7월 21일과 22일 서울 장충장호테니스장에서 제 14차서울주말리그테니스대회가 예정되어 있었다. 남녀 10세부, 12세부, 중등부 등 6개 부서에 60명이 출전신청을 했다. 아침 10시부터 오후 4시까지 진행될 대회를 준비하는 가운데 서울지역 야외활동자제라는폭염주의보가 내려졌다. 경기가 한창 열릴 시간 기온이 34도 정도. 하드코트 복사열을 감안하면 40도는 될 것으로 보았다. 보통 남자 10세부는 한시간 정도의 경기시간이 소요되고 중등부의 경우 2시간 정도가 소요되는 관계로 어린 선수들이 인내심을 키우는 것도 좋지만 승부욕에 더위를 아랑곳하지 않고 하다 건강을 해칠 것으로 우려됐다. 이에 협회 심판부에 자문을 구했다. 벤치에 파라솔을 두고 시원한 물을 준비하고 엔드체인지때 규정보다 많은 휴식시간을 제공하는 것도 대회 진행의 한 방법이라는 답을 얻었다. 또한 응급치료사를 대기시켜야 한다는 조언도 받았다. 서울국립의료원과 중구청 보건소에 응급치료사 파견을 요청했다. 두 기관에서는 응급치료사파견이 어렵다는 답변을 들었다. 응급치료사가 없는 가운데 얼음과 물을 충분히 제공하는 차원에서 대회를 진행하고자 했으나 "무더위로 강행했다 불상사라도 나게되면 앞으로 이 대회자체가 어려워지므로 선수보호차원에서 취소하는게 좋을것 같다"는 의견이 나왔다. 서울지역 삼복더위에 폭염주의보가 내려진 이번달 대회는 취소하자는 의견이 대세를 이뤘다. 20일 오후 3시 대회 취소 결정을 한 뒤 스포넷 사이트에 대회 취소에 따른 긴급 공지를 하고 선수와 선수 보호자에게 문자를 보냈다. 코트에 연락하고 물품업체와 용품업체에도 양해를 구했다. 그 결과 협회에선 잘했다하고 일부 학부모들에게선 아쉬움과 잘한 결정이라는 인사를 받았다. 보통 호주오픈이나 윔블던 등 한여름에 대회를 하는 곳에서는 폭염에 따른 경기 진행 방침이 다음과 같다. 경기 진행시에 35도에서 40도 사이에 이르면 경기를 중단하거나 개폐식 지붕이 있는 경우 지붕을 덮는다는 방침이 있다. 또한 지붕이 없는 야외코트의 경우 일정한 시간까지 경기 진행을 중단한다. 기온이 35도라 하더라도 하드코트의 복사열까지 더하면 45도는 족히 되고도 남기에 체온보다 높은 온도에서 두세시간씩 경기를 하는 것은 프로 선수들이라 할지라도 건강을 보장할 수 없다고 판단하고 있다. The Extreme Heat Policy is a rule pertaining to the Australian Open (tennis). It was introduced in 1998 after consultation with a number of tennis players. Following severe criticism of the handling of the 2014 Australian Open, organisers increased the temperature threshold from the 2003 level of 35 to 40 °C (95 to 104 °F) and increased the wet-bulb globe temperature(WBGT) threshold from the 2003 level of 28 to 32.5 °C (82 to 91 °F) to allow for more continuous play and fewer stoppages in the future. WBGT charts show that the new threshold may not be triggered even if the temperature reaches 50 °C (122 °F) when there is no humidity. When the policy is implemented, matches will now be halted after an even number of games in the set, rather than at the conclusion of the set. There will also be a retractable roof available on Margaret Court Arena for the first time. 윔블던에서는 폭염 경기대책을 1992년에 도입해 여자부서와 여자주니어 부서에 적용하고 있다. 2006년 7월 23일과 2009년 6월 30일 14시와 17시 사이에 섭씨 30.1도 이상 기온으로 2세트와 3세트 사이에 10분간 휴식을 취했다. 올해 윔블던에서 더위로 경기가 중단된 적은 없지만 땡볕에 오전 11시부터 경기를 관전하다 쓰러진 관중으로 인해 경기가 20여분간 중단된 적은 있다. 2번 코트 남자 단식 경기 도중 관중석 상단에서 한 남성이 쓰러지자 윔블던 경비 요원인 런던 소방대원이 올라와 환자를 한동안 안정 시킨 뒤 들 것으로 사람을 이동했다. 상황이 진정되기 전까지 체어 엄파이어는 경기를 중단 시켰고 선수들은 코트에서 상황 종료를 지켜봤다. Information about the WTA Heat Rule used at The Championships. - The Heat Rule was introduced in 1992 and is in use at all WTA events throughout the year. - The Championships, on the recommendation of the WTA, also adopts the rule. - It has been implemented at The Championships twice before – on 23 July 2006 and 30 June 2009. - The Heat Rule allows a 10 minute break to be taken between the second and third set when the heat stress index is at or above 30.1 degrees Celsius. - The heat stress index is a measure which factors together the air temperature, the humidity and the surface temperature and is measured by a heat stress monitor. - The heat stress monitor readings are taken 30 minutes prior to the start of play and then at 14.00hrs and 17.00hrs. - Only one of the players participating in the match needs to request the break for the rule to be implemented. - It only applies to ladies’ and girls’ singles matches that have not yet been called to court. - If there is a change in weather conditions and the rule is lifted, those matches already in progress will be completed with the rule in place. - There is no similar rule for men on the ATP World Tour.
It can be said, that the way we remember our war dead is a mark of our Nation’s character, a symbol of our pride and spirit. We must never forget our men and women who have gave everything in the defense of our freedom, those who continue to serve and the families that remain. To all of our Gold Star Mothers and families, we thank you all for your sacrifice and your Marines will never be forgotten. Below is a list of the Marines that have been killed in action from Missouri and Illinois during the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts.
As the head coach of a youth football team, it is important to develop a balanced defense that excels at the fundamentals. In doing so, you’ll initially separate the entire defense into three primary groups: defensive backs, linebackers, and defensive lineman. This will allow you to teach the most important individual skills that are required for each group. Listed below are 9 defensive drills you should run your youth team through. This drill is something all defensive positions can work, but it should primarily be utilized by defensive backs. This drill works on a player’s ability to change direction and backpedal. Each of these is vital to a defensive back in coverage as they react to a pass thrown. The drill is rather simple. The coach signals for the players to start backpedaling towards the second cone, then break back to the first. Next, the players backpedal to the third and break in. This drill not only teaches fundamentals, but it can be a reasonable resource for a youth football conditioning drill. This drill is another one focusing on the defensive backs. It teaches the ability to read a quarterback and then anticipate the pass. The zone break is perfect for coaches that are looking to play zone but have personnel only familiar with man-to-man. This defensive back drill works like this: a QB sets up fifteen yards in front of the defensive back with receivers on each hash. Mom has been there for you every step of the way, so why not give her the perfect gift to make her life easier, more manageable, and a bit more fun? The QB takes a three-step drop and turns to one of the receivers to make a pass. After reading this movement of the QB, the defensive back breaks on the ball and completes the interception. The value of this drill can’t be understated because of the tools it teaches in reading a QB on the fly and forcing a turnover. In order to secure interceptions, defensive backs must be able to both track the ball and nab it from its highest point. Upon the coach’s command, a player can backpedal and run side to side or in. However, once the coach pulls the defensive back in, the coach throws the ball high enough to allow for the player to jump and catch it at its highest point before sprinting it in. With this exercise, the coach can teach his players to be able to move laterally and vertically before timing their jump to catch the football at the high point. The score tackling drill can assist in building linebackers that can shoot the gap and tackle a running back before they reach the next line of defense. To start, line up five bags along the ground. With the ball carrier opposite the linebacker, the ball carrier runs back-and-forth along the bags while being mirrored by the linebacker. Once the coach yells “score,” the ball carrier hits the closest gap where the linebacker should fill the hole immediately, thus making the tackle and bringing the ball carrier to the ground. This drill helps linebackers develop their lateral quickness and ability to shoot the gap, both of which are critical for inside linebackers. In today’s game, outside linebackers need to fill the role of being dominant pass rushers. They are often the ones who have the best opportunity to put pressure on the quarterback and bring him down for a sack. This drill teaches the fundamental techniques that will allow them to get past the offensive lineman in pass protection. The drill starts with having two linebackers face each other, with one serving as pass blocker and the other being the pass rusher. On the coach’s command, the pass blocker drops back in pass protection, and the pass rusher must use the correct move, whether it be bull, rip, or swim, to get past him. Despite being a rather simple drill, it is a useful tool to fine-tune the technique needed to be an effective outside linebacker. If you want to kill two birds with one stone, bring in the offensive lineman for this drill. That way, they can practice blocking while the linebackers practice rushing. This is a drill that can really be used for any defensive player, but I find it to be most useful for linebackers or safeties. Two receivers are placed ten yards apart from each other on a parallel line. The linebacker lines up between these two receivers with the QB about 10-15 yards in front. The QB then commands the linebacker to backpedal. While reading the QB’s shoulders and eyes, the linebacker breaks in on the pass. The QB intentionally throws the ball a little high and the receiver deflects the pass into the air. Upon breaking on the pass, the linebacker catches the deflection. This drill is valuable for developing a linebacker’s coverage skills and ability to make an interception when the opportunity presents itself. Being able to hold a team to a field goal can go a long way in coming out on top. Teams that are stout inside and can win the line of scrimmage have a better chance of coming away with the big goal line stop. Often times, it is the linebackers who will either make first contact or finish off the tackle in these situations. This drill involves two players facing each other with about five yards in between. To make this drill competitive, I suggest using a running back on the side opposite the linebacker, although another linebacker would work. Place a cone where the linebacker will have his heels on the goal line. On the coach’s command, the ball carrier runs and tries to break the place. The linebacker will try to make the stop, preventing the ball from reaching the cone. The primary coaching points here show a linebacker how to properly hit on the rise. This will make sure the ball carrier can’t fall forward into the endzone. With this defensive line drill, you line up two defensive ends against two offensive tackles. Then either place a coach or a dummy with a football attached about 7-10 yards behind the line of scrimmage. As the coach says “hike,” the defensive ends need to do a move to get around the blocker. The defensive end that gets to the QB first completes the sack and knocks the ball loose. Next, the second pass rusher must be aware of where the ball lands and fall on it to complete the fumble recovery. As a side note, the coach can let the blockers know that one can provide heavier blocking than the other to prevent both pass rushers from getting to the QB at the same time. This drill will teach players how the actions of a tackle and strip can be one action. It will also allow defensive ends to further work on their pass rush techniques. This drill, also designed for a defensive lineman, will help them avoid racking up senseless false start penalties. The defensive linemen will get in their stance on the line of scrimmage. When the ball is moved, the defensive lineman, while maintaining good pad level, will cross the line of scrimmage and sprint 5-10 yards. To ensure your defensive linemen don’t react to signals from opposing quarterbacks, coaches should yell out signals to train these linemen on when to move. While it doesn’t necessarily train defensive lineman for pass rushing or run stoppage, it can go a long way in creating intelligent lineman that won’t make stupid mistakes that cost your team valuable yards. Each of these drills, along with many others, should be consistently utilized at youth football practices. They all teach valuable tools that are not only important for an individual mastering his position, but for the entire defense working together as one complete, productive unit. Practicing these 9 drills along with other football training drills available online will set your defense apart from other teams. If every player understands his role and responsibilities, you can begin to experiment with how each of these individual talents comes together into a complete squad.
How to temporarily prevent a Windows or driver update from reinstalling in Windows You can probably close this inquiry. Deepika Gowda replied on February 3, Email list of drivers. No software or drivers are available for this product with the selected operating system. This pc, take up to 3 minutes, depending on your computer hp 2420 pcl 5 connection speed. Download list – Download multiple files at once View, edit and download your entire list of software and drivers here. We were unable to find any drivers for your product. Or, view all available drivers pcll your product below. Thanks for the help, Paul. Select your operating system and version. This site in other languages x. We are glad to hear that the issue is sorted out. How to temporarily prevent a Windows or driver update from reinstalling in Windows 10 When you run the application, you will receive: PaulEnders replied on February 13, Please make a different selection, hp 2420 pcl 5 visit the product homepage. Please verify your product is powered on and connected, then try again in a few minutes. Select your operating system and version. Europe, Middle East, Africa. I suggest you hp 2420 pcl 5 install the update for the driver, later you can hide that update from being notified 24420 Windows Updates Via wushowhide. Select an operating system and version to see available software for this product. This product detection tool installs software on your Microsoft Windows device that allows HP to detect and gather data about your HP and Compaq products to provide quick access to support information and solutions. PaulEnders asked on February 3, Remove selected files Download files. You can contact the device manufacturer’s website and install the latest driver for the device. Ever since I upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 8. Yes No Sorry this didn’t help. Do let us know if you have installed latest drivers for printer? I would like to inform that, Microsoft has also released hl troubleshooter that allows you to hide updates and thus prevent Windows from reinstalling them until a revised version becomes available. Or, view all available drivers for your hp 2420 pcl 5 below. HP has published a security bulletin with patches for these issues and a list of impacted systems. Select your desired files and a list of links will be pdl by email. This tool applies to Microsoft Windows PC’s only.
A brand new publication is being launched that helps people using wheelchairs, power scooters and buggies to enjoy walking routes across the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). 'Walks on Wheels' is a collection of 15 walks descriptions and maps, which help people to explore quiet country paths, villages and market towns in the area. The project which was devised by the Cotswold Voluntary Wardens to mark their 40th Anniversary will be launched on the Badminton Estate by the Duchess of Beaufort at 11am on Friday 23rd May. The walks are located across the Cotswolds AONB, which is a 790 square mile landscape, stretching from Warwickshire and Worcestershire in the north, through Gloucestershire and West Oxfordshire down to west Wiltshire and the area around Bath in the south. Organised mother and toddler, disability and walking groups are encouraged to contact the Cotswolds Conservation Board and request the walks pack. Click here to download the walks from our website. • The press are welcome to attend the launch and there will be a photo opportunity at 11am. Please come to the Badminton Estate Office, Badminton, Gloucestershire. GL9 1DD. (The office is located in the village of Badminton.) For further information please contact Claire Cunningham on 01451 862003 / 0778 6995869. • The Cotswold Voluntary Wardens were formed in 1968 and are celebrating their 40th Anniversary this year. In addition to the Walks on Wheels project, they will also be marking the event with parish walks in the north Cotswolds, family-focused walks across the area, a public conservation work party in the south and a special event to mark the Anniversary at the Royal Agricultural College in June. A further press release will be issued in due course.
