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Apple Stackexchange Q: Upload photos to specified photo album, on iPad Are there any ways to move photos from the default album to a specified album? Maybe there exist some iPad apps for that? I know how to do that using iTunes, but you know, it's very uncomfortable :( A: Unfortunately, no. The iPad (as of 3.2.1) does not support the manipulation of photo albums by code running on an iPad through any approved mechanism.
Q: Upload photos to specified photo album, on iPad Are there any ways to move photos from the default album to a specified album? Maybe there exist some iPad apps for that? I know how to do that using iTunes, but you know, it's very uncomfortable :( A: Unfortunately, no. The iPad (as of 3.2.1) does not support the manipulation of photo albums by code running on an iPad through any approved mechanism.
{ "language": "en", "length": 73, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:157", "question_score": "3", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Why is my Macbook Pro getting so slow? On my MacBook Pro (Year 2009) it takes a long time until I'm logged in or until when a program is started. From day to dayit's getting slower. Programs like Safari or Word or MonoDevelop take up to 2 min until it's started. Would it be Win95/98/XP, I would reformat and reinstall everything. But what are the possibilites with a Mac and OS X? Is there a performance monitor? Thanks for any hints. My Mac has: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8GHz, 4GB RAM A: You want to look at /Application/Utilities/Activity This will tell you what processes are running and what's taking up the most ram/cpu. It'll also show you how much ram you're using, how much of your cpu you're using, and how much network and harddrive i/o you're doing. This is the starting point if you want to troubleshoot performance, since it'll show you where your bottlenecks are and what's slowing you down.
Q: Why is my Macbook Pro getting so slow? On my MacBook Pro (Year 2009) it takes a long time until I'm logged in or until when a program is started. From day to dayit's getting slower. Programs like Safari or Word or MonoDevelop take up to 2 min until it's started. Would it be Win95/98/XP, I would reformat and reinstall everything. But what are the possibilites with a Mac and OS X? Is there a performance monitor? Thanks for any hints. My Mac has: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8GHz, 4GB RAM A: You want to look at /Application/Utilities/Activity This will tell you what processes are running and what's taking up the most ram/cpu. It'll also show you how much ram you're using, how much of your cpu you're using, and how much network and harddrive i/o you're doing. This is the starting point if you want to troubleshoot performance, since it'll show you where your bottlenecks are and what's slowing you down. A: First of all, I would start to check your login items. Open System Preferences, go to Accounts, on the left pane, select your account and go on the Login Items tab. There, will be listed all your programs that start up when you log in. Remove everything you don't need to run on your system startup. -- Also, try to reindex your computer. To do so, either install Alfred (it's an app launcher, but I know it offers an option to reindex Spotlight in one click) or open Spotlight preferences in System Preferences go to the Privacy tab and drag the Volume under which is install Mac OS X, wait a few seconds and remove it. There's also a command line magic you'll probably find in the interwebs. Be aware that it might a long time to reindex, depending on the number of files you have. But it could really speed up your system. A: There could be several things here that are creating the lag time, but there is never a need to reinstall everything. Plan A: I actually do these things on the first Monday of every month Purge Caches: Macintosh HD/Library/Caches/ and Macintosh HD/Users/UserName/Library/Caches/. You lose some of your application preferences, but things are all but guarenteed to be snappy. Repair Permissions with the Disk Utility: You can either view permissions or fix permissions. Just go straight for fixing permissions and get a cup of tea and read a magazine while you wait. Reboot on a regular basis: I don't care what anybody says about uptime; the occasional reboot does wonders. My Macs are real workhorses, and I reboot Monday mornings when I get in. I rarely, if ever these days, have problems. Plan B: The Not So Obvious Let Spotlight index when it finds new stuff: Spotlight makes for good searches, but it's indexing processes are a real hassle. If things slow down, I first look for the little dot in the magnifying glass in the menu bar icon. If that's going, I go get a cup of coffee or find something else to do. Look for background services you may have forgotten: Also, look for any background processes that may be dragging things down. Look at your login items in the System Preferences, because maybe you have some kind of a server daemon that loads in the background you forgot about. Or maybe you have your iTunes library shared and enough people are on listening to content to slow things down (this was also a problem at my company). Check free hard drive space: I have also noticed in the past that things can slow down if I don't have enough hard drive space. Things really get wonky on my Macs when I have less than 10% free space, so I start cleaning things off when I am at the 20% free space threshold. Plan C: System Level Look for multiple, related processes: Check Activity Monitor for anything that might be hogging CPU time. Don't just look for a single process that has a high number, but also look multiple processes that might be related. I recently had a problem with McAfee AntiVirus (my company's IT department foisted it onto us) trying to almost continuously scan my iDisk. No process got above 2%, but there were over a half dozen of them. Once I disconnected my iDisk, McAfee was no longer a problem. Let overnight processes run: Most days I leave my Macs on all day and all night because there a number of system processes that run at around 2:00a, Sunday mornings being especially important (that's when the weekly and monthly processes run). Do a quick reboot and all should be well. Plan Z Apple Certified Technicians are your friends: Third-party system maintenance software is not. I've been working with Macs for years and the one immutable fact that I have learned is that applications designed to help maintain the system are more trouble than they are worth. When all else fails, take it in because there may be a hardware problem at this point. A: I had this problem with an old mac. Make sure your hard drive is fully functional. Mine had the exact same symptoms, and it turned out that the drive was b0rk3d, and that was why Spotlight took so long , startup took so long etc.
{ "language": "en", "length": 892, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:159", "question_score": "14", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Snow leopard server: use a NAS volume as share point I have a mounted nas volume (/Volumes/Volume_1) and i would like to create a share point on this, so that it can be accessed via FTP or whatever. Yet, when in server admin > file sharing, I cannot see this volume. Is there anything I can do to see my NAS volume? PS: that's a shame, I wanted to tag my post snow-leopard-server... because I thought it made sense... but it's not possible until I earn these 150 reputations :) A: Mac OS X Server does allow the resharing of AFP mounts but not SMB/CIFS mounts. You can however get around it by using a symlink (ln -s /Volumes/Volume_1 /SOME/PATH) and share /SOME/PATH. While both options allow it to work it's not recommended (permissions, resource fork handling, max file size, etc. may cause hard to debug issues). Alternatively on the command line you can use sharing (eg. sudo sharing -a path -s shareflags)
Q: Snow leopard server: use a NAS volume as share point I have a mounted nas volume (/Volumes/Volume_1) and i would like to create a share point on this, so that it can be accessed via FTP or whatever. Yet, when in server admin > file sharing, I cannot see this volume. Is there anything I can do to see my NAS volume? PS: that's a shame, I wanted to tag my post snow-leopard-server... because I thought it made sense... but it's not possible until I earn these 150 reputations :) A: Mac OS X Server does allow the resharing of AFP mounts but not SMB/CIFS mounts. You can however get around it by using a symlink (ln -s /Volumes/Volume_1 /SOME/PATH) and share /SOME/PATH. While both options allow it to work it's not recommended (permissions, resource fork handling, max file size, etc. may cause hard to debug issues). Alternatively on the command line you can use sharing (eg. sudo sharing -a path -s shareflags)
{ "language": "en", "length": 164, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:165", "question_score": "3", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How can I unstick my trackpad button? The trackpad button on my 2007 Macbook Pro seems to be sticking. Specifically, it's stuck in the "down" position, which means I'm selecting pretty much everything all the time (you wouldn't believe how frustrating it was just to ask this question). It was fine yesterday. What can I do to unstick it? A: The trackpad getting stuck is also a well known symptom of a bulging battery in the MacBook Pros of this generation. I'm dealing with this issue myself and am very annoyed about it too, because this 2007 Santa Rosa MBP I paid for is essentially the most lemon computer I've ever owned (at least four other hardware failures besides this one).
Q: How can I unstick my trackpad button? The trackpad button on my 2007 Macbook Pro seems to be sticking. Specifically, it's stuck in the "down" position, which means I'm selecting pretty much everything all the time (you wouldn't believe how frustrating it was just to ask this question). It was fine yesterday. What can I do to unstick it? A: The trackpad getting stuck is also a well known symptom of a bulging battery in the MacBook Pros of this generation. I'm dealing with this issue myself and am very annoyed about it too, because this 2007 Santa Rosa MBP I paid for is essentially the most lemon computer I've ever owned (at least four other hardware failures besides this one). A: This is going to sound dumb, but have you restarted the Mac? I've had this issue on my Magic Trackpad a couple of times and the only way I was able to cure it was with a simple restart. (At first I thought it might be because I also ran MagicPrefs, but I've since removed that and the problem still occurs sometimes). If you find a restart 'fixes' it, as I have done in the past, then it's possible that it's the software getting confused rather than a physical issue. I haven't found a Terminal invocation yet to restart the mouse driver part of the Mac but I reckon that if I found one I could probably use that to unstick the pad when the problem arises. A: I had the same exact problem and it was almost unbearable to search for help. I took out the battery but kept my MacBook connected to the adaptor and, go figure, it works like a charm. Time for a new battery! The bulging on my battery is very noticeable. A: In most models there's a screw directly beneath the trackpad that influences how hard/soft the click should be. If you have the right tools to open it up, you could try turning it a bit to see what happens. What you can try first is to press down on the button, hold it down, move your finger from left to right a few times and then let it go again. Sometimes this fixes it, but if somethings really broken or worn it probably won't work. A: I've had an iBook g4 that had this "Issue"... it turned out a cookie crumble got stuck in the space between trackpad and case (don't ask). Clicking a few times on different places on the trackpad and some canned air fixed it. Might be worth a try before you pop out the screwdrivers. A: I had something similar happen to my Macbook pro 2010. I fixed it by: * *Open system preferences *Click Trackpad *Uncheck Tap to click, Dragging, Drag lock, secondary click Not sure if this is the same on a 2007 model.
{ "language": "en", "length": 481, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:166", "question_score": "4", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: iMac WiFi issue I leave my iMac (24') on almost 24/7, putting it to sleep while not in use. Sometimes when I resume from sleep I encounter the following: * *WiFi shows full signal *Loading web page in Safari loads slowly then stops *WiFi sometimes shows degraded signal at this point, but sometimes it doesnt *I disable then enable the Airport using the icon at the top of the screen *WiFi works as expected Rebooting the computer fixes this issue, but it is becoming annoying. Is it a know issue, and can it be resolved? A: Try to check "Disconnect when logging out" on the Advanced preferences of Airport :
Q: iMac WiFi issue I leave my iMac (24') on almost 24/7, putting it to sleep while not in use. Sometimes when I resume from sleep I encounter the following: * *WiFi shows full signal *Loading web page in Safari loads slowly then stops *WiFi sometimes shows degraded signal at this point, but sometimes it doesnt *I disable then enable the Airport using the icon at the top of the screen *WiFi works as expected Rebooting the computer fixes this issue, but it is becoming annoying. Is it a know issue, and can it be resolved? A: Try to check "Disconnect when logging out" on the Advanced preferences of Airport :
{ "language": "en", "length": 111, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:168", "question_score": "6", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: iMac screen fogging up I leave my iMac (24') next to the sliding door in the lounge at night. The door remains open, so the air gets very cold at night. When I turn my computer on in the morning the screen fogs up inside, presumable because of the cold air inside warming up quite suddenly from the heat of the LCD. Is there an easy fix, or a way to avoid this happening? A: Consider the operating temperatures of the iMac and see if you’re not going beyond the limits. Electronics cannot (and shouldn’t) be operated beyond temperature limits. As much as heat is bad, extreme cold is not good either. As already suggested, do not expose your iMac to “very cold air at night”.
Q: iMac screen fogging up I leave my iMac (24') next to the sliding door in the lounge at night. The door remains open, so the air gets very cold at night. When I turn my computer on in the morning the screen fogs up inside, presumable because of the cold air inside warming up quite suddenly from the heat of the LCD. Is there an easy fix, or a way to avoid this happening? A: Consider the operating temperatures of the iMac and see if you’re not going beyond the limits. Electronics cannot (and shouldn’t) be operated beyond temperature limits. As much as heat is bad, extreme cold is not good either. As already suggested, do not expose your iMac to “very cold air at night”. A: I have seen this all the time in Minnesota when macs are cold much of the year. The blowers kick up air that condenses on the cold glass - especially at the bottom of the screen. As long as it's not condensing and goes away within minutes - it should be fine. If you are worried, just turn off the Mac and let it adjust to the room temperature and humidity. 30 minutes should be enough. It is rare to see “fog” from a running / warm Mac so smell or observe for smoke or other particulate contaminants like flour or fine electric smoke and evaluate if you need to shut down the Mac and fix the environment first where the Mac draws cooling air or relocate the Mac. A: I was having a similar issue when bringing my screen in from a colder temp indoors and turning it on immediately. This worked: Turn off the display (or shut down the mac if the display is integrated), then leave it for 15-30 mins. The display will defog and get acclimated to the temperature. Then you can safely turn it back on again and it will not fog up. A: I had condensation building up on the inside of the glass as well. I resolved the issue by removing the glass from the aluminum housing and allowing the humid air behind the glass to vent out. The condensation evaporated once it was exposed to the air in the room. NOTE: My monitor was warm from being powered on for an hour or so.
{ "language": "en", "length": 390, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:169", "question_score": "3", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: What are some great OS X games? Despite being a "subjective" question, it is a useful one for newcomers to the Apple platform, and serves to aide the lacking gaming community. What are your favorite OS X games? Rules: * *Limit to one application per answer. *Add a short description for the application *Add a link to the website in the name of the application, if possible (no direct downloads). *Use ## [game name](link) when citing the game. Only Mac OS X games please, iOS games will be in another question. A: Osmos Enter the ambient world of Osmos: elegant, physics-based gameplay, dreamlike visuals, and a minimalist, electronic soundtrack. Your objective is to grow by absorbing other motes. Propel yourself by ejecting matter behind you. But be wise: ejecting matter also shrinks you. Relax… good things come to those who wait.
Q: What are some great OS X games? Despite being a "subjective" question, it is a useful one for newcomers to the Apple platform, and serves to aide the lacking gaming community. What are your favorite OS X games? Rules: * *Limit to one application per answer. *Add a short description for the application *Add a link to the website in the name of the application, if possible (no direct downloads). *Use ## [game name](link) when citing the game. Only Mac OS X games please, iOS games will be in another question. A: Osmos Enter the ambient world of Osmos: elegant, physics-based gameplay, dreamlike visuals, and a minimalist, electronic soundtrack. Your objective is to grow by absorbing other motes. Propel yourself by ejecting matter behind you. But be wise: ejecting matter also shrinks you. Relax… good things come to those who wait. A: Machinarium The goal of Machinarium is to solve a series of puzzles and brain teasers. The puzzles are linked together by an overworld consisting of a traditional "point and click" adventure story. The overworld's most radical departure is that only objects within the player character's reach can be clicked on. A: World of Warcraft From its Wikipedia page: World of Warcraft, often referred to as WoW, is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) by Blizzard Entertainment, a subsidiary of Activision Blizzard. It is the fourth released game set in the fantasy Warcraft universe, which was first introduced by Warcraft: Orcs & Humans in 1994. World of Warcraft takes place within the Warcraft world of Azeroth, approximately four years after the events at the conclusion of Blizzard's previous Warcraft release, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Blizzard Entertainment announced World of Warcraft on September 2, 2001. The game was released on November 23, 2004, on the 10th anniversary of the Warcraft franchise. A: Torchlight Torchlight is an action role-playing-game for the PC made by the creators of Diablo, Fate, and the never-released Mythos among other games. Set in the mining town of Torchlight, players will adventure to uncover the mysteries of the Ember mines. It offers a fully featured character leveling system, randomized dungeons, hordes of monsters, and gobs of great loot. (from the FAQ) Torchlight for Mac OS X is available over Steam. A: Dragon Age: Origins "You are a Grey Warden, one of the last of a legendary order of guardians. With the return of an ancient foe and the kingdom engulfed in civil war, you have been chosen by fate to unite the shattered lands and slay the archdemon once and for all. Start your adventure by picking your class as a Human, Elf, or Dwarf. Then after that, it is all up to you. The choices you make guide the path you take through the Ninth Age: The Dragon Age." (From Bioware, the creators of Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and Mass Effect – so you know it's going to be fantastic.) A: Counter Strike: Source Counter-Strike: Source (officially abbreviated CS:S) is an FPS video game developed by the Valve Corporation. It is a complete remake of Counter-Strike using the Source game engine. As in the original, Counter-Strike: Source pits a team of counter-terrorists against a team of terrorists in a series of rounds. Each round is won either by completing an objective (such as detonating a bomb or rescuing hostages) or by eliminating all members of the opposing team. A: Peggle and Peggle Nights If you're into casual gaming, this is for you. It's a simple, yet maddeningly addictive puzzle game that's gotten me through a lot of boring lectures. A: Portal Portal™ is a new single player game from Valve. Set in the mysterious Aperture Science Laboratories, Portal has been called one of the most innovative new games on the horizon and will offer gamers hours of unique gameplay. A: World of Goo A physics-based puzzle game where you have to build structures with balls of Goo to accomplish various tasks. Has a very cool and weird, if a little dark, atmosphere to it. A: Bejeweled 2 Get set to play the PopCap game that set the standard in casual gaming! Match sparkling gems three at a time to make them burst in showers of color and points. Match four or more to create flashy power gems that boost your score and your mood with brilliant cascades and combos. A: Enigmo Enigmo and Enigmo 2 are respectively 2D and 3D arcade-style computer games for PC, Mac OS X and the iPhone OS developed by Pangea Software. They both involve moving certain substances into their proper containers. The music in both games was recorded by Michael Beckett. A: Eve Online EVE is a Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMORPG) that takes place approximately 20.000 years after our times in a galaxy on the far end of the universe. When you join EVE you assume the role of a freshly graduated „Capsuleer“, a relatively small group of elite spaceship pilots capable of controlling powerful spaceships on their own from within their capsules. Capsuleers are often referred to as "The immortals" due to the fact that the highly advanced capsules they are connected to from the inside, are capable of instantly dowloading their consciousness to a clone of themselves in the case of physical destruction. A: Altitude Altitude is a multiplayer 2-D aerial combat game. Players control one of five customizable aircraft and battle in teams across 2D landscapes. As a player gains experience in battle they unlock new planes and customizations called perks. The game has been described by the press as a cross between Teeworlds, Team Fortress 2 and an RPG. Altitude is primarily an online game with some offline skirmish options and bot support. There are several modes, and plane customizations. Source: wikipedia Altitude is also available on Steam. It's great for killing 5 minute break, and also for spending few hours. It's very addictive. A: Minecraft Minecraft is a game about placing blocks to build anything you can imagine. At night monsters come out, make sure to build a shelter before that happens. Perhaps the greatest game I've ever played. A: Civilization IV From its Wikipedia page: Civilization IV is a turn-based game in which the player builds an empire from very limited initial resources. All standard full-length games begin in 4000 BC with a settler who builds a single city. From there, the player expands an empire while contending with rival nations, using the geography, developing infrastructure, and encouraging scientific and cultural progress. By default, players can win the game by accomplishing one of five goals: conquering all other civilizations, controlling a supermajority of the world's land and population, being the first to land a sleeper ship in the Alpha Centauri star system, increasing the Culture ratings of three different cities to "legendary" levels, or by being declared "World Leader" by winning a popularity election through the United Nations. If the game's clock runs out (by default in the year 2050 AD) with none of these goals fulfilled by any nation, the nation with the highest score is declared the winner. It's one of the most thoughtful and addictive game I've ever played. Can't wait for version V. A: Team Fortress 2 Team Fortress® 2 (TF2) is the sequel to the game that put class-based, multiplayer team warfare on the map. This year's most anticipated online action game, TF2 delivers new gametypes, a signature art style powered by Valve's next generation animation technology, persistent player statistics, and more. Unlike other "class-based" games that offer a variety of combat classes only, Team Fortress 2 packs a wild variety of classes which provide a broad range of tactical abilities and personalities, and lend themselves to a variety of player skills. Play as the flame-throwing Pyro, the room clearing Heavy, or the Spy, a master of disguises. Other classes include: Scout, Sniper, Medic, Engineer, Demoman, or Soldier. TF2 features the most advanced graphics of any Source-based game released to date - and the most exciting class-based action ever created. A: StarCraft II From its Wikipedia page: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty is a military science fiction real-time strategy video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment as a sequel to the award-winning 1998 video game StarCraft. Released on July 27, 2010, StarCraft II is split into three installments: the base game with the subtitle Wings of Liberty, and two expansion packs, Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void. Set in the 26th century in a distant part of the Milky Way galaxy, the game is built around three species: the Terrans, human exiles from Earth; the Zerg, a race of insectoid genetic assimilators; and the Protoss, a species with vast psionic power. Wings of Liberty focuses on the Terrans, while the expansions Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void will focus on the Zerg and Protoss, respectively. The game is set four years after the events of StarCraft: Brood War, and follows the exploits of Jim Raynor as he leads an insurgent group against the autocratic Terran Dominion. The game includes both new and returning characters and locations from the original game. A: Braid Certainly the most original platformer I've ever played. Its puzzles and interesting because you also manipulate time, which I've never seen in any other game. The graphics is beautiful, the story is interesting, and the gameplay is fantastic. A: Plants vs Zombies An addictive tower-defense-like game by Popcap, maker of a few great casual games. The game involves a homeowner using many varieties of plants to repel an army of zombies. The homeowner, along with a neighbor called Crazy Dave, must defend the homeowner's house during day or night, in the front yard and the backyard (including the swimming pool), and even on the roof. A: Half-Life 2 By taking the suspense, challenge and visceral charge of the original, and adding startling new realism and responsiveness, Half-Life® 2 opens the door to a world where the player's presence affects everything around him, from the physical environment to the behaviors, and even emotions, of both friends and enemies. The player again picks up the crowbar of research scientist Gordon Freeman, who finds himself on an alien-infested Earth being picked to the bone, its resources depleted, its populace dwindling. Freeman is thrust into the unenviable role of rescuing the world from the wrong he unleashed back at Black Mesa. And a lot of people he cares about are counting on him. Half-Life 2 Episode 1 Half-Life® 2: Episode One is the first in a series of new adventures created by Valve that extends the Half-Life® 2 single player experience. Stepping into the hazard suit of Dr. Gordon Freeman, you face the immediate repercussions of your actions in City 17 and the Citadel. Rejoin Alyx Vance and her robot, Dog, to once again aid the human resistance in their desperate battle against the totalitarian alien menace of the Combine. Episode One exposes Alyx's combat skills and knowledge of City 17 as the player battles side-by-side with her in this 4-6 hour adventure of greater density and detail than non-episodic releases. Half-Life 2 Episode 2 Half-Life® 2: Episode Two is the second in a trilogy of new games created by Valve that extends the award-winning and best-selling Half-Life® adventure. As Dr. Gordon Freeman, you were last seen exiting City 17 with Alyx Vance as the Citadel erupted amidst a storm of unknown proportions. In Episode Two, you must battle and race against Combine forces as you traverse the White Forest to deliver a crucial information packet stolen from the Citadel to an enclave of fellow resistance scientists. Episode Two extends the award-winning Half-Life gameplay with unique weapons, vehicles, and newly-spawned creatures. Probably the best PC saga ever, now on the Mac. I can't believe no-one posted this. A: Download Steam for Mac and get access to a lot of good games on Mac A: Neverball Since this list is going to be dominated by more gamer-oriented games, I'm gonna be the voice of casual gaming. Neverball is a great 3d platform game. The main gameplay of Neverball is based on moving a ball using gravity by tilting the game world, not directly controlling the ball[2] (it is somewhat similar to the game Labyrinth without the holes in the middle). The mouse (or a similar pointing device), keyboard, or joystick tilt the level to help guide the ball to a goal, via an obstacle course, with a set time limit. Moving platforms and other crazy objects get in the way, making levels progressively harder. A: X-Moto 2D Motocycle game with lots of community build levels. X-Moto is a challenging 2D motocross platform game, where physics plays an all important role in the gameplay. You need to control your bike to its limits, if you want to have a chance to finish the most difficult challenges. I like playing X-Moto while having a short break. Most of the levels are rather short. It's not a games that takes hours to play - but you could invest some time. A: Teeworlds is a free open source fast-paced sidescrolling multiplayer-only computer game. The game features simple cartoon-themed graphics and physics, and relies heavily on classic shooter weaponry and gameplay. The controls are heavily inspired by the First-person shooter genre of computer games. Very addictive game, it's a 2-D implementation of Quake3 A: Hordes of Orcs Hordes of Orcs is a “Tower Defense” game in which you must build walls and lethal towers to defend your village from the Orcs emerging from, what the village elders call, “The Glowing Portal of Really Bad Things That We Should Have Bricked-Up a Long Time Ago.” Sadly, the Portal is un-bricked and the Orcs are very, very hungry. If 20 Orcs make it to your village, you’re toast. A: Freespace 2 The game continues on the story from Descent: FreeSpace, once again thrusting the player into the role of a pilot fighting against the mysterious aliens, the Shivans. While defending the human race and its alien Vasudan allies, the player also gets involved in putting down a rebellion of those elements of Vasudan (Hammer of Light) and Human (Neo Terran Front) forces which don't want to cooperate with one another. The link leads to the Freespace Source Code Project, since the original game was Windows only. Since the source code was released there have been Mac and Linux versions as well as massive improvements to graphics and textures. The community is alive and well with new campaigns and even full conversions in development. The original game content is required in order to play. You can grab it from for ($5.99 at the time of writing). Definitely worth it. A: Battlefield 2142 A multiplayer online FPS game. To me one of the best sequel of Battlefield game series. The mode "Titan" is really the best game strategy idea of the century. A: War§ow A Free Fast-Paced FPS Set in a futuristic cartoon-like world where rocketlauncher-wielding pigs and lasergun-carrying cyberpunks roam the streets, Warsow is a completely free fast-paced first-person shooter (FPS) for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Speed and movement, that’s what Warsow is all about. Like a true cyberathlete you jump, dash, dodge and walljump your way through the game. Grab those power-ups before your enemy does, plant the bomb before anyone sees you, and steal the enemy’s flag before anyone knows what’s going on! It's advanced and complete free and cross-platform Quake 3 alternative. A: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is an online first-person shooter developed by Valve Corporation and Hidden Path Entertainment, who also maintained Counter-Strike: Source after its release. It is the fourth game in the Counter-Strike franchise, excluding Counter-Strike Neo and Counter-Strike Online. It features classic content, such as old maps, as well as brand new maps, characters and game modes. It supports matchmaking and leaderboards Cross-platform multiplayer was planned between Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and PlayStation 3 players, but was ultimately limited to PC and Mac due to the differences in update frequency between the systems Global Offensive adds new weapons and equipment not seen in previous installments, most notably the Molotov cocktail which temporarily covers a small area in fire, making it impossible to pass through without taking damage A: Give Trine or Trine 2 a try: Trine and Trine 2 are sidescrolling game of action, puzzles and platforming. You play as one of the Three Heroes who make their way through dangers untold in a fantastical fairytale world. Physics-based puzzles with fire, water, gravity and magic; Wicked Goblins; Climb the tallest trees and towers in the enchanted forest! The graphics are truly impressive in both of these games. There is a demo for Trine2 for mac.
{ "language": "en", "length": 2794, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:172", "question_score": "11", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: iMac gamma problem I have an iMac 24", running OSX 10.5.8. I noticed sometimes when I wake my Mac from screensaver, the gamma is off. The screen becomes very white-washed looking. I can get it back to normal gamma by firing up System Preferences -> Display without changing any settings. I do this every time and it's become very annoying. Can someone tell me what's going on and how I can fix it permanently? I don't have this problem on my MBP. A: Give Flux a try. It’s a “free” tiny application that not only will help you not burn your eyes when it’s “dark” outside, but also touches the gamma every time and perhaps when doing that it bypasses Leopard’s bug.
Q: iMac gamma problem I have an iMac 24", running OSX 10.5.8. I noticed sometimes when I wake my Mac from screensaver, the gamma is off. The screen becomes very white-washed looking. I can get it back to normal gamma by firing up System Preferences -> Display without changing any settings. I do this every time and it's become very annoying. Can someone tell me what's going on and how I can fix it permanently? I don't have this problem on my MBP. A: Give Flux a try. It’s a “free” tiny application that not only will help you not burn your eyes when it’s “dark” outside, but also touches the gamma every time and perhaps when doing that it bypasses Leopard’s bug.
{ "language": "en", "length": 123, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:174", "question_score": "3", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: What are some useful ways to use Automator? I've been using OS X for 3 generations of the OS already (Tiger --> Leopard --> SL) but haven't really ventured in using Automator much. What are the best ways to use Automator? (Best uses, time savers, etc.) A: I made an automator script that mounted my encrypted sparsebundle and then displayed it in a Finder window. I saved it as a service and then access it with a option + command + L. Its a quick way to get access to my super sensitive files while still requiring a password.
Q: What are some useful ways to use Automator? I've been using OS X for 3 generations of the OS already (Tiger --> Leopard --> SL) but haven't really ventured in using Automator much. What are the best ways to use Automator? (Best uses, time savers, etc.) A: I made an automator script that mounted my encrypted sparsebundle and then displayed it in a Finder window. I saved it as a service and then access it with a option + command + L. Its a quick way to get access to my super sensitive files while still requiring a password. A: I use it to turn the text of web pages, books, essays, etc. into audio files that I can listen to on my iPod. Just open the text file that you would like to have read to audio in TextEdit (making sure that it is frontmost in the application) and set this thing to running. Here are two more related notes: * *The output is aiff (though the image above shows mp3), and at the point that I last read the Apple Mac OS X terms, and … *The use of the text-to-speech feature is exclusively limited to personal use. A: Use it to whip up a quick bulk file-renamer: See 2 Ways to Batch Rename Files in OS X for a complete walkthrough. A: I use automator to convert graphics files to PNG format, a task I often need. I use's action in automator to export file(s) in Finder to PNG. It doesn't require to open Preview and then save the files one-by-one. A: My DSLR pictures get rejected by craigslist for being to big to upload. I created a task to easily scale down pictures prior to uploading. Saves me several minutes every once in a while... A: Automator helps you automate (pun intended) repetitive actions without requiring programming knowledge. The basic building blocks of Automator are Actions. Each Action does a sigle task, that may take an input and produce an output. Automator lets you create a sequence of Actions, called Workflow. If you are familiar with UNIX it's like a UI for pipes. Here is an Automator Workflow I use a lot, especially for downloading lecture notes in PDF from my professors' sites: Creating Services is another feature I find useful. Also, you can combine the power of AppleScript with the simplicity of Automator with the "Run AppleScript" Action. As an example of both techniques, you can check out this service that opens the source of the current Safari page in TextMate. If you need more information about Automator check this Mac 101 article. If you are a developer and want to create new Actions or need more insight into Automator, check out this guide and the Apple's developer documentation. A: I use it to automatically import photos from the camera uploads folder in dropbox into iPhoto then delete the photo from the dropbox folder. Behing this I use appwolf to automatically copy files from my other halfs dropbox camera uploads folder into a shared dropbox photo folder, then have automator run the same iPhoto import script on this shared folder too. Time Machine backs up , and added to this automator copies the iPhoto database file to a Windows folder inside parallels desktop, this folder then gets backed up by carbonate backup into the cloud. The result is we never run out of space on dropbox and all our photos are automatically imported into iPhoto from both our phones and backed up by time machine locally, and, should the house burn down/get robbed to the cloud via carbonate. All this happens with complete autonomy.
