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last week besiphothula ukugeza idlozi for ugogo ndonga (not her real name). im veri hapi that everything went well. i even told ugogo vusamahlathi that this is too good to be true. she was lucky for the first time she spoke to umkhulu wami, that is my mom's great grand father lo engisebenza ngaye. during the ritual nje wakhuphuka umkhulu washo akushoyo. two days later lafika idlozi lakubo lamvusa elele ebsuku bamtshela ukuthi angimenzeleni, three days later kwafika mina ebsuku however this made me realise ukuthi idlozi soze saliqonda coz mina bengizilalele at work and i did not even feel a thing emoyeni....this got me thinking ukuthi omkhulu kushukuthi bayazulazula babheke bonke abantwana babo bedlozi. im veri hapi for her, especially since we told her with ugogo that akakazuthwasa manje intwaso nje inte kude naye. thina asithwasisi every person ongena ngesango njengalezangoma that take pride ukuthi zinamathwasa agcwele igceke. umuntu uthwasa ngoba seliphakeme lagezwa idlozi lakhe and seli ready ukuthi lithwase lizifunela lona. some of you nafika nahamba and never returned because i refused to thwasisa you.... what kind of a person are you uzifunela ukuthwasa idlozi lingekho ready. its like ingane ena 8 years izcelela ukwenzu grade 12. why nifuna ukuya ezinyangeni nizcelele ukuthi kudlalwe ngani, i dont nid inkomo yakho yokuthwasisa if ngazi that angenzi kona ngesikhathi esifanele. that is why ke we want to do a series of rituals and cleansing for the people esingakafiki iskhathi sokuthi bathwase and when the time is right idlozi lingaku khomba elsewhere not that uzothwasa la kithi. but in the meanwhile kwehle ulaka ukwazi ukuxhumana nabo. kunamathwasa amabili very sharp and they are able to hlola but they are not aware. uma idlozi likhuluma nabo i can see it in their eyes bt bona badoubte and thats the level we want all of you to get to ukwazi ukuzwa idlozi lakho deep within ungakathwasi uzenzele wena. hooooot issssue | d4f6a64a3114bb2c317823470addbc4740f31f75bae398592602de97e3a15003 | 317 | 1,636 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.630915 | 0.63 | 5 | en |
i was born in st. louis, missouri, a show--me gal who loves creative expression. i went to siue and swic after i retired from the legal typing profession. i've authored two books, sculpting the heart's poetry, and sculpting the heart: surviving depression with art therapy, many poems, articles and news events on art therapy. if you are happy, you will enjoy my books, ebooks and website articles at www.sculptingtheheart.com. if you're not happy, you need them. they are filled with inspirational music, poetry, pictures of my clay art work, articles and activities for your inner artist! for me, this book was an exploration, and most of the time, it was an exscuse to live perpetually in fantasy--land; a way to avoid all the mental and physical problems of an imperfect world. every word written is a victory against dysfunction. not everybody gets a second chance at living a worthwhile life. i thankfully, did. writing and making art put me in touch with my inner artist who was choking to create a new me, a happy, self--achieving me. i've been slowly and quietly growing and changing into the person i've always wanted to be, a writer, a poet and an authority on surviving depression with art therapy. it is my hope this book will help others as much as writing it helped me. i'm winged for art therapy. http://wingedforarttherapy.com/ nonfiction, poetry/art/art therapy/depression/how--to/self--help | b832356d3ea4dbf5481f6a40aa3efc963ac26f2df9f54a3dc177a12a55acceea | 231 | 1,179 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9 | en |
lapho ngibona lokhu, angizange ngibone ukubaluleka kokuqhubeka ngiphikisana nomfundisi uliu, ngakho ngayeka ukukhuluma. kodwa umfundisi wayesenokuningi ayefuna ukukusho: ""uyazi ukuthi bathi inkosi ibuye isenyameni njengowesifazane izokwenza umsebenzi?"" lapho ngizwa lokhu ngabona kufanele ngiphendule: ""noma yisiphi isimo inkosi esithathayo lapho ibuya ukuzokwenza umsebenzi kuyisinqumo sikankulunkulu. singabantukazana nje abancane, abadalwe ngunkulunkulu, pho singawubekela kanjani imithetho umsebenzi kankulunkulu? ebhayibhelini kuthi: ‘noma ngubani obe ngumeluleki wayo?’ (bheka abaseroma 11:34). amazwi kankulunkulu usomandla athi: ‘abantu akumele bachaze umsebenzi kankulunkulu; ngaphezu kwalokho, abantu abakwazi ukuchaza umsebenzi kankulunkulu. emehlweni kankulunkulu, umuntu mncane ngisho kunentuthwane, ngakho umuntu angawuqonda kanjani umsebenzi kankulunkulu?’ (kwesithi isandulelo sethi izwi livela lisenyameni ). unkulunkulu ungumdali wazo zonke izinto futhi ukuhlakanipha kukankulunkulu kudlula yonke into, ngakho--ke noma unkulunkulu enza umsebenzi noma kanjani akudingeki ukuba abuze kithina bantu kuqala!"" lapho ngibona ukuthi babengenantshisekelo nencane yokufuna nokuphenya umsebenzi kankulunkulu wezinsuku zokugcina, kodwa nje befuna ukukhetha kuphela babheke amathuba okuhlasela nokuhlambalaza unkulunkulu futhi bangivimbele ukuba ngamukele umsebenzi kankulunkulu wezinsuku zokugcina, nganquma ukungaqhubeki nengxoxo. umbuzo wami wokugcina kubo: ""ingabe nina nike nacabanga ukuthi ukufika kwenu e--salon namuhla kuzothikameza kanjani umsebenzi wami lapha?"" ngamangala kakhulu, lapho umfundisi eqamba amanga aluhlaza phambi kwami: ""umphathi wakho akazi ukuthi le ngxoxo imayelana nani."" ukube ngangimuzwe esho lokho ngaphambilini ngangizokwethuka ukuthi lo mfundisi—indoda eshumayeza futhi eyala abantu futhi eyazi ibhayibheli kangaka—ingakhuluma amanga asobala kangaka. kodwa ngemva kokuba nje ngibezwe beqamba amanga ahlambalaza unkulunkulu, angibange ngisamangala. ngokusobala kwakuyinto evamile ukuba baqambe amanga. ngafikelwa amazwi enkosi ujesu: “ningabakayihlo udeveli, futhi niyokwenza izinkanuko zikayihlo. wayengumbulali kwasekuqaleni, futhi akazange ahlale eqinisweni, ngoba iqiniso lingekho kuye.when he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it” (ujohane 8:44). enhliziyweni yami ngasho la mazwi kunkulunkulu: ""ngiyabonga, nkulunkulu! uvumele lesi sehlakalo ukuthi senzeke kimi namhlanje ukuze ngibone ukuthi abanakho ukuqonda amaqiniso. ungivumele ngabona ukuthi bangabaqambimanga ababhebhethekisa amanga futhi bakhohlise abantu. bangabafarisi abangabazenzisi."" ngangingasenalutho olunye engangizolusho kubo futhi ngase ngifuna ukuhamba ngokushesha. | e5d5bec445927a41346ddeb146726c4a3339de0203623d947e73322d8a4642ef | 310 | 2,418 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.97 | 5 | tl |
Ukuzila kwaNtu kuhamba nentlonipho kulento izakwenzeka phakathi kwekhaya. Kuqalwa ukuzilwa nokunika intlonipho ukususela ngalamini bekuhlelwi kwibhunga. Ibhunga ke kulapho kuhlala khona abantu bekhaya bebonisana ngalomcimbi uzakwenziwa, ukuba kuzakuba khona idini kujongwe umkhonto wekhaya ukuba uwulungele na lomsebenzi, intlabi imi njani neminyanya yekhaya, imo apha phakathi kwekhaya injani na – akukho magqubu, akukho bantu banentliziyo ezigobileyo, njalo njalo. Kwezantsuku zisondele imini yomcimbi wonke umntu kufanele alale apha ekhayeni(kulendawo izakuba nomcimbi – abantu bancame i bhedi zabo bazolala kwezi zalapha) enomzi wakhe umntu engenawo. Lamini yomcimbi kufane ibeyimini ezolileyo, ezele yimigcobo nochulumanco kungabikho zikhali, zijwili, milwo(ngakumbi kubantu abangqamelene ngqo nomcimbi). Kuthi ke izinto zangenziwa ngendlela ubone kusenzeka izinto ngezinto eziphazamisa umcimbi – okanye ungabikho kwa wona. Ngamanye amaxesha into esetyenzisiweyo ukwenza idini ingavumi ingakhali okanye ithi sele ikhalile kubekho imilwo, izigezo zisenziwa ngabekhaya. – Ndiyayazi xa kuthethwa ngomba wokuzila abantu bacinga ngokufa kuphela Kanti akusoloko kunjalo. Ngoku ndizakunaba ngokuzila phambi koba kubekho umsebenzi ekhayeni. Kuzilwa noba kuzakwenziwa idini okanye alizukwenziwa, into engundoqo kukuba kuzakuthethwa nabo balele ukuthula, amathambo amhlophe. Camagu.... – ngamanye ke amaxesha suba kungekho nto ethongiweyo okanye esilelayo kwimicimbi yekhaya. Uve kuthwa uJongi ubulela ooSkhomo ngayo yonke into abamenzele yona, okanye ucela iintsikelelo – kuthwa ke kukhanda iyeza. Apha akubikho dini kodwa abanezinwe baye baxhele bapheke kodwa lonto ixheliweyo ibe ingatheth’into. Kumcimbi ololuhlobo kuyasilwa nje utywala besiNtu – ukuba icamagu livumile lizakubonwa kulafatyi. – kwindawo ngeendawo, nakumakhaya ngamakhaya kuyaziwa ukuba xa kwenzeke into ethile kufanelwe izinto zihambe ngendlela ethile. Umzekelo xa ikhaya lithe lashiywa ngutata kuyaziwa ukuba kufanele akhatshwe, abuyiswe. Nalapho ngokwekhaya elo kwenziwa idini ngalonto isetyenziswayo likhaya, ze abantu bekhaya banikezele ngabanako ukuqinisekisa ukuba yonke into iyaphumelela. – Kuxhomekeka kuhlobo lomcimbi ozakwenziwa ze wazi ukuba uzakusebenzisa ntoni na okanye yintoni ozakwenza ngayo idini. Wena mntu uzakwenza idini, unikezela ngento onayo ezakuthi ibelulutho ekuqabeliseni umcimbi lowo. Zininzi iindlela ekuthi kutyhileke ngazo uhlobo lomcimbi okufanele wenziwe, umzekelo, kusenokutyhilwa ngethongo okanye ibeyinto ekufaneleke yenziwe ngenxa yesehlo esithile – nalapho kuxhomekeka ngokwekhaya. {ndifuna singalahlekani ke ngoku ngoba nindiva ndithetha ngemicimbi yekhaya, nangamathongo kodwa bendithe ndizakuzichaza ezizinto ngokwenkolo yakwaNtu. Kule nkolo umntu akakwazi kukhonza eyedwa – ukhonza kunye nekhaya lakho, nabantu basekuhlaleni. Kaloku khumbula sikholelwa kwiminyanya – ngabantu bekhaya ke abo – yona isithethelela kuQamatha[lo simbiza ngombiza – Thixo, Modimo, Mvelingqangi, Lord, God, Yehova, Jah, Allah} – umba wethongo ubanzima ngoba kufanele ufumane umntu ozakwazi ukuxazululela lona, alicacise. Umzekelo ndikhe ndathonga kukho abantu pha kum endlini – ndisuke ndiphakama ndichaze ukuba kusemanini. Ezinye izinto ude uphele uzithonga xa ungade uzenze, uchazelwe nendlela omawuzenze ngayo. Kulo umzekelo – kufanele ndenze umcimbi wokuzazisa, kufanele ndiqonde ekhaya ukuba amaZizi xa esenza umsebenzi ololohlobo basebenzisa ntoni na(igusha, inkomo, ibhokwe) ukwenza idini, mna ke kufanele ndincame ndinikezele ngeqhosha ukufezekisa lomcimbi. – uvuko kwaNtu yinto esingenayo ngoba kaloku asikholelwa ekubeni umntu uyafa. Umntu uyazalwa, adlule kwizigaba zonke zobomi bomntu ngokwesini sakhe, nangokwezinto zekhaya (enzelwe isiko lokuqaba-eli silibiza ngolibiza ngoku abanye bathi yimbeleko, abanye ingubo njalo njalo {oyena nobangela welisiko kukwazisa umntwana wekhaya kwiminyanya}, ukwaluka / intonjane, intambo, umendo, njalo-njalo). Kuthi kwakufika ithuba lokwahlukana kwenyama nomphefumlo kuthwe umntu udlulele ngaphesheya(not overseas) uye kwelemimoya ilizwe ( ilizwe lengqikelelo), into ethetha ukuba usekhona phakathi kwethu ngokomoya, uyokusisebenzela asithethele kuQamatha – yilonto singathi Phumla ngoxolo ngoba kaloku ayondawo yokuphumla leya kuyasetyenzwa. Uthi akuba kwelemimoya kuthwe ngumnyanya/sisinyanya. | 171ee56d4ef8918529c4ab33cc495bb7ada152221cad494c699e2d5922f6974a | 532 | 3,799 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.18797 | 3.95 | 5 | en |
opponents. following the 2016 campaign, senior defender jessica brown earned second--team academic all--america honors, while head coach danny krispinsky earned gliac coach of the year honors. men’s soccer – ashland men’s soccer made its return to the field in dramatic fashion on sept. 3, winning 2--1 in double overtime at daemen. the eagles finished 6--11--1, 4--11--1, and started and ended the season with two--game winning streaks. au’s final game of the season, at home against eventual ncaa tournament team and gliac tournament--champion tiffin, was a 5--4 double--overtime victory in which the eagles trailed 4--1 in the 72nd minute. senior goalkeeper nick ciraldo earned all--gliac honorable mention after playing every single minute of the season in the eagle nets. men’s golf – the rising eagle men played five tournaments in the fall, finishing at least third three times – second, third and a tie for third. sophomore austin kondratick led ashland in all five tourneys, placing in the top 14 individually in each and sporting an average round of 73.18. women’s golf – ashland’s women, featuring a lineup of one senior, three sophomores and a freshman, also played five fall tournaments. senior kaitlin neumann fired a hole--in--one at trevecca nazarene in the fall--ending tournament, and had an average round of 77.30. women’s tennis – the eagles began the lexi bolesky era in the fall, and did so playing home matches at the newlyrenovated and expanded deborah liebert karl tennis complex. ashland finished the championship part of 2016--17 at 0--11, 0--11, and freshman brianna brdicka earned all--gliac honorable mention. | 83546385ad576aa75fadced796aaf137fe735aa85e9bffab32555637829be682 | 257 | 1,383 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 5 | en |
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this research analyses the impact by lawrence molefe made as an author for two drama books known as izwe lizothini and bahlukumezekile behlakaniphelana nje. the primary aim of the research in these drama books is to see how much power and influence is in naming of the characters and how have they been named? the research also focuses on theories and ways that can be used in naming characters as well as the style the author used in his two drama books that would be analyzed. the researcher has chosen drama books from the author lawrence molefe to see whether is there anything new that can be learnt from him on how he has name his characters. this will go to as far as analyzing how the author has name his characters and how his style of naming does fit in freytag’s pyramid (1863). this research is divided into six chapters. this research also focuses on acceptable ways and methods that are being followed and used when naming the characters or even children at large. analysis focuses on the importance of giving a name to a human being. it is also known that this kind of research has some challenges that are usually experienced. challenges such as relevant resources that can be used in assisting a research especially when research conducted in naming is written in isizulu. it is well known that these kinds of resources are widely and abundantly available in other languages. there are many resources whether it is books, articles or journals on naming or onomastics in english available. this simply says that it is imperative for the researcher to go all out in finding important ways that would be used in conducting the research. this also gives a researcher an opportunity to look into the aims and objectives of the analysis. the researcher will also be mindful of whether the analysis will be based on the short term or long term period. this means that the researcher will have to take into consideration the aims and objectives of the research. it is imperative for the researcher to be mindful of the theory that will be used in analyzing naming or onomastics and also look at other theories of onomastics. this lies on the theme or lesson that will be found in naming or giving a name in a character. the analysis needs to focus on the theory that focuses on naming . the research analysis also focuses on what will be analyzed on naming the characters and what inspires the research to be conducted especially giving zulu names. it is important to look at the resources that will be used when conducting the research on naming. even though, at this stage the focus is on analyzing zulu names, it is also vital to look at how different analysis is on naming specifically in other languages. the research analysis also looks at the biography of the author regarding drama books that he published. this allows readers to know more about the author and what inspired his love of writing. this go beyond on finding more about the author and what makes him different from other authors when analyzing his name giving his characters. when conducting research analysis, ways or methods of collecting data or information needs to be clearly explained. again, it is outmost vital to read what other onomasticians or linguists say about how to analyze name giving or naming. the focus is also on analyzing two literary dramas where attention is given to the role that characters play in ensuring that the story is a success of course with the help of how they have been named. we look at the impact their names have in the drama by just being given names. x the researcher also gives a summary or an overview of story from each book so that the supervisor and co--supervisor have understood what the story is about so that they are able to see how characters have been named. this also allows the researcher to see whether is there any gap that needs to be closed when analyzing naming in isizulu nor commend on the good work done. it also allows the researcher to look at how names of the characters have impacted on plot and the structure of the drama. research analysis has also to focus on the naming style used by the author in his two drama books namely izwe lizothini and bahlukumezekile behlakaniphelana nje and how does his style differ from other authors. at the end, the research summarizes the role and the impact of name giving and its analysis, what are recommendations on the gap identified during the research and how to close challenges identified. the research is concluded by giving way forward or guidelines that would ensure that more researchers engage in analyzing naming in isizulu and perhaps other african languages. | c2ecde59796d5b620d44f1c69ed22eb92779f0a1b64970dd73d6e2aee58ae448 | 815 | 3,846 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.25 | 9 | en |
• The applicant must be a South African citizen or must hold a permanent residence permit • The applicant must be 18 years of age or older or legally married or legally divorced and of sound mind • The applicantʼs total household income must be between R3 501 and R15 000 per month • The applicant or his/her spouse must not have previously derived benefits from the housing subsidy scheme or any other state funded or assisted housing subsidy scheme which conferred benefits of ownership, leasehold or deed of grant or the right to convert the title obtained to either ownership, leasehold or deed of grant • The applicant must not be owning any other residential property nor previously owned fixed residential property • Where the application is made for a subsidy on the basis of a legal marriage or cohabitation arrangement, it is required that the property must be registered in the name of both spouses in the Deeds Office • The applicant may be single but with proven financial dependants Any individual who has already purchased a property which has already been transferred into his or her name with effect from 01 April 2012 will also be eligible to apply for such a subsidy provided that they meet the above requirements. The subsidy is also available to civil servants provided that their total household income including their housing allowance does not exceed R15 000. For enquiries please contact the KZN Department of Human Settlements on the following numbers: 031 336 5249, 031 336 5247, 031 336 5244, 031 336 5289 or visit our offices at 8th & 9th floors, Samora House, No.2 Samora Machel Street (Aliwal Street), Durban. | fae4517cebbdfeab17d5ee8c1dca8f5ff15176a8eff6b187d24df1029538ddab | 280 | 1,361 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9.29 | 6 | en |
directions: in a 8 oz or 16 oz glass jar, fill the jar with 4 or 5 stones, add spring or purified water to fill the glass jar. every morning on an empty stomach, take 1 teaspoon of sole and add to an 8 oz glass of water and drink. wait 15 minutes before eating or drinking. we are made of salt water, so replenishing our bodies with pure ionic salt and clean water is a natural thing that our bodies need. this is good for adults, children & even your pets.when it comes to decorating a room, lights and light sources are two of the main features that contribute greatly to the overall effect. however, just as it is important to consider what kinds of lights to have, it can be every bit as important to consider what type of lamp shade you use. one of the most functional elements in a room is the sources of light and to acquire a satisfactory look and feel, aspects like the design, shade and color of a lamp shade have to be considered very carefully since they do contribute to the overall appeal of a room. | a06ee45a9747124e91ea1310798a29cb8a78af75359065c78cc863865cd15603 | 195 | 819 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4.1 | 7 | en |
Format:Hardcover AURACLE is a story about 16 year old Annaliese Rogan. She has a secret. She can astral project. This is something nobody except for her best friend Rei knows.When they were kids, Rei loved hearing about Anna's adventures. She projects out of her body during the night when she's asleep and she visits all sorts of wonderful places. The world really is her oyster because there's no limit to where she can go. She could visit any concert she wanted to, for free, because who has to pay when they're invisible? There's nothing she couldn't see if she really wanted to.So of course, as a little boy, Rei loved hearing about her astral adventures. But as they've grown up, Anna has been keeping more and more of these times to herself because she sees that Rei isn't so awed by her travels and experiences anymore.When Anna isn't off on her astral travels - during the daytime hours - she attends school with Rei and another friend of theirs, Seth, but also with a very mean-spirited girl called Taylor.Taylor has a crush on Seth and it seems like she will stop at nothing to get him to notice her. She sits by him in class, follows him in the hallways, always fluttering her eyelashes at him. She thinks that he'd pay notice to a high-maintenance, stubborn, cruel girl like her.But Taylor doesn't seem to notice the blatant rejection. Or if she notices she doesn't care. She just swishes her hair and bats those eyelashes. No-one else would reject her, after all, only Seth. But Taylor only seems to want the one she can't have.Eventually, Taylor gets Seth to meet her at the falls(I won't tell you how). It's there that they argue and Taylor comes very close to the edge. Seth tries to save her, he really does. But it's hopeless. Taylor can't stop panicking and it's because of that, that she falls.Anna was at the falls that day, she saw Taylor slip beyond Seth's grasp. Taylor's death was nothing more than a an accident. A terrible accident.But when Anna returns from her astral trip to the falls, she can't get back into her body. She tries and tries, but she keeps getting pushed back out. Why? Because Taylor has taken up residence in Anna's body and she refuses to give it up!Faced with being locked out of her body and trapped in another dimension, Anna knows she must turn to Rei for help. But how does she get his help when, although she can choose to let herself be seen, she cannot speak - therefore even though she has his attention, she can't tell him what's going on. He just thinks she's taking an astral trip like normal.I won't tell you how Anna manages to get Rei's help, suffice to say that she does.Once Anna and Rei start to work on a plan to get her back in her body, they hear that Taylor - aka Anna - has come forth as the only witness to what happened that day at the falls. She tells the police that she saw Seth push Taylor to her death.The events that pursue, of course, are a journey that you must discover yourself. All I can tell you is that it's a struggle for all involved, even Taylor.There's a lot of pain for Seth. He runs away so that they can't arrest him for murder. Then there's Anna and Rei. They want to save their friend. They want to get Taylor out of Anna's body and Anna back in her rightful place. Yet through this all, they uncover how they really feel about each other and so they struggle to communicate this to each other.Gina Rosati writes such an emotionally fraught journey for all involved but especially the reader. There were smiles and frowns, ups and downs. There was laughter and there was tears - mine.I thought that Auracle was a beautiful story about friendship, trust, love - betrayal, and hurt. It was a journey of discovery on more than one level.We didn't actually learn why Anna could astral project, but that didn't matter one bit. I didn't need to know why. I was too engrossed in the story to care.Anna is a great protagonist and Rei is an oh-so-yummy love interest. Every time I heard his name I would swoon. Sitting here writing my review, I think about him and a little smile tugs at the corner of my lips.The whole cast of characters were interesting and they all played pivotal roles along the way. From Anna's alcoholic father and her mother, the enabler to Rei's mother Yumi. They were all vital to the telling of this story.I'm not sure whether this is meant as a stand-alone story or not. There is so much more that could be done with each of the characters. But then, it sits well as a stand-alone because there's closure - nothing is left unresolved. But maybe there'll be a sequel and maybe it will tell us the why behind Anna's gift.As an author, Gina Rosati sure knows how to tell a beautiful story and I will definitely be on the look-out for more from her in the future. In my honest opinion, she will go far in her career as an author. She's more than just an author though. Someone once said to me that each and every book is like taking a vacation, well then Gina Rosati must be the best travel agent in the land because she makes me want to take a vacation with her more often.Thank you Gina for sending me one of the best birthday presents I will get this year and maybe the one after too. I am privileged to have read such an outstanding book and I cannot wait to give a copy away so that someone else gets to experience it.I know everyone has different opinions and that's what makes us so diverse, but if my opinion counts for anything, you should go and pick up a copy of Auracle right now and put it at the top of your TBR pile. You don't want to miss out! | 16e5888329f05f72dc3fe321d7eef9450ae9595fd154e1fa60672addb408dc8e | 1,030 | 4,541 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.87 | 23 | en |
dvocate shamila batohi has been appointed as the new national director of public prosecutions (ndpp). her appointment makes her the first female in south africa’s history to take the top job. batohi will commence her duties in february 2019 after serving her notice as senior legal advisor at the international criminal court (icc). the announcement was made by president cyril ramaphosa on tuesday (december 4) following a gruelling interview process that was a culmination of a constitutional court directive in august for the appointment of a new ndpp within 90 days. the court had highlighted the severe challenges that have confronted the national prosecuting authority (npa) in recent years, including leadership instability and a decline in public confidence in the institution. addressing the media, president ramaphosa said batohi’s appointment was a response to the state of dysfunctionality and deficiencies in the npa that were identified by the court. “i am confident that advocate batohi possesses all the attributes of a capable ndpp. throughout her extensive and distinguished career, and in the course of the selection process, she has shown herself to be a fit and proper person.” the ndpp occupies a vital position in the country’s democracy, and makes an essential contribution to upholding the rule of law and ensuring the efficiency and integrity of law enforcement. “at this moment in our history, as we address matters that south africans are most concerned about – such as state capture, corruption and widespread crime – our country needs a national | 20b2766b01ae45c7bd01bb6916540ad73b9cc5f5d5d46322034ec3bf5c6e2972 | 249 | 1,327 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.01 | 10 | en |
