Test model for BESTEST weather data: high latitude case.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Validation.BESTEST; model WD400 "Test model for BESTEST weather data: high latitude case" extends WD100( rho=0, weaDatHHorIR( filNam=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource( "modelica://AixLib/Resources/Data/BoundaryConditions/Validation/BESTEST/WD400.mos")), weaDatTDryBulTDewPoinOpa( filNam=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource( "modelica://AixLib/Resources/Data/BoundaryConditions/Validation/BESTEST/WD400.mos"))); end WD400;
Test model for BESTEST weather data: time zone case.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Validation.BESTEST; model WD500 "Test model for BESTEST weather data: time zone case" extends WD100( rho=0, weaDatHHorIR( filNam=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource( "modelica://AixLib/Resources/Data/BoundaryConditions/Validation/BESTEST/WD500.mos")), weaDatTDryBulTDewPoinOpa( filNam=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource( "modelica://AixLib/Resources/Data/BoundaryConditions/Validation/BESTEST/WD500.mos"))); end WD500;
Test model for BESTEST weather data: ground reflectance.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Validation.BESTEST; model WD600 "Test model for BESTEST weather data: ground reflectance" extends WD100( rho=0.2, weaDatHHorIR( filNam=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource( "modelica://AixLib/Resources/Data/BoundaryConditions/Validation/BESTEST/WD600.mos")), weaDatTDryBulTDewPoinOpa( filNam=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource( "modelica://AixLib/Resources/Data/BoundaryConditions/Validation/BESTEST/WD600.mos"))); end WD600;
Weather data reader
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions; package WeatherData "Weather data reader" extends Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage; end WeatherData;
Reader for TMY3 weather data
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData; block ReaderTMY3 "Reader for TMY3 weather data" Bus weaBus "Weather data bus" //-------------------------------------------------------------- parameter String filNam="" "Name of weather data file" parameter Boolean computeWetBulbTemperature = true "If true, then this model computes the wet bulb temperature" //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Atmospheric pressure parameter AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource pAtmSou=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Parameter "Atmospheric pressure" parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Pressure pAtm=101325 "Atmospheric pressure (used if pAtmSou=Parameter)" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput pAtm_in( final quantity="Pressure", final unit="Pa", displayUnit="Pa") if (pAtmSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Input) "Input pressure" //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Dry bulb temperature parameter AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource TDryBulSou=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.File "Dry bulb temperature" parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TDryBul(displayUnit="degC") = 293.15 "Dry bulb temperature (used if TDryBul=Parameter)" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput TDryBul_in( final quantity="ThermodynamicTemperature", final unit="K", displayUnit="degC") if (TDryBulSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Input) "Input dry bulb temperature" //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Dew point temperature parameter AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource TDewPoiSou=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.File "Dew point temperature" parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TDewPoi(displayUnit="degC") = 283.15 "Dew point temperature (used if TDewPoi=Parameter)" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput TDewPoi_in( final quantity="ThermodynamicTemperature", final unit="K", displayUnit="degC") if (TDewPoiSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Input) "Input dew point temperature" //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Black body sky temperature parameter AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource TBlaSkySou=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.File "Black-body sky temperature" parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TBlaSky=273.15 "Black-body sky temperature (used if TBlaSkySou=Parameter)" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput TBlaSky_in( final quantity="ThermodynamicTemperature", displayUnit="degC", final unit="K") if (TBlaSkySou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Input) "Black-body sky temperature" //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Relative humidity parameter AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource relHumSou=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.File "Relative humidity" parameter Real relHum( min=0, max=1, unit="1") = 0.5 "Relative humidity (used if relHum=Parameter)" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput relHum_in( min=0, max=1, unit="1") if (relHumSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Input) "Input relative humidity" //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Wind speed parameter AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource winSpeSou=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.File "Wind speed" parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Velocity winSpe(min=0) = 1 "Wind speed (used if winSpe=Parameter)" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput winSpe_in( final quantity="Velocity", final unit="m/s", min=0) if (winSpeSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Input) "Input wind speed" //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Wind direction parameter AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource winDirSou=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.File "Wind direction" parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Angle winDir=1.0 "Wind direction (used if winDir=Parameter)" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput winDir_in( final quantity="Angle", final unit="rad", displayUnit="deg") if (winDirSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Input) "Input wind direction" //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Infrared horizontal radiation parameter AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource HInfHorSou=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.File "Infrared horizontal radiation" parameter Modelica.Units.SI.HeatFlux HInfHor=0.0 "Infrared horizontal radiation (used if HInfHorSou=Parameter)" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput HInfHor_in( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") if (HInfHorSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Input) "Input infrared horizontal radiation" parameter AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource HSou=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.File "Global, diffuse, and direct normal radiation" //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Global horizontal radiation Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput HGloHor_in( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") if (HSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HGloHor_HDifHor or HSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HDirNor_HGloHor) "Input global horizontal radiation" //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Diffuse horizontal radiation Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput HDifHor_in( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") if (HSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HGloHor_HDifHor or HSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HDirNor_HDifHor) "Input diffuse horizontal radiation" //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Direct normal radiation Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput HDirNor_in(final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") if (HSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HDirNor_HDifHor or HSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HDirNor_HGloHor) "Input direct normal radiation" //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Ceiling height parameter AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource ceiHeiSou=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.File "Ceiling height" parameter Real ceiHei( final quantity="Height", final unit="m", displayUnit="m") = 20000 "Ceiling height (used if ceiHei=Parameter)" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput ceiHei_in( final quantity="Height", final unit="m", displayUnit="m") if (ceiHeiSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Input) "Input ceiling height" //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Total sky cover parameter AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource totSkyCovSou=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.File "Total sky cover" parameter Real totSkyCov( min=0, max=1, unit="1") = 0.5 "Total sky cover (used if totSkyCov=Parameter). Use 0 <= totSkyCov <= 1" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput totSkyCov_in( min=0, max=1, unit="1") if (totSkyCovSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Input) "Input total sky cover" // Opaque sky cover parameter AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource opaSkyCovSou=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.File "Opaque sky cover" parameter Real opaSkyCov( min=0, max=1, unit="1") = 0.5 "Opaque sky cover (used if opaSkyCov=Parameter). Use 0 <= opaSkyCov <= 1" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput opaSkyCov_in( min=0, max=1, unit="1") if (opaSkyCovSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Input) "Input opaque sky cover" parameter AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.SkyTemperatureCalculation calTSky=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.SkyTemperatureCalculation.TemperaturesAndSkyCover "Model choice for black-body sky temperature calculation" final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Angle lon(displayUnit="deg") = AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.getLongitudeTMY3(filNam) "Longitude"; final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Angle lat(displayUnit="deg") = AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.getLatitudeTMY3(filNam) "Latitude"; final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time timZon(displayUnit="h") = AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.getTimeZoneTMY3(filNam) "Time zone"; final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Length alt(displayUnit="m") = AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.getAltitudeLocationTMY3( filNam) "Location altitude above sea level"; protected final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time[2] timeSpan= AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.getTimeSpanTMY3(filNam, "tab1") "Start time, end time of weather data"; Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable1Ds datRea( final tableOnFile=true, final tableName="tab1", final fileName=filNam, verboseRead=false, final smoothness=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Smoothness.ContinuousDerivative, final columns={2,3,4,5,6,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27, 28,29,30,8}) "Data reader" BaseClasses.SourceSelector pAtmSel( final datSou=pAtmSou, final p=pAtm) "Source selection for atmospheric pressure" BaseClasses.SourceSelector TDewPoiSel( final datSou=TDewPoiSou, final p=TDewPoi) "Source selection for dewpoint temperature pressure" BaseClasses.SourceSelector TDryBulSel( final datSou=TDryBulSou, final p=TDryBul) "Source selection for drybulb temperature pressure" BaseClasses.SourceSelector TBlaSkySel( final datSou=TBlaSkySou, final p=TBlaSky) "Source selection for sky black body radiation" BaseClasses.SourceSelector relHumSel( final datSou=relHumSou, final p=relHum) "Source selection for relative humidity" BaseClasses.SourceSelector opaSkyCovSel( final datSou=opaSkyCovSou, final p=opaSkyCov) "Source selection for opaque sky cover" BaseClasses.SourceSelector ceiHeiSel( final datSou=ceiHeiSou, final p=ceiHei) "Source selection for ceiling height" BaseClasses.SourceSelector totSkyCovSel( final datSou=totSkyCovSou, final p=totSkyCov) "Source selection for total sky cover" BaseClasses.SourceSelector winSpeSel( final datSou=winSpeSou, final p=winSpe) "Source selection for wind speed" BaseClasses.SourceSelector winDirSel( final datSou=winDirSou, final p=winDir) "Source selection for wind speed" BaseClasses.SourceSelector horInfRadSel( final datSou=HInfHorSou, final p=HInfHor) "Source selection for horizontal infrared radiation" BaseClasses.SourceSelectorRadiation souSelRad( final datSou=HSou) "Source selection for solar irradiation" BaseClasses.CheckDryBulbTemperature cheTemDryBul "Check dry bulb temperature " AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.CheckDewPointTemperature cheTemDewPoi "Check dew point temperature" Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain conRelHum(final k=0.01) if relHumSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.File "Convert the relative humidity from percentage to [0, 1] " BaseClasses.CheckPressure chePre "Check the air pressure" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.LimiterRelativeHumidity limRelHum "Limiter for relative humidity" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.LimiterTotalSkyCover limTotSkyCov "Limits the total sky cover" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.LimiterOpaqueSkyCover limOpaSkyCov "Limits the opaque sky cover" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.LimiterCeilingHeight limCeiHei "Limits the ceiling height" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.LimiterWindSpeed limWinSpe "Limits the wind speed" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.LimiterHorizontalInfraredIrradiation limHorInfRad "Limits the horizontal infrared irradiation" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.LimiterWindDirection limWinDir "Limits the wind direction" SkyTemperature.BlackBody TBlaSkyCom(final calTSky=calTSky) if TBlaSkySou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.File "Computation of the black-body sky temperature" AixLib.Utilities.Time.ModelTime modTim "Model time" Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add add30Min "Add 30 minutes to time to shift weather data reader" Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant con30Min(final k=1800) "Constant used to shift weather data reader" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.LocalCivilTime locTim( final lon=lon, final timZon=timZon) "Local civil time" Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable1Ds datRea30Min( final tableOnFile=true, final tableName="tab1", final fileName=filNam, verboseRead=false, final smoothness=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Smoothness.ContinuousDerivative, final columns=9:11) "Data reader with 30 min offset for solar irradiation" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.ConvertTime conTimMin(final weaDatStaTim=timeSpan[1], final weaDatEndTim=timeSpan[2]) "Convert simulation time to calendar time" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.ConvertTime conTim( final weaDatStaTim = timeSpan[1], final weaDatEndTim = timeSpan[2]) "Convert simulation time to calendar time" BaseClasses.EquationOfTime eqnTim "Equation of time" BaseClasses.SolarTime solTim "Solar time" Modelica.Blocks.Math.UnitConversions.From_deg conWinDir "Convert the wind direction unit from [deg] to [rad]" Modelica.Blocks.Math.UnitConversions.From_degC conTDryBul Modelica.Blocks.Math.UnitConversions.From_degC conTDewPoi "Convert the dew point temperature form [degC] to [K]" SolarGeometry.BaseClasses.AltitudeAngle altAng "Solar altitude angle" SolarGeometry.BaseClasses.ZenithAngle zenAng "Zenith angle" SolarGeometry.BaseClasses.Declination decAng "Declination angle" SolarGeometry.BaseClasses.SolarHourAngle solHouAng "Solar hour angle" Latitude latitude(final latitude=lat) "Latitude" Longitude longitude(final longitude=lon) "Longitude" Altitude altitude(final Altitude=alt) "Altitude" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Optional instanciation of a block that computes the wet bulb temperature. // This block may be needed for evaporative cooling towers. // By default, it is enabled. This introduces a nonlinear equation, but // we have not observed an increase in computing time because of this equation. AixLib.Utilities.Psychrometrics.TWetBul_TDryBulPhi tWetBul_TDryBulXi( redeclare package Medium = AixLib.Media.Air, TDryBul(displayUnit="degC")) if computeWetBulbTemperature //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Conversion blocks for sky cover Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain conTotSkyCov(final k=0.1) if totSkyCovSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.File "Convert sky cover from [0...10] to [0...1]" Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain conOpaSkyCov(final k=0.1) if opaSkyCovSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.File "Convert sky cover from [0...10] to [0...1]" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.CheckBlackBodySkyTemperature cheTemBlaSky(TMin=0) "Check black body sky temperature" // Blocks that are added in order to set the name of the output signal, // which then is displayed in the GUI of the weather data connector. block Latitude "Generate constant signal of type Real" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Angle latitude "Latitude"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput y( unit="rad", displayUnit="deg") "Latitude of the location" equation y = latitude; end Latitude; block Longitude "Generate constant signal of type Real" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Angle longitude "Longitude"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput y( unit="rad", displayUnit="deg") "Longitude of the location" equation y = longitude; end Longitude; block Altitude "Generate constant signal of type Real" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Length Altitude "Location altitude above sea level"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput y( unit="m") "Location altitude above sea level" equation y = Altitude; end Altitude; equation connect(modTim.y, add30Min.u2) connect(con30Min.y, add30Min.u1) connect(add30Min.y, conTimMin.modTim) connect(conTimMin.calTim, datRea30Min.u) connect(modTim.y, locTim.cloTim) connect(modTim.y, conTim.modTim) connect(conTim.calTim, datRea.u) connect(modTim.y, eqnTim.nDay) connect(eqnTim.eqnTim, solTim.equTim) connect(locTim.locTim, solTim.locTim) connect(datRea.y[11], conWinDir.u) connect(datRea.y[1], conTDryBul.u) connect(datRea.y[2], conTDewPoi.u) connect(conRelHum.u, datRea.y[3]) connect(decAng.decAng, zenAng.decAng) connect(solHouAng.solHouAng, zenAng.solHouAng) connect(solHouAng.solTim, solTim.solTim) connect(decAng.nDay, modTim.y) connect(zenAng.zen, altAng.zen) connect(limOpaSkyCov.nOpa, TBlaSkyCom.nOpa) connect(limRelHum.relHum, tWetBul_TDryBulXi.phi) connect(pAtmSel.y, chePre.PIn) connect(pAtmSel.uCon, pAtm_in) connect(datRea.y[4], pAtmSel.uFil) connect(cheTemDewPoi.TIn, TDewPoiSel.y) connect(TDewPoiSel.uFil, conTDewPoi.y) connect(TDewPoiSel.uCon, TDewPoi_in) connect(TDryBulSel.y, cheTemDryBul.TIn) connect(TDryBulSel.uFil, conTDryBul.y) connect(TDryBulSel.uCon, TDryBul_in) connect(TBlaSkySel.y, cheTemBlaSky.TIn) connect(TBlaSkyCom.TBlaSky, TBlaSkySel.uFil) connect(TBlaSky_in, TBlaSkySel.uCon) connect(relHumSel.y, limRelHum.u) connect(relHumSel.uFil, conRelHum.y) connect(relHum_in, relHumSel.uCon) connect(conOpaSkyCov.y, opaSkyCovSel.uFil) connect(opaSkyCov_in, opaSkyCovSel.uCon) connect(ceiHeiSel.y, limCeiHei.u) connect(ceiHeiSel.uFil, datRea.y[16]) connect(ceiHeiSel.uCon, ceiHei_in) connect(totSkyCovSel.uFil, conTotSkyCov.y) connect(totSkyCovSel.uCon, totSkyCov_in) connect(totSkyCovSel.y, limTotSkyCov.u) connect(winSpeSel.y, limWinSpe.u) connect(conTotSkyCov.u, datRea.y[13]) connect(winSpeSel.uFil, datRea.y[12]) connect(winSpeSel.uCon, winSpe_in) connect(winDirSel.y, limWinDir.u) connect(conWinDir.y, winDirSel.uFil) connect(winDirSel.uCon, winDir_in) connect(conOpaSkyCov.u, datRea.y[14]) connect(horInfRadSel.y, limHorInfRad.u) connect(horInfRadSel.uFil, datRea.y[26]) connect(horInfRadSel.uCon, HInfHor_in) connect(souSelRad.HDifHorFil, datRea30Min.y[3]) connect(souSelRad.HDifHorIn, HDifHor_in) connect(souSelRad.HDirNorFil, datRea30Min.y[2]) connect(souSelRad.HDirNorIn, HDirNor_in) connect(souSelRad.HGloHorIn, HGloHor_in) connect(souSelRad.zen, zenAng.zen) connect(souSelRad.HGloHorFil, datRea30Min.y[1]) connect(TBlaSkyCom.HHorIR, limHorInfRad.HHorIR) connect(opaSkyCovSel.y, limOpaSkyCov.u) connect(cheTemDryBul.TDryBul, TBlaSkyCom.TDryBul) connect(cheTemDryBul.TDryBul, tWetBul_TDryBulXi.TDryBul) connect(chePre.pAtm, tWetBul_TDryBulXi.p) connect(cheTemDewPoi.TDewPoi, TBlaSkyCom.TDewPoi) // Connections to weather data bus connect(cheTemDryBul.TDryBul, weaBus.TDryBul) connect(cheTemDewPoi.TDewPoi, weaBus.TDewPoi) connect(tWetBul_TDryBulXi.TWetBul, weaBus.TWetBul) connect(limRelHum.relHum, weaBus.relHum) connect(souSelRad.HDirNor, weaBus.HDirNor) connect(souSelRad.HDifHor, weaBus.HDifHor) connect(souSelRad.HGloHor, weaBus.HGloHor) connect(cheTemBlaSky.TBlaSky, weaBus.TBlaSky) connect(limHorInfRad.HHorIR, weaBus.HHorIR) connect(limWinSpe.winSpe, weaBus.winSpe) connect(limWinDir.winDir, weaBus.winDir) connect(limCeiHei.ceiHei, weaBus.ceiHei) connect(limTotSkyCov.nTot, weaBus.nTot) connect(limOpaSkyCov.nOpa, weaBus.nOpa) connect(modTim.y, weaBus.cloTim) connect(solTim.solTim, weaBus.solTim) connect(altAng.alt, weaBus.solAlt) connect(zenAng.zen, weaBus.solZen) connect(decAng.decAng, weaBus.solDec) connect(solHouAng.solHouAng, weaBus.solHouAng) connect(longitude.y, weaBus.lon) connect(latitude.y, weaBus.lat) connect(altitude.y, weaBus.alt) connect(chePre.pAtm, weaBus.pAtm) connect(latitude.y, zenAng.lat)</code>. </li> <li> May 30, 2014, by Michael Wetter:<br/> Removed undesirable annotation <code>Evaluate=true</code>. </li> <li> May 5, 2013, by Thierry S. Nouidui:<br/> Added the option to use a constant, an input signal or the weather file as the source for the ceiling height, the total sky cover, the opaque sky cover, the dew point temperature, and the infrared horizontal radiation <code>HInfHor</code>. </li> <li> October 8, 2013, by Michael Wetter:<br/> Improved the algorithm that determines the absolute path of the file. Now weather files are searched in the path specified, and if not found, the urls <code>file://</code>, <code>modelica://</code> and <code>modelica://AixLib</code> are added in this order to search for the weather file. This allows using the data reader without having to specify an absolute path, as long as the <code>AixLib</code> library is on the <code>MODELICAPATH</code>. This change was implemented in <a href=\"modelica://AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.getAbsolutePath\"> AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.getAbsolutePath</a> and improves this weather data reader. </li> <li> May 2, 2013, by Michael Wetter:<br/> Added function call to <code>getAbsolutePath</code>. </li> <li> October 16, 2012, by Michael Wetter:<br/> Added computation of the wet bulb temperature. Computing the wet bulb temperature introduces a nonlinear equation. As we have not observed an increase in computing time because of computing the wet bulb temperature, it is computed by default. By setting the parameter <code>computeWetBulbTemperature=false</code>, the computation of the wet bulb temperature can be removed. Revised documentation. </li> <li> August 11, 2012, by Wangda Zuo:<br/> Renamed <code>radHor</code> to <code>radHorIR</code> and improved the optional inputs for radiation data. </li> <li> July 24, 2012, by Wangda Zuo:<br/> Corrected the notes of SI unit requirements for input files. </li> <li> July 13, 2012, by Michael Wetter:<br/> Removed assignment of <code>HGloHor_in</code> in its declaration, because this gives an overdetermined system if the input connector is used. Removed non-required assignments of attribute <code>displayUnit</code>. </li> <li> February 25, 2012, by Michael Wetter:<br/> Added subbus for solar position, which is needed by irradition and shading model. </li> <li> November 29, 2011, by Michael Wetter:<br/> Fixed wrong display unit for <code>pAtm_in_internal</code> and made propagation of parameter final. </li> <li> October 27, 2011, by Wangda Zuo:<br/> <ol> <li> Added optional connectors for dry bulb temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, global horizontal radiation, diffuse horizontal radiation.