1973 Agreement 2013 Ministerial Declaration IUCN PBSG Scientific Advisory Body Polar Bear Management Involvement of Indigenous Peoples and Incorporation of TEK Inter-jurisdictional Populations National Management Inuvialuit-Inupiat Agreement Canada-United States Canada-Nunavut-Greenland United Sates-Russian Federation Norway-Russian Federation Circumpolar Action Plan 2-Year Implementation Plans Implementation Plan and Reports, 2018-2020 Polar Bear Biology Population, Distribution, and Trends Habitat Needs and Characteristics Movement and Migration Disease, Parasites, and Pathogens Circumpolar Action Plan Implementation Team Human-Polar Bear Conflict Operations, Planning, and Protocols Inuvialuit–Inupiat Polar Bear Management Agreement in the Southern Beaufort Sea Subpopulation: Southern Beaufort Sea. Photo credit: USFWSThe Inuvialuit people in Canada and the Inupiat people in Alaska (U.S.) both harvest polar bears from the Southern Beaufort Sea subpopulation. Due to concerns related to the combined harvest level, in 1968, Canada established harvest quotas. After the passage of the Marine Mammal Protection Act in the U.S. in 1972, only coastal-dwelling Alaskan Natives were allowed to harvest polar bears for subsistence purposes and for making and selling handicrafts. No quota was established, although authorized take was required to be non-wasteful. At the time, there was no mechanism to cooperatively manage the harvest between the two countries. The 1973 International Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears committed countries that share polar bear populations to conduct and coordinate research, exchange information and consult on management. Joint concern about the population led the Inuvialuit Game Council (on behalf of the Inuvialuit in Canada) and the North Slope Borough Fish and Game Management Committee (on behalf of the Inupiat of the North Slope in Alaska) to negotiate an agreement to help ensure the health and stability of this subpopulation and maintain a sustained harvest for traditional users. Originally signed in 1988, the Inuvialuit–Inupiat Polar Bear Management Agreement is updated regularly. For additional information about the Inuvialuit-Inupiat Agreement, including current voluntary harvest quotas, please visit the North Slope Borough's polar bear website or Inuvialuit's Joint Secretariat website. Source: Circumpolar Action Plan, Annex II United States-Russian Federation Scientific Working Group(SWG) © 2021 Polar Bear Range States TPL_FIELD_SCROLL
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Made of super-light nylon ripstop-TPU coated material and with a roomy 15 Litre capacity, this waterproof Dry Sack is a portable, durable must-have for any water or beach-based missions. Thanks to our clever Fold Seal System™ and welded seams, you can get as wet, sandy or muddy as you like without your valuables suddenly becoming worthless. This lightweight Red Dry Flat Bag will float and will handle a quick dunking. You can easily wipe it clean again after use as well. Complete with a fully adjustable and removable shoulder strap, this 15 Litre Dry Sack is the ultimate waterproof beach bag or water-sports accessory.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
HEALTH ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATE ACTION FOUNDATION Clean, Green and Environmentally Safe Healthcare Government of Nepal Registered No. 231589/076/077 HECAF Founder HECAF is now HECAF360 The name change reflects new developments at HECAF 360 offering a wider range of affordable appropriate technology solutions to environmentally sound healthcare waste management concerns in the developing world. International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific 2020 HECAF 360 Executive Director Mahesh Nakarmi is participating in The International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific (ISAP) 2020. The overall theme of this year's Zoom conference is "Just Transitions Toward Sustainable Societies in Asia and the Pacific: Building forward better for our future beyond COVID-19". Mahesh's presentation is part of "Waste Management in Response to COVID-19: Exploring Ways of Response and Recovery". Video of the event and Mahesh's presentation will be posted here soon. HECAF360 Imports Life Saving PPE Mahesh Nakarmi, Executive Director of HECAF360, has again arranged the donation and importation of desperately needed PPE for distribution throughout Nepal in the fight against Covid-19. The importation valued at nearly $80,000 USD is a donation from the Tzu Chi Foundation of Hualien City, Taiwan. The aid includes BiPAP ventilation equipment, thermometers and other highly sought after PPE. The Government of Nepal Ministry of Health and Population working alongside HECAF360 will be distributing the PPE to the recipients below. For full details of the distribution click here. Click here for News Releases in English and Nepali Harzardous Covid-19 Duty HECAF 360 uniquely qualified to carry out this assignment By Special Request of Ministry of Health and Population: Airport bio-hazard clean-up Ambulances standing by to evacuate the seriously ill passengers Health Environment and Climate Action Foundation (HECAF 360), formerly Health Care Foundation Nepal (HECAF), is a non-governmental and not-for-profit sharing organization committed to promoting a clean, green, climate smart health care system in Nepal. HECAF 360 is a pioneer in environmentally-safe health care waste management systems based on Zero Waste principles and non-burn technology. GUIDELINES & PRINCIPLES ZERO RISK Make hospitals and other health care facilities SAFE, for patients, for staff and for the communities in which the hospitals and clinics are located. ZERO BURN HECAF 360 is committed to the elimination of incineration of medical waste throughout the country. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle is the mantra governing every implementation of a Health Care Waste Management project. ZERO BURY HECAF 360 believes burying waste hides the problem but does not solve it. Burying harmful or hazardous waste often leads to other longterm problems like ground water and soil contamination. Pioneered First Safe Health Care Waste Management System in Nepal Collaboration with World Health Organization (WHO) Diagnostic Assessment on Health Care Waste Management PROJECTS HECAF 360 Making Nepal's Waste Management Safer HECAF has implemented Health Care Waste Management projects in over 25 in-patient hospitals throughout the country. These multi-bed facilities can now recycle much of the waste they generate, including pathological wastes. Each project begins with an elaborate diagnostic assessment of the kinds of wastes being generated and an evaluation of the safest and most effective methods of reusing, recycling or disposing of the waste. SMALL FACILITIES Clinics and out-patient treatment centers in both urban and rural environments also generate health care waste and pose risks to patients, staff and the community at large if the waste generated is not properly treated and processed. Just as with the large multi-bed hospitals, clinics and out patient centers rely on a careful diagnostic evaluation before any project is designed and implemented. It's not just hospitals and clinics that generate health care waste. Pharmaceutical waste is also a major problem once products exceed their use-by date.Expired pharmaceuticals must be handled in a safe and responsible manner when being disposed of HECAF has devised a program that can safely recycle a great of the the waste from expired pharmaceuticals. MENSTRUAL WASTE In Nepal schools are also generating potentially infectious waste because of a recent Government of Nepal policy making menstrual hygiene pads available to schoolgirls. The safe disposal of these sanitary pads is an issue that HECAF has also addressed. Zero Waste is a set of principles focused on waste prevention that encourages "rethinking" what waste is and "redesigning" how waste is handled so that all products are reused. The goal is for no trash to be sent to landfills, incinerators, or waterways. As much as possible HECAF deploys Zero Waste principles in its Health Care Waste Management work. Follow us on our social platform CONTACT HECAF 360 ©2019 by Health Care Foundation Nepal. Proudly created with Wix.com
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
comments: I've never really had the chance to play any of the other Catan games aside from the basic Settlers and Seafarers. Having the rules or the almanac available would have been very helpful when playing other versions for the first time if at least for the sake of knowing points needed to win. Also, explaining how to trade or what you're looking at when your trading would've been helpful for the first go round. comments: Coming to the online version of Catan after only playing the board game was pretty cool. Because they were so similar I was able to figure my way around easily. At first the animations were interesting, but it quickly got old. I don't think that anyone is under the illusion that the game is being played in real life...I think it would be alright to just have the other computer players' initial settlements and roads just appear and skip that animation part, instead of waiting "to see" where they put their pieces. Animations slowed down the game too much and got annoying because so much happened for something so small and repetitious. Also, the nose picking thing by the avatars is gross. One screen fits all would improve game play and speed I dislike having to go back and forth between the two or three screens to figure out my next best move. Or being stuck on the Year of Plenty or Trade screen and not knowing what I need or don't need based on the cards in my hand or the positions of other players on the board, etc. Showing the entire board at once would be nice especially for the Seafarer games so that you can see where you might want to head and don't forget about it or overlook it. comments: There is a visual cue for whose turn it is. It took me a while to notice at first. I'm surprised they have an audio cue for building a city but not your turn...just seems backwards. comments: It's super annoying zooming in to look at something and being abruptly pulled out of it because someone wants to trade. You practically have to wait until your turn to zoom into anything. comments: I think it's unnecessary for the chat box to cover the game board. -- game play time the quickest games I've played was about 20min (basic versions only) on average the game takes closer to 35-45min. I enjoy playing more than one game back to back, and after a game the animations just really seem to drag it out. I was surprise to hear that people could usually play a game in 10min which is why I totally understand why people are so aggravated by the game play time being extended and some delay caused by animations. It hasn't bothered me that much yet just because I've only really ever played the actual board game. -- everything doesn't have to be a big production (i.e. victory points earned) a quick, unique sound would be sufficient especially since the players points, development cards, knights, and roads are displayed. I'd definitely prefer a quick audio cue instead of the animation for the "longest road" or " largest army" ...etc. -- browsers for some odd reason I can no longer play Catan in my Safari browser. I receive an error message. After switching to Chrome to play I also realized that the Full Screen function actually works! ...so it must be something where it just doesn't work in Safari. Please put off animation. We like fast game , and it is unreal to wait until cards flying on the screen. @Administrator Thank you for your timely and thoughtful response! And also, the "Friendly Robber" game option sounds pretty nice too. I've played quite a few games where the robber was rolled at least 2-3 times a round and everyone else would roll it except me. It definitely made the game less fun especially since I didn't even get the chance to move the robber because I never rolled it! Like the OP, I don't have experience with PlayCatan - just the board game and CU. I completely agree with everything she said. I get that the CU platform is being developed for multiple devices types and touchscreen - so everything might not fit on one screen. However the focus still has to be on game speed. The trading screen is the biggest problem. All of the great trading suggestions above need to be implemented. Screen real estate needs to be optimized. Reduce or get rid of avatars. The board has to be visible at all times!!! This includes trading and building. Also add ability to select multiple things to build at once (like road + settlement, multiple roads, etc) then return to board to place them. Make it similar to how the Road Building card works. The build screen could be a pop out (like the chat box) where I can select what/how many I want to build. Chat box should be sorted with last comments at top and should open without covering the board. I look forward to seeing CU evolve with all the great suggestions on this forum! Suggestions for trading. Might also want to implement options to respond to trades (Don't have it, I need that, I want more, etc..). As it is now, without knowing why your trades are rejected, you might just continue every possible combination of trade trying to figure that out. Might speed the game along a bit. If not already planned, would like game stats/almanac to include dice statistics. Thanks for the great feedback in this thread and also the great suggestions. We are looking into various ways of expanding the trade system and you will hear about upcomming changes in the near future from us.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
InBody Analysis - Madison, AL: Pain To Wellness Healthcare, Corp. BMI is a common, but less-informative way of assessing a person's health by using the height and weight of an individual. It is in this way that you are able to assess health by comparing the amount of weight a person carries to the height of that person. However, it is inaccurate and may indicate that a bodybuilder who has more muscle that adds to his weight as it compares to his height. It would then be thought that the bodybuilder is obese when he/she is actually very fit. It is a poor method of tracking weight change because there is no way to know if the changes in weight are due to a gain or loss in fat or a gain or loss in muscle. BMI is calculated simply by dividing a person's weight in kilograms by their height: BMI = kg/m2. As you can see, predicting health or mortality using a single number such as BMI is an oversimplification of a person's health risks and ignores other factors that contribute to a person's overall health and wellbeing. The body is made of macromolecules and micro-molecules and includes fat, protein, minerals and water. Body composition analysis uses special technology called impedance plethysmography to accurately show fat mass, muscle mass and body fat percentage among other parameters. It also includes body mass index or BMI. It is much more accurate that assessing BMI for weight loss. HOW DOES BODY ANALYSIS HELP WITH MY OVERALL HEALTH? Stepping on a scale or calculating your BMI may tell you how much weight you have, but it doesn't give any information on how healthy you really are. It only compares how heavy you are to a standard that is generalized and does not allow though to assess and adequately pursue your individual goals. BMI or scale measurements do not differentiate between fat or muscle so that when you gain weight, you are unsure if you have gained muscle or fat. However, the body composition analysis will give you the information to meet your personal aspirations. It can give you a snapshot of your health to reach your health goals from the inside out. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN MUSCLE AND FAT? Clinicians agree that too much fat presents a significant health risk. It can lead to health challenges including hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, respiratory dysfunction, gallbladder disease and other problems that usually relate to obesity. However, even though a person has very little fat does not necessarily eliminate the health risk. How many skinny people do you know that have hypertension or high cholesterol? Body composition analysis will allow a person to assess if even a skinny person has fat in the wrong places. WHAT IS A GOOD NUMBER TO KNOW THAT MY BODY FAT IS IN A GOOD RANGE? Percentage body fat is a good parameter to assess overall health instead of BMI. Though there is no consensus on what the best body fat level is for optimal health, but instead it is set for the general population. Our parameters are set and provided by INBODY and are set at 10-20% for males with 15% being ideal and 18-28% for females with 23% being ideal. IS IT DANGEROUS TO NOT KNOW MY BODY COMPOSITION? It is important that there is a healthy balance between the amount of fat a person has and the amount of muscle a person has. It is vital for optimal health and wellness at any stage in life. There is scientific evidence that a healthy body composition increases longevity and reduces the risk of certain diseases including diabetes, insulin resistance, heart disease, cancer, and other health challenges. ARE THERE COMPLICATIONS TO BEING OVERWEIGHT OR OBESE? There are many complications to being obese. It can cause multiple joint pain including knees and back, liver disease hypertension, diabetes, gallbladder disease, cancer menstrual problems, sleep apnea, elevated cholesterol, body image dysfunction, and others. HOW DO I PREPARE FOR BODY COMPOSITION (INBODY ANALYSIS) TESTING?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Telling lies of course is the worst of inclinations. It destabilizes all the solid progress that you've made. Yet never breach the walls of an impenetrable haven. To recreate that pretty face with magical uplift? We find naught there but hyperbole and overemphasis. Their own undeserved ascendance to the rank of trust? A clod of earth is placed above the ambitious counterfeiter.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
"Food TV" has jumped the shark in many ways. Everything is "taken to the next level" and "kicked up a notch". Either they have run out of ideas or they are obsessed with hipster nonsense, ruining perfectly good classic recipes. The Buffalo wing is not something that needs to be meddled with, and just needs a few ingredients. If you want to fiddle with this classic Buffalo Wings recipe, that is your choice, but mastering the simplicity of the American classic is a matter of following just a few simple steps. The perfect Buffalo Wings recipe that we present here uses a double method of frying first and then baking. There is no complex sauce recipe, just good old Frank's Red Hot, and some margarine (butter works as well). In regards to bleu cheese or ranch on the side, that is your call. Chicken wings. First, don't get breaded or fully cooked or seasoned. Next, don't have these in one big piece that you find in restaurants often. There are two distinct parts, the drumette and the wing. They should be separate. That wing tip is junk. If you are ordering them at a bar or restaurant ask if they are coming the correct way and not just one big wing part. Frank's Red Hot. You can now get this in really big amounts at a great price. Don't over-think this. All the work is done for you, get Frank's and call it a day. Margarine / Butter. There is some debate on how important it is to use margarine over butter. In our opinion, margarine helps the sauce stick better to the wings and tastes better. Probably that is the only time we would say that, but for wings it just works better. If you use butter you won't know that much of a difference, however. Line a cookie sheet (or more if you are cooking a lot) with foil and spray with some non-stick cooking spray. Judge how much sauce you will need and warm it up in a sauce pan with a few tablespoons of margarine. You are adding just enough to give the sauce a fatty, sticky helper for adhering to the wings. Cook the wings in batches for about 10 minutes. Hint: you can do this much better and store in the fridge. Have an area with paper towels spread out to have each batch sit while you fry the next batch. In a large stainless steel bowl, toss in enough wings for each baking sheet and add some sauce to coat. This is toss #1. After the wings are coated, place on the cooking sheet. Cook each batch in the oven for about 10 minutes more. Watch and judge how they look. What you are looking to do is to make the first coat of sauce onto the wings. Remove when the sauce looks nice and baked onto the wings, you don't want them to blacken at all. Now, toss again with some more sauce in a big bowl. This is the second sauce that sits on top.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Red Velvet Cake SkinnytTini - Eat. Drink & be Skinny! Say what? Yes! I'm not even kidding you — this is a Red Velvet SkinnyTini that tastes like, guess what? CAKE! What could be a better cocktail to ring in our first December Friday with? And the real plus is that all these ingredients are available at the grocery store so you can stop by on your way home and make these tonight. On that shopping note…take my advice now and stock up on some sugar free flavored syrups, as you will need them as I reveal the rest of the Winter line. You'll need Vanilla, White Chocolate and Salted Caramel. Those with the Almond Milk, Hot Cocoa, Vodka, and some other fancy booze will render an Egg Nog, Salted Caramel and Peppermint Mocha SkinnyTinis the rest of this month. Yes, I did just about copy Starbucks holiday menu. And those coffee drinks turned cocktail are even more amazing that what comes in that fancy-red-cardboard cup we're so used to seeing in the holiday season. Directions: Prepare hot cocoa ahead and cool in the refrigerator. Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker with with ice and shake for 10 seconds. Strain into prepared martini glass and then serve. Calories: Recipe will make 2-5oz SkinnyTinis with 136 calories each. Optional Garnish: Cream Cheese frosting – 23 calories per tsp. Stay tuned …each Friday I will post a new Holiday SkinnyTini and will make some of these on air on UT-TV on December 18th at 8:50 am. 2012 Seattle Marathon – An Amazing Experience! Stress Management Part 1 - What is it?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
A vibrant red Hybrid Tea with true quartered, old-fashioned blooms and disease-resistant foliage that defies the rules. Traviata® continues to be the center of attention throughout summer and into late autumn. Use as a specimen or en masse to make a statement! I bought two of these out of a nursery that was going out of business. They were so neglected they were literally burned up from lack of water in their pots but I could just see what was left of one of the blooms. I gave one to my sister and kept one. Within two years her Traviata is chin high with spectacular blooms and disease resistant foliage and, believe me, she doesn't spray. Mine has taken about three years longer to recover from the initial neglect but seeing hers and knowing what this rose can be I have waited and sure enough this year I have my reward....big, gorgeous quartered blooms. Buy this rose and give it good sun and plenty of room and see if it doesn't turn out to be one of your favorites. My sister and I both adore our Traviata roses and this rose prompted me to buy Pink Traviata which has turned out to be just as spectacular.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Abraham Alexander's Debut EP Shows His Life's Journey from Greece to Abbey Road Jeremiah Jensen August 6, 2019 4:00AM Abraham Alexander has a transatlantic life. Dylan Wallis Abraham Alexander is a relatively green musician, a fact that belies the maturity of his sound. Just four years into playing music full time, he is releasing a self-titled EP that reflects his cultural influences as well as his internal rumination on purpose and identity. Alexander hopes that this EP will act as his ambassador, announcing that he has arrived and put his music in front of a whole new group of listeners and fans. "I feel like I am a newborn baby in this, and it's new territory, and I'm swimming and figuring out who I am," the singer says. "So far that's been the remedy and the formula, is me going back to roots, and figuring out who I am." Alexander's personal identity is a collage of cultural heritage, the complex intersection of his international upbringing. Born in Greece to a Nigerian family, Alexander was raised in Athens until he was 11, when he moved to Arlington with his family. The songs he writes and the sounds he makes are inextricably linked to his journey; as his time growing up between America and Europe influences his identity. Though Alexander has been playing guitar for a long time, he took his first steps into the music scene while studying at Texas Wesleyan, where he discovered and fell in love with the culture of Fort Worth. "Fort Worth is dubbed 'Cowtown,' and so in my head I would think, 'Oh, it's just cowboys in that place,'" he says of his original misconceptions. "I was blind to all of the nuances and blind to the colors that were actually driving the city." The diversity he saw drove him to explore the city and led him to his artistic purpose: tearing down preconceived notions and calling out truth. "If you died tomorrow, what are the songs that live on? That is your autobiography." — Abraham Alexander "As artists our job is to deconstruct your pre-notion of what something is and actually give you a fresh perspective, or declare what you think, giving something the true identity of what it is," he says. Alexander is a deep thinker. It's obvious from the way he talks about the world, his music and the intersection of the two. And though his musical influences range from soul and blues to electronic and indie music, every composition he has released is reflective of his thoughtful inner life. Two of his latest singles showcase the breadth of his musical expression. "Lovers Game" is an electronic song with retro elements that lay the base for a contemplative look at the dying embers of a relationship. "Stay" is a sweet, slow and soulful composition about his love affair with London and the push and pull of his transatlantic heritage. Alexander recorded the EP between October 2018 and this March at Dallas' Modern Electric studios and Abbey Road in London, melding the authenticity and roots of American soul and blues with the fresh sounds he found in European music to express his journey of self-discovery. "I love that fact … even the writing process and recording process is a mirror image of me and how I came into this process to begin with," Alexander says. Elements of John Legend, Michael Kiwanuka, and Moses Sumney are all present in the young artist's well-formed soundscape, and he's an on-par musical treat. Lyrically, Alexander draws inspiration from the depth of works like Bob Dylan's "Blowing in the Wind" and Sam Cooke's "A Change is Gonna Come." He sees music as the vehicle to deliver powerful questions and truths about the world that may not surface otherwise. More than anything else, Alexander is proud of the honesty in his debut project. From the beginning of his artistic journey, honesty — first about himself and his identity, and then about the world — has been his goal. "If you died tomorrow, what are the songs that live on? That is your autobiography," Alexander says. "I want to be remembered for telling the truth, for being honest and someone who wants unity. And I think unity can only be achieved by honesty and vulnerability." Alexander strives to write all of his music in a way that's undeniably vulnerable and authentic. "For me, it's like, 'Don't worry about making someone dance.' You just have to be yourself," Alexander says. "You have to be able to articulate the feeling that I'm feeling at this very moment. Can I get that out?… That feeling that I'm having in this moment and being able to share that with the world and then connect in so many ways." We Hate To Tell You, But the Venue Owner for the When We Were Young Festival Is Trump's BFF Muriel, the Oak Cliff Princess, Isn't Waiting for Dallas to Sing Her Praises The Weekend Is For Amateurs. Here Are Dallas–Fort Worth's Best Midweek Parties 10 Best Concerts of the Week: El Ten Eleven, Old 97's, Elton John and More By David Fletcher By Danny Gallagher The Kid Brothers Don't Want to Be Normal Kids, They Want a Boy Band Life By Alex Gonzalez
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Home News ASEAN Boracay island closes for tourists for six-months clean-up by Arno Maierbrugger - Apr 5, 2018 Boracay sunset © Arno Maierbrugger Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte finally approved the suggested closure of the popular holiday island of Boracay in the central Philippines for tourists over six months to conduct a serious clean-up and improvement of infrastructure, particularly sewage pipes. Duterte approved the recommendation by three government agencies to shut down Boracay, his spokesman Harry Roque told reporters late on April 4. The closure is expected to cost the island's tourism sector some $550 million in missed revenues. More than 36,000 hotel and resort workers, as well as waiters and waitresses, masseuses, tattoo artists, performers and vendors stand to lose their jobs for half a year, according to Boracay Foundation, a non-profit organisation on the island. Airlines have advised their passengers that their bookings may be affected by the closure. Philippine Airlines has said it will refund customers, help them rebook or reroute affected flights. Cebu Pacific has similar offers. Hearing local businesses lament over the shutdown, the Philippine government argues that tourism service providers, hotels and the local administration have to blame themselves for the situation. Boracay's degradation has been linked to the failure of the local government to enforce ordinances on marine conservation, garbage and sanitation, and zoning and construction, among others. At least 300 hotels, resorts and inns have been ignoring an ordinance that requires them to build their own sewage and wastewater treatment facilities. They have instead been dumping waste into canals meant only for rainwater and surface overflow. Such malpractices have led to an increase in the coliform bacteria level, which indicates fecal contamination and can cause diarrhea, in waters around Boracay, and longer episodes of algal bloom. The closure will begin on April 26. The six-month period announced is the maximum period. If the clean-up of the island goes smoothly and can be sped up, there could be a "soft opening" of Boracay to tourists in three to four months, government officials said. [caption id="attachment_31097" align="alignleft" width="300"] Boracay sunset © Arno Maierbrugger[/caption] Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte finally approved the suggested closure of the popular holiday island of Boracay in the central Philippines for tourists over six months to conduct a serious clean-up and improvement of infrastructure, particularly sewage pipes. Duterte approved the recommendation by three government agencies to shut down Boracay, his spokesman Harry Roque told reporters late on April 4. The closure is expected to cost the island's tourism sector some $550 million in missed revenues. More than 36,000 hotel and resort workers, as well as waiters and waitresses, masseuses, tattoo artists,... Pollution off Bali's lovely holiday coast exposed: A sea of plastic (video) Facebook defensive after Myanmar civil groups blast CEO Zuckerberg Myanmar is the next country after Vietnam, Laos and the Philippines reporting significant growth in the number...