Reference: "The Lithuanian art collection of Jaunius Gumbis". Museum and Collector - 6. Vilnius: National Museum of Lithuania, 2016, P. 66. Published: "The Lithuanian art collection of Jaunius Gumbis". Museum and Collector - 6. Vilnius: National Museum of Lithuania, 2016, P. 67.
Northern Illinois: E - KOSSAKOWSKI, Kali; HAYES, Keegan. 2B - VAN GEERTRY, Jenny; RIO, Jessica. RBI - GRABLE, Kayti; HARNISH, Bekah. Sac - HARNISH, Bekah. SB - KOSSAKOWSKI, Kali; VAN GEERTRY, Jenny. CS - RIO, Jessica. Ohio: HR - Morgan Geno. RBI - Morgan Geno 2. SB - Deanna Cole; Alexa Holland; MacKenzie Brunswick. CS - Taylor Saxton. Northern Illinois: Batters Faced - FRENZ, Alex 17; HAYES, Keegan 12. Ohio: Batters Faced - Morgan Geno; Danielle Stiene 23; Savannah Jo Dorsey 3.
Dublin City Council has in recent times been training staff to assist at Rest Centres in the event of a major emergency. Some of the Local Authority staff members acted as the ‘evacuees’ during the course of the Exercise to get the feel of what is required in a real time scenario. The ‘evacuees’ were evacuated by the Malahide Water Rescue Boat, across Broadmeadow Estuary. They were met by Swords AFS crews with inflatable platforms and assisted to dry land. On arrival they were looked after by a Welfare crew and given refreshments on the top deck of the new Welfare Unit Double-Decker bus. The ‘evacuees’ were then transferred by the Civil Defence Minibus to the Rest Centre in Portmarnock where they were documented and assessed, if needed, by Casualty staff. In attendance was Major John Parrot of the Salvation Army Pastoral Care team. The exercise proved very useful for the trainees from Dublin city Council.
How Do I Hide Photos On Facebook: Just what do you do when you don't desire your ex-girlfriend (with which you're friends on Facebook) to see the pictures of your new woman that you just uploaded? Exactly how do you hide the snaps of the weekend drinking binge you had with your friends, from your conventional relatives (as well as moms and dads )? In both the above-mentioned scenarios, not having such individuals as friends on Facebook is constantly an alternative. But that might not be one of the most convenient one. Fortunately, there's a method to hide your Facebook photos, videos, and also status updates, from people that shouldn't see them. Now, allows see exactly how we could hide an entire image album on Facebook from specific individuals. Action 2. Click on Edit Info on the album page. As you see below, I am intending to hide the images that get auto-posted to Facebook from my Posterous blog site. Step 3. Clicking on Edit Info raises the Edit album web page where you'll find a dropdown menu in the Privacy section. There once more you'll locate a Customized choice that you have to click. Step 4. This action coincides as Action 3 in the hiding a Facebook status procedure. You could either make the album visible to specific people or key in the names of individuals you intend to hide it from. That had to do with hiding your info from specific Facebook friends. Next time you will publish something rowdy, just make sure you go through these straightforward actions initially. Could conserve you a lot of embarrassment as well as problem. - In option that can see this image select Custom (received display shots). - Enter the name of that person your don't intend to share pic with and also Click save. As well as it will be done!
Start » Konferens & Möten » Enjoy “The cherry”! On Tuesday 13th June 2017, an event and product presentation Cherries took place in Matdistriktet restaurant in Stockholm, Sweden. The event was implemented within the framework of the European program ”The cherry” for the promotion of European cherries from Greece and Bulgaria. Campaign is co-funded by the European Union, Greece and Bulgaria. The event was supported by the main actors of the program, from Greece Mr. Demetrios Douros, representative of the cooperative ”cherries Rachis” member of the Agricultural Cooperative of ASOP EPISKOPIS Naoussa and Mrs. Marianna Miltenova, coordinator of the Bulgarian National Horticultural Union. During the event, nutritionist David Jonsoon analyzed the nutritional value of cherries and especially of cherries produced in southern Europe. The attendees enjoyed a pleasant break and mood, and then discussed with suppliers the prospect of network development in the Swedish market. The Group of Fruit Cooperatives is consisted by 7 Cooperatives leaded by ASOP Episkopis, Naoussa, Imathia. All Cooperatives are based in Central Macedonia and specifically in Imathia, Pella and Pieria the three main cherry producing areas in Greece. Short description, production and export data of each Cooperative are presented on the following pages. ASOP Episkopis is a primary Cooperative Organization established by farmers’ members of the primary Cooperative under the trade name ”Agricultural Credit Cooperative of Episkopi” which was founded in 1924. In 1987 it was renamed to its current trade name, under which it has been pre-identified as Farmer’s Group under the regulations (EC) 2200/96 & 1432/03 for the category ”Fruits and Vegetables”. Today the cooperative has 500 members – farmers, and it collects more than 15000 tons of fresh fruits annually. The National Union of gardeners in Bulgaria (NSGB) http://www.bnhu.bg/) was established in May 2003 as a nonprofit organization. Currently, the majority of the members of NSGB are major manufacturers of traditional and non-traditional country vegetables. One of the main objectives of the Union is to promote export growth and increase the competitiveness of Bulgarian fruits, vegetables and flowers in international markets. Most of the members are major producers of traditional and non-traditional vegetables in the country, which are delivered to international chains hyper- and supermarket chains such as ”Metro”, ”Billa” and ”Hit” and local chains ”Fantastico”, ”Family ”and” Piccadilly ”oriented for export or for companies processors. Approximately 40% of the members are producers of fruits managing the fruit plantations. Union’s main goal is to expand exports and reinforce the competitiveness of the Bulgarian-produced fruits, vegetables and flowers in throughout the international markets. For more information please visit www.thecherry.eu.
A true delight for the nature lovers, the state of Odisha (Orissa) offers adventurous Wildlife tours. Renowned for its Widlife parks and Sanctuaries in india, Orissa wildlife is home to a number of rare flora and fauna species. Having the thickest Mangrove forest and abundant Red Silk Cotton Trees, Wildlife parks at Odisha (Orissa) have proved to be the most successful breeding ground for Asiatic lions. The protected area network of Odisha (Orissa), spread over a sprawling area of 6611.12 sq. kms, the Wildlife in Orissa(Odisha) is cradled very lovingly in eighteen sanctuaries, a National Park and one proposed National Park. These wildlife parks cover about 4.25% of the geographical area and 11.37% of the forest area of the state. Adding more to this is the Gahirmatha Marine Sanctuary spread over1408 sq. kms of seascape. This marine habitat rests on a stretch of 20 kms.
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God has descended from Heaven to save all mankind. God wants us to understand the heart (soul). We reap what we sow. Ponder over what the soul manifests. That illness or suffering may be God’s guidance to help you remove evil (greed, arrogance, and self love) from your mind. The suffering is not punishment but God’s guidance to help understand the soul. God is showing you what your future may be if you do not remove evil from your mind. When your mind is pure, the soul will only bring upon joy. Hinoki is a refined and valuable timber and shin is defined as the truth. Could the process of hinokishin be defined as one who has true sincerity spreading God’s truths?
629 King Residences, a new luxury condo building, is home to one of the longest outdoor swimming pools in North America and a luxury entertainment venue. Lavalle is a rooftop lounge situated above 629 King Residences. It includes a 155-foot long pool. This members-only lounge charges a $200 annual fee. The pool area includes breathtaking views of the city from all directions. There is a cabana, garden, DJs, ice cream parlour, juice bar and multiple bars. There is a 250-seat dining room for more formal dinners. Part of the pool can be covered for use as a dance floor.
Long before most of us understood even the full meaning of the terms such as social justice and human dignity, Rabbi Sanders had begun to translate those ideas into action. Having periodically voiced the premonition that his life would be violently cut short, Milk was on a mission to improve the welfare of gay people, as well as all others who were disenfranchised or in the underclass. As Faderman points out, “He was very aware of himself as part of an ultraliberal Jewish tradition that fought for the oppressed of all stripes.” In taut, brisk prose that mirrors his sense of urgency, she relates how Milk’s relentless pursuit of his own version of tikkun olam involved three failed runs for office as an openly gay man in San Francisco during the tumultuous gay liberation movement of the 1970s. The famed author reflects on his life, career, and new chapters of “Tales of the City” on Netflix. Growing up in the 1950s and ‘60s in North Carolina, the novelist Armistead Maupin was a gentle, fanciful child who feared the mandatory dodge ball game at recess and convinced his parents to outfit his bedroom with a stained-glass window. His father, a lawyer who romanced racism and was prone to bouts of unexplained rage, assumed his son would grow out of his delicate constitution. Sensing early on that keeping up appearances was vital to survival, and longing unrequitedly for his father’s love across much of his life, Maupin initially tried to fit in: He embraced conservative politics, worked at a television station then managed by future U.S. senator and rabid social conservative Jesse Helms, and served in the Navy during the Vietnam War. Nestled alongside an idyllic lake, the Ravensbrück concentration camp, 50 miles north of Berlin, was constructed in 1939 specifically to house women.By the end of the war, 130,000 women from 20 European countries had been led through its entrance, often unaware of the danger inside. Most of the camp’s inhabitants weren’t Jewish; rather, they were considered inferior because they were prostitutes, lesbians, political resisters, “work-shy” or “asocial.” Roma (Gypsies) and Jehovah’s Witnesses—the latter had only to renounce their faith to be freed—were also imprisoned there. All were considered “useless mouths” by the Nazis, worthy of brutal treatment. More than 30,000—some estimate as many as 90,000—women perished there from starvation, disease, gassings, hanging, torture, or execution by shooting. “It cannot wait,” says the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in the civil rights movie Selma, which opened nationwide last Friday. King is pleading with President Lyndon B. Johnson to sign the Voting Rights Act. It’s a trenchant scene whose message is not lost on Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., who is also depicted in the film. Lewis, now 75, is still an idealistic agitator whose sense of urgency for dismantling discrimination has long extended to gay rights.
The payroll setup on SimplePay is designed to be as quick and painless as possible. Please see the relevant articles in each of the following sections for more information on the various stages and components of getting your payroll set up. Note that not all of the information is equally important to get started, but under Company Setup, for example, Employer Details and Pay Frequencies are required. Can I have weekly and monthly paid employees in one company? How do I transfer employees from an old company to a new company? Why can’t I capture take-on balances for an employee?
Most days, it's like I'm still the six year old version of myself playing dress up while trying to convince everyone I deserve to have my amazing job and the people who answer to friend. It's like if I can just wear my poker face and keep the magic of shooting stars, an obsession with bomb pops, and my really awkward sense of humor in check no one will know the difference. I can't be the only twenty-something who questions, "am I old enough to be doing this?" at least once a week, right? Sigh. I'm a mess, probably. As much as I wish I could hide my abstract-randomness, I can only tone it down on occasion. Summer is here and the drought is rearing it's ugly head. What's a girl to do after a long day of work? Dinner with friends, of course. So imagine my surprise when three little words caught me by surprise: Bomb Pop Margarita. Isn't it funny how when we age there are a few things that stick with us? We're older, yet some things are so intertwined into our being that they become the fiber of our lives. We suit up for work, worry about budgets, write things down before we forget - yet, we still hold on, tightly, to those really good moments. Sometimes, on a really good day, something from our childhood makes an appearance in an adult-friendly form. The moment this margarita was on the table it all of its red, white and blue deliciousness I realized I was being rewarded for being an adult. Making decisions, following my heart and using my head. I was being rewarded with a favorite from my childhood. Rewarded? Ha. Probably not, but that's what I told myself. Note: I've found a few Bomb Pop recipes on the reliable pinterest, but if you're in the OKC area you can get one at Mama Roja.
Eyewort and breastfeeding. Are they compatible? We do not have alternatives for Eyewort since it is relatively safe.
Watch all your content in premium quality with the LG 55SJ850V 55″ Smart 4K Ultra HD HDR LED TV. Its high-resolution screen supports 4K, so you can enjoy outstanding quality whether you’re playing native 4K discs on your Ultra HD Blu-ray player or streaming UHD content from online services. The TV creates an eye-catching centrepiece on its sturdy, sweeping crescent stand. With Nano Cell technology, the SJ850 makes everything from games to sports and documentaries look striking with precise, uniform colours and razor-sharp detail. Dolby Vision makes whatever you’re watching more lifelike with astounding colour and contrast. Active HDR lets the TV adapt to a variety of HDR formats – each scene is individually mastered, giving you ultra-accurate picture reproduction. Support for HDR 10 and HLG HDR enhances movies and streamed content respectively. Hear atmospheric sound to match each beautiful image Sound Designed by Harman/Kardon renders music, TV and film soundtracks in high quality for total immersion. Hear crisp definition for speech and full low end for music through a 2,2 channel 40 W speaker system. Explore more entertainment choices with LG webOS. You’ll have a range of shows, movies, sports and more accessible through WiFi. Stream exciting premium content from services like Netflix 4K, Amazon Prime 4K and more. The LG App Store lets you download extra apps to enhance your entertainment– tailor how you use your TV with the custom smart homepage, and control the TV effortlessly with the Magic Remote. Catch up on favourite shows from BBC iPlayer, ITV Hub, All 4 and Demand 5. The LG 55 SJ850 V has Freeview Play, letting you keep up with your favourites and access more shows on demand from over 60 TV channels and 12 HD channels. Find whatever you’ve missed over the past seven days by scrolling back through the TV guide.
