stringlengths 0
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QEmu-ARM-Ubuntu: CPU1: failed to boot: -38
How to fix "CPU1: failed to boot: -38" issue in QEmu?
I am hosting Ubuntu 16.04 on Virtual Box from Windows 10. Inside that Ubuntu 16.04, there is QEmu emulating ARM processor, running Ubuntu Trusty (14.04). When the ARM-Ubuntu boots, it prints to console "CPU1: failed to boot: -38" and something similar multiple times. Is it a matter of some command-line switch to QEmu, or configuration files? Or is it a bug or lack of support of QEmu ARM emulation inside another VM?
Effectively the ARM-Ubuntu uses only 1 core out of 6 available in the physical machine and the middle virtual machine.
To setup ARM-Linux on QEmu I mostly followed these steps. I had to do something differently, e.g. because Ubuntu Sauce is no more available. Specifically the steps I did are:
# 1) setup the rootfs
sudo apt-get install qemu-user-static qemu-system-arm
mkdir vexpress
cd vexpress
mkdir qemu-img
# Create 8-GB image
dd if=/dev/zero of=./vexpress-8G.img bs=8M count=1024
sudo losetup -f ./vexpress-8G.img
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/loop0
sudo mount /dev/loop0 qemu-img
# Bootstrap Ubuntu Trusty armhf rootfs in the qemu-img directory
# For Ubuntu versions later than Trusty some commands fail
# For Ubuntu versions before Saucy there is no port to ARM
# Ubuntu Saucy is not supported anymore
sudo qemu-debootstrap --arch=armhf trusty qemu-img
sudo cp `which qemu-arm-static` qemu-img/usr/bin/
# setup serial console, apt repositories and network
sudo chroot qemu-img
sed 's/tty1/ttyAMA0/g' /etc/init/tty1.conf > /etc/init/ttyAMA0.conf
echo "deb http://ports.ubuntu.com trusty main restricted multiverse universe" > /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
echo -e "\nauto eth0\niface eth0 inet dhcp" >> /etc/network/interfaces
# root password
# 2) pick and install a kernel
# Fix locale problems http://askubuntu.com/questions/162391/how-do-i-fix-my-locale-issue
sudo locale-gen "be_BY.UTF-8"
sudo locale-gen "en_US"
sudo locale-gen "en_US.UTF-8"
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
apt-get install wget ca-certificates
wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/linux-image-3.13.0-24-generic-lpae_3.13.0-24.46_armhf.deb
dpkg -i linux-image-3.13.0-24-generic-lpae_3.13.0-24.46_armhf.deb
# So far I'm getting the following warnings:
# Warning: cannot read table of mounted file systems: No such file or directory
# warning: failed to read mtab
# !!! press CTRL+D to exit the chroot
# 3) Boot it up
# copy kernel, initrd and dtb files
sudo cp qemu-img/boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-24-generic-lpae .
sudo cp qemu-img/boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-24-generic-lpae .
sudo cp qemu-img/lib/firmware/3.13.0-24-generic-lpae/device-tree/vexpress-v2p-ca15-tc1.dtb .
# umount the rootfs img
sudo umount qemu-img
sudo chmod 777 vmlinuz-3.13.0-24-generic-lpae
sudo chmod 777 initrd.img-3.13.0-24-generic-lpae
sudo chmod 777 vexpress-v2p-ca15-tc1.dtb
sudo chmod 777 vexpress-8G.img
# http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/167165/how-to-pass-ctrl-c-in-qemu
# Allow Ctrl+C and Ctrl+Z on guest, changing them on host to Ctrl+] and Ctrl+[
stty intr ^]
stty susp ^j
qemu-system-arm --drive format=raw,if=sd,file=vexpress-8G.img -kernel vmlinuz-3.13.0-24-generic-lpae -initrd initrd.img-3.13.0-24-generic-lpae -M vexpress-a15 -serial stdio -m 2048 -append 'root=/dev/mmcblk0 rw mem=2048M raid=noautodetect rootwait console=ttyAMA0,38400n8 devtmpfs.mount=0' -dtb ./vexpress-v2p-ca15-tc1.dtb
# Still getting error: "CPU1: failed to boot: -38"
The specific machine you're emulating (vexpress-v2p-ca15-tc1) is a dual-core one, so the kernel will try to bring up the secondary CPU it sees described in the DTB you're passing. However, since QEMU is only emulating a single CPU, the secondary naturally fails to come online on account of not existing.
The message in and of itself is perfectly harmless, but if you're allergic to error messages, just add maxcpus=1 to the kernel command line to prevent Linux even trying to bring up any secondary cores. If you really want to emulate both cores, pass the -smp 2 option to QEMU, although it may well result in more emulation overhead and be slower overall.
| StackExchange |
Placing a sign, given from a generator, not working
I am using the Animated Scoreboard sign generator. The problem is that when I place the sign that the generator gave me, the sign looks like this:
As you can see the content is "" instead of Click Here. What am I doing wrong?
Note: I use Minecraft 1.9 with OptiFine 1.9 pre 04.
Also note: I am doing this on a vanilla server.
The command I use that is generated can be found here: http://pastebin.com/VehNSpnx
If you are using the 1.8 version of Minecraft then the problem could be that you are using the 1.9 version of Sign Generator.
I recommend using https://minecraftcommand.science/command-sign-generator for any 1.8 signs.
Another problem could be mods you have downloaded. If you have an older version of Minecraft and you are using a higher version mod/ or vice versa then that could be causing the problem. Both are trying to use different versions of Minecraft causing disruptions.
| StackExchange |
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Scirtothrips dorsalis
The chilli thrips or yellow tea thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood, is an extremely successful invasive species of pest-thrips which has expanded rapidly from Asia over the last twenty years, and is gradually achieving a global distribution. It has most recently been reported in St. Vincent (2004) Florida (2005), Texas (2006), and Puerto Rico (2007). It is a pest of economic significance with a broad host range, with prominent pest reports on crops including pepper, mango, citrus, strawberry, grapes, cotton, tea, peanuts, blueberry, and roses. Chilli thrips appear to feed preferentially on new growth, and infested plants usually develop characteristic wrinkled leaves, with distinctive brown scarring along the veins of leaves, the buds of flowers, and the calyx of fruit. Feeding damage can reduce the sale value of crops produced, and in sufficient numbers, kill plants already aggravated by environmental stress. This thrips has also been implicated in the transmission of three tospoviruses, but there is some controversy over its efficiency as a vector.
This thrips has a rapid life cycle, and can develop from egg to adult in slightly less than two weeks under optimal weather conditions.
A tentative (but inconclusive) field identification can be made of this thrips by searching for the following traits under low power magnification: small size (under a millimeter in length), yellow coloration, dark antennae, and dark striping on the lower abdomen.
It can be specifically identified and confirmed through the presence of forked sense cones on antennal segments III and IV, antennomeres I-II are pale and III to IX are dark; there are three discal setae on the lateral margins of abdominal tergites, with pronotal posteromarginal seta II nearly one and a half times the length of I or III, a complete posteromarginal comb on tergite VII; and three ocellar setae with III between posterior ocelli.
Recent research concludes that S. dorsalis does represent a species complex of three or more disparate species who are morphologically similar but genetically distinct.
Like all thrips of suborder Terebrantia, S. dorsalis undergoes two nymphal stages followed by two "false" pupal stages, and under optimal conditions, this thrips may reach adulthood in approximately two weeks. However, research has shown that the length of these life-history stages are flexible within a group depending on an individual's access to nutrients and temperature. Nymphs entering the metamorphic process drop off of the plant during the first of two propual stages, and then complete their development in loose soil or leaf litter at the base of their host - but have been observed to pupate in any dark and humid crevice low on the plant, including bark and the folds of tightly packed lower leaves or flowers. The pupal process can range from two days to a full week. In temperate regions where the temperature falls below the critical lower threshold, non-diapausing adults are reported to overwinter in the soil or apical buds. Colder temperatures may even drive pupation, but this has not been experimentally confirmed.
Post-emergence, females have a pre-oviposition period of one to two days. Using their ovipositor, females lay single eggs within the plant tissue, and may lay an average of forty eggs during their lifetime. Females of S. dorsalis prefer to lay their eggs inside of young leaves and buds at the apical meristem of plants, but as populations increase, will lay their eggs within the surface of mature leaves. Depending on temperature, eggs may gestate for one to three weeks. After hatching, larvae will migrate from older leaves to the newer growth at terminals. Like many thrips, S. dorsalis appears to prefer feeding on new growth and young plants, and is often found on the newer top leaves on smaller plants, although individual plant morphology and chemistry may result in some distributional differences.
Nymph populations will continue to increase so long as new shoots are allowed to grow, and adults are permitted to land. Physically manipulating the host by removing preferred feeding sites has been shown to reduce thrips density on the plant, but also to increase the relative rate of between-plot dispersal.
History of Expansion
Molecular evidence currently suggests that the point of biogeographical origin for the thrips is in Southeast Asia or on the Indian subcontinent, the original host remains unknown. Chili peppers did not arrive in India until the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries with Portuguese traders, so the host upon which S. dorsalis was first described cannot be the point of origin. Given S. dorsalis’ broad polyphagy and long history of pestilent behavior, it has been speculated that a weed such as castor that was adopted for agriculture may have been one of several hosts of origin, and that the thrips adapted and began to exploit other hosts as they became available in the changing agricultural landscape.
It spread rapidly throughout the contiguous region of southeastern Asia fairly early, and there are many historical instances of these thrips attacking key crops on a regular basis. In India, it has been described as a pest of castor, pepper, cotton, tea, mango, and peanut. Outside of India, it has been reported as pest in China on tea and fruits like litchi, in Taiwan on citrus and vegetable, on citrus and tea in Japan, many vegetable and fruit crops in Thailand, peppers and mango in Vietnam, and even seasonally on the Korean peninsula.