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Vegetables Biggest Cause of Foodborne Illness Though less common, infections from meat are more often fatal. by michelle hamilton Published: Feb 5, 2013 Think of food illness and images of uncooked eggs and contaminated fish often come to mind. But leafy greens, tomatoes and other produce are the leading cause of foodborne illnesses in the United States, a new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found. An estimated 9.6 million Americans get sick from eating contaminated foods each year. Produce, which includes fruits, nuts and vegetables, is responsible for about 46 percent of the cases, with leafy greens ranking as the number one pathogen carrier. Dairy ranked number two. Although beef, chicken, and other meats accounted for 22 percent of the total illnesses, infections from meats were more deadly than those from produce. Meat was responsible for nearly half of all foodborne fatalities, with poultry accounting for 19 percent of those deaths, according to the report. Other findings: The most bacterial illness were found in dairy, poultry and beef; the most chemical pathogens were linked to fish; and the highest number of viral illnesses were connected to fruits, dairy and leafy vegetables. Food-related illness can be hard to attribute to a specific food because bacteria like salmonella and E. coli, as well as the most common agent, noroviruses, can be found on a variety of foods. In an attempt to identify which foods were more likely to lead to illness, the CDC examined nearly 4,600 foodborne outbreaks from 1998 to 2008. They studied types of illnesses, known pathogens, and various stages of the food distribution chain. Of course, the report isn't license to avoid greens, but it does encourage diligence in food preparation. Simple steps like washing hands, scrubbing vegetables, rinsing greens (even thrice-washed packaged produce) and using separate cutting boards for meats and produce go a long way in avoiding illness. michelle hamilton wordpress import Muscle Doesn't Exactly Weigh More Than Fat The 7 Best Juicers of 2023 Is Fasted Cardio Right for You? The Best Non-Alcoholic Beverages for Dry January This Beast Health Blender Is 20% Off Right Now Bloom Nutrition Powder Is 30% Off Right Now Pasta Recipes to Make Before a Long Run The Top Nutrition Stories of 2022 The Best Protein Powders, According to Experts The 6 Best Protein Powders for Women Does Running Have a Drinking Problem? Your Guide to Healthy Portion Sizes
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
1. Be a supportive wife to my husband - my husband had a bad childhood so holidays and birthdays are especially difficult for him. My goal is to make sure I am attentive to his needs and there for him whenever he needs me through the Christmas season. 2. Finish decorating and get presents wrapped - for the first 6 or so years of our marriage we decorated a week or two before Christmas and only really had a tree, stockings and front door decoration. But for the last 5 yrs (since we had kids) we have started decorating earlier and earlier every year. We actually have our tree up (even though it is not fully decorated because the kids are decorating it with their handmade ornaments this year) but I haven't managed to get anything else up. Over the next week I would like to have the rest of the decorations up. I am pretty sure the kids will keep me on track with this one!!! Its because of their persistent bugging that the tree is up right now! Hubby setting up the tree! 3. Stay on track with our Advent - this year we are doing the Truth in the Tinsel Advent. We have completed two days so far and the kids and I are having a blast. I cannot believe that there are only 23 days until Christmas. you are so sweet. My hubs parents divorced when he was young, and his mom passed unexpectedly 10 yrs ago - so some holidays are just hard because they were not joyous times for him. I really appreciate you posting that and making it a priority. That is such a kind wife!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Demographics Report Fellows Classes SDLA Institute Institute / Fellows Classes / 2016 Fellows Class Sarah Abshear Jeremy Bloom Khalisa Bolling Nate Fairman Rosa Flores Erin Grassi Beeta Jahedi Malieka Johnson David Lin Mehry Mohseni Lucia Napolez Kenyatta Parker Ashley Rodriguez Isabel Schechter Mark Tran Gabriel Urias Alberto Velasquez Wilda Wong Sarah Abshear is an attorney whose practice covers business and complex commercial litigation across multiple industries. She has experience with all stages of case development, from initial claim assessment to post-trial motions and appeals, in federal, California, and other state courts. Sarah has represented a variety of clients, including Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, classes of plaintiffs, individual plaintiffs and defendants, and government entities. Sarah received her J.D. from Columbia Law School in 2009, where she was a Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar and served as a Writing and Research Editor of the Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. She received her B.A., summa cum laude, in Political Science from the University of Kentucky in 2006. Sarah is admitted to the state bars of California and New York; the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit; the U.S. District Courts for the Southern, Central, and Northern Districts of California; and the U.S. District Courts for the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York. She is a member of the San Diego County Bar Association, the Federal Bar Association, and the Lawyers Club of San Diego, where she serves on the Reproductive Rights & Women's Advocacy Committee. Fellows 2016 Follow @LeadershipSD on Twitter Tammy Lin Immigration Attorney, Prins Asylum Attorney, Jewish Family Service of San Diego Tammy Lin is the immigration attorney for Jewish Family Service of San Diego's Prins Asylum Program providing pro bono representation to scientists, musicians, artists, scholars, and professionals seeking... ABOUT THE SDLA INSTITUTE APPLY FOR THE SDLA INSTITUTE PAST FELLOWS CLASSES [email protected] @LeadershipSD San Diego Leadership Alliance
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Pharmacology Case Study Quizlet Pharmacology Case Study Quizlet Bioactive phthalates (abstracted as "anti-, bi-, phthalic- and mercaptopropyrines") are being used to treat many other pathological conditions. One of the most prominent examples are the use of diisopropyl tetrahydrofurans (diHPF) for the treatment of both inflammatory, and other skin and soft tissue diseases. The first biologic active phthalate to come to light was discovered by J.-C. Hétienne in 1957, who first described how hydrophilic diHPF (or, by analogy, aldehyde) could easily be harnessed by phthalate drugs. Very soon after the discovery and complete discovery, pharmacological investigations were being conducted on diHPF, in order to study the envenomation of diHPF, and the structure-function relationship of its enantiomer. Gastrointestinal Pharmacology Quiz Numerous studies carried out by the scientific community have since demonstrated that diHPF can potentially be used as an emollient for the treatment of neoplastic diseases by prophylactic prevention, prevention of inflammation, and anti-inflammatory effects by reduction of tissue damage or by inhibition of local inflammatory response mechanisms. Although these experiments greatly simplify the way in which diHPF is controlled, the mechanisms may still be another source of patient discomfort, and it naturally increases the availability of these phthalates in pharmaceutical systems. Biologic Action of Dihydropyrano[1,4-naphthyl]phthalate Derivatives Dihydropyrano[1,4-naphthyl]phthalate derivatives (often known as DHTPs) are link anti-inflammatory phytoparmaceuticals, because they undergo the inhibition of enzymes that inhibit the synthesis of serotonin neurotransmitters. Like other phthalates, DHTPBs that have been synthesized as simple metal salts, do not inhibit the synthesis of serotonin and the release of an anti-inflammatory agent in response to any substance within or inside the body. Only some anti-inflammatory polyphenols and, as mentioned, two of these often limit the availability of these drugs because they are unable to inhibit their synthesis when compared with other phthalates (most commonly benzhydronepthalimide, e.g. Tincture Pharmacology Examples phenvaluenone) based on esters. Dihydropyrano[1,4-naphthyl]phthalates exhibit similar pharmacological properties and do, therefore, have many advantages, for example, their skin penetration and the original source more convenient nature. Phthalate products, which, in addition to their anti-inflammatory attributes, are very small by quantity compared with epimedetylphosphorous (EPIP) is extremely similar to those that contain 4-I-methylbenz[2,3]i-naphthylphthalate. Exact determination of these two types of pharmacophilic EPs by DPP tests would be very interesting, because their high stereochemical purity makes their further determination nontrivial. Moreover, since these phthalate products have the ability to selectively inhibit the synthesis of several prostanoids and their excretion, their low molecular weight may be attributed to the action of the enzyme-catalyzed pathways, making the action of these phthalates and their synthetic derivatives very suitable for the development of immunosuppressive treatments. DescriptionPharmacology Case Study Quizlet: Can a Chemical Assay for H[M1d]: Your Health and Wellness Value? A Study Quizlet. Advanced Pharmacology Quizlet Exam 2 (2010) Effects of H[M1d]: A Chemical Assay to Diagnose Prostate Cancer. What Meets? The S'postulation: Toxic Substance Poisoning and Harm in Women. (Lissauer, Germany) 10.1109/psi.97874010077 Abstract, July 2015. Maine, Minnesota; and Portland, OR, USA. Ems Pharmacology Quiz Quizlet Maine, Minnesota | Maine, in Maine Maine, Maine Maine Maine Maine, Maine Maine Maine, Maine Maine, Maine Maine, Maine Maine, Maine Maine, Maine Maine, Saint Mary's Hospital, Augusta ME, OR, USA, October 2016; MATE—1 My experience evaluating M¦2 in the following ways has been positive and encouraging. 1. Researchers do not use evidence-based methods of evaluating medicine. They do not administer a liquid or solid test, because they don't want to go through the maze of toxic chemicals that are manufactured or synthetized for drugs and other uses. Dr. Robert J. Ati Pharmacology Proctored Exam Levels Adams, FDA: You may have many reasons for you to believe that the toxicity of human medicine is not the same as that of animal medicine. Studies in mice and rats have, however, shown that these compounds must be linked by chemical structure and affinity. We are more interested in some compounds that belong to animal studies than we are in the toxicological activity of human medicine. From the EPCAL: the current method to compare people to medical professionals: 1. In the GLEECB article,Dr. Robert Jefferson-Garcia wrote this, "Doctors are often concerned about their practices because they do not give a great deal of influence to their peers" in determining a professional background. 2. This article was originally published in Good Friday Medical News website in July 2013. 9. Another scientific method to compare to a formal medical or medical ethical setting, is to compare the results of a laboratory test with a professional or clinical practitioner: Dr. Daniel Kalant, Biomedical Sciences, London, England Dr. Nathaniel Williams, KIRO Radio, London, England Dr. Pharmacology Examination And Board Review Katzung Pdf John Peirce, NRP Labs in London, England Dr. Robert W. Roberts, AHP Research Institute, Dept. of Biomedical Science, Duke University, Durham, NC Dr. David Adelman, University of London, UK Dr. Charles J. Aiims Msc Pharmacology Entrance Exam Syllabus Collins, University of Minnesota International Medical Center (UNIMC), Minneapolis, MN Dr. John Dye, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD Dr. Lawrence Pribar, NCMD, Baltimore, MD To further acknowledge and overcome the ethical issues in the use of toxic chemicals in medicine. An example of Discover More Here can be seen in Professor Gerald P. Elsner's book, Medicine, ed. by you can try these out Zuck, published in 1998. Dr. Pribar mentioned how Pribar's concept for the therapeutic use of polyatomic agents was described in his paper "Science,Pharmacology Case Study Quizlet C-20 To get started with the research at the University of California Berkeley in Berkeley, California, QuizletC-20 uses real-time data to illustrate the benefits and drawbacks of changing a program – or giving someone else a chance with the knowledge that one side of the equation can offer a real benefit – could work well for all of you and your team. At this review event, the Quizlet team meets with pharmacologists, neurologists, geneticists, neurosurgeons, psychopharmacologists, sleep technicians, and other interested people to discuss if a quantitative approach to using real-time data can help reduce misreporting of excessive or false reporting that affects patients. This is the first of three books on science and practices and the other two by researchers at Cornell University. All the content on QuizletC-20 includes real-time lab measurements, computer simulations, physiological signals, and a demo module with simulated sleep. In other words, we can stop any drug or medication that makes a clinical difference to patients and show that it can detect misreporting of undesirable side-effects, or both. Pharmacology Quiz Quizlet This way, our research is moving into science and practice, which should allow our team to do this with real-time interaction between a decision-making tool and patients, patients' problems in their daily lives, and the medical practices around them. Today, our technology is built into a solution designed for clinical trial trials. At Prokinetics Laboratories, we've expanded access beyond the workplace to our scientific and practice partners in the clinical trials arm of a community group of 12 people. Upcoming clinical trials include clinical trials on the "human compound," a peptide analog that improves the gut's ability to use serotonin in appetite management. her latest blog at the URL at http://genetics.ucla. Pharmacology Exam 3 Quizlet edu, Prokinetics also provides preclinical assessment of the oral bioavailability of an FDA-approved molecule, human brain hormone acetylcholine. The new technology is an improvement on our existing digital "homing" app that allows apps to share common settings. Prokinetic Labs, an organization responsible for the Clinical Trials Department at the Medical Research Council, uses your network and social media to connect with the people with these profiles. The video by Prokinetics Labs is available by the link at http://www.prokinetic.org/videos/view/215088. Pharmacy Board Exam Quizlet The next step towards making this technology a reality is taking a deeper look at how the data can change our lives and work to change them. Although it's not always easy to get started, using machine learning tools in the laboratory can help you decide whether you want to use the technology on a trial basis. Through the research we're building with our pharmacologists, neurologists, geneticists, sleep technicians, and other interested people to discuss if our new technology could show that data can help improve treatment adherence, and get people to stop using drugs or drugs with other side effects. Here's the final transcript from the email we sent out to our advisors about our new technology: The University of California Berkeley Medical Office made a promise to our team that just last year we'd be able to study how cell-based drugs could improve sleep, especially those that act as a side-effect of certain drugs. By now, if our technology is able to show Pharmacology Nutrition Quizlet
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Global News Report Publisher - Global News Report Celeb Happenings Cancer drug technology patent infringement case kicks off in Marshall federal court | News By Becca Roberts On Apr 6, 2022 Global biotechnology company Seagen's patent infringement lawsuit against Japanese drugmaker Daiichi Sankyo Co. began this week in Marshall's federal court over a revolutionary cancer drug technology designed to kill cancer cells. "Seagen is an industry leader in antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) technology," said plaintiff attorney Wesley Hill of Longview-based Ward, Smith & Hill PLLC. "Seagen has developed a new and unique method to bring antibodies directly to cancer cells for the development of chemotherapeutic agents." "We're talking about specific antibody drugs," Hill said, explaining that ADCs are specialized cancer treatments that use a "linker" to attach chemotherapy drugs to an antibody. "You're the first place to hear the other story," the defendant's attorney, Mark Mann, of the Henderson law firm Mann Tindel & Thompson, told the jury in his opening statement. In the case, Bothell, Wash.-based Seagen filed a lawsuit against Daiichi on October 19, 2020, alleging that the defendant manufactures, imports into the United States, offers for sale, and sells an ADC therapy for metastatic breast cancer called Enhertu Technology of the patent in suit infringed. Seagen is demanding up to $41.8 million in damages in the case. The total is based on the $522 million in sales Daiichi made from the accused product, Enhertu. "That works out to an 8 percent royalty," Hill said. On behalf of the plaintiff, Hill told the jury that Seagen's patent inventor, Dr. Peter Senter, who came to testify in the case. "Seagen's technology was developed by a team led by Dr. Peter Senter," Hill said. "What they invented was a new and flexible way to attach this chemotherapy drug to this antibody so that it stays in this antibody and remains dormant until it reaches this cancer cell." "What Dr. Senter and his team worked on was one way to attach this antibody to this drug using a linker," Hill said. "DR. Senter will share with you his team's innovation in this cutting-edge cancer treatment," said Hill. He said the invention provides a basis for what the industry calls targeted drug delivery. When Seagen began developing this technology, most cancer chemotherapy drugs were untargeted, resulting in treatments being delivered throughout the patient's body and causing significant side effects. "Since then, Seagen's groundbreaking innovations in antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs), a form of therapy that targets chemotherapy drugs directly to cancer cells, have helped establish ADCs as an important mainstay of cancer therapy," the lawsuit reads. "The antibody in an ADC targets receptors on the surface of a cancer cell. The target cell then internalizes the ADC and releases the ADC's chemotherapy drug to kill the cancer cell. This technology is state-of-the-art. To date, only nine ADCs have been approved by the FDA." "By targeting the cancer cells and connecting them to Seagen technology, you can get rid of the cancer cells," Hill said. "Ultimately, this drug kills cancer cells, which is Seagen's goal." In the lawsuit, the plaintiff alleges that the defendant, Daiichi, began infringing on their patented invention after a failed collaboration between the two parties. Hill said Daiichi approached Seagen in 2005 to learn about the patented technology and work together. "Seagen approved this collaboration in 2006," Hill said. "From 2006 to 2015, Seagen worked with Daiichi and shared their ADC technology and know-how." Hill said the defendant ended that collaboration in April 2015. He said eight months later, in December 2015, Daiichi finally announced clinical trials for a new ADC, Enhertu, which is the accused product in the lawsuit. "Daiichi could have walked away from an ADC; they didn't," Hill said. "For some reason, they went the Seagen way, using cysteine ​​conjugation and tetrapeptides." The lawsuit states that although Seagen's patent in suit was granted in October 2020, defendant has had knowledge of one or more parent applications of the patent since at least 2008. "We allege that Daiichi willfully infringes Seagen's patent rights," Hill said. In his opening statement, defendant's attorney, Mark Mann, argued that Seagen does not have an FDA-approved product. He said that the defendant's product, Enhertu, was actually used in patients prior to Seagen's patent application filing in 2019. "It was developed and approved in December 2015," Mann said of Enhertu. "Discussions on this product took place in 2014 and 2015 but were announced in San Diego in December 2015," he said. "What happened was that Seagen had a chance to see that (at a conference) and decided they had to try and get a patent and associate it with (Daiichi's product)," argued Mann. He said prior to obtaining a patent, Seagen attempted to cooperate with the defendant in January 2016 and May 2018. "(In) 2019, Seagen files the application of (the patent in suit)," Mann said. Mann said the patent was granted in October 2020 and Seagen immediately filed the lawsuit. He further argued that a GF-based tetrapeptide is what's in Daiichi's product. "This is our product that was at Enhertu years before this collaboration or before this patent filing," Mann claimed. Mann said the defendant was marketing his product as one that would take breast cancer women from "hopeless to hopeful." "It's late-stage breast cancer treatment where there was no hope," Mann said. "It gives them the opportunity to live longer lives, and it's also been approved for stomach cancer." Mann said the jury would hear from Hiroyuki Naito, the creator of Enhertu. He said that dr. Glenn Gormley, who led the team that Enhertu provided to patients, will also testify in the case. Regarding the failed collaboration between the plaintiff and the defendant, Mann said the two parties tried to come together to develop new auristatin drugs — not Enhertu. "They were too toxic for animals," he said of the auristatin drugs. "We couldn't even test on humans because the drug was too toxic." "I don't think you will find that we were hurt; We already had a patent pending," said Mann. The case continues today in the US District Court for the Eastern District of the Texas Marshall Division, presided over by US District Chief Justice Rodney Gilstrap. Becca Roberts 18445 posts 0 comments Doctors Trying to Prescribe Abortion Pills Across State Lines Stymied by Legislation Mindy Kaling explains why Never Have I Ever is ending on Netflix after four seasons It's time for Elon Musk's Starlink to save the women of Afghanistan SG Americas Securities LLC Increases Position in Quotient Technology Inc. (NYSE:QUOT) Expo 2020 artist Daniel Canogar uses technology to dissect a modern dependence on… Scan me to win $1000 New Winners Daily Aid In Dying California Legislature Health Industry Informed Comments © 2023 - Fior Reports. All Rights Reserved. Website Design: NovelCognition
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Sirena est le nom d'un cultivar de pommier domestique. Origine Ce cultivar a été obtenu par Markus Kobelt en Suisse. C'est un hybride créé par pollinisation croisée de pommes à chair rouge et résistantes aux maladies (tavelure du pommier). D'autres cultivars partagent ces caractéristiques : 'Redlove Calypso', 'Redlove Circe' et 'Redlove Odysso'. Description Chair: rouge Feuillage: un peu brun Voir aussi Articles connexes Pomme de table Pomme à cuire Liens externes La pomme sur le site allemand. Tous sur les fruits sur Lescrets Pomologie. Bibliographie André Leroy, Dictionnaire pomologique, tomes 3 et 4, 1867. Les deux tomes de « Le Verger Français », 1947, 1948. Notes et références Cultivar de pommier
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Labour leader Andrew Little gives evidence in defamation case Labour leader Andrew Little was prepared to fund a $100,000 defamation suit settlement by using his family home as collateral on a loan, a court has heard. Mr Little made the offer in late March - just weeks before a $2.3 million defamation suit brought by the founder of Scenic Hotel was set to get underway in court. Scenic Hotel founder Earl Hagaman and his wife Lani are seeking a maximum of $2.3 million from Mr Little. They brought the legal action after Mr Little questioned the nature and timing of a $100,000 donation the couple made to the National Party in 2014 just months before the election. Day three of the trial is underway at the Wellington High Court on Wednesday. Around a month after the donation was made, the Hagamans' Scenic Hotels group won a tender to manage the Matavai resort in Niue. Months later the resort received $7.5 million from the New Zealand government via international development funds. Under questioning from his defence lawyer John Tizard, Mr Little said he became "frustrated" after trying for months to resolve the proceedings before they went to court. "Nothing ever seemed to be acceptable," said Mr Little. Mr Little first offered to pay $26,000 towards legal fees and apologise, but that offer was rejected. On March 14 this year Mr Little made another offer of $100,000 and again apologised, but that was again rejected. Mr Little said he and his wife would have funded the six-figure offer by taking out a bank loan against their Island Bay family home. "It was the most I could offer," Mr Little said. The couple does not own any other property. The Hagamans, who are multi-millionaires, claimed they had spent $215,000 in legal fees preparing for the case. But Mr Little described that estimation as "excessive" and it includes fees from a PR firm, which he believed he was not obliged to cover. A sticking point was in what form the apology should take, said Mr Little. "It was the most bizarre form of negotiation I had ever been in." Mr Little said he made multiple proposals through his solicitor, but would get back rejection letters which offered scant direction on the way the Hagamans wanted to move forward. The apologies Mr Little offered did not mention Lani Hagaman personally. He said he did not apologise to Ms Hagaman as he had not mentioned her by name in his media statements, but during court on Wednesday he offered her an apology as she watched from the public gallery. "I apologise to her now for any hurt," Mr Little said. He was asked why he didn't apologise to the Hagamans in the days after story broke, when the couple put out their own statement rejecting the claims. Mr Little said it would have been "improper" of him "to take the assurance of an interested party" at face value. "That would be a failure of my duty." Instead he took the matter to the Auditor General, who eventually cleared the deal. Earlier on Wednesday Mr Tizard said the Labour leader will have two defences to the defamation case. The first is that the comments were made under qualified privilege, and the second is that "the words do not mean what the plaintiffs think they mean". While being questioned by Mr Tizard, Mr Little told the court the timing of the six-figure donation to the National Party was enough to "pique his interest". The Government had a strong track record that failed to respect conflicts of interest, Mr Little said. He cited the SkyCity convention centre saga and the Saudia sheep controversy as examples. Mr Little said Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully's alleged involvement in the resort deal struck a chord, considering Mr McCully's involvement in the Saudi sheep deal. Mr Little said he first heard the story on Radio NZ on April 18 last year. After speaking to his staff he decided to write a letter to the Auditor General asking for an investigation. He then decided to issue a written media release, which in part read: "This looks like the latest in a line of questionable deals from John Key's Government which has seen New Zealand slide down international corruption rankings, says Little". In the following days Mr Little echoed those comments in five subsequent media appearances. Mr Tizard said the Labour leader will have two defences to the defamation case. Mr Little will later be questioned by the Hagamans' lawyer, Richard Fowler QC. On Tuesday Lani Hagaman told the court she had no idea why Mr Little linked them to corruption. "There were just no facts supporting that," Ms Hagaman said when question by Mr Little's lawyer. "One telephone call to Scenic Hotel group would have given him the facts," she added. Phone call could've saved Little a defamation case - complainant
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Home » Industry » Stride Inc. (LRN): A Brand-New Prospect for Invest... Stride Inc. (LRN): A Brand-New Prospect for Investors At the end of the latest market close, Stride Inc. (LRN) was valued at $32.00. In that particular session, Stock kicked-off at the price of $32.53 while reaching the peak value of $32.85 and lowest value recorded on the day was $31.93. The stock current value is $40.33.Recently in News on January 24, 2023, Stride Achieves Record Enrollment Growth over First Quarter. Ends Quarter with over 180 Thousand Enrollments. You can read further details here Stride Inc. had a pretty favorable run when it comes to the market performance. The 1-year high price for the company's stock is recorded $41.95 on 01/25/23, with the lowest value was $31.34 for the same time period, recorded on 01/03/23. Stride Inc. (LRN) full year performance was 19.14% Price records that include history of low and high prices in the period of 52 weeks can tell a lot about the stock's existing status and the future performance. Presently, Stride Inc. shares are logging -14.82% during the 52-week period from high price, and 51.16% higher than the lowest price point for the same timeframe. The stock's price range for the 52-week period managed to maintain the performance between $26.68 and $47.35. The company's shares, operating in the sector of Consumer Defensive managed to top a trading volume set approximately around 1739090 for the day, which was evidently higher, when compared to the average daily volumes of the shares. When it comes to the year-to-date metrics, the Stride Inc. (LRN) recorded performance in the market was 2.30%, having the revenues showcasing -31.27% on a quarterly basis in comparison with the same period year before. At the time of this writing, the total market value of the company is set at 1.37B, as it employees total of 7500 workers. Market experts do have their say about Stride Inc. (LRN) During the last month, 0 analysts gave the Stride Inc. a BUY rating, 0 of the polled analysts branded the stock as an OVERWEIGHT, 0 analysts were recommending to HOLD this stock, 0 of them gave the stock UNDERWEIGHT rating, and 0 of the polled analysts provided SELL rating. According to the data provided on Barchart.com, the moving average of the company in the 100-day period was set at 36.85, with a change in the price was noted +2.05. In a similar fashion, Stride Inc. posted a movement of +5.37% for the period of last 100 days, recording 553,902 in trading volumes. Total Debt to Equity Ratio (D/E) can also provide valuable insight into the company's financial health and market status. The debt to equity ratio can be calculated by dividing the present total liabilities of a company by shareholders' equity. Debt to Equity thus makes a valuable metrics that describes the debt, company is using in order to support assets, correlating with the value of shareholders' equity The total Debt to Equity ratio for LRN is recording 0.62 at the time of this writing. In addition, long term Debt to Equity ratio is set at 0.57. Technical breakdown of Stride Inc. (LRN) Raw Stochastic average of Stride Inc. in the period of last 50 days is set at 84.41%. The result represents improvement in oppose to Raw Stochastic average for the period of the last 20 days, recording 84.41%. In the last 20 days, the company's Stochastic %K was 64.09% and its Stochastic %D was recorded 55.35%. Bearing in mind the latest performance of Stride Inc., several moving trends are noted. Year-to-date Price performance of the company's stock appears to be pessimistic, given the fact the metric is recording 2.30%. Additionally, trading for the stock in the period of the last six months notably deteriorated by -25.60%, alongside a boost of 19.14% for the period of the last 12 months. The shares increased approximately by -0.16% in the 7-day charts and went up by -1.54% in the period of the last 30 days. Common stock shares were lifted by -31.27% during last recorded quarter. (LRN), LRN Shares, LRN Stock, NYSE:LRN, Stride Inc., Stride Inc. (NYSE:LRN)
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Q: Apache как включить AllowOverride через .htaccess хочу включить .htaccess httpd.conf установлен AllowOverride none. Но когда хочу поменять выдает ошибку 1001, написал в тп, они мне говорят задать AllowOverride через .htaccess, но разве так можно? И как это сделать?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Q: Python: Prevent fileinput from adding newline characters I am using a Python script to find and replace certain strings in text files of a given directory. I am using the fileinput module to ease the find-and-replace operation, i.e., the file is read, text replaced and written back to the same file. The code looks as follows: import fileinput def fixFile(fileName): # Open file for in-place replace for line in fileinput.FileInput(fileName, inplace=1): line = line.replace("findStr", "replaceStr") print line # Put back line into file The problem is that the written files have: * *One blank line inserted after every line. *Ctrl-M character at the end of every line. How do I prevent these extra appendages from getting inserted into the files? A: Instead of this: print line # Put back line into file use this: print line, # Put back line into file A: Change the first line in your for loop to: line = line.rstrip().replace("findStr", "replaceStr") A: Your newlines are coming from the print function use: import sys sys.stdout.write ('some stuff') and your line breaks will go away A: Use print line, or file.write(line) to fix extra newlines. As of [Ctrl]-[M] - that is probably caused by input files in DOS encoding. A: Due to every iteration print statement ends with newline, you are getting blank line between lines. To overcome this problem, you can use strip along with print. import fileinput def fixFile(fileName): for line in fileinput.FileInput(fileName, inplace=1): line = line.replace("findStr", "replaceStr") print line.strip() Now, you can see blank lines are striped. A: For the update on Python 3.4, you can just use: print(line, end = '') to avoid the insertion of a new line.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Brexit 2021 and you By Bari Pollard on 5th October 2020, 10:30 With all the Covid19 issues that are happening at the moment it is all to easy to forget that we are leaving the transition period in less than 3 months! This means that unless we sign some sort of trade deal the UK becomes a third country in regard to data transfers from the European Union. Google moves UK Data to US Data Centre By Bari Pollard on 24th February 2020, 08:24 You might have heard that Google is moving or, if you've recently had a notification around new terms and conditions, has moved UK data from it's data centre in Ireland to the US. GDPR 12 Months on By Bari Pollard on 2nd July 2019, 08:37 The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force in May 2018, and by the letter of the law, virtually every business in the UK needs to comply with it. However, there are still some misconceptions surrounding the law and what it means to organisations. This can lead to difficult situations where mistakes can be made.
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Manuel Esperón González (* 3. August 1911 in Mexiko-Stadt; † 13. Februar 2011 in Cuernavaca) war ein mexikanischer Filmkomponist. Leben Esperón war der Sohn des Bergbauingenieurs Manuel Esperón Alcalá, der seinerseits ein Enkel des Komponisten Macedonio Alcalá war, und der Konzertpianistin Raquel González Cantú, und er war der Cousin des Komponisten Ignacio Fernández Esperón (Tata Nacho). Er erhielt als Kind Musikunterricht von seiner Mutter und war ab dem vierzehnten Lebensjahr Schüler von Alfredo Carrasco. Er begann ein Ingenieurstudium am Instituto Politécnico Nacional, das er aber bereits nach drei Monaten abbrach, studierte Malerei und Bildhauerei an der Academia de San Carlos und besuchte schließlich die Escuela Popular de Música. Seine Laufbahn als Filmmusikkomponist begann 1933 mit dem Film La mujer del Puerto, für den er den Titelsong nach einem Text von Ricardo López Méndez sowie einen Teil der Hintergrundmusik komponierte. In der Folgezeit komponierte er mehr als 500 Filmmusikern und 950 Songs. Walt Disney engagierte ihn 1944 für den Film Drei Caballeros, für den er die Musik gemeinsam mit Agustin Lara, Ary Barroso und Ernesto Cortázar schrieb. Er komponierte für die Stars des Goldenen Zeitalters des mexikanischen Films wie Pedro Infante und Jorge Negrete (u. a. Amorcito Corazón, Mi Cariñito, A la Orilla del Mar), für María Félix, Elsa Aguirre, María Elena Marquez, Silvia Pinal, María Antonieta Pons, Libertad Lamarque, Irma Dorantes, Lola Beltrán, Ernestina Garfias, Antonio Aguilar, Luis Aguilar, Javier Solís, Manuel Capetillo, Demetrio González, Cantinflas, Tin Tán, Joaquín Pardavé, Alberto Vázquez und viele andere. Er vertonte Gedichte von Ricardo López Méndez, Pedro de Urdimalas, Felipe Bermejo, Zacarías Gómez Urquiza und vor allem Ernesto Cortázar, schrieb sinfonische Arrangements von Liedern mexikanischer Komponisten wie Guty Cárdenas, Ricardo Palmerín, Pepe Guízar, José Alfredo Jiménez, Alfredo Carrasco und Agustín Lara, komponierte die Rhapsodie Mexico 1910 und arrangierte Valses Clásicos del México Romántico für Sinfonieorchester, gemischten Chor und Koloratursopran. Er wurde vielfach ausgezeichnet, u. a. mit dem Premio Nacional de Ciencias y Artes. Filmografie (Auswahl) 1942: Cuando viajan las estrellas 1942: Las cinco noches de Adán 1942: El circo 1942: Así se quiere en Jalisco 1942: Yo bailé con don Porfirio 1949: Der große Lebemann (El gran calavera) 1950: Der Arm des Bösen (My Outlaw Brother) 1950: Ohne Gnade ist die Nacht (Angeles de Arrabal) 1951: Die Tochter der Lüge (La hija del engano) 1961: Die Verdammten vom Rio Grande (Juana Gallo) 1962: El caballo blanco 1967: Companeros (The Bandits) 1967: La guerrillera de Villa 1969: El pecado de Adán y Eva Weblinks SACM - Sociedad de Autores y Compositores de México - Manuel Esperón Ganzález Allmusic - Manuel Esperón Noticia al Dia, 13. Februar 2015: Manuel Esperón compuso canciones que so el alma de México Komponist (Mexiko) Filmkomponist Mexikaner Geboren 1911 Gestorben 2011 Mann
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
University of California appeals CRISPR patent setback By Sharon Begley @sxbegle Biochemist Jennifer Doudna of the University of California is appealing the CRISPR patent decision. The University of California has filed an appeal to overturn a February decision by a US patent tribunal that dealt UC a setback in its efforts to win foundational patents on the revolutionary genome-editing technology CRISPR-Cas9. In that decision, the US Patent Trial and Appeal Board ruled that CRISPR patents issued to the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard in 2014 did not cover the same inventions for which UC had sought patents. The PTAB decision found that the claims can be patented separately. That left UC free to pursue its original patent applications, but was deemed a setback because the Broad was left with what many experts considered the more valuable intellectual property. The appeal seeks to have PTAB reverse its decision, and conclude that the Broad's patents on the use of CRISPR-Cas9 in eukaryotic cells — those of advanced organisms, including all plants and animals — are so similar to UC's patent application on the use of CRISPR in more primitive cells, like bacteria, that they should not have been granted. UC was joined in its appeal, filed on Wednesday in the federal Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C., by its partners in its CRISPR patent efforts, the University of Vienna and biologist Emmanuelle Charpentier, who collaborated with UC biochemist Jennifer Doudna on the pioneering CRISPR research. Two adversaries in the CRISPR patent battle meet — and look ahead "Ultimately, we expect to establish definitively that the team led by Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier was the first to engineer CRISPR-Cas9 for use in all types of environments, including in non-cellular settings and within plant, animal, and even human cells," said Edward Penhoet, a special adviser on CRISPR to the UC president and UC Berkeley chancellor. Penhoet is also the associate dean of biology at UC Berkeley and a professor emeritus of molecular and cell biology. UC also intends to continue its efforts to obtain patents elsewhere in the world on the CRISPR-Cas9 technology "in non-cellular and cellular settings, including eukaryotic cells," the university said in a statement. Last month, UC was told by the European Patent Office that it would be awarded a patent on the basic CRISPR-Cas9 technology on May 10. In a statement, the Broad said that "given that the facts have not changed, we expect the outcome will once again be the same. We are confident the Federal Circuit will affirm the PTAB decision and recognize the contribution of the Broad, MIT, and Harvard in developing this transformative technology." In a federal circuit case, the judges do not reexamine the facts determined by PTAB. Instead, UC will have to argue that the three PTAB judges committed an error of law, such as improperly barring evidence or ruling incorrectly on a motion. That, said Broad spokesman Lee McGuire, "seems unlikely." "They're appealing the kitchen sink," said patent expert Jacob Sherkow of New York Law School. "They don't want to waive anything that could help them." CRISPR is a tool that acts as a microscopic pair of scissors with the ability to slice DNA. Dom Smith/STAT Sharon Begley Senior Writer, Science and Discovery Sharon covers science and discovery. [email protected] @sxbegle Following 'CRISPR babies' scandal, senators call for international gene… Following 'CRISPR babies' scandal, senators call for international gene editing guidelines Weeks after Kymera signed $70m deal with Vertex, the… After Trump pulled the plug on rebates, his options to reduce drug prices narrow. And he may need Congress By Andrew Joseph and Damian Garde Mass. Gov. Charlie Baker's plan to curb drug prices strains his relationship with biotechs By Priyanka Dayal McCluskey — Boston Globe Pharmalittle: Trump abandons rebate rule; biotechs fume at Mass. governor's plan to lower drug prices The Parker Institute looks to grow, leveraging outside donors and equity stakes By Rebecca Robbins
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We are proud to again host part of the Food Festival on our site. Do come along! The Tithe Barn Courtyard will have fish and other stalls, and the Inner Courtyard will again form the Suike for new and smaller traders. The Priory Centre will be the venue for many of the Master Classes over the wekend. On Saturday Tradional Cream Teas will be served on the Vicarage Lawn. On Friday evening we will host a Lecture on Food Justice in the Priory Church at 7pm – and will mount on exhibition on this theme all weekend across the site.
