Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the paper is an attempt to relate two vast areas of the applicability of the renormalization group ( rg ) : field theoretic models and partial differential equations . it is shown that the green function of a nonlinear diffusion equation can be viewed as a correlation function in a field - theoretic model with an ultralocal term , concentrated at a spacetime point . this field theory is shown to be multiplicatively renormalizable , so that the rg equations can be derived in a standard fashion , and the rg functions ( the @xmath0 function and anomalous dimensions ) can be calculated within a controlled approximation . a direct calculation carried out in the two - loop approximation for the nonlinearity of the form @xmath1 , where @xmath2 is not necessarily integer , confirms the validity and self - consistency of the approach . the explicit self - similar solution is obtained for the infrared asymptotic region , with exactly known exponents ; its range of validity and relationship to previous treatments are briefly discussed . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the renormalization group ( rg ) has proved to be the most efficient tool for studying self - similar scaling behavior . first appeared within the context of quantum field theory @xcite , it was then successfully applied to a variety of problems as disparate as phase transitions , polymer dilutes , random walks , hydrodynamical turbulence , growth processes , and so on ; see , e.g. , the monorgaphs @xcite , the proceedings @xcite , and references therein . the most powerful and well - developed formulation of the rg is the field theoretic one ; see @xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
it is this version of the rg that is simplest and most convenient in practical calculations , especially in higher orders . it is also important that it has a reliable basis in the form of quantum - field renormalization theory , including the renormalization of composite operators and operator product expansion .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: when a quantum state undergoes a quantum channel , the state will be inevitably influenced . in general , the fidelity of the state is reduced , so is the entanglement if the subsystems go through the channel . however , the influence on the coherence of the state is quite different . here we present some state - independent quantities to describe to what degree the fidelity , the entanglement and the coherence of the state are influenced . as applications , we consider some quantum channels on a qubit and find that the infidelity ability monotonically depends on the decay rate , but in usual the decoherence ability is not the case and strongly depends on the channel . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: quantum coherence or quantum superposition is one of the most fundamental feature of quantum mechanics that distinguishes the quantum world from the classical world . it is one of the main manifestation of quantumness in a single quantum system . for a composite quantum system , due to its tensor structure , quantum superposition could directly lead to quantum entanglement , another intriguing feature of quantum mechanics and the very important physical resource in quantum information processing [ 1 ] . in fact , safely speaking , quantum coherence is one necessary condition for almost all the mysterious features of a quantum state .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
for example , both entanglement and quantum discord that has attracted much attention recently [ 1 - 10 ] , have been shown to be quantitatively related to some special quantum coherence [ 11,12 ] . however , when a quantum system undergoes a noisy quantum channel or equivalently interacts with its environment , the important quantum feature , i.e. , the quantum decoherence , could decrease .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present further observational evidence of the effects of a centrifugal barrier in gro j1744 - 28 , based on continued monitoring of the source with rxte . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the magnetosphere of an accreting x - ray pulsar expands as the mass accretion rate decreases . as it grows beyond the co - rotation radius , centrifugal force prevents material from entering it . thus , accretion onto the magnetic poles ceases , and , consequently , x ray pulsations cease .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
this phenomenon has recently been observed , for the first time , in gx 1 + 4 and gro j1744 - 28 with rxte@xcite . here , we present further evidence to show that the phenomenon repeated itself for gro j1744 - 28 during the decaying phase of its latest x - ray outburst .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: it is shown that the bond - decorated ising model is a realistic model for certain real magnetic compounds containing lanthanide ions . the lanthanide ion plays the role of ising spin . the required conditions on the crystal - field spectrum of the lanthanide ion for the model to be valid are discussed and found to be in agreement with several recent _ ab initio _ calculations on centers . similarities and differences between the spectra of the simple ising chain and the decorated ising chain are discussed and illustrated , with attention to level crossings in a magnetic field . the magnetic properties of two actual examples ( a [ dycumocu]@xmath0 chain and a ring ) are obtained by a transfer - matrix solution of the decorated ising model . @xmath1-factors of the metal ions are directly imported from _ ab initio _ results , while exchange coupling constants are fitted to experiment . agreement with experiment is found to be satisfactory , provided one includes a correction ( from _ ab initio _ results ) for susceptibility and magnetization to account for the presence of excited kramers doublets on . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: in a 1959 paper m. e. fisher introduced the general bond - decorated ising model as one example of a set of exactly solvable transformations of spin-1/2 ising models.@xcite a bond - decorated ising model has an `` arbitrary statistical mechanical system '' inserted in every original ising bond . the partition function of this decorated model is related to the partition function of the original or bare ising model by the addition of a prefactor and a renormalization of the coupling constants and magnetic moments ( the ising model is supposed to be in a parallel magnetic field).@xcite knowledge of the partition function of a given ising model thus allows one to obtain the partition function of any bond - decorated version of that ising model . more recently , streka and jaur have used the method of bond - decoration to investigate the thermodynamics of mixed ising - heisenberg chains in parallel magnetic fields where the decorating unit is a spin dimer or trimer with anisotropic heisenberg coupling ( see fig . [. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
4:fig : isingheisenberg]).@xcite the partition function of these chains is readily obtained from the known partition function of the ising chain and the energy levels of the decorating unit . therefore , they could calculate exact magnetic properties and theoretically show , for example , the existence of magnetization plateaus in certain bond - alternating chains . the ising - heisenberg chain discussed in ref .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we show that linear scalar waves are bounded and continuous up to the cauchy horizon of reissner de sitter and kerr de sitter spacetimes , and in fact decay exponentially fast to a constant along the cauchy horizon . we obtain our results by modifying the spacetime beyond the cauchy horizon in a suitable manner , which puts the wave equation into a framework in which a number of standard as well as more recent microlocal regularity and scattering theory results apply . in particular , the conormal regularity of waves at the cauchy horizon which yields the boundedness statement is a consequence of radial point estimates , which are microlocal manifestations of the blue - shift and red - shift effects . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: we present a detailed analysis of the regularity and decay properties of linear scalar waves near the cauchy horizon of cosmological black hole spacetimes . concretely , we study charged and non - rotating ( reissner nordstrm de sitter ) as well as uncharged and rotating ( kerr de sitter ) black hole spacetimes for which the cosmological constant @xmath0 is positive . see figure [ figintropenrose ] for their penrose diagrams . these spacetimes , in the region of interest for us , have the topology @xmath1 , where @xmath2 is an interval , and are equipped with a lorentzian metric @xmath3 of signature @xmath4 .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the spacetimes have three horizons located at different values of the radial coordinate @xmath5 , namely the _ cauchy horizon _ at @xmath6 , the _ event horizon _ at @xmath7 and the _ cosmological horizon _ at @xmath8 , with @xmath9 . in order to measure decay , we use a time function @xmath10 , which is equivalent to the boyer
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: this talk reviews three inputs important to neutrino - induced nucleosynthesis in a supernova : 1 ) `` standard '' properties of the supernova neutrino flux , 2 ) effects of phenomena like neutrino oscillations on that flux , and 3 ) nuclear structure issues in estimating cross sections for neutrino - nucleus interactions . the resulting possibilities for neutrino - induced nucleosynthesis or the @xmath0-process in massive stars are discussed . this includes two relatively recent extensions of @xmath0-process calculations to heavier nuclei , one focused on understanding the origin of @xmath1la and @xmath2ta and the second on the effects following @xmath3-process freezeout . from calculations of the neutrino post - processing of the @xmath3-process distribution , limits can be placed on the neutrino fluence after freezeout and thus on the dynamic timescale for the expansion . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: a massive star , perhaps 15 - 25 solar masses , evolves through hydrostatic burning to an `` onion - skin '' structure , with a inert iron core produced from the explosive burning of si . when that core reaches the chandresekar mass , the star begins to collapse . gravitational work is done on the infalling matter , the temperature increases , and the increased density and elevated electron chemical potential begin to favor weak - interaction conversion of protons to neutrons , with the emission of @xmath4s .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
neutrino emission is the mechanism by which the star radiates energy and lepton number . once the density exceeds @xmath5
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we study quantum discord between two free modes of a massive scalar field in a maximally entangled state in de sitter space . we introduce two observers , one in a global chart and the other in an open chart of de sitter space , and the observers determine the quantum discord created by each detecting one of the modes this situation is analogous to the relationship between an observer in a minkowski chart and another in one of the two rindler charts in flat space . we find that the state becomes less entangled as the curvature of the open chart gets larger . in particular , for the cases of a massless , and a conformally coupled scalar field , the entanglement vanishes in the limit of infinite curvature . however , we find that the quantum discord never disappears even in the limit that entanglement disappears . = 1 mm kobe - cosmo-16 - 09 + sugumi kanno@xmath0 , jonathan p. shock@xmath1 and jiro soda@xmath2 1.5 cm . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: quantum entanglement , predicted by einstein - podolsky - rosen ( epr ) in 1935 has fascinated many physicists because of its highly counterintuitive properties @xcite . for a long time , it was regarded as a problem of philosophy which could not be tested . in 1981 , however , aspect et al . succeeded in showing experimental evidence of quantum entanglement @xcite . since then , more interest has been paid to how to make use of the quantum entanglement of epr pairs in the fields of quantum cryptography , quantum information and quantum teleportation @xcite . quantum entanglement due to pair creation is well studied in non - relativistic regimes .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
one interesting feature of pair creation in relativistic quantum theory is that of observer dependence @xcite . for instance , the quantum entanglement between two free modes of a scalar field becomes less entangled if observers who detect each mode are relatively accelerated . in @xcite , they considered two free modes of a scalar field in flat space .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present a detailed analysis of multiple production of the lightest @xmath0-even higgs boson ( @xmath1 ) of the minimal supersymmetric standard model ( mssm ) at high - energy @xmath2 colliders . we consider the production of the heavier @xmath0-even higgs boson ( @xmath3 ) via higgs - strahlung @xmath4 , in association with the @xmath0-odd higgs boson ( @xmath5 ) in @xmath6 , or via the fusion mechanism @xmath7 , with @xmath3 subsequently decaying through @xmath8 , thereby resulting in a pair of lighter higgs bosons ( @xmath1 ) in the final state . these processes can enable one to measure the trilinear higgs couplings @xmath9 and @xmath10 , which can be used to theoretically reconstruct the higgs potential . we delineate the regions of the mssm parameter space in which these trilinear higgs couplings could be measured at a future @xmath11 collider . in our calculations , we include in detail the radiative corrections to the higgs sector of the mssm , especially the mixing in the squark sector . cern - th/98 - 189 + hep - ph/9806351 * measuring the trilinear couplings of mssm + neutral higgs bosons at high - energy @xmath2 colliders * 0.5 cm p. osland@xmath12 and p. n. pandita@xmath13 + @xmath14 department of physics , university of bergen , n-5007 bergen , norway@xmath15 + @xmath16 deutsches elektronen - synchrotron desy , d-22603 hamburg , germany + @xmath17 theoretical physics division , cern , ch 1211 geneva 23 , switzerland + @xmath18 department of physics , north eastern hill university , shillong 793 022 , india@xmath15 + pacs : 14.80.cp , 12.60.jv , 13.90.+i + * permanent addresses cern - th/98 - 189 + june 1998 . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the higgs potential of the standard model ( sm ) , which is crucial in implementing the mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking , contains the unknown quartic coupling of the higgs field . as a consequence , the mass of the only higgs boson in the sm , which is determined by this quartic coupling , is not known @xcite . if a higgs boson is discovered and its mass measured , the higgs potential of the standard model can be uniquely determined .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
on the other hand , supersymmetry is at present the only known framework in which the higgs sector of the standard model ( sm ) , so crucial for its internal consistency , is natural @xcite . the minimal version of the supersymmetric standard model ( mssm ) contains two higgs doublets @xmath19 with opposite hypercharges : @xmath20 , @xmath21 , so as to generate masses for up- and down - type quarks ( and leptons ) , and to cancel gauge anomalies . after spontaneous symmetry breaking induced by the neutral components of @xmath22 and @xmath23 obtaining vacuum expectation values , @xmath24 , @xmath25 , @xmath26 , the mssm contains two neutral @xmath0-even - even higgs particles as @xmath1 and @xmath3 . ] ( @xmath1 , @xmath3 ) , one neutral @xmath0-odd ( @xmath5 ) , and two charged ( @xmath27 ) higgs bosons @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in this work we generalize the models for nonlinear waves in a gas liquid mixture taking into account an interphase heat transfer , a surface tension and a weak liquid compressibility simultaneously at the derivation of the equations for nonlinear waves . we also take into consideration high order terms with respect to the small parameter . two new nonlinear differential equations are derived for long weakly nonlinear waves in a liquid with gas bubbles by the reductive perturbation method considering both high order terms with respect to the small parameter and the above mentioned physical properties . one of these equations is the perturbation of the burgers equation and corresponds to main influence of dissipation on nonlinear waves propagation . the other equation is the perturbation of the burgers korteweg de vries equation and corresponds to main influence of dispersion on nonlinear waves propagation . _ keywords : _ nonlinear waves ; liquid with gas bubbles ; reductive perturbation method ; perturbed burgers equation ; nonlinear evolution equations . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: a liquid with gas bubbles has many applications in nature , industry and medicine @xcite . nonlinear wave processes in a gas liquid mixture were studied for the first time in works @xcite . the burgers , the korteweg de vries and the burgers korteweg . Please generate the next two sentences of the article
de vries equations were obtained in @xcite for the description of long weakly nonlinear waves . the fourth order nonlinear evolution equation for nonlinear waves in a gas liquid mixture were obtained in @xcite taking into account an interphase heat transfer .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in this work we develop a new propagation model for the galactic cosmic rays based on the galprop code , including contributions from dark matter annihilation . its predictions of the galactic diffuse @xmath0 ray spectra are compatible with the egret data in all sky regions . it also gives consistent results about the diffuse @xmath0 ray longitude and latitude distributions . the b / c , @xmath1be/@xmath2be , proton , electron and antiproton spectra are in agreement with cosmic ray measurements as well . in this model we have taken a universal proton spectrum throughout the galaxy without introducing large fluctuation , considering the proton energy loss is negligible . the dark matter annihilation signals are `` boosted '' after taking the contributions from subhalos into account . another interesting feature of this model is that it gives better description of the diffuse @xmath0 rays when taking the source distribution compatible with supernova remnants data , which is different from previous studies . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: cosmic ray ( cr ) propagation is a complex process involving diffusion by magnetic field , energy losses and spallation by interactions with the interstellar medium ( ism ) . diffuse galactic @xmath0-rays are produced via the decay of neutral pion and kaon , which are generated by high energy cosmic nuclei interacting with interstellar gas , and via energetic electron inverse compton ( ic ) scattering and bremsstrahlung . the @xmath0 rays are not deflected by the magnetic field and the ism is transparent to @xmath0-rays below a few tev @xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
therefore , the observation of the diffuse @xmath0-ray spectra and distribution is a valuable diagnosis of the self - consistency of propagation models , the distribution of cr sources and the ism . the galactic diffuse @xmath0 rays has been measured by egret @xcite and exhibits an excess above @xmath3 1 gev compared to prediction @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we review the direct cp and t violation in the three - body baryonic @xmath0 decays in the standard model . in particular , we emphasize that the direct cp violating asymmetry in @xmath1 is around 22@xmath2 and the direct @xmath3 violating asymmetry in @xmath4 can be as large as @xmath5 , which are accessible to the current b factories at kek and slac as well as superb and lhcb . direct cp violation has been measured in both @xmath6 and @xmath7 systems @xcite , but it has not been observed and conclusive in @xmath8 and @xmath9 systems @xcite , respectively . on the other hand , t violation has been only seen in the @xmath6 process @xcite , related to the indirect cp violating parameter @xmath10 , whereas no t violating effect has been found in either @xmath8 or @xmath0 systems yet . in the standard model ( sm ) , it is clear that the unique phase of the cabbibo - kobayashi - maskawa ( ckm ) matrix @xcite is responsible for both observed cp and t violating effects . in this talk , we would like to explore the possibility to detect the direct cp and t violation in the @xmath0 systems in the current b - factories as well as the future ones such as superb and lhcb . in particular , we concentrate on the three - body charmless baryonic processes . our goal of the talk is to test the ckm paradigm of cp violation and unfold new physics . in the framework of local quantum field theories , t - violation implies cp - violation ( and vice versa ) , because of the cpt invariance of such theories . moreover , no violation of cpt symmetry has been found @xcite . still , it will be worthwhile to remember that outside this framework of local quantum field theories , there is no reason for the two symmetries to be linked @xcite . therefore , it would be interesting to directly investigate t violation in b decays , rather than inferring it as a consequence of cp - violation . the characteristic observables of the direct cp and t violation are rate asymmetries and momentum correlations , respectively.... And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: this work is financially supported by the national science council of republic of china under the contract # : nsc-95 - 2112-m-007 - 059-my3 . c. k. chua , w. s. hou and s. y. tsai , phys . . * d66 * , 054004 ( 2002 ) ; h. y. cheng and k. c. yang , phys . rev . * d66 * , 014020 ( 2002 ) ; s. y. tsai , `` study of three - body baryonic b decays '' , ph .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
d thesis , national taiwan university ( 2005 ) . geng and y.k .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: using the _ hubble space telescope _ , we have obtained the first color - magnitude diagram ( cmd ) to reach the main - sequence turnoff of the galactic globular cluster ngc 6388 . from a comparison between the cluster cmd and 47 tucanae s , we find that the bulk of the stars in these two clusters have nearly the same age and chemical composition . on the other hand , our results indicate that the blue horizontal branch and rr lyrae components in ngc 6388 are intrinsically overluminous , which must be due to one or more , still undetermined , non - canonical second parameter(s ) affecting a relatively minor fraction of the stars in ngc 6388 . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: ngc 6388 and ngc 6441 are two of the most intriguing galactic globular clusters ( gc s ) . the integrated - light study by @xcite revealed a strong far - uv flux for these metal - rich ( @xmath0 } \simeq -0.60 $ ] and @xmath1 , respectively ; * ? ? ? * ) bulge gc s . the far - uv flux in resolved gc s is dominated by hot horizontal branch ( hb ) stars ( e.g. , * ? ? ?. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
* ) , especially when rare uv - bright post - asymptotic giant branch stars are not present . accordingly , the most likely explanation for the far - uv flux in ngc 6388 and ngc 6441 was immediately recognized to be hot hb stars . however , while the uv - upturn phenomenon in elliptical galaxies is often attributed to blue hb stars ( e.g. , * ? ? ?
