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test | i 'd be more inclined to believe that it 's some sort of ring world . | it is not hollow , it is round just as our world . | 1.8 |
test | on the one hand , there ’ s nothing in canon to suggest that the time turners could go forwards in time . | time turners were explicitly mentioned for use in going back in time . | 2.8 |
test | i was invited in to pitch story ideas to ron moore at st : tng . | it 's obviously possible for it to leave the field without harm - it occurred . | 0 |
test | first of all , let me say that there seems to be 3 main traits to casting a spell . | i always thought that harry seemed to learn from the half-blood prince better than he did from other sources . | 0.6 |
test | i started watching the stargate series by watching atlantis first ! | without delving into an in-depth analysis of atlantis and universe , i 'll try and be as succinct as possible . | 1.8 |
test | i voted for the dyson sphere as being the biggest realistic . | allen steele 's book hex describes a dyson sphere , but made of hexagons , 1000 miles ( k ? | 0.4 |
test | it was before the season began because amy saw the woman before the silence took her . | the exact timeline hasn 't been listed yet , but there are a few assumptions we can make . | 0.2 |
test | we have two parallel worlds in collision or maybe more . | our intrepid heroes also didn 't pursue the child who was in the spacesuit . | 0 |
test | dick was an idea guy and a people guy , not a science guy . | most of philip k dick 's works aren 't hard sci-fi in the least . | 1.4 |
test | first , we must consider that " sphere " is less hard sf and more soft sf , thriller , airport novel and such . | " fins " on real spacecraft are usually for one of two purposes : solar panels or thermal radiators . | 0 |
test | according to canon , leia was an expert in combat , especially shooting ( this is from eu books ) . | in real-world combat , most fire is used to suppress the enemy , not kill them . | 0.6 |
test | i don 't think we have a solid theory of mammal speciation . | the short answer is that evolution couldn 't create gills in humans . | 0.8 |
test | here is the 2006 cover release , choice b in your question is the 2006 version . | wikipedia 's compilation of time travel rules is a good resource to check about this subject . | 0.2 |
test | sign language maybe , since there is no tone to convey meaning , emotion or intent . | it is safe to say that body posture plays a big role in all languages . | 2.2 |
test | remember , from the fleet 's point of view , the rest of the galaxy is what 's moving and experiencing time dilation . | well , it really depends on how long he was there , and the exact speed of the fleet . | 1.8 |
test | this idea has been around since the beginning of myth and storytelling . | the science behind superheroes might shed some light on this topic . | 0.2 |
test | is it possible for a match to get tie even after applying d / l method ? | yes , it 's possible for a match to get tie after applying the d / l method . | 4 |
test | yes a team can use the same player for both bowling and batting in a super over . | there 's no rule that decides which players can be picked for bowling / batting in the super over . | 4.2 |
test | it is simply the number of balls bowled divided by the number of wickets taken . | bowling strike rate is defined for a bowler as the average number of balls bowled per wicket taken . | 4.4 |
test | yes , absolutely - the receiving player must allow the ball to bounce before returning the serve - or any shot , actually . | yes , the receiver needs to wait until the ball touches his playing area , otherwise it counts as being obstructed . | 3 |
test | we only used fartlek as a fitness measurement , and as a bit of fun . | fartlek is not more effective than any proper interval training - just more fun ! | 2.6 |
test | if the number of fours hit by two teams are also equal then both teams will get 1 point each . | this is the rule if the runs scored by two teams in super over is equal ... | 0.6 |
test | women first appeared in the modern olympics in croquet at the 1900 olympics . | in 1900 , the second modern olympic games , 22 women competed in 5 events : tennis , sailing , croquet , equestrian , and golf . | 3.2 |
test | it is hard to speak for a team , know what their strategy is going into a draft . | drafting has changed dramatically with the new collective bargaining agreement . | 2.6 |
test | to play golf , the first thing you need is a set of clubs . | having fairly recently taken up the sport myself , i feel your discomfort . | 1.2 |
test | yes , dew ( wetness in the environment ) factor can change the direction of a match . | another disadvantage of the dew factor is that it makes hitting boundaries difficult . | 3 |
test | reading your post , made me think of my younger years ! ! | i 'd say you need to distract yourself from the bigger picture . | 0 |
test | there is no good reason for the failure to implement video plays in professional soccer . | there is another problem with applying instant replays beyond just interrupting the flow of the game . | 2.6 |
test | basically , the rule is that you must play the ball , and not the man , until someone catches the ball . | it is fairly simple to understand , somewhat harder to referee . | 1.2 |
test | at the highest level , a pace setter helps ensure they meet their game plan for the race exactly . | from personal experience i found that a pace setter to be incredibly helpful . | 2.8 |
