The TheaterBluff had to check in again with his politcal nonsense. FDR, Nixon, Rizzo? What the hell did they have to do with the Palace Theatre? The Palace Theatre, like so many other theaters at the time, fell victim to television, plain and simple! Mikeoaklandpark on February 13, 2013 at 9:09 pm The thing I remember about this theater is it had a turnstill enterance after you bought your ticket. TivFan on February 13, 2013 at 3:36 pm The 1931 Palace facade photo is #26 on page 4 of the search results…just click on the Feb. 12 link and do a “Market Street” search on the Hagley site. You can see the Savoy across the street in the early construction photos. TivFan on February 13, 2013 at 3:14 pm Joe (& theater fans everywhere…): There are many progress photos of the demolition and the construction of the PSFS Building, on the Hagley site. The Palace facade can be seen, also the East wall with a Palace sign painted on it. Great stuff! TivFan on February 13, 2013 at 2:44 pm Joe: That’s Greta Garbo’s head on the left side of the Palace, in the 1931 photo. “Inspiration” is playing. Search the site for “Market Street” and there is a great close-up shot of the Palace Theatre, probably taken the same day… TivFan on February 13, 2013 at 2:13 pm Bingo!, Joe. The Palace is the theater in the postcard I have. The perspective and depth of focus made it look like this theater was the third building from the corner. I looked at some photos on the Philly history site that showed the buildings on the South side of Market Street from 13th Street. But the buildings they showed didn’t go as far as the theater. When I saw the photos, the theater got further down the block from 13th St. One showed the Fairyland, but that wasn’t it. I just checked your link to the Palace 1931 photo, and this is it! The awning is the same and the building next door with the arched windows matched the one in the postcard. Thanks. Another one down. Joe Vogel on February 13, 2013 at 2:56 am The front of the Palace Theatre can be seen at far right in this 1931 photo. The buildings between the Palace and 12th Street were then about to be demolished to make way for Howe & Lescaze’s Philadelphia Savings Fund Society building. wdc73 on February 14, 2010 at 12:11 am The Apollo is featured in the 1981 movie Blow-Out, John Travolta’s character’s office is located above it, you get a good shot of it about ½ hour into the movie. teegee on September 24, 2009 at 11:34 pm The photo above is not the same Palace Theater. The photo shows the Budco (later AMC) Palace Theater on Chestnut street. That theater originally opened as Theater 1812. I went to the Palace often in the 1960’s. It frequently played the first run of the Japanese rubber suit giant monster movies. It was also one four theaters in downtown Philly that were open all night. The others, all on Market Street, were the Center, News, and Family (later the Apollo). HowardBHaas on March 3, 2009 at 7:02 pm 2 Sept 1939 Box Office reported that the Market Street Palace Theatre had 3 stories lopped off per building inspectors’ instructions TheaterBuff1 on July 13, 2007 at 4:53 am The early 1970s was a very tough time for movie palaces, and probably a great deal of it had to do with the political shifts that were going on at that time — the way America was changing by that point under Nixon, and, in Philadelphia’s case, the mayoral rise of Frank Rizzo. While can you imagine a movie palace falling on so desparate times that it believed exhibiting porno was a logical way to remain afloat? And by that I mean actual, straightforward porno, not serious-minded films that the less educated branded as such. Case in point, MIDNIGHT COWBOY, which hit the theaters just two years before the Palace closed, bore an X-rating at that time. Demographically, in 1971, the baby boom generation, a very sizeable majority, was just starting to come of age at that point. And so there was a mad political scramble as to who and what would have the greatest control over it from that point forward. And though the babyboomers had been weaned on movies exhibited in movie palaces among other things, in the early ‘70s all efforts were made to knock that influence out of the picture completely — a full undoing, if you will, of what FDR and others had helped bring into prominence many decades before. Of all types of artistic expression, there is nothing more powerful, more potent, then a well-crafted movie exhibited in a well-run theater, and if that theater is a palace this is true even more so. And it’s not something that politicians weren’t aware of in 1971. For it was an awareness that had been strongly in place ever since the time of FDR. And I believe that had it not been for a few key assassinations that occured not all that long before 1971, there’s a very strong possibility that when 1971 rolled around movie palaces such as the Palace, the Boyd, the Fox and so forth would’ve received an all-new shot in the arm, rather than forced on hard times the way they were. And the hard times they’ve pretty much been on ever since. kencmcintyre on July 12, 2007 at 2:48 am This is from the LA Times dated 6/4/71: Palace Closes in Philly The Palace Theater once housed the booking office for Al Jolson, Marie Dressler and Eddie Cantor. Once it was known for silent screen features. This week it closed for the last time. The final film was “Censorship in the USA”, typical of the fare since the 925-seat moviehouse became a center for so-called “adult movies”. The 60-some-year-old theater will be demolished to make way for a $20 million, 17-story complex urban renewal project in Center City. TheaterBuff1 on March 8, 2007 at 2:06 am Both of you and all other visitors to this page should make a special point of going to the following link — — and using the set-up they have set up there to send a fax to Philadelphia Mayor John Street and City Council letting them know the tremendous importance of the Boyd Theatre, PHILADELPHIA’S LAST STILL-STANDING MOVIE PALACE, and why all efforts absolutely must be made to ensure it does not face demolition. It’s current owner, Live Nation, has hinted that it might be putting it up for sale, and with the high value of Center City Philadelphia land value right now, a greedy developer could swoop in and have that theater torn down tomorrow! And all of us who love theaters, great palaces especially, cannot allow that, most particularly when it’s Philadelphia’s very last. Not only must we pressure the Mayor and City Council to save this theater from demolition, but also ask their assistance in finding a new owner who will restore it to all its glory. Send your faxes right away if you haven’t already. GOD SAVE THE BOYD!!! Thank You, TheaterBuff1 Patrick H Friel on March 7, 2007 at 1:23 am WOW, Walter ! Tell us more. What years did your employment span at the Palace? Come visit my site paying homage to the early years of the Orleans Theatre. I have every movie from opening day, May 8, 1963 till April 1972 listed in the Documents section on the site. C'mon over and visit and join up. Regards, Hughie tallramsay on March 7, 2007 at 1:00 am I was the Mge of the Palace when it close I work at the Palace for 13 years as usher and Mge when it close it was like losing a good friend I have a great time as mgr of the Palace theatre kencmcintyre on September 16, 2006 at 11:25 pm The theater across the street is the Savoy, to answer my own question. Here is a photo from 1949: kencmcintyre on September 12, 2006 at 8:58 pm The Palace is on the left in this 1948 photo. There is another theater across the street, which I can’t identify offhand: kencmcintyre on September 12, 2006 at 12:24 am Here is a 1963 photo of the Palace from Temple U: TheaterBuff1 on December 20, 2005 at 2:38 am veyoung: Thanks for setting me straight on that! Being as I’m up here in NE Philly and haven’t been back down to that part of Center City in many years, and since Cinema Treasures gives no listing/description for the Apollo Theatre, I just assumed from that that the two theaters must’ve been one and the same. I remember the 13th & Market Septa subway stop (as much as I try hard to forget it!) indicating that by the time I began passing through that part of Center City regularly (1975-76) the Palace plus the News Theatres were already gone by then. As for the Boyd Theatre, where my family saw the grand Philadelphia premiere of “Ben Hur” in 1959, the latest really great news on that movie palace is that Clear Channel is in the process of fully restoring it to its original magnificent glory and it will be for live performances for top name acts when fully renovated. Howard B. Haas, Esq. is in charge of the over all project, and from I understand, he’s doing a great job! Meantime, it’s a shame the Palace designed by William Harold Lee, which must’ve been a magnificent theater, too, wasn’t as lucky. veyoung52 on December 19, 2005 at 9:23 am I think the Palace was on the South side of Market St., and the Apollo (I’ve fogotten its original name) was on the North side. Might be wrong. It’s early in the morning. (I just noticed the first posting on this theatre above….it was on the South side,,,1234 Market). TheaterBuff1 on December 19, 2005 at 2:25 am Hughie: Was the Palace Theatre and the Apollo one and the same? If so, I once trained as a projectionist there – a job lead I had gotten from a friend of mine who was managing the Apollo for a time before later becoming a Philly cop. As for that projectionist job, I went through all the training for it but then didn’t follow through with it, thinking it would look like hell on my resume! Since I don’t recall any other theaters right around there that were right across Market St. from Wannamakers, I presume the Palace and Apollo were one and the same. veyoung52 on December 15, 2005 at 8:50 pm Hughie, let’s have some Boyd-talk. Now, THAT was a theatre! Patrick H Friel on December 15, 2005 at 8:33 pm Rummah, you are probably correct in that the Palace in the movie, Mikey And Nicky is the same one that was mid block between 12th and 13th Streets on Market Street. Although the movie has a release year of 1976, I seem to recall that the movie was shot a couple or three years prior. A friend of mine lived in a building at 12th St. and Pine Street from around 1971 to 1974. One day the building owner came through the front door of the building with Elaine May, who directed the movie. She was scouting apartments for use in the movie. A great deal of the movie was shot in Philadelphia and the surrounding area.. There may have been problems with the shoot and with Elaine “Ishtar” May at the helm there might have been friction between her and the studio. I’m sure, studio execs that saw any footage of Mikey And Nicky were more than baffled by where their money was going. May is not into shooting movies with plots but, rather, she paints character portraits. Within the same time frame of ‘72 or ‘73 a college friend of mine told me that, the day before, he was walking in his neighborhood in the Philly suburb of Glenside. Walking by the cemetery he noticed a film crew and he stuck around. Turns out it was a scene being shot for M & N. Back to the Palace, though. In the late ‘60’s I would cut school, along with friends and we would go to downtown Philly and hang out at the penny arcades, play pin ball, catch some pie and coffee at Horn& Hardart’s automat or go to movies. A couple of times we did go to the Palace for the soft core porno movies. Mostly, we giggled through the movies as we watched the men scattered around us. They were a serious bunch intent on getting their money’s worth. Matter of fact, as I recall, those eyes riveted on the screen remind me of today’s gamers sitting in front of the TV. Yeah, and as with the men at the Palace theatre the only thing moving are the gamer’s hands. There used to be so many theatres in the downtown area. After all, all the first run houses were located there and that’s where movies not only opened but that is where one went to see them. Waiting for a movie to come to your neighborhood theatre is akin to waiting for the DVD to come out today. Sadly, people gradually stopped going downtown to see movies, center city was getting the reputation as being “rough”. Theatre owners, about this time, found profits in the growing popularity of the “Kung Fu movies. This stopped the middle class from going near down town. When the Kung Fu craze faded then the porn movies took their place and when that peaked, there was nothing to offer the middle class who were never coming back downtown to see a movie. Gradually, the theatres were knocked down and replaced with the glass office towers. We moved towards suburban theatres, mall theatres and the multi-plex for our movie going experience. Just as with our shopping and banking experiences of yesteryear we no longer had to go downtown. Wanamaker’s department store, along with Lit Brothers and Gimbals moved to locations in Northeast Philadelphia. Mall were built and, again, it was a thing of the past to venture into the scary streets of downtown Philadelphia. One of my most cherished memories from my childhood was topping of an agonizing shopping spree with my mother and sisters by having waffles at the Crystal Room restaurant inside Wanamaker’s department store. Occasionally, depending on the time of day we went, there would be a woman’s fashion show during lunch. People ate their lunch while women walked towards you on an elevated run way. Believe me when I say it was not Heidi Klum walking towards you but a model in a long dress that covered everything down to her shins. A hat was a requisite part of the outfit on display as well. Well, that is enough from me for this posting. You may see me around, contributing to other movie posts. I have a lot of memories of the theatres from my youth and I cherish them all!
America Reconfigured A visual application of Mitchell’s Reconfigured Eye as a commentary on American values. Posted by fearstearsandchandeliers Filed in Uncategorized Leave a Comment » craigslist killer November 14, 2007 an artistic response on the potentiality of the internet as a tool for murder. Posted by fearstearsandchandeliers Filed in Uncategorized Leave a Comment » Generative Art October 10, 2007 technicolor A program I wrote with Processing. Use the keyboard, mouse + mouse click. Make some magic. Posted by fearstearsandchandeliers Filed in Uncategorized Leave a Comment » Art Direction September 7, 2007 video collage Posted by fearstearsandchandeliers Filed in Uncategorized 1 Comment » Anthems for a 17 year old girl May 8, 2007 music vid Posted by fearstearsandchandeliers Filed in Uncategorized 6 Comments » Obscure Obsession April 21, 2007 Jillian McDonald can be best described as a fanatic–or a fake. Possibly both. In her most famous work Me and Billy Bob, Jillian explores the phenomenon of celebrity crushes. She describes the project as a commentary on social behavior and the relationship that exists, or fails to exist, between a overly-faithful fan and their celebrity crush. The process involved inserting herself into Billy Bob movies in the place of the heroine as well as “tattooing” her body with Billy Bob’s name. What began as a fake fanaticism turned into a valid obsession. She mentioned the fact that she may have become victim to mere exposure effect by listening, seeing and “interacting” with Billy Bob on a daily basis while working on the project. In addition to her celebrity addiction, she also displayed a extensive curiosity in zombies. Her zombie projects seem to carry less direct social commentary than Me and Billy Bob but it seems as though part of it has to do with the social construction of beauty. This idea comes through strongly in her performance piece Horror Make-Up in which she spends a subway trip through New York turning herself into a zombie. The implications and irony of this piece are clear–instead of making herself up, she’s deliberately attempting to make herself unattractive. She also mentioned the interest in the way women use a public space, such as a subway, for such personal acts as putting on makeup. In all of Jillian’s work, there seems to be a strong connection between her art and the viewer. Likewise, most of her topics focus on relationships–as seen in Me and Billy Bob. The most interesting part of Jillian’s work is the mediums she explores. Her art is exploring the boundaries between the gallery realm and the digital/internet realm. While placing art on the internet could be seen as a means of degradation, her topics are form-fitted for the audience the internet yields. Overall, Jillian McDonald can easily be seen as a progressive artist picking very unique topics for her art and making use of alternate ways of exhibiting her work. Posted by fearstearsandchandeliers Filed in Uncategorized Leave a Comment » Shh..shh…don’t talk, don’t talk March 16, 2007 listen to the soundtrack Posted by fearstearsandchandeliers Filed in Uncategorized 4 Comments » MTAA March 5, 2007 MTAA is the brainchild of M. River & T. Whid. They started out their artistic career by taking on the challenge of selling a piece of internet art. At the time, in 1997, it was quite an accomplishment. Since then, they’ve expanded their repertoire to galleries and museums. As a whole, their work focuses on interaction between a piece of art and the viewer. In their self proclaimed “best work” titled 1 Year Performance Video, the duo streamed an online video of themselves in a small living space and, with the help of digital technology, made it appear as if the feed was live. The interaction part occurs when the viewer logs on and starts watching. Each second that passes is recording time–which seems to be at the root of the artist’s intentions for the piece. Viewers who have watched the video continuously for one year are rewarded with seeing their name plastered all over the “Top Viewers” section of MTAA’s website. In addition to minimalistic efforts like 1 Year Performance Video, MTAA also produces more entertaining art like Karaoke Death Match where M.River and T.Whid go head to head in 60 rounds of karaoke. There’s only one question that remains for me: Is the Karaoke Death Match more of a challenge to produce, or to watch? Overall MTAA has a nice little niche carved out for them in the performance art/digital art world. They presented some unique ideas and seem to be at their peak in terms of artistic output. Their style is obscure and somewhat under the radar but it’s something that’s hard to ignore. Check it out for yourself: MTAA. Posted by fearstearsandchandeliers Filed in Uncategorized Leave a Comment » Open Me February 26, 2007 Performance piece translated into HTML. Check it: open me Posted by fearstearsandchandeliers Filed in Uncategorized 10 Comments » Sinning Sea-Cow February 11, 2007 Watch the unbecoming transformation of an innocent manatee into a gluttonous, lustful, greedy, wrathful, vain, envious sea cow. I should warn you, it gets pretty ugly. With such immoral tendencies, you’ve gotta wonder who actually wants to save these corrupt creatures.
I'm a DC hound headed up to Chester County and would like to find out more about the Birchrunville Store Cafe. How's the food, what's the price, any recommendations, etc. Also, any other recommendations on where to go around West Chester would be welcome.Link:
This podcast is geared towards players. We discuss magic items, character creation, options for characters when leveling up, different builds available within classes, and what those builds should look like when you play them at the table. We post all our episodes in the Roving Band of Misfits blog feed, so if you already subscribe to our feed, the podcast will already appear there. If you want a feed of only the podcast, there is a link in the sidebar titled “Recent Podcasts.” Just click the teeny tiny RSS logo. You can also browse the archive of all past shows via the button below. You can find us on Stitcher as well; Stitcher is a free app for your mobile device that allows you to stream podcasts rather than download them. Finally, if you’d like to subscribe to the podcast through iTunes, you can do that too. Simply click the iTunes button, or search for us in the iTunes store. No matter how you decide to listen, we hope you enjoy what you hear! We like to use real characters in our discussions. If you’d like your character featured in one of our episodes, please use the link below to email us. Also, if you have an interesting character build that you’d like to share on our program, let us know about it, and we may either discuss your unique build or interview you for the program.
