#!/usr/bin/env bash |
RED='\033[0;31m'; GREEN='\033[0;32m'; YELLOW='\033[1;33m'; NC='\033[0m' |
trap 'printf "${YELLOW}\nDownload interrupted. You can resume by re-running the command.\n${NC}"; exit 1' INT |
display_help() { |
cat << EOF |
Usage: |
hfd <REPO_ID> [--include include_pattern1 include_pattern2 ...] [--exclude exclude_pattern1 exclude_pattern2 ...] [--hf_username username] [--hf_token token] [--tool aria2c|wget] [-x threads] [-j jobs] [--dataset] [--local-dir path] [--revision rev] |
Description: |
Downloads a model or dataset from Hugging Face using the provided repo ID. |
Arguments: |
REPO_ID The Hugging Face repo ID (Required) |
Format: 'org_name/repo_name' or legacy format (e.g., gpt2) |
Options: |
include/exclude_pattern The patterns to match against file path, supports wildcard characters. |
e.g., '--exclude *.safetensor *.md', '--include vae/*'. |
--include (Optional) Patterns to include files for downloading (supports multiple patterns). |
--exclude (Optional) Patterns to exclude files from downloading (supports multiple patterns). |
--hf_username (Optional) Hugging Face username for authentication (not email). |
--hf_token (Optional) Hugging Face token for authentication. |
--tool (Optional) Download tool to use: aria2c (default) or wget. |
-x (Optional) Number of download threads for aria2c (default: 4). |
-j (Optional) Number of concurrent downloads for aria2c (default: 5). |
--dataset (Optional) Flag to indicate downloading a dataset. |
--local-dir (Optional) Directory path to store the downloaded data. |
Defaults to the current directory with a subdirectory named 'repo_name' |
if REPO_ID is is composed of 'org_name/repo_name'. |
--revision (Optional) Model/Dataset revision to download (default: main). |
Example: |
hfd gpt2 |
hfd bigscience/bloom-560m --exclude *.safetensors |
hfd meta-llama/Llama-2-7b --hf_username myuser --hf_token mytoken -x 4 |
hfd lavita/medical-qa-shared-task-v1-toy --dataset |
hfd bartowski/Phi-3.5-mini-instruct-exl2 --revision 5_0 |
exit 1 |
} |
[[ -z "$1" || "$1" =~ ^-h || "$1" =~ ^--help ]] && display_help |
REPO_ID=$1 |
shift |
TOOL="aria2c" |
HF_ENDPOINT=${HF_ENDPOINT:-"https://huggingface.co"} |
REVISION="main" |
validate_number() { |
[[ "$2" =~ ^[1-9][0-9]*$ && "$2" -le "$3" ]] || { printf "${RED}[Error] $1 must be 1-$3${NC}\n"; exit 1; } |
} |
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do |
case $1 in |
--include) shift; while [[ $# -gt 0 && ! ($1 =~ ^--) && ! ($1 =~ ^-[^-]) ]]; do INCLUDE_PATTERNS+=("$1"); shift; done ;; |
--exclude) shift; while [[ $# -gt 0 && ! ($1 =~ ^--) && ! ($1 =~ ^-[^-]) ]]; do EXCLUDE_PATTERNS+=("$1"); shift; done ;; |
--hf_username) HF_USERNAME="$2"; shift 2 ;; |
--hf_token) HF_TOKEN="$2"; shift 2 ;; |
--tool) |
case $2 in |
aria2c|wget) |
TOOL="$2" |
;; |
*) |
printf "%b[Error] Invalid tool. Use 'aria2c' or 'wget'.%b\n" "$RED" "$NC" |
exit 1 |
;; |
esac |
shift 2 |
;; |
-x) validate_number "threads (-x)" "$2" 10; THREADS="$2"; shift 2 ;; |
-j) validate_number "concurrent downloads (-j)" "$2" 10; CONCURRENT="$2"; shift 2 ;; |
--dataset) DATASET=1; shift ;; |
--local-dir) LOCAL_DIR="$2"; shift 2 ;; |
--revision) REVISION="$2"; shift 2 ;; |
*) display_help ;; |
esac |
done |
generate_command_string() { |
local cmd_string="REPO_ID=$REPO_ID" |
cmd_string+=" TOOL=$TOOL" |
cmd_string+=" DATASET=${DATASET:-0}" |
