int64 20.7k
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30,191 | Are there other things you want to -- ? | Is there anything else you want to -- ? | 0 |
30,192 | He 's pretty warm at 80 , maybe he 's not dead . | At 80 he was still cold . | 1 |
30,193 | It was watched by the Command Center . | The Command Center and FAA headquarters watched it too . | 0 |
30,194 | You will receive an invitation to a dinner if you return the completed card . | Return the completed card with your check by October 15 to receive an invitation to a special artist dinner on November 8 . | 0 |
30,195 | Subcontractors are crumpling up a marker so when it 's laid out it is bigger in width and length . | There are also stories of subcontractors , in this country as well as overseas , crumpling a marker up so that when it is laid out again it will be just a little smaller in width and length'a trick to save a fraction of a percent from each piece . | 1 |
30,196 | In 1998 , CCI did n't serve anyone . | In 1998 , CCI served 31 , 484 individuals right in their own backyards . | 1 |
30,197 | There were 36 , 500 youths surveyed . | A survey of over 36 , 000 Indiana youth conducted by the IU Prevention Resource Center found that approximately two-thirds of substance abuse begins with this age group . | 0 |
30,198 | I have a father . | If my father bought it , it would have to be a Dodge . | 0 |
30,199 | Men 's clothing has traditionally had short production runs . | Men 's clothing has generally been made in long production runs with only small variations among styles in a given year and relatively little change from year to year . | 1 |
30,200 | Is the pressure from your folks stressing you out ? | Are your parents putting a lot of pressure on you ? | 0 |
30,201 | I remember everything . | Not that I can remember , no , uh uh . | 1 |
30,202 | What stories have you told or read to your own children ? | Now that , that you 're an adult obviously and have had children of your own what stories do you remember telling to your own children , and reading to your own children ? | 0 |
30,203 | It 's a page from the dictionary . | It 's a story from The Bible . | 1 |
30,204 | We were a poor family , but without trouble -- | Because my family is by no means rich , but we never had that much trouble , so -- . | 0 |
30,205 | Count from one to four . | Like one , two , three , four . | 0 |
30,206 | The neighbors never let us use their pool . | Our neighbor had a pool and we were kind of like the Hatfield 's and McCoy 's , they were n't very nice people and they did n't like us . | 0 |
30,207 | Command O.K. was forwarded the update by the Command Center five minutes afterwards . | Five minutes later , the Command Center forwarded this update to Command O.K . | 0 |
30,208 | I appreciate all those positive influences for introducing me to dentistry . | It was all of those positive influences that I have to thank for opening my eyes to dentistry as a profession . | 0 |
30,209 | Sarah spent time with another family on her street . | Sarah hung out with another family in the neighborhood . | 0 |
30,210 | It was a state-of-the-art , completely professional studio . | Anyway , the studio itself was kind a dingy , it was n't very professional . | 1 |
30,211 | The majority of the representatives came from Hamas . | Representatives also came from organizations such as the Palestine Liberation Organization , Hamas , and Hezbollah . | 0 |
30,212 | Success in retail is a combination of good marketing and awareness of consumer tastes . | A century later , retailing success is often attributed to combining effective marketing with an understanding of consumer tastes . | 0 |
30,213 | Someone can make contributions . | Your $ 1 , 000 contribution can put a mentor in a child 's life-and hope in a child 's future . | 0 |
30,214 | Research is starting to give us answers about what causes SIDS , though we suspect it is genetic . | Although research is beginning to provide answers regarding factors that may increase the risk for SIDS and suggest actions parents can take to reduce the risks , these measures will not save all babies . | 0 |
30,215 | It is impossible to choose possibilities and further control them . | She learns that you can consider possibilities and choose among them , thereby controlling eventual outcomes . | 1 |
30,216 | Hong Kong firms produced so well because the workers were all happy . | For example , because of wage differentials between the countries , U.S. apparel-makers would need to be 2.5 times more productive than firms in Hong Kong to be competitive . | 0 |
30,217 | The Middle English had a similar idiom . | The idiom dressed to the nines could be from Middle English dressed to then eynes `dressed to the eyes . | 0 |
30,218 | The shortened term of PC actually means Personal Carrot | After it has been installed , the DOS , as it is called ( once identified , nothing in computerese is ever called by its full name a Personal Computer becomes a PC ; a Disk Operating System becomes a DOS ; if it is made by a company called MicroSoft , it is called MS/DOS ) , performs certain functions , though rarely any that anyone but a computer specialist would want to perform . | 1 |
