Anybody else quitting Facebook over privacy concerns?
DarwinLann: I quit Facebook late last year. I have no patience for the games they are playing.Sadly, this seems to be the way of Web 2.0 sites: build an audience and ruin it by trying to make money with it. I've seen it with Myspace, Flickr, Twitter, Delicious, and Facebook. I really like Tumblr but I would bet that the same thing happening with them at some point in the future.
Good books to learn more about computer architecture?
timf: If you want to get into architecture in its own right, Hennessy/Patterson. But I think a far better book on the subject for programmers is "Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective."This is a textbook out of Carnegie Mellon that I was exposed to in grad school. It goes into all kinds of details of processor architecture, memory, I/O, assembly programming, etc. while staying focused on its audience of a systems programmer in C. It's wonderful.
Good books to learn more about computer architecture?
azrealus: good book about the memory:
Are you an information addict?
fmeyer: "We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom" - Edward Osborne WilsonThat's something I keep in my mind while I'm coding my one-man-startup project. We have a large amount of information disponible but not enough time to consume it, or even we don't get relevant stuff to read. I've been researching NLP, Semantics and TextMining since university but never faced a real word problem to work with.My actual project register your interests based on your previous bookmarked/visited websites and suggests summarized content from mainstream information hubs like digg, reddit and HN.Once I get my cloud/infrastructure done with hackspace, I will release a beta test for the first 2^8 pigraph's twitter follower.
Review local used textbook startup
slindstr: Very cool idea! Looks great! Here's a couple of critiques:1. On the main graphic in the middle of the page where it says "Matchio is The best way to buy and sell your books locally. Period." the letters run together when I view it in Safari 4.0.42. On the very bottom, the "Learn More" section, I feel that this is kind of an unnecessary use of JS animation. This section is asking for feedback, and provides useful links so if you don't expand it you might never see this info. I would just keep it expanded.3. Everything under "Feedback" in the learn more section does the same thing.4. Privacy policy and Terms of Services links don't do anything (I'm guessing they already know that though)5. I also noticed in the source that there's a lot of inline Javascript, some in using JQuery, some not. I would try to keep it consistent and I'd throw it all inside of $(document).ready() to keep the markup cleaner, plus everything inside here will be ready to be used immediately after the DOM is loaded.
Good books to learn more about computer architecture?
kabdib: John Paul Shen's _Modern Processor Design_ is my current favorite. It covers the design of recent (and also some historic) processor architectures, including pipelining, cache and memory systems, superscalar, and so on. Some concrete examples are given (e.g., PowerPC, x86).
Breadth or expertise in programming?
nostrademons: Tough choice, because you really want both, and yet you can't have both.I think a nearly-optimal strategy is to have breadth in a variety of technologies and then deep expertise in one, which you choose based on what you're most passionate about when exploring technologies. (It also helps to keep an eye on the market, so it's not completely useless.) That deep expertise is what will open new opportunities for you - nobody hires a dilettante. But the opportunities will be worthless if you get stuck in a specialty you hate.
I accidentally downvoted a good comment. What now?
thefool: probably a stupid question, but how much karma do you need before you are able to down vote something?
Are you an information addict?
edw519: My friends all think that I'm a neb Cause I spend much time here on the web The good things here I do not abuse Except lots of time on hacker news I don't read reddit I will not digg I'm not on facebook My work's too big I do not text I do not tweet I just work on Things that are neat I check email throughout the day But there are no games that I will play My phone's on vibrate I do not chat My work is really Where it's at Knuth and Turing are my big heroes I love to move Ones and zeros My head is down I'm in the mode Don't bother me I have to code Those who need me leave voicemail I'm much too busy trying not to fail I learn on-line and from my schools But I must avoid all sorts of trolls I can't believe I wrote this ode When I have so much I have to code I'm not an addict I have no drug I've got to go To fix a bug
Are you an information addict?
whimsy: The only thing that seems to consistently work for me is disabling my internet connection. Freedom ( is what I've used. Apparently it costs $10 now, but also works on both Windows and OS X.With linux, I expect it would be fairly simple to write a script that did the same thing, though I don't know how it would get enforced.