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: based on simultaneous observations of solar flares in hard and soft x - rays we studied several aspects of the neupert effect . about half of 1114 analyzed events show a timing behavior consistent with the effect . for these events , a high correlation between the soft peak flux and the hard fluence is obtained , being indicative of electron - beam - driven evaporation . however , for about one fourth of the events there is strong evidence for an additional heating agent other than electron beams . we discuss the relevance of these findings with respect to parker s idea of coronal heating by nanoflares . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the neupert effect is the name given to the observational finding that the rising part of the soft ( sxr ) light curve often resembles the time integral of the hard x - ray ( hxr ) or microwave emission ( , 1968 ; dennis & zarro , 1993 ) . the physical relevance of the neupert effect basically arises from the fact that it is interpreted as a causal connection between the thermal and nonthermal flare emissions , which can be naturally explained within the nonthermal thick - target model ( brown , 1971 ) . in this model , the flare energy is released primarily in the form of nonthermal electrons , and hard x - rays are produced via electron - ion bremsstrahlung when the electron beams impinge on the lower corona , transition region and chromosphere . the model assumes that only a small fraction of the electron beam energy is lost through radiation ; most of the loss is due to coulomb collisions that serve to heat the ambient plasma . as a consequence of the rapid energy deposition a strong pressure imbalance develops between the dense , heated chromosphere and the tenuous corona .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the high pressure gradients cause the heated plasma to convect into the corona in a process known as chromospheric evaporation ( antonucci et al . 1984 ; fisher et al . 1985 ) , where it gives rise to enhanced sxr emission via thermal bremsstrahlung .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: it is known that in phase covariant quantum cloning the equatorial states on the bloch sphere can be cloned with a fidelity higher than the optimal bound established for universal quantum cloning . we generalize this concept to include other states on the bloch sphere with a definite @xmath0 component of spin . it is shown that once we know the @xmath0 component , we can always clone a state with a fidelity higher than the universal value and that of equatorial states . we also make a detailed study of the entanglement properties of the output copies and show that the equatorial states are the only states which give rise to separable density matrix for the outputs . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: universal quantum cloning refers to the possibility of constructing unitary transformations which approximately copy an arbitrary quantum state and hence partially alleviate the limitations of the no - cloning theorem @xcite ( see also @xcite and @xcite ) . it was first achieved by buek and hillery in @xcite in which they proposed a cloning transformation which clones arbitrary states with equal fidelity @xmath1 . their pioneering work stimulated a lot of intense research in quantum cloning , a sample of which includes works on proofs of optimality @xcite , generalizations to @xmath2 cloning @xcite , cloning of @xmath3-level states @xcite , and finally experimental realization of cloning by various techniques @xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
+ since the optimal bound of @xmath4 for fidelity was set for universal cloning , attempts were also made to go beyond this limit by cloning special subsets of states for which we have some a priori partial information . this search was indeed successful and led to the so - called phase covariant quantum cloning @xcite . for two level states , or qubits
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we consider the region @xmath0 in spacetime containing future - trapped closed surfaces and its boundary @xmath1 , and derive some of their general properties . we then concentrate on the case of spherical symmetry , but the methods we use are general and applicable to other situations . we argue that closed trapped surfaces have a non - local property , clairvoyance " , which is inherited by @xmath1 . we prove that @xmath1 is not a marginally trapped tube in general , and that it can have portions in regions whose whole past is flat . for asymptotically flat black holes , we identify a general past barrier , well inside the event horizon , to the location of @xmath1 under physically reasonable conditions . we also define the core @xmath2 of the trapped region as that part of @xmath0 which is indispensable to sustain closed trapped surfaces . we prove that the unique spherically symmetric dynamical horizon is the boundary of such a core , and we argue that this may serve to single it out . to illustrate the results , some explicit examples are discussed , namely robertson - walker geometries and the imploding vaidya spacetime . pacs : , . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: if a black hole is a thing , does it have a boundary ? if so , where is it ? for stationary black holes the event horizon seems to be the obvious answer @xcite , but for evolving black holes the situation is less clear .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
obviously , all black holes must be formed ( a dynamical process ) and then undergo accretion and other evolutionary processes . furthermore , as a matter of principle isolated black holes always evolve through hawking radiation , and it has been argued that strictly speaking the event horizon may not even exist , due to quantum gravity effects close to the singularity @xcite . in any case it has been argued that the event horizon is ` unreasonably global ' @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we consider a model of neutrino mass with a scalar triplet @xmath0 assigned lepton number @xmath1 , so that the tree - level yukawa coupling @xmath2 is not allowed . it is generated instead through the interaction of @xmath3 and @xmath4 with dark matter and the soft breaking of @xmath5 to @xmath6 . we discuss the phenomenological implications of this model , including @xmath7 decay and the prognosis of discovering the dark sector at the large hadron collider . ucrhep - t557 + november 2015 * type ii radiative seesaw model of + neutrino mass with dark matter + * . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: nonzero neutrino mass is necessary to explain the well - established phenomenon of neutrino oscillations in many experiments . theoretically , neutrino masses are usually assumed to be majorana and come from physics at an energy scale higher than that of electroweak symmetry breaking of order 100 gev . as such , the starting point of any theoretical discussion of the underlying theory of neutrino mass is the effective dimension - five operator @xcite @xmath8 where @xmath9 are the three left - handed lepton doublets of the standard model ( sm ) and @xmath10 is the one higgs scalar doublet . as @xmath11 acquires a nonzero vacuum expectation value @xmath12 ,. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the neutrino mass matrix is given by @xmath13 note that @xmath14 breaks lepton number @xmath5 by two units . it is evident from eq .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: a numerical algorithm that computes the decomposition of a finite - dimensional unitary reducible representation of a compact lie group is presented . the algorithm , inspired by notions of quantum mechanics , generates two adapted states and , after appropriate algebraic manipulations , returns the block matrix structure of the representation in terms of its irreducible components . it also provides an adapted orthonormal basis . the algorithm can be used to compute the clebsch gordan coefficients of the tensor product of irreducible representations of a given compact lie group . the performance of the algorithm is tested on various examples : the decomposition of the regular representation of finite groups and the computation of the clebsch gordan coefficients of tensor products of representations of @xmath0 . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the algorithm presented in this paper solves the problem of * numerically * determining the decomposition of a finite dimensional irreducible unitary linear representation ( ` irrep ' in what follows ) of a group with respect to the unitary irreducible representations ( irreps ) of a given subgroup . more precisely , let @xmath1 be a compact lie group and @xmath2 a finite dimensional irreducible unitary representation of it , i.e. , @xmath3 is a group homomorphism that satisfies the following three conditions : @xmath4 here , @xmath5 is a complex hilbert space with inner product @xmath6 , @xmath7 is the group of unitary operators on @xmath5 , and @xmath8 stands for the adjoint . conditions ( 1 ) ( 3 ) above define a * unitary representation * @xmath9 of the group @xmath1 . the representation is said to be * irreducible * if there are no proper invariant subspaces of @xmath5 , i.e. , if any linear subspace @xmath10 is such that @xmath11 for all @xmath12 , then @xmath13 is either @xmath14 or @xmath5 .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
since the group @xmath1 is compact , any irreducible representation of @xmath1 will be finite - dimensional with dimension say @xmath15 ( @xmath16 ) . consider a closed subgroup @xmath17 . the restriction of @xmath18 to @xmath19 will define a unitary representation of @xmath19 which is reducible in general , that is , it will possess invariant subspaces @xmath20 such that @xmath21 for all @xmath22 .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we study vector fields of the plane preserving the form of liouville . we present their local models up to the natural equivalence relation , and describe local bifurcations of low codimension . to achieve that , a classification of univariate functions is given , according to a relation stricter than contact equivalence . we discuss , in addition , their relation with strictly contact vector fields in dimension three . analogous results for diffeomorphisms are also given . * keywords * systems preserving the form of liouville , strictly contact systems , classification , bifurcations + * msc[2000 ] * primary 37c15 , 37j10 , secondary 58k45 , 53d10 . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: dynamical systems preserving a geometrical structure have been studied quite extensively . especially those systems preserving a symplectic form have attracted a lot of attention , due to their fundamental importance in all kinds of applications . dynamical systems preserving a contact form are also of interest , both in mathematical considerations ( for example , in classifying partial differential equations ) and in specific applications ( study of euler equations ) .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the 1form of liouville may be associated both with a symplectic form ( by taking the exterior derivative of it ) and with a contact form ( by adding to it a simple 1form of a new variable ) . we wish here to study dynamical systems respecting the form of liouville .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: while the properties of the 125 gev higgs boson - like particle observed by the atlas and cms collaborations are largely compatible with those predicted for the standard model state , significant deviations are present in some cases . we , therefore , test the viability of a beyond the standard model scenario based on supersymmetry , the cp - violating next - to - minimal supersymmetric standard model , against the corresponding experimental observations . namely , we identify possible model configurations in which one of its higgs bosons is consistent with the lhc observation and evaluate the role of the explicit complex phases in both the mass and di - photon decay of such a higgs boson . through a detailed analysis of some benchmark points corresponding to each of these configurations , we highlight the impact of the cp - violating phases on the model predictions compared to the cp - conserving case . shep-13 - 07 + april 2013 * 125 gev higgs boson signal within the complex nmssm * + + _ @xmath0 school of physics & astronomy , + university of southampton , southampton so17 1bj , uk . _ + _ @xmath1 national centre for nuclear research , ho . za 69 , 00 - 681 warsaw , poland . _ + _ @xmath2 department of physics , + iit guwahati , assam 781039 , india . _ + @xmath3e - mails : + , + [email protected] , + [email protected] . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: in july 2012 , the cms and atlas experimental collaborations at the large hadron collider ( lhc ) announced the observation of a new boson @xcite , consistent with a higgs particle , the last undiscovered object in the standard model ( sm ) . the initial results were based on data corresponding to integrated luminosities of @xmath4fb@xmath5 taken at @xmath6tev and 5.3fb@xmath5 at @xmath7tev and the search was performed in six decay modes : @xmath8 , @xmath9 , @xmath10 , @xmath11 , @xmath12 and @xmath13 . a @xmath145@xmath15 excess of events with respect to the background was clearly observed in the first and second of these decay modes , while the remaining ones yielded exclusion limits well above the sm expectation .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
both collaborations have since been regularly updating their findings @xcite , improving the mass and ( so - called ) ` signal strength ' measurements . in these searches , the magnitude of a possible signal is characterized by the production cross section times the relevant branching ratios ( brs ) relative to the sm expectations in a given higgs boson decay channel @xmath16 , denoted by @xmath17 ( i.e. , the signal strength ) . according to the latest results released by the two collaborations after the collection of @xmath1420 fb@xmath5 of data @xcite , a broad resonance compatible with a 125gev signal is now also visible in the @xmath18 decay channel .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we discuss a possible spectral realization of the riemann zeros based on the hamiltonian @xmath0 perturbed by a term that depends on two potentials , which are related to the berry - keating semiclassical constraints . we find perturbatively the potentials whose jost function is given by the zeta function @xmath1 for @xmath2 . for @xmath3 we find the potentials that yield the smooth approximation to the zeros . we show that the existence of potentials realizing the zeta function at @xmath3 , as a jost function , would imply that the riemann zeros are point like spectrum embedded in the continuum , resolving in that way the emission / spectral interpretation . = cmss12 = cmu10 scaled1 h 0.2 cm \def\ ] ] ] @xmath4 ) # 1#2#1 # 2 # 11 # 1 # 1#1 # 1#2#1 # 2 # 1#1 # 1 | # 1 pi # 1e^^#1 # 1_#1 # 1#2 # 1 , # 2 pi # 1e^^#1 # 1_#1 = cmss12 = cmu10 scaled1 l . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: one of the most important problems in mathematics is the proof of the riemann hypothesis ( rh ) which states that the non trivial zeros of the classical zeta function all have real part equal to 1/2 @xcite . the importance of this conjecture lies in its connection with the prime numbers . if the rh is true then the statistical distribution of the primes will be constrained in the most favorable way . according to michael berry. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the truth of the rh would mean that `` there is music in the primes '' @xcite . otherwise , in the words of bombieri , the failure of the rh would create havoc in the distribution of the prime numbers @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we provide an overview of stellar variability in the first quarter of data from the _ kepler _ mission . the intent of this paper is to examine the entire sample of over 150,000 target stars for periodic behavior in their lightcurves , and relate this to stellar characteristics . these data constitute an unprecedented study of stellar variability given its great precision and complete time coverage ( with a half hour cadence ) . because the full kepler pipeline is not currently suitable for a study of stellar variability of this sort , we describe our procedures for treating the raw " pipeline data . about half of the total sample exhibits convincing periodic variability up to two weeks , with amplitudes ranging from differential intensity changes less than 10@xmath0 up to more than 10 percent . k and m dwarfs have a greater fraction of period behavior than g dwarfs . the giants in the sample have distinctive quasi - periodic behavior , but are not periodic in the way we define it . not all periodicities are due to rotation , and the most significant period is not necessarily the rotation period . we discuss properties of the lightcurves , and in particular look at a sample of very clearly periodic g dwarfs . it is clear that a large number of them do vary because of rotation and starspots , but it will take further analysis to fully exploit this . = 1 . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the _ kepler _ mission provides an unprecedented set of data on the photometric variability of stars @xcite . it is unparalleled in its combination of photometric precision and time coverage . it observes a large sample of stars , which consist primarily of main sequence stars in the solar neighborhood .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
although the primary mission is to discover exoplanets , clearly the stellar lightcurves are themselves a rich source of astrophysical information . stars can vary their luminosity for a variety of reasons .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the dynamic critical behavior of the two - replica cluster algorithm is studied . several versions of the algorithm are applied to the two - dimensional , square lattice ising model with a staggered field . the dynamic exponent for the full algorithm is found to be less than 0.4 . it is found that odd translations of one replica with respect to the other together with global flips are essential for obtaining a small value of the dynamic exponent . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the swendsen - wang ( sw ) algorithm and related cluster methods @xcite have greatly improved the efficiency of simulating the critical region of a variety of spin models . the original sw algorithm can be modified to work for spin systems with internal symmetry breaking fields @xcite . spin models of this kind include the ising antiferromagnet in a uniform field , the random field ising model and lattice gas models of adsorption in porous media @xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the modification proposed in ref . is to assign boltzmann weights depending on the net field acting on the cluster to decide whether the cluster should be flipped . unfortunately , the modified sw algorithm is not efficient .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: a rational representation for the self energy is explored to interpolate the solution of the anderson impurity model in general orbitally degenerate case . several constrains such as the friedel s sum rule , positions of the hubbard bands as well as the value of quasiparticle residue are used to establish the equations for the coefficients of the interpolation . we employ two fast techniques , the slave boson mean field and the hubbard i approximations to determine the functional dependence of the coefficients on doping , degeneracy and the strength of the interaction . the obtained spectral functions and self energies are in good agreement with the results of numerically exact quantum monte carlo method . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: there has been recent progress in understanding physics of strongly correlated electronic systems and their electronic structure near a localization delocalization transition through the development of dynamical mean field theory ( dmft ) @xcite . merging this computationally tractable many body technique with realistic local density approximation ( lda ) @xcite based electronic structure calculations of strongly correlated solids is promising due to its simplicity and correctness in both band and atomic limits . at present , much effort is being made in this direction including the developments of a lda+dmft method anisimovkotliar , lda++ approach @xcite , combined gw and dmft theory @xcite , spectral density functional theory @xcite as well as applications to various systems such as la@xmath0sr@xmath1tio@xmath2 latio3 , v@xmath3o@xmath2 @xcite , fe and ni @xcite , ce @xcite , pu @xcite , transition metal oxides@xcite , and many others . for a review , see ref . .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
such _ ab initio _ dmft based self consistent electronic structure algorithms should be able to explore all space of parameters where neither dopings nor even degeneracy itself is kept fixed as different states may appear close to the fermi level during iterations towards self consistency .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we investigate linear and inverse seesaw mechanisms with maximal zero textures of the constituent matrices subjected to the assumption of non - zero eigenvalues for the neutrino mass matrix @xmath0 and charged lepton mass matrix @xmath1 . if we restrict to the minimally parametrized non - singular ` @xmath1 ' ( i.e. , with maximum number of zeros ) it gives rise to only 6 possible textures of @xmath1 . non - zero determinant of @xmath0 dictates six possible textures of the constituent matrices . we ask in this minimalistic approach , what are the phenomenologically allowed maximum zero textures are possible . it turns out that inverse seesaw leads to 7 allowed two - zero textures while the linear seesaw leads to only one . in inverse seesaw , we show that 2 is the maximum number of independent zeros that can be inserted into @xmath2 to obtain all 7 viable two - zero textures of @xmath0 . on the other hand , in linear seesaw mechanism , the minimal scheme allows maximum 5 zeros to be accommodated in ` @xmath3 ' so as to obtain viable effective neutrino mass matrices ( @xmath0 ) . interestingly , we find that our minimalistic approach in inverse seesaw leads to a realization of all the phenomenologically allowed two - zero textures whereas in linear seesaw only one such texture is viable . next our numerical analysis shows that none of the two - zero textures give rise to enough cp violation or significant @xmath4 . therefore , if @xmath5 is established , our minimalistic scheme may still be viable provided we allow more number of parameters in ` @xmath1 ' . = 1 . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: in type - i seesaw mechanism the lightness of the observed neutrinos are attributed to a seesaw scale around the gut scale incorporated in the theory . in this mechanism , right - handed neutrinos @xmath6 incorporated in the seesaw scale are usually identified with the mass of the @xmath7 : @xmath8 lightest of which is constrained from leptogenesis as @xmath9 gev@xcite . probing the new physics at such a high scale is far beyond the reach of ongoing collider experiments .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
moreover , apart from experimental accessibility , a theoretical analysis based on naturalness for a hierarchical @xmath7 masses @xmath10 put constraints on them as@xcite : @xmath11 where @xmath12 is the mass of the lightest neutrino . on the other hand , a seesaw scale in the tev range can be realized in some other variants , such as inverse seesaw , linear seesaw etc . by paying the price in terms of addition of extra singlet neutral fermions into these mechanisms which can explain the smallness of neutrino mass by a small lepton - number breaking mass matrix .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: using the effective potential approach for composite operators , we have formulated a general method of calculation of the truly non - perturbative yang - mills vacuum energy density ( this is , by definition , the bag constant apart from the sign ) . it is the main dynamical characteristic of the qcd ground state . our method allows one to make it free of the perturbative contributions ( contaminations ) , by construction . we also perform an actual numerical calculation of the bag constant for the confining effective charge . its choice uniquely defines the bag constant , which becomes free of all the types of the perturbative contributions now , as well as possessing many other desirable properties as colorless , gauge independence , etc . using further the trace anomaly relation , we develop a general formalism which makes it possible to relate the bag constant to the gluon condensate defined at the same @xmath0 function ( or , equivalently , effective charge ) which has been chosen for the calculation of the bag constant itself . our numerical result for it shows a good agreement with other phenomenological estimates of the gluon condensate . we have argued that the calculated bag constant may contribute to the dark energy density . its contribution is by 10 orders of magnitude better than the estimate from the higgs field s contribution . we also propose to consider the bag energy as a possible amount of energy which can be released from the qcd ground state by a single cycle . the qcd ground state is shown to be an infinite and hence a permanent reservoir of energy . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: in order to calculate physical observables from first principles in quantum chromodynamics ( qcd ) @xcite it is not enough to know its lagrangian . it is also necessary and important to know the true structure of its ground state . it is the response of the qcd vacuum which substantially modifies all the qcd green s functions from their free counterparts .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
these full ( `` dressed '' ) green s functions are needed for the above - mentioned calculations . the vacuum of qcd is a very complicated confining medium and its dynamical and topological complexity means that its structure can be organized at various levels : classical and quantum @xcite ( and references therein ) .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we discuss the rnyi entanglement entropies of descendant states in critical one - dimensional systems with boundaries , that map to boundary conformal field theories in the scaling limit . we unify the previous conformal - field - theory approaches to describe primary and descendant states in systems with both open and closed boundaries . we provide universal expressions for the first two descendants in the identity family . we apply our technique to critical systems belonging to different universality classes with non - trivial boundary conditions that preserve conformal invariance , and find excellent agreement with numerical results obtained for finite spin chains . we also demonstrate that entanglement entropies are a powerful tool to resolve degeneracy of higher excited states in critical lattice models . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: understanding quantum correlations and entanglement in many - body systems is one of the main purposes of fundamental physics @xcite . although a general strategy for this task currently lacks , in the last decades many advances have been made . in particular , one - dimensional ( 1d ) systems play a very special role in this scenario , for two reasons : the first is of physical nature , and resides in the enhancement of the importance of quantum fluctuations , due to dimensionality @xcite ; the second is the existence of extremely powerful analytical and numerical techniques , such as exact solutions @xcite , bosonization @xcite , bethe ansatz @xcite , and matrix - product - states algorithms @xcite , allowing for the extraction of accurate information about low - lying excitations in a non - perturbative way . within the bosonization framework ,. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the strategy is to identify the relevant degrees of freedom of the considered 1d model and , starting from them , to build up an effective field theory capturing its low - energy physics @xcite . if the ground state ( gs ) of the original model is gapless , the obtained field theory is usually conformally invariant , and is therefore called conformal field theory ( cft ) @xcite ( we remark that bosonization is not the only approach leading to effective cft s ; see , e.g. , ref .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we report detection of continuum emission at @xmath0 and 450 @xmath1 m from disks around four classical t tauri stars in the mbm 12 ( l1457 ) young association . using a simple model we infer masses of 0.00140.012 m@xmath2 for the disk of lkh@xmath3 263 abc , 0.0050.021 m@xmath2 for s18 abab , 0.030.18 m@xmath2 for lkh@xmath3 264 a , and 0.0230.23 m@xmath2 for lkh@xmath3 262 . the disk mass found for lkh@xmath3 263 abc is consistent with the 0.0018 m@xmath2 inferred from the scattered light image of the edge - on disk around component c. comparison to earlier @xmath4co line observations indicates co depletion by up to a factor 300 with respect to dark - cloud values . the spectral energy distributions ( sed ) suggest grain growth , possibly to sizes of a few hundred @xmath1 m , but our spatially unresolved data can not rule out opacity as an explanation for the sed shape . our observations show that these t tauri stars are still surrounded by significant reservoirs of cold material at an age of 15 myr . we conclude that the observed differences in disk mass are likely explained by binary separation affecting the initial value . with available accretion rate estimates we find that our data are consistent with theoretical expectations for viscously evolving disks having decreased their masses by @xmath5% . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the majority of low - mass stars emerge from their parental clouds surrounded by disks of 0.0010.3 m@xmath2 @xcite . at ages of a few myr , these disks appear to evolve rapidly from optically thick at near- and mid - infrared and detectable at ( sub)millimeter wavelengths , to undetectable at all wavelengths @xcite . the physics behind this transition and its timescale holds clues about the planet formation process @xcite . the previous references focus on inner disk material traced by infrared excess .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
much less is known about colder material further from the star , even though this encompasses the bulk of the mass . this letter investigates the presence of cold material around several members of the mbm 12 young association . judging from the relative occurrences of k- ( @xmath6% ) and l- and n - band ( @xmath7% ) infrared excess , the mbm 12 ( l1457 ) young association is suspected to be at the very stage where disks start to disappear @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present simultaneous optical and near - infrared ( nir ) polarimetric results for the black hole binary v404 cyg spanning the duration of its 7-day long optically - brightest phase of its 2015 june outburst . the simultaneous @xmath0 and @xmath1-band light curves showed almost the same temporal variation except for the isolated ( @xmath2 min duration ) orphan @xmath1-band flare observed at mjd 57193.54 . we did not find any significant temporal variation of polarization degree ( pd ) and position angle ( pa ) in both @xmath0 and @xmath1 bands throughout our observations , including the duration of the orphan nir flare . we show that the observed pd and pa are predominantly interstellar in origin by comparing the v404 cyg polarimetric results with those of the surrounding sources within the @xmath3 field - of - view . the low intrinsic pd ( less than a few percent ) implies that the optical and nir emissions are dominated by either disk or optically - thick synchrotron emission , or both . we also present the broadband spectra of v404 cyg during the orphan nir flare and a relatively faint and steady state by including quasi - simultaneous _ swift_/xrt and _ integral _ fluxes . by adopting a single - zone synchrotron plus inverse - compton model as widely used in modeling of blazars , we constrained the parameters of a putative jet . because the jet synchrotron component can not exceed the _ swift_/xrt disk / corona flux , the cutoff lorentz factor in the electron energy distribution is constrained to be @xmath4 , suggesting particle acceleration is less efficient in this microquasar jet outburst compared to agn jets . we also suggest that the loading of the baryon component inside the jet is inevitable based on energetic arguments . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: a relativistic collimated outflow ( known as a jet ) emerging from a black hole ( bh ) is ubiquitously observed in various spatial scales from stellar mass ( @xmath5 ) to supermassive ( @xmath6 ) bhs . polarimetry in the optical and near - infrared ( nir ) bands is a powerful method to unveil the emission mechanism and investigate the magnetic field structure inside the jet ( e.g. , * ? ? ? * ) . in active galactic nuclei ( agn ) and. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
gamma - ray burst ( grb ) jets , it is well accepted that the optical and nir lights are produced by high - energy electrons through optically - thin synchrotron emission . high degrees of linear polarization in the optical / nir band observed from agn and grb jets ( @xmath7% up to 3040% ; see e.g. , * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ?
