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|**Residence**|[[Diggen's Point|Diggen's Point]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Tress of the Emerald Sea*|
**Gret** is a citizen of [[Diggen's Point|Diggen's Point]] on [[Lumar|Lumar]]. She assists [[Tress|Tress]] in escaping the Rock.
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 History
2.1 Diggen's Point and Tress' Escape
2.2 Tress' Return
3 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
Gret is a young, raven-haired woman. She is slight and small enough to fit comfortably in an ale barrel, and still have room to insulate the inside with feathers.
## History
### Diggen's Point and Tress' Escape
Gret, like most residents of [[Diggen's Point|Diggen's Point]], lived on the Rock for most of her life. Similar to those that lived there with her, she was not allowed to leave.
She took part in the plan to help [[Tress|Tress]] escape aboard the *Oot's Dream* by hiding herself in an ale barrel full of feathers to muffle her breathing and subsequently allowing herself to be discovered by the [[Inspector|inspector]]. The inspector loudly declared that Gret's betrayal would be reported to the [[Verdant King|Verdant King]]. However, she; along with [[Brick|Brick]], [[Gremmy|Gremmy]], and her father [[Sor|Sor]], knew this to be a ruse, for the inspector was actually Tress in disguise. By the time Tress had boarded the *Oot's Dream* and sailed off, Gret had quietly slipped away. The only people to know of her involvement were Tress, Gremmy, Brick, and her father.
### Tress' Return
Tress returned to Diggen's Point as captain of the *Two Cups*, but only for long enough to deliver the king's new instructions, along with several other letters, and retrieve her family. During her return, she took special care to thank Gremmy, Brick, Gret, and Sor for their assistance in helping her initially escape the Rock.
| Gret |
|**Night's Sorrow**|
|**Homeworld**|[[Earth (Reckoners)|Earth (Reckoners)]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Steelheart*|
**Night's Sorrow** is an [[Epic|Epic]].
Along with [[Steelheart (Epic)|Steelheart]] and [[Obliteration|Obliteration]], she is among the most feared and probably most tyrannical of the Epics. Night's Sorrow destroyed Oregon. Almost no one has ever seen her.
Night's Sorrow was still dominant slightly before [[Calamity (Epic)|Calamity's]] defeat, and [[Edmund Sense|Edmund Sense]] threatened to join himself to her.
| Nights Sorrow |
**Velf** is a city on the border of [[Geant|Geant]] and [[Svorden|Svorden]] in northeastern [[Sycla|Sycla]] on [[Sel|Sel]]. In a [[Fjordell|Fjordell]] map of the region, it is the only labeled city within Geant, suggesting that it is the nation's capital.
| Velf |
|**Abilities**|[[Nahel bond|Nahel bond]], [[Truthwatcher|Truthwatcher]] magic, [[Splinter|Splinter]] of [[Honor|Honor]] and [[Cultivation|Cultivation]]|
|**Bonded With**|[[Dyel's mother|Dyel's mother]], [[Ym|Ym]] |
|**Introduced In**|*Words of Radiance*|
This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Words of Radiance* and *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
**Uma** is a [[Mistspren|mistspren]] bonded to [[Dyel's mother|Dyel's mother]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]].
## Appearance and Personality
In the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]], Uma appears as a collection of lights like those scattered by a prism.
## History
When the daughter of her [[Knights Radiant|Radiant]] mistook [[Baon|Baon]] for [[Nale|Nale]], she cleared it up. Soon after, Dyel's mother was called on the Iriali Long Trail, and Uma was uncertain if she would be able to follow.
| Uma |
|by Heatherly |
|**World of Origin**|[[Cambri|Cambri]]|
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Cytonic*, *Evershore*, and *Defiant*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
The **taynix** are a species of slugs with [[Cytonics|cytonic]] abilities.
## Contents
1 Appearance and Anatomy
2 Behavior
3 Ecology
4 Uses
4.1 Hyperslugs
4.2 Boomslugs
4.3 Inhibitor slugs
4.4 Commslugs
4.5 Rainbow Taynix
4.6 Other Types
5 History
6 Notable Taynix
7 Notes
## Appearance and Anatomy
Taynix are somewhat blobby, and about the size of a loaf of bread, but flatter. The hyperslugs have bright yellow skin and small, blue, somewhat stiff spines along their backs, though there may be coloration differences between individuals. The boomslugs are similar, but have red skin, black spines, and black stripes. The commslugs are purple with orange spines. Another slug with the ability to inhibit cytonics is blue with lime green markings. They are not slimy to the touch, feeling tough like leather, but with a soft, springy consistency. While they do not have eyes or any components of a face, they can still perceive their environment, probably through sound and scent, or possibly cytonically.
## Behavior
Taynix are able to make fluting and trilling noises with their spines using different tones, and sometimes do so to express emotion. They are capable of recreating a wide variety of sounds, as they often parrot words said to them, as well as other sounds like grunts, groans, and whistles. They are of above animal intelligence, and Doomslug occasionally corrects [[Spensa|Spensa's]] grammar. Taynix can also give off a cytonically detectable sound that is similar to soft music. This sound, while only perceptible to cytonics, can be used to find out their location over long distances.
Taynix can move by crawling, though hyperslugs can teleport to get around. Taynix are able to handle heavy gravitational forces, responding by going rigid and hunkering down, though they do not seem to enjoy the experience.
Taynix are also very compassionate and kind. After Spensa showed them how she saw the delvers, the various Taynix around reacted with love and support.. While on her secret mission to the Harkil supply depot, Spensa communicated cytonically with a commslug who believed that it could not be saved. Despite that, the slug sent her message as desired, and only after the message was sent asked Spensa to rescue two inhibitor slugs and two hyperslugs from the facility. The same slug also gave Spensa comfort when she was imprisoned by Brade and Winzik.
## Ecology
According to the [[Superiority|Superiority]], the taynix are originally from the planet [[Cambri|Cambri]], though they have since migrated to other planets. They have been found on [[Detritus|Detritus]] and the [[Kitsen homeworld|kitsen homeworld]]. Little is known about their natural living conditions, except that their diet consists mostly of fungi. Consequently, they are often found near such organisms. They also enjoy eating mushrooms.
In captivity, a taynix could survive with poor living conditions. The Superiority kept them alive but miserable in a box with occasional food and water.
According to Doomslug, reality ashes are in truth their poop from feasting on the radiation of the nowhere.
## Uses
Taynix have various different [[Cytonics|cytonic]] abilities, with the specific one depending on their species and indicated by their color.
### Hyperslugs
by [[Isaac Stewart|Isaac Stewart]]
Hyperslugs, which are yellow with blue spines, have the innate [[Cytonics|cytonic]] ability to travel through the dimension of the [[Delver|delvers]]. They are used by the Superiority as hyperdrives since they do not risk drawing the delvers into the universe. To do so, a cage containing the taynix is inserted into a Superiority hyperdrive. During a hyperjump, the hyperslug produces a [[Cytonics|cytonic]] scream, which distracts the delvers from the passing ship. This scream is apparently only perceptible for beings with cytonic abilities. Cytonics onboard can, intentionally or unintentionally, interfere with the ship's hyperjump process and cause a malfunction, which is usually resolved by replacing the taynix in use with a new one. Engineers can be reluctant to swap in a fresh taynix, though, because doing so leads to a lot of paperwork.
### Boomslugs
Boomslugs, which are red and black, have an ability that greatly resembles a [[Mindblade|mindblade]]. When thinking of a delver or else threatened, they send out a powerful force in all directions that is capable of injuring humans. Their attack inflicts a score of shallow cuts on whatever is threatening them. They are generally left alone, due to the danger of mishandling one and setting it off. They can also be used as a sort of "ammo" in powerful hyperweapons like the one on [[Wandering Leaf|Wandering Leaf]].
by Colonel Popcorn
### Inhibitor slugs
Inhibitor slugs are blue and green Taynix. FM found this fourth variety of taynix aboard a Superiority ship on [[ReDawn (planet)|ReDawn]]. They are used as cytonic inhibitors, enabling them to create a large invisible bubble in which cytonic abilities are prevented from being used. Using one’s abilities within this bubble requires a cytonic key, which is likely only known at first by the one who initially interfaced with the taynix.
### Commslugs
Commslugs, which are purple and orange, have the ability to communicate cytonically. This communication can be received by traditional technology, however, as [[Platform Prime|Platform Prime]] was able to receive [[Cuna|Cuna's]] cytonic transmission without needing a commslug. They are also capable of sending double signals.
### Rainbow Taynix
This variety of taynix has spines that faded between different colors of the rainbow. They are able to create illusions, which they use to alter their own appearance.
### Other Types
Rig and Jorgen discovered several new types of taynix on Detritus. There are wrinkled grey ones with black and white spines, taynix that are blackish that shine with an iridescent blue sheen, and slugs that are smaller than the others, that are teal colored with pink spines. The abilities of these taynix are all unknown.
## History
Prior to the rise of the Superiority, humans were likely aware of the cytonic powers of the taynix; Commander [[Spears|Spears']] order to [[M-Bot|M-Bot]] to look for mushrooms was likely because he was trying to find a taynix to power his cytonic hyperdrive.
In order to cover up the taynix's role in cytonic hyperdrives and maintain a monopoly over FTL travel across the galaxy, the Superiority claimed the taynix were highly venomous invasive species. The Superiority also sent out teams to exterminate taynix that in reality were presumably collecting the taynix in order to power their hyperdrives.
During her exploration of the Detritus caves, Spensa found a taynix which she nicknamed [[Doomslug|Doomslug]] and kept as a pet.
Immediately before the invasion of Detritus, [[Jorgen|Jorgen]] found a colony of several hundred taynix deep in the caves of Detritus.
## Notable Taynix
For a full list see, see :Category:Taynix.
| Taynix |
|**Homeworld**|[[Evershore (planet)|Evershore]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Evershore*|
>“*I am Adi, director of the senate. It is my job to ensure that the proceedings progress in an orderly fashion. You will not speak unless you are asked a direct question.*”
\-Adi to Jorgen, FM, and Alanik[1]
**Adi** is the director of the [[Kitsen|kitsen]] senate. When speaking before the senate, she rides on a small hovering saucer with a low wall around it, with a microphone attached to it.
## History
The kitsen senate held a meeting to discuss what to do with the human visitors, who had proposed an alliance. The kitsen [[Goro|Goro]] wanted to have his champion duel one of the humans to the death. She moderated the discussion impartially, and gave [[Kauri|Kauri]] and [[Goro|Goro]] the floor.
>“*Order! The house will come to order!*”
\-Adi after Jorgen caused chaos with his mindblades[1]
After some discussion, she allowed Kauri to bring up a witness, [[Jorgen Weight|Jorgen Weight]]. After Jorgen spoke, she allowed the Senate members to speak, floating her microphone to senate members one by one. When Jorgen inadvertently lashed mindblades during the discussion, one of which hit Adi’s platform, chipping it and causing it to dip wildly. She demanded that everyone come to order, but with little use.
| Adi |
|**Born**|c. 1148|
|**Introduced In**|*The Way of Kings*|
**Sani** is a girl from [[Hearthstone|Hearthstone]] in [[Alethkar|Alethkar]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]].
## Appearance and Personality
She is a beautiful [[Darkeyed|darkeyed]] girl with pure black hair. After suffering an injury, she only has four fingers on her left hand.
## History
Around the year 1163, when she was fifteen years old, Sani suffered a serious hand injury. She was treated by [[Lirin|Lirin]] and a ten-year-old [[Kaladin|Kaladin]], who was in training to be a surgeon. Kaladin showed up late and Lirin had already anesthetized Sani with [[Winterwort|winterwort]], putting her to sleep while they worked on her hand. Sani's injury was to her safehand and she was only dressed in a shift, but Kaladin did not care, unlike some of his friends. He tried to stay calm and focused.
Sani's injury was not life-threatening, but her hand was mangled; her broken fingers had not been set properly, and the wound was poorly cleaned and bandaged. Lirin was proud that Kaladin correctly discerned that one of the fingers, which had a compound fracture, would need to be removed. Lirin amputated Sani's finger, set the other broken fingers with splints, sutured the wound, and disinfected her hand with [[Lister's oil|lister's oil]]. Kaladin noted that her family would probably be angry at Lirin since he could not save the finger, even though there was nothing he could have done. However, they would still make a donation that would help his parents buy food.
| Sani |
|**Introduced In**|*Mistborn: The Final Empire*|
This article is about a character from [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. For a [[Roshar|Rosharan]] plant, see [[Shum (plant)|Shum (plant)]].
**Shum** is a young [[Skaa|skaa]] from the [[Tresting plantation|Tresting plantation]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]].
He helps [[Mennis|Mennis]] around the morning after [[Kelsier|Kelsier's]] visit to the plantation, where Kelsier burns the manor house and kills all the nobles and staff there.
| Shum |
|by Ben McSweeney |
|**Spouse**|[[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]]|
|**Born**|Third Generation|
|**Died**|Suicide, 342 [[Catacendre|PC]]|
|**Aliases**|Bleeder, [[Lessie|Lessie]], [[Replar Innate|Replar Innate]]|
|**Introduced In**|*The Alloy of Law*|
>“*They dress in painted sequins. They drink wine. They laugh, and smile, and play, and dance, and eat, and quietly kill. All part of Harmony's plan. All actors on a stage. That's what you are too, Waxillium Ladrian. It's what all men are.*”
\-Bleeder speaking in Wax's head for the first time.[2]
**Paalm** was a female [[Kandra|kandra]] of the Third Generation. She was an agent of Harmony sent to protect [[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]] in the [[Roughs|Roughs]], under the guise of a human woman, **Lessie**.
Sometime after Lessie's supposed death, she chose to remove one of her [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic spikes]]. She used only a single spike at a time to avoid being under [[Harmony|Harmony's]] influence. She used spikes of [[Trellium|a metal unknown even to Harmony]] to grant herself [[Allomantic|Allomantic]] and [[Feruchemical|Feruchemical]] powers. During that time she went by the alias **Bleeder**. She colluded with the [[Set|Set]] to execute a plot to free [[Elendel|Elendel]] from Harmony's influence.
She ultimately committed suicide to avoid being taken control of by Harmony after she was shot by Wax with a second Hemalurgic spike.
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 Abilities
3 History
3.1 The Final Empire
3.2 Lessie
3.3 Bleeder
4 Trivia
5 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
Images of Paalm
Lessie portrait
Paalm as depicted in the *Mistborn Adventure Game*
*The Lawman and the Kandra*
Bleeder on the cover of *Shadows of Self* Graphic Audio adaptation
## Abilities
As a Kandra of the Third Generation, Paalm excels at creating bodies. Her considerable expertise comes from her history of service to the Lord Ruler, and the time she spent crushing entire kingdoms and rebellions for him. She also knows a great deal about Hemalurgy, having learned how to grant herself Allomantic and Feruchemical abilities with spikes of [[Trellium|Trellium]]. She is proficient at using her stolen abilities, although she seems to prefer Feruchemical [[Steel|steel]]. She knows how to create at least one new kind of Hemalurgic construct using only a single spike in the creation. She is able to hide herself from Harmony's sight by spiking herself with a [[Trellium|Trellium]] spike.
## History
### The Final Empire
As per the agreement between the Kandra and the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler]] Paalm was to serve him directly. While under his control she was almost constantly sent on missions and was used to stop rebellions and topple kingdoms, some other Kandra even speculated that she had pretended to be an [[Inquisitor|Inquisitor]] at one stage. Due to her work she did not often visit the homeland and it was suggested that she became familiar with the workings of Hemalurgy. Her loyalty lasted until the [[Final Ascension|Final Ascension]] where it then switched to [[Harmony|Harmony]], again to the point of fanaticism.
### Lessie
While grooming [[Wax|Wax]] to become his sword, Harmony decided that he required a bodyguard. Paalm showed herself to be enthusiastic for the role and Harmony agreed to send her, thinking that the pair would help each other greatly out in the [[Roughs|Roughs]].
Wax first encountered Paalm, disguised as 'Lessie' at The Weeping Bull, where she was disguised as a dancer. Wax formally met her during their second encounter while hunting [[Granite Joe|Granite Joe]]. She claimed to be hunting him as well but was actually in Granite Joe's employ. Lessie seemingly had a change of heart when Wax told her that he still thought her legs were pretty, and she shot Granite Joe in the neck with her crossbow, killing him. After this time, Lessie became a law-woman alongside Wax and Wayne. Originally the role was meant to have no romantic nature to it but Paalm suggested to add that element to their relationship with Harmony agreeing. The two eventually married with a simple [[Pathian|Pathian]] ceremony, while being chased by a mob on horseback.
When the time approached for Wax to move back to [[Elendel|Elendel]] Paalm resisted the move deciding that Wax was too happy in the Roughs to move, even with the idea that she could acommpany him to Elendel. While hunting [[Bloody Tan|Bloody Tan]] in his lair in the town of [[Feltrel|Feltrel]], 'Lessie' and Wax split up. At some point, she was taken hostage. Wax attempted to shoot Bloody Tan, who was using 'Lessie' as a human shield, but he pulled her into the path of Wax's bullet, making her take the shot to the head and seemingly killing her. As part of Harmony's plan, Wax moved back to Elendel, and Paalm's time as Lessie was over. Some time afterward, she went on a murderous rampage and broke free of Harmony's influence, disobeying her contract with him.
### Bleeder
by Ingvild Schage Wax holding Paalm as she died
>“*She doesn't just kill. She Ruins.*”
\-TenSoon talking to Wax about Paalm
Paalm took the name Bleeder and set about a plan to free the people of Elendel from Harmony's influence. At some point, she allied with the Set to achieve her goals and learned how to steal abilities with Trellium. She killed [[Idashwy|Idashwy]] with a spike to steal her Feruchemical power and killed Governor [[Replar Innate|Replar Innate]] and then impersonated them. She also impersonated a man named [[Johnst|Johnst]] who blew up a dam, causing food shortages and economic instability.
Using her newly acquired power and appearance, Bleeder disrupted [[Winsting Innate's auction|Winsting Innate's auction]] for his Senate vote, firing several shots at the guests to get them to begin attacking one another. She then entered Winsting's saferoom ahead of him; murdering him inside and cutting out his tongue in a symbolic gesture, removing Harmony's voice. As she left, she killed his bodyguards outside the saferoom.
Around the same time, she impersonated [[Larskpur|Larskpur]] and killed [[Father Bin|Father Bin]] inside a church by driving spikes into his eyes—another symbolic gesture, removing Harmony's eyes—to turn the [[Church of the Survivor|Survivorists]] against [[The Path|the Pathians]]. When the people grew aggressive, she exposed the Kandra who attempted to calm the violence and pushed harder for violent rebellion against Innate. Exposing the Kandra was symbolic for deafening Harmony, as they were his ears.
When Wax confronted her, she attempted to flee by use of a spike granting herself Allomantic steel. Wax gave chase, stopping her at the [[Eastbridge|Eastbridge]]. In that confrontation, Bleeder attempted to convince him that she was Lessie, finally succeeding when he shot her with his Pathian earring, reforged as a bullet. Before Harmony could fully take control of her, she committed suicide. After death, she asked Harmony to look after Wax.
Wax later gave her spikes to the kandra.
## Trivia
The name "Bleeder" is possibly derived from the doctors of antiquity, who would force patients to bleed profusely, in an effort to purge sickness and disease. This is comparable to Paalm's actions in *Shadows of Self* in which she causes great harm to Wax, and the Basin, to cleanse them of Harmony's control.
According to Brandon, writing her character was "probably the darkest I've gone in one of my books, ... but it was also somewhere I hadn't explored before, and so it was really interesting to me.".
| Paalm |
|by stinkypanda |
|**Abilities**|[[Nahel bond|Nahel bond]], [[Windrunner|Windrunner]] magic, [[Splinter|Splinter]] of [[Honor|Honor]]|
|**Bonded With**|[[Kaladin|Kaladin]], [[Relador|Relador]] |
|**Titles**|Ancient Daughter|
|**Introduced In**|*The Way of Kings*|
This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
This page is part of the December 2024 objectives!It has been claimed by User: GeoMantrix, please contact them before doing edits.
>“*I bind things, Kaladin. I am honorspren. Spirit of oaths. Of promises. And of nobility.*”
\-Sylphrena speaks to Kaladin about her nature[1]
**Sylphrena**, or **Syl**, is an [[Honorspren|honorspren]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]] who has [[Nahel bond|Nahel bonded]] [[Kaladin|Kaladin]]. A [[Splinter|splinter]] of [[Honor|Honor]], she was created by the [[Stormfather|Stormfather]] and is referred to among her kinsmen as the **Ancient Daughter**. She was bonded to [[Relador|Relador]] prior to the [[Recreance|Recreance]].
Syl defies the wishes of both the Stormfather and the other honorspren when she decides to search for another worthy human to bond. Once bonded to Kaladin, she discovers anew what it is to be the [[Spren|spren]] of a [[Knights Radiant|Knight Radiant]], with the awakening of her mind attendant to that position. Kaladin struggles at times with the oaths required by their bond, and for a time his conflicting oaths and the confusion in his mind regarding what is honorable nearly kills Syl. However, Syl helps him through such times and eagerly explores the powers of a [[Windrunner|Windrunner]] with him so they can use them to their fullest. The bond with Kaladin becomes so integral a part of Sylphrena that a large part of her motivation is seeking to understand and help him.
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
1.1 Appearance
1.2 Personality
2 Abilities and Attributes
2.1 Nahel Bond
3 History
3.1 Creation and Early Life
3.2 Forming a Bond (1168 - 1173)
3.2.1 Meeting Kaladin
3.2.2 Bridge Four
3.2.3 Training a Windrunner
3.2.4 Near-Death and Return
3.3 The True Desolation (1174)
3.3.1 Hearthstone and Kholinar
3.3.2 Journey Through Shadesmar
3.4 Invasion of Urithiru (1175)
3.4.1 Evacuation of Hearthstone
3.4.2 Surgeon's Assistant
3.4.3 Invasion
3.4.4 Nodes
3.4.5 Recovering Urithiru
3.5 Lead up to the contest of Champions 1175
3.5.1 Day One
4 Relationships
4.1 Kaladin
4.2 The Stormfather
4.3 Relador
5 Trivia
6 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
by Audrey Hotte
### Appearance
For more images, see [[Sylphrena/Gallery|/Gallery]].
In the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]], Syl can take on a variety of appearances, including a ribbon of light, a flurry of leaves, flame, or a small cloud. However, she prefers the form of a young woman about a handspan tall, with an angular face and flowing hair that fades into mist behind her head. She usually wears a long, flowing dress, of a girlish cut. She will often augment it with various other articles of clothing, like a cap, a jacket or an umbrella, or swap it out for similar attire, like a [[Havah|havah]] with a [[Safehand|safehand]]. Regardless of her clothing, however, she always goes barefoot. In any form she takes, her entire form has a uniform, blue-white color, and glows with faint blue light. While [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] and [[Lunamor|Lunamor]] can always see her, to others, she's invisible unless she wills herself to be seen. As Kaladin and Syl's bond grows stronger, Syl is able to manifest her clothes in varying shades of blue; while she can even change her clothing to other colors, she is not able to change the color of her "skin."
Syl is also able to appear as a shape-shifting [[Shardblade|Shardblade]]. She occasionally appears as a sword or shield, but most often manifests as a spear. Common between all these forms are a physical makeup of glowing, silvery metal and glyphs engraved on the surface. As a Shardspear, the glyphs are swirling ones engraved along the spearhead. She is able to appear in varying lengths, but typically appears with a cylindrical grip, unadorned save for a foot long helical swirl of metal right before the tip. The spearhead has a single serration at the base where it connects to the grip. As a Shardblade, Syl typically appears sleek and beautiful, with a Windrunner glyph centered on the blade. Lines running off the glyph towards the hilt are reminiscent of her hair.
In [[Shadesmar|Shadesmar]], Syl is incapable of changing forms or of becoming invisible. There, she is human-sized, looking like a pretty girl with blue-white skin. She wears a dress but, like with her Physical Realm form, she is barefoot. This being said, while she is humanoid, she does not share human biology -- her eyes are decorative rather than functional, and she sees the world in the same way spren without human features, like the [[Cryptic|Cryptics]], do.
by clarinking
### Personality
>“*I know this because I am intelligent and articulate. You should compliment me now.*”
Syl is generally cheerful and mischievous, often making jokes and playing pranks on those around her. She's highly irreverent, and can be forgetful at times. She's unflinchingly optimistic, always trying to see the best in people, and always believing that there's something good waiting in the future. She does have a bit of a prideful streak, although she often plays it for laughs, calling herself a "tiny piece of god" and trying to trick [[Lunamor|Lunamor]] into building a shrine for her. She's constantly curious about the world around her, particularly about people and how they look and act, often using her invisibility to spy on them at an uncomfortably close distance. She has little sense of propriety in this regard -- at some point, she even sneaks in to observe people being intimate with each other.
She has a very strict code of ethics, despising deception and lies, although she eventually becomes more willing to be cunning. Syl believes that being a [[Windrunner|Windrunner]] is not about finding justice, and that the use of their power is only justified when protecting others. She can be very assertive and even angry when she perceive someone as acting in a wrong manner. However, she also believes in the "us versus them" duality in the war against [[Odium|Odium]], and becomes uneasy and confused when the lines grow blurry. She can be rather forceful in her attempts to do what she thinks is right, even when it could hurt the emotions of others. She despises people who wield dead [[Shardblade|Shardblades]].
Syl is particularly focused on keeping [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] in a healthy mental state. She always tries to push him to keep going even when he's at his worst, and encourages him to let himself be happy. When he's in the depths of depression, she looks after him and tries to comfort him, often acting like his sounding board when he's unwilling to speak to others. However, while her efforts are always well-meaning, she can sometimes try and force him to act her way, even when he's perfectly capable of disagreeing. Eventually she turns her efforts towards her desire to understand Kaladin's feelings. After she asks [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] to help her, the [[Connection|Connection]] that results brings back Syl's past and causes her to sink into bouts of both grief and the depression naturally attendant to it. This gloominess is exacerbated by the corruption in the tower at the time but persists after the tower's functionality is restored.
## Abilities and Attributes
by Antti Hakosaari As a Shardspear
Like other larger spren, Syl can change her form and choose who to show herself to, making her an excellent spy. She can float or fly through the air, as well as walk sideways, and is particularly good at finding things. She can also use [[Adhesion|Adhesion]] to stick things together. She generally uses this to play pranks on people, though she has also applied this ability to assist people. She is capable of giving small "pinches of energy." She's also, like all [[Honorspren|honorspren]], able to sense an oncoming [[Highstorm|highstorm]] days prior.
### Nahel Bond
>“*I'm behind what is happening to you. I'm doing it. It's both of us. But without me, nothing would be changing in you. I'm... taking something from you. And giving something in return.*”
\-Syl to Kaladin[9]
As an honorspren, Syl has the capacity to bond with people, gaining higher sentience in the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]] in exchange for granting her partner -- currently [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] -- [[Windrunner|Windrunner]] abilities, including the [[Surge|Surges]] of Adhesion and [[Gravitation|Gravitation]]. Beyond that, once her Surgebinder reaches the Third Oath, she is able to transform into a living, shape-shifting Shardblade. In this form, she's capable of communicating with [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] telepathically.
However, there is a downside to this bond. When Kaladin strays from his Oaths and break them, Syl begins to lose her higher mental functions, to the point where she essentially dies. However, she is brought back once Kaladin returns to the path of the Windrunner and swears the Third Oath.
Syl also protects Kaladin from the [[Thrill|Thrill]].
## History
### Creation and Early Life
>“*Sylphrena is both old and young. Old of form, but young of mind.*”
Sylphrena was born some time before the [[Day of Recreance|Day of Recreance]]. She was created by the [[Stormfather|Stormfather]] at the [[Godforge|Godforge]], and was one of the first [[Honorspren|honorspren]] to be created by the Stormfather rather than [[Honor|Honor]]. Although she was too young to form a [[Nahel bond|Nahel bond]], she did so anyway with a man named [[Relador|Relador]]. He took part in only one battle before dying, which sent Syl into a state of deep slumber. This led to everyone assuming she had passed away, but it also saved her from becoming a [[Deadeye|deadeye]] during the Recreance, as befell with so many of her siblings.
Over a thousand years later, she was found and reawakened. The Stormfather, not willing to let her come to any more harm, tasked [[Notum|Notum]] with keeping her safe in one of honorspren cities. However, she wasn't happy with staying put. Sometime around the year 1170, the winds drew her to [[Kaladin|Kaladin]], a soldier in [[Amaram|Amaram's]] army. Against the wishes of other honorspren, she ran away to bond with him. This led to her kinsmen posting a huge bounty for bringing her back to their capital, [[Lasting Integrity|Lasting Integrity]].
### Forming a Bond (1168 - 1173)
#### Meeting Kaladin
by ThomasW Syl speaking with Kaladin for the first time
>“*It seems that if you're worried about hurting people, you shouldn’t be afraid to help the bridgemen. What more could you do to them?*”
\-Encouraging Kaladin[33]
Leaving [[Shadesmar|Shadesmar]] made Syl lose most of her cognitive ability. She became mostly mindless, acting much like her cousins, [[Windspren|windspren]]. However, she didn't forget her desire to accompany Kaladin, and followed him closely throughout his time in Amaram's army, during his battle with [[Helaran Davar|Helaran Davar]], and, later, as he was a slave. Initially, she only played pranks on him, but in time his proximity began to return her mind and intelligence.
She did not speak to Kaladin until he found and kept the leaves of [[Blackbane|blackbane]], a strong poison. Kaladin was initially unwilling to respond, thinking he was going insane, but eventually gave in. From then on out, she would accompany him everywhere. During his first bridge run, she urged him to get up and move, and as he spiraled further down, beaten by the constant battles, she tried to keep up his spirits. Eventually, however, she stated that she was unable to see him in that state any longer and departed.
Reminded of how Kaladin felt hope when he found blackbane, and unaware of its purpose, Syl left to look for more of the plant. By the time she returned, Kaladin was on the verge of suicide, and she found him standing on the edge of the [[Honor Chasm|Honor Chasm]]. When she finally managed, with significant difficulty, to bring him the leaf, Kaladin was initially amused that she'd thought a poison would make him feel better. In the ensuing conversation, she managed to convince him to give life another try.
#### Bridge Four
by Ashley Coad Keeping Kaladin safe from the [[Deathspren|deathspren]]
>“*Soon you'll hardly be a spren at all. You’ll be a little translucent philosopher. We’ll have to send you off to a monastery to spend your time in deep, important thoughts.*”
\-Kaladin to Syl[55]
Though Kaladin's initial attempts to sway over [[Bridge Four|Bridge Four]] weren't very successful, Syl continued to support him. He started using her as a spy -- initially, to keep an eye on [[Gaz|Gaz]], though she eventually began looking after the other bridgemen as well. She continued to discuss various topics with Kaladin in hopes of understanding humans. It was during that time that she first noticed [[Dalinar|Dalinar]], and immediately believed him to be an honorable man, despite her partner's misgivings.
Shortly afterwards, Syl and Kaladin discovered that [[Rock|Rock]], one of the other bridgemen, could see her. From then on out, when Bridge Four was given chasm duty, she assisted both him and Kaladin in searching for valuable items. She also continued spying on [[Gaz|Gaz]].
After the catastrophe brought about by Bridge Four's side carry, Syl stayed with Kaladin when he was left out in the [[Highstorm|highstorm]] as a punishment and protected him, first by trying to hold back the storm, then by fighting off the [[Deathspren|deathspren]] attracted to him with a sword. Afterwards, she began to remember a little of her past, and though they were only vague memories, they were enough for her to be happy at hearing the First Ideal of the [[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant]] and to react with hissing at the mention of [[Odium|Odium]].
As Bridge Four continued with their chasm duty, Syl eventually revealed herself to all of them at Kaladin's urging as she continued to assist them all. As Kaladin began to notice his budding [[Surgebinding|Surgebinding]], she admitted that she was no ordinary windspren; although she still didn't remember too much, she knew her bond with Kaladin was responsible for what was happening to them both. From then on out, she encouraged Kaladin to train his abilities.
Things came to a head during the [[Battle of the Tower|Battle of the Tower]]. There, Syl manifested as a full-sized figure and remembered her true nature. She encouraged Kaladin to say the [[Immortal Words|Immortal Words]] and accompanied him during the battle. Afterwards, she pushed Kaladin further to trust Dalinar, leading to Bridge Four becoming the Kholin bodyguards.
#### Training a Windrunner
>“*Something dangerous is coming.*”
\-Upon seeing stormspren[5]
by Connor Chamberlain Syl Human Sized
Syl's respect for Dalinar only grew after he discarded [[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer]] to free the companies of [[Bridgemen|bridgemen]], and she continued to push Kaladin to trust him more. She also told Kaladin about the possibility of other Surgebinders being out there and insisted that he become what Dalinar needed, as she began to notice [[Stormspren|stormspren]], Odium's servants, out and about. When [[Amaram|Amaram]] arrived, causing Kaladin's opinion of Dalinar to drop by his association, Syl insisted that he speak with Dalinar about his experience at Amaram's hands and be frank with him; he did so, though it was seemingly to no avail.
It was around this time that Kaladin began backsliding on his oaths, causing Syl to worry about him. Nonetheless, she stuck by him and gave him a warning when [[Szeth|Szeth]] was coming to assassinate Dalinar. She also immediately recognized that Szeth was not a Surgebinder, despite his abilities. Despite her increasing knowledge, though, she was still surprised at finding out that Kaladin could heal Shardblade wounds.
Even as Kaladin's mental state continued to deteriorate, Syl still insisted that Dalinar could be trusted and that Kaladin should open up to him, especially after learning about [[Moash|Moash's]] plot to kill [[Elhokar|Elhokar]]. Eventually, after a successful training in the chasms that saw Kaladin learn how to fly, and her sharing more information about Surgebinding, he was almost convinced, but his motivation evaporated when he saw that Dalinar made Amaram the head of the new Knights Radiant. Syl still managed to convince him that things would be different during [[Adolin|Adolin's]] four-on-one duel. Unfortunately, she was wrong, and when Kaladin asked to challenge Amaram as a [[King's Boon|boon]] he was arrested.
#### Near-Death and Return
by botanicaxu Kaladin summoning Syl as a [[Shardblade|Shardblade]]
After Kaladin was arrested, Syl was disappointed and subdued. Soon, Kaladin began to abandon his Oaths in his mind, causing her to begin losing her sapience while in the Physical Realm. She became more childlike and easily distracted, losing her bond with Kaladin to the point where he could not draw upon [[Stormlight|Stormlight]]. Nonetheless, she retained enough presence of mind to remind him to say the words, and to provide him with one last breath of Stormlight when he fell into the chasms. After that, Kaladin did not see or hear her for some time, except for a distant weeping, and the Stormfather claimed she had died. An honorspren at Lasting Integrity later claimed she had *almost* died.
As Kaladin began to slowly return to his Oaths, growing wary of Moash's plan, his connection to her deepened again. Finally, he took a stand to protect [[Elhokar|Elhokar]] from the would-be assassins. Syl attempted to return to Kaladin, but the Stormfather prevented her and complained of her disobedience, revealing he had been sheltering her, in an attempt to protect her from actually dying. However, the Nahel bond had regained enough strength for her to speak in Kaladin's mind, encouraging him to say the Words. He did so, and once he swore the Third Ideal, the Stormfather could no longer prevent Syl from returning to the Physical Realm. She returned as a ribbon of light and then as a [[Shardblade|Shardblade]], and Kaladin regained his powers.
>“*Kaladin! Stretch forth thy hand!*”
\-Just before becoming a Shardblade[13]
After scaring off Moash and [[Graves|Graves]], the two set out to protect [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] from [[Szeth|Szeth]], who was attacking in the chaos of the [[Battle of Narak|Battle of Narak]]. In the ensuing fight, she showcased her ability to transform into many different weapons, culminating with Kaladin using her to slice through Szeth's wrist, breaking his tie to the [[Honorblade|Honorblade]]. After making sure that Kaladin took the Blade with him, Syl demanded -- and received -- a smile from him.
### The True Desolation (1174)
#### Hearthstone and Kholinar
by Ashley Coad Syl coming to [[Hearthstone|Hearthstone]] with Kaladin
>“*The bond isn't about what’s right and wrong, is it, Syl. It’s about what you see as right and wrong.*”
\-Kaladin speaking about fighting singers[40]
Immediately after the Battle of Narak, Syl explained to Kaladin that other Shardblades were dead spren, and that [[Honorblade|Honorblades]] were something different. A few days later, the two left for [[Hearthstone|Hearthstone]], Kaladin's hometown, to make sure that his family was safe. After they confirmed that [[Lirin|Lirin]] and [[Hesina|Hesina]]--along with the newest addition to the family, [[Oroden|Oroden]]--were fine, the journey turned into a hunt for the [[Parshmen|Parshmen]] who departed in the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]].
During that time, Syl began to worry about Kaladin's happiness, eventually growing to believe that he needed to find himself a romantic partner. Though she lightly teased him about some girls and [[Ardent|ardents]] met on the way, and revealed that she had been spying on people in their intimate moments, her true goal was to get Kaladin together with [[Shallan|Shallan]], as she believed that the [[Order of Lightweavers|Lightweaver]] was making him happy.
This fun ended when Syl and Kaladin came across a group of former Parshmen and Kaladin willingly gave himself up to see where the encounter would go. Noticing that there was a [[Voidspren|voidspren]] accompanying the group, Syl began to act like a windspren again in order to fool her. This being said, as [[Yixli|Yixli]] wasn't always present with the newly-minted [[Singer|singers]], she did have the time to discuss matters with Kaladin. During one such conversation, she admitted that she didn't know why killing singers didn't feel wrong to her when killing humans did.
by Jules Aguimatang Killing a [[Fused|Fused]] as a [[Shardblade|Shardblade]]
The two eventually departed in a [[Highstorm|highstorm]] after seeing a [[Fused|Fused]] in [[Rathalas|Rathalas]]. Once back in [[Urithiru|Urithiru]], Kaladin focused on training his squires, with Syl accompanying him. At one point, she noticed some of her old [[Honorspren|honorspren]] acquaintances, and noted that they were not very fond of her, even though they had also begun searching for bondmates.
After briefly going to [[Thaylen City|Thaylen City]] to open its [[Oathgate|Oathgate]], she and Kaladin departed for the besieged [[Kholinar|Kholinar]], accompanying [[Elhokar|Elhokar]], [[Adolin|Adolin]], Shallan and a few squires and guards. Once in the city, Syl was the first to notice the [[Sja-anat|Sja-anat]]-corrupted spren. While Kaladin was working with the [[Kholinar Wall Guard|Kholinar Wall Guard]], Syl assisted him in various minor ways. During one battle in particular, she managed to point him towards destroying a Fused [[Gemheart|gemheart]], which was the quickest way to kill it.
During the battle for [[Kholinar Palace|Kholinar Palace]], Syl accompanied Kaladin as a weapon. There, he managed to kill the voidspren toying with [[Gavinor|Gavinor]], which left her shaken by the impossibility of the deed. Still, she continued to fight, although despite everyone's best efforts, she, along with Adolin, Kaladin, Shallan, [[Pattern|Pattern]], and the Wall Guard commander, [[Azure|Azure]], ended up dropped into [[Shadesmar|Shadesmar]] after trying to unlock the Oathgate.
#### Journey Through Shadesmar
>“*You'd better catch me before I scamper away! Wow! I’m feeling capricious today. I might just vanish again, off to where nobody can find me!*”
\-Talking to the crew of Honor's Path[7]
Once in Shadesmar, Syl took on a humanoid and human-sized form and began acting more like a physical creature. Early on, her focus was on keeping Kaladin functioning in the face of his ongoing mental breakdown caused by the events of the palace battle. Eventually, he felt good enough to ask her if she could carry a message to Dalinar, and she explained that she would lose her mind if she strayed too far from him into the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]].
by cccrystalclear Trying to comfort Kaladin
During the journey south, towards a ship that could take them to [[Cultivation's Perpendicularity|Cultivation's Perpendicularity]], Syl shared some of the story of her past with Kaladin. After they got aboard the [[Reacher|Reachers']] ship, she also mentioned that honorspren like her were not well-liked among other sapient spren, though she played it off by trying to get Kaladin and Shallan together. It wasn't until the group began exploring the city of [[Celebrant|Celebrant]] that she finally revealed that there was a bounty on her head placed by her kin.
Nonetheless, the group was able to use this to their advantage. As they had to escape the Fused scouring the city, Syl noticed an honorspren ship called *Honor's Path* that was captained by her old minder, [[Notum|Notum]]. By calling the crew's attention to herself, she was able to convince them to take the group aboard and depart, although this also meant that she was taken prisoner.
During the journey, Kaladin attempted to have Syl released; he was getting closer to the Fourth Ideal, which briefly allowed her to speak directly into his mind despite not being in [[Shardblade|Shardblade]] form. Seeing Kaladin's progress as a Radiant and hearing about a Stormfather Bondsmith, Notum agreed to let them go. The entire group save for Azure departed at the shores of [[Longbrow's Straits|Longbrow's Straits]], a sliver of land in Shadesmar, and Kaladin flew them to [[Thaylen City|Thaylen City]].
Syl didn't participate directly in the fight for the [[Thaylenah|Thaylenah]] Oathgate, although she did participate in Shallan's illusory distraction. When things turned bad, she pulled Kaladin out of the sea of beads and encouraged him to say the Fourth Ideal. When he couldn't, she embraced and comforted him--just in time to see [[Honor's Perpendicularity|Honor's Perpendicularity]] open.
Crossing the Perpendicularity, Syl returned to her semi-corporeal form and accompanied Kaladin as a weapon in the [[Battle of Thaylen Field|Battle of Thaylen Field]]. After the battle, the two discussed once more the righteousness of fighting [[Singer|singers]], who were only trying to regain their home; Kaladin decided that he would still fight for humanity's survival and reassured Syl that he would not kill her, or any other sapient spren, ever again. Eventually, the two went to rescue [[Skar|Skar]] and [[Drehy|Drehy]], two of Kaladin's squires who had managed to get Gavinor out of Kholinar.
### Invasion of Urithiru (1175)
#### Evacuation of Hearthstone
>“*Grumble grumble. Get in line, men. Storming rain, ruining otherwise terrible weather. Also, I'm banning toes.*”
\-Syl making Kaladin laugh[92]
Around a year later, the [[Coalition of monarchs|coalition of monarchs]] agreed on a plan to rescue the Herdazian general [[Dieno enne Calah|Dieno enne Calah]] as well as the residents of and refugees in [[Hearthstone|Hearthstone]]. Syl and Kaladin approached the town on foot, ahead of the arrival of the *Fourth Bridge*. When they were discovered while waiting in the line of refugees, a fight with [[Lezian|Lezian]] ensued. As they had never fought a [[Fused|Fused]] with powers like his, they only very narrowly escaped. Syl, concerned for Kaladin, commented on how tired he looked immediately after the fight; Kaladin, however, didn't want to talk about how he was feeling despite Syl badgering him about getting more sleep. After getting back to town and convincing the singers there to stand down, Kaladin and Syl spoke with his family. Syl entertained [[Oroden|Oroden]] and broke the news to [[Hesina|Hesina]] that Kal and [[Lyn|Lyn]] had split up, then accompanied Kal to speak with his father until the *Fourth Bridge* arrived.
After Lyn reported an incoming group of [[Heavenly Ones|Heavenly Ones]], the Windrunners spread out and prepared to engage them. Kaladin and Syl fought [[Leshwi|Leshwi]] for a while, Syl shouting a parting insult as the Fused outpaced them. When [[Teft|Teft]] came to check on Kal, the encounter roused his suspicions that Syl had asked Bridge Four to watch out for him. He confronted her about the matter when Lyn also came to check on him after they narrowly missed another fight with Lezian, but she told him she knew it would only make his nightmares worse if she told the others about them. As they returned to the *Fourth Bridge*, Kaladin made a snide comment about [[Roshone|Roshone]] and Syl told him off for being a "stumer." They reentered the fight when Kaladin noticed [[Sigzil|Sigzil]] chasing Leshwi; after she mercifully withdrew her spear from Sigzil before he ran out of Stormlight, Kaladin took up the fight with Leshwi again. They made for a very even match, and just as they both dealt serious blows to each other, Leshwi gave Kaladin and Syl leave to go after some civilians at the manor.
Syl warned Kaladin that the setup felt like a trap designed for a Windrunner. Indeed, when one of the soldiers activated a strange [[Voidlight|Voidlight]] fabrial, Syl was forced into her form as a spren and Kaladin lost his ability to Surgebind. He managed to kill Lezian anyway, and then Syl encouraged him to go after Roshone. In the cellar, Syl warned Kal when she saw [[Moash|Moash]] behind him. In the form of a spear, she was with Kal while Moash brought up his most painful memories and tried to talk him into killing himself; Syl tried to speak to Kal, but he was to embroiled in his own emotions and couldn't hear her. They were saved when [[Renarin|Renarin]] created an illusion of Moash and chased him away. Back on the ship, Syl informed Kal that [[Laran|Laran]] had sworn the Third Ideal and suggested that he go congratulate her. Watching him withdraw into himself again, she told him she didn't know how to help him. She told him that he had been getting worse, and though he had to admit to himself that she was right, he didn't know what to do about it either.
As the Windrunners approached the Shattered Plains, Syl informed Kaladin that [[Yunfah|Yunfah]] was in the area and wished to speak with him. Syl acted as an intermediary, as the wind from flying kept Kaladin from hearing anyone except her. Yunfah was angry that Kaladin kept wanting him to bond [[Rlain|Rlain]], but Syl suggested that he keep pushing the spren. Kaladin gave him ten days to try to work with Rlain before he could look for someone else, and he reluctantly left. They landed at the new fort being built at Narak and spoke with Dalinar, to whom Syl apologized on behalf of her honorspren relatives. She remained silent, only looking on in concern as Dalinar relieved Kaladin of duty and confirming that he wasn't abandoning his oaths to think of serving the war effort in some other way. When Kaladin and the Windrunners returned to Urithiru, Syl went after Adolin. She brought him to Kaladin's room, where Adolin badgered Kal into going out with him for the evening. As they left, Kaladin thanked Syl. They went to [[Jez's Duty|Jez's Duty]], where Syl flitted around the room and enjoyed looking at the people, riding on [[Jor|Jor's]] shoulder for a while and only returning to the others briefly.
