starting and stop the printing machine.
within PNlib.Examples.Models.Printing; model Start_Stop "starting and stop the printing machine" import PNlib; parameter Integer number_exemplars = 100000 "Number of exemplares that has to be produced"; parameter Real timeStopping = 300 "Time that is needed to shut down the machine when it is stopped"; parameter Real setupTime = 3600 "Set-up time"; parameter Real max_Speed = 15 "Maximum speed of the machine in m/s"; Real speed; Real stopTime; Real stopTime2; Real startTime; Boolean reStart; PNlib.Components.PD Start(nIn = 1, nOut = 1, maxTokens = 1, startTokens = 0) PNlib.Components.TD starting(nOut = 2, nIn = 1, delay = setupTime) PNlib.Components.PD Stop(nIn = 1, maxTokens = 1, nOut = 1, startTokens = 0) PNlib.Components.PD Counter_Orders(nIn = 1) PNlib.Components.TD stopping(nIn = 2, nOut = 1, arcWeightIn = {1, 1}) PNlib.Components.TA TA5(testValue = number_exemplars) Interfaces.TransitionIn exemplare_ Boolean start = Start.t > 0; Real color[3] = if start then {0, 255, 0} else {255, 0, 0}; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput orders_ Interfaces.TransitionOut rollen_wechsel_ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput time_counter_ PNlib.Components.TD shutDown(nIn = 1, nOut = 2, delay = timeStopping) PNlib.Components.PD Stop2(nIn = 1, nOut = 1, startTokens = 1, maxTokens = 1) Modelica.Blocks.Math.IntegerToReal integerToReal equation reStart = Stop2.t > 0; when Stop.t > 0 then stopTime = time; end when; when pre(Stop2.t) > 0 then stopTime2 = time; end when; when start then startTime = time; end when; time_counter_ = time - stopTime2; connect(TA5.inPlace, exemplare_) connect(TA5.outTransition, stopping.inPlaces[1]) connect(stopping.outPlaces[1], Stop.inTransition[1]) connect(starting.outPlaces[1], Start.inTransition[1]) connect(Start.outTransition[1], stopping.inPlaces[2]) connect(starting.outPlaces[2], rollen_wechsel_) algorithm if Stop.t > 0 then if (Stop2.t < 1 and (max_Speed - max_Speed/timeStopping*(time - stopTime)) > 0) then speed := max_Speed - max_Speed/timeStopping*(time - stopTime); else speed := 0; end if; else if Start.t > 0 then if (time - startTime < timeStopping and (max_Speed/timeStopping*(time - startTime)) < max_Speed) then speed := max_Speed/timeStopping*(time - startTime); else speed := 15; end if; else speed := 0; end if; end if; equation connect(Stop.outTransition[1], shutDown.inPlaces[1]) connect(shutDown.outPlaces[1], Stop2.inTransition[1]) connect(Stop2.outTransition[1], starting.inPlaces[1]) connect(shutDown.outPlaces[2], Counter_Orders.inTransition[1]) connect(Counter_Orders.pd_t, integerToReal.u) connect(integerToReal.y, orders_) end Start_Stop;
Animation of coffee cup.
within PNlib.Examples.Models.Senseo; model coffee_cup "Animation of coffee cup" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput levelSensor Real level "Tank level in % of max height"; parameter Real hmax = 0.7 "Max volume of tank in l"; parameter Real color[3] = {0, 0, 255}; equation level = levelSensor/hmax; end coffee_cup;
Integer Counter.
within PNlib.Examples.Models.Senseo; model Counter "Integer Counter" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.IntegerInput levelSensor Real count; parameter Integer hmax = 20; equation count = if levelSensor/hmax < 1 then levelSensor/hmax else 1; end Counter;
Real Counter.
within PNlib.Examples.Models.Senseo; model Counter_real "Real Counter" parameter String text = "counter"; parameter Real color[3] = {255, 0, 0}; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput levelSensor Real count; parameter Integer hmax = 1000000; Real levelSensor_ = if levelSensor > 0 then levelSensor else 0; equation count = levelSensor_/hmax; end Counter_real;
Insert pad: coffee pads are inserted to the Senseo machine (step 5)..
within PNlib.Examples.Models.Senseo; model Insert_Pad "Insert pad: coffee pads are inserted to the Senseo machine (step 5)." import PNlib.Components.*; TDS inserting2(nIn = 1, nOut = 1, arcWeightOut = {1}, h = 1/20) PD puffer(nOut = 1, maxTokens = 1, nIn = 1) Interfaces.TransitionOut insertpad_ Real color[3] = if fac < 1 then {80, 0, 0} else {255, 255, 255}; Real startTime; Real fac = if (time - startTime)/60 < 1 and startTime > 0 then (time - startTime)/60 else 0; Real recsize[2, 2] = {{-100, 80}, {-100 + 200*fac, -80}}; Interfaces.PlaceIn insert_ equation when puffer.t > 0 then startTime = time; end when; connect(puffer.outTransition[1], inserting2.inPlaces[1]) connect(inserting2.outPlaces[1], insertpad_) connect(puffer.inTransition[1], insert_) end Insert_Pad;
Model of a Senseo coffee machine
within PNlib.Examples.Models; package Senseo "Model of a Senseo coffee machine" extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage; end Senseo;
Refilling water: the water tank of the Senseo machine is refilled (step 3)..
within PNlib.Examples.Models.Senseo; model Refill_Water "Refilling water: the water tank of the Senseo machine is refilled (step 3)." import PNlib.Components.*; TD refilling2(nIn = 1, nOut = 2, arcWeightOut = {1, 0.7 - watertank_.t}, delay = 30) PD puffer(nIn = 1, nOut = 1, maxTokens = 1) TD refilling1(delay = 1, arcWeightOut = {1}, nOut = 1, nIn = 2, arcWeightIn = {1, 0.36}) IA IA1(testValue = 0.36) Interfaces.TransitionIn watertank_ Interfaces.TransitionOut refill_[2] Interfaces.TransitionIn start_ Real color[3] = if fac < 1 then {0, 0, 255} else {255, 255, 255}; Real startTime; Real fac = if (time - startTime)/60 < 1 and startTime > 0 then (time - startTime)/60 else 0; Real recsize[2, 2] = {{-100, 80}, {-100 + 200*fac, -80}}; equation when puffer.t > 0 then startTime = time; end when; connect(IA1.inPlace, watertank_) connect(refilling1.outPlaces[1], puffer.inTransition[1]) connect(puffer.outTransition[1], refilling2.inPlaces[1]) connect(refilling2.outPlaces, refill_) connect(refilling1.inPlaces[1], start_) connect(IA1.outTransition, refilling1.inPlaces[2]) end Refill_Water;
Senseo machine: the functionality of the Senseo machine (step 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)..
within PNlib.Examples.Models.Senseo; model Senseo_Maschine "Senseo machine: the functionality of the Senseo machine (step 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)." parameter Real Psenseo = 1.450 "power of senseo machine [kW]"; parameter Real c = 4.182 "specific heat capacity [kJ/(kg*K)]"; parameter Real k = 0.01177 "proportionality factor for cooling water"; parameter Real TE = 20 "Environment temperature [°C]"; parameter Real TC = 10 "Temperature of new water [°C]"; PNlib.Components.TC heating(nIn = 3, nOut = 1, maximumSpeed = Psenseo/(c*water_hc.t)) PNlib.Components.TA TA1(testValue = 0) PNlib.Components.TA TA2(testValue = 0.34) PNlib.Components.PC TW(nIn = 2, nOut = 3, maxMarks = 90, startMarks = 20) "water temperature" PNlib.Components.TC pumping(maximumSpeed = 0.1, nOut = 2, nIn = 1, arcWeightOut = {1, TC/water_hc.t}) PNlib.Components.TC cooling(nIn = 2, maximumSpeed = k*(TW.t - TE), firingCon = TW.t > TE) PNlib.Components.TD stopornext(nIn = 2, firingCon = true, delay = 1, nOut = 1) PNlib.Components.PC water_hc(nIn = 1, nOut = 2, startMarks = 0.25, maxMarks = 0.25) "water in heating chamber" PNlib.Components.TD T1(nIn = 2, nOut = 1, arcWeightIn = {90, 1}, delay = 1) PNlib.Components.TA TA3(testValue = 90) PNlib.Components.PD decision(nIn = 1, maxTokens = 1, nOut = 2, enablingType = PNlib.Types.EnablingType.Probability, enablingProbOut = {0.7, 0.3}) PNlib.Components.TD T2(nIn = 1, nOut = 1, delay = 1) PNlib.Components.TD T3(nIn = 1, nOut = 1, delay = 1) PNlib.Components.PD onecup(nIn = 1, nOut = 1, maxTokens = 1) PNlib.Components.PD twocups(nIn = 1, nOut = 1, maxTokens = 1) PNlib.Components.TD T4(nIn = 1, nOut = 1, arcWeightOut = {1}) PNlib.Components.TD T5(nIn = 1, nOut = 1, arcWeightOut = {2}) PNlib.Components.TC scalding(maximumSpeed = 0.003125, nIn = 3, nOut = 2, arcWeightIn = {1, 1, TW.t/water_hc.t}) PNlib.Components.TA RA1(testValue = 0) PNlib.Components.PC coffee_cup(nIn = 1, nOut = 1) inner PNlib.Components.Settings settings PNlib.Components.PD ready(maxTokens = 1, nIn = 1, nOut = 1, startTokens = 0) PNlib.Components.TD T7(nIn = 2, nOut = 2, firingCon = pre(disamount.t) > 0, arcWeightIn = {pre(disamount.t)*0.125, pre(disamount.t)}, arcWeightOut = {pre(disamount.t), 1}, delay = 1) PNlib.Components.PD amountCups(nIn = 1) PNlib.Components.PD disamount(nIn = 3, nOut = 2) PNlib.Components.PD P1(nOut = 3, maxTokens = 1, nIn = 1) PNlib.Components.PD P3(nOut = 1, nIn = 1, maxTokens = 1) Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput coffee_cup_ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.IntegerOutput amount_cups_ Interfaces.TransitionIn watertank_[2] Interfaces.TransitionOut stopornext_ Interfaces.PlaceIn startheating_ Interfaces.PlaceIn padinsert_ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput tw_ PNlib.Components.IA IA1(testValue = 1) equation connect(TA1.outTransition, heating.inPlaces[1]) connect(TA2.outTransition, heating.inPlaces[2]) connect(heating.outPlaces[1], TW.inTransition[1]) connect(TW.outTransition[1], cooling.inPlaces[1]) connect(pumping.outPlaces[1], water_hc.inTransition[1]) connect(TW.outTransition[2], TA3.inPlace) connect(TA3.outTransition, T1.inPlaces[1]) connect(T1.outPlaces[1], decision.inTransition[1]) connect(decision.outTransition[1], T2.inPlaces[1]) connect(decision.outTransition[2], T3.inPlaces[1]) connect(T2.outPlaces[1], onecup.inTransition[1]) connect(T3.outPlaces[1], twocups.inTransition[1]) connect(onecup.outTransition[1], T4.inPlaces[1]) connect(twocups.outTransition[1], T5.inPlaces[1]) connect(water_hc.outTransition[1], scalding.inPlaces[1]) connect(RA1.outTransition, heating.inPlaces[3]) connect(water_hc.outTransition[2], RA1.inPlace) connect(scalding.outPlaces[1], coffee_cup.inTransition[1]) connect(coffee_cup.outTransition[1], T7.inPlaces[1]) connect(T7.outPlaces[1], amountCups.inTransition[1]) connect(T7.outPlaces[2], ready.inTransition[1]) connect(T4.outPlaces[1], disamount.inTransition[1]) connect(T5.outPlaces[1], disamount.inTransition[2]) connect(disamount.outTransition[1], T7.inPlaces[2]) connect(disamount.outTransition[2], scalding.inPlaces[2]) connect(scalding.outPlaces[2], disamount.inTransition[3]) connect(P1.outTransition[1], TA1.inPlace) connect(P1.outTransition[2], stopornext.inPlaces[1]) connect(ready.outTransition[1], stopornext.inPlaces[2]) connect(P3.outTransition[1], T1.inPlaces[2]) connect(coffee_cup.pc_t, coffee_cup_) connect(amountCups.pd_t, amount_cups_) connect(stopornext.outPlaces[1], stopornext_) connect(watertank_[1], TA2.inPlace) connect(watertank_[2], pumping.inPlaces[1]) connect(P1.inTransition[1], startheating_) connect(P3.inTransition[1], padinsert_) connect(pumping.outPlaces[2], TW.inTransition[2]) connect(TW.outTransition[3], scalding.inPlaces[3]) connect(TW.pc_t, tw_) connect(P1.outTransition[3], IA1.inPlace) connect(IA1.outTransition, cooling.inPlaces[2]) end Senseo_Maschine;
Top Model.
within PNlib.Examples.Models.Senseo; model Senseo_Model "Top Model" extends Modelica.Icons.Example; PNlib.Examples.Models.Senseo.Senseo_Maschine senseo_Maschine Water_Tank water_tank PNlib.Examples.Models.Senseo.coffee_cup coffe_cup(color = {80, 0, 0}, hmax = 0.25) PNlib.Examples.Models.Senseo.Counter amount_cups PNlib.Examples.Models.Senseo.Start start(EV_time = 1200) PNlib.Examples.Models.Senseo.Refill_Water refill_Water PNlib.Examples.Models.Senseo.Insert_Pad insert_Pad PNlib.Examples.Models.Senseo.Counter_real counter_real(text = "Temperature", hmax = 90) inner PNlib.Components.Settings settings equation connect(senseo_Maschine.amount_cups_, amount_cups.levelSensor) connect(refill_Water.refill_[2], water_tank.inTransition1) connect(water_tank.refill_, refill_Water.watertank_) connect(water_tank.outTransition1, senseo_Maschine.watertank_) connect(refill_Water.refill_[1], start.refillstart_) connect(start.refill_, refill_Water.start_) connect(senseo_Maschine.stopornext_, start.stopornext_) connect(start.start_[1], senseo_Maschine.startheating_) connect(start.start_[2], insert_Pad.insert_) connect(insert_Pad.insertpad_, senseo_Maschine.padinsert_) connect(senseo_Maschine.coffee_cup_, coffe_cup.levelSensor) connect(senseo_Maschine.tw_, counter_real.levelSensor) end Senseo_Model;
User action: starting and stopping the machine (step 1, 2, 11), initiating the insertion of coffee pads (step 5) and the refill of water (step 3)..
within PNlib.Examples.Models.Senseo; model Start "User action: starting and stopping the machine (step 1, 2, 11), initiating the insertion of coffee pads (step 5) and the refill of water (step 3)." import PNlib.Components.*; parameter Real EV_time = 600; TDS starting(h = 1/EV_time, nIn = 1, nOut = 1) Real colorHead[3] = if stop.t > 0 then {255, 0, 0} else {0, 255, 0}; PD start(nOut = 2, nIn = 3, maxTokens = 1) PD stop(nIn = 1, startTokens = 1, nOut = 1, maxTokens = 1) Interfaces.PlaceOut refill_ TD T8(nIn = 1, nOut = 1, delay = 1) TD T6(nOut = 1, nIn = 1, delay = 1) PD nextcoffee(nIn = 1, maxTokens = 1, startTokens = 0, nOut = 1) TD T10(nIn = 1, nOut = 1) PD P1(nIn = 1, nOut = 2, enablingType = PNlib.Types.EnablingType.Probability, enablingProbOut = {0.2, 0.8}, maxTokens = 1) Interfaces.PlaceIn stopornext_ Interfaces.PlaceIn refillstart_ TD T1(nIn = 1, nOut = 2) Interfaces.TransitionOut start_[2] equation connect(stop.outTransition[1], starting.inPlaces[1]) connect(start.outTransition[1], refill_) connect(P1.outTransition[1], T6.inPlaces[1]) connect(P1.outTransition[2], T8.inPlaces[1]) connect(T6.outPlaces[1], nextcoffee.inTransition[1]) connect(T8.outPlaces[1], stop.inTransition[1]) connect(P1.inTransition[1], stopornext_) connect(nextcoffee.outTransition[1], T10.inPlaces[1]) connect(T10.outPlaces[1], start.inTransition[1]) connect(starting.outPlaces[1], start.inTransition[2]) connect(start.inTransition[3], refillstart_) connect(start.outTransition[2], T1.inPlaces[1]) connect(T1.outPlaces[1], start_[1]) connect(T1.outPlaces[2], start_[2]) end Start;
Water tank: the water tank of the Senseo machine..
within PNlib.Examples.Models.Senseo; model Water_Tank "Water tank: the water tank of the Senseo machine." import PNlib.Components.*; Real level "Tank level in % of max height"; parameter Real color[3] = {0, 0, 255}; PC water_tank(nOut = 3, startMarks = 0.5, maxMarks = 0.75, nIn = 1) "cold water in tank" Interfaces.PlaceOut outTransition1[2] Interfaces.PlaceIn inTransition1 Interfaces.PlaceOut refill_ equation level = water_tank.t/water_tank.maxMarks; connect(water_tank.outTransition[1], outTransition1[1]) connect(water_tank.outTransition[2], outTransition1[2]); connect(water_tank.inTransition[1], inTransition1) connect(water_tank.outTransition[3], refill_) end Water_Tank;
contains functions with specific algorithmic procedures which are used in the Petri net component models
within PNlib; package Functions "contains functions with specific algorithmic procedures which are used in the Petri net component models" end Functions;
enabling functions
within PNlib.Functions; package Enabling "enabling functions" end Enabling;
help functions
within PNlib.Functions; package OddsAndEnds "help functions" end OddsAndEnds;
random functions
within PNlib.Functions; package Random "random functions" end Random;
contains the connectors for the Petri net component models
within PNlib; package Interfaces "contains the connectors for the Petri net component models" extends Modelica.Icons.InterfacesPackage; end Interfaces;
part of place model to connect places to input transitions.