Under the pressures of globalization and trade, this thrips has continued to expand its range, and in 1997 EPPO recognized this pest as one with significant potential for global expansion. By that point it had already become fairly established beyond its precinctive range, had been intercepted at South African ports in 1986, noted as a pest in Kenya by 1997, and infesting cotton in Côte d'Ivoire by 1999. It has been described as a pest in Australia on cashew in 1998, and on strawberry and tea only a few years later.
It was only a matter of time before S. dorsalis was intercepted in the United States and the Caribbean region. While the thrips had been reported from port interceptions in Florida in 1995 and in Texas in 2000, surveys failed to detect any established populations or other sightings of the thrips. However, interceptions of this insect at a Miami port under the calyces of pepper from St. Vincent in 2003 inspired the USDA to act in order to predict and prevent the pest's arrival. APHIS and the University of Florida responded with investigations of islands in the Caribbean. They found the pest already distributed throughout the Caribbean, and speculated that it had almost certainly already spread throughout South and Central America.
In late 2005, S. dorsalis was reported as a significant pest on Palm Beach County ornamental roses, and reports from other counties on the Knock Out cultivar of rose and pepper rapidly followed thereafter. By January 2007, the thrips had been found in more than thirty counties from Alachua to Monroe, and has been detected in southern Georgia. It has been spotted several times on retail roses in south Texas, and anecdotal evidence suggests that the expansion into Texas counties is probably underreported. Models of climatological and host potential suggest that this thrips has the potential to expand its range to cover much of the southeast, the gulf coast region, and the western seaboard.
The characteristic feeding damage of S. dorsalis was recognized as "Murda disease" on chili long before the thrips was associated with and then determined to be the cause of the blight. Prolonged feeding by thrips curls tender leaves and buds, and will turn fruits and flowers from bronze to black in color, rendering the plant material unmarketable. Even slightly damaged or scarred vegetables or inflorescences are often viewed as unmarketable, and these damaged commodities will fetch a lower price, reducing a grower's return on their investment. Insects feeding in new growth limits and stunts overall plant growth, and may induce abortion of fruit. When thrips feed in high enough densities, or in sufficiently dry climates, this process results in the eventual desiccation and death of their host plant. Even low densities of thrips can contribute to the decline in fruit production and plant health, especially during times of drought.
S. dorsalis has been implicated in the transmission of several separate tospoviruses, but recent experiments have cast some doubt on the efficiency at which S. dorsalis actually transmits the virus to its hosts. It may be a member of a class described in a near relative, Thrips palmi Karny: an infected non-transmitter with detectable levels of virus.
Chilli thrips are known to develop resistance to pesticides extremely quickly . This is thought to be a consequence of the short timespan and large capacity of their reproductive cycle, drawing comparisons to spider mites. In addition, they have an extremely wide host range, providing population reservoirs even after the most thorough pesticide application.
Only the insecticides spinosyn and abamectin are known to be effective against this pest. Neem based products are considered effective synergists. Product rotation is integral to resistance prevention programs. Insecticidal soaps and horticultural oils are both effective, but only in very frequent, sometimes impractical spray schedules (at least once a week). Systemic neonicotinoids such as imidacloprid were once considered to be sparing of beneficial insects and natural predators, and recommended for integrated pest management of chilli thrips, especially when used as a soil soak or drip irrigation product. The past decade has revealed that neonicotinoids can seriously impact beneficial insects, especially bees, through effects that are not immediately apparent - even at trace concentrations.
Entomopathogenic fungi are an emerging control method being used against a variety of insects, including chilli thrips. Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium spp. have both attracted research for this use. Multiple such products are available for use in Asian countries. Only one Beauveria bassiana product is registered as an insecticide in the United States. Tests of these products show that they are mediocre control agents, but may be useful in rotation with other insecticides or in combination with spray oils. Unfortunately, these agents are broad spectrum insecticides, and do not spare natural predators or desirable insects such as bees and butterflies.
External links
taxonomic reference site from thrips.info
Entomology Extension - Chilli Thrips from Texas A&M
fact site from the University of Florida
IFAS Extension Publication, University of Florida
Oriental tea thrips, provided by PaDIL
Images from Invasive.org
chilli thrips on the UF / IFAS Featured Creatures Web site
Species Profile - Chilli Thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis), National Invasive Species Information Center, United States National Agricultural Library.
Category:Insect vectors of plant pathogens
Category:Agricultural pest insects
Category:Insects of Asia
Category:Insects described in 1819 | Wikipedia (en) |
Many vehicles having level compensation for traversing uneven terrain are known. With regards to vehicles for ascending stair cases different solutions are proposed. For instance, CA 2,227,955 discloses a motorized armchair having two serially connected wheel pairs. A seat may pivot around an axis to maintain a level position in one direction. The large number of serially connected wheels may provide for an increased grip when ascending a stair case, however at the cost of a bulky solution, e.g. when ascending a narrow passage in a stair case.
An issue with prior art vehicles is high weight, in order to provide stability of the vehicle, in particular with a payload of large weight. This limits the practical use of such vehicles, e.g. when wanting to travel in an elevator which has limited surface and load capacity available. Lighter vehicles also need less propelling energy, which is a desired advantage.
U.S. Pat. No. 7,631,380 discloses a spine board having an opposing set of wheel assemblies comprising three wheels for manually maneuvering in stairs.
SU 1833182 discloses a wheel chair for manually surmounting stairs having front driving wheels on a balance arm being pivotable with respect to the wheel chair frame. The front driving wheels are off-set to each other.
U.S. Pat. No. 3,893,533 discloses a recreational motor vehicle for use in rough terrain. The front wheels are offset longitudinally to provide a more stable stance for the vehicle and greater driving traction.
A further issue with prior art is the lack of level compensation that keeps the ride smooth, even when driving in stairs. When ascending or descending the stair each step produce a corresponding zic-zac or rocking motion in the vertical and horizontal directions at the seating position of the vehicle. The lack of level compensation in such terrains also result in an inefficient power transfer and thereby use of energy, as traction is repeatedly lost.
Furthermore, another issue with prior art is the lack of adjustability to different terrains. The user of a personal vehicle may encounter different obstacles, e.g. stairs having varying step dimensions, on a daily basis when moving around in the home environment or a public environment. If the vehicle would be optimized to traverse a staircase at home, it may not be suitable for other obstacles. The need for adjustability of the vehicle is thus important in order to safely and comfortably traversing such varying obstacles. Otherwise several vehicles would be needed, each especially adapted to a particular terrain, due to lack of adjustability, and the user would have to switch vehicles regularly, which may not be possible for a user without help. The degree of freedom and independence could accordingly be improved for the vehicle user.
Hence an improved vehicle and/or method providing a safe and comfortable ride across obstacles having different dimensions would be advantageous and in particular allow for a flexible solution to travel across such varying obstacles. | USPTO Backgrounds |
RET S409Y Germline Mutation and Associated Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma.
Background: Inherited medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) is primarily caused by RET mutations that are commonly localized in exons 5, 8, 10, 11, and 13-16. In this study, we report pedigrees for individuals with MTC that harbor a germline S409Y variant within exon 6 of the RET proto-oncogene. Methods: Targeted sequencing was used to diagnose four apparently sporadic MTC index cases carrying the germline RET S409Y (c.1226 C>A) variant. Subsequently, 27 relatives of these individuals underwent clinical and genetic assessments and/or thyroid surgery. Furthermore, in silico analyses and in vitro assays were performed to predict or verify the potential oncogenic activity of the S409Y variant. Results: Overall, 15 of 31 participants were found to carry the RET S409Y variant. Of these, 6 presented with isolated MTC (mean age 50.2 years; range 41-75 years), of which 3 presented with neck lymph node metastases and 2 presented with distant liver or lung metastases. Among the remaining 9 carriers, 3 (mean age 56 years; range 41-76 years) had elevated serum calcium-stimulated calcitonin (sCtn) or concurrent marginally elevated serum calcitonin (Ctn) levels, whereas the other 6 (mean age 37.5 years; range 14-52 years) exhibited typical Ctn/sCtn levels (p < 0.05). None of the 15 carriers in these 4 families presented clinical evidence of pheochromocytoma, hyperparathyroidism, or Hirschsprung's disease. In silico analyses revealed that S409Y was a "possibly damaging" mutation that could affect the RET protein inter-domain interface. An in vitro assay revealed that the phosphorylation level of RET tyrosine 905 was relatively higher in the RET S409Y mutant than in wild-type (WT) RET. Moreover, transfection of HEK 293 cells with S409Y enhanced the phosphorylation activity of AKT, ERK pathways, and it increased cell proliferation compared with WT RET, but to a lesser degree than that for the RET C618Y and C634Y mutations. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that the novel germline RET S409Y variant is likely pathogenic and is associated with lower penetrance of MTC than that for the C618Y and C634Y mutations. Individuals with S409Y should be managed using a personalized approach, and additionally, "at-risk" family members should be evaluated. Additional studies are needed to elucidate the correlation between the S409Y mutation and multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2-specific tumors. | PubMed Abstracts |
The Streetly Academy and Future First
Vicky O’Connor, careers lead at The Streetly Academy, talks about their partnership with Future First.
I was brought in to The Streetly Academy to lead on the careers programme within the school; the head and SLT are very passionate about raising the aspirations of the pupils and wanted to improve their current careers programme by having someone who was dedicated to this full time. Before I came in to the school the provision was quite ad-hoc and minimal, whereas now the careers programme is implemented across all year groups and events and activities are scheduled frequently across the year.
