69 values
Running Lights Hey everyone! As it is getting dark outside earlier and earlier, I’m looking to buy some kind of running light for running in the dark. Any recommendations for products you love to use? Any help would be appreciated! 🏃‍♀️ 🏃
I use knuckle lights like these. They’re really bright and light up trails enough so I don’t get a face full of spider webs
I rock a headlamp and a handheld light when I’m on the dark trails. I find that darkness doesn’t bother me too much if I’m running on sidewalks or paths. I used to get freaked out, but I find that there is enough light around me to mostly run in the dark. However, it’s nice to have the handheld to alert cars to your presence. I also run early morning, so there’s hardly any traffic.
What are some frugal ways to take care of my skin (other than drinking water)? I’ve always been too cheap to spend money on skincare products, but as I get older, my skin gets dry and irritated much easier and I hate it.
the Ordinary brand of skincare is stupid cheap and very effective
Retinol has really made a difference for my skin and a vitamin C moisturizer, I also use a sunscreen. I get great deals at TJ Max, Marshalls and Ross. I never spend over $10.00 on any product.
Why do psychiatric medications take so long to become fully effective (six weeks), while many other medications work within minutes or hours?
Neuroscientist here! Basically, we don't know. The popular notion that SSRIs correct a serotonin 'deficit' is a myth. There is no serotonin deficit in depression. If there were, we'd be able to test for it. There is literally zero actual evidence of a literal deficit of serotonin im depression. That theory was essentially our "first guess" at why SSRIs can treat depression, but it was discredited. The real answer is probably that SSRIs cause some change in the brain, which causes another change in the brain.... etc., leading to a change that improves depression symptoms. In other words, it's not the direct effect of the drug (which is fast) but a downstream effect of the brain's reaction to the drug (which is slower). Look at it this way: developing a tolerance to a drug (which is due to the brain adapting to the drug) can (depending on the drug) take weeks. Now suppose that something about how the brain adapts to SSRIs is beneficial to depression. That's more or less what we think is going on. Brains are ludicrously complicated. It's hard to convey exactly how complicated.
Because even though they “fix” what is wrong (hormone imbalance, etc.) your brain has to learn this new way of behaving, with correct hormone levels as an example. Whereas, let’s say, antibiotics kill the bacteria and that solves the problem immediately. Imagine a person that is born deaf, receiving hearing aids and hearing for the first time. They hear everything correctly, but their brain isn’t used to hearing sounds so everything sounds strange and distorted from their perspective, it takes time to adapt or learn. Does that make sense? Sorry, I’m not very good at explaining things.
You are able to look at the source code of any game you've ever played. What game do you pick and why?
World of Warcraft. Since I spent a bit of time contributing to a server clone back in the day. It was also something that got me started in large scale open world rendering ideas. In fact the whole reason I got started playing WoW was because I wanted to see how they handled rendering large areas, then I got distracted...
SimGolf because I'd love to make an open source clone and I emailed the guy who is in the readme of the installation files who still works at maxis or somewhere but he didn't get back to me
Looking for some psychological thriller/mystery novels with thought out plot twists Basically the title.I don't really mind if the narrative is not told in a linear fashion.
{The kind worth killing} by Peter Swanson. {Strangers on a train} by Patricia Highsmith.
{{Liar by KL Slater}}. Beautifully narrated and in Audible’s Plus library. Great story
Explain like I'm five years old: why eating carbs at night is supposedly bad? Trust me i have done research, but i simply don't know what to believe anymore, i have read about a study proving it literally makes no difference, but everyone you ask including experts will tell you that carbs at night are literal demons that will make you fat, does anyone have a definitive answer?
The glycemic spike in carbs compared to protein or fat may make it harder for some people to sleep it will also provide less sustained energy for your body to repair while you were sleeping. However,I have never heard from a reliable source that eating carbs at night is bad for you. It's always just trash on Instagram or Facebook or articles in things like men's fitness Interested in what OP was reading that claims that.
Only time to have carbs is the evening because it helps your sleep. Not 30m before bed tho. That’ll contribute to a bad heart
What variables make the most difference in tube strength (diameter, wall thickness, or tube shape)? I need a strong lightweight steel tube for a project. Is the tube diameter, wall thickness, or shape more important in tube strength? Is there a way to calculate the strength with changes in each of these variables? Is there a website where you can enter each of these variables and see the difference in strength? For a directional change is a bend in the tube stronger than cutting the tube at angles and welding back together? Thanks for any advice
Pressure? Bending? Axial torsion? Each load case will have a different ideal shape/thickness/size/whatever. Give us the answer, and we will provide an educated answer.
For the first part of your question, theres alot of factors like the unsupported length of the tube, is the tube carrying fluid, if so is that fluid corrosive, ect. ect. So it's not a question we can answer. For the second part about welding it depends on material and weld type. Typically if its stainless steel or aluminum, bending is better up until you hit a critical radii (at which point the pipe cracks and breaks). If its steel, cutting and welding is better overall since most steels retain strength at the weld if it's done properly (which isnt the case for most other metals).
Books with female serial killers, women getting revenge, or something along those lines? So far I've enjoyed: * They Never Learn by Layne Fargo * Jane Doe by Victoria Helen Stone * My Name is Eva by Suzanne Goldring * the movies Promising Young Woman and Kill Bill Already on my TBR list: * How to Kill Your Family by Bella Mackie * My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite Looking for more like these, or "if Dexter Morgan were a woman" type characters.
{A Certain Hunger}
Something Violent, The Escape Room
How to cope with the knowledge that your time with your cat will end My cat is 12 years old, and we literally grew up together. I was just starting middle school when we adopted him and now I’m in my last year of college. Every time I think that we may not have much time left together it just makes me want to cry. He’s been with me for basically my entire conscious life, I can’t imagine never seeing him again…Maybe it’s because he’s having a bit of a health scare (his appetite is poor which may be normal for an old cat, but Im getting a vet opinion tomorrow) but I’m suddenly hyper-aware of the signs that he’s old now. I’m a worrier in general and this is really hard. How do you get used to the knowledge that you have an unknown amount of time left? I feel silly because maybe 12 isn’t even that old. Maybe he’ll be one of those cats that lives to be ancient. But maybe something unexpected will happen and we’ll have to say goodbye suddenly. I need some advice :(
I say this as someone who has lost two cats this year, one of them very very recently. We adopted/long term fostered both of these cats because they ended up in a rescue centre as their old owners had died - one was 9 when we got him, the other was 19. The way I look at it is this - there are two options. Either we outlive our cats, or they outlive us. Neither option is particularly great, but having had two cats who outlived their owners, I'd far prefer it to be the other way round. At least when we lose a pet, we understand and know what is happening. When we lose a pet, we lose one very beloved part of our world. When a pet loses us - they don't know what's happening. They lose their entire world and don't understand why. When we got the 19 year old, she hid under the bed for three months and howled every night - it was so clear she was grieving for her old owner and her old life and she was so sad. She didn't understand why everything had changed, why she was in a new scary place, where her favourite person was. It was honestly heartbreaking. Losing an animal is horrible - I've done it twice this year, and seven times in my life. It's awful and horrible and hard, but I'd much rather have to shoulder than have my pet go through it. I miss both my cats dearly, but I can take comfort in the fact that while they were with me, they had a lovely, happy, safe life where all they knew was love and kindness. And when you're ready, I personally feel there's no better way to honour them by opening up your home to another cat in need and giving them the same love and kindness.
I'm in a similar situation with my dog. She's 11. She started sleeping a little deeper and our walks are getting a little shorter. I wish I knew how to deal with it. It's something that always stays in the back of my mind and gives me anxiety. I always wonder if I'm going to come home one day and she's passed without me there. All you can do, I think, is enjoy your time together and make sure every day is the best day til the last day. Sending hugs. Wish I had a better answer.
I believe that bicyclists need to follow the same set of rules that cars or motorcycles do while on the road, up to and including minimum speed, lane splitting, signaling, and traffic signs. Failing that, they need to stay off of the road. CMV. I live in Seattle, which is known for being one the top cities for bicycles. I also see stories of bicyclists getting killed or injured on a regular basis when the either hit or are hit by motorists. My point is not to debate the fault of any particular accident, as I'm fairly sure we could find plenty of instances of fault for both motorists and cyclists. My concern is the way that cyclists are allowed to behave on roads. I'll break into each of the specific points I mentioned in the title: * Minimum Speed: If I was in a car or on a motorcycle, I am required to travel at a certain rate of speed, because if I don't, I'm a danger and an obstacle to the traffic on the road. Cyclists who ride on a public road at half the proper speed limit present the same danger. * Lane Splitting: In every state except California (to the best of my knowledge), lane splitting is illegal, and understandably so. Taking a motorcycle in between cars stopped in traffic is not safe, especially done at any kind of real speed. Doing so on a bicycle is just as dangerous and more so under some circumstances. * Signalling: Signalling is an essential part of sharing the road with other drivers without getting into an accident. It allows other drivers to know your intentions and take or avoid action as necessary. Being on a bicycle doesn't change that, except to make the consequences to you even more painful. * Traffic signs: Stop signs, traffic lights, and the like exist on public roads so that drivers who meet at intersections or turns can move through the same space without turning the roads into a giant game of chicken. If a light is red, you wait until it turns green, so that opposing traffic can pass before you, instead of directly INTO you. As with the above, bicyclists seems to believe that they are exempt from this, when they are more liable than most to get killed breaking it. Not a day goes by in Seattle that I don't see a bicycle skip a red light, jump a curb, split traffic, or casually pedal down the street with six cars behind him. I understand sharing the road, but the fact is that roads are meant for motorized vehicles. If I behaved the way bicyclists do while riding a motorcycle, I'd be up to my eyeballs in tickets. I'll share the road, but EVERYONE should have to follow the rules.
I agree that cyclists should follow the law. I mean that's a tough thing to argue against. That being said, I disagree with your minimum speed argument. The type of accident where a vehicle runs into a bike just due to the speed difference (and not seeing the cyclist in time) is not very common. It accounts for about 4% of cycling accidents according to this. Furthermore many of these accidents could have been avoided by a few simple precautions like making sure you're visible, riding in a predictable manor, making use of a shoulder if it is available, etc. Riding at low speeds on a roadway in the city is not all that dangerous. It's more of a nuisance to drivers than a huge hazard. Now let's compare riding on the road to the alternative: the sidewalk. Biking on the sidewalk is 1.7 times more dangerous than riding on the road (see here). This is because most cycling accidents happen in intersections, and if you ride on the sidewalk, you still have to go through intersections! However vehicles are not expecting fast moving traffic on crosswalks and are more likely to not notice a cyclist. Interestingly, it is 4.5 times more dangerous to ride on the sidewalk on the wrong side of the road than the sidewalk on the right side. This is because drivers are even less likely to notice a fast moving bike there. The keys to safe biking are making sure you are visible, you're predictable, and you are very cautious around intersections. Arguments 2,3, and 4 all help with that. Getting off the road and onto the sidewalk (if you can't go fast enough) does not help at all, and puts you at much higher risk.
>Not a day goes by in Seattle that I don't see a bicycle skip a red light, jump a curb, split traffic, or casually pedal down the street with six cars behind him. I understand sharing the road, but the fact is that roads are meant for motorized vehicles. If I behaved the way bicyclists do while riding a motorcycle, I'd be up to my eyeballs in tickets. I have some concerns with this: Skipping a red light is illegal for all and everyone is supposed to get a ticket, yet pedestrians are the ones most guilty here. I always split traffic with my motorcycle and have *never* gotten fined. I've followed both cars and cyclists go at insanely boring speeds, but always inside a city: they are allowed to do that there. So roads are made for cars, but at the expense of everyone else. So cars are not privileged and don't have a say in who they share the road with. From the cyclists and pedestrians perspective, your road is a nuisance already. Disclaimer: I am a pedestrian that uses public transport. No matter if car or bike, they all get on my nerves ;).