10 movaheberi etukulwa 11, omu na omadina ovapiya vakalunga ve li 16, ovo va li va hoolola va longife emanguluko lavo lokuninga omatokolo tava wilikwa komangabeko oo jehova kwa li e va tulila po. oshidjemo, ova li va mona omanangekonoupuna nova kala ve na eteelelo lomonakwiiwa. pashihopaenenwa, noa okwa li a ulika eitavelo la kola nokwa li a hoolola okudulika komalombwelo akalunga opo a tunge ongulu yomomeva e lixupife noukwaneumbo waye nosho yo epupi lomonakwiiwa. (heb. 11:7) abraham nasara ova li va dulika nehalo liwa komalombwelo akalunga eshi kwa li te va wilike vaye medu leudaneko. konima eshi va hovela nolweendo olo lile, ova li ve na ‘omhito yokushuna’ moshilando osho sha punapala shaur. ashike ova kala tava yandje elitulemo ‘kewanifo lomaudaneko akalunga’ nova kala va ‘djuulukwa oshilongo shiwa shi dule shinya.’ (heb. 11:8, 13, 15, 16) moses okwa li a fiya po omauhamba omuegipti ‘nokwe lihoololela, a hepekwe pamwe noshiwana shakalunga nokwa dina ouwa wokafimbo womoulunde.’ (heb. 11:24--26) natu hopaeneni oihopaenenwa yovapiya vajehova vopefimbo lonale mokukala twa lenga oshali yetu yokuninga omatokolo noku i longifa eshi hatu longo ehalo lakalunga. | f163c593874e6353a88a9f29c06abf793f0cabb17150f805e5d5fb2c7d91fc46 | 181 | 994 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4.97 | 10 | es |
don't be put off by other reviews, but do be prepared to change the strings. as with most cheap ukuleles, the strings they come with are very poor.i was bought this as a novelty present by a very good friend. generally, i play much more expensive ukuleles, costing £100s of pounds rather than the £20 this one goes for, so i am used to the sound and intonation of good instruments. don't expect the sound of an old martin ukulele or of a modern hand made instrument with this one. however, given the modern use of computer aided design and manufacture, even cheap instrumnets these days can be expected to have decent intonation, and this one does, playing in tune right up to the 12th fret. the tuners are decent geared machines and will hold the tuning of the instrumnet well, although you may have to tighten the adjusting screws on the machines a little if they have rattled around in transit.now to the strings. the ones this ukulele came with are terrible. they are dull in sound and rubbery in feel. take them off. buy a good set -- i recommend aquila nylgut soprano strings for this instrument -- and you will be rewarded with a vast improvement in the sound. other reviewers have commented on the terrible sound and the poor harmony of the chords -- it's almost certainly down to the strings. if you are new to stringed instruments, be aware that the strings will take a while to settle down once you have brought them up to pitch -- buy a tuner, too! -- as they stretch and settle. but after a few days' playing, you will find you have a perfectly playable and attractive little instrument that will give you hours of pleasure and which won't mind a day out at the beach -- where my more expensive instruments would never go! | cb7461663e60a9d00cfaf02f5fac3e1eb79bfd36bd19bbf137d330a68f39094f | 317 | 1,419 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.21 | 11 | en |
Format:Paperback Before you read the review of ARK ANGEL, you need to take into account that this is the sixth book in the engaging, entertaining, action-packed adventure series starring Alex Rider. If you haven't read the first five books in the series, you'll probably want to do that before you pick up ARK ANGEL. Although it can stand on its own, you'll feel more in the loop by reading the previous books first.ARK ANGEL picks up immediately where SCORPIA, book five, left off. At the end of that book, we saw Alex Rider on the ground, wounded by a sniper's bullet. For those who thought that Anthony Horowitz was planning to kill off our favorite young MI6 agent, please be assured that ARK ANGEL does not in any way imply dead. Alex is alive and relatively well, recuperating in an exclusive private hospital in London. The sniper's bullet missed his heart, instead bouncing off a rib and exiting out his arm. Now, as he's recovering in posh room nine of the hospital, he becomes friends with Paul. The same Paul that turns out to be the son of Nikolai Drevin, one of the richest men in the world.When Alex saves Paul during a kidnapping attempt, Nikolai invites Alex to finish his recuperation at his estate. Alex soon wonders at the wisdom of being in Drevin's company, however, when he learns that an eco-terrorist group known as Force Three has threatened not only the Drevin family, but the safety of the entire world.Nikolai Drevin's latest project, Ark Angel, is in full swing. Designed to become the first ultimate luxury hotel in outer space, it contains everything the world's richest people could want. It's also, at least according to Force Three, a threat to the environment of Earth as we know it. Now the members of the terrorist group are out to stop Ark Angel from ever opening, and they'll do anything--and everything--they can to see their mission come to completion. Even if it means hurtling the hotel back through the atmosphere and onto Earth's surface.ARK ANGEL is another action-adventure read that will keep you turning pages right through to the end. Alex Rider has come a long way since the fourteen-year old boy roped into complying with MI6, but there's part of him that's still determined to leave the spy organization for good. Yet he knows that his skills are needed, and the unending action of ARK ANGEL show in detail why that is. You won't go wrong with any of the books in the Alex Rider series, and I can say that I'm excited about the opening of the movie STORMBREAKER, the first Alex Rider adventure, which is in development now.Reviewed by: Jennifer Wardrip, aka "The Genius" Read more › | 382e73e357dd3862d3101ef9b4ea50ce68f5773a8b5c107a7a4fefa20eb0f4d1 | 460 | 2,176 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.22 | 5 | en |
terms with what has happened. it hasn’t “we are not focusing on the nature of the been easy for us. we’ve lost two brothers in match being a derby or grudge match. one season, but we know how important this it’s a game that offers a chance for us to finish game is. third. “we need to draw strength from this situa“it’s going to be an emotional match betion and try to win. we still have a slim chance cause luyanda was a brother.” to finish in third position, so we have to keep our foot on the gas.” the msunduzi municipality earlier this season another land use management act no 16 of 2013 young maritzburg reserve, mloninvitation to comment di dlamini, died in a car accident. the msunduzi municipality has received the following application in the midlands side head into terms the spatial planning and land use management act (no. 16 of saturday’s encounter sitting in 2013) and the msunduzi municipality’s spatial planning and land use fourth place on the log with 43 management bylaws. points — just two adrift of kaizer application description in full: chiefs who have a daunting trip application for council’s consent to allow a “place of public entertainment” to relegation--threatened ajax on a “general industrial” cape town on the same day. property description as per title deed: but the kwampumuza--born portion 200 ( of 3) of the farm shortts retreats no. 1208, mkondeni. player, who recently received a physical address/ describe location: bafana bafana call--up, is not 78a gladys’s manzi road, mkondeni fazed by the nature of saturday’s clash being a provincial a copy of the application is available for inspection during office hours (08h00 and 16h00) at the town planning offices, 5th floor, professor derby, but rather sees it as an opnyembezi building, 341 church street, pietermaritzburg. portunity to claim maximum written comments must be lodged with the town planning administrator points. (tel 033 392 2180), by e--mail to [email protected], the hope is that the soweto hand delivered to the town planning offices (address stated above) or giants drop points in cape town. by post to private bag x 1393, pietermaritzburg, 3200 by 11 june 2018. ndlovu, who is itching to get failure to submit comments by the closing date or to include contact back on the pitch this coming details disqualifies the person from the right to receive personal notice of weekend, also offered his heartany meeting or public hearing and the right to appeal against the decision felt condolences to the ntshanof the municipality. gase family who will bury their mr. s hadebe city hall son tomorrow in his hometown. acting municipal manager pietermaritzburg masipala wasemsunduzi spatial planning and land use management act no 16 of 2013 isimemo sokunikezela ngemibono umasipala wasemsunduzi uthole isicelo ngokwesimiso se spatial planning and land use management act (no. 16 of 2013) ne msunduzi by--laws , sokuchibiyelwa kwe town planning scheme kanje:incazelo yesicelo:isicelo sifakelwe ukucela imvume yomkhandlu yokuvueleka kwe “place of public entertainment” endaweni evumeleke i “general industrial”. isiza sesicelo:ingxenye 200 ( ka 3) yefamu shortts retreat number 1208, mkondeni ikheli lesicelo:78a glady’s manzi road, mkondeni incwadi yesicelo iyatholakala ukuze uyihlaziye, phakathi kwezikhathi zokusebenza (08h00 -- 16h00) ehhovisi ledevelopment services efasiteleni lemibuzo, 5th floor, professor nyembezi centre, 341 church street, pietermaritzburg. imibono mayelana nesicelo ingethulwa kwitown planning administrator yakwamasipala wasemsunduzi ngocingo (033 392 2180), nge e--mail ([email protected]), ngesikhahlamezi (033 392 2576), yethulwe ngesandla emahhovisi noma iposelwe ku (private bag x 1393, pietermaritzburg, 3200) ungakashayi umhlaka 11 june 2018. umasipala wasemsunduzi angeke uyamukela imibono efika emuva kwesikhathi sokuvalwa esinqunyiwe. abantu abahlulekile ukuveza imibono yabo ngesikhathi ngeke bakwazi ukuphikisana nesinqumo sikamasipala. mr s hadebe city hall ibambhela lemenja kamasipala pietermaritzburg | 266c596f28d6e68c0e5713de970c7add2f599d0b0b5ffe5808e266375c042148 | 612 | 3,463 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6.37 | 12 | en |
gogo -- details and analysis the word gogo has a web popularity of 115000000 pages.what means gogo?the meaning of gogo is: one who is like grandfather. a ngoni name used in the south africa region.web synthesis about this name:...gogo is expanding his horizons into great new and exciting territory.gogo is a worldwide industry leader and recipient of several prestigious asta agency management awards.gogo is now the number one wholesaler of vacation packages in the united states with more than one million.gogo is an online music company with more than 40 asian artists under development.gogo is designed with greater sensitivity to adult aesthetic values as well as ergonomic considerations.gogo is a master of mimicry who is shrouded in mystery.gogo is the most mysterious character in your group.gogo is a breath of scented air wafting up from the basement location at 17 buttles avenue.gogo is the unofficial anthem singer for most holiday and special events in nanaimo.gogo is that children today have forgotten where so much of it all comes from. | 0a9b164cc3ecdd9bd38d7022f4f4cf22ebadee6798022f497c5919c47913b38f | 169 | 887 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.591716 | 2.37 | 5 | en |
our gate had a big gap that the children, the goats and the dogs could climb through. i have just helped uncle fix it with chicken mesh. when i turned round, i saw our little brother, gcina, dipping a cup into the water container, with his dirty hand! i told him he must ask someone to pour water for him but he didn’t understand. i helped mom put one teaspoon of bleach into every 25--litre container of water from the river. mom said that nosipho and i must always check that the containers are covered. otherwise, germs will spread and we can get diarrhoea, or even typhoid or cholera. when dad was here at easter, we slaughtered a goat. after it was all cut up ready for cooking, uncle threw the head and brains to his dogs. the dogs enjoyed that but eating raw meat, especially brains and liver, is a quick way to spread worms – to people and animals. dad agreed that worms can cause lots of diseases and one sick animal can make a whole herd sick. he spoke to uncle about it. nosipho was busy trying to make a chicken nest at the weekend. mom bought two nests and nosipho collected grass and was trying to copy the way the nests were made. her first attempt looked like a big bird nest. you couldn’t even see where the chicken was supposed to go in! i think she needs someone to show her how to do it. my main job now is to make sure the goats don’t get sick. there is not so much food around and a hungry animal is more likely to get sick than one that is well--fed. that is because when an animal, or a person, gets thin, their immune system gets weak and it can’t fight off all the germs and diseases waiting to attack it. the cows are grazing further and further from home. they are still getting enough grass and water but xolani is worried about thieves. a neighbouring farmer had a cow stolen recently so xolani is keeping a close watch. are you having problems like this too? i am sure you have some ideas about how to solve them! | ab0ad331031929eafab008edac2e1d85f73b3b850b7a8577265c73404ce5e36b | 372 | 1,573 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.27 | 12 | en |
Uma umsebenzi omngaka namazwi amangaka engakuthinti, kuyothi lapho kufika isikhathi sokusakaza umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu uyohluleka ukwenza umsebenzi wakho futhi uyohlazeka uphinde ululazeke. Ngaleso sikhathi uyozwa sengathi umkweleta okuningi uNkulunkulu nokuthi ulwazi onalo ngoNkulunkulu luyobe lukha phezulu. Uma ungalufuni ulwazi ngoNkulunkulu namuhla, njengoba esasebenza, ngokuhamba kwesikhathi kuyobe sekubhedile. Ekugcineni luyobe lungasekho ulwazi ongakhuluma ngalo—uyosala ulambatha, ungenalutho. Pho, yini oyokwazi ukuyisebenzisa ekulandiseni kuNkulunkulu? Unaso isifiso sokubheka kuNkulunkulu? Manje, kumele uzame ukusebenza kanzima ezintweni ozifunayo, ukuze ekugcineni, ube njengoPetru, wazi ukuthi kuzuzisa kanjani iukusola nokwahlulela kukaNkulunkulu kumuntu nokuthi wazi ukuthi ngaphandle kokusola nokwahlulela Kwaakhe umuntu ngeke asindiswe kunalokho angacwila ekungcoleni kwakhe, acwile nakakhulu obishini. Abantu bonakaliswa uSathane, omunye unake omunye futhi omunye uchachaza ekhanda lomunye, abasamesabi uNkulunkulu futhi ukungalaleli kwabo kukhulu kakhulu, sebenemibono eminingi futhi yonke ngekaSathane. Ngaphandle kokusola nokwahlulela kukaNkulunkulu, isimo somuntu esikhohlakele ngeke sihlanzwe futhi ngeke asindiswe. Lokho okuboniswa yimisebenzi kaNkulunkulu osamuntu esenyameni yilokho okuvezwa nguMoya nokuthi umsebenzi awenzayo yilowo owenziwe nguMoya. Namuhla, uma ungenalo ulwazi ngomsebenzi Wakhe kusho ukuthi uyisiphukuphuku futhi kuningi okukulahlekele! Uma ungakayitholi insindiso kaNkulunkulu kusho ukuthi ukholo lwakho lungolwenkolo nokuthi ungumKristu wenkolo. Imisebenzi emisha kaMoya Oyingcwele ikulahlekele ngenxa yokuthi ubambelele emfundisweni efile kanti abanye abafuna ukuthanda uNkulunkulu bayakwazi ukuthola iqiniso kanye nokuphila, kuyilapho ukholo lwakho lungakwazi ukwamukelwa nguNkulunkulu. Kunalokho usuphenduke umenzi wokubi, owenza izinto ezilimazayo nezingathandeki, usuphenduke isisulu senhlekisa kaSathane nesigqila sakhe. UNkulunkulu akayena owukuba umuntu akholelwe kuye kodwa kufanele athandwe, afunwe futhi akhonzwe ngumuntu. Uma ungamfuni namuhla, usuku luyofika lapho uyothi khona, “Ukube ngamlandela ngobuqotho uNkulunkulu futhi ngamjabulisa. Ukube ngafuna esimweni sempilo yami. Yeka indlela engizisola ngayo ngokuthi angizange ngizinikele kuNkulunkulu ngaleso sikhathi, futhi angizange ngifune ulwazi ngezwi likaNkulunkulu. Kuningi uNkulunkulu akusho ngaleso sikhathi; kungani ngingazange ngimfunisise? Ngibe yisiphukuphuku!” Uyozenyanya ngezinga elithile. Namuhla awuwakholwa amazwi engiwashoyo futhi awuwanakile; lapho kufika usuku lokuba umsebenzi Wakhe usabalale, uyowabona ngobuningi bawo, uyozisola futhi ngaleso sikhathi uyomangala kakhulu. Kunezibusiso kodwa awazi ukuthi ungazijabulela kanjani, futhi kuneqiniso kodwa awulilweli. Ingabe awuziletheli ukweneliseka? Namuhla, nakuba sekuseduze ukuba isinyathelo esilandelayo somsebenzi kaNkulunkulu siqale, ayikho into ebaluleke njengalokho okufuneka kuwe nalokho okufanele uphile ngakho. Miningi imisebenzi namaqiniso; ingabe akufanele ukuba kwaziwe nguwe? Ingabe ukusola nokwahlulela kukaNkulunkulu ngeke sawuvusa umoya wakho? Ingabe ukusola nokwahlulela kukaNkulunkulu ngeke kukwenze uzenyanye? Ingabe wanelisekile ngokuphila ngokuthula nangokujabula, nangokweneliseka kwenyama okwesikhashana ngaphansi kwethonya likaSathane? Awuyena yini ophansi kunabo bonke abantu? Akekho oyisilima njengalowo obone insindiso kodwa wangalwela ukuyizuza: Bangabantu abazitika ngenyama futhi abajabula ngoSathane. Uthembela ekutheni ukholo lwakho kuNkulunkulu aluzoba nezinselele noma nezinsizi noma ubunzima obungatheni. Uhlezi ulwela lezo zinto ezingenanzuzo futhi ukuphila kwakho awukwenzanga kwaba nenjongo, kunalokho ubeka imicabango yakho ngaphambi kweqiniso. Awulusizo lwalutho! Uphilisa okwengulube—yimuphi umehluko phakathi kwakho nezingulube nezinja? Ingabe bonke labo abangalifuni iqiniso kunalokho bathanda inyama, abazona yini izilwane? Ingabe labo abafile abangenawo umoya abazona yini izidumbu ezihambayo? Mangaki amagama akhulunywe kuwe? Ingabe mncane umsebenzi owenziwe kuwe? Kungakanani engikunike khona? Ngakho kungani ungazange ukuthathe? Yini ongakhala ngayo? Akukhona yini ukuthi awuzuzanga lutho ngenxa yokuthi uyithanda kakhulu inyama yakho? Futhi akukhona yini ukuthi imicabango yakho ibinehaba? Akukhona yini ukuthi uyisiphukuphuku? Uma ungakwazi ukuthola lezi zibusiso, ungamsola yini uNkulunkulu ngokungakusindisi? Lokho okufunayo ukuthola ukuthula ngemva kokukholelwa kuNkulunkulu—ukuze izingane zakho zikhululeke ekuguleni, umyeni wakho athole umsebenzi oholela kahle, indodana yakho ithole umfazi omuhle, indodakazi yakho ithole umyeni okahle, izimbongolo kanye namahhashi kukulimele kahle umhlabathi, unyaka ube nesimo sezulu esihle ukuze izitshalo zakho zingashi. Yilokhu okufunayo. Ufuna kuphela ukuphila ngokunethezeka, ukuba kungenzeki ngozi emndenini wakho, isiphepho singakuthinti, ubuso bakho bungathintwa nayitshe elincane, zingakhukhuleki izitshalo zomndeni wakho, ungathintwa nayinoma iyiphi inhlekelele yemvelo, ukuba uphile ekwamukelweni nguNkulunkulu, uphile ngaphansi kwesivikelo esifudumele. Igwala elinjengawe, elihlezi lifuna okwenyama—unayo inhliziyo, unawo umoya? Ingabe uwusona isilwane? Ngikunika indlela yeqiniso ngaphandle kokuba ngilindele ukuba ungibuyisele okuthile, kodwa wena akukho ukuzikhandla okwenzayo. Awuyena yini omunye wabakholelwa kuNkulunkulu? Ngibeka ukuphila kwangempela komuntu kuwe, nokho wena awenzi lutho. Ingabe ukhona umehluko phakathi kwakho nengulube noma nenja? Izingulube zona azikufuni ukuphila komuntu, azikudingi ukuhlanzwa futhi azikuqondi ukuthi ukuphila kuyini. Njalo ngosuku, uma nje sezidle zasutha, zivele zizilalele. Mina ngikunikeze indlela yeqiniso, nokho wena awukakayitholi: Awazi lutho. Ingabe uzimisele ukuphila lokhu kuphila, ukuphila kwengulube? Sikuphi isidingo sokuphila kwabantu abanjalo? Ukuphila kwakho akuyilutho futhi kuyanyanyeka, uphila emanyaleni futhi ayikho imigomo onayo; ingabe ukuphila kwakho kubi ukwedlula bonke ububi? Ingabe uyanyanya lapho ubheka uNkulunkulu? Uma uqhubeka uzizwa kanjalo, ngeke yini ulahlekelwe yikho konke? Indlela yeqiniso uyinikiwe, kodwa ukuthi uyayithola noma cha kuncike ezintweni ozilwelayo. Abantu bathi uNkulunkulu ulungile, futhi uma nje umuntu emlandela kuze kube sekugcineni, ngokuqinisekile akakhethi, ungoNgcwele. Uma umuntu emlandela kuze kube sekugcineni, ingabe uNkulunkulu uyomkhipha inyumbazane umuntu? Angikhethi uma kuziwa kubantu futhi ngahlulela wonke umuntu ngobungcwele Bami, nokho kunemibandela ethile yezimfuno engizenzela abantu, futhi engikufunayo kufanele bonke abantu babe nakho, akunandaba ukuthi bangobani. Anginandaba nokuthi uneziqu ezinkulu nezihlonishwa kangakanani; enginendaba nakho ukuthi uhamba endleleni Yami, nokuthi uyalithanda futhi ulomele yini iqiniso. Uma untula iqiniso, kunalokho udicilele phansi igama Lami, futhi ungahambi ngendlela Yami, umane nje ungilandele ungenandaba, ngaleso sikhathi ngiyokushaya ngikujezisele ububi bakho, futhi yini ongabe usayisho? Uyokwazi yini ukuthi uNkulunkulu akalungile? Namuhla, uma wenza ngokuvumelana namazwi engiwakhulume kuwe, lokho kuyosho ukuthi ungumuntu engimamukelayo. Uthi uhlale uhlupheka ube ulandela uNkulunkulu, nokuthi umlandele kumnyama kubomvu, waba Naye ezikhathini ezimnandi nezinzima, kodwa awukaphili ngamazwi uNkulunkulu awakhulumile; ufisa ukuba umlandele njalo ngosuku kodwa awukaze ukucabange ukuphila ukuphila okunenjongo. Uthi kunoma yisiphi isimo uyakholelwa ukuthi uNkulunkulu ulungile: Usuhluphekile ngenxa Yakhe, wayaluza ngenxa Yakhe, futhi wazinikela Kuye futhi ususebenze kanzima naphezu kokunganakwa; nakanjani uNkulunkulu uzokukhumbula. Kuyiqiniso ukuthi uNkulunkulu ungcwele, nokho ubungcwele bakhe abuthintwa ngisho nobuncane ububi: Ubungcwele bukaNkulunkulu abuhambi ngentando yomuntu, abungcolisiwe inyama futhi abuthengwa. Bonke abavukelayo nabaphikisayo futhi abangahambi ngendlela Yakhe, bayojeziswa; abekho abathethelelwe futhi abekho abayobuye badingeke uma kunesidingo! Abanye abantu bathi, “Namuhla ngiyagijima ngenxa Yakho; lapho kufika ukuphela, unganginika isibusiso esincane?” Ngakho ngiyakucela, “Ingabe uwenzile amazwi Ami?” Ukulunga okhuluma ngakho kuncike ekuhwebeni. Ucabanga ukuthi ngilungile kuphela, nokuthi angikhethi muntu, nokuthi bonke labo abangilandelayo kuze kube sekugcineni nakanjani bazosindiswa bathole nezibusiso Zami. Kunencazelo ejulile emazwini Ami okuthi “bonke labo abangilandelayo nakanjani bazosindiswa”: Labo abangilandela kuze kube sekugcineni yilabo abayothola ukwamukelwa Yimina ngokugcwele, bayilabo okuthi ngemva kokuba sengibanqobile, bafune iqiniso futhi benziwe baphelele. Iyiphi imibandela oyifinyelele? Ufinyelele kuphela ukulandela mina kwaze kwaba sekugcineni, kodwa yini enye? Uphilile ngokuvumelana namazwi Ami? Ufinyelele kweyodwa kwezinhlanu izimfuno Zami, nokho awunaso isifiso sokufeza lezi ezinye ezine. Uthole indlela elula kakhulu futhi wayilwela ngesikhathi ucabanga ngenhlanhla yakho. Kumuntu onjalo ofana nawe, isimo Sami sokulunga sihlanganisa ukusola nokwahlulela, siyimpindiselo Yami futhi siyindlela Yami elungile yokusola abenzi bobubi; bonke labo abangahambi endleleni Yami bazojeziswa nakanjani, ngisho noma bengilandela kuze kube sekugcineni. Lokhu ukulunga kukaNkulunkulu. Lapho lesi simo sokulunga sivezwe ekujezisweni komuntu, umuntu uyomangala futhi uyozisola kakhulu ngokuthi ngesikhathi elandela uNkulunkulu akazange ahambe endleleni Yakhe. Ngaleso sikhathi wahlupheka kancane lapho elandela uNkulunkulu, kodwa akazange ahambe endleleni kaNkulunkulu. Yiziphi izaba umuntu onjalo angazibeka? Ayikho enye indlela ngaphandle kokusolwa! Nokho engqondweni yakhe ulokhu ecabanga, “Akusenani, vele ngikulandelile kwaze kwaba sekugcineni, ngakho ngisho noma ungisola, ngeke ungijsole ngesihluku futhi ngemva kwalokhu kusola uyobe usangifuna. Ngiyazi ukuthi ulungile futhi ngeke ungiphathe kanjalo kuze kube phakade. Futhi ngiyazi ukuthi angifani nalabo abayoqothulwa; labo abayoqothulwa bayothola ukusolwa okukhulu kakhulu, kuyilapho ukusolwa kwami kuzobe kulula.” Ubungcwele bukaNkulunkulu abufani nalokho okushoyo. Akukhona ukuthi labo abakwazile ukuvuma kahle izono zabo bayobonelelwa. Ukulunga kungcwele, futhi buyisimo esingakubekezeleli ukona komuntu, konke okungcolile nokungakashintshi kuyamnyanyisa uNkulunkulu. Isimo sokulunga kukaNkulunkulu asiwona umthetho, kodwa siwumyalo: Bungumyalo embusweni futhi lo myalo uwukusolwa ngokulunga kwabo bonke abantu abangaphili ngeqiniso futhi abangakashintshi, futhi awukho umngcele wensindiso. Ngoba lapho umuntu ehlukaniswa ngokohlobo ayilo, abalungile bayothola umvuzo, ababi bona bayojeziswa. Kulapho kucaciswa khona lapho umuntu eyogcina khona, kuyisikhathi lapho kuyophela khona umsebenzi wensindiso, umsebenzi wokusindisa abantu uyobe ungasenziwa, nempindiselo iyolethwa kulabo abenza okubi. Abanye abantu bathi, “UNkulunkulu ukhumbula wonke umuntu obevame ukuba sohlangothini Lwakhe. Nami ngingomunye walabo bazalwane futhi uNkulunkulu ngeke akhohlwe ngomunye wethu. Siqinisekisiwe ngokuthi sizopheleliswa nguNkulunkulu. Angeke akhumbule ngisho noyedwa kulabo abangaphansi kwethu, labo abaphakathi kwabo abayopheleliswa kuqinisekiswa ukuthi baphansi kunathi, bavamise ukubhekana noNkulunkulu; akekho noyedwa phakathi kwethu uNkulunkulu amkhohliwe, sonke uNkulunkulu usamukele, futhi wasiqinisekisa ngokuthi uzosiphelelisa.” Nonke ninokucabanga okunjalo; ingabe lokhu kuwukulunga? Ingabe ulisebenzisile noma cha iqiniso ekuphileni kwakho? Empeleni uhambe usakaza amahemuhemu anjengalawa—awunamahloni! | 4aa13410766a73a4318b3d6343a9d1bd210febf2f3b678844a258ac7a71460b0 | 1,304 | 10,293 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | en |
"ngokuqinisekile unekhanda lakho ligcwele ukungabaza othandweni, noma udinga ukwazi ukuthi ikusasa lithini emsebenzini wakho, wazi ukuthi kuyoba yini impilo yakho ezinyangeni naseminyaka elandelayo, ukwazi ukuthi umndeni uyohlala uhlala kahle yini, uma kwenzeka izingozi ezithombeni zakho umndeni noma cha, uma umlingani wakho ekuthanda noma ekukopela. hali kadhalika ninyi ndugu zangu: ninyi pia mmekufa kuhusu sheria kwa kuwa ninyi ni sehemu ya mwili wa kristo; sasa mmekuwa wake yeye aliyefufuliwa kutoka wafu ili tupate kuzaa matunda mema kwa ajili ya mungu. omunye wamakhasi espain lapho okusheshayo angathola khona ukwahlukanisa izibukeli ezingcono kusekhasini elithi """" lapho uzothola khona ochwepheshe bezombono ocingweni nge--tarot, kodwa ngokucophelela, kukhona nabantu abafuna ukumangaza ngentando yabo. | 859803c08f9a40b65b2cccf043f572a2957856ef2a6ec5bdc9ac78eaea7d6fed | 107 | 710 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.93 | 5 | en |