I began by creating a questionnaire to find out what the goals and aspirations were of our pupils, we then used the answers to map out what kind of careers provision we would need. We cater to the aspirations of the students through their own responses and needs and we track this across the school. We’ve seen that goals and aspirations are a lot higher in year 7 and then dip in year 9 and 10. Based on the way that this programme is catered to the goals of the students, we then address these ‘dips’ in aspiration/goal setting through more specific intervention and activities.
I want to make sure that as well as thinking about their grades and how important they are, that the pupils get a chance to see how these are important within the wider context of jobs and careers.
One of the main reasons that I chose to work with Future First is that alumni can provide direct relevance to the students. With an alumni speaker the pupils are given a link to what they’re saying as they know this person had been sat in their seat, in their position. Alumni provide more ways for pupils to believe in themselves.
Using the alumni portal has been a much easier way of engaging and sustaining our alumni network; in previous roles I’d worked with alumni before, mostly using spreadsheets and my own database of alumni information. Future First have made it easier to contact alumni, we don’t have to manually input any data, it’s easier and safer to use when we engage our alumni community.
We have a lot of events planned in the coming year where we know our alumni will be brilliant role models for our students; for our year 7s we’ll be running a ‘The Apprentice’ style event where we want our alumni to act as judges. We’ll be having Future First in to lead an event called ‘What is The World of Work Like’ for our year 8s which will go through key skills and information about choosing and entering into a career, as well as Year 9 option days where we’ll be having our alumni in to speak about each subject and its relevance to their jobs, so that we can link the curriculum to potential career paths. As well as these events we’ve got CV workshops, mock interviews, and careers speaker sessions where alumni will get a chance to talk about their careers for students unsure of what their paths might be.
Working with Future First so far we’ve really appreciated how easy it’s going to be to keep track of our students as they go on to get jobs or go into further study after finishing their exams. We’ll be able to keep track of what our students go on to do. We want to build a community from this, so that we can keep in touch and keep that connection with students who are at The Streetly Academy now and in the future. | Pile-CC |
Unpaid opportunities
I HAVE THIS social dread when meeting new people. A nervousness that keeps me on edge during the early introductions and the vocal sparring that takes place after shaking hands and saying each other’s names. It’s not an aversion to interacting with strangers; I’m just on the lookout for someone to ask me the question that inevitably comes up. As new acquaintances seek to elicit information, the first question that comes to mind is ‘What do you do?’
It’s a reasonable enough way to find out a lot about somebody quickly. After all, people take a lot of pride in their work and some genuinely enjoy it. But what if you feel you’re totally over-educated for your current position? Maybe it’s just something you’re doing for money and you have no attachment to it? Maybe you’re in the job because you need as many shifts as you can get, and all the jobs you apply for that you really want don’t even acknowledge your application? You also know that if you mention you’ve worked in, say, manual labour, a whole series of prejudices and assumptions are going to begin barrelling through the mind of the person talking to you.
You also know that the absolute last thing you want to have a discussion about when you’re trying to enjoy yourself at a party is whether pay is meritocratic or if the unemployed could get a job if they just tried.
Commentators are happy to impugn the character of a generation for a lack of the work ethic that supposedly underpins the successes of previous generations. We’re not willing to work hard, they say; we can’t commit to a job; we aren’t willing to save. As if casualised workplaces, lack of career tracks and an inability to pay a gargantuan house deposit are the result of our failings.
I look at myself and my friends struggling, and it makes the generational battle that plays out online when discussing the housing market – the ‘coffee and avocado discussion’ – all the more distasteful. A number of older commentators assert that we value different things, and this explains our inability to enter the housing market. Instead of saving for a mortgage, we are consuming avocado and coffee at a staggering rate. We also spend a lot on entertainment. This often leads to a discussion of how we enjoy working flexible hours and not being tied down to one career path. As if there is some desire to constantly move between jobs.
There is no evidence for any of this. As Jennifer Rayner points out in Generation Less (Redback, 2016), the job churn rate for those aged twenty to thirty-four is lower than the past. Older workers are actually changing jobs more frequently, and ABS evidence suggests there is no difference in work ethic between generations. And yet the myth persists, despite our willingness to do unpaid work in the hope of finding a career.
So if there’s no evidence that shows we lack the willingness to work, it is the changing nature of work itself that is creating barriers for young people. Today’s employment market has changed, and continues to change at an accelerating rate. My generation is affected by the same changes as the disaffected Trump and Brexit voters: structural changes in the economy have primarily hit the lower end of the job market, the sectors where young workers predominate. Work is different today because of the globalised nature of the economy, the rapid pace of technological change – particularly automation – and the mass casualisation (or increased ‘flexibility’) of the workforce. In the developed world, these factors are increasing inequality by holding down wages and conditions at the bottom while raising them at the top.
Everyone has been affected by these economic changes, but Australians in their late teens and twenties have lost far more ground than others. The gap between young and old is widening in terms of unemployment and underemployment, wage growth and casualisation. Wage inequality is growing between demographic groups.
Some of the gaps between younger and older workers can’t be avoided. Young workers will always find it more difficult to find good jobs because we haven’t had time to develop the experience and skills to make us as employable. While underemployment has trended up for all age groups in the last few decades, there is a broadening gap in the percentage of young and older workers needing more work. At just 2 per cent in the late 1970s, rising to 5 per cent in the wake of the recession of the early 1990s, it continues to grow, reaching almost ten points in 2014, according to the ABS.[i]
Like most young Australians, I’ve spent years struggling to transition to full-time work, followed by many more years falling in and out of it. Not being able to find full-time work means a life of near constant anxiety. An inability to settle into life. We are not being choosy. I would love to work in a field I’m passionate about, and while I’ll keep trying for those jobs, I’ve taken lots of shit jobs. Those jobs are almost as difficult to secure as the ones I want. After many hundreds of applications there is little rhyme or reason to the rare responses I receive, except perhaps the occasional email apologising for the delay in replying due to the sheer volume of applications that were received for the position.
THE LACK OF sufficient work hours is closely tied to the casualisation of the workforce, a phenomenon in Australia borne almost entirely by the under-thirty and over-fifty-five workforce.[ii] The rise of insecure work is the defining feature of contemporary employment for young Australians. Not all of the people employed on this basis are unhappy – some freelance between lucrative contracts – but they are all insecure. Concerns about the rise of these insecure workplace arrangements are often dismissed as a result of young Australians making the choice to further their education. Beyond the chicken-and-egg question raised by such an explanation (for myself, I got a masters in an effort to guarantee a good full-time job), an Australian Council of Trade Unions inquiry found over half of all people working without entitlements were permanent casuals.[iii] Workers, that is, who could be made part-time or full-time, yet are kept casual to deprive them of benefits and allow businesses to be flexible with shifts. Casual shifts and contracts are often being picked up to compensate for underemployment.
The largest gap between workers of different ages is wages. Wage inequality is soaring between not just the rich and poor but between age groups. Weekly mean full-time earnings for under twenty-fives grew by just 25 per cent over the past twenty-five years, while increasing 59 per cent for those in their early fifties. This wage gap is accentuated by policies such as capital gains tax exemptions and negative gearing that entrench wealth inequality.
Young Australians are doing whatever they can to find full-time work and start a career, which for many, including myself, means unpaid work. A study commissioned by the Federal Department of Education has found that 58 per cent of those aged eighteen to twenty-nine have done unpaid work in the last five years. It is no longer enough to be enthusiastic and educated; many entry-level positions require three years’ experience in the industry. This experience is supposed to be acquired through unpaid work. In my career I have worked across a number of internships for more than a year in total, doing two days a week. I was never paid a cent for the work I did, nor can I say that having these internships on my CV has helped me to get a job in my field. I began a three-month internship in the role I had applied for and was told that I’d gain the required experience. Within a couple of weeks I was gradually shifted to a variety of increasingly pointless administrative tasks, until I was exclusively doing mundane tasks I was already trained in. Why did I stay when I was clearly being exploited as unpaid labour? Mostly, because of the promise of paid work, if not there, then in a similar position.
They may be called ‘internships’, but for the most part that description is wholly misleading. There is often little training beyond admin work and they rarely provide a direct pathway to employment. That unpaid work is becoming a norm is troubling. A friend once told me of working three days a week as an unpaid intern for six months, only to have a manager scoff at her because she chose to stay living at home with her parents in her early twenties. He was seemingly unaware that unpaid internships are non-convertible as rental currency. It is absurd that one to three days a week unpaid work is allowed to continue past two months.
Many members of my generation are willing to do this presumably because they get to work in an area or field they love. Which brings me to my generation’s understanding of work. Rather than lacking a work ethic, they seem more likely to underestimate the value of their own labour. To restate the obvious, people are paid for their labour because if they weren’t paid they’d be doing something else. Work is only a hobby for the privileged. This unpaid work can create problems if you have ideological issues with not being paid for your labour. The idea that workers are doing something they love can be an excuse to pay them less, or not at all. The offer of exposure or experience can be very tempting. Not doing something you love seems increasingly like a tragedy, particularly when every new acquaintance at a social gathering asks the same question: ‘What do you do?’
DESPITE THE AVOCADO–COFFEE diatribe, this isn’t just a problem for well-educated kids who won’t settle for less. Jobs that for many years provided a good stable living for low-skilled workers are disappearing, as production disperses around the world and businesses replace workers with machines. Those workers have been forced into professions such as hospitality and retail, which provide little opportunity for productivity improvements and generally mean lower wages and poorer conditions. The same applies to care work, which is one of the few fields with strong job growth. These positions are less secure and offer fewer opportunities for skill development and career advancement. While opportunities appear rosy for those at higher pay scales, automation is beginning to infiltrate what were once seen as non-codifiable professions safe from automation, such as journalism and law, where algorithms are gaining rapid effectiveness at tasks such as research and writing.