within PNlib.Interfaces; connector PlaceIn "part of place model to connect places to input transitions" input Boolean active "Are the input transitions active?" input Boolean fire "Do the input transitions fire?" input Real arcWeight "Arc weights of input transitions" input Integer arcWeightint "Integer arc weights of input transitions" input Boolean enabledByInPlaces "Are the input transitions enabled by all theier input places?" input Boolean disTransition "Types of input transitions (discrete/stochastic or continuous)" input Real instSpeed "Instantaneous speeds of continuous input transitions" input Real prelimSpeed "Preliminary speeds of continuous input transitions" input Real maxSpeed "Maximum speeds of continuous input transitions" output Real t "Marking of the place" output Integer tint "Integer marking of the place" output Real maxTokens "Maximum capacity of the place" output Integer maxTokensint "Integer maximum capacity of the place" output Boolean enable "Which of the input transitions are enabled by the place?" output Real decreasingFactor "Factor for decreasing the speed of continuous input transitions" output Boolean disPlace "Type of the place (discrete or continuous)" output Boolean emptied "Is the continuous place emptied by output transitions?" output Real speedSum "Output speed of a continuous place" end PlaceIn;
part of place model to connect places to output transitions.
within PNlib.Interfaces; connector PlaceOut "part of place model to connect places to output transitions" import PNlib.Types.ArcType; input Boolean active "Are the output transitions active?" input Boolean fire "Do the output transitions fire?" input Real arcWeight "Arc weights of output transitions" input Integer arcWeightint "Integer arc weights of output transitions" input Boolean disTransition "Are the output transitions discrete?" input Real instSpeed "Instantaneous speeds of continuous output transitions" input Real prelimSpeed "Preliminary speeds of continuous output transitions" input Real maxSpeed "Maximum speeds of continuous output transitions" output Real t "Marking of the place" output Integer tint "Integer marking of the place" output Real minTokens "Minimum capacity of the place" output Integer minTokensint "Integer minimum capacity of the place" output Boolean enable "Which of the output transitions are enabled by the place?" output Real decreasingFactor "Factor for decreasing the speed of continuous input transitions" output Boolean disPlace "Type of the place (discrete or continuous)" output ArcType arcType "Type of output arcs (normal, test, inhibition, or read)" output Boolean fed "Is the continuous place fed by input transitions?" output Real speedSum "Input speed of a continuous place" output Boolean tokenInOut "Does the place have a discrete token change?" output Real testValue "Test value of a test or inhibitor arc" output Integer testValueint "Integer test value of a test or inhibitor arc" output Boolean normalArc "Double arc: test and normal arc or inhibitor and normal arc" end PlaceOut;
part of transition model to connect transitions to input places.
within PNlib.Interfaces; connector TransitionIn "part of transition model to connect transitions to input places" import PNlib.Types.ArcType; input Real t "Markings of input places" input Integer tint "Integer Markings of input places" input Real minTokens "Minimum capacites of input places" input Integer minTokensint "Integer minimum capacites of input places" input Boolean enable "Is the transition enabled by input places?" input Real decreasingFactor "Factor of continuous input places for decreasing the speed" input Boolean disPlace "Types of input places (discrete or continuous)" input ArcType arcType "Types of input arcs (normal, test, inhibition, or read)" input Boolean fed "Are the continuous input places fed?" input Real speedSum "Input speeds of continuous input places" input Boolean tokenInOut "Do the input places have a discrete token change?" input Real testValue "Test value of a test or inhibitor arc" input Integer testValueint "Integer test value of a test or inhibitor arc" input Boolean normalArc "Double arc: test and normal arc or inhibitor and normal arc" output Boolean active "Is the transition active?" output Boolean fire "Does the transition fire?" output Real arcWeight "Input arc weights of the transition" output Integer arcWeightint "Integer input arc weights of the transition" output Boolean disTransition "Type of the transition(discrete/stochastic or continuous)" output Real instSpeed "Instantaneous speed of a continuous transition" output Real prelimSpeed "Preliminary speed of a continuous transition" output Real maxSpeed "Maximum speed of a continuous transition" end TransitionIn;
part of transition model to connect transitions to output places.
within PNlib.Interfaces; connector TransitionOut "part of transition model to connect transitions to output places" input Real t "Markings of output places" input Integer tint "Integer markings of output places" input Real maxTokens "Maximum capacities of output places" input Integer maxTokensint "Integer maximum capacities of output places" input Boolean enable "Is the transition enabled by output places?" input Real decreasingFactor "Factor of continuous output places for decreasing the speed" input Boolean disPlace "Types of output places (discrete or continuous)" input Boolean emptied "Are the continuous output places emptied?" input Real speedSum "Output speeds of continuous output places" output Boolean active "Is the transition active?" output Boolean fire "Does the transition fire?" output Real arcWeight "Output arc weights of the transition" output Integer arcWeightint "Integer output arc weights of the transition" output Boolean enabledByInPlaces "Is the transition enabled by all input places?" output Boolean disTransition "Type of the transition (discrete/stochastic or continuous)" output Real instSpeed "Instantaneous speed of a continuous transition" output Real prelimSpeed "Preliminary speed of a continuous transition" output Real maxSpeed "Maximum speed of a continuous transition" end TransitionOut;
contains Types which are used in the Petri net component models
within PNlib; package Types "contains Types which are used in the Petri net component models" type EnablingType = enumeration(Priority, Probability, Benefit); type BenefitType = enumeration(Greedy, BenefitQuotient, BranchAndBound); type ArcType = enumeration(NormalArc, RealTestArc, TestArc, RealInhibitorArc, InhibitorArc); type DistributionType = enumeration(Exponential, Triangular, Uniform, TruncatedNormal, Discrete); end Types;
within PowerGrids.Controls; model DeadBand "Dead-Band" extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO; parameter Real uMax(start=1) "Upper limits of dead zones"; parameter Real uMin=-uMax "Lower limits of dead zones"; parameter Boolean smoothed = false "Smooth operator is applied" equation assert(uMax >= uMin, "Limits must be consistent"); if smoothed then // The simplified model has no saturation, to make the controller equations linear y = homotopy( actual = smooth(0, if u < uMin then u - uMin elseif u > uMax then u - uMax else 0), simplified = u); else // The simplified model has no saturation, to make the controller equations linear y = homotopy( actual = if u < uMin then u - uMin elseif u > uMax then u - uMax else 0, simplified = u); end if; end DeadBand;
Derivative filter with lag.
within PowerGrids.Controls; model DerivativeLag "Derivative filter with lag" extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO(y(start = yStart)); parameter SI.Time T1 "Lag time constant"; parameter SI.Time Td = T1 "Derivative time constant"; parameter Boolean noDynamics = not(T1 > 0) "Trivial configuration with no dynamics G(s) = 1"; parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.NoInit "Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3/4: initial output)" parameter Real yStart=0 "Initial or guess value of output (= state)" Modelica.Blocks.Math.Feedback feedback Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gain(k = if noDynamics then 1 else Td / T1) Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Integrator integrator( initType = initType, k = 1 / T1, y_start = yStart*Td/T1) if not noDynamics Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression zero if noDynamics initial equation assert((T1 > 0 and Td > 0) or ((not T1 > 0) and (not Td > 0)), "Either T1 = T2 = 0 or T1 > 0 and T2 > 0"); equation connect(zero.y, feedback.u2) connect(integrator.y, feedback.u2) connect(feedback.y, integrator.u) connect(feedback.y, y) connect(gain.y, feedback.u1) connect(u, gain.u) end DerivativeLag;
Discontinuous dead-band.
within PowerGrids.Controls; model DiscontinuousDeadBand "Discontinuous dead-band" extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO; parameter Real uMax(start=1) "Upper limits of dead zones"; parameter Real uMin=-uMax "Lower limits of dead zones"; parameter Boolean smoothed = false "Smooth operator is applied" equation assert(uMax >= uMin, "Limits must be consistent"); if smoothed then // The simplified model has no saturation, to make the controller equations linear y = homotopy( actual = smooth(0, if u < uMin then u elseif u > uMax then u else 0), simplified = u); else // The simplified model has no saturation, to make the controller equations linear y = homotopy( actual = if u < uMin then u elseif u > uMax then u else 0, simplified = u); end if; end DiscontinuousDeadBand;
Trivial configuration with no dynamics G(s) = k.
within PowerGrids.Controls; model FirstOrder extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO(y(start = y_start)); parameter Boolean noDynamics = not(T > 0) "Trivial configuration with no dynamics G(s) = k"; parameter Real k=1 "Gain"; parameter SI.Time T "Time Constant"; parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.NoInit "Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3/4: initial output)" parameter Real y_start=0 "Initial or guess value of output (= state)" Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.FirstOrder firstOrder1(T = T, initType = initType, k = k, y_start = y_start) if not noDynamics Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gain(k = k) if noDynamics equation connect(gain.y, y) connect(firstOrder1.y, y) connect(u, firstOrder1.u) connect(u, gain.u) end FirstOrder;
First order filter with non-windup limiter.
within PowerGrids.Controls; model FirstOrderWithNonWindupLimiter "First order filter with non-windup limiter" extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO(y(start = yStart)); parameter Real k = 1 "Gain"; parameter SI.Time T "Time Constant"; parameter Real yMax "Upper limits of output signal"; parameter Real yMin = -yMax "Lower limits of output signal"; parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialState "Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3,4: initial output)" parameter Real yStart = 0 "Initial or guess value of output (= state)" parameter Boolean strict = false "= true, if strict limits with noEvent(..)" Modelica.Blocks.Nonlinear.Limiter lim(limitsAtInit = true, strict = strict, uMax = yMax, uMin = yMin) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Feedback feedback Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain G(k = 1 / T) Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Integrator I(initType = initType, k = 1, y_start = yStart) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain Gk(k = k) initial equation assert(T > 0, "T must be positive"); equation connect(Gk.u, u) connect(Gk.y, feedback.u1) connect(lim.y, feedback.u2) connect(feedback.y, G.u) connect(lim.y, y) connect(I.y, lim.u) // The simplified model has no saturation, to make the controller equations linear I.u = homotopy( actual = if (G.y >= 0 and lim.u > lim.uMax) or (G.y <= 0 and lim.u < lim.uMin) then 0 else G.y, simplified = G.y); end FirstOrderWithNonWindupLimiter;
= true if time varying output is required.
within PowerGrids.Controls; model FreeOffset extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SO; import PowerGrids.Types.Choices.InitializationOption; parameter Boolean use_u = false "= true if time varying output is required"; final parameter Boolean fixedOffsetDefault = if systemPowerGrids.initOpt == InitializationOption.globalSteadyStateFixedPowerFlow or systemPowerGrids.initOpt == InitializationOption.localSteadyStateFixedPowerFlow then false else true "Default choice of fixedOffsetDefault from system object"; parameter Boolean fixedOffset = fixedOffsetDefault "= true if offset is fixed to zero, = false if offset is left free"; final parameter Real offset(fixed = false) "Free offset of output y"; outer PowerGrids.Electrical.System systemPowerGrids "Reference to system object"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput u if use_u protected Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput u_internal "Protected connector to be used in equations in place of conditional u"; initial equation if fixedOffset then offset = 0; end if; equation y = u_internal + offset; connect(u, u_internal) "Automatically removed if u is disabled"; if not use_u then u_internal = 0 "Provide a default zero value if u is disabled"; end if; end FreeOffset;
Integrator with non-windup limiter.
within PowerGrids.Controls; model IntegratorWithNonWindupLimiter "Integrator with non-windup limiter" extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO; parameter Real k(unit = "1/s") = 1 "Integral constant"; parameter Real yMax = 1 "Upper limits of output signal"; parameter Real yMin = -yMax "Lower limits of output signal"; parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialState "Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3,4: initial output)" parameter Real yStart = 0 "Initial or guess value of output (= state)" parameter Boolean strict = false "= true, if strict limits with noEvent(..)" Modelica.Blocks.Nonlinear.Limiter lim(limitsAtInit = true, strict = strict, uMax = yMax, uMin = yMin) Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Integrator I(initType = initType, k = k, y_start = yStart) initial equation equation connect(I.y, lim.u) connect(lim.y, y) // The simplified model has no saturation, to make the controller equations linear I.u = homotopy( actual = if (u*k > 0 and lim.u > lim.uMax) or (u*k < 0 and lim.u < lim.uMin) then 0 else u, simplified = u); end IntegratorWithNonWindupLimiter;
Simple lead-lag filter.
within PowerGrids.Controls; model LeadLag "Simple lead-lag filter" extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO(y(start = yStart)); parameter Real k = 1 "Gain"; parameter SI.Time T1 "Lead time constant"; parameter SI.Time T2 "Lag time constant"; parameter Boolean noDynamics = not(T2 > 0) "Trivial configuration with no dynamics G(s) = k"; parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.NoInit "Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3/4: initial output)" parameter Real yStart=0 "Initial or guess value of output (= state)" Modelica.Blocks.Math.Feedback feedback Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gain(k = if noDynamics then k else k * T1 / T2) Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.FirstOrder firstOrder( T = T1, initType = initType,k = (T1 - T2) / (k * T1), y_start = yStart * (T1 - T2) / (k * T1)) if not noDynamics Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression zero if noDynamics initial equation assert((T1 > 0 and T2 > 0) or ((not T1 > 0) and (not T2 > 0)), "Either T1 = T2 = 0 or T1 > 0 and T2 > 0"); equation connect(zero.y, feedback.u2) connect(firstOrder.y, feedback.u2) connect(u, feedback.u1) connect(feedback.y, gain.u) connect(gain.y, firstOrder.u) connect(gain.y, y) end LeadLag;
Lead-lag filter with non-windup limiter.
within PowerGrids.Controls; model LeadLagWithNonWindupLimiter "Lead-lag filter with non-windup limiter" extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO(y(start = yStart)); parameter Real k = 1 "Gain"; parameter SI.Time T1 = 1 "Lead time constant"; parameter SI.Time T2 = 10 "Lag time constant"; parameter Real yMax = 1 "Upper limits of output signal"; parameter Real yMin = -yMax "Lower limits of output signal"; parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialState "Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3,4: initial output)" parameter Real yStart = 0 "Initial or guess value of output (= state)" parameter Boolean strict = false "= true, if strict limits with noEvent(..)" Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gain_dir(k = k * T1 / T2) Modelica.Blocks.Nonlinear.Limiter limiter_y(limitsAtInit = true, strict = strict, uMax = yMax, uMin = yMin) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Feedback feedback_y Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Integrator integ_fb(initType = initType, k = 1 / T1, y_start = yStart) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gain_fb(k = (1 - T2 / T1) / k) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Feedback feedback_u initial equation assert(T1 > 0, "T1 must be positive"); assert(T2 > 0, "T2 must be positive"); equation connect(gain_fb.y, feedback_u.u2) connect(integ_fb.y, gain_fb.u) connect(feedback_u.y, gain_dir.u) connect(u, feedback_u.u1) connect(integ_fb.y, feedback_y.u2) connect(feedback_y.y, integ_fb.u) connect(limiter_y.y, feedback_y.u1) connect(limiter_y.y, y) connect(gain_dir.y, limiter_y.u) end LeadLagWithNonWindupLimiter;
Lead-lag filter with M poles.
within PowerGrids.Controls; model LeadMOrderLag "Lead-lag filter with M poles" extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO(y(start = yStart)); parameter Integer M = 1 "Lag Order"; parameter Real k(unit="1") = 1 "Gain"; parameter SI.Time T1 "Lead time constant"; parameter SI.Time T2 "Lag time constant"; parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.NoInit "Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3/4: initial output)" parameter Real yStart=0 "Initial or guess value of output (= state)" LeadLag leadLag(T1 = T1, T2 = T2, initType = initType, k = k, yStart = yStart) PowerGrids.Controls.FirstOrder firstOrderCascade[max(0,M-1)](each T = T2, each initType = initType, each k = 1, each y_start = yStart) if M > 1 initial equation assert((T1 > 0 and T2 > 0) or ((not T1 > 0) and (not T2 > 0)), "Either T1 = T2 = 0 or T1 > 0 and T2 > 0"); assert(M > 0, "minimum lag order is 1"); equation connect(u, leadLag.u) if M > 1 then connect(leadLag.y, firstOrderCascade[1].u); connect(firstOrderCascade[M-1].y, y); else connect(leadLag.y, y); end if; if M > 2 then for i in 1:M-2 loop connect(firstOrderCascade[i].y, firstOrderCascade[i+1].u); end for; end if; end LeadMOrderLag;
Upper limit reached.
within PowerGrids.Controls; block LimiterWithLag extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO; encapsulated type State = enumeration( upperSat "Upper limit reached", lowerSat "Lower limit reached", notSat "u is in range" ); parameter Real uMax "Upper limit"; parameter Real uMin "Lower limit"; parameter Types.Time LagMax "Time lag before taking action when u going above uMax"; parameter Types.Time LagMin "Time lag before taking action when u going below uMin"; parameter State stateStart = State.notSat "saturation initial state"; final parameter Boolean useLag = (LagMax > 0) or (LagMin > 0) "Lags are used only if at least one is not null"; State state(start = stateStart, fixed = true) "saturation state"; discrete SI.Time saturationLimitReached(start = 0, fixed = true) "Time in which the saturation limit is reached"; Boolean satON "Saturation is active"; algorithm when u > uMax then state := State.upperSat; saturationLimitReached := time; end when; when u < uMin then state := State.lowerSat; saturationLimitReached := time; end when; when u < uMax and u > uMin then state := State.notSat; end when; when useLag and state == State.notSat then satON := false; elsewhen useLag and state == State.upperSat and (time - saturationLimitReached) > LagMax then satON := true; elsewhen useLag and state == State.lowerSat and (time - saturationLimitReached) > LagMin then satON := true; end when; if not useLag then satON := true; end if; equation // The simplified model has no saturation, to make the controller equations linear y = homotopy( actual = if state == State.upperSat and satON then uMax elseif state == State.lowerSat and satON then uMin else u, simplified = u); end LimiterWithLag;
Control blocks
within PowerGrids; package Controls "Control blocks" extends Modelica.Icons.Package; end Controls;
Proportional-Integral filter with non-windup limiter.
