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French | Hey, je suis les gars cassés Il y a beaucoup de gars cool ici sur Reddit et je l'aime, j'essaie d'aider tout le monde parce que je l'aime vraiment Mais il semble que le temps est venu pour moi de parler de mes problèmes Oui, je suis très jeune, et il me semble qu'il ne peut y avoir aucun problème dans l'opinion des parents et des autres adultes |
French | Je suis mort comme de suis PST sur s'il vous plaît ne perdez pas votre temps sur les messages Bonjour, je suis sur le point de formater mon disque dur et de mettre fin à ma vie à ceux qui vérifient sur moi, merci de penser à moi et d'essayer d'aider, mais je ne veux pas que vous perdiez votre temps, je serai mort par AM PST en Octobre, je ne veux pas continuer à faire cela |
French | J'ai prévu un rendez-vous pour voir mes amis une dernière fois et personne n'est venu ne leur a pas dit pourquoi je voulais sortir, et je l'ai prévu il y a un moment donc ce n'était pas la dernière minute Tout le monde s'est évanoui J'essaie de ne pas être un downer quand ils sont autour Je ne pense pas que quelqu'un sache à quel point j'ai été déprimé |
French | Je ne sais plus Tout ce que je suis est une déception J'ai dit à mon petit ami que je ne me blesserais plus, mais il semble hors de mon contrôle Il a mis sa confiance en moi et j'ai trahi sa confiance Mon cœur se sent comme son naufrage et il n'y a pas d'échappatoire Je veux juste qu'il cesse de blesser Je ne veux plus vivre comme ça Je ne peux pas supporter la douleur et je ne sais pas comment l'arrêter |
English | Gone before I used to feel important useful and needed, and now I feel like everyone has found another way to get the validation I was giving them I don't feel important or needed by anyone I don't know who I am without these people I'm nothing just by myself I have a feeling will be filled with losses the way was and I've been barely holding on now I don't know if I can take any more losses It's going to hit me too hard I just want to die already |
English | Can't sleep Got death on my mind just want to move out but can't I want to take the easy way out but thinking of the people I'd hurt is overwhelming So now I'm just painnnnnn |
English | I screwed up my suicide attempt used the exit bag everything was going as planned I was on the verge of passing out, but the helium stopped going through IDK y it stopped I did everything I could After that I returned home and checked the tank again and guess what the helium started flowing again I should be dead right now someone kill me please |
English | So tired I wish there was something I wanted just want to kill myself There's nothing else I want or care about I'm tired of pretending that the future is worth working for I'm tired of people of learning of thinking of caring |
French | Putain, je me fiche de savoir comment j'agis comme un enfant en public, je m'en fous, je ne vais pas faire de choses nocives aux autres, je ne vais pas être directement ennuyeux ou quoi que ce soit pour eux, je me fiche juste de savoir si j'agis comme un idiot dans un supermarché, dans la rue, baise ça, ça n'a pas d'importance, dans quelques années, personne ne pensera jamais à ce gars qui agit bizarre en public. |
French | J'ai été pris avec mg Adderall pilules à l'école en Septembre En Janvier je me suis atterri une ambulance à l'hôpital après un shroom ACO DMT expérience avec deux autres amis qui va me coûter à mes parents une énorme somme d'argent je me sens foutre je me sens foutre en train de me faire foutre je me suis senti foutre en train de me faire foutre je n'ai jamais rien divulgué à mes parents |
French | Je n'ai littéralement aucune volonté de vivre et sa destruction m'a combattu la dépression aussi longtemps que je me souviens, j'ai pensé à me suicider presque tous les jours pendant des années La seule raison pour laquelle je ne me suis pas tué si parce que je sais que ma famille sera écrasée, je ne vis même plus pour moi-même et je ne suis pas mort depuis des années et c'est un peu de détruire ma vie sociale. |
English | No reasons to live except her is it then worth living the only reason I'm still alive is that my ex is still talking with me, and she understands completely She's still my friend and I mean the world to her, but I can't bare to not get the love from her that I used to get I don't see her as just a friend and I'm only living for her so she doesn't suffer if I die What the fuck should I do because I can't bare to sit next to her without love and I can't bare to lose her because I'll then kill myself |
English | Hours I hope I'm and indecisive bastard First it was Jan then Feb now its tonight I made the decision last night I cant feel much any more most of my emotion has been fucked there's a building near my house which was under construction but hasn't been for I think or years i don't remember it doesn't matter im a piece of shit but it doesn't matter not any more ill jump from the building after tightening a piece of cloth around my neck I told a friend in chat, but he said I was joking I used to do this a lot say that I was going to die I've never really had any friends I'm and an only child I've been like this for as long as I can remember I have a smile painted on my face all day I want to cry but I can't not any more i don't know who I am anymore i don't care either I'm sorry I'm so sorry im sorry im sorry im so sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry I M SORRY |
English | I was told life isn't for everyone By my mom when I told her I was trying so hard to stay alive today She said I'm worth more dead than alive I don't know what to do |
French | Je veux juste dire ceci à tout le monde sur ce forum L'égoïste n'égale pas le suicidaire n'égale pas l'égoïste La dépression vous fait sentir comme un fardeau Comme le monde serait mieux sans vous, Vous n'êtes pas une mauvaise personne pour vous sentir de cette façon Suicide détresse mentale grave Vous êtes humain Les gens veulent que la douleur s'arrête Si l'animal de compagnie a la maladie et n'étais pas susceptible de survivre à une chirurgie |
English | After months of daily chronic pain I want to give up No one believes me It's all in your head You re drug seeking no I just want this pain to stop It is constant, and I can't sleep at all because of it I can't go to school because it is so debilitating I'm so just done I don't want to continue to live in pain I just want answers to make it stop I'm so miserable |
French | Désolé, j'espère vraiment que je ne veux pas dire ça, je suis fatigué |
English | Hit rock bottom Again Life has been ok of late I've started college again after nearly a decade out and I've applied to uni for next year But I've been jobless for nearly months and my overdraft is well over its limit I called the bank to put a stopper on the charges which they did, but I keep getting letters and texts telling me I m over my overdraft and if I don't pay it by x time there will be more charges Every day I get rejection messages from employers with really unhelpful feedback such as you've had too many jobs get a job that you stick at for a few years How can I do that if I get turned down immediately Or I was really impressed by your application but you're going to uni next year so we don't want you great My girlfriend is currently paying for everything but it's taking its toll on both her and our relationship I feel like going back to school was a huge mistake and I should have just ground out the next years in a shitty job I have a long history of depression but haven't had suicidal thoughts in months Meds don't help Therapy doesn't help And apparently making positive changes doesn't help This is a tough time, and maybe I'll get through it but all I can think about right now is the easy way out That way I'll never end up on this position again I need help but I feel like I m out of options |
English | I think the only reason I've been going so long is that I don't want to hurt my parents but they are getting old I've been depressed since I was years old now I m and nothing has really changed The only reason I can think of why I've been alive so long is that I don't want to hurt my parents They are a lot older than the parents of other loss my age though since my dad is almost and my mom is almost I don't think I'll have them around for much longer and I fear that I won't really have a reason when they are gone |