With a population of just over 4100, Vela Luka is the largest of Korcula’s towns and has traditionally been dismissed as an industrial centre with little tourist interest. Certainly there is both ship building and fish processing/canning works on the outskirts of the town around the southeast and southern edge of the bay on which the town sits. The town is however a vibrant living place and an important hub for transport (ferries and buses) and in recent years has done much to spruce up its image. The town is located around the eastern end of the inlet of Zaljev Vela Luka where it turns to the north-east and then north narrowing to less than 100 metres in width. There is an extensive and busy riva running along the eastern shore of the inlet around the harbour and then south-west along a new harbour wall towards the ship yards on the edge of town. Most of the town services and most accessible eateries are located along the eastern shore, which is peppered with old and often ramshackle wooden jetties that run out into the harbour over narrow stretches of shingle beach and bare rock. Ferries arrive from Split once or twice a day and head on to (or return from) Lastovo, carrying cars and passengers. From the centre of town you can then catch buses that run to all of the major settlements on the island including Blato (the major inland settlement 5 miles to the west of Vela Luka) and Korcula Town. Highlights within the town centre around its museum and art gallery which includes an archaeological collection of prehistoric artefacts from the ‘Vela Spila’ or great cave and some interesting paintings and two Henry Moore sculptures. The building itself was decorated with mosaics during an international art festival in 1968. Sailing Vela Luka is located at the eastern end of the inlet of Zaljev Vela Luka at the western end of Otok Korcula. Zaljev Vela Luka is an inlet of nearly 5nm length (west to east) over two miles wide at its entrance and narrowing to less than a mile by the time you reach the town. Within the harbour and anchorage boats should be able to find shelter from wind coming from all directions and their are various options including a harbour wall with laid moorings, some mooring buoys and anchoring in between 8-12 metres of water under the north-western shore of the inlet beneath the beach establishments of several largish hotels. This shore seems to give good shelter from the Bora and other northerly, north-westerly and westerly winds. Care should be taken when anchoring further into the harbour as there are a profusion of laid buoys and mooring that might easily be snagged by your ground tackle. Generally the buoys seem to be in private ownership and during our visit there were none available to pick up. The harbour wall itself is very busy (again there was no space during our visit) and has laid moorings for around 15-20 vessels with an area for international arrivals at its western end that tends to be empty. Regardless of this attempts to moor in this area (unless you are arriving from foreign ports) will be met by a forceful response from the harbour masters assistants. Beyond the harbour area and the mooring buoys their is a narrowing inlet that runs to the north. This area shallows rapidly from 4 to less than 1 metre and again is criss-crossed with laid moorings for small local boats. As a result, and though some pilots suggest it is a possible anchorage it does not offer good options for anchoring and extreme caution should be taken in this area with consideration being given to taking a line ashore. As well as a harbour master there is a customs office and fuel and water are available from the fuel berth to the west of the town harbour wall. From there to the ferry terminal around 300 metres further west along the Riva which in 2010 had a new harbour wall and landscaping. The new harbour wall seems to have infrastructure (moorings, power and water) to support a large number of additional moorings, but has never been dredged so has no moor than 1 metre of water which seems to deepen only very gently. Vela Luka is a pleasant and useful stopping off point at the western end of Otok Korcula, whether on the way to Lastovo or Vis, or intending to head along the Peljeski Kanal to Korcula Town and points south. One thing to remember however is that the town and its anchorages lie 5nm east of the western tip of the island, so allow at least another hour on your travel time as you head in or out from the port to traverse the length of the inlet.
Charles Tesoriero (ed.), Lucan. Oxford Readings in Classical Studies. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. Pp. x, 537. ISBN 9780199277230. $65.00 (pb). Reviewed by Seán Easton, Gustavus Adolphus College ([email protected]) Preview [Authors and titles are listed at the end of the review.] It is difficult to imagine a more challenging editorial remit than that of the Oxford Readings in Classical Studies series or a collection of Lucan scholarship better suited to it than the pieces chosen by the editor, the late Charles Tesoriero. Inclusion in an Oxford Readings volume acknowledges three primary qualities in an article or essay: enduring scholarly value; usefulness for students at a variety of levels, including those with minimal linguistic background; and a meaningful contribution to a synopsis of scholarship on the volume’s subject. Susanna Braund’s comprehensive introduction traces Lucan’s journey as a canonical author from antiquity until, in Fraenkel’s phrase, “the educational disaster of the nineteenth century,” through the development of the field, its present state, and works in progress. While the very act of one scholar assessing all the others has an inevitably polemical dimension, Braund’s judicious discussion and circumspect presentation of the authors and issues that have animated scholarly debate gives the reader the closest thing to a consensus view of the scholarship on an author “that makes partisans of us.” The chapters are not grouped into sections, but their sequence suggests an implicit order: the beginning of the poem (chapters 2-3: Conte; Grimal), declamatory and epic intertextuality (chapters 4-6: Bonner; Thompson and Bruère; Green), nature imagery (chapters 7-8: Rosner-Siegel; Leigh); the poet’s sense history, politics, and philosophy (chapters 9-11: Lintott; Martindale; Lapidge); and studies with a focus on one or more of the three main characters (chapters 12-16: Ormand; Feeney; Helzle; Friedrich; Zwierlein). The choice of the first and last essays, Eduard Fraenkel’s “Lucan as the transmitter of ancient pathos” and John Henderson’s “Lucan/the word at war,” deserve particular comment. Fraenkel’s essay, one of five essays in the volume that I had the opportunity to appreciate in the translation of Leofranc Holford-Strevens, appealed to Tesoriero, as representing a moment when Lucan studies in the twentieth century ‘turned a corner’.1 Its combined focus on how Lucan engages the reader’s sensibilities and the influence of this technique on the broad sweep of European letters and politics offers a wonderful introduction to the poet, especially useful for students new to the author who would benefit from being both informed about how the poem works and impressed by the extent of its impact. Henderson’s essay (chapter 17) is the natural conclusion to the volume, though its original date of publication precedes that of four other essays. Its vast scope touches on the themes of every other article in the book, and, however one may regard the deconstructionist approach of “Lucan/the word at war”, the field of Lucan studies has not broken from its orbit. One effect of its concluding position, opposite to Fraenkel’s beginning piece, is to clarify anew its own capacity as a study in pathos technique. Henderson reenacts those features that Fraenkel, as an outside observer, describes: “It is not enough for him to lead a willing and beauty-loving reader with him, he has in mind the indifferent and blasé reader, whom he whips forward, startles, and shocks, causes to shudder, puzzles with riddling expressions … in short, he attacks his understanding and imagination with all the means of refined arts” (24). The editor, by bookending the volume with these very different explorations in Lucanian pathos, anchors it in the appreciation of this distinctive strength of the poet and draws attention to the rejuvenating effect its study has had on the field. Conte and Grimal each find in an interpretive question rooted in the ancient and medieval commentary on Lucan the springboard to a dynamic new reading. Conte, in contesting the view that Lucan’s proem is the addition of another editor, articulates its close relationship to the proem of the Iliad , contextualizes Lucan’s poetic emulation of Homer in light of the norms of the Roman epic tradition, and in the process offers a brief introduction to the scholarly themes he has pursued throughout his career. Grimal’s attempt to rebut the notion that Lucan’s praise of Nero, seemingly so discordant with the rest of the poem, constitutes or contains a sarcastic jab at the emperor has not settled this particular issue. The bibliography on it has continued to grow and diversify. The value of its inclusion, however, lies in two areas: its intriguing introduction to the complexities of Nero’s projected apotheosis and its speculative exploration of the interpretive issues raised by the ancient claim that three books of the poem were published separately. Bonner presents the case for the influence of declamatory education on Lucan’s poem, stressing several elements: sententiae, the civil war as a source of declamatory topics, historical exempla, stock characters, and the plenitude of rhetorical commonplaces shooting through the poem. Bonner’s article, richly detailed with declamatory parallels, illuminates for the reader the poetic potential in declamatory practice and the porous boundary between declamation and poetry. Thompson and Bruère perform a broad and thorough survey of Lucan’s pattern of allusion to the Aeneid, arguing that its purpose is to undermine Vergil’s Augustan myth. In a conscious progression from Conte’s piece, C. M. C. Green explores the deeper Homeric resonances active beneath the Roman historical terms of Lucan’s poem, illustrating how Agamemnon and Achilles are translated into Pompey and Caesar, Achilles’ request of Thetis to petition Zeus into Roma’s petition of Caesar who invokes Jupiter on his own behalf, and so on. Judith Rosner-Siegel demonstrates both the marvelous elegance and programmatic significance of Lucan’s similes likening Pompey to an oak and Caesar to a lightning flash (1.135-57), tracking their influence through the poem. Matthew Leigh, in his fascinating and textually wide-ranging piece, puts Caesar’s act of cutting down the Massilian grove in context. Leigh finds that it represents a development in a traditional story pattern. Its tale of an impious figure punished for knowing violation of a sacred grove gradually evolves into a version in which a skeptical figure—such as Lucan’s Caesar—charismatically challenges divine power and prevails. Leigh’s daring scope and ability to put intertextuality in the service of the history of ideas make this a piece well worth revisiting. Andrew Lintott contests earlier arguments that Lucan derives his historical vision from a lost source such as Livy’s civil war books and argues that, where it does not conflict with his poetic goal of calling the reader to resist Caesarism, Lucan demonstrates attention to historical sources and care in the representation of history. Lintott’s richly detailed commentary encourages readers to consider the broad range of historical sources that inform and clarify Lucan’s interpretation of the civil war. Charles Martindale expands on Lintott’s view of the poem as a call to resistance, challenging claims that Lucan’s political verse is empty of conviction. Observing that the notion of the poet’s life as separate from his writing only applied in erotic elegy and epigram, he further argues that Lucan’s politics must carry literary significance insofar as his success at transforming the topoi of the declaimers into an epic narrative is rooted in a political vision. Michael Lapidge makes the case that the poet deploys imagery drawn from the cosmological theory and vocabulary of Chrysippus, which would have been available to Lucan through Cicero, Manilius, Cornutus, and Seneca. The Stoic imagery of collapsing structures and loosened bonds recurs in a variety of images, from the first simile (1.72-80) onward. Lapidge suggests that, where Stoicism offers no agent for cosmic dissolution, Lucan supplies furor as its cause. Kirk Ormand introduces a narratological perspective, finding Pompey an ineffective narrator whom Lucan makes iconic of the ineffectiveness of narrative generally, while Caesar is a incompetent reader whose handicap only helps him. Ormand’s introduction of the relevant terms and concepts is simple, effective, and would facilitate student acquaintance with narratological reading. Martin Helzle offers a particularly persuasive application of statistics, clarifying the poet’s description of Caesar in his meeting with the fisherman Amyclas as indocilis privata loqui, (‘untrained to speak like an ordinary man’, 5.539). Tabulating vocabulary from the categories of warfare, violence, and the military, as well as the use of imperatives, gerundives, and jussives among the three major characters, he argues that Caesar can only speak as a military commander, whatever the context. Denis Feeney explores the narrative and metaphorical extensions of Lucan’s characterization of Pompey as magni nominis umbra (1.135). Feeney has added an important footnote (354n16) in which he observes Lucan’s punning association between Pompey’s name and the Greek word pompe (‘triumph’), which should make this the definitive version of the article. Wolf Friedrich argues that fate and fortune are not distinguishable as separate entities, in contrast to the world of the Aeneid. Though Cato despises fortune, as defender of a losing cause, he necessarily resists fate, while Caesar, though devoted to fortune, is on the side of fate insofar as it allows his victory. Friedrich illuminates Lucan’s approach through juxtaposition with theodicy in Homer and Vergil. Zwierlein, tracing patterns of allusion to both the Alexander tradition and the Aeneid, argues that Lucan’s promise of eternal fame to Caesar in Book 9’s Troy episode is bitterly sarcastic and as such in no way contradicts the anti-Caesarian tone of the rest of the poem. Tesoriero envisioned the collection as “an aid to students and teachers alike” and indeed the volume’s greatest contribution is pedagogical. This value is tremendously enhanced by the translation of five articles, and of previously untranslated Latin and Greek in the English language contributions. The articles in translation are particularly a boon to new graduate students in Lucan seminars who may not have all their secondary languages yet. Undergraduates will also benefit. It is as a teacher of an undergraduate capstone seminar on ancient epic that I am particularly excited by this volume. In addition to the increased accessibility that translation affords, students have the opportunity to see in a single volume scholarly conversation and debate arise as the various authors tackle different ends of the same issue and at times build on each other’s work. Even those contributions that lie at a greater remove from the present state of the field still offer excellent points of departure for student discussion which the instructor may easily supplement. The eloquence, variety, and now greater accessibility of its contributions make this collection a teaching resource of tremendous value. The editing is excellent. One corrigendum: on p. 267, read “Arruns” for “Arrius.” (The error is in the original publication of Lintott’s article). 1. Introduction / Susanna Braund2. Lucan as the transmitter of ancient pathos / Eduard Fraenkel 3. The proem of Pharsalia / Gian Biagio Conte4. Is the eulogy of Nero at the beginning of the Pharsalia ironic? / Pierre Grimal5. Lucan and the declamation schools / Stanley F. Bonner6. Lucan’s use of Virgilian reminiscence / Lynette Thompson and R. T. Bruère7. Stimulos dedit aemula virtus: Lucan and Homer reconsidered / C.M.C. Green8. The oak and the lightning: Lucan, Bellum civile 1. 135-157 / Judith A. Rosner-Siegel9. Lucan’s Caesar and the sacred grove: deforestation and enlightenment in Antiquity / Matthew Leigh10. Lucan and the history of the civil war / A.W. Lintott11. The politician Lucan / Charles Martindale12. Lucan’s imagery of cosmic dissolution / Michael Lapidge13. Lucan’s Auctor vix fidelis / Kirk Ormand14. Stat magni nominis umbra: Lucan on the greatness of Pompeius Magnus / D.C. Feeney15. Indocilis privata loqui: the characterization of Lucan’s Caesar / Martin Helzle16. Cato, Caesar, and fortune in Lucan / Wolf H. Friedrich17. Lucan’s Caesar at Troy / Otto Zwierlein18. Lucan/the word at war / John HendersonNotes: 1. Chapters 2-4 (Fraenkel, Conte, and Grimal) and 16-17 (Friedrich and Zwierlein) appear inEnglish translation for the first time. Comment on this review in the BMCR blog
We are proud to be one of the few US tea companies to receive fresh new seasonal teas by air shipment in the spring. These teas are only several days to two-to-three weeks old when they arrive at our store. Giving our customers the opportunity to drink tea this fresh makes us happy and is something that we at Tea Trekker are proud of. Fresh tea such as this is a tea-drinking experience that we wish all tea drinkers could experience! ………………………………………… Aaaahhhh……. the loveliness of fresh spring tea. Vibrant in color and fresh and sweet in flavor, first-of- the-season teas mark the arrival of a new tea year. There is nothing more exciting for tea drinkers than the first of a season’s new harvest tea. In China, this would be a Pre-Qing Ming or Yu Qian tea, whereas in India’s famous Himalaya tea-growing region of Darjeeling it is the 1st and 2nd Flush harvests that are most highly revered. Throughout the traditional tea-growing region of the world, unique seasonal specialties are produced in limited supply during the fleeting time of each season. These teas are highly sought-after as tea from each season is only made once each year. Spring teas are made from the emerging tea buds and leaves of tea bushes awakening from winter dormancy. The time for plucking small, tender leaves is fleeting and the opportunity for manufacturing spring teas ends almost as quickly as it began. Anticipation for the arrival of new teas in the local markets is high. As the spring season gets underway in different regions of the major tea producing countries, new types of green, white and black teas come to market as soon as their time of the season arrives. In a sense, these early spring teas are made from baby tea leaves that are delicious, ‘just born’ expressions of the flavor of the tea. As such, these teas are vigorous and bursting with flavor and contain a large amount of beneficial plant nutrient. In just a few weeks time, the leaves on the tea bushes will grow too large to be baby tea leaves any longer this year. The leaves will grow and produce mid-spring teas ( teenagers ! ) and by summer the full-sized leaves will produce milder green teas ( adults ). While tea is available 365 days a year in the market, in truth premium tea is not made year round. Premium teas are only made for a short time in the spring, or the fall, or the winter depending on the type of tea. Many premium-grade teas that Tea Trekker purchases are only made once a year in the spring. Production occurs during a period of a few short weeks and these teas will not be made again until the same time in the following year. Good examples of this are our early spring Chinese pre-Qing Ming and Yu Qian green teas from China and 1st & 2nd flush Darjeeling black teas from India. Some premium teas, such as Chinese oolongs, black teas and Pu-erh; Taiwan oolongs and our Nepal black teas have both a spring harvest and a fall harvest. Spring teas are prized for outstanding flavor while fall teas are considered best for body and aroma. Summer harvests are for standard, commercial grade teas which find their way to supermarket shelves. In each season weather affects delicacy, sweetness and astringency. From early spring through to early winter, forces of nature, combined with effects of geography and terroir, have a direct influence on the flavor, aroma and appearance of tea. Knowing what season a tea was plucked in reveals important information about what to expect in the flavor and aroma of that tea. With all teas, there is a season in which each tea is made and a time when it is best to drink it. Some teas are best aged, or rested, and others not. We believe that all tea has a ‘sweet spot’ when the flavor is the most satisfying. Sometimes this is right after manufacture, such as letting a fresh green tea sit for a few weeks before drinking, and for some heavily roasted teas it can require a few weeks, months or years of resting or aging to mellow. Understanding when a tea is best to drink can make a difference in the enjoyment of that tea. Follow the links below to discover seasonal tea – either by country of origin and type of tea or by monthly time-of-the-harvest
An instrumental rock cover of lady gaga's monster. Using Logic Pro 8 and midi instruments with effects. Reviews InsanePandaz Rated 5 / 5 stars 2011-01-20 17:33:37 Gaga c: I realize this review is incredibly unhelpful, but as a megahardcore Lady Gaga fan, I think you've done her song justice. I really like it. It has kind of a melancholy feel, just like her song. Wah I don't know what to write but I like it and it needed at review. c: *dl* People find this review helpful!
Today's response robots are mostly used to enter disaster zones and report back to people, but the future looks more like a comic book or Hollywood film. DARPA, the Department of Defense's advanced research division, called for a humanoid robot that can use standard tools in a human environment, to ultimately save people during a disaster. Companies and research teams across the country have submitted entries, and the results are impressive. In other news, a French mall has a bicycle parking lot... See the headlines after the jump. • Humanoid Robots To Save People In The Most Dangerous Disaster Zones | Co.Exist• A Parking Lot For Bicycles In A French Shopping Mall | Architizer
A single rose lay on his grave. Blood red, long stemmed. At the spot where his heart would have been. It lay there, through rain and shine. Just one rose, replaced everyday by a shaking hand. Just one rose compared to the bouquets of hothouse flowers on the neighboring graves. One fresh rose, as opposed to the thousands of wilting blooms around it. Just one rose, a humble sign of undying devotion.
