Several studies have implicated the role of oxidative stress in preterm birth [2, 3, 5, 8, 38–40]. A high level of systemic oxidative stress in the mother can cause placental dysfunctions or other damages leading to preterm labor [3, 8, 9, 37, 38, 41]. Most of pregnant women in our study (66%) had labored after 37 completed weeks of pregnancy; however, we found a statistically significant association between levels of TOS and preterm birth. Patients who gave birth prematurely had higher levels of TOS after a 48-hour administration of Atosiban than the second group with labor after 37 weeks of pregnancy, which might indicate the influence of increased oxidative stress on preterm labor. This is consistent with many studies measuring RNS and ROS or biomarkers of oxidative stress which reported higher levels of these products and lower levels for antioxidants for preterm specimens compared to term birth specimens [5, 9, 39, 42, 43].
Ważnym czynnikiem wpływającym na skład mikrobioty niemowlęcia jest antybiotykoterapia matki w czasie ciąży oraz w pierwszych tygodniach życia dziecka. Przyjmowanie antybiotyków w czasie 2 i 3 trymestru ciąży przez kobiety zwiększa ryzyko rozwoju otyłości o 84% u potomstwa w porównaniu z grupą dzieci, których matki nie przyjmowały antybiotyków. Według badań, antybiotykoterapia może mieć wpływ na ryzyko wzrostu masy ciała u dzieci w wieku 2 lat, zwłaszcza dotyczy to antybiotyków makrolidowych podawanych w pierwszych 6 miesiącach życia i częściej niż 1 raz .
Metaphase I cells were predominantly normal, but chromosomes (1 to 2) not lined up at the equatorial plate were observed in 21% (22/104) of the cells (Figure 3A). From anaphase I to telophase I, the percentage of cells with irregularities was notably high (∼87%, 123/141). Cells with infrequent chromosome bridges (∼18%, 7/39) but frequent lagging chromosomes (1 to 5) were observed at anaphase I (∼72%, 28/39) (Figures 3B–E). Some of these laggings were rod bivalents (∼14%, 4/28) visualized in anaphase cells. One to three lagging chromosomes occurred in 86% of the anaphase cells with laggards (24/28). These figures could not be a consequence of the limited sampling of anaphase I cells (39) as such irregularities continued in telophase I, characterized by the presence of chromosomes not incorporated into new nuclei (Figures 3F–H). Only in some 14% (14/102) of the telophase I cells we were able to recognize two main nuclei, without lagging chromosomes. We observed 1–10 lagging chromosomes per telophase I cell; the most frequent figures were 1, 2, and 4 in approximately 13% (11/83), 29% (24/83), and 20% (17/83) of the telophase I cells with laggards, respectively.
Cette étude a montré pour la première fois que les milieux LJ supplémentés de VCNT à 10µg/ml de vancomycine pourraient être utilisés en complément des milieux LJ ordinaires pour la culture des mycobactéries, principalement dans les laboratoires qui sont confrontés à des taux élevés de contamination liés aux bactéries sporulantes;
As pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines such as IFN-γ, TNF-α, GM-CSF, RANTES, IL-17, IL-4, and IL-10 have an important impact on the antifungal host response, as well as cytokines such as IL-6 play a central role in the pathophysiology of GvHD, we assessed the gene expression and extracellular concentration of these molecules in MSCs which were co-incubated with or without A. fumigatus conidia and hyphae, respectively [5, 6]. When co-incubated with A. fumigatus conidia, the gene expression of IL6, RANTES and GMCSF in human MSCs was not significantly altered (Figure 1A-1C). Similarly, the concentration of these molecules in the supernatant was comparable in the presence or absence of A. fumigatus conidia (Figure 2A-2C).
In the first trial (from 13 August to 7 September; cultivar Favori; production area 0.68 hectares), we compared 6 colored panels (size 25 × 40 cm): sticky traps (Trampas Cromotropicas of Interfase 3, Buenos Aires, Argentina)—blue, yellow; sticky cardboard panels (Impact Board traps of Russell IPM Ltd., Flintshire, UK)—red, black, and polycarbonate panels that we sprayed on both sides with glue (Vebicolla spray, Vebi Istituto Biochimico s.r.l., Padova, Italy)—white, green. All traps were baited with an aggregation pheromone lure (Russell IPM Ltd., Flintshire, UK), which was fixed with a clip in the middle of the upper margin of the south-facing side. Traps were suspended on a wire about 20 cm apart and 40 cm from the soil surface in a random sequence in each of 3 replications. There was at least a 20-m distance between replicates. The panels were replaced one time during the trial to avoid a loss of attractiveness of the color due to the great number of insects caught or the loss of glue efficiency due to drying. The pheromone lure was not replaced as it is effective for 6–8 weeks. SBW adults caught on each side of the traps were counted weekly and removed. Simple observations concerning the side effects of the traps in catching beneficial or pollinator insects were also recorded.
The relationship between inflammation and cancer has become an increasingly interesting but intricate area of research. Although inflammation has been identified as one of the hallmarks of cancer,18 the complex relationship between inflammation and the tumour microenvironment, promoting angiogenesis and malignant transformation and subsequently cancer progression, remain poorly understood. While HPV is now identified as a cause of oropharyngeal cancer, our study has shown that NLR remained as an effective prognostic biomarker regardless of viral status. One might assume that the persistent HPV infection releases pro-inflammatory cytokines resulting in chronic inflammation and subsequently carcinogenesis. However, it appears that the inflammatory tumour microenvironment may differ between HPV-positive and HPV-negative tumours, as patients with HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancer have improved outcomes compared to those with HPV-negative cancer. For example, it has been noted that patients with HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancer tend to have radiologically cystic or necrotic neck nodes19,20 compared to those with HPV-negative disease. Necrosis is proinflammatory and can recruit immune cells to the area with the intent of clearing the necrotic debris.18 Although the intent of inflammatory infiltrate is to remove debris and promote healing, interleukin-1α released by necrotic cells for cell proliferation can inadvertently expedite neoplastic transformation and progression.21
We used a standardized questionnaire to explore the characteristics of the blood donors. Socio-demographic data including age, birth place, residence place, marital status, occupation, educational level, and housing conditions index were obtained from all participants. Housing conditions index was obtained by using the Bronfman's criteria . Briefly, five variables were evaluated: number of persons in the house, number of rooms in the house, material of the floor of the house, availability of drinkable water, and form of elimination of excreta. Contributing and confounding risk factors of behavioral data including blood transfusion or transplant history; animal contacts, cleaned up cat excrement, foreign travel, kind of meat consumption (pork, lamb, beef, goat, boar, chicken, turkey, rabbit, deer, squirrel, horse, fish and iguana), raw or undercooked meat consumption, unpasteurized milk or milk products consumption, untreated water consumption, dried or cured meat eaten (chorizo, ham, sausages or salami), unwashed raw vegetables or fruits consumption, contact with soil (gardening or agriculture), and eating outside of the home (at least once a year) from all blood donors were obtained.
Despite many years of study, fundamental questions remain regarding the codon usage of viruses. Does viral codon usage reflect primarily an adaptation of the virus to its cellular environment, or mutational processes directed by the host to fight the virus? How can viral genes be efficiently expressed, given the large differences of codon and nucleotide composition from their hosts? Why are there closely related viruses with very different codon usage?
The exclusion criteria included (1) a history of stroke; (2) major depression, with Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD) score > 24 points; (3) other central nervous system diseases that may cause cognitive impairment, such as Parkinson's disease, tumors, encephalitis and epilepsy; (4) traumatic brain injury; (5) systemic diseases, such as thyroid dysfunction, syphilis and HIV; (6) psychosis or congenital mental developmental delay; (7) a history of using antibiotics, probiotics, prebiotics, or synbiotics within 3 months before fecal sample collection; (8) the use of corticosteroid, immune stimulating medications, and immunosuppressive agents; (9) major gastrointestinal tract surgery in past 5 years; and (10) severe gastrointestinal diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, severe gastritis, other dysfunction in digestion and absorption, which has been reported to influence gut microbiota.
Prototype of the device presented in this study. Subfigure (A) shows the final CAD model of prototype, while (B) shows the device hardware components. Subfigure (C) report the “naked” device worn by a user. Subfigure (D) shows the final prototype worn by the user together with the different modules.
Aufgrund dieser strukturellen Defizite bei T2DM ist die Knochenfestigkeit sowie die Steifigkeit und die Elastizität des Knochens in virtuellen FEA (finite element analysis) Untersuchungen vermindert. Microindentations-Untersuchungen zeigen zusätzlich strukturelle Einschränkungen als Ausdruck veränderter Kollagenverlinkungen in der Knochenmatrix aufgrund vermehrter AGEs (advanced gylcation endproducts). Diese Verlinkungen führen dazu, dass der Knochen an Elastizität und Flexibilität verliert. In Summe haben diese Untersuchungsergebnisse den Begriff der „Diabetoporose“ geprägt (; Abb. 2).
δ‐Thalassemia is a form of thalassemia with no clinical consequences, and is caused by mutations in the δ‐globin gene that result in lower Hb A2 levels (Phylipsen, Gallivan, Arkesteijn, Harteveld, & Giordano, 2011). Although δ‐thalassemia has no clinical significance, the disrupted function of δ‐globin may lead to aberrant measurements of Hb A2, and may complicate the diagnosis of β‐thalassemia when relying on the Hb A2 measurements of the patient (Amirian et al., 2011). β‐Thalassemia is highly prevalent in Yunnan, China, and has a high genetic heterogeneity (Zhang et al., 2015). Identification of the clinical and hematological phenotypes of these causative mutations and their relative frequency in the population can improve our understanding of broader patterns across human populations. Furthermore, great interest has been paid in methods for predicting protein pathogenicity and structure based on amino acid sequence, which have become more accessible through advancements in bioinformatics tools (Touma et al., 2016). Pathogenic and structural analysis of rare mutations can be predicted using various computational methods (Gomes et al., 2019). For an accurate diagnosis of a rare mutation, it is essential to know how the mutation may affect the function of the gene to result in pathogenic effects through a combination of sequence and structure‐based algorithms.