30,219 | Would you like to use your motorcycle ? | How about um , your motorcycle ? | 0 |
30,220 | There are almost no activities to choose from | The Grill will feature enough activities that you and your kids will have a tough time deciding what to do . | 1 |
30,221 | Juvenal likes the Greek . | Of the despised and wily but accommodating Greek , Juvenal says In caelum iusseris , Tell him to go to the sky , and he will be off . | 1 |
30,222 | We have had a really negative response to the letter . | I am pleased to tell you that we have had a positive response to the letter . | 1 |
30,223 | James Garner 's Rockford dubbed as a Japanese tenor is a great reminder of one 's firm realization of Garner 's American tone . | For example , James Garner 's Rockford dubbed as a Japanese tenor is a reminder of one 's firm awareness of Garner 's American tone and timbre . | 0 |
30,224 | Effeciencies of nearly 90 percent are possible for marker-makers . | At best , experience with different combinations of waist sizes and leg lengths for a given design allows a scheduler to aggregate the units to be made into groups of large and small sizes , which means marker-makers can achieve efficiencies near 90 percent for casual pants . | 0 |
30,225 | Are you able to relate to the tale about me ? | Uh , well , would you care to relate the story to me now ? | 0 |
30,226 | Eleven was a high-jacked plane heading south . | Eleven , the first guy , he 's heading towards Washington . | 0 |
30,227 | Radio and TV are usually observed to have a great standard of English . | This was accompanied by the ( usual ) lamentations over the murder of a fine language , the generally poor standard of English encountered in the newspapers and on radio and TV , and the observation that children can not spell or use the right tenses . | 1 |
30,228 | Information technology investments have even been proven to reduce inventory risk . | We then show how supplier performance , ranging from the degree of inventory risk to profitability , is changed by their information technology investments and the sequence in which they are adopted . | 0 |
30,229 | She 's say something like `` Oh no , he 's not mine '' . | She 'd go , Oh no , he 's not mine . | 0 |
30,230 | Adult-child conversation provides preparation for proper manner . | And in enabling children to practice and perfect narrative skills , adult-child conversation provides crucial preparation for literacy . | 0 |
30,231 | He had no idea , why would he be guilty ? | And who could blame him ? | 0 |
30,232 | Here we are going to show just how profitable manufacturing can be . | Here we will show how a decision tool can be used to make the transition from general intuition to specific decisions about ( 1 ) which products to make in each plant and ( 2 ) how to schedule the time and quantity of production for each product . | 1 |
30,233 | You rarely call . | You never call . | 1 |
30,234 | The refinement of die-cutting operations added value to the supply chain . | Some die-cutting operations allow for a number of knit tubes to be centered , placed on one another , and then cut . | 0 |
30,235 | This scholarship was a significant help to Geology students . | Late last Spring , we established an account for the IGGS Scholarship to help defray the tuition costs for an undergraduate major in Geology at IUPUI . | 0 |
30,236 | You can skip it . | Do not sit this one out . | 1 |
30,237 | The IUPUI Chancellor ca n't act when great opportunities arise , can he ? | With your personal commitment , the IUPUI Chancellor will be able to act sooner and more effectively when special opportunities arise . | 1 |
30,238 | The pajama division of the sector is easily the most popular amongst the employees . | Even Shelley may stake a claim , if only in the pajama division of this sector , thanks to his description in Epipsychidion of how | 0 |
30,239 | Your help and support made a difference . | Thank you for your past help and your continued support . | 0 |
30,240 | Parents attempting to use these theories travel an unbeaten path . | Parents trying to make their way through these opposing theories , and their attendant advice about child-rearing and educational practice , are likely to find themselves in a dim forest , without a discernible trail blazed before them . | 0 |
30,241 | Are you good at football ? | Do you play football a lot ? | 0 |
30,242 | Overall however , the music still sets a great standard for the genre . | All the ingredients may be present'the music , the singers , the dancers , the setting , and costumes'but , alas , duende itself fails to show up and the production fizzles . | 0 |
30,243 | Veterans were happy and more adventurous after that war , just like others . | That war , like others , produced disgruntled veterans and those more adventurous or more restless after military service . | 1 |
30,244 | Public universities are still too expensive for students . | Unfortunately , these are difficult times for public institutions of higher education . | 0 |