Movie adaptations where they changed the title for the film? Hi! My book club's next theme is "movie adaptations you didn't know about because they changed the title". Can you guys suggest anything that comes to mind? Thanks!
{{All You Need is Kill}} is what the movie Edge of Tomorrow was based on.
Hellbound heart by Clive Barker is the Hellraiser franchise beginner
deep space travel movies or shows Not ones that take place on earth or alien planets. Alien one, event horizon, gravity, life, 2001 space odyssey ect iv seen them all but looking for more that are about deep space travel- especially if they are like Prometheus and other alien movies that have a touch of mystery and horror thanks!
Galaxy quest Lost in space Earth 2 TV Galaxy of terror Space truckers Dark Star Vicious lips, it's a good movie
If relevant, make sure to check the Spanish Movies FAQ. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MovieSuggestions) if you have any questions or concerns.*
Explain like I'm five years old: Why is bandwidth limited?
Because of noise. Imagine you need to communicate using Morse dots and dashes on a piece of paper that already has dots and dashes all over. To overcome the noise you'd have to draw dots and dashes larger than the noise dots and dashes. The amount of your dots and dashes you can put on a piece of paper depends on the size of the noise elements. In electronics there are multiple sources of noise but at least one is always present -- thermal noise. Jiggling atoms create thermal noise. That noise limits the bandwidth.
Limitations on network hardware? Definitely monetary benefit. And possibly limited bandwidth available to some service providers. Uneducated guesses but no one else had answered yet.
Does anyone run out of things to do? How do you improvise? Hi All, do you ever find yourself in a country, you already went to the main attractions that you planned to see, and now you’re on the side of the road scrolling through the country/city subreddit trying to find things to do? How do you find things beyond the touristy locations? My searches always return irrelevant results from tripadvisor or a touristy travel blogs. How does one find things to do on a whim? Kind of a silly question, I know, but do you have any advice?
I’m lucky I guess I never run out of things to do because I’m interested in, Art, culture, architecture, history, secondhand bookstores and curiosity shops, gardens, food and wine, theatre, anything to do with animals or critters, etc. Even in the most uninteresting city I can find something.
Yeah, I have the same problem. It seems kind of a waste to travel all the way to a place and end up scrolling on reddit, but that's what ends up happening. Ask a local I guess?
For folks who consider GG Gorilla, GG Crown2, etc. entry level UL packs, what's the next level? Hi folks, I'm buying a new pack before this weekend is out. I'm up in the air about a number of packs. I've kind of narrowed it down to GG Gorilla, GG Crown2 38, and the Durston Drop 40L, but I keep reading comments about how they're good "starter packs" or "entry level packs," so I'm wondering what precisely folks mean by that. Perhaps some more info about my situation and what I'm looking for will help. I'm in small-town Canada, so there's no REI within 1000 of me, and there's definitely nowhere to try on any cottage or even remotely UL packs, so I'm stuck doing this online. I'm at a base weight of about 13 lbs, currently running an Exos 48 that I've had for years; think someone who makes use of UL principles but isn't truly UL. I anticipate week+ food carries for some of the hikes I have planned, so weights that might push 25+ lbs. My thought process goes like this: I'm not sure if I'm ready for a frameless pack, or rather, I'm not sure if my base weight and fully packed carry weight would lead to one making sense. Given that, I'm trying to find a pack that is framed but that shaves a significant amount off my current Exos 48 weight without sacrificing the comfort (for its faults, the Exos is a comfortable pack). I guess what I'm wondering is this, when people are talking about that "next step", are they talking about much lighter frameless packs, or is there another tier of framed packs, ie. are we talking about things like the ZPacks Arc Blast or the Atom Packs Mo or something like that, ie. a step up in price/quality above those packs I've mentioned? What makes a pack "entry level" from the perspective of r/Ultralight? Cheers, and thanks in advance for your help! I need it... my decision paralysis is causing me stress!
There is a prevailing belief that the "ultimate" UL pack will always be frameless, under 40 L, and without a hipbelt. This is where every experienced UL hiker eventually ends up, after all -- right? The idea is not without some merit, but it's not an article of faith for all UL hikers. Some of us just prefer a little more volume, or the load control or hipbelt weight transfer of an internal frame, a little more padding, or the increased comfort and ventilation of a padded mesh back panel. I have several (too many) packs, and while my gear and BPW can be handled easily by my 35 L frameless pack, I find my Mariposa to simply be more comfortable on my back. And there are several very well-known long-distance trail walkers who love their "entry-level" packs. Anish, for example, loves her Gorilla. So, some the most popular UL packs are not necessarily a "step up" in quality or cost. They are just more in line with the prevailing UL trends. It's annoying to go through several UL packs before you find one that fits well, and which is genuinely comfortable to carry, but it's common. Than goodness for the ULgeartrade and eBay resell options.
OP, an aside. I’ve a 40 yr old classic frame pack, a G4 frameless from decades ago, and now a GG Silverback. My son carried 2 Deuter youth packs, & now a Granite Gear. Both GG companies have great service, strong products. I’ve looked long & hard at Dyneema & such extreme packs. Unless I’m doing the PCT or such for years after retirement, anything more simply isn’t worth the cost. I’m far better off buying better/newer shoes & socks than a new pack Going back to my old but still great frameless to save grams simply isn’t worth the comfort & features. For a retro look, I sometimes hike with the Scouts in my old frame pack. In every case as with shoes, pack, and clothing ... proper fit is tremendously more important than grams or cost.
Explain like I'm five years old: Why is a triangle always 180 degrees? I’m trying to relearn GEO for an upcoming assessment, and need to explain with things such as “Interior Angles Theorem” and etc. If anyone could shed some light on this, that’d be great!
Take any point on a straight line and the angle on one side of the line is obviously 180° / a half circle. Now take three lines all intersecting each other at the same point, the angle on one side of any of these lines - still obviously 180° - is now separated into three sections which are the the angles between the lines. Now move any of these lines without changing the angle and you get a triangle where the interior angles are the same as the angles between the lines before since you didn't change any angles, and therefore these angles add up to 180°.
This is actually something you can prove using one of the five assumptions of euclidean geometry. If you have a triangle then one of the lines is the line from the fifth postulate ( ), and the point is the corner not on the line. The second line is 180 degrees, and so the interior angles add up to 180 degrees because they're the same angles.
If a person is paralyzed from the neck down, does that paralyzed body still react to temperature changes? Sweat and goosebumps?
I broke my neck at a wrestling tournament nine months back, and I can say with good authority the answer is no. When I was in the ICU all I could move was my parts of my right arm and now I can move most of my body, (still pretty impaired though) but I still barely sweat. In a complete injury (one with zero movement or feeling below the affected area) they won't sweat below their level of injury, but they body can still respond to pain by raising blood pressure. It's called autonomic dysreflexia (hope I spelled it right) and it's a huge problem for folks with no feeling because it can eventually cause a stroke if the source of the pain isn't removed. Feel free to ask questions if I wasn't clear, hope that helps!
That depends upon the nature of the cause of paralysis. An illustrative example is [Brown Sequard Syndrome] (équard_syndrome) which causes motor paralysis on one side and loss of heat and pain on the other. u/Generalmills2015 already gave a good answer, so I'll point to their answer as a good response.
Patagonia Capilene Thermal Weight Zip-Neck with our without Hood? Hi there, I need a new base/insulation layer for the colder days while active, and now want the get the popular Thermal Weight Zip-Neck (former Cap4). I'm unsure if I should get the version with hood or without. Usually in winter I take a beanie and/or buff if it's cold anyway. What's your experience?
For me it depends what you're planning on layering with it. Any system with more than 2 hoods gets really annoying real quick.
Every item I have that could have been bought with a hood I always got it without. Every time the wind blows I wish I had a hood because none do :(
What is the most legendary beginning of a song? I was wondering what everyone's opinion was on what they think is the best beginning of a song. For me it probably is Lose Yourself by Eminem.
Where is the bot that turns this into a Spotify playlist?
First five notes of Thus Spake Zarathustra are pretty universal in the Western World. Same with first four of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony.
Books that can teach me something. Anything! Hello people. Im looking for books that can teach me anything about anything. This can be history, politics, psychology, finance, something about animals, literally whatever! I’m in the process of doing a haul of books and would love some non-fiction books to teach me about something I can learn about. I would prefer that there are no self help books (unless they’re super unique) because I feel like I’ve read a few already and I’m looking for something different. Would appreciate any help with this. Thank you!!
Four Hundred Souls
{{The Dancing Wu Li Masters}}
Recommend me something with the same aura as Lord of the Flies I want to feel dread and disgust, but in a complex way, one that makes me think deeper about the human condition. The disgust I feel would ideally not be from gore, but from a complete incomprehension of a character's actions... Is this too specific, or too vague? Social commentary would be a bonus! Not opposed to dystopian fiction, but I would prefer it to be literary. The book doesn't have to be a classic either, I just find that these types seem to capture my attention and keep me thinking for a long time after. Things I have already read: 1984, Animal Farm, Brave New World, Crime and Punishment, A Clockwork Orange, Fahrenheit 451
Dread and disgust? *Lolita*. Also, *The Road*.
Under the Dome by Stephen King
What are the best tasting plant based chicken nuggets? Not looking for the most "authentic" tasting, just the ones that taste the best.
the plant based yummy dino buddies
My favourite is Yves Veggie Nuggets
How to “harden” whipping cream? Or any advice for what I want? Hi! I don’t know much about baking, I just love to make granola and I want to make a strawberries and cream inspired granola. I was wondering if there’s a way to fully harden whipping cream, or what alternative could I use for this? For the strawberry part I tried making Tanghulu but it just made the rest of my granola moist. Thankss
The coating on granola bars is more of a yogurt-frosting than a whipping cream. Some yogurt, butter or coconut oil, and powdered sugar should get you the results you’re looking for. As for the fruit, I’d definitely use freeze dried or dehydrated to keep the moisture down, and maybe toasting your oats and such a little longer than normal can help soak up any extra. Good luck!
Are you talking about drying it out, like chunks that would be stored with the granola on the shelf? I'm not sure there's a way to do that to actual home made whipped cream, but companies that manufactured "_____ & cream" style granolas and oatmeal packets have figured something out. Milk powder? Freeze dried yogurt or coconut milk?
How little can I afford to spend on a mattress without destroying my back ? Hello, I'm a college student, and need to buy a new bed and mattress : basically, my bed makes a lot of noise whenever you move in it, and it is bent or "bowled in" in the middle, so any mattress I put on it is also bowled in. It's been killing my back so I need to replace it, I'll get the cheapest bed I can but heard that mattress are very important and that I should not cheap out on them so to speak, so what is the minimum that I should spend on it ? I live in France but prices shouldn't be that far from the US ones, and I currently have 1700€ but no job (working on that but I don't know when I'll be able to get one). Also I'll graduate in 3 years, so I'll be able to buy myself a much nicer mattress at that time. Thank you for your time.
> basically, my bed makes a lot of noise [...] and it is bent or "bowled in" in the middle, so any mattress I put on it is also bowled in. It sounds like your problem is your bed frame and not your mattress? Try putting your mattress on the floor or putting a piece of plywood under your mattress.
Download an app called next door or freebies I see ppl throwing out their old bed things all the time seem like no damage just need a bed bug check
Explain like I'm five years old: Why did America use such a powerful bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima?
