Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | cityServed | Curitiba && Curitiba | leader | Democratic_Labour_Party_(Brazil) && Curitiba | isPartOf | South_Region,_Brazil
Curitiba is part of the South Region, Brazil, is led by the Democratic Labour Party (Brazil) and is served by Afonso Pena International airport.
Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel | 911.0 && Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Infraero && Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | location | São_José_dos_Pinhais
Afonso Pena International airport is located in Sao Jose dos Pinhais and is operated by Infraero. It is 911 metres above sea level.
Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel | 911.0 && Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Infraero && Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | location | São_José_dos_Pinhais
Afonso Pena International Airport, located in Sao Jose dos Pinhais, is 911 meters above sea level and is operated by Infraero.
Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel | 911.0 && Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Infraero && Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | location | São_José_dos_Pinhais
Afonso Pena International airport is located 911 metres above sea level in Sao Jose dos Pinhais and is operated by Infraero.
Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | location | São_José_dos_Pinhais && Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayName | "11/29" && Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayLength | 1800.0
Located at Sao Jose dos Pinhais, Afonso Pena International Airport has the runway name 11/29, and a runway length of 1800.0 metres.
Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | location | São_José_dos_Pinhais && Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayName | "11/29" && Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayLength | 1800.0
São José dos Pinhais is where Afonso Pena International Airport is located, This airport has a runway named 11/29, as well as a runway that is 1800 meters long.
Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | location | São_José_dos_Pinhais && Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayName | "11/29" && Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayLength | 1800.0
Afonso Pena International Airport is located in São José dos Pinhais and has a runway length of 1800.0 with the name 11/29.
Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | location | São_José_dos_Pinhais && Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayName | "15/33" && Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayLength | 1800.0
Afonso Pena International Airport is located in Sao Jose dos Pinhais; its runway name is 15/33 and it is 1800 metres long.
Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | location | São_José_dos_Pinhais && Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayName | "15/33" && Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayLength | 1800.0
Afonso Pena International Airport located in Sao Jose dos Pinhais, has a 15/33 runway with a length of 1800.0.
Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayLength | 2215.0 && Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | location | São_José_dos_Pinhais && Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayName | "11/29"
The 11/29 runway in Afonso Pena International airport in Sao Jose dos Pinhais has a length of 2215.0.
Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayLength | 2215.0 && Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | location | São_José_dos_Pinhais && Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayName | "11/29"
Afonso Pena International Airport is located in São José dos Pinhais with runway 11/29 at 2215m long.
Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayLength | 2215.0 && Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | location | São_José_dos_Pinhais && Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayName | "11/29"
Afonso Pena Airport, located in Sao Jose dos Pinhais, has a runway length of 2215.0 and a runway name of 11/29.
Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayLength | 2215.0 && Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | location | São_José_dos_Pinhais && Afonso_Pena_International_Airport | runwayName | "15/33"
Afonso Pena International Airport is located in São José dos Pinhais and has a runway length of 2215.0 which is named 15/33.
Agra_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel | 167.94 && Agra_Airport | location | Uttar_Pradesh && Uttar_Pradesh | isPartOf | Awadh
Agra Airport is in Uttar Pradesh, Awadh, and is located at 167.94 metres above sea level.
Agra_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel | 167.94 && Agra_Airport | location | Uttar_Pradesh && Uttar_Pradesh | isPartOf | Awadh
Agra Airport, located in Uttar Pradesh, Awadh has an elevation of 167.94 meters about sea level.
Agra_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel | 167.94 && Agra_Airport | location | Uttar_Pradesh && Uttar_Pradesh | isPartOf | Awadh
Agra Airport, located in Uttar Pradesh, Awadh, has an elevation of 167.94 elevation of 167.94.
Agra_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel | 167.94 && Agra_Airport | location | Uttar_Pradesh && Uttar_Pradesh | isPartOf | Bundelkhand
Agra Airport with an elevation of 167.94 meters above sea level is in Uttar Pradesh which is part of Bundelkhand.
