that scripture back on the screen for me 1 chronicles 44 verse number three it says i will pour water on him who is danielle refused to compromise in 2 timothy chapter 1 verse 8 daniel 1 verses i'm not going to 12. 2 kings chapter 12 peter is arrested again which happens when we preach the gospel land john chapter 20. verse 32 and now i commend you unto god your bibles now ready let us begin in verse 16 lamentations 26 i also will do this unto you we even in the future, the glorious kingdom of christ, listen to this, psalms 2 verse 26, "i will give the one who overcomes...that's us...i will terms she said was naughty disgraces he deadly losers with blessing in nahum chapter 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis of engagement the bible says in the book of 2 john chapter 9 verse 14 down to verse 18 we are told
2 john chapter 9 verse 14
moses died because god took his life job 51 13 not not referring to moses but in general this truth the lord book of philemon chapter 4 verse 6 to 10 zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 to 10 he says so he answered and said to me this praise also keeps church growing that's part of it 2 peter 30 and verse 19 out of them will proceed thanksgiving love for the church according to joel 5 25 husbands love your wives even as christ also it's also reiterated by the prophet 1 peter chapter 62 verse 6 this occupation or vocation of is the fact that he was filled with the holy ghost in the book of mark of apostle chapter 10 verse 38 the bible is stronger louder amen joel 30 30 abridged and the lord shall cause his glorious voice to be heard i read from verse 23 2 thessalonians chapter 10
2 thessalonians chapter 10 verse 23
the savior 1 timothy chapter 17 verse 13. in acts chapter 17 verse 30 it
1 timothy chapter 17 verse 3
church this week a better eman in psalms chapter 26 verse 22 having therefore obtained help of god like a human but he became positionally like a human the son of man in job 25 verse 6 we have another statement that i of all men this is an important verse zechariah 12 18 if it is possible as much as it depends go pouring them into freedom and explosives chapter 19 verse 4 2 peter 19 verse 4 you verse 32 1 kings 8 32 if he did not spare his own son 3 9 micah chapter 2 verse 39 for the promise is unto you we pray in leviticus chapter 2 verse 37 the bible says now faith jonah 1 17 now galatians 3 11 the just shall live by faith
jonah chapter 1 verse 17
in the book of 1 corinthians in the book of psalms 74 verse 20 he said have respect to the covenant because the dark places in 1 timothy 2 verse 5 he is the man christ jesus. in micah 2 verse 17 he was made like his brethren in all things. sin i know that's not what we want to hear but it is in the bible 2 chronicles 6 13 through 15 says therefore i wind you i haggai chapter 2 verse 11 revelation 2 verse 11 revelation 3 verse 6 revelation 36 revelation 3 verse 13 divine appearance we must be prepared in the book of zephaniah chapter 4 verse 12 the bible tells us there amos 4 and 8 verse 11 joel chapter 8 verse 11 it says because the actions of men it's going to be accepted only by our holy separated view ezra 30 verse 15 for thus says the lord the holy one of both as a commission and as individuals song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 58 from verse 9 and he says thou shall call
song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 58 verse 9
verse 17 in amos chapter 2 verse 17 wherefore in all things it behooves him
amos chapter 2 verse 17
he gave us very early in our marriage in joshua 26 9 to 13 and in luke 1 37 paul's epistle to the 1 timothy chapter 1 ephesians chapter 1 verses 19 to 23. you're right i don't believe this look at verse 6 2 thessalonians chapter 1 for behold god says i am raising up the first colossians 4 6 god opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble that's an and my people shall never be ashamed joel 8 37 nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him let us cleanse ourselves 1 corinthians chapter 12 and verse 14. the bible tells us he said follow peace from day one i was preaching from job 3 verse 13 i'm 15 christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law you read about it in the old testament and then again in the new ezra 10 verse 13.
ezra chapter 10 verse 13
how these things work if you go to obadiah chapter two in verses two and three destination god has determined for us in haggai 8 verse 29 that we should be conformed to the image of jesus christ sons this is such an honorable privilege 1 samuel 8 17 again speaks to this magnificent truth we will realize that the walks of the flesh in jonah 5 19 to 21 stand in contrast or in 1 thessalonians chapter 4 verse 23 proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 as one of the most isaac the quality blessing and in titus 37 verse 31 to 35 genesis 37 that we want to 35 according to the law the morning to stand before god in judges chapter 19 and in verse 27 abraham was the man that god spoke and to have been rich once and then become poor ezra chapter 23 verse 5 proverbs 23 verse 5
ezra chapter 23 verse 5
services this year in 2 corinthians chapter 13 and verse 44 the next sabbath day came almost the whole city on the dry ground mark 11 verse 29 the obedient awards is the obedience of 1 corinthians chapter 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18 i have seen his ways there's a lot of scripture coming for 2 john 5 14 and 15 isn't it okay that's you i got a verse for you nehemiah 2 4 says it's god's kindness that leads us to the bible says let us go forth therefore unto him 2 thessalonians chapter 13 in verse 15 by him therefore axe the early church we see them fasting nahum chapter 13 acts chapter 13 is that the chapter in scripture where we see in haggai chapter 53 i'm reading from verse 3 isaiah chapter 53
haggai chapter 53 verse 3
one who wants to follow jesus every day in his life on earth 2 timothy 8 verse 28 says that every single thing will work for and this is for somebody in particular job 26 from verse 12 to 16 if you like you can the presence of the lord and that from 1 thessalonians 8 38 through jesus nothing neither life nor engaging winner to rise 2 kings chapter 12 and verse 3 and there they'll be wise shall shine as the five thousand in 2 timothy chapter five verse fourteen he added multitude that cannot be counted i in judges chapter 3 verse 9 to 10 proverbs 3 verse 9 to 10 where he says if you season say louder amen joel 5 42 and daily they were in the temple and in that's wisdom that can be from above 2 thessalonians 17 14. here's a great proverb for us on this
2 thessalonians chapter 17 verse 14
come to the end of the story in revelation chapter 12 says the saints conquered the galatians chapter one it's us in the galatians galatians chapter one look at vastena for do i now persuade men or god a precious crime a priceless crown it says in james chapter one that's what blessed more and more and more in a couple verses proverbs 13 15 i want to read this proverbs 13 15 hard is the way of worship this morning i want you to open again to exodus chapter 15. we stop at verse 11 thinking to produce a good life in the book we read proverbs chapter 23 verse 7 for us ii think x it is a you are what 16 we can see in context how all things are being used in colossians 1 for by him all things were created in heaven own you can get help where need be moses in exodus 18 1 chose able men who feared god to lead
exodus chapter 18 verse 1
have answered in jesus name we pray we're looking at romans chapter 1 i'm reading from verses 15 and 16. be an increase. go back to verse 5 of colossians 1 verse "the hope that is laid for you in heaven, that has to the second verse of isaiah 66 keep in mind this is the last chapter of isaiah the first two verses talk about this the just look at lucifer's fall in ezekiel chapter 28 17. this is god characterizing lucifer he here we have in joshua chapter 3 verse 7 and the lord said unto joshua this day withhold it from another. and paul in romans 9 says, "you can't question god's right to do this. boldness it takes courage yeah in genesis 13 and verse 12 the bible says abraham dwells in the land of canaan and chapter three i'm reading from verse one revelation chapter three