{ "language": "en", "length": 611, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:176", "question_score": "13", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How do I remove files from iTunes which have been deleted on disk? When cleaning up my disk I deleted a couple of files from my music collection which iTunes was managing. Now when I try to sync a device I get an error message that it can't sync these files because they don't exist. The problem is that I can't find these files in iTunes any more to delete them. They don't appear when I search for appropriate terms. So, my question is how do I find them, and is iTunes hiding them from me in some "smart" way? A: The script from Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes is now part of a commercial application, but a version from 2011 can still be downloaded for free here. Here is a simpler script that should do more or less the same thing: tell application "iTunes" repeat with t in (get file tracks of library playlist 1) if location of t is missing value then delete t end repeat end tell
Q: How do I remove files from iTunes which have been deleted on disk? When cleaning up my disk I deleted a couple of files from my music collection which iTunes was managing. Now when I try to sync a device I get an error message that it can't sync these files because they don't exist. The problem is that I can't find these files in iTunes any more to delete them. They don't appear when I search for appropriate terms. So, my question is how do I find them, and is iTunes hiding them from me in some "smart" way? A: The script from Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes is now part of a commercial application, but a version from 2011 can still be downloaded for free here. Here is a simpler script that should do more or less the same thing: tell application "iTunes" repeat with t in (get file tracks of library playlist 1) if location of t is missing value then delete t end repeat end tell A: For adding functions to iTunes you should look at Doug;s Applescripts. There is a script to remove dead tracks. A: A roundabout way is longer, but doesn't need any scripts. * *Export your library to the desktop as an xml *quit iTunes and move these files to the desktop / trash * *iTunes Music Library.xml *iTunes Library.itl *iTunes Library Extras.itdb *iTunes Library Genius.itdb *Start iTunes - it will look "empty" but all your programs and music are still around *Drag the iTunes Media folder into your iTunes window - Library on the top left - drop the folder over Music or the other categories and iTunes will re-add them to the database, but only the files that exist still on the drive will be added *Import the saved library.xml file - this will add back all the ratings, playlists, and songs that no longer exist will be cleaned out of the playlists A: I've found the easiest most reliable solution yet! No scripts, no loss of playcounts/ratings etc. * *Create a new playlist, say temp. *Select all your the tracks you want to deal with and drag and drop them to the playlist. The new playlist will only contain valid tracks. All invalid tracks will be marked with the exclamation mark. *Switch to the playlist and select all the tracks, then right-click and Uncheck Selection *Switch back to Music and sort by the checkmark - now all the invalid tracks are grouped together! *Select them all and delete! You can then go and Check the songs again to make sure they get synced to devices.
{ "language": "en", "length": 436, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:177", "question_score": "26", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: What iPhone apps can't you live without? What are your "must-have" iPhone or iPod touch apps—the ones you can't live without? (Figuratively speaking, I hope.) Please omit apps that come pre-installed. Rules * *One app per answer. *Use this format for the first two lines of your answer: ## [app name](link to website) [App Store](link to appstore) *Include short description. *Check for duplicates before adding new answers. *If you find a duplicate, vote it down and encourage its poster to upvote the original entry instead (and remove the dupe). Please exclude iPad-only apps from here; there's Great iPad Apps for those. Disclaimer: I know this type of question is controversial. However, great many people do find that properly implemented and curated CW polls can be useful. (If you are one of those who do not, could you simply consider ignoring this?) A: Articles App Store Best way to read Wikipedia.
Q: What iPhone apps can't you live without? What are your "must-have" iPhone or iPod touch apps—the ones you can't live without? (Figuratively speaking, I hope.) Please omit apps that come pre-installed. Rules * *One app per answer. *Use this format for the first two lines of your answer: ## [app name](link to website) [App Store](link to appstore) *Include short description. *Check for duplicates before adding new answers. *If you find a duplicate, vote it down and encourage its poster to upvote the original entry instead (and remove the dupe). Please exclude iPad-only apps from here; there's Great iPad Apps for those. Disclaimer: I know this type of question is controversial. However, great many people do find that properly implemented and curated CW polls can be useful. (If you are one of those who do not, could you simply consider ignoring this?) A: Articles App Store Best way to read Wikipedia. A: OmniFocus App Store Task management application that uses the Getting Things Done (GTD) organizational method. Also available for Mac and iPad. A: Simplenote Note-taking in a better interface than the default Notes application (no Marker Felt) and notes are synched to a server for easy backups and viewing elsewhere. A: Spotify App Store For listening to music off the internet (directly on wifi/3G or via offline playlists). NB: Spotify is only available in certain countries, and Spotify Premium (€9.99 or £9.99 per month) is needed to use the iPhone app. Now with iOS 4 + iPhone 4 (unlike with my unjailbroken iPhone 3G earlier) the experience is really good, as you get background play and ability to use normal iPod playback controls (e.g. the headphone remote). In other words, it's similar to using the built-in iPod app, except that you have approximately 10 million tracks available at your fingertips. A: IMDb App Store iPhone app for the largest movie database website IMDb A: App Store (free) It’s a fast, beautiful and fun way to share your life with friends through a series of pictures. Snap a photo with your iPhone, choose a filter to transform the look and feel, send to Facebook, Twitter or Flickr – it’s all as easy as pie. It’s photo sharing, reinvented. Simple idea, brillantly executed. A: App Store Comprehensive, yet free, dictionary & thesaurus. Key features: * *All word definitions come with the app—no internet connection needed *Decent UI with autocomplete (no need to type in the whole word) *Audio pronunciations (internet connection required for this) A: Adobe Photoshop Express App Store Great little mobile photo editor! A: Cut the Rope App Store ($0.99) The best game in the app store A: Pandora Radio App Store (free) Everyone probably knows about Pandora Radio by now. Put in a favorite artist and it helps you locate similar artists. It's helped me find many new bands. A: Dropbox App Store Conveniently access files in your Dropbox on the go. A: Trainyard App Store ($0.99 USD) A great puzzle game with tons of levels. Kept me playing for days, and I've still been unable to beat a couple levels after a couple months of having the app. There is also a free version. Intuitive, fun, and brain exercising. A: Tweetbot By Tapbots App Store (Price: $2.99) Description Tweetbot is a full-featured iPhone (and iPod touch) Twitter client with a lot of personality. Whether it’s the meticulously-crafted interface, sounds & animation, or features like multiple timelines & smart gestures, there’s a lot to love about Tweetbot. A: Remember The Milk App Store The best way to manage your tasks. A: Pulse App Store Reeder is the best RSS reader for Google Reader. But Pulse is much nicer to randomly read various feeds. A: Pocket App Store Pocket lets you save webpages to read later, even without an internet connection. Ideal for those who have iPod touch but don't have access to Wifi. Also while travelling in subway, where 3g always goes haywire. A: Doodle Jump App Store Doodle Jump™ is THE MOST ADDICTIVE GAME on the App Store. Enough said :) A: Soulver App Store ($2.99) Soulver is by far the most useful calculator app in the App Store. It's a much easier and more powerful way to work with numbers over a normal calculator. Embed text with your calculations to make it easier to see the problem you are solving. You can easily go back and make a change earlier in the calculation and have everything updated, similar to a spreadsheet. You can use several lines and reference previous lines in your calculations allowing yourself to split up long equations or even reuse parts to see different results. These can all be saved on separate sheets so it's easy to go back and reference them later. You'll never go back to a normal calculator again. (Sorry, will only let me post one hyper link) A: Flipboard App Store the best newsreader and social hub A: Twitter App Store The official Twitter client. Previously known as Tweetie 2. A: Reeder App Store Google Reader client. A: Instapaper App Store A simple tool to save web pages for reading later. A: Remote App Store Wifi remote control for iTunes music library (or Apple TV). This is made by Apple but doesn't come pre-installed. (Some have pointed out that Remote's development has stagnated, but personally I don't mind that much, as the app works as great as ever, and all major features are already there.) A: Echofon App Store (free) App Store ($4.99) A great twitter client with synchronization between the desktop version for Mac and the Firefox extension A: Viber App Store Viber is a MUST-HAVE app. Lets you make and get free calls over 3G or Wifi even the app is not running. Notifies you when there is a call for you. Also gets your contact list and notifies when a friend installs VIBER. Sound quality is amazing even on 3G. I am talking to my best buddy living in Switzerland freely via Wifi from Turkey. And VIBER is a FREE app. A: Mobile Mouse App Store (1.99$) Mobile Mouse instantly transforms your iPhone or iPod touch into an in air, wireless remote for your computer! Sit back and use this remote to surf the web, browse your photo library or control your music player from the comfort of your couch. I use an old mac-mini as a Media Center and the combi Remote+Mobile Mouse apps is gold! A: Calvetica App Store ($2.99) A beautiful, minimal calendar app without peer. Just go look. I defy you to not become more efficient with your calendar use. A: AppShopper App store (free) You can keep a list of apps you want, and it will let you know when they drop in price. A: Instacast App Store ($1.99) It's the best Podcast-App in the AppStore, and handles Podcast much better than iTunes. * *Download all Podcasts; automatically and in the background *Stream Podcast over Edge, 3G or WiFi *Continue where you left off *Support for iCloud A: Facebook App Store If you're into Facebook, their official iPhone app is pretty good for staying connected with people. A: ComicBookLover App Store (free) Read .cbr and .cbz format comic books. All sorts of transfer options, including iTunes sync. Good, intuitive page flipping. Great in combination with the desktop version, which allows you to add all sorts of metadata to maintain your collection. Works best on the iPhone's 4 retina display - no need to zoom! A: MyWi (Not avaiable in app store; jailbreak required.) Turns your iPhone into a wifi hotspot. Just great! A: Shazam App Store Records a few seconds of what you're currently listening to and then shows you information about this song. Shazam is quite old by now, but still an amazing piece of software that's always useful from time to time. A: Sleep Cycle alarm clock App Store An alarm clock that analyzes your sleep patterns (using iPhone accelerometer) and wakes you in the lightest sleep phase. A: 1Password If you use 1Password on your Mac, the iOS app is quite handy. It can be linked to a Dropbox account therefore keeping data synchronized between your desktop and iOS device. There are regular and pro versions available for both iPhone and iPad. A: Things App Store Task management tool. The todo items can be synced (over wifi) with OS X and iPad versions. A: PlainText App Store Dropbox text editing. For editing text on iPad & iPhone. PlainText is a simple text editor with a paper-like user interface. Unlike the default Notes app, PlainText allows you to create and organize your documents in folders and sync everything with Requires iOS 3.0+ After trying different note-taking apps like SimpleNote and Evernote, I discovered this beauty a few days ago and it immediately replaced the built-in Notes app for me, both on my iPhone and my iPad. It fit my needs perfectly, and is really simple & beautifully designed. YMMV, but it's free to try. P.S. Elements is a feature-packed alternative with Markdown support and built-in email, but I'm not sure I need those features and it's $4.99. A: SoundHound App Store SoudHound seems a lot faster than Shazam. Will start to try to match a song even before the full capture. It also identified songs that Shazam didn't. And SoundHound's free version allows unlimited matches, while Shazam allows 5 per month. A: Angry Birds App Store The best game in the app store A: WhatsApp App Store WhatsApp Messenger is a smartphone messaging app which allows you to exchange messages with your friends and contacts without having to pay for SMS. WhatsApp Messenger is cross platform and available for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and Nokia (beta) and yes, those phones can all message each other! To send and receive messages, WhatsApp utilizes your existing smartphone internet data plan: 3G/EDGE (or Wi-Fi when available) In addition to messaging, iPhone, Android and BlackBerry WhatsApp Messenger users can send each other unlimited images, video and audio media messages. A: Cydia Cydia (jailbreak required) Cydia is a software application for iOS that is a graphical front end to APT and the dpkg package management system. It allows a user to browse and download applications for a jailbroken iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. A: Server Remote App Store ($3.99) Simple app to monitor servers, including uptime, running commands, load levels, and memory. Really worth it. A: Safety Light When it comes to flashlight apps, you get what you pay for. I've tried a number of these, and the interface and technical capabilities are just right. Much, much better than the free ones. Also, it somehow manages to get the screen super-bright, lighting up an entire room without draining the battery like the new LED-using apps that have flooded the App Store. No battery warning to is this one. A: Byline App Store ($4.99 / 3.99 €) App Store (Byline Free) (free; with ads) Google Reader on the go. Byline will automatically bring you new content, putting thousands of RSS and Atom feeds at your fingertips. Even when you have no internet connection, Byline gives you instant access to complete web pages. It automatically analyses your feeds so that it can cache the ones with truncated content. This means all your news is there in full when you’re offline, and blazing fast to load when you’re online to boot. A: MoneyBook App Store ($2.99) Great app to track and manage finances. A: Prizmo for iPhone App Store ($9.99) Though it is expensive (compared to other apps that is), this is OCR done right. Works great to capture some texts, quicker than using a scanner and can also be used to import business cards. A: StreamToMe App Store ($2.99) Streams almost any video or music from your Mac or PC to the iPhone and iPad. The Mac/PC is converting the source file on the fly. Playback generally starts after 5 seconds. A: Profanity App Store ($0.99 / £0.59) The best (and only) profanity generator in the App store. Always useful in the pub. Otherwise completely pointless but great fun. A: Wikipanion App Store (free) Probably the best Wikipedia app in the AppStore. Easy navigation, nice article formatting, very fast. A: GoodReader for iPhone App Store ($2.99) Super-robust PDF reader with advanced reading, annotating, markup and highlighting capabilities, excellent file manager, TXT file reader and editor, audio/video player, Safari-like viewer for MS Office and iWorks files. This is a great app for any documents organizer and good PDF reader. It also can unzip the zip files, as it's not natively handled by iOS. I use it everyday. It used to sell $0.99, but now they increased price. A: Snappy Enable using the camera from anywhere, even while screen locked. Just configure how to activate it (mine is double tap the lock button) and take photos really, really fast. Also configure the volume button to act as a shutter. It has few more great features such as being able to take one photo after the other really quickly, proper geolocation and camera meta data. This apps is for jailbroken phones only. A: PCalc App Store ($9.99) My favourite calculator on iOS. The best feature is the optional RPN mode, but it's chockers with other goodies, a very capable tool. I've found it indispensable at university—unfortunately I still have to borrow a graphics calculator for officially invigilated exams, but when there's an in-class test sprung upon me, someone asks me to help them, or even in casual conversation when a question beyond my horrifically meagre arithmetical abilities arises, PCalc is great. It doesn't handle actual graphing, & it still handles statistics in the same horrifically bad way every physical calculator since the old HPs has, but the rest is fine: different notations, bases, button layouts, unit conversions, etc., & the (distressingly un-)usual logarithmic, hyperbolic, trigonometric et al. functions. A dedicated unit from TI, HP or Casio will completely outstrip PCalc but it makes the anaemic built-in calculator look like a child's toy. A: Anki Anki is software to help make it easier to remember things. It uses spaced repetition technology to make sure you only see the items you are having trouble remembering and the things you do remember you see less often. I can't imagine studying without it anymore. In particular it's been a huge help studying languages and I highly recommend it. The iPhone app is a companion to the desktop software and syncs through their servers. The desktop application is free, but if you find it useful the iPhone app is invaluable to studying on the go. A: WiFi2HiFi App Store (USD $3.99) Stream Grooveshark, Spotify, Pandora or any other audio player from the computer to the iPhone. A: Pastebot App Store ($3.99/€2.99) Together with its companion Mac application, let's you copy/paste from Mac to iPhone. Really handy. It also keeps clipboard data in your iPhone (example: you can copy an image from a website and keep it in Pastebot) A: TextExpander App Store ($4.99) Create shorthand strings which expand into more complex statements. For instance, you can create a snippet such that typing ssig expands to Regards, John Doe 123 Sesame St. Anywhere, USA 12345 [email protected] Snippets can include variable values, and quite a few other niceties. Many popular apps also support TextExpander, a list of which appears here. This is really useful for reducing the amount of typing repetitive or common phrases. A: Prompt App Store ($7.99) Allows you to SSH from any iOS device. I find it indispensable for doing C++ homework. A: Major League Baseball ( Better than reading the sports page. A: Colorendar ($0.99) Simple calendar app that let's you create a "color diary." Also shows you phases of the moon. A: OPlayer App Store (€2,39) App Store, Lite version (Free) Plays almost every kind of video format, without having to transcode first. Transfer via iTunes sync or stream right from a web server. There's also an iPad version. A: Prowl App Store ($2.99) The app itself is ultimately a "dumb client" for sending push notifications to your phone. Prowl is a service used to push arbitrary text to you. There are numerous services in the wild for leveraging it to send you NAGIOS and other alerts from monitoring software, Prey Fetcher exists to push posts, @'s, DMs, and list updates to you, and anything else you're capable of dreaming up. A: Flashcards Deluxe App Store (USD 3.99) Not perfect, but possibly the best SRS app on the (U.S.) App Store. A: Epic Win App Store ($2.99) This is a great app for task management. It's a lot more fun than Things, although not as feature-full it combines a To Do list app with an RPG. Beautifully designed and useful. A: iGmail App Store (free) Just a browser wrapper to use gmail easily and quickly. I find this much better than regular - too bad it doesn't have an offline version thus being slow and not as much reliable. A: Qik First and best real time video streaming on iPhone. 'nof said. A: Longitude (Available in Cydia; jailbroken only) Automatically feed your location into Google Latitude. A: Kirikae Brings multi-tasking to iOS 3 way before iOS 4 was born. It actually works even better than iOS 4, from my opinion, because it doesn't leave every app open (which can bring batter down quickly) but it does let you configure if you want to do that per app basis. In other words, you can configure which app you want to automatically leave in background. A: Ninjawords App Store ($1.99) A dictionary, to put it simply. It uses definitions from Wiktionary, which I find both more concise & more helpful than those of, for instance. More importantly though, it's got a fast, lean & intuitive interface. No superfluous features, but I never find myself missing any functionality. It's a joy to use, unlike any other dictionary app I've tried. A: Textie App Store (free, $1.99 to remove ads) Textie provides free messaging between iOS devices a la SMS. If Textie isn't installed on the recipient device, the service will route the message to SMS on many US mobiles, & to email in every other case. Replies are delivered to Textie on the original sending device with push notifications. The icing on the cake is the slick, minimal interface. WhatsApp is already on this list, but not only does it not integrate with SMS or email, but I've always found it to have extremely variable latency, from a couple of seconds to two days. Textie's latency has never exceeded twenty seconds for me. A: ShopShop App Store (free) I feel like a bit of a dork for posting this but I find it quite useful and simple. It's just a list app. It keeps a repository of all entries you make so you can quickly add them back the next time you need it. Make a grocery list and check them off. The next time you won't have to type out items you've already used, just add them to a new list from the remembered items. A: MobileRSS Pro ~ Google RSS News Reader Pretty self-explanatory. An RSS reader for Google Reader. Simple and well-designed. A: Boxcar App Store (Free) Aggregates notifications from various services including Twitter and Facebook; the killer features of this, for me, are its integration with Buzz, which has no built-in iOS notifications, and Growl, allowing me to send notifications from scripts running on my desktop and get them on my iPod Touch. A: Papers App Store ($14.99) Tool for managing academic journal articles. Syncs with the Mac App. A: Site to Phone Bookmarklet that lets you send the current page in your browser to your mobile device of choice. A: Age Of Zombies App Store (USD $2.99) Pure awesome fun. A: Posterous App Store (free) Post to your microblog, especially useful for posting pictures and location on-the-go. Similar to twitter feeds, but a bit nicer to view photo galleries for your viewers. It can be set up to auto-publish to twitter, facebook, tumblr, etc. A: Notebooks App Store ($5.99) Another note taking system. Can also display HTML and RTF files, and you can sort notes into a hierarchy of notebooks. A: TechNews App Store This is errr... my app, but I couldn't find any rules on this one. Anyway, it is a really cool news app about Apple and other related stuff. A: Grocery IQ App Store A great grocery list management app. Can be shared across users - so for example, I can add items at home on my iPad and the list is synchronized to my wife's iPhone while she shops. A: Twitterific for Twitter App Store A great Twitter client for iPhone and iPad. Free/ad version and paid versions available. A: Zite App Store (free) Zite is a free personalized magazine for your iPhone that automatically learns what you like and gets smarter every time you use it. A: Talkatone App Store (free) Allows you to make completely free phone calls using your Google Voice account. A: Opera Mini App Store (free) Opera Mini offers the fastest, most cost-efficient web-browsing experience for your iOS device today. Of course, if data limits/costs are of no concern, just use Safari for the most beautiful browsing experience on iOS — but Opera Mini is perfect for travelling abroad, to keep data roaming costs to a minimum, or when you’re stuck with a slow connection. A: LogMeIn Ignition App Store ($29.99) Remote control in which you can see the screen with free subscriptions and desktop versions. iPhone app costs quite a bit, but it's the best remote control for iPhone I've seem, and probably the first too. Works over web or within same intranet wifi. A: TomTom Car navigation with full offline maps for probably every country out there. TomTom is well known for their own car navigation GPS's, but this version for iphone can become very handy from times to times where you don't have one proper device. A: Zapd Great app to publish entire websites from your iPhone in a few clicks.
{ "language": "en", "length": 3689, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:178", "question_score": "33", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: What was the very first Apple product? I am wondering what was the very first apple product? I have heard that they have made PDA's and drawing tablet type products in the past (early days)? A: Their first product was the Apple I computer, hand-built by Steve Wozniak and first demonstrated in 1976. You'll find plenty of details about Apple's early years in this section of the Apple, Inc Wikipedia entry.
Q: What was the very first Apple product? I am wondering what was the very first apple product? I have heard that they have made PDA's and drawing tablet type products in the past (early days)? A: Their first product was the Apple I computer, hand-built by Steve Wozniak and first demonstrated in 1976. You'll find plenty of details about Apple's early years in this section of the Apple, Inc Wikipedia entry. A: "The Apple I, Apple's first product. Sold as an assembled circuit board, it lacked basic features such as a keyboard, monitor, and case. The owner of this unit added a keyboard and a wooden case." From Wikipedia: The above picture is from April 24, 1984 at the flamboyant "Apple II Forever" introduction of the Apple IIc. This was shortly after the introduction of the Macintosh, so Apple wanted to assure dealers the Apple II would continue to be supported. The Apple II product line continued until the final Apple IIGS model was discontinued in December 1992. That's the Apple I at the bottom.
{ "language": "en", "length": 177, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:180", "question_score": "8", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Is an iPhone call recorder theoretically possible? NOTE: I know neither the iPhone SDK or Objective C, just wondering if possible. I know obviously it would have to be on a Jailbroken device anyway, but it is technically possible for a iPhone call recording application to be made, or is it not possible to hook into the calls or the audio input/output? I know obviously there would be no 'official' way of doing it and certainly not from an App Store application. And I know there are call recording apps which place outgoing calls through their own servers. Just wondering if the reason it doesn't exist yet is just because no-one has coded it or if it's not actually possible? A: On Jailbroken iPhones, SpoofApp does call recording. I am not a laywer, but note that recording calls may not be legal depending on where you are and/or where the other party is.
Q: Is an iPhone call recorder theoretically possible? NOTE: I know neither the iPhone SDK or Objective C, just wondering if possible. I know obviously it would have to be on a Jailbroken device anyway, but it is technically possible for a iPhone call recording application to be made, or is it not possible to hook into the calls or the audio input/output? I know obviously there would be no 'official' way of doing it and certainly not from an App Store application. And I know there are call recording apps which place outgoing calls through their own servers. Just wondering if the reason it doesn't exist yet is just because no-one has coded it or if it's not actually possible? A: On Jailbroken iPhones, SpoofApp does call recording. I am not a laywer, but note that recording calls may not be legal depending on where you are and/or where the other party is. A: For the UK market there is also Call Recorder . It uses a premium rate number to record the call but it's available for non jailbroken iphones too. A: Just recently I discovered an app actually able to do it properly, but just for SIP calls. It's called MobileVOIP and it's on Apple Store! :D So I hope this does answer your question. Even if it's not recording a phone call, I believe it shows it's theoretically possible. A: There is no easy way since that part of the software and hardware is secured. Of course it's possible in the theoretical sense as the voice recorder and music mixing apps show the power of signal processing hardware and software has access to both streams of sound. Someone would need to re-do some or all of the iOS code and change it. But what's simple in concept is surely complex and perhaps too costly to happen in reality. You simply take the code that listens to the stream of microphone data inside the mobile Phone app and dump a file to storage as well as encoding it for voice calling. If that app calls an API rather than doing that processing itself, then you would implement the recording there. You would do the same for the incoming data and could either add time markers for later mixing or mix it down as the call is being handled. This code is of course not in place using the documented API so you would need to patch the app after a jailbreak or uncover an undocumented API to actually implement this feature. The use case is so obvious that if this were sitting there, hundreds of apps would be doing this already. A: iOS Tweak Developer Elias Limneos has released an app on Cydia called Audio Recorder (originally called Call Recorder). So it's finally possible to record calls locally on the device without having to call via premium rate numbers! Audio beeps can be disabled but there is a forced 'This Call is being Recorded' message played at the start to the other party. It currently only works with the iPhone 4S (Loudspeaker only) and iPhone 5 and a license costs $3.99 per device. EDIT - Looks like I was too slow, since I purchased this last week it has already been discontinued although existing purchasers can continue to use it there will be no further updates. I, Elias Limneos. sadly announce that I decided to stop distributing and working on "Audio Recorder" application. As of today, Audio Recorder is discontinued. Source: EDIT - He's changed his mind again and is available for sale via his own Cydia repo. A: It's definitely possible, and almost certainly unnecessary to read directly from memory. Apple's private APIs are discoverable using both Xcode and certain 3rd party Objective-C class browsers. If you need your unasked question answered ("How would one implement an iPhone call recorder?"), Then I agree with Josh K: head over to Or get in touch with the folks at Rogue Amoeba, as they've already solved this problem on Mac OS X, which shares the exact same low-level libraries as iOS. A: Yes it's clearly possible at least by reading directly in the memory even if hook is probably much easier to do.
{ "language": "en", "length": 706, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:181", "question_score": "9", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Should I stick with programming on my Apple or switch to Linux? I was wondering whether or not the switch to Linux would be worth it. I feel like programming on my MacBook Pro is fine and I was wondering what the advantages would be for staying or switching. What would you do and why? A: Considering OS X is a POSIX compliant unix system, you can do most of yout *nix programming on OS X anyway. I would stick with Apple, it is a growing market and has some very good tools to help you along the way.
Q: Should I stick with programming on my Apple or switch to Linux? I was wondering whether or not the switch to Linux would be worth it. I feel like programming on my MacBook Pro is fine and I was wondering what the advantages would be for staying or switching. What would you do and why? A: Considering OS X is a POSIX compliant unix system, you can do most of yout *nix programming on OS X anyway. I would stick with Apple, it is a growing market and has some very good tools to help you along the way. A: I program for both Mac OS X and Linux, and I agree with bromfiets - try both of them! As somebody else has suggested, put a VM on your Mac and load up Ubuntu and give it a whirl. I do some of my Linux work that way, using VMWare on a Mac Pro. (I also program on a MacBook with Snow Leopard, and a Sony laptop that runs Ubuntu.) User322 is quite wrong about how "effectively no difference between programming on a Mac or a Linux box". If you want to write GUI programs on a Mac, your best bet these days is to use Cocoa and Objective C, and on most Linux distros it's C with GTK+. (Most of the others others, you'd use C and KDE, and on a few, C++ and Qt.) The graphics and window management systems are radically different... I could go on and on. On Linux, if you don't like how some component operates, you can dig into the sources and fix them, which is usually not an option on the Mac. You learn a lot, and you can make pretty good money doing that! My day jobs during much of the last five years have involved mucking around with the internals of Linux components like the X server, GTK+, and Clutter, and I now turn down work doing that these days because there's so much demand and I'm overloaded. Apple really pushes the use of Xcode on the Mac for both editing and builds, and it's pretty good. On Linux, there's no real standard. For editing, you've got various GUI tools (kate, gedit) and terminal-based editors (vi/vim, emacs). For builds, you can do the command-line make thing, or use jam, or ant. Or you can go with an IDE like Eclipse, which is about as close as you'll find to Xcode, and in some ways is better. You get most of these tools for your Mac, but hardly anybody uses them there. Mac and Linux programming are really different worlds, and both of them are pretty cool. And while I like the Mac as a user... having attended WWDC off and on since the mid-80s, and also attended various Linux-oriented tech conferences like GUADEC and the Ottawa Linux Symposium... I'd attend the Linux ones over WWDC every time. They're just hackers' dreams, tons of fun, and they make the marketers stay away. A: That depends on what your problems are with your mac and whether Linux solves them. Gotta give more detail than that, man. Personally, I love my mac for development for a few reasons: * *Window management is great. At work I have two decent monitors, but when I'm coding on my little 15" MBP, having cmd-tab/cmd-` is great and Exposé is a godsend. *I have a real unix command prompt to use for dev tasks, but still a user friendly system for more normal activities. I feel OS X has a good balance between the strengths of Linux and Windows without the need to switch between the two. *Apple is a well-supported system. It's disadvantage is that at some levels, it can be difficult to customize it (in both hardware and software). The upshot of that is that if something goes wrong, you have a huge community of developers and users using very similar setups, whereas with Linux has both a smaller and less homogeneous userbase. *The mainstream mac development apps (Textmate comes to mind) tend to be better designed and more usable than their Linux counterparts. Some would argue that this comes at the cost of power and control- however, most popular Linux apps can be run on OS X one way or another. *Edit addition: Two-finger swipe scrolling. Never realized how useful this was until I had to code for 6 months on a Thinkpad. Disclaimer: Though I interact with *nix systems all the time, I've never used Linux extensively on the desktop. A: I suggest to not switch, but use both OS X and Linux. You will get more experience and learn to program in more than one "environment". Similary, don't stick to one single programming language. Try another one (at least). A: Since OS X is unix-based, there's effectively no difference between programming on a Mac or a Linux box. It boils down simply to what programs and utilities (text editors, database frontends, etc) you prefer. But the Mac has infinitely better programs in this sense (at least in my humble opinion), and what utilities Linux does have are generally available on the Mac as well. Long and short, the only good reason to program on a Linux box when you have a Mac available is when you're developing an application for Linux. For everything else, just stick with your Mac.
