight height cholera could resurge yemen due lack aid fuel | 0 | 0.998245 | 0 | 0.717012 |
0 | department justice announce wednesday former fbi director robert mueller name special counsel investigation donald trump likely collusion russia week rock washington core leave white house utter chaos statement release trump response news special counsel appoint show bad things really within oval office.the statement consist mere three sentence state many time thorough investigation confirm already know collusion campaign foreign entity look forward matter conclude quickly meantime never stop fight people issue matter future country first thing stand statement distinctly un-trumplike uncharacteristically coherent statement also show white house understand gravity current situation despite word three short sentence show trump clearly know deep sh t.after fire fbi director jam comey news break trump try pressure drop russia investigation trump twitter fee go silent something unusual tweeter-in-chief release short statement remark make commencement speech u.s. coast guard whine treat unfairly president history insert eye roll point pundits speculate trump may hire outside attorney tell shut hell one really know whether seek counsel although clearly definitely go need statement silence make one thing clear trump know trouble may want go away appointment special counsel guarantee matter conclude quickly even trump smart enough know time.featured image via chip somodevilla/getty image trump response special counsel show bad things really | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: department justice announce wednesday former fbi director robert mueller name special counsel investigation donald trump likely collusion russia week rock washington core leave white house utter chaos statement release trump response news special counsel appoint show bad things really within oval office.the statement consist mere three sentence state many time thorough investigation confirm already know collusion campaign foreign entity look forward matter conclude quickly meantime never stop fight people issue matter future country first thing stand statement distinctly un-trumplike uncharacteristically coherent statement also show white house understand gravity current situation despite word three short sentence show trump clearly know deep sh t.after fire fbi director jam comey news break trump try pressure drop russia investigation trump twitter fee go silent something unusual tweeter-in-chief release short statement remark make commencement speech u.s. coast guard whine treat unfairly president history insert eye roll point pundits speculate trump may hire outside attorney tell shut hell one really know whether seek counsel although clearly definitely go need statement silence make one thing clear trump know trouble may want go away appointment special counsel guarantee matter conclude quickly even trump smart enough know time.featured image via chip somodevilla/getty image trump response special counsel show bad things really | 0 | 0.998884 | 0 | 0.999103 |
1 | brasilia brazilian president michel temer government introduce congress tuesday landmark constitutional amendment cap public spend seek press ahead unpopular reform wake last weekend municipal elections temer new center-right government hop proposal would limit growth spend rate inflation 20 years clear congressional committee week put vote low house next week amendment design curb budget deficit equivalent 10 percent gross domestic product last year hop passage make brazilian assets among best perform world year despite economy submerge two-year recession concession ease passage government announce monday cap health education expenditure would go effect 2018 rather next year leftist opponents demand time debate measure say violate spirit brazil 1988 constitution make generous provision social spend plan seek court injunction block amendment backers warn latin america large nation wrestle sprawl corruption scandal could follow greece path financial meltdown spend control temer say monday public debt end last year level equivalent two-thirds economic output would reach 100 percent gdp 2024 without measure change adopt fiscal collapse insolvency public account inevitable lawmaker darcisio perondi say report committee study measure brazil could repeat tragedy greece perondi say previous government dilma rousseff remove office august break budget laws leave onerous legacy overdraw account call lawmakers impeach back cap conclusion municipal elections cities across brazil last weekend allow temer rule brazilian democratic movement party pmdb coalition ally free hand back measure small number cities face second-round runoff month resistance rousseff workers party ally well division within temer coalition point difficult path proposal require two approvals chamber congress three-fifths majority seek injunction violate constitution right five future governments decide economic policies say opposition leader jandira feghali communist party brazil temer 75 swear serve remainder rousseff term 2018 vow put brazil back track investors like promise fiscal discipline poll publish tuesday show temer fail convince brazilians government good rousseff survey pollster ibope show temer approval rat remain low 68 percent brazilians trust low house also expect vote tuesday bill change rule exploration brazil vast offshore oil reserve costly subsalt layer aim boost private investment oil industry proposal remove obligation scandal-plagued debt-ridden state oil company petrobras operator oil field minimum 30 percent stake development elections brazil tackle unpopular spend reform | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: brasilia brazilian president michel temer government introduce congress tuesday landmark constitutional amendment cap public spend seek press ahead unpopular reform wake last weekend municipal elections temer new center-right government hop proposal would limit growth spend rate inflation 20 years clear congressional committee week put vote low house next week amendment design curb budget deficit equivalent 10 percent gross domestic product last year hop passage make brazilian assets among best perform world year despite economy submerge two-year recession concession ease passage government announce monday cap health education expenditure would go effect 2018 rather next year leftist opponents demand time debate measure say violate spirit brazil 1988 constitution make generous provision social spend plan seek court injunction block amendment backers warn latin america large nation wrestle sprawl corruption scandal could follow greece path financial meltdown spend control temer say monday public debt end last year level equivalent two-thirds economic output would reach 100 percent gdp 2024 without measure change adopt fiscal collapse insolvency public account inevitable lawmaker darcisio perondi say report committee study measure brazil could repeat tragedy greece perondi say previous government dilma rousseff remove office august break budget laws leave onerous legacy overdraw account call lawmakers impeach back cap conclusion municipal elections cities across brazil last weekend allow temer rule brazilian democratic movement party pmdb coalition ally free hand back measure small number cities face second-round runoff month resistance rousseff workers party ally well division within temer coalition point difficult path proposal require two approvals chamber congress three-fifths majority seek injunction violate constitution right five future governments decide economic policies say opposition leader jandira feghali communist party brazil temer 75 swear serve remainder rousseff term 2018 vow put brazil back track investors like promise fiscal discipline poll publish tuesday show temer fail convince brazilians government good rousseff survey pollster ibope show temer approval rat remain low 68 percent brazilians trust low house also expect vote tuesday bill change rule exploration brazil vast offshore oil reserve costly subsalt layer aim boost private investment oil industry proposal remove obligation scandal-plagued debt-ridden state oil company petrobras operator oil field minimum 30 percent stake development elections brazil tackle unpopular spend reform | 0 | 0.995866 | 1 | 0.958538 |
0 | political correctness control goofballs think war hopefully come sense go ahead memorial include rifle.a milford michigan veterans group arm proposal place memorial contain battlefield cross military helmet dog tag atop semiautomatic rifle mount boot deem pro-violence local council.the battlefield cross date back civil war days stark reminder sacrifice fall news report bear hall chairman friends american veterans milford want place sculpture iconic image end walkway exist veterans memorial local council deem inappropriate concern couple members regard specific memorial propose specifically gun say milford village manager christian wuerth detroit free press understand history mean feel appropriate specific location councilman tom nader one oppose memorial veteran want see monument yes say think proper one another council member jennifer frankford say boot gun helmet freedoms council suppose debate matter upcoming hearing.hall meanwhile say group would support final decision caveats council want focal point fine want foofoo fountain either say everyone think thing think win war throw stick stone read wnd michigan controversy gun depict veterans memorial win war throw stick stone | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: political correctness control goofballs think war hopefully come sense go ahead memorial include rifle.a milford michigan veterans group arm proposal place memorial contain battlefield cross military helmet dog tag atop semiautomatic rifle mount boot deem pro-violence local council.the battlefield cross date back civil war days stark reminder sacrifice fall news report bear hall chairman friends american veterans milford want place sculpture iconic image end walkway exist veterans memorial local council deem inappropriate concern couple members regard specific memorial propose specifically gun say milford village manager christian wuerth detroit free press understand history mean feel appropriate specific location councilman tom nader one oppose memorial veteran want see monument yes say think proper one another council member jennifer frankford say boot gun helmet freedoms council suppose debate matter upcoming hearing.hall meanwhile say group would support final decision caveats council want focal point fine want foofoo fountain either say everyone think thing think win war throw stick stone read wnd michigan controversy gun depict veterans memorial win war throw stick stone | 0 | 0.999233 | 0 | 0.998952 |
1 | cairo egyptian president abdel fattah al-sisi speak donald trump telephone wednesday congratulate victory u.s. presidential election seek foster close diplomatic tie egyptian presidency statement say u.s. president-elect donald trump express utmost appreciation president point first international call receive congratulate win election statement say president trump say look forward meet president soon egypt 's sisi say speak donald trump telephone congratulate win | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: cairo egyptian president abdel fattah al-sisi speak donald trump telephone wednesday congratulate victory u.s. presidential election seek foster close diplomatic tie egyptian presidency statement say u.s. president-elect donald trump express utmost appreciation president point first international call receive congratulate win election statement say president trump say look forward meet president soon egypt 's sisi say speak donald trump telephone congratulate win | 1 | 0.958847 | 1 | 0.99486 |