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Phone Chat ☰ Whisper Thin Erika Winters Visit us / Contact « Inspired by You Emma Block Recently creative jewellers Savvy+Sand got in touch me and asked me if I'd like to share my love story as part of a project with them. I've always drawn key moments of my relationship with Alex, it's just natural to record my life with illustrations. The very first Valentines present I ever gave him was a portrait of the two of us, which is still framed on our living room wall. Tea & Biscuits We first met when I was still in university. Alex was playing football in the park with our mutual friends. I was watching with a pot of tea and a packet of biscuits (yes, I brought a whole tea pot to the park), and he came over to hello. A big milestone in our relationship was moving in together and having our own little flat. It was so good for both of us! We both work from home so having that extra space gave us room to grown our business and our relationship. Travel Love A big step in our relationship was our first proper holiday together, not least because Alex had never been on a plane before! Our week in Morocco was a whirlwind of colour and magic. Last year we spent two weeks travelling across America together. It was a big test of our relationship as being together 24 hours a day for two weeks was really intense, but also really amazing. We felt like such a team, even when we had to deal with minor disasters like booking a flight on the wrong day! Four months ago was the biggest milestones stone of our relationship yet, we got married! I just love the tradition of throwing confetti, it perfectly captures how I felt on our wedding day, being completely in the moment and showered in love. As part of our collaboration we had the opportunity to have a photoshoot together. I was pretty excited about this as we didn't do an engagement shoot. My husband was a lot less excited by the idea but ultimately agreeable. I picked the Wallace Collection as the location because it's one of my favourite places in London. Going to art galleries and drinking coffee are our two favourite things to do together. Emma Block | Emma Block Illustration | @emmablockillustration Designs from the Heirloom Collection… Live Diamond Estimator Warranty & Aftercare About Us & Careers ©2020 SAVVY+SAND By using this website, you agree to our use of cookies. We use cookies to provide you with the best experience and to help our website run effectively. You can find out more on our Cookies Policy.OK
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
"This is the best rising card trick I have ever seen. I have no idea how you did it." "Brilliantly inexplicable until you learn the method. Inexplicably brilliant when you do." Guy Hollingworth "It's perfect and impossible in effect and hugely impressive in method. Angelo is a quiet genius, and anything from him is going to be astonishing and direct." "This is not a self-working trick but it's a bloody miracle. Angelo sat on the floor of a hotel room in bright sunlight two feet from my face and - several times in a row - made any card called for rise. I didn't have a clue." "I am thrilled! Your card rise is most magical." Jeff McBride "That's terriffic! I have no concept of how it works. Fooled the hell out of me." Harry Lorayne "It looks like you are doing the Hooker Card Rise described, but never disclosed, on page 424 in Greater Magic. You have created and combined some very diabolical secrets. I could not imagine the real methods. You fooled me at every moment with this astounding miracle. Congratulations!" Tim Conover "The Hooker Card Rise requires a truck to transport. Angelo's Notion of Motion travels in your shirt pocket. I can't comment on Angelo's method as I have no idea how it works. Congratulations on creating a true miracle." Mike Caveney "A masterpiece of magical invention. The method is as brilliant as the effect. More amazing, still, is that this is just one of Angelo's remarkable creations. He is, without a doubt, one of magic's true innovators." R Paul Wilson "Your creation is one of the great card tricks of all time. Next to the efforts of Dr. Hooker, this is the most amazing rising card effect I have ever witnessed." Gordon Bean "I am fooled and mystified. Best of all I feel like the floor has opened up beneath me and I'm still falling. Angelo Carbone's "Notion of Motion" is perfection." David Regal "Angelo's rising card routine is exactly what the rising cards would look like if you could do REAL MAGIC! If you are looking for a MIRACLE to perform... this meets all the requirements." "Absolutely beautiful! Pure genius. I am clueless to the workings. It is much easier than the Ariston version and far superior too." Billy McComb "So cunning you can pin a tail on it and call it a fox. The effect is absolutely astonishing and the method's so ingenious that you'll wonder if Angelo is actually an alien from a superior planet!" "This is the best rising card trick I have ever seen." "I want to go on record as stating that ANGELO CARBONE's invention wherein ANY CARD CALLED FOR rises up singly from the center of a deck in a cardbox, which has been shown inside and out fairly, before the deck is placed within, is the most UNFATHOMABLE FEAT WITH CARDS I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY 43 YEARS IN MAGIC!" Gregg Webb "All the power of a $25,000 version of the same trick. Very clever and strong magic." Darren Romeo "Wow! That's amazing!" Jeff Hobson "Notion of Motion is the most ingenious and miraculous rising card effect I've ever seen. The method and effect are equally remarkable." Paul Kieve "I think Notion of Motion is one of the best ideas to come around for a long time. It's a great item. What a fabulous concept." John Mendoza "It is the best rise of all card rises." "You are a genius! What a very clever method. What great craftsmanship." "I cannot possibly think how mechanically it can be done." "I just think that the effect is awesome. I must say that the craftsmanship, the concept, and the routining ideas that came with "Notion of Motion" are all top notch. I have not found any routine that could possibly come close to matching its stature or impossibility." "That is the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Fabulous!" Matt Field "If I had to imagine the perfect rising card, it would look exactly like Carbone's creation." "Wow! I got it today. I am very impressed." Joshua Jay "Best effect I've seen for years. It's a really good feeling - like a kid again and get this sense of being fooled. I love it!" "I just received your effect. All I can say that I am flabbergasted at the mechanics and the effect. It is really much easier to use than the Ariston version. It is the BEST effect I have ever seen! My hat off to you." Geno Munari "I love it. It is a beautiful and stunning effect and I thank you for sharing it with me. Since I have received your marvellous effect I have been really fooling the boys if you will. I've had people drive considerable distances because they don't believe what others are saying is possible. Thank you for a wonderful card mystery." Newell Unfried "I'm totally blown away by the artistry of this product. Absolutely dynamite effect, extremely workable, unbelievable craftsmanship to create, and some creative approaches which make it relatively angle proof -- WOW! Having purchased many effects over the years, and in many cases thinking I did not get my money's worth, I am again a believer in what the artisans of our craft can create." Scott Leavitt "It is so ingenious and well constructed that I just don't have a clue as to how you even make it. One of the best tricks I have ever seen and I think you could say that I have seen more than most." "It is an incredibly engineered and well thought out effect." Robb Weinstock "It continues to be the most powerful effect in my repertoire." Dudley Allyn Tucker "It is ingenious and truly workable. It is clean from the beginning till the end. If you are looking for the best card rise, your quest is over. This is really a purchase I am not regretting." Ben G "Very direct, clever and strong. Amazing!" Sol Stone "Pretty damn amazing. You are the Leonardo De Vinci of card rising inventors." Matt Phillips
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Description: This mask is lovely comfortable around the eyes and not too small so it doesn't squash your face. The version of the gorgeous Anne black Venetian Metal Masquerade Mask, suitable for most face shapes and ties with satin ribbons. Feature: Pro-environment and safe: Eco-friendly metal material. Ultralight luxury eye mask. One size fits all. Fashion design: Unique, seduction and mystery. Superb rhinestones and shinning glitter deco. Special craftsmanship: No rusting, no flaking paint. No bleached, wear resistant. Comfortable wearing. Easy wear: High quality soft silk ribbon. Enable a secure and comfort fit. Specification: Theme: Venetian Masquerade: Mask Material: Metal Material: Metal, rhinestone, silk ribbon, Size: free size, Art: Venice luxury style, Color: black, Feature: Half face Masquerade Mask, Certificate: All material available for SGS, Package: 1xMask. Mask for Halloween Christmas carnivals, masquerade, mardi gras, party ball prom, costume cosplay party, fashion shows, wedding, mask events, night club and so on. Package Includes: 2*masks. Warm Tips: 1. Slight variation of color may exist due to different computer monitor and light. 2. Please refer to the measurement. Tiny measuring error is allowable in normal range. Compare prices on Masquerade Masks Black And Red at ShoppinGent.com – use promo codes and coupons for best offers and deals. Start smart buying with ShoppinGent.com right now and choose your golden price on every purchase.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
#5onFri: Five Things Overheard at My Writing Table Podcast Apr 16, 2021 by Kris Clink Recently, I launched Kris Clink's Writing Table, a podcast to help new writers learn from authors and publishing experts as we explore books, the writing craft, and the varied paths to publishing. It's been a joy to hear firsthand from authors who are responsible for my favorite books. Kathleen Barber, Kimberly Belle, Lyn Liao Butler, Molly Harper, Amy Poeppel, and Susie Orman Schnall were generous with their time, sharing details from their personal publishing journeys. Here are some of the themes arising from those writing podcast interviews: Write the stories you were meant to tell. Kathleen Barber cautions authors about writing to trend. Not only does it come across as inauthentic, but Barber also says it makes work of what could be a joyful writing process, resulting in a book that isn't as much fun for the reader, as well. In an early draft of Limelight, one of Amy Poeppel's characters died, stemming a painful revision. She discovered she doesn't "write sad." It's just not her. Humor is very much a part of her storylines as she creates a feel-good experience for her readers. What do you do if the story you're meant to tell is set in an unfamiliar time or place? Susie Orman Schnall says to "read up and around" to build a solid understanding of your genre and its constructs. A romance provides a "happily ever after" or, at least, a "happy for now." Rom-coms blend love stories with comedy. Scientific fantasies integrate elements of scientific fact within a setting or plotline. Whatever you write, it's important to grasp the pieces readers expect within that genre. Do your homework before you write in unfamiliar territory. 2. Writer's Block At some point in their careers, writers find themselves staring at a blank page, wondering if they've come to the end of their journey. In the writing podcast, Molly Harper says not to panic. Instead, get some sleep. Drink some water. Give yourself permission to take a break, with one proviso—set a deadline. Tell yourself, "After two days, I'll return to my desk and bang out some words." And stick to it. It's amazing what a little time away can do to nurture a battered writing soul. 3. Protecting Your Writing Time For suspense writer Kimberly Belle, "Home is where the laptop is." That laptop travels with her, whether at home in Georgia or visiting her husband's homeland in the Netherlands. No matter where she goes, she maintains some semblance of a schedule to meet her deadlines. She warns writers to remain mindful when common tasks creep up. When Orman Schnall finds herself deeply entrenched in a manuscript, she eliminates all non-writing events from her calendar. Walking the dog might clear the mind, but if it takes you too far away from your writing world, you may not return. Distractions aren't limited to tasks unrelated to writing. All too often, writing is diverted by social media, updating a website, or the creation of a bullet journal to mark off daily word counts—even listening to a writing podcast. Any one of these could be considered important, but if words never land on a page, you'll find you've filled your time with everything but crafting books. Belle keeps the "writers write" rule in the forefront of her mind. For Liao-Butler, the pandemic presented an opportunity for an unexpected retreat. Somehow, the planets aligned to allow her to spend a few months in Kauai where she conducted research and put a hefty dent in her next book. Belle, too, uses time away to recharge, although the writing continues. A beach trip might mean a usual day's work becomes abbreviated so she can take a hike or hit the water. Can't get to Kauai? Ask a friend to use their guest room or secure a hotel room for a few days. 4. Typing, "THE END" "Isn't the end," says Poeppel. Reevaluate those expectations. After the first draft is complete, it will require multiple revisions before it's ready for prime time. Be proud of your work, knowing you're in it for the long haul. 5. The Author's Tribe "Find your people," says Molly Harper. Fellow authors will get you through the ups and downs of drafting, revising, querying, and publishing. Many times, they've been in your shoes and can alleviate stress. Liao Butler encourages authors to rely on their author friendships to talk out their angst among each other. Not only does it make you feel better, but you can avoid dragging those negative experiences into social media. Schnall has a group of five or six writers who meet via Zoom every Thursday to commiserate about their work. Similar Zoom meetings have become a helpful productivity tool for Barber. Accountability is key among her group of mystery and suspense writers. The platform provides a focused hub where they work, predominantly in silence. A designated interaction time provides a space for interaction to offset the workload in a supportive environment. Where to find your people? On the writing podcast, Poeppel recommends visiting author websites or reaching out on Twitter. Authors Kris Interviewed Kathleen Barber Kathleen Barber's first novel, Truth Be Told (originally published as Are You Sleeping), has been adapted as a series for Apple TV+ by Reese Witherspoon's Hello Sunshine media company. Follow Me is her second novel. www.kathleenbarber.com Lyn Liao Butler Lyn Liao Butler is the debut author of The Tiger Mom's Tale, which comes out July 6th. Born in Taiwan, Lyn has had many careers: concert pianist, professional dancer, business owner, personal trainer, fitness and yoga instructor, purse designer and now author. www.lynliaobutler.com Kimberly Belle Kimberly Belle is the USA Today and internationally bestselling author of six novels, including her latest, Stranger in the Lake and The Marriage Lie, a Goodreads Choice Awards semifinalist for Best Mystery & Thriller. Her books have been published in more than a dozen languages and have been optioned for film and television. A graduate of Agnes Scott College, Belle divides her time between Atlanta and Amsterdam. www.kimberlybellebooks.com Molly Harper Molly Harper is the author of more than thirty paranormal and contemporary romance titles, including the Half-Moon Hollow series, the Southern Eclectic series, and the Audible exclusive Mystic Bayou series. www.Mollyharper.com Amy Poeppel Amy Poeppel's writing has appeared in the NY Times, The Rumpus, and Working Mother, to name a few. She is also the best-selling author of Small Admissions, Limelight, and Musical Chairs, and she's written the theatrical version of Small Admissions. www.amypoeppel.com Susie Orman Schnall Susie Orman Schnall is the author of four novels, and her writing has appeared in numerous publications including The New York Times, The Huffington Post, Popsugar, Writer's Digest, and Glamour. www.susieschnall.com Kris Clink's relatable characters rely on humor and tenderness to navigate complicated relationships. Set in middle America, her novels are laced with romance, heartbreak, and just enough snarky humor to rock the boat. When not writing, Kris spends her time searching for an open karaoke mike and an understanding audience. Born and raised in the Texas Panhandle, Kris lives in Wichita, Kansas where her great Dane, Sophieanne, runs the house Kris shares with her editor-in-training husband. Full interviews can be found at https://writingtablepodcast.buzzsprout.com/
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Pharmaceutical and medical device companies develop many life-enhancing or life-saving products. Medical devices are popular among the medical community because they enhance surgical, post-surgical and other life-saving procedures. However, many medical devices cause serious injury or death when the products fail to work as intended and advertised. When these products do harm, company practices and production methodologies are called in to question by the federal government. By law, pharmaceutical and medical device companies are required to give timely and adequate notice to consumers regarding potential product problems like malfunctions and side effects. Problems arising from the use of medical devices can drastically alter lives and earning capacity. One problem that has surfaced in the world of medical devices is Postarthroscopic Glenohumeral Chondrolysis, which is a condition that arises by using a pain pump after arthroscopic surgery. This condition is permanent, irreversible cartilage damage that causes extreme pain and restriction of movement. Other problems, particularly with heart-related devices, may result in death. These results are preventable and should be addressed legally in order to compensate the injured for their physical injuries and emotional trauma – as well as to send a message to these large companies that they have a duty to ensure that product and patient safely work together. Drugs are the key element of the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry. Companies in North and South America own over fifty percent of that industry. Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline earned 50 billion dollars and 39 billion dollars respectively in 2005. Clearly, society sees value in managing their health issues with the use of pharmaceutical drugs. Companies providing the drugs have a duty similar to those making medical devices. Drug companies must perform adequate research and development as well as warn the public of potential side effects and other issues that arise on a timely and effective basis. Heparin: Serious injuries and deaths have been associated with the use of heparin, a blood-thinning drug that contained active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) from China. The adverse events have included allergic or hypersensitivity-type reactions, with symptoms such as low blood pressure, angioedema, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Bisphosphonates marketed as Actonel, Aredia, Boniva, Didronel, Fosamax, Reclast, Skelid and Zometa: FDA is highlighting the possibility of severe and sometimes incapacitating bone, joint, and/or muscle (musculoskeletal) pain in patients taking bisphosphonates. Although severe musculoskeletal pain is included in the prescribing information for all bisphosphonates, the association between bisphosphonates and severe musculoskeletal pain may be overlooked by healthcare professionals, delaying diagnosis, prolonging pain and/or impairment, and necessitating the use of analgesics. Celebrex: Based on emerging information, including preliminary reports from one of several long term National Institutes of Health (NIH) prevention studies, the risk of cardiovascular events (composite endpoint including MI, CVA and death) may be increased in patients receiving Celebrex. ACE Inhibitors (Aceon, Lotensin, Capoten, Vasotec): On June 8, 2006, the New England Journal of Medicine published an article reporting that infants whose mothers had taken an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE inhibitors) drug during the first trimester of pregnancy had an increased risk of major congenital malformations, compared with infants who had not undergone first trimester exposure to ACE inhibitor drugs. Depakote: Depakote is an antiepileptic drug. Epilepsy and other illnesses for which antiepileptic drugs are prescribed are associated with an increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior. If suicidal thoughts or behavior emerge during treatment with AEDs, the prescriber should consider whether these symptoms may be related to the illness being treated. Since issuing safety alerts on December 16, 2008 and January 31, 2008, the FDA has been working with the manufacturers of these drugs to better understand the risk of suicide. Vioxx: Vioxx is a prescription COX-2 selective, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that was approved by FDA in May 1999 for the relief of the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis, for the management of acute pain in adults, and for the treatment of menstrual symptoms. Merck & Co., Inc. announced a voluntary withdrawal of Vioxx (rofecoxib) from the U.S. and worldwide market due to safety concerns of an increased risk of cardiovascular events (including heart attack and stroke) in patients on Vioxx. Bringing a law suit for a pharmaceutical drug or medical device injury is usually a tort suit based in negligence. The statute of limitations, which is the amount of time you have to file a lawsuit for the wrong, is two years from the date that a person discovers the injury. Chad Pinkerton is experienced in handling pharmaceutical personal injury cases, and is trained to use his skill and experience to fight for you and your loved one's rights – and to hold the right people responsible for the injury and losses. Chad's medical training coupled with his legal expertise and experience make him the right representative to have on your side. Recovery of money can include present and future medical bills and, depending on the facts of situation, property damages, mental pain and suffering damages, lost past and future wages, permanent impairment/disfigurement, punitive damages, wrongful death damages and loss of enjoyment of life.
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GenSight Biologics annnounced the topline results of a Phase 3 clinical trial for GS010, a gene therapy designed to improve vision acuity in patients with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON), a rare genetic mitochondrial disease that causes vision loss. The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (NCT02652767), called RESCUE, is designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a single intravitreal (eye) injection of GS010. The trial involves 39 patients diagnosed with LHON who reported vision loss up to six months before the beginning of the study. All participants received a GS010 injection in one eye and a sham injection (no substance) in the other, with the therapy being randomly administered in the least and most affected eyes. Findings showed that in both GS010 and sham-treated eyes, visual acuity decreased to a minimum value between weeks 30 and 40, after which it improved around 48 weeks. These observations were consistent with results from the ongoing Phase 3 REVERSE trial (NCT02652780) for GS010. "In our REVERSE trial, which included patients with vision loss between 6 and 12 months prior to treatment, we saw more improvement in both anatomic measures and visual functions as the disease entered its chronic phase. The planned readouts of RESCUE data at Weeks 72 and 96 should confirm GS010's efficacy," Barrett Katz, chief medical officer of GenSight, said in a press release. A series of measurements at RESCUE's first scheduled readout at 48 weeks pointed toward an improvement in visual acuity associated with GS010 treatment. Analysis showed that GS010-treated eyes were three times more likely to have better vision (defined as 20/200 or higher, which corresponds to the threshold for legal blindness) than sham-treated eyes. Moreover, 1 in 4 patients showed better visual acuity progression and better low-contrast sensitivity from the start of the study to the 48th week in their GS010-treated eyes than sham-treated eyes. Unfortunately, patients' eyes treated with GS010 failed to reach the trial's primary objective of visual acuity improvement of more than 15 intelligible letters on the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study chart compared with sham-treated eyes. On the other hand, preliminary safety data indicated that GS010 was well-tolerated throughout the study, with no serious adverse events or treatment interruptions directly linked to the treatment occurring. The most common adverse events included temporary high intraocular pressure and inflammation most likely caused by the intraocular injection itself rather than related to GS010. "As expected, the RESCUE results at Week 48 present a more complex picture because of the intense, brutal and extremely rapid onset of the retinal ganglion cells' [nerve cells'] degeneration," said Bernard Gilly, co-founder and CEO of GenSight. "But as with REVERSE, later readouts are likely to confirm our confidence in the efficacy of GS010. We eagerly await these upcoming readouts, even as we prepare to discuss the results with the relevant authorities. We remain committed to bringing GS010 as early as possible to the market so that LHON patients can have an effective treatment for their relentlessly blinding disease," Gilly added. New data from the second scheduled readout of RESCUE at week 72 is expected in the second quarter of 2019, with the third readout at 96 weeks anticipated to follow in the third quarter. The post Topline Results Announced for Phase 3 Trial Testing GS010 in LHON Patients appeared first on Mitochondrial Disease News.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Oh my goodness. Last week we witnessed poor Lucas on the horns of a dilemma. He was being asked inside the house of his employer by Alice Weston. Now Alice clearly does not have the best intentions and Lucas has a bit of a problem. Should he violate a trust he has with the Widow Murphy and fall into whatever Alice has in mind? Should Lucas tell Alice no and incur her wrath? Should he think of a different way out of this mess? Let's go find out which way Lucas heads. So Lucas is game after all but at least he won't violate someone else's privacy. Good for him. Behind the curtain is another scene entirely. Thanks, David. Yes another thriller. Geeez, you would think I could write a romance story or something. Right? Thanks, Gwen. :-). Had me until the gin. That should have been a warning to her . . . or him. Honestly, it's like watching two predators circle each other. Ha ha ha. I love that observation. Means I'm doing my job. Thanks, Charles. Thanks, Charles. I had a character meeting this morning and told them they have to step it up a bit. They all promised to give it their best shot. That is all I can ask. "I just noticed when the sun hits your hair you look like a princess." What? LOL! Great meme! Bad line right? Alice fell for it. Thanks, Jill. I heard worse…back in the day. LOL! More to Lucas than I expected. Can't wait for next week. It's good to know that Lucas has respect for certain principles. It's scary to think of what his intentions might be. If I were new around her, I'd go with the obvious. Then again, I'm going to keep this seat belt snug. Ha ha!! Lucas is not as naive as you might have had us believe. 🙂 Yes, I sense a thriller brewing! You've sucked me in, John. A princess?? Wow, no fool like an old fool, right, John?! Hmm. I think Lucas may have some nefarious plans of his own and not in the manner Alice Weston thinks. The suspense builds. This is getting sooooo intriguing! Thanks for another fun lunch break. Have a wonderful Wednesday, John. Mega hugs. Sushi and salad for me today. Tonight the temperature plummets. So something hot then! Whopping Wednesday — I like that one. Who's gyro was that then? And the picture with the camels just makes it, I think. Thanks! That sly Lucas. On the other hand, he may still be on the up-and-up. Hmm. 😀 😀 😀 Do tell. So Lucas is a womanizer after all! Lovely! Happy New Year, John. You startled me with this, you know. She should really stay home and lock the doors. Lucas probably isn't as green as I once suspected. I don't think I wanna watch. This is usually when I offer to go make the popcorn. So what you're telling me is no one wants popcorn? Then I'll begin knitting, or something, but I'll be here. Well if you are getting some for yourself I wouldn't mind a bowl. With butter please…and a beer…. *looks around* I don't see the beer and popcorn. Welp, Lucas sure surprised the hell out of me! Here I thought he was a babe in the woods, and as it turns out, he';s LOOKING for a babe in the woods. Or something like that. And he likes danger in his women….nothing wrong with that. The game is afoot! But, who is the cat and who is the mouse? A nice twist John. Looking forward to seeing where it goes from here. I say, that was rather easy for the fellow. Yes it was. Makes you wonder. Doesn't it? It really does. I'm just wondering right now…who's the filthiest? Hmmm. Looks normal to me. 😀 Wait, was that a shadow in the window? ← Tuesday – Anything Possible – Mystery Blogger Award.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Located in Napa County, Calistoga is famous for its hot springs, friendly atmosphere, and proximity to dozens of Napa Valley's best wineries. Stop by for an indulgent retreat at the Calistoga Wine Way Inn, or enjoy the good life on a budget at Comfort Inn Calistoga, Hot Springs of the West. Calistoga is a small town that's best for exploration on foot. Lincoln Avenue and Washington Street are home to small shops, restaurants, and boutique hotels like Mount View Hotel & Spa and The Sunburst Calistoga. If you're visiting Calistoga on a wine tasting retreat, take the Calistoga Shuttle. The service is free for those staying in any Calistoga hotel, and takes passengers to 17 different wineries in the surrounding region. The peak tourist season in Napa Valley is in the fall during the annual grape harvest. You can get great deals on Calistoga spa hotels like the Roman Spa Hot Spring Resort in the winter or midsummer. Whenever you decide to visit, don't wait too long to book as rooms fill up quickly!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Jump Classes – Jump classes are designed to work on correct technique, leg and arm placement, improve hip flexor mobility and create hyper extended jumps. Flexibility Classes – Flexibility class is designed to teach the proper way of stretching to help increase flexibility and balance. Stunt Classes – These classes are designed for flyers to work on flying skills in class with coaches. They will be based by coaches as well as work on body positions, balance and core strength need for flight skills. Tumbling Classes – Tumbling classes will be level specific. These classes are designed to bring out the best tumbling in your athletes and push them to progress with technique based skills. Jump and Flexibility classes for a discounted rate of $30/month for EPIC Team Athletes ($50/month for non-team athletes). We will also be offering Stunt and Tumbling classes for all EPIC Team Athletes at a discounted rate of $50/month ($75/month for non-team athletes).
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Posted 8:26PM on Thursday 11th July 2019 ( 6 months ago ) Trump administration plans immigration enforcement operation Demonstrators hold placards as Rey Wences, organizer at Organized Communities Against Deportations (OCAD) addresses reporters during a new conference outside the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services offices in Chicago, Thursday, July 11, 2019. A nationwide immigration enforcement operation targeting people who are in the United States illegally is expected to begin this weekend. (AP Photo/Amr Alfiky) Renowned forensic scientist's testimony comes under questionHarley-Davidson's electric Hog: 0 to 60 mph in 3 secondsBiden promises to end 'forever wars' as presidentHuman workers can listen to Google Assistant recordings CHICAGO (AP) — The Trump administration is moving forward with a nationwide immigration enforcement operation targeting migrant families, despite loud opposition from Democrats and questions over whether it's the best use of resources given the crisis at the border. The operation could happen as soon as this weekend after being postponed by President Donald Trump late last month. It would pursue people with final deportation orders, including families whose immigration cases were fast-tracked by judges in 10 major cities such as Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and Miami. The plan has sparked outrage and concern among immigrant-rights advocates and lawmakers. "Our communities have been in constant fear," Estela Vara, a Chicago-area organizer said Thursday at a rally outside the city's Immigration and Custom Enforcement offices where some activists chanted "Immigration Not Deportation!" The sweep remains in flux and could begin later, according to two administration officials, who were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity. The American Civil Liberties Union pre-emptively filed a lawsuit Thursday in an attempt to protect asylum seekers. Meanwhile, activists ramped up efforts to prepare by bolstering know-your-rights pocket guides, circulating information about hotlines and planning public demonstrations. Vigils outside of detention centers and hundreds of other locations nationwide were set for Friday evening, to be followed by protests Saturday in Miami and Chicago. The operation is similar to ones conducted regularly since 2003 that often produce hundreds of arrests. It is slightly unusual to target families, as opposed to immigrants with criminal histories, but it's not unprecedented. The Obama and Trump administrations have targeted families in previous operations. This latest effort is notable because of the politics swirling around it. Trump announced on Twitter last month that the sweep would mark the beginning of a push to deport millions of people who are in the country illegally, a near-impossibility given the limited resources of ICE, which makes the arrests and carries out deportation orders. Then he abruptly canceled the operation after a phone call with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, while lawmakers worked to pass a $4.6 billion border aid package . Plus, details had leaked, and authorities worried about the safety of ICE officers. The agency said it would not discuss specifics about enforcement operations. "As always, ICE prioritizes the arrest and removal of unlawfully present aliens who pose a threat to national security, public safety and border security," it said in a statement. Trump started hinting anew in recent days that more removals were coming. He said last weekend they would be starting "fairly soon." "Well, I don't call them raids," he said. "I say they came in illegally and we're bringing them out legally." Ken Cuccinelli, the new head of Citizenship and Immigration Services, told CNN on Wednesday that the raids were "absolutely going to happen." Pelosi said she hoped the administration would reconsider. "Families belong together," she said. Advocates in border areas have "received word" that up to 1,000 families are expected to arrive at an immigration center in Dilley, Texas, according to attorneys representing separated families in a long-running lawsuit. In court papers filed Thursday, the attorneys said the government has not responded to questions about the operation. The administration has been straining to manage a border crisis , and some officials believe flashy shows of force in deporting families would deter others migrants from coming. But others have criticized any move that draws resources away from the border at a time when the Border Patrol is detaining four times the number of people it can hold. Also, a watchdog report found filthy, potentially dangerous conditions at some stations. Democratic Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington state, co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and a former immigrant advocate, accused the administration of showing a "willingness to be cruel at every turn." House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, a California Republican, blamed Pelosi for the raids, saying she had done "nothing" since they were delayed. "It is the speaker who caused this problem," he said. He said Trump would have postponed the raids again if he saw progress in House. Some activists said they were gearing up for operations to start Sunday and planned to protest. Organizers estimated a rally planned for Saturday in Chicago would draw around 10,000 people. "We will not be swayed by fear and fiat," said Justin Valas with Asian Americans Advancing Justice in Chicago. In New Orleans, any operations were put on hold due to severe weather. The city tweeted that it confirmed with ICE that enforcement would be suspended through the weekend as the region braced for the first hurricane of the season. The ACLU lawsuit, filed in federal court in New York, argued that thousands of migrants fleeing violence in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras were not allowed a fair chance to request asylum due but were still ordered removed from the country. They are asking that those individuals get another hearing. Others said they were skeptical that Trump would follow through on the threat. Advocates have ramped up know-your-rights training since Trump took office, reminding immigrants, regardless of their immigration status, about their right to remain silent and to ask authorities for proper paperwork. They have also explained that immigrants can often avoid arrest simply by not opening doors to agents, who need permission to enter private homes. That has forced ICE officers to wait outside courthouses and other public places to make arrests. "We don't want to alarm folks, but we want to alert folks," said Melissa Taveras of the Florida Immigrant Coalition. Long reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Lisa Mascaro and Mary Clare Jalonick contributed to this report. Associated Categories: Associated Press (AP), AP National News, AP Online National News, Top General short headlines, AP Online Headlines - Washington The Trump administration is moving forward with a nationwide immigration enforcement operation this weekend targeting migrant families Renowned forensic scientist's testimony comes under question Renowned forensic scientist Henry Lee is defending work he did three decades ago Harley-Davidson's electric Hog: 0 to 60 mph in 3 seconds Harley-Davidson says electric Hog will cost nearly $30,000, feature free charging at participating dealers for first 2 years Twitter investigating widespread outage Defense lawyers seek detention at home for Jeffrey Epstein Turbulence forces Air Canada flight to land in Hawaii Biden promises to end 'forever wars' as president Human workers can listen to Google Assistant recordings Rough total for Trump's July Fourth extravaganza: $5.4M Hospital fires 23 workers in case of excessive doses, deaths The Latest: UN chief calls for 'maximum restraint' in Gulf First rough total for Trump's 4th of July feet _ $5.4M The cost estimates are in on the tanks, fireworks and portable toilets, and the first rough total possible for President Donald Trump's July Fourth extravaganza: $5.4 million Setbacks for Trump's drive to lower prescription drug costs After two setbacks this week, President Donald Trump is now focusing his drive to curb drug costs on congressional efforts aimed at helping people on Medicare and younger generations covered by workplace plans The Latest: Opponents of citizenship question look to courts Opponents of having a citizenship question on the 2020 census say they'll return to court to fight President Donald Trump's push to add the controversial query AP Online Headlines - Washington US poised to begin immigration enforcement operation Trump to announce new executive action on census question APNewsBreak: Customs clarifies policy on plane ID searches US budget deficit jumps 23% through June Software engineer accused of taking trade secrets to China Trump to act on his own to try to force citizenship question Italy: Lawmakers want Salvini to explain alleged Russia deal General: Early Afghanistan troop pullout would be mistake Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is promising to refocus American foreign policy to combat the authoritarianism and global instability he says are proliferating under President Donald Trump
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
With increasing adoption of test automation, enterprises are heavily depending on it to test systems and application on a daily basis. However, not many enterprises and test automation engineers are able to reap the benefits of test automation. After talking to several test automation experts and consultants, we have identified several mistakes that testers make repeatedly, which is the reason behind test automation failure and decreasing ROI. Many testers depend on record and back for creating test scripts. However, the record feature should be viewed as a way to generate a skeletal script and should rarely be viewed as the final step in script creation. The fact is that an effective automation testing requires you to customize the generated script. Script Customization involves data parameterization, adding checkpoints for validation. It could also involve modularizing the script to allow several testers to work on it at one time. Another mistake that enterprises and test engineers make is that they use test scripts without any validation. In cases where test scripts require validation of some action for e.g. testing of a website that has a login page. In this case, you need to validate whether the login has succeeded or not. Script validation can be done by using checkpoints. Checkpoints help detect web objects, page parameters or perhaps some text on the page. Checkpoints should be placed at as many points as possible. Testers also fail to consider validations other than visible objects while testing applications. Validations should not be restricted to visible elements such as page text, button, etc. It's important to keep validations that show that the process has been completed. If you are using an order entry system to place an order, you might want to query the database to ensure that the order was in fact saved successfully into the database. Automation is a great way to augment your testing efforts. However, test engineers and enterprises often consider it as a replacement of manual testing which is why they cannot achieve effective testing and coverage. Ideally, automated testing should be used as a way to improve manual testing. Create a checklist of features which can be automated for testing. For e.g. You may test a web page that has incoherent fonts. Automate only the part of a script that checks for the errors in the fonts. Test engineers also commit mistakes while preparing test cases which result in inappropriate test cases. These test cases, hence do not represent an application flow and functions. Create small sample test cases condensed into one single test suite that represents the entire functional flow of the application. Perhaps every tester or QA enterprises would be committing one or all of the above mistakes at some or the other point of time. Following the solutions for each of these mistakes can be a way to augment test automation efforts and increase the overall ROI. If you are looking for any assistance in test automation, feel free to contact us. Alternately, we encourage you to try a 30-day free trial of TestingWhiz.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Parece que GOPARSON no tiene un portfolio todavía. "Goparson has been very helpful and responsive to the feedback while iterating on the logo. I like his sense of taste and the balance in his work. Would recommend him. " "What a wonderful experience working with this designer. He was extremely proficient and professional. Worked with all my many requests and did it in a friendly manner. We are a precious metals refinery, mint and dealer in the United States which needed ..." "Designer was very easy to work with and changed everything to suit our needs. Thanks for a funky cool design!"
