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The following is an introduction as to who is Muhammad SAW as will be covered with this treatise. MUHAMMAD peace and blessings of Allah be upon him (SAW) is the last prophet of Islam. He is the Prophet who is revealed the last Holy Scripture, Qur'an, by Allah SWA (all praise be to Him) through the Arch Angel Gabriel. He is the seal of all prophets till the day of judgement as stated in the Qur'an by Allah SWA (all praise be to Him). Muhammad SAW lived between 571-632 AC. All other prophethoods claimed after Muhammad SAW, is a treason against Islam, against Qur'an, against the message of Allah SWA. Muhammad SAW is from the seed of Ishmael, another messenger of Allah and son of Abraham also a messenger of Allah. He is the Messenger that previous holy scriptures foretold his coming. The above mentioned verse from the Qur'an is from Chapter 33, Verse 40 whose rough translation is as follows: Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the messenger of Allah, and the seal of the prophets, and Allah has full knowledge of all things. --------------------- Commentary on the above verse: When a document is sealed, it is complete, and there can be no further addition. The Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW closed the long line of Messengers. Allah's teaching is and will always be continuous, but there has been and will be NO Prophet after Muhammad SAW. The later ages will want thinkers, and revivers, not Prophets. This is not an arbitrary matter. It is a decree full of knowledge and wisdom, "for Allah has full knowledge of all things." ---------------------- DROPLET VOL 1, No 11, Part 2 A D R O P L E T From The Vast Ocean Of The Miraculous Qur'an Translations from the Arabic and Turkish Writings of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, The Risale-i Noor VOL 1, No 11, Part 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------ NINETEENTH LETTER MU'JIZAT-I AHMEDIYE RISALESI (A TREATISE ON THE MIRACLES OF MUHAMMED SAW) (continued from Droplet Vol 1, No 11, Part 1) SECOND SIGN: The Noble Messenger (SAW) declared His prophethood, and presented to humanity a decree as the Glorious Qur'an and manifest miracles which number, according to the scholars, one thousand. The occurrence of those miracles in their entirety is as certain as the fact that He declared himself prophet. In fact, as a shown by the words of the most obstinate unbelievers quoted in various places of the Wise Our'an, even they could not deny the occurrence of His miracles, but only called them -hasha wa kella!-(Allah forbids) sorcery, in order to satisfy themselves, or to deceive their followers. The miracles of Muhammad (SAW) have the certainty of confirmation by consensus of Ulema (scholars of Islam) to the hundreth degree. The Miracle is the conformation by the CREATOR of the universe of His declaration of Prophethood; it has the effect of the words,'You have indeed spoken the truth !' Suppose that you said in the assembly of a ruler, while being observed by Him, 'The true ruler has appointed me to such and such position. 'At a time when you were asked to prove your claim, the word 'Yes' uttered by the ruler would sufficiently support you. Or, if the ruler changed his usual practice and attitude at your request, this would confirm your claim even more soundly and more definitely than would the word 'Yes.' In the same way, ALLAH's Most Noble Messenger claimed: 'I am the envoy of the CREATOR of this universe. My proof is that He will change His unbroken order at my request and my prayer. Now look at my fingers: He makes them run like a fountain with five spigots. Look at the moon: by a gesture of my finger, He splits it in two. Look at that tree: to affirm me, and to bear witness to me, it moves and comes near to me. Look at this food: although it is barely enough for two or three men, it satisfies two or three hundred. 'Further he shows hundreds of similar miracles. However, the evidences of the veracity of this high being and the proofs of his prophethood are not restricted to his miracles. All his deeds and acts, his words and behavior, his moral conduct and manners, his character and appearance prove to the attentive his truthfulness and seriousness. Indeed, many people such as Abdullah b. Salam, the famous scholar of the Children of Israel, came to belief merely by seeing him, and said, 'No lie can hide in this face, nor can any fraud be found in it!' Although many of the researchers have concluded that the proofs of the prophethood of Muhammad and his miracles number about one thousand, there are thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of proofs of his prophethood. And hundreds of thousands of truth-seeking men (muhakkikiin) with varying opinions have affirmed his prophethood in an equal number of ways. The Wise Our'an alone demonstrates thousands of the proofs of his prophethood, in addition to its own forty aspects of miraculousness. Since prophethood is as a phenomenon of humanity, and hundreds of thousands of individuals who claimed prophethood and performed miracles have lived and passed away; then, the prophethood of Muhammad (SAW) is of a certanity superior to that of the prophethood of all the others. For whatever evidences, qualities and attributes became the means of the prophethood and messengership of all the messengers such as Jesus (AS) and Moses (AS), they are all owned in a more perfect and comprehensive fashion by Muhammad (SAW). And since the causes and means of prophetic authority exist more perfectly in the person of Muhammad (SAW), this authority is to be found in him with more certanity than all the other prophets.
Has anyone experienced a faint shadow at all resolutions using this card. Is only in Windows. I have replaced card and am waiting on latest drivers. Also have experienced General Protection Fault Errors in WSPDPSF.DRV on Winword Tools Option menu and in WINFAX setup. I had a ATI Ultra but was getting Genral Protection Fault errors in an SPSS application. These card manufactures must have terrible quality control to let products on the market with so many bugs. What a hassle. Running on Gateway 2000 DX2/50. Thx Dave L
Would someone please give me the address for Texas Ranger ticket orders. Thanks very much.
^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !!!!!!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It is my impression that net etiquette does not allow companies to use the net to directly advertise their products. In addition to improper etiquette, this product is a mailing list used for generating junk mail. Am I correct in assuming this is improper, and if so, what can be done to penalize such an improper use?
Lack of build quality was the thing I notced on the first 2 LH's I saw months back. The panel gaps were large and non-uniform between the 2 cars I saw - the kind of thing you expect and accept on a Mustang - but not from Chrysler's savior. I drove one of the low end cars, and thought it was more than adequate. I'd prefer an LH to a Taurus from my brief experience. Craig
It is appropriate to add what Himmler said other "inferior races" and "human animals" in his speech at Posen and elsewhere: From the speech of Reichsfuehrer-SS Himmler, before SS Major-Generals, Posen, October 4 1943 ["Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression", Vol. IV, p. 559] ------------------------------------------------------------------- One basic principal must be the absolute rule for the SS man: we must be honest, decent, loyal, and comradely to members of our own blood and to nobody else. What happens to a Russian, to a Czech, does not interest me in the slightest. What the nations can offer in good blood of our type, we will take, if necessary by kidnapping their children and raising them with us. Whether nations live in prosperity or starve to death interests me only in so far as we need them as slaves for our culture; otherwise, it is of no interest to me. Whether 10,000 Russian females fall down from exhaustion while digging an anti-tank ditch interest me only in so far as the anti-tank ditch for Germany is finished. We shall never be rough and heartless when it is not necessary, that is clear. We Germans, who are the only people in the world who have a decent attitude towards animals, will also assume a decent attitude towards these human animals. But it is a crime against our own blood to worry about them and give them ideals, thus causing our sons and grandsons to have a more difficult time with them. When someone comes to me and says, "I cannot dig the anti-tank ditch with women and children, it is inhuman, for it will kill them", then I would have to say, "you are a murderer of your own blood because if the anti-tank ditch is not dug, German soldiers will die, and they are the sons of German mothers. They are our own blood". Extract from Himmler's address to party comrades, September 7 1940 ["Trials of Wa Criminals", Vol. IV, p. 1140] ------------------------------------------------------------------ If any Pole has any sexual dealing with a German woman, and by this I mean sexual intercourse, then the man will be hanged right in front of his camp. Then the others will not do it. Besides, provisions will be made that a sufficient number of Polish women and girls will come along as well so that a necessity of this kind is out of the question. The women will be brought before the courts without mercy, and where the facts are not sufficiently proved - such borderline cases always happen - they will be sent to a concentration camp. This we must do, unless these one million Poles and those hundreds of thousands of workers of alien blood are to inflict untold damage on the German blood. Philosophizing is of no avail in this case. It would be better if we did not have them at all - we all know that - but we need them.
The MIT tapes come with documentation written by Keith Packard on the Shared Memory Extension to X. Look in: mit/doc/extensions/mit-shm.ms I found this invaluble. Unfortunately, there is a bit of work to set up the shared memory segments, making an XImage from it, etc. Also, there is an extension query to determine if the server supports it, but you still need to test if the server is running on the same host and if shared memory is enabled in the kernel. I have written layers of convience routines which make all this transparent. As for the XView code, well, I doubt that would be considered interesting. The interesting stuff is done in a C object library. People interested in this code can Email me. Regards,
The quick answer: Revelation 12:7-9 "And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and his angels who fought back. But he [the dragon] was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down--that ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled down to the earth, and his angels with him." The earlier part of chapter 12 deals (very symbolically) with why Satan rose up in battle against Michael and the good angels in the first place.
It may be that they just didn't mention it, or that they actually haven't thought about it. I got the vague impression from their mission proposal that they weren't taking a very holistic aproach to the whole thing. They seemed to want to land people on the Moon by the end of the decade without explaining why, or what they would do once they got there. The only application I remember from the Av Week article was placing a telescope on the Moon. That's great, but they don't explain why it can't be done robotically. But I'm a _member_. Besides Bill, I hang out with you :)
They must be shipping that good Eau Clair acid to California now.
To construct a Kirlian device find a copy of _Handbook of Psychic Discoveries_ by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder 1975 Library of Congress 73-88532. It describes the necessary equipment and suppliers for the Tesla coil or alternatives, the copper plate and setup. I used a pack of SX-70 film and removed a single pack in a dark room, then made the exposure, put it back in the film pack and ran it out through the rollers of the camera forinstant developing and very high quality. It is a good way to experience what Kirlian Photography is really and what it is not. As you know all ready, it is the pattern in the bioplasmic energy fieldthat is significant. Variations caused by exposure time, distance from the plate, or pressure on the plate, or variations in the photo materials are not important.