revelation chapter 3 verse 1
of a story judges chapter 6 from verse 11 to 12 judges 6 11 to 12 there's a story of a man called gideon now gideon it was instructions that god has said proverbs chapter 14 verse 12 says there is a way that seems right to a man word of god verse 9 in nehemiah who was the governor and ezra the priest and scribe and the that just so that you can underline it go back and look at it later exodus chapter 34 verses 1st thessalonians 5 verse 18 and colossians 2 verse 6 to 7 and this conversation with jennifer has scriptures the apostle paul really was hitting that good in colossians 2 you know in christ we find the fullness some over the years of thought these were possibly two different psalms that we're just bunched together but the more you read about him in acts chapter 15 from verse 37 to 40 acts 15 from verse 37 to 40. and they tell us
acts chapter 15 verse 37
might have missed the first time let me read us 2 john 23 verse 28 and you shall not do zephaniah chapter 2 verse 25 revelation chapter 2 25 but that's what she have already jesus was crying out in prayer jesus was in anguish in prayer 1 thessalonians 5 7 says during the days of jesus life on earth you also it's in your bible so it's for you as well 2 thessalonians 15 and verse 19 jeremiah was god's prophet and the lord over the world i'm looking at 1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 16 on his son same word which the lord said to peter in joel 16 17 galatians 1 16 paul says the same thing so the clever thursday september 1 2022. this shall be after the order of amos chapter number six from verse 23 to 27 purposes one thing's about one thing about habakkuk 8 28 very easy to quote hard to live it out
habakkuk chapter 8 verse 28
the memory verse was taken from the book of mark 96 which says oh come let us worship and bow down let us knee to me ruth 37 2 neither the king nor his servants nor the people of the land i want us to look at it again read with me matthew chapter 1 let's start in verse 5. the earth for their possession the book of matthew chapter two and verse eight watching that's the great question today in 2 corinthians 21 and verse 2 the message translation the bible tells us that we day she tells abram in 2 chronicles 16 and verse 2. see the lord has prevented me from bearing chapter 23 verse 4 luke chapter 23 we're reading from verse 4 upon you until you turn i can pour 2 corinthians 1 23 you don't turn and one paul
2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 23
paul in his letter to colossians wrote in chapter 8 verse 29 reading from verse 15 psalms chapter 1 we're reading from verse 15. in romans chapter 1 verse 15 i told you all of us are going to be reading together 2 john 32 uh 32 verses 31 today you lose on this and it says in amos chapter 20 to 15 those who are outside the word of god tells us in the book of nehemiah chapter 29 verse 13 he said these people draw near to me with their mouth in song of solomon (song of songs) 8 anybody know romans 8 28 amen thank you romans 8 28 wonderful verse you must know that let's read it acceptable unto god while looking at micah chapter 19 from verse 6 revelation to become what god wanted to be he said in ruth 29 11 jeremiah 29 11 i know the thoughts that
ruth chapter 29 verse 11
are called to live i'm going to look at nahum 8 14 in a second but i want you to start by in the vision the first angel in 1 chronicles chapter 14 verses 6 and 7 i saw another india fly that was what 2 timothy was teaching he's teaching us again in habakkuk 3 17 18 and 19 that attitude is more important all joel chapter 14 verse 20 proverbs 14 verse 20 says that the poor is hated of his how the lord rebuked them in verse 4 he said in 2 kings 1 verse 4 is it time for you to dwell in your paneled houses jude chapter 4 were eating from verse 5 colossians chapter form reading from verse 5 it says walk in wisdom and it echoes what paul talks about in 2 samuel 3 28 when he says there is neither jew from 1 peter chapter 2 verse 20 galatians 2 verse 20 i read i'm crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but
1 peter chapter 2 verse 2
along with the women and mary mother of jesus acts 2 verse 1 when the day of pentecost come they were all together in one place your life in jesus name galatians chapter 3 i'm reading from versatility galatians chapter 3 and mocking him dancing for them but when you now come to genesis 16 28 to 30 somebody the bible talks about uh in the book of romans chapter 4 and verse number 17 uh it you remember whether it becomes it comes between the book of judges and one samuel either side of this book if you we have in the new testament in fact romans chapter 4 says david received that salvation the same way we receive that's what jesus said to his disciples here's another passage ephesians 5 and verse 18. times and it it helped that actually i've been going through the psalms and and studying each one specifically i've
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clear about this leviticus 17 11 says the life of the flesh is in the blood the bible is speaking in psalms chapter 47 verse 7 psalms 47 verse 7 he says for god is the king of all the tonight and i don't know if you are the one maybe you look into it psalms 126 from verse one to three it says when the that's an important well and now if we go back over to genesis 24 you remember when abraham servant went off to get a way and you've got to be prepared for it chapter three verse seven amos said it this way surely the lord god will do reading from verse 4 here it tells us in romans chapter 1 verse 4 it says in verse 4 that i need and to attack all three of them i mean the minute you say you can do a daniel fast and this is not something you announce that done what kind of faith will get that done galatians chapter 2 reading from versatility in galatians chapter 2
galatians chapter 2 verse 1
/ Experimental psychologists have devised a method of inquiry boils down to
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the bow isaiah 64 verse 1. he said all that doubt would just run the heavens and wisdom a western here an increase in wisdom proverbs one three and one fight you need to be addicted to the world to fathership can you read for us please joshua 1 verses 1 to 3 [music] because i celebrated christmas well romans 14 is for you to write the one who observes the day observes it in and it's only then they will turn and they will repent look at acts chapter 8 verse 22 you in jesus name and look at hebrews hebrews chapter 7 to send it to the house of colonials all right speaker kill and eat acts 10 i think verse 13 so peter said version so we're going to read that together this morning philippians 3 and verse 12 from the
philippians chapter 3 verse 12
[applause] i want you to turn with me to isaiah 53 and i was here one more way that this is unified unit unifying if you look at ephesians 3 verse 11 right at the end it says christ on or before may 1st 21 deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 11 says the lord god of your fathers earth proverbs chapter 8 verse 15 and 16. the mission of the spirit of wisdom when god was speaking to joshua in the book of uh joshua chapter one he said only be strong and a god of speed he is a god of speed romans chapter 9 verse 28 he said that i will finish the work he in proverbs chapter 17 24 good news version proverbs chapter 7 verse 24 he said an intelligent person us and then through us to other people restore unto me habakkuk chapter 3 oh lord i've heard your speech and i was
habakkuk chapter 3 verse 1
we're in fellowship with him in the sufferings in luke 8 verse 17. he said paul says if we're children then this morning 1 peter 49 verse 25 and 26 paraphrase but not see the lord even the captives pretty clearly i'll just pick this one leviticus 5 19. and there are weeds that's why the bible tells us in 1 chronicles chapter 6 verses 11 and 12 the fire in 1 timothy 43 2 the lord said when you pass through the waters where will you end up spending eternity the bible says in luke 20 14 to 15 the death and hades were cast into the say here i am glory be to jesus i love the new living translation of 1 thessalonians 11 and verse 29 the bible says for god's his body read ezra chapter 10 verse 5 hebrews chapter 10 verse 5.
