The launcher’s behavior changes depending on the number of arguments passed to the executable.
Instead of stealing documents or images, it works on top of a modified version of the legitimate Threema, an end-to-end encrypted messaging application, to steal screenshots of messages.
[ { "id": 47032, "label": "SOFTWARE", "start_offset": 97, "end_offset": 104 } ]
The logo of the target organization has been removed from the screenshot and the color was changed as not to reveal the source.
[ { "id": 30924, "label": "location", "start_offset": 16, "end_offset": 22 }, { "id": 30925, "label": "location", "start_offset": 73, "end_offset": 76 }, { "id": 30926, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 120, "end_offset": 126 } ]
don't stop me!
This bulletin includes coordinated influence operation campaigns terminated on our platforms in Q1 of 2020.
The email leverages the webmail system’s search suggestion function to trigger the webpage to execute their script instead of directly running the malicious script.
Taking a closer look at x4k’s main OS, we believe it to be a customized Kali Linux instance, tailored to his needs.
[ { "id": 47207, "label": "threat-actor", "start_offset": 25, "end_offset": 29 }, { "id": 47208, "label": "SOFTWARE", "start_offset": 73, "end_offset": 83 } ]
It then elevated privileges to install the payload.
We hope doing so will improve understanding of tactics and techniques that will enhance threat hunting capabilities and lead to stronger protections across the industry.
C&C Servers
They must also be nominated by their organization's leadership and commit to the requirements imposed by the program.
It downloads an ASCII file from the same domain and converts it into binary before loading it on to the memory and jump to a dynamic function.
This has happened to multiple spyware vendors over the past ten years, raising the specter that their stockpiles can be released publicly without warning.
[ { "id": 35592, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 83, "end_offset": 90 }, { "id": 35593, "label": "location", "start_offset": 113, "end_offset": 116 } ]
By submitting this form, you agree to our Terms of Use and acknowledge our Privacy Statement.
These results are encrypted using the same technique mentioned previously.
Please mark, I'm not a robot! By submitting this form, you agree to our Terms of Use and acknowledge our Privacy Statement.
Google Play URL of FileManager app found in one of the C&C servers.
This is a case where forewarned is forearmed, and that forearming can result in effective prevention. Sign up to receive the latest news, cyber threat intelligence and research from us Please enter your email address!
It needed the address of dlopen and dlsym patched after the binary was loaded into memory.
Figure 1. Exploit loading sequence in ria[.]ru (February 2012) Figure 2. [bg].ru (February 2012) found redirecting victims to Lurk’s exploit kit Figure 3. Redirects to the Lurk landing page from adfox[.]ru banner network Figure 4. Malicious iframe content served by tks[.]ru (August 2013)
[ { "id": 28138, "label": "threat-actor", "start_offset": 126, "end_offset": 130 }, { "id": 28140, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 172, "end_offset": 176 }, { "id": 28141, "label": "location", "start_offset": 177, "end_offset": 184 }, { "id": 28142, "label": "location", "start_offset": 185, "end_offset": 189 }, { "id": 28143, "label": "location", "start_offset": 206, "end_offset": 212 }, { "id": 28145, "label": "location", "start_offset": 248, "end_offset": 255 } ]
To this end, we are aware of this actor’s involvement in vishing, SIM-swapping and soliciting third parties at providers for insider access.
In this attack, attackers embedded the TDrop2 malware inside a legitimate video software package hosted on the software distributor’s website.
[ { "id": 45419, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 39, "end_offset": 45 } ]
Non-malicious applications “My First APP” and “Opinion Poll” Another two applications were built from JavaPayload for Metasploit that will load extra code from the remote server configured in the sample.
[ { "id": 36069, "label": "location", "start_offset": 42, "end_offset": 45 }, { "id": 36072, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 122, "end_offset": 132 }, { "id": 36073, "label": "location", "start_offset": 138, "end_offset": 142 }, { "id": 36074, "label": "location", "start_offset": 143, "end_offset": 147 }, { "id": 36075, "label": "location", "start_offset": 168, "end_offset": 174 }, { "id": 36076, "label": "location", "start_offset": 200, "end_offset": 206 } ]
In other cases, we observed fake websites — already set up to distribute trojanized cryptocurrency applications — hosting iframes and pointing their visitors to the exploit kit.