within PowerGrids.Controls; model PIWithNonWindupLimiter "Proportional-Integral filter with non-windup limiter" extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO; parameter Real Kp "Proportional gain"; parameter Real Ki(unit = "1/s") = 0 "Integral constant"; parameter Boolean noDynamics = not(Ki > 0) and not(Ki < 0) "Trivial configuration with no dynamics G(s) = k"; parameter Real yMax = 1 "Upper limits of output signal"; parameter Real yMin = -yMax "Lower limits of output signal"; parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialState "Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3,4: initial output)" parameter Real yStart = 0 "Initial or guess value of output (= state)" parameter Boolean strict = false "= true, if strict limits with noEvent(..)" Modelica.Blocks.Nonlinear.Limiter lim(limitsAtInit = true, strict = strict, uMax = yMax, uMin = yMin) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Feedback feedback Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain G(k = Kp) Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.FirstOrder firstOrder(T = Kp / Ki, initType = initType, k = -1, y_start = -yStart) if not noDynamics Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression zero if noDynamics initial equation assert(Kp*Ki >= 0, "Kp and Ki must not have opposite sign"); equation connect(zero.y, feedback.u2) connect(feedback.y, lim.u) connect(G.y, feedback.u1) connect(firstOrder.y, feedback.u2) connect(u, G.u) connect(lim.y, firstOrder.u) connect(lim.y, y) end PIWithNonWindupLimiter;
Ramp tracking filter.
within PowerGrids.Controls; model RampTrackingFilter "Ramp tracking filter" extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO(y(start = yStart)); parameter Integer N(min = 0) = 1 "N Order"; parameter Integer M(min = 0) = 1 "M Order"; parameter Real k(unit="1")=1 "Gain"; parameter SI.Time T1 "Lead time constant"; parameter SI.Time T2 "Lag time constant"; parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.NoInit "Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3/4: initial output)" parameter Real yStart=0 "Initial or guess value of output (= state)" PowerGrids.Controls.LeadMOrderLag leadMOrderLagCascade[N](each M = M, each T1 = T1, each T2 = T2, each initType = initType, each k = 1, each yStart = yStart) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gain(k = k) initial equation assert((N > 0 and M > 0) or N == 0, "If N > 0 then also M must be positive"); assert((T1 > 0 and T2 > 0) or ((not T1 > 0) and (not T2 > 0)), "Either T1 = T2 = 0 or T1 > 0 and T2 > 0"); equation connect(u, gain.u) if N == 0 then connect(gain.y, y); else connect(gain.y, leadMOrderLagCascade[1].u) connect(y, leadMOrderLagCascade[N].y) if N > 1 then for i in 1:N-1 loop connect(leadMOrderLagCascade[i].y, leadMOrderLagCascade[i+1].u); end for; end if; end if; end RampTrackingFilter;
<html><head></head><body><span style=\.
within PowerGrids.Controls.Test; model TestDeadBand extends Modelica.Icons.Example; PowerGrids.Controls.DeadBand deadBand(smoothed = false, uMax = 1) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression inputSignal(y = time - 2) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression deadBandAnalyticSolution( y = -1 + time - (if time < 1 then 0 else time-1)+ (if time < 3 then 0 else time - 3)) equation connect(inputSignal.y, deadBand.u) end TestDeadBand;
within PowerGrids.Controls.Test; model TestDerivativeLag extends Modelica.Icons.Example; PowerGrids.Controls.DerivativeLag derivativeLag(Td = 4, T1 = 2, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState) PowerGrids.Controls.DerivativeLag derivativeLagNoDynamics(T1 = 0, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Step step(offset = 1, startTime = 1) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression derivativeLagAnalyticSolution( y = if time < 1 then 0 else 2*exp(-(time-1)/2)) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression derivativeLagNoDynamicsAnalyticSolution(y = 1 + (if time < 1 then 0 else 1)) equation connect(step.y, derivativeLagNoDynamics.u) connect(step.y, derivativeLag.u) end TestDerivativeLag;
<html><head></head><body><span style=\.
within PowerGrids.Controls.Test; model TestDiscontinuousDeadBand extends Modelica.Icons.Example; PowerGrids.Controls.DiscontinuousDeadBand discontinuousDeadBand(uMax = 1) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression inputSignal(y = time - 2) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression discontinuousDeadBandAnalyticSolution(y = if time < 1 then time - 2 else if time < 3 then 0 else time - 2) equation connect(inputSignal.y, discontinuousDeadBand.u) end TestDiscontinuousDeadBand;
within PowerGrids.Controls.Test; model TestFirstOrderWithNonWindupLimiter extends Modelica.Icons.Example; PowerGrids.Controls.FirstOrderWithNonWindupLimiter firstOrderPositiveGain(T = 2, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = 2, yMax = 5, yMin = -5, yStart = 2) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.TimeTable inputSignal(table = [0, 1; 1, 1; 1, 4; 10, 4; 10, -4; 100, -4]) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression firstOrderAnalyticSolution( y = 2 + (if time < 1 then 0 elseif time < 2.38629 then 6*(1-exp(-(time-1)/2)) else 3) + (if time < 10 then 0 elseif time < 12.9327 then -13*(1-exp(-(time-10)/2)) else -10)) PowerGrids.Controls.FirstOrderWithNonWindupLimiter firstOrderNegativeGain(T = 2, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = -2, yMax = 5, yMin = -5, yStart = 2) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain negativeGain(k = -1) equation connect(inputSignal.y, negativeGain.u) connect(inputSignal.y, firstOrderPositiveGain.u) connect(negativeGain.y, firstOrderNegativeGain.u) end TestFirstOrderWithNonWindupLimiter;
<html> <p>Tests for the <a href=\.
within PowerGrids.Controls.Test; model TestFreeOffset extends Modelica.Icons.Example; PowerGrids.Controls.FreeOffset freeOffset1 FreeOffset freeOffset2(use_u = true) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine sine(freqHz = 1) initial equation freeOffset1.y = 1; freeOffset2.y = 2; equation connect(sine.y, freeOffset2.u) end TestFreeOffset;
within PowerGrids.Controls.Test; model TestIntegratorWithNonWindupLimiter extends Modelica.Icons.Example; PowerGrids.Controls.IntegratorWithNonWindupLimiter integrator1( initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialOutput, k = 2, yMax = 4) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.TimeTable inputSignal(table = [0, 0; 1, 0; 1, 1; 5, 1; 5, -1; 100, -1]) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression integratorAnalyticSolution(y = (if time < 1 then 0 elseif time < 3 then 2 * (time - 1) else 4) + (if time < 5 then 0 elseif time < 9 then -2*(time - 5) else -8)) PowerGrids.Controls.IntegratorWithNonWindupLimiter integrator2(initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialOutput, k = -2, yMax = 4) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain neg(k = -1) equation connect(inputSignal.y, integrator1.u) connect(inputSignal.y, neg.u) connect(neg.y, integrator2.u) end TestIntegratorWithNonWindupLimiter;
within PowerGrids.Controls.Test; model TestLeadLag extends Modelica.Icons.Example; PowerGrids.Controls.LeadLag leadLag(T1 = 4, T2 = 2, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = 10, yStart = 10) PowerGrids.Controls.LeadLag leadLagNoDynamics(T1 = 0, T2 = 0,initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = 10) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Step step(offset = 1, startTime = 1) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression leadLagAnalyticSolution(y = 10 * (1 + (if time < 1 then 0 else 1 + exp(-(time - 1) / 2)))) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression leadLagNoDynamicsAnalyticSolution(y = 10 * (1 + (if time < 1 then 0 else 1))) equation connect(step.y, leadLag.u) connect(step.y, leadLagNoDynamics.u) end TestLeadLag;
within PowerGrids.Controls.Test; model TestLeadLagWithNonWindupLimiter extends Modelica.Icons.Example; PowerGrids.Controls.LeadLagWithNonWindupLimiter leadLagPositiveGain(T1 = 1, T2 = 2, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = 2, yMax = 5, yMin = -5, yStart = 2) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.TimeTable inputSignal(table = [0, 1; 1, 1; 1, 4; 10, 4; 10, -4; 100, -4]) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression leadLagAnalyticSolution( y = 2 + (if time < 1 then 0 else 3) + (if time < 10 then 0 elseif time < 11.54 then (-13 / 2) - 13 / 2 * (1 - exp(-(time - 10) / 2)) else -10)) PowerGrids.Controls.LeadLagWithNonWindupLimiter leadLagNegativeGain(T1 = 1, T2 = 2, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = -2, yMax = 5, yMin = -5, yStart = 2) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain negativeGain(k = -1) equation connect(inputSignal.y, negativeGain.u) connect(inputSignal.y, leadLagPositiveGain.u) connect(negativeGain.y, leadLagNegativeGain.u) end TestLeadLagWithNonWindupLimiter;
within PowerGrids.Controls.Test; model TestLeadMOrderLag extends Modelica.Icons.Example; PowerGrids.Controls.LeadMOrderLag leadLag( M = 1,T1 = 4, T2 = 2, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = 10, yStart = 2) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Step step(height = 1, offset = 1, startTime = 1) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression leadLagAnalyticSolution(y = 10 * (1 + (if time < 1 then 0 else 1 + exp(-(time - 1) / 2)))) PowerGrids.Controls.LeadMOrderLag mOrderLag(M = 100, T1 = 1e-5, T2 = 1 / 100, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = 1, yStart = 1) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression mOrderLagAnalyticSolution(y = 1 + (if time < 2 then 0 else 1)) equation connect(step.y, mOrderLag.u) connect(step.y, leadLag.u) end TestLeadMOrderLag;
<html><head></head><body> The model demonstrate the corerct behavior of the <a href=\.
within PowerGrids.Controls.Test; model TestLimiterWithLag extends Modelica.Icons.Example; PowerGrids.Controls.LimiterWithLag limiterWithLag(LagMax = 2, LagMin = 3, uMax = 0.7, uMin = 0.3) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Trapezoid LfSignal(falling = 0.5, nperiod = 2, period = 10, rising = 0.5, width = 4) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Trapezoid HfSignal(falling = 0.5, nperiod = 4, period = 4, rising = 0.5, startTime = 20, width = 1) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Sum sum(nin = 2) equation connect(LfSignal.y, sum.u[1]) connect(HfSignal.y, sum.u[2]) connect(sum.y, limiterWithLag.u) end TestLimiterWithLag;
within PowerGrids.Controls.Test; model TestPIWithNonWindupLimiter extends Modelica.Icons.Example; PowerGrids.Controls.PIWithNonWindupLimiter PIController(Ki = 4, Kp = 2, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialOutput, yMax = 10) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.TimeTable inputSignal(table = [0, 0; 1, 0; 1, 1; 5, 1; 5, -1; 100, -1]) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression PIControllerAnalyticSolution(y = (if time < 1 then 0 elseif time < 3 then 2 + 4 * (time - 1) else 10) + (if time < 5 then 0 elseif time < 9.5 then -2 -4*(time - 5) else -20)) PowerGrids.Controls.PIWithNonWindupLimiter PIControllerNegativeKp(Ki = -4, Kp = -2, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialOutput, yMax = 10) PowerGrids.Controls.PIWithNonWindupLimiter PController(Kp = 2, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialOutput, yMax = 10) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain negative(k = -1) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression PControllerAnalyticSolution(y = (if time < 1 then 0 elseif time < 5 then 2 else -2)) equation connect(inputSignal.y, PController.u) connect(inputSignal.y, PIController.u) connect(inputSignal.y, negative.u) connect(negative.y, PIControllerNegativeKp.u) end TestPIWithNonWindupLimiter;
within PowerGrids.Controls.Test; model TestRampTrackingFilter extends Modelica.Icons.Example; Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Step step(height = 1, offset = 1, startTime = 1) PowerGrids.Controls.RampTrackingFilter rampTrackingFilter1(M = 2, N = 50, T1 = 1e-5, T2 = 1 / 100, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = 10, yStart = 10) PowerGrids.Controls.RampTrackingFilter rampTrackingFilter2(M = 1, N = 1, T1 = 2, T2 = 2, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = 10, yStart = 10) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression rampTrackingFilter1AnalyticSolution(y = 10 * (if time < 2 then 1 else 2)) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression rampTrackingFilter2AnalyticSolution(y = 10 * (if time < 1 then 1 else 2)) PowerGrids.Controls.RampTrackingFilter rampTrackingFilter3(M = 0, N = 0, T1 = 4, T2 = 2, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = 10, yStart = 10) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression rampTrackingFilter3AnalyticSolution(y = 10 * (if time < 1 then 1 else 2)) equation connect(step.y, rampTrackingFilter3.u) connect(step.y, rampTrackingFilter2.u) connect(step.y, rampTrackingFilter1.u) end TestRampTrackingFilter;
Electrical components
within PowerGrids; package Electrical "Electrical components" extends Modelica.Icons.Package; end Electrical;
System object.