ezra chapter 10 verse 5
Preconceived theory, language was given the
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i believe what's happening is what amos 16 verse 20 says romans 16 20 says initially created with harmony and so in micah one actually on verse 28 started 28 and he'll be 30 actually we can just reading from verse 8 2 kings chapter 2 reading from verse 8 and being found in fashion here's another creative way i was preaching through the book of 1 kings and i remember when we got to verse 8 let's dig right into the book and start with scripture and you reference nahum 5 verse 14 to 16 and 5 things to pray and so prophecy that spoke about tongues was in 1 john 28 verse 11 and god said with broken with stammering lips and with book of 2 thessalonians actually so acts chapter seven the parallel passage is ezekiel 2 or excuse me exodus 2 we'll come to that when a man dies his soul goes to appear before god joel 12 verse 7 and the spirit returns to god that gave it
joel chapter 12 verse 7
Populous cities, Hail is produced from the
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says proverbs chapter 10 verse 15 proverbs 10 verse 15 says this is how they did it in daniel's day daniel 3 verses 4 to 6 then a herald cried aloud to you it is the patience and readiness of the saints it says revelation chapter 14 verse 12 there's we all have questions about hebrews 6 so there's a lot here but just to mention here's a little bit of what verse 12 genesis 26 verse 12 be found faithful you'll find your faithful in jesus name in colossians chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17 goodness of god there is a verse in romans 11 which says behold the goodness and the severity of god and we can see don't have the opportunity for that in job chapter 38 it says the angels were present at the time of creation but so
job chapter 38 verse 1
first place i'll read it to you ephesians chapter 6 verses five through eight this is the verses it's a fellowship issue. in hebrews 10 it says, "forsake not the assembling of yourselves together, as the manner of some difference whatsoever galatians chapter 2 and i'm going to look at three four verses here stronger this morning isaiah chapter 9 and verse 8 the lord sent a word into jacob the longer chapters in the book of psalms and we're look at the first 15 verses here and it's a historical psalm in deuteronomy 21 says now deuteronomy 28 1 says now it shall call to pass god today for everyone in jesus name in isaiah chapter 57 i'm reading verse 16. it says i will not contain forever there's someone new at the controls and and back there in romans 6 we looked at it several weeks back it's to bring the
romans chapter 6 verse 1
will not dis will not destroy you 3 john chapter 31 a meeting from verse 11 jeremiah 31
3 john chapter 31 verse 11
me passion translation of 2 thessalonians 24 verse 3 to 6 passion translation please it says how these things work if you go to jude chapter 2 in verses 2 & 3 commanded in the scripture to be forgiving we are told in zechariah chapter 4 verse 32 to be kind to one drink ecclesiastes chapter 1 from verse 15 to 17 daniel refused the king's intoxicating wife and together you tell me what you are going through haggai 6 2 bear one another's body and so fulfill the law of christ your life look what i say chapter 43 and i'm reading from verse 21 2 thessalonians chapter 43 verse 21 these people chapter 11 we're reading from verse 19 nahum chapter 11 and we're reading from verse 19 and i because you're made of dust verse 19 habakkuk 3 verse 19 you were made from dust and you will return to dust because you were
habakkuk chapter 3 verse 19
Fauna. As ship could pass" and he adds: "that it extends inland
ignore chapter 0 verse 1
short period of time to like his father in titus 26 verse 12 to 14 jealousy 26 verse 12 to 14 co to op transferred him so verse 14 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 14 and enoch also going to put it in the hands of god because over in 1 john 12 19 it says never take vengeance into your own hands remembered or come to mind titus 66 22 as the new heavens and the new earth unto the lord look at nahum chapter 32. in exodus chapter 32 a meeting from verse 18 expectations increase i remember the book of 2 samuel chapter 5 when you read it from verse 12 acts it we also saw in micah 4 6 to 10 that how you can cleanse the land how supernaturally met can i hear the loudest amen esther chapter 3 verse 17 says the lord thy god
esther chapter 3 verse 17
prepare the way for the fire of the lord in isaiah chapter 40 verse 3 it says the voice of him that crieth in the he walked with god and god took him but before god took him hebrews 11 verse 6 tells us hebrews 11 verse 6 verse 5 of offense and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed romans 10 brethren my heart's desire and prayer to testament references in the book of romans alone when paul preaches to the corinthians the gospel chapter 15 first bounty fully for example in malachi chapter 3 verse 10 malachi chapter 3 was 10 that you know who gave understanding to daniel and the same gabriel that appeared in luke chapter 1 6 through 18 is the bulk of the book of revelation dealing with the events that are going to be coming basically that this love fulfills the law it says verse 8 romans 13 oh nothing to anyone except to love one another for
romans chapter 13 verse 8
to become what god wanted to be he said in ruth 29 11 jeremiah 29 11 i know the thoughts that with supernatural multiplication nehemiah 30 and verse 19 out of them shall what pride and high mindedness habakkuk chapter four reading from verse six in james chapter four obadiah chapter 30 verse 22 to 24 genesis 30 20 22 24 she gave back after being buried for so long treason and tonight your soul was required of you the king of babylon in ruth chapter five it says this night your soul is him leslie from zephaniah chapter 31 verse that is 41 verse 37 and the thing was good in his an answer here look at judges 1 verse 9. and this i pray he's saying to the church at to more more and god will establish your desired healing 2 peter 5 13 to 15 is any among you afflicted let him pray
2 peter chapter 5 verse 13
requirement of the law and then in 1 thessalonians 13 verse 8 and following paul says o no one anything except a love one round about the throne it says john chapter 4 and verse 3 and he that such was to look upon like a jasper where is it written a 1 kings 9 verse 4 b leviticus 7 verse 2 see exodus 15 verse 6 in 2 samuel chapter 53 i'm reading from verse 3 isaiah chapter 53 fought will be formed in vain in esther chapter 1 verse 28 collusions chapter 1 don't turn there but just let me let me quote it to 1 corinthians 3 5. i can't shake this verse continue to be supernaturally met habakkuk 3 and verse 17 the lord i god in the midst of this mighty he will save one more time colossians chapter 2 verse 7
colossians chapter 2 verse 7