cmd_string+=" HF_USERNAME=${HF_USERNAME:-}" |
cmd_string+=" HF_TOKEN=${HF_TOKEN:-}" |
cmd_string+=" HF_TOKEN=${HF_ENDPOINT:-}" |
cmd_string+=" REVISION=$REVISION" |
echo "$cmd_string" |
} |
check_command() { |
if ! command -v $1 &>/dev/null; then |
printf "%b%s is not installed. Please install it first.%b\n" "$RED" "$1" "$NC" |
exit 1 |
fi |
} |
check_command curl; check_command "$TOOL" |
mkdir -p "$LOCAL_DIR/.hfd" |
if [[ "$DATASET" == 1 ]]; then |
else |
fi |
if [[ "$REVISION" != "main" ]]; then |
fi |
METADATA_FILE="$LOCAL_DIR/.hfd/repo_metadata.json" |
fetch_and_save_metadata() { |
status_code=$(curl -L -s -w "%{http_code}" -o "$METADATA_FILE" ${HF_TOKEN:+-H "Authorization: Bearer $HF_TOKEN"} "$API_URL") |
if [ "$status_code" -eq 200 ]; then |
printf "%s\n" "$RESPONSE" |
else |
printf "%b[Error] Failed to fetch metadata from $API_URL. HTTP status code: $status_code.%b\n$RESPONSE\n" "${RED}" "${NC}" >&2 |
exit 1 |
fi |
} |
check_authentication() { |
local response="$1" |
if command -v jq &>/dev/null; then |
local gated |
gated=$(echo "$response" | jq -r '.gated // false') |
if [[ "$gated" != "false" && ( -z "$HF_TOKEN" || -z "$HF_USERNAME" ) ]]; then |
printf "${RED}The repository requires authentication, but --hf_username and --hf_token is not passed. Please get token from https://huggingface.co/settings/tokens.\nExiting.\n${NC}" |
exit 1 |
fi |
else |
if echo "$response" | grep -q '"gated":[^f]' && [[ -z "$HF_TOKEN" || -z "$HF_USERNAME" ]]; then |
printf "${RED}The repository requires authentication, but --hf_username and --hf_token is not passed. Please get token from https://huggingface.co/settings/tokens.\nExiting.\n${NC}" |
exit 1 |
fi |
fi |
} |
if [[ ! -f "$METADATA_FILE" ]]; then |
printf "%bFetching repo metadata...%b\n" "$YELLOW" "$NC" |
RESPONSE=$(fetch_and_save_metadata) || exit 1 |
check_authentication "$RESPONSE" |
else |
printf "%bUsing cached metadata: $METADATA_FILE%b\n" "$GREEN" "$NC" |
check_authentication "$RESPONSE" |
fi |
should_regenerate_filelist() { |
local command_file="$LOCAL_DIR/.hfd/last_download_command" |
local current_command=$(generate_command_string) |
if [[ ! -f "$LOCAL_DIR/$fileslist_file" ]]; then |
echo "$current_command" > "$command_file" |
return 0 |
fi |
if [[ ! -f "$command_file" ]]; then |
echo "$current_command" > "$command_file" |
return 0 |
fi |
local saved_command=$(cat "$command_file") |
if [[ "$current_command" != "$saved_command" ]]; then |
echo "$current_command" > "$command_file" |
return 0 |
fi |
return 1 |
} |
fileslist_file=".hfd/${TOOL}_urls.txt" |
if should_regenerate_filelist; then |
[[ -f "$LOCAL_DIR/$fileslist_file" ]] && rm "$LOCAL_DIR/$fileslist_file" |
printf "%bGenerating file list...%b\n" "$YELLOW" "$NC" |
if ((${#INCLUDE_PATTERNS[@]})); then |
INCLUDE_REGEX=$(printf '%s\n' "${INCLUDE_PATTERNS[@]}" | sed 's/\./\\./g; s/\*/.*/g' | paste -sd '|' -) |
fi |
if ((${#EXCLUDE_PATTERNS[@]})); then |
EXCLUDE_REGEX=$(printf '%s\n' "${EXCLUDE_PATTERNS[@]}" | sed 's/\./\\./g; s/\*/.*/g' | paste -sd '|' -) |
fi |
if command -v jq &>/dev/null; then |
process_with_jq() { |
if [[ "$TOOL" == "aria2c" ]]; then |
printf "%s" "$RESPONSE" | jq -r \ |
--arg endpoint "$HF_ENDPOINT" \ |
--arg repo_id "$DOWNLOAD_API_PATH" \ |
--arg token "$HF_TOKEN" \ |
--arg include_regex "$INCLUDE_REGEX" \ |
--arg exclude_regex "$EXCLUDE_REGEX" \ |
--arg revision "$REVISION" \ |
