Student's can improve their communication skills during debates.
Abayizi basobola okulongoosa obukugu bwabwe mu by'empuliziganya mu biseera by'okukubaganya ebirowoozo.
Clean water is safer and better for use.
Amazzi amayonjo malungi okukozesa.
okutogaa toga
Ambulances carry patients to the hospital.
emmotoka atambuza abalwadde zitwala abalwadde mu ddwaliro.
Water is a basic need for everyone.
Amazzi kyetaago mu bulamu obwa bulijjo eri buli omu.
There are few cases of domestic violence in Nebbi district.
Waliwo emisango gy'obutabanguko bw'omu maka mitono mu disitulikiti y'eNebbi.
The stone quarry will be fenced to prevent accidents.
Ekirombe ky'amayinja kijja kuteekebwako ekikomera okutangira obubenje.
okudibya; become v.
The district needs to lobby more and more finances from the government.
Disitulikiti yeetaaga okusaka ssente eziwerera ddaala okuva mu gavumenti.
Today the ministry celebrates a day meant to encourage the culture of reading.
Leero minisitule ejaguza olunaku oluteekeddwa okukubiriza okusoma.
The church will support existing departments.
Ekkanisa ejja kuyamba ebitongole ebiriwo.
People should a balanced diet.
Abantu balina okulya obulungi.
We prepare for what is yet to come.
Twetegekera ekyo ekinaatera okujja.
The constitution was revised last year.
Ssemateeka yeetegerezebwa omwaka oguwedde.
Patients do not have peace in health centers.
Abalwadde tebalina mirembe mu malwaliro.
Finalists supported by the fund would like to contribute to helping more students.
Abayizi abali mu mwaka gw'akamalirizo nga babadde ku buyambi bandiyagadde okuwaayo okuyamba abayizi abalala.
Women had a get together event.
Abakyala baalina omukolo ogubagatta.
In three years ,cleanliness measures about how to defeat cholera will be known.
Mu myaka esatu enkwatamu y'obuyonjo ku ngeri y'okuwangulamu kolera ejja kuba emanyikiddwa.
Everyone is important in the development of society.
Buli omu wa mugaso mu nkulaakulana y'ekitundu.
Crop growing takes time.
Okukula kw'ebimera kutwala obudde.
He asked them to cooperate with the supporters of the opposition parties.
Yabasabye bakwatagane n'abawagizi b'ebibiina ebivuganya gavumenti.
Laws on environmental protection should be enforced.
Amateeka ku kukuuma obutonde bw'ensi galina okukwasibwa.
I am working as a volunteer at church.
Nkola bwannakyewa ku kkanisa.
okwogera; p. correctly
The new leaders will serve for two years.
Abakulembeze abaggya bajja kuweereza okumala emyaka ebiri.
Cocoa is the key ingredient for manufacturing chocolate.
Kkooko kirungo kikulu nnyo mu kukola chocolate.
Once the fire catches the thatched house it spreads rapidly.
Omuliro bwe gukwata ennyumba ey'essubi gusaasaana mangu.
The government needs to improve the transport network in the region.
Gavumenti yeetaaga okutereeza ebyentambula mu kitundu.
His uncle was arrested for raping a woman.
Kojjaawe yakwatiddwa olw'okusobya ku mukazi.
The presence of oil can only be determined by drilling oil wells.
Okubaawo kw'amafuta kuyinza kukakasibwa na nzizi z'amafuta.
Locusts have invaded the country again.
Enzige zizzeemu okulumba eggwanga.
Partnerships with other countries were established to increase health supplies
Omukago n'amawanga amalala zagunjibwawo okwongera ku byetaagisibwa mu byobulamu.
Why are you signing secular music?
Lwaki oyimba ennyimba z'ensi?
Christians want to serve the Lord.
Abakrisitaayo baagala okuweereza Katonda.
The district needs more medicine to carry out vaccination.
Disitulikiti yeetaaga eddagala eddaala okusobola okugema.
He is a very talented dancer.
Alina ekitone mu kuzina amazina.
Defeat does not necessarily mean loss of victory.
Okuwangulwa tekitegeeza kufiirwa buwanguzi.
The union has been crucial in fighting for the teacher's rights.
Okwegatta kubadde kwa nkizo mu kulwanirira eddembe ly'abasomesa.
There are a few schools in our region.
Waliwo amasomero matono mu kitundu kyaffe.
The water tank at home helps us reserve water in case of water shortage.
Ttanka y'amazzi ewaka etuyamba okukuuma amazzi singa wabaawo ebbula ly'amazzi.
Does anyone know how to stop it from happening?
Waliwo yenna amanyi engeri y'okukikomya okubaawo?