For those worried about their job being taken by a machine, the research is frightening. The Future of Work, a 2013 report by Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael A Osborne from the Oxford Martin School at Oxford University, categorised 702 jobs in the US labour market according to their ability to be automated, finding around 47 per cent of total US employment in the high-risk category. Their research suggests that this is not a long-term concern, but rather something they see happening in the next decade or two.
Responding to emails in a customer-service role, I witnessed the increased speed and productivity within an office as automation crept in. Rather than laboriously writing an individualised response to each customer, something that no doubt would have strained the veneer of civility required in the service industry, I could glance at an email to glean the gist of it then select from a list of templates and generate an automated, very polite, response. It’s not hard to see how soon it won’t be necessary for a human to parse customer queries and decide on the most appropriate rote reply.
These changes in the nature of work are eroding the ability of wage earners to demand a sustainable living. They lack collective bargaining power, risk being replaced by machines or having their jobs shifted offshore. Despite never having worked in manufacturing, I have experienced many of the same challenges. I have been laid off after my job was moved offshore. The high Australian dollar was a deciding factor in my leaving another job where my salary was set in a foreign currency. The company couldn’t afford to pay anywhere near the equivalent salary for the industry in Australian dollars.
In this new global, automated business environment, capital or profit’s proportion of national income is rising while the share going to labour in wages is declining. The myth that if you work hard you will succeed con-tinues to pervade our culture. We must recognise the perniciousness of dividing workers into the deserving and undeserving. It is the reason we put onerous conditions on the recipients of unemployment benefits, blaming them for not being able to find jobs that don’t exist. The recent Centrelink debt scandal, which has seen the agency seek to reclaim money from its customers for vastly inflated or non-existent debts, is one of the uglier examples of this scapegoating. As is the attempt to deprive under-thirties of unemployment benefits for extended periods, or reductions in payments for unemployed youth. People derive meaning from their work, but if jobs no longer exist we must liberate people from the necessity of work for survival.
Talking to Australians about unemployment benefits is enough to make you believe they’d be in favour of waterboarding the unemployed until they find a job. The young are being targeted in this area of welfare cuts. The Centrelink customer service system is already designed to be as challenging and confusing as possible. If you call Centrelink, you will wait for well over an hour to speak to someone – the record being set by a woman who waited fifteen hours to get through. If you go to a Centrelink office instead, they will tell you to call to make an appointment, requiring another couple of hours on the phone. It is a demoralising system that actively takes a punitive approach to those struggling to find work.
I’D LIKE TO be bold and state that there is a brighter future amid the decline of stable employment and the automation of work, a future that is glimpsed in that most utopian of fantasies: Star Trek. The economy in the capitalist era has been defined by scarcity, however, and as we see with global hunger and food production, there is already a near surplus of many foodstuffs. Agriculture has advanced to the point where the globe is able to easily produce more than enough food to feed the world, but struggles to distribute this food to everyone. The issue is not production, but distribution. Manu Saadia’s Trekonomics (Pipertext, 2016) describes a world without scarcity, where a device called a ‘replicator’ can produce anything, and thus creates perfect equality of goods. This frees society to engage in more rewarding pursuits, like exploring the galaxy and wearing silly outfits. It is a society that has embraced technology and automation to free itself from mundane work. We may not be capable of this in our present, but that future is rushing towards us fast and we should prepare.
Both of the main political parties in Australia frame a hardworking society as a moral one. Since we define ourselves by our work, automation and the freedom from mundane tasks is seen as an existential threat. It is not workers, but work that our society venerates. They believe that new jobs will be created in the future to replace those lost in the past, and workers need to prepare for that. We witnessed Malcolm Turnbull’s trials of VR headsets and visits to start-up incubators on the campaign trail of the last election. It’s believed that if those businesses are supported, the economy will thrive. For the Labor Party, the focus is on training workers to take up those new jobs. This is a continuation of the same mindset that sees the individual as responsible for his own underemployment and unemployment.
Although there are new industries emerging today, they offer less employment opportunities than those in previous decades. Tech companies today are worth a lot, make lots of money and employ relatively miniscule numbers of workers. Information goods, alongside the automation of manufactured goods, mean less people are required for production.
One answer lies in a universal basic income, an idea that is now being tested around the globe, and one that may become necessary in a world with fewer secure jobs. It is a payment to all individuals in society so that they no longer need to rely on the wage system to survive. Resistance to this idea is similar to the reasoning that imposes onerous conditions on the unemployed – because people still think you can find a job if you try hard enough.
A UBI could solve many of the issues we have today with work. It increases worker bargaining power, it offers a solution to women’s unpaid labour in child rearing and domestic duties, and helps deal with rising inequality and the inability of work to effectively distribute income.
In the years since graduating from university, shifting between jobs, in and out of work, I have been the frequent recipient of career advice from those with experience of secure employment. Although much of the advice tends to follow similar patterns, there is a noticeable gap in the relevancy and usefulness of the help offered by members of my generation and those from older generations that betrays a misunderstanding of the contemporary nature of work. I see this repeated by our politicians as they fumble around these issues, telling young Australians how the fault lies with them.
Not being able to rely on a regular full-time work to provide a steady wage is a stressful existence. The current system doesn’t work for me, nor for much of my generation. Young workers need to be heard and their experiences must not be dismissed – the problems of contemporary work can’t be solved with old answers, nor can they be adequately addressed if we continue to fear radical solutions. | Pile-CC |
Self Storage Packing Tips
Whether you need to pack a few items to put in the attic, send some boxes to a self storage unit to clear the house of clutter or pack everything you own in order to move, you want to do it right. This means packing carefully and thinking ahead. Take a few precautions to help prevent damage and make it easier to find things later. When summer rolls around, you want to be able to find the other half of your wardrobe without having to open and move stacks of boxes that weren’t clearly labeled.
Guidelines to keep in mind as you pack:
To aid in stacking, use same-size boxes when possible.
Avoid storing items in plastic bags as they are less sturdy and could trap moisture.
Fill each box completely to prevent the top or sides from crushing. If your box is filled with odd-shaped or loose items like glassware or toys, fill the open spaces with crumpled paper, bubble wrap or other packing material.
Don’t fill boxes too full. This may cause them to burst.
Don’t make boxes too heavy to move. Use larger boxes for things that don’t weigh much and smaller ones for the heavy stuff.
Use the right type of box or packing crate. For instance, use a heavy-duty box for your books as this is less likely to break than a standard box. You still need to be careful not to overfill it, though. Cell kits may work best for stemware or knick-knacks. Wardrobe boxes allow you to hang up clothing and fabrics while in storage.
Criss-cross masking tape across the face of mirrors or glass-covered art.
Store framed mirrors, photographs and artwork vertically rather than flat.
Label boxes clearly and on more than one side. Consider providing a general description like ‘kitchen goods’ and then providing a short inventory such as ‘potholders, towels, aprons, silverware’ so that no one opens this kitchen box when they need the pots and pans. Be sure to mark boxes full of breakables as ‘fragile.’
Clean items like clothing, blankets, drapery or furniture before packing them to prevent germs and dirt from being transported to a new location and odors from spreading throughout your storage unit.
Polish wood before you pack to provide a little extra protection from the elements.
Treat leather items with a specially made conditioner before placing them in storage.
Wipe metal objects with machine oil or another type of rust preventative.
Take apart items like bed frames and tables, and remove lampshades from lamps. This will help protect them from breaking and make them easier to move.
Cover furniture with sheets or tarps to protect them from stains, tears and scratches.
Place heavy items on the bottom of your moving van or self storage unit.
Place least used items in front of the van so they can easily be placed behind other items in your new garage or self storage unit.
Place valuable items like your television behind other items so that they will be more difficult to see and to steal.
Place boxes of fragile items on top of other boxes.
Consider the environment where you plan to store your valuables. Will it be very hot or cold? Consider renting a climate controlled storage room for items that could be damaged by extreme temperatures or humidity. This includes things like software, paper, electronics or clothing. Some items do best in cold storage such as wine and furs. In self storage units without climate control consider using a dehumidifier.
When choosing a storage unit, factor in a little more room than your belongings take up in order to allow space for you to walk between stacks of items. This will help you to find what you need after you store it. Leave a little room between the walls and the stored goods to improve ventilation.
Take a little time to plan and organize as you pack. This should make it easier to finds things in the future and less likely that anything will get damaged during a move or while in storage. | Pile-CC |
29-Oct-2004 -- We left Puerto Madryn on October 28 at 4:00 pm with the intentio to get back to Buenos Aires. But when we reached national route 3, my companion and I decided to go for the most famous confluence in Argentina. So we spent the night at Valle de los Altares.
The following day, at 6:00 am we took route 25 to Pampa de Agnia, first, and then to Colan Conhue; this last segment was unpaved. Then we took route 33 to the North for some 26 kms. In this place we took a left for 7 kms on a secundary road in the middle of fields of thorny bushes.
At noon we left the car and started a walk of 1,250 meters in rolling hills. We reached the confluenc point at 1:30 pm.
On our walk we saw mules, rabbits and choiques. We took the photos, made a toast with water and started our way back. | Pile-CC |
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Relying on Intuition
Have you ever had sneaking suspicion that something was not right? Most of us tend to dismiss these seemingly irrational thoughts. But scientists say it may be time for you to tap into your gut feelings because there may be something right about it after all. Dr. Oz and Judith Orloff, author of Second Sight, go inside the science of intuition.