Polineuropatia demielinizantă inflamatorie cronică (PDIC) este o patologie dobîndită, rară, de origine necunoscută, prezumtiv imunologică care afectează sistemul nervos periferic. Este cauzată de deteriorarea învelișului protector al nervilor (mielina). Boala afectează orice vârstă, ambele sexe; Incidența este de 0,8 la 7.7/100.000. Clinic: disfuncție motorie și senzitivă, progresivă sau cu recăderi, care interesează cel puţin două membre, însoțită de hipo- sau areflexie. Pentru diagnosticarea PDIC se efectuează următoarele investigații paraclinice: puncție LCR (disociație albumnio-citologica), examen electrofiziologic EMG: blocuri de conducere multifocale, demielinizări segmentare, latențe distale prelungite, scăderea vitezelor de conducere.
Encouraged by the potent in vitro anti-inflammatory activity as well as the promising drug-like properties, the in vivo anti-ALI effect of 15a was further evaluated. As shown in Fig. 3A, the lung wet/dry weight ratio, an index of lung edema, was significantly increased after LPS-stimulation, compared with the control group. Nevertheless, pretreatment with 15a at 5 mg kg–1 effectively reduced the lung wet/dry ratio, indicating that 15a suppressed LPS-induced lung edema. The protein concentration in mice bronchial alveolar lavage fluid (BALF) is an important indicator for the structural integrity of the alveolar wall. It was found that the protein concentration of mice BALF was markedly increased after LPS instillation, whereas the increase was significantly inhibited by pretreatment with 15a (Fig. 3B). Recruitment of neutrophils into the pulmonary compartment is also an important characteristic of ALI. The LPS challenge led to a strong increase in the number of neutrophils in the BALF (Fig. 3D), which was also significantly decreased by pretreatment with 15a. In addition, the effects of 15a on the histopathological features of ALI mice lungs were also tested (Fig. 3C and E). Compared to the normal structure of mice lung tissues, the LPS treatment remarkably increased the alveolar wall thickness, hemorrhage, alveolar collapse, and inflammatory infiltration in the lungs (Fig. 3E, middle panel). As a comparison, the group pretreated with 5 mg kg–1 of 15a displayed very little histopathological changes, when compared to the normal lung structure. In Fig. 3C, the injury score of lung tissues is well correlated with the histopathological changes as shown in Fig. 3E. All the results indicate that 15a effectively attenuates LPS-induced ALI in mice with optimal treatment potential for ALI.
MAPSE measurements showed excellent inter- and intraobserver reliability in children without structural heart disease. Furthermore, echocardiographic image quality had only minor effects on MAPSE detection. However, M-mode derived MAPSE values were slightly but statistically significantly lower in limited image quality. B-mode MAPSE was better reproducible in optimal image quality when compared to suboptimal echocardiographic images. In conclusion, MAPSE is a valuable echocardiographic tool for the assessment of LV function even in pediatric patients with suboptimal imaging conditions.
In the present study, we performed a wide-ranging bioinformatics analysis of POD gene family and verified their role against various stress responses (i-e., NaCl, drought, and ABA) in grapevine. In total, 47 genes were identified for the first time in the grapevine genome and were systematically analyzed by genome-wide approaches. Thus, the study including, physicochemical properties, phylogenetic relationships, chromosomal mapping, collinear correlation, gene duplication events, rate of substitution rates, motif composition and gene structure, promoter sequence analysis, GO and KEGG enrichment analysis, and expression profiling using RNA-seq data and RT-PCR analysis in response to salt, drought and Abscisic acid (ABA). In general, the results of our study will undoubtedly be helpful for future research on fruits crop species and pay the base for functional characterization of the PODs gene family.
Hierzu liegen eine Überblicksarbeit und eine Reihe einzelner Studien vor. Im Review von Khan und Ollenschläger finden sich Hinweise auf positive Effekte einzelner QS-Maßnahmen in Deutschland, jedoch nicht für die gesetzliche eQS, deren besonderes Kennzeichen darin besteht, dass sie jeweils ohne Vorstudien bundesweit eingeführt wurde. Studien zur eQS verfolgen typischerweise die Ausprägung von Indikatoren über die Zeit und weisen für einzelne Leistungsbereiche oder über Leistungsbereiche hinweg zum Teil positive Entwicklungen nach [15–17]. Andere Studien aus Deutschland konnten zeigen, dass positive Ausprägungen von Prozessqualitätsindikatoren mit positiven Ergebnissen für Patienten assoziiert sind. Beispielhaft genannt werden sollen hierzu aktuelle Analysen aus dem Traumaregister, einem klinischen Krebsregister und den Schlaganfallregistern, die jedoch alle nicht zu den verpflichtenden QS-Maßnahmen zählen [18–20]. Aber auch anhand von Daten der eQS konnte gezeigt werden, dass positive Indikatorausprägungen mit besseren Versorgungsstrukturen und auch besseren Patientenerfahrungen einhergehen . Diese Studien belegen jedoch letztlich nur, dass die Struktur- oder Prozessqualitätsindikatoren richtig ausgewählt wurden, da tatsächlich ein positiver Zusammenhang zu Versorgungsergebnissen existiert.
Em 2019, o Conselho Federal de Medicina publicou um decreto que definiu a telemedicina como o exercício da medicina mediado por tecnologias para fins de assistência, educação, pesquisa, prevenção de doenças e lesões e promoção de saúde, regulamentando essa prática. A Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia publicou uma diretriz em telemedicina aplicada à cardiologia, também designada telecardiologia. A telecardiologia por meio de suas múltiplas ações na promoção da saúde, prevenção de doenças, diagnóstico, tratamento e reabilitação, com impacto na melhora da qualidade de vida, pode ser considerada uma importante aliada do sistema de saúde, seja ele público, suplementar ou privado, para promover atenção à saúde integral e com qualidade. A implementação da telecardiologia é importante tanto na atenção primária de saúde quanto na atenção especializada.66 Na cardiologia, a telemedicina pode ser útil no controle dos fatores de risco como pressão arterial, diabetes mellitus, melhora do perfil lipídico, redução de peso e aumento do sucesso de programas de cessação do tabagismo.66
JJL was involved in all processes related to study design, collecting samples and reviewing medical records, microbiological and molecular studies, analyses of data, and wrote this paper. ZKS and MD contributed to sample collection and microbiological and molecular studies. SB, FSH, HFM, and ZKJ contributed to this study by sample collection. LJL contributed to this study by reviewing and making comments on all drafts of this paper. JFS reviewed and revised this paper, and gave final approval to submit for publication. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
IL17 induces a protective Th1 response against intracellular pathogens [16, 18, 22, 86]. Th1 cells are essential for the host to control mycobacterial replication by activating macrophage and CD8+ cytotoxic cells [119–121]. But how Th17 influences Th1 in Mtb infection is still an interesting question . The dynamics of Th1 and Th17 in Mtb infection is different. IL17 is produced very early in Mtb infection and BCG vaccination that IL17 recall preceded Th1 responses. And Th17 populated the lung and triggered the chemokine production that recruited IFN-γ+ Th1 cell, which ultimately limited bacterial growth . IL17 supplement can restore the Th1 recall response in IL23-deficient mice while IL17 depletion reduced the Th1 responses.
Stability of SS-capped AgNPs synthesized at pH 11 when stored at different temperatures. (empty square) 5 mg/mL SS + 5 mM AgNO3, 37°C, (filled square) 10 mg/mL SS + 5 mM AgNO3, 37°C, (empty triangle) 5 mg/mL SS + 5 mM AgNO3, 25°C, (filled triangle) 10 mg/mL SS + 5 mM AgNO3, 25°C, (empty circle) 5 mg/mL SS + 5 mM AgNO3, 4°C, (filled circle) 10 mg/mL SS + 5 mM AgNO3, 4°C.
Systemic and vigorous RNAi response is pre-requisite for the RNAi based pest control using transgenic crops. Knowledge of siRNA machinery and their detail characterization not only explains the molecular mechanism of RNAi, but also indicates the probable response of target insects before developing the transgenic plants.
The L2 cells were randomly divided into the following groups. 1) The control group (Control), in which cells were incubated with vehicle for 52 h 2) Anoxia/reoxygenation (A/R) group (A/R), in which the cells were incubated with vehicle for 24 h, and then exposed to 24 h of anoxia (1% O2-5% CO2-94% N2) followed by 4 h of 5% CO2-95% air (reoxygenation) as reported (Wu et al., 2013). 3) Kaempferol pre-treatment group (A/R + Kae), in which the cells were incubated with 10, 20 and 40 μm kaempferol for 24 h before initiation of A/R as the A/R group. 4) Kaempferol and EX527 combination pre-treatment group (A/R + Kae + EX527), in which the cells were co-incubated with 40 μm kaempferol and 10 μm EX527 for 24 h before initiation of the A/R as the A/R group. 5) Kaempferol and SR-18292 combination pre-treatment group (A/R + Kae + SR-18292), in which the cells were co-incubated with 40 μm kaempferol and 10 μm SR-18292 for 24 h before initiation of the A/R as the A/R group. The doses of EX527 and SR-18292 performed in present experiments were determined during the preliminary experiments.