30,245 | A new set of theories of child development formed with the new millennium . | At the dawn of a new millennium , a fresh set of theories of child development has blossomed . | 0 |
30,246 | You have bumped into me somewhere during college | You may remember bumping into me somewhere along your path through college . | 0 |
30,247 | The VP thought they only had a minute or two to make the decision . | Believing they had only a minute or two , the Vice President again communicated the authorization to engage or take out the aircraft . | 0 |
30,248 | Issues with equipment and phone security gave operators difficulty contacting the FAA . | Operators worked feverishly to include the FAA , but they had equipment problems and difficulty finding secure phone numbers . | 0 |
30,249 | Many people are angry that Eve was denied the privilege of naming . | To many , it is significant that the privilege of naming , granted to Adam , was denied to Eve . | 0 |
30,250 | W has no pronunciation guide at all , while L provides one on every page . | W follows the ( useful ) practice of listing a shortened pronunciation key on each right-hand page ; L 's failure to do so is a disadvantage , notwithstanding the simplicity of their system , for the user must ferret about to find the description given on page xxii to clarify any question . | 1 |
30,251 | It is intangible but highly valuable . | You can not touch , see , or hear the most important benefit of your Audubon membership . | 0 |
30,252 | Your gift can offer services , here are some of them . | Here are just some of the services your gift can provide . | 0 |
30,253 | Woolf implied the idea that society has always been dominated by men . | Woolf identified but did not describe a woman 's sentence and , in the same text , wrote of women ancestors ( for example , Shakespeare 's putative sister ) who was silent , silenced by a society dominated by men . | 0 |
30,254 | Retailing success is achieved by ignoring your customers and keeping marketing to a minimum . | A century later , retailing success is often attributed to combining effective marketing with an understanding of consumer tastes . | 1 |
30,255 | Your contribution to Goodwill will mean more than you will ever be able to measure . | Your contribution to Goodwill will mean more than you may know . | 0 |
30,256 | Empty shelves are routinely turning customers away from stores . | Retailers have an incentive to stock high levels of They want both to provide sufficient display stock to attract customers'empty shelves are not inviting'and to have products available for those who wish to purchase them . | 0 |
30,257 | Anything that is a favorite story . | A favorite story about anything ? | 0 |
30,258 | The transponder was turned off at the same time as the primary radar contact was lost . | Two minutes later the transponder was turned off and even primary radar contact with the aircraft was lost . | 0 |
30,259 | Call Sharyl or Ken if you want to talk about your donation . | Please call Sharyl Hamblen at 921-2049 or Kim Gattle at 921-2056 if you have any questions . | 1 |
30,260 | I hate working but I love to buy clothes . | I like working and making money . | 1 |
30,261 | There were family member and bodyguards accompanying him . | He was accompanied by family members and bodyguards , as well as by al Qaeda members who had been close associates since his organization 's 1988 founding in Afghanistan . | 0 |
30,262 | It 's very hard for me to tell you my decision . | I 've , I 've decided and it 's very hard . | 0 |
30,263 | The Making of the President series is one non-fiction that I have read . | I like , uh , political non-fiction , and I 've read The Making of the President series from 1960 on up . | 0 |
30,264 | The check should be made out to the IGGS Scholarship fund and you can choose how your donation can be utilized . | This year 's contribution form includes a place to indicate how your donation should be used , or just make your check out to the IGGS Scholarship Fund . | 0 |
30,265 | There 's one county in particular that is quite nice , the Gaston county , it 's nicer than anything else in the region . | // The fine county of Gaston . | 0 |
30,266 | The controller decided to not act at all and did n't understood the issue . | The controller understood , but chose to Calling Cleveland Center , you 're unreadable . | 1 |
30,267 | Less than 1 , 000 applications were received by the school . | The school received 1 , 437 applications to seat 260 students in the 1992 entering class . | 1 |
30,268 | They will try a variety of tactics , including reaching , pointing , and making sounds , in order to convince another person to do something for them . | Or they try to get another person to do something'to hand them an object or help them perform a task'by reaching , pointing , and making sounds at the same time . | 0 |
30,269 | Gardens were not abandoned for decades , people take care of it . | The people of Batavia on the Hopi Reservation in northern Arizona were motivated by their desire to rekindle traditional cultural values among younger generations when , with the help of Futures for Children , they decided to restore traditional terrace gardens at the edge of their village -gardens that had been abandoned for decades . | 1 |