Agra_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel | 167.94 && Agra_Airport | location | Uttar_Pradesh && Uttar_Pradesh | isPartOf | Bundelkhand
With an elevation of 167.94 metres above sea level, Agra Airport is located in Uttar Pradesh which is part of Bundelkhand.
Agra_Airport | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel | 167.94 && Agra_Airport | location | Uttar_Pradesh && Uttar_Pradesh | isPartOf | Bundelkhand
Uttar Pradesh is part of Bundelkhand and is the location of Agra airport at 167.94 metres above sea level.
Agra_Airport | location | India && Agra_Airport | icaoLocationIdentifier | "VIAG" && Agra_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Airports_Authority_of_India
The Airports Authority of India is the operating organisation of Agra Airport which is located in India and has the location identifier VIAG.
Agra_Airport | location | India && Agra_Airport | icaoLocationIdentifier | "VIAG" && Agra_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Airports_Authority_of_India
Agra airport, in india has an identifier of VIAG and is operated by Airports Authority of India.
Agra_Airport | location | India && Agra_Airport | icaoLocationIdentifier | "VIAG" && Agra_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Airports_Authority_of_India
Agra Airport, located in India with an identifier of VIAG, is operated by the Airports Authority of India.
Agra_Airport | location | India && India | leader | T._S._Thakur && India | leader | Narendra_Modi
Agra airport is located in India, where two of the leaders are T. S. Thakur and Narendra Modi.
Agra_Airport | location | India && India | leader | T._S._Thakur && India | leader | Narendra_Modi
Agra airport is located in India, whose leaders are T S Thakur and Narendra Modi.
Agra_Airport | location | India && India | leader | T._S._Thakur && India | leader | Narendra_Modi
Agra airport is in India where the leaders are TS Thakur and Narendra Modi.
Agra_Airport | location | Uttar_Pradesh && Agra_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Airports_Authority_of_India && Agra_Airport | icaoLocationIdentifier | "VIAG"
The ICAO Location Identifier of Agra Airport in Uttar Pradesh is VIAG. The airport is operated by the AIrports Authority of India.
Agra_Airport | location | Uttar_Pradesh && Agra_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Airports_Authority_of_India && Agra_Airport | icaoLocationIdentifier | "VIAG"
Agra Airport (VIAG) is in Uttar Pradesh. The Airports Authority of India is located there.
Agra_Airport | location | Uttar_Pradesh && Agra_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Airports_Authority_of_India && Agra_Airport | icaoLocationIdentifier | "VIAG"
Agra Airport, with the ICAO identifier of VIAG, located in Uttar Pradesh is operated by airports authority of India.
Agra_Airport | location | Uttar_Pradesh && Uttar_Pradesh | isPartOf | Awadh && Uttar_Pradesh | isPartOf | Bundelkhand
Agra Airport is located in Uttar Pradesh which is part of Awadh and Bundelkhand.
Agra_Airport | location | Uttar_Pradesh && Uttar_Pradesh | isPartOf | Awadh && Uttar_Pradesh | isPartOf | Bundelkhand
Agra Airport is located in Uttar Pradesh which is made up of several parts, two of which are Awadh and Bundelkhand.
Agra_Airport | location | Uttar_Pradesh && Uttar_Pradesh | isPartOf | Awadh && Uttar_Pradesh | isPartOf | Bundelkhand
Agra Airport is located in Uttar Pradesh, which is a part of Awadh and Bundelkhand.
Agra_Airport | location | Uttar_Pradesh && Uttar_Pradesh | isPartOf | Awadh && Uttar_Pradesh | leader | Ram_Naik
Awadh is part of Uttar Pradesh which is where Agra Airport is and where Ram Naik is the leader.
Agra_Airport | location | Uttar_Pradesh && Uttar_Pradesh | isPartOf | Awadh && Uttar_Pradesh | leader | Ram_Naik
Agra Airport is located in Uttar Pradesh which is part of Awadh. The leader of Uttar Pradesh is Ram Naik.
Agra_Airport | location | Uttar_Pradesh && Uttar_Pradesh | leader | Ram_Naik && Uttar_Pradesh | isPartOf | Bundelkhand
Agra Airport is in Uttar Pradesh, Bundelkhand, whose leader is Ram Naik.