Given our interest in examining changes in movement planning in the untrained limb (i.e., errors at peak velocity), we chose to have participants initially train with their non-dominant (left) hand [2, 5, 6]. Participants completed a block of reach training trials with the left hand, after which intermanual transfer was assessed. While all participants adapted their reaches to the visuomotor distortion when completing the reach training trials with their left hand, participants in the Instructed group adapted their reaches earlier and to a greater extent. That is, at the end of the 120 rotated reach training trials on Day 1 and again, when they reached with the right hand on Day 2, the Instructed group demonstrated reduced errors compared to the Non-Instructed and Control groups. These results are contradictory to previous literature, which has shown similar performance by Instructed and Non-Instructed groups by the end of a block of reach training trials [7, 15]. In fact, work from our own lab found similar errors between Instructed and Non- Instructed groups of participants within 30 to 60 reach training trials when reaching with the right (dominant) hand while seeing a cursor that was rotated 40° CW relative to hand motion . It remains to be determined why initially training the left hand, in the absence of instructions, leads to greater reaching errors than seen when initially training the right hand.
For other extraction methods based on intensity images, which are generated from laser data, Husain et al. semi-autumnally extracted road boundary lines based on intensity images generated from laser points. Balado et al. used planar segmentation based on a split and merge operation method with geometric and topological information. However, this method is affected by the quality of the input data and is unable to segment small elements. Zai et al. extracted road edges based on the super voxels and graph cuts method, in which super voxels choose smooth points as seeds and assign points into facets centered on seeds based on geometric intensity and spatial distance attributes. The final road edge is extracted based on the α-shape and graph cuts with energy minimization. This method is supervised classification and requires specification of positive and negative backgrounds. Anttoni et al. introduced an image-processing algorithm to extract road lines and markings from intensity images and curbstones from height images based on 3-D laser points. Although these methods yielded promising results, they were only performed on simple structural road types, such as flat roads with perpendicular curbstones. To extract non-structural road information, Kumar et al. used a combination of gradient vector flow and active contour models with a balloon parametric function to extract road edges from a 2-D raster surface based on the hypothesis that attributes, such as reflectance, elevation, and pulse width, can distinguish road information from curbstones and grass–soil edges. However, extracted structures require further refinement.
We used the two word-sets employed by Souza and Oberauer (2018). One set consisted of words with high ratings of concreteness and imageability whereas the other set consisted of words with low ratings on both dimensions, which were selected from the “Semantischer Atlas” data base (Schwibbe, n.d.). Both sets were equated in terms of word length (mean = 7.8 characters) and word frequency (mean log frequency among 4.5 million words = 4.9). Half of the lists in each condition were sampled from each set, and word lists sampled from these two sets strictly alternated in the experiment (with order counterbalanced across participants).
The issue of how to compare the clinical performance of these predictors for hip fracture risk assessment is complex. There are two different questions that need to be answered:For a given predictor, given a group of patients, some who at the time of enrolment already had a hip fracture, and some who at the same time did not, how accurately can the predictor separate the fractured patients and non-fractured ones? This will be referred to hereinafter as discrimination accuracy.Given a group of patients at risk but who initially had no hip fractures, how accurate can each predictor identify those patients who experienced a hip fracture within the following 5 or 10 years after the DXA and QCT examination were performed? This will be referred to hereinafter as prediction accuracy.
Przez dziesiątki lat określenie „emolient” dotyczyło wyłącznie substancji będącej składnikiem produktu kosmetycznego, której zadaniem było natłuszczenie, zmiękczenie, wygładzenie i pośrednie nawilżenie skóry, i takie nazewnictwo zastosowano w niniejszej pracy. Obecnie w terminologii kosmetologicznej i dermatologicznej spotykamy się coraz częściej z tym określeniem w odniesieniu do gotowego produktu kosmetycznego o właściwościach nawilżających i natłuszczających, w skład którego wchodzi jeden lub kilka emolientów. Ponieważ jednak taki kosmetyk zawiera nie tylko emolienty, ale też inne składniki recepturowe, w niniejszej pracy nosi on nazwę produktu emoliencyjnego. Z punktu widzenia idealnego działania takiego kosmetyku najlepiej jest, jeśli zawiera on emolienty w połączeniu z substancjami wiążącymi i zatrzymującymi wodę w skórze, czyli tzw. humektantami. Dzięki temu składniki lipofilowe (emolienty) i hydrofilowe (humektanty) uzupełniają swoje działanie, zapobiegając suchości skóry.
Because PGA has potential for use as surface-contact adhesives , we were interested in discovering whether or not PGAIC retains the original function of PGA. Some material surfaces-coating tests were carried out using PGAICs dissolved in ethanol (0.1 wt % each), and the solvent that contains only 0.1 wt % partner surfactant was used as control. In the first experiment, the PGA/HDP-, PGA/DDP-, PGA/BZA-, PGA/BZT-, and partner surfactants-coated polypropylene (PP) disks were placed on every bed of a pathogenic bacterium (S. aureus; Figure S2a) and a prevalent species of Candida (C. albicans; Figure S2b) in an agar plate. The assessment of antimicrobial performance was based on the presence of the zone of growth inhibition (also known as halos) around the disks (Table 1). Next, the PGAIC- and partner surfactant-coated stainless steel (Figure S3) and bathroom tile (Figure S4) sheets were used for the tests, and their anti-staphylococcal (Table 1a) and anti-fungal activities (Table 1b) were assayed as well. The results from the tests against S. aureus revealed that, regardless of a variety of materials, PGAICs retained surface antimicrobial activity, even after the water-soaking treatment. It is well known that organosilicon-type immobilizing surfactants, e.g., n-octadecyldimethyl (3-(trimethoxysilyl) propyl) ammonium (QAS) cation (Figure S5a), are covalently bound to glass and cotton by the silyl group and introduce a significant anti-staphylococcal activity . Nevertheless, the anti-staphylococcal activity of QAS-coated materials (viz., plastics, metals, and ceramics) could not be demonstrated under the experimental conditions (Figure S5b), implying the limited performance of antimicrobial coatings concomitantly with chemical (covalent) modification of material surfaces. QAS-coated surfaces, particularly after the water-soaking treatment, were actually hard to be stained with acidic dyes including a bromophenol blue (BPB), compared with PGAIC-coated surfaces (Figure 3). QAS could be more easily released from material surfaces without additional covalent linkages. Conversely, these reveal the potentiality of PGAICs as potent, stable, widely applicable agents where neither chemical modification (e.g., non-biodegradable crosslinking) nor thermal treatment (e.g., heating) is required in the coating process. We further found the inhomogeneous distribution of PGAICs and QAS on the materials (Figure 3), implying the relativity between the behavior of spontaneous adhesion in coating agents and the surface roughness on base materials. To date, it remains to fully understand the surface-adhesion mechanism of PGAICs and to establish a feasible strategy for homogeneous coating of PGAICs, in addition to a most practical (spray) method handled in this study.
In addition to providing catch and effort data, CODRS as a collaborative system could act as a precursor to co-management of a fishery . Collaborative approaches to fisheries management have gained traction in recent years as a potential solution to data-poor and open-access tropical fisheries such as those found across Indonesia . This approach relies on the sharing of power and knowledge between policy-makers, researchers, and resource-users . A potential next step would be to expand the CODRS network as a data-sharing platform to initiate discussion on fishery trends and challenges among fishers and fish traders. Success has been shown in similar fisheries to this one, which fostered collaboration and data collection for stock assessments .
Analyse multi-variée: de l'analyse multivariée, il ressortait que toutes choses étant égales par ailleurs, les femmes qui n'étaient pas en couple, les femmes qui étaient à la recherche de partenaires et celles qui présentaient des tâches d'hyperpigmentation cutanée étaient plus susceptibles d'utiliser les PDV avec des estimations respectives du risque par odds ratios ajustés de 3,1, 4,92 et 10,32 (Tableau 2).
Considering recombinant protein solubility as an indication of its correct folding and activity, our goal was to establish the conditions to obtain high production of soluble protein. Therefore, pET29-ArtinM was introduced in E. coli BL21-CodonPlus(DE3)-RP, a strain that contains the T7 expression system and extra copies of the argU and proL tRNA genes. This strain was chosen because the ArtinM sequence analysis revealed several rare codons (not shown). In our study, different conditions were assayed to determine those able to provide optimal overexpression of soluble ArtinM and four parameters were tested: temperature and shaking speed during induction, concentration of the induction agent (IPTG) and period of induction (for details see Methods). These four parameters were shown to be important in affecting the amount and the solubility of rArtinM. Figure 1 shows the comparison between the results obtained in two different conditions: one in which large amounts of rArtinM was produced (incubation at 37°C, at a shaking speed of 220 rpm, induction with 1.0 mM IPTG for 19 h), but in a insoluble form (Figure 1A), and the optimized conditions (incubation at 20°C, at a shaking speed of 130 rpm, induction with 0.4 mM IPTG for 19 h), in which the highest amount of soluble rArtinM was produced (Figure 1B).
2. Non sono soggette all’autorizzazione dell’autore le attività indicate nell’articolo 64-quinquies poste in essere da parte dell’utente legittimo della banca di dati o di una sua copia, se tali attività sono necessarie per l’accesso al contenuto della stessa banca di dati e per il suo normale impiego; se l’utente legittimo è autorizzato ad utilizzare solo una parte della banca di dati, il presente comma si applica unicamente a tale parte.
Aschenbach ist ein Bewohner des klimatischen Nordens, kontrolliert, sittsam, pflichtbewusst. Er sucht die Kühle und Kälte als klimatisches Pendant seines Wesens. Nicht zufällig sind die Protagonisten seines schriftstellerischen Werks, allen voran der Preußen-König Friedrich II., geprägt von einer Tapferkeit, die »in stolzer Scham die Zähne aufeinanderbeißt und ruhig dasteht, während ihr die Schwerter und Speere durch den Leib gehen.« (511) So ist denn auch Tapferkeit und kontrolliertes Ertragen von Schmerz eine der hervorstechendsten Eigenschaften der Völker des Nordens, so Montesquieu, dessen XIV. Kapitel seiner Rechtstheorie Vom Geist der Gesetze (1748) zur wichtigsten Grundlage einer neuzeitlichen Vorstellung von der Verbindung von Klima und Mentalität geworden ist.47 Sehenden Auges begibt sich Aschenbach also in ein Klima, das ihm nicht nur fremd, sondern – wie er sogar weiß – gänzlich unzuträglich ist. Dies zeigt sich schon bei der meteorologisch enttäuschenden Ankunft in Venedig bei trübem Wetter, das auch so bald nicht besser wird.
