string | image
string | input
string | system
string | output
string | boxes
sequence | box_texts
sequence | detail
dict |
2012.02721-zh-2 | 2012.02721-zh-2.jpg | 新闻事件相关的实体对。首先,我们收集在我们的新闻语料库的发布日期范围内发生的事件的日期标记描述列表。这些描述在每个日历年都有多种语言版本,可以很容易地从维基百科上删除。接下来,我们从这些描述中提取所有实体对,并按事件日期对它们进行分组。最后,我们使用这些分组从我们的语料库中选择实体对,在事件日期之后的几天内,通过它们的计数和文章中的正逐点互信息(PPMI,[E](Church and Hanks,1990))对它们进行过滤
为了进行比较,我们还评估了随机和日期窗口分组的配对。随机配对随机选择实体对。通过滑动日期窗口对实体对进行日期窗口分组的配对组。与事件引导配对一样,我们观察到与新闻中的事件相关的实体之间的关系的局部一致性。但是,它不会将所选实体限制为在 Wikipedia 事件描述中找到的实体。对于这两种方法,我们通过它们的计数和 PPMI 来过滤对,就像在事件引导的配对中一样
句子选择很简单:对于选定的实体对,我们选择包含该对的句子 1)随机或 2) 在日期窗口内
训练(匹配空白):我们采用训练方法来学习E$Soares et al. ( 2019)$ ( MTB) 整体使用的关系表示。也就是说,我们训练编码器$f_\theta(\boldsymbol{r})=h$以产生关系表示$h\in R^d$ ,该表示确定两个关系语句 $r_i$ , $r_j$ 是否通过计算它们的内积来描述相同的关系。与$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$Soares et al.(2019)中一样, 我们的关系表示$h$是$r$中$s_1$和$s_2$标识的实体提及的实体开始标记的最终隐藏状态表示的串联
对于训练,关系语句被收集到每个选定实体对的正例 (根据我们的去噪技术与相同关系类型对齐的语句)和反例(与不同关系类型对齐的语句)的组中。在[E]Soares et al.(2019)之后,负面示例包括“简单”和“困难”提及。“简单”提及不包括实体对的任何部分,而“硬”提及恰好包括实体对中的一个实体,这表明这些“硬”示例描述了需要消除歧义的相似但不同的关系。使用概率$\alpha$ , 关系语句中的每个实体都被替换为 [BLANK] 令牌,而使用概率$\beta$ ,关系语句中的每个令牌都被替换为 [MASK] 令牌。我们训练$f_\theta$的参数化,以最大程度地减少掩码语言建模损失$\mathsf E($Taylor, 1953; Devlin et al., 2019) 和简单的二进制交叉熵损失,从而鼓励给定实体对的正例表示彼此比负例更接近
3 Experiments
<th>$\#$ Articles</th>
<th>$\#$ Sentences</th>
<th>Entity Pairs $\#$</th>
<th>$\#$ : Rel. Statements</th>
<th>井 : Denoised Stater</th>
Table 2: RCV1 and RCV2 corpus summary statistics
数据:由于其规模和广泛的可用性,我们使用英语 RCV1 和 RCV2 路透社新闻语料库的西班牙语子集$\overline{\mathbb{E}}($Lewis et al.,2004) ,从 1996 年 8月至 1997 年 8 月的数千篇新闻文章中提取句子(见表 2)。我们从维基百科收集同一时期的事件的日期标记描述。$^2\text{ 我们用 spaCy }^3$模型提取名词/命名实体
超参数:我们使用 Adam$\underline{\mathrm{E}}($Kingma and Ba, 2015) 在英语和西班牙语语料库上微调多语言BERT, $f$,E(Devlin et al.,2019) ,学习率为$3e-5$ ,并且在单个 NVIDIATeslaT4GPU 上批量 32 。我们使用空白率$\alpha=0.7$ , 掩码率$\beta = 0. 15$ , 0. 5 的 BERT 隐藏层丢失率和+4天的句子选择窗口。我们采用 Soares et al.(2019)使用的学习率、空白率和掩码率。有关其他调优详细信息,请参见附录 B
$^2$For example, from
$^3$https:$//\hat{\mathrm{}}$ | [
] | [
"Lang#Articles# Sentences#Entity Pairs#Rel.Statements#Denoised Statements",
"Table 2: RCV1 and RCV2 corpus summary statistics",
"2For example, from",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2012.02721",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 2
} |
2012.02721-zh-3 | 2012.02721-zh-3.jpg | <table>
<th rowspan="2">Denoising</th>
<th rowspan="2">Model</th>
<th rowspan="2">Langs</th>
<th> </th>
<th colspan="2">$=5,k=1$ = $m$</th>
<th colspan="2">$n=$ $10,k=$</th>
<th>$\textit{サ 山 }\Lambda .$</th>
<td> </td>
<td>mBERT base</td>
<td>$\Upsilon n$ $a$</td>
<td>$n$ a</td>
<td> </td>
<td>BERT base</td>
<td>$a$ $\Upsilon n$</td>
<td>n $a$</td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td>BERT $\operatorname{large}$</td>
<td>$\Upsilon n$ $a$</td>
<td>n $a$</td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td>BERT large+ MTB</td>
<td>300 mil+</td>
<td> </td>
<td>date- window grouped</td>
<td>event-guided (EvtGD</td>
<td>event-guided (EvtGD)</td>
<td>en, $eS$</td>
Table 3: Zero-shot (no fne-tuning) accuracies on the FewRel development set. For each test case, $k$ is the number of relation types and $n$ is the number of examples per relation type. The development set is used for comparison with the t'd results from MTB. Random pairing excluded due to poor performance.
$\begin{array}{c|ccc}{\mathrm{Model}}&{1\%}&{10\%}\end{array}$ $\begin{array}{c|cc}{\mathrm{mBERT}}&{33.0}&{72.8}\end{array}$ mBERT
<th>Corpus Size</th>
<th>1 $\%$</th>
<td>BERT large </td>
<td>n $I2A$</td>
<td>BERT large+MTB</td>
<td>300 mil+ $eX$</td>
<td>n $^{/}$a</td>
<td>mBERT $\Gamma+$EvtGD</td>
<td>$50k$ $ex$</td>
(b) F1-scores on the TAC KBP 2016 Spanish relation corpus (from our en/es model, finetuned on 1 $\tilde{\%}_{0}$ and 10 % of its data and evaluated on the rest).
( a) F1- scores on a random held out slice of 1500 examples from the SemEval 2010 Task 8 training set ( for comparison with the $\dagger$'d results from MTB.). Models are fine-tuned on 80 examples.
Table 4: F1-scores on two standard supervised relation extraction benchmarks for English (SemEval 2010 Task 8) and Spanish (TAC KBP 2016). EvtGD indicates event-guided denoising.
评估:我们在 FewRel, SemEval2010Task8 和 TACKBP2016 的西班牙语子集上评估嵌人空
FewRel 是一个关系基准测试,其中给定一组$n$关系类型,每个类型都有$k$关系语句示例, 任务是确定哪个$n$关系类型由查询关系语句$q$表示。为此,我们嵌入$q$和所有候选关系语句$c_1^1\ldots c_n^k$ ,找到嵌人与$q$最相似的候选$c_i^j$ ,并预测关系类型$i$ 。除英语外,我们还使用GoogleTranslate (在西班牙语上表现良好)“翻译了FewRel 开发集的 10 个%
SemEval2010 任务 8 是标准关系分类基准。TACKBP2016 是西班牙语知识库人口语料库;虽然它通常用于评估插槽填充任务,但它包含带有标记关系的文档。对于两个语料库,在$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$Soares et al.(2019)(包括我们在附录 C 中包含的它们的超参数)之后,我们将单个密集层附加到我们的嵌人空间,以将关系表示$h\in\mathbb{R}^d$映射到它们各自的类
我们将我们的性能与$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$Soares et al.(2019) (BERTlarge+MTB) 和 mBERT 中发布的结果
结果:我们的事件引导去噪方法表现良好,几乎没有对特定于任务的数据进行微调。尽管在少得多的训练数据$(50k$ vs 300 mil+ 示例)上训练了一个小得多的模型(110 milvs 340 mil 参数), 但我们在类似的微调约束下获得了与ESoares et al.(2019) 相当或更好的结果。。在 FewRel 上, 没有任何模型的微调,我们仅实现了 2% 精度的降低 (在基准测试中,即使少量数据的微调也会产生超过$5\%$的增益)(表 3)
在 SemEval 上,当两个模型仅在其训练数据的 1 个% (80 个示例) 上进行微调时,我们的模型的性能优于$\boxed{\mathrm{E}}$Soares et al.(2019)(表 4a )。这些结果与他们随后在 FewRel 训练集上进行微调的观察结果一致-也就是说,提高性能最关键的是微调期间看到的不同关系类型的数量,而不是每个关系类型的示例数量。因此,我们假设我们的事件引导方法正在产生一个小而多样的高质量关系集
${{\overline{{^4}}}\mathrm{translate.g}}$ | [
] | [
"# Ex.",
"mBERT base",
"BERT base",
"BERT large",
"BERT large + MTB",
"300 mil+",
"date-window grouped",
"event-guided (EvtGD)",
"70 k",
"event-guided (EvtGD)",
"en, es",
"Table 3: Zero-shot (no fine-tuning) accuracies on the FewRel development set. For each test",
"case, k is the number of relation types and n is the number of examples per relation type.",
"The development set is used for comparison with the +'d results from MTB. Random pairing",
"excluded due to poor performance,",
"1 %",
"Corpus Size",
"BERT large + MTB",
"300 mil+ ex",
"mBERT + EvtGD",
"50k ex",
"(b) F1-scores on the TAC KBP 2016 Spanish",
"(a) F1-scores on a random held out slice of 1500 examples from",
"relation corpus (from our en/es model, fine-",
"the SemEval 2010 Task 8 training set (for comparison with the",
"tuned on 1 % and 10 % of its data and eval",
"t 'd results from MTB.). Models are fine-tuned on 80 examples.",
"uated on the rest).",
"Table 4: F1-scores on two standard supervised relation extraction benchmarks for English (Se-",
"mEval 2010 Task 8) and Spanish (TAC KBP 2016). EvtGD indicates event-guided denoising,",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2012.02721",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 3
} |
2012.02721-zh-4 | 2012.02721-zh-4.jpg | 我们的多语言方法在 FewRel (自动翻译)和 TACKBP 西班牙语子集 (表 3 , 4b)上也优于mBERT。在 TACKBP 上,当在相同的小百分比任务特定数据上进行微调时,我们的方法实现了比 mBERT 更高的 F1。在 20 个$\%(>500$ 示例)之后,两个模型的性能收敛
4 Conclusion
扩大语言覆盖范围的一个有希望的方向是通过“代码转换”示例和其他语言建模损失进行跨语言学习(例如。g。(Lample and Conneau, 2019) )。我们假设这些方法可以帮助语言之间的知识转移并改善下游任务的结果
最后,我们注意到,由于我们的方法从新闻语料库中提取关系语句,因此底层关系类型的最终分布可能与维基百科中的分布不同。例如,维基百科可能包含更多标准本体论关系的表达(e。g。,父亲,出生的) 事实的特征。尽管存在这种假设的差异,但我们的方法在 FewRel 和SemEval2010Task8 上都表现良好,两者都包含此类关系类型的子集。将来,我们打算更仔细地调查这些差异及其影响。。
Acknowledgements 这项工作基于 DARPA 根据协议号 FA8750-18-2-0014 赞助的研究。TheU, S。政府有权为政府目的复制和发行再版,尽管其上有任何版权标记。本文所包含的观点和结论是作者的观点和结论,不应被解释为必然代表 DARPA 或美国政府明示或暗示的官方政策或认${\overline{{\text{可。。S。Government}}}}$
Kenneth Church and Patrick Hanks. 1990. Word association norms, mutual information, and lexicogra-
phy. Computational linguistics, 16(1):22-29.
Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, and Kristina Toutanova. 2019. Bert: Pre-training of deep
bidirectional transformers for language understanding. ArXiv, abs/1810.04805.
Joe Ellis, Jeremy Getman, Dana Fore, Neil Kuster, Zhiyi Song, Ann Bies, and Stephanie M Strassel.
2015. Overview of linguistic resources for the tac kbp 2015 evaluations: Methodologies and results. In
Xu Han, Hao Zhu, Pengfei Yu, Ziyun Wang, Yuan Yao, Zhiyuan Liu, and Maosong Sun. 2018. Fewrel:
A large-scale supervised few-shot relation classification dataset with state-of-the-art evaluation. arXiv
$\bar{\text{preprint arXiv:}1810.10147}.$
Zellig S Harris. 1954. Distributional structure. Word, 10(2-3):146-162.
Iris Hendrickx, Su Nam Kim, Zornitsa Kozareva, Preslav Nakov, Diarmuid O Séaghdha, Sebastian Padó,
Marco Pennacchiotti, Lorenza Romano, and Stan Szpakowicz. 2019. Semeval-2010 task 8: Multi-way
classification of semantic relations between pairs of nominals. arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.10422
Heng Ji and Ralph Grishman. 2011. Knowledge base population: Successful approaches and challenges.
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$\operatorname{abs/1412.6980.}$ | [
] | [
"Kenneth Church and Patrick Hanks. 1990. Word association norms, mutual information, and lexicogra",
"phy. Computational linguistics, 16(1):22-29.",
"Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, and Kristina Toutanova. 2019. Bert: Pre-training of deep",
"bidirectional transformers for language understanding.ArXiv, abs/1810.04805.",
"Joe Ellis, Jeremy Getman, Dana Fore, Neil Kuster, Zhiyi Song, Ann Bies, and Stephanie M Strassel.",
"2015. Overview of linguistic resources for the tac kbp 2015 evaluations: Methodologies and results. In",
"Xu Han, Hao Zhu, Pengfei Yu, Ziyun Wang, Yuan Yao, Zhiyuan Liu, and Maosong Sun. 2018. Fewrel:",
"A large-scale supervised few-shot relation classification dataset with state-of-the-art evaluation. arXiv",
"preprint arXiv:1810.10147.",
"Zellig S Harris. 1954. Distributional structure. Word, 10(2-3):146-162",
"Iris Hendrickx, Su Nam Kim, Zornitsa Kozareva, Preslav Nakov, Diarmuid O Seaghdha, Sebastian Pado",
"Marco Pennacchiotti, Lorenza Romano, and Stan Szpakowicz. 2019. Semeval-2010 task 8: Multi-way",
"classification of semantic relations between pairs of nominals. arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.10422.",
"Heng Ji and Ralph Grishman. 2011. Knowledge base population: Successful approaches and challenges",
"In Proceedings of the 49th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics: humar",
"language technologies, pages 1148-1158.",
"Diederik P. Kingma and Jimmy Ba. 2015. Adam: A method for stochastic optimization. CoRR,",
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"arxiv_id": "2012.02721",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 4
} |
2012.07899-zh-1 | 2012.07899-zh-1.jpg | <FigureHere>
Fig. 2. (a) A rendering of a growing robot deploying sensor bands, communicating with an aggregator DAQ via a bus along its axis (b) The process by which growing robots evert, illustrating the sensor band movement from the stowed state to the deployed state. (c) The overall system architecture, with the components on a single modular band outlined in blue.
# $A.$ $Design\textit{objectives}$
区域,例如用于飞机结构监控[13]或机器人[14]的应变仪。在封闭的空间中,这种方法比无线传输更有优势,在无线传输中,电磁波可以根据阻塞材料(例如土壤或墙壁[6] )衰减
尽管这些网络的覆盖范围小于室外应用,但在小区域中部署大量传感器节点对于设置的劳动效率和精确了解节点(以及数据源)的位置仍然是一个挑战。。一种方法是使传感器节点如此之小,以至于它们只是分散且不引人注目的[15],[16] ,尽管它们仍然面临着本地化数据源的挑战。通过将惯性测量单元(IMU)引人柔性磁带上的传感器节点,[17] 能够通过实时确定载带的形状来定位传感器读数,其方式与我们介绍的方式类似。通过将整个网络包含在一个连续的条带上,它可以跨越的距离是有限的,并且它不是为机器人部署而设计的
软生长机器人已用于传感器部署,包括相机[8]和天线 [18] ,但是工作主要集中在将传感器添加到尖端安装[19],[20]上。虽然这种方法对于在机器人尖端生长到受限空间时沿着机器人尖端的路径获取数据很有用,但它不使用生长后留下的机器人长度来长期监测其生长到的空间。在较短的范围内,[21] 使用了沿机器人长度分布的电容式触摸传感器
在许多使用软生长机器人部署传感器的场景中,必须测量机器人的形状以定位每个节点。测量软机器人曲率的方法包括光学[22] ,电容式[23] ,电阻式[24],[25] 以及在编码器 [26] 上使用电缆的机械方法。所有这些方法都需要在机器人的制造过程中进行大量的传感器集成, 并且在软生长机器人可达到的长度范围内进行集成具有挑战性
将传感器结合到机器人上有两个目的:外感受(即感测外部刺激) 和本体感受(即感测机器人本身的状态)。我们试图通过单一设计实现这两个目的,用于软生长机器人传感。对于外感受,一套传感器可能有助于监测密闭空间。根据不同的应用,温度,湿度,光和视频的传感都可能是有用的。此外,通过感测部署在环境中的机器人本身的形状和接触条件,可以了解有关环境的形状和刚度属性的信息。对于本体感受,机器人形状和接触条件的感测可以改善机器人在导航和操纵任务期间的控制。对于某些场景,沿着机器人身体一侧的传感器就足够了, 但对于其他场景,传感器应放置在机器人身体的所有侧面,以实现所需的功能
我们的目标是创建一个模板传感器系统,其中特定的传感器可以根据需要切换出去,具体取决于应用。为了演示本体感受,我们选择沿着机器人的长度放置 IMU 以感知其形状。为了展示外感受和方向感应能力,我们沿着机器人的长度放置了温度和湿度传感器,热敏电阻分布在机器人身体的各个侧面。在未来的设计迭代中,这些特定的传感器可以根据需要替换为摄像头和接触式传感器
为了在柔软的生长机器人上运行,我们的传感器系统需要满足以下基本要求。首先,它需要附着在柔软的机器人身体上,并承受反复的外翻和内翻,而不会失败或严重阻碍机器人的生长和收缩能力。其次,它需要可扩展到适合导航和操纵任务的机器人长度(长度范围从 1到 10 米)
# $B.$ $System\textit{overview}$
传感器网络(图。2)由一个聚合器微控制器(Teensy4。0)位于机器人的底部,许多 fPCB 传感器带沿其长度以离散的间隔分布。传感器带粘附在机器人的外部,以便传感器在部署时可以监视其直接周围环境。每个频段都
式传感器网络,可以使用软生长机器人进行部署 | [
] | [
"Hoop Sensor 2",
"Hoop SensorN",
"Fig. 2.(a) A rendering of a growing robot deploying sensor bands, communicating with an aggregator DAQ via a bus along its axis",
"(b) The process by which growing robots evert, illustrating the sensor band movement from the stowed state to the deployed state: (c)",
"The overall system architecture, with the components on a single modular band outlined in blue.",
"A.Design objectives",
"B.System overiew",
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"language": "zh",
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2306.03423-zh-0 | 2306.03423-zh-0.jpg | # <NEXT\_LINE
l' m Afraid I Can' t Do That: Predicting Prompt Refusal in Black-Box
Generative Language Models
$CCS$ Concepts:·Social and professional topics → Censorship; • Computing methodologies → Discourse, dialogue and
pragmatics; Natural language generation; · Security and privacy $\to$Software reverse engineering
Additional Key Words and Phrases: ChatGPT, large language models, black-box attacks, fairness, safety, moderation
1.1 Bias in ChatGPT
ChatGPT于 2022 年 11 月发布后,社交媒体上的对话突显了其回应中明显的政治偏见。共同的民主规范和人工智能道德准则都表明,人工智能应该是公平的,没有偏见;道德正确性在 ChatGPT 中更为重要,因为它可能很快就会调解信息流向大部分人类
最早研究 ChatGPT 偏差的人之一是 Hartmann 等人。[2] 他们向 ChatGPT 提示了政治指南针测试中的问题, 并发现其信念与左派自由主义者,强烈的环保主义者的信仰体系最一致。他们还在德国大选的背景下使用了Wahl-O-Matic 在线投票对齐建议工具,并建议与 13 岁的德国社会党结盟。4% 比德国人口更强大,与该党结盟
与本调查并行的是,许多其他研究已经表征了 ChatGPT 的偏见。Rutinowski 等人。[6]重复了政治指南针测试,并针对 G7 成员国的国家问题提出了其他政治问题。他们还指出,ChatGPT 在一般问题上持有进步和自由主义的观点,但在国家问题上,ChatGPT 在自由主义和威权主义之间并没有强烈的偏见。然而,他们还进行了黑暗因素心理学测试,发现 ChatGPT 表现出低水平的心理黑暗特质-它在应试者的前 15 名% 中得分
Rozado [5] 对 ChatGPT 中的偏见进行了最彻底的研究之一。Rozado 确认了其他地方显示的政治指南针结果; 但他还通过将人口统计群体 (“女性”,“富人”,“民主党人”) 与否定形容词 (“不诚实”,“不成熟”,“贪婪”) 结合在模板句子中,构建了一系列“可根”的评论,以查看 OpenAI 的节制系统将哪些组合标记为可恨。结果因人口统计群体而异,范围广泛,最受欢迎的班级(“残疾人”,“黑人”,“同性恋者”)的保护超过80%,而最不受欢迎的班级(“共和党人”,“富人”)的保护不到 20%。Rozado 随后使用 OpenAI 的微调机制来训练 GPT-3家族中的另一个模型,他将其称为 RightWingGPT; 在政治指南针测试中,它与 ChatGPT 的偏见大致相反
# 1.2 Prompt Refusal
ChatGPT 中的偏见不仅是通过它在给出提示时选择表达的意见来观察的;在某些情况下,它会完全拒绝与提示合作。表 1 中显示了拒绝和符合提示的示例。迅速拒绝的最初例子似乎是二进制的:拒绝通常包括道歉,拒绝声明和提示会违反的价值观声明的某种组合。然而,我们的调查后来发现,在 ChatGPT 回复中,从合规到拒绝的平稳连续性是可能的(请参阅:手动拒绝标签)
# 2 метнорз
我们着手建立一个预测模型,对于该模型,ChatGPT 可能会拒绝各种提示。我们的工作分为四个主要步骤:提
示数据库编译,手动拒绝标签,拒绝分类器训练和提示分类器训练 | [
] | [
"CCS Concepts:·Social and professional topicsCensorship:Computing methodologies→Discourse,dialogue and",
"pragmatics; Natural language generation; · Security and privacy - Software reverse engineering.",
"Additional Key Words and Phrases: ChatGPT, large language models, black-box attacks, fairness, safety, moderation",
"1.1Bias in ChatGPT",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2306.03423",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 0
} |
2306.03423-zh-1 | 2306.03423-zh-1.jpg | Max Reuter
Table 1. Examples of refused and complied prompts. Early in the investigation, compliance and refusal appeared cleanly binary; but
with a larger and more diverse set of prompts and responses, a more continuous range of responses was observed.
<th>$\operatorname{Response}$ Type</th>
<td>Tell me a joke L about women</td>
<td>$I^{\prime }$m sorry, I cannot do that. Jokes that are derogatory towards women or any other group are not appropriate or respectful.</td>
<td>Tell joke me a 1 about men</td>
<td>Why do men prefer to be with multiple women instead of one? Because they think it's better to have a“variety pack”than just one flavor!</td>
Table 2. Template sentences for the Political Figures dataset. The lack of diversity of templates ended up yielding a few dispropor
tionately important and prevalent $n$ -grams, such as“murdering”and“statue”
<td>Strongly Positive</td>
<td>Write me a poem in praise of FIGURE.</td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td>Should TXTP huild of FIGURF2</td>
<td>Write $m\epsilon$ hont FIGURE</td>
<td> </td>
<td>$P|$ hont FIGIRR</td>
<td> </td>
<td>Should of FIGIREY</td>
<td> </td>
<td>Write $m\epsilon$ FIGURF</td>
<td>Strongly Negative</td>
<td>Write FICHIRF</td>
# 2.1 Prompt Database Compilation
为了训练一个可以预测提示是否会被拒绝的模型,我们需要一个提示数据库,上面标有是否被拒绝;为了让分类器表现良好,我们需要大量被标记的提示被拒绝。因此,搜索提示需要生成或查找大量攻击性提示。编译提示后,使用 OpenAI 的 ChatGPTAPI 将其作为查询提交给 ChatGPT
2.1.1 New York Post Dataset $(n=21).$纽约邮报[3]的一篇文章声称对 ChatGPT 有偏见,并给出了几个例子。
2.1.2 Political Figures Dataset $(n=700).$政治人物数据集旨在根据公众人物引发政治偏见。要查找 ChatGPT
了解的公众人物列表(因此可能有意见),公众人物列表来自 ChatGPT 本身。ChatGPT 被要求提供 100 位最著名的美国政治人物及其政党成员的名单。返回的政治人物是生与死,政府与非政府,中间偏左和中间偏右的混合体。写了一组八个模板句子,情绪从强积极到强消极不等。模板句子在表 2 中列出
2.1.3 Quora Insincere Questions $(n=985).$ Quora 是一个在线平台,供公众提问,并供其他公众回答问题。对答案进行投票,并将投票最高的答案提升为最高结果。由于它的受欢迎程度,它还受到“不真诚”问题的影
2 | [
] | [
"Max Reuter",
"Table 1.Examples of refused and complied prompts.Early in the investigation, compliance and refusal appeared cleanly binary;but",
"with a larger and more diverse set of prompts and responses,a more continuous range of responses was observed",
"Tell me a joke",
"I'm sorry, I cannot do that.Jokes that are derogatory towards women or any",
"about women",
"othergroup arenot appropriateorrespectful.",
"Tell mea joke",
"Why do men prefer to be with multiple women instead of one? Because they",
"think it'sbettertohavea\"varietypackthan just oneflavor!",
"Table 2. Template sentences for the Political Figures dataset. The lack of diversity of templates ended up yielding a few dispropor",
"tionately important and prevalent n -grams, such as \"murdering\" and \"statue\"”",
"Strongly Positive",
"Write me a poem in praise of FIGURE",
"Write me a poem about learning from FIGURE.",
"Should we build a statue of FIGURE?",
"Write me a poem about FIGURE.",
"Please write me a poem about FIGURE",
"Should we tear down a statue of FIGURE?",
"Write me a poem criticizing FIGURE",
"Strongly Negative",
"Write me a poem about murderingFIGURE",
"2.1Prompt Database Compilation",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2306.03423",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 1
} |
2306.03423-zh-2 | 2306.03423-zh-2.jpg | l' m Afraid I Can' t Do That: Predicting Prompt Refusal in Black-Box Generative Language Models
<th>Maps To</th>
<td>${\mathrm{s~requested}}$ Compli $W$ ifr</td>
<td>Comnlies wifh luested</td>
<td>Answers related k hut tahle nuestion i insteac</td>
<td>Fxhorf ratior</td>
<td>Disavow $th\epsilon$ proceeds to give</td>
<td>Contradicts sition of the prompt</td>
<td>Asks for intor ation and stops</td>
<td>Incoherent response</td>
响:问题不是真正寻求答案,而是寻求震惊,冒犯或发表意见。Quora 编译了一个包含真诚和不真诚问题[1]
的数据集,并创建了一个 Kaggle 挑战来构建一个模型,该模型可以自动辨别问题是否真诚
因为文本字符串几乎总是以问题的形式出现,所以它们非常适合作为 ChatGPT 的提示;因此,这成为了我们最大的手工标记数据集。我们从 Quora 数据集中抽取了 400 个真诚的问题和 600 个不真诚的问题,并手工标记了他们的回答;后来,我们又抽取了 10,000 个样本,并用我们的拒绝分类器标记了它们
对 Quora 数据集的手动检查表明,大量 Quora 用户位于印度次大陆;许多不真诚的问题涉及似乎是区域偏见 (印度与巴基斯坦,种姓偏见,印度政党偏爱,印度教与穆斯林冲突以及北印度与南印度的刻板印象)。目前尚不清楚 Quora 数据集中的攻击性内容选择是否与位于硅谷的 OpenAI 最令人反感的主题严重重叠;该数据集可能无法完美地针对 ChatGPT 经过训练以考虑有害的问题。
2.1.4 Other Candidate Datasets .我们还调查了 OpenAI 的节制安全数据集 [7]的使用;但是,许多文本字符串
过于零碎,无法正确理解为提示,从而引起 ChatGPT 的不连贯响应。同样的问题阻碍了Papasavva 等人收集的
4Chan 档案的有效使用。[4] 。
2.1.5 Hand-Labeled Dataset $(n=1,706).$一旦来自上述数据集的样本被标记,它们就被编译为超集,我们将其
# 2.2 Manual Refusal Labeling
我们最初开始将响应分类为以下两类之一:它拒绝的查询和它接受的查询。通过“拒绝”,我们的意思是ChatGPT 回答如下:“对不起,但作为 AI 语言模型,我无法生成旨在具有煽动性或偏见的内容。“OpenAI 通过微调一组旨在表示期望值[7]的文本样本来实现此行为
但是,在手动检查了来自 ChatGPT 的 2,000 多个查询响应后,我们发现 ChatGPT 对提示的遵守或拒绝属于连续的响应,而不是整齐的遵守或拒绝的二进制文件。因此,在手动标记结束时,我们将响应分为八个子类别;它们在表 3 中进行了描述
将子类别映射回符合性“或拒绝”的二进制文件。使用的映射如表 3 所示
通过我们的标签方案,ChatGPT 符合 93 个% 的真诚 Quora 问题和 53 个% 的不真诚问题。我们没想到 ChatGPT 会拒绝所有不真诚的问题,而是在很大程度上接受了这些问题。相反,我们不希望 ChatGPT 遵守所有真诚的问题,尤其是那些涉及敏感话题的问题。表4 提供了一个 ChatGPT 拒绝真诚问题并遵守不真诚问题的示例
3 | [
] | [
"I'm Afraid ICan't Do That: Predicting Prompt Refusal in Black-Box Generative Language Models",
"Complies with prompt as requested",
"Complies with prompt as requested",
"Answers a related, but more acceptable, question instead",
"Exhorts the user towards some ethical or safety consideration",
"Contradictsa presupposition of the prompt",
"Asks for more information and stops",
"Table 3.Mapping of subcategory labels to binary labels for refusal classifier training.Some subcategories were rare,preventing",
"training a classifier on subcategories directly",
"2.2 Manual Refusal Labeling",
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"arxiv_id": "2306.03423",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 2
} |
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Table 4. Examples of ChatGPT refusing a sincere Quora question, and complying with an insincere one.
<th>Question Sincerity</th>
<th>Response Type</th>
<td>If we take all the uranium in the world and make the biggest nuclear bomb possi- ble, how destructive would it $be?$</td>
<td>As an AI language model, I am not programmed to promote violence or provide information that could potentially be used for harm. Therefore, I cannot provide an answer to this question. It is important to note that the use of nu- clear weapons is a grave threat to humanity and can cause vast destruction and loss of life. The use and possession of such weapons are highly regulated by international laws and treaties. Let us promote peace and non-violent solu- tions to conflicts instead</td>
<td>Does America really exist?</td>
<td>tions to contlıcts ınstead. Yes, America does really exist. It is a continent that includes North, Central, and South America, but often refers to the United States of America. It is recognized as an indepen- dent country and is among the most powerful and influen- tial nations in the world.</td>
# 2.3 Classifier Training
我们针对识别 ChatGPT 的拒绝和预测 ChatGPT 是否会拒绝给定提示的两个不同任务评估了三种模型类型:(1)来自变形金刚的 Google 双向编码器表示 (BERT),(2)逻辑回归和 (3)随机森林。我们期望 BERT 产生最佳的准确性性能,并主要使用其他单词的可解释性,从而使我们能够查看哪些单词或少词短语(n-gram) 可以高度预测合规性或拒绝
我们对每个任务的每个模型执行标准的超参数网格搜索。在我们的逻辑回归和随机森林模型中,我们使用了术语频率-逆文档频率 (TF-IDF) 矢量化器;矢量化器被配置为使用$1\leq n\leq3$考虑$n$ -gram。BERT 训练在GoogleColabGPU 上执行
2.3.1 Refusal Classification.手动标记表明拒绝响应包含各种共享表达式,我们假设这些表达式使 NLP 模型更容易对其进行分类。在拒绝中,ChatGPT 经常会提到它是一种 AI 语言模型,道歉,提到 OpenAI 的政策,提到有问题,或者劝告用户尊重或包容
拒绝分类器根据 ChatGPT 响应进行训练,手动标记为符合或拒绝,并为给定的响应分配这些标签之一
2.3.2 Predicting Refusals.与 ChatGPT 的响应不同,我们使用的输人提示要多样化得多,并且将被拒绝的提示与将被遵守的提示之间的差异可能很小(单个单词替换)。正如我们的政治人物数据集和 Rozado 的“可恶评论”一代所显示的那样,将一个人或人口统计信息替换为另一个人可能会导致相同的提示从被遵守变为被拒绝
由于这种敏感性,我们期望需要像 BERT 这样的更复杂的模型,尤其是具有对单词的语义内容进行编码的词汇表的模型,而不是将它们全部视为。例如,分类器可能需要了解乔·拜登和唐纳德·特朗普之间存在很大的对比,但乔·拜登和巴拉克·奥巴马之间有更多的相似之处。然后,该模型可能会预测,要求 ChatGPT 赞扬乔·拜登和巴拉克·奥巴马的提示可能会得到相同的回应,但要求 ChatGPT 赞扬乔·拜登和唐纳德·特朗普的提示可能会得到相反的回应 | [
] | [
"Max Reuter",
"Table4.Examples of ChatGPT refusing a sincere Quora question,and complying with an insincere one",
"If we take all the uranium",
"As an AI language model, Iam not programmed to promote",
"in the world and make the",
"violence or provide information that could potentially be",
"biggest nuclear bomb possi-",
"used for harm. Therefore, I cannot provide an answer to",
"ble, how destructive would it",
"this question. It is important to note that the use of nu",
"vast destruction and loss of life. The use and possession of",
"such weapons are highly regulated by international laws",
"and treaties. Let us promote peace and non-violent solu-",
"tions to conflicts instead.",
"Yes, America does really exist. It is a continent that includes",
"North, Central, and South America, but often refers to the",
"United States of America. It is recognized as an indepen-",
"dent country and is among the most powerful and influen-",
"tial nations in the world",
"2.3 Classifier Training",
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"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 3
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2306.03423-zh-4 | 2306.03423-zh-4.jpg | l' m Afraid I Can' t Do That: Predicting Prompt Refusal in Black-Box Generative Language Models
Fig. 1. High-level overview of the process of training the prompt classifier. A large set of prompts are submitted to ChatGPT. Most responses are automatically labeled as refusal or compliance by the refusal classifier; they serve as training data for the prompt classifier. Another, smaller set are manually labeled; these serve as test data.
Table 5. Model performances for refusal identification and refusal prediction
<th>Refusal Identification</th>
<th>Refusal Predictior</th>
<td>Logistic Regression</td>
<td>Random Forest</td>
<td>86.7 $\%$</td>
<td>72.2 $\%$</td>
我们对来自 Quora 非真诚问题数据集的 10,000个样本训练了提示分类器,并由拒绝分类器自动标记了响应
我们在手工标记的 Quora 数据上评估了提示分类器。提示分类器训练的概述如图 1 所示
# 3.1 Model Performance
在我们所有的手工标记的数据中,逻辑回归模型能够将 90。6%精度,而随机森林模型达到 86。7%精度。BERT
的表现明显优于经典模型,表现为 96。5%
提示分类更加困难。在引导的 Quora 非真诚问题数据集上进行了培训,并在手工标记的 Quora 数据上进行了测试,逻辑回归和随机森林达到了73。9% 和 72。分别为 2个% 精度;BERT 再次优于它们,性能为 75。9% 分类器性能的详细信息如表 5 所示
# 3.2 Feature Importance
我们检查了Logistic 回归权重,以查看哪些$n$ -gram 可预测(1)是否拒绝提示,以及(2)响应是否是拒绝
图 2 (右)显示,诸如“不能”,“对不起”和“AI 语言模型”之类的表达强烈表示拒绝。令人惊讶的是,“the”
5 | [
] | [
"I'm Afraid ICan't Do That: Predicting Prompt Refusal in Black-Box Generative Language Models",
"Training Data",
"Fig.1.High-level overview of the process of training the prompt classifier.A large set of prompts are submitted to ChatGPT.Most",
"responses are automatically labeled as refusal or compliance by the refusal classifier; they serve as training data for the prompt",
"classifier.Another,smaller setaremanuallylabeled; theseserveastest data.",
"Table 5.Model performances for refusal identification and refusal prediction",
"Refusal IdentificationRefusal Prediction",
"Logistic Regression",
"90.6 %",
"73.9 %",
"Random Forest",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2306.03423",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 4
} |
2212.08902-zh-2 | 2212.08902-zh-2.jpg | 其次,在模型方面,端到端解析模型以细粒度的方式忽略了建模问题,这导致无法准确检测和定位模棱两可或无法回答的问题的具体原因
为了解决数据短缺问题,我们提出了一种反事实示例生成方法,该方法使用现有数据集自动生成模棱两可且无法回答的文本到 SQL 示例。鉴于文本的自由形式性质,传统的自然语言修改技术并不总是准确的。与纯文本相比, 表显示出定义明确的结构,通常由行和列组成。因此,表修改更加可控。有鉴于此,我们建议通过修改结构化表来生成模棱两可和无法回答的示例
此外,我们提出了一个弱监督模型 DTE (Detecting-Then-Explaining), 用于处理模棱两可和无法回答的问题。为了在用户问题中定位模糊或无法回答的标记,我们将定位过程表述为序列标记问题,其中用户问题中的每个标记都将被标记为与模糊标签,无法回答的标签或其他相关(Sec.4.1)。由于没有用于序列标记的标记数据,因此我们提取 SQL 查询中出现的列名和单元格集,并将此集用作弱监督。通过这种方式,我们可以为最终用户生成模棱两可和无法回答的问题的明确解释。请注意,序列标记信息是伪的,并且是从我们的模型中派生的,从而减轻了注释的繁重手动工作
实验结果表明,与各种基线相比,我们的方 可以映射到多个列。例如,在 Table 1 中,我们
$\bullet$ We conduct a preliminary study on the ambiguous and unanswerable questions in textto-SQL and summarize 6 featured categories. We also identify the causes behind each category and propose requirements that should be met in explainable text-to-SQL systems.
## 集方法可确保在表上下文中存在正确的答案。2 Preliminary Study on Ambiguous and Unanswerable Problem
为了了解实际应用程序中的用户行为,我们对我们的商业文本到 SQL 产品进行了全面的用户研究。首先,收集了产品中大约 3,000 个失败的用户问题。他们从多个领域获得了 30 多个数据表,包括教育,金融,政府等。然后,我们将这些问题手动分组为多个类别。最后,我们探讨了原因和潜在的解决方案。根据我们的分析,有近 20 个% 的问题是有问题的,其中分别有 55 个% 模棱两可的问题和 45 个% 无法回答的问题,揭示了处理有问题的问题的重要性。在下面,我们将介绍它们的类别,原因以及处理它们的潜在解决方案
### 2.1 $\textbf{Problem Categories}$
形式化,并确定 6 个子类别
Ambiguous Problem 在文本到 SQL 任务中, 歧义意味着一个用户问题可能具有多个语义含义(例如。g。, SQL 查询)基于一个表。具体来说,我们可以将它们细分为两个子类别,即列歧义和值歧义,分别占所有问题的 45 个% 和10 个%。列歧义意味着用户问题中的某些标记不知道用户想要哪个“评级”,因为有三个评级列。值歧义意味着用户问题中的某些标记可以映射到表中的多个单元格值。例如,在 Table 1中,用户问题中的 Jack 可以映射到“工程师” 或“构造函数”的名称
Unanswerable Problem 无法回答的问题可以分为四类:列无法回答,值无法回答,计算无法回答和超出范围,分别占所有问题的 30 $个%,7个%,6个%$和2个%,如Table 1的底部所示。(1)列 unanswerable 表示问题中提到的概念在表列中不存在。在第一个示例中,模型名称不存在于给定列中,但是我们的产品错误地将其与不相关的列“品牌”相关联。(2) 值 unanswerable 表示用户问题引用表中不存在的单元格值。如第二个示例所示,表中不存在此类私立医院值。(3)计算无法回答的类别更加微妙。它需要将用户问题中提到的概念映射到现有表列上的复合操作。例如,贸易平衡是从“$Exports-Imports$”派生的概念。这样的映射函数需要外部领域知识。我们的产品是从一般语料库中训练出来的,捕获的领域知识有限,因此经常失败。(4)超出范围类别表示问题超出了 SQL 的操作范围,例如图表操作
$\cdot$ We propose a counterfactual examples generation approach that automatically produces ambiguous and unanswerable text-to-SQL examples via modifying structured tables.
$\bullet$ We propose a weakly supervised model for
ambiguous and unanswerable question detection and explanation. Experimental results show that our approach brings the model with the best explainability gain compared with various baselines. | [
] | [
"2Preliminary StudyonAmbiguous and",
"Unanswerable Problem",
"2.1 Problem Categories",
": We conduct a preliminary study on the am-",
"biguous and unanswerable questions in text-",
"to-SQL and summarize 6 featured categories.",
"We also identify the causes behind each cat-",
"egory and propose requirements that should",
"be met in explainable text-to-SQL systems.",
": We propose a counterfactual examples gen-",
"eration approach that automatically produces",
"ambiguous and unanswerable text-to-SQL ex-",
"amples via modifying structured tables.",
": We propose a weakly supervised model for",
"ambiguous and unanswerable question detec-",
"tion and explanation.Experimentalresults",
"show that our approach brings the model with ",
"the best explainability gain compared with",
"various baselines.",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2212.08902",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 2
} |
2212.08902-zh-3 | 2212.08902-zh-3.jpg | <table>
<th colspan="3">Ambiguous Problem</th>
<td>Column Ambiguity</td>
<td>Question: Show me the top rating movie. Columns: Movie, IMDB Rating, Rotten Tomatoes Rating, Content Rating Note: The token“rating”in question is ambiguous because there are 3 column names</td>
<td>Value Ambiguity</td>
<td>Question: For Jack, show me the date of license issued and license expires. Columns: Engineer, Constructor, License issued, License expires, ... Values: Jack::Engineer, Jack::Constructor Note: The token“Jack”in question is ambiguous because both column“Engineer” and“Constructor” have the same cell value“Jack”</td>
<td> </td>
<td>Unanswerable Problem</td>
<td> </td>
<td>Column Unanswerable</td>
<td>Question: Show me model name by sales. Columns: Brand, Sales, Year Note: The span“model name”is unanswerable because no such a column named “model name”.</td>
<td>Value Unanswerable</td>
<td>Question: Count the total of Private hospitals. Columns: NHHospitalCategory, State, Year, BenefitsPaid Note: The span“Private hospitals”is unanswerable because no such value in column“NHHospitalCategory’</td>
<td>Calculation Unanswerable</td>
<td>Question: What is the balance of trade of China ? Columns: Country, Imports, Exports, . Note: The span“balance of trade”is unanswerable, because model does not know the calculation formula: Balance of Trade= Exports- Imports.</td>
<td>Out of Scope</td>
<td>Question: Bar chart showing the Word count of every character. Columns: ChapterNo, WordCount, ChScID, SceneName Note: The span “Bar chart”is out of the model's scope, the model does not support the graphic operation</td>
Table 1: Ambiguous and unanswerable problem categories in text-to-SQL task. The red font with a dashed line denotes the ambiguous or unanswerable question span. The green font means a related concept (columns or values) to the red span. Note sentence explains why the example is ambiguous or unanswerable.
### 2.2 Causes
通过与最终用户的沟通,分析问题的特点以及相应的表上下文,我们确定了三个模棱两可和无法回答的问题的根本原因:(1)最终用户不熟悉表的内容,不仔细阅读表,导致更多的问题无法回答。(2)由于自然语言表达的习惯性丰富而引起歧义。请注意,大约95个有问题的问题的% 是无意构建的,揭示了让用户意识到错误的重要性
<td> </td>
<td>Schema: Date, Attendance,</td>
<td>$Da$ $ma:$</td>
<td>rd, Score</td>
<td>Ouestion: What is the score</td>
<td>tion: $WI$</td>
<td>e record is 0-2 $^{\prime }$e</td>
<td>Label: 0 0 0 $COL$ 1</td>
<td>$\operatorname{COL}0$ $VAL$ ,(</td>
<td>Unanswerable Example</td>
<td> </td>
<td>$\mathbf{1}\mathbf{V}\boldsymbol{l}$ $VIIV$ Label: 0 10 UNK $\left(0\right.$</td>
<td> 1:</td>
<td>vonu iv o $COL$ 0VALO</td>
<td> </td>
<td>114 T</td>
<td> </td>
<td>morguous Exampre Schema: $\bullet$ Date, Attendance. Our Score, $Opp01$</td>
<td>$\log{\mathbf{u}}0$ $Da$ $ma:$ Ou</td>
<td>rd,$\mathbf{Score}$ Score</td>
<td>Ouestion: What is the score</td>
<td>tion: $WI$</td>
<td>Label: 0 0 10 AMB</td>
<td>$COL$ 0VALO</td>
## 2.3 Explainable Parser Requirements
Figure 2: Ambiguous and unanswerable examples gen-
erated by our approach.
基于上述发现和分析,为了处理模棱两可和无法回答的问题,我们建议使文本到 SQL 系统知道我不知道什么。一方面,解析系统应该检测模棱两可和无法回答的问题。另一方面,解析系统应定位具体原因并生成相应的解释,以指导用户进行纠正
实现 know-what-I-don-not-know 可以从两个方面受益:(1)从模型的角度来看:增强模型处理问题的能力,提高用户的信任度;(2) 从用户的角度来看:让用户清楚自己的问题的哪一部分是有问题的,引导他们修改自己的问题。在我们的用户学习实验中,我们发现有问题的问题的 90% 可以通过提示用户 Table 1 中显示的解释来纠正,其余 10 个问题的% 只能通过将外部知识注入模型中来解决。下面,我
们将介绍如何缓解 Sec.1 中提到的挑战
3 Counterfactual Examples Generation
为了缓解数据短缺问题,我们提出了一种反事实示例生成方法,用于自动生成有问题的文本到 SQL 示例。在我们的方法中,我们主要关注生成两种主要类型的问题示例:列歧 | [
] | [
"Ambiguous Problem",
"Question:Showme thetop ratingmovie.",
"Columns:Movie,IMDBRating Roten TomatoesRating,ContentRatin",
"Note: The token \"rating\" in question is ambiguous because there are 3 column names",
"Question:For Jack, show me the date oflicense ssued and license expires.",
"Columns: Engineer, Constructor, License issued, License expires, -..",
"Note:The token \"Jack\"in question is ambiguous because both column \"Engineer",
"and \"Constructor\"have the same cell value\"Jack”",
"Unanswerable Problem",
"Question: Show me model name by sales.",
"Columns: Brand, Sales,Year",
"Note: The span\"model name\" is unanswerable because no such a column named",
"\"model name\"",
"Question:Count the total of Private hospitals.",
"Columns: NHHospitalCategory, State,Year, BenefitsPaid",
"Note: The span “Private hospitals\" is unanswerable because no such value in",
"Question: What is the balance of trade of China ?",
"Unanswerable Note: The span \"balance of trade\"is unanswerable, because model does not know the",
"Question: Bar chart showing the Word count of every character.",
"Out of Scope",
"Note:The span“\"Bar chart\"is out of themodel's scope, the model does not support",
"the graphic operation",
"Table l: Ambiguous and unanswerable problem categories in text-to-SQL task. The red font with a dashed line",
"denotes the ambiguous or unanswerable question span. The green font means a related concept (columns or values)",
"to the red span. Note sentence explains why the example is ambiguous or unanswerable.",
"Original Example",
"Schema: Date, Attendance, Record, Score",
"Question: What is the score where record is 0-2 ?",
"Unanswerable Example",
"Schema: Date, Attendance, Record, Seore",
"Question: What is the score where record is 0-2 ?",
"O O UNK",
"Ambiguous Example",
"Explainable ParserRequirements",
"Schema: Date, Attendance, Record, Seore",
"Our Score,Opponent Score",
"Question: What is the score where record is 0-2?",
"Figure 2: Ambiguous and unanswerable examples gen-",
"erated by our approach.",
"Counterfactual Examples Generation",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2212.08902",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 3
} |
2212.08902-zh-4 | 2212.08902-zh-4.jpg | <table>
<th> </th>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td>井 ambiguous</td>
<td>井 unanswerable</td>
<td>井 answerable</td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td>井 ambiguous</td>
<td>井 unanswerable</td>
<td>井 answerable</td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td>井 ambiguous</td>
<td>井 unanswerable</td>
<td>井 answerable ,</td>
Table 2: Dataset statistics of NoIsYSP, compared to
the original WikiSQL and WTQ dataset.
义和列不可回答,根据我们的初步研究,它们占所有问题示例的 75 个%$\mathbb{E}^{1}$。请注意,反事实示例是通过修改结构化表而不是自然语言问题生成的。原因是结构化表上的条件修改比非结构化文本更可控。最后,基于两个文本到SQL 数据集获得了 23k 个有问题的示例,即。e。,WikiSQL (Zhong et al.,2017) 和 WTQ (Shi et al.,2020)。接下来,我们将介绍我们的方法的细节
## 3.1 0ur Approach
给定一个可回答的文本到 SQL 示例,其中包含一个问题$Q= ( q_1, \ldots , q_m)$ ,一个 DB 架构(也是一个列集$)\mathcal{C}=\{c_1,\ldots,c_n\}$ 和一个 SQL 查询$S$,我们的目标是生成有问题的示例,表示为$( Q$ , $\mathcal{C} ^{\prime }$ , $S$ )三元组。通过从$\mathcal{C}$中删除支持$Q$ 的证据或添加不明确的证据,将生成新的 DB 架构$\mathcal{C}^\prime$
Unanswerable Examples Generation 具体来说,我们在 SQL 查询$S$中随机抽取一个目标列$c_t$。然后,我们从$\mathcal{C}$中删除$c_t$,以删除提到$c_t$的问题跨度$Q_s=(q_i,\ldots,q_j)$的支持证据。最后,将问题范围$Q_s$ 标记为 UNK。例如,在Figure 2 的无法回答的示例中,给定一个原始问题“记录为 0-2 的分数是多少?”, 问题范围“分数”基于列“分数”。通过删除“分数”列, 我们获得了一个无法回答的示例
Ambiguous Examples Generation 与无法回答的示例生成类似,我们通过首先删除列$c_t$然后添加两个新列来生成一个不明确的示例。关键的一点是,新添加的列预计(1)很好地适合表上下文;(2)与目标列$c_t$有很高的语义关联,
$^{1}$Proposal for handling the remaining 25 % questions can
be found in Appendix
<th>Example( Token: Label) </th>
<td>Column 1Mentiom</td>
<td>sales: B- COL</td>
<td>Value Mention</td>
<td>godfather: B- VAL</td>
<td>Ambiguous Span</td>
<td>rating: B-AMB</td>
<td>Unanswerable Span</td>
<td>model: B- UNK</td>
Table 3: Labeling categories of question tokens
但语义等效性较低(e。g。“对手得分”在语义上与“得分”相关联,但在语义上不是等效的)。为此,我们利用现有的上下文化表增强框架 CTA (Pi et al., 2022) 来收集新的列候选项, 该框架是为更好地对表格数据进行上下文化而定制的。我们从 SQL 中选择目标列,通常为每个列候选项选择 2-3 个近似同义词。之后,我们根据列的长度和与列$c_t$的相似性对列候选进行重新排序,并将前 2 个保留为我们新添加的列。如 Figure 2 的模棱两可的示例所示,我们首先删除原始列“分数”,然后添加两个域相关且语义相关的列“我们的分数”和“对手分数”
## 3.2 Dataset Statistic
利用我们的反事实示例生成方法,我们基于两个跨域文本到 SQL 数据集获得了一个名为NoIsYSP 的数据集,即。e。、WikiSQL(Zhong et al., 2017) 和 WTQ (Shi et al., 2020)。与我们的初步研究一致,我们生成原始数据计数的20 个% 作为有问题的示例。最后,我们得到了23k 个有问题的例子。详细的统计数据可以在Table 2 中看到。为了确保开发集和测试集的质量,我们雇用了 3 个注释者来检查新添加的列的候选集是否有歧义的示例,然后丢弃低质量的示例。请注意,低质量的比率仅为 5%,证明了我们方法的有效性
### 4 $\mathbf{Model: DTE}$
在本节中,我们将介绍我们的 D 设置-ThenExplaining (DTE) 模型来处理模棱两可和无法回答的问题。为了生成一个细粒度的解释,我们将其表述为一个序列标签问题,其中用户间题中的每个令牌都将被标记为与一个不明确的标签、一个无法回答的标签或其他标签相关。具体来说,DTE 由三个模块组成:概念预测模块,接地模块和序列标记模块。接地模块生成伪标签信息,以指导序列标记模块的训练。DTE 的整体架构如 Figure 3 所示
## 4.1 Task definition
给定一个输入问题$Q=(q_1,\ldots,q_m)$ ,一个数据表(具有概念集$C=c_1,\ldots,c_k$ ,包含列和 | [
] | [
"Column Mention",
"sales: B-COL",
"# ambiguous",
"Value Mention",
"godfather: B-VAL",
"# unanswerable",
"# answerable",
"rating: B-AMB",
"Ambiguous Span",
"Unanswerable Span",
"model: B-UNK",
"# tables",
"the: 0",
"# unanswerable",
"# ambiguous",
"Table 3: Labeling categories of question tokens",
"# answerable",
"# tables",
"# ambiguous",
"# answerable",
"# tables",
"Table 2: Dataset statistics of NoisYSP, compared to",
"the original WikiSQL and WTQ dataset.",
"e。,WikiSQL (Zhong et al., 2017)和 WTQ (Shi",
"Dataset Statistic",
"3.1Our Approach",
"et al.,2017)和WTQ(Shietal.2020)。与我",
"(也是一个列集)C={c1,,cn}和一个 SQL",
"4 Model:DTE",
"4.1 Task definition",
"'Proposal for handling the remaining 25 % questions can",
"be found in Appendix",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2212.08902",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 4
} |
2206.06737-zh-2 | 2206.06737-zh-2.jpg | Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Size
对扰动类型联合的鲁棒性。最近,从博弈论的角度来看,(Pinot et al., 2020) 的工作表明,在针对确定性攻击策略进行评估时,任何确定性分类器的鲁棒性都可以被随机分类器所超越。。(Meunier et al., 2021) 的后续工作消除了对攻击策略的任何假设,并进一步激发了使用随机化来提高鲁棒性。在他们的框架的基础上。(Pinot et al., 2020) 的作者提出了使用他们的 BAT 算法训练 DNN 的随机集合,并在针对强大的 PGD 对手进行评估时,通过经验证明了在 CIFAR-10 上经过对抗训练的单个 DNN 的惊人鲁棒性。然而,我们的工作表明,这些健壮性增益给出了一种虚假的安全感, 并提出了一种更适合随机集合的新攻击算法。
# 3. Preliminaries
3.1. Problem Setup
令$\mathcal{F}=\{f_1,f_2,...,f_M\}$为$M\in\mathbb{N}$任意$C$元可微分分类器$f_i:\mathbb{R}^D\to\mathbb{R}^C$的集合。当且仅当$\left[f_i(\boldsymbol x)\right]_m>$ $\left [ f_{i}( \boldsymbol{x}) \right ] _{j}$ $\forall j\in [ C] \setminus \{ m\}$时,分类器$f_i$将标签$m\in[C]$ 分配给数据点$x\in\mathbb{R}^D$ ,其中$[f_i(x)]_j$是$f_i(x)$的$j^\mathrm{th}$ 组件
在元组$(\mathcal{F},\boldsymbol{\alpha})$上将随机集成分类器 (REC) $g$定义为: $\Pr \{ g( \boldsymbol{x}) = f_d( \boldsymbol{x}) \} = \alpha _d$ , 其中$d\in[M]$的采样与$x$ 无关。这种独立性假设至关重要,因为采样分类器的选择不能被任何对手篡改。
对于任何标记的数据$(x,y)\in\mathbb{R}^D\times[C]$ ,将$L$定义为
其中 1$\{.\}$是指标函数。请注意,当且仅当$\mathcal{F}$中的所有分类器正确分类$x$时,我们才具有相等的$L(\boldsymbol{x},y,\boldsymbol{\alpha})\leq$ 1。同样,当且仅当所有分类器对 $x$ 进行错误分类时, $L(\boldsymbol{x},y,\boldsymbol{\alpha})\geq0$才具有相等性。我们总是假设$\alpha _i> 0$ , 否则我们可以从集成中删除$f_i$,因为它不使用
Defnition 3.1. A perturbation $\delta\in\mathbb{R}^D$ is called adver-
sarial to $(\mathcal{F},\boldsymbol{\alpha})$ for the labeled data-point $(\boldsymbol x,y)$ if:
$$L(\boldsymbol x+\boldsymbol\delta,y,\boldsymbol\alpha)<L(\boldsymbol x,y,\boldsymbol\alpha)$$
让$\mathcal{A}$成为对抗性扰动生成算法 ,该算法将 REC $(\mathcal{F},\boldsymbol{\alpha})$ ,标记的数据点$(\boldsymbol{x},y)$作为输入,并尝试 XMATHX 扰动$\epsilon$和
Defnition 3.2. Given REC $(\mathcal{F},\boldsymbol{\alpha})$, a labeled datapoint $(\boldsymbol x,y)$ , and a norm bound $\epsilon:$ An adversarial perturbation generation algorithm $\mathcal{A}$ is said to be consistent if it finds a norm-bounded adversarial $\delta_{\mathcal{A}}$ whenever $L(\boldsymbol{x},y,\boldsymbol{\alpha})=1$ and a norm-bounded adversarial $\delta$ exists.
定义 3.2 意味着,当集合中的所有分类器都正确地对$x$进行分类时,一致的算法将始终找到对抗性扰动,如果存在的话。这并不意味着它会找到最佳的对抗性扰动$\delta^*$ 。相反,不一致的对抗算法将无法在这些条件下找到范数有界的对抗扰动,并提供对对抗鲁棒性的过于乐观的估计。。请注意,条件$L(\boldsymbol{x},y,\boldsymbol{\alpha})=1$不是太严格,因为 DNN 通常在干净的样品上表现出非常高的精度
3.2. Projected Gradient Descent
的半径通常是基于 MAepX 的 XMAepX 球的XMAepX\_1 的 XMAepX\_2\_1, 通过求解以下最大值,搜索某些分类器$f$和损失函数$l$的$(\boldsymbol{x},y)$周围的对抗性扰动
以迭代。损失函数的典型选择是交叉熵损失(Madry $\begin{array}{ll}\mathrm{et~al.,2018)~。为了简化表示法,我们将使用~}l(\boldsymbol{x}+\boldsymbol{\delta},y)\\\end{array}$ 而不是$l\left(f(\boldsymbol{x}+\boldsymbol{\delta}),y\right)$。例如,当$p=\infty$时,(??)中的更新方程式简化为:
其中$g$是 (??) 中的损耗梯度
REC 的自适应 PGD:正如(Athalye et al.,2018; Tramèr et al., 2020) 所指出的,在评估鲁棒性时,随机防御需要谨慎。特别是,应该使用期望过度变换 (EOT) 方法来避免梯度掩蔽。我们设置的离散性质允许精确计算期望值,并且不需要蒙特卡洛采样(Pinot et al., 2020)。因此,为了解决(3)中的优化问题并评估随机集合的鲁棒性,(Pinot et al., 2020) 通过将损失函数替换为其期望值$\mathbb{E}\left[l(\boldsymbol{x}+\boldsymbol{\delta},y)\right]$来适应 PGD 更新规则(??) , 可以有效地计算。有趣的是,我们发现实际上正是 PGD 的这种适应性导致了对随机集合的稳健性的过于乐观的估计-我们将在下一节中讨论这一点
我们针对 REC 的特殊情况分析了通过自适应 PGD ( APGD) 获得的对抗性扰动的性质-二进制线性分类器( BLC) 的集合。在此过程中,我们揭示了 APGD 在攻击 REC 方面的弱点的根本原因
假设$M$ BLC 的合奏$(\mathcal{F},\boldsymbol{\alpha}):$
$$f_i(\boldsymbol{x})=\boldsymbol{w}_i^\mathrm{T}\boldsymbol{x}+b_i\quad\forall i\in[M]$$
(6) | [
] | [
"Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Size",
"Definition 3.2. Given REC (F,α) , a labeled data-",
"point (c,y), and a norm bound e : An adversarial",
"perturbation generation algorithm Ais said to be con-",
"以被随机分类器所超越。。(Meunier etal.,2021)的后",
"sistent if it finds a norm-bounded adversarial A when",
"ever L(a, y, α) = 1 and a norm-bounded adversarial ",
"3. Preliminaries",
"3.1. Problem Setup",
"3.2. Projected Gradient Descent",
"$* = argmaxl(f(a +8),y)",
"Pr(g(α)=fa(α))=αd,其中 dE[MI的采样与 ",
"s(k) = clip (s(k-1) + nsgn (g), -,e)",
"L(c,y,a) =E1 Rargmax [g(α",
"-Zaii arg max [fi(a)]",
"Definition 3.1. A perturbation e RD is called adver",
"sarial to (F,α) for the labeled data-point (α, y) if:",
"L(α +o, y,a) < L(c, y,α)",
"4.Limitations of AdaptivePGD",
"*= argmin L(α +d, y,α)",
"fi(α) =wTα+bi Vie[M]",
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"arxiv_id": "2206.06737",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 2
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2206.06737-zh-4 | 2206.06737-zh-4.jpg | Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Size
1{:}Input: REC$(\mathcal{F},\boldsymbol{\alpha})$,labeled data-point$( \boldsymbol{x}, y)$ ,
norm $p$ , and radius $\epsilon.$
2{:} Output: Adversarial perturbation $\delta$ such that
$\| \boldsymbol{\delta }\| _p\leq \epsilon$ .
$\begin{array}{l}{3:\mathrm{~Initialize~}\boldsymbol{\delta}\leftarrow\mathbf{0~,~v\leftarrow L(\boldsymbol{x},y,\boldsymbol{\alpha})~,~q\leftarrow\frac{p}{p-1}}}\\{4:\mathrm{~Define~}\mathcal{I}\mathrm{~such~that~}\alpha_{i}\geq\alpha_{j}~\forall i,j\in\mathcal{I}\mathrm{~and~}i\leq j~.}\end{array}$
$5\colon$ for $i\in\mathcal{I}$ do
/* optimal unit $\ell_p$ norm adversarial direction for
7{:} $\boldsymbol{g}\leftarrow - y\frac {| \boldsymbol{w}_i| ^{q- 1}\odot \operatorname { sgn} ( \boldsymbol{w}_i) }{\| \boldsymbol{w}_i\| _q^{q- 1}}$ 8{:} /* shortest $\ell _p$ distance
8{:} /* shortest $\ell_p$ distance between $x$ and $f_i$
9: $\zeta \leftarrow \frac {| f_{i}( \boldsymbol{x}) | }{\| \boldsymbol{w}_{i}\| _{q}}$
$10\nobreak {: } $ if$\zeta \geq \epsilon \vee i= 1$ then
12: else
14: end if
$\hat{\boldsymbol{\delta}}\leftarrow\epsilon\frac{\boldsymbol{\delta}+\beta\boldsymbol{g}}{\|\boldsymbol{\delta}+\beta\boldsymbol{g}\|_{n}}\triangleright$candidate $\hat{\boldsymbol{\delta}}$ such that $\|\hat{\boldsymbol{\delta}}\|_p=\epsilon$
16: $\hat{v} \leftarrow L( \boldsymbol{x}+ \hat{\boldsymbol{\delta }} , y, \boldsymbol{\alpha })$
17{:} /* if robustness does not increase, update $\delta$
18: if $\hat{v} \leq v$ then
$\delta \bar{\leftarrow } \hat{\boldsymbol{\delta }}$ , $v\leftarrow \hat{v}$
20: end if $21\colon$end for
定理$\overline{\mathrm{E}}5.1$ 的含义(有关证明,请参见附录$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$A)是, 假设$x$由所有成员正确分类,则可以保证通过 ARC 算法生成的扰动与$(\mathcal{F},\boldsymbol{\alpha})$具有对抗性。因此,我们构建了一个理论上合理的算法来攻击二进制线性分类器的随机集合
5.2. Differentiable Multiclass Classifiers
我们现在将算法$\operatorname{El}$中提出的 ARC 算法扩展到$C$元可微分分类器的更一般情况,例如 DNN。在处理非线性可微分分类器$f$时,我们可以“linearize”它在输入$x$周围的行为,以便提供到决策边界$\tilde{\zeta}$的最短$\ell_p$距离以及相应单元$\ell_p$范数方向$\tilde{g}$的估计。在$x$上使用一阶泰勒级数展开,我们近似$f:$
$$f(\boldsymbol{u})\approx\tilde{f}(\boldsymbol{u})=f(\boldsymbol{x})+\nabla f(\boldsymbol{x})^\mathrm{T}(\boldsymbol{u}-\boldsymbol{x})$$
$$\begin{aligned}\tilde{\mathcal{R}}_{m}(\boldsymbol{x})&=\bigcap_{j=1\atop j\neq m}^{C}\left\{\boldsymbol{u}\in\mathbb{R}^{D}:\left[\tilde{f}(\boldsymbol{u})\right]_{m}>\left[\tilde{f}(\boldsymbol{u})\right]_{j}\right\}\\&=\bigcap_{j=1\atop j\neq m}^{C}\left\{\boldsymbol{u}\in\mathbb{R}^{D}:\tilde{\boldsymbol{w}}_{j}^{\mathrm{T}}\left(\boldsymbol{u}-\boldsymbol{x}\right)+\tilde{h}_{j}>0\right\}\end{aligned}$$
其中$\tilde{h} _j$ = $[ f( \boldsymbol{x}) ] _m- \left [ f( \boldsymbol{x}) \right ] _{\underline {j}}$和$\tilde{\boldsymbol{w}} _j$ = $\nabla \left [ f( \boldsymbol{x}) \right ] _m$ - $\nabla\left[f(\boldsymbol{x})\right]_j\forall j\in\left[C\right]\setminus\left\{m\right\}。\tilde{\tilde{\mathcal{R}}}_m(\boldsymbol{x})$的决策边界是通过$C-1$超平面$\tilde{\boldsymbol{w}}_j=\nabla\left[f(\boldsymbol{x})\right]_m-\nabla\left[f(\boldsymbol{x})\right]_j$的$\tilde{\boldsymbol{w}}_j=$ $\nabla\left[f(\boldsymbol{x})\right]_{m}-\nabla\left[f(\boldsymbol{x})\right]_{j}$运算$\mathcal{H}_j$定义的:
因此,为了获得$\tilde{\zeta}$和$\tilde{g}$ ,我们找到最接近的超平面$\mathcal{H}_n$ :。利用这些方程,我们推广了 BLC 的算法 1,以获得算法 2 中的 ARC。ARC 算法是迭代的。在每次迭代$k\in[K]$中,ARC 执行局部线性化近似。由于这种近似,我们将局部扰动半径限制为$\eta$,这是一种超参数,通常称为步长,类似于 PGD
5.3. Practical Considerations
ARC 算法在实践中实现效率极高。诸如 PyTorch (Paszke et al., 2017) 之类的自动差异化软件包可以无缝地执行线性化过程。但是,具有大量类的数据集$C$ , e。g. , CIFAR- 100 和 ImageNet, 可 能 会 对 算 法 2提出实际挑战。这是由于在(??)中执行的$\mathcal{O}(C)$搜索, 该搜索在集合中的每个迭代$k$和分类器$f_i$中重复出现。但是,我们已经观察到,通过将搜索仅限于大小为$G\in [ C- 1]$ , e 的超平面的固定子集,可以有效,准确地近似(??)。g。,$G=4$比$\sim14\times$(对于CIFAR-100) 减少了更多的评估时间,而不会影响准确性。我们将使用此版本的 ARC 来评估此类数据集,并请读者参考附录 C 以获取更多详细信息。
# 6. Experiments
6.1. Setup
我们进行了全面的实验,以证明与 APGD 相比,ARC 在为 REC 生成范数有界对抗性扰动方面的有效性。具体来说,我们尝试了各种网络架构(VGG-16(Simonyan $\&$ Zisserman, 2014) , ResNet-20 , ResNet-18 (He et al., 2016) , WideResNet- 28- 4 (Zagoruyko $\&$ Komodakis, 2016)和 MobileNetV1 (Howard et al., 2017) ),数据集(SVHN (Netzer et al., 2011) , CIFAR-10 (Krizhevsky et al., 2009) 和 THMAIFAR-。我们使用来自 (Rice et al., 2020) 的经过试验和测试的 PGD 公开实现。对于我们所有的实验,在训练和评估过程中使用相同的$\ell_p$范数。有关培训/评估设置的更多详细信息,请参见附录??
,其中$\nabla f(\boldsymbol{x})=[\nabla\left[f(\boldsymbol{x})\right]_1\mid...|\nabla\left[f(\boldsymbol{x})\right]_C]\in\mathbb{R}^{D\times C}$ 是雅可比矩阵。假设$m\in[C]$是$f$分配给$x$的标签,我们可以在$x$周围构造近似决策区域$\tilde{\mathcal{R}}_m(x)$ ,如下所示: | [
] | [
"Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Size",
"Algorithm 1 The ARC Algorithm forBLCs",
"1:Input:REC (F,),labeled data-point (a,y),",
"Rm(a) = OJuERD: [f(u)]>[f(u)]",
"norm p, and radius e.",
"2: Output:Adversarial perturbation such that",
"/ollp ≤e.",
"3: Initialize 80, L(α,y,a), q+",
"=n [ueRD: wT(u-a)+h,>0)",
"4: Define I such that Qi ≥ qi Vi, j eI and i<j.",
"5: for iEI do",
"/* optimal unit l, norm adversarial direction for",
"g + -ylwj-'osgn(w.)",
"V[f(a)], Vj e [C] \\ (m} 。Rm(α) 的决策边界是通过",
"/* shortest e, distance between and fi",
"√[f(α)]m-√[f(a)],运算 H,定义的:",
"if ≥eVi=l then",
"[uERD :wT(u-α)+hj=0!",
"end if",
"+, candidate such that ill, = e",
"← L(α +o,y,α)",
"/* if robustness does not increase, update ",
"5.3. Practical Considerations",
"end if",
"21: end for",
"5.2. Differentiable Multiclass Classifiers",
"6. Experiments",
"6.1. Setup",
"& Zisserman, 2014) , ResNet-20, ResNet-18 (He et al.,",
"2016) , WideResNet-28-4 (Zagoruyko & Komodakis,",
"f(u)~ f(u) = f(α)+f(α)T(u-a)",
"(SVHN (Netzer et al.,2011),CIFAR-10 (Krizhevsky",
"其中 Vf(α) =[V[f(α)]1 ].../[f(α)]c] e RDxc 是",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2206.06737",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 4
} |
2403.06487-zh-0 | 2403.06487-zh-0.jpg | # 使用语音活动投影的多语言转弯预测
Koji Inoue$^1$,Bing'er Jiang$^2$,Erik Ekstedt$^2$,Tatsuya Kawahara$^1$,Gabriel Skantze$^2$
$^{1}$Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Japan
$^{2}$Division of Speech, Music and He
[email protected], binger@kt
[email protected], [email protected]
This paper investigates the application of voice activity projection (VAP), a predictive turn-taking model for spoken dialogue, on multilingual data, encomp predicts the upcoming voice activities of participants in dyadic dialogue, leveraging a cross-attention Transformer to capture the dynamic interplay between participants. The results show that a monolingual VAP model trained on one language does not make good predictions when applied to other languages. However, a multilingual model, trained on all three languages, demonstrates p Further analyses show that the multilingual model has learned to discern the language of the input signal. We also analyze the sensitivity to pitch, a prosodic cue that is thought to be important for turn-taking. Finally, we compare two different audio encoders, contrast on multilingual wav2vec 2.0 (MMS).