You should probably have asked this in /r/AskHistorians. That being said one theory is that the nukes were really a signal to the Soviet Union "look what we can do" because it seemed likely that relationships would be tense even before the end of WW2.
The US has a strategy to completely destroy the industrial capacity of Japan prior to the anticipated invasion. They had already destroyed the large manufacturing center, and then moved on to the major urban centers (because Japan had a large amount of cottage industries run out of homes). Nagasaki and Hiroshima were simply the next cities on a very long list (literally their were 60-70 cities targeted before them). Prior to using atomic weapons they were still doing the same level of destruction, but with large numbers of bombers dropping conventional weapons or firebombs.
A book to help me become kinder and more empathetic Hi Reddit! I'm looking for a fiction/non fiction that will challenge me, breakdown my pre-conceived notions and help me see the light. This is the journey I'm on and I could really use a book that would guide and give me a nudge and maybe a poke or two. Any recommendations?
A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry. A beautiful work of fiction that makes you realize we are all human (as opposed to a self-help book).
American Dirt by Jeannine Cummins: it will break your heart and if you don’t gain empathy after reading it, you never will.
Got hired for electrical engineering role, dumped into wire harnessing? Dead end? Basically I recently graduated college with a degree in electrical engineering, and landed a position as an electrical engineer for a space company. The description discussed circuit design, evaluation, modeling, essentially all the stuff I studied for. Then I show up and hear the words every EE new hire dreads: "you'll be working on wire harnessing". Half my team aren't even EE's, and I haven't run a single pcb or spice/simulation software in months. I've used Microsoft visio full time. My worry is, if I'm not honing my skills/gaining new knowledge to go on the resume since I'm not actually using any EE fundamentals, is this job going to dead end me since all my peers are currently at jobs were they are using their degrees and honing their skills? Will future jobs that need electronics work hire someone with a harness only experience profile?
That is not a dead end. It is a perfectly good starting point in your career. Be the best wire harnesser there is. Learn to work in teams. Get experience and I’ve day you’ll get to do what you want. But don’t worry, you’re good. Stay for a year or two, learn as much as you can and then move on. What area of EE do you want to get into? Look at job postings, check the prerequisites and fill in the gaps.
so what? it takes engineering skills. make some money already.
A long book that is fast-paced? You don’t even know you’re reading a behemoth As the title suggests, I’m looking for suggestions of longer books that are either so well-written or so engaging that you don’t feel like you’re dragging your heels through it. I recently finished “11/22/63” by Stephen King where this is exactly how it felt. I’m open to any genre, but am more partial to fantasy, sci fi, historical fiction, and romance. Thanks in advance!
Shōgun by James Clavell
Anything by Alexandre Dumas, from his Musketeers to Count of Monte Cristo, is a fun, fast-paced, big book.
[DC] Should I tell my recruiter I have held a role for less than 2 weeks? Hello all, I am currently going through a very, very lengthy interview process for a company (we'll call it company A). I received another job offer before hearing back about my application from Company A and took a job with Company B. I wanted to make sure I had a job and didn't want to rely on my interview process with Company A, so took a job with Company B. Now, I am still going through the interview process with Company A, but have been working with Company B for less than 2 weeks. Should I tell my recruiter about my new job with Company B? Should I wait to see if I get a job offer and bring it up then? Or should I just say nothing? Also if this helps your decision: if I get an offer I would have to do a background check. I'm assuming I'd put Company B on my background check.
Do not tell company A.
No and no.
Most Jane-Austen-like current writers NOT writing Regency period pieces I want to read something reminiscent of Jane Austen's style, storytelling and sense of humour... but I want it to be set in 2019, or 1995, or 1971 – not 1799
I got a Jane Austen vibe from "This is How it Always Is" by Kate Braithwaite. Here's a sample paragraph: >All of which was why, despite being a woman of considerable science, a disciple of logic and reason, a person grounded firmly in the right half of her right mind, and besides all that a doctor who knew better, Rosie Walsh was spending the fifteen minutes immediately preceding the kickoff of Claude \[birth of her fifth son\] dragging her bed from its spot on the wall into the middle of the room so that it faced east-west rather than north-south. The Talmud, her mother reported, was very clear that many sons were born to a man whose bed was facing north, and though Rosie doubted it sincerely, along with most of what the Talmud offered, she couldn't take the chance. She'd also quietly served salmon to her husband for lunch and, though of course they were adults, chocolate-chip cookies, German folklore prescribing red meat and salty snacks for men in need of heirs and afternoon delight for those desirous of daughters. The same website also suggested putting a wooden spoon under the bed to conceive a girl, and she did, then felt like an idiot and threw it on the dresser then thought Penn would mock her—and rightly—if he saw it there so stashed it the only place close at hand: under the bed. Couldn't hurt.
I guess Helen Fielding (author of Bridget Jones)? I haven't read her, but she's the only one that came to mind.
need a book i cannot put down, for someone who wants to read but struggles to make it past the first page context: i used to love reading. i’d escape into my room, hide from family, etc. just so i could read. i’m now an adult with almost an inability to read a book. i’m discovering/recognizing adhd symptoms at a staggering rate which definitely contributes. for example, one of my close friends wrote a book. i tell myself, this is when you have to make yourself read a book. you have to read your friend’s book. well, i sat with the first page for nearly an hour (at least it felt) rereading lines over and over until i finally gave up. i can’t say it’s because i didn’t like it - i didn’t even make it past the first page how could i know if i liked it or not. also, i can browse a book store for hours, reading descriptions inside the cover, admiring artwork, googling reviews of books I’m interested in. but once i buy, it sits on my nightstand. so. i need a book that i CANNOT put down. probably something short. but needs to be gripping, and right from the beginning. i don’t have any specific requests but I like psychological thriller, mystery, a good YA, social justice, mental health (fiction), etc. some of my favorites are the Harry Potter series, Sharp Objects, The Hate U Give, Just Mercy, Ordinary People, The Girl on the Train, and The Hunger Games series. I wouldn’t say i’m looking for anything fantasy or sci fi heavy. My favorite YA fantasies are my favorite because I enjoy the story behind it more than the actual fantasy aspects. Please nothing too rom com or romantic. Thank you!!
Project Hail Mary!!! It’s a blockbuster of a book. Haven’t read something that good in ages!!
{{Carry On}} by Rainbow Rowell. This was a book that, when I first read it, I couldn't put it down, and it also got me back into reading. The narration is also very engaging (due to her writing style), and it's almost like the characters are telling you the story and about themselves rather than reading about them if that makes sense.
Deet and tents So my deet (100%) was in my tent and the sun somehow melted it or something, such that the deet leaked all in my tent. Now it is stained and sticky. Anyone know anything about this? Will it still be waterproof? Luckily it did not burn through. Just cover it in tenacious tape? Any info much appreciated. Thank you
Other advice what to do in your situation already exists here, but I encourage people with synthetic materials and backpacking gear (basically everyone, most glasses are a polymer too, so that's included here) to switch to Picaridin-based bug repellant. DEET dissolves plastics and polymers over time. Spray it on your glasses and they'll get foggy. It also is nice that it doesn't smell quite as bad nor feel as gross on your skin (maybe my opinion here).
Yep, DEET is a solvent that’s sped up with heat. Detergent is yer best bet to remove the residue. You’ll have to patch over the damage. Be sure to go extra big because there’s likely invisible damage too. I’d Seam Grip it with a layer of fabric... but this’ll take a few days-week to dry solid
What kind of hobbies do you have outside of your work? And have they ever helped you solve a difficult problem?
I got into ham radio mostly because my dad was into it. Reading up on radio and amplifier theory was pretty new and interesting. Then I had to do some stability analysis on a nuclear reactor for work. As it turns out, the math behind understanding feedback in a radio amplifier circuit is basically identical to understanding feedback in a nuclear reactor (which is basically a just a neutron amplifier). That was some fun overlap.
I run at lunch. Lots of times I'll get an idea on how to solve a problem. Sometimes it doesn't pan out and I know as soon as I start sketching when I get back at my desk, but a lot of times it gives me the headspace I need to have that flash of insight.
Best place to live in the US for fishing? If you worked remotely, and could live anywhere in the US, where would you move to for the best overall fishing opportunities?
Florida I live near a fresh water canal that spills off into a brackish water area of the river and one moment I can go from catching snook and tarpon then switch over to catching bass and bluegill maybe 20ft away
Fla, La, Tx
Looking for books with a strong female lead that is a girly girl. Was wondering if there are any book recs that have a female lead that is really feminine and girly, loves makeup and fashion, the whole nine yards. For those who have seen Euphoria think Maddy Perez vibes!
Emma by Jane Austen
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier. :)
Need to be talked out of (attempting) to make my own wedding dress! Hello everyone! I think I am after some stranger opinions about the idea of making my own wedding dress. We’re going to be as hands on as we can with our wedding and I’ve been looking at dresses online (only got engaged recently). I found dresses I really like but cannot afford and some on Etsy which look a little like them are not as pretty. I am not a pro at sewing, I can sew cat collars, pj pants, did a skirt and a dress a while ago with some slight help from my mother but I’d be keen to try making my dress. I don’t think the dress would be hugely difficult to make but I could be very wrong. I have also been trying to lose weight and worried that I could end up with a dress slightly too big and tricky to alter to perfection. Should I try anyway to make a mock dress and see how I feel? Do you think this sort of dress is really difficult to make? Dress I like the neck but I’d prefer a v shaped back - is it at all doable with this neck shape? Or should I just forget about the idea, stop being fussy and buy an affordable ‘already made’ one? Thank you!
You are going to be so busy with all the details of the event, let someone else take on the challenge of the dress. It may not seem to be so at this time, but as the event draws nearer you will be busier and busier. Just my $.02 but even as a fashion sewer, I would relinquish this task to someone else
I self drafted and made my wedding dress. I thought it would be a lot easier than it was as I have been self drafting clothes for years. Delicate fabrics are tricky to sew. It's definitely possible though. It took me close to 100 hours of real work to get mine done and it was a fairly simple design with no beading on it. If there are any independent wedding dress makers in your area that could be a good option. If you are looking to save money making your own dress may not be the way to go. I ended up changing the fabric I used a couple times throughout the process and none of it was cheap.
Other people’s successful first novels are putting me off from publishing Like, takes The Lies of Locke Lamora. It was Scott Lynch’s FIRST novel and he was only 26 when he published it. Mine obviously isn’t as good, so I feel I should start over or write more novels until my quality of writing improves. That would get me caught in an endless loop, though, and I’d get nothing published. Anyone else have issues with this feeling of inadequacy?
Overthinking kills creativity. Stop comparing yourself and just be.
I feel like some people can naturally write better and other people, like myself, have to learn by making mistakes which may take longer. That’s not to say “the best writers” don’t make mistakes, but they have a way with words. That doesn’t mean you should give up. It can take years to develop a good craft and even longer to publish. Everyone has to learn, study, read, and practice to get better. You have every right to feel what you’re feeling, but we all have our owns paths to take. Some get there sooner than others. Some days I don’t feel like showing up to write because everything sounds like trash! I didn’t go to college or have any writing friends. It’s a lonely craft. If you ever feel discouraged though, I recommend watching: This literally got me out of a slump the other day and I will probably watch it every time I need encouragement.
In 1992 GM developed a gas-only powered concept car that could get 100mpg. What is preventing us from having cars like that in production today? As the title says, in 1992 GM developed a gas-only car that delivered 100mpg called the "GM Ultralite". This is well documented. src1 src2 simple google search. It's also documented that the project was shut down for business reasons; they needed to develop an electric car due to California state law, and the Ultralite was the first to get pushed out of development. However, I can't seem to find any information on why we don't have cars like this today if the technology is seemingly clearly available. It seems like GM/Ford/Toyota/other car manufacturers would have readopted this technology as soon as the Prius took off and gas prices/carbon emissions really became a great American concern. Is it cost of materials, engineering challenges, safety concerns, strategic reasons, or something else entirely?