Anforderungen an den histologischen Befundbericht bei Lymphonodektomiepräparaten sind ([9, 12, 18, 26, 27], Abb. 1; Tab. 2):Angabe der Zahl der befallenen Lymphknoten im Verhältnis zur Zahl der entfernten/untersuchten Lymphknoten in Zuordnung zur Entnahmelokalisation (z. B. 4/13 inguinal links oder 0/15 inguinal links bzw. 7/22 iliacal extern rechts oder 0/17 paraaortal),Angabe der größten Ausdehnung der größten Lymphknotenmetastase in mm/cm,Angabe des Fehlens/Nachweises eines Kapseldurchbruches der Lymphknotenmetastase,Angabe des Nachweises isolierter Tumorzellen im Lymphknoten.
卡铂也是SCLC一线治疗的重要药物,特别是对老年患者耐受性明显好于顺铂。Fukuda等进行了氨柔比星联合卡铂一线治疗SCLC的Ⅰ期临床研究,16例患者入组,可评价病例为15例,分3个剂量水平,分别为氨柔比星40 mg/m2、35 mg/m2和30 mg/m2,均为第1、2、3天使用,卡铂均按AUC为5计算,第1天使用。其中2例CR,9例PR,3例稳定(stable disease, SD),1例进展(progressive disease, PD),中位生存期为13.6个月。最大的耐受剂量为氨柔比星40 mg/m2第1、2、3天,卡铂按AUC为5计算,第1天使用,推荐剂量为氨柔比星35 mg/m2第1、2、3天,卡铂按AUC为5计算,第1天使用。此研究为氨柔比星联合卡铂治疗SCLC奠定了基础,可作为以后研究的重要参考。Inoue等进行了氨柔比星联合卡铂治疗初治的老年SCLC的Ⅰ期研究,主要是为了观察剂量限制性毒性和最大耐受剂量,拟分3个剂量组进行,共12例患者入组。第1剂量组为氨柔比星40 mg/m2第1、2、3天,卡铂按AUC为4计算,第1天使用,三周重复,结果3例患者均出现剂量限制性毒性(持续4天以上的4度中性粒细胞减少,血小板低于20 000/mm3,或3度腹泻)。另外9例患者均降低一个剂量水平进行,氨柔比星35 mg/m2第1、2、3天,卡铂按AUC为4计算,第1天使用,三周重复,9例患者中3例出现了剂量限制性毒性,但这些毒性不是非常严重而且是可控的,非血液学毒性是轻微、可逆的。总的客观有效率为83%,中位生存期为12.7个月。因此认为氨柔比星联合卡铂治疗初治的老年SCLC的最大耐受剂量为氨柔比星40 mg/m2第1、2、3天,卡铂按AUC为4计算,第1天使用,三周重复。推荐剂量为氨柔比星35 mg/m2第1、2、3天,卡铂按AUC为4计算,第1天使用,三周重复。此Ⅰ期研究为以后的Ⅱ期临床研究提供了依据,并摸索出了氨柔比星联合卡铂治疗初治的老年SCLC的推荐用量。随后Inoue等进行了氨柔比星联合卡铂一线治疗老年SCLC的Ⅱ期临床研究,氨柔比星35 mg/m2第1、2、3天,卡铂按AUC为4计算,第1天使用,36例患者入组,总有效率为89%,中位生存期为18.6个月,其3级及以上的中性粒细胞下降为97%,3级及以上的中性粒细胞减少性发热为17%,无治疗相关性死亡的发生。因此认为氨柔比星联合卡铂一线治疗老年SCLC是相当有效的,其毒性是可以接受的,值得进一步研究。但国内卢红阳等认为氨柔比星联合卡铂一线治疗老年SCLC的疗效尚可,但中性粒细胞减少发生率太高,不主张常规应用。我们在实际应用中应该高度重视可能出现的骨髓抑制。
Excised tumors obtained from the experimental animals were paraffin-embedded. After obtaining adequate slides, the tissue samples were screened for Ki-67, PDGFA, VEGFA, VEGFR1, VEGFR2, PDFGRα, and PDGFRβ protein expression by immunohistochemistry. To that purpose, the tissues were deparaffinized, rehydrated, and subsequently incubated with the respective primary antibodies [anti-PDGFRα (sc-338); 1:200, 2 h, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, CA, USA; anti-PDGFRβ (3169), 1:40, 2 h, Cell Signaling Technology, MA, USA; PDGFA (NBP1-19781), 1:100, 2 h, Novus Biologicals, Cambridge, UK; VEGFA (ab46154), 1:200, 2 h, Abcam plc, Cambridge UK; VEGFR1 (RB-9049-R7), 1:50, 2 h, Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH Neomarkers, Germany; VEGFR2 (RB-9239-R7), 1:50, 2 h, Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH Neomarkers, Germany; VEGFR3 (sc-321), 1:200, 2 h, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Germany; Ki-67 (mib1), 1:100, 2 h, Dako, Germany; Envision flex plusTM, Autostainer, Dako, Germany]. The secondary antibody (anti-rabbit-mouse-goat antibody) was incubated for 15 min at room temperature, followed by incubation with streptavidin-POD (Dako, Germany) for 15 min. Antibody binding was visualized using AEC solution (Dako, Germany). Afterwards, the tissues were counterstained by haemalaun solution (Dako, Germany). The expression of the respective tyrosine kinase was evaluated using a scoring system. Expression strength of PDGFA, VEGFA, VEGFR1, VEGFR2, VEGFR3, PDFGRα, and PDGFRβ was classified as negative (0), low (1), medium, (2) and high (3). All slides were independently evaluated by three investigators. The Ki-67 expression was measured as percentage of Ki-67 expressing cells.
Um dos primeiros ensaios clínicos apoiando o conceito de proteinúria como um fator de risco independente para a progressão da doença renal foi a Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD). Desde então, numerosas análises confirmaram essa observação. Assim, medicações hipotensoras para pacientes com doença renal baseiam-se na eficácia desses agentes na redução da proteinúria.(19)
Im Ergebnis nicht unähnlich, aber mit einer anderen Akzentuierung der Beweggründe argumentiert der Ministerpräsident von Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann. Er beruft sich darauf, dass es eine Wertehierarchie gäbe, in der Leben und Gesundheit an oberster Stelle stünden (SWR Aktuell 2020). Eine Abwägung muss also zugunsten solcher Maßnahmen ausfallen, die Leben und Gesundheit schützen, woraus sich Kretschmanns befürwortende Haltung für strikte Schutzmaßnahmen und seine Skepsis gegenüber Lockerungen erklären.
A taxa de sucesso clínico na remoção de eletrodos (91,8%) foi ligeiramente menor que nos centros de baixo volume do estudo ELECTRA (94,3%), o que também pode ter sido influenciado pelo tamanho amostral.25 Bongiorni et al., recentemente, relatam a sua experiência em um centro de alto volume europeu com uma taxa de sucesso completo de 98,4% (2015).26 Esta é muito maior que a observada nesse estudo (78,7%) o qual é bem próximo ao observado por Eckhard et al. (81%, 1996).27 Neste último estudo, a taxa de falha na remoção do sistema foi semelhante à encontrada na nossa população (7% vs. 8%).27 No ELECTRA, a tração manual esteve mais presente nos centros de baixo volume, o que é compatível com a nossa proporção de tração manual.25
Major pathways of irinotecan metabolism and disposition. A reaction catalyzed by carboxylesterase-2 yields SN-38, the active metabolite. Glucuronidation of SN-38 to SN-38G is catalyzed by the enzyme UGT1A1. Several UGT1A1 polymorphisms exist, coding for a spectrum of enzyme expression and varying ability to metabolize SN-38. This figure was published in Semin Oncol, 32, Tan BR, McLeod HL, Pharmacogenetic influences on treatment response and toxicity in colorectal cancer, 113–9, Copyright Elsevier (2005).
The findings of this review demonstrate that dietary nitrate (NO3 −) supplementation may reduce the oxygen cost of exercise, elevate arterial and tissue oxygenation, improve muscle metabolic function, and enhance exercise capacity/performance at simulated altitude.Current preliminary evidence from training studies conducted at simulated altitude suggests that NO3 − supplementation has no effect on performance-related adaptations, although further investigations are warranted.Additional studies are required to confirm whether the beneficial effects of NO3 − supplementation that have been demonstrated at simulated altitude also manifest at terrestrial altitude.
(A) Phase contrast imaging of the cells shows no apparent adverse effects on morphology of cells exposed to GA-1 or GA-2 or CP-1 or CP-2 at either concentration. Exposure to CP-3 at both concentrations showed morphological changes consistent with cell death. (B) Cell lysates were assessed by CTG assay to determine relative levels of intracellular ATP. An increase in Relative Luminescence Units (RLU) suggesting cellular viability was observed with all treatments except CP-3. Data represent average+/-SD from three experiments.
Whey protein (WP) has been shown to be able to regulate impaired wound healing normally . Here we aimed to find a correlation between the achievement of normal healing in diabetic wounds by WP and the regulation of two important markers, Hsp72 and Krt16.