Ready for BBQ season? See below for our fantastic grill dishes, plates, chip & dip bowls, and trays. Each one is laserable; choose a name or a logo to go on your grill ware! All are heavy duty metal to suit the BBQ needs. Cowboy Hats can be mounted with your full-colour logo printed on .25″ thick black plexi like the one above. Call or email us for information on pricing or details. *Below pricing does not include freight. *If you would like your logo on your grill ware, please add a $50.00 setup fee. You will be sent an artwork proof prior to production. 5″H x 12″W x 15.25″L – Weight 5.8 lb. 1.5″H x 12.5″W x 15.5″L – Weight 3.6 lb. 1.5″H x 11″W x 18.25″L – Weight 3.6 lb. 2″H x 14″W – Weight 4.2 lb. 1″H x 12.25″ deep – Weight 2 lb. 1.5″H x 6.5″W x 9.5″L – Weight 1.25 lb. 1.25″H x 12.25″W x 16.25″L – Weight 4.25 lb. 1″H x 5.75″W x 8″L – Weight 1 lb. 1.5″H x 13.5″W – Weight 3.75 lb. 1″H x 10.5″W x 13.25″L – Weight 1.25 lb. 1.5″H x 11.5″W x 20.25″L – Weight 4.75 lb. 1.25″H x 7.75″W x 15.5″L – Weight 1.5 lb. 0.5″H x 10.75″W x 18.5″L – Weight 3.5 lb. 2.75″H x 13″W x 22.25″L – Weight 5.25 lb. 1″H x 12.25″ deep – Weight 2.25 lb. 1″H x 6.5″W x 9.25″L – Weight 1.5 lb. 1″H x 11.75″W x 16.5″L – Weight 5 lb. 3″H x 12.5″ deep – Weight 5 lb. 1.5″H x 10.75″ deep – Weight 37 oz.
"The value decade is upon us. If you can't sell a top-quality product at the world's lowest price, you're going to be out of the game" (Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric). Toyota Motor Company, the father of Lean Thinking and Lean Production is one of the world's most successful and profitable companies. Lean Thinking has evolved over generations as a method to achieve ever-increasing value for customers. Like Six Sigma and the Theory of Constraints, Lean Thinking is an important business improvement philosophy and strategy that should be familiar to small-business owners. Two guiding principles stand as the pillars of Lean Thinking. First, respect people by creating a culture of learning and growth, high morale, safety, and constant encouragement to challenge the status quo. Second, develop an unrelenting focus on improvement that delivers the best-quality products and services in the shortest possible lead-time, thus providing maximum value to customers while driving down waste and cost. By tapping into the wealth of experience, talent and creativity of “ordinary” employees, you can create extraordinary business systems and processes. Trusting and empowering small teams will encourage continuous improvement of products, services, and business operations. Companies grounded in Lean Thinking educate all employees about "process improvement." Managers are home-grown and proficient in Systems Thinking and process-improvement strategies and skills. They are hands-on masters of their work domain, and personally teach it to others on the team. Managers get out from behind their desk and go where the work is performed to see problems with their own eyes, build relationships of trust, foster teamwork, and help their people find solutions. In Lean methodology, any business activity or step in a process is said to be "value-added" if it ultimately benefits the customer, and they would be willing to pay for it. The only steps that add value are those that transform raw material or information into something the customer wants. Some activities are “value enabling,” such as accounting, purchasing, and human resource. These activities are necessary to support the operation of the business. Everything else is waste that should be kept to a minimum. Typically, 80% of what is done in a business process is non-value-added. Only 20% would get customers to open their wallet. For example, providing a customer with information about a product is value-added because it increases their personal knowledge. Handling a customer complaint is non-value-adding because no one wants to pay for problems. Installing kitchen cabinets is a value-added service. Making a return trip to replace a defective drawer handle is non-value-adding. Customers don’t want your mistakes to increase their cost, directly or indirectly! Lean is about doing more with less. It is based upon the premise that anywhere work is being done, non-value-added waste is being generated that should be minimized or removed. These activities add cost to your product or service. For example, a step to “touch up” furniture scratched in a store delivery system should be eliminated by counter-measures that would prevent the scratches in the first place. Kaizen—the Japanese term for continuous improvement—is a mindset and practice that encourage teamwork, standardization, mastery of the process, experimentation to find better ways, comparison to baseline accomplishments, incremental and ever-evolving change, and the ongoing improvement of results. It asks the question, “How can I do this better?” Kaizen is a quest for perfection! Below are Lean Thinking principles that apply to many business processes. Remember, only the right process will produce the right results! Value is added by the physical or informational transformation of raw material into something the customer wants and will pay for. Developing people and partners also adds value. Treat partners and suppliers as an extension of your business. Help them grow, develop, and improve. Build stable and trusting relationships. Continuously solving root problems drives organizational learning. Errors are opportunities for improvement. Problem solving is 20% tools and 80% thinking. Learn-by-doing is most important; training is second (80% hands-on, 20% classroom). The best method is training followed by immediate doing, or doing followed by immediate training. Create small teams (5-6 people) and let them challenge themselves and the status quo to evolve their own practices and improvements. Make decisions slowly. Seek ideas and consensus from all of those affected. Implement decisions rapidly, but with caution. Design business systems and processes to achieve a continuous flow. Increase productivity and quality by avoiding big batches and stop-start hand-offs. Do not let material, parts, and products wait in line. Standardize tasks. Use proven, repeatable methods everywhere to maintain the predictability, regular timing, and output of your processes. Allow creative and individual expression to improve on the standard. Let a process “pull work” from a previous process, not have work “pushed” upon it (overfeeding). The down-line customer in the production process gets what they want, when they want it, and in the amount they want. Include visual controls to make management easy. Workers should be able to tell how the system or process is performing at a glance. Build into your culture the philosophy of stopping or slowing down a process to get quality right the first time. This will enhance productivity in the long run. Avoid accumulating rejects for later handling. Don’t trouble your customers (anyone affected by your work or decisions). Don’t force people to do wasteful work. Don’t give them defects. Don’t make them wait. Don’t overburden them. Don’t pass along problems. Keep work-in-process to a minimum. Only build inventory to meet customer demand (inventory hides problems). Use technology to support, not replace people. Focus on process and people first, then add information technology to support them. Use low-cost reliable alternatives to expensive new technology. Test technology thoroughly before implementing. Allow customers to pull products, or in other words, do the non-value-added tasks themselves. For example, customers can complete their own online order form or pump their own gas. Managers should go observe work where it is performed to understand problems and verify data (genchi genbutsu), rather than theorizing or just working from reports. Practice the simple and widely used “Five Whys” kaizen tool to develop problem-solving and root-cause analysis skills. The essence of Lean Thinking is to constantly challenge the status quo. Ask, “Why are we doing this, and why are we doing it this way?” Repeat the cycle of continuous improvement. As you increase quality and speed, you will lower costs and provide greater value to customers. You will also become a culture of excellence! Box Theory™ for Small Business--Create High-Performance Systems!
What woman hasn't dreamt of flashing their breasts at the Empire State Building?? Ok, maybe that's an odd one, but working with Gary Breckheimer in one of the greatest cities on earth was certainly a dream of mine! Not only do I work hard to make my dreams come true - but then I share them with you! I hope you enjoy this month's wallpapers (one for your computer and one for your phone! you're obsessed!) and do not fret, City of New York; I'll be coming back for you soon!
Air pollution isn’t just something that happens outside. With homes becoming more efficient and air-tight, our HVAC systems can be constantly recirculating indoor air pollutants such as toxic fumes and harmful allergens. The solution? High quality air filtration or air purification solutions like an electronic air cleaner. Get highly effective air purification with an electronic air cleaner. An electric air cleaner uses electrically charged filters to capture airborne pollutants. It works with the existing heating and air conditioning system in your home to filter the air passing through your duct work. The electronic air cleaner captures dust, dander, bacteria and mold spores in a series of three filters, preventing them from being distributed into your home. Physical Filter – traps the largest particles like dirt, lint and pet hair. Ionized Filter – collects smaller particles like dust mites, pollen and mold by electrically charging them so they clump together. Activated Carbon Odor & Gas VOC Filter – removes Volatile Organic Compounds such as gases from paints, cleaning products and tobacco smoke. Energy Efficient – uses less energy than operating a 40 watt light bulb. Reusable Filters – simply wash the filters every few months. Superior Effectiveness – removes up to 99% of airborne pollutants. Easy Installation – can be combined with most HVAC systems. Ready for an Electronic Air Cleaner? Are you ready to install an electronic air cleaner in your home? Do you have more questions about this type of filter? Or questions about your indoor air quality in general? Call All Seasons Comfort Systems! Our highly trained staff will help you with answers and expert installations. Our reliable team of technicians will make sure you have the indoor air quality solutions you need for your home. Call us today at 417-739-4606, or make an appointment with us online.
information about you, including from our group companies, particularly Western Suburbs (Ncle) Leagues Club Limited ("Wests"). you have a right to control how your personal information is collected and used. Providing personal information is an act of trust and it is taken seriously. Unless given consent to do otherwise, we will only collect and use personal information as set out below. information', which means information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable whether the information or opinion is true or not and whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not. Your full name, gender, date of birth, home address, home telephone number, mobile telephone number, email address and workplace contact details are examples of information which may constitute personal information. Personal information may also include information we may collect about your individual preferences. Policy with respect to personal information to reflect world best practice on privacy policies. These principles meet and exceed the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (as amended) and the 13 Australian Privacy Principles. or carried out by the NRL or States including the pre-season, season proper, finals series and any post season tournament or knockout cup competition and any other football competition or tournament. conduct and staging of a Competition and includes (without limitation) the NRL and States (including the divisions and associations that make up the States). "Clubs" means any club registered with the NRL or States from time to time. League, Country Rugby League of New South Wales, NRL Victoria, NRL South Australia, NRL Northern Territory, NRL Western Australia and NRL Tasmania. agreement or arrangement with the NRL, States, Competition Administrator or Club (as the case may be), including Ticketek and Ticketmaster, and which you may also have a direct relationship with (including by participation in a Competition). Knights in relation to your engagement with the Newcastle Knights, including, for example, where you buy a ticket or membership to a club match, buy merchandise or by entering a club promotion, then your information may be shared as part of the Rugby League Exchange. or pseudonymous basis. If this is practicable, our Collection Channels will only seek information in this way. However, where it is not practicable for the purposes for which information is collected, we will seek the information identified below. It will not be practicable to deal with you on an anonymous or pseudonymous basis when we wish to send you direct marketing materials or need to provide you with goods or services requested by you. Any other personal information which you provide directly to us. Any other personal information requested or required by a Collection Channel. your IP address, access dates and times, browser type and pages visited when you interact with a Website. Purchase merchandise or event packages from the Newcastle Knights club shop, Knights website or any other Website. Do any of the above in relation to our group companies, including Wests. Knights and/or facilitate or provide you with certain services (including events), products and content, and information about such services (including events), products and content (including the uploading, access to, and receipt of content on a Website, marketing materials (including direct marketing materials), newsletters, electronic newsletters (e-newsletters), news and media releases / launch information, and also to advise you of other products, services, offers, competitions or promotions which may be of interest. No one is obligated to provide personal information. However, failure to do so may result in The Newcastle Knights being unable to facilitate or provide you with certain content, products or services, products or services information, upcoming opportunities and promotion, competition, offer or event information or accept competition entries or other content from you (where applicable). party sources and platforms including the NRL and the Rugby League Exchange, as well as social media channels, commercial data providers, referral agents, marketing companies, targeting companies, list brokers, credit reporting bodies and other data providers or organisations that share data in circumstances where it is lawful and/or you have given permission for them to do so, including our service providers and retail partners. by The Newcastle Knights to be under the age of fifteen (15) without the consent of a parent or legal guardian. Persons under age fifteen (15) may only use our Websites with the involvement and consent of a parent or legal guardian. which tells us about visitors to our Websites. For example, we may collect information about the date, time and duration of visits and which pages of a Website are most commonly accessed. This information is generally not linked to the identity of visitors, except where a Website is accessed via links in an email we have sent or where we are able to uniquely identify the device or user accessing a Website. By accessing a Website via links in an email we have sent and/or by accessing a Website generally, you consent to the collection of such information where it is personal information. When you receive newsletters or promotional e-mails from The Newcastle Knights, we may use web beacons (described below), customised links or similar technologies to determine whether the e-mail has been opened and which links you click in order to provide you with more focused e-mail communications or other information. combine such passively collected anonymous information or personal information and/or information from various third party sources, including as described above, and may combine this anonymous information or personal information with other personal information collected from you to provide better service to Website visitors and users, customise a Website based on your preferences, compile and analyse statistics and trends, provide you with relevant advertising when you visit a Website or a third party website, and otherwise administer and improve a Website for your use. We may combine your visitor session information or other information collected through tracking technologies with personally identifiable information from time to time in order to understand and measure your online experiences and to determine what products, promotions and services are likely to be of interest to you. By accessing a Website, you consent to information about you being collected, compiled and used in this way. To fulfil our obligations under either our Constitution or the Registered Clubs Act 1976 (as amended). residing outside of Australia.. Failure to provide personal information may result in us being unable to provide you with certain content, products, services, upcoming opportunity, promotion, offer or event (where applicable). purposes described above, personal information may also be shared with our group companies, selected service providers and/or other trusted third parties in Australia. Our group companies, selected service providers and/or other trusted third parties may be engaged to perform a variety of functions, such as legal and accounting services, data storage, fulfilling orders, conducting market research, processing credit card payments, assisting with promotions and providing technical services for our Websites. These companies may have access to personal information if needed to perform such functions. and agents), our promotional partners or trusted third parties (and other selected service providers and other non-The Newcastle Knights companies or professionals) either in Australia or overseas, may contact you via telephone, SMS (Short Message Service), MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service), IM (Instant Messaging), email, post or any other form of electronic, emerging, digital or conventional communications channel using the information provided in order to contact you in respect of the primary purposes for collection of personal information as stated above. advertising and marketing information, we may send you non-commercial "Administrative Emails". Administrative Emails relate to a user account and may include administrative and transaction confirmations, requests and inquiries or information about a particular user account. If you do not wish to receive such communications, you may remove your name from the database by utilising the functional unsubscribe facility. content, post or provide information about yourself, communicate with other users, provide reviews for content, products and/or services or interact with or vote on particular content. This information may be shared with others and may be publicly posted on our Websites, including without limitation, other social media platforms and other public forums in which you choose to participate. This information may become publicly available and may be read, collected and used by others outside of our Websites. We are not responsible for the conduct of others who may read, collect and use this information. information is accurate, complete and up-to-date. To assist us with this, please contact Club Reception, Human Resources or our Privacy Officer if any of the details you have provided change. Further, if you believe that the information we have about you is not accurate, contact us and we will use all reasonable efforts to correct the information. No fee applies to correction of personal information. Please allow 30 days for this request to be processed. information, and all reasonable steps to delete the information will be made, except where it is required for legal reasons. Deletion of information may result in us being unable to facilitate or provide you with information about certain transactions (including the uploading, access to, and receipt of content on a Website, and purchase transactions undertaken on a Website), other content, services or product information, upcoming promotion, competition or event information, and/or provide certain content, goods or services. personal information and we will take all reasonable precautions to protect this information from loss, misuse or alteration. We will endeavour to take all reasonable steps to keep secure any personal information recorded and to keep this information accurate, up to date, complete and relevant. We ensure only those necessary have access to your personal information. We may hold personal information electronically and in hard copy at our premises. We do not store any payment information. The information is also stored on secure servers that are protected in controlled facilities. This service may be performed on our behalf and data may be hosted by our selected data storage providers. your personal information that is likely to result in serious harm to you, the Newcastle Knights, with the assistance of the NRL, will investigate and notify you and where applicable the relevant supervisory authority (e.g. the Australian Information Commissioner) within 72 hours of becoming aware of the loss, or unauthorised access or disclosure, in accordance with applicable privacy laws (including the Privacy Act and Australian Privacy Principles). other organisations which may be of interest to you. Inclusion of such links cannot be taken to imply any endorsement or validation by us of the content of the third party website. Linked websites are responsible for their own privacy practices and you should check those websites for their respective privacy statements. We are not responsible, nor do we accept any liability, for the conduct of companies linked to our Websites. party advertisements are not recommendations or endorsements by us or any of our affiliates We are not responsible for the content (including representations) of any third party advertisement on a Website. Cookies may be associated with these advertisements to enable the advertiser to track the number of anonymous users responding to the campaign. We do not have access to or control of cookies placed by third parties. policies on the Websites of some members of The Newcastle Knights may vary, however, because of local customs, practices or laws. Newcastle Knights Rugby League Pty Ltd.