I accidentally downvoted a good comment. What now?
ugh: After I recently accidentally downvoted a comment to zero I wrote a answer to that comment, apologizing and asking two people to volunteer upvotes. After the parent picked up some votes a few minutes later I deleted my comment. But that’s certainly only possible for submissions high up on the frontpage which are seen by a lot of people.I probably wouldn’t do that when I weren’t sure that many people would see my comment within minutes, I also wouldn’t do it when I accidentally downvoted someone who already has a few karma points.
Good books to learn more about computer architecture?
j_baker: I may be being pedantic, but are you wanting to learn about systems architecture or learn about the internals of C++? Because those are two completely separate questions.
Are you an information addict?
goodside: I accept that some people, perhaps even most people, are fully immune to anything like Internet addiction. If you're one of those people, great. I envy you. But I can say from first-hand experience that compulsive Internet use ("Internet addiction" is a casual misnomer at best) is real. Further, I very strongly suspect that low-latency Internet connections, up-to-the-minute news and blogs, and social sharing of content have exacerbated such compulsions by enabling and rewarding rapid-fire consumption and shallow analysis of content.I doubt these inventions are the only cause of Internet compulsion, but they encourage it in people who have pre-existing compulsive tendencies. Analogously, gambling addiction is known to be caused by excessive dopaminergic activity in the brain, but that doesn't change the fact there would be less of it if there were no casinos.Many studies show ( ) that compulsive Internet use responds to the same sorts of medications used to treat OCD, namely SSRI antidepressants. You might want to consider speaking with a doctor if your use is really that severe. For me, they have helped considerably.
Good books to learn more about computer architecture?
deppp: You may want to read "CODE" by Charles Petzold
Are you an information addict?
Npeck: I'm addicted to the feeling I get when I split my focus into a thousand different streams. Yoga seems to be the only remedy for the 54 tabs I currently have open.When I'm away from my computer for an extended time I feel better physically and spiritually. I also get nothing done. We need to treat these machines with the respect we give hallucinogens and power tools.
a service that needs SMS
hunterjrj: Take a look at CellTrust: don't know if they have support for sending SMS to Brazil, but we did have success with them here in Canada.
a service that needs SMS
cmelbye: Twilio is great for that stuff.
a service that needs SMS
Are you an information addict?
JangoSteve: I consider myself to be an information addict. I spend probably half of my day, everyday, reading news/blogs/books.The real trick is to not just consume information, but to digest it. I.e. don't merely eat a lot, make sure you have a high [information] metabolism. Understand what you read and share what you understand.I decided that I'm happiest when I'm learning, so why fight it? I quit my job a year ago, and since then have managed to channel my information addiction to create a very satisfying lifestyle consulting and building my own companies with the information I've learned (and continue to learn).
Are you an information addict?
ax0n: Define "too much," please. :PI research things I'm interested in and passionate about. I want to know more. I'm an infosec guy by career and I can tell you that there is no way one can master all aspects of it. This should come as no surprise to entrepreneurs, developers, or geeks in general, really.I'm currently interested in learning more about computer forensics. I have basic knowledge, but want to familiarize myself better with the methods, tools, and tricks of the trade. As usual, I also want to understand the counter of that -- anti-forensics technologies.All the while, I surround myself with other bits of infosec news and knowledge, industry thought leaders, document what I play with, and eventually write about it to share it with others. There's no sense being a hoarder of information. Sometimes I come up with something genuinely unique. Other times, I feel like more of a curator.I have other interests as well: bicycling, mechanical repair (think: automotive, appliance, etc) just to name a few. I'm equally as passionate about those things as well, and spend a good deal of my time learning about those things and putting them to practice.
Should Apple buy Dropbox for seamless doc sharing on iPad?
glebk: Interesting comment because I've read that one of Apple's visions with their mobile devices is to get rid of the traditional hierarchical filesystem.
Are you an information addict?
bmj: Two things:1. I kinda thought I was, then I left for a one month road trip with limited connectivity. When I did have connectivity, I checked email, local news, and HN, and that was it. I had no urge to keep up with anything else. It was kinda nice.2. In his _Technological Society_, Jacques Ellul writes the following: "We are constrained to be 'engaged,' as the existentialists say, with technique." Though this was written over 40 years ago, it very much describes our current information age.
