"You don't look it."
She shoots you a glare, and you laugh heartily, taking her hand and squeezing it.
You wish you could freeze time and live in this moment - in your home, with your baby, and your girl. You will protect them and love them - forever. You look at your wife, sitting across from you. She looks beautiful here, a blossoming flower among the gorgeous Irish landscape.
"Hey. What?" She asks you. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Nothing. I just love you."
She smiles warmly, leaning over and kissing your cheek. "I love you too."
And that's all you ever needed.
* * *
**A/N: **So. The end.
I know I seriously neglected this piece, but I just finished it anyway and decided to post it. If anyone still follows this story, I'm sorry I let it go so long.
So here's some closure. They lived long, happy lives and so did their three children.
Thanks to everyone who reviewed that chapter (forever ago) and I hope anyone reading this enjoyed the ending. I know I enjoyed finally finishing it (◡‿◡✿)
* * *
**_Please review!_**
End file.
I Made A Promise
by accioremote7
Category: Harry Potter Genre: Angst, Romance Language: English Status: Completed Published: 2012-02-15 Updated: 2012-02-15 Packaged: 2015-06-23 20:44:28 Rating: K+ Chapters: 1 Words: 3,952 Publisher: www.fanfiction.net Story URL: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7839886/1/ Author URL: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/3314937/accioremote7 Summary: "He's so strong, and for some reason, even with all his various cuts and bruises, he looks more like Prince Charming than any of the old picture books her mother read her when she was young." SeamusxLavender one-shot.
I Made A Promise
Sandy hair, green eyes, freckles, and fire flashed through Lavender's mind as she packed her bag in the fading light. Finishing with sticking a forgotten pair of socks into her trunk, she closed the lid and got into bed. She tried to sleep, but she just kept seeing the same thing. Seamus. And Hogwarts, her home. The only problem was that she knew it wouldn't be the warm and inviting place it had been in previous years.
A full war had not started yet, but it was the antebellum feeling that ate Lavender up inside. She couldn't stand this, this waiting in fear that everyone constantly lived with now.
She used to believe that everything was under control. That even when things seemed bad for a while, the Ministry or something stronger would set things right quickly.
Things always seemed to fall into place for her. That was one of the things that scared her the most. For she knew that this time, she could not depend on things to just fall into place.
And Dumbledore was dead. He died, and he wasn't coming back.
At the funeral she'd cried hard, so hard, harder than she had in a long time. Dumbledore seemed like proof that there was hope. And now that he was gone, what was to become of Hogwarts? All these questions were swimming in her mind during his funeral. She felt as if she wanted to die. But Seamus had come from nowhere, and held her as she cried. She had been sobbing, him trying to be strong. Seamus always tried to be strong.
She opened her eyes and sat up. Her room was dark, but not pitch black. Her room was light blue. She remembered being at the store with her parents and her mum had wanted to paint in lavender, but she'd refused. She hated the color lavender. There were muggle and wizard pictures of her and all her friends all around her room. None of them were with Seamus. Her Gryffindor sweater and wand sat on her desk in the corner, and a large mirror with a table and chair sat to the right of it. She pulled the flowered bedsheets off of her and sat at the table and stared into the mirror.
She was beautiful. She knew she was, she'd tried hard to maintain that. Her face looked gorgeous with the natural makeup she used. Her lips were full and her eyelashes long. Her face was dewy and clear, and her eyebrows were perfectly shaped.
But she wondered if anything like that even mattered anymore. Instead of beautiful or ugly, it was dead or alive. The realization ate at her painfully.
She walked back and got into bed, feeling a little sad and mildly dreading tomorrow. She knew he'd be there. It wasn't like him to stay put when there was a fight to be had. She guessed that was one of the things that attracted her to him.
She closed her eyes and tried to sleep again, but this time darkness finally took her into a hard, forced sleep.