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we study families of possibly overlapping self - affine sets . our main example is a family that can be considered the self - affine version of bernoulli convolutions and was studied , in the non - overlapping case , by f.przytycki and m.urbaski @xcite . we extend their results to the overlapping region and also consider some extensions and generalizations . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: a compact , nonempty set @xmath0 is called `` self - affine '' if it is the attractor of an iterated function system of affine maps . self - affine sets represent a natural class of fractal sets . on one hand , they are a natural generalization of self - similar sets . on the other hand , they appear in other areas , like theory of tilings and dynamical systems . they also represent a prototype for attractors of general , ( smooth ) non - linear i.f.s . despite these facts ,. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
they remain rather mysterious , and the study of their dimensional and topological properties is fraught with difficulties . one of the most important results available is falconer s theorem from 1988 @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we propose distributed algorithms to automatically deploy a team of mobile robots to partition and provide coverage of a non - convex environment . to handle arbitrary non - convex environments , we represent them as graphs . our partitioning and coverage algorithm requires only short - range , unreliable pairwise `` gossip '' communication . the algorithm has two components : ( 1 ) a motion protocol to ensure that neighboring robots communicate at least sporadically , and ( 2 ) a pairwise partitioning rule to update territory ownership when two robots communicate . by studying an appropriate dynamical system on the space of partitions of the graph vertices , we prove that territory ownership converges to a pairwise - optimal partition in finite time . this new equilibrium set represents improved performance over common lloyd - type algorithms . additionally , we detail how our algorithm scales well for large teams in large environments and how the computation can run in anytime with limited resources . finally , we report on large - scale simulations in complex environments and hardware experiments using the player / stage robot control system . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: coordinated networks of mobile robots are already in use for environmental monitoring and warehouse logistics . in the near future , autonomous robotic teams will revolutionize transportation of passengers and goods , search and rescue operations , and other applications . these tasks share a common feature : the robots are asked to provide service over a space .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
one question which arises is : when a group of robots is waiting for a task request to come in , how can they best position themselves to be ready to respond ? the distributed _ environment partitioning problem _ for robotic networks consists of designing individual control and communication laws such that the team divides a large space into regions .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: a new framework for formulating reachability problems with competing inputs , nonlinear dynamics and state constraints as optimal control problems is developed . such reach - avoid problems arise in , among others , the study of safety problems in hybrid systems . earlier approaches to reach - avoid computations are either restricted to linear systems , or face numerical difficulties due to possible discontinuities in the hamiltonian of the optimal control problem . the main advantage of the approach proposed in this paper is that it can be applied to a general class of target hitting continuous dynamic games with nonlinear dynamics , and has very good properties in terms of its numerical solution , since the value function and the hamiltonian of the system are both continuous . the performance of the proposed method is demonstrated by applying it to a two aircraft collision avoidance scenario under target window constraints and in the presence of wind disturbance . target windows are a novel concept in air traffic management , and represent spatial and temporal constraints , that the aircraft have to respect to meet their schedule . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: reachability for continuous and hybrid systems has been an important topic of research in the dynamics and control literature . numerous problems regarding safety of air traffic management systems @xcite , @xcite , flight control @xcite , @xcite , @xcite ground transportation systems @xcite , @xcite , etc . have been formulated in the framework of reachability theory . in most of these applications the main aim was to design suitable controllers to steer or keep the state of the system in a `` safe '' part of the state space .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the synthesis of such safe controllers for hybrid systems relies on the ability to solve target problems for the case where state constraints are also present . the sets that represent the solution to those problems are known as capture basins @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we numerically investigate the mechanical properties of static packings of ellipsoidal particles in 2d and 3d over a range of aspect ratio and compression @xmath0 . while amorphous packings of spherical particles at jamming onset ( @xmath1 ) are isostatic and possess the minimum contact number @xmath2 required for them to be collectively jammed , amorphous packings of ellipsoidal particles generally possess fewer contacts than expected for collective jamming ( @xmath3 ) from naive counting arguments , which assume that all contacts give rise to linearly independent constraints on interparticle separations . to understand this behavior , we decompose the dynamical matrix @xmath4 for static packings of ellipsoidal particles into two important components : the stiffness @xmath5 and stress @xmath6 matrices . we find that the stiffness matrix possesses @xmath7 eigenmodes @xmath8 with zero eigenvalues even at finite compression , where @xmath9 is the number of particles . in addition , these modes @xmath8 are nearly eigenvectors of the dynamical matrix with eigenvalues that scale as @xmath0 , and thus finite compression stabilizes packings of ellipsoidal particles . at jamming onset , the harmonic response of static packings of ellipsoidal particles vanishes , and the total potential energy scales as @xmath10 for perturbations by amplitude @xmath11 along these ` quartic ' modes , @xmath8 . these findings illustrate the significant differences between static packings of spherical and ellipsoidal particles . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: there have been many experimental @xcite , computational @xcite , and theoretical @xcite studies of the structural and mechanical properties of disordered static packings of frictionless disks in 2d and spheres in 3d . in these systems , counting arguments , which assume that all particle contacts give rise to linearly independent impenetrability constraints on the particle positions , predict that the minimum number of contacts required for the system to be collectively jammed is @xmath12 , where @xmath13 for fixed boundary conditions and @xmath14 for periodic boundary conditions @xcite , where @xmath15 is the spatial dimension and @xmath9 is the number of particles @xcite . the additional contact is required because contacts between hard particles provide only inequality constraints on particle separations @xcite . in the large - system limit , this relation for the minimum number of contacts reduces to @xmath16 , where @xmath17 is the average contact number .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
disordered packings of frictionless spheres are typically isostatic at jamming onset with @xmath18 , and possess the minimal number of contacts required to be collectively jammed @xcite . further , it has been shown in numerical simulations that collectively jammed hard - sphere packings correspond to mechanically stable soft - sphere packings in the limit of vanishing particle overlaps @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: among type ia supernovae ( sne ia ) exist a class of overluminous objects whose ejecta mass is inferred to be larger than the canonical chandrasekhar mass . we present and discuss the uv / optical photometric light curves , colors , absolute magnitudes , and spectra of three candidate super - chandrasekhar mass sne2009dc , 2011aa , and 2012dn observed with the _ swift _ ultraviolet / optical telescope . the light curves are at the broad end for sne ia , with the light curves of sn 2011aa being amongst the broadest ever observed . we find all three to have very blue colors which may provide a means of excluding these overluminous sne from cosmological analysis , though there is some overlap with the bluest of `` normal '' sne ia . all three are overluminous in their uv absolute magnitudes compared to normal and broad sne ia , but sne 2011aa and 2012dn are not optically overluminous compared to normal sne ia . the integrated luminosity curves of sne 2011aa and 2012dn in the uvot range ( 1600 - 6000 ) are only half as bright as sn 2009dc , implying a smaller @xmath0ni yield . while not enough to strongly affect the bolometric flux , the early time mid - uv flux makes a significant contribution at early times . the strong spectral features in the mid - uv spectra of sne 2009dc and 2012dn suggest a higher temperature and lower opacity to be the cause of the uv excess rather than a hot , smooth blackbody from shock interaction . further work is needed to determine the ejecta and @xmath0ni masses of sne 2011aa and 2012dn and fully explain their high uv luminosities . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: type ia supernovae ( sne ia ) are important cosmological probes that first revealed the accelerating expansion of the universe @xcite . the cosmological results rely on the normal sne ia whose brightness correlates with their light curve shapes and colors @xcite , allowing them to be used as standardizable candles . observations of similar but peculiar objects are useful for understanding the nature of the progenitor systems and the physics of the explosion , particularly how they might differ between objects .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
it is also important to understand objects which may be found in cosmological samples but do not follow the relationships between the luminosity and the light curve shape . the similar peak luminosities of sne ia suggested explosions of similar mass and energy .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the manin conjecture is established for a split singular cubic surface in @xmath0 , with singularity type @xmath1 . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: let @xmath2 be the cubic surface defined by @xmath3 then @xmath4 is a singular del pezzo surface with a unique singularity @xmath5 of type @xmath1 and three lines , each of which is defined over @xmath6 . on the @xmath1 cubic surface.,width=491 ] let @xmath7 be the zariski open subset formed by deleting the lines from @xmath4 . our principal object of study in this paper is the cardinality @xmath8 for any @xmath9 . here @xmath10 is the usual height on @xmath0 , in which @xmath11 is defined as @xmath12 , provided that the point @xmath13 is represented by integral coordinates @xmath14 that are relatively coprime . in figure. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
[ fig : d5 ] we have plotted an affine model of @xmath4 , together with all of the rational points of low height that it contains . the following is our principal result .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we have measured an angle dependent contribution to the equilibrium magnetization of a yba@xmath0cu@xmath1o@xmath2 single crystal with columnar defects created by irradiation with 5.8 gev pb ions . this contribution manifests itself as a jump in the equilibrium torque signal , when the magnetic field direction crosses that of the defects . the magnitude of the jump , which is observed in a narrow temperature interval of less than 2 k wide , for fields up to about twice the dose equivalent field @xmath3 , is used to estimate the energy gained by vortex pinning on the defects . the vanishing of the effective pinning energy at a temperature below @xmath4 is attributed to its renormalization by thermal fluctuations . 2 . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: since the discovery of increased pinning in heavy - ion irradiated samples , the interaction between flux - lines and columnar defects in high - t@xmath5 superconductors has been the subject of intense experimental and theoretical investigations.@xcite an angle dependent critical current enhancement has been put into evidence both in the moderately anisotropic material yba@xmath0cu@xmath1o@xmath2 @xcite as in highly anisotropic materials such as bi@xmath0sr@xmath0cacu@xmath0o@xmath6.@xcite the influence of correlated disorder on the equilibrium properties of the flux - line lattice has been the subject of fewer experimental investigations . torque and magnetization experiments on bi@xmath0sr@xmath0cacu@xmath0o@xmath6 have revealed a pinning energy contribution to the equilibrium magnetization arising from the presence of the defects , but , in contrast to the irreversible magnetic moment , the equilibrium magnetization did not show any other angle dependent contribution than the one arising from the layering of the material.@xcite here , we investigate the less anisotropic compound yba@xmath0cu@xmath1o@xmath2 and show that there exists a narrow domain in the ( h - t ) diagram where a reversible angular dependent contribution to the torque arises due to the interaction of flux - lines with the linear defects . this constitutes a direct demonstration that vortex lines in the liquid phase distort in order to accomodate to the linear irradiation defects .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the experiments were performed on a single crystal of dimensions @xmath7 @xmath8m@xmath9 ; the shortest dimension was along the @xmath10axis . the transition temperature after irradiation was @xmath11 k. a single domain of parallel twin planes was observed , the planes running at 45@xmath12 with respect to the crystal s longest edge .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: during the last years some interesting experimental results have been reported for experiments in n@xmath0o , no , no dimer , h@xmath0 , toluene and bafch@xmath1 cluster . the main result consists in the observation of molecular beam depletion when the molecules of a pulsed beam interact with a static electric or magnetic field and an oscillating field ( rf ) . in these cases , and as a main difference , instead of using four fields as in the original technique developed by i.i . rabi and others , only two fields , those which configure the resonant unit , are used . that is , without using the non - homogeneous magnetic fields . the depletion explanation for i.i . rabi and others is based in the interaction between the molecular electric or magnetic dipole moment and the non - homogeneous fields . but , obviously , the change in the molecules trajectories observed on these new experiments has to be explained without considering the force provided by the field gradient because it happens without using non - homogeneous fields . in this paper a theoretical way for the explanation of these new experimental results is presented . one important point emerges as a result of this development , namely , the existence of an until now unknown , spin - dependent force , which would be responsible of the aforementioned deviation of the molecules . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the molecular beam magnetic resonance ( mbmr ) technique has significantly contributed , as is well known , to the development of atomic and molecular physics @xcite . and it makes possible to measure the larmor frequency of an atom or molecule in the presence of a magnetic field . in the original technique , developed by i.i . rabi and others @xcite , @xcite the molecular beam is forced to pass through four different fields : a non - homogeneous polarizer field ( a ) where the molecules are prepared . a resonant unit ( c ) that consists of two , a static and an oscillating , fields . a non - homogeneous analyzer field ( b ) .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
only molecules in the prepared state reach the detector . the two non - homogeneous magnetic fields a and b have opposite directions . the molecular beam describes a sigmoidal trajectory and , finally , is collected in a detector ( see fig . [ fig:1 ] ) .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we report the discovery of exotic superconductivity ( sc ) and novel magnetism in heavy - fermion ( hf ) compounds , cecu@xmath0si@xmath0 , cerhin@xmath1 and cein@xmath2 on the verge of antiferromagnetism ( afm ) through nuclear - quadrupole - resonance ( nqr ) measurements under pressure ( @xmath3 ) . the exotic sc in a homogeneous cecu@xmath0si@xmath0 ( @xmath4 k ) revealed _ antiferromagnetic critical fluctuations _ at the border to afm or marginal afm . remarkably , it has been found that the application of magnetic field induces an spin - density - wave ( sdw ) transition by suppressing the sc near the upper critical field . furthermore , the uniform mixed phase of sc and afm in cecu@xmath0(si@xmath5ge@xmath6)@xmath0 emerges on a microscopic level , once a tiny amount of 1%ge(@xmath7 ) is substituted for si to expand its lattice . the application of minute pressure ( @xmath8 gpa ) suppresses the sudden emergence of the afm caused by doping ge . the persistence of the low - lying magnetic excitations at temperatures lower than @xmath9 and @xmath10 is ascribed due to the uniform mixed phase of sc and afm . likewise , the @xmath3-induced hf superconductor cerhin@xmath1 coexists with afm on a microscopic level in @xmath11 - 1.9 gpa . it is demonstrated that sc does not yield any trace of gap opening in low - lying excitations below the onset temperature , presumably associated with _ an amplitude fluctuation of superconducting order parameter_. the unconventional gapless nature of sc in the low - lying excitation spectrum emerges due to the uniform mixed phase of afm and sc . by contrast , in cein@xmath2 , the @xmath3-induced _ phase separation _ into afm and paramagnetism ( pm ) takes place without any trace for a quantum phase transition . the outstanding finding is that sc sets in at both the phases magnetically separated into afm and pm in @xmath12 gpa . a new type of sc forms the uniform mixed phase with the afm and the hf sc takes place in the pm . we propose that the.... And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the most common kind of superconductivity ( sc ) is based on bound electron pairs coupled by deformation of the lattice . however , sc of more subtle origins is rife in strongly correlated electron systems including many heavy - fermion ( hf ) , cuprate and organic superconductors . in particular , a number of studies on @xmath13-electron compounds revealed that unconventional sc arises at or close to a quantum critical point ( qcp ) , where magnetic order disappears at low temperature ( @xmath14 ) as a function of lattice density via application of hydrostatic pressure ( @xmath3 ) @xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
these findings suggest that the mechanism forming cooper pairs can be magnetic in origin . namely , on the verge of magnetic order , the magnetically soft electron liquid can mediate spin - dependent attractive interactions between the charge carriers @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: metrics derived from twitter and other social media often referred to as altmetrics are increasingly used to estimate the broader social impacts of scholarship . such efforts , however , may produce highly misleading results , as the entities that participate in conversations about science on these platforms are largely unknown . for instance , if altmetric activities are generated mainly by scientists , does it really capture broader social impacts of science ? here we present a systematic approach to identifying and analyzing scientists on twitter . our method can be easily adapted to identify other stakeholder groups in science . we investigate the demographics , sharing behaviors , and interconnectivity of the identified scientists . our work contributes to the literature both methodologically and conceptually we provide new methods for disambiguating and identifying particular actors on social media and describing the behaviors of scientists , thus providing foundational information for the construction and use of indicators on the basis of social media metrics . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: twitter and other social media have become important communication channels for the general public . it is thus not surprising that various stakeholder groups in science also participate on these platforms . scientists , for instance , use twitter for generating research ideas and disseminating and discussing scientific results @xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
many biomedical practitioners use twitter for engaging in continuing education ( e.g. , journal clubs on twitter ) and other community - based purposes @xcite . policy makers are active on twitter , opening lines of discourse between scientists and those making policy on science @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: human mobility has been empirically observed to exhibit lvy flight characteristics and behaviour with power - law distributed jump size . the fundamental mechanisms behind this behaviour has not yet been fully explained . in this paper , we propose to explain the lvy walk behaviour observed in human mobility patterns by decomposing them into different classes according to the different transportation modes , such as walk / run , bike , train / subway or car / taxi / bus . our analysis is based on two real - life gps datasets containing approximately 10 and 20 million gps samples with transportation mode information . we show that human mobility can be modelled as a mixture of different transportation modes , and that these single movement patterns can be approximated by a lognormal distribution rather than a power - law distribution . then , we demonstrate that the mixture of the decomposed lognormal flight distributions associated with each modality is a power - law distribution , providing an explanation to the emergence of lvy walk patterns that characterize human mobility patterns . understanding human mobility is crucial for epidemic control @xcite , urban planning @xcite , traffic forecasting systems @xcite and , more recently , various mobile and network applications @xcite . previous research has shown that trajectories in human mobility have statistically similar features as lvy walks by studying the traces of bank notes @xcite , cell phone users locations @xcite and gps @xcite . according to the this model , human movement contains many short flights and some long flights , and these flights follow a power - law distribution . intuitively , these long flights and short flights reflect different transportation modalities . figure . [ fig : trajectory ] shows a person s one - day trip with three transportation modalities in beijing based on the geolife dataset ( table [ tab : mobilitydataset ] ) @xcite . starting from the bottom right corner of the figure , the person takes a.... And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: * power - law fit for overall flight . * first , we fit the flight length distribution of the geolife and nokia mdc datasets regardless of transportation modes ( see methods section ) . we fit truncated power - law , lognormal , power - law and exponential distribution ( see supplementary table s1 ) .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