#### Surgeon's Assistant
>“*I had no idea how much I needed to see puppies until I flew by them this morning. They are the grossest things on the planet, Kaladin. They're somehow so gross that they’re cute. So cute I could have died! Except I can’t, because I’m an eternal sliver of God himself, and we have standards about things like that.*”
\-After seeing Aladar's axehound puppies[100]
After the official announcement of Kaladin's retirement, Syl went with Kaladin to the sparring grounds looking for [[Zahel|Zahel]]. They tracked him to the edge of the plateau, where he was hanging up laundry. Zahel wanted Kaladin to fight him, so Syl became a sword with dulled edges. She helped him as best she could, but they still lost; afterwards, she flew around the area as Kaladin spoke with Zahel. The day the *Fourth Bridge* arrived at the Shattered Plains, Kaladin and Syl went to meet it. They gave his parents a tour of the rooms they had spent the past week preparing for them, Syl enjoying Lirin and Hesina's banter. She excitedly showed them the different rooms and prompted Kaladin to tell Lirin that he had retired from active duty and hoped to help his father in his new clinic.
The day of one of the following [[Highstorm|highstorms]], Syl excitedly flew around Urithiru. She watched [[Cord|Cord]] cook for a while, then went to check on the sleeping Kaladin. The storm arrived, so she soared back outside and enjoyed the winds. The Stormfather, seeing that Syl had a strong desire to ask him something, spoke with her; she asked him to help her understand Kaladin's depression, but he told her that while he had the power to do what she wanted, he didn't have the ability. She sought out Dalinar next, and he helped her see that by thinking about the feelings that caused her to drift after [[Relador|Relador's]] death she might already be able to understand Kaladin's "dark brain."
by zoethatcher art Syl reading to Kaladin
The day before the embassy to the [[Honorspren|honorspren]] left, Syl went to speak with [[Adolin|Adolin]]. She told him of her fears for their mission, warning him to be disappointed. The next day, Adolin went to say goodbye to Kaladin before leaving. Syl showed up, telling Adolin that the position had been good for Kal. She gave Adolin some last minute tips on honorspren and their ideas of morality before he left.
As Kaladin continued to work in the clinic, Syl would often watch. One day his assistant led a patient in and left for the privy; after talking with [[Mil|Mil]] some, Kaladin asked [[Hawin|Hawin]] to read him some information. As she was gone, Syl went over to the book and read the requested information instead. They discussed using their powers for things other than war, then went to the balcony for a break. When [[Leyten|Leyten]] saw them and flew over to salute them, Syl became sad that the Windrunners were all going with the army to [[Azir|Azir]]. Later, she was excited to see [[Teft|Teft]] when he came to inform Kaladin that he was stepping down from active duty as well. Kaladin took Teft with him to look for [[Noril|Noril]] while Syl was on her habitual morning flight. She went and looked at some [[Axehound|axehound]] puppies of [[Aladar|Aladar's]] before catching up with them as they led Noril out of the [[Devotary of Mercy|Devotary of Mercy]]. She watched intensely as the three of them talked together.
#### Invasion
A few days later, Syl flew into Jez's Duty just ahead of [[Rlain|Rlain]]. She sat on Kaladin's shoulder while they talked about war, their search for [[Dabbid|Dabbid]], and Kaladin's new group therapy sessions. She was pleased when Kaladin admitted that his work with the others with mental illness was helping him and agreed to attend a group session himself. As [[Raboniel|Raboniel]] and her strike team began corrupting the crystal pillar far away in the basement, Syl suddenly found herself separated from Kaladin. It took her the duration of Kaladin's climb up to Lirin's clinic until she found a way to pull herself back to Kaladin with his help. She could no longer become a Blade, and when she tried to go to Navani to report on the invasion, she could only go a little ways from Kaladin before she began losing herself. She brought him news that Navani knew about what was going on and was sending out messengers, but there were more and more enemy forces arriving all the time through the Oathgates.
>“*It was a nice dream, wasn't it, Syl? That we could escape? Find peace at long last?*”
\-Kaladin just before rescuing Teft[108]
Syl accompanied Kaladin as he kept himself busy distributing supplies to the former Hearthstone residents in the wake of the failure of most of the tower's [[Fabrial|fabrials]]. She warned him that she kept seeing [[Voidspren|Voidspren]] about the tower, then started acting like a [[Windspren|windspren]] as a [[Regal|Regal]] approached him in the hallway to avert his suspicion. Syl led Kaladin to a balcony, where they spoke with Rlain. When Rlain explained his plan to go to the invading force, Syl became sad. Kaladin asked her what was wrong, but she abruptly put on a forced cheerful act. Just after a [[Alili|messenger]] delivered confirmation of Navani's surrender to Lirin's clinic, Syl entered and gave a silent warning of an enemy soldier approaching. She went back to keeping watch but had to return shortly to warn of a group of soldiers methodically checking each residence; Kaladin hid, so Syl went to eavesdrop for him. Syl and Kaladin, realizing they meant to take Teft with them, had a brief exchange acknowledging the momentous decision they were about to make before entering the room and rescuing Teft, fleeing with him into the depths of Urithiru.
Syl led Kaladin through Urithiru, going up several levels. The Pursuer tracked them down, and Syl attempted to lead him away. When he discovered the ruse, Syl zipped back to Kaladin. She asked him if they could surrender, an option which he refused. Before they could try to make it past the approaching soldiers, Syl noticed a light flashing on the floor. Kaladin quickly decided to trust it, hoisting Teft onto his shoulders; they followed the light through a hidden door, through more corridors, and up to the eleventh floor to a hidden room. Syl did some exploring while Kaladin slept. When she returned to find him awake, she explained her theory about the [[Sibling|Sibling's]] presence in Urithiru.
They went to look for supplies, Syl scouting ahead of Kaladin. As they hid from some singers, they discovered that the invading force were keeping up a pretense of normality outside the tower. They made their way to the sixth floor, where Syl went to check on Lirin and Hesina and reported to Kaladin that they looked fine. She talked Kaladin through using a [[Reverse Lashing|Reverse Lashing]] to open lanterns from a store that they found, allowing him to recover the infused gemstone inside. They continued to the [[Devotary of Mercy|Devotary of Mercy]], where Kaladin gained [[Kuno|Kuno's]] promise of future help and supplies before returning to their hideout.
>“*If we can choose, we can change. If we can't change, then choice means nothing. I’m glad I feel this way, to remind me that I haven’t always felt the same. Been the same. It means that in coming here to find another Knight Radiant, I was deciding. Not simply doing what I was made to, but doing what I wanted to.*”
\-Syl's thoughts on feeling grief[41]
#### Nodes
As Kaladin took care of Teft with their new supplies, he finally convinced Syl to open up to him about the cause of her recent melancholy moods. She explained about remembering [[Relador|Relador]], and they discussed the best way to deal with feelings of sadness and depression. Syl practiced changing colors until they were startled by a noise at the door, which turned out to be [[Dabbid|Dabbid]]. Leaving him with Teft, Syl accompanied Kaladin as he went to investigate the Oathgates. She scouted for him as he climbed the outside of the tower, and when a group of scouts began packing up their supplies, she realized they must have had a functioning [[Spanreed|spanreed]] with them. Knowing of Navani's desire to discover how the invading force had functioning [[Fabrial|fabrials]], Syl and Kaladin gave chase to the group. Having looked ahead, Syl brought Kaladin news of a spanreed hub and also pointed out to him that spren were more visible to everyone than usual because of the corruption in the tower. Deciding it was worth it to proceed despite the added danger of discovery, Kaladin came up with the idea of Syl pretending to be a Voidspren to fool the guards. She wrapped herself in red cloth and successfully distracted the guards while Kaladin snuck past. Approaching the spanreed room via a ventilation shaft, Kaladin snared some fabrials with a rope and relied on Syl to check that the hallway was clear before exiting the shaft. As Syl was preparing to distract the guards again in the guise of a Voidspren, however, the Sibling contacted Kaladin and asked for his help defending one of their nodes.
Kaladin and Syl raced for the node, guided by the Sibling's light. The Pursuer immediately engaged Kaladin, and Syl used her new trick of imitating a Voidspren to distract him for a moment, giving Kaladin a chance to get free. They managed to trap the Pursuer in a room, then returned to the node and destroyed it. After a night's rest, Kaladin was able to give Navani a report on the preceding day; he also reported to her Syl's findings from her studies of the spanreeds they had acquired. Syl determined that the spren inside were corrupted in a similar manner to [[Glys|Glys]], allowing them to operate with [[Voidlight|Voidlight]]. As Kal continued to have nightmares, Syl helped by trying to wake him. He tended to Teft after one such time, and she told him about asking Dalinar to help her understand his feelings. Dabbid came in and delivered Tomor's fabrial to them, and after a half hour Syl reminded Kaladin of his meeting with Navani. After the queen explained to him about placing the conjoined rubies, Syl accompanied him to the ninth floor to do so and then supervised as he practiced with the fabrial.
by Ari Ibarra
During another of Kaladin's nightmares, Syl attempted to wake him to tell him that the enemy had found another node in the [[Breakaway|Breakaway]]. When he finally woke, she quickly apprised him of the situation. They caught up to Dabbid, who had taken Kal's spear with the intention of dealing with the problem himself, and rushed onwards. Syl warned Kaladin of the Pursuer's approach; as he fought with the Fused, she was able to help him by turning the dial on his fabrial for him. She scouted out the location of the node, noting its position in the well. Kaladin broke away from the fight at her signal, and she guided him into the water and to the sapphire. Though Raboniel was already there and managed to injure Kaladin, he successfully destroyed the node. Syl led him upwards again, but as she shot out of the well, the Pursuer maneuvered the lid into place and weighted it with his troops. Panicking and terrified, Syl realized that Kaladin was stuck below. As Kaladin swam away, Syl likely lost her ability to stay manifested in the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]] but stayed nearby out of instinct. She entered a state similar to that after the death of Relador, but when Kaladin called out to her the next time he went near the Breakaway, she heard him and broke through back to the Physical Realm.
#### Recovering Urithiru
Kaladin explained to Syl that the enemy had found the Sibling's final node and were planning on executing the Radiants, so she accompanied him straight to the atrium. Syl flew around the struggling pair as Kaladin and the Pursuer fought. When they saw Teft's body, though, both Syl and Kaladin felt crushed by the loss. One of the Fused took off with Lirin, and the two of them followed to the top of the tower. Syl cried out to Kaladin that she had forgotten the words to the Fourth Ideal, but an unheeding Kaladin jumped from the roof. As he fell, Syl continued to weep over forgetting the words. Suddenly, however, Kaladin returned from his vision and reached out for her again. Together, they flew downwards to save Lirin and then returned to the fight in Urithiru.
>“*I'm merely ... alive. And this is part of being alive. So I’m grateful, even if part of it stinks.*”
\-Discussing her grief over Teft[42]
After the conflict, Kaladin used the Sylblade to transfer Rlain and [[Venli|Venli's]] group of rebels to the Shattered Plains, where they met up with the Fused who had taken a stand against Odium's forces. Returning to the tower with Rlain, Kaladin, Syl, and the rest of Bridge Four gave Teft and Phendorana a funeral. The group retired to [[Jez's Duty|Jez's Duty]] afterwards, but Kaladin and Syl lingered at the statue and talked about missing Teft. They joined the others at the winehouse for a few hours before going to find Dalinar to discuss their future. Syl encouraged Kaladin to ask Dalinar for permission to keep doing his work with those with mental illnesses. After granting it, Dalinar revealed to them their new time limit regarding the contest of champions. Alarmed to hear that they only had ten days, Kaladin and Syl agreed to travel to [[Shinovar|Shinovar]] to help [[Ishar|Ishar]] recover from his madness enough to help Dalinar learn about his [[Bondsmith|Bondsmith]] abilities. Dalinar gave Kaladin [[Hoid|Wit's]] [[Trailman's flute|flute]] at the conclusion of the meeting and explained how Lift had found it. Intrigued, the two of them went to the merchant shop to sort through the bins of salvage. To his absolute astonishment, Kaladin found the carved horse that [[Tien|Tien]] had just given him in his vision. He explained disjointedly to Syl about the impossibility of it showing up there, and then gathered himself enough to go to the group session he had promised to attend.
### Lead up to the contest of Champions 1175
#### Day One
## Relationships
by Marie Seeberger
### Kaladin
>“*It is my solemn and important duty to bring happiness, light, and joy into your world when you're being a dour idiot.*”
\-Syl to Kaladin[26]
Syl first begins watching [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] during his time in [[Meridas Amaram|Amaram's]] army. As she follows him during his slavery and to the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]], she develops more and more awareness. She shows her care for Kaladin early on, both when she stands before him when he is strung up in the [[Highstorm|highstorm]] and when she brings him [[Blackbane|blackbane]] leaves and talks him out of jumping at the [[Honor Chasm|Honor Chasm]]. The two of them form a [[Nahel bond|Nahel bond]], and Kaladin finally says the words to become a [[Windrunner|Windrunner]] of the Second Ideal at the [[Battle of the Tower|Battle of the Tower]] after Syl convinces him that it is the right choice to go back for the Kholin troops.
Kaladin's sense of honor becomes confused for a time when [[Moash|Moash]] talks to him about helping assassinate [[Elhokar|Elhokar]]. This causes Syl to regress closer and closer to her state like a [[Windspren|windspren]] and eventually "kills" her. When Kaladin confronts Moash with the intent of keeping him from the king, however, Syl is able to make her way back to Kaladin. They restore their bond by swearing the Third Ideal. After this experience, the two think more deeply about what makes killing right and discuss how the ethics of that question relates to their bond.
Because she wants Kaladin to be happy, Syl begins talking to him about relationships. She sees that Kaladin enjoys being around [[Shallan|Shallan]], so she tries to encourage him in that direction even though Shallan is spoken for. This idea does not pan out, as Shallan definitively chooses [[Adolin|Adolin]] during the time of the [[Battle of Thaylen Field|Battle of Thaylen Field]]. However, Syl only consults Adolin for advice next, and together they convince Kaladin to date [[Lyn|Lyn]] for a time; this relationship doesn't work out either.
Seeing that Kaladin's mood continues to worsen, Syl tries to talk to him about it but is rebuffed. The problem is exacerbated when [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] informs Kaladin of his decision to retire him from active duty. Kal crashes, and Syl goes to the only person she knows of who can pull him out of such a state: Adolin. Perplexed and desperately wanting to help Kaladin, Syl goes to Dalinar and asks him if there is anything he can do to help her understand Kal's emotions. Somehow in this encounter Dalinar [[Connection|Connects]] Syl to her past and she begins to remember and to grieve over [[Relador|Relador]]. Kaladin notices her gloomy moods, and they have the opportunity to talk more freely about how to deal with such times, Syl with more empathy and experience than ever before.
### The Stormfather
>“*You do not exist for [the humans]. You exist for you. You exist to choose.*”
\-The Stormfather to Syl[14]
Syl is one of the first [[Honorspren|honorspren]] the [[Stormfather|Stormfather]] created rather than [[Honor|Honor]]. Because she is the only one to survive the [[Recreance|Recreance]], he feels very protective of her. The Stormfather commands her return and either approves of or instigates a bounty after Syl sneaks away to bond Kaladin. This changes with time, however, as he both accepts their bond and bonds a human himself.
### Relador
>“*He went to fight, despite his age. He shouldn't have, and when he was killed, it hurt.*”
\-Syl telling Dalinar about Relador[14]
[[Relador|Relador]] is the first man Syl bonded as a [[Windrunner|Windrunner]]. He died shortly before the events of the [[Recreance|Recreance]], sending Syl into a catatonic state. Because of this, she avoided the fate of the majority of her kinsmen, who became [[Deadeye|deadeyes]]. When [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] [[Connection|Connects]] her to her past, Syl begins experiencing grief over this loss. This helps her understand Kaladin better.
## Trivia
Sylphrena is only of the only five characters who have spoken in small-caps, the other four are: [[Odium|Odium]], [[Cultivation|Cultivation]], [[Dalinar|Dalinar]], and the [[Stormfather|Stormfather]].
In an earlier version of *The Way of Kings*, Syl was named "The East Wind."
Sylphrena originally came from an unpublished Cosmere work called *Climb the Sky*.
Sylphrena's name is inspired by the word "sylph", or air spirit, and "sylphlike" can be used to describe a slender young woman, both of which fit Syl to a certain degree.
Syl was written with -like mannerisms, though it is hard to tell if she can be properly diagnosed with it because she is a spren and not human, and therefore has a different psychology.
Syl’s favorite color would be blue, but she would probably say sparkles or sequins.
| Sylphrena |
|**Lunamor's family**|
|**Parents**|[[Lunamor|Lunamor]], [[Tuaka|Tuaka]]|
|**Siblings**|[[Gift|Gift]], [[Cord|Cord]], [[Rock (junior)|Rock]], [[Star|Star]], [[Beautiful Song|Beautiful Song]]|
|**Relatives**|[[Kef'ha|Kef'ha]], [[Sinaku'a|Sinaku'a]], [[Tifi|Tifi]]|
|**Residence**|[[Horneater Peaks|The Horneater Peaks]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Oathbringer*|
**Kuma'tiki** is [[Lunamor|Lunamor's]] second daughter. She is named after a type of shell found in the [[Horneater Peaks|Horneater Peaks]].
Kuma'tiki arrived at the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]] with her family in Jes 1174 after traveling for months to meet with Lunamor, who sent them a message shortly after his arrival. Kuma'tiki's caravan was attacked by [[Voidbringer|Voidbringers]] and her family defended themselves behind a pile of furniture. During the attack a member of her family shot a Voidbringer with an [[Unkalaki|Unkalaki]] arrow. They were found by [[Bridge Four|Bridge Four]] during a patrol and taken to [[Urithiru|Urithiru]]. After settling in Urithiru, she helped her father serve food and drink to Bridge Four.
Shortly after the evacuation of the residents of [[Hearthstone|Hearthstone]], Kuma'tiki traveled back to the Peaks with most of her family, with just [[Cord|Cord]] and [[Gift|Gift]] staying behind.
| Kumatiki |
|**Region**|[[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]]|
**Wayfarer** is an underground settlement beneath [[Bilming|Bilming]] in the [[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]]. It was used to house the captured people involved in the [[Set|Set]]’s [[Community|Community]] project.
## Contents
1 Appearance
2 History
3 Notable Citizens
4 Notes
## Appearance
Wayfarer is located underground, and as such it lacks much of the things normal towns have, like grass and trees. Other then that however, it looks very similar to other towns in the Elendel Basin. The town’s houses are built around a central park. The buildings are all made of brick and clay, with no nails used in the construction. As a replacement for grass, the town has wood chips, painted green. The town is also lighted by a few floodlights located in the ceiling, ostensibly made from [[Aluminum|aluminum]]. The ‘walls’ of the town are made of one-way glass, although the citizens are unaware of this. Additionally, as part of the effort to control the citizenship, all metal was removed from the town. The town is also stuck at the technological level of 341 [[Catacendre|PC]], with the town using little electricity. Wayfarer does have a public address system though.
Along with the main area of the town, Wayfarer has an observation room, where the citizens can look at the destroyed outside world, although instead of the outside world, they are shown pictures. It also has a large mansion, supposedly the home of Gave Entrone, located on the outskirts of the town. This mansion has three floors, which makes it significantly larger then the other homes, and large picture windows on all sides. The mansion itself is mostly a front for the citizens of Wayfarer, and it contains the radio station for the town.
## History
Wayfarer was built my members of the Set during or sometime before 343 [[Catacendre|PC]]. Shortly after its construction, captured civilians, who had been lied to and were convinced that the world had ended and they had been saved, arrived in the town, where they would stay for the next five years. During this time, multiple ‘survivors’, who were actually actors hired by the Set, passed through the town, telling stories and reinforcing people’s beliefs that the world had ended. The Set also once let a ‘metal mutant’ into the town.
Although originally intended to only serve for the Community project, the town was later modified by Gave Entrone and [[Telsin Ladrian|Telsin Ladrian]] to serve as a bunker for loyalists of the Set in the event that [[Autonomy|Autonomy]] decided to begin their invasion of [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] using their [[Men of gold and red|Men of gold and red]]. During 348 [[Catacendre|PC]], [[Marasi Colms|Marasi Colms]] broke into the facility, where she would go on to confront the mayor, [[Gave Entrone|Gave]], and tell people of the Set’s hoax. After defeating him, and by an extension the rest of the Set’s presence inside the town, Colms led the civilians outside, providing proof that the Set had lied to them. It is unknown what happened to Wayfarer after this.
## Notable Citizens
[[Armal Harms|Armal Harms]]
[[Gave Entrone|Gave Entrone]]
| Wayfarer |
|**Introduced In**|*Words of Radiance*|
>“* You should not dismiss one of my theories so quickly.*”
\- Inadara to Shallan[1]
**Inadara** is a scholar and scribe on [[Roshar|Roshar]] who serves [[House Kholin|House Kholin]] during the [[Alethi|Alethi]] [[War of Reckoning|War of Reckoning]] and the beginning of the [[True Desolation|True Desolation]].
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 Attributes and Abilities
3 History
3.1 Battle of Narak
3.2 Urithiru
4 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
Inadara is an elderly [[Lighteyes|lighteyed]] woman; [[Shallan|Shallan]] describes her as wizened, reminiscent of her father's [[Ardent|ardents]]. She has short gray hair and is exceptionally thin.
She is rather severe and very set in her ways, and usually seems displeased by default. She can be overbearing and is accustomed to being in charge; even when she is not leading a project she pushes her own ideas. Although she can be terse, she is generally very professional and well-versed in the customs of the Alethi nobility.
She approaches things she does not understand, such as sapient [[Spren|spren]] and [[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant]], with a combination of suspicion and curiosity. During the advent of the True Desolation, she realizes that the world she knew has fundamentally changed; this causes her to question herself more often. She is usually unflappable, but some of the extraordinary events that occur overwhelm her.
## Attributes and Abilities
[[Adolin|Adolin]] considers Inadara to be one of the most intelligent, loyal, and trustworthy scribes that serve [[House Kholin|House Kholin]]. She is able to write in the [[Women's script|women's script]] and is experienced in the use of [[Spanreed|spanreeds]]. She displays significant knowledge on a variety of subjects, including military strategy, cartography, and architecture. She is decisive and able to effectively lead teams of scholars or scouts.
Her precise [[Dahn|dahn]] is unknown, but she is presumably one of House Kholin's highest ranking scholars other than [[Navani|Navani]]; she is carried on a palanquin during a meeting with the [[Singer|singers]].
## History
Little is known about Inadara's life before the War of Reckoning. She appeared to have made a name for herself during her youth; by the time of the [[Battle of Narak|Battle of Narak]], she was a well-known and well-respected scholar.
Inadara accompanied [[Adolin|Adolin]] when he posed as [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] and parleyed with [[Eshonai|Eshonai]] seeking a truce to end the War of Reckoning. She used a spanreed to relay the entire conversation to Navani and Dalinar so that they could provide their opinions on what Adolin should say next. Inadara received the responses and whispered their advice to Adolin.
### Battle of Narak
During the [[Battle of Narak|Battle of Narak]], she was assigned to work with [[Shallan|Shallan]] on finding and discovering the [[Oathgate|Oathgate]], and took it upon herself to command [[Lyn|Lyn]] and the other scouts assisting them. She also wanted to study [[Pattern|Pattern]], although she was influenced by [[Vorin|Vorin]] mythology and suggested that he could be a [[Voidbringer|Voidbringer]]. Pattern took offense and insulted her in return; she was taken aback, and left to join the other scholars (including [[Velat|Velat]] and [[Isasik Shulin|Isasik Shulin]]) to discuss the map of the Plains. She eventually decided to send her entire group onto the large [[Narak|Narak]] plateau, hoping to find more information there while protecting any children or elderly, per Dalinar's orders. When Shallan diverted the team to what she believed to be the Oathgate platform instead, Inadara was initially dismissive, incorrectly assuming that a location of such strategic importance wouldn't be so visible.
>“*How... how are you doing this, Brightness?*”
\-Inadara, observing Shallan's Surgebinding[4]
Inadara was one of the first people to enter the Oathgate control chamber after Shallan and [[Renarin|Renarin]] found and opened it. Inadara and her team of scholars were amazed by the chamber and immediately started studying the large mural in the floor that depicted [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] and the [[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant]]. Inadara seemed shocked, observing the chamber in awe and admitting that she no longer knew what was correct and what was wrong. She could not make sense of the inscriptions in the chamber, although she identified the language as the [[Dawnchant|Dawnchant]]. Inadara was one of the first people to notice Renarin's growing distress as he had a vision in the chamber. However, she was distressed herself by what was happening around her, including Shallan revealing herself to be a [[Surgebinder|Surgebinder]]. By the time Shallan used the Oathgate to transport everyone to Urithiru, Inadara was utterly overwhelmed.
### Urithiru
In Urithiru, Inadara regrouped and resumed her scholarly duties in service of Navani and the [[Coalition of monarchs|coalition of monarchs]]. She led one of the teams investigating the tower's architecture and systems. Her report, which she presented at one of the regular meetings of coalition scholars, included findings on the tower's defensive constructions, air filtration, and wells, along with observations about clusters of oddly shaped rooms and murals with depictions of unusual creatures.
| Inadara |
|**Kyle Walters**|
|**Profession**|President of |
|**Homeworld**|[[Earth (Legion)|Earth (Legion)]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Legion: Lies of the Beholder*|
**Kyle Walters** is the President of .
He is an older Caucasian man with flecks of grey in his beard. He is somewhat pudgy. He purchases an unnamed gaming company in order to create virtual reality prisons because of the extreme cost it took to upkeep even a single inmate($30,000-60,000); whereas doing it through his VR system costs only $10,000.
| Kyle Walters |
>“*[The Cognitive Realm] is the in-between step. After death and before ... the Beyond. The Somewhere Else. Where souls must go.*”
\-Leras explaining the relationship between the Cognitive Realm and the Beyond to Kelsier[1]
The **Beyond** is an unknown location that the people of the [[Cosmere|cosmere]] are drawn to after they die. [[Leras|Leras]] occasionally refers to the Beyond as the **Somewhere Else**. The [[One|One]] teaches that the Beyond is the same as the [[Spiritual Realm|Spiritual Realm]], though most other philosophers would disagree.
## Contents
1 Transportation
2 Shards and the Beyond
3 Known Travelers
4 Development
5 Notes
## Transportation
by Kyle Pearson [[Leras|Leras]] comforting someone before they go to the Beyond
When a person dies, their mind is transported to the [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realm]], though they are not always visible to other people in the Cognitive Realm. This includes near-sapient lifeforms like [[Ryshadium|Ryshadium]]; less sapient lifeforms may also experience this process, though they would transition very quickly and that question is a matter of debate among philosophers. For most people, this time in the Cognitive Realm is nothing more than an "in between" step, as their mind is soon pulled into the Beyond. When they go to the Beyond, they appear to stretch toward an unseen, distant point that defies geometry and has also been described as "nothingness" and "eternity." People on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] appear to turn into white mist as they stretch. Once someone transitions to the Beyond, their [[Investiture|Investiture]] returns to the [[Shard|Shards]] and the cosmere at large. The pull of the Beyond is part of why shadows point the wrong way in the Cognitive Realm.
Before someone moves on to the Beyond, their Cognitive aspect can be returned to their physical body with the proper [[Investiture|Investiture]], both by use of an Invested Art or by the act of a [[Shard|Shard]]. It is also possible to escape the pull of the Beyond by entering a [[Perpendicularity|perpendicularity]] and becoming a [[Cognitive Shadow|Cognitive Shadow]], though this method does not restore a person's ties to the Physical Realm. A Shard can also similarly Invest a Cognitive Shadow to keep it from the Beyond without returning it to the Physical Realm. Being killed by an unsheathed [[Nightblood|Nightblood]] or [[Anti-Investiture|anti-Investiture]] or consumed by [[Yelig-nar|Yelig-nar]] prevents a person's mind from being preserved, though not from reaching the Beyond. If a person was saved from the Beyond by the direct act of a Shard, the Shard may later choose to withdraw their Investiture, sending the person to the Beyond. If someone uses [[Forgery|Forgery]] to make themself die, they will not come back from the Beyond when the seal breaks, and it seems unlikely that there is any way for someone to return from the Beyond.
[[Allomancy|Allomancers]], [[Feruchemy|Feruchemists]], and people who had a [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic]] spike in life can remain in the Cognitive Realm longer before being pulled to the Beyond, while those who were the victim of a Hemalurgic spiking and less sapient lifeforms cannot remain as long. [[Sliver|Slivers]] can resist the pull of the Beyond indefinitely, though they can still choose to go and still feel the pull of the Beyond when seriously wounded. From this, it is possible to infer that the amount of Investiture a person has or had in life determines the length of time for which they can resist the pull of the Beyond.
What happens in the Beyond itself is unknown in the cosmere and is the question [[Khrissalla|Khriss]] most wants answered.
## Shards and the Beyond
While the [[Spiritual Realm|Spiritual Realm]] is not the same as the Beyond, that distinction isn't necessarily immediately obvious to [[Shard|Shards]]. It does not seem exceedingly difficult to at least grasp the basic premise, however, as [[Harmony|Harmony]] came to understand the difference within moments of [[Final Ascension|his Ascension]]. Learning information about the Beyond itself, however, is at least exceedingly difficult and may be impossible, even for Shards. Harmony, at least, still has not learned anything about it, though he considers going to it a kind of adventure. [[Ruin|Ruin]] claims that [[Mare|Mare]] "longed for Kelsier to join her in the Beyond," but it seems likely that he was simply lying to manipulate Kelsier and does not actually have knowledge of what occurs in the Beyond.
While trapped in the [[Well of Ascension|Well of Ascension]], Kelsier refers to Ruin as "the thing Beyond," but this is likely a misnomer as a Shard's power is concentrated in the Spiritual Realm.
## Known Travelers
While all people who are not Slivers must go to the Beyond when they finally die, the transitions of the following people to the Beyond have been observed:
## Development
While [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon]] initially indicated that Shards might be able to learn to access the Beyond, he has since indicated otherwise, particularly after the nature of death in the cosmere was more fully explored in *Mistborn: Secret History*. When elaborating on this, Brandon has said that he doesn't want to ever give a definite answer as to whether or not there is an afterlife in the cosmere, as he feels it is important that characters can believe either way without being canonically wrong. As a result, questions about the nature of the Beyond will be [[RAFO|RAFO'd]]. For the same reason, Brandon has also RAFO'd questions about whether there is a capital-G God in the cosmere and the relationship between the Beyond and the [[God Beyond|God Beyond]].
| Beyond |
|**Charrs Entrone**|
|**House Entrone**|
|**Descendants**|[[Valette Entrone|Valette Entrone]], [[Gave Entrone|Gave Entrone]], [[Hughes Entrone|Hughes Entrone]]|
|**Died**|1022 [[Final Empire|FE]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Mistborn: The Final Empire*|
**Charrs Entrone** was a [[Noble|noble]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] during the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]].
He was infamous for his twisted sense of pleasure, enjoying things like [[Skaa|skaa]] bloodfights. However, one night after a skaa fight, [[Kelsier|Kelsier]] murdered the drunk Charrs Entrone, and dumped the lord's corpse in [[Keep Tekiel|Keep Tekiel's]] gardens. As [[House Entrone|House Entrone]] was a major political ally of [[House Tekiel|House Tekiel]], Kelsier hoped that Charrs's death would lead Tekiel to suspect their rival, [[House Izenry|House Izenry]], but Charrs's gambling opponent had been [[Crews Geffenry|Crews Geffenry]], who was a known Mistborn. Either Tekiel could blame Izenry, or [[House Geffenry|House Geffenry]]--which had been petitioning for a stronger alliance with Tekiel. Kelsier did not care who was truly to blame, as he simply wanted the nobility to question and worry.
Later, [[Kliss|Kliss]] suggested that Geffenry murdered Charrs Entrone as to make the Tekiels worry, and make them want additional allies. [[Rene|Rene]], Kliss's date at that particular ball, thought this was unlikely. Still, Charrs' death lead to the killings of [[Ardous Geffenry|Ardous]] and [[Callins Geffenry|Callins Geffenry]] at Tekiel's hands.
## Trivia
Charrs, originally conceived as Charleir, is a cameo for a British reader of Brandon's books named Charlie who frequented the [[Timewasters Guide|Timewasters Guide]] forum.
| Charrs Entrone |
|**Battle of Evensong**|
|**Participants**|[[Defiant coalition of planets|Defiant coalition of planets]], [[Superiority|Superiority]]|
The **Battle of Evensong** is a decisive battle between the [[Superiority|Superiority]] and the [[Defiant coalition of planets|Defiant coalition of planets]] which takes place at the outpost [[Evensong|Evensong]].
## Contents
1 Background
2 Battle
2.1 Tactics at Play
2.2 The Delvers
3 Aftermath
4 Known Participants
5 Casualties
6 Notes
## Background
The DDF gained control of vital intelligence during their raid at , which is where they learned that the [[Superiority|Superiority]] held a vast number of [[Taynix|taynix]] together in one place at [[Evensong|Evensong]], their main communications hub. [[Winzik|Winzik]] began gathering forces at the outpost, a fact which convinced [[Spensa|Spensa]] that the tactical thing to do was to attack the Superiority there instead of waiting for them to attack at either [[ReDawn (planet)|ReDawn]] or [[Evershore (planet)|Evershore]]. She took her idea to Jorgen, but he forced her to wait for a unified decision. In the meantime, the Superiority opened communication with the [[Delver|delvers]] and attempted to make a deal to gain the delvers' help in defeating the Defiant coalition in exchange for destroying Spensa. As a direct result of this deal, [[Brade|Brade]] used one of the times [[Chet|Chet]] lost control of his emotions to [[Hyperjump|hyperjump]] to [[Detritus|Detritus]] and kidnap both Spensa and [[Doomslug|Doomslug]]. However, after an escape attempt by Spensa caused Winzik to distrust Brade, Winzik was about to back off and dismiss the fleet gathered at Evensong. Brade killed him to prevent that from happening and took control of the Superiority openly. The coalition having finally decided that Spensa's idea was a sound one, [[Jorgen|Jorgen]] accelerated the timeline of their attack after [[M-Bot|M-Bot]] made brief contact with Spensa and discovered that she was at Evensong.
## Battle
The Defiant coalition of planets hyperjumped Detritus to the vicinity of Evensong, and Brade immediately instructed the captains of the fleet of fighters to make the coalition fighters bring the fight to the Superiority, where they would be protected by their array of inhibitor stations. The coalition sent the *Defiant* toward the battlefield. As it advanced, Captain [[Becca Nightshade|Becca Nightshade]] broadcast a speech to the Superiority officers warning them of her intention to destroy them if they did not back down. Brade then initiated contact with Jorgen as they waited for their forces to approach each other. Jorgen informed her of their intent to free the taynix before demanding that the Superiority surrender. Brade, scornful of his openness with his enemy, ordered her staff to lock down all of the hyperslugs and confirmed that the installation shield was up.
At the outset of the battle, the Defiant coalition fielded only one flagship; multiple [[Kitsen|kitsen]] cruisers; Detritus; a "set of long-range, ultra-speed missiles," one of them modified to fit [[Hesho|Hesho]] and allow him to steer it; and around three hundred starfighters, each equipped with a [[Cytonic|cytonic]] capable of producing an inhibition field. They faced a force fielded by the Superiority composed of three carriers, two battleships, six destroyers, and a superior number of smaller ships.
### Tactics at Play
As the coalition lacked inhibitor taynix, they sent out their fighters in pairs and utilized the kitsen cytonics to protect each pair with its own little inhibition field. Brade devised tactics based on the assumption that the humans would be sentimental about protecting the *Defiant* and ordered the Superiority forces to pressure it. The coalition planned to send its fighters against the individual inhibitor stations surrounding Evensong, with the idea that if they could disable enough of them they would then be able to hyperjump Detritus in range to use its weapons. They planned to use their own inhibitors to keep the Superiority forces, and especially its command, from escaping. In the meantime, the coalition's goal was not just destruction of the inhibitor stations but to get the taynix inside to switch loyalties and aid in taking down the Superiority. The battle turned on the matter of whether the coalition could remain on the offensive and force the Superiority to defend their inhibitor stations or whether the Superiority would switch to attacking the *Defiant* and force the coalition to choose to retreat in order to defend it. Brade chose to press the latter and began to throw Superiority forces into the attack, despite the fact that they for the most part had only manned fighters present, and the tide of the battle began to turn.
[[Kimmalyn|Kimmalyn]] and the crew of the *Swims Upstream* found themselves largely ignored on the edge of the battlefield after defeating an enemy ace, so they attempted to approach one of the taynix in an inhibitor station. Making the mistake of shooting it, the pair of fighters fled as the [[Vastworm|vastworm]] attached to the station began to pursue them. Kimmalyn snuck back to the inhibitor station as the *Swims Upstream* drew the vastworm away. The slug inside refused to come with them, though they did agree to drop the inhibition field. The Superiority general with Brade found it highly curious that the coalition did not destroy the inhibitor stations when they had opportunities to do so.
The coalition found that their plan to disable enough inhibitor stations to be able to move Detritus within range of Evensong required them to spread their troops too thin. Jorgen was on the verge of calling a general retreat when Becca Nightshade suggested that they lure the Superiority in to defeat the *Defiant* while they hyperjumped some of the gun batteries from around Detritus to that location to create an ambush. To aid in the illusion of weakness, Becca commanded that the crew of the *Defiant* leave on transports after turning off three of the four engines and planting explosives at one of them. She turned the ship to run just as the Superiority forces finally overwhelmed the shield and began dealing damage to the ship itself. In the moments after the *Defiant'*s destruction, Jorgen ordered the coalition to hyperjump the gun platforms to the space behind the disintegrating ship. They opened fire on the Superiority forces, which were now trapped there by inhibitor fields put up by the taynix who had agreed to help the coalition. Seeing that the Superiority fleet was destroyed, Brade called on the two carriers and three destroyers the Superiority could find for reinforcements; no one else was willing to answer the summons. She also received the help of thirteen delvers.
### The Delvers
Even as Brade sent fighters in towards the *Defiant*, she contacted the delvers to ask for their aid. However, M-Bot had been among the delvers, working to discover their weakness and establishing communication with Brade as one of them. Spensa used Brade's antidote to remove the effects of the drug they had administered to her, and she and Brade begin to fight in the command room. The overwhelming sense of loss Spensa felt when Becca died threatened to send both her and Chet into a panic, but with the help of [[Skyward Flight|Skyward Flight]], Chet finally understood the comfort that love and friendship could bring in moving forward from grief. When the thirteen delvers entered the somewhere to assist the Superiority, Spensa entered the nowhere and brought time with her in order to cause the delvers to confront their pain. She pointed to Chet as an example of how to move forward and connected the delvers with the taynix so they could feel the same support. This caused the delvers to discard their hostile intent towards the coalition. The Superiority officials discovered that the slugs were involved in stopping the delvers, so Brade ordered them all executed. The delvers became upset when they realized that the taynix were being killed. As the efforts to execute the taynix were hampered by Brade's previous order to lock them down, they only got so far before she became aware of the delvers' growing displeasure. Brade fled [[Brez Observation Platform|Brez]] to go authorize the executions on Evensong, sending M-Bot back to the station to deal with Spensa. The delvers began to send out little drones to collect the taynix from their inhibitor stations. The coalition was baffled by this behavior, even as they saw that the drones were delivering the taynix onto the surface of Detritus. M-Bot formed a body for himself and picked up Spensa from Brez, giving her a mode of transportation to pursue Brade. Skyward Flight arrived to help Spensa box in Brade, and Spensa finished her off in the coalition's final blow against the Superiority.
## Aftermath
In the days following the battle, the delvers rescued every single Taynix from their places of captivity throughout the Superiority, effectively isolating the different planets. The Defiant military coordinated deliveries of food and other needed supplies to the various planets, while the taynix assessed them to decide if they would agree to grant them their services again. The taynix played a crucial role in other economic agreements between planets, agreeing to provide a certain amount of transportation in exchange for planets exporting their food. No official government was immediately formed; instead, there was an alliance of peoples with a forum run by [[Rinakin|Rinakin]] as a moderator. The taynix largely took over the planet Detritus, and they formed a treaty with the delvers to regulate how often they would hyperjump anyone.
## Known Participants
[[Defiant coalition of planets|Defiant coalition of planets]] and allies
[[Arturo Mendez|Arturo Mendez]]
[[Freyja Marten|Freyja Marten]]
[[Jorgen Weight|Jorgen Weight]]
[[Judy Ivans|Judy Ivans]]
[[Matthew Cobb|Matthew Cobb]]
[[Nedd Strong|Nedd Strong]]
[[Rebecca Nightshade|Rebecca Nightshade]]
[[Rodge McCaffrey|Rodge McCaffrey]]
[[Spensa Nightshade|Spensa Nightshade]]
[[Brade Shimabukuro|Brade Shimabukuro]]
## Casualties
[[Becca Nightshade|Becca Nightshade]]
[[Brade Shimabukuro|Brade Shimabukuro]]
| Battle of Evensong |
|**Scadrian research facility**|
|**World of Origin**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]|
This article's title is uncanonical and a fan created one, because an official term or name has not been made yet.
The **Scadrian research facility** is a subterranean research outpost and spaceship on [[Canticle|Canticle]] operated by the [[Scadrian|Scadrian]] political faction the [[TimeTellers|TimeTellers]] to conduct research into the Canticle system and its native [[Investiture|Investiture]]. The vessel was erroneously thought by the citizens of [[Beacon|Beacon]] to be the mythical [[Refuge of Stone|Refuge of Stone]], an underground city from Canticlite legends.
## Contents
1 Design
2 Capabilities
2.1 Navigation
2.2 Defences
2.3 Surveillance & Communication
3 Notable Research
4 History
5 Known Crew
6 Notes
## Design
The ship comprises three main levels with an elevator that that leads to a large metallic disc buried approximately two feet underground. The top deck is a large capsule shaped room with workstations and monitors on the walls. The top deck is the primary level for research as well as monitoring outside of the ship. The middle and bottom decks are respectively for assorted activities and personal quarters for the approximately two dozen crew. The floors of each deck are made of steel and the ceilings have modern lighting but are reminiscent of older incandescent bulbs. The facility is physically large enough to hold approximately 130 people but doing so would strain the life support systems. The exterior of the ship is presumably able to be pierced by a [[Shardblade|shardblade]] as the researchers worry [[Zellion|Zellion's]] threat to cut his way out will compromise the integrity of the hull.
## Capabilities
The ship is equipped with an [[Awakening|Awakened]] [[Feruchemy|Steelmind]] which gives status reports to the crew members. There is also at least one on the top deck containing a supply of [[Dor|Dor]] large enough to refill Zellion's Skip capacity, requiring around 20,000 BEUs.
### Navigation
The research vessel is presumed to be able to be able to launch into orbit, fly in atmosphere, bury itself underground, and survive and navigate in space. The ship also likely has a way to travel at near or faster than light speed in order to travel interstellar distances within a single lifetime.
### Defences
The facility is equipped with some form of energy weapon which is capable of firing on an an airship in flight through several feet of rock and soil with great accuracy. The hull is seemingly impervious to the devastating effects of Canticle's sunlight and the ensuing environmental turmoil and is able to maintain its position just beneath the surface even as the planet's crust is repeatedly liquefying and reforming. However, the hull is likely able to be cut with a shardblade.
The researchers onboard are equipped with gloves embedded with [[Southern Scadrian|Southern Scadrian]] medallions with access to at least [[Allomancy|Allomantic]] [[Steel|Steel]], though their primary purpose is likely not intended for combat. Zellion was offered a position on the ship as a mercenary indicating that their interpersonal combat capabilities were lacking.
### Surveillance & Communication
The outpost can monitor the area surrounding its entrance and can hear words that are spoken aloud there. The ship can reply to people on the surface by extending some sort of pole approximately four feet long and projecting a voice through it. The ship has either a satellite system or drones that allow them to view the surface of the planet from overhead in real-time. The facility can also detect and communicate with other ships in orbit above the planet.
## Notable Research
One researcher is performing an experiment studying transferring Investiture from one [[Sunheart|sunheart]] to another. She has managed to charge one of the sunhearts far beyond its regular capacity and is testing how much Investiture can be forced in. They have discovered how to recharge sunhearts by priming them with Investiture in the form of heat transferred from captive Canticlites and leaving them out in the sun. They have further determined that if they prime the sunheart with special Investiture, it will turn into a corrupted [[Sunheart|cinderheart]] which can be used to create [[Charred|Charred]]. They have also discovered that the planet's unique environment is caused by an interaction between the system's sun and the planet's core.
## History
The research vessel arrives on Canticle and submerges itself beneath the surface near the planet's equator. The [[Cinder King|Cinder King]] discovers the facility and makes contact with the crew inside, establishing a trade deal of sunhearts in exchange for technology and information. The crew give the Cinder King an [[Haridan's authorization key|authorization key]] to access the ship in the future. The ship is discovered by Zellion and the Beaconites. Zellion asks for asylum for himself and the citizens of Beacon citing the Refugee and Lost Expatriate Bill of [[Silverlight Codes of Interplanetary Conduct|Silverlight Codes of Interplanetary Conduct]]. The Scadrian scientists agree to hear them out and fire a warning shot across the Cinder King's bow with their energy weapon to keep him at bay. They then allow Zellion accompanied by [[Confidence|Confidence]], [[Contemplation|Contemplation]], and [[Rebeke Salvage|Rebeke Salvage]] to enter the ship. The Scadrians allow Zellion to stay on board acting as a mercenary but refuse entry to the Beaconites. After learning of Zellion's identity, the researchers attack him and Zellion escapes the ship by threatening to cut a hole in the hull with his shardblade.
