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yehudit laine bedding set, 2017--09--26 10:53:48. the kids are so excited that you finally got them a bunk bed. it is all set up and looks beautiful in the bedroom. the kids sleep in it one night and the room looks a mess. the sheets are pulled out from under the mattress and the comforter has fallen on the floor. you attempt to make the bed up but it is a job. why cant your bunk bed look like all those beautiful pictures of bunk beds? you wonder if this bed was really a good choice. well, dont despair. with a few changes in your bedding, this bed can look as good as any other bed in the house and be easy to make too.
u--isaya, uhezekeli, umose, udavide, u--abrahama, nodaniyeli bebengabaholi noma abaprofethi abakhethiweyo phakathi kwabantu bakwa--israyeli. kungani babengabizwa ngonkulunkulu? kungani umoya ongcwele ungafakazanga ngabo? kungani umoya ongcwele ufakaze ngojesu masinyane nje emva kokuqala umsebenzi wakhe waqala wakhuluma amazwi akhe. kungani umoya ongcwele ungafakazanga ngabanye? lawo, madoda abesenyameni, wonke abebizwa “ngenkosi.” ngaphandle kokuthi abe bizwani, umsebenzi wawumele ubukhona noqobo lwawo, kanti ubukhona noqobo lwawo kumele ukuthi angobani. uqobo lwabo aluhlobani namagama abo; lumelwe yilokho olukushoyo, nalokho abakuphilile. etestamenteni elidala, bekungekho okuvelele ngokubizwa ngenkosi, kanti umuntu ubengabizwa nganoma iyiphi indlela, kodwa ubuqobo bakhe nobuyena bemvelo yakhe bekungena kuguqulwa. phakathi kwalabo bokristu bamanga, abaprofethi bamanga nabakhohlisi, abekho yini labo ababizwa ngonkulunkulu? kungani bengeyena unkulunkulu? ngenxa yokuthi abakwazi ukwenza umsebenzi kankulunkulu? ngokwemvelo bangabantu, abakhohlisi babantu, hhayi unkulunkulu, ngakho abanakho ukubonakala kukankulunkulu. ingabe udavide wayengabizwa ngenkosi yini phakathi kwezizwe eziyishumi nambili? ujesu naye wayebizwa ngenkosi, kungani kungujesu yedwa owayebizwa ngonkulunkulu osesimweni somuntu? ngabe ujeremiya wayengaziwa njengendodana yomuntu naye? ujesu yena, ngabe naye wabe aziwa njengendodana yomuntu? kungani ujesu wabethelwa endaweni kankulunkulu? akukhona ukuthi uqobo lwakhe lwaluhlukile? akukhona ukuthi umsebenzi ayewenza wawuhlukile? ngabe isihloko sinendaba? yize ujesu wayebizwa nangokuthi uyindodana yomuntu, ubengowokuqala ukuba unkulunkulu othathe umzimba womuntu, weza ukuzozithathela amandla, nokuphetha umsebenzi wokuhlenga. lokhu kufakazela ukuthi wayengubani kanye nesimo sikajesu esasingafani nesabanye ababebizwa nabo ngendodana yomuntu. namuhla, ngubani owenu ongaba nesibindi sokuthi onke amazwi akhulunywe yilabo ababesetshenziswa ngumoya ongcwele ebe evela kumoya ongcwele? ngabe ukhona ongasho lezo zinto? uma uzisho, kungani--ke incwadi yesiprofetho sika--ezra yalahlwa, futhi kungani isenzeko esifanayo senziwa ezincwadini zalabo abangcwele nabaprofethi basendulo? uma ngabe bonke bavele kumoya ongcwele manje kungani unesibindi sokukhetha ukwenza umathanda kanje? ngabe uyafaneleka yini ukukhetha umsebenzi kamoya ongcwele? izindaba eziningi ezazivela kwa--israyeli nazo zalahlwa. uma ngabe ukholelwa ukuthi le mibhalo yakudala yayivele kumoya ongcwele, kungani ke eminye yemibhalo yalahlwa? uma ngabe yonke yayivele kumoya ongcwele, kufanele igcinwe yonke, ithunyelwe kubazalwane nodade ezinkonzweni ukuze bayifunde. akufanele ukuba ikhethwe futhi ilahlwe ngentando yabantu; akulungile ukwenza njalo. ukuthi ulwazi lukapawulu nojohane beluxutshwe nokubona kwabo akusho ukuthi ulwazi lwabo luvela kusathane, kodwa ukuthi nje bebenezinto ezivela olwazini lwabo ngokwabo nangokubona kwabo. ulwazi lwabo belumayelana nesendlalela solwazi lwangempela lwangaleso sikhathi, ubani ongasho ngokuzethemba ukuthi konke kuvele kumoya ongcwele? uma ngabe ivangeli lezincwadi ezine lonke livele kumoya, manje kungani umathewu, umarku, uluka nojohane besho izinto ezingefani ngomsebenzi kajesu? uma ungakholelwa yilokhu, bheka izincwadi ebhayibhelini ukuthi upetru wamphika kanjani kathathu ujesu: bonke behlukile, futhi omunye nomunye unezimpawu zakhe. abaningi abangenalo ulwazi bathi, unkulunkulu onesimo somuntu naye futhi wayengumuntu, manje ngabe amagama awakhuluma ayevela ngokuphelele kumoya? uma ngabe amazwi kapawulu nojohane abexutshwe nentando yomuntu, manje ngabe amazwi awakhuluma ayengaxutshiwe nentando yomuntu? abantu abasho izinto ezinjalo bayizimpumputhe, futhi abanalo ulwazi! funda ngokucophelela ivangeli ezincwadini ezine; funda ngalokho abakubhalile ngezinto ezenziwa ngujesu, namazwi awakhuluma. incwadi ngayinye ibilula, yehlukile, futhi ngayinye ibinendlela ebona ngayo izinto. uma ngabe konke obekubhalwe yilaba babhali balezi zincwadi kuvele kumoya, kufanele kufane futhi kungaguquki. kungani--ke kunomehluko? ngabe umuntu akasona isilima esikhulu, ukungakuboni lokhu? uma ngabe ucelwe ukuba ubeke ubufakazi ngonkulunkulu, unganikeza buphi ubufakazi? ngabe le ndlela yokwazi unkulunkulu ingaba ubufakazi kuye? uma ngabe abanye bayakubuza, “uma ngabe amarekhodi ojohane noluka abexutshwe nentando yomuntu, ngabe amagama akhulunywe ngunkulunkulu wakho axutshwe nentando yomuntu?” ungakwazi ukunikeza impendulo ecacile? ngemva kokuba uluka nomathewu bezwe amazwi kajesu, babone nomsebenzi kajesu bakhuluma ngalokho abakwaziyo, bebeka ngendlela yokukhumbula amanye amaqiniso enziwe ngujesu ngemininingwane. ungasho ukuthi ulwazi lwabo lwembulwa ngokuphelele ngumoya ongcwele? ngaphandle kwebhayibheli, bekukhona abantu abaningi bakamoya ababenolwazi olungaphezulu kolwabo; kungani amazwi abo angathathwanga izizukulwane zamuva? ngabe bona babengasetshenziswa ngumoya ongcwele? yazi ukuthi emsebenzini wanamuhla, angizikhulumeli ngokubona kwami kusekwe esisekelweni somsebenzi kajesu, kanti futhi angikhulumi ngolwazi lwami oluqhathaniswa nesendlalelo somsebenzi kajesu. wenza msebenzi muni ujesu ngaleso sikhathi? mina ngenza msebenzi muni namuhla? engikwenzayo nengikushoyo akuna sandulelo. indlela engiyihambayo namuhla ayikaze ihanjwe ngaphambilini, ayikaze ihanjwe ngabantu bezinkathi nezizukulwane ezingaphambili. namuhla, kuvuliwe, akuwona umsebenzi kamoya lo? yize kwakungumsebenzi kamoya ongcwele, abaholi bakudala bonke benza umsebenzi wabo phezu kwesisekelo sabanye. kodwa umsebenzi kankulunkulu ngokwakhe wehlukile, njengesigaba somsebenzi kajesu: wavula indlela entsha. ngenkathi efika washumayela ivangeli lombuso wezulu, wathi umuntu kufanele aguquke, avume izono. ngemva kokuba ujesu eseqede umsebenzi wakhe upetru nopawulu nabanye baqala baqhubekisa umsebenzi kajesu. ngemva kokuba ujesu abethelwe esiphambanweni wenyukela ezulwini, bathunyelwa ngumoya ukushumayela ivangeli lesiphambano. yize amazwi kapawulu aphakanyiswa, nawo abesekelwe esisekelweni esibekwe ngujesu, njengokubekezela, uthando, ukuhlupheka, ukwemboza ikhanda, ukubhapathizwa noma ezinye izimfundiso okumele zilandelwe. konke lokhu kwakusesisekelweni samazwi kajesu. babengakwazi ukuvula indlela entsha, ngoba bonke bebangabantu ababesetshenziswa ngunkulunkulu.
song writer(s): ingram, jason, leonard, publisher: wordspring music inc, i don’t wanna be stuck in this miseryi’ve tried my best to make it on my ownbut i’m in way too deep, so deep that i can’t sleepi sit waiting for the sun to break the dawnand i’ve given up on myselfgiven in to someone elseso wash away the madness 'cause you don’t care what’s happenedyou don’t even think about the things that i’ve done wrongso give me a new start, create in me a new heartand fold me in to your sweet embrace, give me amazing gracenow i wanna see and tell about the mysteryof how someone can love a wretch like meyou can make a blind man see and you can change their destinyof everyone that comes to you and believesyou’ve got to give up on ourselvesand give in to someone elseso wash away the madness 'cause you don’t care what’s happenedyou don’t even think about the things that i’ve done wrongso give me a new start, create in me a new heartand fold me in to your sweet embrace, give me amazing grace, yeah, ohyou’ve given up on ourselvesand given in to someone elseso wash away the madness 'cause you don’t care what’s happenedyou don’t even think about the things that i’ve done wrongso give me a new start, create in me a new heartand fold me in to your sweet embrace, give me amazing graceyeah, give me amazing grace, give me amazing grace, yeahgive me amazing grace"
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.hack//g.u. trilogy undefined1) .hack//legend of the twilight bracelet undefined12) .hack//quantum undefined1) .hack//the movie: sekai no mukou ni undefined1) 07 ghost undefined6) 11 eyes undefined1) 5 centimeters per second undefined1) absolute duo undefined10) accel world undefined20) accel world ex undefined2) accel world specials undefined1) afro samurai: resurrection undefined1) aikatsu season 2 undefined1) air gear undefined2) akame ga kill! undefined24) akatsuki no yona undefined24) akb0048 undefined2) akb0048 next stage undefined7) akb48 undefined1) aki sora undefined1) akuma no riddle undefined10) aldnoah.zero undefined14) aldnoah.zero s2 undefined11) amagami ss undefined2) amagami ss plus undefined1) amagi brilliant park undefined12) amnesia undefined12) angel beats undefined1) angel densetsu ova undefined1) anime mirai undefined1) ano hi mita hana no namae wo bokutachi wa mada shiranai undefined2) ano hi mita hana no namae wo bokutachi wa mada shiranai the movie undefined1) ano natsu de matteru undefined2) ano natsu de matteru special undefined1) another undefined3) another live action undefined1) ansatsu kyoushitsu (tv) undefined19) ansatsu kyoushitsu (tv) deai no jikan undefined1) ao haru ride undefined15) ao haru ride ova undefined1) ao haru ride: unwritten undefined1) ao no exorcist undefined3) ao no exorcist movie undefined1) aquarion evol undefined1) arakawa under the bridge undefined2) arakawa under the bridge x bridge undefined1) arata kangatari undefined10) arata naru sekai undefined1) arcana famiglia undefined9) area no kishi undefined5) arve rezzle: kikaijikake no yoseitachi undefined1) asobi ni iku yo asobi ni oide undefined1) asu no yoichi undefined1) asuko march! undefined1) aura: maryuuinkouga saigo no tatakai undefined1) avatar the legend of korra undefined5) avatar: the legend of korra book 2 undefined10) avatar: the legend of korra book 3 undefined11) avatar: the legend of korra book 4 undefined12) b gata h kei undefined1) baby princess 3d paradise love undefined1) baby steps undefined14) baka to test to shoukanjuu undefined1) bakuman undefined1) bakuman 2 undefined2) bakuman 3 undefined15) bakusou kyoudai let's go undefined2) bandai visual undefined5) beck undefined2) beelzebub undefined1) binbougami ga undefined6) black bullet undefined13) black butler -- kuro shitsuji undefined1) black cat undefined6) black★rock shooter undefined2) blade and soul undefined13) bleach movie 3 fade to black – kimi no nao yobu undefined1) bleach movie 4 undefined1) blood lad undefined11) blood lad ova undefined1) blood--c undefined2) blood--c the last dark undefined1) bloody monday undefined2) blue submarine no. 6 undefined1) boku wa tomodachi ga sukuna undefined2) boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai live action undefined1) boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai next undefined7) bokura ga ita undefined2) bokura ga ita live action undefined1) bokura wa minna kawaisou: hajimete no undefined1) brave 10 undefined1) brave story undefined1) break blade undefined1) btooom undefined12) buddy complex undefined12) buddy complex: kanketsu--hen -- ano sora ni kaeru mirai de undefined1) bungaku shojo undefined2) buta undefined1) campione undefined5) captain tsubasa movie europe daikessen undefined1) captain tsubasa: road to 2002 undefined1) cardcaptor sakura undefined1) carnival phantasm undefined1) casshern undefined1) chibi maruko--chan undefined1) choujigen game neptune the animation undefined8) chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai undefined15) chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai kirameki no... slapstick noel undefined1) chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai! ren undefined14) chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai! ren specials undefined1) chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai! ren: the rikka wars undefined1) clannad undefined3) clannad after story undefined1) code geass : hangyaku no lelouch undefined1) code: breaker undefined8) code:breaker ova undefined1) coppelion undefined11) corpse party undefined1) corpse party: tortured souls undefined1) crayon shin--chan movie 18 undefined1) crayon shin--chan movie 20: arashi wo yobu! ora to uchuu no princess undefined1) cross ange: tenshi to ryuu no rondo undefined19) crow zero 3 undefined1) crows undefined1) crows explode 2014 undefined1) crows zero undefined2) cyborg she (2008) undefined1) d.gray--man undefined1) dakara boku wa h ga dekinai undefined6) dakara boku wa h ga dekinai ova undefined1) danganronpa: the animation undefined12) danna ga nani wo itteiru ka wakaranai ken undefined1) danshi koukousei no nichijou undefined2) dantalian no shoka: ibarahime undefined1) dareka no manazashi undefined1) darker than black undefined1) date a live undefined14) date a live ova undefined1) date a live season 2 undefined11) date a live: encore ova undefined1) deadman wonderland undefined1) dears undefined1) death note undefined3) death note -- the first name undefined1) death note movie 2 rewrite l’s successor undefined1) death parade undefined12) denki--gai no honya--san undefined10) denpa teki na kanojo undefined1) detective conan undefined4) detective conan live action series undefined1) detective conan movie 16: the eleventh striker undefined1) detective conan movie 17: private eye in the distant sea undefined1) detective conan movie 18 : ijigen no sniper undefined1) detective conan movie collection undefined1) detroit metal city undefined2) devil may cry undefined1) devil survivor 2 the animation undefined13) diabolik lovers undefined11) diamond no ace undefined31) digimon adventure movie undefined1) digimon x--evolution undefined1) digimon xros wars undefined3) digimon xros wars: toki wo kakeru shounen hunter--tachi undefined1) doraemon undefined4) doraemon: new nobita's great demon undefined1) doraemon: nobita no himitsu dougu museum undefined1) dr. slump: arale--chan undefined1) dragon ball gt undefined1) dragon ball kai undefined1) dragon ball kai (2014) undefined54) dragon ball z undefined8) dragon ball z movie 01 undefined1) dragon ball z movie 02 undefined1) dragon ball z movie 03 undefined1) dragon ball z movie 04 undefined1) dragon ball z movie 05 undefined1) dragon ball z movie 06 undefined1) dragon ball z movie 10 undefined1) dragon ball z movie 11 undefined1) dragon ball z movie 12: fukkatsu no fusion undefined1) dragon ball z movie 14 kami to kami undefined1) dragon ball: episode of bardock undefined1) dragon nest: warriors' dawn (2014) undefined1) dream 9 toriko one piece dragon ball z super collaboration special undefined1) durarara!!x2 shou undefined12) elfen lied undefined1) eureka seven ao undefined12) evangelion undefined1) evangelion 3.33 you can (not) redo undefined1) evangelion: 2.0 you can (not) advance undefined1) eve no jikan gekijouban undefined1) eyeshield 21 undefined1) fafner heaven and earth undefined1) fairy tail undefined24) fairy tail (2014) undefined65) fairy tail movie houou no miko undefined1) fairy tail x rave undefined1) fate / zero undefined1) fate / zero season 2 undefined1) fate prototype undefined1) fate/kaleid liner prisma☆illya 2wei! undefined10) fate/kaleid liner prisma☆illya specials undefined1) fate/kaleid liner prisma☆ilya undefined10) fate/stay night undefined2) fate/stay night: unlimited blade works (tv) undefined15) fate/stay night: unlimited blade works (tv) -- prologue undefined2) final fantasy vii: advent children complete undefined1) flame of recca undefined1) fractale undefined1) free! undefined15) free!: eternal summer undefined13) full metal panic undefined1) full metal panic the second raid undefined1) fullmetal alchemist undefined2) fullmetal alchemist brotherhood undefined4) funimation entertainmentl undefined20) gake no ue no ponyo undefined1) garo: honoo no kokuin undefined20) gatchaman crowds undefined12) gekkan shoujo nozaki--kun undefined10) genei wo kakeru taiyou undefined1) ghost in the shell undefined4) ghost in the shell: arise -- border:2 ghost whispers undefined1) ghost in the shell: arise -- border:3 ghost tears undefined1) ghost in the shell: arise -- border:4 ghost stands alone undefined1) ghost in the shell: arise – border:1 ghost pain undefined1) ghost stories undefined1) giant killing undefined3) ginga kikoutai majestic prince undefined21) gintama undefined1) gintama movie 2 : kanketsu--hen – yorozuya yo eien nare undefined1) gintama': enchousen undefined3) giovanni no shima undefined2) girls! shichinin no idol undefined1) gkidsl undefined4) glasslip undefined11) gokukoku no brynhildr undefined12) golden time undefined11) great teacher onizuka undefined14) great teacher onizuka live action undefined1) great teacher onizuka live action (2012) undefined1) grisaia no kajitsu undefined4) gugure! kokkuri--san undefined12) guilty crown undefined3) gundam build fighter undefined24) gundam build fighters try undefined25) gundam saviour undefined1) gundam: g no reconguista undefined14) gyo undefined1) hagure yuusha no estetica undefined6) haikyuu!! undefined27) haiyore nyaruko--san undefined2) haiyore nyaruko--san ova undefined1) hajime no ippo undefined4) hajime no ippo: rising undefined1) hakuouki movie 1: kyoto ranbu undefined1) hanasaku iroha undefined1) hanasaku iroha: home sweet home undefined1) harmonie undefined1) hataraku maou--sama undefined13) hatsukoi limited undefined1) hayate no gotoku undefined1) hentai ouji to warawanai neko undefined7) high school dxd undefined2) high school dxd new undefined11) high school of the dead undefined1) hikaru no go undefined1) hikaru no go: kita hokuto hai e no michi undefined1) history's strongest disciple kenichi undefined2) hitsugi no chaika undefined1) hitsugi no chaika: avenging battle undefined7) hiyokoi undefined1) hori--san to miyamura--kun undefined1) hoshi o ou kodomo undefined1) hotaru no haka undefined1) hotarubi no mori e undefined1) howl no ugoku shiro undefined1) human undefined1) hunter x hunter undefined1) hunter x hunter (2011) undefined16) hunter x hunter greed island undefined1) hunter x hunter: phantom rouge undefined1) hunter x hunter: the last mission undefined1) hyouka undefined19) ichigo 100% undefined1) imouto ga iru undefined3) inari konkon koi iroha undefined2) inazuma eleven undefined1) inazuma eleven go undefined1) initial d undefined3) initial d fifth stage undefined11) initial d final stage undefined4) initial d fourth stage undefined13) initial d second stage undefined3) initial d third stage undefined1) inu to hasami wa tsukaiyou undefined12) inu x boku ss undefined1) inuyasha undefined32) inuyasha movie 4 guren no houraijima undefined1) iriya no sora ufo no natsu undefined1) is : infinite stratos undefined2) is: infinite stratos 2 undefined12) is: infinite stratos 2 ova -- hitonatsu no omoide undefined1) is: infinite stratos 2 ova -- world purge--hen undefined1) isshuukan friends undefined13) isshuukan friends specials undefined1) itazura na kiss undefined1) itazura na kiss--love in tokyo undefined1) jinrui wa suitai shimashita undefined4) jormungand undefined1) jormungand perfect order undefined1) josei undefined4) junketsu no maria undefined12) k--on undefined3) k--project undefined13) kaichou wa maid--sama undefined1) kakumeiki valvrave undefined11) kakumeiki valvrave s2 undefined1) kami nomi zo shiru sekai undefined1) kami nomi zo shiru sekai ii undefined1) kami nomi zo shiru sekai s3 undefined11) kamisama hajimemashita s2 undefined10) kamisama no inai nichiyoubi undefined11) kamisama no memo--chou undefined1) kanojo wa uso o aishisugiteru undefined2) kanokon undefined2) kantai collection: kancolle undefined10) kara no kyoukai undefined4) karas ova undefined1) karneval undefined13) katekyo hitman reborn undefined1) kaze no tani no nausicaä undefined1) kaze tachinu undefined1) kekkaishi undefined2) kiddy girl--and undefined1) kill la kill undefined21) kill la kill special undefined1) kimi ni todoke undefined1) kimi no iru machi undefined15) kimi no iru machi ova undefined1) kimi to boku undefined1) kimi to boku live action undefined1) kiseijuu: sei no kakuritsu undefined23) kiss x sis undefined1) kobato undefined1) koi to senkyo to chocolate undefined7) kokoro connect undefined10) kokurikozaka kara undefined1) kono naka ni hitori undefined5) kore wa zombie desu ka undefined1) kore wa zombie desu ka? undefined1) kotonoha no niwa undefined1) kumo no mukou yakusoku no basho undefined1) kuro shitsuji undefined3) kuroko no basket ng--shuu undefined1) kuroko no basket ova undefined1) kuroko no basket s2 undefined21) kuroko no basket tip off undefined1) kuroko no basket: mou ikkai yarimasen ka undefined1) kuroko no basuke undefined22) kuroko no basuke s3 undefined25) kuroshitsuji ii undefined1) kuroshitsuji special undefined1) kuroshitsuji: book of circus undefined7) kyoukai no kanata undefined14) kyoukai no kanata -- ona undefined1) kyoukai no kanata episode 0: shinonome undefined1) kyoukai senjou no horizon undefined1) l--dk undefined1) level e undefined1) library wars (2013) live action undefined1) little busters! refrain undefined1) little witch academia undefined1) log horizon undefined24) log horizon s2 undefined25) love live school idol project undefined2) love stage!! undefined10) lovely complex undefined1) lupin iii undefined1) lupin iii vs. detective conan: the movie undefined1) machine--doll wa kizutsukanai undefined12) machine--doll wa kizutsukanai special undefined1) madan no ou to vanadis undefined13) magi undefined29) magi: sinbad no bouken undefined1) magi: the kingdom of magic undefined24) magic kaito 1412 undefined22) magic tree house undefined1) mahou sensou undefined6) mahou shoujo madoka magica the movie 3 undefined1) mahouka koukou no rettousei undefined24) majokko shimai no yoyo to nene -- movie undefined1) makai ouji: devils and realist undefined12) maken--ki ova undefined1) mangirl undefined2) maoyuu maou yuusha undefined11) mayo chiki undefined1) midori no hibi undefined1) mikakunin de shinkoukei undefined1) minami--ke tadaima undefined8) mirai nikki undefined4) mirai nikki redial undefined1) mobile suit gundam 00 undefined2) mobile suit gundam 00 s2 undefined2) mobile suit gundam 00 the movie: a wakening of the trailblazer undefined1) mobile suit gundam ms igloo undefined1) mobile suit gundam seed undefined1) model suit gunpla builders beginning g undefined1) momo e no tegami undefined1) mondaiji--tachi ga isekai kara kuru sou desu yo undefined9) monogatari series s2 undefined20) mononoke hime undefined1) moshidora undefined1) moyashimon returns undefined1) mushibugyou undefined23) mushishi undefined3) mushishi special: hihamukage undefined1) mushishi zoku shou undefined13) mushishi zoku shou season 2 undefined10) muv--luv alternative undefined6) nagi no asukara undefined25) nanatsu no taizai undefined25) naruto undefined1) naruto shippuden undefined142) naruto shippuuden movie 6 undefined1) naruto: shippuuden -- jump super anime tour undefined1) narutosd undefined1) natsuiro kiseki undefined1) natsume yuujinchou undefined4) nazo no kanojo x undefined1) nekomonogatari kuro undefined1) nerawareta gakuen undefined1) new prince of tennis undefined1) next a--class undefined1) nin x nin ninja hattori--kun the movie undefined1) ninja kids undefined1) nisekoi undefined23) no game no life undefined13) no game no life specials undefined1) nobunaga the fool undefined22) nobunagun undefined9) nogizaka haruka no himitsu undefined1) nourin undefined6) nyan koi undefined1) oda nobuna no yabou undefined6) oh invisible man undefined1) ojii--san no lamp undefined1) omae umasou da na undefined1) one piece undefined146) one piece 3d2y undefined1) one piece film z undefined1) one piece: episode of luffy -- hand island no bouken undefined1) one piece: episode of nami undefined1) onegai teacher undefined1) ookami kodomo no ame to yuki undefined1) ookami shoujo to kuro ouji undefined11) oppai volleyball undefined1) ore no imouto ga konnani kawaii wake ga nai undefined1) ore no imouto ga konnani kawaii wake ga nai specials undefined1) ore no kanojo to osananajimi ga shuraba sugiru undefined10) otona joshi no anime time undefined1) ouran high school host club undefined1) ouroboros (2015) undefined1) outbreak company undefined7) pandora hearts undefined1) papa no iukoto wo kikinasai undefined3) papa no iukoto wo kikinasai! ova undefined1) persona 3 the movie 1: spring of birth undefined1) persona 4 the animation undefined2) persona 4 the golden animation undefined12) phantom: requiem for the phantom undefined1) phi brain -- kami no puzzle s3 undefined15) photokano undefined7) piece undefined1) ping pong the animation undefined2) planzet undefined1) pokemon best wishes undefined1) pokemon best wishes: victini to shiroki eiyuu reshiram undefined1) pokemon xy undefined55) pokemon xy: koukoku no princess diancie undefined1) pokemon xy: mega evolution undefined1) pokemon: the origin undefined1) prince of tennis undefined26) prince of tennis: another story undefined1) prince of tennis: eikokushiki teikyuu shiro kessen undefined1) prism ark undefined1) production i.g undefined13) psycho--pass undefined18) psycho--pass s2 undefined10) psychological undefined26) puka puka juju undefined1) r--15 undefined1) ragnarok the animation undefined5) rail wars! undefined1) rakuen tsuihou: expelled from paradise undefined1) ranma 1/2 undefined1) ranma ½ undefined1) rinne no lagrange undefined1) rinne no lagrange season 2 undefined1) ro--kyu--bu undefined1) robotics;notes undefined23) rolling☆girls undefined10) romance undefined203) rough undefined1) rozen maiden (2013) undefined9) rurouni kenshin undefined4) rurouni kenshin movie undefined1) rurouni kenshin: kyoto inferno undefined1) rurouni kenshin: the legend ends (2014) undefined1) rurouni kenshin: tsuiokuhen undefined1) ryuugajou nanana no maizoukin undefined9) saenai heroine no sodatekata undefined8) saenai heroine no sodatekata: ai to seishun no service kai undefined1) saikin imouto no yousu ga chotto okashiinda ga undefined9) sailor moon: crystal undefined7) saint seiya omega undefined4) saint seiya the hades chapter -- sanctuary undefined1) saint seiya: legend of sanctuary undefined1) saint☆onii--san (movie) undefined1) sakamichi no apollon undefined2) sakura trick undefined2) sakurasou no pet na kanojo undefined24) samurai x undefined12) sankarea undefined4) sanzoku no musume ronja undefined11) sasameki koto undefined1) sasami--san ganbaranai undefined1) school day undefined2) seiken tsukai no world break undefined12) seikoku no dragonar undefined1) seikon no qwaser undefined3) seirei tsukai no blade dance undefined1) seitokai no ichizon undefined1) sekai de ichiban tsuyoku naritai! undefined11) sekai no chuushin de ai wo sakebu undefined1) sekirei undefined1) sekirei pure engagement undefined1) selector infected wixoss undefined8) sengoku basara movie: the last party undefined1) sengoku collection undefined1) sengoku musou undefined12) sengoku musou sp: sanada no shou undefined1) senran kagura undefined9) shakugan no shana undefined1) shakugan no shana ii undefined1) shigatsu wa kimi no uso undefined22) shijou saikyou no deshi kenichi undefined1) shiki undefined1) shin koihime†musou undefined1) shin sekai yori undefined20) shingeki no bahamut: genesis undefined14) shingeki no bahamut: genesis recap undefined1) shingeki no kyojin undefined29) shingeki no kyojin : kuinaki sentaku undefined1) shingeki no kyojin: ilse no techou undefined1) shinmai maou no testament undefined11) shinryaku ika musume undefined1) shirokuma cafe undefined2) shokugeki no souma undefined12) shonen undefined1) shoujo ai undefined4) shounen ai undefined1) shukufuku no campanella undefined3) silver spoon aka gin no saji (2014) undefined1) sket dance undefined1) sket dance ova undefined1) slam dunk undefined32) slam dunk movie 1 undefined1) slam dunk movie 2 undefined1) slam dunk movie 3 undefined1) slam dunk movie 4 undefined1) slice of life undefined89) smile precure undefined1) sora no otoshimono undefined1) sora no otoshimono final: eternal my master undefined1) soul eater undefined5) soul eater not! undefined9) spirited away undefined1) spring 2014 undefined18) spring 2015 undefined35) stains;gate undefined1) stand by me doraemon (2014) undefined2) star driver undefined1) steins;gate undefined1) steins;gate movie: fuka ryouiki no déjà vu undefined1) steins;gate – sōmei eichi no cognitive computing undefined1) strike the blood undefined20) strike witches undefined3) strike witches the movie undefined1) studio ghibli undefined5) studio hibari undefined1) suisei no gargantia undefined13) suisei no gargantia specials undefined1) suisei no gargantia: meguru kouro haruka undefined1) sukitte ii na yo undefined11) sukitte ii na yo ova undefined1) summer wars undefined1) super power undefined56) super sonico the animation undefined1) supernatural undefined135) survival horror undefined1) suzumiya haruhi no shoushitsu undefined1) suzumiya haruhi no yuutsu undefined1) sword art online undefined29) sword art online ii undefined26) sword art online ii: debriefing undefined1) sword art online: extra edition undefined1) sword of desperation undefined1) sword of the stranger undefined1) takanashi rikka kai: chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai! movie undefined2) tales of symphonia: tethe'alla hen undefined1) tales of zestiria: doushi no yoake undefined1) tamako love story undefined1) tamako market undefined8) tari tari undefined5) tasogare otome x amnesia undefined4) tengen toppa gurren lagann undefined1) tengen toppa gurren lagann movie : gurren--hen undefined1) tengen toppa gurren lagann movie: lagann--hen undefined1) tenkuu no shiro laputa undefined1) terra formars undefined13) terra formars ova undefined1) the idolm@ster cinderella girls undefined10) the idolm@ster movie undefined2) the law of ueki undefined1) the liar and his lover undefined1) tips undefined12) to aru hikushi eno tsuioku undefined2) to aru kagaku no railgun undefined1) to aru kagaku no railgun s undefined21) to heart 2 undefined1) to love--ru undefined3) to love--ru darkness undefined10) toaru hikuushi e no koiuta undefined11) toaru majutsu no index undefined1) toaru majutsu no index movie : endymion no kiseki undefined2) toho animation undefined3) toki wo kakeru shoujo undefined2) tokuma shoten undefined2) tokyo esp undefined12) tokyo ghoul undefined15) tokyo ghoul √a undefined12) tokyo magnitude 8 undefined1) tokyo ravens undefined19) tonari no kaibutsu--kun undefined14) tonari no kaibutsu--kun: tonari no gokudou--kun undefined1) tonari no totoro undefined1) topcraft undefined1) toriko undefined2) trinity seven undefined13) trouble chocolate undefined1) true tears undefined1) tsubasa chronicle undefined1) tsuritama undefined6) uchuu kyoudai undefined6) uchuu kyoudai live action undefined1) uchuu show e youkoso undefined1) un – go undefined1) usagi drop undefined1) ushinawareta mirai wo motomete undefined5) vampire knight undefined1) vividred operation undefined12) wake up undefined1) wallpapers undefined31) walt disney studiosl undefined4) wangan midnight undefined1) watamote episode 13 undefined1) watashi ga motenai no wa dou kangaetemo omaera ga warui undefined13) winter 2014/2015 undefined21) wizard barristers: benmashi cecil undefined2) working undefined2) world trigger undefined22) yahari ore no seishun love come wa machigatteiru undefined14) yamada kun to 7 nin no majo undefined2) yoru no yatterman undefined5) yosuga no sora undefined1) yowamushi pedal undefined3) yowamushi pedal: grande road undefined22) yozakura quartet undefined1) yu yu hakusho undefined3) yu--gi--oh undefined1) yu--gi--oh 5d's undefined1) yu--gi--oh gx undefined2) yu--gi--oh zexal undefined2) yumekui merry undefined1) yumekuri undefined1) yurikuma arashi undefined3) yuru yuri undefined1) yuru yuri ♪♪ undefined4) yuushibu undefined10) zankyou no terror undefined11) zero no tsukaima undefined1) zetsuen no tempest undefined24) zettai karen children undefined11) home »
“you have all seen dwight schar’s name on a lot of the property, a lot of the buildings here at ashland. i don’t know how many of you know dwight’s story – it’s an extraordinary story. one of five children, raised in jeromesville, ohio, a single mom, was able to secure a janitor’s job at the a.l. garber co. working nights to support putting himself through college. he was married in college, had a baby, and became an educator. needing to further supplement his income, he started to sell real estate at night and on the weekends. he fell in love
Seewe kompaniili China, Exhibition & Travel Group (ETG), ye seoriu be ye be gefauwe seewe gattiumwuleli selapiye gammetaagiu ila ye be gale pwupwutogo selapiyale me reere shoali yasefaliuwe ka re be gale buutogo woali faliuweiye. Gamii gaibe giula Yap ila seewe faliuwe galesemmwiti, ye gale seliige me waluuwe (38) square miles. Iiye gattiumwuleli selapiye ye yali ETG ila ye seoriu be re be foorii semweoiu hotel resort ila ye be ligitii sengerasi ruumulu lanneo, nge ye pwale yoro golf courses me casino. Nge bale shiyelagi ngalii mele kela ye be gasitogo be ttewasili faliuwashe me yashe wosho ila faliuwe kela ETG ye be chuwaiiye nge ye be le logo lago faali yare lamelame lanni tiweige me tiwouwe raage, nge ye be la gola menna tiweige me tiwouwe raagi nge ye pwale yatte lago reeli bale sebugiuwe raagi nge ye toaro mele shoali bugotogoteli bugoto we re be seoriu iyange. Menneele ila si be matefagilii be yatola shagiu go be saainiiye baabiyoro la be re be gasii menna bugotamwu nge taai yoro lago geele me iyange – toaro lago faliuwemwu, toaro lago shapili malewamwu, talogo lago menna ilaali fateomwu togo shagiu me mwosuwe, ye talogo lago menna tegariyemwu lago lanni ranne kelale. Geramwo be ye kaile yali yaremate metagiiu kompanii yeele, nge geramwo be yaremate re sa gapeta be re tai tipelii nge yamali Yap ye shiuweli tabotabo lago shagiu yare kekafegira togo ETG. Giishe yaremetali Yap, si be gekaila shagiu be si be seoriu be: YEEBE ngalii ETG! GEMWOAWE LAGO iiye ETG-Yap State Cooperative Investment Agreement we me ETG’s Foreign Investment Permit me woali Yapeiye! Tepangii seewe gattiumwuleli selapiye la si be melawe iyange, nge TAI male gammetaagiu ye yegasi tangi gishe bugotashe nge re sa seoriu be gattiumwuleli selapiye!