We all have the power to collect cues subconsciously before we are actually aware of them; whether you call it a gut feeling, a hunch, a sneaky suspicion or the sixth sense, intuition offers a course of action without much rational thought. It can help you decide what you should embrace and what you should avoid long before you've had time to analyze the situation. And when it comes to our health and wellbeing, intuition is an extremely valuable asset.
We've heard a million stories where people reacted on intuition; a mother is bolted from sleep when her child is in silent distress, a nurse detects a patient's downward spiral long before lab tests were ever ordered, an emergency responder is compelled to recheck a previously searched building. But one of the most powerful benefits of intuition is its ability to alert us as to what’s going on inside our bodies. Harnessing your intuition can get you to the doctor sooner, prevent certain illnesses from progressing and protect you from harm or death. It can also guide you to choose healthy relationships, including one with your doctor.
The Idea Behind Intuition
We subconsciously adjust our behavior many times a day. In fact, shortcuts like these were probably an evolutionary survival mechanism that allowed us to react quickly to dangerous external stimulus. Everything about the environment – what you see, feel, smell and touch – is instantaneously computed.
How the brain makes these unconscious decisions is just beginning to be understood. The brain is a highly organized storage facility capable of evaluating and filing every experience. For efficiency purposes, the brain also has a fondness for patterns; all new experiences are quickly matched against ones that have already occurred. Intuition allows you to cut to the chase, act faster and use less energy.
The reason for that funny feeling in the pit of your stomach is because, much like the brain, the gastrointestinal tract is home to an abundant network of nerves, which is why it is often called the "second brain." So when the brain receives certain input from the environment, a surge of nerve activity travels via the vagus nerve into your core, causing that "gut" feeling. | Pile-CC |
WELLINGTON, New Zealand — After recording two wins in its first three matches, Ireland could reach the knockout rounds of the Cricket World Cup for the first time if it can win one of its remaining three games.
In the previous two World Cups, Ireland defeated Pakistan, Bangladesh and England. This year, it opened with victories over West Indies, a two-time champion, and the United Arab Emirates before losing Tuesday to South Africa, considered one of the three favorites for the World Cup.
While the Irish cricket team is on an upward trajectory, perhaps the biggest wonder is why it has taken the country so long to make it this far, considering the country has excelled in other sports with British roots, like soccer and rugby.
An easy answer: history.
“In terms of field sports being participated in, if you exclude athletics, then by the 1870s cricket is without question the most popular field sport in Ireland,” said Paul Rouse, a specialist in Irish sport and a lecturer at University College Dublin. There were over 300 cricket clubs in Ireland, and the game bridged class and sectarian divides. | OpenWebText2 |
David MacDonald
David MacDonald may refer to:
David MacDonald (Conservative politician) (1857–1919), Conservative MP for Bothwell
David MacDonald (director) (1904–1983), Scottish film director
David R. Macdonald (born 1930), U.S. Under Secretary of the Navy
David MacDonald (Canadian politician) (born 1936), Canadian minister and politician
Dave MacDonald (1936–1964), American sports car driver
David Macdonald (biologist) (born 1951), British zoologist
David Bruce MacDonald, political scientist
David R. Macdonald (born 1940), pen-name, American-Canadian author, lives Cape Breton Island
David Ross Macdonald, guitarist, drummer and singer/songwriter
David Robertson MacDonald (1764–1845), British army officer
See also
David McDonald (disambiguation) | Wikipedia (en) |
★★★★★ Amanda Boward
We moved into our new home and the air conditioner was not working. I found Air pro from a google search. They had a 5 star rating so I called. Winston said he can take a look at it the same day between 5-6. He was there on time. Diagnosed the problem and fixed it that evening. I would highly recommend this company. They are honest, efficient and provide great customer service.
★★★★★ Donna Cameron
When our A/C unit stopped working, we searched online for a company. We found that Air Pro had been given 5 star ratings so decided to call. Winston came to our house that evening and had our unit up and running in no time. We were so impressed by his level of knowledge, service and professionalism that we had him return to install a thermostat. We will definitely be calling him in the future to install a gas fire place.
We highly recommend Air Pro!
★★★★★ Sue Bridge
Our water tank died and leaked continually. Winaton came and replaced it super fast. We asked and he even found time to put in a bbq line. I appreciate the attention to detail. He even filled holes in the wall that were not related to the job....beyond the extra mile...thanks!
★★★★★ Michelle Clemetson
I have been using Airpro service for about 14 years.
Winston takes care of my A/C and Furnace.
They are very reliable and if you have a problem they will be right there to assist you.
Thanks Airpro Heating for your excellent efficient and dependable service over the years.
★★★★★ Sandy Hustler
Our furnace died on Superbowl Sunday, yet Winston still arrived within 2 hours of our call. By the next evening, we had a new furnace fully installed. Winston was extremely thorough, professional and remained dedicated to our needs until the job was complete. His attention to detail is amazing. I strongly recommend Winston and Air Pro Heating & Air Conditioning. | Pile-CC |
Is there a way to format vue template to have all tag attributes at the same line
Several iterations ago one of our devs applied --fix with eslint rule vue/max-attributes-per-line on whole codebase so we are having max 1 attribute per line in our vue templates.
Is there any way to format it back?
was trying to use phpStorm format option "wrap attributes": "Do not wrap" but it doesnt work on already wrapped attributes..
any ideas?
Make sure to disable Keep line breaks and set Wrap Attributes: to Do not wrap in File | Settings | Editor | Code Style | HTML | Other
| StackExchange |
The Civil War Letters of Galutia York
All of Galutia York's letters are formatted as they appear in the actual
January 14, 1863
Fortress Munroe. Jan 14th, 63
Dear Father and Mother
It is with much
pleasure that I take my pen in
hand to write a few lines to
you to let you know how I get
along I am well and enjoiing myself
as well as I can. and I hope this
will find you well. They have got
me on another boat and it is laying
out in the bay we come on day before
yesterday and will probably lay
hear a week or two before we start
but when we do start we shall go
to Neworleans we are on a
sailing Craft this time but the
bunks are the same as on the
old Atlantic there is 7 ships
going with us this time and there
was __ went before. I expect there is
more left in lice on this boat than
there is of men for it has been
used for carrying soldiers ever
since the beginning of the war.
it is rather cold hear to day. I received
your most prescious letter of the 7th
day before yesterday and you cant
imagine how glad I felt for I expected
to start right of and I expected if
I did not get one that day to not
get one at all for I expected to start.
I wrote a few lines in the fournoon
and sent it before I got your letter.
I cant see what the reason is
that my letters dont go any straiter
or quicker I guess you have
not got one letter that I have wrote
for if you had you would have got
one quicker for I have written
as often as once a week Jud is
well he got a letter from his mother
yesterday he haint had a letter
from his father yet. I got Uncle
Johns letter yesterday yours
come the quickest. Yes I got ___
and Lucys letters. Yes Ma I feel
perfectly contented you thought
the tone of my writing told that I
was home sick there is not a man
in the army that would like to see
home any better than I should
but still I haint home sick. and
Ma I think you are rather foolish (if
I must say so) to worry so much
about me. for there will be some
times that you wont hear from
me in 5 or 6 weeks and perhaps
that time is not far distant for
if I go to Texas perhaps you
wont hear from me in that length
of time but dont worry for it dont
do any good (but then I dont know
if you can help it) it was the small
pox that I vaxcinated for there was
2 or 3 men come down with it in the
Chesapeake hospital
yes it worked well when I was vaxcinated
before and it did this time. It was more
that was down hear from negro city it
was his brother that died but not in
our Co. Sam Bennet is about well
he is going with us Dorr is gaining
slowly there dident none of their friends
come to see them. Hiram Gilbert
is verry sick he never can get well
I dont know what the matter is
knowboddy knows what Jo done with
his money he had 10 dollars when he
died he got his pay when I did. my cloths
wear first rate there haint a hole in
none of them they have been riped
some but I have kept them sowed up.
Yes I should think hank had done
extraordinair well for him I haint
sure but he will make something yet.
I got a letter from Sidney the other day
Dave and John__ french has got over
the itch.. I dont believe you can read
this for I have to write with my port-
folio on my knee so I cant write verry
good. well I have wrote it about all so
I must close. write as soon as
you get this. direct to Chesapeak
General hospital write soon. I
remain as ever your ever loveing
son Galutia York to Zebulon and
Lucy York. there is 200 more men
comeing on board now. I thank you
verry much for that fine comb I expect
to have a use for it before long I am
verry much obliged for those kisses
tell hank and sidney that I shall
tend to their cases when I get home.
oringes is only 50 cents a bushel in Neworleans
wont I ___ I will eat one for each one of you
When this you see
remember who wrote it | Pile-CC |
Antonino Borzì
Antonino Borzì (20 August 1852, in Castroreale – 24 August 1921, in Lucca) was an Italian botanist.
Life and career
Antonino Borzì became a professor of botany at the University of Palermo in 1879 and at the University of Messina in 1892. In 1889 he was involved in reestablishing the Orto Botanico "Pietro Castelli" dell'Università di Messina. From 1892 to 1921 he was director of Orto botanico di Palermo.
Antonino Borzì was the first who described the biopolymer cyanophycin in 1887.
Works (selection)
Studi algologici : saggio di richerche sulla biologia delle alghe. Messina, 1883-1894
Contribuzioni alla biologia vegetale. Palermo, 1894-1909
Compendio della flora forestale Italiana : prontuario per la sollecita determinizaione delle pianti forestali indigene all'italia ad uso degli agenti dell'amministrazione dei boschi. Messina, 1885
Rhizomyxa: Nuovo Ficomicete: Richerche. Messina, 1884
Le communicazioni intracellulari delle nostochinee. Messina, 1886
Cultura delle piante da gomma elastica. Palermo, 1905
Ricerche sulla disseminazione delle piante per mezzo di sauri. Rome, 1911
Vita, forme, evoluzione nel Regno vegetale. 1915
Studi sulla Flora o sulla vita delle piante in Libia. Palermo, 1917
Problemi di filosofia botanica. Rome, 1920
Category:1852 births
Category:1921 deaths
Category:Italian botanists
Category:University of Palermo faculty
Category:University of Messina faculty | Wikipedia (en) |
The relationship between blood glucose excursions and painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy: a pilot study.
