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20,135 | What how often . | I do n't mind how many times you did whatever . | 1 |
20,136 | Many of the popular accounts of quick response , rapid replenishment , and supply-chain management assume that all parties'consumers , retailers , and suppliers'win as a result of these policies . | It is widely known that things like quick response result in negative outcomes for both retailers and consumers . | 2 |
20,137 | Bin Ladin 's grievance with the United States may have started in reaction to specific U.S. policies but it quickly became far deeper . | Bin Ladin had grievances with the United States starting with U.S. foreign policy . | 1 |
20,138 | The YMCA of the USA also named it an Outstanding International Program in 1997 . | In late September of 1997 , the YMCA of the USA also named it an Outstanding International Program . | 1 |
20,139 | A Big Sister is a mentor , a friend and a role model , helping a young girl to develop the self-confidence and life skills necessary to become a responsible , productive and successful adult . | Big Sisters are mentors for young females that need help to grow to their full potential as adults someday . | 0 |
20,140 | They were armed and under NORAD 's control . | They were going into the air blind and had to make decisions on their own . | 2 |
20,141 | Although no single retailer pioneered or adopted all the innovations that compose lean retailing , we focus here on those in three segments'mass merchants , national chains , and departments stores'that played important roles in initiating the larger transformation . | There were five different retailers that developed key portions of lean retailing . | 1 |
20,142 | Miyares ' repeated trips to sick call basically boiled down to , get your act together and get back in the field , or we 'll make you a private again sergeant . | The complete lack of sick visits on Miyares ' record meant that he was due a promotion . | 2 |
20,143 | At last , he has found success in a job that he loves . | He became a hairdresser in an untapped market . | 1 |
20,144 | Because they 're going to set up a committee , he said to me , so that when those big battalions , he said to me , of guerrillas arrive , these people attend , for example , the president is going to talk to the rest so that they all get food together for them . | They 're setting up a committee , so when the large battalions of guerrillas arrive they can all eat together while the President speaks . | 1 |
20,145 | You could n't leave it if you did n't rinse your glass out after you got drinking after you got done drinking it would stick to the glass to the point where you 'd have to scrape it . | You could leave it out for a long time . | 2 |
20,146 | Determining the degree to which a supplier benefits from its technological investments is the real issue . | The extent of the benefits of technological investments has been more difficult to quantify . | 0 |
20,147 | This means that half of your contribution will be returned to you through State tax savings , while the entire donation amount will remain deductible on your Federal taxes . | All of your contribution is deductible on Federal taxes . | 0 |
20,148 | Although changes in how managers orchestrate production flow through the sewing room are starting to make a difference , shifts in the practices of shop-floor workers have more to do with new human resource policies than equipment . | Equipment is the biggest reason there have been shifts in the practices of shop-floor workers . | 2 |
20,149 | I have nobody here to guide me . | My great aunt has been helping me with getting around the city . | 2 |
20,150 | It is important to note also that this product was not promoted at retail with discounted prices at any time during this period , so the variation is not due to consumers preferring to purchase a product when it was on sale . | The product was n't offered on sale at any point during the time in question . | 0 |
20,151 | Sometimes I gave up , as when pointing to my temples ( white ) brought shampoo rather than the desired bleach . | I had lots of shampoo but no bleach . | 1 |
20,152 | Or the virtual impossibility of finding a quiet place to study or even think , so that the children can cope in school and one day have a chance of achieving something better ? | Do n't kids struggle to find a quiet place to study , which means they have difficulty coping with school ? | 0 |
20,153 | I 'm all for Latin courses , but there 's an easier way of building your English vocabulary then plowing through the intricacies of Latin morphology and syntax . | There are simpler ways of building an English vocabulary besides studying Latin syntax . | 0 |