EC2 network environment and UDP? (debugging a project)
eklitzke: You're not using multicast IP, are you? I've heard (a while ago) that this doesn't work at all on EC2, e.g. their routers don't support or have limited support for IGMP. If you had a protocol that mixed unicast and multicast then that may explain why some nodes aren't visible.
Are you an information addict?
seltzered: I just realized I'm an information addict today while reading The 4 hour workweek.I think I'm going to start by moving my mail icon away from my iphone homescreen, and setting up a few push reminders to ask whether I am focusing on what I want to do and not wasting time.
Are you an information addict?
Pistos2: I only consume Hacker News via a summarizing service which gives only "top" Hacker News links. I skim my FriendFeed when I don't have time to read in depth, and don't have a problem _not_ clicking on things. I keep my FriendFeed relatively spartan; if a blog, feed, or tweetstream doesn't provide at least 50% interesting posts, I don't follow it. HN is the only linkroll / news site I follow. At the day job, I set my email client to download new mail only once every hour, so the "you've got mail" systray icon won't distract me too often. If it's important enough, someone will show up in person to ask whether I received the email they sent. Only a small set of people ever phone me with any regularity, and I like it that way.
Are you an information addict?
carterschonwald: I prefer the term infovore
Breadth or expertise in programming?
samratjp: I don't know what you mean exactly by programming knowledge, but if you are talking about languages, then pick a core language of your choice and master it. Then, dabble in a few useful frameworks in that language for later. As a side note, js seems to be such a language to keep in mind for the next decade or so, at the very least :-pAs about technologies, they will come and go, so master your fundamentals first, everything else will make sense or at least you know where to look for help when sh*t hits the fan!Again, I think mastery is helpful. If you can do something really, really well, you can do some interesting things. See this:
Should Apple buy Dropbox for seamless doc sharing on iPad?
evgen: Why buy dropbox when it is cheaper and easier to just fix some of the problems with the existing MobileMe service? Stealing a page from dropbox and similar services, Apple should just make a basic MobileMe account free and let you buy additional services as needed. The service is already integrated into the desktop OS, it is partially integrated into the iPhone OS, and if they just added some polish and back-end resources they would have a decent start towards cutting off Google encroachment into their platform.
Are you an information addict?
jacoblyles: Life's a constant struggle against stimulus.
Good Cloud/SaaS accounting service?
stevenbrianhall: Have you considered I recently switched from another Web 2.0 accounting system, and have find it to be fairly comprehensive system in it's featureset.It's got Expense Tracking, Invoicing, Cash Flow visualization, a 30-day trial, and is only $18/month afterwards.(Note: I'm not affiliated at all with FreeAgent, I just think it's a quality service. :)
Friendly people interested in bartering skills?
proexploit: Clickable:Form to submit: posted:
Feedback for seed fund in Mexico -
evanrmurphy: clickable:
Are you an information addict?
nekopa: I am definitely an info addict, but I have been working on turning that into being a knowledge addict instead. I've been trying for ~2 months, and so far here is what I am doing:First I have set up an intense learning regime for myself, my first 'semester' is on the basics in a lot of different subjects. (math, physics, nutrition, fitness, programming theory, gardening, writing, photography, chemistry, taoism, buddhism, carpentry and a few others)Second I have worked up a basic triage system for dealing with all of the information that I have flowing to me: 1st off is it of interest or not, is yes then why? For entertainment or for knowledge? If it is for entertainment then I will read it if I have accomplished my learning goals for the day, if not, oh well, into the trash. If its for knowledge then does it apply to one of my learning topics? If not, then bookmarked for a rainy day or another semester.For the stuff that applies to one of my current learning topics I apply the methodology from "How to read a book" (recommended to me by someone here, and I strongly recommend it to anyone who wants to read to go from "understanding less to understanding more") and scan it to see if and where it has a place in my learning network/schedule, then put it into my learning tracking database for integration into this or a later semester depending on how it fits.Its been an interesting couple of months, and I will start blogging about how this process is coming along. After a bit of a wobbly start, and a hard time finding good resources on how to make self-guided learning more efficient I am starting to see good progress in my learning, feel more comfortable with my online consumption and am really starting to make some progress on my start-up ideas and just my life in general.