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
An Israel Defense Forces' lieutenant in the Paratroopers' reconnaissance battalion was assaulted by a group of Palestinian women on Friday who were trying to stop him from arresting a Palestinian 14-year-old who was throwing rocks during a riot in the Samaria village of Qadum. The assault was filmed and disseminated on social media. The footage shows the officer trying to shake off the women, but not reacting violently.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Flexion Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ:FLXN), CBRE Group Inc. (NYSE:CBRE) Posted on April 13, 2020 By News Team The shares of Flexion Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ:FLXN) has been pegged with a rating of Buy by The Benchmark Company in its latest research note that was published on December 27, 2019. The Healthcare company has also assigned a $25 price target. The Benchmark Company wasn't the only research firm that published a report of Flexion Therapeutics Inc., with other equities research analysts also giving their opinion on the stock. The stock had earned Buy rating from BTIG Research Markets when it published its report on November 25, 2019. That day the BTIG Research set price target on the stock to $27. The stock was given Buy rating by The Benchmark Company in its report released on May 09, 2019, the day when the price target on the stock was placed at 19. Needham was of a view that FLXN is Buy in its latest report on January 04, 2019. The Benchmark Company thinks that FLXN is worth Hold rating. Amongst the analysts that rated the stock, 0 have recommended investors to sell it, 0 believe it has the potential for further growth, thus rating it as Hold while 9 advised investors to purchase the stock. The consensus currently stands at a Buy while its average price target is $25.89. The price of the stock the last time has raised by 69.66% from its 52-Week high price while it is -63.01% than its 52-Week low price. A look at the stock's other technical shows that its 14-day RSI now stands at 44.65. The shares of the company added by 11.26% during the trading session on Wednesday, reaching a low of $7.62 while ending the day at $8.50. During the trading session, a total of 969033.0 shares were traded which represents a -22.28% decline from the average session volume which is 792460.0 shares. FLXN had ended its last session trading at $7.64. FLXN 52-week low price stands at $5.01 while its 52-week high price is $22.98. The company in its last quarterly report recorded -$0.88 earnings per share which is above the predicted by most analysts. The Flexion Therapeutics Inc. generated 82.25 million in revenue during the last quarter. In the second quarter last year, the firm recorded -$1.00 earnings per share. Compared to the same quarter last year, the firm's revenue was down by -23.86%. Flexion Therapeutics Inc. has the potential to record -3.44 EPS for the current fiscal year, according to equities analysts. Investment analysts at Raymond James published a research note on January 24, 2020 where it informed investors and clients that CBRE Group Inc. (NYSE:CBRE) is now rated as Outperform. Their price target on the stock stands at $72. BofA/Merrill also rated CBRE as Resumed on November 26, 2019, with its price target of $62 suggesting that CBRE could surge by 22.76% from its current share price. Even though the stock has been trading at $42.05/share, analysts expect it to surge by 7.63% to reach $58.60/share. It started the day trading at $45.57 and traded between $41.55 and $45.26 throughout the trading session. A look at its technical shows that CBRE's 50-day SMA is 51.35 while its 200-day SMA stands at 53.87. The stock has a high of $64.75 for the year while the low is $29.17. The stock, however, witnessed a rise in its short on 03/13/20. Compared to previous close which recorded 6.08 M shorted shares, the short percentage went lower by -18.26%, as 4.97M FLXN shares were shorted. At the moment, only 1.50% of CBRE Group Inc. shares were sold short. The company's P/E ratio currently sits at 12.02, while the P/B ratio is 2.43. The company's average trading volume currently stands at 2.09M shares, which means that the short-interest ratio is just 2.38 days. Over the past seven days, the company moved, with its shift of 26.64%. Looking further, the stock has dropped -24.82% over the past 90 days while it lost -8.81% over the last six months. The change in the stock's fortunes has led to several institutional investors altering their holdings of the stock. The The Vanguard Group, Inc. bought more CBRE shares, increasing its portfolio by 0.25% during the last quarter. This move now sees The The Vanguard Group, Inc. purchasing 131,532 shares in the last quarter, thus it now holds 52,413,632 shares of CBRE, with a total valuation of $1,976,518,063. BlackRock Fund Advisors meanwhile bought more CBRE shares in the recently filed quarter, changing its stake to $733,229,922 worth of shares. Similarly, SSgA Funds Management, Inc. increased its CBRE Group Inc. shares by 2.83% during the recently filed quarter. After buying 14,659,927 shares in the last quarter, the firm now controls 403,336 shares of CBRE Group Inc. which are valued at $552,825,847. In the same vein, Harris Associates LP increased its CBRE Group Inc. shares by during the most recent reported quarter. The firm sold 423,699 shares during the quarter which increased its stakes to 11,804,632 shares and is now valued at $445,152,673. Following these latest developments, around 0.80% of CBRE Group Inc. stocks are owned by institutional investors and hedge funds. Disney's stock climbs as 'surprise' Disney+ subscriber data impressed JPMorgan analyst Fluidigm Corporation (NASDAQ:FLDM), Elanco Animal Health Incorporated (NYSE:ELAN)
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
GEF | STAP Knowledge & Methods Data & Ratings System for Transparent Allocation of Resources (STAR) 2014 Document status: Evaluation number: Evaluation type: IEO grouping: Corporate & Country The GEF piloted a Resource Allocation Framework (RAF) during its GEF-4 replenishment period to allocate resources to countries in a transparent and consistent manner based on global environmental priorities and country capacities, policies and practices relevant to successful implementation of GEF projects. Indicative country allocations under RAF covered activities in the climate change and biodiversity focal areas. Prior to implementation of Resource Allocation Framework (RAF) in fiscal year 2007, GEF had provided its resources to proposals based on a first come first serve basis where the proposals met the requisite quality standards and sufficient GEF resources were available. In 2009, the GEF Evaluation Office conducted a Mid-Term Review of the RAF (RAF-MTR) and identified several areas where the RAF could be improved. The GEF Secretariat subsequently developed several proposals to address the weaknesses identified in the RAF-MTR. In its November 2009 meeting, the GEF Council approved changes in the design of RAF – now rechristened as System for Transparent Allocation of Resources (STAR) – and decided to extend its coverage to activities in the land degradation focal area. In June 2010, the GEF Council approved the operational procedures for STAR and the implementation of STAR begun in July 2010. The GEF Council has requested the Evaluation Office conduct a mid-term evaluation of STAR to provide feedback on STAR's design and implementation. In response to the Council's request, the Office is undertaking an evaluation to assess the quality of STAR's design and implementation, and its effects on the GEF portfolio. The evaluation assesses the extent to which STAR is meeting its objectives and uses performance under RAF as a benchmark for comparison. The evaluation also assesses the extent to which the lessons presented in RAF-MTR, and the subsequent Council decisions, have been addressed through STAR. So far the Council Working Paper of the evaluation (GEF/ME/C.45/04) and four technical papers that cover some of the areas addressed by the evaluation have been completed. Publication of the final report is expected in FY2014. Audit Trail on Comments for STAR Approach Paper STAR Approach Paper STAR 2014 - TD4 - Sustainable Forest Management Set Aside STAR 2014 - TD3 - Resource Utilization under STAR STAR 2014 - TD2 - Design of STAR STAR 2014 - TD1 - Comparison of the GEF STAR with other Performance - Based Allocation Systems
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
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The HP Color LaserJet 2605DN is a professional color LaserJet printer with printing speeds up to 12 ppm for black and white printing jobs and 10 ppm for colored printing jobs. With Carrot Ink products such as our HP 124A Remanufactured 4-Pack Combo, you can keep creating professional quality work at a reasonable price! We at Carrot Ink promise quality and reliability at a fraction of the cost. We offer free shipping on orders above $40, and free runs, no questions asked, if we don't meet your expectations. Check out what we have for sale and find the toner that's perfect for your needs! Remove the new print cartridge from its packaging and dispose the wrapper and old cartridge properly for recycling. Grasp both sides of the print cartridge by the blue handles and distribute the toner by gently rocking the print cartridge from side to side. Remove the shipping locks and the shipping tape from the new print cartridge. Discard the shipping tape and shipping locks properly for recycling. Align the print cartridge with the tracks inside the printer, and using the handles, insert the print cartridge until it is firmly seated. Firmly close the front door. After a short time, the control panel should display "Ready." Remanufactured cartridges are cartridges that have been recycled. These cartridges have been cleaned and refilled with proprietary ink. Not only does this help reduce waste, but it also ensures compatibility with your printer! Will using a remanufactured cartridge ruin my printer warranty? Nope! Not only will it not ruin your warranty, but remanufactured cartridges are guaranteed to work with your printer. What's the page yield for these toners? The HP 124A (Q6000A) Black Remanufactured Toner Cartridge has a page yield of 2,500, while the color toners (HP 124A (Q6001A) Cyan Remanufactured Toner Cartridge, HP 124A (Q6003A) Magenta Remanufactured Toner Cartridge, and HP 124A (Q6002A) Yellow Remanufactured Toner Cartridge) each have a page yield of 2,000. Note though that this can vary depending on how often you print as well as the settings that you use.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
<?php $this->breadcrumbs['P3 Media Metas'] = array('admin'); $this->breadcrumbs[] = Yii::t('app', 'Create'); ?> <h1> Create P3 Media Meta</h1> <?php $this->renderPartial("_toolbar", array("model"=>$model)); ?> <?php $this->renderPartial('_form', array( 'model' => $model, 'buttons' => 'create')); ?>
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
How to fit 322mm Drilled Brake discs with 'Small Reds' on an RS2 ? I have 'Small Reds 'brake calipers', as per the factory fit on my 1994 RS2. I want to buy some 322 Porsche/Audi Tradition Brake Discs. Do I need a custom carrier / bracket so they fit? If I buy the 'Audi Tradition' brake discs, the part number for the 322mm are 8A0615283 / 8A0615284 for the fancy ( 2 piece drilled ones). Does anyone know what the Porsche part number is ? Somebody said its 965 351 045 00 / 965 351 046 00 for the Porsche 322mm front discs but they are just one piece and drilled. What about the callipers? Will they work on small red, or have you used big reds? Or then again, have you just used some different calliper mounts? They work with both big and small reds but youd require to fit a different caliper bracket. The porsche 322mm dics are obviously just 1 mm smaller diameter than the A8 323 mm some members have fitted, but advantage of the 993 TT disc is the central cooking vent space is double so benefit from extra cooling. All times are GMT. This page was generated at 09:07.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The Baddeley Grammatical Reasoning Test (Baddeley, 1968). Baddeley, A. D. & Flemming, N.C. (1967). The efficiency of divers breathing oxy-helium. Ergonomics, 10, 311-319. Baddeley, A. D. (1968). A 3 min reasoning test based on grammatical transformation. Psychonomic Science, 10, 341-342. Kyllonen, P. C. & Christal, R. E. (1990). Reasoning Ability is (Little More Than) Working-Memory Capacity? Intelligence, 14, 389-433. Kuypers, K., & Ramaekers, J. (2005). Transient memory impairment after acute dose of 75mg 3.4-Methylene-dioxymethamphetamine. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 19, 633-639. Furnham, A, & McClelland, A. (2009). Word frequency effects and intelligence testing. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 544-546. Sandrock, S., Schutte, M., Griefahn, B. (2010). Mental strain and annoyance during cognitive performance in different traffic noise conditions. Ergonomics, 53, 962-971.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The Canon PIXMA MG6100 is a printer that offers high performance, quality and ease of use in a sleek machine. All of this starts with the revolutionary interface that Canon creates where on the top of your printer turns into a sleek and responsive touch panel. The Smart Touch System provides light direction with pretty touch sensitive controls so only the buttons you need are on. Enjoy the great features of the MG6100 including Full HD Movie Print, Built-in Wi-Fi, Auto Document Fix and built-in Automatic Duplex. If you want to print without using a computer? No problem. You simply insert a compatible memory card into the card slot inside it, select an image on the LCD screen, and print it!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
All connector and lead assemblies are supplied using either a 1 or 2 meter lead, and are available as a single or double termination. Search tubes provide the ability to direct a sound beam when normal access is hindered or not possible. All standard search tubes provide a 90º sound reflection. All search tubes can be tailor made to fit customer specification. Any unlisted configurations can be produced on request and to exact customer specification.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Jose Mourinho has eyed seven players for his Manchester United overhaul. Italian journalist Fabrizio Romano has tweeted a list of players that the former Chelsea boss is keeping tabs on. Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Juventus striker Alvaro Morata and Valencia's Andre Gomes are all on the shortlist. Arsenal have entered the race to sign Wolfsburg left-back Ricardo Rodriguez. German newspaper Kicker claim Gunners academy chief Andries Jonker has suggested the defender following his time as Wolfsburg's assistant manager. Arsenal face tough competition from United for Rodriguez with Spanish news outlet Fichajes claiming he is also on the Red Devils' radar. Incoming Chelsea boss Antonio Conte will not allow Willian to join United. The Daily Mail claim Jose Mourinho wants his former player at Old Trafford after taking over yesterday. But Conte will do all he can to keep hold of the Brazil international, who was named the Blues' Player of the Year this season.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Survival analysis of a deep-water floating offshore platform about its critical axis including coupling Ravikiran S. Kota, Jeffrey M. Falzarano, Alexander Vakakis The global nonlinear dynamics of a typical mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU) about its critical, approximately quartering axis is described. It is well known that short and wide twin hull vessels such as MODUs have minimum righting moment about an approximately quartering axis. The effect of the out-of-plane coupling is investigated using advanced decoupling techniques known as nonlinear normal modes. These techniques are applied to the capsized MODU Ocean Ranger as an example. Proceedings of the 1997 7th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Part 3 (of 4) - Honolulu, HI, USA Proceedings of the 1997 7th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Part 3 (of 4) Honolulu, HI, USA Dive into the research topics of 'Survival analysis of a deep-water floating offshore platform about its critical axis including coupling'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Drilling platforms Engineering & Materials Science 69% Kota, R. S., Falzarano, J. M., & Vakakis, A. (1997). Survival analysis of a deep-water floating offshore platform about its critical axis including coupling. 492-498. Paper presented at Proceedings of the 1997 7th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Part 3 (of 4), Honolulu, HI, USA. Survival analysis of a deep-water floating offshore platform about its critical axis including coupling. / Kota, Ravikiran S.; Falzarano, Jeffrey M.; Vakakis, Alexander. 1997. 492-498 Paper presented at Proceedings of the 1997 7th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Part 3 (of 4), Honolulu, HI, USA. Kota, RS, Falzarano, JM & Vakakis, A 1997, 'Survival analysis of a deep-water floating offshore platform about its critical axis including coupling', Paper presented at Proceedings of the 1997 7th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Part 3 (of 4), Honolulu, HI, USA, 5/25/97 - 5/30/97 pp. 492-498. Kota RS, Falzarano JM, Vakakis A. Survival analysis of a deep-water floating offshore platform about its critical axis including coupling. 1997. Paper presented at Proceedings of the 1997 7th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Part 3 (of 4), Honolulu, HI, USA. Kota, Ravikiran S. ; Falzarano, Jeffrey M. ; Vakakis, Alexander. / Survival analysis of a deep-water floating offshore platform about its critical axis including coupling. Paper presented at Proceedings of the 1997 7th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Part 3 (of 4), Honolulu, HI, USA.7 p. @conference{fa1f96fc25d1400c9b13c97342d0362e, title = "Survival analysis of a deep-water floating offshore platform about its critical axis including coupling", abstract = "The global nonlinear dynamics of a typical mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU) about its critical, approximately quartering axis is described. It is well known that short and wide twin hull vessels such as MODUs have minimum righting moment about an approximately quartering axis. The effect of the out-of-plane coupling is investigated using advanced decoupling techniques known as nonlinear normal modes. These techniques are applied to the capsized MODU Ocean Ranger as an example.", author = "Kota, {Ravikiran S.} and Falzarano, {Jeffrey M.} and Alexander Vakakis", note = "Proceedings of the 1997 7th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Part 3 (of 4) ; Conference date: 25-05-1997 Through 30-05-1997", T1 - Survival analysis of a deep-water floating offshore platform about its critical axis including coupling AU - Kota, Ravikiran S. AU - Falzarano, Jeffrey M. AU - Vakakis, Alexander N2 - The global nonlinear dynamics of a typical mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU) about its critical, approximately quartering axis is described. It is well known that short and wide twin hull vessels such as MODUs have minimum righting moment about an approximately quartering axis. The effect of the out-of-plane coupling is investigated using advanced decoupling techniques known as nonlinear normal modes. These techniques are applied to the capsized MODU Ocean Ranger as an example. AB - The global nonlinear dynamics of a typical mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU) about its critical, approximately quartering axis is described. It is well known that short and wide twin hull vessels such as MODUs have minimum righting moment about an approximately quartering axis. The effect of the out-of-plane coupling is investigated using advanced decoupling techniques known as nonlinear normal modes. These techniques are applied to the capsized MODU Ocean Ranger as an example. T2 - Proceedings of the 1997 7th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Part 3 (of 4)
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London (ICL) Branch Navigation Global Site Navigation London (ICL) London (KCL) London (LBS) London (UCL) Back to Global Site Members Area Select your branch BRANCHES ABOUT PEOPLE MENU London (ICL) News A View Into The Innovations Towards a Sustainable Future Written by Victoria Carr 4 min. read Imperial College London Innovation Forum hosted the "Innovations towards a sustainable future" event on the evening of 22nd February at Imperial's Kensington Campus. The event was aimed at informing academics and entrepreneurs on the status of CleanTech globally, and to what extent London and the UK are involved in this sector, with examples from invited speakers. The speaker panel was comprised of four high-profile individuals: Prof Richard Templer, Director of Innovation at the Grantham Institute; Martin Crouch, Senior Partner at Ofgem; Adrian Haworth, Marketing Director of Recycling Technologies Ltd; and Ian Rogers, Director of Arup. This was then followed by a roundtable discussion with all speakers and Richard Cooke, Partner at Penningtons Manches, and a networking reception. The speaker session started with personal views from Prof Richard Templer on the possibilities and challenges of CleanTech innovation in the UK. His remarks were candid, but well-informed by relevant evidence and statistics. As well as being Director of Innovation at the Grantham Institute, Richard led the creation of Climate Knowledge Innovation Community (Climate-KIC) in 2009 as part of the European Institute for Innovation and Technology. He became the Director of the UK chapter of Climate-KIC and Director for Education for the entire organisation in 2010. For London and the UK to be the centre of CleanTech Innovation, Richard suggested creating a greater cluster of skilled people and resources in London, with the Grantham Institute being the seed to that cluster. He concluded by saying the biggest issue is that many big investors are not willing enough to invest in early-development CleanTech start-ups. To attract more investment, attitudes of CleanTech being a "high-risk" sector need to change and investors need to become more confident they will receive returns. The second speaker was Martin Crouch, who focussed on the policies and regulations implicated in disruptive energy technology. His role as Senior Partner at Ofgem involves improving regulation, overseeing the enforcement team and supporting regulatory policy development. From 2012 to 2015, he also chaired the Electricity Working Groups of the European regulatory bodies, CEER and ACER. He viewed the clean energy sector as accelerating, unpredictable and constantly changing. However, tech companies need practical guidance and support from organisations, such as Innovation Link of Ofgem, on their potential for success. This is dependent upon regulations that may become barriers to success. Ways to tackle these barriers include preventing the implementation of rules in prescriptive ways and creating policies that are responsive to emerging ideas. These ideas include new tariffs, apps, retail services, and local energy services, as well as new technologies. Next was Adrian Haworth, who talked about Recycling Technologies Ltd's machine, Plaxx® that turns waste, non-recyclable plastic into heavy fuel oil by pyrolysis. After working in General Electric for 33 years and gaining vast expertise in marketing, Adrian now leads marketing for Recycling Technologies Ltd. Plaxx® has potential to become a very successful product. It has a straightforward aim of turning plastic into oil, is based on previously known chemical pyrolysis methods and has the potential of generating huge revenue. He advised that to attract investors, a product or service should address or serve one purpose that can generate significant revenue quickly. Only once there is investment, a product can be iterated and built upon. Recycling Technologies Ltd hope to refine the oil to make fuel or be used to make more plastic. Lastly, Ian Rogers shared his insights of being Director of Arup and how Arup are investing in early, disruptive CleanTech start-ups. Ian originally worked in Arup's legal team before becoming a lawyer, specialising in construction. His knowledge of the legislative processes in the global construction industry led to him becoming Sustainability Director for UKMEA Region Board and directing its Venturing Initiative to develop Arup's new business models. Arup are now focussing on seed funding a few early-stage start-up ideas that are not yet successful but have great potential to become high-impact disruptive technologies. These have included Halo, Hidden Layer and Arco Bridge. The event concluded with an active discussion from the roundtable in response to audience questions, such as what CleanTech is still needed, how the UK government is shaping energy policies, how Brexit is likely to affect innovation in the UK, and ways to lower pollution in the shipping industry. The consensus was that despite being in turbulent times politically, many counties, including the UK, will continue to act against climate change and pollution by investing in CleanTech. To preserve the planet, investing towards a sustainable future is the only option. Article Tags ACERAdrian HaworthArco BridgeArupCEERCleanTechClimate-KICGrantham InstituteHaloHidden LayerIan RogersImperial CollegeinnovationKensington CampuslondonMartin CrouchnetworkingOfgemPenningtons ManchesPlaxxRecycling TechnologiesRichard CookeRichard Templerstart upsustainable futureUKMEA Press Release: The future of Artificial Intelligence – from Deep Blue to Alpha Go and Beyond The 14th of April was a special evening at Imperial College London. More than 300 students, academics, entrepreneurs and industry professionals gathered together to learn a bit more about the future of artificial intelligence (AI) and the innovations we can expect in the years to come. Automatic Computer Assisted Medicine, Automatic Personal Assistants (PA), AIaaa In order to comment you need to be part of Inno-Forum. If you're already a member Log in or Register We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best tailored experience on our website based on your preferences. By continuing to use our services, you are giving us your consent to use cookies. Learn more here. Network London (ICL) All Top Innovators Insights Events Overview People Overview Become a Partner Jobs Directory Post a Job GLOBAL INNOVATION FORUM LIMITED 11-12 St James's Square London, SW1Y 4LB Innovation Forum. Copyright ® All rights reserved 2015. - Privacy Policy - Cookies policy Crafted by
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Income mobility and female life expectancy in two maps From a new study, which has received considerable attention: Compare to this, via Bill Gardner: Read the captions and/or follow links for details. Correlation doesn't imply causation. (And, how correlated are these?) This warrants further study and comment, for which I'm not (at the moment) prepared or qualified. So, blog post for the taking. @afrakt income mobility, life expectancy by Matthew on July 23rd, 2013 at 09:41 You get a similar map if you look at obesity rates (male or female). I'd like an epidemiologist's take on this. There are a lot of disease epidemics that follow very similar patterns in terms of how they affect marginalized groups (which, in turn, are the poorest groups with the least income mobility). by Jared on July 23rd, 2013 at 09:45 Just posted this on Twitter, but I'm not seeing a correlation between drops in income immobility and life expectancy drops here. I'm looking at southeast Ohio's border with Kentucky and West Virginia, south Missouri, and south Oklahoma: Those are about the peaks in drops in life expectancy (red coloring), but also where income mobility was higher (light colors). Additionally, the broad swatch of income immobility on the SE coast is matched by (mostly) positive changes in life expectancy. Agreeing with Austin, I'd like to see a county-by-county comparison. But it looks to me like there's not a one-to-one mapping here. At least, it's not the dominant pattern. (Also, the life expectancy changes on OK's edge counties not leaking over into the other states makes me a little nervous. Could there be sampling issues here?) I was thinking about Oklahoma too. But I think the answer is that those lands on the border are still (as best I can tell) populated largely by Native American people. They are the sites of the former Indian reservations, and are still today considered "Tribal Jurisdictional Areas." Again, this has a lot to do with marginalization of minorities. by Jared on July 24th, 2013 at 10:20 I don't know if Native Americans is the whole answer. I looked up a map of Native American reservations (http://bit.ly/13cXupk) and only one is in the southern swath of red. That is Bryan County, which is 80% non-Hispanic White and 12% Native American. For that 12% to be responsible for the entire drop in life expectancy while everyone else went up in step with across the Texan border, it'd have to be a drop of a few years. That may be what happened, but I'd like to see data breaking down those calculations by ethnicity to be sure. by platon20 on July 24th, 2013 at 23:55 I live in Oklahoma. The counties along the southern border of Oklahoma with Texas are overwhelmingly rural and overwhelmingly white. The only major city in those counties is Ardmore in Carter/Love counties in the central southern portion, on I-35 between Oklahoma City and Dallas. No other cities in that area have more than 30k population. The indian nations (5 civilized tribes) live mostly in the interior eastern portion of the state, from Durant up thru Muskogee and Tulsa, all the way thru Vinita in the northeast corner of the state. Also, the indian nations actually have a very good centralized healthcare system thru the IHS. Many studies of indian health in Oklahoma show improved results compared to the local white population. In other parts of the country the IHS is not as well organized and their healthcare statistics are not nearly as good. Another Oklahoma factoid — Southern Oklahoma has the 2nd largest casino in the world (WinStar. owned by indian tribes). The largest casino is the Venetian in Macao. by Matthew on July 25th, 2013 at 11:08 Interesting. I was unaware of the IHS. Of course, with my theory dis-proven, that means that the Oklahoma-Texas border really is a strange anomaly. by Emily on July 23rd, 2013 at 11:26 I'm a big one on socio economic relationships. Lower life expectancy, poorer health, higher infant mortality, smoking, drug abuse, low income, low IQ, low education, etc. all seem to group together in one way or another. by Dean S on July 23rd, 2013 at 11:53 "Poverty is an exam room familiar. From Bellevue Hospital in New York to the neighborhood health center in Boston where I used to work, poverty has filtered through many of my interactions with parents and their children." Poverty as a Childhood Disease By PERRI KLASS, M.D. May 13, 2013, http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/05/13/poverty-as-a-childhood-disease/?ref=health by Darius Tahir on July 23rd, 2013 at 13:53 Believe the book "The Spirit Level" made a similar case to this. http://www.amazon.com/The-Spirit-Level-Equality-Societies/dp/1608193411 by Daniel Fletcher on July 23rd, 2013 at 14:32 That's definitively something to think about… Surely, there is no direct linking as you said correlation does not imply causation, but the maps are too similar to be written off as a simple coincidence. by JayB on July 23rd, 2013 at 17:07 Evaluate the geographic distribution of any correlate of poor health and poor social function in the US at the county level and you get virtually the same pattern. Where poverty is high, so is the disease burden, and so is the level of government expenditure dedicated to attenuating the impact of poverty and disease. The correlation between spending and disease burden is so striking and vivid that the decades long quest to correlate variations in spending to practice variation rather than the variance in disease burden is quite puzzling. "Geographic Variation in Fee-for-Service Medicare Beneficiaries' Medical Costs Is Largely Explained by Disease Burden James D. Reschovsky [email protected] Jack Hadley Patrick S. Romano Control for area differences in population health (casemix adjustment) is necessary to measure geographic variations in medical spending. Studies use various casemix adjustment methods, resulting in very different geographic variation estimates. We study casemix adjustment methodological issues and evaluate alternative approaches using claims from 1.6 million Medicare beneficiaries in 60 representative communities. Two key casemix adjustment methods—controlling for patient conditions obtained from diagnoses on claims and expenditures of those at the end of life—were evaluated. We failed to find evidence of bias in the former approach attributable to area differences in physician diagnostic patterns, as others have found, and found that the assumption underpinning the latter approach—that persons close to death are equally sick across areas—cannot be supported. Diagnosis-based approaches are more appropriate when current rather than prior year diagnoses are used. Population health likely explains more than 75% to 85% of cost variations across fixed sets of areas." by Brad F on July 23rd, 2013 at 20:48 Alternate view: http://tdi.dartmouth.edu/press/updates/dartmouth-institute-for-health-policy-and-clincial-practice-responds-to-res by Don Miller on July 23rd, 2013 at 18:58 "When analyzing local area variation, we continue to rank both children and parents based on their positions in the national income distribution. Hence, our statistics measure how well children do relative to those in the nation as a whole rather than those in their own particular community." From the Findings .pdf file in the Executive Summary. I don't understand what exactly they're measuring; the criticism I've read elsewhere is that children in the lowest income areas (call them "Bangladesh") have almost zero chance of getting to the highest income levels in the nation ( call them "Monaco"). If the parents were at $20,000 and the child moves to $40,000 (inflation adjusted) that should be seen as "income mobility" not just if the child moved all the way up to "Monaco levels" of $250,000. by Floccina on July 24th, 2013 at 10:42 You do not have to be a racist or like the fact that it is so but it appears that racial makeup has a lot to do with which areas do well mobility. It seems that areas with the lowest percentages of African Americans do well on mobility and areas with the highest percentages of African Americans do poorly on mobility. That is true despite the fact that African Americans do better in areas highest percentages of African Americans. What to do about the lank of upward mobility among black Americas depends on what is causing it. If because of history of slavery or whatever black Americans distrust and so opt out of the the struggle for wealth only time will help. If it is due to racism then we should continue to fight racism in various ways.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Join us for a Sealed KeyForge Tournament! Crack open a fresh deck and play for exciting prizes from our Discovery Kit. In the Adaptive variant, you and your opponent play best two out of three. Game one, you use your deck. Game two, you use your opponent's deck. If there's a third game, you bid chains for the deck that won the previous two games. Players will be paired for three of Swiss-style rounds.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Google Chrome vs Microsoft Edge: Does Edge Has an Edge Over Chrome? Santos Cruickshank Updated On : January 16, 2023 Microsoft Edge was first released back on April 29, 2015. At that time, it was primarily meant to replace the age-old Internet Explorer. Sadly, because of the domination of Google Chrome on the desktop browser market, it was used only to download Chrome. However, on January 15, 2020, Microsoft changed the strategy, and instead of going up against its rival, it adopted a new Chromium-based design for Edge, which is also the basis for Google Chrome. After that, it gained huge popularity, and according to StatCounter, Edge had captured 8.84 percent of the market share as of August 2021, from a mere 0.02 Percent in January 2020. While Google Chrome still holds the First Position by capturing 66.94 percent market share, many users are shifting towards Edge because of its additional features and improved privacy. Hence, naturally, the question arises, does Edge have "an edge" over Chrome? In today's article, we are going to take a look at both of these browsers and will tell you which one is better for you. So, without wasting any more time, let's get started. Two of the browsers share lots of similarities as well as some differences. And, it's important to discuss them first so that you can have a clear idea of which one to choose. First of all, interfaces on both of these browsers are almost the same. Many of the old-school design from the Edge has gone, replaced with a clear and easy-to-use interface. The search bar, extension, and settings options are in the same place, which means you will not face any problems while switching to any of these. In addition, both use the same rendering engine based on the open-source Chromium project. However, Chrome uses Google as its default Search Engine while Edge uses Bing. But, you can change both browsers to your preferred search engine in the settings option. The basic features are also the same. On the home page, you will find all the essential office apps like Microsoft Word, Office, Outlook, and Office 365 Apps. On the other hand, Chrome lets you access all the Google Apps like Docs, Drive, Gmail, and all the other workspace apps. But, Edge also has some extra features like Vertical Tab, which gives you more space to keep track of all the opened tabs easily. In addition, immersive Reader helps you to focus more when you are reading something, and there are also options like Read Aloud, Editor, and more that are not available in Chrome. Thus, feature-wise, Edge does have an advantage over Chrome. Extension support for any application plays a crucial role in desktop browser popularity, and moving to the Chromium platform opened the possibilities of extension support for Microsoft Edge. Microsoft's store extension collection is continuously growing. Besides, if an Edge user wants to download an extension only available on Chrome Web Store, that is also possible by following some simple methods. However, Chrome Web Store still remains robust when it comes to quantity. In terms of performance, both Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome perform really well. They are both fast browsers, but one of the complaints that many people have is that Chrome is a resource-hungry browser which means it uses lots of RAM, and using various benchmarking tools also proves that to be true. Edge does use less RAM, and performance seems slightly better than Chrome. However, the difference might be negligible for most of the users. Synching on Google Chrome is on another level as it can sync almost all the things across platforms when you add your email id to the browser. It handles syncing flawlessly between your phone, tablet, laptop, and other devices. Edge can also sync passwords, bookmarks, and more from device to device, but frankly, it's not perfect. It is because Edge is relatively new to the development process and needs time to perfect this. So, as of now, Google has the upper hand here. To protect users against Phishing and Malware, both the browsers notify users when they land on an HTTP page instead of HTTPS, letting them know that their traffic is unsafe. But Chrome wins out because of its frequent security updates than Edge. With these updates, chrome eliminates possible vulnerabilities in its code. The major problem with Chrome is the Privacy issue. We all know that Chrome was developed by Google, a company that relies heavily on advertising for revenue. And for that, it keeps track of all the user's data and searches results to show relevant ads when they browse the internet. Microsoft, on the contrary, offers three modes of protection from tracking, which are simple to understand, and you can choose from them. All things considered, it is safe to say that Edge has better privacy, performance, and some additional features which users will find helpful. At the same time, Chrome has robust Extension support, syncing capabilities, and frequent security updates. Thereby, if you are concerned about your privacy and don't want your browser to keep track of your activities, switching to Edge can be a smart decision. However, if you are more inclined to Google's Ecosystem, sticking with Chrome might be the best option for you. LG Tone Free FP9 Review: Connect with Anything Without Bluetooth Mobile Camera Lens Company Moment is Revolutionizing the Lens Industry
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Geralin takes us behind the seams and explains exactly what she does, why she does it, and how to work with clients from around the world helping them to better wardrobes + create comfortable, practical capsules of clothing. You don't have to be youthful, fit, or tall and slender to look your best and feel confident. There are multiple tips, techniques + tools to use when putting yourself together. The most common mistakes women make when shopping for clothes, shoes, accessories.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Cassa di Risparmio di Jesi S.p.A. formerly Cassa di Risparmio di Jesi was an Italian savings bank based in Iesi (), in the Province of Ancona, the Marche region. The bank had a successor [the] Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Jesi which still acted as a local charity organisation. Cassa di Risparmio di Jesi also issued Miniassegno in the past. History The bank was found in 1844 in the Papal States, initially as Cassa di Risparmio in Jesi, a società anonima. The bank later became a private statutory corporation without shareholders. Due to enactment of an Italian law, the bank absorbed some smaller savings bank in Marche. In 1980s, the bank also attempted to absorb bankrupted Cassa di Risparmio di Ancona, but it was acquired by Cassa di Risparmio di Verona, Vicenza e Belluno instead. In 1992 the bank was spin-off to form a società per azioni (a kind of limited company) and a banking foundation. Lombard bank Cassa di Risparmio delle Provincie Lombarde (Cariplo), a predecessor of Italian major banks Banca Intesa and Intesa Sanpaolo, also subscribed a capital increase of the limited company for 66.67 billion lire (30 billion lire as share capital and the rest as share premium) in the same year. In 1995 the limited company was acquired by Banca delle Marche in an all-share deal. Banca delle Marche itself was founded in 1994 by a merger of to other savings banks of Marche region in Macerata and Pesaro. Banking foundation As of 31 December 2012, [the] Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Jesi, the successor of the original legal person of the bank, still owned about 10% stake in Banca delle Marche. The foundation subscribed all the capital increase of the bank in order to maintain the ownership ratio. However, it also caused the foundation concentrating its investment on the bank. In 2015, Associazione di Fondazioni e di Casse di Risparmio S.p.A., the trade association of the former savings banks, on behalf with its members, also signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Economy and Finance for the new regulation on the assets of the foundations, which the Fondazione CR Jesi was one of the members of the association which signed the MoU regarding diversify its investment. However, it happened after the failure of Banca delle Marche, which was administrated since 2013. In November 2015 the shareholders and subordinated bond owner of Banca delle Marche were bail-in to the failure of the bank, with the National Resolution Fund was the sole owner of refounded Nuova Banca delle Marche. The net assets of the foundation decreased from €76,388,622 to €10,989,510 year-to-year, mainly due to the write-off of the value of the shares of [old] Banca delle Marche. Other assets of the foundation included a minority stake in Cassa Depositi e Prestiti for 0.002% share capital, due to the adjustment of the share capital and the subsequent dilution to the stake that owned by banking foundations, as well as Italian government bond "BTP Italia", etc. The foundation organised arts exhibition in Marche. The headquarters of the foundation was located in an ancient building Palazzo Bisaccioni, which was the headquarters of the bank. See also Banca Popolare di Ancona, Italian bank based in Iesi References External links Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Jesi Banks established in 1844 1844 establishments in the Papal States Banks established in 1992 Italian companies established in 1992 Banks disestablished in 1995 Italian companies disestablished in 1995 Defunct banks of Italy Companies based in le Marche Cariplo acquisitions Re-established companies Italian companies established in 1844 Iesi
