16 values
i don t necessarily think f bombs and sex are necessary in all stories but i feel reassured when i see them in print journals
i can feel my ovaries aching talking to me as i like to put it
i didn t feel like doing much chris and i mostly just took too many pictures of unimportant stuff
im tired of the book and ready to have it out of here and finding out that i was given unsuitable images and then feeling blamed for the result did not sit well
i did successfully manage to stretch a mxm canvas i feel that this is an achievement in itself for me and was a worthwhile usage of my money and time i will use the canvas for future briefs
i think feelings are one of nay the most important things we have
i feel completely honored to be an influence to this young talented fully alive beautiful girl woman
i feel 3ed and firey
i feel like a miserable piece of garbage
i feel like i need to make a list leanne would be appalled at the thought so that i dont miss anything
i drove dannika to school i was feeling a little bit rushed and this is what greeted me as i turned the corner
i remember feeling so hellip furious with the shooter
i feel very happy and excited since i learned so many things
i feel that at shows and around show horses people are trusting and relaxed because most show horses are safe and quiet and are handled frequently
i only have a couple of things left to make and at the start of december i am done and feeling smug
i think about how u could make me feel and realize that everything will be ok
i feel so worthless during those times i was struggling finding work
i will be able to lay on my bed in the dark and not feel terrified at least for a while
i was ready to meet mom in the airport and feel her ever supportive arms around me
im feeling bitter today my mood has been strange the entire day so i guess its that
when my mums brother passed away after having been involved in a car accident he was bringing me a present as i had passed my form five exams with flying colours
i am letting go of the animosity that is towards anyone that i feel has wronged me
i talk to dogs as i feel they cannot understand words but they can read emotions and know how to be supportive i decided i should go home
i feel like throwing away the shitty piece of shit paper
im starting to feel wryly amused at the banal comedy of errors my life is turning into
i find every body beautiful and only want people to feel vital in their bodies
i hear are owners who feel victimized by their associations the associations attorneys or the property manager
i say goodbye to the fam theyre all sad a crying and i feel like a heartless bitch because hey im pretty excited to be flying for the first time and you know also to spend a year in another country
i wont let me child cry it out because i feel that loving her and lily when she was little was going to be opportunities that only lasted for those short few months
i alba i feel good and im fitting in
i feel excited about what im doing again i feel like i have a ton of catching up to do
i also know how good it feels to look back and see that i honored my word and that helps from the start
i mean really really hard works to obtain such a high technical skill in wushu feel kinda ashamed but somehow motivated when i saw kids doing wushu performances whole heartedly despite their tiredness
i feel like things are getting a little overwhelming a few spritz of this toner really helps calm and soothe me
i hope that you realize how such little effort is required to make a person feel better about themselves or their situation whether its me a family member a college or high school friend a neighbor down the street or even a complete str3
i am feeling so festive today that i m even going to put the tree up as soon as i ve finished doing this and catching up with the week s goings ons on coronation street
finding out that i am not ill not seriously
i did alright in class but a combination of feeling unsuccessful being man handled the stress of late and my horrible week resulted in my almost crying after i finished grappling
i feel it rarely advances any worthwhile cause and i always stick to the rule of not posting anything online that i wouldnt be prepared to say to somebodys face
i am feeling all useful
i feel like some of you have pains and you cannot imagine becoming passionate about the group or the idea that is causing pain
i feel ugly i m more inclined to wear ratty jeans and a sweatshirt than a beautiful dress though i might still wear a pair of heels around my house to boost my self esteem ever so slightly but i definitely won t bother to buy a new pair
im not feeling homesick yet so im feeling alright about this
i dance i should feel pretty
i workout every morning before and feel fabulous for it
i feel all of this just from her eyes not from her touch or from her words but from her eyes i know that i can assuredly return this 2 and know that it shall not be in vain
i was feeling fabulous until friday morning when i started to get these awful cramps at work
i feel honoured to have been able to call them friends to share their brotherhood
i had begun to feel apprehensive when thick black rain clouds stormed into the sky above town
i had stated to her the reason i feel so 4ful is because i feel unsafe
i didn t feel like getting shaken down by the tsa quite yet so i pulled off to the side at creative croissants for a lunch
i get into groups i feel really awkward and overcompensate by being too talkative or by getting really quiet