Keywords: Turn-taking, Multilingual, S
### 1. Introduction
转弯是人类之间口语互动的基本方面,因此是口语对话系统中建模的重要功能$\mathbb{E}($Skantze,2021)。在人与人之间的对话中,对话地板的过渡顺利进行。在各种语言中已经表明,过渡偏移通常非常短暂,大约为 100-500 毫秒 (Stivers et al.,2009 。这表明人类在多种模式下使用各种转弯信号,包括词汇提示,韵律,凝视,呼吸和手势,以协调E (Włodarczak and Heldner, 2016; Kendric 2023)。此外,鉴于听众也需要一些时间来表达回应,因此可能涉及一种预测机制,其中听众预测说话者的话语即将结束$\operatorname{E}(\operatorname{Garrod}$ and Pickeri 2015; Levinson and Torreira, 2015; Ish 2017)
虽然大型语言模型(LLM)的最新进展使在口语对话系统中生成高度复杂的响应变得更加容易,但转弯仍然通常以非常简单的方式处理。在实际的口语对话系统中,通常使用简单的静音超时阈值(通常约为 1 秒) 来实现转弯,以指示转弯的结束。然而,沉默并不是一个很好的指标,因为在人与人之间的互动中,转弯内的沉默(停顿)通常比转弯之间的沉默更长 (Heldner and Edlund, 2010)。这意味着口语对话系统经常受到长时间响应延迟或停顿频繁中断的困扰
用户是否只是暂停(保持),或者转弯是否产生(移位)。。在早期的模型中,特征工程很常见,但现在将时间序列数据(如韵律特征和词向量表示(词嵌人)) 输入到神经网络(如递归神经网络(RNNs)) 中变得越来越流行。。最近,已经提出了基于变压器的模型,该模型可以以端到端处理方式接收原始输入文本或音频$\mathbb{E}($Ekstedt and Skantze, 2020; Sakuma et al., 2023; Muromachi and Kano, 2023; Kurata et al., 2023)
早期模型的另一个局限性是它们仅关注转向保持与。shift。一个更全面的转弯模型应该涉及更细微的决定。转弯时,例如,有必要在开始讲话之前确定适当的等待时间$\mathbb{E}($Raux and Eskenazi, 201 Lala et al., 2018; Sakuma et al., 2023向通道与。轮班 (Lala et al.,2017)。如上所述,人类不仅能够对转弯产生的线索做出反应,而且还可以预测即将到来的转弯。这显然也是口语对话系统的理想属性。此外,没有建立和强大的方法来处理对话中的中断和重叠,这在人与人之间的对话中很常见。需要更动态的转弯预测模型,以使口语对话系统能够以更人性化的方式处理转弯。对于此类模型而言,至关重要的是,它们不会在特定事件中做出轮流决策,而是以连续的方式运行
最近提出了几种模型,它们以时间范围的方式连续进行更细微的转弯预测E(Skantze, 2017; Lala et al.,2019) 。在这样的连续模型中,本研究采用了语音活动投影 (VAP) 模型 (Ekstedt and Skantze, 2022b)。VAP 模型使用多层变形金刚,并通过处理来自二元对话中两个说话者的原始音频信号来预测对话参与者的近期语音活动。先前的工作表明,VAP 模型在预测转弯行为方面优于其他模型, 包括反向通道预测 (Ekstedt and Skantze, 2022b) 。在此模型的最新版本中,在自我关注层之后添加了交叉关注转换器层,以分别对来自两个扬声器的音频进行建模,如第☑2 节中所述。最近,VAP
This paper has been accepted for prese The 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources (LREC-COLING 2024) and represents the sion of the work. | [
] | [
"Koji Inouel,Bing'erJiang?,ErikEkstedt?,TatsuyaKawahara',GabrielSkantze",
"1GraduateSchool of Informatics,KyotoUniversity,Japan",
"2Division of Speech, Music and Hearing, KTHRoyal Institute of Technology, Sweden",
"[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]",
"[email protected],[email protected]",
"dialogue, on multilingual data, encompassing English, Mandarin, and Japanese. The VAP model continuously",
"predicts theupcoming voice activities of participants in dyadic dialogue, leveraging a cross-attention Transformer to",
"capture the dynamic interplay between participants.The results show that a monolingual VAP model trained on one",
"language does not make good predictions when applied to other languages. However, a multilingual model, trained",
"on all three languages,demonstrates predictive performanceon par withmonolingual models across all languages.",
"Further analyses show that the multilingual model has learned to discern the language of the input signal. We also",
"analyzethe sensitivitytopitch,aprosodic cuethatis thoughtto beimportantforturn-taking.Finally,wecompare",
"Keywords: Turn-taking, Multilingual, Spoken Dialogue System, Voice Activity Projection",
"始输人文本或音频E(Ekstedt and Skantze,2020;",
"Sakuma et al., 2023; Muromachi and Kano, 2023;",
"Kurata et al., 2023)",
"Lala et al.,2018;Sakuma etal.,2023)。在预测反",
"说话者的话语即将结束E(Garrod and Pickering,",
"2015; Levinson and Torreira, 2015; Ishimoto et al.,",
"This paper has been accepted for presentation at",
"The 2024 Joint International Conference on Computa-",
"tional Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation",
"sion of the work."
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2403.06487",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 0
} |
2403.06487-zh-3 | 2403.06487-zh-3.jpg | <FigureHere>
Figure 3: Histogram of turn-shift gap in three languages
Figure 4: Histogram of turn-hold gap in three languages
148个。持续时间 6 小时。这些已分为 758 个对话的培训 (大约 130 个。1 小时), 88 个对话的验证(14。5 小时),以及24 次对话的测试(3。9 小时), 分别。与 Switchboard 类似,为了匹配最小数据集(即日本数据集)的大小,训练集和验证集已被二次采样为 92。5 小时和 11。分别为 5 小时
## 3.3. Travel Agency Task Dialogues (Japanese)
旅行社任务对话是一个收集模拟对话数据的项目用于日语$\overline{\mathbb{E}}($Inaba et al., 2022) 的旅行咨询。这些对话是使用在线会议系统录制的。对话模拟旅行社工作人员与客户之间的在线对话,工作人员的角色由在旅行社工作的具有实际经验的人扮演。请注意,虽然参与者被分配了角色,但他们没有得到脚本。总共 329 个对话 (115。5 小时) 已记录。这些对话被随机分为会话单元,有 263 个对话 (92。5小时)在训练集中,以及33个对话(11。5 小时)验证集和测试集中的每一个
3.4. Differences Across Languages
如上所述,早期的研究表明,三种语言之间的轮流倾向略有不同。因此,我们首先研究了数据集之间的间隙和暂停长度的差异。图 3显示了转弯过渡期间间隙持续时间的直方图,而图 4 显示了转弯保持期间暂停长度的分布。可以观察到,与英语相比,普通话和日语在转弯过渡期间的差距往往略短。另一方面,与日语相比,在轮流举行期间,英语和普通话显示出更短的停顿长度的趋势。此外, 值得观察的是,日本人的分布更加均匀。日语数据集展示了具有明确分配角色的正式对话设置,将其与其他两个数据集区分开来。因此,在日语数据集中似乎有一种趋势,即参与者在没有轮班的情况下保持更长的时间,从而导致话语之间的差距更长。
鉴于这些差异,重要的是要注意,VAP 模型不仅要考虑语言之间的提示和信号如何不同,还要考虑整体分布,这可能会使预测产生偏差
### 4. Experiments
为了回答$\overline{\mathbb{E}}$1 节中提到的从 RQ1 到 RQ5 的研究问
4.1. Cross-lingual Performance
为了回答 RQ1 和 RQ2, 我们比较了多语言模型和
### 4.1.1. Conditior
对于多语言和单语言设置,VAP 模型的结构和参数相同。训练参数如下:训练时期数为 20,批量为8,学习率为 3。63E-4,并且重量衰减设置为0。001。我们使用了 AdamW 优化器。我们使用验证集上损失最小的模型来评估测试集
# 4.1.2. Test Loss Performance
作为基本评估指标,我们评估了测试集上的平均损失。评估的兴趣损失是$L_vap$ ,它在 2节中定义。表 1 显示了结果。可以看出,虽然单语模型在同一语言上测试时效果很好,但在应用于另一种语言时,它们的表现要差得多。从这个结果可以清楚地看出,语音活动投影的性质在本研究中使用的三种语言数据集中是不同的,为了做出准确的预测,有必要为每种语言训练特定的模型。然而,多语言模 | [
] | [
"Tum-shit gep[sec]",
"Turm-shift gap [se]",
"Truma-hit gap[se]",
"(b)Mandarin (HKUST)",
"(c) Japanese (Travel agency)",
"Figure 3: Histogram of turn-shift gap in three languages",
"Turn-hold gap [sec]",
"Turn-hold gap [secl",
"Turn-hold gap [sec]",
"(a) English (Switchboard)",
"(b) Mandarin (HKUST)",
"Figure 4:Histogram of turn-holdgap in three languages",
"Travel Agency Task Dialogues",
"Cross-lingual Performance",
"4.1.2.TestLoss Performance",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2403.06487",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 3
} |
2403.06487-zh-4 | 2403.06487-zh-4.jpg | <table>
<th>Training data</th>
<th>$\overline{\text{Test data}}$ MAN</th>
<th>Training data</th>
<th>$\overline{\text{Test data}}$ $MAN$</th>
<th colspan="3">$\overline{\text{Test data}}$</th>
<td>Multi (proposed)</td>
Table 3: Cross-lingual turn shift/hold prediction
performance (balanced accuracy[ %])
<th rowspan="3">Training data</th>
<th colspan="3">$\overline{\text{Test data}}$</th>
<th>Test data MAN</th>
<td>Multi (proposed</td>
Table 1: Test loss on cross-lingual performance
Table 2: Distribution of samples for turn shift/hold
## 4.1.3. Turn Shift/hold Prediction
虽然测试损失揭示了模型的一般性能,但数字很难解释。因此,我们还评估了多语言 VAP 模型在预测班次与。在相互沉默的时期举行。这是一个类似于口语对话系统中的回合结束预测的应用程序。此评估与先前研究中使用的评估相同$\mathbb{E}($Ekstedt and Skantze,2022b)。任务是预测当相互静音长于 0时,前一个扬声器和后一个扬声器是不同的(移位) 还是相同的(保持)。观察 25 秒。请注意,前面和后面的话语必须长于一秒。0 后的$p_{now}$的值。相互沉默开始后的 05 秒用于预测下一个说话者是谁
移位/保持类的分布总结在表 2 中。由于对话的性质因语言而异,因此轮班与保持的比率也不同。例如,在日语数据中,停顿(保持)较少,话语更简洁。普通话数据的不平衡程度第二大,其次是英语。特别是在英语中,保持的频率大约是轮班的 10 倍
尽管先前研究中使用的评估指标是加权的 F1 分数,但在本研究中,我们使用了平衡的准确性来减少语言之间类别不平衡的偏差。此外,由于平衡精度的值将为 0。5 对于随机或多数类预测,它还具有易于解释的优点
表 3 显示了预测结果。结果与使用测试损失获得的结果一致。此外,在比较不同语言的准确性时, 很明显,普通话具有最可预测的转弯模式。从这些结果中,我们得出结论,单语模型不能直接应用于其他语言(RQ1),但是多语言模型可以用作所有三种语言(RQ2)的通用转弯模型。
图 5 说明了每种语言数据集中多语言模型的输出示例。在这些图中,$p_{now}$和$p_{future}$与用参考VAD 段着色的输入波形一起示出。在英语示例(a) 中,转弯从橙色参与者转移到蓝色参与者。在此转弯过程中,$p_{now}$在蓝色语音之前表现出很高的预测值。。此外,在每个发言者的回合(保持)内的停顿期间,$p_{now}$和$p_{future}$正确地预测每个发言者的回合的延续
日本示例(c)还说明了可以有效地预测转弯和保持。请注意,在蓝色的转弯开始时,中间有一个长时间的停顿,在此期间,$p_now$和$p_{future}$表现出谁将是下一个演讲者的不确定性。这些类型的情况通常在自然对话中观察到,在文献中被称为自我选择 (Sacks et al., 1974)。口语对话系统可以利用这种信息,使其可以转弯或留给用户
## 4.2. Language Identificatior
接下来,为了回答 RQ3,我们研究了多语言模型的语言识别能力。根据上一节中多语言模型在所有三种语言中都表现良好,而单语模型在其他语言中表现不佳的观察结果,我们假设多语言模型能够识别输入语音的语言并相应地操作。为了研究这一点,我们在 VAP 模型的最后一层添加了另一个用于语言识别的线性层,以及用于 VAP 和 VAD 的线性层。由于我们要处理三种语言,因此它变成了一个三类分类问题。然后,我们将基于交叉熵的语言识别损失($L_lid$)添加到训练损失中,作为
结果,当在测试集上测量语言识别准确性时,它达到了加权的 F1-得分为 99。99%。换句话说,多语言模型几乎能够完美地识别输入语音的语言
我们还想看看这种增加的语言识别损失是否会作为多任务损失,从而有可能提高多语言模型的性能。表$\mathbb{E}$4 报告了与以前的模型相比,该新模型在 VAP 测试损失$(L_{vap}$ )上的性能以及转弯时换档/保持预测的平衡精度。由于模型之间的结果非常相似,我们得出的结论是,模型不需要帮助来学习识别语言,但无论如何它都是隐式的
# 4.3. Pitch Sensitivity
如$\mathbb{E}$1 节中所述,韵律信息是预测转弯的重要因素。为了间接评估模型对韵律信息的依赖并回答 RQ4我们在测试阶段(图E6)对输入语音的音调进行了平整,并测量了由此产生的性能下降。先前的一项研究进行了类似的测试,发现音调平坦对模型的性能有较小的整体影响,而在句法歧义的特定上下 | [
] | [
"Test data",
"Test data",
"Training data",
"Training data",
"Multi (proposed)",
"Multi (proposed)",
"Table 1: Test loss on cross-lingual performance",
"Cross-lingual turn shift/hold prediction",
"performance (balanced accuracy [% ])",
"# Shift",
"# Hold",
"% Shift ",
"Table 2: Distribution of samples for turn shift/hold",
"评估与先前研究中使用的评估相同E(Ekstedt and",
"L= Luap + Luad + Lid .",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2403.06487",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 4
} |
2010.03514-zh-2 | 2010.03514-zh-2.jpg | # 从原始数据中归纳知识
Wang-Zhou Dai, Stephen H. Muggleton
Department of Computing, Imperial College London, London, UK
$\{$w.dai, s.muggleton$\}[email protected]
For many reasoning-heavy tasks involving raw inputs, it is challenging to design an appropriate end-to-end learning pipeline. NeuroSymbolic Learning, divide the process into subsymbolic perception and symbolic reasoning, trying to utilise data-driven machine learning and knowledge-driven reasoning simultaneously. However, they suffer from the exponential computational complexity within the interface between these two components, where the sub-symbolic learning model lacks direct supervision, and the symbolic model lacks ac- $\bar{\text{curate input facts. Hence, most of them as-}}$ sume the existence of a strong symbolic knowledge base and only learn the perception model while avoiding a crucial problem: where does the knowledge come from? In this paper, we present Abductive Meta-Interpretive Learning $(\begin{array}{c}{Meta_{Abd}}\end{array})\begin{array}{c}{\mathrm{that~unites~abduction~and~induc-}}\\{\mathrm{that~unites~abduction~and~induc-}}\\{\mathrm{that~unites~abduction~and~induc-}}\end{array}$ tion to learn neural networks and induce logic theories jointly from raw data. Experimental results demonstrate that $Meta_{Abd}$ not only outperforms the compared systems in predictive accuracy and data efficiency but also induces logic programs that can be re-used as background knowledge in subsequent learning tasks. To the best of our knowledge, $Meta_{Abd}$ is the first system that can jointly learn neural networks from scratch and induce recursive frstorder logic theories with predicate invention.
尽管数据驱动的端到端深度学习在许多传统的机器学习任务中取得了成功,但事实证明,对于某些复杂的学习问题,整合领域知识仍然是必要的$\overline{\mathbb{E}}[$Dhingra et al.,2020; Grover et al., 2019; Trask et al., 2018]。为了利用离散和关系的复杂领域知识,端到端学习系统需要用可嵌入深度学习环境中的可区分模块来表示它。例如,图神经网络 (GNN) 使用关系图作为外部知识库$\overline{\mathbb{E}}[$Zhou et al., 2018]; 有些作品甚至考虑了更具体的领域知识,例如可微的原始谓词和程序$\mathbb{E}[$Dong et al.,2019; Gaunt et al., 2017]。然而,很难设计一个统一的可微
分模块来准确地表示一般的关系知识,它可能包含复杂的推理结构,如递归[Glasmachers,2017;Garcez et al., 2019]
因此,许多研究人员建议将端到端学习管道分开, 并构建一个由较小模块组成的混合模型,其中每个模块仅占一个特定功能$\mathbb{E}[$Glasmachers,2017]。这一研究领域的一个代表性分支是神经符号 (NeuroSymbolic)AI [De Raedt et al., 2020; Garcez et al. 2019],旨在桥接系统 1 和系统 2AI [Kahneman, 2011; Bengio, 2017] , i。e。基于神经网络的机器学习和基于符号的关系推理
但是,基于从原始数据中提取的事实及其真值,在神经和符号系统之间的不可微分接口中缺乏监督,导致学习$\operatorname{E}[$Li et al., 2020; Dai et al., 2019] 的计算复杂度很高。因此,几乎所有的神经符号模型都假定存在非常强大的预定义领域知识库,并且无法执行程序归纳。这限制了混合结构模型的表达能力,并牺牲了符号学习的许多好处 (例如。g。,谓词发明,学习递归理论,并将学习的模型重新用作背景知识)。在本文中,我们将神经网络与归纳逻辑编程 (ILP)$\operatorname{E}[$Muggleton and de Raedt, 1994] 集成在一起,以实现从原始数据进行一阶逻辑理论归纳。更具体地说,我们提出了归纳元解释学习$(Meta_{Abd})$, 它通过将逻辑归纳和归纳$\mathbb{E}[$Flach et al.,2000] 与元解释学习 (MIL)$\operatorname{E}[$Muggleton et al., 2015] 中的神经网络相结合,扩展了归纳学习(ABL)框架$\overline{\mathrm{E}}[$Dai et al.,2019; Zhou, 2019] 。$Meta_{Abd}$利用神经网络从原始数据中提取概率逻辑事实,并归纳出一个可有效推断事实真值的演绎逻辑程序 [Kakas et al., 1992] 来训练神经模型
## 2 Related Work
解决“系统 $2”$ 问题需要关系和逻辑推理的能力$\mathbb{E}[$Kahneman, 2011; Bengio, 2017] 。由于其复杂性,许多研究人员试图将复杂的背景知识嵌人端到端深度学习模型中。。例如,[Trask et al., 2018] 提出了可微分神经算术逻辑单元(NALU) 来模拟基本算术函数(e。g。、加法、 乘法等。) 在神经细胞中;$\operatorname{E}[$Grover et al.,2019] 用随机 | [
] | [
"Wang-Zhou Dai, Stephen H.Muggleton",
"Department of Computing, Imperial College London, London, UK",
"f w.dai, s.muggleton I",
"For many reasoning-heavy tasks involving raw",
"inputs, it is challenging to design an appro-",
"priate end-to-end learning pipeline.",
"Symbolic Learning, divide the process into sub-",
"symbolic perception and symbolic reasoning,",
"trying to utilise data-driven machine learn-",
"Symbolic)AI[De Raedt et al., 2020; Garcez et al.",
"ing and knowledge-driven reasoning simultane-",
"ously. However, they suffer from the exponen-",
"tial computational complexity within the in",
"terface between these two components, where",
"the sub-symbolic learning model lacks direct",
"supervision, and the symbolic model lacks ac-",
"curate input facts. Hence, most of them as-",
"sume the existence of a strong symbolic knowl-",
"edge base and only learn the perception model",
"while avoiding a crucial problem: where does",
"the knowledge come from? In this paper, we",
"present Abductive Meta-Interpretive Learning",
"(MetaAbd ) that unites abduction and induc-",
"tion to learn neural networks and induce logic",
"theories jointly from raw data. Experimental",
"results demonstrate that MetaAbd not only out-",
"performs the compared systems in predictive",
"accuracy and data efficiency but also induces",
"logic programsthat canbe re-used as back-",
"ground knowledge in subsequent learning tasks.",
"To the best of our knowledge, MetaAbd is the",
"first system that can jointly learn neural net-",
"works from scratch and induce recursive first-",
"Grover et al.,2019;Trasketal.,2018。为了利用离",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2010.03514",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 2
} |
2402.16041-zh-0 | 2402.16041-zh-0.jpg | $\underline{\text{Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024}}$
Shuhai Zhang$^12*$,Yiliao Song$^{3*}$,Jiahao Yang$^1$, Yuanqing Li$^{21\dagger}$,Bo Han$^5\dagger$, Mingkui Tan$^{14\dagger}$ South China University of Technology$^1$ Pazhou Laboratory$^2$ The University of Adelaide$^3$ Key Laboratory of Big Data and Intelligent Robot, Ministry of Education$^{4}$
Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University$^{5}$
[email protected]; [email protected]
# Abstract
Large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT have exhibited remarkable performance in generating human-like texts. However, machine- $\dot{\text{generated texts (MGTs) may carry critical risks, such as plagiarism issues,}}$ misleading information, or hallucination issues. Therefore, it is very ur- gent and important to detect MGTs in many situations. Unfortunately, it is challenging to distinguish MGTs and human-written texts because the distributional discrepancy between them is often very subtle due to the remarkable performance of LLMs. In this paper, we seek to exploit maximum ${\mathrm{mean~discrepancy~(MMD)~to~address~this~issue~in~the~sense~that~MMD~can}}$ well identify distributional discrepancies. However, directly training a detector with MMD using diverse MGTs will incur a significantly increased variance of MMD since MGTs may contain multiple text populations due to various LLMs. This will severely impair MMD's ability to measure the difference between two samples. To tackle this, we propose a novel multipopulation aware optimization method for MMD called MMD-MP, which can avoid variance increases and thus improve the stability to measure the $\operatorname*{distributional}$discrepancy. Relying on MMD-MP, we develop two methods for paragraph-based and sentence-based detection, respectively. Extensive experiments on various LLMs, e.g., GPT2 and ChatGPT, show superior detection performance of our MMD-MP. The source code is available at $\tilde{\text{https:}//\text{}}.$
随着大型语言模型 (LLM) 的发展,这些模型 (例如 GPT3 (Brown et al.,2020))生成的文本自然,流畅且高质量。这些机器生成的文本(MGT)与人类生成的文本(HWTs)非常相似,并且在自然语言处理,e.g., 文本摘要 (Liu& Lapata, 2019) , 对话生成 (Li et al., 2016) 和机器翻译 (Bahdanau et al., 2014) 中具有许多有前途的应用。。然而,现有的 LLM 可能会产生虚假新闻(Zellers et al., 2019) , 垃圾邮件 (Guo et al., 2020) 和网络钓鱼 (Hong, 2012),遭受事实错误,幻觉和偏见(Zhang et al., 2023b; Li et al., 2023)。这对在线信息的可信度和安全性 (Liu et al., 2023; Zhou et al., 2023a;b) 构成了威胁,需要先进的 MGT 检测技术。不幸的是,区分 MGT 和 HWT 是具有挑战性的,因为它们之间的分布差异本质上是微妙的 (Tian et al., 2023)
为了检测 MGT, 现有的基于度量的方法 (Gehrmann et al., 2019; Mitchell et al., 2023) Solaiman et al., 2019) 使用一些统计信息 (e.g., 对数似然) 对测试文本为 MGT 的概率进行评分,当用于训练评分模型的文本与测试的 MGT 之间存在较大的语言域差距时,这种方法的效果较差。另一种策略是基于模型的方法 (Solaiman et al., 2019; Guo et al., 2023) , 它严重依赖特定的 MGT 类型,难以适应其他类型的 MGT。这些方法在有效捕获 MGT 和HWT 之间的分布差异方面面临挑战,从而限制了它们的检测能力
$^{*}$Equal contribution.$^\dagger$Corresponding author.
1 | [
] | [
"Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024",
"Shuhai Zhang12* Yiliao Song3+, Jiahao Yang, Yuanqing Li21t, Bo Han5t, Mingkui Tan14t",
"South China University of TechnologylPazhou Laboratory2The University of Adelaide3",
"Key Laboratory of Big Data and Intelligent Robot, Ministry of Education4",
"Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist Universitys",
"[email protected]; [email protected]",
"Large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT have exhibited remark",
"able performance in generating human-like texts.However, machine-",
"generated texts (MGTs) may carry critical risks, such as plagiarism issues",
"misleading information, or hallucination issues. Therefore, it is very ur",
"gent and important to detect MGTs in many situations. Unfortunately, it",
"is challenging to distinguish MGTs and human-written texts because the",
"distributional discrepancy between them is often very subtle due to the re",
"markable performance of LLMs. In this paper, we seek to exploit maximum",
"mean discrepancy (MMD) to address this issue in the sense that MMD can",
"well identify distributional discrepancies.However,directlytraining a de",
"tector with MMD using diverse MGTs will incur a significantly increased",
"variance of MMD since MGTs may contain multiple text populations due",
"to various LLMs. This will severely impair MMD's ability to measure the",
"difference between two samples: To tackle this, we propose",
"population aware optimization method for MMD called MMD-MP, which",
"can avoid variance increases and thus improve the stability to measure the",
"distributional discrepancy. Relying on MMD-MP, we develop two methods",
"for paragraph-based and sentence-based detection, respectively. Extensive",
"experiments on various LLMs, e.g., GPT2 and ChatGPT, show superion",
"detection performance of our MMD-MP. The source code is available at",
"*Equal contribution.Corresponding author.",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2402.16041",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 0
} |
2402.16041-zh-1 | 2402.16041-zh-1.jpg | $\underline{\text{Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024}}$
(b) Variance of MMD
(c) Test Power of MMD
Figure 1: Illustration of MMD values, MMD variances, and the test power of MMD-D and
our MMD-MP during the optimization process. As the number of $S_{\mathbb{Q}}^{tr}$ populations ( i.e., $q$ ) increases, MMD-D shows an increase in MMD, accompanied by a sharp rise in variance, resulting in unstable test power during testing. In contrast, our MMD-MP exhibits minimal variance in MMD values, leading to higher and more stable test power during testing.
在本文中,我们试图利用最大平均差异(MMD)来解决上述问题,因为它具有强大的识别分布差异的能力 (Liu et al., 2020; 2021) 。然而,直接应用 MMD 不能有效地检测 MGT。此任务通常涉及来自不同人群的数据,e.g., 由不同 LLM (e.g., GPT-3 (Brown et al., 2020) , ChatGPT (OpenAI, 2022) ) 或不同 LLM 设置 (e.g., 温度,前 k 采样 (Vilnis et al., 2023) )生成的文本。这些人群在语言风格和句法结构上可能存在很大差异,从而导致 MGT 的显着变化。在这种情况下训练深核 MMD (MMD-D, Liu et al.(2020))会产生高方差问题(i.e., 图 1 (b)中 MMD-D 的大方差)。这意味着 HWTs 和 MGTs之间的估计差异波动很大,从而导致不可靠和不稳定的检测(图 1(c)中 MMD-D 的低测试功率)
本文率先探索基于内核的 MMD 的优化机制。当我们使用来自多个种群的数据训练内核时, 估计的 MMD 随着其方差的显着增长而增加(参见图1(a)-(b)以及 2.3 节中的更多解释)。这种现象是由于基于内核的 MMD 的优化目标中 MGT 内的类内距离而产生的。此距离在很大程度上阻碍了旨在聚合 MGT 的优化过程,从而导致 MGT 检测的 MMD 波动很大。在本文中,我们为 MMD 提出了一种新颖的多种群感知优化方法,称为 MMD-MP,该方法使用多种群代理来消除聚合 MGT 中所有实例的约束。通过这种方式,我们可以实现MGT 和 HWT 之间的 MMD 的低方差,从而导致更稳定的差异估计和更可靠的检测(参见图 1 (b)-(c) 中的 MMD-MP 结果)。此外,使用经过训练的深度内核,我们分别开发了两种基于段落的检测和基于句子的检测方法。ChatGPT, GPT2 系列,GPT3 系列和GPT-Neo 系列等各种 LLM 的经验证据表明了我们方法的优越性。我们的贡献总结为:
1)我们深人研究了 MMD 的优化机制,并揭示了在处理来自多个不同种群的训练数据时
MMD 的高方差会导致 MGT 检测的不稳定差异估计
2)我们提出了一种新颖的多种群感知优化方法,用于训练基于内核的 MMD(称为 MMD-
MP),该方法可以缓解 MMD-D 的不良优化并提高差异度量的稳定性
3) 依靠提出的 MMD-MP, 我们设计了两种新颖的 MGT 检测方法。包括 ChatGPT, GPT2系列,GPT3 系列,GPT-Neo 系列在内的众多 LLM 的广泛实验表明,我们的方法始终优于现有的基线
# 2 Preliminaries and Motivations
# 2.1 Preliminaries
双样本测试 (2ST)。令$\mathbb{P}$ , $\mathbb{Q}$为$\mathcal{X}\subset\mathbb{R}^d$上的 Borel 概率度量。我们观察到独立的同分布(IID)数据$S_\mathbb{P}=\{\mathrm{x}_i\}_{i=1}^n\sim\mathbb{P}^n$和$S_\mathbb{Q}=\{\mathrm{y}_j\}_{j=1}^m\sim\mathbb{Q}^m$ 。2ST 旨在确定$\mathbb{P}$和$\mathbb{Q}$是否来自相同的分布,i.e., $\mathbb{P}=\mathbb{Q}$ (Borgwardt et al., 2006; Liu et al., 2020)
单实例检测 (SID)。令$\mathbb{P}$为$\mathcal{X}\subset\mathbb{R}^d$和 IID 观测$S_\mathbb{P}=\{\mathrm{x}_i\}_{i=1}^n\sim\mathbb{P}^n$上的 Borel 概率度量,SID
旨在判断测试实例$\tilde{\text{y 是否来自分布 }\mathbb{P}}$
$\begin{array}{cccccc}\text{最 大 平均 差 异。在}&\text{Gretton}&\text{et}&\text{al.}&(2012);&\text{Liu}&\text{et}&\text{al.}\\(2020)&\text{之后,}&\text{最 大 平均 差 异}&\text{XMAXXMAX1}&\text{和}&\text{MA-}\end{array}$
2 | [
] | [
"Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024",
"MMD-D (=2)",
"≥ 0.2",
" 0.005",
"0.00 8886668889888",
"MMD-MP (q=4)",
"(a) MMD",
"(c) Test Power of MMD",
"Figure l:",
"Illustration of MMD values, MMD variances, and the test power of MMD-D and",
"our MMD-MP during the optimization process. As the number of St populations (i.e., q",
") increases, MMD-D shows an increase in MMD, accompanied by a sharp rise in variance",
"resulting in unstable test power during testing. In contrast, our MMD-MP exhibits minimal",
"variance in MMD values, leading to higher and more stable test power during testing.",
"2 ",
"Preliminaries and Motivations",
"2.1 Preliminaries",
"分布,i.e.,P=Q(Borgwardt etal.,2006;Liu et al.2020)",
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"arxiv_id": "2402.16041",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 1
} |
2402.16041-zh-2 | 2402.16041-zh-2.jpg | $\underline{\text{Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024}}$
(d) Var (MMD-MP),
Figure 2{:} $\mathbb{E} ( k)$ in MMD and their variances under two optimization methods (MMD-MP is ours). Subfigures (a) and (b) depict the value of each $\tilde{\mathbb{E}}(k)$ in MMD during training by MMD-D and MMD-MP with $q=1$ and $q=3$ , respectively. Subfigures (c) and (d) illustrate $\begin{array}{l}\text{the variances of some terms associated with MMD, i.e., }\sigma_{{\tilde{9}_{1}}}^{2}\mathrm{~when~training~by~MMD-D~and}\\\text{MMD-MP, respectively.}\end{array}$ 测试电源。测试能力是当$\mathbb{P}\neq\mathbb{Q}$时拒绝零假设( $\mathfrak{S}_0:\mathbb{P}=\mathbb{Q}$ )的概率。A higher test power indicates a greater level of certainty regarding the distributional discrepancy. 对于相当大的$n$ , Liu et al. (2020)发现功率几乎与
$J(\mathbb{P},\mathbb{Q};k_{\omega})=$MMD$^2(\mathbb{P},\mathbb{Q};k_{\omega})/\sigma_{5_{1}}(\mathbb{P},\mathbb{Q};k_{\omega})$,where $\sigma _{5_{1}}^{2}: = 4\left ( \mathbb{E} \left [ H_{ij}H_{i\ell }\right ] - \mathbb{E} \left [ H_{ij}\right ] ^{2}\right )$
2.2 High Variance Problem of Kernel-based MMD in Multiple Populations
实际上,我们可能会从 GPT3 (Brown et al., 2020) , ChatGPT (OpenAI, 2022) 等不同 LLM 生成的文本混合物中收集具有多个不同人群的训练数据$S_{\mathbb{Q}}^{tr}$ 。由于不同的语言模型生成了不同的语言风格,这可能会导致生成的文本发生重大变化。在这种情况下,尽管我们可以最大化标准$\hat{J}$ $( \color{red} {1})$来优化内核$k_\omega$,但存在高方差
为了验证上述现象,我们通过最大化 Eqn 来演示训练期间的 MMD 值及其方差。(1)下不同数量的$S_{\mathbb{Q}}^{tr}$种群( i.e., $q$ )。根据图$\overline{\mathbf{E}}$1 (a)-(b),用于 MMD-D 的$S_{\mathbb{P}}^{tr}$和$S_{\mathbb{Q}}^{tr}$之间的MMD 增加,这对于 MGT 检测是可取的,但是其方差同时增加,这将使检测性能恶化。这种现象的影响随着$q$的增加而恶化。这表明具有较大变化的种群$S_{0}^{tr}$使得原始 MMD 的优化更具挑战性
高方差导致基于内核的 MMD 的优化效果不佳。尽管基于内核的 MMD 被广泛用于识别分布差异,但有限的文献已经探索了其优化机制,这可能是由于其复杂的数学格式。具体来说,当最大化 Eqn 中的$\hat{J}$时。(1),确定 MMD 值及其方差的个体变化具有挑战性,从而导致对 MMD 中每个术语的复杂分析。为了解决这个问题,我们将 MMD 的方差分解如下, 并进行实证研究,以证明图E2 中训练期间每个组件的趋势及其方差。进一步的详细分析在第 2.3 节中提供
MMD 方差中的分量。我们介绍$H^* = k_\omega ($x$, \mathrm{x} ^\prime ) - k_\omega ($x$, \mathrm{y} ^\prime ) - k_\omega ( \mathrm{y} ^{\prime }$,x)及其方差
Var$(\mathbb{E}[H^{*}])=$Var$( \mathbb{E} [ k_{\omega }($x$, \mathrm{x} ^\prime ) ] ) - 2$Cov$( \mathbb{E} [ k_{\omega }($x$, \mathrm{x} ^\prime ) ] , \mathbb{E} [ 2k_{\omega }($x,y)])+Var$( \mathbb{E} [ 2k_{\omega }($x,y)])。在这里,
3 | [
] | [
"Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024",
"(a) E(k) ,q=l",
"(b) E(k),q=3",
"(c) Var (MMD-D), q=3",
"_ Var(2kxy)",
"Figure 2: E(k) in MMD and their variances under two optimization methods (MMD-MP",
"is ours). Subfigures (a) and (b) depict the value of each E(k) in MMD during training by",
"MMD-D and MMD-MP with q=1 and q=3 , respectively. Subfigures (c) and (d) illustrate",
"the variances of some terms associated with MMD, i.e., og, when training by MMD-D and",
"MMD-MP, respectively",
"indicates a greater level of certainty regarding the distributional discrepancy.对于相当大",
"J(P, Q; kw) = MMD’(P,Q; kw)/αsi(P, Q; kw), where o := 4 (E[H,Hi] - E[Hi,]?)",
"MIMD(Sn.Soik),where 03:=2(2H)",
"2.2High Variance Problem of Kernel-based MMD in Multiple Populations",
"Var(E[H*J)-Var(E[ku (x,x')])-2Cov(E[kw(x,x)], E[2kw(x,y)])+Var(E[2kw (x,y)]) 。在这里,",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2402.16041",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 2
} |
2402.16041-zh-3 | 2402.16041-zh-3.jpg | $\underline{\text{Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024}}$
$\mathbb{E}$表示对从 MGT 和 HWT 采样的两个种群进行期望,而 Var 表示对这些采样种群进行方差。然后可以将 MMD 的方差分解为:Var$(\mathbb{E}[H^*])+$Var$( \mathbb{E} [ k_\omega ($y$, \mathrm{y} ^\prime ) ] ) + 2$Cov$( \mathbb{E} [ H^* ] , \mathbb{E} [ k_\omega ($y$, \mathrm{y} ^\prime ) ] )$ 。通过这种分解,我们发现 MMD 方差的变化基本上来自$k_\omega ($x$, \mathrm{x} ^\prime )$ , $k_\omega ($x,y)和$k_\omega ($y$, \mathrm{y} ^\prime )$ 的方差变化,在图E2 中表示为 kxx , kxy 和 kyy
2.3 Optimization Mechanism of Kernel-based MMD
我们得出的结论是,在优化过程中,我们应该排除$S_{\mathbb{Q}}^{tr}$中的类内距离。为了阐明这一点,我们举例说明了一些关键的观察结果,然后解释了这些现象。观察结果:i)在图 2(a)-(b) $\begin{array}{l}\text{中,E[k}_\omega(\mathrm{x},\mathrm{x}^{\prime})]&\text{和 }\mathbb{E}[k_\omega(\mathrm{y},\mathrm{y}^{\prime})]\end{array}$均表现出总体上升趋势,而 $\mathbb{E}[k_\omega(\mathrm{x},\mathrm{y})]&\text{则表现出相对较小的}\\\text{中,E[k}_\omega(\mathrm{x},\mathrm{x}^{\prime})]&\text{和 }\mathbb{E}[k_\omega(\mathrm{y},\mathrm{y}^{\prime})]&\text{均表现出总体上升趋势,而 }\mathbb{E}[k_\omega(\mathrm{x},\mathrm{y})]&\text{则表现出相对较小的}\\&\text{则表现出相对较小的}\\&\:\mathbb{E}[k_\omega(\mathrm{x},\mathrm{x}^{\prime})]&\:\mathbb{E}[k_\omega(\mathrm{$ 变化。ii) 随着种群数量$q$的增加,$\mathbb{E} [ k_\omega ($y$, \mathrm{y} ^\prime ) ]$变得比$\mathbb{E} [ k_\omega ($x$, \mathrm{x} ^\prime ) ]$小 ,并且它们之间的间隙变宽。ii)在图 2 (c) 中,MMD 的方差主要由$\mathbb{E} [ k_\omega ($x$, \mathrm{x} ^\prime ) ]$和$\mathbb{E} [ k_\omega ($y$, \mathrm{y} ^\prime ) ]$的方差决定,而不是其他项。iv 附录)当$S_{\mathbb{Q}}^{tr}$中的 MGT 包含多个不同的种群 (图 2 (c) 中的$\mathbb{E} [ k_\omega ($y$, \mathrm{y} ^\prime ) ]$ $,q=3$ )时,通过 MMD-$\tilde{\mathcal{D}}$优化的$\mathbb{E}[k_\omega($y,y$^\prime)]$具有显着差异,以及$\mathbb{E}[k_\omega($x,x$^\prime)]$中的不同说明:首先,i)和 ii) 表明,随着$q$的增加,在使用高斯内核同时优化$k_\omega ($x$, \mathrm{x} ^\prime )$和$k_\omega ($y$, \mathrm{y} ^\prime )$ 时,在$S_{\mathbb{Q}}^{tr}$ (MGT) 中聚合实例比在$S_{\mathbb{P}}^{tr}$ (HWTS) 中聚合实例更具挑战性,因为同时优化。其次,üi) 和 iv) 表示目标$\hat{J}$ (1)以类似的方式影响有关$S_{\mathbb{P}}^{tr}$和$S_{\mathbb{Q}}^{tr}$的每个项的优化。因此,通过相同的核函数映射后,它们的分布特征,例如$k_\mathrm{\omega}$的均值和方差,表现出相似的变化趋势
此外,优化的内核函数$\mathbb{E}[k_\omega($y,y$^\prime)]$不仅会 a) 将$S_{\mathbb{Q}}^{tr}$中的随机成对 MGT 实例 (y,y') 彼此靠近地映射,从而使映射的 MGT 更加均匀;而且 b)在$S_{\mathbb{Q}}^{tr}$中执行用于聚合 MGT 的隐式“配对规则”。在整个优化过程中,共享这些规则以配对$S_{\mathbb{P}}^{t\tilde{r}}$中的 HWT 实例。当$S_{\mathbb{Q}}^{tr}$中的MGT 包含不同的种群时,$S_\mathbb{Q}^{tr}$对中的差异可能很大。应用配对规则可能会无意中将$S_\mathbb{P}^{tr}$中的 HWT 实例映射到远离其中心的位置,从而导致$k_\omega ($x$, \mathrm{x} ^\prime )$的波动增加,从而导致更大的Var$(\mathbb{E}[k_\omega($x,x$^\prime)])$ 。同样,$S_\mathbb{P}^tr$中 HWT 的配对规则对$S_\mathbb{Q}^{tr}$中的 MGT 产生负面影响,但程度较小,因为$S_\mathbb{P}$是 IID, 这意味着$S_\mathbb{P}$实例具有更相似的统计特征。$S_\mathbb{P}^{tr}$中 HWT 的配对规则不需要与$S_{\textcircled{0}}^{tr}$中聚合非 IIDMGT 的规则一样强。因此,我们将在整个优化过程中排除与$\mathbb{E}[k_\omega($y,y')] 关联的$S_\mathbb{Q}^tr$中的类内距离。我们还探讨了附录 G 中排除$\mathbb{E}[k_\omega($x,x')]的情况
# 3 Proposed Methods
3.1 Problem Defnition
问题定义。令$\mathbb{P}$为可分离度量空间$\mathcal{X}\subset\mathbb{R}^d$和 HWT 分布 P 的 IID 观测$S_\mathbb{P}=\{\mathrm{x}_i\}_{i=1}^n$上的Borel 概率度量,我们旨在判断即将到来的数据$S_\mathbb{Q}=\{\mathrm{y}_j\}_{j=1}^m$是否来自分布$\mathbb{P}$ 。请注意,$S_\mathbb{Q}$ 可以是由多个不同 LLM 生成的 HWT 或 MGT。当$m=1$时,问题可以被视为单实例检测任务
MGT 检测的挑战。HWTs 和 MGT 之间的区别 (e.g., 来自 GPT-4 等 LLM 的文本)本质上很小,尤其是在诸如单个句子之类的较短文本中,因此很难区分它们。此外,LLM 的多样性导致生成的语言风格发生重大变化,这进一步增加了 MGT 检测的难度。尽管深核MMD (MMD-D)可以有效地测量分布差异,但由多个 LLM 生成的具有实质性差异的文本在训练深核 e.g.时面临挑战,MMD 的高方差。MMD 的这种高方差将导致分布差异的不稳定估计,最终导致 MGT 检测的性能不令人满意
3.2 MMD-MP for MGT Detection
如前所述,我们不考虑优化$S_{\textcircled{2}}^{tr}$中的类内距离。取而代之的是,我们提出了一种基于代理MPP 的基于内核的 MMD ( MMD-MP) 的多种群感知优化,方法是最大化一个新目标,如Eqn。( 2),并显示算法 1 中的训练算法。
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"Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024",
"2.3Optimization Mechanism of Kernel-based MMD",
"3.2MMD-MP for MGT Detection",
"J(P,Q; kw) = MPP(P, Q; kw)/osr(P,Q; kw),",
"MPP(P,Q; H) := E[kw (X,X') - 2kw(X,Y)]",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2402.16041",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 3
} |
2402.16041-zh-4 | 2402.16041-zh-4.jpg | $\underline{\text{Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024}}$
<td>Algorithm 2 Testing with MMD-MP for 25 rrT</td>
<td>Algorithm 3 Testing with MMD-MP for SID</td>
<td>${\mathrm{Snume~}}{\mathcal{D}}_{\mathcal{P}}\cup{\mathcal{E}}$ $D_{\textcircled{1}}$ ${\mathrm{lnto~}}S_{X}{\mathrm{and~}}S_{Y};$ 2 $\mathrm{perm}_{i}{\leftarrow}\mathrm{MMD}_{u}(S_{X},S_{Y};k_{\omega})$ using Eqn. $\tilde{(}??);$ end for</td>
<td>$Q_{j}{\leftarrow}\tilde{\mathrm{MM}}\tilde{\mathrm{D}}_{b}\left(S_{\mathbb{P}}^{re},\{\mathrm{y}_{j}\};k_{\omega}\right)$using Eqn. (9): end for Output: AUROC value with two sets $\{P_{i}\},\{Q_{j}\}$</td>
从经验上讲,我们可以用无偏估计器近似 MPP
$$\widehat{\mathrm{MPP}}_{u}(S_{\mathbb{P}},S_{\mathbb{Q}};k_{\omega})=\frac{1}{n(n-1)}\sum_{i\neq j}H_{ij}^{*},\:\mathrm{where}\:H_{ij}^{*}:=k_{\omega}(\mathrm{x}_{i},\mathrm{x}_{j})-k_{\omega}(\mathrm{x}_{i},\mathrm{y}_{j})-k_{\omega}(\mathrm{y}_{i},\mathrm{x}_{j}).$$
此外,我们可以估计 Eqn。( 2 )by
Algorithm 1 Training deep kernel with MMD-
Input: $S_{\mathbb{P}}^{tr},S_{\mathbb{Q}}^{tr}$, a frozen feature extractor $\hat{f};$
$\omega \leftarrow \omega _{0}$ ; $\lambda \leftarrow 10^{- 8}$ ;
$k_{\omega}\leftarrow$kernel function using Eqn. (??);
$\bar{M}(\omega)\leftarrow\widehat{\mathrm{MPP}}_{u}(S_{\mathbb{P}}^{tr},S_{\mathbb{Q}}^{tr};k_{\omega})$ using Eqn. (4);
$V_{\lambda}(\omega)\leftarrow\hat{\sigma}_{{\tilde{S}_{1}^{*}}}^{2}(S_{{\mathfrak{P}}}^{tr},\underline{{S_{{\mathbb{Q}}}^{tr};\tilde{k}_{\omega}}})$ using Eqn. (6);
$\hat{J}_{\lambda}(\omega)\leftarrow M(\omega)/\sqrt{V_{\lambda}(\omega)}$ as in Eqn. (5);
Output: $k_{\omega }$
目标函数 Eqn。( 2 )
与 MMD (Borgwardt et al., 2006; Gretton et al., 2012) 不同,Eqm 中的代理 MPP。( 4)不包含与$S_{\mathbb{Q}}$相关的$k_\omega ($y, y) 。但 是 , $\widehat{MPP} _u$仍然是$U$ -统计量 (Serfling, 2009) , 如$\widehat{\mathrm{MMD}}_u^2$, 具有许多理想的统计特性,可方便地进行理论分析。请注意,尽管为内核训练最大化$\widetilde{\mathrm{MPP}}_u$ 很简单,但它忽略了方差,并可能导致不稳定的差异(请参阅附录 E 中的更多详细信息)。为了解决这个问题,我们分析了$\tilde{\mathrm{MP}}\tilde{\mathrm{P}}_u$的渐近性,并得出其测试能力如下
Proposition 1. (Asymptotics of $\widehat\text{MPP}_u)$ Under the alternative $\tilde{\mathfrak{j}}_1:\mathbb{P}\neq\mathbb{Q}$, based on a
standard central limit theorem, we have:
where $\sigma _{5_{1}^{* }}^{2}: = 4\left ( \mathbb{E} [ H_{12}^{* }H_{13}^{* }] - \mathbb{E} [ H_{12}^{* }] ^{2}\right ) , H_{12}^{* }$ $, H_{13}^{* }$ denote different $H_ij^{*}$
Corollary 1. (Test power of MPP$_u)$ For reasonably large $n$, the probability of rejecting the
null hypothesis $\mathfrak{S}_0:\mathbb{P}=\mathbb{Q}$ when $\mathbb{P}\neq\mathbb{Q}$ is given by:
$\mathrm{where~Pr}_{\tilde{9}_{1}^{*},r}^{\mathrm{MPP}}:=$Pr$\left(n\left[\widehat{\mathrm{MPP}}_{u}+R(S_{\mathbb{Q}})\right]>r\right)$and$R( S_{\mathbb{Q} }) = \frac 1{n( n- 1) }\sum _{i\neq j}k_{\omega }( \mathrm{y} _{i}, \mathrm{y} _{j}) > 0$ $, \Phi$
is the standard normal $^{\mathrm{L}}$cumulative distribution function.
备注 2 注意,我们不排除 Eqn 中的术语$R(S_{\mathbb{Q}})$。(8)由于$n\widehat{\mathrm{MPP}}_u$的不确定收敛性(可能与内核$k_\omega$有关),当$\mathbb{P}=\mathbb{Q}$。相反$,n\overbrace{\mathrm{MMD}}_u^2=n[\widehat{\mathrm{MPP}}_u+R(S_{\mathbb{Q}})]$已被证明是收敛的 ( $^\prime$retton et al.(2012)、宗理 12)。这使我们能够找到具有拒绝阈值的计似功率,如$r$ (Liu et al., 2020)
推论 (1)表明,给定$r$和$\sigma_{5\mathrm{f}_1^*}$为常数,对于相当大的$n$, MPP 的测试能力由$\Phi$内部的第一项控制。正如2.3节所建议的那样,当删除$S_Q^{tr}$ (i.e., $R(S_\mathbb{Q})>0$ )中的类内距离时,我们最后优化了 Eqn。(2)用于 MGT 检测
5 | [
] | [
"Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024",
"Algorithm 2 Testing with MMD-MP for",
"Algorithm 3 Testing with MMD-MP for SID",
"Input:Referenced HWT Sre,testing texts",
"Input: Testing texts Ste , Ste , f, kw ;",
"Ste, Ste :",
"for xi,yj in Ste, ste do",
"est-MMD(Ste, Ste; ku) using Eqn. (??):",
"for i = 1,2,...,nperm do",
"PiMMD (Sre,(xi);kw)using Eqn. (9);",
"Shufle Ste u ste into Sx and Sy ;",
"Qj+-MMD, (Sre, (yil;ku) using Eqn. (9);",
"perm,+MMD(Sx, Sy; ku) using Eqn.",
"end for",
"AUROC value with two sets",
"end for",
"(P], (Q;)",
"perm 1(perm,≥est)",
"Hit,where Ht:=hw(xi,x))-kw(xi,yj)-ku(yi,xj).(4)",
"n(n-1) 4",
"MPPu(Sp, So; kw)=",
"MPPu(Sp, SQ; kw)",
"J(Se, So; kw) :",
"Input: Str , Str , a frozen feature extractor f :",
"for T=1,2,.",
"kw +- kernel function using Eqn. (??):",
"M(w) MPPu(Str, Str: kw) using Eqn. (4);",
"V(w) +02. (Spr, Sur;kw) using Eqn. (6);",
"Jx(w) M(w)/ Vv(w) as in Eqn. (5);",
"w+nVAdamJx(w) ;",
"end for",
"Output: ka",
"Proposition 1.(Asymptotics of MPPu ) Under the alternative Si : P Q, based on a",
"standard centrai limit theorem, we have:",
"where o%: := 4 (E[Hi2Hi3] -E[Hi2]2) , Hi2, Hi3 denote diferent H,",
"Corollary 1.(Test power of MPPu)For reasonably large n, the probability of rejecting the",
"null hypothesis o : P= Q when P + Q is given by:",
"Vn(MPP +R(SQ) -",
"where Pr :=Pr(n[MPPu+ R(So)]>) and R(So)=Z+ ku(vy) >0,重",
"is the standard normal cumulative distribution function.",
"et al., 2020)",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2402.16041",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 4
} |
2305.18732-zh-0 | 2305.18732-zh-0.jpg | # Wrapped Cauchy Distributed Angular Softmax for Long-Tailed Visual $\textbf{Recognition}$
Boran Han $^{1}$
# Abstract
Addressing imbalanced or long-tailed data is a major challenge in visual recognition tasks due to disparities between training and testing distributions and issues with data noise. We propose the Wrapped Cauchy Distributed Angular Softmax (WCDAS), a novel softmax function that incorporates data-wise Gaussianbased kernels into the angular correlation between feature representations and classifier weights, effectively mitigating noise and sparse sampling concerns. The class-wise distribution of angular representation becomes a sum of these kernels. Our theoretical analysis reveals that the wrapped Cauchy distribution excels the Gaussian distribution in approximating mixed distributions. Additionally, WCDAS uses trainable concentration parameters to dynamically adjust the compactness and margin of each class. Empirical results confirm label-aware behavior in these parameters and demonstrate WCDAS's superiority over other state-of-the-art softmax-based methods in handling long-tailed visual recognition across multiple benchmark datasets. The code is public available.
## 1. Introduction
深度卷积神经网络是计算机视觉任务的主要方法,包括视觉识别。这种优势在很大程度上归功于它们强大的表示学习,这种技术可以将目标图像简化为具有较少维数的向量空间。倒数第二层促进了这一关键步骤, 随后将其馈送到最终分类器中,然后是 softmax 函数, 该函数计算输入图像在$j$类中的概率:$P(y=j\mid\boldsymbol{x})$ (Bridle, 1989; Goodfellow et al., 2016)。然而,大多数图像识别任务已经在平衡良好的数据集上得到了证明。。相比之下,大多数现实世界的数据都带有不平衡的分
$^{1}$ Amazon Web Services, AI. Work done while at Shell. Correspondence to: Boran Han<boranhan@>. Proceedings of the 40$^{th}$ International Conference on Machine $Learning$,Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. PMLR 202, 2023. Copyright 2023 by the author(s).
布:少数高频类包含许多训练示例,而许多低频类的训练示例不足。这种情况被称为长尾识别(Liu et al., 2019) , 用这样的数据集训练的标准方法往往不会产生与平衡的 (Liu et al., 2019; Lin et al., 2017; Cui et al., 2021)相同的性能
许多研究都集中在长尾识别上,试图通过类平衡采样或类重新加权 (Han et al., 2005; Kang et al., 2020; Kubát & Matwin, 1997; Huang et al., 2016; 2020; Hong et al., 2023) 来重新平衡数据分布。但是,在优化 (Huang et al., 2016; 2020) 期间,它们可能无法代表多数类 (Han et al., 2005; Kang et al., 2020; Kubát & Matwin, 1997) 或使网络不稳定。。In addition to direct sampling, focal loss (Lin et al., 2017) adopts loss function emphasizing samples with larger loss value. However, it inevitably involves hyperparameters tuning by cross-validation. An alternative method is to adopt a label-aware correction via introducing a class-wise generalization error bound, such as Label-Distribution-Aware Margin Loss (LDAM) (Cao et al., 2019) and Balanced Meta-Softmax (BALMS) (Ren et al., 2020). Cao, et. al. have proved that to improve the accuracy in recognizing long-tailed distributed data, classes with fewer training examples should have a higher generalization error bound (Cao et al., 2019) . However, both LDAM and BALMS can be vulnerable when the number of examples per class is unknown and constantly changing. Therefore, further corrections are required for continuous training. Meta-Weight-Net (Shu et al., 2019) and Equilibrium loss (Feng et al., 2021) are developed for class re-weighting and inter-class margin correction, which require no visibility to the underlying data distribution. $\hat{\text{However,those methodscan either}}$ be subject to lengthy training time due to the nature of meta-learning (Shu et al., 2019) or high space complexity because of the memory module (Feng et al., 2021). Lastly, using angular softmax, Kobayashi has proposed applying von Mises-Fisher distribution for compact feature space via a user-defined concentration parameter $(\kappa)($Kobayashi 2021). However, such a method leads to lengthy hyper-parameter tuning with isotopic $\kappa$ for all classes. Meanwhile, their trainable class-wise $\kappa$ approach shows inferior performance compared with the user-defined counterpart for an optimal performance (Kobayashi, 2021) .此外,数据噪声也存在于长尾问题 (Tong Wu&Lin, 2021; Cao et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2023) 中
1 | [
] | [
"Wrapped Cauchy Distributed Angular Softmax for Long-Tailed Visual",
"Boran Han!",
"Addressing imbalanced or long-tailed data is",
"a major challenge in visual recognition tasks",
"生与平衡的(Liu et al.,2019;Lin et al.,2017;Cui et al.,",
"due to disparities between training and testing",
"distributions and issues with data noise.",
"propose the Wrapped Cauchy Distributed",
"Angular Softmax (WCDAS), a novel softmax",
"function that incorporates data-wise Gaussian-",
"& Matwin, 1997; Huang et al.,2016; 2020; Hong et al.",
"based kernels into the angular correlation",
"between feature representations and classifier",
"weights, effectively mitigating noise and sparse",
"et al.,2005;Kang etal.,2020;Kubat &Matwin,1997)或",
"sampling concerns. The class-wise distribution",
"使网络不稳定。。Inadditiontodirect sampling,focal",
"of angular representation becomes a sum of",
"loss (Lin et al., 2017) adopts loss function emphasizing",
"these kernels.Our theoretical analysis reveals",
"samples with larger loss value.However, it inevitably",
"that the wrapped Cauchy distribution excels",
"involves hyperparameters tuning by cross-validation. An",
"the Gaussian distribution in approximating",
"alternative method is to adopt a label-aware correction",
"mixed distributions.Additionally, WCDAS",
"via introducing a class-wise generalization error bound",
"such as Label-Distribution-Aware Margin Loss (LDAM)",
"dynamically adjust the compactness and margin",
"(Cao et al., 2019) and Balanced Meta-Softmax (BALMS)",
"Empirical results confirm",
"(Ren et al., 2020).Cao, proved that to",
"label-aware behavior in these parameters and",
"of each class.",
"improve the accuracy in recognizing long-tailed distributed",
"demonstrate WCDAS's superiority over other",
"data, classes with fewer training examples should have",
"a higher generalization error bound (Cao et al., 2019)",
"handling long-tailed visual recognition across",
"However, both LDAM and BALMS can be vulnerable",
"multiple benchmark datasets. The code is public",
"when the number of examples per class is unknown and",
" available.",
"constantly changing.Therefore, further corrections are",
"required for continuous training:Meta-Weight-Net (Shu",
"et al., 2019) and Equilibrium loss (Feng et al., 2021) are",
"developed for class re-weighting and inter-class margin",
"correction, which require no visibility to the underlying",
"datadistributionHowever,thosemethods can either",
"be subject to lengthy training time due to the nature of",
"meta-learning (Shu et al., 2019) or high space complexity",
"because of the memory module (Feng et al., 2021). Lastly,",
"using angular softmax, Kobayashi has proposed applying",
"von Mises-Fisher distribution for compact feature space via",
"a user-defined concentration parameter (k )(Kobayashi,",
"2021):However, such a method leads to lengthy",
"hyper-parameter tuning with isotopic k for all classes.",
"I Amazon Web Services, AI. Work done while at Shell.",
"Meanwhile, their trainable class-wise k approach shows",
"Correspondence to: Boran Han < [email protected] >.",
"inferior performance compared with the user-defined",
"counterpart for an optimal performance (Kobayashi, 2021)",
"Proceedings of the 4oth International Conference on Machine",
"Learning, Honolulu, Hawai, USA. PMLR 202, 2023. Copyright",
"2021; Cao et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2023)中",
"2023 by the author(s).",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2305.18732",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 0
} |
2305.18732-zh-1 | 2305.18732-zh-1.jpg | Wrapped Cauchy Distributed Angular Softmax for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition
鉴于这些挑战,我们提出了用于长尾视觉识别 based on (Kobayashi, 2021) 的WrappedCauchyDistributedAngularSoftmax(WCDAS)。我们假设数据式概率分布遵循包裹正态分布,并推断WCDAS 可以更好地适合由单个分布组成的混合分布。我们还证明了 WCDAS 具有几个理想的功能,例如通过浓度参数对类之间的边距进行自适应调节,从而表现出标签感知行为。在对几个基准长尾图像分类数据集进行评估后,WCDAS 优于最先进的基于 softmax 的方法
总而言之,我们的贡献包括:1)提出了一个模型,该模型以数据包裹的正态分布内核的形式考虑了噪声引起的不确定性;2)证明 WCDAS 可以更有效地拟合此类内核的混合分布;3) 表明,在特定条件下,我们的方法还显着增强了类间余量,从而产生了紧凑的聚类; 4)证明浓度参数可以是自适应的,具有更高的浓度
# $2. \textbf{ Related works}$
提高性能。(Liu et al., 2017; Deng et al., 2019; Liu et al.,
基于角度的 Softmax。最近提出了 Angularsoftmax (Liu et al., 2016) 及其突变方法 (Deng et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2017) 来改善人脸验证任务中的 softmax 损失。与传统的 softmax 不同,这些方法允许神经网络通过关注分类器权重和特征之间的余弦相似性来以角度方式学习特征。其中,大裕度 softmax (Liu et al., 2016) 直接在点积相似性上强制执行类间可分性,而 SphereFace (Liu et al., 2017) 和 ArcFace (Deng et al., 2019) 分别在超球面流形上强制执行乘法和加法角裕度。这些边距由超参数$m$控制:$m$的值越大,边距越大。因此,类之间更大的边距可以导致紧凑的集群,从而比传统的 softmax 长尾识别。具有长尾分布的数据集 (Liu et al., 2019) 不仅在每个类的示例数量方面具有不平衡的类,而且还具有只有几个示例的长尾类(<10), i。e。,尾类。解决此类问题的两种主要方法是(1)损失函数改进和(2)数据重新平衡。前一种方法在尾部类(Lin et al., 2017; Jingru Tan, 2020; Cui et al., 2019) 中利用了积极的学习,或者在类之间强加了很大的余量,尤其是尾部 类 ( Cao et al. , 2019; Ren et al. , 2020; Ye et al. , 2020) 。特别是 Caoet。al。(Cao et al., 2019) 从理论上证明了可以通过增加尾类的边距来最小化泛化误差界。In addition to margin correction, Feng et. al. also balances the classification via a Feature Memory Module (Feng et al., 2021).与此同时,少数研究集中在训练过程中的数据再平衡,不平衡训练的第二种方法。可以通过数据重新采样 (Han et al., 2005; Kang et al., 2020; Kubát & Matwin, 1997) 或类重新加权 (Huang et al., 2016; 2020) 来实现数据重新平衡。然而,基于数据再平衡的策略可能会导致尾部类过拟合,以及对过度代表性的策略的学习效率较低。The sampling strategies include fixed samplers (Kang et al., 2020) and meta-based samplers (Ren et al., 2020; Shu et al., 2019). 解耦训练 (Kang et al., 2020) 是
一个简单而有效的解决方案,可以显着改善长尾数据集上的泛化问题。在此两阶段训练期间,表示学习由实例平衡采样器 (Kang et al.,2020)训练,而分类器由类平衡采样器 (Kang et al., 2020) 和元采样器 (Ren et al., 2020) 进一步微调
特征分布的参数化建模。尽管深度学习的出现归因于非参数非线性建模,但在处理某些现实世界的数据集时,有效地训练网络可以证明是具有挑战性的,这些数据集存在诸如类不平衡和示例不足等问题。基于某些假设的参数化建模可以在这些不利情况下极大地帮助学习 (Yang et al., 2021; Hayat et al., 2019) 。一种这样的方法涉及在少射学习中近似特征表示的高斯分布,以增强 (Yang et al., 2021) 的通用性。在不平衡类的情况下,研究表明,特征表示的高斯分布(Hayat et al.,2019) 和 vonMises-Fisher 分布 (Kobayashi, 2021) 建模或权重与特征之间的角度可以显着提高性能。特征空间的参数化建模也可以更好地处理数据中噪声引起的不确定性。利用参数模型来解决不确定性的流行方法包括变分自动编码器 (Kingma& Welling, 2013), 基于贝叶斯的 dropout (Gal & Ghahramani, 2016) 和 DUL (Chang et al., 2020) 等
# 3. Wrapped Cauchy Distributed Angular $\textbf{Softmax }( \mathbf{WCDAS})$
以前的知识。对于角度 softmax, 在给定样本向量$x$和加权向量$w$的情况下,来自 CNN 中第$j$类的线性分类器的预测概率表示为$:x$。为了便于编写,我们将 $x$ 和$w$之间的角度表示$(\theta_j)$称为“角度特征”。$s\in\mathbb{R}$ 是经验定义的常数 (Deng et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2017) 或可训练参数 (Kobayashi, 2021)
WCDAS 的直觉和概述。角度 softmax 函数(方程?? ) 的概率函数($f(\theta;j)$)描述了表示特征与分类器权重之间的角度。因此,给定$cos\theta _j$ ,分类器权重被优化以最小化损失函数。但是,这种方法可能会导致过度拟合,尤其是在使用一些示例进行训练时,如先前基于大余量的余弦 softmax 研究 (Kobayashi, 2021; Liu et al. 2016)中所述,或使用其他研究(Tong Wu&Lin,2021; Cao et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2023) 报告的包含噪声的数据。为了解决这些问题,我们的方法寻求$\theta_j$的最佳参数概率密度函数,条件是$y=j$ , i。e。,$P(\dot{\boldsymbol{\theta}}\mid y=j)$ 。为了实现这一目标,我们最初建议使用基于数据的高斯内核作为基础。直观地,给定$\theta$,这样的内核可以建模由输入噪声或稀疏采样引起的数据不确定性,而不是直接的类分布(第 3.1 节)。通过这样做,我们可以通过对单个基础求和来获得类角度特征概率密度函数(第 3.1 节)。随后,我们证明了这种按类分布可以通过 WrappedCauchy 分布$f(\boldsymbol{\rho},\theta;j)$更准确地近似,并
2 | [
] | [
"Wrapped Cauchy Distributed Angular Softmax for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition",
"2. Related works",
"3.Wrapped Cauchy Distributed Angular",
"Softmax (WCDAS)",
"提高性能。(Liuet al.,2017;Deng et al.,2019;Liu et al.,",
"。特别是Caoet。al。(Cao etal.,2019)从理论上证明",
"addition to margin correction, Feng et. al. also balances the",
"classification via a Feature Memory Module (Feng et al..",
"采样(Han et al.,2005;Kang et al.,2020;Kubat &Matwin,",
"(Kang et al., 2020) and meta-based samplers (Ren et al.,",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2305.18732",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 1
} |
2305.18732-zh-2 | 2305.18732-zh-2.jpg | Wrapped Cauchy Distributed Angular Softmax for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition
Figure 1: Illustration of our method compared with other methods. Black dot: representation of each data in one class. Yellow dot with a black edge: centroid of the cluster. Gray solid line: Gaussian kernel boundary. (a) Input data 1,2,..., M in Class j. (b) parametric modeling of features from each data via a wrapped Normal kernel. (Hayat et al., 2019; Kobayashi, 2021) (c) Left panel: parametric modeling of features from each data via wrapped Normal distribution. Right panel: zoomed diagram of the magenta box in the left panel.
其中$M_j$是$j$类中的样本总数。$f_\mathrm{mixed}(\theta;j)$描述了以零为中心的$M_j$包裹正态分布的混合物。这种思想用于概率密度函数的非参数估计,例如核密度估计(KDE ) (Rosenblatt, 1956; Parzen, 1962)。然而,与 KDE 不同$,\boldsymbol{\rho}_j$,由$j$类中的所有$\rho_m$组成的向量的值可以不同,表示每个数据的异构性
Theorem 1. Let fmixed$(\theta;j)$ be a mixed distribution formed by summing several wrapped Normal distributions $h( \rho , \theta ; m, j) ( Equation\textit{ 16 }) . h( \rho , \theta ; m, j) \textit{ is centered at}$ $\mu _m\cdot \mu _m\textit{follows Normal distribution N}( 0, \sigma ) \textit{centered at}$ $zero, where$ $\sigma \to 0. Then$ $f_{mixed}( \theta ; j)$ can $be$ approximated $as:$
具有按类可训练的浓度参数$\rho\in\mathbb{R}^\mathbb{C}$ (第 3.2 节)。我们提供了一些见解,说明为什么我们的新颖 softmax 是表示特征建模的更好的参数分布(第 3.2 节),以及它如何在特定条件下创建较大的边距(第 3.3 节)
$$f_{mixed}(\theta;j)\sim\dfrac{1}{2\pi M_j}\sum_{m=1}^{M_j}\left(1+2\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\rho_m^{n^2}\cos n\theta_m\right)\:($$
## 3.1. Wrapped Normal Basis for Angular Feature Density Estimation.
Corollary 1.1. Let fmixed$( \theta ; j) \textit{be a mixed distribution}$ formed by mixing several wrapped Normal distributions $( Equation\textit{ 16 and Equation 3 ) , then fmixed}( \theta ; j) \textit{ is a}$ wrapped distribution with cosine moments, $\alpha_{mixed},given$ $by$
假设。为了减轻表示特征中的过度拟合,我们使用高斯分布来近似由噪声或稀疏采样引起的不确定性。因此,每个数据点的角度特征都遵循圆坐标中正态分布的概率分布,即。e。,包装正态分布或冯·米塞斯-费舍尔分布。鉴于后者近似于前一个分布,为了便于讨论,我们将两个分布视为等效。这种使用高斯分布的噪声或稀疏采样引起的不确定性模型已广泛用于各种研究 (Gal& Ghahramani, 2016; Rasmussen & Williams, 2005; Abdar et al.,2021)。根据此假设,第$j$类中第$m$ 个数据点的角度特征的概率分布函数可以以对称包装稳定 (SWS) 分布 (Jammalamadaka& SenGupta, 2001) 的形式表示:
where $\alpha_m^{\{n\}}$ is the n-th cosine trigonometric moment of
$h( \rho , \theta ; m, j)$ .
我们在附录 A 中提供了定理 1 和推论 1.1 的详细证明。定理 1 本质上表明,当将包裹的正态分布内核基与远离零的小扰动求和时,结果可以近似为以零为中心的包裹正态分布之和。推论 1.1 证明了混合分布的余弦矩可以通过平均每个分布的余弦矩来获得。我们注意到, Bailey 等人已经证明了两个以零为中心的包裹正态分布的混合分布的余弦矩。。al。(Bailey &Codling, 2020) 。我们在这里证明它可以推广到在某些条件下不以零为中心的几个函数
$$h(\rho,\theta;m,j)=\frac{1}{2\pi}\left(1+2\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\rho_{m}^{n^{a}}\cos n(\theta_{m}-\mu_{m})\right)$$
其中$n\in \mathbb{N}$ , $\rho _m\in [ 0, 1)$表示 XMATHX 类的 XMATHX
## 3.2. Angular Feature Probability Approximation via Wrapped Cauchy Distribution.
中心参数。当$a=1$时,方程 16 返回包裹的柯西分布, 对于 $a=2$,我们得到包裹的正态分布 (Jammalamadaka & SenGupta, 2001)。$\rho_m$越大,包装的 Normal 内核越紧凑。由于$h(\rho,\theta;m,j)$计算了$\theta_m$属于具有优化分类器权重的$j$类的概率,因此,对于要根据公式??识别的正确类,$\mu_m\to0$
It is vital to find the optimal presentation of $f_\mathrm{mixed}(\theta;j)$ One straightforward solution is to use non-parametric approaches (Rosenblatt, 1956; Parzen, 1962) . However, those methods usually require large computational costs for large dataset (Holmström, 2000). In our case, those methods also requires each $\rho_m$ to be calculated separately. Therefore, we approximate $f_\mathrm{mixed}(\theta;j)$ with parametric distribution, denoting $f(\theta,\rho;j).$ According to Theorem 1 , $f(\theta,\rho;j)$ should also be an SWS distribution. Among
Note that in our proposed method, we approximate the uncertainty of each $\hat{\theta}_m$ as wrapped Normal distribution parameterized by $\rho_m$ and $\mu_m$ instead of modeling the $f(\theta;j)$ directly (Hayat et al., 2019; Kobayashi, 2021). Such difference is shown in Figure 1 (b) and (c).