Oh come on, Silly, all you have to do is cut a hole in your hood and put a tube there so you can get to the oil fill hole. What do you think all those big air intake things are for on those hot-rod cars? They're just for looks only...little does anyone know, they provide access to the oil-fill hole.
This drive is less than one year old. The cartridges have all been bought since then. All is in excellent condition and still under warranty. Due to a change in system use, I now need a large, contiguous drive. Offer includes: SyDos 44i internal drive SCSI adapter card and cables All original documentation Software All original packaging 8 cartridges totalling over 350Mb (no bad sectors or defects) The installation was a breeze on my 386 clone. I will trade for something near 300Mb IDE, or sell for $450. I will also consider trading for 4 4Mx9 30 pin SIMMs at 70ns.
I have a Diamond Speedstar 24X board that I want to program for 24 bit 640x480 graphics, or possibly 800x600 16 bit color. Does anybody have any libraries supporting these modes on this board? Even somes simple routines to set the graphics mode and plot individual pixels would be a great help. I plan to use the routines with djgp. Thanks in advance. Please respond also via e-mail.
Secular laws seem to value criminal life more than the victims life, Islam places the rights of society and every member in it above the rights of the individual, this is what I call true human rights. As a Muslim living in a non-Muslim land I am bound by the laws of the land I live in, but I do not disregard Islamic Law it still remains a part of my life. If the laws of a land conflict with my religion to such an extent that I am prevented from being allowed to practise my religion then I must leave the land. So in a way Islamic law does take precendence over secular law but we are instructed to follow the laws of the land that we live in too. In an Islamic state (one ruled by a Khaliphate) religions other than Islam are allowed to rule by their own religious laws provided they don't affect the genral population and don't come into direct conflict with state laws, Dhimmis (non-Muslim population) are exempt from most Islamic laws on religion, such as fighting in a Jihad, giving Zakat (alms giving) etc but are given the benefit of these two acts such as Military protection and if they are poor they will receive Zakat. After the Fatwa didn't Rushdie re-affirm his faith in Islam, didn't he go thru' a very public "conversion" to Islam? If so he is binding himself to Islamic Laws. He has to publicly renounce in his belief in Islam so the burden is on him. Mas
On two separate occasions I saw Dick Allen (back when he was Richie) homer at Shea off the middle of the black centerfield hitter's background screen. I think both shots would have traveled 500 feet.
Enemy? Sounds like that's the viewpoint of the stereotypical rednecked conservative -- 'always been commies, always will be.' I suggest you listen very carefully to the stuff Yeltsin and his people are saying and compare that with the very anti-West slogans coming from his opponents in the Russian congress. I sure know who I want to back. Oh, BTW, Germany has sure come back as a terrible enemy after WWII, hasn't it? Better to let them degenerate into civil war? Remember all those nuclear weapons in Russia. I cannot imagine that they would not be used in a civil war. If nationialists take over and, even if they prevent a civil war, most feel they must take back large parts of land that are in other countries (like Ukraine.) I also cannot imagine Ukraine giving up land without a fight, possibly nuclear. How does this affect us? Well, we are on the same planet and if vast tracks of Europe are blown away I think we'd feel something. A massive breakup of a country that spans 1/6th the planet is bound to have affects here. (Of course, there is also the humanitarian argument that democracies should help other democracies (or struggling democracies).) Seriously. Everyone has different opinions on what is stupid. My two "causes" are aid to Russia and a strong space program. Someone else will champion welfare or education or doing studies of drunken goldfish. That is why we have a republic and not a true democracy. Instead of gridlock on a massive scale, we only have gridlock on a congressional scale. BTW, who is to decide 'stupid?' This is just like those who want to impose their 'morals' on others -- just the sort of thing I thought Libertarians were against. Actually, my politics are pretty Libertarian except on this one issue and this is why it is impossible for me to join the party. It seems that Libertarians want to withdraw from the rest of the world and let it sink or swim. We could do that 100 years ago but not now. Like it or not we are in the beginnings of a global economy and global decision making.
As of yet, there has been no description of the general principles behind the Clipper proposal. For example, is this a public key system or a private key system? If the latter, then I don't see how the system could work (given that the keys are tied to the device and not the person). Further, the escrowed 80-bit keys are split into two 40-bit chunks. I would guess that the availability of one of these 40-bit chunks and a reasonable key-search machine, would allow you to read the traffic. I'm not suggesting that this is a deliberate weakness of the system, but it does make you think. Of course, this is easily fixable by giving out two 80-bit chunks which could be x-ored to generate the real 80-bit key.
From: [email protected] (Amanda Walker) > Oh great. Wonderful news. Nobody can listen in--except the feds. Hey, it's better than the status quo. I am far less worried about "the feds" tapping my phone than high school scanner surfers who get their kicks out of eavesdropping on cellular and cordless phone calls. I'm a political dissident. I'm scared shitless of the feds listening in on my calls. My opinions are the sort that would get me "disappeared" in a slightly less free society -- and who knows what sort of society we will be in in five or ten years? I have friends who have had their phones tapped -- none of this is theoretical to me. As for "its better than the status quo", well, first of all, you can get a cryptophone from companies like Cylink today -- and they work well. In addition, a number of groups are now working on building software to turn any PC into a privacy enhanced phone right now -- and they are all working in overdrive mode. And yes, I'd rather just see all crypto restrictions lifted, but this is at least an incrememental improvement for certain applications... There ARE no crypto restrictions... yet. You can use anything you want RIGHT NOW. The point is to maintain that right. -- Perry Metzger [email protected]
Sounds like a job for a universal time reciever. I don't know the logisitics of the situation, but if you could just place a reciever in snow and place the oscillator in a nice lab somewhere else, your problems should be solved. Just a suggestion.
Hello, I just canceled my support of the Cable Regime and I would like to at least pick up the 3 networks and NBC. :) I do not have tons of money nor even a few pounds so what I am looking for is the best solution for reception for under 100 dollars. I have seen modules that you plug into your wall outlet that "supposedly" make your entire house an antenna. I have to admit, even with my limited knowledge of wavelength and aerial reception, this seems dubious in its claims for "excellent reception" at best. I'll try anything, though, if it WORKS. I am in a non-mountainous area, approximately 50 miles from the transmitting stations which are pretty large (Montgomery Alabama pop. 200,000) and Colombus Goergia, pop. 100,000+. Any recommendations of products, brand-names, prices and company info (catalog ordering numbers, addresses etc.)? Thank you in advance.
I know. You have this fucked up idea that anybody who prefers Alomar to Baerga must be a Jay-Lover and Indian-Hater. Sorry, you got that one wrong! I hate the Jays and don't care one way or the other about the Indians. But objectively, Alomar had the better offensive year last year, so I have to pick him. You admit T&P as a reliable(?), objective source? Then you will note that they rated Alomar as the better offensive player, chosing Baerga over Alomar only because of his defense. That's a joke! (Alomar might not be a gold-glover, but he's certainly no worse than Baerga defensively.)
Well, I used to get mad, and either try to communicate my anger to jerks, or to, uhm, educate them in how to improve their manners in traffic. Now I just try to get them off my tail. In heavy traffic I slow down a bit, mostly so I have more buffer zone in front to balance the minimal buffer behind, but I also often find that the jerk behind will notice traffic moving faster in other lanes, switch into one of them, and pass me - which is fine, because then I can keep a better eye on the jerk from behind, while looking ahead, rather than from in front, while splitting my attention between ahead and the mirrors. In traffic so heavy that there is no way for the jerk to pass, I might pull over, as if to look for a street number or name, (still ignoring the jerk) just to get the jerk off my tail. If this all sounds, well, wimpy or un-Denizenly or pessimistic, or perhaps (for any psych types) passive-aggressive, consider that I prefer to get my adrenaline jollies from riding, rather than from yelling at jerks. A ride can improve my whole day, while yelling at a jerk is likely (for me) to ruin my ride or my day with my own anger. In the worst case, yelling at the jerk could ruin my life - since even a tiny jerk in a cage behind me is better armed (with the cage) than I am on a bike. On the other hand, you might try subtly arranging to be the last vehicle to legally cross one or more intersections, leaving the jerk waiting for cross traffic (and thus off your tail), or crossing illegally (hopefully in front of the waiting police). Like almost everything here, your choices and mileage will vary.
Hi... I'm not a religious guy so dont take this as some kinda flame (thanx in advance) I want to know why there are so many different versions of the bible? There "....contains inaccurate data and inconsistencies." Thanx in advance... Shaz.... [I'm not sure quite what you mean by many different versions. The primary distinction in versions you see today is in the style of the translation. It's pretty unusual to see significant differences in meaning. There are a few differences in the underlying text. That's because before printing, manuscripts were copied by hand. Slight differences resulted. There are enough manuscripts around that scholars can do a pretty good job of recreating the original, but there are some uncertainties. Fortunately, they are generally at the level of minor differences in wording. There are something like 3 or 4 places where whole sentences are involved, but with recent discoveries of older manuscripts, I don't think there's much uncertainly about those cases. As far as I know, no Christians believe that the process of copying manuscripts or the process of translating is free of error. But I also don't think there's enough uncertainty in establishing the text or translating it that it has much practical effect. Whether the Bible contains inaccurate data and inconsistences is a hot topic of debate here. Many Christians deny it. Some accept it (though most would say that the inaccuracies involved are on details that don't affect the faith). But this has nothing to do with there being multiple versions. The supposed inconsistences can be found in all the versions. I'm surprised to find a reference to this on the title page though. What version are you talking about? I've been referring to major scholarly translations. These are what get referenced in postings here and elsewhere. There have certainly been editions that are (to be kind) less widely accepted. This includes everything from reconstructions that combine parallel accounts into single narrations, to editions that omit material that the editor objects to for some reason or the other. The copyright on the Bible has long since expired, so there nothing to stop people from making editions that do whatever wierd thing they want. However the editions that are widely used are carefully prepared by groups of scholars from a variety of backgrounds, with lots of crosschecks. I could imagine one of the lesser-known editions claiming to have fixed up all inaccurate data and inconsistencies. But if so, it's not any edition that's widely used. The widely used ones leave the text as is. (Weeeeelllllll, almost as is. It's been alleged that a few translations have fudged a word or two here and there to minimize inconsistencies. Because translation is not an exact science, there are always going to be differences in opinion over which word is best, I'm afraid.)