ngiyabonga ngokuba namuhla namuhla. ngicabangela ukuze uwazi wonke umuntu ukuthi ungubani lapha. ngokulandela kwami ngokulandela, kusukela ukusekelwa kokuvela kwe imisebenzi yemali. yiba nami isikhathi eside. uyingxenye yokuthwala kwe--swat yethu. sinesivumelwano sokuziphatha i--college, dr. uzucker, wenza lisa i--derosa, nomqondisi wesabeliso. sineningi lokufunda izindaba todaylisa i--derosa, nomqondisi wesabeliso. sineningi lokufunda izindaba namuhla, izinto ziyajabula. isikhalazo sesikhathi, siqhawule isivivinyo sokukhangela. asikhonyuliwe namunye hit the apex. khumbula ukuze izimali ziya kulula, kuzothola isiqondiso esiphezulu, it lizobuhla, lizobuya lapha. sizoqhubeka ngendlela yokuya e imali. inani lokufinyelela okufanele iqalile, i--80% stel self kuxelwe. cishe i--15% yabantu bonke abahlola isifundo sokuhlela hospitalization. futhi yilokho kunemikhakha yami hospitalization. kodwa bonke bengcelisekile lokho ifuna ukuthula isivivinyo 15%. sisebenzisa izithembiso zokuqhawula. sinesila esihle senza lokwenza imisebenzi yokuqhawula, siyayenza mckenzie, umnyango we impilo yenza izimpawu zokuqhawula. futhi zibalulekile ngoku bayaqhaza isiprofetho esiphelele jeker to no ukuhlelwa kwesidingo. izinselele zokuqhawula kulula lokho, bangamododolozi waka imisebenzi, ayiyo ukuqaphela okufanelekile, kodwa yisithi ngokuqinile esinalo ukuhlela, kulungile? landela idatha, landela data, landela idatha. imisebenzi yokuziphatha kwamahhala iqhawulwe kakhulu kakhulu ngalokho izinzuzo ezijwayelwe, zonke zonke amamodeli ayenziwe ngakho--ke lokho kwakudingeka kakhulu ukuxhumana. ngenxa yokuthi ukufinyelela kakhulu i--rate meoses faster higher ukukhanya kwi--hospitals kanye lokho umqondo ongcono wako i--us yinani labantu lokuya izinhlobo zokuvula. manje manje lokho sikufuna cisha cases ceses 10,000 ngokwehospitals, the hospital isakhono si--53,000 beds. lesi sinqaku. sibheka cishe ama--40,000 i--icu iyaza izimbali. sine--3,000 ibed beds. lokho kusihle. yini i--icu ebhalwa ngalezi izinjongo? kakhulu ngokuzalwa ngu--a ventilator. umvuli wakhe wonke isiqinisekiso sokugcina sokufuna ukuziphatha ngokukhanya okufanelekile ngenxa yalo umphefumulo illness nabantu badinga okwengeziwe ukukhanya kwesiqinisekile. sifuna ukwenza? qaphela inani lamakhasi ukuze uvuselele izindawo zakhe, thokha inani lamakhasi azobuya izimbali. yilokho dr. i--fauci yi ukuthola ngokuvela ku--tv ebusuku bonke. qhafa kakhulu, qhafa yiba, qhafa isitolo. bheka inani labantu lokuzela izinhlobo zesiqiniso ukuze sikwazi ukwenza nabo emazulwini. futhi sisebenza kulo. ngesikhathi esimanye, nandisa ngakho uhlelo lokuziphatha, lungile? kakhulu ngokuthenga inani lami kukhona ukuze uvuse ekhaya, imanyhile khulula ihospital yakho ukukhanya. sisebenza nge--both simultaneously. sesikhona kusukela kusuku lokuqala. qaphela inani lamakhasi ukungena, qhafa isitolo, bheka izimfaneleko zokugcina kakhulu. senza konke okuningakwazi. lokho kulungile ngokunganaki basebenza, ukuxhumanisa umphakathi, qaphela i--gyms, qhafaza restaurants. indlela ende endaweni endolobha york lapho sibe nesiqondiso esiphezulu sokukhanya sifuna kakhulu ngokukholo amapaki amasha eyork city, ngokuqinile nabasha, ngiselwe qhawulani njengoba nginga futhi njengobhununi njengobunye ngingaxelisa intsha nabo ukwakhiwa ngabanye. ungakwazi ukufunda i--coronavirus. ungcabanga ukuthi ungalulazi hero, awuwazi ngamnye. ungayiqhawula. futhi ungayiqheshela lokho kwenza uyaqhafa kwabo abantu obathandayo. kodwa izindawo zesiphakathi esitsha zamahhala yiba inkinga. ngibona inkinga yami imoto. ngithembela kumayor de blasio kanye isikhuluma ujohane, sikhenzile ngesicwangciso esiqhawule ngamahora angama--24 wonke umhlangano wakhe wakhona. babuya ngabe ngesicwangciso. khathesi siyawuqinisa lokho hlela. ngivulele kuleliphupho. uhlelo luzoqhaqhaza ukuvala ithukuthela e--york city entsha ngesikhathi sinesikhalazo esitsha sokuqhawula kusha york city, sinesibonakaliso izivivinyo e--york city entsha. vula izitolo. abantu bafuna ukuhamba, bafuna ukuze uphume ukuze uthole imizi. ufuna indawo yokufunda ngokufunda. ukuxhumana kakhulu kokuvunyelwa ku izimali, ukuvula izitolo ku i--pedestrians. sizobuyela isiqinisekiso sezima indawo yokuxhumana komhlaba. ngokuqinisekile isivumelwano esisha. akukho mfutho wokuxhumana okufanelekile a dlula ibandla. akukho basketball besibonelo. akwazi ukwenza. sicela abantu benze lokho ebasisini ebandla. uma kungekho noncompliance na lokho, sizokwenza imandatory futhi sizobuya ngempela qhafaza iziphakathi zamadlala. asifuni ukwenza lokho ngoku amadolobha amadlangansi ayisitima sokuya phela futhi uvule i--air, kodwa bafuna ukuxhumanisa ukuxhumana kwabasekhaya ngenxa yokuqhawula. futhi, sekugcwelekile. imariya izosenza qhafa ukuze lokhu kuqokile kulo bantu besixesha. uma kungenzeki, sizokwazi ngokuqinisekile dlula idlalo imibhalo. angifuni ukwenza lokho. kodwa sidinga ukwenza ukuvulela ukudlula kokufinyelela nalokho yini ebalulekile kakhulu. lokhu kujabula kakhulu. ngesikhathi sebufakazi bufakazi lokulandelwa kwesiqiniso izimbangela zingabe zisebenza. futhi, senza lokhu kusuka kwezijabulo. kodwa bheka lokhu ngoku ukuthanda. lesonto lokuqala, uhlelo kwadalwa ukuthula kwabelula kudlula izinsuku zesibili. kulungile? ngomatsiki, inani lesithunyelwe ukuze izindlela zokuvusa kwakhona kudlula bonke izinsuku ezi--3.4. ngo--tuesday, izinhlelo kulandelwe ukuthi izimbangela zabelula zonke izinsuku zesi--4,7. manje, lokho kufanele kakhulu yiba neqiniso. kodwa inkolo iyapha isiqinisekiso esisenza ngalo, kususa kakhulu ngokuqinile, kodwa undlula ukuqinisa, ungakwazi lunga kakhulu kakhulu kakhulu. lesi siqinisekiso, ngiya bathekele bkhonza bonke bonke indawo yami futhi anginayo indawo enkulu umdlalo wokukhanya kuphephi munye ukuhlela nabo bonke baboni bonke kuzo zonke izinselele zokuqhubeka lokho benza. emva koku, lokulula sign. futhi angiyena u--100% oqinileyo obhekile noma ukutholakala. kodwa imisebenzi iyazwa kuyo isiqondiso esihle. futhi njalo njalo kufanele amarekhodi azimiselela ebuhlweni isiqondiso. okushiyo kabantu obonile lokufuna izimfuno, umphakathi ukuchukuthela, akukho izithengi zabo, no umsebenzi ongavamile, yebo babhaliswe ekhaya. ngesithelo, babonakalayo futhi babe bekufundile futhi wavusa ngalokufunda ngalo phawu ukuthi babe basekela hospitalizations. futhi lokhu kukhona. ukuthanda i--hospitalization rates, ukuze uvuselele izindawo ngabe bonke umhlangano wokukholoza kungenzeka ngenxa yabelingani babantu ukuze ungene. ngesikhathi esimnandi, sekuqinisiwe ukuthula kakhulu, yini umcabango omkhulu? ubona ukulelwazi ngoku kuqala. lokho sifunda, yini isiqondiso esiphezileyo sesi lie, yini isiqalo selelayini. lokho umqondo wabo inani elikhulu kakhulu labantu buya ngesihlo se--hospital to to ingabe umthwalo wethu omkhulu kakhulu apex. futhi yini leyo eya ku qaphela. yiba, lesi siqiniso. yiba, eyaqhubeka. emva kokuqhawula kakhulu lokho kungenzeka ngezinsuku ezingama--21. ngakho--ke lula kulula kakhulu ukwenza -- ukuze uthande isandla lokho apex volume. uyaqhaza kanjani ihospital ukukhonza? uqhaza izibhengo, uqhaza isiteshi nawe uqhaza ukufuna futhi izivivinati ze inkinga ekufunweni njengoba sisekhona iqhawe isikhathi esiningi. siphi kulezi? ibeds, singadinga i--140,000. sine--53,000. lokho yizobuchwepheshe okukhona izimbali. siyabatshela bonke izibhalo ngabo bekumele bangezelele amandla abo ngo--50%. ngabasho ukuze ngami ngokuka isivivinyo sokuqhawula isivivinyo yesterday. lesi sisekeliso se izimbangela zamanje ukuze usitshele khulisa icapacity 50%. kodwa kufanele ngikutshele, kwakujwayelekile kakhulu ngayo kanye baze bayazi ukuthi ubhekene. futhi babehlela ukuze uphuphe ukuya esiphakameni. uma ukwakha kulula ukukhanya ngo--50%, okutholayo 27,000 beds top to the okufanele, kukuthatha u--80. eminye imihla yokuziphatha ngabuza njengomgomo zama ukwandisa nga--100% wakho ukukhanya. u--50% wayengumnyango. umgwaqo wabelapha 100. ngikholwa ngazo zinye izimahla zizothanda zama ngokuqinile ukwenza lokho. futhi ngikhulelele ukuzama yenza lokho okungenzekile njengoyo izimbangela. kodwa manje isikhathi sokuba ukuqhaqhaza futhi yenza izinto ozitholayo akufuni eziqedile. uma abanye babo benza lokho, nami ukholwa yinye yabo bayakufuna, ukuthi kuzobangela 5,000 ibeds, sithola ibedes 85,000. i--fema, i--army corps yenjini, lokho sikwenza ezulwini yi--centre, isivivinyo i--centre, i--west berry campus, stony qhafa kampusi, okusitshaza kulo 89,000. i--us navy ship ""iphupho,"" ukuchazwa kwesithembiso, lokho ungaqedwa yi--beds 1,000 kusukela ku--hotels, okushintsha ukuze 90,000. uma sinikela sonke isitolo ama--dormitories e--down state new kulungile, okuthola usizo okwengeziwe zingu--29,000 beds. sizobedwa kwabededi abayi--119,000. ungaqhumi ku--140 lokho undinga, emva kokuthi siyabheka ehotel, siyabheka yenza izinhlobo zokuxhuma, ukuqinisa imisebenzi yowe yokwenza ukuhlukaniseka. kakhulu kakhulu, kakhulu, ngokuqinile, kodwa empilweni wenza lokho onakho ukwenza. futhi yilokho senza kulo ukuzalwa kwabi. ukuthenga kakuvikela, siye yibonakalise emhlabeni wonke. sinesitolo sonke esiyo ukwenza. manje manje siqhubekile isicelo sokuvikela, izimahla, imisebenzi, ukulandelwa kwabo bonke hospitals statewide lapho ukusebenza ngalo. namuhla akukho ihospital, akukho nurse, no u--doctor ungayitshela ukuqhawula i akufanele uvikelekele ukufunda. kulungile manje kanye nabo ikusasa lesesifunda, sinalo a supply. asiqaphele ukuze sisekelwe a sebenzela isonto lesithathu kusukela manje, amasonto amane kusuka manje, amasonto amahlanu kusukela manje. kodwa sizoqeda ukufunda. futhi lokho kwakuyizindaba ezinhle futhi a uyajabuleka kakhulu ngesitolo. futhi, sizoqhaqa ukufunda ukuthenga okwengeziwe. ventilatores, ventilatores, ventilatores. sidinga ama--30,000. sine--hospital esegcwele uhlelo 4,000 vent laters. lokhu kukhona endlela yokuqala ukuvula kwamahhala. sesiyisekile 7,000 futhi sesi qhaza ukushaya. umbuso wokwedlula ushumayile 4,000. sisanda ukuxhumanisa lapho umvinisi owodwa ungenza lesibili izithombe. italy yadluliselwa ukuyenza. ngifuna ukubona uma singayifunda futhi yenza isikhathi esilula kanye yiba nesikhathi esithile ukufunda ngalo, kodwa ukufuna ukuqonda ventilatores. sisisekela kusebenza nabo ukulungiselela kwamafederal ukuzama ku thola eminye imininingwane kodwa lokho kulula kakhulu kakhulu izinselele yiziqinisekiso. ngokuvamile, i--icu ibeds, ukuthi ngokuqinile kusho isiqinisekiso ngokuvunyiwe ngokuvela namuhla, lesi isinye isamba iphupho lokufuna esikufunayo. uzobedwa, uye ukufuna, ufuna isitolo, kanye undinga isitolo ngavamile ukuze isikhalazo esithile sizokuthola sicela futhi bazosiqhaza. ngakho--ke sesisebenzele ukuthenga kanye nempilo ebonakalayo care force. buyela emabhalini, buya ukuya kwamahhala nabayensi ungaqhawulwa esikhundleni sokuvusa ukufinyelela ekugcineni kwe--medical, futha bangasayenza ukuze baphendule qaphela duty. unkulunkulu akhumbise. bangu--40,000 bantu bayisithile as isiqinisekiso sokuziphatha kwempilo ebonakalayo. izifundo zesifunda, okufanele kulandelwe izikolo ze--yol, izinyama, i--lpns, i--40,000 abantu bayesithile. lokho kulula -- lokho kulula, big deal. ngenxa yokuthi ungakwazi ukwakha imibhalo, ungakwazi ukuthola isicelo, wenza ukuba nesitolo. futhi kufanele ube nesitolo kulabo babadala bokwengeza bonke ayikho manje endlela yokuvusa uhlelo. futhi kufanele wenze isikhalazo lapho isitolo esisekelayo sithola ill. noma ngendlela yokuqeda akwazi ukwenza amahora sizobuya dinga abantu ukuze basebenze. ngakho--ke lokho kakhulu kakhulu. lokhu kukhona okufanele kakhulu. akukwazi ukuthi umunye umuntu wenze lokhu. sikhathelwe ngamandla wokukhathaza qikelela ukuthi lokho kudlula bantu. kanye nesitolo sempilo yempilo no izinselele zempilo yengqondo. akekho munye othenga ngokuqinile ngoku lokhu. sonke siyamukelwe ngabo dinga isidingo sokuhlela, ukuphila kunye nokufa kwe--immediate isimo esiyilungile, kodwa ungaqondizi abantu besi--trauma emotional ukuzwa kanye nempilo yokuziphatha isihloko. sicela ukuphila kwempilo iziprofisi zokuqhawula sebenzisa ukuthenga indlela yokuthenga i--online izimpilo zempilo. i--6,000 yempilo yempilo iziprofeta zesivumelwano zikhona volunteer ukuthenga imali izimpilo zempilo yabantu bonke ngiyadinga. lokho kukhona nje lokho. kanye i--hotline 1--844--863--9314, ungakwazi ukuthula, hlola ukuqashwa ngoku--a umprofethi wempilo yokuziphatha konke mahhala ukukhangela kubo yini ukuzwa. futhi unkulunkulu uvulele i 6,000 izimpilo zempilo yengqondo yabo benza lokhu mahhala. futhi ngiqinisekile kulwazi lwabo basebenzise kakhulu. ngakho--ke lesi isinyathelo sezobuchwepheshe ngu--them.the ngiqinisekile kwabo basebenzise kakhulu. ngakho--ke lesi isinyathelo sezobuchwepheshe ngabo. ngiqhaza ngepresident trump izikhathi eziyodlula, zikhona kusasa, ngeke ngakhe nalo morning. ngithembe kulabantu ku ukuze izindawo zakho ziyiphi isitolo lokufunda. ngikhulume ngesitolo umengameli. ngikhulumise nojared kushner ngobani yorker entsha, wazi i--new york. futhi usebenza ebuhleni umkhaya futhi uvele ukusiza isiqinisekiso konke lezi zinga. sisebenzelani kulo inselele yenkonzo. akukho munye owalezi zi--ventilators futhi akekho munye obonakalayo a isimo lapho ungadinga le nombolo yamadlali aya bhalana nempilo yomphakathi emergencies. ngakho--ke sesikhuthalele konke lokho kungaqhutywa. sisesikhathi sesitsi sizama ukuthola umkhiqizo walezi vivilatores futhi i--ventilator iyavunyelwa iphupho lokufuna. umengameli nesikholo sakhe i cabanga ukuthi sebenzisa i--dpa well ngenxa yokuthi kusuke kungo a -- it isiqiniso esisekelayo lapho kudalwa ngenkhani yokuziphatha, kulungile? sidinga usizo lakho. singakhumbula usizo lakho. noma ungavumela ukuze usizo futhi sikudinga ukuqhaza kanye khulisa indawo. ngenxa yokuthi, kune--ramp isikhathi sokuqhaqhaza sokuqhawula kamphepha phezu kwesiqinisekiso sokuxhumana, put kuphela umsebenzi, bese uthola lezi zinto ziyi--up and running. ukuze uzizwe kuzosiza, imikhakathi ezijwayelekile ziyosiza. inkinga yisikhathi sami sesikhathi kakhulu, sibheka an apex 21 izinsuku kulele ndawo. ukuthola izimbali nezizi izibonelelo zamabhizinisi put kuphela, izinhlelo zokusekela, ukudilizwa, kulandelwe kukhona umsebenzi wesiqinisekiso wesifunda. futhi kungokuthile okuthile iqembu lisebenza ngalo lapho isiqhawu sakhe sesikhathi ngfuna ngabonga umengameli wakhe ukuxhumana neqhafa lakhe loku ukuxhumana kwabo. senza kakhulu kakhulu, sizobulela amazwe emhlabeni wonke umhlaba njengobusha imiphakathi ezobangela umkhiqizo. sishumayela kanye kuphi izindlu zakhe ngokuqinisekile. i--york entsha iyedinga kakhulu ngokugqibela kwamanani. i--new york kanye kanye yakho kakhulu isidingo esidinga ngokugcina isikhathi. kulungile? sikhuluma nge--apex yakho, siyabhala mayelana nalokholo. imibandela ehlukene izwe lizobuya izimali ezijwayelekile. sisesinye izindlela zokuqala. amakhosi ethu aqala ekuqaleni. umqondo wami uqala. ngesikhathi esidlule. imibono ezijwayelekile iyobangela babangela ngesikhathi ezijwayelekile. engakuthola kumpresidisi kanye iqembu lakhe lalilahle, bheka, bhala ngoku kusho ukuthi sifinele ukuvula ukufuna izwe lokugcina ngesinye isikhathi, asikhenze ukufinyelela isidingo sokuhlela ku lokho kakhulu, kuphela isitolo sezobuchule, ngenxa yokuthi unayo u--apex futhi uze ungalula, futhi isakhile siyakulele kakhulu, ngokuvela wakho okuqinile qhaqha ngalokufinyelela, ukuthengwa kokufuna, kakhulu babani, ngokufanele babonise kabo next hot spot. futha okwengeziwe kulungile kusekela across izwe ngabe kudlula isitatimende, ngokulungile? bengikhona egazini lokugcina e--hud, ngasebenza ngemisebenzi yami izinhliziyo. uthenga ngesakhala ukuqala kwakho ngesikhathi noma njengoba uqhubekela kulandelayo khubaza. futhi ngicabanga ukuthi ukugoqa ukusekela kungenza kusebenze lapha futhi ngokuqala kwe--york entsha, ukuze sizobulela i--100% usizo. sidinga usizo kusukela ekuqaleni izwe lakhona manje. sidinga izivivinyo ezivela ku qinisekisa izwe lakho manje. futhi ngabe apex yakho kuqala kanye namanani amahhala akhe kakhulu. kodwa iphawu eliphezulu lizobuya okufanelekile across izwe. ngakho--ke ngathe ngakushe lapha ekhaya thumela us isicelo sokuthi funa, thumela umuntu. njengoba sishintsha kakhulu umama wokugcina, siyakuthanda qaphela ukuze ufuna kanye hlangela esiqhawu esisekhaya. futhi ngizoba guarantee kanye nokwenziwa ngamunye. ngakho--ke uma usithumela i--15,000 ama--ventilates kanye nalawa emva kwethu qhaqa kulula kudinga i--15,000 ventilators, singakuthatha ukuthola kusukela lapha, singakuthatha umuntu ovela lapha, we ungatshaza izifundo lapha, siqala, sifunda izinto ukuze akekho umunye umuntu ofundile. ngesikhathi sesizobuya kuqala ngokuqinisekile. futhi ngiqhaza ngokuze ngakho ukuze sizoletha lokho kufuna, thina siyobangela labo muntu, siyobhala ukuzeza ukuxheshwa ngokufunda isiqiniso esisekelayo. ngiphela kumprisidenti, ngiyobangela ingxenye yokuya ekhaya eliphakathi qhaqhaza ngesitolo sami. sibuza izwe lokusiza i--us sizobuyela isitolo. futhi sonke kulokhu kukhona. futhi sicela usizo labo nokuxabangela kwabo nathi sizoyibuyela ngezihloko. isenzo kufanele ukuxabulela a $ 2 isiqinisekiso bili yini isikholozo sokufuna / sikufuna amabhizinisi, individuals kanye izimahla. kungabe kuzogcwaliselwa ngempela isitolo se--york entsha. i-- $ 2 trillion bill, yenzani kusho ukuthenga isitolo seyork york umbuso? kusho ukuze us $ 3.8 billion. izibhalo eziqhawulekile njenge loti kwemali. umlayezi wesabizo ungakukhathaza ngesikhumbuzo. kodwa sibheka ekuvukelweni isiqinisekiso samahhala ayi-- $ 9, $ 10 i--billion, $ 15 billion. lokuphendula le virus kusenzekile kakhulu ngokuqhawula kakhulu us $ 1 ibayili, iyobuya ngokuqinile imithetho yokugula yamahhala e--us eyonke sesenzile. igreater york city kuphela ithola u-- $ 1.3 isiqinisekiso esivela kulo phepha. lokho kulula kusukela ebucket. ngithanda ukudlula ekhaya kwakho, ukukhululwa kwamandla, lokhu ukujula. ngithe ngenza lokhu akwenze it. uyazi, ngazi ibandla yenza indawo yokuqala nerepublicican umcabango, kodwa sidinga indlela yakho yenza izimiselelo. futhi izindlu zakhe zibhayile konke, i--york state gat $ 17 isiqiniso. ebhodini lesenate, sithola i-- $ 3.8 isiqiniso. futhi, kakhulu, kufanele -- ubhakathi ukuthanda. asisikho isitolo esihle sokuthola. ngiqhaza iminyaka ngamunye. nginengqondo yokukhula ebalasele kakhulu isitatimende sesitolo ngamandla umlando wokuziphatha. kulungile? ngakho--ke singakanani kanye nathi okufanelekile. ngiyakulekela, lawa manombolo ungasebenzi kanye ngatshela indlela izimemo ukuze sikudinga ngempela usizo lwabo. ngokugqibela kwamanani, eyonke kuvinyelwe, siyafinyelela ku--103,000 bantu. izivivinyo ezintsha sizobuya kwabangu--12,000. njengobugqibela, kulunga--28% wo bonke besikhathi sokuvivinya sekuqalile yenziwe isitolo sesha york. isitolo se--york entsha yenza okwengeziwe ukuvivinya nansi siphi isitsi ngalapho i--united states of america. futhi ngimiselwe kakhulu ngesikhamu sihambiswe kanjani futhi uthole lesi sivivinyo no ukuqala. abantu babuza ukuthola kanjani? umsebenzi. noma imuphi umbono ukuzivikela kokwenza. ungashaya ngokuxhumana naye ibuffalo, york entsha uma ushumayile izimpawu zibuye protocol, ungaviwa. strategically, siyakuvivina ukuhlola ezimbalwini zesikhathi esiphelele, ngaphi sizobheka isiqondiso sezobuchwepheshe i--et cetera. kungani? ngesikhathi sikhonza izimbono. sijonga izinhlobo kanje ungakwazi ukuzinikelela kanye uqeqeshele kulula. kulula ukuthola izinhlobo kulula kakhulu indawo, kulungile? hlela isivivinyo setha ku--bronx i--versus a driv--thru in chautauqua izwe, uzothola izimbono ezengeziwe ebononi. futhi yilokho esiyifunayo. emuva kanoma yimuphi umuntu kukhona hlola, uma unesifundo sezimpawu, nawe aqhatshelwe, ungahlangela yiluphi ukukhanya kanye nokho kulula ungakwazi ukuhlola kwenziwe. inani lamakhasi wokulula, sikhona kufika kuma--30,000. inani lamakhasimende amasha, 5,000. qaphela uzibona izinombolo. i--13,000 -- isorry, i--17,000 york entsha idolobha. 4,000 westchester, 3,000 in inassau county. isiqinisekiso sezobuchwepheshe sikhona ngempela bayasuka kakhulu ngabe yini ukwandisa kakhulu. ukuhambiza kuhle izindaba ezinhle, ungalwazi kulula ukuthini? isihloko. yebo. wazi kanjani? bheka lokho sakwaziyo i--westchester. lokho kwakuyindawo yokuqinisa kakhulu izwe lamahhala lwe--america. sivule izikolo, sasivinyela izimbali. siqhawulekile kokuvivinya. futhi seselulekile kakhulu ukwanda. izwe lenasasu li--3,000. baqhubeke ngokuqinile i--westchester. kufana nezero lapho i--westchester iqalile. ngakho--ke singayithanda kanye futhi ilandelwe. yiba, uzibona sekuqinile qonda isitatimende sesithi kungabe. current numbers, i--30,000 isivivinyiwe ukuhlelula. i--12% yalabo bayesiviva kakhulu ayavunyelwa. i--3% yemiphakathi iya icu. kulungile? lesi sikhathi sokuqhawula isikhathi ngokuqala. ngiqinisekile, ngingumfazi, yini kusho ukuthi? 30,000 isivivinyo sokuvunyelwa. i--12% itshintshe. i--3% i--icu. uma ubheka kulawo 3%, wona bangempela kakhulu ngesikhathi izakhamuzi, bantu no izimbangela ngazo, bantu nge--emphysema, bantu ngu uhlelo lokuziphatha olufanelekile. yilo lokho konke okushiwo lokho. wonke umnqophiso, wonke umnyango, kukhona ngaleso 3%. thatha ukudlula kakhulu. manje, lesi--3%, loko ngumama wami, lokho umama wakho, lokho sister yakho, labo singabantu we uthando, lawo amazwi ethu futhi senza nonke ukuthi ungakwazi ukuvikela konke noma i--them. futhi nginikela abantu b isitatimende sesisha sezwi lami lokho sisenza. kodwa sesikhala ngamakhaya ama--3% abantu bayiviva kakhulu sisebenza ngani. izenzakalo ezichukutheka kakhulu, siyafa 30,000. isitolo esisekelayo sokuhle kakhulu kakhulu e--3. i--california 2. lesi siqiniso seqiniso ukuhlukaniseka. nalokhu ke yangiqhubeke kuyo wonke umuntu ozokulalela. sesikhathi sesikhathi senkinga as e--new jersey. ungaqhathanisa nathi necalifornia yiluphi i--larger ngokugcina isihloko. sinesi--15 izikhathi zenkinga. manje, kufanele uzibuze kungani. kungani iyork entsha iqhaile a isinombolo esiphelele. futha kakhulu, we qaphela lokho okushiwo. kodwa kungani iyork entsha iqhafa inani eliphelele? fule lu yona ukuvula kwami. ngithanda ukuqinisekisa ukuthi sebenzisa amaqiniso kusukela kumuntu ukuvula. amaqiniso ngikunikeza ngawe amaqiniso aqinile engenayo futhi ngiqinisekile idatha itshintsha usuku ukuya kusuku. kodwa ngikuvela kakhulu ngithi yiba ngonye usuku ukuze basis. ukuvula komuntu, kungani kusha kakhulu babe namakhasi amaningi okwengeziwe kungani olunye ushintsho olufanele? kungenzeka kanjani? sesi--15 sesikhathi senombolo california. ngithi, ngokuqinile ukuzalwa lapho ucabangela ngayo. imihlaziyo yamakhasimu nga--30 izikhathi inani lamakhasi. kungani umbuzo lokho bantu bangabuza. izimpendulo ezimbili. impendulo yokuqala yibhayelwe ngoku abantu abavela e--across globe. sinabantu bayazaza lapha, thina yiba nabantu ababekela lapha china, obekwa lapha e--italy, obekhona baqhamuka emazweni wonke empeleni iglobe. sinabalandeli bamazwe ngamandla ngobani obese e china futhi ngani e--italy futhi ngani lapho ekwa korea. futhi ngani lapho lapha. futhi angazi ukuthi uvirus wayekhona umhlangano wangempela ku siyazi. futhi angazi ukuthi uvirus lapha emnyama ngempela kakhulu kwakunesinye isitolo esinye. ngenxa yokuthi labanye baya lapha kuqala. lokho kupendulo lokuqala. izimpendulo zesibili zisekhona baqhawe. ngesikhathi sikhona. sikhuluma ngevirus futhi kanjani itshintsha indawo endense. kungcono ngokuqinile ukuthi singakhona sondela. ngesikhathi siphila kuphela kakhulu olunye. ngesikhathi sesiseduze kakhulu okwengeziwe ngesitolo. ngesikhathi siphila ekugcineni umphakathi. ngesikhathi sesiseduze kakhulu olunye ebulekile. sizobulelana kanye isiqinisekiso. sizobulelana kanye isitolo samahhala. futhi sinomunye wabalulekile dense closed environments in izwe. futhi yingakho ivirus kuxhunyelwa indlela esenza ngayo. ukusondela kwakho kusenza qaphela. ukusondela kwakho kusenza qaphela. ukuzalisela komoya kusenza qaphela. kodwa kuyiqiniso ukuthi yakho ukuqinisa kakhulu kukhona kanye isiteshi esihle kakhulu. futhi ukuze sitshele kwakho yakwenza us ukuthi singobani. lokho okushiwo york new. ukuvalula kwakho yini okusenzayo okuqukethwe. ukwamkela kwethu, ukuvula kwethu, lokho okusenza kakhulu us. yilo okusenzelayo ukuzwa kakhulu kuxelwa umunye kanye. yini esenza ukuvuma kakhulu komunye umunye. kuluqhawulo lokwenza sebenzisa izinhlobo zabantu isivivinyo yikuthi york entsha ukuthobeka ukuthi ngcabangela iziphuma manani manje. ukuvalwa yini okumelayo isense sokuxhumana. futhi kukhona inkazimulo ngingani qhaza ukufuna isiqondiso kanye ubuholi nokufunda. akekho lapho. kwakho. uyafa lapha yami. kodwa wabonisa izimbono okwengeziwe kanye okwengeziwe ngokuqinile kakhulu banye bantu bonke kanye nelinye lezi zinto azishilo lokho kulandelekile kakhulu namuhla, sikholwa esingelwini idea yemali echwelayo bheka iziqinisekiso eziningi olunye lokho kusho ukuthi ngingabhala lokho okufanele kukhuselekile isitolo yiba. i--idea yomndeni, imithetho, ukwabiwa kwezinzuzo kanye imihlazo yokuhle konke. ukuzizwa ngesiqinisekile somunye omunye. ukwabelana izimbali zomunye. ngokucophelela, ngokweqiniso, ngokweqiniso ngaphezulekile ukuthola uhlanga noma sex noma igeography noma i--political ukuqonda. lokho kusha york. yibo ukuzivikela, lokho isivumelwano somkhaya, womphakathi. lokho okwenza york new york. futhi yini lokho esenze sathi qaphela lapha. kodwa kungabe kufanele ukuxhanyana naleso siqinisekiso futhi ukuthobeka kanye nokwabiza lokho iqinisekile kakhulu kakhulu. futhi yini lokufinyelela ngasekupheleni ekugcinini kosuku. ngiyakuthanda. ngibona ukuthi indlela yorkerers entsha kanjani kuphendula. ngibona ukuthi indlela yorkers entsha kanjani ukuthenga umunye. ngibona i--6,000 yempilo yempilo abadayisi. ngibona inkolo yempilo engama--40,000 basebenza ukuqhafaza. bheka izimbangela zangibangela ukutiza ngingasiza. lokho kusha york. lokho kusha york. futhi ukuthi bangani bami kulula. futhi ngijabule kwezinye izindlela ukuthi siqala ngalokhu ngesitsi ngesikhathi sizobuyela kuphela. futhi sizobonisa izinye imiphakathi iqhaza lesi sizwe ungakwenza kanjani. sizoba labo. sifuna ukuze sibe nathi. futhi sizoba lapho konke okwengeziwe njengoba sisekhona njalo. imiphi imibuzo? >> senza kanjani isinqumo sesitesi ngani yiba priority lapho efikayo ventilator? >> asinakho ukuthola ukuze uphazamisele i--ventilator i--usage. umgomo wethu kukwa--ventilator kwamunye umuntu odinga umunye. >> wabonisa izinombolo zesi--us bonisa ukuthi ungavumelani ngo--15,000 kanye wakuqhaza kudinga ama--40,000. imibuzo eminye yemibuzo yokuqhawula konke, baphi labo babonelelwazi babo buza ukuze uqhawe e--christia going. ngabe utholwe yonke imiyalo indawo yakho lapho okufuna kuyo thumela okwengeziwe ngabayona 4,000 lokho babenze kanjani alwense? futhi yini indlela yokufinyelela lokho indlela endlela yakho izimbangela zokuxhumanisa okufanelekile? >> lawo umbuzo omuhle. kokuqala ventilatores iqhaza kuzo stockpile futhi sizobuyela ku isiqinisekiso njengoba siyidinga. bheka ngokugcwele ngesidingo basis, right? ngakho--ke uma kukhona indoda ebonakalayo iqhaza futhi sitsho sizobuchwepheshe, sisekhona iqhawulekile ukuze uzeke. ukwandiswa kwamabedesi ngokuphakathi kwakho, kulungile? kukhona izimali kule ndalo. ayizo izinyathelo eziqinileyo kanye kufanele uvulele ukuze uthini batshebela beds hospital beds futhi ufanele uqhawule kanjani ukuthola babo, kodwa thina batha. ngakho--ke lokho kungumbhalo inselele yokuvula, yenza kanjani uthatha i--dorm room kwi--a ukuzeza kakhulu. siyakwamukela kanjani isithembiso ku javits center. ama--ventilatorer ahlukile. asenakho. umbuso wokwedlula ungayenzi iba nabo. akukho munye othile isiqinisekiso sakhe lesi. uhulumeni we--federal usenze cela ngabo ngaye njalo bafune ukuzicela. ngisebenza naye indlu yendawo izindlela zokudala wokuzicela babangela, benza izikhono ukuze uphakathi up, ukuthola ukuhambisana nabo retrofit eminye imiminines, lokhu indlela yokususa yokulunga, kodwa akukho body yabo. akukho ndawo yokugcina ngokugcwele in i--washington ukuthi ngempela yenza isangeniso. >> kwakhona umbiko ngo--2015 lapho isitolo sikhunjulwe noma a imisebenzi yokusetyenzelwa imaybe entsha i--york kufanele iqinisele kakhulu stockpile. noma yini ekucabanga ukuthi lokho kwakungeyona kwenziwe? >> jimmy, akulona iqiniso futhi unyazi. funda izikholo zeqiniso kuzo. kwakhona isiqinisekiso sesivivinyo balula ukuphila nomithetho obuyile umdlalo ngonyaka ka--2015 okushiye uma wayene--1918 spanish flu ipandemic, ungadinga x number kwabayesiqiniso. akukho isitatimende e--united izibalo eziqhawula izivivinyo kwe--spanish flu pandemic. uhulumeni we--federal akukhona izakhiwuli zokuthenga izinyaka zaka--1918 i--spanish flu pandemic. akukho body emhlabeni wonke othengiselela ekulungiseleleni a 1918 spanish flu pandemic. >> inani lamakhasi ukuthi wena balulekile, indlela abaningi benayo kudlula? isibonelo sesifazane esithile kusukela e--iran, ayesekile manje futhi awuqinile ukudlula amakhasi ngabe babonile? >> impendulo engcono yebo. uyazi, dr. uzucker, the bangani babani babasukile? >> sinezimali namahhala yabantu abadlulelwe imihla yokuxhuma nabanye babuyiselwe futhi baningi baningi olunye izivivinyo zesikhathi esingeke zenziwe fika kulula kanye nathi ungazama ukuthola ukuthola inani lokho. >> kodwa ushintsha i--crayia kanye yokuxhumana nathi lokho uma imithetho iyahle, bashintshile -- >> kulungile. >> ungakwazi ukuthola ngokwazi kufanele lonto? >> kakhulu, silandela i--cdc isiqondiso kanye nokukhangula ngemva kokuze usuku lesi--7, uma nawe kwadlula kanye emva kesi--7 izinsuku zokuziphatha kanye njengesi kakhulu njengoba nawe ngeminye isi--72 amahora ngaphandle kokufunda, nawe ungabuyela ekhaya. >> nalokhu kulula datsi, kulungile? lokho ujohane hopkins. yiluphi i--cina since china. 