0 | british parliament conduct describe national celebrity roast take petition sign 500k britons request government ban donald trump enter country base fact foment racial religious nationalistic intolerance welcome uk 3-hour debate do respect process public petition due huge number signatures rather legitimately serious ban however give parliament time vent frustrations engage brilliant trump bash something thoroughly one compilations uk really think trump republican party felt way even tory party members like british version republicans except insane come comment although strongly labour scottish national party members done.some take serious stance idea trump permit uk imply allow presence would embolden nationalistic islamophobic group already exist footage discussion ultimately trump end deny entry uk vote hold end debate would require enact legitimate ban however members parliament felt 500k+ british citizens sign petition deserve answer plus strong statement government sort hate trump peddle daily.featured image via fox news screen capture guess uk political leaders really think donald trump hint ace video | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: british parliament conduct describe national celebrity roast take petition sign 500k britons request government ban donald trump enter country base fact foment racial religious nationalistic intolerance welcome uk 3-hour debate do respect process public petition due huge number signatures rather legitimately serious ban however give parliament time vent frustrations engage brilliant trump bash something thoroughly one compilations uk really think trump republican party felt way even tory party members like british version republicans except insane come comment although strongly labour scottish national party members done.some take serious stance idea trump permit uk imply allow presence would embolden nationalistic islamophobic group already exist footage discussion ultimately trump end deny entry uk vote hold end debate would require enact legitimate ban however members parliament felt 500k+ british citizens sign petition deserve answer plus strong statement government sort hate trump peddle daily.featured image via fox news screen capture guess uk political leaders really think donald trump hint ace video | 0 | 0.999183 | 0 | 0.999473 |
0 | fox news host donald trump cheerleader sean hannity get bust try pretend something process yet defend trump time disastrous debate appearance monday night hannity lash press overpay friends media well chauffeur limousines like fine steakhouses expensive wine lifestyles base statement might think hannity regular joe sixpack toil away middle-class income best try make end meet pay mortgage electric bill keep family fed.but course host highly rat cable news show nationally syndicate radio show hannity anything underpaid.for radio show alone hannity earn least 20 million year also sign multi-million-dollar contract fox news program.a years ago hannity list waterfront home new york sale ask 3.6 million bedrooms 5.5 bathrooms set acres land long island sound hardly home middle class family.almost immediately journalists political operatives pundits start make fun hannity weird statement twitter fact hannity whose wealth well-known would attack journalists rich strike many completely absurd point reportedly net worth 80 million private jet use ferry politicians like former speaker house newt gingrich around even do ads pricy steak house ruth chris.hannity think could get away white lie fox news sort thing happen time especially since attach trump go work anymore.sean hannity travel gd private jet sonny bunch sonnybunch september 28 2016this hannity 's house colin jones colinjones september 28 2016hannity literally describe https // john podhoretz jpodhoretz september 28 2016hannity awaken mud hut build hand walk fox news uphill ways eat air dress moonbeams ana marie cox anamariecox september 28 2016finally hannity clarify leave media get carsick big cars n't eat beef n't drink liz mair lizmair september 28 2016sean hannity net worth 80 million https // jon favreau jonfavs september 28 2016never forget zillionaire tv star sean hannity pretend scandalize obama dijon mustard https // https // jam poniewozik poniewozik september 28 2016fun fact many right-wing talkers rail cocktail party attend many usually pay speakers t. becket adams becketadams september 28 2016private jet cost limos right get cheap https // josh marshall joshtpm september 28 2016yeah 'm sure hannity take lir home https // andrew kaczynski buzzfeedandrew september 28 2016 oliverdarcy use ads ruth chris tim miller timodc september 28 2016it priceless see hannity reaction get call next days sure bring himself.featured image via youtube millionaire sean hannity try fake middle class get destroy twitter tweet | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: fox news host donald trump cheerleader sean hannity get bust try pretend something process yet defend trump time disastrous debate appearance monday night hannity lash press overpay friends media well chauffeur limousines like fine steakhouses expensive wine lifestyles base statement might think hannity regular joe sixpack toil away middle-class income best try make end meet pay mortgage electric bill keep family fed.but course host highly rat cable news show nationally syndicate radio show hannity anything underpaid.for radio show alone hannity earn least 20 million year also sign multi-million-dollar contract fox news program.a years ago hannity list waterfront home new york sale ask 3.6 million bedrooms 5.5 bathrooms set acres land long island sound hardly home middle class family.almost immediately journalists political operatives pundits start make fun hannity weird statement twitter fact hannity whose wealth well-known would attack journalists rich strike many completely absurd point reportedly net worth 80 million private jet use ferry politicians like former speaker house newt gingrich around even do ads pricy steak house ruth chris.hannity think could get away white lie fox news sort thing happen time especially since attach trump go work anymore.sean hannity travel gd private jet sonny bunch sonnybunch september 28 2016this hannity 's house colin jones colinjones september 28 2016hannity literally describe https // john podhoretz jpodhoretz september 28 2016hannity awaken mud hut build hand walk fox news uphill ways eat air dress moonbeams ana marie cox anamariecox september 28 2016finally hannity clarify leave media get carsick big cars n't eat beef n't drink liz mair lizmair september 28 2016sean hannity net worth 80 million https // jon favreau jonfavs september 28 2016never forget zillionaire tv star sean hannity pretend scandalize obama dijon mustard https // https // jam poniewozik poniewozik september 28 2016fun fact many right-wing talkers rail cocktail party attend many usually pay speakers t. becket adams becketadams september 28 2016private jet cost limos right get cheap https // josh marshall joshtpm september 28 2016yeah 'm sure hannity take lir home https // andrew kaczynski buzzfeedandrew september 28 2016 oliverdarcy use ads ruth chris tim miller timodc september 28 2016it priceless see hannity reaction get call next days sure bring himself.featured image via youtube millionaire sean hannity try fake middle class get destroy twitter tweet | 1 | 0.944177 | 1 | 0.917303 |
1 | umm al hawaya qatar deep qatari desert herd cow stand vast shed cool fan jet mist animal key player plan defy trade boycott make kingdom self-sufficient milk next year black white holstein cattle among first members 14,000-strong herd farm company baladna expect build come months chief executive john dore tell reuters interview make qatar self-sufficient june target dore say concede raise milk cow temperatures near 50 degrees celsius 120 fahrenheit summer pose special challenge technology deep pocket baladna qatari owners compensate harsh environment say dore irishman previously work saudi arabian dairy giant almarai hundreds cow already hook automatic milk machine baladna farm umm al hawaya 50 km 30 miles north doha produce milk good enough export say 6,000 cow unite state due arrive february qatar drive build dairy industry desert illustrate tiny wealthy country world big exporter liquefy natural gas use money technology cope isolation saudi arabia unite arab emirates bahrain egypt cut trade transport tie qatar june accuse back terrorism charge doha deny boycott disrupt qatar ship rout gulf also shut qatar land border saudi arabia across many perishable goods import include almost 400 tonnes fresh milk yoghurt day boycott force qatar fly dairy products turkey iran dore say country determine create dairy sector largely rely baladna private company receive logistical support government firm raise sheep consider move milk production boycott know would find hard compete price import almarai say boycott remove competition initial weeks diplomatic crisis company fly first 3,400 cow state-owned airline qatar airways milk cow 11th july barely month blockade method mean achievement dore say baladna plan two sea shipments unite state hold 3,300 animals february another consignment 3,000 cow plan yet order june say expect raise production fresh milk yoghurt 500 tonnes day enough meet domestic demand 100 tonnes leave export baladna disclose financial detail project yet clear whether qatar produce large volumes milk economically let alone export competitive price least country drive reduce dependence import domestic production appear stimulate economy manufacture sector grow 3.2 percent year early september official data release last week show food manufacture jump 23.5 percent qatar build dairy industry desert defy arab boycott | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: umm al hawaya qatar deep qatari desert herd cow stand vast shed cool fan jet mist animal key player plan defy trade boycott make kingdom self-sufficient milk next year black white holstein cattle among first members 14,000-strong herd farm company baladna expect build come months chief executive john dore tell reuters interview make qatar self-sufficient june target dore say concede raise milk cow temperatures near 50 degrees celsius 120 fahrenheit summer pose special challenge technology deep pocket baladna qatari owners compensate harsh environment say dore irishman previously work saudi arabian dairy giant almarai hundreds cow already hook automatic milk machine baladna farm umm al hawaya 50 km 30 miles north doha produce milk good enough export say 6,000 cow unite state due arrive february qatar drive build dairy industry desert illustrate tiny wealthy country world big exporter liquefy natural gas use money technology cope isolation saudi arabia unite arab emirates bahrain egypt cut trade transport tie qatar june accuse back terrorism charge doha deny boycott disrupt qatar ship rout gulf also shut qatar land border saudi arabia across many perishable goods import include almost 400 tonnes fresh milk yoghurt day boycott force qatar fly dairy products turkey iran dore say country determine create dairy sector largely rely baladna private company receive logistical support government firm raise sheep consider move milk production boycott know would find hard compete price import almarai say boycott remove competition initial weeks diplomatic crisis company fly first 3,400 cow state-owned airline qatar airways milk cow 11th july barely month blockade method mean achievement dore say baladna plan two sea shipments unite state hold 3,300 animals february another consignment 3,000 cow plan yet order june say expect raise production fresh milk yoghurt 500 tonnes day enough meet domestic demand 100 tonnes leave export baladna disclose financial detail project yet clear whether qatar produce large volumes milk economically let alone export competitive price least country drive reduce dependence import domestic production appear stimulate economy manufacture sector grow 3.2 percent year early september official data release last week show food manufacture jump 23.5 percent qatar build dairy industry desert defy arab boycott | 0 | 0.994445 | 0 | 0.785309 |