April 26, 2014 Main Courses I love hearing about recipes that get passed down through generations. This savoury slice of goodness was made for me by my friend Emma, who whipped this up for dinner when I was staying with her recently. This recipe has been in her family for ‘donkey’s years’ and she and her sisters all make it, with their own unique twist on the recipe. Bugger changing the recipe, I’m sticking to what’s below: It was fantastic and talk about easy. (Hmmm, then again, this would be good post Christmas to use up my leftover Christmas Ham!). Anyhow, as a full-time working Mum I’m a big fan of ‘biff it all together and cook it’ type food, especially when there’s likely to be leftovers for lunch. We had this for dinner with roast chicken, homemade wedges and salad. Guess what Emma served on the side as an accompaniment? My Chilli Jam. That made me smile! The Recipe Print Zucchini Slice Yield: 4-6 Ingredients 375g grated zucchini (don't worry about peeling them!) 1 large onion, finely chopped 3 rashers of bacon, sliced into small pieces 1 cup of grated cheese (any kind, it's great with a tasty or vintage cheese) 1 cup self raising flour 1/2 cup un-flavoured oil (e.g. rice bran oil) 5 eggs, beaten Instructions Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Grease a casserole dish (line if you like) Fold all ingredients together in a large bowl. Be careful not to overmix. Season with salt and pepper.. Pour into your dish.
Whether you want to board the Warrior 3 towable for extreme thrills or a leisurely cruise, the Warrior delivers. The sit-on style of this towable is made extra comfortable with hammock seats. Its Skim-fast bottom kicks in for a slick and fast ride and provides easy planning, and you'll be certain to show your bright colors year after year with RAVE's Stay-brite Technology that repels dirt, water and keeps colors bright.Sales person says: Don't underestimate this Warrior! This 3 rider tow tube takes thrills and spills to a new level.
Last Monday, April the 7th. ann arky and partner, took off with the bike and headed for the north eastern corner of Scotland. We stayed in a small village called Gardenstown, near Banff. It is a small area at the bottom of an extremely steep hill and the houses are all crammed together with virtually no space between them, and right on the rocks at the shore facing the North Sea. Your heart bleeds when you think of the life of hardship the residents of the late 19th. early 20th century, must have had to endure just to survive in such a harsh and cramped environment. Herring fishing was their life's blood. Now, most of the cottages are holiday homes, one of which we rented. There is no mobile phone signal and no wi-fi. In the kitchen of the cottage there was instructions telling you that there was no phone signal, but if you walk towards Grovie, past the harbour and the steps down to the beach, there is a phone signal. I had a vision of walking there and seeing this "thing" on the beach with a label, "phone signal". Or perhaps at certain times of the day the village population of holiday makers, congregate at that point and stand in groups with their mobile phones stuck to their ear chatting to the outside world. McDuff. I also believe it is the windiest and hilliest spot on the planet, making it very hard work for ann arky's legs when on the bike. Perhaps I should have recognised the signs, lots of very large wind turbines, always turning at a fair pace. McDuff. In saying that, it is a very beautiful area and we will be back, though perhaps not to Gardenstown, beautiful as it was, I didn't like the feeling of being trapped, unable to get out of the village without a car. I didn't tackle the hill on the bike. Near Whitehills. I regret not having been able to post a poem a day for the whole month of April, but here we are with today's rendering.
Home'The New Yorker : Apr 10, 1926Contents40 f,) l G Gn-191e-Luxe l , Sh j CANDLES", MONOGRAM GLASSWARE ) POTTERY and PORCELAINS./'MONOGRAM MATCH PACKS ( ) N,{lw in larger quarters ( "N!w location", G 588-Y MADISON AVENUE (One door south of 57th Street) MAIL ORDERS FILLED "" e \:) Øhe . '. , :. . "1 v : . .j.. The day's first duty- and the lasting result-odorless perspiration - P OR personal satisfaction, and as a kindness to those with whom we come in contact, it is a splendid thing to apply Amolin, the antiseptic deodorant powder, under the arms, on the feet and elsewhere, after the morning bath. This splendid body powder actually causes perspiration to become odorless. In a healthful, medicinal way it alters the pore secretions into non-odorous substances and makes them more dilute so that evaporation is hastened. Amo- lin contains no talcum or other insoluble in- gredients to leave a pasty coating on the skin. It rapidly dissolves, leaving the skin cool, comfortable and odorless. Amolin protects the skin from chafing and redness. It keeps gar- ments sweet. An' application of Amolin is the day's first duty. For men and women, Amolin has many im- portant uses as a body powder and to keep feet comfortable. For 35 years it has had the en- dorsement of physicians and chiropodists. In shaker-top cans, 30C and 60c everywhere. Or mail 4C for sample can and booklet, to The Amolin Co., 356 West 31St St., New York. Amolin THE ANTISEPTIC DEODORANT POWDER -maÆes perspiration odorless -.,. THE NEW YORKER to watch J. Pierpont Morgan eat. Of course, most of the lunchers were sightseers from out of town, and our Stock Exchange brokers apparently eat their chicken sandwich and butter- milk elsewhere, but I loved the place nevertheless. This also is clublike and leisurely in atmosphere, the bewigged Revolutionary gentleman who checks your hat and coat is a darling, and the food justifies the record of one hun- dred and sixty years of culinary art that distinguishes this, the oldest res- taurant in town. The sea food is good beyond belief. Upstairs, patriotic citizens mull about the Revolutionary relics-the bayonets, the letters, the uniforms of other days, and stand, more or less awestruck, in the identical room where Washington took his farewell of his officers.-LIPSTICK . THE PATRON AND THE ARTIST The Patron Art, my dear fellow-you can take my word- Can't prosper very long without me: If I say modern pictures are down- right absurd, It's very bad judgment to doubt me. My living room is reckoned To be strictly Charles Second, My taste is the best thing about me, And the painting that I seek Must be practically antique- I warn you that it's lunacy to flout me. The Artist ..{L\rt, my dear fellow-you can take my word, Is useless if it's not symptomatic: If pictures aren't modern, they're downright absurd, The art of every age is autocratic. Almost any artist can Paint a picture of Queen Ann, But the stuff is artificial, acromatic; After all that you can say, What we're painting is today And to copy Charles the Second IS lunatic. B oth Together Oh you're mad, quite mad And your taste is very bad, Your art is just a fashionable rage: From what I know of beauty I believe it is my duty To define you as a nuisance to your age. jØ' -FILLMORE HYDE LinksArchiveApr 03, 1926Apr 17, 1926NavigationPrevious PageNext Page
Steve's beautiful new works in oil. Please join us for the opening reception on Thursday, February 11th, 7PM to 9PM, artist in attendance.
Tempt the night with our Allure Box and unlock passion! Each box contains 3-4 items. Items may include toys, lingerie, games and more! Travel and trial sizes included. A Mystery Awaits with your subscription. Retail Value = $75.00
The Recon Marines that are listed were members of the 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion, 3rd Marine Division, United States Marine Corps. All were lost in South Vietnam. Over the years they have each been classified in different categories according to Government Policy's in effect at the time. At the present time all have been declared dead with a presumptive finding of Killed In Action Body Not Recovered. They are listed here either as KIA/BNR - Killed In Action Body Not Recovered, MIA - Missing in Action or KK - Prisoner of War with Remains Repatriated. Egan, Grissett and Ibanez were all known to have been captured and taken POW. Egan and Grissett were captured during same incident. Grissett died in a SVN POW Camp on 02 December 1968. His remains were repatriated and identified during 1989. It is believed that Egan was Executed by the Viet Cong. Ibanez was snatched out of a Harborsite by an NVA Patrol. La Porte became MIA after a parachute insertion and was never seen again after being observed by teammates with a good chute open. The other Recon Marines are all known or believed to have been Killed In Action and their remains have never been recovered. The Remains of Lt. Donald Matocha were recovered March of this year. (2004) See more on Donald Matocha below: Aug 8, 2004 AP Story SMITHVILLE, Texas - The remains of an American soldier who had been missing since the Vietnam War are coming home after being located with help from a former enemy. Marine 2nd Lt. Donald John Matocha of Smithville was killed in a firefight in April 1968 on Dong Ma mountain in what was then the Republic of South Vietnam, but his body was not recovered. The Defense Department had essentially given up trying to locate his remains by 1993, said Hattie Johnson, a case officer with the Marine Corps casualty office in Washington. "They had exhausted all means of looking," Johnson told the Austin American-Statesman. Then in 1996, Nguyen Van Loc, a 58-year-old farmer who had been a squad leader of the 320th Division of the People's Army of Vietnam, appeared at the Army's POW/MIA office in Hanoi. He said he'd found a dead American on Dong Ma mountain in the spring of 1968 and helped bury him in a bomb crater. Matocha's grave was found in March, and dental records established positive identification. A nephew is scheduled to escort Matocha's remains to Smithville on Sept. 16. Also found near the gravesite was a dog tag that belonged to Stan "Doc" Sellers. Stan has been in contact wit the Matocha family and plans to attend the burial. Loretta Eiben, one of Matocha's eight younger siblings, said her family will always appreciate Nguyen Van Loc's help. "We owe a debt of gratitude to him and his willingness to make a repeat visit to the site," she said. Please use BACK BUTTON on these links to return to this page. Corpsman relieved at Matocha's return Article from Texas A&M on Lt. Matocha Biography Matocha Family Website KXAN News 36 Video POW / MIA Remains ID List Remains of McGrath, Nahan, and Wolpe were recovered and brought home in July, 2001. The remains of Sgt. Jim Moshier, Somersail-One, have been identified and returned home to Bakersfield, CA on July 17,2007
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NOTE: For a recent post by me on the book version of Wally Gropius, please see here.Around a month ago, cartoonist Dash Shaw put up a nice post at Comics Comics about cartoonist and Blog-Flumer Tim Hensley. Dash notes that “It’s like what [Tim] chooses to draw in the environment (and what he chooses not to draw) is determined by some graphic Feng Shui.” This is an astute observation, and I think there might be something going on in addition to Feng Shui.It makes sense that Tim’s Wally Gropius (which recently concluded its serialization in Mome) should take such an interest in interior and exterior spaces, given that the comic’s title references Bauhaus architect Walter Gropius. But rather than look primarily to architectural history, Tim’s sense of space seems to reference (and he can certainly correct me on this) a fundamental conceit of children’s humor comics of the mid-to-late 20th century.This Little Lulu cover represents this minimalist conceit: It features only the characters and objects necessary for the gag –- and they appear almost to be suspended in space. Like these covers, Hensley's approach in Gropius is to redefine and often erase the boundaries that separates interior and exterior -- and distinct dimensions in reality are replaced by a continuous field of color in his comic. Tim’s cover for the latest issue of Comic Art (#9) follows in this tradition (especially prevalent on Dell and Harvey covers), with its off-kilter take on funny animal gags: In this panel from “The Dropouts in 'Virgin Vinyl'” (Mome Winter 2007), a section of Wally Gropius, Tim includes only the scene's characters and objects related to the story’s running gags, echoing the above covers' minimalist take on space and humor: Here the teen romance/sexual frustration theme is visible in Wally’s romantic excitement and lack of focus: he plugs his guitar into the Ficus instead of the amp. Perhaps this gag also suggests sexual frustration in a coded way –- the position of the guitar and the fact that the cord is plugged into the plant (fertility?) as a kind of sexually suggestive act. The other objects that appear in the panel -- the hammer and the piggy bank (‘breaking the bank’) clearly relate to the Richie Rich-esque money puns that run throughout the story –- and the future aggression implied in the pairing of these objects next to each other (eventually the bank [as in Jillian Banks, Wally's love interest?] will be 'broken') might relate to things yet to happen in the story, and one extremely chilling scene in particular.Almost every panel on this page is set up in a way similar to the children's comics' covers: Note the surreal shadows in the last panel . . . And in the whiteness of this panel we see a potential blurring of inside and outside. Are they inside a garage -- The Dropouts as a literal "garage band" -- yet an armored car appears in the far distance . . . If this an interior space, it's vast . . . Also note the way that blocks of color organize the page's design (as do, in a different sense, the money-related objects that appear in each panel). Tim's approach to space allows his coloring ability to occupy center stage and to emphasize the panel in a new way.[What's the pun on Greenspan and the saw in the first panel? "Saw + bucks" -- sawbucks as slang for a $10 bill?]Exteriors often use the same approach, as in these panels from “Gropius Besieged” (Mome Summer 2009). Just as there is no distinction in many of the ‘interiors’ between floors, walls, and ceiling, the field of color redefines exterior space by eliminating any clear distinction between ground and atmosphere:Given the strangeness of the environment, the shadows (here and in the above panels) appear to be an odd relic imported from 'reality,' reflecting a more conventional approach to delineating space. . . . And even the different kinds of shadows in the two panels suggest Tim's original approach to environments.This panel -- a scene in Jillian's bedroom where closets and the door 'f'loat' in space yet are realistically positioned -- puns on the fact that cartoon characters in these kinds of comics always wear the same outfit, day after day:Gropius is dense with such puns, and Tim’s approach to space is like one ever-present -- albeit abstract -- beautiful pun. I can’t think of another cartoonist who approaches space -- and what we might call 'spatial color' -- in such a rigorously strange way. As Dash observes, there's a real logic to Tim's work. Wally Gropius and Walter Gropius --Fagus Works (1911-13): Monument to the March Dead (1921):For some of Tim's Gropius related posts on Blog Flume, see the following: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Posted by
Welcome! Carlos & Murphy's ideally captures the Mexican resort experience: wood-planked deck, lime-spiked Corona, world infamous nachos, wings and an array of yummy Mexican dishes. Your experience will transcend meeting, eating and drinking. We'll keep you warm during the winter months in our comfortable and casual atmosphere... but when the temperature rises, our patio is the place to be and be seen! Join us! We look forward to seeing you soon. Mon-Wed 11:30am-1am; Thu-Sat 11:30am-2am; Sun 3:30pm-midnight
Set inside an intricately carved cross frame, a petite gemstone packs a punch of color and polish. Wear these mini swing earrings when you're looking to add a hint of glinting detail to your look. 24K Gold Plate. 1 inch drop
Be a cheerleader for a week! Tumble, dance, pom poms, chants, cheers and so much more, taught by current and former cheerleaders. Performance for parents at the end of the camp! For our craft, we will make hair bows and noisemakers! July 31-Aug. 3, 9:30am-12:00 pm, (Mon.-Thurs.)Camp length: 10 hoursRegular Tuition for 10 hours: $176.50Discounted Rate—$115 for the entire camp! Save over 30%!This camp was sold out last year! Camp Openings *Subject to change Belle Camp (Ages 3 & Up) We will participate in fun, Belle-themed crafts and games, learn a new ballet dance, with a visit and a story from Belle herself! This class will also include some fun in our gym, jumping on the trampoline, into the pit from our tumble track, and flying high over our trampoline. For our craft, we will make beautiful magic roses. July 17-20, 9:30am-12:00pm, (Mon.-Thurs.)Camp length: 10 hoursRegular Tuition for 10 hours: $176.50Discounted Rate--$115 for the entire camp! Save over 30%! Camp Openings *Subject to change Broadway Kids Musical Theatre Camp (Ages 7 & Up) Each day of camp, we will be rehearsing for a performance of "High School Musical." The performance will incorporate lip syncing the songs, acting out the parts, and dancing in between! The camp participants will entertain family and friends on Friday with a mini musical extravaganza! July 10-14, 1:00-3:00 PM (Mon.-Fri.)Camp length: 10 hours. Regular Tuition for 10 hours: $176.50Discounted Rate—$115. Save over 30%! Camp Openings *Subject to change Princess Camp (Ages 3 & Up) Wear your princess best and come join one or more of our princesses as they read a story, teach a beautiful ballet dance and make beautiful magic wand to dance with. During this camp, we will also have some fun in our gym on the trampoline! This is a wonderful first introduction to ballet and the dance classroom! Aug. 7-10, 6:00-8:00pm, (Mon.-Thurs.)Camp length: 8 hoursRegular Tuition for 8 hours: $134.00Discounted Rate—$100 for the entire camp! Save over 25%! Camp Openings *Subject to change Ninja Warrior Camp (Ages 7 & Up) Improve your strength, flexibility, agility, balance and endurance with our brand new Ninja Warrior Camp! Participate in a series of obstacle courses and challenges, each increasing in difficulty, especially designed for “little warriors.” Includes climbing on our mini rock wall, gliding on our mini zip line, jumping up on the great wall of mats, leaping from obstacle to obstacle, and more! Final challenge match held on the last day of camp. Each participant will receive a certificate of completion and medal. July 24-27, 1:00-3:00 pm (Mon.-Thurs.)Camp length: 8 hoursRegular Tuition for 8 hours—$134.00Discounted Rate--$100!This camp was sold out last year!