Agra_Airport | location | Uttar_Pradesh && Uttar_Pradesh | leader | Ram_Naik && Uttar_Pradesh | isPartOf | Bundelkhand
Uttar Pradesh, which is part of Bundelkhand, is led by Ram Naik and is the location of Agra Airport.
Agra_Airport | location | Uttar_Pradesh && Uttar_Pradesh | leader | Ram_Naik && Uttar_Pradesh | isPartOf | Bundelkhand
Agra Airport is located in Uttar Pradesh which is part of Bundelkhand. The leader there is Ram Naik.
Agra_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Indian_Air_Force && Agra_Airport | icaoLocationIdentifier | "VIAG" && Agra_Airport | location | Agra
The ICAO Location Identifier of Agra Airport is VIAG and the airport in Agra is operated by the Indian Air Force.
Agra_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Indian_Air_Force && Agra_Airport | icaoLocationIdentifier | "VIAG" && Agra_Airport | location | Agra
Agra airport is located inAgra and its location identifier is VIAG. The Indian Air Force operate this airport.
Agra_Airport | operatingOrganisation | Indian_Air_Force && Agra_Airport | icaoLocationIdentifier | "VIAG" && Agra_Airport | location | Agra
The operating organization for agra airports is the indian air force, with the identifier VIAG, located in Agra.
Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | cityServed | Fallujah && Fallujah | country | Iraq && Iraq | language | Arabic
Al-Taqaddum Air Base serves the city of Fallujah which is in Iraq, where they speak Arabic.
Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | cityServed | Fallujah && Fallujah | country | Iraq && Iraq | language | Arabic
Al-Taqaddum Air Base serves the city of Fallujah in Arabic speaking Iraq.
Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | runwayLength | 3684.0 && Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | cityServed | Fallujah && Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel | 84.0
The Al Taqaddum air base which serves the city of Fallujah is 84 metres above sea level and has a runway length of 3684.
Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | runwayLength | 3684.0 && Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | cityServed | Fallujah && Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel | 84.0
The Al Taqaddum Air Base which serves the city of Fallujah is located at 84 metres above sea level and has a runway length of 3684.0.
Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | runwayLength | 3684.0 && Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | cityServed | Fallujah && Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel | 84.0
The Al Taqaddum Air Base which serves the city of Fallujah has a runway length of 3684.0 and is 84 metres above sea level.
Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | runwayLength | 4019.0 && Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | cityServed | Fallujah && Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel | 84.0
Al-Taqaddum Air Base, located 84 metres above sea level, serves the city of Fallujah and has a runway length of 4,019.
Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | runwayLength | 4019.0 && Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | cityServed | Fallujah && Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel | 84.0
Al-Taqaddum Air Base which serves the city of Fallujah has a runway length of 4019.0 and is located at 84 metres above sea level.
Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | runwayLength | 4019.0 && Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | cityServed | Fallujah && Al-Taqaddum_Air_Base | elevationAboveTheSeaLevel | 84.0
Al-Taqaddum Air Base serves the city of Fallujah. The runway there is 4019 feet and it is 84 m above sea level.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && Al_Asad_Airbase | location | "Al Anbar Province, Iraq" && Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3090.0
Operated by the United States Air Force, Al Asad airbase is located at Al Anbar Province, Iraq and has a runway that is 3090 metres long.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && Al_Asad_Airbase | location | "Al Anbar Province, Iraq" && Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3090.0
Al Asad Airbase is operated by the United States Air Forces. It is located at Al Anbar Province, Iraq and its runway length is 3090.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && Al_Asad_Airbase | location | "Al Anbar Province, Iraq" && Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3090.0
The USAF, operating the Al Asad airbase which is located in Al Anbard Province, Iraq, which has a runway length of 3090 meters.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && Al_Asad_Airbase | location | Iraq && Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3990.0
Al Asad Airbase in Iraq with a runway length of 3,990 is operated by the United States Air Force.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && Al_Asad_Airbase | location | Iraq && Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3990.0
Al Asad Airbase, operated by the USAF, is found in Iraq and has a runway length of 3990.0.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && Al_Asad_Airbase | location | Iraq && Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3990.0
The USAF operates the Al Asad Airbase, which is in Iraq and has a runway length of 3990.0.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3990.0 && Al_Asad_Airbase | location | "Al Anbar Province, Iraq"