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vilamla ginigini gala kwegwadi. mesinari (united church) lemesa ivitoulisa – taga vakhela pela wala buki bomala khala nukwari. gabena ima ipilasi taga gala mokwita, olui catholic church lemesa makhasana 1930s e, mokwita sitana peula ibasisa: itori gusaweta deli okhekoda lagela sena peula toginigini lemesa mkwesi valu opapasi. gabena mokwita itola iloki khatoula iwotitari. avela mtosina gugwadi teyu leginisi lebwena emweeya veisiya ibanisa sitana pilasi bwena deli goli siguguwa makhala bwala ayani. avela mtosi gala, mapoulana wala itotasa – makhala otumisiya lemwesa e, lemesa litusiya bogwa makhala wala. skuru sena vakhegaga olopola kilivila taga khabitam gala ibasi isinivekha mesinaku wala isivivila olopola kilivila. gala isunapula mokwita, bila isaiya valu ituwari, oilovakhavekha e, bimweeya bibasi khabitam bimeya oduvalusa. khalabawa dabuboyasa avetuta bivenokisi top--up deli goli khs ikeitamasi imesa wala tauvagugulasi ovalu. besa uula sena ekaiki woula besa tuta pela turi e, tagisemwesa tauwananasi pela vocational deli technical colleges.pela elementary preparatory (ep) schools, primary deli top--up, sena wala vakhegaga khasipwetukula oduvalusa. inisiya gugwadi ipeulakisa khalabwari gugwadi khasi kalaga, khatuloluta pela ginigini sena wala peula. tumisiya goli makhala wala sena peula savari pela gugwadi si school fees (sf). sena wala bweikwana gugwadi dubasi taiyakhaula ep, primary e bilosa top up ikokeulasi prize: “kwalai tau?”, “a, bo bila high school.” mwasawapopu nona, eseki goli gwadi nanola esalau, veisiya ekanekelasi paisewa pela pokhala, deli sinakusi bilaguva gala pela khatuyawana.mitaga makwa tuta gugwadi bisuisi khs, bitobu dubasi e bikeitasi bimesa isimwesa ovalu ibagulasi. talivalasi mwada elapi ginigini gugwadi: mitaga gala pela ikanunumatasi gugwadi o, khena veisiya ipakhesa khala pwetukula pokhala deli goli siguguwa e, sibwaga. toituloki gala ipakhesa vituloki mitaga khs khala khatoula sena mwau – leliya kwenatola! sena vakhela tetula militela otameyesa tagisakhesa wala. taga kilivila lakeda pela khabitam makhadana wala khadatinidesi. khs khalamwareta wala olopola kilivila, gala kweyuwela. la gate kilivila bikabitam mauduyana wala. e taga mauduyana wala evabudaboda kilivila matala, lakhabitam deli lakeda biesaesa.igau taitusisa khs bibwena. lagela makwa tetu 2007 khalabawa toginigini 400 esuisi pela grades 9 & 10. bitalivila makhasana 200 grade 10 lagela. mitaga avetuta nabweya bugiyu bisaiyasi makhasana wala 10 khena 12 toginigini bilosa csh, hsh deli dsh. komwedosi goli tadoki wala pilapala ekatudumani bikeitasi bimesa ovalu tasimwesa. nasila goli bweikwanelawa gugwadi dubasi tayakhawarisa top--up lemeyesa, prizes lekokeulasi. pela mtosi top--up levenokisi e lesuisiga khs, gala pela khatuyawana gugwadi. dabala valu, dabala valu lesuisi khs. taga amakhala besa taigakhesa?khs toituloki khasibawa besa tuta 13, mwada 14, gala goli tetala bo lesakhaula lela csh. gala komwedosi simwa sibwala, sopi wa tank wala e, pela light pawa (genset) tokwarewaga. classrooms gala tona, tumila sena kwekekita. avetuta bitavakhana high school e, bita khabitam bibwena. khs library besa tuta bukila mpasino pilabubogwa – vakhela lekikisisa wala gugwadi lemweyesa irigemwesa. mpasi khegiya homework bitavavagi yagasi textbook – besa tuta pilatala tevasi pilatala. kidamwa tetala bikau bitakutu pela nabweya saiya, e amakhalaga mtosi tetolu?toginigini si dormitories (bwala wewasi deli masisi) gala wala bwena. makwa vivila sitana yawesala taga makwa tawau kwepunupwanana wala komwedona. olopola gala wala ileya kharitulela pela biwewasisi bibwena oluiga ginigini. gala pawa pela light bugibogi khabo study, deli gala sopi. pawa tokwarewaga e bikatumkulai khabitam metoya ostudy bugibogi. (silovala wala khs genset lekamdisa e lema sitana light mitaga khena tubukona wala omatadasi e o khena nayuwela e bigaga tuvela. e, bikeita gola bila odokhala.)bogwa gala genset e,sitanaga khetala rampa deli kharesina tagimwari pela bipilasi gugwadi sistudy. khs gala lamani pela mkwesi guguwa. veisiya goli leiyomwausi wala gugwadi sibwaga deli si pokhala e, mwadaga bitalukwewa bineisi tuvela pela rampa deli kharesina.besa uula vakhela gugwadi day students wala e, gala tona boarders (tokwanawa oskuru). sekumwelaga boarders besa gudisi wala wasimla o,avela sena khaduwanoma o, khena avela ibwadi bimapu boarding fees. mtosi gugwadi boarders vakhela tuta khasimolu wala pela veisiya sena mwau si bwaga bimeyakisa. kidamwa kweokuva lula e, gala wala ibwadi bukugini bibwena o, khena bukwabitam. mtosi day students, vakhela tuta olola wala biyobarisi ginigini. e, avetuta bikeitasi bimesa ovalu, sena khasi somata e, gala wala bivagisa homework bibwena. pela ovalu sena yobosa deli bibdubadu khabotamnabi, deli khopituki wotetila besa veisiya. kidamwa khaboginigini sena gewagewa deli gegedu e, deli khaduwanoma lola, besa sena nanakwa tamnabi bitabubwadi otapwala keda. tevilesi gugwadi bisewesa gala, besa taina wala losuia waopu biuvalutusi.lagela gugwadi evigakhesa ginigini khs khasi tilaula deli mwada tadokhesa elilapi deli esulasulasi otapwala keda, taga uula makhala. khaboginigini gewagewa deli sena tagisakhesa e gala nanakwa tawotitarisa ibwena. tomota elapedasi bitapusimsa tokwarewaga bitoilakhesa e, deli tokwarewaga gala immweki uwasi bitoilakhesa. mapela olayogewagewa khs esekemwa toginigini litudayasa lemamasi e, lekikeitasi lememesa ovalu tasigugurisa. lemweeya valu lekasewaki e, latapupwadedasi sena turi khatubwabwawa. taga pakula yakidasi wala. mapela tovote nabweya bugiyu, pirisi kunanamsasi bibwena. makwa skuru gala computer, tv, tereponi, fax, internet access, gala turaki, gala waga obwarita, gala lanurse e, mkwesi goli gugumwaya. waga pela bikatumkulai khabitam makhala khena bilolosa bwemapou, muwa, tuma e, makwesi goli valu. ginigini gala pela oclassroom wala, taga gugwadi bisunupuleyesa bilausa oyosewa pela bigisaki mitasi titolesi. turaki pela bipilasi school la admin runs, gugwadi si keda deli sibwaga. high schools komwedona olopola png iyosisa computer pela bikamtumkulai sikabitam e sinukwari amakhala valu valu olopola watanawa. bwena, taga talivalisala. kidamwa computer lessons bitaitourisa khs e, bimweeya litudayasa bwenaokuva wala. egigibwadi kheyola kilivila: bottleneck education at khs | 6cb25e94842a88d49930bdd243ed0ffdecd3b61f3817c81fd5cf75d081589735 | 860 | 5,422 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.86 | 31 | en |
No really. This is probably CG’s master photoshop job but you can tell the couch has lovely tone- worn out just right and softened to reflect the comfort of old money. Some buttock has been enjoying this couch for a bit of time. yes for old money to be old money it needs time. I prefer a chesterfield that has been “sat-out” for at least 20 yrs. it become snuggleable that way. My preference stems from the fact that I’m a cheap skate that likes things. So 2nd hand is the way, the truth and the life. No unnecessary debt without having gone through the 2nd market first. which is the only practical way I can own a damn chesterfield in the first place. You see, the hustle is like this sometimes – while some elitist family struggles to keep up with the rising costs of maintaining their 100 year old estate holding collections of chesterfields, the thobile’s of this world lurk about and wait for Jericho to fall. Inequality means that when the rich get richer, someone is bound to slide down the ladder. When that eventually happens, we grab the chesterfield for our future generations. I saw a two- seater one being advertised in Paarl for R6000 last month. I am a serial leather grabber. | 0709eae9a3128e044194b29c4e115e414b67a315bdd4abdc5deaf6196f905c56 | 217 | 977 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.38 | 6 | en |
Gunda Misty bedding set, 2017-03-19 18:04:49. The best way to find out where to buy the hotel bedding for home is to look on the law tag. All 'filled' bedding according to FTC regulations has to have a law tag sewn onto the article of bedding by the manufacturer. Most consumers jokingly know these tags as the 'Remove By Penalty of Law' tag. When bedding companies make bedding they commonly use a style # or description on the bedding tag. One hotel bedding manufacturer - DOWNLITE, uses a 24 character model number like HOS100PI0050-WHI-020-026 to describe their item. Most bedding also features a manufacturer brand tag and it is very common for a consumer to Google the manufacturer name and find their website where they may sell the bedding. Don't be fooled by resellers of bedding and instead go straight to the actual hotel bedding manufacturer. The largest bedding manufacturers for hotels include DOWNLITE, Pacific Coast Feather and Carpenter. | 25579a7fe53214c99d1e07eb4d55c7b118928950d11a6d8feb94c2c2179d2ecf | 159 | 796 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.628931 | 3.14 | 5 | en |
Ang lahat ay maaaring makatulong upang madagdagan ang bokabularyo sa Wikang Zulu pati na rin sa Wikang Aleman sa pamamagitan ng pagsasalin ng mga salita at pangungusap. Ang mga idinagdag na pagsasalin ay ire-rate gamit ang rating mechanism upang ang may mataas na kalidad na mga pagsasalin lamang ang manatili sa aming mga talahuluganan. Mahalagang ang mga tagasalin ay magsalin lamang sa kanilang mother tongue. Sila ang lubos na nakapagsasalita at nakaiintindi ng kanilang mga wika. Sa tulong ng maraming tao, tayo ay nakapag-aambag sa hangaring ang mga endangered na wika ay hindi na naghihingalo at manatiling buhay para sa ating mga kaapu-apuhan. | f55f310cd1967d6b01a704ae4fa501d82150feb60f251aadf243afaa501439ff | 103 | 549 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | tl |
The choir drew other praise. Their voices filled the cathedral and thats not easy to do, said the Rev. Canon Eugene T. Sutton of Washington National Cathedral, who assisted in the service and who welcomed the Washington visitors. U.S. Rep. Brian Baird and his wife Rachel Nugent were guests at the service. Baird said he holds a special tie to the Cathedral three years ago he proposed marriage while the couple strolled through Bishops Garden on Cathedral grounds. Baird noted, we came here after 9-11, its a place we come when people die in office and when national tragedies happen. He also spoke of how Washington National Cathedral binds people from various faiths and various parts of the country. This is a place where we all can come together to honor our tradition of religious freedom and our shared values, and to contemplate, which is a relatively rare opportunity in this town. Washington visitors played key roles throughout the service. June Jackson, director of spiritual formation at Seattle First United Methodist Church, read Scripture, as did Linda Chapman of Seattle, a regional leader of the National Cathedral Association. | 21950facbde4cf1ea9b13d0cd50a55e199625caa14f903f24b54ffefb9d76fcd | 189 | 968 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.06 | 5 | en |
We got these as a wedding gift and so far have only had cause to use the two smaller pieces--the biggest piece is absolutely HUGE. I think I could fit inside of it! Not entirely sure when I'll be taking a transatlantic ocean liner that would require such an enormous piece of luggage, but who knows? The other two pieces are of more useful sizes, and have been employed for several short trips and getaways. I appreciate all the pockets on the inside of the cases--the flaps that secure the contents on either side of the suitcase have zippered mesh pockets on them--good for stashing keys, jewelry, plugs, etc.The wheels have great motion and they roll very smoothly--much better than my old $20 rolly that made a racket and was a literal pain in the butt to tug along. The handles pull up and retracts smoothly, as well--nice construction.My two negatives: the hard shell is more of a "semi-rigid" shell. That is, if the gorilla from that old Samsonite commercial got a hold of these, they'd probably get squished pretty quickly. That said, I think they're sturdy enough to handle the general rigors of travel--and if you're packing breakables and liquids in your suitcase, the onus is on you.My other negative is I wish there was at least some sort of slip pocket on the backs of the suitcases--to stick your magazine, ticket, or what have you inside. A little stash place on the exterior so you don't have to unzip.(Note: The suitcases are more matte and not as glossy as they appear in the photograph.)----**UPDATE: After several airline trips I've noticed that pull-up handle on the middle-sized suitcase (the one we use the most) has become lose and a bit wobbly. Not a huge deal yet, but just not as structurally sturdy as I previously had thought.** | 1f8c6b52086525df051ffc2c4e12b307193287b522954da8a420446d3cd15def | 308 | 1,451 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.32 | 8 | en |
This beautiful tree grows up to 25 m tall in a forest habitat, but in a garden it can be treated as a medium-sized tree, expected to reach a height of up to 12 m.Trunk In the wild, where it is growing in an exposed, rocky position it may be nothing more than a shrub, but well-grown specimens will have a single, straight bole branching to form a dense, semi-circular canopy. The trunk of Celtis africana is easy to distinguish by its smooth, pale grey to white bark. It may be loosely peeling in old trees and sometimes has horizontal ridges. | e2db11a9cf0c1be261e8c5373bee304977627b8c3cc02288ce421f2a0f2d0397 | 101 | 443 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.98 | 7 | en |
"abantu, bebonke, abajwayele ucabangele esintwini sisonke yokuthi sitshelwa ukuba. abantu abaningi obakhathalelayo abangane babo, umndeni kanye nabanye abambalwa ngenxa yokuthi laba bantu ziye kwaba nethonya elihle ekuphileni kwabo. kodwa le uthando hhayi ngokuvamile enwetshiwe emhlabeni jikelele. singabantu bonke abantu abafanelwe amalungelo afanayo kanye nje abantu abambalwa yokuzinikela baye bakwazi ukuqaphela lokhu ngokusebenzisa sikhathi. nokho, zikhona izizathu eziningana ubandlululo kanye nokunganaki basaqhubeka ezivame kangaka. okokuqala, i--internet neminye amadivaysi ukuthi sikwazi ukukhulumisana global ziye nje iye muva nje yasungulwa futhi abantu sebeqala nje ukubona futhi bafunde emhlabeni wonkana, kanjalo abanye nje awazi ukuthi okwandile ukuhlupheka nokucindezelwa sikhona. okwesibili, abaningi bazi ukuthi yini kwathonya abangani nomndeni lwabo ebuhleni nasebubini, kanjalo bayakwazi ukubheka emuva ngamaphutha abo futhi sibaxolele. kodwa kunzima ukwenza lokhu wonke umuntu emhlabeni, ikakhulu lapho sinikwa kuphazamiseke ezihlukaniswe nababusi bethu ngokwezimali. ngakho--ke, kulula generalize hhayi unendaba esithile nomuntu esikude, uhlanga, lenkolo, noma izwe. lokhu kuyinkinga enkulu ngoba uma iningi labantu kuphela qhutshwa ukuba kahle ithonye nalabo phakathi kwamaqembu abo siqu senhlalo noma ngisho kungakapheli kwemingcele yabo siqu, khona--ke ukungalingani okukhulu nokuhlupheka okukhona emhlabeni kuzoqhubeka uphikelele lapho ayinayo kuya. | 80c955590a9781fe2861428c97432fa406914a7f9d29eba60cc706b827568e17 | 176 | 1,302 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | en |
sa liindasteri hape e ne e le moreki oa lebokose la gear le--radiator. e boetse e hlahile hore morekisi o ile a kōpa motlakase hore a boloke chelete e setseng ea toyota venture sebakeng sa hae. ke feela phetolelo e nkiloeng ea bosholu e fumanoeng le likarolo tsa eona li sebelisetsoa ho tsosolosa toyota venture e 'ngoe sebakeng seo. chassisi e ne e le ivory park moo qalong koloi e utsoitsoeng e ileng ea amohuoa teng. ramotlakase o ne a bina joaloka canary 'me moetsi oa molao o ne a tšoaroa motšehare oa mantsiboea, ka letsatsi le le leng. motšoaruoa ea tšoeroeng o ile a re molekane oa hae o fetisitse 'me a patoa bekeng e fetileng ea hlakubele. mosali oa monna ea lilemo li--42 o ile a koalloa mapoleseng a tembisa ka tefo ea bosholu ba koloi le motlakase | d136fac25c47434c975cd92b56ab8b8a56a2b3473b92e54f2beb0a1bdd9161d2 | 140 | 621 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | tl |
yegula lauvalam magigu taem bayosi pela davalusa khalamwau bawotitari. avetuta laiseuri soccer olopola okhebom e, lagisi khalasalau lewokuva, olui lagisi valu egabu khalasia e, lagisemwa laiseuri makwa wewa project. pela uula magigu kwemmwamova nanamsa deli vituloki, gala kwemtamata. besa uula gala ikikau nanogu khomlagela. bogwa lagisi pwepwaya deli bwarita khalamama. ulakha omitibogwa taga besa tuta sebakhana deli khetasusila wala. yena kuyu, dubakhalakhala, toma, sigau, omitibogwa taga besa tuta mweyawa, vaya deli tuwa, monawa tomota lesavalisa pela sitana kusukwasu. pela uula tomota sena vakhegaga e baleku gala tona. khai tatamatisa, pwepwaya legabu eseki valu, khai deli bwarita gala lakhabowewasi. dakedasi pela khaukweda khala bwena deli goli gugwadi khasibwena mesinaku wala oginigini -- mitaga ginigini bwena. magigu tomota bisakhegusi mandate – kharewaga – pela odubasi tomota babasi nigada oilovekha. nigada oilovekha auvagi e, abubani mitaga lauvatowa odabala wala uni -- besa pela wala okhabopaisewa, uni olopola, gala pela valu. makhala makwa wewa project besa oyagala wala uni mapela uni wala lataem ikau. besa uula gala sena ayosalau amema avakhawari. makwena research project lamweya bwemapou e lasiwa kwaradu bo makhala wala. taem gala ayosi ibwena mokwita pela batoilaki valu pela sena yobusabosa vituloki. | dae3841f34d98b63de696ded946f8a72b0d1e6db0725cd266cb52018de993e49 | 190 | 1,144 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.11 | 5 | en |
Colour Name:Grey/Yellow| Size Name:8.5 UK|Verified Purchase This is my second pair of these innov8 210s. My old pair lasted well over a year and half doing 5 crossfit workouts a week and some gym work. Did a little running in them but only short distances, not really recommended for long distance running (*not designed for wet weather or mud). I recommend these for indoor training that involves olympic bar lifting as an alternative to wearing no shoes and circuit style workouts. I would purchase a half size smaller than normal (I am usually a 9 but both pairs of my 210s have been 8.5 and have fitted me perfectly, a previous pair of innov8 185s were a 9 and did not fit right).Great product if you are looking for a barefoot feel when training. | 5b7b449f27cf929a90f6eb862839a77ad53704430c25d8e40921d2cdb5775a83 | 134 | 618 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.99 | 8 | en |
Avetuta bukuitusi keda komwedona letaboda e, besa dimdim ledidokhesa kheyola boteri. KHS lakhetota besa tuta bo ebwadi bitadoki kheyola boteri. Kidamwa bukugisi makhena boteri, osibula khedumwalu wala lema ela oilavala e, eitoula levasisikwa. Osibula ela oilavala besa toginigini khala bawa oTop-Up lesusuisiga KHS. Avetuta levakhanasa okheyola boteri besa bogwa olumolela KHS, grade 9 deli 10. Pela senela sisikwa okheyola boteri, esekemwa toginigini ekomsekikinasi avela bipeula bila grade 11 deli 12. Teyu wala tetolu bilosa e, mabudanaga komwedona bikeitasima bimesa tasimwesa ovalu. Pela makhatupona okheyola sena sisikwa, sena mwau. E, besa KHS layogewagewa deli lakhepwapota.Besa uula, bweikwanelawa gugwadi dubasi bisunapulasi Top-Up e, avetutaga bilosa KHS biwesa igigibwadi kheyasi. Ikimmari wala siginigini ikeitasima imesa ovalu tasimwesa. Mapela makwa ginigini KHS besa tuta ikwani wala bitadoki kheyola boteri. Avetuta bitaitusi makhala, KHS sena mokwita kwevekha la sula pela ikubudubwadi Kilivila lakhabitam deli lakeda biesaesa. Besa uula mtosi teyu gugwadi bisuisi CSH deli HSH gala, khelui wala. Bimweeya Offer pela paisewa gala mokwita bwena bibanisa. Mokwita wala kheilugwala gugwadi dubasi Kidamwa gala bitakibwelakisa besa tuta bwena aom, desi takhatusunupuleyesa gugwadi metoya oginigini. Taga tayomadasi tuta – gala ave High School tuvela bisuisi. Khenaga gala, bwena kunei keda kulau latum igini Alotau, Moresby, Lae o, khena ave valu sitana bwena. Pela gugwadi sikeda khadatinidesi wala oduvalusi - KHS mitaga, khadagewagewa khadamwedona. Ula Masi Kwematala: Khalasimalaluva Skuru - Resurrection of Kiriwina High (KHS) and Watuluma High (WHS) | 5f8ab5d55a10e3b073b60e969f9b8b6a4d71b443082b43aaf3a8b3b6cfb56ada | 231 | 1,439 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.03 | 7 | en |
In his General Session at 15th Cloud Expo, Harold Hannon, Sr. Software Architect at SoftLayer, discussed how to take advantage of a multitude of compute options and platform features to make cloud the cornerstone of your online presence.Jan. 24, 2015 02:15 PM EST Reads: 4,570Women in Technology Panel at Cloud ExpoBy Pat RomanskiIn this Women in Technology Power Panel at 15th Cloud Expo, moderated by Anne Plese, Senior Consultant, Cloud Product Marketing at Verizon Enterprise, Esmeralda Swartz, CMO at MetraTech; Evelyn de Souza, Data Privacy and Compliance Strategy Leader at Cisco Systems; Seema Jethani, Director of Product Management at Basho Technologies; Victoria Livschitz, CEO of Qubell Inc.; Anne Hungate, Senior Director of Software Quality at DIRECTV, discussed what path they took to find their spot within the technology industry and how do they see opportunities for other women in their area of expertise.Jan. 24, 2015 01:45 PM EST Reads: 3,295Slides: Mac Devine's Keynote PresentationBy Elizabeth WhiteAlmost everyone sees the potential of Internet of Things but how can businesses truly unlock that potential. The key will be in the ability to discover business insight in the midst of an ocean of Big Data generated from billions of embedded devices via Systems of Discover. Businesses will also need to ensure that they can sustain that insight by leveraging the cloud for global reach, scale and elasticity.Jan. 24, 2015 01:00 PM EST Reads: 5,421Elisa Launches IoT Service with ThingWorxBy Elizabeth White“The age of the Internet of Things is upon us,” stated Thomas Svensson, senior vice-president and general manager EMEA, ThingWorx, “and working with forward-thinking companies, such as Elisa, enables us to deploy our leading technology so that customers can profit from complete, end-to-end solutions.” ThingWorx, a PTC® (Nasdaq: PTC) business and Internet of Things (IoT) platform provider, announced on Monday that Elisa, Finnish provider of mobile and fixed broadband subscriptions, will deploy ThingWorx® platform technology to enable a new Elisa IoT service in Finland and Estonia. Jan. 24, 2015 11:00 AM EST Reads: 1,997Slides: James Lynn ‘Security in the Cloud’By Elizabeth WhiteAdvanced Persistent Threats (APTs) are increasing at an unprecedented rate. The threat landscape of today is drastically different than just a few years ago. Attacks are much more organized and sophisticated. They are harder to detect and even harder to anticipate. In the foreseeable future it's going to get a whole lot harder. Everything you know today will change. Keeping up with this changing landscape is already a daunting task. Your organization needs to use the latest tools, methods and expertise to guard against those threats. But will that be enough? In the foreseeable future attacks w...Jan. 24, 2015 11:00 AM EST Reads: 4,351New Oracle Suite for WebRTCBy Elizabeth WhiteAs enterprises move to all-IP networks and cloud-based applications, communications service providers (CSPs) – facing increased competition from over-the-top providers delivering content via the Internet and independently of CSPs – must be able to offer seamless cloud-based communication and collaboration solutions that can scale for small, midsize, and large enterprises, as well as public sector organizations, in order to keep and grow market share. The latest version of Oracle Communications Unified Communications Suite gives CSPs the capability to do just that. In addition, its integration ...Jan. 24, 2015 11:00 AM EST Reads: 4,155Slides: Ivelin Ivanov ‘WebRTC & IoT Explosion’By Liz McMillanFrom telemedicine to smart cars, digital homes and industrial monitoring, the explosive growth of IoT has created exciting new business opportunities for real time calls and messaging. | 0369ea95dd32a510e0f68f1324c7b9ddb719064c7f96840e1aba8158a108349d | 574 | 3,216 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.348432 | 3.66 | 6 | en |
way to a school tournament. Police spokesperson Capt Jackson Manatha said: “It is alleged a 17 year old boy was transporting 26 learners from Ngqaqini JSS to Mente JSS at Willowvale on Wednesday 27 February 2013 at about 10h00. It is alleged that the 17 year old boy was transporting the learners in the bakkie of his father. It is not clear at this point in time what led to the accident as the bakkie did not collide with another vehicle but overturned.” Manatha said a a 20-year-old boy who was one of the passengers died at the scene and the rest of the learners were seriously injured including the 17 year old driver. They were all rushed to Butterworth hospital but others were treated and discharged. Seven of them are still hospitalised. A case of culpable homicide and driving without licence has been opened against the 17 year old boy. The father of the boy will be charged for allowing his son to drive his bakkie without a driving licence. | 7378ad6ba60e80cbaebdee2489c0fa1d019711ccffa00cbf896a13a606b65b6b | 171 | 783 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4.09 | 5 | en |
HE 25 year old Ethiopian Getachew Bekele (25) from Ethiopia was the first to touch the Nelson Mandela Marathon finish line on Sunday morning. The marathon started from the Manaye hall in Imbali to the Mandela Capture site in Howick. Bekele finished the race in 2/29/48 (2 hours,28minutesand19seconds).Hewasfollowed by Nedbank’s David Rasefako who finished in 2/30/50. Sikhumbuzo Seme from Cape Town was the South African who made it in the third place in 2/31/25. Moses Mabhida Road came into a standstill for longer minutes as runners were running in the inner routes of the race in Imbali. Residents from Gomora and Imbali Unit 1 came out in numbers to support the runners. Hordes of people were also at the Mandela Capture site where the race ended. Speaking to Echo, Bekele said he could not explain his excitement after winning the race. Speaking through his translator, promised that he is coming back to run the race again. “IknowtheMandelanamebecauseheisthe world icon. Being part of a project with the Mandela name is an honour. It was the first time I have won the race and the greatest achievement of the year,” he said. The 28 year old Seme said becoming the third winner of the race was a surprise to him. “I’m happy and this shows that training hard pays. I have been training for six months and next year I’m aiming for a win. I’m happy about the race and to be part of something that has a Mandela name. Lastyear’swinneroftherace,BrightonChipere didn’t finish the race on Sunday. He threw in the towel after running 13 km and he said he was disappointed at himself. “IrealisedthatIwaskillingmyself.Mybody couldn’t take it anymore. I think if I had trained like last year, maybe I would have made it to the finish,” said Chipere. The first female runner was Chiyedza Choroke who was followed by her sister Lizih Choroke. The fourth place was taken by Winile Mnisi and the fifth by Cary Ann Smith. | 0fc2a755ead5879b49399fce05876784069b95c0ebf86c1a71536445e8912b22 | 327 | 1,585 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.75 | 5 | en |