## Known Crew
| Scadrian research facility |
|**Abilities**|[[Returned|Returned]], [[Cognitive Shadow|Cognitive Shadow]]|
|**Titles**|Kindwinds the Honest|
>“*I was a priest, even then. I worked in the palace of Kindwinds the Honest. I saw how he lied to play political games. The longer I stayed in that palace, the more my faith waned.*”
\-Llarimar on Kindwinds[1]
**Kindwinds the Honest** is a [[Returned|Returned]] on [[Nalthis|Nalthis]], revered as a god by the people of [[Hallandren|Hallandren]]. Despite his title, he often lied while politicking.
[[Llarimar|Llarimar]] was formerly one of his priests, and Kindwinds's actions caused Llarimar to lose faith in the [[Iridescent Tones|Iridescent Tones]]. Llarimar's faith was later restored when he witnessed his brother [[Stennimar|Stennimar]] becoming a Returned.
## Attributes and Abilities
As a [[Returned|Returned]], Kindwinds has a [[Divine Breath|divine Breath]] which gives him the benefits of being on the [[Fifth Heightening|Fifth Heightening]]. This includes:
Aura Recognition - allows him to assess the number of Breaths a person possesses.
Perfect Pitch
Perfect Color Recognition - allows him to instantly and instinctively determine exact shades of colors and their hue harmonics.
Perfect Life Sense - allows him to sense people around him.
Agelessness - makes him immune to most toxins and physical ailments, as well as making him functionally immortal.
| Kindwinds |
|**Related to**|[[Epic|Epics]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Earth (Reckoners)|Earth (Reckoners)]]|
The **Faithful** are those who believe that good [[Epic|Epics]] exist, ones who will use their power for protection rather than domination. The term comes into use after [[Calamity (Epic)|Calamity]] and the Epics arrive and begin terrorizing humanity. The Faithful think that there will eventually be "superheroes" who will stop the evil Epics.
[[Blain Charleston|Blain Charleston]] (David's father) and [[Abraham|Abraham]] are known to be among the Faithful.
David initially thinks people with such faith are foolish: his early life at [[Havendark Factory|Havendark Factory]] teaches him to be a realist, but to be one of the Faithful requires a certain idealism. However, he eventually comes to believe that [[Prof|Prof]] is a hero despite being an Epic, though this belief does not transfer to a broader hope for Epics in general.
In the alternate universe, the Faithful include Epics who use their powers for good against evil. These Epics include Blain Charleston, [[Firefight|Firefight]] and [[Tavi|Tavi]].
The symbol of the Faithful is described as a "stylized S shape"; Abraham always carries a pendant in that shape. When David travels to [[Babilar|Babilar]], Abraham also gives him a pendant as a gift, and David often thinks about it afterward. Although it could not explicitly be described as such in the books for legal reasons, the symbol is meant to be the real-world logo.
| Faithful |
|**Died**|1022 [[Final Empire|FE]]|
|**Groups**|[[Kelsier's crew|Kelsier's crew]], [[Skaa rebellion|Skaa rebellion]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Mistborn: The Final Empire*|
>“*Yeden... well, he was the type who was too easily impressed--both by you and the reputation you left for him.*”
\-Mennis to Kelsier[1]
**Yeden** is a [[Skaa|skaa]] from the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. He is the leader of the [[Skaa rebellion|skaa rebellion]], succeeding [[Marsh|Marsh]]. He hires [[Kelsier's crew|Kelsier's crew]] to overthrow the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler]]. He dies in an attack to the [[Holstep|Holstep]] Garrison.
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 History
2.1 Early life
2.2 Contracting Kelsier's Crew
2.3 At the Arguois caverns
2.4 The Attack on Holstep
3 Relationships
3.1 Kelsier
4 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
>“*Well, if you’re listing problems we’ll have to overcome, you should write up there that we’re all bloody insane—though I doubt we can fix that fact.*”
\-Yeden when planning the rebellion.[4]
Yeden is short, gangly, and has curly brown hair. He was the leader of the Skaa Rebellion. He does not like skaa thieves, especially ones that work for their own profit. He considers skaa that work on the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler's]] armies to be traitors to the other skaa. He was originally timid, but later became more confident and civil. He is also earnest, but lacks in presence. Originally, he dressed like a skaa worker, with ash-covered clothes and a soot-stained face. He later dressed more like Kelsier: wearing a suit that didn't have soot on it. Yeden is married, but stays away to protect his family.
>“*You’re selfish, undisciplined, and you’ve turned your backs on the rest of the skaa. You dress nicely, but on the inside you’re dirty as ash.*”
\-Yeden to Breeze.[2]
Yeden thinks members of the skaa underground are selfish and undisciplined, but he admits they're effective, and is willing to make use of their skills. He doesn't trust [[Kelsier's crew|Kelsier's crew]], and when Kelsier lets Clubs go Yeden is worried he will bring [[Obligator|obligators]] upon them. Yeden is skeptical of Kelsier's plan; he thinks the skaa will never rise up on the government, since the rebellion has been trying to do this for a thousand years without success.
After a time, Yeden becomes more civil with the crew and trusts Kelsier more. He starts to realize that the rebellion might actually have a chance of succeeding. After Kelsier's demonstration with [[Bilg|Bilg]] and [[Demoux|Demoux]], Yeden starts to believe that the army was invincible, that it couldn't fail.
## History
### Early life
Little is known of Yeden's origins. He suceeded [[Marsh|Marsh]] in the control of the skaa rebellion. The skaa rebellion spent years gathering the thirty thousand boxings he used to pay [[Kelsier's crew|Kelsier's crew]], and before hiring Kelsier he had never seen a [[Allomancy|Mistborn]], and didn't believe that skaa could be Allomancers or that Mistborn existed. He had never visited the [[Arguois caverns|Arguois caverns]].
### Contracting Kelsier's Crew
by Kelly Mai
Yeden contracted [[Kelsier's crew|Kelsier's crew]] to provide an army to capture [[Luthadel|Luthadel]], overthrow The Final Empire, and capture [[Rashek|The Lord Ruler]]. Yeden would pay thirty thousand boxings, half before and half after the job was done. However, it was [[Kelsier|Kelsier's]] idea, and Yeden was a bit skeptical at first. He thought that the crew could never get the skaa to rise up and that it would be hard to recruit a large army from the population of Luthadel.
### At the Arguois caverns
Yeden began to get excited, and was impressed with Kelsier's work for the rebellion. He went on rallies to recruit people for the rebel army. He wanted to see the army at the Arguois Caverns, and Kelsier took him to watch over it so that [[Hammond|Hammond]] could return to Luthadel for a while. After Kelsier's display with [[Demoux|Demoux]], Yeden started to believe that Kelsier was able to grant his powers to others, and that their army could not possibly lose.
### The Attack on Holstep
[[Breeze|Breeze]] was going to be sent to replace Yeden for a few months, but Yeden had already taken control of the army to gain some experience. Yeden, confident that the rebellion was blessed by Kelsier, instructed them to attack the nearby [[Holstep|Holstep]] Garrison in the [[Central Dominance|Central Dominance]], which the Skaa rebellion defeated in a night raid. However, on the rebellion's way back to the Caverns, about an hour away from Holstep, they were attacked by the [[Valtroux|Valtroux]] Garrison of about 5000 soldiers. Yeden and 5000 members of the Rebellion's skaa army died there, and Yeden's head was found on a spear beside the road.
## Relationships
### Kelsier
>“*It appeared that not even Yeden could resist Kelsier’s charisma for an extended period of time.*”
\-Vin thinking about Yeden[7]
In the beginning, Yeden thought [[Kelsier|Kelsier]] was a detestable thief, selfish and dishonest. He later is impressed by Kelsier, becoming more civil with him and believing that the rebellion could really succeed in overthrowing the Lord Ruler. After Kelsier's display with Demoux, Yeden was very impressed, and he was convinced that Kelsier was invincible and could pass his power to others.
| Yeden |
|**Last Desolation**|
|by Micah Epstein|
|**Participants**|The [[Herald|Heralds]]|
|**Effects**|Breaking of the [[Oathpact|Oathpact]], end of the [[Heraldic Epochs|Heraldic Epochs]], start of the [[Era of Solitude|Era of Solitude]]|
This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Rhythm of War* and *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
>“*The stories are wrong, aren’t they? We didn’t defeat the enemy for good, as the Heralds claimed. They lied.*”
\-Dalinar to the Stormfather[1]
The **Last Desolation**, also known as **Aharietiam** in [[Vorin|Vorin]] tradition and the **Day of Glory** in [[Azir|Azir]], is believed to be the last [[Desolation|Desolation]], when mankind's hard-won victory over the [[Voidbringer|Voidbringers]] ended the cycle of [[Desolation|Desolations]]. In reality, nine of the ten [[Herald|Heralds]] abandoned their [[Honorblade|Honorblades]] in an attempt to leave the [[Oathpact|Oathpact]] and avoid further torture on [[Braize|Braize]]. [[Talenel|Talenel]] was the only Herald not to break the Oathpact. Dalinar Kholin visited this [[Desolation|Desolation]] in one of the visions left by [[Honor|Honor]].
## Contents
1 History
2 Culture
3 Trivia
4 Notes
## History
by Grace Oris
>“*A…a decision has been made. It is time for the Oathpact to end.*”
\-Jezrien to Kalak[4]
There was less than a year between the last two Desolations.
During the fighting, only one Herald, [[Taln|Taln]], who was the only one to have never broken under torture, died. The surviving Heralds were afraid of the torture they would suffer on returning to [[Braize|Braize]]. Eight of the Heralds, all the survivors except [[Kalak|Kalak]], met at the appointed meeting place. Rather than return, they drove their blades into the ground and walked in different directions. [[Jezrien|Jezrien]] waited for Kalak to arrive and they both left as well. Although they had been warned remaining on Roshar would lead to a new Desolation immediately starting, [[Ishar|Ishar]] believed Taln alone would be enough to uphold the Oathpact. Whether or not this is true was irrelevant to them by this point, as they only wished to avoid more torture. They chose to tell humanity that they had finally won, in hope that it might become true.
The lie was uncovered 4,500 years later, when Talenel returned to announce the [[True Desolation|True Desolation]].
## Culture
According to Vorin tradition, mankind, led by the [[Herald|Heralds]] and their chosen [[Knights Radiant|knights]], fought off the [[Voidbringers|Voidbringers]] ninety and nine times, until finally, Aharietiam came and the Voidbringers were cast back into the [[Tranquiline Halls|Tranquiline Halls]]. The Heralds followed to force them out of heaven as well, and Roshar's Heraldic Epochs ended. Songs and paintings depict the final conflict as a grand clash between lines of brave soldiers and giant monsters.
## Trivia
The name Aharietiam is based on the hebrew words אחרית הימים (*Acharit Hayamim*) meaning the end of days or the apocalypse.
| Last Desolation |
|**Homeworld**|[[Earth (Legion)|Earth (Legion)]]|
**Clive** is one of [[Stephen Leeds|Stephen Leeds']] [[Aspect|aspects]].
During the [[White Room|White Room]], Stephen spots Clive and [[Owen|Owen]] dressed to play golf.
Along with [[Arnaud|Arnaud]] and [[Mi Won|Mi Won]], Clive is among the aspects best equipped to think about higher-level chemistry. That is, after the death of [[Ignacio|Ignacio]] had stolen most of Stephen's chemistry knowledge.
| Clive |
|**Shallan's sketchbook**|
|**Author**|[[Shallan Davar|Shallan Davar]]|
|**Language**|[[Women's script|Women's script]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]|
This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
**Shallan's Sketchbook** is a portfolio that [[Shallan Davar|Shallan Davar]] keeps of her sketches and drawings.
The original is lost during the attack on the *Wind's Pleasure*.
The one about Pattern is wet on the right, and it appears to read, from top down:
It appears to be made up of lines? They’re not exactly tendrils or tentacles, they don’t grasp or reach, they just keep dividing and multiplying and combining into different patterns.
The lines always seem to be connected, either at the central root of the Pattern or by dividing off from a root line, all delicate shapes mix and overlap and reduce by multiple divisions.
It almost seems to phase in and out between two and three-dimensional space. I think it prefers a surface to connect with, but I have seen it move through the air on several occasions.
It certainly presents some veneer of depth, but the Pattern doesn’t appear to possess any consistent dimensions in terms of size.
I am almost certain that I have seen this Pattern somewhere before. It shares some resemblance with the creatures I observed in Kharbranth but without the body and those strange ribes. Is it possibly a doll or [?] of theirs?
## Interior Art
Some of the pages from her portfolio are published in *The Way of Kings*, *Words of Radiance*, *Oathbringer*, *Rhythm of War*, and *Wind and Truth*.
Sketches and notes on [[Chull|Chulls]]
Sketches and notes on [[Skyeel|Skyeels]]
Sketches of an [[Axehound|Axehound]]
Sketches including [[Shalebark|Shalebark]]
Sketches and notes on [[Rockbud|Rockbuds]]
Sketches of various plants
Sketches of a [[Santhid|Santhid]]
Sketches of [[Pattern|Pattern]]
Sketches of life in a [[Lait|lait]]
Sketches of the Shardplate and blade of Kings [[Gavilar|Gavilar]] and [[Elhokar Kholin|Elhokar Kholin]]
Sketches of Shallan's "Veil" persona
Sketches of life in the chasms of the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]]
Sketches of a [[Chasmfiend|Chasmfiend]]
Sketches of a [[Whitespine|Whitespine]]
A sketch of the [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] tower
A sketch of a corridor in [[Urithiru|Urithiru]]
Sketches of horse heads
A sketch of [[Midnight Essence|Midnight Essence]]
Sketches of [[Urithiru|Urithiru]]
Sketches of corrupted spren in [[Kholinar|Kholinar]]
Sketches of [[Mandras|Mandras]]
Sketches of spren found in [[Shadesmar|Shadesmar]]
Sketches of [[Oathgate|Oathgate]] spren
Sketches of the [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] atrium
Sketches of [[Inkspren|Inkspren]]
Sketches of [[Peakspren|Peakspren]]
Sketches of [[Highspren|Highspren]]
Sketches of [[Reacher|Reachers]]
Sketches of [[Cultivationspren|Cultivationspren]]
Sketches of [[Honorspren|Honorspren]]
Sketches of [[Ashspren|Ashspren]]
Sketches of [[Cryptic|Cryptics]]
Sketches of [[Mistspren|Mistspren]]
Sketches of [[Starspren|Starspren]]
Sketches of [[Musicspren|Musicspren]]
Sketches of Shallan's [[Shardplate|Shardplate]]
Sketches of [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] in Shadesmar
| Shallans sketchbook |
|**Tarcsel Electric**|
|**Founder**|[[Sophi Tarcsel|Sophi Tarcsel]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]|
**Tarcsel Electric** is a business in [[Elendel|Elendel]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. It was founded by [[Sophi Tarcsel|Sophi Tarcsel]]. Tarcsel Electric manufactures a sound amplification system.
After [[Remmingtel Tarcsel|Sophi’s father’s]] invention was stolen by another professor, and he died depressed and destitute, Sophi, who was an inventor herself, decided that that was not going to happen to her. She understood that just inventing something wasn’t enough, and she decided to begin a large company to manufacture and sell her inventions. This company became Tarcsel Electric, and it grew steadily. Wayne put a lot of money into the company at first, and it eventually made his wealth skyrocket.
| Tarcsel Electric |
|**Related to**|[[Highstorm|Highstorms]]|
|**Type**|Weather pattern|
|**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]|
>“*Never furious, never passionate like a highstorm. Slow, steady. Like the blood of a dying year that was taking its last few shambling steps toward the cairn.*”
\-Kaladin's thoughts on the Weeping[1]
The **Weeping** is a four weeks long period of time on [[Roshar|Roshar]], marking the end of the planet's five-hundred-day year. The [[Singer|singers]] call it the lull.
## Contents
1 Description
2 Influence
2.1 Military
2.2 Industry
3 The Weird Weeping
4 Trivia
5 Notes
## Description
by Sheep Rain on the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]]
In the weeks preceding the Weeping, [[Highstorm|highstorms]] grow more and more infrequent, before eventually stopping altogether. A few days after the last highstorm, the skies cloud over and it begins to rain. The rain continues ceaselessly for two weeks until **Lightday**, the Rosharan New Year. On Lightday, one of two things happen. If the Lightday marks the start of an even-numbered year, the day will be calm - such years are called Light Years. At the start of odd-numbered years, the Weeping is instead interrupted by a highstorm. Following Lightday are two more weeks of constant rain. At the end of the Weeping, the highstorms return, albeit initially weaker than usual.
The Weepings are characterized by slow, steady, unstopping rainfall that doesn't deposit [[Crem|crem]]. There are no heavy winds or other extreme conditions generally found during a highstorm. The sky is perpetually overcast, bathing the land in twilight. [[Rainspren|Rainspren]] are commonplace.
Halfway between the Weepings is [[Midpeace|Midpeace]], another prolonged period of time with no highstorms. In contrast to the Weeping, storms are more frequent before and after Midpeace, and the Midpeace itself doesn't see much, if any rain.
## Influence
by Ari Ibarra [[Tien|Tien]] on the roof of his house during the Weeping
The people of Roshar are used to the Weepings. While they do wear rain-proof clothing, such as long coats and wide-brimmed hats, it's generally understood that everyone and everything will be utterly soaked throughout. Most Rosharans approach this stoically, weathering the rain while enjoying the break from the highstorms. Sometimes, they measure their age in Weepings, saying "sixteen Weepings old" or "hadn't reached her twentieth Weeping".
In the [[Vorin|Vorin]] religion, the Weeping is supposed to be a time for self-reflection and contemplating the [[Almighty|Almighty]]. In [[Yeddaw|Yeddaw]], the Weeping is celebrated by eating the city's ten famous pancakes. [[Urithiru|Urithiru]], in turn, isn't affected by the Weepings, as the tower stands far above the clouds.
The prolonged period of no highstorms leads to a lack of [[Stormlight|Stormlight]]. Rosharans try to preserve it throughout by using enormous gems capable of storing vast amounts of it, with a specific, multi-faceted cut that further prolongs the Stormlight retention. Despite that, few gemstones make it to the next highstorm still infused. A [[Perfect gemstone|perfect gemstone]] could keep Stormlight for that long, but those are extremely rare. The lack of highstorms also presents a problem to the [[Singer|singers]], as they cannot change forms without them.
### Military
The peace of the Weeping is an important factor in strategy. The lack of highstorms allows for greater mobility, as soldiers don't require [[Stormshelter|stormshelters]] during that time, allowing them to resupply and quickly cross large distances. Among others, [[Alethi|Alethi]] armies sometimes set out on short military excursions during the Weeping to take advantage of this. This being said, actually battling is more difficult -- among others, the rain makes it hard to utilize archers.
### Industry
Farmers generally don't work during the Weeping, as any seeds or seed-paste planted during that time would be washed away by constant rain, and some plants might even die from excess water. The period of calm highstorms directly following, however, is a prime time for planting. In contrast, fishermen work especially hard during the Weepings, as their ships are constantly flooding.
In some places, the Weeping is harnessed for cleaning and washing areas that would normally be too difficult or time-consuming to tidy up.
## The Weird Weeping
The Weeping between the years 1173/1174 was markedly different from the usual, owning to the [[Battle of Narak|Battle of Narak]], which took place two days before the Lightday. Even before the battle began, people noted unusually strong winds, far in excess of what could normally be expected. During the fighting, the [[Listener|listeners]] summoned the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]], while the [[Stormfather|Stormfather]] sent a highstorm to oppose it. This caused the regular pattern of the Weeping to be altered.
Elsewhere in the world, the Weeping stopped, then started, then stopped again. The out-of-pattern highstorm arrived during that time without warning, leading to only some spheres capturing [[Stormlight|Stormlight]]. The Everstorm came a few days later, throwing people off further. What followed was a period of drought that lasted until Jesevan 1174, when the highstorm returned. Overall, the strange non-Weeping lasted seven days longer than a regular one.
How this sequence of events, as well as the addition of the Everstorm, will impact future Weepings is yet unknown.
## Trivia
[[Kaladin|Kaladin's]] affects him the most during the Weeping. [[Shallan|Shallan]], by contrast, considers it to be her favorite part of the year.
The occurence of the Weeping is influenced by Roshar's orbital position during that time of the year. It is not, however, tied to the position of [[Ashyn|Ashyn]] relative to Roshar.
Weepings not carrying [[Crem|crem]] is motivated by needs of the narrative rather than any in-universe mechanics, as Brandon didn't want there to be an overabundance of mud and slurry during the finale of *Words of Radiance*.
| Weeping |
|**Born**|345 [[Catacendre|PC]]|
|**Introduced In**|*The Lost Metal*|
>“*The two of them painted with toothpaste on the wall until the girl was laughing again. Until Ruri understood that mistakes could sometimes turn into amazing, wonderful, cherished things. With the right perspective.*”
**Ruri** is the daughter of [[Allriandre|Allriandre]] in [[Elendel|Elendel]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. She is small for her age. She gets nervous around strangers but feels comfortable with her mother.
Ruri lived alone with her mother, who rented from Miss [[Coussaint|Coussaint]] and had their landlady watch Ruri while she worked at the forges. The woman often caused Ruri to feel terrified. One day when Miss Coussaint caught Ruri painting with toothpaste on the wall, she was shouting at the girl when Allriandre came home; after the landlady left, Ruri and her mother continued painting on the wall until she was happy. [[Call|Call]] and [[Garisel Daring|Garisel Daring]] then came to speak with Allriandre about [[Wayne|Wayne's]] estate, and Ruri climbed into her mother's lap and wiped her nose on Allriandre's jumpsuit. She got toothpaste on the note Wayne left for her mother.
| Ruri |
|**Himalaya Smedry**|
|**House Smedry**|
|**Spouse**|[[Folsom Smedry|Folsom]]|
|**Abilities**|[[Smedry Talent|Smedry Talent]], [[Librarian|Librarian]]|
|**Homeworld**|[[Earth (Alcatraz)|Earth (Alcatraz)]]|
|**Introduced In**|*The Knights of Crystallia*|
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Bastille Versus the Evil Librarians*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
>“* Why did I have to give up who I was? Why can't I be me, but also be on your side? I don't want to stifle information, but I do want to organize it! I don't want to rule the world, but I do want to bring it to order! I don't want everything to be the same, but I do want to understand! I am a good Librarian!*”
\- Himalaya[1]
**Himalaya Smedry née Rockies** is a [[Librarian|Librarian]] defector. Before her defection she was the assistant to [[Kangchenjunga Sarekgjakka|Kangchenjunga Sarekgjakka]].
She marries [[Folsom Smedry|Folsom Smedry]] and gains his [[Smedry Talent|Talent]]: she can dance really poorly.
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 Attributes and Abilities
3 History
4 Trivia
5 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
Himalaya is young, with dark skin. She wears a maroon skirt and white blouse and spectacles on a chain. Alcatraz is surprised by how pretty she is. She is passionate about keeping things organized and becomes distraught at the prospect of books being hurt. When trying to suppress her Librarian tendencies, she often finds herself organizing things unconsciously.
## Attributes and Abilities
Himalaya was trained as one of the [[Wardens of the Standard|Wardens of the Standard]], the best sorters in all the world. She is able to sort and organize things with superhuman speed and ability, without even looking at them, sometimes without even touching them (for example, touching the top of a whole stack of books causes the entire stack to sort itself in the order she wants).
After marrying Folsom Smedry she gains his Talent: she can dance really poorly. The talent engages when she hears music. The poor dancing most often appears to take the form of violent and powerful fighting.
## History
Himalaya is introduced as a former Warden of the Standard who has defected to the side of the Free Kingdoms. She is being watched by Folsom Smedry, and it is at first assumed that this is because he still does not trust her. She tries very hard to be a reformed Librarian, even going so far as to refuse to organize or sort things because she is told that that is how to become a good guy. Eventually, however, her talents as a Warden of the Standard become important to defeating [[Shasta Smedry| Shasta Smedry]], [[Alcatraz|Alcatraz's]] mother. After this, she comes to the realization that it is possible to be both a Librarian and a good person, calling herself a good Librarian.
Later, after discovering that the reason that Folsom had been spending so much time with her was because he was in love with her, the two marry in order to escape from capture by Shasta and other Librarians. She gains Folsom's Talent to dance really poorly, which usually takes the form of talented and aggressive fighting, and this allows them to free themselves.
Following the events of The Knights of Crystallia, Himalaya and Folsom resolve to go back to the Hushlands and "distribute pamphlets" to teach other Librarians how not to be evil. This venture turns out to be successful, as when [[Kazan Smedry| Kaz]], [[Leavenworth Smedry| Grandpa]], Dif, and Alcatraz, go to Washington, D.C. in search of the [[Highbrary|Highbrary]] and [[Attica Smedry| Alcatraz's father, Attica]], they discover Himalaya, Folsom, and many other Librarians behind a barricade, trying to help them. These Librarians are apparently all Librarians that have been recruited by Himalaya to join the Free Kingdom's cause, and they assist Alcatraz in sneaking into the Highbrary and fighting off the other Librarians.
## Trivia
Her first name is likely a reference to the in Asia. Her maiden name is likely a reference to the in North America.
| Himalaya Smedry |
|**Died**|341 [[Catacendre|PC]]|
|**Profession**|Law enforcement|
|**Introduced In**|*The Alloy of Law*|
>“*This isn't the Roughs. You think you can do anything you want? You think you can just pick up a gun and take the law into your own hands?*”
\-Captain Brettin to Waxillium Ladrian[1]
**Captain Brettin** is the constable-general of the Fourth Octant constabulary precinct.
## Appearance and Personality
>“*I don't care who you are or how much money you have, this is a total mess you've created, sir.*”
\-Captain Brettin to Wax after a Vanisher attack[1]
The constable is a terse man who brooks no intrusion by civilians into his investigations, police matters, or dangerous situations, such as firefights. Even in the case of Lord [[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]], who successfully defeated the Vanishers in a gunfight without a single civillian casualty, Captain Brettin believed that Wax should not have involved himself. He shows serious concern about the safety of the citizens of [[Elendel|Elendel]] and displays an awareness of the problems that the powerful can make in an investigation.
Brettin also holds himself with authority, willing to butt heads with other constables over questions of jurisdiction and ongoing investigations. However, he seems to be argumentative and have something of a short temper. As he gets angry, his face grows noticeably red.
Captain Brettin has a poor memory for names, and is constantly mixing people up. Nothing is known about Brettin's appearance, although he presumably wore the brown uniform of a constable with a domelike hat.
## History
Several of the Vanisher robberies happened under Captain Brettin's watch. He was under enormous pressure to capture the men responsible. Captain Brettin was one of the first responders to the attack on the [[Yomen-Ostlin wedding dinner|Yomen-Ostlin wedding dinner]] by [[Miles Dagouter|Miles Dagouter]] and the Vanishers. He debriefed Wax after the fight and told him to stay out of police business and stop undermining his authority.
Later Captain Brettin was tricked into letting the Vanisher prisoners be interrogated by [[Wayne|Wayne]], who was disguised as the fictional Captain Guffont Trenchant from the Seventh Octant. Due to Wayne's use of a time bubble in the interrogation room, Brettin missed Wayne's conversation with the suspect and believed that Wayne had failed to gather any usable information.
Some time after this, Captain Brettin was killed in an unrelated matter. [[Harmony|Harmony]], seeing an opportunity, sent [[TenSoon|TenSoon]], a [[Kandra|kandra]], to retrieve Brettin's corpse and impersonate him. Tensoon did not have the opportunity to observe Brettin prior to his death, and so it was an imperfect impersonation. Those who knew Brettin could detect something off about him. TenSoon used Brettin's bones to submit a backdated request to the Senate for a citywide deputized forbearance for Wax. This freed Wax from any charges incurred during his investigation of the Vanishers, as well as granted him powers of investigation and arrest. He informed Wax of this action after Wax and Marasi's final confrontation with Miles. Afterwards, Brettin, still being impersonated by TenSoon, retired soon after Miles' execution, and presumably his bones were laid to rest.
Due to Brettin's early retirement, the position of constable-general was open. A former constable named [[Claude Aradel|Claude Aradel]] was appointed to the position. Aradel had retired because he had reached the silent ceiling of promotions a non-noble could receive. As ten years had passed since Aradel's retirement, attitudes had changed and it was considered less important for a man to have noble blood to hold a powerful position.
| Brettin |
|**Type**|Enchanted Sword|
|**World of Origin**|[[Alornia|Alornia]]|
|**Universe**|[[Wode|Wode]] [[State|States]]|
**Indelebrean** is an enchanted sword belonging to [[Kairominas|Kairominas]]. It was likely a treasure that Kai found while adventuring in his youth, and is implied to have been used frequently and to great effect by Kai. Kai could not take Indelebrean with him into [[Maltese|Maltese]] as it was incompatible with the programming.
| Indelebrean |
|**Jon Acron**|
|by Nabestse Zitro |
|**Died**|killed by [[Khriss|Khriss]]|
|**Profession**|Anthropologist, Assassin|
|**Groups**|Darksider, [[Dynasty|Dynasty]]|
|**Introduced In**|*White Sand*|
**Jon Acron** is a professor and anthropologist from the [[Darkside|Darkside]] of [[Taldain|Taldain]]. He is an assassin working for [[Skathan|Skathan]], ruler of The [[Dynasty|Dynasty]].
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 History
4 Trivia
5 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
>“*No running water, no carriages, no theater! How quaint!.*”
\-Jon Acron[2]
Acron has dark skin, shoulder length black hair with a receding hairline, and a horseshoe mustache. He most often wears a purple duster-length coat, often with a white vest and necktie. He has a somewhat haughty personality. He thinks he is better than so-called primitive peoples and often comments to that effect.
## History
Acron travels with Duchess [[Khrissalla|Khrissalla]], fellow Professor [[Allstren Cynder|Allstren Cynder]], [[Baon|Baon]], and their [[Elis|Elisian]] soldiers to visit [[Dayside|Dayside]], ostensibly to find the [[Diem|sand mages]]. He discovers a [[Kerztian|Kerztian]] merchant in the port of [[Dosha-Har'Ken|Dosha-Har'Ken]] that speaks Dynastic allowing them to purchase supplies when Professor Cynder has difficulties communicating with the locals. Acron is perplexed at the mixed indications of the technological level of Dayside when he notices a lack of what, in his view, would be basic technology combined with evidence advanced understanding of some technological accomplishments like pneumatics. Acron and his party find [[Kenton|Kenton]] unconscious in a tent near the area of the [[Kerla|Kerla]] that the [[Diem|sand masters]] were massacred. They awakened him and he showed them how to find water from the [[Dorim vine|dorim vines]], and then guided them to [[Kezare|Kezare]].
After an eventful journey across the kerla, during which they were attacked by [[Kerztian|Kerztian]] warriors, they arrived in Kezare. Kenton and the group then parted ways, Kenton heading to the Diem, and Acron and the rest of the group going to [[Lonzare|Lonzare]], the Darksider quarter. Acron bickered with Cynder while they waited outside of [[Loaten|Loaten's]] "office" during Khrissalla's meeting. Acron and Cynder remain in Lonzare while Khriss attempts to meet with the [[Taisha|Taisha]].
>“*I'm no Baon, my lady. I'm ill-equipped for such heavy physical labor.*”
\-Jon Acron to Khriss.[7]
Later he came to Khriss while she was alone to try to make her suspicious of Baon by impying that the night that Captain [[Deral|Deral]] was killed he was awake and heard only two shots—while Baon had implied their party was being chased by a Dynasty Patrol. Soon after Professors Cynder and Acron return to their lodging in Lonzare to find Khriss confronting Baon. Cynder droped the saltpeter when they walk in and find Baon with his pistol in-hand while he admitted to have been working for the [[Dynasty|Dynasty]]. Baon then left the group.
In order to get closer to sand mastery to study it, the Duchess moved the remaining trio from Lonzare to the [[Diem|Diem]], Acron carried Khriss' suitcase, heavy with scientific equipment, and she admonished him for not being careful with it. In the conversation that followed, Cynder mentioned how shocking it was for a person as loyal as Baon to be a traitor and speculated that any of them could also betray the others. Acron deflected by saying they should not dwell on that until they learn more about Baon's motivations. Afterward Khriss gave [[Gevin|Gevin's]] pistol, which she had received from [[Nilto|Nilto]], to Cynder to use to guard her since Baon was no longer around to do so.
>“*Yes, for safekeeping. Which is to say your safekeeping. But Cynder can be such a cack-handed oaf that I thought it best if I... bring it.*”
\-Jon Acron to Khriss.[1]
Later, Professors Acron and Cynder join Kenton, Senior [[Trackt|Trackt]] [[Ais|Ais]], [[Aarik|Aarik]] and the Duchess in another meeting with [[Lord Merchant|Lord Merchant]] [[Vey|Vey]], but the Lerd Merchant allows only Kenton into his office. After the meeting, Kenton, Khriss, Aarik and Ais decide to dicuss the meeting over lunch in a restaurant, while Cynder and Acron presumably return to the Diem.
When Khriss and Kenton were attacked in the restaurant, Acron used the pistol Khriss had given to Cynder to save her life. When Khriss confronted him, asking why he had the gun and not Cynder, he claimed to have taken it from Cynder for her safekeeping. Afterward he seemed to be in a state of shock, and [[Aarik|Aarik]] tried to comfort him. But when Khriss went off with [[N'Teese|N'Teese]] to see Nilto, Acron stammered an excuse and ran after her. Aarik noted that it was an oddly quick recovery, while Kenton chalked it up to the loyalty that Duchess Khrissalla inspired in her retainers.
Acron arrives at the alley where Khiss met Nilto just as Nilto was leaving. Later, when Khriss confronted Nilto at the docks and revealed him to be Gevin, Acron pulled out the gun and tried to kill Gevin, revealing himself as an agent of the Dynasty on a mission to kill the Prince. Baon then reappeared and pushed a crate of fruit onto Acron, knocking him over. While Khriss and Baon were speaking, Acron reached out to the gun that was knocked from his hand and fired it, grazing Baon on the arm and knocking him over. Khriss and Gevin scattered and separated through various paths in the dockside pallets. Acron chased after them without knowing who took which path and eventually caught sight of Khriss climbing a stack of crates. When he caught up to her, Khriss used a crane to knock Acron off the pier and to his apparent death in the harbor.
## Quotes
>**Baon**: "*I half thought we would fall off the side of the world, like the stories claim.**"***Acron**: "*Leave it to an Iiarian to wax superstitious.**"***Cynder**: "*I would expect an anthropologist to be more respectful of others' cultures and beliefs, Jon. **"***Acron**: "*Touché!**"*
\-Baon: "I half thought we would fall off the side of the world, like the stories claim.
Acron: "Leave it to an Iiarian to wax superstitious.
Cynder: "I would expect an anthropologist to be more respectful of others' cultures and beliefs, Jon.
Acron: "Touché!
## Trivia
In [[White Sand|White Sand Volume 1]] Jon Acron and Cynder's speech bubbles are occasionally misattributed, particularly when they converse with one another. Noting the clothing of the speaker and context of the quote is required to catch these mistakes. For example, Jon wears white in most of Volume 1, though in at least one frame their clothing was switched.
In the [[White Sand|Omnibus]] Professor Acron is shown in some scenes with chin hair—either a soul patch or goatee. A shaven chin with the horseshoe mustache seems to be the most predominant image.
| Jon Acron |
|**Tyrian Sea**|
|**Region**|[[Roughs|The Roughs]]|
The **Tyrian Sea** is a body of water north of the [[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]].
It is located in the Northern [[Roughs|Roughs]], north of [[Covingtar|Covingtar]]. Its location is about where the [[Ashmount|Ashmount]] Tyrian stood during the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]] period of [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. It is presumably the same body of water as [[Lake Tyrian|Lake Tyrian]].
| Tyrian Sea |
|**Introduced In**|*Wind and Truth*|
This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
**Sarqqin** is an [[Azish|Azish]] blacksmith and a member of the [[Unoathed|Unoathed]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]].
## Contents
1 Appearance and personality
2 Attributes and Abilities
3 History
4 Notes
## Appearance and personality
Sarqqin was a Azish person assigned female at birth who had filled out the papers needed to live as a man. He has a larger frame and is heavily muscled.
## Attributes and Abilities
As a member of the Unoathed, Sarqqin has access to dead [[Shardplate|Shardplate]] and a [[Deadeye|deadeye]] [[Shardblade|Shardblade]] that have recovered from the [[Recreance|Recreance]]. As an Unoathed, his plate glows with a fiery light. Due to the refounding of the [[Oathpact|Oathpact]], the Unoathed are able to summon and dismiss their Blades and Plate like Radiants, even after the start of the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]]’s permanent arrival.
## History
Just before the [[Battle of Azimir|Battle of Azimir]], he had just been named a master blacksmith after seven years of apprenticing. On the third day of the defense of Azimir, he tried out to join the military where he met [[Adolin|Adolin Kholin]]. On the day of the [[Contest of champions|Contest of champions]], he was one of the soldiers who had made it to the bunker with Adolin and [[Yanagawn|Yanagawn]] and did a count of their supplies when the news of the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]] falling and [[Thaylenah|Thaylenah]] making a deal with [[Odium|Odium]] came in. Sarqqin would join in the retaking of the Azish throne and entered the palace through the smuggler hole. He acted as a rearguard as the team moved towards the throne. When [[Mayalaran|Mayalaran]] returned with a group of dead Shardblades and Shardplate, nine of sets of them appeared in the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]] to be used by the rest of the strike team including Sarqqin. Sarqqin would survive the defense of Azimir.
| Sarqqin |
|**William Montane**|
|**Spouse**|[[Silence Montane|Silence Forescout]]|
|**Children**|[[William Ann Montane|William Ann Montane]]|
|**Profession**|Possibly Innkeeper|
|**Residence**|[[Forests of Hell|The Forests of Hell]]|
**William Montane** is the late husband of [[Silence Montane|Silence Montane]], and father of [[William Ann Montane|William Ann Montane]].
Little is known about William Montane. It seems likely that he works at [[Silence's waystop|Silence's waystop]] when it is run by [[Silence's grandmother|Silence's grandmother]]. Silence becomes pregnant by William shortly before his death, although it is uncertain how he died. It also appears that he and Silence are never married legally, although she takes his surname. Silence's grandmother considers him to be a fool and an idiot for believing that the [[Shade|shades]] and the [[Evil|Evil]] are punishments from the [[God Beyond|God Beyond]]. When Silence gives birth to her daughter, she names the girl William Ann, after her father. William Ann takes after her father in appearance.
After William's death, his shade is said to guard Silence's waystop against enemies, although it is possible that this legend was started by Silence herself.
| William Montane |
|by Dragontrill |
|**Died**|Occupation of [[Urithiru|Urithiru]], 1175|
|**Titles**|Battalionlord in the Kholin army|
|**Introduced In**|*Rhythm of War*|
>“*We will carve a hole to the basement steps, then fight down and clear a path for the queen. By the blood of our fathers!*”
**Teofil** is a [[Darkeyed|darkeyed]] infantry battalionlord of the Ninth [[House Kholin|Kholin]] Division on [[Roshar|Roshar]].
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 Attributes and Abilities
3 History
4 Trivia
5 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
Teofil is a grizzled older soldier with a lean body and thick neck. He is darkeyed, and his hair is balding and close-cropped. According to [[Navani|Navani]], he has a 'powerfully intense' stare.
Unlike other Alethi soldiers, Teofil has no problem taking orders from a woman. He spent years taking orders from inexperienced [[Lighteyes|lighteyes]] and recognizes that Navani is knowledgeable regarding military strategy. He is levelheaded, pragmatic, and strategic, and can make quick decisions.
## Attributes and Abilities
Teofil is a brave and capable military leader. He has confidence in his soldiers, but is also realistic about their chances against superior foes.
He has spent time fighting [[Regal|Regals]] and [[Fused|Fused]] and has a good understanding of their capabilities with [[Voidlight|Voidlight]]. He is also aware that they have weaknesses that can be exploited. He knows of [[Szeth|Szeth]] and the power of [[Nightblood|Nightblood]].
## History
Teofil was promoted to battalionlord by [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] under a new merit-based policy. He was among the first darkeyed soldiers to reach a high rank.
by Dragontrill Defending Urithiru during the invasion
Teofil had recently come to [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] after fighting on the front lines in southern [[Alethkar|Alethkar]] when the [[Singer|singer]] siege began. He immediately attempted to mobilize troops, but the coalition forces had been surprised and were quickly overrun. He soon learned that the singers were using the [[Oathgate|Oathgates]], that [[Knights Radiant|Radiant]] powers and [[Fabrial|fabrials]] were not working, and that [[Tshadr|Tshadr]], the only non-Radiant [[Shardbearer|Shardbearer]] in the tower, had been killed. Despite these setbacks, he attempted to hold some of the lower floors by stationing troops at the stairwells.
>“*Brightness, if there's a chance to turn this tide right now, I think we need to take it. We lose the tower, and … well, it will be a disaster for the war. If there is even a possibility you can wake the Radiants, I’ll risk everyone we have on that chance.*”
\-Teofil, to Navani[2]
By the time Navani arrived to the [[Coalition of monarchs|coalition]] command center in the map room, Teofil was the only battalionlord and the ranking officer present. Navani sought his advice as she was deciding how to approach the situation without any Radiants. He informed her that the troops in the tower were brave but not among the army's best, and suggested that surrender would be 'distasteful' but a better option than attempting to fight Regals and Fused. When Navani informed him that there was a chance they could recapture the tower using the crystal pillar in the basement, he agreed that the risk of attacking was worth it. Teofil quickly came up with a plan to distract the Fused while simultaneously making a final push through the first floor and into the basement.
Teofil successfully organized a push through the first floor, using a fake retreat and lightning rods to bait and kill a number of Regals. His force was able to reach the basement and strategically defend against the Fused and Regals that were there, including [[Heavenly Ones|Heavenly Ones]] and [[Deepest Ones|Deepest Ones]], using water to disrupt the lightning of the Regals. [[Venli|Venli]] and even [[Raboniel|Raboniel]] were amazed at the organization and tenacity of the humans despite their strategic disadvantage as they attempted to descend a narrow staircase. The group continued to suffer losses, but about fifty men still remained as they approached the basement floor. However, [[Lezian|Lezian]] arrived and used his powers to break up the coalition formation. A group of Regals then regained their lightning powers and blew a hole in the staircase; Teofil and several other men fell to their death as they made a last-ditch attempt to reach the pillar. The rest of the human soldiers were then quickly killed.
Navani learned of Teofil's death from the [[Sibling|Sibling]] and knew that any chance to retake the tower was lost. Venli, who had secretly been rooting for the humans, thought about seeing them die whenever she looked at the stairs, which were hastily repaired with scaffolding.
## Trivia
Teofil is a cameo for author and professor Mark Teofil Skarstedt. He is the father of [[Ethan Skarstedt|Ethan Skarstedt]], a friend of Brandon's who is the inspiration for [[Skar|Skar]]. Like Ethan, Mark has a military background.
| Teofil |
|**Relatives**|[[Idan|Idan]] |
|**Religion**|[[Shu-Dereth|Shu-Dereth]], [[Shu-Korath|Shu-Korath]] |
|**Introduced In**|*Elantris*|
>“*It will take time to unseat an entire religion and set up a new one in its place.*”
\-Waren, to Hrathen[1]
Lord **Waren** is a noble in [[Arelon|Arelon]] on [[Sel|Sel]]. His conversion to [[Shu-Dereth|Shu-Dereth]] is an important part of the gyorn [[Hrathen|Hrathen's]] plan to convert all of Arelon.
## Appearance and Personality
Waren is thin and has nearly-white blond hair. He is quite young, presumably younger than [[Sarene|Sarene]]. He is intelligent and shrewd, with a keen understanding of power and political advantage. He carries himself with an air of accomplishment and control. Before his conversion to Shu-Dereth, he was widely known in Arelon as a pious [[Shu-Korath|Korathi]], which had gained him notoriety among the nobility. Many people believe that his extreme piety was more opportunistic than genuine, and used for political gain.
## History
Waren is the oldest son of Baron [[Diolen|Diolen]], the owner of Kie Plantation. His deceased mother's name is unknown, but she was an acquaintance of [[Eshen|Eshen]], who considered her a decent woman and an excellent knitter. Waren's name is based on Aon Are.
When [[Hrathen|Hrathen]] came to Arelon with the intention of converting the nation to Shu-Dereth, he began by meeting with several young nobles in [[Kae|Kae]], including Waren. Hrathen was surprised that he had accompanied his cousin [[Idan|Idan]] to the meeting because of Waren's reputation. Although Hrathen could see that Waren was not actually religious, he realized that the young man could be a valuable tool to him, and set to work convincing him that converting would bring him power and influence. Waren was concerned that it would take too long to unseat the power of Shu-Korath in Arelon, but Hrathen convinced him that the decline of Shu-Korath had been happening for a long time, using the fall of the [[Duladel Republic|Duladel Republic]] as an example. Waren left the meeting with a newfound respect for Hrathen.
Later, Waren claimed to have seen a vision of [[Jaddeth|Jaddeth]] commanding him to convert to Shu-Dereth. His abrupt conversion after years of strict adherence to Shu-Korath caused a stir among the nobles of Arelon. At one point, he was the topic of gossip among the women in [[Eshen|Eshen's]] retinue, including [[Sarene|Sarene]]. When Sarene attended a ball at Duke [[Telrii|Telrii's]] estate with [[Shuden|Shuden]], Waren was in attendance as part of Hrathen's group. Though he wasn't technically supposed to be in [[Iadon|Iadon's]] more exclusive room at the party, Waren used his proximity to Hrathen to attend anyway. Shuden noted to Sarene that Waren's conversion was worrisome due to his reputation, which Shuden believed to be opportunistic rather than genuine. Sarene took Waren's conversion as a dangerous sign for the nation, since it marked an important step in Hrathen's plan.