[deletions] People with advanced science degrees use state of the art equipment and spend millions of dollars to simulate tornadoes. But tornadoes do not require intelligence to exist. Not only that, the equipment needed is not really 'state of the art.' To study the *products*, yes, but not to generate them. Oh, I will. :-> Sincerely,
Does anyone know of any good shareware animation or paint software for an SGI machine? I've exhausted everyplace on the net I can find and still don't hava a nice piece of software. Thanks alot! Chad
Whatta ass!!!!!
Ok, then where is the info for the Licensing kept? Which file? In the organization box I put my address, and when I moved, I wanted to change it, but couldn't find it. I could find my name, but not the organization. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Robert S. Dubinski | Aliases include: Robb, Regal, Sir, Mr., and I | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Marquette University ||||||||||| Math / Computer Science Double-Major| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Internet Address: 2A42Dubinski.vms.csd.mu.edu | Milwaukee, WI |
I am looking for comments from people who have used/heard about PhotoShop for Windows. Is it good? How does it compare to the Mac version? Is there a lot of bugs (I heard the Windows version needs "fine-tuning)? Any comments would be greatly appreciated.. Thank you.
Well, it's that time of year again here at IU: graduation. Unfortunately, this means that I am out of here, more than likely for good. I cannot say if I'll be in here under another username or not, or even if I'll ever get back in here at all. I am leaving this part of my ministry to another brother, John Right. So, have fun and remember that flaming can be considered slander.
What interpretations? Just read it as it's written. "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people, to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." Where does it say "The right of the people to be members of a militia shall not be infringed" or "The right of the militia to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed?" NOWHERE. "Well-educated businessmen being necessary to the ability of the nation to compete in the international marketplace, the right of the people to attend schools shall not be infringed." Would you "interpret" this to mean that only businessmen should have a protected right to attend schools? Why or why not?
What happened in Waco is not the fault of the BATF. If they would of had the proper equipment and personal then they could of captured the compound on the initial assault and none of this would of happened. The BATF needs more people, better weapons and more armored transports. When they meet hostile fire they should be able to use more force instead of retreating to a stand off. If you are going to do a job then do it right. The BATF is there to protect us and they must have the proper equipment and people to do the job. With the WoD and the increased crime in the streets the BATF is needed more now then ever. If they blast away a few good fokes then that is the price we all have to pay for law and order in this country. Look at all the good people that died in wars to protect this great country of ours.
Since I'm not all too keen on this area of hooking them up, I'm asking for help. I know better than to hook a 12v, 1a stepper line to one, unless it can take it; however what about if I've got a 24-60v stepper. What sort of curent limmiting circuitry would be involved (a small schematic would probably be helpfull). Also, I've looked into the TIPC2701N by TI, and I was wondering if I should use the same suggested (by you replying to this message) current limiting circuitry on each of the 7 mosfets in the package as that illustrated in the schematic (which you the replyer would hopefully help me with). ... hmm... different request... Thanks. _________________________________________________ Inspiration | ___ | comes to | \ o [email protected] | those who | ( ^ ) [email protected] | seek the | /-\ =] Baden de Bari [= | unknown. | | -------------------------------------------------
this is a test
I remember reading a thread a few days ago that mentioned removing an external syquest drive from its case and dropping it in the internal drive of a Centris. . . I was going to do that with my 610, but had a couple of questions. My PLI 80M syquest drive has a wire from the drive to an id# switch on the outside of the case. Where do I connect this switch?? Can the computer just "tell" with internal drives? I noticed that the drive will lay over part of the motherboard (I didn't look closely, but I seem to recall it laying over the ram that's soldered onto the motherboard? Would that cause problems? One last question! Is there anywhere to order a faceplate cover? the drive's front panel is smaller than the space left in the case (the drive's panel is the same size as the spotsBM clone's cases). Should I just cut a hole in the plastic panel that is currently holding tmpty place?
CH> Concerning the proposed newsgroup split, I personally am not in CH> favor of doing this. I learn an awful lot about all aspects of CH> graphics by reading this group, from code to hardware to CH> algorithms. I just think making 5 different groups out of this CH> is a wate, and will only result in a few posts a week per group. CH> I kind of like the convenience of having one big forum for CH> discussing all aspects of graphics. Anyone else feel this way? CH> Just curious. I must agree. There is a dizzying number of c.s.amiga.* newsgroups already. In addition, there are very few issues which fall cleanly into one of these categories. Also, it is readily observable that the current spectrum of amiga groups is already plagued with mega-crossposting; thus the group-split would not, in all likelihood, bring about a more structured environment.
Yeah, the "Feingold Diet" is a load of crap. Children diagnosed with ADD who are placed on this diet show no improvement in their intellectual and social skills, which in fact continue to decline. Of course, the parents who are enthusiastic about this approach lap it up at the expense of their children's development. So much for the value of "interesting anecdotal results". People will believe anything if they want to.
I wrote... and it has since turned out that all the mirror sites I looked at were fooled by a restructuring at the original site - zaphod.ncsa.uiuc.edu - and hence were in a mess. That and a pointer to 'imconv' should get me started. Ta muchly. Cheers Markus
Unfortunately, you seem to lack the ability to rate players. Dave Winfield has had a better career than half the people in the Hall of Fame. Eddie Murray and Darrel Evans are both one of the top 100 players of all time. Lee Smith has had probably the greatest long career of any relief pitcher since 1960, with the possible exception of Gossage. On the other hand, Kingman probably isn't one of the best 750 players of all time. And Reardon, though a good pitcher, isn't in Smith's class career wise. We're talking 2 of the top 50 players of all time here. There probably aren't 5 shortstops in history who were better than these two. Garvey sucked. Morris, while a very good pitcher, simply doesn't belong near Cooperstown. Gee, can these guys even compare to If Puckett and Ryan (okay, no if there) get into to the Hall, they will be marginal Hall of Famers (unless Puckett keeps hitting like he did last year for a while longer) To put this in perspective, here's a listing of the linear weights values of the careers of the players you mention. In parenthesis is how high they are up on the greatest ever list if they make it. While no one would claim these are perfect rankings, they should give you a good value of these guys' careers as compared to average players. Robin Yount 43.0 (41) Ozzie Smith 42.1 (45) Dave Winfield 40.3 (53) Eddie Murray 37.5 (68) Darrel Evans 35.2 (80) Kirby Puckett 24.3 (180) Nolan Ryan 21.6 (219) Jack Morris 11.8 (478) Dave Kingman 0.4 Steve Garvey -5.8 To give you an idea of how these numbers compare to those in the Hall: Of the 71 eligible players whose career stats equaled 35.0, 64 are in the Hall of Fame. The ones who aren't include 4 19th century players, Ron Santo, Bobby Grich, and Bob Johnson. Of those eligible who score between 30.0 and 34.9, 15 of 25 are in. Of those eligible who score between 25.0 and 29.9, 24 of 44 are in.
Now, take a good look at at, an tell me man, there is no Christian Devil? There is, is real, is a virus, a meme, infecting and possessing the good people and keep 'em from becoming human beings with emphasis on the being! Is not a matter of good people an evil people, is all good people see, but some good people vexed of the Christian Devil. An it can't be burn out or lynch out or rape out. Only wise up let I rise up. Christian Devil is real man, how else can you explain five hundred years of history, even more? Can only be explained by Christians invoke Christian Devil. you keep on knocking but you can't come in, i got to understand you've been living in sin, but walk right in and sit right down, i'll keep on loving you, i'll play the clown, but bend down low, let i tell you what i know yah i've been 'buked brothers and i've been stoned, woe, woe, woe, now i'm hung by a tree in the the ganging on a few, woe, woe, woe, it doesn't matter who the man is who lives the life he loves, it doesn't matter what the man does or the honest life he loves, i want somewhere, i want somewhere, hallelujah, hallelujah, somewhere to lay my head, woe is me only ska beat in 'eaven man stiff necked fools, you think you're cool, to deny me for simplicity, yes you have gone, for so long with your love for vanity now, yes you have got the wrong interpretation mixed up with vain imagination, so take jah sun and jah moon and jah rain and jah stars, and forever yes erase your fantasy, yeah, the lips of the righteous teach many, but fools die for want of wisdom, the rich man's wealth is in his city, the righteous wealth is in his holy place, so take jah sun and jah moon and jah rain and jah stars, and forever yes erase your fantasy, destruction of the poor is in their poverty, destruction of the soul is vanity, yeah, but i don't want to rule ya, i don't want to fool ya, i don't want to school ya, things you, you might never know about, yes you have got the wrong interpretation mixed up with vain, vain imagination, stiff necked fools, you think you're cool, to deny me for, oh simplicity love to see, when yah move in the rhythm, love to see when you're dancing from within, it gives great joy to feel such sweet togetherness, everyone's doing and they're doing their best, it remind i of the days in jericho, when we trodden down jericho wall, these are the days when we'll trod true babylon, gonna trod until babylon fall then I saw the angel with the seven seals saying, babylon throne going down
I would like the opinion of netters on a subject that has been bothering my wife and me lately: liturgy, in particular, Catholic liturgy. In the last few years it seems that there are more and more ad hoc events during Mass. It's driving me crazy! The most grace-filled aspect of a liturgical tradition is that what happens is something we _all_ do together, because we all know how to do it. Led by the priest, of course, which makes it a kind of dialogue we present to God. But the best Masses I've been to were participatory prayers. Lately, I think the proportion of participation has fallen, and the proportion of sitting there and watching, or listening, or generally being told what to do (which is necessary because no one knows what's happening next) is growing. Example. Last Sunday (Palm Sunday) we went to the local church. Usually on Palm Sunday, the congregation participates in reading the Passion, taking the role of the mob. The theology behind this seems profound--when we say "Crucify him" we mean it. We did it, and if He came back today we'd do it again. It always gives me chills. But last week we were "invited" to sit during the Gospel (=Passion) and _listen_. Besides the Orwellian "invitation", I was really saddened to have my (and our) little role taken away. This seems typical of a shift of participation away from the people, and toward the musicians, readers, and so on. New things are introduced in the course of the liturgy and since no one knows what's happening, the new things have to be explained, and pretty soon instead of _doing_ a lot of the Mass we're just sitting there listening (or spacing out, in my case) to how the Mass is about to be done. In my mind, I lay the blame on liturgy committees made up of lay "experts", but that may not be just. I do think that a liturgy committee has a bias toward doing something rather than nothing--that's just a fact of bureaucratic life--even though a simpler liturgy may in fact make it easier for people to be aware of the Lord's presence. So we've been wondering--are we the oddballs, or is the quality of the Mass going down? I don't mean that facetiously. We go to Mass every Thursday or Friday and are reminded of the power of a very simple liturgy to make us aware of God's presence. But as far as the obligatory Sunday Masses...maybe I should just offer it up :) Has anyone else noticed declining congregational participation in Catholic Masses lately?