Volkswagen made a car named the Lupo for a few years. The high-MPG edition got almost 80MPG, the best you could get in a factory car before they started making hybrids and electric cars.
If I remember correctly, this was around the same time everyone started buying SUVs. It's possible that they made good forecasts of poor sales.
I need to know how you guys do your outlines for your scripts? Movie, TV, or otherwise.
Don’t outline too much. You need to let your characters develop organically. But remember to always begin writing a scene with your characters having opposing beliefs.
Sometimes I don’t. Sometimes it’ll be just a ton of Bullet Point notes. Sometimes it’ll be a timeline sketch in adobe illustrator, that looks like alien DNA strands or something. It all depends on how much is prepared before I start, how excited I am about the project, how complex the story is, whether there are multiple time zones involved, etc. Basically, How is determined by what is needed. If I were writing with other people, I’d probably have to standardize things a bit, but I’m not, so I don’t.
If I like Magic the Gathering, Ascension, Risk, other strategy card/board games played amongst multiple friends, what else would I like?¿?¿ Send Sleepy Kittens
Betrayal!!! And there’s an expansion also, it’s just a great board game
Eternal on Steam is a good MTG esque card game
Dried Fruits? So I have notice that if I buy fruits, there is a good chance at least some of them will end up molding before I end up using them. A lot of canned fruits have sugar added or end up tasting off. I bought a bag of dried cherries at Costco and I am really enjoying them! Its a bit pricier to buy at once but I thibk it may be better since i am not trashing as much. Does anyone else enjoy dried fruits? Where do you buy yours and how do you eat them, other than by the handful :)
Commercial dried cherries very often have sugar added. I buy dried fruits at Costco or Aldi as well as drying my own (mostly plums, cherries and mangoes, plus fruit leathers).
I try to eat fresh fruit as much as I can, but I got a free mini food dehydrator through my local Buy Nothing Project group, and now dry any fruit that is not going to get eaten by me in time. Will even buy some fruit to intentionally dry for snacks - I always have some dried apples on hand, and dried watermelon was a delicious treat this summer. r/dehydrating if you want to learn more.
New Space SciFi that aren't episodic? Something like The Expanse and For All Mankind. I also watched every Star Wars related show if you count those.
altered carbon
Cowboy Bebop (1998)
Android official Reddit app shows the same posts repetitively Reinstall did not help.
Get bacon reader. There's an option to hide read posts altogether. To be honest just don't use that app. Relay, Reddit is fun... All apps are better than that.
I too have had my app show the same posts more than once while scrolling. I am positive that this was without refreshing, at least once I saw the same two posts back to back.
When a recipe calls to grill meat, but I don't have a grill... I really want to try a Key West chicken recipe, but all the ones I can find call to grill the chicken after marinating the meat. Unfortunately, I don't own a grill. Is there an easy way to get that crispy, grill-like flavor on the stove or in the oven? If not, is there an easy way to know how long to bake the chicken? (Like, five minutes on a grill equals 15 minutes in the oven at 350?) I'm sorry if this question sounds incredibly stupid--although I've baked for years, I'm only just now learning how to cook. (Apparently, one cannot live on cupcakes alone.)
The broiler is an upside-down grill. Think of it that way and mind your meat carefully - it can overcook easily if you are inattentive. But you can get a lovely crust with the broiler, and if the meat is thick, then before broiling bake at 250° or so till cooked through and then sear with the broiler. (Google "Reverse Sear Kenji Alt-Lopez"
get a grill pan. just be sure to open your windows, shit gets smoky.
What are you favorite movies about strangers becoming friends or just friends hanging out?
The Big Lebowski The Nice Guys Once Upon A Time In Hollywood The Breakfast Club Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Hot Fuzz The World’s End
Stand by Me; Planes, Trains, and Automobiles; The Climb
Something gothic, thriller, horror, fantasy or romance? I love Crimson Peak, Rebecca. Can have supernatural elements. I don't mind horror or romance as long as there is a strong suspenseful, dark, unpredictable vibe. Love dilapitated mansions too!
Penny Dreadful (2014) it’s a three season show that has Eva Green in it. I think it would be right up your ally. Penny Dreadfuls were Victorian short horror stories you could buy as brochure for a penny in Victorian era.
The Pit and the Pendulum 1961 The Corpse Vanishes 1942
Fantasy books that primarily feature people of color Hey! Does anyone have any fantasy books preferably with some kind of magic that has poc leads? If possible could these books not be featured around their oppression for example no books about Black people going through U.s slavery. But I know those are hard to find so if you have a really good book that features that it’s okay too! Thanks in advance
The Rage of Dragons by Evan Winter. I’m actually reading it now and it’s really very good. Look into it, you will not be disappointed in the least. Entire book is about fighting oppression via low vs high caste in an all African like civilization. Amazing book so far, almost done.
The {{Binti}} series is superb. Nnedi Okorafor has a whole bunch of books that would fit what you're looking for, but those are my favorite. She writes YA as well as adult fiction!
Are engineers looked down upon at their full time day jobs if they operate a business on the side?
See if your company has a moonlighting policy. If so, they probably outline where they would have issues. For example, my company says moonlighting is allowed without the need for disclosure if your side work is not competing with the companies products/development, you are not using trade secrets/intellectual property of them for this work, and you are not using any work resources for moonlighting (e.g. computers, software, etc.).
Usually yes. I recommend keeping it to yourself
Would a 2018 Dodge Challenger R/T V8 Hemi be capable of winter driving? I am looking to lease a 2018 Challenger R/T V8 Hemi rear wheel drive. I know this car has traction control and a heavier weight. I live in Michigan and experience snow regularly. Would this car be driveable without winter tires? If not, I am considering a 2018 Charger GT AWD. The challenger is definitely my preferred car, but not if it is not drive-able. Thank you!
winter tires = Charmin ultra strong. they are soft and grab regular tires = single ply that smears snow around without hooking because the compound isn't very resistant to cold and hardens up
It'll be driveable without winter tires, but you should still get winter tires. That said, I managed just fine with all seasons on my RWD SC300 in Minnesota for a couple years before I moved, so it's doable if you're driving on well-traveled roads. Definitely worth throwing a couple sandbags in the trunk either way.
Eli5: What happens to our bodies when we get older? Why do we eventually all die from old age? I heard an explanation for this before, but I didn't understand half of it and the other half I can't remember... I understand the part where we "grow up", as in become fully developed. But why don't we stay at some "perfect age"?
If you're looking for a quick and dirty comparison, look at the body as a machine like a car. We can maintain a car by running it carefully, fuelling it and changing parts but there is intrinsic wear and tear that can't be avoided. Similarly, the body may be fairly well optimised to use food for energy, repair itself when it gets minor injuries and illnesses and grow to meet new challenges. Science and medicine have even let us overcome a lot of the body's limitations by nudging it in the right direction and giving it a helping hand when it gets really sick or badly injured. However, all of our cells contain thousands of little machines doing different jobs. None of these work perfectly and over time waste accumulates. Stuff like protein that can't be cleared away aggregates and the cells become full of toxic debris. The DNA that is used as a guide to make new components for the cell also gets damaged and the cells can't function properly any more. Oxidative stress, in the form of reactive oxygen molecules, is actually produced by the very processes that give us energy and over time this builds up and causes damage too. We just can't stay at a "perfect age" because our processes don't work perfectly we become more and more susceptible to internal and external insult.
What happens: cells age and it affects the body in many ways with things like strength and elasticity. This can even happen to inanimate objects! Think about fan belts, tires and brakes in cars or even the shoes on your feet -- they aren't aging in the same way as a living thing, but everything does age. Why don't we stay at a perfect age: death is part of life just as much as birth is part of life. Without death, if we still have births, the world would quickly get too overcrowded and we wouldn't survive. Without death and without birth limits our ability to evolve, both in the biological sense and the cultural/intellectual sense of the word.
Books that will improve your psychological mindset I just read this book on Bowen theory, and it made me realize a whole bunch of things, like how to differentiate between someone else's problem and my own, how to not let people transfer their anxieties to me, stuff like that. Anybody know any other books that can teach people about having healthier mental/emotional lives?
Anything by Thomas Bernhard or László Krasznahorkai should do the trick.
You don't need books to improve mental just start meditation practice.
Cheapest stocks/best opportunities on your radar I am seeing so many extremely interesting opportunities right now in the market. I am looking to generate a discussion about the opportunities we find more interesting right now. For me, Algoma Steel (ASTL) is extremely interesting. It was absolutely smashed yesterday for reasons that appear transitory and is now trading at just over a negative EV. Last year it generated more than its current market cap in FCF. Given its strong balance sheet, the stock looks like a long lived call option on steel prices, which are now trading at multi year lows. There could be more downside in steel prices, but I predict we are close to cycle bottom. ASTL also has big internal catalysts coming in 2023/2024. With its BS and FCF profile, the company appears to be an exceptional and asymmetric bargain.
If you are buying the dip. Ask yourself who is on the other side of the trade. Why are they selling to you? Are you being used as exit liquidity to unload someone else’s bags? 🤔
Lidar stocks. VLDR and OUST. If they don't go under they'll pay off at these prices. But it is high risk.
Any books like Neil Gaiman’s, “Norse Mythology”, but focused on Japanese mythology instead?
A few recommendations (some are somewhere between straight translations and retellings): Otogizoshi: The Fairy Tale Book of Dazai Osamu Japanese Tales, translated by Royall Tyler Kwaidan by Lafcadio Hearn Rashomon and Seventeen Other Stories by Ryunosoke Akutagawa Kaiki: Uncanny Tales from Japan Vol. 1-3
Let me know when you get a reply. Would love to read something like that aswell.
Just finished Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine.... It was so *wonderful*, especially the ending (no spoilers here!). I’d love to read something else in the same vein; something like this where you know there’s a mystery and you’re solving it in you head as you follow along, but then **BAM** there’s an absolute zinger at the end that you hadn’t considered. ...But, hopefully, the book still leaves nice feelings (I’m looking at you Gone Girl!). Any suggestions?
A similar book with a similar vibe is Convenience Store woman by sayaka major twist at the end though
I recommend She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb. My number 1.
I want to cry my eyes out over a book so bittersweet it makes you both tear up and smile at the same time
A Man Called Ove
I mean if you have the time, Les Mierables will get you super emotionally invested and then rip the rug out from underneath you…
Would it be bad etiquette to ask a restaurant for a recipe? There have been times where I’ve gone to restaurants and had some amazing dishes and being an avid home cook I want to recreate them at home since I can’t afford to eat out a lot. So today I was trying to recreate a parm crusted chicken dish from a restaurant that serves it with a killer pan sauce or gravy. I can’t come close to getting the sauce to taste right. Would it be rude to ask for a recipe for a sauce like that? I’m pretty anxious around people and don’t want to commit a faux pas if that is looked down upon in the restaurant industry.
It's just like asking out a potential romantic partner- not at all rude to ask, but if you get a "no" and kick up a fuss you'd be a total asshole. Many times those of us in the industry have no problem with people knowing our recipes because that's not the hard part- it really is more about the technique, reliably sourcing great ingredients, making everything from scratch even when a dish only calls for an ounce, and getting your mise en place set perfectly. If you take the recipe home and don't get good results, you'll come back because you know you don't have the chops. If you take the recipe home and get great results, you'll come back because you know exactly how much work we did to get it right, and having someone else do that for you is absolutely worth it. Either way we win- and we get to be gracious doing it.