Please submit quality linked articles, not the first one you read.
RiderOfGiraffes: It won't happen. people find a story they like, submit it, and move on. That's why so often the same story appears over and over and over again, each time saying effectively the same thing, each time from a different source, each one with nothing to add.Finding a good quality version of a story is hard, harder than checking if the same story is already submitted, and people certainly don't do that.So while it would be nice if people took that much care, they won't.Move on ...
What is something you would recommend learning in a day?
RiderOfGiraffes: Juggle, or ride a unicycle.I also second the recommendation to ballroom dance.
Good books to learn more about computer architecture?
drallison: Looks like you are asking two questions. "How does C++ get mapped onto real machines (and operating systems)?" and "How do machines really work?".You might want to look at Yale Patt's book which begins from the bottom (gates and assembly language) and works up.
Feedback for seed fund in Mexico -
evanrmurphy: I lived in Mexico for a time and find this idea both interesting and exciting. Thank you for posting this, I look forward to following the developments of AspireLabs!.
Are you an information addict?
prole: I highly agree with the notion that one shouldn't deny one's weaknesses, and instead try to turn them into strengths (as raheemm and joshkaufman have written in this thread). This question, "Are you an information addict?" came at an opportune time, as I just finished reading this gem from Neil Postman, titled "Informing Ourselves to Death."The talk looks at disruptive technologies, but points out that there are "losers" as well as "winners" when these emerge, and proceeds to explain why information has become nearly meaningless. His conclusions are in direct conflict with what I imagine many people here believe about the boon computers and information have provided to the world, but his argument is an interesting one, and hopefully it will challenge the way you think about this "Information Age."It can be read here:[edit: found a better copy to link to]
Breadth or expertise in programming?
abalashov: Expertise.
Embed MP3 stream player?
bittersweet: Soundmanager2 [1] is widely used, and I've used it myself in a couple of projects.It may be a bit to full-featured for the small thing you are trying to accomplish but you can customize it quite a bit.You can just listen for mp3 links in the chatroom and queue it up in soundmanager.[1]
Please review my weekend project: Fridgelist (using localStorage)
arnorhs: Uses html5, css3, @font-face, localStorage and more...
Please review my weekend project: Fridgelist (using localStorage)
sgt: that's actually pretty cool. How about an option to also store it in the "cloud" somewhere so that one can retrieve the fridgelist from another location?
Startup Conferences for Students in 2010?
philwelch: There will likely be another Startup School in the fall.
Are you an information addict?
kees: A long time ago I turned from effective use of the Internet into a consuming mood. Consuming information. “Enough is enough” doesn't play any role on the Internet. You will never consume enough information and there's always something new to discover. Most of the time the information you read will not add anything to your knowledge, or your productivity. Don't blame the Internet, understand that it is all your fault. If you are a person who likes to procrastinate, prefer to read than to act, you will easily fell in the traps of the Internets. Personally these are my solutions to handle the problem;If you think something is an interesting read, skim it(or in other words, scan it for useful information), bookmark it for later. And probably you will never spent a lot of time on the article . And if a need for this article pops in your head, you can easily find it back.Never use on-line documentation for studying or as a reference when doing something productive on the computer. Always download the necessary files (pdfs online) beforehand. Prepare you for your task, collect the information on line but when starting the task: just switch of the Internet, even better don't have any physical connection with the web.I love a minimalistic desktop, remove the webbrowsers' icons on your desktop or any menu panel. Just start your browser with a keyboard shortcut. The inviting sweet internet entrances, which you're conditioned to press when you want to avoid a task or need an information kick are gone. Recondition yourself when using the new shortcuts: Think about the purpose you want to use the web and what time you want to spent on that task.You never spent time a lot of time consuming useful information, because you will directly apply this information to anything productive. With the Internet, you find the stuff you want in a glance. The problem is information you're consuming, the interesting stuff you want to read, all the stuff what's coming in an endless stream.Don't read any opinionated stuff published on an obscure web blog written by an obscure person without any (productive) accomplishments. Probably you won't miss anything useful.Just check your favorite websites daily, preferably weekly. Try to optimize the interval between visits. If you follow some interesting people or blogs, which doesn't publish daily, just subscribe to the feed using your email.Allow yourself time on the Internet to do and read anything you like,after work and just set yourself a time limit. Because overall for me the internet is a great discovery mechanism, which increases my productivity. But do it consciously.Most of the time I don't use the Internet dominantly when I'm sitting beyond my screen. I always need it for something I want to do.PS I only use Facebook is an interactive address book, twitter to follow some interesting persons and Gtalk/AOl for colleagues, when working on a project.