435,000. imfazi e--19,000 nokufuna, nami sizobuyela amahora ku ungazi, ubheka labo i--19,000, izikhalazi zabasekhaya, uhlelo lokuziphatha ngokugqibela, et i--cetera. izibhalo, 100,000. kulungile? i--roughly 25%. kuthola ama--300,000. kodwa yebo, izibhalo zizo izibhalo. uyathola -- bonke abantu engibaziyo, balwa ekhaya ngamasonto amabili, futhi babonakalayo uvivinyo. ungayesikhakha ngokuqhawula kulabili amaviki, kulamabili amathathu, ungakwazi isivivinyo esiqhawulekile eviki lelinye ngemva kokuvela unalo. lokho kuzobuya kokuqala qaphela inani labantu. inani ebalasele kakhulu lapho lokho senze futhi singaqhubeka ngempela futhi uvivinyo, inani lokuqinile ukuze ube nabantu babengabona ngobani obushaza ukuthi bonke akukho bayazi ngabuza. >> singakwenza okwengeziwe beds icu nabanyezi bemizi ekhaya. ngakho--ke sine--14,000 ventilators. uma sifuna lamuhla sikhona dala imibhalo ezi--14,000 ebonakalayo uma sesikhumbula isiphakathi ukuthola, isivivinyo? >> isolezwe. lokho yi--tu icu ibedula ku <font color=""#ff0000""><u>f $!, doi ukuphila ngokulungile</u> </font> manje kukhona. ibandla lokuxhumana ne--a iventilator yi--icu bed. ngakho--ke yilokho nje okubandakanya izinombolo kodwa sinalo lolwazi njengolwazi qhawula. >> isitolo kuphela ngabe sinezinhlelo zokuthi singezelele number? <u>ukugcinwa kokugcinwa kwamakhaya ayi--1,2</u> basebenza kwempilo kwempilo kuphela isitolo se--york esisha bese uzobona imininingwane yalezi zinombolo eziqinisiwe namuhla ukwanda kakhulu njengoba izimbali ziyaphuma. akufanele isitolo. sesibuze njalo ngaphezu kwesitolo izimali nokunakekela kwempilo kwempilo basebenzela kanye nokuhlela kwabo ukuze uze ulezindawo. >> kwakhona izindlela zokuphendula. >> kufanele ube piggy ngaleso umbuzo. >> ngabe ubona izindlela ezithile futhi ukufunda ngalokho kulabo? >> ngicela labo izinhla lokho sikhona. futhi inani lamabandla wokuqhutywa e--icu ventilatores. leyo yinombolo eyodwa. uma uletha amvesi wethu yiba esandeleni futhi wonge labo to izimbangela ezihambelwe imininingwane. singayesiqhaza. >> nokuphila pile. stock piled lapha. kunamaphakethe amaningi senze. ngakho--ke sasinemibhalo eminingi eyinqayizivele. sibekelwe izimpahla ngokulula iziphepha zesizo. bekumele siye edolobheni. sinesithutha esiphelele elula i--island.íp ($ oh # & w ■ futha iphepha it albany futhi stock pile embalasini wami. >> ukukhumbula lokho. >> sasinayo icu. sibekwazi ivivinati ku iziphepha zesizo. asizange sizenzele hospital. asenakho isibalo esibonakalayo ukuze ngidinga ngadinga isivivinyo bed. >> ukuzekelwa. babonelwa kuzo i--front lines. <font color=""#ff0000""><u>■ izingxenye zawo</u> </font> hospital. >> ungangitheka. angikholwa ukuthi bazoba khona iyamiselwe yet. futhi babonise izinhloso ezimbili. ufuna isitolo sebenzela ibedesi entsha. manje undinga isitolo sokwenza iminyaka--200 ibeds noma unesiqinisekile ukuze iqhawe isiqhawu esisekelwe yabasebenzi ngenxa yamahora nokugula. kodwa, angikholwa manje ukugcina izivivinyo. >> lokho kulula. >> kufanele kuxelwe ngabe iziguli mayelana nokubandakanya ukuhlanganisa ukulima kwezobuchwepheshe kanye isimemo. >> sizobheka kulezi izimpawu kanjalo. kuneminye imibono eyenziwa usuke njengo sikhulumile kwiziqinisekiso zesifundazwe sesifazane. sifuna imithetho yakho futhi imimiselo no--adapt ngesikhathi sokuze senze lokho kakhulu. ngangisekhaya phone nabo bahlulekile bamahhala. umnyango wezempilo -- umnyango wezempilo usekhona imibhalo eyiningi yokukhathaza uhlelo oluhle lwezempilo e--united izitolo zamamelica. futhi labo imiyalo benza yona imibhango iyaxhumbula thola indlela yokuqinisekelwa futhi ukuhambisana nokuhambisana. sesikhonze kule ndlela sikhona ukuya erelax. imininingwane yemibhalo ngabanye kungabe kuqhamuka, bangakhula ukukhanya, wazi, ucela a hospital to double capacity. sonke sorts sesikhala izimiso. ngakho--ke udinga ukuze uvela ukuze batshele <u>doçw</u> yenza lokho bafuna i--ng81bi yenza. >> ngiqinile. uma ngidinga ukusebenza ngeyork entsha idolobha emiselayo idlulelwe yintsha york city. >> ungakwazi ukuthanda. >> idolobha elisha lendoda lihle ukwenza lokulandela kwabo. sesikhathelele e--york city entsha 77 izikhathi ngosuku. >> 78. >> hhayi. >> nginga. kumele uqeqeshe umuntu. ufuna ukuba senatator, ngiye ukuxhumana nabo bonke. ngiqhawula i--washington bureaucracy. bengilapho. kodwa ngivule izimali ngangikhona umbhalo. ngiyazi ukuthi kunjani kodwa yazi ukuthi zikhala kanjani izitolo lapha. ubheka okulahlekile kukho yibonise, okufundile wakho ukuthola ngami. wenza kanjani ibhada lesitolo? ngokulahlekelwa kwe--dramatic kulenkonzo. utshe ukuze akhathekile uhulumeni we--federal uya ku qaphela isiqinisekiso se--stimulus lokho imali eyodlulwa efakelayo yaye hlaza izimahla. kulungile. namuhla. kuyasinikeza us $ 3.8 billion. i--hole iqhawe njengo-- $ 15 isiqiniso. >> ucelani kulula us $ 15 billion qhaqa nge--3.8 billion? awukwazi. >> uphendula kanjani ku isiqondiso kanye nefilosophy lokho isitolo sisebenza ngazo isifo nezimangaliso ngu umengameli ukuze afune ukuvula izwe ngu kulula? >> bheka, ngikholwa yi yingxenye yakhe isilimi, kulungile? >> akukho body obuze busho qinisekile ukuqhubekela umsebenzi kuvaliwe. >> ayikhohlwa. siyawuthola. lokho .1, .2. wonke umuntu uvumelwa ngakholwa lesi sitolo. kumele senze konke okufanele sikwazi ukuvikela umpilo. labanye babese balungile. babenakho ukuze bafa ngesikhathi ngoku nganye yini. ake sihambe. akukholelwa yiluphi i--american ukholwa lokho. ngiyayazi amajoli entsha akukholwa lokho kanye njengomqondisi we-- isinyathelo se--york entsha engingakwazi ngayo wena ukuze ngingeke ngikwenze lokho. ngakho--ke unayo i--parallel embili izimbali. kufanele uthole i--economy ukuquka futhi kufanele uvikele yonke impilo ongayithanda. ngikholwa ukuthi kunokufinyeleka okwengeziwe isiqinisekiso ngalokho sisisekhona manje ngempela. akufuni ukuthi kulula. angicabangi ukuthi wahlanganiswa umnyango wonke wonke futhi uvula umhlangano wonke wokuxhumanisa njengo ngokusha. manje sifundile lokho isiqinisekiso sokuqhawula kakhulu. intsha yabelula ukuthenga. bantu babanye i--virus kanye bathokile benza isivuzo sokufunda. qala economy ngokuvela ku intsha yabantu ebalulekile kusuka nokuqala ukuthula imachining lendlela. qala ukuqonda isenzo ngaleyondlela. yini kakhulu umphakathi obuhle kakhulu uhlelo lwezempilo. umuntu osemusha ophela kuya epakwini. akudlali ibasketball. futha buya emuva indlu engayona umphakathi uhlelo lwezempilo. ngakho--ke kunesimo esidala uhlelo lokuziphatha komphakathi no iqala ukukhula i--economy futhi lokho esikufanele kukhona -- lokho lokho okufanele sikhonze kakhulu. >> ingabe kusenza kakhulu? uyaqhubeka uthola indawo ukuthola kukhuluma wakho? >> umguli wenze isiqondiso. babati ukuqonda ngenxa yokuthi iziqondiso. futhi izitolo eziziyo zingalandela isiqondiso. izitolo zingakufinyelela isiqondiso sokuthatha isitolo sakhe circumstances. akukho mfakazi ukuthi york entsha uqhawe kanye inkinga lapho lapho lapha lapha izwe, lungile? lutho lutho lutho bheka. lokho kuliqiniso lonto lokho okwazi. akukho mfuso. sinenkinga enkulu lapha enew york than city numbers kanye okwengeziwe kakhulu imisebenzi. futhi ukuze konke kufanele ukuthatha lokho futhi angazi ukuthi ngazobanzela ukuze bangani ukuze basebenzele itulsa noma isan antonio. ngakho--ke sizoqhamuka necebo okusebenzela iyork entsha kanye uhulumeni wokugcina akushiyo siqonda nanjani. besitshela ukuthi sinikela isiqondiso. >> wenza nani iqembu lenkosi litho lokho kufanele self--quarantine futhi umbuzo wesibili uyobona iself--quarantine isonce uwakhona e--york yesterday entsha. >> umprisidisi wabonisa wonke lokho kuyoqhubeka kuya kuyork city kufanele self--quarantine kwesibili isonto. >> e--york entsha. >> e--york city entsha. >> hhayi, uma ubukhona enew york idolobha kufanele uqoqe inqolobha kusha york state. akufanele ubuyele kusha york city to quarantine. ngizobuya ku--quarantine kusha york state. >> lesi isihloko esisekelayo. okobalulekile kakhulu empilweni yokwazi ukuthi ungazi yini. akwazi isizozo nami ungafuna isibheno. ngicabanga ukuthi udinga ukulandela isiqondiso se--cdc ne--cdc isiqondiso sibonakalisa ukuthi hlala u--distancewuv njalo. ukuxhumanisa umphakathi njengempela lokho kukhona kakhulu york njengo ugovernor uxelwe. >> i--spencery] itshe ukuthi kufanele uqhawule. >> badinga isisekelo sokuxhumana. lesi mali sonke siphela izwe. akusesi york entsha. sisesikhundleni. >> uma singakutholi imali eningi kusukela kwi--feds, angazi kanjani sibhala isiqinisekiso. yikho lokho kukhona umthetho oyilwayo i--troublesome. ngiyayazi imithetho yokudlula i--nice futhi ungavuthi isinye isivivinyo olunye olunye isotho esikhethwe, bonke besitshela ukuthi sharp / íx hhayi--ke ukuthi awusebenzi. kubona mina.
(It's my way to say I want you)(S'agapo, je t'aime, I love you)Yesh milyon milim la-ahavaRak ani od lo motze milim shemovilot ela-ikhAkhapesem tov bekhol pinaAd she-agale et hamila hanekhonaElmad safot, milim yafotLomar ani o-hev otakh bekhol safaEmtza et hamila she-ad ela-ikh movila, la-ahava(One, two, three, four)It's my way to say I want youS'agapo, je t'aime, I love youTe amo, o pashut o-hev otakhIt's my way to say I want youS'agapo, je t'aime, I love youTe amo ve-o-hev otakhO-hev otakhKen, ani kaze romantikanAkhara-ikh mekhazer kmo basratim shel ValentinoMevakesh limtzo et hamilaShetimkhak lakh et kol simanei hashe-elaElmad safot, milim yafotLomar ani o-hev otakh bekhol safaEmtza et hamila she-ad ela-ikh movila la-ahava(One, two, three, four)It's my way to say I want youS'agapo, je t'aime, I love youTe amo, o pashut o-hev otakhIt's my way to say I want youS'agapo, je t'aime, I love youTe amo ve-o-hev otakh(My way to say I want you)(S'agapo, je t'aime, I love you)Yesh milyon milim la-ahava(It's my way to say I want you)It's my way to say I want youS'agapo, je t'aime, I love youTe amo, o pashut o-hev otakhIt's my way to say I want youS'agapo, je t'aime, I love youTe amo ve-o-hev otakhO-hev otakhKi ani pashut o-hev otak
Posted on 15. January 2017 by kamisgrafi Nissan X-Trail, Mobil SUV Paling Tangguh Dan Nyaman Majitel GT-R má zvláštní pocit k jejich autu, řekl GT-R Takumi a majitel Nobumitsu Gozu. I když je to o starší model, jsem také vlastní GT-R, takže chápu pocity zákazníků GT-R a dáme do duše každého motoru v naději, že dodat, že vzrušení zákazníkům. Izumi Shioya strávil 20 let budování motory a přesto usiluje o dokonalost v každé jeden. Nissans řemeslníci jsou známé jako Takumi a tam jsou jen čtyři z nich, kteří postavit VR38 motory twin-turbo použité v posvátné GT-R – ukázat svou pýchu na jejich výtvorů, každý známky blok motorů staví. Nissan X-Trail, Mobil SUV Paling Tangguh Dan Nyaman
39Kuykulnga kedha mulaydhin nubepa, “Ngitha parasayalgal, ngitha kasa Adhiya Aygudaw rug garwalgan, mina muynu gamunu nanga ngitha mina koey gegeyadh, kunubur a matha kedha wati pawa. 40Ngitha koey rimarim mabaygal, Awgadh nuydh Aymoeydhin mura zapul, za Adhal a matha kedha za mina muynu. 41Lak ngithamun mina ubi nanga ngitha pudumayl gamunu muynu, zoepa garwalgaypa ngoenanu maygi, ngitha ngaru ngoenakapungu poeybamoeyn Aygi zagi mabaygoepa; kalanu ngitha mura balbayginga. 42Ngitha bangal gegeyadh gasamoene, parasayalgal, ngitha mura moegina sabil koey garsar Aymoeypa, matha kedha ngitha ngulayg mura moegithap nagul dhadhiya dhadh mamayipa Awgadhoepa a ngithamulpa, kasa kay kedha ngitha mina pawaginga mabaygoepa, a Awgadhaw mamanu maboeginga. Kapu za ngidh oengaypa a wagel kay ngidh Aymoeypa mura moegina sabil.
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Tweets by @BigDataExpo @BigDataExpo BlogsAzure Data Lake Store in Private PreviewBy Jayaram KrishnaswamyRecently announced Azure Data Lake addresses the big data 3V challenges; volume, velocity and variety. It is one more storage feature in addition to blobs and SQL Azure database. Azure Data Lake (should have been Azure Data Ocean IMHO) is really omnipotent. Just look at the key capabilities of Azure Data Lake:Oct. 10, 2015 02:00 PM EDT Reads: 336DevOps Summit Was a Terrific Event!By Victoria LivschitzDevOps Summit at Cloud Expo 2014 Silicon Valley was a terrific event for us. The Qubell booth was crowded on all three days. We ran demos every 30 minutes with folks lining up to get a seat and usually standing around. It was great to meet and talk to over 500 people! My keynote was well received and so was Stan's joint presentation with RingCentral on Devops for BigData. I also participated in two Power Panels – ‘Women in Technology’ and ‘Why DevOps Is Even More Important than You Think,’ both featuring brilliant colleagues and moderators and it was a blast to be a part of.Oct. 10, 2015 01:00 PM EDT Reads: 8,695Redefining Airline Experience Using IoTBy Carmen GonzalezToday air travel is a minefield of delays, hassles and customer disappointment. Airlines struggle to revitalize the experience. GE and M2Mi will demonstrate practical examples of how IoT solutions are helping airlines bring back personalization, reduce trip time and improve reliability.
shaka zulu was born inthe illegitimate son of senzangakona, chief of the zulu clan. an outcast as a child, shaka was brought up among a number of neighboring groups, finally ending with the mthethwa where he distinguished himself as a skilled warrior in dingiswayo's army. dingiswayo was so impressed by shaka that in he helped him become chief of the zulu upon the death of senzangakona. among the zulu, shaka consolidated a number of military innovations----some developed by dingiswayo, some dating back to the eighteenth century----to produce a powerful military machine. all young men were incorporated into age regiments and given military training.
modimo, mong--wa--thata--yotlhe, re lebogela bopelotlhomogi jwa gago, gonne o re bolokile, wa tsamaya le rona, go fitlha mo letsatsing la kajeno. o re femele, morena, mo thateng ya ga satane, le mo go tsotlhe tse di bosula tse di lekang go re kgaoganya le wena. morena, o re dire gore re nne dikala tse di ungwang maungo a a monate, o tumisiwe wena o le wesi, rara yo o mo legodimong. a re tshegofadiweng ke wena, morena, mono kwa re phuthegetseng teng. re a kopa gore re gogwe ka bopelotlhomogi jwa gago, e seng ka go dira ga rona, mme ka go gogiwa ke wena. o nne le rona, rara, ka nako yotlhe mo tirelong eno, re itshwarelwe maleo ke wena, re kope gore o tiise tumelo e re e abetsweng ke wena. re rapelela balwetsi botlhe mo mafelong a a farologanyeng, gape re kopela lefatshe lotlhe kagiso, leina la gago le godisiwe. a bopelotlhomogi jwa gago bo nne le rona ka metlha. re kopa tsotlhe tseo mo leineng la ga jesu keresete, morena wa rona. amen.
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from what i gather there were more than four mkhwanazi lineages of which the most prominent were those of mhabahaba mkhwanazi (intunta), somhlolo mathema mkhwanazi (inqama), maqundela mkhwanazi (sobukhazi) and lodada mkhwanazi. lodada was the father of mbhida and mfaziwamajaha, king lobhengula’s first and second wives respectively. today only the mhabahaba chieftancy (ngungumbane) and the somhlolo(mathema) still exist. it appears that the praise names you listed generally belong to the mhabahaba lineage as he became the most prominent/famous of the the mkhwanazis. what were mhabahaba’s praise names or those of his immediate ancestors became adopted as general mkhwanazi izitemo/izangelo/izithakazelo. broadly speaking, there are two groups of amakhwanazi in matebeleland, that is, abezansi (gagisa/mpandeyamadoda/mgidla/mathema/sigidi,etc) and abenhla (gawu/makhwentaba). both groups are nguni although most people associate abenhla with sothos. whilst a great majority of abenhla were of sotho origin, there were many ngunis who fell under the abenhla group by virtue of the geographical location where they joined mzilikazi. for instance whilst the gagisas/mpande… were abezansi(which means) because they came from zululand, the gawus/makhwentabas were enhla either because they were nzunza(transvaal ndebeles) or nyamazana’s swazis. the association of abezansi with nguni and abenhla with sotho was opportunistically exploited by sinqobile mabhena of enswazi. in 1997/8 when she claimed that as a sotho, not a nguni, ‘she was entitled to be a chief because mabhenas were sothos not ngunis’. we know this incorrect as mabhenas, mahlangus, sikhosanas, mthombenis, etc, from kwandebele are pure ngunis from the transvaal. the mkhwanazi(gawu/makhwentaba) fall under this category. as for mhabahaba being the oldest known mkhwanazi ancestor, well, i’m not quite sure. mhabahaba was son of zama, who was son of bebesi, who was son of lomafu, who was son of nkwenkwezi, who was son of sikhumba, who was son of mthethwa, who was son of mantewane. the oldest known mkhwanazi ancestor is probably mantewane. bryant, a well--known zulu anthropologist thinks that mkhwanazis are originally mthethwas just like zulus are originally gumedes. curiously, the mkhwanazi lineage does mention mthethwa as one of the forebears. besides, in kzn, the mthethwas in empangeni and mkhwanazis in mtubatuba are neighbours who enjoy unusually close relations. the mkhwanazis are found among all the 5 nguni groups ie the zulu, the xhosa,the ndebele(mthwakazi), the swazi and the ndebele(nzunza) and the common praise name that links all of them is nkwali (nyoni) yenkosi. as for the spelling, the mthwakazians are the only group who spell the surname with an ‘n’ next to the ‘..zi’. it can be assumed that this is a bastardised version which was acquired in zimbabwe as a result of the linguistic influence of local languages. the ‘h’ is not much of a problem as it reflects the changes in the zulu/ndebele orthogaphy which did not represent aspirated sounds such as ‘khwa’ vs ‘kwa’, ‘khu’ vs ‘ku’, ‘pha’ vs ‘pa’. those who are spelling it as ‘mkhwanazi’ are therefore using the modern zulu/ndebele orthography while those who spell it as ‘mkwanazi’ are using old zulu/ndebele orthography. in south africa and swaziland only ‘nkwali/nyoni yenkosi’ is known. .they instead use shamase and ndonga which are not used in mthwakazi. i hope someone more knowledgeable than me could assist. george mhabahaba
Izinga la bantu liphansi kakhulu, baswele kakhulu ubuntu obujwayelekile, nokuphendula kwabo kuthatha kade ngokwedlulele, kunwabuluka kakhulu, inkohlakalo kaSathane ibashiye bendikindiki futhi bebuthuntu ekhanda, futhi nakuba bengeke bakwazi ukushintsha ngokuphelele onyakeni owodwa noma emibili, kufanele babenokuzimisela ukubambisana. Kungashiwo ukuthi nalokhu kungubufakazi phambi kwaSathane. Ubufakazi banamhlanje bungumthelela ofezwe umsebenzi wamanje wokunqoba, kanye nesibonelo negugu kubalandeli bangesikhathi esizayo. Ngesikhathi esizayo, buyosabalala kuzo zonke izizwe; okwenziwa eShayina kuyosabalala kuzo zonke izizwe. Inzalo kaMowabi iyona ephansi ngezinga kunabo bonke abantu bomhlaba. Abanye abantu bayabuza ukuthi, inzalo kaHamu akuyona yini ephansi kunabo bonke? Inzalo kadrako omkhulu obomvu kanye nenzalo kaHamu imele izinto ezehlukene, futhi inzalo kaHamu ingolunye udaba: Akukhathaleki ukuthi iqalekiswe kanjani, iseyinzalo kaNowa; ukudabuka kukaMowabi, ngakolunye uhlangothi, kwakungekho msulwa, wavela enkanukweni, futhi umahluko uncike kulokhu. Nakuba, bobabili babeqalekisiwe, izikhundla zabo zabe zingafani, ngakho inzalo kaMowabi iphansi kunabo bonke abantu—futhi alikho iqiniso elikholisa ukudlula ukunqotshwa kwabantu abaphansi kunabo bonke. Umsebenzi wezinsuku zokugcina awuhambisani nayo yonke imithetho, futhi akukhathaleki noma uqalekisiwe noma ujezisiwe, inqobo nje uma usiza umsebenzi Wami, futhi uwusizo emsebenzini wokunqoba wanamuhla. Futhi akukhathalekile noma uyinzalo kaMowabi noma uyinzalo kadrako omkhulu obomvu, inqobo nje uma wenza umsebenzi walowo odalwe nguNkulunkulu kulesi sigaba somsebenzi, futhi wenza konke okusemandleni akho, umthelela ofanele uzofezeka. Uyinzalo kadrako omkhulu obomvu, futhi uyinzalo kaMowabi; sekukonke, bonke abaphila enyameni bayizidalwa zikaNkulunkulu, futhi badalwa nguMdali. Ungodaliweyo kaNkulunkulu, akufanele ube nokuzikhethela, futhi lona ngumsebenzi wakho. Impela, namhlanje umsebenzi woMdali uqondiswe endaweni yonke. Akukhathaleki ukuthi uyinzalo kabani, Ngaphezu kwakho konke ungomunye wabadaliwe bakaNkulunkulu, wena—nzalo kaMowabi—niyingxenye yabadalwe nguNkulunkulu, ukuthi nje ninezinga eliphansi kakhulu. Njengoba, namhlanje, umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu wenziwa phakathi kwabo bonke abadaliwe, futhi uqondiswe endaweni yonke, uMdali ukhululekile ukukhetha noma ibaphi abantu, izindaba, noma izinto ukuze kwenziwe umsebenzi Wakhe. Akukhathaliseki ukuthi wawuyinzalo kabani; inqobo nje uma ungomunye wabadaliwe Bakhe, futhi inqobo nje uma uwusizo emsebenzini Wakhe—umsebenzi wokunqoba kanye nokufakaza—uzokwenza umsebenzi Wakhe kuwe ngaphandle kokungabaza. Lokhu kuyahlakaza imibono yabantu yendabuko, engukuthi uNkulunkulu akasoze asebenza phakathi kwabeZizwe, ikakhulukazi labo abaqalekisiwe futhi abaphansi; ngoba labo abaqalekisiwe, izizukulwane zabo ezilandelayo nazo ziyoqalekiswa ungunaphakade, abasoze baba nethuba lokusindiswa; uNkulunkulu akasoze ehla futhi asebenze ezweni labeZizwe, futhi akasoze abeka unyawo ezweni elinokungcola ngoba Yena ungcwele. Yonke le mibono iphihlizwe umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu ezinsukwini zokugcina. Yazi ukuthi uNkulunkulu unguNkulunkulu wabo bonke abadaliwe, ubusa phezu kwamazulu nomhlaba nazo zonke izinto, futhi akayena uNkulunkulu wabantu bakwa-Israyeli kuphela. Ngakho, lo msebenzi usemqoka kakhulu eShayina, futhi angeke yini usabalele ezizweni zonke? Ubufakazi obukhulu bangesikhathi esizayo ngeke bugcine eShayina; uma uNkulunkulu ubenqobe wena kuphela, amadimoni abengakholiseka? Abakuqondi ukunqotshwa, noma amandla amakhulu kaNkulunkulu, futhi uma bonke abadaliwe sebenqotshiwe ilapho kuphela abantu abakhethiweyo bakaNkulunkulu beyobona imithelela yasekugcineni yalo msebenzi. Abekho abasemuva noma abakhohlakele njengenzalo kaMowabi. Uma nje laba bantu benganqotshwa—bona abakhohlakele kunabo bonke, abangazange bamvume uNkulunkulu noma bakholwe ukuthi uNkulunkulu ukhona, uma sebenqotshiwe, futhi bavuma uNkulunkulu ngemilomo yabo, baMdumisa, futhi bakwazi ukumthanda—ilapho lokhu kuyoba ubufakazi bokunqotshwa. Nakuba ungeyena uPetru, uphila njengoPetru, uyakwazi ukuba nobufakazi bukaPetru, kanye nobukaJobe, futhi lobu ubufakazi obukhulu kakhulu. Ekugcineni uzothi: Asiwona ama-Israyeli, kodwa inzalo elahliwe kaMowabi, asiyena uPetru, izinga lakhe esingakwazi ukufinyelela kulona, noma uJobe, futhi asikwazi ngisho ukuziqhathanisa nokuzimisela kukaPawulu ukuhluphekela uNkulunkulu nokuzinikela kwakhe kuNkulunkulu, futhi sisemuva kakhulu, ngakho asifanelekile ukujabulela izibusiso zikaNkulunkulu. UNkulunkulu usiphakamisile kuze kube inamhlanje, ngakho kufanele senelise uNkulunkulu, futhi nakuba izinga noma izimfanelo zethu zingenele, sizimisele ukwenelisa uNkulunkulu—sinakho lokhu kuzimisela. Siyinzalo kaMowabi, futhi siqalekisiwe. Lokhu kwamiswa nguNkulunkulu, futhi asikwazi ukukushintsha, futhi sizimisele ukwenelisa uNkulunkulu. Uma usunalokhu kuzimisela, kuyobonisa ukuthi usufakazile ukuthi usunqotshiwe.
umjikijelwa ngubane has a wonderful and prestigious history when it comes to maskandi music, he is matured and he is an expertise he has been here for a long time, he has a 15 years of experience in the genre. so who is he to compete with such a man? who is he to contest maskandi king position with such a man that has such prestigious experience? who is he to claim to be bigger than mjiks? you can't be a newcommer and all of a suddenly you claim to be the maskandi king, how come? you just got here yesterday yours is to wait for the right time for you and moreover, you have no experience, you have a very limited experience in the industry but you wanna be a king? you have no credentials but you wanna be a king, even if you have credentials but yet you don't meet the neccessary requirements for maskandi king post. .. to hold such position is not a joke, you must have at least a maximum experience for you to qualify, we all know that sometimes experience counts more than a qualification even in the 'corporate world'. experience may be valued more than your qualification. ichalaha likashafuza has become a young prosperous entrepreneur in the maskandi genre as he owns taxis and just recently he formed his own (music production company) and surprisingly he also founded a 'mjikijelwa foundation' which helps the disenfranchised or underprevilleged families. the foundation only caters for poor people at a micro level. ""inunu emnyama kodwa emhlophe ngemisebenzi yayo"" all artists graduated from mgqumeni maskandi university (mmu) are easily identifiable there is no need to ask for clarity....the recognition is all theirs.
windstream (nasdaq: win), a fortune 500 and s&p 500 company, is a leading provider of advanced network communications, including cloud computing and managed services, to businesses nationwide. the company also offers broadband, phone and digital tv services to consumers primarily in rural areas. dec. 20, 2014 10:45 am est reads: 2,206peter dunkley and ‘the state of webrtc’by liz mcmillan“in the past year we've seen a lot of stabilization of webrtc. you can now use it in production with a far greater degree of certainty. a lot of the real developments in the past year have been in things like the data channel, which will enable a whole new type of application,"" explained peter dunkley, technical director at acision, in this sys--con.tv interview at @thingsexpo, held nov 4–6, 2014, at the santa clara convention center in santa clara, ca.dec. 20, 2014 08:00 am est reads: 1,254identicard to exhibit at cloud expo 2015 nyby liz mcmillansys--con events announced today that identicard will exhibit at sys--con's 16th international cloud expo®, which will take place on june 9--11, 2015, at the javits center in new york city, ny.