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
This year's Chef's Gala for Heart of Florida United Way is at Epcot World Showplace on Saturday, March 2 from 6:45-10 p.m. More than 20 of Central Florida's favorite chefs will offer an array of food and wine pairings at this premier charity event, which raises nearly $300,000 each year for education, income, health and basic needs programs that serve thousands of Central Floridians. In addition to exquisite cuisine and thoughtfully paired fine wines, this upscale event hosted by Walt Disney World Resort also includes live music and a silent auction. We recently visited Primo by Melissa Kelly at the JW Marriott Orlando, Grande Lakes to enjoy a delicious preview of one of the evening's offerings. Beloved by locals and visitors alike for its contemporary take on Italian cuisine, the menu focuses on local ingredients, often from the on-site garden. At this year's Chef's Gala, guests will be able to enjoy wild mushroom casarecce, a dish that has been on the restaurant's menu since its opening. This seasonal favorite combines short twists of pasta with wild mushrooms and English peas in a citrus butter sauce, and comes topped with horseradish and bacon crumbs. Individual tickets are $350 (a couple's package is $650) and can be purchased HERE. See below for a complete list of participating eateries.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Getting Whipped at Leather Pride As this weekend's gay pride parades rise to new heights of respectability, The Daily Beast goes off the beaten path to attend "Leather Pride Day," an old-school, X-rated orgy of outrageous behavior. Spencer Morgan "I escaped Ohio when I was 19," said Dale Vargas. He had to squat down on his stilts to talk to me. He was wearing a black leather jockstrap, red bolero jacket with epaulettes, leather mask and top hat—last Sunday on West 28th Street in Manhattan. In Ohio, he said, "you had to be white and have 2.3 kids to fit in. I found in the gay community people who tended to lean toward leather and kink were people that didn't box themselves into where they grew up and stay there. They explore. I found that the leather community was more honest, more worldly, more in touch, and that's where I gravitated to." That day, Mr. Vargas and 7,000 others had turned the far west Chelsea block into a little slice of their own personal paradise, far over the rainbow from Ohio, Kansas, or any other place where the sight of men in leather jockstraps would hoist the eyebrows of the town matrons. They were there to celebrate "Folsom Street East," also known as Leather Pride Day, the annual street fair put on by the Gay Male SM Association. It's where I met 72-year-old Joe Regan, a resident of the neighborhood, as he was pulling on a pair of yellow rubber boots and getting things properly situated in his jockstrap. "I'm wearing a yellow rubber jock that the guy down there makes," he said, gesturing down the street. "He makes the best. This is all one piece of rubber, no seams." I asked him what Folsom Street East—the tag pays homage to the original, much larger Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco—meant to him. "I'm basically a top," he said, " though I will play man-to-man with a lot of guys, and I really enjoy it. This one of those days where you can let it all hang out. I wouldn't wear this anywhere except at a sex club normally." Of the dozen or so attendees I spoke to—from Frank Parker, a 45-year-old Ohioan who works in construction in leather suspenders; to men in leather kilts selling cigars; to "Nipple Dad," a mainstay of Chelsea—the consensus was this: In an increasingly conformist gay world, the socially frowned-upon displays of sexuality taking place here represented a rare opportunity to openly experience homosexuality as the illicit, wanton, fringe subculture it once was. Because when NYC Pride Day, the main event of Gay Pride Week, takes over the city this weekend with over a million attendees, it will look very different from this Leather Pride bacchanal. NYC Pride Day, like many other pride parades across the country, has become more and more respectable with each passing year. Bud Light, Skyy vodka, Delta, Continental, Kiehl's, Whole Foods, and JP Morgan Chase all have floats in this year's parade. A representative of NYC Pride recently boasted that if one were to categorize the more than 300 groups participating, church groups would have the largest presence. Here at Leather Pride, on the other hand, you'd be hard pressed to find an investment bank or airline in corporate sponsorship. At the Men of ONYX booth, I decided to give the Butt Plug Toss a whirl. One plug for a dollar, three for two. That's always a no-brainer. Richard, 54, a Manhattan physician (he declined to elaborate), handed me three black rubber plugs, and told me about Men of ONYX as he held two of my plugs so I could toss. "It's a leather club for men of color and people who like to be associated with men of color," he said. "We have chapters in Chicago, Atlanta, DC, LA—all over the country." The target was a poster board of an anatomically correct gentleman bending over. I took note that butt plugs are kind of shaped like darts; it looked pretty easy to slip one past the goalie. Richard was saying the leather scene can be tricky for black men. Words like master and slave are obviously loaded. ONYX, which was founded 15 years ago, creates a comfort zone, he said, where "men of color can explore it with other men of color, and talk about our particular interests and our particular concerns and how we can enjoy our fetishes and have a good time." Bull's-eye! Richard gave me my prize, a butt plug, which I graciously handed over to the guy in line behind me (journalistic integrity!), who told me it was just his size—he takes a medium. I spoke to John Weis, who founded the Folsom Street East festival in 1997. "The combination of the Internet and zoning and real estate has really thrown the leather community for a loop," he said. "There really aren't any places to congregate as a community. There used to be a whole bunch of leather bars—and you know the Meatpacking District as a whole was a comfortable neighborhood for the leather community." He noted that imagery of leather boys has often used to demonize gay men. "So I can fully appreciate why some members of our community are reluctant to have us out there in the front, but at the same time, if we're not out there pushing boundaries and pushing social mores, I think that we're always going to remain where we are. It's only when people are willing to come out, stand up and say, 'I'm not takin' this anymore,' that you can push a little bit and move a little bit forward. "The gay movement was a sexual-revolution movement," he continued, "and to shun the sex part of the sexual politics of a sexual revolution is a little short-sighted and naïve. I fully understand why it's important to do both: Sex positive and the married and living in Maplewood with a couple of kids. Both of them can help, but I don't think one should be sacrificed for the other." Next up: men in chaps. On a stage. But all was not going well for famed adult-film director and drag queen Chi Chi LaRue, who was playing game-show hostess: None of the contestants were able to match the cheek prints to the cowboys on display. Brian Mitchell, 28, was watching. He'd come down from Boston, where he does financial reporting for mutual funds. He was wearing a blue rubber jockstrap, a leather harness, a collar, boots, and a Red Sox baseball cap. (Which gave me pause to wonder: What would my seventh-grade gym teacher do if he knew that his gruff insistence on jockstraps was so in sync with a fashion fetish popular among gay men?) "It's an opportunity to get out of the backrooms of the bars and get out in the daylight more than anything else," said Mitchell. "It's an opportunity to walk the streets of New York in your leather harness or whatever, and be like, 'This is what I'm into, why should I be ashamed of that?'" Yes, he admitted, the Internet had made finding friends in the leather community a lot easier, but, he said, "Whatever connections you make on the Internet tend to be really shallow. I live in Boston, so I'm not likely to see most of the people I meet here ever again. But it's still nice to come out for a day and just be friendly with people and have a good time." He said he would not be returning for the more squeaky-clean NYC Pride parade this Sunday. "The Pride Parade tries to act more mainstream," he said. "I think there's an idea within the mainstream gay movement of saying, 'OK, we need to get mainstream society's acceptance.' They're saying, 'Oh, you know, we don't want crazy people walking around in jockstraps and harnesses. We want people talking about how they're in love and want to get married.' And that's fine. There's a place for that. But there's also a lot of people who don't want to get married, who want to walk around in jockstraps and harnesses." Next I met Master Lucas, a 32-year-old S&M professional who was doing a bondage demonstration on Scotty, a grizzly bear with a platinum mohawk. Scotty was suspended on a cross, shirtless, in a pair of black tights. He got the full treatment: flogging, paddling, spanking, caning, rubber flogging, as well as "some dragon tail work." "He's got some tolerance," Master Lucas said, breathing heavily, as an assistant brought him some water and began massaging his thighs. "He's definitely got some serious tolerance." Master Lucas has been in the leather community for 10 years. "It's evolved tremendously," he said. "There's a lot more young people involved now. I think years ago, it took people until they were 30 or 40 years old to say, 'Fuck it, I'm a kinky person, I'm gonna go do what I want with my life regardless of what the church and society think.'" I asked Scotty about his time on the cross. "It's painful," he gasped, "but it's trying to become it. I believe that there's kind of a long line between pain and pleasure, and it's manipulating that line… It sounds weird, but after a while and the many sensations, it's like a massive backrub." Scotty had come to New York from Idaho, where there is no leather scene. "Folsom Street is a chance for me to experience all the things that I locked up all year," he said, adding that the thing about the leather community is that it's the most "in-touch and sweet and tender-hearted of any, because it's very much into how the other person is feeling, and they're very concerned about how you're doing. I mean, while we were doing that, [Master Lucas] came up to me about four or five times and said, 'Hey, how are you doing?'" Spencer Morgan is a freelance writer living in Brooklyn. His column Men of Manhattan appears in The New York Observer. He is a contributing editor at Playboy magazine.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Hire a Construction Worker, Fire a Bus Driver? It's stimulus package logic: Lay off a bus driver now and hire a construction worker in a couple of months or a year. are cutting service and even laying off drivers. Yet not one cent from the $825 billion stimulus package would protect America's bus and subway riders from massive service cuts and fare hikes. To transit riders, environmentalists and anyone concerned with social justice, the stimulus package is political cognitive dissonance on an epic scale. The vast majority of the nation's transit riders are low-income bus passengers, many of them African Americans in center cities — the constituents that Obama ministered to as a community organizer on Chicago's South Side. Yet the proposed stimulus plan not only shortchanges public transit overall, it provides zero aid for day-to-day operations. It will take time for the economy and local government to digest and contract out billions in infrastructure spending. In contrast, local transit agencies can spend billions in stimulus aid quickly just by keeping existing bus and subway service operating. If the true intent of the stimulus is to inject money into the economy as quickly and efficiently as possible, and do so in an environmentally friendly and socially just manner, then transit operating assistance is an obvious choice. Don't forget pensions as a reason for the destruction of transit systems. Evidently lots of places adopted the enrich the pensions, cut the amount contributed the pensions, and promise that investment returns would pay for it all we've seen in New York. The turn in the investment world has exposed this for what it was. I only mention this because the Chicago Transit Authority was one of the worst offenders. They even had special massive "supplemental" pensions for the executives, like the ones that are wrecking private sector companies, the kind most recently exposed in the Wall Street Journal today. And while contributing nothing to the pensions, they were using the rapidly depleting pension fund to pay retiree health care as well, even though no money was set aside for that purpose, nearly wiping the pension fund out. Larry, as a NY state and city taxpayer, I completely and profoundly agree with you about the need for pension reform. However, given the Wall Street, home financing and auto bailouts, it is hard to see the fairness in applying a moral hazard test to transit operators. The criteria for the stimulus is supposed to be injecting money into the economy rapidly and with maximum effect. Supporting collapsing transit systems appears to be one of the best ways of doing that. This said, the medium to small transit operators would probably benefit the most from federal operating assistance given the size of their budgets and the likely amounts available. What is the good of saving habeas corpus if the U.S. puts itself into a corner where it has to nuke Iran to secure energy sources and pipeline routes? The irony of it is that pipleline route protection requires total control of the populace. I can understand cushioning transitions to prevent collapse. You can't create the industries of the future overnight. But given the state of the credit market, it seems that our future has been set in stone — McMansions and SUVs — back when we had capital to allocate, and these private debts, like the public debts and unfunded retiree costs, are sucking the future out of us. Again, I've shifted from a public sector career to government skepticism over policies like this. One more rant on pensions at this time of crisis in transit funding, exactly what we need Larry. Quickly, that wage settlements have been agreed to based on unfunded pension improvements has been a bad practice, entirely out of unions control in transit. NYCERS and NYPERS pensions, where the unions sit on the boards, are actually much better funded than the MABSTOA and LIRR pensions entirely under the MTA control, for what that is worth, and it is not worth much. Regardless, unfunded pensions are a big and on-going problem. Regardless, pensions are very important to the particular operations of public transit operations and, through Railroad Retirement, the private freight railroads. Transit and railroads have particular labor market needs that are best addressed through having pensions, retiree healthcare and seniority based benefits that tend to hold employees with that single employer. The equipment has a very long life-cycle and requires development of skills and knowledge specific to that equipment. It is important to hold those workers to the railroads and transit systems especially during boom times when employers in other sectors that demand comparable skills, E.g. heavy equipment, construction, truck repair and operation and automotive repair, are able to offer transit and railroad employees sufficient wage incentives to leave the rails and buses. Larry's attitude concerning pensions derives from a certain disdain of skilled union labor particularly but not limited to the MTA. This is often seen in frustrated college educated people who resent that the unwashed, uneducated, calloused can make as much or more as themselves. That people who work with their hands and backs are often less productive, more likely to injure themselves and others as they get older and therefor need pensions to hold them to that employer when they are young, strong and in demand is something lost on the "sink or swim" attitude implicit in Larry's arguments. He also hates the teachers. Ironically, I did too, thats why I became a mechanic and a welder taking to books as I got older. Pensions hold teachers in place too and are a valuable tool in that market. "Supplemental pensions" the kind lavished on executives as a tax dodge are another thing entirely but no one was holding a gun at anyones head when they negotiated these instead of the compensation needed to lure the primo executive from one employer to another. There the pension serves an entirely different labor market. There it is used as bait to encourage someone to make a leap from one job to the next. That New York used unfunded pension improvements to replace wages it was not willing to pay was a way for Pataki to print money sort of like bonds without the mess of actually selling them. Bad Pataki. He could, of course, have actually funded mass transit and workers pensions at the time which would have saved us all a lot of money in the long run. Now is the time to focus on other things. Lots of pensions are broke, 401Ks are 101Ks and there is a lot of misery going around. Funding transit should not be held hostage to Larry's jihad over past personal slights when he was an embittered public sector employee. Not so. It derives from a distain for those with advantages using their power to obtain more advantages, not limited to pensions, not limited to skilled workers, not limited to public employees, but across the board, with limited counter-examples. With regard to pensions, those in place a decade ago were fine enough, and should have been left alone. They sit on each other's boards, and use the same compensation consultants, knowing that if they agree to a deal for CEO A, it will be used to justify a raise for CEO B, and then for themselves. The market and negotiation has nothing to do with it as far as I am concerned. And as in the public sector case, the cost is disguised. Not while they are on the job. Those familiar with my writing on the subject noted the change in attitude that came with 25/55, combined with lower take home pay for new hires. Unjustifyable, and a planet shifing event in my view given its cost and what everyone knew was coming (unless they were being paid to pretend otherwise). I see the same thing over and over. Homeowners like myself already benefit from limitations on the growth of assessed value, but now also get that stupid $400 check. Senior citizens already benefitted from extensive government-funded health insurance, but rather than provide anything for the uninsured, they added benefits for those over 65. Pointing out the disparities doesn't seem to make people happy, but sobeit. Then again, pointing out the disparities doesn't seem to make a difference, either. Speaking of disparities. The point of the piece is that bus riders are getting shafted. Nationally, they are the poorest among us and are being asked to spend more for less while the feds propose spending $31 billion to refurbish federal office buildings and $30billion to maintain and construct mainly suburban highways. Even accounting for excessive pension benefits for some transit workers, this is hard to stomach. Starving the transit beast, as your arguments seem to suggest, will kill off its ridership, not cure it of its pension woes. a certain disdain of skilled union labor particularly but not limited to the MTA. This is often seen in frustrated college educated people who resent that the unwashed, uneducated, calloused can make as much or more as themselves. I'll take Larry's word on it that he doesn't feel this disdain. But it is all too common among transit bloggers, especially when it comes to the wages that people like station cleaners make. The fact that station cleaners are people who live in an expensive city, work hard and probably have mouths to feed doesn't seem to compute. After being led down off the ledge of $4.00 gas this summer, I can't understand why we're not embarking upon a "mission to Mars"-styled expansion of transit in this country. "Thanks" to the collapsing economy, gas prices have dropped and we now enjoy some welcome wiggle room in righting the wrongs of the last 30 years. Here we have an unprecedented opportunity for transit – with all the political planets in line – and… what exactly have we learned from this summer? Why should subway station cleaners make more than restaurant cleaners or office cleaners? I often wonder if it's easier to give transit funding and the like the shaft is because we don't have any big industries in the US that build most of the streetcars and buses anymore. I know there are some, but the MUNI system in SF uses cars imported from Italy (!) and I remember when they wanted to rebuild the US Capitol's subway, they had to hire a Canadian firm because no one in the US could build it. So, without a well paid army of lobbyists with their hands out for cash, you can see how easy it is for transit to get screwed. The fact we are giving billions to car companies too incompetent to build cars we need, and so on it just more icing on the cake. Jason A, if we had the same subsidy for transit as we have for private cars. We would have two public transit shuttles a day leaving for Mars. I worry about what they will make in two years. The "solution" is always to cut the wages, pensions, and benefits of new hires, as has already been proposed. What makes me nuts is how predictable it is — a repeated cycle for which ignorance is no excuse. And, once again, I have nothing against the highly skilled and difficult to replace majority of teachers or transit workers. Unfortunately, with one year paid to be retired for every year worked, we will be losing then without being able to replace them, again. In any event, for out local transit situation the debts are worse than the pensions, and I'll leave it at that. Larry, I know you have pointed out that 55/25 screws the new teachers. But you've never explained how it costs the public, at least that I'm aware. IOW, by screwing the new teachers, you end up with a situation where taxpayers are paying the same amount for a worse education system. We actually have some pretty large transit manufacturers in the US. Most of them are non-union however and can't match the joint clout that the UAW-Big Three lobby alliance or the Building Trades-Highway Lobby or in NY the 1199-Hospital Association juggernaut. The Class 1 Freight Railroads are starting to develop the sort of trust on joint issues with Rail Labor to move their issues in Washington and the state houses but they have a long way to go. Here, the big public transit employers and their unions have spent so much time at each others throats and blaming each other in the press that it has been hard to compose joint policies. Even now with NY transit hanging in the balance the TWU and TA are letting a third party decide their agreement without negotiating the critical Regional Bus understandings leaving it to the chaos of the NYS legislative process rather than formulate something that works for both of them. The pension issue conveniently distracts from the problem: the debt bomb is ticking and we are confonted with a dumb refusal by MTA and state and city officials to fight for a fair share of the stimulus for operating needs. BUT the problem of the day is that riders are being pushed to the wall with cuts in service and rising fares. Uncle Sam will be spending a $trillion$ on something. Why not help us argue for job creation, a better environment, less foreign oil, national defense? We all witnessed Katrina by the way. How will we evacuate New York with the current transit system, or worse one with even fewer buses? Transit is among the purest forms of stimulus and investing in it can remake the economy and our cities. Let's build buses and BRT…..before we see $4 gas again. Let's stop the fare increases and service cuts. Because government should set an example by not trying to screw its workers over? Government won't ever set such an example, Angus. Government is just like any other business, except that it's not formally for-profit, and it cannot have any competition. So government will behave in principle like any monopolist does. The only solution I can see is shrinking the geographic extent of government so that powerful local regimes like Mike Bloomberg's are able to compete with other powerful local regimes. NYC can clearly compete favorably with other American and European cities. I'm not at all sure the Federal Government can. Is it weird that my love for my city and this lost art of urban space design has led me to secessionism? After being led down off the ledge of $4.00 gas this summer, I can't understand why we're not embarking upon a "mission to Mars"-styled expansion of transit in this country. It's because most politicians act like they're from Mars. But the government has a mission of equal opportunity, and it can – and should – use its monopoly power to realize that mission. Of course I realize that government leaders don't always follow that egalitarian mission, the same way that business leaders sometimes allow concern for their fellow creatures to trump cold profit maximization. My point is in response to Ian and Oscar's question: the government has more of a mandate to pay its workers a living wage than the private sector. All workers who are supporting themselves deserve a living wage, but for the government to pay hardworking people peanuts is just wrong. I think we're going to have to agree to disagree. It's not at all clear to me that hiring fewer and more highly paid subway cleaners leads to more equal opportunity, or for that matter that hiring the same number of subway cleaners with higher taxes leads to equal opportunity. I would much rather that the government treat its transportation system like a transportation system, and not a welfare system. If wages are too low, then a better place to do so is through something like the Earned Income Tax Credit, and not by discouraging employment. Very much satisfied with the suggestion which you provided and kept these ideas in my mind in investment and pension funding….. Transit agencies all over the country are nearing a state of emergency. At the same time that rising gas prices are leading more Americans to opt for buses and trains, transit operators are being forced to cut service and raise fares due to budget shortfalls. Will Transit, Bikes, and Peds Get a Stimulus We Can Believe In?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
+44 117 924 [email protected] Exhibitors at Trade Shows TV & Film Producers Education Providers Museums & Visitor Centres Renewable Energy Suppliers Prototyping & Manufacturing Prop Making & Sculpture Scenic & Theming Exhibition Design & Build Point of Sale Design & Build Vacuum Casting Recycling Interactives Bespoke Plinths & Display Cases Exhibition&Display How Interactive Props help bring drama into a story This month we look at how interactive props make such a difference when you're running an educational workshop. Every business, charity or organisation has a story to tell, which they may share in visitor centres or through their open events and professional workshops. The greatest challenge is similar for all: making the story resonate with the audience. For children especially, they love drama. We create our memories by forming stories, so the ones we can best recall are the ones that were dramatic. When we met The Bumblebee Conservation Trust to talk about their plans for a bumblebee science roadshow, it was great to see them planning interactive props to support the educational goals. Education officer, Andy Benson, had developed a clear script to bring the workshops alive. Andy's initial concept was to create a theatrical stage set, presenting the children with a colourful, layered arena for storytelling during the… Five secrets about the famous Bristol arts trail, Gromit Unleashed 2 With Gromit Unleashed 2 launching all over Bristol, we can finally start to tell the story of our involvement in a bit more detail. There has been a lot of fun and hard work building the sculptures for this summer's art trail for The Grand Appeal. We were thrilled to announce our involvement last year and since then, the team has stretched their combined creative muscles to prepare the sculptures in time. It's been a pleasure working with the artists and the organisers, and now it's nearly time to reveal our own design - InCognito. The characters of Wallace and Gromit, and their arch-enemy Feathers McGraw are familiar for fans of the films and if you live in Bristol, you'll see them in over 60 locations around the city over the summer. But we want you to take a peek behind the making of the sculptures. Did you know that?:… Ultrahaptics exhibition display Next-generation interactive technology for Ultrahaptics exhibition display Exhibition stand designers have a tough job to deliver new displays or refresh content in time for the next trade show. Whether you're the busy marketing manager or a creative agency helping clients to get ready, there's a fine balance to achieve: Innovative ideas to showcase your products/services Realistic plan and budget to cover all event and marketing costs Attention-grabbing design to make a high impact on visitors Project management to create the content on time Physical build plans for the final construction Every exhibition is busy, so we work with our clients to make their display stand out. In this Business Leader article, Heather Mcdonald Tait from Ultrahaptics highlights the importance of being original with your ideas, with some great photos of the Ultrahaptics exhibition stand at CES, with the ATM kiosk designed by Crux and built by us here at Amalgam… Technical 3D design for a high impact display When a new product is ready for the big reveal, a large scale in-store display often works to grab attention and get people talking, which we talked about for premium brands. To create a high impact display, it's often the technical detail which matters most – looking at how the display is made, and what structural support or suspension points it needs – to be congruent with the design. The process starts with our clients' ideas; when they come and talk to us, our role is to interpret their design and bring it to life. We always aim to achieve a result which looks sleek, with no interruptions on the aesthetics of the finished display. Making something appear that way can take time testing and iterating the physical features in 3D CAD. Where to use a large-scale creative display? The obvious answer as to why choose a large-scale model is… Concept design and prototyping for Valentine's Day integrated / POS campaign To develop a successful in-store campaign, a marketing team has to coordinate many elements to ensure shoppers experience the same message everywhere. A physical anchor or theme helps to make the words more memorable and connect with the audience. For their Valentine's Day gift range, diamond jewellery brand, Forevermark, chose the iconic hot air balloon to symbolise their "True love is unstoppable" message. Challenge: Design a single concept for global stores / one size fits all Forevermark were developing a brand campaign message to capture the imagination of shoppers through social media, online advertising and in their in-store marketing. Globally they have Authorised Forevermark Jewellers with very different sizes of shop windows and display counters. For consistent branding, Forevermark provides white point-of-sale (POS) display frames to create displays for different pieces of jewellery in each store. The idea was to provide fresh artwork to enhance the in-store displays for 2-3… Festive Fizz – resin casting techniques to create realistic visual effects Realistic visual effects are in demand at this festive time of year for window displays, point-of-sale and attention-grabbing in-store concessions. Using artificial food and drink obviously avoids the issues of short-shelf life and spillage hazards. Our wide-range of in-house creative skills enable us to test, develop and replicate everyday products for visual displays or to use in photography and filming for advertising. One recent project for set designer, Miri Katz, raised fresh challenges for the team. The end-client was looking for a wow-factor display to feature in a champagne brand advert. Having designed and pitched her idea, our client wanted to know how it could be delivered. The key requirement was to create realistic visual effects for the audience to imagine real bubbly in the glasses. Outlining the brief Our client came to us with the concept to explore what would be possible. The key concerns to address were: Authentic… Creating premium brand displays: here to make you look good Premium brand displays in store have a mysterious appeal. Done well, the mix of quality and exclusivity inspires us to spend more because it feels good. Behind the scenes, we know a lot of work goes into product innovation, developing the brand, premium props, designing spaces and creating visual merchandising. Wow-factor premium brand displays are a blend of creative concepts and excellent delivery, just like any project. To deliver it successfully, you have to stretch the budget and time across both design and build quality, although it can become skewed by one premium prop or bespoke design. At Amalgam, we're here to make you look good, with our tips for creating your premium point-of-sale display: Share your plans early When exploring concepts, your team will have plenty of ideas - whether working with a creative director or agency, retail designer, shop fitter or specialist prop makers. The earlier you can share… Creating Aardman sculptures for The Grand Appeal 2018 Sculpture Trail We were honoured to be asked by The Grand Appeal to sculpt the characters for next year's 2018, Bristol sculpture trail, Gromit Unleashed 2. The three characters, Wallace, Gromit and Feathers, were unveiled yesterday at an event in Aardman HQ in Bristol and we were lucky enough to be there to witness the great reveal. Please keep an eye on this space where we will be talking more about the processes involved with making these iconic sculptures! Stand-out marine models help BMT launch latest concept designs BMT are launching two concept designs at DSEI 2017 in London. To form an eye-catching centrepiece for their stand, they commissioned us to create a pair of marine models of their concept designs for mine mine warfare and hydrographic vessel, VENARI®-85 and Type 31e frigate contender, VENATOR®-110. BMT Defence Services aims to demonstrate flexibility in these designs to serve the needs of the Royal Navy and requirements in the export market. Their marketing team planned this year's display for the BMT brand to stand out at the busy exhibition. Although they have tested 3D renders and virtual reality for demonstrating their concept designs, BMT confirms people still love a physical model - to gather round and explore the detail. Both scale models are designed to demonstrate BMT's multi-purpose capability and sheer amount of on-board and off-board kit they can carry, with VENARI-85 built at 1:125 and VENATOR-110 produced at 1:150.… Megamorph, Aardman's desktop icon gets supersized. Still Naughty at 40! - Megamorph, an Amalgam giant poly sculpt. To celebrate the Morph: Still Naughty at 40! exhibition at The Mall at Cribbs Causeway, Amalgam Modelmaking was asked by The Grand Appeal Charity to produce a 3 metre high Megamorph. A giant version of one of Aardman's most iconic characters, Morph. Having previously made a life sized version of Wallace and collaborated on the touring exhibition "Wallace and Gromit Present a World of Cracking Ideas" we were honoured to be involved in such a prestigious project. After several discussions about which pose Morph should be in, we were supplied with a model made by Peter Lord, Morph's original creator, to use as reference. The next stage would usually involve us 3D scanning the model and then using a 5 axis CNC machine to produce the basic form, but in keeping with Morph's handmade look and feel, we decided to… Land/Sea & Air Props & Sets Royal International Air Tattoo – 19-21 July 2019 The Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford is the largest of its kind in World and in its 48th year. Amalgam Modelmaking are pleased to be ... New Blades 'Most Ambitious' Award sponsored by Amalgam New Blades 2019 is the 27th annual model makers recruitment fair and awards event for model makers and creatives. This year, Amalgam are sponsors and ... The Grand Appeal – GU2 – UPDATE £2 million raised by Gromit Unleashed 2 for Bristol Children's Hospital The Grand Appeal, the Bristol Children's Hospital charity, has announced that ... We're on the move – to a new, bigger location in Bristol By 21 January 2019 we will have moved to our centre of operations to a new site near the centre of Bristol in Lawrence Hill. It's with a mixture of ... Copyright © 2016 - 2019 Amalgam Modelmaking Ltd | Privacy Policy [email protected] Prototyping and manufacturing
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
The TV Obsessed Week In Review: The Good Wife, The River, Once Upon A Time The TV Obsessed | March 15, 2012 | Columns, Features, Reviews | No Comments I'll be very busy for the next few weeks, so I'll won't have much to say about the shows. The Walking Dead: Now we're getting somewhere. Shane has been on the fence this entire, neither evil villain nor good guy, but he kept being painted as being dangerous. Indeed, he did kill Otis and as much as admitted it to several people. He finally snapped, and it ratcheted tension up several notches. With Dale and Shane dead and pack of zombies near the farm, it looks like things will start happening. Shameless: I don't know about other people, but Monica is too mean and uncaring to be likable, even when she's supposed to be silly. Other than that, the episode was on point with the ghost business and Estefania phone sex. I like how The Good Wife handled Caitlin. She wasn't a manipulator or scheming in the least bit–she was just doing her job. The writers, through Alicia, kind of led us into this direction where there would be this major confrontation between Alicia and Caitlin once Caitlin unveiled her master plan. But that never happened. Caitlin explains why she quitting the firm–because she's pregnant and has a loving fiance–and walks off, leaving a stunned Alicia. It's a fitting contrast to Alicia, who thinks she has something to prove, but is now unsure of the path she's on, a message greatly enhanced by the possibility of rebuying she old home and seeing the marks of how tall everyone in the family was. Without another love story about people who had to stay apart, Once Upon a Time was much more enjoyable last night. The Storybrooke stuff was somewhat forgettable, especially because it was all setup, but the Red story was gruesome and fun. For whatever reason, possibly as as test, The Mentalist aired on both Thursday and Friday. The first episode was more potent because it had the specter of Darcy doing something in secret, which was eventually revealed to be the FBI investigating Jane for his ties to Red John. The second episode was a mix of everything, with more focus on Rigsby and Cho for a change. Awake ends its second episode with a clear message: there's a conspiracy. Given how many shows have tried conspiracies and not gotten them right, I'm a bit wary about this. On the other hands, the anemic ratings indicates there won't be a second season anyway. Psych's horror movie homage was all sorts of good. It was actually scary at times, funny at other times. In a very cool episode of Justified, Raylan gets trapped by Quarles and the FBI (which is indirectly Quarles doing), and narrowly makes it out. I like how Limehouse is playing it. While Quarles and Boyd are duking it out and putting themselves in the crosshairs of law enforcement, he's playing it cool, trying to keep things calm for his people before making any hasty decisions. I assumed that Lucy Liu wouldn't be staying on Southland for another season, and this seems even more certain now that she signed onto a pilot. Now there's a plot that signals Tang's potential exit. Cooper is intent of getting to the bottom of the shooting, whether she removed the cap from the gun. Last week's episode of The River was the strongest episode yet, including the pilot. My initial thought was that the episode should have come earlier. But looking back, the episode was right where it belonged. The meager character development in previous episodes actually paid off well in the episode as we look on the tapes of the past. Everyone has some stake in what's going on, and the characters hearing Emmett talk was quite potent. The final twist of the abandoned compound was pretty sweet also, although the bad ratings probably means we won't see more beyond the final two episodes. After Alcatraz's latest two episodes, I told myself I'd be fine seeing it come back for another season. The episodes seemed to have more grit than previous ones Smash wavers between earnest and way too dramatic, and this incongruity is unnerving. I want to like the show, but there are times when it's really annoying. Being Human'ssecond season has been all over the place. Each of the three characters have their own stories, and, aside from some chance intersections, haven't really interacted to the extent that they should. This disconnect leads to a general sense of the plot never moving, as a whole and in individual episodes. It feels like brief snippets and then the episode is over. Tags: Awake, Justified, Shameless, The Good Wife The TV Obsessed "The TV Obsessed" is a person who watches lots TV and reviews every episodes. This results in the occasional lack of sleep and English mistakes. Check out the full site http://th3tvobsessed.blogspot.com/ or follow me on twitter