Review my app, (Amazon CloudWatch dashboard)
nethergoat: In the interest of scratching my own itch, I've written an app that automatically graphs Amazon CloudWatch metrics. I'm making it free for all to use. EC2 customers with Elastic Load Balancers and Auto Scaling Groups should find it especially handy.It's built in Django on Google App Engine (with the google-app-engine-django helper) and uses Boto to talk to AWS.This is my first webapp, so I'm sure there's a lot I can improve upon. I'd love to hear any feedback you have.
Your Dev Environment
cygwin98: I turned a NAS device -- Intel SS-4200E (has Intel Celeron CPU) into my dedicated home dev server. Installed Ubuntu 9.10, latest Ruby on Rails, Mono and F#. It rocks as it only consumes 40Watts when loaded with tasks. Cutting eletricity bill was the main motive I had to replace a few obsolete PCs I used as Linux servers.My main desktop is my Macbook that hooked to a Dell 23inch LCD. Most of work is done at the SS4200E where I use Vim. I generally open 5 to 6 terminals and use cmd+# to switch among them. Contrary to other guys here, I really like the The default color scheme used by Vim is too dark though.Edit: typo
Best, Safest Interest-Free Ways of Investing 100k?
ehsanul: Take a look at the permanent portfolio.
a service that needs SMS
jsgoecke: Give a try. It also does voice, IM and Twitter along with SMS.
Best, Safest Interest-Free Ways of Investing 100k?
secret: I'm assuming you mention interest-free for religious reasons. If that's the case, there are mutual funds designed to comply specifically with various religious requirements (meaning the only invest in appropriate companies and revenue streams, etc) that you may want to look into. I don't know any names off the top of my head, but sometimes they go by "virtue funds."
Best, Safest Interest-Free Ways of Investing 100k?
rrhyne: Take a portion and buy actual physical gold and silver.
Best, Safest Interest-Free Ways of Investing 100k?
byoung2: These are all excellent questions to ask a financial advisor. Go to your bank and tell them you have 100k to invest, and you'll get all the answers you need. They'll set you up with a financial advisor who can help you map out a personal investment plan that meets your needs.
Are you an information addict?
Aron: I read so much and retain so little. Everything new pushes out something old. Jason Calcanis might be a dick. I'm still working on my conclusion about that.
Best, Safest Interest-Free Ways of Investing 100k?
adammichaelc: is pretty cool, allows you to get 100% transparency on the track record and day-to-day moves of different successful investors. You could put a portion of it following an investor whose strategy aligns with your goals.Why no interest? If you put a portion of the money in tax-free municipal bonds (which technically pay you interest) it'd be a good place for generating a decent yield while keepng your balance relatively safe.There's always an annuity too, which is where you pay a lump-sum for a guaranteed income for life, which is dependent on a bunch of factors (your age, current interest rates, type of annuity, etc.)good luck!
Good books to learn more about computer architecture?
UrLicht: A little known gem: The Elements of Computing Systems book takes you from logic gates to writing your own (extremely simple) virtual machine, programming language, etc. It's a bit fast paced and project based, but it'll run you through a very high level overview of the whole gamut.
Where did your most passionate users come from?
nudge: They won't search you out. You need to go out and grab their attention. What is your project?
Comepetitive Research for the App Store?
rhl: I seem to remember that Flurry published some aggregated analytics to their customers. You should check with them:
Who is already sick of all of these "Like" buttons plastered everywhere?
inboulder: <--- What, you mean like that?