we find that the overall flight length ( @xmath0 ) distributions fit a truncated power - law @xmath1 with exponent @xmath2 as 1.57 in the geolife dataset ( @xmath3 ) and 1.39 in the nokia mdc dataset ( @xmath4 ) ( fig . [ fig : all ] ) , better than other alternatives such as power - law , lognormal or exponential . figure .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in the near future , a major challenge in quantum computing is to scale up robust qubit prototypes to practical problem sizes and to implement comprehensive error correction for computational precision . due to inevitable quantum uncertainties in resonant control pulses , increasing the precision of quantum gates comes with the expense of increased energy consumption . consequently , the power dissipated in the vicinity of the processor in a well - working large - scale quantum computer seems unacceptably large in typical systems requiring low operation temperatures . here , we introduce a method for qubit driving and show that it serves to decrease the single - qubit gate error without increasing the average power dissipated per gate . previously , single - qubit gate error induced by a bosonic drive mode has been considered to be inversely proportional to the energy of the control pulse , but we circumvent this bound by reusing and correcting itinerant control pulses . thus our work suggests that heat dissipation does not pose a fundamental limitation , but a necessary practical challenge in future implementations of large - scale quantum computers . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: quantum bits , or qubits @xcite , have been realized using , for example , superconducting circuits @xcite , quantum dots @xcite , trapped ions @xcite , single dopants in silicon @xcite , and nitrogen vacancy centres @xcite . the state of a qubit is affected by various sources of error such as finite qubit lifetime , measurement imperfections , non - ideal initialization , and imprecise external control . provided that these errors are below a certain threshold , they can be corrected with quantum error correction codes @xcite which encode the information of a logical qubit into an ensemble of physical qubits .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
surface codes @xcite , error correction codes with the highest known thresholds , may require thousands of physical qubits for each fault - tolerant logical qubit . controlling such a large ensemble of qubits consumes a great amount of power , rendering heat management at the qubit register an important challenge .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the zeeman splitting of the conduction band in the hgte quantum wells both with normal and inverted spectrum has been studied experimentally in a wide electron density range . the simultaneous analysis of the sdh oscillations in low magnetic fields at different tilt angles and of the shape of the oscillations in moderate magnetic fields gives a possibility to find the ratio of the zeeman splitting to the orbital one and anisotropy of @xmath0-factor . it is shown that the ratios of the zeeman splitting to the orbital one are close to each other for both types of structures , with a normal and inverted spectrum and they are close enough to the values calculated within _ kp _ method . in contrast , the values of @xmath0-factor anisotropy in the structures with normal and inverted spectra is strongly different and for both cases differs significantly from the calculated ones . we believe that such disagreement with calculations is a result of the interface inversion asymmetry in the hgte quantum well , which is not taken into account in the _ kp _ calculations . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: a hgte / cdte quantum well is a system where the dirac fermions appear only in a single valley , at the @xmath1 point of the brillouin zone , unlike graphene where there are two valleys of the dirac fermions with a strong inter - valley scattering . the energies of spatially quantized sub - bands at the quasimomentum @xmath2 and energy spectrum @xmath3 for different widths of the quantum well ( @xmath4 ) were calculated within _ kp _ method in numerous papers @xcite . as seen from fig .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
[ f1 ] , various types of energy spectrum are realized upon increasing the hgte quantum - well width ; namely , `` normal '' , when @xmath4 is less than a critical width @xmath5 nm , dirac - like at small quasimomenta for @xmath6 , inverted when @xmath7 , and finally , semimetallic when @xmath8 nm . to interpret experimental data , these calculations of the energy spectrum are used practically always .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: recently in ( phys . rev . d 76 , 087502 ( 2007 ) and phys . rev . d 77 , 089903(e ) ( 2008 ) ) a thin - shell wormhole has been introduced in 5-dimensional einstein - maxwell - gauss - bonnet ( emgb ) gravity which was supported by normal matter . we wish to consider this solution and investigate its stability . our analysis shows that for the gauss - bonnet ( gb ) parameter @xmath0 stability regions form for a narrow band of finely - tuned mass and charge . for the case @xmath1 , we iterate once more that no stable , normal matter thin - shell wormhole exists . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: whenever the agenda is about wormholes exotic matter ( i.e. matter violating the energy conditions ) continues to occupy a major issue in general relativity @xcite . it is a fact that einstein s equations admit wormhole solutions that require such matter for its maintenance . in quantum theory temporary violation of energy conditions is permissible but in classical physics this can hardly be justified .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
one way to minimize such exotic matter , even if we can not ignore it completely , is to concentrate it on a thin - shell . this seemed feasible , because general relativity admits such thin - shell solutions and by employing these shells at the throat region may provide the necessary repulsion to support the wormhole against collapse .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the interaction between the hyperon and the nucleon is investigated in the su(3 ) skyrme model . the static potential , which is expanded in terms of the modified su(3 ) rotation matrices , is obtained for several orientations with the atiyah - manton ansatz . the interaction is calculated for the nn , @xmath0n , and @xmath1n systems . the medium - range attraction of the central potential between @xmath0 and n is obtained by considering the @xmath0-@xmath1 mixing through the intermediate state . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: it is widely accepted that quantum chromodynamics ( qcd ) is the fundamental theory for the strong interaction . the high - energy behavior of qcd is well described by the perturbed qcd because of its asymptotic freedom . it explains the experimental data such as those in the deep inelastic scattering process . on the other hand , it is difficult to describe the low energy properties of qcd because the effective coupling constant increases with the decreasing momentum as the renormalization group analysis suggests .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
thooft proposed to use the inverse number of colors @xmath2 as an expansion parameter by generalizing qcd to the su(@xmath3 ) gauge theory@xcite . in the large @xmath3 limit , it becomes the theory of the weakly interacting meson .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: motivated by recent suggestions to split the electron - electron interaction into a short - range part , to be treated within the density functional theory , and a long - range part , to be handled by other techniques we compute , with a diffusion monte carlo method , the ground - state energy of a uniform electron gas with a modified , short - range - only electron - electron interaction @xmath0 , for different values of the cutoff parameter @xmath1 and of the electron density . after deriving some exact limits , we propose an analytic representation of the correlation energy which accurately fits our monte carlo data and also includes , by construction , these exact limits , thus providing a reliable `` short - range local - density functional '' . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: density functional theory@xcite ( dft ) is nowadays the most widely used method for electronic structure calculations , in both condensed matter physics and quantum chemistry , thanks to the combination of low computational cost and remarkable accuracy for a wide variety of chemical bonds and solid - state systems . there are , however , notable exceptions to such an accuracy . for example , even the best available approximations of the exchange - correlation functional , the key ingredient of the dft , fail to recover long - range van der waals interactions,@xcite are not completely safe for the description of the hydrogen bond @xcite and have intrinsic problems with situations of near degeneracy ( when two sets of orbitals happen to have very close energies ) . @xcite more generally , the `` chemical accuracy '' ( the accuracy needed to predict the rates of chemical reactions ) has not yet been reached .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
for all these reasons the search for new approximate functionals , or even new ways of exploiting the basic ideas and advantages of the dft , is very active.@xcite in this context several authors@xcite have suggested to split the electron - electron interaction into a short - range part , to be treated within the dft , and a long - range part , to be handled by other techniques . the motivation behind these mixed schemes " is that the dft , even in the simplest local - density approximation ( lda ) , provides an accurate description of the short - range electron - electron repulsion,@xcite while other techniques which give a poor description of short - range properties , like the configuration interaction ( ci ) method or the random - phase approximation ( rpa),@xcite can , instead , accurately capture long - range correlation effects . of course there is no unique way to split the coulomb potential @xmath2 into a short - range ( sr ) and a long - range ( lr ) part .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: it can be shown that in the bpp model the smooth phase transition from the asymptotically decelerated ads universe to the asymptotically accelerated ds universe is possible by solving the modified semiclassical equations of motion . this transition comes from noncommutative poisson algebra , which gives the constant curvature scalars asymptotically . the decelerated expansion of the early universe is due to the negative energy density with the negative pressure induced by quantum back reaction , and the accelerated late - time universe comes from the positive energy and the negative pressure which behave like dark energy source in recent cosmological models . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: one of the intriguing issues is not only to describe the late - time accelerated expansion of our universe but also to explain the smooth transition from decelerating phase to accelerating one . in the context of einstein theory of general relativity , the accelerating universe means that the parameter @xmath0 of equation of state @xcite is negative , where @xmath1 and @xmath2 are the energy density and the pressure , respectively . so , in the ordinary friedmann equation , the energy density is assumed to be positive while the pressure is negative .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
even more @xmath3 can be required to compensate the effect of ordinary matters in our universe . in some sense , it implies that the state parameter may depend on time and make it possible to explain the transition from decelerating phase to accelerating one . in the quintessence model based on supergravity or m / string theory , the transition has been studied in terms of the numerical simulation @xcite . on the other hand , a two - dimensional dilaton gravity may be useful in studying the transition from the decelerated phase and the accelerated phase because there are fewer degrees of freedom rather than the four - dimensional counterpart .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: spectra have been obtained with the infrared spectrograph on the spitzer space telescope for 18 optically faint sources ( @xmath0 @xmath1 23.9mag ) having f@xmath2 ( 24@xmath3 m ) @xmath4 1.0mjy and having radio detections at 20 cm to a limit of 115@xmath3jy . sources are within the spitzer first look survey . redshifts are determined for 14 sources from strong silicate absorption features ( 12 sources ) or strong pah emission features ( 2 sources ) , with median redshift of 2.1 . results confirm that optically faint sources of @xmath51 mjy at 24@xmath3 m are typically at redshifts z @xmath5 2 , verifying the high efficiency in selecting high redshift sources based on extreme infrared to optical flux ratio , and indicate that 24@xmath3 m sources which also have radio counterparts are not systematically different than samples chosen only by their infrared to optical flux ratios . using the parameter q = log@xmath6f@xmath2(24 @xmath3m)@xmath7f@xmath2(20 cm)@xmath8 $ ] , 17 of the 18 sources observed have values of 0@xmath9q@xmath91 , in the range expected for starburst - powered sources , but only a few of these show strong pah emission as expected from starbursts , with the remainder showing absorbed or power - law spectra consistent with an agn luminosity source . this confirms previous indications that optically faint spitzer sources with f@xmath2(24@xmath3 m ) @xmath1 1.0mjy are predominately agn and represent the upper end of the luminosity function of dusty sources at z @xmath5 2 . based on the characteristics of the sources observed so far , we predict that the nature of sources selected at 24@xmath3 m will change for f@xmath2(24@xmath3 m ) @xmath10 0.5mjy to sources dominated primarily by starbursts . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: mid - infrared imaging surveys underway with the spitzer space telescope demonstrate the presence of large numbers of sources whose luminosity must arise primarily from dust re - emission and which are significantly obscured at optical wavelengths ( e.g. @xcite ) . the source counts are consistent with expectations derived from efforts to account for the total infrared background and have been modeled as showing the evolution of luminous , star - forming galaxies ( e.g. @xcite , @xcite ) . spectroscopic and photometric redshifts also indicate that the majority of such sources have infrared luminosity powered primarily by star formation @xcite . confirming the nature of these sources and their redshift distribution is crucial to understanding the evolution of star formation and agn activity in the universe , especially at early epochs .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
a similar situation has existed for much longer in efforts to understand the nature of optically faint radio sources ( e.g. @xcite , @xcite ) . the observation that many sub - mjy radio sources are identified with a population of faint , blue galaxies initially indicated that most optically - faint radio sources are powered primarily by star formation @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we propose a new notation for the states in some models of quantum gravity , namely 4-valent spin networks embedded in a topological three manifold . with the help of this notation , equivalence moves , namely translations and rotations , can be defined , which relate the projections of diffeomorphic embeddings of a spin network . certain types of topological structures , viz 3-strand braids as local excitations of embedded spin networks , are defined and classified by means of the equivalence moves . this paper formulates a mathematical approach to the further research of particle - like excitations in quantum gravity . = 1 . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: loop quantum gravity had never been considered a candidate of the unification of matter and gravity until a remarkable series of discoveries emerged recently . first , markopoulou and kribs@xcite discovered that loop quantum gravity and many related theories of dynamical quantum geometry have emergent excitations which carry conserved quantum numbers not associated with geometry or the gravitational field . around the same time , bilson - thompson@xcite found that a composite or preon " model of the quarks , leptons and vector bosons could be coded in the possible ways that three ribbons can be braided and twisted .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
this suggested that the particles of the standard model could be discovered amidst the emergent braid states and their conserved quantum numbers associated with those of the standard model . one realization of this was then given in @xcite , for a particular class of dynamic quantum geometry models based on 3-valent quantum spin - networks obtained by gluing trinions together .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: a brief review of the nanoscale free - electron model of metal nanowires is presented . this continuum description of metal nanostructures allows for a unified treatment of cohesive and conducting properties . conductance channels act as delocalized chemical bonds whose breaking is responsible for jumps in the conductance and force oscillations . it is argued that surface and quantum - size effects are the two dominant factors in the energetics of a nanowire , and much of the phenomenology of nanowire stability and structural dynamics can be understood based on the interplay of these two competing factors . a linear stability analysis reveals a sequence of `` magic '' conductance values for which the underlying nanowire geometry is exceptionally stable . the stable configurations include jahn - teller deformed wires of broken axial symmetry . the model naturally explains the experimentally observed shell and supershell structures . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the past decades have seen an accelerating miniaturization of both mechanical and electrical devices , so that a better understanding of properties of ultrasmall systems is required in increasing detail . the first measurements of conductance quantization in the late 1980s @xcite in constrictions of two - dimensional electron gases formed by means of gates , have demonstrated the importance of quantum confinement effects in these systems and opened a wide field of research . a major step has been the discovery of conductance quantization in metallic nanocontacts @xcite : the conductance measured during the elongation of a metal nanowire is a steplike function where the typical step height is frequently near a multiple of the conductance quantum @xmath0 , where @xmath1 is the electron charge and @xmath2 planck s constant .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
surprisingly , this was initially not interpreted as a quantum effect but rather as a consequence of abrupt atomic rearrangements and elastic deformation stages . this interpretation , supported by a series of molecular dynamics simulations @xcite , was claimed to be confirmed by another pioneering experiment @xcite measuring simultaneously the conductance and the cohesive force of gold nanowires with diameters ranging from several ngstroms to several nanometers .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we perform molecular dynamics simulations on an interacting electron gas confined to a cylindrical surface and subject to a radial magnetic field and the field of the positive background . in order to study the system at lowest energy states that still carry a current , initial configurations are obtained by a special quenching procedure . we observe the formation of a steady state in which the entire electron - lattice cycles with a common uniform velocity . certain runs show an intermediate instability leading to lattice rearrangements . a hall resistance can be defined and depends linearly on the magnetic field with an anomalous coefficient reflecting the manybody contributions peculiar to two dimensions . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the advent of modern computers has made it possible to study many - dimensional dynamical systems in detail and to ferret out previously unsuspected characteristics . phenomena such as relaxation to equilibrium @xcite , lack of ergodicity @xcite , and connection of dynamical to statistical properties @xcite have been explored numerically . a category of models that continue to enjoy great attention is that of interacting - electron systems . in this paper. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
we consider a particular member of this class : the classical dynamics of the confined two - dimensional electron gas ( 2deg ) . while various aspects of 2deg have been well - studied , it remains a convenient and relatively tractable system to understand dynamical properties of complex systems .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we discuss the generalized second law ( gsl ) and the constraints imposed by it for two types of friedmann universes . the first one is the friedmann universe with radiation and a positive cosmological constant , and the second one consists of non - relativistic matter and a positive cosmological constant . the time evolution of the event horizon entropy and the entropy of the contents within the horizon are analyses in an analytical way by obtaining the hubble parameter . it is shown that the gsl constraint the temperature of both the radiation and matter of the friedmann universe . it is also shown that , even though the net entropy of the radiation ( or matter ) is decreasing at sufficiently large times as the universe expand , it exhibit an increase during the early times when universe is decelerating . that is the entropy of the radiation within the comoving volume is decreasing only when the universe has got an event horizon . keywords : friedmann universe , entropy , generalised second law . pacs : 04.70.dy,97.60lf,98.80jk,02.60jh,04.20cv . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: bekenstein and hawking have showed that the entropy of black holes is proportional to the area of their event horizon @xcite . in units of @xmath0 and @xmath1 , the black hole entropy is given as @xmath2 where @xmath3 is the area of event horizon of the black hole . hawking have shown that the black hole can evaporate by emitting radiation , consequently it s event horizon area decreases .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