BSK es una empresa de ingeniería industrial y proyectos de construcción en España, desarrollando con éxito proyectos de construcción, especialmente obras civiles. ?????????? ?????????? ? ?????????? ?????? Banned by the church in 1933, The Master Key System takes you deep inside the world of the mind and uncovers the limitless possibilities of the mind.
Dealing with repressed memories ? D. Gray-man suman dark fallen one? HP and Compaq Desktop PCs - CD/DVD Drive is not Detected (Windows XP, ME , or 98) ... In Windows 98 and Me, right-click the My Computer icon on the desktop . ... Disc burning software does not recognize the original drive ... If no updates are available, the rest of the steps in this section should still fix ... . PC Help & Tools. One of the common issues many Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 users are experiencing is missing optical drive icon. ... CD-DVD Icon Repair is a portable tool that helps you when Windows ... Method 1 did NOT work for me on a Win 8.1 64bit ASUS laptop. ... . My DVD drive did not show up on my computer. Difference between 1x1 and 2x2 Wireless N Card? how t make gta 4 run fast with nvidia geforce 8400 gs 1 gb and core 2 duo cpu? Fix it to remove CD/DVD driver customizations ... If your CD/DVD drive does appear in My Computer the next steps may assist in determining if it ... . Can anyone from Microsoft jump in and help. ... . Did all this!! then propted me to reboot the computer did so, them when it came back on they were gone again. Note: Before performing any of the steps described below, please ... The drive has power, but does not eject the drawer or does not ... Attempt to read or play discs other than the failing one. ... boots to the CD/DVD-ROM drive, this part of the computer system is working correctly. ... Refer to "Need more help? When You Go Into My Computer And There Is No CD/DVD Drive Or Optical ... Does anyone else experience this or is yours always missing? ... cant find cd drive icon any where.. i have tried all the video plzz help me i have also ... . or lower class filter but my dvd is also not working please tell me what to do. Because it behaves just like any other drive attached to your computer, a ROM ... manufacturer for help with a missing CD or DVD drive letter in Explorer, one of the first ... Here are the steps to fix the CD or DVD drive not appearing in MyComputer ... If you are not one for editing the Windows Registry, thankfully there is a ... ..
With a matte satin finish, wedding sets and engagement rings don’t need as much care. If you consider that your marriage will last decades, you’ll want to choose a ring that can withstand that test of time. Other choices might require regular maintenance like polishing and refinishing, but the satin finish doesn’t show any of the possible scratches that will occur over decades. This ring finish is great for anyone who works with their hands daily. We’ve chosen some really stunning matte satin finish rings that will last for years. As a satin finish wedding band, this is a good choice. It’s a classic band that comes in three gold colors; rose, white, and yellow gold. It’s great to have that many choices in color, so the men’s band can match the color of her wedding set. The mixture of cross satin and polished finish on the ring gives it tons of character. It’s not just a plain band while being a classic style. The ring is 7 mm wide to fit with many size hands. It won’t overwhelm or look dainty on different sizes. As far as the sizes of the ring itself, it comes in every size imaginable from 4 to 14 with quarter sizes in between. This jeweler offers extras like lifetime resizing. They offer a complimentary gift box in case you’re buying this for the man in your life. This interesting band has a triple split shaft with a tube design. It’s such a unique band made in Italy, which is known for its beautiful gold jewelry pieces. . The outside of the ring has a satin finish while the inside is polished for comfort. The middle of the triple tube design has a row of diamonds. The diamonds have a clarity of SI and a color of G-H. The diamonds have a total carat weight of 0.12. The rings come in sizes 5 through 9, and are not resizable, so it’s important to get the correct size when ordering this lovely satin finish band. For some, a classic band with an uncommon finish is perfect. They don’t want anything overly complicated or flashy. This 2 mm wide gold band works for those who want a simple band where they don’t have to worry about ruining it. This ring has a shiny interior that’s fit for comfort. A slim, lightweight ring like this won’t be a burden or a weight while you’re working with your hands. The ring comes in white or yellow gold of 14k. The ring comes in half sizes from 4 to 8.5. In total, it’s available up to size 13. The ring comes with a lovely presentation box, too. If you purchase the wrong size or wish to return, there’s a return and exchange policy in place with the seller. The woman who wants to wear a ring with a matte satin finish doesn’t have to go without sparkle as we saw above with the triple split shaft ring with diamonds. This is another bling-worthy ring that you will love. It’s a solid 14 karat gold with a polished interior and a matte satin exterior. This ensures that the ring is comfortable while being worn. The oval white topaz measures 5 x 3 mm. It’s a genuine topaz surrounded by 6 diamonds of 0.23 carats. The white topaz is natural and untreated as are the diamonds. The ring comes in half sizes from 4.5 through 9. Each ring comes with a lovely gift box for presentation purposes. This is the last ring on the list. We’ve gone back with the classic wedding band that is a great choice for this satin finish. Imagine if your husband is on the construction site, working in the garage, or spending time playing sports. A shiny gold ring will end up with dings and scratches since gold is softer than other metals. That won’t be a huge concern with a satin finish ring. This one has a comfort fit on the interior, so it’s smooth and comfortable for him. The comfort fit interior means he can slip it on and off easily for situations where he wants to preserve the ring. It’s available in half sizes ranging from 4 to 15. Each ring comes with a gift box in case you want to surprise him with a new wedding band. That concludes our list of favorite rings with a satin finish. If you haven’t considered a satin finish, you definitely should. They’re easy to care for, and you won’t have to worry about their durability and appearance over the decades of your marriage. While you don’t want to forget you’re wearing a wedding band since it’s a symbol of your commitment, it shouldn’t be a constant concern every time you want to participate in an activity where it might be scratched.
Moving into 2012, I’m taking the opportunity to reflect on 2011, celebrate accomplishments and failures, to learn and grow, reconnect with my husband, and move joyfully forward into the new year with renewed passion and commitment to live from my heart, to follow my dreams, to be fully present and mindful, to keep striving for better balance in all aspects of life, and pass that spirit and optimism onto my family. You may resolve to recommit to your health, pursue a new passion, reinvent your career, improve your marriage, or whatever you want to achieve in the new year. But when you set your resolutions or goals or whatever you call them, do you ever hear a subconscious whisper of doubt or fear, that you will fail to achieve your goals? It may be so faint you don’t hear it, or maybe it’s not there at all and you truly believe that you can accomplish ANYTHING you put your mind to. If that’s the case, congratulations, you are a rare and exceptional person! Most of us, however, doubt our potential and have a deep-rooted fear of failure. So I ask myself today, how is this year different? How will I possibly accomplish everything I want to do? Can I really live the life I’ve always dreamed of? Can I change the things I want to change and lead my family by being an inspirational role model? What fears might prevent me from achieving my goals, and being the mindful mother and woman I want to be? Life is humbling sometimes, but humility, gratitude and optimism are what propel me forward, to believe that I really can do whatever I set my mind to do. Thank you 2012 for the opportunity to reach for the stars, and truly believe that I can make all my dreams come true.
Strengthen your pelvic floor muscles for stronger orgasms and overall better pelvic health! This set of 3 double kegel balls is graduated in weight so you can gradually work your way to a stronger pelvic floor. Great for helping restore muscles used during child birth. Made from body safe, latex free and phthalate free materials Silicone. The loop handle makes taking them out a breeze! Please use water based lubricant for easier insertion. Always clean before and after use. 3 assorted colors: red, pink and blue.
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Enter sum of 2 + 4 = I Agree to all *Terms & Conditions. Gold fell on Wednesday, as a rising dollar spurred investors to take profits after tumbling stocks pushed the metal to a more than three-month peak in the previous session. The dollar, as measured against a basket of other currencies .DXY , hit its highest since Aug. 17, potentially weighing on demand by making bullion more expensive for holders of non-dollar currencies. Downbeat economic data across Europe and upbeat data for the US shored up the US dollar index overnight and weighed on LME copper. LME copper fell past $6,200/mt to a low of $6,171/mt overnight. The SHFE 1812 contract ended in the red overnight even as it rebounded from a low of 49,980 yuan/mt. In addition to the robust US dollar, weakness across equity markets which dented investor risk appetite also pressured copper prices. Oil prices fell by around one percent on Thursday, coming under pressure from sharp selloffs in global stock markets, with U.S. stocks posting the biggest daily decline since 2011 to wipe out the year’s gains. Oil prices fell under extreme selling pressure … as the steep selloff across stock markets fuelled fears over a possible drop in oil demand growth,” said Lukman Otunuga, analyst at futures brokerage FXTM.
Smith, TW. (1978). In Search of House Effects: A Comparison of Responses to Various Questions by Different Survey Organizations. Public Opinion Quarterly, 42(4), 443-463.
Steven deCsesznak is a student at California Polytechnic State University majoring in Mechanical Engineering coupled with a minor in finance and an emphasis in Game Theory. He is a bitcoin enthusiast and uses his technical knowledge in Engineering to give an alternative perspective on Bitcoin. Is Technical Analysis a Suitable Tool for Bitcoin?
I work in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at CSU Sacramento. We are in the process of looking into what it would take to renovate a chemistry stockroom. Does anyone have any suggestions or contacts for consultants with experience in renovating / designing chemistry stockrooms?
The beauty of a canvas wrap, the durability of a mounted print; with the canvas block, every print is wrapped over a solid wood base for extra stability and sharp corners. The fine art canvas is a cotton/poly blend with an acid free, pH-neutral coating. The heavyweight, bright white canvas has an Oxford 2 over 1 weave. Canvas Blocks are ink-jet printed with high-quality archival inks. Canvas Blocks are wrapped over a wood base with 1½” sides. Each Canvas Block back is finished with black paper backing and clear wall guards, for a finished look. Color borders are available for Canvas Blocks when ordered through ROES Plus. Included standard with every canvas block, clear rubber wall bumpers provide stability and protect walls from scratches.
Chloé - The gold-tone metal C plaque punctuating Chloé's white belt bag is one of SS19's trophy motifs. It's Italian-crafted with a subtle debossed logo above the suede panel and opens to reveal a beige twill interior with a neat card slot. Style it with pared-back separates for a contemporary feel.
This apartment is a place of choice for those who prize comfort, quality and a great location. Situated on the beach, at your disposal everything that you need for a fantastic vacation days. Hi, my name is Rui I love to host and meet people. These are some of the reasons why I've always wanted to create spaces which were comfortable; places where people could feel as if they were at their own home.
FM MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY LTD (FMMC) is a private and independent company founded in 2004 with Romanian capital and offering business management and consulting services. FMMC was created with the mission to support the private sector and public authorities in sustainable development for the creation of a knowledge-based society and a competitive and efficient economy. Active for over 11 years on the market, we have significant experience in the field, as evidenced by our portfolio of clients and the number of projects developed and implemented relevant for them, international, regional or local level.
NEW! Scentsy Harvest Halloween 2018 Collection. This amazing Farmstand Pumpkin Bundle is Available 9/1/18 – Indulgent notes of fresh APPLE, CINNAMON STICK, PUMPKIN and CARAMEL.