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Alexander Macleay (* 24. Juni 1767 in Ross-shire, Schottland; † 18. Juli 1848 in New South Wales) war ein britisch-australischer Politiker und Entomologe. Leben Sein Vater William war Provost der Stadt Wick. Macleay erhielt eine gute Erziehung und wurde 1795 leitender Beamter im Amt für Kriegsgefangene. 1797 wurde er Leiter des Department of Correspondence des Transport Board der Royal Navy und 1806 bis zu seiner Pensionierung 1818 dessen Sekretär. 1825 wurde er Kolonialsekretär für New South Wales, was er bis 1837 blieb, und lebte ab 1826 in Sydney. 1843 bis 1846 war er Sprecher der gesetzgebenden Versammlung. Er starb 1848 nach einem Kutschenunfall. Er galt als exzellenter Entomologe und Botaniker (mit einem zu seiner Zeit bekannten Garten in seinem Haus in Elizabeth Bay mit seltenen Pflanzen), publizierte selbst aber nichts. Seine Insektensammlung (vor allem Schmetterlinge) war eine der besten privaten Sammlungen ihrer Zeit. Er sammelte auch Vogelbälge und schickte diese an die Linnean Society in London. Er gilt als einer der Gründer des Australian Museum. Er war verheiratet (seine Frau Eliza Barclay starb 1847) und hatte 17 Kinder. Sein Sohn William Sharp Macleay war ebenfalls Entomologe und erbte seinen Landsitz bei Sydney (Elizabeth Bay House) und seine Sammlung. Er war Fellow der Linnean Society of London (1795) und 1798 bis 1825 deren Sekretär und er war Fellow der Royal Society. Der Macleay River in Australien ist ebenso wie Graphium macleayanus, ein zu den Ritterfaltern zählender Schmetterling nach ihm benannt. Literatur Weblinks Dictionary of Australian Biography (englisch) Entomologe Brite Person (Australien) Geboren 1767 Gestorben 1848 Mann
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
* [How to install Warden](./Installation.md) * [Installing from the Debian package](./Installation.md#installing-from-the-debian-package) * [Installing from source](./Installation.md#installing-from-source) * [How to configure Warden](./Configuration.md) * [Command-line Options](./Configuration.md#command-line-options) * [Configuration Files](./Configuration.md#configuration-files) * [Default configuration File](./Configuration.md#default-configuration-file) * [Configuration Key Reference](./Configuration.md#configuration-key-reference) * [How to use Warden](./Usage.md) * [Running Warden](./Usage.md#running-warden) * [Stopping Warden](./Usage.md#stopping-warden) * [Monitoring Warden](./Usage.md#monitoring-warden)
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
Q: Finding highest frequency from the recorded sound-includes FFT I am working on a project where i have to create a Tone Listener such that i can record a tone using AudioRecord class of Android. This tone listener will listen to the tone and then will give out the frequency of the tone. I am using FFT for getting the frequency but am stuck as it does not give me the exact frequency. Is there any way that can work? I am in search of FFT and audio record class of android. The snippet of the code is as follows: while (isListening) { for (int t = 0; t <= 5; t++) { // System.out.println("Inside for loop"); int numberOfShortsRead = audioRecord .read(audioData, audioSize, (kRecorderNumberOfSamples - audioSize)); // System.out.println("Read"+numberOfShortsRead); if (numberOfShortsRead > 0) { System.out.println("inside read>0"); System.out.println("Number of read" + numberOfShortsRead); audioSize += numberOfShortsRead; System.out .println("Final audio data size" + audioSize); System.out.println("Number Of Samples" + kRecorderNumberOfSamples); if (kRecorderNumberOfSamples == audioSize) { for (int i = 0; i < audioSize; i++) { x[i] = audioData[i]; // real y[i] = 0; // imaginary } System.out.println("Inside FFT" + "x" + x + "y" + y); int i, j, k, n1, n2, a; double c, s, t1, t2; // Bit-reverse j = 0; n2 = n / 2; for (i = 1; i < n - 1; i++) { n1 = n2; while (j >= n1) { j = j - n1; n1 = n1 / 2; } j = j + n1; if (i < j) { t1 = x[i]; x[i] = x[j]; x[j] = t1; t1 = y[i]; y[i] = y[j]; y[j] = t1; } } // FFT n1 = 0; n2 = 1; for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { n1 = n2; n2 = n2 + n2; a = 0; for (j = 0; j < n1; j++) { c = cos[a]; s = sin[a]; a += 1 << (m - i - 1); for (k = j; k < n; k = k + n2) { t1 = c * x[k + n1] - s * y[k + n1]; t2 = s * x[k + n1] + c * y[k + n1]; x[k + n1] = x[k] - t1; y[k + n1] = y[k] - t2; x[k] = x[k] + t1; y[k] = y[k] + t2; } } } A: Assuming your FFT algorithm works, to get the most prominent frequency in your audio data you have to find the frequency where the magnitude is greatest.So in other words find the FFT data point(s) that have the highest magnitude.If you want a more precise values of frequencies you will need to use a higher N to get more resolution. Hope that helped A: Frequency estimation methods, such as parabolic interpolation of windowed FFT magnitude peaks (or Sinc interpolation of the complex FFT results) might provide a closer estimate of an exact frequency, as will using more data with a longer FFT, which provides more closely spaced FFT frequency result bins. You may have to buffer up more recorded samples until you have enough use that longer FFT. Zero-padding before a longer FFT is also another method of interpolation for frequency estimation, but the result will be noisier and thus less accurate than using more data.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Boysswim shorts by BOSS made from smooth lightweight polyester with a soft mesh lining and an elasticated waistband. There is a bold iconic logo print on the side. Hugo Boss Swimshorts. Boysswim shorts by BOSS made from smooth lightweight polyester with a soft mesh lining and an elasticated waistband. There is a bold iconic logo print on the side. 100% Polyester. Lining: 100% Polyester mesh. Machine washable at 30°C.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Ethanol futures continue to back off of seasonal summer highs over the last three weeks following what is expected to be slower demand over the second half of the summer and a sharp sell-off in the corn market. Nearby ethanol futures are trading between $1.50 and $1.58 per gallon during the first week in July. This compares to prices above $1.70 per gallon at the middle of June. It is typical that overall gasoline and ethanol demand will start to fade following the Fourth of July holiday, which corresponds with slower buyer support from consumers through the end of the summer and early fall. Demand is expected to remain relatively firm, but following seasonal patterns, potentially pushing prices lower through the next several weeks. Corn prices over the last two months have continued to be the main focus of ethanol market. The aggressive price rally through May and first half of June pushed contracts to prices not seen since July 2015. But the result of sharp pressure in grain markets and changing weather patterns has shed more than $1 per bushel off of the corn futures price, driving corn markets to contract lows. This pressure alone seen in the corn market accounts for a 35-cent-per-gallon cost difference in ethanol production. It is likely that corn prices will continue to remain volatile as weather patterns may continue to change over the next several weeks due to pollination of corn through the Corn Belt. But noncommercial traders have also quickly backed away from commodity markets in the last two weeks, creating additional uncertainty through the market.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
why you need a Web Designer to put up a Web Page? Have you put up a website? Are you considering putting one up yourself? Web design involves the process of planning after conceptualizing, selection of graphics, layout, design, text, mode of interaction and information available on a web page. If you are familiar with programming languages such as HTML, it should be easy for you to set-up and design one using the code to input any information or design you require. Html is one of the simplest coding languages available. Alternatively you can consider using pre-existing and customizable web design offered by various sites. Contact a website design expert to help you create and build a unique website which will be well and popular in developed cities such as web design Toronto Canada, New York or England to attract a larger market. Web designers will help in marketing and communication in that they will quickly and concisely relay the information about services or goods being offered. They will also input the required coding so your website can appear on search engines! Prevent any bugs or technical glitches. It is annoying when you navigate a certain website and it is unresponsive or keeps hanging. This will no doubt turn possible customers away. Web designers apply their knowledge in coding to prevent such problems and fix them when they occur.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Share with us, what is your WEIRDEST pregnancy craving and stand a chance to WIN a set of Combi 2-in-1 Manual + Electric Breast Pump – Designed for Asian Moms (worth $289)! ⏰ This giveaway will end on 20 Dec 2018. Hurry and share this with your family or friends who are currently pregnant! As this giveaway is for pregnant mummy, the selected winner is required to produce document (i.e. doctor;s letter) which states the mum's name and EDD when collecting the prize. Photos will be taken during prize collection to be used on marketing collaterals by Combi Singapore and The New Age Parents. By participating in the contest means you agree to the terms and conditions.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Lithops, also known as living or flowering stones, are native to the dry regions of South Africa. In their natural environment, Lithops receive less than 2 inches of rainfall per month throughout the entire year. They could not survive these harsh regions if not for their capacity to store water. Because these succulents survive under such arid conditions, watering should be minimal and infrequent. They are dormant during the summer so too much water will cause them to rot. I wouldn't recommend planting them in an enclosed terrarium either as they will surely die a quick death! They are ideal houseplants as long as there is adequate light. As houseplants, they require at least 3 hours of direct sunlight. Southern exposure is best. Lovely in an open table top dish garden, group a few together, add sand, pebbles, and even seashells to mimic their natural environment.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Its authorized share capital is Rs. For DSL internet, you also might need line filters to connect to your phone jacks. uk DSL understands your requirements and offers the skills to work with you, from first concept or engineering drawings, right through to site commissioning. 21 media Nissin Chemical Successfully Participated in『CHINACOAT - A GLOBAL COATINGS SHOW』. Send message to DSL Chemicals (Shanghai) Co. (GYC Group) founded in 1983, we are the biggest supplier of Specialty Chemicals in Taiwan, uphold the business philosophy of innovation value, committed to inject the contribution for the Taiwan fine chemical industry. A Verified CN Gold Supplier on Alibaba. MFG and distributor of premium chemicals : DOP, DBP, TCE, Calcium Carbonate, Calcium Stearate, Calcium Hydroxide, Zinc Stearate, Stearic Acid, TiO2 dispersion. Anhui Herrman Light Industries Co Ltd was found: 1997. Main products: Scale inhibitors, corrosion inhibitors, chelating agents, biocides, cleaning agent, dispersant, etc. 19 We have renewed our website. manufacturing techniques and sales support. High Purity Metal Powder. Our terminals store and handle petroleum products, chemicals and other products. , Ltd -Under all lighting conditions, fluorescent pigments shine brighter and more vividly than ordinary pigment types. We aim to be one of the leading global chemical suppliers by creating added value. Ritta Construction Company Ritta Co. Based on the corporate philosophy of 'Otsuka - people creating new products for better health worldwide', Otsuka Holdings aims to lead a global value-creating group that is dedicated to contributing to a more healthy and prosperous life for people the world over. ,Ltd All Rights Reserved. Welcome to Biddle Sawyer. At the moment,we can supply more than 60,000 regular products,and combining the strong research teams and professional supplier network, we can also provide flexible. Huzhou City Linghu Xinwang Chemical Co. It has fixed capital equal to 60 million RMB and its annual output value 150 million RMB. We are located in Middlefield, OH. The Klesch Group is an international industrial commodities group. We produce industrial chemical solutions that serve the sanitation needs of Beverage, Bottled Water, Citrus, Dairy, and Meat Packing industries International Chemical Corp Contact Us. , Experts in Manufacturing and Exporting sodium nitrate, sodium nitrite and 585 more Products. Call 1-866-445-8084 for availability. DADAO CHEMICALS GROUP, as one of the biggest factory in China. ›Logistics System. Borealis is a leading provider of innovative solutions in the fields of polyolefins, base chemicals and fertilizers. Mitsui & Co. pi chemicals is your source. Mirroring his character of integrity, hard work and concern for others, Perdaman strives to be the best in communities across all our ventures. Anderson Chemical Company more popularly known as ANCO, USA. Today Co-Location is a business solution for companies who wish to rent space for servers and other computing hardware in a professional environment. 5 megawatt solar farm. is located at Jinshan town of Linzi district - the ancient capital of Qi, it has convenient transportation. We own a diversified and wide-ranging product set. Ace Chemical Company is an Australian owned chemical wholesaler and formulator that has been servicing a wide range of industries throughout Australia since 1970. Affirms that when a party misrepresents the significance of a term, it ceases to be contractually binding. IR LIBRARY. DSL Chem focus on quality management system to let DSL Chem be different from others, not only quality of the product, but also the package, logistics and customer services. Buy & shop online soda ash,sodium bicarbonate,caustic soda,calcium carbide,SODIUM SILICATE,MAGNESIUM SULFATE,PHOSPHORIC ACID from tianjin nortrh chemical industry co. had joined these categories: Organic Chemicals Pharmaceutical Chemicals See More. Has a top status among the customers especially for the production and domestic and export sales of calcium carbide,paraffin wax,caustic soda,PVC ,food additives and other chemicals. Wear protective gloves and eye/face protection. 1 Jinxiu Road, Economic and Technical Development. Shanghai Xinglu Chemical Technology Co. The TGV group of companies leads the arena of power and infrastructure development with three of their best companies. com PRIVATE POLICYSupport by WHMall. , LTD specialize in producing, offering and developing a wide range of chemicals. Nanjing jiayi Sunway chemical CO. We're developing the ultimate communications network to power high-quality, secure, affordable, fast connections to impact people's lives anywhere. The best place for chemists and chemical industry professionals to find chemicals, equipment, services and chemical resources. Is an ISO-certified modernized chemical enterprise concentrating on the production, sales and service for pesticide, plastic and coating additives, fine chemicals and intermediates. Please be sure to fill the items with asterisks. Now it has been emerging as one of the wordwide major specialty chemical producer and a global service provider. Formation of CCC Chemical Commerce Co. Are you looking for a high quality supplier for your own range of automotive, marine or aviation detailing chemicals? At Infinity we specialise in low volume manufacturing, designed to meet the needs of small business. This account is no longer active. Welcome to Everspring Chemical. ,Ltd was established in performing as food ingredient business importer with more than 30 years of experience in food industry. Biddle Sawyer is a trusted veteran in the field of chemical supply, marketing, and distribution. Specialty Chemicals. English only. U-JIN Chemical Co. Union Carbide Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company. Product Lineup. (currently known as SCG Chemicals Co. 10 searches per day may be enough if you are just monitoring a few competitors or researching suppliers in a single industry. , Huamark, Bangkapi, Bangkok, Thailand 10240. From simple coil winding to critical transformer designing and manufacturing, audio transformers to RF transformers, standard product lines to custom designs -- UMEC USA offers powerful flexibility for supplying customers needs in many different applications. Disclaimer Conflict Minerals Disclosure Cautionary Statements Modern Slavery Statement. E2 Longshan Industry Zone,Yinglong Road,Tianhe District Guangzhou. Hubei Xian Lin Chemical Co. EarthLink knows the internet. Lianhe Chemical Technology Co. Merck UK homepage. Vasant Chemicals is an established manufacturing organization with more than 30 years of proud history and a very strong goodwill in the industry. We have well operated companies in China mainland, Hong Kong and the European Union. Koyo Kaiun ensure safe and precise operations every day. by Our Parent Company Kuraray Co. An ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018 Certified company having nearly 4 decades of experience in the manufacturing of dyes and dyes intermediates. DSL Chemicals (Changzhou) R&D Center DSL Chemicals (Nantong) Co. Are you looking for a high quality supplier for your own range of automotive, marine or aviation detailing chemicals? At Infinity we specialise in low volume manufacturing, designed to meet the needs of small business. It covers an area of 260, 000 square meters. Nanjing Chemlin Chemical Industry Co. SEKISUI CHEMICAL GmbH was established in 1962 as the representative organization of Sekisui's European operations to provide various advanced solutions through import and export activities between Sekisui Japan and the European markets. Borun New Material Technology Co. ,limited is a professional food additive, feed additive manufacturer in China, always develops new technologies and a wide range of high quality products • A. 2/4 Wash hands thoroughly after handling. All of our companies stand out in their respective fields. Home; Have a Home Page! CHEM. Drexel Chemical Company, an American Company. From our revolutionary control panels, to our industry-leading IP alarm monitoring products and now to our sleek, contemporary self-contained wireless panels, DSC has always been front and center in the security space. 1984 Fast Dependable Service For Your Chemical Needs: POWDERS • LIQUIDS • BLENDS: Stocking throughout the United States - Quick Pricing - Great Service Our job is to make your job easier. Address:12A-11 Yangguang Shuma Building, 596 Huang Pu Road, DaLian, Liaoning 116023, P. We Specialize in cleaners, polishes and lubricants and offer the following services to all of our customers: Package sizes from 0. Since it's foundation in 1979, Kukdong Oil & Chemicals Co. Miwon Specialty Chemical Co. existing management took over the company. Headquartered in New York City, we have warehouses, offices, and associate partners around the world. Rothwell v Chemical and Insulating Co [2007] UKHL 39. Our company covers an area of 45 mu and construction area of 26000 square meters, The fixed assets amounted to RMB 50 million and employees more. "Been with Axxess for more than ten years, and the service and pricing is the best in Southern Africa without a doubt, and yes I have tried many other ISP's in SA only to return and find that Axxess is the best. is a Korea-based company mainly engaged in the manufacture of chemical products. established in 1998, is a chemical manufacturing company mainly producing formic acid, glacial acetic acid, dyeing acetic acid, calcium formate, sodium formate. We are active in Life Science, Performance Materials and Healthcare. In addition to offering innovative chemical solutions—process aids, water technologies and functional additives—the company also offers an advanced suite of monitoring and control systems, all fully backed by expert insight and support. Certficate. More products from DSL Chemicals (Shanghai) Co. Is an ISO-certified modernized chemical enterprise concentrating on the production, sales and service for pesticide, plastic and coating additives, fine chemicals and intermediates. , Ltd is state pointed key pesticide manufacturing enterprise. The Clorox Company offers products that make everyday life better, every day. Send message to DSL Chemicals (Shanghai) Co. News March 20, 2019. is located in Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang province, the largest pharmaceutical raw materials manufacturing base in China. Shanghai Witofly Chemical Co. ,LTD and it's brother company Henan EME Technology Co. , it is now a state-level high-tech enterprise located in Jiangsu Binhai Coastal Industrial Park. The website of FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation. Top Commitment. Borealis is a leading provider of innovative solutions in the fields of polyolefins, base chemicals and fertilizers. Francois Marine Korea Co. , Ltd is a newly established large chemical group with annual capacity of 300,000 tons of all kinds of chemical Products. Home; Products. כצט היא חברת תרופות ומוצרי צריכה מהמובילות בישראל קיימת מאז 1921. tianjin nortrh chemical industry co. , Ltd a chemical and pharmaceutical company established in 1999, headquartered at the National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Area of Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, China. , founded in 2003a large manufacturer and trading company. We offer our unique rare earth fluorescent labeling agent and antibody products. For DSL internet, you also might need line filters to connect to your phone jacks. Get started with our award-winning Smart Home Technology, Whole-Home Wi-Fi, IP cameras, business switches and more today. ,LTD is a comprehensive enterprise, With headquater in Tokyo, Japan ,Research certer & factory in China, India ,we continues developing or sourcing the high-end intermediates, API and specialty materials etc. Sree Rayalaseema Hi-strength Hypo Ltd is the only Indian manufacturer of Calcium Hypochlorite. Company Name: Sunjin Chemical Co. FEIMING CHEMICAL LIMITED. Zaozhuang Kerui Chemicals Co. The Clorox Company offers products that make everyday life better, every day. After years development, the company has been awarded as ' Contract Trustworthy Enterprise ', 'Top 10 Developing Enterprise '. Since the company's genesis, the experts at DSC have been leading the way. Welcome to Oriental Trading Company Limited Oriental Trading Company (OTC) empowers its customers with quality, synergy, reliability, efficiency, and value. Our Businesses To enhance focus, Atul has placed products belonging to the 2 reporting segments, Life Science Chemicals and Performance and Other Chemicals under 9 Businesses. Summit Chemical Company strives to promote and develop novel solutions for pest control. , Ltd is a professional API610 pumps production, scientific research, development, sales, service in one of the modern pump enterprises. Welcome to GB Chemicals Pte Ltd. was established in 1974 to manufacture zinc chloride. Building strong relationships, supplying quality products and surpassing client expectations have been the key drivers of Sunvel Chemical. CGCL's Gas to Petrochemical Complex is Trinidad and Tobago's 8 th Methanol Plant and its 1 st Dimethyl Ether (DME) Facility. Iridium (Ir) Ruthenium (Ru) Development Product. Receives FDA 510(k) Clearance for OPTIGEN ® AP3600 ™, an advanced solution for multiplex allergy testing. A database of chemicals and directory of companies providing products and services for drug discovery industry. DSL Fuels - Diesel Supply Logistics (Pty) Ltd specialises in the wholesale trading of petroleum products since 2012. Buy & shop online Activated carbon,Carbon Black from Tianjin Liantuojin chemical Co. 10 Company Searches Per Day. With state-of-the-art technology, outstanding product quality and satisfying customer service, NETIS SYSTEMS has become a major provider in the data communication industry, with a growing reputation for reliable products worldwide. Gallade Chemical is a 40-year-old company supplying research and laboratory chemicals. is specialized in the manufacturing, importing and exporting of various Chemical materials, including Pharmaceuticals, Food additives, and so on. Hy-Gro Chemicals Pharmtek Pvt. Based on stringent management, advanced techniques of procedure and testing,our products, glycine and it's derivatives have the markets notonly in domestic but also in overseas, and it has been. Xiamen Zhongyuan Hongye Chemical Co. YingYang (China) Aroma Chemical Group. We focus on the research, development, production, sales and service of all kind of cosmetic material. Established in 1996, Capot Chemical Co. Our company was established in 1917. Up to now, we have established one research center and three manufacturing bases in Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shandong province separately. ACI Limited ADVANCING POSSIBILITIES. researches, manufactures and develops wide range of chemical compounds such as aromatic organic intermediates, intermediates for pesticides, intermediates for pharmaceuticals and active pharmaceutical ingredients. You can have confidence in all our Laboratory Chemicals, Laboratory Equipment, and Laboratory Consumables. Market leader in water treatment and chemical distribution in Australia and New Zealand, with a growing presence in Asia and Latin America. , also known as DSL, is established in 1991. Affirms that when a party misrepresents the significance of a term, it ceases to be contractually binding. Lately, Wanhua Chemical successfully launched its first phase 70kt/a polycarbonate (PC) equipment at Yantai Industrial Park, after. Send message to DSL Chemicals (Shanghai) Co. Guidechem chemical B2B network provides information on china and global chemical market quotation and relative chemical Information. Entech Chemical & Supply Co. This account is no longer active. focus on phosphorus chemicals for over 20 years. mitsui chemicals (china) co. m food chemical co. J&H Chemical is one of China's leading providers of integrated fine chemical services including offering, research and development, Custom manufacturing business, as well as other Value-added customer services, for diversified range products of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and specialities. We welcome you to contact us and look forward to becoming your reliable partner. In the 1960's W. , APL Logistics Bonded Supply Chain Services (Shanghai) Co. manufacturer, dyes for textile, dyes for soap, dyes for leather, pigments for paints, pigment for paint, food additives, fragrance, titanium dioxide. Tianjin Chengyi International Trading Co. Yantai Yuanming Textile Tech. If you require circuit board design or a fully bespoke end-to-end service, you can be sure DSL will deliver the right solution in a cost optimised way. Group Company, Our Business, Investor Relations and Careers. Buy & shop online soda ash,sodium bicarbonate,caustic soda,calcium carbide,SODIUM SILICATE,MAGNESIUM SULFATE,PHOSPHORIC ACID from tianjin nortrh chemical industry co. is a professional factory for producing perfume glass bottle, sprayer and cosmetics cap. 11: Nanjing Herrman Chemicals factory was found: 2002. We are locat. , United Alkali Company Ltd. For news and updates from Dow, follow @DowNewsroom. We would love to hear from you. ACI Formulations Ltd. m food chemical co. Successful completion of testing of its high performance chemicals for the mining industry. , or Limited, is a suffix that follows the name of a company, indicating it is a private limited company. As chemicals professional trading company with a history of more than 120 years, without having to settle for history and track record, we are constantly striving to create new value. Kinder Morgan is one of the largest energy infrastructure companies in North America. Company Profile DATE April 26, 2019 Company name Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. DSL is shorthand for digital subscriber line. MORESCO (THAILAND) CO. [1971] 1 QB 88. Alternately, AT&T's DSL/fiber hybrid can reach speeds up to 75 Mbps. Company List Search Search. Founded in 2011, Amadis Chemical Company Limited is an innovative manufacturer of chemical products and technical service providers. CGCL's Gas to Petrochemical Complex is Trinidad and Tobago's 8 th Methanol Plant and its 1 st Dimethyl Ether (DME) Facility. Our terminals store and handle petroleum products, chemicals and other products. Anhui Herrman Light Industries Co Ltd was found: 1997. Elkay Chemicals Pvt. ,Ltd is one of the leading benzoic acid, methylene chloride, TDI 80/20,Isopropyl Alcohol, tetrahydrofuran suppliers and also a professional such manufacturer in China, welcome to buy bulk triethylamine from our factory. オンリーワンからワールドワンへ。表面の機能を創造し、現状にとどまることなく、次の時代に必要とされる技術や製品の開発を通じ、社会に貢献する企業-それが私たち、石原ケミカルです。. Singapore Asahi research, design and produce solder and chemical products offering value add interconnect material engineered solutions, distinctively reliable and cost value efficient. Chengdu Bayoupharm Co. As part of "Al Alfia Holding (QIS)", "Oriental Trading Company" has proven its ability to achieve outstanding success whilst undertaking bold new ventures. J&S Chemical is a leading global supplier of specialty chemicals. Eastman is a global specialty chemical company that produces a broad range of advanced materials, additives and functional products, specialty chemicals, and fibers that are found in products people use every day. Specialist Agricultural Products & Pesticides. offer a wide range of products for a wide range of business sectors including CleanAirBlue™, Pigmentan™, Precision Cleaning Solutions, Surfac®, MEC™-Prime, Perklone™ EXT, Perklone™ D, Perklone™ MD and Triklone™ LE. is a leading manufacturer of high performance chemicals that use phosgene and aromatic amines as main intermediates. The company motto "Everything for the Pest Control Industry", is still important to the foundation of Oldham Chemicals Company, Inc. only; credit approval req'd. Effective emails such as inquiries. Rated by Chemical Journal (15 - 28 July, 2017). MORESCO (THAILAND) CO. Welcome to Fuji Chemical Industry Co. DSL is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Mitsui & Co. Our Head Office is in Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire, with storage and distribution sites in London and the West Midlands. Guidechem Chemical Network providing the most complete information of the chemical industry. All of our companies stand out in their respective fields. About Celanese. Most industries produce some waste water, although recent trends suggest that this wastage should be minimized by recycling waste water within the production process. Your Soldering Solutions Are In One Place. Chunbo fine chemicals Co. SUNRICH BIOTECH ZHUHAI CO,. Today, SCA is the regional headquarters of the SCC Group for Asia Pacific, offering our customers a diverse range of products from Petrochemicals & Plastics, IT-Related Chemicals, Energy & Functional Materials and Health & Crop Science products. Address: No. Founded in 2000, NETIS SYSTEMS is a global leading provider of networking products and solutions. Building strong relationships, supplying quality products and surpassing client expectations have been the key drivers of Sunvel Chemical. Welcome to DSL Chemicals. On February 1 , 2009, that business segment was separately incorporated to focus more direct attention on service to our customers as we strive to become the global leader in energy curing. ,Ltd was established in 2006, is specialized in API, its intermediates and fine chemicals based on R&D, custom-synthesis and production. Medium-Term Business Plan. Jiangsu World Chemical Co. is anindependent import and export company who specializedin exporting and marketing fine chemical, dyes and dyes intermediates. (Limited): Ltd. Our group is started by production and export of Phosphates (DCP,MDCP,MCP),Amino Acids (Lysine,Threonine),Minerals (Zinc Sulfate,Copper Sulfate). , Ltd is a professional company, main engaged in manufacturing and exporting aroma chemicals ,food additives , cosmetic ingredient ,pharmaceutical intermediates & other fine chemicals; especially on aroma chemicals , as the major manufacturer of heterocyclic and sulphur aroma compounds. Altech Chemicals Limited is aiming to become one of the world's leading suppliers of high purity alumina (HPA) (Al2O3). ), and information on investor relations and recruitment. SK holdings is ensuring the continuous growth of SK About Company A company that enhances stability and growth centering on value GO Businesses A holdings company that discovers and fosters new growth engine businesses based on a value-centered portfolio GO. Earlier, the Company was engaged in the business of manufacturing VAM in its plant located at Mahad in Raigad District, Maharashtra, India. is a company specialized in the organic optoelectronic materials, monomers (polyimide monomers), and specialty chemicals. LUNA Chemicals Co. Solvay is an advanced materials and specialty chemicals company offering a portfolio of more than 2000 products across various key markets worldwide. Company description. Full-spectrum pathogen control. Locations Worldwide We at Lonza take care of our customers and their global, regional or local requirements. 2006: Dongshin Pharmaceutical was merged with SK Chemicals. Our company was established in 1917. Cooperating with sister companies, we also handle some other normal and special chemicals. After Lude's son, bill Become CEO of us, we enlarge our business into every industries and everywhere of the world. Labseeker-Find chemicals, pharmaceuticals for your lab. 10777 Westheimer Road #800 Houston TX 77042; PO Box 510, Vacherie, LA 70090; © YCl Methanol One, LLC 2018. South West Water is a company situated at the very heart of the west country. *Ltd time offer. Shanghai Hope-chem Co. as a chemical raw material suppliers, DSL Chemicals (Shanghai) Co. , Ltd -Under all lighting conditions, fluorescent pigments shine brighter and more vividly than ordinary pigment types. Mitsui de Mexico, S. The technology built on over 50 year's history of our company is now finding wide application in various fields such as manufacturing industry, electronic devices. No Certified business license This supplier did not upload its business license. The company dedicated to the development, production and marketing of chemicals. We've been servicing the I&I, Personal Care, Coatings and Specialty Chemical Business in the Southeast since 1981. Solenis is a leading producer of specialty chemicals for water-intensive industrial operations. Company Overview. With our robust quality system, extensive product line and custom capabilities, RICCA Chemical Company has everything you need!. Ace Chemical Company is an Australian owned chemical wholesaler and formulator that has been servicing a wide range of industries throughout Australia since 1970. Our company is an experienced and professional china-based fine chemical supplier and exporter in the field of API,cosmetic,polymers and others. Join LinkedIn today for free. TAKI CHEMICAL CO. ,Ltd Ehfield Co. We have gained fame both at home and abroad, cooperating with over top 500 global companies. They fast-tracked the material through their lab and scale-up, met our needs on an interim basis, installed new process equipment for our orders and continue to supply us with the needed material. This is an incorporation available under British, Irish and some. We offer our unique rare earth fluorescent labeling agent and antibody products. Certficate. EDC produces a variety of agrochemical and industrial products including regular nitric acid and concentrated nitric acid, mixed (nitrating) acids, sulfuric acid, and both agricultural and industrial grade ammonium nitrate. We are dedicated to development, manufacturing and marketing of Building Blocks, Pharmaceutical I ntermediates, Organic Chemicals and Specialty Chemicals. These materials are utilized in a range of fields, including industrial detergents, cosmetics, pulp and paper, construction materials, lubricants and conductive compounds. Our mission is to enhance the lives of those we touch by helping people reach their goals. Sree Rayalaseema Hi-strength Hypo Ltd is the only Indian manufacturer of Calcium Hypochlorite. YANGZHOU TIANSMILE DAILY CHEMICAL CO. along with all of the chemical supplies it ships from P. Anhui Herrman Light Industries Co Ltd was found: 1997. ,Ltd is established in 1958. The Chemours Company (Chemours) (NYSE: CC), a global chemistry company with leading market positions in titanium technologies, fluoroproducts and chemical solutions, announced today that the Board of Directors of Chemours declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0. Our In-House Graphics Department including full color labeling machines. Kim Chemicals Limited is a name synonymous in the industry of manufacture and exports of luxury, toiletries, baby and pharmaceutical products. Recycling and Refining. 09:00 AM Like everyone else, I move among others, picking up my pace, as I make my way into the subway to go to work. Annual Report. ,Ltd Ehfield Co. Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co. EDC produces a variety of agrochemical and industrial products including regular nitric acid and concentrated nitric acid, mixed (nitrating) acids, sulfuric acid, and both agricultural and industrial grade ammonium nitrate. Lok Chemicals Pvt. NOVA Chemicals is First Canadian-Based Company to Participate in Operation Clean Sweep® Blue, Preventing Pellet Loss and Enhancing Plastics Circular Economy Calgary, Alberta, Canada (October 28, 2019) – NOVA Chemicals Corporation ("NOVA Chemicals") is proud to be the first Canadian-based company to publicly pledge its commitment to. Our company are mainly engaged in 12 major series, namely antibiotics, vitamins, cardiovascular. Learn about working at Basildon Chemical Co Ltd. the parent company of Pon Pure Chemicals Group started its journey as distributor of chemicals in the year 1981. Search to see if we carry your product or contact us at (818) 255-3655 Westco provides an efficient process to wholesale bulk ordering, as well as the ability to order the minimum pack size of any product. mitsui chemicals (china) co. The Group now operates more than 60 manufacturing plants, with business activities ranging from laminates to printed circuit boards, chemicals and properties development in China. Established in 2009, Shanghai Yuanhuai Industrial Co. High Purity Metal Powder. Diamond Chemical Company has installed a six acre, 1. ,Ltd All Rights Reserved. Welcome to Chaoyang Chemicals, Inc. BU Chemical Industry Co. Daiso Chemical Co. Chlor-Alkali. Disclaimer Conflict Minerals Disclosure Cautionary Statements Modern Slavery Statement. If you are 15 years of age or younger, please obtain the approval of your parents or legal guardians before sending an inquiry to us. (CNCEC) is a Chinese company in construction engineering and design, ranking 42nd among general contractors worldwide by revenue and 92nd among contractors by revenue from international projects (as of 2011). With more than 15 years of business experiences on the marketing & distribution,We specialize in exporting Vitamins, Human API, Veterinary drugs,Food/Feed additives, Pharma Intermediates, Fine chemicals for more than 40 countries. It covers an area of 260, 000 square meters. for Pharmaceutial ,coating ,electronics , battery and other industry. Home > Supplier > DSL Chemicals (Shanghai) Co. Your phone lines normally terminate at a telco office, usually nearby. Quzhou Zhongyi Chemical Co. The company was incorporated in the year of 2001. Fluorochem intermediate supplier for research and development. began serving the UV/EB markets in 1983 as a specialized business unit of Miwon Commercial Co. , also known as DSL, is established in 1991. We own a diversified and wide-ranging product set. Those who have agreed to take part but are yet to complete an audit are listed as Participating. We own an interest in or operate approximately 84,000 miles of pipelines and 157 terminals. DSL Chemicals Co Ltd +86 21 6352 9955 +86 21 6352 9922: Elsa Biotechnology Co. , founded in 1983, is established as one of the largest chemical reagents manufacturers and suppliers in China. It's a large-scale manufacturer and dealer specialized in chemical reagents,laboratory consumable and instrument. is a major manufacturer of disinfectant of isocyanuric acid chloride products in China , which is located in the hometown of peony - Juancheng County , Heze City , Shandong province. For more than 75 years, Dow has been proudly innovating in Canada. Capped DSL Usage based ADSL accounts, from only R0. Our products serve manufacturing operations in numerous key markets such as automotive, aerospace, communications, consumer, marine, medical, industrial application, and many more. United Chemicals Enterprise Co. ) to serve as the holding company to The Siam Cement Group's petrochemical business. , Ltd is a professional API610 pumps production, scientific research, development, sales, service in one of the modern pump enterprises. ACI Limited ADVANCING POSSIBILITIES. Home: Shenzhen Chemical Co. We are committed to support. Guangzhou Topone Chemicals Co. We are very excited about the product breadth and technical capabilities this business combination brings to our customers. the parent company of Pon Pure Chemicals Group started its journey as distributor of chemicals in the year 1981. 02 145 new compounds added to Kishida 【New Products】"New Building Blocks,Vol.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
"Joseph was everything that he professed to be." "…the Lord God will proceed to bring forth the words of the book; and in the mouth of as many witnesses as seemeth him good will he establish his word and wo be unto him that rejecteth the word of God!" (2 Nephi 27:14) 559-545B.C. The Testimony of Emma Hale Smith, the wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith. At the age of 73 years old. *Three years after the death of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Emma Smith married Lewis Bidamon. If Emma Smith knew that The Book of Mormon was true. Why did she not go West with the Church? This is a question that Emma Smith's Great-Great-Grand son, Bob Smith, had when he was contemplating joining The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. When the Saints were building the Nauvoo Temple, Joseph Smith Jr. had a family tomb built nearby, where he desired to be buried. He wrote, "Let my father, Don Carlos, and Alvin, and children that I have buried be brought and laid in the tomb I have built. Let my mother, and my brethren, and my sisters be laid there also; and let it be called the Tomb of Joseph, a descendant of Jacob. And when I die, let me be gathered to the tomb of my father" (Scott H. Faulring, ed., An American Prophet's Record (Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1989), 251. This led to a public dispute between Emma and Brigham Young. Emma Smith's Last Dream (Produced by Seth Adam Smith, voice is Kemberly Jo Smith, great-great-great grandughter to Joseph and Emma.) video 2:12 min.