Best, Safest Interest-Free Ways of Investing 100k?
rmc: You've said you don't want interest, so you're not Why not invest in yourself? Go on a nice holiday? Buy a house? Get a facelift. Spend the money to make your life better?Or invest in some 'social capital'. Buy your parents/siblings a house, or a car. If times go bad, you'll be able to call in some favours.
Live chat with visitors (For lean startups and customer development)
icey: I think Olark does this:
where have you had success advertising online (besides majors)?
KaiDavis: I'm excited to hear how advertising on 4chan goes for you. Keep HN updated.
why is SMS so expensive
jolan: "Texting is the closest thing to pure profit ever invented" -- Sir Chris Gent, founder of Vodafone.
why is SMS so expensive
swah: Self-answering:
why is SMS so expensive
CWuestefeld: Because people indicate that's what it's worth to them, as demonstrated by their willingness to pay so much.
Any entrepreneurs and/or engineers living with ADHD?
agbell: Yes sir. I have heard alot of business owners / entrepreneurs have ADHD.
where have you had success advertising online (besides majors)?
jamesshamenski: Re: 4chanThe $/impressions ratio sounds too good to be true. And that's exactly what it is.If you've ever used 4chan there would be no way you'd actually spend money advertising there. The site is process based where users constantly look in the center where content appears. Ads are on the side (separated away from content) and become totally ignored by the community. Plus, most users block ads - ask how they calculate those users.
Any entrepreneurs and/or engineers living with ADHD?
anigbrowl: I prefer not to discuss medical matters in public, but anyone in need of a peer is welcome to email.
Any entrepreneurs and/or engineers living with ADHD?
taylorwc: Sometimes it feels like pretty much every entrepreneur has ADHD.
Where did your most passionate users come from?
oziumjinx: Think about who would use/buy your program. Then find the sites they read. Then reach out to those sites/bloggers and give them a sneak peak, free license, beta invites for their users, etc.It might help to be an active member of some of those sites first before soliciting feedback.
Where did your most passionate users come from?
oziumjinx: Also, create a screencast of using your app then upload it to youtube and tag it with appropriate keywords. You'll be surprised at the number of other videos that will end up auto-linking to it on their youtube sidebar and at the end of their videos.
Editors For Hire?
drallison: A professional editor can have a substantial impact on the clarity and impact of what you write. Good professional editors are rare and fairly costly. I work regularly with a a writer/editor who has been a great help. Contact me off list ([email protected]) and I will be happy to provide a referral.
Editors For Hire?
trafficlight: My wife is a part-time freelance editor. She currently does a lot of doctoral dissertations. Send me a note at [email protected] if you'd like to know more.
How can a 19-year-old find web programming work?
petervandijck: If you're good, make a name for yourself. That means, have a good website, write some really useful open source library or something, blog and give talks at conferences/... (easier than it sounds). Once you have a name, it's easier to find jobs.
How can a 19-year-old find web programming work?
arebop: I was your age in the late nineties, so I got that kind of job by volunteering to build web sites for my high school (sophomore year) and local government. That led to me giving the city's web hosting company configuration instructions, which led to a summer job offer that turned into weekends-and-summers employment throughout college. I also got some referrals from the math department head.These days, everyone has a web site. But most are not very good. So, I suggest volunteering to build web applications for your neighborhood or city. This might lead you to a product idea for your own web service, it will serve as resume fodder, and it will increase the likelihood that someone will ask you to work for them.
How can a 19-year-old find web programming work?
runT1ME: Where are you from? I don't think its hard to find some web work getting paid 20 bucks or so an hour. Getting paid a decent salary with benefits might be a little more challenging, until you've built up your resume though.
File browsing with xmonad in Ubuntu?
mbrubeck: I just use Nautilus (the default Ubuntu/GNOME file browser) and it works fine with xmonad. Are you having a specific problems browsing files?Actually, it would be better to post this on Ubuntu Forums or on an xmonad list:
Any entrepreneurs and/or engineers living with ADHD?
sfriedrich: In addition to the distractibility for which it is most known; ADHD folks are often capable of super-concentration for periods of time. This is why you often find them in occupations that benefit from this capability... programming being chief among them.Self medication with mild stimulants like caffeine is also common.