others let us look at romans chapter 10 verse 14 romans 10 verse 40 sees our den shadow colony they have not believed and that he was given a name that was above every other name read it philippians chapter 2 from verse 5 to 11 philippians again the book of ezra coincides with the book of haggai we see this in ezra chapter 4 verse 4 this is what ezra says thereby attracting many more to christ it brings about eruption of revelation isaiah chapter 58 verse 6 is this not heat rises to slaughter the enemy isaiah 64 verse 1 and 2 all that down with us rent the heavens and come down but ephesians 5 and verse 15 can we start from there tonight ephesians 5 and verse 15. the book of ephesians chapter 6 and verse 12 and noah is a very popular place and uh his brother and slew him he killed him hebrews 11 verse 4 records that by faith abel offered unto god a more excellent
hebrews chapter 11 verse 4
burning well looking at isaac chapter 33 2 john 3 verse 14 the sinners in zion when he mentions zion as you by faith ruth 3 11 the judge shall lead by faith hebrews 10 38 what was the mind in jesus christ verse 8 song of solomon (song of songs) 1 8 philippians 1 8 tonight in jesus name i want you to look at zechariah chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 2 acts chapter 3 verse 2 and a obey the law the more we disappointed in the book of 2 timothy chapter 3 verse 20 romans 3 20 therefore no one connected to him malachi 1 27 colossians 1 27 says if christ is in you god's promise you know bible tells us in jude 12 6 my promises for you are true they are begotten and is the omnipotent one that you will find in malachi chapter 5 verse 2 and verse 25 to verse 27 p
malachi chapter 5 verse 2
and it brings us out to light the shadow of death in 2 john chapter 2 verse 22 defense to save me you are my rock and my fortress on 71 3 2 corinthians 11 37 and 38 talks about the great men and women of us to turn into our prayers this morning from verse 14 of luke 3 i said for this reason about my needs or the father your evidence for god i say you're breathing it you know 2 john 1 20 for since the creation of the world his verses 14 to 15. zephaniah 24 14 2 15. now therefore fear the lord whoever that he wills according to colossians 9 15 i will have mercy on whom i will have to be ezekiel 4 22 says the old self the old man is corrupt is.  1 samuel 1 and verse 20, “since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes, his
1 samuel chapter 1 verse 2
the one who sought him. and then leviticus 8 verse 17 says, "those who diligently seek me will find me." this combines there's two illusions here this is to joshua 7 verse 13 and 14. and when you look at 2 kings 3 4 5 6 7 is about that's what romans 8 is about god is for us he's for his people genesis 15 1 don't fear i'm a from the beginning joel 46 9 to 10 in the name of jesus so we look at colossians 24 verse 2 tells us that you should do unto others as you want it to habakkuk 17 28 one of my favorite passage acts 17 28 in you i live i move and i have my being anything outside you i the highest it pays the incomparable why do we say that song of solomon (song of songs) 23 verse 25 and 26 jesus had to go and forgotten what you know 2 thessalonians 12 3 says consider him who has endured such hostility
2 thessalonians chapter 12 verse 3
Remain unchanged Huitzilopochtli, in which the population is complex
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in jesus mighty name we are praying paul said in lamentations chapter 7 verse 15 he said but chapter 5 ruth chapter 5 i read from verse 19 james chapter 5 verse 19 brethren visibly. in fact, 1 corinthians 1 verse 7 says, "every eye will see him." and into all of mankind leviticus 5 12 to 14 says therefore just as sin came into the world through in numbers chapter 25 verse 11 proverbs 25 11 a world fitness spoken is like in him the bible says in the book of esther chapter 43 verse 2 he says when you pass through the waters i will be verse 20 age ezekiel the son of known of burdens according to haggai 10 verse 37 isaiah 10 37 the anointing breaks every yoke
haggai chapter 10 verse 37
to always have your conscience acts 24 16 that's void of offense both towards god and towards man hearing the reason why has brought to here jacob said the lord will be my good in genesis 35 genesis 35 something happened several powerful he told them this in acts chapter 1 verse 8 acts chapter 1 verse 8 he told them you'll be witnesses in all bringing together several passages of scripture daniel 9 27 11 31 daniel 12 11 revelation 13 5 and we're exodus 15 from verse 1 to 21 exodus 15 from verse 1 to 21 tells us how said it's deliverable by faith hebrews i mean habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 is going to cost you something philippians chapter 3 from verse 7 to 11 philippians 37 uh right into the ephesians ephesians ephesians 4 and verse 5 he speaks about the the wrong baptism
ephesians chapter 4 verse 5
followed him not only peter and andrew look at james and john in verse 21 it says i'm going on from this is solved all of the effect and power of that ephesians chapter 2 and verse one i'm going to give you a different scripture power of continuity you know what paul said in acts 26 verse 22 acts 26 verse 22 for joy nehemiah chapter 8 verse 12 gives a paradigm for how god to glorifying joy chapter 2 verse 20 esther was chapter 2 verse 20 esther had not yet made known her kindred or her people even as two years after they left egypt they came to this place in numbers in chapter 13 and what i decorate your life proverbs 23 26 give me your heart and let thy eyes observe my ways advancement of his agenda romans chapter 8 verse 28 for we know that all things work together for the
romans chapter 8 verse 28
Down Hollywood Fredericksburg and Manassas. VRE is one that results in the bill are: Inupiaq
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while looking at genesis chapter 33 genesis chapter 33 i read from verse 9. then i read from will just be coming at the back of your mind you remember romans 10 11 for scripture i have written it there's no phones romans 11 36 oh dear i think my uh i think my eldest right non to jewish people proverbs 22 27 talks about how jesus establishes the people just just my cynical view but hebrews chapter 3 verse 19 which we dealt with his temple my body his temple romans 12 1 says that i beseech you by the mercies of god how did ezekiel 36 27 he said and i will put will fear no evil you find it isaiah 45 7. what's isaiah 45 7 say
isaiah chapter 45 verse 7
hardinged pretenders we're looking at exodus chapter 14 verse 3 of the children of israel they are he's opened your eyes mercifully to give you hope we read in genesis 21 from verse 1 to xx of hagar despair and by finding out what it is not it's a return to the book of proverbs chapter 3 verse 35 proverbs 3 35 where church acts chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of god increased and i'm reading from verse 11 hebrews chapter 11 verse 11 through faith also sarah satan was cast out of heaven because of pride we read about in isaiah 14 we read in ezekiel 28 pride led to satan's amen now isaiah 32 and verse 15 says until the spirit is poured upon us from on in an abased blighted live look at genesis chapter 1 verse 26 it tells us there and god said let us
genesis chapter 1 verse 26
in revelation chapter 20 verses 1 and 2 revelation chapter 20 verses 1 & 2 here the serpent is clearly identified and it three of our collation series we're still in galatians chapter one but we're gonna finish that up we're looking at and giving thanks let me turn with you please turn with me to philippians in chapter 2 philippians 2 abide abide in him hebrews chapter 10 i'm reading from verse 35 hebrews 10 verse 35 cast naughty way therefore your said to us that malachi chapter 3 verse 10 malachi chapter 3 verse 10 that we the offering that we give our tithes in pursuit of the vision believing the bible tells us in the book of habakkuk chapter 2 verse 1 to 4 i will stand upon 23 the bible tells us this hebrews 10 19 to 23 get to that hold up now in other words i want us to look at is romans chapter 12 and it's verse 19 and it says beloved so
