6 values
Shay Ben-Moshe
Shay Ben-Moshe
Naturality of the $\infty$-Categorical Enriched Yoneda Embedding
26 pages, comments are welcome!
math.CT math.AT
We make Hinich's $\infty$-categorical enriched Yoneda embedding natural. To do so, we exhibit it as the unit of a partial adjunction between the functor taking enriched presheaves and Heine's functor taking a tensored category to an enriched category. Furthermore, we study a finiteness condition of objects in a tensored category called being atomic, and show that the partial adjunction restricts to a (non-partial) adjunction between taking enriched presheaves and taking atomic objects.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 11:19:05 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 14 Sep 2023 06:21:47 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Sat, 13 Jan 2024 11:59:01 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ben-Moshe", "Shay", "" ] ]
Shehab Eldeen Ayman
Shehab Eldeen Ayman Mounir
Software engineering for mobile applications, a survey on challenges and solutions
Mobile app development has become the front line in software engineering. With the recent years many smartphone platforms have grew including but not limited to webOS, blackberry os, Tizen, android, and iOS. The coexistence of these platforms results in a challenging situation where apps must be developed and maintained to the same level. The mobile app development scene has recently seen a noticeable rise in the number of applications that adapt web elements like HTML5 to produce native like applications that are essentially web views wrapped into containers to appear as any normal application. This means that the application behavior can vary drastically from one user to another meaning that the app behavior can be changed drastically. Therefore, application developers rely on an agile or an ad-hoc approach to development that is mostly autonomous. In this paper, we describe the current state of the art of context awareness in mobile application development.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 11:29:51 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Mounir", "Shehab Eldeen Ayman", "" ] ]
Zengwei Zhu
Xiaokang Li, Yo Machida, Alaska Subedi, Zengwei Zhu, Liang Li and Kamran Behnia
The phonon thermal Hall angle in black phosphorus
4 figures and 7 pages. The supplementary materials were attached to the end
Nature Communications, 2023, 14(1): 1027
cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.mtrl-sci
The origin of phonon thermal Hall Effect (THE) observed in a variety of insulators is yet to be identified. Here, we report on the observation of a thermal Hall conductivity in a non-magnetic elemental insulator, with an amplitude exceeding what has been previously observed. In black phosphorus (BP), the longitudinal ($\kappa_{ii}$), and the transverse, $\kappa_{ij}$, thermal conductivities peak at the same temperature and at this peak temperature, the $\kappa_{ij}/\kappa_{jj}/B $ is $\approx 10^{-4}$-$10^{-3}$ T$^{-1}$. Both these features are shared by other insulators displaying THE, despite an absolute amplitude spreading over three orders of magnitude. The absence of correlation between the thermal Hall angle and the phonon mean-free-path imposes a severe constraint for theoretical scenarios of THE. We show that in BP a longitudinal and a transverse acoustic phonon mode anti-cross, facilitating wave-like transport across modes and the anisotropic charge distribution surrounding atomic bonds, paving the way for coupling with magnetic field.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 11:31:23 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 20 Jan 2023 02:04:23 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Li", "Xiaokang", "" ], [ "Machida", "Yo", "" ], [ "Subedi", "Alaska", "" ], [ "Zhu", "Zengwei", "" ], [ "Li", "Liang", "" ], [ "Behnia", "Kamran", "" ] ]
Hamed Vahdat-Nejad
Hamed Vahdat-Nejad, Mohammad Ghasem Akbari, Fatemeh Salmani, Faezeh Azizi, Hamid-Reza Nili-Sani
Russia-Ukraine war: Modeling and Clustering the Sentiments Trends of Various Countries
With Twitter's growth and popularity, a huge number of views are shared by users on various topics, making this platform a valuable information source on various political, social, and economic issues. This paper investigates English tweets on the Russia-Ukraine war to analyze trends reflecting users' opinions and sentiments regarding the conflict. The tweets' positive and negative sentiments are analyzed using a BERT-based model, and the time series associated with the frequency of positive and negative tweets for various countries is calculated. Then, we propose a method based on the neighborhood average for modeling and clustering the time series of countries. The clustering results provide valuable insight into public opinion regarding this conflict. Among other things, we can mention the similar thoughts of users from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and most Western European countries versus the shared views of Eastern European, Scandinavian, Asian, and South American nations toward the conflict.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 11:32:47 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Vahdat-Nejad", "Hamed", "" ], [ "Akbari", "Mohammad Ghasem", "" ], [ "Salmani", "Fatemeh", "" ], [ "Azizi", "Faezeh", "" ], [ "Nili-Sani", "Hamid-Reza", "" ] ]
Irina Kmit
Irina Kmit, Lutz Recke
Regularity of Time-Periodic Solutions to Autonomous Semilinear Hyperbolic PDEs
22 pages
This paper concerns autonomous boundary value problems for 1D semilinear hyperbolic PDEs. For time-periodic classical solutions, which satisfy a certain non-resonance condition, we show the following: If the PDEs are continuous with respect to the space variable $x$ and $C^\infty$-smooth with respect to the unknown function $u$, then the solution is $C^\infty$-smooth with respect to the time variable $t$, and if the PDEs are $C^\infty$-smooth with respect to $x$ and $u$, then the solution is $C^\infty$-smooth with respect to $t$ and $x$. The same is true for appropriate weak solutions. Moreover, we show examples of time-periodic functions, which do not satisfy the non-resonance condition, such that they are weak, but not classical solutions, and such that they are classical solutions, but not $C^\infty$-smooth, neither with respect to $t$ nor with respect to $x$, even if the PDEs are $C^\infty$-smooth with respect to $x$ and $u$. For the proofs we use Fredholm solvability properties of linear time-periodic hyperbolic PDEs and a result of E. N. Dancer about regularity of solutions to abstract equivariant equations.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 11:39:32 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kmit", "Irina", "" ], [ "Recke", "Lutz", "" ] ]
Martin Lasota
Martin Lasota, Petr \v{S}idlof, Paul Maurerlehner, Manfred Kaltenbacher, and Stefan Schoder
Anisotropic Minimum Dissipation Subgrid-Scale Model in Hybrid Aeroacoustic simulations of Human Phonation
15 pages, 20 figures, 20 audio files in att
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 153, 1052-1063 (2023)
This article deals with large-eddy simulations of 3D incompressible laryngeal flow followed by acoustic simulations of human phonation of five cardinal english vowels /u, i, \textipa{A}, o, {\ae}/. The flow and aeroacoustic simulations were performed in OpenFOAM and in-house code openCFS, respectively. Given the large variety of scales in the flow and acoustics, the simulation is separated into two steps: (1) computing the flow in the larynx using the finite volume method on a fine 2.2M grid followed by (2) computing the sound sources separately and wave propagation to the radiation zone around the mouth using the finite element method on a coarse 33k acoustic grid. The numerical results showed that the anisotropic minimum dissipation model, which is not well known since it is not available in common CFD software, predicted stronger sound pressure levels at higher harmonics and especially at first two formants than the wall-adapting local eddy-viscosity model. We implemented the model as a new open library in OpenFOAM and deployed the model on turbulent flow in the larynx with positive impact on the quality of simulated vowels. Numerical simulations are in very good agreement with positions of formants from measurements.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 11:46:28 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Lasota", "Martin", "" ], [ "Šidlof", "Petr", "" ], [ "Maurerlehner", "Paul", "" ], [ "Kaltenbacher", "Manfred", "" ], [ "Schoder", "Stefan", "" ] ]
Peio Garcia-Goiricelaya
Peio Garcia-Goiricelaya and Jyoti Krishna and Julen Iba\~nez-Azpiroz
Including many-body effects into the Wannier-interpolated quadratic photoresponse tensor
15 pages, 6 figures
Phys. Rev. B 107, 205101 (2023)
cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.mtrl-sci
We present a first-principles scheme for incorporating many-body interactions into the unified description of the quadratic optical response to light of noncentrosymmetric crystals. The proposed method is based on time-dependent current-density response theory and includes the electron-hole attraction \textit{via} a tensorial long-range exchange-correlation kernel, which we calculate self-consistently using the bootstrap method. By bridging with the Wannier-interpolation of the independent-particle transition matrix elements, the resulting numerical scheme is very general and allows resolving narrow many-body spectral features at low computational cost. We showcase its potential by inspecting the second-harmonic generation in the benchmark zinc-blende semiconductor GaAs, the layered graphitic semiconductor BC$_{2}$N and the Weyl semimetal TaAs. Our results show that excitonic effects can give rise to large and sharply localized one- and two-photon resonances that are absent in the independent-particle approximation. We find overall good agreement with available experimental measurements, capturing the magnitude and peak-structure of the spectrum as well as the angular dependence at fixed photon energy. The implementation of the method in Wannier-based code packages can serve as a basis for performing accurate theoretical predictions of quadratic optical properties in a vast pool of materials.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 11:47:06 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 29 May 2023 13:40:33 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Garcia-Goiricelaya", "Peio", "" ], [ "Krishna", "Jyoti", "" ], [ "Ibañez-Azpiroz", "Julen", "" ] ]
Rohan Louis
Rohan E. Louis, Shibu K. Mathew, A. Raja Bayanna, Christian Beck, Debi P. Choudhary
Sustained heating of the chromosphere and transition region over a sunspot light bridge
Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal; 24 pages, 15 figures, 3 tables, Appendix with 3 figures
Sunspot light bridges (LBs) exhibit a wide range of short-lived phenomena in the chromosphere and transition region. In contrast, we use here data from the Multi-Application Solar Telescope (MAST), the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS), Hinode, the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA), and the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) to analyze the sustained heating over days in an LB in a regular sunspot. Chromospheric temperatures were retrieved from the the MAST Ca II and IRIS Mg II lines by nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium inversions. Line widths, Doppler shifts, and intensities were derived from the IRIS lines using Gaussian fits. Coronal temperatures were estimated through the differential emission measure, while the coronal magnetic field was obtained from an extrapolation of the HMI vector field. At the photosphere, the LB exhibits a granular morphology with field strengths of about 400 G and no significant electric currents. The sunspot does not fragment, and the LB remains stable for several days. The chromospheric temperature, IRIS line intensities and widths, and AIA 171 \AA and 211 \AA intensities are all enhanced in the LB with temperatures from 8000 K to 2.5 MK. Photospheric plasma motions remain small, while the chromosphere and transition region indicate predominantly red-shifts of 5-20 km/s with occasional supersonic downflows exceeding 100 km/s. The excess thermal energy over the LB is about 3.2x10^26 erg and matches the radiative losses. It could be supplied by magnetic flux loss of the sunspot (7.5x10^27 erg), kinetic energy from the increase in the LB width (4x10^28 erg), or freefall of mass along the coronal loops (6.3x10^26 ,erg).
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 11:47:07 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Louis", "Rohan E.", "" ], [ "Mathew", "Shibu K.", "" ], [ "Bayanna", "A. Raja", "" ], [ "Beck", "Christian", "" ], [ "Choudhary", "Debi P.", "" ] ]
Mariusz P. Dabrowski
Ilim Cimidiker, Mariusz P. Dabrowski, Hussain Gohar
Generalized Uncertainty Principle Impact on Nonextensive Black Hole Thermodynamics
17 pages, 20 figures, an improved version with new discussion on nonextensivity and nonadditivity
Class. Quantum Grav. 40, 145001 (2023)
gr-qc hep-th quant-ph
The effect of the generalized uncertainty principle (GUP) on nonextensive thermodynamics applied to black holes, as well as the sparsity of the radiation at different temperatures associated with each nonextensive entropy, is investigated. We examine the R\'enyi, Tsallis-Cirto, Kaniadakis, Sharma Mittal, and Barrow entropies, temperatures, and heat capacities and show that, in each case, due to GUP corrections, the temperature and entropy have finite values, implying that the final state of the black hole is a remnant at the end of the evaporation process and that the sparsity of the radiation for massless bosons at each temperature depends on the mass of the black hole. We also find that GUP reduces the value of the sparsity profile for each case as compared to the sparsity parameter at Hawking temperature, which is always constant throughout the evaporation.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 11:50:36 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 19 Jul 2023 20:37:02 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Cimidiker", "Ilim", "" ], [ "Dabrowski", "Mariusz P.", "" ], [ "Gohar", "Hussain", "" ] ]
Ivan Palaia
Ivan Palaia, Adelchi J. Asta, Patrick B. Warren, Benjamin Rotenberg, Emmanuel Trizac
Charging dynamics of electric double layer nanocapacitors in mean-field
physics.chem-ph cond-mat.soft
An electric double layer capacitor (EDLC) stores energy by modulating the spatial distribution of ions in the electrolytic solution that it contains. We determine the mean-field time scales for planar EDLC relaxation to equilibrium, after a potential difference is applied. We tackle first the fully symmetric case, where positive and negative ionic species have same valence and diffusivity, and then the general, more complex, asymmetric case. Depending on applied voltage and salt concentration, different regimes appear, revealing a remarkably rich phenomenology relevant for nanocapacitors.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 11:52:34 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Palaia", "Ivan", "" ], [ "Asta", "Adelchi J.", "" ], [ "Warren", "Patrick B.", "" ], [ "Rotenberg", "Benjamin", "" ], [ "Trizac", "Emmanuel", "" ] ]
Bruno Chareyre
Vaclav Smilauer, Vasileios Angelidakis, Emanuele Catalano, Robert Caulk, Bruno Chareyre, William Chevremont, Sergei Dorofeenko, Jerome Duriez, Nolan Dyck, Jan Elias, Burak Er, Alexander Eulitz, Anton Gladky, Ning Guo, Christian Jakob, Francois Kneib, Janek Kozicki, Donia Marzougui, Raphael Maurin, Chiara Modenese, Gary Pekmezi, Luc Scholtes, Luc Sibille, Jan Stransky, Thomas Sweijen, Klaus Thoeni, Chao Yuan
Yade Documentation
physics.comp-ph cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.soft
Yade is an extensible open-source framework for discrete numerical models, focused on the Discrete Element Method. The computation parts are written in c++ using a flexible object model and allowing independent implementation of new algorithms and interfaces. Python is used for rapid and concise scene construction, simulation control, postprocessing and debugging. Yade is located at, which contains this documentation. Development is kindly hosted on launchpad and GitLab ; they are used for source code, bug tracking and source downloads and more. Building, regression tests and packages distribution are hosted on servers of the Grenoble Geomechanics group at Laboratoire 3SR, UMS Gricad and Gda\'nsk University of Technology. Yade supports high precision calculations and Python 3. The development branch is on GitLab.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 11:54:05 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Smilauer", "Vaclav", "" ], [ "Angelidakis", "Vasileios", "" ], [ "Catalano", "Emanuele", "" ], [ "Caulk", "Robert", "" ], [ "Chareyre", "Bruno", "" ], [ "Chevremont", "William", "" ], [ "Dorofeenko", "Sergei", "" ], [ "Duriez", "Jerome", "" ], [ "Dyck", "Nolan", "" ], [ "Elias", "Jan", "" ], [ "Er", "Burak", "" ], [ "Eulitz", "Alexander", "" ], [ "Gladky", "Anton", "" ], [ "Guo", "Ning", "" ], [ "Jakob", "Christian", "" ], [ "Kneib", "Francois", "" ], [ "Kozicki", "Janek", "" ], [ "Marzougui", "Donia", "" ], [ "Maurin", "Raphael", "" ], [ "Modenese", "Chiara", "" ], [ "Pekmezi", "Gary", "" ], [ "Scholtes", "Luc", "" ], [ "Sibille", "Luc", "" ], [ "Stransky", "Jan", "" ], [ "Sweijen", "Thomas", "" ], [ "Thoeni", "Klaus", "" ], [ "Yuan", "Chao", "" ] ]
Robin Zhang
Robin Zhang
The Harris-Venkatesh conjecture for derived Hecke operators III: local constants
41 pages, sequel to arXiv:2305.08956. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2301.00570
The first two papers in this series prove the Harris-Venkatesh conjecture and its refinement with the Stark conjecture for imaginary dihedral modular forms of weight $1$. In this paper, the constants appearing in the Harris-Venkatesh plus Stark conjecture are described using explicit $\mathrm{GL}(2) \times \mathrm{GL}(2)$ Rankin-Selberg zeta integrals for locally dihedral modular forms. In particular, we calculate Rankin-Selberg periods evaluated on newforms and optimal forms. We also extend the construction of optimal forms to locally dihedral modular forms.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 11:54:25 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 19 Jul 2023 19:14:10 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhang", "Robin", "" ] ]
Qihong Huang
Qihong Huang, He Huang and Bing Xu
CMB power spectrum for emergent scenario and slow expansion in scalar-tensor theory of gravity
Physics of the Dark Universe 41 (2023) 101262
We analyze the stability of the Einstein static universe in scalar-tensor theory of gravity, and find it can be stable against both scalar and tensor perturbations under certain conditions. By assuming the emergent scenario originating from an Einstein static state, followed by an instantaneous transition to an inflationary phase, we study and obtain the analytical approximations of the primordial power spectrum for the emergent scenario. Then, we plot the primordial power spectrum and CMB TT-spectrum of the emergent scenario and the slow expansion scenario. These figures show that both of these spectra for the slow expansion scenario are the same as that for $\Lambda$CDM, and the spectra of the emergent scenario are lower than that for $\Lambda$CDM at large scales.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 11:56:33 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 12 Jun 2023 14:54:22 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Huang", "Qihong", "" ], [ "Huang", "He", "" ], [ "Xu", "Bing", "" ] ]