within PowerGrids.Electrical; model System "System object" import PowerGrids.Types.Choices.ReferenceFrequency; import PowerGrids.Types.Choices.InitializationOption; parameter SI.Frequency fNom = 50 "Nominal system frequency"; parameter ReferenceFrequency referenceFrequency = ReferenceFrequency.nominalFrequency "Choice of reference frequency for generators"; parameter InitializationOption initOpt = InitializationOption.globalSteadyStateFixedSetPoints "Initialization option"; final parameter SI.AngularVelocity omegaNom = fNom*2*Modelica.Constants.pi "Nominal system angular frequency"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput omegaRefIn(unit = "rad/s") if referenceFrequency == ReferenceFrequency.fixedReferenceGenerator "Reference frequency input" Types.AngularVelocity omegaRef = omegaRefInternal "Reference frequency"; protected Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput omegaRefInternal(unit = "rad/s") "Protected connector for conditional connector handling"; initial equation assert(not referenceFrequency == ReferenceFrequency.adaptiveReferenceGenerators, "Adaptive reference generators option not yet implemented"); equation connect(omegaRefIn, omegaRefInternal) "Effective only if omegaRefIn is instantiated"; if referenceFrequency == ReferenceFrequency.nominalFrequency then omegaRefInternal = omegaNom; end if; end System;
Capacitor bank with fixed capacitance.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Banks; model CapacitorBankFixed "Capacitor bank with fixed capacitance" extends Icons.CapacitorBank; extends BaseClasses.ShuntConductance(Y = Complex(0,B)); parameter Types.Susceptance B = 0 "Capacitor bank susceptance"; end CapacitorBankFixed;
Models of capacitor banks
within PowerGrids.Electrical; package Banks "Models of capacitor banks" extends Modelica.Icons.Package; end Banks;
Base class for AC components with one port.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.BaseClasses; partial model OnePortAC "Base class for AC components with one port" import PowerGrids.Types.Choices.LocalInitializationOption; parameter Types.Voltage UNom(start = 400e3) "Nominal/rated line-to-line voltage" parameter Types.ApparentPower SNom(start = 100e6) "Nominal/rated apparent power" parameter Boolean portVariablesPhases = false "Compute voltage and current phases for monitoring purposes only" constant Boolean portVariablesPu = true "Add per-unit variables to model"; constant Boolean generatorConvention = false "Add currents with generator convention (i > 0 when exiting the device) to model"; parameter LocalInitializationOption localInit = LocalInitializationOption.none "Initialize the component locally in steady state from port start values" parameter Types.Voltage UStart = UNom "Start value of phase-to-phase voltage phasor, absolute value" parameter Types.Angle UPhaseStart = 0 "Start value of phase-to-phase voltage phasor, phase angle" parameter Types.ActivePower PStart = SNom "Start value of active power flowing into the port" parameter Types.ReactivePower QStart = 0 "Start value of reactive power flowing into the port" PowerGrids.Interfaces.TerminalAC terminal (v(re(start = port.vStart.re), im(start = port.vStart.im)), i(re(start = port.iStart.re), im(start = port.iStart.im))) PortAC port(final UNom = UNom, final SNom = SNom, final portVariablesPu = portVariablesPu, final portVariablesPhases = portVariablesPhases, final generatorConvention = generatorConvention, final UStart = UStart, final UPhaseStart = UPhaseStart, final PStart = PStart, final QStart = QStart) "AC port of node"; outer Electrical.System systemPowerGrids "Reference to system object"; equation if initial() and localInit == LocalInitializationOption.PV then // During local initialization, P,V is enforced at the connector towards // the grid, while Q,phase(V) is enforced at the port towards the component // Further two initial equations will be needed (e.g. in the controller) // to enforce P,V at the port or achieve actuator saturation if that is not possible CM.real(terminal.v*CM.conj(terminal.i)) = port.PStart; CM.'abs'(terminal.v) = port.VStart; port.Q = port.QStart; port.v.re*port.vStart.im = port.v.im*port.vStart.re; elseif initial() and localInit == LocalInitializationOption.PQ then // During local initialization, P,Q is enforced at the connector towards // the grid, while phase(V), phase(I) is enforced at the port towards the component // Further two initial equations will be needed (e.g. in the controller) // to enforce P,Q at the port or achieve actuator saturation if that is not possible terminal.v*CM.conj(terminal.i) = Complex(port.PStart, port.QStart); port.v.re*port.vStart.im = port.v.im*port.vStart.re; port.i.re*port.iStart.im = port.i.im*port.iStart.re; else // In all other cases, the port voltage and current are equal to // the connector voltage and current port.v = terminal.v; port.i = terminal.i; end if; end OnePortAC;
Base class for one-port AC components with p.u. Park's transformation.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.BaseClasses; partial model OnePortACdqPU "Base class for one-port AC components with p.u. Park's transformation" extends OnePortAC( final portVariablesPu = true); parameter SI.Angle thetaStart = UPhaseStart "Start value of rotation between machine rotor frame and port phasor frame"; final parameter Types.PerUnit udPuStart(fixed = false) "Start value of udPu"; final parameter Types.PerUnit uqPuStart(fixed = false) "Start value of uqPu"; final parameter Types.PerUnit idPuStart(fixed = false) "Start value of idPu"; final parameter Types.PerUnit iqPuStart(fixed = false) "Start value of iqPu"; // d-q axis p.u. variables Types.PerUnit udPu(start = udPuStart) "Voltage of direct axis in p.u."; Types.PerUnit uqPu(start = uqPuStart) "Voltage of quadrature axis in p.u."; Types.PerUnit idPu(start = idPuStart) "Current of direct axis in p.u."; Types.PerUnit iqPu(start = iqPuStart) "Current of quadrature axis in p.u."; // other variables Types.Angle theta(start = thetaStart) "Rotation between machine rotor frame and port phasor frame"; initial equation // Park's transformations for start values port.vStart.re/port.VBase = sin(thetaStart)*udPuStart + cos(thetaStart)*uqPuStart; port.vStart.im/port.VBase = -cos(thetaStart)*udPuStart + sin(thetaStart)*uqPuStart; port.iStart.re/port.IBase = sin(thetaStart)*idPuStart + cos(thetaStart)*iqPuStart; port.iStart.im/port.IBase = -cos(thetaStart)*idPuStart + sin(thetaStart)*iqPuStart; equation // Park's transformations port.vPu.re = sin(theta)*udPu + cos(theta)*uqPu; port.vPu.im = -cos(theta)*udPu + sin(theta)*uqPu; port.iPu.re = sin(theta)*idPu + cos(theta)*iqPu; port.iPu.im = -cos(theta)*idPu + sin(theta)*iqPu;end OnePortACdqPU;
Base classes package
within PowerGrids.Electrical; package BaseClasses "Base classes package" extends Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage; end BaseClasses;
AC port computing auxiliary quantities.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.BaseClasses; model PortAC "AC port computing auxiliary quantities" parameter Types.Power SNom(start = 100e6) "Nominal or rated power"; parameter Types.Voltage UNom(start = 400e3) "Nominal or rated phase-to-phase voltage"; parameter Types.Power SBase = SNom "Base power"; parameter Types.Voltage UBase = UNom "Base phase-to-phase voltage"; parameter Types.Power PStart "Start value of active power flowing into port"; parameter Types.Power QStart "Start value of reactive power flowing into port"; parameter Types.Voltage UStart = UNom "Start value of phase-to-phase voltage modulus"; parameter Types.Angle UPhaseStart = 0 "Start value of voltage phase"; parameter Boolean portVariablesPhases = false "Compute voltage and current phases for monitoring purposes only" constant Boolean portVariablesPu = true "Add per-unit variables to model"; constant Boolean generatorConvention = false "Add currents with generator convention (i > 0 when exiting the device) to model"; // Computed parameters final parameter Types.Voltage VBase = UBase/sqrt(3) "Base phase-to-ground voltage"; final parameter Types.Current IBase = SBase/(3*VBase) "Base current"; final parameter Types.Voltage VStart = UStart/sqrt(3) "Start value of phase-to ground voltage modulus"; final parameter Types.Current IStart = sqrt(PStart^2 + QStart^2)/(3*VStart) "Start value of current modulus"; final parameter Types.ComplexVoltage vStart = CM.fromPolar(UStart/sqrt(3), UPhaseStart) "Start value of phase-to-ground voltage phasor"; final parameter Types.ComplexCurrent iStart = CM.conj(Complex(PStart,QStart)/(Complex(3)*vStart)) "Start value of current phasor flowing into the port"; connector InputComplexVoltage = input Types.ComplexVoltage "Marks potential input for balancedness check without requiring binding equation"; connector InputComplexCurrent = input Types.ComplexCurrent "Marks potential input for balancedness check without requiring binding equation"; InputComplexVoltage v(re(nominal = VBase, start = vStart.re), im(nominal = VBase, start = vStart.im)) "Port voltage (line-to-neutral)"; InputComplexCurrent i(re(nominal = IBase, start = iStart.re), im(nominal = IBase, start = iStart.im)) "Port current"; Types.ComplexVoltage u(re(nominal = UBase, start = vStart.re*sqrt(3)), im(nominal = UBase, start = vStart.im*sqrt(3))) = sqrt(3)*v "Complex phase-to-phase voltage"; Types.ComplexPower S(re(nominal = SBase), im(nominal = SBase)) = 3*v*CM.conj(i) "Complex power flowing into the port"; Types.ActivePower P(nominal = SBase, start = PStart) = S.re "Active power flowing into the port"; Types.ReactivePower Q(nominal = SBase, start = QStart) = S.im "Reactive power flowing into the port"; Types.Voltage U(nominal = UBase, start = UStart) = CM.'abs'(u) "Port voltage absolute value (phase-to-phase)"; Types.Current I(nominal = IBase, start = IStart) = CM.'abs'(i) "Port current (positive entering)"; Types.PerUnit PPu(start = PStart/SBase) = if portVariablesPu then S.re/SBase else 0 "Active power flowing into the port in p.u. (base SBase)" Types.PerUnit QPu(start = QStart/SBase) = if portVariablesPu then S.im/SBase else 0 "Reactive power flowing into the port in p.u. (base SBase)" Types.ComplexPerUnit vPu(re(start = vStart.re/VBase),im(start = vStart.im/VBase)) = if portVariablesPu then u*(1/UBase) else Complex(0) "Complex voltage across the port in p.u. (base VBase)" SI.PerUnit VPu(start = VStart/VBase) = if portVariablesPu then U/UBase else 0 "Absolute value of voltage across the port in p.u. (base VBase)" Types.ComplexPerUnit iPu(re(start = iStart.re/IBase), im(start = iStart.im/IBase)) = if portVariablesPu then i*(1/IBase) else Complex(0) "Complex current flowing into the port in p.u. (base IBase)" SI.PerUnit IPu(start = IStart/IBase) = if portVariablesPu then I/IBase else 0 "Absolute value of complex current flowing into the port in p.u. (base IBase)" Types.Angle UPhase(start = UPhaseStart) = if portVariablesPhases then atan2(v.im, v.re) else 0 "Phase of voltage across the port" Types.Angle IPhase(start = CM.arg(iStart)) = if portVariablesPhases then atan2(i.im, i.re) else 0 "Phase of current into the port" Types.ComplexCurrent iGen(re(nominal = IBase, start = -iStart.re), im(nominal = IBase, start = -iStart.im)) = -i "Port current, generator convention"; Types.ActivePower PGen(nominal = SBase, start = -PStart) = -S.re "Active power flowing out of the port"; Types.ReactivePower QGen(nominal = SBase, start = -QStart) = -S.im "Reactive power flowing out of the port"; Types.PerUnit PGenPu(start = -PStart/SBase) = -PPu "Active power flowing out of the port in p.u. (base SBase)"; Types.PerUnit QGenPu(start = -QStart/SBase) = -QPu "Reactive power flowing out of the port in p.u. (base SBase)"; Types.ComplexPerUnit iGenPu(re(start = -iStart.re/IBase),im(start = -iStart.im/IBase)) = -iPu "Complex current flowing out of the port in p.u. (base IBase)"; SI.PerUnit IGenPu(start = IStart/IBase) = if portVariablesPu and generatorConvention then I/IBase else 0 "Absolute value of current flowing out of the port in p.u. (base IBase)" end PortAC;
Connects the port to ground via a conductor.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.BaseClasses; model ShuntConductance "Connects the port to ground via a conductor" extends OnePortAC; input Types.ComplexAdmittance Y "Shunt admittance"; Types.ComplexVoltage v(re(nominal = port.VBase), im(nominal = port.VBase)) = port.v; Types.ComplexCurrent i(re(nominal = port.IBase), im(nominal = port.IBase)) = port.i; equation i = Y*v; end ShuntConductance;
Base class for two-port AC components.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.BaseClasses; partial model TwoPortAC "Base class for two-port AC components" parameter Types.Voltage UNomA(start = 400e3) "Nominal/rated voltage, port A" parameter Types.Voltage UNomB = UNomA "Nominal/rated voltage, port B" parameter Types.Power SNom(start = 100e6) "Nominal/rated power" parameter Boolean portVariablesPhases = false "Compute voltage and current phases for monitoring purposes only" constant Boolean portVariablesPu = true "Add per-unit variables to model"; parameter Boolean computePowerBalance = true "Compute net balance of complex power entering the component"; parameter Types.Voltage UStartA = UNomA "Start value of phase-to-phase voltage phasor at port A, absolute value" parameter Types.Angle UPhaseStartA = 0 "Start value of phase-to-phase voltage phasor at port A, phase angle" parameter Types.ActivePower PStartA = SNom "Start value of active power flowing into port A" parameter Types.ReactivePower QStartA = 0 "Start value of reactive power flowing into port A" parameter Types.Voltage UStartB = UNomB "Start value of phase-to-phase voltage phasor at port B, absolute value" parameter Types.Angle UPhaseStartB = 0 "Start value of phase-to-phase voltage phasor at port B, phase angle" parameter Types.ActivePower PStartB = -SNom "Start value of active power flowing into port B" parameter Types.ReactivePower QStartB = 0 "Start value of reactive power flowing into port B" PowerGrids.Interfaces.TerminalAC terminalA PowerGrids.Interfaces.TerminalAC terminalB PortAC portA(final v = terminalA.v, final i = terminalA.i, final UNom = UNomA, final SNom = SNom, final portVariablesPu = portVariablesPu, final portVariablesPhases = portVariablesPhases, final generatorConvention = false, final UStart = UStartA, final UPhaseStart = UPhaseStartA, final PStart = PStartA, final QStart = QStartA) "AC port - terminalA"; PortAC portB(final v = terminalB.v, final i = terminalB.i, final UNom = UNomB, final SNom = SNom, final portVariablesPu = portVariablesPu, final portVariablesPhases = portVariablesPhases, final generatorConvention = false, final UStart = UStartB, final UPhaseStart = UPhaseStartB, final PStart = PStartB, final QStart = QStartB) "AC port - terminalB"; Types.ComplexPower Sbal = portA.S + portB.S if computePowerBalance "Complex power balance"; outer Electrical.System systemPowerGrids "Reference to system object"; end TwoPortAC;
Transmission line with constant impedance.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Branches; model LineConstantImpedance "Transmission line with constant impedance" extends BaseClasses.PiNetwork( UNomA = UNom, UNomB = UNomA); extends Icons.Line; parameter Types.Voltage UNom(start = 400e3) "Nominal/rated voltage"; parameter Types.Resistance R "Series resistance"; parameter Types.Reactance X "Series reactance"; parameter Types.Conductance G = 0 "Shunt conductance"; parameter Types.Susceptance B = 0 "Shunt susceptance"; equation k = Complex(1); Y = 1/Complex(R, X); YA = Complex(G/2, B/2); YB = Complex(G/2, B/2); end LineConstantImpedance;
Transmission line with constant impedance and fault in intermediate position.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Branches; model LineConstantImpedanceFault "Transmission line with constant impedance and fault in intermediate position" extends Electrical.BaseClasses.TwoPortAC( UNomA = UNom, UNomB = UNomA); extends Icons.Line; parameter Types.Voltage UNom(start = 400e3) "Nominal/rated voltage"; parameter Types.Resistance R "Series resistance"; parameter Types.Reactance X "Series reactance"; parameter Types.Conductance G = 0 "Shunt conductance"; parameter Types.Susceptance B = 0 "Shunt susceptance"; parameter SI.PerUnit faultLocationPu "Location of the fault (0: port A, 1: port B)" parameter SI.Time startTime "Start time of the fault" parameter SI.Time stopTime "End time of the fault" parameter Types.Resistance RFault "Fault resistance" parameter Types.Reactance XFault "Fault reactance" PowerGrids.Electrical.Branches.LineConstantImpedance lineA(B = faultLocationPu * B, G = faultLocationPu * G, PStartA = PStartA, PStartB = (1 - faultLocationPu) * PStartA + faultLocationPu * PStartB, QStartA = QStartA, QStartB = (1 - faultLocationPu) * QStartA + faultLocationPu * QStartB, R = faultLocationPu,SNom = SNom, UNom = UNom, UPhaseStartA = UPhaseStartA, UPhaseStartB = (1 - faultLocationPu) * UPhaseStartA + faultLocationPu * UPhaseStartB, UStartA = UStartA, UStartB = (1 - faultLocationPu) * UStartA + faultLocationPu * UStartB, X = faultLocationPu * X) PowerGrids.Electrical.Branches.LineConstantImpedance lineB(B = (1 - faultLocationPu) * B, G = (1 - faultLocationPu) * G, PStartA = (1 - faultLocationPu) * PStartA + faultLocationPu * PStartB, PStartB = PStartB, QStartA = (1 - faultLocationPu) * QStartA + faultLocationPu * QStartB, QStartB = QStartA, R = (1 - faultLocationPu) * R,SNom = SNom, UNom = UNom, UPhaseStartA = UPhaseStartA, UPhaseStartB = UPhaseStartB, UStartA = UStartA, UStartB = UStartB, X = (1 - faultLocationPu) * X, portVariablesPu = false) PowerGrids.Electrical.Buses.BusFault busFault(R = RFault, SNom = SNom, UNom = UNom, X = XFault, portVariablesPu = false, startTime = startTime, stopTime = stopTime) equation connect(busFault.terminal, lineA.terminalB) connect(lineB.terminalB, terminalB) connect(lineA.terminalB, lineB.terminalA) connect(lineA.terminalA, terminalA) end LineConstantImpedanceFault;
Transmission line with constant impedance and breakers.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Branches; model LineConstantImpedanceWithBreakers "Transmission line with constant impedance and breakers" extends BaseClasses.PiNetwork(UNomA = UNom, UNomB = UNomA); extends Icons.Line; encapsulated type BreakersState = enumeration( AcBc "Both breakers at port A and at port B closed", AcBo "Breaker at port A closed, breaker at port B open", AoBc "Breaker at port A open, breaker at port B closed", AoBo "Both breakers at port A and at port B open" ); parameter Boolean useBreakerA = false "Use breaker at port A" parameter Boolean useBreakerB = false "Use breaker at port B" parameter Types.Voltage UNom(start = 400e3) "Nominal/rated voltage"; parameter Types.Resistance R "Series resistance"; parameter Types.Resistance X "Series reactance"; parameter Types.Conductance G = 0 "Shunt conductance"; parameter Types.Conductance B = 0 "Shunt susceptance"; parameter Boolean breakerAStatusStart = true "Breaker A start status - true means breaker closed" parameter Boolean breakerBStatusStart = true "Breaker B start status - true means breaker closed" final parameter Types.ComplexAdmittance Yseries = 1 / Complex(R, X) "Series admittance" final parameter Types.ComplexAdmittance Yshunt = Complex(G / 2, B / 2) "Shunt admittance at port A/B"; final parameter Types.ComplexAdmittance YbreakerOpen = Yseries * Yshunt / (Yseries + Yshunt) "Total admittance when breaker A/B is open" Types.ComplexAdmittance Y_actual "Actual series admittance"; Types.ComplexAdmittance YA_actual "Actual shunt admittance at port A"; Types.ComplexAdmittance YB_actual "Actual shunt admittance at port B"; BreakersState breakerStatus(start = BreakersState.AcBc) "Breakers current status"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanInput breakerStatusA if useBreakerA "Breaker status at port A - true means breaker closed" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanInput breakerStatusB if useBreakerB "Breaker status at port B - true means breaker closed" protected Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanInput breakerStatusInternalA(start = breakerAStatusStart, fixed = true) "Vreaker status at port A"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanInput breakerStatusInternalB(start = breakerBStatusStart, fixed = true) "Breaker status at port B"; initial algorithm if breakerAStatusStart then if breakerBStatusStart then breakerStatus := BreakersState.AcBc; else breakerStatus := BreakersState.AcBo; end if; else if breakerBStatusStart then breakerStatus := BreakersState.AoBc; else breakerStatus := BreakersState.AoBo; end if; end if; algorithm when breakerStatus == BreakersState.AcBc and not pre(breakerStatusInternalB) then breakerStatus := BreakersState.AcBo "AcBc to AcBo"; elsewhen breakerStatus == BreakersState.AcBc and not pre(breakerStatusInternalA) then breakerStatus := BreakersState.AoBc "AcBc to AoBc"; elsewhen breakerStatus == BreakersState.AcBo and not pre(breakerStatusInternalA) then breakerStatus := BreakersState.AoBo "AcBo to AoBo"; elsewhen breakerStatus == BreakersState.AoBc and not pre(breakerStatusInternalB) then breakerStatus := BreakersState.AoBo "AoBc to AoBo"; elsewhen breakerStatus == BreakersState.AoBo and pre(breakerStatusInternalA) then breakerStatus := BreakersState.AcBo "AoBo to AcBo"; elsewhen breakerStatus == BreakersState.AoBo and pre(breakerStatusInternalB) then breakerStatus := BreakersState.AoBc "AoBo to AoBc"; elsewhen breakerStatus == BreakersState.AcBo and pre(breakerStatusInternalB) then breakerStatus := BreakersState.AcBc "AcBo to AcBc"; elsewhen breakerStatus == BreakersState.AoBc and pre(breakerStatusInternalA) then breakerStatus := BreakersState.AcBc "AoBc to AcBc"; end when; equation if breakerStatus == BreakersState.AcBc then Y_actual = Yseries; YA_actual = Yshunt; YB_actual = Yshunt; elseif breakerStatus == BreakersState.AcBo then Y_actual = Complex(0); YB_actual = Complex(0); YA_actual = YbreakerOpen; elseif breakerStatus == BreakersState.AoBc then Y_actual = Complex(0); YA_actual = Complex(0); YB_actual = YbreakerOpen; else // AoBo Y_actual = Complex(0); YB_actual = Complex(0); YA_actual = Complex(0); end if; k = Complex(1); Y = Y_actual; YA = YA_actual; YB = YB_actual; connect(breakerStatusA, breakerStatusInternalA); connect(breakerStatusB, breakerStatusInternalB); if not useBreakerA then breakerStatusInternalA = true "Breaker closed"; end if; if not useBreakerB then breakerStatusInternalB = true "Breaker closed"; end if; end LineConstantImpedanceWithBreakers;