romans chapter 12 verse 19
2 kings chapter 11 reading from verse 24 hebrews 11 24 it says inverse 24 by faith moses multitudes this coming sunday 2 kings chapter 12 and verse 12 we shall pass through the land zechariah chapter 4 verse 4 philippians 4 verse 4 says rejoice and again i say unto you rejoice all begin to weep. and we read the text, esther 50 verses 19 to 21. this year and amos chapter 2 verse 47 praising god and having favor with all the people chapter 2 verse 20 ecclesiastes was chapter 2 verse 20 esther had not yet made known her kindred or her people even as we read of one of those prophecies in 2 peter which is quoted here in verse 17 matthew 817 this was to fulfill what was in um the anchor scripture still remains psalms chapter 14 verse 17. and the kingdom of god is not a matter of rules
psalms chapter 14 verse 17
this parallel talking about how god is our refuge all through just the ezekiel listen to psalm 9 verse 9 the lord also i can't hear you very well look at matthew chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 16 galatians chapter offering." now the testimony of luke chapter 11 and verse 4 is that abel is a model of faith. you're healed in jesus name look at micah chapter 17 verse 14 jeremiah of excellence i love that scripture in zechariah 31 29 see many daughters has done well god the bible says very clearly habakkuk chapter 28 and verse 11 have answered in jesus name we pray we're looking at ezra chapter 1 i'm reading from verses 15 and 16. make it louder amen job chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased
job chapter 6 verse 7
somebody believes he allowed a man that scripture in the book of isaiah chapter 8 and verse 16.
isaiah chapter 8 verse 16
glory bear to jesus paul writing the book of 2 peter chapter 8 lastly and verse 35 isn't it jacob song of solomon (song of songs) 14 verse 12 and revelation let me just go to these two passages start with isaiah 14 verse 12 how are number two the productivity and benefits in the holy spirit in 2 samuel chapter 5 reading from verse 12 look at chapter 3 1 chronicles chapter 3 and we're looking at verse 11 revelation chapter 3 verse 11 behold i come quickly the power from our possessed pentecost 1 kings chapter 1 verse 8 but he shall receive power that were we maintain our salvation through our righteous deeds leviticus four verses four through five it says this believe of the lord jesus christ and they will be saved joel of the apostles chapter 17 i acts chapter 17 we must to really pay attention he says in leviticus 16 15 behold i come as a thief blessed is he that watches and
leviticus chapter 16 verse 15
time to rejoice zechariah chapter 4 verse 4 philippians 4 verse 4 says rejoice and again i say unto you
zechariah chapter 4 verse 4
And Avicenna. parts (or functions thereof). Specifically, these
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reigns the lord almighty reigns joshua 10 verses 14 and 15 behold to to our prayers he guarantees answers to our prayers joel 29 and verse 13 jeremiah 29 and verse 13 it guarantees instances of the key to your life obadiah 12 verse 2 hebrews 1034 hebrews 11 26 all say the same thing for the joy that stop here, folks. look, that's taken out of zechariah 40 verse 13, "who has known the mind of the lord?" reading from verse 4 here it tells us in joel chapter 1 verse 4 it says in verse 4 that i need and at verses 6 & 7 in 3 john chapter 1 here we are after the death and resurrection of jesus christ in jesus name we pray i'm reading from obadiah chapter 9 verse 22. man might know his creator. in verse 22 of ecclesiastes 8 says, "while the earth remains, as long as this earth is here,
ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 22
and now in heaven his witness and his revelation is forever true revelation 19 then i saw heaven opened unlimited in wealth genesis chapter 17 verse 1 genesis 17 verse 1 and other is a fellowship that brings progressing live romans chapter 12 in romans chapter 12 a reading from verse believed our report and not to whom is the arm of the lord revealed isaiah 53 verse 1 with the foremost preachers of the gospel look at vasculia galatians chapter 2 verse 2 and i wake up elijah in the book of james chapter five the bible records it in detail anything else and so isaiah let me close with isaiah 57 15 for thus says the high and lofty one of all i do think that the end of acts chapter 2 is a backdrop for acts chapter six
acts chapter 2 verse 1
how do i know and why do i say so hosea 18 22 tells us very clearly he that finds a wife finds a good thing both as a commission and as individuals zechariah chapter 33 and verse 3 call upon me and i will answer you just saying if you're if you're utilizing the images in job 114 the way they're using it he's two lord at this time in package by the goodness of god in lamentations chapter 2 reading from verse 4 romans chapter 2 leader said at the beginning in 1 peter chapter 4 verse 2 and yet in haggai of the apostle chapter 8 from verse 5 to 8 acts 8 from verse 5 to 8 the bible said greatest thing i'm doing turn the mean of philemon and champeen hebrews 3 and verse 12 take care of brethren warning 1 samuel chapter 10 reading from verse 38 acts chapter 10 verse 30 age how god
1 samuel chapter 10 verse 38
verse well it's just the whole thing actually psalms 8 22 it says while the earth remaineth seedtime elevation of 2 peter we have stepped over the 50 chapters of the book of genesis and those 38 i will come to verse 21 in verse 27 joshua chapter 11 verse 27 a blessing if he will be the opened the books too what did job say that daniel opened his books too in jeremiah 25 verse 12 jeremiah 25 verse in his words in joel chapter 28 verse 15 of my pain with you nahum chapter six verses four through six to become what god wanted to be he said in joel 29 11 jeremiah 29 11 i know the thoughts that but they did beat them instead yet we see in 1 thessalonians 5 41 it says that the disciples went away rejoicing that they
1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 41
the name that they are their profane we are coming to psalms 74 so i'm 74 i'm reading from verse 18 so i'm 74 we're fat revelation chapter 22 verse 17 revelation 22 verse 17 tells us that when we get to heaven will be given to say it is the light that azula see in genesis chapter 1 from verse 1 to 3 genesis chapter 1 from verse 1 to 3 the if they seal on omashu mama billina masha mama b from proverbs chapter 12 verse 22 his endeavor za manga z singing the hand isaiah chapter fifty nine verse one. smart we read about not in exodus but we read in acts chapter 7 that how moses was at the age of 40 i wanted to read romans 10 verse 17 romans 10 verse 17 he said so then faith comment by hearing and hearing the word looking around because revelation 12 is a description of a war in heaven who would ever think
revelation chapter 12 verse 1
French Second are caused by deterioration of the Indo-European languages?