Michael Hauck
Michael Hauck, Patrick Schmidt, Alexander Kobelski, Stefan Streif
A map-based model predictive control approach for train operation
6 pages, 7 figures, accepted at ECC 2023
eess.SY cs.SY math.OC
Trains are a corner stone of public transport and play an important role in daily life. A challenging task in train operation is to avoid skidding and sliding during fast changes of traction conditions, which can, for example, occur due to changing weather conditions, crossings, tunnels or forest entries. The latter depends on local track conditions and can be recorded in a map together with other location-dependent information like speed limits and inclination. In this paper, a model predictive control (MPC) approach is developed. Thanks to the knowledge of future changes of traction conditions, the approach is able to avoid short-term skidding and sliding even under fast changes of traction conditions. In a first step, an optimal reference trajectory is determined by a multiple-shooting approach. In a second step, the reference trajectory is tracked by an MPC setup. The developed method is simulated along a track with fast-changing traction conditions for different scenarios, like changing weather conditions and unexpected delays. In all cases, skidding and sliding is avoided.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 12:00:47 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 24 Apr 2023 08:32:20 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hauck", "Michael", "" ], [ "Schmidt", "Patrick", "" ], [ "Kobelski", "Alexander", "" ], [ "Streif", "Stefan", "" ] ]
Kaicheng Yang
Kaicheng Yang, Yuhan Wu, Ruijie Miao, Tong Yang, Zirui Liu, Zicang Xu, Rui Qiu, Yikai Zhao, Hanglong Lv, Zhigang Ji, Gaogang Xie
ChameleMon: Shifting Measurement Attention as Network State Changes
This is a preprint of ChameleMon: Shifting Measurement Attention as Network State Changes, to appear in SIGCOMM 2023
ACM SIGCOMM (2023) 881-903
Flow-level network measurement is critical to many network applications. Among various measurement tasks, packet loss detection and heavy-hitter detection are two most important measurement tasks, which we call the two key tasks. In practice, the two key tasks are often required at the same time, but existing works seldom handle both tasks. In this paper, we design ChameleMon to support the two key tasks simultaneously. One key design/novelty of ChameleMon is to shift measurement attention as network state changes, through two dimensions of dynamics: 1) dynamically allocating memory between the two key tasks; 2) dynamically monitoring the flows of importance. To realize the key design, we propose a key technique, leveraging Fermat's little theorem to devise a flexible data structure, namely FermatSketch. FermatSketch is dividable, additive, and subtractive, supporting the two key tasks. We have fully implemented a ChameleMon prototype on a testbed with a Fat-tree topology. We conduct extensive experiments and the results show ChameleMon supports the two key tasks with low memory/bandwidth overhead, and more importantly, it can automatically shift measurement attention as network state changes.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 12:01:01 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 20 Jul 2023 08:47:26 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yang", "Kaicheng", "" ], [ "Wu", "Yuhan", "" ], [ "Miao", "Ruijie", "" ], [ "Yang", "Tong", "" ], [ "Liu", "Zirui", "" ], [ "Xu", "Zicang", "" ], [ "Qiu", "Rui", "" ], [ "Zhao", "Yikai", "" ], [ "Lv", "Hanglong", "" ], [ "Ji", "Zhigang", "" ], [ "Xie", "Gaogang", "" ] ]
Zhiwen Zhao
Zhiwen Zhao
Regularity and stability for solutions to elliptic equations and systems arising from high-contrast composites
The main objective of this paper is to study the regularity and stability for solutions to the conductivity problems with degenerate coefficients in the presence of two rigid conductors, as one conductor keeps motionless and another conductor moves in some direction by a sufficiently small translational distance. We will show that the solutions are smooth and stable with respect to the small translational distance. Our results contain the following three cases: two perfect conductors, two insulators, a perfect conductor and an insulator. Further, we extend the results to the elasticity problem modeled by the Lam\'{e} system with partially infinite coefficients.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 12:09:08 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 6 Apr 2023 13:53:04 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Sun, 27 Aug 2023 13:18:02 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhao", "Zhiwen", "" ] ]
Tuomas Hyt\"onen
Tuomas P. Hyt\"onen
Some remarks on convex body domination
25 pages
math.FA math.CA
Convex body domination is an important elaboration of the technique of sparse domination that has seen significant development and applications over the past ten years. In this paper, we present an abstract framework for convex body domination, which also applies to Banach space -valued functions, and yields matrix-weighted norm inequalities in this setting. We explore applications to "generalised commutators", obtaining new examples of bounded operators among linear combinations of compositions of pointwise multipliers and a singular integral operator.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 12:11:30 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hytönen", "Tuomas P.", "" ] ]
Masoud Dayani
Masoud Dayani Najafabadi and Mohammad Reza Ahmadzadeh
An Event-based Algorithm for Simultaneous 6-DOF Camera Pose Tracking and Mapping
Compared to regular cameras, Dynamic Vision Sensors or Event Cameras can output compact visual data based on a change in the intensity in each pixel location asynchronously. In this paper, we study the application of current image-based SLAM techniques to these novel sensors. To this end, the information in adaptively selected event windows is processed to form motion-compensated images. These images are then used to reconstruct the scene and estimate the 6-DOF pose of the camera. We also propose an inertial version of the event-only pipeline to assess its capabilities. We compare the results of different configurations of the proposed algorithm against the ground truth for sequences of two publicly available event datasets. We also compare the results of the proposed event-inertial pipeline with the state-of-the-art and show it can produce comparable or more accurate results provided the map estimate is reliable.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 12:16:18 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 10 Jan 2023 05:37:35 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Najafabadi", "Masoud Dayani", "" ], [ "Ahmadzadeh", "Mohammad Reza", "" ] ]
Yanjun Chen
J. Y. Che, Y. G. Peng, F. B. Zhang, X. J. Xie, G. G. Xin, and Y. J. Chen
Response time of electron inside a molecule to light in strong-field ionization
7 pages,4 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2212.09886
We study ionization of aligned H$_2^+$ in strong elliptically-polarized laser fields numerically and analytically. The calculated offset angle in photoelectron momentum distribution is several degrees larger for the molecule than a model atom with similar ionization potential at diverse laser parameters. Using a strong-field model that considers the properties of multi-center and single-center Coulomb potentials, we are able to quantitatively reproduce this angle difference between the molecule and the atom. Further analyses based on this model show that the response time of electron to light which is encoded in the offset angle and is manifested as the time spent in tunneling ionization, is about 15 attoseconds longer for the molecule than the atom. This time difference is further enlarged when increasing the internuclear distance of the molecule.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 12:20:15 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Che", "J. Y.", "" ], [ "Peng", "Y. G.", "" ], [ "Zhang", "F. B.", "" ], [ "Xie", "X. J.", "" ], [ "Xin", "G. G.", "" ], [ "Chen", "Y. J.", "" ] ]
Elahe Arani
Arnav Varma, Elahe Arani and Bahram Zonooz
Dynamically Modular and Sparse General Continual Learning
Camera ready version - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2023)
cs.CV cs.AI cs.LG cs.NE
Real-world applications often require learning continuously from a stream of data under ever-changing conditions. When trying to learn from such non-stationary data, deep neural networks (DNNs) undergo catastrophic forgetting of previously learned information. Among the common approaches to avoid catastrophic forgetting, rehearsal-based methods have proven effective. However, they are still prone to forgetting due to task-interference as all parameters respond to all tasks. To counter this, we take inspiration from sparse coding in the brain and introduce dynamic modularity and sparsity (Dynamos) for rehearsal-based general continual learning. In this setup, the DNN learns to respond to stimuli by activating relevant subsets of neurons. We demonstrate the effectiveness of Dynamos on multiple datasets under challenging continual learning evaluation protocols. Finally, we show that our method learns representations that are modular and specialized, while maintaining reusability by activating subsets of neurons with overlaps corresponding to the similarity of stimuli.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 12:24:24 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Varma", "Arnav", "" ], [ "Arani", "Elahe", "" ], [ "Zonooz", "Bahram", "" ] ]
Dor Tsur
Dor Tsur, Ziv Aharoni, Ziv Goldfeld and Haim Permuter
Data-Driven Optimization of Directed Information over Discrete Alphabets
cs.IT cs.LG math.IT
Directed information (DI) is a fundamental measure for the study and analysis of sequential stochastic models. In particular, when optimized over input distributions it characterizes the capacity of general communication channels. However, analytic computation of DI is typically intractable and existing optimization techniques over discrete input alphabets require knowledge of the channel model, which renders them inapplicable when only samples are available. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel estimation-optimization framework for DI over discrete input spaces. We formulate DI optimization as a Markov decision process and leverage reinforcement learning techniques to optimize a deep generative model of the input process probability mass function (PMF). Combining this optimizer with the recently developed DI neural estimator, we obtain an end-to-end estimation-optimization algorithm which is applied to estimating the (feedforward and feedback) capacity of various discrete channels with memory. Furthermore, we demonstrate how to use the optimized PMF model to (i) obtain theoretical bounds on the feedback capacity of unifilar finite-state channels; and (ii) perform probabilistic shaping of constellations in the peak power-constrained additive white Gaussian noise channel.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 12:25:40 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Tsur", "Dor", "" ], [ "Aharoni", "Ziv", "" ], [ "Goldfeld", "Ziv", "" ], [ "Permuter", "Haim", "" ] ]
Kun Zhao
Kun Zhao, Qian Gao, Siyuan Hao, Jie Sun, Lijian Zhou
Credible Remote Sensing Scene Classification Using Evidential Fusion on Aerial-Ground Dual-view Images
16 pages, 16 figures
cs.CV cs.AI
Due to their ability to offer more comprehensive information than data from a single view, multi-view (multi-source, multi-modal, multi-perspective, etc.) data are being used more frequently in remote sensing tasks. However, as the number of views grows, the issue of data quality becomes more apparent, limiting the potential benefits of multi-view data. Although recent deep neural network (DNN) based models can learn the weight of data adaptively, a lack of research on explicitly quantifying the data quality of each view when fusing them renders these models inexplicable, performing unsatisfactorily and inflexible in downstream remote sensing tasks. To fill this gap, in this paper, evidential deep learning is introduced to the task of aerial-ground dual-view remote sensing scene classification to model the credibility of each view. Specifically, the theory of evidence is used to calculate an uncertainty value which describes the decision-making risk of each view. Based on this uncertainty, a novel decision-level fusion strategy is proposed to ensure that the view with lower risk obtains more weight, making the classification more credible. On two well-known, publicly available datasets of aerial-ground dual-view remote sensing images, the proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art results, demonstrating its effectiveness. The code and datasets of this article are available at the following address:
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 12:27:55 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhao", "Kun", "" ], [ "Gao", "Qian", "" ], [ "Hao", "Siyuan", "" ], [ "Sun", "Jie", "" ], [ "Zhou", "Lijian", "" ] ]
Matthias Barkowsky
Matthias Barkowsky and Holger Giese
Triple Graph Grammars for Multi-version Models
Like conventional software projects, projects in model-driven software engineering require adequate management of multiple versions of development artifacts, importantly allowing living with temporary inconsistencies. In the case of model-driven software engineering, employed versioning approaches also have to handle situations where different artifacts, that is, different models, are linked via automatic model transformations. In this report, we propose a technique for jointly handling the transformation of multiple versions of a source model into corresponding versions of a target model, which enables the use of a more compact representation that may afford improved execution time of both the transformation and further analysis operations. Our approach is based on the well-known formalism of triple graph grammars and a previously introduced encoding of model version histories called multi-version models. In addition to showing the correctness of our approach with respect to the standard semantics of triple graph grammars, we conduct an empirical evaluation that demonstrates the potential benefit regarding execution time performance.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 12:32:50 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Barkowsky", "Matthias", "" ], [ "Giese", "Holger", "" ] ]
Matthias Barkowsky
Matthias Barkowsky and Holger Giese
Modular and Incremental Global Model Management with Extended Generalized Discrimination Networks
Complex projects developed under the paradigm of model-driven engineering nowadays often involve several interrelated models, which are automatically processed via a multitude of model operations. Modular and incremental construction and execution of such networks of models and model operations are required to accommodate efficient development with potentially large-scale models. The underlying problem is also called Global Model Management. In this report, we propose an approach to modular and incremental Global Model Management via an extension to the existing technique of Generalized Discrimination Networks (GDNs). In addition to further generalizing the notion of query operations employed in GDNs, we adapt the previously query-only mechanism to operations with side effects to integrate model transformation and model synchronization. We provide incremental algorithms for the execution of the resulting extended Generalized Discrimination Networks (eGDNs), as well as a prototypical implementation for a number of example eGDN operations. Based on this prototypical implementation, we experiment with an application scenario from the software development domain to empirically evaluate our approach with respect to scalability and conceptually demonstrate its applicability in a typical scenario. Initial results confirm that the presented approach can indeed be employed to realize efficient Global Model Management in the considered scenario.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 12:33:07 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Barkowsky", "Matthias", "" ], [ "Giese", "Holger", "" ] ]
sylvain queyreau
Sylvain Queyreau (LSPM)
On the saturation stress of deformed metals
Crystalline materials exhibit an hysteresis behaviour when deformed cyclically. The origins of this tension-compression asymmetry have been fully understood only recently as being caused by an asymmetry in the junction strength and a reduced mean free path of dislocations inherited from previous deformation stage. Here, we investigate the saturation stress in fcc single- and poly-crystals using a Crystal Plasticity framework derived from dislocation dynamics simulations. In the absence of plastic localization and damage mechanism, the single-crystal mechanical response eventually saturates. We show that the cyclic saturation stress converges asymptotically to the monotonic saturation stress as the cycle plastic increment increases, and this convergence can be observed for some experimental conditions. The analysis of the experimental literature suggests that the mechanisms controlling the saturation in single crystals are the same controlling the cyclic response of polycrystals with large grains. We propose also analytical and approximated models to predict the saturation stress over the considered loading conditions. The saturation stress appears as a fundamental property of dislocations, explaining the consistency observed in the experimental literature. This work provides a unified view on the monotonous and cyclic responses of fcc single and poly-crystals, which may help in interpreting experimental data.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 12:40:03 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Queyreau", "Sylvain", "", "LSPM" ] ]
Alejandro Vigna-Gomez
Alejandro Vigna-G\'omez, Javier Murillo, Manelik Ramirez, Alberto Borbolla, Ian M\'arquez and Prasun K. Ray
Design and analysis of tweet-based election models for the 2021 Mexican legislative election
Accepted for publication in EPJ Data Science. 20 pages, 7 figures, 1 table
cs.SI cs.CL cs.CY
Modelling and forecasting real-life human behaviour using online social media is an active endeavour of interest in politics, government, academia, and industry. Since its creation in 2006, Twitter has been proposed as a potential laboratory that could be used to gauge and predict social behaviour. During the last decade, the user base of Twitter has been growing and becoming more representative of the general population. Here we analyse this user base in the context of the 2021 Mexican Legislative Election. To do so, we use a dataset of 15 million election-related tweets in the six months preceding election day. We explore different election models that assign political preference to either the ruling parties or the opposition. We find that models using data with geographical attributes determine the results of the election with better precision and accuracy than conventional polling methods. These results demonstrate that analysis of public online data can outperform conventional polling methods, and that political analysis and general forecasting would likely benefit from incorporating such data in the immediate future. Moreover, the same Twitter dataset with geographical attributes is positively correlated with results from official census data on population and internet usage in Mexico. These findings suggest that we have reached a period in time when online activity, appropriately curated, can provide an accurate representation of offline behaviour.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 12:40:05 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 21 Jun 2023 08:01:38 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Vigna-Gómez", "Alejandro", "" ], [ "Murillo", "Javier", "" ], [ "Ramirez", "Manelik", "" ], [ "Borbolla", "Alberto", "" ], [ "Márquez", "Ian", "" ], [ "Ray", "Prasun K.", "" ] ]