[[Dilaf|Dilaf]] soon took Waren and many of Hrathen's other key supporters as [[Odiv|odivs]] in a calculated move intended to undermine and destabilize the gyorn. After Hrathen wrested back some control over the Derethi church in Arelon, he forced Dilaf to relieve his odivs, including Waren, of their oaths. Waren then became a krondet to Dilaf instead. His fate following the [[Invasion of Arelon|invasion of Arelon]] and restoration of Elantris is unknown.
| Waren |
|**Groups**|[[Dalinar's elites|Dalinar's elites]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Oathbringer*|
**Dym** is one of [[Dalinar|Dalinar's]] elites.
He is present during the battle where they recruited [[Teleb|Teleb]] and threw [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] a poleaxe after he lost his longsword during his battle with [[Yezriar|Yezriar]]. Dalinar gives the poleaxe back to Dym while talking to a wounded soldier, and then gestures for Dym to end the soldiers suffering. When another soldier approaches with Dalinar's sword, Dym chides him for breaking it and asks if he's ok when Dalinar doesn't respond jovially.
>“*You're supposed to stick it into the squishy parts, Brightlord, not pound it against the hard parts.*”
\-Dym on Dalinar's sword skills[1]
| Dym |
|**First Union Bank (Newcago)**|
|**Region**|[[Fractured States|Fractured States]]|
|**World**|[[Earth (Reckoners)|Earth (Reckoners)]]|
For the bank in [[Elendel|Elendel]], see [[First Union Bank (Elendel)|First Union Bank (Elendel)]].
**First Union Bank** is the building in [[Newcago|Newcago]] in which the supposedly invulnerable [[Epic|Epic]] known as [[Steelheart|Steelheart]] was injured before killing hundreds of people, including [[David Charleston|David Charleston's]] father.
## Contents
1 Location
2 History
3 Later Research and Recovery
4 Notes
## Location
The bank building, located on Adams Street, is massive. It has two large revolving doors alongside wide, beautiful glass doors at the main entrance. The bank's bustling main chamber has a tiled floor decorated with mosaic, white pillars, marble accents, and large doors leading to other parts of the building. The room is so large that most of the bank's day-to-day activities occur there; there are cubicles for loan officers and counters for tellers.
## History
When David was eight years old, his father [[Blain Charleston|Blain]] brought him to the bank and had him wait while he tried to get a mortgage loan. While Blain talked to the loan officer, David noticed an [[Epic|Epic]] named [[Deathpoint|Deathpoint]] walk into the bank. Deathpoint began indiscriminately killing people in order to terrorize them, and the Charlestons tried to figure out how to escape. [[Steelheart|Steelheart]] appeared, but instead of saving the people, he called himself the emperor of the city and tried to recruit Deathpoint to his side. Blain, who was one of the [[Faithful|Faithful]], approached Steelheart and told him that he was supposed to be their savior. The military suddenly burst in, firing on Steelheart, but their weapons were ineffective and caused major damage to the bank, blowing open the vault.
Deathpoint appeared to be launching a sneak attack on Steelheart, and Blain shot and killed him; the bullet also grazed Steelheart, drawing blood despite his Epic power of invulnerability. Steelheart was confused and briefly glanced at the vault, but he quickly became enraged; he killed Blain and fired energy blasts throughout the chamber. He then turned most of the bank building into steel and killed anyone in sight. David managed to survive by hiding in the vault. Steelheart later returned with [[Faultline|Faultline]], who used her powers to sink the entire bank building into the ground, killing all of the remaining survivors and rescue personnel except David, who had run away from the scene. Later that night, Steelheart performed the [[Great Transfersion|Great Transfersion]].
## Later Research and Recovery
The events at the bank were seared into David's memory. After he joined the [[Reckoners|Reckoners]], he continued to try and uncover any details about the day of his father's death, including additional information about the bank's vault that might have clues to Steelheart's Epic weakness. He tried to research the contents of the vault, but [[Tia|Tia]] told him that any physical records would have been destroyed with the bank since it was the main office. Electronic records may have been available through the bank's hosting company, [[Dorry Jones LLC|Dorry Jones LLC]], but their servers were burned down years ago in the [[Ardra|Ardra]] riots. [[Cody|Cody]] managed to find the name of the bank's insurance company, [[Johnson Liberty Agency|Johnson Liberty Agency]], which the team believed would have a paper trail regarding claims on items destroyed in the vault.
Tia researched the insurance claims, but discovered evidence of a cover-up by Steelheart. While thinking through this dead end, she realized that parts of the bank could be intact underground because Steelheart turned much of it into steel before Faultline buried it, and the dirt above it was also later turned into steel. Additionally, Steelheart would not have been concerned about someone finding the ruins of the bank, since it was buried beneath solid steel and the [[Diggers|Diggers]] were prohibited from operating in the area. However, the Reckoners also had the ability to dig through steel using the [[Tensors|tensors]].
The Reckoners found the bank and it was indeed well-preserved. David found Blain's corpse and theorized that it was something about Blain that triggered Steelheart's weakness, but he did not yet know what that might be. Nevertheless, the team began breaking into the vault's safe-deposit boxes hoping to find clues, as the metal composition of the boxes had protected their contents from Steelheart's powers. They retrieved a number of items from the bank hoping that they had some relevance to Steelheart's weakness, including the gun that injured Steelheart and killed Blain. Some of the items from the bank were brought to the surface and later put into Steelheart's proximity to see if they had any effect on him.
| First Union Bank Newcago |
|**Bright Sea**|
The **Bright Sea** is a large, but landlocked, body of water on [[Nalthis|Nalthis]] adjacent to [[Hallandren|Hallandren]]. [[T'Telir|T'Telir]] is built against its shore.
## Contents
1 Etymology
2 Geography and Ecology
3 Cultural influence and Trade
4 Trivia
5 Notes
## Etymology
The Bright Sea is its original name. Since [[Idris|Idris]] split from [[Hallandren|Hallandren]], Idrians call the sea the **Inner Sea**, to downplay its importance, since Idris was landlocked. Idris and Hallandren usually have different names for geographical features, due to the bad blood between them. However, in many cases, both names stuck, so Inner Sea and Bright Sea are used interchangeably by many.
## Geography and Ecology
The Bright Sea is an inland sea on [[Nalthis|Nalthis]]. It contains an unknown number of islands.
There many nations located on its shores. The most powerful of these nations is called [[Hallandren|Hallandren]]. Hallandren is located on the western shore of the Sea, this nation controls a good third of the coastline, as well as some islands. Tedradel is also located on it’s shore. The location of Tedradel is described as across the Bright Sea from Hallandren, which makes it lie somewhere in the east. The eastern shore was also once inhabited by a fallen civilisation called the [[Chedesh|Chedesh]]. These people were great seafarers, and are said to have been the first to discover the Hallandren valley.
There are dangerous storms in the spring. The Bright Sea is full of life, including many sorts of mussels, fish, and tentacled creatures.
## Cultural influence and Trade
The Bright Sea opens many trade routes to the kingdoms located on it’s shores.
[[T'Telir|T'Telir]], the capital city of [[Hallandren|Hallandren]], is located in a bay on the Bright Sea. This allows it to trade with many other places, such as [[Tedradel|Tedradel]] and a number of cities along the coast. T’Telir is the largest city to sell the valuable [[Tears of Edgli|Tears of Edgli]], bringing it extreme wealth.
[[Hallandren|Hallandren]] has a number of [[Stormrunners|Stormrunners]] that sail the Bright Sea during the spring storms. The Bright Sea also plays a large role in why [[Hallandren|Hallandren]] has become the economic powerhouse it is at the time of the [[Pahn Kahl rebellion|Pahn Kahl rebellion]].
The [[Pahn Kahl|Pahn Kahl]] believe that the storms of the Bright Sea are a manifestation of their unity of five gods.
## Trivia
There may be a connection between Endowment and the Bright Sea.
| Bright Sea |
|**World**|[[Earth (Rithmatist)|Earth (Rithmatist)]]|
** Britannia** was a sovereign nation on [[Earth (Rithmatist)|Earth]].
It was ruled by King [[Gregory III|Gregory III]] before being invaded by the [[JoSeun|JoSeun]] empire.
It likely parallels Great Britain.
| Britannia |
|**Introduced In**|*Oathbringer*|
**Vono** is an [[Azish|Azish]] guardsman on [[Roshar|Roshar]] that serves [[Prime Aqasix|Prime Aqasix]] [[Yanagawn|Yanagawn]] the First.
## Appearance and Personality
Vono has light brown skin. He seems to use proper etiquette when given an audience with the Prime Aqasix, although he uses informal language.
## History
Vono was likely a high-ranking guardsman, as he served on a ship that carried Yanagawn, [[Noura|Noura]], [[Unoqua|Unoqua]], [[Dalksi|Dalksi]], and other Azish dignitaries.
After the Azish delegation decided to leave [[Thaylen City|Thaylen City]] prior to the [[Battle of Thaylen Field|Battle of Thaylen Field]], Vono was assigned to guard [[Lift|Lift]] in her cabin on Yanagawn's ship so that she would not attempt to join the battle. However, Lift escaped by kicking Vono in the groin, incapacitating him. She was able to hide Vono under the bunk in her cabin (presumably using the Surge of Abrasion) just before the ship left port.
Vono did not recover until the ship was underway, and he reported Lift's escape to Yanagawn and Noura. Yanagawn was angry, but managed to avoid shaming Vono. Vono's report caused Yanagawn to consider returning to Thaylenah, but moments later he received a message stating that the [[Sadeas princedom|Sadeas]] troops led by [[Meridas Amaram|Meridas Amaram]] had switched sides and were attacking the city.
| Vono |
|**Siege of Fadrex City**|
|by Michael "Stickmouse" Howard |
|**Era**|[[New Empire|New Empire]]|
|**Participants**|[[Elend|Elend]], [[Aradan Yomen|Aradan Yomen]], [[Koloss|koloss]], [[Marsh|Marsh]], [[Hammond|Hammond]]|
|**City**|[[Fadrex City|Fadrex City]]|
|**Dominance**|[[Western Dominance|Western Dominance]]|
The **Siege of Fadrex City** was one of the major events on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] between the [[Collapse|Collapse]] of the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]] and the [[Final Ascension|ascension]] of [[Sazed|Sazed]].
The human and [[Koloss|koloss]] armies of the [[New Empire|New Empire]] under Emperor [[Elend Venture|Elend Venture's]] command, besieged [[Fadrex City|Fadrex City]], the seat of [[Aradan Yomen|Aradan Yomen's]] throne. Elend led an army of thirty eight thousand soldiers against twenty five thousand defenders. These armies had been assessed as nearly of the same strength, taking account of the strong defense fortification of Fadrex City. Elend also commanded twenty thousand [[Koloss|koloss]], which unbalanced the strength of the two armies.
After two weeks Yomen started the first attack on the army of the New Empire. It consisted of three small attacks, one coming from north and the second from south. Both were used as a distraction from the third one, taking place at the koloss camp. Eleven thousand koloss died under the fire of catapults or killing each other in bloodlust.
After this incident Elend asked to debate with Yomen. The conference resulted in Venture's wife [[Vin|Vin]] being taken hostage. Elend reacted by fighting a koloss army nearby Fadrex City and returning with twenty eight thousand koloss, which made his koloss army thirty seven thousand koloss strong.
Following the orders of [[Marsh|Marsh]], Yomen sent his army to the fields to battle the koloss army. Although Elend easily could have beaten the army, he drew back, heeding the advice of his general, [[Hammond|Hammond]]. This proved to be a good idea, since [[Ruin|Ruin]] eventually took control over all the koloss in order to annihilate both the armies of Elend and Yomen.
As the koloss broke mad, Yomen decided to open his gates to let the army of Elend in. Meanwhile, Vin escaped from Fadrex City and travelled to [[Luthadel|Luthadel]].
Ruin gathered a large koloss army in front of the city. In Fadrex City Elend began to understand the function of the [[Mistfallen|mistfallen]] and realized that he now had a new army of five thousand [[Misting|Mistings]]. After this conclusion, Ruin ordered the attack on Fadrex.
After some hours of fighting the koloss suddenly ran away from the city, in the direction of Luthadel, where Vin took up the [[Shard|Shard]] [[Preservation|Preservation]].
| Siege of Fadrex City |
|by Connor Chamberlain |
|**Region**|[[Sela Tales|Sela Tales]]|
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>“*The Purelake seemed to extend forever, wide as an ocean... Rock outcrops broke the lake near the coast, but inward the Purelake grew placid, more empty.*”
\-Szeth's description of the Purelake[1]
The **Purelake** is a shallow inland lake located in north central [[Roshar|Roshar]]. The people of the region are known as **Purelakers** and are ethnically [[Selay|Selay]].
The Purelake is influenced, in some way, by [[Cultivation|Cultivation]], although it predates her. It is unknown if she has a secondary [[Perpendicularity|perpendicularity]] in the Purelake.
## Contents
1 Geography and Environment
1.1 Geography
1.2 Locations
1.2.1 Settlements
1.2.2 Other Locations
1.3 Climate
1.4 Ecology
1.4.1 Types of Lifeforms
2 History
2.1 Epoch Kingdoms
2.2 Era of Solitude
2.3 The True Desolation
3 Politics
4 Culture
4.1 Peoples
4.1.1 Purelakers
4.1.2 Skybreakers
4.2 Society and Customs
4.3 Religion
4.3.1 Superstitions
5 Notable Purelakers
6 Notes
## Geography and Environment
### Geography
For more images, see [[Purelake/Gallery|/Gallery]].
The Purelake is a large, shallow lake that is hundreds of miles wide. It is separated from the [[Reshi Sea|Reshi Sea]] by the nation of [[Marabethia|Marabethia]]. The Purelake borders the nations of [[Tu Bayla|Tu Bayla]] to the east, [[Yulay|Yulay]] to the south, and [[Babatharnam|Babatharnam]] to the west. In [[Shadesmar|Shadesmar]], the Purelake is a mountain range. The depth of the lake in the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]] is not related to how it appears in the [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive]].
The waters of the Purelake are warm and crystal-clear, and the surface typically calm and smooth despite the tides. The lake has an average depth of about midcalf, though at some spots it reaches depths of around six feet. These deepest spots likely coincide with the sinkholes in the lake. The lake bottom has small ridges and sharp ledges of rock, which can make walking through the Purelake precarious. Purelakers are skilled at navigating such terrain, knowing to test their footing before putting their weight down.
It is unknown what type of, if any, mineral deposits can be found around the lake.
by User: Otto didact Map of the Purelake prior to the [[Night of Sorrows|Night of Sorrows]]
### Locations
#### Settlements
Villages that can be found on the Purelake include:
[[Fu Namir|Fu Namir]]
[[Fu Abra|Fu Abra]]
[[Fu Ralis|Fu Ralis]]
[[Fu Albast|Fu Albast]]
[[Fu Moorin|Fu Moorin]]
It can be observed that the Selay word *Fu* is in some way related to settlements, as it appears in the names of all known Purelake settlements. The exact meaning of the word, however, is unknown.
#### Other Locations
Large structures have previously existed on the Purelake, though their continued existence is questioned by scholars. A large obsidian fortress once existed somewhere on the lake, prior to the [[Recreance|Recreance]], but it is believed to have been destroyed. Modern-day Purelakers still speak of large structures existing on the lake, although this is dismissed by those outside the region as mythology. This fortress is not related to the geography of the Purelake in the Cognitive Realm.
A [[Order of Skybreakers|Skybreaker]] compound sits along the northern edge of the Purelake, in [[Marabethia|Marabethia]].
### Climate
>“*Like an endless bay, mere feet deep. Warm water. Calm breezes.*”
\-Zahel's description of the Purelake[12]
The Purelake has a tropical climate that is consistently both warm and humid, with calm breezes. The passing of the [[Highstorm|highstorm]] is the only time the temperature drops and the lake's climate turns cold. The Purelake's weather is similar to that of [[Hallandren|Hallandren]], on the planet [[Nalthis|Nalthis]].
The highstorm is weaker in the Purelake than it is further east, and although still a tempest, it is no longer strong enough to throw boulders or blow down exposed buildings. During a storm, the Purelake drains into holes and pits in the ground. Those outside will lodge their raft between ridges and use them as a windbreak to ride out the storm.
### Ecology
>“*The Purelake was life itself.*”
\-Ishikk's description of the Purelake[3]
by Bonnie Johnson
The Purelake is home to an abundance of lifeforms such as fish, [[Cremling|cremlings]], and [[Riverspren|riverspren]]. The area is also known for having small brown flies, similar in appearance to [[Hungerspren|hungerspren]]. Trees can be found on the shores of the Purelake, along with a type of slug used to create a clothing dye known as [[Mycalin|Mycalin]] red.
The fish in the Purelake have magical properties and form symbiotic bonds with [[Spren|spren]]. This [[Investiture|Investiture]] does not come from [[Honor|Honor]], but may come from [[Cultivation|Cultivation]]. The magical nature of these fish is similar to that of [[Aviar|Aviar]] from the island [[Patji (island)|Patji]], on the planet [[First of the Sun|First of the Sun]].
The exact magical manifestations of these animals is unknown. The local inhabitants believe certain creatures to imbue specific supernatural gifts; however, it is yet to be seen whether the Purelakers' superstitions are based in fact or fiction. While it may be the case that these fish grant the abilities specified by the native inhabitants, it is uncertain whether the Purelaker religion correlates directly with the magical properties of these lifeforms.
#### Types of Lifeforms
[[Stumpy Cort|Stumpy Cort]]
## History
The Purelake existed prior to the arrival of [[Shards|Shards]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]], likely created by [[Adonalsium|Adonalsium]] when he created the system.
### Epoch Kingdoms
During the time of the [[Silver Kingdoms|Silver Kingdoms]], the Purelake was controlled by [[Sela Tales|Sela Tales]]. When the kingdom disintegrated, the region splintered, with the Purelake seeming to become its own country.
At some point prior to the [[Recreance|Recreance]], one of [[Sja-anat|Sja-anat's]] spies and a [[Thunderclast|thunderclast]] attacked a group of soldiers near an obsidian fortress assumed to be on the Purelake. [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] visited the battle in a vision provided to him by the [[Stormfather|Stormfather]].
### Era of Solitude
In his youth, Dalinar traveled to the west of [[Roshar|Roshar]] and visited the border of the Purelake, but he never had the chance to see the center. Although he has wished to explore the region more when visiting nearby countries, he was never able to find the time.
by Bonnie Johnson Scenery of the Purelake
In the year 1173 three members of the [[Seventeenth Shard|Seventeenth Shard]], [[Galladon|Galladon]], [[Demoux|Demoux]], and [[Baon|Baon]], traveled to the Purelake, believing it to be the current location of [[Hoid|Hoid]]. To try and find him, they enlisted the help of a Purelaker, [[Ishikk|Ishikk]], who traveled to the different Purelake villages over the span of five months. Unbeknownst to Ishikk, the trail he was following had been falsely laid by Hoid to distract and avoid the Seventeenth Shard members who were seeking him. As such, Ishikk was ultimately unsuccessful and unable to find any evidence of Hoid having been in the area.
Later that year, the Purelake experienced the spread of an off-world illness, the common cold, which had been transmitted to the locals by either the Seventeenth Shard members or another [[Worldhopper|worldhopper]]. Kharbranth studied the plague, releasing information on their findings, in the end they declared that the plague was ultimately not deadly.
### The True Desolation
In 1174, a group of criminals escaped from a jail on the northern edge of the Purelake. The [[Order of Skybreakers|Skybreakers]] were called in to catch the escapees, who had broken out of the jail and fled. The Skybreaker acolytes were tasked with finding the criminals and bringing them to justice, with the exercise also testing their understanding of the law.
Following the [[Battle of Thaylen Field|Battle of Thaylen Field]], [[Iri|Iri]], with the help of [[Odium|Odium's]] forces, captured most of the western kingdoms, which may have included the Purelake.
After [[Retribution|Retribution's]] influence caused the Everstorm to spread across the continent, the Purelake's barriers broke and flooded nearby kingdoms.
## Politics
During the [[Silver Kingdoms|Silver Kingdoms]], the Purelake was governed by the king of [[Sela Tales|Sela Tales]]. After the fall of the [[Epoch Kingdoms|Epoch Kingdoms]], it appears that the Purelake broke away from the surrounding lands and established sovereignty, with local inhabitants forming autonomous villages. Modern-day Purelakers are more likely to define themselves based on their geography than country borders.
People who live outside of the Purelake find the inhabitants to be strange, and do not understand the appeal of living within a lake. The [[Azish|Azish]] are particularly dismissive of the region, believing that there is nothing of consequence on the lake, and are baffled why anyone would want to visit the area.
Unlike the eastern countries on [[Roshar|Roshar]], the Purelake is not known to be overly confrontational or involved in internal, or external, fighting.
The region may now be under the control of [[Odium|Odium's]] forces, with the surround lands having been captured by [[Iri|Iri]] and the [[Fused|Fused]]. Iri may have wished to have control of the Purelake for several generations.
## Culture
The Purelake is sparsely populated, with inhabitants living in small remote villages. These settlements are most likely connected through trade, as many Purelakers work as fishermen who will travel around in order to sell their stock. Most Purelakers own a raft that they use for sleep and to transport items.
One of their weekdays is known as warli-day. Soup bowls on the Purelake are designed to allow for easy slurping.
### Peoples
by botanicaxu [[Order of Skybreakers|Skybreaker]] acolytes during a test at their stronghold in [[Marabethia|Marabethia]]
#### Purelakers
>“*A good Purelaker never covered his shoulders when the sun was shining. A man could get sick that way, not getting enough sunlight.*”
Purelakers are known for their long limbs, leathery skin, and dark hair. In general, they have happy-go-lucky attitudes and are rarely fazed by misfortune. They have a relaxed way of life and enjoy taking their time. They see no need to rush and will go about their tasks in a slow, leisurely manner, allowing themselves to think more about their actions and enjoy the day.
Purelakers are also rather unconcerned with the notion of exact time, and do not understand why foreigners care so much about it. As a whole, they are rather unimpressed by foreigners, believing that they are constantly in a hurry and act oddly due to their avoidance of nature. Purelakers do not understand why anyone would not want to live on the Purelake, but, at the same time, do not want outsiders coming to fill up the area.
Purelakers typically wear sandals and knee-length pants so they can maximize their exposure to the lake. Men rarely cover their upper body, preferring to leave their shoulders and torsos bare to the sun. Despite Purelakers' preference for sun exposure, it is possible to purchase wide-brimmed hats in the region. The fashion of the Purelake is known for being rather unchanging.
Purelakers' feet don't get wrinkled.
#### Skybreakers
The [[Order of Skybreakers|Skybreakers]] have a stronghold on the northern edge of the Purelake in [[Marabethia|Marabethia]] that is used to train acolytes. They will often use their surroundings for this training, including by placing items in the lake, to be used by the squires.
The Marabethian government is aware they are in the region and will contact the Skybreakers if they require assistance with enforcement. It is unknown if the Purelakers are aware of the order's presence along their northern shore and how much contact they have with the Skybreakers.
Szeth visits the Purelake at some point before becoming a Skybreaker.
### Society and Customs
>“*That bastion of culture and fashion! Are you going shopping in Bavland next?*”
\-Havar making fun of Bashin's Purelaker hat[27]
Purelakers speak [[Selay|Selay]], which is in the same language group as the languages of [[Iri|Iri]], the [[Reshi|Reshi]] Islands, and other northwestern parts of Roshar. The Purelake dialect is heavily influenced by the inhabitants' way of life and their religious beliefs, with many sayings relating to the weather, the lake, or their gods.
Purelaker buildings have the appearance of [[Rockbud|rockbuds]], with domed roofs. They are among the few things to break the surface of the Purelake. The buildings of Purelakers are typically built on blocks or stilts. However, they are still set a few inches below surface level, keeping the floor covered in water. The buildings will drain when the tide is low. Although housing exists, some Purelakers see no point in sleeping indoors, instead opting to sleep on rafts.
Purelakers use a trade system that generates favors by providing products. The economy is likely heavily dependent on the fishing trade, with many Purelakers nomadically travelling the area in search of rare fish.
Purelakers, like many [[Roshar|Rosharans]], are inherently healthier than average due to the nature of Roshar's [[Investiture|Investiture]]. Because of this, they are unaccustomed to illnesses, particularly those that are easily transmissible and able to spread across wide distances through infectious carriers. Their infrequent interaction with infectious illnesses makes them likely to unintentionally overstate the severity of a disease, due to its unfamiliarity.
Due to the region's low population density and pre-industrial society, waste accumulation does not pose any major concerns. Human waste is naturally broken down by the surrounding ecosystem and then removed by the [[Highstorm|highstorm]], while man-made trash either naturally breaks down on its own, if possible, or is removed by passing travelers.
### Religion
>“*I swear it by Vun Makak. May he watch over me and curse me as he pleases.*”
\-Ishikk deliberately swearing to Vun Makak instead of Nu Ralik[3]
Purelakers are known to be highly religious; their religion is based on two gods, [[Nu Ralik|Nu Ralik]] and his younger brother [[Vun Makak|Vun Makak]], and seemingly focused around the bestowment of suffering. Although the Purelakers consider Nu Ralik to be their true god, they must hide their worship of him, lest they anger his brother. According to mythology, Vun Makak is a spiteful god, prone to jealousy over the attention that is paid to his sibling. In order to deceive Vun Makak, the Purelakers only vocalize praises about the younger god and keep the name of their true god hidden. It is unclear whether the Purelakers have been successful in their trickery of Vun Makak.
Holy grottos are the only places where Purelakers can voice their worship for Nu Ralik freely. It is unknown where these holy grottos are located and why the Purelakers believe them to be safe from Vun Makak's observation.
Outsiders do not understand the intricacies of the Purelaker religion, and will unwittingly speak of Nu Ralik freely.
Vun Makak is said to approve of lies and false stories. Nu Ralik is believed to provide the day.
#### Superstitions
Purelakers hold a number of superstitious beliefs that are associated with the ecology and environment of the Purelake. Many types of fish are considered to have special abilities or provide certain powers. These superstitions influence many aspects of the Purelaker lifestyle; inhabitants tend towards exposing a large amount of skin, as the sun is believed to bring good health, while the magical properties of area's fauna affects the value of trade goods. Purelakers also believe that the tide of the lake can be used to predict the future.
## Notable Purelakers
[[Ishikk|Ishikk]] - Fisherman
[[Maib|Maib]] - Cook
[[Thaspic|Thaspic]] - Villager
[[Gu|Gu]] - Boater in the [[Reshi Isles|Reshi Isles]]
| Purelake |
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Tress of the Emerald Sea*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
**Weev** was a former officer on the *Crow's Song*, a ship that sails the planet [[Lumar|Lumar]]. He served as the ship's [[Sprouter|sprouter]] before being murdered by [[Crow|Crow]] for opposing her desire to make the crew pirates.
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 Attributes and Abilities
3 History
4 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
A crewmember (Doug) from the *Crow's Song* describes Weev as a nice guy who was terrible at bluffing and playing cards. He was the only one to argue against piracy, and didn't deserve getting murdered. [[Hoid|Hoid]] acknowledges that Weev was a cunning fellow up until he argued with Crow.
## Attributes and Abilities
>“*I'd have called him crazier than a nitroglycerin smoothie.*”
\-Hoid describing Weev[3]
Weev was a sprouter and often used and experimented with [[Aether spores|aether spores]]. All sprouters are viewed as crazy, but Weev was crazier than the rest.
Before he died, Weev likely did the majority of the cooking for the crew of the *Crow's Song*.
## History
Weev had a room on the *Crow's Song* with a bed, mirror, and running water, but no silver to allow for experiments with spores. Though it was larger than other officer's rooms, it remained unclaimed until [[Tress|Tress]] took his job as a sprouter. While he did use the running water for spore experiments, it was also an excuse to take baths at his leisure.
He collected several different types of spores, including zephyr, rose, verdant, sunlight, and midnight spores. He acquired the midnight spores from Hoid. In his profession, Weev was considered a purist and preferred classical tools over modern ones. His tools for patching holes in the ship included a small iron plate and a steel trowel. Over the course of his experiments, he compiled a considerable collection of notes detailing his results and knowledge, but they were not very organized. He was a mental hoarder, and had a tendency to write down random thoughts and half-finished ideas. Crow wanted him to figure out how to make cannonballs himself to save money, but he never succeeded.
During Crow's quest to heal herself, she had secret meetings with Weev to help her locate [[Xisisrefliel|Xisisrefliel]]. According to Crow's notes, these ended when he turned to blackmail and Crow threw him off the ship.
| Weev |
|**Hobble's Brook**|
**Hobble's Brook** is a river near [[Hobbleken|Hobbleken]] and [[Hearthstone|Hearthstone]].
After the [[Battle of Narak|Battle of Narak]], [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] passes Hobble's Brook on his way to Hearthstone, and reckons Hearthstone is about two hours away flying.
Hobble's Brook had trees sprouting along its bank, hungry for extra water, as the [[Weeping|Weeping]] ended early.
| Hobbles Brook |
|**Died**|1023 [[Final Empire|FE]]|
|**Species**|[[Steel Inquisitor|Steel Inquisitor]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Mistborn: The Final Empire*|
For the Kelzi on Dayside previously referred to as Kar, see [[Karmat|Karmat]].
>“*By allowing common men to rule your Ministry, you have unwittingly allowed corruption and vice to enter the very heart of your holy palace!*”
\-Kar voices his distaste for normal people to the Lord Ruler[1]
**Kar** is a [[Steel Inquisitor|Steel Inquisitor]] in the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]]. At the time of the [[Collapse|Collapse]], he is the most senior Inquisitor in the [[Steel Ministry|Steel Ministry]].
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 Attributes and Abilities
2.1 Allomancy
2.2 Feruchemy
3 History
4 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
Like all Inquisitors, Kar is bald, with tattoos covering his face and spikes through his eyes.
He considers regular people inferior to Inquisitors and was pleased when, in 1023 FE, the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler]] granted the [[Canton of Inquisition|Canton of Inquisition]] administrative authority over the rest of the Steel Ministry.
## Attributes and Abilities
Like all Inquisitors, Kar has access to some [[Allomancy|Allomantic]] and [[Feruchemy|Feruchemical]] abilities through Hemalurgy. As a result, his powers may be weaker than those of a normal Allomancer or Feruchemist, though, if he had any Allomantic abilities prior to becoming an Inquisitor, they would instead be enhanced. As an Inquisitor, he is also easily fatigued and needs frequent rest. As a former soldier, he is quite skilled at physical combat.
### Allomancy
Kar can burn the four physical and four mental Allomantic metals, as well as [[Atium|atium]]. He is very good at discerning detail with [[Steel|steel]] or [[Iron|iron]] and is able to make out even trace amounts of metal and read the emotions of others based on the movements of any metal on them. However, seeing in this way also allows Vin to temporarily blind him by throwing a handful of metal dust at him.
### Feruchemy
Kar also has access to Feruchemical [[Gold|gold]], which allows him to quickly heal the wounds he gains from fighting Vin.
## History
>“*The Inquisitors had been waiting for two centuries, carefully politicking, subtly encouraging dissension among the regular obligators. And finally, it had worked. The Inquisitors would no longer bow before the dictates of inferior men.*”
\-Kar on how the Inquisitors achieved authority over the rest of the Steel Ministry[2]
Before becoming an Inquisitor, Kar was a soldier.
When [[Vin|Vin]] attempts to enter the Lord Ruler's sanctum in [[Kredik Shaw|Kredik Shaw]], he and another Inquisitor are standing guard outside. She attacks and quickly wounds them, giving her time to slip inside. Soon thereafter, however, he and the other Inquisitor enter and capture her. The Lord Ruler instructs them to kill her, but they convince him to let them keep her alive, as they believe she has information relevant to their request for administrative authority over the rest of the Steel Ministry.
After she is forced to burn [[Aluminum|aluminum]], Kar leads Vin up to the Lord Ruler's throne room, where the [[Lord prelan|lord prelan]] [[Tevidian|Tevidian]] and several other obligators are meeting. Kar alleges that Vin is Tevidian's daughter whom he failed to kill after having a relationship with a skaa woman; under pressure from the Lord Ruler's Soothing, Vin admits that this is true. As a result of his failure to kill [[Vin's mother|Vin's mother]], the Lord Ruler allows the Inquisitors to kill Tevidian and agrees to grant them authority over the rest of the Steel Ministry. Kar does not participate in the killing of Tevidian, but rather watches it with a smile.
Kar then takes Vin back to her cell, where he informs her that her brother died while being tortured by the Ministry, but he swore that she had died years ago. He then reveals a captured [[Sazed|Sazed]] and promises to torture him until Vin tells him what he wants to know about [[Kelsier's crew|Kelsier's crew]], before leaving to attend the formal transfer of authority to the Canton of Inquisition.
During the official transfer of authority, Kar reflects on how carefully the Inquisitors had worked for two centuries to encourage corruption among the obligators so that, eventually, the Inquisitors would no longer have to obey ordinary men. Despite his fatigue, he remains after the meeting to discuss further with the Lord Ruler, but is interrupted by the return of Vin. Kar subdues her with realtive ease and is about to kill her with a chokehold when [[Marsh|Marsh]] enters and removes Kar's [[Hemalurgic|Hemalurgic]] linchpin spike, killing him.
| Kar |
**Duladel** is a kingdom on [[Opelon|Opelon]] along the southern border of [[Arelon|Arelon]] on [[Sel|Sel]]. People from Duladel are called Dula. Its people are mostly of mixed blood, generally half [[Aonic|Aonic]] and half [[JinDo|JinDo]]. Because of their Aonic heritage, the Dula can be taken by the [[Shaod|Shaod]] and become [[Elantrian|Elantrians]].
## Contents
1 Geography
1.1 Geography
1.1.1 Location
1.1.2 Climate
1.1.3 Capital
2 Government
2.1 Republic
2.2 Monarchy
3 Culture
3.1 People
3.1.1 Fashion
3.1.2 Fencing
3.2 Religion
3.2.1 Jesker
3.2.2 Shu-Dereth
3.3 Language and script
3.3.1 Known words
3.3.2 Script
4 History
4.1 Duladel Republic
4.2 Occupation by the Fjordell Empire
5 Notable Dula
6 Trivia
7 Notes
## Geography
### Geography
#### Location
Duladel lies on the continent of [[Opelon|Opelon]]. The kingdom is bordered by [[Arelon|Arelon]], [[Fjorden|Fjorden]] and [[JinDo|JinDo]]. It has one major river running through it, the [[Kalomo River|Kalomo River]]. Duladel also contains the only safe passes through the Atad mountains.
#### Climate
Duladel is made up of a number of climates. A part of Duladel is made up of the Dula Steppes, these Steppes have many caves. Duladel also has many swamps.
#### Capital
Duladel’s capital is a city called [[Fellavoo|Fellavoo]]. Fellavoo is located in the north of Duladel, close to the borders of [[Arelon|Arelon]] and [[Fjorden|Fjorden]]. Due to the city’s status as the Dula capital it is likely that the Dula royal family resides in this city.
## Government
### Republic
Before it’s violent revolution and eventual occupation by the [[Fjorden|Fjordell Empire]] Duladel was a republic. This republic was ruled by a group of citizens known as the Republican class. The members of the Republican class were elected by the Dula people. The people who belonged to the Republican class carried the title ‘Citizen’. After the revolution the Republican class was killed in its entirety, with only a handful of survivors. This revolution was also the end of the republic.
### Monarchy
After the collapse of the republic a contingent of Derethi priests, led by the gyorn [[Hrathen|Hrathen]], fomented a revolution. After this revolution ended a Derethi monarchy was established. This allowed the Fjordell priests to convert the Dula population on a far larger scale them previously possible. The monarchs, as Derethi, bow to the whims of [[Wyrn (title)|Wyrn]]. This essentially makes Duladel a Fjordell puppet.
## Culture
### People
The Dula are of mixed blood, with most of them being a mix of the [[Aonic|Aonic]] peoples and the [[JinDo|JinDo]], although there are also Dula with Fjordell ancestry.
Dula aristocrats typically have creamy brown skin. Their skin color is darker then the average Aonic person, but lighter then the average [[JinDo|JinDo]]. Dula of lower birth generally have darker skin then the aristocrats, most of them also tend to be massive and bulky. The Dula have round features, they tend to have a foppish, unconcerned air.
The Dula are known as the "most light-hearted, easygoing people in Opelon". They generally have a lack of decorum. The Dula are also notoriously slow to act. It is said that the moment you invite a Dula to stay, you will never get rid of him—or his family. The ideal Dula aristocrat is foolishly haughty, overdressed and overmannered.
The Dula don’t just talk with their mouths, they use their entire bodies. The best way to deal with a talking Dula is to simply smile and occasionally nod.
#### Fashion
The Dula are highly fashionable. The aristocratic segment of the population is fond of garish and bright clothing. The common people are less fond of bright colors however. The Dula are also known to wear large feathered hats.
#### Fencing
Dula citizens are said to be the finest fencers in all of Opelon, being even better then the Jaadorians. The Dula aristocrats are extremely skilled, with on average three out of four defeating [[Sarene|Sarene]], a skilled Teo fencer.
### Religion
#### Jesker
Before the revolution the state religion was [[Jesker|Jesker]], a religion that worships the [[Dor|Dor]] as a sort of overspirit. Many people outside of Duladel call Jesker a 'primitive' religion, though saying this was considered offensive to its followers. It is likely that even after the revolution many people still believe in Jesker.
The followers of the Jesker religion strive to bring themselves in harmony with the Dor, the overspirit, and subsequently with nature, they also taught that everything knew of the Dor, except humans, who could be oblivious to it. Jesker ascribed importance to the heaven's movements, and according to [[Hrathen|Hrathen]], worshipped the moon.
#### Shu-Dereth
After the Fjordell occupation of Duladel the state religion was changed into [[Shu-Dereth|Shu-Dereth]]. This is a monotheistic religion, worshipping a deity called [[Jaddeth|Jaddeth]].
Shu-Dereth has a strict chain of command, with [[Wyrn (title)|Wyrn]] at the top. Due to this chain of command the Dula, regardless of social rank, are subjected to the whims of the Fjordell priesthood. Wyrn uses this to further expand his empire across [[Opelon|Opelon]].
### Language and script
>“* Alavanta kamaloo kayana.*”
\- Galladon to himself[18]
The Dula people speak Duladen. This language reflects the "laid back, loose culture" of Duladel. Many Dula, including the Republic citizens, speak Aonic fluently, especially if they live near the country’s border with [[Arelon|Arelon]]. Some of these people don’t even have accents. Unlike the aristocrats however, most of the low-born Dula have strong accents when speaking Arelene.
#### Known words
#### Script
When [[Sarene|Sarene]] discovers a group of practitioners of the [[Jeskeri Mysteries|Jeskeri Mysteries]], she notes that many of them wear robes emblazoned with "Duladen runes".
## History
#### Duladel Republic
The Duladel Republic was one of the major nations on Opelon during the time before the Reod. Duladel was on good terms with [[Arelon|Arelon]], the [[Elantrian|Elantrians]] and [[Teod|Teod]], they were on worse terms with the [[Fjorden|Fjordell]].
#### Occupation by the Fjordell Empire
About six months prior to the restoration of Elantris, the Duladel Republic collapsed. During a chaotic period a contingent of Derethi priests, led by the gyorn [[Hrathen|Hrathen]], fomented a revolution. The Duladel Revolution was even more violent than the Arelene Revolution following the Fall of Elantris; the Republican Class was killed in its entirety, leaving only a handful of survivors. A monarchy was then instituted and [[Shu-Dereth|Shu-Dereth]] replaced [[Jesker|Jesker]] as the state religion. A few men, mostly republicans who survived the massacre, continued to fight against the Fjordell, although the only reason that they were still alive is because Fjorden was to lazy to destroy them. These rebels hid in the Dula swamps and in the caves of the Dula Steppes. The collapse of Duladel prompted the engagement of Prince [[Raoden|Raoden]] of Arelon to Princess [[Sarene|Sarene]] of [[Teod|Teod]]; their marriage would signify unity between the two remaining non-Derethi nations south of the [[Rose Empire|Rose Empire]].
## Notable Dula
## Trivia
Although a Duladel-specific magic system has not been introduced, it is possible that one exists.
Due to the [[JinDo|JinDo]] heritage of the Dula they might be able to practice [[ChayShan|ChayShan]], although this has not been confirmed.
| Duladel |
|**Kalomo River**|
The **Kalomo River** is a river in southern [[Arelon|Arelon]]. It provides the natural border between Arelon and [[Duladel|Duladel]]. The river lies adjacent to the [[Chasm|Chasm]].
Many [[Aon|Aons]] often had a line at the bottom to represent the Kalomo River.
| Kalomo River |
|**House Hammondess**|
|**Era**|Post [[Catacendre|Catacendre]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]|
**House Hammondess ** is a noble house on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] founded by [[Hammond|Hammond]] after the [[Catacendre|Catacendre]]. Hammond had two children and a wife, it can be assumed that at least one of his children, the eldest boy, ruled House Hammondess himself.
House Hammondess holds a hereditary seat on the Elendel Senate. In 348 [[Catacendre|PC]] this seat was held by [[Mari Hammondess|Mari Hammondess]]. Governer [[Replar Innate|Replar Innate]] appointed a Hammondess scion to a judge’s seat in 342 [[Catacendre|PC]].
| House Hammondess |
|**Marks (Dreamer)**|
|**Profession**|Police Officer|
|**Homeworld**|[[Earth (Dreamer)|Earth (Dreamer)]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Dreamer*|
This page is about the police officer possessed by [[Phi|Phi]] in **Dreamer**. For the [[Cobalt Guard|Cobalt Guard]] member on [[Roshar|Roshar]], see [[Marks (Roshar)|Marks (Roshar)]].
**Marks** is an NYPD officer in Manhattan who was possessed by [[Phi|Phi]], a [[Poltergeist|poltergeist]] who was playing a game of cops and robbers. He was killed when [[Dreamer (character)|Dreamer]] used [[Lorenzo|Lorenzo's]] body to tackle Phi off a building.
| Marks Dreamer |
>“*The club hadn’t been impressive, but it had been special because Chet had helped me make it.*”
\-Spensa after losing Skullbreaker[1]
**Skullbreaker** is a makeshift weapon [[Spensa|Spensa]] created while in the [[Belt|belt]] of the [[Nowhere|nowhere]] after losing her rifle. She creates it by finding a sturdy stick that had fallen from a tree, then stripping the bark. Spensa tries to lash a stone to the head of the club with a vine, but fails. [[Chet|Chet]] uses a spare shoelace from his boot to tie the stone in place, showing Spensa how to do it.
After the [[Delver|Delvers]] send a fragment to destroy the one Chet and Spensa are on, Spensa lost Skullbreaker in the chaos. Spensa had been fond of Skullbreaker, and was saddened by its loss. Spensa later wished she had Skullbreaker during a confrontation with [[Peg|Peg]].
| Skullbreaker |
|**Related to**|[[Vorinism|Vorinism]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]|
This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Rhythm of War* and *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
A **ward** is a female apprentice to a [[Vorin|Vorin]] scholar on [[Roshar|Roshar]].
Wards seem to be a concept limited to [[Vorin|Vorin]] [[Lighteyes|lighteyes]]. A scholarly woman can take on one or more students and teach them numerous subjects, such as mathematics, logic, art or natural history. Such a teacher cannot be forced to accept a ward, and can set conditions that must be fulfilled before a prospective candidate is accepted. In exchange for education, the ward serves as a scribe and assistant to her teacher.
The wardship can be broken off at any point by either the teacher or the ward, but formally it ends only when the teacher decides that her student has at least met the minimum requirements of professional scholarship.
## Known wards
[[Shallan Davar|Shallan Davar]] is a ward to [[Jasnah Kholin|Jasnah Kholin]]. Numerous women attempted to become Jasnah's ward, with twelve applying in year 1173 alone. Shallan was the only one to convince Jasnah to accept her. The wardship continues even after Shallan becomes a [[Order of Lightweavers|Lightweaver]] and finally ends eight months after her marriage to [[Adolin|Adolin]].
Jasnah had one other ward, long before Shallan. However, this went poorly, and the two eventually parted ways.
[[Teshav Khal|Teshav Khal]] has numerous wards, including two with senior status. In the course of her duties, she's always accompanied by at least one: there is one when she's meeting with [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] in the warcamps; [[Teshav's ward|one]] at the [[Battle of Narak|Battle of Narak]]; two when speaking with [[Yanagawn|Yanagawn]] via [[Spanreed|spanreed]]; one when [[Tezim|Tezim]] replies to Dalinar's missive; and one when [[Azimir|Azimir]] threatens to destroy their [[Oathgate|Oathgate]]. As the wards are never named, it's unclear how many are there, and which of the above are the same people. [[Janala Lustow|Janala Lustow]] might be one of them.
[[Litima|Litima]] has a single ward who accompanies her when she reads a passage of [[The Way of Kings (in-world)|The Way of Kings]] to [[Dalinar|Dalinar]].
[[Kalami|Kalami]] has several wards who accompany her when the Sibling sends a spanreed to Navani to tell her that the Tower is getting invaded.
[[Karavangia|Karavangia]], granddaughter of king [[Taravangian|Taravangian]], becomes a ward to an unknown scholar shortly after her grandfather becomes the king of [[Jah Keved|Jah Keved]].
[[Neshan|Neshan]] has two wards. Both of the wards and Neshan themselves are killed in the beginning of the singer invasion of [[Urithiru|Urithiru]].
A number of wards are present during a feast on the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]].
[[Navani Kholin|Navani Kholin]] doesn't have any wards of her own, but occasionally borrows some from other lighteyes in the warcamp.