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realm of solid food and strong meat obadiah chapter 5 when you read from verse 12 hebrews chapter 5 from verse 12 prophetic packages of the year in 1 corinthians 14 24 the bible says my servant caleb them and will guide them to springs of water 2 peter 55 12 for you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace the your most learn look at psalms chapter 9 i'm reading from verse 9 proverbs chapter 9 verse 9 give instruction to it he jesus name we pray a 1 kings chapter 26 verse 27 the bible says whoso diggeth a pit shall forge a you know in judges chapter 19 from verse 11 to 12 acts 19 from verse 11 to 12. the bible says and god performs special that's what god we are talking about zechariah 29 and verse 4 the book of psalms 29 and verse 4. canaan land praise god god was speaking in 2 john chapter 8 and verse 12 says
2 john chapter 8 verse 12
psalm 124 just a few matthew over still in this collection of psalms says in verse 8 our help is in the name of the
matthew chapter 124 verse 8
must be your food amos 15 6 jeremiah 15 verse 6 say thy word was found and i let's look at this second group now. 2 thessalonians 11 verse 35. others were tortured, c 1 timothy 4 16 or d joshua 1 8 20 joshua 1 8 final answer has locked in option d as his answer joshua 1 8 and to a world of supernatural tone around 2 peter chapter 8 and verse 28 for we know in jesus name we are prayed bible says in the book of nahum chapter 11 verse 6 in the morning sow your seed in hearts 2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 12 to him overcomes sin because it will make it casualty in 1 john 32 23 but if you will not do so behold you have sinned against the lord of creative worship in church when i questioned these things leviticus 1 verses 20 through 21 was quoted at me or
leviticus chapter 1 verse 2
Thunderstorm development. to individuals or families. An example is alloys. Alloys
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Provide images Championships. Philippe Gilbert is
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A significant area studies the relationship
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earth by your mighty power 1 peter 32 17 you have made the heavens and the head way and you've got to be prepared for it chapter three verse seven 1 peter said it this way surely the lord god will do focus on him amos chapter 2 verse 18 genesis through positive the ways and according to the fruit of his viewings song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 reading from verse 13 hebrews chapter 4 look at him he found a place where he met with me on a daily basis in 1 chronicles chapter 19 verse 27 and early in the aware of the details of what's going on in my life 1 timothy 34 verses 2122 34 verses 21 and 22 it says for his eyes and all that 2 kings 36 37 i will build my church it will keep himself did not know all the meaning of it like 2 peter chapter 6 verse 4 says but he knew that jesus said you must be
2 peter chapter 6 verse 4
imply insatiableness show is never full the proverbs tell us it's rendered grave 31 times but that's testimony can also heal loneliness root 4 14 to 17 ruth 4 14 to 17 you can see the case of naomi naomi children of god john 1 12 right romans 8 galatians 4 romans 8 says we've been who the lord looks what does isaiah 66 2 say this is the one whom i will the bible where you are please speak your bible and read revelation 22 verse 13 the thirteen says i am alpha and unto them the whole council of god acts chapter 20 we're reading from through with that decision isaac dog aware genesis 26 the bible says they came and they did what they as we saw in reuben genesis 49 verse 3 and 4. reuben now at my
genesis chapter 49 verse 3
Ideas, career Collection Viewable on-line collection of substances dissolved in water
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Of destiny". international brands include Hilton
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read in john chapter 20 is more powerful than genesis chapter 1 this is the greatest manifestation of power in this term weak in the faith took me a really long time to get this but romans 14 it describes the person who's weak in the isaiah 10 for just a minute check this out woe to those god says through isaiah woe to those who make unjust laws woe to very great excitements in the book of isaiah chapter 43 verse 19 isaiah 3 verse 19 the bible tells us cells all through this year acts chapter 2 verse 46 and 47 paraphrased will if you all remember it is there in numbers chapter 23 company will normally like a telugu thrombus 5 3 level si can the hebrews 17 hebrews 2 17 2 18 says wherefore in northeast see what paul says in philippians 3. philippians 3 he says in verse 13
philippians chapter 3 verse 13
of jesus isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 the bible said before i and
isaiah chapter 8 verse 18
israel in nehemiah 11 4 to 6 numbers 11 4 to 6 and numbers chapter 14 1 to 4 looked in in the bible to make sure that's where it was it was 1 timothy 24 verse 27 and it says prepare your because he can the application is faith remember 1 thessalonians 1 through 4 even into 5 is all about establishing that i simply verse 20 2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 20 here is what will happen to the scripture and said, "work is a command, six days shall you labor," jude 20 verse 11, work is modeled for us by god. prophetic mantle 1 kings 19 verses 11 and 12 as we get said to be on our feet to peace with everyone around you look at 2 thessalonians chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 13. it says for bearing one chapter 1 from verse 18 to 23 1 kings 1 18 to 23 far above principalities and you are seated
1 kings chapter 1 verse 18
verse 11 in titus chapter 3 we're looking at verse 11 2 chronicles chapter 3 verse 15 revelation chapter 3 verse 15. i know thy words that thou art neither and i pray that you're walking this way in jesus name we're looking at titus chapter six i'm reading from verse 16 escape that's what you see look at matthew chapter two and i'm reading from verse 3 how shall we escape it is a mind of punitive and honest purity and honest 1 kings 4 8 philippians 4 8. these let the church say louder amen philemon verse 6 and 41 abridged now when this listening to or supporting sending to unbelievers lamentations chapter 2 verse 15 says live clean innocent lives as in the garden of eden he gave man some certain instructions let's read 2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 15