The MTD provides an abstraction layer to access the device's flash memory.
From a researchers' point of view, deferred free created a few problems, one of the major ones being that the page heap feature may not work correctly.
10 bytes are then written to the core component pipe.
We ensure appropriate controls are built into the architecture of the system.
An unusual Waterbear infection chain
If the creation of the tool, batch file, and scheduled task is disregarded, it would seem that there is no connection between PlugX and the execution of the auxiliary tool.
[ { "id": 27454, "label": "location", "start_offset": 23, "end_offset": 27 }, { "id": 27455, "label": "location", "start_offset": 41, "end_offset": 44 }, { "id": 27456, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 45, "end_offset": 59 }, { "id": 27457, "label": "location", "start_offset": 118, "end_offset": 125 }, { "id": 27458, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 126, "end_offset": 131 }, { "id": 27459, "label": "location", "start_offset": 132, "end_offset": 135 }, { "id": 27460, "label": "location", "start_offset": 167, "end_offset": 171 } ]
This is done by hooking NTDLL APIs such as NtQueryAttributesFile, NtOpenFile, NtCreateSection, NtMapViewOfSection, NtQuerySection and ZwClose.
[ { "id": 29017, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 16, "end_offset": 23 }, { "id": 29018, "label": "location", "start_offset": 130, "end_offset": 133 } ]
He claimed that he wasn’t able to install the app.
How accounts are targeted for phishing attacks
[ { "id": 42527, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 30, "end_offset": 38 } ]
It goes without saying that you should keep a close eye on your card statements/bank account at all times – watching out even for small amounts that hackers may be making to test if your card is still active.
Yesterday, TrustedSec, a security consultancy based on Ohio, wrote that the recent breach at Community Health Systems (CHS) was the result of exploitation of the Heartbleed OpenSSL vulnerability (CVE-2014-0160).
[ { "id": 46042, "label": "TIME", "start_offset": 0, "end_offset": 9 }, { "id": 46043, "label": "identity", "start_offset": 11, "end_offset": 21 }, { "id": 46044, "label": "location", "start_offset": 55, "end_offset": 59 }, { "id": 46045, "label": "identity", "start_offset": 93, "end_offset": 123 }, { "id": 46047, "label": "vulnerability", "start_offset": 196, "end_offset": 209 }, { "id": 46046, "label": "vulnerability", "start_offset": 162, "end_offset": 194 } ]
A recent report uncovered this threat group’s attack infrastructure, which leveraged commercial VPN providers in addition to compromised systems to use as proxies to further mask their origins.
[ { "id": 20569, "label": "threat-actor", "start_offset": 174, "end_offset": 178 } ]
Examining additional connections to port 443 on 159.65.186[.]50, we identified several suspected victims including an Argentinian organization, an IP television provider providing North and South American content, and a major textile manufacturer in Mexico.
[ { "id": 19849, "label": "IPV4", "start_offset": 49, "end_offset": 64 }, { "id": 19852, "label": "location", "start_offset": 206, "end_offset": 213 }, { "id": 19853, "label": "location", "start_offset": 215, "end_offset": 218 }, { "id": 19854, "label": "location", "start_offset": 221, "end_offset": 226 } ]
In one example, attackers impersonated McAfee.
Attackers use DGA so that they can quickly switch the domains that they’re using for the malware attacks.
Tags APT & Targeted Attacks | IoT | Expert Perspective | Articles, News, Reports
There seems to be a neat way to do it, but I seek advice from experienced people.”
Marketplace Vendor Insights takes the pain out of due diligence by delivering the information prospective customers need—reducing friction and accelerating the journey to cloud security.
Unlike a new malware family or vulnerability in the wild, the attacks we expect could come in many forms.
Figure 11. .LNK embedded in the .ISO file
More startling is the fact that 18.6% of all disclosures were published without a fix from the vendor—another record-breaking stat.
The following sample is used for analysis: Figure 1.
Spear phishing, like the name implies, is a more targeted form of phishing which incorporates a theme directly related to the target.