It never hurts to ask. My husband had a fantastic cream of mushroom soup at a restaurant in Finland, asked the server if, perhaps, the chef would share the recipe. A couple of weeks later, the chef came through with the recipe by email. I can tell you: it's fantastic soup, and also makes a great sauce for steak. :) Per request: Mushroom Soup Courtesy of \[a Finnish Chef\] 1.5 kg Porcini mushrooms, diced (reserving six nice middle slices for garnish) 3 Shallots Butter 300 ml White wine 1.5 l Double cream Salt, Black pepper 3 sprigs Thyme Dice the shallot and sauté in butter. Remove from pan. Dice mushrooms and sauté in butter. Return the shallot to the pan, mix with the mushrooms and add the white wine. Simmer until wine is reduced by half. Add the cream and thyme. Simmer for 30 minutes on low heat. Remove thyme and puree the soup. Season with salt and pepper.
Meals that are easy to prep and reheat? So I took a job with a much longer commute. The problem is when my spouse and I divided up our chores it was my job to cook/meal plan. Now that I’m driving much farther he’s picking up some of the slack (even though it makes our chore division lopsided). His idea of cooking the nights he volunteers is putting a freezer pizza in the oven. I want to make food on the weekends that I can store for the week days/have him just be on reheat duty. He’s on board with this idea as he doesn’t like cooking (or cleaning up for that matter and this would limit the amount of dishes he has to do on the weekdays).
Meal prepping is what you’re looking for. Personally, we do a mix of meal prep and freezer meals and our house. Here’s some good meal prep recipes: Here’s some our favorite freezer meals: Anything with rice I recommend making the rice ahead of time and freezing it. Rice freezes really well. Also check out the below:
Not quite reheat but boiling - I make large batches of wonton (siomai) and freeze them. I just boil stock and frozen wontons to cook. Veggies and other fixings optional. Cooking time is very quick. Lasagna is also a popular choice. Just portion out before freezing.
10 year old who finished Lord of the Rings has been sneaking books like Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles. Dad is seeking age appropriate material that won't bore her. When I was a kid I had these PG edited and slightly modernized language versions of classics like *Robin Hood* and *The Three Musketeers* and *Beowulf* that reused as much original text as possible. I think they were done by Penguin and I'm searching for them. I know there's also such a thing for Shakespeare. Any modern suggestions? Harry Potter she pronounced boring but we're still trying to tell her to stick with it past book 3. She still loves rereading her Tamora Pierce but is reading beyond that level. We're thinking about Alice in Wonderland and Sherlock Holmes. Obviously she can handle some teen content but her Dad mainly wants to avoid blatant sex. He'd also like to avoid more monster protagonists because *so much* murder tends to be excused in the moral grayness of vampires. He'd prefer to "stick to antiheros no darker than Snape for at least 2 more years". She also loves all mystery TV she's allowed to watch- namely Veronica Mars- but is way beyond the reading level of Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys books. Thanks!
Diana Wynn Jones was prolific author- books for a younger audience but I started reading her when I was 45 and I love her. Fantasy/ magic with an edge.
Enders game and its many sequels.
Explain like I'm five years old: What do alcohol "empty calories" mean exactly? How come something has calories but no carbohydrates, protein or fat?
This is a bit of an oversimplification, but it is Explain like I'm five years old. Anyway, the human body needs 3 things to properly work, these things are. 1. Vitamins: vitamins are used by your body to carry out certain chemical reactions that are required to stay alive. For example, vitamin C is required to make collagen. If you lack vitamin C you get scurvy and your body will literally start to fall apart. Vitamins are used and then excreted through your bodily waste. 2. Minerals: minerals are things that your body uses to build/repair new parts of your body. For example your bones are made of calcium, and your body needs a steady source of calcium to replace old bone tissue with new bone tissue. Without calcium your bones would eventually become brittle. 3. Energy: your body needs some sort of energy source (AKA, calories) in order to do pretty much everything it needs to do. If you want to breathe, you need calories to do it, if you want to think, your brain needs calories to do it. (Fun fact, your brain is a tiny percentage of your body weight but uses about 25% of the calories your body gets). When people talk about "empty" calories, what they mean is that your body is getting a source of energy from the food or drink you are consuming, but not the vitamins and minerals your body also needs. The perfect example is probably alcohol. Alcohol provides quite a lot of energy to run the processes that go on inside your body. However, alcohol provides no vitamins or minerals that your body needs to actually accomplish those processes. Though this is strictly talking about pure alcohol, most alcoholic beverages do contain some vitamins and minerals, just not very much, in fact, in "old times" beer was very different from modern beer and had pretty much all the calories, vitamins, and minerals people needed to survive and the alcohol made the drink sterile. This made beer not just a luxury, but actually a necessity in many people's lives. Nowadays however most beers aren't like that, instead they're just loaded with calories and very few vitamins and minerals. This is why people who tend to drink a lot get the classic "beer gut," they are getting a lot of calories from the drinks they're drinking, but so few vitamins and minerals that they have to also eat a lot of other foods in order to stay healthy, meaning they are getting way too many calories and they will get fat. A food that would be the opposite of empty calories would be something like broccoli. For every calorie of broccoli you eat, you get a very large dose of vitamins and minerals. This means your body doesn't need to seek out other food sources to get its required nutrients. This is true for most vegetables actually, they are jam packed with vitamins and minerals and relatively low on calories, which is what makes them healthy. Fruits are similar, fruit tends to have a lot more calories but they also have a huge amount of vitamins and minerals as well so they can still supply the body with everything it needs. Final fun fact, very often when you get cravings for a certain kind of food, it's because that food contains a certain vitamin or mineral that you currently do not have enough of. For example, a common craving is for citrus fruits because it's not uncommon to be low on vitamin C, and eating a citrus fruit would fix that. Edit: typos
I recently asked my wife this when I was surprised that a single shot was 140 calories. She replied, "yeah, it's literally *fuel*" Edit: whoops forgot what sub I was on. "Empty" calories are calories that do not give any nutritional benefit, but still can make you gain weight. Excess sugar, fats, oils, and yes alcohol. "Calories" are *not* a measure of fat though, it is a unit of *energy*. Strictly speaking, a calorie is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1g of water by 1⁰C. Given that definition, it is easy to see how something like alcohol, which can literally be burned for fuel, contains many calories. Also to note that while I used simply "Calorie" because I'm American, note that it is actually 1000 calories, or a kilocalorie that holds that definition. That's why you will often see "kcal" listed on foods, rather than just "cal" when traveling outside of the US.
[Superman] If you hit Superman with a sword would the blade bend around him or just break?
I think it’d be more likely to bounce off with a dent, possibly dulling the blade where it hit Superman. You’d need more force to be exerted on the blade if want to shatter, bend or break the blade.
Not a sword but Ace from the royal flush gang broke his hand clean off punching Superman @40 sec in
Out of all the college courses you took, which was the most relevant and useful to the position you're currently in? Was looking back on college and well couldn't really come up with any courses I took which stood out in terms of teaching me skills that I use day to day.
Improv. You need a base of technical skill, but my promotions have been largely due to charm.
Solid mechanics/machine elements. I design (and build and test) critically loaded mechanical goods every day.
I'm 21, with no true accomplishments Hi I'm 21 and I moved back in with my aunt and uncle after living with a roommate less than a year ago. While I feel for me I've put great effort into things from time to time over this year, I know it hasn't been enough to be effective. I still go on streaks of just slacking off, eating out or ordering food(not saving money) not going to sleep on time, and just not working out or eating well. To be honest I've just been having a hard time caring, or just committing to things, bc at this point I don't feel trying is worth it right now. I'm definitely open to any thoughts, comments, and concerns.
been there, feeling like life is just going through the motions. My advice is choosing something to care about. Doesn't need to be something you love, want to do all your life, or something grandiose like this. For me, lately, it is the gym. I watch a lot of videos, like athlean-x just so I learn how to do things right and don't hurt myself, and this lazy thing, watch countless videos on youtube, actually made me care a little more about actually going there and doing it, and now it has become a self sustaining thing.
You a part of an unbroken line of ancestry, going back 3.3 billion years. During that time, your family stretches back to when cells we just being able to divide. Your parents, their parents, their parents and on and on successfully bred and managed to keep their offspring alive long enough to reach reproduction age and to successfully reproduce themselves. You are an achievement just by being here. Couple that with the fact we are all currently sat on a rock hurtling through space is mind blowing and humbling. You can achieve what ever you want to. But chose your own dreams, and not what society expects you to achieve.
Do you ever start talking or mentioning less and less about your travels with friends/family/coworkers? I've been to just about 6 (7 if you want to count my planned/failed layer day in Spain) countries so far. I remember the first time I came back from my first solo travel to South Korea. Everyone was asking me how it was? was I scared to go alone? blah blah, the usual. But one day after my trip back from Romania (4th trip). Someone asked me about my trip and he seemed genuinely uninterest like you can tell in their tone of voice and their facial expressions, so after like 2mins I just changed the subject. I don't know why this affects me so much? Why did they even bother to ask? Was this just to start a conversation? I've known this person for years, So I thought it was kind of odd. I find myself talking about traveling with no one these days. So now when people ask, I usually just hit them with a "It was good, i enjoyed it, can't wait for the next one" and move on. I like sharing my experiences because I hope maybe one day I can inspire someone to pull the trigger and travel to a country they like. I understand that money is a big factor in this and I don't have a big budget either, in fact, I'm a pretty decent budget traveler. Maybe it's just because I prioritize traveling over everything else (cooking at home, not really going out, I buy clothes once every 2 years, even then I just get them from target). It doesn't have to be solo but just travel in general
Honestly just tell the stories of shit going wrong, they're way more entertaining and harder to be interpreted as "look at me I'm so cool going travelling". Just keep it short and sweet.
I think, as others have mentioned, people ask because they feel like they should but don't actually care very much or possibly feel jealous. I haven't been traveling since covid became a thing and three out of the last four trips I took before that were for work. My parents are retired and have cut back since covid, but still go places. They're going to Hawaii for three weeks at the end of the month and... I love them and I'm glad they're able to do these things, but TBH I'm already dreading the text I know I'll get with a picture of the beach from their hotel balcony, meanwhile my fcking trash can was frozen shut this morning.
[If I like] Do I Wanna Know - Arctic Monkeys. Some more slow, hard hitting, badass guitar riffs [what else would I like] Something similar to Do I Wanna Know that is great for when you’re angry, getting pumped up, anything. Thanks
Slaves - Cheer Up London
CRX - Broken Bones
I want some depressing, dark, and meaningful films I love films that show us the struggles of the human life, wether it be poverty, depression, loneliness, or having a existential crisis. Something that really makes you think ya know. Films that fit what I’m talking about is -Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind or any of Charlie Kauffman films for that matter -Parasite -Trainspotting -Requiem for a dream -Fight Club -Lost in Translation -Her -Taxi Driver -Chungking Express You get the gist of it
The act of killing
La Haine
I’ve just started getting into audiobooks and I think I love them. Please recommend me something immersive with high production value. I’m not particular about genre as I can read almost anything. So far, I’ve listened to “Born a Crime” by Trevor Noah, and “Project Hail Mary” by Andy Weir and I’ve loved them both. Just looking for something to get lost in while I’m jogging or walking the dog.
There’s a great dramatic production of Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman. Also, Wil Wheaton reads almost all of John Scalzi’s audiobooks and they are immensely enjoyable. Editing this to add that I’d you liked Project Hail Mary, that narrator (Ray Porter) narrates the Bobiverse series by Dennis E. Taylor as well as a couple Peter Clines’ books and he’s always great to listen to.