<br/> </li> <li> Separate the unit conversion for TMY3 data and data validity check. </li> </ol> </li> <li> October 3, 2011, by Michael Wetter:<br/> Propagated value for sky temperature calculation to make it accessible as a parameter. </li> <li> July 20, 2011, by Michael Wetter:<br/> Added the option to use a constant, an input signal or the weather file as the source for the atmospheric pressure. </li><li> March 15, 2011, by Wangda Zuo:<br/> Delete the wet bulb temperature since it may cause numerical problem. </li> <li> March 7, 2011, by Wangda Zuo:<br/> Added wet bulb temperature. Changed reader to read only needed columns. Added explanation for 30 minutes shift for radiation data. </li> <li> March 5, 2011, by Michael Wetter:<br/> Changed implementation to obtain longitude and time zone directly from weather file. </li> <li> June 25, 2010, by Wangda Zuo:<br/> First implementation. </li> </ul> </html>"), Diagram(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-200,-300},{300,300}})), __Dymola_LockedEditing="Model from IBPSA"); end ReaderTMY3;
Check the validity of the black-body sky temperature data. This component checks the value of the black-body sky temperature. If the temperature is outside <code>TMin</code> and <code>TMax</code>, the simulation will stop with an error.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block CheckBlackBodySkyTemperature "Check the validity of the black-body sky temperature data" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TMin(displayUnit="degC") = 203.15 "Minimum allowed temperature"; parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TMax(displayUnit="degC") = 343.15 "Maximum allowed temperature"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput TIn( final quantity="ThermodynamicTemperature", final unit="K", displayUnit="degC") "Black-body sky temperature" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput TBlaSky( final quantity="ThermodynamicTemperature", final unit="K", displayUnit="degC") "Black-body sky temperature" equation TBlaSky = TIn; assert(noEvent(TIn > TMin and TIn < TMax), "In " + getInstanceName() + ": Weather data black-body sky temperature out of bounds.\n" + " TIn = " + String(TIn)); end CheckBlackBodySkyTemperature;
Ensures that the ceiling height is above a lower bound. This component ensures that the ceiling height is at least <i>0</i> meters.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block CheckCeilingHeight "Ensures that the ceiling height is above a lower bound" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput ceiHeiIn( final quantity="Height", final unit="m") "Input ceiling height" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput ceiHeiOut( final quantity="Height", final unit="m") "Ceiling height" constant Modelica.Units.SI.Height ceiHeiMin=0 "Minimum allowed ceiling height"; equation ceiHeiOut = AixLib.Utilities.Math.Functions.smoothMax( ceiHeiIn, ceiHeiMin, 0.1); end CheckCeilingHeight;
Check the validity of the dew point temperature data. This component checks the value of temperature. If the temperature is outside <code>TMin</code> and <code>TMax</code>, the simulation will stop with an error.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block CheckDewPointTemperature "Check the validity of the dew point temperature data" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput TIn( final quantity="ThermodynamicTemperature", final unit="K", displayUnit="degC") "Input Temperature" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput TDewPoi( final quantity="ThermodynamicTemperature", final unit="K", displayUnit="degC") "Dew point temperature" parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TMin(displayUnit="degC") = 203.15 "Minimum allowed temperature"; parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TMax(displayUnit="degC") = 343.15 "Maximum allowed temperature"; equation TDewPoi = TIn; assert(noEvent(TIn > TMin and TIn < TMax), "In " + getInstanceName() + ": Weather data dew point temperature out of bounds.\n" + " TIn = " + String( TIn)); end CheckDewPointTemperature;
Check the validity of the dry bulb temperature data. This component checks the value of the dry bulb temperature. If the temperature is outside <code>TMin</code> and <code>TMax</code>, the simulation will stop with an error.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block CheckDryBulbTemperature "Check the validity of the dry bulb temperature data" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput TIn( final quantity="ThermodynamicTemperature", final unit="K", displayUnit="degC") "Input Temperature" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput TDryBul( final quantity="ThermodynamicTemperature", final unit="K", displayUnit="degC") "Dry bulb temperature" parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TMin(displayUnit="degC") = 203.15 "Minimum allowed temperature"; parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TMax(displayUnit="degC") = 343.15 "Maximum allowed temperature"; equation TDryBul = TIn; assert(noEvent(TIn > TMin and TIn < TMax), "In " + getInstanceName() + ": Weather data dry bulb temperature out of bounds.\n" + " TIn = " + String( TIn)); end CheckDryBulbTemperature;
Ensure that the radiation is not smaller than 0. This block ensures that the radiation is not smaller than <i>0</i>. The Modelica data reader will interpolate data when it reads the data from a file. Thus, it is possible to generate negative values due to the interpolation.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block CheckIRRadiation "Ensure that the radiation is not smaller than 0" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput HIn( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") "Input horizontal infrared irradiation" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput HOut( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") "Horizontal infrared irradiation" constant Modelica.Units.SI.RadiantEnergyFluenceRate HMin=0.0001 "Minimum value for radiation"; equation HOut = AixLib.Utilities.Math.Functions.smoothMax( x1=HIn, x2=HMin, deltaX=HMin/10); end CheckIRRadiation;
Ensures that the interpolated pressure is between prescribed bounds. This component ensures that the interpolated pressure is between <i>31,000</i> Pa and <i>120,000</i> Pa.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block CheckPressure "Ensures that the interpolated pressure is between prescribed bounds" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput PIn( final quantity="Pressure", final unit="Pa") "Atmospheric pressure" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput pAtm( final quantity="Pressure", final unit="Pa") "Atmospheric pressure" constant Modelica.Units.SI.Pressure PMin=3100 "Minimum allowed pressure"; constant Modelica.Units.SI.Pressure PMax=120000 "Maximum allowed pressure"; equation pAtm = PIn; assert(noEvent(PIn > PMin and PIn < PMax), "In " + getInstanceName() + ": Weather data atmospheric pressure out of bounds.\n" + " PIn = " + String(PIn)); end CheckPressure;
Ensure that the radiation is not smaller than 0. This block ensures that the radiation is not smaller than <i>0</i>. The Modelica data reader will interpolate data when it reads the data from a file. Thus, it is possible to generate negative values due to the interpolation.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block CheckRadiation "Ensure that the radiation is not smaller than 0" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput HIn( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") "Input radiation" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput HOut( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") "Radiation" constant Modelica.Units.SI.RadiantEnergyFluenceRate HMin=0.0001 "Minimum value for radiation"; equation HOut = AixLib.Utilities.Math.Functions.smoothMax( x1=HIn, x2=HMin, deltaX=HMin/10); end CheckRadiation;
Check the validity of relative humidity. This component constrains the value of relative humidity to a range of <i>[0, 1]</i>.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block CheckRelativeHumidity "Check the validity of relative humidity" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput relHumIn(final unit="1") "Input relative humidity" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput relHumOut(final unit="1") "Relative humidity" constant Real delta=0.01 "Smoothing parameter"; protected constant Real relHumMin=delta "Lower bound"; constant Real relHumMax=1 - delta "Upper bound"; equation relHumOut = AixLib.Utilities.Math.Functions.smoothLimit( relHumIn, relHumMin, relHumMax, delta/10); end CheckRelativeHumidity;
Constrains the sky cover to [0, 1]. This component constrains the interpolated sky cover between <i>0</i> and <i>1</i>.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block CheckSkyCover "Constrains the sky cover to [0, 1]" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput nIn(min=0, max=1) "Input sky cover [0, 10]" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput nOut(min=0, max=1, unit="1") "Sky cover [0, 1]" constant Real delta=0.01 "Smoothing parameter"; protected constant Real nMin=delta "Lower bound"; constant Real nMax=10 - delta "Upper bound"; equation nOut = AixLib.Utilities.Math.Functions.smoothLimit( nIn, nMin, nMax, delta/10); end CheckSkyCover;
Check the validity of temperature data. This component checks the value of temperature. If the temperature is outside <code>TMin</code> and <code>TMax</code>, the simulation will stop with an error.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block CheckTemperature "Check the validity of temperature data" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput TIn( final quantity="ThermodynamicTemperature", final unit="K", displayUnit="degC") "Input Temperature" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput TOut( final quantity="ThermodynamicTemperature", final unit="K", displayUnit="degC") "Output temperature" parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TMin(displayUnit="degC") = 203.15 "Minimum allowed temperature"; parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TMax(displayUnit="degC") = 343.15 "Maximum allowed temperature"; equation TOut = TIn; assert(TOut > TMin, "Temperature out of bounds.\n" + " TOut = " + String( TOut)); assert(TOut < TMax, "Temperature out of bounds.\n" + " TOut = " + String( TOut)); end CheckTemperature;
Constrains the wind direction to [0, 2*pi] degree. This component constrains the interpolated wind direction between <i>0</i> and <i>360</i> degree.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block CheckWindDirection "Constrains the wind direction to [0, 2*pi] degree" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput nIn( final quantity="Angle", final unit="rad", displayUnit="deg") "Input wind direction" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput nOut( final quantity="Angle", final unit="rad", displayUnit="deg") "Wind direction" constant Real delta=0.01 "Smoothing parameter"; protected constant Real nMin=0 "Lower bound"; constant Real nMax=2*Modelica.Constants.pi "Upper bound"; equation nOut = AixLib.Utilities.Math.Functions.smoothLimit( nIn, nMin, nMax, delta/10); end CheckWindDirection;
Ensures that the wind speed is non-negative. This component ensures that the wind speed is non-negative.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block CheckWindSpeed "Ensures that the wind speed is non-negative" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput winSpeIn(final quantity="Velocity", final unit="m/s") "Input wind speed" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput winSpeOut(final quantity="Velocity", final unit="m/s") "Wind speed" constant Modelica.Units.SI.Velocity winSpeMin=1e-6 "Minimum allowed wind speed"; equation // Modelica Table will interpolate data when it reads the weather data file. // It can generate negative values due to the interpolation. winSpeOut = AixLib.Utilities.Math.Functions.smoothMax( x1=winSpeIn, x2=winSpeMin, deltaX=winSpeMin/10); end CheckWindSpeed;
Convert the unit of solar radiation received from the TMY3 data file. The TMY3 data for solar radiation is the radiation accumulated in one hour. Thus, it used a unit of <code>Wh/m2</code>. This component converts <code>Wh/m2</code> to <code>W/m2</code> that is the standard unit in Modelica.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block ConvertRadiation "Convert the unit of solar radiation received from the TMY3 data file" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput HIn(final unit="W.h/m2") "Input radiation" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput HOut( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") "Radiation" protected constant Modelica.Units.SI.Time Hou=3600 "1 hour"; equation HOut =HIn/Modelica.Units.Conversions.to_hour(Hou); end ConvertRadiation;
Convert the relative humidity from percentage to real. This component converts the relative humidity from percentage to real. Input is the relative humidity in percentage, as this is the data format that is used in the Typical Meteorological Year weather data.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block ConvertRelativeHumidity "Convert the relative humidity from percentage to real" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput relHumIn(unit="1") "Value of relative humidity in percentage" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput relHumOut(unit="1") "Relative humidity between 0 and 1" equation relHumOut = relHumIn/100; end ConvertRelativeHumidity;
Converts the simulation time to calendar time in scale of 1 year (365 days), or a multiple of a year. This component converts the simulation time to calendar time in a scale of 1 year (365 days), or a multiple of it, if this is the length of the weather file.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block ConvertTime "Converts the simulation time to calendar time in scale of 1 year (365 days), or a multiple of a year" extends PartialConvertTime; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput modTim( final quantity="Time", final unit="s") "Simulation time" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput calTim( final quantity="Time", final unit="s") "Calendar time" protected constant Modelica.Units.SI.Time shiftSolarRad=1800 "Number of seconds for the shift for solar radiation calculation"; equation calTim = calTimAux; modTimAux = modTim; assert(canRepeatWeatherFile or noEvent((time - weaDatEndTim) < shiftSolarRad), "In " + getInstanceName() + ": Insufficient weather data provided for the desired simulation period. The simulation time " + String(time) + " exceeds the end time " + String(weaDatEndTim) + " of the weather data file.", AssertionLevel.error); assert(canRepeatWeatherFile or noEvent(time >= weaDatStaTim), "In " + getInstanceName() + ": Insufficient weather data provided for the desired simulation period. The simulation time " + String(time) + " is less than the start time " + String(weaDatStaTim) + " of the weather data file.", AssertionLevel.error); end ConvertTime;
Equation of time. This component computes the difference between solar noon and noon of local civil time.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block EquationOfTime "Equation of time" extends PartialConvertTime; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput nDay( quantity="Time", unit="s") "Zero-based day number in seconds (January 1=0, January 2=86400)" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput eqnTim( final quantity="Time", final unit="s", displayUnit="min") "Equation of time" protected Real Bt "Intermediate variable"; equation modTimAux = nDay; Bt = Modelica.Constants.pi*((calTimAux + 86400)/86400 - 81)/182 "Our unit is s instead of day in (A.4.2b)"; eqnTim = 60*(9.87*Modelica.Math.sin(2*Bt) - 7.53*Modelica.Math.cos(Bt) - 1.5* Modelica.Math.sin(Bt)) "Our unit is s instead of min in (A.4.2a)"; end EquationOfTime;
Block that limits the relative humidity. Block that limits the cloud cover ceiling height to be positive.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block LimiterCeilingHeight "Block that limits the relative humidity" extends PartialLimiterMin; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput ceiHei( final unit="m") = max(0, u) "Cloud cover ceiling height" end LimiterCeilingHeight;
Block that limits the horizontal infrared irradiation. Block that limits the horizontal infrared irradiation to be positive.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block LimiterHorizontalInfraredIrradiation "Block that limits the horizontal infrared irradiation" extends PartialLimiterMin; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput HHorIR( final unit="W/m2") = max(0, u) "Horizontal infrared irradiation" end LimiterHorizontalInfraredIrradiation;
Block that limits the opaque sky cover. Block that limits the opaque sky cover.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block LimiterOpaqueSkyCover "Block that limits the opaque sky cover" extends PartialLimiter; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput nOpa( final unit="1") "Opaque sky cover" equation nOpa = min(uMax, max(uMin, u)); end LimiterOpaqueSkyCover;
Block that limits the relative humidity. Block that limits the relative humidity.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block LimiterRelativeHumidity "Block that limits the relative humidity" extends PartialLimiter; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput relHum( final unit="1") "Relative humidity" equation relHum = min(uMax, max(uMin, u)); end LimiterRelativeHumidity;
Block that limits the total sky cover. Block that limits the total sky cover.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block LimiterTotalSkyCover "Block that limits the total sky cover" extends PartialLimiter; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput nTot( final unit="1") "Total sky cover" equation nTot = min(uMax, max(uMin, u)); end LimiterTotalSkyCover;
Block that limits the wind direction. Block that limits the wind direction.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block LimiterWindDirection "Block that limits the wind direction" extends PartialLimiter( final uMax=2*Modelica.Constants.pi); Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput winDir( final unit="rad") "Wind direction" equation winDir = min(uMax, max(uMin, u)); end LimiterWindDirection;
Block that limits the wind speed. Block that limits the wind speed to be positive.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block LimiterWindSpeed "Block that limits the wind speed" extends PartialLimiterMin; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput winSpe( final unit="m/s") = max(0, u) "Wind speed" end LimiterWindSpeed;
Converts the clock time to local civil time.. This component converts the clock time to local civil time. The parameter <code>timZon</code> represents the time zone of the facility (relative to Greenwich Mean Time or the 0th meridian). Time zones west of GMT (e.g. North America) are represented as negative; east of GMT as positive. Fraction of hours are represented in decimals (e.g. for <i>6:30</i>, use <i>6.5</i>).