he had also shown that the event horizon of the black hole posses temperature , which is inversely proportional to it s mass or proportional to it s surface gravity . during the process of evaporation the entropy of the black hole will decrease .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the laser interferometer space antenna ( lisa ) is expected to simultaneously detect many thousands of low frequency gravitational wave signals . this presents a data analysis challenge that is very different to the one encountered in ground based gravitational wave astronomy . lisa data analysis requires the identification of individual signals from a data stream containing an unknown number of overlapping signals . because of the signal overlaps , a global fit to all the signals has to be performed in order to avoid biasing the solution . however , performing such a global fit requires the exploration of an enormous parameter space with a dimension upwards of 50,000 . markov chain monte carlo ( mcmc ) methods offer a very promising solution to the lisa data analysis problem . mcmc algorithms are able to efficiently explore large parameter spaces , simultaneously providing parameter estimates , error analysis , and even model selection . here we present the first application of mcmc methods to simulated lisa data and demonstrate the great potential of the mcmc approach . our implementation uses a generalized f - statistic to evaluate the likelihoods , and simulated annealing to speed convergence of the markov chains . as a final step we super - cool the chains to extract maximum likelihood estimates , and estimates of the bayes factors for competing models . we find that the mcmc approach is able to correctly identify the number of signals present , extract the source parameters , and return error estimates consistent with fisher information matrix predictions . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the lisa observatory @xcite has incredible science potential , but that potential can only be fully realized by employing advanced data analysis techniques . lisa will explore the low frequency portion of the gravitational wave spectrum , which is thought to be home to a vast number of sources . since gravitational wave sources typically evolve on timescales that are long compared to the gravitational wave period , individual low frequency sources will be `` on '' for large fractions of the nominal three year lisa mission lifetime .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
moreover , unlike a traditional telescope , lisa can not be pointed at a particular point on the sky . the upshot is that the lisa data stream will contain the signals from tens of thousands of individual sources , and ways must be found to isolate individual voices from the crowd .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in the single degenerate ( sd ) scenario of type ia supernovae ( sne ia ) , the collision of the ejecta with its companion results in stripping hydrogen rich matter from the companion star . this hydrogen rich matter might leave its trace in the light curves and/or spectra . in this paper , we perform radiation hydrodynamical simulations of this collision for three binary systems . as a result , we find that the emission from the shock - heated region is not as strong as in the previous study . this weak emission , however , may be a result of our underestimate of the coupling between the gas and radiation in the shock interaction . therefore , though our results suggest that the observed early light curves of sne ia can not rule out binary systems with a short separation as the progenitor system , more elaborate numerical studies will be needed to reach a fair conclusion . alternatively , our results indicate that the feature observed in the early phase of a recent type ia sn 2014j might result from interaction of the ejecta with a red giant companion star . we also discuss the dependence of spectral features of h@xmath0 and si ii absorption lines on viewing angles and investigate whether they can constrain the event rate of the sd progenitor . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: type ia supernova ( sn ia ) is thought to originate from an accreting carbon - oxygen white dwarf ( wd ) in a binary system @xcite . however , it is uncertain what is the companion star supplying its mass . there are two scenarios to explain sne ia .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
one is the single degenerate ( sd ) scenario , in which the companion star is a main sequence or a red giant star @xcite . the envelope of the companion star overflows the roche lobe , and transfers to the surface of the wd .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present measurements of the masses and decay widths of the baryonic states @xmath0 and @xmath1 using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 711 fb@xmath2 collected with the belle detector at the kekb @xmath3 asymmetric - energy collider operating at the @xmath4 resonance . we report the mass differences with respect to the @xmath5 baryon @xmath6 and the decay widths @xmath7 where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second are systematic . the isospin mass splittings are measured to be @xmath8 mev/@xmath9 and @xmath10 mev/@xmath9 . these results are the most precise to date . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: properties of heavy - flavored hadrons such as masses and decay widths can , in principle , be described in the theoretical framework of quantum chromodynamics ( qcd ) . however , they are difficult to calculate in practice with the perturbative qcd technique due to the fact that the strong coupling constant @xmath11 is large in this low energy regime . to overcome this difficulty , other methods such as lattice qcd @xcite , heavy quark effective theory @xcite , quark model @xcite , qcd sum rule @xcite , and bag model @xcite are deployed .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the properties of the @xmath12 baryons have been measured by many experiments @xcite , but the total uncertainties of the world averages remain large @xcite . for example , the relative uncertainties of the decay widths are around 10% of their central values . furthermore , the relative uncertainty of the mass splitting @xmath13 is about 40% , and there is no significant measurement for the mass splitting @xmath14 @xcite . due to the mass hierarchy between the @xmath15 and @xmath16 quarks , one may expect that the @xmath17 @xmath18 baryon is heavier than the @xmath19 @xmath20 baryon ; however , many experimental results contradict this naive expectation @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: a random distribution of inert sites is introduced in the ziff - gulari - barshad model to study the phase transitions between active and poisoned states . the adsorption of @xmath0 and @xmath1 molecules is not possible at the position of the inert sites . this model is investigated in the site and pair approximations , as well as through monte carlo simulations . we determine the mean coverages of the elements as a function of the dilution and show that the continuous transition between the active and o - poisoned state is slightly affected by moderate values of dilution in the pair approximation and in the simulations . on the other hand , from the analysis of the hysteresis curves , the transition between the active and co - poisoned states changes from first - order to continuous as one increases the concentration of inactive sites . the observed transition in the site and pair approximations is always of first - order nature . we also found the lines of transition and spinodal points as a function of the concentration of inert sites . finally , the production rate of @xmath2 is calculated as a function of the dilution of sites . pacs number(s ) : 05.70.ln , 05.70.fh , 82.65.jv , 82.20.mj . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the study of nonequilibrium phase transitions is a topic of growing interest due to its application to a variety of complex systems@xmath3 : contact process , domain growth , catalysis , phase separation and transport phenomena . although there is no general theory to account for nonequilibrium model systems , in recent years some progress has been achieved in understanding the stationary states of these systems employing approximate analytical methods and simulations . some rigorous mathematical questions concerning the phase transitions of these complex interacting particle systems can be appreciated in the books of liggett@xmath4 and konno@xmath5 . in this paper. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
we focus our attention on the phase transitions observed in the surface reaction model proposed by ziff , gulari and barshad@xmath6 ( zgb ) , which describes some kinetic aspects of the oxidation of @xmath7 over a catalytic surface . in particular , here we consider a modified version of the zgb model , where we incorporate a random distribution of inert sites on the catalytic surface .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: this survey article deals with a delta potential - also known as a point scatterer - on flat 2d and 3d tori . we introduce the main conjectures regarding the spectral and wave function statistics of this model in the so - called weak and strong coupling regimes . we report on recent progress as well as a number of open problems in this field . [ section ] [ thm]lemma [ thm]proposition [ thm]corollary [ thm]conjecture [ thm]definition . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the point scatterer on a torus is a popular model to study the transition between integrable and chaotic dynamics in quantum systems . it rose to prominence in the quantum chaos literature in a famous paper of petr seba @xcite which dealt with the closely related case of rectangular billiards . the model first appeared in solid state physics @xcite in the 1930s to explain electronic band structure and conductivity in solid crystals .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
many applications arose in nuclear physics throughout the 1960s and 1970s , see for instance @xcite . the purpose of this article is to give an introduction to this important model which belongs to the class of pseudo - integrable systems and to report on some recent progress in this field .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the gaia satellite will provide unprecedented phase - space information for our galaxy and enable a new era of galactic dynamics . we may soon see successful realizations of galactoseismology , i.e. , inferring the characteristics of the galactic potential and sub - structure from a dynamical analysis of observed perturbations in the gas or stellar disk of the milky way . here , we argue that to maximally take advantage of the gaia data and other complementary surveys , it is necessary to build comprehensive models for both the stars and the gas . we outline several key morphological puzzles of the galactic disk and proposed solutions that may soon be tested . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: connecting the puzzling disturbances in both the gas and stellar disk of the milky way ( mw ) with the dark matter distribution of our galaxy and its dwarf companions may become possible in the gaia era ( perryman et al . gaia will provide parallaxes and proper motions for a billion stars down to @xmath0 ( de bruijne et al . 2014 ) and radial velocities for stars with @xmath1 . by now. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
, a plethora of stellar tidal streams have been discovered , including the sagittarius ( sgr ) tidal stream ( ibata et al . 1997 ) , the monoceros stream ( newberg et al .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we investigate the hydrodynamic limit for weakly asymmetric simple exclusion processes in crystal lattices . we construct a suitable scaling limit by using a discrete harmonic map . as we shall observe , the quasi - linear parabolic equation in the limit is defined on a flat torus and depends on both the local structure of the crystal lattice and the discrete harmonic map . we formulate the local ergodic theorem on the crystal lattice by introducing the notion of local function bundle , which is a family of local functions on the configuration space . the ideas and methods are taken from the discrete geometric analysis to these problems . results we obtain are extensions of ones by kipnis , olla and varadhan to crystal lattices . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the purpose of this paper is to discuss the hydrodynamic limit for interacting particle systems in the crystal lattice . problems of the hydrodynamic limit have been studied intensively in the case where the underlying space is the euclidean lattice . we extend problems to the case where the underlying space has geometric structures : the _ crystal lattice_. the crystal lattice is a generalization of classical lattice , the square lattice , the triangular lattice , the hexagonal lattice , the kagom lattice ( figure[crystals ] ) and the diamond lattice . before explaining difficulties for this extension and entering into details. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
, we motivate to study these problems . there are many problems on the scaling limit of interacting particle systems , which have their origins in the statistical mechanics and the hydrodynamics .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in this paper , we study the spin and energy dynamic correlations of the one dimensional spin 1/2 heisenberg model , using mostly exact diagonalization numerical techniques . in particular , observing that the uniform spin and energy currents decay to finite values at long times , we argue for the absence of spin and energy diffusion in the easy plane anisotropic heisenberg model . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: recently there has been a renewed interest in the finite temperature dynamics of the one dimensional spin 1/2 heisenberg model , especially on the question of diffusive spin transport@xcite . in particular , it was argued that the integrability of the model implies pathological spin dynamics and presumably the absence of spin diffusion@xcite . the role of conservation laws was pointed out in reference@xcite were it was shown that in several quantum integrable models the uniform ( @xmath0 ) current correlations do not decay to zero at long times .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
this result , established using the mazur inequality@xcite , suggests pathological finite temperature dynamics . as far as the heisenberg model is concerned , the analysis of conservation laws has shown that the energy current operator commutes with the hamiltonian , suggesting anomalous finite-(@xmath1 ) energy density correlations . however , for zero magnetic field , this method turned out to be insufficient for deciding about the decay of the uniform spin current correlations . this case
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we study the continuous - variable quantum teleportation of states , statistical moments of observables , and scale parameters such as squeezing . we investigate the problem both in ideal and imperfect vaidman - braunstein - kimble protocol setups . we show how the teleportation fidelity is maximized and the difference between output and input variances is minimized by using suitably optimized entangled resources . specifically , we consider the teleportation of coherent squeezed states , exploiting squeezed bell states as entangled resources . this class of non - gaussian states , introduced in references @xcite , includes photon - added and photon - subtracted squeezed states as special cases . at variance with the case of entangled gaussian resources , the use of entangled non - gaussian squeezed bell resources allows one to choose different optimization procedures that lead to inequivalent results . performing two independent optimization procedures one can either maximize the state teleportation fidelity , or minimize the difference between input and output quadrature variances the two different procedures are compared depending on the degrees of displacement and squeezing of the input states and on the working conditions in ideal and non - ideal setups . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: non - gaussian quantum states , endowed with properly enhanced nonclassical properties , may constitute powerful resources for the efficient implementation of quantum information , communication , computation and metrology tasks @xcite . indeed , it has been shown that , at fixed first and second moments , gaussian states _ minimize _ various nonclassical properties @xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
therefore , many theoretical and experimental efforts have been made towards engineering and controlling highly nonclassical , non - gaussian states of the radiation field ( for a review on quantum state engineering , see e.g. @xcite ) . in particular , several proposals for the generation of non - gaussian states have been presented @xcite , and some successful ground - breaking experimental realizations have been already performed @xcite . concerning continuous - variable ( cv ) quantum teleportation , to date
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: geometrically thick accretion flows may be present in black hole x - ray binaries observed in the low / hard state and in low - luminosity active galactic nuclei . unlike in geometrically thin disks , the angular momentum axis in these sources is not expected to align with the black hole spin axis . we compute images from three - dimensional general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of misaligned ( tilted ) accretion flows using relativistic radiative transfer , and compare the estimated locations of the radiation edge with expectations from their aligned ( untilted ) counterparts . the radiation edge in the tilted simulations is independent of black hole spin for a tilt of @xmath0 , in stark contrast to the results for untilted simulations , which agree with the monotonic dependence on spin expected from thin accretion disk theory . synthetic emission line profiles from the tilted simulations depend strongly on the observer s azimuth , and exhibit unique features such as broad blue wings . " coupled with precession , the azimuthal variation could generate time fluctuations in observed emission lines , which would be a clear `` signature '' of a tilted accretion flow . finally , we evaluate the possibility that the observed low- and high - frequency quasi - periodic oscillations ( qpos ) from black hole binaries could be produced by misaligned accretion flows . although low - frequency qpos from precessing , tilted disks remains a viable option , we find little evidence for significant power in our light curves in the frequency range of high - frequency qpos . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: in standard thin disk accretion theory @xcite , the angular momentum axis of the accretion flow is assumed to be aligned with the black hole spin axis . @xcite found that even if the initial angular momentum axis of the accretion flow is misaligned from the black hole spin axis , the inner part of the disk will still align on the viscous timescale . however , this so - called viscous " regime only operates when @xmath1 , where @xmath2 is the scale height of the accretion disk , and @xmath3 is the parameterized viscosity @xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
this is applicable in active galactic nuclei ( agn ) and the high / soft or thermal state of black hole x - ray binaries . on the other hand , advection - dominated accretion flows ( adafs ) are expected in the low / hard state of black hole x - ray binaries @xcite and in low - luminosity agn .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present a survey for transient and variable sources , on timescales from 28 seconds to @xmath01 year , using the murchison widefield array ( mwa ) at 182 mhz . down to a detection threshold of 0.285 jy , no transient candidates were identified , making this the most constraining low - frequency survey to date and placing a limit on the surface density of transients of @xmath1 deg@xmath2 for the shortest timescale considered . at these frequencies , emission from fast radio bursts ( frbs ) is expected to be detectable in the shortest timescale images without any corrections for interstellar or intergalactic dispersion . at an frb limiting flux density of 7980 jy , we find a rate of @xmath382 frbs per sky per day for dispersion measures @xmath3700 pc @xmath4 . assuming a cosmological population of standard candles , our rate limits are consistent with the frb rates obtained by @xcite if they have a flat spectral slope . finally , we conduct an initial variability survey of sources in the field with flux densities @xmath50.5 jy and identify no sources with significant variability in their lightcurves . however , we note that substantial further work is required to fully characterise both the short term and low level variability within this field . [ firstpage ] instrumentation : interferometers - techniques : image processing - catalogues - radio continuum : general . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: until recently , little was known about the population of transient sources at low radio frequencies due to the lack of previous dedicated , sensitive surveys . many of the known target transient populations are synchrotron sources , hence predicted to be faint and vary on long timescales at low radio frequencies ( such as afterglows from gamma - ray bursts and tidal disruption events ; for a recent review see * ? ? ? however , there are a number of different populations of sources that are expected to emit short duration bursts of low frequency coherent radio emission and are anticipated to be detectable in short snapshot low radio frequency images ( e.g. giant pulses from pulsars and flares from brown dwarfs or exoplanets ; * ? ? ?. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
* ; * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ?