1 | washington president barack obama plan sign north korea sanction bill white house say wednesday press brief reporters white house spokesman josh earnest give indication measure might come obama plan sign north korea sanction bill white house | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: washington president barack obama plan sign north korea sanction bill white house say wednesday press brief reporters white house spokesman josh earnest give indication measure might come obama plan sign north korea sanction bill white house | 0 | 0.99943 | 0 | 0.993096 |
0 | wonder could get cake say gay marriage wrong tolerant answer follow question show astound hypocrisy left.say bestiality wrong polygamy wrong consider hate speech opinion gay marriage wrong whole world jump scream racism bigotry hatred .this become politically-correct norm matter one argue suppress free one target pro-gay bakeries gay activists target christian bakeries support gay marriage one christian bakery sue refuse put slogan cake event support gay agenda yet christian bakeries refuse make pro-homosexual marriage cake get sue leave right center get fin get death threats lose businesses experiment prove beyond doubt gay agenda freedom practice sexual orientation suppression free make case provide video clip third one video show homosexual activists ireland use state force christian bakery make cake slogan support gay marriage pro-gay marriage event refuse add tremendous loss business several christian bakeries sue unite state several lose businesses say enough decide call 13 prominent pro-gay bakers row one deny us right gay marriage wrong cake even use deviant insult obscenities us one baker even say sort profanities christians end conversation say make cookie large phallus record stun american people militant intolerant homosexual bakers even complete experiment get ton hate message say hateful simply give taste medicine argue slogan gay marriage wrong thing support gay marriage opposite view view hateful would mean majority americans oppose gay marriage bigoted hate fill support polygamy polygamy wrong view yet first muslim support second americans would never support opinions consider free happen customer want buy cake pro-traditional marriage event warn strong language alert language use baker customer phone extremely vulgar https // // homosexual activist third video say choose serve though take purely objective position ask reverse message sudden say choose serve apply us christians.our pointhere point christian make homosexual cake support gay marriage go faith homosexual put gay marriage wrong go faith well course honor right say issue honor christian right also say conclusionthe big lie homosexual agenda claim fight equality tolerance.this false.what agenda via christian patriot watch happen christian man ask 13 gay bakeries make pro-traditional marriage cake video | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: wonder could get cake say gay marriage wrong tolerant answer follow question show astound hypocrisy left.say bestiality wrong polygamy wrong consider hate speech opinion gay marriage wrong whole world jump scream racism bigotry hatred .this become politically-correct norm matter one argue suppress free one target pro-gay bakeries gay activists target christian bakeries support gay marriage one christian bakery sue refuse put slogan cake event support gay agenda yet christian bakeries refuse make pro-homosexual marriage cake get sue leave right center get fin get death threats lose businesses experiment prove beyond doubt gay agenda freedom practice sexual orientation suppression free make case provide video clip third one video show homosexual activists ireland use state force christian bakery make cake slogan support gay marriage pro-gay marriage event refuse add tremendous loss business several christian bakeries sue unite state several lose businesses say enough decide call 13 prominent pro-gay bakers row one deny us right gay marriage wrong cake even use deviant insult obscenities us one baker even say sort profanities christians end conversation say make cookie large phallus record stun american people militant intolerant homosexual bakers even complete experiment get ton hate message say hateful simply give taste medicine argue slogan gay marriage wrong thing support gay marriage opposite view view hateful would mean majority americans oppose gay marriage bigoted hate fill support polygamy polygamy wrong view yet first muslim support second americans would never support opinions consider free happen customer want buy cake pro-traditional marriage event warn strong language alert language use baker customer phone extremely vulgar https // // homosexual activist third video say choose serve though take purely objective position ask reverse message sudden say choose serve apply us christians.our pointhere point christian make homosexual cake support gay marriage go faith homosexual put gay marriage wrong go faith well course honor right say issue honor christian right also say conclusionthe big lie homosexual agenda claim fight equality tolerance.this false.what agenda via christian patriot watch happen christian man ask 13 gay bakeries make pro-traditional marriage cake video | 0 | 0.998245 | 0 | 0.998696 |
0 | trump third day across seas may end devastate sit israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu trump open mouth immediately start blunder way international pair world leaders sit trump seem want get something chest bother last week report trump leak classify intelligence isis russians closed-door meet oval office trump white house frantically deny eventually concede happen claim big deal news come israeli spy trump expose careless leak.and trump sit israel want make one thing clear never share part source israeli say international television.trump say never mention israel meet w/ russians issue story never allege trump divulge source kyle griffin kylegriffin1 may 22 2017that uh pretty stun admission implications immediately clear everyone trump trump may well confirm israeli informant spy likely face death catch isis thank trump internationally broadcast statement know look one.unreal trump seem accidentally confirm israel source intel admission https // kyle griffin kylegriffin1 may 22 2017trump use photo op netanyahu defend share sensitive intel russians oval say never say `` israel `` joy reid joyannreid may 22 2017he lack cognitive acuity keep stuff straight likely get bad https // dana houle danahoule may 22 2017his hamfisted non-denial denial textbook trump initial report never claim trump divulge nationality spy denial fight point nobody try make give away source hand information russians intelligence community could use track source.again nobody ever report mention israel question always whether reference specific intel compromise https // benjy sarlin benjysarlin may 22 2017trump beleaguer many scandals lie likely remember position may help explain constantly contradict staff come lie plan use defend white house aid tell reporters nobody want go television defend anymore quickly change stories anything say expose complete lie within hours.meanwhile trump seem oblivious even basic level competency leak intel russians brag oval office bad confirm source intel israeli sit next israeli prime minister whole new level bad.featured image via twitter trump deny leak israeli source confirm source israeli international television video | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: trump third day across seas may end devastate sit israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu trump open mouth immediately start blunder way international pair world leaders sit trump seem want get something chest bother last week report trump leak classify intelligence isis russians closed-door meet oval office trump white house frantically deny eventually concede happen claim big deal news come israeli spy trump expose careless leak.and trump sit israel want make one thing clear never share part source israeli say international television.trump say never mention israel meet w/ russians issue story never allege trump divulge source kyle griffin kylegriffin1 may 22 2017that uh pretty stun admission implications immediately clear everyone trump trump may well confirm israeli informant spy likely face death catch isis thank trump internationally broadcast statement know look one.unreal trump seem accidentally confirm israel source intel admission https // kyle griffin kylegriffin1 may 22 2017trump use photo op netanyahu defend share sensitive intel russians oval say never say `` israel `` joy reid joyannreid may 22 2017he lack cognitive acuity keep stuff straight likely get bad https // dana houle danahoule may 22 2017his hamfisted non-denial denial textbook trump initial report never claim trump divulge nationality spy denial fight point nobody try make give away source hand information russians intelligence community could use track source.again nobody ever report mention israel question always whether reference specific intel compromise https // benjy sarlin benjysarlin may 22 2017trump beleaguer many scandals lie likely remember position may help explain constantly contradict staff come lie plan use defend white house aid tell reporters nobody want go television defend anymore quickly change stories anything say expose complete lie within hours.meanwhile trump seem oblivious even basic level competency leak intel russians brag oval office bad confirm source intel israeli sit next israeli prime minister whole new level bad.featured image via twitter trump deny leak israeli source confirm source israeli international television video | 0 | 0.998499 | 0 | 0.997155 |