Branch component package
within PowerGrids.Electrical; package Branches "Branch component package" extends Modelica.Icons.Package; end Branches;
Transformer with fixed voltage ratio.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Branches; model TransformerFixedRatio "Transformer with fixed voltage ratio" extends BaseClasses.PiNetwork; extends Icons.Transformer; parameter SI.PerUnit rFixed = 1 "Fixed transformer ratio VB/VA"; parameter SI.Angle thetaFixed = 0 "Fixed phase lead of VB w.r.t. VA"; parameter Types.Resistance R = 0 "Series resistance on B side"; parameter Types.Reactance X = 0 "Series reactance on B side"; parameter Types.Conductance G = 0 "Shunt conductance on B side"; parameter Types.Susceptance B = 0 "Shunt susceptance on B side"; equation k = CM.fromPolar(rFixed, thetaFixed); Y = Complex(1)/Complex(R, X); YA = Complex(0); YB = Complex(G, B); end TransformerFixedRatio;
breaker closed.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Branches; model TransformerFixedRatioWithBreaker extends BaseClasses.PiNetwork; extends Icons.Transformer; encapsulated type BreakersState = enumeration( Bc "breaker closed", Bo "breaker open"); parameter Boolean useBreaker = false "Use breaker (port b)" parameter SI.PerUnit rFixed = 1 "Fixed transformer ratio VB/VA"; parameter SI.Angle thetaFixed = 0 "Fixed phase lead of VB w.r.t. VA"; parameter Types.Resistance R "Series resistance on B side"; parameter Types.Reactance X "Series reactance on B side"; parameter Types.Conductance G = 0 "Shunt conductance on B side"; parameter Types.Susceptance B = 0 "Shunt susceptance on B side"; parameter Boolean breakerStatusStart = true "Breaker start status - true means breaker closed" final parameter Types.ComplexAdmittance Yseries = Complex(1)/Complex(R, X) "Series admittance" final parameter Types.ComplexAdmittance Yshunt = Complex(G, B) "Shunt admittance at port B"; final parameter Types.ComplexAdmittance YbreakerOpen = Yseries*Yshunt/(Yseries + Yshunt) "Total admittance when breaker is open (port B)" Types.ComplexAdmittance Y_actual "Actual series admittance"; Types.ComplexAdmittance YA_actual "Actual shunt admittance at port A"; Types.ComplexAdmittance YB_actual "Actual shunt admittance at port B"; BreakersState breakerStatus(start = BreakersState.Bc) "breacker current status"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanInput breakerStatusIn if useBreaker "Breaker Status (port B) - true means breaker closed" initial algorithm if breakerStatusStart then breakerStatus := BreakersState.Bc; else breakerStatus := BreakersState.Bo; end if; protected Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanInput breakerStatusInInternal(start = breakerStatusStart, fixed = true) "breaker Status (port B)"; algorithm when breakerStatus == BreakersState.Bc and not pre(breakerStatusInInternal) then breakerStatus := BreakersState.Bo "Bc to Bo"; elsewhen breakerStatus == BreakersState.Bo and pre(breakerStatusInInternal) then breakerStatus := BreakersState.Bc "Bo to Bc"; end when; equation if breakerStatus == BreakersState.Bc then Y_actual = Yseries; YA_actual = Complex(0); YB_actual = Yshunt; else // Bo Y_actual = Complex(0); YA_actual = YbreakerOpen; YB_actual = Complex(0); end if; k = CM.fromPolar(rFixed, thetaFixed); Y = Y_actual; YA = YA_actual; YB = YB_actual; connect(breakerStatusIn, breakerStatusInInternal); if not useBreaker then breakerStatusInInternal = true "Breaker closed"; end if; end TransformerFixedRatioWithBreaker;
Array with angle of transformer complex ratio for each tap.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Branches; model TransformerWithPhaseShifterInterval extends BaseClasses.TapChangerPhaseShifterCommon; extends BaseClasses.TapChangerPhaseShifterLogicInterval; parameter Types.Angle kPhase[Ntap] "Array with angle of transformer complex ratio for each tap"; parameter PowerGrids.Electrical.Branches.BaseClasses.TapChangerPhaseShifterCommon.MonitoredQuantitySelection quantitySel "monitored quantity selection"; parameter Types.Current IMax = NotUsed "Maximum Current threshold for phase shifter logic" parameter Types.Current IMin = NotUsed "Minimum Current threshold for phase shifter logic" parameter Types.ActivePower PMax = NotUsed "Maximum Active Power threshold for phase shifter logic" parameter Types.ActivePower PMin = NotUsed "Minimum Active Power threshold for phase shifter logic" initial equation if quantitySel == MonitoredQuantitySelection.currentMagnitude then assert(IMax > IMin, "Wrong Current interval"); assert(IMax >= 0, "Current threshold IMax must be positive"); assert(IMin >= 0, "Current threshold IMin must be positive"); elseif quantitySel == MonitoredQuantitySelection.activePower then assert(PMax > PMin, "wrong Active Power interval"); assert(PMax >= 0, "Active Power threshold PMax must be positive"); assert(PMin >= 0, "Active Power threshold PMin must be positive"); end if; equation // Phase shifter applied on output port locked = false; running = true; if quantitySel == MonitoredQuantitySelection.currentMagnitude then valueUnderMin = portB.I < IMin; valueAboveMax = portB.I > IMax; elseif quantitySel == MonitoredQuantitySelection.activePower then valueUnderMin = portB.P < PMin; valueAboveMax = portB.P > PMax; end if; k = CM.fromPolar(1, kPhase[pre(tap)]) "pre() is required because k influences the triggering conditions of the state machine so it should be computed before the event takes place"; end TransformerWithPhaseShifterInterval;
Angle of transformer complex ratio for each tap.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Branches; model TransformerWithPhaseShifterMax extends BaseClasses.TapChangerPhaseShifterCommon; extends BaseClasses.TapChangerPhaseShifterLogicMax; parameter Types.Angle kPhase[Ntap] "Angle of transformer complex ratio for each tap"; parameter PowerGrids.Electrical.Branches.BaseClasses.TapChangerPhaseShifterCommon.MonitoredQuantitySelection quantitySel "monitored quantity selection"; parameter Types.Current IMax = NotUsed "Max Current threshold for phase shifter logic" parameter Types.Current IStop = NotUsed "Stop Current threshold for phase shifter logic" parameter Types.ActivePower PMax = NotUsed "Max Active Power threshold for phase shifter logic" parameter Types.ActivePower PStop = NotUsed "Stop Active Power threshold for phase shifter logic" initial equation if quantitySel == MonitoredQuantitySelection.currentMagnitude then assert(IMax > IStop, "Wrong current interval"); assert(IMax >= 0, "Current threshold IMax must be positive"); assert(IStop >= 0, "Current threshold IStop must be positive"); elseif quantitySel == MonitoredQuantitySelection.activePower then assert(PMax > PStop, "Wrong Active Power interval"); assert(PMax >= 0, "Active Power threshold PMax must be positive"); assert(PStop >= 0, "Active Power threshold PMax must be positive"); end if; equation // phase shifter applied on output port locked = false; running = true; if quantitySel == MonitoredQuantitySelection.currentMagnitude then valueUnderStop = portB.I < IStop; valueAboveMax = portB.I > IMax; elseif quantitySel == MonitoredQuantitySelection.activePower then valueUnderStop = portB.P < PStop; valueAboveMax = portB.P > PMax; end if; k = CM.fromPolar(1, kPhase[pre(tap)]) "pre() is required because k influences the triggering conditions of the state machine so it should be computed before the event takes place"; end TransformerWithPhaseShifterMax;
Current target value.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Branches; model TransformerWithPhaseShifterTarget extends TransformerWithPhaseShifterInterval( final IMax = targetValueI + deadBandI, final IMin = targetValueI - deadBandI, final PMax = targetValueP + deadBandP, final PMin = targetValueP - deadBandP); parameter Types.Current targetValueI = NotUsed "Current target value" parameter Types.Current deadBandI = NotUsed "Acceptable dead-band next to the Current target value" parameter Types.ActivePower targetValueP = NotUsed "Current target value" parameter Types.ActivePower deadBandP = NotUsed "Maximum Active Power threshold for phase shifter logic" initial equation if quantitySel == MonitoredQuantitySelection.currentMagnitude then assert(targetValueI > deadBandI, "Dead band cannot exceed the target value"); assert(deadBandI > 0, "Dead band must be positive"); assert(targetValueI >= 0, "Target value must be positive"); elseif quantitySel == MonitoredQuantitySelection.activePower then assert(targetValueP > deadBandP, "Dead band cannot exceed the target value"); assert(deadBandP > 0, "Dead band must be positive"); assert(targetValueP >= 0, "Target value must be positive"); end if; end TransformerWithPhaseShifterTarget;
Array of transformer ratios for each tap.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Branches; model TransformerWithTapChangerInterval extends BaseClasses.TapChangerPhaseShifterCommon; extends BaseClasses.TapChangerPhaseShifterLogicInterval; parameter Types.PerUnit K[Ntap] "Array of transformer ratios for each tap"; parameter Types.Voltage UMax "Maximum phase-to-phase voltage threshold for tap changer logic"; parameter Types.Voltage UMin "Minimum phase-to-phase voltage threshold for tap changer logic"; initial equation assert(UMax > UMin, "Wrong phase-to-phase voltage interval"); assert(UMax >= 0, "Maximum phase-to-phase voltage threshold must be positive"); assert(UMin >= 0, "Minimum phase-to-phase voltage threshold must be positive"); equation // Tap changer applied on output phase-to-phase voltage module locked = false; running = true; valueUnderMin = portB.U < UMin; valueAboveMax = portB.U > UMax; k = Complex(K[pre(tap)]) "pre() is required because k influences the triggering conditions of the state machine so it should be computed before the event takes place"; end TransformerWithTapChangerInterval;
Magnitude of transformer complex ratio for each tap.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Branches; model TransformerWithTapChangerMax extends PowerGrids.Electrical.Branches.BaseClasses.TapChangerPhaseShifterCommon; extends PowerGrids.Electrical.Branches.BaseClasses.TapChangerPhaseShifterLogicMax; parameter Types.PerUnit K[Ntap] "Magnitude of transformer complex ratio for each tap"; parameter Types.Voltage UMax "MAX phase-to-phase voltage threshold for tap changer logic"; parameter Types.Voltage UStop "Stop phase-to-phase voltage threshold for tap changer logic"; initial equation assert(UMax > UStop, "Phase-to-phase voltage MAX threshold must be higher than stop one"); assert(UMax >= 0, "Maximum phase-to-phase voltage threshold must be positive"); assert(UStop >= 0, "Stopping phase-to-phase voltage threshold must be positive"); equation // Tap changer is applied on output phase-to-phase voltage module locked = false; running = true; valueUnderStop = portB.U < UStop; valueAboveMax = portB.U > UMax; k = Complex(K[pre(tap)]) "pre() is required because k influences the triggering conditions of the state machine so it should be computed before the event takes place"; end TransformerWithTapChangerMax;
Phase-to-phase voltage target value.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Branches; model TransformerWithTapChangerTarget extends TransformerWithTapChangerInterval( final UMax = targetValue + deadBand, final UMin = targetValue - deadBand); parameter Types.Voltage targetValue(min = 0) "Phase-to-phase voltage target value"; parameter Types.Voltage deadBand(min = 0) "Acceptable dead-band next to the phase-to-phase voltage target value"; initial equation assert(targetValue > deadBand, "Dead band cannot exceed the target value"); assert(deadBand > 0, "Dead band must be positive"); assert(targetValue >= 0, "Target value must be positive"); end TransformerWithTapChangerTarget;
Generic Pi-Network base model.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Branches.BaseClasses; partial model PiNetwork "Generic Pi-Network base model" extends Electrical.BaseClasses.TwoPortAC; Types.ComplexAdmittance Y "Series admittance"; Types.ComplexAdmittance YA "Shunt admittance at port a"; Types.ComplexAdmittance YB "Shunt admittance at port b"; Types.ComplexPerUnit k "Complex ratio of ideal transformer at port A (vB/vA)"; Types.ComplexVoltage vA(re(nominal = portA.VBase), im(nominal = portA.VBase)) = portA.v; Types.ComplexVoltage vB(re(nominal = portB.VBase), im(nominal = portB.VBase)) = portB.v; Types.ComplexCurrent iA(re(nominal = portA.IBase), im(nominal = portA.IBase)) = portA.i; Types.ComplexCurrent iB(re(nominal = portB.IBase), im(nominal = portB.IBase)) = portB.i; // See diagram in the documentation layer for the variable definitions Types.ComplexVoltage vAt(re(nominal = portB.VBase), im(nominal = portB.VBase)); Types.ComplexVoltage vz(re(nominal = portB.VBase), im(nominal = portB.VBase)); Types.ComplexCurrent iAt(re(nominal = portB.IBase), im(nominal = portB.IBase)); Types.ComplexCurrent iAs(re(nominal = portB.IBase), im(nominal = portB.IBase)); Types.ComplexCurrent iBs(re(nominal = portB.IBase), im(nominal = portB.IBase)); Types.ComplexCurrent iz(re(nominal = portB.IBase), im(nominal = portB.IBase)); equation // Kirchhoff's laws iAt = iz + iAs; iBs = iz + iB; vAt = vz + vB; // Constitutive equations vAt = k * vA; iA = CM.conj(k) * iAt; iAs = YA * vAt; iBs = YB * vB; iz = Y * vz; end PiNetwork;
Common base class for tap-changer/phase shifter transformers.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Branches.BaseClasses; partial model TapChangerPhaseShifterCommon "Common base class for tap-changer/phase shifter transformers" extends BaseClasses.PiNetwork; extends Icons.Transformer; final constant Real NotUsed = Modelica.Constants.inf "Generic default value for not-used parameters"; encapsulated type MonitoredQuantitySelection = enumeration(currentMagnitude "phase shifter monitors the port_b current magnitude", activePower "phase shifter monitors the port_b active power"); parameter Types.Resistance R = 0 "Series resistance"; parameter Types.Reactance X = 0 "Series reactance"; parameter Types.Conductance G = 0 "Shunt conductance"; parameter Types.Susceptance B = 0 "Shunt susceptance"; equation Y = 1/Complex(R, X); YA = Complex(0); YB = Complex(G, B); end TapChangerPhaseShifterCommon;
Default value for counters.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Branches.BaseClasses; partial model TapChangerPhaseShifterLogicCommon final constant Types.Time timeInfinity = Modelica.Constants.inf "Default value for counters"; encapsulated type State = enumeration (moveDownN "1: tap-changer/phase-shifter has decreased the next tap", moveDown1 "2: tap-changer/phase-shifter has decreased the first tap", waitingToMoveDown "3: tap-changer/phase-shifter is waiting to decrease the first tap", standard "4:tap-changer/phase-shifter is in standard state with UThresholdDown <= UMonitored <= UThresholdUp", waitingToMoveUp "5: tap-changer/phase-shifter is waiting to increase the first tap", moveUp1 "6: tap-changer/phase-shifter has increased the first tap", moveUpN "7: tap-changer/phase-shifter has increased the next tap", locked "8: tap-changer/phase-shifter locked"); State state(start = stateStart, fixed = true); encapsulated type ActionType = enumeration (direct "Whether increasing the tap will increase the monitored value", reverse "Whether increasing the tap will decrease the monitored value"); parameter Types.Time t1st(min = 0) "Time lag before changing the first tap"; parameter Types.Time tNext(min = 0) "Time lag before changing subsequent taps"; parameter Integer Ntap "Number of tap positions"; parameter Integer tapMax = Ntap "Max tap position"; parameter Integer tapMin = 1 "Min tap position"; parameter ActionType actionSel = ActionType.direct "Tap direct or reverse action selector"; parameter Boolean lockedStart = false "Whether the tap-changer/phase-shifter is initially locked" parameter Boolean runningStart = true "Whether the tap-changer/phase-shifter is initially running" parameter Integer tapStart "Initial tap" parameter State stateStart = State.standard "Initial state" final parameter Boolean directAction = (actionSel == ActionType.direct) "= true, when direct action is selected"; final parameter Boolean reverseAction = (actionSel == ActionType.reverse) "= true, when reverse action is selected"; Boolean locked (start = lockedStart) "whether the tap-changer/phase-shifter is locked"; Boolean running (start = runningStart) "whether the tap-changer/phase-shifter is running"; Integer tap(start = tapStart, fixed = true) "Current tap"; protected Boolean lookingToIncreaseTap "true if the tap-changer/phase-shifter wants to increase tap"; Boolean lookingToDecreaseTap "true if the tap-changer/phase-shifter wants to decrease tap"; Types.Time tTapMoved(start = timeInfinity, fixed = true) "Time when the tap has been moved"; initial equation assert (tapMax <= Ntap, "Max tap value supposed to be equal or below Ntap"); assert (tapMin >= 1, "Min tap value supposed to be equal or higher than 1"); assert (tapMax > tapMin, "Max tap value supposed to be higher than Min tap value"); equation assert (tap <= tapMax, "Tap value supposed to be below maximum tap"); assert (tap >= tapMin, "Tap value supposed to be above minimum tap"); end TapChangerPhaseShifterLogicCommon;