test | i can think of three key factors that are quite logical conjectures . | there have been quite a few studies in football / soccer discussing home field advantage . | 0.2 |
test | the movement of the ball in the air is called swing bowling . | both of these styles of bowling are performed by bowlers who are medium pace or fast bowlers . | 1.8 |
test | actually , it 's much more easier to count the one not on the same continent . | that is also the recommended strategy for marathons , if you are going for time . | 0 |
test | red ball under yellow floodlight takes on a brownish color which is very similar to the color of the pitch . | i am too a hobby swimmer but as part of my triathlon training . | 0 |
test | no , there is no specific criteria for giving the man of the match award . | as per the rules , mom award is decide by the commentry pannel . | 3 |
test | i can 't think of the specifics , but i seem to remember this scenario from many years ago . | the laws of cricket say that you can declare any innings , no matter what the agreed length is . | 0 |
test | as per fifa 's " equipment regulations " , section 22 , only the goalkeeper is permitted to wear a cap . | although headgear is allowed to be worn , it is not advised for anyone other than the goalkeeper . | 2.4 |
test | glad to hear you 've started playing hockey , its a great sport ! | a general rule of thumb is every 5-6 hours of skating . | 0.4 |
test | i prefer to run the second half 1-2 minutes faster then the first . | i would definitely go for a slightly slower first half . | 2.6 |
test | it was random that she faced li na in the first round - not because she 's seeded / ranked # 127 . | this was too long for a comment , so i am posting it as a cw-answer . | 0 |
test | for the most part you can apply at any us consulate . | generally you 're supposed to apply at the us consulate at your place of residence . | 3.6 |
test | there is one airline , spirit airlines , which is trying to copy ryanair with super cheap tickets and aggressively bad service . | there are a few airlines which operate flights at lower fares . | 1.8 |
test | i 'd suggest you find a bank in your local country , and consider opening a euro denominated bank account with them . | i am not sure if you can open a bank account in france if you are not a resident . | 1.6 |
test | as i remember , in geneva at least , there are open air markets on a weekly basis . | this page list all the big christmas markets in switzerland . | 2 |
test | my experience is that a normal taxi is always cheaper . | when using a regular taxi make sure it 's with a reputable company or you agree upon the rate upfront . | 2 |
test | i had a similar issue but in what seemed to be a simpler situation . | i 'm actually about to do the same thing when transferring at london heathrow . | 0 |
test | a technical stop is for the benefit of the plane . | usually it 's a refuelling stop , and you just sit on the plane . | 2.6 |
test | kyoto , at least does , as described here : jr kyoto station . | coin lockers are a feature of most stations in japan . | 0.4 |
test | there 's a geek answer to this , and a practical answer to this . | it 's pretty ridiculous that i 've seen airlines ask for these to be turned off at times . | 0 |
test | i visited peru in august , starting from lima and touring for three weeks . | cusco : high : 70f low : 40f this is just before the rainy season ( dec-mar ) and crowds are general less . | 0.2 |
test | generally , almost wherever i go , i find it 's easiest to get money out of the atm . | there are plenty of atms and exchanges all around the city , especially in city center . | 1.8 |
test | the most obvious is the oldest long distance walk in scotland : the west highland way . | look at this : http : / / www.capewrathtrail.co.uk / you could do it in stages . | 1.6 |
test | the answer will depend significantly on what country you 're traveling to . | as someone who has always travelled with a lot of prescription medication , i always declare it . | 1 |
test | there are trains via knin , which means a large detour inland ( there just isn 't a coastal line ) . | as others have said if you want to get to split the best public transport offering is by bus . | 0.6 |
test | would going on a cargo ship count as a tour ? | ozbus offer a 29 week tour of south america , starting and finishing in quito . | 1 |
test | english works everywhere with people buying and selling things and in the hospitality and tourism busniness . | i traveled around maharashtra ( including mumbai ) and andhra pradesh and i had no problem getting by with just english . | 2.8 |
test | i think the dual goals have a lot to do with the purpose of the antagonist . | i think it 's going to depend on what the reasons are . | 2.6 |
test | there is nothing wrong with the phrase " simple sample service " . | the minimal change needed to avoid disconcerting alliteration is to just call it a " simple example service " . | 3.4 |
test | i 've started my own tool since i didn 't like ywriter and storybook . | i 've tried many of the things mentioned above , but they never really worked for me . | 1.6 |
test | yes , this is ok , as it allows you to emphasise certain things , that you want the readers to notice . | i believe this is perfectly acceptable and does a good job of emphasising your point . | 4 |
test | for fiction , i have little proof to show of blogs being published as print and / or ebooks . | to answer your question , yes , i think blogging your fiction will hurt your attempts to be traditionally published later . | 1.8 |