0 | donald trump inauguration david leavitt claim write cbs yahoo say wish trump would die inauguration cbs deny work ever work well back november levitt profile twitter still say contributor cbs comedian political commentator mark dice actually make video expose daniel leavitt claim member press vile remark make president leavitt response outrage disgust comment know 'd gain 500 followers within 12 hours anger sexist racist trump supporters 'd do sooner imwithher david leavitt david_leavitt november 30 2016because could possibly funny terrorist attack stadium pack young innocent children right david apparently leavitt obvious conscience double sick joke instead delete realize receive quite bite backlash attempt make another joke ask soon leavitt strange make sick joke dead people last week make another sick joke death roger ail every day liberals confirm independent democrat voters two brain cells rub together majority americans truly believe liberalism mental tweet guy get pay write major publications every day americans accept actual news warn tweet contain strong language lastly guy bash comey twitter post stereotypical liberal cowardly cbs yahoo writer wish trump would die inauguration make disgust joke dead kid ariana grande concert | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: donald trump inauguration david leavitt claim write cbs yahoo say wish trump would die inauguration cbs deny work ever work well back november levitt profile twitter still say contributor cbs comedian political commentator mark dice actually make video expose daniel leavitt claim member press vile remark make president leavitt response outrage disgust comment know 'd gain 500 followers within 12 hours anger sexist racist trump supporters 'd do sooner imwithher david leavitt david_leavitt november 30 2016because could possibly funny terrorist attack stadium pack young innocent children right david apparently leavitt obvious conscience double sick joke instead delete realize receive quite bite backlash attempt make another joke ask soon leavitt strange make sick joke dead people last week make another sick joke death roger ail every day liberals confirm independent democrat voters two brain cells rub together majority americans truly believe liberalism mental tweet guy get pay write major publications every day americans accept actual news warn tweet contain strong language lastly guy bash comey twitter post stereotypical liberal cowardly cbs yahoo writer wish trump would die inauguration make disgust joke dead kid ariana grande concert | 1 | 0.922482 | 1 | 0.920218 |
0 | thank judicial watch expose clinton grifters really con artists hillary see prince via regular channel donate money meet newly release department state document reveal crown prince bahrain give audience then-secretary state hillary clinton donate 32 million foundation.the document release monday judicial watch include email clinton foundation executive doug band former clinton state department aide huma abedin appear show abedin act middleman clinton foundation abedin email exchange show bahrain crown prince salman go clinton foundation order set meet clinton former secretary state decline meet official request make first email date june 23 2009 show band intercede behalf crown prince note good friend abedin reply day note salman ask see clinton normal channel appear clinton interest late email date june 25 2009 abedin band offer salman 10 a.m. meet clinton abedin say reach official channel secure daily caller dead break hillary gift 32 million muslim prince | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: thank judicial watch expose clinton grifters really con artists hillary see prince via regular channel donate money meet newly release department state document reveal crown prince bahrain give audience then-secretary state hillary clinton donate 32 million foundation.the document release monday judicial watch include email clinton foundation executive doug band former clinton state department aide huma abedin appear show abedin act middleman clinton foundation abedin email exchange show bahrain crown prince salman go clinton foundation order set meet clinton former secretary state decline meet official request make first email date june 23 2009 show band intercede behalf crown prince note good friend abedin reply day note salman ask see clinton normal channel appear clinton interest late email date june 25 2009 abedin band offer salman 10 a.m. meet clinton abedin say reach official channel secure daily caller dead break hillary gift 32 million muslim prince | 0 | 0.999089 | 0 | 0.999183 |
0 | report early statues naked donald trump appear country.the artists put say installations sculpture leave behind physical metaphorical embodiment ghastly soul one america infamous revile politicians truth interestingly enough depiction real estate mogul/reality television star/egomaniac likely remarkably lifelike.take look sculpture new york city union square early thursday s/o whoever instal trump statue union square last night jamesmichael nichols jamesmichael august 18 2016clearly kinda sorta inappropriate yet still entertain hilarious.however know really stay new york city park recreation department issue hilarious statement nyc park stand firmly unpermitted erection city park matter small nude donald trump statue remove nyc 's union square https // associate press ap august 18 2016boom ha one could say sort remark city park rec department especially city trump kind slap face however trump clear narcissism need constant attention always talk plan big best pretty obvious overcompensate something something know artists installation seem pretty good idea.featured photo spencer platt/getty image nyc park rec brutally mock trump remove naked statue image | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: report early statues naked donald trump appear country.the artists put say installations sculpture leave behind physical metaphorical embodiment ghastly soul one america infamous revile politicians truth interestingly enough depiction real estate mogul/reality television star/egomaniac likely remarkably lifelike.take look sculpture new york city union square early thursday s/o whoever instal trump statue union square last night jamesmichael nichols jamesmichael august 18 2016clearly kinda sorta inappropriate yet still entertain hilarious.however know really stay new york city park recreation department issue hilarious statement nyc park stand firmly unpermitted erection city park matter small nude donald trump statue remove nyc 's union square https // associate press ap august 18 2016boom ha one could say sort remark city park rec department especially city trump kind slap face however trump clear narcissism need constant attention always talk plan big best pretty obvious overcompensate something something know artists installation seem pretty good idea.featured photo spencer platt/getty image nyc park rec brutally mock trump remove naked statue image | 1 | 0.934395 | 1 | 0.899121 |
0 | trump spokesperson katrina pierson last time fact check barack obama love trump spokesperson deliver knockout punch arrogant cnn host video | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: trump spokesperson katrina pierson last time fact check barack obama love trump spokesperson deliver knockout punch arrogant cnn host video | 0 | 0.999851 | 0 | 0.999864 |
0 | tune alternate current radio network acr another live broadcast boiler room tonight 6:00 pm pst 8:00 pm cst 9:00 pm est special broadcast join us uncensored uninterruptible talk radio custom-made bar fly philosophers misguide moralists masochists street corner evangelists media-maniacs savants political animals otherwise lovable rascals.join acr host hesher spore along side jay dyer jays analysis fvnk oul infidel pharaoh acr contributors hundred twenty ninth episode boiler room turn tune hang acr brain-trust weeks boil down analysis usual gnash teeth political animals social reject club.hesher spore jay dyer fvnk oul infidel pharaoh represent acr brain-trust initial analysis mandalay bay massacre detail anomalies opinions hypotheses question come first 24 hours download episode 129 please like share program visit donate page get involve reference link consideration research boiler room ep 129 mandalay massacre initial boil hesh spore jay funk pharaoh | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: tune alternate current radio network acr another live broadcast boiler room tonight 6:00 pm pst 8:00 pm cst 9:00 pm est special broadcast join us uncensored uninterruptible talk radio custom-made bar fly philosophers misguide moralists masochists street corner evangelists media-maniacs savants political animals otherwise lovable rascals.join acr host hesher spore along side jay dyer jays analysis fvnk oul infidel pharaoh acr contributors hundred twenty ninth episode boiler room turn tune hang acr brain-trust weeks boil down analysis usual gnash teeth political animals social reject club.hesher spore jay dyer fvnk oul infidel pharaoh represent acr brain-trust initial analysis mandalay bay massacre detail anomalies opinions hypotheses question come first 24 hours download episode 129 please like share program visit donate page get involve reference link consideration research boiler room ep 129 mandalay massacre initial boil hesh spore jay funk pharaoh | 0 | 0.999221 | 0 | 0.999089 |
1 | bangkok thailand wednesday mark start lavish five-day funeral king bhumibol adulyadej buddhist religious ceremony attend senior members royal family king bhumibol die last year age 88 cremate thursday royal pyre within cremation complex gold pavilions front bangkok grand palace ceremony expect draw 250,000 mourners thailand observe year mourn king bhumibol regard pillar stability reign seven decades witness political upheaval rapid development southeast asian nation overwhelm say one mourner aporn wongdee 60 hail southern province nakhon si thammarat two days already want see father heaven sum 90 million set aside funeral like never see thailand officials involve funeral preparations say king maha vajiralongkorn know rama inherit throne december father death arrive grand palace car wednesday soldier dress red uniform black hat stand attention flank two daughters live television image inside palace show king light candle front father coffin symbolic royal urn buddhist funeral ceremony mix hindu rituals attend 119 buddhist monks chant prayers ancient pali language queue black-clad mourners many carry portraits king snake around part bangkok old town wait enter cremation area mid-afternoon 25,000 mourners gather around cremation site city police say expect emotionally-charged morning king bhumibol body move thursday grand palace crematorium public square front thousands people already pitch tent ensure place thursday three processions make way palace cremation site series specially-erected thai pavilions take nearly year build thais fold flower sandalwood paper use cremation belief fragrance guide soul depart heaven cremation day declare national holiday bank close major shop center shut p.m. thailand kick sumptuous funeral king bhumibol adulyadej | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: bangkok thailand wednesday mark start lavish five-day funeral king bhumibol adulyadej buddhist religious ceremony attend senior members royal family king bhumibol die last year age 88 cremate thursday royal pyre within cremation complex gold pavilions front bangkok grand palace ceremony expect draw 250,000 mourners thailand observe year mourn king bhumibol regard pillar stability reign seven decades witness political upheaval rapid development southeast asian nation overwhelm say one mourner aporn wongdee 60 hail southern province nakhon si thammarat two days already want see father heaven sum 90 million set aside funeral like never see thailand officials involve funeral preparations say king maha vajiralongkorn know rama inherit throne december father death arrive grand palace car wednesday soldier dress red uniform black hat stand attention flank two daughters live television image inside palace show king light candle front father coffin symbolic royal urn buddhist funeral ceremony mix hindu rituals attend 119 buddhist monks chant prayers ancient pali language queue black-clad mourners many carry portraits king snake around part bangkok old town wait enter cremation area mid-afternoon 25,000 mourners gather around cremation site city police say expect emotionally-charged morning king bhumibol body move thursday grand palace crematorium public square front thousands people already pitch tent ensure place thursday three processions make way palace cremation site series specially-erected thai pavilions take nearly year build thais fold flower sandalwood paper use cremation belief fragrance guide soul depart heaven cremation day declare national holiday bank close major shop center shut p.m. thailand kick sumptuous funeral king bhumibol adulyadej | 0 | 0.99657 | 0 | 0.992304 |