Subject: Re: Eugenics / ;Probably within 50 years, a new type of eugenics will be possible. ;Maybe even sooner. We are now mapping the human genome. We will ;then start to work on manipulation of that genome. Using genetic ;engineering, we will be able to insert whatever genes we want. ;No breeding, no "hybrids", etc. The ethical question is, should ;we? Two past problems with eugenics have been 1) reducing the gene pool and 2) defining the status of the eugenized. Inserting genes would not seem to reduce the gene pool unless the inserted genes later became transmissible to progeny. Then they may be able to crowd out "garbage genes." This may in the future become possible. Even if it does, awareness of the need to maintain the gene pool would hopefully mean provisions will be made for saving genes that may come in handy later. Evidently the genes for sickle cell disease in equatorial Africa and for diabetes in the Hopi *promoted* survival in some conditions. We don't really know what the future may hold for our environment. The reduced wilderness- and disease-survival capacity of our relatively inbred domesticated animals comes to mind. Vulcanism, nuclear winter, ice age, meteor impact, new microbiological threats, famine, global warming, etc., etc., are all conceivable. Therefore, having as many genes as possible available is a good strategy for species survival. Of course, the status of genetically altered individuals would start out as no different than anyone else's. But if we could make "philosopher-kings" with great bodies and long lives, would we (or they) want to give them elevated status? We could. The Romans did it with their kings *without* the benefits of such eugenics. The race eventually realized and dealt with the problems which that caused, but for a while, it was a problem. Orwell introduced us to the notion of what might happen to persons genetically altered for more menial tasks. But there is nothing new under the sun. We treated slaves the same way for millennia before "1984." I see no inherent problem with gene therapy which avoids at least these 2 problems. Humans have always had trouble having the virtue and wisdom to use any power that falls into their hands to good ends all the time. That hasn't stopped the race as a whole yet. Many are the civilizations which have died from inability to adapt to environmental change. However, also many are the civilizations which have died from the abuse of their own power. The ones which survived have hopefully learned a lesson from the fates of others, and have survived by making better choices when their turns came. Not that I don't think that this gene altering power couldn't wipe us off the face of the earth or cause endless suffering. Nuclear power or global warming or whatever could and may still do that, too. The real issue is an issue of wisdom and virtue. I personally don't think man has enough wisdom and virtue to pull this next challenge off any better than he did the for last few. We, as eugenists, may make it, an we may not. If we don't, I hope there are reservoirs of "garbage" people out in some backwater with otherwise long discarded "garbage" genes which will pull us through. I believe that the real problem is and will probably always be the same. Man needs to accept input from the great spirit of God to overcome his lacks in the area of knowing how to use the power he has. Some men have, and I believe all men may, listen to and obey the still small voice of God in their hearts. This is the way to begin to recieve the wisdom and virtue needed to escape the problems consequent to poor choices. Peoples have died out for many reasons. The societies which failed to accept enough input from God to safely use the power they had developed have destroyed themselves, and often others in the process. It is self-evident that the ones which survive today have either accepted enough input from the Spirit to use their powers wisely enough to avoid or survive their own mistakes thus far, or else haven't had enough power for long enough. In summary, I would say that the question of whether to use this new technology is really an ancient one. And the answer, in some ways hard, in some ways easy, is the same ancient answer. It isn't the power, it is the Spirit. Sorry for the long post. Got carried away.
Where can you get info (brochures...) on Differential GPS Systems and where to buy them?
This is a two-sided problem. Unfortunately our culture has been deteriorating over time. The "breeding" of these low-life's is getting worse; our justice system is at best extremely weak to handle these problems. That is why low-abiding citizens should have the power to protect themselves and their property using deadly force if necessary anywhere a threat is imminent. My Camaro (my pride and joy) got stolen right out of my driveway a few years back. The persons that did that were eventually caught (lucky for me!) but not before having trashed the car. On another occasion, on my way from Texas to Florida, I had stopped in a small motel for the night in a small town somewhere in Florida. About 5 youths were disturbing my car, setting off the alarm and challenging me to come out. When I and another tenant walked out with a 357 Magnum and a 45 automatic respectively, they vanished. Needless to say, I immediately packed-up and left. Watch out for car-jacking and staged accidents. They can be deadly!
This brings up an interesting subject that has not been discussed much, and probably has not been studied much. As some of you may be aware, I've posted a lot of articles lately on personality typing (of which the MBTI is a test vehicle). To come up to speed, just read 'alt.psychology.personality' and/or ask for by personality type summary file. One observation is that people have significantly different personalities (no question on this) which seem to be essentially in-born. With respect to church attendance and participation, some people thrive on this, while other people have real difficulty with this because they prefer a more solitary and contemplative lifestyle - that is, they are de-energized if confronted with excessive closeness to outside activities and lots of people. Of course this is measured by extroversion/introversion. My impression is that many churches are totally blind to this fact, and create environments that 'scare away' many who are naturally introverted (there are many introverted characters in the Bible, btw). I know, I am quite introverted in preference, and find the 'pressure' by many churches to participate, to meet together in large groups, etc., to be very uncomfortable. Knowing what I know now, these churches have been overly influenced by highly extroverted people who thrive on this sort of thing. (BTW, there's nothing wrong with either extroversion or introversion, both preferences have their place in the Body). Maybe I should define extrovert/introvert more carefully since these words are usually not used correctly in our culture. The extrovert/introvert scale is a measure of how a person is energized. The following is excerpted from my summary: 1. Energizing - How a person is energized: Extroversion (E)- Preference for drawing energy from the outside world of people, activities or things. Introversion (I)- Preference for drawing energy from one's internal world of ideas, emotions, or impressions. Hopefully this will elicit further discussion as to how churches can structure themselves to meet the real needs of the people who comprise the Body of Christ, instead of trying to change people's personalities to fit them into a particular framework. I'm sure there are other aspects of how churches have not properly understood personality variances among their members to the detriment of all. Jon Noring -- Charter Member --->>> INFJ Club.
Hi Damon, No matter what system or explanation of creation you wish to accept, you always have to start with one of two premises, creation from nothing, or creation from something. There are no other alternatives. And if we accept one or the other of those two premises, then again there are two alternatives, either creation was random, or was according to some plan. If it was random, I am unable to accept that the complex nature of our world with interrelated interdependent organisms and creatures could exist as they do. Therefore I am left with creation under the control of an intelligence capable of devising such a scheme. I call that intelligence God. I also prefer the "Creatio ex nihilo" rather than from chaos, as it is cleaner. There is obviously no way to prove either or neither. We are and we must have come from somewhere. Choose whatever explanation you feel most comfortable with, Damon. You are the one who has to live with your choice. Shalom, Len Howard
I'm trying to find Tom Haapanen, formerly [email protected] who was the keeper of the FAQ for this newsgroup. He was working at Watrerloo Engineering Software, but netfind can't even find that (but it may have been a uucp connection). If anyone knows how to contact Tom, please let me know.
hi guys like all people in this group i'm a fans of fractal and render sw my favourite are fractint pov & 3dstudio 2.0 now listen my ideas i'have just starting now to be able to use 3dstudio quite well so i'm simulating a full animation of a f1 grand prix unfortanatly just some lap(10?) i' m very interested about all kind of .prj .3ds and so on concerning about cars or parts of its (motors wheel ...) (dxf are good enough) does anyone have object to give me to complete my hard animation anyway any exchanges about object material project will be VERY APRECIATE!!!!! is there a ftp site where I can find its? i' m looking for .pov files too (i 'm interested about cpu time comparision rendering images on pov & 3dstusio) thank to all
Windows NT or WNT can also be derived by the next letter in the alphabet of VMS - same as HAL and IBM. You might recall that the chief architect of VMS is also chief designer of WNT. Rajiev Gupta
Not any more so than holding people against their will is wrong if you hold people against their will we will punish you our punishment will be to hold you against your will Is there any punishment which isn't something which, if done by a private person to another private person for no apparent reason, would lead to punishment? (Fines, I suppose.)