[ { "id": 17696, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 1, "end_offset": 15 }, { "id": 17697, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 67, "end_offset": 75 }, { "id": 17698, "label": "location", "start_offset": 127, "end_offset": 133 } ]
With over hundreds of thousands of malware associations, this specific mutex is associated exclusively with the Net-worm:W32/Allaple malware family which has been around since 2006 but continues to propagate and reinvent itself through the years.
[ { "id": 46569, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 113, "end_offset": 133 }, { "id": 46570, "label": "TIME", "start_offset": 177, "end_offset": 181 } ]
This is because IE will completely destroy your edits when it writes its new version of the file over yours.
[ { "id": 46567, "label": "SOFTWARE", "start_offset": 16, "end_offset": 18 } ]
All data sent via HTTP POST requests is sent in the clear.
8,163 m
Further complicating the issue is the growing scope and scale of attacks today that are successfully targeting the seams between these layers.
An XDR that supports advanced detection capabilities can identify correlate data across areas to identify events that would otherwise go unnoticed.
[ { "id": 47170, "label": "SOFTWARE", "start_offset": 3, "end_offset": 7 } ]
Last month, we sent 1,755 warnings to users whose accounts were targets of government-backed attackers.
In most cases, the exploit was only used to drop the payload, however the payloads themself did not contain CVE-2022-22954 exploits for further propagation.
[ { "id": 49579, "label": "vulnerability", "start_offset": 108, "end_offset": 122 } ]
Pay close attention to unrecognized network traffic (both inbound and outbound) and watch for sophisticated new phishing attacks.
[ { "id": 26173, "label": "location", "start_offset": 66, "end_offset": 69 }, { "id": 26174, "label": "location", "start_offset": 80, "end_offset": 83 }, { "id": 26175, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 112, "end_offset": 120 } ]
We terminated 1 blog as part of our investigation into coordinated influence operations linked to Argentina.
Data transferring
We were able to analyze 2,151 packets that triggered the signature and observed both vulnerability scanning activity and active exploitation attempts.
The mtd_data_t structure The data is read to this structure.
The registrant information associated with the website hosting the malware is a domain reseller.
As a member of the Microsoft Active Protections Program (MAPP) program, Palo Alto Networks received early details of the vulnerability, providing greater understanding of the threat, which helps us implement strong product coverage.
[ { "id": 46378, "label": "identity", "start_offset": 19, "end_offset": 62 }, { "id": 44876, "label": "identity", "start_offset": 72, "end_offset": 90 } ]
For users, Android provides safety and control over how apps and third parties can access the data from their devices.
[ { "id": 50316, "label": "SOFTWARE", "start_offset": 11, "end_offset": 18 } ]
It uses the icon for a Word document file as a disguise, attempting to pass itself off as a legitimate document file.
The malicious actor can connect to the relevant RTMP address to watch the streaming.
Robots are a particular risk—not only because so much of modern manufacturing relies on them, but also because many of these machines rely on legacy technology dating back decades.
However, he had to heavily redact this information due to an agreement between himself and Microsoft.
[ { "id": 45122, "label": "identity", "start_offset": 91, "end_offset": 100 } ]
The four critical vulnerabilities discovered by security researchers from Wiz include one unauthenticated remote code execution (RCE) and three privilege escalation vulnerabilities. Dubbed OMIGOD, the four vulnerabilities were found to directly affect Azure cloud instances using the following Azure services: Prisma Cloud Compute Defender agents can detect whether any Azure system is vulnerable to any of the four CVEs.
[ { "id": 46306, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 91, "end_offset": 135 }, { "id": 46311, "label": "SOFTWARE", "start_offset": 313, "end_offset": 342 }, { "id": 46307, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 145, "end_offset": 165 }, { "id": 46309, "label": "SOFTWARE", "start_offset": 254, "end_offset": 265 }, { "id": 46310, "label": "SOFTWARE", "start_offset": 296, "end_offset": 310 }, { "id": 46313, "label": "SOFTWARE", "start_offset": 373, "end_offset": 378 }, { "id": 46308, "label": "vulnerability", "start_offset": 191, "end_offset": 197 } ]
A packetFlag “xy” was found inside this Gh0st RAT variant This Gh0st RAT variant implements additional features for stealing QQ messenger user information, for example, a list of users on a given machine and their QQ messenger numbers.