Li Jinkai
Jinkai Li and Zhouping Xin
Instantaneous unboundedness of the entropy and uniform positivity of the temperature for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations with fast decay density
math.AP math-ph math.MP
This paper concerns the physical behaviors of any solutions to the one dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes equations for viscous and heat conductive gases with constant viscosities and heat conductivity for fast decaying density at far fields only. First, it is shown that the specific entropy becomes not uniformly bounded immediately after the initial time, as long as the initial density decays to vacuum at the far field at the rate not slower than $O\left(\frac1{|x|^{\ell_\rho}}\right)$ with $\ell_\rho>2$. Furthermore, for faster decaying initial density, i.e., $\ell_\rho\geq4$, a sharper result is discovered that the absolute temperature becomes uniformly positive at each positive time, no matter whether it is uniformly positive or not initially, and consequently the corresponding entropy behaves as $O(-\log(\varrho_0(x)))$ at each positive time, independent of the boundedness of the initial entropy. Such phenomena are in sharp contrast to the case with slowly decaying initial density of the rate no faster than $O(\frac1{x^2})$, for which our previous works \cite{LIXINADV,LIXINCPAM,LIXIN3DK} show that the uniform boundedness of the entropy can be propagated for all positive time and thus the temperature decays to zero at the far field. These give a complete answer to the problem concerning the propagation of uniform boundedness of the entropy for the heat conductive ideal gases and, in particular, show that the algebraic decay rate $2$ of the initial density at the far field is sharp for the uniform boundedness of the entropy. The tools to prove our main results are based on some scaling transforms, including the Kelvin transform, and a Hopf type lemma for a class of degenerate equations with possible unbounded coefficients.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 12:42:15 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Li", "Jinkai", "" ], [ "Xin", "Zhouping", "" ] ]
Hamid Mohammadi
Tahereh Firoozi, Hamid Mohammadi, Mark J. Gierl
Using Active Learning Methods to Strategically Select Essays for Automated Scoring
Research on automated essay scoring has become increasing important because it serves as a method for evaluating students' written-responses at scale. Scalable methods for scoring written responses are needed as students migrate to online learning environments resulting in the need to evaluate large numbers of written-response assessments. The purpose of this study is to describe and evaluate three active learning methods than can be used to minimize the number of essays that must be scored by human raters while still providing the data needed to train a modern automated essay scoring system. The three active learning methods are the uncertainty-based, the topological-based, and the hybrid method. These three methods were used to select essays included as part of the Automated Student Assessment Prize competition that were then classified using a scoring model that was training with the bidirectional encoder representations from transformer language model. All three active learning methods produced strong results, with the topological-based method producing the most efficient classification. Growth rate accuracy was also evaluated. The active learning methods produced different levels of efficiency under different sample size allocations but, overall, all three methods were highly efficient and produced classifications that were similar to one another.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 12:46:10 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 13 Apr 2023 23:17:58 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Firoozi", "Tahereh", "" ], [ "Mohammadi", "Hamid", "" ], [ "Gierl", "Mark J.", "" ] ]
Manuele Leonelli
Manuele Leonelli and Gherardo Varando
Learning and interpreting asymmetry-labeled DAGs: a case study on COVID-19 fear
cs.AI stat.ML
Bayesian networks are widely used to learn and reason about the dependence structure of discrete variables. However, they are only capable of formally encoding symmetric conditional independence, which in practice is often too strict to hold. Asymmetry-labeled DAGs have been recently proposed to both extend the class of Bayesian networks by relaxing the symmetric assumption of independence and denote the type of dependence existing between the variables of interest. Here, we introduce novel structural learning algorithms for this class of models which, whilst being efficient, allow for a straightforward interpretation of the underlying dependence structure. A comprehensive computational study highlights the efficiency of the algorithms. A real-world data application using data from the Fear of COVID-19 Scale collected in Italy showcases their use in practice.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 12:48:17 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Leonelli", "Manuele", "" ], [ "Varando", "Gherardo", "" ] ]
Li-Sheng Geng
Tian-Wei Wu, Si-Qiang Luo, Ming-Zhu Liu, Li-Sheng Geng, and Xiang Liu
Tribaryons with lattice QCD and one-boson exchange potentials
6 pages, 2 figures, 4 tables, to appear in PRD as a letter
hep-ph hep-ex hep-lat nucl-ex nucl-th
Motivated by the existence of two-body hadronic molecules composed of $\Omega\Omega$, $\Omega_{ccc}\Omega_{ccc}$ and $\Omega_{bbb}\Omega_{bbb}$ predicted by lattice QCD simulations, we use the Gaussian expansion method to investigate whether three-body systems composed of $\Omega\Omega\Omega$, $\Omega_{ccc}\Omega_{ccc}\Omega_{ccc}$ and $\Omega_{bbb}\Omega_{bbb}\Omega_{bbb}$ can bind with the two-body $^1S_0$ interactions provided by lattice QCD. Our results show that none of the three-body systems bind. On the other hand, we find that with the one-boson exchange potentials the $\Omega\Omega\Omega$ system develops a bound state, for which the $^5S_2$ interaction plays an important role. Our studies support the existence of the $\frac{3}{2}^+$ $\Omega\Omega\Omega$ bound state and the nonexistence of the $\frac{3}{2}^+$ $\Omega_{ccc}\Omega_{ccc}\Omega_{ccc}$ and $\Omega_{bbb}\Omega_{bbb}\Omega_{bbb}$ bound states, due to the suppressed $^5S_2$ interactions in heavier systems.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 12:49:43 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 22 Nov 2023 12:41:52 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wu", "Tian-Wei", "" ], [ "Luo", "Si-Qiang", "" ], [ "Liu", "Ming-Zhu", "" ], [ "Geng", "Li-Sheng", "" ], [ "Liu", "Xiang", "" ] ]
Gersende Fort
Gersende Fort (IMT), Eric Moulines (CMAP)
Stochastic Variable Metric Proximal Gradient with variance reduction for non-convex composite optimization
Statistics and Computing, In press
cs.LG math.OC
This paper introduces a novel algorithm, the Perturbed Proximal Preconditioned SPIDER algorithm (3P-SPIDER), designed to solve finite sum non-convex composite optimization. It is a stochastic Variable Metric Forward-Backward algorithm, which allows approximate preconditioned forward operator and uses a variable metric proximity operator as the backward operator; it also proposes a mini-batch strategy with variance reduction to address the finite sum setting. We show that 3P-SPIDER extends some Stochastic preconditioned Gradient Descent-based algorithms and some Incremental Expectation Maximization algorithms to composite optimization and to the case the forward operator can not be computed in closed form. We also provide an explicit control of convergence in expectation of 3P-SPIDER, and study its complexity in order to satisfy the epsilon-approximate stationary condition. Our results are the first to combine the composite non-convex optimization setting, a variance reduction technique to tackle the finite sum setting by using a minibatch strategy and, to allow deterministic or random approximations of the preconditioned forward operator. Finally, through an application to inference in a logistic regression model with random effects, we numerically compare 3P-SPIDER to other stochastic forward-backward algorithms and discuss the role of some design parameters of 3P-SPIDER.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 12:49:48 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 8 Mar 2023 15:36:57 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Fort", "Gersende", "", "IMT" ], [ "Moulines", "Eric", "", "CMAP" ] ]
Ankit Kumar Panda
Ankit Kumar Panda, Reghukrishnan Gangadharan and Victor Roy
Investigating the Role of Electric Fields on Flow Harmonics in Heavy-Ion Collisions
10 pages, 8 figures
Using the blast-wave model, we explore the effect of electric fields on spectra and flow harmonics (especially the elliptic flow) for charged pions and protons. We incorporate the first-order correction to the single-particle distribution function due to the electric fields and the dissipative effect while calculating the invariant yields of hadron in the Cooper-Frey prescription at the freezeout hypersurface. We find a noticeable correction to the directed and elliptic flow of pions and protons for unidirectional and azimuthal asymmetric electric fields in the transverse plane of magnitude $\sim m_{\pi}^{2}$. Further, we observe mass dependency of the directed flow generated due to the electric fields. The splitting of particle and antiparticle's elliptic flow is also discussed.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 12:50:09 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Panda", "Ankit Kumar", "" ], [ "Gangadharan", "Reghukrishnan", "" ], [ "Roy", "Victor", "" ] ]
Ver\'onica Becher
Ver\'onica Becher and Olivier Carton
Nested perfect toroidal arrays
cs.IT cs.DM math.CO math.IT
We introduce two-dimensional toroidal arrays that are a variant of the de Bruijn tori. We call them nested perfect toroidal arrays. Instead of asking that every array of a given size has exactly one occurrence, we partition the positions in congruence classes and we ask exactly one occurrence in each congruence class. We also ask that this property applies recursively to each of the subarrays. We give a method to construct nested perfect toroidal arrays based on Pascal triangle matrix modulo 2. For the two-symbol alphabet, and for $n$ being a power of $2$, our method yields $2^{n^2+n-1}$ different nested perfect toroidal arrays allocating all the different $n\times n$ arrays in each congruence class that arises from taking the line number modulo $n$ and the column number modulo $n$.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 12:51:30 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Becher", "Verónica", "" ], [ "Carton", "Olivier", "" ] ]
Jikun Chen
Xuanchi Zhou, Yuchen Cui, Yanlong Shang, Haifan Li, Jiaou Wang, Ye Meng, Xiaoguang Xu, Yong Jiang, Nuofu Chen and Jikun Chen
Non-Equilibrium Spark Plasma Reactive Doping Enables Highly Adjustable Metal to Insulator Transitions and Improved Mechanical Stability for VO2
Although vanadium dioxide (VO2) exhibits the most abrupt metal to insulator transition (MIT) properties near room-temperature, the present regulation of their MIT functionalities is insufficient owing to the high complexity and susception associated with V4+. Herein, we demonstrate a spark plasma assisted reactive sintering (SPARS) approach to simultaneously achieve in situ doping and sintering of VO2 within largely short period (~10 minutes). This enables high convenience and flexibility in regulating the electronic structure of VO2 via dopant elements covering Ti, W, Nb, Mo, Cr and Fe, leading to a wide adjustment in their metal to insulator transition temperature (TMIT) and basic resistivity. Furthermore, the mechanical strengths of the doped-VO2 were meanwhile largely improved via the compositing effect of high melting-point dopant oxide. The high adjustability in MIT properties and improved mechanical properties further paves the way towards practical applications of VO2 in power electronics, thermochromism and infrared camouflage.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 12:53:00 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhou", "Xuanchi", "" ], [ "Cui", "Yuchen", "" ], [ "Shang", "Yanlong", "" ], [ "Li", "Haifan", "" ], [ "Wang", "Jiaou", "" ], [ "Meng", "Ye", "" ], [ "Xu", "Xiaoguang", "" ], [ "Jiang", "Yong", "" ], [ "Chen", "Nuofu", "" ], [ "Chen", "Jikun", "" ] ]
Vikas Saini
Vikas Saini, Bikash Patra, Bahadur Singh, and A. Thamizhavel
Coexistence of phononic Weyl, nodal line, and threefold excitations in chalcopyrite CdGeAs$_{2}$ and associated thermoelectric properties
Realization of topologically protected quantum states leads to unprecedented opportunities for fundamental science and device applications. Here, we demonstrate the coexistence of multiple topological phononic states and calculate the associated thermoelectric properties of a chalcopyrite material CdGeAs$_2$ using first-principles theoretical modeling. CdGeAs$_{2}$ is a direct bandgap semiconductor with a bandgap of $0.65$ eV. By analysing the phonon spectrum and associated symmetries, we show the presence of nearly isolated Weyl, nodal line, and threefold band crossings in CdGeAs$_2$. Specifically, the two triply degenerate points (TDPs) identified on the $k_{z}$ axis are formed by the optical phonons bands 7, 8, and 9 with type-II energy dispersion. These TDPs form a time reversal pair and are connected by a straight nodal line with zero Berry phase. The TDPs formed between bands 14, 15, and 16 exhibit type-I crossings and are connected through the open straight nodal line. Our transport calculations show a large thermopower exceeding $\sim$500 and $200$ $\rm \mu V/K$ for the hole and electron carriers, respectively, above 500 K with a carrier doping of 10$^{18}$ cm$^{-3}$. The large thermopower in $p$-type CdGeAs$_{2}$ is a consequence of the sharp density of states appear from the presence of a heavy hole band at the $\Gamma$ point. We argue that the presence of topological states in the phonon bands could lead to low lattice thermal conductivity and drive a high figure-of-merit in CdGeAs$_{2}$.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 12:54:18 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Saini", "Vikas", "" ], [ "Patra", "Bikash", "" ], [ "Singh", "Bahadur", "" ], [ "Thamizhavel", "A.", "" ] ]
Xiao Xiong
Xiao Xiong
New Designed Loss Functions to Solve Ordinary Differential Equations with Artificial Neural Network
10 pages, 9 figures
This paper investigates the use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) to solve differential equations (DEs) and the construction of the loss function which meets both differential equation and its initial/boundary condition of a certain DE. In section 2, the loss function is generalized to $n^\text{th}$ order ordinary differential equation(ODE). Other methods of construction are examined in Section 3 and applied to three different models to assess their effectiveness.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 29 Dec 2022 11:26:31 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Xiong", "Xiao", "" ] ]
Yuli Zhang
Yuli.Zhang, Shangbo.Wang, Ruiyuan.Jiang
Large-Scale Traffic Signal Control by a Nash Deep Q-network Approach
7 pages,7 figures
cs.GT cs.AI cs.LG cs.MA
Reinforcement Learning (RL) is currently one of the most commonly used techniques for traffic signal control (TSC), which can adaptively adjusted traffic signal phase and duration according to real-time traffic data. However, a fully centralized RL approach is beset with difficulties in a multi-network scenario because of exponential growth in state-action space with increasing intersections. Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) can overcome the high-dimension problem by employing the global control of each local RL agent, but it also brings new challenges, such as the failure of convergence caused by the non-stationary Markov Decision Process (MDP). In this paper, we introduce an off-policy nash deep Q-Network (OPNDQN) algorithm, which mitigates the weakness of both fully centralized and MARL approaches. The OPNDQN algorithm solves the problem that traditional algorithms cannot be used in large state-action space traffic models by utilizing a fictitious game approach at each iteration to find the nash equilibrium among neighboring intersections, from which no intersection has incentive to unilaterally deviate. One of main advantages of OPNDQN is to mitigate the non-stationarity of multi-agent Markov process because it considers the mutual influence among neighboring intersections by sharing their actions. On the other hand, for training a large traffic network, the convergence rate of OPNDQN is higher than that of existing MARL approaches because it does not incorporate all state information of each agent. We conduct an extensive experiments by using Simulation of Urban MObility simulator (SUMO), and show the dominant superiority of OPNDQN over several existing MARL approaches in terms of average queue length, episode training reward and average waiting time.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 12:58:51 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhang", "Yuli.", "" ], [ "Wang", "Shangbo.", "" ], [ "Jiang", "Ruiyuan.", "" ] ]
S. N Sajadi
S. N. Sajadi
Holographic Anisotropic Background in 5D Einstien-Gauss-Bonnet Gravity
24 pages, 16 figures, accepted in EPJC
hep-th gr-qc
In this paper, we extend the work on the AdS/QCD model to quadratic gravity to gain insight into the influence of gravity. We obtain an anisotropic black brane solution to a $5D$ Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-two Maxwell-dilaton system. The background is specified by an arbitrary exponent, a dilaton field, a time component of the first Maxwell field, and a magnetic component of the second Maxwell field. The system in three cases has been investigated and in each case the effect of the parameter of theory, the anisotropic parameter has been considered. The blackening function supports the thermodynamical phase transition between small/large and AdS/large black brane for a suitable chemical potential and other parameters.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 12:59:53 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sajadi", "S. N.", "" ] ]
Abra\~ao Mendes
Gregory J. Galloway, Abra\~ao Mendes
Some rigidity results for compact initial data sets
19 pages. All comments welcome. Small update
gr-qc math.DG
In this paper, we prove several rigidity results for compact initial data sets, in both the boundary and no boundary cases. In particular, under natural energy, boundary, and topological conditions, we obtain a global version of the main result in [15]. We also obtain some extensions of results in [12]. A number of examples are given in order to illustrate some of the results presented in this paper.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 13:02:19 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 1 Feb 2023 19:18:20 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Galloway", "Gregory J.", "" ], [ "Mendes", "Abraão", "" ] ]
Rodrigo Calder\'on PhD
Rodrigo Calder\'on, Benjamin L'Huillier, David Polarski, Arman Shafieloo, Alexei A. Starobinsky
Joint reconstructions of growth and expansion histories from stage-IV surveys with minimal assumptions. II. Modified gravity and massive neutrinos
