stringlengths 5
| jb
stringlengths 2
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stringlengths 2
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stringlengths 1
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stringlengths 1
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stringclasses 12
values |
Conlang:38a | le ctuca be le lankyboi selkei bende cu sisku lo clarai tadni | le ctuca be le lanka## bolci se## kelci bende cu sisku lo clani## traji tadni | The coach of the basketball team is looking for the tallest student. | the coach of the basketball team is looking for the tallest student . | conlang |
Conlang:49 | la'o zoi Danny DeVito zoi e lo cilce cinfo joi tirxu zo'u xagrai fa lo nu rivbi | la'o zoi D a n ny D e V i to zoi e lo cilce cinfo joi tirxu zo'u xamgu## traji fa lo nu rivbi | Danny DeVito and ferocious lions and tigers are best avoided. | danny devi ##to and ferocious lions and tigers are best avoided . | conlang |
Conlang:35 | no da zmarai lo ro nonmau mulna'u | no da zmadu## traji lo ro no## zmadu mulno## namcu | Nothing is the greatest positive integer. | nothing is the greatest positive integer . | conlang |
Conlang:36 | le cipra poi ro tadni cu fliba ke'a cu nadmau le cipra poi ro tadni cu snada ke'a | le cipra poi ro tadni cu fliba ke'a cu nandu## zmadu le cipra poi ro tadni cu snada ke'a | The exam that every student failed is harder than the exam that every student passed. | the exam that every student failed is harder than the exam that every student passed . | conlang |
Conlang:46 | la bil xebni la djordj inaja la pat xebni la bil | la bi l xebni la sadjo d## j i na ja la pa t xebni la bi l | Bill hates George only if Pat hates Bill. | bill hates george only if pat hates bill . | conlang |
Conlang:1b | da'apa da enai le nolraitru naku sinma le nolraitru | da'a pa da e nai le nobli## traji## turni na ku sinma le nobli## traji## turni | Everyone except the king does not admire the king. | everyone except the king does not admire the king . | conlang |
Conlang:70 | ro nonmau mulna'u cu lamli'e pa da | ro no## zmadu mulno## namcu cu lamji## lidne pa da | Every positive integer has exactly one successor. | every positive integer has exactly one successor . | conlang |
Conlang:11b | le nobli be lo elfe ba pagre le xamsi inaja le nobli be la mordor cu se jinga | le nobli be lo e lfe ba pagre le xamsi i na ja le nobli be la morko## donri cu se jinga | The lord of the elves will cross the sea only if the lord of Mordor is defeated. | the lord of the elves will cross the sea only if the lord of mor ##dor is defeated . | conlang |
Conlang:22 | ta melbi ke cmalu ke nixli ckule | ta melbi ke cmalu ke nixli ckule | Now that's a pretty little girls' school. | now that ' s a pretty little girls ' school . | conlang |
Conlang:17 | e'u censa jamna lo muslo nu stidi lo nu censa jamna | e'u censa jamna lo muslo nu stidi lo nu censa jamna | Jihad Against Islam's Call for Jihad. | jihad against islam ' s call for jihad . | conlang |
Conlang:44 | ti du le gerku poi jersi le mlatu poi kalte le smacu poi xabju le zdani poi la djak zbasu | ti du le gerku poi jersi le mlatu poi kalte le smacu poi xabju le zdani poi la djak zbasu | This is the dog that chased the cat that stalked the mouse that lived in the house that Jack built. | this is the dog that chased the cat that stalked the mouse that lived in the house that jack built . | conlang |
Conlang:43 | lo pu jatna be le merko cu du lo ro merko poi se slabu ro jatna be lo gugde | lo pu jatna be le merko cu du lo ro merko poi se slabu ro jatna be lo gugde | The former president of the United States is the only American who knows the president of every country. | the former president of the united states is the only american who knows the president of every country . | conlang |
Conlang:7 | li pai dilcu lo se mitre be lo korbi be lo cukla lo se mitre be lo ravysirji be cy li no | li pai dilcu lo se mitre be lo korbi be lo cukla lo se mitre be lo ragve## sirji be cy li no | The result of dividing the circumference of a circle by its diameter is equal to pi. | the result of dividing the ci ##rc ##um ##ference of a circle by its diameter is equal to pi . | conlang |
Conlang:33 | la djerymis cu tolcitrai lo ro bersa be la koris | la djer## misno cu to'e## citno## traji lo ro bersa be la ko ri s | Jeremy is Cory's oldest son. | jeremy is cory ' s oldest son . | conlang |
Conlang:66 | lo ropa perli poi stali le tricu cu fusra | lo ro pa perli poi stali le tricu cu fusra | The only pear left on the tree is rotten. | the only pear left on the tree is rotten . | conlang |