## Trivia
In *The Way of Kings Prime*, the early version of *Stormlight Archive*, Jasnah has a ward named Shinri. Shinri eventually evolved into [[Shallan|Shallan]], though the differences are vast enough that Brandon considers them to be separate characters. The mention of Jasnah having had another ward a long time ago might be an allusion to Shinri.
| Ward |
|by Michael Whelan |
|**The Stormlight Archive**|
|**Follows**|*Words of Radiance*|
|**Precedes**|*Rhythm of War *|
|**Setting**|[[Roshar|Roshar]], [[Cosmere|Cosmere]]|
|**Released**|November 14, 2017|
|**Page Count**|1,220|
|**Word Count**|[[Oathbringer/Statistical analysis|454,440]]|
This article deals with the third [[Stormlight Archive|Stormlight Archive]] novel. For [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin's]] [[Shardblade|Shardblade]], see [[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer (Shardblade)]]. For the in universe work, see [[Oathbringer (in-world)|Oathbringer (in-world)]]
*Oathbringer* is the third book in [[The Stormlight Archive|The Stormlight Archive]]. It was released on November 14th, 2017.
## Contents
1 Synopsis
2 Cover Flap
3 Summary
4 Development
4.1 Writing Process
4.2 Name Changes
5 Publication History
5.1 Pre-Release Material
6 Cover Gallery
7 Interior Art
8 See Also
9 Statistical Analysis
10 Notes
## Synopsis
*A new storm has come.*
*Ash and red lightning sweep the land, awakening our ancient enemies. The Unmade—shadows of the Enemy's soul—stir, while the eyes of men open. This war is not, and never was, what they thought it to be.*
*We may soon hold Surges again, for Radiance has returned to some, and shines toward others. The Captain, broken by loss, seeks reconciliation. The Spy, broken by cruelty, seeks completion. The Stonewalker, broken by oaths, seeks truth. The Traitor, broken by ambition, seeks freedom.*
*And finally the King. Broken by war, he seeks the past. That which was abandoned. That which he* must not know.
*For those secrets will crush him as they did the knights who came before.*
## Cover Flap
Dalinar Kholin's Alethi armies won a fleeting victory at a terrible cost: the enemy Parshendi summoned the violent Everstorm, which now sweeps the world with destruction, and in its passing awakens the once peaceful and subservient parshman to the horror of their millenia-long enslavement by humans. While on a desperate flight to warn his family of the threat, Kaladin Stormblessed must come to grips with the fact that the newly kindled anger of the parshmen may be wholly justified.
Nestled in the mountains high above the storms, in the tower city of Urithiru, Shallan Davar investigates the wonders of the ancient stronghold of the Knights Radiant and unearths dark secrets lurking in its depths. And Dalinar realizes that his holy mission to unite his homeland of Alethkar is too narrow in scope. Unless all the nations of Roshar can put aside Dalinar's blood-soaked past and stand together-and unless Dalinar himself can confront that past-even the restoration of the Knights Radiant will not prevent the end of civilization.
## Summary
For a chapter by chapter summary, see [[Oathbringer/Summary|/Summary]].
For an index of chapter breaks in various editions, see [[Oathbringer/Chapter index|/Chapter index]].
## Development
### Writing Process
Brandon wrote a few "exploratory scenes" for Stormlight 3 during the summer of 2014, however, he didn't start in earnest on the book until June 2015.
The original outline called for the flashback sequence to focus on [[Szeth-son-son-Vallano|Szeth-son-son-Vallano]], however, Brandon later changed his mind. He planned on writing parts of the flashbacks for Szeth as well as [[Eshonai|Eshonai]] and [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]], to help him decide who can best get across the information he needs to.. After working on Dalinar's flashbacks, however, was pleased enough with how they were going that he decided not to go forward with the other two sequences. In late September 2016 he indicated that he would be spending part of October writing Szeth's flashback sequence, in order to solidify certain backstory pieces relevant to other scenes he was writing, and that there was a real but unlikely chance that he would change the book back to focus on Szeth.
On July 16, 2015, Brandon announced that he had finished Dalinar's flashback chapters. There are 15 in total, with a sum word count of around 55,000 words.. On July 22, 2016, Brandon announced that there would also be several flashback scenes from other characters, including 3 from Kaladin. On December 8, 2016, Brandon announced that he had finished his first draft, totaling 461,223 words. As of March 15, 2017, Brandon had completed the third of five planned drafts, which totaled 514,000 words. On June 15, 2017, Brandon announced the completion of his final draft, which he managed to cut to 450,000 words. The book contains 122 chapters, with 14 interludes, plus a prologue, epilogue, and ketek.
While working on the novel Brandon posted a series of updates in the Stormlight Archive subreddit:
### Name Changes
The original tentative title, when Szeth was still the focus character, was "Stones Unhallowed". Like all planned titles for The Stormlight Archive this would have been the title of an in-world book, likely in dealing with Urithiru which [[Ali|Ali-daughter-Hasweth]] mentions was at times the Shin's only connection to the outside world due to its "stones unhallowed". "Skybreakers" was also mentioned by Brandon as a working title, as Brandon felt "Stones Unhallowed" would possibly be too similar to Patrick Rothfuss' "Doors of Stone" if they were released in close proximity.
"The Highprince of War" was the working title for the fifth book in The Stormlight Archive, which is where Dalinar's flashbacks were originally scheduled to appear. In February 2013 though, Brandon said it was "almost certain" to change. During the process of writing Stormlight 3, especially after shifting the focus to Dalinar, Brandon began referring to it as "Oathbringer" which eventually became its official title.
## Publication History
On November 14th, 2017, the novel was released.
### Pre-Release Material
The first Kaladin chapter was Brandon's reading during the Summer 2014 UK tour. It was later released on Tor.com on September 30, 2014.
The first Dalinar flashback chapter was Brandon's reading during the *Shadows of Self* tour. It was later released on Tor.com on October 23, 2015,.
The first four Dalinar flashback chapters were released on December 6, 2016, in the *Unfettered II* anthology, edited by Shawn Speakman.
The prologue was released on Tor.com on August 22, 2017. 3 chapters were released every week until the 31st of October and November 7th only had 2 chapters.
## Cover Gallery
For a cover gallery of Oathbringer, see [[Oathbringer/Covers|/Covers]].
## Interior Art
For a gallery of the book's interior art, see [[Oathbringer/Interior art|/Interior art]].
## See Also
[[Oathbringer/Interior art|Oathbringer/Interior art]]
## Statistical Analysis
For a full statistical analysis, see [[Oathbringer/Statistical analysis|/Statistical analysis]].
*Oathbringer* consists of one prologue, 122 chapters, fourteen interludes, and one epilogue, reaching a total 454,440 word count (including chapter text, epigraphs, and part/chapter titles). There are twenty-nine different unique point-of-view characters in a total of 273 POVs.
|**Word Count**|454,440||
|**Page Count**|1,220|Tor hardback|
|**Chapter Count**|138|Including prologue, 14 interludes, and epilogue.|
|**PoV Characters**|29||
|**PoV Count**|273||
| Oathbringer |
|**Relatives**|[[Dedelin|Dedelin]], [[Vivenna|Vivenna]], [[Ridger|Ridger]], [[Fafen|Fafen]], [[Sisirinah|Sisirinah]]|
|**Died**|Slain with [[Nightblood|Nightblood]] by [[Vasher|Vasher]]|
|**Abilities**|[[Returned|Returned]], [[Awakener|Awakener]], [[Worldhopper|Worldhopper]], [[Cognitive Shadow|Cognitive Shadow]], [[Shardbearer|Shardbearer]] , [[Royal Locks|Royal Locks]]|
|**Groups**|[[Five Scholars|Five Scholars]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Warbreaker*|
>“*The waves of men pointed toward one figure at the center. A woman, vaguely depicted by a couple of curved brushstrokes. And yet it was obvious. She stood high, as if atop a cresting wave of crashing soldiers, caught in mid-motion, head flung back, her arm upraised.*
\-Holding a deep black sword that darkened the red sky around it.
**Shashara** is a [[Returned|Returned]] and one of the [[Five Scholars|Five Scholars]] on [[Nalthis|Nalthis]].
## Contents
1 Attributes and abilities
2 History
2.1 Early life and Returning
2.2 The Manywar and Death
3 Legacy
4 Trivia
5 Notes
## Attributes and abilities
Shashara is a [[Returned|Returned]]. As such she can have the fifth [[Heightening|Heightening]] whenever she wants. This includes all the abilities granted by it, such as agelessness. She held the ninth [[Heightening|Heightening]] at least once, using it to make [[Nightblood|Nightblood]].
As one of the [[Five Scholars|Five Scholars]] Shashara has a good understanding of [[Awakening|Awakening]], and has made several discoveries. It is also likely she can use her [[Divine Breath|divine Breath]] to alter her appearance, as the other scholars have been seen doing this.
As she is known to have wielded [[Nightblood|Nightblood]] she was probably bonded to him. This makes her resistant to the effects caused by Nightblood.
As her brother [[VaraTreledees|VaraTreledees]] had the [[Royal Locks|Royal Locks]] it’s safe to assume she had them as well.
## History
### Early life and Returning
Shashara's life before she Returned is a mystery. She had a brother however, who would later return as [[VaraTreledees|VaraTreledees]]. At some point she died.
Upon her Return, she was found and taken in by the [[Cult of the Returned|Cult of the Returned]]. They gave her the name **Glorysinger**. At some point she and four others, [[VaraTreledees|VaraTreledees]], [[Talaxin|Talaxin]], [[Arsteel|Arsteel]], and [[Yesteel|Yesteel]] formed the [[Five Scholars|Five Scholars]]. During this time she researched [[Awakening|Awakening]], becoming one of the most talented Awakeners of the Five Scholars. She did multiple notable inventions during this time, known examples being the creation of the one-Breath Command to create [[Lifeless|Lifeless]] and also the discovery of how to create a sentient Awakened object of steel, leading to the creation of [[Nightblood|Nightblood]].
Sometime after her first death she traveled the [[Cosmere|cosmere]].
During this time Talaxin and Shashara fell in love, and eventually married. Talaxin and Shashara collaborated on their Awakening research. Shashara and Talaxin, or Vasher, worked together to create the Command for Nightblood, "Destroy evil." After Nightblood's creation she argued with [[Talaxin|Talaxin]], claiming the sword could be a poet or a scholar, like a man.
### The Manywar and Death
After the [[Manywar|Manywar]] began, the [[Five Scholars|Five Scholars]] split and joined different sides, Shashara joined Talaxin on the side of [[Hanald|Hanald]] and eventually she and Talaxin convinced her brother to join them as well. During this war she and Talaxin provided Hanald with information and techniques regarding Awakening. She might have also been a general, as she’s known to have fought at least once.
Shashara participated in the [[Battle of Twilight Falls|Battle of Twilight Falls]], here she drew Nightblood, killing many soldiers. While the exact details of the Battle of Twilight Falls have yet to be revealed, Talaxin was horrified by what happened.
Shortly after this event Shashara told Talaxin that she wanted to reveal how metal could be Awakened, possibly leading to more swords like Nightblood. This sparked a massive argument between them, only ending when Talaxin slew her with Nightblood in order to prevent more deaths.
## Legacy
Due to Shashara's death, [[VaraTreledees|VaraTreledees]] developed a hate for [[Talaxin|Talaxin]], which would only end with his death during the [[Pahn Kahl rebellion|Pahn Kahl rebellion]].
[[Nightblood|Nightblood's]] first memories are very important to him, and cannot be overwritten. Due to this he always thinks of Shashara as alive.
She is considered an early [[Cosmere|cosmere]] scholar by those at [[Silverlight|Silverlight]].
## Trivia
Shashara was not known to have worn red scarves. This strongly implies that she was not the person who inspired the story of [[The Girl Who Looked Up|The Girl Who Looked Up]].
There is no significance with Shashara's name bearing a close resemblance to the [[Herald|Herald]] [[Shalash|Shalash's]] name.
| Shashara |
|**Died**|Impaled by crimson spores|
|**Introduced In**|*Tress of the Emerald Sea*|
**Pakson** is a crew member of the *Crow's Song* on [[Lumar|Lumar]].
## Appearance and Personality
He is bald, though he is not of the age when that might be expected, and has an exceptionally weak chin. His legs seem too large in proportion to his torso, which makes him tall and awkward, especially on land.
Pakson is also a kind man who always thanks [[Fort|Fort]] for his meals, no matter how bad they are. He regrets not learning how to play an instrument, as he has always loved music.
## History
Pakson was one of the "[[Dougs|Dougs]]" that first pulled [[Tress|Tress]] onto the *Crow's Song*, where he and his sister served as crew members. He checked on Tress periodically after her escape from the *Oot's Dream* while she clung to a porthole until she fulfilled the fifteen minutes [[Crow|Crow]] set as the point at which the crew could pull her aboard. He was later killed during their voyage into the [[Crimson Sea|Crimson Sea]] when a wave of crimson spores spilled over the deck and sprouted on contact with someone's vomit. He was impaled by many of the spores, was pinned to the outside of the captain's cabin, and bled out quickly. The crew took him down and cast his corpse into the sea before continuing their voyage. His death discomforted his shipmates, and both Tress and [[Salay|Salay]] felt personally responsible for his death.
| Pakson |
|**Profession**|Military scout|
|**Residence**|[[Warcamp|The Alethi warcamps]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Words of Radiance*|
**Shim** is a scout for the [[Alethi|Alethi]] armies on the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]].
During the [[Battle of Narak|Battle of Narak]], Shim, [[Felt|Felt]], and [[Lyn|Lyn]] were among the scouts sent to survey plateaus and report back to Alethi leadership.
| Shim |
|by Matthew Johnson |
|**Nationality**|[[Pahn Kahl|Pahn Kahl]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Warbreaker*|
>“*You should watch yourself, child. Not all here in the palace is as it seems.*”
\-Bluefingers to Siri.[1]
**Havarseth**, better known as **Bluefingers**, is a [[Pahn Kahl|Pahn Kahl]] servant to the [[God King|God King's]] palace on [[Nalthis|Nalthis]]. He is an instrumental player in the [[Pahn Kahl rebellion|Pahn Kahl rebellion]].
## Contents
1 Appearance & Personality
2 History
4 Trivia
5 Notes
## Appearance & Personality
He is described as an older man in brown robes who is balding and has a round, pleasant face. His nickname was earned by the fact that his fingers seem perpetually stained with blue ink. He often carries around a ledger.
Bluefingers is knowledgeable about many things, including Idrian culture and the [[Royal Locks|Royal Locks]]. He acts subservient to [[Siri|Siri]], asking to be excused and offering her assistance, but is also unafraid to point out the flaws in her actions.
## History
During his time in the palace he serves as head scribe and steward, rather than a priest, due to his lack of faith in the [[Returned|Returned]]. He is integral to many of the goings-on in the [[Court of Gods|Court of Gods]]; according to [[Bebid|Bebid]], Bluefingers "pretty much keeps the Court running."
In addition to that duty, he provides a measure of guidance to [[Siri|Siri]] while she is in the God King's palace. For example, he lays out all the rules for her behavior and her interactions with the God King soon after she arrives in [[Hallandren|Hallandren]], and meets her outside the God King's room to give her guidance about how to act. He also warns her of the dangers of bearing the God King an heir and evokes suspicions within her, which eventually drive a wedge between her and the priests. He does this because he knows that if a new God King is elected, he and the other Pahn Kahl servants would be dismissed from the ranks they worked so hard to earn, causing them lose all the power they gained. Siri makes a deal with him that promises she will protect the Pahn Kahl servants if he swears to try and get her and the God King out of the palace if the priests choose to move against them.
Eventually it is revealed that he betrayed Siri, hoping to help secure independence for his people by leading her and Susebron into a trap, while the palace was in military turmoil. Bluefingers, teaming up with [[Lifeless|Lifeless]], then captures the couple and uses them in his plans to wreak havoc between Idris and Hallandren. He imprisons Susebron and plans to kill Siri by stabbing her with a dagger, but is stopped by Susebron's Awakening abilities.
## Quotes
>“*My name is Havarseth, but everyone just calls me Bluefingers. I am head scribe and steward to His Excellent Grace Susebron, God King of Hallandren. In simpler terms, I manage the palace attendants and oversee all servants in the Court of Gods.*”
\-Bluefingers introducing himself to Siri[2]
>“*All apologies, Vessel, but I'm not a follower of the Returned.*”
\-Bluefingers to Siri on his faith.[3]
>“*As close as any servant considered unholy. I'm not allowed to touch him or speak to him. But, Princess, I've served him all my life. He's not my god, but he's something better. I think these priests look upon their gods as placeholders. It doesn't really matter to them who is holding the station. Me, I've served His Majesty for my entire life. I was hired by the palace as a lad and I remember Susebron's childhood. I cleaned his quarters. He's not my god, but he is my liege. And now these priests are planning to kill him.*”
\-Bluefinger to Siri on serving Susebron.[5]
## Trivia
His "almost supernatural sense of time" is not actually magical in nature.
| Havarseth |
|**Groups**|[[Cult of Moments|Cult of Moments]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Words of Radiance*|
>“*Congratulations. You have found your way to the easiest job in the world.*”
\-Brother Lhan to Pai[2]
Brother **Lhan**, also known as **Kharat**, is an [[Alethi|Alethi]] [[Ardent|ardent]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]].
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 History
3 Trivia
4 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
Lhan is a round man with green eyes. He is a selfish and self-centered [[Ardent|ardent]] to the [[Aesudan|queen]] who loves the ease of the life that he has been given, even though he sees the hypocrisy of it. He does as little work as he can and eats as much as he can. He sees no problem with the amount of food that goes to waste in [[Kholinar Palace|Kholinar Palace]], or that people in the kingdom are poor and starving. Though many ardents write poetry about the queen, Lhan feels that this resembles work far too much and never does so.
## History
Some time during the [[True Desolation|True Desolation]], Lhan was assigned to show [[Pai|Pai]] around the queen's palace in [[Kholinar|Kholinar]]. He explained to her that the queen gave her [[Ardent|ardents]] easy lives because she feared that the [[Almighty|Almighty]] was displeased with her. He tried to show Pai all the wonderful luxuries of the palace but did not succeed in making her happy about any of it. He was horrified the next morning when he saw her graffiti describing how the queen resembled each of the [[Ten fools|ten fools]].
>“*Don't cause a storm, girl. Nobody wants that....*”
\-Kharat to Shallan[1]
During the [[Siege of Kholinar|Siege of Kholinar]], Lhan succumbed to [[Ashertmarn|Ashertmarn]] and became known as Kharat. He introduced [[Shallan|Shallan]] to the revel; calling her Kishi, he kept her in the outer ring of the revel and told her she couldn't go inside. He ate sweets and plied Shallan with wine. Insisting that he was to keep watch on Shallan, Kharat sat outside her door when she found an empty room in a nearby building and told him she needed some time to herself. [[Pattern|Pattern]] snuck into the hallway and repeated the whispers they had heard from Ashertmarn, enticing Kharat to go back outside to look for a drink. He came back in and settled down in the hallway again, unaware that he was now guarding an illusion of Veil and that Shallan had walked right by him wearing a new face.
## Trivia
According to [[Peter Ahlstrom|Peter]], he is probably unrelated to [[Barlesha Lhan|Barlesha Lhan]].
Lhan is a viewpoint character in *The Way of Kings Prime* whose storyline is intertwined with that of [[Taln|Taln]]. Since [[Taln|Taln's]] story has been postponed to the latter half of [[The Stormlight Archive|The Stormlight Archive]], Lhan is featured in an interlude in [[Words of Radiance|Words of Radiance]] instead.
| Lhan |
|**Dominance**|[[Eastern Dominance|Eastern Dominance]]|
|**Nation**|[[Final Empire|Final Empire]]|
**Erlac** is a city in the [[Eastern Dominance|Eastern Dominance]] in the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]]. Erlac is located southeast of the [[Black Lake|Black Lake]] and the [[Ashmount|Ashmount]] Faleast, and northwest of [[Urbene|Urbene]].
It at least existed in the year 1021 [[Final Empire|FE]], shortly prior to the [[Collapse|Collapse]].
## Trivia
On the original version of the Final Empire map in the 10th Anniversary Mistborn release, [[Suisna|Suisna]] was located at Erlac's current location. Erlac is named after , who noted a mistake to Isaac Stewart that Suisna had to be located in the Central Dominance, not the Eastern Dominance. Isaac changed this in a reprint of the map, and now the city in the Eastern Dominance is named Erlac in Eric's honor.
| Erlac |
|**Region**|[[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]]|
**Steinel** is a city in the [[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]]. It is due east of [[Elendel|Elendel]], along the [[Irongate River|Irongate River]].
| Steinel |
|**The Rithmatist>**|
|by ?|
|**Precedes**|*The Aztlanian *|
|**Setting**|[[United Isles of America|United Isles of America]], Alternate Earth|
|**Released**|May 14, 2013|
|**Page Count**|378|
|**Word Count**|[[The Rithmatist/Statistical analysis|87,683]]|
*The Rithmatist* is a young adult novel by [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon Sanderson]] published in May 2013 by Tor Books. Although it was conceived as part of the [[Cosmere|cosmere]], it was later moved out of that universe. [[The Aztlanian|A sequel]] has been in the works since the book was published but it has not been completed.
## Contents
1 Synopsis
2 Summary
3 Setting
3.1 Magic System
4 Cover Gallery
5 Interior Art
6 See Also
7 Statistical Analysis
8 Notes
## Synopsis
*More than anything, Joel wants to be a Rithmatist. Chosen by the Master in a mysterious inception ceremony, Rithmatists have the power to infuse life into two-dimensional figures known as Chalklings. Rithmatists are humanity's only defense against the Wild Chalklings-merciless creatures that leave mangled corpses in their wake. Having nearly overrun the territory of Nebrask, the Wild Chalklings now threaten all of the American Isles.*
*As the son of a lowly chalkmaker at Armedius Academy, Joel can only watch as Rithmatist students study the magical art that he would do anything to practice. Then students start disappearing-kidnapped from their rooms at night, leaving trails of blood. Assigned to help the professor who is investigating the crimes, Joel and his friend Melody find themselves on the trail of an unexpected discovery-one that will change Rithmatics-and their world-forever.*
## Summary
For a chapter by chapter summary, see [[The Rithmatist/Summary|/Summary]].
The Rithmatist takes place on an alternate Earth in which North America is composed entirely of islands. The islands were empty of human life when Europeans arrived, but they encountered dangerous "wild chalklings," two-dimensional creatures made of chalk. King Gregory III discovered the magic of [[Rithmatics|Rithmatics]], performed by drawing specific shapes with chalk, and with this magic the colonists learned to defend themselves. Several hundred years later, the continued prosperity of the [[United Isles of America|United Isles of America]] is bought with the efforts of Rithmatists who fight an ongoing battle to contain the chalklings (and other, more mysterious creatures) on the island of Nebrask.
[[Joel Saxon|Joel Saxon]] is a student at the prestigious [[Armedius Academy|Armedius Academy]] in Jamestown, New Britannia. Though not a Rithmatist himself, he is obsessed with Rithmatics and studies the magic as much as he can. The poor son of the campus cleaning lady, Joel doesn’t fit in with the other students who are all either Rithmatists or children of privilege. Joel’s father Trent was the chalk maker for the academy, and shared Joel’s obsession with Rithmatics. Joel believes his father died in a rail accident, but it is implied that there is more to the story than he has been told.
Joel obtains permission to tutor under [[Fitch|Professor Fitch]] during the summer holidays. Professor Fitch is also tutoring [[Melody Muns|Melody Muns]], a Rithmatic student struggling in her magical studies. When one of the school’s Rithmatics students disappears and evidence points to foul play by a Rithmatist, Fitch is assigned to help with the investigation. As more students disappear, first Joel then Melody are admitted into Fitch’s confidence to help track down the suspected kidnapper.
Leading the investigation is [[Harding|Inspector Harding]], a non-Rithmatist formerly of the military police in Nebrask. He pushes for all Rithmatic students to be kept on campus for protection, and eventually all of the parents agree. Several odd symbols are found drawn in chalk at the crime scenes. Over the course of the investigation, Joel is able to confirm that these symbols are in fact new Rithmatic lines. Previously, only four types of lines were known in the magic of Rithmatics (See article on [[Rithmatics|Rithmatics]]).
Joel’s own suspicions center on [[Andrew Nalizar|Professor Nalizar]], a self-important and condescending man recently arrived from Nebrask. Joel has a particular dislike of the professor, and discovers that he is researching new Rithmatic lines. When Joel shares his suspicions, however, the others each argue against him. They say that while Nalizar is not a likable person, he is an acclaimed war hero from Nebrask who has saved many lives.
Eventually, Joel himself becomes a target. Chalklings chase him towards a trap of Rithmatic lines, but he manages to evade them and alert the police guarding the campus. With evidence from that attack, Inspector Harding arrests an academy clerk for the kidnappings, though Joel remains unconvinced.
Soon Joel uncovers the true perpetrator: Inspector Harding. Harding has been possessed by a mysterious entity called a Forgotten, which is somehow able to control wild chalklings. It is revealed that while regular people are killed by chalklings, Rithmatists can themselves be turned into chalklings. Harding sends his chalklings to attack and transform all of the Armedius Rithmatist students, who he has successfully contained on campus "for protection." Together Joel, Melody, and Fitch defeat the Forgotten (with token help from Nalizar), and the wild chalklings revert to human form.
Joel later confronts Nalizar, who he suspects was the mastermind behind the Forgotten’s actions. Nalizar confirms that he was behind the plot and that he is not entirely human. But Joel knows that nobody will believe him if he tries to expose Nalizar--having publicly helped to save the students, Nalizar's hero status is publicly confirmed.
## Setting
### Magic System
[[Rithmatics|Rithmatics]] uses chalk circles, lines, and drawings known as [[Chalkling|chalklings]], otherwise known as lines of making, to do a variety of actions, including, but not limited to, attacking other duelists, creating defenses & structures, as well as creatures.
## Cover Gallery
For a cover gallery of The Rithmatist, see [[The Rithmatist/Covers|/Covers]].
## Interior Art
For a gallery of the book's interior art, see [[The Rithmatist/Interior art|/Interior art]].
## See Also
Tor has published an (Prologue and Chapters One to Five).
## Statistical Analysis
For a full statistical analysis, see [[The Rithmatist/Statistical analysis|/Statistical analysis]].
*The Rithmatist* consists of one prologue and twenty-five chapters, reaching a total 87,683 word count.
|**Word Count**|87,683||
|**Page Count**|378|Tor hardback|
|**Chapter Count**|25|Including prologue.|
|**PoV Characters**|3||
|**PoV Count**|30||
| The Rithmatist |
|**Rikers Dartmoor**|
|**House Dartmoor**|
|**Parents**|[[Brig Dartmoor|Brig]], [[Draulin|Draulin]]|
|**Siblings**|[[Angola Dartmoor|Angola]], [[Bastille|Bastille]]|
|**Homeworld**|[[Earth (Alcatraz)|Earth (Alcatraz)]]|
|**Introduced In**|*The Knights of Crystallia*|
**Rikers Dartmoor** is the crown prince of [[Nalhalla|Nalhalla]]. He is in his thirties, wears lavish royal blue and silver robes, a baseball cap, and has a short red beard. He likes to throw exclusive lunch parties and writes fictitious stories about [[Alcatraz Smedry|Alcatraz Smedry]], including a novel called Alcatraz Smedry and the Mechanic's Wrench.
## History
Although Prince Rikers had written fictional novels about Alcatraz, he met the famous Smedry for the first time when Alcatraz crashed his lunch party. He offered Alcatraz and company a ride to the Royal Palace when Alcatraz was looking for [[Folsom|Folsom]] and [[Himalaya|Himalaya]] and tags along on their mission to stop [[Shasta Smedry|Shasta Smedry]] from recovering a book from the [[Royal Archives (Not a Library!)|Royal Archives (Not a Library!)]]. He calls ahead and discovers that Folsom and Himalaya are not at the Royal Palace but at the Royal Gardens having a picnic. After picking up Folsom and Himalaya, he gives them a ride back to the Royal Archives. Despite being told that what Alcatraz and his friends were doing was dangerous, he insisted on coming with Alcatraz on his "adventure". He quickly becomes bored when he realizes that Alcatraz's real adventures are actually rather boring. After the Royal Archives are switched by the [[Librarian|Librarians]], Rikers was the first to recognize that the stairwell they were climbing up was the wrong one –- it was made of wood rather than stone. He is the only one to be excited about being captured by the Librarians. After they escape and make it back to [[Nalhalla|Nalhalla]], Rikers demands that the treaty talks between the [[Free Kingdoms|Free Kingdoms]] and the Librarians cease. After helping Alcatraz and friends stop the treaty, he flees from the scene.
He does not like Folsom Smedry because he pans his silly fantasy books about Alcatraz flying around on vacuum cleaners.
## Trivia
His last name is a reference to the in England. His first name is a reference to prison.
| Rikers Dartmoor |
|by Exmakina |
|**Died**|Palahanah 1175|
|**Abilities**|[[Nahel bond|Nahel bond]], [[Bondsmith|Bondsmith]] magic, [[Sliver|Sliver]], [[Splinter|Splinter]] of [[Honor|Honor]], [[Cognitive Shadow|Cognitive Shadow]]|
|**Bonded With**|[[Dalinar|Dalinar]]|
|**Titles**|Rider of Storms, Storm Rider, God of Storms, Spren of Storms, Father of Storms|
|**Aliases**|[[Jezerezeh|Jezerezeh]], [[Kelek|Kelek]]|
|**Introduced In**|*The Way of Kings*|
This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Rhythm of War* and *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
>“*I am that which brings Light and Darkness.*”
\-The Stormfather explaining his role to Dalinar.[10]
The **Stormfather** is a powerful and unique [[Spren|spren]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]] responsible for the [[Highstorm|highstorms]]. He is one of the three [[Bondsmith|Bondsmith]] spren, and is currently bonded to [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]]. To the [[Listener|listeners]], he is known as the **Rider of Storms**.
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 Attributes and Abilities
2.1 Nature
2.2 Highstorms
2.3 Visions
2.4 Dreams
2.5 Nahel Bond
2.6 Honorspren
3 History
3.1 Origins and the Recreance
3.2 Visions and Bonds
3.3 Bondsmith spren
3.4 The Downward Spiral
3.5 Eila Stele and Thaylen Field
4 Relationships
4.1 Dalinar
4.2 Honor
4.3 Sylphrena
4.4 Kaladin
5 Culture
6 Trivia
7 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
by Noblesgal
>“*I have burned and broken cities myself. I can see … yes, I see a difference now. I see pain now. I did not see it before the bond.*”
\-The Stormfather.[12]
For more images, see [[Stormfather/Gallery|/Gallery]].
The vast majority of the time, the Stormfather is simply a disembodied presence in the skies, or an overpowering voice within the highstorm itself. On the occasions that he does show himself, he takes the form of an enormous, imperious face made out of the clouds, that seems to stretch from horizon to horizon into infinity. His eyes are described as being full of stars.
>“*Of course, if the Stormfather was listening, he'd correct Dalinar’s mistakes. The Stormfather hated to be misquoted.*”
\-Dalinar on the Stormfather[9]
He is extremely prideful and haughty, convinced of his own power and righteousness. He does not care for humanity, only serving them and sending [[Visions|visions]] because he was bid to do so by Honor. He is particularly focused on oaths and keeping them, and does not take kindly to those who would break them. His sense of justice does not mean he demands that men follow what is *right*, however; to him, a genocide is not an evil deed if it was done as punishment for breaking an oath.
He's often incapable of understanding human emotions and thoughts, and finds their unstable nature untrustworthy. Over time, when bonded to a human, he begins to gain a sense of empathy and understanding of people. He also begins to gain a sense of morality, understanding the harm his actions have brought to people. This does not mean he grows much more kind or gentle, though, as he still believed that the storms are his domain and his alone, and is fine with killing those who would dare to challenge him on that, like sailors on the open sea.
## Attributes and Abilities
### Nature
by taratjah
>“*I was now more spren than man. I did not care as much as Tanavast had-for why should a storm care? It could only blow. But secretly I carried a greater truth, and it kept me from being like any other spren. I, in one form, had been there. I knew the burden of terrible loss.For I, the Stormfather, remembered.*”
\-The Stormfather.[18]
The Stormfather is a [[Spren|spren]], making him naturally immortal and intangible. Unlike most other spren, he is mostly present in the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]] rather than [[Shadesmar|Shadesmar]], and thus cannot see inside of it, even though his highstorms affect it. He is one of the most powerful spren on Roshar, with an immense amount of [[Investiture|Investiture]], greater even than that of the [[Unmade|Unmade]], although he is much more restricted than them in what he can do with it.
He has merged with [[Tanavast|Tanavast's]] [[Cognitive Shadow|Cognitive Shadow]], making him something akin to a [[Sliver|Sliver]] along with being a [[Splinter|Splinter]]. He considers himself to be a memory men created for the Almighty, now that the god himself is gone. It is unclear how much of Tanavast is left within him, as though he seems to share most of his memories and opinions, particularly in regards to [[Cultivation|Cultivation]], his standoffish nature does not match what has been seen of Tanavast.
>“*I am a sliver of the Almighty himself!*”
\-The Stormfather.[2]
The Stormfather's unusual nature as both a spren and a Cognitive Shadow gives some additional abilities to the [[Bondsmith|Bondsmith]] bonded to him in the present times. [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]] is able to use it to merge the [[Physical Realm|Physical]], [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive]] and [[Spiritual Realm|Spiritual Realms]], creating [[Honor's Perpendicularity|Honor's Perpendicularity]]. This allows people to travel between [[Shadesmar|Shadesmar]] and Roshar, and releases near-infinite amounts of [[Stormlight|Stormlight]] into the surrounding area, albeit the perpendicularity doesn't last for long. [[Odium|Odium]] refers to the whole event as Ascending. Whether this can be used in another Realm beyond the Physical is unknown.
The Stormfather was created from the [[Wind|Wind]], one of the primeval spren of [[Roshar|Roshar]], created by [[Adonalsium|Adonalsium]] before the [[Shattering|Shattering]].
There is a location known as the Godforge, which is stated to be his throne room, it is here where he created [[Sylphrena|Sylphrena]] and supposedly other spren. The exact nature of this location, however, is currently unknown.
### Highstorms
The Stormfather commands the [[Highstorm|highstorms]], the powerful hurricanes that scour Roshar at regular intervals. While he ordinarily sticks to his schedule, he can summon them to a particular location if need be. The highstorms also grant him the ability to summon [[Stormlight|Stormlight]], although he cannot do so outside of a highstorm.
While he rides the storms, and can perceive everything within them, his consciousness is not restricted to them -- he is capable of speaking to [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] from great distances, and unlike other Radiant spren, he does not need to remain close to him. This being said, he does not have absolute control over everything that happens within his storms, and he's incapable of stopping singers from using it to bond with spren, even [[Voidspren|voidspren]].
Within a highstorm, the Stormfather is capable of communicating with people, appearing as an enormous face and speaking in a thunderous voice. Doing so slows down time greatly.
### Visions
For more information, see [[Dalinar's visions|Dalinar's visions]].
The Stormfather is capable of sending people visions, so long as his target is in an area experiencing a highstorm. Whether or not a person is currently awake or asleep is irrelevant, and it appears that the vision cannot be resisted. The visions can be given to more than one person at a time, as long as all other than his bonded Surgebinder are within a highstorm. His bonded Surgebinder is also able to enter a vision without a highstorm and is able to bring in others with them outside of a highstorm as long as they are touching the Bondsmith. When speaking to others inside of a vision, accents might not carry over.
The visions the Stormfather sends out have been bestowed upon him by [[Honor|Honor]] near the end of the Shard's life, to be given to those who would be best served by them, such as possible future Bondsmiths. They play out as a pre-recorded, heavily interactive scenes, set in another place and another time. The target of the vision assumes the role of someone who lived in that time and place, and the people conjured up by the vision interact with them as though they were that person.
The target cannot summon their [[Shardblade|Shardblade]], although they are capable of using their Surgebinding abilities. They can, however, feel pain and attempt to act out their actions within a vision, which sometimes requires that their physical bodies be restrained. They will speak the language matching the time period and location of the vision, even if they aren't normally able to speak it.
While the Stormfather ordinarily has a cycle of visions he goes through on a loop, he can send his bonded Bondsmith to them even outside of a highstorm, and transport the Bondsmith into any area of the vision "map". He has almost complete control over the visions, being able to insert people as various characters within them and manipulate the passing of time, but entities such as [[Shard|Shards]] or [[Lift|Lift]] can override him.
Certain places are immune to the Stormfather's visions, preventing him from accessing them. This included [[Kholinar|Kholinar]] while it was inhabited by [[Unmade|Unmade]], and Urithiru while the Sibling was partially corrupted, negating Radiant abilities.
### Dreams
Outside of the visions, the Stormfather is capable of communicating through dreams. Those dreams usually take place in a blank space that seems outside of time and space. People experiencing them feel as though everything around them fades away, replaced by solid ground and wind that seems to stop in place. Unlike the visions, the dreams seem to take up no time at all in the real world. The Stormfather can also let a person "ride the storm," allowing them to experience being the storm itself; like the visions, these require the person to be within the storm unless they are a Bondsmith. The only known singer to have done this, [[Eshonai|Eshonai]], gained a fundamental understanding of Roshar's Rhythms as well.
by botanicaxu The Stormfather and the [[Knights Radiant|Radiant]] [[Spren|spren]]
### Nahel Bond
>“*I will not be a simple sword to you. I will not come as you call, and you will have to divest yourself of that... monstrosity that you carry. You will be a Radiant with no Shards.*”
\-The Stormfather upon bonding Dalinar.[2]
The Stormfather is one of the three great [[Bondsmith|Bondsmith]] spren. Forming a [[Nahel bond|Nahel bond]] with him grants one the power over the [[Surge|Surges]] of [[Tension|Tension]] and [[Adhesion|Adhesion]]. He is currently bonded with [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]].
While a Bondsmith can use Adhesion the way a [[Windrunner|Windrunner]] would, they can also apply their powers in different manner, using them more in the [[Spiritual Realm|Spiritual]]. Using Spiritual Adhesion, a Bondsmith can form a connection between themselves and another person, allowing them to speak their language. They also seem capable of hearing the spiritual aspects of objects, and use this to mend broken things back whole. Bondsmiths can also summon Stormlight at will, although this requires significant effort. Due to his connection with highstorms, his Bondsmith will feel more energetic on highstorm days.
There are several differences between the Stormfather and other Radiant spren. Unlike them, he is capable of maintaining consciousness in the Physical Realm even without the Bond, although it grants him deeper understanding of humanity and its foibles, along with the ability to empathize with others and more human responses, like cursing. He also does not become a Shardblade, either due to his immense power or due to his immense dislike for humanity. In addition, he can hear statements or questions directed to him, and speak directly into his Surgebinder's mind, even if he does not seem to be nearby. His Bondsmith can also communicate with him by thinking.
### Honorspren
The Stormfather is the creator of the modern [[Honorspren|honorspren]], a duty that was bestowed upon him by [[Honor|Honor]] shortly before the latter's death. Following the [[Recreance|Recreance]], where almost all of them have been killed, he stopped doing so; however, he would eventually create ten of them, which would eventually create others, leading to the resurgence of the race.
Today, many honorspren treat him as an honored ancestor and obey his wishes, with [[Syl|Syl]] in particular referring to him as her father. The Stormfather, in turn, considers them his children. He apparently exerts some influence over their ability to form [[Nahel bond|Nahel bonds]], although he cannot stop them if their Surgebinder says the proper Oaths. He is also able to grant them more human-like emotions, but refuses to do so.
## History
### Origins and the Recreance
>“*During these days, Honor still lived. I was not yet fully myself. More of a storm. Less interested in men.*”
\-About his origins[16]
The Stormfather is likely to be one of the oldest entities in the [[Cosmere|cosmere]], as the [[Highstorm|highstorms]] he commands predate even the [[Shattering of Adonalsium|Shattering of Adonalsium]]. During the early millennia of his existence, he was not particularly cognizant or self-aware, but rather simply the uncaring storm. He was somehow formed from the [[Wind|Wind]], one of the old gods of Roshar. Even back then, however, he was capable of bonding with humans.
>“*But the power gave this remnant of me to my avatar in the storm-to the spren I had created as a true part of my soul. I died, yes, yet at the same time I lived on.*”
\-One of the last memories of Tanavast in the Stormfather[18]
Shortly before the [[Recreance|Recreance]], around 2000 years before the [[True Desolation|True Desolation]], [[Honor|Honor]] altered the Stormfather in a frantic preparation for his own death. Among other changes, he gave him the capacity to create [[Honorspren|honorspren]], as well as bestowed him with a set of visions to be sent to a person who would benefit from them, in the event of a new [[Desolation|Desolation]]. Back then, the Stormfather had only childlike intelligence, although it grew over time. When the Recreance came, grieving for the lost honorspren -- which he believed included [[Sylphrena|Sylphrena]] -- he refused to make new ones for centuries. Eventually, he created ten, who would then create children of their own, until the honorspren became a nation again.
by Marie Seeberger Bonding with [[Dalinar|Dalinar]]
### Visions and Bonds
At some point shortly before the [[True Desolation|True Desolation]], Syl was rediscovered, and the Stormfather arranged to have her delivered to one of the honorspren cities, ordering [[Notum|Notum]] to keep an eye on her. Against his wishes, she eventually escaped to form a [[Nahel bond|Nahel bond]] after realizing that a new Desolation was coming.
Around the same time, the Stormfather began sending out his visions. While there were less than ten people to have received them, the only ones known are [[Gavilar|Gavilar]] and [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]]. Gavilar began seeing them shortly before his death, although he interpreted them far differently than they were supposed to be. This led indirectly to the creation of the [[Diagram (literature)|Diagram]], as well as Gavilar's cooperation with the [[Sons of Honor|Sons of Honor]] in a bid to bring the [[Herald|Heralds]] back, even if it meant starting a new Desolation.
Following Gavilar's death, the Stormfather began sending his visions to the younger brother. This led to Dalinar's reputation in the [[Alethi|Alethi]] warcamps plummeting, but also to him beginning to research the Desolations and making the first attempt at truly uniting Alethkar. At the same time, as [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] was bonding Syl, the Stormfather was keeping an eye on him. When Kaladin was strung up by to face his judgement by [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas']] orders, the Stormfather appeared, as if observing him, although Kaladin later assumed it was a delirious hallucination.
The Stormfather later visited Kaladin directly in a dream, where the two had a conversation. He accused Kaladin of being a traitor, and shared his belief that humans couldn't be trusted. His predictions seemingly came true when Kaladin killed Syl by breaking his bond. Stormfather visited him in a subsequent highstorm to tell him that she was dead and that Kaladin would never [[Surgebind|Surgebind]] again. While he let [[Shallan|Shallan]] see him as well, he didn't speak with her.
During the [[Battle of Narak|Battle of Narak]], the Stormfather spoke to Dalinar out of a vision, claiming that the Alethi were lost, and promising to send a highstorm to sweep away their bodies. At the same time, Syl began to regain her consciousness, and so the Stormfather departed to stop her from re-bonding Kaladin. Despite his best efforts, Syl succeeded, and the Stormfather reluctantly conceded allowing her to restore her bond. Following the crash of the Highstorm and Everstorm, he took the Cognitive Shadow of [[Eshonai|Eshonai]] and showed her the world as the storm crossed the continent, before letting her pass into the [[Beyond|Beyond]].
Following the battle, Dalinar climbed to the top of [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] to speak with him. The Stormfather answered, explaining the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]] and Honor's death, whereupon Dalinar attempted to bond him. Though initially, the Stormfather was hostile to the idea, he eventually agreed once Dalinar said the [[Immortal Words|Immortal Words]], although under the stipulation that Dalinar would wield no [[Shardblade|Shards]].
### Bondsmith spren
by Connor Chamberlain The Stormfather presiding over Dalinar and Navani's marriage
>“*Oaths are the soul of righteousness. If you are to survive the coming tempest, oaths must guide you.*”
\-At Dalinar's and Navani's wedding[13]
This new bond allowed the Stormfather to show Dalinar Honor's visions at will, leading to Dalinar exploring them extensively. Shortly afterwards, Dalinar asked the Stormfather to marry him and [[Navani|Navani]], to which he agreed.
From then on out, the Stormfather served as a source of information for Dalinar. While he refused to give him the reasons for the [[Recreance|Recreance]], he explained the nature of the [[Honorblade|Honorblades]], as well as the reason why [[Honor|Honor]] thought the plan of fighting [[Odium|Odium]] in a contest of champions would work -- that Odium is a force of nature, and as such, bound by rules. Eventually, after a conversation concerning whether [[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer]] can be brought back to life, the Stormfather revealed that he can send visions to other people, allowing Dalinar to instantaneously communicate across vast distances, making negotiations with far away people much easier.
Initially, the plan went reasonably well, with [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] conversing with [[Fen Rnamdi|Fen Rnamdi]] of [[Thaylenah|Thaylenah]] and convincing her to consider his offer. Afterwards, the Stormfather brought him, [[Navani|Navani]] and [[Jasnah|Jasnah]] to the vision of [[Aharietiam|Aharietiam]] to explore it. It was there that he told Dalinar about the origins and fate of the [[Herald|Heralds]], though he again refused to speak about the Recreance. Shortly afterwards, during a trip back to the warcamps, he told Dalinar that he was beginning to feel empathy for people dying in his storms.
### The Downward Spiral
>“*This is the lot I have chosen. It is you or oblivion.*”
\-The Stormfather to Dalinar.[20]
The free exploration of the visions ended when [[Odium|Odium]] invaded one of the visions, with the Stormfather powerless to stop him. Though the great spren quickly recovered his poise, there was no doubt that he was terrified of the Shard, and for the time being, further visions were suspended. Eventually, Dalinar began inquiring about the current fate of the Heralds, and the Stormfather informed him that he could see [[Ishar|Ishar]], and that the old Binder of Gods cursed his name at night.
Soon afterwards, Dalinar's memories of the burning of [[Rathalas|Rathalas]] returned. Afterwards, he confronted the Stormfather about his reasons for bonding a monster such as himself, to which the Stormfather answered that to him, what Dalinar had done was administering justice -- but also that now, with his bond more advanced, he understood the immorality of the act.