The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings narrated by Andy Serkis
movies that takes place in one room. I'm looking for movies that only/mostly take place in one room. It can be from any genre but horror movies are my favorite. Thanks in advance.
The Guilty (Den Skyldige), 2018. So thrilling.
Does anyone know how to make starbucks like coffee at a gas station? I love Starbucks but my drinks tend to average $7 per drink. That is way to much when at the gas station I can get a drink for $2 at most. Does anyone have any ideas on how to make gas station coffee taste delicious? Thank you!
Which specific drink do you like that you'd like to replace?
Gas station coffee is made to the lowest common denominator. That being said- the biggest reason Starbucks coffee tastes the way it does isn't the coffee. The coffee is over roasted garbage. They do HOWEVER-have an entire third world country worth of sugared up additives and stuff behind the counter. Put enough frosting on it and even a shit cake can be tolerable. Bottom line? Find a good creamer and keep it on hand. I'm a big fan of kitu's super creamer line- particularly the sweet cream. If you're obsessed with *$ in general- just buy a bottle of that shit at target or wherever. I accidentally had some a couple nights ago and now my teeth hurt- might work out.
suggest me a book thats like an adult harry potter Im looking for a story like harry potter but for adults and the story doesn't have to be about magic
Jim Butcher, the Dresden Files. Mystery, Noir, Urban Fantasy and one of the most entertaining first-person narrators I have read Edit: forgot to mention: Yes, he is named Harry and yes, he is a wizard. The difference is you can find Harry Dresden in the phonebook
Night circus by Morganstern Darker Shade of Magic by Schwab
[Avengers] “Thanos has destroyed half of all living creatures.” How has this affected earth’s ecosystem? Did he wipe out half of all dolphins in general, or did he wipe out half of all dolphins and half of all porpoises, or did he wipe out half of all bottle nose dolphins and half of all spinner dolphins? Did he distribute equally between genders? And what about critically endangered species? D-... ...did he kill a bunch of dogs?
Since the point of the snap was to reduce population so everyone had enough resources it would be counter productive for him to snap animals as well, as that would reduce the food supply of every snapped species. Then again, Thanos is certainly mad, so who knows if he thought that part through.
His whole deal was that there were too many people in the universe and not enough resources to sustain them, so by that statement we can pretty safely assume that his intention was to wipe out half of all ***sentient*** life. Wiping out half of ***all*** life wouldn't solve the problem anyway. Nature tends to balance itself out on its own; it's when you add thinking beings into the mix that you start having problems with scarcity that doesn't self correct (or at least it's much more catastrophic when it does). But if you remove 50% of the sentient life and leave everything else alone, suddenly there's a huge abundance of resources. When you consider the cold logic of the solution, it makes total sense. A civilization of thinking (and loving) beings would rather destroy itself trying to solve the problem than make the most logical (and albeit scary-as-shit) move that would ensure the survival of the species. So yeah, I think the dogs are safe.
I keep seeing that Egypt and Morocco are the worst places to travel to. I really want to see them though, any tips for female solo travelers?? They just seem so gorgeous but I am very concerned about the danger. Some people recommended tours, but can you really experience a place with a guided tour? Also, what about free time even during tours? As a solo female traveler I like my time alone but I'm very concerned for my safety
I went to Morocco. It’s absolutely beautiful and has a rich culture. How annoying it will be to travel there depends though on your ability to coldly ignore anyone who comes up to you in tourist areas. If you enter conversation with someone who comes up to you in Marrakech or Fes in the old quarters they will do everything possible to get you into their friend’s carpet shop or to take a “paid tour” with them. But if you ignore them or just act very cold and rude (I even pretended to not know any of the five languages they’ll talk to you in) they’ll move on to easier targets, time is money. On the the other hand when I was on trains or hiking in the High Atlas or outside of the main tourist areas the people I met were maybe the nicest people in the world. Kids in one village just wanted to practice French with me, which was funny because my French was as basic as theirs. In a train compartment, everyone shared food and drink and people were genuinely interested in learning about where we were from. I befriended people at a beach just randomly talking about favorite Premier League teams. I wouldn’t avoid Morocco if you’re a somewhat experienced traveler, but if you’re expecting London or New York where the locals could care less about you, it might be a bit jarring.
Not a woman, but I was there a few years ago. Read up on how to dress. When I was in Morocco, women who showed some skin, bare legs or shoulders, were much more likely to get catcalled. Also, don't engage with shop keepers. Don't look at their stuff. Don't enter their shop. Don't even stop. They can be very aggressive and you may naturally want to be friendly. Don't. Edit: I was in the medina in Marrakesh. I heard from locals that things get worse the further north you go.
[It's Always Sunny...] While playing CharDeeMacDennis, Dennis demonstrates an incredible feat of stoicism in the face of serious physical injury at the hands of determined enemy. What training system does he use to build up this kind of pain tolerance? I'm sure that some of it's just natural ability, but we also know that he's a systematic and prepared combatant that will ensure he is mentally, spiritually, and physically positioned to achieve optimum results. No, no this isn't just genes; this is months, maybe years, of honing his skills to a razor's edge.
Dennis can be very disciplined and obsessive when it's for something he really wants. * He created a cult just to get Mac to stop eating Thin Mints. * He wanted to have a perfect body so much that he nearly killed himself through diet and exercise one time and through body modifications another time. * He is so intent on sex that he created a whole system for seducing and abandoning them as well as a variety of other schemes, such as taking them out into international waters to benefit from "the implication." Compared to this insanity, holding a hand still in front of a dart board is pretty simple for Dennis.
The answer is obviously years of hummingbird exercises.
95 corolla - brakes stopped working momentarily? Car pulls to right when braking too To preface, plugged front passenger tire last week and ever since then my ebrake light has been coming on and off. Might've ruptured a brake line cuz I had to turn my tire all the way to the right to plug it. Today I lost braking power momentarily, but came back about a minute later. Very weird. When I brake also it pulls to the right mostly. Ever since a week ago. Brake fluid level doesn't seem to have changed, it's still above low line and has been for awhile. Hmm. I don't get how I could lose braking power almost completely, momentarily?
Your train of thought sounds right for the most part. You’ve got a leak somewhere (left front would be my guess). Your ebrake/brake warning light is coming on because the fluid level is likely low enough that it’s triggering the level indicator to come on momentarily. The leak should be relatively easy to spot. Have someone pump the brake pedal a few times and stand on it.....a leak that significant shouldn’t take but a few seconds to locate under pressure The loss of braking power for “just a second” was in all likelihood air in the system....which got displaced the next time you stepped on the pedal. The fact that it pulls to the right tells you which side is still working (the right). So you’ve most likely got a leak, or (less likely) a blockage, preventing the LF caliper from being able to compress.
Master cylinder is likely going bad.
Change my view that Capitalism is dysfunctional, but communism is unattainable. I think capitalism is flawed, and not useful in any way for the working class. Most wealth is in the hands of the richest people, and the poor people are left to starve. I also think that true communism is unattainable. Those who get power will rarely use it for the benefit of the people unless there is someone who is able to hold them accountable. In an authoritarian society, the leader is all powerful, and answers to no one. It is not human nature to share for mutual benefit. So unless a democratic system of government where the people have a voice exists, there cannot be true equality.
\> I think capitalism is flawed, and not useful in any way for the working class. Capitalism is very useful for the working class. Capitalism has virtually eliminated extreme poverty in East Asia. Some people will give credit to technology, but we've had much of this technology for over a century. Huge infrastructure projects like steady power and running water require a large amount of capital to conduct. Few people have the money or willingness to donate this money outright, but many people are willing to fund infrastructure if it means that they're receive something in return like cheap factory goods.
/u/CoolGorilla101 (OP) has awarded 1 delta(s) in this post. All comments that earned deltas (from OP or other users) are listed here](/r/DeltaLog/comments/lcqe5u/deltas_awarded_in_cmv_capitalism_is_dysfunctional/), in /r/DeltaLog. Please note that a change of view doesn't necessarily mean a reversal, or that the conversation has ended. ^[Delta System Explained ^| ^Deltaboards
Suggestions on Older Movies That Seriously Need A Remake - Any Genre Suggestions on any older movies that your feel seriously need a remake and why you think they need or deserve a remake? Any genre suggestions...
Remakes usually suck. I have 2 movies that as long as they are done well, really well, I would live to see a remake. One was already done, but it sucked. Rosemary's Baby To Kill A Mockingbird
The warriors
[Scooby-Doo] How often do Scooby and the gang run into REAL ghosts and monsters? It seems like in most iterations of Scooby-Doo all the antagonists are guys in costumes and not real monsters. How many times have the gang solved the mystery where culprit actually WAS an actual monster or ghost of some kind?
Anyone who gives you an actual answer is lying to you, because the actual answer is *we don’t know.* There have been multiple episodes and movies where the ghosts and monsters were allegedly real. 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo, Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School, Zombie Island, Alien Invaders, the Witch’s Ghost, the first theatrical movie. **BUT.** Subsequent works that have taken place in the same canon as those stories have actively cast doubt on whether or not some of those were actually real, usually via Velma’s skepticism. Return to Zombie Island and Curse of the 13th Ghost both feature Velma calling into question the reality of past events, citing hallucinations due to “swamp gas” and “oxygen deprivation.” 13th Ghost in particular culminates in Velma *threatening* to open the chest of demons—if she’s right, opening it will do nothing. If she’s wrong, demons are real, and she’ll have rereleased all 13. She never opens the box.
In terms of the total of Scooby media it seems to be about 50/50 whether the monsters are real or not, maybe 40/60 in favor of fake. That's only our limited perspective however. We don't know if that ratio applies offscreen.
Who are your favourite non-US directors, and which are their must-see films? Top 5 will do for each
Akira Kurosawa - A great Japanese filmmaker who influenced Spielberg, Scorsese, George Lucas, and others 1. Seven Samurai 2. High and Low 3. Rashomon 4. Yojimbo 5. Ran Sanjay Leela Bhansali - Indian Director. His cinematography is excellent and nearly every shot 1. Bajirao Mastani 2. Padmaavat 3. Black 4. Guzaarish 5. Devdas Jean Pierre Melville - French director who usually did film noirs 1. Le Samurai (not a samurai movie, but about a hitman) 2. Le Cercle Rouge 3. L'armee des Ombres 4. Le Doulos Vishal Bhardwaj - Indian director most known for his adaptation of Shakespeare plays to a contemporary Indian setting 1. Haider (based on Hamlet) 2. Maqbool (based on Macbeth) 3. Omkara (based on Othello) 4. 7 Khoon Maaf 5. Kaminey Hayao Miyazaki - Japanese director considered one of the finest anime directors 1. Spirited Away 2. My Neighbour Totoro 3. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind 4. Princess Mononoke 5. The Wind Rises Satoshi Kon - Japanese anime director 1. Paprika (Inception was inspired from this) 2. Tokyo Godfathers 3. Perfect Blue 4. Millennium Actress Guillermo Del Toro - Mexican director, known in America for Pacific Rim and the shape of water, but I feel his earlier films were better 1. pan's Labyrinth 2. The Devil's Backbone 3. Cronos Ashutosh Gowariker - Indian Director known for making long epics, but i felt only three of his movies were amazing, the others you can skip 1. Lagaan 2. Swades 3. Jodhaa Akbar John Woo - Hong Kong Director. Known for action movies with a lot of gun violence (gun-fu) 1. Hard Boiled 2. A better tomorrow 3. The killer Zhang Yimou - Chinese director. his movies look beautiful. amazing use of colors. (only seen 2 of his movies 1. Hero 2. House of Flying Daggers Makoto Shinkai - Japanese Anime director (one of the most popular anime directors right now; I've seen only his latest 2 feature films and a 40-minute film) 1. Your Name 2. Weathering with You 3. Garden of Words (40 minutes only) Sergio Leone - his films are popular in the US, but he's Italian so I'll include him 1. The Dollars Trilogy 2. Once upon a time Trilogy
I'm just gonna name 3 movies for each of them 1)Miyazaki •Porco Rosso •Howl's Moving Castle •Spirited Away 2)Melville •Le Samourai •Le Cercle Rouge •Le Deuxieme Souffle 3) Kim Jee Woon •A Bittersweet Life •A Tale of Two Sisters •The Good, The Bad, The Weird 4)Kitano •Violent Cop •Sonatine •Hana-bi 5)Takahata •Grave of the Fireflies •The Tale of The Princess Kaguya •Only Yesterday 6) John Woo •A Better Tomorrow •Hard Boiled •The Killer 7)Refn •Drive •The Neon Demon •Bronson 3 directors from my country 8) Mario Bava •Black Sunday •Blood and Black Lace •Kill, Baby, Kill 9)Lina Wertmuller •Seven Beauties •Mimi metallurgico ferito nell'onore •Swept Away 10) Elio Petri •Investigation of a citizen Above Suspicion •The Working Class Goes to Heaven •The 10th Victim Edit: Forgot Ozu and it's in my top 3 favorite directors of all time lol
is it normal that my windows defender is disabled due to having an antivirus software installed? i ran rkill program for malware spyware etc. And under "performing miscellaneous checks:" it says "Windows Defender Disabled". I was wondering if this is normal?