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the accretion of matter onto a massive black hole is believed to feed the relativistic plasma jets found in many active galactic nuclei ( agn ) . although some agn accelerate particles to energies exceeding @xmath0 electron volts ( ev ) and are bright sources of very - high - energy ( vhe ) @xmath1-ray emission , it is not yet known where the vhe emission originates . here we report on radio and vhe observations of the radio galaxy m87 , revealing a period of extremely strong vhe @xmath1-ray flares accompanied by a strong increase of the radio flux from its nucleus . these results imply that charged particles are accelerated to very high energies in the immediate vicinity of the black hole . = 1 active galactic nuclei ( agn ) are extragalactic objects thought to be powered by massive black holes in their centres . they can show strong emission from the core , which is often dominated by broadband continuum radiation ranging from radio to x - rays and by substantial flux variability on different time scales . more than 20 agn have been established as vhe @xmath1-ray emitters with measured energies above @xmath2 tera electron volts ( tev ) ; the jets of most of these sources are believed to be aligned with the line - of - sight to within a few degrees . the size of the vhe @xmath1-ray emission region can generally be constrained by the time scale of the observed flux variability @xcite but its location remains unknown . we studied the inner structure of the jet of the giant radio galaxy m87 , a known vhe @xmath1-ray emitting agn @xcite with a @xmath3 black hole @xcite , scaled by distance , located @xmath4 ( 54 million light years ) away in the virgo cluster of galaxies . the angle between its plasma jet and the line - of - sight is estimated to lie between @xmath5 ( see supporting online text ) . the substructures of the jet , which are expected to scale with the schwarzschild radius @xmath6 of the black hole is defined as @xmath7 , @xmath8 is the gravitational constant , and.... And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: [ [ general - assumptions . ] ] general assumptions . + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + the luminosity distance of m87 is @xmath35 @xcite , so that an angle of @xmath36 milli - arc sec ( mas ) corresponds to @xmath37 . the mass of the central black hole has been recently determined using detailed modeling of long slit spectra of the central regions of m87 to be @xmath38 @xcite , corrected for the distance we use .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
as those authors point out , that mass is about @xmath39 higher than previous determinations @xcite , corrected for the different assumed distances . the reason for such a large change is not fully explained yet .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: traditional concept of cognitive radio is the coexistence of primary and secondary user in multiplexed manner . we consider the opportunistic channel access scheme in ieee 802.11 based networks subject to the interference mitigation scenario . according to the protocol rule and due to the constraint of message passing , secondary user is unaware of the exact state of the primary user . in this paper , we have proposed an online algorithm for the secondary which assist determining a backoff counter or the decision of being idle for utilizing the time / frequency slot unoccupied by the primary user . proposed algorithm is based on conventional reinforcement learning technique namely q - learning . simulation has been conducted in order to prove the strength of this algorithm and also results have been compared with our contemporary solution of this problem where secondary user is aware of some states of primary user . cognitive radio , ism band , reinforcement learning , optimization , q - learning . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: in terms of the role in increasing the efficiency and aggregate network throughput , cognitive radio concept plays differently than the conventional spectrum allocation methods @xcite . in cognitive networks , unlicensed secondary users opportunistically access radio bandwidth owned by licensed primary users in order to maximize their performance , while limiting interference to primary users communications . previously , cognitive radio mostly focused on a white space approach @xcite , where the secondary users are allowed to access only those time / frequency slots left unused by the licensed users . white space approach is based on zero interference rationale .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
but , due to noise and fading in channel and mechanism of channel sensing , errors in measurement are inevitable @xcite . therefore , in practical scenarios , there is some probability of having collision between primary and secondary users , which can be measured and used as a constraint for the optimization problem .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the _ hst _ proper motion ( pm ) measurements of the clouds have severe implications for their interaction history with the milky way ( mw ) and with each other . the clouds are likely on their first passage about the mw and the smc s orbit about the lmc is better described as quasi - periodic rather than circular . binary l / smc orbits that satisfy observational constraints on their mutual interaction history ( e.g. the formation of the magellanic bridge during a collision between the clouds @xmath0300 myr ago ) can be located within 1@xmath1 of the mean pms . however , these binary orbits are not co - located with the magellanic stream ( ms ) when projected on the plane of the sky and the line - of - sight velocity gradient along the lmc s orbit is significantly steeper than that along the ms . these combined results ultimately rule out a purely tidal origin for the ms : tides are ineffective without multiple pericentric passages and can neither decrease the velocity gradient nor explain the offset stream in a polar orbit configuration . alternatively , ram pressure stripping of an extended gaseous disk may naturally explain the deviation . the offset also suggests that observations of the little - explored region between ra 21@xmath2 and 23@xmath2 are crucial for characterizing the full extent of the ms . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the recent high - precision proper motion ( pm ) measurements of the l / smc determined by ( * ? ? ? * kallivayalil et al . ( 2006a , 2006b - hereafter k06a and k06b ; see also these proceedings ) ) imply that the magellanic clouds are moving @xmath0100 km / s faster than previously estimated and now approach the escape velocity of the milky way ( mw ) . * besla et al . ( 2007 ) ) ( hereafter b07 ) re - examined the orbital history of the clouds using the new pms and a @xmath3cdm - motivated mw model and found that the l / smc are either on their first passage about the mw or , if the mass of the mw is @xmath4 , that their orbital period and apogalacticon distance are a factor of three larger than previously estimated .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
this means that models of the magellanic stream ( ms ) need to reconcile the fact that although the efficient removal of material via tides and/or ram pressure requires multiple pericentric passages through regions of high gas density , the pms imply that the clouds did not pass through perigalacticon during the past @xmath55 gyr ( this is true even if a high mass mw model is adopted ) . while the most dramatic consequence of the new pms is the limit they place on the interaction timescale of the clouds with the mw , there are a number of other equally disconcerting implications : the relative velocity between the clouds has increased such that only a small fraction of the orbits within the pm error space allow for stable binary l / smc orbits ( k06b , b07 ) ; the velocity gradient along the orbit is much steeper than that observed along the ms ; and the past orbits are not co - located with the ms on the plane of the sky ( b07 ) . in these proceedings
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the three - body energy - dependent effective interaction given by the bloch - horowitz ( bh ) equation is evaluated for various shell - model oscillator spaces . the results are applied to the test case of the three - body problem ( @xmath0h and @xmath0he ) , where it is shown that the interaction reproduces the exact binding energy , regardless of the parameterization ( number of oscillator quanta or value of the oscillator parameter @xmath1 ) of the low - energy included space . we demonstrate a non - perturbative technique for summing the excluded - space three - body ladder diagrams , but also show that accurate results can be obtained perturbatively by iterating the two - body ladders . we examine the evolution of the effective two - body and induced three - body terms as @xmath1 and the size of the included space @xmath2 are varied , including the case of a single included shell , @xmath3 . for typical ranges of @xmath1 , the induced effective three - body interaction , essential for giving the exact three - body binding , is found to contribute @xmath410% to the binding energy . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: techniques in popular use in the nuclear three - body problem include the faddeev@xcite , green s function monte carlo ( gfmc ) , and correlated hyper - spherical harmonics expansion methods ( see , for instance , refs.@xcite ) . these methods have been used with realistic phenomenological potentials ( _ e.g. _ av18@xcite , , cd - bonn@xcite , etc . . . ) with strong short - range interactions , yielding binding energies accurate to within @xmath5%@xcite . all of these methods treat the bare @xmath6 interactions in hilbert spaces that are effectively infinite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
because the complexity of the hilbert spaces grows very rapidly with nucleon number a , the extension of such methods to heavier systems becomes increasingly difficult . this motivates another approach : solving a - body problems in more tractable finite `` included spaces , '' while accounting for the missing physics of the `` excluded space '' through an effective interaction . for shell - model - inspired effective theories
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the purpose of this paper is to study the harmonicity of maps to or from para - sasakian manifolds . we derive the condition for the tension field of paraholomorphic map between almost para - hermitian manifold and para - sasakian manifold . the necessary and sufficient condition for a paraholomorphic map between para - sasakian manifolds to be parapluriharmonic are shown and a non - trivial example is presented for its illustrations . dst / inspire/03/2014/001552 . ] . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the study of harmonic maps was initiated by f. b. fuller , j. nash and j. h. sampson @xcite while the first general result on the existence of harmonic maps is due to eells - sampson @xcite . harmonic maps are extrema ( critical points ) of the energy functional defined on the space of smooth maps between riemannian ( pseudo - riemannian ) manifolds . the trace of the second fundamental form of such maps vanishes . more precisely , let @xmath0 , @xmath1 be pseudo - riemannian manifolds and @xmath2 denotes the sections of the tangent bundle @xmath3 of @xmath4 , that is , the space of vector fields on @xmath4 . then _. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
@xmath5 of a smooth map @xmath6 is defined by the formula @xmath7 where @xmath8 is the volume measure associated to the metric @xmath9 and the _ energy density _ @xmath10 of @xmath11 is the smooth function @xmath12 given by @xmath13 for each @xmath14 . in the above equation @xmath15 is a linear map @xmath16 therefore it can be considered as a section of the bundle @xmath17 where @xmath18 is the pullback bundle having fibres @xmath19 , @xmath14 and @xmath20 is the pullback metric on @xmath21 . if we denote by @xmath22 and @xmath23 the levi - civita connections on @xmath24 and @xmath25 respectively ,
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: production in association with an electroweak vector boson @xmath0 is a distinctive mode of production for a higgs boson @xmath1 without tree - level couplings to fermions , known as a fermiophobic higgs boson . we focus on @xmath2 associated production with @xmath1 decay into a pair of photons , and @xmath0 into a pair of jets , with the goal of distinguishing a fermiophobic higgs boson from the standard model higgs boson . performing a simulation of the signal and pertinent qcd backgrounds , and using the same event selection cuts employed by the lhc atlas collaboration , we argue that existing lhc data at 7 tev with 4.9 fb@xmath3 of integrated luminosity may distinguish a fermiophobic higgs boson from a standard model higgs boson near 125 gev at about 1.9 standard deviation signal significance ( @xmath4 ) per experiment . at 8 tev we show that associated production could yield @xmath5 significance per experiment with 10 fb@xmath3 of data . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: evidence in the past year from experiments at the cern large hadron collider ( lhc ) @xcite and the fermilab tevatron @xcite encourages a strong sense of anticipation that the long - sought neutral higgs boson is on the verge of discovery with mass in the vicinity of 125 gev . as more data are analyzed , and the lhc energy is increased from 7 to 8 tev , experimental investigations will naturally turn toward determination of the properties of the observed mass enhancement particularly , the branching fractions into pairs of gauge bosons , standard model fermions , and possibly other states . the original formulation of electroweak symmetry breaking focused on couplings of the higgs boson to massive gauge bosons @xcite . tree - level yukawa couplings between fermions and higgs bosons came later in the current version of the `` standard model '' ( sm ) in which the higgs boson serves as the agent for generation of fermion masses as well as gauge boson masses . proposals have also been made of higgs doublets @xcite or triplets @xcite in which the higgs boson is explicitly `` fermiophobic , '' namely , without tree - level couplings to fermions . in this paper. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
, we emphasize a measurement that offers the possibility to test a broad class of models where higgs boson couplings to fermions , if they exist , are small enough that they do not affect the branching fractions to gauge bosons . we focus on @xmath2 associated production where @xmath1 decays into a pair of photons , @xmath6 , and @xmath7 , @xmath8 decays into a pair of jets , @xmath9 .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we study measurement of the cp property of the higgs boson at a photon linear collider . one method where we take advantage of interference between higgs - production and background amplitudes is proposed . a broad peak of the photon energy spectrum is helpful in observing the energy dependence of the interference effects . numerical results for the process @xmath0 are shown as an example . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: in the standard model ( sm ) , the electroweak symmetry breaking results in a physical neutral cp - even higgs boson . there also exist various models extended by increasing higgs fields , such as the multi - higgs doublet model where there are extra two neutral and two charged physical higgs bosons for each additional doublet . if cp is a good symmetry in the higgs sector , one of the extra neutral bosons is cp - even and the other is cp - odd . if cp is not invariant , all of the higgs states which have same quantum numbers except for the cp property can be mixed in their mass eigenstates .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
then , physical higgs bosons do not have definite cp parity . one of the notable advantages of a photon linear collider ( plc ) is to provide information about the cp property of the higgs boson by use of linear polarizations of colliding photons . defining @xmath1 two - photon states as @xmath2 and @xmath3 where @xmath4 indicate their helicities with @xmath5 units
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present an analytic model for the fully nonlinear power spectrum @xmath0 and bispectrum @xmath1 of the cosmological mass density field . the model is based on physical properties of dark matter halos , with the three main model inputs being analytic halo density profiles , halo mass functions , and halo - halo spatial correlations , each of which has been well studied in the literature . we demonstrate that this new model can reproduce the power spectrum and bispectrum computed from cosmological simulations of both an @xmath2 scale - free model and a low - density cold dark matter model . to enhance the dynamic range of these large simulations , we use the synthetic halo replacement technique of ma & fry ( 2000 ) , where the original halos with numerically softened cores are replaced by synthetic halos of realistic density profiles . at high wavenumbers , our model predicts a slope for the nonlinear power spectrum different from the often - used fitting formulas in the literature based on the stable clustering assumption . our model also predicts a three - point amplitude @xmath1 that is scale dependent , in contrast to the popular hierarchical clustering assumption . this model provides a rapid way to compute the mass power spectrum and bispectrum over all length scales where the input halo properties are valid . it also provides a physical interpretation of the clustering properties of matter in the universe . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: two conceptual pictures of galaxy clustering have been examined in the literature , the continuous hierarchical clustering model and the power - law cluster model ( peebles 1980 , 61 ) . in the hierarchical clustering model , which has emerged as the accepted model over the past two decades , galaxy clustering is characterized by power - law correlation functions : the @xmath3-point correlation function @xmath4 scales with configuration size as @xmath5 , where @xmath6 and the two - point correlation function goes as @xmath7 . the hierarchical model is motivated by the observed power - law behavior @xmath8 of galaxy correlations ( groth & peebles 1977 ; fry & peebles 1978 ) , with a theoretical basis in a self - similar , scale - invariant solution to the equations of motion ( davis & peebles 1977 ) .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the alternative power - law cluster model has an even longer history ( neyman & scott 1952 ; peebles 1974 , 1980 ; mcclelland & silk 1977 ; scherrer & bertschinger 1991 ; sheth & jain 1997 ; valageas 1998 ; yano & gouda 1999 ) . in this model , galaxies are placed in spherical clumps that are assumed to follow a power - law density profile @xmath9 , with the centers of the clumps distributed randomly .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we compare the position of an ordering transition in a metal to that in a superconductor . for the spin density wave ( sdw ) transition , we find that the quantum critical point shifts by order @xmath0 , where @xmath1 is pairing amplitude , so that the region of sdw order is smaller in the superconductor than in the metal . this shift is larger than the @xmath2 shift predicted by theories of competing orders which ignore fermi surface effects . for ising - nematic order , the shift from fermi surface effects remains of order @xmath3 . we discuss implications of these results for the phase diagrams of the cuprates and the pnictides . we conclude that recent observations imply that the ising - nematic order is tied to the square of the sdw order in the pnictides , but not in the cuprates . = 10000 . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the interplay between spin density wave ( sdw ) ordering and superconductivity clearly plays a central role in the physics of a variety of quasi two - dimensional correlated electron materials . this is evident from recent studies of the phase diagram of the ferro - pnictides @xcite and the ` 115 ' family of heavy - fermion compounds @xcite . in the cuprates , it has been argued that @xmath4-wave superconductivity is induced by sdw fluctuations in a metal @xcite , and this has been the starting point for numerous studies of the complex phase diagram @xcite . in all these materials. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
, there is a regime of co - existence between sdw ordering and superconductivity , and this opens the way to a study of the ` competition ' between these orders @xcite : this competition can be tuned by an applied magnetic field , as has been studied in a number of revealing experiments @xcite on the lsco and ybco series of superconductors . this paper will discuss a question that arises naturally in the study of such competing orders @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we have observed warm molecular hydrogen in two nearby edge - on disk galaxies , ngc 4565 and ngc 5907 , using the _ spitzer _ high - resolution infrared spectrograph . the 00 s(0 ) 28.2 @xmath0 m and 00 s(1 ) 17.0 @xmath0 m pure rotational lines were detected out to 10 kpc from the center of each galaxy on both sides of the major axis , and in ngc 4565 the s(0 ) line was detected at @xmath1 = 15 kpc on one side . this location is beyond the transition zone where diffuse neutral atomic hydrogen starts to dominate over cold molecular gas , and marks a transition from a disk dominated by high surface - brightness far - ir emission to that of a more quiescent disk . it also lies beyond a steep drop in the radio continuum emission from cosmic rays in the disk . despite indications that star formation activity decreases with radius , the @xmath2 excitation temperature and the ratio of the @xmath2 line and the far - ir luminosity surface densities , @xmath3(l@xmath4)/@xmath3(l@xmath5 ) , change very little as a function of radius , even into the diffuse outer region of the disk of ngc 4565 . this suggests that the source of excitation of the @xmath2 operates over a large range of radii , and is broadly independent of the strength and relative location of uv emission from young stars . although excitation in photodissociation regions is the most common explanation for the widespread @xmath2 emission , cosmic ray heating or shocks can not be ruled out . at @xmath1 = 15 kpc in ngc 4565 , outside the main uv and radio continuum - dominated disk , we derived a higher than normal @xmath2 to 7.7 @xmath0 m pah emission ratio , but this is likely due to a transition from mainly ionized pah molecules in the inner disk to mainly neutral pah molecules in the outer disk . the inferred mass surface densities of warm molecular hydrogen in both edge - on galaxies differ substantially , being 4(60 ) m@xmath6 pc@xmath7 and 3(50 ) m@xmath6 pc@xmath7 at @xmath1 = 10 kpc for ngc 4565 and ngc 5907 ,.... And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: m _ spitzer_/irac image of ngc 5907 . spectra from @xmath9 10 to 37 @xmath0mwere taken at the nucleus and at distances of 5 , 10 , and 15 kpc from the nucleus along the galaxy s major axis.,width=377 ] the physical conditions and excitation mechanisms of atomic and molecular gas in the outer disks of nearby spiral galaxies are only beginning to be explored . most of this gas is thought to be neutral atomic hydrogen ( ) , or cold ( t @xmath10 50 k ) molecular hydrogen ( @xmath2 ) .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the presence of cold @xmath2 is usually inferred only by indirect means via observations of carbon monoxide ( co ) , and quantified by assuming an ( uncertain ) empirical conversion factor between the two molecules . direct detection of @xmath2 is preferable .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the strongly coupled phase of yang - mills plasma with arbitrary gauge group is studied in a @xmath0-matrix approach . the existence of lowest - lying glueballs , interpreted as bound states of two transverse gluons ( quasi - particles in a many - body set up ) , is analyzed in a non - perturbative scattering formalism with the input of lattice - qcd static potentials . glueballs are actually found to be bound up to 1.3 @xmath1 . starting from the @xmath0-matrix , the plasma equation of state is computed by resorting to dashen , ma and bernstein s formulation of statistical mechanics and favorably compared to quenched lattice data . special emphasis is put on su(@xmath2 ) gauge groups , for which analytical results can be obtained in the large-@xmath2 limit , and predictions for a @xmath3 gauge group are also given within this work . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: more than two decades after pioneering works @xcite , the phenomenology related to the deconfined phase of qcd , _ i.e. _ the quark - gluon plasma ( qgp ) is still a fascinating topic both experimentally and theoretically . on the experimental side , the qcd matter was or is studied in heavy - ion collisions ( rhic , sps , fair , lhc ) . these experiments seem to show that the qgp behaves like a perfect fluid . on the theoretical side , the study of qcd at finite temperature deserves also much interest because it is a challenging problem in itself and because of the many connections with experiments . the aim of this work is to study the thermodynamic features of qgp by resorting to a @xmath0-matrix approach .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the power of this approach is that the bound states and scattering states of the system can be studied in a whole picture . such an approach has already proved to give relevant results in the study of hadronic matter above the critical temperature of deconfinement ( @xmath1 ) @xcite but has not yet been applied to compute the equation of state ( eos ) .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we emphasize that the estimation of cosmological parameters from cosmic microwave background ( cmb ) anisotropy data , such as the recent high resolution maps from boomerang and maxima-1 , requires assumptions about the primordial spectra . the latter are predicted from inflation . the physically best - motivated scenario is that of slow - roll inflation . however , very often , the unphysical power - law inflation scenario is ( implicitly ) assumed in the cmb data analysis . we show that the predicted multipole moments differ significantly in both cases . we identify several misconceptions present in the literature ( and in the way inflationary relations are often combined in popular numerical codes ) . for example , we do not believe that , generically , inflation predicts the relation @xmath0 for the spectral indices of scalar and tensor perturbations or that gravitational waves are negligible . we calculate the cmb multipole moments for various values of the slow - roll parameters and demonstrate that an important part of the space of parameters @xmath1 has been overlooked in the cmb data analysis so far . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: accurate measurements of the cosmic microwave background ( cmb ) anisotropies provide an excellent mean to probe the physics of the early universe , in particular the hypothesis of inflation . recently , scientists working with the boomerang @xcite and maxima-1 @xcite cmb experiments announced the clear detection of the first acoustic peak at an angular scale @xmath2 , which confirms the most important prediction of inflation : the universe seems to be spatially flat @xcite . in the framework of inflation cmb anisotropies follow from the basic principles of general relativity and quantum field theory .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
to predict the multipole moments of these cmb anisotropies two ingredients are necessary : the initial spectra of scalar and tensor perturbations and the `` transfer functions '' , which describe the evolution of the spectra since the end of inflation . the transfer functions depend on cosmological parameters such as the hubble constant ( @xmath3 ) , the total energy density ( @xmath4 ) , the density of baryons ( @xmath5 ) , the density of cold dark matter ( @xmath6 ) and the cosmological constant ( @xmath7 ) . for the analysis of cmb maps it is a reasonable first step to test the most simple and physical model of the early universe : slow - roll inflation with a single scalar field .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in this paper we show the results of a large set of @xmath0-body simulations modelling the evolution of globular clusters driven by relaxation , stellar evolution , disk shocking and including the effects of the tidal field of the galaxy . we investigate the evolution of multi - mass models with a power - law initial mass function ( imf ) starting with different initial masses , concentrations , slopes of the imf and located at different galactocentric distances . we show to what extent the effects of the various evolutionary processes alter the shape of the imf and to what extent these changes depend on the position of the cluster in the galaxy . both the changes in the global mass function and in the local one ( measured at different distances from the cluster center ) are investigated showing whether and where the local mass function keeps memory of the imf and where it provides a good indication of the current global mass function . the evolution of the population of white dwarfs is also followed in detail and we supply an estimate of the fraction of the current value of the total mass expected to be in white dwarfs depending on the main initial conditions for the cluster ( mass and position in the galaxy ) . simple analytical expression by which it is possible to calculate the main quantities of interest ( total mass , fraction of white dwarfs , slope of the mass function ) at any time @xmath1 for a larger number of different initial conditions than those investigated numerically have been derived . 6ngc 6397 globular clusters : general stellar dynamics . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: investigation of the mass function of globular clusters is of great importance for a variety of problems in astrophysics covering star formation processes , the dynamical evolution of stellar systems and the nature of dark matter in the galaxy . large progress has been made in recent years both by ground based observation and , more recently , thanks to observations by hst . nevertheless most of issues concerning the shape of the initial mass function ( imf ) , its dependence on cluster parameters , the actual relevance of dynamical processes in its evolution and the relation between the imf and the present - day mass function ( pdmf ) are still matters of debate . the first investigation addressing the dependence of the slope of the mass function on cluster structural parameters and metallicity was carried out by mcclure et al .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