[ { "id": 51715, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 67, "end_offset": 76 }, { "id": 51714, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 40, "end_offset": 49 } ]
Make sure you only give fobs to people that you trust.
Figure 6.
Like the Android Maikspy, it first sends a notification to its C&C server to register the device.
[ { "id": 48530, "label": "SOFTWARE", "start_offset": 9, "end_offset": 17 }, { "id": 48531, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 17, "end_offset": 24 }, { "id": 48532, "label": "Infrastucture", "start_offset": 63, "end_offset": 73 } ]
[ { "id": 445, "from_id": 48531, "to_id": 48532, "type": "beacons-to" } ]
They followed that up In July by implementing a deferred free method to solve the freeing issue of use-after-free bugs.
[ { "id": 46342, "label": "TIME", "start_offset": 25, "end_offset": 29 }, { "id": 46343, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 99, "end_offset": 113 } ]
Sign up to receive the latest news, cyber threat intelligence and research from us Please enter your email address!
Figure 13.
Indicator Removal on Host: Timestomp Credential Access T1003.001 OS Credential Dumping: LSASS Memory T1552.002
[ { "id": 50001, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 27, "end_offset": 64 }, { "id": 50002, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 65, "end_offset": 110 } ]
The language is returned to its original setting when the run is finished.
Table 1 shows the parameters that the webshell saved to the server would use for authentication and command and how many times we saw them.
Palo Alto Networks will update this Threat Brief with new information and recommendations as they become available. DEV-0537 criminal actor targeting organizations for data exfiltration and destruction A Closer Look
[ { "id": 47799, "label": "identity", "start_offset": 1, "end_offset": 19 }, { "id": 47800, "label": "threat-actor", "start_offset": 118, "end_offset": 126 } ]
In the threat actor toolkit, different types of attacks are used for different purposes: Phishing campaigns can be used like a scalpel—targeting specific groups or individuals with personalized lures that are more likely to trick them into taking action (like clicking on a malware link), while DDoS attacks are more like a hatchet—disrupting or blocking a site or a service entirely.
[ { "id": 38428, "label": "location", "start_offset": 56, "end_offset": 59 }, { "id": 38429, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 89, "end_offset": 97 }, { "id": 38430, "label": "location", "start_offset": 108, "end_offset": 111 }, { "id": 38431, "label": "location", "start_offset": 205, "end_offset": 208 }, { "id": 38432, "label": "location", "start_offset": 214, "end_offset": 220 }, { "id": 38433, "label": "location", "start_offset": 230, "end_offset": 234 }, { "id": 38434, "label": "location", "start_offset": 247, "end_offset": 253 }, { "id": 38435, "label": "location", "start_offset": 308, "end_offset": 311 } ]
Both use different samples for the multiple malware downloaded.
Malicious update files are prepared, signed with the stolen certificate, and uploaded to the attacker’s server (207[.]148[.]94[.]157).
[ { "id": 30441, "label": "location", "start_offset": 23, "end_offset": 26 }, { "id": 30442, "label": "location", "start_offset": 73, "end_offset": 76 }, { "id": 30443, "label": "IPV4", "start_offset": 112, "end_offset": 132 } ]
The encrypted USBferry malware is embedded in the loader resource section, and the loader drops it into the C:\Users\Public\Documents\Flash folder and names it flash.dat
[ { "id": 41131, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 14, "end_offset": 22 }, { "id": 41132, "label": "location", "start_offset": 66, "end_offset": 73 }, { "id": 41133, "label": "location", "start_offset": 75, "end_offset": 78 }, { "id": 41134, "label": "location", "start_offset": 147, "end_offset": 150 } ]
If you have communicated with any of these accounts or visited the actors’ blog, we suggest you review your systems for the IOCs provided below.
The following source code screenshot shows how this is implemented.
As always, we are monitoring the situation closely and will provide additional details as they become available. Sign up to receive the latest news, cyber threat intelligence and research from us Please enter your email address! Please mark, I'm not a robot! By submitting this form, you agree to our Terms of Use and acknowledge our Privacy Statement.
