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<s> package org . sqlproc . dsl . ui ; import org . eclipse . xtext . ui . DefaultUiModule ; import org . eclipse . ui . plugin . AbstractUIPlugin ; @ SuppressWarnings ( "<STR_LIT:all>" ) public abstract class AbstractProcessorDslUiModule extends DefaultUiModule { public AbstractProcessorDslUiModule ( AbstractUIPlugin plugin ) { super ( plugin ) ; } public com . google . inject . Provider < org . eclipse . xtext . resource . containers . IAllContainersState > provideIAllContainersState ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . ui . shared . Access . getJavaProjectsState ( ) ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . ui . editor . contentassist . IProposalConflictHelper > bindIProposalConflictHelper ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . ui . editor . contentassist . antlr . AntlrProposalConflictHelper . class ; } public void configureHighlightingLexer ( com . google . inject . Binder binder ) { binder . bind ( org . eclipse . xtext . parser . antlr . Lexer . class ) . annotatedWith ( com . google . inject . name . Names . named ( org . eclipse . xtext . ui . LexerUIBindings . HIGHLIGHTING ) ) . to ( org . sqlproc . dsl . parser . antlr . internal . InternalProcessorDslLexer . class ) ; } public void configureHighlightingTokenDefProvider ( com . google . inject . Binder binder ) { binder . bind ( org . eclipse . xtext . parser . antlr . ITokenDefProvider . class ) . annotatedWith ( com . google . inject . name . Names . named ( org . eclipse . xtext . ui . LexerUIBindings . HIGHLIGHTING ) ) . to ( org . eclipse . xtext . parser . antlr . AntlrTokenDefProvider . class ) ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . ui . refactoring . IDependentElementsCalculator > bindIDependentElementsCalculator ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . ui . refactoring . impl . DefaultDependentElementsCalculator . class ; } public void configureIResourceDescriptionsBuilderScope ( com . google . inject . Binder binder ) { binder . bind ( org . eclipse . xtext . resource . IResourceDescriptions . class ) . annotatedWith ( com . google . inject . name . Names . named ( org . eclipse . xtext . resource . impl . ResourceDescriptionsProvider . NAMED_BUILDER_SCOPE ) ) . to ( org . eclipse . xtext . builder . clustering . CurrentDescriptions . ResourceSetAware . class ) ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . ui . editor . IXtextEditorCallback > bindIXtextEditorCallback ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . builder . nature . NatureAddingEditorCallback . class ; } public void configureIResourceDescriptionsPersisted ( com . google . inject . Binder binder ) { binder . bind ( org . eclipse . xtext . resource . IResourceDescriptions . class ) . annotatedWith ( com . google . inject . name . Names . named ( org . eclipse . xtext . builder . impl . PersistentDataAwareDirtyResource . PERSISTED_DESCRIPTIONS ) ) . to ( org . eclipse . xtext . builder . builderState . IBuilderState . class ) ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . ui . editor . DocumentBasedDirtyResource > bindDocumentBasedDirtyResource ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . builder . impl . PersistentDataAwareDirtyResource . class ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . builder . IXtextBuilderParticipant > bindIXtextBuilderParticipant ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . builder . BuilderParticipant . class ; } public org . eclipse . core . resources . IWorkspaceRoot bindIWorkspaceRootToInstance ( ) { return org . eclipse . core . resources . ResourcesPlugin . getWorkspace ( ) . getRoot ( ) ; } public void configureBuilderPreferenceStoreInitializer ( com . google . inject . Binder binder ) { binder . bind ( org . eclipse . xtext . ui . editor . preferences . IPreferenceStoreInitializer . class ) . annotatedWith ( com . google . inject . name . Names . named ( "<STR_LIT>" ) ) . to ( org . eclipse . xtext . builder . preferences . BuilderPreferenceAccess . Initializer . class ) ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . jface . viewers . ILabelProvider > bindILabelProvider ( ) { return org . sqlproc . dsl . ui . labeling . ProcessorDslLabelProvider . class ; } public void configureResourceUIServiceLabelProvider ( com . google . inject . Binder binder ) { binder . bind ( org . eclipse . jface . viewers . ILabelProvider . class ) . annotatedWith ( org . eclipse . xtext . ui . resource . ResourceServiceDescriptionLabelProvider . class ) . to ( org . sqlproc . dsl . ui . labeling . ProcessorDslDescriptionLabelProvider . class ) ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . ui . editor . outline . IOutlineTreeProvider > bindIOutlineTreeProvider ( ) { return org . sqlproc . dsl . ui . outline . ProcessorDslOutlineTreeProvider . class ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . ui . editor . outline . impl . IOutlineTreeStructureProvider > bindIOutlineTreeStructureProvider ( ) { return org . sqlproc . dsl . ui . outline . ProcessorDslOutlineTreeProvider . class ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . ui . editor . quickfix . IssueResolutionProvider > bindIssueResolutionProvider ( ) { return org . sqlproc . dsl . ui . quickfix . ProcessorDslQuickfixProvider . class ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . ui . editor . contentassist . IContentProposalProvider > bindIContentProposalProvider ( ) { return org . sqlproc . dsl . ui . contentassist . ProcessorDslProposalProvider . class ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . ui . editor . contentassist . ContentAssistContext . Factory > bindContentAssistContext$Factory ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . ui . editor . contentassist . antlr . ParserBasedContentAssistContextFactory . class ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . ui . editor . contentassist . antlr . IContentAssistParser > bindIContentAssistParser ( ) { return org . sqlproc . dsl . ui . contentassist . antlr . ProcessorDslParser . class ; } public void configureContentAssistLexerProvider ( com . google . inject . Binder binder ) { binder . bind ( org . sqlproc . dsl . ui . contentassist . antlr . internal . InternalProcessorDslLexer . class ) . toProvider ( org . eclipse . xtext . parser . antlr . LexerProvider . create ( org . sqlproc . dsl . ui . contentassist . antlr . internal . InternalProcessorDslLexer . class ) ) ; } public void configureContentAssistLexer ( com . google . inject . Binder binder ) { binder . bind ( org . eclipse . xtext . ui . editor . contentassist . antlr . internal . Lexer . class ) . annotatedWith ( com . google . inject . name . Names . named ( org . eclipse . xtext . ui . LexerUIBindings . CONTENT_ASSIST ) ) . to ( org . sqlproc . dsl . ui . contentassist . antlr . internal . InternalProcessorDslLexer . class ) ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . ui . refactoring . IRenameStrategy > bindIRenameStrategy ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . ui . refactoring . impl . DefaultRenameStrategy . class ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . ui . refactoring . IReferenceUpdater > bindIReferenceUpdater ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . ui . refactoring . impl . DefaultReferenceUpdater . class ; } public void configureIPreferenceStoreInitializer ( com . google . inject . Binder binder ) { binder . bind ( org . eclipse . xtext . ui . editor . preferences . IPreferenceStoreInitializer . class ) . annotatedWith ( com . google . inject . name . Names . named ( "<STR_LIT>" ) ) . to ( org . eclipse . xtext . ui . refactoring . ui . RefactoringPreferences . Initializer . class ) ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . ui . refactoring . IRenameRefactoringProvider > bindIRenameRefactoringProvider ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . ui . refactoring . impl . DefaultRenameRefactoringProvider . class ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . ui . refactoring . ui . IRenameSupport . Factory > bindIRenameSupport$Factory ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . ui . refactoring . ui . DefaultRenameSupport . Factory . class ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . ui . refactoring . ui . IRenameElementHandler > bindIRenameElementHandler ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . ui . refactoring . ui . DefaultRenameElementHandler . class ; } public java . lang . ClassLoader bindClassLoaderToInstance ( ) { return getClass ( ) . getClassLoader ( ) ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . common . types . access . IJvmTypeProvider . Factory > bindIJvmTypeProvider$Factory ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . common . types . access . jdt . JdtTypeProviderFactory . class ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . common . types . xtext . AbstractTypeScopeProvider > bindAbstractTypeScopeProvider ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . common . types . xtext . ui . JdtBasedSimpleTypeScopeProvider . class ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . common . types . xtext . ui . ITypesProposalProvider > bindITypesProposalProvider ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . common . types . xtext . ui . JdtTypesProposalProvider . class ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . common . types . access . jdt . IJavaProjectProvider > bindIJavaProjectProvider ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . common . types . xtext . ui . XtextResourceSetBasedProjectProvider . class ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . ui . editor . hyperlinking . IHyperlinkHelper > bindIHyperlinkHelper ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . common . types . xtext . ui . TypeAwareHyperlinkHelper . class ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . ui . editor . contentassist . PrefixMatcher > bindPrefixMatcher ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . ui . editor . contentassist . FQNPrefixMatcher . class ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . ui . editor . contentassist . AbstractJavaBasedContentProposalProvider . ReferenceProposalCreator > bindAbstractJavaBasedContentProposalProvider$ReferenceProposalCreator ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . common . types . xtext . ui . TypeAwareReferenceProposalCreator . class ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . ui . editor . IValidationJobScheduler > bindIValidationJobScheduler ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . common . types . xtext . ui . JdtValidationJobScheduler . class ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . ui . refactoring . impl . RefactoringResourceSetProvider > bindRefactoringResourceSetProvider ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . common . types . ui . refactoring . JvmRefactoringResourceSetProvider . class ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . common . types . ui . query . IJavaSearchParticipation > bindIJavaSearchParticipation ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . common . types . ui . query . IJavaSearchParticipation . Yes . class ; } public com . google . inject . Provider < org . eclipse . xtext . ui . codetemplates . ui . preferences . TemplatesLanguageConfiguration > provideTemplatesLanguageConfiguration ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . ui . codetemplates . ui . AccessibleCodetemplatesActivator . getTemplatesLanguageConfigurationProvider ( ) ; } public com . google . inject . Provider < org . eclipse . xtext . ui . codetemplates . ui . registry . LanguageRegistry > provideLanguageRegistry ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . ui . codetemplates . ui . AccessibleCodetemplatesActivator . getLanguageRegistry ( ) ; } @ org . eclipse . xtext . service . SingletonBinding ( eager = true ) public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . ui . codetemplates . ui . registry . LanguageRegistrar > bindLanguageRegistrar ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . ui . codetemplates . ui . registry . LanguageRegistrar . class ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . ui . editor . templates . XtextTemplatePreferencePage > bindXtextTemplatePreferencePage ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . ui . codetemplates . ui . preferences . AdvancedTemplatesPreferencePage . class ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . xtext . ui . codetemplates . ui . partialEditing . IPartialContentAssistParser > bindIPartialContentAssistParser ( ) { return org . sqlproc . dsl . ui . contentassist . antlr . PartialProcessorDslContentAssistParser . class ; } public Class < ? extends org . eclipse . compare . IViewerCreator > bindIViewerCreator ( ) { return org . eclipse . xtext . ui . compare . DefaultViewerCreator . class ; } } </s>
"<s> package org . sqlproc . dsl . ui . contentassist . antlr . internal ; import java . io . InputS(...TRUNCATED)
"<s> package org . sqlproc . dsl . ui . contentassist . antlr . internal ; import org . eclipse . xt(...TRUNCATED)
"<s> package org . sqlproc . dsl . ui . contentassist . antlr ; import java . util . Collection ; im(...TRUNCATED)
"<s> package org . sqlproc . dsl . ui . contentassist . antlr ; import java . util . Collection ; im(...TRUNCATED)
"<s> package org . sqlproc . dsl . ui . contentassist ; import org . eclipse . emf . ecore . EObject(...TRUNCATED)
"<s> package org . sqlproc . dsl . ui ; import org . eclipse . xtext . ui . guice . AbstractGuiceAwa(...TRUNCATED)
"<s> package org . sqlproc . dsl . ui . internal ; import java . util . Collections ; import java . (...TRUNCATED)
"<s> package org . sqlproc . dsl . ui . quickfix ; import org . eclipse . xtext . ui . editor . quic(...TRUNCATED)
"<s> package org . sqlproc . dsl . ui . syntaxcoloring ; import org . eclipse . swt . SWT ; import o(...TRUNCATED)
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Dataset is imported from CodeXGLUE and pre-processed using their script.