12 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D
astro-ph.CO gr-qc
Based on a formalism introduced in our previous work, we reconstruct the phenomenological function $G_{\rm eff}(z)$ describing deviations from General Relativity (GR) in a model-independent manner. In this alternative approach, we model $\mu\equiv G_\mathrm{eff}/G$ as a Gaussian process and use forecasted growth-rate measurements from a stage-IV survey to reconstruct its shape for two different toy models. We follow a two-step procedure: (i) we first reconstruct the background expansion history from Supernovae (SNe) and Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) measurements; (ii) we then use it to obtain the growth history $f\sigma_8$, that we fit to redshift-space distortions (RSD) measurements to reconstruct $G_\mathrm{eff}$. We find that upcoming surveys such as the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) might be capable of detecting deviations from GR, provided the dark energy behavior is accurately determined. We might even be able to constrain the transition redshift from $G\to G_\mathrm{eff}$ for some particular models. We further assess the impact of massive neutrinos on the reconstructions of $G_\mathrm{eff}$ (or $\mu$) assuming the expansion history is given, and only the neutrino mass is free to vary. Given the tight constraints on the neutrino mass, and for the profiles we considered in this work, we recover numerically that the effect of such massive neutrinos does not alter our conclusions. Finally, we stress that incorrectly assuming a $\Lambda$CDM expansion history leads to a degraded reconstruction of $\mu$, and/or a non-negligible bias in the ($\Omega_\mathrm{m,0}$,$\sigma_{8,0}$)-plane.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 13:04:17 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 11 Jan 2023 13:08:25 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 28 Jun 2023 05:53:53 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Calderón", "Rodrigo", "" ], [ "L'Huillier", "Benjamin", "" ], [ "Polarski", "David", "" ], [ "Shafieloo", "Arman", "" ], [ "Starobinsky", "Alexei A.", "" ] ]
Yang Li
Yuanzheng Li, Shangyang He, Yang Li, Yang Shi, Zhigang Zeng
Federated Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach via Physics-Informed Reward for Multi-Microgrid Energy Management
Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
eess.SY cs.LG cs.SY
The utilization of large-scale distributed renewable energy promotes the development of the multi-microgrid (MMG), which raises the need of developing an effective energy management method to minimize economic costs and keep self energy-sufficiency. The multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (MADRL) has been widely used for the energy management problem because of its real-time scheduling ability. However, its training requires massive energy operation data of microgrids (MGs), while gathering these data from different MGs would threaten their privacy and data security. Therefore, this paper tackles this practical yet challenging issue by proposing a federated multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (F-MADRL) algorithm via the physics-informed reward. In this algorithm, the federated learning (FL) mechanism is introduced to train the F-MADRL algorithm thus ensures the privacy and the security of data. In addition, a decentralized MMG model is built, and the energy of each participated MG is managed by an agent, which aims to minimize economic costs and keep self energy-sufficiency according to the physics-informed reward. At first, MGs individually execute the self-training based on local energy operation data to train their local agent models. Then, these local models are periodically uploaded to a server and their parameters are aggregated to build a global agent, which will be broadcasted to MGs and replace their local agents. In this way, the experience of each MG agent can be shared and the energy operation data is not explicitly transmitted, thus protecting the privacy and ensuring data security. Finally, experiments are conducted on Oak Ridge national laboratory distributed energy control communication lab microgrid (ORNL-MG) test system, and the comparisons are carried out to verify the effectiveness of introducing the FL mechanism and the outperformance of our proposed F-MADRL.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 29 Dec 2022 08:35:11 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Li", "Yuanzheng", "" ], [ "He", "Shangyang", "" ], [ "Li", "Yang", "" ], [ "Shi", "Yang", "" ], [ "Zeng", "Zhigang", "" ] ]
Aurelien Gribinski
Aurelien Xavier Gribinski
Special polynomials and new real-rootedness results
In this paper, we exhibit new monotonicity properties of roots of families of orthogonal polynomials $P_n^{(z)}(x)$ depending polynomially on a parameter (Laguerre and Gegenbauer). We show that $P_n^{(z)}(x)$ are realrooted in $z$ for $x$ in the support of orthogonality. As an application we show realrootedness in $x$ and interlacing properties of $\partial_z^kP_n^{(z)}(x)$ for $k\leq n$ and $z \geq 0$, establishing a dual approach to orthogonality.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 30 Dec 2022 15:07:32 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 11 Jul 2023 11:22:28 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Gribinski", "Aurelien Xavier", "" ] ]
Bogdan Dimitrov
Bogdan G. Dimitrov (Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energetics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria, Institute for Advanced Physical Studies, Sofia Tech Park, Bulgaria)
New methods for analytical calculation of elliptic integrals, applied in various physical problems
19 pages, Revtex 4.0; no figures, Talk at the Fourteenth Conference of the Euro-American Consortium for Promoting the Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences, Albena, Bulgaria, June 22-27, 2022; prepared for the Proced. of the AIP
gr-qc math-ph math.MP physics.comp-ph
A short review will be made of elliptic integrals, widely applied in GPS (Global Positioning System) communications (accounting for General Relativity Theory-effects), cosmology, Black hole physics and celestial mechanics. Then a novel analytical method for calculation of zero-order elliptic integrals in the Legendre form will be presented, based on the combination of several methods from the theory of elliptic functions: 1. the recurrent system of equations for higher-order elliptic integrals in two different representations. 2. uniformization of four-dimensional algebraic equations by means of the Weierstrass elliptic function 3.a variable transformation, inversely (quadratically) proportional to a new variable. The developed method is a step forward towards constructing analytical methods, which can improve the precision of the calculation of elliptic integrals, necessary both for theoretical and experimental problems.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 26 Dec 2022 20:51:21 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Dimitrov", "Bogdan G.", "", "Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear\n Energetics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria, Institute for Advanced\n Physical Studies, Sofia Tech Park, Bulgaria" ] ]
Sela Fried
Sela Fried
Equivalent conditions for the $n$th element of the Beatty sequence $B_{\sqrt{2}}$ being even
math.HO math.NT
We provide equivalent conditions for the $n$th element of the Beatty sequence $B_{\sqrt{2}}$ being even. In particular, we show that the integer sequences A090892 and A120752 in the OEIS are essentially identical.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 28 Dec 2022 08:40:50 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Fried", "Sela", "" ] ]
Xiaozhao Chen
Xiaozhao Chen, Xiaofu L\"u
Development of Bethe-Salpeter theory for dealing with unstable system
arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2210.01563
Eur. Phys. J. C 83,499 (2023)
In the framework of relativistic quantum field theory, the solution of homogeneous Bethe-Salpeter equation for two-body bound state can not describe unstable system, so we develop Bethe-Salpeter theory to investigate resonance which is regarded as an unstable two-body system. Based on Bethe-Salpeter wave function, we consider the time evolution of two-body bound state determined by the total Hamiltonian. The total matrix element for arbitrary decay channel is expressed in terms of the Heisenberg picture, and Mandelstam's approach is generalized to calculate the matrix element between bound states with respect to arbitrary value of the final state energy. Some innovations to Feynman diagram are made so that the key features of dispersion relation can be more clearly exhibited. This new resonance theory in quantum field theory is applied to investigate exotic particle which is considered as an unstable meson-meson molecular state.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 13:08:19 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 17 May 2023 10:31:36 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Chen", "Xiaozhao", "" ], [ "Lü", "Xiaofu", "" ] ]
Tauheed Khan Mohd
Kashav Piya, Srijal Shrestha, Cameran Frank, Estephanos Jebessa, Tauheed Khan Mohd
Addressing the Selection Bias in Voice Assistance: Training Voice Assistance Model in Python with Equal Data Selection
eess.AS cs.MA cs.RO cs.SD
In recent times, voice assistants have become a part of our day-to-day lives, allowing information retrieval by voice synthesis, voice recognition, and natural language processing. These voice assistants can be found in many modern-day devices such as Apple, Amazon, Google, and Samsung. This project is primarily focused on Virtual Assistance in Natural Language Processing. Natural Language Processing is a form of AI that helps machines understand people and create feedback loops. This project will use deep learning to create a Voice Recognizer and use Commonvoice and data collected from the local community for model training using Google Colaboratory. After recognizing a command, the AI assistant will be able to perform the most suitable actions and then give a response. The motivation for this project comes from the race and gender bias that exists in many virtual assistants. The computer industry is primarily dominated by the male gender, and because of this, many of the products produced do not regard women. This bias has an impact on natural language processing. This project will be utilizing various open-source projects to implement machine learning algorithms and train the assistant algorithm to recognize different types of voices, accents, and dialects. Through this project, the goal to use voice data from underrepresented groups to build a voice assistant that can recognize voices regardless of gender, race, or accent. Increasing the representation of women in the computer industry is important for the future of the industry. By representing women in the initial study of voice assistants, it can be shown that females play a vital role in the development of this technology. In line with related work, this project will use first-hand data from the college population and middle-aged adults to train voice assistant to combat gender bias.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 20 Dec 2022 21:26:05 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Piya", "Kashav", "" ], [ "Shrestha", "Srijal", "" ], [ "Frank", "Cameran", "" ], [ "Jebessa", "Estephanos", "" ], [ "Mohd", "Tauheed Khan", "" ] ]
Jaroslav Albert
Jaroslav Albert
A tau-leaping method for computing joint probability distributions of the first-passage time and position of a Brownian particle
q-bio.MN cond-mat.soft
First passage time (FPT) is the time a particle, subject to some stochastic process, hits or crosses a closed surface for the very first time. $\tau$-leaping methods are a class of stochastic algorithms in which, instead of simulating every single reaction, many reactions are ``leaped" over in order to shorten the computing time. In this paper we developed a $\tau$-leaping method for computing the FPT and position in arbitrary volumes for a Brownian particle governed by the Langevin equation. The $\tau$-leaping method proposed here works as follows. A sphere is inscribed within the volume of interest (VOI) centered at the initial particle's location. On this sphere, the FPT is sampled, as well as the position, which becomes the new initial position. Then, another sphere, centered at this new location, is inscribed. This process continues until the sphere becomes smaller than some minimal radius $R_{\text{min}}$. When this occurs, the $\tau$-leaping switches to the conventional Monte Carlo, which runs until the particle either crosses the surface of the VOI or finds its way to a position where a sphere of radius $>R_{\text{min}}$ can be inscribed. The switching between $\tau$-leaping and MC continues until the particle crosses the surface of the VOI. The size of this radius depends on the system parameters and on one's notion of accuracy: the larger this radius the more accurate the $\tau$-leaping method, but also less efficient. This trade off between accuracy and efficiency is discussed. For two VOI, the $\tau$-leaping method is shown to be accurate and more efficient than MC by at least a factor of 10 and up to a factor of about 110. However, while MC becomes exponentially slower with increasing VOI, the efficiency of the $\tau$-leaping method remains relatively unchanged. Thus, the $\tau$-leaping method can potentially be many orders of magnitude more efficient than MC.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 13:09:31 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Albert", "Jaroslav", "" ] ]
Luis Ortiz-Gracia
A. Aimi, C. Guardasoni, L. Ortiz-Gracia, S. Sanfelici
Fast Barrier Option Pricing by the COS BEM Method in Heston Model
q-fin.CP q-fin.PR
In this work, the Fourier-cosine series (COS) method has been combined with the Boundary Element Method (BEM) for a fast evaluation of barrier option prices. After a description of its use in the Black and Scholes (BS) model, the focus of the paper is on the application of the proposed methodology to the barrier option evaluation in the Heston model, where its contribution is fundamental to improve computational efficiency and to make BEM appealing among Finance practitioners as a valid alternative to Monte Carlo (MC) or other more traditional approaches. An error analysis is provided on the number of terms used in the Fourier-cosine series expansion, where the error bound estimation is based on the characteristic function of the log-asset price process.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 13:09:41 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 30 Jan 2023 08:07:50 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Aimi", "A.", "" ], [ "Guardasoni", "C.", "" ], [ "Ortiz-Gracia", "L.", "" ], [ "Sanfelici", "S.", "" ] ]
Ehtesham Akhter
Musavvir Ali, Ehtesham Akhter
On Some Characterizations of General s-Convex Functions
It is established that general s-convex functions are a new class of generalized convex functions. In a similar vein, a new class of general s-convex sets is introduced, which are generalizations of s-convex sets. Additionally, certain fundamental characteristics of general s-convex functions are discussed for both general cases and differentiable situations. Aside from that, the general s-convexity is used to define and demonstrate the sufficient criteria for optimality for both unconstrained and inequality-constrained programming.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 13:11:13 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ali", "Musavvir", "" ], [ "Akhter", "Ehtesham", "" ] ]
Matthias Klusch
Dikshant Gupta, Mathias Klusch
Hybrid Deep Reinforcement Learning and Planning for Safe and Comfortable Automated Driving
cs.RO cs.AI
We present a novel hybrid learning method, HyLEAR, for solving the collision-free navigation problem for self-driving cars in POMDPs. HyLEAR leverages interposed learning to embed knowledge of a hybrid planner into a deep reinforcement learner to faster determine safe and comfortable driving policies. In particular, the hybrid planner combines pedestrian path prediction and risk-aware path planning with driving-behavior rule-based reasoning such that the driving policies also take into account, whenever possible, the ride comfort and a given set of driving-behavior rules. Our experimental performance analysis over the CARLA-CTS1 benchmark of critical traffic scenarios revealed that HyLEAR can significantly outperform the selected baselines in terms of safety and ride comfort.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 30 Dec 2022 15:19:01 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Gupta", "Dikshant", "" ], [ "Klusch", "Mathias", "" ] ]
Carlos Junqueira Junior PhD
Carlos Junqueira-Junior and Sami Yamouni and Joao Luiz F. Azevedo and William Wolf
Influence of Different Subgrid Scale Models in LES of Supersonic Jet Flows
conference paper - AIAA Aviation 2016. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2212.12353, arXiv:2212.12365
Carlos Junqueira-Junior, Sami Yamouni, Joao Luiz F. Azevedo and William Wolf. "Influence of Different Subgrid Scale Models in LES of Supersonic Jet Flows," AIAA 2016-4093. 46th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference. June 2016
Current design constraints have encouraged the studies of aeroacoustics fields around compressible jet flows. The present work addresses the numerical study of subgrid scale modeling for unsteady turbulent jet flows as a preliminary step for future aeroacoustic analyses of main engine rocket plumes. An in-house large eddy simulation (LES) tool is developed in order to reproduce high fidelity results of compressible jet flows. In the present study, perfectly expanded jets are considered because the authors want to emphasize the effects of the jet mixing phenomena. The large eddy simulation formulation is written using the finite difference approach, with an explicit time integration and using a second order spatial discretization. The energy equation is carefully discretized in order to model the energy equation of the filtered Navier-Stokes formulation. The classical Smagorinsky model, the dynamic Smagorinsky model and the Vreman models are the chosen subgrid scale closures for the present work. Numerical simulations of perfectly expanded jets are performed and compared with the literature in order to validate and compare the performance of each subgrid closure in the solver.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 13:13:30 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Junqueira-Junior", "Carlos", "" ], [ "Yamouni", "Sami", "" ], [ "Azevedo", "Joao Luiz F.", "" ], [ "Wolf", "William", "" ] ]
Ching-Feng Yeh
Ching-Feng Yeh, Wei-Ning Hsu, Paden Tomasello, Abdelrahman Mohamed
Efficient Speech Representation Learning with Low-Bit Quantization
7 pages
eess.AS cs.CL
With the development of hardware for machine learning, newer models often come at the cost of both increased sizes and computational complexity. In effort to improve the efficiency for these models, we apply and investigate recent quantization techniques on speech representation learning models. The quantization techniques were evaluated on the SUPERB benchmark. On the ASR task, with aggressive quantization to 1 bit, we achieved 86.32% storage reduction (184.42 -> 25.23), 88% estimated runtime reduction (1.00 -> 0.12) with increased word error rate (7.06 -> 15.96). In comparison with DistillHuBERT which also aims for model compression, the 2-bit configuration yielded slightly smaller storage (35.84 vs. 46.98), better word error rate (12.68 vs. 13.37) and more efficient estimated runtime (0.15 vs. 0.73).