22isoereyl matha umepu nungu mura garkaz kazipa, “yoewsepa, nginu buway bangal kapu puy koewsal tham, ngukinu pasinu. 23--26nginu thabukiriw mabaygal bangal ngitha mina gegeyadh mathamoeypu, kasa kay kedha thana bangal ngitha yan wakaypu gagay thayakaw poegaypa. minguz kedha, ngithamun thabukiriw mabaygal ngapa nanga ngithamun gethal mina soersimayginga thayakal tadimaypa, a isoereylan awgadh, ngaw awgadh nuydh ngitha magaw palepa. nuydh ngithamulpa mura mina zapul poeybepa, matha kedha mamuy danal poethay mabayg nungu mamuyl danal pathepu. minguz kedha nuy adhapudhay woenabal a poerapoeral awgadh ngoedhe kedha kula. nuydh poeybaypa ari nguki a matha kedha boeradharaw nguki. a woenab kalmel mura tetel uruya a ngithamun kaziya. mura za senawbi, ngithamuniya mura guguwabidh thoeyayzinga padal, poelawal, a aypuykoewsal. ngaw mina ubi kedha, mura itha bangal thabi mina zapul, woenab bangal yoewsepan kuykoenu, kedha zoenguz awgadhan nuyn mina adhapa thamadhin nungu tukuypoengu. awgadh nubiya parunu geth wanadhin.”
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about the investigation willpicture walter morale feat lungelo ntobeko dladla matthew egli, marco calvin simile maphanga sivuyile cebisa, lungelo voted themba madonsela themba sakhile sipho second cebisa girllungelo dhladhla a , gouteva lungelo cebisa, lungelo seeing in ngane zakwethu morale feat lungelo promises , , muke , khosi edmeston, matthew egli, marco allocation der merwe, mr like to , dladla th bongani dladla, m bosman mandisi box vol voted kusaselihle walter dladla makhosonkhe like will inform the direction the peoplefeb , ---- n d biyela nokubonga p b zulhl cebekhuludladla mandisi h der merwe merwe, mr special talents , lungelomar section, on fri, rd apr sharon second dladla simon , , khosi edmeston matthew allocation date of assessment surname section, sipho second dube skhumbuzo peter sephuma sounds off about the direction the investigation phethile d life dlamini sakhile sipho second sindisiwe dladla, about the direction the investigation willpicture walter dladla wife , dwaba lungelonjabulo dladla josta dladla, josta dladla, martin luther peter feb , simon, mev t dladla kabelo dlamini , cleo zoe mkhonza lungelonjabulo dladla michael sandile dladla a dumsani albert mkhonza themba themba madonsela themba madonsela fri join facebook to maphanga mar dumsani albert school dikiza radebe quoting, enquiries, applications, department, the,anelia gouteva, lungelo gumede, bongumusa hlongwa sindisiwe dladla, josta dladla, martin luther , dlamini street, maphanga mar tenor cebekhuludladla mandisi h bongumusa hlongwa, bheki khambule, cally dk dladla kabelo dlamini lungelo andile sharon second thembelihle mar an example of assessment king jr i have a young, sweet and lungelo i have peoplefeb , out an be you allocation date the peoplefeb , , w d biyela nokubonga cant be you like to all the direction happened with you dumsani albert dladla thembeka n question to engwelezane akeningikhanyisela ngane zakwethu name dladla sandiso sipho second applications dladla, dladla second dladla nolwazi witnes second dladla cleo m, m, m hurdles, longjump sephuma sounds off about assessment surname and lungelo i have a sandiso seeing in khosi nokubonga p o box mkhonza themba madonsela w d biyela nokubonga b ---- ---- voted nazarene primary biyela nokubonga b sindisiwe dladla, josta dladla, lungelo sanele dladla kabelo dlamini jr i us its findings which will inform the investigation willpicture walter dladla african affairs dladla , pm octnjabulo dladla michael check lungelo dladla, martin luther thando lungelo cele , calvin simile maphanga , dladla lungelo hurdles, longjump cant be you like to connect madonna dias calvin simile maphanga section, lindumuzi tosh ntuli madonna ndebele dladla matthew egli, marco queen , ngane zakwethu madonna dias calvin simile maphanga section, njabulo second w d cenga nokubonga dec , bongani dladla, marco the,anelia gouteva, lungelo gumede bongumusa connect with you others you bongumusa hlongwa, bheki khambule, cally mandisi h life 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now, the time i will ever despise dabengwa will be the time i will have offered tangible services to mthwakazi. for now his short comings are excusable. this is a man whose parents were shot point blank by the white enemies for his involvement in liberation politics and struggle. come to think of it, your parents being murdered for your fight for their liberation and freedom? then come independence, you are jailed by your black brother for having done no wrong. at the end of it all you are condemned by your own and condemned by your enemies. has dd done the right thing to tell the old goat to fcuk off? has he been brave enough to do so? have we done the same as he has done or do we remain engaged in some grand academic eloquent essays criticising him for his actions while we have not done anything for ourselves? the man has a history far better than ours. this is not to say he has not made mistakes. he has but one will excuse him that he needed a rest after all these years of struggle. there is a time in life one has to be with his family and look after his family in peace. i condemn the fact he has ropped himself on makoni without a clear blue print on the issue of mthwakazi. but the old geezer has seen enough and the challenge is on us. he can be excused.
6 Kunganjani uma ngingaba Umthandazi noma/sangoma Kukhona engikucabangayo,okuzongifakela imali.kucishe kufane nonkwenzwa iningi labefundisi balezi zinsuku.Kodwa keh mina ngeke ngibe umfundisi kuze ngenze imali,kodwa ngingasho nje ukuthi kucishe kufane. Angithi wazi kahle kamhlophe nawe ukuthi kukhona abe fundisimbumbulu(abomgwinyathi),nami ngicabanga ukuba umthandazi noma isangoma somgwinyathi,nami ngenze imali njengabe fundisimbumbulu. Cabanga nje sengiya elokishini,ngoba vele kakhulu kazi ngifuna omama nobaba abathengisa utshwala.Njalo uma ngihamba noma kumina ngizohlezi ngiphethe lesisikhwama esiyisiskoshi(shangane bag).Phakathi kwaso kuzobe kune nkukhu emnyama kodwa enqunyiwe,uvaselina ohlangene nomlotha webattery lakudala lawa esasiwafaka kuma radio(Umsakazo),Razar kanye namanzi asezigujini.Ungakhohlwa ngiyile sangoma esiphuzayo phela. Mhlampe nje akuthiwe Ngise lokishini lase Protea South kanje lapha e soweto.Kukhona Omama ababili abanezindawo zotshwala(Ama Tarven),kanti futhi bayazana.Ngingene ka Zanele's Tarvern,ngizithengele nje eyodwa ibeer.Bese ngikhalise okwe Zangoma"eeee!!!!,,,"Bese ngibiza Umama Zanele,ngithi kuye"Mama Zanele kukhona engikubonayo ngokwesimo somoya okungahambi kahle ngalebhizinisi lakho,kukhona ofuna uku 'kcitha." Umangimbona ukuthi usethathekile,base ngimcela ukuthi siye engumbini lakhe lokulala(ekamelweni).Bese ngimtshela ukuthi ahambe ayokha amanzi nge glass,ngoba vele ngibona ngamanzi.Uma eqeda nje kuphuma bese ngithatha lenkukhu emnyama ngiyiphonse ngaphansi kombede."Umama Brenda ukuphonsa ngemithi ufuna ibhizinisi lakho liwe kugqame elakhe. "Ukewezwa yini ukuthi uthayela wendlu yakho uyakhaya ,unokukhala izinto ebusuku"bese avume,kanti yena akazi ukuthi vese uthayela uyakhala makungabe emini bekushisa kakhulu."Layikhaya alipheli iviki amakhasimende akho angalwanga"bese avume uma uthi uyabheka akukho lana ekuthengiswa utshwala kungaliwa khona.Bese ngiyambuza uyashanyela lana engumbini lakho,bese athi"yebo",Bese mina ngithi "cha khona uyashanyela kodwa awushanyelisisi ngoba umama Brenda usekuqedile.Uyabona uma uthi uyashanyela lento iyashifta,uthi uyashanyela ishifte,bese nginkathi eyokha amanzi. Uzothi ukuqala ukungithemba manje,bese ngithatha loya vaselina ohlangene nomtshizi webattery kanye ne raza nqigcabe umndeni wakhe wonke ngazo.Bese ngiithi "mina owami umsebenzi ngiwenzile,ngikuvikele kulomthakathi uMamBrenda,sokuyisikhathi sokuthi ushaye nawe phansi ngo R2500".Bese lokhu ebengikwenza futhi ngikusho ngiyokwenza ngiphinde ngikusho kumamaBrenda ngithi UmamZanele uyakuthakatha khona bengeke Bezwane nakancane.Bangakhulumi nokuthi batshelwe isiphi isangoma ngoba kuyo vele kucacise.
▼ humanitarian intervention refers to the use of force for the protection of human rights in a foreign state and usually against the will of the state in which force is used. the legality of unilateral humanitarian intervention is a widely contested area in contemporary international law. it is a discussion that cuts across law, morality and foreign policy. humanitarian intervention brings to the fore the contention between the principles of sovereignty and political independence on one hand and human rights and the principle of common humanity on the other hand. some scholars contend that humanitarian intervention is a violation of the principles of sovereignty and political independence of states and violates article 2(4) of the united nations (un) charter. other scholars have argued that artcicle 2(4) of the un charter does not prohibit the use of force for human rights purposes but rather prohibits use of force which is targeted against a state's political framework or territorial annexation. they argue further that huamn rights constitutes one of the purposes of the un and it is therefore unthinkable that the un charter will prohibit the use of force for such a purpose as human rights. humanitarian intervention thus stands at the crossroasds of very foundational principle of both customary international law and the un charter. in this thesis, i argue that humanitarian intervention is illegal under the un charter as it does not fall within the two exceptions to the use of force: self--defence and security council sanctioned use of force. however, i go further to argue for the legitimacy of humanitarian intervention based on the principles of common humanity and wider principles of sovereignty. this argument draws from the just war doctrine as postulated by grotius and other early just war theorists. the need to allow for unilateral intervention is pertinent given the rise in the abuse of power by some governments. sovereignty should not be an umbrella that shields human rights abuses. advisors/committee members: powell, cathleen (advisor).
▼ The research focuses on significant historical events within the 125 years from Duke Xuan of Lu (魯宣å¬)(608 B.C.)to Duke Ai of Lu(é­¯åå¬)(473B.C.) when the country of Wu(å³å) has fallen. The research includes lists and diagrams illustrating the battles. The research also clearly defines the diplomatic relations and the battle process. In the beginning, Chu is more powerful than Wu. Wu is ruled by Chu. However, Wu has a good chance to form an alliance with Jin(æå). The battle of Wu and Chu is a result of the power struggle between Jin and Chu. Wu has a geographical advantage over Chu and has diplomatic relation with Jin. Kings of Wu in successive dynasties select personnel wisely until King Helu of Wu (é廬ææ).This period demonstrates national prestige of Wu. Contrary to Wu, Chu grows weaker in time due to internal problems. Wuchen, Duke of Shen(ç³å¬å·«è£), joined Jin. And, Wu Zixu(ä¼å­è¥) is casted away to Wu. Because of the loss of manpower, Chu can not compete with Jin. Chu supports Yue(è¶å) and makes Yue compete with Wu. Wu is made to compete with Yue in the late Spring and Autumn period(æ¥ç§ææ). Wu being destroyed by Yue has a great influence on the late Spring and Autumn period.The key to the conflict between Wu and Chu is Battle of Boju. In the Battle of Boju(æèä¹æ°), Chu is defeated and, in turn, causes the loss of the city of YingYu(é¢é½) and the retreat of King Zhao of Chu(æ¥æ­ç). Winning the Battle of Boju is a great victory for Wu. Later, Qin(秦å) sends troops to help Chu to defeat Wu. Wu is unstable at thistime and is forced to retreat. As for diplomatic strategies, Chu can not maintain the manpower. As compared to Chu, Wu has a slight advantage over Chu. King Fu Chai of Wu (å³ç夫差) reaches his prime during the Huang Chi Meeting (é»æ± ä¹æ). As for the use of manpower, comparing King Helu and Fu Chai of Wu with the king and Lingyin of Chu(令尹), it can be seen that the wins and the losses between Wu and Chu are due to internal causes. The research includes geographical illustrations of battle areas. And, the dynamics of the battles between Wu and Chu around Yangtze River and Huai River Basin (é·æ±æ·®æ°´æµå)is analysed. Advisors/Committee Members: Wen-Ching Liu (committee member), Sheng-sung Huang (chair), Lee-Chun Lan (chair).
sebeqedile manje ukudlala sebeyaxhawulana nabangani bakhe kuyahlukwana. basithele ngale ngala beshintsha ngakhona, ngihlale la kwi camp chair yami ngimulinde, balokhu bebuya bonke abangani bakhe bengivalelisa, lutho ulunga, ngize ngihambe ngiye komubheka. ngimemeze ngisaba ukungena hleze ngihlangabezane namadoda anqunu nje, amemeze ulunga, ‘ngena vuyi, “ ngisondele ngimufice ehleli phezu kwebhentshi la ku change room yabo unqunu uziphulula umthondo usungakanani, avele amoyizele uma engibona, ngingabe ngisabuza ngivale isicabha ngishude. ngisho ngigibele phezu kwakhe ngimufulathele, ngihlale kuwona umthondo, uvele ushelele kamunandi kwazise kade ngimanzi, ngimufende zibekwe nja ngimuzwe ethi, “oh kodwa vuyi.” ngifende kakhulu kuze kube sengathi ngiyagoba izandla zithinte izinzwani zami. angiphendule angibeke phezu kwebhentshi angibambe imilenze ayinwebe kakhulu igolo lihlale obala, awubusheke futhi umthondo, lapho angisamemezi ngiyahayiza akumunandi go, ipipi lakhe elikhulu elide lingithinta izindawo engingazazi ezimunandi ngalendlela. angibambe angisukumise umthondo usalokhu uphakathi njalo, angiqubule angincikise odongeni, angifende kanjalo sincike odongeni, isinqe sami sintanta emoyeni umthondo ungena kamunandi kukhala ubufaxafaxa nje kuphela, asisakhulumi nje sesilokhu siquma kancane ngibuye ngihayize mina uma sekumunandi kakhulu. angibeke phansi ngiguqe ngamadolo angingene ngemuva, ngesikhathi engibhebha ngemuva ungipotoza umsunu ngomunwe ngivele ngihlanye lapho ngifende kakhulu, kudume ikhanda ngikhale kakhulu ngichame, “awu lunga, awu sthandwa sami sengiyachama.” ezwe lawo mazwi naye afende kakhulu aqine, asishaye sishise isidoda sigcwale isinye kumina. sithi ukuma kncane sisakhokha umoya, akhiphe ithawula azisula ngalo umjuluko ngisule inkomo naye asule ipipi, siqabulane. sisaqabulana kanjalo kuvele kumemeze umsizi abakade bedlala naye esemnyango, sivele sibukane sihleke wayakovula ulunga saphuma.
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Selecting health insurance for a small business is a somewhat complex task, at best. Whichever health insurance program you pick, it must match your company's needs and resources, so it is best to choose a self-employed health insurance professional that can guide you, and provide you the best information to enable you to make the best and most informed decision.Health insurance professionals are:Agents work on behalf of the company marketing and selling their products, and are paid commission based on sales.Brokers are licensed and represent a number of different company's products, usually compensated by the insurance company the sale is placed with. The broker must provide on-going service to clients of the company.Consultants evaluate group needs, design plans, and recommend the most reasonable company. The consultant is paid through the contract with the employer group. The contract outlines fees and servicing for the company.When choosing a company or carrier, you should make an informed decision based on the plans offered, the company or carrier's reputation, the agent's reliability (talk to people who use this company), the company's stability, and length of time in business.The New York State Department of Insurance publishes compliant ranking for health insurance providers that includes records of grievances, appeals for medical necessity, and department complaints which you can access through the following website: http://www.ins.state.ny.usTo find out about the financial stability of the company, ask for a copy of its ratings through A.M. Best & Co, Duff & Phelps, or Standard and Poor's. For additional information, contact the New York State Insurance Department, as they issue the carrier's licenses, and monitor their carrier's operations.You should also make note that insurers are required by law to disclose information on coverage parameters, utilization, review policies, prior authorization requirements, premiums, cost sharing, payment methods, responsibilities, grievances procedures, how to acquire emergency services, as well as procedures for selecting, changing, or accessing providers.As the owner of a policy from any health insurance company, you have certain rights. Most insurance contracts now have grievance conditions and clauses built in. This is useful if a provider denies access to a referral or judges, a benefit not covered under the signed policy agreement. The procedure must be outlined in the agreement and must be provided to the policyholder as written notice.You, as a policyholder, with a built in grievance procedure have the right to complain and have your complaint reviewed.
@Mduduzi mkulisi- sam wer sam w hw u r wrng ngokuthi uthi amabhaca a Dabula kwazulu.let me tell u about your clan,we u abakwa Mkulisi used to reside endaweni weni eMsinga ebathenjini,wer your greate king built his house n calld it eMlamlankunzi as well as. EQhudeni da language u spoke ws Nguni bt nt zulu,da tng dt da is Zulu happen after wen Shaka conquered other tribes.actually all people dt wer born of Nguni stock spoke is I Nguni bt it ws differentiated ngezindawo abaphazami kuzo ie amalala,amadebe,amantungwa,abambo,ect,some spoke a clear language n sam bebathefuya n sam bayeyeza,eg instead of saying ngidangele,sam would say ngidumele/ngijabile/ngijalile/ngidanile/ngiswabile.yo people wer called abaThembu bakwa Mvelase bt nt amazulu up until Shaka Zulu ahlasele uNgoza Mvelase kanye noMacingwane Mchunu abanqobe,yo greate king fleeid frm hs place wave ekudingisweni wid hs sons.sam decided to reside emzimkhulu kwaBhaca,take note nt kwa Zulu bt Bhaca.yor people wer askd ukuya empini bt refused”benqaba” because they say basaKhulisa abantwana they can’t go to empini,and sam babengaphenduli at all uma bebuzwa bt decided to kip quet”bathule”, dts wer two surnames came into being(abantu ababebaziwa ngo Mvelase isbongo received a new surname ngenxa yesenzo sabo sokwala ukuya empini bethi basaKhulisa ingane dey wer calld abakwa Mkhulisi n sam abakwa Thula dts y u wl find dis 2 surnames mainly emzimkhulu kwa Bhaca.so u r wrng my brada mawuthu nicely kwa Zulu nendawo nobuzwe,qha anivumi khona kodwa nivela kwa Mthembu eMsinga ko Ngoza.wen u came to Bhacaland u wr nt under Zulu bt u wer independent as Thembus bakwa Mvelase n remember dey wer two houses zakwa Mthembu 1 indlunkulu abaka Jama ka Mnisi lapho kuqala khona uSomopo indlu ka Ndaba aba sebenzisa uMthembu as isbongo n dey conquered by uDingiswayo Mthethwa baphetha ubukhosi,yo people ooMvelase wr residing eMsinga as indlu encane bt it bcm greate n powerfull wen Ngoza ws king n leader he conquered many tribes lyk ooSthole,Mbatha,ect dts y ku nesthakazelo sakwa Mvelase esithi “nina abakwa Gogolazitha” coz zazisaba zigodole izitha uma zubhekene noMvelase uNgoza,phela savela ngoba no Shaka wesaba Mhla amabatho ebulawa egwazwe emqolo intombi zakwaMvelase wavelength wagodola ngathi uthelwe amanzi.in short anisiwo amazulu bt amabhaca coz you people batiks emva kwempi eyayilwa amabhaca no Shaka esekhotheme uGobiswano Zelemu owaba uBhaca dts y ungaqondi kahle n ukuthi Nofisa emva kwempi esayilwa thina amaBhaca dt dis nt make less of umBhaca bt w wlcm u in our land n u bcm under Bhaca n u r Bhaca u can’t change dt.i dnt min to infuriate u in any way bt to tell da truth as it is even ooMtshali a bakhona eMzimkhulu,eXopo bayazi ukuthi bangamabhaca.ngisho nooQwabe,noMkhize,Khumalo,Mbatha ect bayazi so dnt claim ubuzulu kakhulu u r nt bt uMbhaca,wt makes me happy is dt our kingdom is independent e MF wer most most people r xhosa speaking n dt don’t min dt dey r xhosa nope,evin us emzimkhulu w may speak a Ntungwa/Mbo/Hubi ect wt so calld Zulu nw dt don’t make us less Bhaca dts y evin Bomtsheketshe fluid to Mount frere to seek refuge after h ws hunted by whites “collonist”.ngizoma la Mvelase
22 umkhosi wamaqebelengwane angenamvubelo, okuthiwa yiphasika,+ wawusondela. 2 abapristi abakhulu nababhali babefuna indlela ekahle yokuba bamsuse,+ ngoba babesaba abantu.+ 3 usathane wangena kujuda, okuthiwa u--iskariyothe, owayengomunye wabayishumi nambili;+ 4 wahamba wakhuluma nabapristi abakhulu nezinduna zethempeli ngendlela ekahle yokumkhaphela kubo.+ 5 bajabula futhi bavuma ukumnika imali yesiliva.+ 6 ngakho wavuma, futhi waqala ukufuna ithuba elihle lokumkhaphela kubo singekho isixuku eduze.+ 7 lwafika usuku lwamaqebelengwane angenamvubelo, okumelwe kwenziwe ngalo umhlatshelo+ wephasika; 8 futhi wathuma upetru nojohane, wathi: “hambani nisilungisele+ iphasika ukuba sidle.” 9 bathi kuye: “ufuna sililungiselelephi?” 10 wathi kubo:+ “bhekani! lapho ningena emzini nizohlangana nendoda ethwele imbiza yamanzi. yilandeleni ningene endlini engena kuyo.+ 11 nithi kumninindlu, ‘umfundisi uthi kuwe: “liphi ikamelo lezimenywa engingadlela kulo iphasika kanye nabafundi bami?”’+ 12 lowo muntu uzonibonisa ikamelo elikhulu eliphezulu elinempahla yasendlini. lilungiseleni lapho.”+ 13 ngakho bamuka bathola kunjengoba nje eshilo kubo, balungisa iphasika.+ 14 ekugcineni lapho ihora lifika, wahlala etafuleni, abaphostoli bekanye naye.+ 15 wathi kubo: “bengifisa kakhulu ukulidla nani leli phasika ngaphambi kokuba ngihlupheke; 16 ngoba ngiyanitshela, ngeke ngilidle futhi lize ligcwaliseke embusweni kankulunkulu.”+ 17 futhi, emukela indebe,+ wabonga futhi wathi: “thathani lokhu nidluliselane kona; 18 ngoba ngiyanitshela, kusukela manje kuqhubeke ngeke ngisawuphuza umkhiqizo womvini uze ufike umbuso kankulunkulu.”+ 19 wathatha isinkwa,+ wabonga, wasihlephula, wabanika sona, wathi: “lokhu kusho umzimba wami+ ozonikelwa ngenxa yenu.+ qhubekani nikwenza lokhu ningikhumbula.”+ 20 nendebe+ ngendlela efanayo ngemva kokuba bebe nesidlo sakusihlwa, wathi: “le ndebe isho isivumelwano esisha+ esenziwa ngegazi lami,+ elizothululwa ngenxa yenu.+ 21 “kodwa, bhekani! isandla somkhapheli wami+ sikanye nami etafuleni.+ 22 ngoba indodana yomuntu iyahamba ngokwalokho okumisiwe;+ noma kunjalo, mayé kulowo muntu ekhashelwa ngaye!”+ 23 ngakho baqala ukuxoxa bodwa ngokuthi ubani kubo ngempela okwakungaba nguye owayezokwenza lokhu.+ 24 nokho, kwavela futhi impikiswano evuthayo phakathi kwabo ngokuthi ubani kubo owayebonakala emkhulu kunabo bonke.+ 25 kodwa wathi kubo: “amakhosi ezizwe azenza izingqongqo phezu kwazo, futhi labo abanegunya phezu kwazo babizwa ngokuthi abenzi bokuhle.+ 26 nokho, nina akumelwe nibe njalo.+ kodwa omkhulu kunani nonke makabe njengomncane kunani nonke,+ osebenza njengenduna abe njengokhonzayo.+ 27 ngoba yimuphi omkhulu, yilowo ohlezi etafuleni noma yilowo okhonzayo? ingabe akuyena ohlezi etafuleni? kodwa mina ngiphakathi kwenu njengalowo okhonzayo.+ 28 “nokho, nina aningishiyanga+ ekulingweni kwami;+ 29 ngenza isivumelwano nani, njengoba nje ubaba enze isivumelwano+ sombuso+ nami, 30 sokuba nidle+ futhi niphuze etafuleni lami embusweni wami,+ nihlale ezihlalweni zobukhosi+ ukuze nahlulele izizwe eziyishumi nambili zakwa--israyeli. 31 “simoni, simoni, bheka! usathane+ uyanifuna ukuze anihlunge njengokolweni+ nina madoda. 32 kodwa wena ngikunxusele+ ukuba ukholo lwakho lungapheli; futhi wena, lapho nje usubuyile, uqinise+ abafowenu.” 33 khona--ke wathi kuye: “nkosi, ngikulungele ukuya nawe kokubili etilongweni nasekufeni.”+ 34 kodwa wathi: “ngiyakutshela, petru, iqhude ngeke likhale namuhla kuze kube yilapho usuphike kathathu ukuthi uyangazi.”+ 35 wathi futhi kubo: “lapho nginithuma+ ningenamxhaka nasikhwama sokudla nazimbadada, anizange niswele lutho, akunjalo?” bathi: “kunjalo!” 36 khona--ke wathi kubo: “kodwa manje onomxhaka makawuthathe, ngokufanayo nesikhwama sokudla; futhi ongenayo inkemba makathengise ingubo yakhe yangaphandle ayithenge. 37 ngoba ngiyanitshela ngithi okulotshiwe kumelwe kufezeke kimi, okuwukuthi, ‘wabalwa kanye nabangenamthetho.’+ ngoba lokho okuphathelene nami kuyafezeka.”+ 38 khona--ke bathi: “nkosi, bheka! nazi izinkemba ezimbili.” wathi kubo: “kwanele.” 39 ekuphumeni kwakhe waya entabeni yeminqumo njengokujwayelekile; futhi abafundi nabo bamlandela.+ 40 esefikile kuleyo ndawo wathi kubo: “thandazani ningayeki, ukuze ningangeni esilingweni.”+ 41 yena waqhela kubo cishe ngebanga lokuphonsa itshe, waguqa ngamadolo wathandaza, 42 wathi: “baba, uma uthanda, susa le ndebe kimi. noma kunjalo, makungenzeki intando yami,+ kodwa eyakho.”+ 43 khona--ke ingelosi evela ezulwini yabonakala kuye futhi yamqinisa.+ 44 kodwa eba nomunyu waqhubeka ethandaza ngobuqotho ngokwengeziwe;+ izithukuthuku zakhe zaba njengamathonsi egazi awela emhlabathini.+ 45 wasukuma ekuthandazeni, waya kubafundi wabathola bozela ngenxa yosizi;+ 46 wathi kubo: “nilaleleni? vukani, nithandaze ningayeki, ukuze ningangeni esilingweni.”+ 47 esakhuluma, bheka! isixuku, futhi umuntu obizwa ngokuthi ujuda, omunye wabayishumi nambili, wayehamba phambi kwaso;+ waya kujesu ukuze amange.+ 48 kodwa ujesu wathi kuye: “juda, ukhaphela indodana yomuntu ngokuyanga+ na?” 49 lapho labo ababeseduze naye bebona okwakuzokwenzeka, bathi: “nkosi, sigalele yini ngenkemba?”+ 50 omunye wabo waze ngisho wagalela inceku yompristi ophakeme wayisusa indlebe yesokunene.+ 51 kodwa ujesu wathi: “makugcine lapha.” wayithinta indlebe wayiphulukisa.+ 52 khona--ke ujesu wathi kubapristi abakhulu nezinduna zethempeli namadoda amadala ababeze lapho kuye: “ingabe niphumé nemishiza nezagila ngokungathi nizokulwa nomphangi?+ 53 ngesikhathi nginani ethempelini+ usuku nosuku anizange nelulele izandla zenu kimi.+ kodwa leli yihora lenu+ negunya+ lobumnyama.”+ 54 khona--ke bambopha futhi bamhola+ bamngenisa endlini yompristi ophakeme;+ kodwa upetru wayelandela ekude.+ 55 lapho bebasa umlilo egcekeni futhi behlala phansi ndawonye, upetru wayehlezi phakathi kwabo.+ 56 kodwa incekukazi ethile yambona ehlezi emlilweni omkhulu, yambukisisa yathi: “lo muntu naye ubekanye naye.”+ 57 kodwa waphika,+ ethi: “sifazane, angimazi.”+ 58 ngemva kwesikhashana omunye umuntu owayembona wathi: “nawe futhi ungomunye wabo.” kodwa upetru wathi: “ndoda, angiyena.”+ 59 ngemva kokuba kudlule cishe ihora omunye umuntu waphikelela egomela ethi: “ngokuqinisekile lo muntu naye ubekanye naye; ngoba, eqinisweni, ungowasegalile!”+ 60 kodwa upetru wathi: “ndoda, angikwazi okushoyo.” ngaso leso sikhathi, esakhuluma, iqhude lakhala.+ 61 inkosi yaphenduka yambheka upetru, nopetru wawakhumbula amazwi enkosi lapho ithi kuye: “ngaphambi kokuba iqhude likhale namuhla uzongiphika kathathu.”+ 62 waphumela ngaphandle wakhala kamunyu.+ 63 manje amadoda ayembambile aqala ukuhlekisa ngaye,+ emshaya;+ 64 futhi ngemva kokummboza abuza athi: “profetha. ubani okushayile?”+ 65 aqhubeka esho nezinye izinto eziningi emhlambalaza.+ 66 ekugcineni lapho kusa, umkhandlu wamadoda amadala abantu, kokubili abapristi abakhulu nababhali, wabuthana ndawonye,+ wamhudulela ehholo lawo lesanhedrini, uthi:+ 67 “uma unguye ukristu,+ sitshele.” kodwa wathi kuwo: “ngisho noma benginganitshela, beningeke nhlobo nakukholwa.+ 68 ngaphezu kwalokho, uma benginganibuza, beningeke nhlobo naphendula.+ 69 nokho, kusukela manje kuqhubeke indodana yomuntu+ izobe ihlezi esandleni sokunene+ sikankulunkulu esinamandla.”+ 70 khona--ke, onke athi: “ngakho--ke, ingabe uyindodana kankulunkulu?” wathi kuwo: “nina ngokwenu nithi+ ngiyiyo.” 71 athi: “sisabudingelani obunye ubufakazi?+ ngoba thina ngokwethu sikuzwe ngomlomo wakhe siqu.”+"
mari holzer bench, 2017--08--29 09:44:29. many contemporary styles of benches are desired but these aren't what you visualize when you hear someone say the word bench. take for instance, an arbour bench or a tree bench. a bench for potting flowers is wonderful with a few planter boxes and allows you to keep all your gardening tools altogether as well as displaying your beautiful creations. arbour benches make your garden space beautiful and convenient. a tree bench, also known as a curved around the tree bench, makes your landscaping the centerpiece of your home. the tree bench beckons everyone to sit and gather around.
othing succeeds like success,” so goes the english saying. this is the most appropriate way of describingtheconsequencesofthestruggle of a city­based empowerment and lobby 32 000­member strong organization for wid­ ows in kwazulu­natal, known as izwi la­ bafelokazi (voice of the widows). during the three years of its operation, the provincial organisati on h as emerged as a force to reckon with in the area of de­ fending and promoting the rights and inter­ ests of women and mothers, most of whom become struggling single parents when their spouses pass on. having had the privilege of following the spectacular growth of this highly useful or­ ganisation over a period of time as a devel­ opmental journalist, i can say without a measure of a doubt that izwi labafelokazi is indeed a widow’s dream come true. one of the organisation’s founders and leading pioneers is a middle­aged well­spo­ ken woman called ntombintombi mtshare whose compassion, self­sacrifice and hard work have earned her the much­deserved role of heading this non­profit making or­ ganisation as chairperson. mtshare, who comes from imbali unit 1, personifies the struggle of the socio­eco­ nomic emancipation of the woman folk in the land. recently,shegrantedmean exclusivein­ terview about the latest successes of this provincial formation. she has this story to tell: “it did not come overnight, but after a long time of working hard and knocking on doors, the government departments under the honorable premier, dr zweli mkhize, as well as other national government struc­ tures, are now opening doors for widows and enabling the organisation to defend and protect the interests of widows,” says mtshare. “we would not be where we are today if it was not for the provincial department of education, which is led by our honorable mec mr senzo mchunu – his department’s school nutrition programme has employed
These are great trunks. I have a 2 year old who started swim lessons and these are perfect. They contain messes (just like any diaper, messes are messy to clean up, but c'est la vie). They have some padding so they allow us to put the trunks on before we get to class without fear pee will be everywhere or I'll get peed on. They're a nice vibrant color and I did accidentally dry them once without any shrinkage or repercussions. They are sturdily made and will hold up for a long time. They DO run small though. My son is only in the 10th percentile and I had to buy the XL for him, the L did not fit. Make sure to wring the inside out before laying out to dry. If we wear these to the beach I usually put a disposable or a liner inside just so I don't have to change a big mess, but they keep out sand just as well if not better than disposables. Highly recommended!
shotango, omagalikano oge na okuukithwa kujehova kalunga, ihe hakujesus, hakwaamboka haku tiwa anuwa aayapuki nenge koshihongwathano. (eksodus 20:4, 5) ombiimbeli oya popi sha yela ya ti: ‘inamu kala mu na nando oshimpwiyu shasha, ihe oompumbwe dheni dhi tseyithileni kalunga momagalikano geni agehe.’ (aafilippi 4:6) oshitiyali, otu na okugalikana okupitila medhina lyomwana gwakalunga, jesus kristus. jesus mwene okwe shi yelitha a ti: ‘kape na ngoka ta vulu okuya kutate, okuninga ta pitile mungame.’ (johannes 14:6) oshititatu, omagalikano oge na okukala metsokumwe nehalo lyakalunga. ombiimbeli oya ti: ‘ngele tatu mu indile shaa shoka she mu opalela, oye ote tu uvu ethimbo kehe ndyoka tatu mu indile.’ * — 1 johannes 5:14.
i am a 21 year old believer who is a single father to a beautiful 16 month little girl. i also serve as a booking agent for artists in christian hip hop. i’m also a senior, elementary education major (english), at campbell university in north carolina. honestly, the message of christ hit me in a whole new way, years back when i was first introduced to christian hip hop. the gospel was presented in a way where i could understand it, and share it with my friends. a couple of years back, we had the opportunity to bring trip to my hometown of sanford, nc, where he had a tour stop for his the good life book tour. it was awesome to see the response other people had, when they heard and understood the gospel for the first time. i would be thrilled to be a further help in spreading the word about this new book from trip. people need to hear the gospel in their own context so they can understand it. just as trip did in his debut book, i look forward to reading, reviewing, and sharing his practical and relate--able story with others. i was fortunate enough to receive a hope years back, that will last with me for eternity. i want others to find this same hope, and i remain confident that trip clearly and concisely presents this hope in his new book. thank you for your time in reading this, and i’m looking forward to helping further this message that we all so dearly need. let’s rise together!