test | david weber 's the war god 's own has some lengthy travel scenes in it which he does quite well . | one thing that should be used as a seasoning in odyssey tales is the idea of the false destination . | 0.2 |
test | you have to define the problem before attempting a solution . | whenever i start reading the same lines over and over again , i start skimming . | 0 |
test | your worry is a valid one ; the reader could be frustrated by this . | i don 't believe not knowing a character 's name would be confusing unless you make it so . | 1.4 |
test | no , you don 't need to have taken classes or earned a degree in your area . | i have done quite a bit of technical writing for healthcare information systems . | 0 |
test | one thing you seem to be forgetting regarding myths , is they are extremely prevalent stories . | i noticed you said " movie critics " enjoy mythological references in a film , but do audiences ? | 1.2 |
test | we just addressed this recently , and the excellent answer suggested was guillemets . | guillemets , as suggested by lauren ipsum , is a good option . | 3.6 |
test | the villains i absolutely hate are selfish and self-serving , but they are also cowards . | a villain you want to take down is , at his / her core , someone who does not care about the suffering of others . | 3 |
test | you can write the book in any way you choose , as long as it works for you . | sequence a only in writing ( sometimes you have to go back and revise ) option the not writer has is . | 1.2 |
test | yes , dull dialog should be removed completely ( or transformed to interesting dialog ) . | i agree with lauren 's answer : you need highs and lows in any story . | 1.8 |
test | the answer to your question is : it depends on how the writer works . | at first , i thought this is a bit of a tricky question . | 0.8 |
test | webster 's new world rhyming dictionary : clement wood 's updated this is the rhyming dictionary i turn to first . | http : / / www.rhymezone.com / you just type in a word , then select one of the following . | 1.2 |
test | keep in mind that you can easily swear without swearing . | i think stephen king 's comments are helpful in this regard . | 0 |
test | in these days of googling , it 's sloppy to not find the source of a quotation . | i agree with kate sherwood , you should be able to attribute most quotes these days by simple fact checking . | 3.2 |
test | i have been doing a lot of my outlining / pre-writing work in workflowy . | am i allowed to beat the drum for scrivener again ? | 0.2 |
test | " the electrical state at the terminal matches the battery " " s electrical state " | terminal 1 is connected to the negative battery terminal | 1.8 |
test | the closed path is connected to the light bulb | bulb a was still contained in the same closed path with the battery . | 2.4 |
test | because bulb a is contained within the same closed path as the battery | bulb a was still contained in the same closed path with the battery . | 4.4 |
test | there is a damaged bulb | terminal 6 is separated by a gap from the negative battery terminal | 0.8 |
test | bulbs a and c are in separate paths . | a , b and c are in different paths | 3.2 |
test | you have reached a point where the terminals are not connected to each other . | the terminals are not connected | 4.2 |
test | had a closed path to the battery | bulb a was still contained in the same closed path with the battery . | 3 |
test | there was no gap between terminal 6 and the positive terminal . | there is no gap between terminal 6 and the positive terminal | 4.6 |
test | not contained in a closed path | bulb c was not in a closed path | 2.83 |
test | the battery terminals have different electrical states . | a battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals | 3.6 |
test | an open switch causes a gap . | the open switch creates a gap | 5 |
test | bulb a and bulb c affect each other . | a and c are in the same closed path | 2.8 |
test | the terminal is separated from the battery terminal | the terminals are separated by a gap | 2.8 |
test | switch y is not in the same path of bulb a . | bulb a is still in a closed path with the battery | 1.6 |
test | when a switch is open the circuit is no longer complete | there is an incomplete circuit | 3 |
test | because the positive circuit has a voltage of 1.5 volts . | terminal 1 and the positive terminal are separated by the gap | 1 |
test | the bulb is only connected at the negative connection . | the battery is in an open path | 0.6 |
test | there is not a terminal connected to the positive path of the battery | the battery is in an open path | 1.4 |
test | the terminal is not connected to the battery terminal | the terminals are not connected | 3.6 |
test | there is no gap between the positive battery terminal and terminal 5 | there is no gap between terminal 5 and the positive terminal | 5 |
test | it cuts the current from the battery | the path is not closed | 1 |
test | bulb a and bulb c were still contained in a closed path with the battery . | bulbs a and c are still contained in closed paths with the battery | 5 |
test | because the gap creates a difference in electrical states | a battery uses a chemical reaction to maintain different electrical states at the terminals | 1.6 |
test | the battery is contained in a closed path without any devices | the battery is contained in a closed path which does not contain any other components | 4.6 |
test | there is still a closed path | if bulb a burns out , bulbs b and c are still in a closed path | 2.4 |
Subsets and Splits