{ "language": "en", "length": 897, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:184", "question_score": "7", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Change Dock Expose Activation Time Is there a way to change the amount of time you have to click and hold on a Dock icon to activate Dock Expose? or maybe tie the right click to activate it? A: I'm not aware of a setting for just clicking on the icon with the mouse other than a default for turning it off... defaults write show-expose-menus -boolean You can change the behaviour of when you drag a file onto a dock icon though... Go to Finder Preferences and at the bottom of the general tab there is "Spring-Loaded folders and windows" You can dis/enable it and change the delay time.
Q: Change Dock Expose Activation Time Is there a way to change the amount of time you have to click and hold on a Dock icon to activate Dock Expose? or maybe tie the right click to activate it? A: I'm not aware of a setting for just clicking on the icon with the mouse other than a default for turning it off... defaults write show-expose-menus -boolean You can change the behaviour of when you drag a file onto a dock icon though... Go to Finder Preferences and at the bottom of the general tab there is "Spring-Loaded folders and windows" You can dis/enable it and change the delay time.
{ "language": "en", "length": 111, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:185", "question_score": "4", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How do I select a file or directory inside a package? When an application pops up the Mac OS X standard file or directory chooser dialog it won't allow me to open packages so that I can select something within. Is there a way to do this without creating a symbolic link to the target? For a specific example: I've installed Komodo Edit & the Python SDK for Google App Engine. In Komodo's Language > Python preferences I can add Python import directories to help with syntax checking or debugging. The GAE libraries are in /Applications/ but I can't navigate there using the directory chooser. (I'm not asking how to browse the contents of a package from the Finder or command line.) A: From the dialog, use Command+Shift+G. This will open a small 'Go to folder' dialog where you can type (or paste) the path that you want including paths within packages.
Q: How do I select a file or directory inside a package? When an application pops up the Mac OS X standard file or directory chooser dialog it won't allow me to open packages so that I can select something within. Is there a way to do this without creating a symbolic link to the target? For a specific example: I've installed Komodo Edit & the Python SDK for Google App Engine. In Komodo's Language > Python preferences I can add Python import directories to help with syntax checking or debugging. The GAE libraries are in /Applications/ but I can't navigate there using the directory chooser. (I'm not asking how to browse the contents of a package from the Finder or command line.) A: From the dialog, use Command+Shift+G. This will open a small 'Go to folder' dialog where you can type (or paste) the path that you want including paths within packages. A: You can use the Finder to navigate inside the bundle, and then drag and drop the file to the 'Open file' dialog/sheet. See a more visual explanation here.
{ "language": "en", "length": 182, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:189", "question_score": "8", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Problem with "Always Open With" in OS X I want know how can I apply a software to open all my same document, for example I want to open all my PDF document with Skim but when I right click on it> open with > other and choose my desired application and check the "Always Open With" it just do for that specific file.(mean always open A.pdf with skim if I want to open B.pdf still open with "preview"). How can I force OS X to open all pdf type with Skim. A: From the Finder, select a PDF file, open the Info panel (File ➔ Get Info or ⌘I), select your preferred application and then click Change All…
Q: Problem with "Always Open With" in OS X I want know how can I apply a software to open all my same document, for example I want to open all my PDF document with Skim but when I right click on it> open with > other and choose my desired application and check the "Always Open With" it just do for that specific file.(mean always open A.pdf with skim if I want to open B.pdf still open with "preview"). How can I force OS X to open all pdf type with Skim. A: From the Finder, select a PDF file, open the Info panel (File ➔ Get Info or ⌘I), select your preferred application and then click Change All… A: If you want to mess with all filetypes and "who opens what", there is a freeware System Preference Pane called RCDefaultApp that works in Snow Leopard, Leopard, Tiger and Panther. You can change pretty much any type of resource, for example you can tell that “Acorn” opens png by default or that the default app for the extension “jpg” should be, etc. It also handles MIME types, URLs, and Media. A: I had this problem today as well (Mavericks) but the solutions here didn't work. This is due to a corrupt services cache. I ran the following command in terminal and things started working again /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user So if anyone the answers don't work for you, run this command and then it should be fine after that A: Another option is to right click the file in Finder and then change "Open With" to "Always Open With" by holding down the option (⌥) key.
{ "language": "en", "length": 283, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:191", "question_score": "33", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Do you know a simple sound booster app for Mac? Some videos on websites have the sound volume so low that even with all sound settings at maximum levels it's hard to listen. I'm looking for an app that would allow me to boost the Mac's volume. Something similar to VLC volume controls. I already looked at Audio Hijack, but it has way too much features for what I'm looking for. Anything free of charge would be a plus. :) A: The application you are looking for is called Hear. It's pretty expensive though. I've been looking for a program to do something similar for months, but on the opposite end of the spectrum (my volume to my USB audio adapter is way too high, even with the volume all the way down). As far as I can tell, there isn't a free program out there that can do this. You can also try messing around with the built-in Apple utility called "Audio MIDI Setup" (in Applications/Utilities) and creating an aggregate device, then messing with the preamp on this device, but so far I haven't had any success with this.
Q: Do you know a simple sound booster app for Mac? Some videos on websites have the sound volume so low that even with all sound settings at maximum levels it's hard to listen. I'm looking for an app that would allow me to boost the Mac's volume. Something similar to VLC volume controls. I already looked at Audio Hijack, but it has way too much features for what I'm looking for. Anything free of charge would be a plus. :) A: The application you are looking for is called Hear. It's pretty expensive though. I've been looking for a program to do something similar for months, but on the opposite end of the spectrum (my volume to my USB audio adapter is way too high, even with the volume all the way down). As far as I can tell, there isn't a free program out there that can do this. You can also try messing around with the built-in Apple utility called "Audio MIDI Setup" (in Applications/Utilities) and creating an aggregate device, then messing with the preamp on this device, but so far I haven't had any success with this. A: Just discovered eqMac2, an open source equalizer program. It does not have the ability to go beyond 100% but you can get a reasonably similar effect by augmenting the volume of several bands. Very straightforward to use and install. A: If you like to use iTunes to listen / watch your media files... Some time ago I found new easy way to get the sound a bit louder. In iTunes Library select media with low volume and press cmd+i. Go to Options and make Volume Adjustments A: I just found the free app Bongiovi DPS. It is free and simple and has some great audio enhancements. A: You can boost the volume of videos playing in Chrome using free extensions. I found the Ears chrome plugin works quite well. Steps: * *install the plugin *click the Ears extension icon in chrome *drag the baseline from 0 up to +5 *click EQ this tab A: Boom It works pretty well. I had similar issues on my Mac, didn't like being glued with the headphones forever so I got this just yesterday. And I loved it. It's not free, but for $5 it works like a horse. A: You can go with custom equalizer and then amplify your sound out Instructions Requirements * *Soundflower – free download from Google Code (more recent version here) *AU Lab – free download from Apple Developers (requires free Apple Dev ID) *Download and install both Soundflower and AU Lab, you will then need to restart your Mac to have full access to the audio components. Once rebooted, follow along with the instructions below: Set Up a Universal Audio Equalizer for Mac OS X * *Set System Volume to the maximum level, do this either through the menu bar or by hitting the Volume Up key repeatedly *Open System Preferences from the  Apple menu and select the “Sound” panel, followed by the “Output” tab. Select “Soundflower (2ch) from the Output list *Now launch AU Lab, found in /Applications/Utilities/ *From the “Audio Input Device” pulldown menu, select “Soundflower (2ch)”, and then from “Audio Output Device” menu select “Stereo In/Stereo Out” *Click the “Create Document” button at the bottom of the screen At the next screen, look for “Output 1” column and click the “Effects” dropdown, selecting “AUGraphicEQ” *This is your new system-wide equalizer, set it how you see fit. Changes here will impact all audio output on the Mac *When satisfied with the EQ settings, hit Command+S to save the EQ settings file and put it somewhere easy to find like the Documents folder Now open AU Lab preferences from the AU Lab menu, click on the “Document” tab and click the radiobox next to “Open a specific document”, selecting the .trak EQ file you saved in the previous step *Optional final step: If you want the EQ settings to load on every Mac OS X boot, right-click on the AU Lab icon, go to Options, and select “Open at Login” Note: It’s important to note that AU Lab must be running in order for the equalizer to have an effect, keeping it running will consume a small amount of CPU resources but it’s much less process hungry than some of the third party alternatives available on the market. Due Credit : Cheers A: Volume Booster That works like a charm for me on Chromium-based browsers (Chrome, Opera, etc). A: I use SpeakerAmp: Amplify, equalize and boost your audio with 3-D surround. Features: ● Amplifier up to 999% ● 10-channel equaliser with several built-in and up to 100 user profiles ● 20-channel spectrum analyser ● L-R VU power meters ● Tunable limiter preventing signal distortion ● 2 adjustable ranges of the amplifier ● Mouse scroll control of volume ● Adjustable colour schemes of the meters ● Consumes 0% of CPU in idle state ● Supports stereo/joint stereo/mono Free demo version: The app works in 2 modes: * *Local Audio player *System-Wide Processing In the player, you can play, amplify and equalise any of these audio formats: mp3, mp4, wav, m4a, ,aac, adts, ac3, aif, aifc, caf, snd or au. In the system-wide mode, the app can process audio coming from any app. Additional free audio driver is needed in that mode: Product documentation: EULA: A: Could you not simply download the movies and play them in VLC or something similar? I'm not aware of anything that'll boost system wide sound, but as you don't seem to have attracted any answers, I'm trying to think of alternatives. Quicktime can play FLV files, and if you use QT7 Pro, it allows you to boost the sound using the Track Properties pane. Would that be an option for FLV videos? A: Did someone try this? I used in the past and it should do the job A: Sound Booster Lite (FREE) is very good
{ "language": "en", "length": 1003, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:195", "question_score": "47", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Can I install a full copy of Snow Leopard on an Apple TV? I have both a legitimate, store-bought retail license for OS X Snow Leopard, and I own an Apple TV. (Neither were stolen, copied, etc. ;-) Is it possible to install OS X Snow Leopard on an Apple TV? If so, how, or where can I find more information? p.s. I don't care about my warranty; it's long gone. A: Maybe if this is possible, an AppleTV do not have all the hardware requirement for Snow Leopard, as it needs 1G of RAM. The processor is also only 1 GHz (maybe a bit more, depends on your version) and the lowest Intel processor built on an iMac was a 1.83 GHz Core Duo. So, even if you achieve to install Snow Leopard on your AppleTV (let say you remove the disk, install Mac OS X on it, then plug it in back), it will be really slow.
Q: Can I install a full copy of Snow Leopard on an Apple TV? I have both a legitimate, store-bought retail license for OS X Snow Leopard, and I own an Apple TV. (Neither were stolen, copied, etc. ;-) Is it possible to install OS X Snow Leopard on an Apple TV? If so, how, or where can I find more information? p.s. I don't care about my warranty; it's long gone. A: Maybe if this is possible, an AppleTV do not have all the hardware requirement for Snow Leopard, as it needs 1G of RAM. The processor is also only 1 GHz (maybe a bit more, depends on your version) and the lowest Intel processor built on an iMac was a 1.83 GHz Core Duo. So, even if you achieve to install Snow Leopard on your AppleTV (let say you remove the disk, install Mac OS X on it, then plug it in back), it will be really slow. A: I'm pretty sure it wouldn't work "by default" (i.e. without a kernel and bootloader hack). You might be able to run it using OSx86, but I'm really not sure. Like Studer said, even if you achieve to install Snow Leopard on your Apple TV, it will be really slow. A: In addition to my rant answer, I took a look at this thread and did a little skimming. Sounds like Snow Leopard is not supported due to some unreleased kernel headers. Not sure why that would matter considering Snow Leopard runs on unsupported x86/64 hardware, but there it is on page 8 from some people who obviously have spent a lot of time with this. So it would seem that there are software issues in addition to the slow hardware. HOWEVER, it looks like the aforementioned thread gives quite a bit of practical information on getting Leopard to run! Might be the way to go since Leopard has lower system requirements anyway. A: If you have an old AppleTV it may be possible, but to me it seems a bit like a hack. And I wouldn't be at all surprised if the license doesn't allow it. Your Snow Leopard license is probably an upgrade license for Leopard (Apple doesn't sell hardware without OS, so they only sell upgrade licenses I think), and I doubt the Apple TV runs the default version of Leopard. If you can install Snow Leopard then don't use updates, as the kernel needs to be replaced :)
{ "language": "en", "length": 412, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:196", "question_score": "4", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Can the hard drive in an Apple TV be upgraded? How? I own an Apple TV, with 160GB of internal storage. I'm interested in replacing that hard drive with a larger one, perhaps 640GB, or else the largest 2.5" drive I can get that would be compatible. Is it possible to replace the internal hard drive in an Apple TV, i.e. DIY? If so, how, or where can I find more information? Any tips about the challenges I will need to overcome: e.g. opening the device, copying old drive contents over, etc.? Thanks! p.s. I don't care about my warranty; it's long gone. A: Yes, you can. Good thing you don't care about your warranty though. Engadget published an article about it with instructions some time ago.
Q: Can the hard drive in an Apple TV be upgraded? How? I own an Apple TV, with 160GB of internal storage. I'm interested in replacing that hard drive with a larger one, perhaps 640GB, or else the largest 2.5" drive I can get that would be compatible. Is it possible to replace the internal hard drive in an Apple TV, i.e. DIY? If so, how, or where can I find more information? Any tips about the challenges I will need to overcome: e.g. opening the device, copying old drive contents over, etc.? Thanks! p.s. I don't care about my warranty; it's long gone. A: Yes, you can. Good thing you don't care about your warranty though. Engadget published an article about it with instructions some time ago. A: The iFixit folks have a guide, as well. A: Be warned that, once you've replaced the HD, you won't be able to update the Apple TV software through the usual means. So you'll have to either remove the HD every time there's a new version (and go through the rather elaborate procedure to prepare and reinstall it), or you can get used to dismissing the update warning every time you want to watch a movie.
{ "language": "en", "length": 204, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:197", "question_score": "4", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How can I "clean out" my Time Machine backups if Time Machine won't backup because the disk is full? When Time Machine tries to make a backup, it informs me that it can't because the backup disk is full. What it's mostly full of (about 700GB of 1TB) is prior backups of the same machine. Time Machine used to just delete the oldest ones, but now it seems unwilling or unable to do so. Is there some manual way I can make room by clearing out old backups? When I go into the Time Capsule through Finder, the backups all appear to be in a sparse bundle, which I'm nervous to mess with. A: The other answer didn't work for me, perhaps because I was trying to delete extra backups from an inactive TimeMachine folder. (I don't get a "Delete Backup" option in my Finder dropdown, as shown. In Mountain Lion, I was able to use tmutil, a terminal command with great power. A great description of how to use it is
Q: How can I "clean out" my Time Machine backups if Time Machine won't backup because the disk is full? When Time Machine tries to make a backup, it informs me that it can't because the backup disk is full. What it's mostly full of (about 700GB of 1TB) is prior backups of the same machine. Time Machine used to just delete the oldest ones, but now it seems unwilling or unable to do so. Is there some manual way I can make room by clearing out old backups? When I go into the Time Capsule through Finder, the backups all appear to be in a sparse bundle, which I'm nervous to mess with. A: The other answer didn't work for me, perhaps because I was trying to delete extra backups from an inactive TimeMachine folder. (I don't get a "Delete Backup" option in my Finder dropdown, as shown. In Mountain Lion, I was able to use tmutil, a terminal command with great power. A great description of how to use it is A: Enter TimeMachine, then in the main window, select the backup you want to delete (on the right), then use the Action Menu (Gear icon) to select "Delete Backup". Using this menu, you can also, when a file or a folder is selected, delete all its backup. A: I think this essay will help you. the source of this essay related here. A: To perhaps state the obvious, if you have a second Time Machine backup for security and you only care about being able to restore the last working state (history is not important, just protection against drive failure), then you can * *format (erase) your Time Machine drive, giving it a new name, *add it as a new Time Machine backup drive, and *delete the backup under the old name. This is crude, but may be the most efficient approach for a certain subset of use cases.
{ "language": "en", "length": 323, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:199", "question_score": "20", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How can I combine two PDFs in Preview? How can I combine two PDFs in Preview? A: Here's a detailed explanation of how to use Automator. It looks complicated but it only took me a couple of minutes to reproduce it on my computer...
Q: How can I combine two PDFs in Preview? How can I combine two PDFs in Preview? A: Here's a detailed explanation of how to use Automator. It looks complicated but it only took me a couple of minutes to reproduce it on my computer... A: First, you can only merge pdf if they are not protected, if this is the okay : * *Open both pdf *Enable the sidebar in each windows of Preview, then select "Thumbnails" view *Drag & drop the cover (inside the sidebar) of one pdf into the sidebar of the other pdf. With this method, you can completely merge two pdf or selectively drag & drop the pages you want to merge to create a completely custom new pdf. You can also extract pages from one pdf still using the same manipulation, but drag & drop to the Desktop. A: I know you asked for 'Preview' solutions, but in case you're interested in a command-line tool: alias pdfjoin='/System/Library/Automator/Combine\ PDF\ Pages.action/Contents/Resources/' Then you can do things like pdfjoin -o out.pdf file1.pdf file2.pdf ... A: Another way is with Automator. You can combine many pages into one PDF with that. It has a "Combine PDF Pages" action. A: Pretty sure the easiest is to open all jpgs or images in Preview, then go to Print, and instead of actually printing, save as a PDF. Boom. All images in one PDF. A: I do this all the time (I print my expense report to PDF and then have to insert all the scanned receipts and other PDF receipts into that document). The easiest way I have found is to open the target PDF in "Contact Sheet" view and then from Finder you can drag and drop the files into the Preview window of the target file. This makes very quick work of assembling multiple PDFs into a single document A: A really usefull tool to combine multiple PDFs is the following service: It allows you to merge several PDF pages online and download the merged PDF file afterwards.
{ "language": "en", "length": 342, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:201", "question_score": "13", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Is there an OS X dashboard widget for notes from the iPhone Notes app? I'm looking for a Dashboard widget for OS X that allows you to read and edit notes—the pieces of text in iPhone Notes application and (I.e., something analogous to the To Do Widget which shows the same To Do items that you can access through iCal.) I don't use regularly and would like some quicker way to access the notes synced from my iPhone. Edit: To reiterate, this question is specifically about the notes in iPhone's Notes app (screenshot below) and in (And not e.g. about alternative notes apps for iPhone/OS X or iCal's To Do items.) A: If you are looking for a way to sync and edit notes, then I suggest Simplenote. It isn't a Dashboard widget, but it's very lightweight and all of your notes are saved to a central server that all of your devices can see.
Q: Is there an OS X dashboard widget for notes from the iPhone Notes app? I'm looking for a Dashboard widget for OS X that allows you to read and edit notes—the pieces of text in iPhone Notes application and (I.e., something analogous to the To Do Widget which shows the same To Do items that you can access through iCal.) I don't use regularly and would like some quicker way to access the notes synced from my iPhone. Edit: To reiterate, this question is specifically about the notes in iPhone's Notes app (screenshot below) and in (And not e.g. about alternative notes apps for iPhone/OS X or iCal's To Do items.) A: If you are looking for a way to sync and edit notes, then I suggest Simplenote. It isn't a Dashboard widget, but it's very lightweight and all of your notes are saved to a central server that all of your devices can see. A: AFAIR Organized does what you want (among other things). A: This doesn't exactly answer my original question either (which is about an OS X dashboard widget for accessing Notes), but it is the most useful note syncing solution I've found so far: You can now (with iOS 4) sync Notes over the air with any IMAP email account. And MobileMe accounts too, as the relevant Apple support article points out: iPhone and iPod touch: Syncing Notes. Specifically, you can easily sync Notes with your Gmail account. This blog post gives good instructions with screenshots. Of course, in a way, a cloud-based approach like this is even better than having a widget on the one Mac you sync your iPhone with. There's this drawback though: The notes can only be edited from an iPhone or iPod Touch In other words, you can only view them in Gmail. A: I'm stuck with the same question but what I've managed to find is a useful widget for the and ical todo's. You can download it at
{ "language": "en", "length": 335, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:203", "question_score": "5", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Why does my computer freeze when I unplug my headphones? Whenever I plug in or unplug my headphones into my computer, it freezes for about 10 seconds before it is able to do anything which is rather annoying. This didn't use to happen though, would anyone know the cause of this or how to fix it? A: I faced a similar problem. I had a bluetooth headset and a wired one. Whenever I disconnected my wired one, sometimes the mac tried to connect to the bluetooth headset, and when it was switched off/out of range, the system would hang for sometime. could be something similar. Can you give the list of speakers/headphones configured on your mac and their order (a screenshot would be convinient)
Q: Why does my computer freeze when I unplug my headphones? Whenever I plug in or unplug my headphones into my computer, it freezes for about 10 seconds before it is able to do anything which is rather annoying. This didn't use to happen though, would anyone know the cause of this or how to fix it? A: I faced a similar problem. I had a bluetooth headset and a wired one. Whenever I disconnected my wired one, sometimes the mac tried to connect to the bluetooth headset, and when it was switched off/out of range, the system would hang for sometime. could be something similar. Can you give the list of speakers/headphones configured on your mac and their order (a screenshot would be convinient) A: It is certainly not normal and it is indeed a software problem. Although low level drivers are normally for all users, it wouldn’t harm if you try this either under a new fresh user (just create one, reboot your computer, log in with the new one and do the plug-unplug thing). Also, you can try rebooting and plugging-unplugging in the login screen. If it also hangs there, then there’s certainly something “odd” about your sound drivers and further investigation (and/or system logs analysis) will be required. If you have a spare drive, and to make sure there isn’t anything hardware related, you might want to try to install a fresh copy of your OS into that drive and see if it happens there, on the fresh install. There might be a problem with the headphone’s internal hard/soft as well, so testing on another machine wouldn’t hurt to rule out an external problem. A: Happens the same in my MacBook, but I think it is because it is switching the software (OS) to send the sound signal to the speakers or the headphones plug. In my MacBooks takes 3 seconds, maybe in yours is more (10 seconds) because you have a lot of software running in the background.
{ "language": "en", "length": 333, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:207", "question_score": "3", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Do Macs need to be defragmented? I don't see any application to defragment my Mac (running OS X). Is defragmenting not necessary for Mac OS X? If so, why not? A: It's not necessary. For more details than you could possibly want, read Fragmentation in HFS Plus Volumes by Amit Singh (author of Mac OS X Internals: A Systems Approach).
Q: Do Macs need to be defragmented? I don't see any application to defragment my Mac (running OS X). Is defragmenting not necessary for Mac OS X? If so, why not? A: It's not necessary. For more details than you could possibly want, read Fragmentation in HFS Plus Volumes by Amit Singh (author of Mac OS X Internals: A Systems Approach). A: There's no such thing which you should (have to) use. If Apple felt it was needed, it would have been built-in. Mac differs entirely from Windows for example. Please check: A: HFS, the filesystem Mac OS X uses (technically HFS+) has a number of built-in measures that reduce fragmentation of the drive. First, it uses extent-based allocation, which is just a fancy way of saying that it writes multiple contiguous blocks of data a time (and therefore inherently has less fragmentation of data). Second, it uses delayed allocation, meaning that disks writes are "queued" and written to the drive as a group (again, inherently less fragmentation). On top of that, Mac OS X does on the fly defragmentation of files. The long and short is that fragmentation isn't really an issue for Macs, which is why you don't see a program to defragment drives in Mac OS X. As a side note, there are commercial programs that will defragment drives in OS X, but this is essentially snake-oil. There might be some small level of fragmentation on your drive, and these apps will surely take care of that. But, it's 100% unnecessary, and you're unlikely to see any benefit. A: Most people will tell you Macs don't suffer from disk fragmentation, citing technical arguments most people don't understand. It's somewhat true: since there's nothing you can do about it without spending $20 on something that might not improve the performance of your computer at all, you could instead focus on other maintenance tasks and just buy a shiny new mac (or reinstall) when the old one gets too slow. But: An important prerequisite for not caring about disk fragmentation is always keeping some free space on your disk (I couldn't find any recommendation not pulled out of thin air, but 20% is often mentioned). And to keep the facts straight: * *There are features in Mac OS X designed to prevent some of fragmentation. *Apple believes these features are enough to spare the majority of their users from caring about fragmentation issues, but also says you ''might'' benefit from defragmenting in some cases (e.g. "If your disks are almost full, and you often modify or create large files") *There's no built-in or free and popular defragmenter utility for Mac OS X (although there are commercial ones) *Some people do have issues caused by fragmentation (1, 2) *There's no easy way to tell if your specific problem is caused by fragmentation. BTW (@Dori's answer), the cited Fragmentation in HFS Plus Volumes explicitly says this: Note that I do not intend to make any claims regarding the fragmentation-resistance of HFS+. I have sampled too few a volume to generalize my "results". P.S. I know that web browsers (the field I'm interested in) are at least sometimes are affected by fragmentation (ex.: mozilla, chrome). I myself had an issue similar to the one described in mozillla's issue tracker. A: Generally speaking, you do not need to defrag HFS+. While it is possible to fragment it, the implementation in the OS X kernel includes a number of features that tend to limit fragmentation, including deferred block allocation and hot banding. Unless you do something really odd (constantly keep the drive over 99% full while doing lots of reads and deletes) it is very hard to significantly fragment the drive. The only time it is generally worthwhile to defrag an OS X drive is when you are trying to do an LVM operation (like shrink a partition for bootcamp), and the builtin tools fail. The reason is that those failures are largely caused by some core structure of the volume (Like the extents or catalog file) existing in blocks outside the target layout. Technically those are files, but because they are used to store volume metadata the builtin file move code has trouble moving them on a live (mounted) partition, but defrag utilities that work on the disk offline can just move them to the beginning of the partition, which allows the volume resizer to work. So, while defrag utils are generally not worthwhile, they aren't snake oil, just very specialized tools. A: No, it doesn't. Mac OS X does it itself for files over 20MB, and for SSDs it doesn't matter at all. A: osx obviously needs defragmenters when you need to shrink the partitions where it is installed, or when you use hfs+ somewhere else an excellent example is when you, after only using osx for years and start to use a dual-boot there, like installing a second operating system like gnu/linux (exactly like i did this week), and it is known gnu/linux (like ubuntu) are getting mroe and more popular day by day, specially among osx users - in this context, and it is not as rare, it is totally counterproductive and nonsense having to backup all the information, reformat the partition after resizing it, reinstall osx back again when you just needed to defrag it before resizing it so everyone, please don’t say no one need defrag tools on osx, or for hfs+ - saying such thing is just ludicrous, as i explained...
{ "language": "en", "length": 915, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:208", "question_score": "56", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Is there a limit on the number of Macs that can use a single 2TB Time Capsule? I am looking at buying a few of the 2TB Time Capsules for our office, where we have about 20 unibody MacBook Pros with 128GB SSDs. Is there a limit on the number of Macs that a single 2TB Time Capsule can provide Time Machine backup targets to? Does anyone have advice or experience regarding using a Time Capsule as a target for multiple machines? A: According to this post on Apple's product page for the Time Capsule, up to 100 machines can use a single Time Capsule. The source of the "100" is not accredited, so it may not be accurate.
Q: Is there a limit on the number of Macs that can use a single 2TB Time Capsule? I am looking at buying a few of the 2TB Time Capsules for our office, where we have about 20 unibody MacBook Pros with 128GB SSDs. Is there a limit on the number of Macs that a single 2TB Time Capsule can provide Time Machine backup targets to? Does anyone have advice or experience regarding using a Time Capsule as a target for multiple machines? A: According to this post on Apple's product page for the Time Capsule, up to 100 machines can use a single Time Capsule. The source of the "100" is not accredited, so it may not be accurate. A: I would take care with having several Time Capsules as you will then have several Wireless networks and you need to work out how they interconnect. It might be better to get some NAS and run Time Machine on that e.g. Netgear or even a Mac and run OS X server on that. A: There shouldn’t be any technical limit other than hard drive space. Each backup gets stored in different directories inside the volume. However, I’m sure you’d start running out of space fast if you have more than two-three machines that actively create/edit data. A: I use a LaCie d2 Quadra Hard Disk with TimeMachine and have so far backed up 6 different machines with it and recovered 2 times. I don't know if there is an upper limit. A: This is a very workable solution. There is no built in limit and you can look over the system logs to see if any machines take too long to back up due to slowness and lighten the load on any one Time Capsule as needed. For some people it's ideal, very maintainable, and drop dead simple to plan and support. You can use BackupLoupe to look into the individual backups to see what files are changing and estimate how fast each Mac is filling up the space on the backup drives. You could use one Mac connected to the Ethernet port to scan the files without any WiFi delays and once scanned, you have the information on that Mac to examine "offline". You can mount the volumes and scan them as needed to update them as time passes - maybe once a month to check on things. Do run a comparison on how much it would cost to buy a Mac mini server and use it to back up everything in one spot instead of several Time Capsules. You could then save money on the networking with Extremes and Expresses and have better expansion options. I would guess this is more cost-effective and easier/more powerful if you are buying three Time Capsules and might even be better even if you only are buying two Time Capsules. Setting aside the cost of the initial hardware, a back of the napkin comparison might look like this assuming you need the TC for WiFi networking as well as backup functionality: * *Three Time Capsules * *Easier to set up initially (if you guess well or over-buy storage you may never need to maintain which Mac backs up where minimizing maintenance) *Takes more time to plan and track which Mac backs up where *Harder to predict when space will run out *Add space in increment of new Time Capsules (pricier storage) *Takes more time to track / reconfigure clients when adding more space (especially if you intend to move the previous backup to the new TC and don't want to cut that user off from their backup history) *TC backups are harder to backup, archive, or move around (if you even need this) *One Mac mini + Airport Extreme + optional AirPort Express to extend the network * *Harder to set up initially (maybe one day's reading, learning, and doing) *No hassle or time to shuffle or track which Mac backs up where *Easier to predict when space will run out *Can add more space by adding more drives (less pricey storage) *No need to reconfigure clients as more space is added *Very easy backup of the server and backup data (if you even need this) You can minimize the work on maintaining a fleet of Time Capsules by periodically backing up each Mac to a connected HD and then deleting the backup for that Mac and starting Time Machine fresh. Rolling those with 1/4 of the Macs every three months will spread the work and let each Mac generally have a year of history before it gets erased and starts anew.