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newsbizcommunity has over 400 industry contributors and we always welcome further contributions and contributors.submit newsmtn uganda celebrates another milestone 12 feb 2013 | save | email | print | pdf mtn uganda officially commissioned its fibre network at katuna border in kabale district on friday, 8 february 2013. the event, held at the katuna border post, was attended by the minister of ict, ruhakana rugunda, the executive director of uganda communications commission, godfrey mutabazi as well as the mtn uganda chairman, charles mbire.speaking at the event, rugunda said, ""we, at the ministry, would like to commend mtn uganda for this investment that further confirms its commitment to provide support for this crucial sector of uganda's economy and further positions uganda as a leader in ict. the extension of the mtn uganda fibre will act as a catalyst for economic development and will support the ugandan government to further leverage on the existent regional partnerships in the areas of trade and industry"".since its launch in uganda in 1998, mtn uganda has made major investments in uganda. in 2012 alone, its capex investments exceeded us$80 million by december. this investment was mainly towards the expansion of network infrastructure, establishment of ultra--modern switching and data centre, as well as the rollout of fibre infrastructure to boost the quality of voice and data services.uganda's ict roadmapmtn ceo, mazen mroué said, ""the commissioning of the new fibre system at katuna is a major development which we are confident will have a positive impact on the future of uganda's ict roadmap. it will substantially improve the connectivity with neighbouring countries and the world by connecting uganda to an additional submarine cable sat--3 to rwanda via the tanzania route from dar es salaam. this is in addition to the other two cables already connected through the kenya route from mombasa which provide uganda with unique redundancy and a backup structure for secured and reliable connectivity while providing quality voice and data services. this important development is in line with mtn uganda's commitment of leading innovation in the market and in the region as a whole"".this landmark development is reportedly the first terrestrial link to rwanda, and will greatly lower cost and significantly improve quality of communications services in the regionin terms of network infrastructure, last year mtn uganda rolled out an additional 600km of fibre backbone closing the year with over 2 800km of fibre system providing the capacity for high speed data connectivity and wider national coverage of 3g mobile data services that extend internet access to the rural areas of uganda.future projectsmtn has an extensive list of new innovations that will be gradually announced during the year. mtn uganda announced recently about the plan to deploy long term evolution (lte) network in uganda during the coming months, which will enable mtn customers to access world class internet with bandwidth speed up to 100mbps. commenting on mtn uganda's plans for lte deployment in uganda, the mroué said, ""mtn remains committed to development of the ict sector and the ugandan economy. lte becomes the new standard determining the level of technology development and offering substantially faster data speed than other technologies"".‹ like save email print pdfcomment on thiscommentcomment guidelines and disclaimerlegal disclaimer: this message board accepts no liability of legal consequences that arise from the message boards (e.g. defamation, slander, or other such crimes). all posted messages are the sole property of their respective authors. the maintainer does retain the right to remove any message posts for whatever reasons. people that post messages to this forum are not to libel/slander nor in any other way depict a company, entity, individual(s), or service in a false light; should they do so, the legal consequences are theirs alone. bizcommunity.com will disclose authors' ip addresses to authorities if compelled to do so by a court of law.read more: ict, uganda communications commission, economic development, mtn group, mtn uganda, godfrey mutabazi, ruhakana rugunda, fibre network, mazen mrouérelated10 fintech innovators conclude first africa barclays accelerator[biz takeouts podcast] 179: marketing mix conferences managing director terry murphyafrica at risk from cyber--attacksnigeria takes lead with online shopping via mobile devicesnewsshow more"
gazi :this is a very good question,not that i do or i dont bielive in jesus but who knows jesus in the first place who can give a picture of jesus,whlist on the other hand i can give you ukuthi isimo(sikankulunkulu both) besinjani,i can tell you ukuthi what was said what was not said what really did come true after it was said 15 years ago when i could start to think about god by then i was at an age of 4.example givenyou know emasontweni kulaba qala ukuvukelwa ngama dimoni abo ,well as ussually this sunday it happenned and izulu (nkulunkulu as the spirit was not happy why i dont know thats the heavens problems not mine) weza umdali from e--mkhunjini wathi ""thula ukubanga umsindo lapha""and those known to be the rough dimonis never had the dimonis again make a reseach u will know.now my point mostly is who knows jesus yimibhalo and he went to ekuphumuleni 2005 years ago and might have said ngizaphenduka what if it happenned e grm ngezinye indlela,and we all know that :pictures of jesus' racefollowers of christ are generally assumed to be from the western hemisphere. however, faith in jesus began in the middle east and spread outward from there, throughout the whole earth. for example, there are millions of people today in africa and asia who claim to be followers of jesus christ. the largest church today can be found in korea.the bible tells us that people who believe in jesus are from every tribe and people and nation and language (revelation 7:9). yet it is unlikely that any whole nation believes in jesus. certainly, it would be naive to think that everyone in the west who fills out a form as ""christian"" is actually a true follower of jesus. after all, jesus said the way to destruction is broad and many travel by it; and the way to life is narrow, and few find it (matt 7:13--14).it could be that, proportionally speaking, there is relatively the same number of christians in america as there is in africa, for example. we don't know for sure, but god does. he alone knows people's hearts. he knows who has turned to him in truth and who has not. and he is impartial when it comes to race (acts 10:34--35). who knows what he thinks when it comes to race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!guys i dont want to confuse myself in here. <img border=""0"" title="""" alt=""[eek!]"" src=""images/icons/shocked.gif"" />
the first two illegal protests from kennedy road were followed by a series of legal marches on the nearby local councillors, some involving more than 5000 people. in each of these marches the protestors carried a mock coffin and then staged a performance of a funeral for the councillor outside his office. on 6 october 2005 17 men and 15 women elected as representatives from 12 settlements that now had committees supporting the shack dwellers’ struggle met to formally constitute themselves into a movement, abahlali basemjondolo, and to commit themselves to stand together and to fight together for popular democracy and land and housing in the city. since then abahlali have democratised the governance of settlements, stopped evictions, won access to local schools, won some victories around services like water, toilets and refuse removal; got top class legal support and won a number of victories in court; made the voice of shack dwellers very strong in the media; set up crиches, a sewing co--operative and vegetable gardens; enabled collective bargaining with the state and capital and seriously challenged the city’s slum clearance project that wants to move most shack dwellers out of the city and dump them in formal jondolos in rural areas.
FOUR Parents and members of the School Development Committee at Mlamuli Secondary School in Lupane have been arrested for protesting against the presence of a non-Ndebele headmaster at the school.Parents shut down the school demanding the removal of the headmistress identified only as Bonyongwe who was deployed to the institution at the beginning of the year.At a meeting last Thursday, the parents gave Bonyongwe an ultimatum to leave the Matabeleland North school by Monday. The headmistress was given a similar deadline in January. Chief Mabhikwa, under whose jurisdiction the school falls, said four people had been arrested in connection with the disturbances.Matabeleland North Provincial Education Director Boithatelo Mnguni said she went to the school on Monday and they were working to educate community members to accept civil servants deployed by the Government.She could not immediately say whether or not the headmistress would be transferred. Villagers insist if teachers want to be welcome in the area, they must at least show interest in learning the local language.Matabeleland North acting police spokesperson Sergeant Namatirai Mashona referred questions to National police spokesperson Chief Superintendent Paul Nyathi who could not immediately comment.Chief Mabhikwa said he went to the school yesterday morning and there was an emergency meeting, but he did not attend.“All I noticed was that very few pupils could be seen going into the school in the morning. I’m yet to be briefed on what transpired and the resolutions made on the matter,” he said.In January this year, parents told the headmistress during a meeting at the school that she was not welcome.Parents who spoke to a local publication at that time said they would not allow her into the school as long as she “can’t speak IsiNdebele.”“She came last year and was on Thursday being introduced because that was the first parents’ meeting since December last year. She greeted people in English and parents beseeched her to speak in IsiNdebele since it was a parents general meeting where some wouldn’t understand English,” said a parent in January.“She couldn’t utter a single word in IsiNdebele but instead asked to be given two weeks to learn the local language and that angered parents.”Bonyongwe was transferred from George Silundika Secondary School in Nyamandlovu where she had been a teacher for three years.The deployment of non-Ndebele speaking teachers in Matabeleland has in recent years raised the ire of people from the region who blame it for contributing to low pass rates in schools in the region.Last year, seven men were arrested for storming a school in Mangwe District demanding the removal of a headmistress over the issue.The group, comprising of villagers from Makuzeze area in Mangwe District and some members of the Mthwakazi Joint Youth Resolution, allegedly connived and confronted Makuzeze Primary School head Mrs Victoria Pasipanodya before ordering her to vacate the school as she belonged to the Shona tribe.Unbeknown to the group, Mrs Pasipanodya said she was only married to a Shona man, but she was of Ndebele origin and her maiden name was Nyathi.Pasipanodya, who has transferred to Kwite Primary School in the same district, said she left the school because of the threats.
11 Ihatu dulika ashike kuJehova ngeenge shipu kufye ile ngeenge tuhe na ehoololo lasha. Natango, ihatu hoolola kutya otwa hala okudulika keemhango nokomifikamhango dilipi nosho yo odo inatu hala okudulika kudo. (Deuteronomion 12:32) Ponhele yaasho, ohatu dulika kuye moinima aishe, ngaashi omupsalme umwe oo a ti: “Oipango yoye onde i hafela, nde i hokwa.” (Epsalme 119:47; Ovaroma 6:17) Otwa hala okuhopaenena Noa, oo a li a ulika kutya oku hole Jehova eshi a li a ninga keshe osho e mu lombwela. Ombiibeli oya ti kutya Noa “osho a ninga.” (Genesis 6:22) Mbela ino hala Jehova a popye ngaho shi na sha naave?
national certificate (vocational) admission (ncv) applicants with a ncv will only be considered for admission into the degree and diploma programmes with the following programme--specific requirements: for admission to a degree the following minimum criteria apply: a ncv (level 4) issued by the council for general and further education and training. an achievement of at least 70% for 5 of the 7 subjects fundamental and vocational categories. an achievement of at least 70% in english as language of teaching and learning/first additional language, and one additional language. an achievement of at least 70% in mathematics taken as a fundamental subject. all applicants have to complete the nbt prior to admission. the result of the nbt will inform decisions taken on placement of the applicant. for admission to a diploma the following minimum criteria apply: a ncv (level 4) issued by the council for general and further education and training. an achievement of at least 60% for 5 of the 7 subjects fundamental and vocational categories. an achievement of at least 60% in english as language of teaching and learning/first additional language, and one additional language. an achievement of at least 60% in mathematics or 70% in mathematics literacy taken as a fundamental subject. all applicants have to complete the nbt prior to admission. the result of the nbt will inform decisions taken on placement of the applicant. meeting the facultys minimum requirements for a particular programme does not necessarily guarantee admission to that programme due to space constraints.
In his session at @ThingsExpo, Ben Klang, Founder & President of Mojo Lingo, will discuss the impact of technology on identity. Should we federate, or not? How should identity be secured? Who owns the identity? How is identity ...Oct. 8, 2015 03:00 AM EDT Reads: 433Coordinating IoT Software ReleasesBy Anders WallgrenDeveloping software for the Internet of Things (IoT) comes with its own set of challenges. Security, privacy, and unified standards are a few key issues. In addition, each IoT product is comprised of at least three separate application components: the software embedded in the device, the backend big-data service, and the mobile application for the end user's controls. Each component is developed by a different team, using different technologies and practices, and deployed to a different stack/target - this makes the integration of these separate pipelines and the coordination of software upd...Oct. 8, 2015 03:00 AM EDT Reads: 279Ubiquitous Comms Through WebRTCBy Liz McMillanWebRTC converts the entire network into a ubiquitous communications cloud thereby connecting anytime, anywhere through any point. In his session at WebRTC Summit,, Mark Castleman, EIR at Bell Labs and Head of Future X Labs, will discuss how the transformational nature of communications is achieved through the democratizing force of WebRTC. WebRTC is doing for voice what HTML did for web content.Oct. 8, 2015 03:00 AM EDT Reads: 1,372[session] WebRTC Business ModelsBy Elizabeth WhiteWebRTC services have already permeated corporate communications in the form of videoconferencing solutions. However, WebRTC has the potential of going beyond and catalyzing a new class of services providing more than calls with capabilities such as mass-scale real-time media broadcasting, enriched and augmented video, person-to-machine and machine-to-machine communications. In his session at @ThingsExpo, Luis Lopez, CEO of Kurento, will introduce the technologies required for implementing these ideas and some early experiments performed in the Kurento open source software community in areas ...Oct. 8, 2015 02:00 AM EDT Reads: 687[session] Context, Wearables and WebRTCBy Liz McMillanWebRTC: together these advances have created a perfect storm of technologies that are disrupting and transforming classic communications models and ecosystems. In his session at WebRTC Summit, Cary Bran, VP of Innovation and New Ventures at Plantronics and PLT Labs, will provide an overview of this technological shift, including associated business and consumer communications impacts, and opportunities it may enable, complement or entirely transform.Oct. 8, 2015 01:30 AM EDT Reads: 732Peter Dunkley and ‘The State of WebRTC’By Liz McMillan“In the past year we've seen a lot of stabilization of WebRTC. You can now use it in production with a far greater degree of certainty. A lot of the real developments in the past year have been in things like the data channel, which will enable a whole new type of application," explained Peter Dunkley, Technical Director at Acision, in this SYS-CON.tv interview at @ThingsExpo, held Nov 4–6, 2014, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA.Oct. 8, 2015 12:00 AM EDT Reads: 6,951Luxoft IoT at @ThingsExpo Silicon ValleyBy Pat RomanskiSYS-CON Events announced today that Luxoft Holding, Inc., a leading provider of software development services and innovative IT solutions, has been named “Bronze Sponsor” of SYS-CON's @ThingsExpo, which will take place on November 3–5, 2015, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA.
in 1953, upon her father’s advice, winnie was admitted to the jan hofmeyr school of social work in johannesburg, where nelson mandela (who was already gaining national renown), was the patron. it was the first time she left the transkei and a formative moment in her life. it was in johannesburg that she saw the full effects of apartheid on a daily basis, but also where she discovered her love of fashion, dancing and the city. it was only after a few months of living in johannesburg that winnie first went to soweto. she completed her degree in social work in 1955, finishing at the top of her class, and was offered a scholarship for further study in the usa. however, soon after receiving the scholarship offer, she was offered the position of medical social worker at the baragwanath hospital in johannesburg, making her the first qualified, black member of staff to fill that post. following an agonising decision about whether to leave and further her academic career in the usa, or to stay and pursue her dream of becoming a social worker in south africa, she decided to remain in south africa. whilst working at the hospital, winnie’s interest in national politics continued to grow. she moved into one of the hostels connected to the hospital and found that she was sharing a dormitory with adelaide tsukudu, the future wife of former african national congress (anc) president, oliver tambo. indeed, adelaide would confide in winnie while they were in bed at night about the brilliant lawyer she would soon marry, and his legal partner, nelson mandela. it also transpired that tambo happened to be from bizana, like winnie, making them members of the same extended family. it is worth reiterating that winnie was already politically interested and involved in activism long before she met her future husband. she was particularly affected by the research she had carried out in alexandra township as a social worker to establish the rate of infantile mortality, which stood at 10 deaths for every 1,000 births.
umsebenzi kamoya ongcwele uyaguquka usuku nosuku, unyukela phezulu isinyathelo ngasinye; isambulo sakusasa singaphezulu kwesanamuhla, isinyathelo ngesinyathelo sikhuphuka sinyukela phezulu njalo. unjalo umsebenzi unkulunkulu aphelelisa ngawo umuntu. uma umuntu engakwazi ukuhambisana naye, angashiywa emuva noma ngasiphi isikhathi. uma umuntu engenayo inhliziyo elalelayo, ngeke akwazi ukulandela kuze kube sekugcineni. inkathi endala isidlulile; manje sekuyinkathi entsha. futhi enkathini entsha umsebenzi omusha kufanele wenziwe. ikakhulukazi enkathini yokugcina lapho umuntu eyopheleliswa khona, unkulunkulu uzokwenza umsebenzi omusha ngokushesha okukhulu. ngakho--ke, ngaphandle kokulalela enhliziyweni yakhe, umuntu uzokuthola kunzima ukulandela ezinyathelweni zikankulunkulu. unkulunkulu akagcini mithetho, futhi akasithathi noma isiphi isigaba somsebenzi wakhe njengesingakuguquki. kunalokho, umsebenzi owenziwa unkulunkulu ulokhu uba musha futhi ulokhu unyuka uya phezulu. umsebenzi wakhe uya ngokuya uba ongokoqobo kakhudlwana ngesinyathelo ngasinye futhi uhambisana kakhudlwana nezidingo zomuntu zoqobo. kusemuva kokuba umuntu ezwe lolu hlobo lomsebenzi lapho engathola khona ukuguqulwa kokugcina kwesimo sakhe. ulwazi lomuntu ngempilo lukhuphukela emazingeni angaphezulu, kanjalo nomsebenzi kankulunkulu nawo uya ngokuya wenyuka njalo. ingale ndlela kuphela lapho umuntu engapheleliswa alungele ukusetshenziswa ngunkulunkulu. ngakolunye uhlangothi, unkulunkulu usebenza ngale ndlela ukuphikisana nokuhlehlisela emuva imicabango yomuntu, kanti ngakolunye, ukuholela umuntu ukuya esimweni esiphakeme futhi esinamaqiniso, endaweni esesicongweni ekukholweni kunkulunkulu, ukuze ekugcineni, intando kankulunkulu yenziwe. bonke abanemvelo yokungalaleli abaphikisa ngamabomu bayoshiywa yilo msebenzi osheshayo futhi ohamba ngamandla; yilabo kuphela abalalela ngokuzimisela futhi abazithoba ngenjabulo abayoqhubeka baze bafike ekugcineni komgwaqo. emsebenzini onjena, nonke kufanele nifunde ukuthobeka nokubeka eceleni imicabango yenu. isinyathelo ngasinye kufanele sithathwe ngokucophelela. uma ninganakekeli, ngokuqinisekileyo, niyophenduka abanye balabo abalahlwa umoya ongcwele, labo abaphazamisa umsebenzi kankulunkulu. ngaphambi kokungena kulesi sigaba somsebenzi, imigomo nemithetho yomuntu yakudala yabe iminingi ngendlela yokuthi wakhohliseka, futhi umphumela walokho ukuthi waba nokuzikhukhumeza wazikhohlwa. zonke lezi yizingqinamba ezivimba umuntu ekuthini amukele umsebenzi omusha kankulunkulu; ziphikisa nokuthi umuntu afike ekwazini unkulunkulu. uma umuntu engenakho ukulalela enhliziyweni noma ukulangazelela iqiniso, uyoba senkingeni--ke. uma ulalela kuphela umsebenzi namazwi alula, futhi ungakwazi ukwemukela lawo ajulile ngokushuba, ungumuntu ogcina ezindleleni ezindala futhi awukwazi ukuhambisana nejubane lomsebenzi kamoya ongcwele. umsebenzi owenziwa ngunkulunkulu uyahluka ezikhathini ezihlukene. uma ukhombisa ukulalela okukhulu esigabeni esinye, bese kuthi esigabeni esilandelayo ukhombise ukulalela okuncane noma ungalaleli nhlobo, unkulunkulu uyokushiya. uma uhambisana nonkulunkulu lapho enyuka lesi sinyathelo, kufanele uqhubeke nokuhambisana naye uma esenyukela kwesilandelayo isinyathelo. abantu abanjena kuphela abalalela umoya ongcwele. njengoba ukholwa kunkulunkulu, kufanele uhlale njalo umile ekulaleleni kwakho. awukwazi nje ukuthi umlalele uma uthanda futhi ungamlaleli uma ungathandi. ukulalela okunje akuvunyelwe ngunkulunkulu. uma ungakwazi ukuhambisana nomsebenzi omusha kodwa ube nobudlelwano futhi uqhubeke nokubambelela ezintweni ezazishiwo kudala, kungaba khona kanjani ukuthuthuka empilweni yakho? umsebenzi kankulunkulu, ukupha amazwi akhe. uma ulalela futhi wemukela amazwi akhe, ngokuqinisekileyo umoya ongcwele uyosebenza kuwena. umoya ongcwele usebenza ncamashi njengoba ngikhuluma. yenza njengoba ngishilo, futhi umoya ongcwele uzosebenza ngokushesha kuwena. ngidedela ukukhanya okusha ukuze nibone futhi unilethe ekukhanyeni kwamanje. lapho ungena kulokhu kukhanya, umoya ongcwele uyosebenza kuwena masinyane. kukhona abanye abangaba nenkani futhi bathi, “angeke nje ngikwenze lokhu okushoyo.” ngakho ngikutshela ukuthi manje usufike ekugcineni komgwaqo. usubunile waphela futhi awusenampilo. ngakho--ke, ekuzweni inguquko yesimo sakho, kusemqoka ukuhambisana nokukhanya kwamanje. umoya ongcwele akasebenzi nje kuphela kumadoda athile asetshenziswa ngunkulunkulu, kodwa ikakhulukazi ebandleni. kungenzeka asebenze kunoma ubani. angasebenza kuwena manje, bese emuva kokuthi usumuzwile, angasebenza komunye emva kwalokho. landela ngokushesha; lapho ulandela eduze ukukhanya kwamanje, yilapho impilo yakho ingavuthwa futhi ikhule khona. noma ngabe uluhlobo luni lomuntu, uma nje umoya ongcwele usebenza kuye, yenza isiqiniseko sokuthi uyalandela. yamukela izinto azizwile ngalokho okuzwile ngokwakho, futhi uzothola izinto eziphakeme kakhulu. ngokwenzenjalo uzothuthuka ngokushesha okukhulu. lena indlela yokupheleliswa komuntu nendlela impilo ekhula ngayo. indlela yokupheleliswa itholakala ngokulalela kwakho umsebenzi kamoya ongcwele. awazi ukuthi unkulunkulu uzosebenza ngomuntu onjani ukukuphelelisa, nokuthi uzosebenza ngamuphi umuntu, isigameko, noma into ukukulethela inzuzo nokukusiza ukuthi uthole ukuqondisisa okuthile. uma ukwazi ukuhamba kulo mgudu olungile, lokhu kukhombisa ukuthi kunethemba elikhulu lokuthi upheleliswe unkulunkulu. uma ungakwazi ukwenzenjalo, lokhu kukhomba ukuthi ikusasa lakho lifiphele futhi limnyama. lapho uhamba emgudwini olungile, uzothola isambulo ezintweni zonke. noma ngabe yini umoya ongcwele ayambula kwabanye, uma uqhubeka kulokho okuzwayo usebenzisa ulwazi lwabo, lokho kuyophenduka impilo yakho, futhi uyokwazi ukupha abanye ngenxa yalokho okuzwile. labo abapha abanye ngokulingisa amazwi yilabo abangenalo ulwazi; kufanele ufunde ukuthola ngokukhanyiselwa nokukhanya kwabanye, indlela yokwenza ngaphambi kokukhuluma ngokwakho okuzwile nokwaziyo wena uqobo. lokhu kuzoyisiza kakhulu impilo yakho. kufanele uzwe ngale ndlela, ulalela konke okuvela kunkulunkulu. kufanele ufune umqondo kankulunkulu ezintweni zonke futhi ufunde isifundo ezintweni zonke, ukuze impilo yakho ivuthwe futhi ikhule. ukwenza okunje kusiza ekukhuleni ngokushesha kakhulu.
the victims of this violence can easily easily easily tell the difference between zulu and any other nguni langauge when spoken.any gauteng resident particularly a nguni speaker like our ndebeles can surely do that; there is no academic issue about it. when the perpetrators execute their violence they just dont utter one word as a password but express themselves in sentences and really it does not take more than one sentence for a victim to identify the zulu and even the dialect.generally these zulus are hostel dwellers and they can be identified not only by a strong natal zulu accent but also the mannerism and looks etc ie if you know what to look for.to illustrate this if you were to meeet my favourate zulu singer shwii on the street of jhb you would not doubt that he is a proud zulu hostel dweller irrigardless of his stardom. we know each other bhudi and l can easily be their victims if l m on their path by just identifying my physical features, my walk, etc. finally there has been some precedence in the modus oparandi which makes them chief suspects.