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there was a comment to a prior post where someone asked what gearing to use for a Single Speed Mountain Bike Off Road....that is a question as complex as many other age old riddleslike...why does the dog chase the cat?orhow many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll tootsie pop?well...the gearing for a single speed depends upon the rider, the terrain, and the bikethere are too many variables for just one answerI have a personal rule for single speeds...as I also ride geared mountain bikesmy rule is I will not race a Single Speed on a course unless I feel that my lap/course times will be equal to what they would be if I were riding my geared bikeI own two Surly Karate Monkeys; one geared with front shock and one rigid single speedboth bikes with 29 inch wheelslast season I think I raced 10 races... roughly five of those I raced on the single speedincluding a six hour relaynext month I plan on racing the 12 Hours of Lodi Farms on the rigid single speedthe single works great for these types of courses... I feel that there is no loss of timelast year I race the Wednesday at Wakefield races on the Single within the Clydesdale Classon one evening I brought the geared Monkey instead... my times were pretty much the samethat said...the Single Speeders all changed their gears after the first raceI felt that I was overspinning on some of the flatsbut did not want to go too big a gear to lose speed on the roller coaster climbsthat said...the 32X16 with 29 inch wheels seemed to work for mebut.... that may not even be my gearing as I have not thought about that stuff since I built the bike a few years agoperhaps....you may want to consult someone elsethere are many that will ride and race the Single exclusivelythere are more Single Speeders at the Shenandoah Mountain 100 then I would have ever expectedto me that would be like trying to run a marathon in flip flopsto them it makes perfect senselucky for them they are not living by my rulesso...pre-riding is for the prossmaller gearing is better than too largeover spinning on the flats is better than walking on the climbsunless of course... you are going to have to walk the climbs either waydoes that fill in the blank on anyones's single speed gearing questions?okay...I am not that technical in my approach to my machinesI just love to rideDT's RACE PAGE gets freaky on Wikipedia!32sixteen Bloga beautiful BMX Video I stole from 32sixteenwonderfully shot... great musical scoretake a look at all the things that you can not do on a bike
Columbia County officials say it's a big step forward that will help them better track their recreation department in the future. Photos Back | Next Back | Next The purchase of new computer software, which will cost about $60,000, comes in light of a 2005 audit that found the county's recreation department lacking "a sound internal control structure" as it relates to the assessment, collection and recording of fees. "The software will provide recreation with the needed tools to make the job more efficient and to put in place a tracking system to immediately improve fiscal accountability," said Barry Smith, the county's Community and Leisure Services director. The 2005 audit specifically focused on the operation of the Patriots Park gym, noting that "patrons whose memberships have expired are still being allowed access into the gym facilities without renewing their memberships." In March, Charlie Beale, Columbia County's recreation director, blamed an antiquated computer system for reporting people accessing the gym with an expired membership when he says they never did so. Mr. Smith said the new software will allow the county to better track memberships at the Patriots Park gym and also keep tabs on which programs are the most popular. The software even will begin allowing people to sign up and pay for their children to join a recreation sports program online. Mr. Smith said the new software also will allow the county to keep an ongoing track of its cost-to-revenue ratio for Patriots Park gym. He said about eight months ago he conducted a cost analysis of the gym and found that it costs about $100,000 more a year to operate than it generates in revenue. "This will certainly assist recreation in a systematic way to track revenues, and it will make audits much more simplistic," Mr. Smith said. Reach Preston Sparks at (706) 868-1222, ext. 115 or PAYING ONLINE New software used by Columbia County's Recreation Department has an online payment function for department sports programs. Children who haven't registered before will still need to do so in person at Patriots Park with a birth certificate, but those returning to a program can use the county's Web site: countyga.gov. Related Searches TECHNOLOGY_INTERNET (706) 868-1222, EXT. 115 COLUMBIA COUNTY COLUMBIA COUNTY'S RECREATION DEPARTMENT PATRIOTS PARK GYM CHARLIE BEALE RECREATION DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT SPORTS PROGRAMS USD ONLINE PAYMENT FUNCTION PRESTON SPARKS DIRECTOR COMPUTER SOFTWARE BARRY SMITH STEP FORWARD GOVERNOR Trending this week:
human.They were right there before me, for me to stare in whatever manner that was.Sure I saw Real Madrid a couple of years ago.But this was Brazil, in KUWAIT playing against Kuwait football club.I just LOVE it, how they play and everything.I LOVE beautiful football.May we have more mind blowing marathons, enshallah.This is something I'll always look back to...'Boassa lich ya'thikra eljameela' posted by Safi at 4:36 AM 15 Comments: FaYoora said... Tell me about it !!!it was amazing Wasnt it ?!and once again i scream The WAVEThe WAVE ;P Sunday, October 08, 2006 6:23:00 AM Howahkan said... The night was amazing! Sara7atan, il jimhour ille kan imsawwee jow..LOL...The Wave :) Sunday, October 08, 2006 10:04:00 AM Safi said... fayoora,7ayach allah.Its good to have magical memories like those.-Here comes the waves... guys prepare to throw them sticks- lol the weirdness. ONLY in Kuwait.howahkan,Welcome :)Thats right. Then again what got me was that so many people smoked. Ko7 ko7. So moronic.I smile thinking about that night. :D Monday, October 09, 2006 9:14:00 AM phoenix said... I LOveD THE GAME.....I still regret not running the pitch! Damn it!!!!!!!!Bes that was good football.I love Gilberto Silva.. Tuesday, October 10, 2006 1:13:00 AM Safi said... Phe'I was thinking of that long before the game. I saw a runner on training day, haha, it was hilarious.Yes indeed, glad we enjoyed it! Together. :P Tuesday, October 10, 2006 1:49:00 AM Yazeed said... yala 3ala gbal arsenal to kuwait :Peven though arsenal have never played abroad to make money, unlike other clubs who seek money :P arsenal focus on preparing for the season :)(3asa na5th il dawry hal sinna to prove my point :P ) Tuesday, October 10, 2006 7:05:00 AM Safi said... Yaz',Uhuh. Tuesday, October 10, 2006 3:25:00 PM Safi said... This comment has been removed by a blog administrator. Tuesday, October 10, 2006 3:39:00 PM Hitman1 said... Safi,living outside got me the chance to attend many european football games. The feeling is just as magical as you described it. Wednesday, October 11, 2006 12:58:00 PM Safi said... Hitman1,Tsk na2aa, not this time. :PThis was different! It was brought to us right here in Kuwait.Jaw ghair.So it was beyond magical. :D Wednesday, October 11, 2006 3:13:00 PM Adorra said... oi football freaks. Sunday, October 15, 2006 5:00:00 PM phoenix said... Yala update.. I want to comment!Oh and memo to safi: don't forget arsenal tonight at 7:30 Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:43:00 PM Hazolat said... Hello :-)We have numerous restaurants, malls and stores of all kind in Kuwait. They are way to many than actually needed. What we DO miss however, are things like that football match in Kuwait, along with concerts, sports activities .. such events are truly needed & appreciated as we've seen.nice topic Wednesday, October 18, 2006 12:17:00 AM Safi said... Adorra,Hoi odd non-football liker.Phoenix,I think I'm quitting useless blogging or gonna avoid it for a while.But about Arsenal, 7ada dont worry. They tell me when they have matches.Miss talking to you. :PHazo',Oh so formal miss. Eshda3wa, wainich 3anah. Nonetheless you can establish the word 'developing' to that I suppose.And thanks. :)3eedkom embarak oo 3asakom min 3awada! Ta8abal allah enshallah. Have a nice one! Tuesday, October 24, 2006 8:30:00 AM Anonymous said... Буду аристократия, большое спасибо следовать информацию. строительный портал[/url]
Toro thinks he is suffering from an incurable illness. He doesn't know this illness is part of Ebi's plan: he stuck a rotten sausage on his head!
Wish List Before coming to Cunningham many of our kids have never had the opportunity to play a sport or participate in recreational activitiesGeneral Wish List Each year, our young people's lives are enriched by your generosity of donated goods and supplies.Unfortunately, due to storage space limitations, we cannot accept donations of used items at this time. If you have any questions or special ideas for a donation drive or other project, please contact Ginger McKee at 217.337.9074 or send her an email. Click here for our general wishlist. Click here for our Christmas wishlist. The printable documents above are available in PDF format. In order to view and print them, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. To download this free software, click on the Get Adobe Reader icon.
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Wrestled down to the ground first, then tied to the table, gagged, clothespins, duct tape, and hands teasing this boy caged in chastity
I want to create a mailing list just for my blogger friends, people who run facebook pages, youtube reviewers and book groups! If you'd like to be included, please sign up via the link below. You'll get emails for my Cover Releases, Blurbs, Special Giveaways and Release Day Blitzes (with purchase links). You're not obligated to post anything, but I wanted to give you the opportunity to be involved if you choose. I really appreciate all the support and help.
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RHINOCEROS Queen's TheatreUntil 11 Mar 2012Review by Celeste VillaniWhen a herd of rhinoceros rampages through a provincial French town for no apparent reason, many locals are worried about their presence. Some are perplexed, some are scared and many individuals cannot fathom as to why these creatures are amongst them. When another rhinoceros tears through the city, this time killing a women’s beloved cat, Victoria’s 5pound Theatre Group take the audience on an exhilarating journey. The audience discover why these animals have appeared, what their purpose is and why people of the town are choosing to morph into the strange creatures. Written by Eugène Ionesco, the absurdist play has WW2 undertones that can be directly related to the Nazi, Communist and Fascist movements of the time. The rhinoceros are a metaphoric representation of individuals involved in the mentioned regimes, and as the play progresses, more people join and thus, morph into this animal. Unlike many traditional shows, the show’s producer, Susannah Frith, and director, Jason Cavanagh opt for a different stage set-up with parts of the set arranged around the audience. Although some of the action occurs on the stage, much of the dialogue occurs around the audience. This was most definitely a highlight of the show as viewers are invited to indirectly interact with the actors who perform around them. Before the show begins a French waiter, played by Giuseppe Mauceri, engages in conversation with viewers. During the first scene of the show he cleans around them as Berenger (David John Watton) and Jean (Jason Cavanagh) quarrel, making the audience feel involved in the scene. Sound effects in this show are exemplary, and while only used when the rhinoceros’ rampage, they provide the show with an extra dimension. The rumbling sounds of the rhinoceros shakes the ground and is well received by the audience, some who smile and others who look a little frightened. David John Watton is a fantastic performer and his interpretation of misunderstood and drunkard Berenger is fantastic. He interacts well with the cast, shows emotion very clearly and sound voice projection allows him to very easily be heard amongst the background noise from other shows. The actors all move very well, however it is acrobats Morgane Linday and Nick Rothlisberger that steal the show. They perform sequences on aerial silks and bend their bodies in ways that some people didn’t know was possible – it is very visually entertaining.Being opening night, there were a few glitches. The set is 2D and comprises of cartoon like pictures printed onto a flimsy cardboard. Although this is visually appealing, when the backdrop falls over, the audience divert their attention elsewhere and lose interest in the scene. Something to ensure the set remains upright is advised for future performances.
Looking for the perfect drink for your Halloween get together. Check out this awesome candy corn milkshake. Worried it looks to time consuming...luckily most of the steps can be completed before hand and then all you need is an assembly line. Looking for more of an adult beverage? I bet some added Kahlua would be delicious. Posted by Hip Hostess at 8:00 AM Labels: Holiday Ideas 1 comment: amy@amazing said... Arranging a bridal shower is tough but it’s entirely worth the work! We located a list of 99 scavenger hunt ideas and put the topics on the back of shirts which was the most incredible girls night out! We identified some incredible themed ideas and personalized shirts from this web page...
‘Orange Is The New Black’ star Taryn Manning left very little to the imagination at a pre-Emmys party, where she wore a black dress which came dangerously close to malfunction territory. Taryn Manning, 35, plays a meth-addicted bible-thumper in Orange Is The New Black, but there was nothing holy about the dress that she wore to a pre-Emmys party on Aug. 23 in West Hollywood. Well, except for the giant hole in the front of her dress from which her boobs were basically falling out. Taryn Manning’s Boobs Nearly Fall Out: ‘OITNB’ Star Almost Has Malfunction Taryn was saved from a full-on wardrobe malfunction by the nearly-invisible sheer panel at the front of the dress. Still, though, attendees at the Variety And Women In Film pre-Emmys party certainly got an eyeful! The opening at the front of her dress dipped all the way to her bellybutton, and the demure length of the dress and sleeves made for an interesting, high-contrast look. She looked incredible — certainly, not everybody can be that brave! ‘Orange Is The New Black’ Nominated 12 Times At Primetime Emmys Take Our Poll Taryn finished her look with a pair of black heels and a gold, patterned box clutch. She wore her platinum blonde bob parted to the side into slight waves, and she kept her beauty look minimal so as not to have too much look going on when her dress was already such a statement-maker! While Taryn did not receive a nomination for her role as Tiffany “Pennsatucky” Doggett, Orange Is The New Black has been nominated a whopping 12 times for the Primetime Emmys airing August 25. So, HollywoodLifers, what do you think of Taryn’s look? Is it a bold statement-maker, or a little much? Let us know.
I said that I speak Portuguese, ok, very different from English, I understand that language (a little) and I teach a few words and rules .. Hi!-Oi! How are you?-Como está você or.... How r u?-Como está VC? Goog-Bom Bad-Ruim/mau Has the past perfect and imperfect, the perfect is the one who has passed over, as the imperfect past is not finished, half done. We have the conjugation of verbs (not sure if the English have), each combination has a way of talking time, for example, the first conjugation ends in "ar" has a way of talking time, end the same, without count the irregular verbs Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 1:15 PM By: Savini Back to Savini’s blog Comments View All Add a Comment On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 9:38 PM, ashleighhMinaj said: My bestfriend's mother is from brazil and they both speak portuguese. The language is pretty close to Spanish too. I want to learn it, seems like a cool language
*BIG sigh* Ok peeps...the battle of the bulge has won...well the fat side of the battle! I have "GAINED" 10 pounds since I last wrote in here. *sniff sniff* Some how I managed to eat myself to the fat tard stage! 10 pounds, unbelievable! Is it really???? Hell no!!! It is believable I have made the basic Christmas goodies, such as, cherry cheese cake, spaghetti casserole with a BUTT load of mozzarella CHEESE!!! And speaking of BUTT load..my BUTT is a whole bunch of fat now!! I'll take a picture.. hang on! Ok..let me explain something. I have been out to my other house, painting. so I lost my balance and fell backwards onto the closet door my mom and I were painting, and my pants got a huge amount of yellow paint on them. So enjoy! hehe WoW! Nice paint clothes eh? Ok so I have explained my plight and confessed my unworthy soul to you! Please still be my friend? Don't turn away from me because I am hideous! I need your support! :D Alrighty, when we move I am really thinking about going back to WW if I can afford it! I will have to check my budget. So in the mean time, I better at least keep blogging and watching what I put in my mouth! Speaking of mouth, I am going to shut mine right about now....to ALL of my faithful followers, "Have a Very Merry Christmas!"
After church today, we went to lunch with a great group of friends. I love getting a table for 11 and 3 high chairs. =) On the way there, Vivienne was showing off her flexibility in the car seat (forgive the bad focus with the iPhone).
RED....This used to be my favorite purse around Christmas time. I got it from The Container Store several years ago for about $10. Its made from polyester, but looks like wool felt. Anyway, I loved it. But now...well, its just not pratical for use anymore. It doesn't fit many diapers or sippy cups, and My Little Ponies make it look a bit misshapen. Oh how life changes! All for the better of course. Anyway, I got it out of storage and found a new use for it. It is my WIP knitting bag for Christmas presents.Right now I am working on a little zippered bag for our friends daughter E. I found the pattern in the new Martha Stewart Holiday magazine - have you guys seen that yet? Its good! I can't say I usually like the stuff Martha has...wait - did I really say that! Okay, let me clarify. She has amazing ideas and the simplicity of her style is fabulous, but sometimes her projects are a bit intense...so many time consuming steps, and expensive supplies, that are sometimes all but impossible to find. However, she redeems herself with this magazine (or her staff does, I mean really who are we kidding, Martha is not personally coming up with any of these ideas anymore. But I digress.) So many cute and really pretty easy ideas. The knitted zipper bag is one...I'll be sure to post pictures once complete.It also has some good recipes. I made the peppermint bark for some friends having a housewarming party. You can find the recipe on the website. White chocolate was a little pricey in our grocery store, but it was so easy to make it was worth it. It makes two big bags like the one pictured below. So I packaged it up in a little chinese food container (another Gopher find Amanda!!) and sent it on its way.One more thing to cross off the list! My mom and dad are coming for the weekend, so I have more baking, cleaning, grocery shopping to do. Happy Friday! Posted by Roxanne at 8:30 AM 5 comments: amandajean said... Excellent use of the purse! What a great idea...it is such a cute purse it would be a shame to let it just sit in the closet.I hope that you are taking a lot of photos of the finished gifts that you are making for Christmas. I am curious to see what your final results are! If you do, it sounds like you would have enough to do a blog post each day well into January, if not February! You have been one busy crafter. Love the containers from Gopher...of course. The housewarming gift looks great. December 8, 2006 at 1:11 PM amandajean said... oh, and say hi to your mom and dad...hope you have a lovely time together! December 8, 2006 at 1:12 PM MaryAnn said... Lovely to meet you! Thanks to Vallen, you now have another blog-stalker:) ha ha! December 8, 2006 at 10:34 PM Linda said... Hmm Gopher, why is it that I never think to go there? I need Christmas tins...Anyway...I think that is a great idea to reuse the purse! I too want to see pictures of the things you are making! December 9, 2006 at 7:17 AM Vallen said... I have that very same piece of pink fabric, the one with black and white dots. AND I bought it the evening before I "met" you. What are the chances....?