Conlang:2 | lo clarai e lo toryrai be lo ro nanmu pe le munje cu cmibi'o le tigbe'e | lo clani## traji e lo tordu## traji be lo ro nanmu pe le munje cu cmima## binxo le tigni## bende | The tallest and smallest men in the world both joined the circus. | the tallest and smallest men in the world both joined the circus . | conlang |
Conlang:15 | da vi fasnu ije lo nu da mokau cu na klina | da vi fasnu i je lo nu da mo kau cu na klina | Something's happening here, and what it is ain't exactly clear. | something ' s happening here , and what it is ain ' t exactly clear . | conlang |
Conlang:37a | ganai do na ka'e kansa le se prami be do gi ko prami le se kansa be do | ga nai do na ka'e kansa le se prami be do gi ko prami le se kansa be do | If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with. | if you can ' t be with the one you love , love the one you ' re with . | conlang |
Conlang:53 | lo tadni cu snada gi'o gunka | lo tadni cu snada gi'o gunka | The only students who pass are the ones who work. | the only students who pass are the ones who work . | conlang |
Conlang:21 | jinga | jinga | Checkmate | check ##mate | conlang |
Conlang:47 | lo nu da kurji je tolylazni cu sarcu gi'enai ku'i banzu lo nu da snada le tercli | lo nu da kurji je to'e## lazni cu sarcu gi'e nai ku'i banzu lo nu da snada le te## cilre | Being careful and diligent is necessary, but not sufficient for passing this course. | being careful and dil ##igen ##t is necessary , but not sufficient for passing this course . | conlang |
Conlang:23 | ko'a gunta lo prenu gi'enai lo panpi prenu | ko'a gunta lo prenu gi'e nai lo panpi prenu | They were attacking people, not peaceful people. | they were attacking people , not peaceful people . | conlang |
Conlang:5 | me'iro gugde cu cmima la jonsi'u gugde | me'i ro gugde cu cmima la jorne## simxu gugde | Not every country belongs to the U.N. | not every country belongs to the u . n . | conlang |
Conlang:6 | ro jatna be lo gugde cu se slabu ro drata jatna be lo gugde | ro jatna be lo gugde cu se slabu ro drata jatna be lo gugde | The president of every country knows the president of every other country. | the president of every country knows the president of every other country . | conlang |
Conlang:72 | la batman jo'u la robin se steci lo ka balpre bu'u la gotam | la batci## manku jo'u la ro bi n se steci lo ka banli## prenu bu'u la go ta m | Batman and Robin are the only heros in Gotham. | batman and robin are the only hero ##s in gotham . | conlang |
Conlang:56 | ro ctuca poi roda tolzdi ke'a cu tolzdi ro se ctuca be cy | ro ctuca poi ro da to'e## zdile ke'a cu to'e## zdile ro se ctuca be cy | Any professor who is bored by everything bores all of his or her students. | any professor who is bored by everything bore ##s all of his or her students . | conlang |
Conlang:74 | ro da du su'o de | ro da du su'o de | Everything is identical to something. | everything is identical to something . | conlang |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:2308 | lo tujli ba zi se flora | lo tujli ba zi se flora | The tulips will bloom soon. | the tu ##lip ##s will bloom soon . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:1593 | oi nai vifne djacu | oi nai vifne djacu | Fresh water, how nice. | fresh water , how nice . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:2556 | xa no re selci be lo marji cu zepti lo molro lo ka se canlu | xa no re selci be lo marji cu zepti lo molro lo ka se canlu | One zeptomole (zmol) of substance contains 602 particles. | one ze ##pt ##omo ##le ( z ##mo ##l ) of substance contains 60 ##2 particles . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:168 | mi bredi lo ka cadzu ka'ai do | mi bredi lo ka cadzu ka'ai do | I am ready to walk with you. | i am ready to walk with you . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:2435 | i lo vi mlatu cu vrici lo ka skari ma kau | i lo vi mlatu cu vrici lo ka skari ma kau | These cats vary in color. | these cats vary in color . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:955 | xu do kakne lo ka zgipli lo jgita be loi ze mei | xu do kakne lo ka zgike## pilno lo jgita be loi ze mei | Can you play a 7-stringed guitar? | can you play a 7 - string ##ed guitar ? | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:837 | le jubme cu gutci li re lo ka mitre | le jubme cu gutci li re lo ka mitre | The table is two meters in size. | the table is two meters in size . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:2003 | no prije cu se sinma lo se gugde be lo me vo'a moi | no prije cu se sinma lo se gugde be lo me vo'a moi | No wise man is respected by inhabitants of his own country. | no wise man is respected by inhabitants of his own country . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:1422 | la lojban cu mo | la logji## bangu cu mo | What is Lojban? | what is lo ##j ##ban ? | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:1338 | lo sakta cu trina lo manti | lo sakta cu trina lo manti | Sugar attracts ants. | sugar attracts ants . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:1234 | lo vi cirla cu se zbasu fi lo ladru be lo lanme | lo vi cirla cu se zbasu fi lo ladru be lo lanme | This cheese is made from sheep's milk. | this cheese is made from sheep ' s milk . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:1282 | ko skicu lo lisri be lo crida mi | ko skicu lo lisri be lo crida mi | Tell me a story about fairies. | tell me a story about fairies . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:1048 | mi cadzu ka'ai lo gerku | mi cadzu ka'ai lo gerku | I walk with a dog. | i walk with a dog . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:1037 | le lanli pu pilno lo jurme lo cipra | le lanli pu pilno lo jurme lo cipra | The researcher used bacteria for tests. | the researcher used bacteria for tests . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:224 | ti canpa lo nu kakpa lo dertu vau ji lo nu katna lo genja | ti canpa lo nu kakpa lo dertu vau ji lo nu katna lo genja | Is this spade for digging ground or for cutting roots? | is this spade for digging ground or for cutting roots ? | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:374 | lo ki'ogra be li ci cu cnano lo ka se junta vau lo ca zi jbena | lo kilto## grake be li ci cu cnano lo ka se junta vau lo ca zi jbena | 3 kilograms is a normal weight of newborns. | 3 kilograms is a normal weight of newborn ##s . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:338 | i ti ckiku lo xunre vorme i ma ckiku lo do jaspu | i ti ckiku lo xunre vorme i ma ckiku lo do jaspu | What is the password to your account? | what is the password to your account ? | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:2372 | bu'u lo kumfa ve'e dertu | bu'u lo kumfa ve'e dertu | It's dirty all over the room. | it ' s dirty all over the room . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:479 | lo danti be lo cecla cu tsuku lo dinju | lo danti be lo cecla cu tsuku lo dinju | A bullet from a gun reached the house. | a bullet from a gun reached the house . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:1965 | mi senva tu'a lo sance be lo carvi | mi senva tu'a lo sance be lo carvi | I dream the sound of rain. | i dream the sound of rain . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:957 | mi ji'a je'a nelci | mi ji'a je'a nelci | I like it too. | i like it too . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:2045 | do e'o smaji | do e'o smaji | Please, be quiet. | please , be quiet . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:1442 | mi nelci lo morna be lo pezli bei lo du'u lo gunma be ri cu cirkulo | mi nelci lo morna be lo pezli bei lo du'u lo gunma be ri cu citri## ckule o | I like patterns of leaves that form circles. | i like patterns of leaves that form circles . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:2183 | ra pu bevri lo tanxe be lo penbi | ra pu bevri lo tanxe be lo penbi | He brought a box of pens. | he brought a box of pens . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:503 | mi pu de'a citka lo plise | mi pu de'a citka lo plise | I stopped eating apples for a while. | i stopped eating apples for a while . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:710 | u'e melbi flira ra | u'e melbi flira ra | What a nice face she has! | what a nice face she has ! | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:2539 | zbasu lo cirla lo ladru | zbasu lo cirla lo ladru | Cheese is made from milk. | cheese is made from milk . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:3 | do tavla da a'a nai | do tavla da a'a nai | La, la, la, I'm not listening what you are talking about. | la , la , la , i ' m not listening what you are talking about . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:50 | le terdi cu barda ba'u nai | le terdi cu barda ba'u nai | The Earth is big, to put it mildly. | the earth is big , to put it mildly . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:2285 | lo vacri cu vasru lo kijno e lo trano | lo vacri cu vasru lo kijno e lo trano | The air consists of oxygen and nitrogen. | the air consists of oxygen and nitrogen . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:2518 | oi nai za'a melbi tcima | oi nai za'a melbi tcima | Oh, what a nice weather. | oh , what a nice weather . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:2031 | i lo limxone cu slari so'e remna | i lo limna## xon e cu slari so'e remna | Lemon is sour to most people. | lemon is sour to most people . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:1398 | lo jurme cu mikri lo mitre be li re boi lo ka ganra | lo jurme cu mikri lo mitre be li re boi lo ka ganra | The microbe is 2 micrometers wide. | the micro ##be is 2 micro ##meter ##s wide . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:771 | ba gau mi do cliva | ba gau mi do cliva | I will make you leave. | i will make you leave . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:1932 | mi pu cadzu se ka'a le rirxe | mi pu cadzu se ka'a le rirxe | I walked to the river. | i walked to the river . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:2416 | lo brife pu vlile | lo brife pu vlile | It was a storm. | it was a storm . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:844 | i'e cu'i do pu tsuku ca lo se tcika | i'e cu'i do pu tsuku ca lo se tcika | Well, okay, you arrived on time. | well , okay , you arrived on time . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:628 | fe ma fa mi zukte ei | fe ma fa mi zukte ei | What should I do? | what should i do ? | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:2239 | le za'u mei cu tigni lo ka sutra dansu vau lo tadni | le za'u mei cu tigni lo ka sutra dansu vau lo tadni | They are performing a fast dance before students. | they are performing a fast dance before students . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:2527 | e'o do za'u re'u cusku | e'o do za'u re'u cusku | Could you repeat that? | could you repeat that ? | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:958 | lo xagji cribe cu citka ke ji'a sai lo insekto | lo xagji cribe cu citka ke ji'a sai lo i nse## kto | A hungry bear will eat even insects. | a hungry bear will eat even insects . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:1459 | lo ka vasxu lo vifne cu mukti lo ka klama se ka'a lo purdi vau mi | lo ka vasxu lo vifne cu mukti lo ka klama se ka'a lo purdi vau mi | To breathe fresh air is my motive to go to a garden. | to breathe fresh air is my motive to go to a garden . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:2419 | la kevin cu zvati lo zdani be vo'a | la ke vi n cu zvati lo zdani be vo'a | Kevin is at home. | kevin is at home . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:2457 | ti xalka lo se zbasu be fi lo vanjba | ti xalka lo se zbasu be fi lo vanju## jbari | This is alcohol made of grapes. | this is alcohol made of grapes . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:119 | mi pu bevri lo patxu be lo nudle fu'e ta'o fi lo purdi fo lo nu jukpa vau kumfa fu lo rokci dargu fu'o | mi pu bevri lo patxu be lo nudle fu'e ta'o fi lo purdi fo lo nu jukpa vau kumfa fu lo rokci dargu fu'o | I carried a bowl of noodles (to the garden from the kitchen via a rocky road). | i carried a bowl of noodles ( to the garden from the kitchen via a rocky road ) . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:1692 | mi pu pinxe lo glare ckafi lo kabri | mi pu pinxe lo glare ckafi lo kabri | I drank a cup of hot coffee from a cup. | i drank a cup of hot coffee from a cup . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:1394 | zoi .mifr.cni rni dn.mifr. mifra lu coi ro do li'u lo ka zo o pe ce'u se basti zo n pe ce'u | zoi mifr. c## n## i## ## r## n## i## ## d## n .mifr. mifra lu coi ro do li'u lo ka zo o pe ce'u se basti zo n pe ce'u | cni rni dn is an encoded Lojban phrase "coi ro do" where "n" is a replacement for "o". | cn ##i rn ##i d ##n is an encoded lo ##j ##ban phrase " co ##i ro do " where " n " is a replacement for " o " . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:2156 | la alis pu sutra lo ka punji lo botpi lo tanxe | la a li s pu sutra lo ka punji lo botpi lo tanxe | Alice was fast enough in putting the bottle into the box. | alice was fast enough in putting the bottle into the box . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:1767 | lo ractu fi'o sutra co'a se panzi | lo ractu fi'o sutra co'a se panzi | Rabbits breed quickly. | rabbits breed quickly . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:2294 | do tsali lo ka lafti lo tilju | do tsali lo ka lafti lo tilju | You are strong in lifting heavy objects. | you are strong in lifting heavy objects . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:2015 | lo skapi be lo cnebo be mi cu xunre | lo skapi be lo cnebo be mi cu xunre | The skin on my neck is red. | the skin on my neck is red . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:2227 | lo cacra be li ci cu temci lo nu mi mo'u cliva lo dinju vau lo nu lo mamta mo'u tsuku le dinju | lo cacra be li ci cu temci lo nu mi mo'u cliva lo dinju vau lo nu lo mamta mo'u tsuku le dinju | Three hours passed from the time I left the building till the time the mother arrived at it. | three hours passed from the time i left the building till the time the mother arrived at it . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:437 | le lanka cu culno lo pelji | le lanka cu culno lo pelji | The basket is full of paper. | the basket is full of paper . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:545 | la alis ze'a lo djedi be li za'u re na zvati i la'e di'u cizra | la a li s ze'a lo djedi be li za'u re na zvati i la'e di'u cizra | Alice isn't present for more than two days. That is strange. | alice isn ' t present for more than two days . that is strange . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:1850 | do mi kansa ui ro'u nai doi pendo | do mi kansa ui ro'u nai doi pendo | Yay, you are with me, my buddy. | ya ##y , you are with me , my buddy . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:504 | mi de'a jundi | mi de'a jundi | I won't be paying attention for a while. | i won ' t be paying attention for a while . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:414 | mi pu cusku lo lisri be lo za'u crida | mi pu cusku lo lisri be lo za'u crida | I told a story about fairies. | i told a story about fairies . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:1110 | doi gerku ko na pencu lo kerlo be mi | doi gerku ko na pencu lo kerlo be mi | Dog, don't touch my ears! | dog , don ' t touch my ears ! | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:2531 | mi'a zalvi lo maxri lo purmo | mi'a zalvi lo maxri lo purmo | We grind wheat into flour. | we grind wheat into flour . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:354 | mi claxu lo ka djica lo ka citka | mi claxu lo ka djica lo ka citka | I lack the desire to eat. | i lack the desire to eat . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:98 | ca lo bavlamdei be lo nu mi tsuku vau mi co'a ganse lo cizra | ca lo balvi## lamji## djedi be lo nu mi tsuku vau mi co'a ganse lo cizra | On the day following my arrival I started feeling something strange. | on the day following my arrival i started feeling something strange . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:1225 | le nabmi cu jai lakne fai lo ka na nandu | le nabmi cu jai lakne fai lo ka na nandu | The problem is probably not hard. | the problem is probably not hard . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:1426 | pa mo'o pu zu ku zasti fa lo nanmu e lo ninmu | pa mo'o pu zu ku zasti fa lo nanmu e lo ninmu | Chapter 1. Long ago lived a man and a woman. | chapter 1 . long ago lived a man and a woman . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:737 | mi viska lo fu'e ia cizra zdani fu'o ponse | mi viska lo fu'e ia cizra zdani fu'o ponse | I can see an owner of what I believe is a strange house. | i can see an owner of what i believe is a strange house . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:840 | i'a mi ba denpa | i'a mi ba denpa | Okay, I will wait. | okay , i will wait . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:1047 | mi je'a djica lo ka tadni i ku'i ka bu nandu mi | mi je'a djica lo ka tadni i ku'i ka bu nandu mi | I do want to study. But it's difficult to me. | i do want to study . but it ' s difficult to me . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:7 | a'i cu'i ti frili | a'i cu'i ti frili | Ah, this is easy. | ah , this is easy . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:831 | loi ratcu ca'o gunta le dinju lo ka cpacu lo gurni | loi ratcu ca'o gunta le dinju lo ka cpacu lo gurni | Rats are attacking the building to get the grain. | rats are attacking the building to get the grain . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:2206 | le fetsi pu tsuku mo'u le se tcika | le fetsi pu tsuku mo'u le se tcika | She arrived on time. | she arrived on time . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:1305 | lo vi vorme janbe cu du lu'e mi | lo vi vorme janbe cu du lu'e mi | This doorbell is to call me. | this doorbell is to call me . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:927 | lei grute cu se tasta lo je'a rigni | lei grute cu se tasta lo je'a rigni | The fruits are indeed disgusting in taste. | the fruits are indeed disgusting in taste . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:1089 | mi pu na birti lo nu xo kau prenu cu zvati | mi pu na birti lo nu xo kau prenu cu zvati | I wasn't sure how many people were present. | i wasn ' t sure how many people were present . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict:476 | lo danmo be lo noi ca'o jelca vau tricu co'a denmi | lo danmo be lo noi ca'o jelca vau tricu co'a denmi | The smoke from the burning trees is becoming dense. | the smoke from the burning trees is becoming dense . | crashcourse.jbo_eng_dict |
Subsets and Splits