1 | warsaw poland low retirement age sunday costly election promise rule conservatives go european trend gradually increase pension age people live long stay healthy low age 60 women 65 men popular particular among supporters govern right-wing law justice pis party reverse increase 67 approve 2012 former centrist government see limit immediate impact economy boom might put pressure state budget future move come time unemployment poland fall low level since transition communism early 1990s could increase pressure wag already grow fast pace five years polish labor market face increasingly limit access workers say rafal benecki warsaw-based economist cover central europe ing bank poland population 38 million among rapidly age european union government throw away effective tool increase labor market participation rate benecki say state pension agency zus estimate 331,000 people could decide take advantage option retire early would amount 2.0 percent poland 16.3 million workers economists central bankers say rise flow poland hundreds thousands workers ukraine could reduce pressure wag labour ministry figure show polish employers request 900,000 short-term permit ukrainian workers first half 2017 compare 1.26 million whole previous year inflow workers ukraine far problem foresee labor shortages pressure labor market diminish central bank governor adam glapinski say early september pis government estimate cost retirement age reduction 10 billion zlotys 2.74 billion 2018 roughly 0.5 percent gdp since come power 2015 current government sharply increase public spend meet campaign pledge help families distribute fruit economic growth evenly despite increase spend state budget post first surplus january-august period two decades mainly due government crackdown tax evasion new child benefit fuel consumption economic growth reach 3.9 percent second quarter economists warn high cost pension could cause problems economy slow worry happen economic cycle turn say marcin mrowiec chief economist bank pekao might wake wag level firm cope ... permanently high budget spend pension 3.6471 zlotys polish cut retirement age come force buck european trend | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: warsaw poland low retirement age sunday costly election promise rule conservatives go european trend gradually increase pension age people live long stay healthy low age 60 women 65 men popular particular among supporters govern right-wing law justice pis party reverse increase 67 approve 2012 former centrist government see limit immediate impact economy boom might put pressure state budget future move come time unemployment poland fall low level since transition communism early 1990s could increase pressure wag already grow fast pace five years polish labor market face increasingly limit access workers say rafal benecki warsaw-based economist cover central europe ing bank poland population 38 million among rapidly age european union government throw away effective tool increase labor market participation rate benecki say state pension agency zus estimate 331,000 people could decide take advantage option retire early would amount 2.0 percent poland 16.3 million workers economists central bankers say rise flow poland hundreds thousands workers ukraine could reduce pressure wag labour ministry figure show polish employers request 900,000 short-term permit ukrainian workers first half 2017 compare 1.26 million whole previous year inflow workers ukraine far problem foresee labor shortages pressure labor market diminish central bank governor adam glapinski say early september pis government estimate cost retirement age reduction 10 billion zlotys 2.74 billion 2018 roughly 0.5 percent gdp since come power 2015 current government sharply increase public spend meet campaign pledge help families distribute fruit economic growth evenly despite increase spend state budget post first surplus january-august period two decades mainly due government crackdown tax evasion new child benefit fuel consumption economic growth reach 3.9 percent second quarter economists warn high cost pension could cause problems economy slow worry happen economic cycle turn say marcin mrowiec chief economist bank pekao might wake wag level firm cope ... permanently high budget spend pension 3.6471 zlotys polish cut retirement age come force buck european trend | 0 | 0.995318 | 0 | 0.985496 |
1 | washington unite state deeply trouble conviction jail sentence crimean dissident oppose russia annexation ukraine crimea call tuesday release state department say russian court last week find crimean tatar leader ilmi umerov guilty separatism sentence two years prison colony convict opposition russia attempt annexation crimea give harsh sentence russian occupation prosecutor request state department say statement compound past injustices case include confinement several weeks punitive psychiatric treatment 2016. call russian occupation authorities immediately release umerov vacate conviction u.s. call russia release crimean dissident state dept | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: washington unite state deeply trouble conviction jail sentence crimean dissident oppose russia annexation ukraine crimea call tuesday release state department say russian court last week find crimean tatar leader ilmi umerov guilty separatism sentence two years prison colony convict opposition russia attempt annexation crimea give harsh sentence russian occupation prosecutor request state department say statement compound past injustices case include confinement several weeks punitive psychiatric treatment 2016. call russian occupation authorities immediately release umerov vacate conviction u.s. call russia release crimean dissident state dept | 0 | 0.997327 | 1 | 0.989511 |
1 | washington bipartisan group lawmakers u.s. congress thursday ask justice department clarify loom rule change government hack power could impact privacy right innocent americans change due take place december would let judge issue search warrant remote access computers locate jurisdiction potentially include foreign countries magistrate judge normally order search within jurisdiction court typically limit counties concern full scope new authority would provide department justice 23 senators representatives write attorney general loretta lynch supreme court april approve amendments rule 41 federal rule criminal procedure would allow judge issue warrant case suspect use anonymizing technology conceal location computer investigation network hack infect computers botnet amendments take effect december year unless congress pass legislation would reject amend postpone change lawmakers lead democratic senator ron wyden oregon introduce legislation would halt change yet gain much traction letter lawmakers ask government would prevent expand rule so-called forum shop prosecutors seek warrant district consider favorable law enforcement also ask justice department intend notify users electronic devices search whether law enforcement authority disable malicious software protect device include belong innocent americans among question justice department work rule 41 change years argue procedural nature necessary keep pace criminal threats pose evolve technology civil liberties group technology company include alphabet inc google say change could allow search run afoul privacy right justice department review lawmakers letter ask response within two weeks spokesman peter carr say u.s. lawmakers raise privacy concern new hack rule | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: washington bipartisan group lawmakers u.s. congress thursday ask justice department clarify loom rule change government hack power could impact privacy right innocent americans change due take place december would let judge issue search warrant remote access computers locate jurisdiction potentially include foreign countries magistrate judge normally order search within jurisdiction court typically limit counties concern full scope new authority would provide department justice 23 senators representatives write attorney general loretta lynch supreme court april approve amendments rule 41 federal rule criminal procedure would allow judge issue warrant case suspect use anonymizing technology conceal location computer investigation network hack infect computers botnet amendments take effect december year unless congress pass legislation would reject amend postpone change lawmakers lead democratic senator ron wyden oregon introduce legislation would halt change yet gain much traction letter lawmakers ask government would prevent expand rule so-called forum shop prosecutors seek warrant district consider favorable law enforcement also ask justice department intend notify users electronic devices search whether law enforcement authority disable malicious software protect device include belong innocent americans among question justice department work rule 41 change years argue procedural nature necessary keep pace criminal threats pose evolve technology civil liberties group technology company include alphabet inc google say change could allow search run afoul privacy right justice department review lawmakers letter ask response within two weeks spokesman peter carr say u.s. lawmakers raise privacy concern new hack rule | 0 | 0.99657 | 0 | 0.996116 |