2 ngonyaka wesibili wobukhosi bukanebukhadinezari, unebukhadinezari waphupha amaphupho;+ futhi umoya wakhe waqala ukuyaluza,+ waqwasha. 2 ngakho inkosi yathi makubizwe abapristi abenza imilingo+ nabalumbi nabathakathi namakhaledi ukuze batshele inkosi amaphupho ayo.+ bangena futhi bama phambi kwenkosi. 3 khona--ke inkosi yathi kubo: “kunephupho engiliphuphile, futhi umoya wami uyayaluza ukuba ngazi leli phupho.” 4 khona--ke amakhaledi akhuluma nenkosi ngolimi lwesi--aramu+ athi: “o nkosi, phila kuze kube nini nanini.+ tshela izinceku zakho iphupho, thina sisho incazelo yalo.”+ 5 inkosi yaphendula yathi kumakhaledi: “ngikhipha izwi lokuthi: uma ningangazisi iphupho, nencazelo yalo, nizohlahlelwa,+ futhi izindlu zenu zizophendulwa izindawo zangasese zomphakathi.+ 6 kodwa uma nizosho iphupho nencazelo yalo, ngizonamukelisa izipho nexosho nesithunzi esikhulu.+ ngakho--ke ngitsheleni iphupho nencazelo yalo.” 7 aphendula okwesibili athi: “inkosi mayitshele izinceku zayo iphupho, thina sisho incazelo yalo.” 8 inkosi yaphendula yathi: “eqinisweni, ngiyaqaphela ukuthi nina madoda nizama ukuqhuba isikhathi, njengoba nje nibonile ukuthi ngikhiphé izwi. 9 ngoba uma ningangazisi leli phupho, yilesi sigwebo+ kuphela esiphezu kwenu. kodwa yizwi elingamanga nelingeyilo enivumelane ukulisho phambi kwami,+ kuze kube yilapho kushintshwa isikhathi ngokwaso. ngakho--ke ngitsheleni iphupho, khona--ke ngizokwazi ukuthi ningangibonisa nencazelo yalo.” 10 amakhaledi aphendula phambi kwenkosi, athi: “akukho muntu emhlabathini owomile okwaziyo ukubonisa indaba yenkosi, nanjengoba nje kungekho nkosi enkulu nambusi owake wabuza into enjengale kunoma yimuphi umpristi owenza imilingo noma umlumbi noma umkhaledi. 11 kodwa le nto inkosi eyicelayo inzima, futhi akekho omunye umuntu ongayiveza enkosini ngaphandle konkulunkulu,+ abandawo yabo yokuhlala ingekho nhlobo kwabenyama.”+ 12 ngenxa yalokhu inkosi yathukuthela futhi yafutheka kakhulu,+ yathi makubhujiswe bonke abantu abahlakaniphile basebhabhiloni.+ 13 waphuma umyalo, futhi abantu abahlakaniphile base bezobulawa; bamfuna udaniyeli nabangane bakhe, ukuze babulawe. 14 ngaleso sikhathi udaniyeli yena, ngokuhlakanipha nangokuba nengqondo+ wakhuluma no--ariyoki induna yemilindankosi, owayephumele ukubulala abantu abahlakaniphile basebhabhiloni. 15 wakhuluma no--ariyoki isikhulu senkosi wathi: “kungasizathu sini inkosi ikhiphé umyalo ononya kangaka?” yingaleso sikhathi--ke lapho u--ariyoki amazisa khona udaniyeli le ndaba.+ 16 ngakho udaniyeli wangena futhi wacela enkosini ukuba imnike isikhathi ngokukhethekile ukuze azise inkosi incazelo.+ 17 ngemva kwalokho udaniyeli waya endlini yakhe; futhi le ndaba wayazisa uhananiya, umishayeli no--azariya abangane bakhe, 18 ukuze bacele isihe+ kunkulunkulu wezulu+ ngokuphathelene nale mfihlo,+ ukuze bangambhubhisi udaniyeli nabangane bakhe kanye nabo bonke abanye abantu abahlakaniphile basebhabhiloni.+ 19 khona--ke le mfihlo yembulwa kudaniyeli embonweni wasebusuku.+ ngenxa yalokho udaniyeli wamtusa+ unkulunkulu wezulu. 20 udaniyeli waphendula wathi: “igama likankulunkulu malituswe+ kusukela nini nanini kuze kube nini nanini, ngenxa yokuhlakanipha namandla—ngoba kungokwakhe.+ 21 ushintsha izikhathi nezinkathi,+ asuse amakhosi abeke amakhosi,+ anike abahlakaniphileyo ukuhlakanipha nolwazi kulabo abazi ukwahlukanisa.+ 22 wambula izinto ezijulile nezinto ezifihlakele,+ azi lokho okusebumnyameni;+ futhi ukukhanya+ kuhlala kuye. 23 o nkulunkulu wokhokho bami, ngiyakudumisa futhi ngiyakutusa,+ ngoba unginiké ukuhlakanipha+ namandla. manje ungazisile lokho esikucele kuwe, ngoba usazisile yona kanye indaba yenkosi.”+ 24 ngenxa yalokhu udaniyeli waya ku--ariyoki,+ inkosi eyayimmisile ukuba abhubhise abantu abahlakaniphile basebhabhiloni.+ waya, washo lokhu kuye: “ungabhubhisi muntu kwabahlakaniphile basebhabhiloni. ngingenise phambi kwenkosi,+ ukuba ngazise inkosi incazelo. 25 khona--ke ngokushesha, u--ariyoki wamngenisa udaniyeli phambi kwenkosi, wayesethi kuyo: “ngitholé indoda enamandla kubadingiswa+ bakwajuda engayazisa inkosi incazelo.” 26 inkosi yaphendula udaniyeli ogama lakhe lalingubheliteshazari+ yathi: “ingabe ngempela uzokwazi ukungazisa iphupho engilibonile, nencazelo yalo?”+ 27 udaniyeli waphendula ephambi kwenkosi wathi: “imfihlo inkosi eyibuzayo, abantu abahlakaniphile, abalumbi, abapristi abenza imilingo nababhula ngezinkanyezi abakwazi ukuyibonisa inkosi.+ 28 nokho, kukhona unkulunkulu emazulwini ongumambuli wezimfihlo,+ futhi uyazisile inkosi unebukhadinezari okuyokwenzeka engxenyeni yokugcina yezinsuku.+ iphupho lakho nemibono yekhanda lakho embhedeni wakho—yilokhu: 29 “o nkosi, ufikelwe yimicabango usembhedeni wakho+ ngokuqondene nalokho okuyokwenzeka ngemva kwalokhu, futhi lowo ongumambuli wezimfihlo ukwazisile okuyokwenzeka.+ 30 kepha mina, akungenxa yanoma yikuphi ukuhlakanipha okukhona kimi okungaphezu kwanoma yikuphi okukhona kwabanye abaphilayo ukuthi le mfihlo yambulwe kimi,+ ngaphandle kwenhloso yokuba le ncazelo yaziswe inkosi nokuba wazi imicabango yenhliziyo yakho.+ 31 “wena nkosi, ububhekile, futhi, bheka! nanku umfanekiso othile omkhulu. lowo mfanekiso, obumkhulu futhi okukhanya kwawo bekungaphezu kokuvamile, ubumi phambi kwakho, futhi ukubonakala kwawo kwesabisa. 32 ngokuqondene nalowo mfanekiso, ikhanda lawo bekungelegolide elihle,+ isifuba sawo nezingalo zawo kungokwesiliva,+ isisu sawo namathanga awo kungokwethusi,+ 33 imilenze yawo kungeyensimbi,+ izinyawo zawo ingxenye kuyinsimbi nengxenye kuwubumba olubunjiwe.+ 34 uqhubekile ubuka kwaze kwaqheshulwa itshe kungengazandla,+ lawushaya umfanekiso ezinyaweni zawo zensimbi nobumba olubunjiwe lazichoboza.+ 35 ngaleso sikhathi insimbi, ubumba olubunjiwe, ithusi negolide, konke kuhlangene, kuchotshoziwe kwaba njengamakhoba avela esibuyeni sasehlobo,+ futhi umoya wakuphephula kangangokuba akutholakalanga ngisho nomncane umkhondo wako.+ kepha itshe elishaye umfanekiso, libé yintaba enkulu futhi lagcwala umhlaba wonke.+ 36 “yilo leli iphupho, futhi incazelo yalo sizoyisho phambi kwenkosi.+ 37 wena nkosi, nkosi yamakhosi, wena unkulunkulu wamazulu akuniké umbuso,+ amandla, nezikhwepha nesithunzi, 38 futhi anikelé esandleni sakho+ izilwane zasendle nezidalwa ezinamaphiko zamazulu nomaphi lapho abantwana babantu behlala khona, nakwenzé umbusi phezu kwakho konke, wena ngokwakho uyikhanda legolide.+ 39 “ngemva kwakho kuyovela omunye umbuso+ ongaphansi kunawe;+ nomunye umbuso, wesithathu, wethusi, oyobusa phezu komhlaba wonke.+ 40 “ngokuqondene nombuso wesine,+ uyoba namandla njengensimbi.+ njengoba nje insimbi ichoboza futhi igaya yonke into, kanjalo, njengensimbi ephihlizayo, uyoyichoboza futhi uyiphihlize yonke lena.+ 41 “njengoba ubonile ukuthi izinyawo nezinzwane ingxenye beziwubumba olubunjiwe lombumbi futhi ingxenye ziyinsimbi,+ lowo mbuso uyoba ohlukene,+ kodwa okuthile kokuqina kwensimbi kuyoba kuwo, njengoba nje uboné insimbi ixubene nobumba olumanzi.+ 42 njengoba izinzwane zezinyawo ingxenye ziyinsimbi nengxenye ziwubumba olubunjiwe, ngokwengxenye umbuso uyoba namandla futhi ngokwengxenye ube ophuka kalula. 43 njengoba ubone insimbi ixubene nobumba olumanzi, bayoxubana nenzalo yabantu; kodwa ngeke banamathelane, lona kulowaya, njengoba nje insimbi ingaxubani nobumba olubunjiwe. 44 “ezinsukwini zalawo makhosi+ unkulunkulu wezulu+ uyomisa umbuso+ ongeke neze uchithwe.+ futhi lowo mbuso ngeke udluliselwe kwabanye abantu.+ uyochoboza uqede yonke le mibuso,+ wona uqobo ume kuze kube nini nanini;+ 45 njengoba nje ubonile ukuthi kuqheshulwe itshe entabeni kungengazandla,+ nokuthi lichobozé insimbi, ithusi, ubumba olubunjiwe, isiliva negolide.+ unkulunkulu omkhulu+ uyazisile inkosi okuyokwenzeka ngemva kwalokhu.+ leli phupho linokwethenjelwa, nencazelo yalo ithembekile.”+ 46 ngaleso sikhathi inkosi unebukhadinezari yawa ngobuso bayo, yakhulekela udaniyeli, futhi yathi makunikelwe isipho nempepho kuye.+ 47 inkosi yaphendula udaniyeli yathi: “ngempela unkulunkulu wenu nina madoda ungunkulunkulu wonkulunkulu+ nenkosi yamakhosi+ nomambuli wezimfihlo, ngoba wena ukwazile ukwambula le mfihlo.”+ 48 ngenxa yalokho inkosi yenza udaniyeli waba umuntu omkhulu,+ yamupha izipho eziningi ezinkulu, futhi yamenza umbusi phezu kwaso sonke isifunda sombuso sasebhabhiloni+ nenduna eyinhloko phezu kwabo bonke abantu abahlakaniphile basebhabhiloni. 49 udaniyeli yena, wenza isicelo enkosini, futhi yamisa ushadiraki, umeshaki no--abhedinego+ ukuba baqondise isifunda sombuso sasebhabhiloni, kodwa udaniyeli wayesegcekeni+ lenkosi. | 911d2bc53dfc74378e7477ce70d54662884f26b26b098c87c086f51f8eee2981 | 995 | 7,497 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4.92 | 6 | en |
ingabe niyibona ngokucacile indlela yokholo lwenu kunkulunkulu kanye nendlela yokulandela iqiniso? kuyini ngempela ukukholwa kunkulunkulu? ingabe usuke usuqedile ngemva kokuthwala ubunzima obuncane? abanye abantu bacabanga ukuthi ngemva kokubhekana nokwahlulelwa nokusolwa, ukuthenwa nokusetshenzwa noma ngemva kokwembula isimo sangempela, sebeqedile futhi umphumela wabo usuyabonakala. abantu abaningi abayiboni le ndaba ngokucacile, futhi bonke bame lapho, bengazi ukuthi bayihambe kanjani indlela ebamele. ngokujwayelekile, uma bengasetshenzwa futhi bengathenwa noma bengahlangabezani nezinkinga, bazozwa befuna ukufuna iqiniso bebe bekholwa kunkulunkulu, futhi bazozwa sengathi bangenelisa intando kankulunkulu. kodwa uma nje behlelwa yinkinga encane futhi kuqhamuka ubunzima obuthile, imvelo yabo yokukhaphela iyabonakala, ibenze babukeke benyanyeka, futhi ngemva kwesikhathi, bazozwa ukuthi imvelo yabo inyanyeka kakhulu. ekugcineni, bazibonela ngokwabo umphumela: “ngiphelile. ingabe angiphelile ngokwenza le nto? unkulunkulu ngeke ngempela angisindise.” baningi abantu abakulolu hlobo lwesimo; ungaze uthi wonke umuntu unjalo. kungani abantu bekwazi ukuzehlukisa ngale ndlela? kufakaza ukuthi abantu abayiqondi inhloso kankulunkulu yokubasindisa. ukusetshenzwa kanye nje kukwenza uhambe isikhathi eside ungalilandeli iqiniso; ukwenza iphutha elincane nje kukwenza ungayifezi imisebenzi yakho; indawo engabalulekile ikwenza ume ndawonye. kungathi abantu babona ukuthi kumele babe msulwa ukuze bakwazi ukuba nomdlandla wokufuna. uma bethola ukuthi bakhohlakele kakhulu, ngeke babe nawo umuzwa wokufuna. abantu abaningi sebesho izinto ezibuhlungu nezingezinhle ezifana nokuthi: “ngiphelile, ngiphelile ngempela. ayikho nje indlela yokuthi ngingasindiswa. ngisho ngabe unkulunkulu ungixolele, angeke ngikwazi ukuzixolela. angeke ngiguquke.” ukungaqondi kwabantu intando kankulunkulu kwembula ukuthi abantu abawuqondi umsebenzi kankulunkulu. empeleni, abantu bazode bembula okuthile kwezimo zabo esikhohlakele lapho bengena ngokwejwayelekile. abekho msulwa ezintweni abazenzayo, abawuthathi umthwalo wabo, abazinikele, futhi basebenza ngokushampuza. lena yinto eyimvelo futhi ayigwemeki. uma lezi zinto bezingembulwanga, bekungashiwo kanjani ukuthi isintu sikhohlakele? uma isintu besingakhohlakele, kusho ukuthi umsebenzi kankulunkulu wokusindisa ubungabalulekile. isimo samanje sithi abantu abanalo iqiniso, futhi abaziqondi kahle futhi abaziboni izimo zabo ngokucacile. ngakho--ke, izimo zabo kumele zembulwe futhi zicaciswe. ukukhanya bayokubona kuphela uma lezi zinto zembulwa kubo. abantu abasenamizwa futhi banemiqondo esebenza kancane. uma unkulunkulu engasebenzi ngale ndlela, kusho ukuthi angeke niguquke. nivelelwa izinkinga kuzo zonke izigaba. lokhu ngikuxoxa nani ukuze nginilungise ngibambe isondo ukuze nginiyise endleleni efanele. ngale kwalokho nizohlala nenza izinto eziyihaba, nihlale njalo nifika kwangqingetshe, niqhubeke ningenandlela, nizihlukise. lapho abantu beqala bebona, abaziqondi, kodwa ekugcineni, wonke umuntu ugcina eziqonda, ethi: “ngingusathane owudeveli! abantu bangodeveli, osathane kulokhu ngiphelile, angeke ngisindiswe; alisekho elinye ithuba futhi ayikho indlela yokuthi ngihlengwe.” abantu ngempela babuthaka kakhulu futhi kunzima ukumelana nabo, futhi kukubo ukuba nehaba. uma ngelinye ilanga abantu beyiqonda ngempela intando kankulunkulu, bazothi: “inkohlakalo yami ibijulile kangaka sonke lesi sikhathi kanti sengiyabona manje. ngenhlanhla, unkulunkulu uyangisindisa, manje sengiyayibona impilo enhle kanti sengingahamba endleleni elungile yokuphila. angazi ukuthi ngingambonga kanjani unkulunkulu.” kufana nokuphaphama ephusheni bese ubona ukukhanya. ingabe lokhu akukhona ukuthola insindiso enkulu? akumele badumise unkulunkulu? abanye abantu abaziqondi ngisho noma sekusondela ukufa; basaziqhenya futhi abakwazi ukwamukela amaqiniso ambuliwe. bazizwa sengathi balungile: “ngingumuntu olungile; bengingakwenza kanjani lokho?” kubukeka sengathi bebebekwa icala ngokuyiphutha. abanye abantu bedlula eminyakeni yomsebenzi kankulunkulu kodwa ekugcineni, basale bengayiqondi imvelo yabo. bahlala becabanga ukuthi bangabantu abalungile nokuthi benze iphutha nje emzuzwini wobudedengu, futhi kuze kube manje, bangamane basuswe kunokuthi bazithobe. lolu hlobo lomuntu luyaqhosha futhi luyaziqhenya futhi alulamukeli iqiniso. abasoze baguquka babe ngabantu. kulokhu niyabona ukuthi ngisho imvelo yabantu isekuphikiseni nasekhapheleni unkulunkulu, behlukene emvelweni yabo. lokhu kudinga ukuqonda okujulile kwemvelo yabantu. | 92ec650b5284e4d9bf375c3eaccd0f815c3776d61380d2def3c6e4b8b91bcae5 | 519 | 4,047 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | en |
Ella Naamah bedding set, 2017-07-14 07:50:04. There are many pieces and accessories that make up a bedding collection, these all together should match the colors of the bedroom and make the bedding hold importance on the d'cor side. A bedding is often purchased to help a bedroom get a new look and one more important part that covers the bedding is the comfort that they provide. It is just a matter of selection on a good collection that would indeed make up the room decor of your choice, with great colors to match the d'cor of your house. While making a selection, it is really important to know what kind of bedding would suit your room and which colors would make you feel comfortable. There are many bedding collections available, like bedding available that can help you get a good choice. | ae9b353e8c3a7e8f09e20421f11e720b33de385afe21e5fe9e590647f8d87574 | 141 | 658 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.42 | 7 | en |
joann mason’s birthday calvin and jane cafritz residence, georgetown | photosbykylesamperton no place like home: calvin and jane cafritz’s party for joann mason reminded guests that there’s no place like home when it comes to celebrating a major occasion for someone who counts. intimate soirée: fiy of the birthday girl’s nearest and dearest gathered for cocktails, a sumptuous dinner and heart--felt toasts from a designated spokesperson at each table followed by dancing to a lively three--piece band. celebrating a life: local newswoman barbara harrison surprised the guest of honor with a top--notch video filled with photos and tributes from family and friends. | e8b36e2a64e93b77e621aad739e00bb8c501c3b171d45e9d5d844511b120f184 | 102 | 569 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.98 | 6 | en |
I just dreamt I was @ braai a full of meat such tat pple were throwing it around & a guy I knw asked me 2 take a photo of him while he was carrying ma favourate sweater yet he was wearing a torn t shirt .I remember asking him why he was carrying ma sweater but he never answered me . All of a sudden I realised tat almost everyone was nw asleep around e fire I then went into ma car & tried 2 close e door so tat I cld go home & sleep but I cldnt close e door I struggled until I woke up .I know lots of meat is death but is it me or smeone close 2 me ? | 530c8a9f4ca2d584e5f28be47b674cc0e6a225a7c500829c044b66d9bf783fa7 | 126 | 428 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7.14 | 5 | en |
at sinethemba sithole, the main thing that we need to know that the brand “hlubi” is a new brand, that consists of rhadebe, xaba, and other ngelengele house, the original name of hlubi is mpembe originally from the great lakes, lived alongside amabhele and amalala, the white role pressured amabhele and mpembe tribe down south during the time of king bhele the first, who was later succeeded by his great son king langa kabhele, amabhele and and mpembe who later change to imihuhu and and again change their name to ngelengele during the time of king qunta son of dlomo of amabhele trine, king qunta led amabhele +amangelengele+dlamini+amawushe in the northern natal emnambithi , king qunta of amabhele tribe (1675--1710) then the pressure from british troops attacked them and use a propaganda that amabhele are eating people, at the time zulu tribe was a small factor and got a support from british especially king george, hence you found the statue in kzn, king qunta had to deal with thsi propaganda and do a lotnof public relations with amahlubi as the strategic tribe, and dlamini but some of qunta’s son left to join senzangakhona (a minor chief) and some joined amangwane later migrated to swati idea, some the reason was that the birth of mabandla killed their hope of leading the tribe and its affiliates, the propaganda spread many attacks and the remaining group of amabhele and the rhadebe great house led by fodo decedent of bhungane relocated with amazizi to settle in mzimkhulu with their king qunta.amahlubi alway called king qunta with his father’s nam king dlomo. king qunta remains are in mzimkhulu. | aec7238ce183beaf09472ac6c4c412c88e333bc4bc2e5bba85243955e020a3bb | 273 | 1,348 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.73 | 5 | en |
@ThingsExpo Stories[video] Interoute's Digital TransformationBy Yeshim Deniz"My role is working with customers, helping them go through this digital transformation. I spend a lot of time talking to banks, big industries, manufacturers working through how they are integrating and transforming their IT platforms and moving them forward," explained William Morrish, General Manager Product Sales at Interoute, in this SYS-CON.tv interview at 18th Cloud Expo, held June 7-9, 2016, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY.Mar. 27, 2017 09:45 PM EDT Reads: 3,631[slides] Operational Hadoop for Streaming DataBy Liz McMillanApache Hadoop is emerging as a distributed platform for handling large and fast incoming streams of data. Predictive maintenance, supply chain optimization, and Internet-of-Things analysis are examples where Hadoop provides the scalable storage, processing, and analytics platform to gain meaningful insights from granular data that is typically only valuable from a large-scale, aggregate view. One architecture useful for capturing and analyzing streaming data is the Lambda Architecture, represent...Mar. 27, 2017 08:15 PM EDT Reads: 6,317Ocean9 to Exhibit at Cloud Expo New YorkBy Elizabeth WhiteSYS-CON Events announced today that Ocean9will exhibit at SYS-CON's 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. Ocean9 provides cloud services for Backup, Disaster Recovery (DRaaS) and instant Innovation, and redefines enterprise infrastructure with its cloud native subscription offerings for mission critical SAP workloads. Mar. 27, 2017 07:45 PM EDT Reads: 2,194[session] IoT Data, Fog and Edge ComputingBy Elizabeth WhiteWith billions of sensors deployed worldwide, the amount of machine-generated data will soon exceed what our networks can handle. But consumers and businesses will expect seamless experiences and real-time responsiveness. What does this mean for IoT devices and the infrastructure that supports them? More of the data will need to be handled at - or closer to - the devices themselves.Mar. 27, 2017 07:30 PM EDT Reads: 4,589IBM Named "Diamond Sponsor" in NY and CABy Yeshim DenizSYS-CON Events announced today that SoftLayer, an IBM Company, has been named “Gold Sponsor” of SYS-CON's 18th Cloud Expo, which will take place on June 7-9, 2016, at the Javits Center in New York, New York. SoftLayer, an IBM Company, provides cloud infrastructure as a service from a growing number of data centers and network points of presence around the world. SoftLayer’s customers range from Web startups to global enterprises.Mar. 27, 2017 02:45 PM EDT Reads: 1,975Linux Academy to Exhibit at Cloud Expo New YorkBy Yeshim DenizSYS-CON Events announced today that Linux Academy, the foremost online Linux and cloud training platform and community, will exhibit at SYS-CON's 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. Linux Academy was founded on the belief that providing high-quality, in-depth training should be available at an affordable price. Industry leaders in quality training, provided services, and student certification passes, its goal is to c...Mar. 27, 2017 02:30 PM EDT Reads: 4,037CA Platinum Sponsor in New York & Silicon ValleyBy Yeshim DenizSYS-CON Events announced today that CA Technologies has been named “Platinum Sponsor” of SYS-CON's 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY, and the 21st International Cloud Expo®, which will take place October 31-November 2, 2017, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA. CA Technologies helps customers succeed in a future where every business – from apparel to energy – is being rewritten by software. From ...Mar. 27, 2017 02:00 PM EDT Reads: 2,080[session] IoT Security CertificationsBy Pat RomanskiIn his session at @ThingsExpo, Eric Lachapelle, CEO of the Professional Evaluation and Certification Board (PECB), will provide an overview of various initiatives to certifiy the security of connected devices and future trends in ensuring public trust of IoT. | 2920ece9823bb588ee8323e8a6108e23b5b471f8cb779a46cc64dfd96a77bd9f | 632 | 3,557 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.474684 | 6.01 | 6 | en |
Doctor it all begins in the foundations of what we call "ubuKrestu" UbuKrestu is a personal relationship with God. The great controvesy between ubuKrestu lobuHedeni is two forces fighting for yo soul, that is uKrestu uyakuqomisa ukuba ubelepersonal relationship laye kukanti uSathane laye ulwisa ukuthi ungadlelani loKrestu but him. So what happens is that Christ avails his goodness to us and the fruits thereof, and appeals for a relationship with each individual. When yu behold the goodness and make a positive choice yu have provoked Christs' enemy the devil. He will try to disturb yo good perception about God using various means which include what you have raised above. As he does that God does not remain silent, but will keep appealing to yu for the maintenance & growth of the established relashionship. As these forces fight for your soul, you may be entangled in confusion, discouragement etc. But what will make Christs goodness shine over ubuSathane is the personal experience you will have had with him. Note well Doctor it is a Personal Experience & not Unirvesal. Take it from our day to day interactions Dokotela, We may be a group of pple, siwelelana(singawelelani). Despite ukuwelelana labantu abanengi within the group you will discover that you enjoy certain personal relationships with specific individuals which the next person may never taste, perceive nor understand. (Lets call one such individual "X")You will know, trust, believe and confide in X basing on the personal experiences that you two go thru together. As you begin interacting with X your trust and confidence will be based on impressions he has potrayed to you which may be wrong or correct, but what will cement the relationship are the experienceses you will have with this person. And experiencies are not ficticious, hypothetic, they are real and will touch your real life and engrave a certain impact. It is from these that there will be a bond btwn you & X so much that even if some other person (who cud be x's blood brother) comes and suggest certain attributes about X you can with boldness say "I know X, this can not be" or "whatever X did or said, it does not affect my personal relationship with him. He remains not only a friend but uMhlobo wenhliziyo yami". {And pli NB: I-graph ye relationship, its either iya phezulu kumbe phansi, it cannot remain a straight diagonal line.} Ngilokhu ngikumzekeliso wami of a group of pple interacting; Other persons within the group may also from another angle enjoy interacting with X. Their experiencies with X will differ though they may equally enjoy the relationship with him as much as you do. The difference is because what I pass thru in life may not be what you pass thru, and like I said our relationships are cemented and shaped by the life's experiences that we pass thru. At the end of the day you'll discover that within our group lapha many people have a sound and highly treasured relationship with X, but if asked what has caused them to value the relationship, they will testify differently though all will be tantamount to the goodness of X. | 9a257c3cef951d6907db44a46989d3e369a25c0a237990382aa935a7c2e6be7a | 528 | 2,577 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.57 | 11 | en |
ARELY days after Echo published a story aboutloomingxenophobicattacksatImbali’s Unit 14 area, a foreign national wasburnttodeathinthePhase1areaofFrance The attack on Assefa Areso (30) is believed to be xenophobic motivated. His body was found charred inside the tuckshop where he worked. His relative, who also called himself Assefa, said that the incident happened on Monday night, but the family only found out about it on Tuesday morning when a customer, who had come in to buy something, made a gruesome discovery. However, Assefa believes that the killing was intentional as there were traces of petrol outside the front door. He said that his brother had been working at the tuckshop for the past two years. Residents who spoke to Echo said that although xenophobic attacks have become common in the area, no one knows what exactly happened. They said they were all alerted to the attack by the community member who had made the grisly discovery. “This is not the first incident of this nature in the area,” said a resident who did not want to be identified. At Imbali’s Unit 14 area, local tuckshop owners complained that they were losing customerstoforeignnational tuckshop owners because their stock was far cheaper. Ward councillor Bongani Dlomo said: “There have been a lot of xenophobic threats. However, the for- | dd7f05b69ab86eb45cf1ce2f2a8bb10146282908c325d406ffdce1988b91c823 | 213 | 1,113 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.41 | 6 | en |
my time in london was extremely varied. the purchase of precious stones, diamonds and pearls as well as assessing and certifying these precious jewels turned out to be an interesting part of my work. it was out of the question for me to study gemmology to become a diamond and pearl appraiser.” you offered your experience to jewellers in zurich before you founded your own jewellery store. “i’m eternally thankful for this time. there was the possibility for further development at various leading jewellery and watch businesses. whether on the commercial side as a member of the general management in a large company for watches and jewellery or in the design area at a well--known jeweller, who only produced unique pieces of jewellery based on drawings. designing jewellery today is a major part of my wonderful work and about 90% of my clientele have their specific wish drawn and want to have a unique piece made. i offer them swiss made.” is this piece also unique? “of course! this is where experience, broad expertise and skilled craftsmanship come together. only with a team of specialists can such an item become reality at all. up to 10 different artistic genres are needed. together with my partner atelier mueller murgenthal, we advise, create and produce exceptional items which find their place at special locations all over the world. this item and other creations are exhibited by schuck juwelier from 25--27 november 2013 in the park hyatt hotel in zurich at the zurich watch & jewellery exhibition.” “in retrospect, the young 6--year old boy made a good decision, as i love my vocation and experience passion through it.” www.schuck--juwelier.ch stephan schuck founder & designer schuck juwelier | 2436285db5916529cc581ba35352c0692e55769af66fe3c2664593e8d688f148 | 283 | 1,433 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.12 | 8 | en |
11 Tulatetekela sana Yehova nga twamona ifyo atwafwa na fintu asuka amapepo yesu. Ifi fine e fyo cali na kuli Kalebu na Yoshua. Balilangile ukuti balitetekele Yehova ilyo baile mu kulengula Icalo ca Bulayo. Mu kupita kwa nshita, icitetekelo cabo calekoselako ilyo balemona ifyo Yehova alebafwa. E calengele Yoshua ebe abena Israele ukuti: “Tapali amashiwi nangu yamo pa mashiwi yonse ayasuma ayo Yehova amwebele ayashacitika.” Kabili atile: “E ico tiineni Yehova no kumubombela mu cishinka na mu cine.” Alundilepo no kuti: “Lelo ine na ba mu ng’anda yandi twakulabombela Yehova.” (Yoshua 23:14; 24:14, 15) Nga twatetekela Yehova no kumona ifyo atwafwa, icitetekelo cesu cikakoselako.—Amalumbo 34:8. | b5263e882379ca8471e50c9a5e86e964ab468b5edf94fee56cd995cbb7894b5c | 105 | 594 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4.76 | 6 | en |
Ngo 1934 Regina College became part of the University of Saskatchewan. The University of Saskatchewan a single, public provincial university created in 1907 was modeled on the American state university, with an emphasis on extension work and applied research. The governance was modeled on the University of Toronto Act, 1906 which established a bicameral system of university government consisting of a senate (ubuhlakani), obhekene Inqubomgomo zezemfundo, kanye ibhodi kwababusi (izakhamuzi) ngizithiba okukhethekile kwabefundisi inqubomgomo yezezimali futhi onegunya lehlelekile kuto tonkhe nezinye izindaba. umongameli, aqokwe ibhodi, was to provide a link between the 2 bodies and to perform institutional leadership. In the early part of this century, imfundo professional akhula ngendlela eyayingakaze izinkambu bendabuko emfundisweni, umthetho futhi imithi. Graduate training based on the German-inspired American model of specialized course work and the completion of a research thesis was introduced. | b8fb14e9d513f5572c705304cbc4171c79516d588c7075ef73dfed48076e7414 | 138 | 873 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.9 | 5 | en |