{ "language": "en", "length": 771, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:209", "question_score": "6", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Do any window managers allow me to snap windows to the sides of the display? Can you recommend a Window Manager for the Mac? I would like to have a keyboard shortcut that would snap a windows to the left or right half of my screen. A: Divvy Divvy is a little menubar app that allows you to automatically resize any active window. Divviy virtually divides your screen into a 6x6 grid. When invoked, Divvy brings up a little HUD in the middle of the screen with this 6x6 grid. Depending on what part of your screen you want to resize your active window, just drag and select those squares on the HUD and the window does the rest. It’s that simple.
Q: Do any window managers allow me to snap windows to the sides of the display? Can you recommend a Window Manager for the Mac? I would like to have a keyboard shortcut that would snap a windows to the left or right half of my screen. A: Divvy Divvy is a little menubar app that allows you to automatically resize any active window. Divviy virtually divides your screen into a 6x6 grid. When invoked, Divvy brings up a little HUD in the middle of the screen with this 6x6 grid. Depending on what part of your screen you want to resize your active window, just drag and select those squares on the HUD and the window does the rest. It’s that simple. A: After testing SizeUp and Breeze, I've decided that Breeze fits my needs the best. Both allow you to position windows on the left, right, or Fullscreen. The feature that sold it for me was setting a default size & position for an application and assigning it a shortcut key. A: ShiftIt (original version at link discontinued) does this, and is free and open source. Edit: The project is now on GitHub, however the last release was in November 2010. A: Moom I've heard some people talk this one up too: Do you spend a lot of time moving and zooming windows, so you can better see and work with all the content on your Mac? Instead of doing that work yourself, let Moom handle the task for you. A: If you have a magic mouse or magic trackpad, BetterTouchTool is better as you can set specific gestures to manage the windows. Like a four finger left swipe can be to resize the window to the left 50% of the screen. A: Moom is great. You can snap windows to: full screen, half screen, quarter screen. You can also resize with a grid. It supports custom keyboard shortcuts, too. A: I personally use SizeUp and Divvy on a daily basis. If I had known about ShiftIt earlier, I probably wouldn't have paid for SizeUp. Another one to check out that hasn't been mentioned yet is BetterTouchTool, which has a lot of other features, but hidden in the advanced options is a nice feature they call "Window Snapping" which snaps the window to the left or right of the screen when you drag it to the side. Doesn't have keyboard shortcut functionality included, but it is a nice supplement to SizeUp and Divvy. A: I found here from an off topic question on Stack Overflow: There were two Open Source mangers mentioned there that did not show up on this list: * *Spectacle -> *Slate -> (setup requires work on the command line) Another from the App Store * *Slicer -> A: Here is an Applescript that will tile all of the open windows in the frontmost application. Add to ~/Library/Scripts and call from the Applescript menu in the menu bar. Add salt to taste (and free). --tile windows of frontmost applications in a grid --this script is useful for --multiple window chatting --working side by side of several windows of the same app --make need to make it as a stay open application later --for now assume that it is opened and closed per invokation property horizontalSpacing : 10 -- sets the horizontal spacing between windows property verticalSpacing : 10 -- sets the vertical spacing between windows property maxRows : 2 property maxCols : 2 on run {} local a set userscreen to my getUserScreen() --display dialog (getFrntApp() as string) try set applist to getFrntApp() if length of applist = 0 then return end if set a to item 1 of getFrntApp() on error the error_message number the error_number display dialog "Error: " & the error_number & ". " & the error_message buttons {"OK"} default button 1 end try try tileScriptable(a, userscreen) on error the error_message number the error_number --display dialog "Error: " & the error_number & ". " & the error_message buttons {"OK"} default button 1 try tileUnscriptable(a, userscreen) on error the error_message number the error_number display dialog "Error: " & the error_number & ". " & the error_message buttons {"OK"} default button 1 end try end try end run on tileScriptable(a, screen) local i, c set i to 1 tell application named a set theWindows to every window of application a whose visible is true and floating is false and ¬ modal is false -- and miniaturized is false set c to count theWindows if c = 0 then return end if set tiles to calTileBounds(c, screen, 1) repeat with theWindow in theWindows my tileScriptableWindow(a, theWindow, item i of tiles) set i to i + 1 end repeat end tell end tileScriptable on tileUnscriptable(a, screeninfo) -- unscriptable app local i, c set i to 1 tell application "System Events" set theWindows to (every window of application process a) --set theWindows to my filterUnscriptableInvisible(theWindows) set c to count theWindows if c = 0 then return end if --display dialog screeninfo as string giving up after 5 set tiles to my calTileBounds(c, screeninfo, 1) repeat with theWindow in theWindows --display dialog (class of visible of theWindow) my tileUnScriptableWindow(a, theWindow, item i of tiles) set i to i + 1 end repeat end tell end tileUnscriptable on filterUnscriptableInvisible(ws) -- filter out from ws windows that are docked set newws to {} set docklist to getNamesDocked() --display dialog (docklist as string) repeat with theWindow in ws if name of theWindow is not in docklist then set end of newws to theWindow end if end repeat --display dialog (count newws) return newws end filterUnscriptableInvisible on getNamesDocked() tell application "System Events" to tell process "Dock"'s list 1 set l to name of UI elements whose subrole is "AXMinimizedWindowDockItem" end tell return l end getNamesDocked on tileScriptableWindow(a, w, bound) tell application a set bounds of w to bound end tell end tileScriptableWindow on tileUnScriptableWindow(a, w, bound) tell application "System Events" --display dialog (count position of w) set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " " set position of w to {(item 1 of bound), (item 2 of bound)} -- why the -5? set size of w to {(item 3 of bound) - (item 1 of bound) - 5, ¬ (item 4 of bound) - (item 2 of bound) - 5} --display dialog (count properties of w) end tell end tileUnScriptableWindow on calTileBounds(nWindows, screen, direction) -- return a list of lists of window bounds -- a simple tile algo that tiles along direction (current only 1=horizontal) local nrows, nColumns, irow, icolumn, nSpacingWidth, nSpacingHeight, nWindowWidth, nWindowHeight set {x0, y0, availScreenWidth, availScreenHeight} to screen set ret to {} set nrows to (nWindows div maxCols) if (nWindows mod maxCols) ≠ 0 then set nrows to nrows + 1 end if if nrows < maxRows then set nSpacingHeight to (nrows - 1) * verticalSpacing set nWindowHeight to (availScreenHeight - nSpacingHeight) / nrows else set nSpacingHeight to (maxRows - 1) * verticalSpacing set nWindowHeight to (availScreenHeight - nSpacingHeight) / maxRows end if repeat with irow from 0 to nrows - 1 if nrows ≤ maxRows and irow = nrows - 1 then set nColumns to nWindows - irow * maxCols else set nColumns to maxCols end if set nSpacingWidth to (nColumns - 1) * horizontalSpacing set nWindowWidth to (availScreenWidth - nSpacingWidth) / nColumns set nTop to y0 + (irow mod maxRows) * (verticalSpacing + nWindowHeight) --display dialog "Top: " & nTop buttons {"OK"} default button 1 repeat with icolumn from 0 to nColumns - 1 set nLeft to x0 + (icolumn) * (horizontalSpacing + nWindowWidth) set itile to {¬ nLeft, ¬ nTop, ¬ nLeft + nWindowWidth, ¬ nTop + nWindowHeight} set end of ret to itile --display dialog item 3 of itile as string --set itile to {x0 + (icolumn - 1) * wgrid, y0, wgrid, hgrid} --set item 3 of itile to ((item 1 of itile) + (item 3 of itile)) --set item 4 of itile to ((item 2 of itile) + (item 4 of itile)) end repeat end repeat return ret end calTileBounds on getFrntApp() tell application "System Events" to set frntProc to ¬ name of every process whose frontmost is true and visible ≠ false return frntProc end getFrntApp on getUserScreen() -- size of the menubar tell application "System Events" set {menuBarWidth, menuBarHeight} to size of UI element 1 of application process "SystemUIServer" --display dialog "Menubar width: " & menubarWidth & ", height: " & menubarHeight set dockApp to (application process "Dock") set {dockWidth, dockHeight} to size of UI element 1 of dockApp --display dialog "Dock width: " & dockWidth & ", height: " & dockHeight set dockPos to position of UI element 1 of dockApp --display dialog "Dock x: " & (item 1 of dockPos) & ", y: " & (item 2 of dockPos) end tell -- size of the full screen (* {word 3 of (do shell script "defaults read /Library/Preferences/ | grep -w Width") as number, ¬ word 3 of (do shell script "defaults read /Library/Preferences/ | grep -w Height") as number} *) tell application "Finder" set screenSize to bounds of window of desktop set screenWidth to item 3 of screenSize set screenHeight to item 4 of screenSize end tell --display dialog "Screen width: " & screenWidth & ", height: " & screenHeight -- by default, set the available screen size to the full screen size set availableWidth to screenWidth set availableHeight to screenHeight - menuBarHeight set availableX to 0 set availableY to menuBarHeight --determine the userscreen origin and size -- case 0: hidden dock -- if (item 1 of dockPos < 0 or item 1 of dockPos ≥ screenHeight) then -- no need to change anything -- end if -- case 1: bottom dock if ((item 2 of dockPos) + dockHeight = screenHeight) then set availableHeight to availableHeight - dockHeight end if -- case 2: left dock if (item 1 of dockPos = 0) then set availableWidth to availableWidth - dockWidth set availableX to dockWidth end if -- case 3: right dock if ((item 1 of dockPos) + dockWidth = screenWidth) then set availableWidth to availableWidth - dockWidth end if return {availableX, availableY, availableWidth, availableHeight} end getUserScreen Source: MacScripter via Google A: You can also try Slate which is free and open source. You might also want to read this article about it. A: SizeUp is exactly what you need: SizeUp allows you to quickly position a window to fill exactly half the screen (splitscreen), a quarter of the screen (quadrant), full screen, or centered via the menu bar or configurable system-wide shortcuts (hotkeys). Similar to "tiled windows" functionality available on other operating systems. A: First of all, if free is important to you, get ShiftIt. If convenience from a mouse is important to you, get Cinch. It's in the Mac App Store. Finally if you have a Macbook or a Magic Trackpad, get JiTouch. It will allow you to assign a gesture to many, many things; one of which is full screen, half-left, half-right. Seriously check it out if you like gestures even a little. It's like having a mouse with 100+ buttons. JiTouch A: From what I've seen and heard, Cinch is a great application for bringing the window management of Windows 7 to Mac OS X. A: MercuryMover You might also look at MercuryMover, which gives you a range of window moving tools under a series of keyboard mappings. I used to use this a lot when struggling with a small laptop screen, and you can get it to flip a window to the edge of a screen etc. It most closely maps the 'move' system menu functionality that you get in normal Windows 'windows'. A: I'm using Magnet, is available on the AppStore A: As far as I understand you question, you want to stick the window to the edge of the screen, so that the side of the window is directly on the edge of the screen. This is now possible on macOS Sierra (10.12) natively. All you need to do is to move the window you want to position (by clicking and dragging the top of the window) to the side that you want it to stick to. You need to do this slowly, or else it won't work. After you drag the window over to the edge, it will stick a while and that's when you should stop.
{ "language": "en", "length": 2057, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:212", "question_score": "21", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How can I free up some disk space? I'm about to run out of disk space, and I know I have a lot of junk on my macbook but I don't know how to find it to figure out how to delete it. Is there an easy command line way through terminal to list my biggest files on my drive? Or is there a GUI program that could help me find all the offending huge files that I'm not using? A: Start with Monolingual: it removes extra languages and locales from your computer. Saves quite a bit of space without any real loss of usability (unless you speak several languages and want to use them...)
Q: How can I free up some disk space? I'm about to run out of disk space, and I know I have a lot of junk on my macbook but I don't know how to find it to figure out how to delete it. Is there an easy command line way through terminal to list my biggest files on my drive? Or is there a GUI program that could help me find all the offending huge files that I'm not using? A: Start with Monolingual: it removes extra languages and locales from your computer. Saves quite a bit of space without any real loss of usability (unless you speak several languages and want to use them...) A: If you're looking for specific things to tear out, look at all the Garageband samples and support files. They take up a LOT of space, and if you're not going to be making music you won't miss 'em. A: You can try : * *Disk Inventory X (free one) *DaisyDisk (paid one) A: I really like What Size - it's also on the Mac App store, but has many features that won't be allowed on the store (like checking sizes as the administrator, and actually deleting / thinning files to remove code that can't possibly be run like PPC code on an intel mac). It is paid software - but well worth the expense for me. I have used it over slow network connections, many external drives and my boot volume to see quickly where all the space is so I can know what is possible to clean up and when it's just not possible due to there being no huge folders or files that I can afford to remove. The find duplicates function is great and there are many other views, but it's geared to giving you the biggest space users on top no matter what view you choose. A: Omni Disk Sweeper by Omni Group is good at helping find the mountains of stuff. I find that apps and the system folders generally don't take up that much space (everything being relative), that the real hogs are in the Documents, Music, and Movies folders of my user folder. A: Two things... * *If you are starting to run out of disk space deleting files isn't going to help much unless you have massive amounts of waste, eg Old systems from doing an archive and install OS update.Start thinking about getting a bigger hard drive or some extra drives. *In terminal type... du -hs * This will list each directory with it's size. It will look smething like this... 3.6G Desktop 3.9G Development 42G Documents 1.6G Downloads 4.5M Dropbox If anything looks unexpectedly large cd into the directory and run the command again. Rinse and repeat until you find what you are looking for. A: I highly recommend GrandPerspective(Free). Just finding the largest files isn't always that useful: 20 gbs of 3mb music files wouldn't show up, for example. GrandPerspective gives you a great visual breakdown of your harddrive contents regardless of whether your wasted files are in one big .dmg or a few hundred small files or whatever. Further, if you know most waste is in, for example, your home folder, you can specify which directory to show. A: You can also set Finder to the horizontal list view (not sure what that view is called), enable the Size column (see View Options, CMD J), and select "Calculate All Sizes" again in the View Options window. Now sort by size. Start off in your Home folder. See what sub-folders are biggest. Drill down and explore. A: While I agree with all suggestions above regarding apps that help you to visualize what is taking space on your HDD, you may find yourself in situation where you actually can't delete those files and have to keep it on your hard drive. In this case, you can use this utility - Squeeze to transparently compress your files in the background. It helped me to find couple of gigabytes of space without deleting stuff and I was able to use it on pretty old Macbook without any performance penalties. A: The command line way of doing it would be du -ksx /* | sort -n this should be run as root (either in a root shell or with sudo) and gives you the sizes of the top-level directories sorted by size (and maybe some error messages about /dev/something). Then you can refine with du -ksx /Users/* | sort -n and so on. (using du -k instead of -h as proposed by Henry makes it possible to sort by size) A: I owe a few of the free and paid apps mentioned here, and I find it odd that nobody mentioned Whatsize. I think it’s the one that displays the space in the best possible way. It’s not too “graphical” but then again, it shows you the numbers which are the important thing. It’s not free, but I have used it extensively and it never disappoints me. A: On Snow Lion or better, you can use afsctool (available through homebrew) to compress large files from the terminal. It essentially does what ClustersApp(the aforementioned 'Squeeze') does, but free and without a pretty interface, unless you have a lovely theme.
{ "language": "en", "length": 884, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:214", "question_score": "30", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How can I Open Multiple Customized Terminal Shells? How can I customized Terminal so that when I open the application it opens several shell tabs? If possible I would like to also have it run a different environment script for each tab. Example: Run this command source bin/activate which is a Python virtualenv setup command. A: Add this to your ~/.bash_profile if you use bash or ~/.zshrc if you use zsh, changing the content of the COMMANDS array: function openterms() { COMMANDS=("source bin/activate" "add another here" "continue likewise") for command in $COMMANDS do osascript -e \ "tell application \"Terminal\" to do script with command \"$command\"" done } Now calling openterms in a shell will open all the other shells you wanted.
Q: How can I Open Multiple Customized Terminal Shells? How can I customized Terminal so that when I open the application it opens several shell tabs? If possible I would like to also have it run a different environment script for each tab. Example: Run this command source bin/activate which is a Python virtualenv setup command. A: Add this to your ~/.bash_profile if you use bash or ~/.zshrc if you use zsh, changing the content of the COMMANDS array: function openterms() { COMMANDS=("source bin/activate" "add another here" "continue likewise") for command in $COMMANDS do osascript -e \ "tell application \"Terminal\" to do script with command \"$command\"" done } Now calling openterms in a shell will open all the other shells you wanted. A: I'm using Keyboard Maestro. I once recorded a macro that sets up Terminal (I'm using iTerm, but it doesn't matter) the way I like and made this macro to be triggered by launching iTerm. So when I launch, it is set up as I wanted. Two windows, five tabs in one for different folders with each Tab named appropriately, and another window with two tabs connected to my server, one of them launches a monitoring script. All of this is done within 2 seconds that the Terminal is launched, which previouosly would take a minute or more. Now I'm not that afraid to close iTerm if I need since I can reopen it at the same state without any effort. By the way, Keyboard Maestro is good for many other things too. I recently bought it with discount on, where I've discovered it for the first time but it's worth its full price, too, in my opinion. A: As Josh K mentioned, you can create a Window Group for opening one or more windows with specific layouts and appearances. In addition, "settings profiles" (Terminal > Preferences > Settings) can specify a command to run when a terminal is created with that profile. You can create a separate profile for each command you wish to run, then create windows with those profiles. When you save them to a window group and open them again, those commands will run in their appropriate windows. You can even have Terminal open a specific window group at startup. As of Mac OS X Lion 10.7, there are several new improvements in this area: * *Resume will automatically restore windows that were open when you quit Terminal, so using a window group for this is no longer strictly necessary (although they allow you to re-create a specific setup if you've closed the windows). *If you create a new terminal using Shell > New Command, since Terminal knows what command you ran, it can restore it by running it again. Terminal will now automatically restore "safe" commands† when Resuming. *Terminal will also restore these commands if you save these kinds of terminals into a window group. In addition, when saving a window group, there's an option to restore all commands, not just the "safe" ones. So, you no longer need to create a separate settings profile for each command you want to run. † "Safe" commands include anything listed in /etc/shells, emacs, vi/vim, nano, pico, top, screen, tmux, and any command created with Shell > New Remote Connection (e.g., ssh sessions). Note that only top is considered "safe" when used with arguments; the others support arguments that may do things you wouldn't want them to without user confirmation, so they are not considered "safe" for automatic restoration unless they are invoked without arguments. You can customize the list of "safe" commands with "defaults write RestorableCommands". The value is a list of strings containing the command names. To indicate that arguments are allowed, add an asterisk after a command. e.g., "top *" makes top safe when used with arguments, but "top" does not. A: Alternatively, you can also use screen to open multiple tabs on a single window. screen is very flexible and can configure to run any scripts during the terminal startup. More info. A: Does this post describe what you want to do?
{ "language": "en", "length": 682, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:215", "question_score": "11", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How can I unpack a .deb on Mac OS X without installing it? I have a .deb file that I want to unpack and examine, but not install. I'm currently looking for where i can download dpkg for OSX, but can't find it. If you have a link, please share. A: ar is already installed on my mac on OS X. So just do ar -x path/to/deb/file.deb that's it. No need to install other software.
Q: How can I unpack a .deb on Mac OS X without installing it? I have a .deb file that I want to unpack and examine, but not install. I'm currently looking for where i can download dpkg for OSX, but can't find it. If you have a link, please share. A: ar is already installed on my mac on OS X. So just do ar -x path/to/deb/file.deb that's it. No need to install other software. A: You can install dpkg using MacPorts or just download the sources. A: While not OSX specific, if you have Docker for Mac installed, you could use an Ubuntu container to look inside the contents of the package: docker run -it -v $(pwd):/data ubuntu:latest /bin/bash dpkg -c /data/foo.deb A: if you use MacPorts you can install dpkg and more package (like do it in debian or ubuntu). after installing Macports go and install dpkg from here. also you can find more info about dpkg in osx here. (This is now down - I don't know if temporarily or permanently) A: At least on recent macOS versions, you can also use tar to extract UNIX archives: tar xf package.deb A: docker run -it -v $(pwd):/data ubuntu:latest /bin/bash # or with fish # docker run -it -v (pwd):/data ubuntu:latest /bin/bash cd data dpkg -x wkhtmltox_0.12.6-1.focal_amd64.deb out ls out/usr/local/bin/ works well for wkhtmltoimage and wkhtmltopdf
{ "language": "en", "length": 228, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:216", "question_score": "38", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: What is a trustworthy 2x4GB RAM for MacBook Pro 15" 2.4Mhz Core i5? I'm looking to upgrade memory from 4GB to 8GB on my MacBook Pro 15" 2.4Mhz Core i5. I've been looking at Mushkin 8GB RAM on NewEgg, but it's been getting bad reviews lately for not working properly with MacBook Pro Core i7. I'm not sure if it still works OK with Core i5... Is there a trusted 8GB(2x4) RAM upgrade for MacBook Pro 15" 2.4Mhz Core i5? A: I’ve always brought memory from OWC with success.
Q: What is a trustworthy 2x4GB RAM for MacBook Pro 15" 2.4Mhz Core i5? I'm looking to upgrade memory from 4GB to 8GB on my MacBook Pro 15" 2.4Mhz Core i5. I've been looking at Mushkin 8GB RAM on NewEgg, but it's been getting bad reviews lately for not working properly with MacBook Pro Core i7. I'm not sure if it still works OK with Core i5... Is there a trusted 8GB(2x4) RAM upgrade for MacBook Pro 15" 2.4Mhz Core i5? A: I’ve always brought memory from OWC with success. A: I've always had good success with Crucial, but I can't speak to your specific case. A: As long as this is branded stuff that went through testing, and not some chips that were sorted out / relabeled / rebranded, you usually don't have much issues with RAM these days. However, RAM issues are still a major source of Macs behaving badly, so the most important thing is to really check it. No matter where and what you buy, make sure they take the RAM back if "Memtest OS X" fails during an extensive RAM test on your machine. Now build in your new RAM, and run Memtest OS X (details i.e. at OSXDaily). The tests will need a couple of hours, and really put your RAM under stress. If all tests are running ok, you are fine, if not, send the RAM back.
{ "language": "en", "length": 234, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:218", "question_score": "4", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: iPhone accidentally engages FaceTime during call This has happened to me twice recently: I have been on a call when all of a sudden I can hear the other person on loudspeaker, at which point I take the phone away from my face and observe that my face (assumably) has accidentally pressed the FaceTime button. Is this a known issue and is there a way to prevent this from happening in the future? A: This is a known issue. Apple addressed it in IOS 4.1 beta 2. Until it gets released, the simplest thing to do is talk using your headset and lock the screen (note that for some reason Apple removed the screen lock functionality without the headset).
Q: iPhone accidentally engages FaceTime during call This has happened to me twice recently: I have been on a call when all of a sudden I can hear the other person on loudspeaker, at which point I take the phone away from my face and observe that my face (assumably) has accidentally pressed the FaceTime button. Is this a known issue and is there a way to prevent this from happening in the future? A: This is a known issue. Apple addressed it in IOS 4.1 beta 2. Until it gets released, the simplest thing to do is talk using your headset and lock the screen (note that for some reason Apple removed the screen lock functionality without the headset).
{ "language": "en", "length": 120, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:220", "question_score": "4", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Can I safely charge my iPhone 4 overnight on a regular basis? First time caller, long time listener: I've seen this question asked on a few other sites but with no "definitive" answers. The Apple website on iPhone batteries is ambiguous, at best, and the closest it comes to answering the question is saying that a monthly deep cycle is a good idea. (reference) So, what do you think -- is there an adverse impact from repeated, overnight charging of your iPhone 4? Does this negatively affect battery performance over the long term? Or is there some chip/ software that acts to shut off the charging once the battery is topped off, thereby protecting your hermetically sealed little power source? A: Each charge 'cycle' is registered within the phone's software (same on a MacBook). If you think your battery is having issue (and is still under warranty), Apple will look at the number of charge cycles on it and make a decision against that. Here's a pretty interesting, in depth article from 2007 on Apple's take on 'charge cycles':
Q: Can I safely charge my iPhone 4 overnight on a regular basis? First time caller, long time listener: I've seen this question asked on a few other sites but with no "definitive" answers. The Apple website on iPhone batteries is ambiguous, at best, and the closest it comes to answering the question is saying that a monthly deep cycle is a good idea. (reference) So, what do you think -- is there an adverse impact from repeated, overnight charging of your iPhone 4? Does this negatively affect battery performance over the long term? Or is there some chip/ software that acts to shut off the charging once the battery is topped off, thereby protecting your hermetically sealed little power source? A: Each charge 'cycle' is registered within the phone's software (same on a MacBook). If you think your battery is having issue (and is still under warranty), Apple will look at the number of charge cycles on it and make a decision against that. Here's a pretty interesting, in depth article from 2007 on Apple's take on 'charge cycles': A: All this hype about how to charge your batteries is blown out of proportion. Although some batteries (I forget which types exactly) can have longer lives if charged at "optimal" rates and temperatures, the reality seems to be that it does not extend the life by much. One of the research papers I read concluded something like if you charge your device at around 17 degrees from 0% until 75% full you can extend the lifespan by about 1/5 of the total life span. I have charged my devices for days at a time, and my iPod Nano has been plugged in for months, and holds a charge the same as my other nano (I have two) which almost never gets used and only charged ocasionally. In conclusion, just do whatever is convenient for you. EDIT: Here are some links to the apple pages related to their iPhone batteries: * *Batteries - iPhone *iPhone Battery Replacement Service: Frequently Asked Questions A: First of all, iPhone uses lithium-ion batteries, so you should follow the same advice as for the laptop batteries. Look at this and this questions at SuperUser. The most two damaging things to Li-Ion batteries are deep discharge and heat. Deep discharge is when you use the device until it shuts down, then wait and attempt to turn it on. That's bad practice - you should stop using the battery and think of charging it as soon as the device turns off for the first time. Deep discharge can severely damage the battery. Similar batteries are used in profesional Bosch power tools like drills and drivers. Obviously battery is a heart of such tool. When you continuosly use a tool its battery can get discarged suddenly and then the tool will shut off - you will be holding the switch pressed but the tool will just stop rotating. The manual says clearly that you shouldn't try to release the switch and press it again to try to restart the tool - according to the manual that can damage the battery. Heat lowers battery lifetime. Heat comes from leaving the phone under direct sunlight, carrying it in a pocket close to your bode in hot weather, putting it next to a heater and so on. Obviously you shouldn't do stupid things like piercing, burning, short-curcuiting and dropping the iPhone. All other factors like how often you charge it will have very limited impact on the battery lifetime. Even Bosch power tools manuals don't ever mention anything about how good or bad is charging the batteries often.
{ "language": "en", "length": 608, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:223", "question_score": "34", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How can I contact the owner of a lost iPhone who has a password lock? I want to return their phone, but can't access their contacts, etc. A: Just ask Siri 'what is my name' and it will bring up the contact details for the owner of the phone. You can also use Siri to post to Facebook, send emails and just abut anything else. To be fair, upon closer inspection, this seems like a huge gap in the security of an iPhone where you're data isn't actually secure, even when locked. Love it! Obviously only works if the owner has set their phone to utilise Siri when locked. But I think most people do.