Medical Conditions Mindy has a history of drug abuse and psychiatric problems, and was taking medication for her conditions at the time of her disappearance. Mindy was last seen in St. Ignace, Michigan on August 14, 2002. Her six-month-old daughter, Jersey Arnett, had been removed from her care by the state shortly after birth. Child protection authorities had received reports from family members that Mindy was mentally unstable, abused drugs, and neglected her daughter. Updated 2 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated May 12, 2017; details of disappearance updated.
This is exactly what I saw where the below is just a basic screen shot of 1 of many tests that I carried out. Read the whole thing for more details. Deeper Into Adaptive Join OptimizationStop Using Domain Admin!
To ensure that business, real estate, and personal transactions are handled appropriately and prevent future problems, many individuals and businesses hire lawyers for tasks such as contract review and due diligence. Unfortunately, clients can be harmed when their attorneys neglect to properly perform these duties. When a lawyer has a conflict of interest with the client or commits other ethics violations, allows a damaging breach of confidentiality, breaches his or her fiduciary duty, or commits malfeasance or criminal activity, their professional misconduct can cost clients money. An attorney grievance with the State Bar simply does not restore the client to his or her expected financial condition. In real estate contracts, when an attorney fails to mitigate or disclose unfavorable terms, does not properly escrow accounts, or is otherwise negligent, clients may find themselves facing loss of their earnest money or burdened with unexpected costs or penalties. Attorneys are often responsible for learning the true value of assets and debts in many real estate and business transactions. If an attorney fails to discover or properly disclose the value of stock or to detect an issue with title to real property, the result may amount to huge monetary losses, sometimes even millions of dollars. If an attorney’s negligence prevents the transfer of assets such as stock, clients may lose their interest entirely and even end up in bankruptcy. When attorneys draft documents, contracts, or partnership agreements, it is their obligation to make sure the client’s interests are properly represented. When they fail to notice, mitigate, or communicate the true situation, their negligence can cause substantial financial harm. Attorneys may accept contract terms or settlements on behalf of a client without permission, to their detriment. At Shuford Law Firm, you will find a highly experienced north Texas legal negligence attorney who is proud to protect Texans and the legal profession by standing up to other lawyers and law firms when their negligence or wrongful conduct harms clients. He draws from his three decades of experience, having worked for large, established law firms and as a sole practitioner. He understands law firms’ operations, the legal industry, and the law. You will enjoy personal attention and clear communication with your professional misconduct lawyer from the inception of your case. Contact our firm for a consultation. All cases are taken on a contingency basis.
A circular walk in St Albans and Verulamium – the Two Cities! View the ‘holywell’ before continuing to Sopwell Nunnery and then along the course of a medieval road to the Cathedral. Then a circuit of the park before returning to St Albans Abbey station.
W hat the heck is personal branding? As a brand coach, this is one of the most common questions I get asked from new clients. Do I brand myself or my company? Aren’t they one and the same? There are pros and cons to both operating under a company name as well as a personal name. Regardless, the values you hold dear – whether under a company or personal name – should be incorporated into everything you do. Creating a personal brand is important for anyone. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or not, a personal brand is about who you are and what you offer. Taking the time to establish a personal brand is key – otherwise you risk having it defined for you. What words do you want to come to mind about you when someone says your name? Perhaps you want to be known as a travel expert, who is great at finding the best travel deals. Or a life coach who helps her clients start living their dream life. Get clear on what you want to be known for so you can develop a strategy for achieving it. The best way to begin developing a personal brand is to start sharing what you know! But you need to be strategic about it. Once you’ve outlined what you want to be known for, you can start sharing it on social media, writing about it on your own blog, guest posting, or doing videos. The point is, you want to become known for being an expert in a certain area. The best way to do this is to get your knowledge out there! While it’s important to have a clear idea of what you want to be known for, you also want to be authentic and not simply projecting a curated image of how you want others to perceive you. Think about stripping away the mask to allow who you REALLY are to show through. You want to make sure that the brand you are building online is who you are in real life. In order for your personal brand to stand out, you need to identify what makes you unique. What comes naturally to you is actually difficult for some, so take the time to be super clear on what these strengths are. These strengths will help set you apart and differentiate you in your branding. Remember, you are unique and you do your best work when you lead with your natural strengths. If you struggle coming up with things that you feel you are naturally good at, ask your friends and family for some ideas! Being clear on your values will really serve you in any future endeavor you have going forward. By creating clarity around what’s most important to you, you’ll be able to ensure that you’re spending your valuable time on projects that align with what’s really important to you. At the end of the day, you have already begun building a personal brand, but it’s important to be strategic about it. Your personal brand is how you’re showing up already, how others perceive you, what you know (and who knows it), and what your online profile says about you. If you need help developing your personal brand, I go over this in a lot of detail in my Brand Foundation Bootcamp. If you’d like to work with my individually, I have a couple coaching spots available right now. Learn more about my coaching program.
Coupon Code: CHAMBRAYLOVE will drop the price of each shirt to $19.95 with FREE SHIPPING. An awesome denim shirt is an essential for any closet and the Cami shirt can fill that need for you. This super soft shirt comes in three different colors and will become a go-to in no time at all. Pair any of these shirts with some great leggings or black skinny jeans. Denim shirt with snaps and two front pocket accents. Small: Width: 34", Sleeve: 18-1/2" Medium: Width: 36", Sleeve: 18-1/2" Large: Width: 38", Sleeve: 19" X-Large: Width: 40", Sleeve: 19"
Johnny Depp and Mia Wasikowska return to Wonderland in the sequel to the 2010 Tim Burton film, now directed by James Bobin. But is it a trip too far for the critics? Overall Verdict: great visual effects, but the lack of faithfulness to the book (no surprise as much of it was covered in the first film) means that there is even less to enjoy in wonderland this time. A great opportunity missed!
Ignite Kinesiology - What’s so different about Neuroenergetic Kinesiology and why do I call myself a Neuroenergetic Kinesiologist? Acupressure formatting is a combination of mudras and acupressure points, developed by Richard Utt. When these format modes are held together, the depth of resonance in the etheric communication is amplified. Think of it like playing a chord in music. The resonance of sound is so much deeper than when only one note is played. The frequency that is then transferred into your energy field when a format is ‘put in circuit', will accurately locate the stress in your being, crossing all planes and dimensions. Acupressure formatting speeds up the process of finding root causes of issues, by allowing your subconscious and unconscious to speak clearly via the muscle test. Formats look like a maths equation and a practitioner translates the equation or ‘format’ into hand mudras and acupressure points. It’s a bit like reading music and transferring that to the instrument to make the sound. The sound then localises the stress to be cleared, and the body can be brought back into homeostasis using stress diffusion techniques. The founder of Neuroenergetic Kinesiology, Hugo Tobar has holographically developed formats for every part (it seems!) of our being. These potent formats provide us with many, many keys to opening the locks to our deep-seeded stress, enabling us to find our way home to our truth. This style of formatting used in Neuroenergetic Kinesiology makes it the most advanced form of Kinesiology in the world, and there is no limit to its use for stress management. I am looking forward to learning Hugo’s latest courses on Burnout, Leaky Gut and Histamine Intolerances, later in the year. Have you experienced Neuroenergetic Kinesiology?
As part of its Financial & In-Kind Assistance Policy, Council offers a Community Assistance Program. Each year Council dedicates $10,000 to this program. Advertising for this program occurs in April and May each year, with Council considering all applications annually at the next possible meeting of Council.
On Sunday 14th May, our very own Mr Payne ran a 10K race in Regent’s Park dressed as a superhero. Mr Payne’s cape was signed by all those families and staff who sponsored the run. Thanks to Mr Payne, we raised almost £270!
The Rotecna Ultra-resistant chain for chain and disk systems sets are designed for a long-travel conveyer system. The Ultra-resistant chain is available in 300 or 360 meters long. The hardness of the links makes the chain more resistant to stretching and tensioning. A Zinc-plated steel chain and Nitrurated carbon chains are also available from Rotecna.
Thank you for your interest in Rock University High School! In order to make sure Rock University High School is a good fit for the student and family, the following application process has been established. It is our goal and commitment to families to ensure students are placed in the right school and classes to meet their individualized needs. Once application steps have been completed, you will be notified that your application is complete and will receive an email summarizing your status for enrollment. At that time we will work together to determine appropriate placement.
Located on Del Prado Boulevard S, this suite shows with impeccable class and taste featuring a well thought out floor plan. Formerly a high end title office, this space is perfect for an attorney, doctor or other professional uses. Medical impact fees paid.
Are you taking on new debt to help pay off old debt? Are you always late making your monthly payments? Are you using credit cards for everyday living expenses, such as groceries and gas? Are bill collectors constantly calling you, demanding payment? Stop spending money you don’t have. There’s a saying that goes "When you’re in a hole, stop digging." This is especially true in this situation. If you don’t have a budget, make one. Cut out every unnecessary expense. Don’t ignore the situation. Many people take the ostrich approach to financial problems. They bury their heads in the sand and hope for the best. Unfortunately, this very rarely works. If you’re having trouble making your monthly payments, call your credit card company, or mortgage servicer, or car loan company and explain to them the situation. Try to work out payment arrangements that you can handle. Most companies will try to work with you, if at all possible. Make minimum, on-time payments. While you are struggling, make the minimum payment due but always pay on time. Once the situation improves, increase the amount you pay every month. Get credit counseling. There are many professional, licensed nonprofit agencies that can help you get back on track. Stay away from agencies that charge exorbitant fees for their services.
Today, Hubby and I picked one of our favorite spots for lunch, and the food did not disappoint. It was difficult to enjoy the meal or focus on the conversation, however, as the booth behind us included a coterie of squealing, jumping children and, unfortunately, two adults oblivious to the disruption. From there, we walked into two retail stores, but not before navigating through the cigarette smoke haze emanating from the man puffing away right by the front door. Once inside, I encountered four dogs, all with different owners, walking around. Who knew dogs shopped at Crate & Barrel? I was raised to understand that part of good manners is respecting others’ comfort. That means you conduct yourself at appropriate volume levels in public spaces, like restaurants. You don’t wear noxious scents or smoke where your bad habit or bad taste congests others. And, perhaps most of all, you don’t bring your animal into a retail store, unless it is a pet store. I’m glad that folks go to a restaurant and have a great time. I’m also glad that folks take their small children and older kids out. Young families have every bit the right to enjoy public spaces as much as I do. That does not mean, however, that you have a license to disrespect others’ presence. If your child or children are being loud, you correct them. You stop it, or you leave the restaurant. It’s really that simple. Yes, children are loud, and no one expects a parent to have the ability to mute young children. However, when your children are becoming a repeated nuisance, you are the adult. It is your job to require good manners. If you cannot achieve that, for whatever reason, you leave. There are no exceptions. Similarly, just because you smoke doesn’t mean everyone smokes. I have no problem with smokers, as long as they keep the carcinogens to themselves. I’m a little baffled by those who smoke around others. You must know you are doing something that bothers others, yet you continue to do it. This is also known as a definition of rudeness. Finally, we come to the dogs. I will own the fact that I am no fan of dogs. I understand I am in the minority, or at least it feels like that. I know and love people who love their dogs, and I say good for them. Dogs can be wonderful companions, and I’m glad they bring joy to so many. But, as cute and fun and dedicated and playful as they are, dogs do not belong in retail stores. Sure, a service animal is an obvious exception, but the reason they are exceptions is that most of us realize that the hygiene issues, the conduct and safety issues, and the respect for others’ comfort trump your shopping with Fido. I know you think it’s cute; it’s not. It’s entitled. As much fun as it is to complain about others (and we must acknowledge the conscious or subconscious claim to moral superiority when doing so), we well-mannered are part of the problem. We suffer in silence. We don’t speak up, we don’t point out the boorish behavior. And, honestly, that’s probably for the best. It’s doubtful the ensuing conflict will help matters. More likely, you’ll be cursed at and seen as a prig. Even more importantly, those that allow their children to run wild in restaurants, that smoke in doorways, and that feel entitled to make a public space their private dog run probably won’t change. They’ll get defensive, they’ll rationalize. Few people want to acknowledge to themselves they’re being rude. It’s tempting to think that, in this selfie-obsessed, social media culture where every idiot blogs about how right he is, selfish, rude, entitled behavior is on the rise. It’s hard to say; maybe I’m just getting older and grumpier. Perhaps technology just shines a light on a problem that has always been around, and always will be. That’s a deflating thought, but it underscores the ultimate truth about rude people: you really can’t change them. Manners are self-regulating, an agreed upon code of conduct, and, when folks decide not to play the game, well, all you can really do is ask to change tables, hold your breath, or leave the store. And, hey, if it makes you feel better about the inconvenience, hold your head a little higher, confident of your good breeding. It’s little consolation in the moment, but, in the long run, living your life in a way that respects and considers others is its own reward. Say “please” and “thank you.” Hold doors open. Be courteous and respectful, even to those who don’t deserve it. Treat others as you would want to be treated. And, last but not least, don’t bring Fido into the store. Trust me, his wardrobe is set, and he doesn’t need that ottoman on clearance.
The latest manufacturing advances for the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, nutraceutical and medical device industries arrive in Las Vegas this fall at Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas (Sept. 28–30, 2015; Las Vegas Convention Center). Pharma EXPO is produced in partnership by PACK EXPO owner and organizer PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, and the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE). Together, the two shows will provide access to 2,000 processing and packaging solutions providers and 30,000 attendees. • ISPE’s conference program, with tracks concentrating on manufacturing operations (Monday, Sept. 28), compliance trends (Tuesday, Sept. 29) and pharmaceutical packaging (Wednesday, Sept. 30). Schedules for the Pharma EXPO Conference Program and the Innovation Stages at Pharma EXPO and PACK EXPO can be found online at Pharmaexpo.com. Session tickets are available individually and in one and three-day packages. • A number of vendors will also be providing in-booth educational sessions, including All-Fill, Dir Technologies, Gramatech, JLS Automation and MULTI-FILL. Follow PMMI on Twitter (@PMMIorg) to stay up-to-date with show happenings. Exceptional service is part of the package. Pretreatment, RO, EDI and service you can rely on.