(NDW) If an Uninstall icon doesn't exist in the Norton Desktop Apps group:
ALL this shows is that YOU don't know much about SCSI. SCSI-1 {with a SCSI-1 controler chip} range is indeed 0-5MB/s and that is ALL you have right about SCSI SCSI-1 {With a SCSI-2 controller chip}: 4-6MB/s with 10MB/s burst {8-bit} Note the INCREASE in SPEED, the Mac Quadra uses this version of SCSI-1 so it DOES exist. Some PC use this set up too. SCSI-2 {8-bit/SCSI-1 mode}: 4-6MB/s with 10MB/s burst SCSI-2 {16-bit/wide or fast mode}: 8-12MB/s with 20MB/s burst SCSI-2 {32-bit/wide AND fast}: 15-20MB/s with 40MB/s burst By your OWN data the "Although SCSI is twice as fast as ESDI" is correct With a SCSI-2 controller chip SCSI-1 can reach 10MB/s which is indeed "20% faster than IDE" {120% of 8.3 is 9.96}. ALL these SCSI facts have been posted to this newsgroup in my Mac & IBM info sheet {available by FTP on sumex-aim.stanford.edu ( in the info-mac/report as mac-ibm-compare[version #].txt (It should be 173 but 161 may still be there)} Part of this problem is both Mac and IBM PC are inconsiant about what SCSI is which. Though it is WELL documented that the Quadra has a SCSI-2 chip an Apple salesperson said "it uses a fast SCSI-1 chip" {Not at a 6MB/s, 10MB/s burst it does not. SCSI-1 is 5MB/s maximum synchronous and Quadra uses ANsynchronous SCSI which is SLOWER} It seems that Mac and IBM see SCSI-1 interface and think 'SCSI-1' when it maybe a SCSI-1 interface driven in the machine by a SCSi-2 controller chip in 8-bit mode {Which is MUCH FASTER then true SCSI-1 can go}.
No thanks. This topic is of interest to a much wider audience. "In making this decision, I intend to prevent the private sector from developing, except with the government's approval, other microcircuits or algorithms that are more effective in assuring privacy."
We are interested in purchasing a grayscale printer that offers a good resoltuion for grayscale medical images. Can anybody give me some recommendations on these products in the market, in particular, those under $5000?
Which one? The one yesterday, or has there been another? If it was yester- day, catch up. IMO, 90% of all "conspiracy" charges are easily explained by the simple fact that in these days of instantaneous news transmission, all kinds of stuff gets said when people really just don't know what the hell's going on. Then the story changes once the facts are in and suddenly cries of "its all a whitewash!" start. Naturally, everybody wants to cover his/her ass. Damnfino. I just tend to take issue with absolute statements that are ob- viously wrong on their face and tend to inflame, not inform. The isolation was significant, but not total. semper fi,
The PowerBook 170 hardware doesn't have a wakeup timer. Nor does the 140. The Mac Portable had one, and I think the PowerBook 100 had one. I don't know about the newer PowerBooks, but I kind of doubt it. I got bit by this too, and it took my a while rooting around on the developer CD before I found this out.
[Much text deleted] : plus/minus ... it is the most misleading hockey stat available. Not necessarily the most misleading, but you are right, it definitely needs to be taken in the proper perspective. A shining example is if you look at the Penguins individual +/-, you will find very few minuses. That only makes common sense, since they didn't lose many games. : Until the NHL publishes a more useful quantifiable statistic including ice : time per game and some measure of its "quality" (i.e., is the player put out : in key situations like protecting a lead late in the game; is he matched up : against the other team's top one or two lines; short-handed, etc), I would : much rather see the +/- disappear altogether instead of having its dubious : merits trumpeted by those with little understanding of its implications. Unfortunately, you will need to keep a ridiculous number of stats to really come up with a statistic which really shows a player's value. Let's just enjoy the game and not overanalyze it. (like I'm doing now, excuse me!)
I'm trying to figure out how to operate a Pioneer Laserdisc LD-1000 that I bought at a surplus store. It is reputedly from some kind of computerised viewing and/or ordering system. THere is what may be an HPIB connector on the back. When I power it up, the front panel power light comes on, but no activity, and the door doesn't open. Anyone have any experience with this unit or any ideas on how to obtain documentation?
Actually, they're pretty worthless, if you want to evaluate players with stats. RBIs and Runs Scored should be banned; all they do is confuse victims of mediot brainwashing like yourself. You Uh, so? You've just explained why we use OBP and SLG to evaluate players. Precisely because the team that scores more runs wins the game. Traditional baseball stats have gotten way too far away from methods which enable fans to see who contributes to those runs scored - that's where OBP, SLG, Runs Created, Linear Weights, etc. come in. These simplify matters so that we can more easily measure a player's offensive contribution to the team's runs scored. Thank you for making our case. Have a nice day.
... Why do you say this? As of now, the Pens and Bruins have played the same number of games, and given up the same number of goals. They are tied for the third and fourth best defenses in the league, behind Chicago first and Toronto second. The Pens' weak spot is defense? Only by comparison to their offense, which is second in the league to Detroit. But the Pens are no weaker on defense and goaltending than the Bruins are; that is, they are both very strong.
COMET (Commercial Experiment Transport) is to launch from Wallops Island Virginia and orbit Earth for about 30 days. It is scheduled to come down in the Utah Test & Training Range, west of Salt Lake City, Utah. I saw a message in this group toward the end of March that it was to launch on March 27. Does anyone know if it launched on that day, or if not, when it is scheduled to launch and/or when it will come down. I would also be interested in what kind(s) of payload(s) are onboard. Thanks for your help.
The Logitech ScanMan 32 is a nice unit, compact and effective it will bring in graphics with surprisingly good quality. Note that its effective resolution in grey scale mode is only about 72 dpi. If you don't intend to magnify a graphic, it works fine. A true 256 level gray scanner would work better for images.
Could we plase cease this discussion. I fail to see why people feel the need to expound upon this issue for days and days on end. These areas are not meant for this type of discussion. If you feel the need to do such things, please take your thought elsewhere. Thanks.
Hello netters! I have a fairly weak question to ask everybody in netland. I've looked though the last FAQ for comp.graphics but I didn't find my answer. Thus the post. I'll keep it short. QUESTION: How do I display any raster files, gif files, iff or tiff images that I have on my "root window" or background? I have a sun ipc, openwindows 3.0, Sun OS 4.1.3 if that helps any. I've compiled POV for the sun and would like to display some of the work I have done as a background/tile. Thanks for any help or information that you provide. Have a good day. Scott Fleming OSI
Okay, that's good. I'm typing this from exactly the same setup. (US-UNIX layout keyboard) I did install the sunkbd patch, though. Make sure you're using "ssetroot", which comes with tvtwm. When tvtwm starts up, it nukes the existing root window. Use an "ssetroot" after tvtwm starts up. (You could spawn off a "(sleep 10; ssetroot ...)&") You can also use "VirtualDesktopBackgroundPixmap filename" or just VirtualDesktopBackground if you just want another color besides grey. Did you install the sunkbd patch? It's in the contrib directory on export. All the keys on my keyboard send events properly, except the following: The End, PageUp, PageDown on the 6-key cluster aren't recognized. Even the compose key works. (Though I can't seem to get the composed characters in an xterm to get passed.) Anyone have a fix for the last two? --Dave
So what you're saying is that your mind is made up, and you'll just explain away any differences at being statistically insignificant? So you'll just explain away any inconsistancies in your "theory" as being "a special case". You just equated them. Re-read your own words. A study release in 1991 found that 11% of female seagulls are lesbians. Now, apply this last sentence of your to YOUR theory. Notice how your are contridicting observations? You don't know much math, do you? The ability to use SAS to determine the length of the third side of the triangle is fundemental to geometry. Goals <> postulates. Again, if one of the "goals" of this "objective/natural morality" system you are proposing is "survival of the species", then homosexuality is immoral.
hi all, IN SHORT: looking for very fast assembly code for line/circle drawing on SVGA graphics. COMPLETE: I am thinking of a simple but fast molecular graphics program to write on PC or clones. (ball-and-stick type) Reasons: programs that I've seen are far too slow for this purpose. Platform: 386/486 class machine. 800x600-16 or 1024x728-16 VGA graphics (speed is important, 16-color for non-rendering purpose is enough; may stay at 800x600 for speed reason.) (hope the code would be generic enough for different SVGA cards. My own card is based on Trident 8900c, not VESA?) What I'm looking for? 1) fast, very fast routines to draw lines/circles/simple-shapes on above-mentioned SVGA resolutions. Presumably in assembly languagine. Yes, VERY FAST please. 2) related codes to help rotating/zooming/animating the drawings on screen. Drawings for beginning, would be lines, circles mainly, think of text, else later. (you know, the way molecular graphics rotates, zooms a molecule) 2) and any other codes (preferentially in C) that can help the project. Final remarks;- non-profit. expected to become share-, free-ware. Any help is appreciated. thanks -Frankie [email protected]
I have been in the same boat as you last year. I've tried four times to send you an email response, but your end doesn't seem to accept my mail? Please let me know if you receive this. Cheers Nigel
Could someone please tell me what a LaserWriter IINTX upgrade kit is. Its a small box, which has a bag inn it , seemingly containing 6 chips (look like ROMS) and a IINTX manual. The installation instructions are most informative and say, in full, "This product must be installed by an Apple ........." SO what does this do ? At first I thought it might be a NT to NTX upgrade, but I thought that required an entirely new board. Any info appreciated.