Peripheral neuropathy affects 30% of Type 1 diabetic patients. Unfortunately, 10-20% of affected patients have disabling symptoms. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between blood glucose excursions and pain in patients with symptomatic diabetic neuropathy. Twenty Type 1 diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy (10 painful and 10 painless) wore a continuous glucose monitoring system for 3 days. Symptomatic patients kept a daily pain score diary. The mean amplitude of glycaemic excursions (MAGE) and the M-values (measure of glucose deviations from an arbitrarily selected point) were calculated. Groups were matched for (mean +/- sd) age: 52.0 +/- 11.1 years; duration of diabetes: 24.8 +/- 10.7 years; HbA1c: 9.7 +/- 2.3%; duration of neuropathy: 5.6 +/- 2.6 years; and CGMS performance. The painful group had a greater mean glucose (12.1 +/- 2.9 mmol/l vs. 9.3 +/- 1.9 mmol/l, P = 0.02), a greater M-value (68.4 vs. 31.1, P = 0.02) and more glycaemic excursions (13 vs. 10, P < 0.01), compared with the painless group. However, there was no difference in the MAGE between both groups, and no correlation between the number of glycaemic excursions and the number of painful episodes in the painful group. Patients with painful neuropathy have greater glucose flux and possibly poorer diabetes control, compared with patients with painless neuropathy. | PubMed Abstracts |
"The Journey of Alvin is an important story perfectly realized in every way. I do hope to see more tales from meikme in the future; they are a developer to watch". 148APPS
“The Journey of Alvin looks lovely, and its meditative tone makes it very good if your kids’ tablet time tends to be in the evening”. APPS PLAYGROUND
The journey of Alvin is an interactive story with which you can accompany Alvin, riding his old mower, willing to travel 400 miles to be reunited with his brother.
If you accompany Alvin on his journey, you can share his experiences, meet new friends, hear the birds singing, feel the rain, watch the colors of the sunset... knowing that speed is not important, but the enjoyment of the journey.
The road will be long but it will be full of adventures and surprises. The application can be enjoyed as a continuous story or through the different scenes by interacting with the characters.
Fun for everybody, children and parents alike.
Sounds, narration, music and autoplay.
Available in Spanish and English.
Children-friendly interface.
No ads.
No in-app purchases. | Pile-CC |
Bitcoin price today hit a new high: What the news means, and whether mining or investing makes sense
Bitcoin traders might be feeling good right now: For much of September, Bitcoin’s value took a dive, at one point losing about a third of its worth from summer highs. At the time, fears about China and some harsh words from Wall Street — like when J.P. Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon called bitcoin a “fraud” — brought the price from a high of about $5,000 per coin back down to about $3,500.
But by Thursday morning, bitcoin had recovered those losses and then some: It was trading above $5,300 per coin at 3:15 p.m. Eastern, according to CoinMarketCap, having gained about 10% in the preceding 24 hours. As Bloomberg tweeted, the cryptocurrency had reached at an all-time high.
Beyond the bitcoin price chart — why value is rising
One theory is that investors overreacted to the crackdown in China, which banned some local exchanges as well as the process of initial coin offerings — where entrepreneurs issue new currencies in exchange for cash to fund their new ventures. Authorities in Russia also recently addressed the topic, with Russian President Vladimir Putin offering assurances that plans to regulate the currency would place no “excessive barriers” to trading — opening up a major potential market, as Fortune notes.
But other factors have gotten traders excited: An Oct. 2 Wall Street Journalarticle reported that Goldman Sachs was considering opening a unit focused on bitcoin traders. A spokeswoman for the investment bank confirmed that there was client interest in the project, but reiterated that the initiative was still in its early stages. Goldman CEO Llloyd Blankfein added to the hype, tweeting that “folks were also skeptical when paper money displaced gold.”
Finally, on Thursday morning, Bloomberg reported JPMorgan Chase’s chief financial officer said the firm is open-minded to digital currency — and Dimon said: “I’m not going to talk about bitcoin anymore.” Meanwhile, Citi’s CFO said his bank is taking an “intense” look at cryptocurrencies and blockchain.
None of the Wall Street giants currently have a bitcoin trading desk, though Fidelity operates a project through its research and development arm, as CoinDesk reported.
The validation of even one Wall Street institution would “change bitcoin” by bringing in lots of big money. One explanation for why bitcoin is so volatile is that not enough people are trading it to keep prices stable. A big bank, even one with a bit of a reputation for catering to ultrahigh-net-worth investors who like to roll the dice, could help the price stabilize.
Of course, those very wealthy investors have a lot of money to lose, and if you’re looking for places to invest your hard-earned cash, there are plenty of ways to do so without having to stomach such dramatic highs and lows. Here’s a good guide on how to get started with more traditional investing.
Still intrigued by mining or investing in bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies? Here are two guides on what to know before you mine — or buy. | Pile-CC |
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Just a quickie – Hexagon pincushion FO
I had a little bit longer post in mind, but I went to the library book sale at lunch instead. (Yay books for a dollar!) I need to get back to work, but I’m just going to put this here first.
Hexy pincushion! I started out looking at the skinny pincushion tutorial from Green Bee, but I wanted to do something with hexagons. At first I was going to make one that was put together pretty much like the Green Bee with both a top and a bottom piece (but using rectangles of English paper pieced hexagons instead) but then I decided that an itty bitty skinny one would be better, so I just made the one rectangular piece, about 9″ x 3½” I believe, sewed it up leaving an opening, stuffed it, and finally learned how to do ladder stitch to stitch it closed.
My stuffing is a bit uneven — I was afraid to stress the ladder-stitched part too much since I’d never done it before and didn’t trust my seam, but I’d already stuffed the ends within an inch of their lives. But I squished it a bunch and it’s more or less even now. | Pile-CC |
A DOD whistleblower detail an attempt by a covert U. S. team to plant weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The team was later killed by friendly fire due to CIA incompetence.
Pentagon Whistleblower Reveals CIA/ DoD Fiascos
20.06.2003 [08:07]
In a world exclusive, Al Martin Raw. com has published a news story about a Department of Defense whistleblower who has revealed that a US covert operations team had planted "Weapons of Mass Destruction" (WMDs) in Iraq – then "lost" them when the team was killed by so-called "friendly fire."
The Pentagon whistleblower, Nelda Rogers, is a 28-year veteran debriefer for the Defense Department. She has become so concerned for her safety that she decided to tell the story about this latest CIA- military fiasco in Iraq. According to Al Martin Raw. com, "Ms. Rogers is number two in the chain of command within this DoD special intelligence office. This is a ten-person debriefing unit within the central debriefing office for the Department of Defense.
The information that is being leaked out is information "obtained while she was in Germany heading up the debriefing of returning service personnel, involved in intelligence work in Iraq for the Department of Defense and/or the Central Intelligence Agency. "According to Ms. Rogers, there was a covert military operation that took place both preceding and during the hostilities in Iraq," reports Al Martin Raw. com, an online subscriber-based news/analysis service which provides "Political, Economic and Financial Intelligence."
Al Martin is a retired Lt. Commander (US Navy), the author of a memoir called "The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran Contra Insider, " and he is considered one of America's foremost experts on corporate and government fraud. Ms. Rogers reports that this particular covert operation team was manned by ex-military personnel and that "the unit was paid through the Department of Agriculture in order to hide it, which is also very commonplace."
According to Al Martin Raw. com, "the Ag Department has often been used as a paymaster on behalf of the CIA, DIA, and NSA and others." Accordng to the Al Martin Raw. com story, another aspect of Ms. Rogers' report concerns a covert operation which was to locate the assets of Saddam Hussein and his family, including cash, gold bullion, jewelry and assorted valuable antiquities.
The problem became evident when "the operation in Iraq involved 100 people, all of whom apparently are now dead, having succumbed to so-called `friendly fire.' The scope of this operation included the penetration of the Central Bank of Iraq, other large commercial banks in Baghdad, the Iraqi National Museum and certain presidential palaces where monies and bullion were secreted."
"They identified about $2 billion of cash in US dollars, another $150 million in Euros, in physical banknotes, and about another $100 million in sundry foreign currencies ranging from Yen to British Pounds," reports Al Martin.
"These people died, mostly in the same place in Baghdad, supposedly from a stray cruise missile or a combination of missiles and bombs that went astray," Martin continues. "There were supposedly 76 who died there and the other 24 died through a variety of 'friendly fire,' 'mistaken identity,' and some of them – their whereabouts are simply unknown." Ms. Rogers' story sound like an updated 21st Century version of Treasure Island meets Ali Baba and the Bush Cabal Thieves, writes Martin.