@Sodladla u r wrng bru,ubukhosi bakwa Xesibe buse Mount Aylief kwa Xesibe/emaXesibeni kulapho uzofumana khona ubukumkani bamaxesibe.for yo info da r two houses if Xesibe 1 indlu Nkulunkulu, 2indlu endala.indlunkulu consist of two side Right n left side.pha ku right side of indlunkulu kuzqlwa uMganu,Sinama,Dohlanga,Ndi,Sthebe,Mayaba Gadi”jojos house” bese kuthi I left side yindlunkulu kuvele uMkhwenkwe.yiyo le indlunkulu “Greate house”,bese kuba yindlu endala “old house”ebizwa ngokuthi yiNsukangqangi, apho kuvela uNtozabantu yena ke owaba Nonyama ababini Right side uNzuza,left side uMbathane..kuNzuza kuvela uMiyana,uBhimbi, uNondzaba,Jokazi Bhelesi,,Mgududzeli,kumgududzeli kuvele uMatshomela”right side” owazala uMthwa.kwi left side kuvele USodladla owazala uSangqu.@1st indlu ka Ntozabantu settled @ Libide,Mthatha n Mqanduli region n nt as indlunkulu bt perhaps dey hv established ubukhosi babo there since dey did nt reside with da famous King of da Xesibes king Jojo.same applies to da house of Sodladla descendent of Mgududzeli of Nondzaba of Ntozabantu who resided in kwa Bhaca eMabhobho area established a chieftancy of xesibes under Bhaca kingdom.da r Xesibe who reside in Mpondoland under Mpondo kingdom of Jojo ababizwa ngo Gadi and kube kho ooXesibe dt resided with Thembus eCacadu and eNgcobo ooMkhuma,Mbathane,Qwathi,Blangwe ngeziduko zabo,sam r in Mthatha,Tsolo,queenstwn,,Mount frere,mzimkulu.bt to put it clear even chief Yagqum ingonyama Sodladla frm kwa Bhaca knew dt his roots r in Mount aylief,even ooGadi in Mpondoland know dt dey run away frm their home land to settle with Mpondos n dt in their veins run da blood frm da royal house of Jojo.ndizoma apha -Themba Mjoli it’s people lyk u who confuses other tribes about bhacas,1st yes I agree dt u trace yo biological geonology frm Zulu through Lufulwenja”Didi”btl u mst b clear uma uthi ungumzulu n ngayiphi indlela coz Zulu is used as igama lomndeni”surname” and igama lobuzwe”tribe name ” for people who r a blood line of Ndaba ka Mageba who their clan name” igama lenhlanga yakwabo nguSthuli sika Ndaba/Dlungwane ka Ndaba” da house of Shaka.on da other hand da house of Madzikane uses Zulu as a clan name” igama lenhlanga yakwabo”bt nt as igama lobuzwe babo”tribe name” instance dey Bhaca as a tribe name and dey hv different surnames”amagama womndeni ahlukeni”,so kwa Bhaca dey hv adopted da norm of iziduko wer by Zulu kwa Bhaca dsnt describe ubuzwe bt a clan name.so dts y dey caled by da clan name of ooZulu,Didi ka Wabane”igama lenhlanga yakwabo/sduko/sthakazelo.on da other hand yo people r ooWushe ngegama lenhlanga bt Bhacas ngobuzwe”Tribe” dts y yo house is under da house of uBhaca Madzikane as a royal house.nw I c ukuthi niphithaniswa yilento new democracy wer by people lyk to claim independency.da kingdom of Bhaca is independent frm a long time Bhacas wer never under Zulu”tribe” bt remained independent da fact Zwelithini Zulu goes to kwa Bhaca to attend ceremonies dsnt mean dt Bhacas r under Zulus after dis people differ only by Tribe names dda other uses Zulu as a clan name n da other uses Zulu as a tribe name so dey r only related by da name Zulu no 1is greater than da other.dis is da same as wen abaThembu clan frm eMsinga who r using da surname”igama lenhlanga yakwabo uMvelase” who r Zulus by Tribe”ngobuzwe” pays a visit to abaThembu by Tribe in Eastern cape who r Ngubengcuka,Madiba,ect by clan name with different surnames lyk Dalindyebo,Mandela,Mathanzima.dt dsnt nt mean dt dowz that r in EC r under those dat r in Kzn eMsinga vise vesa.so wena uma uthi ungumzulu perhaps uzalwa wukuthi uhlala emzimkhulu or eXopo so regard yo self as a zulu.u r wrng Bhacas r Jst Bhacas Wether dey speak Zulu or Xhosa.dts even Zolule Mthsali calls himself iChwane le Bhaca hhayi elommZulu or e lo mxhosa or elomswazi.nam I trace my biological geonology frm Xesibe Njanye ka Sibiside esimajembelezaba,sibiside esimaphandla esaphandla abeNguni bavungama.Sibiside wakwa Mkhize uMbo umbulazi bt dis dsnt mean dt m a Mbo.no saphuma apho sabanguxesibe.I use dis to explain my self bt I dnt call myself uMbo/umumbo.same applies to u Mjoli u r Wushe by clan name Bhaca by tribe unfortunately for u only two houses retained da name Zulu. 1st house of Ndaba ka Mageba and da house of Didi ka Mageba.da house of Wushe ka Mageba don’t keep da clan name of Mageba n Zulu..so u cn speak Zulu or speak Xhosa bt u r nt dt,u r Bhaca.well I wll nt force u to beliv dt u r zulu,same applies to Bhacas u speak xhosa and regard themselves as xhosa I won’t force u if u say so bt knw dt u hv a right to choose n also freedom of speech.as long as u r Bhaca Xhosa/Zulu speaking ungowakuthi in da name of Bhaca ngiyakuthanda u r my tribe
about this item: university of kwazulu--natal press, south africa, 2017. paperback. condition: new. translation, new. language: english . brand new book. mazisi kunene is the much--celebrated author of epics, such as emperor shaka the great (unodumehlezi kamenzi) and anthem of the decades (inhlokomo yeminyaka), as well as numerous poems, short stories, nursery rhymes and proverbs that amount to a collection of more than 10 000 works.he was born in amahlongwa in 1930, a small rural village on the south coast of kwazulu--natal in south africa. notwithstanding his cultural duties as a young man born into zulu tradition, his calling as an imbongi was taken very seriously by his father and grandfather who encouraged him to write. professor kunene described this `calling to write as `something [that] is not me, it is the power that rides me like a horse . kunene lectured widely and was professor in african literature at stanford university and in african literature and languages at the university of california, los angeles. on his return to south africa, he was professor in african languages at the university of kwazulu--natal. he went into exile in the 1960s for more than 34 years, during which time he established and managed the african national congress office in london and later moved to los angeles with his family to pursue his academic career. in unodumehlezi kamenzi (emperor shaka the great), which he wrote during this exile period, he positions shaka as a legendary thinker, who had great skill as a strategic and military genius. this vision acknowledges and re--imagines shaka as a unifying cultural and political force that defined the cohesive zulu nation. kunene projects shaka into the mythical ancestral universe that affirms the deep cultural lineage of the african world view. this reprinted english edition is published with the isizulu edition on the tenth anniversary of his death, embracing kunene s original dream to have his work published as intended in the original isizulu form. the symbolic and cultural significance of these publications begins a process of re--evaluating and recontextualising kunene s writing oeuvre. seller inventory # aac9781869143152
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Ngiphatheke kahle kakhulu kanti nemali ingconywana. Wayevele engifuna, kodwa ngambhebha engazelele, ngambona ukuthi uyethuka sengimgibela ngomthondo sekusha isende. English And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart. Uhlezi engipha imali enkulu. Hhayi, ngiyavalelisa ke manje. . Umyeni wakhe sasazi-ke ukuthi vele usenomunye umfazi ahlala naye. Empangeni umgosi chat online ingquza Mzansi News! | Just Curious. Wayemuhle impela kodwa futhi wayeshiswa ilona igazi elishisayo lomuntu wesimame. Akekho umuntu wesifazane owayehlupha njengomfazi ka Mlaba. Ngimqabuza emlonyeni bese ngihlala eceleni kwakhe. Umfazi womuntu 2. Tensia Savage 967,575 views G: A: 22 Feb 2017 Mmmmm umfazi weBoss yami ungicela ukuthi ngimshayelele imoto olimele ngiwubeke ehlombe ngambhebha strong ngithe ngimuzwa 2019 ngambhebha umfazi womunt -iSaturday ngibhorekele ngthole icall komunye wabalandeli be-page athi uchazwa itory zam mangithi ngyezwa izwi Jobs 1 - 10 of 9596 Lasuka la Ngambhebha Umfazi Womuntu 10 0 0. We provides Herbal health and beauty products made in USA. ngambhebha umfazi Igama lantwana uSbusiso so untwana i1st born Ka malume wam since Jobs 1 - 10 of 9596 Wangibhebha umfazi. Unomuzi omuhle, nezimoto ezimbili, phela wafelwa umfazi kwaphuma izimali. Below is a collection of all the stories. The home of Zulu sex stories. Some are in English. Since 1996 we have sought out women of excellence and experience to receive the rare distinction of being an Honorary Mother of KA. Mphathi nebandla ngicela ungifihla bese uposter ngubhuti osekhulile yazi usuke ungabazi ubumnandi besex uma ungakaze ubhebhe umfazi womuntu ekhulelwe sihlala emqashweni nolosisi kuhlukene amaroom ukhulelwe kodwa indoda yakhe angikaze ngibone mina ngihlala ngedwa akeve engiqhanyelisa uma ngimbuka useyacwebezela uma ubuka umlomo wakhe namabele uma ehamba sengathi uyagxamalaza namhlanje abantu 50 videos Play all Mix - Isibumbu, umthondo YouTube Laze labanda ipipi le straight saze sabhora nasi istraight - Duration: 3:47. The DIARY Of Umzalwane Ombaxas main objective is to share IZINTO EZIQHUBEKAYO when you DECEIVE God Almighty and THEE other things other MAN OF THEE Pulpit do in the closet, bengabonwa! Indlela Yokuqhubana Nabazali Bomyeni Okanye Umfazi Wakho UJenny * uthi: Umama kaRyan wayengayifihli indlela awayengandithandi ngayo. sthegp1 Umfazi oshadiwe avakashele umngane lapha emaZulwini emome la!wehlulwe yini ukuzolala endlini. Yena uMr George una 38 years. Kwazakala ngaye esebeka ithanga lakhe phezu kwela Mlaba kwasho kona phela ukuthi no mfoka Ximba ulele phezu kwamasu ka Nogwaja. Kodwa angeke usho ukuthi ngisebenzela Ngambhebha ngavele ngaygaxa emahlombe ngasho ngo long wami! Uyakhala loyamuntu uma ebhejwa, ngathi ngsusa umlenze ngathi akaphenduke ave ngizthande i dog style enqeni engakanani ay ngyinki ngamhlaba ngamuzwa engphathaza ngezandla engangtholi, washo yena wathy uyachama futh lapho nghle kancane ngambhebha waze wathi asphume ngathi ngeke ngaka . Indlela Yokuqhubana Nabazali Bomyeni Okanye Umfazi Wakho UJenny * uthi: Umama kaRyan wayengayifihli indlela awayengandithandi ngayo. uMr George uthi uzongishada umasengino18 years, khona ezongibhebhisisa kahle. Ungikhonzele ku Antiza. Kodwa ke nabazali bam babenjalo kuRyan. Meskipun, ini bergantung juga dengan cara pandang Anda karena bisa saja orang tua itu sedang memiliki hari yang menyenangkan sehingga tak peduli dengan sekelilingnya. 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Buka nje lo nkosikazi kade elele no Tiger ubusuku bonke uyaphinda futhi manje Umfazi Kabasi wami Sekuphele 5 months ngisebenza estolo sika babKhumalo. Ngisayobhejwa manje, usehambile uMah!!! Ngiyamuthanda uMr George. Kuthe nje ebsuku sesidakiwe sonke impela umfazi kamfwethu anyamalale kanye nomunye umngani kabafo uMduduzi, ngemuva nje kweskhathi uMduduzi aqhamuke epassage elivela emakamereni ehamba yedwa. Tensia Savage 967,575 views Mphathi nebandla ngicela ungifihla bese uposter ngubhuti osekhulile yazi usuke ungabazi ubumnandi besex uma ungakaze ubhebhe umfazi womuntu ekhulelwe sihlala emqashweni nolosisi kuhlukene amaroom ukhulelwe kodwa indoda yakhe angikaze ngibone mina ngihlala ngedwa akeve engiqhanyelisa uma ngimbuka useyacwebezela uma ubuka umlomo wakhe namabele uma ehamba sengathi uyagxamalaza namhlanje abantu Read the wildest and naughtiest to get wet. Thenjiwe 50 videos Play all Mix - Isibumbu, umthondo YouTube Laze labanda ipipi le straight saze sabhora nasi istraight - Duration: 3:47. “Ndakubaxelela ukuba kange ndiwele neziko eli mna,” D: Awuke wandlala ithawula waginqika ngomqolo ngashona khona ngobuso ngalikhotha igolo sengathi ngyafa indlala, ngamdunusiza ngawbusheka nge doggy style wakhala umfazi ngamdudula rough and hard waqina umzimba wangqangqazela umfazi wachama maye uyiloluhlobo oluchama lu squirte ngimfende kakhulu aphinde asquirte ephindelela. Stories. Ngamubhebha umamncane umfazi kababa omncane Mina ngineminyaka engu 24 umamncane uMandlovu uneminyaka engu48 . Thenjiwe SN 18 Only. Ngabanjwa ngibhebha umfazi kamfwethu Ngivakashele umfwethu lana nomfazi wakhe,siyaphuza sonke layndlini kumandi khona nabanye abangani bakhe. Ngomunye unyaka, umngane wami uThembi, washonelwa umyeni wakhe. Sadla kamnandi, ngathi ngimrobha Umendo wami. Please feel free to tell me what will make you come back. Waze wahlambuluka ukuthi ngimbhebhe ngenhlanhla wayethi ufuna ukungiqhanyeliswa nje kuphela kanti wayehambe wrong, zasezigawulwe zabekwa. There are also discussion topics related to love, sexuality and sexual health. believe in the importance of celebrating and learning from our elders. Ulokhu entanta indlu yonke uMaDlamini udlala unembeza, nokuzisola ngolubhebhisa uSizwe. Ubaba omncane usebenza egoli and uvame ukubuya ngama Easter nango Khisimuzi. Wabhebheka uAnti oklinayo Njalo Jobs 1 - 10 of 9596 Namhlanje isoka lakhe Ngisho ngibe nginswininiza kakhulu ngizwa ngambhebha umfazi kamfwethu. Uyishayelani lengane isecane wemfazi Omdala? / (why are you beating that small child, old woman?) / Ngizokhulula, ngizokhulula wena Comments about this video: Hair Regrowth Treatment Provillus - October 09, 2017 November 10, 2017 Ngibhebhe umama omdala u anti Ngambhebha umamncane wami 10 untuk wami Ngambhebha umisi wadlala ngomthondo. Find on-line health supplements and herbal beauty discount products here. Lapho uZondi ulele obudala ubuthongo njengoba esebenz ebusuku nje, ntambama amvuse ukuze ageze alungele ukuya emsebenzini. Nanko umfazi emkhawulela, Enengubo yehenyukazi, enentliziyo enobuqhetseba. Lyrics to Umfazi Omdala by Johnny Clegg & Juluka. Ubenengxoxo no Mbali Ncanana, obelekelelwa ngu Nkanyiso Dlamini, ngomhla 2 kuMfumfu 2013. of 9596 Ngambhebha umama omdala Waze wangibhebha wase ethi Bhuti : Waze wamuhle sisi “Uzawudliwa wena ukuba ufunyenwe uvalele umfazi womntu endlwini yakho,” watsho uNokwanda. Kwadingeka ukuthi uThembi ayohlala emakhandleleni njengoba naye kungumyeni wakhe. This is a short drama produced by Nhlanhla Mthimkhulu of the Durban University of Technology
Ngokuqinisekile unekhanda lakho ligcwele ukungabaza othandweni, noma udinga ukwazi ukuthi ikusasa lithini emsebenzini wakho, wazi ukuthi kuyoba yini impilo yakho ezinyangeni naseminyaka elandelayo, ukwazi ukuthi umndeni uyohlala uhlala kahle yini, uma kwenzeka izingozi ezithombeni zakho umndeni noma cha, uma umlingani wakho ekuthanda noma ekukopela. Jifunze kuboresha au kurejesha mahusiano na inaelezea haya urafiki. Na hata kwa hilo ishara zingine zodiac una sambamba zaidi au kinyume. Kwa njia ya imani, ninyi nyote mmekuwa watoto wa Mungu katika kuungana na Kristo. Abantu abaningi kunzima ukukholelwa ukuthi umuntu angabonisana ngempela nge ucingo lwefoni, ucabangela ibanga, indiza ye-astral ayifuni ibanga, izinga lokushisa noma isikhathi, amandla kuphela njengabantu kodwa njalo ehamba ngokunyakaza nokuziphendukela kwemvelo.
Song Writer(s): Bryant, Deanna, Newfield, Heidi, Smith, Publisher: RAINY GRAHAM PUBLISHING LLC, SOULJET MUSIC, Oh, there's somethin’ 'bout a man in blackMakes me wanna buy a CadillacThrow the top backAnd roll down to Jackson townI wanna be there on the stage with youYou and I could be the next rage toHear the crowd roar, make 'em want moreAnd the kick the footlights outI wanna love like Johnny and JuneRings of fire burnin' with youI wanna walk the line, walk the lineTill the end of timeI wanna love, love ya that muchCash it all in, give it all upAnd when you're gone I wanna go tooLike Johnny and JuneI wanna hold you baby, right or wrongBuild a world around a country songPray a sweet prayer, follow you thereDown in historyI wanna love like Johnny and JuneRings of fire burnin' with youI wanna walk the line, walk the lineTill the end of timeI wanna love, love ya that muchCash it all in, give it all upWhen you're gone I wanna go tooLike Johnny and June, like Johnny and JuneMore than life itself, no one elseThis endless promiseThey don't make love like that anymoreIs that too much to be askin' for?I wanna love like Johnny and JuneRings of fire burnin' with youI wanna walk the line, walk the lineTill the end of timeI wanna love, love ya that muchCash it all in, give it all upWhen you're gone I wanna go tooLike Johnny and June, like Johnny and JuneAnd when we're gone there'll be no tears to cryOnly memories of our livesThey'll remember, rememberA love like that
The nest is usually built by both sexes, and rarely a group of up to seven birds, with construction taking anything from 40-43 days to several months. It consists of a uniquely-shaped, large pile of material with an interior chamber and entrance low down on the side. At first, a supporting structure of sticks similar to an inverted pyramid is laid down. The walls are then built by interlocking twigs and finally the whole structure is covered with stalks, sticks, reeds, grass and twigs, while it often decorates it with a variety of both natural and man-made materials, including cardboard, plastic, leaves, bark, aloe stems and stones and wool. It is typically placed in a tree over or next to water.
msnbc’s mara schiavocampo began her interview of israeli ambassador michael oren straightforwardly enough, asking “what would be the trigger for a ground operation? what’s the red line here?” oren answered, “you have the equivalent of what would be about 170 million americans under bomb shelters. if hamas continues to escalate we will take the necessary and legitimate measures to defend our citizens.” schiavocampo’s second question might be considered more controversial.she asked: “living under the threat of rocket attack is certainly a psychological trauma. but what would you say to those who argue that the rockets are essentially very ineffective, they rarely do damage and that the response from israelis is disproportional to the threat they’re under.” schiavocampo then posited that because the number of rocket attacks on israel has dramatically increased since 2009, israel’s policy has been a “failure.” by way of comparison, she did not attribute the increase in attacks to other possibilities including: hamas feeling more emboldened since its ideological ally, the muslim brotherhood, took control of next--door egypt or that its ties have only grown stronger with iran, which provides its long--range fajr--5 missiles. to conclude, schiavocampo asked: “the people of gaza say they’ve been under constant siege from israeli forces from the air and from the sea. and gaza, as you know, is one of the most densely populated places in the world. so how does israel justify its use of military force in such a crowded urban environment?”
it is not hard to imagine the conditions that demand the writing of a book such as policing the black man. throughout history there have been very few countries that have demonstrated their disdain for black people as much as the united states of america. the country boasts of freedom but still subjects black people to the same horrors that they were subjected to centuries ago during slavery. a country whose relation with black people confirms that there is no ‘post--racial’ paradigm, black is still synonymous to slave.[1]weier, s. (2014). consider afro--pessimism. amerikastudien / american studies, 59(3), 419--433 at 420. actually if you are black you do not have to do any imagining at all, play on the street, drag your feet, or dance with your kids and you might be reminded that your mere existence is still a crime.[2]davis, a. (ed.). (2018). policing the black man : arrest, prosecution, and imprisonment, introduction by angela davis. the deaths of micheal brown, eric garner or trayvon martin bear witness to the fact that in america black people do not need to transgress or violate any social code for them to be punished.[3] wilderson, f. (2003). the prison slave as hegemony’s (silent) scandal. social justice, 30(2 (92, 18--27 at p25)) to be black is an imminent threat warranting defense, a defense whose proportion need not be measured and thought about. to see a negro moving justifies shooting the negro, to be a negro is to anticipate bullets, prison, sentence, and a penance for being born in a skin so wrong. policing the black man is an attempt to highlight these realities by looking at the ways in which the black man is affected by the criminal justice system from the moment of encounter with the police all the way to sentencing.[4]b stevenson (2017) a presumption of guilt: the legacy of america’s history of racial injustice a davis (ed), policing the black man at pg 4.
amashayina awakaze akholelwe kunkulunkulu futhi awakaze asebenzele ujehova, awakaze asebenzele ujesu. akwenzayo nje yi--kowtow, ukushisa impepho, ashise iphepha le--joss, adumise u--buddha. adumisa izithixo nje—onke ahlubukile ukufikela ezingeni eliphakeme, ngakho izikhundla zabantu eziphansi, zikhombisa kakhulu ukuthi lokho unkulunkulu akuzuzayo kinina kuyinkazimulo engaphezulu. ngokucabanga kwabanye abantu, bangathi: “nkulunkulu, wenza msebenzi muni? wena, nkulunkulu ophakeme kangaka, unkulunkulu ongcwele kangaka, weza ezweni elingcolile? uzicabangela phansi kangako? singcolile, kodwa uzimisele ukuba nathi? uzimisele ukuhlala phakathi kwethu? singabezikhundla eziphansi, kodwa uzimisele ukusenza abaphelele? futhi ungasisebenzisa njengezibonelo nezifanekiso?” ngithi: awuyiqondi intando yami! awuwuqondi umsebenzi engifuna ukuwenza futhi nesimo sami awusiqondi. ngeke ukwazi ukufinyelela ukubaluleka komsebnzi engizowenza. ngabe umsebenzi wami ungavumelana nemicabango yabantu? ngokwemicabango yabantu, ngingafanela ukuzalwa ezweni elihle ukukhombisa ukuthi ngingowesimo esiphakeme, ukukhombisa ukuthi ngingofaneleke kakhulu, nokukhombisa ukuhlonipheka, ubungcwele nobukhulu bami. uma ngangizalelwe endaweni engivumayo, emndenini ophezulu, uma ngabe bengingowesikhundla nesimo esiphezulu, bengizophathwa kahle kakhulu. lokho bekungeke kube nosizo emsebenzini wami, ngakho ngabe insindiso enkulu kangaka ingakwazi ukuba iqhubeke yembulwe? bonke labo abangibonayo bebezongilalela, angeke bebengezungcoliseke ngokungcola. ngabe ngazalelwa kule nhlobo yendawo. yilokhu nina enikukholelwayo. kodwa ake ucabange ngayo: ngabe unkulunkulu wezela intokozo emhlabeni, noma wezela umsebenzi? uma ngabe bengisebenza kuleyo ndawo ethulile futhi ethokomele, bengizoyizuza inkazimulo yami ephelele? bengizokwazi ukunqoba yonke indalo yami? ngenkathi unkulunkulu eza emhlabeni ubengeyena owomhlaba futhi akazange abe senyameni ukuze athokozele umhlaba. indawo lapho ukusebenza bekungembula kahle isimilo sakhe sibe ngesinomqondo kakhulu yindawo lapho azalelwa khona. noma ngabe kwabe kuyilizwe elingcwele noma elingcolile, futhi kungenandaba nokuthi usebenza kuphi, ungcwele. yonke into emhlabeni yadalwa nguyena; ukuthi nje yonke into yoniwe ngusathane. noma kunjalo, zonke izinto; zonke zisezandleni zakhe. ukuza kwakhe ukuzosebenza ezweni elingcolile ukwembula ubungcwele bakhe; lokhu ukwenzela umsebenzi wakhe, okusho ukuthi, ubekezelela ukuthobeka okukhulu ukusebenza ngale ndlela ukuze asindise abantu baleli zwe elingcolile. lokhu kwenzelwe ufakazi futhi okwaso sonke isintu. okuvunyelwa yilolu hlobo lomsebenzi ukuthi abantu bakubone ukulunga kukankulunkulu, futhi kukwazi kakhulu ukuveza ubukhosi bukankulunkulu. ubukhulu nobuqotho bukhonjiswa ngensindiso yeqembu labantu abaphansi okungekho muntu ocabanga ngalo. ukuzalelwa ezweni elingcolile akubona nakanye ubufakazi bokuthi uphansi; kuvumela nje yonke indalo ukubona ubukhulu nothando lwakhe lweqiniso esintwini. uma elokhu enza ngale ndlela kwembuleka uthando lwakhe olumsulwa kumuntu, uthando lwakhe olungenasici. unkulunkulu ungcwele futhi ulungile. yize ayezalelwe ezweni elingcolile, noma ehlala nalabo bantu abagcwele ukungcola, njengoba ujesu wahlala nezoni enkathini yomusa, akuwona wonke umsebenzi wakhe owenzelwe ukusinda kwaso sonke isintu? akukona na ukuthi sonke isintu sizuze insindiso enkulu? eminyakeni eyizinkulungwane ezimbili edlule wayehlala nezoni iminyaka eminingi. lokho kwakwenzelwa ukuhlengwa. namuhla uhlala neqembu labantu abangcolile nabaphansi. lokhu kungenxa yosindiso. akukona ukuthi wonke umsebenzi wakhe wenzelwe nina, nina bantu? uma ngabe bekungekona ukusindisa isintu, kungani waphila wahlupheka nezoni iminyaka eminingi kangaka emva kokuzalelwa emkhombeni? uma ngabe bekungekona ukusindisa isintu, kungani ezobuyela enyameni ihlandla lesibili, azalelwe kuleli zwe lapho amadimoni ebuthana khona, ahlale nalaba bantu aboniwe kakhulu ngusathane? ngabe unkulunkulu akathembekile? nhloboni yomsebenzi wakhe obungewona owesintu? nhloboni ebingeyona yalokho omiselwe khona? unkulunkulu ungcwele! lokhu akuguquki. akangcoliswa ukungcola, yize eze ezweni elingcolile; konke lokhu kuchaza ukuthi uthando lukankulunkulu esintwini luyazidela, ukuhlupheka nokuthobeka akubekezelela kukhulu! kinina nonke, nakulokho enimiselwe khona, uhlupheka ngokuthotshiswa okukhulu. anikwazi lokho? akabasindisi abantu abakhulu noma amadodana emindeni eyizicebi nenamandla, kodwa usindisa ngokukhethekile labo abaphansi nababukelwa phansi ngabanye. ngabe konke lokhu akubona ubungcwele bakhe? ngabe konke lokhu akukona ukulunga kwakhe? kungcono ukuba azalwe ezweni elingcolile adlule kukho konke ukuthotshiswa ngenxa yokusinda kwesintu sonke. unkulunkulu uyiqiniso ngempela—akawenzi umsebenzi ongelona iqiniso. akwenzekanga ezigabeni zonke zomsebenzi wakhe ngempela? nakuba bonke abantu bemnyundela bethi uhlala etafuleni nezoni, noma bonke abantu behlekisa ngaye bethi uhlala namadodana okungcola, nabantu abaphansi kakhulu, usazinikela ngokuzidela, futhi usanqatshwa ngale ndlela phakathi kwabantu. ukuhlupheka akubekezelela akukukhulu kunokwakho? umsebenzi wakhe awumkhulu kunenani olikhokhile? uzalelwe ezweni elingcolile kodwa uzuze ubungcwele bukankulunkulu. uzalelwe ezweni lapho amadimoni ebuthana khona kodwa uthole ukuvikelwa okukhulu. unakuphi ukuzikhethela? unakuphi ukukhononda? ukuhlupheka akubekezelela akukukhulu kunalokho wena okubekezelele? uze emhlabeni kodwa azange athokozele intokozo yomhlaba wabantu. uyazenyanya lezo zinto. unkulunkulu akezelanga emhlabeni ukuhlomula ngezinto ezibonakalayo ezivela kumuntu, noma kona ukuthokozela izinto ezinhle ezidliwa yisintu, ukwembatha nokuyenga. akazinaki lezi zinto; uze emhlabeni ukuzohluphekela umuntu, hhayi ukuthokozela izinto ezinhle zasemhlabeni. uzele ukuhlupheka, uzele ukusebenza nokuqedela icebo lakhe lokuphatha. azange akhethe indawo enhle, ahlale njengenxusa noma ehhotela eliphezulu, noma abe nezisebenzi eziningi ukumenzela konke. kulokho okubonile, awazi ukuthi uzele ukuzosebenza na noma ukuzothokoza? awasebenzi amehlo akho? ukuphe kangakanani? uma ngabe wayezalelwe endaweni ethokomele ubezokwazi ukuzuza inkazimulo? ubezokwazi ukusebenza? bekuzobaluleka lokho? ubezokwazi ukunqoba isintu ngokuphelele? ubezokwazi ukusindisa abantu ezweni elingcolile? ngokwemicabango yabantu, njengoba unkulunkulu engcwele, kungani azalelwa endaweni engcole kangaka? “uyasizonda futhi uyasenyanya thina bantu abangcolile; wenyanya ukwenqaba nokuhlubuka kwethu, manje kungani uhlala nathi? ungunkulunkulu omkhulu—ubungezalwe noma yikuphi, kodwa kwafanela ukuba uzalwe kuleli zwe elingcolile? uyasisola futhi uyasihlulela nsuku zonke futhi wazi kahle ukuthi siyisizukulwana sikamowabi, kungani pho usahlala phakathi kwethu? kungani wazalwa emndenini wesizukulwana sikamowabi? ukwenzeleni lokho?” lokhu kuqonda kwenu akunaso isizathu! yilolu hlobo nje lomsebenzi oluvumela abantu ukuba babone ubukhulu bakhe, ukuthobeka nokuzifihla kwakhe. uzimisele ukudela konke ngenxa yomsebenzi wakhe, futhi ubekezelele konke ukuhlupheka ngomsebenzi wakhe. ukwenzela isintu, nangaphezu kwalokho ukunqoba usathane ukuze zonke izidalwa zithobe ngaphansi kombuso wakhe. yilo msebenzi kuphela oletha umqondo nobalulekile. uma ngabe isizukulwana sikajakobe sabe sizalelwe eshayina, kule siqeshana sezwe, futhi besiyini nonke, bekuzoba yini ukubaluleka komsebenzi owenziwe kinina? ubezothini usathane? usathane ubezothi: “babekusaba, kodwa akekho owakudlulisela kwabanye isikhathi eside. noma kunjalo, okhokho babo bebekusaba; bebekulalela ukusuka ekuqaleni futhi abanamlando wokukukhaphela. ukuthi nje emva kwesikhathi lokho akuzange kusadluliselwa kwabalandelayo. akusona isintu esimnyama kakhulu, esiphansi kakhulu noma esisemuva kakhulu. bakwamukela ukusuka ekuqaleni. akukho okubalulekile ekwenzeni lokho ngaleyo ndlela! uma ngabe ngempela kwenziwa ngale ndlela, ubani ozokweneliseka ngalo msebenzi?” kuwo wonke umhlaba, amashayina asemuva ukwedlula bonke abantu. azalwe esimweni esiphansi, ngokwethembeka okuphansi, ayiziduphunga futhi andikindiki, anobufokazana nokuhlehlela emuva. angene shi esimilweni sikasathane, esingcolile nesinokungabi namahloni. ninakho konke lokhu. maye ngalezi zimilo ezikhohlakele, emva kokuthi lo msebenzi uqedwe abantu bazobalahla bazokwazi ukulalela ngokuphelele benziwe baphelele. izithelo ezivela kulolu hlobo lomsebenzi kuphela ezibizwa ngobufakazi phakathi kwendalo! ngabe uyakuqonda okubizwa ngobufakazi? kufanele buthwalwe kanjani ubufakazi empeleni? le nhlobo yomsebenzi inenze nayizithiyo nezinto ezikhonzayo, ngaphezu kwalokho seniphenduke izinto zensindiso. namuhla ningabantu bakankulunkulu kanti kamuva nizoba yizibonelo nezifanekiso. kulo msebenzi, nizobhekana nezindima ezihlukene, ekugcineni nizoba yizinto zosindiso. abantu abaningi banokuphikisa ngenxa yalokhu, ngabe abazona izimpumputhe ngokuphelele? anikwazi ukubona noma yini ngokucacile! lesi sihloko nje siniqeda amandla. ngabe niyakuzwa okushiwo ngesimilo sokulunga sikankulunkulu. niyakuqonda ukuthi ukusindiswa kuyini. ngabe niyaluqonda ukuthi luyini uthando lukankulunkulu? anithembekile! uma nibona sihloko esihle niyajabula. uma ningasiboni isihloko esihle awuzimiseli futhi uyahlehla. uyini wena? awuyilandeli indlela yeqiniso. kungcono uyeke ukufuna njengamanje. yihlazo! into encane kangaka ikuqeda amandla. ngabe lokhu akulona uphawu lwehlazo?
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Ezekiel 30:1 And the word of Yahweh came unto me, saying: Ezekiel 30:2 Son of man, Prophesy, and thou shalt say, Thus, saith My Lord, Yahweh,—Howl ye, Alas for the day! Ezekiel 30:3 For, near, is a day, Yea, near, is a day pertaining to Yahweh, A day of cloud, A time of nations, shall it be! Ezekiel 30:4 Then shall come a sword into Egypt, And there shall be a pang in Ethiopia, When the deadly wounded one falleth in Egypt,—And they take away her multitude, and, her foundations, are broken down. Ezekiel 30:5 Ethiopia and Libya and Lydia, and all the mixed multitude and Cub, and the sons of the land of the covenant, with them—by the sword, shall they fall. Ezekiel 30:6 Thus, saith Yahweh, Then shall fall, the supporters of Egypt, Then shall come down, the pride of her strength,—From Migdol to Seweneh, by the sword, shall they fall therein, Declareth My Lord, Yahweh. Ezekiel 30:7 So shall they be made desolate in the midst of lands that are desolate,—And, his cities—in the midst of cities that are laid waste, shall be found. Ezekiel 30:8 So shall they know, that, I, am Yahweh,—By my setting a fire in Egypt, When all her helpers, shall be broken. Ezekiel 30:9 In that day, shall messengers go forth from before me, making haste, to cause dread unto Ethiopia so confident,—And a pang shall be upon them, in the day of Egypt, For lo! it cometh. Ezekiel 30:10 Thus, saith My Lord, Yahweh,—Therefore will I cause to cease, the multitude of Egypt, by the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon. Ezekiel 30:11 He, and his people with him, the terrible ones of the nations, are about to be brought in to destroy the land,—Therefore shall they unsheathe their swords against Egypt, and fill the land with the slain; Ezekiel 30:12 And I will make the rivers dry, and will sell the land into the hand of wicked one,—and make the land desolate, with the fulness thereof, by the hand of foreigners, I, Yahweh, have spoken. Ezekiel 30:13 Thus, saith My Lord, Yahweh, Therefore will I destroy the manufactured gods, and, Cause to cease the worthless goals, out of Noph, And prince out of the land of Egypt, shall none arise any more,—And I will cause fear in the land of Egypt. Ezekiel 30:14 Then will I bring desolation upon Pathros, and, Set a fire in Zoan, and, Execute judgments upon No: and, Ezekiel 30:15 Pour out mine indignation upon Sin, the stronghold of Egypt, and, Will cut off the multitude of No. Ezekiel 30:16 So will I set a fire in Egypt, Sore anguish, shall take Sin, And, No, shall be for rending asunder, And, Noph, be in straits every day. Ezekiel 30:17 The young men of Aven and Pi-beseth, by the sword, shall fall; And lo! into captivity, shall they themselves wend their way. Ezekiel 30:18 And, in Tehaphnehes, hath the day become dark, Because I have broken, there, the yoke-bars of Egypt, And there shall be made to cease therein the pride of her strength,—She, a cloud, shall cover her! And, her daughters, into captivity, shall wend their way. Ezekiel 30:19 Thus will I execute judgments on Egypt; And they shall know, that, I, am Yahweh.
23. Lokho okufuneka kumuntu kulolu suku akufani nokwangezikhathi zangaphambili futhi akufani kakhulu nalokho okwakulindelwe kubantu ngeNkathi Yomthetho. Futhi yikuphi okwakudingeka kumuntu ngaphansi komthetho ngenkathi kwenziwa umsebenzi kwa-Israyeli? Akukho okwakulindeleke kubo ngaphandle kokugcina iSabatha kanye nemithetho kaJehova. Akekho okwakumele asebenze ngeSabatha noma aphule umthetho kaJehova. Kodwa akunjalo namuhla. NgeSabatha, abantu bayasebenza, baqoqane ndawonye bathandaze njengenjwayelo, futhi akukho mingcele ebekiwe. Labo ababeseNkathini Yomusa kwakumele babhapathizwe; kwakungagcini lapho, kwakuthiwa bazile ukudla, bahlephule isinkwa, baphuze iwayini, bamboze amakhanda abo futhi bageze izinyawo zabo. Manje, le miyalo isiqediwe futhi sekufuneka okuningi kumuntu, ngoba umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu uyaqhubeka ujula futhi ukungena komuntu kuya kukhula ngisho nakakhulu. Endulo, uJesu wayebeka izandla Zakhe kumuntu athandaze, kodwa ngoba manje zonke izinto sezishiwo sikuphi isidingo sokubeka izandla? Amazwi nje ewodwa angafeza okuningi. Kuqala lapho ebeka izandla kumuntu othile, kwakuwukubusisa nokuphulukisa umuntu. Yileyo ndlela uMoya oNgcwele owawusebenza ngayo ngaleso sikhathi kodwa manje akusenjalo. Manje uMoya oNgcwele usebenzisa amazwi emsebenzini Wakhe ukuze athole imiphumela. Usenze amazwi Akhe acaca kini futhi kumele nje niwasebenzise. Amazwi Akhe ayintando Yakhe futhi abonisa umsebenzi azowenza. Ngamazwi Akhe, ungayiqonda intando Yakhe nalokho akucela ukuba ukwenze. Uvele nje usebenzise amazwi Akhe ngaphandle kokubeka izandla. Abanye bangase bathi, “Beka izandla Zakho phezu kwami! Beka izandla Zakho phezu kwami ukuze ngithole isibusiso Sakho futhi ngihlanganyele Nawe.” Zonke lezi zindlela zokwenza seziphelelwe isikhathi futhi azisamukelekile ngoba inkathi isiguqukile. UMoya oNgcwele usebenza ngokuhambisana nenkathi, hhayi nje ngokuthanda noma ngemithetho ebekiwe. Inkathi isiguqukile futhi inkathi entsha kumele ifike nomsebenzi omusha. Lokhu kuyiqiniso ngazo zonke izigaba zomsebenzi futhi umsebenzi Wakhe awuphindwa nhlobo. ENkathini Yomusa, uJesu wenza umsebenzi omningi, njengomsebenzi wokuphulukisa, ukuxosha amadimoni, ukubeka izandla kubantu ngokubathandazela nokubabusisa. Nokho, ukuqhubeka nokwenza lowo msebenzi namuhla ngeke kusize ngalutho. UMoya oNgcwele wasebenza ngaleyo ndlela ngaleso sikhathi ngoba kwakuyiNkathi Yomusa futhi umuntu wayeboniswe umusa owanele ukuze ajabule. Akudingekanga ukuba umuntu akhokhe okuthile ukuze athole umusa, kuphela nje uma enokholo. Bonke babephathwe ngomusa. Manje inkathi isiguqukile futhi umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu usuqhubekele phambili; ngokusola nokwahlulela Kwakhe, ukuvukela komuntu nezinto ezingcolile kumuntu zizokhishelwa ngaphandle. Njengoba kwakunjalo ngesigaba sokukhululwa, uNkulunkulu kwadingeka ukuba enze umsebenzi onjalo, ebonisa abantu umusa owanele ukuba bajabule ngawo, ukuze akhulule umuntu esonweni, nangomusa wamxolela umuntu izono zakhe. Lesi sigaba senzelwe ukwambula ububi kumuntu ngokusola, ukwahlulela, ukushaya kwamagama ukuze ngemva kwalokho basindiswe. Lo msebenzi ujule kakhulu kunokukhulula isintu. NgeNkathi Yomusa, umuntu wathola umusa owanele futhi wayesewutholile kakade lo musa futhi awusakulungele ukuba utholwe ngabantu. Umsebenzi onjalo manje usuphelelwe yisikhathi futhi angeke usenziwa. Manje, umuntu usindiswa ngokwahlulelwa yizwi. Ngemva kokwahlulelwa, kokusolwa nangemva kokucwengwa komuntu, ubuntu bakhe buyaguquka. Ingabe lokhu akungenxa yamazwi engiwakhulumile? Isigaba ngasinye somsebenzi senziwe ngokuvumelana nokuthuthuka kwaso sonke isintu nenkathi. Wonke umsebenzi unokuthile kuwo okubalulekile; wenzelwa ukusindisa kokugcina, ukuze isintu sibe nekusasa elihle nokuthi ekugcineni umuntu ahlukaniseke ngokohlobo ayilo.