The United States Air Force is the operating organisation for Al Asad airbase, which is located at Al Anbar Province, Iraq, and has a runway length of 3990.0 metres.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3990.0 && Al_Asad_Airbase | location | "Al Anbar Province, Iraq"
The United States Air Force is the operating organisation for Al Asad airbase which is located in the Al Anbar Province, Iraq, the airbase has a runway length of 3990.0.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3992.88 && Al_Asad_Airbase | location | "Al Anbar Province, Iraq"
The Al Asad Airbase is situated in the Al Anbar Province, Iraq, is run by the United States Air Force and has a runway of 3992.88m.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3992.88 && Al_Asad_Airbase | location | "Al Anbar Province, Iraq"
The United States Air Force is the operating organisation for Al Asad airbase which is located in Al Anbar Province, Iraq, the airbase has a runway length of 3992.88.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && Al_Asad_Airbase | runwayLength | 3992.88 && Al_Asad_Airbase | location | "Al Anbar Province, Iraq"
Al Asad airbase, which is located at Al Anbar Province, Iraq is operated by the United States Air Force and has a runway length of 3992.88.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | aircraftFighter | General_Dynamics_F-16_Fighting_Falcon && United_States_Air_Force | battle | 1986_United_States_bombing_of_Libya
The United States Air Force is the operating organisation for Al Asad airbase. An aircraft there is the General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon. The United States Air Force fought in the United States bombing of Libya in 1986.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | aircraftFighter | General_Dynamics_F-16_Fighting_Falcon && United_States_Air_Force | battle | 1986_United_States_bombing_of_Libya
The United States Air Force is the operating organisation for Al Asad airbase and using F-16 Fighting Falcons as an aircraft fighter. The 1986 United States bombing of Libya was carried out by the US Air Force.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | aircraftFighter | General_Dynamics_F-16_Fighting_Falcon && United_States_Air_Force | battle | Operation_Enduring_Freedom
Al Asad airbase is operated by the United States Air Force, which uses General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon (an aircraft fighter) and was part of Operation Enduring Freedom.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | aircraftFighter | General_Dynamics_F-16_Fighting_Falcon && United_States_Air_Force | battle | Operation_Enduring_Freedom
The USAF operates Al Asad Airbase where General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft fighters can be found. The Operation Enduring Freedom is one of the battles of the United States Air Force.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | aircraftFighter | General_Dynamics_F-16_Fighting_Falcon && United_States_Air_Force | battle | Operation_Enduring_Freedom
The US Air Force is the operating organisation for Al Asad airbase, where the general Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon was involved in Operation Enduring Freedom.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | aircraftFighter | General_Dynamics_F-16_Fighting_Falcon && United_States_Air_Force | battle | United_States_invasion_of_Panama
The USAF operate the Al Asad airbase, and previously were involved in the Invasion of Panama. The General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon is an aircraft fighter.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | aircraftFighter | General_Dynamics_F-16_Fighting_Falcon && United_States_Air_Force | battle | United_States_invasion_of_Panama
The United States Air Force, which is the operating organisation for Al Asad airbase was involved in battles at the invasion of Panama and deploys the General Dynamics F16 Fighting Falcon aircraft.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | aircraftFighter | McDonnell_Douglas_F-15_Eagle && United_States_Air_Force | battle | Korean_War
The Al-Asad airbase is operated by the United States Air Force who have previously fought in the Korean War. The McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle is a fighter aircraft.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | aircraftFighter | McDonnell_Douglas_F-15_Eagle && United_States_Air_Force | battle | Korean_War
The United States Air Force, which is the operating organisation for Al Asad airbase, fought battles in the Korean war and deploy the McDonnell Douglas F15 Eagle fighter aircraft.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | aircraftFighter | McDonnell_Douglas_F-15_Eagle && United_States_Air_Force | battle | Operation_Enduring_Freedom
Al Asad Airbase is operated by the United States Air Force which uses an aircraft fighter called the McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle and which was involved in Operation Enduring Freedom.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | aircraftFighter | McDonnell_Douglas_F-15_Eagle && United_States_Air_Force | battle | Operation_Enduring_Freedom
The United States Air Force is the operating organisation for Al Asad airbase, and using McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle aircraft fighters, and fought the battles during "The Operation Enduring Freedom".