When Dalinar traveled to [[Vedenar|Vedenar]], he felt the return of the [[Thrill|Thrill]], and sought to run away. Despite the Stormfather's protests, he managed to summon something gleaming and white and used it to open the [[Oathgate|Oathgate]], causing the great spren significant pain. Afterwards, Dalinar apologized to him, but the Stormfather was unbothered by the event, or at least acted as though he was.
by Connor Chamberlain Accompanying Dalinar at Thaylen Field
### Eila Stele and Thaylen Field
>“*I was bonded to men before. This never happened then.*”
\-The Stormfather about Honor's Perpendicularity.[24]
The revelations of [[Eila Stele|Eila Stele]] came soon afterwards. In the aftermath, the Stormfather explained to Dalinar the Recreance and the role Honor played in preventing it in the ages past, as well as Honor's decay shortly before his death.
At the [[Battle of Thaylen Field|Battle of Thaylen Field]], the Stormfather accompanied Dalinar to his meeting with Odium, though he couldn't explain what the [[Thunderclast|thunderclasts]] would want with the [[Thaylen Gemstone Reserve|Thaylen Gemstone Reserve]]. When Odium met with Dalinar, the Stormfather fell quiet, banished by the Shard's presence. He quickly returned after Dalinar managed to reject Odium's influence. After Dalinar opened [[Honor's Perpendicularity|Honor's Perpendicularity]], the Stormfather returned, shocked and uncertain as to what was happening, though he was aware enough to accept Dalinar's words as the Third Ideal of the Bondsmiths, and to point out [[Taln|Taln]] and [[Shalash|Shalash's]] presence to his Bondsmith.
In the aftermath of the battle, the Stormfather briefly visited [[Lopen|Lopen]] to hear out his [[Windrunner|Windrunner]] second ideal, chastising him for thinking he had been ready earlier. Afterwards, he allowed Dalinar and [[Shallan|Shallan]] to use his presence over [[Kholinar|Kholinar]] to see what had happened to the city.
## Relationships
by Artur Felipe Mósca Presiding over [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] and [[Navani|Navani's]] marriage
### Dalinar
>“*Why did you bond me? Shouldn't you have picked a man who was just?*”
\-Dalinar to the Stormfather.[12]
[[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]] is the Stormfather's current [[Bondsmith|Bondsmith]]; not the first one, but the first in many hundreds of years. Though the Stormfather isn't eager to bond at first, once Dalinar says the Words, the Stormfather commits to staying with Dalinar. He is still abrasive towards him, withholding information he doesn't wish to share, but he strives to help Dalinar, even in the face of [[Odium|Odium]]. He often acts as Dalinar's confidant in matters the latter is uncomfortable sharing with [[Navani|Navani]].
In return, the Stormfather gains increased empathy and understanding of human nature. He also picks up less wholesome habits, such as cursing.
### Honor
>“*Of course Honor's suggestion would work. He spoke it.*”
\-The Stormfather.[46]
While he has no choice in obeying [[Honor|Honor's]] wishes, the Stormfather greatly respects him in many ways. He trusts him implicitly, and has many good things to say about him. He seems to treat him as something of a father figure, likely due to Honor's transformation of him shortly before [[Tanavast|Tanavast's]] death. The Stormfather is also Honor's [[Cognitive Shadow|Cognitive Shadow]] to an extent. What this means is uncertain, as while the Stormfather seems to think the same way about [[Cultivation|Cultivation]] Honor used to, he also seems to consider himself a separate entity.
### Sylphrena
>“*You have taken her from me. My beloved one.*”
\-The Stormfather to Kaladin.[67]
[[Syl|Syl]] is one of the original [[Honorspren|honorspren]] created by the Stormfather prior to the [[Recreance|Recreance]]. Perhaps because of this, he seems to adore her above all his other children, and takes care that she's not harmed. While she calls him her father, she's also clearly frustrated with how overprotective he can be, and will argue with him over what she is and isn't allowed to do.
by Katie Payne Kaladin seeing the Stormfather for the first time
### Kaladin
>“*Just listen to the piece of nature incarnate, okay?*”
\-Syl to Kaladin about her father.[8]
The Stormfather has mixed feelings regarding [[Kaladin|Kaladin]]. On one hand, he's furious with him for bonding Syl, and blames him for everything bad that happens to her, immediately assuming that he would kill her. Eventually, he comes to respect him somewhat, although the respect is grudging. Kaladin sometimes rides his storms in dreams, though this seems rather accidental. He's the only person to whom the Stormfather refers to as "child of Tanavast", for a specific, but unknown reason.
Over time, the Stormfather seems to come to care for Kaladin somewhat, in his own way. He helps him travel to [[Urithiru|Urithiru]] from [[Revolar|Revolar]], and later hopes that the Stormblessed can safely return from [[Kholinar|Kholinar]].
## Culture
The [[Vorin|Vorin]] religion often identifies the Stormfather with the [[Almighty|Almighty]], as well as one or more of the [[Herald|Heralds]]. In [[Alethkar|Alethkar]], it's commonly believed that [[Jezrien|Jezrien]] and the Stormfather are the same entity. In [[Natanatan|Natanatan]], the same is said about [[Kalak|Kalak]]. A common punishment for some criminals in Vorin countries is being strung up in a [[Highstorm|highstorm]], to be "judged by the Stormfather", which typically equals a death sentence.
The word "stormfather" is a common curse, similar to other variations of the word "storm".
The [[Listener|listeners]] believe him to be a traitor to their kind, who protected humans instead of them. They still respect him, though, believing that he would kill anyone who doesn't, leading to a mix of awe and fear in their society.
## Trivia
The Stormfather has two different "modes" of speech. He uses small caps when talking to those unbonded to him, or when speaking so that everyone can hear him. He speaks normally when communicating directly with [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] after the latter becomes a Bondsmith. Interestingly, there are only four other characters shown speaking in small caps:
[[Cultivation|Cultivation]] when she met Dalinar in the [[Valley|Valley]].
[[Odium|Odium]] when preventing a Fused from taking [[Venli|Venli's]] body, when he tells Dalinar "We killed you", and when he speaks to [[Vyre|Vyre]].
[[Syl|Syl]] when about to be resurrected by [[Kaladin|Kaladin]].
Dalinar when Connecting Kaladin to a vision of [[Tien|Tien]] and subsequently accepting Kaladin's Fourth Ideal.
| Stormfather |
|**New Seran**|
|by Isaac Stewart |
|**Region**|[[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]]|
**New Seran** is a city in the [[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]]. It is located on the very southern edge of the basin, on the rail line through the [[Seran Range|Seran Range]] to the Southern [[Roughs|Roughs]].
## Contents
1 Structure
2 Notable Locations and Features
2.1 Copper Gate
2.2 Shores Mansion
2.3 University of New Seran
2.4 Gondolas
3 Culture
3.1 Animosity Towards Elendel
3.2 Fashion
3.3 Known Products
4 Notable Residents
5 Notes
## Structure
The city spans across a series of enormous, flat-topped stone terraces. There are at least a dozen of them, each being separated by multiple streams. These streams cross the terraces and drop off the edge down to the next terrace. The water eventually makes its way back to the river, which flows toward [[Elendel|Elendel]].
Aerial gondolas, strung by lines at least a hundred feet in the air, are commonly used for transport around the city. The gondolas are not only used to get from one terrace to another, but also from part of a terrace to another part. However, traveling is not limited to just gondolas. There are ramps for people who would prefer to use a carriage and bridges that allow people to travel on foot. The gondola system is run by the New Seran Transportation Authority, which is often abbreviated as NSTA.
On average the houses are smaller than those in Elendel. There are only a few apartment buildings; Wax notes only three skyscrapers. Although the terraces constrain the boundaries of the city, it is large enough to hold a sizable population. This leaves room for many parks and streams.
New Seran is loud because of the waterfalls. Wax finds the sound comparable to that of an earthquake or explosion.
## Notable Locations and Features
by Lyraina
### Copper Gate
The hotel that [[Wax|Wax]] and his group stay at. It is run by a woman named [[Aunt Gin|Aunt Gin]].
### Shores Mansion
A building with stained glass windows. It has limelights burning outside (a classical style of lighting) though the interior looks little like the ancient keeps. It has a multi-peaked roof design, similar to the profile of a mountain.
The mansion is owned by [[Kelesina Shores|Kelesina Shores]], although [[Hoid|Hoid]] also claims ownership.
### University of New Seran
New Seran has a university, where the playwright [[B. Sablerfils|B. Sablerfils]] teaches a course on writing "scientific fantasies".
### Gondolas
The city has a system of gondolas which carry passengers.
One of these is known as the Zinc Line. It broke due to an "unidentified disturbance", stranding passengers and forcing the NSTA to bring them to their destination "the old fashioned way".
## Culture
### Animosity Towards Elendel
As one can see through the various political cartoons in newspapers, New Seran feels a large amount of animosity towards Elendel, saying that it stomps upon their liberty, prosperity, and fortune. This is in response to the economic hegemony that Elendel has over them through unfair taxation, which has led many other cities to rioting.
They often refer to Elendel, as a political entity, as "The Ravaging Lion", and as an extension know Elendel, as a city, as "The Lion's Den" This hatred towards Elendel leads to many local companies profiting off of their locally sourced nature in order to be more supported by the people due to never passing through Elendel, therefore doesn't support the city.
By contrast, New Seran is represented by an Ornate Hawk-Eagle in a political cartoon in the New Ascendancy.
### Fashion
People wear lighter clothing in New Seran than they do in Elendel. Women typically wear pastel dresses, while men wear striped white suits and boater hats.
### Known Products
[[Zinc Brand Whiskey|Zinc Brand Whiskey]] is a product in New Seran marketed for being locally distilled, therefore having never went through Elendel, profiting off the New Seran animosity towards Elendel.
[[Soother's Choice|Soother's Choice]] Chewing Gum
## Notable Residents
For a full list see, see :Category:Residents of New Seran.
[[Kelesina Shores|Kelesina Shores]]
| New Seran |
|**Introduced In**|*Rhythm of War*|
>“*Such a curious memory. That life feels like a dream now. I remember pain. Confusion. A stern figure bringing me more pain--though I now recognize you were seeking to heal me. So much trouble to go through for a slave child.*”
\-Abiajan to Lirin[1]
**Abiajan** is a [[Singer|singer]] from [[Hearthstone|Hearthstone]]. Before the beginning of the [[True Desolation|True Desolation]], she was a [[Parshwoman|parshwoman]] slave of Brightlord [[Wistiow|Wistiow]].
## Appearance and Personality
Abiajan has white skin with red marbling on her cheeks. She wears a [[Havah|havah]] in the [[Alethi|Alethi]] style, with a sleeve covering her [[Safehand|safehand]]. Her clothing has more muted colors in order to feature her unique skin patterns.
Abiajan is resentful toward humans for enslaving her people. When she recounts a memory of [[Lirin|Lirin]] healing her many years ago, she suggests his actions were motivated by her monetary value as a slave. She speaks and acts with Alethi mannerisms. Like other parshmen, however, she tries to imitate the singers of old, as described by the [[Fused|Fused]], in an effort to reclaim the culture of her ancestors. She also seems to have a sense of duty and leadership, as she was appointed the citylady of [[Hearthstone|Hearthstone]] and has some influence over the people there.
## History
>“*Did you feel for me, the poor confused slave child whose mind had been stolen from her? Did you weep for us, surgeon, and the life we led?*”
\-Abiajan to Lirin[1]
As a [[Parshwoman|parshwoman]], Abiajan was a slave to Brightlord [[Wistiow|Wistiow]] from a very young age, though she did not have this name back then. At some point during her childhood, her arm was injured, and [[Lirin|Lirin]] set her arm and healed her.
When the [[Everstorm|Everstorm]] came and restored the parshmen from [[Slaveform|slaveform]], Abiajan fled [[Hearthstone|Hearthstone]] with the rest of the [[Singer|singers]]. Several months later, she returned at the orders of the [[Fused|Fused]], who had appointed her as the citylady. Many other singers from the surrounding area also came to the town with her, but only Abiajan was originally from Hearthstone itself.
As [[Herdaz|Herdazian]] refugees arrived in Hearthstone to escape the fighting with [[Odium|Odium's]] forces, Abiajan allowed Lirin to inspect each person for disease, as she seemed to be quite concerned that plaguespren would find their way into the city. One day, a Fused called [[Lezian|Lezian]] unexpectedly arrived in Hearthstone, causing Abiajan to drop her regal attitude and grow flustered. Without her knowledge, Lirin had arranged for [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] to extract a Herdazian general known as the [[Mink|Mink]] and take him to join the [[Coalition of monarchs|coalition of monarchs]] in [[Urithiru|Urithiru]]. Lezian revealed that he was searching for Kaladin, who had been spotted earlier and was soon discovered hiding among the refugees. A fight broke out, resulting in Lezian's escape and one singer soldier's death. At Kaladin's suggestion, Abiajan persuaded the rest of the singers that they had lost the fight and guided them all to a nearby [[Stormshelter|stormshelter]] outside of town.
| Abiajan |
|**Frugal Wizard Inc.**|
|**World of Origin**|[[Earth (Frugal Wizard)|Earth (Frugal Wizard)]]|
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
**Frugal Wizard Inc.** is a company that sells access to alternate dimensions.
## History
Interdimensional travel was first discovered in 2084, with [[Cecil G. Bagsworth III|Cecil G. Bagsworth III]] as an early participant. Eventually, the technology was deregulated, which resulted in a new industry of dimensional tourism. Frugal Wizard Inc. obtained a band of medieval-type dimensions and began selling dimensions from that band to interested customers. Bagsworth wrote various customer-facing resources used by Frugal Wizard Inc., including *The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England*.
## Products and Services
Dimensional beacons with quantum keys
Finding and inspecting dimensions to ensure certain guarantees as well as more specific requested conditions
Guides and equipment
Check-ins in case of equipment failure
The Handbook and other text resources, with special and signed editions available through a subscription
Hosting various "sport" events
| Frugal Wizard Inc |
|by Ben McSweeney |
|**Parents**|[[Ico's father|Father]]|
|**Profession**|Ship's captain|
|**Introduced In**|*Oathbringer*|
>“*I did not mean an insult, regardless. You are not to be blamed. Betraying oaths is simply your nature, as a human.*”
**Ico** is a [[Reacher|Reacher]] in [[Shadesmar|Shadesmar]], the [[Subastral|subastral]] of [[Roshar|Roshar]]. He captains a merchant [[Ico's ship|ship]] crewed by fellow [[Reacher|Reachers]].
## Contents
1 Appearance & Personality
2 History
3 Family
4 Notes
## Appearance & Personality
Ico has metallic bronze skin and looks human. He is shorter than an [[Alethi|Alethi]] and sturdily built. He wears tan-colored human clothing that has many buttoned pockets. He has [[Shin|Shin]]-like eyes that seem to be made of bronze with holes for pupils.
Ico is a spren of very few words; he is very brusque and speaks his mind. He is kind enough to give the group of humans and [[Spren|spren]] fleeing [[Kholinar|Kholinar]] passage to [[Celebrant|Celebrant]] and is helpful in explaining some things to them, such as currency and how [[Stormlight|Stormlight]] works in Shadesmar, [[Deadeye|deadeye]] spren, and how to find new passage in Celebrant. He gets exasperated at times, but he is understanding and practical. He believes humans cannot be trusted with oaths and says as much, but grows embarrassed when he realizes that this was rude.
by EccoS Piloting his [[Ico's ship|ship]]
## History
Ico was born before the [[Recreance|Recreance]]. At some point he became captain of a [[Ico's ship|ship]], and around 1174, Ico and his crew picked up [[Kaladin|Kaladin]], [[Shallan|Shallan]], [[Adolin|Adolin]], [[Sylphrena|Sylphrena]], [[Pattern|Pattern]], [[Vivenna|Vivenna]], and [[Mayalaran|Mayalaran]] from [[Riino's lighthouse|Riino's lighthouse]] and gave them passage to [[Celebrant|Celebrant]]. Captain Ico used their [[Stormlight|Stormlight]] to power a [[Hydrator|hydrator]], which used a bead of ice to produce water for the humans to drink. He and his crew also sold the humans clothing to wear. He refused to take them either to [[Thaylen City|Thaylen City]] or to [[Cultivation's Perpendicularity|Cultivation's Perpendicularity]]; Celebrant was as far west as he was willing to go because of the stories of ships vanishing and of other trouble to the east. Ico advised the group that they should stay in Shadesmar, claiming that the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]] was not a pleasant place at the moment.
During the scheduled inspection of his ship in Celebrant, Captain Ico was questioned by one of the [[Fused|Fused]]. The Fused, [[Kyril|Kyril]], accidentally set Ico's ship on fire when he was trying to scare him into giving information on the humans. He picked Ico up and dropped him onto the docks while the rest of the crew fled the burning ship.
## Family
Ico has a father who is a deadeye. He keeps him locked in a room in the cargo hold of his ship to keep him from wandering the decks and falling overboard in search of the human carrying his corpse.
Ico also has a daughter who used to work at a currency exchange in Celebrant. He says that she "ran off chasing stupid dreams." It is possible that this could be [[Timbre|Timbre]].
| Ico |
|by Jazzy-kandra |
|**Abilities**|[[Fused|Fused]] |
|**Introduced In**|*Oathbringer*|
This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
>“*What is your passionate fury, Moash, the man with an ancient singer's name?*”
\-Leshwi to Moash[1]
Lady **Leshwi** is a [[Singer|singer]] and high-ranking member of the *shanay-im*, a type of [[Fused|Fused]], on [[Roshar|Roshar]]. She is instrumental in bringing [[Moash|Moash]] to [[Odium|Odium's]] side.
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 Abilities and Attributes
3 History
3.1 Mortal
3.2 Recruiting Moash
3.3 Evacuation of Hearthstone
3.4 Occupation of Urithiru
4 Relationships
4.1 Moash
4.2 Kaladin
4.3 Venli
5 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
by BBQShapez
For more images, see [[Leshwi/Gallery|/Gallery]].
Leshwi has the seemingly rare physical trait of black, white, and red marbling on her face. Her eyes are ruby like and colored deep red.
Little more can be said about her appearance since she, like all [[Fused|Fused]], possesses another [[Singer|singer's]] body. While flying, Leshwi wears a long red robe.
She is a field commander, and one of the leaders of the singers during the [[Siege of Kholinar|Siege of Kholinar]]. In her view, this is because she is one of the few Fused that are still sane. Leshwi chooses her station carefully. She's a Fused of high enough station that the leaders defer to her but not high enough that she is required to stay out of fights.
Passion is an important virtue to Leshwi. This likely is related to the fact that Odium believes 'Passion' to be his Intent. Leshwi requires those who serve her to have Passion and will not hire those who do not demonstrate it. She is not afraid to speak her mind, even in the presence of people ranked more highly than her and even if it goes against social conventions. She is also more open-minded than some of the other Fused.
During the Last Desolation, she was reincarnated into a malen body, but has her beard shaved by a barber, and keeps her hair long. She actively hates the whiskers that grow upon her, even when soft and faint. It is not known if she feels general dysphoria at her malen body, or if it is specific to her facial hair.
## Abilities and Attributes
Leshwi is one of the Shanay-im. This allows her to use the [[Surge|Surge]] of [[Gravitation|Gravitation]]. She is good enough at lashing that she considers it a rarity to find a human who can compete with her. Like all Fused she can also breathe in [[Voidlight|Voidlight]], this allows her to heal from most wounds, as long as she has Voidlight.
Leshwi is also extremely skilled at fighting. She prefers the spear, fighting ground and flying soldiers with it, but she also uses a long, curved [[Parshendi|Parshendi]] sword. She is considered to be one of the better fighters among the Fused.
## History
by Marie Seeberger Capturing [[Moash|Moash]]
### Mortal
Little is known of Leshwi's mortal life, except that she was friends with an honorspren named [[Riah|Riah]], and at some point, presumably during the [[First Desolation|First Desolation]] she died and was reborn as one of the Fused.
### Recruiting Moash
When [[Moash|Moash]], [[Graves|Graves]], [[Febrth|Febrth]] and [[Fia|Fia]] set up a camp, Leshwi and three other Fused attacked them. Only Moash was able to fight back effectively; his companions were dead within seconds. Moash used his [[Shardblade|Shardblade]] to fight Leshwi, but when she realized that Moash isn't well practiced with the sword she attacked more fiercely. She was surprised when Moash dismissed his Shardblade, dashed away, and picked up a spear. She then [[Gravitation|Lashed]] Moash into the air, but he pulled her with him and killed Leshwi midair by ramming a knife in her chest. Leshwi's companions took Moash captive after that.
Later, during the [[Siege of Kholinar|Siege of Kholinar]], Moash demanded to speak to a Fused in charge, and he was brought to Leshwi. While hovering in the sky, the two of them had a long conversation. Leshwi said that 'Moash' is a [[Singer|singer]] name and reveals to Moash that she is the one whom he killed before. Because Leshwi was impressed by Moash's passion, she explained to him why the Fused are at war with mankind. After this conversation, she let Moash go as a free man, but Moash chose not to leave.
In the aftermath of the [[Battle of Kholinar|Battle of Kholinar]] Leshwi visited Moash during his work clearing rubble. She knew that he was curious about why they were destroying the [[Kholinar Palace|Kholinar Palace]] even more, but said that he will get to know why in due time. They were probably looking for [[Elhokar|Elhokar's]] [[Cryptic|cryptic]]. Leshwi was pleased that Moash was content with that answer, and ordered him to come up to the palace because [[Hnanan|Hnanan]] had a request for him.
After Moash killed [[Jezrien|Jezrien]] at Hnanan's request Leshwi and eight other Fused came to him again. They offered him Jezrien's [[Honorblade|Honorblade]], but Leshwi warned him that 'Moash' will be no more. Moash accepted this fate, and Leshwi gave him a new name: Vyre, which means "He Who Quiets."
### Evacuation of Hearthstone
During the evacuation of [[Hearthstone|Hearthstone]], Leshwi was among the three flights of Heavenly Ones, and she dueled [[Kaladin|Kaladin]]. During the battle, she wielded a [[Raysium|raysium]] spear with a gemstone at its base, capable of drawing in a [[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant's]] [[Stormlight|stormlight]]. Leshwi stabbed [[Sigzil|Sigzil]] with this spear but spared his life as a sign of respect to Kaladin for sparing a Heavenly One earlier in the battle. After another exchange with Kaladin that left them both wounded, Leshwi accepted a draw and allowed Kaladin to defend a group of civilians under attack by [[Lezian|Lezian]].
After returning to Kholinar, Leshwi attended a meeting of the Nine, where she, with her Voice, [[Venli|Venli]], described the *Fourth Bridge* to the Nine and explained how it seemed to operate. During the meeting she claimed the right to battle Kaladin over Lezian, enraging him. She also showed disapproval of [[Raboniel|Raboniel's]] plan to besiege [[Urithiru|Urithiru]].
by Connor Chamberlain
### Occupation of Urithiru
Leshwi offered up all of her servants save two to Raboniel, including Venli, and gave Venli orders to bring her reports on Raboniel's actions. Once Urithiru was taken by the Fused, Leshwi took custody of [[Lirin|Lirin]], [[Hesina|Hesina]], and [[Oroden|Oroden]] to protect them from Lezian. Leshwi accepted another duel with Kaladin but showed mercy to him when she discovered he didn't have access to all his Surges. The duel ended when Kaladin escaped to destroy a node of the [[Sibling|Sibling]]. Later, Venli revealed that she is a Radiant and Leshwi was overjoyed, proclaiming that the spren have forgiven the singers. Leshwi asked Venli whether her [[Spren|spren]] knew her old friend, an honorspren named [[Riah|Riah]]. Venli says she does not but, that there are spren willing to bond singers again. Leshwi replied that her soul has been too long owned by someone else for that. Lezian's soldiers then attacked the unarmed humans protecting the unconscious [[Knights Radiant|Knights Radiant]]; Venli whispered that she was caught between two worlds and didn't know what to do. Leshwi responded, "It's all right, Voice. I know the answer." She then unsheathed her sword, flew directly to the fight, and commanded the singer troops to halt. When they didn't, Leshwi attacked them, and her troops joined her.
Singer fought singer; on one side were Leshwi, five Heavenly Ones, about twenty [[Regals|Regals]], and the human civilians. On the other side were Lezian's singer troops. Lezian's troops were afraid of the Fused and soon fled, leaving their dead behind. Leshwi insisted that the humans she had fought alongside submit so that Leshwi could explain the situation to Raboniel and not seem in rebellion. The humans refused, and violence seemed inevitable, until [[Rlain|Rlain]] took command of the situation. He told Leshwi that she had defied Odium and so would be punished unless she and her troops escaped with him. Leshwi reluctantly agreed.
Before they could depart, Deepest Ones and hundreds of stormforms arrived to exterminate them; they attacked, killing, among others, one of the Heavenly Ones. Leshwi's group of Heavenly Ones, Regals, and humans would have been overwhelmed, but Kaladin arrived in his new Shardplate, which he sent out to protect those about to be killed, including [[Adin|Adin]], [[Dabbid|Dabbid]], and Leshwi herself. She had speared a stormform that had released a flash of lightning that enveloped her, but was saved by Kaladin's Plate. Simultaneously, the [[Sibling|Sibling]] bonded with [[Navani|Navani]] and the defenses of Urithiru were fully restored. The Fused, including Leshwi, collapsed unconscious. Afterwards, once they had been brought to the [[Oathgate|Oathgate]], Leshwi and the four surviving Heavenly Ones regained consciousness. They, along with Rlain, Venli, [[Dul|Dul]], [[Mazish|Mazish]], and the others that Venli had recruited, were transported to [[Narak|Narak]] via the Oathgate, where Leshwi helped find the free group of listeners.
## Relationships
by Gerva Perez Facing off against [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] in the skies
### Moash
Leshwi initially was angered at [[Moash|Moash]] because he managed to kill her so unexpectedly, but over time this anger was converted into admiration for Moash's passion. Leshwi is intrigued by Moash's motives, and he impresses her so much that she releases him. However, just before releasing him Leshwi told Moash to prove himself, and when he recalled this he voluntary returned to his [[Parshmen|parshmen]] crew, what seemed to be what Leshwi hoped he would do.
Moash's assassinations of [[Elhokar|Elhokar]] and Jezrien seem to have boosted his and Leshwi's reputation among the Fused, and Hnanan expresses pride at Leshwi for picking out Moash. Eventually the Fused hold Moash in such high regard that they give him Jezrien's Honorblade.
### Kaladin
>“*It is rare to find a human who can fight in the skies well enough to be a challenge for me.*”
\-Leshwi about Kaladin[12]
Leshwi and [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] seem to have a mutual respect. Leshwi sees him as a rare challenge to battle in the skies. They have multiple duels, none of which end with a clear winner. When Kaladin's powers are suppressed by corruption of the Sibling, Leshwi does not take the advantage and kill the windrunner, instead she shows honor in not wanting to beat him in an unfair fight. Kaladin also values her opinion of him, making sure she understood he hadn't technically accepted a duel and wasn't fleeing when he left.
After the events in Urithiru and the fighting between the singers and the humans, Kaladin offers Leshwi aid and a place to stay in Narak, but she declines.
### Venli
[[Venli|Venli]] serves as the Voice of Lady Leshwi, expressing Leshwi's desires to others. Initially Leshwi values Venli for her unique Envoyform talents, however treats her coldly due to her position as a servant. After her Voice's actions in Urithiru, spying on Raboniel and helping Leshwi protect Kaladin's family, Leshwi begins to warm to her. When Venli reveals she has bonded a Radiant Spren Leshwi is overjoyed.
| Leshwi |
|**Calour Publications**|
|**Owner**|[[Lesan Calour|Lesan Calour]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]|
**Calour Publications** is a publisher in [[Elendel|Elendel]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. It is owned by [[Lesan Calour|Lesan Calour]] and family, and is also referred to as Lesan Calour & Daughters & Sons. The company is headquartered in the 6th Octant of Elendel, at 211 Morise near the Hub at the center of the city.
The company publishes *The House Record* broadsheet. In the 1st of Doxil 342 [[Catacendre|PC]] edition, they placed an advertisement in the broadsheet seeking samples from novelists, as they were looking to publish books similar to *The Horribles* and *Fear & Ferociousness*.
| Calour Publications |
|**Region**|[[Free Kingdoms|Free Kingdoms]]|
|**World**|[[Earth (Alcatraz)|Earth (Alcatraz)]]|
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Bastille Versus the Evil Librarians*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
The **Worldspire** is a massive glass spike located in the Pacific Ocean and marks the exact center of the world according to the people of the [[Free Kingdoms|Free Kingdoms]].
## Contents
1 Structure
2 Magical Effects
3 History
4 Notes
## Structure
It runs from the upper atmosphere down into the center of the planet, which is made of glass. It is a recreational activity to skydive off of it. It is located somewhere around the Kalmarian Wilds. There is a city built at the base of the Worldspire and wooden scaffolding going all the way to the top.
## Magical Effects
What happens to the spire is transferred to a random number of people, with different people each time. This can happen by tapping it, which causes a ringing sensation in the ears of some people, wind blowing on it, which can cause a cold chill, or striking the spire, which causes headaches.
## History
The previous fact is said by Alcatraz to be foreshadowing if the autobiography goes beyond [[The Dark Talent|The Dark Talent]]. Apparently the events involving the Worldspire were hard to ignore, even in the [[Hushlands|Hushlands]]. [[Attica Smedry|Attica Smedry]] planned to use the Worldspire's properties to give the [[Smedry Talent|Smedry Talents]] to the everyone in the world.
| Worldspire |
|by Jamie Knierim |
|**Died**|Killed by [[Steelheart (Epic)|Steelheart]] after [[Day of Annexation|Annexation]]|
|**Homeworld**|[[Earth (Reckoners)|Earth (Reckoners)]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Steelheart*|
**Faultline** is a powerful [[Epic|Epic]] who initially works for [[Steelheart (Epic)|Steelheart]]. She is a thin woman who wears her hair in a bun.
## Attributes and Ability
Faultline has two second-tier abilities--moving softer earth and turning earth and stone into sand--which combine into a first-tier power. She is powerful, but fragile, as she has no prime invincibility.
It is also known that Faultline can appear to make earthquakes, by softening the earth and pulling back on it, though it is never shown.
## History
Faultline was seen using her powers when she sent the [[First Union Bank (Newcago)|First Union Bank]] deep underground by turning the earth into sand, and letting it sink. She also created a cushion of earth around the bank as it sank, ultimately protecting it.
Faultline later challenged Steelheart, attempting to take over [[Newcago|Newcago]]. Steelheart dealt with her personally, and killed her.
| Faultline |
|by TalnFan |
|**Abilities**|[[Cytonics|Cytonics]], mimicry|
|**Introduced In**|*Sunreach*|
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *ReDawn*, *Evershore*, and *Defiant*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
**Chubs** is a very fat [[Taynix|taynix]] that [[Jorgen|Jorgen]] discovers in a cavern along with several other taynix. He is one of the yellow and blue variety of taynix, allowing him to teleport with his cytonic abilities. When Jorgen, [[Freyja|FM]], and [[Rodge McCaffery|Rig]] are first watching over the new taynix, Chubs and [[Happy|Happy]] get into a crate of mushrooms and begin eating. FM discovers them in the crate, and gives Chubs his name.
Chubs loves caviar like most taynix, and FM uses it to try and train him. She teaches him to teleport to a specific box with food in it, as part of her, Rig’s, and Jorgen’s experiments with the taynix.
| Chubs |
|by Bernardo Curvello |
|**Died**|Throat slit by [[Pahn Kahl|Pahn Kahl]] rebels while kidnapped|
|**Abilities**|[[Returned|Returned]], [[Cognitive Shadow|Cognitive Shadow]]|
|**Titles**|Blushweaver the Beautiful, Blushweaver the Honest, Goddess of Honesty and Interpersonal Relations|
|**Introduced In**|*Warbreaker*|
>“*I will bear the awful burden of being the most wonderful of the gods.*”
\-Blushweaver to Lightsong[3]
**Blushweaver** is a [[Returned|Returned]] from [[Hallandren|Hallandren]] on [[Nalthis|Nalthis]].
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 Attributes and Abilities
3 History
3.1 Return
3.2 During the rebellion
4 Relationships
4.1 Lightsong
4.2 Inhanna
5 Trivia
6 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
by Shuravf
For more images, see [[Blushweaver/Gallery|/Gallery]].
>“*I’m the goddess of lust, for Your sake. I’ve got to fill the role.*”
\-Blushweaver to Lightsong[4]
Blushweaver is considered the epitome of beauty. She has glossy black hair, pale skin, dazzling eyes, red lips, and a lusciously curvaceous body. Though [[Mercystar|Mercystar]] is built more heavily and Blushweaver thin, both are considered to have a godly beauty. Since [[Returned|Returned]] look the way they believe they should look, Blushweaver therefore looks like what she perceives to be the ultimate in honest beauty. Her perceived perfection has given her a vain and narcissistic attitude. She expresses disgust for the appearance of ordinary people, jokes that bad fashion sense is worse than murder, and states in jest that attention should always be on her.
Blushweaver wears little clothing, often appearing in revealing gowns of her colors, green and silver. She is often seen in seductive poses. She is a seductive person, propositioning [[Lightsong|Lightsong]] on several occasions and often talking about her personal relationships with fellow Returned and mortals, including her own priests.
Like most Returned, Blushweaver has become decadent due to the nature of the [[Court of Gods|Court of Gods]]: a group of servants follows her wherever she goes, meeting her every whim. This has made her somewhat lazy and capricious; despite this, she is determined to improve the fate of [[Hallandren|Hallandren]] and takes her role as a god seriously enough to expend great effort to control the Hallandren military in order to preserve Hallandren. In no small part due to the length of her rule, she has become "one of the most dynamic figures in the court."
>“*They hold every single pass to the northern kingdoms! Every workable copper mine! They have military garrisons within striking distance of T’Telir! And they still claim to be ruled by the rightful kings of Hallandren!*”
\-Blushweaver to the Court of Gods[11]
Blushweaver directly urges Lightsong to action. When he suggests that they just allow the universe to take its course, she tells him to "fight it," suggesting that she is not as lost as some of the other gods to boredom and indolence. She is witty and enjoys verbal sparring with him as well. Lightsong additionally states that she is unlikely to engage with him without an ulterior motive, as her lengthy fifteen years as a Returned has made her incredibly wise and crafty.
When Blushweaver first Returns, she is unhappy with her title of "the Honest." She considers pursuing a reputation of honor and justice, but decides that a persona as the goddess of love and romance feels more natural to her and will lead to greater power. This is now how she views herself.
## Attributes and Abilities
by Viridializard
As a [[Returned|Returned]], Blushweaver has a [[Divine Breath|divine Breath]] which gives her the benefits of being on the [[Fifth Heightening|Fifth Heightening]]. This includes:
Aura Recognition - allows her to assess the number of Breaths a person possesses.
Perfect Pitch
Perfect Color Recognition - allows her to instantly and instinctively determine exact shades of colors and their hue harmonics.
Perfect Life Sense - allows her to sense people around her.
Agelessness - makes her immune to most toxins and physical ailments, as well as making her functionally immortal.
She is a skilled negotiator and politician, as demonstrated by her ability to convince other Returned to place her in control of half of the country's [[Lifeless|Lifeless]] military forces.
Her presence on the [[Court of Gods|Court of Gods]] as a Returned grants her a palace, at least 30 servants, [[Inhanna|a high priestess]], and 6 lesser priests.
## History
by sternenflamme
### Return
Before Blushweaver's Return, she was a well known and powerful merchant in [[Hallandren|Hallandren]]. She was assassinated after exposing a group of dye merchants she worked with for their untrustworthy, deceptive, and criminal practices; this was the basis of her original name upon her Return.
She Returned in order to attempt to stop the invaders she saw taking [[T'Telir|T'Telir]] after [[Bluefingers|Bluefingers's]] revolt in her vision. She was named **Blushweaver the Honest** by the [[Iridescent Tones|Iridescent Tones]], but in her first year as a Returned successfully campaigned to change it to **Blushweaver the Beautiful**.
### During the rebellion
>“*By inviting that woman into our city, we may have initiated the end of Returned rule in Hallandren.*”
\-Blushweaver to Lightsong[5]
When Blushweaver Returned, she was given a seat on the council of social ills, where she weekly participated in important votes. She was one of the oldest living Returned during the events of the [[Pahn Kahl rebellion|Pahn Kahl rebellion]], having Returned about fifteen years previously.
Blushweaver, aware of the subtleties of politics, was active in trying to defend [[Hallandren|Hallandren]] and their way of life. To this end, she had spies in [[Idris|Idris]], seeded the crowds at Court Assemblies with people outspoken in support of war, and lobbied the gods who had been assigned military responsibilities and therefore held the Command phrases for the [[Lifeless|Lifeless]] armies. She promised to vote however [[Hopefinder|Hopefinder]] - one of the four [[Returned|Returned]] who held Command phrases - wished, and in exchange he gave her the security phrase to his portion of the army. [[Mercystar|Mercystar]] also agreed to give up her Lifeless troops thanks to [[Lightsong|Lightsong's]] unwitting help when he investigated the break-in at her palace. Though Blushweaver had a warm relationship with Lightsong himself, he refused to give her his Lifeless commands; she also failed to convince [[Allmother|Allmother]] to part with her pass phrase. Still, after spending her efforts on those four Returned she eventually held the Command phrases for half of the [[Lifeless|Lifeless]] army.
Later, Blushweaver was kidnapped, taken down to the tunnel system below the court, and tortured by a group of priests to force her to give up her Lifeless Command phrase. The false priests, in truth [[Pahn Kahl|Pahn Kahl]] rebels, later slit her throat to show Lightsong how willing to kill they were. This eventually won the rebellion control over the entire Lifeless Army, which they sent up to Idris.
Blushweaver would be pleased with how the rebellion attempt ended, though it cost her her life.
## Relationships
by KiebieArt with Lightsong
### Lightsong
>“*I trust her as much as I trust any other Returned. But if war does come, then she’ll quickly become the second-most-powerful person in the kingdom.*”
\-Lightsong to Allmother, discussing Blushweaver[15]
Blushweaver's most notable relationship as a [[Returned|Returned]] is with [[Lightsong|Lightsong]]. They enjoy each other's company and look forward to their verbal sparring, though they also care for each other more deeply. While Blushweaver would like to become involved romantically, Lightsong rejects her advances. She tries to get Lightsong on her side regarding war with [[Idris|Idris]], but he isn't able to bring himself to trust her completely and so withholds his and [[Allmother|Allmother's]] Command phrases from Blushweaver. The Pahn Kahl rebels kill her in the tunnels because they suspect Lightsong loves her and want to make an impression on him.
### Inhanna
[[Inhanna|Inhanna]] is Blushweaver's high priestess, the one who delivers her votes and argues in court on her behalf.
## Trivia
Blushweaver is one of the first gods Brandon named, which served as the naming standard for other gods in the Court.
| Blushweaver |
**Gmordsom** is a city in [[Hraggen|Hraggen]]. It is possibly Hraggen's capital.
| Gmordsom |
|**Reshi Sea**|
|by User: SaleSVQ|
The **Reshi Sea** is a body of water in northern [[Roshar|Roshar]]. It is the largest known sea on Roshar and it covers a significant portion of the middle of the continent. The southern end of the sea is separated from the [[Purelake|Purelake]] by [[Marabethia|Marabethia]], while the [[Reshi Isles|Reshi Isles]] archipelago lies at the northern end of the sea, adjacent to the [[Steamwater Ocean|Steamwater Ocean]]. Other countries along the sea's coastline include [[Iri|Iri]], [[Rira (country)|Rira]], [[Babatharnam|Babatharnam]], [[Tu Bayla|Tu Bayla]], [[Jah Keved|Jah Keved]], and [[Herdaz|Herdaz]]. During the [[Heraldic Epochs|Heraldic Epochs]], the sea was in the territory of [[Rishir|Rishir]].
In addition to the various islands in the Reshi Sea, it is also home to massive inhabited [[Greatshell|greatshells]] known as [[Tai-na|Tai-na]]. Although the sea is deeper than the Purelake, it is shallow enough to allow the Tai-na to walk along the seafloor.
The area has a hot and humid tropical climate, and it does not snow. The waters of the sea are usually quite calm, although the region is presumably in the path of [[Highstorm|highstorms]]. The seawater is quite warm most of the time.
## Inhabitants
For more information, see [[Reshi Isles|Reshi Isles]].
Many of the islands in the Reshi Sea are known to be inhabited by the native people, known as the Reshi. Various Tai-na contain self-contained kingdoms that also attract foreigners seeking a simple life. The [[Ardent|ardents]] [[Ashir|Ashir]] and [[Geranid|Geranid]] live on a small island where they can focus on scientific experiments. The [[Herdaz|Herdazian]] coastline is known to be inhabited, and it is [[Toh|Toh's]] last known location.
## Flora and Fauna
Tai-na - Sapient island-sized greatshells worshiped as gods.
Zatalef - A bat-like cephalopod native to Akak.
Chulls - A species of crustacean useful for labor intensive jobs.
Coracot - A fearsome creature that is hunted in the Reshi Isles on Roshar.
I-nah - A type of tree native to the Reshi Sea on Roshar.
An unknown species of minnow.
| Reshi Sea |
|**Holy grotto**|
|**Region**|[[Purelake|The Purelake]]|
**Holy grottos** are places in the [[Purelake|Purelake]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]] during the [[Era of Solitude|Era of Solitude]].
Holy grottos were significant places in the Purelaker religion that worshiped [[Nu Ralik|Nu Ralik]]. They were the only places where Purelakers dared to speak of their true faith to Nu Ralik rather than their pretended faith to [[Vun Makak|Vun Makak]], Nu Ralik's jealous younger brother. It is unknown where these holy grottos are located and what makes them believed to be safe from Vun Makak's observation.
| Holy grotto |
|**Malwish Consortium**|
|**Ruled by**|Unknown|
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *The Lost Metal*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
The **Malwish Consortium** is a nation state on Scadrial located upon the [[Southern Scadrian|Southern Continent]]. It is a confederation of five South Scadrian nations under the Malwish banner.
## Contents
1 History
2 Economy
3 Notable Malwish
4 Notes
## History
Originally, the Malwish Consortium was five separate nations; they later banded together upon the discovery of the Elendel Basin and their taking of the [[Bands of Mourning|Bands of Mourning]]. As part of this merging, the other four nations adopted the banner of the Malwish nation.
The tensions between the Malwish and [[Elendel Basin|Elendel Basin]] grew stronger during the six years of the unification of the South because Wax gave the Bands of Mourning to the [[Kandra|kandra]], and the Malwish believed that they were the rightful owners of the Bands.
Wax worried that news of the Consortium forming would make Elendel politicians believe that the [[Elendel Supremacy Bill|Elendel Supremacy Bill]] was needed more than ever.
The Malwish sent Admiral [[Daal|Daal]] as an ambassador to [[Elendel|Elendel]]. When the select council received [[Waxillium Ladrian|Wax's]] message about the bomb the [[Set|Set]] sent to Elendel, they decided to use the Bands of Mourning to push it away. Admiral Daal said that the Bands would have to be surrendered, since this would break their treaty. When [[Adawathwyn|Adawathwyn]] tried to use the Bands and discovered that they were drained, Daal said that this still met his terms for exchange and took them. After that, he fled Elendel.
Six months after the detonation of the Set's bomb, the tensions between the Malwish and Elendel were growing even stronger because the Basin felt that the Bands were taken unjustly and the Malwish claimed that the Basin had shown aggression by even considering using them. There was talk of closing borders to Northerners.
Two years after the detonation, the Basin sent [[Marasi Colms|Marasi Colms]] as an ambassador to the Malwish Consortium.
## Economy
At first, the Malwish consortium and the Elendel Basin establish tenuous trade relations. While the Malwish consortium does appear to have trade-focused airships, most trade with the North still goes by regular ships. However, following the Bands of Mourning being drained, the consortium bans most forms of trade with the North, especially that of [[Harmonium|harmonium]], as well as all tourism.
## Notable Malwish
For more Malwish, see :Category: Malwish.
[[Allik Neverfar|Allik Neverfar]] - a member of the crew of the airship *Brunstell*.
[[Jordis|Jordis]] - captain of the airship *Brunstell*.
[[Daal|Daal]] - the ambassador of the Malwish Consortium to [[Elendel|Elendel]].
| Malwish Consortium |
|**Introduced In**|*The Bands of Mourning*|
**Professor Irich** is a scientist and a member of the [[Set|Set]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. Within the Set, he holds the rank of Array. He is a [[Chromium|chromium]] [[Misting|Misting]] (aka a [[Leecher|Leecher]]).
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 History
2.1 Activities with The Set
3 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
Irich is thin, approximately six feet tall, and has a narrow face and dark hair. He has a degenerative disease that weakens his muscles and makes breathing difficult. His physician has told him that the disease will eventually kill him, and he can tell that his condition is worsening daily. He carries a cane to assist his walking, and his gait has been changing every few months due to the rapid degeneration of his muscles. The cane and his stooped posture can make him appear to be older than he is. Irich doesn't care about the power and authority he holds as an Array, as neither can prolong his life.
## History
### Activities with The Set
He was involved in the attack on the train that carried [[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]] and his companions to [[New Seran|New Seran]]. Upon encountering [[Marasi Colms|Marasi Colms]], Irich fled. In his haste, he dropped the [[Primer cube|primer cube]] he was carrying, which [[Marasi Colms|Marasi Colms]] recovered and eventually discovered could be used as an [[Allomancy|allomantic]] grenade.