Q: How can I contact the owner of a lost iPhone who has a password lock? I want to return their phone, but can't access their contacts, etc. A: Just ask Siri 'what is my name' and it will bring up the contact details for the owner of the phone. You can also use Siri to post to Facebook, send emails and just abut anything else. To be fair, upon closer inspection, this seems like a huge gap in the security of an iPhone where you're data isn't actually secure, even when locked. Love it! Obviously only works if the owner has set their phone to utilise Siri when locked. But I think most people do. A: If there is a lost and found at the location you found the phone put it there, or turn it over to the police. That is where the person who lost it should be looking for it. Attempting to break the PIN is just not a good idea, even if you have good intentions. They chose to keep some information confidential (for whatever reason), at the expense of making the phone harder to return if it is lost. A: * *Keep it plugged in / charged in case the user is trying to "find my phone" and locate it or send you a contact message. *The carrier and apple might take your contact information if you don't want to drop it off with them. Apple might be better than the carrier if there is any doubt as to the proper carrier. *Local police should be alerted - they can provide you with your responsibilities as well as how best to get it returned. I hope you make the owner very happy. A: Starting with iOS 6, owners will be able to help you out by sending a number to the phone using the new "Lost" mode: IOS 6 and iCloud now offer Lost mode, making it even easier to use Find My iPhone to locate and protect a missing device.6 Immediately lock your missing iPhone with a four-digit passcode and send it a message displaying a contact number. That way a good Samaritan can call you from your Lock screen without accessing the rest of the information on your iPhone. And while in Lost mode, your device will keep track of where it’s been and report back to you any time you check in with the Find My iPhone app. A: 1) Find the phone number, then find the owner I think the iPhone is locked but not the SIM card. If this is the case, pop the SIM card out. Put it in another phone. Find the number. Now, use the web to do a reverse lookup, find them, find their email or alternate phone, and call them. 2) Find someone who knows the owner When you set the password, by default the "Voice Dial" is still active. Try holding down the home button for 4 seconds. Even when locked, you might be able to say "Call so-and-so". Try some random names. If someone picks up, explain the situation. They will probably have an alternate means of contacting the owner. 3) Turn the phone on and see if there are recent callers - then use any of these names to try voice calling as in 2 above. A: By strange coincidence, this exact thing happened to me, so I have the answer: Wait until the owner's mother calls. Answer the phone, explain the situation, upon which she will send her husband to collect the phone from your office.* Shake the father's hand, hand over the phone, and make a funny apple joke (he asked me if I had kids, to-whit I responded, no, but I have an iPhone, so I understand! -- fan boys rejoice). *As it turns out, the owner was a 15 year old boy. A: You can try a number of things. To build on mankoff's answer: 1)Try taking out the SIM card and checking if there are any contacts on it. If the iPhone was not the first phone used with that SIM, it may have stored contacts on it. 2)Try "Call home". Also, I remember seeing this article a while back, I wonder if it still works with iPhone 4: Read iPhone Data with Ubuntu Edit (Direct Quote): Do you have a PIN code on your iPhone? Well, while that might protect you from someone making a call or fiddling with your apps, it doesn’t prevent access to your data … as long as the person doing the snooping around is using Ubuntu “Lucid Lynx” 10.04. Security experts Bernd Marienfeldt and Jim Herbeck discovered something really interesting when they hooked up a non-jailbroken, fully up-to-date iPhone 3GS to a PC running Lucid Lynx … I uncovered a data protection vulnerability [9], which I could reproduce on 3 other non jail broken 3GS iPhones (MC 131B, MC132B) with different iPhone OS versions installed (3.1.3-7E18 modem firmware 05.12.01 and version 3.1.2 -7D11, modem 05.11.07) , all PIN code protected which means the vulnerability bypasses authentication for various data where people most likely rely on data protection through encryption and do not expect that authentication is not in place. This is what you get via an auto mount without any PIN request: This data protection flaw exposes music, photos, videos, podcasts, voice recordings, Google safe browsing database, game contents… by in my opinion the quickest compromising read/write access discovered so far, without leaving any track record by the attacker. It’s about to imagine how many enterprises (e.g. Fortune 100) actually do rely on the expectation that their iPhone 3GS’s whole content is protected by encryption with an PIN code based authentication in place to unlock it. This, quite honestly, is a staggering flaw. It basically allows anyone capable of driving a Linux PC to copy data off of an iPhone without the owner of the phone having any idea whatsoever that this has happened. What’s more worrying is that Marienfeldt and Herbeck think that write access to the iPhone is only a buffer overflow away, which means serious access. Lastly, an Apple store would have the serial number linked to an iPhone, as Philip Reagan suggested. A: Take it to the Apple store and see if they can sort it out. I would imagine that they have DB of serial numbers and customers even if they didn't sign up with Applecare or MobileMe. A: You can use Siri to call some of the contacts. You probably know no names in his/her contacts list so you should ask Siri: * *to call Home *to call my Mother/father *to give me the directions to home *what is my name *who is my sister/brother. When you ask Siri about contacts, it would bring up ALL the contacts information that is entered in the iphone/icloud. So if the iphone is connected to wifi/3g/4g and siri is enabled, you have access to the owner's identity(home, relative names, other phone numbers, addresses). If the wifi and 3g is turned off, you would have some hard time dealing with it. A: I'm trying a different tactic. I wrote a note telling them to call the phone or call my number and I took a picture of it with their phone. Hopefully it will upload to Photo Stream. It looks like 3G is on but I'm not sure if it will only upload over wifi. Oh, well. It's worth a shot... A: Just wait for the owner to call once they realize they lost it. Just found an iPhone on the way home and as I was searching for 'How to find an owner of a locked iPhone', it rang. The owners wife, Viola'! Set up a meeting and hope someone will do the same for me someday. A: plug the phone into iTunes to get data like the name or other identifiers!!
{ "language": "en", "length": 1315, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:224", "question_score": "24", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How can I stop from attempting to start a service we uninstalled? My office used to use JungleDisk Workgroup service to exchange large files. We've moved on to a new solution and I uninstalled the client according to their instructions, but I noticed today in the Console that is trying to start JungleDisk every 10 seconds. It fails, but I can't help but think this is causing some performance issues. Where/how do I remove a background service launch? 8/31/10 7:47:03 AM[1] (com.jungledisk.workgroupservice[4172]) Exited with exit code: 1 8/31/10 7:47:03 AM[1] (com.jungledisk.workgroupservice) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds 8/31/10 7:47:13 AM[1] (com.jungledisk.workgroupservice[4173]) posix_spawnp("/Applications/Jungle Disk Disk Workgroup/Jungle Disk Disk Workgroup", ...): No such file or directory A: If you want to use a software, you can try Lingon. It allows you to manage (create, edit, delete) all the launchd items on your system. Otherwise, if you want to go by hand, look inside the following folders : * */Library/LaunchAgents */Library/LaunchDaemons *~/Library/LaunchAgents
Q: How can I stop from attempting to start a service we uninstalled? My office used to use JungleDisk Workgroup service to exchange large files. We've moved on to a new solution and I uninstalled the client according to their instructions, but I noticed today in the Console that is trying to start JungleDisk every 10 seconds. It fails, but I can't help but think this is causing some performance issues. Where/how do I remove a background service launch? 8/31/10 7:47:03 AM[1] (com.jungledisk.workgroupservice[4172]) Exited with exit code: 1 8/31/10 7:47:03 AM[1] (com.jungledisk.workgroupservice) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds 8/31/10 7:47:13 AM[1] (com.jungledisk.workgroupservice[4173]) posix_spawnp("/Applications/Jungle Disk Disk Workgroup/Jungle Disk Disk Workgroup", ...): No such file or directory A: If you want to use a software, you can try Lingon. It allows you to manage (create, edit, delete) all the launchd items on your system. Otherwise, if you want to go by hand, look inside the following folders : * */Library/LaunchAgents */Library/LaunchDaemons *~/Library/LaunchAgents A: The manual method (Lingon in Studer's question is a great GUI for this) is to unload the job from launchd: Run sudo launchctl stop com.jungledisk.workgroupservice to tell launchd to stop running the job but it's important to note the job will just come back the next time you restart. You can then try and track down the file in /Library/LaunchAgents, /Library/LaunchDaemons or ~/Library/LaunchAgents - if you delete the file it won't load the next time you restart the computer. If you run sudo launchctl unload /PATH/TO/com.jungledisk.workgroupservice.plist this will unload the job and then you can delete the file since you don't require it anymore.
{ "language": "en", "length": 273, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:226", "question_score": "4", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Adding a Second IP Address to an Existing Network Adapter On linux boxes it is possible to add multiple ip addresses to the same network interface. It's achived with the following command: ip addr add dev eth0 Is there any way to to the same with OS X ? I've tried to put multiple ip addresses (comma separated like the dns) in System Preferences / Network with no luck... A: Yeah, it's pretty easy. Open System Preferences, go to Networking, then click the Plus sign under the left bar. Choose the interface, give a name to the adapter configuration you're creating, then press OK. You will have to provide manual configuration of IP address and DNS for the second entry -- DHCP won't work for it, because it shares the same MAC address as the original entry, so the router won't issue it another address. Click Apply when you're done, and enjoy. Your adapter now has two IP addresses.
Q: Adding a Second IP Address to an Existing Network Adapter On linux boxes it is possible to add multiple ip addresses to the same network interface. It's achived with the following command: ip addr add dev eth0 Is there any way to to the same with OS X ? I've tried to put multiple ip addresses (comma separated like the dns) in System Preferences / Network with no luck... A: Yeah, it's pretty easy. Open System Preferences, go to Networking, then click the Plus sign under the left bar. Choose the interface, give a name to the adapter configuration you're creating, then press OK. You will have to provide manual configuration of IP address and DNS for the second entry -- DHCP won't work for it, because it shares the same MAC address as the original entry, so the router won't issue it another address. Click Apply when you're done, and enjoy. Your adapter now has two IP addresses. A: sudo ifconfig en0 alias up and to remove... sudo ifconfig en0 -alias A: .. and to remove the alias added in brabic's answer sudo ifconfig en0 -alias
{ "language": "en", "length": 192, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:228", "question_score": "21", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: What's the best server/client combo to remote into your Mac (10.6) from a windows machine? I have a Mac OS X 10.6 computer at home, which I like to remote into from my work laptop from time to time. I've tried using RealVNC and UltraVNC with the built-in VNC client, but I can't get them to accept the adaptive compression, so I can either do * *8-bit color that is low bandwidth *Full color that takes up too much bandwidth for my home's upload speed Is there a VNC client that supports the adaptive compression on the built-in vnc server for Mac OS X? Some other things I have tried are * *Using custom VNC server (Vine Server) to get higher color with acceptable bandwith * - which seems to have it's own adaptive compression, but is only free for use w/one computer A: You could try TeamViewer. Like, it is a full software and one based one Mac OS X vnc. By the way, it also works from an iPad or an iPhone or from a web browser under Windows.
Q: What's the best server/client combo to remote into your Mac (10.6) from a windows machine? I have a Mac OS X 10.6 computer at home, which I like to remote into from my work laptop from time to time. I've tried using RealVNC and UltraVNC with the built-in VNC client, but I can't get them to accept the adaptive compression, so I can either do * *8-bit color that is low bandwidth *Full color that takes up too much bandwidth for my home's upload speed Is there a VNC client that supports the adaptive compression on the built-in vnc server for Mac OS X? Some other things I have tried are * *Using custom VNC server (Vine Server) to get higher color with acceptable bandwith * - which seems to have it's own adaptive compression, but is only free for use w/one computer A: You could try TeamViewer. Like, it is a full software and one based one Mac OS X vnc. By the way, it also works from an iPad or an iPhone or from a web browser under Windows. A: perhaps see what can do for you? i'm running it to share out a single monitor out of three, to vnc clients on other platforms that don't support apple's monitor selection extensions or whatever it's called to make that work in mac-to-mac Screen Sharing. A: Here's one I haven't tried, but Leo Laporte loves: GoToMyPC. If you're going to try it, be sure to get a discount coupon somewhere. And here's a good place to look for alternatives. A: Here is the software we use in our company (Windows): Radmin Highly recommend. Not sure they have MAC version but my colleagues say they used it on MAC.
{ "language": "en", "length": 292, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:229", "question_score": "4", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: iTunes album cover is not the correct cover for that album My iTunes shows the wrong cover image for a handful of albums. How can I correct this? A: You can look for covers yourself (i.e. on Amazon or w/ Google Image Search) and copy & paste them in the "Get Info" dialog (select all songs of an album, press Cmd-I, paste the image into the "Artwork" area). There are tools like CoverScout which automate these tasks which is feasible if you have a large music library w/ lots of broken covers.
Q: iTunes album cover is not the correct cover for that album My iTunes shows the wrong cover image for a handful of albums. How can I correct this? A: You can look for covers yourself (i.e. on Amazon or w/ Google Image Search) and copy & paste them in the "Get Info" dialog (select all songs of an album, press Cmd-I, paste the image into the "Artwork" area). There are tools like CoverScout which automate these tasks which is feasible if you have a large music library w/ lots of broken covers. A: Sometimes iTunes thinks the CD tracks you have are for a different album (happens more for lesser known CD's.) An option you could use is to find the Album art online and then manually insert them as the Album art. The way to do that in iTunes: * *Right Click the song you want *Select Get Info *Click the Album art tab *Add and select your album art Note: Can do this for an entire CD by selecting all the songs and then changing the Artwork section under the info tab
{ "language": "en", "length": 185, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:231", "question_score": "4", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: CD doesn't eject I have a problem with ejecting a CD. It happened twice in the past few days, CD drive disappears from the list of devices in a Finder and I can't eject a CD that sits inside my laptop. I tried Disk Utility it sees the drive, but the eject option is grayed out. Typing "drutil tray eject" in Terminal also doesn't produce any effect. A: The first thing to try in these cases is to restart the computer and hold down your Eject key or Mouse/trackpad button while it's starting up. If that doesn't work, try Resetting the SMC on an Intel based mac, or a PMU reset on an older PowerPC machine, then try again. If that fails, you'll want to bring the machine into an  Authorized Service Center if it's under warranty, or look into less orthodox solutions if not.
Q: CD doesn't eject I have a problem with ejecting a CD. It happened twice in the past few days, CD drive disappears from the list of devices in a Finder and I can't eject a CD that sits inside my laptop. I tried Disk Utility it sees the drive, but the eject option is grayed out. Typing "drutil tray eject" in Terminal also doesn't produce any effect. A: The first thing to try in these cases is to restart the computer and hold down your Eject key or Mouse/trackpad button while it's starting up. If that doesn't work, try Resetting the SMC on an Intel based mac, or a PMU reset on an older PowerPC machine, then try again. If that fails, you'll want to bring the machine into an  Authorized Service Center if it's under warranty, or look into less orthodox solutions if not. A: I had a similar solution to TrentEllingsen. My CD drive would not relinquish this stuck CD. Not with a terminal command or eject button or what have you. I eventually decided to go about it manually. First I tried using a card to leverage the CD enough so that "drutil eject" would work but after several tries it was obvious it wouldn't. So I rubbed on some elbow grease and grabbed another card. I slid one under the CD and the other on top. Then, like using a pair of card-nosed pliers, I pinched tight, pulled gently, and out came the CD... with protective slip attached! That was the last time I let my girlfriend burn anything on my mac. A: I had a similar problem with a macbook that wasn't able to start up and I wanted to put in the reformatting disk in to try and fix it but had a stuck CD. I tried holding the eject, mouse button, holding multiple buttons at the same time, tilting it.. What actually worked was a suggestion I found that using step 3 from here I just stuck a borders gift card into the slot and then gently pushed it down on the rotating CD (scary sound). It stopped spinning and soon ejected!
{ "language": "en", "length": 361, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:236", "question_score": "6", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How to stop Safari from unzipping files after download Safari unzips .zip and .gz files after downloading. How can I stop this behavior? A: In the menu bar, go Safari -> Preferences. In the "General" tab, uncheck "Open 'safe' files after downloading". This will stop Safari from automatically unzipping the files.
Q: How to stop Safari from unzipping files after download Safari unzips .zip and .gz files after downloading. How can I stop this behavior? A: In the menu bar, go Safari -> Preferences. In the "General" tab, uncheck "Open 'safe' files after downloading". This will stop Safari from automatically unzipping the files. A: Just hold the ⌥ alt button while clicking on the download links. Tested on OS X Mavericks, Big Sur, Monterey. Still works in October 2022. A: In Preferences, at the bottom of the General tab, uncheck the "Open "safe" files after downloading" check box. A: Check out this article if you want to keep the "Safe Downloads" behavior but tweak it a little.
{ "language": "en", "length": 116, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:239", "question_score": "55", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Why am I having this problem importing photos from iPhone to iPhoto? I'm getting the error Error downloading image. iPhoto cannot import your photos because there was a problem downloading an image. when I "Import All..." from my iPhone. Trying to import individual images I get The following file cannot be imported. (The file is in an unrecognized format.) IMG_0301.JPG In the past I've been able to do this, so I don't know why I'm getting grief now. Anyone have any suggestions? To help describe the problem I've created a screencast: A: I seem to have resolved the issue by connecting my iPhone 4 directly into my MacBook as opposed to using a USB hub which I connect everything to. edit: I also found this to be the case after a long term problem with importing photos/films from my iPhone 5; it was intermittent and buggy, but I was using a simple USB extension cord from behind my computer and eventually removing; because of this, this answer solved the entire issue.
Q: Why am I having this problem importing photos from iPhone to iPhoto? I'm getting the error Error downloading image. iPhoto cannot import your photos because there was a problem downloading an image. when I "Import All..." from my iPhone. Trying to import individual images I get The following file cannot be imported. (The file is in an unrecognized format.) IMG_0301.JPG In the past I've been able to do this, so I don't know why I'm getting grief now. Anyone have any suggestions? To help describe the problem I've created a screencast: A: I seem to have resolved the issue by connecting my iPhone 4 directly into my MacBook as opposed to using a USB hub which I connect everything to. edit: I also found this to be the case after a long term problem with importing photos/films from my iPhone 5; it was intermittent and buggy, but I was using a simple USB extension cord from behind my computer and eventually removing; because of this, this answer solved the entire issue. A: May be you can try using Phone view to get the image copied over to your Mac, and check if the file is corrupted. A: Surprising enough, after spending two hours crunching Google to find an answer, and restarting my phone (Home + Power key), the only solution was to restart my Mac. It solved everything magically (both Picasa and all other softwares) A: It's hard to tell which of two things is the real issue: * *The Phone has some corrupt pictures. *The databases on your Mac used to track which pictures are imported are corrupt / iPhoto is corrupt. You can rule out #2 by taking the phone to another mac (or at least make another user on the same mac to try an import from a clean slate). As has been mentioned before - if the pictures are corrupt on the iOS device, you will have to spring for PhoneView and perhaps a tool like Data Rescue to see if the photos are salvageable. Often JPEG headers and such are bad and the image data is fine or patchable with little or no visual evidence of the corruption. Also - it could be a combination of both #1 and #2 which is why some work under PhoneView and others don't. Lastly - you could try restoring that backup onto another iOS device and importing the photos from there. It would rule out a problem with the phone which is highly less likely than the other two items listed above. A: One item not yet mentioned is that your hard drive could be full. I was getting this error until I made some space. A: +1 for Phoneview for being a great app, but I understand not wanting to buy an app. As an alternative, you should look at this fee app, it seems like it will do what you need. Your best bet is probably going to be to get all the photos off of the iPhone you want/need by dragging them to your desktop/folder. Then import them into iPhoto. Then do a backup of your phone in iTunes. I'd wipe the iPhone and re-install iOS via iTunes. Then once the operating system has been installed, iTunes will ask if you want to restore your backup. If there is an issue with your photos/data then this may not help. However, if there is an issue with the underlying iOS then this may fix things for you. A: I have read in Apple's Support Forums that the Image Capture app (which is included on OSX, in the Utilities folder) will import these "corrupted" photos okay while iPhoto will not. Like others, I'm still waiting a permanent solution (even an acknowledgement) from Apple. A: * *Close iPhoto make sure their isn't a white light appearing under the icon. *Go to your pictures folder and drag the iPhoto library icon onto your desktop. *Open up iPhoto and click on create new library. *Once it opens, move it so you can see the iPhoto library icon on your desktop. *Right-click on the iPhoto icon and click on 'Show Package Contents.' *Drag the files Library.iPhoto and Library6.iPhoto onto iPhoto. It should be working after that. A: I've found iPhoto can be picky when it comes to things like color formats. For example, iPhoto returned the same error when I tried importing an image that was in Grayscale. I had to convert it to RGB first before iPhoto would import it. I've read elsewhere that iPhoto can also be picky about layers. A: Update! update! update! Make sure both your iPhone and Mac are on the latest versions of OS X (10.6.8) and iOS (4.3.3). Also, (if it's possible) upgrade to iLife '11. If that doesn't fix your problem, try backing up (through iTunes) and restoring your iPhone. Also, try using photo syncing (through iTunes) instead of manually copying over the photos. A: There's a problem importing photos from the iPhone (4S) to iPhoto; some photos are getting corrupted during the import process. It appears to be well-documented here. A: Hmmm... I tried some of the suggested solutions here and ultimately I decided to simply free up my hard drive a litte bit. So, I deleted some old photos and movies and voilà --- no more error message. :) A: Do you really need IMG_0301.JPG ? If not you could try clicking 'Delete' instead of 'Keep' to empty the library and hopefully get rid of IMG_0301.JPG and then sync the photos back to the phone if required. A: Try Disk Utility to check/repair permissions on the volume holding the iTunes library.
{ "language": "en", "length": 944, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:241", "question_score": "24", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Remote Desktop for Mac OS X Is there any remote desktop solution for Mac? I don't mean a VNC where one can only manage the computer using the logged user on the computer. I want to be able to use my Mac at home using GUI with my account while my wife accesses the computer locally using her account. Is it possible? A: Mac OS X does not support multiple GUI sessions by itself. There are a couple options however - you can try Vine Server which requires some setup ahead of time (fast user switching on, you have to be logged on with a copy of Vine Server running). The more robust alternative is a product called AquaConnect Terminal Server which provides services like Terminal Server but requires Mac OS X Server to run.
Q: Remote Desktop for Mac OS X Is there any remote desktop solution for Mac? I don't mean a VNC where one can only manage the computer using the logged user on the computer. I want to be able to use my Mac at home using GUI with my account while my wife accesses the computer locally using her account. Is it possible? A: Mac OS X does not support multiple GUI sessions by itself. There are a couple options however - you can try Vine Server which requires some setup ahead of time (fast user switching on, you have to be logged on with a copy of Vine Server running). The more robust alternative is a product called AquaConnect Terminal Server which provides services like Terminal Server but requires Mac OS X Server to run. A: Not sure if this helps but there "might" be away if X11 is turned on on the Mac as any unix/linux os disto would usually work. would need some unconventional setup though. Oh and you probably would not get the same OS X desktop presented when connected via X11. Just throwing out and apologies if this misses the mark.(i would know how to setup multiple sessions on unix/linux but never done it with mac) A: but I'm afraid to use multiple GUI same time you need Mac OS X server:)
{ "language": "en", "length": 229, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:246", "question_score": "9", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Good resources for those transitioning to Mac OS X from Windows I'm going to be getting a new MacBook laptop as part of the PhD programme I've just started, but have never used Macs before in my life. I'm quite an advanced computer user (running an informal computer repair business for Windows PCs), but I can see that I might just get frustrated with it at first as I don't know some of the standard OS X ways of doing things. Does anyone have suggestions for resources that could teach me these standard ways of doing things, or any other guides to someone transitioning from Windows? A: Apple - Mac Basic Tutorials Apple has made a lot of videos on how to get started and more indepth guides. Among the tutorials there is a PC to Mac tutorial.
Q: Good resources for those transitioning to Mac OS X from Windows I'm going to be getting a new MacBook laptop as part of the PhD programme I've just started, but have never used Macs before in my life. I'm quite an advanced computer user (running an informal computer repair business for Windows PCs), but I can see that I might just get frustrated with it at first as I don't know some of the standard OS X ways of doing things. Does anyone have suggestions for resources that could teach me these standard ways of doing things, or any other guides to someone transitioning from Windows? A: Apple - Mac Basic Tutorials Apple has made a lot of videos on how to get started and more indepth guides. Among the tutorials there is a PC to Mac tutorial. A: Apple's guide to switching is located here. A: Mac OS X Hints (run by Macworld) A: IMHO: Here is your future: You can read tutorials, watch videos what previous posters provide you. They are very good! but... As advance user, prepare for hell during 1-2 weeks switching period.;) Try to play with your new system yourself, (for sure not as root:) ) But after that I'm sure you will never return back to the windows:) Have fun! A: Apple has retired a lot of the links posted in other answers. Here are some that work today: * *Mac tips for Windows switchers *Mac keyboard shortcuts
{ "language": "en", "length": 245, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:247", "question_score": "10", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Is there a way to power up a Mac Mini remotely? Is there ANY way to Power Up a Mac Mini remotely? Just to be clear, I don´t mean wake up from sleep but boot up. A: Depending on how your Mac Mini is connected to the internet (wifi, ethernet, firewall, age of the machine, NAT, …) it should be possible to do it using Wake On LAN. You could, for example, use a GUI software like WakeOnLan.
Q: Is there a way to power up a Mac Mini remotely? Is there ANY way to Power Up a Mac Mini remotely? Just to be clear, I don´t mean wake up from sleep but boot up. A: Depending on how your Mac Mini is connected to the internet (wifi, ethernet, firewall, age of the machine, NAT, …) it should be possible to do it using Wake On LAN. You could, for example, use a GUI software like WakeOnLan. A: Not sure what you're trying to accomplish, but it's also possible to use the Energy Saver preference pane to schedule the machine to startup at a set time. A: As you describe it, no. You could, however, get another computer or network-controlled device with the ability to cut off/restore power to a device, and remotely operate that (I'll try to find such a controller and link it here in a minute). Then just set your mac-mini to auto-boot after a power failure. Edit: example- A: As a workaround you can set, in the energy settings a scheduled time for the remote computer to start. At least if others have powered down the computer you know it will power up everyday on its own i.e. 6:00AM I am setting up a remote MAC in the Philippines and others may power down instead of log off so I know if for example I set it to start everyday at 9:00PM philippine time it will be acccessable to me in the US everyday at 6:00AM. Another idea if your in the US is to use iDevice, a switch that you plug into the power outlet then plug the MAC into. These are great devices that use apple home kit and I use them to power cycle my remote cameras that freez once in awhile and the company who makes the camera said to power cycle to restore the cameras. These devices use their own internet access and work great unfortunately they only make the 110 vac version. Also you must have the MAC set up to restart on power failure. Hope this helps A: Another cool thing you can try is to download Remote to your iPhone and setup a library to iTunes. In my case my computer starts automatically when opening the application! =)
{ "language": "en", "length": 383, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:248", "question_score": "11", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Options for playing music wirelessly from iPod touch and iPhone? What are the options for playing music from an iPod touch over speakers in multiple rooms, preferably with the ability to turn speakers off in a specific room using a remote? I currently have a basic stereo system but it's about 5 years old, only has two speakers, and doesn't support Bluetooth so I'm not sure if it's worth trying to use with the iPod for this type of setup. Cost isn’t an issue at least until I figure out what the options are. A: Today Apple announced that the upcoming iOS 4.2 update coming in November will contain a feature called AirPlay where you can stream music, video, and photos directly from your iOS device to a new Apple TV (and presumably the Airport Express).
Q: Options for playing music wirelessly from iPod touch and iPhone? What are the options for playing music from an iPod touch over speakers in multiple rooms, preferably with the ability to turn speakers off in a specific room using a remote? I currently have a basic stereo system but it's about 5 years old, only has two speakers, and doesn't support Bluetooth so I'm not sure if it's worth trying to use with the iPod for this type of setup. Cost isn’t an issue at least until I figure out what the options are. A: Today Apple announced that the upcoming iOS 4.2 update coming in November will contain a feature called AirPlay where you can stream music, video, and photos directly from your iOS device to a new Apple TV (and presumably the Airport Express). A: Well, if your stereo has an audio in port, you can go with an Airport Express and send the music wirelessly from iTunes/Front Row on your computer. You could use your iPhone/iPod as a remote using Apple's free Remote app. I hope this helps. A: Since my speaker system is hooked up to my desktop computer I use Shairport4w to airplay music and podcasts from my iphone to my desktop.
{ "language": "en", "length": 209, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:249", "question_score": "4", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: iMovie export to Ogg Theora? After I finish editing a movie with iMovie '09 under Mac OS X 10.6.4, is there a way to export the final product to Ogg Theora format? OR, is there a way to convert an already exported movie to Ogg Theora easily? A: As part of Dive Into HTML5, Mark Pilgrim gives two options: * *Encoding Ogg Video With Firefogg *Batch Encoding Ogg Video With ffmpeg2theora One or both of those should work for you.
Q: iMovie export to Ogg Theora? After I finish editing a movie with iMovie '09 under Mac OS X 10.6.4, is there a way to export the final product to Ogg Theora format? OR, is there a way to convert an already exported movie to Ogg Theora easily? A: As part of Dive Into HTML5, Mark Pilgrim gives two options: * *Encoding Ogg Video With Firefogg *Batch Encoding Ogg Video With ffmpeg2theora One or both of those should work for you. A: Just install the XiphQT Quicktime plugin... allows any of the Quicktime-based OS X video players/editors, including iMovie, to export to Theora.
{ "language": "en", "length": 103, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:252", "question_score": "3", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How much RAM does the 4th Gen iPod Touch have? How much RAM do these iPods ship with? The iPhone 4 has 512MB, and older iPod Touch 3rd Gen have 256MB (same as the iPad). Do the new iPod Touch have 512MB as the iPhone 4 (what I would expect) or 256MB? A: In a tear down Apple Insider found the 4th Gen iPod touch has 256mb
Q: How much RAM does the 4th Gen iPod Touch have? How much RAM do these iPods ship with? The iPhone 4 has 512MB, and older iPod Touch 3rd Gen have 256MB (same as the iPad). Do the new iPod Touch have 512MB as the iPhone 4 (what I would expect) or 256MB? A: In a tear down Apple Insider found the 4th Gen iPod touch has 256mb A: According to iFixit, the 4th gen iPod Touch has 256MB, not 512MB like the iPhone 4.: Breaking news: the iPod Touch has only 256 MB RAM, same Samsung part markings as iPad. A: 256 MB. [iFixit]
{ "language": "en", "length": 105, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:254", "question_score": "10", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How to stop screen from dimming when watching video? After a while being inactive with the mouse or keyboard, the macbook will dim my screen to save battery. I know I can expand the delay before it will dim in the system preferences, but are there any way of automatically disable it when watching video? It's quite annoying having to touch the mouse every few minutes when watching a movie... A: You could use a software like Caffeine to easily achieve your need : Caffeine is a tiny program that puts an icon in the right side of your menu bar. Click it to prevent your Mac from automatically going to sleep, dimming the screen or starting screen savers. Click it again to go back. Right-click (or ⌘-click) the icon to show the menu.