Windows Defender ***is*** antivirus software, built in. If you install third party software, it's disabled. You can't have two antivirus programs running. FYI, Windows Defender is as good as most third party solutions these days, I see no point in wasting money.
I have Malwarebytes, Windows Defender doesn’t have a conflict with it
If you had to choose ONE stock between $TSLA and $PLTR which one would it be and why? I know there will be some comments of people saying that they both are overvalued, blah blah blah. I get it. But if you had to pick between the two which one would it be and why? On a 1-year, 5 year and 10-year time frame. Not financial advice.
PLTR has more growth potential from current levels. TSLA needs world of Robotaxis for exponential growth to continue. PLTR just needs to keep doing what they are doing and time.
PLTR because they are growing. Tesla can be a car company all it wants but a car company doesn’t grow to 1 Trillion. Their solar has failed. I know they have other shit, but the solar and storage part of the business has been underwhelming tbh. I own shares of neither right now.
What are your favourite French films? I’m looking to expand my catalogue of French films as I’ve only seen Portrait of a Lady on Fire and Raw (I loved them both) and was wondering if anyone had suggestions? Particularly more recent films? Any genre will do :)
La Haine Amelie Delicatessan
La Femme Nikita Subway
Am I using my whetstone wrong to sharpen knife? Still dull. I've watched a few videos on how to do it, such as submerging in water for a while, splashing water on it throughout sharpening. Sharpening at a pretty shallow angle - angled maybe about 10-20 degrees above stone. I've tried probably 4 times now, and last time I did it for a total of 20 minutes. I then noticed that my knife has a small bevel edge, which is a more obtuse angle, and I started thinking maybe I need to sharpen at a less shallow angle, like 30-40 degree angle, right on that bevel. Is that something to consider? How hard should I be pushing down? And for how long? I've read that the hardness of steel has play in how hard it can be to sharpen, but I thought I was buying a more sharpen-able knife, part carbon steel based. Here's my knife:\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_image?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Whet stone:\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
As others have said, you're trying to prune a dandelion with a chainsaw. 240 grit is what I would use to knock down rough wood, not put an edge on a blade. I should be starting at 1000 grit minimum and work up from there.
Honestly... I think it’s worth paying someone to do this for you. Then just keep the edge.
Recommend me shows where the main character is a strategic thinker Where the main character is sly and seems to be able to grasp the bigger picture of things or always has a plan. An example could be Delaney from Taboo (2017- ), the man is insane and quirky but he has a superiority about him and is in a way untouchable because of his smarts. It could also to a certain degree be someone like Scofield from Prison Break (Season 1).
Mr. Robot
Jessica Fletcher from Murder She Wrote, Father Brown from Father Brown, and Hiccup Haddock from httyd race to the edge.
Any music theory I can practice in my head? I work an eight hour shift as a custodian and really like using this time for audio based theory learning that I can listen to throughout the night. Is there anything I can practice in my head while working? So far I have been running the musical alphabet forwards and backwards, and will sometimes try to name a chord and try and list the notes in that chord. Any other recommendations? (I would also appreciate any other audio based resources, so lang as they are mostly hands off)
So if you read my other huge two comments that I posted to a question about the difference between C major and A minor, which you shouldn't, because I'll explain it here in condensed form: 1. Practice figuring out the notes of any diatonic scale and all of its modes by using the Ionian (major scale) pattern of W W H W W W H, then rotating to Dorian by moving the first W to the end (W H W W W H W) and continue in this fashion until you get to seventh and final diatonic mode. Start on C first, and ascend through each of the remaining 12 semitones as the root note of the Ionian. 2. Build the 7 four note chords of each mode in thirds (C E G B) for each chord of each mode. 3. Repeat step 2 but build each chord in fourths (C F B E) - both examples were the first chord of C Ionian. That is a lot of theory to practice and it is incredibly intellectually stimulating. You can go much further but that is already a huge amount of mental work! Let me know if you have any questions.
In fact theory should only be practiced aurally in the head. Like you sing in your head the major scale C D E F G A B C or with numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 or solfegio do re mi fa sol la si do. Then you try to sing G. If you can't reach it directly you go up the scale to G. C D E F G. When you find G directly you can say you learned the 5th scale degree, or the dominant. Then you can use that to transcribe songs like twinkle twinkle star. C C G G A A B F F E E D D C. or with soflegio You don't need perfect pitch, just the feeling of an established scale.
What do you think offers "replay value" in a game? I am lately thinking about when I stop playing a game any why. Compared to other games, that I literally play for years. Do you think there are "magic ingredients" for adding to the replay value to of a game?
For singleplayer games, what gives me the most replay value is management games where each save provides some variation that motivates you again, like Football manager and rimworld. The gameplay on these games generally involves more thinking than timed inputs. I don't feel motivated to replay or even play singleplayer for their skill based/mechanics based gameplay challanges anymore, I prefer pvp games for that as I find challanging humans much more appealing than the AI. And while I love rpgs and story based games, I won't play them twice nowadays, even if they have branching storylines, I would just watch the multiple endings... One exception is Way of the samurai 3 and 4, I think those games handle replay value very well with each playtrhough beign kind of short.
Depends on audience. Short stories have great replayability for children. High skill games tend to be very replayable for achiever type players. Collections / unlocks are great for collector types. Multiple endings / branching stories are great for explorer types. Power grind / XP / Itemisation system are great for power players.
[Batman] How does the Joker fund his schemes?
Crime. He's the Crime Prince Of Crime, after all. Joker's Gang is a legitimate, if bizarre, criminal organisation, with all the drug dealing, protection rackets, smuggling and so forth that implies. That's his *job.* What you see in the comics is his *hobby.*
It varies. Often, he just steals the resources he needs. Sometimes in grand capers in their own right, and sometimes in quiet little operations that don't reach Batman's ear. Gotham's constant urban decay means there are tons of buildings with lax or rotten security, which can be very easy pickings. Likewise, if he needs money, he'll rob a bank. There have been many times where Joker will orchestrate a gang war or other conflict between Gotham's major players (or at least capitalize on something not connected to him), then move into the rubble left behind by the power struggle. When there's a power vacuum and tons of buildings full of stuff waiting for their owners to get out of jail or the hospital, Joker can take advantage of that. Rarely, someone will outright pay him to do something. Luthor has done it. As have some of Gotham's richest crime families and other assorted supervillains.
[Marvel/MCU] Why is Heimdall a door man? This dude can see almost anything, anywhere, right? Like, he's not omniscient, but he's as close as you can realistically get. Is Odin really so strong that he could keep someone that powerful in such a relatively small role? Heimdall should be his number two, right up there with Thor, if not running his own corner of the galaxy. Is there something in the comics that explains this that just got left out of the movie adaptions?
> Is Odin really so strong that he could keep someone that powerful in such a relatively small role? First of all, yes, he is. It's a carryover from actual Heimdall from the myths - he is a guardian of Bifrost, and being so clairvoyant he's the best guy to notice advancing Frost Giants and ring alarm. Adapting to movie version, he's pretty much the only guy who can actually see and hear you calling for Bifrost from another plane of existence, so it's best to have him pull the lever instead of having some weird chain of command where he'd pass on the request.
I believe the preferred term would be gatekeeper or watchman. He basically protects the border/exit/entry of valhalla, the home of the gods. Wouldn't you want your very best person/god in charge of protecting your home and family?
I just watched blade runner 2049 for the first time, I don’t think a movie can be as good as this one. I think all movies are ruined for me. Any similar sci-if movies or movies in general that have this affect? Title
Moon (2009)
Under the Skin is better (and I'm a huge 2049 fan)
I want to learn philosophy independently. Specifically, metaphysics. How do I start? Hey all, For those with a formal education in philosophy: I am an engineering student. I don’t have the capacity to complete a full philosophy degree alongside my current studies but I want to be able to get a fullness of understanding of the fields and subfields of philosophy that interest me without the obligation of a formal education. I am broadly interested in metaphysics, and more specifically ontology and noetic theory. Of course, I am aware that the foundational knowledge I need to engage with modern work on the subject is great. As a layman, I would imagine the starting point would be something like studying classical works like Socrates and Plato, probably alongside a textbook. What would you suggest as a path forward for someone who wants to be able to broadly engage with the modern field of metaphysics? Where do I start and where should I go from there? Should i also touch on some formal logic or epistemology to broaden my base? Thanks in advance.
Here's a big reading list of philosophy books.\_interested\_in\_philosophy\_where\_should\_i\_start/ This book wasn't on the list but I've been reading it as a beginner and I've found it very accessible: An Introduction to Ontology by Nikk Effingham. Formal logic will probably be helpful if you want to learn ontology, but you only need to know a little bit to get started with Effingham's book. You just need to know what the symbols in formal logic mean.
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Is it a HIPAA violation if you see a picture of a woman being shared on Facebook, but her back is turned to the camera so you cannot see her face, and you (a nurse) comments on the picture saying "I think I saw her in the ER last week" but say nothing further? South Carolina, USA
A nurse in NYC lost her job because she posted a photo from an emergency room on social media. There wasn't even a patient in the photo or a patient name listed, but the victim of the accident was identifiable by other details listed in the caption, as well as the timing of the incident and photo. This is unprofessional and very poor judgment.