1 | brussels european commission call monday poland seek european legal advice two draft judicial reform laws put forward president andrzej duda check comply european democratic standards july duda ally poland rule nationalist law justice pis party unexpectedly veto plan overhaul judiciary nationwide protest warn western ally change would undermine independence court early monday present draft two veto laws propose great role nomination judge european commission say poland seek opinion venice commission council europe draft commission provide legal advice members help bring laws institutions line european standards would extremely helpful two draft laws ... would give venice commission advice european commission first vice president frans timmermans tell news conference make comment also analyse say refer ongoing unprecedented process eu monitor poland adherence rule law launch begin 2016. venice commission rule last year laws pass pis government country constitutional tribunal incompatible european standards prompt european commission launch rule-of-law monitor procedure timmermans say commission monitor poland democratic practice receive broad support national governments stress rule law fundamental function european union whole say would happy receive polish justice minister zbigniew ziobro foreign minister witold waszczykowski brussels go warsaw continue dialogue poland governments keen speak reporters deliver update rule law monitor process poland eu minister timmermans say broad support continue important everybody around table say rule law option obligation ... fundament european cooperation ... concern us say encourage broad broad support felt council try find solution still lot lot need say problem solve timmermans say eu call legal commission vet new polish judicial reform laws | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: brussels european commission call monday poland seek european legal advice two draft judicial reform laws put forward president andrzej duda check comply european democratic standards july duda ally poland rule nationalist law justice pis party unexpectedly veto plan overhaul judiciary nationwide protest warn western ally change would undermine independence court early monday present draft two veto laws propose great role nomination judge european commission say poland seek opinion venice commission council europe draft commission provide legal advice members help bring laws institutions line european standards would extremely helpful two draft laws ... would give venice commission advice european commission first vice president frans timmermans tell news conference make comment also analyse say refer ongoing unprecedented process eu monitor poland adherence rule law launch begin 2016. venice commission rule last year laws pass pis government country constitutional tribunal incompatible european standards prompt european commission launch rule-of-law monitor procedure timmermans say commission monitor poland democratic practice receive broad support national governments stress rule law fundamental function european union whole say would happy receive polish justice minister zbigniew ziobro foreign minister witold waszczykowski brussels go warsaw continue dialogue poland governments keen speak reporters deliver update rule law monitor process poland eu minister timmermans say broad support continue important everybody around table say rule law option obligation ... fundament european cooperation ... concern us say encourage broad broad support felt council try find solution still lot lot need say problem solve timmermans say eu call legal commission vet new polish judicial reform laws | 0 | 0.996876 | 0 | 0.99657 |
0 | bind happen soon house intel chairman devin nunes say evidence people trump transition team record foreign surveillance activities trump loyal subject within republican party pounce never mind else nunes say information collect incidental probably legal gop saw opportunity clear president name paint obama evil criminal dictatorial president always know was.the national republican congressional committee send email morning subject line confirm obama spy trump quote politico trump transition members surveillance obama administration quote nunes members donald trump transition team possibly include trump surveillance obama administration follow november election full letter whoa flag dccc republicans fundraise false claim obama spy trump sam stein samsteinhp march 23 2017is context course nonexistent letter quote politico story caption top video post nunes press conference relevant context story nunes set firestorm news conference early day describe surveillance trump aid call incidental collection something note routine legal collection occur person inside unite state communicate foreign target u.s. surveillance case identities u.s. citizens suppose shield unmask intelligence officials certain circumstances furthermore nunes say normal incidental collection base could collect alarm anyway reason.however significant fact nunes also say yesterday still evidence trump team campaign wiretapped otherwise target surveillance obama administration none zero zip zilch nada say many many weeks tell white house reporters.what party actively knowingly spread trump lie gain edge know lose investigations conclude sit president level demonstrably false accusation predecessor also collude russia election cycle gop sunk.featured image mark wilson via getty image desperate gop literally spread trump wiretap lie fleece supporters | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: bind happen soon house intel chairman devin nunes say evidence people trump transition team record foreign surveillance activities trump loyal subject within republican party pounce never mind else nunes say information collect incidental probably legal gop saw opportunity clear president name paint obama evil criminal dictatorial president always know was.the national republican congressional committee send email morning subject line confirm obama spy trump quote politico trump transition members surveillance obama administration quote nunes members donald trump transition team possibly include trump surveillance obama administration follow november election full letter whoa flag dccc republicans fundraise false claim obama spy trump sam stein samsteinhp march 23 2017is context course nonexistent letter quote politico story caption top video post nunes press conference relevant context story nunes set firestorm news conference early day describe surveillance trump aid call incidental collection something note routine legal collection occur person inside unite state communicate foreign target u.s. surveillance case identities u.s. citizens suppose shield unmask intelligence officials certain circumstances furthermore nunes say normal incidental collection base could collect alarm anyway reason.however significant fact nunes also say yesterday still evidence trump team campaign wiretapped otherwise target surveillance obama administration none zero zip zilch nada say many many weeks tell white house reporters.what party actively knowingly spread trump lie gain edge know lose investigations conclude sit president level demonstrably false accusation predecessor also collude russia election cycle gop sunk.featured image mark wilson via getty image desperate gop literally spread trump wiretap lie fleece supporters | 0 | 0.999846 | 0 | 0.999846 |
0 | donald trump exactly best show iowa least guy say caucus begin would tremendous victory end finish 2nd full point behind ted cruz end tie marco rubio seven delegates.while throw huge tantrum stage exactly presidential either behind scenes know must fume mad rarely silent twitter loss tweet word silence 14 long hours lose iowa finally bring donald trump back earth able gather anything late tweet handle lose well instead prepare oath office act presidential find way offer excuse boy he.pic via twitter.trump know quite time say anything everything popular site normally could care less need call sore loser shortly afterwards also post cryptic message make seem like interest run president anymore really say part keep worth exactly mean must mean think run president worth unless people give credit things self-funding campaign worth enough president either way trump self-fund campaign behold outside group special interest already say want accord rule fund way accord make matter bad already prove fact self-funding campaign go figure say even true visit attention nothing else could care less make america great pic via news donald president much hard give first contest sure heck complain loser front page cover new york daily news must really get him.featured image facebook excuse trump make lose iowa say run long worth image | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: donald trump exactly best show iowa least guy say caucus begin would tremendous victory end finish 2nd full point behind ted cruz end tie marco rubio seven delegates.while throw huge tantrum stage exactly presidential either behind scenes know must fume mad rarely silent twitter loss tweet word silence 14 long hours lose iowa finally bring donald trump back earth able gather anything late tweet handle lose well instead prepare oath office act presidential find way offer excuse boy he.pic via twitter.trump know quite time say anything everything popular site normally could care less need call sore loser shortly afterwards also post cryptic message make seem like interest run president anymore really say part keep worth exactly mean must mean think run president worth unless people give credit things self-funding campaign worth enough president either way trump self-fund campaign behold outside group special interest already say want accord rule fund way accord make matter bad already prove fact self-funding campaign go figure say even true visit attention nothing else could care less make america great pic via news donald president much hard give first contest sure heck complain loser front page cover new york daily news must really get him.featured image facebook excuse trump make lose iowa say run long worth image | 0 | 0.997677 | 0 | 0.995318 |
1 | washington president donald trump sign executive order friday initiate government-wide review u.s. defense industry suggest change strengthen review intend identify address potential weak point defense manufacture base include company could go business leave gap supply chain u.s. weapons systems say peter navarro white house national trade council director executive order ask recommendations possible legislative regulatory policy change would improve support defense industry call significant national priority america defense industrial base face increase gap capabilities navarro say one company u.s. repair propellers navy submarine add brief reporters defense analyst howard rubel investment bank jefferies co say free market far do reasonably good job want invest buggy whip suppliers one supplier add important recognize unite state sometimes buy cheaply ally review mandate executive order lead pentagon conduct concert department labor department homeland security well government agencies skilled labor also big part huge military buildup trump promise project american power industry already show initiative address skilled labor shortage include metal trade navarro say remark trump order review strengthen u.s. defense industry | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: washington president donald trump sign executive order friday initiate government-wide review u.s. defense industry suggest change strengthen review intend identify address potential weak point defense manufacture base include company could go business leave gap supply chain u.s. weapons systems say peter navarro white house national trade council director executive order ask recommendations possible legislative regulatory policy change would improve support defense industry call significant national priority america defense industrial base face increase gap capabilities navarro say one company u.s. repair propellers navy submarine add brief reporters defense analyst howard rubel investment bank jefferies co say free market far do reasonably good job want invest buggy whip suppliers one supplier add important recognize unite state sometimes buy cheaply ally review mandate executive order lead pentagon conduct concert department labor department homeland security well government agencies skilled labor also big part huge military buildup trump promise project american power industry already show initiative address skilled labor shortage include metal trade navarro say remark trump order review strengthen u.s. defense industry | 0 | 0.993307 | 1 | 0.883236 |