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block LocalCivilTime "Converts the clock time to local civil time." extends PartialConvertTime; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput cloTim( final quantity="Time", final unit="s") "Clock time" parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time timZon(displayUnit="h") "Time zone"; parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Angle lon(displayUnit="deg") "Longitude"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput locTim( final quantity="Time", final unit="s") "Local civil time" protected final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time diff=-timZon + lon*43200/Modelica.Constants.pi "Difference between local and clock time"; equation modTimAux = cloTim; locTim = calTimAux + diff; end LocalCivilTime;
Package with base classes for AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData; package BaseClasses "Package with base classes for AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData" extends Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage; end BaseClasses;
Converts the simulation time to calendar time in scale of 1 year (365 days), or a multiple of a year. This component converts the simulation time to calendar time in a scale of 1 year (365 days), or a multiple of it, if this is the length of the weather file.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; partial block PartialConvertTime "Converts the simulation time to calendar time in scale of 1 year (365 days), or a multiple of a year" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time weaDatStaTim(displayUnit="d") = 0 "Start time of weather data"; parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time weaDatEndTim(displayUnit="d") = 31536000 "End time of weather data"; Modelica.Units.SI.Time modTimAux "Model time"; Modelica.Units.SI.Time calTimAux "Calendar time"; protected parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time lenWea=weaDatEndTim - weaDatStaTim "Length of weather data"; parameter Boolean canRepeatWeatherFile = abs(mod(lenWea, 365*24*3600)) < 1E-2 "=true, if the weather file can be repeated, since it has the length of a year or a multiple of it"; discrete Modelica.Units.SI.Time tNext(start=0, fixed=true) "Start time of next period"; equation when {initial(), canRepeatWeatherFile and modTimAux > pre(tNext)} then // simulation time stamp went over the end time of the weather file //(last time stamp of the weather file + average increment) tNext = if canRepeatWeatherFile then integer(modTimAux/lenWea)*lenWea + lenWea else time; end when; calTimAux = if canRepeatWeatherFile then modTimAux - tNext + lenWea else modTimAux; end PartialConvertTime;
Partial block to limit a signal. Block that computes <i>y_internal=min(uMax, max(uMin, u))</i>, where <code>y_internal</code> is a protected connector.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; partial block PartialLimiter "Partial block to limit a signal" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; constant Real uMin = 0 "Minimum value"; constant Real uMax = 1 "Maximum value"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput u "Connector of Real input signal" end PartialLimiter;
Partial block to limit a signal. Partial block that is used to limit a signal by a minimum value.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; partial block PartialLimiterMin "Partial block to limit a signal" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput u "Connector of Real input signal" end PartialLimiterMin;
Solar time. This component computes the local solar time.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block SolarTime "Solar time" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput locTim(quantity="Time", unit="s") "Local time" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput equTim(quantity="Time", unit="s") "Equation of time" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput solTim( final quantity="Time", final unit="s", displayUnit="s") "Solar time" equation solTim = locTim + equTim "Our unit is s in stead of h in (A.4.3)"; end SolarTime;
Block that selects as its output either a parameter value or its input. Block that produces at its output the input value <code>uCon</code>, <code>uFil</code> or the parameter value <code>p</code> depending on the parameter value <code>datSou</code>.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block SourceSelector "Block that selects as its output either a parameter value or its input" extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SO; parameter AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource datSou "Data source" parameter Real p "Parameter value"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput uFil if datSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.File "Input signal from file reader" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput uCon if datSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Input "Input signal from input connector" equation if datSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Parameter then y = p; end if; connect(uCon, y); connect(uFil, y); end SourceSelector;
Block that selects the solar radiation source and outputs the solar radiation quantities. Block that outputs the direct normal, diffuse horizontal and diffuse global solar irradiation. This block computes these output quantities based on conditionally provided input signals.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; block SourceSelectorRadiation "Block that selects the solar radiation source and outputs the solar radiation quantities" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; parameter AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource datSou "Data source" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput HDirNorFil( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") if datSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.File "Direct normal solar irradiation from weather data file" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput HDirNorIn( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") if datSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HDirNor_HDifHor or datSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HDirNor_HGloHor "Direct normal solar irradiation from input connector" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput HDifHorFil( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") if datSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.File "Diffuse horizontal solar irradiation from weather data file" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput HDifHorIn( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") if datSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HGloHor_HDifHor or datSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HDirNor_HDifHor "Diffuse horizontal solar irradiation from input connector" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput HGloHorFil( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") if datSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.File "Global horizontal solar irradiation from weather data file" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput HGloHorIn( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") if datSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HGloHor_HDifHor or datSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HDirNor_HGloHor "Global horizontal solar irradiation from input connector" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput zen( final quantity="Angle", final unit="rad") "Zenith angle" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput HDirNor( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") "Direct normal solar irradiation" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput HDifHor( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") "Diffuse horizontal solar irradiation" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput HGloHor( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") "Global horizontal solar irradiation" protected constant Real epsCos = 1e-6 "Small value to avoid division by 0"; constant Modelica.Units.SI.HeatFlux solCon=1367.7 "Solar constant"; // Conditional connectors Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput HGloHor_in_internal( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") "Needed to connect to conditional connector"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput HDifHor_in_internal( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") "Needed to connect to conditional connector"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput HDirNor_in_internal( final quantity="RadiantEnergyFluenceRate", final unit="W/m2") "Needed to connect to conditional connector"; equation // Conditional connect statements connect(HGloHor_in_internal, HGloHorFil); connect(HDifHor_in_internal, HDifHorFil); connect(HDirNor_in_internal, HDirNorFil); connect(HGloHor_in_internal, HGloHorIn); connect(HDifHor_in_internal, HDifHorIn); connect(HDirNor_in_internal, HDirNorIn); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select global horizontal radiation connector if datSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HDirNor_HDifHor then HGloHor = max(0, HDirNor_in_internal*cos(zen)+HDifHor_in_internal) "Calculate the HGloHor using HDirNor and HDifHor according to (A.4.14) and (A.4.15)"; HGloHor_in_internal = 0; else HGloHor = max(0, HGloHor_in_internal) "Get HGloHor using weather data file or input connector of weather data reader"; end if; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select diffuse horizontal radiation connector if datSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HDirNor_HGloHor then HDifHor = max(0, HGloHor_in_internal - HDirNor_in_internal*cos(zen)) "Calculate the HGloHor using HDirNor and HDifHor according to (A.4.14) and (A.4.15)"; HDifHor_in_internal = 0; else HDifHor = max(0, HDifHor_in_internal) "Get HDifHor using weather data file or input connector of weather data reader"; end if; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select direct normal radiation connector if datSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HGloHor_HDifHor then HDirNor = max(0, min( solCon, (HGloHor_in_internal -HDifHor_in_internal)* AixLib.Utilities.Math.Functions.spliceFunction( x=cos(zen), pos=AixLib.Utilities.Math.Functions.inverseXRegularized(cos(zen), epsCos), neg=0, deltax=epsCos))) "Calculate the HDirNor using HGloHor and HDifHor according to (A.4.14) and (A.4.15)"; HDirNor_in_internal = 0; else HDirNor = max(0, HDirNor_in_internal) "Get HDirNor using weather data file or input connector of weather data reader"; end if; end SourceSelectorRadiation;
Test model for CheckBlackBodySkyTemperature. This example tests the model that checks the black-body sky temperature.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples; model CheckBlackBodySkyTemperature "Test model for CheckBlackBodySkyTemperature" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.CheckBlackBodySkyTemperature cheSkyBlaBodTem "Check for the black body sky temperature" Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp TBlaBod( height=140-0.02, duration=1, offset=273.15 - 69.99) "Black body sky temperature" equation connect(TBlaBod.y, cheSkyBlaBodTem.TIn) end CheckBlackBodySkyTemperature;
Test model for ceiling height check. This example tests the model that constrains the ceiling height.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples; model CheckCeilingHeight "Test model for ceiling height check" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; AixLib.Utilities.Time.ModelTime modTim AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.CheckCeilingHeight cheCeiHei "Block that constrains the ceiling height" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.ConvertTime conTim( weaDatStaTim=0, weaDatEndTim=31536000) "Block that converts time" protected Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable1Ds datRea( tableOnFile=true, tableName="tab1", fileName=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource( Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource("modelica://AixLib/Resources/weatherdata/USA_IL_Chicago-OHare.Intl.AP.725300_TMY3.mos")), columns=2:30, smoothness=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Smoothness.ContinuousDerivative) "Data reader" equation connect(datRea.y[20], cheCeiHei.ceiHeiIn) connect(modTim.y, conTim.modTim) connect(conTim.calTim, datRea.u) end CheckCeilingHeight;
Test model for pressure check. This example tests the model that asserts that the pressure is within acceptable bounds.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples; model CheckPressure "Test model for pressure check" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.CheckPressure chePre "Block that checks the pressure" AixLib.Utilities.Time.ModelTime modTim "Block that outputs simulation time" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.ConvertTime conTim( weaDatStaTim=0, weaDatEndTim=31536000) "Block that converts time" protected Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable1Ds datRea( tableOnFile=true, tableName="tab1", fileName=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource( Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource("modelica://AixLib/Resources/weatherdata/USA_IL_Chicago-OHare.Intl.AP.725300_TMY3.mos")), columns=2:30, smoothness=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Smoothness.ContinuousDerivative) "Data reader" equation connect(datRea.y[4], chePre.PIn) connect(modTim.y, conTim.modTim) connect(conTim.calTim, datRea.u) end CheckPressure;
Test model for CheckRadiation. This example tests the model that constrains the radiation.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples; model CheckRadiation "Test model for CheckRadiation" extends AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples.ConvertRadiation; AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.CheckRadiation cheGloRad "Check global horizontal radiation" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.CheckRadiation cheDifRad "Check diffuse horizontal radiation" equation connect(conGloRad.HOut, cheGloRad.HIn) connect(conDifRad.HOut, cheDifRad.HIn) end CheckRadiation;
Test model for CheckRelativeHumidity. This example tests the model that constrains the relative humidity.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples; model CheckRelativeHumidity "Test model for CheckRelativeHumidity" extends AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples.ConvertRelativeHumidity; AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.CheckRelativeHumidity cheRelHum "Block that constrains the relative humidity" equation connect(conRelHum.relHumOut, cheRelHum.relHumIn) end CheckRelativeHumidity;
Test model for checking sky cover. This example tests the model that constrains the sky cover.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples; model CheckSkyCover "Test model for checking sky cover" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.CheckSkyCover cheTotSkyCov "Check total sky cover" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.CheckSkyCover cheOpaSkyCov "Check opaque sky cover" protected AixLib.Utilities.Time.ModelTime modTim "Generate simulation time" Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable1Ds datRea( tableOnFile=true, tableName="tab1", fileName=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource( Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource("modelica://AixLib/Resources/weatherdata/USA_IL_Chicago-OHare.Intl.AP.725300_TMY3.mos")), columns=2:30, smoothness=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Smoothness.ContinuousDerivative) "Data reader" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.ConvertTime conTim( weaDatStaTim=0, weaDatEndTim=31536000) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain conTotSkyCov(final k=0.1) "Convert sky cover from [0...10] to [0...1]" Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain conOpaSkyCov1(final k=0.1) "Convert sky cover from [0...10] to [0...1]" equation connect(modTim.y, conTim.modTim) connect(conTim.calTim, datRea.u) connect(datRea.y[17], conTotSkyCov.u) connect(datRea.y[18], conOpaSkyCov1.u) connect(conTotSkyCov.y, cheTotSkyCov.nIn) connect(conOpaSkyCov1.y, cheOpaSkyCov.nIn) end CheckSkyCover;