English | what's next I push myself to keep it together to push aside how i m really feeling because that's what I need to do for people to like me I don't have many friends I can talk to some even know i m in a dark place but never check in all i ve wanted is to have a close-knit group of friends who go out on weekends together holidays that kind of stuff but here I am spending another Saturday night at home as if nothing has changed since I was found a hobby play a sport try going to uni as nice as this advice sounds it has gotten me nowhere yes i m playing social netball once a week yes I went to uni and dropped out because i couldn't handle it so what's next i ve reached out to friends old and new and never get anything tangible back i m working a job i don't see a future in working under shitty management spent time in the sun gone for bike rides seen the doctors I'm over it I have no energy left to keep trying until something changes please help me i couldn't end it for the sake of my mum and dad I just pray for an accident to end this all |
English | I hate myself so much Sometimes all I need is a hug and a reminder that I'm not the horrible person I think I am |
French | Je veux mourir |
French | Qui se soucie que je me sens toujours comme de la merde quand je pense à tous les connards que j'ai rencontrés dans ma vie qui ont de la famille et des amis qui les aiment la chance générale et tout le monde éloge quand ils font la plus petite chose que j'ai l'impression que j'ai essayé si dur de faire une vie pour moi-même quand à la fin de la journée je me rends compte que personne ne me donne une merde |
English | I just feel like there is no point delaying the inevitable ve graduated from one of the best universities in my country which I d got accepted with a scholarship and national degree in university entrance exams I've graduated with GPA score I've gone to Sweden with Erasmus program I've played in a great band for the first years of my university life had been slept with women which I had a serious relationship that last years with of them I've graduated and got accepted for the graduate school that I wanted, and currently I am studying Game Technologies My first ever game had got downloaded by million people during my first job experience This year at the February everything was changed My girlfriend dubbed me for a fuckboy my parents got divorced and they were very verbal to me about this topic I had to switch jobs because I thought I was underpaid and being used there, and now I am working in defense industries totally different industry that I'd imagine for my career I don't know I think I've accomplished much during my school years but whenever I look back I say to myself I could do better I could do better if I was living in a different country I could do better if I didn't waste my time on two long serious relationships I could do better if I decided to study abroad and just accept my parent s offer to pay for it, I didn't want to make them pay for MY education I could do better if I didn't have a girlfriend when I was living in Sweden with Erasmus program I could do better if I didn't stop making music or writing poems and stories I could do better if I didn't take the job at defense industries so early that quitting the job means getting banned from the best paying sector in Turkey Everything I did seems like a failure to me And worst of all I've gained a lot of weight my self-esteem is on the ground I just stopped believing myself or in other words I stopped lying myself about I can accomplish anything Anyway for people around me, I am a successful mature intellectual functioning person with interesting hobbies But inside my mind these things just doesn't matter I was so pumped by my parents my friends and my girlfriends nothing I do satisfies me, and I am feeling like I am slowly losing all my skills social artistic general etc. I don't add value to anyone around me None needs me None craves for my love needs my support needs me around them, I was such a nice guy to all my friends and lovers But in the end I was the one who got screwed up by them, I can not seem to get laid nowadays if you exclude some of my ex GF s that really affects me because I was used to having a regular sex life and boy it was great I cannot meet with new people and make them like me like used to I could sit on a table that I know only one person at that table and carry the conversation for hours, but now I am just struggling with even answering the basic questions I used to have strong beliefs about life politics relationships I'm an atheist and now I realize that this believes just made me loser in the end and I cannot change them because they are infused into my mind Turkey is a very depressing place if you have at least slightly above the average intellectual capacities and I feel like I am trapped in this place where people are soon terrible Muslim heads who long for the glorious days of ignorance and bigotry of Ottoman Empire wannabe highly cultural social media slaves plaza workers pigheaded academics who doesn't give a shit about their thesis student women who satisfy themselves with shallow relationships or expects irrationally much from men people who cannot appreciate a good company and keep expecting a personal benefit from every relationship they have Fucked I am so overwhelmed trying to describe the state of mind I am in I am so sorry people I wish English was my mother tongue but it isn't, and I am not confident the way I express myself This life is too complicating demanding too shallow and most importantly too worthless especially in Turkey I want to leave here but I don't know if I can find the happiness and peace in another country Here I am an intellectual successful computer engineer outside of Turkey I am a fucking roach I've sent my CV to a lot of places outside the country None wants me How do I escape here Should I escape here and leave all of my successes and failures behind me and start a new life Would it is worth the effort I don't know Death seems like such a sweet release to me, I just want to die naturally at this moment in an instant I had enough I had my peak at this life, and I am just slowly going down to a horrible end I can feel it I've been depressed before even got some medical treatment for it is doesn't feel like being depressed at all It is just there is no meaning in anything at all We are bunch of atoms Dying will just stop all of it I wouldn't care for anyone and anything If I was dead I wouldn't be upset about the fact that I could do much have children and stuff Dead doesn't care Dead is dead and for the last month I just feel like there is no point delaying the inevitable |
French | Je ne peux pas faire ce que je veux ne sais pas comment je suis censé me sentir je ne suis pas asiatique spécifiquement dans mes yeux je suis cette fille parfaite parce que je faisais toujours très bien à l'école et j'avais un comportement décent devant les adultes mais il y a un an ils ont découvert que je jouais à des jeux informatiques et m'interdisais de jouer à des histoires parce que je passerais du temps à l'école. |
French | Besoin d'un conseil Bonjour tout le monde je suis venu parler de mon cas ici ce que je considère comme un excellent endroit pour obtenir de bons conseils pour mon problème Après tout vous savez beaucoup sur internet j'ai un ami un meilleur ami ou j'ai eu Il est l'un de ces amis que nous disons tout sans crainte il connaît mes secrets et je sais ses secrets Notre amitié est depuis des années Mais je ne savais pas qui il avait vraiment besoin de dormir |
French | Parfois, tout ce dont j'ai besoin, c'est d'un câlin et d'un rappel que je ne suis pas la personne horrible que je pense être. |
English | Alone I have never felt more alone This trend only continues Most people I don't even like or want to know I have no prospects I've been suffering for long enough It only makes sense that I commit suicide |