Monthly Archives: December 2015 Fix It: An Activity for Ordering Fractions Friday, December 11th, 2015 At a math workshop, the presenter suggested that students have opportunities to be producers as well as consumers of their learning in the classroom. I put this advice into action with fifth graders, using the activity of Fix It to provide students additional experience with comparing and ordering fractions. Read more » One Children’s Book . . . Different Grade Levels Tuesday, December 8th, 2015 In a previous blog, I described a lesson I taught to second graders using the wonderful children’s book One Is a Snail, Ten Is a Crab. At John Muir Elementary School in San Francisco, I observed two other lessons using the same book, one in Kindergarten and the other in fourth grade. The lessons were a joy to observe, and I feel that my own teaching repertoire has now been enhanced.Read more » Search
The Republic of Angola is located on the Atlantic Coast of southern Africa between Latitude 4’22 and 18’2 South, Longitude 11’41 and 24’05 East. Angola has an area of 1,246,700 sq. kms and a coast line of 1650 kms on the West side. The country is divided into 18 provinces. Neighboring countries are Republic of Congo to the north; Democratic Republic of Congo to the north and north east; Republic of Zambia to the east and Namibia to the south. Climate Climatically Angola has hot and dry weather with a short rainy season and a mild winter with average temperature of 25 degree Celsius. Time GMT + 1 hour (i.e. 4 1/2 hours behind IST) Currency Angola Kwanza (Kz) Exchange rate US$ 1 = Kz 135.10 (Re.1.00= Kz 2.07) Population 24 million (2014) with a growth rate 2.18 per cent per annum Literacy 67 % Religion Angola is a secular state enjoying separation between state and religion. Catholics comprise the majority of its population. The country has three main ethnic groups - Ovimbundu 37%, Kimbundu 25%, and Bakongo 13%. Languages Portuguese is both official and predominant language. There are other local languages of which Umbundo, Quimbundo and Quicongo are considered national languages.
I have never made taquitos before and to be honest I hardly ever fry anything and mostly eat steamed, baked, raw, or lightly sautéed foods, but I saw a recipe for vegan and gluten-free taquitos that looked so yummy I thought why not (just this once). They were easy to make and very tasty. I made some fried rice to go with them and my husband popped open a grapefruit beer as well. All in that night…but don’t worry I had a green smoothie with my dinner. This recipe (and the above picture) comes from Beard & Bonnet a great site for vegan vegetarian and gluten-free food. They have some amazing recipes. Check them out at Here is my version of their taquito recipe along with my throw together fried rice recipe….Enjoy! INGREDIENTS (Taquitos) 1 large sweet potato 2 Tbsp vegan butter 1/4 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp cumin 1/2 tsp sea salt 1/2 cup chopped red onion 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro 2 limes 6-12 white corn tortillas (for gluten-free) or you can use flour tortillas olive oil DIRECTIONS Wash, peel and cut the potato into chunks. Boil the potato for approx. 15 minutes until it is tender. In a bowl combine the potato, butter, cinnamon, cumin and salt. In another bowl combine the red onion, cilantro, and the juice of 1 lime. In a skillet heat 1/4 inch of oil. Cut a lime in half and rub the flesh of the lime on one side of the tortilla shells. Spread 1-2 heaping tablespoons of potato mixture and 1/2-1 tablespoon of onion mixture into the tortilla on one end and then roll up and put in oil. Cook approximately 3-5 minutes on each side or until the get golden brown and crispy on all sides. My taquitos may not be as pretty as the ones above but take my word for it they were crispy, fresh, flavorful, and downright delicious! Oh, and twice the size….yummy! INGREDIENTS (fried rice) 2 cups cooked brown rice 1 carrot, chopped 1/4 red onion, chopped 2 stalks celery, chopped 1/4 cup walnuts, chopped 2 Tbsp olive oil 1 Tbsp honey (agave if you want it vegan) 1 teaspoon sriracha (yeah baby…nice and spicy) 2 Tbsp tamari or liquid aminos DIRECTIONS Whisk together the honey, sriracha and tamari and set aside. Saute the carrot, onion, celery, and walnuts in oil for approximately 3-5 minutes. Add the rice and sauce and saute another 2-3 minutes. That’s all there is to it! You don’t have to wait until taco Tuesday anymore to eat Mexican, go ahead and whip some up at home any day of the week.
I spoke with DJ about the re-release of the '68 Special, for which he recorded a commentary track, not long ago. He said that they have heard nothing about a release date as of yet. Tom Thu Jun 26, 2003 11:46 am I hope both dvds will be in DTS. that would be great!! dvd re-releases Thu Jun 26, 2003 12:00 pm Hi! I only hope we don't get disappointed AGAIN, like we have been so many times before. It's just no excuse, if ANY songs are left out this time! Br Kristian Thu Jun 26, 2003 8:07 pm Wouldn't it be great if we , the fans , can be in charge with the re-release of the 68' & Aloha projects with all access with all existing footage ? Can you imagine how they would of been produced ? And all future DVD release's would have to match the standards that we , the fans forged . Time to wake up . aloha and '68 comeback Fri Jun 27, 2003 12:10 am Hi there, I recently mailed Graceland and here''s their reply: Hi Simon, They're still on. The reason we don't have a firm date and a final and specific list of content is that not all the particulars of our contract with our distributor are finalized. For now, all we have to say publicly is what's in our FAQ: . As we promise there, whenever we have new and confirmed details to share, we will immediately post an article in News on our site, update the FAQ and issue an E-newsletter alert. Via these means you will always know everything we can tell you so far about '68 and Aloha. No one in the world is more anxious to get these releases out there and to share all the details about them than we are, but we've learned that if we share any speculative details about an important project and something changes once things actually get finalized, fans barbecue us. That barbecuing tends to be worse than the one we get for not providing the speculative details. 68 Fri Jun 27, 2003 12:15 am So let`s hope and pray! Re: 68 Fri Jun 27, 2003 4:07 am Susan wrote:So let`s hope and pray .....................................................and wait OUT SOON Fri Jun 27, 2003 1:16 pm According to the booklet the Graceland send out about Elvis week 2003, these will be released in the last quater of this year, so look out for them around November / December.
Respiratory diseases or infections can be caused by various viruses. It is a contagious illness that can affect respiratory tract and cause clinical symptoms such as cold and cough. It can also cause severe illness and life-threatening complications in population. Conventional detection methods involves viral culture, antigen captured enzyme-linked immuno assay (ELISA) and direct fluorescent antigen (DFA) which are laborious and time consuming. AITbiotech’s solution using real-time PCR (qPCR) technology offers unsurpassed sensitivity and specificity which allows accurate detection of pathogens within hours. The highly accurate multiplex AITbiotech’s solution ensures cost- and time-effectiveness to laboratories.
a worship album that is both a worship album AND a live album? How did they do that, you ask? And did they pull it off? Being a Third Day fan myself, I have found this album, which they dedicate to their fans and to our Savior, to be a successful treat to fans of the band, their live show, and their music. It comes across more of a best-of album than another new record, which is fine, considering it isn't a new album consisting of all new songs. Although 5 new recordings are present, 6 live versions of previously recorded tunes are also present. And although you're getting 2 different feels, it all seems to fit. Unified mainly through its theme-- a worship project. Offerings: A Worship Album starts off much like their previous album, Time did-- with a soft, worshipful ballad, then moving into a more upbeat song, and guaranteed hit, like "These Thousand Hills." Originally recorded and written by fellow Atlanta band, Jacob's Trouble, "These Thousand Hills." already has a large 3D fan following due to the band playing it at almost every show on their Spring tour with Jennifer Knapp. A live rendition of the ever-growing in popularity, "Your Love, Oh Lord" from last year's Time, follows. One of the 6 songs recorded last November 13th and 18th in Columbus, Ohio and Lynchburg, VA. All the live tracks have such a tightness and completeness to them that really capture and compliment the Third Day sound. In all it's raw "live-ness," the songs only remind you you're listening to a live rendition when lead singer, Mac Powell breaks from his flawless singing to address the crowd or include them in a sing-a-long. The live rendition of the band's contribution to the 1998 Exodus worship project, "Agnus Dei" follows and includes the group Selah joining them for a chorus, and ends with the band and audience collectively singing "Worthy." The only track that not only doesn't fit on the album, but makes me wince in pain when I hear it, is their new 1980 Bob Dylan cover, "Saved." It's super-Southern, jazzy, Gospel sound is along the lines of "Have Mercy" and "Took My Place," but with more discomfort included. However, when the listener hears the live version of Conspiracy No. 5's "My Hope is In You," the peace and worshipfulness of the song are more powerful. Almost 3 minutes into this 7-plus minute song, Mac addresses the crowd and encourages them (and now us) to just as He has loved us, we must love one another and tear down our denominational walls, racial barriers, and selfishness. The band's boldness is refreshing and important for our generation to hear as we are being taught the complete opposite. The song ends with a beautiful heartfelt sing-a-long and the band rocking out the closing. The last 2 new songs, "You're Everywhere," a somber tune reminiscent of "I Deserve?" from Conspiracy No. 5, and "All the Heavens," which includes layered vocals from Mac Powell to create impeccable harmony have more of a mellow nature. The remaining live cuts are taken from their 1996 self-titled album and include "Thief," "Love Song," and a slightly edgier "Consuming Fire." And for the second time in 3rd Day recording history, the band has included a hidden track. The extra song is another praise song voiced by none other than guitarist Mark Lee. The perfect CD for a Third Day fan (and not just one of those cheesey best-of CDs with 1 or 2 bonus new songs), Offerings is a pleasing offering from the band to the fans that won't leave you feeling jipped and lands you right along with the band for a live worshipful setting which Third Day does best. Offerings: A Worship Album
School started back smoothly after the October break. The joint Art/Modern Studies trip to New York was a major success, with a variety of curricular-related visits taking place. It has also been really good to now know the S1 much better following the Lagganlia Venture trips earlier in the term. It means members of the senior team have a very good collective knowledge of our S1. I have enjoyed talking to the first years during breaks and lunchtimes and they are a really friendly bunch. This week we also opened our doors to P7 students and parents who were invited for a tour of the school on Wednesday afternoon. We used S2 as guides once again ( rather than take senior students out of classes) and the feedback on these S2 students was very positive. Approximately 140 parents and P7s attended and were able to see a typical afternoon at Craigmount. I am not aware of many schools who offer a visit such as this, and I am proud that Craigmount is confident enough to do so. On the in-service day, alongside other curricular development activity, Ms Wallace led a session for all staff on the City of Edinburgh 1 in 5 Poverty awareness training. This was well-received by staff. The training provided new insights for staff and we will continue to review the cost of the school day as the session progresses. Craigmount has a rich programme of extra-curricular provision, and we want to maintain this, but, in line with Scottish Government and Council expectations, we are also reviewing what we do in terms of equity and fairness. We are in fact doing this in a cluster context and I was very proud of the two S1 students from Hillwood who filmed the presentation they had delivered to the council when in P7 last session to support our staff training on Monday. This initiative is linked to our Health and Wellbeing planning, and the Rights Respecting School work we are doing and there will be a major cluster event to showcase the work across the cluster in March. Debating, led by our seniors, will play a major part in this event. Assemblies this week were for S4-6 and led by Mr Irving, who shared some key messages on senior school life and expectations. I want to commend the Honduras visit students for their on-going fund-raising campaign for the trip. I also commend the group of senior girls who raised £1293 for Cancer Research UK by participating in the Pretty Muddy 5K this month. Last week, our 8 Career Ready seniors also met with their business mentors. The meetings went well and I am grateful to Ms McKay in PE for leading on this. Companies involved include: Standard Life, Scottish Gas and Leidos, to name but a few. Career Ready is of course only one of a number of initiatives aimed at ensuring our young people better understand the world of work; just before the break Mr Irving also ran a very successful session with our Business Advisory group. If you have workplace skills, or can support in any way, Mr Irving would be delighted to hear from you. This week, the Christmas Concert rehearsals for staff choir also took place at lunchtime. Ms Hannah has asked me to ask for parental/carer support to ensuring students attend all rehearsals where possible, as we all want the concert to be of the usual very high standard. Finally, can I remind you once again ( as requested at the last Parent Council meeting) not to use the carpark entrance as a turning area when dropping off students. This ensures access for the school taxis for a number of our students, and contributes to ensuring a safe start and end to each day. Our Campus Liaison Police Officer, Tara Adam is monitoring the situation, and has also asked for the support of environmental parking wardens with this matter. I look forward to seeing many of you at the forthcoming parent evening. Mr Pye, DHT and Mrs Bryce ( Business Manager) have now set up the new online parent booking system. As with everything, this is a trial period and there will be glitches. Please contact either Mr Pye or Mrs Bryce with any feedback so that we can address this promptly.
We want to let you know that your presence at our wedding is the best gift we could receive from you! All of the time, effort and expense you put towards joining us on the special day means more than the world to us. Alex and I are big travellers and one thing that attracted us to each other is both of our desires to travel the world! It is because of this that we feel a honeymoon registry is a great option to help us fulfill our dreams of a magical honeymoon and first adventure as husband & wife. We've been blessed to have a lot of essentials at home for a young couple, but have included some items we have wished and hoped for over the years as well. We greatly appreciate you joining us for this occasion and for your support in helping us realize our dreams as a newly married couple!
Sunday:Went on a 25 Kilometer bike ride along the Han River in Seoul. Crossed two major bridges on bike. Went to the Korean National Assembly [government building] and headed home back along the river.Monday:My arse hurts from sitting on a bike seat all day. Posted by b. luis grey at 12:15 AM Reactions: 2 comments: HOPELESSBELIEVER said... LOL, those bike seats do hurt soooooooooooo freakin bad! lol I'm so glad you are back, I've been wondering about u! So, welcome back my friend, hope you are doing well. I bet that bike ride was beautiful! Keep at it! take care,Julian :)
For me through my internship period till today (10 months of internship), the drug that I have found to be a sort of magic is 50% dextr... Doctor-Patient Relationship In Nepal Well looking at the present situation, I doubt if people now have the same respect for doctors as it used to be before. ...
I am 30 years old and marries to the most wonderful women ever! We have been married for almost 12 years. We are both recently discovering our more sexual side and thinking about visiting a swingers club. I am all for it. Its pleasures me to see her beimg pleasured! We love to read the group sex stories and we both get very turned on when ready them or even just talking about it! :) Name: Matt Sex: Male Age: 36 Sign: Scorpio Relationship Status: Married Location: Tennessee, United States Interests: My children are my number 1 interest. They are first in my life and always will be! My 2nd interest is pleasuring my wife and making sure she is happy and satisfied in and out of bed! Other then that I love sports and being outdoors.
Big, fast and talented lead guard prospect who skipped out on college ball to hone his craft in China. Is a bit of a mystery due to this decision but is a high level prospect who will likely be a top 6 pick in June. Pros A polished lead guard with high basketball IQ and good decision making. Can penetrate into the lane at will and is an excellent passer with good court vision. Sees over the defense with his great height. Is hard to defend due to his height, strength and quickness. Has a tight handle and can get to the rim with either hand. Unlike many young players, Mudiay has good strength and power. Doesn't get out-muscled in the paint and finishes well after contact. Has some decent back-to-the-basket moves and a nice fall away jumper. Good length (6-7 wingspan) and can play above the rim. Cons Needs to play within himself and cut down on mistakes. Is not a very good shooter. He doesn't square up to the basket and shoot a balanced shot. A very poor free throw shooter, which is a major issue for a ball dominant player. Still growing into the point guard/leadership role. Comparisons Reminds me of a more explosive Tyreke Evans - a tall and strong guard who can really handle the ball. Or a bigger/stronger Jrue Holiday.
Swim passes and renewals to the City’s public pools and aquatic centers will be available on Monday, April 10, 2017, at 8 a.m. Swim passes previously purchased at full price can be renewed online by going to Please save key fobs from year to year so they can be reactivated. If you need to replace a lost key fob, the replacement fee is $3. New swim passes or renewals of swim passes purchased at reduced rates can be obtained daily during normal hours of operation at the Midco® Aquatic Center, 1601 South Western Avenue, or by creating an online account at Creating an online account will significantly reduce your wait time. All family members on a new swim pass must have their photos taken prior to admittance to a pool or aquatic center. Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation offers four different swim passes: Summer, Fall/Winter/Spring, Annual, and the Splash Pass. All swim passes allow access to the Midco Aquatic Center. The Summer and Annual passes allow access to the Midco Aquatic Center, outdoor family aquatic centers, and outdoor swimming pools. Any season swim pass previously purchased will expire on April 30, and new passes will activate May 1. Due to a recent change in City ordinance, all new Annual swim passes will be effective from date of purchase for one 12-month period. Opening day for outdoor pools is scheduled for Friday, June 2, weather permitting. Swim pass sales and renewals will be available at all outdoor aquatic facilities upon opening, excluding McKennan wading pool and Pioneer Spray Park. For more information, visit or call 605-367-POOL (7665).
Several different things conspired to lead me to write this book. For one, even after years of studying the Bible as an academic of rather sketchy faith, I’m still totally amazed by it — by its beauty, humor, crudities, and lofty erudition, its inspiring poetry and gritty family dramas, by its ability to endure through so many centuries and nevertheless maintain an immediacy and relevance like nothing else. At the same time, I’ve been surprised to find so few resources about the Bible that don’t come from a particular faith perspective, try to retell the Bible, or provide such detailed academic information that readers wander off without ever gaining the nuggets buried in the jargon. So I began to think about putting together a book of my own that would try to meet people where they are, give what they want to know, and provide the tools for people to understand the Bible and references to it for themselves. Reading Stephen Prothero’s award-winning Religious Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know — and Doesn’t convinced me to go ahead with the project. Prothero makes a strong case for improving biblical literacy among the general population, but he stops short of providing it. I knew that I wanted to share basic (sometimes startling or intriguing) information about the Bible so that people could know what the Bible is, what’s in it, understand debates in which people use the Bible to argue both sides, and simply make sense for themselves out of biblical references in contemporary culture. Over the years, many people have told me that they wish they knew more about the Bible but are suspicious of or turned off by sources claiming to help. While some people say that they don’t want to be preached to, others say that they don’t want to hear disparaging remarks about belief. They know that the Bible has been enormously influential in the Western world for millennia and continues to be so today. But there are few opportunities to learn about it. As a result, secular and religious alike, most people are remarkably ignorant about the Bible, which can be frustrating. The religious are poorly equipped to appreciate and mine the richness of their sacred text, and others are bewildered by how anyone could believe the Bible in the first place. It’s impossible to appreciate biblical references in music, literature, and art, or to understand (much less critique) the Bible’s role in politics, popular culture, and social controversy without some basic information about it. So, I wrote this book for my dear friends and family in the pews of a Minnesota Lutheran church, and for my colleagues in Art and Lit departments across the country. It’s for my fish biologist friend in Kansas and for the military families I’ve come to know in Florida. I wrote it for secular Jews, born-again teens, Manhattan journalists, a middle-aged mega-church member, and the farmers that I buy my eggs from. I hope that each reader will find this book useful, sometimes entertaining and thought-provoking, or that it simply satisfies an itch to know more about the world’s perennial best-seller.