Test model for CheckTemperature. This example tests the model that checks the temperature.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples; model CheckTemperature "Test model for CheckTemperature" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.CheckDryBulbTemperature cheTemDryBul "Check dry bulb temperature " AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.CheckDewPointTemperature cheTemDewPoi "Check dew point temperature" AixLib.Utilities.Time.ModelTime modTim "Block that outputs the model time" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.ConvertTime conTim( weaDatStaTim=0, weaDatEndTim=31536000) "Block that converts time" Modelica.Blocks.Math.UnitConversions.From_degC from_degC "Block that converts temperature" Modelica.Blocks.Math.UnitConversions.From_degC from_degC1 "Block that converts temperature" protected Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable1Ds datRea( tableOnFile=true, tableName="tab1", fileName=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource( Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource("modelica://AixLib/Resources/weatherdata/USA_IL_Chicago-OHare.Intl.AP.725300_TMY3.mos")), columns=2:30, smoothness=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Smoothness.ContinuousDerivative) "Data reader" equation connect(modTim.y, conTim.modTim) connect(conTim.calTim, datRea.u) connect(datRea.y[1], from_degC.u) connect(from_degC.y, cheTemDryBul.TIn) connect(datRea.y[2], from_degC1.u) connect(from_degC1.y, cheTemDewPoi.TIn) end CheckTemperature;
Test model for wind direction check. This example tests the model that constrains the wind direction.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples; model CheckWindDirection "Test model for wind direction check" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; AixLib.Utilities.Time.ModelTime modTim AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.CheckWindDirection cheWinDir "Block that constrains the wind direction" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.ConvertTime conTim( weaDatStaTim=0, weaDatEndTim=31536000) "Block that converts time" Modelica.Blocks.Math.UnitConversions.From_deg from_deg "Block that converts temperature" protected Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable1Ds datRea( tableOnFile=true, tableName="tab1", fileName=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource( Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource("modelica://AixLib/Resources/weatherdata/USA_IL_Chicago-OHare.Intl.AP.725300_TMY3.mos")), columns=2:30, smoothness=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Smoothness.ContinuousDerivative) "Data reader" equation connect(modTim.y, conTim.modTim) connect(conTim.calTim, datRea.u) connect(datRea.y[15], from_deg.u) connect(from_deg.y, cheWinDir.nIn) end CheckWindDirection;
Test model for wind speed check. This example tests the model that constrains the wind speed.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples; model CheckWindSpeed "Test model for wind speed check" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; AixLib.Utilities.Time.ModelTime modTim "Block that outputs simulation time" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.CheckWindSpeed cheWinSpe "Block that constrains the wind speed" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.ConvertTime conTim( weaDatStaTim=0, weaDatEndTim=31536000) "Block that converts time" protected Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable1Ds datRea( tableOnFile=true, tableName="tab1", fileName=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource( Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource("modelica://AixLib/Resources/weatherdata/USA_IL_Chicago-OHare.Intl.AP.725300_TMY3.mos")), columns=2:30, smoothness=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Smoothness.ContinuousDerivative) "Data reader" equation connect(datRea.y[16], cheWinSpe.winSpeIn) connect(modTim.y, conTim.modTim) connect(conTim.calTim, datRea.u) end CheckWindSpeed;
Test model for ConvertRadiation. This example tests the model that converts radiation.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples; model ConvertRadiation "Test model for ConvertRadiation" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.ConvertRadiation conGloRad "Convert units for global horizontal radiation" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.ConvertRadiation conDifRad "Convert units for diffuse horizontal radiation" AixLib.Utilities.Time.ModelTime modTim "Block that outputs simulation time" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.ConvertTime timCon( weaDatStaTim=0, weaDatEndTim=31536000) "Convert simmulation time to calendar time" protected Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable1Ds datRea( tableOnFile=true, tableName="tab1", fileName=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource( Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource("modelica://AixLib/Resources/weatherdata/USA_IL_Chicago-OHare.Intl.AP.725300_TMY3.mos")), columns=2:30, smoothness=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Smoothness.ContinuousDerivative) "Data reader" equation connect(timCon.calTim, datRea.u) connect(datRea.y[8], conGloRad.HIn) connect(datRea.y[10], conDifRad.HIn) connect(modTim.y, timCon.modTim) end ConvertRadiation;
Test model for converting relative humidity and checking its validity. This example tests the model that converts relative humidity.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples; model ConvertRelativeHumidity "Test model for converting relative humidity and checking its validity" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.ConvertRelativeHumidity conRelHum "Block that converts relative humidity" AixLib.Utilities.Time.ModelTime modTim "Block that outputs simulation time" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.ConvertTime conTim( weaDatStaTim=0, weaDatEndTim=31536000) "Block that converts time" protected Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable1Ds datRea( tableOnFile=true, tableName="tab1", fileName=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource( Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource("modelica://AixLib/Resources/weatherdata/USA_IL_Chicago-OHare.Intl.AP.725300_TMY3.mos")), columns=2:30, smoothness=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Smoothness.ContinuousDerivative) "Data reader" equation connect(datRea.y[3], conRelHum.relHumIn) connect(modTim.y, conTim.modTim) connect(conTim.calTim, datRea.u) end ConvertRelativeHumidity;
Test model for converting time. This example tests the model that converts time.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples; model ConvertTime "Test model for converting time" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; AixLib.Utilities.Time.ModelTime modTim "Block that outputs simulation time" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.ConvertTime conTim( weaDatStaTim=0, weaDatEndTim=31536000) "Block that converts time" equation connect(modTim.y, conTim.modTim) end ConvertTime;
Validation of time conversion for negative start time. This example tests the model that converts time for negative start time.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples; model ConvertTimeNegativeStart "Validation of time conversion for negative start time" extends AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples.ConvertTime; end ConvertTimeNegativeStart;
Validation of time conversion for positive start time. This example tests the model that converts time for positive start time.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples; model ConvertTimePositiveStart "Validation of time conversion for positive start time" extends AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples.ConvertTime; end ConvertTimePositiveStart;
Test model for equation of time. This example tests the model that computes the equation of time.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples; model EquationOfTime "Test model for equation of time" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; Utilities.Time.ModelTime modTim "Block that outputs simulation time" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.EquationOfTime eqnTim "Block that computes the equation of time" equation connect(modTim.y, eqnTim.nDay) end EquationOfTime;
Test model to get the absolute path of a URI. This model tests the function that gets the absolute path of a URI.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples; model GetAbsolutePath "Test model to get the absolute path of a URI" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; parameter String f = Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource("modelica://AixLib/package.mo") "Name of a file that exists"; parameter String fAbs= AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.getAbsolutePath(uri=f) "Absolute path of f"; final parameter Integer dummy = 1 "Dummy variable, used to have a result as needed for the unit tests"; initial algorithm Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Absolute path = " + fAbs); end GetAbsolutePath;
Test model to get Altitude of TMY3. This example tests getting the location altitude of a TMY3 weather data file.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples; model GetAltitudeTMY3 "Test model to get Altitude of TMY3" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; parameter String filNam = Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource( "modelica://AixLib/Resources/weatherdata/USA_IL_Chicago-OHare.Intl.AP.725300_TMY3.mos") "Name of weather data file"; parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Length alt = AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.getAltitudeLocationTMY3( filNam) "Altitude of TMY3 location"; end GetAltitudeTMY3;
Test model to get header element. This example tests getting the header of the TMY3 weather data file.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples; model GetHeaderElement "Test model to get header element" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Angle longitude(fixed=false, displayUnit="deg") "Longitude"; parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Angle latitude(fixed=false, displayUnit="deg") "Latitude"; parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time timeZone(fixed=false, displayUnit="h") "Time zone"; parameter String filNam = Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource("modelica://AixLib/Resources/weatherdata/USA_IL_Chicago-OHare.Intl.AP.725300_TMY3.mos") "Name of weather data file"; final parameter String absFilNam = AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.getAbsolutePath(filNam) "Absolute path of the file"; initial equation longitude = AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.getLongitudeTMY3( filNam=absFilNam); latitude = AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.getLatitudeTMY3( filNam=absFilNam); timeZone = AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.getTimeZoneTMY3( filNam=absFilNam); assert(abs(longitude*180/Modelica.Constants.pi+87.92) < 1, "Error when parsing longitude, longitude = " + String(longitude)); assert(abs(latitude*180/Modelica.Constants.pi-41.98) < 1, "Error when parsing latitude, latitude = " + String(latitude)); assert(abs(timeZone+6*3600) < 1, "Error when parsing time zone, timeZone = " + String(timeZone)); end GetHeaderElement;
Test model to get the time span of a weather file. This example tests getting the time span of a TMY3 weather data file.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples; model GetTimeSpanTMY3 "Test model to get the time span of a weather file" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; parameter String filNam = Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource( "modelica://AixLib/Resources/weatherdata/USA_IL_Chicago-OHare.Intl.AP.725300_TMY3.mos") "Name of weather data file"; parameter String tabNam = "tab1" "Name of table on weather file"; parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time[2] timeSpan(each fixed=false) "Start time, end time of weather data"; protected constant Modelica.Units.SI.Time endTim=365*24*3600.; constant Modelica.Units.SI.Time staTim=0.; initial equation timeSpan = AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.getTimeSpanTMY3( filNam, tabNam); assert(abs(timeSpan[2]-endTim) < 1E-5 and abs(timeSpan[1]-staTim) < 1E-5, "Error in weather file, start time " + String(timeSpan[1]) + " and end time " + String(timeSpan[2]) + ", but expected " + String(staTim) + " and " + String(endTim) + "."); end GetTimeSpanTMY3;
Test model to get the time span of a weather file with a long header line. This example tests getting the time span of a TMY3 weather data file with a long line in the header of the weather file.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples; model GetTimeSpanTMY3LongHeader "Test model to get the time span of a weather file with a long header line" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; parameter String filNam=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource( "modelica://AixLib/Resources/Data/BoundaryConditions/WeatherData/BaseClasses/Examples/weatherWithLongHeader.mos") "Name of weather data file"; final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time[2] timeSpan= AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.getTimeSpanTMY3(filNam, "tab1") "Start time, end time of weather data"; initial equation assert(abs(timeSpan[2]-14400) < 0.1, "Error in getting time span."); end GetTimeSpanTMY3LongHeader;
Test model to get time span of a weather file, start time is non zero. This example tests getting time span of a TMY3 weather data file that starts at a non-zero time.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples; model GetTimeSpanTMY3_NonzeroStart "Test model to get time span of a weather file, start time is non zero" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; extends AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples.GetTimeSpanTMY3( filNam = Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource( "modelica://AixLib/Resources/Data/BoundaryConditions/WeatherData/Validation/DecemberToJanuary.mos"), staTim = 30992400, endTim = 31863600); end GetTimeSpanTMY3_NonzeroStart;
Test model for ceiling height check. This example tests the model that constrains the ceiling height.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples; model LimitMin "Test model for ceiling height check" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; AixLib.Utilities.Time.ModelTime modTim AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.LimiterCeilingHeight limCeiHei "Block that constrains the ceiling height" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.ConvertTime conTim( weaDatStaTim=0, weaDatEndTim=31536000) "Block that converts time" protected Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable1Ds datRea( tableOnFile=true, tableName="tab1", fileName=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource( Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource("modelica://AixLib/Resources/weatherdata/USA_IL_Chicago-OHare.Intl.AP.725300_TMY3.mos")), columns=2:30, smoothness=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Smoothness.ContinuousDerivative) "Data reader" equation connect(datRea.y[20],limCeiHei.u) connect(modTim.y, conTim.modTim) connect(conTim.calTim, datRea.u) end LimitMin;
Test model for calculate local civil time. This example tests the model that computes the local civil time.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples; model LocalCivilTime "Test model for calculate local civil time" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; AixLib.Utilities.Time.ModelTime modTim "Block that outputs the model time" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.LocalCivilTime locTim( timZon=-21600, lon=-1.5293932423067) equation connect(modTim.y, locTim.cloTim) end LocalCivilTime;
Collection of models that illustrate model use and test models
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses; package Examples "Collection of models that illustrate model use and test models" extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage; end Examples;
Test model for solar time. This example tests the model that computes the solar time.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.Examples; model SolarTime "Test model for solar time" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; Utilities.Time.ModelTime modTim "Block that outputs simulation time" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.LocalCivilTime locTim( timZon=-21600, lon=-1.7039261675061) "Block that computes the local civil time" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.SolarTime solTim "Block that computes the solar time" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.EquationOfTime eqnTim "Block that computes the equation of time" equation connect(modTim.y, locTim.cloTim) connect(locTim.locTim, solTim.locTim) connect(modTim.y, eqnTim.nDay) connect(eqnTim.eqnTim, solTim.equTim) end SolarTime;
Collection of models that illustrate model use and test models
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData; package Examples "Collection of models that illustrate model use and test models" extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage; end Examples;