English | I can't face the consequences of my actions have always had a problem with throwing tantrums and screaming at people whenever I feel upset or angry Now I had one and got into really serious trouble for it because I insulted someone based on his race directly, and explicitly He was innocent, and I had absolutely no reason to say that My chances of having any type of career now are pretty much zero Everyone will just think I'm a dirtbag human being I can't accept what I did, and I can't deal with the consequences I will probably end up homeless Killing myself gives me an escape People are so angry that it doesn't make sense to try to fix my anger and abusive thinking problems because they won't care I knew I was being cruel |
English | Since I was years old ve always been having suicidal thoughts and for the past years the only thing stopping me was that's impossible to get a gun in England and I want my last moments to be painless My life s always hurt and just keeps getting worse and worse, and I can't bear it anymore I spend my free time while I'm not at college researching on suicide methods that I'll be able to do without arousing suspicion beforehand and I'm stuck |
French | Bonjour qui se réveille |
French | La tête ne peut pas penser correctement On a l'impression que quelque chose se gâte dans ma tête Rien de bien Je me sens mal Qu'est-ce que je pense Je deviens fou Rien de bien Ce qui se passe Ne peut pas penser que quelque chose ne va pas Ne peut pas penser que la tête est gâchée |
French | J'ai récemment eu envie de mettre fin à tout cela en raison de la quantité de peur avec laquelle je vis Chaque semaine, il semble y avoir un nouvel ampli de peur x B Cette fois-ci, j'ai peur d'avoir une tumeur au cerveau, mais tous les symptômes d'une tumeur au cerveau sont les mêmes que l'anxiété, sauf pour les convulsions. |
French | Des aiguilles et un appétit pour le sommeil J'ai besoin de dormir pour toujours Arrêter de penser Tirer une aiguille pleine d'héroïne et ne jamais me réveiller J'ai fini de vivre |
French | Je suis laid comme baise et ne trouvera jamais l'amour Fucking me tuer Quel est le point dans la vie si vous ne pouvez pas trouver l'amour Personne ne pourrait éventuellement me trouver attrayant Et ne me dites même pas que c'est toute la personnalité quand il doit y avoir attraction physique avant tout ce qui importe |
French | null |
French | Quand j'ai dit à mon père juste à ce moment-là que je voulais déménager dans un autre état l'année prochaine, il m'a dit pourquoi, et je peux faire le travail que je veux ici, il ne croit pas non plus que les problèmes de santé mentale existent. |
English | How can I kill myself without burdening other people ve been suicidal for quite some time and I walk around with a note in my wallet People think I'm really successful in my career but it's all bullshit and It's nothing I'm passionate about I fell in love with a guy who I was dating and we broke up which was fine we stayed friends for much longer than we dated A few months ago he invited me to a party where he was the only person I knew and everyone was very drunk and I fell asleep on a futon with him The whole party decided I was coming onto him and that me drunkenly falling asleep with my arm around him was assault even though I asked is this ok and he said it was fine And it was cold And I don't remember much else But I'm a tiny girl I barely weigh I don't know how I could have assaulted him, but I feel awful every day since it's been months and I haven't been able to do anything I cry every day I feel that I was very depressed and unhappy before, but now that guy is visiting my city and didn't even tell me he was coming even though we've stayed semi friendly I don't feel suicidal because of him I just feel like this is the catalyst for something that I've been struggling with for a long time I m I travel so much for work that I don't even know where I live anymore and my friends are all scattered I've moved as high up in my company as I want to and I hate it and I want to quit but if I do I m I'm too old to start a new career and what the fuck would I do anyway I'd be broke I am broke In January my roommate passed away, and his family thinks it was natural but I'm sure he killed himself but he had a lot of chronic illnesses so he had access to meds Oh yea I can't fucking get my insurance to pay for therapy, so I m done trying I want to kill myself and I'm sure of this completely But if I jump in front of a train then people s daily commutes get messed up and the train driver is scarred for life If I hang myself people have to find me If I shoot myself there will be tons of blood when they find me If I take pills it may not work I could jump off the GWB, but people still have to find me and I don't want my death to inconvenience anyone how do I do this |
English | I have been experiencing suicidal thoughts I've attempted suicide once before and have been having thoughts of doing so again recently my life has been falling into pieces I've been losing so much recently family members friends and just recently a partner who I loved dearly I've been attempting to reach out and get the help I need but nothing seems to work I still wake up every single day in so much pain wishing that I would ve died that night I'm tired of putting on a fake face every day and acting like I'm okay and that nothing phases me I've had everything taken away from me everything I loved is gone everything that made me happy is gone everything is gone help me please I'm trapped |
English | I'm not there yet but almost m almost I've worked really hard on being someone that people want to have around in this world in their community at their job etc. I know I have to work as hard as I can to contribute and to be someone that people want to have around I've made some progress but I'm not there, yet I'm still so alone I've seen so many other people who have someone to care for them and that they can care for Someone that they can hold and tell them how much they mean to them, They have the chance to either be there in that person s life or waste that chance and treat their someone like shit And I've seen plenty of both but it still seems like I'm never going to have anyone that I can hold or love I'm never going to have a chance If anyone can help me please help me |
English | isn't it just annoying how everyone wants you to die BUT NOT WHEN IT'S ON YOUR OWN TERM Sat what age do adults decide their precious babies are disgusting creatures who deserve to be abused Everyone likes babies and kids but no one literally gives a shit about you after that until you're either committing suicide or live long enough until you need assistance with everything Everyone makes you think your existence is a burden and you're like ok I agree let me fix that And then they're like Newport don't commit suicide are you stupid we need you alive EVERYONE WANTS YOU TO DIE EXCEPT WHEN IT'S ON YOUR OWN TERMS The saddest part is you can go through with it and have a funeral and yea they'll all grieve or pretend to but they will move on as if nothing ever happened If I ever did my only request is at my funeral there be a banner that says this is your fault because anyone who shows up knew it was coming and let it happen Assholes I just want to give everyone on this sub a great big hug I wish we could all get to know each other and support each other Cry together That would be worth sticking around for |