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Baha'i Faith in Egypt The Baha'is of Egypt have been subjected to persecution and systematic oppression. While their quest for equality has been finally heard by many of their fellow citizens, there remain challenges and obstacles to the implementation of laws intended to grant them their full civil rights and equal opportunity in their society. With the emergence of the new Egypt, they are now being given the opportunity to actively engage in rebuilding their nation. A Comic Depicting the Dilemma of Egyptian Baha'is This comic was published on the 13th of December on page-19 of Al-Ra'i [the opinion] newspaper in Kuwait. It addresses the current situation of the Baha'is of Egypt. It's author is Mr. Amro Salim. It translates as follows: The writing on the right side of the comic next to the child's head states: "the judiciary forced the [Ministry of] Interior to place (-) in the religion section of the [ID] card of the Baha'i." The angry father of this bewildered child is complaining to the officer at the police station by saying: "I want to make a [police] report regarding the headmaster of the school of my boy...they are teaching the boy the Baha'i [religion] Ya-Basha [sir]!" As to the evidence shown to the officer, he points to a page from a notebook with the title "arithmetic" that shows under the title "2 - 1 = 1" with the minus sign, in bold, resembling the dash (-) for religion on ID cards. Posted by Bilo at 7:23 PM 1 comments Links to this post Labels: Baha'is, Egypt, ID Cards, Religion Egypt's Supreme Court Postpones Verdict Again! Egypt's Supreme Administrative Court convened today to rule on the appeal described in this previous post and quoted below: The first one will be on 15 December 2008 at Egypt's Supreme Administrative Court when a decision is expected regarding the appeal of a non-party (by an Islamist lawyer) to the 29 January 2008 ruling that allowed the Baha'is to obtain identification documents and birth certificates by inserting dashes "--" in place of religion in these documents. It is expected that the court will endorse the recommendation of its own State Judiciary Council to reject the appeal since the appellant, as stated by the council of judges, has no right to interfere with this lawsuit, and since the defendant (the Ministry of Interior) had not appealed the ruling and had accepted it on its face. The court decided to postpone its verdict again until 19 January 2009. Labels: Baha'is, Birth Certificates, Egypt, ID Cards Upcoming Court Dates to Watch in Egypt The Baha'is of Egypt are eagerly awaiting two court dates that might greatly influence their struggle to obtain identity documents. The second date is scheduled for 17 January 2009, on which Cairo's Seventh Circuit Administrative Court will rule on a challenge (a stalling tactic--not an appeal) to the same ruling of 29 January 2008 of the First Circuit Administrative Court, in which another Islamist lawyer challenged the competence of the judge. Consequently, the judge had referred the case out of his court to the Seventh Circuit Court for an unbiased determination. Meanwhile, as of today, the Baha'is of Egypt remain "without identity." Labels: Baha'is, Birth Certificates, Egypt, Egyptian Supreme Court, ID Cards A Revolution Without Rights? Search for Equality in Iran The following is a recent report of the UK-based Foreign Policy Centre. The FPC refers to itself as "Britain's leading progressive foreign affairs think tank," and this report is one of the first (if not the only) to compare women, Kurds and Baha'is in Iran. It focuses on identity-based discrimination and systemic obstacles to equality in Iran, and it draws on the experiences of all three groups to underline common concerns. A Revolution Without Rights? Women, Kurds and Baha'is Searching for Equality in Iran Geoffrey Cameron £4.95, plus £1 p+p. Download A Revolution Without Rights? (3.14 megabyte PDF; need help viewing PDFs?) In this new Foreign Policy Centre pamphlet, written by Geoffrey Cameron and Tahirih Danesh, the authors examine the religious, legal and social obstacles to equality faced by women, Baha'is and Kurds in Iran, comparing the experiences of the groups. Cameron and Danesh evaluate the Iranian government's compliance with its own constitution and look at how Iran's treatment of women and minorities measures up to the international agreements it has signed. The pamphlet lays out practical steps that British and European policy-makers can take to support the equal treatment of women and minorities with their fellow citizens in Iran. The pamphlet will be launched on Tue 25 Nov at 6.15pm in the Wilson Room, Portcullis House. Full events details can be found on our homepage: www.fpc.org.uk If you would like to attend, please send your details by email to: [email protected] Posted by Bilo at 5:03 AM 0 comments Links to this post Labels: Baha'is, Human Rights, Iran, Persecution Iran Press Watch A new site named Iran Press Watch is worth a visit on a regular basis. It provides the latest news regarding the Baha'is of Iran and their persecution by their own government. It also updates its readers with the world's reaction to the gross injustice experienced by the Baha'is of Iran. In its latest post, the site reported on a speech made by a Brazilian congressman regarding the current condition of the Baha'is in Iran. The following is a reprint of that post: Brazilian Congressman on Baha'is in Iran The following is a speech provided by Congressman Geraldo Resende at the October 16th, 2008 Session of Congress in Brazil. Translated by Sam Cyrous. BAHÁ'ÍS: MORE THAN A RELIGIOUS QUESTION — A QUESTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Congress: Iran astonishes the world with its Nuclear Program and, above all, with the intransigence of its President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in not allowing members of the United Nations Organization — the UN — to inspect its nuclear facilities, but what I wish to bring up here is another issue regarding Iran which has not received the attention that it deserves from the rest of the world — the persecution of the followers of the Bahá'í religion and the imprisonment of its believers who have been falsely charged with espionage. Since May 14th, seven Iranian Bahá'ís have been kept in captivity, without access to lawyers and without any communication with their families. They are people of goodwill who have committed the "crime" of belonging to a religion unrecognized by the Iranian State. These seven Bahá'ís, who make up a group that took care of the interests of more than 300 thousand Iranian Bahá'ís, were arrested arbitrarily and taken from their homes and commercial establishments by the Iranian police. This group's work consisted of providing help to the Baha'i community through the establishment of regular prayer meetings, children activities, funerals, weddings, and a few other community activities. And what is even more worrisome, Mr. Chairman, is that after four months, these Bahá'ís continue to be incarcerated in a completely arbitrary way, and have now been accused of espionage and of belonging to an anti-Islamic and anti-Iranian group. More recently the situation of the Bahá'ís has worsened. This June, three Bahá'ís of Iranian origin, all with successful businesses and families established in Yemen, had their houses attacked and their documents, CDs, photographs and even computers confiscated. Despite any formal accusation, government officials indicated that these Bahá'ís were detained under suspicion of some sort of "proselytization," a violation of the law in Yemen, which is denied by the Bahá'ís, but which puts them under the threat of imminent deportation to Iran, where Bahá'ís are intensely persecuted and would probably face prison and torture. Mr. Chairman, these accusations are not true. I know many Bahá'ís in my State, and I know perfectly well that they do not involve themselves in any political or religious disputes and, above all, they struggle vigorously for peace and unity in the world. It is important to remember that it was the Persian government which exiled the founder of the Bahá'í Faith to the city of Akka [part of the Ottoman Empire at the time], today part of Israeli territory. Therefore, accusing Bahá'ís of having political connections with Israel because of the fact that their holy shrines, with the mortal remains of the founders of their faith, are located in that region clearly demonstrates the intention of the Iranian government to discriminate against these seven Bahá'ís at any cost. Noble colleagues, even other Iranian citizens are rising in defense of the Bahá'ís, because they, neighbors, colleagues and friends, know that Bahá'ís are not part of any secret Israeli organization, and that they deserve all due respect as human beings. The Iranian and Muslim Nobel Peace Prize winner, Shirin Ebade, rose up to defend the Bahá'ís, resulting in a newspaper alleging that Shirin's daughter had converted from Islam to the Bahá'í Faith, an accusation which has no foundation [and which carries a death sentence in Islamic law]. Analyzing this question, we clearly understand that those who defend the Bahá'ís are also being persecuted, and for this reason the Brazilian government, as well as other governments in the world, should denounce these sad violations, since these seven Bahá'ís are at risk of being executed at any moment. All vulnerable groups in Iran count upon international pressure to aid their plight, to ensure that their rights will be preserved and that they will be treated with at least minimal dignity. Iranian Bahá'ís are only one more of these groups that apprehensively await for action to be taken in their defense. It should be clear, Mr. Chairman, that the Bahá'í Faith preaches the unity of God, of Religion and of Humankind. Bahá'u'lláh, founder of the Bahá'í religion, states that the fundamental objective animating the Faith of God and His religion is the protection of the interests of humanity and the promotion of unity, and the nourishment of the spirit of love and friendship for all of humanity. The Bahá'í Faith is an independent world religion with its own laws and scriptures that emerged in 1844, in Persia, currently known as Iran. Bahá'u'lláh, whose given name was Mirzá Husayn Ali, lived between the years of 1817 and 1892. The Faith which he founded does not possess dogmas, rituals, clergy or a sacerdotal class. The Bahá'í International Community with approximately 6 million followers is the second most widely diffused religion in the world, surpassed only by Christianity. Bahá'ís reside in 178 countries of the world and can be found in practically all territories of the globe. The Bahá'í Faith has been established in Brazil since February 1921, when Lady Leonora Holsapple Armstrong arrived to teach the religion to its residents. Today, [Brazilian] Bahá'ís are a contingent of approximately 47 thousand people, from diverse social, cultural and economical classes, who reside in approximately 1,215 Brazilian municipalities. It is important to remember, Mr. Chairman, that this very National Congress of Brazil has honored Bahá'u'lláh, the Founder of the Bahá'í Faith, in a solemn session held on May 28th of 1992, the centenary year of his passing, an occasion at which representatives of many political parties spoke about the life and teachings of Bahá'u'lláh. Also in 1992, during the World Conference for Environment and Development, Eco '92, the Bahá'í Community conveyed its greetings to all the Chiefs of State and Government in the Official Conference and offered as a gift to the city of Rio de Janeiro and to all those who promoted the World Conference, a beautiful monument in shape of an hourglass, dedicated to World Peace, established in the Aterro do Flamengo, and conceived by renowned artist Siron Franco, who is also a member of the Bahá'í Community. In addition, the Bahá'í Community is distinguishing Brazil with the establishment of economic and social development projects in diverse regions of the country. For example, here in Brasília, the community has established the SCHOOL OF NATIONS, which promotes an education embracing concepts of the unity of humankind and world citizenship. The Bahá'í International Community is the first non-governmental organization formally credentialed by the United Nations, approximately 50 years ago, which has supported all of the actions of the United Nations, aimed at the establishment of world peace, tolerance, and understanding amongst the peoples of the world. Considering all which has been previously stated, Mr. Chairman, the Bahá'í community residing in the Brazilian state looks for action from this government, which has always shown itself to be concerned with human rights. Labels: Baha'is, Brazil, Iran, Persecution An open letter to the people of Egypt (English) An open letter to the people of Egypt (Arabic) 'Abbas Effendi & Egypt Free Baha'is in Iran Now! Dissolved Yaran [Friends in Iran] Baha'i International Community on Egypt Baha'i International Community on Iran Bilo This is a personal Weblog intended as an information tool. It is not an official representative of any agency, institution or organization. Comments are welcome, but any that contain offensive language will be deleted. The blog's author does not assume any legal responsibility for the content of this site, and does not necessarily imply to endorse other sites linked here. Listed under Human Rights News Site Chosen & Listed By Huridocs HuriSearch by HURIDOCS: the human rights search engine - searching over 3000 human rights websites Unity of Humanity Audio of the Day "All the Prophets of God," asserts Bahá'u'lláh in the Kitáb-i-Íqán, "abide in the same tabernacle, soar in the same heaven, are seated upon the same throne, utter the same speech, and proclaim the same Faith." From the "beginning that hath no beginning," these Exponents of the Unity of God and Channels of His incessant utterance have shed the light of the invisible Beauty upon mankind, and will continue, to the "end that hath no end," to vouchsafe fresh revelations of His might and additional experiences of His inconceivable glory. To contend that any particular religion is final, that "all Revelation is ended, that the portals of Divine mercy are closed, that from the daysprings of eternal holiness no sun shall rise again, that the ocean of everlasting bounty is forever stilled, and that out of the Tabernacle of ancient glory the Messengers of God have ceased to be made manifest" would indeed be nothing less than sheer blasphemy. "They differ," explains Bahá'u'lláh in that same epistle, "only in the intensity of their revelation and the comparative potency of their light." And this, not by reason of any inherent incapacity of any one of them to reveal in a fuller measure the glory of the Message with which He has been entrusted, but rather because of the immaturity and unpreparedness of the age He lived in to apprehend and absorb the full potentialities latent in that Faith. (Shoghi Effendi: The World Order of Baha'u'llah) What is Happening in Egypt? Tomorrow! 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Baha'is at Harvard: a Look Back in Time Imprisoned Iran's Baha'i Leaders Listed on Time's ... Soar Like an Eagle! Winter Cotton! Cotton Harvest-Time No One Should Ever Go Hungry A Trick of Nature A Revolution Without Rights? Search for Equality i... Persecution of Baha'is in Iran Send Nowruz greetings to prisoners of conscience in Iran Rafferty's Ark: a farewell to a great singer-songwriter Que se passa no Egipto? بـا قــــة و ر د بسمة موسى: صعود الإسلاميين لا يقلق البهائيين Baha'i Views On Serj's Take on Borders: Fear is the cause of separation Persecution of the Baha'is of Iran Amnesty International Report Bahá'í Thought Self-Made in America Iran Press Watch: The Baha'is Amnesty International report condemns Iran's human rights abuses Bahá'í News UK Baha'i Centre hosts national launch of A Year of Service David Henderson - author, journalist Ragan.com: Brand journalism gives voice to first-generation college students The Muslim Network for Baha'i Rights "Can You Solve This" builds steam in the wake of EU condemnation of Iran بهائي مصري Egyptian Bahá'í الى اخوتنا واخواتنا في وطننا العزيز مصر Moving over... 2010 January « Bahainafeza's Blog مرحبا بكم في مدونة قناة نافذة على البهائية Anxiously Concerned -- A Baha'i Blog The Eyes of the World Focus on Iran BahaikiNews | Following news about the Baha'i Faith SoulPancake | Chew On Life's Big Questions Akhbar Elyom Al-Ahram Al-Akhbar Al-Badeel Al-Watany Al-Youm AP News (NY Times) Baha'i Explorer Baha'i Tube Baha'i World News`Service Cairo Live Daily News Egypt Egypt Media: Baha'i News Egypt Today Global Village TV Human Rights in Iran and Egypt Iran Update Iranian.Com IranVNC Persian Videos Planet Arabica Watany Blogs: English Anxiously Concerned Arabaway Association for Baha'i Studies Baha'i Thought Baha'i Words Baha'iNine Baha'is of Iran BahaiKiNews Bilo's Audio Bilo's Video Comics: Dry Bones Doberman Pizza Egyptian Baha'i Family Egyptian Blogs Aggregator Enochsvision Eteraz Online Every Body Means Something Iran: May 2008 Arrests Iranian Baha'i Students Leading Blogs of the World Living in Egypt Without ID Lord Avebury ME Faith Menschenrechtsblog Muslim Network for Baha'i Rights New Legal World Order Or Does it Explode Paige Gray Planet Baha'i Provo de Bahá Rep. 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Agency Dynamics of Growth Egypt Baha'is Egypt Baha'is: Update Egypt Free Speech Egyptian Constitution Egyptian Government Services Freedom to Believe Health for Humanity Human Rights: Egypt Human Rights: UN Int. Covenant on Civil & Political Rights Life of Baha'u'llah Majnun Search Engine Mona's Dream National Baha'i Sites National Council for Human Rights One Country Tarek Heggy The Baha'i Gardens The Baha'i Question Views of Akka Wikipedia: Baha'i Faith in Egypt Wikipedia: Egypt ID Card World Baha'is Links: Arabic Al-Aqdas Al-Munajat Arabic Baha'i Deen Baha'i Egyptian Baha'i News Videos Islam & the Baha'i Faith Nur Al-Huda Refuting Azhar Allegations Responses to al-Azhar Songs: Abdel-Halim Songs: Abdel-Wahab Songs: Farid El-Atrash Songs: Umm Kulthum Surat Al-Aaraab The Baha'i World Reports & Statements: English A Faith Denied Amnesty International 2007 Arabic Network for Human Rights BWNS: Egyptian Baha'is Case BWNS: Letter to Egyptian Baha'is BWNS: Supreme Court Date BWNS: Supreme Court Verdict Cairo Institute for Human Rights-1 Commentary on al-Azhar's Statement Egypt Supreme Court Ruling: 16 Dec 06 EIPR Report: 2008 EIPR-1 EIPR-10 Human Rights Discourse Human Rights Watch-1 Int. Religious Freedom 2005 Letter to al-Azhar Letter to Minister of Justice The Daily Star-1 UN (IRIN) UN (IRIN)-2 US Commission Briefing to Congress 2007 US Commission on Religious Freedom 05/06 US Commission on Religious Freedom 2008 US State Department 2004 Reports & Statements: Arabic Al-Quma Human Rights Network-1 Int. Religious Freedom (USCIRF) Letter to the Egyptian Baha'is NCHR (2008) NCHR Report on ID Cards Baha'is (243) ID Cards (136) Egyptian Baha'is (72) Birth Certificates (37) Baha'i Faith (28) Religious Tolerance (19) Baha'i (18) Court (18) Egyptian Government (16) Supreme Administrative Court (16) Ministry of Interior (15) Baha'i religion (9) al-Azhar (8) Mufti (6) NCHR (6) Egyptian Supreme Court (5) Tantawi (5) German University in Cairo (4) Ministry of Education (4) The Universal House Of Justice (4) US Congress (4) USCIRF (4) Copts (3) Islamic Leaders (3) Islamist Extremists (3) baha'i faith in egypt (3) bahai's (3) Al-Ahram (2) Alexandria University (2) Anis Mansour (2) Aqdas (2) BBC Radio (2) Bahgat (2) CIHRS (2) Gamal Nkrumah (2) German Parliament (2) Hussein Bikar (2) attacks (2) marriage certificates. id cards (2) yaran (2) Awqaf (1) BWNS (1) Baha'i International Community (1) Barney Leith (1) Boutros Boutros-Ghali (1) British Parliament (1) EIPR (1) EUHRO (1) Ebadi (1) Egypt's Baha'i Centre (1) Execution Mona (1) GUC (1) Hands of the Cause (1) Injustice (1) MARED (1) Mbeki (1) Ministry of Higher Education (1) Mustapha (1) Nasser (1) New Religion (1) One Common Faith (1) Penal Code (1) Political Rights (1) Secular (1) State Commissioner (1) US Baha'is (1) abbas effendi (1) abdu'l-Baha (1) ahmed showqi (1) earth quake (1) egypt bahai's supreme court (1) grandaughter (1) naw-ruz (1) suheil badi bushrui (1) umm kulthum (1) An open letter to the people of Egypt [English version of a statement issued in Arabic by the Bahá'ís of Egypt dated April 2011] April 20... Could "This" Have a Chance? Secular Islam Summit is an organization dedicated to bringing Islam back to its intended roots of moderation, tolerance and acceptance. On ... Tomorrow (Bokra)...a song extolling a wonderful future for the Middle East submerged in justice, peace, prosperity, happiness, equality, a... Religious Freedom in Egypt: Intellectually Honest Analysis One of the most respected senior editors of Egypt's leading newspaper, Al-Ahram , wrote a clear and well thought-out article about the press... Egyptian Baha'is Will Not Give Up: Yet Another Lawsuit! News regarding another lawsuit, filed by an Egyptian Bahá'í, was just published in Sawt el-Umma Egyptian newspaper on 23 April 2007. The ar... An Egyptian Baha'i: In Search Of Recognition (Cont. 2) Mustapha had filed his lawsuit in January 1950, requesting a salary adjustment that would reflect his family allowance dating back to his w... ID Cards in Egypt: Yet Another Unusual Statement Ministry of Interior Instructs Egyptian Citizens to Lie Today, the Ministry of Interior blamed the Baha'is for the so-called "crisis of the ... Update on the Jailed Baha'i Leaders in Iran The Baha'i World News Service (BWNS) has just announced that the seven Baha'i leaders held in Iran were able to make brief telephone contac... International Outcry at Prison Sentences for Iranian Baha'i Leaders An article, published by the Baha'i World News Service (BWNS), reported on the international outcry at the prison sentences for the ad hoc ... Egyptian Baha'i Student on TV You may watch Cairo's TV program which was referred to in the previous post regarding the Egyptian Baha'i student (Kholoud), who was ultima... Baha'i Faith in Egypt & Iran
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Visit the Hall induction ceremony 2020 CELEBRATED ALUMNI Inductees & Honorees Candidate Submission Process Honoree Lecture Series Rent the Hall August Cars & Coffee Wrap-Up By Matt Wolfe We would like to thank everyone that was able to join us for our August Cars & Coffee show last month. The show was a great success and we were very pleased with the turnout not only in terms of the number of cars, but also the diversity. The Hall of Fame parking lot was jam-packed with everything from pre-WWII cars to brand new vehicles. Nearly every major car-producing country was represented and there was a little bit of everything for everyone to look at. Les Stanford Chevrolet Cadillac once again provided us with some beautiful display vehicles, including a pair of the brand new Grand Sport models. We were also joined by several members of the Early Engine Club who were displaying stationary engines of various vintages, some of which they had running in the parking lot. Other special display vehicles included the University of Michigan-Dearborn's 2015 Formula SAE car as well as a contingency of members from the Corvette Club of Michigan. Our final Cars & Coffee show of 2016 will take place on Saturday, October 15. You can follow this link to see the event page on Facebook for the October Cars & Coffee. To see a full photo album from our August show courtesy of DAK Designs, please click here (non-facebook users can see the album here) Sign Up for More Stories Temporarily closed to the public due to the COVID-19 pandemic. SIGN UP FOR AHF NEWS © Copyright 2021. The Automotive Hall of Fame. All Rights Reserved. Automotive Hall of Fame will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing.
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Premier League Fixture Breakdown: Saturday Gameweek 14 PlayON Pro Our PlayON Pro and Official Fantasy Premier League Champion 2013/2014 – Tom Fenley – is back and giving his expert analysis of each fixture ahead of Premier League Gameweek 14. Sat 28 Nov 2015 – Premier League Aston Villa v Watford 15:00 The 4-0 loss at Everton was a new low for Villa, their worst result of the season and a tenth defeat. Remi Garde has much to do before we can seriously consider selecting his players for our PlayON line-ups, especially with one of their best fantasy assets – Jordan Amavi – being ruled out for the season. Promoted Watford on the other hand gave Manchester United a late scare at Vicarage Road, almost grabbing a point with a strong second half-display. Unfortunately for Villa, in the past six matches the Hornets have been resilient defensively, losing just twice and failing to score only at Manchester City. Bournemouth v Everton 15:00 Losing a two goal lead in the 2-2 draw with Swansea will have been deflating for Bournemouth, but they at least picked up a second point in seven matches, scoring twice for the first time in that period. Josh King has emerged as Eddie Howe's preferred striker and netted a goal at the Liberty, one to watch as a cut-price option. The Toffees won by a four-goal margin once again at Goodison, Romelu Lukaku's brace means the Belgian has now scored seven in as many games as well as producing three assists. Ross Barkley also impressed with his brace and assist, the midfielder could become a more regular pick in our sides if he improves his consistency. Crystal Palace v Newcastle 15:00 The 1-0 defeat to Sunderland at Selhurst Park was unexpected for Alan Pardew's mid-table side, especially as the usually level-headed Scott Dann committed the error that led to Jermaine Defoe's goal. The centre-back remains a good pick here though, with opponents Newcastle's record of two goals in six away trips. The Eagles' don't have the best home record but Yohann Cabaye or Yannick Bolasie are definitely still worth a punt in midfield. The Magpies travel to ex-boss Pardew's new stomping ground on the back of a 3-0 loss to league leaders Leicester at St James' Park. The previous four matches had yielded seven points, their best run of the campaign and in Ayoze Perez, Aleksander Mitrovic and the returning Papiss Cisse they may have the firepower to punish Palace's erratic home form. Man City v Southampton 15:00 The 4-1 rout by Liverpool was the fifth time City have dropped points in eight games and does not bode well for those looking to invest in their defence, particularly with Vincent Kompany side-lined and Joe Hart a doubt as well. However, the return of Sergio Aguero is always a notable occasion for fantasy managers and a goal on his first game back shows we will need to weigh up his inclusion once again each week. The Saints were widely tipped to do well against Stoke at St Mary's, but suffered a third defeat of the season in front of their own fans, on the road however Ronald Koeman's side are unbeaten. Graziano Pelle is suspended after picking up a fifth yellow, making Shane Long and Sadio Mane viable candidates in PlayON against a weakened City back-line. Sunderland v Stoke 15:00 Sam Allardyce conjured up a second win in four matches for a Sunderland side that are still clearly lacking in goal threat, though the manager has appeared to focus on tightening up the defence after the 6-2 defeat at Everton. Going forward the Black Cats rearguard could offer some value in fantasy terms, with Patrick Van Aanholt and Deandre Yedlin (in for the suspended Billy Jones) possible inclusions this week, in attacking wing-back roles. It will be difficult to break-down a Stoke side that have only lost to Arsenal on their travels and in Butland they have the most in-form shot-stopper in the league. The Potters have five clean sheets registered in the last six outings, but Mark Hughes' side need to test opposition keepers with more regularity before we can invest in their attacking assets. Leicester v Man Utd 17:30 Another Jamie Vardy goal would set the frontman up for the Premier League record of a goal in 11 successive matches. The 3-0 at Newcastle was a fourth straight win but the Foxes will be facing the league's most stubborn defence in United and may find it tough to continue the free-scoring form that has launched them to the top of the table. Watford's equaliser in the 2-1 victory at Vicarage Road was the first goal United conceded in five league games. While defensively sound, the lack of a cutting edge is increasingly worrying and Troy Deeney's own goal in Gameweek 13 paved over a lot of their cracks. It didn't last very long. The goal-less draw against PSV midweek was the fourth time United have failed to score in seven matches across all competitions and led to raucous boos around Old Trafford. A difficult match to call this one, with the United's solid defence up against Leicester's seemingly unstoppable attack. Challenge me to a one-on-one this week with PlayON and follow me on twitter @tomfenley. Tags Daily Fantasy Focus, fantasy Premier League, Fixture Breakdown, Gameweek 14, PlayON Pro, Tom Fenley The Hitlist: Gameweek 9 Injury & Suspension Round Up Premier League Gameweek 8: Champs and Chumps
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
The goal of the master's level major in Film and Television Producing is to deepen the student's skills towards independent audiovisual entrepreneurship, a research or development project in the film producing field or a deeper understanding of artistic leadership. After the studies, the student possesses the skills needed to realise and lead high-quality film and television productions and has acquired special competence in his/her personal area of specialisation that makes possible work in a changing profession and visionary development of operating methods in the field. In the major in Film and Television Producing the student deepens his / her vision of audiovisual productions and activities. The student develops his / her own artistic thinking and film vision as well as an understanding of business and management. Master's students become familiar with the history of the film and the current trends in audiovisual narrative. The aim of the education is to support the student as a creative producer. The education strengthens student's research capabilities and ability to think critically. Student's deepen their artistic thinking and expertise in leadership and entrepreneurship, international co-productions and distribution and dramaturgy in accordance to their personal study plan. The study modules include theoretical studies as well as workshop courses or a combination of these.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Lieutenants. Acheson, William C., Pittsburgh. Alexander, Clifford McK., Avalon. Alexander, Gail H., Philadelphia. Allison, Jack S., Philadelphia. The Secret of Long Pork Pies - TV Tropes In the short story Glyceride by Junji Ito, the protagonist's family runs a barbecue restaurant. When her brother violently attacks her, he's killed by their father, who then serves him to the restaurant patrons. Jacob Groth Director:Matt Earl Beesley; Creator:Ed Redlich and John Bellucci; Origin:USA; Composer:Jacob Groth; Release:13 November 2015; Unforgettable season 4. Stars Poppy Montgomery (Carrie Wells) and Dylan Walsh (Al Burns) are back, but the supporting cast has been revamped since cast options had expired when the scripted crime drama was cancelled (for.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Ketil Bjørnstad's passion for the English metaphysical poet John Donne (1572-1631) is a lifelong affair. His settings of Donne's verse have led to recordings including The Shadow, Grace and the ECM album The Light. "After working with the texts of John Donne for more than twenty years, I still find new approaches to understanding what he wrote and I find music throughout. It is in the language, in the rhythm, in the silence between the sentences - a passionate quest for meaning and reconciliation. Donne's dramatic life is reflected in the texts and everywhere in them you will find the passion, melodies and sounds". Bjørnstad wrote A passion for John Donne for the Oslo International Church Festival in the winter of 2011/2012 and the premiere performance – documented here – was at the Sofienberg Kirke in Oslo in March 2012. The Oslo Chamber Choir is sensitively directed by Håkon Daniel Nystedt, and passion is personified in the unique performance of Håkon Kornstad, who makes his ECM debut, as both tenor saxophonist and classical tenor singer. Described as "a cultural prodigy" by The Guardian's John Fordham, Ketil Bjørnstad studied piano in Oslo, London and Paris, and was set for a career in classical music before exposure to jazz changed his priorities. Although he did not come to ECM until 1993 with "Water Stories" he was involved with the label's musicians from the early 1970s; his 1973 debut album featuring Arild Andersen and Jon Christensen as rhythm section. From the outset he was also active as journalist and author. From 1972-1998, he was music and literature critic for Norwegian daily newspaper Aftenposten. He published his first book of poems in 1972 and his first novel in 1974. Many books have followed since then and translations have appeared in Danish, Swedish, German, Dutch, Finnish, English, French, Czech, Polish, Korean, Russian, Bengali, Greek and Turkish.
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Cyber Stalking on the Rise By ▪︎ Sonia Hickey & Ugur Nedim ▪︎ 31/08/2017 Sarah couldn't figure out how her ex-boyfriend kept finding her. She had changed phone numbers and mobile service providers. She moved in with friends, and changed houses a couple of times since then. She was as freelancer which meant her work schedule and location were unpredictable. But she'd see his car at the beach car park when she was walking her dog, and he'd brush past her in the grocery store an hour. Scared and frustrated, Sarah eventually searched her car and found a personal tracking device attached underneath. The devices are available for as a little as $300 and can be purchased over the counter or online. Stalkers have been known to place them into handbags and prams too because they are small and compact, and can be monitored via the internet. Sophisticated technology Sarah is one of an increasing number of people stalked through the use of technology. And personal tracking devices aren't the only method used. There are bots and automated trolls programmed to threaten targets on their social media accounts. There are remotely-installed programs to monitor the way someone uses their phone, and spoofing services that mask a caller's original number. Abusers can even pretend to be another real person – with text messages and phone calls seemingly originating from that other person's number. There's technology to alter voices from male to female, or indeed vice versa, allowing perpetrators call banks and phone companies to impersonate their victim, and to close or even empty accounts. Victims are being monitored by iCloud and even through the use of smart TVs – the list goes on. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, an estimated 19 per cent of women (1.6 million) and 7.8 per cent of men (663,800) have been victims of stalking. Stalking can take the form of loitering around homes or workplaces, or following and watching targets. Telephones or emails are used in almost half of the cases that involve women. Stalking as domestic violence Stalking is often a component of domestic violence. And we are becoming familiar with statistics suggesting that one in three Australian women have experienced physical violence since the age of 15. And a quarter of all women in Australia have experienced physical or sexual violence in the form of a beating or rape, by their intimate partner. But with the advancement of technology, police and frontline domestic violence workers say they are fighting an ongoing battle against technology, and that more often than not, smartphones are the weapon of choice. Experts believe the key is to educate victims. They have found it can be harmful for victims to simply turn off their phones and shut down their social media accounts. This is because victims already feel alone and depressed, and further isolation can dangerously accelerate a downward spiral. They point out that smartphones can be used in the war against cyberstalking – to collect evidence which can later be used to support a complaint. Victims can fight back by taking screen shots of abusive text messages, and can even use their phone's camera and GPS co-ordinates to prove a person has breached an existing apprehended violence order (AVO). The law in NSW Section 13 of the Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007 prescribes a maximum penalty of five years' imprisonment and/or a $5,500 fine for anyone who "stalks or intimidates another person with the intention of causing the other person to fear physical or mental harm". The section provides that: The offence covers causing a victim to fear that their partner will be harmed, a person intends to cause fear of physical or mental harm if he or she knows the conduct is likely to cause that fear, The prosecution does not have to prove that the victim actually feared physical or mental harm, and The offence covers attempts. Section 7 of the Act defines 'intimidation' as: harassment or molestation, or an approach by any means – including by telephone, telephone text messaging, e-mailing and other technologically assisted means – that causes fear for safety, or conduct that causes a reasonable apprehension of injury, or of violence or damage to any person or property. Section 8 defines 'stalking' as including: "the following of a person about or the watching or frequenting of the vicinity of, or an approach to, a person's place of residence, business or work or any place that a person frequents for the purposes of any social or leisure activity". The court can have regard to a pattern on behaviour when determining whether it amounts to intimidation or stalking. Where an AVO is in place, section 14 of the Act makes it an offence to contravene that order. The maximum penalty is two years' imprisonment and/or a $5,500 fine. Subsection 14(4) states that "unless the court orders otherwise" a person who contravenes an AVO "must be sentenced to a term of imprisonment if the act constituting the offence was an act of violence against a person." Unauthorised access to, or modification or use of computer data, is an offence under section 308H of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW), which prescribes a maximum penalty of two years' imprisonment for anyone who: causes any unauthorised access to or modification of restricted data held in a computer, and knows that the access or modification is unauthorised, and intends to cause that access or modification. "restricted data" is that which is held in a computer, being data to which access is restricted by an access control system associated with a function of the computer. The Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) contains a range of additional offences relating to the use of postal, telephone or internet services which can capture acts of cyber stalking. Pine Gap: Enabling the US to Kill Civilians Rohingya Muslims Face Humanitarian Crisis Sonia Hickey Sonia Hickey is a freelance writer, magazine journalist and owner of 'Woman with Words'. She has a strong interest in social justice, and is a member of the Sydney Criminal Lawyers® content team. The NSW Crimes Act: Computer Offences and Cyber Bullying Using Technology to Get Around Court Orders Do We Need New Technology Laws in NSW? Is Cyber Bullying Legislation in NSW Sufficient? Bullying to Become a Crime Criminal Lawyer Fails to Contest Dodgy Evidence
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Various organizations on campus put up a booth in solidarity against controversial issues at Cal Poly. Mustang News anchors Amanda Fridley and David Kline update you on Mustang News' biggest stories of this quarter. Mustang News anchors Cara Benson and Alison Stauf update you on Mustang News' biggest stories this week. Mustang News anchors Ayrton Ostly and David Kline update you on Mustang News' biggest stories this week. Mustang News anchors Laura Hoover and Dylan Ring update you on Mustang News' biggest stories this week. Mustang News anchors Allison Royal and Leah Horner update you on Mustang News' biggest stories this week. Mustang News anchors Geovanni Ximenez-Garcia and David Kline update you on Mustang News' biggest stories this week. Mustang News anchors Allison Royal and Chloe Carlson update you on Mustang News' biggest stories this week. Mustang News anchors Daniel Park and Monica Roos update you on Mustang News' biggest stories this week.
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Tuesday 11 August 2020 9:05 am UK unemployment: 730,000 Brits lose their jobs in lockdown By: Edward Thicknesse Around 730,000 people have lost their jobs in the UK since lockdown began in March, official statistics showed today, in the largest quarterly slump in employment since 2009. Since June, a further 114,000 people became unemployed, the Office of National Statistics (ONS) added. The UK unemployment rate stands at 3.9 per cent for the prior quarter, which ONS said was "largely unchanged" on the year. This is largely due to the government's furlough scheme. That has seen the government pay 80 per cent of 9m Brits' wages. But the number of hours worked sank at a record pace, falling 203.3m hours year on year and 191.3m from the first three months of 2020. Jeremy Thomson-Cook, chief economist at forex trader Equals Money, warned: "The latest UK unemployment release confirms two things. The true level of those out of work has been very effectively lowered by the government's furlough scheme. "But, more importantly when thinking about a recovery, the level of employment has continued to fall as those who have lost their jobs through the pandemic have not yet found their next role." Vacancies rise from record low In one positive the number of vacancies did increase 10 per cent from the record lows of the April-June period, with 370,000 UK jobs available. But jobs site Indeed's global economist Jack Kennedy said that was 56 per cent lower than last year. "Not only are there far fewer jobs today than there were last year or even in early 2020, the mix of available roles has shifted too, which means some of the jobs people search for simply are no longer there", he said. Wages drop amid pandemic London wage growth was subdued compared to other regions of the UK in the second quarter (Credit: ONS) However, total pay dropped by 1.2 per cent in the three months to June on the back of the job losses, which translates as a two per cent fall in real terms. "Annual earnings saw a further marked weakening in June and they look set to remain under pressure over the coming months," Howard Archer, chief economic adviser to the EY Item Club, said. "Looking ahead, many companies are looking to freeze or cut pay, and to reduce bonuses." UK unemployment rate set to rise after furlough ends Economists warned that a spike in the number UK jobs lost was likely when the government's job retention furlough scheme comes to an end in October. British Chambers of Commerce head of economics Suren Thiru said that the data was currently "lagging" behind the reality. "While the headline data continues to lag behind the reality on the ground, the decline in the number of employees on payrolls and hours worked is further evidence of the damage being done to the UK labour market by the coronavirus pandemic", he said. "The furlough scheme has been successful in preserving millions of jobs. However, with firms continuing to face a perfect storm of increased costs, reduced demand, and diminished cash reserves, unemployment is likely to surge as the government support schemes wind down, unless action is taken." UK unemployment could spike at end of 2020 KPMG's chief economist Yael Selfin echoed Thiru's comments, saying the furlough scheme was masking the full extent of the crisis. "As the job retention scheme unwinds, we expect unemployment to rise quickly in the fourth quarter", she said. "That could see unemployment average over six per cent this year compared to only 3.9 per cent at present." The Bank of England has predicted the UK unemployment rate could almost double to 7.5 per cent this year. Under its latest forecast scenario, the Bank believes the rate then will not fall until the fourth quarter of 2021, when it could hit six per cent. While the UK unemployment rate remains low, August saw a rise in jobseekers (Credit: Pantheon Macroeconomics) "A wide range of indicators suggest that job losses will crystallise from August, when employers must start to cover some of the costs of furloughed staff," warned Samuel Tombs, chief UK economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics. "People losing their jobs and new labour market entrants will struggle to find work, given that the single-month measure of job vacancies was down 45 per cent year-over-year in July, not much better than June's 59 per cent fall. "The number of job-seekers also will rise sharply when people who temporarily left the labour force at the height of the pandemic return."
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Freedoms of the air apply to commercial aviation. The bolívar is named after the hero of Latin American independence Simón Bolívar. : 145– 146 Even when such services are allowed by countries airlines may still face restrictions to accessing them by the terms of treaties for other reasons. Here you learn how to use toothpaste as glue fashion a shiv out of a spoon build intricate communication networks. The Vault is the FBI' s electronic FOIA Library containing nearly 7 other media that have been scanned from paper into digital copies so you can read them in the. On War, by General Carl von Clausewitz. Time Travel for DnD 5e. Introduction to flight 7th edition pdf download. The bolívar was adopted by the monetary law of 1879, replacing the short- lived venezolano at a rate of five bolívares to one venezolano. Feb 25 · On War by General Carl von Clausewitz. Pdf), Text File (. Txt) or read online. ABC is celebrating Valentine' s Day! Introduction to flight 7th edition pdf download. Initially the bolívar was defined on the silver standard equal to 4. 5 g fine silver, following the principles of the Latin Monetary Union. Held in september,. : 57: 20 3580: Result of revaluation of SAS Part- II Exam. ABC renews Modern Family, A Million Little Things & TRODUCTION It' s perhaps fitting that I write this introduction in jail- that graduate school of survival. 5th January: Nigel Taylor has been in touch with the latest news from the Detroit Spinner redoing some of the chassis, wiring , Acute Angle pits: Steve Summer of Poole in Dorset has been busy on the Detroit Spinner interior on the Nostalgic Prefect. : 145– 146 The terms ' freedom' more countries. He has rebuilt a BBC 496 motor and a TH400 gearbox ready to power the Prefect hopefully into the tens - the 496 has run 8. Nominees presenters, performers the Official Oscar Game & more! Id Subject; 3581: Bunching of stages of Pay in the pre- 7th CPC Pay scales consequent upon fixation. Page 1 of 141 The Project Gutenberg EBook of On War by Carl von Clausewitz This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost with almost no restrictions whatsoever. BibMe Free Bibliography & Citation Maker - MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard. Anonymous, " An Account of the Battle of Princeton". 310- 312, Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. Philadelphia: Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1884.