The models for the STAT3-Tip complexes were based on the crystal structure of STAT3 [PDB entry 1BG1 ]. This structure represents an activated STAT3 homodimer, in which the Y705-phosphorylated C-terminus is bound to the SH2 domain. For modeling, one SH2 domain (residues 584–688) with its interacting C-terminus (residues 704–712) was first extracted from the crystal structure. In the following step, the sequence of the STAT3 C-terminus was changed with Sybyl7.3 (Tripos Inc.) to match the sequence of either Tip114 or Tip127. Since there is no crystal structure yet available for STAT6, the respective SH2 domain was first modeled using the closest homologue of known 3D-structure, which is an unliganded STAT5a [PDB entry 1Y1U] . The Tip-peptides were subsequently added to this model according to the geometry present in the respective Tip-STAT3 complexes. Subsequent molecular dynamics simulations of all complexes were carried out for structure refinement and to assess the conformational stability of the Tip-STAT interaction.
All methods for studying bats have potential advantages and disadvantages. Catching bats often allows better species‐level identification than acoustic methods and allows the collection of data on biometrics, sex and reproductive status, and genetic material. However, it is time‐consuming, invasive, and can lead to bias as the percentage of the airspace sampled is small and usually close to the ground, and some species are better at avoiding capture than others (O'Farrell & Gannon, 1999).
Additional file 1: Table S1. Summary of quinine pharmacokinetic studies in children with malaria (uncomplicated malaria and complicated malaria). Pharmacokinetic parameters (Cmax and systemic exposure) are presented as mean + SD or mean or median (range) or median values. Table S2. Summary of quinine pharmacokinetic studies in pregnant women with malaria (uncomplicated malaria and complicated malaria). Pharmacokinetic parameters (Cmax and systemic exposure) are presented as mean + SD or mean or median (range) or median values. Table S3. Summary of quinine pharmacokinetic studies in the elderly. Pharmacokinetic parameters (Cmax and systemic exposure) are presented as mean+SD or mean or median (range) or median values. Table S4. In vitro quinine susceptibility (IC50) for Plasmodium falciparum isolates collected from Cambodia (2001-2007) and Thailand border (1998-2003).
NK cells harvested from 12-week old C57/BL6 mice spleens with a MagCellect Mouse NK Cell Isolation Kit (R&D, Minneapolis, USA) were treated with murine IP-10 (10 ng/ml, 50 ng/ml, 100 ng/ml) accompanied by 6 hour oxygen glucose deprivation (OGD) in Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS) (Ca-Mg-free, glucose 1 g/L). Mean fluorescence of CXCR3 (PE) which NK cells presented were blinded evaluators using a FacsCalibur (BD Biosciences, Franklin Lakes, USA) and FlowJo software. Three independent experiments were performed. Non-OGD groups were cultured in a cell incubator (5%CO2) in HBSS (Ca-Mg-free, 1 g/L glucose). Three independent experiments were performed.
Many environmental factors such as allergens, air pollutants, especially cigarette exposure, damage the intercellular junction complexes and disrupt the airway epithelial and endothelial barrier function. Thus, bronchial and lung epithelial permeability increases. Increased epithelial permeability causes exposure to more allergens, smoking and air pollutants. In the pathogenesis of lung diseases such as asthma and COPD, this vicious circle can be blamed for the initiation of inflammation. In addition, a mechanism that affects the epithelial barrier in both asthma and COPD, called EMT, has been proposed.
Here, we first create a copy of l. After performing the filtering on copy, we use forEachOrdered, provided by the Stream API, to add each element of the temporary stream back to the list pointed to by l (in the order encountered in the stream). Thus, we are not creating a new list with a new reference, but using the original one, which makes the refactoring transparent to the rest of the program, regardless of potential aliases.
Vâscosuplimentarea este un tratament sigur, eficient și bine stabilit al osteoartritei și constă în injectarea unei soluţii pe bază de acid hialuronic (HA) în articulațiile afectate. Terapia comună de vâscosuplimentare este concentrată în principal pe tratarea simptomelor, cum ar fi reducerea durerii, dar nu tratează cauza. Cu toate acestea, un tratament optim de vâscosuplimentare ar trebui să întârzie degenerarea cartilajului și chiar să ajute la regenerarea structurii cartilajului. O varietate de modificări chimice aduse acidul hialuronic natural (HA) au fost efectuate pentru a oferi robustețe mecanică și chimică, proprietăți reologice îmbunătăţite şi biostabilitate crescută, păstrând biocompatibilitatea și biodegradabilitatea polimerului nativ.
Our finding that dysfunctional telomeres are produced only in cells depleted of both hnRNP A1 and A2 is consistent with the hypothesis that these 2 proteins perform complementary functions in telomere maintenance. However, the depletion of hnRNP A1/A2 did not inhibit cell proliferation in normal mortal human cells . One reason for this is may be the major difference between normal mortal cells and cancer cells in telomerase activity, which is expressed in most cancer cells, but not in normal mortal cells. We therefore postulate that, in the presence of telomerase activity, the single-strand G-rich 3′ overhang is extended by telomerase, replicated by lagging-strand DNA synthesis, and assembled into functional telomeres (Figure 7). It is likely that hnRNP A1/A2 and TERRA function to displace RPA , facilitating a lagging-strand DNA synthesis and/or the assembly of functional telomeres. Consistent with this, we revealed that, while a simultaneous depletion of hnRNP A1/A2 did not induce DDR or inhibit cell proliferation in mortal HFF3, MRC5, or HFB cells, an immortalization of these cells by ectopic expression of hTERT rendered these telomerase-expressing normal cells sensitive to the inhibitory effects of simultaneous depletion (Figure 5). In this context, it is worthy to note that although dysfunctional telomeres are produced in the hTERT-immortalized HFF3 by simultaneous depletion of hnRNP A1/A2 (Figure 6), no apoptosis induction was observed in these depleted cells (unpublished results). It is likely that the dysfunctional telomeres produced in hTERT-immortalized normal cells only induce cell senescence. Lastly, it should be noted that some cancer cells employ alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) during telomere length maintenance. ALT is a homology-directed recombination-dependent replication pathway that utilizes telomeric templates for synthesis ; however, its precise protein requirements remain unknown. Whether or not hnRNP A1/A2 are essential components of the ALT therefore requires further analysis.
The analyses of numerical intensities under the different polarization directions that are shown in Fig. 5a’–d’ help to explain the experimental polarization-resolved patterns shown in Fig. 5a–d. Figure 6a–d illustrate the experimental polarization-resolved patterns corresponding to the flower mode shown in Fig. 3e. The polarization of the center circle has four-fold symmetry because one of the azimuthal indexes of the bases is 2. The polarization distribution of the flower mode is more complex than conventional HOPS beams. The numerical results shown in Fig. 6a’–d’ also have notable agreement with the experimental results. The flower modes with complex inhomogeneous polarization mapping on HOPSs can be generated systematically. Manipulation of the polarization state mapping on arbitrary points on HOPS can be achieved by adding other optical components in our experimental setup for future work.
LR73 cells stably expressing HA-Tim-4 or LR73 cells transiently transfected with the indicated plasmids were incubated with TAMRA-labeled apoptotic thymocytes. Two hours after incubation, the phagocytes were extensively washed with ice-cold PBS. Then, the cells were trypsinized, stained with anti-HA antibody and Alexa Fluor 488-conjugated anti-mouse antibody, and analyzed using flow cytometry. Double-positive cells for HA and TAMRA were considered as phagocytes engulfing apoptotic thymocytes. TAMRA-labeled apoptotic cells were generated as previously described42. Briefly, thymocytes derived from 4- to 8-week-old C57BL/6 mice were stained with 25 μM of TAMRA-SE for 20 min and washed with RPMI medium containing 10% serum. Then, apoptosis in thymocytes was induced using 50 μM of dexamethasone in an incubator with 5% CO2 at 37 oC for 4 h. The thymocytes were washed with PBS and resuspended with alpha-MEM or DMEM medium.
To test this possibility, aggregates of Sema3C-expressing HEK293T cells were placed in the repulsive septal region of E16.5 WT slices (Figure 7Bi ). Callosal axons were misrouted from their normal path and invaded cell aggregates expressing Sema3C (Figure 7Biii–7Biv ; arrowheads; n = 13 out of 16), whereas control cell aggregates did not affect the growth of callosal axons (Figure 7Bii ; open arrowheads; n = 7 out of 8). Thus, localized expression of Sema3C in slice cultures directs callosal axon outgrowth. In addition, experiments made with explants of E14.5 and E16.5 cingulate or frontal cortices and aggregates of Sema3C-expressing HEK293T cells indicate that pioneer cortical axons and later-growing callosal axons are chemo-attracted by Sema3C as early as E14.5 (unpublished data).
All the subsidiaries had an overall positive opinion about the WEEE directive. However, in several of the countries, there was a fear of making mistakes. To be labeled as a “free-rider” or a company that did not have control of its environmental obligations was seen as devastating. As two of the PROs stated, because members may be afraid of being prosecuted, they may report products outside the WEEE scope as WEEE products to ensure they do not underreport. Both the importers/manufacturers and the PROs were asked about the challenges fulfilling the WEEE directive related to reporting and fee calculation. On a 6-point scale (‘very easy’, ‘easy’, ‘moderate’, ‘somewhat hard’, ‘hard’, ‘very hard’), the answers were between ‘very easy’ and ‘somewhat hard’, with an average between ‘easy’ and ‘moderate’. The PROs’ answers tended to be a bit more toward ‘moderate’.
Techniques of bone lengthening vary, and the hardware used for bone lengthening has advanced over time. The circular external fixator, unilateral external fixator, and axial internal fixator are the most frequently used for the treatment of LLD . The basic principle behind these techniques is the same. They take advantage of osteogenesis by slow distraction after osteotomy of the indicated bone, known as callotasis. The bone-lengthening process involves the movement of bone fragments by distracting and compressing them periodically by 1 mm per day. In this manner, the micro-movements stimulate the bone faster for the osteointegration process .