I no longer have the textbook, but abstinence was defined as something like "no contact between the penis and the vagina, vulva, or area immediately surrounding the vulva, and no transfer of semen to the vagina, vulva, or area surrounding the vulva". That is, abstinence wasn't discussed as "sex outside of marriage is morally wrong" but as keep the sperm away from the ovum and conception is impossible. The moral question I recall the teacher asking was, "is it okay to create a child if you aren't able to be a good parent yet?" -jen --
... How can you tell they're identical? You got one of them "Star Drek: The Next Syndication" neutrino scanners?
Two-part question: 1) What is Windows NT - a 'real' windows OS? 2) This past weekend, a local 'hacker' radio show metioned a new product from Microsoft called 'Chicago' if I recall. Anyone know what this is? That is it - Thanks a heap. - Alan
Or perhaps it's referring to the wife and child sitting in the sidecar next to the one-up on the moto? :) Anyone ever heard of a game called oneup-onedown? (it's a drinking game, for all you older folx...:)
Anytime. Suffering from a severe case of myopia? No Muslim left alive - not a single one. Leading the first Armenian units who crossed the Ottoman border in the company of the Russian invaders was the former Ottoman Parliamentary representative for Erzurum, Karekin Pastirmaciyan, who assumed the revolutionary name Armen Garo. Another former Ottoman parliamentarian, Hamparsum Boyaciyan, led the Armenian guerrilla forces who ravaged Turkish villages behind the lines under the nickname "Murad", especially ordering that 'Kill Turks and Kurds wherever you find them and in whatever circumstances you find them. Turkish children also should be killed as they form a danger to the Armenian nation.' (Hamparsum Boyadjian - 1914)[1] [1] M. Varandian, "History of the Dashnaktsutiun," p. 85. Another former Member of Parliament, Papazyan, led the Armenian guerrilla forces that ravaged the areas of Van, Bitlis and Mush. In March 1915, the Russian forces began to move toward Van. Immediately, in April 11, 1915 the Armenians of Van began a revolt, massacring all the Turks in the vicinity so as to make possible its quick and easy conquest by Russians. Little wonder that Czar Nicholas II sent a telegram of thanks to the Armenian Revolutionary Committee of Van in April 21, 1915, "thanking it for its services to Russia." The Armenian newspaper Gochnak, published in the United States, also proudly reported in May 24, 1915 that "only 1,500 Turks remained in Van the rest having been slaughtered." Source: Hovannisian, Richard G.: Armenia on the Road to Independence, 1918. University of California Press (Berkeley and Los Angeles), 1967, p. 13. "The addition of the Kars and Batum oblasts to the Empire increased the area of Transcaucasia to over 130,000 square miles. The estimated population of the entire region in 1886 was 4,700,000, of whom 940,000 (20 percent) were Armenian, 1,200,000 (25 percent) Georgian, and 2,220,000 (45 percent) Moslem. Of the latter group, 1,140,000 were Tatars. Paradoxically, barely one-third of Transcaucasia's Armenians lived in the Erevan guberniia, where the Christians constituted a majority in only three of the seven uezds. Erevan uezd, the administrative center of the province, had only 44,000 Armenians as compared to 68,000 Moslems. By the time of the Russian Census of 1897, however, the Armenians had established a scant majority, 53 percent, in the guberniia; it had risen by 1916 to 60 percent, or 670,000 of the 1,120,000 inhabitants. This impressive change in the province's ethnic character notwithstanding, there was, on the eve of the creation of the Armenian Republic, a solid block of 370,000 Tartars who continued to dominate the southern districts, from the outskirts of Ereven to the border of Persia." (See also Map 1. Historic Armenia and Map 4. Administrative subdivisions of Transcaucasia). In 1920, '0' percent Turk. "We closed the roads and mountain passes that might serve as ways of escape for the Tartars and then proceeded in the work of extermination. Our troops surrounded village after village. Little resistance was offered. Our artillery knocked the huts into heaps of stone and dust and when the villages became untenable and inhabitants fled from them into fields, bullets and bayonets completed the work. Some of the Tartars escaped of course. They found refuge in the mountains or succeeded in crossing the border into Turkey. The rest were killed. And so it is that the whole length of the borderland of Russian Armenia from Nakhitchevan to Akhalkalaki from the hot plains of Ararat to the cold mountain plateau of the North were dotted with mute mournful ruins of Tartar villages. They are quiet now, those villages, except for howling of wolves and jackals that visit them to paw over the scattered bones of the dead." Ohanus Appressian "Men Are Like That" p. 202. Source: Stanford J. Shaw, on Armenian collaboration with invading Russian armies in 1914, "History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey (Volume II: Reform, Revolution & Republic: The Rise of Modern Turkey, 1808-1975)." (London, Cambridge University Press 1977). pp. 315-316. "In April 1915 Dashnaks from Russian Armenia organized a revolt in the city of Van, whose 33,789 Armenians comprised 42.3 percent of the population, closest to an Armenian majority of any city in the Empire...Leaving Erivan on April 28, 1915, Armenian volunteers reached Van on May 14 and organized and carried out a general slaughter of the local Muslim population during the next two days while the small Ottoman garrison had to retreat to the southern side of the lake." "Knowing their numbers would never justify their territorial ambitions, Armenians looked to Russia and Europe for the fulfillment of their aims. Armenian treachery in this regard culminated at the beginning of the First World War with the decision of the revolutionary organizations to refuse to serve their state, the Ottoman Empire, and to assist instead other invading Russian armies. Their hope was their participation in the Russian success would be rewarded with an independent Armenian state carved out of Ottoman territories. Armenian political leaders, army officers, and common soldiers began deserting in droves." "With the Russian invasion of eastern Anatolia in 1914 at the beginning of World War I, the degree of Armenian collaboration with the Ottoman's enemy increased drastically. Ottoman supply lines were cut by guerilla attacks, Armenian revolutionaries armed Armenian civil populations, who in turn massacred the Muslim population of the province of Van in anticipation of expected arrival of the invading Russian armies." Source: Stanford J. Shaw, "History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey," Vol II. Cambridge University Press, London, 1979, pp. 314-317. "...Meanwhile, Czar Nicholas II himself came to the Caucasus to make final plans for cooperation with the Armenians against the Ottomans, with the president of the Armenian National Bureau in Tiflis declaring in response: 'From all countries Armenians are hurrying to enter the ranks of the glorious Russian Army, with their blood to serve the victory of Russian arms...Let the Russian flag wave freely over the Dardanelles and the Bosporus. Let, with Your will, great Majesty, the peoples remaining under the Turkish yoke receive freedom. Let the Armenian people of Turkey who have suffered for the faith of Christ receive resurrection for a new free life under the protection of Russia.'[155] Armenians again flooded into the czarist armies. Preparations were made to strike the Ottomans from the rear, and the czar returned to St. Petersburg confident that the day finally had come for him to reach Istanbul." [155] Horizon, Tiflis, November 30, 1914, quoted by Hovannisian, "Road to Independence," p. 45; FO 2485, 2484/46942, 22083. "Ottoman morale and military position in the east were seriously hurt, and the way was prepared for a new Russian push into eastern Anatolia, to be accompanied by an open Armenian revolt against the sultan.[156]" [156] Hovannisian, "Road to Independence," pp. 45-47; Bayur, III/1, pp. 349-380; W.E.D. Allen and P. Muratoff, "Caucasian Battlefields," Cambridge, 1953, pp. 251-277; Ali Ihsan Sabis, "Harb Hahralaram," 2 vols., Ankara, 1951, II, 41-160; FO 2146 no. 70404; FO 2485; FO 2484, nos. 46942 and 22083. "An Armenian state was organized at Van under Russian protection, and it appeared that with the Muslim natives dead or driven away, it might be able to maintain itself at one of the oldest centers of ancient Armenian civilization. An Armenian legion was organized 'to expel the Turks from the entire southern shore of the lake in preparation for a concerted Russian drive into the Bitlis vilayet.'[162] Thousands of Armenians from Mus and other major centers in the east began to flood into the new Armenian state...By mid-July there were as many as 250,000 Armenians crowded into the Van area, which before the crisis had housed and fed no more than 50,000 people, Muslim and non-Muslim alike.[163]" [162] Hovannisian, "Road to Independence," p. 56; FOP 2488, nos. 127223 and 58350. [163] BVA, Meclis-i Vukela Mazbatalari, debates of August 15-17, 1915; Babi-i Ali Evrak Odasi, no. 175, 321, "Van Ihtilali ve Katl-i Ami," Zilkade 1333/10 September 1915. Now wait, there is more. From "The Diplomacy of Imperialism," William L. Langer, New York (Alfred A. Knopf), 1960, pp. 157-160. "Armenians watch their opportunity to kill Turks and Kurds, set fire to their villages, and then make their escape into the mountains." Are you people for real? The main legal principles of the Turkish State are summarized in Article 2 of the Constitution: "The Republic of Turkey is a democratic, secular and social State governed by the rule of law; bearing in mind the concepts of public peace, national solidarity and justice; respecting human rights; loyal to the nationalism of Ataturk, and based on the fundamental tenets set forth in the Preamble of the Constitution." Freedom of culture and religion prevailed during the Ottoman Empire, allowing the many nations and races within its boundaries to remain autonomous. The fact that the Ottoman Empire was the longest lived in recent history may be attributed to these freedoms, despite the lack of any written Constitution. The first attempts to create a written Constitution occurred in 1839 and 1856. Although the documents adopted during these two attempts remained in force only temporarily, they provided the basic elements of a Constitution. The 1876 Constitution was the first legal document to force a Parliament and the right of election to share the sovereignty of the Emperor. The Constitution of 1906 placed some additional limitations on the Emperor, while increasing the power of the Parliament and the government. The First World War (1914-1918) brought the Ottoman Empire to an end. By the occupation of Istanbul, the Parliament was dissolved and the Constitution was abolished. The members of Parliament were sent to exile to an island by the occupying forces. During the Independence War, the "Turkish Grand National Assembly" held their first meeting on April 23, 1920 to serve as the legislative body of the new Turkish state. This assembly prepared the new legal structure of the Turkish Republic. The new Republic was proclaimed on October 29, 1923 and the new Constitution was adopted in 1924. That Constitution served as the legal backbone of today's modern Turkish Republic. In 1945, Turkey adopted a multi-party political system. The Constitution of 1924 was replaced by others in 1961 and 1982. All three Constitutions of the Republic have been based on the principles of parliamentary democracy, human rights, national sovereignty, division of powers, private ownership and secularization. "Major Principles of the Constitution" The constitution (with 177 Articles) establishes the structure of the Republic within the following principles: - The Turkish Republic is a democratic, secular and social state governed by law; - It should be governed to maintain public peace, national solidarity, justice, human rights and the objectives of Ataturk; - The language of the State is Turkish; - Sovereignty is vested in the nation without any conditions or restrictions. Sovereignty is exercised by organizations authorized by the nation; - Legislative power is carried by the Parliament elected by the nation. This power cannot be delegated (transferred) to any one else; - Executive power is exercised by the President, and Council of Ministers; - Judicial power is exercised by the independent courts on behalf