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 14 Dec 2022 06:09:08 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yeh", "Ching-Feng", "" ], [ "Hsu", "Wei-Ning", "" ], [ "Tomasello", "Paden", "" ], [ "Mohamed", "Abdelrahman", "" ] ]
Volodymyr Ihnatovych
Volodymyr Ihnatovych
The original Gibbs paradox is the consequence of the erroneous identification of non-identical functions
10 pages. Revised argument in section III, results unchanged
physics.hist-ph cond-mat.stat-mech physics.class-ph
This article presents the results of research into the causes of the Gibbs paradox in the formulation discussed by J. W. Gibbs himself. In this formulation, we are talking about an inexplicable (paradoxical) jump in the entropy of mixing of two ideal gases during the transition from mixing different to mixing identical gases. It is shown that the entropy of mixing of different ideal gases and the entropy of mixing of identical ideal gases are different (non-identical) functions of the same gas parameters. That, called a paradoxical jump in the entropy of mixing, is not a jump in the value of some function, but is the difference in the values of various functions, on condition that the variables and parameters on which these functions depend remain constant. Those who were looking for an explanation of the original Gibbs paradox did not notice this and tried to solve an unsolvable falsely posed problem: to find a parameter that change during the transition from different to identical gases caused the difference in the values of non-identical functions.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 12 Dec 2022 22:43:49 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 16 Jan 2023 21:06:28 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ihnatovych", "Volodymyr", "" ] ]
Boris Jidjou Moghomye
Erika Hausenblas, Boris Jidjou Moghomye, and Paul Andr\'e Razafimandimby
On the existence and uniqueness of solution to a stochastic Chemotaxis-Navier-Stokes model
In this article, we study a mathematical system which models the dynamic of the collective behaviour of oxygen-driven swimming bacteria in an aquatic fluid flowing in a two dimensional bounded domain under stochastic perturbation. This model can be seen as a stochastic version of Chemotaxis-Navier-Stokes model. We prove the existence of a unique (probabilistic) strong solution. In addition, we establish some properties of the strong solution. More precisely, we prove that the unique solution is non-negative and satisfies the mass conservation property and an energy inequality.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 13:14:29 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hausenblas", "Erika", "" ], [ "Moghomye", "Boris Jidjou", "" ], [ "Razafimandimby", "Paul André", "" ] ]
Ehtesham Akhter
Ehtesham Akhter, Musavvir Ali
On Some Characterization of GS-exponential kind of Convex Functions
This manuscript introduces the idea of GS-exponential kind of convex functions and some of their algebraic features, and we introduce a new class GS-exponential kind of convex sets. In addition, we describe certain fundamental GS-exponential kind of convex function with characteristics in both the general and the differentiable cases. We establish the sufficient conditions of optimality and offer the proof for unconstrained as well as inequality-constrained programming while considering the assumption of GS-exponential kind of convexity.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 13:16:42 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Akhter", "Ehtesham", "" ], [ "Ali", "Musavvir", "" ] ]
Jun Wang
Lixin Cao, Jun Wang, Ben Yang, Dan Su, Dong Yu
TriNet: stabilizing self-supervised learning from complete or slow collapse on ASR
Accepted by ICASSP 2023
eess.AS cs.CL cs.LG
Self-supervised learning (SSL) models confront challenges of abrupt informational collapse or slow dimensional collapse. We propose TriNet, which introduces a novel triple-branch architecture for preventing collapse and stabilizing the pre-training. TriNet learns the SSL latent embedding space and incorporates it to a higher level space for predicting pseudo target vectors generated by a frozen teacher. Our experimental results show that the proposed method notably stabilizes and accelerates pre-training and achieves a relative word error rate reduction (WERR) of 6.06% compared to the state-of-the-art (SOTA) Data2vec for a downstream benchmark ASR task. We will release our code at
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 12 Dec 2022 05:55:07 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 14 Mar 2023 12:23:33 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Cao", "Lixin", "" ], [ "Wang", "Jun", "" ], [ "Yang", "Ben", "" ], [ "Su", "Dan", "" ], [ "Yu", "Dong", "" ] ]
Rui Liu
Kailin Liang, Bin Liu, Yifan Hu, Rui Liu, Feilong Bao, Guanglai Gao
MnTTS2: An Open-Source Multi-Speaker Mongolian Text-to-Speech Synthesis Dataset
Accepted by NCMMSC'2022 (
eess.AS cs.AI cs.CL
Text-to-Speech (TTS) synthesis for low-resource languages is an attractive research issue in academia and industry nowadays. Mongolian is the official language of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and a representative low-resource language spoken by over 10 million people worldwide. However, there is a relative lack of open-source datasets for Mongolian TTS. Therefore, we make public an open-source multi-speaker Mongolian TTS dataset, named MnTTS2, for the benefit of related researchers. In this work, we prepare the transcription from various topics and invite three professional Mongolian announcers to form a three-speaker TTS dataset, in which each announcer records 10 hours of speeches in Mongolian, resulting 30 hours in total. Furthermore, we build the baseline system based on the state-of-the-art FastSpeech2 model and HiFi-GAN vocoder. The experimental results suggest that the constructed MnTTS2 dataset is sufficient to build robust multi-speaker TTS models for real-world applications. The MnTTS2 dataset, training recipe, and pretrained models are released at: \url{}
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 11 Dec 2022 14:55:02 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Liang", "Kailin", "" ], [ "Liu", "Bin", "" ], [ "Hu", "Yifan", "" ], [ "Liu", "Rui", "" ], [ "Bao", "Feilong", "" ], [ "Gao", "Guanglai", "" ] ]
Lasantha Wedage
Lasantha Thakshila Wedage, Bernard Butler, Sasitharan Balasubramaniam, Yevgeni Koucheryavy, Mehmet C. Vuran
Comparative Analysis of Terahertz Propagation Under Dust Storm Conditions on Mars and Earth
14 pages, 12 figures, Journal
cs.IT math.IT
Reliable Terahertz (THz) links are necessary for outdoor point-to-point communication with the exponential growth of wireless data traffic. This study presents a modified Monte Carlo simulation procedure for estimating THz link attenuation due to multiple scattering by dust particles on the THz beam propagation path. Scattering models are developed for beams through dust, based on Mie and Rayleigh approximations for corresponding frequencies for Earth (0.24 THz) and Mars (1.64 THz). The simulation results are compared, considering parameters such as the number of Monte-Carlo photon (MCP) packets, visibility, dust particle placement density along the beam, frequency, and distance between the transmitter and the receiver. Moreover, a channel capacity model was proposed, considering THz link attenuation due to dust storms, spreading loss and molecular absorption loss for Earth and Mars outdoor environments. Simulation results for Earth show that link attenuation increases with dust particle placement density, distance and frequency, and attenuation decreases with visibility. On Mars, similar results are obtained, except that the attenuation is variate around a constant value with the frequency increase. Channel capacity is estimated for Earth and Mars environments considering time and distance-dependent scenarios. Time windows that show a sudden drop of dust particles along the beam provide opportunities to communicate with high reliability. Moreover, increasing the distance between the transmitter and receiver severely reduces the channel capacity measurement in strong dust storm conditions in both environments. Our study has found that weak dust storms have relatively little effect on Mars, but much larger effects on Earth.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 11 Dec 2022 00:44:21 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wedage", "Lasantha Thakshila", "" ], [ "Butler", "Bernard", "" ], [ "Balasubramaniam", "Sasitharan", "" ], [ "Koucheryavy", "Yevgeni", "" ], [ "Vuran", "Mehmet C.", "" ] ]
Santosh Kumar Chaudhary
Nitin Gupta and Santosh Kumar Chaudhary
On partial monotonicity of some extropy measures
cs.IT math.CA math.IT math.ST stat.TH
Gupta and Chaudhary [14] introduced general weighted extropy and studied related properties. In this paper, we study conditional extropy and define the monotonic behaviour of conditional extropy. Also, we obtain results on the convolution of general weighted extropy.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 29 Nov 2022 23:15:58 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Gupta", "Nitin", "" ], [ "Chaudhary", "Santosh Kumar", "" ] ]
Nikola Mili\'cevi\'c
Nikola Mili\'cevi\'c
Singular homology of roots of unity
Peter Bubenik has been removed as an author because he does not feel that his contribution merits joint authorship. His contribution is instead mentioned in the Acknowledgments. 23 pages, improved exposition, sections and proofs, removed Lemma 2.40
math.AT math.CT math.GN
We extend some basic results from the singular homology theory of topological spaces to the setting of \v{C}ech's closure spaces. We prove analogues of the excision and Mayer-Vietoris theorems and the Hurewicz theorem in dimension one. We use these results to calculate examples of singular homology groups of spaces that are not topological but are often encountered in applied topology, such as simple undirected graphs. We focus on the singular homology of roots of unity with closure structures arising from considering nearest neighbors. These examples can then serve as building blocks along with our Mayer-Vietoris and excision theorems for computing the singular homology of more complex closure spaces.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 13:26:29 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sun, 24 Dec 2023 02:11:11 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Milićević", "Nikola", "" ] ]
Marina Cerme\~no
David G. Cerde\~no, Marina Cerme\~no, Yasaman Farzan
Constraints from the duration of supernova neutrino burst on on-shell light gauge boson production by neutrinos
21 pages, 5 figures. Minor changes. Final version, published in PRD
IFT-UAM/CSIC-22-130; FTUAM-22-2
In this article, we study the on-shell production of low-mass vector mediators from neutrino-antineutrino coalescence in the core of proto-neutron stars. Taking into account the radial dependence of the density, energy, and temperature inside the proto-neutron star, we compute the neutrino-antineutrino interaction rate in the star interior in the well-motivated $U(1)_{L_{\mu}-L_{\tau}}$ model. First, we determine the values of the coupling above which neutrino-antineutrino interactions dominate over the Standard Model neutrino-nucleon scattering. We argue that, although in this regime a redistribution of the neutrino energies might take place, making low-energy neutrinos more trapped, this only affects a small part of the neutrino population and it cannot be constrained with the SN 1987A data. Thus, contrary to previous claims, the region of the parameter space where the $U(1)_{L_{\mu}-L_{\tau}}$ model explains the discrepancy in the muon anomalous magnetic moment is not ruled out. We then focus on small gauge couplings, where the decay length of the new gauge boson is larger than the neutrino-nucleon mean free path, but still smaller than the size of proto-neutron star. We show that in this regime, the on-shell production of a long-lived $Z'$ and its subsequent decay into neutrinos can significantly reduce the duration of the neutrino burst, probing values of the coupling below ${\cal O}(10^{-7})$ for mediator masses between 10 and 100 MeV. This disfavours new areas of the parameter space of the $U(1)_{L_{\mu}-L_{\tau}}$ model.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 13:29:30 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 13 Jan 2023 17:49:49 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Mon, 13 Mar 2023 16:19:51 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Thu, 15 Jun 2023 14:25:01 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Cerdeño", "David G.", "" ], [ "Cermeño", "Marina", "" ], [ "Farzan", "Yasaman", "" ] ]
Yunping Jiang
Tao Chen, Yunping Jiang and Linda Keen
Meromorphic functions whose action on their Julia sets is non-ergodic
After we circulated this preprint, Professor Janina Kotus told us that her former Ph.D. student, Bart{\l}omiej Skorulski, has studied a more general family than the one in this paper. Therefore, we want to withdraw our paper. A reader who is interested in this interesting subject can refer to Skorulski's paper. We would like to thank Professor Janina Kotus for kindly pointing this to us
math.DS math.CV
We study transcendental meromorphic functions having two prepole asymptotic values and no critical values. We prove that these functions acting on their Julia sets are non-ergodic, which illustrates the antithesis of the Keen-Kotus result in [KK2] on the ergodicity of another subfamily of functions with two asymptotic values and no critical values.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 13:34:18 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sun, 29 Jan 2023 23:59:55 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Chen", "Tao", "" ], [ "Jiang", "Yunping", "" ], [ "Keen", "Linda", "" ] ]
Jiakang Bao
Jiakang Bao
A Survey of Toric Quivers and BPS Algebras
40 pages; v4: minor corrections
hep-th math-ph math.MP
In this note, we discuss some properties of the quiver BPS algebras. We consider how they would transform under different operations on the toric quivers, such as dualities and higgsing. We also give free field realizations of the algebras, in particular for the chiral quivers.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 13:34:35 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 16 Feb 2023 10:32:58 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 16 Mar 2023 15:34:18 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Mon, 10 Apr 2023 13:39:08 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bao", "Jiakang", "" ] ]
Benjamin Hackl
Benjamin Hackl, Alois Panholzer, Stephan Wagner
The Uncover Process for Random Labeled Trees
math.PR math.CO