Test model for reading weather data. This model tests the TMY3 data reader. The instance <code>weaDat</code> obtains all weather data from the weather file, whereas the instance <code>weaDatInpCon</code> obtains the global horizontal and the diffuse horizontal solar radiation from its input connectors.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.Examples; model ReaderTMY3 "Test model for reading weather data" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.ReaderTMY3 weaDat( filNam=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource("modelica://AixLib/Resources/weatherdata/USA_IL_Chicago-OHare.Intl.AP.725300_TMY3.mos")) "Weather data reader" AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.ReaderTMY3 weaDatInpCon(filNam= Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource("modelica://AixLib/Resources/weatherdata/USA_IL_Chicago-OHare.Intl.AP.725300_TMY3.mos"), HSou=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HGloHor_HDifHor) "Weather data reader with radiation data obtained from input connector" Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant HDifHor(k=0) "Diffuse horizontal radiation" Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant HGloHor(k=0) "Horizontal global radiation" equation connect(HGloHor.y, weaDatInpCon.HGloHor_in) connect(HDifHor.y, weaDatInpCon.HDifHor_in) end ReaderTMY3;
Old weather data reader of AixLib for TRY data
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData; package Old "Old weather data reader of AixLib for TRY data" end Old;
Complex weather model.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.Old.WeatherTRY; model Weather "Complex weather model" parameter Modelica.Units.NonSI.Angle_deg Latitude=49.5 "latitude of location" parameter Modelica.Units.NonSI.Angle_deg Longitude=8.5 "longitude of location" parameter Modelica.Units.NonSI.Time_hour DiffWeatherDataTime=1 "difference between weather data time and UTC, e.g. +1 for CET" parameter Real GroundReflection = 0.2 "ground reflection coefficient" parameter String tableName = "wetter" "table name on file or in function usertab" parameter String fileName = Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource("modelica://AixLib/Resources/weatherdata/TRY2010_12_Jahr_Modelica-Library.txt") "file where matrix is stored";Matlab files (*.mat)", caption = "Open file in which table is present"))); parameter String formatTRY="TRY 2010/2011" "File format of test reference year (TRY)" parameter Real offset[:] = {0} "offsets of output signals" parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Smoothness smoothness = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Smoothness.LinearSegments "Smoothness of table interpolation" parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Extrapolation extrapolation = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Extrapolation.Periodic "Extrapolation of data outside the definition range" parameter Real startTime[1] = {0} "output = offset for time < startTime (same value for all columns)" replaceable model RadOnTiltedSurface = AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.Old.WeatherTRY.RadiationOnTiltedSurface.RadOnTiltedSurf_Liu constrainedby AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.Old.WeatherTRY.RadiationOnTiltedSurface.BaseClasses.PartialRadOnTiltedSurf "Model for calculating radiation on tilted surfaces" parameter DataBase.Weather.SurfaceOrientation.SurfaceOrientationBaseDataDefinition SOD = DataBase.Weather.SurfaceOrientation.SurfaceOrientationData_N_E_S_W_Hor() "Surface orientation data" Utilities.Interfaces.SolarRad_out SolarRadiation_OrientedSurfaces[SOD.nSurfaces] parameter Boolean outOpt = true "Output individual vectors instead of one vector [-]" parameter Boolean Cloud_cover = false "Cloud cover [-] (TRY col 7)" parameter Boolean Wind_dir = false "Wind direction [deg] (TRY col 8)" parameter Boolean Wind_speed = false "Wind speed [m/s] (TRY col 9)" parameter Boolean Air_temp = false "Air temperature [K] (TRY col 10)" parameter Boolean Air_press = false "Air pressure [Pa] (TRY col 11)" parameter Boolean Mass_frac = false "Mass fraction of water in dry air [kg/kg] (TRY col 12)" parameter Boolean Rel_hum = false "Realtive humidity of air [-] (TRY col 13)" parameter Boolean Sky_rad = false "Longwave sky radiation on horizontal [W/m2] (TRY col 18)" parameter Boolean Ter_rad = false "Longwave terrestric radiation from horizontal [W/m2] (TRY col 19)" BaseClasses.Sun Sun( Longitude=Longitude, Latitude=Latitude, DiffWeatherDataTime=DiffWeatherDataTime) RadOnTiltedSurface RadOnTiltedSurf[SOD.nSurfaces](each Latitude = Latitude, each GroundReflection = GroundReflection, Azimut = SOD.Azimut, Tilt = SOD.Tilt, each WeatherFormat=false) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.CombiTimeTable WeatherData(fileName = Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource(fileName), columns = columns, offset = offset, table = [0, 0; 1, 1], startTime = scalar(startTime), tableName = tableName, tableOnFile = tableName <> "NoName", smoothness = smoothness, extrapolation = extrapolation) Modelica.Blocks.Routing.DeMultiplex3 deMultiplex(n3 = 9) Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput WeatherDataVector[m] if outOpt == false and (Cloud_cover or Wind_dir or Wind_speed or Air_temp or Air_press or Mass_frac or Rel_hum or Sky_rad or Ter_rad) Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput CloudCover if Cloud_cover and outOpt "[0..8]" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput WindDirection(unit = "deg") if Wind_dir and outOpt "in deg [0...360]" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput WindSpeed(unit = "m/s") if Wind_speed and outOpt "in m/s" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput AirTemp(unit = "K") if Air_temp and outOpt "in Kelvin" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput AirPressure(unit = "Pa") if Air_press and outOpt "in Pa" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput WaterInAir if Mass_frac and outOpt "in kg/kg" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput RelHumidity if Rel_hum and outOpt "in percent" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput SkyRadiation(unit = "W/m2") if Sky_rad and outOpt "in W/m2" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput TerrestrialRadiation(unit = "W/m2") if Ter_rad and outOpt "in W/m2" Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain hPa_to_Pa(k = 100) if Air_press Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain percent_to_unit(k = 0.01) if Rel_hum Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain g_to_kg(k = 0.001) if Mass_frac Modelica.Blocks.Math.UnitConversions.From_degC from_degC if Air_temp protected parameter Integer m = BaseClasses.CalculateNrOfOutputs(Cloud_cover, Wind_dir, Wind_speed, Air_temp, Air_press, Mass_frac, Rel_hum, Sky_rad, Ter_rad) "Number of chosen output variables"; parameter Integer[9] PosWV = BaseClasses.DeterminePositionsInWeatherVector(Cloud_cover, Wind_dir, Wind_speed, Air_temp, Air_press, Mass_frac, Rel_hum, Sky_rad, Ter_rad) "Positions Weather Vector"; /* | 1: year / Modelica time | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | | 2010/2011 | RG | IS | MM | DD | HH | N | WR | WG | t | p | x | RF | W | B | D | IK | A | E | IL | | 2015/2017 | RW | HW | MM | DD | HH | t | p | WR | WG | N | x | RF | B | D | A | E | IL | | | */ parameter Integer columns[:] = if formatTRY=="TRY 2015/2017" then {15, 14, 11, 9, 10, 7, 8, 12, 13, 16, 17} elseif formatTRY=="TRY 2010/2011" then {16, 15, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19} else fill(0, 11); initial equation assert(SOD.nSurfaces == size(SOD.name, 1), "name has to have the nSurfaces Elements (see Surface orientation data in the Weather Model)"); assert(SOD.nSurfaces == size(SOD.Azimut, 1), "Azimut has to have the nSurfaces Elements (see Surface orientation data in the Weather Model)"); assert(SOD.nSurfaces == size(SOD.Tilt, 1), "Tilt has to have the nSurfaces Elements (see Surface orientation data in the Weather Model)"); equation // cloud cover if Cloud_cover then if outOpt == false then connect(WeatherDataVector[PosWV[1]], deMultiplex.y3[1]); else connect(CloudCover, deMultiplex.y3[1]); end if; end if; // wind direction if Wind_dir then if not outOpt then connect(WeatherDataVector[PosWV[2]], deMultiplex.y3[2]); else connect(WindDirection, deMultiplex.y3[2]); end if; end if; // wind speed if Wind_speed then if not outOpt then connect(WeatherDataVector[PosWV[3]], deMultiplex.y3[3]); else connect(WindSpeed, deMultiplex.y3[3]); end if; end if; // air temperature if Air_temp then if not outOpt then connect(deMultiplex.y3[4], from_degC.u); connect(WeatherDataVector[PosWV[4]], from_degC.y); else connect(deMultiplex.y3[4], from_degC.u); connect(AirTemp, from_degC.y); end if; end if; // air pressure, conversion from hPa to Pa if Air_press then if not outOpt then connect(deMultiplex.y3[5], hPa_to_Pa.u); connect(WeatherDataVector[PosWV[5]], hPa_to_Pa.y); else connect(deMultiplex.y3[5], hPa_to_Pa.u); connect(AirPressure, hPa_to_Pa.y); end if; end if; // mass fraction water in dry air, conversion from g/kg to kg/kg if Mass_frac then if not outOpt then connect(deMultiplex.y3[6], g_to_kg.u); connect(WeatherDataVector[PosWV[6]], g_to_kg.y); else connect(deMultiplex.y3[6], g_to_kg.u); connect(WaterInAir, g_to_kg.y); end if; end if; // rel. humidity, conversion from % to 0..1 if Rel_hum then if not outOpt then connect(deMultiplex.y3[7], percent_to_unit.u); connect(WeatherDataVector[PosWV[7]], percent_to_unit.y); else connect(deMultiplex.y3[7], percent_to_unit.u); connect(RelHumidity, percent_to_unit.y); end if; end if; // longwave sky radiation if Sky_rad then if not outOpt then connect(WeatherDataVector[PosWV[8]], deMultiplex.y3[8]); else connect(SkyRadiation, deMultiplex.y3[8]); end if; end if; // longwave terrestric radiation if Ter_rad then if not outOpt then connect(WeatherDataVector[PosWV[9]], deMultiplex.y3[9]); else connect(TerrestrialRadiation, deMultiplex.y3[9]); end if; end if; connect(WeatherData.y, deMultiplex.u) // Connecting n RadOnTiltedSurf for i in 1:SOD.nSurfaces loop connect(Sun.OutDayAngleSun, RadOnTiltedSurf[i].InDayAngleSun); connect(Sun.OutHourAngleSun, RadOnTiltedSurf[i].InHourAngleSun); connect(Sun.OutDeclinationSun, RadOnTiltedSurf[i].InDeclinationSun); connect(deMultiplex.y1[1], RadOnTiltedSurf[i].solarInput2); connect(deMultiplex.y2[1], RadOnTiltedSurf[i].solarInput1); end for; connect(RadOnTiltedSurf.OutTotalRadTilted, SolarRadiation_OrientedSurfaces) end Weather;
Computes the sun's altitude of the current site.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.Old.WeatherTRY.BaseClasses; model Sun "Computes the sun's altitude of the current site" import Modelica.Units.Conversions.from_deg; import Modelica.Units.Conversions.to_deg; parameter Real TimeCorrection = 0.5 "for TRY = 0.5, for TMY = 0"; parameter Modelica.Units.NonSI.Angle_deg Latitude "latitude of location"; parameter Modelica.Units.NonSI.Angle_deg Longitude "longitude of location in"; parameter Modelica.Units.NonSI.Time_hour DiffWeatherDataTime "difference between local time and UTC, e.g. +1 for MET"; parameter Real Diff_localStandardTime_WeatherDataTime = 0 "difference between weather data time and the time of the local time zone"; Real NumberOfDay; Real SolarTime; Real TimeEquation; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput OutHourAngleSun Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput OutDeclinationSun Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput OutDayAngleSun Real DeclinationSun; Real HourAngleSun; Real DayAngleSun; Real StandardTime "the time of the standard time zone of the WeatherData"; equation //calculation of the SolarTime (Duffie2006 chap. 1.5) // number of day: 1 = Jan 1st NumberOfDay = time/86400 + 1 "NumberOfDay is calculated as float because then the variables that use NumberoOfDay in their calculation don't have to be interpolated between the time-steps. To get the integer value it has to be calculated with: NumberOfDay =floor(time/86400) + 1"; // day angle of sun DayAngleSun = 360/365.25*(NumberOfDay - 1) "360 is an angle in degree and 365 is the number of days in one year. The earth rotation in one year is 360 degrees"; OutDayAngleSun = DayAngleSun; // equation of time in hours - used to convert local time in solar time TimeEquation = 229.2*(0.000075+0.001868*cos(from_deg(DayAngleSun))-0.032077*sin(from_deg(DayAngleSun))-0.014615*cos(2*from_deg(DayAngleSun))-0.04089*sin(2*from_deg(DayAngleSun)))/60; StandardTime=mod(time/3600, 24); SolarTime = StandardTime - TimeCorrection - (DiffWeatherDataTime + Diff_localStandardTime_WeatherDataTime) + 4 * (Longitude)/60 + TimeEquation "the difference between the UTC and the time standard is given by DiffWeatherDataTime and Diff_lokalStandardTime Longitude"; // hour angle of sun, first term calculates local time of day from continuous time signal HourAngleSun = (SolarTime-12) * 360/24 "HourAngleSun=0 deg means sun peak"; if (HourAngleSun > 180) then OutHourAngleSun = HourAngleSun - 360; elseif (HourAngleSun < -180) then OutHourAngleSun = HourAngleSun + 360; else OutHourAngleSun = HourAngleSun; end if; // declination of sun DeclinationSun = (to_deg(0.006918 - 0.399912 * cos(from_deg(DayAngleSun)) + 0.070257 * sin(from_deg(DayAngleSun)) - 0.006758 * cos(2*from_deg(DayAngleSun)) + 0.000907 * sin(2*from_deg(DayAngleSun)) - 0.002679 * cos(3*from_deg(DayAngleSun)) + 0.00148 * sin(3*from_deg(DayAngleSun)))); OutDeclinationSun=DeclinationSun; end Sun;
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.Old.WeatherTRY.Examples; model WeatherModels extends Modelica.Icons.Example; BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.Old.WeatherTRY.Weather weather( Cloud_cover=true, Wind_dir=true, Wind_speed=true, Air_temp=true, Air_press=true, Mass_frac=true, Rel_hum=true, Sky_rad=true, Ter_rad=true) equation end WeatherModels;
Calculates solar radiation on tilted surfaces according to Liu.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.Old.WeatherTRY.RadiationOnTiltedSurface; model RadOnTiltedSurf_Liu "Calculates solar radiation on tilted surfaces according to Liu" extends BaseClasses.PartialRadOnTiltedSurf; import Modelica.Units.Conversions.from_deg; Real InBeamRadHor "beam irradiance on the horizontal surface"; Real InDiffRadHor "diffuse irradiance on the horizontal surface"; Real cos_theta; Real cos_theta_help; Real cos_theta_z; Real cos_theta_z_help; Real R; Real R_help; Real term; equation // calculation of cos_theta_z [Duffie/Beckman, p.15], cos_theta_z is manually cut at 0 (no neg. values) cos_theta_z_help = sin(from_deg(InDeclinationSun))*sin(from_deg( Latitude)) + cos(from_deg(InDeclinationSun))*cos(from_deg(Latitude))* cos(from_deg(InHourAngleSun)); cos_theta_z = (cos_theta_z_help + abs(cos_theta_z_help))/2; // calculation of cos_theta [Duffie/Beckman, p.15], cos_theta is manually cut at 0 (no neg. values) term = cos(from_deg(InDeclinationSun))*sin(from_deg(Tilt))*sin(from_deg( Azimut))*sin(from_deg(InHourAngleSun)); cos_theta_help = sin(from_deg(InDeclinationSun))*sin(from_deg(Latitude)) *cos(from_deg(Tilt)) - sin(from_deg(InDeclinationSun))*cos(from_deg( Latitude))*sin(from_deg(Tilt))*cos(from_deg(Azimut)) + cos(from_deg( InDeclinationSun))*cos(from_deg(Latitude))*cos(from_deg(Tilt))*cos( from_deg(InHourAngleSun)) + cos(from_deg(InDeclinationSun))*sin( from_deg(Latitude))*sin(from_deg(Tilt))*cos(from_deg(Azimut))*cos( from_deg(InHourAngleSun)) + term; cos_theta = (cos_theta_help + abs(cos_theta_help))/2; // calculation of R factor [Duffie/Beckman, p.25], due to numerical problems (cos_theta_z in denominator) // R is manually set to 0 for theta_z >= 80 deg (-> 90 deg means sunset) if noEvent(cos_theta_z <= 0.17365) then R_help = cos_theta_z*cos_theta; else R_help = cos_theta/cos_theta_z; end if; R = R_help; // conversion of direct and diffuse horizontal radiation if not WeatherFormat then // TRY InBeamRadHor = solarInput1; InDiffRadHor = solarInput2; else // WeatherFormat == true , TMY then InBeamRadHor = solarInput1 * cos_theta_z; InDiffRadHor = max(solarInput2-InBeamRadHor, 0); end if; // calculation of total radiation on tilted surface according to model of Liu and Jordan // according to [Dissertation Nytsch-Geusen, p.98] OutTotalRadTilted.I = max(0, R*InBeamRadHor + 0.5*(1 + cos(from_deg( Tilt)))*InDiffRadHor + GroundReflection*(InBeamRadHor + InDiffRadHor) *((1 - cos(from_deg(Tilt)))/2)); // Setting the outputs of direct. diffuse and ground reflection radiation on tilted surface and the angle of incidence OutTotalRadTilted.I_dir = R*InBeamRadHor; OutTotalRadTilted.I_diff = 0.5*(1 + cos(from_deg(Tilt)))*InDiffRadHor; OutTotalRadTilted.I_gr = GroundReflection*(InBeamRadHor + InDiffRadHor)*((1 - cos(from_deg(Tilt)))/2); OutTotalRadTilted.AOI = Modelica.Math.acos(cos_theta); // in rad end RadOnTiltedSurf_Liu;