time lag before transition to standard state, in order to avoid chattering.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Branches.BaseClasses; partial model TapChangerPhaseShifterLogicInterval extends TapChangerPhaseShifterLogicCommon; parameter Types.Time tToStandardState = 0.1 "time lag before transition to standard state, in order to avoid chattering"; protected Boolean valueUnderMin(start = false) "true if the monitored signal is under the minimum limit"; Boolean valueAboveMax(start = false) "true if the monitored signal is above the maximum limit"; Boolean valueInRange = not(pre(valueUnderMin)) and not(pre(valueAboveMax)) "true if the monitored signal is into the [valueMin ; valueMax] range"; Types.Time tValueUnderMinWhileRunning(start = timeInfinity) "time when the monitored signal went under the minimum limit and the tap-changer/phase-shifter is running"; Types.Time tValueAboveMaxWhileRunning(start = timeInfinity) "time when the monitored signal went above the maximum limit and the tap-changer/phase-shifter is running"; Types.Time tValueInRangeWhileRunning(start = timeInfinity) "time when the monitored signal comes back into the [valueMin ; valueMax] range and the tap-changer/phase-shifter is running"; equation lookingToDecreaseTap = (pre(running) and pre(valueAboveMax) and directAction) or (pre(running) and pre(valueUnderMin) and reverseAction); lookingToIncreaseTap = (pre(running) and pre(valueUnderMin) and directAction) or (pre(running) and pre(valueAboveMax) and reverseAction); when pre(running) and not(pre(locked)) and pre(valueUnderMin) then tValueUnderMinWhileRunning = time; tValueAboveMaxWhileRunning = pre(tValueAboveMaxWhileRunning); tValueInRangeWhileRunning = pre(tValueInRangeWhileRunning); elsewhen pre(running) and not(pre(locked)) and not(pre(valueUnderMin)) then tValueUnderMinWhileRunning = pre(tValueUnderMinWhileRunning); tValueAboveMaxWhileRunning = pre(tValueAboveMaxWhileRunning); tValueInRangeWhileRunning = time; elsewhen pre(running) and not(pre(locked)) and pre(valueAboveMax) then tValueUnderMinWhileRunning = pre(tValueUnderMinWhileRunning); tValueAboveMaxWhileRunning = time; tValueInRangeWhileRunning = pre(tValueInRangeWhileRunning); elsewhen pre(running) and not(pre(locked)) and not(pre(valueAboveMax)) then tValueUnderMinWhileRunning = pre(tValueUnderMinWhileRunning); tValueAboveMaxWhileRunning = pre(tValueAboveMaxWhileRunning); tValueInRangeWhileRunning = time; elsewhen pre(locked) then tValueUnderMinWhileRunning = timeInfinity; tValueAboveMaxWhileRunning = timeInfinity; tValueInRangeWhileRunning = timeInfinity; end when; //Transition to "locked" when not(pre(running)) or pre(locked) then state = State.locked; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "locked" to "standard" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.locked and not(pre(locked)) and valueInRange and time - tValueInRangeWhileRunning >= tToStandardState then state = State.standard; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "locked" to "waitingToMoveDown" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.locked and not(pre(locked)) and lookingToDecreaseTap then state = State.waitingToMoveDown; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "locked" to "waitingToMoveUp" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.locked and not(pre(locked)) and lookingToIncreaseTap then state = State.waitingToMoveUp; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "standard" to "waitingToMoveUp" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.standard and lookingToIncreaseTap then state = State.waitingToMoveUp; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "standard" to "waitingToMoveDown" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.standard and lookingToDecreaseTap then state = State.waitingToMoveDown; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "waitingToMoveUp" to "standard" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.waitingToMoveUp and valueInRange and time - tValueInRangeWhileRunning >= tToStandardState then state = State.standard; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "waitingToMoveUp" to "waitingToMoveDown" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.waitingToMoveUp and lookingToDecreaseTap then state = State.waitingToMoveDown; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "waitingToMoveUp" to "moveUp1" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.waitingToMoveUp and time - (if directAction then tValueUnderMinWhileRunning else tValueAboveMaxWhileRunning) >= t1st and pre(tap) < tapMax then state = State.moveUp1; tap = pre(tap) + 1; tTapMoved = time; //Transition from "waitingToMoveDown" to "standard" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.waitingToMoveDown and valueInRange and time - tValueInRangeWhileRunning >= tToStandardState then state = State.standard; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "waitingToMoveDown" to "waitingToMoveUp" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.waitingToMoveDown and lookingToIncreaseTap then state = State.waitingToMoveUp; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "waitingToMoveDown" to "moveDown1" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.waitingToMoveDown and time - (if directAction then tValueAboveMaxWhileRunning else tValueUnderMinWhileRunning) >= t1st and pre(tap) > tapMin then state = State.moveDown1; tap = pre(tap) - 1; tTapMoved = time; //Transition from "moveUp1" to "standard" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.moveUp1 and valueInRange and time - tValueInRangeWhileRunning >= tToStandardState then state = State.standard; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "moveUp1" to "waitingToMoveDown" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.moveUp1 and lookingToDecreaseTap then state = State.waitingToMoveDown; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "moveUp1" to "moveUpN" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.moveUp1 and time - pre(tTapMoved) >= tNext and pre(tap) < tapMax then state = State.moveUpN; tap = pre(tap) + 1; tTapMoved = time; //Transition from "moveUpN" to "standard" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.moveUpN and valueInRange and time - tValueInRangeWhileRunning >= tToStandardState then state = State.standard; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "moveUpN" to "waitingToMoveDown" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.moveUpN and lookingToDecreaseTap then state = State.waitingToMoveDown; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "moveUpN" to "moveUpN" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.moveUpN and time - pre(tTapMoved) >= tNext and pre(tap) < tapMax then state = State.moveUpN; tap = pre(tap) + 1; tTapMoved = time; //Transition from "moveDown1" to "standard" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.moveDown1 and valueInRange and time - tValueInRangeWhileRunning >= tToStandardState then state = State.standard; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "moveDown1" to "waitingToMoveUp" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.moveDown1 and lookingToIncreaseTap then state = State.waitingToMoveUp; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "moveDown1" to "moveDownN" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.moveDown1 and time - pre(tTapMoved) >= tNext and pre(tap) > tapMin then state = State.moveDownN; tap = pre(tap) - 1; tTapMoved = time; //Transition from "moveDownN" to "standard" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.moveDownN and valueInRange and time - tValueInRangeWhileRunning >= tToStandardState then state = State.standard; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "moveDownN" to "waitingToMoveUp" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.moveDownN and lookingToIncreaseTap then state = State.waitingToMoveUp; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "moveDownN" to "moveDownN" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.moveDownN and time - pre(tTapMoved) >= tNext and pre(tap) > tapMin then state = State.moveDownN; tap = pre(tap) - 1; tTapMoved = time; end when; end TapChangerPhaseShifterLogicInterval;
whether the monitored signal is under the stop limit.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Branches.BaseClasses; partial model TapChangerPhaseShifterLogicMax extends TapChangerPhaseShifterLogicCommon; protected Boolean valueUnderStop(start = false) "whether the monitored signal is under the stop limit"; Boolean valueAboveMax(start = false) "wheter the monitored signal is above the maximum limit"; Types.Time tValueAboveMaxWhileRunning(start = timeInfinity, fixed = true) "time when the monitored signal went above the maximum limit and the tap-changer/phase-shifter is running"; equation lookingToDecreaseTap = pre(running) and pre(valueAboveMax) and directAction; lookingToIncreaseTap = pre(running) and pre(valueAboveMax) and reverseAction; when pre(running) and not(pre(locked)) and pre(valueAboveMax) then tValueAboveMaxWhileRunning = time; elsewhen pre(running) and not(pre(locked)) and pre(valueUnderStop) then tValueAboveMaxWhileRunning = timeInfinity; elsewhen pre(locked) then tValueAboveMaxWhileRunning = timeInfinity; end when; //Transition to "locked" when (not pre(running)) or pre(locked) then state = State.locked; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "locked" to "standard" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.locked and not(pre(locked)) and not(pre(valueAboveMax)) then state = State.standard; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "locked" to "waitingToMoveDown" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.locked and not(pre(locked)) and lookingToDecreaseTap then state = State.waitingToMoveDown; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "locked" to "waitingToMoveUp" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.locked and not(pre(locked)) and lookingToIncreaseTap then state = State.waitingToMoveUp; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "standard" to "waitingToMoveUp" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.standard and lookingToIncreaseTap then state = State.waitingToMoveUp; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "standard" to "waitingToMoveDown" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.standard and lookingToDecreaseTap then state = State.waitingToMoveDown; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "waitingToMoveUp" to "standard" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.waitingToMoveUp and pre(valueUnderStop) then state = State.standard; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "waitingToMoveUp" to "moveUp1" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.waitingToMoveUp and time - tValueAboveMaxWhileRunning >= t1st and pre(tap) < tapMax then state = State.moveUp1; tap = pre(tap) + 1; tTapMoved = time; //Transition from "moveUp1" to "standard" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.moveUp1 and pre(valueUnderStop) then state = State.standard; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "moveUp1" to "moveUpN" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.moveUp1 and time - pre(tTapMoved) >= tNext and pre(tap) < tapMax then state = State.moveUpN; tap = pre(tap) + 1; tTapMoved = time; //Transition from "moveUpN" to "standard" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.moveUpN and pre(valueUnderStop) then state = State.standard; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "moveUpN" to "moveUpN" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.moveUpN and time - pre(tTapMoved) >= tNext and pre(tap) < tapMax then state = State.moveUpN; tap = pre(tap) + 1; tTapMoved = time; //Transition from "waitingToMoveDown" to "standard" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.waitingToMoveDown and pre(valueUnderStop) then state = State.standard; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "waitingToMoveDown" to "moveDown1" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.waitingToMoveDown and time - tValueAboveMaxWhileRunning >= t1st and pre(tap) > tapMin then state = State.moveDown1; tap = pre(tap) - 1; tTapMoved = time; //Transition from "moveDown1" to "standard" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.moveDown1 and pre(valueUnderStop) then state = State.standard; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "moveDown1" to "moveDownN" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.moveDown1 and time - pre(tTapMoved) >= tNext and pre(tap) > tapMin then state = State.moveDownN; tap = pre(tap) - 1; tTapMoved = time; //Transition from "moveDownN" to "standard" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.moveDownN and pre(valueUnderStop) then state = State.standard; tap = pre(tap); tTapMoved = timeInfinity; //Transition from "moveDownN" to "moveDownN" elsewhen pre(running) and pre(state) == State.moveDownN and time - pre(tTapMoved) >= tNext and pre(tap) > tapMin then state = State.moveDownN; tap = pre(tap) - 1; tTapMoved = time; end when; end TapChangerPhaseShifterLogicMax;
Voltage of ideal generator, phase-to-ground
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Buses; package BaseClasses extends Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage; model BusBase extends PowerGrids.Electrical.BaseClasses.OnePortAC; input Types.ComplexVoltage e(re(nominal = port.VBase), im(nominal = port.VBase)) "Voltage of ideal generator, phase-to-ground"; input Types.ComplexImpedance Z "Internal impedance"; Types.ComplexVoltage v(re(nominal = port.VBase), im(nominal = port.VBase)) = port.v "Port voltage, phase-to-ground"; Types.ComplexCurrent i(re(nominal = port.IBase), im(nominal = port.IBase)) = port.i "Port current"; equation v = e + Z*i; end BusBase; end BaseClasses;
Bus model.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Buses; model Bus "Bus model" extends PowerGrids.Electrical.BaseClasses.OnePortAC( final PStart = 0, final QStart = 0); extends Icons.Bus; equation port.i = Complex(0); end Bus;
Series resistance to ground during fault.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Buses; model BusFault extends Icons.Bus; extends Electrical.BaseClasses.OnePortAC; parameter Types.Resistance R = 0 "Series resistance to ground during fault" parameter Types.Reactance X = 0 "Series reactance to ground during fault" parameter SI.Time startTime "Start time of the fault" parameter SI.Time stopTime "End time of the fault" Types.ComplexVoltage v(re(nominal = port.VBase), im(nominal = port.VBase)) = port.v "Port voltage, phase-to-ground"; Types.ComplexCurrent i(re(nominal = port.IBase), im(nominal = port.IBase)) = port.i "Port current"; discrete Types.ComplexAdmittance Y(re(start = 0, fixed = true), im(start = 0, fixed = true)) "Shunt admittance"; Boolean fault(start = false, fixed = true) "The fault is active"; // State machine to compute the fault variable algorithm when time >= startTime then fault := true; end when; when time >= stopTime then fault := false; end when; // State machine to compute the shunt admittance algorithm when pre(fault) then Y := 1/Complex(R, X); end when; when not pre(fault) then Y := Complex(0); end when; equation i = Y*v; end BusFault;
Equivalent grid model characterized by short circuit capacity.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Buses; model EquivalentGrid "Equivalent grid model characterized by short circuit capacity" extends PowerGrids.Electrical.Buses.BaseClasses.BusBase( e = eSource, Z = ZGrid, UStart = URef, UPhaseStart = 0); extends Icons.Grid; import Modelica.ComplexMath; parameter Types.Voltage URef = UNom "Reference phase-to-phase voltage at connection terminal"; parameter Types.Angle UPhaseRef = 0 "Voltage phase angle at connection terminal"; parameter Types.ApparentPower SSC "Short-circuit capacity"; parameter Types.PerUnit c = 1.1 "c-factor for calculation of short-circuit capacity"; parameter Types.PerUnit R_X = 1/10 "Ratio of resistance to reactance of the grid"; final parameter Types.ComplexPower Ssc = ComplexMath.fromPolar(SSC/c, atan(1/R_X)) "Short circuit active power"; final parameter Types.ComplexImpedance ZGrid = 1/ComplexMath.conj(Ssc/UNom ^ 2) "Grid impedance"; final parameter Types.ComplexVoltage eStart = ComplexMath.fromPolar(URef,UPhaseStart) "Tentative value of voltage source"; final parameter Types.ComplexVoltage eSource( re(fixed = false, start = eStart.re), im(fixed = false, start = eStart.im)) "Constant value of voltage source"; initial equation // Initial voltage at port fixed at reference values port. u= ComplexMath.fromPolar(URef, UPhaseRef); end EquivalentGrid;
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Buses; model Ground extends Icons.Ground; PowerGrids.Interfaces.TerminalAC terminal equation terminal.v = Complex(0); end Ground;
Infinite bus with internal impedance.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Buses; model InfiniteBus "Infinite bus with internal impedance" extends BaseClasses.BusBase( e = CM.fromPolar(ERef, theta), Z = Complex(R, X)); extends Icons.Bus; parameter Types.Resistance R = 0 "Series resistance"; parameter Types.Reactance X = 0 "Series reactance"; parameter Types.Angle theta = 0 "Voltage phase angle of ideal voltage generator"; parameter Types.Voltage URef = UNom "Phase-to-phase voltage of ideal voltage generator"; final parameter Types.Voltage ERef = URef/sqrt(3) "Phase-to-ground voltage of ideal voltage generator"; end InfiniteBus;
Fixed source voltage modulus, phase-to-phase.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Buses; model InfiniteBusVariableVoltage extends BaseClasses.BusBase( e = CM.fromPolar(UAux/sqrt(3), thetaAux), Z = Complex(R, X)); extends Icons.Bus; parameter Types.Voltage UFixed = UNom "Fixed source voltage modulus, phase-to-phase" parameter Types.Angle thetaFixed = 0 "Fixed angle of source voltage" parameter Boolean useUIn = false "Use external input for source voltage magnitude" parameter Boolean useThetaIn = false "Use external input for source voltage angle" parameter Types.Resistance R = 0 "Series resistance"; parameter Types.Reactance X = 0 "Series reactance"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput UIn(unit = "V", displayUnit = "kV") if useUIn "Source voltage modulus input, phase-to-phase, V" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput thetaIn(unit = "rad", displayUnit = "deg") if useThetaIn "Source voltage phase angle input, rad" protected // Auxiliary hidden connectors to manage the conditional connectors Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput UAux "Source voltage modulus, phase-to-phase"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput thetaAux "Source voltage phase angle"; equation // Conditional connectors connect(UIn, UAux); if not useUIn then UAux = UFixed; end if; connect(thetaIn, thetaAux); if not useThetaIn then thetaAux = thetaFixed; end if; assert(UAux >= 0, "Magnitude must be positive"); end InfiniteBusVariableVoltage;
Bus models
within PowerGrids.Electrical; package Buses "Bus models" extends Modelica.Icons.Package; end Buses;
Reference bus for an isolated grid.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Buses; model ReferenceBus "Reference bus for an isolated grid" extends PowerGrids.Electrical.BaseClasses.OnePortAC; extends Icons.Bus; import PowerGrids.Types.Choices.InitializationOption; parameter Boolean setPhaseOnly = false "= true if only the initial voltage phase is to be set"; parameter InitializationOption initOpt = systemPowerGrids.initOpt "Initialization option"; final parameter Types.ComplexPerUnit nStart = CM.fromPolar(1, UPhaseStart) "Unit phasor with angle UPhaseStart"; final parameter Types.ActivePower PSlack(fixed = false) "Constant slack active power leaving system through bus"; final parameter Types.ReactivePower QSlack(fixed = false) "Constant slack reactive power leaving system through bus"; initial equation if not setPhaseOnly then port.u = CM.fromPolar(UStart, UPhaseStart) "Set initial bus voltage, phase-to-phase"; else port.u.re*nStart.im = port.u.im*nStart.re "port.u has the same phase as nStart"; QSlack = 0 "No reactive power leaving system through bus"; end if; assert(abs(PSlack)/SNom < 0.01, "The active power flowing into or out of the reference bus is above 0.01 pu.\n"+ "You probably need a better balancing of the active power generators in the system.\n" + "Please check the documentation of ReferenceBus for further reference", AssertionLevel.warning); assert(abs(QSlack)/SNom < 0.01, "The reactive power flowing into or out of the reference bus is above 0.01 pu.\n"+ "You probably need a better setup of excitation voltages, or you can set setPhaseOnly = true.\n" + "Please check the documentation of ReferenceBus for further reference", AssertionLevel.warning); equation port.P = PSlack; port.Q = QSlack; end ReferenceBus;
Power systems controllers
within PowerGrids.Electrical; package Controls "Power systems controllers" extends Modelica.Icons.Package; end Controls;
Base framework for all controllers such as AVR, PSS, etc..