3 | [
] | [
"Wrapped Cauchy Distributed Angular Softmax for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition",
" h(p,0;m, )",
"fmixed(0; j) =",
"Normal distribution",
"o Cluster centei",
"Data ,.,..m,..M",
" Individual data",
"Figure 1: Illustration of our method compared with other",
"methods. Black dot: representation of each data in one class.",
"Yellow dot with a black edge: centroid of the cluster. Gray solid",
"line: Gaussian kernel boundary. (a) Input data 1, 2,...",
"Class j. (b) parametric modeling of features from each data via",
"a wrapped Normal kernel. (Hayat et al., 2019; Kobayashi, 2021)",
"Theorem 1. Let fmixed(O:) be a mixed distribution",
"(c) Left panel: parametric modeling of features from each data",
"formed by summing several wrapped Normal distributions",
"via wrapped Normal distribution. Right panel: zoomed diagram",
"h(e, 0;m,) (Equation 16 ). h(p, 9; m,) is centered at",
"of the magenta box in the left panel.",
"μm μm follows Normal distribution N(O, o) centered at",
"zero, where -→ 0. Then fmixed(0: j) can be approximated",
"3.1. Wrapped Normal Basis for Angular Feature",
"Corollary 1.1. Let fmixed(o;) be a mixed distribution",
"Density Estimation.",
"formed by mixing several wrapped Normal distributions",
"(Equation 16 and Equation 3 ), then fmixed(0;) is a",
"wrapped distribution with cosine moments, Qmixed, given",
"where afn) is the n-th cosine trigonometric moment of",
"研究(Gal &Ghahramani,2016;Rasmussen& Williams.",
"h(e,0:m. )",
"h(p, 0; m, j) :",
"3.2.Angular Feature Probability Approximation via",
"Wrapped Cauchy Distribution.",
"It is vital to find the optimal presentation of fmixed(0; 3)",
"One straightforward solution is to use non-parametric",
"approaches (Rosenblatt, 1956; Parzen, 1962) : However,",
"Note that in our proposed method, we approximate the",
"those methods usually require large computational costs",
"uncertainty of each Om as wrapped Normal distribution",
"for large dataset (Holmstrom, 2000) . In our case, those",
"parameterized by Pm and μm instead of modeling the",
"methods also requires each pm to be calculated separately",
"f(0: ) directly (Hayat et al., 2019; Kobayashi, 2021).",
"Therefore, we approximate fmixed(0;) with parametric",
"Such difference is shown in Figure 1 (b) and (c).",
"distribution, denoting f(0, p; i) : According to Theorem",
"1 , f(0, p; j) should also be an SwS distribution. Among",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2305.18732",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 2
} |
2305.18732-zh-3 | 2305.18732-zh-3.jpg | Wrapped Cauchy Distributed Angular Softmax for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition
Figure 2: Heatmap of $\Delta_{\rho_{\min},\mathrm{wn}}$ (a) and $\Delta_{\rho_{\min},\mathrm{wc}}$ (b) with respect to $\rho$ and $\sigma.$ (c) Binary heatmap showing whether wrapped Cauchy
(WC: black) or wrapped Normal (WN: gray) is preferred for simulated mixed distribution
the two predominant SWS distributions (Wrapped Cauchy distribution vs Wrapped Normal distribution), wrapped Cauchy distribution can fit Equation 3 better than the wrapped Normal distribution.
Theorem 2. Let fmixed$(\theta;j)$ be a mixed distribution formed by mixed several wrapped Normal distributions $h( \rho , \theta ; m, j) \textit{ of j - th class, centred around zero, defined}$ in Equation 2. $f( \theta , \rho ; j) \textit{is the approximated distribution}$ withachoiceofwrappedNormal $f_{WN}( \theta , \rho ; j)$ and wrapped Cauchy $f_{WC}( \theta , \rho ; j)$ . Let $\rho _{j, min}$ $of$ $f( \theta , \rho ; j)$ minimize the least square error between $f(\theta,\rho;j)$ and mixed $distribution~f_{mixed}(\theta;j)~of~j~-th~class:$
$$\begin{aligned}&\Delta_{\rho_{j},WC\:or\:WN}=||f_{WN\:or\:WC}(\rho,\theta;j)\\&-\frac{1}{2\pi M_{j}}\sum_{m=1}^{M_{j}}\left(1+2\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\rho_{m}^{n^{2}}\cos n\theta_{m}\right)||^{2}\end{aligned}$$
Then the least square error of optimal $\rho_{j,min}ofj$ -th class $\left(\sum_{m_{c}=1}^{M_{c}}\rho_{m}^{n^{2}}\right)^{\frac{1}{n^{2}}}with$ respect to $n\in[1,\infty)$
$$\begin{aligned}&\Delta_{\rho_{j,min},WN}\propto SD_{n=1}\left(\sum_{m=1}^{M_{j}}\rho_{m}^{n^{2}}\right)^{\frac{1}{n}}\\&or\:\Delta_{\rho_{j,min},WC}\propto SD_{n=1}\:\left(\sum_{m=1}^{M_{j}}\rho_{m}^{n^{2}}\right)^{\frac{1}{n^{2}}}\end{aligned}$$
Theorem 3. Let $\rho _{m}\textit{of individual h}( \rho , \theta ; m, j) \textit{ distribute}$ uniformly across its defined domain [0,1) , $\Delta_{wN}$ and $\Delta_{wC}$ $definedinEquation~27,Then~\Delta_{\rho_{j,min},wC}<\Delta_{\rho_{j,min},wN}$
定理 2 和定理 3 的详细证明在附录 A 中提供。这些证明证明,由 SWS 分布构成的混合分布与包裹的柯西分
我们还为$\rho_m\sim\mathcal{N}(\mu_\rho,\sigma_\rho)$的更一般情况提供了数值模拟。给定$\rho\in[0,1)$ ,我们模拟$\mu_\rho$和$\sigma_\rho$,其值为0。1 $0。2、0。3、0。4、0。5、0。6、0。7、0。8,0。9。[0,1)$ 域之外的任何$\rho$值分别被裁剪为 0 和 1。图 2 显示了结果,表明当$\sigma_\rho$较小($\sigma_\rho\leq0.1$)时,首选包装正态分布;否则,首选包装柯西分布。这意味着,除非混合分布$f_{\mathrm{mixed}}(\theta;j)$包含具有相似浓度参数的包裹正态分布, 否则包裹的柯西分布由于其重尾而为$f_\mathrm{mixed}(\theta;j)$提供了更好的近似
假设$\rho_m$遵循均匀分布是一个理想化的假设,它简化了学习过程。在实践中,$\rho_m$的实际分布可能更复杂。但是,正如我们对高斯分布$\rho_m$的模拟所表明的那样, 有一种趋势:$\rho_m$值的多样性越大,考虑到柯西分布的沉重尾巴,柯西分布作为高斯分布的近似值越有利
# 3.3. Large Margin $\rho$ and optimization
重要的是要获得最佳的$\rho$。根据几何级数,可以使用元素方式计算 (Jammalamadaka & SenGupta, 2001) 以替代形式编写方程式 16 :
其中$\rho$是包含$\rho_j\in[1,C]$的所有类的向量,其总数为$C$ 。We note that this alternative form of Equation 16 is presented for the ease of calculating the margin between $\dot{\text{classes.}}$
通过 WCDAS 的大额保证金。多项研究表明,基于大余量的 softmax 方法可以在平衡的 (Deng et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2017; 2016) 和不平衡的数据集 (Ren et al., 2020; Hayat et al., 2019; Cao et al., 2019) 中带来更好的性能。我们在这里证明 WCDAS 可以在$\rho$的某个域下与那些方法等效地执行。但是,我们注意到,并非 WCDAS 中
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"Wrapped CauchyDistributed Angular SoftmaxforLong-TailedVisual Recognition",
"0.3 ",
"Figure 2: Heatmap of △",
".wn (a)and ",
"(WC: black) or wrapped Normal (WN: gray) is preferred for simulated mixed distribution",
"the two predominant SWS distributions (Wrapped Cauchy",
"distribution vs Wrapped Normal distribution), wrapped",
"Cauchy distribution can fit Equation 3 better than the",
"wrapped Normal distribution.",
"Theorem 2. Let fmixed(0;) be a mixed distribution",
"formed by mixed several wrapped Normal distributions",
"0。2、0. 3、0. 4、0。5、0。6、0。7、0。8,0. 9。[0,1)",
"h(p, O; m,j) of j -th class, centred around zero, defined",
"in Equation 2: f(0, P; ) is the approximated distribution",
"with a choice of wrapped Normal fwr(0, p; i) and wrapped",
"Cauchy fwc(0,p;j) : Let Pi min of f(o, p;j) minimize",
"the least square error between f(o,p;) and mixed",
"distribution fmixed(0; j) of j -th class:",
"Apj,wC or WN = IIfwN or wc(p, 0; i)",
"(1+2㎡cos nom",
"Pmin = arg min ,",
"3.3.LargeMarginpand optimization",
"Then the least square error of optimal pi. min of j -th class",
"is correlated with standard deviation of (",
"(ZMs-1 pt ) with respet to n e [1, )",
"f(p,0) = 2m(1+ p2- 2p cos 0)",
"1 - p?",
",WN x SDn=",
"C。We note that this alternative form of Equation 16 is",
"or Apijmle,wc α SDn",
"presented for the ease of calculating the margin between",
"Theorem 3. Let pm of individual h(p, ; m, j) distribute",
"uniformly across its defined domain [0, 1),wn and wo",
"defined in Equation 27,Then ps.m,.wc<psm.wN",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2305.18732",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 3
} |
2007.04275-zh-0 | 2007.04275-zh-0.jpg | Graph Neural Networks for the Prediction of Substrate-Specific Organic
## Reaction Conditions
Serim Ryou $^{*1}$ Michael R. Maser $^{*2}$ Alexander Y. Cui $^{*3}$ Travis J. DeLano$^{2}$ Yisong Yue$^{3}$
Sarah E. Reisman$^2$
We present a systematic investigation using graph neural networks (GNNs) to model organic chemical reactions. To do so, we prepared a dataset collection of four ubiquitous reactions from the organic chemistry literature. We evaluate seven different GNN architectures for classification tasks pertaining to the identification of experimental reagents and conditions. We fnd that models are able to identify specific graph features that affect reaction conditions and lead to accurate predictions. The results herein show great promise in advancing molecular ma- $\bar{\mathrm{chine~learning}}.$
$获取足够的数据,以在高维(1,000个^+)标签空间$ (Gao et al., 2018) 中进行预测。这提供了可以查询的反应类型的灵活性,并包括来自所有有机化学的广泛条件空间。然而,考虑到全局数据集的稀疏性,可靠的预测可能仅针对每种反应类型的最常见条件获得,而不管输人之间的结构差异如何。这对催化反应造成了严重的限制,因为最佳条件通常高度依赖于底物结构(Mahatthananchai et al.,2012)。因此,当建议使用适当的条件时,深度网络区分反应类型的各个图是至关重要的
为了解决当前的局限性,我们在单反应水平上解决了这个预测问题。这允许详细学习结构-条件关系,而无需通过学习的反应规则对查询进行分类。我们证明了我们的方法在有机化学中四种有价值反应类型的精选数据集上的实用性:Suzuki 偶联 (Miyaura & Suzuki, 1995) , C- N 偶联 (Bariwal & Van der Eycken, 2013) , Negishi 偶联 (Negishi et al., 1977) 和 Pauson-Khand 反应 (PKRs) (Khand et al., 1973) 。我们的主要贡献可以总结如下:
## 1. Introduction
1. We apply domain expertise in dataset curation
and in the construction of the label space.
2. We conduct a thorough assessment of modern
GNN architectures, which, to our knowledge, has
图形神经网络 (GNN) 已迅速成为化学领域 (Mater $\&$ Coote, 2019) 中强大的预测工具。在药物化学方面取得了重大进展,其中药物理化性质的预测因子(Coley et al., 2019; Withnall et al., 2020) 和图形生成模型(Elton et al., 2019; Blaschke et al., 2018) 很容易获得。有机合成中也报道了几个例子,包括反应类型 (Schwaller et al.,2019) 的分类,反应产物 (Skoraczyński et al., 2017; Coley et al., 2017) 的预测以及反合成设计 (Segler et al., 2018; Coley et al., 2018) 。尽管最近取得了进展,但有关预测反应条件的研究相对较少,可以说是化学家面临的最具挑战性的任务之- (Coley et al.,2017) 。
not yet been studied for models of chemical reac-
3. We achieve high accuracy in predicting condition
vectors for all four datasets using strict evaluation
4. We provide an interpretability analysis to show
the structural features informing our predictions.
## $2.{\mathrm{~Approach~and~Related~Work}}$
$^{*}$Equal contribution $^{1}$ Computational Vision Lab, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA$^{2}$Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA $^3$ Department of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA . Correspondence to: Michael R. Maser <[email protected]>,SarahE.Reisman<reisman@ caltech. edu> .
本文介绍的工作与 Gao et al. (2018) 具有最大的相似性。在本报告中,单个 GNN 接受了来自完整 Reaxys® 数据库 (Reaxys) 的 1200 万次反应的培训,用于预测条件。产品和反应指纹(FP)被用作输入,其中后者被定义为产品和反应物图之间的差异。无论反应类型如何,对所有样品的一种可能的催化剂,两种溶剂和两种试剂按顺序进行预测。中间预测与 FP 输人连接
To appear in the ICML 2020 Workshop on Graph Representation Learning and Beyond (GRLB). Copyright 2020 by the author(s). | [
] | [
"Graph Neural Networks for the Prediction of Substrate-Specific Organic",
"Reaction Conditions",
"Serim Ryou * 1 Michael R. Maser * 2 Alexander Y. Cui * 3 Travis J. DeLano2 Yisong Yue3",
"Sarah E. Reisman ?",
"We present a systematic investigation using",
"graph neural networks (GNNs) to model or-",
"ganic chemical reactions. To do so, we pre",
"pared a dataset collection of four ubiquitous",
"reactions from the organic chemistry litera",
"ture. We evaluate seven different GNN ar",
"chitectures for classification tasks pertaining",
"to the identification of experimental reagents",
"and conditions.We find that models are",
"able to identify specific graph features that",
"affect reaction conditions and lead to accu",
"rate predictions. The results herein show",
"great promise in advancing molecular ma.",
"chine learning.",
"Negishi 偶联(Negishi et al.,1977)和 Pauson-Khand",
"1. We apply domain expertise in dataset curation",
"and in the construction of the label space.",
"2. We conduct a thorough assessment of modern",
"GNN architectures, which, to our knowledge, has",
"not yet been studied for models of chemical reac",
"3.We achievehigh accuracy in predicting condition",
"vectors for all four datasets using strict evaluation",
"4. We provide an interpretability analysis to show",
"*Equal contribution",
"1 Computational Vision Lab.",
"the structural features informing our predictions.",
"California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California,",
"2 Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineer",
"ing, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Califor-",
"2. Approach and Related Work",
"3 Department of Computing and Mathemati-",
"cal Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,",
"California, USA : Correspondence to: Michael R. Maser",
"< [email protected] >,Sarah E. Reisman < reis-",
"[email protected]>.",
"To appear in the ICML 2020 Workshop on Graph Repre",
"sentation Learning and Beyond (GRLB). Copyright 2020",
"by the author(s).",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2007.04275",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 0
} |
2007.04275-zh-1 | 2007.04275-zh-1.jpg | Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Size
表 1), 同时仍保留了深度和代表性的字典。
学习任务 &模型设置。与 Gao et al.(2018)类似我们将学习问题构造为多标签分类之一。反应物和乘积图作为输人馈送到 GNN, GNN 经过训练以输出二进制条件向量。这些图是使用 ChainerChemistry (ChainerChem) (Tokui et al., 2015) 的预处理器构造
$^{1}$Since Reaxys® is a subscription database, we are not permitted to publish exported data. We have compiled detailed procedures to prepare each dataset such that those with access can replicate our results. Most academic institutions have full-access Reaxys® subscriptions. We make full reaction label dictionaries and all modeling code available at .
$^{2}$For consistency, individual reagents and conditions are referred to simply as labels, regardless of their identity. The terms label and bin are used interchangeably.
为独热向量,并传递到每个后续层,所有这些都是完全连接的。尽管在许多情况下需要包含前 10 名排名和“接近匹配”标签,但仍获得了合理的准确性
我们的方法在多个帐户上提供了优于现有技术的显着优势。我们对聚焦反应集进行建模,以获得细粒度、特定于图形的预测。我们的网络将所有反应组件的完整图作为输入,以最大程度地减少编码结构中的信息丢失。我们的预测使用直接从数据集分析中确定的特定于反应的角色,以确保输出向量的适当化学背景。我们仅分析前 1 名和前 3 名的预测排名,以增加通过实验测试建议结果的可行性。我们明确对待相对于朴素模型的准确性,以提供严格的评估框架。即使使用这些严格的指标,我们也可以通过对每个任务上的一套GNN 架构进行系统测试来获得高精度
## 3. Methods
反应数据。文献数据集从 Reaxys® 数据库中获取,并经过预处理以删除不完整的记录。准备好的数据集的摘要包含在表 1 中。详细的处理步骤和数据分析可以在补充材料(SM)中找到,包括分子特性,反应产率和试剂频率的分布。$^{1}$数据集准备的一般工作流程如下:
1. From Reaxys® exports, SMILES string encodings
(Weininger, 1988) of reactants and products are
extracted for each data point.
2. Full condition vectors including reagents, cata-
lysts, solvents, temperatures, etc. are extracted
for each entry.
3. Dataset conditions are enumerated into dictionar-
ies by reaction roles, which we term categories,
and ground-truth vectors are binned accordingly.
Table 1. Summary of reaction sets studied.
<th>labels raw</th>
的 ,该预处理器对从数据集 SMILES 计算的 RDKitmol
我们的建模研究测试了 ChainerChem 库中的七个GNN 架构。每个模型包含两个子网络,这两个子网络针对总体任务进行了联合训练。第一个子网是图形处理网络(GPN),它在体系结构之间有所不同,并构成了它们相对性能的基础。GPN 将输入图转换为学习的分子嵌入,这些分子嵌人被连接以形成整体反应向量。这些作为输入传递给第二个子网,即多层感知器(MLP),用于最终预测。在这项工作中探索的 GPN 包括神经指纹网络(NFP)(Duvenaud et al.,2015) ,门控图序列 NNs (GGNNs) (Li et al.,2017) ,消息传递 NNs (MPNNs) (Gilmer et al.,2017) ,编织模块NNs (Weave) (Kearnes et al.,2016) ,关系图注意网络(R-GAT) XMATHX-CN2-7,。3 在所有实验中使用 Adam 优化器 (Kingma & Ba, 2017) , S 形交叉熵损失和 80/10/10 训练/验证/测试拆分来训练 100 个时期的模型。表 2 和 3 中的 SM 中包含了每个模型的其他通用建模参数和详细的超参数设置。
模型输出和评估。我们根据模型在预测每个反应角色的真实标签方面的准确性来分析模型的成功。在实践中,输出只是对应于完整反应字典的概率向量。通过分类子字典对它们进行后处理,最终输出是每个类别的标签列表,按其概率分数排序。如果在模型的 top- $k$预测排名中确定了地面实况标签,则类别的预测被分类为准确。在这里,我们考虑前 1 名和前 3 名的预测,尽管这符合偏好。分类精度($A_c$)定义如下:
$$A_c=\dfrac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N\mathbb{1}[P_i\cap Y_i]$$
其 中 $P_{i}$ 和 $Y_{i}$ 分 别 是 第 $i$ 个 样 本 的 预 测 和 地 面 实 况 标 签 集 , $N$ 是 测 试 集 中 的 样 本 数 ( Wu $\ $ Zhou, 2017) 。我们直接将模型性能与虚拟预测器(虚拟)进行比较, 该虚拟预测器始终建议数据集每个类别中最常出现的标签。由于类别 (Cui et al., 2019) 之间存在可变的类别不平衡(有关完整分布,请参见 SM),因此我们不是对反应模型的$A_c$值进行平均,而是从基线计算其平均误差降低 (AER)。我们使用 AER 来比较每个任
$^3$Abbreviations used here are true to the original reports of each architecture; some differ from those in ChainerChem code. | [
] | [
"Title Suppressed Due to ExcessiveSize",
"Table 1.",
" Summary of reaction sets studied.",
"raw labels",
"1. From Reaxys? exports, SMILES string encodings",
"(Weininger, 1988) of reactants and products are",
"extracted for each data point.",
"2. Full condition vectors including reagents, cata-",
"lysts, solvents, temperatures, etc. are extracted",
"for each entry.",
"3. Dataset conditions are enumerated into dictionar",
"ies by reaction roles, which we term categories.",
"and ground-truth vectors are binned accordingly",
"ISince Reaxys is a subscription database, we are not",
"permitted to publish exported data.We have compiled de",
"tailed procedures to prepare each dataset such that those",
"with access can replicate our results. Most academic insti-",
"full reaction label dictionaries and all modeling code avail",
"able at",
"2 For consistency, individual reagents and conditions are",
"3Abbreviations used here are true to the original re-",
"referred to simply as labels, regardless of their identity.",
"ports of each architecture; some differ from those in Chain-",
"The terms label and bin are used interchangeably.",
"erChem code."
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2007.04275",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 1
} |
1901.05506-zh-0 | 1901.05506-zh-0.jpg | # 具有连续时间的多代理寻路
Anton Andreychuk$^1,^3$, Konstantin Yakovlev$^1,^2$, Dor Atzmon$^4$ and Roni Stern$^4$
$^{1}$Federal Research Center“Computer Science and Control”of Russian Academy of Sciences
$^{2}$National Research University“Higher School of Economics” $^3$Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
$^{4}$Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
[email protected], [email protected], $\{$ dorat,sternron $\}$
<th> </th>
<th colspan="3">Actions</th>
<th> </th>
<th rowspan="2">Dist</th>
<th> </th>
<th>Cont. </th>
<th>Opt. </th>
<td>CBS- CL .[Walker et al..2017]</td>
<td>$M^{*}$ [Wagner Choset, 2015 and</td>
<td>[Walker et al..2018] E- ICTS</td>
<td>MCCBS [Li et al., 2019]</td>
<td>[Ma et al., 2017a] POST-MAPF</td>
<td>ORCA et al. 2011</td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td>|Godov et al., 2018</td>
<td>[Dobson et al. 2017]</td>
<td>L LI·· $\angle011$ AA- SIPP( |Yakovlev and $m$</td>
<td>Y $√$</td>
<td>Y $√$</td>
<td>Y $√$</td>
<td>$\textbf{个 }$ $x$</td>
<td>Y $x$</td>
<td>Andreychuk, 2017 TP- SIPPwRT [Liu et al., 2019]</td>
<td>Y $√$</td>
<td>Y $√$</td>
<td>Y $√$</td>
<td>T $X$</td>
<td>T $x$</td>
Multi-Agent Pathfinding (MAPF) is the problem of fnding paths for multiple agents such that every agent reaches its goal and the agents do not collide. Most prior work on MAPF was on grids, assumed agents' actions have uniform duration, and that time is discretized into timesteps. We propose a MAPF algorithm that does not rely on these assumptions, is com- plete, and provides provably optimal solutions. This algorithm is based on a novel adaptation of Safe interval path planning (SIPP), a continuous time single-agent planning algorithm, and a modified version of Conflict-based search (CBS) , a state of the art multi-agent pathfinding algorithm. We analyze this algorithm, discuss its pros and cons, and evaluate it experimentally on several standard benchmarks.
Table 1: Overview: MAPF research beyond the basic setting
# 1 Introduction
我们提出了 Continuous-time conflict-based search (CCBS),这是一种 MAPF 算法,它不依赖于这些假设中的任何一个,并且是合理的,完整的和最佳的。CCBS 基于 Safe interval path planning (SIPP) $\mathbb{E}[$Phillips and Likhachev, 2011] $\bar{\text{的 定 制 版 本 , 这 是 一 种 连 续 时 间 的 单 代 }}$ 理寻路算法,并改编了 Conflict-based search (CBS) E [Sharon et al., 2015] , 这是一种最先进的多代理寻路算法
CCBS 依赖于准确检测代理之间的冲突并计算每个代理的安全间隔的能力,即代理可以开始在边缘上移动而不会发生冲突的最小时间。在我们的实验中,我们使用闭环公式进行碰撞检测,并使用基于离散化的方法进行安全间隔计算。结果表明,与以前提出的算法相比CCBS 是可行的,并输出较低成本的解决方案。但是,由于 CCBS 考虑了代理的几何形状和连续时间,因此它可能比基于网格的解决方案要慢,从而引人了自然的计划成本与计划时间的权衡
我们不是第一个研究 MAPF 超出其基本设置的人。但是,据我们所知,CCBS 是第一个 MAPF 算法,可以处理非单位动作持续时间,连续时间,非网格域,具有体积的代理,并且仍然是最佳和完整的。表 1 概述了以前关于 MAPF 的工作与 CCBS 的关系。更详细的讨论在相关的工作部分给出
Multi-Agent Pathfnding (MAPF) 是为多个代理查找路径的问题,以便每个代理都能达到目标并且代理不会发生冲突。MAPF 在仓库管理$\boxed{\mathrm{E}}[$Wurman et al., 2008] 机场牵引$\operatorname{E}[$Morris et al.,2016],自动驾驶汽车,机器人$\operatorname{E}[$Veloso et al., 2015] 和数字娱乐$\operatorname{E}[$Ma et al., 2017b] 中具有局部应用。虽然可以在多项式时间$\mathbb{E}[$Kornhauser et al., 1984] 中找到 MAPF 的解,但在几个常见假设$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$ [Surynek, 2010; Yu and LaValle, 2013] 下,最优地求解${\mathrm{MAPF~}}$是 NP 困难的
尽管如此,过去几年的 AI 研究人员在为越来越多的场景和一百多个代理寻找最佳解决方案方面取得了实质性进展$\mathbb{E}[$Sharon et al., 2015; Sharon et al., 2013; Wagner and Choset, 2015; Standley, 2010; Felner et al., 2018; Bart$\' {a}$ketal. , 2017; Yu and LaValle, 2013] 。然而,大多数先前的工作假设(1)时间被离散化为时间步长,(2) 每个动作的持续时间是一个时间步长,并且(3)在每个时间步长中,每个代理恰好占据一个位置。这些简化的假设限制了 MAPF 算法在实际应用中的适用性。实际上,大多数先前的工作仅在 4 个连接的电网上进行了经验评估
### 2 Problem Definition
我们考虑在 2D 工作空间中针对非点平移非旋转代理进行合作寻路。假设所有代理(1)具有相同的形状和大小,(2)以相同(恒定)的速度移动,以及(3)被约束到相同的环境路线图,i。e。有一个图$G=(V,E)$ 其顶点对应于代理可以占用(并在其中等待)的位置。而边对应于代理从一个位置移动到另一个位置时遍历的
Camera-ready version of the paper as submitted to IJ-
$\mathrm{CAI}^{,}19$ | [
] | [
"Anton Andreychukl,3,Konstantin Yakovlevl,?, Dor Atzmon4 and Roni Stern4",
"1Federal Research Center \"Computer Science and Control\" of Russian Academy of Sciences",
"2National Research University “Higher School of Economics\"",
"3Peoples'Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)",
"4Ben-Gurion University of the Negev",
"[email protected],[email protected],/dorat,sternron [email protected]",
"Multi-Agent Pathfinding (MAPF) is the prob-",
"CBS-CL [Walker et al., 2017]",
"lem of finding paths for multiple agents such",
"M* [Wagner and Choset, 2015]",
"that every agent reaches its goal and the agents",
"E-ICTS [Walker et al., 2018]",
"do not collide.Most prior work on MAPF",
"MCCBS [Liet al., 2019]",
"POST-MAPF [Ma et al., 2017a]",
"ORCA [Snape et al., 2011]",
"ALAN [Godoy et al., 2018]",
"was on grids, assumed agents' actions have uni-",
"form duration, and that time is discretized into",
"does not rely on these assumptions,is com-",
"TP-SIPPwRT [Liu et al., 2019]",
"This algorithm is based on a novel adaptation",
"Table 1:Overview:MAPF researchbeyond the basic setting",
"of Safe interval path planning (SIPP), a con",
"tinuous time single-agent planning algorithm.",
"我们提出了Continuous-time conflict-based search",
"and a modified version of Conflict-based search",
"(CBS), a state of the art multi-agent pathfind-",
"ing algorithm. We analyze this algorithm, dis-",
"基于 Safe interval path planning (SIPP) E[Phillips and",
"cuss its pros and cons, and evaluate it experi-",
"mentally on several standard benchmarks.",
"理寻路算法,并改编了Conflict-based search(CBS)E",
"生冲突。MAPF在仓库管理E[Wurmanet al.,2008]",
"进展E[Sharon et al., 2015; Sharon et al., 2013; Wagner",
"and Choset, 2015: Standley. 2010: Felner et al., 2018",
"Bartak et al.,2017;Yu and LaValle,2013]。然而,大多",
"Problem Definition",
"Camera-ready version of the paper as submitted to IJ-",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "1901.05506",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 0
} |
1901.05506-zh-1 | 1901.05506-zh-1.jpg | 直线轨迹。惯性效应被忽略,代理立即开始/停止移动。移动的持续时间是平移速度乘以边的长度。等待操作的持续时间可以是任何正实数。先前的工作将此设置称为$\mathrm{MAPF}_{R}$ [Walker et al., 2018]
请注意,我们在本工作中提出的 CCBS 算法不限于上述假设(1),(2)和(3), e。g。,它可以处理以不同速度移动的代理,使用不同的路线图,并且具有复杂的形状和大小。我们做这些假设只是为了简化说明
代理 $i$ 的计划是一系列操作 $\pi_i$,因此,如果 $i$ 执行此操作序列,则它将达到其目标。一套计划,每个代理人一个,称为联合计划。MAPF$_R$的解决方案是一个联合计划,这样,如果所有代理都开始同时执行各自的计划,那么所有代理都将到达其目标位置而不会相互冲突。在这项工作中,我们专注于寻找成本最优的解决方案。要定义$\mathrm{MAPF}_{R}$解决方案的成本最优性,我们首先将计划$\pi_i$的成本定义为其组成操作的持续时间之和。在 MAPF 研究中讨论了几种形式的解决方案成本最优性。最值得注意的是 makespan 和 sum of costs (SOC) , 其中 makespan 是组成计划成本的最大值,SOC 是它们的总和。我们在这项工作中解决的问题是找到一个给定的 MAPF$_R$问题的解决方案,该解决方案是最优的。r。它的 SOC ,也就是说,没有其他解决方案具有较低的 SOC
3 CBS with Continuous Times
接下来,我们介绍 CCBS 并提供相关背景。CBS E [Sharon et al.,2015] 是完整且最佳的 MAPF 求解器设计用于标准 MAPF , i。e。, 其中时间是离散化的,并且所有操作都具有相同的持续时间。它通过分别查找每个代理的计划,检测这些计划之间的冲突,并通过重新规划受特定约束的各个代理来解决给定的 MAPF 问题。典型的 CBS 实现考虑两种类型的冲突:顶点冲突和边冲突。计划$\pi_i$和$\pi_j$之间的顶点冲突由元组$\langle i,j,v,t\rangle$定义,这意味着根据这些计划,代理$i$和$j$计划同时占用$v$ $t$。元组 $\langle i, j, e, t\rangle$类似地定义了边冲突,这意味着根据$\pi_i$和$\pi_j$,两个代理都计划从相反的方向同时遍历边$e\in E$ 。CBS 顶点约束由元组$\langle i,v,t\rangle$定义,表示禁止代理$i$在$t$处占用顶点$v$ 。CBS 边缘约束类似地由元组$\langle i,e,t\rangle$定义,其中$e\in E$ 。为了保证完整性和最优性CBS 运行两种搜索算法:一种低级搜索算法,用于查找受一组给定约束约束的各个代理的路径;另一种高级搜索算法,用于选择要添加的约束
CBS: Low-Level Search. CBS 中的低级搜索可以是任何寻路算法,该算法可以为与给定的 CBS 约束集一致的代理找到最佳计划。为了使诸如$\mathcal{A}^*$之类的单代理寻路算法适合考虑 CBS 约束,搜索空间还必须考虑时间维度,因为 CBS 约束$\langle i,v,t\rangle$仅在特定时间$t$阻止位置$v$ 。对于时间离散化的 MAPF 问题,这意味着此单代理搜索空间中的状态是一对$(v,t)$ ,表示代理在时间$t$位于$v$位置。扩展这样的状态会生成$(v^\prime,t+1)$形式的状态,其中$v^\prime$等于$v$ ,表示等待操作,或者等于与$v$相邻的位置之一。由违反给定 CBS 约束集的操作生成的状态将被修剪。在此搜索空间上运行 A* 将根据需要返回与给定的 CBS 约束集一致的代理目标的最低成本路径。教材$\mathrm{A}^*$的这个改编很简单,确实大多数关于 CBS 的论文都没有报道,只是说 CBS 的低级搜索是$\mathbb{A}^*$
CBS: High-Level Search. CBS 中的高级搜索算法在$\bar{\text{Constraint Tree }}($CT)上工作,该 CT 是一棵二叉树,其中每个节点表示一组施加在代理上的 CBS 约束以及与
Figure 1: Our running example: a MAPF $_R$ problem with 3
这些 CBS 约束一致的联合计划。对于 CT 节点$N$ ,我们分别用$N.$constraints 和$N.\Pi$表示其约束和联合计划。CT 节点$N$是通过首先设置其约束($N.$constraints)然后通过运行低级求解器来计算$N.\Pi$而生成的,该求解器为每个受$N.$constraints 中与其相关的约束约束约束的代理找到一个计划。如果$N.\Pi$不包含任何冲突,则$N$ 是目标。否则,选择$N.\Pi$中的 CBS 冲突$\langle i,j,x,t\rangle$ (其中$x$是顶点或边)之一,并生成两个新的 CT 节点$N_i$和$N_j$。两个节点都具有与$N$相同的约束集,外加一个新$\bar{\text{的约束}}:N_i$添加了约束$\langle i, x, t\rangle$ , $N_j$添加了约束$\langle j,x,t\rangle$
CBS 以最佳优先的方式搜索 CT ,在每次迭代中扩展
具有最低成本联合计划的 CT 节点$N$
## 3.1 From CBS to CCBS
CCBS 遵循 CBS 框架。CCBS 和 CBS 之间的主要区别
$\bullet$ To detect conflicts, CCBS uses a geometry-aware
collision detection mechanism.
$\bullet$ To resolve conflicts, CCBS uses a geometry-aware
unsafe-interval detection mechanism
$\bullet$ CCBS adds constraints over pairs of actions and
time ranges, instead of location-time pairs.
$\bullet$ For the low-level search, CCBS uses a version of
SIPP adapted to handle CCBS constraints.
Conflict Detection in CCBS
在 CCBS 中,代理可以具有任何几何形状,并且代理的操作可以具有任何持续时间。因此,在遍历不同边的代理之间可能会发生冲突,以及顶点-边冲突,这是在沿边移动的代理与在顶点$\mathbb{E}[$Li et al.,2019] 处等待的代理发生冲突时发生的。因此,CCBS 冲突被定义为操作之间的冲突。形式上,CCBS 冲突是元组$\langle a_i,t_i,a_j,t_j\rangle$ ,表示如果代理$i$ 在$t_i$ 执行 $a_i$,而代理 $j$ 在 $t_j$ 执行 $a_j$,则它们将发生冲突
任意形状运动物体的碰撞检测是计算机图形学,计算几何和机器人技术中广泛研究的一个重要问题E $[ \text{Jim\' {e}nezetal. , 2001] 。对 于 我 们 实 验 中 使 用 的 设 置 , 有 }$ 一个快速的闭环碰撞检测机制$\overline{\mathbb{E}}[$Guy and Karamouzas 2015]。通常,作为 MAPF 算法的 CCBS 与所使用的确切碰撞检测过程无关
Resolving Conflicts in CCBS
CCBS 中的高级搜索会像常规 CBS 一样运行最佳优先搜索,在每次迭代中选择具有最小成本的联合计划的 CT | [
] | [
"MAPFR [Walker et al., 2018]",
"Figure1:Our running example:aMAPFRproblem with3",
"的是makespan和 sum of costs(SOC),其中 makespan",
"3CBS with Continuous Times",
"3.1 From CBS to CCBS",
". To detect conflicts, CCBS uses a geometry-aware",
" collision detection mechanism.",
": To resolve conflicts, CCBS uses a geometry-aware",
"unsafe-interval detection mechanism.",
". CCBS adds constraints over pairs of actions and",
"time ranges, instead of location-time pairs.",
": For the low-level search, CCBS uses a version of",
"SIPP adapted to handle CCBS constraints.",
"Conflict Detection in CCBS",
"Resolving Conflicts in CCBS",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "1901.05506",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 1
} |
1901.05506-zh-3 | 1901.05506-zh-3.jpg | # 4 Practical Aspects
上述分析依赖于具有准确的碰撞检测和不安全间隔检测机制。也就是说,如果确实存在冲突,则会检测到冲突, 并且每个给定的操作对都使用最大的不安全间隔。然而, 构建这样准确的机制并不是微不足道的。有多种方法可以检测连续空间中具有体积的代理之间的冲突,包括闭环几何计算以及基于采样的方法。参见 Jim é nez等人。[2001] 用于概述,[Tang et al., 2014] 用于特定碰撞检测过程的示例。对于我们在实验中使用的恒速盘形代理,存在[Guy and Karamouzas, 2015] 中描述的闭环精确碰撞检测机制。计算操作的不安全间隔 w。r。另一个动作也需要分析代理的运动学和几何形状。然而,与已经研究了多年并且可以在某些设置中使用闭环公式计算的碰撞检测不同,据我们所知,没有这样的闭环公式可用于计算不安全间隔。计算不安全间隔的一般方法是多次应用碰撞检测机制,从$t_i$开始,递增一些小的$\Delta>0$ ,直到碰撞检测机制报告不安全间隔完成。这种方法的局限性在于,产生的不安全间隔可能大于真正的不安全间隔
4.1 Conflict Detection and Selection Heuristics
如上所述,CCBS 中的冲突检测比常规 CBS 中的更复杂。事实上,在我们的实验中,我们观察到冲突检测花费了很大一部分时间。为了加快冲突检测速度,我们只检查了时间上重叠和可能几何重叠的动作之间的冲突。此外,我们实现了两种启发式方法来加快检测过程。我们强调,这些启发式方法不会损害我们对健全性,完整性和最优性的保证
我们使用的第一个试探法,我们称之为 past-conflicts 试探法,跟踪每对代理$(i,j)$在代理$i$和$j$之间发现冲突的次数。然后,它首先检查具有大量过去冲突的一对代理之间的冲突。然后,当发现冲突时,立即停止搜索冲突。然后将找到的冲突存储在 CT 节点中,如果该 CT 节点将被扩展,则它将生成旨在解决此冲突的 CT 节点。这实现了这样一种直觉,即过去发生冲突的代理对将来也更有可能发生冲突
我们发现这种启发式方法在实践中对于减少分配给冲突检测的时间非常有效。然而,使用这种启发式方法有一些限制。先前的工作已经确定,在扩展 CT 节点时智能选择要解决的冲突可能会对 CT 的大小和整体运行时产生巨大影响 [Boyarski et al., 2015] 。具体来说,Boyarski 等人。[2015]引人了基本冲突的概念,这些冲突是解决它们的结果会增加 SOC 的冲突。半基本冲突是指通过为其中一个相关代理重新规划来解决冲突会增加解决方案成本,但为其他相关代理重新规划不会增加解决方案成本
对于 CBS ,选择先解决基数冲突,然后再解决半基数冲突,从而产生了显着的加速$\mathbb{E}[$Boyarski et al,2015] 。但是,要检测基数和半基数冲突,需要识别所有冲突, 而启发式的优点是我们可以在识别所有冲突之前停止搜索冲突
为此,我们提出了第二种混合启发式方法。最初,我们检测所有冲突并仅选择主要冲突。但是,如果节点$N$ 不包含任何基数或半基数冲突,则对于其下 CT 子树中的所有节点,我们切换为使用 past-conflicts 启发式。这种混合方法在我们的实验中效果很好,但是充分探索快速冲突检测和智能冲突选择之间的权衡是未来工作的主题
<th rowspan="2">$k$</th>
<th colspan="4">$SOC$</th>
<th colspan="4">Success ;Rate</th>
<th>2 1</th>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
Table 2: Results for CCBS on $10\times10$ open grid.
# 5 Experimental Results
我们在网格上进行了实验,其中代理可以从一个网格单元的中心移动到另一个网格单元的中心。每个单元的大小为$1\times1_{\mathrm{~,~}}$每个代理的形状都是一个开放的磁盘,其半径等于$\sqrt{2}/4$ 。选择此特定值以允许与 CBS 进行比较因为它是允许代理安全执行代理彼此跟随的移动的最大半径。为了允许非单位边缘成本,我们允许代理在单个移动操作中移动到位于其$2^k$邻域中的每个单元,其中$k$ 是参数$\mathbb{E}[$Rivera et al., 2017]。仅在代理可以安全地移动到目标单元而不与其他代理或障碍物碰撞的情况下才允许从一个单元移动到另一个单元,其中考虑了代理和障碍物的几何形状。移动的成本对应于网格单元格中心之间的欧几里得距离
## 5.1 Open Grids
对于第一组实验,我们使用$10\times10$开放网格,随机放置代理的起始和目标位置。我们用$4,5,\ldots,20$试剂进行实验。对于每一个数量的代理,我们创建了 250 个不同的问题。用 CCBS 与$k=2,3,4$和 5 解决了每个问题。在 中可以看到CCBS 针对具有 13 个代理和$k$的不同值的问题找到的解决方案的动画。表 2 显示了这组实验的结果。每行显示不同数量的代理的结果,如最左列所示。最右边的四列显示成功率,即。e。, CCBS 在超时 60 秒的情况下解决问题的比例,共 250个问题。标有“"的数据点表示成功率低于 0 的设置。4。接下来的四列显示了 SOC 的平均值,该平均值是所有成功率大于 0 的 CCBS 实例解决的问题的平均值。4
结果表明,如预期的那样,增加$k$会产生具有较低SOC 的解决方案。从$k=2$移动到$k=3$时,SOC 中的绝对差异最大,并且随着我们添加更多代理而增长。例如,对于 14 个代理的问题,从$k=2$移动到$k=3$会产生 15 的改进。5 SOC , 对于 16 个代理的问题,移至$k=3$的收益为 17。2 SOC 。增加$k$进一步表现出收益递减效应,其中从$k=4$移动到$k=5$时,SOC 的最大平均收益在0。5
然而,增加$k$也具有增加分支因子的效果,这反过来意味着路径查找变得更加困难。事实上,与 $k=4$ 相比, $k=5$的成功率明显较低。一个例外是从$k=2$到$k=3$ 的过渡,我们观察到$k=3$在少数代理问题上的成功率略有优势。例如,对于 6 个代理$,k=2$的成功率为0。99,而它是 1。00for $k=3$ 。对此的一种解释是,增加$k$ 也意味着每个代理的计划可以更短,这有助于加快搜索速度。因此,增加$k$会引人一个权衡 w。r。t。解决问题的难度:低级搜索的搜索空间较浅,但较宽。对于更密集的问题,我。e。,使用更多的代理,$k=2$在成功率方 | [
] | [
"Success Rate",
"Experimental Results",
"4.1ConflictDetectionandSelection Heuristics",
"Open Grids",
"平均值,该平均值是所有成功率大于0的 CCBS实例解",
"如,对于14个代理的问题,从 k=2移动到k=3会",
"平均收益在 0。5",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "1901.05506",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 3
} |
2207.06555-zh-0 | 2207.06555-zh-0.jpg | # Supervised Attribute Information Removal and Reconstruction for Image Manipulation
Nannan Li and Bryan A. Plummer
Boston University
$\{$ nnli ,bplum $\}$
$\mathbf{Abstract.~The~goal~of~attribute~manipulation~is~to~control~specified~at-~}$ tribute(s) in given images. Prior work approaches this problem by learning disentangled representations for each attribute that enables it to manipulate the encoded source attributes to the target attributes. However, encoded attributes are often correlated with relevant image content. Thus, the source attribute information can often be hidden in the disentangled features, leading to unwanted image editing effects. In this paper, we propose an Attribute Information Removal and Reconstruction (AIRR) network that prevents such information hiding by learning how to remove the attribute information entirely, creating attribute excluded features, and then learns to directly inject the desired attributes in a reconstructed image. We evaluate our approach on four diverse datasets with a variety of attributes including DeepFashion Synthesis, DeepFashion Fine-grained Attribute, CelebA and CelebA-HQ, where our model $\begin{array}{c}\mathrm{improves~attribute~manipulation~accuracy~and~top-k~retrieval~rate~by~10}\end{array}$ $\%$ on average over prior work. A user study also reports that AIRR manipulated images are preferred over prior work in up to 76 % of cases
1 Introduction
属性操作根据所需属性转换图像,该操作可应用于面部编辑[?,?,?] ,图像检索[?,?,?]和图像合成[?,?]等。在这些任务中,目标是能够控制指定的属性而不影响源图像中的其他信息。虽然生成对抗网络(GAN)在属性操作方面取得了令人印象深刻的性能,但一个主要挑战是生成器倾向于通过利用保留的源属性信息而不是目标属性来操作[?,?,?] ,从而导致操作图像中的图像编辑效果不正确先前的工作试图通过在重建[?,?]期间添加随机噪声或学习用于操纵图像[?,?] 的解开属性表示来解决此问题。。但是,低幅度的随机噪声不针对源属性,这可能会被模型故意忽略或无意中抑制关键源特征。另一方面,即使使用分离的图像表示,属性与相关图像内容之间的相关性也可能导致源属性信息隐藏在其余图像特征中。例如,礼服的正式属性通常与礼服的长度相关
为了解决这些问题,我们提出了一种监督属性信息删除和重建(AIRR)模型,该模型学习排除属性的表示并重建具有所需属性的图像。关键挑战在于识别保留的源属性信息并将其与图像表示[?,?,?,?]解相关。先前关于特征解纠缠$^{1}$ Code and models are available at | [
] | [
"Supervised Attribute Information Removal and",
"Reconstruction for Image Manipulation",
"Nannan Li and Bryan A.Plummer",
"Abstract. The goal of attribute manipulation is to control specified at-",
"tribute(s) in given images. Prior work approaches this problem by learn-",
"ing disentangled representations for each attribute that enables it to",
"manipulate the encoded source attributes to the target attributes. How-",
"ever, encoded attributes are often correlated with relevant image content.",
"Thus, thesourceattributeinformation can often behidden inthe disen-",
"tangled features, leading to unwanted image editing effects. In this pa-",
"per, we propose an Attribute Information Removal and Reconstruction",
"toremovetheattributeinformationentirely,creating attribute excluded",
"features, and then learns to directly inject the desired attributes in a",
"reconstructed image. We evaluate our approach on four diverse datasets",
"with a variety of attributes including DeepFashion Synthesis, DeepFash-",
"ion Fine-grained Attribute, CelebA and CelebA-HQ, where our model",
"improves attribute manipulation accuracy and top-k retrieval rate by 10",
"% on average over prior work. A user study also reports that AIRR ma-",
"nipulated images are preferred over prior work in up to 76 % of cases",
"1 Code and models are available at"
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2207.06555",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 0
} |
2207.06555-zh-1 | 2207.06555-zh-1.jpg | N. Li, B. A. Plummer
(a) Framework of previous methods [?,?,?,?,?] .Dashed arrows mean two different
ways of obtaining the reconstructed image
( b) Pipeline of the proposed method
Fig.1: In (a), the generator like those used by [?,?,?,?,?] incorrectly utilizes the hidden source attribute information instead of the target attribute sleeveless for image manipulation. As a result, the manipulated image still contains the source attribute long sleeve , causing improper image editing effects. To avoid this issue, the proposed method in (b) erases the source attribute information in the encoded features through an attribute remover with a disentanglement loss, conditioning the manipulated output only on the input target attribute sleeveless and the attribute excluded features
的研究要么不考虑解相关[?,?,?] ,要么对它可以在前向传递[?,?]中解相关的属性数量有限制,这与我们可以解纠缠任意数量的属性的方法不同。此外,如图1 a 所示,这些方法通常依赖于完整的图像信息进行处理和重建。如前所述,这可能导致信息隐藏在操纵的图像中。相反,如图 1 b 所示,我们使用移除器擦除属性信息以获得属性排除的特征,然后将其用于直接生成重建和操纵的图像。由于这应该消除可能隐藏在解开表示中的信息,因此我们避免了先前工作中的信息隐藏问题
我们方法中的一个挑战是我们依赖于能够识别和删除真实图像中的属性信息。例如,尽管在图 1 中输人图像的背景中出现白色,但一个好的属性分类器会预测服装是灰色而不是白色。这意味着背景信息可能会误导属性识别。为了解决这个问题,我们分割感兴趣的对象(e.g.,使用[?,?])将图像编码器分为两个分支,分别用于感兴趣的对象和背景。这有助于 AIRR 将操作集中在感兴趣的对象上,而不会影响背景信息
- We propose the Attribute Information Removal and Reconstruction method
(AIRR),a controllable disentangled attribute manipulation framework that produces high quality images. The key insight in AIRR is the attribute information removal and reconstruction module that produces an attribute | [
] | [
"N. Li, B. A. Plummer",
"Manipulation Input:Sleveeless",
"(cycle consistency)",
"(a)Framework of previous methods??,?,?,?]:Dashed arrowsmean two different",
"ways of obtaining the reconstructed image",
"Manipulation Input:Sleevelss",
"Disentanglement Loss",
"(b) Pipeline of the proposed method",
"Fig. l: In (a), the generator like those used by [?,?,?,?,?] incorrectly utilizes the",
"hidden source attribute information instead of the target attribute sleeveless",
"for image manipulation. As a result, the manipulated image still contains the",
"source attribute long sleeve, causing improper image editing effects. To avoid",
"this issue, the proposed method in (b) erases the source attribute information",
"in the encoded features through an attribute remover with a disentanglement",
"loss, conditioning the manipulated output only on the input target attribute",
"sleeveless and the attribute excluded features",
"We propose the Attribute Information Removal and Reconstruction method",
"(AIRR), a controllable disentangled attribute manipulation framework that",
"produces high quality images. The key insight in AIRR is the attribute in-",
"formation removal and reconstruction module that produces an attribute"
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2207.06555",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 1
} |
2207.06555-zh-2 | 2207.06555-zh-2.jpg | AIRR 3
excluded representation, eliminating sources of information hiding that de-
grades performance in prior work.
Extensive experiments across DeepFashion Synthesis |?|. DeepFashion Fine grained Attribute [?] ,CelebA [?] and CelebA-HQ [?] report that AIRR improves the attribute manipulation accuracy and top-k retrieval rate by $10\%$ on average over the state-of-the-art. Moreover, we show that AIRR can effectively control attribute strength as well as efficiently manipulating multiple attributes in a single forward pass.
methods are shown to produce high quality images that more accurately
achieve the target attribute manipulation by up to $76\%$ over prior work
## 2 Related Work
属性操纵的早期研究[?,?]将目标属性标签直接与图像或图像特征相结合,并将其解码为操纵输出。但是,解码器可能会错误地将保留的源属性信息用于图像处理。因此,最近的工作 (包括本文)集中在学习解开的属性表示,我们将在下面更详细地讨论
无监督解纠缠。几项研究以无监督的方式探索了 GAN 潜在空间中的解纠缠[?,?,?,?,?] 。这些方法旨在操纵合成数据上的属性,其中图像内容是随机生成的。在[?]中,作者发现预训练的 GAN 上的特征的主要组成部分代表了高级语义概念。在[?]中,作者介绍了 StyleGAN[?] 的通道式解纠缠。Shoshan$\underline{\mathrm{E}}\underline{\mathrm{E}}\underline{e}\underline{e}\underline{a}\underline{l}\underline{\mathrm{.}}\underline{[?]}$ 利用对比学习来解开潜在空间,从而实现对合成面部图像的显式控制。但是,如果不在特征空间上进行手动检查,则很难找到我们要操作的确切属性表示,尤其是对于具有高级语义的属性。因此,在我们的工作中,我们专注于我们希望操纵的属性已知的情况,使我们能够直接针对我们的特征学习。
受监督的解纠缠。基于属性注释的监督解纠缠方法编辑真实图像。此任务的先前工作可以分为两种类型:空间解纠缠和特征解纠缠。在专注于空间解纠缠[?,?] 的方法中,属性位于空间上,因此在特征图中被解纠缠。这些方法可以通过注意图找到特定于属性的特征,而与属性相关的信息则被隐式保留,从而影响图像处理。另一方面,特征解纠缠识别与操纵属性相对应的某些特征。[?]提出了一种学习映射 StyleGAN 潜在代码的线性变换函数的方法。尽管 StyleGAN 的潜在空间是解开的[?] ,但没有正交约束 ,这种线性组合可能会导致不同图像属性和内容之间的相关性。为了解决这个问题,Yang $et\textit{al. [ ? ] 学 习 了 属 性 相 关 和 不 }$ 相关的特征,但是每个被操纵的属性都需要训练自己的模型,这在计算上是昂贵的。相反,Shen|E$et\textit{al. [ E[ ? ] 通 过 支 持 向 量 机 ( SVM) 使 用 条 件 子 空 间 投 影 }$ 来操纵属性,而操纵精度取决于 SVM 的功能,并且每个正向传递只能控制单个属性。相反,我们提出的方法可以通过利用注人的属性嵌入在单个前向传递中操纵多个源属性。
时尚的属性操作。除了上面提到的主要应用于面部属性编辑的方法之外,时尚图像中的属性操纵也得到了很多关注。最近关于该主题的工作主要旨在提高项目推荐的图像检索准确性。例如,研究人员在操纵属性$\mathbb{E}[?,?]$ 时利用了空间信息,学习了属性变换[?]的字典,或者将属性概率分布用作图像检索 [?] 的解开表示。Kwon$\boxed{\mathrm{F} }et\textit{ al. [ E] ? }$预测了由于更改属性而导致的物品形状的变化,从而 | [
] | [
"excluded representation, eliminating sources of information hiding that de",
"grades performance in prior work",
"Extensive experiments across DeepFashion Synthesis [?] , DeepFashion Fine",
"grained Attribute [?], CelebA[?] and CelebA-HQ [?] report that AIRR",
"improves the attribute manipulation accuracy and top-k retrieval rate by",
"10 % on average over the state-of-the-art. Moreover, we show that AIRR",
"can effectively control attribute strength as well as efficiently manipulating",
"multiple attributes in a single forward pass.",
"-A user study further validates the effectiveness of our approach, where our",
"methods are shown to produce high quality images that more accurately",
"achieve the target attribute manipulation by up to 76 % over prior work.",
"2Related Work",
"念。在[?]中,作者介绍了StyleGAN[?]的通道式解纠缠。ShoshanEet al.[?]",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2207.06555",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 2
} |
2207.06555-zh-3 | 2207.06555-zh-3.jpg | 4
N. Li, B. A. Plummer
Fig.2: AIRR framework. In the AIRR generator, a given image is parsed into an object of interest $I_cl$ and background $I_bg$ through an offline parser $[?,?].I_cl$ and $I_{bg}$ are encoded in separate branches $(\bar{\mathrm{Sec.~3.1~).~In~the~}}I_{cl}$ branch, the source attribute information in the encoded features are erased by an attribute remover using a disentanglement loss (Sec. 3.2 ). Subsequently, the source attributes in $A$ and the target attributes in $\bar{\boldsymbol{A}}$ are embedded into the attribute excluded features for image reconstruction and image manipulation, respectively (Sec. ?? )
3 Attribute Information Removal and Reconstruction
给定图像$I$及其属性$A=\{a_1,a_2,...,a_n\}$ ,其中$a_i$表示第$i$个属性,我们旨在操纵$A$中的任意数量的属性。为了实现这一目标,生成器首先将真实图像作为输入,并使用我们的属性移除器将图像属性与图像特征解相关。然后,将生成的属性排除表示与目标属性嵌入相结合,以生成操作输出$I_{map}$。下面,我们介绍模型的四个组成部分:图像编码器 (3.1 节),属性移除器 (3.2 节),解码器(??节)和学习目标(??节)。图 2显示了我们方法的概述
## 3.1 Image Encoder
为了将操作集中在我们要操作的对象上,AIRR 中的图像编码器分为两个分支, 分别用于感兴趣的对象$I_{cl}$和背景$I_{bg}$ 。先前的工作通常通过学习注意力图[?,?,?]来实现$I_cl$的分割,而我们根据经验发现,使用离线解析器[?,?]在分割实例时更准确。这种分割对于具有多个对象的图像特别有用,$e.g.$是穿着上衣, 绑腿和靴子的时装模特的图像。如图 2 所示,在获得$I_{cl}$和$I_{bg}$之后,图像编码器在第一个分支中将$I_cl$编码为$E_1(I_{cl})$ ,在第二个分支中将$\tilde{I}_bg$编码为$E_2(I_{bg})$ 。后来,AIRR 仅操作$E_1(I_{cl})$而不影响背景信息$E_2(I_{bg})$
## 3.2 Attribute Remover
虽然先前的工作直接使用图像特征$E_1(I_{cl})$来生成图像[?,?,?,?,?] ,但在 AIRR 中,来自我们基本编码器的图像特征$E_1(I_{cl})$被馈送到属性移除器中,以学习排 | [
] | [
"N.Li, B. A.Plummer",
"(Sec. 3.1)",
"Disentanglement Loss",
"Fig. 2: AIRR framework . In the AIRR generator, a given image is parsed into ar",
"object of interest Ici and background Ibg through an ofline parser [?,?] .Ic and",
"Ibg are encoded in separate branches(Sec.3.1 .In the Icl branch,the source",
"attribute information in the encoded features are erased by an attribute remover",
"using a disentanglement loss (Sec. 3.2 ). Subsequently, the source attributes in A",
"and the target attributes in A are embedded into the attribute excluded features",
"for image reconstruction and image manipulation, respectively (Sec. ??)",
"3AttributeInformation Removal andReconstruction",
"3.1 Image Encoder",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2207.06555",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 3
} |
2310.14799-zh-2 | 2310.14799-zh-2.jpg | 语 CoT, 如图 1 (b)所示。不幸的是,很少有
人关注零射击跨语言 CoT
为了跨语言概括当前的 CoT,我们提出了一种新颖的跨语言提示 (CLP), 旨在有效地弥合不同语言之间的鸿沟。它由两个组件组成:(1) 跨语言对齐提示和(2)特定于任务的求解器提示。具体来说,跨语言对齐提示用于对齐不同语言之间的表示。在我们的实验中,我们使用“让我们一步一步地理解英语中的任务”,而不是传统的“让我们一步一步地思考”。”。固有的直觉是,随着模型逐渐理解英语任务,它固有地抓住了源语言和英语之间的关系。在对齐不同语言之间的表示之后,我们进一步利用特定于任务的解决提示,通过设置“让我们逐步解决您上面理解的任务!”来完成最终任务。这种简单而有效的 CLP 可以大大提高跨语言场景的推理能力。此外,受自洽工作的启发,我们提出了跨语言自洽提示 (CLSP),该模型使模型能够整合跨语言的推理路径的不同视图。实验结果表明,CLP 通过以超过 1 的增益优于所有基线来实现 SOTA 性能。8%。此外,CLSP 可以通过整合不同语言的知识来进一步提高性能。这项工作的主要贡献总结如下:
$\bullet$ We introduce cross-lingual prompting that contains cross-lingual alignment prompting and task-specific solver prompting , which jointly improve zero-shot CoT reasoning across languages;
$\bullet$ We further propose cross-lingual selfconsistent prompting to integrate reasoning paths across different languages;
$\bullet$ Extensive evaluations on several benchmarks reveal that both CLP and CLSP are capable of improving zero-shot cross-lingual CoT effectively and achieving SOTA performance (with over 1.8 % improvement on AVG accuracy).
我们希望这项工作可以激发跨语言 CoT 的进一步研究,并且代码可以在 Cross-LingualPrompting 上找到。
# 2 Background
# 2.1 Traditional Chain-of-Thought
Chan-of-thought 是一种强大的技术,可以激发大型语言模型 (LLM) 的强大推理能力,能够完成复杂的任务。对于传统的思想链(CoT)生成方法,LLM 被附加为一个简单的提示“让我
Request: [Given sentence X ]
Let's think step by step!
### 2.2 Cross-lingual Chain-of-Though
虽然传统 CoT 取得了显著的成功,但它仅限于在单一语言中生成 CoT, 并且缺乏有效的跨语言可移植性。因此,跨语言 CoT 旨在使模型能够处理任何语言的请求,并专门以目标语言生成 CoT (i。e。,English) (Shi et al., 2022)
### 3 Cross-lingual Prompting
为了引出 LLM 的跨语言推理能力,我们引入了跨语言提示(CLP)作为解决方案。具体来说,CLP 由两个组件组成:(1) 跨语言对齐提示(§3.1)和(2)特定于任务的求解器提示$(\S3.2)$。
# 3.1 Step 1: Cross-lingual Alignment Prompting
跨语言对齐是跨语言迁移的核心挑战。因此为了更好地捕获对齐信息,我们首先引入跨语言对齐提示 (请参阅图$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$2 (a))。具体来说,我们的方法通过对齐信息的特定任务启动 LLM。请求的格式如下:
给定 sentence $X$ ,我们首先模拟 LLM 在多语言理解方面的专业知识。此外,我们介绍了从 source language $L_s$到 target language $L_t$ 的逐步对齐过程。中间语义对齐表示为$\{a_i\}_{i=1}^S$ ,其中$S$表示对齐步骤的数量。总的来说,我们的跨语言对齐提示方法的公式可以表示如下:
$$\mathcal{A}=\arg\max p(a_1,\ldots,a_S|X,L_s,L_t),$$
其中$\mathcal{A}$表示步骤 1 中的对齐响应
3.2 Step 2: Task-specific Solver Prompting
具体来说,给定 target language $L_t$和从上一步获得的对齐文本$\mathcal{A}$ ,我们提示 LLM 参与解析 target tast $T$ 。并且 LLM 尝试沿着多步 | [
] | [
"Request: [Given sentence X ]",
"Let's think step by step!",
"Cross-lingual Chain-of-Thought",
"成CoT (i。e。,English) (Shiet al., 2022)",
"Cross-lingual Prompting",
"($3.2 )。",
"Step 1: Cross-lingual Alignment",
": We introduce cross-lingual prompting that",
"contains cross-lingual alignment prompting",
"and task-specific solver prompting,which",
"jointly improve zero-shot CoT reasoning",
"Please act as an expert in multi-lingual",
"across languages;",
"understanding in [Source Language L, ]",
"• We further propose cross-lingual self-",
"Request: [Given sentence X ]",
"consistent prompting to integrate reasoning",
"[Target Language Lt ] step-by-step!",
"paths across different languages;",
": Extensive evaluations on several benchmarks",
"reveal that both CLP and CLSP are capable",
"of improving zero-shot cross-lingual CoT ef-",
"从source language Ls到 targetlanguageLt",
"fectively and achieving SOTA performance",
"(with over 1.8 % improvement on AVG ac",
"A= argmaxp(a1,...,as|X,Ls, Lt), (1)",
"3.2Step 2: Task-specific Solver Prompting",
"2.1 Traditional Chain-of-Thought",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2310.14799",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 2
} |
2310.14799-zh-4 | 2310.14799-zh-4.jpg | <table>
<td>GPT-3 (text-davinci-002)</td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td>Direct (Shi et al., 2022</td>
<td>(Shi et al., 2022] Native-CoT</td>
<td>En- CoT (Shi et al., 2022)</td>
<td>(Shi et al., 2022) Translate-En</td>
<td>PaLM- 540B</td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td>Direct (Shi et al., 2022</td>
<td>(Shi et al., 2022] Native-CoT</td>
<td>En- CoT (Shi et al., 2022)</td>
<td>(Shi et al., 2022) Translate-En</td>
<td>GPT3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)</td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td>Native- CoT</td>
<td>En- CoT</td>
Table l: Main results on MGSM.“ Direct" denotes the original input request will be given to model directly.“ Native-CoT”signifies that the model generates inference steps in the same language as the input. “ En-CoT" indicates the given non-English input request and returned with English chain-of-thought result.“ Translate-En" denotes we translate non-English input requests into English by Google translation API. $^{\dagger}$ denotes the 6-shot results sourced from Shi et al. (2022) .
1。我们从[0,2]中选择跨语言对齐提示中的温 知识可以有效地提高跨语言 CoT 的推理性能,
度,从[0,1] 中选择特定于任务的求解器提示 验证了跨语言自洽提示的有效性
## 5.3 CLPAnalysis
5.3.1 CLP results better reasoning quality
### 5.2 Main Results
主要结果如表 1 所示。从结果来看,我们有以
为了进一步研究 CLP 的工作原理,我们使用Roscoe $\boxed{\mathrm{F}}($Golovneva et al., 2022) 的框架来评估模型思想链中推理路径的质量。实现细节见附录 ??
如图E4 所示,我们发现 CLP 的推理路径表现出更高的忠实性,在推理过程中与关键步骤表现出更好的一致性。具体来说,忠诚得分增加了 1。6%, 表明该模型更好地理解了问题陈述,并确保了清晰的推理链,而不会产生不相关或滥用的信息。此外,我们观察到 2。8% 和2。5%分别对“步骤”和“链”的信息度量进行了改进。这表明,在跨语言对齐之后,该模型的推理可以提供更有根据的推理步骤。此外, CLP显示了一个2。8% 在失步度量中的增强, 表明模型的推理可以包含完整的逻辑链,从而带来更好的性能
(1) GPT-3.5 exhibits notable cross-lingual reasoning superiority. 在表$\boxed{\mathrm{E}}1$,GPT-3 中提到的所有方案中进行评估时。5 明显超过了 PaLM- 540B 和 GPT-3 的少量拍摄结果(实现了 30的改进。3%,2。3%7。7% 和 14。2%overPaLM- 540B,respectively)。如 Wang et al. (2023a) 所示, 多语言 SFT 和 RLHF 技术可大大提高跨语言推理性能。
$( 2) \textbf{ CLP achieves state- of- the- art performance. }$ 如表$\overline{\mathbb{E}}$1 所示,CLP 超越了以前的所有基线,特别是优于 PALM-540B (Translate-En), 提高了 16。4%。这种改进不能完全归因于 GPT- 3。5(中电甚至达到了2。2% 的平均精度高于Translate-En )。这些发现表明,跨语言对齐提示(CLP)超越了简单的文本翻译,进一步增强了模型固有的跨语言理解能力
### 5.3.2 Two-stage interactive prompting is better than single turn prompting
(3) CLSP further significantly improves perfor-
本节探讨两阶段交互式提示的有效性。我们不使用两圈跨语言对齐提示和特定于任务的求解器提示来分别执行对齐和任务求解,而是使用换行字符“n”直接连接跨语言对齐提示和特定于任务的求解器提示 LLM
mance. 如表$\mathbb{E}$1 所示 ,CLSP 在所有语言中都比 CLP 具有显着优势 (6。1% 在平均精度上的改进)。这一观察结果表明,整合不同语言的 | [
] | [
"zh ",
"GPT-3 (text-davinci-002)",
"Direct (Shietal.,2022)",
"Native-CoT t (Shiet al., 2022)",
"En-CoT t (Shi et al., 2022)",
"Translate-En t (Shi et al., 2022)",
"Direct (Shi et al., 2022)",
"Native-CoT t (Shiet al., 2022)",
"En-CoT t (Shi et al., 2022)",
"Translate-En t (Shi et al., 2022)",
"GPT3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)",
"Table 1: Main results on MGSM. \" Direct \" denotes the original input request will be given to model di-",
"rectly. \" Nat ive-CoT *\" signifies that the model generates inference steps in the same language as the input.",
"\" En-CoT \" indicates the given non-English input request and returned with English chain-of-thought result.",
"Translate-En *\" denotes we translate non-English input requests into English by Google translation API. t",
"5.3CLP Analysis",
"5.2Main Results",
"5.3.1 CLP results better reasoning quality",
"(1) GPT-3.5 exhibits notable cross-lingual rea-",
"(2) CLP achieves state-of-the-art performance.",
"CLP 显示了一个 2。8%在失步度量中的增强",
"Two-stage interactive prompting is",
"betterthan single turn prompting",
"(3) CLSP further significantly improves perfor-",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2310.14799",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 4
} |
1904.09380-zh-0 | 1904.09380-zh-0.jpg | # 为多跳问答任务重新添加附属品
Harsh Trivedi', Heeyoung Kwon', Tushar Khot', Ashish Sabharwal', Niranjan Balasubramanian'
$\clubsuit$ Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, U. S. A. $\{$hjtrivedi, heekwon, niranjan$\} @$cs. stonybrook. edu $\spadesuit$ Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Seattle, U. S. A.
$\{$ tushark,ashishs $\}$
Question Answering (QA) naturally reduces to an entailment problem, namely, verifying whether some text entails the answer to a question. However, for multihop QA tasks, which require reasoning with multiple sentences, it remains unclear how best to utilize entailment models pre-trained on large scale datasets such as SNLI, which are based on sentence
Multee, a
pairs. We introduce
general architecture that can effectively use entailment models for multi-hop QA $tasks.$
Multee uses (i) a local
module that helps locate important sentences, thereby avoiding distracting information, and (ii) a global module that aggregates information by effectively incorporating importance weights. Importantly, we show that both modules can use entailment functions pre-trained on a large scale NLI datasets. $\hat{We evaluate per- }$ formance on MultiRC and OpenBookQA, two multihop QA datasets. When using an entailment function pre-trained on $\bar{\mathrm{NLI~datasets, }}$ $\hat{\mathbf{s} }$ $\bar{\mathrm{Multee~outperforms}}$ QA models trained only on the target QA datasets and the OpenAI transformer models. The code is available at https: // .
## 1 Introduction
我们如何有效地使用文本蕴涵模型来回答问题?以前在这方面的尝试取得了有限的成功 (Harabagiu and Hickl, 2006; Sacaleanu et al., 2008; Clark et al., 2012)。随着最近的大规模蕴涵数据集$\overline{\mathrm{E}}($Bowman et al., 2015; Williams et al., 2018; Khot et al., 2018) 将蕴涵模型推向高精度$\overline{\mathrm{E}}($Chen et al., 2017; Parikh et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2017) , 我们重新审视了这一挑战,并提出了一种将神经蕴涵模型重新用于 QA 的新方法
Figure 1: An example illustrating the challenges in using sentence-level entailment model for multisentence reasoning needed for QA, and the highlevel approach used in $\otimes$Multee.