Q: How to stop screen from dimming when watching video? After a while being inactive with the mouse or keyboard, the macbook will dim my screen to save battery. I know I can expand the delay before it will dim in the system preferences, but are there any way of automatically disable it when watching video? It's quite annoying having to touch the mouse every few minutes when watching a movie... A: You could use a software like Caffeine to easily achieve your need : Caffeine is a tiny program that puts an icon in the right side of your menu bar. Click it to prevent your Mac from automatically going to sleep, dimming the screen or starting screen savers. Click it again to go back. Right-click (or ⌘-click) the icon to show the menu. A: Jiggler Jiggler will "jiggle" the mouse transparently to stop dimming or other "sleep" actions. No installation, no ktext loading. Just a little jiggle every 20 sec or so. I find it absolutely indespensible for watching Hulu movies, videos, or any other action where the screen should stay lit, but I don't want to tinker with the energy saver settings. A: Depends how you use your laptop when you are watching the movie:) You can adjust settings separately for Power adapter or Battery system preferences>Energy Saver>Put the display(s) to sleep when the computer is inactive for... But make sure in Options section>other Options uncheck box "Automatically reduce the brightness of display before display sleep" Or use caffeine software:)
{ "language": "en", "length": 253, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:255", "question_score": "4", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Why Has the "Downloads" folder become Read-Only? Recently my Downloads folder has become read-only. This prevents Safari form saving any file amongst other annoyances. As you can see from the below image the folder is read-only but I have plenty of disk space. As you can see in the Info window it not locked. I am logged in as a user with admin rights etc, etc... A: You didn't specify that you can't change it back using the Info GUI, but I'm assuming that to be the case, since it wouldn't really be an issue otherwise. A fix to try would be to change the permissions from the command line: * *Open *Enter cd ~ *Enter sudo chmod +w Downloads
Q: Why Has the "Downloads" folder become Read-Only? Recently my Downloads folder has become read-only. This prevents Safari form saving any file amongst other annoyances. As you can see from the below image the folder is read-only but I have plenty of disk space. As you can see in the Info window it not locked. I am logged in as a user with admin rights etc, etc... A: You didn't specify that you can't change it back using the Info GUI, but I'm assuming that to be the case, since it wouldn't really be an issue otherwise. A fix to try would be to change the permissions from the command line: * *Open *Enter cd ~ *Enter sudo chmod +w Downloads A: I suspect that you might have run an application directly from the Downloads directory, and that app has made the directory which it resides in ReadOnly to prevent any changes being made to it? A: Silly question, but have you tried running Repair Disk Permissions from Disk Utility? A: If you want to use the Finder to fix this; * *In the Get Info window on that folder click to the lock in the very bottom right of the window to unlock the permissions. It will ask for your username and password. *Change the value beside your name (the one that says (Me)) to Read and Write from Read Only. As to why this occurred - it could be many things; a badly behaved installer, a mistyped command or something else that isn't easy to see after the fact.
{ "language": "en", "length": 262, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:256", "question_score": "3", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How can I revert the appearance of the close, minimize and zoom buttons with iTunes 10? The new vertical layout is causing me all sorts of grief - is there any way to revert this back to the normal horizontal orientation of the close, minimize and zoom buttons of every other Mac OS X window? A: Do this on Terminal: defaults write full-window -int -1
Q: How can I revert the appearance of the close, minimize and zoom buttons with iTunes 10? The new vertical layout is causing me all sorts of grief - is there any way to revert this back to the normal horizontal orientation of the close, minimize and zoom buttons of every other Mac OS X window? A: Do this on Terminal: defaults write full-window -int -1
{ "language": "en", "length": 67, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:261", "question_score": "13", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Why is /tmp a symlink to /private/tmp? Why is /tmp a symlink to /private/tmp on Mac OS X? In other words, why isn't /tmp just a regular directory, like on Linux or BSD? I understand how it works and I don't mind it, I'm just interested in the (historical?) reasoning behind it. A: I have always wondered the same thing. I can't find any documentation to support it, but typically this pattern is used to make it easier to store files on another volume (e.g. hard drive). This allows the drive to be mounted (e.g. attached) into the file system in one place. For example when the drive is mounted at /private and then the folders /etc, /tmp, and /var are then all located on that other drive. What I can't say is why this would be beneficial. It is worth noting, however, that these three folders contain "data" files such as configuration, temporary, log, transient and database files rather than executable code contained in the /bin, /sbin and /usr folders.
Q: Why is /tmp a symlink to /private/tmp? Why is /tmp a symlink to /private/tmp on Mac OS X? In other words, why isn't /tmp just a regular directory, like on Linux or BSD? I understand how it works and I don't mind it, I'm just interested in the (historical?) reasoning behind it. A: I have always wondered the same thing. I can't find any documentation to support it, but typically this pattern is used to make it easier to store files on another volume (e.g. hard drive). This allows the drive to be mounted (e.g. attached) into the file system in one place. For example when the drive is mounted at /private and then the folders /etc, /tmp, and /var are then all located on that other drive. What I can't say is why this would be beneficial. It is worth noting, however, that these three folders contain "data" files such as configuration, temporary, log, transient and database files rather than executable code contained in the /bin, /sbin and /usr folders. A: As I understand it, it's a holdover from NextStep (which OS X is based on), and NextStep did it to support NetBooting. The idea was that you could boot from a network-hosted volume (probably read-only, and certainly shared with other computers), and early in the boot process mount a local (writable) volume on /private; as g mentioned, this allowed runtime-modification of /var and /tmp, as well as per-computer settings in /etc. This isn't needed anymore, as Apple's current NetBoot system uses a shadow disk image to store changes anywhere on the boot volume. But some programs/docs/etc now assume the files live under /private, so it'd be too much trouble to switch them back... Update: since I wrote this, Apple has stopped supporting NetBoot, so the original purpose of /private is even more obsolete. However, in macOS Catalina (version 10.15), they've added a new volume split. In this case it's for security rather than to support NetBoot, but it works in a fairly similar way. Catalina's system volume is mounted read-only, with a read-write volume mounted at /System/Library/Data (analogous to the old system that mounted a RW volume at /private), and "firmlinks" making parts of the RW volume appear at their usual locations in the filesystem (again, analogous to the symbolic links that make parts of /private appear at their usual locations). For example, /Users is now a firmlink to /System/Library/Data/Users. The Eclectic Light Company has a good summary. Catalina also still has the symbolic links to /private; thus, when you access /etc on Catalina, it follows the symlink to /private/etc, and then the firmlink to /System/Library/Data/private/etc A: Not sure about the historical reason, but OS X always “reorganized” the typical Unix structure. /tmp is not the only thing that goes to /private, it also has /etc and /var. Maybe someone with more OS X background can come up with something more reasonable. A: /tmp is a symbolic lynk to /private/etc so as to maintain clearly separated 2 filesystems: * */ which can be mounted as read-only, to protect it against any accidental or unwanted modification, and to protect it of being filled with always increasing files (logs and temporary files), */private which can be mounted as read-write, and which hold any directory containing modifiable files. If you look at / you will notice 3 directories which are similar symbolic links for this same reason: cd / ls -al | grep '> private' This separation of access between read-write and read-only filesystems isn't used actually (in MacOS X), but everything is in place to achieve this security separation. Some admins are enforcing this security separation by defining a specific /private filesystem with the appropriate size and appropriate mounting options (most notably nosuid). A: Frequently in Unix, identical ways of the same thing are because of historical differences between System V Unix and BSD Unix. Modern Unixes have to support both to be compatible. For instance, lpr and lp for printing: lpr is from BSD and lp is from System V. Whether this is the case here, I don't know.
{ "language": "en", "length": 681, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:262", "question_score": "45", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: I've used my Sony PlayStation Eye with several desktop apps. Why doesn't iChat see it? I have a Sony PlayStation Eye USB camera and microphone. I have successfully used it on my Mac Pro desktop with several video application (iShowU HD for example). However, although iChat will recognise the microphone it will not work with the camera, see screen shot. A: See Good luck! :-)
Q: I've used my Sony PlayStation Eye with several desktop apps. Why doesn't iChat see it? I have a Sony PlayStation Eye USB camera and microphone. I have successfully used it on my Mac Pro desktop with several video application (iShowU HD for example). However, although iChat will recognise the microphone it will not work with the camera, see screen shot. A: See Good luck! :-)
{ "language": "en", "length": 67, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:263", "question_score": "3", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Custom spaces with external monitor I have a MacBook Pro plus an external 24" monitor. I'm also using 4 virtual spaces. With the external monitor they double, so I have 8 virtual spaces. What I'd like to achieve now, and I don't know if it's possible at all, is to have 5 virtual spaces. 4 on my MacBook and only 1 for my external monitor. The reason for that is, that I have different applications (IDE, Terminal, chat, etc.) on my MacBook spread over the spaces, but on my external monitor I'd like to have always my web browser (the exact same window) showing, regardless on which virtual space I am on my MacBook. Anyone an idea if that is possible? A: in Spaces Preferences you can set the browser application to appear on all spaces. that's how i have my Terminal set up, among a few others. unless you move more apps onto your secondary monitor, the browser window should constanly stay visible even when switching around Spaces.
Q: Custom spaces with external monitor I have a MacBook Pro plus an external 24" monitor. I'm also using 4 virtual spaces. With the external monitor they double, so I have 8 virtual spaces. What I'd like to achieve now, and I don't know if it's possible at all, is to have 5 virtual spaces. 4 on my MacBook and only 1 for my external monitor. The reason for that is, that I have different applications (IDE, Terminal, chat, etc.) on my MacBook spread over the spaces, but on my external monitor I'd like to have always my web browser (the exact same window) showing, regardless on which virtual space I am on my MacBook. Anyone an idea if that is possible? A: in Spaces Preferences you can set the browser application to appear on all spaces. that's how i have my Terminal set up, among a few others. unless you move more apps onto your secondary monitor, the browser window should constanly stay visible even when switching around Spaces. A: This is a third party, non-free app, but it helps keep your applications organized across monitors and within Spaces as well. (I am not the developer, just a happy customer.)
{ "language": "en", "length": 202, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:265", "question_score": "6", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Is there a keyboard shortcut for playing a song next in iTunes DJ? I would like a quicker method of queuing up my songs in iTunes DJ. Right clicking and selecting the option is too slow. A: You didn't mention what keyboard, but on the Apple keyboard: F7 - restart current song F8 - pause/play F9 - skip forward Note that you need to have the box unchecked in OSX that says use function keys as normal. In the event you use your function keys for something, I've also successfully created trigger hotkey combos in Quicksilver. You can also probably just remap them in keyboard preferences.
Q: Is there a keyboard shortcut for playing a song next in iTunes DJ? I would like a quicker method of queuing up my songs in iTunes DJ. Right clicking and selecting the option is too slow. A: You didn't mention what keyboard, but on the Apple keyboard: F7 - restart current song F8 - pause/play F9 - skip forward Note that you need to have the box unchecked in OSX that says use function keys as normal. In the event you use your function keys for something, I've also successfully created trigger hotkey combos in Quicksilver. You can also probably just remap them in keyboard preferences. A: You can make an automator workflow with "Get Selected iTunes Tracks" and "Add Songs to Playlist". That will add it to the end of iTunes DJ, though, is that good enough? In order to give it a keyboard shortcut, you can either use a keyboard shortcut utility like Spark, Quicksilver, or Butler, or you can save the workflow as a service and give it a shortcut in the keyboard shortcuts section of the system preferences. A: I have made two Automator workflows that do what mckeed suggested. They take the selected tracks and put them in the iTunes DJ list. Put these two files in the /Users/[Username]/Library/Services folder and then you can assign keyboard shortcuts through the system preferences to them. The Add to iTunes DJ service just adds the selected track to the end of the queue, the Add to iTunes DJ and Play does the same, but starts playing the song right away.
{ "language": "en", "length": 263, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:266", "question_score": "3", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Keyboard shortcut for accessing address bar in Firefox I am trying to Alt+D on my Mac, but it doesn't take me to the address bar. Instead, the key seems to insert a random character. Is there an alternative shortcut? A: Cmd+L a.k.a. ⌘+L does the trick.
Q: Keyboard shortcut for accessing address bar in Firefox I am trying to Alt+D on my Mac, but it doesn't take me to the address bar. Instead, the key seems to insert a random character. Is there an alternative shortcut? A: Cmd+L a.k.a. ⌘+L does the trick.
{ "language": "en", "length": 47, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:267", "question_score": "3", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How to install plug-in in Gimp on OS X? I've got the Gimp for Mac OS X installed and working in my installation of Mac OS X 10.6.4. A very important tool I need is the David's Batch Processor plugin ( ) for batch auto-adjusting contrast/brightness/colour for my images. There are no Mac specific instructions provided on the software's website saying how to install the python-based plugin. Can anyone please teach me how to install plugins for Gimp in Mac OS X? A: There are OS X instructions in the GIMP documentation and they suggest installing GIMP from fink or macports. Do this and you can follow the Linux/Unix instructions for plugin installation. Otherwise, the documentation states "good luck" if you install it some other way. However, searching suggests that, for a Python plugin, you should put it in: [your home]/Library/Applications Support/Gimp/plug-ins (create directory if necessary).
Q: How to install plug-in in Gimp on OS X? I've got the Gimp for Mac OS X installed and working in my installation of Mac OS X 10.6.4. A very important tool I need is the David's Batch Processor plugin ( ) for batch auto-adjusting contrast/brightness/colour for my images. There are no Mac specific instructions provided on the software's website saying how to install the python-based plugin. Can anyone please teach me how to install plugins for Gimp in Mac OS X? A: There are OS X instructions in the GIMP documentation and they suggest installing GIMP from fink or macports. Do this and you can follow the Linux/Unix instructions for plugin installation. Otherwise, the documentation states "good luck" if you install it some other way. However, searching suggests that, for a Python plugin, you should put it in: [your home]/Library/Applications Support/Gimp/plug-ins (create directory if necessary). A: You'll find the appropriate folders at /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Gimp/. There go in the scripts folder and the presets go in the gimpressionist folder I found these locations by looking at the GIMP preferences, and clicking on Scripts. The locations cited above were listed there. A: I've managed to get DBP installed on my Mac (version 10.6.8). I've made the compiled plugin available on my blog, since compiling Gimp from MacPorts took an overnight compilation session, and is way too much hassle for folks who just want to plug-n-play. So... anyone is welcome to grab my binary as they wish. If it's useful, please comment, and if it doesn't work, please comment; in either case if you can state versions of OS X and Gimp, that will hopefully help other users trying to avoid compiling it themselves!
{ "language": "en", "length": 285, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:270", "question_score": "8", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: What is a good Apple podcast to listen to on a daily basis? If I have time to listen to just one podcast a day or every other day about Apple stuff, which one should I listen to? I know there's a lot of different specialized Apple podcasts out there (i.e. Mac downloads, iOS apps, Apple news, etc.), but can anyone recommend a general podcast which has elements of all of these? I'd also be interested in the best podcasts in certain specialized areas, but mostly I'm looking for one that I can listen to consistently and find out most of what is going on in the Apple world. A: MacBreak Weekly seems to fit the bill except it's, er, weekly. I don't know of any daily podcasts.
Q: What is a good Apple podcast to listen to on a daily basis? If I have time to listen to just one podcast a day or every other day about Apple stuff, which one should I listen to? I know there's a lot of different specialized Apple podcasts out there (i.e. Mac downloads, iOS apps, Apple news, etc.), but can anyone recommend a general podcast which has elements of all of these? I'd also be interested in the best podcasts in certain specialized areas, but mostly I'm looking for one that I can listen to consistently and find out most of what is going on in the Apple world. A: MacBreak Weekly seems to fit the bill except it's, er, weekly. I don't know of any daily podcasts. A: Mac OS Ken I really like the podcast Mac OS Ken. From the description on iTunes... This is daily Apple news. Monday through Friday, Ken Ray brings commute-sized tech news to the podsphere. If it's Apple news, Apple-related news, or news related to Apple-related news, you'll hear about it here. News you'll like... this is Mac OS Ken. It is free five times per week with a 'Day 6' show available to paid subscribers. The podcast is very well-done, informative and entertaining with a bit of humor. On iTunes: Mac OS Ken Web site: Mac OS Ken A: Hypercritical from 5by5 is excellent, John Siracua is a great analyst A: These aren't released daily, but I also like the MacCast, and MacGeekGab. I still listen to MacBreak Weekly, but I listen more for Andy Ihnatko than Leo Laporte. Leo is a radio and TV guy who talks for a living. Andy studies technology and is an amazing writer. EDIT: As a newbie to this forum, I can't post more than one hyperlink yet (Even though I belong to several other StackExchange sites), but the podcasts are all available through iTunes. I'll leave the link to Andy's blog. A: I'm not sure about the "daily" but TED talks are very good. They have multiple "streams" for audio, video, and high definition video.
{ "language": "en", "length": 351, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:271", "question_score": "3", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Can I use Air Display on multiple iOS devices at the same time? I use Air Display to convert my iPad in to an extra monitor when I'm not using it. However, I have other iOS devices lying around, too. Is it possible to use Air Display to turn multiple iOS devices in to extra monitors at the same time? A: Question: "is it possible to use Air Display with more than one Ipad?” Answer: "We only support one iPad at a time currently. We've talked about supporting multiple iPads at once and that may be something we support in the future. For now, we're sticking with one iPad. “ Source: Air Display Support Forum
Q: Can I use Air Display on multiple iOS devices at the same time? I use Air Display to convert my iPad in to an extra monitor when I'm not using it. However, I have other iOS devices lying around, too. Is it possible to use Air Display to turn multiple iOS devices in to extra monitors at the same time? A: Question: "is it possible to use Air Display with more than one Ipad?” Answer: "We only support one iPad at a time currently. We've talked about supporting multiple iPads at once and that may be something we support in the future. For now, we're sticking with one iPad. “ Source: Air Display Support Forum A: While air display does not allow 2 devices yet, you can install another app called 'Display Pad' and achieve your goal. It's only $2.99 so it really shouldn't be an obstacle. It doesn't have as many features as Air Display, but it gets the job done and by using both apps you can use 2 devices at once on your mac. My setup is using my macbook Pro with a 24" monitor plugged into it, between those 2 devices I have an ipad in portrait mode running Air Display stacked on some books to elevate it, right below it I have an ipad mini running DisplayPad in landscape mode. All 4 screens work great, I park skype, reminders and itunes into my tablet screens and it's working flawlessly.
{ "language": "en", "length": 245, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:273", "question_score": "5", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Defer Sending Email using I'm curious, does anybody have a decent solution for sending e-mails via at some scheduled times? I'm badly in need of something like that :) A: I believe that you don’t consider Deferrersender (web based) to be decent. It’s not, but it delivers. UPDATE: An alternative, that doesn’t use (but Thunderbird) would be to use SendLater. An extension that does exactly that. But it’s for Thunderbird. I couldn’t find a similar plug-in for
Q: Defer Sending Email using I'm curious, does anybody have a decent solution for sending e-mails via at some scheduled times? I'm badly in need of something like that :) A: I believe that you don’t consider Deferrersender (web based) to be decent. It’s not, but it delivers. UPDATE: An alternative, that doesn’t use (but Thunderbird) would be to use SendLater. An extension that does exactly that. But it’s for Thunderbird. I couldn’t find a similar plug-in for A: You can use Apple scripts to setup mail app schedule mail via iCal Or use web based service as Martin said
{ "language": "en", "length": 106, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:275", "question_score": "3", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Can I "hide" the keyboard on my iPhone 4 the way you can on the iPad? When using my iPad to, for example, write an email, I have the option to press a button and hide the keyboard. This is useful for reviewing an email prior to sending it. Is there a similar feature with the iPhone? If anything, this would seem particularly useful on the iPhone given its smaller screen. A: Unfortunately not. I agree that this feature would be nice, especially since it's included on the iPad. The only way to review an email prior to sending it without having the keyboard on the screen is to save it as a draft, then reopen it. A little tedious, sure, but it might be worth it if it's a long email.
Q: Can I "hide" the keyboard on my iPhone 4 the way you can on the iPad? When using my iPad to, for example, write an email, I have the option to press a button and hide the keyboard. This is useful for reviewing an email prior to sending it. Is there a similar feature with the iPhone? If anything, this would seem particularly useful on the iPhone given its smaller screen. A: Unfortunately not. I agree that this feature would be nice, especially since it's included on the iPad. The only way to review an email prior to sending it without having the keyboard on the screen is to save it as a draft, then reopen it. A little tedious, sure, but it might be worth it if it's a long email. A: It's now possible with iOS 5. Tap into the Messages part of the screen and pull down the keyboard. Awesome. A: In Messages, just hit "Edit" and don't delete anything.
{ "language": "en", "length": 164, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:277", "question_score": "7", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Can I change the action that occurs when I close my laptop's lid? Is there any way to change what happens when I close the lid of my laptop? Do macs have the option of hibernating vs. sleeping like PC's do? If so, which of these is the default behavior when I close the lid? A: You can also leave the system to manage this automatically. It'll sleep, but hibernate in the background as it were, so it can wake quickly, but still survive a battery death. Normally you'll find it was just asleep and waked immediately. If you the battery did die, then returning from hibernation you'll find the screen as you left it, but grey. It'll then load and colour up, until awake. Take only a minute. The hibernation doesn't take that long, seconds anyway, and is the pause you see before the light starts breathing.
Q: Can I change the action that occurs when I close my laptop's lid? Is there any way to change what happens when I close the lid of my laptop? Do macs have the option of hibernating vs. sleeping like PC's do? If so, which of these is the default behavior when I close the lid? A: You can also leave the system to manage this automatically. It'll sleep, but hibernate in the background as it were, so it can wake quickly, but still survive a battery death. Normally you'll find it was just asleep and waked immediately. If you the battery did die, then returning from hibernation you'll find the screen as you left it, but grey. It'll then load and colour up, until awake. Take only a minute. The hibernation doesn't take that long, seconds anyway, and is the pause you see before the light starts breathing. A: macs do have hibernate and sleep, the default on newer machines is a combination. the closing of the lid saves to disk for hibernate but on wakeup if the battery has not run out it wakes from sleep. Macworld explanation You can change it from the command line sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 3 Or via preference pane Apple docs
{ "language": "en", "length": 209, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:279", "question_score": "13", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Download Manager for Mac OS X What is a good Download Manager for Mac? Are there free ones available? A: I highly recommended you use iGetter it was better than other one. * *iGetter but also can use * *Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) *Folx (free) but can pay money and upgrade it to pro Also if you can use terminal and install package I recommended you use AXEL I myself use this one. after install it you can use this like below in terminal axel -n 100 -s 5242880 "your download link" the -n 100 show the number of your connection to the server and the -s 5242880 use for limiting the speed,-s 5242880 in above example will try to keep the average speed around 5242880 (5120 Kilobyte per/sec).
Q: Download Manager for Mac OS X What is a good Download Manager for Mac? Are there free ones available? A: I highly recommended you use iGetter it was better than other one. * *iGetter but also can use * *Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) *Folx (free) but can pay money and upgrade it to pro Also if you can use terminal and install package I recommended you use AXEL I myself use this one. after install it you can use this like below in terminal axel -n 100 -s 5242880 "your download link" the -n 100 show the number of your connection to the server and the -s 5242880 use for limiting the speed,-s 5242880 in above example will try to keep the average speed around 5242880 (5120 Kilobyte per/sec). A: Aria2 bundled with WebUI is the best you can get on OS X. All you have to do is run Aria from Terminal and open WebUI in Browser. Features * *Multi-Connection Download. aria2 can download a file from multiple sources/protocols and tries to utilize your maximum download bandwidth. Really speeds up your download experience. *Lightweight. aria2 doesn’t require much memory and CPU time. When disk cache is off, the physical memory usage is typically 4MiB (normal HTTP/FTP downloads) to 9MiB (BitTorrent downloads). CPU usage in BitTorrent with download speed of 2.8MiB/sec is around 6%. *Fully Featured BitTorrent Client. All features you want in BitTorrent client are available: DHT, PEX, Encryption, Magnet URI, Web-Seeding, Selective Downloads, Local Peer Discovery and UDP tracker. *Metalink Enabled. aria2 supports The Metalink Download Description Format (aka Metalink v4), Metalink version 3 and Metalink/HTTP. Metalink offers the file verification, HTTP/FTP/BitTorrent integration and the various configurations for language, location, OS, etc. *Remote Control. aria2 supports RPC interface to control the aria2 process. The supported interfaces are JSON-RPC (over HTTP and WebSocket) and XML-RPC. A: I use JDownloader a lot. It is extremely useful if you're downloading content from the cloud (to name the popular one: Rapidshare, Hotfile, Megaupload). And it's free. A: Let's not forget DownThemAll for Firefox. Yes, it's a plug-in for Firefox, but since Firefox also runs on the Mac, this makes it a valid answer. It's free too. A: Fat Pipe - (free) has plugins for Chrome, Safari, and Firefox note: I am extremely biased (i wrote fat pipe); I used to use Speed Download but they recently stopped supporting their app and i was getting a bunch of errors. Fat Pipe actually supports up to 50 connections per download and automatically determines connection count based on file size. A: There are several choices : * *Folx : Folx is a free download manager for Mac OS X with a true Mac-style interface. It offers convenient downloads managing, flexible settings, etc. Folx has a unique system of sorting and keeping the downloaded content. * *iGetter: iGetter is a full featured download manager and accelerator. With iGetter you can get the most out of your Internet connection be it dial-up, wireless, cable, DSL, T1 and other high end broadband connections. iGetter can greatly improve the speed of your downloads using segmented (accelerated) downloading. * *Leech (paid one) : clean UI. Every modern browser has its own download functionality, so why should you use a separate application for handling downloads in the first place? Because Leech works better than any built-in download manager. * *jDownloader 2 JDownloader is a free, open-source download management tool with a huge community of developers that makes downloading as easy and fast as it should be. Users can start, stop or pause downloads, set bandwith limitations, auto-extract archives and much more. It's an easy-to-extend framework that can save hours of your valuable time every day! - Fat Pipe: (free) Most servers and internet service providers limit the speed a single connection can have. We can bypass these limits by splitting a download task up into many smaller chunks. This guarantees that you will fully saturate your internet connection. A: As much as this saddens me but I would also recommend jDownloader. On the other hand for some simple and not so simple cases you could opt for wget or curl. You could be evan braver and create a batch script using one of those UNIX commands and be done with it. A: I think download managers are uneeded, at least, anymore. This question was asked 4 years ago, I know, but Download Managers are useless in today's world. Need a download manager still? Your browser. Done!
{ "language": "en", "length": 747, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:280", "question_score": "17", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Why does 'uname -m' says 'i386' even if I'm on Macbook Pro on Intel Core 2 Duo? My Macbook Pro is running on Intel Core 2 Duo 2.26 GHz. OS - Leopard 10.5.8. My assumption is that all Core 2 Duo processor systems are 64 bit. But uname -m command outputs i386. Why is it so? A: It's because, by default, Mac OS X boots in 32-bit, excepts some recent models. Quoted from Apple KB Mac OS X v10.6: Macs that use the 64-bit kernel : This Mac uses the 64-bit kernel by default in Mac OS X v10.6 : - Mac Pro (Mid 2010) These Macs use the 64-bit kernel by default in Mac OS X Server 10.6 : - Xserve (Early 2008) and later - Mac Pro (Early 2008) and later - Mac mini (Mid 2010) These Macs support the 64-bit kernel, but do not use it by default : - iMac (Early 2008) and later - MacBook Pro (Early 2008) and later Here is a little software that can help you to boot in 64-bit if your hardware supports it.
Q: Why does 'uname -m' says 'i386' even if I'm on Macbook Pro on Intel Core 2 Duo? My Macbook Pro is running on Intel Core 2 Duo 2.26 GHz. OS - Leopard 10.5.8. My assumption is that all Core 2 Duo processor systems are 64 bit. But uname -m command outputs i386. Why is it so? A: It's because, by default, Mac OS X boots in 32-bit, excepts some recent models. Quoted from Apple KB Mac OS X v10.6: Macs that use the 64-bit kernel : This Mac uses the 64-bit kernel by default in Mac OS X v10.6 : - Mac Pro (Mid 2010) These Macs use the 64-bit kernel by default in Mac OS X Server 10.6 : - Xserve (Early 2008) and later - Mac Pro (Early 2008) and later - Mac mini (Mid 2010) These Macs support the 64-bit kernel, but do not use it by default : - iMac (Early 2008) and later - MacBook Pro (Early 2008) and later Here is a little software that can help you to boot in 64-bit if your hardware supports it. A: uname is intended to be a very broad brush. It's of use to find out the continent on which you have landed soon after arrival on planet UNIX. Your kernel is 32 bit with that i386 answer. system_profiler SPHardwareDataType and system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType are the tools for figuring detailed processor and kernel specifics at runtime.
{ "language": "en", "length": 239, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:281", "question_score": "3", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Where can I find replacement feet for my MacBook Pro? I've got a 2009 Unibody MBP, and the feet are starting to fall off. I've lost one and one I have kept in a safe place. Does anyone know where I can get replacement feet? I looked on Ebay to no avail. EDIT: Well thanks for the answers so far, however nothing is turning up. I just got off the phone with the Genius bar at the local Apple store, and they said it simply doesn't exist. They want to sell me an entire "Lower Case" ... big $$$ for something so trivial. Still looking for more suggestions. A: I had an old Powerbook G3 that had lost 2 of it's rubber feet. Instead of trying to replace them with the same ones, I just went to a hardware store and bought the little rubber stick-on feet that you could put on the bottom of furniture or a TV stand or whatever. Cost all of about 99 cents and worked perfectly. They looked something like this:
Q: Where can I find replacement feet for my MacBook Pro? I've got a 2009 Unibody MBP, and the feet are starting to fall off. I've lost one and one I have kept in a safe place. Does anyone know where I can get replacement feet? I looked on Ebay to no avail. EDIT: Well thanks for the answers so far, however nothing is turning up. I just got off the phone with the Genius bar at the local Apple store, and they said it simply doesn't exist. They want to sell me an entire "Lower Case" ... big $$$ for something so trivial. Still looking for more suggestions. A: I had an old Powerbook G3 that had lost 2 of it's rubber feet. Instead of trying to replace them with the same ones, I just went to a hardware store and bought the little rubber stick-on feet that you could put on the bottom of furniture or a TV stand or whatever. Cost all of about 99 cents and worked perfectly. They looked something like this: A: I just got back from the Genius bar and actually had the exact same issue. I had two feet fail, both having different attachment methods. The foot under the upper left of the keyboard was attached without any adhesive, the foot had plastic "feet" that "snapped" into a black metal piece attached to the bottom case. The foot under the lower left of the keyboard was attached with adhesive to the outside of the bottom case and further secured with an additional plastic ring running along the inside of the bottom case (this ring broke apart from the foot in addition to the adhesive failing on my machine). I went to the local Genius bar and the cost of the bottom case ended up being covered by apple care. Even if apple care had not covered the bottom case, the bottom case was only $38.89. A: You can find a set of 4 replacement feet (along with other Mac replacement parts) at PowerBook Medic A: They sell the set of 4 here. You can also get a single foot. A: You might be able to get some from Apple, I would try there first. Otherwise I do not believe there is an vendor for them. You could consider molding some foam feet, or custom making your own. Otherwise just deal with it. I've seen several people who either made their own substitute or gone without. A: It has been a few years since I had to replace any of the feet on my laptops (the current ones are pretty well attached), but they used to provide them for free at Apple retail stores if you asked at the Genius Bar. They probably have them now unless they are bonded to the bottom case.