i am very excited to finally meet that companion that companion who will be with me at all times especially when i am lonely very lonely that companion who will never disappoint me that companion who will put his arms around me and make me feel 2d
i feel they are pretty safe on my blog img src http s
i feel pretty eager to get it done as i have a fun plan for quilting it
i am feeling horny so i ask her that lets go home
i think if a poem doesn t put pressure on me i don t feel uncomfortable in the sense of feeling more than i can feel understanding more than i can understand loving more than i am able to be in 2
i too feel as if i am a str3 in a strange land and i am raising my son in a place that is not his father s ancestral home
i left to the shower questioning what i feel she was gorgeous such a fantastic body so confident in her movement effortlessly graceful
i feel energetic and bouncy i m more than happy to go to the gym run around outside with my kids or take the pram for a long walk often i do all three in one day
i was still feeling strong
i didn t burst into tears or some other devastating release of feelings or thoughts because i seemed to know that rich also had to go through his own space without me just dumping on him
i wanted to get a pumpkin spice latte this morning but it was hot and the last thing i wanted was a hot coffee maybe i am feeling a little bitter
i suppose he feels badly because he was a bit skeptical of her pain over the last few months shes had a hyperchondria and exaggeration habit in the past though he never openly questioned her about it
i clench to the corners of the bed to feel assured
i also feel like i am being selfish in not being grateful for the life i do have and the amazing things in it
i called it god because i d seen god in a book and figured god was the right name for feeling so utterly affirmed and accepted without question
i don t know why perhaps because other girls in the office had nice short hair or perhaps i was just feeling rebellious
i do not feel miserable at all because my family is not the type that celebrates eid
i might go get a car wash if i am feeling really generous my car needs it
i still feel sleep deprived she is almost sleeping through the night giving us
i just feel really violent right now
i am bloging again i am sitting here feeling content with my dogs amp cat etc and i know that how lucky we are the truth is we
i started feeling funny and then friday i woke up sick as a dog
i feel a need to protect my parents against the witch hunt that repressed memory therapy can be
i feel disgusted to even be associated with this woman by my race and nationality
i laughed then bitterly again but i wasnt feeling bitter
i couldn t know what he was feeling then i thought that he wished he could have been there with us too for each of us knew that however much we hated it at first it was an experience we would remember forever
i was feeling quite mellow and i wanted a soft easy look to wear with my beginning of a cold
i told him that maybe i just need time to think how ive been feeling indecisive about things lately
i still feel it does the genre a disservice when stories are resolved artifically
i always know when i am feeling artistic when i write my name while i am in an artistic mood the i in manitz i draw a circle not a dot the bigger the dot the more artistic i am feeling and if it is just a line like an accent mark in spanish im pissed
i remember feeling really terrified when i was in brazil on a bus that was going up steep mountain hills on the side of the mountain in the middle of a big storm wondering if we were going to fall off
i could feel her whimper to the thought of being un2d and uncared for
im certainly not going to sit and tell you whats going on in my personal life but i feel that if you were ever curious about whats going in my life all youd have to do is watch the show
im sorry that there wasnt more humor in this post but im not feeling all that funny
i feel ive got my foot in the door of the fantastic world of walking and running the trails fells and mountains
i say whatever comes in my mind tell you directly what i feel a jealous girl not because i m insecure but because i just 2 that person a trust worthy friend sweet to the one i 2
i feel strange coming back to work after my one day holiday
im clearly influenced by the dash happiness of emily dickinson for example and i use dashes instead of colons or semi colons to enhance the feelings of rushed enjambment in the sonnet
i am fatter because the only thing in my life that can remain under my control is whether or not i get to eat peanut butter on bread when i get home from an impossible day of to first world looking yet third world feeling hell of needy and neglected little girls
i could claim to redeem the genre but it didn t leave me feeling as entirely frustrated to the point of beating my head against a wall either
i feel so sad and hopeless
im getting the feeling that my classes are a little intimidated by the concept of a lit
i still feel groggy but i have to get up to do the routine for my son
i have a feeling my view isnt going to be very popular and thats fine
i want to hold this feeling of shocked awe and wonder forever
when i heard a rumour that the st year exam results were out i had 4 that i might be one of the failures
i want to feel valued i do and appreciated i do and know the people who 2 me arent going anywhere even if the nature of the relationship changes
i know there are days in which you feel distracted