How can a 19-year-old find web programming work?
lothia: Develop your own website which will be your portfolio to show everyone. Generally not having a degree will hurt you a lot and will generally lower the amount you can require for developing a website. There are websites such as which you can offer your designs to people that post how much money they are offering. This can help get your designs and name out there. The best bet IMO is to go to Uni next year and during your first few years build that portfolio, if you are going to a mid to large school you can sometimes get grants from certain schools if you offer to develop a website for them (I know someone who got half of his masters degree paid doing this). However in todays world the degree really does help.
why is SMS so expensive
canoodle: The cost of your data is actually irrelevant - SMSs are sent as part of the usual phone-tower communication system, they fill up empty space in a packet that is sent regardless of whether or not there's an SMS in it. If you're not counting overhead, they cost literally nothing. If you do count overhead, then they still only cost a fraction of a penny.
How can a 19-year-old find web programming work?
yalurker: Don't put off college. Go now, while you will get the most out of the experience. Even in the hypothetical situation where you learned nothing that you couldn't have taught yourself, that piece of paper will be incredibly important to your future. There is also something to be said for the life experience of being around professors, other students and the environment and energy of campus.Find a part time job through your University. Apply for work-study, check out bulletin boards, talk to your school's career center.
Any entrepreneurs and/or engineers living with ADHD?
lothia: I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was probably in 2nd grade and took Adderall, Ritalin and Concerta. I stopped taking them about 3 months prior to finishing my Bachelors of Computer Science. I have now been 8 months with out it and have been working at my new job quite well. Prior to that for the last 2 years of my education I would only take my medication when I needed to study hard or had a test.
is there a Twitter hashtag reach vanity metric?
mgrouchy: We currently don't do that, but its in the pipe for us at SWIX ( ), those types of metrics and many more.
is there a Twitter hashtag reach vanity metric?
rhl: Well, total reach might be tough to pull off, but it would be definitely feasible to poll the Twitter API every hour and count the tweets with that hashtag that appeared in that time span.To justify cost to brands it might be easier/more 'sellable' to insist on actual, measurable engagement (links clicked, tweets retweeted, tweets favorited etc.) around their own tweets. I'd worry about unrelated tweets (i.e. sharing the same keyword but about something else altogether), or either bad publicity being accounted for.
How can a 19-year-old find web programming work?
thefahim: Don't forget the best part of going to college: meeting girls.- PSU Junior working on his own startup.
Anyone else need to stop and smell the roses?
tswicegood: Yeah. It's a constant battle. Friends and my wife help remind me when things are getting too crazy. That and the length of my beard. :-)
is there a Twitter hashtag reach vanity metric?
dacort: will do this. The basic/free version only looks at the 50 most recent tweets, but they gasp charge for more. Amazing...a Twitter app that charges! Novel! ;)
I was scammed on Craigslist.
towndrunk: I would file a police report asap.
What's a PC (for Linux) laptop that doesn't suck right now?
there: there are still plenty of new, in-the-box x201s' on ebay. the thinkpad edge 13" is cheap ($) and has decent specs, but you get the annoying glossy screen and case.i'm typing this on a thinkpad x301. with the dvd drive swapped out for a 2nd battery, it's pretty nice. it's costly though, and i wouldn't really recommend buying it when there are other thinkpads available for 1/3 the price with much more than 1/3 the performance.
I was scammed on Craigslist.
there: i hope you paid through paypal with a credit card. if so, call the credit card company or go online and dispute the charge. it will be on them to go after paypal to get your money back after crediting you your money back. file a police report, file a report online with the FTC, keep disputing the paypal charge. if paypal is able to contact this person to get their side of the story, they should be able to give you that information to hand over to the you still have the emails/phone numbers from the craigslist contact? print out emails with full headers for the police. i'm not sure if craigslist changes any headers for mails sent through their [email protected] addresses. might want to contact them as well to get any information you can to hand over to the police.just some general words of advice with paypal: always pay with a credit card. you get protection for just these types of cases. if you receive payment, never let it sit in your paypal account. immediately move it to a bank account. once it's there, paypal can never take it out without your authorization (if the situation were reversed and you sold something, the buyer disputed it, and paypal tried to reverse the charge on you). paypal is not a credit agency, and any claims that they're sending you to collections are just empty threats.i've gone through this once before selling a laptop on ebay. the buyer paid me with a verified paypal account that had been compromised. i shipped the laptop, a month later the legitimate paypal account owner disputed the charge, paypal tried to get the money back from me and threatened me with bogus collection attempts.