breezy style and pretty patterns make the floral--print crepe dress from a new day™ a perfect piece for warm--weather wear. a simple silhouette comes to life with the help of light florals against a black background, and you’ll love the comfort and laid--back aesthetic of a loose fit. this dress hits at the knee for a look you can wear to family gatherings and school picnics with the kiddos, but you can also dress it up with wedges and dangly earrings for a dinner out with friends. whatever plans you have in store, you’ll float about in lovely style with the help of this floral short--sleeve dress. | da6a4ea83277592829a5fb14024116c6fbe1bb0d9cb0c746ede23f4549c3b027 | 107 | 499 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | en |
9jabaze jaypizzle ft. naijaloaded jaypizzle ft. logos wikis jaypizzle ft. logos wikibaze jaypizzle ft. wikipedia jaypizzle ft. logos wiki jaypizzle ft. logos notjustok jaypizzle ft. logos -- naijaextra jaypizzle ft. logos -- ko jambaze ni duro wapbaze wapbaze.com ko ni duro wapbase wapbase.org jaypizzle ft. wapbom jaypizzle ft. logos muviza latest movie film jaypizzle ft. logos -- today jaypizzle ft. logos -- ko yesterday ni duro this week this month ko ni duro last month jaypizzle ft. last week jaypizzle ft. logos notjustok this year jaypizzle ft. logos -- tooxclusive jaypizzle ft. logos -- ko 2016 ni duro 2017 ko ni duro 2018 wapbaze.com.ng com.ng | 98861a489c1342942625e799911c6252eee8cb241b004f8fd77bbb669658bdaa | 105 | 553 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8.57 | 6 | en |
My son bought me this uke and for a beginner it works just fine.He is the musician and he has tuned it properly and all is well.This middle aged,tone deaf,sausage-fingered beginner is getting a few tunes out of it after a couple of months which is all you need to know.Loads of tabs/chords online and if you always wanted to play something but thought you couldn't,this is just the trick.Buy one-it will give you some pleasure and please ignore all the obvious George Formby jokes which do wear a bit thin if you 'fess up' to playing a uke.A year later I have purchased a slightly better tenor uke becuase I feel I have improved enough to give it justice. | 8701e40b79e18a8bb2dd0f6d14b6ed096b280f83023ce6f1a088f3db880a1689 | 120 | 536 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | en |
there was a time when a us--set crime novel by a british writer (such as james hadley chase's no orchids for miss blandish) could get away with a certain carelessness in local detail. not any more. since the englishman lee child began writing his superbly authentic novels, few readers on either side of the atlantic would accept anything other than the gritty authenticity of books such as child's latest, echo burning. he prides himself on the plausibility of his settings and characters, and actually has a more striking sense of the american landscape that many native writers. he never allows the reader to forget just where his hero jack reacher is, what he's feeling, smelling, seeing. and reacher has slowly but surely become one of the most fully rounded protagonists in thriller fiction. it's hardly surprising that the novels have been optioned for filming; what is surprising is the fact that it hasn't happened before. jack finds himself suffering the intense heat of a texas summer, and (leaving behind a messy situation) hardly worries about the dangers of who will pick him up when he hitches a ride. but it's a beautiful young rich girl driving a cadillac who gives jack a lift. carmen tells him she has a little girl who is being observed by unseen and sinister forces. and her brutal, abusive jailed husband is more than likely to kill her when he gets out. it's obviously highly inadvisable for jack to travel to carmen's remote ranch in echo county and become involved in her problems, but (needless to say) he does just that. and he's soon encountering lies, lust and prejudice, with untrustworthy cops and lawyers absolutely no help. jack finally realises that there is only one way to resolve this lethal situation. as always with child, the narrative rattles along with real élan, and the sultry characterisation keeps everything ruthlessly on track. ----barry forshaw ----this text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. | 5f7e76dafff4d20d91365dba51a1d9a7c0ca5eb04e77adbb23fee4e9eb55fd36 | 332 | 1,640 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 12 | en |
@thingsexpo stories[video] iot keynote: are you seeing dots?by carmen gonzalezthe explosion of new web/cloud/iot--based applications and the data they generate are transforming our world right before our eyes. in this rush to adopt these new technologies, organizations are often ignoring fundamental questions concerning who owns the data and failing to ask for permission to conduct invasive surveillance of their customers. organizations that are not transparent about how their systems gather data telemetry without offering shared data ownership risk product rejection, regu...feb. 20, 2017 10:15 am est reads: 118techtarget named “media sponsor” of cloud expoby liz mcmillantechtarget storage websites are the best online information resource for news, tips and expert advice for the storage, backup and disaster recovery markets. by creating abundant, high--quality editorial content across more than 140 highly targeted technology--specific websites, techtarget attracts and nurtures communities of technology buyers researching their companies' information technology needs. by understanding these buyers' content consumption behaviors, techtarget creates the purchase inte...feb. 20, 2017 10:15 am est reads: 867encore presentation of blockchain keynote by carmen gonzalezin his keynote at 18th cloud expo, andrew keys, co--founder of consensys enterprise, provided an overview of the evolution of the internet and the database and the future of their combination – the blockchain. andrew keys is co--founder of consensys enterprise. he comes to consensys enterprise with capital markets, technology and entrepreneurial experience. previously, he worked for ubs investment bank in equities analysis. later, he was responsible for the creation and distribution of life settle...feb. 20, 2017 09:30 am est reads: 151[session] how to iotifyby liz mcmillanalmost two--thirds of companies either have or soon will have iot as the backbone of their business. though, iot is far more complex than most firms expected with a majority of iot projects having failed. how can you not get trapped in the pitfalls? in his session at @thingsexpo, tony shan, chief iotologist at wipro, will introduce a holistic method of iotification, which is the process of iotifying the existing technology portfolios and business models to adopt and leverage iot. he will delve in...feb. 20, 2017 09:30 am est reads: 1,179chris matthieu's @thingsexpo iot keynote by carmen gonzalezin his keynote at @thingsexpo, chris matthieu, director of iot engineering at citrix and co--founder and cto of octoblu, focused on building an iot platform and company. he provided a behind--the--scenes look at octoblu’s platform, business, and pivots along the way (including the citrix acquisition of octoblu).feb. 20, 2017 09:15 am est reads: 171[slides] identity in communicationby pat romanskiwho are you? how do you introduce yourself? do you use a name, or do you greet a friend by the last four digits of his social security number? assuming you don’t, why are we content to associate our identity with 10 random digits assigned by our phone company? identity is an issue that affects everyone, but as individuals we don’t spend a lot of time thinking about it. in his session at @thingsexpo, ben klang, founder & president of mojo lingo, discussed the impact of technology on identity. sho...feb. 20, 2017 08:30 am est reads: 5,109[session] journey to an intelligent iiot networkby liz mcmillanthere are 66 million network cameras capturing terabytes of data. how did factories in japan improve physical security at the facilities and improve employee productivity? edge computing reduces possible kilobytes of data collected per second to only a few kilobytes of data transmitted to the public cloud every day. data is aggregated and analyzed close to sensors so only intelligent results need to be transmitted to the cloud. non--essential data is recycled to optimize storage.feb. 20, 2017 08:15 am est reads: 1,138bz media named “media sponsor” of cloud expoby liz mcmillansys--con events announced today that sd times | bz media has been named “media sponsor” of sys--con's 20th international cloud expo, which will take place on june 6–8, 2017, at the javits center in new york city, ny. bz media llc is a high--tech media company that produces technical conferences and expositions, and publishes a magazine, newsletters and websites in the software development, sharepoint, mobile development and commercial uav markets.feb. 20, 2017 07:00 am est reads: 1,459join anexia june 6--8 at @cloudexpo new yorkby yeshim deniz“we're a global managed hosting provider. our core customer set is a u.s.--based customer that is looking to go global,” explained adam rogers, managing director at anexia, in this sys--con.tv interview at 18th cloud expo, held june 7--9, 2016, at the javits center in new york city, ny.feb. 20, 2017 03:15 am est reads: 1,345[slides] be digital through managementby pat romanskiin today's uber--connected, consumer--centric, cloud--enabled, insights--driven, multi--device, global world, the focus of solutions has shifted from the product that is sold to the person who is buying the product or service. enterprises have rebranded their business around the consumers of their products. the buyer is the person and the focus is not on the offering. the person is connected through multiple devices, wearables, at home, on the road, and in multiple locations, sometimes simultaneously...feb. 20, 2017 02:00 am est reads: 6,128china unicom cloud data center at @cloudexpoby pat romanskichina unicom exhibit at the 19th international cloud expo, which took place at the santa clara convention center in santa clara, ca, in november 2016. china united network communications group co. ltd (""china unicom"") was officially established in 2009 on the basis of the merger of former china netcom and former china unicom. china unicom mainly operates a full range of telecommunications services including mobile broadband (gsm, wcdma, lte fdd, td--lte), fixed--line broadband, ict, data communica...feb. 20, 2017 01:00 am est reads: 839[session] reinventing it operations for big databy elizabeth whiteas businesses adopt functionalities in cloud computing, it’s imperative that it operations consistently ensure cloud systems work correctly – all of the time, and to their best capabilities. in his session at @bigdataexpo, bernd harzog, ceo and founder of opsdatastore, will present an industry answer to the common question, “are you running it operations as efficiently and as cost effectively as you need to?” he will expound on the industry issues he frequently came up against as an analyst, and...feb. 20, 2017 12:00 am est reads: 1,426[slides] webrtc beyond audio and videoby liz mcmillanwebrtc is about the data channel as much as about video and audio conferencing. however, basically all commercial webrtc applications have been built with a focus on audio and video. the handling of “data” has been limited to text chat and file download – all other data sharing seems to end with screensharing. what is holding back a more intensive use of peer--to--peer data? in her session at @thingsexpo, dr silvia pfeiffer, webrtc applications team lead at national ict australia, looked at differ...feb. 19, 2017 10:30 pm est reads: 6,168how to sponsor and exhibit at @thingsexpo by carmen gonzalezwith major technology companies and startups seriously embracing iot strategies, now is the perfect time to attend @thingsexpo 2016 in new york. learn what is going on, contribute to the discussions, and ensure that your enterprise is as ""iot--ready"" as it can be! internet of @thingsexpo, taking place june 6--8, 2017, at the javits center in new york city, new york, is co--located with 20th cloud expo and will feature technical sessions from a rock star conference faculty and the leading industry p...feb. 19, 2017 09:30 pm est reads: 851[slides] iot and the factory of the future, today by liz mcmillaniot offers a value of almost $4 trillion to the manufacturing industry through platforms that can improve margins, optimize operations & drive high performance work teams. by using iot technologies as a foundation, manufacturing customers are integrating worker safety with manufacturing systems, driving deep collaboration and utilizing analytics to exponentially increased per--unit margins. however, as benoit lheureux, the vp for research at gartner points out, “iot project implementers often un...feb. 19, 2017 08:00 pm est reads: 2,841technologic systems to exhibit at @thingsexpoby liz mcmillansys--con events announced today that technologic systems inc., an embedded systems solutions company, will exhibit at sys--con's @thingsexpo, which will take place on june 6--8, 2017, at the javits center in new york city, ny. technologic systems is an embedded systems company with headquarters in fountain hills, arizona. they have been in business for 32 years, helping more than 8,000 oem customers and building over a hundred cots products that have never been discontinued. technologic systems’ pr...feb. 19, 2017 06:45 pm est reads: 3,170iot now named “media sponsor” of cloud expoby liz mcmillansys--con events announced today that iot now has been named “media sponsor” of sys--con's 20th international cloud expo, which will take place on june 6–8, 2017, at the javits center in new york city, ny. iot now explores the evolving opportunities and challenges facing csps, and it passes on some lessons learned from those who have taken the first steps in next--gen iot services. feb. 19, 2017 06:15 pm est reads: 1,100winesoft to exhibit at cloud expo new yorkby liz mcmillansys--con events announced today that winesoft will exhibit at sys--con's 20th international cloud expo®, which will take place on june 6--8, 2017, at the javits center in new york city, ny. based in seoul and irvine, winesoft is an innovative software house focusing on internet infrastructure solutions. the venture started as a bootstrap start--up in 2010 by focusing on making the internet faster and more powerful. winesoft’s knowledge is based on the expertise of tcp/ip, vpn, ssl, peer--to--peer, mob...feb. 19, 2017 06:00 pm est reads: 1,415delaplex to present fintech at @cloudexpoby yeshim denizsys--con events announced today that delaplex will exhibit at sys--con's @cloudexpo, which will take place on june 6--8, 2017, at the javits center in new york city, ny. delaplex pioneered software development as a service (sdaas), which provides scalable resources to build, test, and deploy software. it’s a fast and more reliable way to develop a new product or expand your in--house team.feb. 19, 2017 05:45 pm est reads: 971[slides] iot business value with data scienceby elizabeth whiteyou think you know what’s in your data. but do you? most organizations are now aware of the business intelligence represented by their data. data science stands to take this to a level you never thought of – literally. the techniques of data science, when used with the capabilities of big data technologies, can make connections you had not yet imagined, helping you discover new insights and ask new questions of your data. in his session at @thingsexpo, sarbjit sarkaria, data science team lead ...feb. 19, 2017 05:00 pm est reads: 8,030more » latest stories[video] iot keynote: are you seeing dots?by carmen gonzalezfeb. 20, 2017 10:15 am esttechtarget named “media sponsor” of cloud expoby liz mcmillanfeb. 20, 2017 10:15 am estdid you want a side of slbs with your fud?by greg schulzfeb. 20, 2017 10:00 am estaggregated data dilemmaby william schmarzofeb. 20, 2017 09:45 am esthow to sponsor @webrtcsummit new yorkby carmen gonzalezfeb. 20, 2017 09:45 am esttest case management toolsby plutora blogfeb. 20, 2017 09:45 am esteverything about itsm analyticsby manageengine it mattersfeb. 20, 2017 09:45 am est[session] how to iotifyby liz mcmillanfeb. 20, 2017 09:30 am estencore presentation of blockchain keynote by carmen gonzalezfeb. 20, 2017 09:30 am estchris matthieu's @thingsexpo iot keynote by carmen gonzalezfeb. 20, 2017 09:15 am est[video] big data--driven devops 'power panel'by yeshim denizfeb. 20, 2017 09:15 am est@devopssummit named ‘no 1 devops influencer'by elizabeth whitefeb. 20, 2017 09:00 am est[slides] transform cloud validation strategyby liz mcmillanfeb. 20, 2017 09:00 am est[session] catchpoint: measure twice, correlate onceby liz mcmillanfeb. 20, 2017 09:00 am estdigital transformation in 7 brain--busting stepsby shelly palmerfeb. 20, 2017 08:45 am estinnovation for ongoing digital transformationby david h deansfeb. 20, 2017 08:45 am est@devopssummit named ‘no 1 devops influencer'by carmen gonzalezfeb. 20, 2017 08:30 am est[slides] identity in communicationby pat romanskifeb. 20, 2017 08:30 am estenzu at cloud expo new york & silicon valleyby elizabeth whitefeb. 20, 2017 08:30 am est[session] journey to an intelligent iiot networkby liz mcmillanfeb. 20, 2017 08:15 am est | 597864025dd28c68711f0097d1b284ddb1fe3a82f6e1b8ee967080cb3bc27c4d | 1,978 | 11,024 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.707786 | 7.94 | 24 | en |
ngenxa yokuba eyigagu umfo kandwandwe wayethanda ukubuka amabutho akhe emsinela kwesinye sezibaya zakhe, noma nje esigcawini. njengoba kwakuvamise ukuba khona izingoma ezintsha nje eziqanjwe yizingqambi zamaculo ezihlala ezigodini ngezigodi zesizwe sakhe wayengakhombisi kukhathala engakasini wonke amabutho akhe ngazo lezi zingoma. pho, ayengakanani ubuningi! ayethi nje uma esefike wonke kusweleke indawo esibayeni, inkosi ithi makuphunyelwe esigcawini. izinsizwa lezi zaziyizidlakela, zibonakala nje ukuthi ziyaphekelwa, ziyasutha. kwakuke kube nezikhathi inkosi eyayisihola ngazo isizwe sayo lapho sekusinwa. yayivunula kahle nesigodlo sayo ngoba kuyisiko ukuba naso sisine kanye nayo. sona--ke sasihloba ngezingubo kanye nokunye kokuhloba. umkhaba wayo inkosi wawungaka nje ubukhulu, ingabonakali nokho sengathi isindwa yiwona ngoba nezitho zayo zizinkulu zingaka, zimi kahle. izingalo zazingaka nazo ubukhulu, izinkonyane zingabonakali ngenxa yokukhuluphala kwayo, nokungenzi lutho olusindayo. kwakuba kayiqalile nje ukusina ijuluke ibe manzi. yayingathi isuka ibe iyeka. yayinele ikufeze nokho lokho ebekumele ikufeze isheshe ihlale phansi ukuze iphole kahle, nokujuluka lokho kuphele. uzwide wayezizwa ehlezi, ehamba, noma enzani ukuthi ngempela yena ungundwandwe omkhulu. wayelazi kahle iqiniso lokuthi zonke izizwe ziyamesaba. esikhathini eqala kusona le ndaba kwakubuswa ngale ndlela--ke kwelamandwandwe. | d4e37cece07d133bbd4c7b0095c6f3491489ea6e14335522050c44d37cc50fe7 | 173 | 1,243 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | tl |
i had a comfortable and affordable week--long stay at hotel route inn. the room has a kettle and a mini fridge for which i was grateful, since i have dietary restrictions and usually stock up on food myself rather than depending on hotel restaurants. it was a little more spacious than my hotel rooms in tokyo at the same price range, but still pretty small. in general it was a very comfortable stay, with adequate electrical outlets for my needs and a non--smoking floor. i was able to check out as early as i needed to (5 am) as there is staff at desk 24 hours a day. there are convenience stores nearby, but i'd recommend renting a bike (i rented one from yamaha you) for getting around the city. my only complaint is that there is only one coin laundry machine (per men or women, since they're located in gender--separated public bathing areas) and you need to get a key for access to the room. | 00dd84c0b29a4e4f8c8a1dcb3ddc37e098be57216938a4dd677e8e01f1568e71 | 166 | 734 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.2 | 9 | en |
just an annual fee and or severe penalty for failure to pay balance in full) Debit cards: with a card the money for a transact comes directly from the users account . there three types of payment cards Credit cards: providers the holder with a credit to make purchases up to a limit fixed by the issuers. that he/she is required to pay back in full at the end of the month or upon receipt of monthly statement.Electronic payments (e(epayment) Electronic cards: are plastic cards that contain digitized information. Payment cards: electronic cards that contains information that can be used for payment purposes. (usually no interest is paid on such cards. just a high interest on their unpaid balance) Charge cards: are like monthly loans given to the user. (users normally don¶t pay any fee for using it. that can be used for payment and for other purposes such as identification and access to secure locations. | 67cee06f8b4cf5404bcea155bad871c7e5f51dfc29c9f6bfb714da7cb2b5c619 | 160 | 761 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.12 | 5 | en |
introduction: whether youre a startup or a thriving business, upshot media group, llc. will overcome the complexities of developing an exceptional website or mobile app. we put a high focus on the user experience and functionality to ensure we deliver an intuitive product that people love to use and is easy to manage. our services don't stop at the launch of your web or mobile application. we provide online marketing services with a proven seo approach. we want to provide you more than just an outstanding web or mobile application. we want to create a flow of quality traffic to your site with people that are ready to engage with you. we provide a wide range of services, but the core services we built our business foundation on are: -- discovery and strategy -- web design -- user experienced focused design (ux/ui) -- web application development -- mobile app development -- ecommerce -- search engine marketing -- quality white hat link building -- social media marketing -- print and branding we are one of the few companies that stand behind our work. we are so confident in our work that we allow our clients to pay for our quality work after we deliver each milestone, not before. simple. we love to build things. we have been building high quality websites and applications that people love to use for over a decade. our tech savvy team has a passion for what we do and is extremely innovative while leveraging new technologies to meet the scope of work our clients request. we create exceptional user experiences through beautiful design and functional apps that provide proven results. you won't find a team with more experience in this field that truly cares about their clients success. | 75b3259c4038375676edf188da9dbe1097d3fc4edc70e820939f86e453c064c9 | 292 | 1,416 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.42 | 9 | en |
mapreduce has become a standard, perhaps the standard, for distributed file systems. while it’s a great system already, it’s really geared toward batch use, with jobs needing to queue for later output. this can severely hamper your flexibility. what if you want to explore some of your data? if it’s going to take all night, forget about it.oct. 10, 2015 02:00 am edt reads: 339disaster recovery: myths and truthsby marc crespidisaster recovery (dr) has traditionally been a major challenge for it departments. even with the advent of server virtualization and other technologies that have simplified dr implementation and some aspects of on--going management, it is still a complex and (often extremely) costly undertaking. for those applications that do not require high availability, but are still mission-- and business--critical, the decision as to which [applications] to spend money on for true disaster recovery can be a struggle. oct. 10, 2015 12:00 am edt reads: 375software will power the internet of thingsby appdynamics blogtoday’s connected world is moving from devices towards things, what this means is that by using increasingly low cost sensors embedded in devices we can create many new use cases. these span across use cases in cities, vehicles, home, offices, factories, retail environments, worksites, health, logistics, and health. these use cases rely on ubiquitous connectivity and generate massive amounts of data at scale. these technologies enable new business opportunities, ways to optimize and automate, along with new ways to engage with users.oct. 9, 2015 02:00 pm edt reads: 196cloud computing: a data centric business modelby kevin jackson“cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on--demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management.”" | 8cddf32b95839040770fe3233c00dcb0529287491984664ed65e30a60413a470 | 294 | 1,658 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.06 | 8 | en |
Kulezi nsuku, abantu abaningi abazinaki izifundo okufanele zifundwe phakathi nokusebenzisana nabanye. Ngithole ukuthi abaningi kini abakwazi nhlobo ukufunda izifundo phakathi nokusebenzisana nabanye. Iningi lenu linamathela emibonweni yalo, futhi lapho nisebenza ebandleni, usho indima yakho naye asho eyakhe, engahlobene neyomunye, anibambisani nhlobo. Nigcina ngokuxoxa ngokuqonda kwenu kwangaphakathi kuphela, nigcina kuphela ngokukhulula “imithwalo” engaphakathi kini, anikufuni nhlobo ukuphila. Kubonakala sengathi awunandaba nendlela owenza ngayo umsebenzi, uhlale ukholelwa ukuthi kufanele ulandele indlela yakho ungabi nandaba nokuthi abanye abantu banjani, nokuthi kufanele ukhonze ngendlela uMoya Ongcwele okuqondisa ngayo, ungabi nandaba nabanye abantu. Anikwazi ukubona amandla abanye, futhi anikwazi ukuzihlola. Indlela yenu yokuthola izinto ngempela ayilungile. Kungashiwo ukuthi ngisho namanje nisenokuzidla okuningi, kuba sengathi kubuye ukugula okudala. Anixoxisani ukuze nivulelane izifuba ngokugcwele, kube njengomphumela ofinyelelwe ngokuvakashela kulelo bandla, noma indlela isimo sakho esasiyiyo ezikhathini zakamuva, njalo njalo—nimane nje anixoxisani ngale ndlela. Empeleni aninayo imikhuba efana nokudedela imibono yenu noma nokuthi nizilahle. Labo abaholayo bacabanga kuphela ngokujabulisa abafowethu nodadewethu emabandleni angezansi ngokuxoxisana nabo, futhi labo abalandelayo bazi kuphela ukuzilwela bona. Empeleni nje aniqondi ukuthi hlobo luni lwenkonzo noma hlobo luni lokubambisana, futhi nicabanga ngentando yenu kuphela ekubuyiseni uthando lukaNkulunkulu, ngentando yenu yokuphila ngendlela kaPetru, hhayi okunye. Uze uthi, akunandaba ukuthi abanye abantu banjani, ngeke uzithobe uvale amehlo, futhi akunandaba ukuthi abanye abantu banjani, wena mathupha ufuna ukupheleliswa uNkulunkulu, futhi lokho kuyokwanela. Uma kukhulunywa iqiniso, intando yakho ayikayitholi nhlobo inkulumo eqinile. Ingabe konke lokhu akuyona indlela eniziphatha ngayo muva nje? Umuntu nomuntu kini ubambelelisise ekuqondeni kwakhe, futhi nonke nifuna ukupheleliswa. Ngiyabona ukuthi nikhonze isikhathi eside kakhulu futhi anibanga nentuthuko enkulu, ikakhulu kulesi sifundo sokusebenzisana ngokuvumelana, ayikho nhlobo intuthuko eniyenzile! Uya emasontweni uxhumana nabanye ngendlela yakho, naye uxoxa ngendlela yakhe. Kuyivela kancane ukuthi kube nokubambisana okufanele. Futhi abantu abasezansi abalandelayo bakwenza kakhulu lokhu. Okusho ukuthi mancane amathuba okuthi othile phakathi kwenu aqonde ukuthi kuyini ukukhonza uNkulunkulu, nokuthi umuntu kufanele amkhonze kanjani uNkulunkulu. Nididekile, izifundo zalolu hlobo nizibheka njengendaba engabalulekile, ngezinga lokuthi abantu abaningi abagcini nje ngokungayenzi le ngxenye yeqiniso, baze ngisho bone ngamabomu. Ngisho nabantu asebekhonze iminyaka eminingi empeleni bayalwa futhi baxabane. Ingabe konke lokhu akusona isiqu senu sangempela? Nina bantu enikhonza ndawonye nsuku zonke nifana nama-Israyeli ayemkhonza ngokuqondile uNkulunkulu ethempelini usuku nosuku. Kungenzeka kanjani ukuthi nina bantu abafana nabapristi anazi ukuthi kufanele nibambisane kanjani futhi nikhonze kanjani? | ebf62728031e55d8d237a432de742dc6c2c43e43d003677cc424eabb410ff1b4 | 370 | 2,788 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | en |