0 | clear donald trump bad george w. bush ever definitely clear now.during appearance today show monday bush ask comment trump assault free press absolutely destroy consider media indispensable democracy bush say need independent media hold people like account power addictive corrosive important media call account people abuse power one people bush point russian dictator vladimir putin control media country iron fact bush say try persuade putin allow free independent press russia.apparently putin trump copy buddy putin try muzzle free press unite state much glee conservatives think media operate propaganda machine agenda.trump declare media fake news every time see story like even go far bar news outlets like cnn new york time press briefings.and trump effort undermine free press harm america mission spread democracy throughout world trump make us look like bunch hypocrites kind hard tell others independent free press will one bush said.bush even believe american people deserve investigation trump tie russia deepen become scandal recent weeks trump administration try use cia fbi top republicans senate house intelligence committees bury reports.furthermore bush take shoot trump anti-muslim travel ban cause worldwide chaos block court bedrock freedom right worship freely bush say bush eight years office strive defend islam bigoted people like trump attack religion terrorism fanatics wrongly use justify deadly video via way george w. bush must happy right one hand donald trump complete disaster act like tyrant definitely hurt american prestige reputation one hand bush long consider bad president american history trump manage take title month.featured image via screenshot watch george w. bush prove good president trump ever | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: clear donald trump bad george w. bush ever definitely clear now.during appearance today show monday bush ask comment trump assault free press absolutely destroy consider media indispensable democracy bush say need independent media hold people like account power addictive corrosive important media call account people abuse power one people bush point russian dictator vladimir putin control media country iron fact bush say try persuade putin allow free independent press russia.apparently putin trump copy buddy putin try muzzle free press unite state much glee conservatives think media operate propaganda machine agenda.trump declare media fake news every time see story like even go far bar news outlets like cnn new york time press briefings.and trump effort undermine free press harm america mission spread democracy throughout world trump make us look like bunch hypocrites kind hard tell others independent free press will one bush said.bush even believe american people deserve investigation trump tie russia deepen become scandal recent weeks trump administration try use cia fbi top republicans senate house intelligence committees bury reports.furthermore bush take shoot trump anti-muslim travel ban cause worldwide chaos block court bedrock freedom right worship freely bush say bush eight years office strive defend islam bigoted people like trump attack religion terrorism fanatics wrongly use justify deadly video via way george w. bush must happy right one hand donald trump complete disaster act like tyrant definitely hurt american prestige reputation one hand bush long consider bad president american history trump manage take title month.featured image via screenshot watch george w. bush prove good president trump ever | 0 | 0.997527 | 0 | 0.999183 |
1 | beirut syrian army ally take complete control albu kamal islamic state last significant town syria military news service run hezbollah say sunday army declare victory islamic state albu kamal early month jihadists stag counter-attack use sleeper cells hide town drive islamic state albu kamal mean villages along euphrates patch nearby desert well isolate pocket part country remain syria caliphate declare 2014. force battle islamic state syria iraq say expect go underground turn guerrilla insurgency use sleeper cells bomb western intelligence agencies say still able inspire attack civilians around world syrian army ally axis resistance expel daesh last stronghold syrian soil hezbollah news service report axis resistance use describe alliance iran syria shi ite militias include hezbollah british-based syrian observatory human right say sunday members withdraw town fight continue perimeter albu kamal islamic state area rule syria crumble year two rival military campaign syrian democratic force sdf alliance kurdish arab militias back u.s.-led coalition drive much territory north include former syrian capital raqqa syria army ally wag offensive across central eastern syria back russian air missile power two offensives mostly avoid conflict communication unite state russia however syrian iranian officials say damascus seek regain control areas hold sdf syrian army ally take back albu kamal islamic state | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: beirut syrian army ally take complete control albu kamal islamic state last significant town syria military news service run hezbollah say sunday army declare victory islamic state albu kamal early month jihadists stag counter-attack use sleeper cells hide town drive islamic state albu kamal mean villages along euphrates patch nearby desert well isolate pocket part country remain syria caliphate declare 2014. force battle islamic state syria iraq say expect go underground turn guerrilla insurgency use sleeper cells bomb western intelligence agencies say still able inspire attack civilians around world syrian army ally axis resistance expel daesh last stronghold syrian soil hezbollah news service report axis resistance use describe alliance iran syria shi ite militias include hezbollah british-based syrian observatory human right say sunday members withdraw town fight continue perimeter albu kamal islamic state area rule syria crumble year two rival military campaign syrian democratic force sdf alliance kurdish arab militias back u.s.-led coalition drive much territory north include former syrian capital raqqa syria army ally wag offensive across central eastern syria back russian air missile power two offensives mostly avoid conflict communication unite state russia however syrian iranian officials say damascus seek regain control areas hold sdf syrian army ally take back albu kamal islamic state | 0 | 0.994615 | 0 | 0.965641 |
0 | maxine water want leak continue even confidential water view claim glad leak happen woman rocker late video mad maxine maxine get makeover hop mad speculation run potus 2020. help tucker carlson mock every night.waters foul mood interview favorite news anchor joy reid reid foot soldier water two get together every day bash trump pitiful funny thing one criticize water merely speculate consider presidential run something admit support millennials right water tell reid go new hampshire democratic party event one colleagues make story make people uncomfortable gon na hear lot people know align around try discredit maxine water stay trump case much go hear lot believe anything say maxine water want leak continue…claims world leaders glad leak video | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: maxine water want leak continue even confidential water view claim glad leak happen woman rocker late video mad maxine maxine get makeover hop mad speculation run potus 2020. help tucker carlson mock every night.waters foul mood interview favorite news anchor joy reid reid foot soldier water two get together every day bash trump pitiful funny thing one criticize water merely speculate consider presidential run something admit support millennials right water tell reid go new hampshire democratic party event one colleagues make story make people uncomfortable gon na hear lot people know align around try discredit maxine water stay trump case much go hear lot believe anything say maxine water want leak continue…claims world leaders glad leak video | 0 | 0.999846 | 0 | 0.999851 |
0 | dr. abdul el-sayed liberal democrat would like become nation first muslim governor state home city dearborn high muslim population outside middle east state michigan also make news last year hamtramck city decades know strong polish immigrant community elect first all-muslim city council probably far-fetched son egyptian immigrants live state tens thousands muslim refugees immigrants come live would want see state mi become sanctuary state faith really important many americans michiganders el-sayed say think ask rather one pray pray ask one pray one hop el-sayed say islamic value center work civil servant want people know number one priority serve people michigan.but residents state may ready see muslim governor last several years michigan hotbed islamophobia dearborn predominantly arab-american city detroit metro area frequent target anti-muslim activists conspiracy theories fake news el-sayed want michigan residents distract anti-muslim rhetoric violence want people know principles islam guide service run value islam teach include beliefs equity fundamental right people belief judge people base treat vulnerable el-sayed say belief good others fundamentally belief respect dignity one neighbor one friends one family -business insiderdemocratic gubernatorial candidate abdul el-sayed start propose progressive platform include make michigan sanctuary state provide universal preschool offer publicly fund health insurance resident need coverage.the ex-director detroit health department unveil part platform monday.i love rule law work sanctuarycities https // abdul el-sayed abdulelsayed april 26 2017el-sayed claim sanctuary state make michiganders safe michigander assure make state sanctuary state make less safe cause many people move away state laws law-breakers 3/3 elect gov job protect michiganders 's sanctuarystate learn https // abdul el-sayed abdulelsayed april 24 2017the sanctuary term legal definition vary application generally refer local jurisdictions cooperate u.s. immigration officials us newsel-sayed also make feel know twitter mi lawmaker rep. michele hoitenga r-manton mi want make sharia law illegal state michigan el-sayed attempt make comparison 10 commandments holy bible sharia law el-sayed seem willfully ignore fact unite state judeo-christian nation.nice try oppose ban tencommandments bible come middleeast religiousfreedom https // abdul el-sayed abdulelsayed april 20 2017 son egyptian immigrants hop become first muslim governor u.s…will push sanctuary state | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: dr. abdul el-sayed liberal democrat would like become nation first muslim governor state home city dearborn high muslim population outside middle east state michigan also make news last year hamtramck city decades know strong polish immigrant community elect first all-muslim city council probably far-fetched son egyptian immigrants live state tens thousands muslim refugees immigrants come live would want see state mi become sanctuary state faith really important many americans michiganders el-sayed say think ask rather one pray pray ask one pray one hop el-sayed say islamic value center work civil servant want people know