I was scammed on Craigslist.
clammer: I'm sorry to say this, but if you just got scammed out of $1,000 then you just got a $1,000 lesson in life.I think it goes without saying, but if you were going to meet to pick up the mac, why not pay cash after you turned it on and made sure everything was all set? I'm guessing it was a great price.
What's a PC (for Linux) laptop that doesn't suck right now?
carmen: my x200 takes 20 minutes to POST and the BIOS downgrades fail via both GRUB and windows7. similar experiences litter the lenovo forum. if apple had an issue like this it woulda been frontpaged on every tech site and fixed within a day..its hard to avoid rebooting because the hardware hardfreezes a couple times a day. also the network slot has a very small whitelist should your card crap out
I was scammed on Craigslist.
si2: In paypal did you use a credit card? Or did you pay with pay pal credits?If you paid with your credit card, call the credit card company.I would alert the scams section of craigslist, just for the sake of alerting them.I would pay straight cash next time.
Could you please help me appreciate OS X more?
mikebo: Run Windows for a few weeks ;)
Could you please help me appreciate OS X more?
minalecs: It has bash but with a lot of good software and hardware makers support it. Use mac ports. There are a lot of reasons to stick with ubuntu, just depends on how well you know linux, and how much time you want to spend on things when they don't work on linux. Otherwise you just have to stick with what apple allows, and but be happy with the stability.
Could you please help me appreciate OS X more?
tjpick: I installed macports and emacs and kept using OSX like any other unix-like terminal. But in all honesty I prefer my freebsd box for dev over my osx laptop. Using standard unix foo on OSX isn't quite as clean as it is on bsd.Except for the nice iphoto,safari,mail experiences where it's better to treat it like a nice GUI, they've done a pretty good job. If you're not happy with it, just go back to linux for dev and keep on with osx for your phone sync and media. Why make life hard for yourself?
Please review my weekend project: Fridgelist (using localStorage)
jaybol: Cool project i like it a lot...i always make 3 columns on a legal pad so this is perfect! Definitely would love to save the completed lists - for V2 it would be very cool to have them pulled up from a calendar format so you could see what you TODO list looked like at the end of each day
Could you please help me appreciate OS X more?
daleharvey: heh I have never heard of gnomes keybindings being called "consistent", they dont even have a consistent shortcut to close the window, let alone things like preferences.that being said I work on osx and ubuntu most days and much prefer ubuntu, the osx window manager is pretty funky and underpowered compared to gnomes and theres a lot of annoyances to get around, the dock thats impossible to get rid of, having to change keyboard layouts etc etc.I have been using the mac close to a year now and still seem to be in a fairly similiar situation of not being comfortable with it, I am just waiting for someone to make some nice hardware thats fully supported with ubuntu.
Best Ruby News Sites?
rbxbx: tends to be pretty good, also trending repos on github and following hackernews are usually good indicators of what's up and up in Ruby.
Could you please help me appreciate OS X more?
dalehurley: It is simple. People who have used Linux are not impressed as much by shinny things. I love my Mac becuase it is simple, clean and easy to use.I have used Linux and it is more powerful and agile. Though Gnome is not as pretty and finished as OSX.It is like Photoshop vs GIMP, InkScape vs Illustrator etc. The opensource software will get quite good, and in some ways better. Though it is not as polished.It really comes down to what you can live without.Dale
Could you please help me appreciate OS X more?
samratjp: Welcome to OSX. TextMate is a must (smultron ain't bad either). Get visor for terminal, it is a productivity boost.And be sure to get quicksilver - it's acting without doing. Quicksilver + TextMate alone will save the day on OS X anyday. I promise.
How can a 19-year-old find web programming work?
gte910h: Go do college. Get internships and co-op jobs while in college.You will be able to find them, you will make enough to keep the loans down to something sane.