Ariel Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is looking for smart, dynamic and enthusiastic professionals to join its team at Mohali location. Experience:0-1 year experienced candidates can apply for this position. *Promoting business and generating more for revenue growth.
I’m always on the lookout for beautiful bookshelves. In fact, I have a whole style board on Pinterest devoted to the humble shelf – my shelving dreams yo-yo between installing a library wall or making one perfectly lovely stand-alone designer piece the feature in a room. The Sunset bookshelf by Spanish design house RS Barcelona certainly ticks my ‘perfectly lovely’ criterion. Using a rainbow of warm sunset hues, this stunning bookshelf is modern, fun and practical. Here’s the best bit – clever telescopic shelves slide out horizontally, allowing you to adjust the space and balance of the colors. Wow. Sunset shelves retail for €2350 and can be shipped to Australia. RS Barcelona distribute via Kezu in Australia. Contact Kezu if you would like to see the ‘sun go down’ in your library!
Custom Leather in the waistband Holsters for semi auto firearms. Our IWB Holsters are designed with 2 layers of leather at the top to aid in re holstering your weapoin. The opening does not collapse. This design also incorporates a sweat shield and does not allow the weapon to touch or rub again your body. If you cannot find in our selection what you are looking for, please contact us. Chances are we have it. Adjustable Cant. The belt clip paddle system and the low profile belt loop with snaps will allow you to adjust the CANT to any position you find comfortable. This system will allow you to wear the same holster cross draw, SOB, OR traditional. A wrench is provided to lock it down in any position, or you may leave it loose to be able to move with your body. This system provids the utmost comfort and ability for your to wear your firearm all day. This design is one element that sets us apart from other manufactureres. These are the 4 different options on how your holster attaches to your belt. You will not need to take your belt off to get your holster on and off.
Song lyrics by Adam Levine. Check-out these awesome song lyrics by the artist, learn every word of your favourite song and sing it like Adam Levine. Get one of the 13 lyrics and watch the video by artist Adam Levine.
The Octagon Chapel is open every Friday Morning from 10-12. This is a great opportunity for members of the public to look around a beautiful building and garden, and to ask any questions they may have about its history, and about Unitarianism. We have a beautiful garden which is a haven of peace and tranquility, to be used by all. Betty and Paul work hard to keep the lovely garden neat and tidy. We sometimes have people setting up for weddings or practising on the piano or organ. We also show people round the Octagon Chapel or Martineau Hall with a view to them renting either venue. Further volunteers to do a Friday morning shift are always welcome!
You have given us sleep to bless us. You want sleep to restore our body and refresh our mind. Lord, I ask that you would protect me from bad dreams. Keep the demonic forces from disturbing my sleep. I ask that you would give me sweet sleep and sweet dreams. Help me to "walk" close to you in the day and in the night. I desire to be faithful to you all my days.
I just pulled these fabrics. I had an idea for something fall-ish and at first thought I would need to go buy a fall charm pack or something, then I went and looked through my fabric and found these. I'm not sure about the greens in there. I'm trying not to start new projects but I might not be able to resist this one... it should be quick, at least. And these are some of the shirts I got at the thrift store last week. The "2" and the striped shirts will be for a scrappy birthday shirt for next month's birthday girl. The A-Ni-Mal! shirt, well, I'll do something similar, later, for my 6-year-old. It's perfect for him. I would say keep the green, not that you asked for opinions :-). When I do something for fall I end up with too much orangey fabs, so the green lightens it up nicely. i love the animal shirt!!! that is so cool! and gorgeous colors you pulled....i like the green in there. I have to say that i like the green with your fall colors. But What is a Scrappy Birthday shirt??? The 6 year old is definitely an animal. His older brother--Beaker. I hope you have at least a half yard of that orange fabric in the first photo. It's great. Nice fall colors.
Pgag Architects was established in year 2005 by Architects Mr. Prakash Gore & Ms. Amita Gore. The firm offers complete services for architectural and interior designing in entertainment, commercial and residential spaces. The firm pursues innovation in every aspect of work devising methods that responds to each client's unique and changing needs. Be it public space like multiplex, retail outlet or mall places they rely on the modern infrastructure & support systems corn pnsing of computer aided designs and dedicated team of qualified architects and interior designers to create comprehensive and integrated solutions for unique designs making luxury and practicality live under the same roof. While developing the project, their aim is to provide design concept, complete detailed working drawings based on the concept drawings resolving the working details of furniture, lighting and other fixtures & make them functional, comfortable, easy to maint am and yet cost effective. It will be blending of aesthetics with elegance and functionality with flexibility. The firm is specialized in Multiplex cinema design, the restoration, renovation and refurbishment of cinema theatres, and the conversion of large cinema halls into multi-screen complexes. Their designs incorporate the latest technologies, the best presentation and sound, and lobby planning strategies that can maximize revenues from café areas, bars and food concessions. The firm has successfully completed a wide range of projects from malls, multiplexes, Retail Outlets, restaurants to high end residences & corporate office interior projects.
In a related story, a family in Annapolis, Maryland is redefining snack time. The parents say that since their toddler eats snacks all day long, they are no longer going to have snack time. It will just be referred to as time. In Sydney, Austrailia, a father is still trying to button his baby’s pajamas. The father has been having a very hard time trying to button the pajamas since taking his baby out of the bath last night. At one point, the father thought he was nearly finished after a three-hour-battle, but he was forced to start over when the baby pooped in her diaper for the sixth time in one day – that was 18 hours ago. The father says he won’t give up, but the baby isn’t going to stop kicking either. We will continue following this story to see how much longer the father will wait before switching to zipper pajamas. Meanwhile, in Springfield, Massachusetts, a judge has ruled a toddler not guilty of breaking the 5 second rule after eating an M&M found on the floor. The judge said that even though the M&M had been on the floor for perhaps as long as 6 months, the toddler has been led to believe 5 seconds is a really long time, considering she has never heard her parents finish counting to three, not even when she fails to do what they ask. According to a new study, time really can fly by. Researchers have discovered that time flies when you’re having… the kids spend the day at their grandparent’s house. This just in on the baby pajama story. The dad is now counting on somebody hurrying up and inventing a time machine before he finishes buttoning his baby’s pajamas, so he can go back in time and kill the person who invented baby pajama buttons. And finally, a baby has grabbed the sunglasses off her parents’ faces for the 12th time today, as if to make it clear there is never a time when parents are cooler than their kids.
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$1-$2 billion—The amount that Yelp hopes to raise in a rumored IPO. According to media reports today, the San Francisco-based local business guide, which is backed by Bessemer Venture Partners, Benchmark Capital, DAG Ventures, and Elevation Partners, has hired Goldman Sachs and Citigroup as underwriters for the offering. $700 million—The size of a new venture fund closed by U.K.-based Index Ventures, which recently expanded to San Francisco. In the last year, Index has completed new or follow-on investments in Bay Area startups such as Dropbox, Flipboard, Path, Assistly, Boku, and Big Switch. $100 million—The size of the “Big Data Fund” set aside by Palo Alto, CA-based Accel Partners for investments in companies pursuing data analytics, business intelligence, and other applications of distributed data management and storage. $97.75 million—The maximum proposed value of the stock offering for InvenSense, which set the terms of its upcoming IPO this week. The Sunnyvale, CA-based company makes the microelectromechanical gyroscopes used for motion sensing in many mobile devices. $90 million—The amount raised by Foster City, CA-based Imperva (NYSE: IMPV) in its initial public offering yesterday. Imperva makes application data security software, and was backed by Accel Partners, Greylock Partners, Meritech Capital Partners, U.S. Venture Partners, and Venrock Associates. $40 million—A Series D financing round announced Monday for Cloudera, the Palo Alto-based provider of data management services using the 0pen-source Apache Hadoop distributed computing system. Ignition Partners led the round, which was joined by existing investors Accel Partners, Greylock Partners, Meritech Capital Partners and In-Q-Tel. $32 million—A Series C funding round for Pivot Medical of Sunnyvale. The startup is developing a minimally invasive arthroscopic system for hip restoration. Participants in the round included new investors Adams Street Partners and Delphi Ventures and returning investors Montreux Equity Partners and Ivy Capital Partners. $25 million—A new round of equity financing for San Jose, CA-based DFINE, which makes a radiofrequency-based system for destroying spinal tumors. Backers include OrbiMed Advisors, Prospect Venture Partners, Split Rock Partners, BBT Fund/Apothecary Capital, Highland Capital Management, and Vanguard Ventures. $4.75 million—A Series A financing round announced yesterday for Sunnyvale-based Bitzer Mobile. Acero Capital and Chevron Technology Ventures provided the funds. Bitzer is developing a “secure container” that allows large-company employees to access sensitive corporate data and applications from an Android, Apple, BlackBerry, or Windows mobile device. $4.4 million—A Series A investment for PunchTab, a Palo Alto-based “instant loyalty platform” that lets businesses create customized points-based rewards programs. Mohr Davidow Ventures led the round, and MDV partner Katherine Barr has joined PunchTab’s board. $3 million—The size of a strategic investment in Fremont, CA-based Quantenna Communications from Telefónica, announced November 7. Quantenna is a fabless semiconductor company developing chipsets for high-bandwidth Wi-Fi routers. 310,000—The number of Bloomberg Professional subscribers who will be able to monitor share prices for privately held, pre-IPO companies, thanks to a deal announced this week between Bloomberg and San Bruno, CA-based SharesPost. Nearly 1,000—The number of Old Navy stores nationwide where Shopkick members can now obtain rewards. Old Navy is the 11th retail partner in the Palo Alto-based startups’ location-based rewards program; the others include American Eagle Outfitters, Best Buy, Crate and Barrel, Macy’s, Simon Property Group, The Sports Authority, Target, Toys”R”Us, West Elm, and The Wet Seal. Xconomy profiled Shopkick in July. 10 percent—The average discount available to users of ShopSmart, a new iPad app from Santa Clara, CA-based Billeo. The app alerts users about deals available from their credit card providers, local merchants, and daily deal services. 6—The number of enterprise software companies allying with San Francisco-based Yammer by feeding information into business social networking service’s new “ticker” feature. Yammer announced today that users can see updates whenever fellow employees complete actions in Badgeville, Box, Expensify, Spigit, TripIt, or Zendesk. Xconomy profiled Yammer last month. $0—The amount Berkeley, CA-based Magoosh will charge for its SAT test preparation program between now and January 1, according to an announcement this week. The company says it’s also working with College Track and the Mitchell Kapor Foundation to extend the free offer to students in specific communities. Xconomy covered the Berkeley, CA-based company in June 2010 and again in September 2011.
Seen in a church in Leuven. Very nice, Astrid. And, like Ginnie's - a very nice image for Pearl Harbor Day. What work is he performing, Astrid? Picturit: This priest is taking away all the candles that are done and replacing them with new one to be lit. Very festive colors. Tis the season. Picturit: Indeed and just a coincident I think. Look at us...being on the same page today without even knowing it! He's going to drink all those red cans of beer.. Oh, this is a wonderful image! I had light on a candle. Picturit: This was a wonderful church and many places with candles too. I rather like this composition Astrid, it is tight but full of imigary. Picturit: There was a lot to see in the church and it was full of decorations. I liked the scene that the priest took 'done burning candles' and replace them with new ones. Picturit: I told Tiff 'in his wildest dreams... The confession booth will be taken for the rest of the day I guess ....'. The white statues seem very odd for a church. Picturit: These were decorations on a 'gate' to a place where you can pray. I know it is not the best picture, but I liked the scene. Looks like a busy guy. The crucifix in the background is quite spectacular. Picturit: This was a church full with statues and decoration. Real Catholic. The man was really busy, there were many altars here candles were burning. Picturit: That sculpture was huge... this is a good example of a Catholic church, very pompous. The priest was real busy. Picturit: Thank you Cherry. You know we love churches and they are all different. I am always happy when I can capture somebody 'at work' in the church. Picturit: It is very important I think to have everything in order. The priest did a great job and seeing by what he did, he had done it before. i like this angle, Astrid, over the rows of benches. nice, appealing reds to be seen there. Picturit: I am always racking my neck in churches like this. There is so much to see. I was delighted when the priest showed up and started sorting out the candles. Thank you Ayush. Love the composition ... the background especially!
Toyota Motor Corp. has run into another pedal-entrapment issue, this time with its Lexus sport utility vehicles. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said it requested that Toyota, which owns the Lexus luxury brand, recall model year 2010 Lexus RX 350 and RX 450 H vehicles "for a serious safety issue involving potential pedal entrapment by the floor mat." If the mat traps the gas pedal, the vehicle could speed out of control. On Friday, Toyota said it was launching the recall, which affects 154,000 vehicles. Safety regulators also warned the automaker that it might face another investigation as to whether the company "met its obligation to notify the agency and conduct a recall in a timely manner." Previously, Toyota paid record federal fines of nearly $50 million for failing to promptly inform regulators of defects in its vehicles and for delaying recalls. The latest safety administration move follows a massive Toyota recall of 4.4 million vehicles sold in the United States in late 2009 to resolve concerns that floor mats in cars and trucks could cause gas pedals to become stuck, leading to uncontrollable acceleration. That recall was later expanded to cover 14 models of Toyota and Lexus vehicles, including various years of Camrys, Priuses and Tundra pickups, but not the RX model of SUVs. "In our view, the data available at the time didn't warrant the inclusion of this model," Toyota spokesman Brian Lyons said Friday. "If NHTSA decides to open an investigation, we'll certainly cooperate with its efforts." Lyons noted that of the 6.9 million Toyota vehicles that had been recalled for problematic floor mats before Friday, 85% had been brought back and fixed. The original recall came after a San Diego man and three passengers were killed in a high-speed crash of a Lexus ES sedan. Before the crash, the driver called 911 to report that the gas pedal was stuck and that the car was going 120 mph. Toyota has received complaints from consumers about floor mat entrapment since 2004. The safety administration said it approached Toyota regarding the issue in the RX models last month after the agency observed an increase in consumer complaints and other reports regarding pedal entrapment in the vehicles. "When Toyota confirmed last week that it had received a significant volume of complaints on the same issue, NHTSA asked the manufacturer to conduct a recall," the safety agency said. It is also asking for more information from the automaker. "NHTSA urges consumers impacted by the recall to immediately remove the floor mat and have their vehicles serviced promptly," the agency said. "While NHTSA anticipates the remedy proposed by Toyota will address the problem, the agency will continue to monitor the issue and will take appropriate action as warranted." The latest recall comes as Toyota is on an upswing, having rebounded from last year's earthquake and tsunami in Japan and flooding in Thailand. Inventory levels are back up and sales have surged. Through the first five months of this year, Toyota has sold more than 868,000 vehicles, a 24% gain from the same period a year earlier. Its share of the U.S. auto market has grown to 14.5% from 13.3%, according to Autodata Corp. Auto analysts said they didn't expect the latest round of recalls to negatively affect Toyota's sales or brand perception. "The recalls really didn't seem to do much damage to Toyota in terms of lasting impact," said Aaron D. Bragman, a senior analyst at IHS Automotive. "People who were loyal to Toyota continued to be loyal to Toyota."