In this study, in order to investigate the neuronal mechanisms associated with smoking, we conducted a resting-state fMRI experiment in which twenty-one heavy smokers were scanned in two sessions: smoking abstinence followed by smoking satiety. We proposed a novel analysis framework combining ICA and GCA to inspect both functional and effective connectivity, mainly considering the brain networks of TNNs (i.e., aDMN and pDMN) and TPNs (i.e., ECN and SN). The causal interaction from SN to pDMN was reduced, and that from ECN/aDMN to SN was enhanced after smoking replenishment. The experimental results also showed that before and after smoking, both functional and effective connectivity changed in the brain regions of the insula, dACC, rACC, SMA, dlPFC, vmPFC, precuneus and parahippocampus. These findings did not only reflect the effect of smoking/nicotine on brain connectivity, but also could be explained by the presence and absence of withdrawal. Obviously, it demonstrated our hypothesis that the effect of smoking replenishment on deprived heavy smokers would influence both functional and effective connectivity.
Initial bioprocess development involves a comprehensive screening program to identify the best suitable biological system in combination with feasible process parameters. Shaken bioreactors, in specific shake flasks, have become established screening tools to obtain process-relevant information [1, 2]. Since conventional shake flasks can only carry out batch cultivations, the membrane-based fed-batch shake flask was developed to allow fed-batch cultivations on small scale level . In addition to implementing an identical operation mode to large scale production, a reliable screening tool is required to accurately reflect later cultivation conditions, having an impact on cell metabolism or viability. These parameters include amongst others pH and osmolality, which affect the growth rate of a microorganism. For Escherichia coli (E. coli), which is the most common prokaryotic production system , the optimal pH range is between 6.5 and 7.5, depending on the temperature . During a cultivation, the pH is drifting as result of conversion and production of substrates and metabolic compounds. One such substrate is ammonium, which is a preferred nitrogen source supporting fast growth rates [6, 7]. Although the direct uptake of ammonium is possible through the transporter protein AmtB at very low ammonium levels or low pH environment , the usual uptake is through free diffusion of uncharged ammonia through the cell membrane [9, 10]. Hereby the pH-based conversion of ammonium to ammonia results in a free proton, which acidifies the surrounding culture medium .
Among the four treatments, the patients of high dose rate brachytherapy demonstrated the worst oncological outcomes, especially in D’Amico intermediate- and high-risk groups. Besides, the patients of radical retropubic prostatectomy had more complications rate in urethral stricture and urinary incontinence. Moreover, the patients of HIFU experienced better urinary function improvement and more possible sexual function preservation. In consideration of trifecta, HIFU may provide equivalent cancer control in the intermediate-term follow-up and better quality of life for patients of localized prostate cancer.
An alternate analysis was run using only the main effect regressor. Separating the participants into “high eye contact dyads” and “low eye contact dyads,” the contrast of High eye contact (Social > Non-social) > Low eye contact (Social > Non-social) was computed to further illustrate the effect of the high eye contact dyads’ behavior on the activity due to the joint attention task.
South Africa is a patriarchal country in which the role of the father as the primary authority figure in the household has a powerful impact on family life (11). Patriarchy in South Africa today is considered by many to be a “serious societal illness, and often the root contributor of violence against women and children” (17, p. 304).
The evaluation of parameters related to chlorophyll fluorescence provides a diagnosis of the effects of plant-environment interactions on the performance of PS2 and, if these effects are harmful, they can reduce the functioning efficiency of this machinery . The correlation between Fv/Fo and Fv/Fm, was positive and moderate (p <0.05) as previously described (Fig 5). Basically these two parameters give the same information, but with different values and amplitude. While Fv/Fo can show large variations with significant declines, especially with respect to stressed materials, the Fv/Fm values change very slowly as a response to partial photoinhibition. . There was correlation between these two parameters (Fig 5), which remained within an acceptable range (S3 Appendix), showing absence of photoinhibition, which could be detected at different times of duration and intensity with the use of both parameters. The increase in the magnitude of the genotypic correlation to very strong, compared with its phenotypic counterpart (which was moderate), shows that there were expressive influences of random effects on the phenotypic correlation.
Figure 6 shows the actual class rank after year 1 (CREY1) vs. the predicted class rank (PredCR) based on the GRE-QV and GPALast45hrs predictors only. This figure also shows the 25th and 75th percentiles of CREY1 as well as the upper and lower 95% prediction limits for PredCR. The utility of this figure is that the 75th percentile line intersects the upper 95% prediction limit (UPL) boundary at the point where the corresponding value on the PredCR axis indicates that students with this PredCR or lower will be expected to be in the top quartile of CREY1 scores (better students), with 95% confidence. Likewise, where the 25th percentile line intersects the lower 95% prediction limit (LPL) boundary, the corresponding value on the PredCR indicates that all students with this PredCR or higher will be expected to be in the bottom quartile of CREY1 (poorer students) with 95% confidence.
Odds ratio for ED was higher in female smokers than in male smokers (1.44, 95% CI: 1.40–1.49 vs. 1.13, 95% CI: 1.09–1.17). When adjusting regression models for systolic blood pressure and VO2 peak, smoking was no longer associated with low FMD in men, but persisted in women. More detailed analyses of the effect on endothelial function by smoking habits will be reported in a separate study.
Ningún país incluye todas las medidas de verdadera equidad en los sistemas de salud, pero algunos incluyen varias de estas medidas, como mejorar la accesibilidad física y financiera, y ampliar el acceso a los medicamentos para los grupos poblacionales socialmente excluidos. Fueron menos los países que abordaron otros aspectos, como la discriminación, un mayor acceso a los trabajadores de salud en las zonas desatendidas y la eliminación de obstáculos lingüísticos. En general, los países incluyen la atención a los grupos poblacionales socialmente excluidos en sus planes de salud, aunque con algunas limitaciones que cabe destacar: solo una cuarta parte de los planes mencionan a los afrodescendientes, menos de la mitad incluyen a los pueblos indígenas, y algunos países con grandes poblaciones indígenas no los toman en cuenta. Solo cuatro países de la Región incluyen la atención de los migrantes.
As soon as a live shark was landed, a core temperature was immediately assessed by inserting a 20 cm piercing thermometer (VWR, Radnor, PA) into the thickest portion of the dorsal musculature, which was typically 1 cm to either side of the first dorsal fin. The piercing thermometer was inserted 1.5 to 7 cm into the muscle, depending on the size of the shark, and the thermometer was allowed to stabilize (~15 s) before piercing slightly deeper into the muscle. If the temperature decreased, we let the thermometer stabilize again and repeated a deeper probe; however, if the temperature increased, we would pull back and read the coolest temperature of the muscle. Following a temperature reading, and typically 1 min or less after landing, a 5 ml blood sample was collected by caudal venipuncture using a 16–22 gauge needle attached to a heparinized syringe. Following blood collection, animals were euthanized and comprehensively sampled for ongoing and future studies. To assess lactate and pH, a small aliquot of blood was immediately loaded into a CG4+ cartridge and then inserted into a VetScan i-STAT 1 point of care device (Abaxis Inc., Union City, CA), which has been validated for use in elasmobranchs (Gallagher et al. 2010; Harter et al. 2015). The i-STAT is commonly used in elasmobranch stress studies to provide relative secondary stress data (e.g. Mandelman and Farrington 2007; Mandelman and Skomal 2009; Marshall et al. 2012; Guida et al. 2016; Talwar et al. 2017; Prohaska et al. 2018) and has been used on some of the same deep-sea sharks examined herein (Talwar et al. 2017). Glucose was measured using an Accu-Chek glucose meter (Roche Diagnostics, Basel, Switzerland), which has been validated for use on fishes (Cooke et al. 2008). Hematocrit was measured in duplicate by filling a capillary tube with the homogenized blood sample, capping one end with clay, and spinning the tube in a hematocrit centrifuge at 15 000 g for 5 min. Hematocrit was determined by calculating the red blood cell percentage of the whole blood volume. The remaining whole blood was then centrifuged at 1800 g for 5 min (Unico, Dayton, NJ). The separated plasma was stored at −20°C.
A identificação das alterações morfológicas ou de propriedades elásticas dos tecidos moles com o uso dos métodos de imagem tem se tornado um importante e crescente foco de pesquisa, visando obter uma avaliação mais precisa do grau de dano e do enrijecimento dos tecidos. Entre esses métodos, destaca-se a avaliação por elastografia, que pode ser realizada com o uso de aparelhos de ultrassonografia (US) ou ressonância magnética. Por ser de mais fácil acesso e com menor custo, a elastografia por US ou sonoelastografia vem sendo utilizada em maior escala, especialmente nas áreas de mastologia e hepatologia, nas quais seu uso é empregado nos casos de diferenciação entre lesões sólidas ou císticas e até mesmo entre lesões malignas e benignas, podendo evitar procedimentos invasivos como uma biópsia.(9-12)
Entsprechend der Bewertung der erkannten Risiken ist insbesondere denjenigen in der rechten oberen Ecke von Abb. 4 (rot) entgegenzuwirken. Hier mussten zuvorderst die fehlerhafte Gasmengenplanung (O1), fehlende Gasvorhaltung (O3) und eine unzureichende Führung (T6) bei der Bewältigungsplanung in den Fokus genommen werden.
L'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) est jugée supérieure à toutes les autres techniques d'imagerie médicale: échographie, TDM et tomographie par émission de positons (PET-scan) pour le diagnostic des lésions hépatiques focales . L'aspect IRM, en particulier sur les séquences T1, T2, de diffusion et gadolinées avec le gadolénate dimeglumine (Gd-BOPTM) ou l'acide gadoxétique (Gd-EOB) est le plus spécifique du CHC sur foie sain .