{ "language": "en", "length": 472, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:283", "question_score": "12", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Is there a way to always ignore a particular wifi network on your iPhone There is a certain wifi network that am around a lot. It is very slow and pretty much unusable. I would rather just never see it. As it is, it pops up every time asking me to join. Is there a way that I can have that particular network only never ask again. A: The only way to do this would be to set "Ask to Join Networks" [sic] to OFF in your iPhone wifi settings. I find this to be preferable. The main consequence is that, when you are in some place new, you'll have to manually select an available wifi network. But once you HAVE joined a network, it'll automatically join it when next available. And (more germane to your question) it WON'T ever join a network that you haven't explicitly joined.
Q: Is there a way to always ignore a particular wifi network on your iPhone There is a certain wifi network that am around a lot. It is very slow and pretty much unusable. I would rather just never see it. As it is, it pops up every time asking me to join. Is there a way that I can have that particular network only never ask again. A: The only way to do this would be to set "Ask to Join Networks" [sic] to OFF in your iPhone wifi settings. I find this to be preferable. The main consequence is that, when you are in some place new, you'll have to manually select an available wifi network. But once you HAVE joined a network, it'll automatically join it when next available. And (more germane to your question) it WON'T ever join a network that you haven't explicitly joined. A: You can set it to "forget" a network and not auto-connect to it, but I do not believe there is a way to completely ignore a network.
{ "language": "en", "length": 177, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:285", "question_score": "5", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Where are the default system icons for folders and files stored? Where are the default/system icons for folders and files stored? A: The default icons are stored in various locations inside /System/Library - is there a specific icon you're looking for? (/System/Library/CoreServices/ has the Smart Folder icons and the Burnable folder icons for example. Most of the more known icons (eg. pictures for the default folders among many others) can be found at /System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources
Q: Where are the default system icons for folders and files stored? Where are the default/system icons for folders and files stored? A: The default icons are stored in various locations inside /System/Library - is there a specific icon you're looking for? (/System/Library/CoreServices/ has the Smart Folder icons and the Burnable folder icons for example. Most of the more known icons (eg. pictures for the default folders among many others) can be found at /System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources
{ "language": "en", "length": 76, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:286", "question_score": "3", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Dashboard takes few seconds to update widgets I love the idea of the Dashboard, but there's one thing that pretty much kills it for me. When I activate Dashboard for a first time or after some extended period of time it takes it 3-15 seconds to update and actually show me things like time, calendar etc. I have a MacBook Pro and this is happening with default widgets (clock, calendar, calculator and weather). The entire idea of a dashboard that it's always one click away and the information should be available immediately. So, does anyone know how to make OS X to update Dashboard widgets immediately or maybe somehow prefetch the data once every 15 min or so? Or does anyone else see this problem at all? A: The solution comes from a System Preference pane called Dashboard Kickstart. This application runs in the background and reacts to the starting or re-starting of the Dock. When that happens it initiates the starting of the Dashboard. This prevents the delay you'll experience when launching Dashboard the first time you want to use it.
Q: Dashboard takes few seconds to update widgets I love the idea of the Dashboard, but there's one thing that pretty much kills it for me. When I activate Dashboard for a first time or after some extended period of time it takes it 3-15 seconds to update and actually show me things like time, calendar etc. I have a MacBook Pro and this is happening with default widgets (clock, calendar, calculator and weather). The entire idea of a dashboard that it's always one click away and the information should be available immediately. So, does anyone know how to make OS X to update Dashboard widgets immediately or maybe somehow prefetch the data once every 15 min or so? Or does anyone else see this problem at all? A: The solution comes from a System Preference pane called Dashboard Kickstart. This application runs in the background and reacts to the starting or re-starting of the Dock. When that happens it initiates the starting of the Dashboard. This prevents the delay you'll experience when launching Dashboard the first time you want to use it.
{ "language": "en", "length": 183, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:287", "question_score": "6", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Where is my crontab file? I want to edit my crontab file to schedule a script. Where do I find it? A: It should be noted that if you aren't accustomed to using vim (the default crontab editor) then you can specify your editor as follows: VISUAL=nano crontab -e
Q: Where is my crontab file? I want to edit my crontab file to schedule a script. Where do I find it? A: It should be noted that if you aren't accustomed to using vim (the default crontab editor) then you can specify your editor as follows: VISUAL=nano crontab -e A: The OS X way is to use launchctl to run jobs at a time. For ease of use there are GUIs called Launch Control and Lingon. A: In Mac OS X Lion the user crontabs are stored in /var/at/tabs. In the past they were located in /var/cron/tabs. You should use crontab -e to interact with these in general, but knowing the location is useful for when you want to restore them from a backup of your disk, or something similar. Updated 2022-01: * */var is a link to /private/var/. */usr/lib/cron is a link to /var/at. The real primary directory is /private/var/at with the crontab files being stored in /private/var/at/tabs A: If you don't want to use launchd, you can edit your crontab as you would do on any unix systems : crontab -e Or, you can use a GUI software like CronniX.
{ "language": "en", "length": 193, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:291", "question_score": "35", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Is it possible to sync Google Chrome bookmarks with Safari? Is it possible to sync Google Chrome bookmarks with Safari? A: Use Xmarks worked OK for me except for Firefox where it duplicated the book marks each time I used it. Althougn now in Mavericks or because of a later version of Firefox it works
Q: Is it possible to sync Google Chrome bookmarks with Safari? Is it possible to sync Google Chrome bookmarks with Safari? A: Use Xmarks worked OK for me except for Firefox where it duplicated the book marks each time I used it. Althougn now in Mavericks or because of a later version of Firefox it works A: Another solution: on Windows machine install iCloud Control Panel ( and check option "Bookmarks" which sync your iCloud Safari bookmarks with Chrome, IE and Firefox. P.S. Yes, for this solution necessarily need a machine with Windows
{ "language": "en", "length": 93, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:293", "question_score": "10", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How can I change the country of an iTunes account? When I first set up my iTunes account, I didn't have a credit card, so I set it up as a US account, as this was the only way I could create one without a card (and thus use my iPod Touch). The downside of this is that now that I am trying to add a credit card to my iTunes account, I can't, because it insists on a state and zip code for part of the address, which my Irish credit card obviously doesn't have. So how can I switch the country of my iTunes account? A: To change stores you can do so on the iTunes Store: * *Click on your Account in the iTunes Store to go to your Account Page. *Click "Change Country or Region". *Choose your Country or Region: Another alternative is to use Apple's Manage your Apple ID site and change your address - next time you use iTunes it will ask you to change your region and verify your address details.
Q: How can I change the country of an iTunes account? When I first set up my iTunes account, I didn't have a credit card, so I set it up as a US account, as this was the only way I could create one without a card (and thus use my iPod Touch). The downside of this is that now that I am trying to add a credit card to my iTunes account, I can't, because it insists on a state and zip code for part of the address, which my Irish credit card obviously doesn't have. So how can I switch the country of my iTunes account? A: To change stores you can do so on the iTunes Store: * *Click on your Account in the iTunes Store to go to your Account Page. *Click "Change Country or Region". *Choose your Country or Region: Another alternative is to use Apple's Manage your Apple ID site and change your address - next time you use iTunes it will ask you to change your region and verify your address details. A: I search some and find this video I think it is helpful but most notice it's not test on iTunes 10 you must try it yourself and tell the result. here is the link of video
{ "language": "en", "length": 216, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:294", "question_score": "19", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How can I check the model of my Apple computer? Is there a way that I check the model number of my Apple computer? (For example, iMac9,1.) A: System Profiler In the left corner of the top menu, pick the apple menu and select About This Mac. In the About This Mac panel, click the More Info... button. This starts the System Profiler. On the first page (Hardware Overview) there is a Model Identifier, which is the name you are interested in.
Q: How can I check the model of my Apple computer? Is there a way that I check the model number of my Apple computer? (For example, iMac9,1.) A: System Profiler In the left corner of the top menu, pick the apple menu and select About This Mac. In the About This Mac panel, click the More Info... button. This starts the System Profiler. On the first page (Hardware Overview) there is a Model Identifier, which is the name you are interested in.
{ "language": "en", "length": 83, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:295", "question_score": "6", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: What are the key differences between the Shazam and Soundhound Apps? Both seem to do roughly the same thing. What, if anything, are the relevant differences? A: Don't know if there are really major differences that set one far apart from the other. One of the bigger differentiators is that Soundhound claims to recoginze songs that are hummed and/or sung by the user. From a purely opinion oriented view, I've had better success with Soundhound at identifying songs than Shazam - but both do the job pretty well. Soundhound also seems to be quicker at returning results for me than Shazam. Again, that's just my own experience and I've, by no means, done exhaustive testing between the two. Shazam seems to have better search but Soundhound can search by lyrics.
Q: What are the key differences between the Shazam and Soundhound Apps? Both seem to do roughly the same thing. What, if anything, are the relevant differences? A: Don't know if there are really major differences that set one far apart from the other. One of the bigger differentiators is that Soundhound claims to recoginze songs that are hummed and/or sung by the user. From a purely opinion oriented view, I've had better success with Soundhound at identifying songs than Shazam - but both do the job pretty well. Soundhound also seems to be quicker at returning results for me than Shazam. Again, that's just my own experience and I've, by no means, done exhaustive testing between the two. Shazam seems to have better search but Soundhound can search by lyrics. A: Here's a great video about SoundHound vs. Shazam that should help answer your question:
{ "language": "en", "length": 146, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:297", "question_score": "6", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: I've inadvertently deleted my thunderbird.dmg, does it matter? I've inadvertently deleted my thunderbird.dmg & then emptied the trash. Doh! Is there any way I can restore that particular file? I'm running Mac OS X Version 10.6.4 on a macbook pro. A: If the file is in the Trash, you can just drag it back out. However, once you remove the item from the Trash it's as good as gone*. Why not just download it again? * there are some programs that claim to be able to restore deleted data, but the chances of recovering a large file like a DMG on the system drive are virtually nonexistent
Q: I've inadvertently deleted my thunderbird.dmg, does it matter? I've inadvertently deleted my thunderbird.dmg & then emptied the trash. Doh! Is there any way I can restore that particular file? I'm running Mac OS X Version 10.6.4 on a macbook pro. A: If the file is in the Trash, you can just drag it back out. However, once you remove the item from the Trash it's as good as gone*. Why not just download it again? * there are some programs that claim to be able to restore deleted data, but the chances of recovering a large file like a DMG on the system drive are virtually nonexistent A: "Re-downloading thunderbird.dmg has fixed my issue" That sounds a lot like you are running Thunderbird from the .dmg (Disk iMaGe) file. As someone else mentioned, you don't have to do this, and the application will launch faster if you don't. Drag the Thunderbird icon from the .dmg to your Applications folder (there might be a shortcut to the Applications folder in the .dmg itself) and then drag the icon from your Applications folder to the Dock. Then you can click on the icon on the Dock and Thunderbird will open directly without having to open and unpack the .dmg file. You can then delete the .dmg and not have any problems. Your emails are stored in your home folder not in the application or the .dmg (as you discovered). A: You have the best chance of recovering your deleted files if you scan your Mac immediately after realizing that you have deleted files that you need. otherwise your files are gone. in your case, the unix(Darwin in yourcase) filesystem has already written over significant portions of those files. "For all intents and purposes, when you delete a file with "rm" it is gone. Once you "rm" a file, the system totally forgets which blocks scattered around the disk were part of your file. Even worse, the blocks from the file you just deleted are going to be the first ones taken and scribbled upon when the system needs more disk space. However, never say never. It is theoretically possible if you shut down the system immediately after the "rm" to recover portions of the data. However, you had better have a very wizardly type person at hand with hours or days to spare to get it all back." in this case, finder trashing equals "rm" How To Recover Accidentally Deleted Files: If you are attempting to recover files from the Trash, note the following: If you've emptied the Trash or deleted the files with the rm (remove) command, your files and data is recoverable IF you STOP using your Mac right now. This is particularly true if you are currently running low on disk space. The Mac OS X overwrites this little free space very quickly with temp files. Next, you can try to recover deleted Trash files on your Mac using a good recovery program. The best 2 are Data Rescue 3 and Stellar Mac Data Recovery - (free download). and for what doing with this app you can follow this tutorial.
{ "language": "en", "length": 523, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:298", "question_score": "5", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Adding MP3s to iTunes 10 doesn't work for some files I have recently upgraded to iTunes 10. I had some MP3 files which I would like to add to the library. In the past I have dragged the folder into the iTunes "Library" section which has added all the songs, but this time it only added the last two songs of a ~20 song album. Adding the files individually does not work either, and "File > Add to Library" does the same thing (only adds two of the songs). Is this a known issue, and is there a workaround? A: In many cases, improper tagging causes the files to go weird places. I suggest you create a smart playlist that shows you “new added” stuff: I usually have the same problem with mp3 with dubious tagging.
Q: Adding MP3s to iTunes 10 doesn't work for some files I have recently upgraded to iTunes 10. I had some MP3 files which I would like to add to the library. In the past I have dragged the folder into the iTunes "Library" section which has added all the songs, but this time it only added the last two songs of a ~20 song album. Adding the files individually does not work either, and "File > Add to Library" does the same thing (only adds two of the songs). Is this a known issue, and is there a workaround? A: In many cases, improper tagging causes the files to go weird places. I suggest you create a smart playlist that shows you “new added” stuff: I usually have the same problem with mp3 with dubious tagging. A: Upgrading for me made iTunes forget where the music library was (I use an external HD)... putting back the directory fixed it for me.... goto advanced settings, iTunes Media folder location, change... select media folder "iTunes Library". If you don't know where your songs are exactly then right-click on a song and "show in finder", that will give you an idea. I was able to add mp3's etc to itunes after that... :) A: It seems like the issue was related to improperly encoded files. I'm not sure if it was the container layout that was malformed or if the audio was incorrectly encoded, or even if it was just in a format that iTunes could not understand, but re-encoding the files as MP3 allowed them to be read by iTunes.
{ "language": "en", "length": 269, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:299", "question_score": "5", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How do you find the UDID for an iOS device? How do you find the UDID for an iOS device on Mac and Windows? A: An alternative for those who don't actually run iTunes (yes there are alternatives) is to open the System Profiler, access the USB section, find the iPhone on the list of connected devices under the USB device tree. On the iPhone listing there will be an entry that says serial number. This is not to be confused with the serial number listed in the General -> About section of the iPhone settings. The serial in the System Profiler is equivalent to the UDID. Note that on Lion, System Profiler has been renamed System Information and you can get the the USB information from the hardware portion of the System Report.
Q: How do you find the UDID for an iOS device? How do you find the UDID for an iOS device on Mac and Windows? A: An alternative for those who don't actually run iTunes (yes there are alternatives) is to open the System Profiler, access the USB section, find the iPhone on the list of connected devices under the USB device tree. On the iPhone listing there will be an entry that says serial number. This is not to be confused with the serial number listed in the General -> About section of the iPhone settings. The serial in the System Profiler is equivalent to the UDID. Note that on Lion, System Profiler has been renamed System Information and you can get the the USB information from the hardware portion of the System Report. A: This approach requires only a macOS device, the iOS device and the device's power cord. If you have the iOS paired to the macOS device through wi-fi, you don't need a power cord and can skip steps 1 and 2. This approach was based on macOS Catalina v10.15.5 and may not apply for other versions of the OS. Steps * *Connect the iOS device to an USB port of your macOS device. *If the iOS device asks for permission to trust the macOS device, grant it (assuming it's a device you trust). *Open the Finder app. *Go to the iOS device in the Locations section of the sidebar. It should open the device's page. *Click on the info section bellow the iOS device name on the top of the page until it displays the UDID. You can copy the UDID by right clicking on it. Source A: You can follow the official how-to from Apple KB. The same way works for iPhone, iPod and iPad. The easiest way is to plug your iDevice, open iTunes, click on your device on the left panel of iTunes then click on the serial number. Your UDID will appear : A: While all the methods described so far require the iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad to be connected to a computer, there are a large number of free applications available in the App Store to find the UDID without needing to do this (and, thus, effectively working on Mac, Windows, and indeed anything else). The one I use and generally recommend to remote clients is Erica Sadun's Ad Hoc Helper (screenshot, etc., at below link): Which extracts the UDID and places it in an e-mail ready to be sent to whoever needs it, but a quick search of the iTunes store for "UDID" reveals half a dozen or so apps all intended to do this and any of which would do the job.
{ "language": "en", "length": 453, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:301", "question_score": "11", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Why can't I resolve machine names on my LAN to their IP address? I purchased a new ADSL modem/router last week (Belkin Share), and can no longer resolve machine names on my LAN to their respective IP addresses under OS X. My Windows machines and VMs are able to do this successfully. If I ping the IP address directly, it succeeds, but if I attempt to ping the machine name I get 'cannot resolve . Unknown host'. My previous modem/router (DLink DSL-G604T) did not have this problem. If I look at the DHCP leases on the router, the list includes the machine name, and this coupled with the fact that the Windows machines can resolve IP addresses makes me think this may be an OS X config issue (although I'm not experienced enough with it yet to know exactly what). I tried removing and re-adding the Ethernet connection under Network settings, but that made no difference. A: It appears the router doesn't support Bonjour at all (and Belkin support were totally clueless when approached about it), so I've returned it for a refund and am on the hunt for one that plays nicely with Macs.
Q: Why can't I resolve machine names on my LAN to their IP address? I purchased a new ADSL modem/router last week (Belkin Share), and can no longer resolve machine names on my LAN to their respective IP addresses under OS X. My Windows machines and VMs are able to do this successfully. If I ping the IP address directly, it succeeds, but if I attempt to ping the machine name I get 'cannot resolve . Unknown host'. My previous modem/router (DLink DSL-G604T) did not have this problem. If I look at the DHCP leases on the router, the list includes the machine name, and this coupled with the fact that the Windows machines can resolve IP addresses makes me think this may be an OS X config issue (although I'm not experienced enough with it yet to know exactly what). I tried removing and re-adding the Ethernet connection under Network settings, but that made no difference. A: It appears the router doesn't support Bonjour at all (and Belkin support were totally clueless when approached about it), so I've returned it for a refund and am on the hunt for one that plays nicely with Macs. A: My Airport Extreme does this too. Try adding .local to the ends of the names of the machines you're trying to reach. This uses Bonjour to look up the names instead of your router's DNS, which should work if the computer you're trying to reach is a Mac. If it's a Windows PC (and using .local doesn't work) try installing Bonjour and seeing if that works. A: Just go to System Preference -> Network -> Ethernet/WIFI -> Advanced -> DNS. Add in search domains ".local" Apply and done.
{ "language": "en", "length": 285, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:302", "question_score": "3", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: What is the best way to recharge an iPod Touch battery? I wonder how to handle the recharging of my iPod touch ? I've heard that there are some actions to have to be done regularly or actions that arms the battery (like memory effect etc...) A: I believe that you’re looking for the info straight from Apple’s iPod Battery’s Page., which contains all the information that you need to keep your battery as healthy as possible. In any case, as with any other modern battery, avoid excessive heat not only when recharging but also when the device is not in use.
Q: What is the best way to recharge an iPod Touch battery? I wonder how to handle the recharging of my iPod touch ? I've heard that there are some actions to have to be done regularly or actions that arms the battery (like memory effect etc...) A: I believe that you’re looking for the info straight from Apple’s iPod Battery’s Page., which contains all the information that you need to keep your battery as healthy as possible. In any case, as with any other modern battery, avoid excessive heat not only when recharging but also when the device is not in use.
{ "language": "en", "length": 103, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:306", "question_score": "6", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How can I ditch iTunes and find a suitable audio player? With the recent features added to iTunes player I find it to be pretty heavy and resources consuming, just to do just what I would like it to do, which is play music. It is almost becoming a full OS which I do not like. Therefore, I'd like to find something lightweight to build some playlists based on the music I have on my hard-drive, possibly free (but not a requisite). Do you have any alternatives which you would like to share? A: I suggested you try SongBird. also you can choose: * *PicoPlay *VoxApp *Banshee
Q: How can I ditch iTunes and find a suitable audio player? With the recent features added to iTunes player I find it to be pretty heavy and resources consuming, just to do just what I would like it to do, which is play music. It is almost becoming a full OS which I do not like. Therefore, I'd like to find something lightweight to build some playlists based on the music I have on my hard-drive, possibly free (but not a requisite). Do you have any alternatives which you would like to share? A: I suggested you try SongBird. also you can choose: * *PicoPlay *VoxApp *Banshee A: After doing a Google quest for a free audio player I found Instinctiv. It has a great UI and Mac look and calls itself "A Better Music Experience". Is anyone aware of this application? How do you feel about it? After a little test drive with the software I can say that it really is an enjoyable experience and the announced smart shuffle is a nice feature. It uses the iTunes library so you can just press play and you'll be fine. A: Vox (free with in-app purchase) A great simple application for music playing. I love this app. It's sooo simple to use and to use. It also integrates nicely with your iTunes library (if you so desire). A: UPDATE: Everplay is no longer developed (and nowhere to be found). Leaving the answer around in case someone eventually takes over. Also there are alternatives to Spotify these days, like Google All Access Music, iTunes Match, Amazon Music, etc. As the world moves towards cloud based alternatives, you probably want to consider these too. Everplay is a nice iTunes alternative because it can read the iTunes library but it’s way more light, given that it doesn’t attempt to cook breakfast and wash your car. It’s a music player. It’s not free but offers a nice trial. Give it a shot. Of course, if you are in Europe, you can always use the excellent (and free) Spotify. A: Tomahawk A music player that fundamentally changes the way music is consumed and shared. It decouples the name of the song from the source it was shared from - and fulfills the request using all of your available sources. (Free) Fidelia A high-definition audio player for sophisticated music lovers. With support for all contemporary audio file formats and an elegant interface that focuses exclusively on music, it gives users the power and the freedom to organize, customize and savor their digital music collection at the highest possible fidelity in any circumstance. If you've invested in premium audio hardware, you should have the best audio software. (Premium) Sonora A minimal, beautifully designed music player for the Mac. (Open source) Ecoute The standalone music player based upon your iTunes library. Fetch you Music, Movies, TV Shows and Podcasts. G-Ear The Google Music player for your Mac - Now with All Access support More info on G-Ear Player. Additional info regarding Google's New Play Music All Access Service: Google Launches “Google Play Music All Access” On-Demand $9.99 A Month Subscription Service Swinsian The Advanced Music Player for Mac OS X. Premium product ($19.95), however a 30 day free trial is available.
{ "language": "en", "length": 544, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:308", "question_score": "13", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How to stop iPad/Safari from treating certain numbers as 'phone numbers'? I've got some pages on an intranet that show numerical rates to 4 decimal places, eg 147.1453. When these pages are viewed on an iPad, some of these rates appear underlined and clicking on them causes the iPad to offer to create a new contact, or add to an existing contact. Clearly it thinks that the text represents a phone number (which it doesn't really, as we're in the UK and phone numbers are not formatted with periods). Is there a way to stop this happening - either with meta-data we can put in the web pages, or by changing some setting in our iPads? A: In the <head> of your web pages, add: <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no" /> There's lots more where this came from at Apple URL Scheme Reference: Phone Links.
Q: How to stop iPad/Safari from treating certain numbers as 'phone numbers'? I've got some pages on an intranet that show numerical rates to 4 decimal places, eg 147.1453. When these pages are viewed on an iPad, some of these rates appear underlined and clicking on them causes the iPad to offer to create a new contact, or add to an existing contact. Clearly it thinks that the text represents a phone number (which it doesn't really, as we're in the UK and phone numbers are not formatted with periods). Is there a way to stop this happening - either with meta-data we can put in the web pages, or by changing some setting in our iPads? A: In the <head> of your web pages, add: <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no" /> There's lots more where this came from at Apple URL Scheme Reference: Phone Links.
{ "language": "en", "length": 144, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:309", "question_score": "17", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Will my iPhone show me the date stamp of a photo? I'm I missing something basic or is there no way to see the the date stamp on a pictures taken with or synced to the iPhone?
Q: Will my iPhone show me the date stamp of a photo? I'm I missing something basic or is there no way to see the the date stamp on a pictures taken with or synced to the iPhone?
{ "language": "en", "length": 38, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:311", "question_score": "13", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: What's a good iPhone running app with a heart rate monitor? I'm looking for a combination of an app like RunKeeper that tracks my running speed, with an app (+hardware?) to track my heart rate. I'm currently running with RunKeeper (to track my speed) and also wearing an chestband+wristwatch (to track my heart rate). It would be nice to get rid of the wristwatch, if there's some app (and chestband receiver hardware?) to combine the data. I've seen some apps that only do heart rate monitoring, but I don't want to switch between 2 apps while running. A: There is Digifit which is software that works with any ANT+ enabled devices by brand names such as Adidas, Garmin, StarTrac and Timex.
Q: What's a good iPhone running app with a heart rate monitor? I'm looking for a combination of an app like RunKeeper that tracks my running speed, with an app (+hardware?) to track my heart rate. I'm currently running with RunKeeper (to track my speed) and also wearing an chestband+wristwatch (to track my heart rate). It would be nice to get rid of the wristwatch, if there's some app (and chestband receiver hardware?) to combine the data. I've seen some apps that only do heart rate monitoring, but I don't want to switch between 2 apps while running. A: There is Digifit which is software that works with any ANT+ enabled devices by brand names such as Adidas, Garmin, StarTrac and Timex. A: Runtastic has a solution for heart-rate sensor bands communicating with the Runtastic apps (which are similar to RunKeeper) via a sensor key which is attached to the iPhone: The dongle is as expensive as for the Digifit, but the app is a lot more affordable. A: Wahoo Fitness You might like to check out Wahoo Fitness - it's also an Ant+ dongle like Digifit, but unlike Digifit it works with a whole different ecosystem of apps (not just the default Digifit one) - defintely the widest range of all the apps you've listed here, and including Runkeeper as well so you don't need to change which running app you use. Good luck, and happy running. A: My friend, there is no need stop using Runkeeper! Runkeeper is fully compatible with great chest heart rate monitor - Beets BLU HRM! I use it with Runkeeper every day and I'm really satisfied. There are also detailed setup insructions for Runkeeper on their website: A: I use Nike+ (iPod Nano and iPhone 3Gs+) to run and measure all my distances, they even have a website that you can control your running, join runners, do running contests, etc ... I'm very pleased with the entire solution. And they have a Polar Heart Rate accessory now that will also monitored your heart beat. though Nike+ App needs a little update, I love it! P.S. I do not have a Nike+ Shoes... I use Asics, and I just put the sensor above my foot, works great! A: I use Cyclemeter and Digifit at the same time Cyclemeter gives me updates thru my ear piece and I have Digifit running Visual A: Polar app for iPhone keeps tabs on your heart: Polar USA, longtime experts in fit tech, recently introduced a free iPhone training app that works with the company’s $80 Polar H7 Heart Rate Sensor. This product focuses more on gathering workout info, including where you went (if you run or jog), and how long you worked out. This was copied and pasted from A: I use the iSmoothRun app on my iPhone 4S with a Wahoo BlueHR HRM. This is an excellent combo because: * *iSmoothRun is independent. It can export your data to many different sites including Nike+ and Runkeeper (and dropbox!) *iSmoothRun has very customizable exercise and voice feedback settings *iSmoothRun listens to its users' feedback and fixes issues quickly *The HRM is Bluetooth so it does not require a dongle (less bulk!) A: I have been using the new Polar Bluetooth heart rate monitor with my iPhone 5 and Runkeeper and it works fine. You can see three graphs on your webpage for free: pace, altitude and heart rate. I posted at Nike support and the answer is that they are thinking about it. A: This is an interesting example of how the software got ahead of the hardware on iOS where the initial year or two of sensors were proprietary and locked to one vendor. Today, you have several options for sensors that use Bluetooth 4.0 LE and can send heart rate signals to just about any app you choose. I would look for a monitor that isn't tied to one app: * *Wahoo Blue HRM - chest mounted with elastic straps *Mio Alpha - wrist watch (fairly large one at that) *Mio Link - wrist band that just collects rate data and is much smaller than the Alpha. Most of the apps that are focused on fitness and running will seamlessly integrate the heart rate data into your workout tracking.
{ "language": "en", "length": 716, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:315", "question_score": "7", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Soft ring for earbuds is gone! The soft ring around the OEM iPhone earbud is gone, and now it is painful to use these headphones. These soft-rubber rings don't last long either. The apple store suggested that I buy a new headphone for $30 to fix the issue. Genius! Is there something available that I can glue in the place where the soft ring used to be? If not, how do I fix this? My earbuds New earbuds A: This video shows how to replace the rubber ring using the end of a water balloon:
Q: Soft ring for earbuds is gone! The soft ring around the OEM iPhone earbud is gone, and now it is painful to use these headphones. These soft-rubber rings don't last long either. The apple store suggested that I buy a new headphone for $30 to fix the issue. Genius! Is there something available that I can glue in the place where the soft ring used to be? If not, how do I fix this? My earbuds New earbuds A: This video shows how to replace the rubber ring using the end of a water balloon: A: A very peculiar question. The rubber ring is often lost and I wonder if Apple does it on purpose. In any case, you will have more luck, searching for earbud caps. For example Full Silicone (designed for iPod headphones). If you google for Earphone Cap or similar, you’ll find a lot of colors/models/alternatives. Usually they are below 5 u$s. Either of those will cover your earphone completely, preventing the annoying pain from the sharp plastic border exposed by the missing rubber ring. Another small advantage of these things is that they prevent cerumen from going into your earphone. A: I had the exact same problem within a few months of normal use. I had the headset replaced under warranty - twice! :-/ I now use the in-ear version instead because they can block out the surrounding noise and therefore allow me to turn the volume much softer - and get a better sound experience as well. I'm not an audiophile; I know there are much more expensive headsets out there, but €70 is more than enough for my taste. A: White foam covers might do the trick. I use black ones on my Sennheiser earbuds and they make them much more comfortable. eBay is awash with them — usually it's only a few dollars for 50 pairs — though you'll have to be patient as most come from China.