' |
.siblings[] |
| select( |
.rfilename != null |
and ($include_regex == "" or (.rfilename | test($include_regex))) |
and ($exclude_regex == "" or (.rfilename | test($exclude_regex) | not)) |
) |
| [ |
($endpoint + "/" + $repo_id + "/resolve/" + $revision + "/" + .rfilename), |
" dir=" + (.rfilename | split("/")[:-1] | join("/")), |
" out=" + (.rfilename | split("/")[-1]), |
if $token != "" then " header=Authorization: Bearer " + $token else empty end, |
"" |
] |
| join("\n") |
' |
else |
printf "%s" "$RESPONSE" | jq -r \ |
--arg endpoint "$HF_ENDPOINT" \ |
--arg repo_id "$DOWNLOAD_API_PATH" \ |
--arg include_regex "$INCLUDE_REGEX" \ |
--arg exclude_regex "$EXCLUDE_REGEX" \ |
--arg revision "$REVISION" \ |
' |
.siblings[] |
| select( |
.rfilename != null |
and ($include_regex == "" or (.rfilename | test($include_regex))) |
and ($exclude_regex == "" or (.rfilename | test($exclude_regex) | not)) |
) |
| ($endpoint + "/" + $repo_id + "/resolve/" + $revision + "/" + .rfilename) |
' |
fi |
} |
result=$(process_with_jq) |
printf "%s\n" "$result" > "$LOCAL_DIR/$fileslist_file" |
else |
printf "%b[Warning] jq not installed, using grep/awk for metadata json parsing (slower). Consider installing jq for better parsing performance.%b\n" "$YELLOW" "$NC" |
process_with_grep_awk() { |
local include_pattern="" |
local exclude_pattern="" |
local output="" |
if ((${#INCLUDE_PATTERNS[@]})); then |
include_pattern=$(printf '%s\n' "${INCLUDE_PATTERNS[@]}" | sed 's/\./\\./g; s/\*/.*/g' | paste -sd '|' -) |
fi |
if ((${#EXCLUDE_PATTERNS[@]})); then |
exclude_pattern=$(printf '%s\n' "${EXCLUDE_PATTERNS[@]}" | sed 's/\./\\./g; s/\*/.*/g' | paste -sd '|' -) |
fi |
local files=$(printf '%s' "$RESPONSE" | grep -o '"rfilename":"[^"]*"' | awk -F'"' '{print $4}') |
if [[ -n "$include_pattern" ]]; then |
files=$(printf '%s\n' "$files" | grep -E "$include_pattern") |
fi |
if [[ -n "$exclude_pattern" ]]; then |
files=$(printf '%s\n' "$files" | grep -vE "$exclude_pattern") |
fi |
while IFS= read -r file; do |
if [[ -n "$file" ]]; then |
if [[ "$TOOL" == "aria2c" ]]; then |
output+="$HF_ENDPOINT/$DOWNLOAD_API_PATH/resolve/$REVISION/$file"$'\n' |
output+=" dir=$(dirname "$file")"$'\n' |
output+=" out=$(basename "$file")"$'\n' |
[[ -n "$HF_TOKEN" ]] && output+=" header=Authorization: Bearer $HF_TOKEN"$'\n' |
output+=$'\n' |
else |
output+="$HF_ENDPOINT/$DOWNLOAD_API_PATH/resolve/$REVISION/$file"$'\n' |
fi |
fi |
done <<< "$files" |
printf '%s' "$output" |
} |
result=$(process_with_grep_awk) |
printf "%s\n" "$result" > "$LOCAL_DIR/$fileslist_file" |
fi |
else |
printf "%bResume from file list: $LOCAL_DIR/$fileslist_file%b\n" "$GREEN" "$NC" |
fi |
printf "${YELLOW}Starting download with $TOOL to $LOCAL_DIR...\n${NC}" |
cd "$LOCAL_DIR" |
if [[ "$TOOL" == "aria2c" ]]; then |
aria2c --console-log-level=error --file-allocation=none -x "$THREADS" -j "$CONCURRENT" -s "$THREADS" -k 1M -c -i "$fileslist_file" --save-session="$fileslist_file" |
elif [[ "$TOOL" == "wget" ]]; then |
wget -x -nH --cut-dirs="$CUT_DIRS" ${HF_TOKEN:+--header="Authorization: Bearer $HF_TOKEN"} --input-file="$fileslist_file" --continue |
fi |
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then |
printf "${GREEN}Download completed successfully. Repo directory: $PWD\n${NC}" |
else |
printf "${RED}Download encountered errors.\n${NC}" |
exit 1 |
fi |