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Does unitarity imply Conservation of Energy in modern quantum mechanics? Some years ago, an author I know wrote a scene where one of the characters saw a spell that apparently violated Conservation of Energy. The character said: "You violated Conservation of Energy! That's not just an arbitrary rule, it's implied by the form of the quantum Hamiltonian! Rejecting it destroys unitarity and then you get FTL signalling!" The author claimed this was scientifically accurate. Some commenters disagreed, and said this was not good physics, with one saying: "Unitarity in quantum mechanics is basically a fancy way of saying probability is conserved. You CAN have unitarity without conservation of energy. Technical aside- its easy to show that if the unitary operator is time-translation invariant, there is an operator that commutes with the unitary operator, usually called the hamiltonian. Without that assumption, we lose the hamiltonian but maintain unitarity." The author later replied: "The basic idea here is that your quantum computer has an instruction VIOLE that you can conditionally execute which increases the total energy of the universe by 1 electron volt for ~21 femtoseconds and then drops it back to baseline, thereby rotating the amplitude of that branch by a phase factor of -1 relative to its prior phase relative to all the branches that don't execute VIOLE. It seems to me that this should blow everything up and not only allow solving NP-hard problems but also allow FTL signalling and worse, but like I said, at this point I'm checking with an expert. I suppose you could say more precisely that the unitarity problem lies with the conditional change of total energy rather than the change of total energy; throwing extra particles into all the quantum branches simultaneously wouldn't violate unitarity, for example." This question was asked on Physics StackExchange, and the top two answers, both equally upvoted, said: "If one considers H to be an observable and defines the energy as its expectation, it follows that the energy is conserved. Thus we can conclude that unitarity, together with time-independence, implies the conservation of energy." "No. Unitarity guarantees that whenever the Hamiltonian exists, energy is a real number, but it does not imply energy conservation." which, as a non-physicist, doesn't seem very helpful. So does unitarity, in fact, imply Conservation of Energy in quantum mechanics? Is there something more complicated and subtle going on than a simple "yes" or "no"? What (peer-reviewed) sources give the best discussion of these topics?
The key thing here is Noether's theorem, one of the most beautiful results in all of physics. Noether's theorem connects symmetries of nature to conserved quantities. For example, when physics is independent of spatial position, momentum is conserved. Or when physics is unchanged by rotating your view, then angular momentum will be conserved. And when the laws of physics don't depend on time, then energy is conserved. But when you take quantum mechanics into account, Noether's theorem does depend on unitarity. If unitarity is violated, then symmetries no longer imply conservation laws, and energy no longer would need to be conserved.
I think the Stack Exchange answers don't really contradict each other: > "If one considers H to be an observable **author has already specified H is independent of time**] and defines the energy as its expectation, it follows that the energy is conserved. Thus we can conclude that unitarity, **together with time-independence**, implies the conservation of energy." That is, unitarity isn't the only assumption required to have energy conservation. In fact, the whole first answer is really confined to a special case where the Hamiltonian is independent of time, whereas all the other sources are pointing out that this is an extra assumption. If the Hamiltonian does explicitly depend on time, you can prove from the [Heisenberg equation that the average value of the energy, call it <H>, satisfies d<H>/dt = <∂H/∂t>, a true statement within unitary quantum mechanics which I would say invalidates "energy conservation." As an aside, the Standard Model does have a time-independent Hamiltonian, and therefore energy conservation. There is no complete theory of quantum gravity (and there are still lingering arguments about whether such a theory is exactly unitary), but a notion of conserved energy does not usually exist in classical gravity.
What are some alternative garnishes to add to hot chocolate bombs other than marshmallows? My partner LOVES hot chocolate and I'm making her some hot chocolate bombs for Christmas. Unfortunately, she does not like marshmallows as they make her stomach go. This sucks because I think part of the fun of hot chocolate bombs is seeing them open up and release marshmallows! I was thinking some sprinkles, but they are a bit underwhelming. I would appreciate any ideas for garnishes that can float or add to the experience.
A few things: \- Pumpkin pie spices (or any spice. I like a little chili or cayenne with my chocolate). \- Maybe those dessert mints? They're soft and would melt easier than most mint chips that I've seen. \- Maple chips/pearls if she likes maple. \- Maybe even peanut butter chips? I think that would be interesting. \- If you want something that looks like marshmallow (and it's not going to sit long), maybe make little meringue dots.
Mini chocolate chips for some extra decadence
Movies or directors that have a Wes Anderson vibe, but aren't Wes Anderson? I've watched Fantastic Mr. Fox, and Isle of Dogs recently. And I'm definitely planning on watching his other stuff as well. But, I'm also wanting movies or directors with a similar Wes Anderson vibe. Can be animated, stop-motion or live action. Can be black and white or in color. Can be English or foreign. If foreign, I'd like English Subtitles available.
Delicatessen (1991) Post-apocalyptic surrealist black comedy about the landlord of an apartment building who occasionally prepares a delicacy for his odd tenants. Good movie too, the style and atmosphere made me think of Anderson.
Jean-Pierre Jeunet!
[ Marvel ] What would Ironman's suit do if he died inside? I'm not entirely sure how his nanobot suit works but assuming it's a suit he can get in and out of what would happen if Tony died inside of it. I'm swimming it could keep him alive for a little but but once he dies the arc reactor would continue, right? So would Jarvis take over the suit and move him somewhere or just autopilot the suit?
"What would Ironman's suit do if he died inside?" It would hold him while he cried.
sorry the automod is fixed now and your post has been restored.
Change my view that Mass shooters don’t deserve sympathy just because they were “bullied”. There is a tendency to try to decipher why these horrible shootings happen and why anyone would do such a thing, and usually the media ends up humanizing the shooter by talking about how he was either “bullied” or alienated. Everyone in school is, at some point, a victim of and a perpetrator of some degree of “bullying”. None of it justifies premeditated murder, especially of random people. As far as bullying goes, the only violence which is acceptable is self defense, such as hitting someone back if they hit you first. Alienation is a very real problem in today’s world. However, many if not most kids today are alienated to some degree. None of that justifies violence against innocent people. Finally, there are often legitimate reasons why a community might reject someone. If someone behaves in an unfriendly and unsavory way, people will be less likely to be friends with them. I strongly disagree with the proverb “a child not welcome by the village will burn it to feel it’s warmth”. What could be more evil and sociopathic than wanting to murder people just because they don’t accept you exactly the way you are? What makes these shooters so perfect?
What about the person they were right before they comitted any crime? Does that person deserve hatred too? If someone walked towards a school with a machine gun, and then stopped at the last second and turned around, having comitted no crime, would they still be a bad person in your eyes? If deeply in your heart, the answer is that no, these individuals still do not deserve sympathy, then consider this: The types of people who commit this violence already know the hate you feel for them. They see people like you every day spout this hatred for thought crimes and hatred for the mind that committed the crime. In their minds, the die was already cast long ago, because society looks at the shooter and the person before the act as the same evil being. You seem to believe that hate is an acceptable response to the kicks and thrashes of the alienated, and so they will kick and thrash harder. If you are truly a better person then you will extend the olive branch of understanding, and tell others to stop spreading so much hatred. Save the people in the future from the pain and suffering by being more understanding and welcoming to others, even if you don't like their views. Banning the mechanism of violence won't stop the hate, it will just hide the bigger problem.
/u/KJones24346 (OP) has awarded 5 delta(s) in this post. All comments that earned deltas (from OP or other users) are listed here](/r/DeltaLog/comments/v0npn7/deltas_awarded_in_cmv_mass_shooters_dont_deserve/), in /r/DeltaLog. Please note that a change of view doesn't necessarily mean a reversal, or that the conversation has ended. ^[Delta System Explained ^| ^Deltaboards
[Batman] So if Maxie Zeus's whole gimmick is he thinks he's Zeus, why doesn't he go around trying to bang everyone? I mean Isn't that one of the most recognizably Zeus things to do? (along with turning into animals to seduce said people...)
What makes you think he doesn't? We have hard evidence he holds orgies I'm more curious why Wonder Woman hasn't shown up to try and talk him out of it. (Hey, would the lasso cure delusional thinking?)
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What are some books you read when younger that hold up as an adult? I was rereading some old Fear Street that I loved in high school and some are actually quite corny as an adult now.
My favourite book has always been Alice in Wonderland, loved it as a child and I still do now
*The Mouse That Roared*. Timeless, but on the edge of forgotten.
Looking for a comedy movie So, i usually eat tacos and watch a comedy movie on sundays, so i would like to find a good one. For instance, my favorite movies are we’re the millers, superbad, the hangover trilogy, and majority of Adam Sandlers comedies. So, what are some very funny movies to watch?
Horrible bosses lines up with we’re the millers nicely The other guys The interview
Tag (2018) The Package (2018)
Former employer says my salary was wrong 6 months after I quit and wants to be repaid State of Texas Background: I worked for my employer from November 2018 to December 2020. When I was hired, the position required "a degree or equivalent experience." I did not have the degree, but had ten years experience in that type of role and got the job. The job was good, I received good reviews, etc. I left on good terms when my mother was diagnosed with dementia and I moved back to my home state. I expected to live there several years, but she passed away. I recently chatted with a former coworker and when he learned I was no longer attached to this area, he mentioned it to my former manager, who reached out to ask if I'd consider moving back to that area because he had a position open and wanted me to apply. I applied, interviewed and was given the job. Everything is great. Except... while processing my hiring paperwork, HR says they can't pay me the amount I was offered - they could only pay $X, which is even less than I was making before in a lower role. After some back and forth, they are saying that the lack of degree impacts the internal pay scale used to calculate salary, and my previous rate of pay was calculated as if I had a degree when I do not. I pointed out that I was hired "with commensurate experience," but they say that is only for qualifying to get the job - not for the pay scale. At this point, they are not just saying the current offer isn't valid - they are saying they want me to pay back what I was overpaid because to them it was effectively clerical error. They said while my contract has that salary written down, it was on the assumption of a degree, which was invalid, so the number itself was invalid. We are talking about over $40,000 total of "overpayment" by their calculations, so not a small chunk of change. They basically railroaded me with a proposal that I take the current job being offered and then they take the overpayment out of my salary over the course of the next two years. On the slightly good news side of things, my former manager (and the one interviewing me for this position now) took this up the chain to his boss, who is now taking it up the chain to theirs. He said they intend to argue it internally, with their position being that they need me and specifically me for this role due to my former experience, that they don't have another qualified candidate and that if HR pursues the "overpayment" they are screwing this department because I obviously won't want to work with them if they're trying to collect money from me. His boss told me "Don't worry about it, my boss is going to work this out upstairs" which gives me hope. However, while I appreciate them going to bat for me and it gives me some confidence, I obviously still want to cover my back: (1) Is this at a stage where I should be getting a lawyer already, or are we not there yet? (2) Is there a way these cases tend to go? (I imagine I'll need the lawyer from (1) to really advise me here but hey I figure it can't hurt to ask) I am a little wary of the situation in general - especially because I am sure the fact that they want me to come work for them is part of why these folks are going to bat for me, and I'm now not so sure I want to work for this company based on this happening. So any advice appreciated. Thank you.
You worked for whatever was agreed upon in your contract and they paid you for it. They can’t just reneg on that agreement and call backsies. That’s not how any of this works. Tell them to pound sand.
It is best if you talk to a lawyer, if you are still nervous. If you have the original contract or agreement you signed, and they signed as well. They have little to none legal footing to ask for your money back. If they paid you that money you legally earned that money by the work you did.
There is so much great literature I never would have read is someone hadn't put it on a "Do Not Read" list. And great "banned" books I should be reading?
Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie. It's banned in Muslim countries and the author even had a fatwa issued against him. His Japanese and Italian translators were murdered. Pretty sick shit.
Great books are mind expanding. Some people don't want you to expand your mind. That's the expanse to pursue.
Novel set in ancient Maya / Inka / Aztec society Hi! I am looking for a novel set in the ancient Maya, Inka or Aztec society. Some lighter reading than a scientific non-fiction book (even though I'd be happy if it weren't some cheesy love story) that allows the reader to dive in and get a hang of how it was to live in one of these cultures back then (preferentially something historically more or less acurate, as to our knowledge). Thanks a lot in advance!
{{Malinche}} by Laura Esquivel. It takes place at first contact between the Aztecs and the conquistadors
Inca by Geoff Micks. It's historical fiction, but I thought it was a great read, very interesting.