* * *
><p>August 31. Tomorrow Seamus Finnigan would return to the Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. And he would see his friends and talk about girls and learn about charms and potions, and go to Hogsmeade. He would be happy, he tried to tell himself, but it didn't work.<p>
His mam had practically forbid him to go back to Hogwarts. But he'd fought her every step of the way. He couldn't just _not_ return. Hogwarts would always be home. After everything that'd happened with Dumbledore dying, he had to return. He had to be strong.
Seamus felt a pang of sadness remembering Dumbledore. Once in his second year after he'd set his third cauldron in a row on fire, Snape had brought him straight to the headmaster. Seamus had been so scared, but Dumbledore had been kind and said that he'd known it was an accident, but that he needed to be more careful. That was the only personal conversation Seamus had had with the great man, but he clung to it. Not only was Dumbledore a great headmaster, but he'd been the symbol of safety. And sadly, Seamus thought, it'd never really be that way again.
Nothing would ever be the same.
* * *
><p>He's there, almost looking naked without Dean at his side. She supposes she looks about the same without Parvati there. Although both are in hiding, there's no guarantee that they're safe. With less and less deaths being reported these days, nothing was certain.<p>
He's sitting next to a fifth year Lavender thinks she knows, but isn't quite sure. Ginny and Neville are sitting together, talking in hushed tones and looking around quickly at everyone. There are so many empty compartments, it's hard to remember that it was once full of students clamoring to even get a seat. Not even the woman with the candy cart is here, she was killed two months ago.
She eventually sits down next to some girls from Ravenclaw she doesn't know. It's not like it matters anyway, no one's talking. Outside, she watches as trees fly by. The top leaves seem to scrape the dull gray sky. She looks around at her classmates. Some are nervous, staying alert and jumping every time the train wheels squeak. Some are almost sitting in a haze of sadness, coming to the realization that there are too many empty spots.
Lavender sighs and tries to read Witches Weekly, tries to imagine if purple or pink nailpolish would match better with this outfit. But for some reason, none of it seems to matter enough anymore.
She looks up to see Seamus staring at her. He smiles that crooked, Irish boy grin that makes her heart jump, but she quickly pushes it away and returns to attempting to read.
She looks away as soon as he smiles at her. He sighs. He wishes things could go back to the way they were. Back to the way it was before he'd been stupid and back when Lavender and him shared those little kisses in Hogsmeade. To go back to a time when the biggest worry was failing potions and melting cauldrons.
But he couldn't. Times had changed.
And Lavender was gone.
His chest ached watching her studiously ignore him. Because she was Lavender Brown. She was the girl with the perfect everything, and although people who didn't know her thought otherwise, she was smart. She was definitely smart, a lot more clever than she let on.
* * *
><p>He's in her arms and Merlin, does it feel good. She leans over him, his head on her lap, and starts blotting his cheek and chin with a warm washcloth. She's frowning. He doesn't like that look on her.<p>
When she's finished her spells, his face feels almost new again.
"Thanks." He says, trying to start up a conversation.
She just smiles, and gets up. She walks away. He's confused. Every time he gets beat up by the Carrows, she's always there to heal him. But then as soon as it's over, she bolts.
"Hey!" he says, running after her down the hallway, his ribs still aching. She turns around and faces him.
"Yes Seamus?" she says in a cool voice.
"Well… hi." he says, looking at his shoes. He's upset he couldn't think of something better to say.
"Hi." she says in that creamy tone of hers.
She looks as if she's about to say something else, but stops herself. She grabs her wrist and turns around. She walks out of the Gryffindor common room, looking both ways before she leaves.
Everyone's like this now. Living in fear, never being too cautious. That is, every one but him.
He knows people think he's got a death wish, and maybe he does. But he feels like if he endures most of the pain, he can protect the others. He feels like he has to do something, has to help in any way he can. Harry, Hermione and Ron were out fighting and he felt useless just cowering in fear, waiting for someone to save him.