Tested & certified in accordance with BSEN 131-2: 2010 + A1: 2012. First stile of this type in Europe with “BSEN” certification. The Signiatec Fixed Platform Stile is a unique design which conforms to BSEN 131-2: 2010 + A1: 2012. It’s robust, yet light-weight design makes it an ideal solution to safely cross over fencing, stone walls and hedgerows. It’s subtle paint finish (with optional high-visibility handrail) ensures minimum impact on the surrounding scenery, providing an essential safe passage for hill walkers and walking trail enthusiasts. Signiatec offer a wide variety of Fixed Platform Stiles systems. Signs can be manufactured from a range of materials and are available in several colours and styles. Braille messages can also be incorporated onto the systems when required.
These internet memes are just getting out of control. "I'm sorry. I must've misread where you wrote 'truth', you clearly meant to say 'riddles'." The message was simple and spread like wildfire within the period of a week. It crossed multiple forums that discussed science and gamma radiation among other things including the possibilities of radiation research. Many of the postings on the website gave accolades to the recent nomination of one Dr. Samuel Sterns and his research team for their commendable research on gamma radiation and plants. But the message itself had permanence to it. A subtleness to it. Few would look for it. Not now. But then it's intention was only to attract or, at least, pique, the attention of one. I have information that you must receive as early as possible. Please private message me. And so the message was across sites, across forums, and even across emails in the shape of a Trojan virus that forwarded the email to all of contacts in mailing lists. Not that the virus did much else. It even became a topic of news. Weirdly nearly-pointless news, but news nonetheless. It didn't seem to pose any real security threat. Just a message. A cryptic message created by some random hacker bent on distraction according to the Daily Bugle. It was some time later that the next random virus started making the rounds. The nonsense of its contents managed to get it called 'a menace' by the Daily Bugle, as nearly everything got so named in James Jamison's newspaper. Remember labs theorizes. It's regarding that. You want to know. The message was simple, it addressed the same someone and was from, presumably, the same someone. Unless it was a copy cat. But then, was there ever any real way to know the origin of such things? The response will offer no comfort. An ally. No one will bother to tell you the truth. The point was generally to make sure no one could find me to tell me anything at all. If you don't want the truth, then why bother writing back at all? The people I work for have ways of finding people if they want to. Getting them into custody is another story. I've found that you people tend to be pretty persistent. So, what do I want to know? Did you see the article in the Bugle that included labs theorizes? Nothing is what it seems. I'm sorry. I must've misread where you wrote 'truth', you clearly meant to say 'riddles'. The last message receives no response for over twenty-four hours despite T's promptness otherwise. Finally, when the response comes it is nearly defensive. I was situating the truth for you. Unless you don't appreciate situated truth. Evidently you aren't exactly the fellow in the files. I write in puzzles because I really shouldn't be writing at all and my time in front of this screen is limited for reasons I cannot get into. In case you haven't noticed, doctor, only one of us here risks everything to tell what I do know, which grows limited by the day. I'd appreciate less censure. Labs theorizes is not working on any grand research. She is, in fact, missing. Its reply, too, takes its time; the respondent either assuming there'd be no reply, or separated from a way to see it for a period. I would've appreciated being left alone. But here we are. Surely, the one with limited time appreciates a little succinctness. So, why are you telling me this? What do you hope to accomplish? I'm telling you because I suspect the worst and there's nothing I can do about it. But you are still free to the best of my knowledge. You're mistaken. I'm not part of that life anymore.
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Thanks to Shanghai Zhongnan Bodao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. for its trust in us, our company won the bid of "Pile Foundation Engineering of Shanghai Zhongnan Buddy Hangzhou Bay Project" and the pile type is 500 prefabricated hollow square piles. The project scale is about 137,000m2. On September 22, 2017, the company organized a two-day induction training for new employees. On the morning of September 22, 2017, with the festive sound of firecrackers, the pile foundation project for the reconstruction of 17th block in the core area of Meilin Street, Ninghai County, which was constructed by our company, officially started!
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We are working with a small experiential agency based in South West London who are looking for an experienced artworker to join their team. As the sole artworker you will work very closely with both the 2d and 3d designers to develop designs and produce highly accurate artwork for a range of large format, experiential projects. Projects will focus primarily on large format event graphics but will also include a range of other printed materials and some digital work so applicants must have a demonstrable background in large format artwork. If you have a portfolio bursting with high quality work, are detail focused, able to manage your own time and workloads and thrive in a small team environment then please send us your CV and folio immediately.
The POA today agreed a deal with their Employer which forced plans for an imposition of new job roles to be placed on hold pending an expedited trial. Leaders of the POA are waiting to see if HMPPS carry out their threat to take further legal action through the courts to support the management of HMP Lindholme as they continue to bully, intimidate and threaten members of the Union. The latest problems at HMP Lindholme continue as staff face a daily battle to maintain order and discipline. The POA have today welcomed the announcement by Prisons Minister Rory Stewart that PAVA incapacitant spray will be issued to all Prison Officers in the closed male estate from January 2019. The National Chair of the POA has again questioned the safety of prisons as concerted acts of indiscipline, violence, hostage taking, and deaths continue to plague the Service. Following the concerted indiscipline at Long Lartin High Security Prison on Sunday 30th September 2018, Leaders of the POA again highlight the problems within prisons in England & Wales as chronic staff shortages, unrest amongst the prison population fuelled by the use of drugs, increase in violence and high levels of debt, all add to the daily problems of maintaining stability in our prisons. The weekends disturbance at HMP Long Lartin further vindicates the POA stance that our prisons continue to lurch from crisis to crisis and prison staff need the protective measures to quell the unprecedented levels of violence they face. The latest problems within prisons in England & Wales is not improving. Richard Burgon Shadow Secretary of State for Justice recently set out a five-point plan to address drugs and violence in prisons which he has called on the Government to deliver. Following the protest action by members of the POA last Friday across all prisons in England and Wales, HMP Bedford was forced to reduce the regime and call in NTRG to quell another act of concerted indiscipline over the weekend. Following meaningful engagement with the Minister Rory Stewart and a commitment to instruct the Employer to meet the POA and agree a plan of action to address the concerns of the Union, the POA has instructed members to return to work.
If you're in the market for a sleek, subcompact crossover crafted for performance and luxury, look no further. The 2019 Mazda CX-3 arrives with a head-turning design and more features than ever before. And here at Dean McCrary Mazda, we are dedicated to pairing you with the new CX-3 you want with the features you crave. So, why wait? Enjoy the country backroads of Alabama or invigorate your daily commute in the revived 2019 Mazda CX-3 from Dean McCrary Mazda. For the new model year, the 2019 CX-3 balances innovation and versatility as you travel throughout Prichard, AL. From its distinct Mazda grille and emblem, to its seductive curves and lines, the CX-3 offers style that is sure to please sedan and SUV drivers alike. The interior of the CX-3 holds up to five passengers with a variety of features to keep everyone entertained and comfortable during your next night out in Fairhope. There is also upgraded sound insulation for a quiet cabin ride during your next road trip. No matter what you have planned, the new 2019 CX-3 is ready to help you conquer the road ahead with finesse. Despite its size, the 2019 CX-3 offers lively performance as you head from Theodore, AL to Daphne, AL. Under the hood is a standard 2.0-liter inline-four-cylinder engine channeling its power through a six-speed automatic transmission to the front wheels. This engine configuration produces 148 horsepower and 146 pound-feet of torque as well. The 2019 CX-3 is also one of the more fuel-efficient subcompact SUVs on the marketing, averaging up to 34 miles per gallon on the highway. For better traction and control, there is also all-wheel drive available, as well. There are three 2019 CX-3 trim levels including the Sport, Touring,and the range-topping Grand Touring model. Each SUV also comes with a lengthy list of features for your convenience and comfort. Standard features include a seven-inch Mazda Connect infotainment system display screen, keyless entry, Bluetooth connectivity, voice command, and push-button start. Drivers can also get options including navigation, a sunroof, a heated steering wheel, and an upgraded Bose audio system. Rest assured the 2019 CX-3 is designed to impress both drivers and passengers. The 2019 CX-3 is built to keep you protected when you need it most. There are several safety features included for ultimate security on the road. Safety features include radar-based cruise control, an advanced airbag system, Mazda's exclusive Smart City Brake Support semi-autonomous braking system, and a rearview camera. Also available are rain-sensing wipers, improved LED headlights for better road visibility, and blind-spot monitoring with rear cross-traffic alert. Visit Dean McCrary Mazda to Test Drive the Mazda CX-3 Today! Dean McCray Mazda has the new 2019 Mazda CX-3 you want in stock right now. Our vast inventory and customer support have made us one of the leading new Mazda dealerships around. We want to walk you through our wide selection of models to pair you with the best 2019 Mazda CX-3 for your needs. Let us assist you with your new Mazda purchase quickly and easily. Get simple financing when you stop by our finance center as well. With our available auto loans and leasing offers, we are here to find you the best offers within your budget. By completing a convenient online finance application, customers can start the finance process from home as well. Visit our dealership for a test drive and ask about our current offers and specials while you're here.
Ocean Views in a Lovely 3-Bedroom Home in Las Catalinas. “Mira Mar” means “look at the sea,” and that is exactly what you will be doing in this luxurious home in Las Catalinas! With enviable views of the ocean, it is the perfect spot for relaxing with friends and family. Excellent for families with several children, this home offer the comforts of home in a stunning location. Casa Mira Mar has three bedrooms and can sleep up to eight people. One unique feature is the second bedroom, which has room for four people in the bunk beds. Great for little ones bonding with cousins or family friends! The other rooms offer their own charms. The master suite has a king-size canopy bed and a full bathroom. On the second floor, its private wrap-around terrace overlooks the beach. A third bedroom has a queen and is on the main floor, great for privacy. The home itself has a clean, beachy feel, with accents of blue to help bring the feel of the sea inside. The kitchen is fully equipped with top-of-the-line appliances, and the breakfast bar and dining area ensure that there are plenty of options at meal time. Good times will definitely be had on the rooftop terrace. Relax on the couches, check out the BBQ, pull out a board game, or enjoy a drink–all with an incredible view of the ocean. Sunsets are truly a happy hour! Another option during down times is the living room, which is also a terrific playroom or just a place for some quiet time indoors. Other on-site offerings include 24-hour security, spa treatments, daily housekeeping service, and concierge service. You can also have your groceries pre-stocked and hire a chef for a luxurious in-home dining experience.
Looking to have a little fun? Try wearing our Got Rope? shirt in front of your significant other and see what happens. Just remember, we're not responsible for the results. I bought this for a friend and I know she's going to LOVE it! Very nice product! I highly recommend buying any of these t-shirts!
Holidays are coming, holidays are coming... yep, the belching juggernaut that represents the start of Christmas for many is on its way. No central London locations this year — although near-Londoners can catch a glimpse of the truck in what one member of Team Londonist likes to refer to as "the future London borough of Borehamwood" on Wednesday 12 December. If you do head down to get a glimpse of the lorry, you'll receive a free mini-can of Coke for your troubles. See full details of the Coca-Cola 2018 Christmas Truck Tour, and find other things to do in London at Christmas.
The FBI's Unified Crime Report gathers information from police districts all over the country. As you can see from the chart below, there were 35 property crimes in Marble Hill in 2017, of which 2 were burglaries. But you can avoid becoming a statistic when you make the decision to invest in a home security system. As of 2017, Marble Hill had a population of 1,460 people, making it Missouri’s number 252 largest city. Studies* show that homes with security systems are 3 times less likely to be burglarized than homes without security systems. The smart decision, therefore, is to protect your home with ADT monitored security system. What Is The Average Loss In A Burglary In Marble Hill, MO? The average loss in a burglary in the United States is $2,416, based on crime statistics compiled by the FBI. That means the total annual loss for Marble Hill homeowners is a whopping $4,832!
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IDIOT- 1. an utterly foolish or senseless person. 2. a fool, half-wit; imbecile; dolt, dun: Andrew Breitbart Defends Shirley Sherrod Story. Should Sherrod Get Her Job Back? Andrew Breitbart Defends Shirley Sherrod Story. Should Sherrod Get Her Job Back? I think this woman has been wronged. Breitbart's defense that this was just to expose the NAACP is fatuous. Was she just "collateral damage" to him? It's indefensible. This is what politics has become. Go to the NAACP website to view her entire speech, which included class warfare as well... no, the lady does NOT deserve her job back.
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Jack Corrigan started the firm in 1989. After 25 years he has either launched or participated in almost every group and department of Corrigan Krause. Jack is a graduate of the University of Dayton and has always worked in public accounting. In his over 30 years of experience, he has focused on closely-held businesses and individuals. His clients appreciate that he listens carefully to their concerns and is always willing to talk them through all of the possible solutions. Jack is the honorary photographer of all CK events and enjoys having pictures around the office to commemorate special events. He also enjoys brewing his own beer. Over a glass of his latest brew, the Five 25 Stout, he’ll tell you all about his wife, children, and grandchildren. It's too late to sharpen the sword when the drum beats for battle.