We consider the process of uncovering the vertices of a random labeled tree according to their labels. First, a labeled tree with $n$ vertices is generated uniformly at random. Thereafter, the vertices are uncovered one by one, in order of their labels. With each new vertex, all edges to previously uncovered vertices are uncovered as well. In this way, one obtains a growing sequence of forests. Three particular aspects of this process are studied in this work: first the number of edges, which we prove to converge to a stochastic process akin to a Brownian bridge after appropriate rescaling. Second, the connected component of a fixed vertex, for which different phases are identified and limiting distributions determined in each phase. Lastly, the largest connected component, for which we also observe a phase transition.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 13:40:55 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hackl", "Benjamin", "" ], [ "Panholzer", "Alois", "" ], [ "Wagner", "Stephan", "" ] ]
Rabimba Karanjai
Rabimba Karanjai
Targeted Phishing Campaigns using Large Scale Language Models
cs.CL cs.CR cs.LG
In this research, we aim to explore the potential of natural language models (NLMs) such as GPT-3 and GPT-2 to generate effective phishing emails. Phishing emails are fraudulent messages that aim to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information or taking actions that benefit the attackers. We propose a framework for evaluating the performance of NLMs in generating these types of emails based on various criteria, including the quality of the generated text, the ability to bypass spam filters, and the success rate of tricking individuals. Our evaluations show that NLMs are capable of generating phishing emails that are difficult to detect and that have a high success rate in tricking individuals, but their effectiveness varies based on the specific NLM and training data used. Our research indicates that NLMs could have a significant impact on the prevalence of phishing attacks and emphasizes the need for further study on the ethical and security implications of using NLMs for malicious purposes.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 30 Dec 2022 03:18:05 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Karanjai", "Rabimba", "" ] ]
Yuki Oyama
Yuki Oyama, Daisuke Fukuda, Naoto Imura, Katsuhiro Nishinari
E-commerce users' preferences for delivery options
Section 1 needs to be rewritten
econ.GN cs.LG q-fin.EC
Many e-commerce marketplaces offer their users fast delivery options for free to meet the increasing needs of users, imposing an excessive burden on city logistics. Therefore, understanding e-commerce users' preference for delivery options is a key to designing logistics policies. To this end, this study designs a stated choice survey in which respondents are faced with choice tasks among different delivery options and time slots, which was completed by 4,062 users from the three major metropolitan areas in Japan. To analyze the data, mixed logit models capturing taste heterogeneity as well as flexible substitution patterns have been estimated. The model estimation results indicate that delivery attributes including fee, time, and time slot size are significant determinants of the delivery option choices. Associations between users' preferences and socio-demographic characteristics, such as age, gender, teleworking frequency and the presence of a delivery box, were also suggested. Moreover, we analyzed two willingness-to-pay measures for delivery, namely, the value of delivery time savings (VODT) and the value of time slot shortening (VOTS), and applied a non-semiparametric approach to estimate their distributions in a data-oriented manner. Although VODT has a large heterogeneity among respondents, the estimated median VODT is 25.6 JPY/day, implying that more than half of the respondents would wait an additional day if the delivery fee were increased by only 26 JPY, that is, they do not necessarily need a fast delivery option but often request it when cheap or almost free. Moreover, VOTS was found to be low, distributed with the median of 5.0 JPY/hour; that is, users do not highly value the reduction in time slot size in monetary terms. These findings on e-commerce users' preferences can help in designing levels of service for last-mile delivery to significantly improve its efficiency.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 30 Dec 2022 00:31:58 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 25 Aug 2023 13:27:10 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Oyama", "Yuki", "" ], [ "Fukuda", "Daisuke", "" ], [ "Imura", "Naoto", "" ], [ "Nishinari", "Katsuhiro", "" ] ]
David Mazziotti
Jan-Niklas Boyn, Lauren E. McNamara, John S. Anderson and David A. Mazziotti
Interplay of Electronic and Geometric Structure Tunes Organic Biradical Character in Bimetallic Tetrathiafulvalene Tetrathiolate Complexes
J. Phys. Chem. A 126, 3329-3337 (2022)
cond-mat.mtrl-sci physics.chem-ph
The synthesis and design of organic biradicals with tunable singlet-triplet gaps has become the subject of significant research interest, owing to their possible photochemical applications and use in the development of molecular switches and conductors. Recently, tetrathiafulvalene tetrathiolate (TTFtt) has been demonstrated to exhibit such organic biradical character in doubly ionized bimetallic complexes. In this article we use high-level {\em ab initio} calculations to interrogate the electronic structure of a series of TTFtt-bridged metal complexes, resolving the factors governing their biradical character and singlet-triplet gaps. We show that the degree of biradical character correlates with a readily measured experimental predictor, the central TTFtt C-C bond length, and that it may be described by a one-parameter model, providing valuable insight for the future rational design of TTFtt based biradical compounds and materials.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 29 Dec 2022 18:46:20 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Boyn", "Jan-Niklas", "" ], [ "McNamara", "Lauren E.", "" ], [ "Anderson", "John S.", "" ], [ "Mazziotti", "David A.", "" ] ]
David Mazziotti
Jan-Niklas Boyn and David A. Mazziotti
Elucidating the molecular orbital dependence of the total electronic energy in multireference problems
J. Chem. Phys. 156, 194104 (2022)
physics.chem-ph physics.comp-ph
The accurate resolution of the chemical properties of strongly correlated systems, such as biradicals, requires the use of electronic structure theories that account for both multi-reference as well as dynamic correlation effects. A variety of methods exist that aim to resolve the dynamic correlation in multi-reference problems, commonly relying on an exponentially scaling complete-active-space self-consistent-field (CASSCF) calculation to generate reference molecular orbitals (MOs). However, while CASSCF orbitals provide the optimal solution for a selected set of correlated (active) orbitals, their suitability in the quest for the resolution of the total correlation energy has not been thoroughly investigated. Recent research has shown the ability of Kohn-Shan density functional theory (KS-DFT) to provide improved orbitals for coupled cluster (CC) and M\o ller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP) calculations. Here we extend the search for optimal and more cost effective MOs to post-configuration-interaction (post-CI) methods, surveying the ability of the MOs obtained with various DFT functionals, as well as Hartree-Fock, and CC and MP calculations to accurately capture the total electronic correlation energy. Applying the anti-Hermitian contracted Schr\"odinger equation (ACSE) to the dissociation of N$_2$, the calculation of biradical singlet-triplet gaps and the transition states of the bicylobutane isomerization, we demonstrate DFT provides a cost-effective alternative to CASSCF in providing reference orbitals for post-CI dynamic correlation calculations.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 29 Dec 2022 18:36:53 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Boyn", "Jan-Niklas", "" ], [ "Mazziotti", "David A.", "" ] ]
Lucrezia Ravera
Damianos Iosifidis, Ratbay Myrzakulov, Lucrezia Ravera
Cosmology of Metric-Affine $R + \beta R^2$ Gravity with Pure Shear Hypermomentum
26 pages
gr-qc hep-th
In this paper we study the cosmological aspects of metric-affine $f(R)$ gravity with hyperfluid. The equations of motion of the theory are obtained by varying the action with respect to the metric and the independent connection. Subsequently, considering a Friedmann-Lema\^itre-Robertson-Walker background, we derive the modified Friedmann equations in the presence of a perfect cosmological hyperfluid. Especially, we focus on the particular case in which $f(R)=R+\beta R^2$, considering purely shear hypermomentum and finding exact solutions in the weak coupling limit.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 29 Dec 2022 18:52:40 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Iosifidis", "Damianos", "" ], [ "Myrzakulov", "Ratbay", "" ], [ "Ravera", "Lucrezia", "" ] ]
David Mazziotti
LeeAnn M. Sager and David A. Mazziotti
Simultaneous fermion and exciton condensations from a model Hamiltonian
Phys. Rev. B 105, 035143 (2022)
quant-ph cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.supr-con physics.chem-ph
Fermion-exciton condensation in which both fermion-pair (i.e., superconductivity) and exciton condensations occur simultaneously in a single coherent quantum state has recently been conjectured to exist. Here, we capture the fermion-exciton condensation through a model Hamiltonian that can recreate the physics of this new class of highly correlated condensation phenomena. We demonstrate that the Hamiltonian generates the large-eigenvalue signatures of fermion-pair and exciton condensations for a series of states with increasing particle numbers. The results confirm that the dual-condensate wave function arises from the entanglement of fermion-pair and exciton wave functions, which we previously predicted in the thermodynamic limit. This model Hamiltonian -- generalizing well-known model Hamiltonians for either superconductivity or exciton condensation -- can explore a wide variety of condensation behavior. It provides significant insights into the required forces for generating a fermion-exciton condensate, which will likely be invaluable for realizing such condensations in realistic materials with applications from superconductors to excitonic materials.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 29 Dec 2022 18:30:46 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sager", "LeeAnn M.", "" ], [ "Mazziotti", "David A.", "" ] ]
Bettina Berendt
Ozgur Karadeniz, Bettina Berendt, Sercan Kiyak, Stefan Mertens, Leen d'Haenens
Political representation bias in DBpedia and Wikidata as a challenge for downstream processing
cs.CL cs.AI cs.CY cs.DB
Diversity Searcher is a tool originally developed to help analyse diversity in news media texts. It relies on a form of automated content analysis and thus rests on prior assumptions and depends on certain design choices related to diversity and fairness. One such design choice is the external knowledge source(s) used. In this article, we discuss implications that these sources can have on the results of content analysis. We compare two data sources that Diversity Searcher has worked with - DBpedia and Wikidata - with respect to their ontological coverage and diversity, and describe implications for the resulting analyses of text corpora. We describe a case study of the relative over- or under-representation of Belgian political parties between 1990 and 2020 in the English-language DBpedia, the Dutch-language DBpedia, and Wikidata, and highlight the many decisions needed with regard to the design of this data analysis and the assumptions behind it, as well as implications from the results. In particular, we came across a staggering over-representation of the political right in the English-language DBpedia.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 29 Dec 2022 18:21:09 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Karadeniz", "Ozgur", "" ], [ "Berendt", "Bettina", "" ], [ "Kiyak", "Sercan", "" ], [ "Mertens", "Stefan", "" ], [ "d'Haenens", "Leen", "" ] ]
David Mazziotti
LeeAnn M. Sager-Smith and David A. Mazziotti
Reducing the Quantum Many-electron Problem to Two Electrons with Machine Learning
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 144, 18959-18966 (2022)
physics.chem-ph physics.comp-ph quant-ph
An outstanding challenge in chemical computation is the many-electron problem where computational methodologies scale prohibitively with system size. The energy of any molecule can be expressed as a weighted sum of the energies of two-electron wave functions that are computable from only a two-electron calculation. Despite the physical elegance of this extended ``aufbau'' principle, the determination of the distribution of weights -- geminal occupations -- for general molecular systems has remained elusive. Here we introduce a new paradigm for electronic structure where approximate geminal-occupation distributions are ``learned'' via a convolutional neural network. We show that the neural network learns the $N$-representability conditions, constraints on the distribution for it to represent an $N$-electron system. By training on hydrocarbon isomers with only 2-7 carbon atoms, we are able to predict the energies for isomers of octane as well as hydrocarbons with 8-15 carbons. The present work demonstrates that machine learning can be used to reduce the many-electron problem to an effective two-electron problem, opening new opportunities for accurately predicting electronic structure.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 29 Dec 2022 16:30:37 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sager-Smith", "LeeAnn M.", "" ], [ "Mazziotti", "David A.", "" ] ]
Jean-Luc Boulnois
Jean-Luc Boulnois
Predator-Prey Linear Coupling with Hybrid Species
The classical two-species non-linear Predator-Prey system, often used in population dynamics modeling, is expressed in terms of a single positive coupling parameter $\lambda$. Based on standard logarithmic transformations, we derive a novel $\lambda$-\textit{invariant} Hamiltonian resulting in two coupled first-order ODEs for ``hybrid-species'', \textit{albeit} with one being \textit{linear}; we thus derive a new exact, closed-form, single quadrature solution valid for any value of $\lambda$ and the system's energy. In the particular case $\lambda = 1$ the ODE system completely uncouples and a new, exact, energy-only dependent simple quadrature solution is derived. In the case $\lambda \neq 1$ an accurate practical approximation uncoupling the non-linear system is proposed and solutions are provided in terms of explicit quadratures together with high energy asymptotic solutions. A novel, exact, closed-form expression of the system's oscillation period valid for any value of $\lambda$ and orbital energy is also derived; two fundamental properties of the period are established; for $\lambda = 1$ the period is expressed in terms of a universal energy function and shown to be the shortest.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 29 Dec 2022 16:28:14 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Boulnois", "Jean-Luc", "" ] ]
Bhabani Prasad Mandal Prof.