He is in charge of studying the wrecked [[Southern Scadrian|Southern Scadrian]] vessel-- the *Brunstell* --recovered by the Set in [[Dulsing|Dulsing]]. He is intrigued by its many mysteries but is focused on creating a weapon for the [[Telsin|Sequence]] and [[Mister Suit|Mister Suit]].
| Irich |
|**Brightlord Morakotha**|
|**Children**|[[Danlan Morakotha|Danlan]]|
|**Profession**|Officer in Kholin army|
|**Groups**|Kholin army|
|**Residence**|[[Warcamp|The Alethi warcamps]]|
Brightlord **Morakotha** is a [[Lighteyes|lighteyed]] [[Alethi|Alethi]] noble on the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]] of Roshar.
He presumably hails from the [[Kholin princedom|Kholin princedom]] and is of high birth, as his daughter [[Danlan|Danlan]] worked with King [[Elhokar|Elhokar's]] scribes in [[Kholinar|Kholinar]].
During the [[War of Reckoning|War of Reckoning]], Morakotha lived in the Alethi warcamps on the Shattered Plains. In 1173, Danlan came to the warcamps to visit her father for a few months. She courted [[Adolin|Adolin]] and became one of [[Dalinar|Dalinar's]] scribes. Her visit may have been a cover for her activities with the [[Diagram (group)|Diagram]].
| Brightlord Morakotha |
|by [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon Sanderson]]|
|**Abilities**|[[Splinter|Splinter]] of [[Devotion|Devotion]]|
|**Bonded With**|[[Matisse|Matisse]]|
**Aeo** is a [[Seon|seon]], bound to [[Matisse|Matisse]] after the restoration of Elantris. It is named after Aon Aeo, which meant bravery.
| Aeo |
|**Spouse**|[[Avarak Matal|Avarak Matal]]|
|**Groups**|Sadeas army|
|**Introduced In**|*The Way of Kings*|
Brightness **Hashal** is a [[Lighteyes|lighteyed]] woman in the [[Sadeas princedom|Sadeas]] warcamp on the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]] of [[Roshar|Roshar]]. She is married to [[Avarak Matal|Avarak Matal]], an officer in the Sadeas army, and she personally takes an active role in the oversight of the Sadeas [[Bridge crew|bridge crews]].
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 Attributes and Abilities
3 History
3.1 Purchase of Kaladin
3.2 Leading the Bridge Crews
4 Relationships
4.1 Avarak Matal
5 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
She has pale blue eyes. She styles her dark hair in a complex weave decorated with infused gemstones and she wears ruby-red nail polish. She wears heavily embellished silk [[Havah|havahs]] in colors such as deep red and violet. Her freehand is "delicate" and her general appearance is that of someone important.
Hashal is imperious, vindictive, and ruthless. She flaunts her wealth and influence, and is transported through the warcamps by palanquin. She is highly elitist, and regards [[Darkeyes|darkeyed]] people and even lighteyes of a lower [[Dahn|dahn]] as beneath her, if not subhuman. She places no value on the lives of bridgemen and will never change her mind about them.
## Attributes and Abilities
She has a smooth, aristocratic [[Kholinar|Kholinar]] accent, implying that she hails from the Alethi capital. She is able to write in [[Women's script|women's script]]. She and her husband are of a high dahn, perhaps the fourth or fifth, and are close associates of Highprince Sadeas.
## History
### Purchase of Kaladin
>“*I can see what I am purchasing, slaver. I will inspect them myself.*”
\-Hashal, to Tvlakv[2]
Hashal lived on the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]] with her husband during the [[War of Reckoning|War of Reckoning]]. She met with [[Tvlakv|Tvlakv]] seeking to buy some slaves from him for timber production. She intimidated Tvlakv, and quickly bargained his price down. As she inspected the slaves, manhandling some of them, she was intrigued by [[Kaladin|Kaladin's]] physique and his *shash* glyph. Kaladin offered to serve as a soldier, but Tvlakv immediately identified him as a deserter. Kaladin lashed out at him, startling Hashal. Hashal bought a number of the slaves, assigning some to forest duty but taking Kaladin and nine others that he was thought to have "corrupted" to [[Lamaril|Lamaril]] and [[Gaz|Gaz]] to serve as [[Bridgemen|bridgemen]], instructing the officers that Kaladin should be given "special treatment".
### Leading the Bridge Crews
>“*My husband does not intend to run the bridge crews with his predecessor's laxness. My husband is a well-respected and honored associate of Highprince Sadeas himself, not some near-darkeyed mongrel like Lamaril.*”
by Dragontrill Riding a palanquin carried by [[Parshmen|parshmen]] while her [[Avarak Matal|husband]], [[Kaladin|Kaladin]], and [[Gaz|Gaz]] watch.
Lamaril was executed after the disastrous first battle with Bridge Four's side carry, and Avarak Matal requested to become the captain of the Sadeas bridgecrews, a move presumably initiated by Hashal. Hashal disparaged Lamaril and immediately took over scheduling and crew assignments so that she could target Kaladin and Bridge Four with punitive actions. She discontinued the policy of assigning crews to different types of work duty, instead assigning Bridge Four to permanent chasm duty. Even though she knew that Bridge Four was severely undermanned, she stopped assigning them new members, only giving them the parshman later known as [[Shen|Shen]] as an "experiment". She started forcing Bridge Four to perform scavenging on the same days as bridge runs. After Gaz deserted his post, Hashal personally began giving Kaladin and the other bridgeleaders their schedule each morning. She pointedly ignored any questions concerning Gaz's whereabouts. Since Bridge Four had still not broken, she started making them take part in every bridge run and increased their scavenging quota to add more stress, barely allowing them to sleep.
>“*Your team is just too good. It must be used. You'll start full-time bridge duty tomorrow. Consider it an ... honor."*”
\-Hashal, to Kaladin[3]
Kaladin realized that Hashal would not be swayed by logic or reason, as her only goal was to kill off Bridge Four. The men of Bridge Four believed that she had been ordered to treat them so harshly by [[Torol Sadeas|Torol Sadeas]] so that he could rid himself of Kaladin, who had attracted a large amount of attention for surviving outside in a [[Highstorm|highstorm]]. Kaladin's frustration with Hashal contributed to one of his early experiences breathing in [[Stormlight|Stormlight]]. Bridge Four continued to survive despite Hashal and Avarak's efforts to undermine them. This presented Hashal with a quandary, as the crew was earning the couple accolades from Sadeas (including a promotion for Matal), preventing her from removing Kaladin as their leader. Hashal took credit for the innovation of using [[Singer|singer]] carapace as armor; Kaladin was able to deceive her regarding its rarity, reducing the crew's scavenging quotas. She ignored any questions about the armor's origin.
After the [[Battle of the Tower|Battle of the Tower]], when Bridge Four saved [[Dalinar Kholin|Dalinar Kholin]] and some of his men despite Sadeas's betrayal, Kaladin suspected that Matal would be held responsible and executed, just as Lamaril had been before him. However, the fate of Matal and Hashal is not known.
## Relationships
### Avarak Matal
Although [[Avarak Matal|Avarak]] is the captain of the bridge crews by title, he is a figurehead. He usually remains silent while Hashal speaks for him, except on the battlefield where women are not present. Hashal and her subordinates make token references to her husband's wishes, but Hashal is clearly in charge of scheduling, discipline, and other regulations. Hashal seems to be more ambitious than Avarak, but he is a willing participant in her schemes, and also comes to hate Kaladin and Bridge Four. Although lighteyed Alethi women typically take their husband's last name, it is not clear if Hashal has done so.
| Hashal |
|**Titles**|Baron of [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]]|
|**Residence**|[[Elantris (city)|Elantris]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Elantris*|
**Taan** is a sculptor from [[Arelon|Arelon]] on [[Sel|Sel]]. After being taken by the [[Shaod|Shaod]], he takes the name **Aanden**. Taan rules one-third of the inhabitants of [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]] prior to the arrival of Prince [[Raoden|Raoden]].
## Appearance and Personality
Taan is a short man "with a sizeable paunch."
## History
While living in [[Arelon|Arelon]], Taan made a name for himself as one of [[Kae|Kae's]] finest sculptors. He weathered the political turmoil in Arelon immediately following the [[Reod|Reod]] and lived for several years in [[Iadon|Iadon's]] fledgling kingdom. Taan was taken by the Shaod approximately a year before the restoration of Elantris.
It was after being cast into [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]] (as was custom) that Taan displayed his brilliance outside of sculpting. He assumed the name **Aanden**, donned a long, drooping fake mustache and created a new history for himself. Aanden claimed to have been a baron before taken by the Shaod. He leveraged this reputation as a baron to declare himself "Baron of Elantris." Unable to establish a base in Elantris' palace - that section being held by [[Karata|Karata's]] gang - Aanden began holding "court" in Elantris' university.
Aanden showed great political acumen after his move, winning the allegiance of a third of Elantris' residents, with three deft moves. First, he deduced that the scrolls in the library were made of vellum, which could be boiled and consumed as a source of food. And, in Elantris, food was the only commodity. Secondly, Aanden spread persistent propaganda that he was on the verge of attacking Kae in order to free the Elantrians. Finally, for those followers that couldn't be won over with food nor with vengeance, Aanden made a practice of doling out mock trials with arbitrary punishments and executions. It was widely known that Aanden, while devious, was not entirely sane.
Aanden's band was the second to join Raoden's New Elantris settlement. After joining, Aanden largely gave up leadership of the gang, reverting to his former role as Taan the sculptor. He spent his days quietly studying the masterful frescoes that existed throughout Elantris, uncovering artistic techniques that had been forgotten in the wake of the Reod.
During the Invasion of Arelon, Derethi soldiers and Dakhor monks attacked New Arelon, whilst running through it Galladon spotted Taan whose face had been crushed beneath a large stone, although his fingers were still twitching.
When Raoden reconnected Elantrians with the Dor it would seem Taan was also saved from his [[Hoed|Hoed]] state as he carved a jade pendant bearing Aon Omi overlaid with bands of gold for Raoden to give to Sarene during their wedding ceremony.
| Taan |
|**World of Origin**|[[Taldain|Taldain]]|
**Lakstone** is a mineral mined on [[Taldain|Taldain]]. It is used to make [[Lak|lak]], the currency used in [[Lossand|Lossand]]. It's metallic silver in appearance, and can be broken down into small shards.
[[Delius|Delius]] once financed a lakstone mine at [[Vey|Vey's]] suggestion, hoping to make a fortune. He eventually went bankrupt and had to sell the mine to Vey, who hit a seam of lakstone only a week later. The profits from the mine were enough to make him the Lord Merchant in the Lossandin [[Taishin|Taishin]].
| Lakstone |
|**Navani's notebook**|
|**Type**|Research notes|
|**Author**|[[Navani Kholin|Navani Kholin]]|
|**Language**|[[Women's script|Women's script]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]|
This page or section contains spoilers for *Wind and Truth*!This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for *Rhythm of War* and *Wind and Truth*!Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
**Navani's notebook** is a series of pages written by the [[Artifabrian|Artifabrian]] [[Navani Kholin|Navani Kholin]]. Navani uses her notebook as a location to write down many of her ideas in. As a result it contains information about Rosharan science.
## Contents
1 Pages
1.1 Page one
1.2 Pain Knife
1.3 Page two
1.4 Archery Constructions
1.5 Ship Designs
1.6 Vambrace
1.7 The Fourth bridge
1.8 The Arnist Method
1.9 The Crystal Pillar Room
1.10 Dagger
1.11 Experiments
1.12 Rewarding Spren
1.13 Honorblades
2 Trivia
3 Notes
## Pages
For a complete collection of pages from the notebook, see Category:Navani's notebook.
### Page one
by Isaac Stewart Page 1
The cut and type of the gem determines what kind of [[Spren|spren]] are attracted to it and can be imprisoned in it.
There must be thousands of viable combinations.
Once a spren is captured and the gem infused with [[Stormlight|Stormlight]] the [[Fabrial|fabrial]] can be used in machines.
[[Flamespren|Flamespren]] trapped in emerald.
(These are labels describing which spren are attracted to different gem cuts and/or types.)
### Pain Knife
The pain knife is used as a means of protection.
Sharp blades pierce an attacker’s clothing and cause crippling pain.
Remove outer covering to infuse fabrial with Stormlight
Retractable blades cause crippling pain.
Dial pushes blades to four set lengths.
### Page two
by Isaac Stewart Page 2
Examples of stormlight patterns
Patterns of stormlight filtered through the fabrial determine the power of the gem
The pattern cannot be seen by the naked eye
Fabrials allow creation of things like the emotion bracelet made of ten fabrials working together
(Examples of emotion bracelet in use)
Man betrayed by a close friend
Woman who has just been proposed to
Man who discovered his betrothed lied to him
Mother at wedding of only son
The trick of the emotion bracelet is first learning to read it and second learning to tell if the bracelet is reading your emotions, your subject's emotions, or the emotions of the person in the next room over
### Archery Constructions
by Isaac Stewart Archery constructions
Fabrial for an archer tower.
Glyphs of numbers; one, two, three, four (denoting the four steps during useage)
Reversal principle of conjoined
compounded custom cut amethysts.
Aids in drying bowstrings.
Archers during the [[Weeping|Weeping]].
### Ship Designs
by Kelley King Ship designs
Too fanciful, ha?
Ask [[Rushu|Rushu]] how to keep the mast from ripping off
[[Jasnah|Jasnah's]] favorite
### Vambrace
by Kelley King Vambrace
Touch the gems in the correct combination to
release a shock from the front nodes that will
incapacitate an attacker
Top View
Side View
### The Fourth bridge
by Kelley King The Fourth bridge
The fourth bridge is not as pretty as my fanciful designs
but it is thrilling to see the ship coming together
The final build follows these designs with some
changes my engineers suggested
Cutaway showing levels below main deck for carrying people and supplies
[[Kaladin|Kaladin's]] old bridge
embedded in the deck
Possible design for next iteration of sky carriage
Main entrance works like a drawbridge
I hope fans will lessen
some of the horizontal load
Maybe add soulcast crystal
over the top
Stairs might fold up into a
table to make space
Latest tests show we need four fins instead of two wings
### The Arnist Method
by Kelley King The Arnist Method
The Arnist method begins with luring the
Spren to the gem
For example to attract a
Flamespren create a fire nearby
Allow the spren to
inspect the gem
Arnist hoop
drawing out the
pulls the Spren
into the gem
The Spren becomes trapped inside
cage surrounding
the gem can be adjusted by
twisting rods hooked to eyebolts
The tighter the cage the more heat the fabrial generates
### The Crystal Pillar Room
by Kelley King The Crystal Pillar Room
Close up of the crystal pillar
Suppressor device
retrieved by Kaladin
The pattern of garnets
is similar to one I
have seen on the pillar
Stairwell chamber
Library room
The crystal
pillar room
Library room
### Dagger
by Kelley King Dagger
[[Raboniel|Raboniel's]] soul
harvesting dagger
Navani: The white gold metal vein down the middle conducts [[Investiture|Investiture]]
Raboniel called the metal [[Raysium|raysium]] and says there is not enough in
this dagger to collect her soul or that of a [[Herald|Herald]]
I am not sure I believe her
Raboniel: Navani is right not to believe. I have given her few reasons to
trust me after all but in this thing I don't lie
why give into my enemys hands the means to destroy me?
Navani: I will proceed with my experiments
our discovery of [[Warlight|Warlight]] paired with my eventual understanding
of this dagger might yield a way to stop this war
Raboniel: Though I think we disagree on what an acceptable end to the war
actually looks like
Navani: The ruby is housed in a metal other than Raysium silver maybe?
Raboniel: I can confirm the metal is not raysium, but a silver-
nickel alloy and does not affect the daggers function
Navani: Touching the dagger to
Half of the ruby does not
pull out the half spren.
Cracking one half
however allows the
Spren to escape.
The dagger immediately
pulls the spren along the
Raysium vein and into the
gem at its base
I suspect the vein of Raysium continues through the daggers
hilt and somehow attaches to the ruby at its base
Raboniel: The Raysium vein is removable, reversible and
conducts Investiture directly to the gemstone
### Experiments
by Kelley King Experiments
The Thaylen vacuum tube
A cracked diamond
affixed to the end
might give the exact
result I am seeking
The metal caps unscrew
for versatility in
A fabrial pump removes the remaining air
Navani: The rhythms cause patterns in the sand. Different patterns for the
different kinds of light. There must be an answer of some kind here
though I wish I could consult a true scholar concerning this
Raboniel: Now that we have seen where this line of
exploration has led, I am amazed that you
were able to extrapolate this
voice of lights
Navani: The tones are
becoming easier for me to hear. I recognise the
tones of the different kinds of light and struggle to hear if there is something more.
Raboniel: Your research has yielded great fruits. There was a time I thought it impossible for one
of your kind to hear the rhythms. How could I have anticipated the magnitude of what
you have kept hidden from me? I fear I have underestimated you and your kind.
### Rewarding Spren
by Kelley King Rewarding Spren
The spren can be convinced to stay in the [[Physical Realm|Physical Realm]]
and enter the fabrial by choice.
A proffered hot coal and the
right tone calms it and
keeps it from dissipating.
[left] They seem drawn to many of the same
things we are recognition
identity belonging
[right] We are early in this development.
Sometimes modern techniques are still
The spren take on unique traits as we see them as individuals
[left] Flare of flamespren
Gust of [[Windspren|windspren]]
Affliction? of [[Painspren|painspren]]
This seems like it could get out of control quickly...
[right] Will this create a strain of more
malleable flamespren? Can we
encourage them to multiply?
### Honorblades
by Kelley King Honorblades
*Main article: Honorblades*
[[Nale|Nale]] must havecome back forhis long ago
The traitor has [[Jezrien|Jezrien's]]blade
[[Ishar|Ishar's]] blade glows with glyphs when he's wielding it
They started out much more simple.It seems their shapes and stylesdeveloped over time.
We had a blade from [[Taln|Taln]], but it was a normal [[Shardblade|Shardblade]]. What happened to his Honorblade?
These blades might work differently for [[Heralds|them]] than for us.
[[Shinovar|Shinovar]] perhaps
The nine left their blades near this grotto when they abandoned the [[Oathpact|Oathpact]].
Did they abandon them as a symbol, or something more
## Trivia
The notes can be found as interior art in all books of [[The Stormlight Archive|The Stormlight Archive]].
While the originals were transliterated from English into the [[Women's script|women's script]], they have been transliterated back into the English alphabet by fans.
| Navanis notebook |
|**Imperial Seat**|
|**Nation**|[[Rose Empire|Rose Empire]]|
The **Imperial Seat** is the capital city of the [[Rose Empire|Rose Empire]] on [[Sel|Sel]].
The city rolls across a group of seven large hills. A major faction house tops the outer six hills, while the [[Rose Palace|Rose Palace]] dominates the central hill. The [[Sogdian Forest|Sogdian Forest]] is nearby the city.
The city has a thriving clandestine smuggling trade and underground. Arbiter [[Frava|Frava]] is aware of its existence and may have dealings with it.
| Imperial Seat |
|**Universe**|[[Wode|Wode]] |
The **States** are a vast collection of simulated worlds in which [[Liveborn|Liveborn]] and [[Machineborn|Machineborn]] live in. The States are administered by the [[Wode|Wode]], though they are hackable by Liveborn who know what they are doing.
## Contents
1 Classification
1.1 Type
1.1.1 Personal States
1.1.2 Border States
1.1.3 Communal States
1.2 Setting
2 Compatibility
3 Travel
4 Notes
## Classification
States come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Each one has its own setting, technology level, history, etc. Classification of a State can be broken down into Type and Setting.
### Type
There are three types of States; Personal, Border, and Communal States. Each one comes with its own features.
#### Personal States
Personal States are specifically tailored to an individual Liveborn. They will be the only Liveborn living in the State, with the rest of the population being Machineborn. The State is intended to allow the Liveborn to excel in life, attaining tremendous achievments, and often becoming the single most important being within the State. Liveborn from other Personal States are generally not able to visit.
Personal States often change to keep the Liveborn's life from growing stagnant. An example of such changes is new locations being discovered for the Liveborn to explore. These States are meant to keep the Liveborn happy their entire life.
#### Border States
Border States are very small hubs that connect multiple Personal States. These connections are often physical connections, allowing Liveborn and Machineborn to move between them seemlessly. Border States are tailored to bring up conflict between Liveborn. Connecting three Liveborn, the State requires that the Liveborn compete with each other for access to resources and allies. These States are therefore populated with natives whose allegiance would benefit the Liveborn, and resources that are invaluable to the Liveborn. Such a situation fosters competition, and even alliances.
#### Communal States
Communal States are large hubs that large groups of Liveborn can visit. Populated mostly with Machineborn, these States have no native leaders, instead allowing Liveborn to compete for the favor of the Machineborn, and a leader is elected every two years. Factions of Liveborn are often formed, and these Factions compete in both politics and games.
Communal States are usually treated as neutral ground, with any real conflict between Liveborn frowned upon. Hacking is also supposed to be impossible in these States, as it would allow Liveborn to injure or kill each other easily. Due to this, Communal States are used for Liveborn to meet up in nonhostile situations, such as when they are called upon to procreate.
### Setting
There are many different settings that a State can adopt. Examples of such settings include Fantasy State, Emerging Equality State, 20th Century State, Sci-Fi State, etc. The list is likely infinite, with subtle differences being cause for different classifications, such as the further classification from Fantasy State known as Magical Kingdom State. These settings help to decide all of the minor factors of a State, such as the government structure, resources, flora and fauna, geography, technology, etc.
The setting for Personal States is decided upon based on the personality of the individual. If an individual would be happiest in a Fantasy State, then that is what their Personal State's setting is. A border state's setting will include part of the personal states it connects, allowing the magic or technologies to function there. It is unclear what decides the setting for Communal States, though it is likely decided by the Wode.
## Compatibility
States often reject things that are not compatible with the Setting or Type. Examples include magic not functioning in a State that has no ties to fantasy, or robots not working in a State that has no ties to futuristic technology. Hacking can be used by Liveborn to reverse this, causing things that would normally be incompatible to become compatible, but trying to drastically alter a State's compatibility alerts the Wode and adversely affects the State.
## Travel
The States are made to allow relatively easy travel for Liveborn. Machineborn, however, are more restricted. Machineborn must remain in the Personal State they originate from, or any Border States that connect to said Personal State. They cannot travel to Communal States, however, without risking the loss of their personality and history. Machineborn who do travel to Communal States have their programming merged with the Communal State, giving them a new life, memories, and backstory, essentially killing their old self.
| State |
|**Maineford Academy**|
|**Usage**|Academy of [[Rithmatics|Rithmatics]]|
|**Nation**|[[United Isles of America|United Isles of America]]|
|**World**|[[Earth (Rithmatist)|Earth (Rithmatist)]]|
**Maineford Academy** is one of the eight schools that teach [[Rithmatics|Rithmatics]]. It is located on [[Maineford|Maineford]].
| Maineford Academy |
|by Shuravf |
|**Died**|c 1024 [[Final Empire|FE]]|
|**Titles**|Mother of Terris|
|**Aliases**|Miss Imposing|
|**Groups**|[[Synod|Synod]], [[Preservers|Preservers]]|
|**Introduced In**|*The Well of Ascension*|
For the daughter of Steris Harms and Waxillium Ladrian, see [[Tindwyl Ladrian|Tindwyl Ladrian]].
**Tindwyl**, also called the **Mother of Terris**, is a [[Keeper|Keeper]] of [[Terris|Terris]] and a member of the [[Synod|Synod]]. She is well-known and respected among the Terris people. She spent much of her life in the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler's]] breeding program, and had over twenty children, around fifteen of which were girls. A year after the [[Collapse|Collapse]], she traveled to [[Luthadel|Luthadel]] at [[Sazed|Sazed's]] wish in order to train [[Elend Venture|Elend Venture]] in leadership. She quickly became a member of Elend's inner circle. After this, she and Sazed studied the rubbing he made of [[Kwaan's inscription|Kwaan's inscription]], and during that time they became romantically involved. She died during the [[Siege of Luthadel|Siege of Luthadel]], slain by [[Koloss|koloss]].
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 Attributes and Abilities
2.1 Scholarship
3 History
3.1 Terris Mother
3.2 Keeper
3.3 Time in Luthadel
3.3.1 First Meetings
3.3.2 Instructing Elend
3.3.3 Sazed's Return
3.3.4 Dress Shopping
3.3.5 A King Deposed
3.3.6 Cett's Gamble
3.3.7 Last Lesson
3.3.8 A Night of Study
3.3.9 Kwaan's Inscription
3.3.10 Battle of Luthadel and Death
3.4 Legacy
4 Relationships
4.1 Sazed
4.2 Elend
4.3 Vin
4.4 The Synod
5 Development
7 Trivia
8 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
by Shuravf
For more images, see [[Tindwyl/Gallery|/Gallery]].
Tindwyl is tall and lean. She is about fifty years old. Her face is rectangular, with square features. Her eyes are described as beautiful, and her graying auburn hair is straight, waist-length, and sometimes braided. Her earlobes are elongated by her many earrings, which alternate in color. Tindwyl wears the colorful robes of the Terris people, or a colorful skirt and blouse, as well as some rings made of Feruchemical metals. She is always dressed neatly, with perfect posture, making her always appear put-together.
Tindwyl is highly knowledgeable and intelligent. Like all Keepers, she has a love of learning. Her area of focus is the biographies of great men of the past — generals, kings, and emperors, most of whom have been forgotten under the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler's]] reign. When she is absorbed in a task, she is single-minded in her dedication towards it, staying awake for over a week while she and Sazed study the [[Kwaan's inscription|rubbing]] he made at the [[Conventical of Seran|Conventical of Seran]].
She is commanding and confident, ordering around the members of [[Kelsier|Kelsier]]’s crew on more than one occasion, much to their surprise as they had come to expect more subservient attitudes from Terris people. While she can come across as severe and cold, there is much more to her. She is very straightforward and practical, able to set aside her feelings in order to work as a Terris breeder at the behest of the Synod, but she still harbors resentment towards them for this. She is also compassionate, sympathising with [[Allrianne|Allrianne]]’s desire to shop, and chastising [[Vin|Vin]]’s judgemental attitude. Tindwyl is a romantic at heart, telling [[Elend|Elend]] exceptions can be made for love, and later implying the same to [[Sazed|Sazed]], despite her otherwise strict rules. She stays in [[Luthadel|Luthadel]] with Sazed even though her responsibilities as a Keeper dictate that she should offer knowledge to the armies besieging the city, and later, in spite of the fact that the city is about to fall to the [[Koloss|Koloss]].
She is also very perceptive and quick to see the truth of people, and adept at giving them what they need — in tutoring Elend, she is firm and harsh; with Vin she is kind and tries to help her see and accept herself. Due to her perceptiveness, while studying the rubbing she is also able to pick out the inconsistency in [[Kwaan|Kwaan]]’s narrative, which has been tampered with by [[Ruin|Ruin]]. Her understanding of people also helps her to achieve things through indirect means. She masterfully gets Elend to do things and admit things to her on more than one occasion, such as getting him to accept being referred to by an honorific, and getting him to express the sincerity of his love for Vin.
Tindwyl sees religion as something of scholarly value and of benefit to society, but is not herself a believer. She is also not fond of prophecies and other forms of foretelling, or of superstition.
## Attributes and Abilities
Tindwyl is a full [[Feruchemist|Feruchemist]], meaning she has the ability to store attributes in every Feruchemical metal and tap them when required. Being a [[Keeper|Keeper]], she has access to all of the Keepers' knowledge on her [[Coppermind|copperminds]]. That includes knowledge on healing, sanitation practices, farming, and engineering. Her chosen area of expertise is biographies, including many generals, kings and emperors. The study of biographies has given her a lot of knowledge about leadership and command.She uses her Feruchemy to eavesdrop.
### Scholarship
As a Keeper, Tindwyl's vast reserves of knowledge serve her in many ways. She acts as advisor to Elend during her time in Luthadel, training him in leadership -- her area of interest as a Keeper are the biographies of great men of the past. When she and Sazed study the rubbing, she also puts her skills as a scholar to use as they research the Deepness and the Hero of Ages, as well as other texts from that time.
## History
### Terris Mother
Tindwyl was a [[Terris|Terris]] mother — a part of the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler]]’s breeding program. While the goal of this program was to breed [[Feruchemy|Feruchemy]] out of the Terris population, the Synod managed to get Tindwyl a place in it with the hope that she would pass on Feruchemy to future generations. During her years in the breeding program she was repeatedly raped by different men until she became pregnant. Tindwyl had her first child at fourteen, and had over twenty children in total. Due to the fertility drugs she was given she often had multiple births.
She was also unable to receive any formal training in Feruchemy during this time. She was given a few copperminds, from which she was able to study biographies.
### Keeper
Tindwyl joined the Keepers when she was around forty, and unable to bear more children. [[Sazed|Sazed]] was the one to recite the collection of knowledge of the Keepers to her. This process took months, during which they got to know each other very well. Over the next ten years Tindwyl rose to prominence among the Terris people, becoming a senior Keeper and member of the Synod.
### Time in Luthadel
#### First Meetings
After the [[Collapse|Collapse]] Tindwyl received a message from Sazed, detailing the situation of [[Elend Venture|Elend Venture]]. Although he did not explicitly ask her to go to [[Luthadel|Luthadel]] and train him, she went anyway.
Tindwyl first appeared at an [[Luthadel Assembly|Assembly]] meeting in Luthadel, and was noticed by [[Vin|Vin]] who pointed her out to Elend.
A few days later, she was caught by [[Demoux|Demoux]], apparently listening in on Elend's meeting with the crew. Elend recognized her from the Assembly hall. She demanded a private audience with him, to which [[Dockson|Dockson]] and [[Ham|Ham]] were immediately opposed. She pointed out that Elend was in no danger as Vin was outside. He agreed to speak with her alone, after guessing that she was a Keeper, here at the request of [[Sazed|Sazed]]. Once they were alone, she snapped her bonds. Alarmed, Elend called for Vin, and Tindwyl told him that she had actually left to do her rounds — which was why she let herself be caught by Demoux.
She circled Elend, studying him, then began correcting his posture and manner of speaking, telling him to be more commanding. Elend, bewildered, demanded to know what was going on, which finally met her approval. She introduced herself to him as a Keeper of Terris, and harshly commented upon his slovenly appearance and indirect manner of speaking. Elend tried to excuse himself, until she remarked that his people thought he was a fool, what with how the Assembly ignored his authority, how the [[Skaa|skaa]] didn't have faith in him and how his friends assumed he would have nothing to add to discussions. He had good ideas, but lacked leadership skills.
>“*I have studied the lives of generals, kings, and emperors whose names you have never heard. Understanding theories of politics and leadership, Elend Venture, is not the same as understanding the lives of men who lived such principles.*”
\-Tindwyl on her area of expertise[12]
Elend countered that he spent the last year studying as much as he could on leadership and governance, to which Tindwyl responded that he should have spent that time being seen by his people and learning to be a ruler.
She then offered to teach him to be a better ruler, revealing that her area of expertise as a [[Keeper|Keeper]] was in the biographies of great men of the past. Elend accepted her instruction. Vin then arrived, and demanded to know what Tindwyl was doing there. Tindwyl remarked on her directness, in contrast to how long it took Elend to ask her that same question. She made to leave, and Elend asked whether there was anything he should start practicing. Tindwyl told him to stop saying 'um'. Ham reentered the room, and Elend asked him to see that Tindwyl was given accommodations in the palace.
#### Instructing Elend
Some days later, Tindwyl arrived at the city wall and ordered [[Clubs|Clubs]] to send Elend down from there. She and Elend went to his study, where a seamstress and her assistants were waiting. She had had new clothing made for Elend — a white, militaristic uniform, to reflect that he was at war. After he tried it on, an assistant tried to cut his hair, which he refused — however when he saw his reflection in the suit, he changed his mind, to Tindwyl's satisfaction. She also had him wear a silver circlet as a symbol of authority. Once the seamstresses were dismissed, he thanked her, under the impression that this was all she planned to do.
Tindwyl informed him they had only just begun, and that he was still a fool. She told him that he needed to work on the way he walked, his speech patterns, and how to fight, pointing out his reliance on Vin to handle all fighting for him. She intended on having him train in private with a dueling master. She concluded by telling him that he could perhaps learn to be a king, but until then would have to fake it.
>“*A good king is one who is trusted by his people — and one who deserves that trust.*”
\-Tindwyl on kings[9]
[[Demoux|Demoux]] then interrupted them, bringing news of a messenger from [[Straff Venture|Straff Venture]]. He told Elend he liked the new uniform, before leaving. Tindwyl was pleased by this. They began to discuss what made a good king, to which Tindwyl
responded that trust did.
Not long after, Tindwyl observed the proceedings during a crew meeting in Elend's study to discuss his plan to meet Straff. Afterward, Elend asked Tindwyl's opinion on how he handled it, to which she responded that he was an embarrassment.
Elend protested, and they went on to discuss the way kings should lead, with Tindwyl arguing that as king he didn't need the permission of his followers, and Elend being of the opinion that a king should lead 'by the consent of his people'. Tindwyl disagreed, countering that a king should be strong, accepting counsel but making decisions on his own, implying that the crew didn't respect him, and noting that the they called him by name or nicknames rather than his honorific, 'Your Majesty'. He pointed out that Tindwyl didn't call him by this either, and told her she should from now on. She seemed pleased by this, then gave him a little more advice about his comportment.
They then went on to discuss leadership, and the responsibility Elend bore as king. Tindwyl advised him not to feel guilty when things went wrong, but simply try his best to make things better. When he asked what he should do if he could never make things better, Tindwyl responded that he should then remove himself from the position, preferably by suicide. When Elend asked if he should just kill himself, Tindwyl clarified that she was trying to get him to take pride in himself. Exasperated, he pointed out how she constantly disparaged his leadership abilities, and voiced his insecurities about how Kelsier would have made a better king. Tindwyl put a stop to this immediately, encouraged him to accept his place as king and his strengths, and concluded the topic by advising him to not question himself.
>“*We must make allowances for the occasional exception.*”
\-Tindwyl on love[6]
Tindwyl then shifted the topic to Vin — specifically, why Elend had not married her yet. The skaa, valuing monogamy, wanted the match to be official. Elend admitted that while he wanted to marry Vin, she had refused. Tindwyl suggested that perhaps Vin wasn't the right sort of woman for him, which immediately drew his ire and he jumped to her defense. Tindwyl was pleased by this, admitting that she had been testing him to see whether he truly loved Vin. She acknowledged that his affection for Vin could cause trouble in the future, but that it wasn't a reason to give her up, surprising Elend.
They began discussing Elend's dueling lessons, but were interrupted by Demoux, bearing news of [[Allrianne|Allrianne's]] arrival.
#### Sazed's Return
When Sazed arrived at Luthadel bringing news of [[Jastes Lekal|Jastes Lekal's]] army not long after, Tindwyl waited for him in his chambers so that they could speak privately. Sazed noted that she responded to his request to aid Elend, and she in return observed that he had ignored her own request. After a brief discussion of Elend, she expressed her disappointment in Sazed for returning to the [[Central Dominance|Central Dominance]] despite the instructions given to him by the Synod to teach in the [[Eastern Dominance|Eastern Dominance]]. Sazed, however, was adamant about remaining in the city as he had a 'greater work' to see through, much to Tindwyl's exasperation. She realised he was still looking into his theory that something was wrong with the mists, and an argument ensued — Tindwyl believing he had created an issue where there was none; Sazed maintaining his stance on returning to the city. He pointed out that while he could be wrong, the last time he had disobeyed the Synod's orders it had ended in the Collapse. Tindwyl seemed annoyed by this, expressing her confusion at how he should have been a leader among the Terris but was instead a rebel. She made to leave, but when she passed by him she took his hand in hers. They looked at each other for a moment, before she shook her head and left.
#### Dress Shopping
The following morning, Tindwyl arrived in Vin’s rooms. Vin, who had been warned of an intruder’s entry by [[TenSoon|TenSoon]] (then disguised as [[OreSeur|OreSeur]]), was waiting for her with knives at the ready. She demanded to know the purpose of Tindwyl’s visit, to which she responded that she had come to take Vin shopping — Vin and Elend were meeting Straff the following night, and she would need a suitable dress. When Vin bristled at being ordered around, Tindwyl reassured her that it was Vin’s choice whether she wanted to come or not. Vin deliberated, but ultimately agreed.
Tindwyl had also invited Allrianne, and commandeered the services of [[Spook|Spook]] to act as packman. During the carriage ride on their way to Kenton Street, Tindwyl observed Vin and Allrianne’s interactions. When Allrianne asked Tindwyl if they would be safe, she assured her that they would be, looking at Vin.
by cycloalkane Vin, Tindwyl and Mare
Upon arriving at their destination, Tindwyl surveyed the area before leading them to a dressmaker’s shop. Allrianne and Spook went ahead, and Tindwyl remarked upon her eagerness to Vin, noting how she must not have had an opportunity to shop in weeks. Vin, unsympathetic, expressed her annoyance at this. Tindwyl chastised her, pointing out that judging Allrianne for her flippancy was akin to others judging Vin herself for her simplicity. Vin protested that she liked when people judged her, for then they didn’t expect anything from her. Tindwyl, ever-perceptive, gestured to the shop, where gowns and dresses were on display, and asked whether Vin didn’t miss it all in that case. As they went on into the shop, Tindwyl remarked that she had heard Vin enjoyed noble society, and dressing as a woman. She asked if her refusal to do so now meant she didn’t like it after all, to which Vin admitted that she had stopped wearing dresses because she had, on the contrary, liked them too much. Over the course of their conversation, Vin admitted to Tindwyl how she felt at odds with herself, unable to consolidate the person she had pretended to be as Valette with the other sides of herself. Tindwyl then brought up Elend, and why they had not yet married. Vin voiced her insecurities, confessing how she believed herself to be wrong for him, because he should marry someone who could be a queen and not just a bodyguard — someone like Allrianne. Tindwyl gently reassured her that Elend had fallen in love with Vin, and loved her as she was. When Vin protested that Elend had loved her fake persona, Tindwyl pointed out that after discovering her true self, he was still with her. She explained to Vin how people had more to them than was immediately apparent, encouraging her to see and accept herself as Elend did. Vin asked if Tindwyl was trying to turn her into a queen for Elend, to which she responded that she was simply trying to help Vin become herself, before pushing her to try on a few dresses.
When Vin tried on the first gown, Tindwyl and the dressmaker both complimented her gracefulness. Vin, suspicious, quietly questioned why Tindwyl was pretending to be nice to her when she was harsh with Elend. Tindwyl responded that Elend could use some harshness, having grown up in luxury; Vin, on the other hand, had had enough of harsh treatment.
When the dressmaker approached again to decide on colors, Tindwyl strongly protested against Vin’s desire for a black gown, or even a gray one. They eventually settled upon a royal blue color, and Tindwyl gave a list of modifications for the dressmaker to implement that would make the gown easier for Vin to manoeuvre and hide weapons in.
Spook then arrived, notifying them that the members of the fledgling [[Church of the Survivor|Church of the Survivor]] had found them out and were outside the shop. Tindwyl watched Vin’s reaction as she tried to hide, and then escape. Tindwyl advised her to go and talk to them instead, pointing out that they needed hope. When Vin protested that she could only give them false hope, and encourage their deification of her, Allrianne objected, noting that Vin’s shifty behaviour was what built up her reputation — talking to the skaa would show them that she was a normal person. Vin expressed how distressed she felt by the idea of people worshipping her as they did Kelsier, and how she wanted to be left alone. Tindwyl gently but firmly told Vin that as the killer of the Lord Ruler, protégé of Kelsier and consort of the new king, she didn’t have that option. Encouraged by Tindwyl, Allrianne and Vin went out to speak with the people, and Vin reassured them of their safety. Upon returning to the shop, Tindwyl nodded in approval. Vin, on the other hand, was very distressed as she felt she had lied to them. Tindwyl said that she had merely been optimistic, but it didn’t console Vin. Tindwyl told her to just leave the city if she thought their predicament was so hopeless. When Vin protested that she hadn’t meant it that way, Tindwyl exasperatedly told her to make a decision on whether she did or didn’t believe in the city, going on to shake her head at Vin and Elend’s indecisiveness. Vin pointed out that Tindwyl had said she wouldn’t be harsh with her, to which Tindwyl responded that she had difficulty with that at times. They then moved on to finish Allrianne’s fitting.
#### A King Deposed
When the Assembly invoked the charter’s no-confidence clause, deposing Elend, Tindwyl sternly expressed her anger with him for including a clause in the law he himself wrote that allowed such a thing to happen. She strongly reprimanded him, though he maintained his stance that he had done the right thing by including it in the law. At the crew meeting held to decide their next step, Tindwyl refused to accept that he was no longer king and backed Clubs’s suggestion of enforcing martial law in order to maintain his throne. When Tindwyl again chastised him and called him a fool, Elend finally snapped, telling her to stop calling him foolish. Tindwyl ceased protesting at sat down once again. Elend detailed his plan for dealing with the situation lawfully. Tindwyl pointed out that there was nothing wrong with securing his throne during turbulent times, but Elend was adamant not to enforce his rule on the people of Luthadel if they didn’t want him. Tindwyl found this sentiment naive, but Elend remained firm. When Tindwyl asked what he would do if he could not regain his throne through lawful means, he responded that he accept this, and carry on helping the kingdom in whatever way he could. Elend went on to explain the legalities of his removal, and the ways in which his throne could be restored. Tindwyl skeptically asked him if this was the time for a legal battle, what with the two armies besieging them and the [[Koloss|Koloss]] army on its way to do the same. Elend pointed out that it was highly likely his being deposed had been orchestrated by one of the enemy armies as he was the only one stopping the Assembly from giving Luthadel up.
As Elend began going through his law books, he asked whether Sazed had been summoned. Spook said that he had not been able to wake him, and Tindwyl called this an ‘issue of the Keepers’, assuming the crew had no knowledge of Feruchemy. When it was revealed that Sazed has explained it to them, she was highly displeased. She then went on to note that Sazed could not be of any assistance to them in this anyway, since as a travelling Keeper he was not to take sides in politics. When Breeze noted that overthrowing the Lord Ruler had been political, Tindwyl, annoyed, told the crew that if they were truly Sazed’s friends they would not encourage him to break his vows. Breeze wondered if she was simply put-out that the Synod couldn’t punish Sazed’s rule-breaking, and attempted to Soothe her. Tindwyl was unruffled, telling him that he would find no success in trying to push on her emotions, and he gave up.
After the meeting, Tindwyl stayed behind to speak with Elend privately. She apologized for her disrespect, much to his surprise, admitting that she tended to treat people like children. Elend accepted her apology, and she noted that he had learnt from her instruction quickly. Elend said that he had had to, though, as it turned out, not fast enough for the Assembly. Tindwyl quietly asked him how it had come to this, seeing as Elend himself had given the Assemblymen their power. He responded that he had ignored their wishes. Tindwyl noted that they should also take stock of his successes — earlier that night, he and Vin had met Straff, and intimidated him into not attacking Luthadel. Elend recounted this, but he was more concerned that he may have somehow offended Vin, as she had been acting strangely on their way back to the city. He anxiously told her of his worries about their relationship, and what Vin thought of him. When Tindwyl told him that Vin did not think herself worthy of him, Elend was astonished — he thought himself unworthy of her, and assumed Vin thought the same. Tindwyl commented that he understood very little of young women, going on to voice Vin’s insecurities, many of which were due to the difficult life she had led. When Elend asked how certain she was about this, Tindwyl assured him that after having raised plenty of daughters she knew what she was talking about. Elend was surprised to learn she had children. However she quickly moved the topic along, concluding that he had to decide how much he would be distracted by his relationship with Vin. When Elend asked why she thought him distracted, she pointed out that she had asked how the meeting with his father had gone, and he instead had spoken about his anxiety over Vin. At Elend’s hesitation, Tindwyl asked him which he would choose: Vin’s love, or the people of Luthadel. Elend refused to answer, but Tindwyl warned that it was a question many kings were faced with. He disagreed, adamant that he could do both, and protested that it was only a hypothetical dilemma. Tindwyl did not press the matter, but warned him that he may already be facing such a dilemma, before leaving.
Tindwyl was among Elend’s entourage at the Assembly meeting following his removal from office, and had helped him to prepare his speech. This speech was crafted to reinforce his link to [[Kelsier|Kelsier]] by putting a spotlight on Vin. Seated in the audience, Ham asked Vin whether she was comfortable with this. When she assented half-heartedly, Tindwyl elaborated on Elend’s rationale, explaining that in his speech he implied that their new government was founded by Kelsier in the hope that this would stop people from trying to tamper with it. Afterward, when Elend does not try to persuade the Assembly to restore his place as monarch as he was supposed to do in his speech, Tindwyl frowns and does not seem to think this is a good choice.
#### Cett's Gamble
[[Ashweather Cett|Ashweather Cett]]’s arrival in the city and his subsequent election as a candidate for the throne sparked Elend’s desire to find information on the man, as well as possible ways of preventing his appointment as king. Later, in Elend’s study, Tindwyl observed him, [[Noorden|Noorden]], Ham and Sazed as they combed through various texts. However, participating in the research seemed to be too much in the territory of politics for her. As they discussed Cett and his potential reign, Elend commented that they should have just gone along with the crew’s initial plan of handing the city over to Cett, rather than his own idea of playing Cett and Straff against each other, as it seemed the people wanted Cett as king. Sazed, however, said that it was not Elend’s duty to do as the people wanted. Elend noted that he sounded like Tindwyl. Sazed observed that Tindwyl was one of the wisest people he knew. As they continued their study of the law, Sazed sighed that he could find no loopholes, pointing out that he or another of the crew would have made a note of them if they had seen any when Elend had given them the laws to proofread. This caught Tindwyl’s attention, and she asks Sazed whether he had read the law before it had been formalized. Sazed seems embarrassed by this, and Elend responds for him, confirming that he had. Tindwyl is displeased by this. Elend, annoyed by this, told Tindwyl that he would not stand for her insulting Sazed, even indirectly. She apologized to Elend, but he argues that she should apologize not to him but to Sazed, or she should leave. She chose the latter, leaving the room wordlessly.