of the Turkish nation; - All individuals are equal, irrespective of language, race, religion, color, sex, or political beliefs; - Laws cannot be contradict those principles stated in the Constitution. "Structure of the State" In accordance with the Constitution, the structure of the state is based on the principle of "division of power" to create a balanced and self-controlled system. The power is divided into "legislative power," "executive power," and "judicial power," balanced to secure freedoms and powers to control each other (self-control). A. Legislative Power: The "Turkish Grand National Assembly" is a parliament with one House, elected by the nation for a term of five years to exercise legislative power on behalf of the nation. The basic functions of this Assembly are: - to adopt, to amend, or to repeal laws; - to approve or to dismiss the Council of Ministers; - to supervise and to question Ministers or the Council of Ministers; - to debate, to amend and to approve annual budgets; - to ratify international agreements; - to grant amnesty or pardons. Members of Parliament do not have any liability for their words (either oral or written) during the course of their legislative duties. The country is divided into constituencies. The number of representatives of each is calculated according to its population. Every Turkish citizen over the age of twenty-one can vote. Elections are supervised by the "Supreme Council of Elections," which solves all disputes or appeals. In each province, the local "Board of Election" runs and controls the election under the supervision and guidelines of the Supreme Council. Members of the Council and Boards are elected among independent judges. B. Executive Power: The President of the Republic is the Head of State (not the head of government as in the Unites States). The main functions of the President are: - to represent the State and the Country; - to insure the implementation of the Constitution; - to coordinate legislative, judicial and executive functions; - act as the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces; - to ratify laws and government decrees. The President is elected by the Grand National Assembly for a period of seven years. The President may ratify or return the laws for a second debate, may call for a referendum. Executive power is exercised by the "Council of Ministers," headed by the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is appointed by the President from the members of Parliament. The Prime Minister names the Ministers for approval by the President. The new Government (Council of Ministers) reads their program at the Parliament and the vote of confidence follows. There are 21 (?) Ministers in the Council. Ministers and other members of the administration can be sued in independent "administrative" courts for their misuse of power, administrative errors or functions against any law. C. Judicial Power: Judicial power is exercised by independent courts. No authority or power can instruct the judges or public prosecutors of the courts. These cannot be discharged, replaced or retired by executive authorities except for the reasons clearly stated by the appropriate laws. There are three categories of courts in the Turkish judiciary system: - Courts of justice deal with legal, commercial and criminal cases. The decisions of these courts may be reviewed by the supreme court of justice upon the appeal of the parties involved. - The decisions or functions of the executive power (including the Prime Minister and Ministers or any governmental department) can be appealed in administrative courts if these functions or decisions are against the law. The decisions of these administrative courts may also be reviewed by the high administrative court. The laws and decisions of the Grand National Assembly can be examined by the "Constitutional Court" if they contradict the Constitution. If found contradictory, this court may cancel the decisions or laws of the Parliament. Serdar Argic
Preliminary data regarding similar research into kangaroo overpopulation in Australia do not in any way support the cost-effectiveness of this approach. It _may_ be cost-effective for deer--if you quietly overlook the fact that the net cost to the state of deer hunting is _negative_ (i.e. a profit) because the (majority of) hunters pay for licences. The cost comparisons are probably being done assuming that people have to be employed to cull the animals, which is not in fact the case. You figure people are going to pay for licences to implant contraceptive pellets or spread baits? There has been a fair bit of discussion about this here recently, because the kangaroo population in the grounds of the Governor- General's residence has now reached plague proportions. Despite the whines of the rampant animal-libbers, the most effective method of controlling the population is still considered to be controlled shooting. Some people take satisfaction (IMHO, legitimate satisfaction) in eating food that they have harvested themselves. The pleasure derived from hunting is the same as that you get from eating fruit and vegetables grown in your own garden (and, in general, game meat is probably much freer of unpleasant chemicals than what you buy from the butcher or the supermarket). By "cannot now be justified" I guess you mean that you personally don't see any justification. Fine--but what makes your opinion so important? Certainly the last point is correct. If politicians don't see any votes for themselves in opposing stupid legislation or in developing and supporting measures which might be effective in reducing the incidence of violent crime they won't do these things.
Go easy on him drieux. It is the right of every American to know nothing about anything. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Who said anything about panicking?" snapped Authur. Garrett Johnson "This is still just culture shock. You wait till I've [email protected] settled into the situation and found my bearings. THEN I'll start panicking!" - Douglas Adams
In most cases information you come by properly is yours to use as you wish, but there are certainly exceptions. If you write a paper which includes sufficiently detailed information on how to build a nuclear weapon, it is classified. As I understand the law, nuclear weapons design is _automatically_ classified even if you do the work yourself. I believe you are then not allowed to read your own paper. A less serious example: if you tell drivers about a speed trap they are about to run into, you can be fined, even though you might argue that you broke no law when you discovered the location of the policeman. The charge is interfering with a police officer, which is quite similar what you would be doing by reverse engineering the Clipper chip. Don't tell me that you think this violates the Constitution -- find some court cases which have struck down such laws. Many people would not be comforted by the fact that the government violated their rights when it imprisoned them.
m> The latest news seems to be that Koresh will give himself up once he's m> finished writing a sequel to the Bible. Also, it's the 16th now. Can the Feds get him on tax evasion? I don't remember hearing about him running to the Post Office last night.
I do (did) contribute to the ARF mortgage fund but when interest rates plumetted, I just paid it off. The problem is, I couldn't convince Congress to move my home to a nicer location on Federal land. BTW, even though the building is alleged to be funded by tax exempt private funds, the maintainence and operating costs will be borne by taxpayers forever. Would anyone like to guess how much that will come to and tell us why this point is never mentioned?
SSRT ROLLOUT Speech Delivered by Col. Simon P. Worden, The Deputy for Technology, SDIO Mcdonnell Douglas - Huntington Beach April 3,1993 Most of you, as am I, are "children of the 1960's." We grew up in an age of miracles -- Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles, nuclear energy, computers, flights to the moon. But these were miracles of our parent's doing. For a decade and more the pundits have told us - "you've lost it!" The "me" generation is only living on the accomplishments of the past. You and I have even begun to believe the pessimists. We listen in awe as the past generation tells of its triumphs. Living history they are. We are privileged to hear those who did it tell of it. A few weeks ago some of this very team listened in awe as General Bernie Schriever told of his team's work - and yes struggle - to build this nation's Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. What stories can we tell? Blurry-eyed telescopes? Thousand dollar toilet seats? Even our space launch vehicles hearken only of that past great time. They are and seem destined to remain Gen. Schriever's ICBMs. I find it hard to swell with pride that the best new space-lifter idea is to refurbish old Minuteman and Poseidon ballistic missiles. Well - The pessimists are wrong. The legacy is continuing. This event is proof. To our technological parents: We've listened to your stories. We've caught your enthusiasm and can-do spirit. And we've learned from your achievements - and your mistakes. Let me honor one of you who was part of that history and the impetus behind this history - Max Hunter. You are one of the greatest engineers of the firts great age of space exploration. Your insight and discipline built the Thor ICBM - later incorporated into today's most successful launch vehicle - The Delta. You told us in the 60's that a new form of launch vehicle - a single stage reusable rocket - can and should be built. You advocated this idea tirelessly. It was elegantly simple, as are all great breakthroughs. You showed us how to build it. You convinced us it could be done. You are working by our side to weld its components into place. Most important - you reminded us of a prime engineering principle - undoubtably one you learned from the generation before you - the generation that built transcontinental aviation in the 1920's and 30's - build a little and test a little and Max, you passed all of this on to people like Pat Ladner who started this program for the SDI. Douglas Aircraft didn't start with a DC-10. They didn't even start with a DC-3. Our grandfathers built a little, tested a little - even sold a little and made a little money - before they moved on to the next step. They didn't take a decade or more before putting the first "rubber on the road." Max Hunter - you didn't take ten years to build Thor, and by God we're not going to take ten years to show that low cost, single stage, reusable aerospace transportation is real. We ended the cold war in a few short years. It took the same team here today but a few years to show through the Strategic Defense Initiative that the cold war must end. We - you and us - launched a series of satellites - The Delta experiments - in about a year apiece. This, more than anything else signaled our commitment to end the impasse between ourselves and the Soviet Union. Those who made the decisions on both sides have underscored the importance of our work in bringing about a new international relationship. But it is the same team which is now putting in place the framework for an aerospace expansion that is our legacy for the next generation. We will make space access routine and affordable. We built this magnificent flying machine in two years. This summer a true rocket ship will take off and land on earth for the first time. Then we can and surely will build in the next three years a reusable sub-orbital rocket. It will allow us to use space rapidly, affordably, and efficiently as no other nation can. And yes - we'll make a little money off it too! Then - and only then - we'll spend another three years to build a fully reusable single stage to orbit system. The DC-3 of space will be a reality! We may even be able to use some of the rocket propulsion breakthroughs of our former cold war adversaries. What a wonderful irony if this SDI product and Russian efforts to counter SDI merge to power mankind's next step to the stars! To be sure, we must guard against the temptations to leap to the final answer. Robert Goddard's first rockets weren't Saturn V's! If we succumb to the temptation to ask for just a few extra dollars and a few more years to jump immediately to a full orbital system - we will fail. Max Hunter and his colleagues showed the way. Three years and a cloud of dust - in our case rocket exhausts. There is no short-cut. If we expect to reshape the world again - we must do it one brick at a time. Minds on tasks at hand!