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | aircraftFighter | McDonnell_Douglas_F-15_Eagle && United_States_Air_Force | battle | United_States_invasion_of_Panama
Al Asad airbase is operated by the United States Air Force, which was involved in the United States invasion of Panama, and who use an aircraft fighter called McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | aircraftFighter | McDonnell_Douglas_F-15_Eagle && United_States_Air_Force | battle | United_States_invasion_of_Panama
The USAF, the operating organization for Al Asad airbase, was involved in the Invasion of Panama and has the aircraft fighter McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | aircraftFighter | McDonnell_Douglas_F-15_Eagle && United_States_Air_Force | battle | United_States_invasion_of_Panama
The United States Air Force operates Al Asad airbase. They were involved in the US invasion of Panama and deploy the McDonnell Douglas F15 Eagle fighter aircraft.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | battle | Invasion_of_Grenada && United_States_Air_Force | aircraftFighter | General_Dynamics_F-16_Fighting_Falcon
The United States Air Force is the operating organisation for Al Asad airbase. They were involved in the Invasion of Grenada and deploy the aircraft fighter known as the General Dynamics F16 Fighting Falcon.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | battle | Invasion_of_Grenada && United_States_Air_Force | aircraftFighter | General_Dynamics_F-16_Fighting_Falcon
The USAF, veterans of the invasion of Grenada, operates Al Asad Airbase and possesses an aircraft fighter called General Dynamics F16 Fighting Falcon.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | battle | Invasion_of_Grenada && United_States_Air_Force | battle | 1986_United_States_bombing_of_Libya
The United States Air Force operates the Al Asad airbase and previously fought in the Invasion of Grenada and the bombing of Libya in 1986.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | battle | Invasion_of_Grenada && United_States_Air_Force | battle | 1986_United_States_bombing_of_Libya
The USAF bombed Libya in 1986, also fought in the Invasion of Grenada and operates the Al Asad airbase.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | battle | Invasion_of_Grenada && United_States_Air_Force | battle | 1986_United_States_bombing_of_Libya
The USAF, involved in the invasion of Grenada and the bombing of Libya in 1986, is the operation organisation for Al Asad airbase.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | battle | Invasion_of_Grenada && United_States_Air_Force | battle | United_States_invasion_of_Panama
Al Asad Airbase is operated by the United States Air Force which was involved in the invasions of Grenada and Panama.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | battle | Invasion_of_Grenada && United_States_Air_Force | battle | United_States_invasion_of_Panama
The United States Air Force was involved in battles at the Invasion of Grenada and the invasion of Panama. They also operate Al Asad airbase.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | battle | Korean_War && United_States_Air_Force | aircraftFighter | General_Dynamics_F-16_Fighting_Falcon
The United States Air Force fought in the Korean War, and now it operates the Al Asad airbase. One of its fighter aircraft is named the General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | battle | Korean_War && United_States_Air_Force | aircraftFighter | General_Dynamics_F-16_Fighting_Falcon
Al Asad Airbase is operated by the United States Air Force who deploy the General Dynamics F16 Fighting Falcon aircraft fighter and fought battles in the Korean war.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | battle | Korean_War && United_States_Air_Force | aircraftFighter | General_Dynamics_F-16_Fighting_Falcon
Al Asad Airbase is operated by the United States Air Force and fought in the Korean War. The General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon is an aircraft fighter in the United States Air Force.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | battle | Korean_War && United_States_Air_Force | battle | 1986_United_States_bombing_of_Libya
Al Asad airbase is operated by the United States Air Force which was involved in both the Korean War and the 1986 bombing of Libya.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | battle | Korean_War && United_States_Air_Force | battle | 1986_United_States_bombing_of_Libya
The United States Air Force fought in the Korean War, bombed Libya in 1986 and operates Al Asad airbase.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | battle | Korean_War && United_States_Air_Force | battle | United_States_invasion_of_Panama
The United States Air Force has fought in the Korean War and were used in the invasion of Panama. Al Asad Airbase is operated by the US Air Force.