the center of a mango has a hard, big stone, or kernel. some call the mango ""bath tub fruit,"" since it is a good idea to eat them naked because the juicy flesh can cause spots on your clothes that you may not be able to get rid of. in the tropics, mangos are therefore often handed to children when they are naked. it is a great sensual feeling to sit on a tropical beach or in your home garden and eat a mango naked, as is described in a previous issue of jeaa (issue #6 editor). it feels like being in paradise.. my children, when eating a mango, do not use a knife, but hold it above a sink to prevent a potential mess. with the new ""free--stone"" mangos that are sold in some stores, you do not have any problems with getting rid of the stone, but i prefer species that are less hybridized. | 102f2bc3a7ef6354a1ba78d0cbfefa669eca155ba1f791840ad4a300cd4d74de | 159 | 645 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.628931 | 2.52 | 11 | en |
“to pursue my vocation fills me with deep satisfaction“. “for me to make people happy, awaken emotions and design new creations every day is a significant part of my philosophy of life. i grow with every encounter”, says stephan schuck, founder and designer of schuck juwelier switzerland. the artistic vocation of goldsmith always had something secretive about it. have you actually found your calling in this work? “the gleam of precious stones such as the colour and gloss of the gold attracts many people. in my case, it was also the luminous crystal drops which, at the age of 6, i discovered at that time with a friend of my family, a mineral collector, during blasting a crevice in the swiss alps. this gleaming natural wonder fascinated me and still today such a sight makes me feel humbled. he was the one, a precious stone grinder and goldsmith, who showed me his skills close up. it really made a big impression on me.” so already at the age of 6 you decided on your dream profession? “hardly anyone had reason to have thoughts about such a statement by a kindergarten--age boy. there was also nobody who doubted my euphoria and my already chosen future profession. the awareness of the decision already taken long ago stood in | a5a4233174c175b0544bb894d7955245ca374297c860613149c18dc4396d0a6d | 216 | 1,023 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.93 | 9 | en |
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Propelled by increased competition with the private sector and other similar organisations, the non-profit sector increasingly faces challenges to create meaningful interactions with stakeholders which, among other benefits, allow for differentiation and the creation of favourable and lasting impressions of the corporate brand. The main research aim of this study was to propose possible elements for a conceptual framework for the integration of non-profit organisations’ social media brand communication. The point of departure was that the achievement of a favourable corporate brand in the non-profit sector could, inter alia, be realised by following an integrated communication approach when utilising social media to communicate with stakeholders. The study is different from prior studies because of its specific interdisciplinary focus on the corporate brand, social media and integrated communication (IC), and the fact that it is merged into one study. The research into the main contribution of the study was based on a thorough literature review focusing on the following objectives: to explore corporate branding and social media; and to describe elements that could constitute an integrated approach to social media brand communication. During the investigation into the topic, the social media focus of the study was framed on the basis of classical theoretical views, and the theory of and perspectives on human action, symbolic interaction and social presence. The absence of a single set of theoretical assumptions of social media necessitated an inductive reasoning process based on identified key elements of social media. Subsequent to the literature review, the empirical research gathered invaluable insights from communication professionals in South African non-profit organisations, and who are responsible for communication by means of social media. Finally, and following the measurement of the proposed elements, the objective of proposing possible elements for the integration of social media brand communication and presenting it in a conceptual framework was achieved. The conceptual framework was based on three foundational principles, namely a corporate brand focus and a philosophy of communication integration, underpinned by social media. The proposed conceptual framework should provide new insights into and contribute to the existing body of knowledge on organisational communication. | 4c05ae8b093c14e94d4cff441179a5aa35cbd6fa41c8f673b2a02e4b463145de | 348 | 2,080 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | en |
a brilliant multiplayer fps that you should just go and play right now. easy and intuitive controls: pump your opponents full of lead from the get--go! awesome graphics for immersive gameplay: stylish levels and cool animation will keep you glued to the screen! autofire: all you need to do is get the enemy into your crosshairs. dynamic battles: play on a team and rip your enemies to shreds! the more active you are in battle, the better your reward will be! various guns: 48 weapons to choose from, including machine guns, assault and sniper rifles, izibhamu, futhi nokuningi. each has its own unique ability: increased headshot damage, slowing down enemies, and even health leeching. find a gun that fits your style of play! explosive fun: free mobile shoot--outs that will leave your heart pounding! gear up, soldiers! soldier! you are one step away from action--packed combat! can you keep steady aim under heavy fire and gun down enemies while grenades are exploding all around you? can you handle that kind of fun? this ain’t no regular army, though. no one will tell you what to do or where to shoot. you have to make your own decisions and choose your own battles. team up with other soldiers, get good at killing opponents and dominate the battlefield. make a blitz attack, spraying lead in all directions, or try and shoot your opponent from a safe distance, taking your time to aim directly for the head. it’s always your call. manje, these wars won’t fight themselves! get to the armory, gear up, and start making a boom! on the double! guns of boom is a hardcore multiplayer shooter with eye--popping 3d graphics and blood--boiling gameplay. it’s so simple that your cat can learn the controls, but the skill--cap is high enough to make even hardened fps veterans break a sweat. engage in online pvp battles on a variety of maps, utilizing different deadly guns, as well as frag grenades and med kits. experience the ultimate competitive tension without leaving your couch! | 6b209a79b02443310ff3babfa268ab798b9f5c27e52f464373120e408e4afcd2 | 339 | 1,650 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.29 | 9 | en |
3: the nature of god -- a god who can relate to the human experiencesome think of a god as being remote and distant, like he created the universe, then left it alone to operate on its own. wouldn't it be better to have a god who is involved in the universe, and specifically, in what's happening here on earth? and what about the unique difficulties, responsibilities and challenges that we face as human beings? wouldn't it be better to have a god who could understand those things, a god who somehow knows what it's like to endure life in the harsh world he's allowed to exist? the god of the bible knows what it means to be one of us. jesus christ was not only god's son, he was god who had taken on a human form and a human nature. ""in the beginning was the word [jesus], and the word [jesus] was with god, and the word [jesus] was god. the word became flesh [human] and made his dwelling among us.""of god's son, the bible says, ""the son is the radiance of god's glory and the exact representation of his being.""he is ""the image of the invisible god."" he is the ""mighty god, eternal father"" who was ""made in human likeness"" and ""found in appearance as a man."" in him ""all the fullness of the deity lives in bodily form."" and ""by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible.""jesus said of himself, ""anyone who has seen me has seen the father."" ""he who beholds me beholds the one who sent me."" and, ""i and the father are one."" though he was fully god, jesus was also, somehow, fully man. he hungered, slept, wept, ate. he endured every kind of difficulty we face, and then some. therefore, the bible says he is not ""unable to sympathize with our weaknesses.""20 he was ""tempted in every way, just as we are----yet was without sin.""so the god of the bible didn't remain aloof from the pain, suffering and evil in our world. he endured life as we must endure it. in fact, he had a very humble time while on this planet. he was born into a poor household, was not physically attractive, encountered prejudice and hatred, was misunderstood even by family and friends, and was wrongfully executed.jesus was the son of god and they cricified himnow god came around as god in different but human image and they could not vuma him. <img border=""0"" alt="""" title="""" src=""graemlins/banghead.gif"" /> | 744f906552d64b703aa882243bb44754cf22782cfbb3ff6f46d7dd506bfbe0b7 | 424 | 1,937 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.71 | 10 | en |
12 Abandi bandu bakahithana lhuba-lhuba n’eribugha ebinywe ebikalire eby’ebitsumi. Bakabya babirikolha ekyo, eka yabu yosi yikahambawako. Mughalha wethu mughuma e Australia oyuk’ahulhawa mwa Stephen iniakahithana lhuba-lhuba n’eritsuruma kutsibu n’okwa hindu hike-hike. Akabugha athi: “Ingye na mukali waghe muthwaghabulhana kasathu kandi thwabya ithukayathwa n’embeta.” Omwa buthuku obo mubatsuka erigha e Biblia n’Abema ba Yehova, neryo Stephen amaghendera okwa by’abya ak’igha. Akabugha athi athali aminya Yehova, ekindu ikikabya kyamamuponesya iniakahithana iniayowa ng’akendihuta ng’ebbomu. Aliwe Stephen abere akatsuka erighendera okwa busondoli bwe Biblia, emyatsi muyuwana. Akabugha athi: “Engebe y’eka yethu muyuwana. Busana n’obuwathikya bwa Yehova, hathya ngayowa ingawithe obuholho n’obuthekane.” Lino Stephen anemukolha ng’omughombe omuwathikya, na mukali wiwe amabiririkolha obutemburi bw’omughulhu wosi habw’emyaka mingyi. Abasyakulhu ab’omwa kithunga kya Stephen bakabugha bathi: “Stephen ni mulhume mukuthu, muyikambi, kandi ni mwolho.” Kandi mubabugha bathi sibali bathalhangira iniabirihiririkana. Stephen akabugha athi si kaghalha kiwe erithoka esyombinduka esyo. Akabugha athi: “Emighisa eyosi eyi sinanga thungireko na mughuma ku ngathaligha obuwathikya bwa Yehova obw’erinyihindulha mwa muhya-muhya.” | 0ba864cfb0737f648389a296ba901f0675f086871db5e2b03adeb646f2747f77 | 158 | 1,166 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.63 | 5 | en |
It is very important that your doctor check your progress at regular visits to make sure this medicine is working properly. Blood, urine, and ECG tests will be needed to check for unwanted effects. Contact your doctor right away if you have any changes to your heart rhythm. You might feel dizzy or faint, or you might have a fast, pounding, or uneven heartbeat. Make sure your doctor knows if you or anyone in your family has ever had a heart rhythm problem such as QT prolongation. This medicine may make you dizzy. Do not drive or do anything else that could be dangerous until you know how this medicine affects you. Stand up slowly if you feel dizzy or lightheaded. Do not interrupt or stop taking this medicine without first checking with your doctor. Your doctor may want you to gradually reduce the amount you are taking before stopping it completely. Some conditions may become worse when the medicine is stopped suddenly, which can be dangerous. Sotalol may cause heart failure in some patients. Check with your doctor right away if you are having chest pain or discomfort, dilated neck veins, extreme fatigue, irregular breathing, an irregular heartbeat, swelling of the face, fingers, feet, or lower legs, or weight gain. This medicine may cause changes in your blood sugar levels. Also, this medicine may cover up signs of low blood sugar, such as a rapid pulse rate. Check with your doctor if you have these problems or if you notice a change in the results of your blood or urine sugar tests. Make sure any doctor or dentist who treats you knows that you are using this medicine. Do not stop taking this medicine before surgery without your doctor's approval. This medicine may cause a serious type of allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis can be life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention. Call your doctor right away if you have a rash, itching, hoarseness, trouble breathing, trouble swallowing, or any swelling of your hands, face, or mouth while you are using this medicine. Do not take other medicines unless they have been discussed with your doctor. This includes prescription or nonprescription (over-the-counter [OTC]) medicines and herbal or vitamin supplements. {"market_type": "on-market", "image_alt_text": "Betapace Coupon - Betapace 120mg tablet", "notices_count": 0, "canonical_link": "https://www.goodrx.com/betapace", "dosage_slug": "80mg", "savings_tips_count": 2, "has_affiliate_prices": false, "id": 728, "sponsored_listing": null, "form_display_plural": "tablets", "common_days_supply": 30, "title": "Sotalol", "dosage_form_display": "60 tablets of sotalol 80mg", "dosage_form_display_short": "60 tablets 80mg", "similar_drugs": [{"display": "Cin-Quin", "slug": "cin-quin"}, {"display": "Cordarone", "slug": "cordarone"}, {"display": "Mexitil", "slug": "mexitil"}, {"display": "Nexterone", "slug": "nexterone"}, {"display": "Norpace", "slug": "norpace"}, {"display": "Norpace CR", "slug": "norpace-cr"}, {"display": "Pacerone", "slug": "pacerone"}, {"display": "Quinaglute", "slug": "quinaglute"}, {"display": "Quinidex", "slug": "quinidex"}, {"display": "Rythmol", "slug": "rythmol"}, {"display": "Sectral", "slug": "sectral"}, {"display": "Sotylize", "slug": "sotylize"}, {"display": "Tambocor", "slug": "tambocor"}], "label": "betapace", "has_what_is": true, "equivalent_drugs": {"sotalol": {"forms": {"tablet": {"dosage_sort": ["80mg", "120mg", "160mg", "240mg"], "dosages": {"80mg": {"quantities": [30, 60, 90, 120, 180], "drug_id": 728, "name": "80mg", "default_quantity": 60}, "120mg": {"quantities": [14, 30, 60, 90, 180], "drug_id": 729, "name": "120mg", "default_quantity": 60}, "160mg": {"quantities": [14, 30, 60, 120, 180], "drug_id": 5445, "name": "160mg", "default_quantity": 60}, "240mg": {"quantities": [30, 60, 90, 135, 180], "drug_id": 5446, "name": "240mg", "default_quantity": 60}}, "singular": "tablet", "plural": "tablets", "display": "tablet", "default_dosage": "80mg"}}, "generic": true, "default_days_supply": 30, "days_supplies": [30, 90], "form_sort": ["tablet"], "default_form": "tablet", "display": "sotalol", "slug": "sotalol"}, "sorine": {"forms": {"tablet": {"dosage_sort": ["80mg", "120mg", "160mg", "240mg"], "dosages": {"80mg": {"quantities": [30], "drug_id": 36179, "name": "80mg", "default_quantity": 30}, "120mg": {"quantities": [30], "drug_id": 36178, "name": "120mg", "default_quantity": 30}, "160mg": {"quantities": [30], "drug_id": 36180, "name": "160mg", "default_quantity": 30}, "240mg": {"quantities": [30], "drug_id": 23961, "name": "240mg", "default_quantity": 30}}, "singular": "tablet", "plural": "tablets", "display": "tablet", "default_dosage": "240mg"}}, "generic": true, "default_days_supply": 30, "days_supplies": [30, 90], "form_sort": ["tablet"], "default_form": "tablet", "display": "sorine", "slug": "sorine"}, "Betapace": {"forms": {"tablet": {"dosage_sort": ["80mg", "120mg", "160mg", "240mg", "320mg"], "dosages": {"80mg": {"quantities": [14, 30, 60, 120, 180], "drug_id": 21161, "name": "80mg", "default_quantity": 180}, "120mg": {"quantities": [140, 180], "drug_id": 21158, "name": "120mg", "default_quantity": 180}, "160mg": {"quantities": [30, 60, 180], "drug_id": 21159, "name": "160mg", "default_quantity": 60}, "240mg": {"quantities": [30], "drug_id": 40556, "name": "240mg", "default_quantity": 30}, "320mg": {"quantities": [30], "drug_id": 40557, "name": "320mg", "default_quantity": 30}}, "singular": "tablet", "plural": "tablets", "display": "tablet", "default_dosage": "80mg"}}, "generic": false, "default_days_supply": 30, "days_supplies": [30, 90], "form_sort": ["tablet"], "default_form": "tablet", "display": "Betapace", "slug": "betapace"}}, "notices": [], "warnings_count": 0, "secondary_title": "<a href=\"/sotalol\">Sotalol</a>, <a href=\"/sorine\">Sorine</a>", "meta_title": {"price_page_otc": "Compare Betapace Prices - GoodRx", "side_effects_page": "Betapace Side Effects, Information and Pricing - GoodRx", "medicare_seo_page": "Betapace Medicare Coverage and Co-Pay Details - GoodRx", "price_page": "Betapace Prices and Betapace Coupons - GoodRx", "info_page": "What is Betapace? - GoodRx", "images_page": "Betapace Images and Labels - GoodRx", "latest_news_page": "Latest News and Savings Tips for Betapace by Doctors and Pharmacists - GoodRx", "savings_page": "Betapace - Savings Tips - GoodRx"}, "header_title": "<a href=\"/betapace\">Betapace</a>", "form_slug": "tablet", "form": "tablet", "warnings": [], "secondary_drugs": [{"manufacturer": "generic", "name": "sotalol", "slug": "sotalol"}, {"manufacturer": "generic", "name": "sorine", "slug": "sorine"}], "days_supply": 30, "is_default": true, "has_side_effects": true, "label_override": null, "slug": "sotalol", "manufacturer": "generic", "retention_science": {"name": "1be3e71d3958e6bc60ac1d50b4c1bad6"}, "latest_news_count": 1, "name": "sotalol", "drug_description": "<a href='/sotalol'>SOTALOL</a> is a beta-blocker. Beta-blockers reduce the workload on the heart and help it to beat more regularly. This medicine is used to treat heart rhythm problems and to slow rapid heartbeats. This medicine can help your heart to return to and maintain a normal rhythm.", "drug_class": {"display": "antiarrhythmics", "slug": "antiarrhythmics"}, "images_count": 4, "dosage": "80mg", "is_trackable": true, "is_tracked": false, "meta_descriptions": {"price_page_otc": "Compare prices and find coupons for Betapace (Sotalol and Sorine) at more than 60,000 US pharmacies. Save up to 80% instantly!", "side_effects_page": "Learn about side effects and possible interactions when taking Betapace (Sotalol and Sorine)", "medicare_seo_page": "Medicare coverage and pricing details for Betapace. Learn more about Medicare prescription drug plans and savings with GoodRx.", "price_page": "Compare prices and print coupons for Betapace (Sotalol and Sorine) and other Ventricular Arrhythmia drugs at CVS, Walgreens, and other pharmacies.", "info_page": "Learn about Betapace (Sotalol and Sorine), dosing, proper use and what to know before beginning treatment", "images_page": "See images of Betapace (Sotalol and Sorine), including the medication and its packaging", "latest_news_page": "News and savings tips created by doctors and pharmacists for Betapace (Sotalol and Sorine)", "savings_page": "Tips and ways to save for Betapace (Sotalol and Sorine)"}, "default_image": "https://d4fuqqd5l3dbz.cloudfront.net/products/tms/DrugItem_20561.JPG", "quantity": 60, "primary_title": "Betapace", "display": "sotalol", "has_medicare_data": true} | 6c6ab3a14719e3e60d44850f73828d048ce27311e5f9d76b2ee0500c1a3436f4 | 1,027 | 7,505 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9.35 | 8 | en |
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Ngifuna ukumedlula umzala ngiqale ngikhothe ikhinqi elimanyazelayo. Umthondo Omanzi Omkhulu. Uma esefuna nje, uyishaya nge code, Ake ngikhiphe ibhungane sthandwa sami. Isibumbu, umthondo zipho mhlongo. Okwenza uJesu waba umfundisi omkhulu EMINYAKENI engaphezu kuka-2 000 edlule, kwazalwa ingane ekhetheke kakhulu eyakhula yaba umuntu omkhulu kunabo bonke abake baphila. Bese ngimunya ikhinqi nje ngingawufaki ushafu phakathi abubule umfana. Kwakumele ngihlale ngiyisisebenzi ayehlale esithuma yonke indawo. Ngizwe imfudumalo yomthondo engingasayazi ezandleni zami. Oooooh aaah! Asidedele isidoda amehlo esewakhiphe ngaphandle engibambe ngqi ezinqeni. Wawumkhulu kangangokuthi kwaba buhlungu. or. “Wayeyintombazane ehlekisayo,” kusho uGogo. umalume angifake umunwe wakhe omkhulu angfende slowly nd i got myself sengfenda umunwe ahhh ah a a a ah bbe ja ngibhebhe Mlu,ngyakcela bbe ashu jaa ja ,sekuyimina manje omcelayo,haaaa amane ehlise i jean fast ahlanganise ne boxer shot,haaaa umthondo ongaka,ngizwe ingquza yam iminca ukwesaba,akaboni lutho u sipho la iyoh mdalaGet YouTube without the ads. Loading Unsubscribe from zipho mhlongo? Cancel Unsubscribe. Athi lapho ephumula khona ngiwuthathe umthondo womfana ngiwuxhume emlonyeni. Umthondo Omkhulu. Umthondo usuqanse yonke imithambo. “Nganginomngani omkhulu owayebizwa ngoBhozomela. Wawufaka umfoka Zwide kwazise usengumphetha, usefenda nje kahle akasajahile ukubulala ibhungane. Kube mnandi kakhulu. See Photos. ”Asho akhale kakhulu kodwa ebe ekhalela phansi. UKoresi Omkhulu Ngokwekhalenda lethu lanamuhla, ngobusuku bango-October 5/6, ngo-539 B. Sign Up. ”Weeeeeeeeeee…. Ngifende ngisheshe naye asheshe. Log In. ‘Ishu, Thandi, bekubuhlungu kakhulu!’ kusho uZulfah ebambe indlebe yakhe ezizwa ethukuthele. C. izandla umthondo womyeni wakhe, uwufaka emlonyeni, awukhiphe azishaye ngawo ebusweni, angazi ukuthi uzoyenzenjani lento emnandi kangaka. Find out why Close. Ngaleso sikhathi akekho owayenamabhanoyi noma izimoto. Langbhebha we mah, aw umnandi ngempela! kuthi angmemeze manje aw ngasho ngachama, langibelesela ikwerlabantu ngomthondo ngasizwa sishisa isibumbu sami, bese ewfaka futhi uthi bushe aw ngaze ngaythola into ekade ngangiylangazel ela ngiybukela kude, awumnandi umthondo omkhulu ngyakutshela, buza mina, lapho ngiguqe ngamadolo kusofa wendoda Umsindo OMKHULU wangena endlebeni kaZulfah. “Uma sidlala wayehlale efuna ukuba uNdlovukazi Sibanibani noma uNdlovukazi Sibanibanyana. Awukhiphe umthondo egolo uKhabazela. Find your friends on Facebook. Uphume umanzi umthondo egolo,esinye isdoda sithi ju nami ingquza ngisayizungezisa umthondo ngiwuzwe uqina kakhulu umthondo womfana. Self-Employed. “Laze lahlekisa lelo gama,” kusho uThoko. ”Nami sengiyachama…”kuhlebeza uKhabazela. Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. ” UThoko, uMama noGogo bahleka kakhulu. E. G: People named Umthondo Omkhulu. , kwenzeka into eyayibonakala ingenakwenzeka emzini waseBhabhiloni, inhloko-dolobha yoMbuso waseBhabhiloni. Amanzi egolo ngiwezwe esehla ngamathanga. What does umthondo omkhulu mean in Zulu? English Translation. Umthondo omkhulu womama inamathele ezinqeni ushe umthondo kube mnandi kakhulu linyuke izinga lokufenda seniphefumulela phezulu inquza isimanzi nte umthondo “Ngichamela dali wami ngichamela Khabazela mina sengiyachama. Achamele phakathi Umthetho wam ngingumuntu ozwanayo nokuya ezinyangeni ngyawsebenzisa kakhulu umuthi bese kuthi last month esontwen lesbili ngshaye incwadi kadokotela ngthathe isonto lonke ngilibhekise emzimkhulu Kakhala ememeza umngani wami imuvi ngala iyaqhubeka iyadlala nami ngingazibekile phansi ngibhizi ngimubhebha ngasuka lapho ngafenda kakhulu wavevezela wachama ekhala aaaaah bbe aaaaah mngan wami ungibhebha kamnandi kodwa ubungiyekeleni sonke lesikhathi aaaah awema waze wamnandi umthondo wakho baby, nami ngigquma hmmmmm hmmmmm f wam ngyakthanda Athi lapho ephumula khona ngiwuthathe umthondo womfana ngiwuxhume emlonyeni. ”bakhale bobabiliu’mam’Mthembu aze aqhaqhazele adlalise imilenze emoyeni. Working Skip trial 1 month free. Oooh kumnandi my boy kumnandi sithandwa sethu oooh! Ngizwe umfana ekhala ngaphansi, Eeeeeee! Yemamaaaa! | 3df5f2d0edebaad3a576bedeffffbedc8a87ff259eb21cf6c8d8ebfb5d700602 | 527 | 3,658 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.379507 | 0.95 | 6 | en |
emini ngosuku olulandelayo, umyeni wami wabuyela ekhaya, waphonsa phansi iphephandaba elalisesandleni sakhe phambi kwami. wathi, “buka! kuthi ephephandabeni bangaboshwa nokuboshwa uma nje kutholakala ukuthi abantu bakholwa kunkulunkulu usomandla. ijele aliyona nhlobo indawo ofuna ukuchitha noma yisiphi isikhathi kuyo. abantu abagcini nje ngokushaywa, kodwa inqwaba yabantu inqwabelaniswa ndawonye esitokisini esisodwa. uma umuntu eya endlini yokugezela phakathi nobusuku, akabe esaba nayo indawo yokulala lapho esebuya. uma uboshwa, ngeke ngibe nayo imali yokukukhipha ngebheyili. uma uboshwa futhi ugwetshwa iminyaka eminingana, kuyodingeka unikezele! “lapho ngilalela umyeni wami ekhuluma kabuhlungu, ngezwa inhliziyo yami ibuhlungu kakhulu. ngaphezu kwalokho, ngayizonda iccp enobudimoni. ukuba kwakungeyibo ababeqale indidane namahemuhemu, indluzula yabo, nokushushisa kwabo, umyeni wami wayezongeseka okholweni lwami kunkulunkulu. wayengeke angiphoqe njengalokhu ayenza ngaleso sikhathi. ngenxa yokweswela icebo elingcono, nganxusa kunkulunkulu nje enhliziyweni yami: “nkulunkulu usomandla! ngiyazi ukuthi konke okusabalaliswa yiccp kungamanga nje nokunyundela, ukuthunaza nokuhlambalaza wena. iccp ingusathane uqobo lwakhe, isitha sakho. kodwa manje, ngibhekene nobuthakathaka enhliziyweni yami, futhi ngifisa sengathi unkulunkulu angangivikela, anginike ubuhlakani obengeziwe, angivumele ngikwazi ukubona ngale kobuqili namacebo kasathane kanye nokukwazi ukuma ngesibindi kunkulunkulu ngingasatshiswa amandla obumnyama beccp …” ngemva kokuba sengithandazile, ngangingasenasifiso enhliziyweni yami sokulahla unkulunkulu, ngase ngicabanga ngezwi likankulunkulu usomandla: “uma inkosi ujesu kukhona ekwenzayo okufana nokubuyisa ulazaru ekufeni, injongo yayo kwabe kuwukunika ubufakazi kubantu nakusathane ukuze babone, futhi yenze abantu nosathane bazi ukuthi izinto zonke zesintu, ukuphila nokufa kwesintu kunqunywa ngunkulunkulu, nokuthi noma yayikade ithathe isimo senyama, njengokwemihla, ihlala ibusa izwe lenyama elibonakalayo kanye nezwe lakwamoya abantu abangeke balibone. lokhu kwabe kungokokubonisa abantu nosathane ukuthi izinto zonke zesintu azikho phansi kombuso kasathane. lokhu kwakungukwembulwa nokubonakaliswa kwegunya likankulunkulu, futhi kwakuyindlela kankulunkulu yokuthumela umyalezo kuzo zonke izinto ukuthi ukufa nokuphila kusezandleni zikankulunkulu. ukuvusa kwenkosi ujesu ulazaru—le ndlela yokwenza izinto kwakungenye yendlela yomdali yokufundisa nokuqondisa isintu. kwakuyisenzo esiqinile asebenzisa ngayo ikhono kanye negunya lakhe ukuqondisa isintu, kanye nokuhlinzeka abantu. kwakuyindlela ngaphandle kwamazwi ukuba umdali avumele isintu sibone iqiniso lakhe libusa ezintweni zonke. kwakuyindlela yakhe yokutshela isintu ngezenzo eziphathekayo, ukuthi ayikho insindiso ngaphandle kwakhe. lolu hlobo lo kuthula lusho ukuthi ukuqondisa kwakhe isintu kumi kuze kube phakade—akunakusuka, futhi kwaletha enhliziyweni yomuntu ukwethuka kanye nokukhanyiseleka okungayikuphela. ukuvuka kukalazaru kwakhazimulisa unkulunkulu—lokhu kunomthelela ojulile kubo bonke abangabalandeli bakankulunkulu. igxilisa wonke umuntu oqonda ngokujulile lesi sehlakako ukuqonda, umbono othi ngunkulunkulu kuphela ongayala ukuphila nokufa” (“umsebenzi kankulunkulu, isimo sikankulunkulu, nonkulunkulu uqobo lwakhe iii” kwethi izwi livela lisenyameni). leli qiniso likankulunkulu evumela ulazaru ukuba avuke kwabafileyo langikhuthaza kakhulu, futhi ngaphinde ngathola amandla enhliziyweni yami, ngavuka futhi ngingasenakuthamba: yebo! unkulunkulu ulawula zonke izinto endaweni yonke, futhi ukuphila nokufa kwabantu kusentendeni yesandla sikankulunkulu. akekho umuntu ongaba namandla phezu kwayo, futhi ukuthi ngiyaboshwa noma cha nakho kusezandleni zikankulunkulu. izwi likankulunkulu laphinde langivikela, futhi ukholo enhliziyweni yami kunkulunkulu lwaphinde lwanda. ukwesaba nokuthuthumela enhliziyweni yami nakho kwadanjiswa kakhulu. | cac41c68ee61b77488fec2e94f8d34309a59bb48ae9c906f07889485ba1e4ae3 | 442 | 3,504 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.226244 | 0.23 | 5 | en |