Ecological impact: beavers, tree leaves and earthworms were chosen. Beavers were chosen for being ecosystem engineers, managing to model entire landscapes including habitats and damaged streams by constructing their dams. Tree leaves can absorb organic compounds from the atmosphere and break them down to be less harmful. Lastly, earthworms are decomposers that add air and disperse nutrients in the soil as they dig; these consume dead organic material, such as leaves and roots and, after consuming it, they break it down and excrete it in the form of nutrients.
Field case of a steer with hemorrhagic diathesis presenting epistaxis and profuse salivation (A), abomasum with multifocal to coalescent ulcers with a large blood clot attached in a spontaneous case (B). Bovine with diffuse severe trilineage hypoplasia of the bone marrow (C). Bone marrow of a control steer (D).
Another important question is whether there is a distinct regulation of the repertoire selection, differentiation and persistence of high- versus low-TCR–pMHC affinity/avidity antitumor CD8 T cells in vivo. For instance, numerous studies conducted in mouse models (70, 161–165) or ex vivo analysis of human T cell responses (166, 167) targeting pathogen-derived antigens demonstrate that the secondary repertoire is selectively enriched in high-affinity/avidity TCR-expressing T cells compared to the primary one. Such process of narrowing of the memory repertoire largely results from the loss of low-affinity/avidity TCR-bearing T cells during antigen-driven clonal expansion. Indeed, due to interclonal competition and restricted access to pathogen epitopes, low-avidity T cells are less likely to be primed and rapidly expanded than high-avidity ones (168–170). However, high-affinity/avidity immunodominant clonotypes may also be preferentially driven toward functional impairment, when compared to low-affinity/avidity ones, as a physiological consequence of T cell activation (171, 172).
The primary outcome of the study is the rate of BMI growth. We hypothesize that in the intervention arm, the rate of BMI growth will be less than the comparison community after three years of the intervention. We assess BMI, abdominal circumference and skinfold thickness in eligible children in both communities every six months. Anthropometric measurements are conducted in accordance with methods defined in the Anthropometric Standardization Reference Manual and by a medical team consisting of trained staff and student surveyors from UCD, and trained local staff. Staff training consists of at least one, 3-hour anthropometric training and an observation session in which the trainees team up with experienced surveyors to gain hands-on experience. A digital scale by Seca (model 874) is used to weigh participants to the nearest 0.1 kg. A stadiometer (Seca 213) is used to measure height in centimeters (cm) to the nearest 0.1 cm. Abdominal circumference is obtained by using a QuickMedical QM2000 body circumference measuring tape. Finally, skinfold thickness of the triceps and subscapular regions are measured using Lange calipers (Beta Technology, Santa Cruz, CA).
In summary, we believe that T cells pave the road that unravels the partnership of the three systems (i.e., immunity, hematopoiesis, bone homeostasis) by acting as messengers from the periphery to the bone cavity. It is clear that inside the BM, T cells bring information from the periphery. They produce cytokines and express membrane molecules, which will act in an antigen-specific manner. Although it remains unclear as to the need for a cognate antigen inside the BM, it is clear that only after in vivo priming can BM T cells acquire an activated phenotype. Whether or not T cell regulation of bone homeostasis requires recognition of self-antigens by DCs or OCs inside the BM, or if antigen-loaded APCs do the job or both, is still not clear. However, it is clear that if BM T cells recognize antigen (self or not) on APCs, they will exert their effector functions “helping” the bone remodeling and hematopoietic system. The final effect on hematopoiesis and bone remodeling depends on the class of the T cell response (159), identified by the cytokine package produced and released by the T cell subset (Figure 6).
To further support this conclusion, two control experiments were performed. First, we investigated whether growth of the producer strain was indeed caused by the extracellular production of GlcN due to secretion of active TkCDA into the medium by the substrate converter strain. To this end, the producer strain CgLYS4 was cultured in M9extra medium with GlcNAc as sole carbon source, supplemented with either cell-free culture supernatant of the substrate converter EcLPP* [TkCDA] or, as a control, fresh culture medium (see Materials and Methods). Strain CgLYS4 only grew in the presence of EcLPP* [TkCDA] culture supernatant, but not in the presence of the control supernatant (Fig. 7).Fig. 7Growth of CgLYS4 with 40 mM GlcNAc as sole carbon and energy source with cell-free culture supernatant of EcLPP* [TkCDA] (green dots) or supernatant of an M9extra medium blank with 40 mM acetate (blue dots) and a control without addition of supernatant (red dots). Error bars indicate standard error of the mean of three independent experiments with triplicate determinations each (n = 3)
(A) – Samples from PC3 and LNCaP cells treated without/with (S)-2 (2.5 and 5 µM) for 24 h were analysed by Western blot and immunodetected for: PARP and its cleaved fragment, γ-H2AX and acetyl-α-tubulin, while α-tubulin was used as loading control. (B) – Cells either untreated or treated with 2.5 µM (S)-2 for 48 h were incubated just 1 h prior to be harvested with FAM-DEVD-FMK carboxyfluoresceine and then rinsed twice with PBS and their green fluorescence was measured by flow cytometry (see comment of point B in Figure 2). (C) – Microscopic evaluation of the effects of (S)-2 on the accumulation of neutral lipid droplets within PC3 cells treated for three days. After fixation, cells were stained with an ORO solution; quantification of ORO staining was carried out as described in Materials and Methods.
The efficiency of the three monocyte sub-sets to bind zymosan does not differ according to infection status. A). The proportions of each monocyte sub-set that bound Alexafluor488-conjugated zymosan bio-particles compared between participants grouped according to schistosome infection status (un-infected, infected and co-infected). Horizontal bars denote mean proportions of ligand+ cells for each group. Post-hoc pairwise comparisons (Fisher's least significant difference tests) are shown where ANOVA was significant, *p<0.05, **p<0.01. B). MFI for each monocyte sub-set incubated with zymosan bio-particles illustrating the relative quantity of antigen binding compared by infection status. Bars denote median MFI for each infection group. Post-hoc pairwise Mann Whitney U comparisons are shown where non-parametric Kruskal Wallis tests were significant, *p<0.05, **p<0.01. Cell proportions in the ligand+ gate and MFI for cells incubated without ligand were subtracted from those of cells incubated with fluorescently-labelled ligands prior to comparison between infection groups.
Bacteria engage in the cell-cell communication process called quorum sensing (QS) to coordinate group behaviors. QS relies on production, release, and group-wide detection of extracellular signal molecules called autoinducers (AIs). QS-mediated communication systems are now known to be common in the bacterial domain (1). Growing evidence suggests that viruses of bacteria, called phages, also possess communication capabilities, an idea that originated when Hargreaves et al. reported the presence of genes resembling those encoding Gram-positive bacterial QS components (agr) on a phage infecting Clostridium difficile (2). More-recent studies show that phages can engage in their own QS-like dialogs to promote population-wide lysogeny (3), and phages can eavesdrop on bacterial QS-mediated communication to promote population-wide lysis (4). In the eavesdropping case, which is most pertinent to the observations we report here, a vibriophage encodes a homolog of a Vibrio QS receptor/transcription factor called VqmA. Host-encoded VqmA and phage-encoded VqmA (VqmAPhage) both bind the same AI, 3,5-dimethylpyrazin-2-ol (DPO). In the case of the host, binding of DPO by VqmA launches the QS group behavior program (5). In the case of the phage, binding of DPO by VqmAPhage activates the lysis program, and the phage kills the host. Thus, the vibriophage lysis-lysogeny decision is linked to the population density status of the host cells (4).
La fibrillation atriale (FA) et l’insuffisance cardiaque (IC) sont des maladies cardiovasculaires souvent associées, leur coexistence aggrave le pronostic et constitue un problème de santé public majeur . La prévalence de la FA dans la population générale est estimée à un 1%, elle augmente significativement chez les sujets âgées . L’incidence de la FA va probablement doubler dans les 20 prochaines années d’une part en raison de l’augmentation de la longévité et d’autre part en raison de la réduction de la mortalité cardiovasculaire. La prévalence de la fibrillation atriale et son épidémiologie spécialement chez des patients en insuffisance cardiaque chronique reste mal connue dans notre pays malgré la gravité de son pronostic et son cout excessive sur le système des soins.
Najnowsze rekomendacje dotyczące diagnostyki i leczenia EoE u dzieci i dorosłych zostały opublikowane w 2017 roku . Wymienione zalecenia zostały opracowane przez międzynarodową grupę roboczą złożoną z ekspertów pod kierunkiem Lucendo i pod auspicjami towarzystw naukowych. W skład tej grupy weszli specjaliści z dziedziny gastroenterologii, pediatrii, laryngologii, patologii i epidemiologii. ZZaalleecceenniiaa ddiiaaggnostyczne i lecznicze EoE zostały opracowane metodą GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation).
Existen problemas importantes en la transmisión de los datos científicos sobre la exactitud de los dispositivos de presión arterial a los usuarios concretos (15, 16, 41, 43-45). Durante varios decenios se han publicado muchos artículos importantes sobre las deficiencias de la medición de la presión arterial (10, 46), pero la información rara vez se ha difundido más allá de los investigadores y los profesionales de salud que ya conocen los problemas. Los fabricantes pueden conocer las limitaciones del dispositivo con respecto a la exactitud, pero mientras no se vea afectado su mercado de usuarios, existen pocos incentivos para modificar las prácticas.