How to Do a one-hand tie suturing for operating An important part of surgery is knowing the various types of closures to perform. This medical how-to video demonstrates how to do a one-hand tie for suturing. Follow along and learn the special technique for doing the one-handed tie for suturing in the operating room. Please enable JavaScript to watch this video. Related
Found an answer for the clue Beef stock? that we don't have? Then please submit it to us so we can make the clue database even better!
In January, as an experiment, I wrote a blog every day for the entire month. It was a major struggle, but I worked to create content that might be of interest to my assumed readers—writers, filmmakers and those who have supported my writing projects. As the end of the month, my blog readership was at an all-time high, and I suspect individuals in my compartmentalized life were a little more aware of the range of my activities. Cool by Osmosis Having said that, I was relieved to return to my occasional blogging schedule. My posts since then have had a higher readership than my posts previous to the January experiment. Content choices and increased awareness of my work both have played a part. Blogging every day, and disciplined social media sharing also helped sharpen my skills in creating responsive content. Why do I blog? Writing a novel, at least for me, is a long, complicated process. I can't often bring new content to my readership. Posting blogs allows me to connect with readers much more often. and expand that readership. Selectively sharing my blog entries on Facebook and Twitter have especially been useful in widening my interaction not only with readers, but with resources as I continue to learn my craft and develop my marketing skills. I've come to the conclusion, though, that for this blog to be truly effective for my goals and objectives as a writer and storyteller, then it's an all or nothing proposition. With that in mind, I'm returning to my daily posts. I'll be sharing my thoughts about writing in general, my own work, marketing and media creation. I'll also define those goals. I'd like to develop a healthy readership of course, but I'd also like to use the experience of writing and marketing my work to generate the opportunity for some new adventures. I'll be sharing those thoughts, too.
The anime starts with the adventures of twelve-year-old junior high school student Hibari Hanakoganei living in Tokyo in the year 2010, who, like any girl, aspires to have a mobile pet of her own, called a “Pata-Pi.” During this time, PataPies are trendy and there is a nationwide craze in owning one. Simply buy one, upgrade it with pre-set or custom parts, and show it off to friends and relatives! However, Hibari has no money to buy one and can only admire her best friend, Suzume, as she flamboyantly praises her PataPi, Francesca. Then one evening, as she is walking home, she sees a hill upon which a person is standing beside a tree at the peak and recognises it as the prince (Crane) who has been appearing in her dreams. She runs towards him but he disappears. Then a glowing sphere descends from the sky and lands on her palms. It materialises into a PataPi and she hugs it with all her heart. Thus the adventure of Hibari and Densuke the PataPi begins. However, she is under the watchful eye of a certain shadowy character and is ambushed when she walks home from school. Attacked by strange creatures called Homunculus and confronted by a masked woman (Jun), Hibari finds out that they are after Densuke and strives to protect him. When all fails, Jun calls out a more powerful creature called Cerberus to harm Hibari. Out of extreme sympathy for Densuke, Hibari cries out and suddenly a light descends on Densuke. In moments, he transforms into a woman in an armour suit (Aphrodite), who defeats Cerberus and chases Jun away. Unknown to Hibari, a masked man in black (Takashi a.k.a. Shooting Star) stands at the top of a building, observing every moment of what happened. The next few episodes focus on unlocking the Diva within the other PataPies, notably Suzume’s Francesca and Tsugumi’s Tetsuro, with some subtle intervention by Takashi. It also shows how the three girls get along (with disagreements sometimes) and form the Cyber Team in Akihabara, aimed at stopping masked women and their Homunculus from terrorising the city of Akihabara. As the series carry on, a bit of the plot is revealed (with the principal Washu commenting on hazy stuff at the end of every episode) and the introduction of Kamome and Tsubame (who becomes the unknown enemy to the four girls until much later when she finally helps them). It is also revealed that Washuu is the founder of a Celtic organisation called Rosenkreuz (Rose Cross in German) and he himself is Christian Rosenkreuz, hiding under the name of Washu Ryuugasaki to carry out his agenda. He once worked for the famous alchemist Paracelsus and collaborated with a French man, Cigogne Raspailles, and a young American man, Crane Bahnsteik to invent a device that can grant immortality (Divas). However, due to their secrecy, none of their inventions is revealed to the world. After Crane discovers that inventions made by the world lead to World Wars and the implications of Divas falling into the hands of warmongers, he finally ran off to space in his invented space rocket, together with all the plans on the immortality project. Later on, it is revealed that the transformation of PataPies into Divas is not one-sided: the owner of the PataPi can fuse with the Diva to form a complete Diva. This is only possible for those who are the chosen Anima Mundi and possess a pure and undefiled heart. Throughout the series, only Hibari and Tsubame managed to fuse with their Divas, although in the movie, all five girls eventually managed to do so. The fact that Takashi is a clone of Crane, and used by Washu like a puppet to awaken the sleeping Divas in space (kept in Crane’s space fortress the Primum Mobile), causes Takashi to rebel and find his identity in the world, with the three women Jun, Miyama and Hatoko joining him. Towards the end of the series, Kamome’s grandfather, Shimabukuro Sengakuji, reveals everything he knows about Rosenkreuz (he once worked for Rosenkreuz), the concept of Divas, which are artificial forms powered by neutrinos, and the principal Washu who is the mastermind behind the events. Soon after, Washu discards his pseudo-identity, reverting to the original Christian Rosenkreuz, and changes the school into a large altar to welcome the descent of the Primum Mobile. He finds out that Crane was the one controlling the events that happened and dies soon after of old age. Then Crane issues an ultimatum to Japan that he seeks the Anima Mundi and will threaten to destroy the country and the world if it is not met. Finally, at the end, the girls rebel and the Divas sacrifice themselves in place of the girls.
Hello, i am trying to run Wii backups on my vWii. They were ISO though. And i can't even put it in the SD card because the sd card's fat32. However I can and have converted one of the games into a WBFS file, my question is can and if so how run WBFS files?
Yummy!! That looks good! Is that in a crockpot? Got a recipe? My family would love that today (it's a cold, rainy day in Western Montana).
Common Transmission Problems Your auto’s transmission is pivotal to your vehicle as transmission issues are one of only a handful couple of things that can leave your vehicle totally pointless. Your transmission is in charge of guiding force from the motor to the driveshaft, which controls how well the wheels turn on your auto. transmission rebuild The way to ensuring that your transmission carries on with a long, solid life lies in taking after great deterrent upkeep strategies. Ought to your transmission ever endure an issue, being acquainted with the absolute most normal transmission issues out there will help you analyze and get help for the kind of transmission repair that you require. Low Fluid and Leaks Low levels of transmission liquid or a transmission liquid hole is the most well-known transmission issue a driver could conceivably confront. Low liquid levels are typically brought on by a hole some place in your transmission framework. Periodically a transmission gasket may should be supplanted to stop a release, the seals might be flawed, and once in a while the transmission liquid just gets sullied. Low liquid level side effects for the most part incorporate moderate changing or gear slippage. If liquid is simply old or sullied, the liquid should be flushed and refilled; in any case, you’ll have to make an excursion to your transmission repair shop to get it done. Solenoid Issues The solenoid is the thing that controls the stream of liquid all through your transmission. The solenoid is frequently harmed because of low liquid levels and the incidental electronic issue. In the event that your transmission is slipping and you can’t distinguish a release, it’s in all likelihood because of solenoid harm. A decent workman realizes that in case you’re not managing a release, the following spot that ought to be checked is your solenoid. On the off chance that your repairman doesn’t make this recommendation, it’s an ideal opportunity to locate another transmission repair shop. Torque Converter Issues Torque converter issues can bring about different transmission issues, bringing about extreme harm or finish disappointment of your transmission framework. A typical issue connected with the torque converter is harmed or exhausted needle course. On the off chance that the needle heading overheat, they can get to be distinctly harmed and you’ll begin listening to peculiar commotions from your transmission while driving. You won’t hear any solid when the auto is in unbiased yet when you change into gear, you will hear brushing or pounding sounds. Grip Issues The grip is situated in the torque converter and may every so often get stuck. At the point when the grasp sticks, your solenoid can bolt, and the measure of transmission liquid in the torque converter may not be computed right. Grasp issues in the torque converter can trick the untrained eye in light of the fact that the issues look like those identified with low liquid levels, so it’s constantly best to have your vehicle looked at by an expert. More unmistakable grip issues will be connected with fierce shaking and sharp drops in power yield from your auto. With regards to keeping your transmission kept up and repaired as required, it’s constantly best to give an affirmed auto expert a chance to look at everything. The exact opposite thing you need is to get stranded some place when you thought you were only somewhat low on liquid and it ends up being your grip.
The insurance adjuster went out today to look at her car. And said that insurance would only cover $500 of the $1500 repair estimate. Because part of the problem is the air box which the adjuster says is busted due to a previous accident before purchase. He says that the headlight was replaced, the hood was worked on, blah blah blah. So the warranty doesn’t cover “prior damage” and neither does the insurance. Which means C now owes $1000. Yeah. C called the dealership, got on the phone with the guy that sold her the car and said “Hi. Why did we spend hours going over the car’s details and Carfax and all this? What the hell? I wouldn’t have bought it if it had been in a prior accident.” His manager calls her back and says that cars go through a 30 point inspection and if it wasn’t caught then it must not have existed. C asks “an insurance adjuster can tell that it had this stuff, but your 30 point inspection can’t?” Someone is bullshitting here. C shouldn’t be paying for this, but she is. And we’re officially screwed. I can contribute a little bit to help her out, but seeing as I’m living on student loans and all . . . this is not good.
About At KDW Home, the owners are designers who are intimately involved with every project. They operate as a team, combining their strengths to offer clients the highest level of aesthetic and technical expertise. A full-time staff also includes design professionals with a broad variety of skill sets, including industrial, textile and engineering design. Leaders & Innovators Marvin Daniel His interest in design trends was firmly established while living in Europe as a student, when he became impressed with the combination of excellent design and functionality and how the two could come together in practical living spaces such as kitchens and baths. Marvin is an avid cook who appreciates what components go together to create an outstanding culinary environment. Marvin has designed rooms throughout the mid-Atlantic states and in the Carolinas. He frequently travels both in this country and abroad to stay abreast of the very latest in home decor, design and function. Marvin Daniel is a native of Richmond, Virginia and a graduate of the Richmond Public Schools and Washington and Lee University. W. Brian Pilgrim Brian has been designing and supervising projects for some of the area's finest homes since 1984. At an early age, he became fascinated with all types of puzzles and loved to figure out how things went together, helping him develop an attention to design detail unsurpassed in the area. His work has been recognized in both industry and national publications. A Certified Kitchen Designer since 1990 and a Certified Bath Designer since 1996, Brian has also been very active in the National Kitchen and Bath Association. He has served as a juror to grade the design portion of the NKBA CKD and CBD exams as well as Chairman of the Board of Governors of Societies and member of the Test Board for exam development. Brian Pilgrim is a native of Richmond, Virginia and a graduate of The College of William and Mary. Award Winning Designs Click on any of the pictures for a slideshow of the award winning room. 2013/2014 SubZero Wolf Kitchen Design Contest 2010/2012 SubZero Wolf Kitchen Design Contest 2008/2009 SubZero Wolf Kitchen Design Contest 2006/2007 SubZero Wolf Kitchen Design Contest 2007 Asko Laundry Design Contest 2006 Asko Laundry Design Contest 2005 Asko Laundry Design Contest 2004/2005 SubZero Wolf Kitchen Design Contest KDW In the News Click on any of the links to view the full article. Virginian Pilot - February 2013 Traditional Home Magazine - February March 2012 Architectural Digest - January 2012 Distinction - Spring Summer 2011 Traditional Home Magazine - February 2011 HouseTrends - February March 2009 R Home - July August 2008 Great American Kitchens - Spring 2008 HouseTrends - November December 2007 Solutions at Home - September 2007 HouseTrends - August 2006 Southern Living - March 2006 Home Style - May 2005 New Homes - Spring 2005 Kitchen & Bath Design News - April 2004 Community Outreach Supporting our Neighbors in Worthy Causes KDW Home is proud to support a variety of non-profit and community organizations as well as many schools by offering auction items and space for events and fundraisers.
Raspberry Pi Projects Posted on January 19, 2013 by Gaz99 Well I have owned a Raspberry Pi’ (c) for a year now and I find them fantastic. As someone who grew up with a BBC Micro (Model A upgraded by me to a B) when I was a teenager and spent many hours with BBC Basic; it was a chance all over again to relive my youth, albeit this time with some Linux and Python. The intention of this blog is to document what I have been up to with the Pi, just in case I can inspire anyone to have a go themselves. I am not a professional programmer, just a tinkerer. Anyway I hope you find it interesting.
FHM has pushed their alcohol advertising from its November issues to December. Brooke Hogan is their cover girl and she's only 18, prompting the publishers to have a booze-free issue.Dana Fields, executive publisher and president, said the magazine was complying with its alcoholic beverage advertisers’ insertion orders, which call for the advertiser to be notified if someone under age 21 runs on the cover. “They don’t want to put their brand at any risk at all,” she said.Fields said alcoholic beverage advertisers typically run in six out of 12 issues per year, and most of the ads that were slated to run in November were moved to the December issue.They have instead replace the booze ads with herpes medication. Seriously, they had to invent a new airbrushing technique to make her look like this. I still can't believe she's 18 and need to see the birth certificate in order to believe.Source & Source
In Reply to: Re: Kaplan step 2ck 2013 brand new books for sale posted by dr javied on September 15, 2013 at 00:49:38: Salam! I just read your post on Internet, I am sure that all of the study material must have been sold out by now. If you can kindly guide me how and from where to read, I, ll be obliged. Follow Ups:
I met a girl on roller skatesShe had a spare bag, she had lost some weightWhere I used to work, she was a waitressShe proposed a trade, it was generousShe's gone to Houston, feel like I'm floating in a warm seaAnd if she finds out when she comes back, I know that she wil leave meOh I heard a sign, it was a dull crackIt was a clock hand, It was snapping backOh it wasn't her's, it was the dope's kissI'll take the blame upon my shoulder, I just love to feel like thisRoller Boogie, motherfucker
Finn's summer vacation plans didn't include leaving the planet. Whether surfing or snowboarding, Finn's up for any challenge. He loves racing and engineering for speed. Little sister Gabi dreams of becoming an astronaut, and being hard-of-hearing never slows her down. So both kids head to Kennedy Space Camp where Finn can design rockets and Gabi learns to pilot them. But a shocking countdown is ticking behind the scenes and Gabi goes missing. Finn is determined to find her. As always, friends Axel and Burrito jump in to help him on his mission, all the way to Sweden and beyond. Lucky for Gabi, Finn will do anything and go anywhere to get her back--even the International Space Station. Don't miss the action of Finn's Fast Books #3! ​ Read Finn's Rocket BUZZ ABOUT FINN'S ROCKET (SPOILERS)"Delightful middle grade fiction about a brother and sister who have an incredible experience during Space Camp at Kennedy Space Center. The story is well paced and full of twists and turns, a brave rescue in the rip current on Florida’s shores, glacial snow boarding in Sweden, and a very dangerous mission to the abandoned International Space Station where several space tourists meet a fateful end as their commercial rocket blows up. I recall a course in children’s literature in grad school where my term project was to read all the Newberry and Caldecott award winning books from inception to the then current time. This book could be among them." --Review by Carol Anderson, author of Glad, Sad, Sorry
to brass tacks: writer/director Scott Leberecht’s debut feature, Midnight Son, is an excellent vampire film, the sort of atypical bloodsucker title that I’ve always been predisposed to. I waffled a bit on this, since the “horror” isn’t as apparent in it as in other ¡Qué Horror! candidates, and I thought I’d sneak this out of the ¡Qué Horror! madness (as I’ve done this year with titles like Steven C. Miller’s The Aggression Scale). Ultimately
The finishing touch to the Balsam collection. The coffee table completes the wicker collection and is a great table to add our venturi table top fire pits. The high density polyethylene construction of the resin wicker creates a nice look along with an effective barrier against the weather. Outdoor Rated Resin Wicker Minimal Maintenance Easy to Clean Powder Coated Frame Dimensions: 40"W x 22"D x 18"H
The hot new small block V8 in the GM lineup is the hyper-aggressive LS3. It offers a high-revving 376-inch combination that represents generations of small block V8 development and engineering. Not only is the LS3 an amazing engine in its stock configuration, but with those high-flowing rectangular port cylinder heads, the LS3 is loaded with potential. To tap into this potential, the GM Motorsport team offer you the LS 6.2lt 560 - an LS3 with an upgraded camshaft that ups power by a whopping 80 horsepower! Our LS 6.2lt 560 comes with the same great features as the LS3 crate engine. The bottom end includes a 6-bolt aluminum block, nodular crank, high performance rods, and 10.7:1 pistons. The heads are high-flowing rectangular-port units that share their design with the amazing LS7. The same EFI intake manifold feeds the hungry engine, while 1.7:1 roller rockers work with the upgraded camshaft. GM Motorsport have designed & tested a range of camshafts to take the LS3 to the next level. Our cams allows for a dramatic increase in power across the power band while still maintaining good street manners. The engine will idle and cruise just like an LS3, but the power increase is there whenever you need it. With all of the same great components as the LS3, but with an additional 50 horsepower, the new LS 6.2lt 560 is ready, willing, and able to answer your call for a new LS crate engine.