Al_Asad_Airbase | operatingOrganisation | United_States_Air_Force && United_States_Air_Force | battle | Korean_War && United_States_Air_Force | battle | United_States_invasion_of_Panama
The United States Air Force who are the operating organisation for Al Asad airbase fought in the Korean war and at the invasion of Panama.
Alcobendas | isPartOf | Community_of_Madrid && Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | location | Alcobendas && Alcobendas | country | Spain
Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas Airport is found in Alcobendas, which is part of the community of Madrid, in Spain.
Alcobendas | isPartOf | Community_of_Madrid && Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | location | Alcobendas && Alcobendas | country | Spain
Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport is in Alcobendas which is part of Community of Madrid and is Spain.
Alcobendas | isPartOf | Community_of_Madrid && Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | location | Alcobendas && Alcobendas | country | Spain
Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport is located in Alcobendas, part of the Madrid community in Spain.
Alcobendas | isPartOf | Community_of_Madrid && Alcobendas | leaderParty | People's_Party_(Spain) && Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | location | Alcobendas
Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas Airport is found in Alcobendas which is part of the community of Madrid. The leader party at Alcobendas is the People's Party (Spain).
Alcobendas | isPartOf | Community_of_Madrid && Alcobendas | leaderParty | People's_Party_(Spain) && Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | location | Alcobendas
Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas airport is located in Alcobendas, Madrid. The leading party is the People's Party (Spain).
Alcobendas | isPartOf | Community_of_Madrid && Alcobendas | leaderParty | People's_Party_(Spain) && Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | location | Alcobendas
Alcobendas is part of Community of Madrid whose leader party at Alcobendas is the People's Party (Spain). The Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport is located there.
Alcobendas | leaderParty | People's_Party_(Spain) && Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | location | Alcobendas && Alcobendas | country | Spain
Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas Airport is found in Alcobendas (Spain) where the leader party is the Peoples Party.
Alcobendas | leaderParty | People's_Party_(Spain) && Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | location | Alcobendas && Alcobendas | country | Spain
Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport is located in Spain at Alcobendas where the leader party is the Peoples Party (Spain).
Alcobendas | leaderParty | People's_Party_(Spain) && Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport | location | Alcobendas && Alcobendas | country | Spain
Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas airport is located in alcobendas, spain, where the leader party is the People's party.
Alderney_Airport | 1stRunwaySurfaceType | Poaceae && Alderney_Airport | runwayLength | 497.0 && Alderney_Airport | cityServed | Alderney
Alderney is served by Alderney Airport. This airport's 1st runway is made from Poaceae and it has a runway length of 497.0.
Alderney_Airport | 1stRunwaySurfaceType | Poaceae && Alderney_Airport | runwayLength | 497.0 && Alderney_Airport | cityServed | Alderney
The 1st runway of Alderney airport, which serves the city of Alderney, is made of poaceae and is 497.0 long.
Alderney_Airport | 1stRunwaySurfaceType | Poaceae && Alderney_Airport | runwayLength | 497.0 && Alderney_Airport | cityServed | Alderney
The Alderney Airport serves the island of Alderney and its 1st runway is surfaced with poaceae and has a 497 meters long runway.
Alderney_Airport | 1stRunwaySurfaceType | Poaceae && Poaceae | order | Commelinids && Poaceae | class | Monocotyledon
The 1st runway at Alderney Airport is made from Poaceae which belongs to the order of Commelinids and is in the class Monocotyledon.
Alderney_Airport | 1stRunwaySurfaceType | Poaceae && Poaceae | order | Commelinids && Poaceae | class | Monocotyledon
At Alderney airport, the 1st runway is made from Poaceae which is a Monocotyledon and belongs to the order of Commelinids.