English | Now I'm a martyr I m and I've been suicidal on and off since I was a teenager was diagnosed with depression about a year and a half ago been on antidepressants ever since within the last year I've gotten divorced my best friend of years s mom who was like my second mom growing up died of cancer my second-best friend of years who was like the older sister I never had got cancer and died at my apartment building caught on fire and my job switched departments and I moved from an office with supportive so I thought people to an isolated office by myself I have no siblings no family nearby the family I do have is either close to each other and not me or just dysfunctional and crazy I have a great best friend who lives miles away with severe health issues who I worry about losing I have a boyfriend who is a great guy but won't say I love you and with whom I fight way too often Now my old coworkers have stabbed me in the back went over my head to my boss with no warning and betrayed me told her things I had told them in confidence as my friends when I've tried to protest and share my feelings I've been accused of being a martyr clearly my emotional problems their words are too much for my so-called friends to handle I'm just a burden on everyone apparently no one wants me around I've been in counseling for years I was just starting to get over the constant nagging fear that everyone in my life secretly hated me now I found out they do I mean how can I get help and support if talking about my feelings makes me a martyr I'm just going to wear out the few friends I do have no one wants to listen to someone whine all the time my friend only died a few weeks ago I wish God had taken me instead of her I just wanted someone to take care of me to be compassionate toward me when she died see if I needed anything no one did My biggest concern with suicide is that it would fail I don't want to try to kill myself and fail and either be physically damaged for whatever life I have remaining and or have everyone know that I'm crazy and distance themselves from me even further I just see a lifetime of loneliness ahead of me my boyfriend will inevitably break up with me because I get upset too often my best friend will die my parents are older and most of my family is significantly older than me that leaves me with no one maybe if I had siblings I'd have a bond to someone but I've always been the weirdo Terminal uniqueness |
English | Why the fuck does everything always go wrong Fuck my fucking life it's always something every time I'm happy every single fucking time |
English | Just want to get away All I fantasize about is going to a beach with a small group of people without internet without electronics Just to support each other and make a community just so there would be genuine human connection Tired of feeling trapped in society especially when the world is dragging me along with things I don't agree with I just want to escape the routine of working for an asshole and being suffocated by grades and family It's all so overwhelming Just want space for my mind to breathe |
French | La façon la plus facile de me tuer Ma vie est honnêtement pathétique |
French | Que faire Je suis une naine noire pas d'amis pas de travail pas de filles pas d'argent pas de brûlures de tête de voiture vivent avec des hommes qui élèvent des chiens de pit-bull Je ne peux plus vivre Que faire Je suis une naine noire pas d'amis pas de travail pas d'argent pas de brûlures de tête de voiture vivent avec des hommes qui élèvent des chiens de pit-bull Je ne peux plus vivre |
English | The future terrifies ma don't think I am ready to leave everything behind but the time to proceed with it is approaching everything that once was so normal is gone will I really survive this |
English | I don't know what to do I'm not sure I m at the point where I would actually kill myself as I do have some sliver of hope that I might eventually start to feel better again because I've been through bad stuff in my life before that I eventually recovered from but I have still had some suicidal thoughts This is because I have been having consistent negative thoughts and well I have always had those because of an anxiety disorder I'm usually able to distract myself with hobbies However it has recently gotten so bad that a lot of the time I don't feel anything from my hobbies any more I feel like for some reason I have recently become uninterested in everything that I used to enjoy Because of this my head is just filled with negative thoughts and I can hardly distract myself from them any more Sometimes recently even when I try to enjoy a hobby my brain will make me feel guilty for enjoying it for example I'll try watching an anime and feel guilty about at the thought that people may have been overworked to make it I have Asperger s syndrome and have special interests but even my spacial interests are hardly making me feel anything recently I wanted to talk to my parents about how I have been feeling, but I feel to worried to tell them I have had suicidal thoughts because my dad also struggles with depression and I would feel too much guilt if I told him and made his depression worse or made him worry I just don't know what to do |
English | Just one reason Well this is the first time I've posted here, and I can't even be bothered to use a throwaway So I've been I don't even want to say it depressed for around five is years now Just recently I've picked up self harm maybe a month or two ago They've started getting deep and some have gotten as long as three inches And yeah I've been considering suicide for as long as I can remember While I have a few friends I associate with I'm utterly alone I've lost everyone I could confide in and I feel as if I could disappear and no one would notice not even my family where I live And in all honesty I feel the day coming where I will at least attempt and it's coming soon I don't know where else to turn I don't even need a reason to do it anymore I need a reason not to EDIT I just want to thank the amazing people on this Subreddit for their kindness It's good to know that there actually are some good people out there |
French | null |
French | J'ai besoin de quelqu'un Pas dans un grand endroit RN |
English | I don't want to be alive I wish i didn't care about making my family and friends sad That's honestly the only reason I'm still here My life is already over |
French | Des mois et puis je suis librement amis littéralement jamais envie de me voir et je suis à peu près sûr activement me détester à ce point je n'ai pas un emploi et je ne l'ai pas depuis près de six mois maintenant j'ai perdu tout et tout le talent artistique que j'avais autrefois et à peu près tout ce que je fais est de regarder la télévision pour me distraire de ma vie Si ce n'était pas pour ma famille, je ne l'ai pas encore |
French | Je vais me tuer Salut, je m et je suis une fille, même si ce n'est pas si important de savoir, mais je suis actuellement aux prises avec mon image de soi et de l'école, je n'ai pas d'amis, j'essaie de démarrer des conversations, il ne va jamais nulle part, je veux être en forme et être plus jolie, car peut-être que si je reçois des abdos et des clavicules, je vais essayer. |
English | What is happiness Other than serotonin and dopamine If all that I hold near and dear solely depends on chemicals in my brain what is happiness really And why would I keep on living knowing that the slightest stupid imbalance in these reactions can make it feel like my life is over It's too unstable for me, I m done I m done playing games I don't want to be here p s I hope you all find happiness and peace whatever the hell it may actually be |
English | I've wasted everyone s time here for too long I've posted here and in other sub s for so long now I've had so many people massage me and every time I say I'm okay now I'm lying every time I don't know why I pretend to have a grip on depression I always tell people that I won't give up without a fight or that I'll keep going and prove it wrong I can't even blame it because I am so stupid that I can't even decide to die My life has been one downward spiral after another but I put on a smile and say I'm okay I've lied to everyone my therapist my friends and you guys I don't know if I want to die or if I want to live I don't want to do anything I just want the world to move on without me, I want to sit down and never move be betrayed again I don't want to lie any more I want people to stop asking me, so I don't have to My birthdays in a couple of minutes and I don't know what to do anymore |
French | null |