Vibhav Narayan Singh, Mohammad Umar, Mohammad Hasan, Bhabani Prasad Mandal
Quantum tunneling from family of Cantor potentials in fractional quantum mechanics
35 Pages, 30 figures, Latex
quant-ph hep-th
We explore the features of non-relativistic quantum tunneling in space fractional quantum mechanics through a family of Cantor potentials. We consider two types of potentials: general Cantor and general Smith-Volterra-Cantor potential. The Cantor potential is an example of fractal potential while the Smith-Volterra-Cantor potential doesn't belong to the category of a fractal system. The present study brings for the first time, the study of quantum tunneling through fractal potential in fractional quantum mechanics. We report several new features of scattering in the domain of space fractional quantum mechanics including the emergence of energy-band like features from these systems and extremely sharp transmission features. Further the scaling relation of the scattering amplitude with wave vector $k$ is presented analytically for both types of potentials.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 29 Dec 2022 06:36:13 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Singh", "Vibhav Narayan", "" ], [ "Umar", "Mohammad", "" ], [ "Hasan", "Mohammad", "" ], [ "Mandal", "Bhabani Prasad", "" ] ]
Akul Malhotra
Akul Malhotra and Sumeet Kumar Gupta
FlatENN: Train Flat for Enhanced Fault Tolerance of Quantized Deep Neural Networks
cs.LG cs.AR
Model compression via quantization and sparsity enhancement has gained an immense interest to enable the deployment of deep neural networks (DNNs) in resource-constrained edge environments. Although these techniques have shown promising results in reducing the energy, latency and memory requirements of the DNNs, their performance in non-ideal real-world settings (such as in the presence of hardware faults) is yet to be completely understood. In this paper, we investigate the impact of bit-flip and stuck-at faults on activation-sparse quantized DNNs (QDNNs). We show that a high level of activation sparsity comes at the cost of larger vulnerability to faults. For instance, activation-sparse QDNNs exhibit up to 17.32% lower accuracy than the standard QDNNs. We also establish that one of the major cause of the degraded accuracy is sharper minima in the loss landscape for activation-sparse QDNNs, which makes them more sensitive to perturbations in the weight values due to faults. Based on this observation, we propose the mitigation of the impact of faults by employing a sharpness-aware quantization (SAQ) training scheme. The activation-sparse and standard QDNNs trained with SAQ have up to 36.71% and 24.76% higher inference accuracy, respectively compared to their conventionally trained equivalents. Moreover, we show that SAQ-trained activation-sparse QDNNs show better accuracy in faulty settings than standard QDNNs trained conventionally. Thus the proposed technique can be instrumental in achieving sparsity-related energy/latency benefits without compromising on fault tolerance.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 29 Dec 2022 06:06:14 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Malhotra", "Akul", "" ], [ "Gupta", "Sumeet Kumar", "" ] ]
Kei Akuzawa
Kei Akuzawa, Yusuke Iwasawa, Yutaka Matsuo
Multimodal Sequential Generative Models for Semi-Supervised Language Instruction Following
cs.LG cs.AI cs.CL
Agents that can follow language instructions are expected to be useful in a variety of situations such as navigation. However, training neural network-based agents requires numerous paired trajectories and languages. This paper proposes using multimodal generative models for semi-supervised learning in the instruction following tasks. The models learn a shared representation of the paired data, and enable semi-supervised learning by reconstructing unpaired data through the representation. Key challenges in applying the models to sequence-to-sequence tasks including instruction following are learning a shared representation of variable-length mulitimodal data and incorporating attention mechanisms. To address the problems, this paper proposes a novel network architecture to absorb the difference in the sequence lengths of the multimodal data. In addition, to further improve the performance, this paper shows how to incorporate the generative model-based approach with an existing semi-supervised method called a speaker-follower model, and proposes a regularization term that improves inference using unpaired trajectories. Experiments on BabyAI and Room-to-Room (R2R) environments show that the proposed method improves the performance of instruction following by leveraging unpaired data, and improves the performance of the speaker-follower model by 2\% to 4\% in R2R.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 29 Dec 2022 03:23:43 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Akuzawa", "Kei", "" ], [ "Iwasawa", "Yusuke", "" ], [ "Matsuo", "Yutaka", "" ] ]
Yuming Wang
Yuming Wang and Tielong Zhang and Guoqiang Wang and Sudong Xiao and Zhuxuan Zou and Long Cheng and Zonghao Pan and Kai Liu and Xinjun Hao and Yiren Li and Manming Chen and Zhoubin Zhang and Wei Yan and Zhenpeng Su and Zhiyong Wu and Chenglong Shen and Yutian Chi and Mengjiao Xu and Jingnan Guo and Yang Du
The Mars Orbiter Magnetometer of Tianwen-1: In-flight Performance and First Science Results
14 pages, 10 figures
Mars Orbiter MAGnetometer (MOMAG) is a scientifc instrument onboard the orbiter of China's first mission for Mars -- Tianwen-1. It started to routinely measure the magnetic field from the solar wind to magnetic pile-up region surrounding Mars since November 13, 2021. Here we present its in-flight performance and first science results based on the first one and a half months' data. By comparing with the magnetic field data in the solar wind from the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN), the magnetic field by MOMAG is at the same level in magnitude, and the same magnetic structures with the similar variations in three components could be found in MOMAG data. In the first one and a half months, we recognize 158 clear bow shock (BS) crossings from MOMAG data, whose locations statistically match well with the modeled average BS. We also identify 5 pairs of simultaneous BS crossings of the Tianwen-1's orbiter and MAVEN. These BS crossings confirm the global shape of modeled BS as well as the south-north asymmetry of the Martian BS. Two presented cases in this paper suggest that the BS is probably more dynamic at flank than near the nose. So far, MOMAG performs well, and provides accurate magnetic field vectors. MOMAG is continuously scanning the magnetic field surrounding Mars. These measurements complemented by observations from MAVEN will undoubtedly advance our understanding of the plasma environment of Mars.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 13:52:55 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wang", "Yuming", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Tielong", "" ], [ "Wang", "Guoqiang", "" ], [ "Xiao", "Sudong", "" ], [ "Zou", "Zhuxuan", "" ], [ "Cheng", "Long", "" ], [ "Pan", "Zonghao", "" ], [ "Liu", "Kai", "" ], [ "Hao", "Xinjun", "" ], [ "Li", "Yiren", "" ], [ "Chen", "Manming", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Zhoubin", "" ], [ "Yan", "Wei", "" ], [ "Su", "Zhenpeng", "" ], [ "Wu", "Zhiyong", "" ], [ "Shen", "Chenglong", "" ], [ "Chi", "Yutian", "" ], [ "Xu", "Mengjiao", "" ], [ "Guo", "Jingnan", "" ], [ "Du", "Yang", "" ] ]
Satoru Odake
Satoru Odake
Another Type of Forward and Backward Shift Relations for Orthogonal Polynomials in the Askey Scheme
28 pages. Reduced length
math.CA hep-th math-ph math.MP nlin.SI
The forward and backward shift relations are basic properties of the (basic) hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials in the Askey scheme (Jacobi, Askey-Wilson, $q$-Racah, big $q$-Jacobi etc.) and they are related to the factorization of the differential or difference operators. Based on other factorizations, we obtain another type of forward and backward shift relations. Essentially, these new shift relations shift only the parameters.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 15:34:43 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 8 May 2023 10:06:10 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Odake", "Satoru", "" ] ]
Mohammad Javaheri
Mohammad Javaheri and Harry Shen
On a Cyclic Inequality Related to Chebyshev Polynomials
We show that any weighted geometric mean of Chebyshev polynomials is bounded from above by another Chebyshev polynomial. We also study a related homogeneous cyclic inequality $$ \left (\sum_{i=1}^n x_i^{(a+b+1)/2} \right )^2 \geq \sum_{i=1}^n x_i \sum_{i=1}^n x_i^a x_{i+1}^b,$$ where $a,b,x_1,\ldots, x_n$ (with $x_{n+1}=x_1$) are nonnegative. In particular, we prove that the inequality holds when $a=b=1$ and $n\leq 8$ for all nonnegative numbers $x_1,\ldots, x_n$.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 28 Dec 2022 22:31:08 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Javaheri", "Mohammad", "" ], [ "Shen", "Harry", "" ] ]
Razan Elzain
Razan Abdelazim Idris Alzain
Large-Scale 3D Printing -- Market Analysis
econ.GN q-fin.EC
The aim of this research is to get a better understanding of the future of large-scale 3D printing. By developing the market analysis, it will be clear whether large-scale 3D printing is becoming more of a preferred way of printing custom-made parts for production companies. Companies can then choose whether to change their ways, for a more profitable less costly method, or stay on the route they are on. By getting deep into this topic, a new world of technology is then being discovered and familiarized. With a mix of theoretical and practical relevance, a complete coverage could be made on large-scale 3D printing. This paper could then cover all aspects of this topic, and the reader could then make their own judgment if large-scale 3D printing would be the best option.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 28 Dec 2022 17:01:20 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Alzain", "Razan Abdelazim Idris", "" ] ]
Kevin Sun
Kevin Sun
Historical Patterns and Recent Impacts of Chinese Investors in United States Real Estate
23 pages, 4 figures, presented at the 2022 Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research (SCCUR), preprint for publishing in research journal, currently in the peer-review process
econ.GN q-fin.EC
Since supplanting Canada in 2014, Chinese investors have been the lead foreign buyers of U.S. real estate, concentrating their purchases in urban areas with higher Chinese populations like California. The reasons for investment include prestige, freedom from capital confiscation, and safe, diversified opportunities from abroad simply being more lucrative and available than in their home country, where the market is eroding. Interestingly, since 2019, Chinese investors have sold a net 23.6 billion dollars of U.S. commercial real estate, a stark contrast to past acquisitions between 2013 to 2018 where they were net buyers of almost 52 billion dollars worth of properties. A similar trend appears in the residential real estate segment too. In both 2017 and 2018, Chinese buyers purchased over 40,000 U.S. residential properties which were halved in 2019 and steadily declined to only 6,700 in the past year. This turnaround in Chinese investment can be attributed to a deteriorating relationship between the U.S. and China during the Trump Presidency, financial distress in China, and new Chinese government regulations prohibiting outbound investments. Additionally, while Chinese investment is a small share of U.S. real estate (~1.5% at its peak), it has outsized impacts on market valuations of home prices in U.S. zip codes with higher populations of foreign-born Chinese, increasing property prices and exacerbating the issue of housing affordability in these areas. This paper investigates the rapid growth and decline of Chinese investment in U.S. real estate and its effect on U.S. home prices in certain demographics.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 28 Dec 2022 07:57:38 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 3 Jan 2023 04:06:08 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sun", "Kevin", "" ] ]
Hossein Ghaffarnejad
Hossein Ghaffarnejad, Tohid Ghorbani and Firoozeh Eidizadeh
On the stability of electrostatics stars with modified non-gauge invariant Einstein-Maxwell gravity
23 pages, 2 figure
General Relativity and Gravitation 2023
We use a modified Einstein-Maxwell gravity to study stability of an electrostatic spherical star. Correction terms in this model are scalers which are made from contraction of Ricci tensor and electromagnetic vector potential. Our motivation to use this kind of exotic EM gravity is inevitable influence of cosmic magnetic field in inflation of the universe which is observed now but its intensity suppresses in the usual gauge invariant EM gravity. In this work we use dynamical systems approach to obtain stability conditions of such a star and investigation of affects of interaction parts of the model on the stability.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 27 Dec 2022 21:18:23 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 3 Aug 2023 22:10:39 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ghaffarnejad", "Hossein", "" ], [ "Ghorbani", "Tohid", "" ], [ "Eidizadeh", "Firoozeh", "" ] ]
Martin Weigel
Sergio Caracciolo, Alexander K. Hartmann, Scott Kirkpatrick, and Martin Weigel
Simulated annealing, optimization, searching for ground states
24 pages, 4 figures, to appear as a contribution to the edited volume "Spin Glass Theory & Far Beyond - Replica Symmetry Breaking after 40 Years", World Scientific
cond-mat.dis-nn cond-mat.stat-mech physics.comp-ph
The chapter starts with a historical summary of first attempts to optimize the spin glass Hamiltonian, comparing it to recent results on searching largest cliques in random graphs. Exact algorithms to find ground states in generic spin glass models are then explored in Section 1.2, while Section 1.3 is dedicated to the bidimensional case where polynomial algorithms exist and allow for the study of much larger systems. Finally Section 1.4 presents a summary of results for the assignment problem where the finite size corrections for the ground state can be studied in great detail.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 13:55:29 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Caracciolo", "Sergio", "" ], [ "Hartmann", "Alexander K.", "" ], [ "Kirkpatrick", "Scott", "" ], [ "Weigel", "Martin", "" ] ]
Vladimir Karas
Vladimir Karas
Astrophysical black holes embedded in organized magnetic fields: Case of a nonvanishing electric charge
7 pages, 1 figure, in the Proceedings of RAGtime Conference, eds. Z. Stuchlik et al. (2023, Opava, Czech Republic), ISBN 978-80-7510-576-9 (Print), ISBN 978-80-7510-577-6 (Online), pp. 13-19
gr-qc astro-ph.HE
Large scale magnetic fields pervade the cosmic environment where the astrophysical black holes are often embedded and influenced by the mutual interaction. In this contribution we outline the appropriate mathematical framework to describe magnetized black holes within General Relativity and we show several examples how these can be employed in the astrophysical context. In particular, we examine the magnetized black hole metric in terms of an exact solution of electro-vacuum Einstein-Maxwell equations under the influence of a non-vanishing electric charge. New effects emerge: the expulsion of the magnetic flux out of the black-hole horizon depends on the intensity of the imposed magnetic field.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 27 Dec 2022 13:55:21 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 29 Dec 2023 20:52:47 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Karas", "Vladimir", "" ] ]
Zeev Rudnick
Ze\'ev Rudnick and Igor Wigman
On the Central Limit Theorem for linear eigenvalue statistics on random surfaces of large genus
math.SP math-ph math.GT math.MP math.NT
We study the fluctuations of smooth linear statistics of Laplace eigenvalues of compact hyperbolic surfaces lying in short energy windows, when averaged over the moduli space of surfaces of a given genus. The average is taken with respect to the Weil-Petersson measure. We show that first taking the large genus limit, then a short window limit, the distribution tends to a Gaussian. The variance was recently shown to be given by the corresponding quantity for the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE), and the Gaussian fluctuations are also consistent with those in Random Matrix Theory, as conjectured in the physics literature for a fixed surface.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 13:57:50 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Rudnick", "Zeév", "" ], [ "Wigman", "Igor", "" ] ]
Pablo Le\'on
M.P. Garcia del Moral, P. Leon, A. Restuccia
Supersymmetric algebra of the massive supermembrane
10 pages, 4 figures
In this paper, we obtain the explicit expression of the supersymmetric algebra associated with the recently proposed massive supermembrane including all surface terms. We formulate the theory as the limit of a supermembrane on a genus-two compact Riemann surface when one of the handles becomes a string attached to a torus. The formulation reduces to a supermembrane on a punctured torus with a "string spike" (in the sense of \cite{dwln}), attached to it. In this limit, we identify all surface terms of the algebra and give the explicit expression of the Hamiltonian in agreement with the previous formulation of it. The symmetry under area preserving diffeomorphisms, connected and nonconnected to the identity, is also discussed. Only parabolic $Sl(2,\mathbb{Z})$ discrete symmetries are preserved.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 13:59:08 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 29 Jun 2023 00:52:51 GMT" } ]
[ [ "del Moral", "M. P. Garcia", "" ], [ "Leon", "P.", "" ], [ "Restuccia", "A.", "" ] ]
Behnam Pourhassan
Behnam Pourhassan, Izzet Sakalli, Xiaoping Shi, Mir Faizal, Salman Sajad Wani
Quantum Thermodynamics of an $\alpha^{\prime}$-Corrected Reissner-Nordstr\"om Black Hole
EPL, 144 (2023) 29001
In this paper, we will analyze the effects of $\alpha^{\prime} $ corrections on the behavior of a Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m black hole. We will calculate the effects of such corrections on the thermodynamics and thermodynamic stability of such a black hole. We will also derived a novel $\alpha^{\prime}$-corrected first law. We will investigate the effect of such corrections on the Parikh-Wilczek formalism. This will be done using cross entropy and Kullback-Leibler divergence between the original probability distribution and the $\alpha^{\prime}$-corrected probability distribution. We will then analyze the non-equilibrium quantum thermodynamics of this black hole. It will be observed that its quantum thermodynamics is corrected due to quantum gravitational corrections. We will use Ramsey scheme for emitted particles to calculate the quantum work distribution for this system. The average quantum work will be related to the difference of $\alpha^{\prime}$-corrected free energies using the Jarzynski equality.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 30 Dec 2022 17:01:08 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Pourhassan", "Behnam", "" ], [ "Sakalli", "Izzet", "" ], [ "Shi", "Xiaoping", "" ], [ "Faizal", "Mir", "" ], [ "Wani", "Salman Sajad", "" ] ]
Neeraj Vashistha
Neeraj Vashistha, Kriti Singh, Ramakant Shakya
Active Learning for Neural Machine Translation
10 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables
cs.CL cs.AI
The machine translation mechanism translates texts automatically between different natural languages, and Neural Machine Translation (NMT) has gained attention for its rational context analysis and fluent translation accuracy. However, processing low-resource languages that lack relevant training attributes like supervised data is a current challenge for Natural Language Processing (NLP). We incorporated a technique known Active Learning with the NMT toolkit Joey NMT to reach sufficient accuracy and robust predictions of low-resource language translation. With active learning, a semi-supervised machine learning strategy, the training algorithm determines which unlabeled data would be the most beneficial for obtaining labels using selected query techniques. We implemented two model-driven acquisition functions for selecting the samples to be validated. This work uses transformer-based NMT systems; baseline model (BM), fully trained model (FTM) , active learning least confidence based model (ALLCM), and active learning margin sampling based model (ALMSM) when translating English to Hindi. The Bilingual Evaluation Understudy (BLEU) metric has been used to evaluate system results. The BLEU scores of BM, FTM, ALLCM and ALMSM systems are 16.26, 22.56 , 24.54, and 24.20, respectively. The findings in this paper demonstrate that active learning techniques helps the model to converge early and improve the overall quality of the translation system.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 30 Dec 2022 17:04:01 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Vashistha", "Neeraj", "" ], [ "Singh", "Kriti", "" ], [ "Shakya", "Ramakant", "" ] ]
Yakiv Pavlenko V.