Calculates solar radiation on tilted surfaces according to Perez.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.Old.WeatherTRY.RadiationOnTiltedSurface; model RadOnTiltedSurf_Perez "Calculates solar radiation on tilted surfaces according to Perez" extends RadiationOnTiltedSurface.BaseClasses.PartialRadOnTiltedSurf; import Modelica.Units.Conversions.to_deg; import Modelica.Units.Conversions.from_deg; import Modelica.Math.sin; import Modelica.Math.acos; import Modelica.Math.cos; //parameter parameter Boolean GroundReflexApprox = false "Shall the GroundReflection be approximated?" parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Height h=0 "height of the tilted surfaces centre in metre. if unknown it is 0"; //constants protected constant Real a_rho=0.45 "estimated on measured Albedo from NREL USA (Latitude=39.74 deg)"; constant Real b_rho=0.013 "estimated on measured Albedo from NREL USA"; constant Real c_rho=0.2 "estimated on measured Albedo from NREL USA"; constant Real rho_avg=1/0.27055 "factor for setting the average of rho to the value of GroundReflection"; constant Real SolarConstant=1367; constant Real A[ 8,6]= [-0.0083117, 0.5877285, -0.0620636, -0.0596012, 0.0721249, -0.0220216; 0.1299457, 0.6825954, -0.1513752, -0.0189325, 0.0659650, -0.0288748; 0.3296958, 0.4868735, -0.2210958, 0.0554140, -0.0639588, -0.0260542; 0.5682053, 0.1874525, -0.2951290, 0.1088631, -0.1519229, 0.0139754; 0.8730280, -0.3920403, -0.3616149, 0.2255647, -0.4620442, 0.0012448; 1.1326077, -1.2367284, -0.4118494, 0.2877813, -0.8230357, 0.0558651; 1.0601591, -1.5999137, -0.3589221, 0.2642124, -1.1272340, 0.1310694; 0.6777470, -0.3272588, -0.2504286, 0.1561313, -1.3765031, 0.2506212] "Brightness Coefficient Matrix by [Perez 1990] * Engineering reference EnergyPlus, page 143"; //variables public Real InBeamRadHor "beam irradiance on the horizontal surface"; Real InDiffRadHor "diffuse irradiance on the horizontal surface"; Real BeamRadTilt "Beam irradiance on a tilted surface"; Real DiffRadTilt "Diffuse irradiance on a tilted surface"; Real RadGroundRefl "Ground-reflected irradiance"; //the following variables are necessary for the use of the Perez anisotropic sky-model for determining the diffuse radiation on tilted surfaces [Perez et al., Solar Energy, 44, 271, (1990). "Modeling Daylight Availibility and Irradiance Components from Direct and Global Irradiance]; Real DiffRadTiltCS "circumsolar diffuse irradiance"; Real DiffRadTiltHZ "horizontal diffuse irradiance"; Real DiffRadTiltDOM "sky dome diffuse irradiance"; protected Real rho "groundreflection"; Real cos_theta_help; Real cos_theta; Real cos_theta_z_help; Real cos_theta_z; Real theta_z_pos; Real theta_z; Real R "geometric beam radiation factor"; Real Airmass; Real ExtraterRadHor; Real a "used for determining R"; Real b "used for determining R"; Real c "used instead of InDiffRadHor for determining epsilon"; Real F1 "brightness coefficient 1"; Real F2 "brightness coefficient 2"; Real epsilon "sky-clearness parameter"; Real delta "brightness parameter"; //Fij factors Real f11; Real f12; Real f13; Real f21; Real f22; Real f23; //input //output public Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput rho_out "groundreflection" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput theta_out "[degree] angle of incidence" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput theta_z_out "degree value; solar zenith angle" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput BeamRadTiltOut "[W/m2] Beam irradiance on a tilted surface" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput DiffRadTiltCSOut "[W/m2] circumsolar diffuse irradiance" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput DiffRadTiltHZOut "[W/m2] Diffuse irradiance on a tilted surface" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput DiffRadTiltDOMOut "[W/m2] Diffuse irradiance on a tilted surface" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput brightness_out "dimensionless factor, which says how cloudy the sky is (see: delta)" Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable1Ds FijFactors( smoothness=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Smoothness.ConstantSegments, tableOnFile=false, table=[1.000,-0.0083117,0.5877285,-0.0620636,-0.0596012,0.0721249,-0.0220216; 1.065,0.1299457,0.6825954,-0.1513752,-0.0189325,0.0659650,-0.0288748; 1.230,0.3296958,0.4868735,-0.2210958,0.0554140,-0.0639588,-0.0260542; 1.500,0.5682053,0.1874525,-0.2951290,0.1088631,-0.1519229,-0.0139754; 1.950,0.8730280,-0.3920403,-0.3616149,0.2255647,-0.4620442,0.0012448; 2.800,1.1326077,-1.2367284,-0.4118494,0.2877813,-0.8230357,0.0558651; 4.500,1.0601591,-1.5999137,-0.3589221,0.2642124,-1.1272340,0.1310694; 6.200,0.6777470,-0.3272588,-0.2504286,0.1561313,-1.3765031,0.2506212; 100.00,0.6777470,-0.3272588,-0.2504286,0.1561313,-1.3765031,0.2506212]) "Fij Factors as a Function of Sky Clearness Range." equation if GroundReflexApprox then rho = GroundReflection*rho_avg*max(a_rho*cos(from_deg(InDayAngleSun)), b_rho*(from_deg(InDayAngleSun-180))^2 + c_rho); //rho = 1.25*GroundReflection + 0.25*GroundReflection*cos(from_deg(InDayAngleSun)) - 0.5*GroundReflection*(sin(from_deg(InDayAngleSun)))^2 "another approximation" else rho = GroundReflection; end if; rho_out=rho; // calculation of cos_theta_z [Duffie/Beckman, p.15], cos_theta_z is manually cut at 0 (no neg. values); cos_theta_z_help = sin(from_deg(InDeclinationSun))*sin(from_deg(Latitude)) + cos(from_deg(InDeclinationSun))*cos(from_deg(Latitude))*cos(from_deg(InHourAngleSun)); theta_z = to_deg(acos(cos_theta_z_help)); cos_theta_z = (cos_theta_z_help + abs(cos_theta_z_help))/2; theta_z_pos = to_deg(acos(cos_theta_z)); theta_z_out = theta_z_pos; //calculation of cos_theta [Duffie/Beckman, p.15], cos_theta is manually cut at 0 (no neg. values); cos_theta_help = sin(from_deg(InDeclinationSun))*sin(from_deg(Latitude))*cos(from_deg(Tilt)) - sin(from_deg(InDeclinationSun))*cos(from_deg(Latitude))*sin(from_deg(Tilt))*cos(from_deg(Azimut)) + cos(from_deg(InDeclinationSun))*cos(from_deg(Latitude))*cos(from_deg(Tilt))*cos(from_deg(InHourAngleSun)) + cos(from_deg(InDeclinationSun))*sin(from_deg(Latitude))*sin(from_deg(Tilt))*cos(from_deg(Azimut))*cos(from_deg(InHourAngleSun)) + cos(from_deg(InDeclinationSun))*sin(from_deg(Tilt))*sin(from_deg(Azimut))*sin(from_deg(InHourAngleSun)); cos_theta = (cos_theta_help + abs(cos_theta_help))/2; theta_out = to_deg(acos(cos_theta)); // calculation of R factor [Duffie/Beckman, p.25], but in order not to divide by zero it is determined like a/b in the Model of Perez [Duffie/Beckman, p.94] where the minimum b is set to cos(85 deg); // R is manually set to 0 for theta_z_pos >= 80 degrees (-> 90 degrees means sunset)__old solution for the numerical problems of dividing by zero; //if noEvent(cos_theta_z <= 0.08715574274) then // R_help = cos_theta_z*cos_theta; //else // R_help = cos_theta/cos_theta_z; //end if; //R = R_help; a = max(0,cos_theta) "in the Perez Model it is max(0,cos(theta)), but cos_theta is already positiv"; //b = max(cos(from_deg(85)), cos_theta_z); b = max(0.087, cos_theta_z); R = a / b; // conversion of direct and diffuse horizontal radiation if not WeatherFormat then // TRY InBeamRadHor = solarInput1; InDiffRadHor = solarInput2; else // WeatherFormat == true , TMY then InBeamRadHor = solarInput1 * cos_theta_z; InDiffRadHor = max(solarInput2-InBeamRadHor, 0); end if; // calculation of the Beam Irradiation on a tilted surface; BeamRadTilt = R*InBeamRadHor; //calculation of the Groundreflected Irradiation on a tilted surface; RadGroundRefl = rho*(InBeamRadHor + InDiffRadHor)*((1 - cos(from_deg(Tilt)))/2); // calculating of the diffuse irradiation with the Method of [Perez 1990]; //getting brightness coefficients from brightness coefficient vector; //Calculation of the extraterrestrial Radiation on a horizontal Surface [Duffie/Beckman 2006, p.9]; ExtraterRadHor = SolarConstant * (1.000110 + 0.034221 * cos(from_deg(InDayAngleSun)) + 0.001280 * sin(from_deg(InDayAngleSun)) + 0.000719 * cos(2*from_deg(InDayAngleSun)) + 0.000077 * sin(2*from_deg(InDayAngleSun))); //Calculation of the Airmass [Duffie/Beckman 2006, p.10]; Airmass = exp(-0.0001184*h) / (cos_theta_z + 0.5057 * (96.080 - theta_z_pos)^(-1.634)); /* //Calculation of epsilon like in the Perez model [Duffie/Beckman 2006, p.94]. In order not to divide by zero, the minimum of c(the diffuse irradiation on a horizontal surface) is set 0.1 W/m2; c = max(0.1, InDiffRadHor); epsilon = (((InBeamRadHor/b + c) / c) + 5.535E-6 * theta_z_pos^3) / (1 + 5.535E-6 * theta_z_pos^3); */ //Calculation of epsilon like in the EngineeringReference(EnergyPlus) page 143 In order not to divide by zero, the minimum of c(the diffuse irradiation on a horizontal surface) is set 0.1 W/m2; c = max(0.1, InDiffRadHor); epsilon = (((InBeamRadHor/b + c) / c) + 1.041 * (from_deg(theta_z_out))^3) / (1 + 1.041 * (from_deg(theta_z_out))^3); ////get the right coefficients for determining the brigthness coefficient; FijFactors.u = epsilon; f11=FijFactors.y[1]; f12=FijFactors.y[2]; f13=FijFactors.y[3]; f21=FijFactors.y[4]; f22=FijFactors.y[5]; f23=FijFactors.y[6]; //Calculation of the brightness parameter [Duffie/Beckman 2006, p.94]; delta = Airmass * InDiffRadHor / ExtraterRadHor; brightness_out=delta; //Calculation of the brightness coefficients [Duffie/Beckman 2006, p.94] F1 = max(0, f11 + f12 * delta + from_deg(theta_z_out) * f13); F2 = f21 + f22 * delta + from_deg(theta_z_out) * f23; DiffRadTiltHZ = InDiffRadHor * F2 * sin(from_deg(Tilt)) "diffuse irradiance from the sky horizon on the tilted Surface"; DiffRadTiltDOM = InDiffRadHor * (1 - F1)*((1 + cos(from_deg(Tilt)))/2) "diffuse irradiation from sky dome on a tilted Surface"; DiffRadTiltCS = InDiffRadHor * F1 * R "diffuse irradiation from circumsolar region on a tilted Surface"; DiffRadTilt = DiffRadTiltHZ + DiffRadTiltDOM + DiffRadTiltCS "total diffuse irradiation on a tilted Surface"; OutTotalRadTilted.I = max(0, BeamRadTilt + DiffRadTilt + RadGroundRefl) "output connector for the total Irradiation on a tilted Surface"; // calculation of direct. diffuse and ground reflection radiation on tilted surface OutTotalRadTilted.I_dir = BeamRadTilt; OutTotalRadTilted.I_diff = DiffRadTilt; OutTotalRadTilted.I_gr = RadGroundRefl; OutTotalRadTilted.AOI = Modelica.Math.acos(cos_theta); // in rad //Output BeamRadTilt=BeamRadTiltOut; DiffRadTiltCS=DiffRadTiltCSOut; DiffRadTiltHZ=DiffRadTiltHZOut; DiffRadTiltDOM=DiffRadTiltDOMOut; end RadOnTiltedSurf_Perez;
Format weather file: If checked TMY, else TRY.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.Old.WeatherTRY.RadiationOnTiltedSurface.BaseClasses; partial model PartialRadOnTiltedSurf parameter Boolean WeatherFormat = false "Format weather file: If checked TMY, else TRY" parameter Modelica.Units.NonSI.Angle_deg Latitude=49.5 "latitude of location" parameter Real GroundReflection=0.2 "ground reflection coefficient" parameter Modelica.Units.NonSI.Angle_deg Azimut=13.400 "azimut of tilted surface, e.g. 0=south, 90=west, 180=north, -90=east" parameter Modelica.Units.NonSI.Angle_deg Tilt=90 "tilt of surface, e.g. 0=horizontal surface, 90=vertical surface" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput InHourAngleSun Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput InDeclinationSun Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput solarInput1 "beam horizontal for TRY; beam for TMY" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput solarInput2 "diffuse horizontal for TRY; ground horizontal for TMY" Utilities.Interfaces.SolarRad_out OutTotalRadTilted public Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput InDayAngleSun end PartialRadOnTiltedSurf;
Validation model for a data reader that has data spanning only some hours in December to January. This is a validation case for a data file that has a few incomplete days in December and goes into a few days into January. The data does not start and does not end at midnight.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.Validation; model DecemberToJanuary "Validation model for a data reader that has data spanning only some hours in December to January" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.ReaderTMY3 weaDat( computeWetBulbTemperature=false, TDewPoiSou=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Parameter, HInfHorSou=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Parameter, HInfHor=100, calTSky=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.SkyTemperatureCalculation.HorizontalRadiation, filNam=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource( "modelica://AixLib/Resources/Data/BoundaryConditions/WeatherData/Validation/DecemberToJanuary.mos")) "Weather data reader with data file going from December to January" end DecemberToJanuary;
Validation model for a simulation extending with two months over one year but using data for only one year. This is a validation case for a simulation extending with two months over one year, but using data for only one year.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.Validation; model OverAYear_usingOneYearData "Validation model for a simulation extending with two months over one year but using data for only one year" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.ReaderTMY3 weaDat( computeWetBulbTemperature=false, TDewPoiSou=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Parameter, HInfHorSou=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Parameter, HInfHor=100, calTSky=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.SkyTemperatureCalculation.HorizontalRadiation, filNam=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource( "modelica://AixLib/Resources/weatherdata/USA_CA_San.Francisco.Intl.AP.724940_TMY3.mos")) "Weather data reader with data file for one year, hourly data" end OverAYear_usingOneYearData;
Collection of validation models
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData; package Validation "Collection of validation models" extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage; end Validation;
Test model for calculating the direct normal radiation. This model tests the calculation of the direct normal radiation. The instance <code>weaDatInpCon</code> obtains the global horizontal and the diffuse horizontal solar radiation from its inputs connectors.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.Validation; model ReaderTMY3HDirNor "Test model for calculating the direct normal radiation" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.ReaderTMY3 weaDatInpCon(filNam= Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource("modelica://AixLib/Resources/weatherdata/USA_IL_Chicago-OHare.Intl.AP.725300_TMY3.mos"), HSou=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource.Input_HGloHor_HDifHor) "Weather data reader with radiation data obtained from the inputs' connectors" protected Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine HGloHor1( f=1/86400, startTime=25200, offset=0, amplitude=100) "Horizontal global radiation" Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine HGloHor( f=1/86400, startTime=68428, offset=0, amplitude=100) "Horizontal global radiation" Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add add Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gaiHDifHor(k=0.5) "Gain for diffuse solar radiation" equation connect(HGloHor.y, add.u1) connect(HGloHor1.y, add.u2) connect(add.y, weaDatInpCon.HGloHor_in) connect(add.y, gaiHDifHor.u) connect(gaiHDifHor.y, weaDatInpCon.HDifHor_in) end ReaderTMY3HDirNor;
Validation model for a simulation spanning three years but using only two years of data. This is a validation case for a simulation extending over three years, but using only two years of data with equidistant monthly values.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.Validation; model ThreeYears_usingTwoYearData "Validation model for a simulation spanning three years but using only two years of data" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.ReaderTMY3 weaDat( computeWetBulbTemperature=false, TDewPoiSou=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Parameter, HInfHorSou=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource.Parameter, HInfHor=100, calTSky=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.SkyTemperatureCalculation.HorizontalRadiation, filNam=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource( "modelica://AixLib/Resources/Data/BoundaryConditions/WeatherData/Validation/TwoYears_DataOnceAMonth_TMY3.mos")) "Weather data reader with data for two years, only monthly values" end ThreeYears_usingTwoYearData;
Validation model for a simulation spanning three years, starting at a negative time and using only two years of data. This is a validation case for a simulation extending over six years starting at a negative start date, but using only two years of data with equidistant monthly values.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.Validation; model ThreeYears_usingTwoYearDataNegativeStart "Validation model for a simulation spanning three years, starting at a negative time and using only two years of data" extends AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.Validation.ThreeYears_usingTwoYearData; end ThreeYears_usingTwoYearDataNegativeStart;
Validation model for a simulation spanning three years, starting at a positive time and using only two years of data. This is a validation case for a simulation extending over six years starting at a positive start date, but using only two years of data with equidistant monthly values.
within AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.Validation; model ThreeYears_usingTwoYearDataPositiveStart "Validation model for a simulation spanning three years, starting at a positive time and using only two years of data" extends AixLib.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.Validation.ThreeYears_usingTwoYearData; end ThreeYears_usingTwoYearDataPositiveStart;
Package with models for controls
within AixLib; package Controls "Package with models for controls" extends Modelica.Icons.Package; end Controls;
Types, constants to define menu choices
within AixLib.Controls; package Types "Types, constants to define menu choices" extends Modelica.Icons.TypesPackage; type heatPumpMode = enumeration( heatPump "Heat pump is used as heat pump", chiller "Heat pump is used as chiller") "Enumeration to define mode of heat pump" type ControlVariable = enumeration( pEva "Pressure of evaporation", pCon "Pressure of condensation", TEva "Temperature of evaporation", TCon "Temperature of condensation", TSupHea "Degree of superheating at evaporator's outlet", TSupCol "Degree of supercooling at condenser's outlet", TCol "Temperature at source-sided evaporator's outlet (Cooling temperature)", THea "Temperature at sink-sided condenser's outlet (Heating temperature)", QFloCol "Cooling capacity if system works as chiller", QFloHea "Heating capacity if system works as heat pump") "Enumeration to control variables of expansion valves" end Types;
Rule-based controller of a facade ventilation unit.
within AixLib.Controls.AirHandling; model FVUController "Rule-based controller of a facade ventilation unit" parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature minimumSupTemp=273.15 + 17 "Minimum supply air temperature"; parameter Real co2SetConcentration(min=0) = 600 "Set point for CO2 concentration in ppm"; parameter Real maxSupFanPower(min=0, max=1) = 1 "Maximum relative supply air fan power (0..1)"; parameter Real maxExFanPower(min=0, max=1) = 1 "Maximum relative exhaust air fan power (0..1)"; parameter Modelica.Units.SI.TemperatureDifference deltaTemp=1 "Added to the set temperature in cooling mode"; Modelica.Blocks.Logical.OnOffController roomToBeCooled(bandwidth=2) "Detects cooling demand" Modelica.Blocks.Logical.OnOffController roomToBeHeated(bandwidth=2) "Detects heating demand" Modelica.Blocks.Logical.OnOffController roomToBeVentilated(bandwidth=200) "Detects ventilation demand" Modelica.Blocks.Logical.OnOffController freeCoolingPossible(bandwidth=2) "Detects if free cooling is possible" Modelica.Blocks.Logical.OnOffController coldRecoveryPossible(bandwidth=2) "Detects if cold recovery is possible" Modelica.Blocks.Logical.OnOffController heatRecoveryPossible(bandwidth=2) "Detects if heat recovery is possible" Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant co2SeetConcentrationSource(k= co2SetConcentration) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add add(k1=-1) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add add1(k1=-1) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant setDeviationFreeCooling(k=-4) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant setDeviationRecovery(k=0) Modelica.Blocks.Logical.Switch useCoolingValve Modelica.Blocks.Logical.And and1 Modelica.Blocks.Logical.And and2 Modelica.Blocks.Logical.Or climatizationNeeded Modelica.Blocks.Logical.And and3 Modelica.Blocks.Logical.Switch useHeatingValve Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant one(k=1) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant zero(k=0) Modelica.Blocks.Logical.Or useExFan Modelica.Blocks.Logical.Switch switch3 Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant exhaustFan(k=maxExFanPower) Modelica.Blocks.Logical.Switch switch4 Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant twoHours(k=2*3600) Modelica.Blocks.Logical.Timer timer Modelica.Blocks.Logical.Greater timePassed Modelica.Blocks.Logical.Not not1 Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant twentyMinutes(k=20*60) Modelica.Blocks.Logical.Greater timePassed1 Modelica.Blocks.Logical.Timer timer1 Modelica.Blocks.Logical.RSFlipFlop rSFlipFlop Modelica.Blocks.Logical.Switch switch5 Modelica.Blocks.Logical.Switch switch1 Modelica.Blocks.Logical.Switch switch2 Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant supplyFan(k=maxSupFanPower) Modelica.Blocks.Logical.Greater PexaLargerPsupa Modelica.Blocks.Sources.BooleanExpression booleanExpression(y=if fVUControlBus.fanExhaustAirPower > fVUControlBus.fanSupplyAirPower + 0.001 or fVUControlBus.fanExhaustAirPower < fVUControlBus.fanSupplyAirPower - 0.001 then false else true) Modelica.Blocks.Logical.Switch switch6 Modelica.Blocks.Logical.Or or3 Modelica.Blocks.Logical.Switch useHRC Modelica.Blocks.Logical.Pre pre1 Modelica.Blocks.Logical.GreaterThreshold greaterThreshold(threshold=0.05) Modelica.Blocks.Logical.Switch switch7 Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant delta(k=deltaTemp) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add add2 Interfaces.FVUControlBus fVUControlBus "Bus connector containing all inputs and outputs of the controller" equation connect(add1.y, heatRecoveryPossible.u) connect(add.y, coldRecoveryPossible.u) connect(setDeviationFreeCooling.y, freeCoolingPossible.reference) connect(setDeviationRecovery.y, coldRecoveryPossible.reference) connect(setDeviationRecovery.y, heatRecoveryPossible.reference) connect(roomToBeCooled.y, and1.u1) connect(coldRecoveryPossible.y, and1.u2) connect(roomToBeCooled.y, useCoolingValve.u2) connect(roomToBeCooled.y, and2.u1) connect(freeCoolingPossible.y, and2.u2) connect(roomToBeCooled.y, climatizationNeeded.u1) connect(roomToBeHeated.y, climatizationNeeded.u2) connect(heatRecoveryPossible.y, and3.u2) connect(roomToBeHeated.y, and3.u1) connect(roomToBeHeated.y, useHeatingValve.u2) connect(one.y, useHeatingValve.u1) connect(zero.y, useHeatingValve.u3) connect(roomToBeVentilated.y, useExFan.u2) connect(useExFan.y, switch3.u2) connect(exhaustFan.y, switch3.u1) connect(zero.y, switch3.u3) connect(useExFan.y, not1.u) connect(timePassed.y, timer1.u) connect(not1.y, rSFlipFlop.S) connect(rSFlipFlop.Q, timer.u) connect(zero.y, useCoolingValve.u3) connect(freeCoolingPossible.y, switch5.u2) connect(zero.y, switch5.u1) connect(one.y, switch5.u3) connect(switch5.y, useCoolingValve.u1) connect(co2SeetConcentrationSource.y, roomToBeVentilated.u) connect(climatizationNeeded.y, switch2.u2) connect(supplyFan.y, switch2.u1) connect(zero.y, switch2.u3) connect(switch2.y, switch1.u3) connect(PexaLargerPsupa.y, switch1.u2) connect(switch4.y, switch1.u1) connect(booleanExpression.y, switch6.u2) connect(and1.y, or3.u1) connect(and3.y, or3.u2) connect(or3.y, useHRC.u2) connect(one.y, useHRC.u1) connect(zero.y, useHRC.u3) connect(add1.y, freeCoolingPossible.u) connect(timePassed1.y, pre1.u) connect(pre1.y, rSFlipFlop.R) connect(switch4.y, PexaLargerPsupa.u1) connect(switch2.y, PexaLargerPsupa.u2) connect(timer.y, timePassed.u1) connect(twoHours.y, timePassed.u2) connect(timer1.y, timePassed1.u1) connect(twentyMinutes.y, timePassed1.u2) connect(exhaustFan.y, switch4.u1) connect(timePassed.y, switch4.u2) connect(switch3.y, switch4.u3) connect(and2.y, useExFan.u1) connect(greaterThreshold.y, switch7.u2) connect(switch4.y, greaterThreshold.u) connect(one.y, switch6.u3) connect(zero.y, switch6.u1) connect(one.y, switch7.u1) connect(zero.y, switch7.u3) connect(delta.y, add2.u2) connect(add2.y, roomToBeCooled.u) connect(useCoolingValve.y, fVUControlBus.coolingValveOpening) connect(useHeatingValve.y, fVUControlBus.heatingValveOpening) connect(switch4.y, fVUControlBus.fanExhaustAirPower) connect(switch1.y, fVUControlBus.fanSupplyAirPower) connect(switch6.y, fVUControlBus.circulationDamperOpening) connect(useHRC.y, fVUControlBus.hRCDamperOpening) connect(switch7.y, fVUControlBus.freshAirDamperOpening) connect(roomToBeCooled.reference, fVUControlBus.roomTemperature) connect(roomToBeHeated.u, fVUControlBus.roomTemperature) connect(add1.u1, fVUControlBus.roomTemperature) connect(add.u2, fVUControlBus.roomTemperature) connect(add1.u2, fVUControlBus.outdoorTemperature) connect(add.u1, fVUControlBus.outdoorTemperature) connect(add2.u1, fVUControlBus.roomSetTemperature) connect(roomToBeHeated.reference, fVUControlBus.roomSetTemperature) connect(roomToBeVentilated.reference, fVUControlBus.co2Concentration) end FVUController;
Controllers of (decentralized) air handling units
within AixLib.Controls; package AirHandling "Controllers of (decentralized) air handling units" extends Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage; end AirHandling;
P, PI, PD, and PID controller with limited output, anti-windup compensation and setpoint weighting. PID controller in the standard form
within AixLib.Controls.Continuous; block LimPID "P, PI, PD, and PID controller with limited output, anti-windup compensation and setpoint weighting" extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SVcontrol; output Real controlError = u_s - u_m "Control error (set point - measurement)"; parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.SimpleController controllerType= Modelica.Blocks.Types.SimpleController.PI "Type of controller"; parameter Real k(min=0) = 1 "Gain of controller"; parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time Ti(min=Modelica.Constants.small) = 0.5 "Time constant of Integrator block" parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time Td(min=0) = 0.1 "Time constant of Derivative block" parameter Real yMax(start=1)=1 "Upper limit of output"; parameter Real yMin=0 "Lower limit of output"; parameter Real wp(min=0) = 1 "Set-point weight for Proportional block (0..1)"; parameter Real wd(min=0) = 0 "Set-point weight for Derivative block (0..1)" parameter Real Ni(min=100*Modelica.Constants.eps) = 0.9 "Ni*Ti is time constant of anti-windup compensation" parameter Real Nd(min=100*Modelica.Constants.eps) = 10 "The higher Nd, the more ideal the derivative block" parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialState "Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3: initial state, 4: initial output)" // Removed as the Limiter block no longer uses this parameter. // parameter Boolean limitsAtInit = true // "= false, if limits are ignored during initialization" // parameter Real xi_start=0 "Initial or guess value value for integrator output (= integrator state)" parameter Real xd_start=0 "Initial or guess value for state of derivative block" parameter Real y_start=0 "Initial value of output" parameter Boolean strict=true "= true, if strict limits with noEvent(..)" parameter Boolean reverseActing = true "Set to true for reverse acting, or false for direct acting control action"; parameter AixLib.Types.Reset reset = AixLib.Types.Reset.Disabled "Type of controller output reset" parameter Real y_reset=xi_start "Value to which the controller output is reset if the boolean trigger has a rising edge, used if reset == AixLib.Types.Reset.Parameter" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanInput trigger if reset <> AixLib.Types.Reset.Disabled "Resets the controller output when trigger becomes true" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput y_reset_in if reset == AixLib.Types.Reset.Input "Input signal for state to which integrator is reset, enabled if reset = AixLib.Types.Reset.Input" Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add addP(k1=revAct*wp, k2=-revAct) "Adder for P gain" Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add addD(k1=revAct*wd, k2=-revAct) if with_D "Adder for D gain" Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain P(k=1) "Proportional term" Utilities.Math.IntegratorWithReset I( final reset=if reset == AixLib.Types.Reset.Disabled then reset else AixLib.Types.Reset.Input, final y_reset=y_reset, final k=unitTime/Ti, final y_start=xi_start, final initType=if initType == Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState then Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState else if initType == Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialState or initType == Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialState then Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialState else Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.NoInit) if with_I "Integral term" Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Derivative D( final k=Td/unitTime, final T=max([Td/Nd,1.e-14]), final x_start=xd_start, final initType=if initType == Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState or initType == Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialOutput then Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState else if initType == Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialState then Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialState else Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.NoInit) if with_D "Derivative term" Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add3 addPID( final k1=1, final k2=1, final k3=1) "Adder for the gains" protected constant Modelica.Units.SI.Time unitTime=1 final parameter Real revAct = if reverseActing then 1 else -1 "Switch for sign for reverse or direct acting controller"; parameter Boolean with_I = controllerType==Modelica.Blocks.Types.SimpleController.PI or controllerType==Modelica.Blocks.Types.SimpleController.PID "Boolean flag to enable integral action" parameter Boolean with_D = controllerType==Modelica.Blocks.Types.SimpleController.PD or controllerType==Modelica.Blocks.Types.SimpleController.PID "Boolean flag to enable derivative action" Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant Dzero(final k=0) if not with_D "Zero input signal" Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant Izero(final k=0) if not with_I "Zero input signal" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput y_reset_internal "Internal connector for controller output reset" Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add3 addI( final k1=revAct, final k2=-revAct) if with_I "Adder for I gain" Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add addSat( final k1=+1, final k2=-1) if with_I "Adder for integrator feedback" Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gainPID(final k=k) "Multiplier for control gain" Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gainTrack(k=1/(k*Ni)) if with_I "Gain for anti-windup compensation" Limiter limiter( final uMax=yMax, final uMin=yMin, final strict=strict) "Output limiter" Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression intRes( final y=y_reset_internal/k - addPID.u1 - addPID.u2) if reset <> AixLib.Types.Reset.Disabled "Signal source for integrator reset" // The block Limiter below has been implemented as it is introduced in MSL 3.2.3, but // not all tools include MSL 3.2.3. // See https://github.com/ibpsa/modelica-ibpsa/pull/1222#issuecomment-554114617 block Limiter "Limit the range of a signal" parameter Real uMax(start=1) "Upper limits of input signals"; parameter Real uMin= -uMax "Lower limits of input signals"; parameter Boolean strict=false "= true, if strict limits with noEvent(..)" parameter Boolean limitsAtInit=true "Has no longer an effect and is only kept for backwards compatibility (the implementation uses now the homotopy operator)" extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO; equation assert(uMax >= uMin, "Limiter: Limits must be consistent. However, uMax (=" + String(uMax) + ") < uMin (=" + String(uMin) + ")"); if strict then y = smooth(0, noEvent(if u > uMax then uMax else if u < uMin then uMin else u)); else y = smooth(0,if u > uMax then uMax else if u < uMin then uMin else u); end if; end Limiter; initial equation if initType == Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialOutput then gainPID.y = y_start; end if; equation assert(yMax >= yMin, "LimPID: Limits must be consistent. However, yMax (=" + String(yMax) + ") < yMin (=" + String(yMin) + ")"); if initType == Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialOutput and (y_start < yMin or y_start > yMax) then Modelica.Utilities.Streams.error("LimPID: Start value y_start (=" + String(y_start) + ") is outside of the limits of yMin (=" + String(yMin) +") and yMax (=" + String(yMax) + ")"); end if; // Equations for conditional connectors connect(y_reset_in, y_reset_internal); if reset <> AixLib.Types.Reset.Input then y_reset_internal = y_reset; end if; connect(u_s, addP.u1) connect(u_s, addD.u1) connect(u_s, addI.u1) connect(addP.y, P.u) connect(addD.y, D.u) connect(addI.y, I.u) connect(P.y, addPID.u1) connect(D.y, addPID.u2) connect(I.y, addPID.u3) connect(addPID.y, gainPID.u) connect(gainPID.y, addSat.u2) connect(gainPID.y, limiter.u) connect(limiter.y, addSat.u1) connect(limiter.y, y) connect(addSat.y, gainTrack.u) connect(gainTrack.y, addI.u3) connect(u_m, addP.u2) connect(u_m, addD.u2) connect(u_m, addI.u2) connect(Dzero.y, addPID.u2) connect(Izero.y, addPID.u3) connect(trigger, I.trigger) connect(intRes.y, I.y_reset_in) end LimPID;
Outputs the number of signals that are above/below a certain threshold. Block that outputs the number of inputs that exceed a threshold. The parameter <code>kind</code> is used to determine the kind of the inequality. The table below shows the allowed settings.