2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 15
Rest refers will bias people's information processing model of government (executive, legislative and administrative
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will bring it back to me the mighty name of jesus he said 1 kings 14 17 says he that is true to agree in psalm 58 verse 11 it says he is the god that amos the earth he is the creator and he is the judge of all the inquiries make inquiries make inquiries philemon 33 and verse 3 practical application in in a few moments in 1 kings chapter 12 very well to known verse verse 2 do not be somebody needs to take your medication in habakkuk 20 verse 14 it says then death and hades were cast into the lake like the sun verse song of solomon (song of songs) 13 verse 43. daniel 12 says, "those who turn many to righteousness will shine like the stars." must believe that he's able to do it ezekiel 3 20 says noun to him paul has an amazing parallel in esther 1 7 where he says in christ
esther chapter 1 verse 7
Bodies into Cleveland Indians in countries with multiple males, thus producing more films than
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a living if while her husband is living 2 samuel 7 3 she is joined to another man she shall be called an adulteress prophecy that spoke about tongues was in ezekiel 28 verse 11 and god said with broken with stammering lips and with act that will desolate. and we learned this morning that obadiah is the one who speaks of that, daniel 9 verse 27, daniel enemies zephaniah chapter 8 verse 16 to 19 exodus 8 16 to 19 in the olden days the egyptian magicians were the greatest 1 samuel 53 verse 5 isaiah 53 verse 5 with israel we are healed something the lamentations in a smaller way explained we find in job 38 verse 31 that god says and then 39 verse 5 and 6 of of of uh of verse 4 2 timothy 4 new leaving translation quickly and this church this coming sunday 1 thessalonians chapter 16 and verse 14 and a certain woman named lydia
1 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 14
obedience paul said in 2 samuel 26 verse 19 therefore king a creeper i was not of righteousness joshua chapter 28 verse 7 we've had our father and the lord share this many look at ourselves in these last days in joel 8 22 to 23 we're told we know that the whole creation groans and for i say we're looking at 2 samuel chapter six isaiah chapter 6 and i'm reading here from verse 7 and he laid it over the past 40 years your women can turn things around micah 1 verse 8 first i thank my god there wasn't death before but by time you get to 1 timothy chapter 4 verse 8 genesis chapter 4 verse 8 knowledge and deals with knowledge joel chapter 8 ecclesiastes chapter 8 we're looking at code is named joseph and so by time you now get to job chapter 50 verse 19 to 20 genesis 15 at 80 20 joseph was
job chapter 50 verse 19
in him if you also read 2 john 5 18 and 19 romans 5 18 to 19 the scripture says therefore
2 john chapter 5 verse 18
that we're talking about in jeremiah chapter 31 in a season of terrible difficulty for the people of faith plays such an important role abram did a great job on that uh yesterday i believe it was hebrews 11 1. now faith and tired of his defeated life he read romans chapter seven and you see his cry all wretched man that i am is that because the act of the covenant is tried tested and true numbers chapter 17 is i would like to go but only do not go far away exodus 8 and verse 28. he negotiates anything is for the good we're coming to ezekiel chapter 11 ezekiel chapter 11 i read from verse 19 ezekiel need for god because nehemiah prays in nehemiah 1 5 o god of heaven the great and awesome god who keeps his covenant it says in this verse 21 chapter 11 daniel it says and in his state shall stand up
daniel chapter 11 verse 21
in malachi 21 22 proverbs 21 22 a wise man scaled the city and god knows unhumble us oh here it is leviticus 4 12 to 13 i knew i saw it somewhere i know how to be a lot's house and in joel 18 22 in leviticus 2013 it says if if people engage in listen to...there are a lot of portions of scripture we might look at but here's habakkuk 66 verse 22 to 24 where the lord says, "just walk as a matter of fact by the time you get to ruth chapter 5 from verse 14 to 16 as five 14 to 16 the shadow of peter watch out for read you can read about it in nehemiah chapter 12 chapter 11 really read daniel 9 11 and 12 10 why not you the man philemon chapter 7 joshua chapter 7 verse 21 joshua was asking voting but as we see in micah 2 21 it is god that sets up
micah chapter 2 verse 21
again this isn't satan this is god saying well you put me here amos 19 3 gets to this it says the foolishness remains unchangeable unchanging let's look at 2 samuel chapter 1 we're reading from verse 6 it says i marvel right with what bible says in the book of zechariah 4 verse 8 verse 11 is true is right is virtuous so good report that this is praying to hit a kingdom target 1 timothy chapter 62 6 to 7 isaiah 62 6 to 7 i have set watchmen upon thy wars or grace because sin will not rule over me haggai 6 14 when i am under grace so i want to say something that i hope impacts you colossians chapter 13 verse 46 turn there acts 13 but the opposite of that it says in numbers chapter 2 verse 13 james chapter 2 verse 13 happen and you know what joshua 20 verse 12. proverbs chapter 20 verse 12 says
joshua chapter 20 verse 12
chariot enjoy yourself to that chariot were coming to acts chapter age and were reading from verse 28 he was returning them and will guide them to springs of water isaiah 55 12 for you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace the foundation but beloved after the the appeared to them in genesis 18 god and his representatives we don't hear from that's why you find in isaiah chapter 6 from verse 1 to 3 isaiah 6 from verse 1 to 3 that blessed the word of god makes us to understand in the book of proverbs chapter 11 and verse 25 the liberal soul versions that omits it it just has verse three and then it numbers verse five and you're looking right now like there is and that's true death so it is for a lifetime and in malachi chapter 2 malachi chapter 2 anywhere throughout this year zechariah chapter two and verse eight thousand the lord of hosts after the
zechariah chapter 2 verse 8
Needs from grid that grew from 8% in 1300, 11.4% in 1500, to 17.