Copyright © 2011 Sherers Flooring, All Rights Reserved The beauty, performance and value of carpet make it the right choice for schools, healthcare facilities, offices and shopping spaces. Carpeted floors cushion the impact of slips and falls, dampen noise and make it easier to learn and concentrate. Today's carpets are engineered to resist staining and fading and withstand even heavy foot traffic.If you are in need of carpet for a commercial project please visit our showroom or request an appointment by phone or email. A member of our staff well be glad to assist you!
Justin Bieber, 17, has once again been replicated in wax, but he’s not the only one. Twilight teen wolf Taylor Lautner, 19, will also be remembered in wax. First up, the “Baby” singer’s newest wax figure was unveiled on Wednesday at Madame Tussauds in Las Vegas, Nevada, but we’re not convinced that it looks like him. However, TLaut’s is looking a little bit more like the guy himself. Taylor’s wax figure was unveiled at Madame Tussauds on Thursday in London, England. Get a good look at these teen heartthrobs’ wax statues, and let us know which one you prefer: Justin or Taylor? Cast your vote in the poll and stand by your man in the comments.
This tip come via KJ...and seriously, could it be any more fabulous?! Purchase the book Coco Chanel: The Legend and the Life (which look gorgeous, in and of itself) and get this matching tote bag. Ooh La La!!
On the 30th of September I presented at Rubyconf XI in New Orleans, LA. My topic was “Practical Metaprogramming.” This presentation was very special for me. Having spent some of my childhood in New Orleans, speaking there was very special. Further, one year ago, inspried by Chad Fowler’s book The Passionate Programmer, I resolved that “One year from now, I will speak at Rubyconf.” I am filled with joy to say that I attained my dream. I spoke on one of the more complicated aspects of the Ruby programming language: Metaprogramming. Ruby’s constructs allow you to fundamentally and flexibly re-direct calls at runtime and change the object model. While it is generally believed that this is complicated or a weird bolt-on to Ruby, I contend that all programming in Ruby is metaprogramming – from the get-go! I also present a path for learners so that they can level-up. Lastly I show some examples of heavily, and justifiably heavily used, metaprogramming code courtesy of my library LatinVerb. Here are resources for those in attendance or for those who could not make it. The slides to my presentation My page The Passionate Programmer LatinVerb GitHub Home Or, here are the slides in-line: Please, if you were inspired by this talk, please leave a comment. If you would like to provide criticism of the talk, please visit the speaker8 page.
All interviewers need to watch this. Their stupid scripted cliche questions are unbearable for people of higher intelligence. So many great employees lost due to asshole interviewers asking asinine questions like this! Cyberdevil Rated 4 / 5 stars :: 2017-05-14 07:36:26 Requires some pretty serious guts talking to Drax the Destroyer that way. XD Entertaining interview, though wished it went better for the interviewee somehow! Despite his great strength the dude in the suit is really the one with all the power here... corporate society, though Drax could be the one to someone break it down *hint hint*. Anyway: good stuff. -cd- -cd- AoShun Rated 4.5 / 5 stars :: 2017-05-14 01:16:40 "I like your chair, I am keeping it" JRHelios Rated 4.5 / 5 stars :: 2017-05-13 00:27:04 He's still taking that chair. Phronemophobia Rated 5 / 5 stars :: 2017-05-12 17:52:32 I loved every moment of that, and it ended precisely as I had hoped it would. Created by The New Age Soldier
elisha-am chapter 2 . 2/22 I can't believe I just found this now. This is a topic screams drama and heat break but you deal it with grace. And,oh, what I wouldn't pay to see Castle's face after that last line, haha. Tercay chapter 2 . 1/26 Wow. Awesome last line to this chapter. Can't stop reading. _Terry gkregan chapter 2 . 1/7 I am so glad I found your past writings! This was a great story with a little Castle 'intrigue'! Hopefully, more to be explained in the next parts of this story. Thank you! CaskettAlways2009 chapter 2 . 10/10/2016 I agree best KB line ever! Guest chapter 2 . 8/27/2016 Best Kate Beckett line EVER. SusanCastleFan49 chapter 2 . 8/18/2016 Wow. I just found your new story, so went back in the series. That was a beautiful story and amazing ending. Thanks for writing. ICCA chapter 2 . 8/15/2016 Since IT3 landed in my Inbox, and you suggested to read 1 & 2, I did just that. WOW - Chapter 1 was a twist I never saw coming but loved what Kate said at the end of Chapter 2-absolutely perfect! The-KLF chapter 2 . 8/15/2016 Did I ever tell you I love this story? I do. I don't think I realised it had a sequel. binkley2013 chapter 2 . 8/14/2016 Wow. Mark C chapter 2 . 8/14/2016 A wonderful story especially with Alexis organizing the blood drive to give back. The ending was great with Kate's comment to Castle. fanficfan39 chapter 2 . 8/13/2016 Having just read Inherited Traits III, I decided to go back and read this one - for the first time. It hasn't happened very often but occasionally a story totally surprises me, blows my mind and this one did just that. What an incredible story - thank you. Now to read II and than III again!
I think this is the next thing I need to talk about, because it's one of the big thoughts about this game on how I want to take AW and make it GMless. I mean, Murderous Ghosts kind of does that, but not really. It's very much a two person game, and it's got its on way to do things. I ended up writing down notes, because I think better with a pen in my hand than a keyboard in front of me, and here are some thoughts I have about GM less play and what that means for Veronica Monsterhearts. 1. Each person takes their turn as the Investigator. As the Investigator its your job to set the scene, describe who is there, and figure out what's going on. You have free reign to put NPCs in the scene, but you should probably ask if someone wants to have their PC there. Side thought: Should there be a reward for being in a scene? One per episode mystery you gain 1 XP or 1 Clue for showing up. You can get each reward once and then after that you're there if it makes sense? Do I want to rely on "good playing" to get people involved, or do I want something mechanical to get them there. 2. Once the scene is set you can improvise as much as you want. If you want to have long discussions, and huge acting scenes because that's what you love then go for it. If you want to just describe things, have fun with that. Play it the way you have more fun in. However, in the scene you get to use two moves. Originally I had it written down as you get to do one basic move and one Casefile move but that might just be a little too limiting. I think that will have to be a test thing to see how that works. When you're done, you resolve the scene by creating a cliffhanger. This can be a soft or hard move, depending on how well you did with you move, that you decide upon. You won't be able to resolve it, but it sets yourself up for your next turn as investigator. When you're done with your cliffhanger you pass that investigator hat onto the next person. Think of this as cutting Who is that next person? You decide, you pick who goes next and because this is Marvel Initiative, everyone gets a turn at the investigator hat before it goes around again. Note on not mentioning the move thing you see in all *World games. I get the idea behind it, it's just reinforcing the idea that you want to sell the reaction and the fiction rather than say "You're now split up" but even AW breaks that rule when you tell them how much harm they're taking. The stronger phrase, and the one that I think the focus should completely be on, is tie the moves to the fiction. Also, because this game is GMless you're all taking part as the GM which means that you'll all get to use/see those moves anyway. 3. Dealing with Cliffhangers You can deal with a Cliffhanger as the next scene, or even the next scene with another player in them. Basically player X gets his two moves, and creates a cliffhanger that now Player Y deals with because she was there at the same scene. Or when you get back to your turn you can deal with it. There was also a though on how you could deal with a cliffhanger if you wanted to set your next scene elsewhere, you could handle it like a flashback but at the cost of a clue or something. Not sure how to do that, but I do like that whole kind of Leverage feel to it (it might be because I'm currently watching a lot of Leverage). It's a little bit of everything really, a little bit of Geasa for GMlessness, but with a lot more control on the part of the person being the Investigator. A little bit of M:HR when it comes to the initiative because it's the best way to handle initiative I have seen, ever. One thought could be to try to Fiasco it up a bit, where you either get to set the scene or choose the cliffhanger. That might be something to incorporate into the game. Still thinking about a lot of things really.
Another great week of photos, if you like any of those chosen this week, be sure to visit the photographers stream and leave a comment, they will be happy you did. Posted by
Memphis Reigns and I put together a track for the NBT holiday podcast that we’d like to share with everyone. It’s based off the “Xmas in Hollis” beat by Run DMC. Instead of keepin’ it cheesy like most holiday songs, we added our own little Mind Mechanics twist to it. Memph plays the role of a Grinch-type of character while I take the morally high ground. We had fun with this quick one. Enjoy, and have a dope holiday season and happy new year. 2010 is gonna be off the hook! Lyrics are posted below. » Continue reading…
Interesting to provide a quick update on the progress of the single curlew chick which has come on in leaps and bounds since it was last photographed properly 12 days ago. In the intervening period, the two adult birds have taken their charge a long way from the road and in so doing have kept the chick’s progress a secret. I’ve had the occasional glimpse through the grass, but at three hundred yards or more, these passing encounters have been pretty joyless. I have often had to content myself with simply spotting the adult birds, knowing that their ongoing presence is bona fide evidence that the chick is still alive, even if it is invisible. When I came past this morning, the chick was almost on the roadside verge, and the sound of the car drawing up caused it to dash on long blue stilts into the longer grass. This is an enormous improvement on previous encounters when this chick’s idle idiocy has raised horrible fears for its longevity. For their first few days, curlew chicks are ridiculously vulnerable, calling noisily and ignoring every possible warning from their vocal parents. Even when the shadows of hunting crows and buzzards raced between them, they blithely stumbled through the short grass as if they were blind and deaf. No wonder their mortality rates are appalling during their first week of life, and it’s hard to imagine why their mechanism of self-preservation is so slow to develop. Even my clumsy ears could hear them mewling at a distance of sixty yards, so I shudder to think how easily found they are by any fox with half a brain. Measure the contrast with the bird I found today – it has grown gangly and hesitant, but it has been switched “on”. It eyeballed me cautiously and ran out of sight two or three times when I moved, warily keeping a distance of perhaps twenty five yards. It is also fascinating to see the progress in plumage – this bird now has observable wings and the beginnings of a mohican of contour feathers down the centre of its head. Its beak is beginning to bend, and the overall cast of solemnity and caution finally makes a recognisable link between parent and offspring. I have moaned on this blog about the loss of this chick’s three siblings and the gloomy prospects of the survivor, but as the vegetation continues to rise and this bird lurks in the ever-deepening bracken, my hopes are really starting to grow that it may fledge after all. My fingers have been crossed for so long that they ache.
Hey everyone. After hunting around for an affordable bike mask and not coming up with much, I have decided to start importing from the UK. I am selling a variety of designs and styles, with changeable filters and prices range from 35.000 to 55.000 a mask and 10.000 for the replacement filters. I use mine every day and it makes a massive difference to cycling in this city.
I can't believe Me-Made-May is over! The time has gone by so quickly. My challenge to myself was to wear one self-made garment each day of the month, and I'm proud to say that I did achieve that goal. This has certainly been the longest period of time in which I've worn something I made each day. So often I cultivate a love-hate relationship with the clothing I make. I'll stop sewing for weeks, months, unsatisfied with my own creations-- despite how hard I worked to design and sew them in the first place. If there's one thing that I've learned from Me-Made-May, it's that most of the garments I've made are actually very versatile pieces. I may need to make a few more pieces in order to create an entire wardrobe, as I don't have very many basics. Instead of making practical, wear-with-anything pieces, I tend to pick the most intriguing patterns (or fabric). The end product of this approach? Mostly stand-alone pieces, unless I'm feeling very daring. And Me-Made-May has made me daring! I have learned that it is just as easy to throw on a self-made ensemble as it is to put on the workhorse jeans and t-shirt. Not only is it easy, it also makes me feel more confident about my sewing. Here's what I wore: Swiss-dot overblouse by meBlack shell (worn under) by meShorts - Cynthia Steffe Gladiators - 80%20 The overblouse is the one new item I finished this weekend. This is one of those projects that was in my head for the longest time before I finally made it. And, it only took one day, for both cutting out and sewing! I will share more details soon :) Posted by Megan at 12:48 AM Labels: me-made-may 3 comments: Carmencita BJune 2, 2010 at 1:30 AMMegan, everything you made looked so good! Thanks for the 2, 2010 at 11:00 PMYou make amazing things! Also, I would have sworn you made those shorts and bought the tops, very 23, 2010 at 7:34 PMCongratulations on completing Me-Made-May! I just had some fun looking through your outfits, and I really love the way you play with color.ReplyDeleteAdd commentLoad more...
UK Property Claims Handler - GBP40,000My client, a major, global insurer, are looking for a UK Property Cliams Adjuster / Handler to join their London team. The role offers the opportunity for long term progression as they are looking for someone who they can develop into a long serving employee. Key responsibilities include: * Verify, monitor and settle UK Property claims from cradle to grave. * Monitor claims in litigation and handle claims subject to complaint. * Negotiate investigated claims. * Check case reserves and ensure provision for any outstanding liabilities. * Take part in client visits, due diligence and audits. * Build and maintain agent and broker relations. * Provide regular feedback to managers and underwriters alike from a claims perspective. * Be a technical referral point to team members. * Handle claims in line with set authorities, procedures and operating standings. Essential Knowledge and Experience: * 3-5 years claims handling experience within the UK Property space. * Ability to analyse and set reserves. * Team mentality and strong technical ability. * Working autonomously to manage a caseload of work. * Knowledge of CLASS system preferable. This is an outstanding opportunity for someone to progress their career through working in an established and revered insurer in the heart of London.To apply for the role of UK Property Claims Handler / Adjuster please call Alex Lewis on or email on More jobs like this
A hallway like any other in town, with opposing lines of shut unit doors set too close each to its neighbors. Behind one of them, a tiny one-bedroom apartment, dimly lit. To the left, an electric stove under a wall-mounted faux-wood panelled cabinet, a porceline sink, a toilet, and a gleaming white tub. A large window, divided into three immobile panels, took up most of the far wall. To the right, a single mattress rested on a cheap metal bedframe, the bed adorned only with a blood-specked yellow sheet and a caseless beige pillow. A squat, scratched chest of drawers stood at the head of the bed, one tiny shaded lamp the only thing atop it. A tall woman, pale of skin, stood naked at the sink staring flatly into the square mirror hung above it. Her black hair was chopped rudely short. Her facial features hinted at her Russian origins, but if she spoke, no accent would give her away. She had worked long to overcome that obstacle. Back on the earth that had made her, Ilena Marshov had lived a harsh existence. Orphaned, she had been raised by an uncle whom had thought it only right that since he cared for her, she - upon reaching puberty - owed him certain favors. She might have withstood the incest, but he was not content with only his own pleasure. He owed many debts, frequently recurring debts, and thus whored his niece out as payment. On her nineteeth birthday, one such satisfied lender suggested that if her life really displeased her, the poor daft girl should kill her uncle and be free of it. Liking the notion, Ilena began to practice for the day of her liberation by murdering her "patrons" just as they reached climax. Within weeks, she felt ready, but rumors reached her uncle that the disappearances of many of his gambling buddies were not merely the usual "vacations" of those seeking to avoid paying some insurmountable loss. He was ready for his niece's plan, and beat her to within inches of her life. Escaping that long torture had cost her dearly, but had opened the door for another escape: to America. Leaving her demons behind her, Ilena went to New York, where she assumed the name Eleanor Christine Mars and became a stripper. The work sickened her, but it was preferable to menial labor, and the money was far more than she required. She lived as Eleanor in peace for months, and Ilena seemed a bad dream. She began to date, and happiness seemed near. Then, one of her random dates turned out to be a serial rapist. He drugged her drink, carried her out of the bar under the unspoken pretense that his female companion had reached and surpassed her limit, and tied her down in her own bed. It was a full week before she managed to free one of her hands. All that week, the bastard had come and gone as he pleased, fed her nothing, barely gave her a half-glass of water a day, and used her on whim. The last time he came into her room, the light was out and the curtains were down, so he could not immediately tell that she was free. She killed that one quick. She disposed of the body. Eleanor tried to forget the ordeal, telling her bosses at the strip club that her sister had called her away for an emergency. She tried to emerse herself in the life of Eleanor again, but the illusion she had built was irrevocably broken. Eventually, she began to seek out men she thought would want to rape her. She presented them with the opportunity, and if they took the bait, they paid the price. There was always the risk that one would be able to overpower her, bind her, beat her, end her, but the danger meant nothing. The thrill of the hunt sustained her. When she woke to the town and learnt its nature, she cried for hours, knowing her obsession with murderous release was over. There was no way to commit such acts in this town without discovery, and anyway, if the propaganda was true, there would be no vulturous men to prey upon. The hunt would be fruitless. And so Eleanor Mars, once Ilena but believing that identity forever out of reach to her, stood looking at the facade she must maintain for the rest of her life. She looked into the dark circles at the center of her eyes. She peered into the darkness of her own heart, knowing it was chained, knowing it could never be set free again. She stared into the black. Vast expanses of dimensions away, yet also paradoxically closer than her own skin, presenses within some dark realm noticed Ilena's gaze, and looked back. She stumbled back away from the mirror, her heart racing at the incomprehensible intelligences she had felt trying to pour themselves over into the town through the reflection of her irises. Her head spun, glancing expectantly into every shadow space around her. But nothing came. Nothing was there with her. Nothing was ready to break through the dimensional walls and spill forth in horror and plentitude, into the town.
Our spillover cabins are located right next door on our Sister property, just a short drive from our main lodge. They are available to any group that needs more room for friends and family to lodge nearby. Our spillover cabins consist of 4 guest facilities with over 6000 square feet of living space. In addition to the 2 guest cabins, which contain 7 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms, there are 2 phenomenal entertainment areas provided as well: a full game room with shuffle board and pool table, full entertainment bar, large screen TV and extra kitchen. There is also a Man Cave with a professional style poker table, wet bar and additional huge flatscreen TV. Together the spillover cabins can sleep up to 18 guests and have 4 kitchens for your group to enjoy. Other amenities include stocked bass pond, pistol and skeet range, horseshoe pit, large outdoor grill and fire pit, and a swimming pool with a covered deck.