20,154 | And as our discussion in Chapter 6 will reveal , on the whole , the quality of American child care'whether center-based or home-based'is mediocre to abysmal . | American child-care is typically anywhere from very good to excellent . | 2 |
20,155 | In any event , it is hard to discern , from the arch style affected in an attempt to make dull facts interesting , just what is the origin of sow one 's wild oats . In many entries , Claiborne labors the obvious , offering little or nothing we do not already know , could easily imagine , or for which the author offers no explanation . | Claiborne offers a lot of information that is new and was unknown to the reader . | 2 |
20,156 | Talia , mother of a 7-year- My son Anselmo , a first grader , constantly asks us to help him with his homework . | Anselmo is 7 years old and he always wants help with his homework . | 0 |
20,157 | In our fund raising efforts to date , we have received the support of local government , foundations , and corporations as well as the personal financial commitments of individual MCCOY Board members . | MCCOY has received funding from many different organizations , communities and individuals . | 0 |
20,158 | It is difficult for the nonspecialist reader ( like me ) to assess the validity of his arguments , which are based on his contention that the language ( and its congeners ) were carried along by the spread of nomad pastoralism . | It 's clear to me that his arguments make no sense . | 1 |
20,159 | ' The principal parent of Yiddish is High German , the form of German encountered by Jewish settlers from northern France in the eleventh century . | High German is real whereas Low German is not . | 1 |
20,160 | Because they 're going to set up a committee , he said to me , so that when those big battalions , he said to me , of guerrillas arrive , these people attend , for example , the president is going to talk to the rest so that they all get food together for them . | They 're setting up a committee , so when the large battalions of guerrillas arrive food can be prepared so they can all eat together while the President speaks . | 1 |
20,161 | The groundwork for a true global terrorist network was being laid . | The terror network was never actually brought to fruition . | 1 |
20,162 | By the mid-1980s , a number of the most prestigious retailers were faltering , with some filing for bankruptcy or being acquired by other retailers . | In 1985 , the most prestigious retailers were stronger than ever . | 2 |
20,163 | After our caseworkers meet with these families and their children they often find they lack even the basic necessities such as cooking utensils , beds , cleaning supplies , etc . | After an initial take-in visit , our caseworkers often determine most of these families live with the basic tools of day-to-day life , including blankets or toothbrushes . | 2 |
20,164 | In this case , public outrage led to early workers ' compensation and factory inspection legislation . | Anger from the public eventually resulted in new laws for factory inspection and workers ' compensation . | 0 |
20,165 | There was also a candy store about three or four blocks in the other direction called Pud 's that we used to walk up to and across the street from Pud 's was the local fire department and the uh the firemen used to let us play on the fire engines which is completely unheard of nowadays but they let us you know climb all over them , get inside and honk the horns you know put on fire jacket and boots or whatever we wanted to do and uh I guess there just were n't a lot of fires in Asheville in that part of town because they never seemed to be concerned that we would be interfering with their preparedness . | A candy store called Pud 's was across the street from the local fire department , where we played on the fire engines . | 0 |
20,166 | At that point in time , the Langley pilots did not know the threat they were facing , did not know where United 93 was located , and did not have shootdown authorization . | In that moment the Langley pilots were unaware of the threat , the location of United 93 and had no authorization to engage . | 0 |
20,167 | One other technical innovation deserves mention here , partly because it illustrates why the most sophisticated equipment is not always appropriate for factory operations . | More complicated machinery is always appropriate in a factory setting . | 2 |
20,168 | The first of two case studies illustrates how demand uncertainty affects a firm 's target inventory levels . | The first study reveals the relationship between profit and inventory stock . | 2 |
20,169 | Your donation to the Herron School of Art and Gallery is crucial to this goal . | Without your donation we will not be able to complete the goal . | 0 |
20,170 | I wanted to briefly share with you some of the specific uses of the funds that are donated each year . | Allow me to quickly share with you how donated funds are allocated each year . | 0 |