* * *
><p>She wishes he wouldn't put himself in front of everyone else. The more times she had to repair him, the more it hurt to walk away.<p>
But she knew she had to. She couldn't afford to get hurt in times like this. She needed to stay alert, stay focused. She wishes she could push these feelings away, but all she can think about is him holding her last year… after everything that happened with Ron (which seems pretty petty now) and Dumbledore and the Death Eaters… and just everything.
She lay in bed in her empty dorm room. For some reason, this terrifies her horribly. Hermoine is gone, Parvati is gone, and the others… who knows where they are.
So she pads down to the Gryffindor common room and sleeps on the sofa, a blanket haphazardly thrown over her bare legs and a wand clutched to her face.
"Lav?" a familiar voice sounds in the morning. She wakes up and nearly curses him, but all he can do is chuckle and shake his head at her.
She knows she probably looks a mess and is aching to run upstairs and fix herself, but she has to ask,
"Yeah?" He asks. He's sitting on the floor right below the couch, and it occurs to her that the fire isn't on.
"Do you think we'll make it out of this?" she asks back. It doesn't make sense when it comes out, but she knows he'll understand.
"Merlin I hope so." he says. "That's all we've got to go on, I reckon."
He smiles that smile again, and Lavender realizes that she can't deny these feelings indefinitely.
* * *
><p>After that little conversation, they're back to talking, and Seamus can't be happier.<p>
Things have gotten worse though. Neville and Ginny have moved into the Room of Requirement, and Seamus is considering doing the same.
Once again, he's on the floor, and Lavender comes to find him.
"Seamus, you've _got _to stop doing this." she scolds as she summons bandages from her bag. She always has them now.
"Ya don't understand." he manages to cough out.
"Tell me then. Do you have a death wish or something?" she says, not sure if she's joking.
"If i's me, i's not you." he chokes out. He wipes some blood from his brow, acting like it's nothing, but Lavender knows better.
But he's a Gryffindor. It's in his nature.
She says nothing. A tear falls, and she hopes he doesn't see. If he can be strong, so should she.
* * *
><p>They're hiding in the Room of Requirement, trying to piece together scraps of information to figure out where The Golden Trio are, if they're alive, if hope isn't lost.<p>
Neville's completely taken over the DA, and he's brilliant. But this isn't fifth year. There's no fun, no excitement… nothing. It's for survival.
"Kill them before they kill you" is their new motto, unfortunately. They need to protect themselves.
It's cold here, and many are asleep. Everyone has muffling charms around their hammocks, because almost everyone seems to have nightmares. Screaming, sweating, clawing when they wake up.
Seamus nearly jumps out of his hammock when he feels a cold hand on his arm.
"Shay, it's me." she says. He sits up and sees a crying Lavender Brown, wearing her Gryffindor sweatshirt (she was always one for house pride) and short pink sleep-shorts.
"I'm sorry, I didn't… I shouldn't have woken you up… it's just…" this is the first time hearing Lavender Brown really stutter, and Seamus is surprised it's him who's making her do it.
"Can I sleep with you tonight?" she says. He smiles. Any other time he would have made some cheeky remark or something, but the way she says it, rubbing her legs to try to warm them up. He wonders why she's wearing shorts.
Then again, he isn't wearing a shirt.
He moves over, and Lavender climbs in. She knows what she's doing is dangerous because of her feelings for him, but she doesn't think she can take another night sleeping alone. It's too hard.
She moves in next to him. He feels warm against her, and he winces at her cold legs as she gets situated. He covers them with a blanket, and they're a lot closer than she thought they'd be.
Inside, he's freaking out.
Lavender Brown is in his bed. Well, hammock, but same difference.
Her soft legs are against his pajama pant legs and her head is on his bare chest. He can smell her hair and hear her soft breathing. It's like he's drowning, drowning in _her_.
And she's lonely, and to be honest, so is he.
* * *
><p>Seamus wakes up the next morning to Neville standing over them. Neville is grinning, and says, "Did you finally come to your senses then?"<p>
"What are you talking about?" Seamus hisses. Lavender looks asleep.
But she isn't.
"Haven't you fancied her? Since… forever?" He says in a kind of matter-of-fact tone.