30,270 | A woman who has never made a contribution to us here at the Salvation Army sent us a nasty email . | The Salvation Army received a note not long ago from a woman who makes contributions to our programs from time to time . | 1 |
30,271 | The cross-trained workers have a hard time preparing the order . | Having spreading , computer-cutting , fusing , and inspection in the same areas also allows teams of cross-trained workers to prepare the order for sewing , finishing , final inspection , and packaging . | 0 |
30,272 | The idea of a male belly dancer is more exotic than erotic . | As for belly dancers , not only have I never heard of a male belly dancer but find the very idea more exotic than erotic . | 0 |
30,273 | Alas , I have never been to such a place . | So it 's almost like a second home . | 1 |
30,274 | There were exactly three hijackers on the plane . | Because several passengers on United 93 described three hijackers on the plane , not four , some have wondered whether one of the hijackers had been able to use the cockpit jump seat from the outset of the flight . | 0 |
30,275 | A basic product ca n't last long within a product line because customers get bored with it . | Basic products are prime candidates for lean retailing because such a product style remains in a retailer and apparel company 's product line over much of the selling season and often over several years . | 1 |
30,276 | Lockean ideas had nothing to do with the footing of American behaviorism . | Lockean ideas provided the footing for American behaviorism , launched by John Watson in the early 1900s and built by B. F. Skinner into a powerful mid-century theoretical force heralding the supremacy of environment in its belief that behavior is shaped by external stimuli . | 1 |
30,277 | I am most certain that you would want to be included with the special donor 's group . | I feel sure that you will want to be one of that special group of donors who responded to this last solicitation from Cavanaugh Hall . | 0 |
30,278 | $ 4.75 is saved in various services for every $ 1 invested for a disadvantaged child in preschool . | $ 1 invested in preschool education for a disadvantaged child saves $ 4.75 in later special education , welfare payments , crime , and other costs . | 0 |
30,279 | I did n't question the man or his reasons . | I said to him , Why ? | 1 |
30,280 | Piaget emphasized , a holistic approach to logical thinking . | Practicing and solidifying modes of representation , Piaget emphasized , make it possible for the child to free thought from the here and now ; create larger images of reality that take into account past , present , and future ; and transform those images mentally in the service of logical thinking . | 0 |
30,281 | Fundamentalism is a new phenomenon . | Periodically , the Islamic world has seen surges of what , for want of a better term , is often labeled fundamentalism . | 1 |
30,282 | Textile and other mills provided most of the employment in the locality . | Textile mills at their outset often provided the principal employment in the locality . | 0 |
30,283 | So she opened the door and said , `` I love you ! '' | So she said , Ines went out , and opened the door and said , Bastards ! | 1 |
30,284 | The Pre-College Program offers art classes for students who are interested in arts . | Our students and the public are continuing to enjoy a number of special programs , such as the Visiting Artist Program , which draws about 10 nationally known artists who present free public slide lectures about their work , the Saturday School , now in its 70th year of providing art classes for junior and senior high school students every spring and fall , and the Pre-College Program , offering art classes for recently graduated high school students who are interested in careers in the arts . | 0 |
30,285 | That shed was absolutely dwarfed by the house . | Uh she had a big garage that was separate from the house and almost bigger than the house it was almost like it was a barn . | 1 |
30,286 | If I did it over again , I would study more to try to better in school . | I wish if I could do it all over again I would stay home and study instead of going out with my friends , which has really hurt me a lot . | 0 |
30,287 | She never told you the story then , eh ? | How old were you when she shared this story with you ? | 1 |
30,288 | The Vanity of Human Wishes has been adapted from another poem . | ( It should be noted that Johnson made the same kind of adaptation of another poem by Juvenal , Satire X , calling it The Vanity of Human Wishes . | 0 |
30,289 | Kids would get in trouble for fighting on the playground . | When I was teaching there , the explanation invariably given by boys brought to me for scrapping in the playground Ee it oi , so oi it ee . | 0 |
30,290 | Victor Borge is known to be associated with a certain punctuation system . | Incidentally , I startled them one day with Victor Borge 's punctuation system , which instructed and delighted them with its differentiated popping and spitting . | 0 |