20,171 | Tomorrow will be another day for the kids , they rationalize , but a business deal or a professional achievement , if not capitalized on at the moment , may evaporate . | They quit their jobs because they know their time with their children is limited . | 2 |
20,172 | Those in Egypt , Libya , Iraq , and Yemen were eventually overthrown by secular nationalist revolutionaries . | There are still more that have not been overthrown yet . | 1 |
20,173 | We hope that you will consider a personal gift to help us offer our young people as possible . | We hope you will give us a personal gift to help young people with job training and college preparation . | 1 |
20,174 | It seems unnecessary to point out that Framework can not have a very sophisticated list of words if it has only 37,000 in its memory , but I thought it might be interesting to see what substitutions were evoked by SUGGEST . | There was no reason to mention that Framework is not sophisticated since most people know . | 1 |
20,175 | So I liked that . | I liked that , so what ? | 1 |
20,176 | The definition in the Third Unabridged was a model of clarity compared with that . | The new definition is very hard to understand . | 2 |
20,177 | These definitions are given in the most recent ( 1983 ) edition of Chambers 20th Century Dictionary , which was edited and published in Edinburgh . | The Chambers 20th Century Dictionary contains multiple definitions . | 1 |
20,178 | However , despite exhaustive research , I am reluctantly forced to resort to the familiar lexical locution , `Source unknown . | After some time , I have discovered the first source I am looking for . | 2 |
20,179 | Under L , entries include Latin/Greek , defined by Aphra Behn , cited in Dale Spender 's book , as `Secret codes supplied through an education traditionally denied women . | Men benefited from not giving women the same education . | 1 |
20,180 | What a pleasure , for example , to discover that one who has been tagged out at home plate is the victim of an out-throw . | What a disgraceful moment , for example , to discover that one who has been tagged out at home plate is the victim of an out-throw . | 2 |
20,181 | Well , they must have because I still read fiction . | He does n't like fictional books . | 1 |
20,182 | Men and women struggling with addictions find healing , forgiveness and the chance to make a new start in life ... families living from paycheck to paycheck find comfort , food and emergency assistance ... and underprivileged children have the opportunity to eat well-balanced meals and participate in special activities . | Underprivileged children have opportunities that they have never had before . | 0 |
20,183 | Yet few of us hear enough about kids who live through these adversities and do make the grade . | It is not common to hear about kids who make the grade | 0 |
20,184 | I can think of no better time to continue extending grace to others than at Easter . | Easter is a wonderful time like no other to continue to extend grace and financial assistance to others . | 0 |
20,185 | Journalist Charles Rappaport once quipped , I speak ten languages'all of them Yiddish . | The journalist Charles Rappaport once joked that he masters ten languages , all of them being Yiddish . | 0 |
20,186 | When one of these women gave birth to a child without knowing which sailor had fathered it , the paternity was logged as gun , perhaps alluding to the midship gun , which was often located near the makeshift maternity room . | The woman gave birth with no known father , so it was recorded as gun . | 0 |
20,187 | The Command Center told Cleveland that FAA personnel well above them in the chain of command had to make the decision to seek military assistance and were working on the issue . | Cleveland did not believe what they were told by the . | 1 |
20,188 | But you ended up with blood poisoning from all the gasoline . | You came in contact with so much gasoline you must have blood poisoning now , it 's absolutely toxic to your body . | 0 |
20,189 | No finer education is available-anywhere . | There is great education available in many places , some places better than us . | 2 |
20,190 | Although automation of sewing operations is generally not cost effective , these innovations have made some inroads in particular segments . | It 's usually more expensive to automate sewing operations . | 0 |
20,191 | About this time the Fasten Seatbelt sign would usually have been turned off and the flight attendants would have begun preparing for cabin service . | Around this time 30 minutes after takeoff sign , the fasten seatbelt sign would have been turned off and the flight attendants would have begon cabin service . | 1 |