"This was a contingent of CIA/ DoD operatives, but it was really the CIA that bungled it, Ms. Rogers said. They were relying on the CIA's ability to organize an effort to seize these assets and to be able to extract these assets because the CIA claimed it had resources on the ground within the Iraqi army and the Iraqi government who had been paid. That turned out to be completely bogus. As usual." "CIA people were supposed to be handling it," Martin continues. "They had a special `black (unmarked) aircraft to fly it out. But none of that happened because the regular US Army showed up, stumbled onto it and everyone involved had to scramble
These new Iraqi "Asset Seizures" go directly to the New US Ruling Junta. The US Viceroy in Iraq Paul Bremer is reportedly drinking Saddam Hussein's $2000 a bottle Napoleon era brandy, smoking his expensive Davidoff cigars and he has even furnished his Baghdad office with Saddam's Napolean era antique furniture
The Iraq Debacle Du Jour has evidently been extensively documented by the DIA debriefing teams with "extensive tape recordings of interviews with the Iraqi returnees, the covert operatives (as well as their affidavits)." Al Martin Raw. com has dubbed this "Operation Skim Iraq." | OpenWebText2 |
Frits Holm
Frits Vilhelm Holm (c. 1881 – May 1930) was a Danish scholar and adventurer. His books usually gave his name as simply Frits Holm or Frits V. Holm, while US newspapers of the time usually (mis)spelled his name as Fritz von Holm, sometimes claiming that he was a member of the European nobility.
Holm is best known for his attempt, in 1907, to "obtain" the famous Nestorian Stele - an ancient Christian monument of Xi'an, in Northwestern China, and sell it to a Western museum. Alerted to his activities (nicknamed by later writers the "Holm-Nestorian expedition to Xi'an"), the local authorities moved the monument from its outdoor location on the western outskirts of the city, and into the Stele Forest museum. In order not to leave China empty-handed, the disappointed Holm had an exact copy of the stele made for him in Xi'an. He had the replica stele taken by cart to the Yellow River, then by small boat down the (not very navigable) Yellow River to the nearest train station at Zhengzhou, and then by train to the major Yangtze River port of Hankou (now in Wuhan).
Instead of London's British Museum, as he supposedly originally intended, Holm had the replica stele shipped to New York, planning to sell it to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The museum's director Caspar Purdon Clarke, however, was less than enthusiastic about purchasing "so large a stone ... of no artistic value". Nonetheless, the replica stele was exhibited in the museum ("on loan" from Mr. Holm) for about 10 years.
Eventually, in 1917, Mr. George Leary, a wealthy New Yorker, purchased the replica stele and sent it to Rome, as a gift to the Pope.
On October 9, 1919, Holm married Marguerite MacDonough Green in New York. She was the only child of the late Warren L. Green, the president of the American Bank Note Company.
Holm died in May 1930 from pneumonia.
. Originally published by: Hutchinson & Co, London, 1924.
Category:Danish explorers
Category:Danish sinologists
Category:History of Xi'an
Category:1880s births
Category:1930 deaths | Wikipedia (en) |
Genotoxic effects of produced waters in mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis).
The aim of this study was to assess the potential genotoxic effects of produced water (PW) from an Italian on-shore oil plant. Produced water is a complex mixture containing residual hydrocarbons, trace elements, naturally occurring radioactive material and potentially toxic treatment chemicals such as biocides, dispersants, detergents and scale inhibitors used in oil production. The test organism, mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis), was divided into male and female groups and exposed for 8 days in the laboratory to 50% concentrations of different produced waters: PW before treatment and after settling treatment. The fish were also exposed to lower concentrations (10%) of the same PW for 30 days. DNA damage was evaluated in erythrocytes by single cell gel electrophoresis (Comet assay) and micronucleus test, while an oxidative stress biomarker, was assessed. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) metabolites in bile were also evaluated. A higher sensitivity in biomarker responses was found in females in comparison to males. An increase in DNA strand breaks was observed in both genders after 30 days exposure and a statistically significant increase of micronucleated cells was found in females after 8 days exposure. A positive correlation between presence of micronucleated cells and PAH metabolites in bile was also observed. | PubMed Abstracts |
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
foo ∷ ∀a. Show a ⇒ a → String
foo = const ()
| Github |
ssh.net check file extension
I used SSH.NET library to connect to sftp server and manage to download file from server. In the server there is lot of file types I only need CSV file to download. How can I check the file extension GetExtension is not working in SSH.NET. Help is highly appreciate.
foreach (var file in files)
if (!file.Name.StartsWith("."))
string remoteFileName = file.Name;
using (Stream fileStream = System.IO.File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(sFilePath, file.Name)))
sftp.DownloadFile(file.FullName, fileStream);
I found a solution I'm posting it here for helping anyone who has the same problem like me.
string fname = file.Name;
string ext = fname.Substring(fname.Length - 4, 4);
if (ext == ".csv")
//code goes here
| StackExchange |
Google Shopping PHP API Last Page ProductList
I am cycling through the Product List pages, I know each page returns several fields and one of them is nextPageToken, the thing is that so far, all pages have this token, I haven't been able to find a way to recognize the last page.
Any idea on how to do it?
the last page is simply the page with no nextPageToken in the body it returns
| StackExchange |
Kindly Share This Story:
The Federal Government on Friday gave an assurance that it would complete the ongoing N537 million Ojutu bridge in Ilobu, Osun.
Mr Babatunde Fashola, the Minister of Works, Power and Housing, said this while assessing the level of work on some ongoing Federal Government projects in the state.
Represented by Mr Adetunji Adeoye, the South-West Director of the ministry, Fashola said that he was impressed with the level of work done at the site.
The minister, who noted that the contract was awarded in April 2017, said that the contractor had been paid N137 million out of the total contract sum.
Fashola also said that government was committed to ensuring that all the ongoing projects in the state and other parts of the country were completed on schedule.
He further said that the infrastructural projects had created jobs for the residents of the state.
Also speaking, Mr Wasiu Atitebi, the Federal Controller of Works in the state, told newsmen that the contract was awarded and to be completed in 12 months.
Atitebi said that the project was already 50 per cent completed, adding that government was not owing the contractor.
Mr Humphrey Eihebholo, the representative of Preconsmith Construction Company handling the project, confirmed that government was not owing the firm.
Eihebholo said people from the town were employed at the project site, adding that it would be delivered by July.
Some of the residents, who spoke with newsmen, commended the Federal Government for embarking on the project.
Mr Kayode Oladimeji, a motorist, said the old bridge connecting the town to Osogbo the state capital, was too narrow and old.
Oladimeji said that with the construction of a new bridge by the Federal Government, there would be easy flow of traffic.
Another motorist, Mr Wasiu Olatunji, said that he was happy with the construction of the bridge.
Olatunji said that the bridge after completion would boost the economy of the community.
Kindly Share This Story: | OpenWebText2 |
Disaster Preparedness and Response for the Burn Mass Casualty Incident in the Twenty-first Century.
The effective and efficient coordination of emergent patient care at the point of injury followed by the systematic resource-based triage of casualties are the most critical factors that influence patient outcomes after mass casualty incidents (MCIs). The effectiveness and appropriateness of implemented actions are largely determined by the extent and efficacy of the planning and preparation that occur before the MCI. The goal of this work was to define the essential efforts related to planning, preparation, and execution of acute and subacute medical care for disaster burn casualties. This type of MCI is frequently referred to as a burn MCI." | PubMed Abstracts |
Exclude some classes from Proguard's keep rules
I have a library that is about to be obfuscated using ProGuard. "Library mode" is almost applicable for my use case, i.e. it is almost fine to keep all public and protected classes and class members.
However due to Java's visibility requirements some members cannot be made package private or private and thus they are public classes although they should not be in the library. I would like to have them obfuscated to make it more clearly that these classes do not belong to the public api, as well as to get better obfuscation and smaller library jars.
Is there a way to exclude some items from a proguard "keep" rule without specifying each of these items by name (using the '!').
Ideally I would like to annotate these classes and members with a tagging annotation, but as far as I understand Proguard can only be told to keep items with certain annotations.
You can only keep items indeed. If you want to exclude certain class members, you have to do so by listing or annotating the class members that you do want to keep. When specifying a class name, you can provide a list, optionally with "!" to exclude names. When specifying a class member name and type, that is not possible. Still, in both cases, you can use wildcards. If you pick special names for your internal classes, this might work:
-keep public class * {
public protected *** !myInternalField*;
public protected *** !myInternalMethod*(...);
| StackExchange |
1979 Liberian Premier League
Statistics of Liberian Premier League in season 1979.
Saint Joseph Warriors won the championship.
Liberia - List of final tables (RSSSF)
Category:Football competitions in Liberia | Wikipedia (en) |
Baker SC, Arlt VM, Indra R, et al. Differentiation‐associated urothelial cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase predicates the xenobiotic‐metabolizing activity of "luminal" muscle‐invasive bladder cancers. Molecular Carcinogenesis. 2018;57: 606--618. <https://doi.org/10.1002/mc.22784> 29323757
: adult bovine serum
: aryl‐hydrocarbon receptor
: benzo\[a\]pyrene
: cytochrome P450
: dimethyl sulfoxide
: ethoxyresorufin O‐deethylation
: 2‐(1′H‐indole‐3′‐carbonyl)‐thiazole‐4‐carboxylic acid methyl ester
: Keratinocyte Serum‐Free Medium complete
: muscle invasive bladder cancer
: normal human urothelial (NHU) cells
: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
: NADPH:P450 oxidoreductase
: Reverse Transcribed‐quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction
: single nucleotide polymorphism
: tissue micro‐array
: 2,3′,4,5′‐tetramethoxystilbene
1. INTRODUCTION {#mc22784-sec-0002}
The epithelial lining of the bladder and associated urinary tract, the urothelium, functions as a barrier to prevent reabsorption of the concentrated waste products of metabolism. The mechanisms used by the urothelium to survive a lifetime of toxin and toxicant exposure remain underexplored, although preliminary evidence of cytochrome P450 (CYP) transcript/activity supports a potentially important role in the urinary tract (reviewed in Ref. [1](#mc22784-bib-0001){ref-type="ref"}).