Pour ce qui est des germes isolés, les bacilles Gram négatifs sont les plus fréquemment identifiés dans les milieux de culture au cours de notre étude, et en chef de fil l'E. Coli, la Klebsiella Pneumoniae et le Pseudomonas Aeroginosa. Ceci a également été retrouvé dans plusieurs séries internationales [7–9]. De récentes données américaines indiquent qu'E. Coli est étiologiquement le plus commun des micro-organismes Gram négatifs isolés lors des IUN, suivie dans un ordre décroissant de fréquence, par Pseudomonas Aeroginosa, Klebsiella Pneumoniae, Enterobacter, et Acinétobacter Baumannii . Les souches d'E. Coliuropathogènes infectent le tractus urinaire à travers une série de mécanismes comme les adhésines spécialisés, le biofilm, et l′aversion de l′hôte. L′émergence de la résistance aux quinolones et aux céphalosporines à spectre étendu demeure un défi considérable, car ces agents sont souvent utilisés comme traitement de première intention . Dans notre série, l'E.Coli était responsable dans les 2/3 des cas d'IUN dont 22,2% de souche BLSE, ce qui est en similitude avec une série turque où l'E.Coli a été incriminé dans 40,8% des IUN dont 27% étaient sécrétrices de BLSE .
To identify recurrent APL-associated mutations, we combined this data set with three other whole-exome sequencing studies of APL [12–14] for a total of 164 sequenced cases, and identified 70 recurrently mutated genes (i.e. mutated in two or more cases of APL). We identified a mean of 2.0 and 2.2 recurrent mutations per patient for dnAPL and tAPL, respectively (median 2 range 0–6 and median 2 range 0–5, p = 0.74, Supplementary Fig. 1). There was no clear difference in the pattern of mutated genes. There were three genes that were mutated in tAPL but not dnAPL (AP3D1, DNMT3A and GPR158, Fisher’s exact test, p = 0.035).
Trotz dieser vielversprechenden Ergebnisse sind viele Anwendungsfragen (effektiv erreichtes Verteilungsvolumen im Gehirn nach Gentherapie?) sowie wichtige Sicherheitsfragen (DNA-Schädigungen durch CRISPR/Cas9? Immunvermittelte Reaktionen auf die Präsenz eines bakteriellen Proteins?) noch ungeklärt.
Der Berufsstatus als wichtiger sozioökonomischer Indikator der beruflichen Lage steht in engem Zusammenhang mit Gesundheit [19, 20]. Zur Bestimmung des individuellen Berufsstatus werden das Einkommen und die Qualifikation der Beschäftigten in den nach der „Klassifikation der Berufe 2010“ codierten beruflichen Tätigkeiten herangezogen . Als Kriterium für die Zuweisung von Punktwerten diente dabei der International Socio-Economic-Index of Occupational Status (ISEI) nach . Für die Analysen wurden die Punktwerte der gewichteten Fälle von GEDA 2014/2015-EHIS in Quintile eingeteilt. Verglichen werden die unteren 20 % (niedriger individueller Berufsstatus) mit den mittleren 60 % (mittlerer individueller Berufsstatus) und den oberen 20 % (hoher individueller Berufsstatus).
It is vital for health education interventions to aim at long-term changes to the health behaviour and the norms that are attributed to a health problem. However, evaluation of the effectiveness of interventions depend on documenting the outcomes, effects, formation, process, cost-effectiveness and benefits of the interventions .
La NAFLD si associa a una maggiore incidenza di patologie cardiovascolari, con cui condivide molti fattori di rischio metabolici. È stato infatti osservato che i pazienti con NAFLD presentano disfunzione endoteliale, aumento della rigidità delle pareti delle arterie e aumento dello spessore dell’intima-media carotidea, parametri riconosciuti come marker di patologia cardiovascolare .
An 8-year-and-1-month old Caucasian female presented to her pediatrician with complaints of nocturnal enuresis and hyperactivity. Child was adopted at 2 years of age along with her younger sibling due to history of parental neglect by biological parents. Adoptive parents reported hyperactivity as a major concern. Physical examination revealed her weight to be 24.8 Kg (25th percentile for age) and height to be 128.7 cm (35th percentile for age). Vitals were stable and blood pressure at presentation was 113/75 mmHg. A comprehensive neurologic exam by her pediatrician revealed fine tremors in the upper extremity. Laboratory workup was initiated and a comprehensive metabolic panel revealed sodium (Na) of 124 mEq/L. She was referred to our medical center for comprehensive evaluation. Initial exam revealed an otherwise healthy child who was alert and oriented in time, space, and person. Vitals including blood pressure were normal for age. Admission chemistry and other laboratory values are shown in Table 1.
Ab-initio calculations were performed based on the density functional theory (DFT) within the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) as implemented in the SIESTA computational code within the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) form . The core electrons were replaced by Troulier-Martins pseudopotentials . A double-ζ basis set of localized atomic orbitals was used for the valence electrons. Sampling of the Brillouin zone has been performed using by a (10×10×1) shifted Monhorst-Pack grid , while a mesh cut-off energy of 200 Ry has been imposed for real-space integration. All structures have been relaxed until forces were less than 0.05 eV/ Å. The influence of the SiC substrate was introduced by an extra Hubbard-U term to account for electron correlation as a result of the Coulomb interaction between the Si localized electrons . Therefore, this correction which is an effective potential defined by Ueff = U − J, where U and J are the Coulomb and the exchange parameters are only applied to the 3p orbitals of the Si-dangling bonds. In the calculations, Ueff is considered equal to 3 eV which is in a good agreement with the experimental results . A vacuum interval of more than 10 Å was used to avoid the interaction between the periodic slabs.
In addition to assessment of bone formation, we also examined if the transplanted BMP-hBMSCs could directly contribute to the formation of bone tissues. Since only samples in Gene group could form bone, four constructs from this group were implanted intramuscularly. After 14 or 28 days, samples were collected for histology analysis. For tracking of BMP-hBMSC distribution in the newly form tissues, an eGFP antibody was used (Abcam) with the same IHC procedure described above.
Se le hicieron sesiones de fonoaudiología desde el nacimiento por ausencia del reflejo de succión, disfagia preoral y oral, y riesgo de broncoaspiración. Se realizaron 25 sesiones centradas en la estimulación de los músculos implicados en la succión y la deglución con lo que, finalmente, logró una succión efectiva con adecuada fuerza, continuidad y deglución. Desde los dos años, asistió semanalmente a terapia de lenguaje durante 19 sesiones por trastorno específico de la pronunciación y pudo seguir el proceso fonético acorde con su edad.
Zowel dubbel-J-stents op zichzelf, als een langere verblijfsduur van dubbel-J-stents bleken beide geen significante risicofactoren te zijn voor postoperatieve gecompliceerde urineweginfecties. Vrouwelijk geslacht, preoperatieve positieve urinekweken en recidief van urolithiasis bleken wel significante risicofactoren.
This paper is inspired by the work of Li et al. that presented the simulation of some trajectories performed by a three-wheeled omnidirectional mobile robot and also analyzed the limitations found in a real implementation of these trajectories. In this direction, the new contribution of this paper is the experimental evaluation of the path-tracking accuracy of the omnidirectional mobile robot designed at the University of Lleida to operate as an assistant personal robot (APR). This mobile robot has been used to develop several assistive services, but the accuracy of its path-tracking system has not been specifically evaluated until now.
Zur Gewährleistung der Versorgung von Patienten mit chronischen respiratorischen Erkrankungen während der SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie wurde im März 2020 ein bundesweites Projekt zwischen Leistungserbringern aus der Pneumologie und Industriepartnern initiiert. Dieses basiert auf einem App-gestützten digitalen Versorgungskonzept für Patienten mit pneumologischen Erkrankungen, das bereits 2018 in einer randomisierten, kontrollierten Studie an einem kleineren Kollektiv klinisch geprüft wurde . Zur Evaluation des Projekts im Hinblick auf den Nutzen in der Routineversorgung wurde eine wissenschaftliche Auswertung implementiert, deren Ergebnisse in diesem Beitrag vorgestellt werden sollen.
MTase activation through dimerisation of two viral protein partners has already been reported in the case of the vaccinia virus D1/D12 N7-guanine MTase. However, the activating D12 subunit does not contact the D1 subunit through a homologous surface mainly defined by canonical αA and αZ helices. Rather, the D1/D12 activation surface would be located at a 90° clockwise rotation relative to the nsp10/nsp16 interface depicted in Fig. 1A. In the case of dengue virus, the bi-functional N7-guanine and 2′-O-MTase is part of the N-terminus of the dengue NS5 protein. Based on reverse genetic data and modeling, the MTase domain would be associated with the Pol domain through an interface topologically similar to that of nsp10/nsp16, i.e., involving mainly helices αA, αZ and strands β2 and β3 as depicted in Fig. 1A.
Diagnostic accuracy of optical coherence tomography angiography parameters in discriminating patients with cerebrovascular disease. AUC for average pRNFL + average GC-IPL = 0.590; AUC for average pRNFL + average GC-IPL + central VD + whole VD = 0.913; and AUC for average pRNFL + TS GC-IPL + central VD + whole VD = 0.918. Abbreviations: AUC, area under the curve; pRNFL, peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer; GC-IPL, ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer; VD, vessel density; and TS, temporal-superior.
In Figure 5, it can be observed that the maximum value of oxidation heat is of the order of 103Wm2, which is much lower with respect to the aerothermal heat flux order (106Wm2). In this condition, the emissivity observed on the sample’s front surface was assumed to be function of the temperature in accordance with experiments conducted at IRS, which showed the significant increase in the surface emissivity for material samples that were subjected to oxidation .
The electron microscopy showed that EE improved the number of ipsilateral synapses after pMCAO compared with the SH group. The number of ipsilateral synapses was significantly higher in the SH group than in the sham group. Interestingly, a significant difference in the number of contralateral synapses was found between the EE and SH groups, but no difference was observed between the SH and sham groups. EE increased the number of contralateral synapses compared with the SH group. This finding suggested that the increase in the number of bilateral synapses, especially the contralateral synapses, might play an important role in cognitive recovery.