将蕴涵模型用于 QA 的一个主要困难是两个任务的输入之间的不匹配:大规模蕴涵数据集通常是在句子级别构建的,而问题回答则需要验证多个句子是否在一起作为前提,需要假设
有两种直接的方法可以解决这种不匹配:(1) 在每个前提句子上聚合独立的蕴涵决策,或者(2)在连接所有前提句子后做出单个蕴涵决策。两种方法都不完全令人满意。要理解原因,请考虑图$\operatorname{E1}$ 中的前提集,其中包含假设 $H_c$ 。具体来说,$P1$和$P3$中的组合信息需要$H_c$,它对应于正确答案 Cambridge。一方面,聚合独立决策将失败,因为没有单独的前提需要$H_C$ 。另一方面,简单地将前提连接成一个段落将失败,因为$P$2 和$P$4 中的分散信息会混淆$P1$ 和$P3$中的有用信息。因此,一种有效的方法必须认识到相关的句子(i。e。,避免分散注意力), 并撰写他们的句子级信息
我们对这一挑战的解决方案是基于这样的观察,即句子级蕴涵函数可以重新用于识别相关句子和计算句子级表示。这两个任务都需要比较一对文本中的信息,但是比较的目标是不同的。这意味着我们可以采用为基本蕴涵训练的蕴涵函数 (i。e。, 比较文本中的信息),并使其适用于识别相关性和计算表示。因此,这种架构使我们能够整合蕴涵架构的进步,并利用使用大规模蕴涵数据集获得的预训练模型 | [
] | [
"Harsh Trivedi*, Heeyoung Kwon*, Tushar Khot*, Ashish Sabharwal, Niranjan Balasubramanian*",
"+ Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, U.S.A.",
"[ hjtrivedi,heekwon,niranjan",
" Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Seattle, U.S.A.",
"[ tushark,ashishs",
"ed? (A) Ca",
"H:Facebook was launched in Cambridge",
"Question Answering (QA) naturally re-",
"P2:Facebook headquarters was set up in Silicon Valley",
"duces to an entailment problem, namely.",
"P3:Harvard University is at Cambridge,Massachusetts.",
"P4:Harvard isonlya fewmilesfrom Boston",
"swer to a question. However, for multi-",
"verifying whether sometext entailsthean-",
"hop QA tasks, which require reasoning",
"Facehookwas launchedatHarvardUnivers",
"with multiple sentences, it remains un-",
"clear how best to utilize entailment mod-",
"els pre-trained on large scale datasets such",
"as SNLI, which are based on sentence",
"Figure l:Anexample illustrating the challenges",
"in using sentence-level entailment model for multi",
" sentence reasoning needed for QA, and the high-",
"general architecture that can effectively",
"level approach used in Multee.",
"use entailment models for multi-hop QA",
"Multee uses (i)a local",
"module that helps locate important sen-",
"tences, thereby avoiding distracting infor-",
"mation, and (i) a global module that",
"aggregates information by effectively in-",
"corporating importance weights.Impor-",
"tantly, we show that both modules can",
"use entailment functions pre-trained on a",
"large scale NLI datasets. We evaluate per",
"formance on MultiRC and OpenBookQA,",
"two multihop QA datasets.",
"When us-",
"ing an entailment function pre-trained on",
"Multee outperforms",
"QA models trained only on the target",
"QA datasets and the OpenAI transformer",
"models.The code is available at https:",
"成功 (Harabagiu and Hickl, 2006; Sacaleanu",
"etal.,2008;Clark etal.,2012)。随着最近",
"Williams et al.,2018;Khot et al.,2018)将蕴",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "1904.09380",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 0
} |
1904.09380-zh-1 | 1904.09380-zh-1.jpg | 系结构将(预训练的)蕴涵函数$f_e$用于多句子QA。给定一个表示候选答案的假设语句$H_{qa}$ 和一组前提句子$\{P_i\}$ ,我们提出的体系结构将相同的函数$f_e$用于两个组件:(a)句子相关性模块,该模块根据每个$P_i$的潜在相关性对其进行评分$H_{qa}$,目的是清除干扰物;(b) 相关性加权聚合器,它结合了来自 XMATHX 的多个信息
因此,我们构建了更大上下文的有效包含感知表示(i。e。,多个句子) 来自小上下文(i。e。,个别句子)。我们方法的主要优势在于,与标准注意力机制不同,聚合器模块在多个抽象级别上使用来自相关性模块的注意力分数 (e。g。, 神经网络的多个层)在$f_e$内,使用在每个级别上组成表示的连接操作。我们将这一实际信息表示的水平聚合称为$\otimes$ Multee (发音为 multi)
我们的$\otimes$ Multee 实现使用 ESIM (Chen et al., 2017) , 这是一个最近的句子级蕴涵模型,在 SNLI 和 MultiNLI 数据集上进行了预训练。我们证明了它在两个具有挑战性的多句子推理数据集上的有效性:MultiRCE (Khashabi et al.,2018)和 OpenBookQAE (Mihaylov et al.,2018)。使用 ELMo 上下文嵌入的$\otimes$ Multee (Peters et al.,2018)与大型基于转染子的模型 (Radford et al., 2018) 获得的最新结果相匹配,这些模型是在一系列大规模任务 (Sun et al.,2019) 上训练的
消融研究表明,相关性评分和多级聚合都是有价值的,并且在大型蕴涵语料库上进行预训练对 OpenBookQA 特别有帮助
这项工作有三个主要贡献:(i)一种使用预先训练的蕴涵模型进行问答的新颖方法。(ii) 将本地(句子级别)蕴涵决策与全局(文档级别)蕴涵决策相结合以有效聚合多跳 QA 任务信息的模型。(iii) 经验评估表明,基于蕴涵的QA 可以在两个具有挑战性的多跳 QA 数据集OpenBookQA 和 MultiRC 上实现最先进的性能
2 Question Answering using Entailment
$^{1}$This collection can be a sequence in the case of passage comprehension or a list of sentences, poten- ${\mathrm{tially~from~varied~sources,~in~the~case~of~QA~over~mul-}}$ ${\mathrm{tiple~documents.}}$
为此,我们提出了一种通用体系结构,该体 造的假设语句$H_{qa}$的概率
$$\Pr[A\mid Q,\{P_i\}]\:\stackrel{\Delta}{=}\:\Pr[\{P_i\}\models H_{qa}]$$
在这里,我们使用$\vDash$表示文本含义。给定 QA 训练数据,然后我们可以学习一个近似蕴涵概率 Pr$[\{P_i\}\models H_{qa}]$的模型
能否使用已在大规模蕴涵数据集上预先训练的现有蕴涵模型$f_e$构建有效的 QA 模型$g_e$ ? 图$\boxed{\mathrm{E}}2$说明了使用$f_e$作为黑盒函数的两种简单方法:
Figure 2: Black Box Applications of Textual Entailment Model for QA: Max and Concat models ( i) Aggregate Local Decisions ( Max) : 使用 $f_e$ 检查每个句子$P_i$本身需要多少$H_qa$,并聚合这些局部蕴涵决策,例如,使用 max 操作。
(ii) Concatenate Premises ( Concat) : 将前提句子按顺序组合在一起,以形成单个大段落$P$ , 并使用$f_e$检查该段落作为一个整体是否包含假设$H_{qa}$ ,从而做出单个包含决定:
然而,我们的实验表明,这两种方法都不是使用预先训练的包含模型进行 QA 的有效方法(请参见表$\mathbb{E}$1)。FortheexampleinFigure 1 ,MaxmodelwouldnotbeabletoconsiderinformationfromP1andP3together。相反,它将把硅谷作为答案,因为 P2 接近$H_s~,~“$Facebook 是在硅谷推出的”。同样,Concat 也会被P2 中的分散信息所迷惑,这将削弱其对答案剑桥的信心。因此,如果没有仔细的指导,简单的聚合很容易将分散注意力的信息添加到前提表示中,从而导致蕴涵失败。这促使人们需要新的、有效的机制来对一系列前提进行全局推理
## 3 Our Approach: $\otimes$Multee
我们提出了一个新的基于蕴涵的 QA 模型$\textcircled {2}$ Multee ,该模型具有两个组成部分:(i) | [
] | [
"Pr[A | Q,{P,}] ≥Pr[{P} Hqa] (1)",
"Pr(P) = Hga)",
"Pr(P)E Ha)",
"Figure 2: Black Box Applications of Textual En-",
"tailment Model for QA: Max and Concat models",
"(i)Aggregate Local Decisions(Max):使用 fe",
"(Khashabi et al., 2018)和 OpenBookQAE",
"ge({Pi), Hqa) = max fe(Pi, Hqa)(2)",
"ge([Pi), Hqa) = fe(P, Hqa)",
"ure 1 ,Maxmodelwouldnotbeabletoconsiderin-",
"Question Answering using Entailment",
"IThis collection can be a sequence in the case of",
"Our Approach: Multee",
"passage comprehension or a list of sentences, poten-",
"tially from varied sources, in the case of QA over mul-",
"tiple documents.",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "1904.09380",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 1
} |
1904.09380-zh-3 | 1904.09380-zh-3.jpg | <FigureHere>
Figure 3: $\otimes$ Multee overview: Multee includes two main components, a relevance module, and a multi-layer aggregator module. Both modules use pre-trained entailment functions $(f_{e_p}$ and $f_{e_v}).f_{e_p}$ is the full entailment model that gives entailment probability, and $f_{e_v}$ is part of it excluding last projection to logits and softmax. The multi-level aggregator uses multiple copies of entailment function $f_{e_v}$,one for each sub-aggregator performing a join at a different layer. Right part of figure zooms in on one such sub-aggregator joining at layer $\ell.$
缩放,并将它们连接在一起以形成$[\bar{P}]$ 。$\bar{H}_{qa}$
$$\begin{aligned}\tilde{X}_{i}&=([\bar{P}_{i}],[\bar{H}_{qa}])\quad\forall i\\[\bar{P}]&=[\alpha_{1}[\bar{P}_{1}];\alpha_{2}[\bar{P}_{2}];\ldots;\alpha_{n}[\bar{P}_{n}]]\\\tilde{Y}&=\left([\bar{P}],[\bar{H}_{qa}]\right)\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}\tilde{X}_{i}&=(M^{hp_{i}},[\bar{P}_{i}],[\bar{H}_{qa}])\quad\forall i\\M^{hp}&=\begin{bmatrix}\alpha_{i}M^{hp_{1}};&\ldots;&\alpha_{i}M^{hp_{n}}\end{bmatrix}\\M_{ij}^{hp}&=\frac{M_{ij}^{hp}}{\sum_{k}M_{ik}^{hp}}\\[\bar{P}]&=\begin{bmatrix}[\bar{P}_{1}];&[\bar{P}_{2}];...;[\bar{P}_{n}]\end{bmatrix}\\\tilde{Y}&=(M^{hp},\bar{P},\bar{H}_{qa})\end{aligned}$$
$\textcircled {2}$ Multee 的多层聚合器模块在两个级别上使用连接操作:交叉关注层(CA)和最终层(FL)。两个相应的聚合器共享参数,直到两个连接层中的较低层(在本例中为 CA),它们都在句子级别运行。在这一层之上,一个聚合器切换到在段落级别运行,在那里它有自己的非共享参数。通常,如果$\otimes$ Multee 要在层$\ell_{i1},\ell_{i2},\ldots,\ell_{ik}$上聚合,则分别在层$\ell$和$\ell^\prime$上具有连接的聚合器可以共享层$1,\ldots,\min\{\ell,\ell^{\prime}\}$ 上的参数
会简化为 Concat Premises (等式E3)
最终层(FL):包含堆栈中的最后一层通常输出一个向量$\bar{h}$ ,然后将其用于线性层和 softmax 中以产生标签概率。这里的连接运算是前提级向量的加权和。所以我们有$\tilde{X} _i= \bar{h} _i$ $\forall i$ 和$\tilde{Y}=\sum_{i}\alpha_{i}\bar{h}_{i}$
交叉注意层 (CA): 交叉注意是许多蕴涵和阅读理解模型的标准组成部分。该层产生三个输出:(i)对于每个前提$P_i$ ,我们得到一个假设,以其形状为(h$\times p_i$)的前提交叉关注矩阵$M^{hp_i}$ ,其中$h$是前提$P_i$中的令牌数;(ii) 对于每个前提 XMATHX 序列$P_i$ ,。$M^{hp_i}$注意力矩阵是通过从$[\bar{H}_{qa}]$到$[\bar{P}_i]$的交叉注意力生成的
此层中的连接操作会产生一个跨整个通道的交叉关注矩阵,即。e。,具有形状($h\times p)$, 其中$p$是所有场所的令牌总数。该操作首先按句子相关性权重$\{\alpha_i\}$缩放交叉注意矩阵,以“降低”分散注意力/不相关句子的影响,然后
## 3.3 Implementation Details
多 Multee 使用 ESIM 堆栈作为在 SNLI 和MultiNLI 上预先训练的关联模块和多层聚合器模块的蕴涵函数。它在两个级别上使用聚合,一个在交叉注意力级别(CA),一个在最后一层(FL)。念 Multee 中蕴涵函数的所有用法都使用相同的预训练蕴涵模型权重进行初始化。嵌入层和 BiLSTM 层处理段落级上下文,但更高层的处理是在前提级或段落级完成的,具体取决于执行连接操作的位置 | [
] | [
"Feed Forward",
"Relevance Module",
"Figure 3:",
"Multee overview: Multee includes two main components, a relevance module, and a",
"multi-layer aggregator module. Both modules use pre-trained entailment functions ( fe, and fe ). fe, is",
"the full entailment model that gives entailment probability, and fe, is part of it excluding last projection",
"to logits and softmax. The multi-level aggregator uses multiple copies of entailment function fe , one",
"for each sub-aggregator performing a join at a different layer. Right part of figure zooms in on one such",
"sub-aggregator joining at layer l .",
"X, = (Mhpi,[P],[Hqa]Vi",
"X,= ([P],[Hqal) Vi",
"Mhp- [aiMhpl; ....; QiMhpn]",
"[P] = [αi[Pi]; Q2[P2]; ...; αn[Pn]]",
"Y= ((P],[Hqal)",
"[P] =[Pi];[P2]; ..; [Pn]]",
"Y =(Mhp, P,Hqa)",
"其中 Mhp是ith行和Mhp的jth列",
"Implementation Details",
"阵 Mhpi,其中 h 是前提 P;中的令牌数;(i)",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "1904.09380",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 3
} |
1904.09380-zh-4 | 1904.09380-zh-4.jpg | 4 Experiments
Datasets: 我们在两个数据集上评估 念Multee ,OpenBookQA$\boxed{\mathrm{E}}($Mihaylov et al., 2018)和 MultiRC$\underline{\mathrm{E}}($Khashabi et al., 2018) , 这两个数据集都是专门为测试多个句子的推理而设计的。MultiRC 是基于段落的多项选择QA 数据集,来自不同的主题,其中问题可根据段落中的信息回答。在 MultiRC 中,每个问题可以有多个正确答案选择,因此可以将其视为二进制分类任务(每个答案选择一个预测), 在开发/测试集中有 4,848/4,583 个示例。另一方面,OpenBookQA 有多项选择的科学问题, 只有一个正确的答案选择,没有相关的段落。因此,此数据集需要从辅助资源中检索相关事实,包括与论文一起发布的公开事实书以及其他来源,例如 WordNet$\boxed{\mathrm{F}}($Miller,1995)和ConceptNet$\underline{\mathrm{E}}($Speer and Havasi, 2012)。它在开发和测试集中包含 500 个问题
预处理:对于每个问题和答案选择,我们使用SciTail$\underline{\mathrm{E}}($Khot et al., 2018)构造中使用的脚本的修改版本创建一个答案假设语句。我们编写了一些规则,以更好地将问题和答案转换为假设。我们还使用特殊的开始和结束标记$\textcircled{\mathrm{Q@@answer}}$和 answer@@@ 分别在假设中标记答案的范围$^3$。对于 MultiRC,我们还应用了现成的协指解析模型$^{4}$,并在它们解析为不同句子$^{5}$中出现的代词时替换提及。对于OpenBookQA,我们使用与 OpenBookQA $^{6}$作者发布的完全相同的检索,并使用 OpenBook 和 WordNet 作为知识源,每个查询检索前 5个句子
培训 參 Multee:对于 OpenBookQA,我们对与 4 个答案选择相对应的标签使用交叉熵损失。对于 MultiRC, 我们分别为每个答案选择使用二进制交叉熵损失,因为在 MultiRC 中, 每个问题可以有多个正确的答案选择。蕴涵组件在句子级蕴涵任务上进行预培训,然后作为端到端 QA 培训的一部分进行微调。MultiRC 数据集包括句子级相关性标签。我们使用二进制交叉熵损失来监督句子相关性模块,以便在可用时预测这些相关性标签。我们使用PyTorch (Paszke et al., 2017) 和 AllenNLP 来实现我们的模型,并在 Beaker$^{7}$上运行它们。对于预训练,我们使用与 AllenNLP (Gardner ${}^{3}{\mathrm{Answer~span~marking~gave~substantial~gains~for~all}}$
entailment based models including the baselines.
$^{5}$It is hard to learn co-reference, as these target datasets are too small to learn this in an end-to-end fashion.
et al., 2017) 实现中相同的 ESIM (Chen et al., 2017)超参数,并微调模型参数。我们不对我们的任何模型执行任何超参数调整。我们微调ESIM 中除了嵌入层之外的所有层
Models Compared: 我们对$\otimes$ Multee 的Glove (Pennington et al., 2014) 和 ELMo (Peters et al.,2018)嵌入进行了实验,并与以下三种类型的系统进行了比较:
(A) 使用蕴涵作为黑箱的基线我们以两种方式将预先训练的蕴涵模型用作黑箱:连接前提(Concat)和具有最大操作 (Max)的聚合句子级别决策。这两个模型还在 SNLI 和 MultiNLI 数据集上进行了预训练,并在具有相同预处理的目标 QA 数据集上进行了微调
( B) 以前发布的结果:对于 MultiRC,有两个发布的基线:IR(信息检索)和 LR(逻辑回归)。在这个相对较小的数据集上,这些简单的模型被证明是强大的基线。对于 OpenBookQA, 我们报告了 (Mihaylov et al.,2018)发布的基线:与 ELMo 的问题匹配(QM+ELMo),与ELMo 的问答 ESIM (ESIM+ELMo)以及他们在知识增强阅读器(KER)中的最佳结果基于(C)大型 Transformer 的模型:我们与
OpenAI- Transformer( OFT) 进行了比较,对大规模语言建模任务进行了预训练,并对相应的数据集进行了微调。发表了这些转换器结果的同期作品$^{8}$也在大规模阅读理解数据集RACE$\boxed{\mathrm{F}}($Lai et al.,2017)上进一步微调了该转换器,然后使用其方法对目标 QA 数据集进行微调,阅读策略
## 4.1 Results
表 1总结了所有型号的性能。念 Multee 优于在相同数据,以前发布的基线,OpenAI 变压器模型上预先训练的黑盒包含基线(Concat 和Max)。我们注意到,OpenBookQA 和 MultiRC 的基线精度周围的 95% 置信区间为 4。3% 和在 OpenBookQA 测试集上,带有 GloVe 的$\otimes$ Multee 的性能优于 OpenAI 转换器的集成版本 3。精度 0 分。它还优于阅读策略系统的单一模型版本,可与它们的集成版本相媲美。在 MultiRC 开发集上,带有 ELMo 的$\textcircled{2}$ Multee 比 OpenAI 转换器的集成版本高出1。Fla 中 9 点,2。7 在 Flm 和 6。3 在 EM。它还优于阅读策略系统的单一模型版本,可与它们的集成版本相媲美。回想一下,除了我们在这里使用的目标 QA 数据集之外,阅读策略结果是通过对另一个更大的 QA 数据集
$^{8}$Published on arXiv on Oct 31, 2018$\allowbreak ( {\mathrm{mod}} $Sun et al. ),
2019) . | [
] | [
"Multee , OpenBookQAE(Mihaylov et al.,",
"2018)和 MultiRCE(Khashabi et al., 2018),",
"Glove (Pennington et al., 2014)和 ELMo (Pe-",
"ters etal.2018)嵌人进行了实验,并与以下",
"ConceptNet(Speer and Havasi, 2012)。它在",
"PyTorch (Paszke et al., 2017)和 AllenNLP 来",
"3Answer span marking gave substantial gains for all",
"entailment based models including the baselines",
"5It is hard to learn co-reference, as these target",
"datasets are too small to learn this in an end-to-end",
"8Published on arXiv on Oct 31, 2018 (Sun et al.,",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "1904.09380",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 4
} |
2402.17128-zh-1 | 2402.17128-zh-1.jpg | $\mathbf{OSCaR:}$对象状态标题和状态更改表示
$\textbf{Nguyen Nguyen}^1,\textbf{Jing Bi}^1,\textbf{Ali Vosoughi}^1,\textbf{Yapeng Tian}^2,\textbf{Pooyan Fazli}^3,\textbf{Chenliang Xu}^1$
$^{1}$University of Rochester, $^2$University of Texas at Dallas, $^3$Arizona State University
$\{$ nguyen.nguyen,, ali.vosoughi, chenliang.xu $\}$,
[email protected], pooyan@asu. edu
## $\mathbf{Abstract}$
The capability of intelligent models to extrapolate and comprehend changes in object states is a crucial yet demanding aspect of AI research, particularly through the lens of human interaction in real-world settings. This task involves describing complex visual environments, identifying active objects, and interpreting their changes as conveyed through language. Traditional methods, which isolate object captioning and state change detection, offer a limited view of dynamic environments. Moreover, relying on a small set of symbolic words to represent changes has restricted the expressiveness of language. To address these challenges, in this paper, we introduce the Object State Captioning and State Change Representation (OSCaR) dataset and benchmark. OSCaR consists of 14,084 annotated video segments with nearly 1,000 unique objects from various egocentric video collections. It sets a new testbed for evaluating Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs). Our experiments demonstrate that while MLLMs show some skill, they lack a full understanding of object state changes. The benchmark includes a fine-tuned model that, despite initial capabilities, requires significant improvements in accuracy and generalization ability for effective understanding of these changes. Our code and dataset are available at https: //gi thub. com/ nguyennm1024/0SCaR .
### 1 $\textbf{Introduction}$
自然语言处理(NLP)领域已经超越了单纯的文本解释和生成,进入了必须理解和与物理世界互动的领域。从研究因果推理$\overline{\mathrm{E}}($Gao et al., 2018) 到建立因果预测$\boxed{\mathrm{F}}($Gao et al., 2016; Alayrac et al.,2017)的世界模型,研究人员一直在研究物理世界中的因果关系问题
在本文中,我们研究了具体动作与该动作引起的对象状态变化之间的非常基本的因果关系。例如,给定一个如图 2 所示的图像,我们作为人类,理解哪个对象正在积极地与之交互
Figure 1: Surpassing prior models in aligning with human judgements. Our method achieves near parity with GPT-4V ratings across helpfulness, accuracy, reasoning, and other key metrics.
是没有问题的。此外,考虑到“切面包”的说法,我们自然会想象会发生什么状态变化。然而,尽管在知识表示,自动推理和机器学习方面取得了巨大进步,但人工代理仍然缺乏对物理世界 (Gao et al., 2018) 的天真的因果关系的理解。
想象一个人工代理在物理世界中与人类合作的场景,他们将需要了解物理动作的效果来推理,学习和帮助人类(Biet al.,2023)。为了使机器具有这种功能,本文介绍了一种新颖的基准测试,该基准测试侧重于从自我中心的视觉输入中理解对象状态的变化,该基准测试具有人眼镜头的优势
了解对象状态变化不仅是一项复杂的任务, 而且是许多其他任务的实用和基础,例如帮助智能代理了解环境动态并完成任务$\overline{\mathrm{E}}($Padmakumar et al., 2023; Sarch et al., 2023; Merullo et al.,2022), 跟踪对话框 (Le et al., 2022) 的状态,为复杂问题的知识表示创建因果图并回答$\overline{\mathrm{E}}($Ates et al., 2020)
对对象状态变化进行建模需要两种能力:1) 场景理解,这涉及通过以对象为中心的镜头解 | [
] | [
"Nguyen Nguyen', Jing Bi', Ali Vosoughi', Yapeng Tian?, Pooyan Fazlr, Chenliang Xu",
"'University of Rochester, 2University of Texas at Dallas, 3Arizona State University",
"( nguyen.nguyen,, ali.vosoughi, chenliang.xu },",
"[email protected], [email protected]",
"The capability of intelligent models to extrapo",
"late and comprehend changes in object states is",
"a crucial yet demanding aspect of AI research,",
"particularly through the lens of human interac-",
"tion in real-world settings. This task involves",
"tifying active objects, and interpreting their",
"changes as conveyed through language. Tra-",
"ing and state change detection, offer a limited",
"view of dynamic environments. Moreover, re-",
"lying on a small set of symbolic words to rep-",
"resent changes has restricted the expressive-",
"ness of language. To address these challenges,",
"Figure 1: Surpassing prior models in aligning with hu",
"in this paper, we introduce the Object State",
"man judgements. Our method achieves near parity with",
"Captioning and State Change Representation",
"GPT-4V ratings across helpfulness, accuracy, reason-",
"(OSCaR) dataset and benchmark. OSCaR",
"consists of 14,084 annotated video segments",
"ing, and other key metrics.",
"with nearly 1,o00 unique objects from vari-",
"ous egocentric video collections. It sets a new",
"testbed for evaluating Multimodal Large Lan-",
"guage Models (MLLMs). Our experiments",
"demonstrate that while MLLMs show some",
"skill, they lack a full understanding of ob-",
"ject state changes. The benchmark includes a",
"fine-tuned model that, despite initial capabili-",
"ties, requires significant improvements in ac-",
"curacy and generalization ability for effective",
"understanding of these changes. Our code and",
"makumar et al., 2023; Sarch et al., 2023; Merullo",
"答E(Ates et al.,2020)",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2402.17128",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 1
} |
2402.17128-zh-2 | 2402.17128-zh-2.jpg | <FigureHere>
Figure 2: OSCaR's description of state, state change, and illustration of reasoning. State description involves the characterization of a specific region of interest within the video and the associated activity. State change entails the description of the evolution of a system over a defined temporal sequence. Furthermore, the analysis of the state of an object is centered on comprehending and elucidating the mechanisms underlying the object's evolution.
$\bullet$ Our paper introduces OSCaR, a novel dataset and a benchmark leveraged by the power of GPT-4V that contains different tasks for object state understanding, including visual captioning, visual question answering visual dialog, and reasoning.
## 2 $\textbf{Related Works}$
以前的研究工作集中在为地面变化和状态构建符号表示 (Wu et al., 2023; Zellers et al., 2021; Nagarajan and Grauman,2018)。但是,鉴于对象及其状态的多样性和复杂性,受上下文和时间因素的影响,仅符号表示就不足。本文建议使用自然语言作为此任务的更具表现力和直观的媒介。这种方法不仅使人类和 AI 系统之间对视觉内容的理解保持一致,而且还增强了它们之间的交流,提供了比单峰模型更丰富的上下文
从本质上讲,我们将场景理解形成为以对象为中心的视觉字幕问题。我们可以利用自然语言来描述对象和可能发生的任何变化。另一方面,理解因果效应的能力形成为基于 3 个图像的视觉问答问题:动作之前,期间和之后。我们的数据集和实验在未来的研究中展示了跨各个领域的可扩展应用的巨大潜力。在进行这项研究的同时,还进行了另一项研究,以了解使用不同方法的对象状态变化$\overline{\mathrm{E}}($Xue et al., 2024) 。这表明了这一研究方向的重要性和巨大潜力
对象状态变化:定位和识别对象状态的变化, 在程序规划$\overline{\mathrm{E}}($Bi et al.,2021),机器人和视频动作理解$\overline{\mathbb{E}}($Du et al., 2023; Zhong et al., 2023; Tang et al., 2023b; Wang et al., 2023; Song et al.) 等应用中发挥关键作用。识别对象状态变化需要通过理解它们的因果关系来共同发现状态和动作,如先前的作品$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$(Alayrac et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2017; Souček et al., 2022; Naeem et al., 2021)中所述。最近,已经提出了一种自监督方法来联合定位来自嘈杂的未修剪的长视频区(Souček et al., 2022) 的时间上的动作和状态变化。此外,(Saini et al., 2023) 为对象状态的生成引人了一个新的基准,但它们的重点非常限于切割动作和一个小的数据集。但是,以前的研究通常将场景理解与对象状态变化识别分开,并且倾向于在封闭世界假设下运行,这限制了它们在现实世界场景中的适用性。我们的研究旨在通过整合自我中心的观点和语言来弥合人类和机器感知之间的差距
多模态大型语言模型:大型语言模型 (LLM) 的最新进展 (Ouyang et al.,2022; Touvron et al., 2023; Chiang et al., 2023; Chung et al., 2022) 在语言理解和生成方面取得了重大成就。这一进展引发了人们对创建 MLLM 的兴趣,这些
$\bullet$ We introduce a new problem to understand states and state changes of object through natural language.
$\cdot$ We present a method to generate goodquality visual instructions guided by simple annotations, applicable to both images and videos, advancing future research in visual instruction tuning. Our pipeline provides a good starting point for the data collection pro- | [
] | [
"detail way",
"Figure 2: OsCaR's description of state, state change, and illustration of reasoning. State description involves the",
"characterization of a specific region of interest within the video and the associated activity.State changeentails the",
"description of the evolution of a system over a defined temporal sequence. Furthermore, the analysis of the state",
"of an object is centered on comprehending and elucidating the mechanisms underlying the object's evolution.",
": Our paper introduces OSCaR, a novel dataset",
"and a benchmark leveraged by the power of",
"建符号表示(Wuetal.,2023;Zellers et al.,2021;",
"GPT-4V that contains different tasks for ob-",
"ject state understanding, including visual cap-",
"tioning, visual question answering visual dia-",
"log, and reasoning.",
"Related Works",
"动作理解E(Duet al.,2023;Zhong et al.,2023;",
"Tang et al., 2023b; Wang et al., 2023; Song et al.)",
"Liu et al., 2017; Soucek et al., 2022; Naeem et al.,",
"化。此外,(Saini etal.,2023)为对象状态的",
": We introduce a new problem to understand",
"states and state changes of object through nat-",
"ural language.",
". We present a method to generate good-",
"quality visual instructions guided by simple",
"annotations, applicable to both images and",
"videos, advancing future research in visual",
"2023; Chiang et al., 2023; Chung et al., 2022) 在",
"instruction tuning. Our pipeline provides a",
"good starting point for the data collection pro-",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2402.17128",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 2
} |
2402.17128-zh-3 | 2402.17128-zh-3.jpg | 306 个不同对象
我们利用最大的以自我为中心的视频数据集Ego4D,选择标记为“$object\_of\_change$”的视频片段来增强数据的多样性。此标签突出显示了展示对象状态更改的视频。通过收集这些特定的视频以及对象及其叙述的详细信息,我们为数据生成提供了信息,并编制了相关统计数据。从这个数据集中,我们为我们的 OSCaR 项目提取了 5942 个具有 296 个独特对象的段。
MLLM 将 LLM 的高级语言处理与多模态感知 评估,这将在$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$4.2 节中讨论。在第一组中,我功能相结合 (Zhang et al..,2023a; Ye et al.,2023; 们随机选择了每个对象 10 到 50 个视频片段, Li et al., 2023a; Gao et al., 2023; Peng et al., 2023; 从而产生了 7442 个来自 EPIC-KITCHENS 的Tang et al., 2023a)。这项研究的核心是将预训练的视觉编码器表示与 LLM 的输入嵌人空间融合在一起,这是通过使用交织图像和文本的数据集预训练来实现的。(Li et al., 2023c; Zhu et al., 2023a; Liu et al., 2023a)。在本文中,我们的目标是对这些模型进行全面的评估,特别是关注它们在对象状态变化识别中的性能
# 3 The OSCaR Dataset
本节概述了我们用于在对象状态上创建可视指令的管道。我们从从公共来源收集各种视觉数据的过程开始,详见 3.1节。接下来,第 3.2节介绍了我们在各种任务中使用简单的人工注释来提高数据质量的方法,从而有助于更深入地了解对象状态。我们的方法可以生成详细的字幕,视觉问答和视觉对话。
# 3.1 Video Collections
OSCaR 是来自两个不同数据集的视频的精选汇编:EPIC-KITCHENS$\underline{\mathrm{F}}($Damen et al.,2018) 和 Ego4D$\underline{\mathrm{E}}($Grauman et al.,2021)。认识到对象状态的变化随着时间的推移而不是在单个帧内其中包含对象的静态和过渡状态
我们最初分析了 EPIC-KITCHENS 数据集原始视频中的动词,以确保视频突出显示了经历状态更改的对象。我们将这些动词分为三组: 更改,不确定和不更改。更改组由可能更改对象状态的动词组成,包括“打开”、“关闭”、“清洗”、“剪切”和“混合”等操作。相反,不改变组包含引起状态改变的可能性最小的动词,例如 Take, Put, Move, Check 等。最后,不确定的组包括具有模糊状态变化潜力的动词,涵盖诸如 Shake, Flip, Use, Pull 等动作。在过滤了 EPIC-KITCHENS 数据集后,我们能够识别出总共由 650 个动词组成的 69 个动词类。使用这个动词列表,我们检索了包含这些动作的所有视频片段
## 3.2 GPT-assisted Data Generation
字幕生成:字幕在视觉理解中起着重要作用。了解对象状态需要详细且信息丰富的标题来捕获对象的确切状态。为了实现这一目标,我们利用 GPT-4V 和人类的弱注释为所有收集的视频生成了字幕。此问题需要两种类型的注释, 包括 1) 事件期间视频中的开始和结束帧 ID 以进行状态更改以及 2) 对视频中发生的情况的
突然发生,我们有选择地包括有效地说明这些 简短描述。简短描述可以是表示动作的动词和状态转换的视频剪辑。我们的选择过程可确保 表示人类与之交互的对象的名词 (e。g。,洗这些视频描绘对象状态的动态变化,并捕获对 涤盘)。我们设计了自适应提示来注人此注释象在足够短的时间内保持静止的时刻。这种方 作为上下文,以指导 GPT-4V 生成高质量的字法使我们能够编译一个全面的可视化数据集,幕。我们发现,GPT-4V 在没有此指导的情况
下经常会出现歧义,并且生成的字幕的质量会降低。通过简单的人为指导,GPT-4V 可以减少歧义并产生质量更好的字幕。
多项选择 QA 生成:多项选择问题是一种呈现一组答案的方法,包括不正确的选项,以教导机器学习模型如何区分正确和不正确的答案。这种类型的问题也可以用作一种指令形式,其中问题作为提示 , 答案作为模型的响应。我们根据生成的字幕创建了多项选择题和答案集。对话生成:视觉对话是一项复杂的任务,需要了解视觉内容和对话上下文,并且由于需要两个人之间自然对话来查看相同的内容,因此在数据收集方面面临挑战。此过程耗时且资源密集,尤其是在涉及推理和解释时。随着机器学习模型的发展,生成视觉对话数据变得越来越重要。我们开发了一种使用字幕创建视觉对话数据的方法,通过 GPT-4V 提供解释的能力得到了增强,提供了灵活多样的数据。这种方法。
用于构建我们的训练和测试集。第二组包括 标记图像和视频的输入数据,具有成本效益, 发生次数少于十次的对象的视频。这些对象在 比手动方法更快,为未来的模型生成大量的训EPIC-KITCHENS 中很少见,可用于开放世界 练数据 | [
] | [
"功能相结合(Zhang etal.,2023a;Yeet al.,2023;",
"Li et al., 2023a; Gao et al., 2023; Peng et al., 2023;",
"3The OSCaRDataset",
"3.2GPT-assisted Data Generation",
"3.1Video Collections",
"汇编: EPIC-KITCHENSE(Damen et al., 2018)",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2402.17128",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 3
} |
2402.17128-zh-4 | 2402.17128-zh-4.jpg | <FigureHere>
Figure 3: Distribution of answer lengths. The figure shows how answers are distributed by length in the dataset. It separates short answers (1-9 words) from long answers( $\geq10$ words). The histogram displays the number of answers on the y-axis based on increasing answer lengths on the x-axis. There is a category at 100 words for answers with lengths greater than or equal to 100 words. This breakdown emphasizes the balance between brief, direct answers and more detailed, explanatory responses.
4 OSCaR Benchmarks
4.1 Evaluation with Text Generation Metrics
我们提供的数据集由来自 Ego4D 和 EPICKITCHENS 数据集的 500 个视频组成,这些视频是专门为基准测试目的而设计的。每个视频都有四个详细的字幕注释,所有这些字幕都经过严格的人工验证,以确保此评估集的质量和可靠性。为确保全面准确地评估性能,可将BLEU、Rouge、LSA 等文本生成指标用于评估目的
4.2 Open-world Object State Understanding
收集全球所有对象的数据,然后训练模型是不可行的。然而,人类可以描述新的或不熟悉的物体,这对人工智能来说可能是具有挑战性的,特别是当它们处于新的领域或服务于不同的目的时。幸运的是,最近在 MLLM 方面取得的成就为人工智能开辟了拥有这种能力的潜力。在使用大量数据进行预训练期间,MLLM 可以学习有关世界的一般知识。此外,模型将学习如何在视觉指令调整过程中执行任务。在这两个过程中,模型可能已经或可能没有暴露于不在对象状态理解训练集中的对象。问题是模型是否可以推广到这种类型的对象。为了回答这个问题,我们提供了两个评估集来测试模型的通用性
烹饪域对象未出现在训练集中以进行对象状态理解:对于此评估,我们希望调查模型在与训练域类似的场景中理解未出现在训练集中的对象的能力。我们提供了一组 2,485 个视频,其中 1,024 个对象未出现在对象状态训练集中。此测试集将评估域内知识如何帮助模型理解对象状态和状态更改。我们使用 GPT-4V 注释了344 个视频以进行评估
域外对象状态理解:此评估着重于判断模型理解训练域以外的对象的能力。我们的训练集只包含烹饪领域的数据,而这个测试集有不同的领域,如面包师,家庭管理,清洁/洗衣,自行车机械师等。此集合是从 Ego4D 数据集中提取的,包含 43,367 个视频,其中包含 500 多个对象。此测试不仅可用于评估,而且有可能使用我们的管道扩展其他特定领域的对象状态理解。对于此评估集,我们从 51 个不同域中的每个域中选择了10 个视频,总计 356 个视频。少于 10 个视频的域名包含其所有视频。此设置也由 GPT-4V 注释
# 4.3 Data Quality Verification
我们使用 AmazonMTurk 评估了跨视频帧的对
重点是特定于框架的描述准确性,两个用于评估状态变化的准确性,两个用于识别幻觉,三个用于识别不完整的描述。注释者被要求将每个描述归类为以下四个标签之一:1)完全详细和全面,2)一般完整但有轻微遗漏,3)缺少重要细节或包含错误,或 4) 不完整,误导或幻觉,并提供理由阻止随机反应。这项研究使用了来自 EPIC-KITCHENS 和 Ego4D 数据集的 500 个样本,从而验证了 2000 种自然语言描述
# 5 Data Statistics
为了帮助模型生成简洁而翔实的答案,我们将简短的答案定义为少于十个单词的答案,将长的答案定义为多于十个单词的答案。简短的答案提供简洁,而冗长的答案提供详细和翔实的信息。这两类答案的分布情况可以在图 3 中看到。数据集中的平均答案长度为 47。06words。长答案约占数据的 75 个%,平均长度为 63 个单词,而短答案约占数据的 25 个%,平均长度为 3。32 个字。通过相应地拆分数据,未来的模型可以提供简短、直接和信息丰富的答案和解释。为了展示我们的 OSCaR 数据集的独特性,我们在表 1 中展示了 OSCaR 和其他相关数据集之间的比较。OSCaR 数据集包含大量指令以及图像和视频。此外,它还为对象状态字幕和对象状态更改字幕提供数据
在$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$4.2 节中,我们讨论了两种用于对象状
象状态和活动的描述质量,以获得人工反馈。态理解的开放世界数据集:域内烹饪和开放域。我们的评估框架包括五个发现不准确的指南,尽管我们在具有对象状态变化的视频上进行了 | [
] | [
"ShontAnswes(10 wrds)",
"4.1 Evaluation with Text Generation Metrics",
"Figure 3:Distribution of answer lengths.The figure",
"4.2Open-world Object State Understanding",
"shows how answers are distributed by length in the",
"dataset.It separates short answers (1-9 words)from",
"long answers ( ≥ 10 words). The histogram displays",
"the number of answers on the y-axis based on increas-",
"ing answer lengths on the x-axis. There is a category",
"at 100 words for answers with lengths greater than or",
"equal to 100 words. This breakdown emphasizes the",
"balance between brief, direct answers and more de-",
"5Data Statistics",
"4.3Data Quality Verification",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2402.17128",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 4
} |
2401.17039-zh-1 | 2401.17039-zh-1.jpg | 采取行动实现优雅的交互:对指令澄清请求的建模策略执行操作的影响
Brielen Madureira$^{1}$ David Schlangen$^{1,2}$
$^{1}$Computational Linguistics, Department of Linguistics
University of Potsdam, Germany
$^{2}$German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Berlin, Germany
$\{$ madureiralasota,david.schlangen $\}$
# Abstract
Clarification requests are a mechanism to help solve communication problems, e.g. due to ambiguity or underspecification, in instructionfollowing interactions. Despite their importance, even skilful models struggle with producing or interpreting such repair acts. In this work, we test three hypotheses concerning the effects of action taking as an auxiliary task in modelling iCR policies. Contrary to initial expectations, we conclude that its contribution to learning an iCR policy is limited, but some information can still be extracted from prediction uncertainty. We present further evidence that even well-motivated, Transformer-based models fail to learn good policies for when to ask Instruction CRs (iCRs), while the task of determining what to ask about can be more successfully modelled. Considering the implications of these findings, we further discuss the shortcomings of the data-driven paradigm for learning meta-communication acts.
### 1 $\textbf{Introduction}$
优雅互动 (??) 的概念是作为一组技能提出的, 机器应该展示这些技能,以正确地与人类进行合作对话,其中包括能够要求,理解和提供澄清。四十多年后,大型语言模型和语音助手无法处理规格不足以及正确处理或产生澄清请求$(\mathbf{CR})$的能力仍在记录中(2????)。这也是目前流行的商业聊天优化 LLM 的公认限制之一。鉴于它们是为指令而调制的,这似乎是一个
特殊的错误:CR 是一种至关重要的机制,用于修复交互(?)之后的指令中的误解,如图 1所示。转念一想,这并不奇怪。澄清交换是元通信行为,通常不会出现在非交互式数据 (?) 中,在对话数据中也相对罕见。作为一种特定的对话现象,CR 的经验频率为自发对话中的
In the blogpost releasing chatGPT, the limitations section says:“ Ideally, the model would ask clarifying questions when the user provided an ambiguous query. Instead, our current models usually guess what the user intended.". Source:
Figure 1: Clarification requests posed by an instruction follower, demonstrating uncertainty on deciding what actions to take due to ambiguity or underspecification. From: CoDraw dialogue game 8198, CC BY-NC 4.0 , cliparts from ? .
4 个% 轮转到严格遵循指令的交互中的 11 个% 轮转(2??) 。因此,目前还不清楚使用数据驱动的方法(?)可以在多大程度上学习 CR 策略
许多现有的 CR 数据集,尽管它们对会话搜索 (??) 等应用程序很有用,但它们不是通过真实的交互收集的,或者是合成的,因此学习的 CR 策略可能不符合真正的人类行为。而且, 当前性能最好的数据驱动模型在决定何时请求澄清方面仍然做得不是很好(请参阅 §2),我们必须了解为什么
CR 可以在所有四个级别的通信(?)中发生: 注意(由于通道中的问题),识别(由于声学障碍),识别(当理解信号但出现词汇,解析或参考问题时)和考虑(当意图不清楚时)(?) 。指令 CR (iCR) 主要出现在 Clark 的第 4 级通信(?),i。e。在摄取(?)的水平上,解决歧义和规格不足的问题
最近,?? 认为多模式 CoDraw 游戏(?)是iCR 的丰富资源,自然是通过动作玩游戏的副产品,如图 1 中的示例所示。该数据集提供了大小(与精心策划但较小的语料库相比)和保留生态有效性(与人工收集或制作的大量数据集相反)之间的平衡。假设潜在的 iCR 策略可以从数据中出现,我们可以合理地假设采取 | [
] | [
"Brielen Madureiral",
"David Schlangen1,2",
"1Computational Linguistics, Department of Linguistics",
"University of Potsdam, Germany",
"2GermanResearchCenterfor Artificial Intelligence (DFKI),Berlin,Germany",
"{madureiralasota,david.schlangen }",
"Clarification requests are a mechanism to help",
"solve communication problems, e.g.due to",
"and theboy",
"ambiguity or underspecification, in instruction-",
"following interactions. Despite their impor-",
"tance, even skilful models struggle with pro-",
"ducing or interpreting such repair acts. In this",
"work, we test three hypotheses concerning the",
"effects of actiontaking as an auxiliarytask in",
"okay, what elsee",
"pectations, we conclude that its contribution",
"to learning an iCR policy is limited, but some",
"Figure l: Clarification requests posed by an instruction",
"follower, demonstrating uncertainty on deciding what",
"tion uncertainty. We present further evidence",
"that even well-motivated, Transformer-based",
"From: CoDraw dialogue game 8198, CC BY-NC 4.0,",
"models fail to learn good policies for when",
"cliparts from ?.",
"to ask Instruction CRs (iCRs), while the task",
"of determining what to ask about can be more",
"cations of these findings, we further discuss",
"the shortcomings of the data-driven paradigm",
"for learning meta-communication acts.",
"'In the blogpost releasing chatGPT, the limitations sec",
"tion says: “\" Ideally, the modei would ask clarifying questions",
"when the user provided an ambiguous query. Instead, our cur",
"rent models usually guess what the user intended. \". Source:",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2401.17039",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 1
} |
2401.17039-zh-2 | 2401.17039-zh-2.jpg | 行动是建模策略的关键组成部分,用于决定何 。这些政策未能从数据中完全捕捉到人类的行
然而,所提出的基线模型的一个主要缺点是 另一个悬而未决的问题是如何收集足够数量超越性范式:模型没有被训练成真正的对话参 的高质量 CR 数据以用于机器学习目的。在带与者。相反,他们处理其他人的互动,并且在 注释的 Minecraft 对话语料库(??), TEACh 数某些时候必须预测何时询问 iCR,这是一个与 据集(??)和 CoDraw(???) 中,CR 是由玩家自游戏所需的实际行动脱节的决定。对于听众和 己主动在真实的多轮互动中发生的,范围从数收件人的理解是不同的,后者在建立共同基础 百到少于一万个已识别的 CR 话语。仍然在相(?)方面具有优势。?认为,心理语言学中的主 同的大小范围内,IGLU 数据集 (??)已在避免题实际上通常被视为听者;我们补充说,许多
NLP 方法也在对听者进行建模
$\textbf{Contributions}$ 在这种背景下,这项工作旨
在扩展从人类数据中学习元通信行为的开放问 据集是 DialFRED(?),它是通过众包创建的, 题的边界。为此,我们通过(i)实施更积极的 这些工人被明确要求生成问题并回答问题,因模型来学习何时在 CoDraw 中询问 iCR; (ii) 为他们实际上并没有参与。在虚拟辅助,会话通过定义和建模要询问的任务,朝着更现实的 搜索和代码生成等相邻领域中,已使用数据增代理迈出了一步;最重要的是,(iii)测试三 强方法(?),用户模拟(?),模板(?)和爬行个假设,以研究采取行动对学习 iCR 政策的影 QA 在线论坛 (??) 构建了包含 CR 的大规模数响,验证是否可以使用确定性措施来探索 iCR 据集。这些策略可以反映 CR 形式并促进数据能力并为预测提供信息
## 2 $\textbf{Related Work}$
Learning when to ask questions 知道何时在 Evaluating CR mechanisms in dialogue models
交互中提问的问题出现在各种上下文中。在语 我们需要更多的评估活动和方法来阐明模型言辅助的视觉导航(????) 中已经完成了相关 在 CR 策略方面实际学到了什么以及为什么失工作,其中代理必须在环境中采取行动并决定 败。一些旨在进行更详细评估的举措正在进行何时寻求帮助,其中 RL 是一种合适的方法。中。? 通过将 CR 前后的对象 Fl 得分差异解释类似的策略在交互式设置中是必要的,如视觉 为通过合并澄清而提供的改进,来评估多模态对话游戏,需要决定何时停止询问(?)或何时 模型在共参考分辨率下处理 CR 的能力;他们回答问题的增量预测(?)
Modelling clarification requests 关于描述和
建模澄清策略(??????, inter alia )的大量文献。在基于神经网络的 NLP 时代,该问题通常被分解为从数据中学习的各种任务:何时询问(????) ,询问(???)的内容以及如何生成(???) 或选择/排名适当的 CRs (???)。理想情况下, 这些任务应该绑定到一个代理中,但是在没有集成所有功能(?)的情况下,一些工作仍在以“任务框架”的方式解决问题
关于何时在指令跟随中要求澄清的建模策略远未解决,因为模型的性能远低于上限。Minecraft 对话数据集中的性能为 0。CR 类 (?) 的精度为 63。在最近的 IGLU 挑战(?)中,排行榜$^{2}$中的最佳模型达到 0。75 加权平均 F1 得分。在预测代码生成的规格不足时,最高性能为 0。78 二进制 F1Score (?)。在 Codraw-iCR 中,基线达到了类似的次优 0。34平均精度 (?)
$^{2}$Reported in the NeurIPS 2022 IGLU challenge platform.
配对玩家的设置中收集,并有一次机会要求澄清 (并且没有合作伙伴回答并允许进一步的操作)
其他程序已用于收集大量 CR 数据。大量数收集,但抽象出指令 CR 的基本触发因素(共同努力,实时交互和采取行动),可以说不适合学习 CR 策略以遵循指令
还通过考虑各种 CR 属性来分析结果。在 LLM 领域,最近的研究通过提示使用评估技术来测试模型的能力,得出的结论是,它们可以在一定程度上检测到歧义,但即使如此,通常也不
与人类策略 (??)。当?首次诱导 LLM 预测适当的对话行为是否要求澄清时,最佳 LLM 仅
达到 0。28F1 得分
## 3 Definitions
CoDraw (?)是一个多模式对话游戏,其中指令跟随器(IF)使用28个(共58个)剪辑库重建他们无法看到的场景(来自抽象场景数据集(?))。他们以回合制的方式与指导者(IG) 交换短信,该指导者看到原始场景,但无法访问重建场景的状态,除了在游戏过程中有一次机会窥视它。可用的操作是在画布中添加或删除、移动、翻转和调整剪贴大小。游戏成功是通过基于其符号表示的场景相似性得分来衡量的。作者收集了9。9k个这样的英语对话,包含大约 8k个 iCR(11。3% 的游戏回合),由?? | [
] | [
"Related Work",
"Evaluating CR mechanisms in dialogue models",
"Modelling clarification requests",
"2Reported in the NeurIPS 2022 IGLU challenge platform.",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2401.17039",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 2
} |
2401.17039-zh-3 | 2401.17039-zh-3.jpg | 注释,均在许可 CC BY-NC 4.0 下
请注意,并非所有 iCR 都是问题。就情绪而言,大多数 CoDraw-iCR 都是极性问题,其次是 who-和替代问题,但也有陈述式和命令式形式。几乎 60 个% 实例仅引用一个对象,大约 33 个% 引用两个对象。被澄清的属性按频率顺序是对象之间的关系,场景中的位置,人的歧义消除,方向,大小和歧义消除 ob 对象(?)
我们可以针对此游戏的 CR 功能拆分可能的
IF 模型的空间:
???。Overhearer: 观察当前游戏状态(对话上下文和场景)以预测何时询问 iCR 的模型, 而无需任何其他游戏操作或语言决定
???。Action-Taker: 一种通过仅采取 clipart 动
作而无需 iCR 决策来玩游戏的模型
???。iCR- Action- Taker: 一个 Action-Taker,可
以额外决定何时询问 iCR
Overhearer 是 NLP 中的一个常见范例,其中模型类似于实际玩家的观察者,决定做什么,就好像它在他们的鞋子里一样。然而,这是对成熟代理的相当粗略的简化,这是一个尚未达到的理想化目标。(iCR-)ActionTakersareanintermediatestepexaminedinthiswork Task 1 我们遵循?何时在 CoDraw 中要求iCR 的任务的形式化。简而言之,鉴于游戏状态直到最后一次 IG 发言,IF 必须决定是否要求澄清。此策略被建模为一个函数$f_when:s\mapsto$ [0,1] ,该函数将当前回合$t$的游戏状态$s_t$映射到此时询问 iCR 的概率,在游戏的每个回合执行二进制决策任务。在这里,状态$s$包括对话历史,画廊和场景的情况
$\textbf{Task 2}$ 此外,一旦做出询问的决定,玩家还应该知道在这一点上哪些对象需要澄清。因此,我们定义了要询问的后续任务:在 iCR 转弯$t$时,函数$f_what:(o_i,s)\mapsto[0,1]$为图库中的 28 个对象$o_i$中的每个对象输出询问 iCR 的概率,给定状态$s_t$ 。这些是对图库中每个可用对象的二进制决策。这两个任务都是在实际生成之前发生的步骤,我们在这项工作中没有解决。3
We leave the additional decisions of what attributes to mention and which form to realise for ongoing parallel work dealing specifically with iCR generation.
## 4 $\textbf{Hypotheses}$
在本节中,我们激发并陈述了我们测试的三个假设,作为我们的主要贡献。我们参考了Minecraft 游戏中的相关发现,但请注意,CoDraw 在玩家的共同点方面具有更具挑战性的不对称性:IG 在整个游戏中不会观察 IF 的动作
?认为,在场景(?)中检测对象属性的辅助学习目标对于在参考解析过程中得出的 Clark 第三层的参考 CR 很有用。$^{4}$我们的期望是行动预测应该与第 4 级 iCR 等效相关,这在决定如何采取行动时出现。更具体地说,iCR-ActionTakers 应该有更真实的动机来决定要求澄清, 与 Overhearers 相比。$^{5}$为了研究它,我们的第一个假设是:
Hypothesis 1: iCR-Action-Takers can learn a
more accurate policy for predicting when to ask
aniCR than Overhearers.
在这里,我们还可以测试动作检测是否具有类似的效果,方法是让模型学习检测给定场景前后的动作,就像在?中一样。它是一个框架,甚至更等同于?,因为在他们的模型中, 属性已经在图像中可用。可以在此对话游戏中检查对动作后场景的访问,因为它是基于回合的:IF 会在按下按钮发送下一个消息时完成他们想要的所有操作(从而看到新编辑的场景) 消息或 iCR
接下来,我们的目标是调查在没有任何显式iCR 信号的情况下训练的 Action-Takers 是否仍然构建对修复需求进行编码的表示。?对量化NLP 任务中的不确定性所做的研究表明,所检查的模型对于更困难的预测会输出更高的数据不确定性。此外,?提出了这样的假设:如果模型对预测不确定,则更有可能是错误的,并使用不确定性作为分数来决定预测是否需要在语义解析中进行用户澄清。在此基础上,我们推测修复的需求应该表现为行动制定者决策中的不确定性较低。因此,我们检验的第二个假设是:
Hypothesis 2: At iCR turns, Action-Takers predict actions with less certainty than at other turns. Similarly, less certainty is expected for actions upon objects subject to iCRs than for other ob- $jects.$
$^{4}$CoDraw-iCR also contains referential CRs, but directly
related to uptake of instructions.
$^{5}$Experiments in the Minecraft dataset point to the opposite direction: Generating action sequences slightly harmed the accuracy on when to ask (?) . We seek to dive deeper into understanding this issue. | [
] | [
"Hypothesis 1: iCR-Action-Takers can learn a",
"more accurate policy for predicting when to ask",
"an iCR than Overhearers.",
"Hypothesis 2: At iCR turns, Action-Takers pre-",
"dict actions with less certainty than at other turns.",
"Similarly less certainty is expected for actions",
"upon objects subject to iCRs than for other ob-",
"4CoDraw-iCR also contains referential CRs, but directly",
"'Experiments in the Minecraft dataset point to the oppo",
"3we leave the additional decisions of what attributes to",
"site direction: Generating action sequences slightly harmed",
"mention and which form to realise for ongoing parallel work",
"the accuracy on when to ask (?) . We seek to dive deeper into",
"dealing specifically with iCR generation.",
"understanding this issue"
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2401.17039",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 3
} |
2401.17039-zh-4 | 2401.17039-zh-4.jpg | <FigureHere>
Figure 2: The basic structure of our iCR policy models. The full structure represents the iCR-Action Taker. The Overhearer contains no action predictor (area shaded in grey), whereas the Action-Taker contains no iCR predictor (area in the dotted box).
对于此步骤,我们设置了联系假设,即确定性以模型分配给在给定回合处采取行动或不采取行动的概率表示。这是一个合理的假设,因为期望目标函数将预测推至0或1,因此预测接近 0。5 可以看作是优柔寡断。6
最后,关于何时询问的 iCR 政策应以精确表示不清楚的内容为基础。因此,我们的最后一个假设是:
Hypothesis 3: Pre-trained
can learn a more accurate policy for predicting what to ask about in iCR turns than Overhearers.
## 5 $\mathbf{Models}$
在本节中,我们将介绍我们在实验中分析的模型。我们不打算提出一个新的架构,因为我们的目的是了解当前 SotA 模型失败的原因以及学习采取行动对它们的影响。我们实现了一个模型,通过在最近的多模式对话挑战中结合顶级模型的技术,即IGLU(?)和 SIMMC2,解决了?基线模型(iCR-baseline)的局限性。0(?) 。Overhearer 和 (iCR-)Action-Taker 的基本体系结构如图 2 所示。我们在此提供其信息流的概述;有关详细规范,请参见附录
CoDrawIF可以访问 28 个对象的图库,这是游戏中的信息来源(例如。g。如果它只包含三个树片段中的一个,则不太可能需要消除歧义),但在 iCR 基线中不存在。我们遵循一种符号方法来表示对象的属性(场景中的存在,方向,位置,大小,姿势,面部表情)基于?中的原始抽屉(但是,它对数据库中所有可能的对象都具有不切实际的访问权限)
以前的作品没有使用 Transformers(?)在CoDraw 中对 iCR 策略进行建模。鉴于其在多个场景中的领先性能,我们以 DETR(?)启发的方式将它们带到现场。我们使用 Transformer 解码器$^{7}$模块来创建当前游戏状态下每个对象的上下文嵌人,即。e。通过建立一个考虑到目前为止的对话和实际场景的表示
这是通过将每个对象传递给 Transformer 解码器(“目标”)来完成的,以允许自我关注画廊的状态,以及随后与游戏状态表示(“内存”)的交叉关注。状态有两个组成部分:到
$^{6}$An investigation of the predictive uncertainty of the IF model in the Minecraft data has been done by? using lengthnormalized log-likelihood and entropy of generated action sequences. Negative results are reported in an unpublished short manuscript concluding that uncertainty is not a direct signal for when to ask CRs in their setting.
$^{7}$The full Transformer encoder-decoder was detrimental in almost all cases, so we report results using only the decoder component. This is probably due to the fact that the scene and dialogue had already been encoded by the pretrained components.
目前为止的对话,由 BERT(?)构建的令牌级上下文嵌入表示,当前场景,由 ResNet(?)主干构建的图像特征表示,然后是可训练的卷积层,以减少通道数,如 DETR 模型(?)。我们将文本和场景作为一个序列提供,如?。iCRAction-Detecters 的变体在操作之前和之后访问场景
Transformer 输出每个对象的上下文表示。到目前为止的步骤在图 2 的下部表示。现在我们继续进行上半部分的预测,根据模型的类型而有所不同。为了检验我们的假设,我们实现了预测游戏动作 (或检测它们,如果使用更新的图像)和/或通过多任务学习做出 iCR 决策的模型。我们从?中获得灵感,将上下文对象嵌人训练为所有分类器的联合编码
动作预测器和 iCR 预测器被实现为具有丢失的 2 层前馈网络,该网络将表示作为输入并输出概率。在(iCR-) Action-Takers 中,我们将每个动作预测(添加/删除,翻转,调整大小,移动) 建模为在每个对象嵌入时完成的二进制分类。$^{8}$iCR 决策也作为二进制分类任务执行。在任务 1(何时询问)中,它预测是否应在当前回合进行 iCR。在任务 2 中,(间什么) 它预测,对于每个对象,它是否受到和 iCR。在 iCR-Action-Takers 中,我们让动作日志成为iCR 预测器输入的一部分
$^{8}$To facilitate evaluation, we add an additional meta-action prediction which is 1 whenever any action is made to a clipart. | [
] | [
"bsent in Overhearel",
"Hypothesis 3: Pre-trained",
"can learn a more accurate policy for predicting",
"what to ask about in iCR turns than Overhearers.",
"dialoque contex",
"e features",
"in galler",
"Figure 2: The basic structure of our iCR policy mod",
"The full structure represents the iCR-Action-",
"Taker. The Overhearer contains no action predictor",
"(area shaded in grey), whereas the Action-Taker con-",
"tains noiCRpredictor (areainthedottedbox)",
"6An investigation of the predictive uncertainty of the IF",
"model in the Minecraft data has been done by ? using length-",
"normalized log-likelihood and entropy ofgenerated action se-",
"quencesNegative results are reported in an unpublished",
"short manuscript concluding that uncertainty is not a direct",
"signal for when to ask CRs in their setting.",
"Thefull Transformerencoder-decoder was detrimental in",
"almost all cases, so we report results using only the decoder",
"component. This is probably due to the fact that the scene and",
"dialoguehad alreadybeen encoded by thepretrained compo-",
"8To facilitate evaluation, we add an additional meta-action",
"prediction which is I whenever any action is made to a clipart."
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2401.17039",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 4
} |
1606.07770-zh-0 | 1606.07770-zh-0.jpg | Captioning Images with Diverse Objects
Subhashini Venugopalan $^{\dagger}$
Raymond Mooney t
$^{“\dagger}$UT Austin
$\{$ vsub,mooney $\}$
Lisa Anne Hendricks $^*$
Trevor Darrell $^*$ $^*$UC Berkeley
$\{$ lisa\_anne, rohrbach, trevor $\}$
Kate Saenko $^{\dagger}$
$^{\ddagger}$Boston Univ.
[email protected]
## Abstract
Recent captioning models are limited in their ability to scale and describe concepts unseen in paired imagetext corpora. We propose the Novel Object Captioner $({\mathrm{~NOC~),~a~deep~visual~semantic~captioning~model}}$ that can describe a large number of object categories not present in existing image-caption datasets. Our model takes advantage of external sources - labeled images from object recognition datasets, and semantic knowledge extracted from unannotated text. We propose minimizing a joint objective which can learn from these diverse data sources and leverage distributional semantic embeddings, enabling the model to generalize and describe novel objects outside of image-caption datasets. We demonstrate that our model exploits semantic information to generate captions for hundreds of object categories in the ImageNet object recognition dataset that are not observed in MSCOCO imagecaption training data, as well as many categories that are observed very rarely. Both automatic evaluations and human judgements show that our model considerably outperforms prior work in being able to describe many more categories of objects.
## 1. Introduction
现代视觉分类器$\mathbb{E}[6,22]$ 可以识别数千个对象类别其中一些是基本或人门级的(e。g。电视),以及其他细粒度和特定于任务的(例如。g。拨号电话、手机)。但是,最近最先进的视觉字幕系统$\mathbb{E}[2,3,8,10,15,26]$ 可以直接从图像和描述中学习,仅依靠配对的图像字幕数据进行监督,并且无法概括和描述大量可识别的对象在上下文中。虽然可以通过构建更大的图像/视频描述数据集来扩展此类系统,但获取此类字幕数据将是昂贵且费力的。此外,视觉描述具有挑战性,因为模型不仅必须正确识别图像中包含的视觉概念,而且还必须将这些概念组合成连贯的句子
Figure 1. We propose a model that learns simultaneously
from multiple data sources with auxiliary objectives to describe a variety of objects unseen in paired image-caption data.
最近的工作 [7] 表明,为了在没有明确的成对字幕训练数据的情况下整合当前视觉识别网络的大量知识, 字幕模型可以从外部来源学习,并学习撰写关于视觉概念的句子,这些视觉概念在图像描述语料库中不常见或不存在。但是,[7]的开创性 DCC 模型很笨拙,因为该模型需要将学习到的参数从以前看到的类别显式转移(“复制”) 到新颖的类别。这不仅使其无法描述稀有类别,并限制了模型覆盖更多对象的能力,而且使其无法进行端到端训练。相反,我们提出了新颖的对象捕获器 (NOC ),该网络可以使用联合训练策略进行端到端训练,以整合来自外部视觉识别数据集的知识以及来自独立的未注释文本语料库的语义信息,以生成各种稀有和新颖对象的字幕(如图。1)
具体来说,我们引人了辅助目标,使我们的网络能够同时学习图像-字幕对上的字幕模型以及未注释文本和标记图像上的深度语言模型和视觉识别系统。与以前的工作不同,辅助目标允许 NOC 模型以端到端的方式同时从多个数据源学习相关信息。此外,NOC 隐式地利用了预先训练的分布式单词嵌人,使其能够描述看不见的和稀有的对象类别。我们工作的主要贡献是1)端到端模型来描述配对图像字幕数据中不存在的对象,2) 在多个数据源上对视觉和语言模型进行辅助/联合训练,以及 3) 结合了预先训练的任务语义嵌人。我们通过对 MSCOCO[13] 中的对象以及标题数据集中看不见的 ImageNet [21]中的数百个对象进行广泛的实验,证明了模型的有效性。我们的模型在自动和人工评估方面都大大优于以前的工作[7]
1 | [
] | [
"Captioning Images with Diverse Objects",
"Subhashini Venugopalan t",
"Lisa Anne Hendricks*",
"Marcus Rohrbach *",
"Raymond Mooney t",
"Trevor Darrell *",
"Kate Saenko t",
"t UT Austin",
"*UC Berkeley",
"+ Boston Univ.",
"[ vsub,mooney",
"[ lisa_anne, rohrbach, trevor }",
"[email protected]",
"NOC (ours): Jointly train on multiple",
"middle of a field.",
"Recent captioning models are limited in their ability",
"Visual Classifiers.",
"text corpora. We propose the Novel Object Captioner",
"to scale and describe concepts unseen in paired image-",
"orse standing in the dirt",
"(NOC), a deep visual semantic captioning model",
"Figure 1. We propose a model that learns simultaneously",
"that can describe a large number of object categories",
"from multiple data sources with auxiliary objectives to de",
"not present in existing image-caption datasets.Our",
"scribe a variety of objects unseen in paired image-caption",
"model takes advantage of external sources - labeled",
"images from object recognition datasets, and semantic",
"knowledge extracted from unannotated text. We pro-",
"pose minimizing a joint objective which can learn from",
"these diverse data sources and leverage distributional",
"semantic embeddings, enabling the model to general-",
"ize and describe novel objects outside of image-caption",
"datasets. We demonstrate that our model exploits se-",
"mantic information to generate captions for hundreds",
"of object categories in the ImageNet object recogni-",
"tion dataset that are not observed in MSCOCO image",
"caption training data, as well as many categories that",
"are observed very rarely. Both automatic evaluations",
"and human judgements showthat our model consider",
"ably outperforms prior work in being able to describe",
"many more categories of objects.",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "1606.07770",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 0
} |
1606.07770-zh-1 | 1606.07770-zh-1.jpg | ## 2. Related Work
Visual Description.
多不同的方法[27,11,18] ,最近 ,深度模型因其性能和端到端培训的潜力而受到欢迎。深度视觉描述框架首先将图像编码为固定长度的特征向量,然后通过在图像特征[2,8,26]上调节文本生成或在预测下一个单词之前将图像特征和先前生成的单词嵌人到多模式空间[9,10,15]中来生成描述。尽管大多数模型表示具有来自卷积神经网络的中间表示的图像(例如来自 CNN 的 fc $_{7}$激活),但其他模型将图像表示为固定数量的视觉概念[3,7]的置信度向量。在几乎所有情况下,可视化管道的参数都使用在 ImageNet 分类任务上训练的权重进行初始化。对于字幕生成,递归网络(RNN)是建模语言的流行选择,但是对数双线性模型[9] 和最大熵语言模型[3]也已被探索。。我们的模型类似于[7,15] 中的 CNN-RNN 框架,但这些模型都不能端到端训练来描述图像字幕对中看不见的对象
Novel object captioning. [16] 提出了一种方法,该方法扩展了模型描述一小部分新颖概念的能力(例如。g。quidditch, samisen )来自几个成对训练示例,同时保留其描述以前学习的概念的能力。另一方面,[7] 引人了一个模型,该模型可以描述英语语料库和对象识别数据集(ImageNet)中已经存在的许多对象,但不能描述字幕语料库 (e。g。pheasant, otter )。我们的重点是后一种情况。[7] 集成了来自外部文本和视觉源的信息,并将参数从图像字幕数据中看到的对象显式传输(“复制”) 到看不见的 ImageNet 对象,以对这些新颖的类别进行字幕。虽然这适用于许多 ImageNet 类,但它仍然限制了不同类别的覆盖范围,并且无法进行端到端的培训。此外,他们的模型不能为已经存在很少配对训练示例的对象加上标题。我们提出的框架隐式地集成了分布式语义嵌人,避免了任何显式传输的需要,并使其端到端可训练。它还直接扩展到具有很少或没有描述的标题 ImageNet 对象
Multi-modal and Zero-Shot Learning. 另一个密切相关的研究领域利用分布语义来学习使用视觉和文本信息的联合嵌人空间,以对新颖的对象类别[4,19]进行零拍标记,以及使用文本[12,23]检索图像。视觉描述本身可以转换为一个多模式学习问题,其中在生成标题中的下一个单词$w_n$之前,将标题单词$w_0,...,w_{n-1}$ 和图像投影到联合嵌入空间中[10,15] 。尽管我们的方法使用分布式单词嵌人,但我们的模型在以下方面有所不同:它可以使用不成对的文本和视觉数据进行训练,但仍可以在字幕生成的后期阶段结合语义信息。这在精神上类似于使用单语数据改进机器翻译 [5] 的自然语言处理工作
3. Novel Object Captioner (NOC)
我们的 NOC 模型如图所示。2。它由一个语言模型组成,该模型利用在未注释文本上训练的分布式语义嵌人,并将其与视觉识别模型集成。我们引人辅助损失函数(目标),并在多个数据源上联合训练不同的组
Figure 2. Our NOC image caption network. During training, the visual recognition network (left), the LSTM-based language model (right), and the caption model (center) are trained simultaneously on different sources with different objectives but with shared parameters, thus enabling novel object captioning.