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Rotting berries leave sour taste as supermarket, distribution staff shortages eat into orders A berry-growing cooperative that supplies supermarkets says it has lost 60 per cent of its orders due to the surge in COVID cases and supply-chain issues. A berry cooperative is losing 60 per cent of orders due to supermarket worker shortages The federal government says close contacts who return negative RATs can now return to work Woolworths CEO Brad Banducci says the new rules will keep the supply chain moving As Omicron infections surge, supermarkets are being crippled by a shortage of transport, distribution and shop workers, who are isolating. Miffy Gilbert, the chief executive of Ausberry Farmers, said sheds were already being shut down and fruit would be left to rot because so many workers were having to isolate. "Fruit will go to waste," she said. "If you can't pick it on time, it's overripe and won't meet the specification for shelf life or eating." Ausberry Farmers says berries will be left to rot due to a lack of pickers and packers as the COVID crisis continues. (ABC News: Clint Jasper) Sales, prices continue to drop Ms Gilbert said supermarkets had been open and transparent about their COVID-related issues, and she was preparing for sales and prices to continue dropping, along with workforce numbers. Ausberry Farmers CEO Miffy Gilbert says her fruit will go to waste this summer. (Supplied: Miffy Gilbert) "Twenty-five per cent of my workers are now unavailable to pick and pack," she said. "We need more rapid antigen tests (RATs) to at least keep production happening, we need more clarity on that. "By the time we started looking for tests — maybe we were slow to the party — but there weren't enough and the price was exorbitant. "I'm sure there are other farmers out there who are in the same boat where RATs have become the limiting factor." Catch up on the main COVID-19 news from January 10 with a look back at our blog Federal government changes In a bid to alleviate pressure on the food supply chain, the Commonwealth has announced that workers who are close contacts of a COVID-positive case, but are asymptomatic and returning negative RATs, will be able to return to work. Coles is among the retailers hit by supply issues due to the surge in COVID-19 cases. (ABC News) Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly said the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) reached the new agreement for workers in food and grocery distribution chains after consultation with major supermarkets. "We've worked very closely with this particular sector right from the beginning of the pandemic, they have a lot a mitigation measures in the workplace," Professor Kelly said. "We are allowing people to come back to be monitored for symptoms and work so that they can keep the supply chains moving. How to deal with supermarket shortages In 2020 and 2021 empty supermarket shelves were due to spikes in demand. Now it's a different issue, but the solutions are broadly the same. "We've heard from [major supermarkets] and they're finding 30 to 50 per cent absenteeism, it's huge, particularly in the distribution centres. They cannot work in those circumstances." These measures do not include public-facing staff in supermarkets, such as sales assistants in retail settings. New rules 'a big plus' Chris Parisi, a wholesaler at Sydney Markets who also runs a couple of retail outlets in the city, said the change would help his business. Mr Parisi has 120 staff on the books, but due to the pandemic only about 75 are able to work. '[These new rules] are a big plus for us," he said. "A big problem for us is people having to stay at home." Sydney wholesaler Chris Parisi says almost half his staff are off work due to the pandemic. (ABC Rural: David Claughton) Keep supply chain moving Woolworths Group chief executive Brad Banducci said the new rules would keep the supply chain moving. "We'll be as responsible and as sensible as we can, but with a focus on ensuring we keep food flowing through our supply chain." "Our team members who come back to the sheds, they'll be expected to do a RAT before they go into the distribution centre, and if they're positive, clearly they won't be going in." "But there is enough product in our supply chain to meet the needs of all of our customers … it might not be their favourite brand but it's not a cause for panic." Woolworths CEO Brad Banducci says new government rules should free up the supply chain. (7.30 Report) IGA says 'everything' is delayed Ritchies IGA chief executive Fred Harrison said the supply chain issues began in early December, and could take months to resolve. "It's taking a lot of people out of the network … meaning everything is running considerably behind," he said. "There are deliveries that are anywhere from two days to a week late and most of it is due to COVID." Get the latest rural news Mr Harrison said that in addition to isolation requirements draining the workforce, the supply chain was being interrupted by a lack of international products reaching Australia. "Much of it is also problems with ingredients that are meant to come from overseas — they haven't been arriving here," he said "And there are issues with pallets due to a shortage of wood, so we can't put goods onto pallets for delivery." Duration: 3 minutes 36 seconds3m 36s How to speak to your kids about their COVID-19 vaccination What you need to know about coronavirus: Loading form… COVID-19FruitRetailVegetables Previous Wicket: Melbourne Stars, Nick Larkin – 10 Jan 22 Next Full House's Bob Saget Has Died at Age 65
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In 1914 Chicago annexed the village of Morgan Park. Western Avenue here was still a dirt road. Contemporary maps indicate the west side of Western was part of Mount Hope Cemetery. Today the area is fully developed. Mount Hope Cemetery is still in business, but several blocks to the west. The cemetery sold off some of its unused land, and the blocks bordering Western are now a residential community called Beverly Woods.
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Murder at the Bridge Table - $14.95 USD - ISBN: 978-1-894154-11-6 - from Master Point Press, the Bridge Publisher Murder at the Bridge Table by: Matthew Granovetter Categories: Bridge Fiction A bridge course and murder mystery all in one! "My husband writes a great book to improve people's duplicate game. But it isn't enough for him to give away all our bridge secrets for only a few dollars. Next, he sticks me and half of our friends into a murder plot. Then he adds a mysterious blonde and winds up spending the night with her in Zia's hotel room! Wait till he gets home..." - Pamela Granovetter Matthew Granovetter Matthew Granovetter (Cincinnati. Ohio) is perhaps best known as the founder and editor (with wife Pamela) of Bridge Today magazine, now available only in its online edition. A top-class player, he has won National titles and represented the USA at the world level. Several of his books are regarded as modern classics on the game. "Good fun" — Alan Truscott, New York Times "An enduring masterpiece" — Frank Stewart, ACBL Bulletin "How refreshing to have a textbook included in a mystery" — Ted Horning, Toronto Star "A fascinating mystery novel, and an excellent instructor" — Michael Cassel, Cleveland Plain Dealer
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I tend to think I can set a boundary and stick to it. HOWEVER, he will find a way around it, whether it's over, under, whatever. Eventually (and usually not gradually) i find myself in the same damn conversations. Didn't you just hate me a few weeks ago? Wasn't it 2 days ago that you were keeping me at "arms length"? Haven't you been saying for three weeks that your plan is to get into some sobriety house/home place? So WHY are we having the SAME circular conversation about "us" and "our marriage"…..? Why are you asking ME what you should do?? Last I heard, you were convinced I had the last place keeping you longer than you wanted to stay. And I "tricked" you into going in the first place. And wasn't it you saying that you needed to "hide" from me? Why in the hell would I jump in that boat again?
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Rereading the Fantastic Four comics from the start. It's a somewhat more down-to-Earth tale in issue #78. We begin with some housecleaning from the previous arc, as Reed, Ben and Johnny emerge from the Microverse, and we spend a page with them discovering that their plan worked, and that the Silver Surfer worked out a deal with Galactus and save the Earth. Ben considers checking in with Alicia, but he once again does the pity party thing, wondering how she could ever love a monster. Johnny won't hear it, so he takes off out a window and flies around New York, grateful to still be alive. Among the spectators watching Johnny, we find the Wizard. A newspaper headline in the foreground conveniently tells us that he's been released from prison, where we last saw him in issue #57. He vows revenge on the Fantastic Four. Johnny flies back home and asks where Crystal is. Ben says she's at the maternity ward with Sue. Then there's a bit of business where Ben has forgotten how to use the elevator, and Johnny once again demonstrates how the FF uses cool gizmos on their belts to operate it. (Why weren't these things in the movies?!?) Then there's even more comedic business as they clean up some of the wreckage leftover from their previous adventures, with Johnny burning stuff to ash as his form of "cleaning." They also tour the garage/hangar for a look at the Fantasticar and Ben's jet cycle. Reed calls them back to the monitor room. He says there's no news on Sue's condition yet, and that he has something for Ben – another attempt at a cure. Reed promises that this time, it'll be permanent. Elsewhere, the Wizard tries on a new pair of gloves he's invented, which give him superhuman strength, capable of smashing an anvil. He believes that this, along with his usual anti-gravity devices, will be enough to destroy the FF. Back in Reed's lab – the "chem room" to be specific – Reed hands Ben a test tube full of strange liquid. Ben drinks, and passes out (we've all been there, dude). His body then releases all of its cosmic energy, and one swarm of Kirby dots later, he's human again. We take a break from the action to check in with Sue and Crystal at the hospital. The doctors are whispering dramatically to each other, and Crystal demands to know what the deal is. The docs reveal that the cosmic radiation that gives Sue her powers is in her blood stream, and they have no idea how it'll affect the baby. "Then anything is liable to happen!" Crystal says. Back to the fight. Reed and the Wizard – who's still calling himself the "Wingless Wizard," amusingly – throw each other around the room for a while. Then there's a strange run of a few pages where, for some reason, Ben still believes he has all the strength he has as the Thing. He can't punch very hard, he can't lift heavy objects, etc. The Wizard delights in this, kicking Ben around like a schoolyard bully. Reed rescues Ben from being thrown against a wall, knocking himself out in the process. Johnny rejoins the fight, trapping the Wizard inside Reed's high-tech centrifuge device, spinning the Wizard around like crazy. Reed and Ben recover, and Reed is shocked to see Ben is still human, even after everything that has happened. Johnny confiscates the Wizard's gloves, but the Wizard still manages to escape with his anti-grav tech. He flies off, still swearing revenge, and Johnny retorts that the FF will be ready for round two. Ben continues to be down on himself, upset for not being able to help during the fight. He considers turning back into the Thing, to be there for his teammates. Reed says Ben must make a decision. If he stays human, he won't be able to clobber the bad guys, but if he turns back into the Thing, he'll never be human again – ever. Unstable molecule: One wonders why, with his wife in the hospital, is Reed concocting Ben's cure now? Does Reed feel unable to help Sue, so he's overcompensating by helping Ben? Whatever. He stretches his hand into a gigantic fist to punch the Wizard. Fade out: Sue spends the whole issue sleeping. Nice to see Crystal not take any crap from the doctors, though. Clobberin' time: It's never made clear why Ben believes he still has superhuman strength after becoming human again. It a needed story point, to emphasize the seriousness of the choice he must make, but it also makes him look really dumb. Flame on: This is a great issue for Johnny, as he not only outfights but outsmarts the Wizard. He also takes us on a tour of the Baxter Building, and enjoys an upbeat, joyous flight over NYC. Commercial break: It's Bart Simpson's spy camera! Trivia time: In addition to the Fantasticar and the jet cycle, in this issue we can also see the FF's pogo plane, and that flying saucer they flew around in back in issue #36. Fantastic or frightful? I never like it when the villain's only motivation is to take out the heroes, and I really don't like stories where the heroes do nothing but hang out in their headquarters only for the villain to show up on their doorstep and pick a fight. This issue mostly sidesteps those problems, because the hanging out around headquarters stuff is really great. For as much as we all love the big action scenes, I always enjoy the "daily life" scenes, which make these characters feel like genuine people. The real drama, though, won't be until the next issue. Next: Sophie's, um, I mean Ben's choice.
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Today Austin, Nelson and I harvested our first potato crop. I think I only planted about 8 seed potatoes and this is what we dug up. They weighed about 17.5kg. I don't know if this is a good amount but we were very pleased with it. Everytime we thought we had finished we'd find more potatoes! Even Ginger came in to help. Next job is to pick the silverbeet. Still waiting on the tomatoes to turn red! When is an op shop find, not an op shop find? When you clean out your parents shed which hasn't been touched in years! This dirty, moth-eaten, horrible box was way down the back. 48 years ago! I don't think it was ever used. so far using the tin foil/bi carb soda boiling method. knows where it came from! A cute little chicken pot holder, still with it's tag. A sweet little vase. Do you remember Holly Hobby? Here's my money box. I just loved Holly Hobby when I was younger. This mug wasn't in the shed but I thought I'd show you it anyway. It's been in my cup drawer forever! It would now be over 30 years old. And last but not least, this very cute(?) duck toothpick holder. Just the thing for those pre-dinner cheese and kabana nibblies! A Trip To The Aquarium And Some Vintage Lace! The boys and I headed to Melbourne Aquarium for a day out. We could have spent hours just watching the penguins. They are so cute! Nelson getting up close and personal! Some hands on! (ice creams), the boys agreed to let me go the the Lace in Fashion exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria. This night shirt was from the late 1600's. There are very few that have survived as any good sections of them were cut up to make new items. Just look at the beautiful inserts in the sleeves. Sorry about the quality of the photos (no flash). Unfortunately, when I went to get a copy of the catalogue, they had sold out the day before! It would have been lovely to have all the photos and information to read up on. Oh well, next time I won't leave it until near the end of the exhibition! Over the New Year, Nelson went to Nelson on a camping trip with the neighbours. Nelson (the town) is near the South Australian/Victorian border. Nelson (the boy) was pretty excited seeing his name everywhere! He really liked this sign! His head is hiding the word "in". This is where he was standing. Nelson and Callum kayaking at Nelson beach. They camped in the Lower Glenelg National Park. Now kayaking on the river. quickly and was soon into the flow of it. One day they went to the Princess Margaret Rose Caves. Here's Nelson at the entrance. And the two rascals inside the cave! By the looks of it, they all had a wonderful time. Nelson came home exhausted but happy. It was very strange not having him home for nearly a week. Last month I won a Green Bag Lady shopping bag on the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day. It is bag number 13,518, made with Amy Butler fabric. I also received another bag cut out, all ready to be sewn up for me to give someone else. It was so quick to whip up. I did most of it on the over-locker. Here's my finished one. You can find the instructions here. I will certainly make some more of these. The bags fold up nicely to put into you handbag, so you'll be able to say "no, thank you" when asked if you'd like a plastic bag! If You Have To Do The Washing, Do It With style! peg bag for my washing trolley. No more plastic peg bag for me! Noel and the boys went on an overnight camp to the Cathedral Range State Park. As you can see by the photos, they had a good time. A river to play in! Why do boys always want to poke at fires? I stayed home and had a good time too - sewing! Will show you another time what I was working on.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Support for Windows XP and Office 2003 has ended, Microsoft announced yesterday. In a statement in its blog, Microsoft said as from April 8th 2014, it will no longer release security updates for the 12 year-old operating system and the Office 2003 product. Yesterday was set to be the last Patch Tuesday for both products. Consequently, Microsoft is warning users running Windows XP that they risk major security vulnerabilities henceforth, and advises users to upgrade to newer Windows versions. "Microsoft provided support for Windows XP for the past 12 years. But the time came for us, along with our hardware and software partners, to invest our resources toward supporting more recent technologies so that we can continue to deliver great new experiences," a statement read in the Microsoft Blog. It turns out that many people are still using the outdated, 12 year old Windows XP OS. The Windows XP still has a wide user base and is ranked second most popular operating system worldwide. As at January 2014, Windows XP global market share stood at 29% behind Windows 7 that commands a leading 47% global market share. Among those heavily affected by the move by Microsoft include governments such as the US, British, Chinese and Dutch Governments whose several millions computers may miss the upgrade deadline. These include computers on military and diplomatic networks that secure classified information. Major banks and their global subsidiaries are also calling for an extended support as 95 percent of ATMs worldwide are still running on Windows XP. If you're still using Windows XP then it means you should upgrade to a newer version, be it Windows 7 or Windows 8. You can also get a new Windows computer altogether, which should be running the latest Windows 8.1 release. Alternatively, you can choose to use a different operating system, such as one of the many Linux variants, or even purchase a new computer running OS X or Chrome OS. The Windows XP was released on October 25, 2001. It received three major updates: Service Pack 1 (on September 9, 2002), Service Pack 2 (on August 25, 2004), and Service Pack 3 (April 21, 2008). On April 14, 2009, Microsoft retired Mainstream Support for XP, meaning security updates were still available but free technical support, warranty claims, and design changes stopped being offered. The company yesterday retired Extended Support for the operating system.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
package com.nutrition.express.model.api.bean; import java.util.List; /** * Created by huang on 11/2/16. */ public class UserInfoItem { private long following; private long likes; private String default_post_format; private String name; private List<BlogInfoItem> blogs; public long getFollowing() { return following; } public long getLikes() { return likes; } public String getDefault_post_format() { return default_post_format; } public String getName() { return name; } public List<BlogInfoItem> getBlogs() { return blogs; } }
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Arnia AI Research is seeking outstanding research engineers for positions in the field of deep learning. Our R&D team focuses on applied deep learning algorithms and software in computer vision, sound, and natural language processing. Previous and ongoing projects include and are not limited to 3D face recognition, Audio-Video data augmentation (generative models), natural language understanding. We value potential as much as experience and above all an enthusiastic attitude towards this research field. Relocation Opportunity We are looking for amazing people - people who are eager to innovate, achieve, grow and lead. We attract and retain the best talent by investing and empowering our employees to constantly develop both themselves and their careers. This is the reason why we have created, and we are offering a relocation package that can give everyone the opportunity to be part of our team. Our relocation program gives you the opportunity to live and work in a city where our offices are, be it Bucharest or Brasov. Because we know how important it is to try a new experience, to broaden your knowledge, learn a new skill-set and work with some of the best in the industry, we will provide you with the all necessary assistance to relocate in Bucharest or Brasov and be part of Arnia's team. Our relocation package consists of initial accommodation expenses, real estate assistance, visa assistance (if the case), reimbursement of expenses related to physical move (packing and moving, storage, etc) and other costs related to the disruption in your life created by the move. As a Research Engineer at Arnia, you'll work with a talented group of software engineers and scientists to design and implement cutting edge AI technologies. You will be part of the full R&D cycle: reading papers, prototyping algorithms, making proof of concept demonstrations. You will have the opportunity to work on advanced applied deep learning projects, implement and improve upon state-of-the-art methods, work in a team with the same interests. You should apply if you are a software engineer who is fairly comfortable with linear algebra, basic statistics, and the basics of stochastic gradient descent. Experience in machine learning is highly valued, but we do not expect proficiency in deep learning - since the tasks we try to develop are somewhat at the edge of state-of-the-art, we trust that nobody's an expert.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
What's The Deal With Craft Beer? Small independent establishments have an appeal that's all their own. The 'non-commercial' nature of business, where extreme care is taken with each product that's manufactured, has an exclusivity that's sought-after. Craft beer is one such product that's made a mark. Craft beer is beer made by small independent brewers. It's 'traditional' too as the ingredients are tried and tested. However, not all craft beer is good just like how not all commercial breweries produce bad beer. What you should look for is reputation above all else. Has the brewery made a name for itself in the craft beer segment? Does it produce a large volume of malt beer and does the use of adjuncts enhance the flavor of the beer or lighten it? Compare and contrast various breweries. It tastes better, for one There's a distinct taste to craft beer that's absent from commercial beer. The idea is to deliver as close a taste to what the ingredients would produce without the use of artificial flavors. It's not as bitter, it's richer, and less watery. You can immediately tell the difference by tasting the two even with the various flavors created by different brewers. Yes, craft beer can pack a punch which means you don't have to gulp down too much to feel mellow. Commercial beer is watered down, extremely so, which is why you need to consume a lot to get the same effects you would from a couple of craft beers. It's also more money saved so you can treat your friends without going broke. Every craft beer brewer adds his own mix of ingredients to produce unique tastes. If you love a good pint of beer, you'll love the choices available with craft beer. You may come across beer that's flavored with nutmeg and cinnamon, caramel and cocoa, and even pumpkin. There are flavors to literally titillate every palate so the thought of going back to commercial beer will seem ridiculous! Believe it or not, craft beer can be healthy if consumed in moderation. It contains a high amount of silicon and calcium, essential for building strong teeth, bones and hair. Beer with high quantities of barley and hops should be favored as their calcium and silicon content will be high. According to several studies, moderate consumption of beer can lead to decreased risk of Alzheimer's disease, decreased risk of osteoporosis, decreased risk of heart failure, and a decreased risk of diabetes. It also increases the absorption of dietary fiber. With so many benefits, there's no reason not to opt for beer as long as it's in moderation. An experience you'll want to repeat! The delicious flavor coupled with the many choices and lower cost per drinking session will make you want to stick with craft beer. There's just no downside. At a time where the price of having a good time can be high, getting great returns for your money is just something you want to repeat over and over again, particularly on special occasions! Contact a purveyor of craft beer today for an unforgettable experience. We guarantee you'll never want to go back to what you thought was beer!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Big Time Gaming viking-quest Big Time Gaming Viking Quest Itu2019s hammer time as Big Time Gaming revive the Viking age with their cartoon take on the notorious Norse invaders. Mega symbols loom large in this 5-reel slot, where the bigger the symbol, the better your chances of success. Stacks of Cash Play Viking Quest for real money Viking Quest Slot Review It's hammer time as Big Time Gaming revive the Viking age with their cartoon take on the notorious Norse invaders. Mega symbols loom large in this 5-reel slot, where the bigger the symbol, the better your chances of success. Historically, Viking Quest is as inaccurate as they come, but from a playing perspective this game is bang on. As everyone by now knows, Vikings didn't wear pointy horned hats and they also did more than merely pillage and burn, but this probably isn't the time or place for confronting pop culture misconceptions. Instead, let's delve deeper into what makes this slot tick. The Best of the Quest Viking Quest isn't the only game Big Time Gaming have released in this vein – there's also Temple Quest, which is basically the same game but with an ancient Inca temple theme instead. There are 40 paylines in Viking Quest and a coin stake that can be set between 0.40 and 400.00. Autoplay is available, with a maximum of 25 spins, though a lower threshold can be set if desired. If it weren't for the name of the game above the reels, you'd probably never have guessed that this was a Viking-themed game. Sure, there are hammer, helmet and shield symbols, but that's about as far as it goes. The backdrop for the game, for instance, is a sun-blessed vale complete with pink blossom and a sense of serenity. There are no snow-lashed fjords or burning villages to be seen. It's all very pleasant and also very un-Viking. Rather than rely on playing card symbols, Big Time Gaming have made an effort with this slot, creating proprietary symbols that are bright, cheerful and memorable. Once again though, the Viking connection – especially in the case of the green-haired troll and perma-grinning jester – seems tenuous. Five jesters are worth 500, while the wild symbol is worth 1,000 for five. Pillage the Village The main highlight of Viking Quest, one that's impossible to miss, is its mega symbols. These can grow to as huge as 4×4, dominating the reels and squeezing out other symbols. If this happens to you, don't complain though: it's a sure sign that a big win is incoming, or at least as sure as anything can be when you're playing a slot that's dictated by chance. Not all of the mega symbols will be that large by the way – you'll also see smaller versions measuring 3×3 or 2×2. Scatter is played by a leaping salmon, yet another symbol that you wouldn't automatically associate with Vikings. It will trigger the Gone Fishing feature, where the name of the game is to dip your rod into the water and see what sort of a prize you can scoop. If the scatter symbol appeared as a 2×2 icon, you'll be given four picks, whereas a 3×3 scatter will give you nine picks and a 4×4 will grant the full 16. The other major feature in Viking Quest is called Chests of Fortune, activated by the chest scatter symbol. It's possible to win between 2x and 500x your total stake, which will again be dependent on the size of the mega scatter that activated the feature. Liking the Vikings? Viking Quest is a medium volatility slot that's very similar to Temple Quest, also by Big Time Gaming. There are a few other slots you could play though if you like what you see here including Faeries Fortune by Big Time Gaming and Microgaming's Bridesmaids. If it's the theme you're enamoured with conversely then there are countless Viking games out there: take your pick. A Quest that's Best Historical inaccuracies aside, Viking Quest is another fine effort from Big Time Gaming. They're certainly not the first developer to experiment with mega-sized symbols, but it's a feature they've implemented well into their slots. Slots are meant to be fun first and foremost, and Viking Quest certainly meets that criteria. It looks great, and is blessed with some fine animations and colourful characters. Throw in a range of cleverly implemented bonus features, and there are a lot of reasons to give this slot a spin. Provider: Big Time Gaming Report a problem with Viking Quest We're sorry Viking Quest did not work Monster Munchies Royal Masquerade Mr Multiplier Dragon's Deep Mystical Pride Groovy Sixties Sumatran Storm Wolves Tales King Tusk Mummy's Tomb Wild Pirates
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
With a trio of Mopar muscle cars atop the sales list, Mecum Auctions' annual Louisville sale posted a 74 percent sell-through rate and more than $8.4 million in total sales this past weekend. Of 562 vehicles crossing the block, 417 went home to new owners, Mecum reported. The top two sales were 2018 Dodge challenger SRT Demon modern muscle cars, each driven less than 100 miles. A red-on-black model sold for $132,000 while a black-on-red version brought $123,750. Prices include buyer's fee. Third on the top-sales list was a vintage 1969 Plymouth Hemi GTX which sold for $100,100. Mecum's next auction is scheduled for October 3-6 in Dallas.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Portable ECG Devices iNeedMD, Inc. ("iNeedMD" or the "Company"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of iNeedMD Holdings, Inc., develops and markets medical device solutions that enable individuals and their healthcare partners to easily acquire, store and export health- and wellness-related data in convenient, portable platforms. iNeedMD Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: NEMD) is incorporated in the United States in the State of Nevada. All corporate operations currently reside in the State of New York. iNeedMD Signs Share Exchange Agreement to Acquire US Master Distributor Mediplex Alliances and Agrees to Appoint Jonathan Loutzenhiser as President Mar 22, 2016 | Investor Relations iNeedMD Investor Update Dec 31, 2015 | Investor Relations iNeedMD Signs $1.5 million Western Africa Distribution Agreement Oct 9, 2015 | Investor Relations Read More Investor Relations News… The Board of Directors of iNeedMD sets high standards for the Company's employees, officers and directors. Implicit in this philosophy is the importance of sound corporate governance. It is the duty of the Board of Directors to serve as a prudent fiduciary for shareholders and to oversee the management of the Company's business. To fulfill its responsibilities and to discharge its duty, the Board of Directors follows the procedures and standards that are set forth in these guidelines. These guidelines are subject to modification from time to time as the Board of Directors deems appropriate in the best interests of the Company or as required by applicable laws and regulations. Govindan Gopinathan, MD Thomas A. Nicolette Govindan Gopinathan, MD is Chairman of the Board of Directors. Dr. Gopinathan co-founded of the Company, is the primary inventor of The EKG Glove™, and has been granted numerous US and international patents related to telemedicine technologies. Dr. Gopinathan is board certified in Internal Medicine by the Royal College of Physicians of Canada and the University of Kerala, India; he is also board certified in Neurology by the American Academy of Neurology and the Royal College of Physicians of Canada. Dr. Gopinathan is a former Clinical Professor of Neurology at New York University Langone Medical Center. Thomas A. Nicolette is a Director, effective November 2014. Mr. Nicolette currently serves as the Company's President and Chief Executive Officer. He is the principal of Nicolette Consulting Group Limited, a business management consulting firm which he founded in 1984. Most recently Mr. Nicolette served as President, Chief Executive Officer and director of Akers Biosciences, Inc. from 2006 until early 2014 and was instrumental in a $15 million IPO that facilitated Akers Biosciences' listing on the NASDAQ capital market. Mr. Nicolette is a graduate of Michigan State University School of Criminal Justice. You can contact iNeedMD's Board of Directors to provide comments, to report concerns, or to ask a question, at the following address. iNeedMD Holdings, Inc. 650 First Avenue, 3rd Floor Communications are distributed to the Board, or to any individual directors as appropriate, depending on the facts and circumstances outlined in the communication. In that regard, it is requested that matters which are unrelated to the duties and responsibilities of the board be excluded, such as: Product complaints or inquiries Resumes and other forms of job inquiries Business solicitations or advertisements In addition, material that is unduly hostile, threatening, illegal or similarly unsuitable will be excluded, with the provision that any communication that is filtered out must be made available to any non-director upon request. You may also communicate online with our Board of Directors as a group through our Contact Us portal. Details on upcoming events are not yet available. Please contact our Corporate Headquarters by calling +1 212.256.9669. Where are iNeedMD shares quoted? iNeedMD shares are currently quoted on the OTC Markets under the ticker symbol NEMD. Who is iNeedMD's transfer agent? Our transfer agent is VStock Transfer. Visit the Investor Contacts section of our website to obtain their company-specific information. Where can I find information on iNeedMD's share prices? Visit the Stock Information section of our website to view recent share prices. Access the OTC Markets website to view more detailed information about the company and historical share prices. How do I get a copy of the current iNeedMD annual report? Current and past annual reports are available online by accessing the SEC Filings section of our website. Use the Contact Us portal if additional assistance is needed. How do I find upcoming events? Please contact our Corporate Headquarters by submitting your inquiry via our online Contact Us portal. How do I contact Investor Relations for answers to additional questions? Lucosky Brookman LLP 101 Wood Avenue South Woodbridge, New Jersey 08830 http://www.lucbro.com/ RRBB Accountants & Advisors 265 Davidson Avenue Suite 210 Somerset, N.J. 08873-4120 http://www.rrbb.com VStock Transfer, LLC 18 Lafayette Place Woodmere, NY 11598 https://www.vstocktransfer.com/ Please contact our Corporate Headquarters via our Contact Us portal or by calling iNeedMD at + For additional information, Contact iNeedMD. Copyright © 2016 iNeedMD "The EKG Glove" and "iNeedMD" are trademarks of iNeedMD Holdings, Inc.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
My life is my art. My work as an artist and a writer and a gatherer is all about the ripples and circles of life. It is all about those everyday snapshots that speak to the spirit, to the "aha" moments, which for me, manifest through story, painting, photography, nature, and gatherings. I am a simple explorer on this Life Path imbued with color and movement and form. My work often begins with a single word, with a fraction of a thought, with the glimpse of an idea. It begins with one moment and then "ripples and circles" along a continuum of color and movement and line and words. My journey is not about technique, but rather about revelation — the revelation of a narrative on canvas, in writing, in story sharing, in creating.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Sow in the field of your heart the seeds of good thoughts, charged with humility; irrigate it with the waters of love; protect the growing crop with the pesticide called courage; feed the crop with the fertiliser of concentration; then the bhakti plants will yield the harvest of jnana, the eternal wisdom, that you are He, and when that revelation comes, you become He, for you were always He, though you did not know it so far. Then peace will be your better half. Do not forsake them or neglect them. Best Resolution 1024x768 -- Copyright � 2004-2015 SAIBABA.WS. All rights reserved. Please read Disclaimer.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: vlan for ip cameras and nvr I had an existing tcp/ip network setup and I added 4 ip cameras and an nvr to it. The traffic load went up and I had some performance issues especially to the routers. As a solution I thought to add VLAN for the cameras and the nvr. So I did add a VLAN in two of the ports (now these 2 ports are tagged) of an AC1000 Wi-Fi RouterE5350 and connected the 4 ip cameras and the nvr. Now the VLAN is not accessible from the rest of network and I can't see the cameras and the nvr. How do I go about having access to these devices from the outside of the VLAN? It is true that i'm missing a lot things to this topic and I would appreciate any guidance and help. Thanks!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Fennelly wins 400 on Sunday vs. Drake Cyclone Fanatic Staff, Nov 24 • 0 Comments The following is a press release courtesy of Iowa State athletics communications. DES MOINES, Iowa – The No. 22/16 Iowa State women's basketball team (4-0, 0-0 Big 12) silenced the Drake Bulldogs with an 89-47 victory at the Knapp Center in Des Moines, Iowa. The win improved Iowa State to 4-0 and served as Head Coach Bill Fennelly's 400th-career win with the Cyclones. With Drake closing in on a Cyclone lead, 26-22, the Iowa State defense would step up to the plate holding the Bulldogs scoreless to close the half. With 5:29 remaining in the first half, Iowa State would use a 14-0 run to take an 18-point lead over the Bulldogs. Four different Cyclones contributed points during the Iowa State run, with junior Brynn Williamson leading the way with five, followed by senior Hallie Christofferson (4) and freshmen Jadda Buckley (3) and Seanna Johnson (2). Discuss it now. Visit our Facebook page to have your say on the turning point of tonight's match. Game Ball Goes To… Hallie Christofferson and Seanna Johnson. Christofferson led the Cyclones' offensive attack another 25-point performance. The senior went 8-of-10 from the field and 2-of-4 from the three. She also grabbed four boards, two blocks and a steal. Freshman Seanna Johnson recorded her first career double-double, making her the third different Cyclone this season to grab a double-double. She nabbed career-highs with 14 points and 11 boards. Cyclone Quick Hits *Christofferson recorded her 62nd career double-digit scoring game with 25 points. She also recorded her 18th-career 20-point effort. She has scored 25+ points in all four games this season *Seanna Johnson recorded her first career double-double with 14 points and 11 boards. *ISU has outrebounded all four opponents. *ISU shot a season-high 91.3 percent (21-23) from the free-throw line. *ISU has won nine of its last 10 games against Drake *Nikki Moody led the Cyclones in assists for the 50th time in her career with four. *Jadda Buckley tied her career-high that she set against Cincinnati with 12 points. *The 42-point margin of victory matches ISU's second-largest in the series (87-45 in 2012). Iowa State travels to Las Vegas, Nev., to participate in the South Point Classic with games against Eastern Washington and Auburn. Fans can follow the action on Cyclones.com and on Twitter using the hashtag #VivaLasCyclones and following the general account @CycloneWBB. Previous Williams: The Cyclones man up and throttle KU on Senior Night Next POLL: Will the Cyclones make it two in a row to end 2013? Women's hoops grabs road win at Cinci Christofferson on Naismith list; Johnson honored by Big 12 Cyclone women throttle Drake
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
My suspicions concerning the internet are old news at this point, "Er zol vaksen vi a tsibeleh, mit dem kop in drerd," in the Yiddish — "the hat-wearing man is worn by his hat in equal measure." However, my experience has shown me that internet media is not going anywhere, for better or for worse, like Israel, yes, but also like Araby. Of course, in life, we take the good with the bad. One man's Shia LaBeouf is another man's Shia LaBeouf. And so, here I am, like Shia LaBeouf. Adaptation to the internet has not been an easy or forgiving experience. My e-mail box is the wrong color. And I despise my "mouse." However, I have persevered. I have learned how to create the HYPERLINK. And I have "googled" myself, as all men must, apparently, these days, repeatedly. Through our technological looking glass, the abyss is now the search engine, and as it looks into the generalized you, so too will it and you look through the particulate me. It is like talking on a telephone, but with our eyes. Put simply, I am in two words — "totally stoked" — as the kids say, for this new partnership. I have long seen my name, both on the internet, and in printing. But, this is a very new and different venue for me, one my assistant claims is "adequately indey." In life, one can never afford to turn down an opportunity to reach out to a younger marketing demographic. For they comprise the future of both disposable income, and of the future. I hope you enjoy my weekly and/or bi-weekly quotidian musings as much as I enjoy musing them! We, the good people of Et tu, Mr. Destructo? extend a hearty welcome to our newest contributor, Marty Peretz. Mr. Peretz comes from an illustrious background. He describes himself as a one-time university professor, a lifetime writer, and a sometime thinker — although Mr. Peretz notes that "sometime" is italicized to reflect the phrase's sly self-deprecating usage. He has also purchased at least one magazine and enjoys the privilege of many long-standing and satisfying friendships with numerous intelligent and accomplished people, too many to name here. A complete list is available upon request.
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