cloud computing is now being embraced by a majority of enterprises of all sizes. yesterday's debate about public vs. private has transformed into the reality of hybrid cloud: a recent survey shows that 74% of enterprises have a hybrid cloud strategy. meanwhile, 94% of enterpri...aug. 30, 2016 01:00 pm edt reads: 3,225[session] holistic method of iotificationby elizabeth whitealmost two--thirds of companies either have or soon will have iot as the backbone of their business in 2016. however, iot is far more complex than most firms expected. how can you not get trapped in the pitfalls? in his session at @thingsexpo, tony shan, a renowned visionary and thought leader, will introduce a holistic method of iotification, which is the process of iotifying the existing technology and business models to adopt and leverage iot. he will drill down to the components in this fra...aug. 30, 2016 10:30 am edt reads: 401[session] how to monetize your databy elizabeth whitedata is an unusual currency; it is not restricted by the same transactional limitations as money or people. in fact, the more that you leverage your data across multiple business use cases, the more valuable it becomes to the organization. and the same can be said about the organization’s analytics. in his session at 19th cloud expo, bill schmarzo, cto for the big data practice at emc, will introduce a methodology for capturing, enriching and sharing data (and analytics) across the organizati...aug. 30, 2016 09:08 am edt reads: 278[session] building a complete iot solutionby elizabeth whitewith so much going on in this space you could be forgiven for thinking you were always working with yesterday’s technologies. so much change, so quickly. what do you do if you have to build a solution from the ground up that is expected to live in the field for at least 5--10 years? | 82ad82a813df02f0568240dbb584f64515d8e67fb42039c804154b1cd0222b89 | 304 | 1,547 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.986842 | 4.28 | 8 | en |
Christabel Daniella desk, 2017-03-28 14:11:38. One thing you should consider is the layout of the room that you will be putting the desk into. Is there space for the desk to be set away from a wall or will you need to place the desk in a corner? This can really impact which desk you choose. However, if you choose carefully, you can find a desk which can be used in a corner or in the middle of a room. Many L-shaped desks have this capacity and also include features which make it easy to store objects and keep organized. | 2aaf1fb9e4910c49b4a9f50d46acca3206a5b96a1f9c25aad67ca6581d83d585 | 100 | 425 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 5 | en |
NewsMy BizPress officesJobsEventsContributorsPeopleCompaniesMultimediaNewsCompany newsIn briefsNew appointmentsNew businessNewsletter archiveMost read articlesSubmit newsMy newsfeedMy profileEdit my profileMy CVMy favouritesMy portfolio/showcaseMy followersFollowing peoplePress office newsPress officesPress office listingsPress office infoMy press officeOpen a Biz Press OfficeJobs offeredJobs wantedMy saved jobsMy CVRecruitersCompanies recruitingSubmit a job advertRecruitment loginSubmit a jobIndustry eventsWorkshopsOtherCalendarSubmit eventArticlesContributors A-ZContributeFind peoplePeople you may knowInvite peopleEdit my profileCompany listingsAssociationsMy companyPress office companiesGet a company listingVideoAudioGalleriesImagesSubmit your mediaSubscribe to industry newslettersSubmit news[Biz Takeouts] A note on this month's shows 5 Oct 2011 | Save | Email | Print | PDF In case you're wondering what's been happening with the Bizcommunity/Chai FM Media & Marketing radio show this month of October 2011, since Chai FM is a Jewish community radio station and this is the month of various Jewish high holy days (Rosh Hashanah/New Year, Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement and Sukkot/Festival of Booths), there are some weeks in which there are no shows as the station is closed, and some where we will be running 'Best of Biz Takeouts' as various personnel will be away. We'll return fresh and revitalised in November!‹ Like Save Email Print PDFComment on thisCommentComment guidelines and disclaimerLEGAL DISCLAIMER: This Message Board accepts no liability of legal consequences that arise from the Message Boards (e.g. defamation, slander, or other such crimes). All posted messages are the sole property of their respective authors. The maintainer does retain the right to remove any message posts for whatever reasons. People that post messages to this forum are not to libel/slander nor in any other way depict a company, entity, individual(s), or service in a false light; should they do so, the legal consequences are theirs alone. Bizcommunity.com will disclose authors' IP addresses to authorities if compelled to do so by a court of law.Eliza WintersThanks for the information. Is there going to be a show on Jewish marketing solutions? I heard rumors that a show was in the works but I haven't seen anything official about it yet. Thanks for your help.http://www.GoYid.com1 person likes thisPosted on 9 Nov 2011 18:34LikeReplyReportRead more: radio show, Bizcommunity, Bizcommunity.com, Chai FM, Bizcommunity/Chai FM, Biz TakeoutsRelated250,000 meals and 2,500 litres of soup to mark Mandela DayIssued by Algoa FM SABC's acting CEO resignsAMASA Cape Town and UCT Graduate School of Business partner to host #SpeakerSeriesIssued by AMASA Step by step post-launch app marketing planBy Siya Carla SubscribeReceive free email newsletterMake us your homepageAdd us to your favoritesRSS feedGet biz on your phoneFollow usInviteTell a friend about us | 2da1de49c6be50aab3cb2b6ef6821ca765a2c65575791f566e2eef8984f6497d | 408 | 2,557 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.245098 | 2.7 | 11 | en |
Je voudrais partager l'experience de mon Baptême parce qu'elle est différente de celles exprimées ci-dessous. Ngabe ngifanele ukubhapathiza a 15 ans. I-Aujourd'hui j'ai 64 ans. Ngimelwe ukuthi ngikhonze ukukwenza lokhu. J'aimais Dieu et voulais le lui dire. Ce future ma décision et je fus très heureuse de la prendre. Ujesu uyaphinda-ke u-Christ u-metee même si, c'est vrai, je n'avais pas compris toute l'Autorité que lui avait donnée son Père Je n'avais pasazela de ce qu'était l'organisation. Les membres du Collège Central etait pour moi des inconnus dont je ne m'occupais pas. Ngisebenza kanjani lokhu? Ngikhuthaza abazali bakho ukuba baziphathe kahle. C'est vrai on nous parlait de 1975 mais pour moi ce ne fut pas un mobile. Dans notre congrégation le surreillant President, oqondayo, onemininingwane yangaphambi kokhetho. Yini okusha arrité de cette date m'arrangeait car j'avais peur du Jour de Dieu. Ca n'a pas modifié ma foi. Ngokwenza lokhu kube yimoto ekhethiwe, okushicilelwe kanye nokukhishwa kwezimpawu ezingama-70 ezingabanjiswanga. Et oui l'autorité abuse des hommes este exprends que somee se soient sentis majukumu. Isikhathi esiningi, J'étaisgnante de beaucoup de chis mais ce qui m'importe c'est que j'aimais Dieu et que je voulais suivre ce qui etait juste. Ngakho-ke, angisizakali... Funda kabanzi " | a715d2d4df33bf8868805a6bafc75c44ac11921286c4a265bd3cd371fe099953 | 200 | 1,125 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.5 | 2 | 5 | fr |
Zuma’s love life is the best news for Ramaphosa FERIAL HAFFAJEE FORMER president Jacob Zuma has always been both a lover and a fighter. His charming style and allure to people are almost as well known as his revolutionary stripes. This characteristic is at least one of the factors which kept him in power for over a decade even as he dragged his country through nine scandals. Zuma loves to love. He has four wives and news last Friday revealed that he is about to take a fifth — Nonkanyiso Conco (24), with whom he last week had a baby at 76 years old. If you’re calculating, it’s a 52-year age gap and the little one is his 24th child. This is the best possible news for President Cyril Ramaphosa who reportedly faced the threat of a scalded Zuma mobilising behind disaffected ANC members in KwaZulu-Natal. But now it seems that Zuma has chosen to use his retirement to reignite a plan to marry more regularly. When he first became president, Zuma made a joyful biennial marriage part of his festivities, along with the annual Christmas party and chess tournament, to which he would treat his neighbours in the surrounds of Nkandla. In his first years in office, he married Thobeka Madiba and Gloria Ngema, and then the ANC put a stop to it. At his wedding to Ngema, Zuma told his new bride: “Don’t close the door that you found open ...” and he is clearly now free to exercise his options. A member of the ANC’s former leadership told me that the women in the party had approached Zuma and told him that his polygamous lifestyle was accepted as a traditional right, but if the first family ex- | d4e5fba98e21de3f9964630a441b13b1c9f01a582c1275c4734da63c08519109 | 290 | 1,308 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.344828 | 1.38 | 11 | en |
bayakukwatela ke abo--brokie mawuthi awunamali. umuntu ufuna a wow life mara une--lol budget. ngithi mina, if you are a guy, never miss an opportunity to travel just because your girlfriend can't afford to pay for herself. mshiye maan! makashiyeke u--girl. uzohlangana nabanye phambili. mawuthi uyamzama ubaby nge mr. price item yena ufuna i--gucci. cabanga nje. a whole gucci!? that is why thina sithola ama connect nezigodi e--town sivele sibathengele khona. philipp plein!? haha, no problem. that t--shirt costs over r60k but sizomtholela eye r250 lapha ejozi. ngeke sidakelwe i--eishkom ngapha nge loadshedding yamasimba, ngapha i--petrol iyakhuphuka njalo nje bese kuba yilo sathane o--ungrateful othanda izinto. sibayela lapha kadunusa etown ku-- jumble sale ngoba bakhohlakele kabi. futhi nje broke guys should start wearing leggings. ama--pockets awani? awe--zambuck? mayayifake kumandeski. uzohamba uyomthengele item e--authentic bese ahambe ayokufebela ayigqokile uzisole. angifuni niks ngani nina ma--readers wami. ngeke kudlalwe ngani ngikhona. not on my watch. i mean, umuntu akutshele ukuthi yena akawudli umdoko mara kwaleyo mpushana ye--r12 iyamhlula. bayamithisana ke abo--brokie bethu bezithandwa. ngake ngasho that they have the most fertile sperms, ngoba nawo ngathi abalekela indlala. umuntu akumithise ngamasbomu ngoba ufuna ukukulwisa ngemali yomndende. mayifika leyo r400 athi incane, as if uramaphosa uphe yena. he budgets every month before imali iphuma ukuthi eyakhe imalini. if you call him and tell him that umntwana ukhalela ama--danone espar athi kuwe shintsha i--isle uhambe la kungena danone nama toys khona. habe! sekancedekile futhi nge free call--back. umshaya nge--callback naye ayibuyisele. mina ngeke shame. | 578c7b0cb974b2fc697164574edc783e87e803d7ee6b5b2e138ae43af79f2104 | 247 | 1,500 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | en |
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR APPLICANTS WITH A NATIONAL CERTIFICATE (VOCATIONAL) (NCV) For admission to a BIng degree (4 years) the applicant must have: A NCV (level 4) issued by the Council for General and Further Education and Training. Achieved a minimum of 70% for 5 of the 7 subjects fundamental and vocational categories. Passed English as Language of Teaching and Learning / First Additional Language as fundamental component with a minimum of 70%. Passed Mathematics and Physical Sciences as Fundamental Components with a minimum score of 70%. For admission to a National Diploma the applicant must have: A NCV (level 4) issued by the Council for General and Further Education and Training. Achieved a minimum of 60% for 6 of the 7 subjects fundamental and vocational categories. Passed English as Language of Teaching and Learning / First Additional Language as fundamental component with a minimum of 70%. Passed Mathematics and Physical Sciences as Fundamental Components with a minimum score of 60%. Because of a limited number of spaces, fulfilling all the minimum entry requirements does not guarantee acceptance into a programme. | 2d34ad9e942a9422002ba82950cdd774adea64c6180673e2bb7dd2a61a5b34bf | 180 | 963 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8.33 | 10 | en |
les hôpitaux publics français subissent, au gré des alternances politiques, de très nombreux changements qui interrogent aujourd’hui tant les procédés de gestion que les reconfigurations structurelles nécessaires pour faire face aux défis que leur lancent les restrictions budgétaires successives, le vieillissement de la population ou l’apparition de nouvelles pathologies. cette recherche vise, sur la base d’un cadrage conceptuel analysant les réformes du secteur sanitaire à l’aune du paradigme de l’action publique qu’est le « new public management » d’une part, et d’une seconde analyse relative à la métamorphose des hôpitaux que l’on peut qualifier de bureaucraties professionnelles pluralistes en évolution d’autre part, à proposer une lecture de ces institutions par le prisme culturel dans une démarche exploratoire aux fondements ethnographiques et interprétativistes. une étude de cas multiples enchâssée portant sur deux centres hospitaliers universitaires a donc été menée. s’appuyant sur 47 entretiens analysés dans une démarche inductive et triangulés avec les résultats d’une observation flottante et de nombreuses données secondaires, elle offre une analyse transversale et comparée des structures étudiées au regard d’un modèle narratif de présentation des résultats reconstruit pour une meilleure compréhension des déterminants hiérarchiques, prospectifs, interactionnistes, sociaux et stratégiques qui caractérisent les cultures des institutions étudiées. les résultats permettent de faire émerger, au regard d’une discussion basée sur l’application de divers cadres conceptuels, de nombreuses implications managériales applicables au contexte actuel des deux structures étudiées | ea2bbd73e8ad59a6912710038b426ee01b55e2033664cf502b20e2afc33aef8b | 228 | 1,474 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.63 | 5 | fr |
8.1. ihle france se réserve la propriété des produits livrés jusqu'au paiement intégral du prix par l'acheteur. l'acheteur est tenu de les conserver en parfait état et de les assurer pour compte du propriétaire avec délégation de l'indemnité, en cas de sinistre, au bénéfice du vendeur. tout sinistre doit être immédiatement signalé à ihle france. il s'interdit de constituer toute sûreté sur tout produit livré et impayé, et de manière générale d'effectuer toute opération susceptible de porter préjudice au droit de propriété de ihle france. toute violation par l'acheteur des obligations stipulées dans la présente clause ou dans les présentes conditions générales de vente sera sanctionnée de plein droit par la déchéance du terme. la revendication par ihle france ou son mandataire des produits dont la propriété lui est réservée s’effectue par lettre recommandée avec avis de réception adressée à l'acheteur, l'enjoignant de remettre ihle france en possession. la revendication ne constitue ni résolution, ni résiliation du contrat de vente. la revendication peut être exercée par ihle france en cas de non--respect par l'acheteur de l'une quelconque de ses obligations, et notamment en cas de refus par la banque du client du prélèvement automatique et au cas où ihle france aurait des raisons légitimes de penser que l'acheteur ne sera pas à même de respecter les échéances convenues. tous les frais entraînés par la revendication sont à la charge exclusive de l'acheteur. | 5ecb0338a488a4991babbb70d5d527ca8faf848307ad4cabf1dd096ac1d93938 | 232 | 1,249 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.16 | 5 | fr |
Abantu abaningi bafisa ukungithanda ngokweqiniso, kodwa ngenxa yokuthi izinhliziyo zabo akuzona ezabo, abakwazi ukuzilawula; abantu abaningi bangithanda ngokweqiniso phakathi kwezilingo engizinikezile, kodwa abakwazi ukuqonda ukuthi ngikhona ngempela, bangithanda nje ngokungelutho, hhayi ngoba ngikhona uqobo; abantu abaningi ngemuva kokwendlala izinhliziyo zabo phambi Kwami, abazinaki ngakho izinhliziyo zabo zihlwithwa nguSathane uma nje ethola ithuba; ngemuva kwalokho bayangishiya; abantu abaningi bangithanda ngobuqotho uma nje ngibanikeza amazwi Ami, kodwa abawazisi amazwi Ami emiphefumulweni yabo, kunalokho bawasebenzisa nje sengathi yimpahla yomphakathi bawajikijele lapho evele khona noma yinini. Umuntu uyangifuna nasebuhlungwini, kanti ubhekisa Kimina uma ephakathi kwezilingo. Ngezikhathi zoxolo uyangithokozela, uma esengozini uyangiphika, uma ematasa uyangikhohlwa, uma engenzi lutho wenza into engingakholelwa kuyona—akekho nje umuntu oke wangithanda impilo yakhe yonke. Ngifisa sengathi umuntu angaba neqiniso phambi Kwami: Angiceli ukuba angiphe utho, nje ukuthi bonke abantu babe nesiqiniseko Ngami, kunokuthi bangikhohlise, mabangivumele ngibuyise ubuqotho bomuntu. Ukukhanyiselwa Kwami, ukukhanyisa imizamo Yami engiyenzile kungena kubo bonke abantu, yebo futhi nakanjalo neqiniso lazo zonke izenzo zomuntu zingene shi kubo bonke abantu, kungene ukungikhohlisa kwabo. Kuba sengathi izithako zokukhohliswa komuntu selokhu zinamathele kuye ukusuka esibelethweni, sengathi ube nala makhono obuqili ukusuka ekubelethweni kwakhe. Okunye futhi, akaze ayikhulumele eziko; akekho oke wabona umnyombo wala makhono enkohliso. Ngenxa yalokho, umuntu uhlala phakathi kwenkohliso angaqapheli, kuba sengathi uyazixolela, kube sengathi ukuhlela kukaNkulunkulu kunokuba ukungikholisa kwangabomu kwakhe. Ngabe akuwona amasu akhe obuqili lawa? Angikaze ngidungeke kangaka wukubatshazwa ngokukhohliswa ngumuntu, ngoba ngiwubone kudalo umsuka wayo. Ubani okwaziyo ukungcola okusegazini lakhe nokuthi ushevu kaSathane osemnkantsheni wakhe ungakanani? Umuntu ujwayela kakhudlwana usuku nosuku, ukufikela lapho engasenandaba nokuhlushwa uSathane, bese angabe esaba nentshisekelo yokuthola “ubuciko bokuphila kahle.” | 931be21c45f7009a4a462d7652aa2195e4d9e960f9838607a5bb0c052d7072df | 258 | 1,959 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | en |
govt's misplaced priorities yet another scandal has engulfed the government following reports that surfaced on monday linking one of its ministries to a multimillion--dollar property deal in angola's luanda. a local company, afrikuumba, has been in talks with industrialisation ministry officials for a quite some time now, according to media reports, to seal a deal that would have seen government to buy a n$117 million property in angola. according to the namibian, which broke the story on monday, the land in question is owned by businessman titus nakuumba through his afrikuumba business. the newspaper claimed the property included a plot measuring 14 000 square metres and buildings on 20 000 square metres. it also said government apparently wanted to build a business park with offices, workshops, housing units and warehouses. the parties involved have now been stopped dead in their tracks, after finance minister calle schlettwein raised alarm bells about the purported deal, saying no treasury approval was granted for government to acquire the property. he added that the rules and regulations under the new procurement board had also not been followed, before asking the industrialisation ministry to abandon the property deal with immediate effect. it appears that many other government officials, including the office of the attorney--general and works ministry, were privy to the details pertaining to the deal, as there was reportedly great interest in the angolan deal. given government's poor financial status, which has seen hospitals running out of drugs and massive budget cuts at ministries, was it really necessary for the industrialisation ministry to push for such a deal? this is irresponsible and wasteful. it is also an indictment on government and clearly shows its priorities are misplaced. this begs the question whether our leaders are really committed to promoting a greater level of transparency and accountability, especially in instances where taxpayer money is involved. it is equally sad that officials who fail to comply with applicable legislation are never held responsible for their actions. government must expose those involved in wrongdoing and take appropriate and timely action against all the transgressors. it can't be business as usual, while those that need to be prioritised perpetually get the shortest end of the stick. | 8b6d2e6e32101ee29e4745bab29f540b6e20b46f2f0a3eefa511dfaa2b6db817 | 367 | 2,011 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.09 | 9 | en |
pa lupanda abangeli, elyo nefyalo fimbi ifi shakumineko kubupulumushi, bamwene imitukuto yakwa satana iya bukabepa, na bukepaya. palya (satana) asokolwele imibele yakwe apabutatutu ilyo a ongwele abantu pakuti bengimina umwana wakwa lesa uwakaele pakuti benga mwikata no ku mwipaya. abekashi ba pano isonde nabo ba mwene bumpelwa amano, nobumkalwe bwa bupulumush ifyo bwaba. ulumpanda kabili lwa sokolwele imilimo yakwa satana kabili nefyo lesa akesa onaula satana nabo bonse aba ikaikatilila kubupulumushi bakeshiba no kulanda ukuti lesa wa chine. imfwa yakwa yesu pa lupanda ya sikolwele amapange yakwa satana nafintu alefwaya uku cita ku muntunse (yohane 12:31, 32). ulupanda lwasokolwele kristu ifyo aba ukuti ni kapususha wa calo conse. pa gologota epo amaka ya kutemwa yamoneke ukulwishanya namaka yakutemwa ukuteka. ulupanda lwaletele ubwishibilo bwa kutemwa kwa kuipela ukwa kwa lesa nefyo achita pamitukuto ya kwa satana, ubupulumushi elyo naba mpula mafunde bonse abaume na banakashi. | fa30cc27b0d80b550b842b09c18f6061d9f2e7ce17f852954cf5d338288f1bb6 | 144 | 851 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.39 | 7 | sw |
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6 mbela ngeenge umwe womunye e na oupyakadi namukwao, ota ka ya komhangu va ka tokolwe kwaavo vehe fi ovayuki ponhele yokuya kovayapuki? 2 ile kamu shi shii kutya nye ovayapuki otamu ka tokola ounyuni? ndele ngeenge otamu ka tokola ounyuni, mbela itamu dulu okutokola oinima oyo inai kwata moiti? 3 mbela kamu shi shii kutya ohatu ka tokola ovaengeli? ngeenge osho, ongahelipi shi na sha noinima yakwalukeshe? 4 ndele ngeenge pe na oinima yakwalukeshe ina okutokolwa, mbela omu na okuya mu ka tokolwe kwaavo vehe fi ovaitaveli? 5 ohandi popi ngaho opo ndi mu fife ohoni. mbela mokati keni kamu na ovalumenhu ovanaendunge ovo tava dulu okutokola ngeenge pa holoka oupyakadi? 6 ndele ngeenge pa holoka oupyakadi ohamu i mu ka tokolwe kovanhu ovo vehe fi ovaitaveli. 7 oshinima shi fifa ohoni lela eshi hamu twala ovamwaxo komhangu. omolwashike ihamu lididimikile owii oo mwa ningilwa kovamwaxo? oshixwepo mu efe mu kane. 8 ndele nye ohamu ningi nai nokukengelela ovamwaxo. 9 mbela kamu shi shii kutya ovo vehe fi ovayuki itava ka fyuulula ouhamba wakalunga? inamu lifufya. ovahaeli, ovalongeli voikalunga, ovanyoni vohombo, omashenge, ovahaeli vomashenge,* 10 eembudi, ovanalwisho, eengholwe, ovasheki* novanyeki itava ka fyuulula ouhamba wakalunga. 11 vamwe vomunye osho mwa li ngaho. ndele paife omwa kosholwa, mwa yelifwa nomwa talika ko ovayuki okupitila medina lomwene jesus kristus nokekwafo lomhepo yakalunga ketu. 12 oinima aishe oya pitikwa pamhango, ndele haaishe ina ouwa. kwaame oinima aishe oya pitikwa pamhango, ndele itandi efa ndi pangelwe nande okusha. 13 oikulya oi li po omolwedimo, nedimo oli li po omolwoikulya, ndele kalunga ote ke i xulifa po aishe. olutu kali lile po oluhaelo,* ndele okulongifwa moilonga yomwene, nomwene oye ha file oshisho olutu. 14 kalunga oo a nyumuna omwene, ote ke tu nyumuna yo koufi ta longifa eenghono daye. 15 mbela kamu shi shii kutya omalutu eni oku li oilyo yolutu lakristus? mbela ohandi dulu ngoo okukufa oilyo yolutu lakristus, ndele handi i ningi oilyo yolutu lombwada? hasho nandenande! 16 mbela kamu shi shii kutya ou ta haele nombwada ota ningi ombelela imwe nayo? osheshi kalunga okwa ti, “vavali otava ka ninga onhumba imwe.” 17 ndele ou e li moukumwe nomwene, okwa hangana naye pamhepo. 18 indeni onhapo oluhaelo!* enyono keshe olo omunhu ta nyono ita nyono kolutu laye, ndele ou ta haele, ota nyono kolutu laye mwene. 19 mbela kamu shi shii kutya omalutu eni oo otembeli yomhepo iyapuki oyo kalunga e mu pa i kale munye? nye kamu fi veni vene 20 molwaashi omwa landwa ondilo. onghee hano, fimanekeni kalunga nomalutu eni. | 11334ff5bfcf41d98c3e1b5c138a357c946ebffb2d60112efc139f18cacd93d4 | 420 | 2,166 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4.76 | 7 | tl |
isation to the guptas was consistent with their exceptional circumstances as owners of businesses that employed many people. gigaba has now sought the advice of president cyril ramaphosa to revoke ajay gupta’s permanent residency. however, while he dithers on the guptas,the lives of tens of thousands of people hang in the balance as a direct result of his department’s inefficient, uncaring and even illegal conduct. right now, as the minister fights for his political survival, thousands of stories of wrongfully denied immigrants are playing out across the country. stories such as that of the mulowayis, a family from the democratic republic of congo who have had to renounce their citizenship to their home country as per home affairs’ instructions, only to have their applications for south african citizenship denied for no discernible reason. thousands of children of immigrants find themselves legally non--existent and will remain so until home affairs can show the leadership and efficiency to apply the law consistently and live up to its mandate. until then, the mulowayis parents, a doctor and a teacher, and thousands like them, will continue to be hampered in their efforts to contribute to our country. in a single court case, our | 427d93fc2116cddbbcebed576702d3f8c445c92159a76f051328996b50bb5a06 | 199 | 1,050 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | en |
Gunda Misty desk, 2017-01-25 18:11:38. One nice thing about a corner desk, is that regardless of how much room you have in your corner, you can find a desk that will fit. If you only have the small corner, you can find a desk that will fit, with just enough room for your computer. Some of these will have a hutch on top with shelf space for books, discs, computer programs, etc. If you have room extending along one wall, then you can find a computer desk with a side extension. This is great because then you can have a surface for your computer, and a side surface for desk work. If you have a lot of room, you can get a corner desk that extends along both walls, and even more room if you put a hutch on top. This type of set up is perfect if you work at home and need the extra work space. | 4245d2915da353b2938ee08c46e7733bbb4da4fec2ca43d7ae476696aa7f52ae | 158 | 637 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.27 | 11 | en |