French | Je l'ai vue à l'hôpital vouloir quelqu'un à parler parce qu'il s'ennuyait Je lui envoie un message pour savoir ce qui lui est arrivé Elle a répondu qu'elle avait juste essayé de se suicider en consommant trop de pilules Elle est seulement Elle a des problèmes avec l'intimidation va répéter cette année à l'école son père s'est suicidé quand elle était jeune Elle est clairement mauvaise mais je veux l'aider |
English | I'm not about to end it or anything but it'd be great if anyone could help m in a bad place in my life I had a best friend I got really close with for a lot of years and ended up dating her I gave up most my friendships because she felt uncomfortable in most social situations and became a lot more sheltered She ended up dumping me because I wasn't enough of her boyfriend when she was telling me she wanted me to be more of her friend I got really attached to her as a friend to the point she was like my sister and she helped me through a lot of my stress I m in school and I work really hard but I've been doing worse and worse in my classes and I don't know how to handle it this has been my worst semester even though I've been working my most It's like everything in my life is reminding me how much worse everything is now than it used to be It's hard to be positive and have a good outlook because even after trying hard and doing things to make my life better like exercise yoga I still just feel horrible for losing my best friend who was family to me, It's hard to feel motivated about the future when I feel so rotten all the time and my outlooks are looking bleaker even though I'm working even harder It's so hard for me to stay motivated and positive, and I find myself being more and more open to the idea of just burning out one final time instead of this cycle of humiliation isolation hard work and disappointment How do people have the fight to keep going when they lose the people that are important to them Thank you for reading and helping I appreciate it greatly |
English | I think this might be last thing I type was born in extreme poverty How extreme At point of time My father and his siblings had to gather wheat grains fallen while transporting them for food But when I was born my father was working hard to give me two times a day food with help of my mother Growing up I was an unruly boy I was all over place Screaming amp attacking etc. doing all crazy sort of things Because of lack of education my parents didn't knew any better, nor they could afford any of my medical expenses Since they thought I was just being general asshole they started punishing me physically My mother has put powdered chilly in my eyes and throat countless times this continued until On other side my school started to get more shitty As there were lots of bullies that bullied me At age of I tried to commit suicide I tried to jump off of my school building Also what contributed is death of paternal grandparents my maternal grandfather and my paternal uncle They were really close to me and until that point they were the only people that gave me nice things like toys A toy was fortune for me Later well into adulthood I found out that I have ADHD and because of my past I have sever depression anxiety amp PTSD But My father and mother worked hard nonetheless and put me and my younger brother through engineering college I took years for years school Now I work as engineer and because all of mental issues I have no one But I had friend tho she went through bad childhood experience has childhood as I did She lives halfway across the world I used to talk to her daily But she is now busy in school and word and don't have time to talk to me Now I am I have no friends I live in decent house but no one is here except me, I have no one that loves me anymore I don't talk to anyone I go to work come back at and that is it I have no one who loves me anymore no one And because of my anxiety I can't get into dating scene I have long thought about this over several times I keep asking myself a question what I have to give to this world I have nothing Nothing So Yesterday I got some potassium cyanide from work I might try to off myself in a couple of days I have taken sick leave for a couple of days I might take it some point in couple of days amp x B PS I don't blame my parents for anyone of this She didn't knew better |
English | When your friend asks you how are you feeling and you wish you could answer a tad bit suicidal I mean I'm not actively suicidal so I don't want you to be worried But the back of the mind refuses to simply stop thinking about suicide And that always freaks people out so I feel like I can't tell anyone Because there is nothing concrete that's going wrong in fact I'm pregnant with a much wanted baby But part of my brain just thinks of it as just another thing to do even though part of me thinks it'll be like magical and wonderful part of is like but we if jumped off this building now we d break from it the monotony of anxiety of suspecting that no one wants to hear us complain about everything of having to deal with life And what kills me is that I feel like I ought to be able to just deal with it because nothing bad happened externally but internally my brain seems to say nope we're just not ok recently |
French | Est-ce que quelqu'un d'autre ressent de la curiosité sur ce que les autres pensent de vous, j'ai cette envie d'aller vérifier sur ce serveur parce que je crains qu'on se soit moqué de moi et de ce que je ne sais pas si c'est le bon endroit pour poster, mais je me demandais et j'espère que je ne suis pas le seul à ressentir cela. |
French | Je déteste les one-liners et les phrases disent pour m'encourager à ne pas mettre fin à ma vie Stuff comme la mort n'est pas ma réponse Je ne fais aucun bien à personne Il est si monotone et peu d'effort il me rend encore plus suicidaire Conversation avec des gens sur ce sujet sont absolument terribles Ils disent les mêmes choses à moi que ne font rien productif Ma journée préférée est que vous avez des intérêts proches je n'ai pas de hobbies |
French | Vous les gars ne vous souciez même plus Adieu Edit merci pour les downvotes Edit merci tout le monde pour l'aide, mais atm cela m'a fait réaliser à quel point je me déteste Edit Parler à u Maim moodforfood a fait que je vais voir mon médecin généraliste, mais est-ce que je leur dis que je suis suicidaire Edit Je vais dormir CYA |
English | I've been struggling for the past few months ve barely bee Able to pull myself out every day, but I think the time has come My grandma just offered to take the baby if baby isn't sick I've deleted everything and nobody even checks on me, so I don't have to worry about that The only thing left to cover is where my cat will go to when I'm dead Sadly that's if I don't have really anything else to do beyond that to prepare Maybe finish off my drug stash But I don't want to use to make me reconsider Today I was going to have everything planned and right as I'm about to take my pills my grandma calls me and I had to bullshit through the convoy and then had to call her back with a status update and bullshitted through that too Everyone wants me dead except probably my grandma I can't do this any more I can't face daily life anymore, and especially I am no where fit to raise a child alone I know I am hated by everyone and used, and I will never mean anything much to anyone I feel my son will grow up and hate me, so I can't bank on staying for him and that's not the only reason I've weighted out my reasons and I've been contemplating for months now, but I am ready to go I just for the first time really got scared over what will happen after I die Will it hurt and would that ever matter if it did I hope it's not dragged out for too long and I hope I'm not super aware of it all when I do, I just want to no longer be here I am scared what will not being here any more even feel like I just remembered the time I popped a tiny artery I think it was pulsing with my heartbeat and lots of blood from a tiny prick I felt dizzy and really, really peaceful, and I only was treated for the wound because my baby daddy was there I want to feel that peace again |