This technology is situated at the beginning of the supply chain as a layer that connects, controls, and monitors applications, sensors, and actuators, aimed at maintaining interoperability and fault tolerance.
Here is a timeline of when the C&C server’s IP addresses were first used, based on our monitoring: Figure 6: Timeline of the C&C server’s IP addresses C&C Servers
This has more in common with the Heartbleed event of 2014.
[ { "id": 48254, "label": "vulnerability", "start_offset": 33, "end_offset": 43 }, { "id": 48255, "label": "TIME", "start_offset": 53, "end_offset": 57 } ]
The earliest activity we tracked on the GitHub account was from August 17, 2016, with the most recent in March 12, 2017.
[ { "id": 48442, "label": "TIME", "start_offset": 64, "end_offset": 79 }, { "id": 48443, "label": "TIME", "start_offset": 105, "end_offset": 119 }, { "id": 48441, "label": "SOFTWARE", "start_offset": 40, "end_offset": 47 } ]
Yu Yang then pasted his shellcode that used similar methods to run arbitrary code, showing that the method Yuki Chen used is exactly the one that won Yu the $100,000 award.
[ { "id": 46910, "label": "identity", "start_offset": 0, "end_offset": 7 }, { "id": 46911, "label": "identity", "start_offset": 107, "end_offset": 116 }, { "id": 46912, "label": "identity", "start_offset": 150, "end_offset": 152 } ]
Side-Loading T1073 Uses modified legitimate DLL to load the malicious DLL Process Injection T1055 Injects the decrypted payload into svchost.exe process Exfiltration Exfiltration Over Command and Control Channel T1041
[ { "id": 42934, "label": "location", "start_offset": 53, "end_offset": 57 }, { "id": 42935, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 76, "end_offset": 93 }, { "id": 42936, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 168, "end_offset": 213 } ]
Our teams at Palo Alto Networks will continue monitoring domain squatting attacks and work to protect customers against them.
[ { "id": 45949, "label": "identity", "start_offset": 13, "end_offset": 31 }, { "id": 45950, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 57, "end_offset": 81 } ]
But the last layer is the main backdoor body.
Normal PAN-OS maintenance release updates will provide a fix for the vulnerability.
[ { "id": 47992, "label": "SOFTWARE", "start_offset": 7, "end_offset": 13 } ]
Detailed solutions can be found in our knowledge base article on DarkSide ransomware.
[ { "id": 43290, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 65, "end_offset": 73 } ]
While analyzing the technical details of this malware, which includes two new espionage backdoors, we noticed striking similarities to other malware attributed to the threat actor known as APT37, also known as Reaper or Group 123.
[ { "id": 48781, "label": "threat-actor", "start_offset": 188, "end_offset": 194 }, { "id": 48782, "label": "threat-actor", "start_offset": 210, "end_offset": 217 }, { "id": 48783, "label": "threat-actor", "start_offset": 220, "end_offset": 229 } ]
[ { "id": 461, "from_id": 48781, "to_id": 48782, "type": "duplicate-of" }, { "id": 462, "from_id": 48781, "to_id": 48783, "type": "duplicate-of" } ]
Both StealthMutant and StealthVector contain a payload of either the Cobalt Strike beacon or ScrambleCross, a newly discovered backdoor.
[ { "id": 47445, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 5, "end_offset": 18 }, { "id": 47448, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 93, "end_offset": 106 }, { "id": 47446, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 23, "end_offset": 36 }, { "id": 47447, "label": "tools", "start_offset": 69, "end_offset": 82 } ]
[ { "id": 326, "from_id": 47446, "to_id": 47447, "type": "uses" }, { "id": 327, "from_id": 47446, "to_id": 47448, "type": "uses" }, { "id": 328, "from_id": 47445, "to_id": 47447, "type": "uses" }, { "id": 329, "from_id": 47445, "to_id": 47448, "type": "uses" } ]
Virlock has the largest number of variants due to its file-infector-like behavior.
[ { "id": 46145, "label": "attack-pattern", "start_offset": 54, "end_offset": 81 }, { "id": 44760, "label": "malware", "start_offset": 0, "end_offset": 7 } ]
[ { "id": 159, "from_id": 44760, "to_id": 46145, "type": "uses" } ]