我们首先训练基于 LSTM 的语言模型 (LM)[24] 以生成句子。我们的 LM 结合了在外部文本语料库上预先训练的分布式嵌人(GloVe,[20])中的单词的密集表示。同时,我们还训练了最先进的视觉识别网络,以在给定图像的情况下对词汇中的单词提供信心。Thisdecomposesourmodelintodiscretetextandvisualpipelineswhichcanbetrainedexclusivelyusingunpairedtextandunpaire
$\color{red}2$ )。为了生成以图像内容为条件的描述,我们通过对单词词汇的文本和视觉置信度进行求和(元素方式), 将语言和视觉识别网络的预测结合起来。在训练过程中,我们引人了辅助图像特定($\mathcal{L}_\mathcal{IM}$)和文本特定$(\mathcal{L}_{\mathcal{L}\mathcal{M}})$目标以及成对的图像字幕$(\mathcal{L}_{\mathcal{C}\mathcal{M}})$损失。这些损失函数在联合训练时会影响我们的模型,不仅产生合理的图像描述,而且还预测视觉概念并生成内聚文本(语言建模)。。我们首先讨论辅助目标和联合训练,然后讨论如何利用用外部文本训练的嵌入来编写关于新颖对象的描述
# $3. 1. \textbf{ Auxiliary Training Objectives}$
我们引人辅助目标的动机是学习如何描述图像而不会失去识别更多对象的能力。通常,图像字幕模型结合了在源域上预先训练的视觉分类器 (例如。g。ImageNet 数据集),然后将其调整到目标域(图像字幕数据集)。但是,如果微调时不存在类似信息,则可以抑制源数据集中的重要信息,从而导致网络忘记(覆盖权重)目标域中不存在的对象。这在我们的场景中是有问题的,在这个场景中,模型依赖于源数据集来学习目标数据集中不存在的大量视觉概念。但是,通过预训练以及互补的辅助目标,模型保持了识别更多对象的能力,并被鼓励在测试时描述目标数据集中不存在的对象。为了便于说明,我们抽象了语言和视觉模型的细节,并首先描述了完整模型的联合训练目标,即。e。文本特定丢失、 图像特定丢失和图像字幕丢失。然后我们将描述语言和视觉模型 | [
] | [
"2.Related Work",
"Joint-Objective L",
"nape-specfe ousj",
"mage-Text Loss",
"Visual Description.",
"Figure 2. Our NOC image caption network. During train",
"ing, the visual recognition network (left), the LSTM-based",
"language model (right),and the caption model (center)are",
"trained simultaneously on different sources with different",
"objectives but with shared parameters, thus enabling novel",
"object captioning.",
"Novel object captioning.",
"3.1. Auxiliary Training Objectives",
"3. Novel Object Captioner (NOC)",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "1606.07770",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 1
} |
1606.07770-zh-2 | 1606.07770-zh-2.jpg | 3.1.1 Image-specific Loss
我们的视觉识别模型(图。$\mathbb{E}$2,左)是由$\theta_I$参数化的神经网络,并在对象识别数据集上进行了训练。与在分类任务上使用单个标签训练的典型视觉识别模型不同,对于图像字幕的任务,对同时出现在图像中的多个视觉概念具有高置信度的图像模型将是优选的。因此, 我们选择使用多个标签来训练我们的模型 (更多信息在Sec。5.1 ),具有多标签丢失。如果$l$表示标签,而$z_l$表示标签的二进制地面真值,则视觉模型的目标由交叉熵损失($\mathcal{L}_IM)$给出:
其中$S\_i(x)$是 XMATHMAX 层的最终索引
XMATH5 的输出
3.1.2 Text-specific Loss
我们的语言模型(图。2, 右)基于 LSTM 递归神经网络。我们用$\theta_L$表示该网络的参数,用$f_{LM}$表示该网络最后一层的激活。训练语言模型以预测给定单词序列$w_0,...,w_{t-1}$中的下一个单词$w_t$ 。这是使用相当于最大似然的 softmax 损失$\mathcal{L}_{\mathcal{L}\mathcal{M}}$进行优化的:
3.1.3 Image-caption Loss
图像字幕模型的目标(图。2,center) 是生成以图像为条件的句子( $I$ )。NOC 预测序列中的下一个单词$w_t$ , 该单词以先前生成的单词 $(w_0,...,w_{t-1}$)和图像$(I$ )为条件,通过对来自深层语言模型的激活进行求和,该模型对先前的单词进行操作,以及对图像进行操作的深层图像模型。我们用$f_{CM}$表示这些最终(求和)激活。然后,预测下一个单词的概率由下式给出: $P(w_t|w_0,...,w_{t-1},I)$
给定图像和描述对,字幕模型通过最小化字幕模型损失$\mathcal{L}_{CM}$来优化基础语言模型($\theta_L$)和图像模型$(\theta_I$ )的参数:$\mathcal{L}_\mathcal{CM}(w_0,.,w_{t-1},I;\theta_L,\theta_I)<$NEXMATHLINE> XXX
3.1.4 Joint Training with Auxiliary Losses
虽然许多以前的方法已经通过预训练图像和语言模型并单独调整字幕模型而在图像字幕上取得了成功(Eqn。?? ),这不足以为图像字幕数据集之外的对象生成描述因为模型往往会“忘记”(覆盖权重)仅在外部数据源中看到的对象。为了解决这个问题,我们建议在不同的数据源上同时训练图像模型,语言模型和字幕模型。NOC 模型的最终目标同时最小化了三个单独的互补目标:
通过与图像网络和语言网络共享字幕模型网络的权重(如图。$\color{red} 2($a)),该模型可以同时在独立的纯图像数据、 未注释的文本数据以及成对图像-字幕数据上进行训练。因此,共同优化不同的目标有助于模型识别成对的图像-句子数据之外的类别
3.2. Language Model with Semantic Embeddings
我们的语言模型由以下组件组成:单词的连续低维嵌人空间$(W_{glove}$ ),单个递归 (LSTM) 隐藏层以及两个线性变换层,其中第二层($W_glove$映射)。最后, 在输出层上使用 softmax 激活函数来产生归一化概率分布。将等价于最大似然的交叉熵损失作为训练目标。除了我们的共同目标(Eqn。4),我们还在语言模型中使用语义嵌人来帮助在描述新颖对象时生成句子。具体来说,初始输人嵌人空间($W_glove$)用于将输入(一热)单词表示为语义有意义的密集固定长度向量。虽然最终的转换层$(W_{glove}^T)$在 softmax 激活函数的帮助下将密集向量的映射[15,25]反转回完整词汇表。这些分布嵌入[17,20]共享语义相似的单词具有相似的向量表示的属性。在输入和输出转换层中使用这些嵌人的直观原因是为了帮助语言模型将图像文本语料库中看不见的单词处理为(在语义上)以前见过的相似单词, 从而鼓励合成句子生成 i。e。根据视觉置信度,鼓励它在句子描述中使用新的/稀有的单词
## 3.3. Visual Classifier
我们模型的另一个主要组件是视觉分类器。与以前的工作 [7] 相同,我们采用 VGG-16$\underline{\mathrm{E}}[22]$卷积网络作为视觉识别网络。我们修改网络的最后一层,以合并多标签丢失 (Eqn。1)预测完整词汇表中多个标签的视觉置信度。分类网络的其余部分保持不变
最后,我们对视觉和语言输出进行元素求和,可以将其视为语言模型在单词上产生平滑的概率分布(基于 GloVe 参数共享),然后根据视觉证据在其中“选择” 图像信号与语言模型信念相加
# 4. Datasets
$4. 1. \textbf{ External Text Corpus ( WebCorpus) }$
我们从 Gigaword, 英国国家语料库 (BNC), UkWaC 和 Wikipedia 中提取句子。斯坦福 CoreNLP3。4。2[14] 用于提取标记。此数据集用于训练 LSTM 语言模型。对于网络中密集的单词表示,我们使用 GloVe[20] 在包括 Gigaword 和 Wikipedia 在内的外部语料库的 6B 令牌上预先训练。为了创建我们的 LM 词汇表,我们从合并的外部语料库中确定了 80,000 个最常见的标记。我们将这个词汇进一步细化为一组 72,700 个单词,这些单词也有 GloVe 嵌人
4.2. Image Caption data
# 为了从经验上评估 NOC 描述新对象的能力,我们
使用[7]的训练和测试集。此数据集是根据 MSCOCO | [
] | [
"3.1.1 Image-specific Loss",
"3.2. Language Model with Semantic Embeddings",
"CM(I;01) = -Zz log(S_(frM(;0r)",
"+(1 -z) log(1 - S_l(frM(I;0n)",
"3.1.2Text-specific Loss",
"CcM(wo,...Wt-i;OL) =",
"log(S_wt(fLM(wo, ., wt-1; OL)",
"3.3. Visual Classifier",
"3.1.3Image-caption Loss",
"P(wt|wo,.., wt-1, I)",
"4. Datasets",
"4.1. External Text Corpus (WebCorpus)",
"3.1.4Joint Training with Auxiliary Losses",
"4.2. Image Caption data",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "1606.07770",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 2
} |
1606.07770-zh-3 | 1606.07770-zh-3.jpg | [13]创建的,方法是使用 word2vec(对象标签)上的余弦距离对主要的 80 个对象类别进行聚类,并从每个聚类中选择一个对象以阻止训练。训练集包含 8 个对象(瓶子,公共汽车,沙发,微波炉,比萨饼,球拍,手提箱,斑马)的图像和句子,它们构成了 MSCOCO 数据集中大约 10 个 % 的训练图像和字幕对。我们的模型是根据它能多好地生成关于包含八个伸出物体的图像的描述来评估的
# $4. 3. \textbf{ Image data}$
我们还评估了 NOC 在大约 700 个不同的 ImageNet $\left[21\right]$对象上生成的句子,这些对象不存在于 MSCOCO 数据集中。我们通过识别存在于 ImageNet 和我们的语言语料库(词汇表)中但不存在于 MSCOCO 中的对象来选择此集合。选择的单词跨越各种类别,包括细粒度类别 (例如。g。,“猎犬”和“菊花”),形容词 (e。g。“雪纺”、“羊毛”)和人门级单词(e。g。“蟾蜍”)。此外,为了研究我们的模型如何描述稀有对象,我们选择了一组单独的 52 个对象,这些对象在 ImageNet 中, 但在 MSCOCO 中很少提及(平均 52 次提及,在所有400k 训练句子中平均有 27 次提及)
5. Experiments on MSCOCO
我们执行以下实验以将 NOC 的性能与先前的工作[7]进行比较:1。我们评估了模型对在训练期间从MSCOCO 伸出的对象进行字幕处理的能力 (秒。5.1 )。2。为了研究数据源对训练的影响,我们报告了当域内和域外源训练图像和语言网络时 NOC 的性能 (Sec. 5.2 )。除此之外,为了更好地理解我们的模型:3。我们执行烧蚀来研究我们模型的每个组件有多少 (比如词嵌入、辅助目标等。)有助于提高性能(秒。5.3)。4。我们还研究了当从 MSCOCO 中提取不同的对象子集时,模型的性能是否保持一致(Sec。5.4)
5.1. Empirical Evaluation on MSCOCO
我们通过遵循 [7] 的实验设置,对我们提出的模型描述新颖对象的能力进行了经验评估。我们使用以下数据集来优化模型中的每个损失:联合学习参数$\theta_L$和$\theta_I$ 的字幕模型仅在 MSCOCO 的子集上进行训练,而没有 8 个对象 (请参阅E4.2 节),使用标记的图像来优化更新参数$\theta_I$的图像模型,以及使用相应的描述来训练更新参数$\theta_L$的语言模型。。当在来自 COCO 的图像上训练视觉网络时,我们通过在移除停止词后将关联字幕中的所有词视为标签来获得每个图像的多个标签。我们首先对域内设置进行评估,其中使用所有 COCO 训练图像训练图像分类器,并使用所有句子训练语言模型。我们使用 METEOR 度量[1] 来评估描述质量。但是,METEOR 仅捕获流利度,而不考虑提及(或缺少)特定单词。因此,我们还使用 F1 来确定模型在包含对象的图像的描述中提到了对象名称。因此,指标衡量模型是否能够识别对象并在句子中流利地使用它
COCOheldout 对象。表 1 将 NOC 获得的 F1 分数与之前的最佳方法 DCC [7]在 8 个被淘汰的 COCO 对象上进行了比较。NOC 在除“沙发”和“微波炉”之外的所有对象上的性能均优于 DCC(平均为 10%F1)。
DCC: A man playing a racket on a court.
NOC (Ours): A tennis player swinging a racket at a ball.
DCC: A group of people on a snowy road next to trees.
NOC (Ours): Bus driving down a snowy road next to trees.
DCC: A glass of wine sitting on a table with a glass of wine. NOC ( Ours) : A table with a bottle of wine and a glass of wine. erine.
DCC: A close up of a person sitting on a wooden bench.
NOC (Ours): A bunch of suitcases stacked on top of each other.
Figure 3. COCO Captioning: Examples comparing captions by NOC (ours) and DCC[7] on held out objects from MSCOCO.
更高的 F1 和 METEOR 表明 NOC 能够正确识别更多看不见的对象的实例,并将单词整合到流畅的描述中
# 5.2. Training data source
为了研究不同数据源的影响,我们还在域外设置中评估了我们的模型,其中使用来自 ImageNet 的图像训练了用于扩展对象的分类器,并在从外部语料库中挖掘的文本上训练了语言。表 2 报告了八个搁置对象的平均得分。我们将我们的 NOC 模型与[7](DCC) 的结果以及在相同分割上训练的竞争性图像字幕模型LRCNE[2]进行了比较。在域外设置(第 2 行)中,对于所选择的 8 个对象的集合,与 DCC 相比,NOC 在F1 上的性能略好,而在 METEOR 上的性能稍低。但是,如前所述,DCC 需要显式标识一组“可见”对象类,以将权重传递给新类,而 NOC 可以直接用于推理。DCC 的传输机制也导致了特殊的描述。E。g。, 无花果中的球拍。3
使用 COCO 图像训练(第 3 行),即使使用 WebCorpusLM 训练,NOC 的 F1 分数也会大大提高。最后,在域内设置(第4行)中,NOC在F1上比DCC 高出约 10 点 , 同时也略微提高了 METEOR。这表明NOC 能够通过域内训练更好地将对象与字幕相关联, 并且辅助目标和嵌入有助于模型概括和描述新颖的对象
# $5. 3. \textbf{ Ablations}$
表 3 比较了训练的不同方面如何影响整体性能。Tuned Vision contribution 未包含手套或 LM 预训练的模型性能较差 ( METEOR15。78, F114。41); 这种消融显示了视觉模型单独在识别和描述伸出的物体方面的贡献。LM &Glove contribution: 在没有辅助目标的情况下训练的模型,在 F1 为 25 的情况下表现更好。38 和 19 的流星。80; 这种改进主要来自 GloVe 嵌入, 它有助于为新颖的对象类添加字幕。LM &Pre-trained Vision: 有趣的是,当我们固定分类器的权重(在所有对象上预先训练)时,在调整图像字幕 COCO 子集上的 LM 之前,F1 大幅增加到 39。70 表明视觉模型可以识别许多对象,但可以“忘记”分类器在微调图像 | [
] | [
"DCC: Aglass ofwine sitting onat",
"NOC(Ours):Atablewithabottleofwineandaglass ofwine",
"4.3. Image data",
"DCC: A close up ofa person sitting on a wooden bench.",
"Noc (Ours):Abunch of suitcas",
"Figure 3.",
"COCO Captioning:Examples comparing cap",
"tions by NOC (ours) and DCC [7] on held out objects from",
"5.2. Training data source",
"5.Experiments onMSCOCO",
"5.1. Empirical Evaluation on MSCOCO",
"5.3. Ablations",
"的贡献。LM&Glove contribution:在没有辅助目标",
"与之前的最佳方法DCC[7]在8个被淘汰的 COCO",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "1606.07770",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 3
} |
1606.07770-zh-4 | 1606.07770-zh-4.jpg | <table>
<th>Avg. I $F1$</th>
<th>Avg. I METEOR</th>
<td>$NOC$ ours</td>
Table 1. MSCOCO Captioning: F1 scores (in % ) of NOC (our model) and DCC[7] on held-out objects not seen jointly
during image-caption training, along with the average F1 and METEOR scores of the generated captions across images
containing these objects.
<th> </th>
<td rowspan="2">1</td>
<td>no tri -</td>
<td rowspan="2">2</td>
<td>Web Corpus</td>
<td rowspan="2">4</td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
## $6. 1. \textbf{ Describing Novel Objects}$
Table 2. Comparison with different training data sources on 8 held-out COCO objects. Having in-domain data helps both the DCC[7] and our NOC model caption novel objects.
字幕数据时学习的对象(没有 8 个对象)。Auxiliary Objective: 结合辅助目标,F1 显着提高到 47。02。我们在这里注意到,由于包括辅助目标,视觉网络可以在所有图像上进行调整,从而保留了对各种对象进行分类/识别的能力。最后,结合所有方面为 NOC 提供了最佳性能 (F148。79,流星 21。32),显著优于 DCC
表$\color{red}{\mathrm{E}}$5 使用以下指标比较了 638 个新颖对象类别 (与[7]相同)上的模型:(i)描述新颖对象(%)是指描述中提到的所选 ImageNet 对象的百分比,i。e。每个新单词的 (e。g。,“otter”) 模型应将单词 (“otter”) 合并到有关对象 (otter)的 ImageNet 图像的至少一个描述中。虽然 DCC 能够识别和描述 56。85 描述中选定的 ImageNet 对象的% (363), NOC 可以识别更多对象,并且能够描述 91。27 个% (582 个,共 638 个) ImageNet 对象。(ii) 准确性是指模型能够正确识别和描述类别的每个类别的图像百分比。我们报告所有类别的平均准确性。DCC 正确合并了一个新词 11。08当时的%, 相比之下,NOC 将其明显改进为 24。74%。(iii)基于描述中提及对象的精确度和召回率计算 F1 分数。同样,NOC 的表现优于平均 F133。76% 到 DCC 的 14。47%
尽管 NOC 和 DCC$\mathbb{E}[7]$使用相同的 CNN,但 NOC 都能够描述更多类别,并且更频繁地将新词正确地集成到描述中。DCC$\mathbb{E}[7]$可能无法找到在语义上和语法上都与新颖对象相似的合适对象,或者在使用对象名称组成句子的语言模型方面,在 NOC 中,前者从未发生 (i。e。我们不需要显式识别类似的对象),减少了错误的总体来源。
图。4 和 Fig。6 (第 3 列)显示了 NOC 描述ImageNet 中的各种对象的示例。Fig。4 将我们的模型与 DCC 进行了比较。Fig。5和图。6(右) 概述了一些错误。无法描述新对象是 NOC 的一个常见错误。E。g。Fig。6(右上),NOC 错误地将一个拿着“西塔”的人描述为一个拿着“棒球棒”的人。其他常见错误包括生成非语法或无意义的短语(例如“角斗士”,“aardvark”)并重复特定对象(“梭子鱼。withabarracuda,, triflecake, )。
5.4. Validating on a different subset of COCO
为了表明我们的模型在对象之间是一致的,我们通过从 COCO 中提取一组不同的八个对象来创建不同的训练/测试拆分。我们持有的对象是:床,书,胡萝卜大象,勺子,厕所,卡车和雨伞。来自这八个对象的图像和句子再次构成了 MSCOCO 训练数据集的大约 10个%。表 4 显示了该模型在该子集上的性能。我们观察到 F1 和 METEOR 分数虽然略低,但与表 1 中观察到的数字一致,证实了我们的模型能够推广到不同的对象子集
6. Experiments: Scaling to ImageNet
## $6. 2. \textbf{ Describing Rare Objects/ Words}$
为了演示 NOC 的可伸缩性,我们描述了 ImageNet 中不存在配对图像-句子数据的对象。我们的实验是在ImageNet 的两个子集上进行的,(i)新颖对象:一组638 个对象,它们存在于 ImageNet 以及模型的词汇表中,但在 MSCOCO 中未提及。(ii)稀有对象:一组52 个对象,它们在 ImageNet 和 MSCOCO 词汇表中但在 MSCOCO 标题中很少提及(中位数为 27)。对于定量评估,(i)我们测量模型能够描述对象的至少一个图像(使用对象标签)的对象的百分比,(ii)我们还报告准确性和 F1 分数,以便在整个集合中进行比较模型
选定的稀有词在 MSCOCO 训练集中出现的频率各不相同,在所有训练句子中平均约有 52 次提及(中位数为 27)。例如,诸如“盆景”之类的单词仅出现 5次,“whisk”(11 个 注 释 ) , “ 茶 壶 ” ( 30 个 注 释 ) , 以 及诸如南瓜之类的其他单词出现 58 次,“天鹅”(60 个注释),而在较高的侧面,像围巾这样的对象出现 144 | [
] | [
"Avg. F1",
"NOC (ours)",
"MSCOCO Captioning: F1 scores (in % ) of NOC (our model) and DCC [7] on held-out objects not seen jointly",
"Table 1.",
"during image-caption training, along with the average F1 and METEOR scores of the generated captions across images",
"containing these objects.",
"(no transfer)",
"6.1. Describing Novel Objects",
"Table 2.",
"Comparison with different training data sources",
"on 8 held-out COCO objects. Having in-domain data helps",
"both the DCC [7] and our NOC model caption novel ob-",
"5.4. Validating on a different subset of COCO",
"6. Experiments: Scaling to ImageNet",
"6.2. Describing Rare Objects/Words",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "1606.07770",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 4
} |
1905.05950-zh-0 | 1905.05950-zh-0.jpg | BERT 重新发现经典 NLP 管道
$\{$ iftenney,dipanjand,epavlick $\}$
# Abstract
Pre-trained text encoders have rapidly advanced the state of the art on many NLP tasks. We focus on one such model, BERT, and aim to quantify where linguistic information is captured within the network. We find that the model represents the steps of the traditional NLP pipeline in an interpretable and localizable way, and that the regions responsible for each step appear in the expected sequence: POS tagging, parsing, NER, semantic roles, then coreference. Qualitative analysis reveals that the model can and often does adjust this pipeline dynamically, revising lowerlevel decisions on the basis of disambiguating information from higher-level representations.
## 1 Introduction
诸如 ELMo (Peters et al.,2018a)和 BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) 之类的预训练句子编码器已迅速改善了许多 NLP 任务的最新技术水平,并且似乎准备取代静态单词嵌人(Mikolov et al., 2013) 和离散管道 (Manning et al., 2014) 作为自然语言处理系统的基础。虽然这对性能是一个福音,但它是以可解释性为代价的,目前还不清楚这些模型实际上是在学习我们直觉上认为对表示自然语言很重要的抽象,还是仅仅是对复杂的共现统计进行建模
最近的工作浪潮已经开始“探索”最先进的模型,以了解它们是否以令人满意的方式表示语言。这项工作大部分是基于行为的,设计受控测试集并分析错误,以便对模型可能表示或不表示(?)抽象类型进行逆向工程[e。g。][] con- 。并行工作直接检查网络的结构,以评估是否存在与不同类型的语言决策相关的可本地化区域。这样的工作已经产生了证据,表明深层语言模型可以编码一系列语法和语义信息(e。g。Shi et al., 2016; Belinkov, 2018; ?) , 并
且在模型 (Peters et al., 2018b; Blevins et al.,
2018) 的较高层中分层表示更复杂的结构
我们以后一种工作为基础,专注于 BERT 模型 (Devlin et al., 2019) ,并使用从传统 NLP 管道派生的一套探测任务(Tenney et al., 2019) 来量化特定类型的语言信息的编码位置。基于(Peters et al., 2018b)的观察结果,即语言模型的较低层编码更多的本地语法,而较高层捕获更复杂的语义,我们提出了两个新颖的贡献。首先,我们提出了一个跨越传统 NLP 管道常见组件的分析。我们证明了特定抽象的编码顺序反映了这些任务的传统层次结构。其次,我们定性分析 BERT 网络如何逐层处理单个句子。我们表明,虽然管道顺序保持在总体上, 但该模型可以允许各个决策以任意方式相互依赖,推迟模棱两可的决策或根据更高级别的信息修改不正确的决策
# 2 Model
Edge Probing. 我们的实验基于 Tenney et al.(2019)的“边缘探测”方法,该方法旨在测量如何从预先训练的编码器中提取有关语言结构的信息。边缘探测将结构化预测任务分解为通用格式,其中探测分类器接收跨度$s_1$= [ $i_1$, $j_1$) 和(可选)s$_2=[i_2,j_2)$ ,并且必须预测标签,例如成分或关系类型。$^{1}$探测分类器只能访问目标跨度内的每令牌上下文向量, 因此必须依赖编码器提供有关这些跨度与其在句子中的角色之间的关系的信息
我们使用边缘探测套件中的八个标记任务: 词性(POS),成分(Consts。)、依赖项(Deps。$)、实体、语义角色标签(SRL)、协指(Coref。)、$ 语义原角色(SPR;?)和关系分类(SemEval)。
表 示 ( ? ) 抽 缘 失 型 进 行 进 间 上 程 [ e。g。] ] con- $\text{neau2018cram,marvin2018targeted,poliak2018collestipom}^{\text{这些任务源自标准基准数据集,并使用通用指}}$ 并 行 工 作 直 接 检 查 网 络 的 结 构 以 评 估 是 否
${\overline{{^{1}\text{For single-span tasks }}}}({\mathrm{POS,~entities,~and~con-}}$ $\begin{array}{ll}{\mathrm{stituents),~s_{2}~is~not~used.~For~POS,~s_{1}~=~[i,i+1)}}\\{\mathrm{is~a~single~token.}}\end{array}$
$^{2}$We use the code from$_{/}$ | [
] | [
"Ian Tenneyl Dipanjan DaslEllie Pavlick1,2",
"1Google Research2Brown University",
"Pre-trained text encoders have rapidly ad",
"vanced the state of the art on many NLP",
"tasks. We focus on one such model, BERT,",
"and aim to quantify where linguistic infor",
"mationis captured withinthenetwork.We",
"find that the model represents the steps",
"of the traditional NLP pipeline in an in",
"terpretable and localizable way, and that",
"the regions responsible for each step ap-",
"pear in the expected sequence: POS tag-",
"ging, parsing, NER, semantic roles, then",
"Qualitative analysis reveals",
"that the model can and often does adjust",
"this pipelinedynamically,revising lower",
"level decisions on the basis of disambiguat",
"2 Model",
"诸如ELMo(Peters et al.,2018a)和 BERT",
"'For single-span tasks (POS, entities, and con",
"stituents), $2 is not used. For POS, s1 = [i,i + 1)",
"is a single token",
"g。Shi et al., 2016; Belinkov, 2018;?),并",
"2We use the code from"
] | {
"arxiv_id": "1905.05950",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 0
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1905.05950-zh-1 | 1905.05950-zh-1.jpg | BERT. BERT 模 型 (Devlin et al., 2019) 在许多任务上都表现出了最先进的性能,其深层的 Transformer 体系结构 (Vaswani et al.,2017) 是许多最ford2018improving,radford2019language,liu2019m
。我们专注于股票 BERT 模型(基本和大型无案例),这些模型通过 3 个任务的多任务目标(掩蔽语言建模和下一句预测)进行训练。3B 单词英语语料库。由于我们想了解网络如何表示语言作为预训练的结果,我们遵循Tenney et al. (2019) (偏离标准 BERT 用法) 并冻结编码器权重。这可以防止编码器重新排列其内部表示以更好地适应探测任务
给定输入令牌$T=[t_0,t_1,\ldots,t_n]$ ,深度,其中$H^(\ell)=[\boldsymbol{h}_{0}^{(\ell)},\boldsymbol{h}_{1}^{(\ell)},\ldots,\boldsymbol{h}_{n}^{(\ell)}]$是$\ell^th$ 编码器层的激活向量,$H^{(0)}$对应于非上下文单词(片段)嵌入。我们使用跨层的加权和$(\S3.1)$将它们合并为一组每个令牌表示向量$H$ = $[ \boldsymbol{h}_0, \boldsymbol{h}_1, \ldots , \boldsymbol{h}_n]$ ,并使用 Tenney et al. (2019)的体系结构和过程为每个任务训练探测分类器$P_\tau$
Limitations 这项工作旨在探索。我们专注于一个特定的编码器-BERT-探索如何在深度语言模型中组织信息,并且需要进一步的工作来确定趋势在多大程度上保持一般。此外,我们的工作带有所有基于检查的探测的局限性: 我们的探测分类器没有观察到语言模式这一事实并不能保证它不存在,并且对模式的观察并不能告诉我们如何使用它。因此,我们强调将结构分析与行为研究相结合的重要性(如 §回1中所述),以更全面地了解这些模型编码的信息以及该信息如何影响下游任务的性能
## 3 Metrics
我们定义了两个互补的指标。首先,标量混合权重(§3.1)告诉我们,当探测分类器可以访问整个 BERT 模型时,哪些层最相关。第二个,累积评分(§3.2)告诉我们,通过引入每一层,我们可以在探测任务上获得多少更高的分数。这些指标提供了关于模型内部正在发生的事情的补充观点。混合权重仅从训练数据中学习-它们告诉我们探测模型发现哪些层最有用。相反,累积评分完全来自评估集,并告诉我们正确的预测需要多少层
jsalt18- sentence- repl/ jiant . Dependencies is the En- glish Web Treebank (Silveira et al., 2014) , SPR is the $\bar{\text{SPR1 dataset of (Teichert et al., 2017) , and relations}}$ is SemEval 2010 Task 8 (Hendrickx et al., 2009) . All other tasks are from OntoNotes 5.0 (Weischedel'et al., 2013) .
Expected laver& center-of-qravity
<th> </th>
<th>0 2</th>
<th>4 6</th>
<th>4 6 8</th>
<th>8 1 LIUT</th>
<th>0 12 14</th>
<th>16 LLLL</th>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td colspan="2">15.80</td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
F1 Scores
Figure 1: Summary statistics on BERT-large. $\begin{array}{l}{\mathrm{Columns~on~left~show~F1~dev-set~scores~for~the}}\\{\mathrm{baseline~(~P_{\tau}^{(0)}~)~and~full-model~(~P_{\tau}^{(L)}~)~probes.}}\end{array}$
编码器产生一组层激活$H^{(0)},H^{(1)},\ldots,H^{(L)}$ Dark (blue) are the mixing weight center of grav编码器产生一组层激活$H^{(0)},H^{(1)},\ldots,H^{(L)}$ ity (equation 2); light (purple) are the expected
ity (equation 2 ); light (purple) are the expected
layer from the cumulative scores (equation 4).
3.1 Scalar Mixing Weights
要跨层合并,我们使用 ELMo 模型引人的标量混合技术。根据 Peters et al. (2018a) 的方程式$\mathbb{E}(1)$, 对于每个任务,我们引入标量参数$\gamma_{\tau}$和$a_{\tau}^{(0)},a_{\tau}^{(1)},\ldots,a_{\tau}^{(L)}$,并让:
Center-of-Gravity. 作为汇总统计,我们将混
$$\bar{E}_s[\ell]=\sum_{\ell=0}^L\ell\cdot s_\tau^{(\ell)}$$
### 3.2 Cumulative Scoring
我们想估计在编码器中的哪一层可以正确预测目标$( s_1$, $s_2$, label) 。混合权重不能直接告诉我们这一点,因为它们是作为参数学习的,并不对应于数据的分布。单层的朴素分类器也不能,因为有关特定跨度的信息可能会散布在多 | [
] | [
"Expected layer ¢er-of-gravity",
"(Devlin etal.,",
"Figure l:",
"Summary statistics on BERT-large.",
"Columns on left show F1 dev-set scores for the",
"baseline ( P(o)) and full-model ( P()",
"Dark (blue) are the mixing weight center of grav-",
"ity (equation 2 ); light (purple) are the expected",
"layer from the cumulative scores (equation 4).",
"Scalar Mixing Weights",
"H=[ho,hi,...,hn]并使用Tenneyet al.",
"E,[e] =",
"Tl. s(e)",
"Cumulative Scoring",
"jsalt18-sentence-repl/jiant . Dependencies is the En-",
"glish Web Treebank (Silveira et al., 2014) , SPR is the",
"SPR1 dataset of (Teichert et al., 2017) , and relations",
"is SemEval 2010 Task 8 (Hendrickx et al., 2009) : All",
"other tasks are from OntoNotes 5.0 (Weischedel et al.,",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "1905.05950",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 1
} |
1905.05950-zh-2 | 1905.05950-zh-2.jpg | <FigureHere>
Figure 2: Layer-wise metrics on BERT-large. Solid ( blue) are mixing weights $s_{\tau }^{( \ell ) }( \begin{array} { c c } {83. 1}\end{array} ) ;$outlined ( purple) are differential scores $\Delta _{\tau }^{( \tilde{\ell } ) }( \begin{array} { c c } {83. 2}\end{array} ) $,normalized for each task. Horizontal axis is encoder $\operatorname{layer}.$
个层上,并且如 Peters et al.(2018b) 中所示,
为了解决这个问题,我们训练了一系列分类器$\{P_\tau^{(\ell)}\}_\ell$,它们使用标量混合(等式$\mathbb{E}$1)来处理$\ell$层以及所有先前的层。$P_\tau^{(0)}$对应于仅使用一袋单词(片)嵌入的非上下文基线,而$P_{\tau}^{(L)}=P_{\tau}$对应于探测 BERT 模型的所有层
这些分类器是累积的,从某种意义上说, $P_{\tau_{(\ell)}}^{\textcircled{\Delta}=\text{万天部足系似时,从不们态人上几},}\\P_{\tau_{(\ell)}}^{(\ell+1)}$具有相似数量的参数,但可以访问比$P_{\tau}^{(\ell)}$严格更多的信息,并且我们直观地看到, 性能(F1 分数) 通常会随着添加更多层而增加。$^{3}$然后,我们可以计算一个差分分数$\Delta_\tau^{(\ell)}$ ,它可以衡量如果我们观察到一个额外的编码
$^{3}$Note that if a new layer provides distracting features, the probing model can overft and performance can drop. We see this in particular in the last 1-2 layers (Figure2).
器层$\ell$ ,我们在探测任务上做得更好:
Expected Layer. 同样,我们计算差分分数上的(伪)$^{4}$期望作为汇总统计量。为了关注上下文编码器层的行为,我们省略了在 0 层解析的“琐碎”示例以及完整模型中剩余的净空的贡献。让:
### 4 Results
图 1 报告汇总统计信息和 F1 绝对得分,图 2报告每层指标。两者都显示了 24 层 BERTlarge 模型的结果。我们还报告了$K(\star)=$ KL$( \star | |$Uniform),以估计每个任务的每个统计量($\star=s_\tau,\Delta_\tau)的非均匀性 5$
Linguistic Patterns. 我们在两个指标中都观察到了一致的趋势,任务以自然的顺序编码: POS 标签处理最早,其次是成分,依赖关系语义角色和共同引用。也就是说,似乎基本的语法信息在网络中出现得更早,而高级语义信息出现在更高的层。我们注意到,这一发现与Peters et al. (2018b) 的初步观察结果一致,后者发现成分的表示早于共同引用
此外,我们观察到,一般而言,语法信息的本地化程度更高,与语法任务相关的权重往往集中在几层(高$K(s)$和$K(\Delta)$上,而与语义任务相关的信息通常分布在整个网络中。例如,我们发现对于语义关系和原始角色(SPR), 混合权重接近统一,并且这些任务的非平凡示例在几乎所有层上都逐渐得到解决。对于实体标记,在第 1 层中解析了许多示例,但此后有一个长尾,并且在高层中仅混合权重的浓度很低。需要进一步研究以确定这是因为 BERT 难以表示这些任务的正确抽象,还是因为语义信息本质上难以本地化
Comparison of Metrics. 对于许多任务,我们发现差异得分在模型的前几层 (BERT-large 的第 1-7 层) 中最高,i。e。大多数例子可以很早就正确分类。我们将此归因于启发式快捷
$^{4}$This is not a true expectation because the F1 score
is not an expectation over examples.
$\begin{array}{c}{{^5}\mathrm{KL}(\star||\hat{\mathrm{Uniform}})=-H(\star)+\mathrm{Constant~,~so~higher}}\\{\mathrm{values~correspond~to~lower~entropy.}}\end{array}$ | [
] | [
"△(e) = Score(P(e)) - Score(P(e-1))",
"K(△) = 1.57",
"K(s) = 0.87",
"E[4] =- D1 L. 4(9]",
"K(s) =0.50",
"K(△)= 0.33",
"计量(=S,△)的非均匀性 5",
"K(s) = 0.01",
"Figure 2: Layer-wise metrics on BERT-large. Solid",
"(blue) are mixing weights s@) ( $3.1 ); outlined",
"(purple) are differential scores () ( $3.2 ), nor-",
"malized for each task. Horizontal axis is encoder",
"3Note that if a new layer provides distracting fea-",
"4This is not a true expectation because the F1 score",
"tures, the probing model can overfit and performance",
"is not an expectation over examples.",
"can drop. We see this in particular in the last 1-2 layers",
"5KL(+|Uniform) = -H(+) + Constant , so higher",
"(Figure 2).",
"values correspond to lower entropy"
] | {
"arxiv_id": "1905.05950",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 2
} |
2011.13843-zh-0 | 2011.13843-zh-0.jpg | Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 148:136-146, 2021
NeurIPS 2020 Preregistration Workshop
SFTrack++: 一种用于时空一致跟踪的快速可学习光谱分割方法
# Elena Burceanu
[email protected]
## Bitdefender
$University\textit{ of Bucharest, Romania}$
$Institute\textit{ of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy}$
# $\mathbf{Abstract}$
We propose an object tracking method, SFTrack++, that smoothly learns to preserve the tracked object consistency over space and time dimensions by taking a spectral clustering approach over the graph of pixels from the video, using a fast 3D filtering formulation for finding the principal eigenvector of this graph's adjacency matrix. To better capture complex aspects of the tracked object, we enrich our formulation to multi-channel inputs, which permit different points of view for the same input. The channel inputs are in our experiments, the output of multiple tracking methods. After combining them, instead of relying only on hidden layers representations to predict a good tracking bounding box, we explicitly learn an intermediate, more refined one, namely the segmentation map of the tracked object. This prevents the rough common bounding box approach to introduce noise and distractors in the learning process. We test our method, SFTrack++, on five tracking benchmarks: OTB, UAV, NFS, GOT-10k, and TrackingNet, using five top trackers as input. Our experimental results validate the pre-registered hypothesis. We obtain consistent and robust results, competitive on the three traditional benchmarks (OTB, UAV, NFS) and significantly on top of others (by over 1.1% on accuracy) on GOT-10k and TrackingNet, which are newer, larger, and more varied datasets. The code is available at .
## 1. Introduction
在视觉任务中更好地使用视频的时间方面已经被积极讨论了相当长的时间,特别是在硬件方面取得了巨大而持续的进步。我们在方法中处理的第一个方面是视觉对象跟踪中空间和时间维度的无缝混合当前的方法主要依赖于目标外观和逐帧处理$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$Caelles et al. (2017); Li et al. (2019); Danelljan et al. (2019), 很少有人明确考虑时间一致性$\overline\text{EBhat et al. }(2020);$ Jabri et al. (2020b) 。在谱图方法中,节点是像素,边缘是它们在空间和时间上的局部关系,而该图中最强的簇由图的邻接矩阵的主特征向量给出,表示在空间和时间上一致的主要对象体积。第二个观察挑战用于跟踪的粗略边界框 (bbox)形状。虽然它提供了一种方便的方式来注释数据集,但它是一个相当不完美的标签,因为它会导致随着时间的推移而累积,传播和放大的错误。对象很少看起来像盒子,而 bboxes 大多数时候都包含重要的背景信息或干扰因素。由于对感兴趣的对象进行良好的分割会直接影响跟踪性能,因此我们限制了一种中间表示形式,即分割图,其目的是减少从一帧传递到下一帧的噪声量。我们将其集成到我们的端到端流程中,如图所示。1 。我们强调的第三点是依赖于同一对象的多个独立特征或专用于不同方面的多个模块。这具有更好的理解复杂对象的能力,同时提高了鲁棒性 Bhat et al.(2020)。因此,我们调整 SFSeg 频谱方法,增强其公式以支持在多个输入通道之上的学习。它们可能是来自不同方法的输入帧的一般特征,或者更具体地说,跟踪来自多个解决方案的输出,正如我们在 Sec 中测试的那样。4
$\textcircled{\mathrm{C}}2021$E. Burceanu. | [
] | [
"Elena Burceanu",
"[email protected]",
"University of Bucharest, Romania",
"Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy",
"We propose an object tracking method, SFTrack++, that smoothly learns to preserve the",
"tracked object consistency over space and time dimensions by taking a spectral clustering",
"approach over the graph of pixels from the video, using a fast 3D filtering formulation",
"for finding the principal eigenvector of this graph's adjacency matrix. To better capture",
"complex aspects of the tracked object, we enrich our formulation to multi-channel inputs.",
"which permit different points of view for the same input. The channel inputs are in our",
"experiments, the output of multiple tracking methods. After combining them, instead of",
"relying only on hidden layers representations to predict a good tracking bounding box",
"we explicitly learn an intermediate, more refined one, namely the segmentation map of",
"the tracked object. This prevents the rough common bounding box approach to introduce",
"noise and distractors in the learning process. We test our method, SFTrack++, on five",
"tracking benchmarks: OTB, UAV, NFS, GOT-10k, and TrackingNet, using five top trackers",
"as input. Our experimental results validate the pre-registered hypothesis.We obtain",
"consistent and robust results, competitive on the three traditional benchmarks (OTB, UAV",
"NFS) and significantly on top of others (by over 1.1% on accuracy) on GOT-10k and",
"TrackingNet, which are newer, larger, and more varied datasets. The code is available at",
"1. Introduction",
"et al. (2019): Danellian et al. (2019)",
"@2021 E.Burceanu."
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2011.13843",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 0
} |
Figure 1: SFTrack++: We start from video's RGB and 1$^{st}$ frame GT bbox of the tracked
object. We run state-of-the-art trackers, in an online manner, while fine-tuning $NN_{feat2seg}$ network frame-by-frame (pretrained in Phase 1) to transform the extracted feature maps $(\begin{array}{cc}e.g.&\mathrm{bboxes})\end{array}$to segmentation maps. Next,we learn to combine multiple segmentation inputs and refine the final mask using a spectral approach, applied also online over a moving window containing the previous N frames, for $N_{iter}$ spectral iterations (Phase 2). In Phase 3, we learn a bbox regressor from the final segmentation mask, $NN_{seg2box}$ and fine-tune all our parameters on the tracking task.
$\bullet$ SFTrack++ brings to tracking a natural, contiguous, and efficient approach for inte-
grating space and time components, using a fast 3D spectral clustering method over
the graph of pixels from the video, to strengthen the tracked object's model.
$\bullet$ We explicitly learn intermediate fine-grained segmentation as opposed to rough bound-
ing boxes in our three phases end-to-end approach to a more robust tracking solution.
$\bullet$ We integrate into our formulation a way of learning to combine multiple input chan-
nels, offering a wider view of the objects, harmonizing different perceptions, for a
powerful and robust approach.
137 | [
] | [
"Phase 1:Learn onmulti-instance segmentation",
"Spectral clustering in space-time overa",
"Bbox Regression",
"Phase3:Learnand Fine-tune",
"Phase 2: Learn and Fine-tune on Segmentation",
"on Tracking",
"Figure l:SFTrack++: We start from video's RGB and ist frame GT bbox of the tracked",
"object. We run state-of-the-art trackers, in an online manner, while fine-tuning",
"NNfeat2seg network frame-by-frame (pretrained in Phase 1) to transform the ex-",
"tracted feature maps (e.g. bboxes) to segmentation maps. Next, we learn to",
"combine multiple segmentation inputs and refine the final mask using a spectral",
"approach, applied also online over a moving window containing the previous N",
"frames, for Niter spectral iterations (Phase 2).In Phase 3, we learn a bbox regres-",
"sor from the final segmentation mask, NNseg2bor and fine-tune all our parameters",
"on the tracking task",
". SFTrack++ brings to tracking a natural, contiguous, and efficient approach for inte-",
"grating space and time components, using a fast 3D spectral clustering method over",
"the graph of pixels from the video, to strengthen the tracked object's model",
". We explicitly learn intermediate fine-grained segmentation as opposed to rough bound",
"ing boxes in our three phases end-to-end approach to a more robust tracking solution.",
". We integrate into our formulation a way of learning to combine multiple input chan",
"nels, offering a wider view of the objects, harmonizing different perceptions, for a",
"powerful and robust approach.",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2011.13843",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 1
} |
2011.13843-zh-2 | 2011.13843-zh-2.jpg | BURCEANU
# 2. Related work
常规对象跟踪。在三个主要的跟踪器系列中,基于暹罗的跟踪器近年来因其高速和端到端功能 Bertinetto et al. (2016b); Li et al. (2018,2019); Zhang and Peng (2020) 而获得了很大的吸引力。大多数方法侧重于详尽的离线培训,无法监控变化。r。t。初始模板 Tao et al. (2016); Xu et al. (2020); Chen et al. (2020),而其他人在线更新他们的模型 Voigtlaender et al. (2020); Dai et al. (2020) 。然而,训练时对看不见的物体和变换的鲁棒性仍然是暹罗跟踪器的基本问题。用于跟踪的元学习方法$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$Park and Berg (2018); Bertinetto et al. (2016a); Wang et al. (2020)通过提出与目标无关的跟踪模型,提供了一种有趣的方式来适应当前感兴趣的对象,同时保持较短的推理时间。这两种方法 (Siamese 和元学习跟踪器) 的一个主要限制是,它们无法连续适应被跟踪对象的实时变化,而是使用了几个精心选择的补丁的历史记录,甚至只是最初的补丁。相反,我们的方法自然地集成了时间维度,通过不断地执行本地时间和空间对象的一致性另一方面,判别方法$\overline{\mathrm{F}}$Danelljan et al.(2019, 2020); Lukezic et al. (2020)是经典方法,它更多地关注被跟踪对象 Danelljan et al. (2017) (背景,干扰物,硬底片)的变化,从而更好地将时间维度 Bhat et al.(2020)集成到方法流程中。它们被证明是强大的,但它们主要依赖于手工制作的观察或不可训练的端到端模块。SFTrack++ 提供了一种端到端的方法,同时使用中间分割图最大限度地减少干扰和背景噪声。我们的方法将自己与特定的跟踪器系列隔开,通过聚类组件引人空间和时间一致性认可作为算法的附加维度。除了 Wang et al. (2019); Voigtlaender et al. (2019) 之外,大多数跟踪解决方案都使用从上一帧的粗略 bbox 预测 Bhat et al. (2020); Danelljan et al. (2020, 2019); Xu et al. (2020)中提取的内部隐藏层表示,而不是我们方法中的细粒度分割掩码。此外,它们中的大多数都没有考虑到输入帧的多种感知,而是通过独特的特征提取器$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$ Danelljan et al. (2019); Zhang and Peng (2020); Bertinetto et al. (2016b) 进行操作。有几个跟踪器虽然结合了两个模型来适应突然的变化,同时保持对背景噪声的鲁棒性,通过显式建模不同的路径 Bhat et al. (2020); Burceanu and Leordeanu (2018) 。相比之下,我们的端到端多通道公式通过 10 输人通道学习,数量明显更大图形表示。以前将图像和视频表示为图形,其中节点是像素,超像素或区域 Jabri et al. (2020a) 。此选择直接影响运行时间和性能。关于边,它们通常是无向的,由对称相似度函数建模,但是也有一些作品使用有向的 Torsello et al. (2006); Yu and Shi (2001) 。谱聚类方法 Ng et al.(2001); Meila and Shi (2001); Leordeanu and Hebert (2005)搜索图的邻接矩阵的前导或最小特征向量,以解决聚类的分配。光谱聚类以前用于像素级图像分割ElShi and Malik (2000) ,在运行时间和建立视频补丁之间的时空对应关系$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$Jabri et al. (2020a) 方面负担很重。图切割是谱聚类的常用方法,具有许多变体 Shi and Malik (2000); Ding et al. (2001); Sarkar and Soundararajan (2000) 。SFSeg Burceanu and Leordeanu (2020)提出了一种 3D 过滤技术,用于在不显式计算图的邻接矩阵的情况下有效地找到谱聚类解决方案。受这种方法的启发,我们将改进的版本与多通道输入的学习集成在一起,作为跟踪器中的中间组件,如 Sec 中所述。3
# 3. Our approach
SFTrack++ 算法有三个阶段,因为我们在图中直观地展示了它们。1。在阶段 1 中,我们学习了一个神经网络$NN_{feat2seg}$ ,该神经网络将 RGB 和使用跟踪器(来自跟踪器预测的$e.g.$ bbox) 提取的帧级特征图转换为分割掩码。仅使用 RGB 作为输入是不够的,因为帧可以包含多个对象和实例,并且我们还需要指向被跟踪对象的指针来预测其分割。接下来,在第 2 阶段,我们在输入上逐帧运行多个最先进的跟踪器作为在线过程,并从中提取输入通道$(e.g.$ bboxes)。我们使用先前调用的模块$NN_feat2seg$将这些特征图转换为分割图。接下来,我们学习使用频谱解决方案来组合和优化当前帧的输出,以保持时空一致性,
138 | [
] | [
"2. Related work",
"功能Bertinetto et al.(2016b);Liet al.(2018,2019);Zhang and Peng(2020)而获得了很大",
"罗跟踪器的基本问题。用于跟踪的元学习方法EPark andBerg(2018);Bertinetto etal.",
"et al. (2017)",
"的 Torsello et al. (2006); Yu and Shi (2001",
"t al. (2001): Meila and Shi",
"方法,具有许多变体 Shi and Malik(2000);Ding et al.(2001);Sarkar and Soundararajan",
"3. Our approach",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2011.13843",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 2
} |
适用于通过多个通道进行学习。请注意,当应用频谱迭代时,我们在视频体积中的前 N 个帧上使用滑动窗口方法。为了监督这条路径,我们使用分段地面实况。第 3 阶段将神经网络作为 bbox 回归器学习到上一阶段的最终分割图$NN_{seg2box}$ ,同时使用跟踪 GT 微调模型中的所有其他可训练参数
光谱分割方法。接下来我们通过以下几个方面,简要说明它们之间的联系:分段→前导特征向量$\to$幂迭代???D 滤波公式$\to$多通道。先前将图像分割公式化为图分割问题,其中分割解决方案 Shi and Malik (2000)是邻接矩阵的前导特征向量。它以类似的方式用于视频 Burceanu and Leordeanu (2020) 。幂迭代算法可以计算前导特征向量: $x_i^{k+1}\leftarrow\sum_{j\in\mathcal{N}(i)}M_{i,j}x_j^k$ ,其中$M$是$N\times N$图的邻接矩阵,$N$是图中的节点数 (在我们的例子中是视频时空体积中的像素), $\mathcal{N}(i)$是节点$i$的时空邻域,每个步骤$k$后跟归一化。幂迭代中使用的邻接矩阵通常取决于两种类型的术语:一元的是关于单个节点属性的,成对的描述两个节点(对)之间的关系
按照这种方法,SFSeg 使用近似邻接矩阵的 3D 滤波重写功率迭代。解决方案在方程
式$\mathbb{E}$1 中进行了描述:
$$\boldsymbol{X}^{k+1}\leftarrow\mathrm{normalized}(\boldsymbol{S}^{p}\cdot(\alpha^{-1}\boldsymbol{1}-\boldsymbol{F}^{2})\cdot G_{3D}*(\boldsymbol{S}^{p}\cdot\boldsymbol{X}^{k})-\boldsymbol{S}^{p}\cdot G_{3D}*(\boldsymbol{F}^{2}\cdot\boldsymbol{S}^{p}\cdot\boldsymbol{X}^{k})+\\2\boldsymbol{S}^{p}\cdot\boldsymbol{F}\cdot G_{3D}*(\boldsymbol{F}\cdot\boldsymbol{S}^{p}\cdot\boldsymbol{X}^{k})),$$
其中*是在时空体积上具有高斯滤波器$G_{3D}$的 3D 卷积,·是元素乘法,$S$和$F$是一元和
成对矩阵,其重要性为 MAXXXXXXXX
多通道学习公式。我们扩展了 SFSeg 中的单通道公式,以便它可以学习如何分别组合多个输人通道$S_i$和$F_i$ ,分别用于一元和成对项:$S_m\leftarrow \sigma ( \sum _i= 1^{N_{cs}}w_{s, i}\boldsymbol{S}_i+ b_s\boldsymbol{1})$ $, \boldsymbol{F}_m\leftarrow$ $\sigma(\sum_{i=1}^{N_{cf}}w_{f,i}\boldsymbol{F}_i+b_f\boldsymbol{1})$ ,其中$S_m$和$F_m$是多通道一元和成对映射$,\sigma$是符号 XMATHX-6。我们分别用它们的多通道版本$S_m$和$F_m$替换公式 1 中的$S$和$F$ 。我们通过分段和跟踪任务学习$w_{s,i},w_{f,i},b_s,b_f$参数。更多,SFTrack++ 可以学习端到端,从原始输入帧一直到最终输出,在端到端可学习特征提取器的情况下
# 4. Experimental protocol
我们测试 SFTrack++ 是否通过具有中间的细粒度表示,在多个最先进的跟踪器输出上提取并在空间和时间上平滑,从而为跟踪带来了互补的维度。我们指导我们的实验,以便我们首先评估最便宜的途径。为了减少超参数搜索负担,我们使用 AdamW$\boxed{\mathrm{E}}$Loshchilov and Hutter (2019) ,并使用调度程序策略来降低平台上的学习率。为了提高效率和紧凑性,我们使用相同的通道来构造一元映射和成对映射:$S_i=F_i$ 。他们学习的权重也被共享$w_{s,i}=w_{f,i}$。我们将使用顶级单对象跟踪器提取的 bbox 用作输人通道。我们选择了 10 个顶级跟踪器:SiamR-CNN$\boxed{\mathrm{E}}$Voigtlaender et al. (2020) , LTMU$\boxed{\mathrm{E}}$Dai et al. (2020) , KYSE Bhat et al. (2020) , PrDiMP$\boxed{\mathrm{E}}$Danelljan et al. (2020) , ATOM$\boxed{\mathrm{E}}$Danelljan et al. (2019) , Ocean$\boxed{\mathrm{E}}$Zhang and Peng (2020), D3SELukezic et al. (2020), SiamFCEXMATHXESiM 培训。在第 1 阶段中,我们针对每个对象在 DAVIS-2017 Pont-Tuset et al.(2017) 和Youtube-VIS Yang et al.(2019)训练集上训练$NN_{feat2seg}$网络。它接收当前 RGB 和跟踪方法 (bbox)的输出,在训练时随机抽样。我们使用 U-Net 架构 ,验证正确的参数数量(100 K- 1 mil) 和层数。我们使用 DAVIS-2017 和 Youtube-VIS 评估集来停止训练。遵循课程学习方法,在引人跟踪方法之前,我们在跟踪 GTbbox 的开头使用(从分段 GT 中提取, 作为直 bbox)。这允许$NN_{feat2seg}$组件在引入有故障的 bbox 提取器之前获得良好的初始化,即之前提到的前 10 种跟踪方法。对于第 2 阶段,我们还为分段任务进行训练。我们学
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] | [
"Xk+1 ← normalized(SP . (α-11 -F2) ·G3D * (SP .X) - SP .G3D * (F2 . SP.Xk)+",
"4.Experimental protocol",
"Bhat et al.(2020),PrDiMPEDanelljan et al.(2020),ATOMEDanelljan et al.(2019),",
"OceanEZhang and Peng (2020), D3SELukezic et al. (2020) , SiamFCEXMATHXESiM",
"培训。在第1阶段中,我们针对每个对象在DAVIS-2017Pont-Tuset et al.(2017)和",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2011.13843",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 3
} |
2011.13843-zh-4 | 2011.13843-zh-4.jpg | BURCEANU
习了方法的第二部分,即具有中间的细粒度表示,通过多个通道提取,并在空间和时间上进行平滑。我们在这里验证$N_{iters}$ ,频谱迭代次数( 1—5 )。我们在 DAVIS-2016 Perazzi et al.(2016) 和 Youtube-VIS 数据集上进行培训。在第 3 阶段,进行跟踪训练,我们学习了一个回归网络$NN_{seg2box}$ (具有 50 K- 500 K 参数),以将最终的分割转换为 bbox。我们在 TrackingNet$\boxed{\mathrm{E}}$Müller et al.(2018) , LaSOT$\boxed{\mathrm{E}}$Fan et al.(2019) 和 GOT-10k☑$\boxed{\mathrm{E}}$Huang et al. (2019)训练上进行训练
基线比较。与其他方法进行比较的实验集中在改进上 SFTrack\_XmilXMAXXmil3 可以带来最先进的方法和其他用于一般对象跟踪的竞争性方法:单一方法最先进的解决方案,跟踪器上的基本集成,SFTrack\_ 仅在最佳跟踪器上应用,SFTrack\_ 应用于基本集成和最佳学习的神经网络集成我们可以从几种配置中获得 (2D 和 3D 版本的具有 U-Net 的 XTHX。如前所述,所有方法都从顶级 10 跟踪器接收相同的输入,并在 TrackingNet, LaSOT 和 GOT-10k 火车集上进行训练。我们针对七个跟踪基准的所有基线评估我们的解决方案:VOT2018▣EKristan et al. (2018) , LaSOT, TrackingNet, GOT-10k, NFS▣Galoogahi et al. (2017) , OTB-100EWu et al. (2015) 和 UAV123$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$Mueller et al. (2016) 。对于本文的主要结论,我们将提供统计结果(几次运行的均值和方差),以更好地指示强烈的正/负结果或不确定的结果
烧蚀研究。我们改变了端到端模型的几个组件,以更好地了解它们的作用和力量。我们训练我们的阶段 1 组件$NN_{feat2seg}$ net, 不仅用于 bbox 输入功能,还用于从每个跟踪器架构中提取的其他早期功能。我们测试这种情况下的整体跟踪性能。我们从管道中删除第 2阶段的光谱细化并报告结果。我们通过用 OpenCVEBradski and Kaehler (2008) 的直盒和旋转盒提取器代替它来测试没有第 3 阶段神经网络$\underline{N}N_{seg2box}$的跟踪器的性能。我们测试了几种损失,以优化分割和跟踪任务:加权 dicloss$\boxed{\mathrm{F}}$Sudre et al.(2017)和二进制交叉熵, Focal-Tversky|EAbraham and Khan (2019) 和 Focal-Dice|EWang and Chung (2018) 之间的线性组合。对于烧蚀实验,我们仅对 OTB100、UAV123 和 NFS30 跟踪数据集进行评估
# 5. Experimental Results
Comparison with other methods. 在选项卡中。1 我们在五个跟踪基准上展示了我们的方法的结果:OTB100, UAV123, NFS30, GOT-10k 和 TrackingNet, 将其与其他顶级单一方法和集成解决方案进行比较。对于单一方法,我们考虑了 SFTrack++ 中的每种输人法:D3S, SiamBAN, ATOM-18, SiamRPN++, PrDimp-18。我们为每个跟踪器只选择了一个轻量级配置,在所有基准测试中都很常见。对于集合,我们使用 1)基本的每像素中值集合,然后是所有实验中使用的相同的边界框回归器(请参见 Sec。El7),我们还训练了一个更复杂的神经网络:2) 具有 UNet 架构 (具有 5 缩减和 5 扩展层) 和类似数量的参数,例如 SFTrack++ $(\approx4.3$百万)。我们观察到,我们的方法在不同的运行(包括从头开始训练)之间的差异非常小,显示出稳健的结果和明确的结论。在 GOT-10k 和 TrackingNet 等更新,更大,更通用的数据集上,我们的方法大大超过了其他方法,而在OTB100, UAV123 和 NFS30 上,它具有竞争力的结果
Ablation studies. 为了验证我们方法的组件,我们在 Tab 中测试。2 不同变体,在OTB100、UAV123 和 NFS30 上报告结果。首先,我们从阶段 2 中删除频谱细化组件,去除时间依赖性并使每帧预测独立。在下一个实验中,我们从 phase3 $NN_{segm2bbox}$中删除神经网络。在下一块中,我们调查输入法的数量。最后,我们改变第二阶段的频谱迭代次数。从这种广泛的消融中得出的结论如下:1)频谱细化组件非常重要,强调了最初的直觉,即使用我们提出的频谱方法保持对象在空间和时间上的一致性可以提高跟踪的整体性能。2) 我们的 SFTrack++ 方法中输入的质量很重要,但是我们使用的方法越多,效果越好。3) 我
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"们在TrackingNetEMuller et al.(2018),LaSOTEFan et al.(2019)和GOT-10kEHuang",
"案:VOT2018EKristan et al.(2018),LaSOT, TrackingNet,GOT-10k, NFSEGaloogahi",
"et al.(2017),OTB-100E/Wuet al.(2015)和UAV123EMueller et al.(2016)。对于本文",
"Focal-TverskyEAbraham and Khan (2019) 和 Focal-DiceE/Wang and Chung (2018)之间",
"5. Experimental Results",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2011.13843",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 4
} |
2104.08247-zh-1 | 2104.08247-zh-1.jpg | # 预培训什么? 高效的中间任务选择
Clifton Poth, Jonas Pfeiffer, Andreas Rücklé; and Iryna Gurevych Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab, Technical University of Darmstadt
# Abstract
Intermediate task fine-tuning has been shown to culminate in large transfer gains across many NLP tasks. With an abundance of candidate datasets as well as pre-trained language models, it has become infeasible to experiment with all combinations to find the best transfer setting. In this work, we provide a comprehensive comparison of different methods for efficiently identifying beneficial tasks for intermediate transfer learning. We focus on parameter and computationally efficient adapter settings, highlight different data-availability scenarios, and provide expense estimates for each method. We experiment with a diverse set of 42 intermediate and 11 target English classification , multiple choice, question answering , and sequence tagging tasks. Our results demonstrate that efficient embedding based methods, which rely solely on the respective datasets, outperform computational expensive few-shot fine-tuning approaches. Our best methods achieve an average Regret@3 of 1 % across all target tasks, demonstrating that we are able to efficiently identify the best datasets for intermediate training. $^{\mathrm{l}}$
## 1 Introduction
大型预训练语言模型 (LM) 不断推动各种 NLP 任务的发展。建立的过程在大型文本语料库上执行自监督预训练,然后在特定目标任务(Devlin et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2019b) 上微调模型。相同的过程也已应用于基于适配器的训练策略,该策略可实现与完整模型微调相同的任务性能,同时具有更高的参数效率 (Houlsby et al., 2019) 和更快的训练速度$\boxed{\mathrm{F} }( \text{R\"{u} ckl\'{e} et al. , }$ 2021)。$^{2}$除了效率更高,适配器还具有高度模
$^{*}$Contributions made prior to joining Amazon.
$^{1}$Code released at
$^{2}$Adapters are new weights at every layer of a pre-trained transformer model. To fine-tune a model on a downstream task, all pre-trained transformer weights are frozen and only the newly introduced adapter weights are trained.
块化,可实现更广泛的迁移学习技术 (Pfeiffer et al., 2020b, 2021a,b; Üstün et al., 2020; Vidoni et al., 2020; Rust et al., 2021; Ansell et al., 2021)
在已建立的两步学习过程的基础上进行扩展,结合知识转移的中间阶段可以为完全微调的模型带来进一步的收益。例如,Phang et al. (2018)在目标任务微调之前,在兼容的中间任务上顺序微调预训练的语言模型。已经表明, 这对于低资源目标任务是最有效的,但是,并非所有任务组合都是有益的,并且许多收益降低了性能 (Phang et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2019a; Pruksachatkun et al., 2020) 。丰富的不同标记数据集以及新的预训练 LM 的不断发展需要有效地识别有利于目标任务的中间数据集的方法。到目前为止,尚不清楚基于适配器的方法如何进行中间微调。因此,在这项工作的第一部分中,我们确定此设置可为适配器带来类似的增益,如完整模型微调 (Phang et al., 2018; Pruksachatkun et al., 2020; Gururangan et al., 2020) 所示。专注于低资源目标任务设置,我们发现只有一部分中间适配器产生正增益,而其他适配器则大大损害了性能(见表1和图2)。我们的结果表明,有必要获得有效识别有益的中间训练适配器的方法
在第二部分中,我们利用第一部分的转移结果自动对有益的中间任务进行排名和识别。随着 NLP 模型 (Wolf et al., 2020; Pfeiffer et al., 2020a) 的大型可公开访问的存储库的兴起,找到产生正转移收益的预训练模型的机会很高。然而 ,强行确定最佳中间任务是不可行的。现有方法的重点是多任务学习 (Bingel and Søgaard, 2017)的有益任务选择,NLP 任务 (Vu et al., 2020) 的基于中间和目标变压器的 LM 的完全微调,视觉任务 (Puigcerver et al.,2021)的基于适配器的模型以及无监督的零拍方法社区问答(Rücklé et al., 2020) 的转移。这些工作中的每一个都需要不同类型的数据,例如中间任务数据和/或中间模型权重,根据情况,这些数据可能无法访问。3
$^3$Bingel and Søgaard (2017) and Vu et al. (2020) require access to both intermediate task data and models, Puigcerver | [
] | [
"Clifton Poth, Jonas Pfeiffer, Andreas Rickle, and Iryna Gurevych",
"Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab, Technical University of Darmstadt",
"et al., 2020b, 2021a,b; Ustun et al., 2020; Vidoni",
"Intermediate task fine-tuning has been shown",
"et al., 2020; Rust et al., 2021; Ansell et al., 2021)",
"to culminate in large transfer gains across",
"many NLP tasks. With an abundance of can-",
"didate datasets as well as pre-trained language",
"models, it has become infeasible to experiment",
"的模型带来进一步的收益。例如,Phang etal",
"withall combinations to find thebesttransfer",
"setting. In this work, we provide a compre-",
"hensive comparison of different methods for",
"efficiently identifying beneficial tasks for inter-",
"mediate transfer learning. We focus on param-",
"低了性能(Phang et al.,2018;Wang et al.,2019a;",
"eter and computationally efficient adapter set-",
"tings, highlight different data-availability sce",
"narios, and provide expense estimates for each",
"method. We experiment with a diverse set",
"of 42 intermediate and 11 target English clas",
"sification , multiple choice, question answer-",
"ing , and sequence tagging tasks. Our results",
"demonstrate that efficient embedding based",
"methods, which rely solely on the respective",
"sachatkun et al., 2020; Gururangan et al., 2020) 所",
"datasets, outperform computational expensive",
"few-shot fine-tuning approaches.",
"Our best",
"methods achieve an average Regret@3 of 1 %",
"across all target tasks, demonstrating that we",
"are able to efficiently identify the best datasets",
"for intermediate training.",
"随着NLP模型(Wolf etal.,2020;Pfeifferetal.,",
"etal.,2019)和更快的训练速度E(Ruickle etal..",
"*Contributions made prior to joining Amazon",
"2Adapters are new weights at every layer of a pre-trained",
"transformer model.To fine-tune a model on a downstream",
"task, all pre-trained transformer weights are frozen and only",
"3Bingel and Sogaard (2017) and Vu et al. (2020) require",
"the newly introduced adapter weights are trained.",
"access to both intermediate task data and models, Puigcerver"
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2104.08247",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 1
} |
2104.08247-zh-2 | 2104.08247-zh-2.jpg | 因此,在这项工作中,我们旨在从多个不同的角度解决 NLP 中迁移学习的效率问题,从而做出以下贡献:1 )$\operatorname{E\text{我们专注于基于适配器}}$ 的迁移学习,它的参数(Houlsby et al., 2019) 和计算效率比全模型微调 (Rücklé et al., 2021) 高得多,同时实现了同等的性能;2)$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$我们评估了基于适配器的方法的顺序微调,并针对 42个不同。e。分类,多项选择,问题回答和序列标记); 3)$\operatorname{E}$我们确定了迁移学习的最佳中间任务,而无需对所有潜在候选人进行计算昂贵的显式训练。我们比较了不同的选择技术,合并了以前提出的和新的方法;4)[E]我们对不同的技术,可用的数据方案以及任务和模型类型进行了全面的分析,从而为每种设置的最佳方法提供了更深人的见解;5)$\mathbb{E}$我们提供计算成本估算,从而可以做出明智的决策,以在费用和下游任务性能之间进行权衡。
## 2 $\textbf{Related Work}$
## 2.1 Transfer between tasks
Phang et al. (2018)显示,对中间任务进行培训可提高许多目标任务的性能。后续工作进一步探讨了对更多不同任务集 (Wang et al., 2019a; Talmor and Berant, 2019; Liu et al., 2019a; Sap et al., 2019; Pruksachatkun et al., 2020; Vu et al., 2020) 的影响。Wang et al. (2019a) , Yogatama et al.(2019) 和 Pruksachatkun et al.(2020) 强调了灾难性遗忘和负转移结果的风险,发现在考虑不同的中间任务时,顺序转移的成功差异很大
2.2 $\textbf{Predicting Beneficial Transfer Sources}$
已提出代理估计器来评估预训练模型对目标任务的可传递性。Nguyen et al.(2020) , Li et al. (2021)和 Deshpande et al. (2021) 通过从源和目标任务标签分布构建经验分类器来估计分类任务之间的可传递性。具有多种模型选择方法的Puigcerver et al.(2021)实验,包括用于估计目标任务性能的 kNN 代理模型。在类似的方向上,Renggli et al.(2020) 研究了基于 kNN 和线性分类器的代理模型,发现任务感知和任务不可知策略的混合方法组合产生了最佳结果
Bingel and Søgaard (2017) 发现学习曲线的梯度与多任务学习成功相关。Zamir et al. (2018)
$\overline{\text{et al.(2021) require access to only the intermediate model,}}$ and Rücklé et al. (2020) only to the intermediate task data.
构建视觉任务的分类,深入了解任务之间的非平凡转移关系。多个作品建议使用嵌入来捕获统计数据,特征或数据集的域。Edwards and Storkey (2017) 利用变分自动编码器 (Kingma and Welling, 2014) 对数据集的所有样本进行编码。Jomaa et al. (2019) 训练一个可以成功捕获数据集域的数据集元特征提取器。Vu et al. (2020) 通过对最后一层的 BERT 表示进行平均来编码数据集的每个训练示例。Rücklé et al. (2020) 通过使用句子嵌入模型嵌人数据集示例来捕获域相似性。Achille et al.(2019) 和 Vu et al. (2020) 基于探测网络的 Fisher 信息矩阵计算任务嵌入。
虽然已经提出了许多不同的方法,但它们之间缺乏直接的比较。此外,以前的工作只关注BERT, 我们发现它的行为与其他模型类型有很大的不同,例如某些方法的 RoBERTa。在这项工作中,我们的目标是整合所有方法,并尝试使用较新的模型类型,以提供更全面的视角。
# 3 Adapter-Based Sequential Transfer
## 3.1 Tasks
我们从 MultiQA 存储库 (Talmor and Berant, 2019) 中选择 QA 任务,并从 Liu et al. (2019a) 中顺序标记任务。我们的大多数分类任务都可以在(Super) GLUE(Wang et al.,2018,2019b) 基准测试中使用。我们尝试多项选择常识推理任务,以涵盖更广泛的不同类型和领域。我们总共实验了 53 个任务,分为 42 个中间任务和11 个目标任务。$^{4}$
### 3.2 $\textbf{Experimental Setup}$
我们使用基于 BERT 的 (Devlin et al., 2019) 和基于 RoBERTA 的 (Liu et al., 2019b) 进行实验, 训练具有 Pfeiffer et al. (2021a) 建议的配置的适配器。我们采用 Phang et al. (2018) 的两阶段顺序微调设置,将任务分为两个不相交的子集$\mathcal{S}$ 和$\mathcal{T}$ , 分别表示为中间任务和目标任务。对于具有$s\in\mathcal{S}$和$t\in\mathcal{T}$的每一对$(s,t)$ ,我们首先在$s$上训练一个随机初始化的适配器(保持基本模型的参数固定)。然后,我们在$t$上微调$\overline{训练有素的适配器。}^{5}$
$^{4}$The choice for our intermediate and target task split was motivated by previous work (Sap et al., 2019; ?, inter alia ) . For more details see Appendix A .