French | Je me demande si je suis OK parfois je pourrais me suicider IDK pourquoi, mais je me bats avec cette notion beaucoup je suis intelligent j'ai une université et un diplôme j'ai quitté presque tous les emplois que je reçois à cause de cela je me sens anxieux très souvent il est difficile de dormir overdose parfois je trouve le maintien des relations très difficile à cause de mes sautes d'humeur je me sens même quand je me sens mal |
French | Faire quelques derniers préparatifs avant le week-end gothique j'ai nettoyé ma chambre en me débarrassant des journaux ou d'autres choses que je ne veux pas que les gens lisent ou voient quand je suis parti j'ai essayé de donner une chance à la vie pendant presque des années mais ça ne s'est pas amélioré, c'est encore pire maintenant j'ai essayé d'obtenir de l'aide mais la plupart des thérapeutes que j'avais étaient très mal formés ou peu professionnels et ont causé plus de dégâts. |
English | Painless ways to end item just done Title says it all |
French | Avoir tout mis en place pour que je meure, je suis prêt, j'en ai assez |
French | En attendant que mon petit ami rompe avec moi pour que je puisse avoir la motivation de me tuer, je ne fais rien exprès pour ruiner la relation car je l'aime et je ne peux pas me résoudre, mais j'espère secrètement qu'il se lassera de mon moi de merde et voudra se séparer, alors je peux enfin avoir cette dernière poussée pour sauter et trouver la paix que quelqu'un d'autre fantasme d'être si blessé et brisé par un être aimé. |
English | It's so weird It s been a while since I've been thinking about suicide, but these two past days have been different I kind of feel better, and yesterday I even went out for a walk with my dog walking has always been one of my favorite activities but I hadn't done it since September I just didn't feel motivated to do so even if I wanted to and watched a movie it had been a month since I last watched one and I'm very, very fond of movies Doing these things made me var happy to be honest Anyway I d been thinking for a while about offing myself after Easter break yet I don't feel the same about it right now but there is something in my head telling me that I have to do it and that it has always been how I should go Honestly when I think about my future there is nothing to look forward to I've always felt and been alone I hate myself for being so needy and for wanting someone to care about me, I don't know why my mood has radically changed this way but these thoughts sure as hell bother me endlessly I mean it's like I can't shake them off and even when I feel better they are there no matter what I'm so fucked up like yesterday I watched videos of people committing suicide and one of them made me feel so sick I almost threw up I know they will come back it's always been like this since Sometimes I'm amazed at how much of a coward I am even at my lowest I don't know what I'm looking but is it normal to feel this way to think about it even when I'm fine |
French | Nulle part ailleurs, je vais commencer par dire que je suis et aujourd'hui, je pourrais essayer pour la troisième fois de ma vie, j'ai traversé beaucoup de choses en moi, beaucoup de haine de soi et de toxicomanie, je prends des choses comme ibuprofen, non pas parce que je déteste la douleur physique, mais juste parce que je n'ai rien de mieux à faire, j'en ai marre de tout, et tout le monde |
French | Je suppose que je viens d'avoir mon premier rendez-vous avec un thérapeute il y a quelques jours Donc je commençais juste à mettre la main sur ma stabilité mentale Mais maintenant je suis sur le point d'être sans abri Donc je suppose que c'est pour moi |
French | Je ne peux pas faire cette haine de ma vie et je ne peux pas rester plus j'aimerais pouvoir avoir le courage d'y mettre fin |
English | I'm getting discouraged gt This is a poem that I just wrote gt This is one of the worst days of my life gt but one of the best because I'm still alive gt I always thought things would change gt I always kept my hopes high but now it s been eight years gt, and I still want to die gt Now I come to question if it really will change gt or if I've been told this to keep me slightly alive gt My heart still is beating my lungs are still breathing gt, but the numbness of this body won't seem to cease gt My body s decaying somewhat already deceased gt The rest of me won't go gt The rest of me won't know how to give up on this life gt without help from gravity surface tension and a tall bridge gt The worst of this is getting worse I don't feel worthy of this disease I have no physical external illness to coincide It feels that I don't have much of a reason to be so sad but somehow I am I feel nearly every day that I should be better off dead |
French | Aujourd'hui, c'est mon anniversaire, je sais comment il dit que c'est en novembre, mais je me suis mis à hurler en mettant mon bday et jusqu'à présent, il a été horrible pour les débutants ma mère s'est fâchée contre moi parce qu'apparemment je suis en train d'échouer en maths et mon tuteur ne m'a pas oublié depuis des semaines Un ami aussi s'est fâché contre moi aujourd'hui |
French | Méthodes de suicide les plus rapides Pas de cyanure Pas d'armes à feu Excuses si affiché au mauvais endroit |
English | Trying to sedate myself to prevent suicide m taking enough medication to hopefully knock me out for a long while because this is the closest I have gotten before I have what I need to end it I have all letters written and sitting out for my loved ones I left a paper at the bottom of the stairs for them to not let my parents find me and to call I have been suicidal for as long as I can remember now I m f I m medicated and in therapy Been hospitalized twice I've been abused mentally physically and molested by my own cousin as a child from the ages of In a relationship with a female that I can't find the effort to even write the details about I'm being pushed over the edge No friends not even my GF as she just told me she is living a double life and lying to me about everything Nothing is true and nothing is real It's so easy for people to see someone suffering from a physical disease pass and for everyone to say they are at least not in pain suffering anymore Why can't I have that |
French | Je suis fatiguée je suis tellement fatiguée de tout et surtout de la vie La vie apporte beaucoup plus de douleur que de joie Je ne veux pas porter un masque tous les jours en raison du fait que personne ne me comprendra |
French | Est-ce qu'il y a une autre option putain je crains demain je crains aujourd'hui je crains tout ce qu'il fait si beau aujourd'hui et mon partenaire est heureux pourquoi ne puis-je pas profiter de cette merde pourquoi ne puis-je pas en profiter je me sens si bête et si foutu mais je veux mourir s'il vous plaît je n'ai pas de raison solide mais je suis tellement fatigué si je veux juste que je sois |
English | Nothing is changing All of my problems come from living at home I don't want to live here any more I have been trying over the past year to leave, and I just can't Either I am not emotionally ready to leave and deal with the yelling screaming and harassment from my parents because I want to live on my own or when I am ready there are no good listings I hate my life so much, and I see how much I am standing still, and my friends have already done so much, and I have done nothing I have never traveled went to a party or have done anything remotely fun All I do is stay home because I'm not allowed to do anything I feel like a husk and I don't want to be alive anymore I'm sick of trying and I'm even more sick of failing I just want to end this suffering I tried calling my local crisis line, but I was on hold for an hour and minutes with no answer I don't care any more I just want to end it |