Florida's Top Insurance claims Lawyer -Over a decade of getting homeowners the settlement they are entitled to We Gaurantee No Risk Representation For Your Property Insurance Claim Dispute. As a business or home owner, you purchase Insurance Policies for the protection of your assets. In most cases, Insurance policies cover structural damage to your business or home and other structures like your garage, fence or pool. Personal property is also covered in the event of theft or damage. If there were living expenses resulting from the policy holder's ability to use the property those losses will be covered under most policies. Configuring the dollar amount is based on replacement costs. The amount differs from company to company. Policy owners should be fully aware of there rights and the obligations of the Insurance Company prior to making an insurance claim with their provider. In the event that an insurance company denies or underpays a valid claim, the policy holder may be entitled to additional financial compensation and attorney fees from the insurer. Percentage of LeRoy Law property insurance claims and lawsuits resolved successfully: 100% Having exceptional representation with a Property Insurance claim in Florida is the best way to ensure your success in navigating through the claims process. Ask your Public Insurance Adjuster about LeRoy Law, P.A.
The best way to learn world history and explore new civilizations is by studying GRAPES. Whenever my students begin studying a new civilization, I distribute GRAPES charts to students to fil… My new class syllabus. Inspiration came from one I saw online by a college professor Dr. Newbold. Infographic US History Syllabus students sign out when they leave the classroom...would use this for middle or high school Editable Figurative Language Interactive Reading Notebook Activity Aligned with the Common Core State Standards (For upper elementary, middle and high school)
961Likes relative newcomer to the world of exchange traded products, Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs) were first created by Barclay's in 2006 and have become an interesting alternative to Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). ETFs and ETNs are very similar in the fact that they both trade on an exchange like a stock, follow an underlying product and are easily accessible to investors. However, they differ remarkably in the way they are designed. This article will explain the differences between ETNs and ETFs as well as provide examples of ETNs so that you can choose which exchange traded product fits your investment criteria. ETNs are issued by Morgan Stanley, Barclays, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs and UBS. There are approximately 56 ETNs currently ....... #1 Jul 6, 2009 Share gkishot 2,554Posts 97Likes If you are a long term investor and you are ok with the counterparty default risk then they might be better for you.
Oozing modern appeal, this is a fabulous unit for a contemporary interior. With four boxed shelving units to display your books, literature, art and decorative accessories, this is a stylish, but simple and understated piece. Finished in White, Wenge, Red, Black Material: 18mm?Íí_Engineered Wood Weight: 37.9 lbs ?Íí_ All Decortie/Matte products are coming in flat packages as disassembled, and are designed to be assembled easily by the customers. Assembly guide is included in the package. All tools needed to assembly are included in the package.
When Huck Porter's dad suddenly dies, it feels like nothing will ever make sense again. Huck's ""best friend"" thinks that Huck should just get over it, the girl he likes won't give him the time of day, and his mom now works all hours at a roadside diner to make ends meet. The only thing that still makes sense for Huck is the game his dad taught him, the game they spent hours playing together: Texas hold'em. Worse than all of that, though, is Huck's math teacher, Mr. Abbott -- a hungry card shark with an ego to match his appetite. He now wears the local poker tournament's first prize, a silver watch that Huck's dad wore proudly for three years. So Huck hatches a plan to knock Abbott off his throne and win back the watch. Only, bluffing his way into the tournament will mean lying to everyone Huck knows. But as Huck gets deeper in the tournament and starts to lose himself in the cards, he begins to wonder who he'll be when the last hand is played. Raw and gritty, Paul Volponi's novel about grief, family, and poker is an adrenaline rush that starts with a bang and doesn't let up until the final page is turned. A coming-of-age story set at a card table, The Hand You're Dealt will leave readers wondering what they would risk in a game. Rezensionen ( 0 )
By Maddy Berg - Jul 20, 2011 The band's song list includes "PYT," "Human Nature," "The Way You Make Me Feel," and "Billie Jean." — Photo courtesy of Who's Bad Despite his vast portfolio, it’s not so easy to perform a tribute to Michael Jackson. Everything from the gloves and hats to the jackets and shoes must be spot on, and the ensemble is the easy part. A proper tribute requires talent, perfectly executed dance moves, and flawlessly performed soprano notes. With a pop icon as great as Michael Jackson to emulate, many tribute bands have tried and failed, accepting a fate as inferior to the man who started it all. But one group, Who’s Bad, manages to not only live up to but also exceed audiences’ expectations. From their first performance together at a small North Carolina venue in 2004 to more recent acts in China and the United Kingdom, Who’s Bad has captured the hearts of Michael Jackson fans in all corners of the globe. In an interview with the UK’s The Journal, the band’s saxophonist Vamsi Tadepalli said, “My favorite thing is seeing the people who were the sceptics out there, people standing with arms crossed because they’ve gone with friends who are Michael Jackson fans and they don’t necessarily like him, starting to loosen up…That’s my favourite part — converting people.” Who’s Bad has wowed audiences at more than 700 shows in numerous countries, and their Thursday, July 28 performance at Nectar’s should prove no exception from their norm of excellence. Sing along to beloved favorites such as “ABC” and “Thriller,” and in doing so, honor and remember MJ’s legacy. Who’s Bad, 9 pm, Thursday, July 28, Nectar’s, airport. $20; $15 in advance. SHARE Facebook Twitter tweet Previous articleBusiness Brief: Esthetician Virginia Elizabeth Vogt joins Boucle Salon & Spa teamNext articleUpcoming flicks at Vineyard theaters Maddy Berg Quick LinksMovies
Yaaay.For a bit of fun/thank you for wasting your life by reading this blog- I'm doing a Christmas/End of year giveaway (As if that wasnt plainly obvious by the title.Not quite sure how to describe the prize.. Let's just say it's a basket of goodies with a little bit of everything that's beautiful, interesting, fun, alluring, cute, lovely, sweet smelling, delicious tasting, eye catching and all things awesome.As it gets closer to the competition deadline, I'll post a couple of sneak peeks into the goody basket so keep checking back.TO ENTER: 'Follow' this blog with Google Friend Connect (it's over there --->) and then just leave a comment saying anything at all :)You can enter as many times as you like. Feel free to tell your friends so they can enter too and have a chance to win.Competition closes December 15th!Good luck everyone, I wish you could all win :) First item revealed: A loverly vintage black clutch purse.. sourced from the wonders of Surry Hills! (photo coming soon) Second item: A copy of Mia Freedman's book 'Mama Mia; a memoir of mistakes, magazines and motherhood'. Third item: Some delicious marshmallow scented bath goodies :) Posted by Alex. at 6:21 PM Labels: competitions/giveaways 25 comments: Death Wears Diamond Jewellery said... i already follow you :)and yes, i want to enter! have to be in it to win it, or whatever that horrible cliche is... November 30, 2009 at 7:05 PM Jennee said... Fun! I already follow you! December 1, 2009 at 2:34 AM Katie said... Dammit I use the internet from work and some sites (like that google friend connect) are blocked.. Ahh well. I will comment and follow your blog anyway heh I already do hehe.I hope you're looking forward to a fun xmas! x December 1, 2009 at 8:11 AM Miss Peregrin said... I follow you already, because you're awesome! Ooo, I wonder what the prize is? December 1, 2009 at 12:16 PM Five Foot Nothing said... I've already put you on my blog list, but not on Google follower.Hope you have a wonderful Xmas, and thanks for the b'day wishes =) December 1, 2009 at 9:59 PM Laura said... Followed!Merry Christmas :-) December 1, 2009 at 10:31 PM thegreyowl said... axey, ill let everyone know about the rad comp, this is my entry into your competition, ill tell as many people as i can :) December 1, 2009 at 11:35 PM Corrine/Frock And Roll said... Yaaaaaaaaaay! All done, Axe-y! :Dxoxo December 2, 2009 at 1:15 AM Miss Sofia said... I don't usually follow blogs, but... Followed! ^^It seems like a sweet giveaway, doll. December 3, 2009 at 7:04 AM Julie said... Followed! YAY! GIVEAWAY! I love them, even if I never win :). December 3, 2009 at 11:35 AM Death Wears Diamond Jewellery said... was just saying today i need a new clutch! perfect. piccies?! December 3, 2009 at 10:26 PM Alex. said... i'll have a pic of the clutch very soon, i need to get a new camera charger. if worse comes to worse, i will take a very dodgy photo on my webcam. :P December 3, 2009 at 10:45 PM FabBlab said... I REALLY want to read Mama Mia. December 4, 2009 at 2:36 AM Kate Bullen said... a goodie basket! sounds good. i followed you :) December 4, 2009 at 11:11 AM Tara said... I already follow you! I think... I'm not quite sure how it works... technology is not my friend! x December 4, 2009 at 2:26 PM Ms Constantine said... Following you on the google thing as well now love.I would LOVE to win some goodies, sounds exciting!xo December 4, 2009 at 10:21 PM Em said... Arggh I wanna win! It sounds like me in a nutshell, or basket even :D December 5, 2009 at 12:06 AM Charlie said... Thanks for the comment on my blog and letting me know about the giveaway - I love giveaways! Following you now :) December 9, 2009 at 6:20 PM joyjoyc said... Following and happy holidays! December 10, 2009 at 10:40 AM Hannah said... I'm very new to the world of blogs and blog reading (and google accounts), but since your blogs/writing are so damn clever, you can be my first followed blog. Exciting. And the giveaway's such a lovely idea, too! December 12, 2009 at 6:03 PM Mon said... I enjoy your blogIt makes me happy.It's one of the blogs on my Things I Love List which is on my wall(also on there is Frock and Roll which is equally kick-ass):) December 12, 2009 at 11:00 PM Marla said... Hello-ho-ho.Merry Christmas, aspire to one day get off my ass and make a blog as of embarrassing John Howard photos as yours.Marla xx
Brunel University Sport wanted us to create their annual Christmas card. They came to us with an idea of having all of the sports that they have at Brunel, represented in a way that will be instantly recognisable as being Christmas. They came to us with the idea of a tree being made out of the many sports that they have available for students at Brunel. We first looked at all the sports and then decided on how to represent them. Merry Christmas! The solution was working on a simple, modern Christmas tree design. Simple but instantly recognisable in shape alone. Then we used the small icons for each sport and placed them over the tree outline. Then end result is simple yet complex Christmas tree made of sport.
On a rainy day, it is a lot of fun to go to the museum. We took the tram in to Melbourne. The kids each brought with a book to read for the trip. The younger two were terribly sweet, sharing a book. My oldest really enjoyed the “Mind” gallery. So did my husband. He got to lie down to see what happens when you dream. The dinosaur exhibit is always a huge favourite. This is the view from upstairs. The pygmy blue whale is still really big! The forest gallery is beautiful, but with the open roof and the rain, we kept to the edges. Now and then the sun peeked through so we could venture in. The excitement was exhausting for my youngest. She fell asleep on the tram trip home. Posted by
Finely chop bunches of herbs and combine on a tray. Brush top of ocean trout fillet with mustard, then press ocean trout, mustard-side down, onto herbs to form a crust. Lay three layers of plastic wrap onto a work surface. Place ocean trout onto plastic wrap, herb-side down, then wrap tightly and refrigerate to infuse (6 hours-overnight). 02 For devilled eggs, cook eggs in boiling water until hard-boiled (8-10 minutes), cool under cold running water, then peel, halve lengthways and remove yolks using a teaspoon. Refrigerate eggwhites until required. Pass yolks through a fine sieve into a bowl. Add remaining ingredients and season to taste. The mix should be spicy. Transfer to a piping bag fitted with a 1cm-star nozzle, then pipe into eggwhite cavities and refrigerate until required. 03 For French dressing, combine vinegar, shallot and garlic in a bowl. Whisk in mustard, honey and lemon juice in a bowl until smooth, then gradually add olive oil in a slow stream. Thin with extra vinegar if mixture becomes too thick and season to taste. 04 Cook potato in boiling water until tender (3-5 minutes). Drain and set aside to cool. 05 Cut ocean trout widthways into 1cm-thick slices, remove plastic wrap and arrange three slices on each plate. Combine cucumber, extra dill and half the French dressing in a small bowl, season lightly to taste, then, using a fork, twist neatly into parcels and arrange on plates next to ocean trout. Top with a devilled egg, topped with a truffle slice. Combine asparagus, apple, lamb’s lettuce, potato and remaining dressing in a bowl, then arrange over ocean trout and serve immediately.
Mason Acoustics Limited offers acoustics products in the areas of architectural acoustics, construction noise as well as noise and vibration control to building industry. Our corporate mission is to provide solutions and delivering acoustic comfort to customers. Products @Mason Acoustics Latest News Desk Noise Barrier Generally, it is used a solution to tackle the noise generated by mechanical equipment, piping system and construction activities. Reinforced Vinyl Noise Barrier a flexible loaded vinyl noise barrier featuring an internal reinforcement to offer maximum tear strength and durability. Sound Absorption Sound absorption is some or all of the incident sound energy (noise) passes through a fibrous, porous, low density absorber such as acoustic foam that provides acoustic friction for the sound wave to convert to heat and kinetic energy, so that the noise is being dissipated and refection reduced. Sound Masking Noise causes problems in offices, hospital, schools and apartments. Sound masking system is one of measure to mask the intrusive noise and ensure speech privacy. Impact Noise Reduction Impact Noise problems are everywhere, it includes heel-toe walking noise, dropping of free weight fitness equipment. It happens when you are working in the office, having conference in meeting room, or enjoying movie at your home on holiday. Noise insulation treatment is to isolate screeds from main structure of the building to reduce impact noise. Damping & Vibration Damping is kind of acoustic material which can be in sheet form and applied to flooring or ceiling roof, to reduce the level of radiated noise. Having installation of rain impact damping sheet at roofing panel is a traditional solution, to tackle the noise generated by the rain.
Mill Road Social Centre News, activities, stories and pictures from Cambridge’s new social centre Home About Calendar The story so far Contact us! help/support/donate Gallery Videos (new!) Subscribe to feed help/support/donate How can you help? So far all support and time has been entirely voluntary, a few chairs tables and even a computer has been donated to the site, and small cash donations are being left to keep the free tea and coffee going, but there is so much more that can be done…. Anything that could be used, recycled or just isnt wanted is welcome, we are a resourceful lot and will be able to make a lot out of a little. And at the moment we are particularly looking out for a few fire extinguishers! but also….. Books CDs Board games Badminton/volleyball net (or similar) Furniture Paint Kitchen equipment Computer equipment Tools Kids toys Food Clothes And pretty much anything else will be MOST welcome, consider it a chance to get rid of your old junk, but without the guilt of creating more rubbish in the world. Just E-mail: Or call:07530 759 363 Paul and Borat say ‘THANKS’! Like this:Like Loading... Blogroll A bike ride to Kenya! Cambridge Action Network Indymedia Cambridge Jelly Royale MRSC Facebook group MRSC flickr group Romsey Town Rollerbillies 6 comments Comments feed for this article 25 May 2008 at 4:44 pm Jordan Thomas Hi there, Glad to see you’re doing something with the place! I’m currently restarting my old radio show which deals with independent bands and the underground scene in the UK and was wondering if you would be willing to do some kind of hook up? We’re London based but began in Swansea of all places and love what you’re up to. We noticed that you’re doing accoustic nights and we’d like to help promote them, or anything else you want to use us for. In other words, can we help? Drop me a line if you’re interested and we’ll talk! Jordan Reply 26 May 2008 at 9:20 am Rik Abel i for one would love to see a ping-pong table if anyone has a spare one cluttering up a shed… Reply 27 May 2008 at 11:36 am Mani Yeaaah ping pong table!! And a stupid ball for the foosball table so we can stop using that bouncy ball… x Reply 28 May 2008 at 12:27 am Simon Jilley I have a whole lot of stuff which was going to go to a charity shop at some point, but you can of course have anything you would like from it! Unfortunately though, I’m not in Cambridge much, and this is really quite a lot of stuff.. I’m pretty sure I have one or two table-football balls too 🙂 And a whole box of bouncy balls to aid in your table-football frustrations 😉 Get back to me sometime, and if any of you can get to the King’s Lynn area then that’d be really good for me! Hopefully the social centre will still be fully functional this time next year, I’d love to help out! Reply 29 May 2008 at 6:22 pm Shawn If there’s enough space do what so many groups are doing in Germany, start an ‘Umsonstladen’ or ‘Freeshop’. These are community accessible spaces set up for people to give good things away and other people come by and take what they need! Just pass it wider, freely! I’ve looked for a space here in Geneva to get one going, and continue searching. The location we are using for activities is a squat, squatted 10 years ago by people, including one from Manchester. We host language acquisition and mainetenence activities in a project called ‘Conversation Cafe’. We’re also starting a Muesli bank, initiated by someone from Cambridge, who turned me onto this ‘hometown action’. all the best Reply 29 May 2008 at 7:07 pm Vicky Hallo, I already left this on the Facebook page but as I’m passing through I’ll say it again..have a look on Freecycle.org. Cambridge has a really good established group and it’s purpose is to get rid of unwanted things without creating landfill – exactly as mentioned above.
Dreadful weather again today but that's of no interest to the Maybugs. If a bug's gotta fly it's gotta fly and so they did. Right on cue one flew into the house on the stroke of midnight (well, almost) and proceeded to attempt suicide on the light. Once it was inevitably stunned, and they are so noisy and scary when they fly, I was able to catch it and take it outside again. That didn't stop it trying some more.*
Patch Work was formed in 2012. This brand provides stylish dresses for all women who want to look graceful or make a fashion statement. Recently, Patch Work Spring Summer Collection 2013 For Women has unveiled. Patch Work Spring Summer Collection 2013, included in this casual wear dresses are tights with long shirts. Many of the shirts have been embroidered but a few nice printed designs. You can wear these dresses on friends get together, as casual wear etc. Have a glimpse at these stunning dresses.
Postby SkypeTeach » Mon Sep 30, 2013 11:29 am I haven't seen this expression before. Perhaps you mean "perish the notion" or more commonly "perish the thought". This means something is such a negative idea that you should not even think about it.- What if I lose my job?- Perish the notion that that should happen!