>“*A man can only stumble for so long before he either falls or stands up straight.*”
\-Tindwyl about Elend[10]
Tindwyl went to see Vin before she and Elend departed for their dinner with Cett a week later. She complimented her gown, telling her she looked beautiful. Vin hesitantly accepted the compliment, but pointed out that she had no jewelry anymore. Tindwyl brushed this aside, telling Vin she had no need of it. Vin brought up the topic of Elend, observing that Tindwyl’s lessons with him were growing less frequent. Tindwyl told her that Elend was close to no longer needing her instruction, although when Vin asked if this meant he was close to being like the men from Tindwyl’s biographies, Tindwyl laughed and disagreed, clarifying that in the future Elend would have to learn on his own, as much of good leadership came from experience. When Vin quietly remarked on how changed he was, Tindwyl agreed with her — but also, that she thought Elend was already on this path, and likely would have turned out this way even without her instruction. Vin, gazing at her reflection at the pretty gown, said that this was what she had to become, for Elend. Tindwyl agreed, but added that it was also for Vin herself, remarking that this was where Vin had been headed before her attention had been drawn by other things. Vin turned to Tindwyl, asking whether she would be accompanying them; Tindwyl said no, then pushed Vin to go and join Elend.
#### Last Lesson
Tindwyl gave Elend his final lesson a few days after this.
#### A Night of Study
That night, Tindwyl found Sazed at the warehouse where the newly arrived refugees were being housed. She had wondered whether Sazed had truly cared for the people of the empire — in her opinion, if he cared he would have done as the Synod had told him rather than returning to Luthadel; seeing him with the refugees proved to her that he did care. Sazed, however, felt that he did not care as much as he should. Tindwyl disagreed, and expressed how much he confused her. Noticing his exhaustion, she inquired after his bronzemind. Sazed admitted that he had used up all his wakefulness in his haste to return to Luthadel. Sighing, Tindwyl finally asked him to show her what he had discovered that had caused him to run across two [[Dominance|Dominances]] back to the city.
They returned to his rooms, and spent the whole night studying the rubbing of [[Kwaan's inscription|Kwaan's inscription]] Sazed had made at the [[Conventical of Seran|Conventical of Seran]], and various texts from their copperminds. Towards morning, Tindwyl found a reference to the [[Deepness|Deepness]] in the biography of [[Wednegon|King Wednegon]]. As the pair discussed the Deepness, Sazed brought up Vin’s theory that it was the [[Mist|mist]]. Tindwyl agreed with this interpretation, as did he — something that disquieted him, for he did not wish it to be true. Tindwyl appeared puzzled that he had defied the Synod for something he had hoped was untrue, to which he explained how catastrophic the return of the Deepness could be, and how while he wished it would not come to pass he had to look into it for himself to see. While Tindwyl agreed that the discovery of the rubbing was remarkable, she did not think the Deepness posed much of a threat. Sazed persisted that the mists could be growing stronger, and that by killing the Lord Ruler they may have inadvertently killed whatever had been holding them back previously. Tindwyl brushed this away, citing that they had no proof of daytime mists and only theories on the mists killing people. Sazed backed down, admitting that this was true.
This exasperated Tindwyl; she questioned why he never defended himself. When he answered that he had no defense, Tindwyl argued that this could not be the case. She talked about how he always apologized for his behavior and sought forgiveness, and yet never changed. She noted that had he been more vocal and offered defenses for his actions, he could have been leading the Synod. She called him ‘the most contrite rebel’ she had ever known. When Sazed still offered no defense, she went on, pointing out that he had been right about the Lord Ruler — if he had tried to convince the Synod, they may have agreed. Sazed, however, disagreed, telling her that he was not like the men from her biographies — or even really a man. Tindwyl refuted that he was a better man, though she had never been able to understand why.
>“*Sometimes, people only seem determined upon one course because they have been offered no other options.*”
\-Tindwyl to Sazed[11]
After a moment of silence, she told him that she would be leaving that day — she would offer knowledge to the armies besieging Luthadel, as she had to Elend, though she doubted that they would listen to her as Elend had. When Sazed offered no objection to her leaving, she noted that he again refused to argue. Sazed asked what the point would be, for she had made up her mind already. Tindwyl implied that she would be amenable to staying; Sazed, confused, asked about her duties as a Keeper. Tindwyl admitted that while her duties were important, ‘occasional exceptions’ could be allowed — a direct reflection of what she had told Elend before, about love. She went on to say his rubbing could perhaps benefit from further study. The deeper meaning to her words — that she wanted to be with Sazed — was made apparent to him, and he ruefully told her that he could not be what she wished, for he thought himself to not be a man. Tindwyl brushed this aside, telling him that she had had enough of men, and childbearing. She admitted that she partially resented the Terris people for what they had put her through in the breeding program, and wished for some distance from them. She went on further, confessing that she had often been frustrated at the Synod’s lack of initiative and passiveness. Only he, Sazed, had pushed for change.
>“*I only ever saw one man pushing the Synod toward active measures. While they planned how to keep themselves hidden, one man wanted to attack. While they decided the best ways to foil the Breeders, one man wanted to plot the downfall of the Final Empire. When I rejoined my people, I found that man still fighting. Alone. Condemned for fraternizing with thieves and rebels, he quietly accepted his punishment. [...] That man went on to free us all.*”
\-Tindwyl, about Sazed[11]
Taking his hand, Tindwyl explained that the men she had read about in her biographies were men who brought about change rather than planned how to hide — men like Sazed. Anxious and apprehensive, she quietly asked him to give her an excuse to remain in Luthadel with him. Sazed asked her to stay. She agreed, and they resumed their study.
#### Kwaan's Inscription
During their time studying the rubbing, they discussed its key points as well as what they knew of [[Kwaan|Kwaan]], [[Alendi|Alendi]] and [[Rashek|Rashek]]. As Sazed read Kwaan’s words out to Tindwyl, she noted that some things did not make sense — for example, why, if Kwaan feared the Deepness, did he try to stop Alendi’s quest to defeat it? They discussed further what Kwaan’s motives and reasonings were for asking Rashek to kill Alendi. Tindwyl felt that there was something wrong, though she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. They decided to analyse the rubbing further. As they did, she pointed out the inconsistency of Kwaan fearing Alendi would take the [[Well of Ascension|Well]]’s power for himself. Sazed, too, saw her problem: when Kwaan knew the temperaments of both Alendi and Rashek, why had he done what he did? As they went on, she also pointed out that it made little sense for him to fear that Alendi wouldn’t give the power up, and then to send the hateful Rashek to kill him — orchestrating Rashek’s taking of the power for himself. Sazed argued that perhaps it was just clearer to them in hindsight, but Tindwyl was unconvinced, certain that something was wrong. They puzzled over it further, but she decided that she needed more context on Kwaan’s life before they could draw a conclusion. Sazed suggested a break, but she disagreed, saying that they had not time — both of them sensed the city’s imminent doom, to either the Koloss army or the human ones.
Tindwyl feared that Luthadel’s fall would be more brutal than the crew anticipated; Sazed conceded that they were optimists. Tindwyl, however, told him that this would be worse than the revolution which had led to the Collapse, for she had studied these things and knew how they played out. Sazed agreed with her, and they returned to their work.
>“*You lost the throne because you wouldn't command your armies to secure the city, because you insisted on giving the Assembly too much freedom, and because you don't employ assassins or other forms of pressure. In short, Elend Venture, you lost the throne because you are a good man.*”
\-Tindwyl to Elend[8]
Shortly after, Elend called upon them. Tindwyl asked him why he was disturbing them, harshly bringing up his incompetence as a means of testing to see whether he had reverted to his old self upon losing the crown, for she had heard reports of his moping. Elend, seeing her ploy, assured her that he had not lost his self-respect; she was satisfied by this. He then took a seat, asking for advice. When Tindwyl noted that she had already perhaps given him too much of her aid, for as he was a political figure it made her seem as though she were taking sides, Elend pointed out that he was no longer king. Content with this, Tindwyl allowed him to ask his question.
Elend explained what had been on his mind: that during the vote for king, he had had an opportunity to lie, which would have secured his place on the throne. Instead he had told the truth, and lost the throne to [[Penrod|Penrod]]. Tindwyl was unsurprised by this, as Elend had expected. He went on to ask whether what he had done was foolish. Tindwyl found it so, but argued that it wasn’t specifically that which lead to his losing the throne; rather, it was because he refused to do anything dishonorable to secure his place. Elend asked whether it was possible to both follow his conscience and be a good king, to which neither Tindwyl nor Sazed had an answer. Elend posed his question to Sazed about whether he should have lied; Sazed disagreed, saying that Elend had been true to himself. Tindwyl liked Elend’s ideals, but worried that his losing the throne could end badly for Luthadel’s people. However, Sazed maintained Elend had done the right thing and believed the rest was up to providence — or rather, God. Elend, skeptical, expressed his view on God being simply a tool of the obligators. As they discussed religion further, Elend noted the inconsistency of all the different religions Sazed preached and how they couldn’t all possibly be real. Tindwyl, returning to the original topic, told Elend that while she didn’t agree with his decisions, he had done what he thought was right, which was commendable. When Elend asked Tindwyl what he should do next, however, she had no answer.He then asked what the men in her biographies would have done. She again had no answer as according to her they would not have found themselves in his situation to begin with. Elend debated about whether a title was all there was to being king, before seeming to realize something and abruptly leaving. Slightly confused, Tindwyl allowed Sazed to guide her attention back to their studies.
by Kelley King Tindwyl and Sazed while studying
The day after Vin’s attack on Cett’s army, Tindwyl and Sazed were still studying the rubbing and looking for the context they desired. Tindwyl found a quotation of the [[Hero of Ages|Hero of Ages]] prophecy, having used the rubbing as a means of translating different names for the Hero, and she wrote it out for Sazed. While the quote she found did not tell them anything new, the careful wording used in prophecies was something to consider. Sazed, noting her discomfort at the prophecy, did not expect such a reaction from her considering what they were studying. Tindwyl, not being a believer, told him that while she collected knowledge, she thought religion was untrue. The discussed further, Sazed expressing his opinion that religions were expressions of hope. Tindwyl pointed out that the religions of the past had not saved the people from the Lord Ruler. She saw the value of religion from an academic standpoint, but could not believe it to be true. She then realized that Sazed believed Vin to be the Hero of Ages, which she found to be too big a coincidence to be plausible. Her rationale for studying the Deepness and the Hero was that since the Deepness had been defeated in the past, they could look to history to see how to defeat it again by studying the myths and legends by which the story had survived. Deciding this was something they could not agree on, they returned to their research.
Discussing Vin’s assault on Cett and his subsequent withdrawal from the city, Tindwyl hoped this improve Luthadel’s situation. Sazed was less certain, stressing that they had to be finished with their research by that night. However, as Tindwyl went through their writings she noticed a sheet of paper from which the bottom right corner had been torn off. The paper had been a transcription of the rubbing, and the tear removed the last sentence or so. In confusion, Tindwyl pulled out another copy of the rubbing from their papers. This sheet, too, was missing the same sentence. They were both at a loss as to how this could have happened, since neither of them had left their papers unattended. Laying the papers atop each other, they saw that the tears were precisely identical.
Frantically they searched through all of their papers for copies of the rubbing, and found that in each of them were missing the exact same sentence. Tindwyl feared for the real rubbing he had made, and Sazed unlocked the trunk he had stored it in to check. Sure enough, the same sentence had been torn off even this.
The pair of them were at a loss as to how this could have happened, and yet also surprised that whoever had done it had known so little of Feruchemy — they both had the transcription stored in their copperminds. As they tried to understand what this could mean, they were interrupted by Vin’s arrival.
Startled, they both began tapping strength, but stopped when they realized it was her. Tindwyl gathered the papers as Sazed asked Vin whether she had noticed anyone hanging around the room. Vin answered that she hadn’t, but promised to keep an eye out for anyone, before asking to speak privately with Sazed. Tindwyl ostensibly went to arrange for lunch so that they could have their privacy, but really just waited outside the door, listening in as Vin asked Sazed for advice about love.
When Vin left, Sazed opened the door to find Tindwyl waiting outside. Entering, she remarked she would feel much safer if the city’s Mistborn wasn’t a temperamental teenager. Sazed assured her of Vin’s stability, but Tindwyl informed him that after having raised some fifteen daughters, she could say with certainty that no teenage girl was stable. Sazed noted that it was good Vin had not heard her eavesdropping, for she was normally paranoid about it. Tindwyl remarked that this was because Vin had a soft spot for Terris people, likely because of Sazed himself, before noting that Vin seemed to put great stock in his advice. She went on, telling him that she thought the advice he had given her was wise, and that he would have made a good father.
They made to return to their work, but were interrupted once again — this time by Elend. He, too, wanted Sazed’s advice, promptly dismissing Tindwyl. Annoyed, she left the room again — this time actually going to make lunch arrangements. However she returned before the conversation was over and waited again outside the door. When Elend was through, he called that she could return. In surprise, she asked him how he knew she was outside, to which he responded that she was ‘as bad as Vin’. He bade them a good day, then withdrew.
Sazed complimented how well Tindwyl had taught him as they watched him leave; she grumbled that she had perhaps done too fine a job, before admitting ruefully that she thought if the Assembly had not deposed him, she thought he would have been able to fix the predicament Luthadel had found itself in. At last, they returned to their work.
#### Battle of Luthadel and Death
The morning after Vin and Elend’s marriage, as they prepared to make their way to Terris to find the Well, Tindwyl angrily told Elend how foolish he was being by abandoning Luthadel and its people.
Elend, however, was set on his course. He was certain he could protect the people better this way. Tindwyl, incredulous, reprimanded him, telling him that he was their king and should be with them. Elend angrily pointed out that the people of Luthadel had rejected him, and that he was their king no longer.
Tindwyl, shaking her head, expressed her skepticism at his and Vin’s course — Vin wanted to go to Terris, to the Well, because she believed herself to be the Hero of Ages and that she would find a power that would transform her into a divinity. She went on, deducing that Vin was trying to follow in Kelsier’s footsteps. Elend defended her, telling Tindwyl that he supported her wishes. Tindwyl asked scathingly whether he supported Vin’s madness. Elend angrily commanded her to stop speaking about Vin that way, his tone making Tindwyl flinch. He told Tindwyl that he trusted Vin.
Tindwyl implored him once again to see reason — she felt certain that Elend held no more belief in prophecies and religions than she did. Elend, however, maintained that he believed in Vin, and whatever held value to her held value to him. They would go north, and release the power at the Well of Ascension.
Tindwyl finally gave up, her parting words to him harsh — she told him he would be remembered as a coward by his people. Elend commanded her to leave, and she did, stopping only to point out the package she had brought with her — the document she and Sazed had written, about the Hero of Ages, the Deepness, and Kwaan’s inscription. She informed him Sazed would have them deliver it to the Keeper Synod in [[Tathingdwen|Tathingdwen]], bade him enjoy his exile, and left.
After this, Tindwyl helped Dockson prepare Luthadel for the imminent battle. Although as a Keeper she wasn't supposed to interfere with politics (and would not have helped if it were Straff's army that were attacking), she was prepared to fight against the koloss if it meant protecting the people. During this time, she was also looking for Sazed. As she, Dockson and other functionaries studied [[Marsh|Marsh]]’s map of Luthadel in the Venture ballroom, Sazed found her. She beckoned him to come when she saw him so that Dockson could detail their plan of having some of their own people stationed at each of the city gates, should they be needed.
Dockson entreated Sazed to help them, knowing Sazed did not like fighting. Tindwyl noted, however, that he was preparing for battle, observing the rings that he was storing Feruchemical attributes into. Sazed asked what Tindwyl’s own role was in this was, and she explained that Dockson had asked her advice due to her knowledge of military history. Sazed nodded, then agreed to help Dockson, though he warned against breaking the chain of command, to which Dockson agreed.
Then, he asked to speak privately with Tindwyl. Once they stepped away, Tindwyl noted that he was storing a lot of attributes. She asked whether he didn’t have metalminds he had stored previously, to which he responded that he had none besides strength, weight, and an array of [[Tin|tinminds]]. He asked her why she had stayed in Luthadel, saying there was no place for her in the city. She countered that there was no place for him, either. Sazed refused to abandon his friends, to which she asked why he had made their leaders leave in that case. When Sazed explained he wanted them to live, Tindwyl told him that as leaders, they had to accept responsibility for their power and that the people of Luthadel would die feeling betrayed. Sazed tried to protest, but she angrily told him that even the crew expected to be saved — saved by Vin — despite the odds. Sazed repeated his sentiment that he had wanted them to live, rather than wasting their lives in a hopeless battle. Tindwyl angrily disagreed, telling him it was hope, not stubbornness, that kept her alive while she was with the Breeders.
>“*Hope is never wasted.*”
Sazed asked her if it was hope or stubbornness that kept her in Luthadel now, to which she responded that it was neither. They embraced, and Tindwyl asked Sazed whether he knew why she loved him. When he responded that he didn’t, she told him: she loved his strength of will, his willingness to appease others and yet his firmness in the face of what he knew to be right. She spoke in past-tense, though, as she told him she didn’t think his friends understood his goodness. He confessed that he was afraid he hadn’t done enough to save them. She responded that it was enough to save Vin, Elend and Spook. She still thought he was wrong to have sent them away, but that he was right, too. Still in each other’s arms, the warning drums from the city walls began to beat.
Tindwyl made her way to the walltop, Sazed behind her, to meet the rest of the crew. Clubs told them that the alarm was raised by one of his scouts, because the Koloss were working themselves into a blood frenzy and were fighting each other. Sazed, hopeful, wondered if this meant they would fight and kill each other instead of attacking. Tindwyl, however, told him that this was how they prepared for battle.
As they watched, the Koloss began to charge the city. As the crew scattered, Dockson charged Tindwyl with Tin Gate. This, along with Pewter Gate, were the first places the Koloss attacked. Some hours into the battle, Tin Gate fell. While the time of Tindwyl’s death was unclear, she had been leading her soldiers to Keep Venture when she had been killed. Her body was recovered by Sazed, who mourned over her.
### Legacy
In Northern [[Scadrial|Scadrial]], Tindwyl is remembered as one of the [[Preservers|Preservers]] and is given the epithet "Mother of Terris." In [[Elendel|Elendel]], Tindwyl Promenade in the Fourth Octant is named for her.
## Relationships
by Studying with [[Sazed|Sazed]]
### Sazed
>“*Do you know why I love you, Sazed? [...] Because you never give in. Other men are strong like bricks — firm, unyielding, but if you pound on them long enough, they crack. You. . .you're strong like the wind. Always there, so willing to bend, but never apologetic for the times when you must be firm. I don't think any of your friends understand what a power they had in you.*”
\-Tindwyl to Sazed[13]
Tindwyl and Sazed have known each other for years. He was the one to present her with the knowledge of the Keepers, a process involving hours spent in each other's company for months on end, with Sazed reciting things to her while she memorized them. It is likely that Sazed began developing feelings for her during this time. She has conflicting feelings towards Sazed, both admiring him and growing frustrated by his rebellious actions. Despite this, after the Collapse she heeds his message and comes to Luthadel, ostensibly to train Elend -- though she also both wished and dreaded to find Sazed there. However, upon his arrival in the city she is disappointed in him for not obeying the Synod's orders.
After her training of Elend is concluded, she finally asks Sazed to show her the rubbing, and they spend a night studying it together. The following morning, when she had planned to leave Luthadel, she confesses her admiration for him, before taking his hand and asking him to give her an excuse to stay in the city with him. Shocked, he asks her to remain in the city, and she agrees. This is the beginning of their romantic relationship. Even though their time together is dominated by their studies, they grow ever closer. When given the chance to leave Luthadel before the battle, Tindwyl refuses, choosing instead to remain with Sazed. They have an argument on the day of the [[Battle of Luthadel|Battle of Luthadel]], as Tindwyl is angry at him for sending Vin and Elend, the city's only hope of survival, away. However, it is soon resolved. They embrace and she tells him why she loves him, and that she understands his decision. Immediately after, the wall alarms go off -- the battle is beginning.
Their relationship ends with Tindwyl's death during the battle. Sazed searches for her body long into the night, finding it near morning and grieving over her loss.
### Elend
>“*Your king is a humble scholar and thinker, but he has the will of a warrior. He is a man who has the nerve to fight, and I think—perhaps—you have yet to see the best of him.*”
\-Tindwyl about Elend[2]
Tindwyl comes to Luthadel to mentor Elend, and the two spend a lot of time together as she teaches him. While her behavior toward him can be harsh, she has a high opinion of him, calling him a 'fine man'. After he is deposed, she refuses to accept that he is no longer king and still calls him by his honorific, 'Your Majesty'. She helps him as he tries to get his throne back, and when he is unable to, continues to offer him counsel when asked. Despite their closeness, however, their final parting ends on a bitter note as Tindwyl is upset with him for leaving Luthadel and its people, and she dies shortly after.
### Vin
>“*You are so much more than you are willing to accept, child. Why look at only one side of yourself, when your Elend sees so much more?*”
\-Tindwyl to Vin[2]
Tindwyl expresses an interest in Vin from their first meeting. During their trip to the dressmaker’s shop, she is able to speak privately with her and in doing so comes to understand Vin better. She takes it upon herself to try and help her, as Vin struggles with balancing the skaa and noble parts of herself. While she finds her to be somewhat unstable, Tindwyl does come to care for her. She agrees with her theory about the [[Deepness|Deepness]] being the mists — however, she does not believe that Vin is the [[Hero of Ages|Hero of Ages]]. Their parting is not on the best of terms — Tindwyl thinks she is foolish for believing herself to be the Hero and leaving Luthadel right before the battle, and by time Vin returns Tindwyl has been killed.
### The Synod
Tindwyl is somewhat resentful towards the Synod for the things she had to endure in the Breeding program. While she is a member of their order and fulfills her obligations dutifully, she was also often exasperated by their unwillingness to take any action against the Lord Ruler before the Collapse. When given the opportunity to remain in Luthadel with Sazed under the guise of studying the rubbing with him, she takes it.
## Development
Tindwyl came about from Brandon's desire to have another 'strong female character' in the Mistborn books. He also wanted a mentor-figure for Elend in the Well of Ascension, and she fit this role. Additionally, she gives some more insight into the Terris people. Her realism and resoluteness is something the crew needs, and she voices many of Brandon's own worries.
## Quotes
>“*A man can only lead when others accept him as their leader, and he has only as much authority as his subjects give to him. All of the brilliant ideas in the world cannot save your kingdom if no one will listen to them.*”
\-Tindwyl to Elend during their first meeting[12]
>“*The men I read about, Sazed, [...] these were not men who sat and planned the best ways to hide. They fought; they sought victory. Sometimes, they were reckless—and other men called them fools. Yet, when the dice were cast and the bodies counted, they were men who changed things.*”
\-Tindwyl to Sazed[11]
>“*If you perpetuate the dreams of the past, then you stifle your own dreams of the future.*”
## Trivia
Despite having become [[Harmony|Harmony]], Sazed has not yet learned to reach where Tindwyl is and so they are still separated.
At least one of Tindwyl's daughters survived the [[Catacendre|Catacendre]], though we do not know yet whether Sazed met them after his Ascension.
| Tindwyl |
|**Victory Flight**|
|**Headquarters**|[[Alta Base|Alta Base]] (formerly), [[Platform Prime|Platform Prime]]|
|**Type**|DDF flight|
|**World of Origin**|[[Detritus|Detritus]]|
**Victory Flight** is a part of the [[DDF|DDF]] and is made up of full pilots that have graduated [[Flight School|Flight School]].
The Flight was called up from reserve to provide backup and take over from [[Skyward Flight|Skyward Flight]] during a battle. Before Victory Flight arrived, the group of cadets were attacked and forced to engage the enemy. Victory Flight arrived moments before [[Hurl|Hurl]] lost control of her [[Poco|Poco]] and crashed, believing that she could safely land the broken ship. Victory Flight took over the fight allowing the remaining members of Skyward Flight to pull out of the battle and retreat.
When the [[Superiority|Superiority]] sent their battleship forward to begin bombarding [[Detritus|Detritus]], Victory Flight was one of the flights sent up to fight off the Krell so that [[FM|FM]] could disable the cannon. Victory Flight and [[Valkyrie Flight|Valkyrie Flight]] preformed the task of clearing a pathway to the battleship, letting [[Skyward Flight|Skyward Flight]] follow in their wake. When FM began to shoot at the cannon, Victory Flight and Valkyrie Flight nipped at the Krell’s heels, distracting them from getting to FM. Eventually there were too many Krell, and FM had to retreat. When the battleship began firing, Victory Flight retreated back to [[Platform Prime|Platform Prime]] with the other flights on [[Matthew Cobb|Cobb’s]] orders.
>“*Protect the city. Victory Flight, make sure the city itself doesn’t take fire. Keep the enemy distracted.*”
\-Jorgen to Victory Flight[3]
When Superiority forces attacked the planet [[Evershore (planet)|Evershore]], Victory Flight was one of the flights called into action to protect the planet, alongside [[Stardragon Flight|Stardragon Flight]] and [[Ivy Flight|Ivy Flight]]. Victory Flight had a few [[Taynix|taynix]], and used them to hyperjump to Evershore. Victory Flight was assigned by [[Jorgen Weight|Jorgen]] to protect the city of [[Dreamspring|Dreamspring]] closely, providing a line of defense if any Superiority ships got past Ivy Flight and Stardragon Flight.
| Victory Flight |
|by Jove |
|**Introduced In**|*Warbreaker*|
>“*You are a god. To me, at least. It doesn't matter how easily you can be killed, how much breath you have, or how you look. It has to do with who you are and what you mean*”
\-Llarimar to Lightsong[1]
**Llarimar** is the high priest of [[Lightsong|Lightsong the Bold]] in [[Hallandren|Hallandren]] on [[Nalthis|Nalthis]].
## Contents
1 Appearance and Personality
2 History
3 Relationships
5 Trivia
6 Notes
## Appearance and Personality
>“*If you do nothing, then the problems are as much your fault as if you had instigated them.*”
\-Llarimar to Lightsong, regarding involvement in politics[2]
Llarimar is a tall, portly man with spectacles and a calm demeanor.
Llarimar is a kind, peaceful and incredibly patient individual. It takes the loss of almost all hope, threats, and actual physical violence to make him even complain. He is a high priest and shows significant faith in the [[Iridescent Tones|Iridescent Tones]] and specific devotion to the [[Returned|Returned]] Lightsong. He tends to avoid politics and keeps his thoughts to himself, though he demonstrates many times that he is clever enough to make an impact. Lightsong considers him a wonderful high priest, patient, understanding, and worthy of serving a much better god than Lightsong himself.
He is brave. When Lightsong charges the soldiers attacking Blushweaver he follows and attempts to protect his god despite having no combat skills whatsoever.
## History
by Marie Seeberger With Lightsong
Llarimar had served as a priest to the Returned [[Kindwinds the Honest|Kindwinds the Honest]], but he grew disillusioned with his gods as he spent years exposed to their venality and corruption. He had a hobby for sailing, and often brought his brother [[Stennimar|Stennimar]] and his daughter [[Tatara|Tatara]] with him. One time while on a family boating excursion, his boat the *Red Panther* was caught in a storm. Tatara was thrown from the deck to certain death, but his brother leaped into the sea and fastened his lifeline to her, rescuing her at his own expense. Following his sacrifice, Stennimar Returned as Lightsong the Bold. The miracle restored Llarimar's faith and he became Lightsong's high priest. He was so highly trusted that he was one of the few to whom Lightsong entrusted his [[Lifeless|Lifeless]] command phrase for a quarter of Hallandren's armies.
Llarimar tended to his duties with fervor and actively encouraged Lightsong to believe in himself. He recorded Lightsong's dreams and his comments on the paintings he looked at, believing his dreams to be prophetic and his comments to have godly meaning. He was strictly obedient to Lightsong and tolerated all his whims without complaint. He knew Lightsong better than anyone else and could point out behavior that was not typical of him.
During the events of the [[Pahn Kahl rebellion|Pahn Kahl rebellion]], Llarimar assisted Lightsong in his investigations at [[Mercystar|Mercystar's]] Palace. He also helped in the attempt to save Blushweaver. When captured by the rebels, it was only when Llarimar's life was threatened that Lightsong gave up the pass phrase that controlled his contingent of the Lifeless army. Llarimar then confessed the truth to Lightsong about his previous life as a scribe, revealing the details of Lightsong's death and the true nature of their relationship. This confession broke the taboo against revealing details of a Returned's former life, but he hoped that it would restore Lightsong's faith in himself and in the Iridescent Tones.
## Relationships
by Elisgardor Listening to [[Lightsong|Lightsong's]] dreams
He is the brother and high priest of Lightsong and the father of Tatara. Llarimar loves and respects his brother, who died saving Tatara. Before Lightsong's advent, he was having a crisis of faith; witnessing Lightsong's return restores his faith and lets him take irreverent quips and teasing demeanor with a respectful patience. He is always willing to handle Lightsong's doubts about the theology of the Cult of the Returned, and discuss theology to help Lightsong through whatever questions might be worrying him. Lightsong, in turn, respects his patient temperament and considers him the perfect high priest, though Lightsong feels Llarimar deserves a better god.
His interactions with other people are limited, but he is kind to Siri on the rare occasions they spoke.
## Quotes
>“*You can't get drunk, your Grace.*”
\-Llarimar to Lightsong[10]
>“*You offer hope, Your Grace. A last, unlikely hope. Hope is part of faith—part of the knowledge that someday, one of your followers will receive a miracle.*”
\-Llarimar to Lightsong[11]
## Trivia
Llarimar's nickname **Scoot** is a reference to Scott Franson, one of Brandon's friends.
| Llarimar |
|**Vin's earring**|
|**Function**|[[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic]] spike |
|**Creators**|[[Vin's mother|Vin's mother]], [[Vin's sister|Vin's sister]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]|
>“*Reen said that he came home one day and found my mother covered in blood. She'd killed my baby sister. Messily. Me, however, she hadn’t touched—except to give me an earring.*”
\-Vin explaining how she got the earring to Marsh[2]
**Vin's earring** is a simple piece, a small, silver-plated bronze stud. [[Vin|Vin]] wears it from [[Vin's sister|her sister's]] death until [[Marsh|Marsh]] rips it out just prior to her Ascension. It is also a [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic]] spike that enhances Vin's Allomantic bronze.
## Contents
1 Hemalurgic properties
2 History
2.1 Gaining the earring
2.2 Overthrowing the Final Empire
2.3 Finding the Well of Ascension
2.4 After Ruin's release
2.5 Ascension
3 Trivia
4 Notes
## Hemalurgic properties
In the [[Words of Founding|Words of Founding]], [[Sazed|Sazed]] explained that [[Vin's sister|Vin's sister]] was a Seeker, that her death had turned the earring into a Hemalurgic spike, and that the earring was why Vin was able to pierce copperclouds. He also noted that the foothold the earring gave Ruin in Vin's mind allowed him to subtly encourage her to continue wearing it. By the time she joined [[Kelsier's crew|Kelsier's crew]], [[Preservation|Preservation]] had nearly gotten her to stop wearing the earring. She put it in before starting her Allomantic training with Kelsier, however, and then continued to wear after he suggested she keep it as a back-up weapon. Sazed also wrote that her skill with Allomancy likely came from drawing in some of the [[Mist|mists]] as a child, when she wasn't wearing the earring.
## History
### Gaining the earring
Vin does not remember when she got the earring, but [[Reen|Reen]] told her the story. [[Vin's mother|Their mother]] was , allowing [[Ruin|Ruin]] to speak to her. Ruin made her love Vin but hate her sister, leading her to kill Vin's sister with the earring, then put the earring in Vin's ear. Since Vin's sister was a Seeker, this turned the earring into a Hemalurgic spike. When Reen returned home, he found Vin in her mother's lap, who was proclaiming Vin a queen, with the body of Vin's sister at her mother's feet. Reen then took Vin, and the two fled, leaving their mother behind.
### Overthrowing the Final Empire
When Vin begins learning [[Allomancy|Allomancy]], she asks [[Kelsier|Kelsier]] if she will have to get rid of her earring, as Allomancers try to limit the amount of metal they carry on their persons. He tells her it is fine to keep it, as Allomancers cannot affect metal that pierces the skin and it could be a useful back-up weapon. When training in the use of Allomantic bronze with Marsh, she tells him the story of how she got the earring.
When Vin confronts the [[Rashek|Lord Ruler]] during the [[Collapse|Collapse]], he rips the earring out of her ear with a Steelpush. Vin then draws on the [[Mist|mists]] to fuel her Allomancy, and is able to kill the Lord Ruler. Vin recovers the earring after the fight is over.
### Finding the Well of Ascension
After Vin attacked [[Ashweather Cett|Cett's]] forces in [[Luthadel|Luthadel]], she hid in [[Camon's safe house|Camon's safe house]], where [[TenSoon|TenSoon]] eventually found her. [[Elend Venture|Elend]] then came to comfort her, and she told him the story of how she got the earring.
When Vin takes the power of [[Preservation|Preservation]] in [[The Well of Ascension|The Well of Ascension]], her earring pains her. At the time, she does not realize that it is because her earring is a Hemalurgic spike reacting against Preservation's power, but instead assumes it is because the earring is made of metal. She then proceeds to remove all other sources of metal from her body.
### After Ruin's release
Once Ruin was free, he was able to use its nature as a Hemalurgic spike to speak with her directly.
After [[Aradan Yomen|Aradan Yomen]] captures Vin in [[Fadrex City|Fadrex City]], he takes the earring, but then returns it to her in a controlled environment. He expressed surprise at the fact that it is made of [[Bronze|bronze]] and silver, as other metals are far more useful in Allomancy, and was further surprised when Vin didn't attack after receiving the earring.
### Ascension
When [[Marsh|Marsh]] arrives in [[Fadrex City|Fadrex City]], Vin used a duralumin-enhanced Steelpush on the earring, pushing it straight through his head. When they again fought in [[Luthadel|Luthadel]], Marsh realized that earring was a Hemalurgic spike and managed to resist Ruin's control long enough to rip it from her ear. With the earring removed, Vin was at last able to draw upon the mists and defeat the [[Steel Inquisitor|Steel Inquisitors]] who were attacking her, before Ascending as [[Preservation|Preservation]].
## Trivia
Vin wore the earring in her left ear.
| Vins earring |
|by [[Isaac Stewart|Isaac Stewart]]|
The **Scar** is a prominent star system in the [[Cosmere|cosmere]] that can be seen from multiple planets. It is also known as the **Starbelt**, **Taln's Scar**, and **Red Rip**.
## Contents
1 Description
2 Local Names and Observations
2.1 Threnody
2.2 Roshar
2.3 Scadrial
2.3.1 Classical Scadrial
2.3.2 Post-Catacendre Scadrial
2.4 Canticle
3 Notes
## Description
The Scar is a region of stars that are unusually bright. In a cosmere star chart that was commissioned by an unknown patron, the Scar includes a constellation known as "The Dragon". Most of the stars in the Scar have a red tint on the chart and are perceived as red when viewed from several planets, unlike other stars. The color is significant, but the reason why is not yet known. Red is commonly associated with outside influence or corruption in the cosmere; however, that is not necessarily the only thing that it symbolizes.
The apparent shape of the Scar varies depending on the vantage point in the cosmere; it is not always visible on every planet. This is due to the positioning of the various planetary systems as well as local factors such as mist or ash. Additionally, stars are not known to be visible from the [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realm]].
## Local Names and Observations
### Threnody
>“*The Forests felt... dark this night. The light of the Starbelt above didn’t seem to filter through the branches as well as it should.*”
\-Silence Montane[15]
On [[Threnody|Threnody]], the Scar is known as the **Starbelt**. Threnody has no moon, making the nights extremely dark; the Starbelt is usually bright enough to faintly illuminate objects, even when its light is filtered by tree branches. Threnody may lie relatively close to the Scar, as [[Silence Montane|Silence Montane]] implies that the Starbelt's position in the sky changes on a day-to-day basis. The residents of Threnody do not describe the Starbelt's light as red; the star at the center of the Threnodite system also appears to be red, which may affect their perception of the Scar.
### Roshar
>“*The crimson eyes hovered like Taln's Scar - like spheres in the darkness, deeper in color than any ruby.*”
\-Dalinar Kholin's perception of Stormform Parshendi eyes[17]
Most [[Roshar|Rosharan]] people refer to the Scar as **Taln's Scar**, named for the [[Herald|Herald]] known as [[Taln|Taln]]. Taln's Scar is described as deep red in color, and it changes position in different seasons. It is visible before the sun sets and other twinkling white stars (accompanied by [[Starspren|starspren]]) appear. [[Reya|Reya's]] [[Tear|Tear]] is another notably bright star in the sky, but it is not part of Taln's Scar. Roshar has three moons that rise and set during the night; between moons, the stars provide adequate illumination for someone to move around but not quite enough to read or draw. The position of Taln's scar on one's seventh birthday is relevant in Rosharan astrology.
### Scadrial
#### Classical Scadrial
In [[Classical Scadrial|Classical Scadrial]], no mention is made of any unusually bright stars or constellations, even when [[Sazed|Sazed]] discusses an astronomically-aware people known as the [[Nelazan|Nelazan]]. During the [[Final Empire|Final Empire]], the sky was largely obscured by [[Mist|mist]] and the [[Ashmounts|ashmounts]], to the point that even an [[Allomancer|allomancer]] burning [[Tin|tin]] could not always see the stars, with the exception of tin [[Savant|savants]]. [[Vin|Vin]] is able to see the stars by using tin or by using [[Steel|steel]] to fly above the mists. When she does so, she can see some of the same stars that would be in the skies of Threnody, yet she still does not take note of anything that resembles the Scar. It is possible that [[Luthadel|Luthadel's]] orientation at the north pole of [[Scadrial|Scadrial]] during this era was such that the Scar was not visible.
#### Post-Catacendre Scadrial
>“*The mists were out, curling around outside, though the skyscraper was tall enough he thought he could see stars and the Red Rip through that mist.*”
\-Waxillium Ladrian[13]
During the [[Catacendre|Catacendre]], [[Harmony|Harmony]] moves Scadrial back to its original orientation and orbit. Hundreds of years later, [[Waxillium Ladrian|Waxillium Ladrian]] sees a celestial phenomenon known as the **Red Rip** on several occasions, although he seems to consider it mundane. The Red Rip is not described in detail, but it is prominent on cloudless nights, and sometimes sits low on the horizon. It is bright enough that it can sometimes be seen through the mists when they are present if observed at high enough elevation.
### Canticle
The Scar is visible on [[Canticle|Canticle]], but only from certain angles of the planet.
| Scar |
|**Owner**|[[Maxillium Ladrian|Maxillium Ladrian]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Scadrial|Scadrial]]|
**Tenny** is a stuffed [[Kandra|kandra]] owned by [[Maxillium Ladrian|Maxillium Ladrian]] on [[Scadrial|Scadrial]]. Tenny is a [[Soonie pup|Soonie pup]], a stuffed animal representing [[TenSoon|TenSoon]] the kandra's pre-Catacendre wolfhound form. "Tenny" is likely a childlike play on the name "TenSoon" that Maxillium created. Maxillium often hugs Tenny when he is sad.
| Tenny |
*This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an internal link led you here, please change the link to point directly to the intended article.*
A **Mistborn** is someone who can use all of the [[Metallic Arts|Allomantic metals]].
It may also refer to:
[[Mistborn (series)|Mistborn (series)]] -- [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon Sanderson's]] first published series
Mistborn: The Final Empire -- The first book in the Mistborn trilogy, commonly referred to as Mistborn.
| Mistborn |
|**Profession**|DDF pilots|
|**Introduced In**|*Skyward*|
Callsign **Underscore** is a scout from Ranger flight in the [[DDF|DDF]]. He is the eighth member of his flight and flies a [[Val-class|Val-class]] reconnaissance ship, which is designed for scanner avoidance and speed, rather than firepower.
Underscore, along with [[Cloak|Cloak]], joined [[Skyward|Skyward]] flight under the command of [[Jorgen|Jorgen]] in the battle where [[Hurl|Hurl]] died. Underscore and Cloak were ordered by Jorgen to identify enemy ships and relay the information back to Flight Command.
| Underscore |
|**Relatives**|[[Torol Sadeas|Torol Sadeas]]|
Brightness **Lalai** is a lighteyed woman on [[Roshar|Roshar]].
Lalai is a cousin of [[Highprince|Highprince]] [[Torol Sadeas|Torol Sadeas]]. She served as one of King [[Elhokar Kholin|Elhokar Kholin's]] clerks, in [[Jasnah Kholin|Jasnah Kholin's]] absence. Lalai and Jasnah did not get along well.
| Lalai |
|**William Muns**|
|**Siblings**|[[Melody Muns|Melody]], 3 others|
|**Profession**|Student |
|**Residence**|[[Armedius Academy|Armedius Academy]]|
|**Homeworld**|[[Earth (Rithmatist)|Earth (Rithmatist)]]|
|**Introduced In**|*The Rithmatist*|
**William Muns** is a [[Rithmatics|Rithmatist]] fighting at the [[Tower of Nebrask|Tower of Nebrask]].
William is [[Melody Muns|Melody's]] brother. They come from the Floridian Atolls where their parents still live. Both parents as well as William's and Melody's siblings are Rithmatists, which seemed to be nearly impossible.
He was believed to have died fighting the wild chalklings when he crossed the defensive lines at Nebrask. Professor [[Andrew Nalizar|Nalizar]] and some other Rithmatists tried to rescue him after they saw William swarmed by wild chalklings, but failed and never found his corpse.
He was actually consumed by the [[Scribbler|Scribbler]] and later released after it was defeated by [[Fitch|Fitch]], [[Joel|Joel]], and [[Melody|Melody]].
| William Muns |
|**Groups**|[[Nightmare Division|Nightmare Division]], [[Dreamwatch|Dreamwatch]]|
|**Introduced In**|*Yumi and the Nightmare Painter*|
**Hikiri** is a [[Dreamwatch|Dreamwatch]] companion from [[Nagadan|Nagadan]] under [[Tesuaka Tatomi|Tesuaka Tatomi's]] command.
## Appearance and Personality
Hikiri is tall, with an impressive beard and a bald head. He wears a formal painter's uniform, with a coat that is short in the front and long in the back. Hikiri is patient, yet assertive.
## History
Hikiri's team was summoned to [[Kilahito|Kilahito]] from [[Jito|Jito]] after [[Tojin|Tojin]] reported a stable [[Nightmare|nightmare]] previously encountered by [[Nikaro|Nikaro]]. After their arrival, Nikaro attempted to warn them of an incoming army of stable nightmares. Hikiri answered the door with a yawn and took Nikaro inside to see Tesuaka, who asked Hikiri to record the painter's statement. Before forcing him to leave, paying no mind to his claims about the army of stable nightmares, Hirki explained to Nikaro that only painters with connections, no matter their skill, are appointed a position in the Dreamwatch. He encouraged Nikaro to be content with his job as a regular nightmare painter. Hikiri was forced to seek alternative employment after the Dreamwatch disbanded following the [[Battle of Kilahito|Battle of Kilahito]].
| Hikiri |
|**Died**|Kakahan 1173|
|**Profession**|Miner, Bridgeman|
|**Groups**|[[Bridge Four|Bridge Four]], Sadeas army|
|**Nationality**|[[Jah Keved|Veden]] ([[Bavland|Bav]])|
**Amark** is a [[Bavland|Bavlander]] and a member of [[Bridge Four|Bridge Four]] on [[Roshar|Roshar]].
## Appearance and Personality
He is described as "sniffly" and speaks with a strong Bav accent. When he lives in Bavland, he wears the grimy clothing typical of mineworkers. He exhibits empathy, as he is upset by [[Took|Took]] commanding [[Szeth|Szeth]] to harm himself.
## History
Amark lived in the town of [[Ironsway|Ironsway]] in Bavland and presumably worked as a miner alongside [[Ton (Veden)|Ton]]. He and Ton drank together in a run-down tavern with other miners, listening to [[Took|Took]] tell fictionalized stories about his life and showing off his [[Truthless|Truthless]], Szeth. When Took ordered Szeth to cut himself, Amark protested, and became even more upset when Took told Szeth to slit his own throat.
During the [[War of Reckoning|War of Reckoning]], he became a bridgeman for [[Torol Sadeas|Torol Sadeas's]] army on the [[Shattered Plains|Shattered Plains]] under unknown circumstances, and he was assigned to [[Bridge Four|Bridge Four]]. Once [[Kaladin|Kaladin]] made the decision to save Bridge Four, he drastically reduced the casualties that they suffered on bridge runs, but they still lost Amark and [[Koolf|Koolf]]. Kaladin later thought of Amark and other people that he was unable to save after [[Maps|Maps]] was killed.
| Amark |
|**Beggars' Feast**|
|**Related to**|[[Alethkar|Alethkar]]|
|**World of Origin**|[[Roshar|Roshar]]|
The **Beggars' Feast** is an [[Alethi|Alethi]] tradition.
At each occasion, the host duplicates the feast and invite the poorest of people to share in their revelry.
In [[Alethkar|Alethkar]], it is tradition at any banquet of the king to also feed the less fortunate. The Feast is held in a separate room in which any poor people may attend and eat the same as a the king and his guests.
[[Szeth|Szeth]] walked through the Beggar's Feast on his way to assassinate [[Gavilar|Gavilar]]. While there, he witnesses a seemingly drunken old beggar speaking gibberish. The old beggar is the [[Herald|Herald]] [[Jezrien|Jezrien]] whom [[Dalinar|Dalinar]] visits when he needs alcohol. This Beggars' Feast was double the standard size.
The Beggars' Feast is cancelled by [[Aesudan Kholin|Queen Aesudan]] during the [[War of Reckoning|War of Reckoning]].
After being stripped of his title by Queen [[Jasnah Kholin|Jasnah Kholin]], former Highprince [[Ruthar|Ruthar]] is given the chance to take the Queen's charity from Beggars' Feasts, or to join the military as a new recruit.
| Beggars Feast |
Subsets and Splits