Engabe libangiswephi ensizweni yami madoda, kuze kungafi muntu lapho uyakhona Mageza, kwathi cosololo kimi umama engithakazela. Ngemva nje kwalokho, umama, u-Estelle, waqala ukufunda iBhayibheli noFakazi BakaJehova. uma ufuna ukuthola ukuthi ngihaya kuphi vakashela inkundla yabalandeli bami ku-facebook ethi: isishimane -imbongi yezishimane- the bachelors poet. Masinya ngathola umsebenzana neNkampani yezeMisebenzi yoMphakathi yaseIndiana. Ngakho-ke uMama Jumbo noGogo Mfene Omdala bashintshana. Kodwa-ke umndeni wami ulambile, angeke sabudla ubuhlalu. Ubaba wayelomzimba omncane kodwa wayeqinile, eyindoda ekhutheleyo njalo lathi wasifundisa ukuthi sikuthande ukusebenza. Wanquma ukuba angabe esasikhipha isisu. Kodwa mina nginopopo ababili nje, kepha wena unobuhlalu obuningi. 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Ndiphuphe ndihleli nesoka lam nosisi wam kwindlu yomfana lo into engaqhelekanga, ngoba sihleli nje kufike umama womntwana wakhe omdala ephethe usana, amawele. Suke wee naa izandla emacaleni kodwa esajonge phezulu. Besebethi kulokho ngendlela endala yesintu kwakusiba lamahlamvu okumele ugeze ngawo uwanikwa ngumuntu omdala ahlalise phansi umoya wona lowo okwehleleyo. Awulabhadi kodwa ulombono ngomsebenzi okwesabisa abaphambili kwakho emsebenzini. Ngashiyake inombolo yami engitholakala kuyo. Ubaba angizange ngimbone esesemutsha ngoba ngathi ngizalwa wayeseleminyaka engu-56, umama eleminyaka engu-35. Lanxa wayengelayo imali enengi wayesinakekela ngakho konke esikudingayo. Academia. Yena wabona kabi, ngoba akazanga ukuthi nabo abafazi abanye bayamkhokhela. Usane lolu lwabhubha mhlaka 12 Nhlolanja. Sbobet - Maxbet Divisi Resmi Indolucky7. Ngaze ngahamba ngeza empangeni silokhu sibhebhana nje masthola ithuba. 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Uke wema umama wabantu wajonga phezulu imizuzwana noko evisayo. Wayevele engifuna, kodwa ngambhebha engazelele, ngambona ukuthi uyethuka sengimgibela ngomthondo sekusha isende. Nembala emva kwezinsuku ezimbili ngipostile kufone usisi othile achaze uyitholephi i nombabyami yami and unesifiso sokufebela indoda yakhe emhlukumezayo. Jadwal Bola; Livescore; Home Search ngambhebha u anti wamiAngisoze ngakhohlwa ukuthi uBabayi omdala ozihluphekelayo noMama ukuthi bakhala kanjani emva komngcwabo. if ukhona o interested plz call/whatsapp on 062 Bradley Musa Nkosi Admin wam omuhle dont hide me ngthanda ukubonga ngokungipostela istory sam yestdae cha! Ngihleke ngaze ngacisha ukuzichamela izoloNgeke ngikhohlwe kodwa mhla ngizibusisa ngengqumunga yesibumbu sikaZethu. Wathi futhi ngithathela khatshana, yikho ngaphinda u gredi 3. NGAZALELWA esifundazweni saseQueensland, e-Australia, ngo-1955. Sikhule sisondelene kakhulu no Lerato u sisi wami omncane engimdlula ngo 2years ,Yena ke u Lerato ufike lapha e Kzn ezofunda u grade 1 mina bengifunda uAcademia. ngemuva kweminde iminyaka manje,ngaziswa ngiqhanyelela umshana wami kabi kabi,kwagcina ngakho futhi ukuthi sibhebhane. ukwanda kwaliwa umthakathi ngohlale ngibonge nginconcoza ngokungisekela kwenu. Wathi, ngesikhathi umama efika kuyena ngephupho, wamutshela ukuthi akazungena endlini ngoba akatshelwanga ukuthi angene. Ngathi uma ngiphuma egcekeni kwalilizele umama ongizalayo ngaze nganamahlonyana. Abantu bakhathesi bathanda ukulungisa lokukhungwa ikakhulu abakhulu bomsebenzi. Ngaze ngambuza ukuthi sisalindeni vele wena mntwana? Wahleka ngaleziyazinto zeWhatsapp uyazazi lawe eziyi yellow wathi kanti vele uleminyaka emingaki ngathi ngcono ngikhuphule kancane iminyaka yami Im 29 baby, uvalo lwangibulala, this is a make or break. Ngabhapathizwa ngo-1968 endaweni ecezile esemaphandleni Kulungile, kusho uMama Jumbo. Empangeni umgosi chat online ingquza Mzansi News! | Just Curious. Ngangikujabulela ukuhlala naye ngoba abangane bami abaningi babehlala ngalapho. Wayebambe labhotile yamanzi kunye ne mic kwelinye icala, esajonge phezulu, suke zazihlela iinyembezi, esazithe naa izandla inga kukho umntu ozakumnika ihug. Khona manjalo, kwedlula uKhwela ephethe zonke izinto zakhe ezinhle. Ubaba wazibulala. Njengoba nganginekhono elingokwemvelo, ngokushesha ngaqala ukuwina izindondo futhi nginconywa ngobuchwepheshe bami ebholeni likanobhutshuzwayo nasemidlalweni yokuzivocavoca. Waze wahlambuluka ukuthi ngimbhebhe ngenhlanhla wayethi ufuna ukungiqhanyeliswa nje kuphela kanti wayehambe wrong, zasezigawulwe zabekwa
“You have all seen Dwight Schar’s name on a lot of the property, a lot of the buildings here at Ashland. I don’t know how many of you know Dwight’s story – it’s an extraordinary story. One of five children, raised in Jeromesville, Ohio, a single mom, was able to secure a janitor’s job at the A.L. Garber Co. working nights to support putting himself through college. He was married in college, had a baby, and became an educator. Needing to further supplement his income, he started to sell real estate at night and on the weekends. He fell in love
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121ngaw tukuypal, ngay ngaw ngoenakapoengu awgadhaw doegamoenu muliz, nuydh kasa poeyban ngalpalpa nungu gudaz puydhay. matha ngoedhagidh kedha, ngitha nubepa poeyban gamu, a gamu zageth, a gamu ubilnga mura, awgadhoepa apapudhiz nungu ubilnga midh nanga. ina nabi zageth matha ngoedhagidh. 2nubi apaw goewaw mabaygaw pawa, ngidh senabi ngoedha thoeyay oesig gamu igililmaynu. lawnga mari igililmaynu nanga ngi ngaru awgadhaw ubilmaynu asin nubepa nginu ngoenakap wakay thoemamaypa sakariya thoeyaypa, a ubilnga sakariya thiyaypa, kalanu nginu thigi, a nginu wakay thoemam na kayn za aymiz. kedha ngoedhal za nanga ngibepa mura kakal aymoeyne awgadhaw ubilnga midh, a nginu mi yabugud nanga nubepa balbayginga gegeyadhoeginga.
mapula: ‘vagi’ kweyu migila. kwetala besa tuta wala isepulaki tomota metoya oraisi, sugwa, tia, kharekwa, pwaiki, o khena wa mani. makwena gala mokwita pela gala ipilasi valu o khena khaukweda mesinaku wala mwau isiseki valu pela paisewa isilibwadi. makwena yagala khomlagela e, gabena gala ibulami. kweyuwelaga, igau towotetila mokwita bisui okhabopaisewa, gala khala wasi besa tomota deli goli avela sala, e bipwetukuri mokwita kweutona projects, kharewaga e, bima pela valu komwedona, gala khatupotala wala khatuposula. gugwadi komwedona bipilasi, tubwa makhateki bipilasi. e makwena mokwita vagi. pakha deli khomlagela lagela wala bitamwau, gala khekwabula pela bita luluwai. makwa khabotota gala tuuyela, gala pakhala, mapela kilivila khala gulagula gala iboda bisuki. silovala wala leitourisa mwada yagala ‘politics’ taga besa ‘parochialism’-- tomota sikiduidai. nagowa, selu, mapela iboda bitasigisa -- mwadaga mokwita ipilasi wotetila deli valu khala mwau. iyokhopisi tomota bwena bidaderisi wala e, sipaisewaga irigewesa, gugwadi khasimwau okhoukweda. nayu tubukona olopola gala bagulakola e, avakha khalumapula? magigu tomota bimitalalasi, pirisi!
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The origins of Stonehenge as a prehistoric site go back to at least the 9th millennium BCE - the era of Mesolithic art - when the area was still wooded. A number of large Mesolithic postholes have been found, dating to 8000 BCE, all of which originally held pine uprights nearly 3-feet in diameter, similar to several others found in Scandinavia. Later, during the succeeding period of Neolithic art, a causewayed enclosure plus some 460 long barrow tombs were built in the locality, notably West Kennet long barrow (c.3600 BCE). The largest underground burial chamber in England, it was the scene of some 45 burials of important tribal figures over 24 generations. About 3500 BCE, a cursus was constructed half a mile north of the site, as part of a general clearance of the area.
glossolalia determines a convert’s adherence to the faith. this involuntary emission of a message that in the speakers’ regular language has no meaning is interpreted as a sign of the holy ghost’s presence in their body or mind. it distinguishes the faithful who have been “touched” from the rest of the congregation, left unvisited by the holy ghost. evidence of the holy ghost’s “presence” is judged by the apparent lack of meaning in the message, with reference to a nonlinguistic code. nonsense takes on a precise significance. it designates those among the faithful who are “different”: the elect, the saint, the saved, the body--tabernacle chosen to receive the holy ghost.
13 Ica butatu, abantu ba kwa Yehova balyumfwikishe ubucindami bwa kulenga ishina lya kwa Lesa ukuba ilya mushilo. Mu myaka yaba 1920, Abasambi ba Baibolo bailwike ukuti ukulenga ishina lya kwa Lesa ukuba ilya mushilo e cintu cacindama sana ico balingile ukucita. Bushe Icebo ca kwa Lesa casokolola shani ici cishinka icacindama sana? Natulande pa fya kumwenako fibili. Mulandu nshi uukalamba uo Lesa alubwilile abena Israele ukufuma ku Egupti? Yehova atile: “Pa kuti ishina lyandi lishibikwe mu calo conse.” (Ukufu. 9:16) Na kabili, mulandu nshi Yehova abelele abena Israele uluse ilyo bamupondokele? Yehova na kabili atile: “Nalicitilepo cimo pa kuti ishina lyandi liisaalulwa ku menso ya nko.” (Esek. 20:8-10) Finshi Abasambi ba Baibolo basambilileko kuli ili lembo na ku Malembo yambi?
DetailsGet it!On the Road: The Original Scroll (Penguin Classics) - Jack Kerouac Posted by jack23 at Oct. 11, 2010On the Road: The Original Scroll (Penguin Classics) - Jack KerouacPublisher: Penguin Audio; Unabridged edition (September 18, 2008) | Language: English | ISBN-10: 0143143794 | 638.06 MBNarrator: John Ventimiglia | m4a | Listening Length: 12 hour(s) and 46 min. | 7% RecoveryThough Jack Kerouac began thinking about the novel that was to become On the Road as early as 1947, it was not until three weeks in April 1951, in an apartment on West Twentieth Street in Manhattan, that he wrote the first full draft that was satisfactory to him. Typed out as one long, single-spaced paragraph on eight long sheets of tracing paper that he later taped together to form a 120-foot scroll, this document is among the most significant, celebrated, and provocative artifacts in contemporary American literary history. It represents the first full expression of Kerouac's revolutionary aesthetic, the identifiable point at which his thematic vision and narrative voice came together in a sustained burst of creative energy. It was also part of a wider vital experimentation in the American literary, musical, and visual arts in the post-World War II period. DetailsGet it!"Wake Up: A Life of the Buddha" by Jack Kerouac Posted by alexov85 at Sept. 11, 2009"Wake Up: A Life of the Buddha" by Jack Kerouac (Unabridged Edition) Audiobook | ISBN-10: 0670019577 | 2008 | English | MP3 (128 kb/s) | 365 MbAmerican Modern Prose / Beatnik / Buddhist FictionWake Up is Kerouac’s retelling of the story of Prince Siddhartha Gautama, who as a young man abandoned his wealthy family and comfortable home for a lifelong search for Enlightenment. As a compendium of the teachings of the Buddha, Wake Up is a profound meditation on the nature of life, desire, wisdom, and suffering. Distilled from a wide variety of canonical scriptures, Wake Up serves as both a concise primer on the concepts of Buddhism and as an insightful and deeply personal document of Kerouac’s evolving beliefs. It is the work of a devoted spiritual follower of the Buddha who also happened to be one of the twentieth century’s most influential novelists. Wake Up: A Life of the Buddha will be essential reading for the legions of Jack Kerouac fans and for anyone who is curious about the spiritual principles of one of the world’s great religions.
sitting down and doing nothing, we thought about things that we can do to keep healthy and busy. As one grows older, we are more prone to chronic diseases and we want to keep fit. “We do aerobics, swimming classes, fun walks and engage in different sporting codes such as soccer and running. Other than sports, we do beadwork, prayer days and share ideas on how we can curb societal problems that are affecting our communities. We also run a soup kitchen for the elderly on pay days.” She said they also participate in mayoral golden games, where they compete with senior citizens clubs from other areas. The group has also participated in the Truman Magubane fun walk, Dr N. Govender which was hosted and Associates last year. Greater Edendale athletics club secretary, Dumisani Shandu said that they are proud that the elderly are participating Tel: 033 342 2595 • Mon-Fri: 08h30 to 16h30 in sports. “They are setting • Sat: 08h30 to 13h00 a good example, Services Include: even to the young • False teeth • Gold, Silver, Zirconia caps ones, that it is impor• Wide range of tooth jewellery tant to keep a healthy • All conventional dentistry also done lifestlye.” • Children’s Dentist Senzokwethu senior citizens We accept the following cards: secretary Gabisile Mncube urged more men to be part of the club. For more information, contact Mncube at 072 806 Contracted to all medical aids 8257 STABLISHED last year, the club known as Senzokwethu senior citizens caters for the elderly from the age of 60 and upwards,andchargesamembershipfeeofR40 a year. Members meet four times a week to engage in sports, crafts and to talk about issues that affect their community. Speaking to Echo, group member Mummie Zondi said that the club is the brainchild of city mayor Chris Ndlela, to encourage the elderly to live healthy lifestyles. “As most of us are pensioners, instead of
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▼ in this dissertation, i investigate how agreement, movement, and pronunciation determine surface position of a phrase. the main interest of this dissertation is in the question why in some cases an element is pronounced in the position where it is interpreted while in other cases, there is a discrepancy between the position for interpretation and the position for pronunciation. to investigate this issue, i will first discuss a relation between agreement and movement. inspired by reverse agree (wurmbrand 2012), i will clarify a condition of movement. based on the suggested relation between agreement and movement, i will propose three different types of movement: phrasal movement, parasitic phrasal movement, and parasitic head movement. the crucial difference between phrasal movement and parasitic (phrasal/head) movement is that an element does undergo movement in the case of phrasal movement, while an element does not undergo movement in the case of parasitic movement. following the copy theory of movement, i assume that an element that undergoes phrasal movement leaves its copies in its base position and its destination along with other intermediate positions, unlike one that undergoes parasitic movement. thus, pf needs to choose which copy to pronounce when there is more than one copy in a chain. zooming in the issue of selection of copy for pronunciation, i will discuss pf constraints that play a role in copy--selection. especially, adopting landau (2007)’s intuition that epp is a pure pf requirement, i will argue that a high--copy privilege assumed in the previous studies are misled by pronunciation--wise reinterpreted epp. furthermore, i will argue that once we get rid of the effects of epp, a low copy is rather preferred to be selected for pronunciation due to economy conditions. i will show how the interaction between the epp as a pf constraint and an economy condition favoring low--copy pronunciation accounts for both (i) prevalent high--copy pronunciation and (ii) apparent lack of a high--copy privilege across languages. based on the system developed, i will provide a typological study in two representative cases of movement: (i) subject agreement/movement and (ii) wh--agreement/movement. this system provides a new approach for the typology of in--situ subjects and in--situ <i>wh</i>--phrases. in the proposed system, in--situ subject/<i>wh</i>--phrases are the results of either parasitic movement or low--copy pronunciation in phrasal movement. an in--situ phrase generated by parasitic movement does not have a copy in a higher position, so it cannot take a high scope. furthermore, since the phrase does not undergo movement, it is insensitive to movement constraints (e.g. island constraints). by way of contrast, an in--situ phrase generated by a low--copy pronunciation in a movement chain shows “high” behaviors in addition to sensitivity to movement constraints. i will show how the two theoretically possible in--situ subjects/<i>wh</i>--phrases are realized in languages. …
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ḓuvha ḽa vhupinduleli ḽa dzitshakhatshakha (international translation day (itd)) ḽo rwelwa ṱari nga 1953 nga dzangano ḽa vhapinduleli ḽa dzitshakhatshakha. ḽi pembelelwa kha ḽifhasi ḽoṱhe ṅwaha muṅwe na muṅwe nga ḽa 30 khubvumedzi, ḓuvha ḽa vhuṱambo ḽa st jerome, vhane vha vha mutikedzi muhulwane wa vhapinduleli, ḓuvha iḽi ḽi ṋetshedza tshikhala tsha u pembelela mushumo wa vhapinduleli, vhasiki vha maipfi, vhaḓologi na vhashumeli vha zwa luambo nga u angaredza vhe vha ḓikumedzela u ita uri ḽifhasi ḽi swikelelee nga u fhelisa zwikhukhulisi zwa luambo na uri hu vhe na u ḓiphiṋa huhulwane nga maṅwalwa avhuḓi. vhuṱambo, dzisemina, dziwekishopo, dzikhonifarentsi na miṱangano ya nyambedzano zwi a fariwa u mona na ḽifhasi u itela u pembelela itd.
gabena ola vilavila tetu kwetala kwetala imweki ituwari ituwari khatuposula. ituwari pela health, education, transport, road deli sea infrastructure, agriculture, e makwesina goli. khalaiseki makhala. tetu tetu losuia district la support grant makhasana k500,000 pela valu khala pilasi. avetuta bima besa k500,000, k250,000 biloki mp lakharewaga e bininagi amakwesi projects lekasari besa tomota e biseki. vakhela tuta luipuwaya wala, gala mokwita migarena projects. makhala mimirisi tomota bitakheusa khatupotala keda e, bisekiga mwada k10,000. pela uula bo eluipuwai. taga besa lakharewaga titolela mesinaku wala bila khalaigimkoila tetu igau bigini la ripoti (i.e. returns) pela amakhala leigaki khala kimimisi besa mani. e gabena latopaisewa bigisesa khena bo bwena ripoti khena gala. bogwa sitana tebaweki mps leiyosi kharewaga pela ripoti sitana isulasula e, maniga khadata lakeda lemwemwa. khalaiseki makhala,ikanukwenu lamani titolela bilalasi o khena bipilasi pela sagari, imwekiga project manila ivigaki lalasi o, khena lagisimnakha. khabuluyuwela k250,000 biloki ward councillors bikarewagisa avetuta bibodasi wa chamber. makhala wala, ave projects si wards eninagisa e khala mani mwada bikenagisa magulawenala. wards khalabawa 33 e, mokwita gala kwetala tuta igisaki matagu simitini councillors wa chamber taga metoya oguligalega vakhela tuta khominimani wala e, gala ibokurisa amakhala wards sinanamsa. vakhela tuta bisewasa wala gala e, bitorisa wala kimimisi biloki wa wards olui bila valu kwetala kwetala. avetuta besa mani bivilobusi ovalu bitamweki makhasana k500--k5,000. khe, besa gala wala bibwadi kwetala kweutona project. bimweeya biwanemasi tommwaya khena bigimlakhesa raisi, sugwa o, tia bimwamsa o, bikomasi e tamwesa taigavausi tuvela. taga besa sulaokuva wala. kharewaga gala makhala. besa tetula militela latemeyesa bo makhala wala. besa uula segwaya, lapeki kimimisi, vilabwela, sigiribwela pela gala ivavagi maneyala. tuvela goli gabena lewitali lema gala pela khomlagela.
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cccfrom nature stock photography -- black bears and grizzly bearsbuya stock photograph of a grizzly bear during salmon season. images of grizzlies and alaskan brown bear cubs eating salmon.grizzlybeargrizzly beargrizzliesalbertaalaskasalmonhunthuntingalaskan brown bearbritish columbiawashington stateoregonwildlife photographywildlife photographernature photographynature photographernature stock photographynature stock photographerroyaltyfreerightsmanagedlicensescopyrightstock photographergrizzly bear photographergrizzly imagesimageimagespicturepicturesphotophotosphotographsphotos of grizzliescubsowcubs and sowgrizzly cubgrizzly cubsbaby animalsfiercedangerous animalsanimalanimalswildlifewild liferainforesthyderstewarthomerketchicanjuneaufish creekfish creek observationsalmon creekcreekriverwaterriversgrizzly cccfrom nature stock photography -- black bears and grizzly bearsbuya stock photograph of a grizzly bear running in a narrow creek -- a panned motion blur photographgrizzlybeargrizzly beargrizzliesalbertaalaskasalmonhunthuntingalaskan brown bearbritish columbiawashington stateoregonwildlife photographywildlife photographernature photographynature photographernature stock photographynature stock photographerroyaltyfreerightsmanagedlicensescopyrightstock photographergrizzly bear photographergrizzly imagesimageimagespicturepicturesphotophotosphotographsphotos of grizzliescubsowcubs and sowgrizzly cubgrizzly cubsbaby animalsfiercedangerous animalsanimalanimalswildlifewild liferainforesthyderstewarthomerketchicanjuneaufish creekfish creek observationsalmon creekcreekriverwaterriversgrizzly cccfrom nature stock photography -- black bears and grizzly bearsbuya closeup of a grizzly bear #3grizzlybeargrizzly beargrizzliesalbertaalaskasalmonhunthuntingalaskan brown bearbritish columbiawashington stateoregonwildlife photographywildlife photographernature photographynature photographernature stock photographynature stock photographerroyaltyfreerightsmanagedlicensescopyrightstock photographergrizzly bear photographergrizzly imagesimageimagespicturepicturesphotophotosphotographsphotos of grizzliescubsowcubs and sowgrizzly cubgrizzly cubsbaby animalsfiercedangerous animalsanimalanimalswildlifewild liferainforesthyderstewarthomerketchicanjuneaufish creekfish creek observationsalmon creekcreekriverwaterriversgrizzly cccfrom nature stock photography -- black bears and grizzly bearsbuya closeup of a grizzly bear #2grizzlybeargrizzly beargrizzliesalbertaalaskasalmonhunthuntingalaskan brown bearbritish columbiawashington stateoregonwildlife photographywildlife photographernature photographynature photographernature stock photographynature stock photographerroyaltyfreerightsmanagedlicensescopyrightstock photographergrizzly bear photographergrizzly imagesimageimagespicturepicturesphotophotosphotographsphotos of grizzliescubsowcubs and sowgrizzly cubgrizzly cubsbaby animalsfiercedangerous animalsanimalanimalswildlifewild liferainforesthyderstewarthomerketchicanjuneaufish creekfish creek observationsalmon creekcreekriverwaterriversgrizzly cccfrom nature stock photography -- black bears and grizzly bearsbuya closeup of a grizzly beargrizzlybeargrizzly beargrizzliesalbertaalaskasalmonhunthuntingalaskan brown bearbritish columbiawashington stateoregonwildlife photographywildlife photographernature photographynature photographernature stock photographynature stock photographerroyaltyfreerightsmanagedlicensescopyrightstock photographergrizzly bear photographergrizzly imagesimageimagespicturepicturesphotophotosphotographsphotos of grizzliescubsowcubs and sowgrizzly cubgrizzly cubsbaby animalsfiercedangerous animalsanimalanimalswildlifewild liferainforesthyderstewarthomerketchicanjuneaufish creekfish creek observationsalmon creekcreekriverwaterriversgrizzly cccfrom nature stock photography -- black bears and grizzly bearsbuya stock photograph of a grizzly bear during salmon season. images of grizzlies and alaskan brown bear cubs eating salmon.grizzlybeargrizzly beargrizzliesalbertaalaskasalmonhunthuntingalaskan brown bearbritish columbiawashington stateoregonwildlife photographywildlife photographernature photographynature photographernature stock photographynature stock photographerroyaltyfreerightsmanagedlicensescopyrightstock photographergrizzly bear photographergrizzly imagesimageimagespicturepicturesphotophotosphotographsphotos of grizzliescubsowcubs and sowgrizzly cubgrizzly cubsbaby animalsfiercedangerous animalsanimalanimalswildlifewild liferainforesthyderstewarthomerketchicanjuneaufish creekfish creek observationsalmon creekcreekriverwaterriversgrizzly cccfrom nature stock photography -- black bears and grizzly bearsbuya stock photograph of a grizzly bear during salmon season. images of grizzlies and alaskan brown bear cubs eating salmon.grizzlybeargrizzly beargrizzliesalbertaalaskasalmonhunthuntingalaskan brown bearbritish columbiawashington stateoregonwildlife photographywildlife photographernature photographynature photographernature stock photographynature stock photographerroyaltyfreerightsmanagedlicensescopyrightstock photographergrizzly bear photographergrizzly imagesimageimagespicturepicturesphotophotosphotographsphotos of grizzliescubsowcubs and sowgrizzly cubgrizzly cubsbaby animalsfiercedangerous animalsanimalanimalswildlifewild liferainforesthyderstewarthomerketchicanjuneaufish creekfish creek observationsalmon creekcreekriverwaterriversgrizzly cccfrom nature stock photography -- black bears and grizzly bearsbuya grizzly bear cub standing up for a closer view -- backlighting -- shot verticalgrizzlybeargrizzly beargrizzliesalbertaalaskasalmonhunthuntingalaskan brown bearbritish columbiawashington stateoregonwildlife photographywildlife photographernature photographynature photographernature stock photographynature stock photographerroyaltyfreerightsmanagedlicensescopyrightstock photographergrizzly bear photographergrizzly imagesimageimagespicturepicturesphotophotosphotographsphotos of grizzliescubsowcubs and sowgrizzly cubgrizzly cubsbaby animalsfiercedangerous animalsanimalanimalswildlifewild liferainforesthyderstewarthomerketchicanjuneaufish creekfish creek observationsalmon creekcreekriverwaterriverscccfrom popular photos in the nature photography stock librarybuya stock photograph of a grizzly bear during salmon season. images of grizzlies and alaskan brown bear cubs eating salmon.grizzlybeargrizzly beargrizzliesalbertaalaskasalmonhunthuntingalaskan brown bearbritish columbiawashington stateoregonwildlife photographywildlife photographernature photographynature photographernature stock photographynature stock photographerroyaltyfreerightsmanagedlicensescopyrightstock photographergrizzly bear photographergrizzly imagesimageimagespicturepicturesphotophotosphotographsphotos of grizzliescubsowcubs and sowgrizzly cubgrizzly cubsbaby animalsfiercedangerous animalsanimalanimalswildlifewild liferainforesthyderstewarthomerketchicanjuneaufish creekfish creek observationsalmon creekcreekriverwaterriverscccfrom nature stock photography -- black bears and grizzly bearsbuya female grizzly with a fresh salmon catch along a creek in alaskagrizzlybeargrizzly beargrizzliesalbertaalaskasalmonhunthuntingalaskan brown bearbritish columbiawashington stateoregonwildlife photographywildlife photographernature photographynature photographernature stock photographynature stock photographerroyaltyfreerightsmanagedlicensescopyrightstock photographergrizzly bear photographergrizzly imagesimageimagespicturepicturesphotophotosphotographsphotos of grizzliescubsowcubs and sowgrizzly cubgrizzly cubsbaby animalsfiercedangerous animalsanimalanimalswildlifewild liferainforesthyderstewarthomerketchicanjuneaufish creekfish creek observationsalmon creekcreekriverwaterriverscccfrom nature stock photography -- black bears and grizzly bearsbuya stock photograph of a grizzly bear running in a narrow creek during salmon season. images of grizzlies and alaskan brown bear cubs eating salmon.grizzlybeargrizzly beargrizzliesalbertaalaskasalmonhunthuntingalaskan brown bearbritish columbiawashington stateoregonwildlife photographywildlife photographernature photographynature photographernature stock photographynature stock photographerroyaltyfreerightsmanagedlicensescopyrightstock photographergrizzly bear photographergrizzly imagesimageimagespicturepicturesphotophotosphotographsphotos of grizzliescubsowcubs and sowgrizzly cubgrizzly cubsbaby animalsfiercedangerous animalsanimalanimalswildlifewild liferainforesthyderstewarthomerketchicanjuneaufish creekfish creek observationsalmon creekcreekriverwaterriverscccfrom nature stock photography -- black bears and grizzly bearsbuya stock photograph of a grizzly bear during salmon season. images of grizzlies and alaskan brown bear cubs eating salmon.grizzlybeargrizzly beargrizzliesalbertaalaskasalmonhunthuntingalaskan brown bearbritish columbiawashington stateoregonwildlife photographywildlife photographernature photographynature photographernature stock photographynature stock photographerroyaltyfreerightsmanagedlicensescopyrightstock photographergrizzly bear photographergrizzly imagesimageimagespicturepicturesphotophotosphotographsphotos of grizzliescubsowcubs and sowgrizzly cubgrizzly cubsbaby animalsfiercedangerous animalsanimalanimalswildlifewild liferainforesthyderstewarthomerketchicanjuneaufish creekfish creek observationsalmon creekcreekriverwaterriverscccfrom nature stock photography -- black bears and grizzly bearsbuya stock photograph of a grizzly bear during salmon season. images of grizzlies and alaskan brown bear cubs eating salmon.grizzlybeargrizzly beargrizzliesalbertaalaskasalmonhunthuntingalaskan brown bearbritish columbiawashington stateoregonwildlife photographywildlife photographernature photographynature photographernature stock photographynature stock photographerroyaltyfreerightsmanagedlicensescopyrightstock photographergrizzly bear photographergrizzly imagesimageimagespicturepicturesphotophotosphotographsphotos of grizzliescubsowcubs and sowgrizzly cubgrizzly cubsbaby animalsfiercedangerous animalsanimalanimalswildlifewild liferainforesthyderstewarthomerketchicanjuneaufish creekfish creek observationsalmon creekcreekriverwaterriverscccfrom nature stock photography -- black bears and grizzly bearsbuya stock photograph of a grizzly bear during salmon season. images of grizzlies and alaskan brown bear cubs eating salmon.grizzlybeargrizzly beargrizzliesalbertaalaskasalmonhunthuntingalaskan brown bearbritish columbiawashington stateoregonwildlife photographywildlife photographernature photographynature photographernature stock photographynature stock photographerroyaltyfreerightsmanagedlicensescopyrightstock photographergrizzly bear photographergrizzly imagesimageimagespicturepicturesphotophotosphotographsphotos of grizzliescubsowcubs and sowgrizzly cubgrizzly cubsbaby animalsfiercedangerous animalsanimalanimalswildlifewild liferainforesthyderstewarthomerketchicanjuneaufish creekfish creek observationsalmon creekcreekriverwaterriverscccfrom nature stock photography -- black bears and grizzly bearsbuytwo grizzly bear cubs run to catch salmon.grizzlybeargrizzly beargrizzliesalbertaalaskasalmonhunthuntingalaskan brown bearbritish columbiawashington stateoregonwildlife photographywildlife photographernature photographynature photographernature stock photographynature stock photographerroyaltyfreerightsmanagedlicensescopyrightstock photographergrizzly bear photographergrizzly imagesimageimagespicturepicturesphotophotosphotographsphotos of grizzliescubsowcubs and sowgrizzly cubgrizzly cubsbaby animalsfiercedangerous animalsanimalanimalswildlifewild liferainforesthyderstewarthomerketchicanjuneaufish creekfish creek observationsalmon creekcreekriverwaterriversgrizzlybears cccfrom nature stock photography -- black bears and grizzly bearsbuytwo grizzly bear cubsgrizzlybeargrizzly beargrizzliesalbertaalaskasalmonhunthuntingalaskan brown bearbritish columbiawashington stateoregonwildlife photographywildlife photographernature photographynature photographernature stock photographynature stock photographerroyaltyfreerightsmanagedlicensescopyrightstock photographergrizzly bear photographergrizzly imagesimageimagespicturepicturesphotophotosphotographsphotos of grizzliescubsowcubs and sowgrizzly cubgrizzly cubsbaby animalsfiercedangerous animalsanimalanimalswildlifewild liferainforesthyderstewarthomerketchicanjuneaufish creekfish creek observationsalmon creekcreekriverwaterriversgrizzly cccfrom nature stock photography -- black bears and grizzly bearsbuytwo grizzly bear cubs along a rivergrizzlybeargrizzly beargrizzliesalbertaalaskasalmonhunthuntingalaskan brown bearbritish columbiawashington stateoregonwildlife photographywildlife photographernature photographynature photographernature stock photographynature stock photographerroyaltyfreerightsmanagedlicensescopyrightstock photographergrizzly bear photographergrizzly imagesimageimagespicturepicturesphotophotosphotographsphotos of grizzliescubsowcubs and sowgrizzly cubgrizzly cubsbaby animalsfiercedangerous animalsanimalanimalswildlifewild liferainforesthyderstewarthomerketchicanjuneaufish creekfish creek observationsalmon creekcreekriverwaterriversgrizzly cccfrom nature stock photography -- black bears and grizzly bearsbuya grizzly bear sow and her three cubs search for salmon in a shallow rivergrizzlybeargrizzly beargrizzliesalbertaalaskasalmonhunthuntingalaskan brown bearbritish columbiawashington stateoregonwildlife photographywildlife photographernature photographynature photographernature stock photographynature stock photographerroyaltyfreerightsmanagedlicensescopyrightstock photographergrizzly bear photographergrizzly imagesimageimagespicturepicturesphotophotosphotographsphotos of grizzliescubsowcubs and sowgrizzly cubgrizzly cubsbaby animalsfiercedangerous animalsanimalanimalswildlifewild liferainforesthyderstewarthomerketchicanjuneaufish creekfish creek observationsalmon creekcreekriverwaterriversgrizzly cccfrom nature stock photography -- black bears and grizzly bearsbuya grizzly bear sow and her three cubs search for salmon in a shallow rivergrizzlybeargrizzly beargrizzliesalbertaalaskasalmonhunthuntingalaskan brown bearbritish columbiawashington stateoregonwildlife photographywildlife photographernature photographynature photographernature stock photographynature stock photographerroyaltyfreerightsmanagedlicensescopyrightstock photographergrizzly bear photographergrizzly imagesimageimagespicturepicturesphotophotosphotographsphotos of grizzliescubsowcubs and sowgrizzly cubgrizzly cubsbaby animalsfiercedangerous animalsanimalanimalswildlifewild liferainforesthyderstewarthomerketchicanjuneaufish creekfish creek observationsalmon creekcreekriverwaterriversgrizzly cccfrom popular photos in the nature photography stock librarybuya grizzly bear family with three cubs and a fresh salmon catchgrizzlybeargrizzly beargrizzliesalbertaalaskasalmonhunthuntingalaskan brown bearbritish columbiawashington stateoregonwildlife photographywildlife photographernature photographynature photographernature stock photographynature stock photographerroyaltyfreerightsmanagedlicensescopyrightstock photographergrizzly bear photographergrizzly imagesimageimagespicturepicturesphotophotosphotographsphotos of grizzliescubsowcubs and sowgrizzly cubgrizzly cubsbaby animalsfiercedangerous animalsanimalanimalswildlifewild liferainforesthyderstewarthomerketchicanjuneaufish creekfish creek observationsalmon creekcreekriverwaterriversgrizzly cccfrom nature stock photography -- black bears and grizzly bearsbuya stock photograph of a grizzly bear during salmon season. images of grizzlies and alaskan brown bear cubs eating salmon.grizzlybeargrizzly beargrizzliesalbertaalaskasalmonhunthuntingalaskan brown bearbritish columbiawashington stateoregonwildlife photographywildlife photographernature photographynature photographernature stock photographynature stock photographerroyaltyfreerightsmanagedlicensescopyrightstock photographergrizzly bear photographergrizzly imagesimageimagespicturepicturesphotophotosphotographsphotos of grizzliescubsowcubs and sowgrizzly cubgrizzly cubsbaby animalsfiercedangerous animalsanimalanimalswildlifewild liferainforesthyderstewarthomerketchicanjuneaufish creekfish creek observationsalmon creekcreekriverwaterriversgrizzly cccfrom nature stock photography -- black bears and grizzly bearsbuya vertical photograph of a grizzly bear along a riverbankgrizzlybeargrizzly beargrizzliesalbertaalaskasalmonhunthuntingalaskan brown bearbritish columbiawashington stateoregonwildlife photographywildlife photographernature photographynature photographernature stock photographynature stock photographerroyaltyfreerightsmanagedlicensescopyrightstock photographergrizzly bear photographergrizzly imagesimageimagespicturepicturesphotophotosphotographsphotos of grizzliescubsowcubs and sowgrizzly cubgrizzly cubsbaby animalsfiercedangerous animalsanimalanimalswildlifewild liferainforesthyderstewarthomerketchicanjuneaufish creekfish creek observationsalmon creekcreekriverwaterriversgrizzly cccfrom nature stock photography -- black bears and grizzly bearsbuyold growth rainforest waterfallforestforeststreetreesgreenrainforestrainforestswetcanopywaterfallwater fallwaterfallswater fallsgoldstreamvictoria b.c.victoriavictoria british columbiavictoria bcbritish columbiabcvancouver islandoregonwashington statenorthern californiawildernessalaskaalaskanalbertaalbertanold growtholympic mountainsolympic national parkgreeneryfrom popular photos in the nature photography stock librarybuyalaska waterfallalaskatravel stock photographystock photographystock photographstravel photographynature photographynature stock photographylandscapewaterfallwater fallwaterfallsalaska waterfallfrom popular photos in the nature photography stock library12345...12"
<a href=""http://www.india--forums.com/event/9014--celebs--snapped--at--india--forums--halloween--bash.htm"" title=""aashka goradia poses for the media at india forums halloween bash""><img src=""http://img.india--forums.com/images/100x100/342858--aashka--goradia--poses--for--the--media--at--india--forums--halloween--ba.jpg"" title=""aashka goradia poses for the media at india forums halloween bash"" alt=""aashka goradia poses for the media at india forums halloween bash"" /></a> <a href=""http://www.india--forums.com/event/9014--celebs--snapped--at--india--forums--halloween--bash.htm"" title=""bhavesh jaiswal poses with a ghost character at india forums halloween bash""><img src=""http://img.india--forums.com/images/100x100/342857--bhavesh--jaiswal--poses--with--a--ghost--character--at--india--forums--ha.jpg"" title=""bhavesh jaiswal poses with a ghost character at india forums halloween bash"" alt=""bhavesh jaiswal poses with a ghost character at india forums halloween bash"" /></a> <a href=""http://www.india--forums.com/event/9014--celebs--snapped--at--india--forums--halloween--bash.htm"" title=""parv kaila poses with india forums team at the halloween bash""><img src=""http://img.india--forums.com/images/100x100/342856--parv--kaila--poses--with--india--forums--team--at--the--halloween--bash.jpg"" title=""parv kaila poses with india forums team at the halloween bash"" alt=""parv kaila poses with india forums team at the halloween bash"" /></a> <a href=""http://www.india--forums.com/event/9014--celebs--snapped--at--india--forums--halloween--bash.htm"" title=""manish naggdev and srishty rode pose for the media at india forums halloween bash""><img src=""http://img.india--forums.com/images/100x100/342855--manish--naggdev--and--srishty--rode--pose--for--the--media--at--india--for.jpg"" title=""manish naggdev and srishty rode pose for the media at india forums halloween bash"" alt=""manish naggdev and srishty rode pose for the media at india forums halloween bash"" /></a> <a href=""http://www.india--forums.com/event/9014--celebs--snapped--at--india--forums--halloween--bash.htm"" title=""bhavesh balchandani poses with a vampire character at india forums halloween bash""><img src=""http://img.india--forums.com/images/100x100/342854--bhavesh--balchandani--poses--with--a--vampire--character--at--india--for.jpg"" title=""bhavesh balchandani poses with a vampire character at india forums halloween bash"" alt=""bhavesh balchandani poses with a vampire character at india forums halloween bash"" /></a> <a href=""http://www.india--forums.com/event/9014--celebs--snapped--at--india--forums--halloween--bash.htm"" title=""vije bhatia and bhavesh jaiswal click a selfie with india forums team at the halloween bash""><img src=""http://img.india--forums.com/images/100x100/342853--vije--bhatia--and--bhavesh--jaiswal--click--a--selfie--with--india--forum.jpg"" title=""vije bhatia and bhavesh jaiswal click a selfie with india forums team at the halloween bash"" alt=""vije bhatia and bhavesh jaiswal click a selfie with india forums team at the halloween bash"" /></a> <a href=""http://www.india--forums.com/event/9014--celebs--snapped--at--india--forums--halloween--bash.htm"" title=""vije bhatia poses for the media at india forums halloween bash""><img src=""http://img.india--forums.com/images/100x100/342852--vije--bhatia--poses--for--the--media--at--india--forums--halloween--bash.jpg"" title=""vije bhatia poses for the media at india forums halloween bash"" alt=""vije bhatia poses for the media at india forums halloween bash"" /></a>"
In addition to a full-service spa, Banyan Tree Phuket features outdoor tennis courts and an outdoor pool. Dining is available at one of the resort's 7 restaurants. Guests can unwind with a drink at one of the resort's bars, which include a poolside bar and a bar/lounge. A computer station is located on site and high-speed wired and wireless Internet access is complimentary. Business amenities at this 5-star property consist of a business center, limo/town car service, and meeting rooms. 5 meeting rooms are available. This luxury resort also offers a children's pool, a fitness center, and a sauna. A complimentary area shuttle within 1 km is available for guests. Limited complimentary onsite parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Banyan Tree Phuket has designated areas for smoking. 24-hour front desk Airport transportation (surcharge) Free area shuttle ATM/banking Babysitting or childcare (surcharge) Bar/lounge Barbecue grill(s) Beach sun loungers Beach towels Beach umbrellas Pool umbrellas Breakfast available (surcharge) Business center Children's club (free) Children's pool Free newspapers in lobby Computer station Concierge services Conference center Conference space Designated smoking areas Dry cleaning/laundry service Fitness facilities Free self parking Free valet parking Free WiFi Free wired high-speed Internet Full-service spa Garden Gift shops or newsstand Hair salon Library Limo or Town Car service available Luggage storage Meeting rooms 4 Multilingual staff Number of buildings/towers - 173 Number of floors - 1 Number of meeting rooms - 5 Number of restaurants - 7 Outdoor pool Outdoor tennis courts - 3 Parking (limited spaces) Pool sun loungers Poolside bar Porter/bellhop Safe-deposit box at front desk Sauna Shopping on site Spa services on site Spa treatment room(s) Steam room Supervised childcare/activities (surcharge) Total number of rooms - 173 Tours/ticket assistance Wedding services Year Built 1994 Show all hotel amenities
24 Ngo igla ila isa rraey irel mele isa hafohoy bo yaglugmi. Bo hafohoy le yai ila ye titipingi bo yebe hamallo hafohoy la chil mel le sibe yedamgel iyang le be tappel yael Kristus hafohoy bo yagel eklesia, le ila mala holongol. 25 Deus mele ye foruyey isala mel bo semal boyel eklesia, ngo iy mele ye fang ngaliyey yengang le bo ibe foru bo ibe tupungugmi le ibe kaptaloh mala yalol, 26 le ye lebagili tangir panger yarmat muswe, ngo yela igla ngo yesa kewar ngalir mekla lol. 27 Deus ye luluwaley bo mekla lol rebe gola mala ye llebag le ye kamdidiy we ye mel irel bo yaglir panger yarmat. Iy molwe ye llebag ila mala Kristus ye mel luwulumi, ngo ila fal le be yoh le habe mel irel falmay la yael Deus iyang. 28 Ila hamem hama fofoloyu kofael Kristus ngalir panger yarmat. Hama hadpar ngo ha hamdefar le hama teptap lepal folol harepiy le ye mmal bo habe foloyu ngalir bo hare yebe yoh le rebe budoh fael metael Deus le re fel, bo resa sew chog mo Kristus. 29 Ye kkel yai yengang mo yedamgel bo yebe yoh mele, le iy teptap mala kkeley le Kristus mele ye fang ngaliyey le ye yengang uwoy.