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The bankruptcy court denies the debtors’ motion to seal a settlement agreement they reached with an adversary proceeding defendant. The debtors stated that if the documents were not sealed, the other party would not agree to the settlement. However, the debtors failed to provide any evidence to establish that the circumstances warranted the relief requested. Public access to court records should only be restricted in appropriate circumstances. Opinion below. This entry was posted in Bankruptcy Court for Eastern District of Kentucky and tagged Bankruptcy Court for Eastern District of Kentucky, motion to seal, settlement agreements by mattlindblom. Bookmark the permalink.
If we are not able to eradicate child labour, then next generation would not have any intellectuals left. This is a very dangerous situation being created. We are looking a state where entire manpower made up of Male children is being wiped off mentally. As a country there would be less number of soldiers on border to protect. On top of it we have are not providing any support by way of Government schemes to reduce this inequality. I see a downward trend in child labour in India. This gives me hope that people are waking up. I remember those small boys in tea stalls near our offices. Can we really say no to them? Let us all take a pledge to say no to any kind of child labour if a positive social change is required. Basis data presented, a cursory analysis shows that the number is decreasing. While the absolute numbers, as you rightly pointed out, are worrisome, the trend should have been explicitly pointed out in the post above. Further, this post can be made more powerful by the analysis of the reasons for the same, as regards why do children work? How many are forced to,, and how many are working to prevent starvation? You are correct Vishal that though the number of child laborers has reduced over the time period, still the number is huge and worrisome, as shown in the graphs above. c) Probably a part of the adult population choosing not to work. Poverty remains the major cause which leads to child labour in India. Peer pressure and being forced to work for money snatches away the childhood from the children.
Denmark 0 France 0 - the 1st 0-0 draw of this tournament! - Who Posted? Sports Babble - sports forum › Football › International Matches › The World Cup › Denmark 0 France 0 - the 1st 0-0 draw of this tournament!
Hello dear readers. While there technically aren't any of you as I write this first post, I hope that someday my friends, family, and fellow bread enthusiasts might find a measure of entertainment or insight in these blog posts. Please bear with my while I cut my blogging teeth. A more fully fledged introduction to myself and my plans to start a bakery in lovely Silverton, Oregon is on its way.
Electric bikes by the Czech manufacturer Agogs, which has been a leading company on the European market for many years thanks to the excellent parameters of its products. We have all our electric bikes in stock and offer the opportunity to try them. Ekolo.cz is the first Czech manufacturer and seller of electric bikes. As well as its own Agogs brand, the company is also the biggest Prague shop selling Leader Fox, Apache, 4Ever, Giant, BH Bikes, etc. bikes equipped with high-quality Yamaha, Bosch, Shimano, Brose and Bafang brand electric motors. Our speciality is the conversion of normal bikes to electric bikes. The ekolo.cz shop, servicing facility and hiring service of electric bikes is the largest of its type in the Czech Republic.
The Benefits of the Collect and Send and taking DNA samples yourself. No time wasted waiting for a DNA collection kit to arrive in the mail. DNA samples can be collected & sent immediately after placing an order. You save the cost of shipping a sample collection kit. For International customers, this is a substantial savings. Because you collect and send your DNA samples/swabs to the lab, you choose the method of shipping based on your testing needs. Standard processing time is 3-5 days after the sample is received. To collect a persons DNA sample, simply rub the swab against the inside cheek with a sterile cotton swab. Send the samples to our laboratory using a standard paper envelope we will extract DNA from these cell samples and run the test.
Prepared by the Central Statistical Office, the Poland Demographic Yearbook 2007 contains compiled statistical information on Poland's population size and structure, vital statistics, and migration. An international review that assesses the demographic situation in Poland in relation to other countries is also included. The yearbook also features tables with summary data disaggregated by whole country voivodships (by urban and rural areas), as well as powiats, regions and subregions. Central Statistical Office (Poland). Poland Demographic Yearbook 2007. Warsaw, Poland: Central Statistical Office (Poland), 2007.
This bug has been a huge irritation for months now. Every time there's an iTunes or OS update, I hope for a fix. No luck so far. ...depending on what kind of material the smart playlist has. Thanks KimH - it looks like this bug was triggered when Apple refactored (again) their media divisions. Playlists that cross media types (podcast and music) trigger the bug. Glad to help- this was endless frustration. PS- in my case it was not cross media types (podcast and music) that triggered the bug. My smart playlists always contained *only* music or *only* podcasts, but I still had the bug. I never noticed the comments were showing time only! Thanks for the notice. I found the config setting and changed it to show date and time. Thanks a bunch! This is obviously a major bug, I just hit it on my new iTouch 3G (3.1.2). Google brought up the media-type filter workaround threads, but I tried to use the 'Media Kind' category which doesn't work. Thanks for spelling out it needs to be 'Playlist'! I was beginning to think I'd have to live with disabling Live Updating (the only other thing that worked), but that would obviously have been a major pain - especially as I've already got 10+ custom smart lists (and I've only just started :). I can't believe Apple hasn't fixed this yet. I also don't have any non-music files in my smartlists, and as the Media Kind filter worked correctly (but didn't fix the bug), that can't be it - but I do have a single (video) podcast in the library (from iTunes) - maybe the sheer presence of it in the library causes this (need to test). My nested auto-updating playlists worked find on my several-years-old, click-wheel, 30gig iPod. But when I bought an iPod touch this weekend-- my favorite feature has now broken, and it's seriously cramping my listening style. I liked having a mix of "haven't listened to in a while", "new and hasn't been played a lot", "favorites", and an equal number of 4* and 5*. It created a wonderful, automatically up-dating radio station. I listened to that playlist half the time. But it references playlists that reference playlists that reference playlists. If the headphone jack and battery weren't dying on my old clickwheel ipod, I'd take the Touch back and keep using the old one. The new features aren't worth having my custom radio break. When I get home, I'll see if KimH's suggestion fixes it. I hope so! I miss my custom radio. > When I get home, I'll see if KimH's suggestion fixes it. I hope so! I miss my custom radio. I'm guessing that this will fix it. I hope Apple fixes the bug though- now that I have the workaround, I've pretty much forgotten about it, but this stuff is still broken for 95% of the population. I had a slightly similar problem to the 11/11 update about vanishing playlists, but not related to the podcast issue. I wanted to post it somewhere, because I failed totally at finding a solution for it. A group of smart playlists I created for funneling music onto my iPhone were inexplicably not available in the sync list. I restarted iTunes, created test playlists, etc., but nothing worked. it turned out, after embarrassingly extensive testing, that smart playlists which included regular playlists appeared instantly in the sync list for my iPhone, but the ones that didn't would never, ever appear. Since all of my various smart playlists depend on one that excludes sections of my library, I moved those rules into a sub group and added another rule to INCLUDE things from a blank regular playlist. Then, all my playlists appeared. I don't know if this is something everyone knows about, but it seemed like a bug—or at least a counterintuitive feature. You'll be thrilled beyond belief to know that iTunes 9.0.3 (just released) doesn't change a thing. Smart playlists are just as broken as before. Thanks Rob. I found the same thing -- no improvement with 9.0.3. OTOH, perhaps related to turning off live updating, I do see that data last played is no longer null for my podcasts. That change predates 9.0.3 though, I can't explain why it's better.
Timna Tarr – Pine Tree Quilters Guild, Inc. Come learn and play with Timna and watch your project transform along the way!! Timna’s own nationally award-winning quilts are in private and corporate collections and have been seen in numerous exhibits and publications. Timna speaks and teaches throughout the United States and is a member of Hands Across the Valley Quilters Guild and the Northampton Modern Quilt Guild. Timna lives in South Hadley, Massachusetts. Learn how to make this very happy quilt while also having a great time! We start the workshop by playing with fabrics and color to help us loosen up our color muscles. Timna will then teach three (or more!) techniques on how to make perfect circles, using both hand and machine techniques. Come prepared to play, experiment, and have fun. Are you stuck in a color rut? Or are you afraid that you might make a color “mistake” in your quilts? In this workshop students will try out new color combinations as well as learn how to use color placement as a major design element in their quilts. Since this class is improvisational and everyone is working from a different map no specific amounts of fabric, fusible etc. have been included. Use your best judgment as to what you think you may need. Depending on the technique chosen, not everyone will get to a point where they will need their sewing machine during the first day of the class, but some will. Timna suggests that you bring your machine but leave it in the car until you know what path you are taking. This workshop is improvisational. Come ready to experiment and Timna will help you make whatever you have with you work! Feel free to contact her if you have any questions at [email protected].
Which Mythical Creature Are You According to Your Zodiac Sign? Astrology is the ancient practice of seeking guidance and answers from the stars. Civilizations have been practicing some form of astrological prediction for millennia. Babylonians were the first people to apply mythology to celestial constellations. But it was the ancient Greeks that created the zodiac as we know it today. Millions of people worldwide still read their horoscopes daily. And one-fourth of Americans believe in the accuracy of horoscopes. Many astrological signs share characteristics with mythological creatures. So, which mythical creature are you? Keep reading to find out which mythological creature corresponds with your sun sign! Valkyries are the supernatural champions of slain soldiers according to Norse mythology. They were responsible for conducting warriors to Vallhala after dying in battle. As an Aries, you are brave, bold, and loyal. Like the Valkyrie warriors, you aren’t afraid to fight for what you believe. You like to be the best. You’re the hero of your own story and you fight valiantly for your beliefs — no matter the difficulty or cost. Gargoyles guard cathedrals and churches. Terrifying and grotesquely carved gargoyles ward away evil. Like a gargoyle, you are stable, devoted and loyal. Friends of Taureans feel safe and secure in their company. Those protected by gargoyles respect and love them. Your loved ones also hold you in high esteem because they know you always have their backs. Fairies are mythological creatures from European folklore. They are small, beautiful, and ageless creatures adorned with butterfly wings. Fairies are mischevious and love to play pranks. But for the most part, they are well-intending. These high-energy sprites mirror the explosive creative energy of Geminis. Geminis are innovative and free-thinkers. Just like fairies, Geminis don’t like being in one place for too long. They are free spirits who crave and embrace change. Merpeople are legendary fish-tailed humans that live in the sea. They are curious and cautious. And can be dangerous to the sailor who follows them into their watery homes. Cancers are highly intuitive and emotional individuals. Like Cancers, merpeople can be very protective and secretive. But once you open up, you are very compassionate and gentle. Your half-human, half sea-creature existence make you a flexible thinker. You’re always able to see both sides of a situation. Griffins are a mythical cross-bred of a lion and an eagle. Griffins are the king of all creatures. They are extremely noble and powerful. Similarly, Leos are natural leaders with vivacious personalities. You are captivating and exude royalty. Even though Leos are fabulous to be around, don’t cross them. Like the Griffin, Leos can be vicious when provoked. Sphinxes guarded temples against unworthy visitors with complex riddles. Greek mythology characterized the Sphinx as a terrifying and malevolent creature. But the Egyptians believed they were noble guardians. Many people think of Virgos similarly. They are wonderful friends but a formidable enemy to those who cross them. You are logical, analytical, and systematic, just like the mythical sphinx. Virgos are practical and always take care of business. You wouldn’t hesitate to keep a trespasser from entering your sacred temple. You love the beauty and harmony of the world. Like a unicorn, you are a magical presence to be around. Those close to you delight in your kindness and optimism. You always see the best and brightest in those around you. Your innocence is a comfort to those who love you. Unicorns symbolize peace, and Libras bring peace and tranquility to every situation. You are a valued addition to any friend group. Scorpios are passionate, mysterious, and enigmatic — just like the alluring vampire. Vampires are timeless creatures with centuries to pursue their passions. Similarly, Scorpios will single-mindedly pursue their passions and goals until they achieve them. You know what you want and you aren’t afraid to go after it. No matter how long it takes, you always get what you want. Centaurs are mythical creatures that are half-man, half-horse. They have philosophical minds that contrast with their lusty animal instincts. Sagittarii are similarly deep thinkers and they also crave adventure and excitement. You have a firey creativity and a warm personality. You love to travel and adventure and live a passionate carefree life. You crave a full and exciting life. And you are often consumed by multiple pursuits at once. The sea-goat is an ancient mythical creature that is half-goat and half-fish. Sea-goats are able to navigate the deep waters of the ocean and the steep heights of mountain ranges. You are able to wade through the deep emotional waters of your mind while remaining grounded. Capricorns are goal-oriented and committed. And like the Sea-Goat you are able to use your many talents and strengths to achieve your dreams. The mythical phoenix is a force of goodwill and loyalty. Pheonixes are fierce and warm friends who protect and heal those closest to them. Phoenixes have magical healing properties. And Aquarians have a very healing energy that put their friends and love ones with ease. Phoenixes and Aquarians are independent and free. You march to the beat of your own drummer and you are an expert at transformation and reinvention. Kelpies are the shape-shifting water spirits of Celtic lore. They often appear in the form of a horse, but they can take the shape of a human. Pieces are emotional shape-shifters. Your emotions ebb and flow like the tides of the sea. You are deeply sensitive and easily influenced by your environment. You are difficult to pin down. But once someone gains your favor, you grace them with your unique and wondrous gifts. Consult the Stars: Which Mythical Creature Are You? Astrology and mythology are closely tied together. Mythology influenced the zodiac since its start over 4000 years ago. Your sun sign reveals a lot about your personality. And it’s a great way to find out which mythical creature you are most like. Which mythical creature are you? Did you agree with your description? Contact our skilled psychics for more insight on your astrological future.
DIRECTIONS – HEAT oven to 400F. Spray 8- or 9-inch square baking pan with no-stick cooking spray. Lightly spoon flour into measuring cup; level off. COMBINE flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and allspice in medium bowl. Add butter, egg and milk. Mix vigorously until well blended. POUR half of batter into prepared pan; spread preserves evenly over batter. Top with remaining batter. COMBINE topping ingredients; mix until crumbly. Sprinkle over top of coffee cake. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Adapted from Smucker’s blueberry coffee cake recipe.