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Controls.BaseClasses; block BaseControllerFramework "Base framework for all controllers such as AVR, PSS, etc." final parameter Boolean fixInitialControlledVariableDefault = if (systemPowerGrids.initOpt == Types.Choices.InitializationOption.globalSteadyStateFixedPowerFlow or systemPowerGrids.initOpt == Types.Choices.InitializationOption.localSteadyStateFixedPowerFlow) then true else false "= true adds extra initial equation to fix controlled variable" parameter Boolean fixInitialControlledVariable = fixInitialControlledVariableDefault "= true adds extra initial equation to fix controlled variable" outer System systemPowerGrids "Reference to system object for system-level defaults"; end BaseControllerFramework;
Base classes for controllers
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Controls; package BaseClasses "Base classes for controllers" extends Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage; end BaseClasses;
Static excitation system - IEEE type AC4A.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Controls.ExcitationSystems; block IEEE_AC4A "Static excitation system - IEEE type AC4A" extends Controls.BaseClasses.BaseControllerFramework; parameter SI.PerUnit ViMax = 100 "Input voltage max limit in p.u."; parameter SI.PerUnit ViMin = -100 "Input voltage min limit in p.u."; parameter SI.Time Tc = 3 "Lead time constant"; parameter SI.Time Tb = 10 "Lag delay time constant"; parameter SI.PerUnit Ka(min = 0) = 200 "Overall equivalent gain"; parameter SI.Time Ta = 0.05 "Overall time constant"; parameter SI.PerUnit VrMax = 4 "Output voltage max limit in p.u."; parameter SI.PerUnit VrMin = 0 "Output voltage min limit in p.u."; parameter SI.PerUnit VcPuStart = 1 "Required start value of VcPu when fixInitialControlledVariable = true" parameter SI.PerUnit oversaturationPu = 0.1 "abs(u-usat)/(Vmax-Vmin) in case of saturated initial condition" final parameter Real delta = (inputLimiter.uMax-inputLimiter.uMin)*oversaturationPu "Actuator saturation margin"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput VsPu "PSS output p.u" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput VcPu "Machine terminal voltage p.u." Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput VrefPu "Voltage reference p.u." Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput VuelPu "Underexcitation limit p.u." Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput efdPu "Exciter output voltage p.u." Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add3 addIng(k1 = +1, k2 = -1, k3 = +1) Modelica.Blocks.Nonlinear.Limiter inputLimiter(limitsAtInit = true, uMax = ViMax, uMin = ViMin) PowerGrids.Controls.LeadLag leadLag(T1 = Tc, T2 = Tb, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = 1, yStart = 1 / Ka) PowerGrids.Controls.FirstOrderWithNonWindupLimiter firstOrderLim(T = Ta, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = Ka, yMax = VrMax, yMin = VrMin, yStart = 1) Modelica.Blocks.Nonlinear.VariableLimiter variableLimiter Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant largeReal(k = 1e9) initial equation /* The following equation could be written as if fixInitialControlledVariable then if inputLimiter.u > inputLimiter.uMax or firstOrderLim.u > firstOrderLim.yMax/Ka then inputLimiter.u = inputLimiter.uMax + delta; elseif inputLimiter.u < inputLimiter.uMin or firstOrderLim.u < firstOrderLim.yMin/Ka then inputLimiter.u = inputLimiter.uMin - delta; else VcPu = VcPuStart; end if; end if; However, we need to use homotopy with a simplified linear model, to avoid the need of explicitly initializing all the internal controller variables. This is only possible by writing those equations in implicit form */ if fixInitialControlledVariable then 0 = homotopy( actual = if inputLimiter.u > inputLimiter.uMax then inputLimiter.u - (inputLimiter.uMax + delta) else if inputLimiter.u < inputLimiter.uMin then inputLimiter.u - (inputLimiter.uMin - delta) else VcPu - VcPuStart, simplified = VcPu - VcPuStart); end if; equation connect(firstOrderLim.y, efdPu) connect(inputLimiter.y, leadLag.u) connect(addIng.y, inputLimiter.u) connect(VrefPu, addIng.u3) connect(VsPu, addIng.u1) connect(VcPu, addIng.u2) connect(variableLimiter.y, firstOrderLim.u) connect(leadLag.y, variableLimiter.u) connect(largeReal.y, variableLimiter.limit1) connect(VuelPu, variableLimiter.limit2) end IEEE_AC4A;
Static excitation system - IEEE type ST4B .
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Controls.ExcitationSystems; model IEEE_ST4B "Static excitation system - IEEE type ST4B " parameter SI.PerUnit kpr = 10.75 "Voltage regulator proportional gain"; parameter Real kir(unit = "1/s") = 10.75 "Voltage regulator integral gain"; parameter SI.Time Ta = 0.02 "Voltage regulator time constant"; parameter SI.PerUnit vrmax = 1 "Maximum voltage regulator output"; parameter SI.PerUnit vrmin = -0.87 "Minimum voltage regulator output"; parameter SI.PerUnit kpm = 1 "Voltage regulator proportional gain output"; parameter Real kim(unit = "1/s") = 0 "Voltage regulator integral gain output"; parameter SI.PerUnit vmmax = 99 "Maximum inner loop output"; parameter SI.PerUnit vmmin = -99 "Minimum inner loop output"; parameter SI.PerUnit kg = 0 "Feedbak gain of the inner loop field regulator"; parameter SI.PerUnit kc = 0.113 "Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance"; parameter SI.PerUnit vbmax = 11.63 "Maximum excitation voltage"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput VsPu "PSS output p.u" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput VcPu "Machine terminal voltage p.u." Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput VePu "Exciter voltage back of commutating reactance p.u." Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput IfdPu "Machine field current p.u." Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput VrefPu "Voltage reference p.u." Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput VuelPu "Underexcitation limit p.u." Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput VoelPu "Overexcitation limit p.u." Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput EfdPu "Exciter output voltage p.u." Modelica.Blocks.Math.MultiSum sum1(k = {+1, +1, -1, +1}, nu = 4) PowerGrids.Controls.PIWithNonWindupLimiter voltageRegulatorPI(Ki = kir, Kp = kpr, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, yMax = vrmax, yMin = vrmin, yStart = 1) PowerGrids.Controls.FirstOrder voltageRegulatorTa(T = Ta, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, y_start = 1) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Feedback feedback PowerGrids.Controls.PIWithNonWindupLimiter voltageRegulatorOutput(Ki = kim, Kp = kpm, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, yMax = vmmax, yMin = vmmin, yStart = 1) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Min lvGate Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gainKg(k = kg) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Product prod1 Modelica.Blocks.Math.Division div1 Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gainKc(k = kc) BaseClasses.ExciterRectifierRegulationCharacteristicEquationsIEEE exciterRectifierRegulationCharacteristicEquationsIEEE Modelica.Blocks.Math.Product prod2 Modelica.Blocks.Nonlinear.Limiter limiterVbmax(limitsAtInit = true, uMax = vbmax, uMin = -Modelica.Constants.inf) equation connect(limiterVbmax.y, prod1.u2) connect(prod2.y, limiterVbmax.u) connect(VePu, prod2.u2) connect(exciterRectifierRegulationCharacteristicEquationsIEEE.y, prod2.u1) connect(gainKc.y, exciterRectifierRegulationCharacteristicEquationsIEEE.u) connect(div1.y, gainKc.u) connect(VePu, div1.u2) connect(IfdPu, div1.u1) connect(gainKg.y, feedback.u2) connect(prod1.y, gainKg.u) connect(prod1.y, EfdPu) connect(lvGate.y, prod1.u1) connect(lvGate.u1, VoelPu) connect(voltageRegulatorOutput.y, lvGate.u2) connect(feedback.y, voltageRegulatorOutput.u) connect(voltageRegulatorTa.y, feedback.u1) connect(voltageRegulatorPI.y, voltageRegulatorTa.u) connect(sum1.y, voltageRegulatorPI.u) connect(VrefPu, sum1.u[4]) connect(VcPu, sum1.u[3]) connect(VuelPu, sum1.u[2]) connect(VsPu, sum1.u[1]) end IEEE_ST4B;
Overall equivalent gain.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Controls.ExcitationSystems; block VRProportional extends Controls.BaseClasses.BaseControllerFramework; parameter SI.PerUnit Ka(min = 0) "Overall equivalent gain"; parameter SI.PerUnit VrMax "Output voltage max limit in p.u."; parameter SI.PerUnit VrMin "Output voltage min limit in p.u."; parameter Types.Time LagMax = 0 "Time lag before taking action when u going above uMax"; parameter Types.Time LagMin = 0 "Time lag before taking action when u going below uMin"; parameter PowerGrids.Controls.LimiterWithLag.State stateStart = PowerGrids.Controls.LimiterWithLag.State.notSat "Saturation initial state" parameter SI.PerUnit VcPuStart = 1 "Required start value of VcPu when fixInitialControlledVariable = true" parameter SI.PerUnit oversaturationPu = 0.1 "abs(u-usat)/(Vmax-Vmin) in case of saturated initial condition" final parameter Real delta = (limiterWithLag.uMax-limiterWithLag.uMin)*oversaturationPu "Actuator saturation margin"; outer PowerGrids.Electrical.System systemPowerGrids "Reference to system object"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput VcPu "Machine terminal voltage p.u." Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput VrefPu "Voltage reference p.u." Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput efdPu "Exciter output voltage p.u." Modelica.Blocks.Math.Feedback Verr PowerGrids.Controls.LimiterWithLag limiterWithLag(LagMax = LagMax, LagMin = LagMin, stateStart = stateStart,uMax = VrMax, uMin = VrMin) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gain(k = Ka) initial equation /* The following equation could be written as if fixInitialControlledVariable then if limiterWithLag.u > limiterWithLag.uMax then limiterWithLag.u = limiterWithLag.uMax + delta; elseif limiterWithLag.u < limiterWithLag.uMin then limiterWithLag.u = limiterWithLag.uMin - delta; else VcPu = VcPuStart; end if; end if; However, we need to use homotopy with a simplified linear model, to avoid the need of explicitly initializing all the internal controller variables. This is only possible by writing those equations in implicit form */ if fixInitialControlledVariable then 0 = homotopy( actual = if limiterWithLag.u > limiterWithLag.uMax then limiterWithLag.u - (limiterWithLag.uMax + delta) else if limiterWithLag.u < limiterWithLag.uMin then limiterWithLag.u - (limiterWithLag.uMin - delta) else VcPu - VcPuStart, simplified = VcPu - VcPuStart); end if; equation connect(VrefPu, Verr.u1) connect(VcPu, Verr.u2) connect(limiterWithLag.y, efdPu) connect(Verr.y, gain.u) connect(gain.y, limiterWithLag.u) end VRProportional;
Exciter rectifier regulation characteristic IEEE.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Controls.ExcitationSystems.BaseClasses; model ExciterRectifierRegulationCharacteristicEquationsIEEE "Exciter rectifier regulation characteristic IEEE" extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO; algorithm if u < 0.433 then y := 1 - 0.577*u; elseif u < 0.75 then y := sqrt(0.75 - u^2); elseif u < 1 then y := 1.732*(1-u); else y := 0; end if; end ExciterRectifierRegulationCharacteristicEquationsIEEE;
Power System Stabilizer IEEE type PSS2B.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Controls.PowerSystemStabilizers; model IEEE_PSS2A "Power System Stabilizer IEEE type PSS2B" parameter SI.Time Tw1 = 2 "First washout on frequency signal time constant"; parameter SI.Time Tw2 = 2 "Second washout on frequency signal time constant"; parameter SI.Time Tw3 = 2 "First washout on power signal time constant"; parameter SI.Time Tw4 = 2 "Second washout on power signal time constant"; parameter SI.Time T1 = 0.12 "Lead time constant - leadlag1"; parameter SI.Time T2 = 0.02 "Lag time constant - leadlag1"; parameter SI.Time T3 = 0.3 "Lead time constant - leadlag2"; parameter SI.Time T4 = 0.02 "Lag time constant - leadlag2"; parameter SI.Time T6 = 0 "Time constant on frequency signal"; parameter SI.Time T7 = 2 "Time constant on power signal"; parameter SI.Time T8 = 0.2 "Lead of ramp tracking filter"; parameter SI.Time T9 = 0.1 "Lag of ramp tracking filter"; parameter SI.PerUnit Ks1 = 12 "Stabilizer gain"; parameter SI.PerUnit Ks2 = 0.2 "Gain on power signal"; parameter SI.PerUnit Ks3 = 1 "Gain on power signal before ramp-tracking filter"; parameter Integer N = 1 "Order of ramp tracking filter"; parameter Integer M = 5 "Denominator order of ramp tracking filter"; parameter SI.PerUnit VstMax = 0.1 "Stabilizer output max limit in p.u."; parameter SI.PerUnit VstMin = -0.1 "Stabilizer output min limit in p.u."; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput Vsi1Pu "Frequency input p.u." Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput Vsi2Pu "Power input p.u." Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput VstPu "Stabilizer output" PowerGrids.Controls.DerivativeLag firstWashoutVsi1( T1 = Tw1,Td = Tw1, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, yStart = 0) PowerGrids.Controls.DerivativeLag secondWashoutVsi1( T1 = Tw2,Td = Tw2, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, yStart = 0) PowerGrids.Controls.DerivativeLag firstWashoutVsi2( T1 = Tw3,Td = Tw3, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, yStart = 0) PowerGrids.Controls.DerivativeLag secondWashoutVsi2( T1 = Tw4,Td = Tw4, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, yStart = 0) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add add1 PowerGrids.Controls.RampTrackingFilter rampTrackingFilter(M = M, N = N, T1 = T8, T2 = T9, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = 1, yStart = 0) PowerGrids.Controls.FirstOrder firstOrderVsi1(T = T6, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = 1, y_start = 0) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add add2(k2 = -1) PowerGrids.Controls.LeadLag leadLag1(T1 = T1, T2 = T2, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = 1, yStart = 0) PowerGrids.Controls.LeadLag leadLag2(T1 = T3, T2 = T4, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = 1, yStart = 0) Modelica.Blocks.Nonlinear.Limiter limiterVst(limitsAtInit = true, uMax = VstMax, uMin = VstMin) PowerGrids.Controls.FirstOrder firstOrderVsi2(T = T7, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = Ks2, y_start = 0) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gainKs1(k = Ks1) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gainKs3(k = Ks3) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Feedback deltaPu Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant refPu(k = 1) equation connect(refPu.y, deltaPu.u2) connect(deltaPu.y, firstWashoutVsi1.u) connect(Vsi1Pu, deltaPu.u1) connect(firstOrderVsi2.y, add2.u2) connect(rampTrackingFilter.y, add2.u1) connect(add2.y, gainKs1.u) connect(Vsi2Pu, firstWashoutVsi2.u) connect(limiterVst.y, VstPu) connect(leadLag2.y, limiterVst.u) connect(leadLag1.y, leadLag2.u) connect(gainKs1.y, leadLag1.u) connect(add1.y, rampTrackingFilter.u) connect(firstOrderVsi1.y, add1.u1) connect(secondWashoutVsi1.y, firstOrderVsi1.u) connect(firstWashoutVsi1.y, secondWashoutVsi1.u) connect(gainKs3.y, add1.u2) connect(firstOrderVsi2.y, gainKs3.u) connect(secondWashoutVsi2.y, firstOrderVsi2.u) connect(firstWashoutVsi2.y, secondWashoutVsi2.u) end IEEE_PSS2A;