M. Lobodenko (KNU), Ya. Pavlenko (MAO), I. Kulyk (MAO), A. Nahurna (KNU), M. Solomakha (KNU), O. Baransky (KCSL)
Comparative analysis of observations of the selected exoplanet transits obtained at the Kyiv Comet station with the database of the orbital telescopes TESS and Kepler
0 pages, 4 plots, 1 table, accepted by Odesa Astronomical Publications
astro-ph.EP astro-ph.SR
We present a comparative analysis of observations of the selected exoplanet transits obtained at the Kyiv Comet station with the database of the TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) and Kepler space telescopes. The light curves obtained by the TESS and Kepler orbital telescopes were processed using a program based on the Python package Lightkurve 2.3v which is freely available in the MUST archive (Barbara A. Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes). The ground-based observations were carried out with the 70-cm telescope AZT-8 (Lisnyky). Photometric processing of the ground-based observation was performed by using the Muniwin program. The light curves and parameters of the observed transits as well as the exoplanet orbital parameters obtained from ground-based observations were published in the ETD (Exoplanet Transit Database). Determined transit parameters were compared with the results of the TESS command, which are stored in the MUST archive. Here we present a comparison of the parameters of transit phenomena (period, depth, transit duration) and some orbital parameters were obtained from two independent sets of observations, terrestrial and orbital, performed in different epochs.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 14:03:15 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 10 Jan 2023 17:20:47 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Lobodenko", "M.", "", "KNU" ], [ "Pavlenko", "Ya.", "", "MAO" ], [ "Kulyk", "I.", "", "MAO" ], [ "Nahurna", "A.", "", "KNU" ], [ "Solomakha", "M.", "", "KNU" ], [ "Baransky", "O.", "", "KCSL" ] ]
Naresh Garg
Naresh Garg and Neeraj Misra
Isotonic Regression Estimators For Simultaneous Estimation of Order Restricted Location/Scale Parameters of a Bivariate Distribution: A Unified Study
arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2207.00771
math.ST stat.TH
The problem of simultaneous estimation of location/scale parameters $\theta_1$ and $\theta_2$ of a general bivariate location/scale model, when the ordering between the parameters is known apriori (say, $\theta_1\leq \theta_2$), has been considered. We consider isotonic regression estimators based on the best location/scale equivariant estimators (BLEEs/BSEEs) of $\theta_1$ and $\theta_2$ with general weight functions. Let $\mathcal{D}$ denote the corresponding class of isotonic regression estimators of $(\theta_1,\theta_2)$. Under the sum of the weighted squared error loss function, we characterize admissible estimators within the class $\mathcal{D}$, and identify estimators that dominate the BLEE/BSEE of ($\theta_1$,$\theta_2$). Our study unifies several studies reported in the literature for specific probability distributions having independent marginals. We also report a generalized version of the Katz (1963) result on the inadmissibility of certain estimators under a loss function that is weighted sum of general loss functions for component problems. A simulation study is also carried out to validate the findings of the paper.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 14:07:20 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Garg", "Naresh", "" ], [ "Misra", "Neeraj", "" ] ]
Alexey Skrynnik
Maria Nesterova, Alexey Skrynnik, Aleksandr Panov
Reinforcement Learning with Success Induced Task Prioritization
MICAI 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13612
cs.LG cs.AI
Many challenging reinforcement learning (RL) problems require designing a distribution of tasks that can be applied to train effective policies. This distribution of tasks can be specified by the curriculum. A curriculum is meant to improve the results of learning and accelerate it. We introduce Success Induced Task Prioritization (SITP), a framework for automatic curriculum learning, where a task sequence is created based on the success rate of each task. In this setting, each task is an algorithmically created environment instance with a unique configuration. The algorithm selects the order of tasks that provide the fastest learning for agents. The probability of selecting any of the tasks for the next stage of learning is determined by evaluating its performance score in previous stages. Experiments were carried out in the Partially Observable Grid Environment for Multiple Agents (POGEMA) and Procgen benchmark. We demonstrate that SITP matches or surpasses the results of other curriculum design methods. Our method can be implemented with handful of minor modifications to any standard RL framework and provides useful prioritization with minimal computational overhead.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 30 Dec 2022 12:32:43 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Nesterova", "Maria", "" ], [ "Skrynnik", "Alexey", "" ], [ "Panov", "Aleksandr", "" ] ]
Benliang Li Mr
Benliang Li
The reference-frame independence of quantum probabilities
16 pages, 3 figures
We investigate the transformation rule of a single particle wave-function under a change of reference frame. A postulate is raised, and some fundamental aspects regarding the reference-frame independence of quantum probabilities are explored.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 30 Dec 2022 12:52:03 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Li", "Benliang", "" ] ]
Rossi Kamal Mr
Rossi Kamal, Zuzana Kubincova, Mosaddek Hossain Kamal, Upama Kabir
Deep Recurrent Learning Through Long Short Term Memory and TOPSIS
cs.SE cs.AI cs.LG
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software brings resources, data together to keep software-flow within business processes in a company. However, cloud computing's cheap, easy and quick management promise pushes business-owners for a transition from monolithic to a data-center/cloud based ERP. Since cloud-ERP development involves a cyclic process, namely planning, implementing, testing and upgrading, its adoption is realized as a deep recurrent neural network problem. Eventually, a classification algorithm based on long short term memory (LSTM) and TOPSIS is proposed to identify and rank, respectively, adoption features. Our theoretical model is validated over a reference model by articulating key players, services, architecture, functionalities. Qualitative survey is conducted among users by considering technology, innovation and resistance issues, to formulate hypotheses on key adoption factors.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 30 Dec 2022 10:35:25 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kamal", "Rossi", "" ], [ "Kubincova", "Zuzana", "" ], [ "Kamal", "Mosaddek Hossain", "" ], [ "Kabir", "Upama", "" ] ]
Kyle Singh
Kyle Singh
Redundancies and Profundities
physics.hist-ph hep-ph
We reevaluate the status of the gauge principle and reposition it as an intermediary structure dependent on the initial conditions we endow on our theory. We explore how the gauge symmetry manifests in the context of basic quantum electrodynamics, spontaneous symmetry breaking and the modern scattering amplitudes program. We also investigate the addition of an auxiliary field in $\phi^4$ theory and see how the dynamics are altered. Modal language is pointed to and utilized as a convenient way to articulate the weight gauge symmetry demands in our theories as well as the principles of locality and Lorentz invariance. A shifting scale ontology is introduced with regards to the gauge principle and other structures of Quantum Field Theory in general.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 30 Dec 2022 05:50:20 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Singh", "Kyle", "" ] ]
Oh-Hun Kwon
Oh-Hun Kwon, Eduard Zell
Image-Coupled Volume Propagation for Stereo Matching
two-columns, 8 pages, 7 figures
Several leading methods on public benchmarks for depth-from-stereo rely on memory-demanding 4D cost volumes and computationally intensive 3D convolutions for feature matching. We suggest a new way to process the 4D cost volume where we merge two different concepts in one deeply integrated framework to achieve a symbiotic relationship. A feature matching part is responsible for identifying matching pixels pairs along the baseline while a concurrent image volume part is inspired by depth-from-mono CNNs. However, instead of predicting depth directly from image features, it provides additional context to resolve ambiguities during pixel matching. More technically, the processing of the 4D cost volume is separated into a 2D propagation and a 3D propagation part. Starting from feature maps of the left image, the 2D propagation assists the 3D propagation part of the cost volume at different layers by adding visual features to the geometric context. By combining both parts, we can safely reduce the scale of 3D convolution layers in the matching part without sacrificing accuracy. Experiments demonstrate that our end-to-end trained CNN is ranked 2nd on KITTI2012 and ETH3D benchmarks while being significantly faster than the 1st-ranked method. Furthermore, we notice that the coupling of image and matching-volume improves fine-scale details as demonstrated by our qualitative analysis.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 30 Dec 2022 13:23:25 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kwon", "Oh-Hun", "" ], [ "Zell", "Eduard", "" ] ]
Pratulananda Das Prof
Pratulananda Das, Upasana Samanta, Shou Lin
On certain generalized notions using $\mathcal{I}$-convergence in topological spaces
In this paper, we consider certain topological properties along with certain types of mappings on these spaces defined by the notion of ideal convergence. In order to do that, we primarily follow in the footsteps of the earlier studies of ideal convergence done by using functions (from an infinite set $S$ to $X$) in \cite{CS, das4, das5}, as that is the most general perspective and use functions instead of sequences/nets/double sequences etc. This functional approach automatically provides the most general settings for such studies and consequently extends and unifies the proofs of several old and recent results in the literature about spaces like sequential, Fr\'{e}chet-Uryshon spaces and sequential, quotient and covering maps. In particular, we introduce and investigate the notions of $\ic$-functional spaces, $\ic$-functional continuous, quotient and covering mappings and finally $\ic$-functional Fr\'{e}chet-Uryshon spaces. In doing so, we take help of certain set theoretic and other properties of ideals.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 14:14:01 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Das", "Pratulananda", "" ], [ "Samanta", "Upasana", "" ], [ "Lin", "Shou", "" ] ]
Sihong Zhou
Yong-Kang Huang, Yue-Long Shen, Xue-Chen Zhao, Si-Hong Zhou
Complete analysis on QED corrections to $B_{q}\, \to\, \tau^+\, \tau^-$
29 pages, 3 figures
Motivated by a dynamical enhancement of the electromagnetic corrections by a power of $\Lambda_{\mathrm{QCD}}/m_b$ in $B_{d,s}\, \to\, \mu^+\, \mu^-$ at next-to-leading order (NLO), we extend the QED factorization effects on the leptonic $B$ meson decays with light muon leptons to tauonic final states, $B_{d,s} \, \to\, \tau^+\, \tau^-$, using soft-collinear effective theory (SCET). This extension is necessary owing to the appearance of the large $\tau$ mass, which will lead to different power counting in SCET and also different results. We provide a complete NLO electromagnetic corrections to $B_{d,s} \, \to\, \tau^+\, \tau^-$, which include hard functions and hard-collinear functions below the bottom quark mass scale $\mu_b$. The power enhanced electromagnetic effects from hard-collinear contributions on $B_{d,s}\, \to\, \mu^+\, \mu^-$ discussed before also exist in $B_{d,s} \, \to\, \tau^+\, \tau^-$. However the logarithm term arising from contributions of hard-collinear photon and lepton virtualities for $B_{d,s}\, \to\, \tau^+\, \tau^-$ is not large as it is in muon case due to the hard-collinear scale of $\tau$ mass, which lead to only approximately $0.04\%$ QED corrections to the branching fraction of $B_{d,s} \, \to\, \tau^+\, \tau^-$ compared with overall reduction about $0.5\%$ in $B_{d,s}\, \to\, \mu^+\, \mu^-$.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 14:23:26 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sat, 14 Oct 2023 03:06:08 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Huang", "Yong-Kang", "" ], [ "Shen", "Yue-Long", "" ], [ "Zhao", "Xue-Chen", "" ], [ "Zhou", "Si-Hong", "" ] ]
Soumitra SenGupta
Arko Bhaumik and Soumitra SenGupta
Nested warped geometry in a non-flat braneworld scenario
28 Pages, 4 figures
gr-qc hep-ph hep-th
We generalize nested multiply warped braneworld models by incorporating non-zero brane curvature caused by an effective cosmological constant {\Omega} induced on the 3-branes. Starting with the doubly warped model, we first analyze the case where the maximally warped brane is identified as the visible brane. For {\Omega} < 0, resolution of the gauge hierarchy problem imposes a small upper bound on |{\Omega}|, and can possibly lead to positivity of all the 3-brane tensions. For {\Omega} > 0, the latter is not possible but the tuning of the cosmological constant to its tiny observed value is linked to the tuning of the extra dimensional moduli close to the inverse Planck length, justifying the original flat brane approximation. In both regimes, we study the dependence of the scale-clustering of the pair of TeV-branes on the brane cosmological constant and hence its potential role in generating a fermion mass hierarchy between these branes. Identifying the near-maximally warped brane as the visible brane instead opens up regions in the parameter space that allow positive 3-brane tensions for both anti de Sitter and de Sitter branes, subject to non-trivial constraints on the warping parameters. We conclude by generalizing the key results to arbitrary n-fold nested warped braneworlds.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 14:24:21 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bhaumik", "Arko", "" ], [ "SenGupta", "Soumitra", "" ] ]
Marjorie Galinier
Marjorie Galinier, Marco Delbo, Chrysa Avdellidou, Laurent Galluccio, and Yves Marrocchi
Gaia search for early-formed andesitic asteroidal crusts
A&A 671, A40 (2023)
astro-ph.EP physics.geo-ph
Context. Andesitic meteorites are among the oldest achondrites known to date. They record volcanic events and crust formation episodes in primordial planetesimals that took place about 4.565 Myr ago. However, no analogue for these meteorites has been found in the asteroid population to date. Aims. We searched for spectroscopic analogues of the andesitic meteorite Erg Chech 002 in the asteroid population using the Gaia DR3 spectral dataset. Methods. In order to identify which asteroids have the most similar spectrum to Erg Chech 002, we first determined the spectral parameters of Gaia DR3 asteroids (spectral slope and Band I depth) and compared them to the spectral parameters of different samples of the meteorite. In addition, we performed a spectral curve matching between Erg Chech 002 and Gaia DR3 asteroid data, and we compared the results of both methods. Results. We found that 51 main-belt asteroids have a visible spectrum similar to the one of Erg Chech 002, and 91 have a spectrum similar to the space-weathered spectra of the meteorite, corresponding to 0.08 and 0.15% of the whole Gaia DR3 dataset of asteroids with spectra, respectively. The asteroids that best match the laboratory samples of the meteorite are mostly located in the inner main belt, while the objects matching the space-weathered meteorite models show slightly more scattering across the belt. Conclusions. Despite the fact that we find asteroids that potentially match Erg Chech 002, these asteroids are extremely rare. Moreover, a visible spectrum alone is not completely diagnostic of an Erg Chech 002-like composition. Near-infrared spectra will be important to confirm (or rule out) the spectral matches between Erg Chech 002 and the candidate asteroid population.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 14:27:17 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Galinier", "Marjorie", "" ], [ "Delbo", "Marco", "" ], [ "Avdellidou", "Chrysa", "" ], [ "Galluccio", "Laurent", "" ], [ "Marrocchi", "Yves", "" ] ]
Mee Seong Im
Paul Gustafson, Mee Seong Im, Remy Kaldawy, Mikhail Khovanov, Zachary Lihn
Automata and one-dimensional TQFTs with defects
Corollary 3.5 added. 36 pages, many figures
math.QA cs.FL math.CT
This paper explains how any nondeterministic automaton for a regular language $L$ gives rise to a one-dimensional oriented Topological Quantum Field Theory (TQFT) with inner endpoints and zero-dimensional defects labelled by letters of the alphabet for $L$. The TQFT is defined over the Boolean semiring $\mathbb{B}$. Different automata for a fixed language $L$ produce TQFTs that differ by their values on decorated circles, while the values on decorated intervals are described by the language $L$. The language $L$ and the TQFT associated to an automaton can be given a path integral interpretation. In this TQFT the state space of a one-point 0-manifold is a free module over $\mathbb{B}$ with the basis of states of the automaton. Replacing a free module by a finite projective $\mathbb{B}$-module $P$ allows to generalize automata and this type of TQFT to a structure where defects act on open subsets of a finite topological space. Intersection of open subsets induces a multiplication on $P$ allowing to extend the TQFT to a TQFT for one-dimensional foams (oriented graphs with defects modulo a suitable equivalence relation). A linear version of these constructions is also explained, with the Boolean semiring replaced by a commutative ring.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2023 14:31:01 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 27 Feb 2023 15:09:57 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Gustafson", "Paul", "" ], [ "Im", "Mee Seong", "" ], [ "Kaldawy", "Remy", "" ], [ "Khovanov", "Mikhail", "" ], [ "Lihn", "Zachary", "" ] ]