{ "language": "en", "length": 327, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:317", "question_score": "4", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: What is your favorite word processor for the iPad? I'm hearing some information about Elements and Pages, but I wanted to ask what you're using as a word processing app on your iPad. I'm currently using the Notes app, but I'd like to be able to work on a document (mostly just text documents) and be able to save my progress, and then optionally pick up where I left off the next time I'm in front of my office Mac. Dropbox doesn't seem to let me edit from the iPad, and Google Docs, to my surprise, will let me view word processing documents, but not edit nor create them. (!) A: I use: * *Evernote: This is good if you want to edit a text document and sycn between computers. *Pages: So far, the best document creation tool I've used on the iPad. *Penultimate: Great for sketching ideas and mind-mapping. For your situation, I would suggestion Evernote. Good luck!
Q: What is your favorite word processor for the iPad? I'm hearing some information about Elements and Pages, but I wanted to ask what you're using as a word processing app on your iPad. I'm currently using the Notes app, but I'd like to be able to work on a document (mostly just text documents) and be able to save my progress, and then optionally pick up where I left off the next time I'm in front of my office Mac. Dropbox doesn't seem to let me edit from the iPad, and Google Docs, to my surprise, will let me view word processing documents, but not edit nor create them. (!) A: I use: * *Evernote: This is good if you want to edit a text document and sycn between computers. *Pages: So far, the best document creation tool I've used on the iPad. *Penultimate: Great for sketching ideas and mind-mapping. For your situation, I would suggestion Evernote. Good luck! A: Pages Its pretty good for a mobile app and can sync with the desktop and web app versions thru iCloud. Download Pages A: Plaintext is nice, as is its big brother WriteRoom. But iA Writer also edits files from Dropbox (or iCloud!), and it has one big advantage over those two: smart quotation marks and smart parentheses! That's right, instead of having to use different keys for open-paren or close-paren, you just tap one key and the app automagically makes it work. Very Apple-like! I also use Pages when I need fancy stuff like image support. And Storyist when I want to start with an index card outline of my document. But mostly I use iA Writer. A: PlainText is a newer Universal (iPad & iPhone) text editor that is free with ads or $4.99 to remove them. Best feature of the app is that it syncs with your Dropbox and saves your docs as plain txt files. A: I have Pages and use it for heavier lifting but for everyday writing I use Simplenote on iPhone and iPad and Notational Velocity on my Mac. It's reliable, fast, clean, and simple.
{ "language": "en", "length": 354, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:318", "question_score": "3", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How do I stop the "Are you sure you want to open it?" dialog box from displaying when I open an app? Every time I open the "Amazon MP3 Downloader" app (by downloading a new MP3 from in Safari) I get this dialog box: I'm used to seeing this the first time after I open a new app I've downloaded, but usually I don't see the dialog box after the first time I press the "Open" button. Is there a setting somewhere I can use to indicate that yes, I am sure I want to open "Amazon MP3 Downloader" without this dialog box? A: If you need to do this manually on a file (or files) you can run the following command to remove the Quarantine flag: xattr -d /PATH/TO/FILE(S) So in your case since the quarantine flag is not being removed you will want to run the command with sudo as the primary cause for the flag not being removed after hitting "Open" is because you don't have permissions to do so.
Q: How do I stop the "Are you sure you want to open it?" dialog box from displaying when I open an app? Every time I open the "Amazon MP3 Downloader" app (by downloading a new MP3 from in Safari) I get this dialog box: I'm used to seeing this the first time after I open a new app I've downloaded, but usually I don't see the dialog box after the first time I press the "Open" button. Is there a setting somewhere I can use to indicate that yes, I am sure I want to open "Amazon MP3 Downloader" without this dialog box? A: If you need to do this manually on a file (or files) you can run the following command to remove the Quarantine flag: xattr -d /PATH/TO/FILE(S) So in your case since the quarantine flag is not being removed you will want to run the command with sudo as the primary cause for the flag not being removed after hitting "Open" is because you don't have permissions to do so. A: Create a file called under Library/Preferences with the following: <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>LSRiskCategoryNeutral</key> <dict> <key>LSRiskCategoryContentTypes</key> <array> <string>public.item</string> </array> </dict> </dict> </plist> Then log out and then log back in. Instructions for Snow Leopard are a bit different. A: Deeper would be a good choice but I would suggest you to use OnyX OnyX provides a few more features than Deeper, allowing you to verify the Startup Disk and the structure of its System files and to delete caches. A: if you use Deeper you can mark it in General tab.
{ "language": "en", "length": 275, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:319", "question_score": "8", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How useful is spotlight? Personally, I am happy with Spotlight in the sense I just use it for finding something. But, I'm also not happy with Spotlight, as I sometimes feel it slows down my Mac pretty much. Even, I can find all the files that I need to find using PathFinder, LaunchBar, and even with find command. * *Is there some case that Spotlight shines over other search tools? *Is there a way to (safely) disable spotlight? I googled to find some tips, but they all require some system change. I prefer some turn on/off method to speed my computer up by turning it off, and make use of the tool by turning it on. A: Very useful as a task launcher - I use it much more often than I use the dock.
Q: How useful is spotlight? Personally, I am happy with Spotlight in the sense I just use it for finding something. But, I'm also not happy with Spotlight, as I sometimes feel it slows down my Mac pretty much. Even, I can find all the files that I need to find using PathFinder, LaunchBar, and even with find command. * *Is there some case that Spotlight shines over other search tools? *Is there a way to (safely) disable spotlight? I googled to find some tips, but they all require some system change. I prefer some turn on/off method to speed my computer up by turning it off, and make use of the tool by turning it on. A: Very useful as a task launcher - I use it much more often than I use the dock. A: Spotlight shines over more traditional file search utilities because it collects and searches the metadata on files all over your computer. A Spotlight search can look into your email messages from Mail (or other clients if they support Spotlight) while also looking into the contents of a PDF you downloaded and the file names in your Documents folder at the same time. Another example is that you could search on your computer for any image that was taken in a certain location (if you have photos with GPS EXIF data) or say taken with a certain camera. Turning off Spotlight can be done with some GUI tools (eg. Onyx or TinkerTool System) or directly from the command line using the command sudo mdutil -i off /PATH/TO/VOLUME (eg. sudo mdutil -i off / to turn off Spotlight for your startup drive). A: Personally, I disable it in favor of Quicksilver. A: I think Deeper can cover some of setting you want. if you mean by turn off that you don't want indexing if you have other notion with turn spotlight off then this answer is useless. A: Spotlight will be much useful if you extend it using Spotlight Plugins. Some implementations can be found here: or here:
{ "language": "en", "length": 345, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:322", "question_score": "4", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: What's the best way to sync Chrome bookmarks to iPhone? I use Google Chrome on my Mac as my browser, and I'd like to be able to have access to my bookmarks on my iPhone. Safari provides bookmark syncing automatically, and Mozilla has an app that provides that functionality, but I the only thing I can find is Xmarks which is a) paid, and b) synchronizes with a third-party service, instead of utilizing Google's existing bookmark sync for Chrome. Are there any other solutions? A: You could give Xmarks a try. Works fine for me. You install it as a plugin for Chrome, and as a pref pane for your Mac. Your Mac will be synchronized to your iPhone. I didn't try the mobile app yet.
Q: What's the best way to sync Chrome bookmarks to iPhone? I use Google Chrome on my Mac as my browser, and I'd like to be able to have access to my bookmarks on my iPhone. Safari provides bookmark syncing automatically, and Mozilla has an app that provides that functionality, but I the only thing I can find is Xmarks which is a) paid, and b) synchronizes with a third-party service, instead of utilizing Google's existing bookmark sync for Chrome. Are there any other solutions? A: You could give Xmarks a try. Works fine for me. You install it as a plugin for Chrome, and as a pref pane for your Mac. Your Mac will be synchronized to your iPhone. I didn't try the mobile app yet. A: Since I don't have the reputation to comment, I have to put this in an answer. I can second the XMarks service as a great way to sync bookmarks between browsers, especially Internet Explorer (IE) and Safari, and especially if you want to sync your iPhone bookmarks with Firefox. There are problems with duplicates from time to time, but that is mitigated with a Duplicate Detector plugin for Firefox. However, the XMarks service will be shutting down as of January 2011. There is information in this blog post as to how it might live on. A: Chrome bookmarks on iPhone are possible with help of ChromeSync app. Details are at A: Just download the free (!) Google Chrome app on your iPhone and then you can simply share and sync all your desktop bookmarks to your iPhone/iPad. A: I've been looking for a similar solution, and would definitely recommend Xmarks! It will sync your bookmarks on any browser that you install the plugin. A: You can synchronize everything with Synchromium. It does not require installation of any Chrome extension or transfering your data to third-party services. A: I won't use XMarks because you have to subscribe ($12 a year - AU?), plus, last time I had Xmarks and Chrome sync, they never worked well together when I had multiple browsers (Firefox, Chrome) on multiple computers. I won't trust ChromeSync either yet - look at the notes for it in iTunes (currently at 1.2). It uses a proxy and there are no ratings for it yet. What I want is the equivalent of ChromeMarks (from Android) which was brilliant. It kept my Chrome bookmarks separate i.e. not in mobile Safari - because I want my 'mobile' bookmarks only in Safari. A: It costs $12 a year to use xmarks. As a result it is not free to sync across platforms. A: I love Dolphin for smartphone instead of chrome. with dolphin you can easily sync bookmarks between chrome and push link between them.... tryi t for a while you wont regret.
{ "language": "en", "length": 470, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:323", "question_score": "14", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Can I see my CPU and memory usage meters in the menu bar? I'd like to be able to view my cpu and memory usage in real time. Not as a desktop widget or window application, but as a widget in the menu bar. Is this possible? A: I made a simple app that displays cpu and memory usage on menubar, free and open sourced. Feedback is welcome.
Q: Can I see my CPU and memory usage meters in the menu bar? I'd like to be able to view my cpu and memory usage in real time. Not as a desktop widget or window application, but as a widget in the menu bar. Is this possible? A: I made a simple app that displays cpu and memory usage on menubar, free and open sourced. Feedback is welcome. A: I created a free app that shows percentage on the menu bar: You can download it from here: A: I use MenuMeters for this functionality, and have a hard time living without it. How do other people know when their web browser is finally done downloading a page, or YouTube stalled out, or iPhoto still working, or ...? MenuMeters is freeware, but well worth the donation. The original author has stopped maintaining MenuMeters, but someone new has taken over for El Capitan. A: I prefer SystemPal. iStat itself consumes too much CPU and RAM. SystemPal is quick, tiny, configurable, neat, and powerful. It's available on Mac App Store. A: Not sure how long this has been a feature, but it's possible to replace the Activity Monitor dock icon with a graph showing CPU usage, CPU history, network usage, or disk activity. For example, showing CPU history turns the icon into this little graph: A: iStat Menus has the functionality you are asking for. It is available starting at USD$14.39 for a single license or $17.99 for a family pack (up to five different Macs). It's also included with a membership to SetApp. A: Check out iGlance it's open source. A: A free open source solution is CpuInfo on GitHub (shows cpu only) A: I really liked eul. Slick design and great configuration ability. Widgets are also available. brew install --cask eul or install from Mac App Store. A: One that hasn't been mentioned yet is Stats, which describes itself as a Simple macOS system monitor in your menu bar It's an excellent open source project ( that can be installed via: brew install stats On big sur, after downloading, open launchpad, search for 'stats', and open it. It will start showing up in the menu bar. A: Or you can try some geeklets from the internet (or make one yourself) on Geektool. I find it more customizable than menu bar apps, and prettier when I get to use the fonts and sizes I like. A: Haven't seen this one mentioned yet: Menu Bar Stats 3
{ "language": "en", "length": 417, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:330", "question_score": "95", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How do I handle HDR photos in Aperture 3? What plugin do you guys use to handle HDR photos in Aperture 3 ? A: There are two choices available right now: * *Photomatix *Hydra You should try both and see which matches your “taste” better :)
Q: How do I handle HDR photos in Aperture 3? What plugin do you guys use to handle HDR photos in Aperture 3 ? A: There are two choices available right now: * *Photomatix *Hydra You should try both and see which matches your “taste” better :) A: Photomatix seems to be the most well-regarded.
{ "language": "en", "length": 55, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:334", "question_score": "5", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How do I send multiple photos from my iPhone camera roll in a single email? I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but: * *From the camera app, I can select a photo, and then hit the send button to create an email with that photo in it. *From mail, I can't find any way to add an enclosure without having started in the app that owns it. I want to send multiple photos in a single email. A: since software update 3.0 you can select multiple photos copy them and paste it as email body, in iOS you can SHARE it as email.
Q: How do I send multiple photos from my iPhone camera roll in a single email? I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but: * *From the camera app, I can select a photo, and then hit the send button to create an email with that photo in it. *From mail, I can't find any way to add an enclosure without having started in the app that owns it. I want to send multiple photos in a single email. A: since software update 3.0 you can select multiple photos copy them and paste it as email body, in iOS you can SHARE it as email. A: [I posted this answer to address a followup question that appears to have been subsequently deleted. I will leave my answer up as it does add a more complete details than the prior answer, which was correct albeit terse.] You can mail multiple photos, but not an unlimited number. I assume to limit the overall email message size, as there could be limits on some mail gateways. Open Photos app, select "Camera Roll" (or other album) from your albums. Touch the "Edit" button, and the screen heading should change to "Select Items." You can then select multiple photos, then touch "share" and select "Mail". If you don't see "Mail" as one of the options, then you have selected too many photos to attach to a single message. Try just two to see what it should look like. On my phone just now I was able to choose 5 and still have Mail as an option, but if I chose 6, then Mail was not an option. A: From mail, I can't find any way to add an enclosure without having started in the app that owns it. You can now do this in iOS 6. In a new mail message, tap and hold in the message body, then tap the right arrow in the overlay and tap "Insert Photo or Video."
{ "language": "en", "length": 326, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:335", "question_score": "8", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Whats the last OS X that supported Power PC? I still have an old Power PC machine and was wondering what the latest OS X build I can install on it? A: Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6) is also the first Mac OS release since the introduction of System 7.1.2 that does not support the PowerPC architecture, as Apple now intends to focus on its current line of Intel-based products. Thus OS X supported PowerPC up to and including version 10.5 (Leopard).
Q: Whats the last OS X that supported Power PC? I still have an old Power PC machine and was wondering what the latest OS X build I can install on it? A: Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6) is also the first Mac OS release since the introduction of System 7.1.2 that does not support the PowerPC architecture, as Apple now intends to focus on its current line of Intel-based products. Thus OS X supported PowerPC up to and including version 10.5 (Leopard). A: 10.5 Leopard is the last to support PowerPC as far as I know: A: Snow leopard does support PowerPC applications, this function was dropped with Lion. I base this on one MacBook with Snow Leopard on it works fine with Microsoft Office X, Quake II (OS XVersion), Halo, Roxio Toast Lite 5.2.2. However on my upgrade MacBook running Lion they are tomb stoned and when you try to run them the message you receive is PowerPcC no longer supported!
{ "language": "en", "length": 164, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:336", "question_score": "7", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: What is the latest version of iTunes that will run on a PowerPC-based Mac? What is the latest iTunes that will still run on a Power PC based Mac? A: as long as iTunes 10 (newer version of iTunes) need OS X 10.5 (Leopard) as it's minimum requirement and you can install leopard on your Powerpc then latest itunes that was supported by Powerpc is the last one iTunes 10.
Q: What is the latest version of iTunes that will run on a PowerPC-based Mac? What is the latest iTunes that will still run on a Power PC based Mac? A: as long as iTunes 10 (newer version of iTunes) need OS X 10.5 (Leopard) as it's minimum requirement and you can install leopard on your Powerpc then latest itunes that was supported by Powerpc is the last one iTunes 10. A: The current version (iTunes 10) will run on a PowerPC machine but it has some small limitations (primarily it can not play High Definition video from the iTunes Store) System Requirements: Mac computer with an Intel, PowerPC G5 or G4 processor Intel, PowerPC G5 or 1.0GHz PowerPC G4 or faster processor is required to play Standard Definition video from the iTunes Store 2.0GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or faster processor is required to play HD video, an iTunes LP, or iTunes Extras from the iTunes Store Mac OS X version 10.5 or later Source (iTunes Download Page)
{ "language": "en", "length": 169, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:337", "question_score": "3", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Can I open the menu with keyboard? With PC, alt-something opens the something in the main menu. Does Mac have similar function? For example, is there a way to open View menu as if I click it? A: Try CtrlF2 - that should highlight the Apple-symbol on the main menubar. edit: The cursor keys and Enter then allow you to navigate, drill-down and ultimately select an item - just as you can on Windows. also - can't claim credit for this, I learnt it here on the site! What are your favorite Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts?
Q: Can I open the menu with keyboard? With PC, alt-something opens the something in the main menu. Does Mac have similar function? For example, is there a way to open View menu as if I click it? A: Try CtrlF2 - that should highlight the Apple-symbol on the main menubar. edit: The cursor keys and Enter then allow you to navigate, drill-down and ultimately select an item - just as you can on Windows. also - can't claim credit for this, I learnt it here on the site! What are your favorite Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts? A: There are two approaches to try: Control ^F2 or Command ⌘Shift ⇧Slash / Advantages compared of both solution: Feature Control ^F2 Command ⌘Shift ⇧Slash / Starts on menu side Left side Right side Starts on menu item  Help Menu state is Highlighted Opened Hand to use Left hand Right hand Closer to arrow keys no yes One hand operation no yes Personally I prefer the second solution since it is closer to navigation arrow keys →←↑↓ and the menu is already opened and only one hand, ie. right hand ☜ is involved into the operation. Note: Some menu options are altered while holding the Option ⌥ key!
{ "language": "en", "length": 207, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:340", "question_score": "14", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Are there any significant differences between two Apple products of the same name but different part numbers (particularly FC371LL/A and MC371LL/A)? I was going to buy a refurbished MacBook Pro 15" but when I compared it to a regular one added in the shopping cart for reference, I found that they had different part numbers: FC371LL/A and MC371LL/A. I was not sure if the old model had something wrong, so I haven't ordered. Does anyone know any particular fixes Apple has done to the new MacBook Pro line? Also, are Apple products of the same name but different part numbers significantly varied? A: The refurbished one probably has a different part number because it is refurbished now new. It won't have anything "wrong" with it, but it is refurbished. Check the specs and compare it to the current production model. Typically they will say "late 2010 model" or something of the sort to indicate if this is different (hardware wise) from the current one.
Q: Are there any significant differences between two Apple products of the same name but different part numbers (particularly FC371LL/A and MC371LL/A)? I was going to buy a refurbished MacBook Pro 15" but when I compared it to a regular one added in the shopping cart for reference, I found that they had different part numbers: FC371LL/A and MC371LL/A. I was not sure if the old model had something wrong, so I haven't ordered. Does anyone know any particular fixes Apple has done to the new MacBook Pro line? Also, are Apple products of the same name but different part numbers significantly varied? A: The refurbished one probably has a different part number because it is refurbished now new. It won't have anything "wrong" with it, but it is refurbished. Check the specs and compare it to the current production model. Typically they will say "late 2010 model" or something of the sort to indicate if this is different (hardware wise) from the current one.
{ "language": "en", "length": 165, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:341", "question_score": "3", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: iOS 4 - Can I close an app without it staying open in the background? I am aware that after closing an application (pressing the home button) you can enter the multi-tasking tray, hold your finger down on an icon and close an application properly. But is there an easy way to perform this series of actions with one command? Sometimes I close an app and know I will not be using it again any time soon and would not like it to remain open in the background. A: If your iPhone is jailbroken, you can set an override in Backgrounder to disable multitasking on the particular app so that when you press the home button, the app terminates (even though the icon will still show in the multitasking bar).
Q: iOS 4 - Can I close an app without it staying open in the background? I am aware that after closing an application (pressing the home button) you can enter the multi-tasking tray, hold your finger down on an icon and close an application properly. But is there an easy way to perform this series of actions with one command? Sometimes I close an app and know I will not be using it again any time soon and would not like it to remain open in the background. A: If your iPhone is jailbroken, you can set an override in Backgrounder to disable multitasking on the particular app so that when you press the home button, the app terminates (even though the icon will still show in the multitasking bar). A: Not presently. iOS multitasking however is quite different than say the multitasking in Android or Mac OS X. The app unless it specifically is using one of the 7 methods to run in the background is "frozen" and won't consume any resources until it's brought back to the forefront. Essentially the fast app switching feature as part of iOS 4.0 is a large part of why you saw so many apps being updated to work with iOS 4.0 multitasking.
{ "language": "en", "length": 211, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:345", "question_score": "14", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Can I import my old podcast MP3s into iTunes? The title pretty much says it all. If I have 25 podcast MP3s, how can I associate them with the podcast in iTunes? A: In iTunes it's possible to label items as Podcasts. To do so: * *Import your items into iTunes if not done already *Select them all and choose Get Info from either the contextual menu or the File menu *Go to the Options tab and set "Media Kind" to Podcast *It will then appear in the Podcasts section using the Album name as a group
Q: Can I import my old podcast MP3s into iTunes? The title pretty much says it all. If I have 25 podcast MP3s, how can I associate them with the podcast in iTunes? A: In iTunes it's possible to label items as Podcasts. To do so: * *Import your items into iTunes if not done already *Select them all and choose Get Info from either the contextual menu or the File menu *Go to the Options tab and set "Media Kind" to Podcast *It will then appear in the Podcasts section using the Album name as a group
{ "language": "en", "length": 98, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:347", "question_score": "8", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How can I insert symbols on iPad or iPhone? How can I insert symbols like copyright or degree symbols? A: The above answers are all correct. However, in iOS 5 there’s a new way of quickly inputting special characters. Simply go to Settings → General → Keyboard → Shortcuts, and tap the + button to add a new keyboard shortcut. Basically, this is the same functionality that OS X’s System Preferences → Language & Text → Text → Symbol and text substitution offers. So, get any symbol you want as described in the other answers, copy it, then add it as a new keyboard shortcut this way. To give you some inspiration, here’s a screenshot of (part of) my text substitutions:
Q: How can I insert symbols on iPad or iPhone? How can I insert symbols like copyright or degree symbols? A: The above answers are all correct. However, in iOS 5 there’s a new way of quickly inputting special characters. Simply go to Settings → General → Keyboard → Shortcuts, and tap the + button to add a new keyboard shortcut. Basically, this is the same functionality that OS X’s System Preferences → Language & Text → Text → Symbol and text substitution offers. So, get any symbol you want as described in the other answers, copy it, then add it as a new keyboard shortcut this way. To give you some inspiration, here’s a screenshot of (part of) my text substitutions: A: For many symbols or characters with diacritics (e.g. accents) you can press and hold a related key to insert variations. * *º - For the degree symbol, press and hold the 0 button (on the mac you can press Option+0[zero, not letter o]) *© - For the copyright symbol, on the mac the shortcut is Option+g. Unfortunately pressing and holding g on the iPhone/iPad doesn't provide an option for the copyright symbol. As an alternative, you can use glyphboard, or copy and paste the symbols from a note, email that you create on your computer. A: * *Go to Settings -> General -> Keyboard -> International Keyboards. *Activate the Japanese keyboard (whether you speak Japanese or not). *Open a text box in Messages, Mail, or Safari (or whatever). *Hit the globe button until it switches to Japanese (Kana not Qwerty) keyboard. *On the left hand side hit the second button from the bottom that says "ABC" until it switches to "*123". *Your keyboard should now have symbols on it. A: For a Pi symbol on iOS go to Settings → Keyboard → Keyboards → Add, then add a Greek keyboard. A: there's also another hardware keyboard that you can use. you have to do the same at the above and go to international keyboads. once you get the international keyboards list, look for the one called Emoji. then, whenever you need any miscellaneous symbols, tap the the globe until you get this keyboad with smilies. you can swipe it to chose from the icons available, and if you need the © or ® (registered symbol), go to the one that shows "!?#", and it's all the way in the back. the other icons in the bottom are for other icons for example the flower shows things of nature, while the bell shows other miscellaneous stuff you can find anywhere. And there you have it! A: I have copied the text here and entered it into my keyboard shortcut as phrase and made the text to equal uhh - Ə ə æ A: install < pictokeyboard > from Cydia
{ "language": "en", "length": 471, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:349", "question_score": "10", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: Can I use an iPad charger with my iPhone 4? Is there any harm in using the iPad charger for iPhone 4? A: The iPhone simply won't draw as much through the charger as the iPad would. Certainly shouldn't cause a problem at all (and my money's where my mouth is because we just have the iPad charger plugged in these days, using it for our iPad as well as our 2 iPhone 4s - we've been doing this for about 5-6 weeks now without any obvious ill-effects).
Q: Can I use an iPad charger with my iPhone 4? Is there any harm in using the iPad charger for iPhone 4? A: The iPhone simply won't draw as much through the charger as the iPad would. Certainly shouldn't cause a problem at all (and my money's where my mouth is because we just have the iPad charger plugged in these days, using it for our iPad as well as our 2 iPhone 4s - we've been doing this for about 5-6 weeks now without any obvious ill-effects). A: No harm; you can use it. Straight from Apple (although last updated Oct 2011, so maybe not there when the question was originally asked and answered): The iPad USB Power Adapter is a 10W charger. While designed for use with the iPad, you can use the iPad 10W USB Power Adapter to charge all iPhone and iPod models by connecting them using a Dock Connector to USB cable. A: When purchasing a mobile car charger for my iPhone4, I was told that iPhone4's and iPad's can share newer chargers with no problems. A: The rule of thumb on interchanging charging units is that the rated wattage for a given charger is considered the maximum that the charger can safely deliver, and not what it will deliver all the time. You can have a thousand watt charger and so long as your phone needs less that that it all that it will supply it happily. Where you can get unstuck is doing it the other way around. If you charge your iPad over an iPhone charger, it will max out the circuitry as the iPad will want to draw more than the charger can safely do. The charger should remain safe, but it will be operating at or close to maximum capacity, and this may shorten it's life, although so long as you are using an proper Apple one and not an eBay special the protection circuitry against overheating/overvoltage etc should stop it from burning your house down. A: I prefer the 10 watt charger that comes with the iPad for my iPhone (4 and 4S) because it charges them faster than the small iPhone charger. I've been charging my iPhones with the iPad charger since getting my first iPad (1) a year and a half ago and not only is no harm done to the phone, it charges many times faster. I bought an extra 10 watt Apple charger that travels with me and bought one for my wife to use on her iPhone in her office at school. All work perfectly and quickly on both iPhone and iPad. A: yo can charge an iphone using an ipad charger but it will charge quicker and ultimately reduce the battery life Best advice is use the supplied charger that was with your device
{ "language": "en", "length": 473, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:350", "question_score": "9", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How can I make my first generation iPad's battery last longer? What are some of the things I can do to make my iPad (Wi-Fi) battery last a long time once it is charged? I have the first generation iPad and run iOS 3. A: Additionally, your iPad’s battery life will eventually last longer if you follow the Apple’s Advice, specially regarding battery’s temperature.
Q: How can I make my first generation iPad's battery last longer? What are some of the things I can do to make my iPad (Wi-Fi) battery last a long time once it is charged? I have the first generation iPad and run iOS 3. A: Additionally, your iPad’s battery life will eventually last longer if you follow the Apple’s Advice, specially regarding battery’s temperature. A: Turn down screen brightness, don't play games, turn off bluetooth. Standard battery life increasing tips. How much longer do you need it? I understand that the battery life (even with WiFi) is fairly decent on the iPad. A: Killing apps manually will not affect battery life without effecting user experience. Apps that stay active in the background typically do so for a limited time because they have a specific task that needs completing (like completing a download, or sending a mail message.) iOS manages background processing aggressively in order to ensure that no extra battery is used unnecessarily. A: If you don't need to connect to a network turn off WiFi. You will also want to go into the Settings: * *turn down the brightness (Brightness & Wallpaper) *turn off Bluetooth (General) *turn off "Push" and set mail to fetch manually (Mail, Contact, Calendars) / (Fetch New Data) *turn off sounds (General) *turn off location services (General) *Turn off Notifications *and check any apps to see if any poll wifi (if you keep it on) For additional help, I wrote up an article here with pictures: In the end, it really depends on how you use your iPad. Good luck!-- A: If you're running the beta of iOS 4.2, killing multitasking apps can also impact battery life.
{ "language": "en", "length": 284, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:351", "question_score": "9", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How do I stop iCal from always asking for a password? I have several (webcal) subscription calendars on my iCal. Two of them require passwords stored in my keychain. At regular intervals, iCal will ask for my keychain password. Is there a way to set up iCal so that it behaves the way does, that is, one types the password once when the app is fired and from then on it just uses it? My keychain is set to unlock when I log in; the webcal items in the keychain are set to allow any application to access the item. A: Have you seen the following menu in Keychain Access app? Open Keychain Access app (use spotlight!), select your login Keychain and in the Edit menu: select 'Change Settings for Keychain “login”…’ This brings you the following screen: If you have either of those, iCal will find the Keychain locked when it tries to sync.
Q: How do I stop iCal from always asking for a password? I have several (webcal) subscription calendars on my iCal. Two of them require passwords stored in my keychain. At regular intervals, iCal will ask for my keychain password. Is there a way to set up iCal so that it behaves the way does, that is, one types the password once when the app is fired and from then on it just uses it? My keychain is set to unlock when I log in; the webcal items in the keychain are set to allow any application to access the item. A: Have you seen the following menu in Keychain Access app? Open Keychain Access app (use spotlight!), select your login Keychain and in the Edit menu: select 'Change Settings for Keychain “login”…’ This brings you the following screen: If you have either of those, iCal will find the Keychain locked when it tries to sync.
{ "language": "en", "length": 157, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:353", "question_score": "4", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }
Apple Stackexchange Q: How do I flush the DNS cache on a OS X 10.6 machine? Trying to flush the local DNS cache. How is this done on Snow Leopard? Using System Preferences and using the terminal? A: dscacheutil -flushcache
Q: How do I flush the DNS cache on a OS X 10.6 machine? Trying to flush the local DNS cache. How is this done on Snow Leopard? Using System Preferences and using the terminal? A: dscacheutil -flushcache A: Use sudo dscacheutil -flushcache or sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder In 10.6 the handling of Unicast DNS is now managed by mDNSResponder - dscacheutil -flushcache now just tells mDNSResponder to restart (the second command above).
{ "language": "en", "length": 73, "provenance": "stackexchange_00000.jsonl.gz:354", "question_score": "12", "source": "stackexchange", "timestamp": "2023-03-29T00:00:00", "url": "" }