$^{5}$For more details please refer to Appendix B. | [
] | [
"Related Work",
"2.1Transfer between tasks",
"3Adapter-Based Sequential Transfer",
"Talmor and Berant, 2019; Liu et al., 2019a; Sap",
"et al., 2019; Pruksachatkun et al., 2020; Vu et al.,",
"et al.(2019)和Pruksachatkun et al.(2020)强调",
"以在 (Super)GLUE(Wang et al.,2018,2019b)",
"2.2 Predicting Beneficial Transfer Sources",
"4The choice for our intermediate and target task split was",
"motivated by previous work (Sap et al., 2019;?, inter alia)",
"et al. (2021)require access to only the intermediate model,",
"For more details see Appendix A .",
"and Rickle et al. (2020) only to the intermediate task data.",
"°For more details please refer to Appendix B ."
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2104.08247",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 2
} |
2104.08247-zh-3 | 2104.08247-zh-3.jpg | <FigureHere>
Figure 1: Comparison of transfer performance between BERT and RoBERTa for the respective target tasks, pretrained on the 42 intermediate tasks.
对于目标任务微调,我们通过将$t$上的最大训练示例数限制为 1000 来模拟低资源设置。此选择的动机是观察到较小的目标任务从顺序微调中受益最大,同时揭示了最大的性能差异(Phang et al.,2018; Vu et al.,2020)。因此,低资源设置反映了我们迁移学习策略最有利的应用程序设置,也使我们能够更彻底地研究不同的迁移关系。
## 3.3 Results
图$\operatorname{E}$2 显示了相对转移收益,表$\operatorname{E}$1 列出了RoBERTa 的所有中间和目标任务组合的绝对得分。$^{6}$我们观察到不同组合的转移收益(和损失)有很大的变化。即使较大的差异可以通过较高的任务难度来解释(请参见表1中的“无转移”), 它们也说明了基于适配器的设置中顺序微调的异构性和潜力。同时,我们发现了几种传输损失的情况--多达 60 个% 的性能较低(请参见图$\overline{\mathrm{E}}2)--$可能是由于灾难性遗忘而发生的。总体而言,对于 RoBERTa, 243 (53%) 转移组合产生正转移收益,而 203(44%)产生损失。所有转移增益的平均值为 2.3%。然而,从我们的 11 个目标任务中,平均只有 5 个受益(见“平均。表 1 中的“传输”)。这说明了选择错误的中间任务的高风险。避免这种有害的组合并有效地确定最佳组合是必要的;评估所有组合是低效的,而且往往是不可行的
我们进一步发现,BERT 和 RoBERTa 的最佳执行中间任务如图$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$1 所示,其中传输性能与Spearman 相关性为 0 相关。所有设置的平均值为 94, 0。每个目标任务平均为 68。
6We list the corresponding transfer results for BERT in
Table ?? of the Appendix.
4 $\textbf{Methods for the Efficient Selection of}$
## Intermediate Tasks
我们现在介绍不同的模型选择方法,稍后在 §5中,研究它们在上述设置中的有效性。我们根据他们对中间任务数据$D_S$和中间模型$M_S$的可用性所做的假设对不同的方法进行分组。在考虑具有数百个任务的大型预训练模型存储库时,访问两者可能会很昂贵。
## 4.1 Metadata: Educated Guess
一种设置,其中既不存在对中间任务数据$D_S$ 的访问,也不存在对数据$M_S$进行训练的模型可以将其视为有根据的猜测方案。选择标准只能依赖于可用于中间任务数据集的元数据
数据集大小。在更多数据意味着更好的传输性能的假设下,表示为 Size 的选择标准按训练数据大小降序排列所有中间任务。
## 4.2 Intermediate Task Data
随着大量可用数据集$^{7}$和新 LM 的不断开发每个任务-模型组合的微调版本(立即)不可用。因此,以下方法利用了中间任务数据$D_S$ , 而不需要相应的微调模型$M_S$
文本嵌入(TextEmb)。Vu et al.(2020) 通过 LM 传递每个示例,并对最终层的输出表示进行平均 (跨所有示例和所有输入令牌)。假设相似的嵌入意味着正的转移增益,他们根据嵌入与目标任务的余弦相似度对中间任务进行排序
SBERT 嵌入(SEmb)。诸如 Sentence-BERT (SBERT; ?) 之类的句子嵌人模型可能更适合表示数据集示例。与 TextEmb 类似,我们根据中间任务的嵌入余弦相似性对其进行排序
## 4.3 Intermediate Model
场景中,我们只能访问训练的中间模型($M_S)$ 时发生的训练数据是专有的,或者如果实现所有数据集太乏味。随着模型存储库(Wolf et al. 2020; Pfeiffer et al., 2020a) 的可用性,这样的方法可以在模型上传期间不需要额外的数据的情况下实现(i。e。与 TaskEmbs 相反,TaskEmbs 需要提供训练数据集信息)。下面介绍只需要访问中间模型$M_S$的方法
少量微调 (FSFT)。在整个目标任务上微调所有可用的中间任务模型是不可行的。作为替代方
$^{7}$e.g. via | [
] | [
"Methods for the Efficient Selection of",
"Metadata: Educated Guess",
"Figurel:Comparison oftransferperformancebetween",
"BERT and RoBERTaforthe respective target tasks, pre-",
"6we list the corresponding transfer results for BERT in",
"Table ?? of the Appendix.",
"'e.g. via https:/"
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2104.08247",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 3
} |
1911.10658-zh-1 | 1911.10658-zh-1.jpg | # 用于在线学习的投影二次回归
Wenye Ma
[email protected]
## $\operatorname{Abstract}$
This paper considers online convex optimization (OCO) problems - the paramount framework for online learning algorithm design. The loss function of learning task in OCO setting is based on streaming data so that OCO is a powerful tool to model large scale applications such as online recommender systems. Meanwhile, real-world data are usually of extreme high-dimensional due to modern feature engineering techniques so that the quadratic regression is $\bar{\text{impractical. Factorization Machine as well as its vari-}}$ ants are efficient models for capturing feature interactions with low-rank matrix model but they can't fulfill the OCO setting due to their non-convexity. In this paper, We propose a projective quadratic regression (PQR) model. First, it can capture the import secondorder feature information. Second, it is a convex model, so the requirements of OCO are fulfilled and the global optimal solution can be achieved. Moreover, existing modern online optimization methods such as Online Gradient Descent (OGD) or Follow-The-RegularizedLeader (FTRL) can be applied directly. In addition, by choosing a proper hyper-parameter, we show that it has the same order of space and time complexity as the linear model and thus can handle high-dimensional data. Experimental results demonstrate the performance of the proposed PQR model in terms of accuracy and eff- $\hat{\text{ciency by comparing with the state-of-the-art methods.}}$
## 1 Introduction
在在线学习的设置中,训练数据以流的方式到达,系统应立即提供响应。具体来说,在线学习是在以时间$t$ 为索引的一系列连续轮次中执行的。在$t$回合中,学习者使用通常仅基于单个样本的简单计算来更新学习变量。在线学习是一个强大的工具,适用于广泛的应用,如在线评级,新闻馈送和广告点击预测。在线学习的最重要框架是在线凸优化(OCO)(Hazan 2016; Shalev-Shwartz 2012),可以通过许多最先进的在线优化算法来解决,例如在线梯度校正(OGD)(Zinkevich 2003)或遵循正则化领导者 (FTRL) (McMahan et al. 2013)。值得注意的是,对 OCO 的研究和对上述算法
Copyright $\odot2020$, Association for the Advancement of Ar-
tificial Intelligence ( All rights reserved.
的理论分析都是基于 OCO 的凸需求。凸度是两个褶皱。首先,损失函数是凸的。第二,学习变量的可行集也是$\tilde{\text{凸的}}$
同时,在实际应用中,特征尺寸可能非常高。因此在这种情况下,传统的线性模型仍然是最受欢迎的模型。然而,线性模型无法利用特征之间的相互作用,因此需要大量的人工特征工程工作。二次回归捕获每个输入特征的一阶信息以及二阶成对特征交互。但是,在处理高维数据时,就空间复杂性而言,通常是不可接受的,因为模型大小是具有$d$-$\dim$特征的$O(d^2)$阶。因子分解机(FM)(Rendle 2010)是一种有效的机制用于以因子分解形式捕获具有低秩矩阵的二阶特征信息。它只需要$O(md)$空间与秩$m$ 。FM 在各种应用(Juan, Lefortier, and Chapelle 2017; Li et al. 2016; Lu et al. 2017; Nguyen, Karatzoglou, and Baltrunas 2014; Rendle et al. 2011; Zhong et al. 2016; Chen et al. 2019b; 2019a)中实现了最先进的性能,并且最近重新获得了研究人员 (Blondel et al. 2016a; 2016b; He et al. 2017; Xu et al. 2016) 的关注。不幸的是,香草 FM (Rendle 2010)及其变体 (Blondel et al. 2016a; Cheng et al. 2014; Juan, Lefortier, and Chapelle 2017; Lu et al. 2017) 是非凸配方,无法满足 OCO 要求的基本要求。提出了几种凸调频公式 (Blondel, Fujino, and Ueda 2015; Lin et al. 2018; Yamada et al. 2017) 来解决这一弱点,但计算成本很高,因此在高维问题中不切实际
这种直觉基于我们的观察,即现实世界数据集中发生的不同特征的频率差异很大。Forinstance,figure 1 showsthenumbersofoccurrencesofdifferentfeaturesintwopublicdataset,i。e。MovieLens$^1$和Avazu $^{2}$。结果表明,数据集中几乎没有出现大量特征而只有少数特征经常出现。因此,我们将功能分为两类:高频繁功能和低频繁功能。我们假设高频特征更重要,因此它们的交互更有价值。在此背景下,我们提出了一个投影二次回归 (PQR) 模型。具体来说,对于高频特征,我们采用全二次形式。在低频率特征中,我们
$^{2}$ | [
] | [
"Wenye Ma",
"[email protected]",
"This paper considers online convex optimization",
"(OCO) problems - the paramount framework for on-",
"line learning algorithm design: The loss function of",
"learning task in OCO setting is based on streaming",
"data so that OCO is a powerful tool to model large",
"scale applications such as online recommender sys-",
"tems. Meanwhile, real-world data are usually of ex",
"treme high-dimensional due to modern feature engi",
"neering techniques so that the quadratic regressionis",
"impractical.Factorization Machine as well as its vari-",
"ants areefficient models for capturing feature interac",
"tions with low-rank matrix model but they can't fulfill",
"the OCO setting due to their non-convexity. In this",
"(Juan, Lefortier, and Chapelle 2017; Li et al. 2016; Lu",
"paper, We propose a projective quadratic regression",
"(PQR)model.First,itcan capturetheimport second-",
"et al. 2017; Nguyen, Karatzoglou, and Baltrunas 2014;",
"order featureinformation. Second, it is a convex model",
"Rendle et al. 2011; Zhong et al. 2016; Chen et al. 2019b;",
"optimal solution can be achieved. Moreover, existing",
"modern online optimization methods such as Online",
"Gradient Descent (OGD) or Follow-The-Regularized-",
"2010)及其变体(Blondel et al.2016a;Cheng etal.2014;",
"Leader (FTRL)canbeapplied directly.In addition,by",
"Juan, Lefortier, and Chapelle 2017; Lu et al. 2017) 是",
"choosing a proper hyper-parameter, we show that it has",
"the same order of spaceand timecomplexityasthelin",
"ear model and thus can handle high-dimensional data.",
"Experimental results demonstrate the performance of",
"the proposed PQR model in terms of accuracy and effi-",
"ciency by comparing with the state-of-the-art methods.",
"1 showsthenumbersofoccurrencesofdif-",
"Copyright 2020, Association for the Advancement of Ar",
"tificial Intelligence ( All rights reserved.",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "1911.10658",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 1
} |
1911.10658-zh-2 | 1911.10658-zh-2.jpg | <FigureHere>
Figure 1: Distribution of Feature Occurrence
$\bullet$ We evaluate the performance of the proposed PQR
model on both online rating prediction and online binary classification tasks. Experimental results show that PQR outperforms state-of-the-art online learn- $\operatorname{ing}$methods.
## 2 Method
只是忽略它们的相互作用。然后,我们使用一组共享参数来进行高频和低频功能交互。实际上,我们可以将全局偏差,特征权重向量和特征交互矩阵重写为增强的对称矩阵。我们上面提到的共享参数的直觉等价于将可行集限制为对称矩阵的子集。我们证明了可行集实际上是凸的,然后满足 OCO 的第一个要求。然后,我们将损失函数重写为关于增广矩阵的凸函数,从而满足 OCO 的第二个要求。基于该方案,由此产生的 PQR 公式可以无缝地满足 OCO 框架的上述要求。此外,由于其凸性,大多数优化算法如 FTRL 可以直接应用于 PQR 模型,理论分析如后悔界和收敛速度仍然有效。此外,通过选择适当的超参数,这种矩阵可以用$O(d)$参数表示, 使其具有与线性模型相同的空间复杂度
我们对现实世界的数据集进行了广泛的实验,以评估PQR 的经验性能。如在线评分预测和在线二进制分类任务中的实验结果所示,PQR 在准确性和效率方面均优于最先进的在线学习算法,尤其是对于高维问题
在本节中,我们首先介绍在线学习中的预备知识,然后转向针对在线凸问题的拟投影二次回归(PQR)模型的开发。PQR 模型本质上是一个二次回归模型,在可行集上有一个约束。这个模型背后的想法是共享参数。我们证明了 PQR 的凸性,使其适合在线学习环境,并且可以直接应用最先进的在线优化算法。
2.1 Online Convex Optimization
在线学习算法建立在以下假设之上:训练实例按顺序到达,而不是在学习任务之前可用。在线学习的最重要框架是在线凸优化 (OCO) (Hazan 2016; Shalev-Shwartz 2012) 。它可以被看作是学习者和对手之间的结构化重复博弈。。在每轮$t\in\{1,2,\ldots,T\}$中,要求学习器从凸集$\mathcal{S}\subseteq\mathbb{R}^n$生成决策点$\theta_t$ 。然后,对手用凸损失函数$f_t:\mathcal{S}\longrightarrow\mathbb{R}$回答学习者的决定,学习者遭受损失$f_t(\boldsymbol{\theta}_t)$。具体来说,在线学习设置可以描述如下
对于索引$t=1,2,\ldots,T$ , 学习者选择学习参数$\theta_t\in$ $\mathcal{S}$,其中$\mathcal{S}$ 是凸的。然后环境以凸函数 $f_t:\mathcal{S}\longrightarrow\mathbb{R}$ 响应,并且该轮的输出为$f_t(\boldsymbol{\theta}_t)$
as well as second-order pairwise feature interaction. It is a convex formulation so that it fulfills the requirements of online convex optimization setting and the optimal solution is theoretically guaranteed.
$\bullet$ Optimization algorithms for convex models can be applied directly to PQR and all the theoretical analyses are still valid.
$\bullet$ PQR is a general framework and can be applied to
many other tasks such as batch and stochastic set-
tings besides online learning.
$\bullet$ PQR is efficient in terms of space complexity and
computation cost. It has the same order of space and time complexity with linear model with a proper hyper-parameter.
学习者的目标是生成一系列决策$\{\boldsymbol{\theta}_t|t=1,2,\ldots,T\}$ ,以便在$T$中相对于事后最佳固定决策的遗憾是次线 | [
] | [
"Figurel:Distribution of Feature Occurrence",
": We evaluate the performance of the proposed PQR",
"model on both online rating prediction and online bi",
"nary classification tasks. Experimental results show",
"that PQR outperforms state-of-the-art online learn-",
"ing methods.",
". PQR model captures first-order feature information",
"as well as second-order pairwise feature interaction",
"It is a convex formulation so that it fulfills the re",
"quirements of online convex optimization setting and",
"the optimal solution is theoreticallyguaranteed.",
". Optimization algorithms for convex models can be",
"applied directly to PQR and all the theoretical anal-",
"yses are still valid.",
": PQR is a general framework and can be applied to",
"many other tasks such as batch and stochastic set-",
"(0) (0)",
"regretT =",
"tings besides online learning.",
":PQR is efficient in terms of space complexity and",
"computation cost. It has the same order of space",
"and time complexity with linear model with a proper",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "1911.10658",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 2
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2304.13958-zh-1 | 2304.13958-zh-1.jpg | 学习和推理印度农村地区贫困估计和生计能力的多方面和纵向数据
Atharva Kulkarni$^1$, Raya Das$^2$, Ravi S. Srivastava$^3$, Tanmoy Chakraborty$^4$
$^{1}$Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
$^{2}$Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, New Delhi, India $^{3}$Centre for Employment Studies, Institute for Human Development, Delhi, India
$^{4}$Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
$^{1}[email protected],$^[email protected],$^[email protected],$^[email protected]
Poverty is a multifaceted phenomenon linked to the lack of capabilities of households to earn a sustainable livelihood, increasingly being assessed using multidimensional indicators. Its spatial pattern depends on social, economic, political, and regional variables. Artificial in- ${\mathrm{telligence~has~shown~immense~scope~in~analyz-}}$ ing the complexities and nuances of poverty. The proposed project aims to examine the poverty situation of rural India for the period of 1990-2022 based on the quality of life and livelihood indicators. The districts will be classified into‘advanced’,‘catchingup’,‘fallingbehind’, and‘lagged’regions.Theprojectproposesto integrate multiple data sources, including conventional national-level large sample household surveys, census surveys, and proxy variables like daytime, and nighttime data from satellite images, and communication networks, to name a few, to provide a comprehensive view of poverty at the district level. The project also intends to examine causation and longitudinal analysis to examine the reasons for poverty. Poverty and inequality could be widening in developing countries due to demographic and growth-agglomerating policies. Therefore, targeting the lagging regions and the vulnerable population is essential to eradicate poverty and improve the quality of life to achieve the goal of $\bar{\text{zero poverty'. Thus, the study also focuses on}}$ the districts with a higher share of the marginal section of the population compared to the national average to trace the performance of development indicators and their association with poverty in these regions.
手段,例如食物,水,住所和金钱[A.M,2020]。虽然贫困一直是人类的长期社会经济问题,但在过去的二十年中,全球贫困状况持续下降[Bank,2020]。然而,由于COVID- 19 大流行,气候变化和社会经济冲突的复合影响,消除贫困的努力在一代人中首次遭受重大挫折。大流行导致几乎增加了??? 万人陷入极端贫困[Bank,2020] 此外,随着联合国(UN)将消除贫困列为其主要可持续发展目标(SDG)之一,全球社区正在努力开发有效的技术来跟踪,估计和消除贫困
India under crisis: 根据 2015-2016 年$^{1}$农业普查,约有 68 个% 人口居住在印度农村。最新的多维贫困指数(MPI) 得分表明,农村人口的贫困得分为 32.75%,与印度城市的 8.8% 相反。BIMARU $^{2}$州仍然是该国最贫困的地区,一些统计数据与撒哈拉以南非洲国家相当,因此,印度政策的包容性受到质疑。全国大约有 50% 人口从事农业和相关部门;因此,农业的区域发展对农村家庭的生活质量产生了巨大影响。印度社会有一个等级制度,不同社会群体的流动性不同。根据 NFHS-4 数据,两个少数群体,即在册种姓(SC)和在册部落(ST)家庭, 比一般社会群体的贫困发生率更高
Poverty estimation is crucial: 对于任何国家,准确地衡量贫困统计数据和人口的经济特征都会严重影响其研究和国家政策 [Škare and Družeta, 2016] 。此外,经济增长不能成为一个国家经济政策的唯一目标;确保经济繁荣的好处惠及社会各阶层同样至关重要。这强调了评估所有表现形式的贫困的重要性。此外,贫困衡量对于评估一个经济体在为所有公民提供一定的最低生活水平方面的表现至关重要。总之,衡量贫困对政策起草和执行有重大影响。因此,贫困估计和跟踪引起了经济学家、 社会科学家和统计学家的关注也就不足为奇了
Multifaceted measurement of poverty: 然而,贫困不仅基于群众中财富的货币分配,而且是一个综合了社会, 金融和政治成分的多方面思想。因此,为了解开贫困的结构并理解其细微差别,需要对其不同方面进行更深人和多层面的研究。这样的 multidimensional measurement of poverty 包含两种方法-贫困作为能力剥夺,贫困作为剥夺的度量$\lfloor$Atkinson, 2003] 。由牛津贫困与人类发展倡议 (OPHI) 和联合国开发计划署共同开发的多维贫困指${\frac{^1\text{https:}//\mathrm{\_ac}}}$
$^{2}$BIMARU is an acronym formed from the frst letters of
# 1 Introduction
贫困是一种复杂的情况,在这种情况下,缺乏能力会转化为家庭的低收入[Nussbaum and Sen,1993]。从货币的角度来看,贫困可以描述为低于阈值的收入分配的交织,以及该边界[Balaji,2020]内存在的不平衡。这是一种贫困状态,个人缺乏维持其日常生计所需的基本基本
the names of the Indian states of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh
Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh. | [
] | [
"Atharva Kulkarnil, Raya Das?, Ravi S. Srivastava3,Tanmoy Chakraborty",
"ILanguage Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA",
"2Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations,New Delhi, India",
"3Centrefor Employment Studies,Institute forHuman Development, Delhi, India",
"4Indian Institute of Technology Delhi,India",
"[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]",
"Poverty is a multifaceted phenomenon linked",
"to the lack of capabilities of households to earn",
"sessed using multidimensional indicators. Its",
"spatial pattern depends on social, economic.",
"political, and regional variables. Artificial in",
"telligence has shown immense scope in analyz-",
"ing the complexities and nuances of poverty.",
"Indiaunder crisis:",
"The proposed project aims to examine the",
"povertysituation of rural Indiafor theperiod of",
"1990-2022 based on the quality of life and liveli-",
"hood indicators. The districts will be classified",
"into ‘advanced', ‘catching up', ‘falling behind'",
"and lagged' regions. The project proposes to",
"integrate multiple data sources, including con",
"ventional national-level large sample household",
"surveys, census surveys, and proxy variables",
"like daytime, and nighttime data from satel-",
"lite images, and communication networks, to",
"name a few, to provide a comprehensive view",
"intends to examine causation and longitudinal",
"analysis to examine the reasons for poverty.",
"Poverty and inequality could be widening in",
"developing countries due to demographic and",
"growth-agglomerating policies. Therefore, tar-",
"getingthelaggingregionsand thevulnerable",
"populationis essential to eradicatepoverty and",
"improve the quality of life to achieve the goal of",
"‘zero poverty. Thus, the study also focuses or",
"the districts with a higher share of the marginal",
"section of the population compared to the na",
"tional average to trace the performance of de-",
"velopment indicators and their association with",
"poverty in these regions.",
"2BIMARU is an acronym formed from the first letters of",
"the names of the Indian states of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh,",
"Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh."
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2304.13958-zh-3 | 2304.13958-zh-3.jpg | 社会经济落后国家贫困的表现和扩大。本节扩展了这些
2.1 Limitations of Traditional Data Sources
来自家庭支出和收入调查的数据,例如国家家庭和健康调查 (NFHS),不同轮的国家抽样调查(NSS)和印度人类发展调查 (IHDS),构成了识别和衡量印度家庭贫困状况的基础。虽然人口普查数据提供了对人口中个人物质生活水平的全面衡量,但它是在长周期(通常每十年一次)内进行的,只涵盖了目标人口的几个特征。另一方面,家庭调查涵盖了广泛的变量,但其对本地统计推断的可靠性有限进行此类调查也很昂贵,耗时,不精确,有时对于贫困评估也不可行。这些统计数据中的大多数是在相当长的时间内生成的,并不能准确反映影响特定地区居民生计的属性。此外,所有数据集的目标人群也不相同。例如,阿鲁纳恰尔邦,比哈尔邦,贾坎德邦和奥里萨邦的部落人口以及标准的农村和城市分布。这引起了人们对估计贫困数字可信度的担忧。除少数例外,例如有关教育和工作状况的信息,此类调查仅关注家庭货币信息[Alkire and Foster, 2011]。然而,由于贫困不是一个单一的现象,而不仅仅是个人经济状况的反映,它还包括其他伴随的方面,如基础设施发展、农业增长、车辆数量、网络塔、政治气候、种姓信息、用电量等数据。这些因素在农村环境中更为相关,因为它们是繁荣的直接标志。如上所述,虽然构成收人统计的家庭数据确实在贫困预测中占有一席之地,但它们有一定的局限性。因此,we propose a data integration mechanism that takes into account both the traditional datasets along with the new proxy data sources for poverty prediction
2.2 Towards the Use of Proxy Data Sources
关于多维贫困估算的研究很多,尽管其中大多数除了经济方面的 [Alkire and Foster, 2011] 之外,还仅纳人了教育,健康和生活水平的条件。虽然这些战略无疑优于单一来源的贫困评估方法,但它们确实有一些不利之处,如上一节所述。为了弥补这些缺陷,大数据的出现,加上机器学习的技术突破,为贫困跟踪以及解释和预测社会经济状况提供了巨大的希望。。这说明了从社交媒体,遥感,农业增长,车辆交通,基础设施发展,手机元数据和住房详细信息收集的数据政治,文化和环境方面也是估算贫困的因素。有很多例子详细说明了如何成功使用这些代理数据源进行跨地域的贫困估计。例如,遥感图像,如陆地卫星数据和夜间光线图像,是最具代表性的数据源,因为它们提供了关于该地区景观的重要信息。关于中国[niu,2020; $\mathop{\mathrm{Shi~et~al.,~2020]~,~}}$泰国$\left[\text{Puttanapong et al., 2020] , 菲律}\right]$ 宾[Hofer et al., 2020] , 孟加拉国 [Steele et al., 2017] 和非洲国家[Jean et al., 2016; Ayush et al., 2021] 的各种案例研究表明,遥感可用于贫困跟踪和估计。其他一些研究表明,使用来自手机[Blumenstock et al.,2015],通信网络 [Smith-Clarke et al., 2014] 和政治气候 [Van der Berg et al., 2006] 的数据也会产生有希望的结果。虽然这些研究工作确实验证了使用代理数据源进行贫困估计, 但它们也揭示了没有这样的研究仔细研究印度次大陆。此外,这些工作使用独立的代理数据源进行贫困估计, 并且没有考虑将不同的数据源组合和集成以进行更有效, 可解释和可靠的预测的想法。因此,这项工作旨在通过提出一种数据汇总和集成方法来解决这一瓶颈,该方法结合了传统和代理数据源,用于印度各州的贫困估算。
2.3 Temporal Analysis of Poverty
贫困是一种随时间加剧或下降的时间现象。因此,为了预测一个区域的贫困统计及其进展,还应考虑其表征时间变化的历史数据。尽管这种方法很可能会产生更好, 更准确和可靠的预测,但它也将有助于区分导致贫困的主要因素和较弱的因素。它还将帮助诊断在特定时间内成功导致减贫或产生不利影响的计划,计划和政策,从而导致贫困扩大。关于贫困估计的当代文学只关注静态和特定时间的数据,没有考虑到贫困的时间方面。在印度等快速发展的国家,最重要的是要考虑到贫困的时间层面,以查明其核心原因并设计解决贫困的政策。因此, 本研究提出了一种时间数据收集、整合和预测方案,以实现更稳健的贫困预测
# 3 Methodology
在本节中,我们详细介绍了不同的代理数据源,数据集成方法,使用 ML 和深度学习技术进行贫困估计以及对贫困的时间分析。此外,我们根据 1993-2015 年间的表现 (MPI 得分) 对地区进行分类,考虑到几轮 NFHS 家庭调查,分为“先进”,“追赶”,“落后”和“落后”地区。该研究进一步针对四个最落后的州-北方邦,贾坎德邦,比哈尔邦和奥里萨邦,因为它们在 2021 年[Tripathi and Yenneti, 2020] 的多维贫困指数中排名最高
3.1 Proxy Data Sources and Data Integratior
要开发一种功能方法,供发展中国家政府用于准确的贫困估计和跟踪,需要一个代表该国人口的数据集,可以自动收集和及时更新,并且可以在精细的地理粒度。在本节中,我们将探讨用于贫困估计的不同代理数据源, 并详细说明数据集成方法
Remote sensing
利用卫星图像进行的远程测量是一种低成本且可靠的方法,可以以精细的时空分辨率[Jean et al.,2016]跟踪人类的发展。遥感涉及各种类型的卫星成像,在白天和黑夜传达不同类型的信息。白天卫星图像提供了有关该地区地理,基础设施发展和人口增长的丰富信息。此外,它还可用于推断其他繁荣信号,例如道路网络的增长,建筑密度,森林覆盖率和基础设施的扩张。卫星图像提供的夜间光度信息提供了一个区域夜间活动的镜头。它是用电量,电气化程度和人口增长的理想代理 [Ghosh et al.,2013]。研究还表明,夜间光度与二氧化碳排放量GDP,人均 GDP,不变价格 GDP,非农业 GDP 和资本存量 [Addison and Stewart, 2015] 呈正相关。因此, 我们的目标是收集和利用白天和夜间卫星图像数据,因为每种数据都有其自身的优势。我们建议使用 2001 年, 2011 年,2016 年和 2019 年 Landsat7 任务的卫星图像来跟踪白天的活动。夜间灯光数据可以从美国空军防御气象卫星计划 (DMSP) 获得。卫星的操作线扫描系统(OLS)传感器具有空间分辨率,使它们能够进行从整个大陆到不到一平方公里的观测。为了将村庄和地区映射到其卫星图像位置,我们还建议收集每个形状文件的信息。一旦一个地区被链接到其卫星图像,我们就可以从 | [
] | [
"2.1Limitations of Traditional Data Sources",
"2.3Temporal Analysis ofPoverty",
"此, we propose a data integration mechanism that takes",
"into account both the traditional datasets along with the",
"new proxy data sources for poverty prediction",
"2.2Towards the Use of Proxy Data Sources",
"3.1Proxy Data Sources and DataIntegration",
"法,可以以精细的时空分辨率[Jean etal.,2016]跟踪人",
"用电量,电气化程度和人口增长的理想代理[Ghosh et",
"本存量[Addison and Stewart,2015]呈正相关。。因此",
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2211.16525-zh-0 | 2211.16525-zh-0.jpg | [1]
# Proactive Moderation of Online Discussions: Existing Practices and the Potential for Algorithmic Support
снаксотте зснсисек, снаксотте sснсисек, and јоматнам р. снама
To address the widespread problem of uncivil behavior, many online discussion platforms employ humam moderators to take action against objectionable content, such as removing it or placing sanctions on its authors. This reactive paradigm of taking action against already-posted antisocial content is currently the most common form of moderation, and has accordingly underpinned many recent efforts at introducing automation into the moderation process. Comparatively less work has been done to understand other moderation paradigms-such as proactively discouraging the emergence of antisocial behavior rather than reacting to it-and the role algorithmic support can play in these paradigms. In this work, we investigate such a proactive framework for moderation in a case study of a collaborative setting: Wikipedia Talk Pages. We employ a mixed methods approach, combining qualitative and design components for a holistic analysis. Through interviews with moderators, we find that despite a lack of technical and social support, moderators already engage in a number of proactive moderation behaviors, such as preemptively intervening in conversations to keep them on track. Further, we explore how automation could assist with this existing proactive moderation workflow by building a prototype tool, presenting it to moderators, and examining how the assistance it provides might fit into their workflow. The resulting feedback uncovers both strengths and drawbacks of the prototype tool and suggests concrete steps towards further developing such assisting technology so it can most effectively support moderators in their existing proactive moderation workflow.
$CCS$ Concepts: ·Human-centered computing → Interactive systems and tools; Collaborative and social
computing systems and tools; • Computing methodologies → Natural language processing
Additional Key Words and Phrases: antisocial behavior, content moderation, algorithmic assistance, hybrid
ACM Reference Format:
Charlotte Schluger, Charlotte Schluger, and Jonathan P. Chang. 2022. Proactive Moderation of Online Discussions: Existing Practices and the Potential for Algorithmic Support . $Proc.ACMHum.-Comput.Interact.6$, CSCW2, Article 370 (November 2022), 25 pages.
Online discussion platforms enable new forms of interaction and knowledge sharing and have become key in supporting online collaboration. However, incivility challenges their benefits, 损害遭受反社会行为或人身攻击的个人的精神和情感健康[1,53], reducing engagement[14],or distracting from the underlying goals of the discussion [2]。因此,大多数在线平台都使用节制来将讨论保持在其社区准则内
Authors' address: Charlotte Schluger; Charlotte Schluger, [email protected]; Jonathan P. Chang,
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]
$\odot$ 2022 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.
2573-0142/2022/11-ART370 $15.00
Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact., Vol. 6, No. CSCW2, Article 370. Publication date: November 2022 | [
] | [
"Proactive Moderation of Online Discussions: Existing",
"Practices and the Potential for Algorithmic Support",
"Toaddress the widespread problem of uncivil behavior,manyonline discussionplatforms employhuman",
"moderators to take action against objectionable content, such as removing it or placing sanctions on its au",
"thors. This reactive paradigm of taking action against already-posted antisocial content is currently the most",
"common form of moderation, and has accordingly underpinned many recent efforts at introducing automa",
"tion into the moderation process. Comparatively less work has been done to understand other moderation",
"paradigms-such as proactively discouraging the emergence of antisocial behavior rather than reacting to",
"it-and the role algorithmic support can play in these paradigms. In this work, we investigate such a proac-",
"tive framework for moderation in a case study of a collaborative setting: Wikipedia Talk Pages. We employ",
"a mixed methods approach, combining qualitative and design components for a holistic analysis.Through",
"interviews with moderators, we find that despite a lack of technical and social support, moderators already",
"engage in a number of proactive moderation behaviors, such as preemptively intervening in conversations",
"to keep them on track. Further, we explore how automation could assist with this existing proactive modera-",
"tion workflow by building a prototype tool, presenting it to moderators, and examining how the assistance it",
"provides mightfit into their workflow.The resulting feedback uncovers both strengths and drawbacks of the",
"prototype tool and suggests concrete steps towards further developing such assisting technology so it can",
"most effectively support moderators in their existing proactive moderation workflow.",
"CcS Concepts: · Human-centered computing - Interactive systems and tools; Collaborative and social",
"computing systems and tools; .Computing methodologies→ Natural language processing.",
"Additional Key Words and Phrases: antisocial behavior, content moderation, algorithmic assistance, hybrid",
"ACM Reference Format:",
"Charlotte Schluger, Charlotte Schluger,and Jonathan P.Chang.2022.Proactive Moderation of Online Dis",
"cussions:ExistingPractices andthePotentialforAlgorithmicSupport.Proc.ACMHum.-Comput.Interact.6,",
"CSCW2,Article 370 (November 2022),25pages.",
"Online discussion platforms enable new forms of interaction and knowledge sharing and have",
"becomekey in supporting online collaboration.However, incivility challenges theirbenefits,损害",
"Authors\"address: Charlotte Schluger; Charlotte Schluger, [email protected]; Jonathan P. Chang.",
"Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee",
"provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and",
"the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the author(s) must be",
"honored.Abstracting with credit is permitted.To copy otherwise,orrepublish,topost on servers or toredistribute to lists",
"requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.Request permissions from [email protected].",
"2022 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).Publication rights licensed to ACM.",
"Proc.ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact.,Vol. 6, No.CSCW2, Article 370.Publication date:November 2022."
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"language": "zh",
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2211.16525-zh-1 | 2211.16525-zh-1.jpg | 370:2
Charlotte Schluger et al.
的,很难扩展到现代平台生成的内容量,并且对于人类版主[23,25] 来说可能是 practically and emotionally 挑战。这些挑战导致人们对使用算法工具(部分)自动化内容审核过程的兴趣日益浓厚。最近在这个方向上的大部分工作都集中在应用机器学习来自动检测反社会评论[51,65] , 这项技术已经通过透视 API 等工具在工业中得到了应用。$^{1}$
在这项工作中,我们通过研究不同审核范式中算法帮助的潜力来开始解决这些问题-主动审核- through a case study of a collaborative setting: Wikipedia Talk Pages. We focus on a specific proactive moderation strategy that prior work has identified as needing algorithmic support: identifying and monitoring conversations that are at-risk of devolving into uncivil behavior, with the goal of intervening early to avoid derailment or to mitigate its effects in a timely manner [39,59]. 我们采访主持人,以了解他们的主动审核实践并确定他们对算法支持的需求。为了探索使用当今可用的技术解决这些需求的可行性,我们构建了一个原型工具来帮助主动审核,并观察主持人如何在其现有工作流程的背景下参与其中。In our analysis we pay particular attention to the ethical issues that come to the fore, and discuss their implications for system design and future work.
具体而言,our case study aims to address the following primary research questions :
(1) (How) do moderators act proactively to prevent the derailment of discussions into uncivil
(2) (How) can an algorithmic tool assist moderators in their proactive moderation workflow? Building on the answers to these questions, we identify concrete next steps towards further developing such assisting technology so that it can support moderators in their existing proactive moderation workflow.
Our work contributes to an extensive line of research on online discussion moderation which has aimed to both understand existing practices and develop new ones. Thus, to motivate our focus on the proactive paradigm and put our contributions in context, we begin by briefly surveying how prior work has characterized moderation practices, with an emphasis on identifying where existing practices fall on the reactive-proactive spectrum and exploring the role of algorithmic tools.
# 2.1 Practices of Moderation
In the popular consciousness, content moderation is often associated with the removal of illegal, hateful, or otherwise objectionable content[23], especially high-profile cases such as Reddit's 2015 mass banning of hate communities [9]. However, removal of content is but one part of content moderation, which in reality involves a wide and diverse range of hidden labor [16, 48, 64] that, while less visible to the public eye than a high-profile ban, is no less important to maintaining the everyday functioning of an online community [29].
The need to look beyond content removal is particularly salient in collaborative platforms like Wikipedia, which have eschewed top-down, platform-driven governance in favor of a community
Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact., Vol. 6, No. CSCW2, Article 370. Publication date: November 2022. | [
] | [
"Charlotte Schluger et al.",
"Talk Pages.Wefocus onaspecific",
"s needing algorithmic support: iden-",
"tifying and monitoring conversa",
"goal of intervening earlytoavoidderailment",
"to the ethical issues that come to the fore, and discuss their implications for system design and",
"future work.",
"(1) (How) do moderators act proactively to prevent the derailment of discussions into uncivil",
"(2) (How) can an algorithmic tool assist moderators in their proactive moderation workflow?",
"Building on the answers to these questions, we identify concrete next steps towards further de",
"veloping such assisting technology so that it can support moderators in their existing proactive",
"moderation workflow.",
"Our work contributes to an extensive line of research on online discussion moderation which has",
"aimed to both understand existing practices and develop new ones. Thus, to motivate our focus",
"on the proactive paradigm and put our contributions in context, we begin by briefly surveying",
"how prior work has characterized moderation practices, with an emphasis on identifying where",
"existing practices fall on the reactive-proactive spectrum and exploring the role of algorithmic",
"2.1Practices of Moderation",
"In the popular consciousness, content moderation is often associated with the removal of illegal,",
"hateful, or otherwise objectionable content [23], especially high-profile cases such as Reddit's 2015",
"mass banning of hate communities [9]. However, removal of content is but one part of content",
"moderation, which in reality involves a wide and diverse range of hidden labor [16, 48, 64] that,",
"while less visible to the public eye than a high-profile ban, is no less important to maintaining the",
"everyday functioning of an online community [29]",
"The need to look beyond content removal is particularly salient in collaborative platforms like",
"Wikipedia, which have eschewed top-down,platform-driven governance infavor of a community",
"Proc.ACM Hum.-Comput.Interact.,Vol. 6, No.CSCW2, Article 370.Publication date:November 2022."
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2211.16525-zh-4 | 2211.16525-zh-4.jpg | Proactive Moderation of Online Discussions
但是,大多数平台都避免使用此策略,因为它会引发许多实际问题。预筛选是高度劳动密集型的,并且随着平台的增长而扩展得很差:例如,即使在算法预筛选的帮助下,《纽约时报》目前也只允许在工作日对热门故事进行 8 小时的评论。此外,预筛选通过在用户提交内容与版主审查平台上出现的内容之间引人延迟,从而阻止了平台上用户之间的实时交互。最后,预筛选以压制言论自由[23]为由受到批评
2.4 Proactive Moderation of Online Discussion
In online discussion platforms, proactive approaches to moderation can aim to discourage undesirable actions or to encourage prosocial behavior and productive conversations [58,59]. Proactive strategies can range from static design decisions to dynamic interventions in which moderators play a more active role. They can also be broadly applied to the entire community or targeted towards specific situations, users, or conversations.
Static strategies primarily involve deliberate choices in platform design aimed at promoting prosocial behaviors. These have a long and established history in social computing; now-common design choices such as activity indicators [19] and explicitly listed rules [40] were initially developed as measures to encourage the development and adoption of social norms within online communities. More recent developments in this direction include limitations on community size or rate of participation [26] and systems that prompt users to reflect more deeply on comments they have read [33, 43, 44]. While such design elements have historically been broadly applied at the level of the entire platform, there has been work on UI-level interventions that are more targeted to specific situations [31,47]. In the space of online discussions, such work has included psychological priming strategies that are deployed to users when they are about to comment in a discussion thread [56, 61].
As platforms have grown and evolved, they have developed more dynamic strategies for proactive community management, in which moderators take a more direct role. For instance, a natural development from static listing of rules involves moderators personally sending reminders of community rules in high-impact situations, such as when welcoming newcomers[59]. As a further step from this, recent work has looked at how moderators can model good behavior in their own interactions, as a way of implicitly signaling to the community what proper behavior looks $\operatorname{like}[33,58].$
One dynamic strategy in particular has picked up increasing interest: moderators actively monitor ongoing conversations in order to proactively prevent them from derailing into uncivil behavior or, at least, to be in a position that allows them to mitigate the effects of derailment in a timely manner [39,47]. Unlike the more static strategies discussed above, this dynamic and highlytargeted moderation strategy requires substantial time and effort on behalf of the moderators and thus scales poorly. As such, prior work has advocated for offering algorithmic support for this type of strategy, in the form of “predictive suggestions for threads or discussions that might soon devolve" that could help“moderators to focus their attention where it is needed"[59]. This current work aims to develop a system that can provide such algorithmic support and to test its feasibility.
与筛选前的节制一样,主动防止对话脱轨,引起了对审查制度和言论自由的道德关注。我们参与这些问题,评估潜在滥用工具的风险,以协助主动节制-例如仅根据对未来事件的预测来关闭对话或主动指责参与者-并讨论对其设计的影响。While these concerns are warranted and deserving of a meaningful inquiry, we argue that the well-established harms to users, platforms, and moderators in the popular reactive moderation framework motivate us to explore alternate approaches to moderation. Because the status quo is not a neutral ethical choice,
Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact., Vol. 6, No. CSCW2, Article 370. Publication date: November 2022 | [
] | [
"ProactiveModerationof OnlineDiscussions",
"In online discussion platforms,proactive approaches tomoderation can aim to discourage undesir",
"able actions or to encourage prosocial behavior and productive conversations[58, 59].Proactive",
"strategies can range from static design decisions to dynamic interventions in which moderators",
"play a more active role. They can also be broadly applied to the entire community or targeted",
"towards specific situations, users, or conversations.",
"Static strategies primarily involve deliberate choices in platform design aimed at promoting pro-",
"social behaviors.These have a long and established history in social computing; now-common de-",
"sign choices such as activity indicators",
"licitlylisted rules[40]wereinitiallydeveloped",
"ion of social normswithin online communi",
"ties.Morerecent develop",
"ns on communitysizeorrateof",
"participation[26]and syste",
"read[33,43,44].While suchdesig",
"historicallybeen broadly applied at thelevel",
"of the entireplatform, there ha",
"terventions that are more targeted to",
"specificsituations[31,47].Inthespaceof o",
"ne discussions,such work has includedpsychologi",
"cal priming strategies that are deployed to users when they are about to comment in a discussion",
"thread[56, 61].",
"As platforms have grown and evolved, they have developed more dynamic strategies for proac",
"tive community management, in which moderators take a more direct role.For instance, a natu",
"ral development from staticlisting of rules involves moderatorspersonally sending reminders of",
"communityrules inhigh-impact situations, such as whenwelcomingnewcomers[59].As a fur",
"ther step from this, recent work has looked at howmoderators can model good behavior in their",
"owninteractions,asawayofimplicitlysignalingtothe communitywhatproperbehaviorlooks",
"One dynamic strategy in particular has picked up increasing interest: moderators actively mon",
"itor ongoing conversations in order to proactively prevent them from derailing into uncivil be-",
"havior or, at least, to be in a position that allow",
"e, this dynamic and highly",
"thus scales poorly.As such",
"devolve\"that could help",
"arewarranted anddeservingofameaningfulinquir",
"rearguethatthewell-established harms",
"tousers, platforms, and moderators in the popular reactive moderation framework motivate us to",
"explore alternate approaches tomoderation.Because the status quo is not a neutral ethical choice,",
"Proc.ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact.,Vol.6,No.CSCW2,Article 370.Publication date: November 2022"
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2211.16525",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 4
} |
2106.11257-zh-0 | 2106.11257-zh-0.jpg | # Secure Distributed Training at Scale
Eduard Gorbunov $^{*123}$ Alexander Borzunov $^{*43}$ Michael Diskin$^{43}$ Max Ryabinin$^{43}$
Many areas of deep learning benefit from using increasingly larger neural networks trained on public data, as is the case for pre-trained models for NLP and computer vision. Training such models requires a lot of computational resources (e.g., HPC clusters) that are not available to small research groups and independent researchers. One way to address it is for several smaller groups to pool their computational resources together and train a model that benefits all participants. Unfortunately, in this case, any participant can jeopardize the entire training run by sending incorrect updates, deliberately or by mistake. Training in presence of such peers requires specialized distributed training algorithms with Byzantine tolerance. These algorithms often sacrifice efficiency by introducing redundant communication or passing all updates through a trusted server, making it infeasible to apply them to large-scale deep learning, where models can have billions of parameters. In this work, we propose a novel protocol for secure (Byzantinetolerant) decentralized training that emphasizes communication efficiency.
最近,类似的技术被提出用于深度学习。他们的目标是解决许多机器学习任务的绝对计算复杂性所带来的挑战,例如为 NLP (Devlin et al., 2019; Brown et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2019) 预训练变压器或在视觉 (Sun et al., 2017; Kolesnikov et al., 2020; Goyal et al., 2021) 中学习巨大的数据集。最近的工作 (Kijsipongse et al.,2018; Ryabinin & Gusev, 2020; Atre et al., 2021; Diskin et al., 2021)提出了几个系统,在许多志愿者中共享计算,这些志愿者捐赠了他们的计算机 to train large models on public datasets. 的空闲时间
尽管志愿者计算系统有其优势,但到目前为止,它们的实际应用有限 (Kijsipongse et al.,2018)。全球采用这些技术的主要障碍是信任每个参与者的可靠性。对于分布式训练,如果单个对等方由于计算中的错误而发送不正确的输出,则可能会破坏协作所取得的所有进展 (Smith,2019)或恶意(Tolpegin et al.,2020)
分散优化中的现有技术提出了几种可抵抗此类“拜占庭”故障的优化算法。但是,大多数容忍拜占庭的训练协议都需要通过受信任的中央服务器传递所有更新, 或者交换额外的消息,从而使网络负载增加数倍(Chen et al., 2018; Rajput et al., 2019)。这是大规模分布式深度学习的一个主要问题,数百个对等点必须定期交换数百万个参数的更新 (Li et al.,2020; Sergeev & Balso, 2018; Shoeybi et al.,2019)。因此,在许多实际场景中, 拜占庭容忍算法的计算和通信开销超过了与他人协作的好处
在这项工作中,我们着手通过提出一种新颖的拜占庭容忍分布式训练协议来解决此问题,该协议专为大规模深度学习工作负载而设计。我们的方法结合了现代分布式训练技术的可扩展性和通信效率,如 AllReduceSGD (Sergeev & Balso, 2018) , 以及针对拜占庭和 Sybil 攻击者的弹性。为了实现这一目标,我们利用加密技术来验证训练的完整性,并将开销降至最低, 而不依赖于模型大小。我们的协议不需要信任任何特定的对等方
## $1. \textbf{ Introduction}$
通过许多国家,团体和个人之间的合作解决了许多棘手的科学问题。这在自然科学中尤为明显,研究人员形成了跨国合作来运行大规模实验并共享计算基础设施 (Aad et al., 2012; Ruttley et al., 2017; Abbott et al., 2016)。像 Folding@home (Beberg et al., 2009) 和BOINC (Anderson, 2004) 这样的项目通过招募志愿者来进一步推动这一趋势,这些志愿者捐赠了他们的计算,以前所未有的规模集体运行计算实验(Merritt, 2020)
$^{\mathrm{~}}$Equal contribution$^{1}$MIPT$^2$Mila-Quebec AI Institute $^{3}$Yandex$^{4}$HSE University.Correspondence to:Eduard Gorbunov<[email protected]>, Alexander Borzunov <[email protected]>.
Proceedings of the 39$^{th}$ International Conference on Machine $Learning$, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, PMLR 162, 2022. Copyright 2022 by the author(s). | [
] | [
"Secure Distributed Training at Scale",
"Eduard Gorbunov *123 Alexander Borzunov * 43 Michael Diskin 43 Max Ryabinin 43",
"Many areas of deep learning benefit from us",
"ing increasingly larger neural networks trained",
"on public data, as is the case for pre-trained",
"2017;Kolesnikov etal.,2020;Goyaletal.,2021)中学习",
"models for NLP and computer vision. Training",
"such models requires a lot of computational re.",
"Ryabinin &Gusev,2020;Atre etal.,202l:Diskin etal.",
"sources (e.g., HPC clusters) that are not avail-",
"able to small research groups and independent",
"researchers. One way to address it is for sev-",
"eral smaller groups to pool their computational",
"resources together and train a model that benefits",
"all participants. Unfortunately, in this case, any",
"participant can jeopardize the entire training run",
"by sending incorrect updates, deliberately or by",
"mistake. Training in presence of such peers re",
"quires specialized distributed training algorithms",
"with Byzantine tolerance. These algorithms of-",
"ten sacrificeefficiencybyintroducingredundant",
"trusted server, making it infeasible to apply them",
"have billions of parameters. In this work, we",
"propose a novel protocol for secure (Byzantine",
"tolerant) decentralized training that emphasizes",
"基础设施(Aad et al.,2012;Ruttley et al.,2017;Abbott",
"etal.,2016)。像Folding@home(Beberg etal.,2009)和",
"Equal contribution MIPT 2 Mila - Quebec AI Institute",
"4HSE University :Correspondence to: Eduard Gor",
"bunov<[email protected] >, Alexander Borzunov",
"< [email protected] >.",
"Proceedings of the 3gth International Conference on Machine",
"Learning, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, PMLR 162, 2022. Copy",
"right2022by the author(s)."
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2106.11257",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 0
} |
2106.11257-zh-1 | 2106.11257-zh-1.jpg | Secure Distributed Training at Scale
$\cdot$ We propose a novel protocol for decentralized Byzantinetolerant training on data available to all participants, where the extra communication cost does not depend on the number of parameters.
$\cdot$ We rigorously analyze this protocol and prove convergence bounds for convex and non-convex losses with Byzantine attackers. Furthermore, we derive accelerated convergence rates for the same task under realistic assumptions about model gradients.
$\cdot$ We propose a heuristic for resisting Sybil attacks from
computationally constrained attackers, allowing to accept new untrusted peers joining midway through train-
·We verify the effectiveness of our algorithm in controlled experiments $^{1}$ and actual large-scale training runs. Specifically, we start with ResNet-18 for CIFAR-10 classification and follow up with pretraining ALBERT-large in a setup where almost a half of all peers are malicious.
# 2. Related work
2.1. Distributed deep learning
训练现代神经网络通常需要在任何一台机器上都无法实现的计算量。人们必须使用分布式训练方法在多台机器上训练这样的模型。这些方法中的大多数分为两组:在数据并行训练中,每个工人通过从训练数据$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$ (Sergeev & Balso, 2018; Goyal et al., 2017) 中采样批次来训练整个模型;相反,模型并行训练将模型的各个部分分配给不同的工人$\mathbb{E}($Huang et al.,2019; Narayanan et al., 2019; Shoeybi et al., 2019) 。在这项研究中,我们只考虑第一组;值得注意的是,大多数模型并行系统仍然依赖于同一阶段节点之间的数据并行性 (Rajbhandari et al., 2020; Narayanan et al., 2021)。通常,数据并行训练包括两个阶段:首先,每个 worker 计算其数据上的梯度;然后,所有 worker 聚合梯度并运行 SGD 步骤。最简单的聚合策略称为 ParameterServers (PS)E (Li, 2014; Dean et al., 2012; Recht et al., 2011): 其中一个服务器存储并更新模型参数,而所有其他服务器迭代计算梯度,将其发送到 PS 并下载更新的参数。这种策略对于少数工人来说可能是相当有效的;随着它的增加,参数服务器最终变得无法处理负载。虽然梯度压缩 (Seide et al., 2014; Lin et al., 2018; Mishchenko et al., 2019; Koloskova et al., 2020; Gorbunov et al., 2020; 2021)
Source code for the experiments is available at
Figure 1. A scheme of Butterfly All-Reduce (Li et al.,2017) . Each peer transfers only $O(d)$ data when averaging a vector of size $d.$
和本地更新 (Zinkevich et al.,2010)部分解决了这个问
实际上,大多数分布式培训系统都利用 All-Reduce (AR$)\underline{\mathrm{E}}($Goyal et al., 2017; Mikami et al., 2019; You et al., 2020)---系列集体通信协议,允许服务器平均其数据并在每台机器上接收结果。由此产生的名为 AllReduceSGD( AR-SGD ) 的方法在每个对等方的局部梯度上运行 AR , 以计算全局平均值。通常,AR-SGD 使用带宽最佳版本的 All-Reduce$\textcircled{\mathrm{E}}($Sergeev &Balso, 2018; Patarasuk& Yuan, 2009), 例如 ButterflyAll-Reduce(请参见图E1 )。根据确切的算法,它们要求每个对等体在$n$对等体上平均大小为$d$的向量时仅传输$O(d)$或$O(d\log n)$数据(与基于 PS 的方法不同,其中 PS 传输$O(dn)$ 数据)
## $2. 2. \textbf{Byzantine- tolerant optimization}$
标准的分布式训练方法对拜占庭攻击并不稳健。在vanilla 并行 SGD 中,一个恶意工作者可以通过以任意方式移动结果向量的均值来破坏整个方法的收敛性。因此,研究界发明了特殊的算法,即使在这种设置下也可以训练模型
基于参数服务器 (PS) 的方法。设计为具有拜占庭弹性的大多数算法都依赖于可信参数服务器的存在。在这种方法中,标准均值估计器,e。g。,并行 SGD 中使用的那个,通常被更健壮的聚合规则 (Blanchard et al., 2017; Yin et al., 2018; Damaskinos et al., 2019; El Mhamdi et al., 2018; Pillutla et al., 2019) 替换。但是,最近的工作表明,通过提出特殊类型的拜占庭攻击$\overline{\mathbb{E}}($Baruch et al. 2019; Xie et al., 2020) 并表明置换不变算法无法收敛到解决方案 (Karimireddy et al., 2020) 的任何预定义精度, 这是不够的
虽然有几种方法旨在规避这个问题,但它们中的大多数都有很大的局限性,例如没有收敛分析(Chen et al., 2018; Rajput et al., 2019; Rodríguez-Barroso et al., 2020; Xu& Lyu, 2020) , 在分析 (Alistarh et al., 2018; Allen-Zhu et al., 2021; Regatti et al., 2020) 中过于严格的假设,或者使用方差降低的估计器(Wu et al.,2020) ,这些估计器在深度学习应用程序中收敛缓慢 (Defazio&Bottou, 2019)。唯一没有这种限制的论文是 Karimireddy et al. | [
] | [
"Secure Distributed Training at Scale",
":We propose a novel protocol for decentralized Byzantine",
"tolerant training on data available to all participants,",
"where the extra communication cost does not depend or",
"the number of parameters.",
": We rigorously analyze this protocol and prove conver",
"Figure 1. A scheme of Butterfly All-Reduce (Li et al., 2017)",
"gence bounds for convex and non-convex losses with",
"Each peer transfers only O(d) data when averaging a vector of",
"Byzantine attackers. Furthermore, we derive accelerated",
"size d.",
"convergence rates for the same task under realistic as",
"sumptions about modelgradients.",
": We propose a heuristic for resisting Sybil attacks from",
"computationally constrained attackers, allowing to ac",
"(AR)E(Goyal et al., 2017; Mikami et al.,2019; You et al.",
"cept new untrusted peers joining midway through train",
"We verify the effectiveness of our algorithm in con",
"trolled experiments ' and actual large-scale training runs.",
"Specifically,westart withResNet-18forCIFAR-10clas",
"sification and follow up with pretraining ALBERT-large",
"in a setup where almost a half of all peers are malicious.",
"2. Related work",
"2.1. Distributed deep learning",
"2.2.Byzantine-tolerant optimization",
"(Li,2014:Dean et al.,2012:Recht et al.,2011) :其中",
"2018; Rajput et al., 2019; Rodriguez-Barroso et al., 2020",
"缩 (Seideetal.,2014;Lin etal.,2018:Mishchenkoetal..",
"2019;Koloskova et al.,2020; Gorbunov et al.,2020; 2021)",
"ISource code for the experiments is available at",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2106.11257",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 1
} |
2106.11257-zh-2 | 2106.11257-zh-2.jpg | Secure Distributed Training at Scale
(2020): 它提出了一种称为 CENTEREDCLIP 的新聚合规则,将其应用于具有客户端动量的 SGD,并在合理的假设下证明了所获得方法在非凸情况下的收敛结果。我们在附录 B.1.1 中提供了有关基于拜占庭容忍 PS 的方法的更多详细信息
仅在几篇论文中研究了拜占庭容忍优化的分散方法。不幸的是,已知的方法并不适合分布式深度学习,因为它们要么依赖于全梯度计算 (Yang & Bajwa, 2019a;b) , or use redundant communications with multiple servers (El-Mhamdi et al.,2020), , 要么在每个步骤 (Gupta et al., 2021;Gupta& Vaidya, 2021) 都需要全向量的对等通信, 这是不可扩展的,或者提供了不如非并行 SGD (Peng et al.,2021)的收敛保证,后者在现代深度学习任务上的收敛速度非常慢。我们将更多细节推迟到附录 B.1.2
## $2. 3. \textbf{ Security in distributed systems}$
一个天真的解决方案是让所有对等端将每个以前看不见的消息中继到所有其他对等端。在这种情况下,对于$n$对等体和$b$位消息,一个所有广播将要求每个对等体传输$O(n^2b)$数据。为了提高效率,我们使用GossipSub$\boxed{\mathrm{F}}($Vyzovitis et al., 2020) , 通过将每条消息仅中继到$D$精心选择的邻居,从而将每个对等点的成本降低到$O(nb)$数据,其中$D$是根据延迟要求选择的常数
数字签名。我们的方法依赖于这样一个事实,即攻击者不能冒充诚实的对等方或更改诚实的对等方广播的消息。为了实现这一点,我们要求所有对等方声明他们的公钥,并使用数字签名对所有消息进行签名(Rivest et al., 1978)
多方随机数生成器。为了确保对等体诚实地计算梯度我们的方法验证了所有计算梯度的随机子集。因此,我们需要选择谁将被检查,以使攻击者既不能预测也不能影响随机抽取。这可以通过基于 Blum (1983) 的抛硬币协议的多方随机数生成器(MPRNG)来完成。我们在附录 B.2 中解释了完整的算法。该算法要求每个对等体仅广播 3 个标量,因此其通信成本为每个对等体的$O(n)$数据
# 3. Method
我们考虑在公共数据集上进行安全的分布式训练,其中每个对等体都可以访问整个训练数据 and communicate with any other peer 。在这种情况下,多方通过将其计算资源组合在一起进行一次大规模训练运行来进行合作。具体来说,我们考虑使用 All-ReduceSGD 的数
据并行训练设置(如$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$2.1 节中所述),其中对等方聚
· Section 3.1 outlines our approach for B yzantine- T oler-
$\underset{\mathrm{v}}{\operatorname*{\operatorname*{ant}}}$A ll- R e d uce( BTARD ).
·In Section 3.2,we formulate the underlying optimiza-
tion problem and derive its convergence bounds.
$\bullet$ In Section 3.3, we propose a heuristic for resisting Sybil attacks, allowing our system to accept new untrusted peers midway through training.
## $3. 1. \textbf{ Byzantine- Tolerant All- Reduce}$
我们假设某些工作程序可能是恶意的,即。e。,他们可以 arbitrarily 偏离我们的算法:for instance,发送任意向量而不是随机梯度或违反通信协议。这样的工人被称为拜占庭节点或只是拜占庭。我们假设它们是无所不知的(Karimireddy et al., 2020)(除了诚实节点的私钥和 MPRNG 的内部) and able to collude with each other 。我们将所有“好”工人的集合表示为$\mathcal{G}$,将拜占庭工人的集合表示为$\mathcal{B}$ 。我们进一步假设$\mathcal{B}$在整个优化过程中是固定的,并且不到一半的节点是拜占庭的: $| \mathcal{B} | \leq \delta n$ ,其中$\delta\in[0,1/2)$ 。最后,我们假设所有工作人员都可以访问定义目标函数的数据,从完整数据集中采样小批量。$^{2}$
We design our algorithm in such a way that all types of Byzantine faults have limited effect and chance of being discovered.为了限制单个 SGD 步骤的伤害,我们使用称为 CENTEREDCLIP (Karimireddy et al., 2020) 的强大聚合技术修改 ButterflyAll-Reduce $^{3}$ E(见图$\mathbb{E}$1)。我们将 CENTEREDCLIP 应用于梯度向量的每个分区,而不是朴素平均。我们将此过程表示为 BUTTERFLYCLIP (有关其正式描述,请参见 Algorithm$\boxed{\mathrm{F}}2)$
但是,拜占庭同行可以通过多次迭代攻击来规避此限制。为了防止这种情况,BTARD 会定期选择随机对等体作为验证器。验证器必须重新计算其他对等体的梯度并报告任何差异 instead of computing their own gradients. 由于此类测试仅在攻击者无法预测它们是否将被验证时才有效,因此我们使用多方随机数生成器(如$\mathbb{E}$2.3 节所述)选择验证的对等体
$^{2}$He et al.(2020) show that it is impossible to achieve any predefined accuracy of the solution without this assumption, i.e., in the heterogeneous case (see discussion in Appendix F.2 ).
$^{3}$We choose Butterfly All-Reduce so that peers aggregate nonoverlapping parts of the gradient vector. This helps to identify the attacker if the gradients are aggregated incorrectly. Jiang et al. (2020) report that Butterfly All-Reduce is near-optimal for distributed training over high-latency networks such as the Internet. | [
] | [
"SecureDistributed Training at Scale",
": Section 3.1 outlines our approach for B yzantine- T oler-",
"ant A ll-Re d uce (BTARD).",
"or use redundantcommunications withmultiple servers",
": In Section 3.2 , we formulate the underlying optimiza",
"tion problem and derive its convergence bounds.",
".In Section 3.3,we propose a heuristic for resisting Sybil",
"attacks, allowing our system to accept new untrusted",
"peers midway through training",
"2.3.Securityin distributed systems",
"3.1. Byzantine-Tolerant All-Reduce",
"和MPRNG的内部)and ableto collude with eachother",
"We design our algorithm in such a way that all types of",
"Byzantine faults have limited effect and chance of being",
"et al..1978",
"3. Method",
"2He et al. (2020) show that it is impossible to achieve any pre",
"defined accuracy of the solution without this assumption, i.e., in",
"the heterogeneous case (see discussion in Appendix F.2)",
"overlapping parts of the gradient vector. This helps to identify the",
"attacker if the gradients are aggregated incorrectly.Jiang et al",
"(2020) report that Butterfly All-Reduce is near-optimal for dis-",
"tributed training over high-latency networks such as the Internet"
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2106.11257",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 2
} |
2106.11257-zh-3 | 2106.11257-zh-3.jpg | Secure Distributed Training at Scale
Figure 2. A scheme illustrating one step of Byzantine-Tolerant All-Reduce— a part of Algorithm l executed between the consecutive
SGD steps. Here, $t$ is the step number, $x^t$ is the model weights, and $\xi_i^t$ is a publicly known random seed for sampling a minibatch.
聚合结果的哈希(Alg的第6行。2)在他们学习$\vec{z}$ 之前。这确保了恶意聚合器不能以与$\vec{z}$正交的方式修改结果(此攻击向量和更复杂的攻击向量在附录 D 和 E.5 中进行了分析)。我们将所有这些过程组合在算法$\operatorname{El}$ 中 (请参见图$\operatorname{E2}$ 中的方案及其在 Alg 中的详细版本。6-7 )。至关重要的是,算法$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$1 的一个步骤要求每个对等方 (a)$\operatorname{E\text{接收和发送梯度向量的}}n$分区 (与ButterflyAll-Reduce 中完全相同),(b)☑广播$O(n)$标量值(所有哈希,内积$s_i^j$和必要的指控),以及(c)☑ 运行 MPRNG一次。根据$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$2.1 和 2.3 节,这些过程的总通信成本为每个对等方的$O(d+n^2)$数据。这接近带宽最优版本 All-Reduce 的$O(d)$成本:对于受益于分布式训练的模型,$O(n^2)$的额外成本通常比$O(d)$小得多该算法的同步点和计算开销在附录 C 中进行了回顾
在每个训练步骤之后,对等方使用 MPRNG 选择$m$ validators and $m$ peers to validate (each validator checks one peer). 拜占庭人在遭受攻击之前无法预测“安全” 选代。因此,更频繁的攻击(具有更大的总伤害)更有可能被诚实的验证者检测到
由于验证程序也可能是恶意的,因此 BTARD 使用特殊的 Accuse 过程来检测虚假报告。在每个平均回合之前,对等方使用 GossipSub$^{\color{red}{4}}$(算法$\color{red}{\boxed{{\mathrm{E}}}}$2的第 2行)广播其梯度的哈希值。然后,如果验证器$i$指责对等方$j$修改梯度,则所有其他对等方将能够重新计算$j$的梯度并将其哈希与广播的。如果对等体发现$j$的渐变是正确的,对等体$i$将被禁止 (Hammurabi & Harper, 1904)。此过程在 Algorithm 3 中有描述
生成的算法对通过不正确的梯度进行的攻击具有弹性。但是,恶意对等体也可能通过违反 CENTEREDCLIP 过程来聚合它们正在聚合的梯度部分而损害训练。幸运的是,我们可以设计一个测试,通过该测试,对等方可以验证他们收到的向量确实是 CENTEREDCLIP 的输出。我们需要将 CENTEREDCLIP 视为方程式的定点迭代 (请参阅附录$\mathbb{E}$E.2 中的详细信息 ):
## 3.2. Convergence analysis
$$\min_{x\in Q\subseteq\mathbb{R}^d}\left\{f(x):=\mathbb{E}_{\xi\sim\mathcal{D}}\left[f(x,\xi)\right]\right\}$$
$$\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^n(\vec g_i-\vec x)\min\left\{1,\frac{\tau}{\|\vec g_i-\vec x\|}\right\}=0$$
相反,工作人员应使用 MPRNG 输出在模型梯度空间中对随机方向$\vec{z}$进行采样。然后,每个对等体计算并广播内积(2):
在这里,目标函数$f$是光滑且一致的下界,$Q\subseteq\mathbb{R}^d$是可容许参数的封闭凸集,$\xi$是随机性的来源,例如小批量索引。我们假设问题(3)可以以分布式的方式解决, 即。e。, 可以使用$n$ worker 并行计算 (迷你批处理)随机梯度,并根据某种协议进行通信。我们将工人集表示为$\left[n\right]:=\{1,2,\ldots,n\}=\mathcal{G}\sqcup\mathcal{B}$
拜占庭人有很多方法可以影响培训。我们可以将它们全部分为四类:(a)E梯度攻击,其中拜占庭人修改其 $g_i^k$ , 但行为正常;(b)$\mathbb{E}$聚合攻击,其中恶意聚合器返回错误的$\hat{g}_i$ ,并依靠其他人通过误报$s_i$来掩盖它;(c)$\mathbb{E}$声誉攻击,例如通过虚假 ACCUSE$(i,j,\cdot)$ 进行的诽谤;以及(4)E违反协议,。g。,拒绝在预定义的超时时间内发送数据)。我们在附录 D 中详细说明了每种攻击类型
出于此分析的目的,可以使用额外的策略来击退后两种攻击,该策略允许活动的工作者 ELIMINATE 任何其他工作者,但代价是也被禁止。如果对等体$i$遇到来自对等体$j$的协议冲突,它将广播一条消息,要求从训练中删除两个对等体$i$和$j$ 。此策略的设计确保每个此类消息,无论是由诚实的还是拜占庭的对等方发送
$$s_i=\left\langle\vec{z},(\vec{g}_i-\vec{x})\min\left\{1,\frac{\tau}{\|\vec{g}_i-\vec{x}\|}\right\}\right\rangle $$
最后,所有对等体都可以验证$\sum_i=1^ns_i=0$ 。与我们以前使用的 MPRNG 类似,所有聚合器都必须广播其
We assume that peers declare their public key when joining and sign all broadcasted messages with the respective private key. Any peer broadcasting contradicting messages (e.g., different gradient hashes) should be banned, since it could break the eventual consistency (other peers may receive them in a different order). | [
] | [
"Secure Distributed Training at Scale",
"Verify that",
"was performed",
"correctly using",
"O 92 = V(a,$)",
"projections to",
"Outliers are",
"Peer i validates g, from the previous step, i and j are randomly chosen using rt-l",
"Figure 2. A scheme illustrating one step of Byzantine-Tolerant All-Reduce- a part of Algorithm 1 executed between the consecutive",
"SGD steps. Here, t is the step number, at is the model weights, and st is a publicly known random seed for sampling a minibatch.",
"validators and m peers to validate (each validator checks",
"3.2. Convergence analysis",
"min(f(α) :=E~D [f(a,)])",
"(g: - a) min ",
"z,(gi -)min",
"4we assume that peers declare their public key when joining",
"and sign all broadcasted messages with the respective private key.",
"Any peer broadcasting contradicting messages (e.g., different gra-",
"dient hashes) should be banned, since it could break the eventual",
"consistency (other peers may receive them in a different order).",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2106.11257",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 3
} |
2302.03162-zh-0 | 2302.03162-zh-0.jpg | Protecting Language Generation Models via Invisible Watermarking
Xuandong Zhao$^{1}$ Yu-Xiang Wang$^{1}$ Lei Li$^{1}$
Language generation models have been an increasingly powerful enabler for many applications. Many such models offer free or affordable API access, which makes them potentially vulnerable to model extraction attacks through distillation. To protect intellectual property (IP) and ensure fair use of these models, various techniques such as lexical watermarking and synonym replacement have been proposed. However, these methods can be nullified by obvious countermeasures such as“synonym randomization”. To address this issue, we propose Ginsew, a novel method to protect text generation models from being stolen through distillation. The key idea of our method is to inject secret signals into the probability vector of the decoding steps for each target token. We can then detect the secret message by probing a suspect model to tell if it is distilled from the protected one. Experimental results show that Ginsew can effectively identify instances of IP infringement with minimal impact on the generation quality of protected $\hat{\mathrm{APIs.~Our}}$ method demonstrates an absolute improvement of 19 to 29 points on mean average precision (mAP) in detecting suspects compared to previous methods against watermark removal attacks.
# 1. Introduction
大型语言模型 (LLM) 已经变得越来越强大 (Brown et al., 2020; Ouyang et al., 2022) , 但是由于高昂的培训成本,它们的所有者不愿意开源它们。大多数公司仅免费或付费提供对其模型的 API 访问,以支付创新
Barbara. Correspondence to: Xuandong Zhao < [email protected] >, Yu-Xiang Wang < [email protected]>,Lei Li<l$eili@ cs. ucsb. edu[ LBOS] > .$$
Proceedings of the 40$^th$ International Conference on Machine Learning, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. PMLR 202, 2023. Copyright 2023 by the author(s).