i am not going to assume anything about you for a moment other than you clearly don’t like to be wrong and you also love to defend a controversial law. whether you want to admit it or not and find stats that support your narrative, as anyone can, syg laws, whether invoked in this case or not, have a built--in racial disparity. i have absolutely no intention of continuing this discourse with you. kungani? you may ask. it’s accomplishing absolutely nothing. your opinion is not going to change and neither is mine. does that mean i can’t or don’t respect you? lutho neze. it means i am tired of beating a dead horse with you. civil discourse is truly lacking in this nation and this is further proof that we have a long way to go in order for us to be one nation under god. i pray his love permeates your heart as well as mine and anyone else who may stumble upon this blog. have a great evening. | 71a057cddb39d7ba0981169294757d1a3b3fcf683c35248c5adae0ed76bf53ef | 170 | 729 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | en |
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''uyo wene uucita ulubembu wakwa kasebanya'' (1 yohane 3:8), pantu ulubembu e cifuma mu kusuminisha ku kufwaya kwa bubi, ukwa musango wesu fwebene wacifyalilwa, (yakobo 1:14,15), kuntu baibele aleita 'kasebanya'. ''pa mulimo uyu eco umwana wakwa lesa asokolwelwe, ukuti wene engonaula imilimo yakwa kasebanya'' (1 yohane 3:8). ifwe nga twalungika mu kulanda ukuti kasebanya ali kufwaya kwesu kwa bubi, ninshi imilimo ya kufwaya kwesu kwa bubi, ekutiila ififumamo, ni membu shesu. ici cashininkishiwa na 1 yohane 3:5: ''wene (yesu) asokolwelwe ku kusenda imembu shesu''. ici cashininkisha ukuti ''imembu shesu'' ne ''milimo yakwa kasebanya'' fili fimo fine. imilimo 5:3 yapeela icilangililo cimbi palwa kusuntikana uku pakati kakwa kasebanya ne membu shesu. petro alanda kuli anania: ''bushe mulandu nshi satana esushiishe mu mutima obe?'' elyo mu vesi 4 petro alanda ''bushe mulandu nshi iwe wimitiile icintu ici mu mutima obe?'' ukwimita icintu cimo icibi mukati ka mutima wesu e cimo cine nga satana ukwisusha mu mutima wesu. ifwe fwebene nga twaimita icintu cimo, pamo nga amapange ya lubembu, elyo yene yatendeka mukati keesu. umwanakashi nga aimita umwana, wene teekala kunse ya mwanakashi; wene atendeka mukati ka mwanakashi. yakobo 1:14,15 abomfya icipasho cimo cine mu kulondolola ifyo ulunkumbwa lwesu lwimita no kufyala ulubembu, ulo ulufyala imfwa. amalumbo 109:6 yalinganya umuntu wa lubembu na 'satana': ''iwe biika umuntu wa bubi pamulu wakwe: kabili leka satana eminine ku kuboko kwakwe kwa kukulyo'', ekutiila mu maka pamulu wakwe (pashanya amalumbo 110:1). | 2d956ae3969246264cd44561e0ddb64bc55fc44f7fd7e48f677378ca98382548 | 235 | 1,339 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5.11 | 7 | eo |
50 Khona-ke uJosefa wawela phezu kobuso bukayise+ waqhumuka wakhala izinyembezi phezu kwakhe wamanga.+ 2 Ngemva kwalokho uJosefa wayala izinceku zakhe, odokotela, ukuba bagqumise+ uyise. Ngakho odokotela bamgqumisa u-Israyeli, 3 futhi bathatha izinsuku ezingamashumi amane ezigcwele ngaye, ngoba ngokwesiko babethatha izinsuku ezingako ukugqumisa, futhi amaGibhithe aqhubeka emkhalela izinsuku ezingamashumi ayisikhombisa.+ 4 Ekugcineni zadlula izinsuku zokumkhalela, uJosefa wayesekhuluma nendlu kaFaro, wathi: “Manje, uma ngitholé umusa emehlweni enu,+ ngicela nikhulume ezindlebeni zikaFaro, nithi, 5 ‘Ubaba wangifungisa,+ wathi: “Bheka! Ngiyafa.+ Kumelwe ungingcwabe+ endaweni yami yokungcwaba engazigubhela yona ezweni laseKhanani.”+ Manje ngiyacela, ngivumele ngikhuphuke ngiyongcwaba ubaba, ngemva kwalokho ngizimisele ukubuya.’” 6 Ngalokho uFaro wathi: “Khuphuka ungcwabe uyihlo njengoba nje akufungisa.”+ 7 Ngakho uJosefa wakhuphuka wayongcwaba uyise, futhi kwakhuphuka kanye naye zonke izinceku zikaFaro, amadoda amadala+ endlu yakhe nawo wonke amadoda amadala asezweni laseGibhithe, 8 nabo bonke abendlu kaJosefa nabafowabo nendlu kayise.+ Bashiya abantwana babo abancane nemihlambi yabo yezimvu nemihlambi yabo yezinkomo kuphela ezweni laseGosheni. 9 Futhi kwakhuphuka kanye naye kokubili izinqola+ nezinkweli zamahhashi, ikamu laba likhulu kakhulu. 10 Khona-ke bafika esibuyeni+ sase-Athadi, elisesifundeni saseJordani,+ babangalasa khona kakhulu nakanzima futhi wagcina imicikilisho yokulilela uyise izinsuku eziyisikhombisa.+ 11 Abakhileyo kulelo zwe, amaKhanani, babona imicikilisho yokulila esibuyeni sase-Athadi, bababaza bathi: “Yisililo esikhulu samaGibhithe!” Yingakho igama layo laqanjwa ngokuthi i-Abela-mizirayimi, esesifundeni saseJordani.+ 12 Amadodana akhe amenzela njengoba nje ayewayalile.+ 13 Ngakho amadodana akhe amthwala amyisa ezweni laseKhanani amngcwaba emhumeni wensimu yaseMakaphela, insimu u-Abrahama ayeyithenge ku-Efroni umHeti ukuba ibe yindawo yakhe yokungcwaba ephambi kwaseMamre.+ 14 Ngemva kwalokho uJosefa wabuyela eGibhithe, yena nabafowabo nabo bonke ababekhuphuke naye beyongcwaba uyise, ngemva kokuba esemngcwabile uyise. 15 Lapho abafowabo bakaJosefa bebona ukuthi uyise wayesefile, baqala ukuthi: “Kungenzeka ukuthi uJosefa ufukamele inzondo ngathi+ futhi uzoqiniseka ukuthi uyasibuyisela ngakho konke okubi esikwenze kuye.”+ 16 Ngakho basho umyalo kuJosefa ngala mazwi: “Uyihlo wakhipha umyalo ngaphambi kokufa kwakhe, wathi, 17 ‘Yilokhu eniyokusho kuJosefa: “Ngiyakuncenga, siza uxolele+ ukuvukela kwabafowenu nesono sabo ngokuthi benzé okubi kuwe.”’+ Manje siza uxolele ukuvukela kwezinceku zikaNkulunkulu kayihlo.”+ UJosefa waqhumuka wakhala izinyembezi lapho bekhuluma naye. 18 Ngemva kwalokho abafowabo beza bawa phansi phambi kwakhe bathi: “Bheka sifana nezigqila kuwe!”+ 19 Khona-ke uJosefa wathi kubo: “Ningesabi, ngoba ngisesikhundleni sikaNkulunkulu yini?+ 20 Nina, naningicabangele okubi. UNkulunkulu wayekucabanga ukuba kube kuhle ngenjongo yokuba enze njengakulolu suku, ukuba alonde abantu abaningi.+ 21 Ngakho manje ningesabi. Mina ngizoqhubeka ngininika ukudla nina nabantwana benu abancane.”+ Kanjalo wabaduduza wabaqinisekisa. 22 UJosefa waqhubeka ehlala eGibhithe, yena nendlu kayise; uJosefa waphila iminyaka eyikhulu neshumi. 23 Futhi uJosefa wabona amadodana ka-Efrayimi esizukulwane sesithathu,+ namadodana kaMakiri,+ indodana kaManase. Azalelwa emadolweni+ kaJosefa. 24 Ekugcineni uJosefa wathi kubafowabo: “Sengiyafa; kodwa ngokuqinisekile uNkulunkulu uyoninaka,+ futhi nakanjani uyonikhuphula anikhiphe kuleli zwe aniyise ezweni afunga ngalo ku-Abrahama, ku-Isaka nakuJakobe.”+ 25 Ngakho uJosefa wawafungisa amadodana ka-Israyeli, wathi: “Nakanjani uNkulunkulu uyoninaka. Ngakho kumelwe nithathe amathambo ami niwakhuphule niwakhiphe lapha.”+ 26 Ngemva kwalokho uJosefa wafa eneminyaka eyikhulu neshumi; bamgqumisa,+ wayesefakwa ebhokisini lokungcwaba eGibhithe. | b31c12bcc52e92c186884c9a135ccf26287c9465cdf56d75d1a7b5ec61553c82 | 459 | 3,484 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5.66 | 5 | en |
▼ This research focuses on exploring foster girls’ perceptions of respect in relationships in a Child and Youth Care Centre (CYCC) context. The study was undertaken within the paradigm of positive psychology. Relational well-being is of key importance for all adolescents from all cultures and contexts. Respect is viewed as a dynamic aspect of relational functioning. However, when adolescent foster girls do not experience respectful interactions with CYCC caregivers, health workers and with peers, their healthy development could be seriously affected. There is a scarcity of information available on foster girls’ perceptions of respect, with particular reference to the dynamics of respect within a CYCC context. Therefore, the study endeavours to highlight the importance of a bottom-up approach by investigating foster girls’ perceptions of respect. The qualitative study was conducted by using a phenomenological design. For the purpose, aim and coverage of this empirical study a homogenous sample was selected. Twenty female occupants from a South African CYCC were selected, with ages ranging from 12 to 16 years. The participants were all African adolescents, and the study was carried out on the CYCC premises. This homogenous sample allowed detailed investigation of social processes in this context. Data was collected by means of a world café technique where all twenty participants took part to tap into their collective wisdom. Individual interviews were also used and six participants were selected from the original group. All requirements regarding ethical concerns were followed in the research process. Thematic analyses were undertaken after the group and individual sessions. The findings are presented as four main themes, namely relating and respectful interacting (relationships), the role of emotions, resilience and the role of gender. It has been determined that respectful interacting promotes positive support and encouragement during bad times, as well as sharing concerns and ideas with peers and positive role-models. The role of fluctuating emotions – both positive and negative ─ emerged as being of major importance in the girls’ lives. These included pride, belonging, trust (or lack thereof), happiness, hopelessness, aggression / anger and a sense of shame and disappointment with failures. The theme of resilience covered effective coping and how the girls resist languishing and strive to better themselves despite their adverse circumstances. The final theme is that of gender role, which addresses the various forms of differentiation, especially in the treatment of girls and boys. Recommendations are given in order to ameliorate the girls’ lives and to shape future research that could explore the instruction of life skills in order to develop self-esteem, interpersonal relationships (showing respect for one another), a sense of worth and tolerance within a CYCC context purposefully. A possible limitation of this study could be the various Western models of well-being that were… | df08a29c054b0beffc3854f96e6a3e76c15696119cfb52a99971a38f3551ab9e | 454 | 2,581 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.220264 | 1.32 | 12 | en |
▼ the purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the development of the notion of property concept since the promulgation of the constitution of south africa 108 of 1996 with special reference to the influence of statutory developments and especially the influence of prevention of illegal eviction from and unlawful occupation of land act 19 of 1998. in the preamble to the constitution it is made very clear that the injustices of the past are recognised and that it is endeavoured to rectify the division of the past and that all efforts are to be made to build a future that is characterised for the acknowledgement of human rights, democracy, equality and peaceful co--existence. in the bill of rights the right to property is acknowledged as a fundamental right and is it also mentioned that the state must respect, protect, promote and fulfil the rights in the bill of rights. before the constitution common law protection for ownership was well established, but no statutory protection for ownership existed. the effect of the property clause (section 25) of the constitution was that not only ownership, but also other rights to property protected. the property clause prescribes that no one may be deprived of his property, except in terms of law of general application, and no law may permit arbitrary deprivation of property. no fundamental right is absolute with the effect that conflict may arise between the different clauses of the bill of rights. a typical example may be where the rights of an owner of immovable come into conflict with another person's right to housing. it must, however, always be borne in mind that no fundamental right is absolute that it is possible, under certain circumstances, to limit a fundamental right. this limitation may also occur in the case of property rights. certain statutory developments took place since the promulgation of the constitution. the most important of these developments is of course the prevention of illegal eviction from and unlawful occupation of land act 19 of 1998. in terms of this act it is required that certain formalities are to be fulfilled before an unlawful occupier may be evicted from property. the relevant part of the act is the definition of an illegal occupier. despite the fact that it was decided in several court cases that an illegal occupier does not include a person who previously had permission to occupy the property, it was decided by the supreme court of appeal in ndlovu v ngcobo : bekker v jika that the act is applicable to such occupiers and specifically to lessees who's lease agreements have expired or a mortgagor who's mortgage has been foreclosed and who now refuses to vacate the property in question. the key findings are that the property concept has developed drastically since the constitution. in regard to statutory development the most important development was the prevention of illegal eviction from and unlawful occupation of land act which was found to be applicable to all unlawful occupiers of property, regardless of the fact that the occupiers… | 6e26e168ce4ecdb6d3459ac65c652e33d93a091d8c918858dc37e521cf38cb52 | 508 | 2,566 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.19685 | 1.77 | 6 | en |
6 ovakulunhuongalo ove na okufila oshisho diva oinima oyo ya fimana. ngeenge hasho, eongalo otali ka mona oixuna. ngaashi omushingi oo e na okukala ha tula omahooli mohauto pandjikilile, ovakulunhuongalo ove na “okutongola oinima ei iwa unene,” ile tu tye, oyo ya fimanenena. (ovafilippi 1:10) ashike ovakulunhuongalo vamwe otashi dulika va kale ve lipyakidila unene noinima oyo ya fimana, ndele tava kala vehe na efimbo lokudeula vamwe. osho osha faafana ashike nokulipwililikila okutula omahooli mape moindjina. ngeenge ovakulunhuongalo ova ongaonga okudeula ovamwatate, mokweendela ko kwefimbo eongalo otashi dulika liha ka kale li na ovamwatate va deuka opo va longe oilonga aishe oyo i na okulongwa. | 98f6f9a90801b0ab702e0535d0b437459d14a4d2719c7fd68f13abd8296f175d | 105 | 600 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.9 | 6 | en |
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13 otashi vulika pu na omatompelo omawanawa ngoka taga ningitha aaihokani ya topoke. oonkalo dha kwata miiti, ngaashi okwaasila oshimpwiyu aanegumbo, ehepeko lyopalutu lya kwata miiti nuuna uupambepo womuntu wu li moshiponga, oyo yimwe yomiinima mbyoka hayi ningitha aaihokani ya topoke. aaihokani aakriste mboka ye na omaupyakadhi ga kwata miiti oye na okukonga ekwatho kaakuluntugongalo. aamwatate mbaka ye na owino otaya vulu okukwathela aaihokani ya tule miilonga omayele gomoohapu dhakalunga. uuna aaihokani taya kambadhala okukandula po omaupyakadhi ge na ko nasha nondjokana, oye na wo okupula ombepo yajehova yi ya kwathele ya tule miilonga omakotampango gombiimbeli noyi imike iiyimati yombepo.—gal. 5:22, 23. [2] | 9e15f2e4fb384183f4d9f9f05c21e06ef290b95de909d101e0d15a1385930522 | 103 | 620 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.88 | 6 | en |
6 ngakho--ke, sizothini? siqhubeke esonweni, ukuze umusa ongafanelwe uvame?+ 2 kwangathi kungelokothe kube njalo! njengoba safa ngokuqondene nesono,+ sizoqhubeka kanjani siphila kuso?+ 3 noma anazi yini ukuthi sonke esabhapathizelwa kukristu jesu+ sabhapathizelwa ekufeni kwakhe?+ 4 ngakho--ke sangcwatshwa+ kanye naye ngokubhapathizelwa ekufeni kwakhe, ukuze kuthi, njengoba nje ukristu avuswa kwabafileyo ngenkazimulo kayise,+ nathi ngokufanayo sihambe ekuphileni okusha.+ 5 ngoba uma siye saba munye naye esimweni sokufa kwakhe,+ ngokuqinisekile siyoba munye naye futhi esimweni sovuko lwakhe;+ 6 ngoba siyazi ukuthi ubuntu bethu obudala babethelwa kanye naye,+ ukuze umzimba wethu onesono wenziwe ungasebenzi,+ ukuze singabe sisaqhubeka siyizigqila zesono.+ 7 ngoba lowo ofile ukhululiwe esonweni sakhe.+ 8 ngaphezu kwalokho, uma siye safa kanye nokristu, sikholelwa ukuthi siyophila kanye naye futhi.+ 9 ngoba siyazi ukuthi ukristu, njengoba esevusiwe kwabafileyo,+ akasafi;+ ukufa akuseyona inkosi phezu kwakhe. 10 ngoba ukufa akufayo, wakufa kanye kwaba kuphela ngokuqondene nesono;+ kodwa ukuphila akuphilayo, ukuphila ngokuqondene nonkulunkulu.+ 11 ngokufanayo nani: zibaleni njengabafileyo+ ngempela ngokuqondene nesono kodwa njengabaphilayo+ ngokuqondene nonkulunkulu ngokristu jesu. 12 ngakho--ke ningasivumeli isono ukuba siqhubeke sibusa njengenkosi+ emizimbeni yenu efayo ukuba nilalele izifiso zayo.+ 13 futhi ningaqhubeki ninikela izitho zenu esonweni+ njengezikhali zokungalungi,+ kodwa zinikeleni kunkulunkulu njengabaphilayo+ bevela kwabafileyo, namalungu enu kunkulunkulu njengezikhali+ zokulunga. 14 ngoba isono akumelwe sibe yinkosi phezu kwenu, njengoba ningekho ngaphansi komthetho+ kodwa ningaphansi komusa ongafanelwe.+ 15 yini elandelayo? ingabe kufanele senze isono ngoba singekho ngaphansi komthetho+ kodwa singaphansi komusa ongafanelwe?+ kwangathi kungelokothe kube njalo! 16 anazi yini ukuthi uma niqhubeka nizinikela kunoma ubani njengezigqila ukuba nimlalele, niyizigqila zakhe ngoba niyamlalela,+ kungaba ezesono+ ngombono wokufa+ noma ezokulalela+ ngombono wokulunga?+ 17 kodwa makabongwe unkulunkulu ngokuthi naniyizigqila zesono kodwa nalulalela ngokusuka enhliziyweni lolo hlobo lwemfundiso enanikelwa kulo.+ 18 yebo, njengoba nakhululwa+ esonweni, naba yizigqila+ zokulunga.+ 19 ngikhuluma ngamazwi abantu ngenxa yobuthakathaka benyama yenu:+ ngoba njengoba nje nanikela izitho zenu+ njengezigqila zokungcola+ nokungabi namthetho ninombono wokungabi namthetho, kanjalo manje nikelani izitho zenu njengezigqila zokulunga ninombono wobungcwele.+ 20 ngoba ngesikhathi niyizigqila zesono,+ nanikhululekile ngokuqondene nokulunga. 21 siyini--ke isithelo+ enaninaso ngaleso sikhathi? izinto+ eninamahloni ngazo manje. ngoba isiphetho salezo zinto ngukufa.+ 22 nokho, manje, ngenxa yokuthi nakhululwa esonweni kodwa naba yizigqila zikankulunkulu,+ nivuna isithelo senu+ esiwubungcwele, futhi ekugcineni ukuphila okuphakade.+ 23 ngoba inkokhelo yesono ngukufa,+ kodwa isipho+ unkulunkulu asinikezayo ngukuphila okuphakade+ ngokristu jesu inkosi yethu.+" | a580112ddf6b1bdff3ded035a06b56e5666b29ac7912fb6138e6ccd70f2caaf0 | 365 | 2,722 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6.3 | 6 | tl |
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ohole yashili kayi na okukala ya pitilila. pashiholelwa, ngele okanona otaka lili, omuvali ngoka e ka hole sha pitilila, oha ningi kehe shoka ka hala a ninge, opo ka mwene. ihe omuvali ngoka e hole shili okamwana ite ke ka lila okathima koluko, mpoka sha pumbiwa. sha faathana, kalunga oye ohole, ihe “oha geele kehe ngoka e holike kuye.” (heb. 12:6) onkee ano, ngele ohatu pangelwa kohole, otatu ka pukulula aantu momukalo omwaanawa, mpoka sha pumbiwa. (omayel. 3:11, 12) ihe uuna tatu shi ningi, otu na okudhimbulukwa kutya natse ohatu yono notu na egamo lyokuninga iinima kaayi li pahole. onkee ano, atuheni otu na mpoka tu na okuhwepopaleka omikalo moka hatu ulike ohole. ongiini tatu vulu oku shi ninga? natu ka taleni omikalo ndatu. | 9ec9bac9b058d7215f8223c3fb9b980598745c388200c905f9cc6d1e1779a3d0 | 124 | 615 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.42 | 6 | en |
uma unkulukulu embula uhlangothi olubi nomhlaba ongaphakathi wesintu, uhlala enemba ngempela, engenakho nokuncane ukuphambuka. kungaze kushiwo ukuthi akukho phutha neze. lokhu kuyisiqinisekiso esenza ngokugcwele ukuthi abantu bakholwe. ngenxa yesimiso somsebenzi kankulunkulu, iningi lamazwi nezenzo zakhe kushiya umsizilo ongesuleki, nabantu babonakala benokuqonda okujule kakhudlwana ngaye, sengathi bathola izinto eziyigugu elikhulu kuye. “ezinkumbulweni zabo, ngingunkulunkulu okhombisa umusa kubantu kunokubasola, noma ngingunkulunkulu uqobo lwakhe ongaqondi lokho akushoyo. konke lokhu kungukubona ngamehlo engqondo okuvela emcabangweni womuntu futhi okungahambelani namaqiniso.” nakuba isintu singakaze sibeke kubaluleka okutheni ebusweni bangempela bukankulukulu, siyalwazi “uhlangothi oluseceleni lwesimo sakhe” njengelingemuva lesandla sabo; sihlala sikhomba amaphutha emazwini nasezenzweni zikankulunkulu. lokhu kungoba isintu sihlala sizimisele ukunaka izinto ezimbi, sizizibe izinto ezinhle, sizibukele phansi nje izenzo zikankulunkulu. ukusho kaningi kukankulunkulu ukuthi uzifihla ngokuthobeka, endaweni yakhe yokuhlala, kwenza kwande ukuthi abantu bafune ngenkani izinto kuye. bathi: “uma unkulunkulu osesimweni somuntu ebheka sonke isenzo somuntu, futhi ezwa impilo yomuntu, kungani esikhathini esiningi unkulunkulu engasazi isimo sethu sangempela? ngabe kusho ukuthi unkulunkulu ufihlwe ngempela? nakuba unkulunkulu ebuka ekujuleni kwenhliziyo yomuntu, usasebenza ngokwezimo zemiqondo yesintu, engenakho ukungaqondakali noma ukuba ngaphezu kwemvelo. ukuze asiqede ngokuphelele isimo esidala esiphakathi kwesintu, unkulunkulu usenze konke ukuze akhulume eqhamuka ezinhlangothini ezehlukene: embula imvelo yaso yangempela, ememezela ukwahlulela ngokungalaleli kwabo; kowodwa umzuzu ethi uzobhekana nabo bonke abantu, ngomzuzu olandelayo abesethi uzosindisa iqembu labantu; ebeka izidingo kubantu noma ebaxwayisa; noma ebahlinza ngaphakathi, noma ebelapha. ngale ndlela, ngaphansi kokuqondiswa yizwi likankulunkulu, kusengathi isintu sesihambe saya kuwo wonke amagumbi omhlaba futhi sangena ensimini enenala lapho leyo naleyo mbali ilwela ukuba ngenhle kunazo zonke. noma yikuphi unkulunkulu akushoyo isintu siyokungenisa ezwini lakhe, kube sengathi unkulunkulu uwuzibuthe, yonke into enensimbi izodonseleka kuwo. uma bezwa amazwi athi “abantu abangilaleli, ngokunjalo nami angibathatheli phezulu. abantu abanginaki, kanjalo nami angidingi ukusebenzisa amandla phezu kwabo. ingabe lokhu akukhona okuhle kakhulu kwemihlaba yomibili?” bonke abantu bakankulunkulu babonakala sengathi sebephonswe emgodini ongenamkhawulo futhi, noma sebeshaywe endaweni ebucayi futhi, basala beshaqeke kakhulu, bese kanjalo futhi sebengena endleleni yami yokusebenza, [c] badideke ngokukhethekile uma kuya kula mazwi “uma, njengobanye babantu bami embusweni, ningakwazi ukwenza umsebenzi wenu, nizonyanywa futhi nilahlwe yimi!” abantu abaningi sebefikelwe yizinyembezi ezephula inhliziyo: “ngizabalaze kanzima ngiphuma emgodini onganamkhawulo, ngakho ngeke neze ngibe nethemba uma ngingaphonseka kuwo futhi. angizuzanga lutho emhlabeni wabantu, ngedlula kubo bonke ubunzima nezinkinga empilweni yami. ikakhulu, emva kokungena ekukholweni, ngedlule ekulahlweni ngabathandiweyo, ukushushiswa imindeni, ukukhulunywa kabi ngabantu bomhlaba, futhi angizange ngiyizwe intokozo yomhlaba. uma ngiphinda ngiphonseka emgodini ongenamkhawulo, ingabe impilo yami ngeke ibe yize ngokwengeziwe? (njalo uma umuntu ecabanga ngalokhu uzizwa elusizi ngokwengeziwe.) “onke amathemba ami abekwe ezandleni zikankulunkulu. uma unkulunkulu engilahla, sengingamane ngife manje… yebo, konke kudalelwe ngaphambili ngunkulunkulu, manje ngingafuna kuphela ukuthanda unkulunkulu, konke okunye kuyalandela. ngubani owenze lokhu kudalelwa kwami?” lapho umuntu ecabanga ngokwengeziwe, usondela ngokwengeziwe ezindinganisweni zikankulunkulu nasenhlosweni yamazwi akhe. ngale ndlela inhloso yamazwi akhe iyafezeka. emva kokuba abantu sebebone amazwi kankulunkulu bonke baba nodweshu lomqondo nkolelo ngaphakathi kubo. abangakukhetha kuphela ukuzinikela emgomweni wokudalelwa kwabo, bese ifezeka kanjalo inhloso kankulunkulu. ukuqina kwamazwi kankulunkulu, kwenza umhlaba ongaphakathi kwesintu ube nokuphithana okwengeziwe. lokhu kufana nje nokuthinta inxeba; uma lithintwa kakhudlwana liba buhlungu kakhudlwana, kuze kufike eqophelweni lokuthi umuntu alenge phakathi kokuphila nokufa aze alahlekelwe uthando lokuphila. ngale ndlela, kulapho umuntu ehlupheka khona kakhulu noma esekujuleni kokuphelelwa yithemba lapho enganikela khona inhliziyo yakhe ngokweqiniso kunkulunkulu. imvelo yesintu ithi uma kusekhona isicucwana nje sethemba ngeke siyocela usizo kunkulunkulu, kodwa siyothatha izindlela zokwaneliseka emandleni aso okusindisa imvelo. lokhu kungoba imvelo yomuntu ingukukuzethemba, futhi ubukela phansi wonke umuntu. ngakho--ke, unkulunkulu wathi: “akekho noyedwa umuntu okwazile ukuthi angithande nami esanethezekile. akekho namunye umuntu owelule isandla ngesikhathi sakhe sokuthula nenjabulo ukuze nami ngijabule kanye naye.” lokhu kuyadumaza impela: unkulunkulu wadala isintu, kodwa uma efika emhlabeni wabantu bafuna ukumelana naye, bayamxosha endaweni yabo, sengathi uyintandane ezulayo nje, noma umuntu ongenazwe emhlabeni. akekho ozizwa exhumene nonkulunkulu, akekho omthanda ngokweqiniso, akekho owamukele ukufika kwakhe. esikhundleni salokho ngenkathi bebona ukufika kukankulunkulu, ubuso babo obunenjabulo buyaguquka ngokuphazima kweso, kube sengathi kunesiphepho esisheshayo esizayo, sengathi unkulunkulu uzothatha ukujabula komndeni wabo, sengathi unkulunkulu akaze asibusise isintu, kodwa ulokhu elethele isintu amashwa. ngakho--ke, emiqondweni yesintu, unkulunkulu akayona inhlanhla kubona, kodwa uyilona ohlale ebaqalekisa; ngakho, isintu asimlaleli, asimemukeli, sihlale sibanda kuye, futhi lokhu akukaze kuguquke. ngoba isintu sinalezi zinto ezinhliziyweni zaso, unkulunkulu uthi isintu asicabangi futhi asinasimilo, futhi akubonakali kubo ngisho imizwa abantu okufanele ukuthi banayo. isintu asikhombisi ukucabangela imizwa kankulunkulu, kodwa sisebenzisa lokhu okuthiwa “ukulunga” ekubhekaneni nonkulunkulu. isintu selokhu saba nje iminyaka eminingi futhi ngalesi sizathu unkulunkulu usethe isimo sabo asikaguquki. lokhu kukhombisa ukuthi abanangqikithi kunezimpaphe ezimbalwa. kungashiwo ukuthi bayizihlupheki ezingenamsebenzi ngoba abazazisi bona. uma bengazithandi kwabona, kodwa bezinyathela bona, ingabe lokhu akukhombisi ukuthi abanamsebenzi walutho? isintu sinjengowesifazane ongenasimilo odlala imidlalo ngobuyena futhi azinikele kwabanye ukuze anukubezwe. kodwa, noma kunjalo, basaqhubeka nokungazi ukuthi baphansi kangakanani. bajabulela ukusebenzela abanye abantu, noma ekukhulumeni nabanye, ukuzibeka ngaphansi kokulawulwa ngabanye abantu; lokhu akukhona ukungcola kwangempela kwesintu? noma ngingaphilanga impilo phakathi kwesintu, njengoba ngingayiphilanga ngempela impilo yabantu, nginokuqonda okucacile ngakho konke ukunyakaza, sonke isenzo, lonke izwi nazo zonke izenzo zesintu. ngikwazi ngisho ukuvezela abantu ihlazo labo elijulile, kuze kufike eqophelweni lokuthi bangalingi bakhombise amaqhinga abo futhi bangaphindi bavumele izinkanuko zabo. njengomnenke ohoshekela egobongweni lawo, abasalingi baveze isimo sabo esibi. ngenxa yokuthi isintu asizazi, ubuthakathaka baso obukhulu ngukuveza obala amathonya abo phambi kwabanye, bekhombisa ubuso babo obubi; yilokhu unkulunkulu akwenyanya kakhulu. ngenxa yokuthi ubudlelwano phakathi kwabantu abubuhle, futhi abukho ubudlelwano bokuphilisana obejwayelekile phakathi kwabantu, buncane kakhulu ubudlelwano obejwayelekile [d] nonkulunkulu. unkulunkulu usesho okuningi kakhulu, futhi ekwenzeni lokhu, inhloso yakhe ukuthola indawo yokuhlala ezinhliziyweni zesintu, ukwenza abantu basuse zonke izithixo ezinhliziyweni zabo, ukuze unkulunkulu aphathe amandla phezu kwaso sonke isintu bese efeza inhloso yakhe yokuba semhlabeni. | 9670e0ebfc34dfcb90c2c1fc5c4d017a41332d0cca87a0a88a299683b8ae8ed5 | 907 | 7,073 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.110254 | 0 | 5 | en |
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