20,192 | As the tax year draws to a close I would like to urge you to make a tax deductible contribution for the support of Women 's Studies . | Make sure you donate to this year 's fundraiser especially since its tax deductible . | 0 |
20,193 | Finding the correct parts for a shirt can often involve a hunt through the plant . | Without the correct parts the shirt ca n't be completed . | 1 |
20,194 | Some maintained collaborative relationships with al Qaeda , but many disengaged entirely . | Not all of them maintained relationships with al Qaeda . | 0 |
20,195 | The resulting profit accrues , even after the higher finished goods carrying cost associated with larger inventory has been considered . | The resulting profit is eaten into by the costs of the higher finished goods . | 2 |
20,196 | As if this earth in fast thick pants were breathing . | The earth is not alive . | 1 |
20,197 | What I liked about it was that kids were special . | It was the only story I heard that let kids be special . | 1 |
20,198 | There follows a desexing section on maxims ( for He who laughs last laughs best read The last laugh is the best : not only does it not say the same thing but the second is totally lacking in the rhetorical devices packed into the first ) , and a two-page bibliography , reference notes to chapters , and an index . | Afterwards one finds a section that attempts to desex aphorisms ( e.g . `` He who laughs last laughs best '' rewritten as `` The last laugh is the best , '' these are different in meaning and the latter has no alliterative repetition of `` laughs '' ) , and a bibliography of two pages , chapter reference notes , and finally an index . | 0 |
20,199 | Apparel workplaces have historically been located in major metropolitan areas'New York , Chicago , Philadelphia , Rochester , Baltimore , Cleveland , St. Louis'and drawn on successive waves of immigrants . | Major metropolitan areas were historically chosen to be where apparel workplaces were located . | 0 |
20,200 | Our state appropriation is not now -nor has it ever been -- sufficient to fund , for example , all of the costs associated with faculty research , student programs , scholarships , seminars , guest speakers , and the law library . | We need to be given more funding in order to run the school . | 0 |
20,201 | Although small specialty shops were limited to a few items , such as those found in a traditional dressmaker or milliner 's shop , department stores offered fixed prices and the convenience of returning purchases for exchange or cash . | Department stores often specialized in one or two products . | 1 |
20,202 | I 'm opening up like five pools and they 're giving me a headache because they all turned green today , so , that 's like the most fun job for me . | The water in the pool turned pink and it looked so fun to swim in . | 2 |
20,203 | the evidence in the published work is quite thin | The work is widely regarded to be historically accurate . | 2 |
20,204 | This is a story that my dad told me when I was small , a long time ago that , there was a girl that , she was very young , she was going to go visit her parents . | In my dad 's story , the young girl did n't live with her parents . | 0 |
20,205 | On his way home , he shares the story with four people at a street corner . | He talks to four people at the street corner right next to his home . | 1 |
20,206 | The Vice President was wondering how the hell could a plane hit the World Trade Center when he saw the second aircraft strike the South Tower . | The second plane hitting the South Tower answered the Vice President 's question . | 1 |
20,207 | When all the individual pieces of the garment have been modified and entered into the computer system , the final garment pattern is ready to be cut and sewn into a sample garment . | Just start sewing it together , because the computer is just a back up option . | 2 |
20,208 | They are also more willing to work toward goals that are rational and reasonable . | They are willing to work towards educational goals that are rational . | 1 |
20,209 | There are many difficulties inherent in adducing citational evidence unsupported by frequency . | There are many difficulties citing evidence by frequency . | 2 |
20,210 | Operators worked feverishly to include the FAA , but they had equipment problems and difficulty finding secure phone numbers . | Secure phone numbers were readily available to operators . | 2 |
20,211 | Often , an entry offers nothing in the way of etymology and merely explains the meaning . | An entry offers so much in the way of etymology it has been defined as one of the most important parts of etymology . | 2 |
20,212 | You ca n't take it with you -- neither can I , unfortunately . | We can not bring it out of consideration of contamination . | 1 |