( 1986 ) who found the slope of the pdmf for a sample of six galactic clusters to be correlated with their metallicity , the low - metallicity clusters having steeper mass functions . in subsequent work capaccioli , ortolani & piotto ( 1991 ) , piotto ( 1991 ) and capaccioli , piotto & stiavelli ( 1993 ) have considered a larger sample of clusters and have questioned the conclusion of mcclure et al . and showed the correlation between the slope of the pdmf and the position of the cluster in the galaxy to be stronger than that with the metallicity . finally djorgovski , piotto & capaccioli ( 1993 ) have addressed this problem again by multivariate statistical methods and have concluded that both the position in the galaxy ( galactocentric distance and height above the disk ) and the metallicity play some role in determining the slope of the pdmf but the former is more important than the latter .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we report on eso very large telescope optical spectroscopy of 42 bl lacertae objects of unknown redshift . nuclear emission lines were observed in 12 objects , while for another six we detected absorption features due to their host galaxy . the new high s / n spectra therefore allow us to measure the redshift of 18 sources . five of the observed objects were reclassified either as stars or quasars , and one is of uncertain nature . for the remaining 18 the optical spectra appear without intrinsic features in spite of our ability to measure rather faint ( ew @xmath00.1 ) spectral lines . for the latter sources a lower limit to the redshift was set exploiting the very fact that the absorption lines of the host galaxy are undetected on the observed spectra . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: bl lac objects ( hereinafter bl lacs or bll ) are active galactic nuclei ( agn ) characterized by luminous , rapidly variable uv to nir non thermal continuum emission and polarization , strong compact flat spectrum radio emission and superluminal motion . similar properties are observed also in flat spectrum radio quasars ( fsrq ) and the two types of active nuclei are often grouped together in the blazar class . from the spectroscopical point of view bl lacs are characterized by quasi featureless optical spectra .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
in fact their spectra are often dominated by the non thermal continuum that arises from the nucleus . to this emission it is superimposed a thermal contribution due to the stellar component of the host galaxy .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in this paper we address the inconsistency of the ekf - based slam algorithm that stems from non - observability of the origin and orientation of the global reference frame . we prove on the non - linear two - dimensional problem with point landmarks observed that this type of inconsistency is remedied using the invariant ekf , a recently introduced variant of the ekf meant to account for the symmetries of the state space . extensive monte - carlo runs illustrate the theoretical results . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the problem of simultaneous localization and mapping ( slam ) has a rich history over the past two decades , which is too broad to cover here , see e.g. @xcite . the extended kalman filter ( ekf ) based slam ( the ekf - slam ) has played an important historical role , and is still used , notably for its ability to close loops thanks to the maintenance of correlations between remote landmarks . the fact that the ekf - slam is inconsistent ( that is , it returns a covariance matrix that is too optimistic , see e.g. , @xcite , leading to inaccurate estimates ) was early noticed @xcite and has since been explained in various papers @xcite . in the present paper. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
we consider the inconsistency issues that stem from the fact that , as only relative measurements are available , the origin and orientation of the earth - fixed frame can never be correctly estimated , but the ekf - slam tends to think " it can estimate them as its output covariance matrix reflects an information gain in those directions of the state space . this lack of observability , and the poor ability of the ekf to handle it , is notably regarded as the root cause of inconsistency in @xcite ( see also references therein ) . in the present paper
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we consider self - localization of a small number of bose particles immersed in a large homogeneous superfluid mixture of fermions in three and one dimensional spaces . bosons distort the density of surrounding fermions and create a potential well where they can form a bound state analogous to a small polaron state . in the three dimensional volume we observe the self - localization for repulsive interactions between bosons and fermions . in the one dimensional case bosons self - localize as well as for attractive interactions forming , together with a pair of fermions at the bottom of the fermi sea , a vector soliton . we analyze also thermal effects and show that small non - zero temperature affects the pairing function of the fermi - subsystem and has little influence on the self - localization phenomena . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: ultra - cold atomic gases offer possibilities for realizations of complex mathematical models used in different fields of physics with an unprecedented level of the experimental control @xcite . for example , condensed matter phenomena like the superfluid - mott insulator transition and the bose - glass phase or the anderson localization effects can be experimentally investigated @xcite . fermionic gases , in particular fermi superfluids , have received a lot of attention , especially after the observation of the transition between the superfluid bardeen - cooper - schrieffer ( bcs ) pairs and the bose - einstein condensate ( bec ) of diatomic molecules @xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the behavior of a small _ object _ immersed in degenerate quantum gases has been investigated by several authors @xcite . for example , weak interactions between a single impurity atom and particles of a large bec can be described by the perturbation theory . for stronger interactions
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we analyze continuous - time quantum walks on necklace graphs cyclical graphs consisting of many copies of a smaller graph ( pearl ) . using a bloch - type ansatz for the eigenfunctions , we block - diagonalize the hamiltonian , reducing the effective size of the problem to the size of a single pearl . we then present a general approach for showing that the mixing time scales ( with growing size of the necklace ) similarly to that of a simple walk on a cycle . finally , we present results for mixing on several necklace graphs . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: classical random walks on form the basis for many successful physics - inspired algorithms . the evolution of probability distributions according to simple update rules for probability spreading allows us to sample from thermal distributions ( via the metropolis algorithm @xcite ) or to look for ground - states of physical systems(with simulated annealing @xcite ) . the effectiveness of random - walk based algorithms can be characterized by its mixing time ( how fast it approaches the stationary distribution ) , or by a hitting time ( how fast it reaches a particular vertex ) . for example , the fast mixing of a random walk algorithm for sampling from the thermal distribution of the ising model @xcite forms the basis of a fully polynomial randomized approximation scheme for the permanent of a matrix @xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
thinking about how to utilize the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics , instead of analyzing the diffusion of probabilities , we can ask what happens if we let the amplitudes in a system whose interactions respect some graph structure evolve according to the schrdinger equation . the result of this way of thought are _ quantum walks _
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present _ hubble space telescope _ ( _ hst _ ) observations of the exceptionally bright and luminous _ swift _ gamma - ray burst , grb 130427a . at @xmath0 this burst affords an excellent opportunity to study the supernova and host galaxy associated with an intrinsically extremely luminous burst ( @xmath1 erg ) : more luminous than any previous grb with a spectroscopically associated supernova . we use the combination of the image quality , uv capability and and invariant psf of _ hst _ to provide the best possible separation of the afterglow , host and supernova contributions to the observed light @xmath217 rest - frame days after the burst utilising a host subtraction spectrum obtained 1 year later . acs grism observations show that the associated supernova , sn 2013cq , has an overall spectral shape and luminosity similar to sn 1998bw ( with a photospheric velocity , @xmath3 km s@xmath4 ) . the positions of the bluer features are better matched by the higher velocity sn 2010bh ( @xmath5 km s@xmath4 ) , but this sn is significantly fainter , and fails to reproduce the overall spectral shape , perhaps indicative of velocity structure in the ejecta . we find that the burst originated @xmath24 kpc from the nucleus of a moderately star forming ( 1 m@xmath6 yr@xmath4 ) , possibly interacting disc galaxy . the absolute magnitude , physical size and morphology of this galaxy , as well as the location of the grb within it are also strikingly similar to those of grb980425/sn 1998bw . the similarity of supernovae and environment from both the most luminous and least luminous grbs suggests broadly similar progenitor stars can create grbs across six orders of magnitude in isotropic energy . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the connection between long duration gamma - ray bursts ( lgrbs ) and hydrogen poor type ic supernovae has become well established based on the detection of spectroscopic signatures of these supernovae accompanying a handful of relatively local grbs ( e.g. , * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ?. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
* ; * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ?
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the fiber g - ratio is the ratio of the inner to the outer diameter of the myelin sheath of a myelinated axon . it has a limited dynamic range in healthy white matter , as it is optimized for speed of signal conduction , cellular energetics , and spatial constraints . _ in vivo _ imaging of the g - ratio in health and disease would greatly increase our knowledge of the nervous system and our ability to diagnose , monitor , and treat disease . mri based g - ratio imaging was first conceived in 2011 , and expanded to be feasible in full brain with preliminary results in 2013 . this manuscript reviews the growing g - ratio imaging literature and speculates on future applications . it details the methodology for imaging the g - ratio with mri , and describes the known pitfalls and challenges in doing so . g - ratio , mri , myelin imaging , diffusion mri , white matter , microstructure . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: * this article reviews the recently developed g - ratio imaging framework . * confounds in the methodology are detailed . * recent progress and applications are reviewed .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the g - ratio is an explicit quantitative measure of the relative myelin thickness of a myelinated axon , given by the ratio of the inner to the outer diameter of the myelin sheath . both axon diameter and myelin thickness contribute to neuronal conduction velocity , and given the spatial constraints of the nervous system and cellular energetics , an optimal g - ratio of roughly 0.6 - 0.8 arises @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we carry out an explicit calculation of the vacuum polarization tensor for an effective low - energy model of monolayer graphene in the presence of a weak magnetic field of intensity @xmath0 perpendicularly aligned to the membrane . by expanding the quasiparticle propagator in the schwinger proper time representation up to order @xmath1 , where @xmath2 is the unit charge , we find an explicitly transverse tensor , consistent with gauge invariance . furthermore , assuming that graphene is radiated with monochromatic light of frequency @xmath3 along the external field direction , from the modified maxwell s equations we derive the intensity of transmitted light and the angle of polarization rotation in terms of the longitudinal ( @xmath4 ) and transverse ( @xmath5 ) conductivities . corrections to these quantities , both calculated and measured , are of order @xmath6 . our findings generalize and complement previously known results reported in literature regarding the light absorption problem in graphene from the experimental and theoretical points of view , with and without external magnetic fields . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: one decade has gone by since the earlier groundbreaking experiments performed by andrei geim and konstantin novoselov @xcite ( nobel laureates in physics in 2010 ) to isolate single layer membranes of graphite , graphene . soon after , theoretical @xcite and experimental @xcite groups highlighted the properties of charge carriers in this material which resemble much to ultrarelativistic electrons , thus establishing a bridge between solid state and particle physics ( see , for instance , refs . graphene has given rise to the new era of dirac materials with potential applications in nanotechnology , but also offering an opportunity to test the core of fundamental physics in a condensed matter environment .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
mechanical , thermal and electronic properties of this two - dimensional crystal locate it among the best candidates to replace silicon in nanotechnological devices , basically due to its hardness , yet flexibility , high electron mobility and thermal conductivity @xcite . crystal structure of graphene consists in a honeycomb array of tightly packed carbon atoms , thus allowing an accurate tight - binding description . at low energies ,
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we study entanglement dynamics of a couple of two - level atoms resonantly interacting with a cavity mode and embedded in a dispersive atomic environment . we show that in the absence of the environment the entanglement reaches its maximum value when only one exitation is involved . then , we find that the atomic environment modifies that entanglement dynamics and induces a typical collapse - revival structure even for an initial one photon fock state of the field . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: entanglement generation between two atomic qubits has attracted considerable attention during the last two decades due to its importance in various quantum information processes @xcite . those ideal processes , such as quantum teleportation , quantum cryptography , and quantum computation algorithms are strongly related to the capability of generating bipartite entanglement @xcite . however , in real quantum systems there are uncontrollable interactions with the surrounding environment which usually lead to a decoherence resulting in the destruction of the entanglement . recently , several effects of different kinds of noisy environments , specifically bosonic environment @xcite , and fermionic environment @xcite on the entanglement dynamics have been extensively studied .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
especial effort was applied to find decoherence free entangled states @xcite . for instance , b. kraus and j. i. cirac @xcite show that two atoms can get entangled by interacting with a common source of squeezed light and the steady state is maximally entangled even though the modes are subjected to cavity losses .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we have investigated the ram - pressure stripping of disk galaxies in clusters at various redshifts and in cluster progenitors ; the clusters grow up on a hierarchical clustering scenario . we consider a radially infalling galaxy whose initial position and velocity are given by a spherical collapse model of structure formation . moreover , since observations show that the intracluster medium ( icm ) of nearby clusters is non - gravitationally heated , we study the effect of the non - gravitational heating on the ram - pressure stripping . for a given redshift , we find that ram - pressure stripping has more influence on galaxies in more massive clusters . on the other hand , for a given mass , it has more influence on galaxies in the clusters at higher redshifts . in particular , we predict that in rich clusters at @xmath0 , most of the galaxies are affected by the ram - pressure stripping . while the non - gravitational heating significantly reduces the influence of ram - pressure stripping on galaxies in clusters with mass smaller than @xmath1 , it does not affect the influence in richer clusters . if the icm is heated non - gravitationally at @xmath2 , ram - pressure stripping does not occur at @xmath3 in the progenitors of clusters observed at @xmath4 , because the heat makes the icm fraction of the cluster progenitors small . on the other hand , if the icm is heated non - gravitationally at @xmath5 for the first time , the ram - pressure stripping occurs even at @xmath6 . we compare the results with the observations of galaxies in clusters at various redshifts . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: by comparing observations of galaxies in clusters at @xmath7 with those in clusters at @xmath5 , we infer that some environmental effects in clusters have influences on the evolution of the galaxies . @xcite found that clusters at @xmath7 have a high fraction of blue galaxies in comparison with nearby clusters , and subsequent works have confirmed this trend ( e.g. * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ?. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
* ; * ? ? ? recent observations with the _ hubble space telescope _ ( hst ) revealed details of the blue galaxies . @xcite and @xcite found that most of the blue galaxies are normal spirals with active star formation . on the other hand ,
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we argue that geometrical scaling ( gs ) proposed originally in the context of deep inelastic scattering ( dis ) at hera works also in pp collisions at the lhc energies and in na61/shine experiment . we show that in dis gs is working up to relatively large bjorken @xmath0 . as a consequence negative pion multiplicity @xmath1 distributions at na61/shine energies exhibit gs in mid rapidity region . for @xmath2 clear sign of scaling violations can be seen when one of the colliding partons has bjorken @xmath3 . finally , we argue that in the case of identified particles gs scaling is still present but the scaling variable is a function of transverse mass rather than @xmath1 . + + pacs number(s ) :,12.38.lg . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: this talk based on refs . @xcite@xcite ( where also an extensive list of references can be found ) follows closely an earlier report of ref . we shall discuss the scaling law , called geometrical scaling ( gs ) , which has been introduced in the context of dis @xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
it has been also shown that gs is exhibited by the @xmath4 spectra at the lhc @xcite@xcite and that an onset of gs can be seen in heavy ion collisions at rhic energies @xcite . at low bjorken @xmath5 gluonic cloud in the proton is characterized by an intermediate energy scale @xmath6 , called saturation scale @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we calculate the distribution of the conductance @xmath0 in a one - dimensional disordered wire at finite temperature @xmath1 and bias voltage @xmath2 in a independent - electron picture and assuming full coherent transport . at high enough temperature and bias voltage , where several resonances of the system contribute to the conductance , the distribution @xmath3 can be represented with good accuracy by autoconvolutions of the distribution of the conductance at zero temperature and zero bias voltage . the number of convolutions depends on @xmath1 and @xmath2 . in the regime of very low @xmath1 and @xmath2 , where only one resonance is relevant to @xmath4 , the conductance distribution is analyzed by a resonant tunneling conductance model . strong effects of finite @xmath1 and @xmath2 on the conductance distribution are observed and well described by our theoretical analysis , as we verify by performing a number of numerical simulations of a one - dimensional disordered wire at different temperatures , voltages , and lengths of the wire . analytical estimates for the first moments of @xmath3 at high temperature and bias voltage are also provided . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the continuous progress in the fabrication of small electronic circuits has kept active the theoretical study of quantum electronic transport . for example , transport properties in point contacts , atomic chains , carbon nanotubes , and quantum wires are currently under experimental investigations . although the theoretical study of electronic transport in mesoscopic systems where the phase coherence of electrons is preserved along the whole device has been of great interest for several decades , these recent experimental advances have further renewed the motivation of theoreticians for studying the electronic transport through one - dimensional structures . in a disordered mesoscopic wire. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the random position of impurities gives a stochastic character to the electronic transport . therefore , it is of particular relevance the analysis of the statistical properties of transport quantities like the conductance . on the theoretical side , there is a full description of the statistical properties of the conductance in quasi - one - dimensional disordered systems within an independent - electron picture at zero temperature @xmath1 and `` zero bias '' ( actually , infinitesimally small voltage ) @xmath2 .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: @xmath0lie algebras are natural generalisations of lie algebras ( @xmath1 ) and lie superalgebras ( @xmath2 ) . we give finite dimensional examples of @xmath0lie algebras obtained by an inductive process from lie algebras and lie superalgebras . matrix realizations of the @xmath0lie algebras constructed in this way from @xmath3 are given . we obtain a non - trivial extension of the poincar algebra by an inn - wigner contraction of a certain @xmath0lie algebras with @xmath4 . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: describing the laws of physics in terms of underlying symmetries has always been a powerful tool . lie algebras and lie superalgebras are central in particle physics , and the space - time symmetries can be obtained by an inn - wigner contraction of certain lie ( super)algebras . @xmath0lie algebras @xcite , a possible extension of lie ( super)algebras , have been considered some times ago as the natural structure underlying fractional supersymmetry ( fsusy ) @xcite ( one possible extension of supersymmetry ) . in this contribution. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
we show how one can construct many examples of finite dimensional @xmath0lie algebras from lie ( super)algebras and finite - dimensional fsusy extensions of the poincar algebra are obtained by inn - wigner contraction of certain @xmath0lie algebras . the natural mathematical structure , generalizing the concept of lie superalgebras and relevant for the algebraic description of fractional supersymmetry was introduced in @xcite and called an @xmath0lie algebra .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present the first magnetic map of the late - type giant 37 com . the least squares deconvolution ( lsd ) method and zeeman doppler imaging ( zdi ) inversion technique were applied . the chromospheric activity indicators h@xmath0 , s - index , caii irt and the radial velocity were also measured . the evolutionary status of the star has been studied on the basis of state - of - the - art stellar evolutionary models and chemical abundance analysis . 37 com appears to be in the core helium - burning phase . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: 37 com is the primary star of a wide triple system ( tokovinin 2008 ) , but the synchronisation effect plays no role for its fast rotation and activity . its significant photometric and caii h&k emission variabilities were presented by strassmeier et al . ( 1997 ; 1999 ) and de medeiros et al .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
( 1999 ) and interpreted as signatures of magnetic activity . observational data for 37 com were obtained with two twin fiber - fed echelle spectropolarimeters narval ( 2 m tbl at pic du midi observatory , france ) and espadons ( 3.6 m cfht ) .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the pilot system development in metre - scale negative laboratory discharges is studied with ns - fast photography . the systems appear as bipolar structures in the vicinity of the negative high - voltage electrode . they appear as a result of a single negative streamer propagation and determine further discharge development . such systems possess features like glowing beads , bipolarity , different brightness of the top and bottom parts , and mutual reconnection . a 1d model of the ionization evolution in the spark gap is proposed . in the process of the nonlinear development of ionization growth , the model shows features similar to those observed . the visual similarities between high - altitude sprites and laboratory pilots are striking and may indicate that they are two manifestations of the same natural phenomenon . version of + . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: pilot systems play an important role in negative discharge development process . in metre - scale spark pilots appear as bipolar formations from a point in space called `` space stem '' and grow in both directions away from and towards the high - voltage electrode . in longer gaps pilots can transform into space leaders @xcite . such space leaders also appear in front of a lightning leader channel , grow in both directions and finally attach to the main channel .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the stepped propagation is a common feature of both negative long laboratory sparks and lightning leaders . lightning leader steps are also closely associated with discrete intense bursts of x - ray radiation @xcite and may even be responsible for terrestrial gamma - ray flashes ( tgfs ) , as was previously suggested in @xcite and recently modeled in @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the understanding of the accretion process on to compact objects in binary systems is an important part of modern astrophysics . theoretical work , primarily that of ghosh & lamb ( 1979 ) , has made clear predictions for the behaviour of such systems which have been generally supported by observational results of considerably varying quality from galactic accreting pulsar systems . in this work a much larger homogeneous population of such objects in the small magellanic cloud ( smc ) is used to provide more demanding tests of the accretion theory . the results are extremely supportive of the theoretical models and provide useful statistical insights into the manner in which accreting pulsars behave and evolve . [ firstpage ] stars : neutron - x - rays : binaries . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the be / x - ray systems represent the largest sub - class of all high mass x - ray binaries ( hmxb ) . a survey of the literature reveals that of the @xmath0240 hmxbs known in our galaxy and the magellanic clouds ( liu et al . , 2005 , 2006 ) , @xmath150% fall within this class of binary . in fact , in recent years it has emerged that there is a substantial population of hmxbs in the smc comparable in number to the galactic population . though unlike the galactic population , all except one of the smc hmxbs are be star systems . in these systems. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the orbit of the be star and the compact object , presumably a neutron star , is generally wide and eccentric . x - ray outbursts are normally associated with the passage of the neutron star close to the circumstellar disk ( okazaki & negueruela 2001 ) , and generally are classified as types i or ii ( stella , white & rosner , 1986 ) .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we study the star formation history for a sample of 154 galaxies with stellar mass @xmath0 in the redshift range @xmath1 . we do this using stellar population models combined with full - spectrum fitting of good quality spectra and high resolution photometry . for a subset of 68 galaxies ( @xmath2 ) we additionally construct dynamical models . these use an axisymmetric solution to the jeans equations , which allows for velocity anisotropy , and adopts results from abundance matching techniques to account for the dark matter content . we find that : ( i ) the trends in star formation history observed in the local universe are already in place by @xmath3 : the most massive galaxies are already passive , while lower mass ones have a more extended star formation histories , and the lowest mass galaxies are actively forming stars ; ( ii ) we place an upper limit of a factor 1.5 to the size growth of the massive galaxy population ; ( iii ) we present strong evidence for low dark matter fractions within 1 ( median of 9 per cent and 90th percentile of 21 per cent ) for galaxies with @xmath4 at these redshifts ; and ( iv ) we confirm that these galaxies have , on average , a salpeter normalisation of the stellar initial mass function . [ firstpage ] galaxies : evolution - galaxies : formation - galaxies : stellar content - galaxies : haloes - galaxies : high redshift . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: currently , one of the key quests of astrophysics is to understand and model the processes that guide the formation and evolution of galaxies . great strides have been made over the past few decades and with the advancement of technology , such as ever larger telescopes taking ever larger surveys of thousands of galaxies within an ever larger redshift range ( e.g. * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ?. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
* ; * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ?