Where to find in Semeru:

The dataset can be found at /nfs/semeru/semeru_datasets/code_xglue/code-to-code/CodeCompletion-token/dataset/javaCorpus in Semeru

CodeXGLUE -- Code Completion (token level)

Update 2021.07.30: We update the code completion dataset with literals normalized to avoid sensitive information.

Here is the introduction and pipeline for token level code completion task.

Task Definition

Predict next code token given context of previous tokens. Models are evaluated by token level accuracy.

Code completion is a one of the most widely used features in software development through IDEs. An effective code completion tool could improve software developers' productivity. We provide code completion evaluation tasks in two granularities -- token level and line level. Here we introduce token level code completion. Token level task is analogous to language modeling. Models should have be able to predict the next token in arbitary types.


The dataset is in java.


  • javalang == 0.13.0

Github Java Corpus

We use java corpus dataset mined by Allamanis and Sutton, in their MSR 2013 paper Mining Source Code Repositories at Massive Scale using Language Modeling. We follow the same split and preprocessing in Karampatsis's ICSE 2020 paper Big Code != Big Vocabulary: Open-Vocabulary Models for Source Code.

Data Format

Code corpus are saved in txt format files. one line is a tokenized code snippets:

<s> from __future__ import unicode_literals <EOL> from django . db import models , migrations <EOL> class Migration ( migrations . Migration ) : <EOL> dependencies = [ <EOL> ] <EOL> operations = [ <EOL> migrations . CreateModel ( <EOL> name = '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> fields = [ <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT:id>' , models . AutoField ( verbose_name = '<STR_LIT>' , serialize = False , auto_created = True , primary_key = True ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT:name>' , models . CharField ( help_text = b'<STR_LIT>' , max_length = <NUM_LIT> ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT:image>' , models . ImageField ( help_text = b'<STR_LIT>' , null = True , upload_to = b'<STR_LIT>' , blank = True ) ) , <EOL> ] , <EOL> options = { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT:name>' , ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> } , <EOL> bases = ( models . Model , ) , <EOL> ) , <EOL> ] </s>

Data Statistics

Data statistics of Github Java Corpus dataset are shown in the below table:

Data Split #Files #Tokens
Train 12,934 15.7M
Dev 7,176 3.8M
Test 8,268 5.3M
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