English | I'm going to suicide in the following weeks help me Hello Reddit I'm drunk while writing this so sorry for miswriting I'm a successful guy at university age suffering depression skin picking alcohol and lately tobacco I'm taking antidepressants and seeing a psychiatrist however never sad anything when they asked about suicide I m done with it even though I'm social I can never find a girlfriend And don't give the will have one and laugh at this I have seen many people not having any at all I m done with people saying I'm already social and find someone Most of my friends have someone and I never did I don't believe and find life meaningless I'm already successful yet nothing goes good I always had similar thoughts however lately I cannot stop them I already fight with skin picking artifacts dermatitis and my legs are full of scars I did Every time someone asks me the scars I die more inside and say they are allergies Nearly all of my friends nearly all the time have a sweetheart yet regardless of how much I try I can't even date anyone I have many close friends yet I don't have any friend that I can, we are the closest friends I m done with everything this life can offer it will never be better Antidepressants not that powerful ones seemed nice when they started effecting but now they seem useless My psych postponed my therapy since I won't be at my uni town for the next month and she doesn't want it to end in half Everywhere I look says suicide is bad but I hate these taboos Why not end it if I believe there is nothing after the life why not end the suffering at once I hate the headaches of loneliness for I have many friends none I can find at the time I need them most I don't when I will do it but it gets closer every single day and I fear the date I will do it |
English | Everyone says I've been looking more animated and happier recently Many people have told me they think the medicine is working, and I seem happier but I feel so much worse All I can think about is killing myself Every time I talk to my psychologist or psychiatrist I feel times worse But if I stop going I'll just be quitting another thing and it will scare my mom I have been thinking about confronting my mom about my suicide and trying to get her not to be as upset about it if possible I don't think I could ever make her not be sad about it but I'm hoping maybe I could get her to consider not killing herself because of me |
French | Je pense que demain, c'est juste que je suis comme pour baiser cet homme de merde C'est juste que ma vie est un peu ordinaire comme si je détestais la façon dont je vis comme s'il y avait un moyen d'être une personne normale Vous savez ce que je dis |
English | What's the point to try fighting if all my efforts are always in vain I just can't fit in this world I struggled very much just to finish high school and in the end I was so exhausted that I had to drop out of college because I've lost my ability to concentrate I can't even read now I spend minutes trying to read and comprehend one page I m absolutely terrible at socializing I have no idea what to say when someone is trying to talk to me So I will have neither family nor friends I can't work because I have no useful skills Every time I try to pick up a new activity I just mess up I never did something well in my life So why should I live To suffer for decades |
English | Honestly for the past week I've been thinking of nothing but suicide take my medication and I see my therapist tomorrow but these thoughts just keep coming While at work all I can think of is wanting to go home and just hang myself When I m at home I'm thinking of tying my bedsheets into a noose and ending it I was doing fine for a while but it's like all my progressive just hit reverse I'm so tired, and I just wish I had the courage to go through with it |
English | I poured everything into my relationship and now I'm worse off than I was to start with About months ago I met someone on Reddit I wasn't in the best period of my life and the week I met them happened to be around the time when things started going downhill faster It was difficult at first but we both opened up to each other on a level I'd never come close to with anyone before and admitted feelings for each other a couple of months later I fought for that relationship and during it, they helped me through the worst times of my life up until now I disclosed as much as I could bring myself to about my past the things that people had done to me and the effects it had had and at first they did the same We had each other s backs but then things started to go downhill I suppose long distance relationships rarely go well but whilst it hurt not being able to take care of them in person I was willing to keep going for the joy they brought into my life Apparently they weren't Yesterday I in a bad moment admitted I was frustrated with the situation we were in their parental situation meant it was harder for us to see each other and in an instant the relationship was over supposedly to protect me or because I deserved better or something else I can no longer see as I've deleted the conversation history I trusted them I poured my heart my soul and my sanity into making us work We spent so much time talking that the hours have just felt empty since I never had any hope for the future before I met them but my severe fear of death kept me from going too far Now every day the mental image of me falling from the nearest bridge replays in my mind constantly Everything reminds me of them because we did almost everything together Even just a hug or a song they introduced me to namely about my music or an activity we did with each other about of the things I used to enjoy just gets me crying again and when I'm not sad I just feel hollow and useless They were the main thing motivating me to improve myself My medical condition I was fixing it for us My physical fitness I am and always have been quite underweight For us My lack of effort in uni I was trying to fix that to work towards a future for us, They d taken away my worst insecurities when things were good and now it's all back and worse I'm constantly questioning what I did wrong or whether they ever really loved me back Whether they broke up with me because they found me unattractive or some other reason How is a person supposed to live without ambition hope or any concept of the future I don't have anything to look forward to other pressures from the outside world are only increasing as various deadlines for major decisions I need to make close in on me, I just want it all to stop as I can't see a future for myself in this world and now that the one thing that consistently made me happy is gone I don't enjoy the present either The past rules my life and the past is shit We promised each other we'd try to stay friends afterward too but that went out the window instantly as they blocked me on the main apps we used for communication I can't lean on my friends they're all going through their own shit so I'm just alone Alone and without a will to keep going |
English | I just woke up from a suicide attempt didn't know where else to post this Technically I woke up hours ago, but I only just got back the ability to function coherently I'm alone I have been all day night I don't even know what to say I don't know how I feel now I know how I felt before You know how you feel empty sometimes Like not sad but just nothing fills your heart That was how I felt before Now I feel something else Like my mind doesn't occupy any space at all now I'm not empty or sad I just am I took a bunch of Klonopin with alcohol so that's probably why I still feel nauseous and fatigued My head hurts My vision isn't blurry anymore so that's good My balance is still shot I really just want someone to chat with Not about sad stuff or feeling down Just maybe what you did today or something I don't think I want to die any more I just want to move forward and for everything to be different It's hard to start making changes at am though |
French | null |
English | Please give me a reason to live From the very beginning of socialization I realized i didn't fit in, and it led to all sorts of acting out I have a y o that dislikes me due to me not knowing how to raise a child at I got pregnant again at I started doing the right things for my son started school Found out I was having a girl Started having faith Lost her at months Had to actually give birth to my Princess DEAD Now here I am sitting in my bathtub crying because my relationship with my BEFRIEND had gone down hill because he's unfaithful My sons wants to be with everyone but me and ill be honest I'm so unfit I have more than enough pills to do it and my skin is Itching to be cut again but my sons with me and I Refuse to ruin him and expose him to my disease again |