Film is meant for entertainment.
Firimu ziriwo kusanyusa.
He died the next day after being admitted in the hospital.
Yafa olunaku olwaddirira lwe yaweerwako ekitanda mu ddwaliro.
a kizungu.
Some animal diseases make their meat unsafe for people's consumption.
Endwadde z'ebisolo ezimu zifuula ennya yaazo obutaba nnungi kuliibwa bantu.
Nebbi district officials want to foster peace and reconciliation among the people.
Abakungu ba disitulikiti y'e Nebbi baagala emirembe n'okukkiriziganya mu bantu.
blade (grass)
He said he will leave the school soon.
Yagambye nti ajja kuva ku ssomero mu bwangu ddaala.
Many teachers in government schools lost their jobs after being dereted from the payroll by the ministry of public service .
Abasomesa bangi mu masomero ga gavumenti baafiirwa emirimu gyabwe oluvannyuma lwa minisitule y'abakozi okubaggya ku lukala lw'abasasulwa gavumenti.
okwega yagula
Eyewitnesses have been called to testify in the court.
Abeerabirako n'amaaso baayitiddwa mu kkooti okuwa obujulizi.
The government is trying to help farmers in the country.
Gavumenti egezaako kuyamba balimi mu ggwanga.
Football has many fans.
Omupiira gw'ebigere gulina abawagizi bangi nnyo.
Educators reach young people who are far from one another to build a global network.
Abayigisa batuuka ku bavubuka abato bangi abali ewala ne bannaabwe okuzimba olujegere lw'ebyempulizuganya olw'ensi yonna.
The president of Uganda is looking forward to awarding outstanding primary teachers.
Pulezidenti agenda kusiima abasomesa ba pulayimale abakola obulungi.
Tourists came to Uganda to visit Sezibwa falls.
Abalambuzi bajja mu Uganda okulaba ebiyiriro bya Sezibwa.
It's the police's duty to carry out investigations on crimes committed.
Mulimu gwa poliisi okunoonyereza ku misango egizziddwa.
They don't have the specified license to do the job.
Tebalina layisinsi ekkirizibwa okukola omulimu.
siripi omusipi.
The police officers failed to track the thieves...
Abakungu ba poliisi baalemeddwa okuzuula ababbi.
a kyejo; be i.
The role of the police is to keep law and order.
Omulimu gwa poliisi gwa kukuuma mateeka n'ebiragiro.
Kawempe hospital is being discussed on a radio program
Eddwaliro ly'e Kawempe liteesebwako ku pulogulaamu ya laadiyo.
Investigations are needed to prove that the case actually happened.
Okunoonyereza kwetaagisibwa okukakasa nti omusango ddaala gwaliwo.
There is an increase in domestic violence during the Corona lockdown.
Obutabanguko mu maka bweyongedde mu biseera by'omuggalo gwa ssenyiga kolona.
Jesus entered Jerusalem sitting on a horse.
Yesu yayingira mu Yerusaalemi ng'atudde ku ndogoyi.
okunyakula; (dismiss) okugoba.
People are using mosquito nets as fences for their small gardens
Abantu bakozesa obutimba bw'ensiri ng'ebikomera byobulimiro bwabwe obutono.
She was wearing an expensive necklace.
Yali ayambadde omukuufu ogw'ebbeeyi.
Lack of hope could make one kill him or herself.
Obutaba na ssuubi kireetera omuntu okwetta.
Schools have been re-opened today.
Amasomero gazzeemu okuggulwawo leero.
okuzirika; (ignorance) obutamanya.
Our company has more than a hundred workers.
Kkampuni yaffe erina abakozi abasukka mu kikumi.
The man stared at us without blinking.
Omusajja yatutunuulira awatali kutemya.
Why bible study is important for Christians.
Lwaki okusomesa Bbayibuli kikulu eri abakrisitaayo?
My mother is a primary teacher.
Maama wange musomesa wa pulayimale.
The ministry has advocated for the use of satellites in areas with the poor network.
Minisitule esabye okukozesa ebyuma bimusikirawala mu bitundu ebirina neetiwaaka embi.
Both the public and the private sector provide employment.
Gavumenti n'abantu ba bulijjo basobola okugaba emirimu.
The new leader continued to promise spiritual, social and economic progress.
Omukulembeze omugya yeyongedde okusuubiza obuwanguzi mu by'omwoyo, eby'embeera n'ebyenfuna.
The number of taxpayers has increased.
Omuwendo gw'abasasula omusolo gweyongedde.
Corruption is a very bad habit done by many people in the country.
Okulya enguzi muzze mubi nnyo ogukolebwa abantu bangi mu ggwanga.