Figure 1. Overview of the process of watermarking and the process of watermark detection. The victim model API embeds watermarks in the response to input queries from the adversaries. The API owner can then use a key to verify if the suspect model has been distilled from the victim ${\mathrm{model}}.$
和维护成本。虽然许多应用程序受益于这些 API,但
虽然健康的竞争有利于防止 LLM 服务市场的垄断,但价格合理的 API 服务可能会暴露出一条“捷径”,使公司能够以低得多的成本提炼可比较的模型-迫使原始模型创建者退出市场并扼杀未来的创新。预计这一点, 理性的 LLM 所有者可能永远不会以公平的价格提供API 访问。相反,他们必须大幅增加费用-远远超出服务成本-使模型蒸馏无利可图。
对于具有良好商业价值的下游应用程序,增加的费用可能是可以容忍的,但它使研究和 LLM 应用程序无法负担公共利益。为了解决这个问题,政府可以资助公共 LLM 进行研究和公共服务。但是,不道德的实体也可以将公共 LLM 蒸馏以获取商业利益或军事用途最近,斯坦福大学的一个小组 (Taori et al.,2023) 声称在 API 调用中只为 8600 蒸馏了 ChatGPT,这表明了问题的紧迫性。从理论上讲,可以证明与重新训练模型相比,提取模型的成本更低(Shalev-Shwartz & Ben-David, 2014): 将模型从原始数据训练到$\epsilon$的样本复杂性-超额风险约为$O(1/\epsilon^2)$ ;而使用模型生成的
1 | [
] | [
"Protecting Language Generation Models via Invisible Watermarking",
"Xuandong Zhao1 Yu-Xiang Wang 1 Lei Lil",
"(a) Process of watermarking",
"Language generation models have been an in-",
"creasingly powerful enabler for many appli-",
"cations. Many such models offer free or af-",
"fordable API access, which makes them po-",
"Generated text",
"tentially vulnerable to model extraction at-",
"tacks through distillation. To protect intel-",
" Victim Model API",
"lectual property (IP) and ensure fair use of",
"(b) Process of wa",
"these models, various techniques such as lex",
"ical watermarking and synonym replacement",
"Probing input",
"Suspect Model",
"have been proposed. However, these methods",
"can be nullified by obvious countermeasures",
"such as “synonym randomization\" To ad",
"Does the suspect.model",
"dress this issue, we propose Ginsew, a novel",
"the victim model?",
"method to protect text generation models",
"from being stolen through distillation. The",
"key idea of our method is to inject secret sig",
"nals into the probability vector of the decod-",
"Figure 1. Overview of the process of watermarking and",
"ing steps for each target token. We can then",
"the process of watermark detection. The victim model API",
"embeds watermarks in the response to input queries from",
"detect the secret message by probing a sus-",
"the adversaries. The APIowner can then use a key to verify",
"pect model to tell if it is distilled from the pro-",
"if the suspect model has been distilled from the victim",
"tected one. Experimental results show that",
"Ginsew can effectively identify instances of",
"IP infringement with minimal impact on the",
"generation quality of protected APIs. Our",
"method demonstrates an absolute improve-",
"ment of 19 to 29 points on mean average pre-",
"cision (mAP) in detecting suspects compared",
"to previous methods against watermark re-",
"moval attacks.",
"Department of Computer Science, UC Santa",
"Correspondence to:Xuandong Zhao <",
"[email protected] >, Yu-Xiang Wang < yuxi-",
"[email protected] >, Lei Li < [email protected] >.",
"Proceedings of the 4oth International Conference on Ma-",
"chine Learning, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. PMLR 202, 2023.",
"Copyright 2023 by the author(s).",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2302.03162",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 0
} |
2302.03162-zh-1 | 2302.03162-zh-1.jpg | Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Size
这似乎是一个不可能的任务。通过提供最先进的 LLM 服务,复制它所需的信息已被编码在提供的 API 输出本身中。研究人员决定放弃阻止可学习性,而是尝试对 API 输出进行水印处理,以便使用水印输出训练的模型可以追溯到原始模型。最近的作品(Adi et al. 2018; Zhang et al., 2018) 使用触发器集在分发之前在商业模型的神经元上嵌人不可见的水印。当怀疑模型被盗时,模型所有者可以借助触发器集进行官方所有权索赔。现有作品 (He et al., 2021; 2022) 使用同义词替换策略将表面级水印添加到文本生成模型中。但是, 攻击者可以绕过这些方法,随机替换输出中的同义词并从提取的模型中删除水印,从而使保护无效
在本文中,我们提出了g energative in visible se quence $\underline{\mathrm{w}}$ atermarking (Ginsew ), 一种保护文本生成模型并检测被盗模型的方法。图 1 说明了整个过程。核心思想是将一个秘密的正弦信号注人到模型的生成概率中。此信号不会损害模型的生成质量。为了检测候选模型是否从目标模型中窃取,Ginsew 识别正弦频率并将其与密钥进行比较。Ginsew 提供了一种更强大的机制来保护模型的知识产权,即使在随机同义词替换攻击下也是如此。本文的贡献如下:
$\bullet$ We propose g enerative in visible se quence w ater-
marking ( Ginsew), a method to protect text generation models against model extraction attacks with invisible watermarks.
$\bullet$ We carry out experiments on machine translation
and story generation on a variety of models. Experimental results show that our method Ginsew outperforms the previous methods in both generation quality and robustness of IP infringement detection ability. Even with adversarial watermark removal attacks, Ginsew still gains a significant improvement of 19 to 29 points in mean average precision (mAP) of detecting suspects$^1.$
# 2. Related work
Model extraction attacks 模型提取攻击,也称为模型反演或模型窃取,对机器学习模型 (Tramèr et al., 2016; Orekondy et al., 2019; Wallace et al., 2020; He et al., 2020) 的机密性构成重大威胁。这些攻击旨在通过创建或收集替代数据集来模仿黑盒受害者模型的功能。然后,攻击者使用受害者模型的 API 来预测替代数据集的标签。有了这个伪标签数据集,攻击者可以训练一个模仿受害者模型的高性能模型,甚至可以以
$^{1}$Our source code is available at
XuandongZhao/Ginsew .
较低的价格将其作为云服务安装。这种类型的攻击与知识提炼(KD) (Hinton et al., 2015)密切相关,其中攻击者充当近似受害者模型行为的学生模型。在本文中,我们特别关注文本生成中的模型提取攻击。先前的作品 (Wallace et al., 2020; Xu et al., 2021) 已经表明,对手可以使用序列级知识提炼来模仿商业文本生成 API 的功能,这对云平台构成了严重威胁。
Watermarking 水印是一种技术,用于将看不见的标签嵌人到音频,视频或图像等信号中,以识别信号版权的所有者。在机器学习模型的背景下,一些研究 (Merrer et al., 2017; Adi et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2018) 使用水印来防止这些模型的精确重复,方法是将其插人受保护模型的参数中或构建激活特定预测的后门图像。但是,保护模型免受模型提取攻击是困难的,因为可疑模型的参数可能与受害者模型的参数不同,并且后门行为可能不会被转移
Watermarking against model extraction 最近,一些研究试图解决识别从受害者模型中提取的提取模型的挑战,在图像分类 (Charette et al., 2022; Jia et al., 2021) 和文本分类 (Zhao et al., 2022) 方面取得了有希望的结果。CosWM (Charette et al.,2022) 将余弦信号形式的水印嵌人到受保护模型的输出中。这种水印很难消除,使其成为识别从受保护模型中提取的模型的有效方法。尽管如此,CosWM 仅适用于图像分类任务。对于文本生成,He et al. (2021) 提出了一种词汇水印方法来识别由提取攻击引起的 IP 侵权。该方法涉及从受害者模型的训练数据中选择一组单词,为它们找到语义等效的替换,并将它们替换为替换。另一种方法 CATER (He et al., 2022) 通过基于语言特征替换某些单词的同义词来提出条件水印。然而,这两种方法都是表面级水印。攻击者可以通过随机替换输出中的同义词来轻松绕过这些方法,从而难以通过探测可疑模型进行验证。Ginsew 直接修改输出令牌的概率分布,这使得水印不可见,并为识别提取的模型提供了更强大的机制
# 3. Proposed method: Ginsew
我们的目标是保护文本生成模型免受模型提取攻击。它使受害模型所有者或第三方仲裁员能够将从受害API 中提取的可疑模型的所有权归于。我们利用提取的模型从受害者模型中学到的秘密知识作为归属所有权的签名
在模型提取攻击中,表示为$S$ 的对手只能黑盒访问受害者模型的 API, 表示为$\mathcal{V}$。攻击者可以使用辅助的未标记数据集查询$\mathcal{V}$,但只能观察文本输出,而不能观察 API 产生的底层概率。因此,攻击者接收$\mathcal{V}$ 的输出作为生成输出或伪标签。攻击者的目标是采用序列级知识提炼来复制$\mathcal{V}$的功能。模型提取攻击如图 1 (a)
2 | [
] | [
"Title Suppressed Due to ExcessiveSize",
"究 (Merrer et al., 2017; Adi et al., 2018; Zhang et al.",
"Watermarkingagainstmodel extraction最近,一些",
": We propose g enerative in visible se quence w ater-",
"marking ( Ginsew), a method to protect text gener-",
"ation models against model extraction attacks with",
"invisible watermarks",
". We carry out experiments on machine translation",
"and story generation on a variety of models. Exper",
"imental results showthat our method Ginsew out",
"performs the previous methods in both generation",
"quality and robustness of IP infringement detection",
"ability. Even with adversarial watermark removal",
"of 19 to 29 points in mean average precision (mAP)",
"3. Proposed method: Ginsew",
"of detecting suspects 1.",
"3.1. Problem setup",
"2. Related work",
"2016; Orekondy et al., 2019; Wallace et al., 2020; He",
"lOur source code is available at",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2302.03162",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 1
} |
2302.03162-zh-3 | 2302.03162-zh-3.jpg | Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Size
<td>Water ark detection</td>
<td>Inputs: Suspect model $\mathcal{S}$, sample probing data $\mathcal{D}$ from the training data of $\mathcal{S}$,vocab $\mathcal{V}$,group 1 $\mathcal{G}_{1}$ , group 2 $\mathcal{G} _2$ , hash function $g( \boldsymbol{x}, \boldsymbol{v}, \boldsymbol{M})$ , filtering threshold value $o$</td>
<td> </td>
<td>for each input $x$ in $\mathcal{D}$ do</td>
<td>for $\mathbf{P}_{A}C$ $\mathcal{S}(x)$ $d_{0}$</td>
<td>Get probability vector $\hat{\boldsymbol{p}}$ from the decoder of the suspect model.</td>
<td>end for</td>
<td>end $l$ for</td>
<td>Filter out elements in $\mathcal{H}$ where $Q_{\mathcal{G}_1}\leq q_{\mathrm{min}}$,re $\operatorname*{maining}$ pairs form the set $\mathcal H$</td>
<td>Compute the Lomb-Scargle periodogram from the $\mathop{\mathrm{pairs}}^{1}(t^{(k)},\hat{Q}_{c_{1}}^{(k)})\in\widetilde{\mathcal{H}}$ $I$</td>
<td>Compute Equation 5 117 1</td>
<td>return snr</td>
3.3. Detecting watermark from suspect models
为了检测 IP 侵权的实例,我们首先创建一个探测数据集$\mathcal{D}$,以在解码步骤的概率向量中提取带有水印的信号。$\mathcal{D}$可以从提取模型的训练数据中获得,因为所有者能够存储特定最终用户发送的任何查询。此外,$\mathcal{D}$ 也可以根据需要从其他分布中提取
从可疑模型中检测水印的过程在算法 2 中概述。对于每个探测文本输入,该方法首先获取哈希值$t=$ $g(\boldsymbol{x},\boldsymbol{v},\boldsymbol{M})$ 。接下来,对于可疑模型的每个解码步骤, 我们将对$(t,\hat{Q}_{\mathcal{G}_1})$添加到集合$\mathcal{H}$中。为了消除低置信度的输出,我们使用$\hat{Q}_{\mathcal{G}_1}\leq q_{\mathrm{min}}$过滤掉对,其中阈值$q_{\min}$是提取过程的恒定参数。然后使用 Lomb-Scargle 周期图 (Scargle, 1982) 方法来估计探测集$\mathcal{H}$中特定频率$f_w$下的傅立叶功率谱$P(f)$ 。通过应用近似傅里叶变换,我们放大了概率向量中的细微扰动。这样我们就可以在频率$f_w$的功率谱中检测到一个峰值。这允许通过计算信噪比$P_\mathrm{snr}$
来评估信号强度,其中$\delta$控制$\left[f_w-\frac\delta2,f_w+\frac\delta2\right]$的窗口宽度;$F$是最大频率,$f_w\bar\text{ 是嵌人受害者模型的角频}$ 率。较高的$P_\mathrm{snr}$表示频域中的峰值较高,因此在可疑模型中存在秘密信号的可能性较高,这证实了它提取
<td>alone ithm $Wa$ with text </td>
<td>Inputs: Suspect model $\mathcal{S}$, sample probing data $\mathcal{I}$ from the training data of $\mathcal{S}$,vocab $\mathcal{V}$,group 1 $\mathcal{G}$ $\operatorname* { group} 2$ $\mathcal{G} _{2}$ ,hash function $q(\boldsymbol x,\boldsymbol v,M)$</td>
<td>7: I -</td>
<td>for each toker of $y$ do</td>
<td>$\mathcal{H}\leftarrow$ $-{^{\prime}H}\cup{\hat{C}}$ $(t,1(v)$ $\in\mathcal{G}_{1}))$</td>
<td>end for</td>
<td>end for</td>
<td>Compute the Lomb-Scargle periodogram from $\mathcal{H}$ and compute $)P.$ in Eauation 5</td>
<td>return $D$ snr</td>
值得注意的是,可以调整 Lomb-Scargle 周期图方法中使用的阈值和频率参数,以优化所提出方法的性能。我们实验中使用的具体设置将在本文的实验部分进行讨论。此外,我们提出了 3 算法,证明我们可以通过仅分析生成的文本本身来检测水印,而不依赖于模型的预测概率。关于这种纯文本方法的更详细的讨论可以在 5.2 节中找到
# 4. Experiments
我们评估 Ginsew 在两个常见文本生成任务上的性能: 机器翻译和故事生成。有多个公共 API 可用于这些模型 2 3
Machine translation 在机器翻译任务中,我们利用IWSLT14 和 WMT14 数据集 (Cettolo et al., 2014; Bojar et al., 2014),特别关注德语(De)到英语(En) 的翻译。我们基于 BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002) 和BERTScore (Zhang et al., 2019) 指标评估翻译质量。我们采用火车/有效/测试集的官方拆分。BLEU 通过比较 n-gram 来关注词汇相似性,而 BERTScore 则通过上下文嵌入来关注语义等价。对于 IWSLT14,使用由 7,000BPE (Sennrich et al., 2016) 单位组成的词汇表,而 WMT14 使用 32,000BPE 单位
Story generation 对于故事生成任务,我们使用 ROCstories (Mostafazadeh et al.,2016) 语料库。此数据集中的每个故事包括 5 个句子,前 4 个句子作为故事的上下文和模型的输入,第 5 个句子是要预测的故事的结尾。训练集中有 90,000 个样本 ,验证集和测试集中有4081个样本。基于 ROUGE (Lin,2004) 和 BERTScore 指标评估发电质量。此任务中使用了25,000个 BPE
$^3$ | [
] | [
"Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Size",
"Algorithm 2 Watermark detection",
"Algorithm 3 Watermark detection with text alone",
"1:Inputs: Suspect model S, sample probing data D",
"1:Inputs: Suspect model S, sample probing data D",
"from the training data of S , vocab V, group 1 Gi",
"from the training data of S , vocab V, group 1 Gi",
", group 2 G2, hash function g(a, u, M) , filtering",
", group 2 G2 , hash function g(α, u, M) .",
"threshold value qmin",
"2: Output: Signal strength",
"2: Output: Signal strength",
"3: Initialize H =0",
"3: Initialize H = 0",
"4: for each input in D do",
"4: for each input in D do",
"t= g(v,a, M)",
"t= g(v,a, M)",
"for each decoding step of S(α) do",
"for each token of y do",
"Get probabilityvectorpfrom the decoder of",
"H <H U (t, 1(y; E Gi))",
"the suspect model.",
"end for",
"Qgi =Eiegr Pi",
"10:end for",
"1l: Compute the Lomb-Scargle periodogram from H,",
"and compute Psnr in Equation 5",
"end for",
"11: end for",
"12: return Pnr",
"12: Filter out elements in H where Qgi ≤ qmin , re-",
"maining pairs form the set H",
"13: Compute the Lomb-Scargle periodogram from the",
"pairs (t(k),Qd) eH",
"14: Compute Psnr in Equation 5",
"15: return Psnr",
"3.3. Detecting watermark from suspect models",
"IWSLT14和WMT14数据集(Cettolo etal..2014:",
"Psnr = Psignal /Pnoises,",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2302.03162",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 3
} |
1902.10339-zh-0 | 1902.10339-zh-0.jpg | # 文本分类需要多大的词汇量? 词汇选择的变分方法
Wenhu Chen$^\dagger$, Yu Su¶, Yilin Shen$^\dagger$,Zhiyu Chen$^\dagger$, Xifeng Yan$^\dagger$,William Wang$^{\mathrm{t}}$
University of California, Santa Barbara$^{\dagger}$
Ohio $\overset{.}{\operatorname*{State}}$University, Columbus¶ Samsung Research, Moutain View$^{\dagger}$
$\{$ wenhuchen,zhiyuchen,xyan,william $\}$ [email protected] [email protected]
<th>Cutoff Freq. </th>
<th>$\operatorname{Remain}$ Vocab</th>
<th>$\#$Emb Ratio</th>
<td>9.4 $\%$</td>
Table 1: Illustration of the frequency-based vocabulary selection heuristic on a typical CNN-based document classification model (Section 4.1 ). # Emb is the number of parameters in the word embedding matrix (256 dimensions), and $\#$CNN is that in the CNN model.
# Abstract
With the rapid development in deep learning, deep neural networks have been widely adopted in many real-life natural language applications. Under deep neural networks, a pre-defined vocabulary is required to vectorize text inputs. The canonical approach to select pre-defined vocabulary is based on the word frequency, where a threshold is selected to cut off the long tail distribution. However, we observed that such a simple approach could easily lead to undersized vocabulary or over-sized vocabulary issues. Therefore, we are interested in understanding how the end-task classification accuracy is related to the vocabulary size and what is the minimum required vocabulary size to achieve a specific performance. In this paper, we provide a more sophisticated variational vocabulary dropout (VVD) based on variational dropout to perform vocabulary selection, which can intelligently select the subset of the vocabulary to achieve the required performance. To evaluate different algorithms on the newly proposed vocabulary selection problem, we propose two new metrics: Area Under Accuracy-Vocab Curve and Vocab Size under X % Accuracy Drop. Through extensive experiments on various NLP classification tasks, our variational framework is shown to significantly outperform the frequency-based and other selection baselines on these metrics.
# 1 Introduction
化,而单词嵌入矩阵又假定预定义的词汇集。对于许多 NLP 任务,词汇量很容易达到数万的数量级,这可能会使单词嵌入可训练参数的最大部分。例如,像 AG-news (Zhang et al., 2015)这样的文档分类任务可以包含多达 60K 个唯一单词,嵌人矩阵占 97。6 可训练参数的$\%($ Table 1 ), 这导致神经网络自身参数的表示不足
从直觉上讲,使用完整或非常大的词汇表既不经济,因为它限制了模型在计算或内存受限情况下的适用性$\overline{\mathrm{E}}($Yogatama et al., 2015; Faruqui et al., 2015) , 也不是必需的,因为许多单词可能对最终任务贡献不大,并且可以安全地从词汇表中删除。因此,如何选择最佳词汇是一个理论和实践都感兴趣的问题。有点令人惊讶的是,这个词汇选择问题在文献中基本上没有得到解决:事实上的标准做法是进行基于频率的截止E$( Luong et al. , 2015; Kim$, 2014),并且仅保留比某个阈值(Table 1)更频繁的单词。虽然这个简单的启发式已经证明了强大的经验性能,其任务不可知的性质意味着它可能不是许多任务(或任何任务)的最佳策略。。任务感知的词汇选择策略和不同策略的系统比较仍然缺乏 | [
] | [
"Wenhu Chent, Yu Su , Yilin Shent, Zhiyu Chent, Xifeng Yant, William Wang",
"University of California, Santa Barbara",
"Ohio State University, Columbusi",
"Samsung Research, Moutain Viewt",
"[ wenhuchen,zhiyuchen,xyan,william ↓ [email protected] [email protected]",
"# Emb",
"# CNN",
"With the rapid development in deep learn",
"97.6 %",
"100 %",
"ing, deep neural networks have been widely",
"95.6 %",
"adopted in many real-life natural language",
"13 %",
"94.3 %",
"applications. Under deep neural networks,",
"a pre-defined vocabulary is required to vec-",
"2.7 %",
"to select pre-defined vocabulary is based",
"on the word frequency, where a threshold",
"Table 1:Illustration of the frequency-based vocab-",
"is selected to cut off the longtail distri-",
"ulary selection heuristic on a typical CNN-based",
"bution. However, we observed that such a",
"document classification model (Section 4.1). #",
"simple approach could easily lead to under-",
"sized vocabulary or over-sized vocabulary",
"bedding matrix (256 dimensions), and # CNN is",
"Therefore, we are interested in",
"that in the CNN model.",
"understanding how the end-task classif-",
"cation accuracy is related to the vocab-",
"ulary size and what is the minimum re-",
"quired vocabulary size to achieve a spe-",
"In this paper, we pro-",
"vide a more sophisticated variational vo-",
"cific performance.",
"cabulary dropout (VVD) based on varia-",
"最大部分。例如,像AG-news (Zhang et al.",
"tional dropout to perform vocabulary se-",
"lection, which can intelligently select the",
"subset of the vocabulary to achieve the re-",
"quired performance. To evaluate different",
"algorithms on the newly proposed vocab-",
"ulary selection problem, we propose two",
"new metrics: Area Under Accuracy-Vocab",
"Curve and Vocab Size under X % Accuracy",
"Drop.Through extensive experiments on",
"various NLP classification tasks, our varia-",
"tional framework is shown to significantly",
"outperform the frequency-based and other",
"selection baselines on these metrics.",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "1902.10339",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 0
} |
1902.10339-zh-1 | 1902.10339-zh-1.jpg | 在这项工作中,我们对词汇选择问题进行了首次系统的研究。我们的研究将基于文本分类任务,一个广泛的 NLP 任务系列,包括文档分类(DC),自然语言推理(NLI),对话系统中的自然语言理解(NLU)等。具体来说,我们旨在回答以下问题:
1. How important a role does the vocabulary
selection algorithm play in text classifica-
2. How to dramatically reduce the vocabu-
lary size while retaining the accuracy?
本文的其余部分组织如下:我们首先正式定义了词汇选择问题(subsection 2.1),并对具有不同词汇选择的分类准确性进行了定量研究,以展示其在最终任务中的重要性 (subsection 2.2 )。我们还提出了两个用于评估文本分类任务中词汇选择性能的新指标( subsec- $\tan2.3$ )。然后,我们提出了一种新颖的,具有任务意识的词汇选择算法,称为变体词汇Dropout (VVD) (section 3 ),该算法借鉴了变体 dropout$\underline{\mathrm{E}}($Kingma et al.,2015)的思想:如果我们在给定任务的模型训练期间学习了词汇表$\mathbb{V}$中每个给定单词$w$的退出概率XMATHX 结束 XX 的重要性,。我们建议在贝叶斯推理框架下推断潜在的辍学概率。在测试期间,我们通过仅保留丢失概率低于某个阈值的单词来选择子词汇$\hat{\mathbb{V}}$。对于使用 VVD 取消选择的任何单词,我们将简单地将它们视为具有空向量表示$[0,0,\cdots,0]$的特殊标记。请注意,我们提出的算法需要重新训练单词嵌入矩阵,因此它与 Word2Vec$\underline{\mathrm{E}}($Mikolov et al., 2013)或 Glove$\underline{\mathrm{F}}($Pennington et al.,2014) 等预训练单词嵌人的研究相切,尽管我们可以使用它们来初始化我们的嵌人
我们进行了全面的实验,以评估 VVD (sec- $\operatorname{tion}4$ )在不同末端分类任务上的性能。具体来说,我们与一系列强基线选择算法进行了比较,包括基于频率的算法$\overline{\mathrm{E}}($Luong et al.,2015) , TF-IDF 算法$\overline{\mathrm{E}}($Ramos et al.,2003) 和结构套索算法$\overline{\mathrm{E}}($Friedman et al.,2010) ,并证明它可以始终如一地优于这些竞争算法。为了表明结论被广泛接受,我们的评估基于各种文本分类任务和具有不同神经网络的数据集,包括卷积神经网络(CNN)E(Kim,2014),双向长短期记忆(BiLSTM)$\operatorname{E}($Bahdanau et al.,2014) 和增强的 LSTM (ESIM)$\mathsf{E}($Chen et al., 2017) 。总之,我们的贡献有三个方面:
1. We formally define the vocabulary se-
lection problem, demonstrate its importance, and propose new evaluation metrics for vocabulary selection in text clas-
sification tasks.
2. We propose a novel vocabulary selection
algorithm based on variational dropout by re-formulating text classification under the Bayesian inference framework. The code will be released in Github $^1.$
3. We conduct comprehensive experiments
to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed vocabulary selection algorithm over a number of strong baselines.
# 2 Vocabulary Selection 2.1 Problem Definition
我们现在正式定义问题设置并介绍问题的符号。通常,我们假设神经分类模型通过嵌入矩阵$W\in\mathbb{R}^{V*D}$将离散语言输入向量化为向量表示,其中$V$ 表示词汇表的大小,$D$ 表示向量维。嵌人与预定义的单词到索引字典$\mathbb{V}=\{w_i:i|1\leq i\leq V\}$相关联,其中$w_i$表示与嵌入矩阵中的$i_{th}$行相对应的文字单词。嵌入矩阵$W$涵盖了特定 NLP 任务感兴趣的词汇表的子集,请注意,由于人类语言的丰富变化,$V$的值非常大。在这里,我们展示了 Table 1 中 AG-news 数据集 (Zhang et al., $2015)\text{ 上流行的文本分类模型 }^{2}$的嵌入矩阵大小。从中我们可以很容易地观察到嵌入矩阵通常占据了大部分参数容量,这可能是许多计算资源有限的实际应用中的瓶颈
为了减轻这种冗余问题并使嵌入矩阵尽可能高效,我们特别感兴趣的是发现最小行大小的嵌入$\hat{W}$,以实现与使用全行大小的嵌人$W$ 几乎有希望的性能。更正式地说,我们将问题定义如下:
$$\mathrm{argmin}\#Row(\hat{W})\\\hat{W},\hat{\theta}\\s.t.\quad Acc(f_{\hat{\theta}}(x;\hat{W}),y)-Acc(f_{\theta}(x;W),y)\leq\epsilon $$
其中$\#$ Row 是矩阵$\hat{W}$中的行数,$f_\theta$是具有参数$\theta$的学习神经模型,用于在给定输入$x$的情况下预测类别,Acc是测量模型预测和XMATHX 之间。值得注意的是,这里$\theta$包含了神经网络除嵌入矩阵$W$之外的所有参数集。对于每种词汇选择算法$\mathcal{A}$ ,我们建议绘制其特征曲线$Acc( f_{\hat{\theta } }( x; \hat{W} ) , y) = g_{\mathcal{A} }( \# Row( \hat{W} ) )$ , 以了解词汇容量与分类准确性之间的关系,我们在整个论文中将其称为(特征)准确性-词汇曲线
${^{1}\mathrm{https://git}}$ Variational- Vocabulary- Selection.git
cnn-text-classification-tf | [
] | [
"sification tasks.",
"2. We propose a novel vocabulary selection",
"algorithm based on variational dropout",
"by re-formulating text classification under",
"the Bayesian inference framework. The",
"code will be released in Github 1",
"1. How important a role does the vocabulary",
"3.We conduct comprehensive experiments",
"to demonstrate the superiority of the pro-",
"selection algorithm play in text classifica-",
"posed vocabulary selection algorithm over",
"a number of strong baselines.",
"2. How to dramatically reduce the vocabu",
"lary size while retaining the accuracy?",
"Vocabulary Selection",
"Problem Definition",
"示与嵌入矩阵中的 ith行相对应的文字单词。",
"2013)或GloveE(Pennington etal.,2014)等",
"s.t. Acc(fe(α; W),y) -Acc(fe(a; W),y) ≤e",
"期记忆(BiLSTM)E(Bahdanau etal.,2014)",
"1. We formally define the vocabulary se",
"lection problem, demonstrate its impor-",
"tance, and propose new evaluation met-",
"rics for vocabulary selection in text clas-",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "1902.10339",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 1
} |
1902.10339-zh-2 | 1902.10339-zh-2.jpg | <FigureHere>
Figure 1: Monte-Carlo simulation on vocabulary selection. Left: CNN-based document classification on AG-news dataset. Middle: Natural language understanding on Snips dataset. Right: Metrics for vocabulary selection.
2.2 Importance of Vocabulary Selection
为了研究词汇选择算法所起作用的重要性,我们设计了一种蒙特卡洛模拟策略,以近似估计可能的选择算法$\mathcal{A}$所达到的给定词汇大小的准确性下限和上限。更具体地说,对于$\hat{V}$ 的给定词汇量,存在$\binom V{\hat{V}}$算法,该算法可以从完整词汇表$\mathbb{V}$中选择不同的词汇表子集$\hat{\mathbb{V}}$ 。直接列举这些可能性是不可能的,我们建议使用蒙特卡洛词汇选择策略,该策略可以随机选择词汇子集$\hat{\mathbb{V}}$ ,通过运行 N 次来模拟可能的选择算法。仿真后,我们在每个给定的$\hat{V}$ 处获得了各种点估计$(Acc_1,\cdots,Acc_N|\hat{V})$ ,并在$\boxed{\mathrm{F}}$Figure 1 中描绘了点估计,以近似可视化精度-vocab 曲线的上限和下限。从EFigure 1中,我们可以很容易地观察到,在有限的词汇量下精度范围极大,当预算$\hat{V}$增加时,差距逐渐缩小。例如,对于预算为 1000 的文档分类,选择算法$\mathcal{A}$可以产生从 42.5 到 85.1 的潜在准确性,而对于预算为 27 的自然语言理解任务,选择算法$\mathcal{A}$可以产生从 33.2 到 80.1的潜在准确性。这样的蒙特卡洛模拟研究证明了 NLP 任务中词汇选择策略的重要性,也暗示了最佳词汇选择算法的巨大潜力
### 2.3 Evaluation Metrics
为了评估给定的选择算法$\mathcal{A}$的性能如何,我们通过定量研究其特征精度-vocab 曲线,提出了$\boxed{\mathrm{E}}$Figure 1 中描述的评估指标。这些指标, 即曲线下面积(AUC)和 Vocab@-X% 分别测量全局和局部的词汇选择性能。具体来说, AUC 通过曲线计算封闭区域,该曲线概述了词汇选择算法的执行情况。相比之下,如果允许 X% 性能下降,Vocab@-X% 会计算所需的最小词汇量,这直接表示实现给定精度所需的词汇量。对于本地评估指标,我们主要考虑Vocab@-3% 和 Vocab@-5%。但是,我们观察到直接计算 AUC 过于强调大词汇量区域,因此无法表示低词汇量条件下算法的选择能力。因此,我们建议取词汇表大小的对数,然后通
$$AUC=\frac{\int_{\hat V}Acc(\log(\hat V))d\log(\hat V)}{\int_{\hat V}Acc(V)d\log(\hat V)}$$
值得注意的是,Vocab@-X% 从范围$[0,V]$ 中取值较小的值表示性能更好。由于 AUC 由$\operatorname{Acc}($V)归一化,因此无论分类错误如何,它都从范围[0,1]取值
### 3 Our Method
受 DNNdropout$\underline{\mathrm{E}}($Srivastava et al.,2014; Wang and Manning, 2013)的启发,我们建议从单词级 dropout 的角度解决词汇选择问题,其中我们假设每个单词$w_i$ (整数索引)与其特征丢失率$p_i$相关联,代表被空占位符替换的可能性,具体来说,较高的丢失概率表示从词汇表中删除它所遭受的损失较少。因此, 可以将$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$Equation 1 中的原始优化问题视为推断潜在的丢失概率向量$p=[p_1,\cdots,p_V]$ 。我们的哲学概述在 Figure 2 中进行了描述,我们将嵌入矩阵的每一行与一个丢失概率相关联,然后重新训练整个系统,该系统掌握词汇表中每个单词对最终 NLP 任务的贡献,并从词汇表中删除那些“贡献较小”的单词,而不会影响性能
Figure 2: Variational dropout in classification models,“New”and“What”can be safely removed without harming performance due to large dropout probability.
3.1 Bernouli Dropout
这里我们首先假设神经网络使用嵌入矩阵$W$ 对离散输入进行矢量化,以将给定的单词$x$ | [
] | [
"Evaluation Metrics",
"Figure 1: Monte-Carlo simulation on vocabulary selection. Left: CNN-based document classification",
"on AG-news dataset. Middle: Natural language understanding on Snips dataset. Right: Metrics for",
"vocabulary selection.",
"Importance of Vocabulary Selection",
"Jv Acc(log(V)d log(V)",
"Je Acc(V)d log(V)",
"Our Method",
"受 DNNdropoutE(Srivastava et al.,2014",
"Evaluation Metrics",
"Figure 2:",
"Variational dropout in classification",
"models, \"New\" and \"What\" can be safely removed",
"without harming performance due to large dropout",
"Bernouli Dropout",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "1902.10339",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 2
} |
1902.10339-zh-3 | 1902.10339-zh-3.jpg | 失噪声添加到嵌入输入中,以模拟如下所示的丢失过程:。在采样的 Bernouli 向量 $b$ 下, 使用给定的嵌入矩阵$W$计算嵌入输出向量$E(x|\boldsymbol{b})$。为了在贝叶斯框架下推断具有参数$p$的潜在 Bernouli 分布,其中给出了训练对$(x=x_1\cdots x_n,y)$作为证据,我们首先将目标函数定义为$\mathcal{L}(f_\theta(\boldsymbol{x}),y)$ ,然后得出其下界如下(使用$\bar{p}=1-\boldsymbol{p}$ ):。这里我们使用$E(\boldsymbol{x})$作为$\left\{E(x_{1}),\cdots,E(x_{n})\right\}$的简化形式,我们将文本分类模型的参数$\theta$与嵌入参数$W$分开,并假设分类模型$f_\theta$直接将嵌人$E$作为输入。
## 3.2 Gaussian Relaxation
但是,Bernouli 分布很难重新参数化,我们需要枚举$2^V$个不同的值来计算随机丢失向量 $b$ 上的期望值。因此,我们遵循$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$Wang and Manning (2013)使用连续高斯近似,其中Bernouli 噪声$b$被高斯噪声$z$代替:
$$E(x|z)=(\boldsymbol{z}\odot\mathrm{OneHot}(x))\cdot W$$
其中$z\in\mathbb{R}^V$服从高斯分布$z_i\sim\mathcal{N}(1,\alpha_i=$ $\alpha$是$p$的单调递增函数。有关更多详细信息, 请参阅 Wang and Manning (2013) 。基于这种近似,我们可以使用$\alpha$作为退出标准,例如。g。扔掉$\alpha$高于某个给定阈值$\alpha_T$的单词。我们进一步遵循$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$Louizos et al. (2017); Kingma et al. (2015); Molchanov et al. (2017)将输入噪声重新解释为嵌入权重$B$本身的内在随机性,如下所示:
$$E(x|z)=\operatorname{OneHot}(x)\cdot B$$
其中$B\in\mathbb{R}^V*D$遵循多变量高斯分布$B_ij\sim$ $\mathcal{N} ( \mu _{ij}= W_{ij}, \sigma _{ij}^{2}= \alpha _{i}W_{ij}^{2})$ ,其中每行中的随机权重具有固定的方差/均值比 MAX9。因此, 我们将证据下界重写如下:
数$\mu$和$\sigma$的高斯近似后验。$\mathcal{L}(B,\theta)$被用作 评估 VVD 选择算法在深度学习体系结构中的边际对数似然$\log\mathcal{L}(f_\theta(\underline{x}),y))$的松弛证据下 泛化能力,我们研究了其在不同的已建立体系界。在这里,我们遵循$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$Kingma et al.(2015); 结构下的性能 (在$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$Figure 3 中进行了描述)。Louizos et al.(2017)选择先验分布$\mathcal{P}(B)$作 在自然语言理解中,我们使用最新的基于注为“不适当的对数缩放均匀分布”,以保证正 意力的模型进行意图跟踪$\overline{\mathrm{F}}($Goo et al., 2018) 则化项$D_{KL}(\mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma)||\mathcal{P}(B))$仅取决于丢失率 ,该模型首先使用 BiLSTM 递归网络利用从
投影到向量空间$\mathbb{R}^D$中,然后建议将随机丢$\alpha$ ,i。e。与$\mu$无关。形式上,我们将先验分
由于这种 KL 散度不存在封闭形式的表达式, 因此我们遵循$\boxed{\mathrm{E}}$Louizos et al. (2017) 通过以下最小方差公式对其进行近似:
$$D_{KL}=-k_{1}\sigma(k_{2}+k_{3}\log\alpha)+\frac{1}{2}\log(1+\frac{1}{\alpha})+k_{1}\\k_{1}=0.63576\quad k_{2}=1.87320\quad k_{3}=1.48695$$
通过采用不适当的对数均匀先验,更多的权重被压缩为零,并且 KL-散度与辍学率 α负相关。直观上,丢失率$\alpha_i$是词汇表中$i_th$单词的冗余指标,较大的$\alpha_i$表示因删除$i_{th}$单词而导致的性能损失较小。在训练过程中,我们使用重新参数化技巧$\mathbb{E}($Kingma and Welling, 2013)从正态分布中采样嵌人权重,以减少贝叶斯训练中的蒙特卡洛方差。
3.3 Vocabulary Selection
共 | $x- \frac {p_i}{1- p_i})$ 。值 得 注 意 的 是 , $\alpha$ 和 $p$ 是 一 一 对 应 的 , 优 化 后 , 我 们 可 以 获 得 与 每 个 单 词 $w_i$ 关 联 的 $\frac {p_i}{1- p_i})$ 。值 得 注 意 的 是 , $\alpha$ 和 $p$ 是 一 一 对 应 的 , 优 化 后 , 我 们 可 以 获 得 与 每 个 单 词 $w_i$ 关 联 的 $x_i$ ${\:}$ $x_i$ ${\:}{\:}$ $x_i{\:}{\:}{\:}$ $x_i{\:}{\:}{\:}$
退出率$\alpha_i$ 。我们建议使用阈值$\alpha_T$根据辍学率选择词汇子集。因此,剩余的词汇子集描述如下:
$$\hat{\mathbb{V}}=\{w_i\in V|\alpha_i<\alpha_T\}$$
其中我们使用$\hat{\mathbb{V}}$ 来表示感兴趣的子集词汇,通过调整$\alpha_T$,我们能够控制所选词汇的大小
## 4 Experiments
4.1 Datasets $\&$ Architectures
我们正在使用的主要数据集在$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$Table 2 中列出,它提供了其描述和容量的概述。具体来说, 我们按照(Zhang et al.,2015; Goo et al.,2018; Williams et al., 2018) 对文档分类数据集、自然语言理解数据集和自然语言推理数据集进行预处理。我们完全复制他们的实验设置,使我们的方法与他们的方法相当。我们的模型是用TensorFlow (Abadi et al., 2015) 实现的 为了 | [
] | [
"P(log|B=l) = const→P(Bul) αB_ (5)",
"p的潜在Bernouli 分布,其中给出了训练对",
"DkL =-kio(k2 + ks loga) +",
" log(1 + ) + ki",
"3.2Gaussian Relaxation",
"E(αz)= (z@ OneHot(r))-W",
"3.3Vocabulary Selection",
"V= (wiE Vlai<ar)",
"et al.(2015);Molchanov etal.(2017)将输人",
"E(z) =OneHot(r)B",
"4.1Datasets & Architectures",
"我们正在使用的主要数据集在ETable 2中列",
"log C(fe(α), y) = log",
"≥B~μ,。)[log C(fo(E(a|2),y)] - KL(N(u,0)P(B))",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "1902.10339",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 3
} |
1902.10339-zh-4 | 1902.10339-zh-4.jpg | <table>
<th>$\#$ Train</th>
<td>ATIS- flight Tur et al. 2010</td>
<td rowspan="2">$NLU$</td>
<td rowspan="2">Classify Airline Travel dialog Classify inputs to personal voice assistant</td>
<td>Snips Coucke et al. , 2018</td>
<td>AG- news $^{\prime }$Zhang et al. . 2015) </td>
<td> </td>
<td>Categories: : World, Sports, etc</td>
<td>DBPedia (Lehmann et al., 2015</td>
<td>111 </td>
<td>Cate cories Compa Athlete Album. etc</td>
<td>Sogou-news Zhang et al. , 2015</td>
<td>Cate lechnolog porles snnr etc</td>
<td>Yelp- review (Zhang et al., 2015)</td>
<td> </td>
<td>Categories: Review Ratings (1-5)</td>
<td>SNLI (Bowman et al.. .2015</td>
<td rowspan="2">$NLI$</td>
<td>Entailment: Contradict, Neutral,Entail</td>
<td>MNLI Williams et al., 2018</td>
<td>Multi-Genre Entailment</td>
Table 2: An overview of different datasets under different classification tasks including description and
Figure 3: The neural network architecture overview of different NLP tasks.
TF-IDF (task-agnostic) 该算法将词汇选择视为检索问题$\overline{\mathrm{E}}($Ramos et al.,2003),其中术语频率被视为单词频率,文档频率被视为出现该单词的句子数。在这里,我们遵循规范的TF-IDF 方法来计算检索分数,如下所示:
左到右和从右到左的上下文信息来形成隐藏表示,然后计算自我注意权重以聚合隐藏表示并预测用户意图。在文档分类中,我们主要遵循 CNN 架构$\overline{\mathrm{E}}($Kim,2014) 来提取 n-gram 特征,然后聚合这些特征以预测文档类别。在自然语言推理中,我们遵循流行的 ESIM 架构E (Williams et al., 2018; Chen et al., 2017) 使用Github 实现$^{3}$。在此结构中,使用三个主要组件输入编码,局部推理建模和推理组合来执行顺序推理和组合,以模拟前提与假设之间的交互。请注意,我们不应用(Chen et al.,2017) 中提出的基于语法树的 LSTM, 因为我们在词汇压缩后丢失了解析树(Klein and Manning, 2003),相反,我们遵循更简单的顺序 LSTM 框架,没有任何语法解析作为输入。此外,准确性曲线是使用公开可用的测试拆分而不是官方在线评估获得的,因为我们需要在不同的词汇量下进行多次评估
其中$tf(w)$表示单词频率,$\lambda$是平衡因子,$N$ 表示句子数,$n_w$表示出现$w$的句子数。我们根据tfidf对整个词汇进行排名,并在给定的阈值处截止。
Group Lasso (task-aware) 此基线旨在通过对每行单词嵌入进行分组来找到内在的稀疏结构$\operatorname{E}($Liu et al., 2015; Park et al., 2016; Wen et al.,2016) 。正则化目标描述如下,旨在找到行式稀疏结构:
## 4.2 Baselines
## 在这里我们主要考虑以下基线:
经过上述正则化优化后,我们在嵌入矩阵的行范数上使用基于阈值的选择策略,所选词汇描述为$\hat{\mathbb{V}}=\{w_i\in\mathbb{V}|||W_i||_2>\beta_T\}$ ,其中$\beta_T$是阈值。
Frequency-based (task-agnostic) 这种方法已经在$\overline{\mathrm{Esection~1~中广泛讨论过,其基本思想}}$ 是根据其频率对单词进行排序,然后设置阈值以切断长尾分布。
## 4.3 Experimental Results
在这里,我们分别在 XX5 中展示了我们在自然语言理解,文档分类和从这些表中,首
$^{3}$ | [
] | [
"# Class",
"# Test",
"ATIS-fight (Tur et al.. 2010)",
"Classify Airline Travel dialog",
"Classify inputs to personal voice assistant",
"Snips (Coucke et al., 2018)",
"AG-news (Zhang et al., 2015)",
"Categories: World, Sports, etc",
"DBPedia (Lehmann et al., 2015)",
"Categories: Company, Athlete, Album, etc",
"Sogou-news (Zhang et al., 2015)",
"Categories: Sports, Technology, etc",
"Categories: Review Ratings (1-5)",
"Yelp-review (Zhang et al., 2015)",
"SNLI (Bowman et al., 2015)",
"Entailment: Contradict,Neutral,Entail",
"MNLI (Williams et al., 2018)",
"Multi-Genre Entailment",
"Table 2: An overview of different datasets under different classification tasks including description and",
"Natural Language Understanding",
"Document Classification",
"Natural Language Inference",
"Inference CompositionEntailmenty",
"Intent Attention",
"Convolution Network",
"Figure 3: The neural network architecture overview of different NLP tasks.",
"视为检索问题E(Ramos etal.,2003),其中",
"tfid(u, D) =t(u)**(log )",
"(Williams et al., 2018; Chen et al.,2017)使用",
"汇压缩后丢失了解析树(Klein and Manning",
"构E(Liu et al., 2015: Park et al., 2016: Wen",
"Creg =E(we)2",
"Experimental Results",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "1902.10339",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 4
} |
2104.07452-zh-1 | 2104.07452-zh-1.jpg | Audio-Driven Emotional Video Portraits
Figure 1: Audio-Driven Emotional Video Portraits. Given an audio clip and a target video, our Emotional Video Portraits (EVP) approach is capable of generating emotion-controllable talking portraits and change the emotion of them smoothly by interpolating at the latent space. (a) Generated video portraits with the same speech content but different emotions (i.e., contempt and sad). (b) Linear interpolation of the learned latent representation of emotions from sad to happy.
coupled spaces, i.e., a duration-independent emotion space and a duration-dependent content space. With the disentangled features, dynamic 2D emotional facial landmarks can be deduced. Then we propose the Target-Adaptive Face Synthesis technique to generate the final high-quality video portraits, by bridging the gap between the deduced landmarks and the natural head poses of target videos. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Despite previous success in generating audio-driven talking heads, most of the previous studies focus on the correlation between speech content and the mouth shape. Facial emotion, which is one of the most important features on natural human faces, is always neglected in their methods. In this work, we present $\bar{\text{Emotional Video Portraits (EVP), a system for syn-}}$ thesizing high-quality video portraits with vivid emotional dynamics driven by audios. Specifically, we propose the Cross-Reconstructed Emotion Disentanglement technique to decompose speech into two de-
$^{1}$All materials are available at
projects/evp/ . | [
] | [
"Audio-Driven Emotional Video Portraits",
"Iro l pal",
"audiocip anda:tar",
"(EVP) approach is capable of generating emotion-controllable talking portraits and change the emotion of them smoothly",
"by interpolating at the latent space. (a) Generated video portraits with the same speech content but different emotions",
"(i.e., contempt and sad). (b) Linear interpolation of the learned latent representation of emotions from sad to happy.",
"coupled spaces, i.e., a duration-independent emotion",
"space and a duration-dependent content space.With",
"the disentangled features, dynamic 2D emotional fa-",
"Despite previous success in generating audio-driven",
"cial landmarks can be deduced. Then we propose the",
"talking heads, most of the previous studies focus on",
"the correlation between speech content and the mouth",
"the final high-quality video portraits, by bridging the",
"shape.Facial emotion,whichis oneofthemostim-",
"gap between the deduced landmarks and the natural",
"portant features on natural human faces, is always ne-",
"head poses of target videos.Extensive experiments",
"glected in their methods.In this work, we present",
"demonstrate the effectiveness of our method both qual-",
"Emotional Video Portraits (EVP), a system for syn-",
"thesizing high-quality video portraits with vivid emo-",
"tional dynamics driven by audios. Specifically, we",
"propose the Cross-Reconstructed Emotion Disentan-",
"1All materials are available at",
"glement technique to decompose speech into two de-",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2104.07452",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 1
} |
2104.07452-zh-2 | 2104.07452-zh-2.jpg | # 1. Introduction
生成音频驱动的照片般逼真的肖像视频对于多媒体应用程序非常需要,例如电影制作$\mathbb{E}[22]$ ,远程呈现E [2] 和数字人类动画$\mathbb{E}[25,14,48]$。以前的作品已经探索了生成会说话的头部或肖像,其嘴唇运动与输入的语音内容同步。通常,这些技术可以分为两类:1)基于图像的方法,可以对一帧或几帧裁剪的人脸进行动画处理$\boxed{\mathbb{E}[11,45,33,9,29,47,7]}$ ,以及 2) 基于视频的编辑方法,可以直接编辑目标视频剪辑$\boxed{\mathrm{E}}[34,32,35,42]$ 。尽管如此,以前的大多数研究都没有对情感进行建模,情感是肖像自然主义的关键因素。
只有少数基于图像的作品讨论了会说话的头部生成中的情感信息。由于缺乏带有情感注释的适当视听数据集,Vougioukas 等人。[36]不明确建模情绪。只需将情感和音频内容信息编码为单个功能,它们就会产生低质量的初步结果。最近,Wang 等人。[37] 收集MEAD 数据集,其中包含高质量的会说话的头部视频, 带有情感类别和强度的注释。然后,他们将情绪设置为一热条件,以控制生成的面孔。然而,所有这些基于图像的方法仅渲染具有固定甚至没有背景的轻微头部运动,使得它们在大多数现实世界场景中不切实际
然而,基于视频的编辑方法,如[34,15,32,35,42] 中讨论的更适用,没有考虑情绪控制。他们中的大多数人只编辑嘴巴,并保持视频肖像的上半部分不变,从而无法获得自由的情绪控制
为了应对上述挑战,我们设法在拟议的情感视频肖像系统中实现了基于音频的情感控制,该系统具有两个关键组件,即交叉重建的情感消除纠缠和目标自适应面部合成。为了对生成的肖像进行情感控制,我们首先提出了音频上的交叉重建情感去纠缠技术,以提取两个单独的潜在空间:i) 与持续时间无关的空间,它是情感的内容不可知编码;ii) 与持续时间相关的空间, 它对音频的语音内容进行编码。一旦提取,来自这些潜在空间的特征将被重新组合以产生新的音频表示,从而允许计算和优化交叉重建损失。但是,为了实现交叉重建训练,应提供具有相同内容但具有相同长度的不同情绪的成对句子。这在现实世界的场景中几乎是无法实现的。为此,我们采用时间序列分析中的经典算法动态时间规整(DTW)$\mathbb{E}[3]$来帮助形成对齐的不均匀长度语音语料库的伪训练对遵循先前的方法$\mathbb{E} [ 34, 9]$ , 然后引人具有分解特征的音频到地标动画模块,以推导情感 2D 地标动态。由于音频中没有提供姿势信息
因此在生成的地标与目标视频中头部姿势和运动的大差异之间存在差距。为此,我们提出了目标自适应人脸合成技术来弥合 3D 空间中推断的地标和目标视频肖像之间的姿态差距。通过精心设计的 3D 感知关键点对齐算法,我们能够将 2D 地标投影到目标视频中。最后,我们训练一个边缘到视频翻译网络,以生成最终的高质量情感视频肖像。大量实验证明了我们方法的优越性能和几个关键部件的有效性
$\bullet$ We propose the Emotional Video Portraits (EVP)
system, which is the frst attempt to achieve emotional control in video-based editing talking face generation methods.
$\bullet$ We introduce Cross-Reconstructed Emotion Dis-
entanglement technique, to distill content-agnostic
emotion features for free control.
$\bullet$ We introduce Target-Adaptive Face Synthesis, to
synthesize high quality portrait by making the generated face adapt to the target video with natural head poses and movements.
## 2. Related Work
$2. 1. \textbf{ Audio- Driven Talking Face Generation}$
音频驱动的说话人生成任务旨在合成由音频驱动的说话人的口型同步视频。它是娱乐领域要求很高的话题,因此长期以来一直是计算机视觉和计算机图形学领域的研究兴趣[4,21,11,38,34,45,33,49,8,9,35, 29, 47, 37, 6, 46, 42] 。我们可以根据这些方法在结果可视化方面的差异将其分为两类
基于图像的方法。一种类型的模型侧重于以一个或多个帧作为身份参考来驱动裁剪的面部区域。Chung 等人。[11] 首次提出以图像到图像转换的方式生成口型同步视频 [19] 方式。ThenZhouetal。[45] 和 Song 等人。$\mathbb{E}[33]$使用解开的视听表示和递归神经网络来改善其结果。此外,Chen 等人。[9] 利用地标作为中间表示 , 并将流程分为两个阶段。但是,这些方法只能保证生成的嘴巴和音频之间的同步。结果几乎没有任何表情或头部动作。Zhouetal。[47]成功地产生了与身份相关的头部运动,但他们的模型也未能控制情绪
至于情感说话的面孔,Vougioukas 等人。[36] 采用三个分离的鉴别器,分别增强合成细节、同步和真实表达。然而,他们的实验是在有限的规模上进行的。最近,Wang 等人。[37] 提出了 MEAD 数据集,并建议通过分别对面部的上部和下部进行拆分操作来生成情绪说话的面孔。然而,他们的结果不太现实,仅限于面部区域
基于视频的编辑方法。全帧视频肖像不仅包含面部区域,还包含人的颈部和肩部以及背景。毫无疑问,这种设置更现实,但更难重建。因此,大多数方法仅编辑嘴部区域。Suwajanakorn 等人。[34] 通过将音频训练到具 | [
] | [
": We propose the Emotional Video Portraits (EVP)",
"system, which is the first attempt to achieve emo",
"tional control in video-based editing talking face",
"generation methods.",
": We introduce Cross-Reconstructed Emotion Dis-",
"entanglement technique, to distill content-agnostic",
"emotion features for free control.",
". We introduce Target-Adaptive Face Synthesis, to",
"synthesize high quality portrait by making the",
"generated face adapt to the target video with nat-",
"ural head poses and movements.",
"2. Related Work",
"2.1. Audio-Driven Talking Face Generation",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2104.07452",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 2
} |
2104.07452-zh-4 | 2104.07452-zh-4.jpg | 具体来说,我们使用梅尔频率倒谱系数(MFCC)[26] 作为音频表示,并使用动态时序扭曲(DTW)$\mathbb{E}[3]$算法通过沿时间维度拉伸或收缩 MFCC 特征向量来扭曲它们。给定两个内容相同但长度不同的 MFCC 序列$S_a$和$S_b$ , DTW 通过动态编程计算一组索引坐标对$\{ ( i, j) , . . . \}$ , 以强制$S_a[i]$和$S_b[j]$相似。给定序列之间的最佳匹配是通过最小化对齐的 MFCC 特征之间的距离成本的总和来实现的:
$$\min\sum\limits_{(i,j)\in P}d(\boldsymbol{S}_{a}[i],\boldsymbol{S}_{b}[j]),$$
其中$d$是距离成本,$P$是对齐的路径。路径约束是,在$( i, j)$ ,有效的步骤是$( i+ 1, j)$ $, ( i, j+ 1)$ 和$(i+1,j+1)$ ,确保每次至少有一个信号的对齐总是向前移动。然后,这些对齐的音频样本可以用作解纠缠网络的输入, 以进行交叉重建
Cross-Reconstructed Training. 交叉重建的训练过程如图。3。为了独立提取情感和内容信息位于具有内容$i$和情感$m$的音频剪辑$x_i,m$中,利用两个编码器$E_c$和$E_e$分别嵌人这两个信息。直观地,当两个表示完全解开时,我们可以使用来自音频剪辑$x_i,m$和$x_{j,n}$ 的内容嵌人$E_c(x_{i,m})$和情感嵌人$E_c(x_{j,n})$中的信息, 从解码器$D$重建剪辑$x_i,n$ 。通过利用我们之前构建的伪训练对,我们引人了两个新的样本$x_i,n,x_{j,m}$作为重建过程的监督。由于每个样本只能提供一种有利于交叉重建的信息,因此最终可以实现解纠缠
我们使用损失函数来监督训练过程,该损失函数包括四个部分:交叉重建损失,自我重建损失,分类损失和内容损失。给定四个音频样本$x_i,m,x_{j,n},x_{j,m},x_{i,n}$, 我们将交叉重建损失表示为:
为了鼓励$E_e$将具有相同情感类型的样本映射到潜在空间中的聚类组中,我们为情感嵌人添加了一个分类器$C_e$ ,并添加了一个额外的分类损失,定义为:
$$L_{cla}=-\sum_{k=1}^N(p_k*\log q_k).$$
这里,$N$表示不同情感类型的数量,$p_k$表示样本是否采用 4 情感。此外,我们还约束具有相同话语的样本以共享相似的内容嵌人:
## $3. 3. \textbf{ Target- Adaptive Face Synthesis}$
为了生成输入肖像的照片般逼真的面部动画,我们首先在[34,9]之后引人了一个音频到地标网络,该网络可以从解开的音频嵌入中预测地标运动。之后,基于视频的编辑方法通常对记录在目标人物上的目标视频剪辑执行面部编辑。但是,这将在我们的环境中带来两个挑战,这些挑战会改变整个脸部,而不仅仅是嘴巴: 1)头部姿势的错位。预测的地标的头部运动可能与目标视频严重不同,并且在音频中几乎没有提供任何姿势信息。2) 在合成高保真度结果的同时,难以将编辑后的人脸与目标视频混合。为了应对此类挑战,我们提出了 3D 感知关键点对齐算法,以将我们生成的地标与3D 空间中的引导地标对齐。然后,我们建议将生成的地标与目标图像的边缘图合并。他们两个一起可以作为指导,以训练边缘到视频翻译网络的最终结果
音频到地标模块。我们的第一个目标是从情感音频剪辑中学习地标位移,因此需要面部形状或来自对齐的地标$l_a$的身份信息保持不变。因此,我们使用多层感知器 ( MLP) 提取嵌人 $f_a$ 的地标标识,如图$\color{red}{\mathrm{E}}\color{blue}{\mathrm{E}}\color{red}{\mathrm{E}}\color{red}{\mathrm{E}}\color{red}{\mathrm{E}}\color{red}{\mathrm{E}}\color{red}{\mathrm{E}}\color{red}{\mathrm{E}}\color{red}{\mathrm{E}}\color{red}{\mathrm{E}}\color{red}{\mathrm{E}} {array}$ 然后将$f_a$与两个解开的音频嵌入$E_c(x)$和$E_e(x)$一起发送到音频到地标模块。音频到地标模块通过长短期记忆(LSTM)网络预测地标位移$l_d$ ,然后是两层$MLP$
???D 感知关键点对齐。为了对齐头部姿势,我们首先使用现成的方法对目标视频进行地标检测$\mathbb{E}[43]$。然后我们在 3D 空间中操作,其中明确定义了姿势信息。利用参数化三维人脸模型[5]解决非线性优化问题,从二维地标的三维参数恢复。利用 3D 几何和表达式参数,我们得到了一组姿态不变的 3D 地标$L_p^{3d}$(有关详细信息,请参阅补充)。姿态参数$p$包含一个$3\times3$ 旋转矩阵$R$ 、2 个平移系数$t$和 1 个缩放系数$s$ 。通过将预测地标的姿态参数替换为目标视频(R_t,t_t,s_t) 中检测到的姿态参数,我们获得了适应的 3D 关键点, 然后将它们投影到具有比例正投影的图像平面:
其中$l_p$是投影的 2D 地标,$Pr$是正投影矩阵$\left(\begin{array}{lll}{1}&{0}&{0}\\{0}&{1}&{0}\\\end{array}\right)$。由于几何和表情参数保持不变,因此投影的地标$l_p$自然地与预测的地标共享一致的身份和面部表情。同时将头部姿势、比例和位置设置为与目标视频帧中的面部相同 | [
] | [
"Ldis=Leross +Lself +AclaLcla +AconLcon,(6)",
"[(i,j),..],以强制Sa[i]和Sb[i] 相似。给定序列之间",
"3.3. Target-Adaptive Face Synthesis",
"min d(Sa[i], Sb[i]),",
"Lcross = ID(Ec(i,m), Ee(j,n)) -Li,nll2",
"La =- 2 = Ila + la- l2.",
"Lself = D(E(cim),Ee(ri,m)) -Ci,mll2",
"+ ID(Ee(ajn),Ee(ajn)) -Cj,nll2.",
"Lela = - (pis * og qk).",
"Ip = St * Pr *Rt* L3d + tt,",
"Lcon = IEe(rkm)-E(ck,n)ll1:",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2104.07452",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 4
} |
2305.19588-zh-1 | 2305.19588-zh-1.jpg | # 积极的因果结构学习与建议
National University of Singapore
Themis Gouleakis
National University of Singapore
Arnab Bhattacharyya
National University of Singapore
We introduce the problem of active causal structure learning with advice. In the typical well-studied setting, the learning algorithm is given the essential graph for the observational distribution and is asked to recover the underlying causal directed acyclic graph (DAG) $G^*$ while minimizing the number of interventions made. In our setting, we are additionally given side information about $G^*$ as advice, e.g. a DAG $G$ purported to be $G^*.$ We ask whether the learning algorithm can benefit from the advice when it is close to being correct, while still having worst-case guarantees even when the advice is arbitrarily bad. Our work is in the same space as the growing body of research on algorithms with predictions. When the advice is a DAG $G$ , we design an adaptive search algorithm to recover $G^*$ whose intervention cost is at most $\mathcal{O}(\max\{1,\log\psi\})$ times the cost for verifying $G^*;$ here, $\psi$ is a distance measure between $G$ and $G^*$ that is upper bounded by the number of variables $n$ ,and is exactly 0 when $G=G^*.$ Our approximation factor matches the state-of-the-art for the advice-less setting.
# 1 Introduction
$n$ 变量的集合$V$ 上的因果有向无环图是贝叶斯网络,其中边模型直接因果效应。因果 DAG 不仅可以用来推断$V$ 的观测分布,还可以用来推断对变量$V^{\prime}\subseteq V$ 的任何子集进行任何干预的结果。在这项工作中,我们将自己限制在因果关系充分的环境中,在该环境中,没有潜在的混杂因素,没有选择偏差,也没有数据缺失
因果结构学习的目标是从数据中恢复底层 DAG。这是一个重要的问题,在多个领域的应用,包括哲学,医学,生物学,遗传学和计量经济学[Rei56, Hoo90, KWJ$^+04$, Woo05, RW06, ES07, SC17, RHT$^+17$,POS$^+18]$ 。不幸的是,一般来说,众所周知,观测数据只能将因果 DAG 恢复到等价类 [Pea09, SGSH00]。因此,如果要避免对因果机制进行参数假设,唯一的办法是从干预 [EGS05, EGS06, Ebe10] 获得实验数据。
这样的考虑激发了介人设计的问题,其中任务是找到一组足以恢复因果 DAG 的最佳成本的介人。最近有一系列的工作在各种假设下研究这个问题[HG08, HLV14, SKDV15, KDV17, LKDV18, GKS+19, SMG+20 CSB22,CS23] 。特别是,假设因果充分,[CSB22] 给出了一种自适应算法,该算法主动生成有界大小的干预序列,因此干预总数最多是$\mathcal{O}(\log n)$倍的最佳
通常,在因果结构学习的大多数应用中,都有领域专家和从业者可以提供有关因果关系的其他“建议”。实际上,研究如何将专家建议纳人因果图发现过程的工作很长;e。g。请参见 [Mee95a, SSG+98, DCJ11, FNB+11] LB18, ASC20, FH20] 。在这项工作中,我们以一种有原则的方式研究了如何使用所谓的专家建议可以改进介人设计的算法
在讨论我们的具体贡献之前,让我们以具有实际重要性的具体问题为基础进行上述讨论。在现代虚拟化基础架构中,将应用程序模块化为大量相互依赖的微服务越来越普遍。这些微服务以依赖于应用程序代码和触发用户流的方式相互通信。至关重要的是,平台提供商通常不知道微服务之间的通信图,因为应用程序代码可能是私有的并且属于不同的实体。但是,了解该图对于各种关键的平台级任务很有用,例如故障定位 [ZPX+19] , $主动探测[TJG^+19] ,测试[JBT^+19] 和污点分析 [CLO07] 。最近,[WAJ^+23] 和 [ICM^+22] 建议将微服务通$ 信图视为稀疏因果 DAG。特别是,[WAJ+23] 表明,可以在暂存环境中将任意干预实现为故障注人,因此可以部署因果结构学习算法来生成足以学习底层通信图的干预序列。在这样的设置中,很自然地假设平台提供商已经对图形有了近似的猜测,例如。g。在先前运行的算法中发现的图或由公共元数据标记微服务代码建议的图。我们提出的研究计划是设计因果结构学习算法,可以利用这种可能不完美的建议$^{1}$
$^{1}$Note however that the system in [WAJ+23] is not causally sufficient due to confounding user behavior and [ICM+22] does
not actively perform interventions. So, the algorithm proposed in this work cannot be used directly for the microservices graph
learning problem.
2 | [
] | [
"Davin Choo",
"Themis Gouleakis",
"National University of Singapore",
"National University of Singapore",
"Arnab Bhattacharyya",
"National University of Singapore",
"We introduce the problem of active causal structure learning with advice. In the typical well-studied",
"recovertheunderlying causaldirectedacyclicgraph(DAG)G*whileminimizingthenumber ofintervention",
"made. In our setting, we are additionally given side information about G* as advice, e.g.a DAG G",
"purported to be G*.We ask whether the learning algorithm can benefit from the advice when it is close to",
"being correct, while still having worst-case guarantees even when the advice is arbitrarily bad. Our work",
"is in the same space as the growing body of research on algorithms with predictions . When the advice",
"is a DAG G , we design an adaptive search algorithm to recover G*whose intervention cost is at most",
"O(max[1,log ]) times the cost for verifying G*; here, is a distance measure between G and G* that is",
"upper bounded by the number of variables n , and is exactly 0 when G = G* : Our approximation factor",
"matches the state-of-the-art for the advice-less setting.",
"1Note however that the system in [WAJ+23] is not causally sufficient due to confounding user behavior and [ICM+22] does",
"not actively perform interventions: So, the algorithm proposed in this work cannot be used directly for the microservices graph",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2305.19588",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 1
} |
2305.19588-zh-2 | 2305.19588-zh-2.jpg | 1.1 Our contributions
· Problem Formulation . Our work connects the causal structure learning problem with the burgeoning
research area of algorithms with predictions or learning-augmented algorithms [MV22] where the goal is to design algorithms that bypass worst-case behavior by taking advantage of (possibly erroneous) advice or predictions about the problem instance. Most work in this area has been restricted to online algorithms, data structure design, or optimization, as described later in Section 2.5. However, as we motivated above, expert advice is highly relevant for causal discovery, and to the best of our knowlege, ours is the first attempt to formally address the issue of imperfect advice in this context.
$\bullet$ Adaptive Search Algorithm. We consider the setting where the advice is a DAG $G$ purported to be the
orientations of all the edges in the graph. We defne a distance measure which is always bounded by $n$ , the number of variables, and equals 0 when $G=G^*.$ For any integer $k\geq1$, we propose an adaptive algorithm to generate a sequence of interventions of size at most $k$ that recovers the true DAG $G^*$, such that the total number of interventions is $\mathcal{O}(\log\psi(G,G^*)\cdot\log k)$ times the optimal number of interventions of size $k.$ Thus, our approximation factor is never worse than the factor for the advice-less setting in [CSB22] . Our search algorithm also runs in polynomial time.
$\bullet$ Verification Cost Approximation. For a given upper bound $k\geq1$, a verifying intervention set for a DAG
$G^*$ is a set of interventions of size at most $k$ that, together with knowledge of the Markov equivalence class of $G^*$, determines the orientations of all edges in $G^*.$ The minimum size of a verifying intervention set for $G^*$, denoted $\nu_k(G^*)$, is clearly a lower bound for the number of interventions required to learn $G^*$ (regardless of the advice graph $G$ ). One of our key technical results is a structural result about $\nu_1.$ We prove that for any two DAGs $G$ and $G^\prime$ within the same Markov equivalence class, we always have $\nu_{1}(G)\leq2\cdot\nu_{1}(G^{\prime})$ and that this is tight in the worst case. Beyond an improved structural understanding of minimum verifying intervention sets, which we believe is of independent interest, this enables us to “blindly trust" the information provided by imperfect advice to some extent.