Rich Thompson posts some blather about the Libertarian Party: What pray tell do the Libertarians know about winning elections? Bob --
Wanted restaurant equipment for starting a new restaurant 1) 4-6 Burner Stove 2) Hot Plate 3) Fryer 4) Stainless Steel tables, Shelves etc 5) Pots n Pans and a number of other items If interested, pl. email Shailesh
: : : 1. Make a new Newsgroup called talk.politics.guns.PARANOID or : talk.politics.guns.THEY'R.HERE.TO.TAKE.ME.AWAY : : 2. Move all postings about waco and burn to (guess where).. : : 3. Stop posting #### on this newsgroup ; : We are all SO glad you're trying to save us from the evil : goverment, but would you mail this #### in regular mail to : let's say 1000 people ???? : : : Thomas Parsli And everybody who talked about the evil arising in Europe was labeled reactionary in the late 1930's... after all, we could negotiate with Hitler and trust him to keep his end of the bargain... at least that's what Stalin and Chamberlin thought... I guess they forgot to teach you about your country being overrun by the Germans in WWII, 'eh Thomas? And I'm sorry you consider outrage at government excesses to be ####... Everytime the Israelis conduct a mass operation against a terrorist group that is actively killing their citizens and soldiers, the world gets indignant, but it's ok for the US to assault it's own citizens who were a religous minority and accused of sexual deviation and hoarding weapons... I find it real ironic this happened the same day Al Gore arrived in Poland to recognize the sacrifices made in the Warsaw Ghetto where the same 'justifications' were raised for an armed assault by black-clad troops with armor support...
: > : > : And the measure of current, Amp, is actually named after both the AMP company : > : and the Amphenol company. Both companies revolutionized electronics by : > : simulatenously realizing that the performance of connectors and sockets : > : were affected by the amount of current running through the wires. : > : > Sorry. The unit for current is the AMPERE which is the name of a french-man : > named AMPERE who studied electrical current. The term AMP is just an abbreviation : > of it. The company AMP came after the AMPERE unit was already in use. : > : > : The Ohmite company was the first to characterize resistances by numbers, thus : > : our use of the Ohms... : > : > I don't know about this one, but it doesn't sound right. : Are you (two) joking? : Is the entire Internet flaming you (two)? : Ahh!, now I remember that Ohmite company was the first introducing "the pink : colored resistor", only for electronics working females ;-) : -- : Manuel Arrevola Velasco ||||| True e-mail: [email protected] ||||| : DoD #1033 : Yes, I have taken a bit of flame on this one. I must've been half asleep when I posted a response to Joseph. Greggo.
I had the same problem in my '90 MX-6. Luckily I had it fixed under warranty. I think they replaced a tail light gasket. Check with a dealer, it's a known problem.
I purposefully left off the page numbers to encourage the reader to study the volumes mentioned, and benefit therefrom.
I would like more info on this if anybody has it. Our Exabyte 8500 tapedrive has never been working from the Quadra 950. We have been trying it since September 1992, replaced cabling, inits, I don't know what all. All the "industry experts" we phoned (the tapedrive dealer, our Apple dealer, the software dealer) all say it's our fault, or they don't know. The last thing they said was that we needed a special Quadra SCSI terminator (???). Anybody know more? Thanks,
I need to bring on my VW Corrado for body work (I got hit). I was wondering if anyone has heard of any of these South Bay body shops: Akins Collision Center of Santa Clara - on Reed St Auto West Collision - in San Jose Los Gatos Acura Royal Auto Body - in Sunnyvale Thanks!
Why not use the PD C library for reading/writing TIFF files? It took me a good 20 minutes to start using them in your own app. Martin -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
In 1860: region total population free blacks % slaves % U.S. 32,227,616 487,070 1.5% 3,953,818 12.3% Confederacy 9,103,332 132,760 1.5% 3,521,110 38.7% Union Slave States 3,212,041 128,158 4.0% 432,586 13.5% All Union States 23,124,284 354,310 1.5% 432,708 1.9% Union "Free" States 19,912,243 226,152 1.1% 122 0.0%
Not to mention that the G-men believed the children didn't have gas masks. But that was not, with respect to the children, the point of the gassing. The feds *knew* that the children's health would be in danger and proceeded under the assumption that the "motherly instinct" of the Davidian women would remove them from harm's way. I busted a gut on that one. Someone else on the net observed that the administration's appeal to a woman's "motherly instinct" would never wash with feminists and liberals if a republican were in the White House. I say that such an justification could *only* come from a feminist mindset. BTW - I'd read in the paper yesterday that the type of gas used was CS2. The paper didn't provide any specifics about it.
Terms are being used in a loaded way here. "Logical proof" is an extremely messy thing to apply to real life. If you think otherwise, try to construct a proof that yesterday happened. Obviously it did; anyone old enough to be reading this was there for it and remembers that it happened. But *proof*? A proof starts with axioms and goes somewhere. You need axioms to talk about logical proof. You can say that you remember yesterday, and that you take as axiom that anything you clearly remember happened. I could counterclaim that you hallucinated the whole thing. To talk about proofs of historical events, you have to relax the terms a bit. You can show evidences, not proofs. Evidences of the resurrected Jesus exist. Proofs do not.
Kent: With all due respect, how can I take you seriously, when you have the NAMES wrong in the 1st place? E.g.: There is no such thing. The correct name is Ancient & Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, abbreviated AMORC. There is no such thing either. It's the Rosicrucian Fellowship. And they clearly state that they DO NOT pretend to descend from the Order of the Fama Fraternitatis. The Lectorium? And who else? These are NOT Rosicrucian "orders". They are Masonic study groups, none of which *claims* to be descendant of the original Order. What is ORC? If you mean AMORC, you didn't even learn the correct name?!
# 3. Is it true that Israeli stocks nuclear weapons ? If so, # could you provide any evidence ? Yes, Israel has nuclear weapons. However: 1) Their use so far has been restricted to killing deer, by LSD addicted "Cherrie" soldiers. 2) They are locked in the cellar of the "Garinei Afula" factory, and since the Gingi lost the key, no one can use them anymore. 3) Even if the Gingi finds the key, the chief Rabbis have a time lock on the bombs that does not allow them to be activated on the Sabbath and during weeks which follow victories of the Betar Jerusalem soccer team. A quick glance at the National League score table will reveal the strategic importance of this fact.
Living things maintain small electric fields to (1) enhance certain chemical reactions, (2) promote communication of states with in a cell, (3) communicate between cells (of which the nervous system is a specialized example), and perhaps other uses. These electric fields change with location and time in a large organism. Special photographic techniques such as applying external fields in Kirillian photography interact with these fields or the resistances caused by these fields to make interesting pictures. Perhaps such pictures will be diagonistic of disease problems in organisms when better understood. Perhaps not. Studying the overall electric activity of biological systems is several hundred years old, but not a popular activity. Perhaps, except in the case of a few tissues like nerves and the electric senses of fishes, it is hard to reduce the investigation into small pieces that can be clearly analyzed. There are some hints that manipulating electric fields is a useful therapy such as speeding the healing of broken bones, but not understood why.
Sayeth "Joseph D. Mazza" <[email protected]>: $I waxed my car a few months ago with a liquid wax and now have whiteish $smears where I inadvertantly got some wax on the black plastic molding. $I've tried repeatedly to remove the smears with no luck. I'm on the $verge of replacing the molding altogether (it's a nice car). Armor All removes Raindance wax on my Mazda Protege's black plastic bumpers. Your mileage may vary. Given this observation, one would be well advised to take care not to get any of this (or, probably, similar protectants such as Son of a Gun) on one's paint ...
Hi. I own an LCIII and I recently heard an interesting rumor. I heard that the LCIII has a built in slot for a PowerPC chip. Is this true? I heard that the slot is not the same as the PDS slot. Is that true?
I am having trouble obtaining the specified standby current drain from a MC146818A Real Time Clock. Has anyone out there had some experience in doing this? The specs call for a few sequences to be met before standby mode is activated, and are a bit hard to decipher on that, but I thought that I had it worked out. However, with a 32kHz crystal the lowest current drain I can acheive at 3.7V Vcc is 150uA. This is three times the specified MAXIMUM under the conditions I am attempting to create. I have done the following things: 1) Made sure that RESET/ is asserted for Trlh after powerup, and AS is low during this time. 2) Made sure that there is a cycle on AS after the negation of RD/ or WR/ during which STBY/ was asserted. What am I doing wrong? Thanks very much,
What ever happened to the 'Adobe Fortress' I kept hearing about? I thought this was a 'Cult Stronghold'! If the kgbatf knew it was a tinderbox, why didn't they just have all the talking heads line up and start huffin' and puffin?
Some birds require constant management for survival. Pointing a sensor at the sun, even when powered down, may burn it out. Pointing a parabolic antenna at Sol, from venus orbit may trash the foci elements. Even if you let teh bird drift, it may get hosed by some cosmic phenomena.