English | And I fucked over my own dreams peaked for about a year I almost got out of my depression and then realized I'm a fuck-up that couldn't fulfill my dreams I m and about to finish college with an unless degree knowing I can't function in the real world, and it is making suicidal I can't even get to grad school because my teachers don't know I exist nor do I have a job I'm socially inept with an array of mental illnesses I don't want to work I hate the real world I hate myself for letting my life get nowhere My sister is making crazy bank and I'm a fuck-up with no self-worth or aspirations I'm lazy I want to hang myself |
English | I'm not sure what to do any more I know I need help I'm ashamed f Well educated not horrible looking people seem to like being around me, I consider myself to be a good person and mostly cheerful I think I love the people around me but I hate myself I think about suicide every day and am painfully sad I have tried the fake it until you make it approach to no avail My job treats me like garbage I don't think I have any real friends I m in debt k credit card k in student loans My brothers are at a hard time in their lives without much money they just graduated from university and have not found decent paying jobs and I really care about them, They are all I really have in terms of family My dad and stepmom treat them like garbage and I can't stand it Due to this I do not talk much with them my dad and stepmom any more I think about suicide every single day Sometimes I think about how good it would be for me to die in a car crash, so my brothers can benefit from my life insurance policy When I wake up I lie in bed for mins before getting up just fantasizing about what it would be life if I just died I have expressed this to a close friend, and she said that she thinks it's normal for people to wonder about suicide dying I haven't had a healthy romantic relationship in quite some time My last LT relationship ended in was terribly unhealthy, and he took advantage of me for years I feel like I have lost to ability to feel real feelings in a romantic relationship due to the horrible boyfriends I have had Every time I start getting close with someone I sabotage it somehow For the past year or so I don't get excited about things I really don't care about much I recently went on vacation and while I spent good time with my best friends I honestly could have done without it, We did what people would call adventurous activities during vacation zip lines caving etc. I got absolutely no adrenaline rush from things like other people in my group did I even faked screaming wood on the zip line to make it look like I was having fun but honestly I was bored, and I thought it was a waste of money I know I don't have it bad at all I have a good relationship with my roommates best friends In my job I see people every day who have it way way way worse than I do But still I don't know I don't feel like being alive anymore It's just so routine and boring even when I take time off to go on vacation I'm bored I find no excitement in anything I don't know This is probably just sounds like horrible incoherent rambling I don't know what I need or who to really talk to Maybe I need someone to talk to maybe I need to get out of my head for a bit I really do want to die and if it comes to the point where I have to do it myself I think I can manage that I have about months of rent saved up to give to my roommates in case I decide the time is right edited for clarification on some parts |
French | Fatigué d'être traité d'idiot et de stupide après une tentative de suicide, j'ai essayé de mettre fin à ma vie en surdosant des médicaments et j'ai échoué misérablement, j'ai un trouble de la personnalité limite et ma vie est dure, j'ai perdu ma merde, et il est arrivé que j'ai vomi pendant douze heures et j'ai dû entendre mon seul ami me traiter de stupide et d'idiot le supplier de venir à l'hôpital. |
English | Need a friend I've been through a lot and I can relate to a lot of you on an emotional level Feel free to message me and I can send you my blog It is a personal blog that goes deep into my mind and my battle with everyday life I haven't posted recently because just haven't really been up to it for what my next one is very deep and personal Feel free to message me anytime I'm here for everyone and you may be able to relate and connect with what I battle every day I'd enjoy getting to know some of you and hearing your story so message me and let s relate to one another knowing we are not alone |
English | I can ti feel suffocated in my own home my culture doesn't support the idea of kids moving out until they get married, so I can't even move out I want to die, but I don't want people around me to know that I killed myself I've been feeling this way for over seven years I don't want to be alive anymore, but I don't want to hurt the people that love me I'm just staying alive for them, but I don't feel it I really want to end it, but I can't even do that I can't talk to anyone about this because they'll think I'm crazy or psychotic They don't believe in mental health here The only person I can tell will feel so much pain from this and I don't want to tell her Bc I don't want her to feel responsible or hurt I'm not looking for sympathy, or it will get better I just want to vanish from existence |
French | Pensées sur la vie Depuis que j'ai commencé à fumer de l'herbe, j'ai transformé ma vision de la vie, je pense que c'est assez sombre et nihiliste presque désespéré parfois. Il semble que la seule motivation pour moi est l'argent juste parce que je peux voyager et acheter les choses que j'aime, mais même cela ne me motive pas. |
English | This is really strange place When I really feel to kill myself and depressed tons of encouraging comments in here comforts me But sometimes I feel someone who is desperate and standing at the edge of their life and I really feel sorry for them and I just feel sad Nevertheless the fact that there are many people who encourage living and many people who have pain like me gives me strange feeling of consolation thanks guys |
English | Tired of being called idiot and stupid after a suicide attempt I have tried to end my life overdosing in meds and failed miserably I have borderline personality disorder and my life is hard I lost my shit, and it happened I threw up for twelve hours and had to hear my only friend calling me stupid and idiot begged him to come to the hospital with me but ended up going alone Two weeks later I had to move back to my hometown where I live in a tent because my friend couldn't host me for any longer I need a liver transplant because of the damage from my OD Still my friend keep calling me idiot and saying why did you do that I don't fucking know I'm mentally ill my illness makes me want to die, but please stop I regret it too it hurts every day, and I keep throwing up blood I feel so lonely and exhausted My friend isn't a bad person he is willing to even see if he can be compatible to donate me his liver but fuck every time he is panicking he insults me for doing that I don't deserve that |
French | Comment aider quelqu'un Suicidal La première chose est d'admettre à vous-même si vous voulez vraiment aider la personne ou ne pas penser dur si vous vous souciez suffisamment d'offrir une aide réelle, vous pouvez vous aider, vous pouvez vous aider, vous pouvez vous suicider, vous pouvez appeler la personne suicidaire, vous pouvez vous suicider, vous pouvez parler à un médecin. |
English | Seriously what the hell is wrong with me Seriously what the hell is wrong with me My life is great I have an excellent job with an understanding boss I have good friends who I can talk too and I have a crazy but fantastic family who cares Yet I just tried to hang myself in my closet with an electrical cable amp x B Like I know this is a first world problem but I don't want to be here anymore Sorry about the rant I just wanted to get it out there |
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