20,213 | Indeed , if you watch preschoolers at play , you will see that they rarely violate the rules of their social world . | Preschoolers often violate social rules because they do n't know any better at that young an age . | 2 |
20,214 | He inspired more research on children 's thinking than any other single theorist . | Freud alone inspired more research on child psychology than any other psychologists . | 1 |
20,215 | This edition when published was said to give more word definitions than any other British desk dictionary ; including its main competitor , The Concise Oxford . But in 1986 it was moved into second place by the second edition of Collins Dictionary of the English Language . ( Webster 's New World Dictionary of the American Language seems about the same size as the Oxford ; the Gage Canadian Dictionary is slightly smaller . ) | This dictionary did not have nearly as many words as any of the others of that time period . | 2 |
20,216 | And that keeps me , as an adult , one , remembering to pray like a child , and to maintain some of the innocence , which is difficult , of a child . | As an adult I know I can never have the innocence of a child . | 1 |
20,217 | A successful U.S. apparel-maker , for instance , may assemble basic men 's khaki pants in average sizes in Mexico , taking advantage of low labor costs as well as Mexico 's proximity to the maker 's Texas distribution centers ; at the same time , this company can choose to manufacture products with more variable demand , like khaki pants with narrow waists and long inseams , in the United States , providing fast turnaround for retailers and lower exposure to inventory risk . | Outsourcing work to Mexico would benefit apparel-makers due to low labor costs . | 0 |
20,218 | Please support our 1996 United Way campaign . | We are asking that you help the United Way in 1996 by generously giving to our campaign . | 0 |
20,219 | For example , close to 50 percent of the value of shipments for men 's shirts comes from the cost of materials , while 25 percent arises from compensation costs . | Almost 25 percent of the value of shipments for men 's shirts comes from transport costs . | 1 |
20,220 | It 's definitely grown . | I thought it was gon na grow bigger , but it looks like it 's smaller . | 2 |
20,221 | What to make of the fact that one may be henpecked but not cockpecked ? | What to make of the fat that one may be gouged with spears but not slapped with turtles ? | 2 |
20,222 | Please include the enclosed form with your contribution . | Do n't forget to sign and date the form . | 1 |
20,223 | Eventually ramrod became personified , taking on the added meaning of `one marked by rigidity , stiffness , and severity , ' even though the original ramrods , which were straight , were rather flexible . | People who could be described as ramrods are never enjoyable company . | 1 |
20,224 | These are particularly tricky when short words , like articles or pronouns , are | Articles make these much easier to do . | 2 |
20,225 | Work a lot harder , um , take some classes that I think are going to interest me more . | Step my game up , sign up to classes I feel will be more interesting . | 0 |
20,226 | The whole thing ? | In your childhood , reading what books was pleasurable for you ? | 2 |
20,227 | We did n't know as much about it as we do today , and were learning and adjusting to diabetes at the same time we were building our marriage . | We knew more about diabetes when we were building our marriage and trying to adjust to having it in our lives . | 2 |
20,228 | The city is going to explode with Herron 's artistic contributions ! | The artistic contribution 's from Herron will help the city grow . | 0 |
20,229 | It is similar with members low on the ladder of rank . | It is similar with members low on the ladder of donations . | 2 |
20,230 | O brave new world , / That has such people in 't . | The world has changed for the worse now that it has so many awful people . | 2 |
20,231 | Instead , in a number of cases their rulers sought to buy off local Islamist movements by ceding control of many social and educational issues . | Islamist movements would not accept bribery from rulers . | 1 |
20,232 | So I remember silly things like that , that were a lot of fun . I read , uh , the story that , I do n't , this is n't , ah , I think the first real story that I read was , uh , The Red Badge of Courage . | I do n't remember the first real bit of literature I read . | 2 |
20,233 | Because , well , no , Ines was putting up an argument that- , when he told her , No , he said , e , Luis Alonso , I may be going to die , he said , because so much blood loss , he said . | Nobody had ever survived that type of blood loss before . | 1 |
20,234 | I look nobody is standing at the saw . | Nobody is standing at the saw , they were all sitting on the floor . | 1 |
Subsets and Splits