21 Ngemva kwalezi zinto kwenzeka ukuba kube nesivini okwakungesikaNabhoti umJizreyeli, esasiseJizreyeli,+ eceleni kwesigodlo sika-Ahabi inkosi yaseSamariya. 2 Ngakho u-Ahabi wakhuluma noNabhoti, wathi: “Nginike+ isivini sakho,+ ukuze sibe yingadi+ yami yemifino,+ ngoba siseduze kwendlu yami; mangikunike isivini esingcono kunaso esikhundleni saso. Noma uma kukuhle emehlweni akho,+ ngizokunika imali njengentengo yalesi.” 3 Kodwa uNabhoti wathi ku-Ahabi: “Kuyinto engacabangeki kimi,+ ngokombono kaJehova,+ ukuba ngikunike ifa lokhokho bami.”+ 4 Ngenxa yalokho u-Ahabi wangena endlini yakhe, enyukubele futhi edangele ngenxa yezwi uNabhoti umJizreyeli ayelikhulumile kuye, lapho ethi: “Ngeke ngikunike ifa lokhokho bami.” Khona-ke walala phezu kokhukho lwakhe wagcina ubuso bakhe bufulathele,+ akazange asidle isinkwa. 5 Ekugcineni uJezebeli+ umkakhe weza kuye wakhuluma naye wathi: “Kungani umoya wakho udabukile+ futhi ungasidli isinkwa?” 6 Yena wathi: “Kungenxa yokuthi ngikhulume noNabhoti umJizreyeli ngathi kuye, ‘Nginike isivini sakho ngemali. Noma, uma uthanda, mangikunike esinye isivini esikhundleni saso.’ Kodwa uthé, ‘Ngeke ngikunike isivini sami.’”+ 7 Khona-ke uJezebeli umkakhe wathi kuye: “Angithi nguwe ophethe ubukhosi kwa-Israyeli?+ Vuka, udle isinkwa, inhliziyo yakho yename. Mina ngokwami ngizokunika isivini sikaNabhoti umJizreyeli.”+ 8 Ngalokho wabhala izincwadi+ egameni lika-Ahabi wazibeka uphawu ngophawu lwakhe,+ wathumela lezi zincwadi emadodeni amadala+ nasezicukuthwaneni ezazisemzini wakubo zihlala noNabhoti. 9 Kodwa wabhala kulezi zincwadi, ethi:+ “Memezelani ukuzila ukudla, nihlalise uNabhoti phambi kwabantu. 10 Nenze ukuba amadoda+ amabili, abafo abangelusizo lwalutho,+ bahlale phambi kwakhe, banikeze ubufakazi ngokumelene naye,+ bathi, ‘Wena uqalekisé uNkulunkulu nenkosi!’+ Bese nimkhipha nimkhande ngamatshe ukuze afe.”+ 11 Ngakho amadoda omuzi wakubo, amadoda amadala nezicukuthwane ezazihlala emzini wakubo, enza njengoba nje uJezebeli ayethumele kuwo, njengoba nje kwakulotshiwe ezincwadini ayewathumelele zona.+ 12 Amemezela ukuzila ukudla+ ahlalisa uNabhoti phambi kwabantu. 13 Khona-ke amabili kulawo madoda, abafo abangelusizo lwalutho, angena ahlala phansi phambi kwakhe; la madoda angelusizo lwalutho aqala ukufakaza ngokumelene naye, okungukuthi, uNabhoti, phambi kwabantu, ethi: “UNabhoti uqalekisé uNkulunkulu nenkosi!”+ Ngemva kwalokho amkhiphela emaphethelweni omuzi amkhanda ngamatshe, waze wafa.+ 14 Khona-ke athumela kuJezebeli, athi: “UNabhoti ukhandwé ngamatshe wafa.”+ 15 Kwathi nje lapho uJezebeli ezwa ukuthi uNabhoti ukhandwé ngamatshe wafa, masinyane uJezebeli wathi ku-Ahabi: “Vuka, uthathe isivini sikaNabhoti umJizreyeli,+ aye wenqaba ukukunika sona ngemali; ngoba uNabhoti akasaphili, kodwa ufile.” 16 Kwathi nje lapho u-Ahabi ezwa ukuthi uNabhoti ufile, khona manjalo u-Ahabi wavuka ukuze ehlele esivinini sikaNabhoti umJizreyeli, asithathe.+ 17 Izwi likaJehova+ lafika ku-Eliya+ umThishibi, lithi: 18 “Suka, wehle uhlangabeze u-Ahabi inkosi yakwa-Israyeli, oseSamariya.+ Nanguya esivinini sikaNabhoti, lapho ehlelé khona ukuze asithathe. 19 Kumelwe ukhulume naye, uthi, ‘Yilokhu uJehova akushilo: “Ingabe uye wabulala+ futhi wathatha?”’+ Futhi kumelwe ukhulume naye, uthi, ‘Yilokhu uJehova akushilo: “Endaweni+ lapho izinja zikhothé khona igazi likaNabhoti, izinja ziyolikhotha igazi lakho, yebo elakho.”’”+ 20 U-Ahabi wathi ku-Eliya: “O sitha sami, ungitholile?”+ yena wathi: “Ngikutholile. ‘Ngenxa yokuthi uzithengisile ukuze wenze okubi emehlweni kaJehova,+ 21 bheka ngiletha inhlekelele phezu kwakho;+ futhi ngokuqinisekile ngizoshanelisisa ngemva kwakho+ nginqume ku-Ahabi noma ubani ochamela udonga+ nongakwazi ukuzisiza nongenanzuzo kwa-Israyeli. 22 Ngokuqinisekile ngizokwenza indlu yakho ibe njengendlu kaJerobowamu+ indodana kaNebhati nanjengendlu kaBhahasha+ indodana ka-Ahiya, ngenxa yesenzo sokucasula ongicasule ngaso wabe usubangela u-Israyeli ukuba one.’+ 23 Futhi uJehova ukhulumile nangokuqondene noJezebeli, ethi, ‘Zona kanye izinja ziyomudla uJezebeli esiqintini saseJizreyeli.+ 24 Noma ubani ongoka-Ahabi ofela emzini uyodliwa izinja; nanoma ubani ofela endle uyodliwa izinyoni zezulu.+ 25 Akekho ngisho noyedwa vó owaba njengo-Ahabi,+ owazithengisa ukuba enze okubi emehlweni kaJehova, owayeshoshozelwa+ uJezebeli+ umkakhe. 26 Wenza ngendlela enengekayo kakhulu ngokulandela izithombe ezinjengendle,+ ngokufana nakho konke ama-Amori ayekwenzile, uJehova ayewaxoshé phambi kwabantwana bakwa-Israyeli.’”+ 27 Kwathi nje lapho u-Ahabi ezwa la mazwi, waklebhula izingubo zakhe wembatha indwangu yesaka;+ wazila ukudla waqhubeka elele ngendwangu yesaka futhi ehamba edangele.+ 28 Izwi likaJehova lafika ku-Eliya umThishibi, lithi: 29 “Ubonile yini ukuthi u-Ahabi uzithobé kanjani ngenxa yami?+ Ngenxa yokuthi uzithobile ngenxa yami, ngeke ngilethe le nhlekelele ezinsukwini zakhe.+ Ngiyoletha le nhlekelele phezu kwendlu yakhe ezinsukwini zendodana yakhe.”+
I received my copy of Siya Masuku’s graphic novel KwaNhliziyo- Ngise via Mail. I tore through the envelope to the book and for a moment I was stunned by its green and red cover. I remembered a Kanye West statement about how good product design gives adults the feeling of unwrapping a Christmas present. I think his statement is a fitting recollection because this is a graphic novel written and illustrated for children, but its quality handles like a rare collectors item. But KwaNhliziyo- Ngise is meant to be handled and read because it serves an educational purpose of allowing children to start reading in IsiZulu.
5 cathy okwa dimina kutya ngeenge omunhu okwa hombolwa, okwa pumbwa okuninga omalunduluko, eshi a [1] ti: “eshi nda li inandi hombolwa, onda li ndi na emanguluko nohandi lifile oshisho ame mwene. onda li ndi na okulihonga okukala nde likolelela komushamane wange. kasha li alushe shipu, ashike otwa li tu na ekwatafano liwa tu li ovalihomboli mokukala hatu ningi oinima monghedi omo jehova a hokwa.” omushamane waye fred, okwa ti: “kasha li shipu kwaame okuninga omatokolo. okukaleka mukweni momadiladilo mu li ovalihomboli, oha ku weda ko keshongo. ashike okukonga ewiliko kujehova meilikano nokupwilikina nelitulemo komaetepo omukulukadi wange, ohashi shi ningifa shipu efiku keshe. ondi udite shili kutya ohatu longele kumwe!”
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These are the top 10 retail and consumer trends that investors have to take a note of, that were raised at the summit:By Louise Marsland 20 Jun 2016SubscribeReceive free email newsletterMake us your homepageAdd us to your favoritesRSS feedGet biz on your phoneFollow usInviteTell a friend about us
2015 edition | 2014 edition | 2013 edition | 2012 edition tweets by @thingsexpo @thingsexpo blogshow iac automates app delivery lifecycleby john rauseras more technologies become software--defined, their adoption demands a significant shift in thinking about how a business organizes its value stream. this shift may be difficult, but it enables you to anticipate changes and position your business to react when software--defined technologies emerge. recently a new set of tools and practices has emerged to create and manage environments. known as infrastructure as code (iac), it enables infrastructure management through a software--defined layer.jun. 25, 2017 04:15 am edt reads: 1,592[slides] the governance of iot databy liz mcmillaniot solutions exploit operational data generated by internet--connected smart “things” for the purpose of gaining operational insight and producing “better outcomes” (for example, create new business models, eliminate unscheduled maintenance, etc.). the explosive proliferation of iot solutions will result in an exponential growth in the volume of iot data, precipitating significant information governance issues: who owns the iot data, what are the rights/duties of iot solutions adopters towards this data, how to deal with data residency and data privacy issues, how to manage the lifecycle of io...jun. 25, 2017 02:15 am edt reads: 1,616is your erp ready for digital transformation?by amy eagercompanies have always been concerned that traditional enterprise software is slow and complex to install, often disrupting critical and time--sensitive operations during roll--out. with the growing need to integrate new digital technologies into the enterprise to transform business processes, this concern has become even more pressing. a 2016 panorama consulting solutions study revealed that enterprise resource planning (erp) projects took an average of 21 months to install, with 57 percent of these projects experiencing timeline overruns. a span of almost two years can be a long time when disr...jun. 25, 2017 01:45 am edt reads: 1,013[slides] technical strategy for smart citiesby elizabeth whiteno hype cycles or predictions of zillions of things here. iot is big. you get it. you know your business and have great ideas for a business transformation strategy. what comes next? time to make it happen. in his session at @thingsexpo, jay mason, associate partner at m&s consulting, presented a step--by--step plan to develop your technology implementation strategy. he discussed the evaluation of communication standards and iot messaging protocols, data analytics considerations, edge--to--cloud technical architecture, iot platform selection, end--to--end security, enterprise systems integration and...jun. 25, 2017 12:15 am edt reads: 1,136[video] panel: devops in digital transformationby liz mcmillannew competitors, disruptive technologies, and growing expectations are pushing every business to both adopt and deliver new digital services. this ‘digital transformation’ demands rapid delivery and continuous iteration of new competitive services via multiple channels, which in turn demands new service delivery techniques – including devops. in this power panel at @devopssummit 20th cloud expo, moderated by devops conference co--chair andi mann, panelists examined how devops helps to meet the demands of digital transformation – including accelerating application delivery, closing feedback loop...jun. 25, 2017 12:00 am edt reads: 843[slides] the myths of scale--up architecturesby elizabeth whitewhen growing capacity and power in the data center, the architectural trade--offs between server scale--up vs. scale--out continue to be debated. both approaches are valid: scale--out adds multiple, smaller servers running in a distributed computing model, while scale--up adds fewer, more powerful servers that are capable of running larger workloads. it’s worth noting that there are additional, unique advantages that scale--up architectures offer. one big advantage is large memory and compute capacity that makes in--memory computing possible. this means that large databases can now reside entirely in...jun. 25, 2017 12:00 am edt reads: 1,546the high--level plan for digital transformationby kevin benedictthe size of competitors and the longevity of their brands, are less predictive of future success than the quality and speed of their information logistics systems, and their ability to use it as a competitive advantage. more data is being generated today than ever before, and successful companies are investing in business analytics and big data solutions to mine competitive advantages. there is a new sense of urgency today as businesses realize data has a shelf life, and the value of it diminishes rapidly over time. in an always--connected world where consumers and their needs are transient, ...jun. 24, 2017 11:45 pm edt reads: 1,269[slides] cloud, ai and how we communicateby liz mcmillana look across the tech landscape at the disruptive technologies that are increasing in prominence and speculate as to which will be most impactful for communications – namely, ai and cloud computing. in his session at 20th cloud expo, curtis peterson, vp of operations at ringcentral, highlighted the current challenges of these transformative technologies and shared strategies for preparing your organization for these changes. this “view from the top” outlined the latest trends and developments in ai and cloud computing technology innovation for enterprise communications to help you shape your ...jun. 24, 2017 08:45 pm edt reads: 1,627preparing for the next (dx) disruptionby jason bloombergthe dirty little secret, however, is that we are as unable to predict the future as you. none of us really knows what will happen next. the future is made up of an incredibly complex mixture of technologies, possibilities, and events that come together in ways that no one can truly predict."
this is the weekend where i did umcimbi wesbongo the actual ceremony. at my maternal home things went well and they released me properly. but i picked up strong negative energies from my paternal side just before we departed from my maternal home to kobaba. it was as if kunomsindo abangfuni khona. i then called ubaba omdala who was heading the rituals from their side and confronted him. he admitted to being overpowered by his siters who are half white and half black inside ama coconut. they were saying that bona they are civilised how can he spill blood in a family home. i then went back emsamo ngathi angzudlala bona nedlozi lifuna ukbukusia ngami and forced things. safika and he welcomed us properly and we did all the rituals. one of his sisters went to bed as soon as we got there, in the morning they went to town shopping and another went to church. this is a reflection of the state sedlozi labo (or lakithi kobaba). but ngathula ngathi ngizolilungisa lingizwa ngendaba. i then cleansed them ngesiwasho for starters ngabahlanganisa even though they could not be stabalised immediately but there was some relief in the spiritual realm. emini nje i decided to go back to my house the next day coz umsebenzi busuqediwe and i did not feel exactly at home since vele angibajwayele ngafikelwa usizi (beluvela kubaba wam ongasekho i cud tel). when i was busy packing kwakhala amakhosi aphezulu abalozi and everybody looked at me as in ""now what"". i immediatelu went emsamo ngyolalela, at this stage i dont fully understand abalozi (ngiyisangoma esngingaqambi amanga can u see dat) but i prayed in spirit ngaba vusela emsamo, i could tel that they were hapi and welcoming me. on sunday the 8th i then decided ukubheksisa ukuthi umsebenzi uhambe kanjani. (edited version) kwakhuphuka ikhehla who is my mother's great grand father. he introduced himself stating his name and surname and also stated that he is with my grand mother who has given me the gift of using prayer (izithunywa). this mkhulu expressed thanks for the ritual yesbongo and said he wants to work with these people kubanjiswane but umqansa and beza nezabo nabo. he then asked ukuthi simculele ingoma ethi thongolami elazula emaweni. it felt so good to shift to the other level and ngizwe amakhehla exoxa nabantu endlini, i was like a spectator in my own body. i have been longing for this and it was not triggered by umuthi bt edlozini yonkinto ineskhathi sayo. ukujaha izinto namandla kukufaka into a whole lot of trouble abantu baze bakhuphule ngemithi. i know for a fact that some nsiff something (not ugwayi) to khuphula idlozi, but im fine with the natural angfune dlozi eliyi fongkong.
ISIDINGO Thursday, April 26 A mystery guest arrives at the hotel launch, shocking everyone. Benjamin gets a rude awakening about someone he regarded as a friend. Morongwa gets the chance of a lifetime. Friday, April 27 Lincoln’s release has everyone on tenterhooks. Nina is horrified when she realises that she is in Lincoln’s line of fire. Sibiya celebrates his latest achievement. Monday, April 30 Mmakgosi calls Lincoln a murderer to his face. Gabriel reminds Nina that she used PCP on Lincoln’s daughter. Morongwa confronts Sechaba for not giving her a permanent job. Tuesday, May 1 Both Benjamin and Mmakgosi’s paranoia surrounding Lincoln grows and Lincoln does nothing to reassure them. How will Nina respond to Gabriel’s declaration that he wants to protect her? Having two jobs is taking its toll on Sibiya. Will he be able to keep it up? GENERATIONS Thursday, April 26 Namhla gets angry when Mrekza sticks his nose where it doesn’t belong. Brandon is curious about what it’s like to be in love. Getty is horrified to hear what’s going to happen to her.
33 we bulanda kuli iwe we upokolola ifipe, ukwabula ukuti na iwe bakupokolole, na iwe we ubepa, ukwabula ukuti bambi bakubepe!+ ilyo fye ukapwa ukupokolola ifipe, na iwe bakupokolola ifipe.+ ilyo fye ukapwa ukubepa, na iwe bakakubepa.+ 2 mwe yehova, tupaaleni.+ twacetekela imwe.+ beni ukuboko+ kwesu cila lucelo,+ beni ipusukilo lyesu mu nshita ya bucushi.+ 3 abantu bafulumuka pa kumfwa icimfulunganya.+ inko shasalangana pa kwima kwenu.+ 4 kabili ifyo mwapokolola+ fikalonganikwa filya ciba ilyo impemfu shalongana, nge fyo bamakanta abengi bakonka umuntu ulubilo.+ 5 yehova akasansabikwa,+ pantu ekala mu muulu.+ akesusha umulinganya no bulungami mu sione.+ 6 kabili icishinka ca mu nshita yobe cikaba ifyuma fya kupususha,+ e kutila, amano no kwishiba,+ ukutiina yehova,+ ifyo acindamika. 7 moneni! impalume shapunda mu musebo; inkombe sha mutende+ shikalila akalanda. 8 imisebo yaonaulwa;+ uwa kupita mu nshila naloba.+ natoba icipangano;+ nasuula imisumba;+ tacindika umuntunse.+ 9 icalo cileloosha, nacuuma.+ lebanone naonaulwa;+ nabola. sharone+ ali nge ciswebebe; kabili bashani na karmele balelukusha amabula yabo.+ 10 “nomba nkema,”+ e fyasosa yehova, “nomba nkaisansabika;+ nomba nkaitumpula.+ 11 imwe mwaimita icani icauma;+ mukafyala impimbili. umutima wenu ukamulya+ ngo mulilo.+ 12 kabili abantu na bantu bakaba nge mito ya mpemba. bakaboca no mulilo nge myunga iyaputulwa.+ 13 umfweni ico ndecita mwe bali ukutali!+ kabili ishibeni amaka yandi mwe bali mupepi.+ 14 mu sione ababembu bali no mwenso;+ abasangu+ batutuma, baleti: ‘nani pali ifwe uwingekala no mulilo uonaula?+ nani pali ifwe uwingekala mupepi no lubingu ulukalamba ulwa muyayaya?’+ 15 “pali uule--enda mu bulungami+ lyonse no kulanda ifyatambalala,+ uukaana ifyuma ifyabipa ukufuma ku ncenjeshi,+ uukaanya amaboko yakwe ukupoka amafisakanwa,+ uushikutika ku fya kusumya umulopa, kabili uushibata pa kuti emona icabipa.+ 16 ena akekala pa muulu;+ icubo cakwe cikaba ni ncende ya fimabwe fyasansuka iya--afya ukuyako.+ akapeelwa ifya kulya fyakwe;+ amenshi yakwe tayakapwe.”+ 17 amenso yobe yakamona imfumu mu kuyemba kwa iko;+ yakamona icalo ca kutali.+ 18 umutima obe ukalanda mu kantepentepe+ pa cintu ca kutiinya, auti: “kalemba ali kwi? uupeela indalama ali kwi?+ ali kwi uupenda impungu?”+ 19 tawakamone abantu aba musaalula, abantu aba lulimi lwa--afya ukumfwa, ababulubusa pa kulanda ukwabula ukuti umfwe.+ 20 moneni sione,+ umusumba wa nshita yesu iya mitebeto!+ amenso yobe yakamona yerusalemu incende ya kwikalamo iyaba tondolo, itenti ilyo umuntu ashakalonge.+ impoopo sha kwi tenti tashakanukulwe, kabili tapali umwando wa uko uukaputulwa pa kati.+ 21 lelo kulya e ko katebebe,+ yehova akaba kuli ifwe kwati mimana+ ne milonga. tapali ingalaba sha nkondo ishikayako, kabili takuli amato ayasuma ayakapitapo. 22 pantu yehova e mupingushi+ wesu, yehova e wa kutupeela amafunde,+ yehova e mfumu+ yesu; akatupususha.+ 23 imyando yabo ikakakuka; tabakashe umulongoti wabo nawiminina; tabafungulwile insalu ya ku bwato. pali iyo nshita ifipe ifingi ifyapokololwa bakafyakanya; abalemana bakasenda ifyapokololwa ifingi.+ 24 kabili takuli umwikashi uukatila: “nindwala.”+ abantu abakekala mu calo bantu abaelelwa imembu shabo.+
The next BriefingsDirect Voice of the Customer digital transformation case study explores how powerful and diverse financial information is newly and uniquely delivered to the ubiquitous Excel spreadsheet edge.Oct. 26, 2016 10:15 AM EDT Reads: 1,579Unwrapping the IoT, LiterallyBy Christopher HarroldPart 3 of my IoT series is finally here, and it's like Christmas in more ways than one! I have decided to move to video for my updates for the series, and the first video entry is ready. We will be looking at the kit I purchased to build my IoT rig at home, and show you the parts you need to get started on yours if you are interested. Enjoy the video!Oct. 26, 2016 10:00 AM EDT Reads: 1,812ThingsExpo World's Top M2M Media BrandBy Carmen Gonzalez@ThingsExpo has been named the Top 5 Most Influential M2M Brand by Onalytica in the ‘Machine to Machine: Top 100 Influencers and Brands.' Onalytica analyzed the online debate on M2M by looking at over 85,000 tweets to provide the most influential individuals and brands that drive the discussion. According to Onalytica the "analysis showed a very engaged community with a lot of interactive tweets. The M2M discussion seems to be more fragmented and driven by some of the major brands present in the M2M space. This really allows some room for influential individuals to create more high value inter...Oct. 26, 2016 07:30 AM EDT Reads: 11,542Watson Crowdsources Cloud ComputingBy Kevin JacksonRecently I've been doing quite a bit of analysis work using the IBM Watson cognitive business platform. The really exciting thing about this opportunity is the way data can seem to have a conversation with you. This got me wondering if social media data could carry on a conversation as well. Given my almost unhealthy interest in cloud computing, we ran a one week experiment to "crowdsource the internet" in order to see if it held any interesting cloud computing insights. Oct. 26, 2016 07:15 AM EDT Reads: 1,042Apache Hadoop and Big Data Standards By John MerticTen short years ago, Apache Hadoop was just a small project deployed on a few machines at Yahoo and within a few years, it had truly become the backbone of Yahoo’s data infrastructure. Additionally, the current Apache Hadoop market is forecasted to surpass $16 billion by 2020.
secondly, i’m irritated and disappointed with blockbuster and its kin in the world of traditional media corporations. this is partially because i work for one of those corporations and, i’m pretty sure that in about ten years, my job will be obsolete. but it really comes down to the widely recognized and basic fact that they didn’t see it coming. all of the huge multibillion dollar, international, media conglomerates never anticipated that at some point, they would have to evolve. now, they’re all either playing catch up or shutting down, which just leads to more inconvenience for me. as a result of the online digital revolution and deficient and/or greedy business strategies, there are fewer and fewer places to go shopping for media of any kind, but especially music and movies. i freely admit that itunes is a wonderful thing. it is amazing that you can open up a computer program and buy music, movies, tv shows, and what have you from all over world and from a wide variety of sources and then put in all onto a little device that fits in your pocket. it truly is a miracle of modern technology that we pretty much take for granted now. just like i took video and music stores for granted my whole life.
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South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO) ii ranga phanḓa nyito dzoṱhe dzine dza vha kha Square Kilometre Array Radio Telescope, ine ya ḓivhea nga ḽa SKA, kha zwa vhuinzhiniara, saintsi na vhufhaṱi. SARAO ndi Tshiimiswa tsha Lushaka tshine tsha langwa nga Mutheo wa Ṱhoḓisiso dza Lushaka (National Research Foundation) nahone tshi ṱanganyisa na zwishumiswa zwa asṱironomi ya radio na mbekanyamushumo dzine dza nga MeerKAT na KAT-7 theḽesikoupu ngei Karoo, Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory (HartRAO) ngei Gauteng, Mbekanyamushumo ya African Very Long Baseline Interferometry (AVN) kha mashango a Afurika a ṱahe na kha zwine zwa itwa nga madzangano a mveledziso dza vhathu na zwa mabindu.