Power System Stabilizer IEEE type PSS2B.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Controls.PowerSystemStabilizers; model IEEE_PSS2B "Power System Stabilizer IEEE type PSS2B" parameter SI.PerUnit Vsi1Max = 2 "Input frequency signal max limit in p.u."; parameter SI.PerUnit Vsi1Min = -2 "Input frequency signal min limit in p.u."; parameter SI.Time Tw1 = 2 "First washout on frequency signal time constant"; parameter SI.Time Tw2 = 2 "Second washout on frequency signal time constant"; parameter SI.PerUnit Vsi2Max = 2 "Input power signal max limit in p.u."; parameter SI.PerUnit Vsi2Min = -2 "Input power signal min limit in p.u."; parameter SI.Time Tw3 = 2 "First washout on power signal time constant"; parameter SI.Time Tw4 = 2 "Second washout on power signal time constant"; parameter SI.Time T1 = 0.12 "Lead time constant - leadlag1"; parameter SI.Time T2 = 0.02 "Lag time constant - leadlag1"; parameter SI.Time T3 = 0.3 "Lead time constant - leadlag2"; parameter SI.Time T4 = 0.02 "Lag time constant - leadlag2"; parameter SI.Time T6 = 0 "Time constant on frequency signal"; parameter SI.Time T7 = 2 "Time constant on power signal"; parameter SI.Time T8 = 0.2 "Lead of ramp tracking filter"; parameter SI.Time T9 = 0.1 "Lag of ramp tracking filter"; parameter SI.Time T10 = 0 "Lead time constant"; parameter SI.Time T11 = 0 "Lag time constant"; parameter SI.PerUnit Ks1 = 12 "Stabilizer gain"; parameter SI.PerUnit Ks2 = 0.2 "Gain on power signal"; parameter SI.PerUnit Ks3 = 1 "Gain on power signal before ramp-tracking filter"; parameter Integer N = 1 "Order of ramp tracking filter"; parameter Integer M = 5 "Denominator order of ramp tracking filter"; parameter SI.PerUnit VstMax = 0.1 "Stabilizer output max limit in p.u."; parameter SI.PerUnit VstMin = -0.1 "Stabilozer output min limit in p.u."; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput Vsi1Pu Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput Vsi2Pu Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput VstPu Modelica.Blocks.Nonlinear.Limiter limiterVsi1(limitsAtInit = true, uMax = Vsi1Max, uMin = Vsi1Min) Modelica.Blocks.Nonlinear.Limiter limiterVsi2(limitsAtInit = true, uMax = Vsi2Max, uMin = Vsi2Min) PowerGrids.Controls.DerivativeLag firstWashoutVsi1( T1 = Tw1,Td = Tw1, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, yStart = 0) PowerGrids.Controls.DerivativeLag secondWashoutVsi1( T1 = Tw2,Td = Tw2, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, yStart = 0) PowerGrids.Controls.DerivativeLag firstWashoutVsi2( T1 = Tw3,Td = Tw3, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, yStart = 0) PowerGrids.Controls.DerivativeLag secondWashoutVsi2( T1 = Tw4,Td = Tw4, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, yStart = 0) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add add1 PowerGrids.Controls.RampTrackingFilter rampTrackingFilter(M = M, N = N, T1 = T8, T2 = T9, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = 1, yStart = 0) PowerGrids.Controls.FirstOrder firstOrderVsi1(T = T6, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = 1, y_start = 0) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add add2(k2 = -1) PowerGrids.Controls.LeadLag leadLag1(T1 = T1, T2 = T2, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = 1, yStart = 0) PowerGrids.Controls.LeadLag leadLag2(T1 = T3, T2 = T4, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = 1, yStart = 0) PowerGrids.Controls.LeadLag leadLag3(T1 = T10, T2 = T11, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = 1, yStart = 0) Modelica.Blocks.Nonlinear.Limiter limiterVst(limitsAtInit = true, uMax = VstMax, uMin = VstMin) PowerGrids.Controls.FirstOrder firstOrderVsi2(T = T7, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = Ks2, y_start = 0) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gainKs1(k = Ks1) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gainKs3(k = Ks3) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Feedback deltaPu Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant refPu(k = 1) equation connect(deltaPu.u2, refPu.y) connect(Vsi1Pu, deltaPu.u1) connect(deltaPu.y, limiterVsi1.u) connect(limiterVst.y, VstPu) connect(leadLag3.y, limiterVst.u) connect(leadLag2.y, leadLag3.u) connect(leadLag1.y, leadLag2.u) connect(gainKs1.y, leadLag1.u) connect(add2.y, gainKs1.u) connect(rampTrackingFilter.y, add2.u1) connect(add1.y, rampTrackingFilter.u) connect(firstOrderVsi1.y, add1.u1) connect(secondWashoutVsi1.y, firstOrderVsi1.u) connect(firstWashoutVsi1.y, secondWashoutVsi1.u) connect(limiterVsi1.y, firstWashoutVsi1.u) connect(gainKs3.y, add1.u2) connect(firstOrderVsi2.y, add2.u2) connect(firstOrderVsi2.y, gainKs3.u) connect(secondWashoutVsi2.y, firstOrderVsi2.u) connect(firstWashoutVsi2.y, secondWashoutVsi2.u) connect(limiterVsi2.y, firstWashoutVsi2.u) connect(Vsi2Pu, limiterVsi2.u) end IEEE_PSS2B;
Simple proportional governor.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Controls.TurbineGovernors; block GoverProportional "Simple proportional governor" extends Controls.BaseClasses.BaseControllerFramework; parameter SI.PerUnit KGover "Mechanical power sensitivity to frequency"; parameter SI.PerUnit PMaxPu = 1 "Maximum mechanical power p.u."; parameter SI.PerUnit PMinPu = 0 "Minimum mechanical power p.u."; parameter SI.PerUnit PPuStart = 1 "Required start value of PPu when fixInitialControlledVariable = true" parameter SI.PerUnit oversaturationPu = 0.1 "abs(u-usat)/(Vmax-Vmin) in case of saturated initial condition" final parameter Real delta = (limiter.uMax-limiter.uMin)*oversaturationPu "Actuator saturation margin"; outer PowerGrids.Electrical.System systemPowerGrids "Reference to system object"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput PmRefPu "Reference frequency/load input [pu]" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput omegaPu "Frequency [pu]" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput PMechPu "Mechanical turbine power [pu]" Modelica.Blocks.Math.Feedback errPu Modelica.Blocks.Math.Feedback deltaOmegaPu Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant omegaRefPu(k = 1) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gain(k = KGover) Modelica.Blocks.Nonlinear.Limiter limiter(limitsAtInit = true, uMax = PMaxPu, uMin = PMinPu) Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput PPu "Generator Active Power p.u." initial equation /* The following equation could be written as if fixInitialControlledVariable then if limiter.u > limiter.uMax then limiter.u = limiter.uMax + delta; elseif limiter.u < limiter.uMin then limiter.u = limiter.uMin - delta; else PPu = PPuStart; end if; However, we need to use homotopy with a simplified linear model, to avoid the need of explicitly initializing all the internal controller variables. This is only possible by writing those equations in implicit form */ if fixInitialControlledVariable then 0 = homotopy( actual = if limiter.u > limiter.uMax then limiter.u - (limiter.uMax + delta) else if limiter.u < limiter.uMin then limiter.u - (limiter.uMin - delta) else PPu - PPuStart, simplified = PPu - PPuStart); end if; equation connect(omegaRefPu.y, deltaOmegaPu.u2) connect(PmRefPu, errPu.u1) connect(omegaPu, deltaOmegaPu.u1) connect(deltaOmegaPu.y, gain.u) connect(gain.y, errPu.u2) connect(errPu.y, limiter.u) connect(limiter.y, PMechPu) end GoverProportional;
Simple general-purpose governor for hydraulic turbines.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Controls.TurbineGovernors; model GovHydro4GeneralPurpose "Simple general-purpose governor for hydraulic turbines" extends BaseClasses.GovHydro4Base; equation connect(deadBandDb2.y, div1.u1) end GovHydro4GeneralPurpose;
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Controls.TurbineGovernors; model GovHydro4Kaplan extends BaseClasses.GovHydro4Base; Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable1Ds tableGvPgv(smoothness = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Smoothness.MonotoneContinuousDerivative1, table = [0.1, 0; 0.4, 0.35; 0.5, 0.468; 0.7, 0.796; 0.8, 0.917; 0.9, 0.99; 1, 1]) equation connect(deadBandDb2.y, tableGvPgv.u) connect(div1.u1, tableGvPgv.y[1]) end GovHydro4Kaplan;
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Controls.TurbineGovernors; model GovHydro4PeltonFrancis extends BaseClasses.GovHydro4Base; Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable1Ds tableGvPgv(smoothness = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Smoothness.MonotoneContinuousDerivative1, table = [0.1, 0; 0.4, 0.42; 0.5, 0.56; 0.7, 0.8; 0.8, 0.9; 0.9, 0.97; 1, 1]) equation connect(deadBandDb2.y, tableGvPgv.u) connect(div1.u1, tableGvPgv.y[1]) end GovHydro4PeltonFrancis;
Simple Steam Turbine Governor - IEEE type TGOV1.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Controls.TurbineGovernors; block IEEE_TGOV1 "Simple Steam Turbine Governor - IEEE type TGOV1" extends Controls.BaseClasses.BaseControllerFramework; parameter SI.PerUnit VMax = 1 "Maximum gate limit in p.u."; parameter SI.PerUnit VMin = 0 "Minimum gate limit in p.u."; parameter SI.PerUnit R = 0.05 "Controller Droop"; parameter SI.PerUnit Dt = 0 "Frictional losses factor"; parameter SI.Time T1 = 0.5 "Governor time constant"; parameter SI.Time T2 = 3 "Turbine derivative time constant"; parameter SI.Time T3 = 10 "Turbine delay time constant"; parameter SI.PerUnit PMechPuStart = 1 "Required start value of PmechPu when fixInitialControlledVariable = true" parameter SI.PerUnit oversaturationPu = 0.1 "abs(u-usat)/(Vmax-Vmin) in case of saturated initial condition" final parameter Real delta = (firstOrderLim.yMax - firstOrderLim.yMin)*oversaturationPu "Actuator saturation margin"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput RefLPu "Reference frequency/load input [pu]" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput omegaPu "Frequency [pu]" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput PMechPu "Mechanical turbine power [pu]" Modelica.Blocks.Math.Feedback errPu Modelica.Blocks.Math.Feedback deltaOmegaPu Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant omegaRefPu(k = 1) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gainDt(k = Dt) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gainDivR(k = 1 / R) PowerGrids.Controls.FirstOrderWithNonWindupLimiter firstOrderLim(T = T1, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = 1, yMax = VMax, yMin = VMin) PowerGrids.Controls.LeadLag leadLag(T1 = T2, T2 = T3, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, k = 1) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Feedback sumPMechPu initial equation /* The following equation could be written as if fixInitialControlledVariable then if firstOrderLim.u > firstOrderLim.yMax then firstOrderLim.u = firstOrderLim.yMax + delta; elseif firstOrderLim.u < firstOrderLim.yMin then firstOrderLim.u = firstOrderLim.yMin - delta; else PMechPu = PMechPuStart; end if; end if; However, we need to use homotopy with a simplified linear model, to avoid the need of explicitly initializing all the internal controller variables. This is only possible by writing those equations in implicit form */ if fixInitialControlledVariable then 0 = homotopy( actual = if firstOrderLim.u > firstOrderLim.yMax then firstOrderLim.u - (firstOrderLim.yMax + delta) else if firstOrderLim.u < firstOrderLim.yMin then firstOrderLim.u - (firstOrderLim.yMin - delta) else PMechPu - PMechPuStart, simplified = PMechPu - PMechPuStart); end if; equation connect(omegaRefPu.y, deltaOmegaPu.u2) connect(gainDt.y, sumPMechPu.u2) connect(deltaOmegaPu.y, gainDt.u) connect(deltaOmegaPu.y, errPu.u2) connect(sumPMechPu.y, PMechPu) connect(leadLag.y, sumPMechPu.u1) connect(firstOrderLim.y, leadLag.u) connect(gainDivR.y, firstOrderLim.u) connect(errPu.y, gainDivR.u) connect(RefLPu, errPu.u1) connect(omegaPu, deltaOmegaPu.u1) end IEEE_TGOV1;
Base class for Governors of hydraulic turbines.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Controls.TurbineGovernors.BaseClasses; partial model GovHydro4Base "Base class for Governors of hydraulic turbines" parameter Modelica.SIunits.PerUnit db1 = 0 "Intentional dead-band width" parameter Modelica.SIunits.PerUnit db2 = 0 "Unintentional dead-band width" parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time Tp = 0.1 "Pilot servo time constant" parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time Tg = 0.5 "Gate servo time constant" parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time Tr = 5 "Dashpot time constant" parameter Modelica.SIunits.PerUnit uo = 0.2 "Max gate opening velocity" parameter Modelica.SIunits.PerUnit uc = -0.2 "Max gate closing velocity" parameter Modelica.SIunits.PerUnit gMax = 1 "Maximum gate opening" parameter Modelica.SIunits.PerUnit gMin = 0 "Minimum gate opening" parameter Modelica.SIunits.PerUnit rPerm = 0.05 "Permanent droop" parameter Modelica.SIunits.PerUnit rTemp = 0.3 "Temporary droop" parameter Real GvPgvTable[:, :] = [0, 0; 1, 1] "Points to define the curve Pgv = f(Gv)" parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Smoothness GvPgvSmoothness = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Smoothness.LinearSegments "Smoothness of curve Pgv = f(Gv)" parameter Modelica.SIunits.PerUnit at = 1.2 "Turbine gain" parameter Modelica.SIunits.PerUnit qnl = 0.08 "No-load flow at nominal head" parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time Tw = 1 "Water inertia time constant" parameter Modelica.SIunits.PerUnit hDam = 1 "Head available at dam" parameter Modelica.SIunits.PerUnit dTurb = 0.5 "Turbine damping factor" parameter Modelica.SIunits.PerUnit qStart "Turbine flow Start value" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput deltaOmegaPu Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput PrefPu Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput PmPu PowerGrids.Controls.DiscontinuousDeadBand deadbandDb1(uMax = db1 / 2) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add3 add1(k2 = -1, k3 = -1) PowerGrids.Controls.FirstOrder lagTp(T = Tp, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, y_start = 1) Modelica.Blocks.Nonlinear.Limiter limU(limitsAtInit = true, uMax = uo, uMin = uc) PowerGrids.Controls.IntegratorWithNonWindupLimiter limIntG(initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, yMax = gMax, yMin = gMin, yStart = 1) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add add2 Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gainRperm(k = rPerm) PowerGrids.Controls.DerivativeLag derlagTrRtemp(Td = Tr*rTemp, T1 = Tr, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, yStart = 1) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Division div1 Modelica.Blocks.Math.Product square1 Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant constHdam(k = hDam) Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant constQnl(k = qnl) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Product prod1 Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gainAt(k = at) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add add3(k1 = -1) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add add4(k2 = -1) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add add5(k1 = -1) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gainDturb(k = dTurb) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Product product1 Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gainTg(k = 1 / Tg) Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gainRtemp(k = rTemp) Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Integrator intTw(initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialOutput, k = 1 / Tw, y_start = qStart) PowerGrids.Controls.DeadBand deadBandDb2(uMax = db2 / 2) equation connect(add5.y, PmPu) connect(intTw.y, div1.u2) connect(deadBandDb2.y, gainRtemp.u) connect(deadBandDb2.y, gainRperm.u) connect(deadBandDb2.y, product1.u2) connect(limIntG.y, deadBandDb2.u) connect(derlagTrRtemp.y, add2.u2) connect(constQnl.y, add4.u2) connect(gainDturb.y, add5.u1) connect(product1.y, gainDturb.u) connect(gainRperm.y, add2.u1) connect(intTw.y, add4.u1) connect(add4.y, prod1.u2) connect(add3.y, intTw.u) connect(gainRtemp.y, derlagTrRtemp.u) connect(gainTg.y, limU.u) connect(lagTp.y, gainTg.u) connect(deltaOmegaPu, product1.u1) connect(constHdam.y, add3.u2) connect(deltaOmegaPu, deadbandDb1.u) connect(gainAt.y, add5.u2) connect(prod1.y, gainAt.u) connect(square1.y, prod1.u1) connect(square1.y, add3.u1) connect(div1.y, square1.u2) connect(div1.y, square1.u1) connect(PrefPu, add1.u1) connect(add2.y, add1.u3) connect(limU.y, limIntG.u) connect(add1.y, lagTp.u) connect(deadbandDb1.y, add1.u2) end GovHydro4Base;
Load model with impedance specified by PRef and QRef.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Loads; model LoadImpedancePQ "Load model with impedance specified by PRef and QRef" extends PowerGrids.Electrical.Buses.BaseClasses.BusBase( e = Complex(0), Z = 1/ComplexMath.conj(Complex(PRef,QRef)/URef^2), PStart = PRefConst, QStart = QRefConst); extends Icons.Load; import Modelica.ComplexMath; parameter Types.ActivePower PRefConst = 0 "Active power consumption at reference voltage"; parameter Types.ReactivePower QRefConst = 0 "Reactive power consumption at reference voltage"; parameter Types.Voltage URef = UNom "Reference value of phase-to-phase voltage"; Types.ActivePower PRef(nominal = SNom) = PRefConst "Active power consumption at reference voltage, the default binding can be changed when instantiating"; Types.ActivePower QRef(nominal = SNom) = QRefConst "Reactive power consumption at reference voltage, the default binding can be changed when instantiating"; end LoadImpedancePQ;
Load model with impedance specified by PRefIn and QRefIn inputs.
within PowerGrids.Electrical.Loads; model LoadImpedancePQInputs "Load model with impedance specified by PRefIn and QRefIn inputs" extends LoadImpedancePQ( final PRef = PRefIn, final QRef = QRefIn, final PRefConst = 0, final QRefConst = 0); Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput PRefIn(unit="W", displayUnit="MW") "Active reference power at VPu = 1, W" Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput QRefIn(unit="var", displayUnit = "MVA") "Reactive reference power at VPu = 1, var" end LoadImpedancePQInputs;