within AixLib.Controls.Continuous; block NumberOfRequests "Outputs the number of signals that are above/below a certain threshold" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; parameter Integer nin "Number of inputs"; parameter Real threShold = 0 "Threshold"; parameter Integer kind "Set to 0 for u>threShold, to 1 for >=, to 2 for <= or to 3 for <"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.IntegerOutput y "Number of input signals that violate the threshold" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput u[nin] "Input signals" algorithm y := 0; for i in 1:nin loop if kind == 0 then if u[i] > threShold then y := y+1; end if; end if; if kind == 1 then if u[i] >= threShold then y := y+1; end if; end if; if kind == 2 then if u[i] <= threShold then y := y+1; end if; end if; if kind == 3 then if u[i] < threShold then y := y+1; end if; end if; end for; end NumberOfRequests;
Records the time since the input changed to false. Timer that starts at the initial time with a value of <i>0</i>, and gets reset each time the input signal switches to <code>false</code>.
within AixLib.Controls.Continuous; model OffTimer "Records the time since the input changed to false" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.PartialBooleanBlock; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanInput u "Connector of Boolean input signal" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput y "Connector of Real output signal" protected discrete Modelica.Units.SI.Time entryTime "Time instant when u became true"; initial equation pre(entryTime) = time; equation when (not u) then entryTime = time; end when; y = time - entryTime; end OffTimer;
Package with models for discrete time controls
within AixLib.Controls; package Continuous "Package with models for discrete time controls" extends Modelica.Icons.Package; end Continuous;
PI controller that can switch the output range of the controller.
within AixLib.Controls.Continuous; model PITemp "PI controller that can switch the output range of the controller" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput setPoint Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_a heatPort parameter Real h = 1 "upper limit controller output" parameter Real l = 0 "lower limit of controller output" parameter Real KR = 1 "Gain" parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time TN=1 "Time Constant (T>0 required)" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput y parameter Boolean rangeSwitch = false "Switch controller output range"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanInput onOff "Switches Controler on and off" Modelica.Blocks.Logical.Switch switch2 Modelica.Blocks.Logical.TriggeredTrapezoid triggeredTrapezoid(rising = 0, falling = 60) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Product product Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.LimPID PI(k = KR, yMax = if rangeSwitch then -l else h, yMin = if rangeSwitch then -h else l, controllerType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.SimpleController.PI, Ti = TN, Td = 0.1) Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Sensors.TemperatureSensor temperatureSensor Modelica.Blocks.Logical.Switch switch1 equation connect(switch2.y, y) connect(onOff, switch2.u2) connect(onOff, triggeredTrapezoid.u) connect(triggeredTrapezoid.y, product.u1) connect(product.y, switch2.u3) connect(PI.y, switch2.u1) connect(PI.y, product.u2) connect(setPoint, PI.u_s) connect(temperatureSensor.port, heatPort) connect(onOff, switch1.u2) connect(switch1.y, PI.u_m) connect(temperatureSensor.T, switch1.u1) connect(setPoint, switch1.u3) end PITemp;
Ranks output signals such that y[i] >= y[i+1]. Block that sorts the input signal <code>u[:]</code> such that the output signal satisfies <code>y[i] &gt;= y[i+1]</code> for all <code>i=1, ..., nin-1</code>.
within AixLib.Controls.Continuous; block SignalRanker "Ranks output signals such that y[i] >= y[i+1]" extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.MIMO(final nout=nin); equation y = Modelica.Math.Vectors.sort(u, ascending=false); end SignalRanker;
Test model for PID controller with optional reverse action. This model tests the implementation of the PID controller with optional reverse action. The model <code>limPIDOri</code> is the original implementation of the controller from the Modelica Standard Library. The models <code>limPID</code> and <code>limPIDRev</code> are the implementations from the AixLib library. The model <code>limPIDRev</code> is parameterized to have reverse action. The assertion blocks test whether the results of all three controllers are identical.
within AixLib.Controls.Continuous.Examples; model LimPID "Test model for PID controller with optional reverse action" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Pulse pulse(period=0.25) AixLib.Controls.Continuous.LimPID limPID( controllerType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.SimpleController.PID, Ti=1, Td=1, yMax=1, yMin=-1, initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialState) AixLib.Controls.Continuous.LimPID limPIDRev( controllerType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.SimpleController.PID, reverseActing=false, Ti=1, Td=1, yMax=1, yMin=-1, initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialState) "Controller with reverse action" Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant const(k=0.5) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gain(k=-1) AixLib.Utilities.Diagnostics.AssertEquality assertEquality( threShold=1e-3) Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.LimPID limPIDOri( controllerType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.SimpleController.PID, Ti=1, Td=1, yMax=1, yMin=-1, initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialState) AixLib.Utilities.Diagnostics.AssertEquality assertEquality1( threShold=1e-3) equation connect(pulse.y, limPID.u_s) connect(pulse.y, limPIDRev.u_s) connect(const.y, limPID.u_m) connect(const.y, limPIDRev.u_m) connect(limPIDRev.y, gain.u) connect(gain.y, assertEquality.u2) connect(limPID.y, assertEquality.u1) connect(pulse.y, limPIDOri.u_s) connect(const.y, limPIDOri.u_m) connect(assertEquality1.u1, limPIDOri.y) connect(assertEquality1.u2, limPID.y) end LimPID;
Example that demonstrates the controller output reset. Plant model for <a href=\"modelica://AixLib.Controls.Continuous.Examples.LimPIDWithReset\"> AixLib.Controls.Continuous.Examples.LimPIDWithReset</a>. consisting of a simple heat transfer model.
within AixLib.Controls.Continuous.Examples; model LimPIDWithReset "Example that demonstrates the controller output reset" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; Plant plaWitRes "Plant connected to controller with reset" Controller conWitRes(reset=AixLib.Types.Reset.Parameter) "Controller with reset" Plant plaNoRes "Plant connected to controller without reset" Controller conNoRes(reset=AixLib.Types.Reset.Disabled) "Controller without reset" Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Pulse TSet( amplitude=20, width=50, offset=293.15, y(unit="K"), period=180) "Temperature set point" protected model Plant "Plant model" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput Q_flow(unit="W") "Heat flow rate added to system" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput T(unit="K") "Controlled temperature" Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Components.HeatCapacitor cap( C=10, T(fixed=true, start=293.15)) "Heat capacitor" Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Components.HeatCapacitor cap1( C=10, T(fixed=true, start=293.15)) "Heat capacitor" Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Sensors.TemperatureSensor temSen "Temperature sensor" Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Sources.PrescribedHeatFlow preHea "Prescribed heat flow rate" Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Components.ThermalConductor theCon(G=5) "Thermal conductor" Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Sources.FixedTemperature TBou(T=293.15) "Boundary condition" Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Components.ThermalConductor theCon1(G=1) "Thermal conductor" equation connect(Q_flow, preHea.Q_flow) connect(T, temSen.T) connect(TBou.port, theCon.port_a) connect(cap.port, theCon1.port_a) connect(theCon1.port_b, cap1.port) connect(cap1.port, temSen.port) connect(theCon.port_b, cap.port) connect(preHea.port, cap.port) end Plant; model Controller "PID controller with optional output reset" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block; parameter AixLib.Types.Reset reset=AixLib.Types.Reset.Disabled "Type of controller output reset"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput TSet(unit="K") "Temperature set point" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput u_m(unit="K") "Measured temperature" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput y "Control signal" AixLib.Controls.Continuous.LimPID conPID( final reset=reset, yMax=1, yMin=0, Ti=1, k=10) "PI controller" Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gain(k=5000) "Gain for heat flow rate" Modelica.Blocks.Logical.GreaterThreshold trigger(threshold=303.15) "Trigger input for controller reset" equation connect(conPID.y,gain. u) connect(trigger.y,conPID. trigger) connect(u_m, conPID.u_m) connect(conPID.u_s, TSet) connect(trigger.u, TSet) connect(gain.y, y) end Controller; equation connect(plaWitRes.T, conWitRes.u_m) connect(conWitRes.y, plaWitRes.Q_flow) connect(plaNoRes.T, conNoRes.u_m) connect(conNoRes.y, plaNoRes.Q_flow) connect(TSet.y, conWitRes.TSet) connect(TSet.y, conNoRes.TSet) end LimPIDWithReset;
Example model for block that outputs the number of requests. Example that demonstrates the use of the block <a href=\"modelica://AixLib.Controls.Continuous.NumberOfRequests\"> AixLib.Controls.Continuous.NumberOfRequests</a>. The parameters of the block are such that the output is incremented for each input signal that is strictly larger than <i>0</i>. The figure below shows the inputs and the output of the block.
within AixLib.Controls.Continuous.Examples; model NumberOfRequests "Example model for block that outputs the number of requests" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; AixLib.Controls.Continuous.NumberOfRequests numReq( nin=2, threShold=0, kind=0) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine sine(f=2) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Pulse pulse( amplitude=1-pulse.offset, period=0.35, offset=-0.01) equation connect(sine.y, numReq.u[1]) connect(pulse.y, numReq.u[2]) end NumberOfRequests;
Example model for off timer. Example that demonstrates the use of the model <a href=\"modelica://AixLib.Controls.Continuous.OffTimer\"> AixLib.Controls.Continuous.OffTimer</a>. The input to the two timers are alternating boolean values. Whenever the input becomes <code>false(=0)</code>, the timer is reset. The figures below show the input and output of the blocks.
within AixLib.Controls.Continuous.Examples; model OffTimer "Example model for off timer" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; Modelica.Blocks.Sources.BooleanPulse booleanPulse(period=0.2) AixLib.Controls.Continuous.OffTimer offTim1 AixLib.Controls.Continuous.OffTimer offTim2 Modelica.Blocks.Logical.Not not1 equation connect(booleanPulse.y, offTim1.u) connect(booleanPulse.y, not1.u) connect(offTim2.u, not1.y) end OffTimer;
Collection of models that illustrate model use and test models
within AixLib.Controls.Continuous; package Examples "Collection of models that illustrate model use and test models" extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage; end Examples;
Example model for signal ranker. Example that demonstrates the use of the signal ranker model. The figure below shows the input and output signals of the block. Note that <code>sigRan.y[1] &ge; sigRan.y[2] &ge; sigRan.y[3]</code>.
within AixLib.Controls.Continuous.Examples; model SignalRanker "Example model for signal ranker" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine sine(f=2, startTime=0.025) "Sine source" Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Pulse pulse(period=0.25) "Pulse source" AixLib.Controls.Continuous.SignalRanker sigRan(nin=3) "Signal ranker" Modelica.Blocks.Sources.ExpSine expSine(f=10, damping=1) "Exponential sine source" equation connect(sine.y, sigRan.u[1]) connect(pulse.y, sigRan.u[2]) connect(expSine.y, sigRan.u[3]) end SignalRanker;
Test model for PID controller with optional intgerator reset. This model tests the implementation the <a href=\"Modelica://AixLib.Controls.Continuous.LimPID\">AixLib.Controls.Continuous.LimPID</a> with integrator reset.
within AixLib.Controls.Continuous.Validation; model LimPIDReset "Test model for PID controller with optional intgerator reset" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine setPoi(f=1) "Set point signal" AixLib.Controls.Continuous.LimPID limPIDPar( yMax=1, yMin=-1, reset=AixLib.Types.Reset.Parameter, y_reset=0.2, Ti=20, Td=10, k=0.2, controllerType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.SimpleController.PID, initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialOutput, y_start=0.3) "PId controller with integrator reset to a parameter value" Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant mea(k=0.5) "Measured signal" AixLib.Controls.Continuous.LimPID limPIDDef( initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialState, Td=10, k=1, Ti=1, yMax=100, yMin=-100, controllerType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.SimpleController.PID, xi_start=0.2, xd_start=0.1) "PID controller without integrator reset" Modelica.Blocks.Sources.BooleanPulse trigger( width=50, startTime=0.1, period=0.2) "Boolean pulse to reset integrator" AixLib.Controls.Continuous.LimPID limPIDInp( y_reset=0.2, Td=10, reset=AixLib.Types.Reset.Input, yMax=1, yMin=-1, k=0.2, Ti=20, controllerType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.SimpleController.PID, initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialOutput, y_start=0.3) "PId controller with integrator reset to an input value" Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant conRes(k=0.9) "Signal to which integrator will be reset to" Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.LimPID limPIDOri( initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialState, Td=10, k=1, Ti=1, yMax=100, yMin=-100, controllerType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.SimpleController.PID, xi_start=0.2, xd_start=0.1) "PID controller from Standard Modelica Library" AixLib.Utilities.Diagnostics.AssertEquality assEqu equation connect(setPoi.y, limPIDPar.u_s) connect(mea.y, limPIDPar.u_m) connect(setPoi.y, limPIDDef.u_s) connect(mea.y, limPIDDef.u_m) connect(trigger.y, limPIDPar.trigger) connect(setPoi.y, limPIDInp.u_s) connect(mea.y, limPIDInp.u_m) connect(trigger.y, limPIDInp.trigger) connect(conRes.y, limPIDInp.y_reset_in) connect(setPoi.y, limPIDOri.u_s) connect(mea.y, limPIDOri.u_m) connect(assEqu.u1, limPIDOri.y) connect(limPIDDef.y, assEqu.u2) end LimPIDReset;
Test model for off timer with negative start time. This model tests the implementation the <a href=\"Modelica://AixLib.Controls.Continuous.OffTimer\">AixLib.Controls.Continuous.OffTimer</a> for negative start time.
within AixLib.Controls.Continuous.Validation; model OffTimerNonZeroStart "Test model for off timer with negative start time" extends AixLib.Controls.Continuous.Examples.OffTimer( booleanPulse(startTime=-1)); end OffTimerNonZeroStart;
Collection of validation models
within AixLib.Controls.Continuous; package Validation "Collection of validation models" extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage; end Validation;
Zero order hold for boolean variable. Block that delays the boolean input signal by one sampling interval. For example, if <i>u</i> denotes the input, <i>y</i> denotes the output, and <i>t<sub>i</sub></i> and <i>t<sub>i+1</sub></i> denote subsequent sampling instants, then the model outputs
within AixLib.Controls.Discrete; block BooleanDelay "Zero order hold for boolean variable" extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanSISO; extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.DiscreteBlock( firstTrigger(fixed=true, start=firstTrigger_start)); parameter Boolean firstTrigger_start=false "Start value for rising edge signals first sample instant" protected Boolean ySample; algorithm when {sampleTrigger, initial()} then y := ySample; ySample := u; end when; end BooleanDelay;
Package with models for discrete time controls
within AixLib.Controls; package Discrete "Package with models for discrete time controls" extends Modelica.Icons.Package; end Discrete;
Example model for boolean delay. Example that demonstrates the use of the boolean delay block. The output signal of the block is delayed by one sampling interval.
within AixLib.Controls.Discrete.Examples; model BooleanDelay "Example model for boolean delay" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; AixLib.Controls.Discrete.BooleanDelay del(samplePeriod=0.05) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.BooleanPulse booleanPulse( period=0.1, width=50, startTime=0.01) equation connect(booleanPulse.y, del.u) end BooleanDelay;
Collection of models that illustrate model use and test models
within AixLib.Controls.Discrete; package Examples "Collection of models that illustrate model use and test models" extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage; end Examples;