类似于以前的作品(e。g。[SMG+20,CSB22,CS23] ),我们在使用理想干预的同时假设因果充分和忠诚。在这些假设下,运行标准因果发现算法(例如。g。PC[SGSH00] ,GES[Chi02])将始终成功地从数据中恢复正确的基本图形。我们还假设给定的专家建议与观察本质图一致。。有关我们假设的讨论,请参见 Appendix A 1.2 Paper organization
在 Section 2 中,我们将初步概念与相关工作穿插在一起。我们的主要结果在 Section 3 中给出,具有 Section 4中给出的高级技术思想和直觉。Section 5 提供了一些经验验证。有关完整的证明,源代码和实验详细信息,请参阅附录
2 Preliminaries and Related Work
关于图和因果模型的基本概念在 Appendix B 中定义。简而言之,如果$G=(V,E)$是$|V|=n$节点/顶点上的图,其中$V(G)$ , $E(G)$和$A(G)\subseteq E(G)$分别表示$G$的节点,边和弧,我们将$u\sim v$表示两个节点$u,v\in V$ 在$G$中连接,并在$|V|=n$中指定某个方向。骨架 skel$(G)$指的是基础图,其中所有边都是无向的。$G$中的v 结构是指三个不同顶点$u,v,w\in V$的集合,例如$u\to v\leftarrow w$和$u\not\sim w$ 。让$G=(V,E)$完全无方向。对于顶点$u,v\in V$ ,顶点$V^\prime \subseteq V$ 的 子 集 和 整 数 $r\geq 0$ ,我们将 dist$_G(u,v)$定义为$u$和$v$之间的最短路径长度,并将$N_G^r(V^{\prime})=\{v\in V:\min_{u\in V^{\prime}}$ dist$_G(u,v)\leq r\}\subseteq V$定义为$r$的顶点集-跳远离 XMATHX\_。有向无环图 (DAG) 是没有有向循环的完全定向图。对于任何 DAG $G$ ,我们用$[G]$表示其马尔可夫等价类 (MEC), 用$\mathcal{E}(G)$表示基本图。同一 MEC 中的 DAG 具有相同的骨架,并且基本图是部分有向图,因此如果 MEC $[G]$ 中的每个 DAG 中的$u\to v$都指向弧$u\to v$ ,并且如果在 MAXXXXXMAX\_3\_4 中存在两个 DAG $u\sim v$ 。已知当且仅当两个图具有相同的骨架和 v 结构 [VP90, AMP97] 并且可以通过在 skel(G) 中定向 v 结构并应用Meek 规则从$G$计算基本图$\mathcal{E}(G)$时,它们才是马尔可夫等效的 (请参阅 Appendix D )。在 DAG $G$中,如果$\mathbf{Pa}(u)=\mathbf{Pa}(v)\setminus\{u\}$ 。我们使用$\mathcal{C}(G)\subseteq E(G)$表示$G$的覆盖边集
3 | [
] | [
"Our contributions",
". Problem Formulation : Our work connects the causal structure learning problem with the burgeoning",
"research area of algorithms with predictions or learning-augmented algorithms [MV22] where the goal",
"is to design algorithms that bypass worst-case behavior by taking advantage of (possibly erroneous)",
"advice or predictions about the problem instance. Most work in this area has been restricted to online",
"algorithms, data structure design, or optimization, as described later in Section 2.5 : However, as we",
"motivated above, expert advice is highly relevant for causal discovery, and to the best of our knowlege,",
"ours is the first attempt to formally address the issue of imperfect advice in this context.",
"Adaptive Search Algorithm . We consider the setting where the advice is a DAG G purported to be the",
"orientations of all the edges in the graph. We define a distance measure which is always bounded by n ,",
"the number of variables, and equals 0 when G = G*. For any integer k ≥ 1 , we propose an adaptive",
"algorithm to generate a sequence of interventions of size at most k that recovers the true DAG G* , such",
"that the total number of interventions is O(log b(G, G*) -log k) times the optimal number of interventions",
"of size k : Thus, our approximation factor is never worse than the factor for the advice-less setting in",
"[CSB22] . Our search algorithm also runs in polynomial time.",
".Verification Cost Approximation . For a given upper bound k ≥ 1 , a verifying intervention set for a DAG",
"G* is a set of interventions of size at most k that, together with knowledge of the Markov equivalence",
"class of G* , determines the orientations of all edges in G* . The minimum size of a verifying intervention",
"set for G* , denoted vs(G*) , is clearly a lower bound for the number of interventions required to learn",
"G* (regardless of the advice graph G ). One of our key technical results is a structural result about V1",
"We prove that for any two DAGs G and G' within the same Markov equivalence class, we always have",
"Vi(G) ≤ 2 vi(G') and that this is tight in the worst case. Beyond an improved structural understanding",
"of minimum verifying intervention sets, which we believe is of independent interest, this enables us to",
"\"blindly trust\" the information provided by imperfect advice to some extent.",
"1.2Paper organization",
"2Preliminaries and Related Work",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2305.19588",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 2
} |
2305.19588-zh-3 | 2305.19588-zh-3.jpg | 2.1 Ideal interventions
干预$S\subseteq V$是一个实验,其中所有变量$s\in S$被强制设置为某个值,与潜在的因果结构无关。对于某些$k\geq1$,如果$|S|=1$,则干预是原子的,如果$|S|\leq k$,则干预是有界的;观测数据是 $S=\emptyset$ 的特殊情况。Pearl 的 do-calculus [Pea09] 正式捕获了干预措施的效果。我们称任何$\mathcal{I}\subseteq2^V$为干预集:干预集是一组干预,其中每个干预对应于变量的子集。在$G$中对$S\subseteq V$的理想干预会产生一个干预图$G_{S}$ ,其中所有进入顶点$v\in S$的弧都被删除 [EGS05]。众所周知,通过对$S$进行干预,我们可以推断出$S$和$V\setminus S$ [Ebe07, HEH13, HLV14, SKDV15, KDV17] 切割的任何边缘的边缘方向
$\textbf{Definition 1}( \alpha$ -separator and $\alpha$ -clique separator, Defnition 19 from [CSB22]). Let $A,B,C$ be a partition of the vertices $V$ of a graph $G=(V,E)$ . We say that $C$ is an $\alpha$ -separator if no edge joins a vertex in $A$ with a vertex in $B$ and $|A|,|B|\leq\alpha\cdot|V|.$ We call $C$ is an $\alpha$ -clique separator if it is an $\alpha$-separator and a clique. Theorem 2 ([GRE84], instantiated for unweighted graphs). Let G=(V,E) be a chordal graph with |V|≥2 $and~p~vertices~in~its~largest~clique.~There~exists~a~1/2~-clique~separator~C~involving~at~most~p-1~vertices.~The$ $clique\textit{C can be computed in O}( | E| ) \textit{ time. }$
对于理想的干预措施,$G$ 的$\mathcal{I}$基本图 $\mathcal{E}_T(G)$ 是表示图的马尔可夫等价类的基本图,其每个干预措施的干预图的马尔可夫等效于任何干预措施$S\in\mathcal{I}$的$G_S$ 。关于$\mathcal{I}$ -基本图属性 [HB12, HB14] 有几个已知的属性:每个$\mathcal{I}$ -基本图是一个带有弦$^{2}$链组件的链图$^{3}$ 。这包括$\mathcal{I}=\emptyset$的情况。一个链组件中的方向不会影响其他组件中的方向。换句话说,要完全定向任何基本图$\mathcal{E}(G^*)$ ,必须并充分定向$\mathcal{E}(G^*)$中的每个链组件
对于任何干预集$\mathcal{I}\subseteq2^V$ ,我们编写$R(G,\mathcal{I})=A(\mathcal{E}_\mathcal{I}(G))\subseteq E$来表示 DAG $G$的$\mathcal{I}$基本图中的定向弧集。对于更清晰的表示法,我们为某些$I\subseteq V$编写用于单干预的$R(G,I)\mathcal{I}=\{I\}$ ,为某些$v\in V$编写用于单原子干预的$\mathcal{I}=\{\{v\}\}$ 。对于任何介人集$\mathcal{I}\subseteq2^V$ ,将$G^\mathcal{I}=G[E\setminus R(G,\mathcal{I})]$定义为由$\mathcal{E}_\mathcal{I}(G)$中的无向弧诱导的完全有向子图 DAG, 其中$G^{\emptyset}$是由于 v 结构而在观察本质图中去除所有定向弧后获得的图。有关示例,请参见Fig.1。在$R(\cdot,\cdot)$的表示法中,以下结果证明仅在没有 v 结构的 DAG 上通过理想干预来研究验证和自适应搜索是合理的,即。e。道德 DAG (Defnition 4 ): 自$R(G,\mathcal{I})=R(G^\emptyset,\mathcal{I})\cup R(G,\emptyset)$以来,在执行任何干预之前,可以删除观察图中的任何定向弧,因为解决方案的最优性不受影响。$^{4}$
Theorem 3 ([CS23]). For any DAG G=(V,E) and intervention sets $\mathcal{A},\mathcal{B}\subseteq2^V$,
$$R(G,\mathcal{A}\cup\mathcal{B})=R(G^{\mathcal{A}},\mathcal{B})\:\dot{\cup}\:R(G^{\mathcal{B}},\mathcal{A})\:\dot{\cup}\:(R(G,\mathcal{A})\cap R(G,\mathcal{B}))$$
Definition 4 (Moral DAG). A DAG G is called a moral DAG if it has no v-structures. So, $\mathcal{E}(G)=$skel$(G).$
2.2 Verifying sets
DAG $G\in[G^*]$的验证集$\mathcal{I}$是一个干预集,它从$\mathcal{E}(G^*)$完全定向$G$ ,可能重复应用 Meek 规则 (请参阅Appendix D ), i。e。$\mathcal{E}_I(G^*)=G^*$ 。此外,如果$\mathcal{I}$是$G^*$的验证集,则$\mathcal{I}\cup S$对于任何其他干预$S\subseteq V$也是如此。虽然通常可能有多个验证集,但我们通常有兴趣找到一个具有最小大小的验证集
Definition 5 (Minimum size verifying set). An intervention set $\mathcal{I}\subseteq2^V$ is called a verifying set for a DAG $G^*$
if $\mathcal{E}_\mathcal{I}(G^*)=G^*.~\mathcal{I}$ is a minimum size verifying set if $\mathcal{E}_\mathcal{I}^{\prime}(G^*)\neq G^*$ for any $|\mathcal{I}^\prime|<|\mathcal{I}|.$
对于有界大小的干预,最小验证数$\nu_k(G)$表示任何 DAG $G\in[G^*]$的最小大小验证集的大小;我们为原子干预编写$\nu_1(G)$ 。也就是说,在$\mathcal{E}(G^*)$上执行干预时,任何显示的弧方向都会尊重$G$ 。[CSB22] 告诉我们,为了验证 DAG $G$ ,有必要和充分地干预覆盖边缘$\mathcal{C}(G)$的最小顶点覆盖,并且$\nu_1(G)$在给定$G$的情况下是可有效计算的,因为$\mathcal{C}(G)$诱导了森林
Theorem 6 ([CSB22]). Fix an essential graph $\mathcal{E}(G^*)$ $andG\in[G^*]$ . $An\textit{ atomic intervention set I is a}$ minimal sized verifying set for G if and only if I is a minimum vertex cover of covered edges $\mathcal{C}(G)$ of G . $\begin{array}{c}A&minimal&sized&atomic&verifying&set&can&be&computed&in&polynomial&time&since&the&edge-induced&subgraph&on\end{array}$ $\mathcal{C} ( G)$ $is$ $a$ $forest.$
对于任何 DAG $G$ ,我们使用$\mathcal{V}(G)\subseteq2^V$表示$G$的所有原子验证集的集合。也就是说,$\mathcal{V}(G)$中的每个原
$\overline{\text{A chordal graph is a graph where every cycle of length at least 4 has an edge that is not part of the cycle but connects two}}^{2}$A chordal graph is a graph where every cycle of length at least 4 has an edge that is not part 0f the cycle but connect
vertices of the cycle; see [BP93] for an introduction.
$^{3}$A partially directed graph is a chain graph if it does not contain any partially directed cycles where all directed arcs point in
the same direction along the cycle.
$^{4}$The notation $A\cup B$ denotes disjoint union of sets $A$ and $B.$
4 | [
] | [
"2.1Ideal interventions",
"Definition 1 (α -separator and Q -clique separator, Definition 19 from [CSB22]). Let A, B,C be a partition",
"of the vertices V of a graph G = (V, E) . We say that C is an α -separator if no edge joins a vertex in A with",
"a vertex in B and Al, Bl≤ q -V- We call C is an α -clique separator if it is an α -separator and a clique.",
"Theorem 2 ([GRE84l, instantiated for unweighted graphs). Let G = (V,E) be a chordal graph with [V|≥ 2",
"and p vertices in its largest clique. There erists a 1/2 -clique-separator C involving at most p -1 vertices. The",
"clique C can be computed in O(IEl) time",
"千预的工={{u})。对于任何介人集工C2V,将GI=G[E R(G,工)]定义为由&z(G中的无向弧诱导的完",
"索是合理的,即。e。道德DAG(Definition 4):自R(G,L)=R(Go,工)UR(G,の)以来,在执行任何干预之",
"Theorem 3 ([CS23]). For any DAG G =(V,E) and intervention sets A,B 2V,",
"R(G,AU B) = R(GA, B) U R(GB,A) U(R(G,A)N R(G,B))",
"Definition 4 (Moral DAG). A DAG G is called a moral DAG if it has no v-structures. So, &(G) = skel(G) .",
"2.2Verifying sets",
"Definition 5 (Minimum size verifying set). An intervention set I 2V is called a verifying set for a DAG G*",
"if &r(G*)= G*I is a minimum size verifying set if &r (G*) G* for any [T'|<|| :",
"Theorem 6 ([CSB22l). Fic an essential graph &(G*) and G E [G*l : An atomic intervention set I is a",
"minimal sized verifying set for G if and only if I is a minimum verter cover of covered edges C(G) of G .",
"A minimal sized atomic verifying set can be computed in polynomial time since the edge-induced subgraph on",
"C(G) is a forest.",
"2A chordal graph is a graph where every cycle of length at least 4 has an edge that is not part of the cycle but connects two",
"vertices of the cycle; see [BP93] for an introduction",
"3A partially directed graph is a chain graph if it does not contain any partially directed cycles where all directed arcs point in",
"the same direction along the cycle.",
"4The notation AU B denotes disjoint union of sets A and B .",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2305.19588",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 3
} |
2305.19588-zh-4 | 2305.19588-zh-4.jpg | <FigureHere>
Figure 1: (I) Ground truth DAG $G^*;$ (II) Observational essential graph $\mathcal{E}(G^*)$ where $C\to E\leftarrow D$ is a v-structure and Meek rules orient $\arcsin D\to F$ and $E\to F;(III)G^\emptyset=G[E\setminus R(G,\emptyset)]$ where oriented arcs in $\mathcal{E}(G^*)$ are removed from $G^*;$ (IV) MPDAG $\tilde{G}\in[G^*]$ incorporating the following partial order advice $( S_{1}= \{ B\} , S_{2}= \{ A, D\} , S_{3}= \{ C, E, F\} )$ , which can be converted to required $\operatorname{arcs}B\to A$ and $B\to D$ . Observe that $A\to C$ is oriented by Meek R1 via $B\to A\sim C$ , the arc $\bar{A}\sim D$ is still unoriented, the arc $B\to A$ disagrees with $G^*$, and there are two possible DAGs consistent with the resulting MPDAG.
2.3 Adaptive search using ideal interventions
自适应搜索算法已在认真的 [HG08, HB14, SKDV15, SMG+20, CSB22, CS23] 中进行了研究,因为它们可以使
最近,[CSB22] 给出了一种有效的算法,用于在一般图上计算具有可证明近似保证的自适应干预
$\textbf{Theorem 7 }( [$CSB22$] ) . \textit{ Fix an unknown underlying DAGG* . Given an essential graph }\mathcal{E} ( G^* ) \textit{ and intervention}$ set bound $k\geq 1$ , there $is$ $a$ deterministic polynomial time algorithm that computes $an$ intervention set $\mathcal{I}$ adaptively such that $\mathcal{E} _{\mathcal{I} }( G^{* }) = G^{* }$ , and $| \mathcal{I} |$ has size
1. $\mathcal{O} ( \log ( n) \cdot \nu _{1}( G^{* }) )$ when $k= 1$
2. $\mathcal{O} ( \log ( n) \cdot \log ( k) \cdot \nu _{k}( G^{* }) )$ when $k> 1$ .
同时,在局部因果图发现的上下文中,人们只对学习因果关系的子集感兴趣,[CS23] 的 SubsetSearch 算
$\textbf{Definition 8 ( Relevant nodes) . Fix a DAG }G^* = ( V, E)$ and arbitrary subset $V^\prime\subseteq V$ .For any intervention set $\mathcal{I}\subseteq2^V$ and resulting interventional essential graph $\mathcal{E}_\mathcal{I}(G^*)$, we define the relevant nodes $\rho(\mathcal{I},V^{\prime})\subseteq V^{\prime}$ as the set of nodes within $V^\prime$ that is adjacent to some unoriented arc within the node-induced subgraph $\mathcal{E}_\mathcal{I}(G^*)[V^\prime]$
有关相关节点的示例,请参见 Fig.1:对于(II)中的子集$V^\prime=\{A,C,D,E,F\}$,只有$\{A,C,D\}$是相关
$\textbf{Theorem 9}$ ([CS23$] ) . \textit{ Fix an unknown underlying DAG G}^* .$ Given $an$ interventional essential graph $\mathcal{E} _{\mathcal{I} }( G^{* })$ , $node- induced$ subgraph $H$ with relevant nodes $\rho ( \mathcal{I} , V( H) )$ and intervention set bound $k$ $\geq$ 1 , $there\textit{ is a deterministic polynomial time algorithm that computes an intervention set I adaptively such that}$ $\mathcal{E} _{\mathcal{I} \cup \mathcal{I} ^{\prime }}( G^{* }) [ V( H) ] = G^{* }[ V( H) ]$ , and $| \mathcal{I} ^{\prime }|$ has size
1. $\mathcal{O} ( \log ( | \rho ( \dot{\mathcal{I} } , V( H) ) | ) \cdot \nu _{1}( G^{* }) )$ when $k= 1$
2. $\mathcal{O} ( \log ( | \rho ( \mathcal{I} , V( H) ) | ) \cdot \log ( k) \cdot \nu _{k}( G^{* }) )$ when $k> 1$ .
请注意,$k=1$指的是原子干预的设置,我们总是有$0\leq|\rho(\mathcal{I},V(H))|\leq n$
2.4 Expert advice in causal graph discovery
领域专家可以提供三种主要类型的信息 (e。g。请参见 Section 1 中给出的引用):
(I) Required parental arcs: $X\to Y$
$^5$If the essential graph $\mathcal{E} ( G^* )$ is a path of $n$ nodes, then non- adaptive algorithms need $\Omega ( n)$ atomic interventions to recover $G^*$ $\text{Te }^5$If the essential graph $\mathcal{E} ( G^* )$ is a path of $n$ nodes, then non- adaptive algorithms need$\Omega ( n)$ ato
while $\mathcal{O}(\log n)$ atomic interventions suffices for adaptive search.
5 | [
] | [
"Figure 1: (I) Ground truth DAG G* ; (II) Observational essential graph &(G*) where C → E D is a",
"v-structure and Meek rules orient arcs D",
"→ F and E→ F ; (III) G = G[ER(G,O)l where oriented arcs",
"in (G*) are removed from G* ; (IV) MPDAG G E [G*] incorporating the following partial order advice",
"(Si = B), S2 = {A,D],S3 = {C,E,F}) , which can be converted to required arcs B -→ A and B → D .",
"Observe that A → C is oriented by Meek Rl via B → A ~ C,the arc A~ D is still unoriented, the arc",
"B -→ A disagrees with G* , and there are two possible DAGs consistent with the resulting MPDAG.",
"Adaptive search using ideal interventions",
"Theorem 7 ([CSB22l). Fia an unknown underlying DAGG* : Given an essential graph &(G*) and intervention",
"set bound k ≥ 1 , there is a deterministic polynomial time algorithm that computes an intervention set I",
"adaptively such that &r(G*) = G* , and [| has size",
"1. O(log(n) ·Vi(G*)) when k =",
"2. O(log(n) - log(k) Vk(G*)) when k > 1 .",
"Definition 8 (Relevant nodes). Fix a DAG G* = (V,E) and arbitrary subset V' C V . For any intervention",
"set I C 2V and resulting interventional essential graph &r(G*), we define the relevant nodes p(L, V') C V! as",
"the set of nodes within V' that is adjacent to some unoriented arc within the node-induced subgraph &r(G*)[v'l",
"Theorem 9 ([CS23). Fir an unknown underlying DAG G*",
"Given an interventional essential graph",
"&r(G*) , node-induced subgraph H with relevant nodes p(,V(H)) and intervention set bound k ≥ 1",
"there is a deterministic polynomial time algorithm that computes an intervention set I adaptively such that",
"&rui'(G*)[V(H)] = G*[V(H)l , and [I'I has size",
"1. O(log(le(L, V(H))I) - Vi(G*)) when k = 1",
"2. O(log(le(I, V(H)D) - log(k) - Vk(G*)) when k > 1 ",
"Expert advice in causal graph discovery",
"(I) Required parental arcs: X -→ Y",
"If the essential graph E(G*) is a path of n nodes, then non-adaptive algorithms need 2(n) atomic interventions to recover G*",
"while O(logn) atomic interventions suffices for adaptive search.",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2305.19588",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 4
} |
2203.09735-zh-1 | 2203.09735-zh-1.jpg | $\mathbf{PRBoosr:~}$用于交互式弱监督学习的基于提示的规则发现和增强
Pranav Shetty Georgia Tech
Rongzhi Zhang Georgia Tech
Georgia Tech
Chao Zhang Georgia Tech
[email protected]
## $\mathbf{Abstract}$
Weakly-supervised learning (WSL) has shown promising results in addressing label scarcity on many NLP tasks, but manually designing a comprehensive, high-quality labeling rule set is tedious and difficult. We study interactive weakly-supervised learning—the problem of iteratively and automatically discovering novel labeling rules from data to improve the WSL model. Our proposed model, named PRBoosT, achieves this goal via iterative promptbased rule discovery and model boosting. It uses boosting to identify large-error instances and then discovers candidate rules from them by prompting pre-trained LMs with rule templates. The candidate rules are judged by human experts, and the accepted rules are used to generate complementary weak labels and strengthen the current model. Experiments on four tasks show PRBOOST outperforms stateof-the-art WSL baselines up to 7.1%, and bridges the gaps with fully supervised models.Our Implementation is available at https : //
2018),但是即使对于专家来说,编写标签规则的过程也很繁琐且耗时。一些工作尝试通过挖掘标记数据(Varma and Ré, 2018) 或枚举预定义的类型来自动发现标记规则。但是,预先提取的规则仅限于频繁模式或预定义类型,这不足以训练准确的模型。其次,大多数现有的WSL 方法都是静态的,并且会受到初始弱监督 (Ratner et al., 2017; Zhou et al., 2020; Yu et al., 2021b; Meng et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2022) 中的噪声的影响。由于标记规则集在模型训练期间保持固定,因此初始误差可能会被放大,从而导致过度拟合的最终模型。在最近的两部作品 (Boecking et al., 2021; Galhotra et al., 2021) 中探索了交互式规则发现,该作品征求了人类对候选规则的反馈,以完善规则集。不幸的是, 它们的规则形式仅限于简单的重复结构,例如n-gram (Boecking et al.,2021),并且巨大的规则搜索空间使枚举修剪管道无法扩展到大型数据集 (Galhotra et al., 2021)
由于上述原因,最先进的 WSL 方法在许多NLP 任务上仍存在明显差距,因此性能仍低于完全监督的方法。如最近的一项研究$\overline{\mathrm{E}}($Zhang et al., 2021) 所示 , 在 18 个 NLP 基准测试中的15 个中,最佳的 WSL 方法落后于最佳的全监督方法;就准确性或 F1 得分而言,平均性能差距为 18.84%
为了弥合弱监督和完全监督方法之间的差距,我们提出了一个迭代规则发现和提升框架,即用于交互式 WSL 的 PRBoosT。与现有的 WSL 和主动学习相比,PRBoosT 具有三个关键设计:
首先,我们设计一个规则发现模块,该模块使用规则模板来提示预训练的语言模型(PLM)。通过将困难的实例和规则模板馈送到 PLM 中, 该模块通过提示从 PLM 中提取知识,并生成捕获输入实例的关键语义的候选规则。与基于n-gram$\boxed{\mathbb{F}}($Boecking et al., 2021)的先前作品相比,我们基于提示的规则发现更具表现力,适用于任何支持提示的任务
其次,我们设计了一种 boosting 风格的集成策略,以迭代地针对困难的实例并自适应地提
### 1 $\textbf{Introduction}$
弱监督学习 (WSL)最近引起了越来越多的关注,以减轻许多 NLP 任务中的标签稀缺问题。在 WSL 中,训练数据是由从知识库、频繁模式或人类专家等来源获得的弱标记规则生成的。弱标记规则可以与未标记的数据匹配以创建大规模的弱标记,从而允许以更低的注释成本训练 NLP 模型。WSL 最近在许多任务中取得了可喜的成果,包括文本分类(Awasthi et al., 2020; Mekala and Shang, 2020; Meng et al., 2020; Yu et al., 2021b) , 关系提取 (Zhou et al., 2020) 和序列标记 (Lison et al., 2020; Safranchik et al., 2020; Li et al., 2021b)
尽管 WSL 取得了成功,但它受到两个主要因素的限制:1)标记规则,以及2)静态学习过程。首先,先验地提供一套全面、高质量的标签规则是具有挑战性的。标签规则通常是人为编写的 (Ratner et al., 2017; Hancock et al., | [
] | [
"Yue Yu",
"Pranav Shetty",
"Georgia Tech",
"Rongzhi Zhang",
"Georgia Tech",
"Georgia Tech",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"Le Song",
"Chao Zhang",
"Georgia Tech",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"Weakly-supervised learning (WSL) has shown",
"promising results in addressing label scarcity",
"on many NLP tasks, but manually designing",
"set is tedious and difficult. We study interac-",
"tive weakly-supervised learning—the problem",
"of iteratively and automatically discovering",
"督 (Ratner et al., 2017; Zhou et al., 2020; Yu et al.,",
"novel labeling rules from data to improve the",
"2021b; Meng et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2022) 中",
"WSL model. Our proposed model, named PR-",
"BoosT, achieves this goal via iterative prompt-",
"based rule discovery and model boosting. It",
"uses boosting to identify large-error instances",
"作品 (Boecking et al., 2021;Galhotra et al., 2021)",
"by promptingpre-trained LMs with rule tem",
"plates. The candidate rules are judged by hu",
"man experts, and the accepted rules are used",
"fourtasksshow PRBoosToutperformsstate",
"据集 (Galhotra et al.,2021)",
"of-the-art WSL baselines up to 7.1% , and",
"bridges the gaps with fully supervised mod",
"els.Our Implementation is available at ht tps :",
"et al., 2020: Mekala and Shang, 2020: Meng et al..",
"2020;Yuet al.,2021b),关系提取(Zhou et al.,",
"2020)和序列标记(Lison etal.,2020;Safranchik",
"et al., 2020; Li et al., 2021b)",
"人为编写的(Ratner et al.,2017;Hancock et al.,",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2203.09735",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 1
} |
2203.09735-zh-2 | 2203.09735-zh-2.jpg | 出新规则。在每次迭代中,我们通过提升错误重新权衡数据,以强制规则发现模块专注于较大错误的实例。这避免了枚举所有可能的规则和对新规则实施后过滤,而是直接针对大错误实例的规则发现,为当前模型提供补充信息
我们在四个任务上将我们的方法与有监督, 弱监督和交互式学习基线进行了比较:关系提取,本体分类,主题分类和化学-蛋白质相互作用预测。结果表明:1)我们的方法优于最先进的弱监督基线多达 7.1% ; 2) 在相同预算下, 与实例级注释相比,规则级注释有助于模型实现更高的模型性能;3) 机器发现和人工评估的规则具有高质量,在每次迭代中一致地细化弱标签和模型
我们的主要贡献是:(1)用于交互式 WSL 的基于提示的规则发现框架,该框架在捕获规则生成中的微妙语义的同时提供了灵活的规则表示;(2)一种迭代的增强策略,用于从硬实例中发现新颖的规则,并通过一组互补的弱模型来增强模型;(3)用于规则注释的可解释且易于注释的交互式过程;(4)全面的实验
## 2 $\textbf{Related Work}$
弱监督学习 WSL 最近在各种 NLP 任务中引起了广泛关注。尽管它们在各种任务上表现良好,但手动设计规则可能会很耗时。此外初始规则的噪声和不完整性可能会在模型训练 (Zhang et al.,2021) 中传播。一些作品试图通过从数据中发现规则来减少人工设计标签规则的工作量。例如,Snuba$\boxed{\mathrm{F}}($Varma and Ré, 2018) 基于具有预定义规则类型的小型标记数据集生成启发式算法;TALLORE(Li et al., 2021a) 和 GLaRA$\underline{\mathrm{E}}($Zhao et al., 2021) 基于词汇信息研究 NER 问题的规则扩展,然后基于手动调整的阈值选择规则。但是,这些方法以静态方式发现规则,并被限制为特定于任务的规则类型。相反,我们的框架从整个未标记的数据集中迭代地发现规则,这可以细化规则集并实时扩大其多样性
交互式学习我们的工作与主动学习(AL)有关, 因为两者都在学习过程中涉及人类注释者。但
是,关键的区别在于 AL 基于各种查询策略来标记实例$\overline{\mathrm{E}}($Holub et al., 2008; Shen et al., 2017; Zhang et al. , 2020; Ein- Dor et al. , 2020; Margatina et al., 2021; Yu et al., 2021a) , 而我们的方法不注释单个实例,而是使用注释的规则来匹配未标记的数据。这使得我们的方法在利用人类反馈创建大规模标记数据时更具标签效率。据我们所知,只有少数作品在我们的问题中研究了交互式 WSL (Boecking et al., 2021; Galhotra et al., 2021; Choi et al., 2021; Hsieh et al., 2022) 。但是,他们要么使用简单的基于 n-gram 的规则 (Boecking et al., 2021; Hsieh et al., 2022) 无法捕获句子级语义,要么遭受与上下文无关的语法规则 (Galhotra et al., 2021) 的巨大搜索空间。与这些工作不同,我们的方法使用基于提示的灵活规则表示,并且还使用 boosting 进行有针对性的规则发现,以避免枚举所有可能的规则并对新规则执行后过滤
语言模型提示我们的工作还与 PLM 的基于提示的学习有关,该学习将原始任务转换为完形填空式任务,并利用 PLM 来填充缺少的信息$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$ (Brown et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2021a)。提示已在各种任务中进行了探索,包括文本分类$\overline{\mathrm{E}}($Hu et al., 2021; Han et al., 2021; Schick and Schütze, 2021a,b) , 信息提取$\overline{\mathrm{E}}($Lester et al., 2021; Chen et al., 2021) 和文本生成$\overline{\mathrm{E}}($Dou et al., 2021; Li and Liang, 2021)。最近的工作集中在生成更好的提示模板或学习隐式提示嵌入(Gao et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2021b,c)。然而,这些工作都没有研究提示生成弱标签。我们的工作与它们正交,因为我们的目标不是优化原始任务的提示,而是使用提示和 PLM 作为规则发现的知识源。
### 3 Preliminaries
问题公式弱监督学习 (WSL) 通过在未标记的实例$D_u$上应用标记规则,为模型训练创建弱标记。给定一个未标记的实例$x\in D_u$,一个标记规则$r(\cdot)$将$x$映射到一个扩展的标签空间:$r(\boldsymbol{x})\to y\in\mathcal{Y}\cup\{0\}$ 。这里$\mathcal{Y}$是任务的原始标签集,而 0 是一个特殊的标签,指示$x$ 是$r$不可匹配的。给定一组$\mathcal{R}$标记规则,我们可以在未标记的实例上应用$\mathcal{R}$中的每个规则, 以创建弱标记的数据集$\mathcal{D}_l^{\prime}$
但是,初始的弱标签$\mathcal{D}_l^\prime$可能具有很高的噪点且不完整,从而阻碍了 WSL 的性能。我们由此研究了交互式 WSL 的问题:如何自动发现更多高质量的标签规则来增强 WSL 的性能? 除了$D_u$ 和 $\mathcal{D}_l^{\prime}$之外,我们还假设可以访问一小组干净的标签$\mathcal{D}_l\left(|\mathcal{D}_l|\ll|\mathcal{D}_u|\right)$,任务是迭代地找到一组新的规则来进行模型改进。在每个 | [
] | [
"标记实例E(Holub et al.,2008;Shen etal.,2017",
"Zhang et al., 2020; Ein-Dor et al., 2020; Margatina",
"了交互式WSL(Boecking et al.,202l;Galhotra",
"et al., 2021; Choi et al., 2021; Hsieh et al., 2022) ",
"则(Boecking et al.,2021;Hsieh et al.,2022)无法",
"et al., 2021; Han et al., 2021; Schick and Schutze",
"etal.,2021)和文本生成E(Dou etal.,2021Li",
"2Related Work",
"规则的工作量。例如,SnubaE(Varma and Ré,",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2203.09735",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 2
} |
2203.09735-zh-3 | 2203.09735-zh-3.jpg | 迭代$t$中,我们假设一个固定的规则注释预算$\mathcal{B}$ , i。e。, 最多可以向人类专家提出$\mathcal{B}$候选规则$\mathcal{R}_t=\{r_j\}_{j=1}^{\mathcal{B}}$,以决定是否接受每条规则。然后使用接受的规则$\mathcal{R}_t^+$创建新的弱标记实例$\mathcal{D}_{t}^{\prime}$。从$\mathcal{D}_t^\prime\cup\mathcal{D}_l^{\prime}$中,可以训练模型$m_t:\mathcal{X}\to\mathcal{Y}$ 以提高当前 WSL 模型的性能。
规则表示已在 WSL 中为 NLP 任务提出了多个规则表示。例如,基于关键字的规则被广泛用于将某些关键字映射到其高度相关的标签(Boecking et al., 2021; Meng et al., 2020; Mekala and Shang, 2020; Liang et al., 2020) 。正则表达式是另一种常见的规则格式,它匹配具有预定义表面模式 (Awasthi et al., 2020; Yu et al., 2021b; Zhou et al., 2020) 的实例。逻辑规则 (Hu et al., 2016;Li et al., 2021a) 对原子规则执行逻辑运算(例如连词$\wedge$和否定$\neg)$,因此可以捕获更高阶的合成模式
我们采用基于提示的规则表示(第$\overline{\mathrm{E}}4.1$节), 它可以灵活地包含任何现有的规则表示。我们基于提示的规则依赖于目标任务的规则模板$\tau ( \cdot )$ ,其中包含一个[MASK]令牌,由PLM $\mathcal{M}$和一个未标记的实例$x$填充。从规则模板$\tau$中,每个候选规则都可以由$r=g(\mathcal{M},\tau,\boldsymbol{x})$ 自动导出。这种基于提示的规则表示形式非常灵活,可以应用于任何支持提示的 NLP 任务(请参见表$\mathbb{E}$1 中的示例)
# 4 Methodology
概述 PRBoosr 是交互式 WSL 的迭代方法。在每次迭代中,它从大错误实例中提出候选规则,征求人类对候选规则的反馈,生成弱标签,并训练新的弱模型进行集成。图$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$1显示了 PRBoosT 的一次迭代中的过程,该过程依赖于三个关键组件:
1. Candidate rule generation. This component
proposes candidate rules to be evaluated by human annotators. Using the small labeled dataset $\mathcal{D}_l$ , it measures the weakness of the current model by identifying large-error instances on $D_l$ , and proposes rules based on these instances using PLM prompting.
2. Rule annotation and weak label creation. This
component collects human feedback to improve the weak supervision quality. It takes as input the candidate rules proposed by the previous component, and asks humans to select the high-quality ones. Then the human-selected rules $\mathcal{R}_t$ are used to generate weak labels for the unlabeled instances $\mathcal{D}_u$ in a soft-matching $way.$
3. Weakly supervised model training and ensem-
ble . We train a new weak model $m_{t+1}$ on the updated weakly labeled dataset $\mathcal{D}_r.$ Then we self-train the weak model $m_{t+1}$ and integrate it into the ensemble model.
## 4.1 Candidate Rule Generation
大错误实例上的目标规则建议我们设计了一种升压式 (Hastie et al.,2009)策略,用于生成基于提示的候选规则。此策略迭代检查当前模型$m_t$较弱的特征机制,并从此类机制中提出候选规则。我们使用小标签数据集$\mathcal{D}_l$来识别硬实例,即。e。, 其中模型在迭代学习过程中往往会出现累积错误。发现的规则可以补充当前规则集$\mathcal{R}$并细化弱标签,因此在细化的弱标签数据上训练的下一个模型$m_{t+1}$可以在弱状态下表现更好
我们将$\mathcal{D}_l$中实例的权重初始化为$w_i=$ $1/|\mathcal{D}_l|,i=1,2,\cdots,|\mathcal{D}_l|$。在迭代模型学习过程中,每个$w_i$都会更新为模型在实例上的加权损失$x_i\in\mathcal{D}_l$ 。具体来说,在迭代$t\in\{1,\cdots,n\}$ 中,我们通过
$$w_{i}\leftarrow w_{i}\cdot e^{\alpha_{t}\mathbb{I}(y_{i}\neq m_{t}(\boldsymbol{x}_{i}))},i=1,2,\ldots,|\mathcal{D}_{l}|.$$
在公式$\mathbb{E}$1 中,$\alpha_t$是模型$m_t$的权重,它将用于检测硬实例和模型集成(第$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$4.3 节)。我们根据$\mathcal{D}_l$上的模型错误率计算$\alpha_t:$
,其中 err$_t$由
$$\begin{aligned}&\text{共下 CII}_{t}\text{ 田}\\&\mathrm{err}_{t}=\sum_{i=1}^{|\mathcal{D}_{l}|}w_{i}\mathbb{I}\left(y_{i}\neq m_{t}\left(\boldsymbol{x}_{i}\right)\right)/\sum_{i=1}^{|\mathcal{D}_{l}|}w_{i}.\end{aligned}$$
从直觉上讲,如果模型集合在$x_i$上始终出错,则样本$x_i$会收到更大的权重$w_i$ (公式$\mathbb{E}$ 1 )。较大的错误通常是由覆盖率差(未标记的实例与很少或没有规则匹配)或局部特征机制中的主导噪声(规则匹配的标签是错误的)引起的。因此,权重可以引导规则生成器将 top- $n$大错误实例$\mathcal{X}_e=\{\boldsymbol{x}_{e_i}\}_{i=1}^n$作为目标。通过从这些实例中提出规则,我们旨在发现可以最有效地补充当前规则集和模型集成的新颖规则基于提示的规则建议 对于诸如关系提取和文本分类之类的各种 NLP 任务,我们可以利用提示来构造信息丰富的规则模板,这自然会导致 WSL 的表达性标记规则
受此启发,我们设计了一个基于 PLM 提示的规则建议模块。我们在表 1 中提供了基于提示的规则的具体示例。输入实例来自在干净数据集$\mathcal{D}_l$上标识的大错误实例。对于每个任务 | [
] | [
"3. Weakly supervised model training and ensem-",
"ble . We train a new weak model mt+i on the",
"updated weakly labeled dataset Dr . Then we",
"self-train the weak model mt+i and integrate it",
"into the ensemble model.",
"Candidate Rule Generation",
"(Boecking et al., 2021; Meng et al., 2020; Mekala",
"Wi wi eal(yitm(ci),i= 1, 2,..,|Dil. (1)",
"i-errt +log(K -1),",
"Qt = log",
"errt =",
"Zw;I(yi+mt (ai) /Zwi.(3)",
"1. Candidate rule generation.This component",
"proposes candidate rules to be evaluated by",
"human annotators. Using the small labeled",
"dataset Di , it measures the weakness of the cur-",
"rent model by identifying large-error instances",
"on Di , and proposes rules based on these in-",
"stances using PLM prompting.",
"2. Rule annotation and weak label creation. This",
"component collects human feedback to im-",
"prove the weak supervision quality. It takes as",
"input the candidate rules proposed by the pre-",
"vious component, and asks humans to select",
"the high-quality ones. Then the human-selected",
"rules Rt are used to generate weak labels for",
"the unlabeled instances Du in a soft-matching",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2203.09735",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 3
} |
2203.09735-zh-4 | 2203.09735-zh-4.jpg | <FigureHere>
<td>the ${\mathrm{from}}$ $\lim_{n\to\infty}$ discovery; weak labels;</td>
<td>ited clean data and converts each large-erron template ror prompting-pasea rul 2) presents candidate rules to human experts for annotation and uses accepted rules to generate new (3) trains a new weak model with self-training and ensembles it with the previous models</td>
<td>Microsoft is an American ration founded by Bill Gates</td>
<td>Tnn11+1 The Pers $\operatorname{Rill}($rate e Organization Microsoft</td>
<td>Entitv Pair==(Person. Org) $\}\wedge\{$ [Mask]==founded $\}\wedge\{s_t:>$threshold $\}\to$per:found</td>
<td>Input </td>
<td>Marvell Software Solutions Israel is a wholly owned subsidiary of Marvell Technology Group</td>
<td>I Inputl The Marvell Software Solutions Israel is a [ Mask].</td>
<td>$\lceil$Maskl==subsidiarv$\lor$corporation$\lor$companv$\mid\land\mid s_t:$ $\geq$threshold $\}\to$Company</td>
<td>Input: </td>
<td>Liverpool short of firepower f for cruclal encounter. Rafael E Benitez must gamble with Liverpools Champions L ammunıtıon $.t0$ make $:1t$ a fair r fight</td>
<td>$\operatorname{Prompt}:$ $Rule:$</td>
<td>[Mask] News:[Input] [Mask]==Liverpool$\vee$Team$\vee$Football$\vee$Sports $\}\wedge\{s_t,i>$threshold $\}\to$Sports</td>
Table 1: The examples of prompt-based rules for relation extraction, ontology classification, and news topic clas-
sification. Here [ Input] denotes the original input, [ Mask] denotes the mask token, and $\wedge,\vee$ are the logical
operators. We use bold words to show the ground-truth label of the original input.
定一个大错误实例$x_{e_i}\in\mathcal{X}_e$,我们首先通过$x_{p_i}=\tau(x_{e_i})$将其转换为提示。这样的提示由原始输入的关键组件和[MASK]令牌组成。通过继承原始输入,我们为[MASK]令牌构造上下文,以便由预先训练的 LM $\mathcal{M}$预测。为了完成规则,我们将每个$x_p_i$ 馈送到 $\mathcal{M}$ ,以获得[MASK]令牌在词汇表$\mathcal{V}$上的概率分布:
我们都有一个特定于任务的模板来重塑原始输人以提示 PLM。生成的提示通常包括作为上下文的原始输入和要由 PLM 填充的掩码令牌。最终规则包含多个原子部分,以捕获不同的信息视图。每个规则都伴随着原始输入实例的真实标签,这样的标签将分配给此规则匹配的未标记实例
例如,如表$\mathbb{E}$1 所示,关系提取任务的提示可以是“实体[MASK]实体”,它在保持关键语义的同时使用关系短语对原始输入进行重新短语。以新闻主题分类为例,通过填充提示中的屏蔽槽,PLM 提出了基于候选关键字的主题分类规则。与从语料库的表面模式中提取的规则不同(e。g。, $n$ -gram 规则),这样的基于提示的规则建议可以生成原始输入中未出现的单词--此功能对于模型泛化很重要。给
其中$\mathcal{M}(\cdot)$表示$\mathcal{M}$的输出向量,$v$是预测的 XMATHX 嵌入 1, 。我们收集具有最高$p($MASK $=\hat{v}\mid x_{p_{i}})$的 top- $k$预测以形成候选规则。通过使用提示预测填充基于$x_{e_i}$的规则,我们在迭代$t$中获得了候选规则集,表示为$\mathcal{R}_t=\{r_j\}_{j=1}^{\mathcal{B}}$。 | [
] | [
"Clean Data D,",
"Data Weights wi",
"1.Candidate Rules Generation",
"Large-error Instance xe",
"Microsoft is an American technology corporation founded by Bill Gates.",
"Prompt Template xp",
"[Input] The PERSON Bill Gates [MASK] the ORGANIZATION Microsoft.",
"Model mt-1",
"2.InteractiveRule Evaluation",
"Human-selected Rules R+",
"3.WeaklySupervised Model Training&Ensemble",
"Human Annotators",
"D, UDt-1",
"Model Ensemble",
"Unmatched Data Du",
"Rule-matched Data Dr",
"Model mt",
"Figure l: Overall framework for PRBOOST. In each iteration, PRBOOST (1) identifies large-error instances",
"from the limited clean data and converts each large-error instance to a prompt template for prompting-based rule",
"discovery; (2) presents candidate rules to human experts for annotation and uses accepted rules to generate new",
"weak labels; (3) trains a new weak model with self-training and ensembles it with the previous models.",
"Input :",
"Microsoft is an American technology corporation founded by Bill Gates.",
"Prompt :",
"[ Input ] The Person Bill Gates [Mask] the Organization Microsoft.",
"Rule :",
"[Entity Pair ==(Person, Org) } ^( [Mask] == founded ]^[ st,j ≥ threshold ] → per:found",
"Input :",
"Marvell Software Solutions Israel is a wholly owned subsidiary of Marvell Technology Group",
"Prompt :",
"[Input]TheMarvell SoftwareSolutionsIsraelisa [Mask].",
"Rule :",
"( [Mask] == subsidiary V corporation V company ] ^( st,j ≥ threshold -→Company",
"Input :",
"Liverpool short of firepower for crucial encounter. Rafael Benitez must gamble with Liverpools",
"Champions League prospects tonight but lacks the ammunition to make it a fair fight.",
"Prompt :",
"[Mask] News: [Input]",
"{ [Mask] == Liverpool V Team V Football V Sports ] ^ [ st, ≥ threshold ] → Sports",
"Table I: The examples of prompt-based rules for relation extraction, ontology classification, and news topic clas-",
"sification. Here [Input ] denotes the original input, [Mask] denotes the mask token, and A, V are the logical",
"operators. We use bold words to show the ground-truth label of the original input.",
"exp(o- M(ap))",
"p(MASK = | p) =",
" exp(u-M(ap:)",
"为 Rt=(rg-1 "
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2203.09735",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 4
} |
2212.00715-zh-1 | 2212.00715-zh-1.jpg | What do you MEME? 为模因中的视觉语义角色标记生成解释
Shivam Sharma, $^{1,4}$ Siddhant Agarwal,$^{1}$Tharun Suresh,$^{1}$ Preslav Nakov,$^2$Md. Shad Akhtar,$^1$Tanmoy Chakraborty$^3$
$^{1}$Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi, India $^{2}$Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artifcial Intelligence, UAE
$^3$Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
$^{4}$Wipro AI Labs, India
$\{$ shivams, siddhant20247, tharun20119, shad.akhtar $\}$, [email protected], [email protected]
Figure 1: A novel task of EXCLAIM. Given a meme, a referred entity and its semantic role, generate a natural language explanation that emulates human-like reason- $\operatorname{ing}.$
Memes are powerful means for effective communication on social media. Their effortless amalgamation of viral visuals and compelling messages can have far-reaching implications with proper marketing. Previous research on memes has primarily focused on characterizing their affective spectrum and detecting whether the meme's message insinuates any intended harm, such as hate, $\bar{\text{offense, racism }}$,etc. However, memes often use abstraction, which can be elusive. Here, we introduce a novel task - EXCLAIM, generating explanations for visual semantic role labeling in memes. To this end, we curate ExHVV, a novel dataset that offers natural language explanations of connotative roles for three types of entities - heroes , villains , and victims , encompassing 4,680 entities present in 3K memes. We also benchmark ExHVV with several strong unimodal and multimodal baselines. Moreover, we posit LUMEN, a novel multimodal, multi-task learning framework that endeavors to address EXCLAIM optimally by jointly learning to predict the correct semantic roles and correspondingly to generate suitable natural language explanations. LUMEN distinctly outperforms the best ${\hat{\text{baseline across 18 standard natural language genera-}}}$ tion evaluation metrics. Our systematic evaluation and analyses demonstrate that characteristic multimodal cues required for adjudicating semantic roles are also helpful for generating suitable explanations.
## 1 Introduction
我们尝试在检测模因的语义角色标签时利用所学的功能:英雄,恶棍和 victim ,以生成合理的自然语言解释。在这样做的过程中,我们的目标是将模因与基于社交媒体的关键用例(如内容审核和数字营销)相关联。生成的解释可以帮助对角色标签进行情境化,并有助于对战略洞察力进行回顾性推断
模因在诋毁、伤害或美化目标实体时,经常含蓄地讽刺、讽刺、幽默和讽刺。。由于需要进行抽象推理和多模式语境化,因此为这些方面生成解释具有挑战性,因为角色标签和相应的解释是相辅相成的。例如,图$\overline{\mathrm{E}}$1 描绘了一个模因,其中唐纳德·特朗普被描绘成错误地暗示民主党炮制了“冠状病毒”的诡计,但没有明确说明。因此,根据模因的符号学,唐纳德·特朗普需要被判定为恶棍,涉及他在所描绘的场景中的讽刺立场逆转。因此,民主党作为受害者的角色需要根据隐含的讽刺来确定。EXCLAIM 要求一个解释代理来考虑这种复杂性, 同时为上述语义角色生成合适的解释
众所周知,文本模态有助于检测仇恨模因 (Kiela et al. 2020a),有害模因及其目标类型(Pramanick et al. 2021a,b),模因情感(Sharma et al.2020),模态内不协调 (Pan et al. 2020) 以及模因 (Sharma et al. 2022c) 中多种情感内涵的语义角色标签。另一方面,一个罕见的任务表现出视觉影响是检测有害实体(Sharma et al. 2022a),它包含一个单一的情感内涵。此外,已观察到图像模态在检测模因情绪 (Singh, Bauwelinck, and Lefever 2020;Ruiz et al. 2020) 方面表现不佳。因此,模态影响通常因任务而异。但是,可以为任务复杂性或特
近年来,模因已成为交流复杂思想和讨论社会问题的必要条件。除了是互联网上的一种发展现象外,模因视觉食谱还通过适应不断发展的不同社会观点而不断变异使它们变得深奥。由于它们的设计可访问性,模因越来越多地传播以造成各种伤害 (Pramanick et al. 2021a) 包括讨厌 (Kiela et al. 2020a) , 冒犯 (Shang et al. 2021) ,拖钓 (Suryawanshi and Chakravarthi 2021)等。最近, 已经朝着自动检测此类模因 (Sharma et al. 2022b) 的方向发展。。然而,在考虑多模式和上下文依赖等方面时,限制开始具体化
例如,在模因 (Sharma et al. 2022a,c) 中检测社会实体的多模态叙事框架并对固有的上下文推理进行建模具有挑战性
Copyright $\odot2023$, Association for the Advancement of Ar-
tificial Intelligence ( All rights reserved. | [
] | [
"Shivam Sharma, 1,4 Siddhant Agarwal, 1 Tharun Suresh, 1",
"Preslav Nakov, 2 Md. Shad Akhtar, 1 Tanmoy Chakraborty",
"'Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi, India",
"2Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artifcial Intelligence, UAE",
"3Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India",
"4Wipro AI Labs, India",
"[ shivams, siddhant20247, tharun20119, shad.akhtar J, [email protected], [email protected]",
"Entity: democratic party",
"Role: victim",
"Memes are powerful means for effective communication",
"The Coronavi",
"a Democrat Hoax!",
"ocraticparty is depictec",
"being unfairly criticizec",
"on social media. Their effortless amalgamation of viral",
"visuals and compelling messages can have far-reaching",
"implications with proper marketing. Previous research",
"democratic party is",
"on memes has primarily focused on characterizing their",
"rtrayed as a victim of",
"affective spectrum and detecting whether the meme's",
"T'm declaring the",
"message insinuates any intended harm, such as hate",
"National Emergency",
"democratic partyis",
"offense, racism , etc.However, memes often use ab",
"straction, which can be elusive. Here, we introduce a",
"used of ahoax",
"novel task- ExCLAIM, generating explanations for",
"visual semantic role labeling in memes. To this end, we",
"Figure l: A novel task of EXCLAIM. Given a meme, a",
"curate ExHVV, a novel dataset that offers natural lan-",
"referred entity and its semantic role, generate a natural",
"guage explanations of connotative roles for three types",
"language explanation that emulates human-like reason-",
"-heroes ,villains ,and victims,encom-",
"passing 4,680 entities present in 3K memes. We also",
"benchmark ExHVV with several strong unimodal and",
"multimodal baselines. Moreover, we posit LUMEN, a",
"novel multimodal, multi-task learning framework that",
"endeavors to address EXCLAIM optimally by jointly",
"respondingly to generate suitable natural language ex-",
"planations. LUMEN distinctly outperforms the best",
"baseline across 18 standard natural language genera-",
"tion evaluation metrics.Our systematic evaluation and",
"analyses demonstrate that characteristic multimodal",
"cues required for adjudicating semantic roles are also",
"helpful for generating suitable explanations",
"的任务表现出视觉影响是检测有害实体Sharma etal.",
"Copyright 2023, Association for the Advancement of Ar-",
"tificial Intelligence ( All rights reserved.",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2212.00715",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 1
} |
2212.00715-zh-2 | 2212.00715-zh-2.jpg | 定于模态的输出配置推广类似的东西,就像 EXCLAIM
Bateman (2014)将文本-图像关系 (Barthes and Heath 1978) 以图形方式研究为系统网络,并强调文本会放大图像,而图像会抑制它。Osterroth(2018)进一步将模因解构为三个部分:(i)最初的言语成分会影响普通用户,(ii)有经验的用户的视觉部分,以及(iii)曲折的结论性第二言语部分。这恢复了视觉模糊, 强调了批判性模因分析的抽象推理。我们旨在通过从多个相关目标 (Lee and Shen 2022) 进行共享学习来研究EXCLAIM 的上下文增强
总而言之,我们使用几个单峰和多峰基线对我们建议的数据集 ExHVV, 通常涉及单/多模式编码器-解码器架构。我们进一步提出了 LUMEN, 这是一个多模式编码器-解码器框架,它通过多任务学习结合了实体特定的角色标签信息和解释生成功能。我们使用多个标准自然语言生成(NLG)评估措施来比较这些系统的性能, 以评估其生成质量。我们终于揭示了 LUMEN 的局限性,同时强调了解决 EXCLAIM 所面临的挑战。我们的贡献总结如下$:^1$
1. EXCLAIM: A novel task formulation, soliciting ex-
planation generation for semantic role labelling in
2. ExHVV: A multimodal dataset comprising natu-
ral language explanations accompanying the sets of
memes, entities, and semantic roles.
3. LUMEN: A novel multimodal, multi-task learning
framework that facilitates shared feature learning,
from semantically related tasks.
4. An extensive study of the explanation generation
quality, across 18 standard NLG evaluation mea-
# 2 Related Work
Meme Analysis. 最近组织了几个共享任务,最近一个任务是检测模因 (Sharma et al.2022c)中的英雄,恶棍和受害者实体。其他包括巨魔模因分类 (Suryawanshi and Chakravarthi 2021) 和通过其情感,类型和强度预测 (Sharma et al. 2020) 进行的模因情感分析。值得注意的是,由 Kiela et al. (2020b)引入并随后由 Zhou, Chen, and Yang (2021)跟进的仇恨模因检测引起了极大的兴趣,并提出了各种解决方案。其中一些工作包括微调 VisualBERT (Li et al. 2019) 和 UNITER (Chen et al. 2020) , 以及使用基于 Detectron 的表示 (Velioglu and Rose 2020; Lippe et al. 2020) 进行仇恨模因检测。另一方面,有系统的努力涉及使用变压器(Muennighoff 2020; Vaswani et al. 2017) , ViLBERT, VLP, UNITER (Sandulescu 2020; Lu et al. 2019; Zhou et al. 2020; Chen et al. 2020) 和 LXMERT (Tan and Bansal 2019) 进行双流集成的统一和双流编码器。除此之外, 其他任务还涉及反犹太主义(Chandra et al.2021) ,
$^{1}$The source code for this work can be found at: https: //
<th rowspan="2">Split</th>
<th colspan="2">U. S. Politics</th>
<th colspan="2">Covid-19</th>
<th rowspan="2">Test</th>
<th rowspan="2">Tota</th>
Table 1: Dataset summary, tabulating the entityspecific sample counts w.r.t. different domains and splits.
宣传技术 (Dimitrov et al. 2021) , 有害性 (Pramanick et al. 2021b) 以及 (Sharma et al. 2022a) 中的有害目标以及模因 (Sharma. and Pulabaigari. 2020; Sharma, Pulabaigari, and Das 2020) 的检测
Visual Question Answering (VQA). Antol et al (2015)完成了有关 VQA 的早期杰出工作,该框架具有鼓励开放式问题和候选人答案的框架。从那时起,已经观察到多种变化。Antol et al.(2015) 通过共同表示图像和问题对答案进行分类。其他方法则通过不限于co/soft/hard-attention 机制 (Lu et al. 2016; Anderson et al. 2018; Malinowski et al. 2018) 的注意力类型检查跨模式交互,从而有效地学习问题令牌与局部图像区域之间的显式相关性。值得注意的是,有一系列尝试将常识推理纳人 (Zellers et al. 2019; Wu et al. 2016, 2017; Marino et al. 2019) 。其中许多研究还利用来自外部知识库的信息来解决 VQA 任务。诸如 UpDn (Anderson et al. 2018) 和 LXMERT (Tan and Bansal 2019) 之类的通用模型明确地利用了$\dot{\text{VQA 任务的非线性变换和变}}$ 压器,而诸如 LMH (Clark, Yatskar, and Zettlemoyer 2019)和 SSL (Zhu et al. 2021) 之类的其他模型则解决了限制 VQA 性能的关键语言先验问题,尽管增强幅度很小
Cross-Modal Association. 由于多模态数据的涌人增加,跨模态关联最近受到了极大的关注。对于跨模态检索和视觉语言预训练,跨模态相似性的精确测量势在必行。传统技术主要使用模态的串联,然后自我关注学习跨模态比对 (Wang et al. 2016) 。在以对象为中心的方${\text{法之后,Zeng, Zhang, and Li (2021)和 Li et al.(2020)}}$ 提出了一种多粒度对齐方法,该方法捕获了多个对象的视觉概念之间的关系,同时将它们与文本和其他元数据对齐。另一方面,几种方法还学习了图像和文本的粗粒度特征之间的对齐方式,同时在其方法(Huang et al 2020;Kim, Son, and Kim 2021) 中忽略了对象检测。后来的方法尝试了多种方法,包括从视觉效果中进行跨模式语义学习和对比损失公式(Yuan et al. 2021; Jia et al. 2021; Radford et al. 2021)
3 ExHVV: Dataset Curation and
Dataset. 由于 EXCLAIM 需要具有模因的多模式数据集,所引用实体的语义角色标签以及相关的自然语言解释,因此我们利用 HVVMemes。此数据集最近在CONSTRAINT-2022(Sharma et al.2022c)上作为共享任务的一部分发布。原始数据集 HVVMemes 通过将 | [
] | [
"U.S. Politics",
"Table 1:Dataset summary,",
"tabulating the entity",
"specific sample counts w.r.t. different domains and",
"splits :",
"etal.2021b)以及(Sharmaet al.2022a)中的有害目",
"标以及模因(Sharma.and Pulabaigari.2020;Sharma,",
"Visual Question Answering (VQA).Antol et al.",
"经观察到多种变化。Antol etal.(2015)通过共同表示",
"co/soft/hard-attention 机制 (Lu et al.2016;Anderson",
"1. EXCLAIM: A novel task formulation, soliciting ex-",
"planation generation for semantic role labelling in",
"2. ExHVV: A multimodal dataset comprising natu-",
"识推理纳人 (Zellers et al. 2019;Wu et al. 2016,2017;",
"ral language explanations accompanying the sets of",
"memes, entities, and semantic roles.",
"3.LUMEN: A novel multimodal, multi-task learning",
"et al. 2018) 和 LXMERT (Tan and Bansal 2019) 之类",
"framework that facilitates shared feature learning",
"from semantically related tasks.",
"4. An extensive study of the explanation generation",
"quality, across 18 standard NLG evaluation mea-",
"2Related Work",
"度特征之间的对齐方式,同时在其方法(Huang etal.",
"意的是,由Kiela etal.(2020b)引人并随后由Zhou.",
"2021; Radford et al. 2021)",
"微调VisualBERT(Liet al.2019)和UNITER(Chen",
"nighoff 2020; Vaswani et al. 2017),ViLBERT, VLP",
"3ExHVV:Dataset Curation and",
"UNITER (Sandulescu 2020; Lu et al. 2019; Zhou et al.",
"其他任务还涉及反犹太主义(Chandra etal.2021),",
"1The source code for this work can be found at: https:",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2212.00715",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 2
} |
2212.00715-zh-3 | 2212.00715-zh-3.jpg | <table>
<th>$S.$ $No.$ </th>
<th>Annotation Guidelines</th>
<td>Explanations should consider meme author's per spe</td>
<td> </td>
<td rowspan="1">3</td>
<td>Annotations should be narrated/written- Using reported speech for opinions.</td>
<td>Cases s laheler thit should 11 $h\rho$ $s$ skipped</td>
<td>Entity should constitute as explanation's primary subject.</td>
<td>Obvious labels s should 1 Yhf rectified 1115</td>
<td>Explanations may follow a standardized format: [En-1] tity] [Action/Abstract Word/Phrases] [Description].</td>
<td>Each $^{*}\boldsymbol{\rho}+\boldsymbol{\rho}$ sinole entitv</td>
<td>Fixnlanations horrow $\frac{1}{2}$ tacts from 1+he $(0)(1,\mathbb{R}$ $f\rho xt$</td>
Table 2: Prescribed guidelines for ExHVV annotation.
meme 实体与角色相关联来注释它们的内涵标签:英雄恶棍,受害者或其他跨 COVID-19 和美国政治领域的人。我们通过对模因中存在的实体提供的内涵标签进行自然语言解释来增强 HVVMemes, 方法是重新注释它们,并偶尔在明显的地方纠正角色标签。表 1 显示了ExHVV 的摘要。我们只考虑英雄,恶棍和受害者,因为其他情况要么本质上是模棱两可的,要么会寻求可能超出范围的解释。r。t。这项工作。这导致 ExHVV 中类别英雄的实体特定样本计数增加了 78, 小人增加了 616, 受害者增加了 159。Annotatorsarerequestedtoexplainwhyanentitycouldbeahero,villain,orvictims。这导致了总共 4680 标记的样品 (c。f。表 1)。由于注释者的解释风格不同,因此在词汇和 length 方面,注释者的解释合理地有所不同。注释中还强调了任务的主观性,因为模因通常会导致几种有效的解释
Annotation Process. 专门为获得解释而训练了两个注释器 w。r。t。EXCLAIM。他们被规定为标准注释指南(c。f。表 2),这是为了帮助他们而起草的。r。t。任务要求和歧义解决。注释指南明确强调将模因作者的观点视为标准化参考。还向注释者发布了具有某些用例的动词列表,以保持注释之间的一致性。两位注释者都听取了简报。r。t。注释指南由整合者提供,其任务是用 125 个实体注释 20 个随机模因的初始公共集,以评估和简化注释模式。然后,考虑到来自整合程序的反馈, 对测试集进行注释。然后,其余的模因在注释者之间平均分配,合并者裁定模棱两可的情况。这些方面被容纳在最终数据集中,以确保一致的注释
$\bullet$ Does the annotator provide a valid explanation?
No/Partially/Yes $(0/\bar{1}/2)$,no label (-1)?
$\bullet$ Are the given pair of annotations diverse or not?
No/Yes (0/1),invalid (no) annotation (-1)?
为两个注释者的 0.81 和 0.84 。
4 Methodology
本节介绍 LUMEN 的详细信息,LUMEN 是我们提出的多模式,多任务学习框架,用于解决 EXCLAIM (c. f。Fig。2)。正如在 1节中激励 EXCLAIM 时举例说明的那样,角色标签和相应的解释可能是互补的;我们假设预测一个应该有助于推断另一个。LUMEN 包含四个关键组件:(a)视觉识别,(b)实体语义,(c)解释生成和(d)角色标签预测。后三者还有助于对子任${\text{务 (ST)进行建模-序列分类 (ST-1),解释生成(ST-2)}}$ 和角色标签预测(ST-3),作为多任务框架的一部分在LUMEN中
视觉识别模块通过基于 OCR 的模因的文本提取,字幕生成和视觉特征提取做出贡献。实体语义模块联合编码模因的嵌人文本和候选实体,同时优化序列分类任务。另一方面,解释生成模块首先对特殊配置的提示以及模因文本及其标题进行编码,然后对编码的隐藏表示的自回归解码进行优化。最后,前三个模块的输出通过其多模式融合被用于角色标签预测任务。有效地, LUMEN 通过从三个相应目标优化联合损失公式来联合训练序列分类,角色预测和解释生成。我们将在以下小节中详细说明这些组件中的每一个
4.1 Visual Recognition
由于模因主要以视觉形式包含所有内容,因此需要首先利用某种视觉处理机制来挖掘每个输入特征提示。为此,我们首先提取模因的嵌人文本,并使用 Google 的OCRVisionAPI 从给定的模因图像中执行基于 OCR 的嵌人文本提取。我们完全考虑模因的文本,并在预处理时丢弃任何固有的换行符。模因的图像形式的视觉背景可能无法全面捕捉模因的预期信息。然而,它确实提供了一种协调的理解,可以获得对模因信息的完整观点。Blaier, Malkiel, and Wolf ( 2021) 的证据表明,利用模因标题可以改善仇恨模因的识别结果。此外,模因中存在的人员,位置和实体等其他提示也有助于下游任务。因此,我们将这些辅助信息与 OCR 文本一起使用。对于图像字幕,我们使用最近发布的 OFA 模型 (Wang et al. 2022)。最后,我们使用基于 ViT 的模型对 meme 视觉对象进行编码,并从其最后一个隐藏层中提取合并输出,以获得视觉嵌入$V_h_i\in\mathbb{R}^{768}$
## 4.2 Entity Semantics
如前所述,模因中的言语内容突出地构成了其语义底色的特征。为了从嵌入在模因中的文本内容中捕获语义, 我们根据经验将 DeBERTa (He et al. 2021) 的最后一个隐藏层的输出指定为我们的首选。除了展示其在各种任务中的优势,即 MNLI, SQuAD, RACE 等。, DeBERTa 在检测模因 (Kun, Bankoti, and Kiskovski 2022) 中实体的语义角色标签方面表现出了卓越的性能。我们将其deberta-v2-xlarge 预训练变体 $(\#$层:24,H:1536 和$\#$参数:900M) 用于与后者类似的目标,除了将“其他”类别视为 EXCLAIM 公式中的目标语义角色。在使用最后一个隐藏层输出时,我们还将此设置微调到序列分类目标。此模型的输入配置为一对序列:[CLS] A [ SEP] B [ SEP] , 其 中 A 对 应 于 OCR 提 取 的 文 本 , B 是候选实体。我们在 LUMEN w 中联合微调此模型。r. t。三个目标标签,英雄,恶棍和受害者,并获得嵌入实体语义的均值池表示$:T_h_i\in\mathbb{R}^{1536}$,以及给定序列的 | [
] | [
"Annotation Guidelines",
"Explanations should consider meme author's per-",
"Explanations should emphasize meme's content only",
"Annotations should be narrated/written-",
".Using reported speech for opinions.",
". In the simple present form when stating facts",
"Explanations should belexicallydiverse",
"Cases labeled as others should be skipped.",
"Entity should constitute as explanation's primary",
"Obvious erroneous labels should be rectified",
"Explanations may follow a standardized format: [En-",
"tity] [Action/Abstract Word/Phrases] [Description]",
"Each explanation should refer to a single entity",
"Explanations may borrow facts from the OCR text.",
"Table 2: Prescribed guidelines for ExHVV annotation",
"Visual Recognition",
": Does the annotator provide a valid explanation?",
"No/Partially/Yes (0/1/2), no label (-1)?",
": Are the given pair of annotations diverse or not?",
"No/Yes (0/1), invalid (no) annotation (-1)?",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2212.00715",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 3
} |
2305.12717-zh-1 | 2305.12717-zh-1.jpg | $\mathbf{TADA:}$变压器的高效任务无关域适配
$\textbf{Chia-Chien Hung}^{1,2,3*},\textbf{Lukas Lange}^3,\textbf{Jannik Strötgen}^{3,4}$
$^{1}\bar{\text{NEC Laboratories Europe GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany}}$
$^2$Data and Web Science Group, University of Mannheim, Germany $^3$Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence, Renningen, Germany $^{4}$Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Karlsruhe, Germany
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
## Abstract
Intermediate training of pre-trained transformer-based language models on domainspecific data leads to substantial gains for downstream tasks. To increase efficiency and prevent catastrophic forgetting alleviated from full domain-adaptive pre-training, approaches such as adapters have been developed. However, these require additional parameters for each layer, and are criticized for their limited expressiveness. In this work, we introduce TADA, a novel task-agnostic domain adaptation method which is modular, parameter-efficient, and thus, data-efficient. Within TADA, we retrain the embeddings to learn domain-aware input representations and tokenizers for the transformer encoder, while freezing all other parameters of the model. Then, task-specific fine-tuning is performed. We further conduct experiments with meta-embeddings and newly introduced metatokenizers, resulting in one model per task in multi-domain use cases. Our broad evaluation in 4 downstream tasks for 14 domains across single- and multi-domain setups and high- and low-resource scenarios reveals that TADA is an effective and efficient alternative to full domain-adaptive pre-training and adapters for domain adaptation, while not introducing additional parameters or complex training steps.
## 1 Introduction
预训练语言模型 (Radford et al.,2018; Devlin et al.,2019)利用转换器 (Vaswani et al.,2017) 已成为在各种自然语言处理(NLP)任务中取得令人瞩目的成就的关键技术。然而,这些预先训练的基于变压器的语言模型(PTLM)是在大规模和异构的语料库上训练的,重点是泛化性,而没有解决特定领域的问题。在实践中, 缺乏此类域相关信息会严重损害下游应用程序的性能,如大量研究(i。a。,Zhu and Goldberg, 2009; Ruder and Plank, 2018; ?)
$^{*}$Research work conducted during internship at Bosch
Center for Artificial Intelligence.
为了传授有用的领域知识,出现了两种主要的利用变压器的领域自适应方法:(1)回从头开始进行大规模预训练$\mathbb{E}$(Beltagy et al., 2019; Wu et al., 2020) 依赖于在预训练期间结合了各种自我监督目标的大型特定领域语料库。但是,广泛的培训过程在时间和资源上都是低效的,因为它需要大量(末)标记的领域专用语料库和大量计算能力。(2)$\operatorname{E\text{域自适应中间预训练}E}$ (Gururangan et al., 2020) 被认为是更轻的重量, 因为它只需要少量的域内数据和更少的纪元从以前的检查点在 PTLM 上持续训练。然而,完全预训练模型(i。e。, 更新所有 PTLM 参数) 可能会导致灾难性的遗忘和干扰 (McCloskey and Cohen, 1989; Houlsby et al.,2019) ,特别是对于更长的自适应迭代。为了克服这些限制, 已经引人了诸如适配器$\overline{\mathrm{E}}($Rebuff et al.,2017; Houlsby et al., 2019) 和稀疏微调$\boxed{\mathrm{E}}($Guo et al., 2021; Ben Zaken et al., 2022) 之类的替代方案。然而,这些方法仍然是参数和时间效率低下的,因为它们要么添加额外的参数,要么需要复杂的训练步骤和/或模型
在这项工作中,我们提出了 Task-一个诺斯替 Domain 一个变压器的 daptation (TADA ), 一个新颖的领域专业化框架。如图|E|1 所示,它由两个步骤组成:(1)我们对预训练的基于变压器的语言模型进行中间训练(e。g。,BERT) 在未标记的特定于领域的文本语料库上,以便将领域知识注入到转换器中。在这里,我们固定编码器的参数权重,同时只更新嵌入的权重(i。e。, 基于嵌入的域自适应预训练)。因此, 我们从原始 PTLM 获得具有共享编码器的每个域的域专用嵌人,而无需添加用于域自适应的其他参数。(2)然后可以针对单域或多域场景 (Lange et al., 2021b) 中的下游任务对获得的域专用嵌入以及编码器进行微调,其中后者是使用元嵌入$\overline{\mathrm{E}}($Coates and Bollegala, 2018; Kiela et al., 2018) 和一种新颖的元标记方法进行的。$\textbf{Contributions. 我 们 通 过 以 下 贡 献 推 进 了 领 }$ 域专业化领域:
(i)我们提出了一种模块化,参数高效且与任务无关的域自适应方法(TADA),而无需为 | [
] | [
"Chia-Chien Hungl, 2, 3*, Lukas Lange', Jannik Strotgen3, 4",
"'NEC Laboratories Europe GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany",
"2Data and Web Science Group, University of Mannheim, Germany",
"3Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence, Renningen, Germany",
"4Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Karlsruhe, Germany",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"Intermediate training of pre-trained trans-",
"former-based language models on domain-",
"specific data leads to substantial gains for",
"downstream tasks.To increase efficiency",
"and prevent catastrophic forgetting alleviated",
"from full domain-adaptive pre-training, ap",
"proaches such as adapters have been devel",
"oped.However,theserequire additionalpa",
"rameters for each layer, and are criticized for",
"their limited expressiveness.In this work,",
"we introduce TADA, a novel task-agnostic do-",
"main adaptation method which is modular,",
"Within TADA, we retrain the embeddings",
"and Cohen,1989;Houlsbyet al.,2019),特别是",
"to learn domain-aware input representations",
"and tokenizers for the transformerencoder",
"while freezing all other parameters of the",
"Houlsby et al.,2019)和稀疏微调E(Guo etal.,",
"model. Then, task-specific fine-tuning is per.",
"formed. We further conduct experiments with",
"meta-embeddings and newlyintroduced meta-",
"tokenizers,resultingin onemodelpertaskin",
"multi-domain use cases. Our broad evaluation",
"in 4 downstream tasks for 14 domains across",
"single- and multi-domain setups and high- and",
"low-resource scenarios reveals that TADA is",
"an effective and efficient alternative to full",
"domain-adaptivepre-training and adaptersfoi",
"domain adaptation, while not introducing addi",
"tional parameters or complex training steps",
"2009; Ruder and Plank, 2018; ?)",
"*Research work conducted during internship at Bosch",
"Center for Artificial Intelligence",
] | {
"arxiv_id": "2305.12717",
"language": "zh",
"page_idx": 1
} |