number one priority serve people michigan.but residents state may ready see muslim governor last several years michigan hotbed islamophobia dearborn predominantly arab-american city detroit metro area frequent target anti-muslim activists conspiracy theories fake news el-sayed want michigan residents distract anti-muslim rhetoric violence want people know principles islam guide service run value islam teach include beliefs equity fundamental right people belief judge people base treat vulnerable el-sayed say belief good others fundamentally belief respect dignity one neighbor one friends one family -business insiderdemocratic gubernatorial candidate abdul el-sayed start propose progressive platform include make michigan sanctuary state provide universal preschool offer publicly fund health insurance resident need coverage.the ex-director detroit health department unveil part platform monday.i love rule law work sanctuarycities https // abdul el-sayed abdulelsayed april 26 2017el-sayed claim sanctuary state make michiganders safe michigander assure make state sanctuary state make less safe cause many people move away state laws law-breakers 3/3 elect gov job protect michiganders 's sanctuarystate learn https // abdul el-sayed abdulelsayed april 24 2017the sanctuary term legal definition vary application generally refer local jurisdictions cooperate u.s. immigration officials us newsel-sayed also make feel know twitter mi lawmaker rep. michele hoitenga r-manton mi want make sharia law illegal state michigan el-sayed attempt make comparison 10 commandments holy bible sharia law el-sayed seem willfully ignore fact unite state judeo-christian nation.nice try oppose ban tencommandments bible come middleeast religiousfreedom https // abdul el-sayed abdulelsayed april 20 2017 son egyptian immigrants hop become first muslim governor u.s…will push sanctuary state | 0 | 0.991289 | 0 | 0.95222 |
1 | washington u.s. senate minority leader harry reid 10 senate democrats wednesday call significant change republican-crafted bill house representatives aim help puerto rico overcome debt crisis senate democrats unite belief legislation solve crisis must include effective restructure process allow puerto rico adjust debt group say statement say oversight board propose legislation would powerful bill include appropriate safeguard pension holders retire senate democrats want change house republican bill puerto rico | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: washington u.s. senate minority leader harry reid 10 senate democrats wednesday call significant change republican-crafted bill house representatives aim help puerto rico overcome debt crisis senate democrats unite belief legislation solve crisis must include effective restructure process allow puerto rico adjust debt group say statement say oversight board propose legislation would powerful bill include appropriate safeguard pension holders retire senate democrats want change house republican bill puerto rico | 0 | 0.995462 | 1 | 0.989347 |
0 | nbc cancel third hour today make way new star megyn kelly source exclusively confirm page six.we tell kelly take either a.m. hour tamron hall al roker replace hoda kotb kathie lee gifford take hoda kathie lee 10 a.m. hour move a.m. hour insider said.we hear hall leave network next month contract roker continue 7-to-9 a.m. duties.kelly start september everyone leave dark one know disruption show well across board insider tell us another insider add people piss third hour beat every syndicate show across board head bite chew hire megyn nyp megyn kelly exactly get warm welcome nbc people ssed …nbc bite chew hire megyn | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: nbc cancel third hour today make way new star megyn kelly source exclusively confirm page six.we tell kelly take either a.m. hour tamron hall al roker replace hoda kotb kathie lee gifford take hoda kathie lee 10 a.m. hour move a.m. hour insider said.we hear hall leave network next month contract roker continue 7-to-9 a.m. duties.kelly start september everyone leave dark one know disruption show well across board insider tell us another insider add people piss third hour beat every syndicate show across board head bite chew hire megyn nyp megyn kelly exactly get warm welcome nbc people ssed …nbc bite chew hire megyn | 0 | 0.999117 | 0 | 0.999245 |
1 | yangon one person kill thursday massive fire destroy one yangon best-known hotels send dark smoke billow center myanmar large city trigger hours-long battle put flame immediately clear cause fire break around 3:20 a.m. teak-and-stone kandawgyi palace hotel overlook picturesque inner-city lake authorities tell reuters unidentified body find guest room two people injure say htay lwin spokesman hotel owner htoo group authorities investigate cause fire cost damage immediately clear add fire mostly extinguish a.m. 140 guests shift nearby hotels htoo group chair business tycoon tay za last year list unite state sanction close link myanmar former military regime myanmar civilian-led government helm nobel laureate former dissident aung san suu kyi grapple aftermath harsh military crackdown drive 500,000 country rohingya muslim minority fire destroy landmark hotel myanmar 's large city kill one | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: yangon one person kill thursday massive fire destroy one yangon best-known hotels send dark smoke billow center myanmar large city trigger hours-long battle put flame immediately clear cause fire break around 3:20 a.m. teak-and-stone kandawgyi palace hotel overlook picturesque inner-city lake authorities tell reuters unidentified body find guest room two people injure say htay lwin spokesman hotel owner htoo group authorities investigate cause fire cost damage immediately clear add fire mostly extinguish a.m. 140 guests shift nearby hotels htoo group chair business tycoon tay za last year list unite state sanction close link myanmar former military regime myanmar civilian-led government helm nobel laureate former dissident aung san suu kyi grapple aftermath harsh military crackdown drive 500,000 country rohingya muslim minority fire destroy landmark hotel myanmar 's large city kill one | 1 | 0.99371 | 1 | 0.989672 |
1 | brussels u.s. secretary state rex tillerson say truth report white house plan fire replace cia chief mike pompeo directly address issue news conference nato tillerson dismiss last week report overshadow week-long trip europe ally yearn stability u.s. foreign policy narrative keep come every six weeks would say need get new source story keep wrong tell reporters ask whether white house push trump say last week leave tillerson say report laughable trump also say alone determine u.s. foreign policy say tweet friday call final shots trip also take vienna paris tillerson former exxon mobil corp chief executive odds trump issue north korea seek reassure european governments u.s. diplomats control brussels tuesday tillerson say u.s. state department still top position unman much good position advance america interest around world 10 months ago white house plan report reuters media last week tillerson would replace within weeks cia director mike pompeo trump loyalist foreign policy hard-line white house plan carry significant staff shake-up far trump administration u.s. republican senator tom cotton one trump staunch defenders congress would tap replace pompeo central intelligence agency officials say tillerson 65 spend much tenure try smooth rough edge america first foreign policy alarm trump ally president publicly undercut secretary state diplomatic initiatives eu nato week tillerson espouse traditional u.s. foreign policy defend iran nuclear deal agree world power 2015 warn assertive russia say become quite close germany foreign minister sigmar gabriel 'you 're wrong tillerson say report fire | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: brussels u.s. secretary state rex tillerson say truth report white house plan fire replace cia chief mike pompeo directly address issue news conference nato tillerson dismiss last week report overshadow week-long trip europe ally yearn stability u.s. foreign policy narrative keep come every six weeks would say need get new source story keep wrong tell reporters ask whether white house push trump say last week leave tillerson say report laughable trump also say alone determine u.s. foreign policy say tweet friday call final shots trip also take vienna paris tillerson former exxon mobil corp chief executive odds trump issue north korea seek reassure european governments u.s. diplomats control brussels tuesday tillerson say u.s. state department still top position unman much good position advance america interest around world 10 months ago white house plan report reuters media last week tillerson would replace within weeks cia director mike pompeo trump loyalist foreign policy hard-line white house plan carry significant staff shake-up far trump administration u.s. republican senator tom cotton one trump staunch defenders congress would tap replace pompeo central intelligence agency officials say tillerson 65 spend much tenure try smooth rough edge america first foreign policy alarm trump ally president publicly undercut secretary state diplomatic initiatives eu nato week tillerson espouse traditional u.s. foreign policy defend iran nuclear deal agree world power 2015 warn assertive russia say become quite close germany foreign minister sigmar gabriel 'you 're wrong tillerson say report fire | 1 | 0.99494 | 1 | 0.995018 |
0 | 21st century wire say confirm fbi conduct predawn raid home former trump campaign manager paul manafort early hours july 26th without prior warning.fbi agents work special counsel robert mueller execute search warrant seize various record equipment manafort virginia residency.manafort spokesman jason maloni tell guardian fbi agents execute search warrant one mr manafort residences mr manafort consistently cooperate law enforcement serious inquiries occasion well criminal investigation say former superior court judge fox news legal analyst andrew napolitano.the move fbi suggest probe extend outward agency effort try tie president trump russia fbi raid manafort home confirm criminal investigation https // judge napolitano judgenap august 2017read trump news 21st century wire trump filessupport 21wire subscribe become member confirm fbi raid home former trump manager paul manafort | Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: 21st century wire say confirm fbi conduct predawn raid home former trump campaign manager paul manafort early hours july 26th without prior warning.fbi agents work special counsel robert mueller execute search warrant seize various record equipment manafort virginia residency.manafort spokesman jason maloni tell guardian fbi agents execute search warrant one mr manafort residences mr manafort consistently cooperate law enforcement serious inquiries occasion well criminal investigation say former superior court judge fox news legal analyst andrew napolitano.the move fbi suggest probe extend outward agency effort try tie president trump russia fbi raid manafort home confirm criminal investigation https // judge napolitano judgenap august 2017read trump news 21st century wire trump filessupport 21wire subscribe become member confirm fbi raid home former trump manager paul manafort | 0 | 0.999256 | 0 | 0.999208 |
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