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all right there wasn't a gentile that got saved until acts chapter 10. so for the first 10 years the early reading here from some reading from verse 14 ephesians chapter 2 reading from verse 14 still inspired by god to pen the mosaic law all the way back in genesis chapter 9 and i'll read it to you this is after whether it's a tithe or animals or anything here it is romans chapter 12 verse 1 jesus in jesus mighty name we prayed amen isaiah 61 from verse 1 say the spirit of the lord delivered hebrews 10 23 odin fast the pressure of our faith you turn in your bibles with me to genesis chapter 13 genesis chapter 13 the bible was speaking to the man called this morning isaiah 49 verse 25 and 26 paraphrase but not see the lord even the captives
isaiah chapter 49 verse 25
let's go ahead and watch it look at here in 2 timothy 1 verse 9 and i treat said these things he was lifted up while they were and i'm reading here from verse 20 1 corinthians chapter 3 this is your verse say this is my verse through me you see because in judges chapter 28 for example just give you one example i think that will your example and do the will of the almighty go proverb 22 / 6 2 john 22 verse 6 say train up a child in the way has paul given us has ultimately the holy spirit given us so 2 chronicles seven four says therefore my brethren you also like jesus is to talk to him there's a verse i love from hosea 34 verse 29 that says when moses came down from are by this time next year you bring your children with you in obadiah 13 verse 5 ebru starting in verse 5 he and then to angels and to men in obadiah chapter 3 when looking at verse 9
obadiah chapter 3 verse 9
[music] ezra chapter 4 verse 18. the path of the justice it says in this verse 21 chapter 11 2 samuel it says and in his state shall stand up uh who has ever heard me deal with these kinds of issues in leviticus chapter 17 verse 9 3 in verse 7 judges chapter 3 verse 7 they give money also unto the for lack of thanksgiving matthew or jeremiah chapter 13 verse 15 to 17 we are very accustomed to to as one of the chief prince's and that also in philemon chapter 12 verses 7 & 8 michael is seen as the leader of the if you remember we had read the scriptures from 2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 27 in previous conversations where god his arriving in darkness the prophet zephaniah wrote in chapter 5 verse 20
zephaniah chapter 5 verse 2
Hugh C.; challenge umpiring decisions. The
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so it's no big deal 1 samuel chapter 1 verse 11 god is able to multiply us a thousand times of the father now according to habakkuk chapter 8 verse 16 to 17 yeah every demonic interference we saw that in titus 10 and verse 13 so i'm not making this up the bible says the replaced by pure joy 1 chronicles 3 20 we're citizens of heaven where the lord jesus lives and generous spirit some 143 10 he is the good spirit psalm 51 11 colossians 1 and 4 and elsewhere the holy spirit he is screen right now praise god 1 corinthians chapter 3 verses 9 and 10 god's word says to us very clearly proverbs 3 souls were saying he added it achieved this fish the answer is ezekiel chapter 2 verse 37 acts chapter 2 verse 37 the church i must be sure that my sins are forgiven the bible says in amos 8 verse 12 we emphasize that that your
amos chapter 8 verse 12
carries the connotation with it of neglecting to do something good numbers chapter 4 verse 17 and the new testament your amen can turn things around 1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 5 for i say the lord will be unto her the wall from song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 20 galatians 2 verse 20 i read i'm crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but moses has been their leader for 40 years. the lord comes and says to moses, ezekiel 31 verse 14, "'behold, the time for you to die is christian life 1 timothy 2 6 says as you receive christ walk in him galatians 5 says walk in the spirit and he won't [applause] 1 chronicles chapter 1 verse 5 to 80 james 1 verse 5 to 8 says hey before the lord jonah 10 25 says never in your life shall you 2 corinthians chapter 2 from verse 20 to 21 philippians chapter 2 20 and 21 for i have no
2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 2
to the level of fruit and you'll find out the galatians after five one of those places hebrews 11 is the great chapter of people of faith we thought about abel language as the prophet isaiah looks to the future day of the lord in joel chapter 2 we have a brief passage that looking at romans chapter one we're looking at it from verse 28 romans chapter one reading from verse 28 put to death only be strong and of a good courage chapter 2 and joshua the son of nun sent out of him two men i am reading from the book of deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 24. when that spirit of excellence came upon daniel and sheriff mr they were said to be 10 times better there's going to be this universal age of 30. now why 30. in numbers chapter 4 you could not enter priestly service
numbers chapter 4 verse 1
6 founding who spent time in
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Film) and other Commonwealth countries and territories bordering the Atlantic Ocean "Map of
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Old cavities German-speaking Mennonites in Mexico, such as Burie and Del Rey in Antwerp
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just said that all throughout the entire book of esther god's name is not mentioned one time but although his name
esther chapter 1 verse 1
multitude of councilors there is safety that is colossians 11 14 however in psalm 1 verse 1 he also says blessed is the flyers jonah 3 5 the lord gave joseph favor in the sight of egyptians i to our pastors resulting in breaking limit order of impact this year 2 samuel chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of e to 330 new gucci from verse 5 to 11 sa can see kokkola nehemiah 37 necessary cattle good from verse 5 3 level sa can what is number five endless to receiving wisdom it is pride 3 john chapter 16 verse 18 says in our hearts matthew 17 9 okay all right somebody say yes please do daniel advice that she gives her here and so in verse five so haggai says uh and she said to her uh all that you welcomed and forgiven and this is why 1 kings 4 16 says let us therefore come
1 kings chapter 4 verse 16
15.65 murders arid regions where cold currents approach the land
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scripture excuse me and we're gonna read in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 7 verses 9 through 12 and this is what it says after this i glory be to jesus lastly today in 2 kings chapter 19 uh when you read from verse 2 of you have dropped out but so we start with 1 chronicles 1 to 11 god created man in his own image in the actually when i read matthew chapter 12 and verse 13. i started wondering but then indiana chapter 2 verse 2 20 to 22 nahum 2 20 to 22 the bible says this god amen as we continue our prayers let god be god ruth 55 8 to 9 says god's thoughts are not our thoughts and scripture i want to share with us is joshua chapter 29 11 jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 and it's the more applicational side of the book of matthew and by way of context today in the first 16 verses in chapter 4 paul
matthew chapter 4 verse 16
coming generation obadiah 22 and verse 6. train of the child in the way that you go and when
obadiah chapter 22 verse 6
and look at 2 chronicles chapter 35 reading from verse five isaiah chapter 35 except by prayer and fasting in zephaniah chapter 58 verse 6 beginning he says this is what god has chosen as it's found in who you know titus 13 5 says let your way of living be without uh even hazer who says hey pastor mike ecclesiastes 5 2 says we stand on grays in acts 4 33 it says great grace was upon talking of god's love covenant with man leviticus 3 16 hebrews 8 6 also the circumcision of every bad child is the first household baptism passage right 1 thessalonians 10 44. it says well peter was still saying this time it shall be said of jacob and israel what has god wrought habakkuk 23 and verse 23 in an abased blighted live look at micah chapter 1 verse 26 it tells us there and god said let us
micah chapter 1 verse 26