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we point out that there is a missing portion in the two - loop effective potential of the massless @xmath0 @xmath1 theory obtained by jackiw in his classic paper , phys . rev . d 9 , 1686 ( 1974 ) . ~ . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the effective potential in quantum field theory plays a crucial role in connection with the problem of the spontaneous symmetry breaking . in this field there are three classic papers @xcite . coleman and weinberg@xcite were the first ones to calculate the higher - order effective potential of a scalar field at one loop level by summing up an infinite number of feynman graphs .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
jackiw@xcite has used the feynman path - integral method to obtain a simple formula for the effective potential . he has succeeded in representing each loop order containing an infinite set of conventional feynman graphs by finite number of graphs using this algebraic method which can formally be extended to the arbitrary higher - loop order . in ref .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present far - infrared ( fir ) and submillimeter photometry from the _ herschel _ _ space observatory s spectral and photometric imaging receiver _ ( spire ) for 313 nearby ( @xmath0 ) active galactic nuclei ( agn ) . we selected agn from the 58 month _ swift _ burst alert telescope ( bat ) catalog , the result of an all - sky survey in the 14195 kev energy band , allowing for a reduction in agn selection effects due to obscuration and host galaxy contamination . we find 46% ( 143/313 ) of our sample is detected at all three wavebands and combined with our pacs observations represents the most complete fir spectral energy distributions of local , moderate luminosity agn . we find no correlation between the 250 , 350 , and 500 @xmath1 m luminosities with 14195 kev luminosity , indicating the bulk of the fir emission is not related to the agn . however , seyfert 1s do show a very weak correlation with x - ray luminosity compared to seyfert 2s and we discuss possible explanations . we compare the spire colors ( @xmath2 and @xmath3 ) to a sample of normal star - forming galaxies , finding the two samples are statistically similar , especially after matching in stellar mass . but a color - color plot reveals a fraction of the _ herschel_-bat agn are displaced from the normal star - forming galaxies due to excess 500 @xmath1 m emission ( @xmath4 ) . our analysis shows @xmath4 is strongly correlated with the 14195 kev luminosity and 3.4/4.6 @xmath1 m flux ratio , evidence the excess is related to the agn . we speculate these sources are experiencing millimeter excess emission originating in the corona of the accretion disk . [ firstpage ] galaxies : active galaxies : seyfert galaxies : photometry infrared : galaxies methods : data analysis . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the star formation rate ( sfr ) of galaxies sets the rate at which galaxies grow and evolve and is the one of the most important measures for understanding the hierarchical build - up of our universe over cosmic time . large scale simulations , however , have shown that unregulated star formation leads to an overabundance of high mass galaxies ( e.g. * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ?. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
* ; * ? ? ? therefore some process ( or processes ) must be able to stop , or `` quench , ''
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we propose a scheme of increasing quantum correlations for the cavity quantum electrodynamics system consisting of two noninteracting two - level atoms each locally interacting with its own quantized field mode by bang - bang pulses . we investigate the influence of the bang - bang pulses on the dynamics of quantum discord , entanglement , quantum mutual information and classical correlation between the two atoms . it is shown that the amount of quantum discord and entanglement of the two atoms can be improved by applying the bang - bang pulses . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: quantum entanglement is at the heart of the current development of quantum information and quantum computation [ 1 ] . it is a special quantum correlation and has been recognized as an important resource in quantum information processing [ 2 - 4 ] . the experimental demonstrations of two - particle entanglement and multi - particle entanglement in the cavity quantum electrodynamics ( qed ) have been reported [ 5 , 6 ] . some applications which focus on the entanglement or the nonclassical correlations. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
have also been realized in recent experiments [ 7 - 10 ] . however , the entanglement is not the only type of quantum correlation and there exist quantum tasks that display quantum advantage without entanglement [ 11 - 14 ] . it has been demonstrated both theoretically [ 15 - 17 ] and experimentally [ 18 ] that other nonclassical correlation , namely , quantum discord [ 19 ] can be responsible for the computational speedup for certain quantum tasks .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in various astronomical projects it is crucial to have coordinates indexed tables . all sky optical and ir catalogues have up to 1 billion objects that will increase with forthcoming projects . also partial sky surveys at various wavelengths can collect information ( not just source lists ) which can be saved in coordinate ordered tables . selecting a sub - set of these entries or cross - matching them could be un - feasible if no indexing is performed . sky tessellation with various mapping functions have been proposed . it is a matter of fact that the astronomical community is accepting the htm and healpix schema as the default for object catalogues and for maps visualization and analysis , respectively . within the mcs library project , we have now made available as mysql - callable functions various htm and healpix facilities . this is made possible thanks to the capability offered by mysql 5.1 to add external plug - ins . the dif ( dynamic indexing facilities ) package distributed within the mcs library , creates and manages a combination of views , triggers , db - engine and plug - ins allowing the user to deal with database tables indexed using one or both these pixelisation schema in a completely transparent way . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: spatial indexes has always been an important issue for multi dimensional data sets in relational databases ( dbs ) , in particular for those dealing with spherical coordinates , e.g. latitude / longitude for earth locations or ra / dec for celestial objects . some db servers offer built - in capabilities to create indexes on these ( coordinate ) columns which consequently speed up the execution of queries involving them . however 1 . the use of these facilities could be not easy , 2 .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
they typically use a syntax quite different from the astronomical one , 3 . their performance is inadequate for the astronomical use . within the mcs library project ( calderone & nicastro 2007 ; nicastro & calderone 2006 , 2007 ; ) we have implemented the dif package , a tool which performs and manages in a fully automatic way the sky pixelisation with both the htm ( kunszt et al .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the quark - meson coupling model , based on a mean - field description of non - overlapping nucleon bags bound by the self - consistent exchange of @xmath0 , @xmath1 and @xmath2 mesons , is extended to investigate the change of hadron properties in finite nuclei . relativistic hartree equations for spherical nuclei have been derived from a relativistic quark model of the structure of bound nucleons and mesons . using this unified , self - consistent description of both infinite nuclear matter and finite nuclei , we investigate the properties of some closed - shell nuclei , and study the changes in the hadron masses of the non - strange vector mesons , the hyperons and the nucleon in those nuclei . we find a new , simple scaling relation for the changes of the hadron masses , which can be described in terms of the number of non - strange quarks in the hadron and the value of the scalar mean - field in a nucleus . = 0 cm = 0 cm = 0 cm = 23 cm = 16 cm adp-96 - 40/t236 variation of hadron masses in finite nuclei k. saito + physics division , tohoku college of pharmacy + sendai 981 , japan + k. tsushima and a. w. thomas + department of physics and mathematical physics + university of adelaide , south australia , 5005 , australia pacs numbers : , 21.60.-n , 21.90.+f , 24.85.+p . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: one of the most exciting topics in nuclear physics is the study of the variation of hadron properties as the nuclear environment changes . in particular , the medium modification of the light vector - mesons is receiving a lot of attention , both theoretically and experimentally . recent experiments from the helios-3 @xcite and the ceres @xcite collaborations at the sps / cern energies have shown that there exists a large excess of the @xmath3 pairs in central s + au collisions . those experimental results may give a hint of some change of hadron properties in nuclei @xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
forthcoming , ultra - relativistic heavy - ion experiments ( eg . at rhic ) are also expected to give significant information on the strong interaction ( qcd ) , through the detection of changes in hadronic properties ( for a review , see ref.@xcite ) . theoretically , lattice qcd simulations may eventually give the most reliable information on the density and/or temperature dependence of hadron properties in matter .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: most vega - like stars have far - infrared excess ( 60@xmath0 or longward in _ iras , iso , or spitzer mips _ bands ) and contain cold dust ( @xmath1150k ) analogous to the sun s kuiper - belt region . however , dust in a region more akin to our asteroid belt and thus relevant to the terrestrial planet building process is warm and produces excess emission in mid - infrared wavelengths . by cross - correlating hipparcos dwarfs with the msx catalog , we found that ef cha , a member of the recently identified , @xmath210myr old , `` cha - near '' moving group , possesses prominent mid - infrared excess . n - band spectroscopy reveals a strong emission feature characterized by a mixture of small , warm , amorphous and possibly crystalline silicate grains . survival time of warm dust grains around this a9 star is @xmath3 yrs , much less than the age of the star . thus , grains in this extra - solar terrestrial planetary zone must be of `` second generation '' and not a remnant of primodial dust and are suggestive of substantial planet formation activity . such second generation warm excess occurs around @xmath2 13% of the early - type stars in nearby young stellar associations . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: in our solar system , zodiacal dust grains are warm ( @xmath4150k ) and found within @xmath23au of the sun . slow but persistent collisions between asteroids complemented by material released from comets now replenish these particles . similar warm dust particles around other stars are also expected and would be manifested as excess mid - infrared emission .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the implication of `` warm '' excess stars for the terrestrial planet - building process has prompted many searches including several pointed observing campaigns with _ however , a lack of consensus of what constitutes a `` warm excess '' has resulted in ambiguity and some confusion in the field .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: myles hollander was born in brooklyn , new york , on march 21 , 1941 . he graduated from carnegie mellon university in 1961 with a b.s . in mathematics . in the fall of 1961 , he entered the department of statistics , stanford university , earning his m.s . in statistics in 1962 and his ph.d . in statistics in 1965 . he joined the department of statistics , florida state university in 1965 and retired on may 31 , 2007 , after 42 years of service . he was department chair for nine years 19781981 , 19992005 . he was named professor emeritus at florida state upon retirement in 2007 . hollander served as editor of the _ journal of the american statistical association , theory and methods _ , 19941996 , and was an associate editor for that journal from 1985 until he became _ theory and methods _ editor - elect in 1993 . he also served on the editorial boards of the _ journal of nonparametric statistics _ ( 19931997 ; 20032005 ) and _ lifetime data analysis _ ( 19942007 ) . hollander has published over 100 papers on nonparametric statistics , survival analysis , reliability theory , biostatistics , probability theory , decision theory , bayesian statistics and multivariate analysis . he is grateful for the generous research support he has received throughout his career , most notably from the office of naval research , the u.s . air force office of scientific research , and the national institutes of health . myles hollander has received numerous recognitions for his contributions to the profession . he was elected fellow of the american statistical association ( 1972 ) and the institute of mathematical statistics ( 1973 ) , and became an elected member of the international statistical institute ( 1977 ) . at florida state university he was named distinguished researcher professor ( 1996 ) , he received the professorial excellence award ( 1997 ) , and in 1998 he was named the robert o. lawton distinguished professor , an award made to only one faculty member per year and.... And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: * samaniego : * it s a real pleasure to be back at florida state , myles . i spent my first postdoctoral year in the statistics department here , and i have many fond memories . though we ve been friends for over 35 years , there are many details of your life and career that i m looking forward to hearing more about . let s start somewhere near the beginning .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
i know that you began your college career at carnegie mellon as an engineering major . can you tell me how you got interested in statistics ?
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we consider the nonlinear scattering theory for three - terminal thermoelectric devices , used for power generation or refrigeration . such a system is a quantum phase - coherent version of a thermocouple , and the theory applies to systems in which interactions can be treated at a mean - field level . we consider an arbitrary three - terminal system in any external magnetic field , including systems with broken time - reversal symmetry , such as chiral thermoelectrics , as well as systems in which the magnetic field plays no role . we show that the upper bound on efficiency at given power output is of quantum origin and is stricter than carnot s bound . the bound is exactly the same as previously found for two - terminal devices , and can be achieved by three - terminal systems with or without broken time - reversal symmetry . thus the bound appears to be universal for two - terminal and three - terminal ( chiral and non - chiral ) thermoelectrics . -25 mm ( a ) the three - terminal machine ( heat - engine or refrigerator ) that we consider , the exchange of electrons with reservoir m carries a heat current , @xmath0 , but not an electrical current , @xmath1 . ( b ) a chiral thermoelectric device reproduced from ref . [ ] . ( c ) a system in which photons deliver the heat , this can be phenomenologically modelled by ( a ) , see section [ sect : voltage - probe ] . , title="fig : " ] @xmath2 . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: thermodynamics was the great product of nineteenth century physics ; it is epitomised by the concept that there is an upper bound on the efficiency of any thermodynamic machine , known as the carnot limit . this concept survived the quantum revolution with little more than a scratch ; at present few physicists believe that a quantum machine can produce a significant amount of work at an efficiency exceeding the carnot limit . however , carnot s limit is only achievable for vanishing power output .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
it was recently observed that quantum mechanics imposes a _ stricter _ upper bound on the efficiency at finite power output@xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: grb 010921 was the first hete-2 grb to be localized via its afterglow emission . the low - redshift of the host galaxy , @xmath0 , prompted us to undertake intensive multi - color observations with the _ hubble space telescope _ with the goal of searching for an underlying supernova component . we do not detect any coincident supernova to a limit 1.34 mag fainter than sn 1998bw at 99.7% confidence , making this one of the most sensitive searches for an underlying sn . analysis of the afterglow data allow us to infer that the grb was situated behind a net extinction ( milky way and the host galaxy ) of @xmath1 mag in the observer frame . thus , had it not been for such heavy extinction our data would have allowed us to probe for an underlying sn with brightness approaching those of more typical type ib / c supernovae . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: since the discovery of gamma - ray burst ( grb ) afterglows there has been growing evidence linking grbs to massive stars : the host galaxies of grbs are star - forming galaxies and the position of grbs appear to trace the blue light of young stars @xcite ; some of the host galaxies appear to be dusty with star - formation rates comparable to ultra - luminous infrared galaxies @xcite . on smaller spatial scales , there is growing evidence tying grbs to regions of high ambient density @xcite and the so - called dark grbs arise in or behind regions of high extinction @xcite . however , the most direct evidence linking grbs to massive stars comes from observations of underlying supernovae ( sne ) and x - ray lines .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the presence of x - ray lines would require a significant amount of matter on stellar scales ( e.g. @xcite ) , as may be expected in models involving the death of massive stars . however , to date , these detections ( e.g. @xcite ) have not been made with high significance .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: diffusive properties of a monodisperse system of interacting particles confined to a _ quasi_-one - dimensional ( q1d ) channel are studied using molecular dynamics ( md ) simulations . we calculate numerically the mean - squared displacement ( msd ) and investigate the influence of the width of the channel ( or the strength of the confinement potential ) on diffusion in finite - size channels of different shapes ( i.e. , straight and circular ) . the transition from single - file diffusion ( sfd ) to the two - dimensional diffusion regime is investigated . this transition ( regarding the calculation of the scaling exponent ( @xmath0 ) of the msd @xmath1 @xmath2 ) as a function of the width of the channel , is shown to change depending on the channel s confinement profile . in particular the transition can be either smooth ( i.e. , for a parabolic confinement potential ) or rather sharp / stepwise ( i.e. , for a hard - wall potential ) , as distinct from infinite channels where this transition is abrupt . this result can be explained by qualitatively different distributions of the particle density for the different confinement potentials . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: there is a considerable theoretical and practical interest in the dynamics of systems of interacting particles in confined geometries @xcite . single - file diffusion ( sfd ) refers to a one - dimensional ( 1d ) process where the motion of particles in a narrow channel ( e.g. , _ quasi_-1d systems ) is limited such that particles are not able to cross each other . as a consequence ,. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the system diffuses as a whole resulting in anomalous diffusion . the mechanism of sfd was first proposed by hodgkin and keynes @xcite in order to study the passage of molecules through narrow pores . since the order of the particles