The aryl‐hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) is a transcription factor expressed constitutively by many epithelial tissues. In epidermal keratinocytes, AHR‐mediated transcription has been implicated in differentiation,[2](#mc22784-bib-0002){ref-type="ref"} although AHR is better known for regulating expression of a battery of *CYP* genes (including *CYP1A1*, *CYP1A2*, and *CYP1B1*) as part of Phase I metabolism in the detoxification of xenobiotics. CYP1‐mediated metabolism is particularly important for aromatic amines, which include the bladder pro‐carcinogens 2‐naphthylamine and 4‐aminobiphenyl, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), including benzo\[*a*\]pyrene (BaP; reviewed in Ref. [3](#mc22784-bib-0003){ref-type="ref"}). Phase I metabolism of xenobiotics by CYPs is often the first step in detoxification as it supports the Phase II conjugation reactions. However, Phase I metabolites are frequently reactive and studies have shown CYP1 enzyme function to be activating in the case of PAH pro‐carcinogens.[4](#mc22784-bib-0004){ref-type="ref"} *CYP1A1*, *CYP1B1*, and the AHR nuclear translocator (*ARNT*) have been identified as potential risk factors for human bladder cancer through association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with the disease,[5](#mc22784-bib-0005){ref-type="ref"}, [6](#mc22784-bib-0006){ref-type="ref"} but a robust case is lacking and it remains unclear whether the SNPs affect production of genotoxicants solely in the liver, or whether extra‐hepatic metabolism is involved.
Bladder cancer has a high prevalence of somatic mutations, a trait shared with cancers where chronic mutagen exposure plays a causal role (such as lung cancer and melanoma).[7](#mc22784-bib-0007){ref-type="ref"} Smoking is the main risk factor for bladder cancer with a hazard ratio of 2.33 for former smokers and 4.27 for current smokers.[8](#mc22784-bib-0008){ref-type="ref"} Following PAH exposure, incomplete hepatic metabolism leads to the excretion of bladder pro‐carcinogens in the urine[9](#mc22784-bib-0009){ref-type="ref"} where urothelial CYP‐activity could lead to DNA adduct formation and ultimately mutation. BaP is the major PAH in cigarette smoke and the bladder tissue of current smokers contains bulky DNA adducts.[10](#mc22784-bib-0010){ref-type="ref"}
Acting in combination with microsomal epoxide hydrolase (EPHX1), the bioactivation of BaP to species capable of forming DNA adducts is performed most efficiently by CYP1A1 and CYP1B1.[11](#mc22784-bib-0011){ref-type="ref"} Studies of *Cyp1*‐knockout mice suggest Cyp1a1 is essential for detoxification of BaP in the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract, but the bladder remains unstudied (reviewed in Ref. [12](#mc22784-bib-0012){ref-type="ref"}). CYP activity is driven by electron donation from the NADPH:CYP oxidoreductase (POR) and abundance of POR determines metabolic capacity in the CYP system.[13](#mc22784-bib-0013){ref-type="ref"}, [14](#mc22784-bib-0014){ref-type="ref"} POR is one member of the diflavin oxidoreductase family (nitric oxide synthase is the other) and is not specifically a reductase for the CYPs but can donate electrons to heme oxygenase among other enzymes (reviewed in Ref. [15](#mc22784-bib-0015){ref-type="ref"}). POR expression in normal and neoplastic urothelium of humans remains unquantified, although a SNP was recently associated with increased bladder cancer risk.[16](#mc22784-bib-0016){ref-type="ref"}
Since the first report of CYP1 activity in rabbit bladders in 1985,[17](#mc22784-bib-0017){ref-type="ref"} there has only been fragmented study of AHR‐mediated metabolism in the urinary tract. Studies of non‐transformed cells have used either normal porcine urothelial cells (which demonstrate no ethoxyresorufin O‐deethylation (EROD), a measure for CYP1 enzyme activity)[18](#mc22784-bib-0018){ref-type="ref"} or human cells cultured from urinary sediments (which most likely originate from the kidney),[19](#mc22784-bib-0019){ref-type="ref"} limiting their relevance to human urothelium. It is therefore timely to establish whether CYP1 enzymes function in human urothelium and whether there is sufficient capacity to activate potential bladder carcinogens.
Normal (non‐neoplastic) human urothelium is not available in the quantities required to generate microsomes for the study of enzyme activity. The aim of this study was to establish the potential of bladder CYP1 metabolism; using in vitro cell culture models representing normal and neoplastic human urothelium in undifferentiated and differentiated states (reviewed in Ref. [20](#mc22784-bib-0020){ref-type="ref"}). Immunohistology was used to relate in vitro findings to the biology of human bladder tissue and muscle‐invasive bladder cancers (MIBC).
2. METHODS {#mc22784-sec-0003}
2.1. Tissues and cells {#mc22784-sec-0004}
All tissues were collected with appropriate Research Ethics Committee approvals and patient consents as required. In the UK, tissues were collected under the following NHS REC‐approved projects (Leeds East REC projects 99/095, 02/208, 00/22; York REC project 99/04/003, Newcastle & North Tyneside 1 REC 13/NE/0081). In Germany, tissue use was approved by the local research ethics committee of the University of Regensburg (IRB Number: 08/108) and materials (tissue sections) were transferred to York under a Materials Transfer Agreement.
Finite (non‐transformed) normal human urothelial (NHU) cell lines were established from surgical specimens (most commonly discarded ureteric tissues from renal cell carcinoma or transplant), as previously detailed.[21](#mc22784-bib-0021){ref-type="ref"} NHU cell lines were propagated as undifferentiated cultures in Keratinocyte Serum‐Free Medium containing recombinant epidermal growth factor and bovine pituitary extract (KSFMc; Invitrogen).[21](#mc22784-bib-0021){ref-type="ref"} For the studies described here, 15 independent cell lines were used between passages one and five. In the figures, each independent donor NHU cell line used has been given a unique symbol consistent between every panel (including supplementary).
Differentiation of in vitro‐propagated NHU cell cultures into barrier‐forming stratified urothelial cell sheets was performed as described in detail elsewhere.[22](#mc22784-bib-0022){ref-type="ref"} Briefly, NHU cells propagated in KSFMc were preconditioned for 5 days in 5% adult bovine serum (ABS) before harvesting and reseeding in same. After 24 h, the exogenous calcium concentration was increased to near‐physiological (2 mM) and cultures were maintained for 7 days before performing assays.
The endogenous natural ligand 2‐(1′H‐indole‐3′‐carbonyl)‐thiazole‐4‐carboxylic acid methyl ester (ITE; Tocris) was used to activate AHR in cell cultures at a concentration of 1 μM. NHU cell cultures were exposed to BaP (CAS no. 50‐32‐8; purity ≥96%; Sigma) at a concentration of 2 μM for 6 h. CYP1‐activity and BaP metabolism were inhibited by 2,3′,4,5′‐tetramethoxystilbene (TMS; Enzo Life Sciences) at 0.5--12 μM. Both compounds used DMSO as a vehicle and all controls contained a matched concentration of DMSO (not greater than 0.1% v/v).
For bladder cancer cell organ cultures,[23](#mc22784-bib-0023){ref-type="ref"} stromal tissue remaining after de‐epithelialization[21](#mc22784-bib-0021){ref-type="ref"} was dissected into 0.5 cm^2^ pieces and placed on Falcon membrane inserts (3 μm pore, Corning) for culture. RT4 (ECACC 91091914, sourced in 2000), RT112 (ECACC RT112/84 85061106, sourced in 2000) T24 (ATCC HTB‐4, sourced in 1999), and SCaBER (ATCC HTB‐3, sourced in 1999) cells were authenticated by short tandem repeat profiling using the PowerPlex16 System (Promega) in September 2016 and within five passages of use in this study (all cell lines were a perfect match to the ATCC genotype records). Bladder cancer cell lines were seeded onto the basement membrane of de‐epithelialized ureters and cultured at the air:liquid interface in DMEM:RPMI 1640 (50:50, v/v) with 5% fetal bovine serum for 4 weeks. Cancer cell organ cultures were fixed in formalin for 24 h, processed into paraffin wax and sectioned at 5 μm for immunoperoxidase labeling.
A tissue microarray (TMA) was constructed from formalin‐fixed paraffin wax‐embedded MIBC biopsies, exactly as described[24](#mc22784-bib-0024){ref-type="ref"} using tumor biopsies obtained from 61 non‐consecutive patients who underwent radical cystectomy for muscle‐invasive urothelial carcinoma of the urinary bladder in the Department of Urology, Regensburg University Medical Center, between 1998 and 2008. Median patient age was 71 (range: 55‐87) years. Eighty‐one percent of patients were male. Surgical specimens were assessed histopathologically by a single expert uropathologist for grading and staging based on the criteria of the 1973 WHO classification and 2010 TNM system.[25](#mc22784-bib-0025){ref-type="ref"}, [26](#mc22784-bib-0026){ref-type="ref"} Clinical characteristics of the patients are summarized in Supplementary Table S1. 1.5‐mm donor tissue cores were used, and the representativeness of the TMA was confirmed histopathologically by comparing the TMA and the original tissue sections for each tumor. Immunoperoxidase labeling of the MIBC TMAs was performed on 4‐μm sections mounted on poly‐L‐lysine‐coated glass slides and compared to a "normal" control group of bladders (non‐trigone cold‐cut biopsies) with no history of bladder malignancy. These tissues were from patients biopsied for a range of conditions including prostate cancer, stress incontinence, overactive bladder, and cystitis, some of which have been described previously.[27](#mc22784-bib-0027){ref-type="ref"}
2.2. Indirect‐immunofluorescent labeling {#mc22784-sec-0005}
To generate differentiated NHU cell cultures for immunolabeling, NHU cells preconditioned for 5 days in 5% ABS were passaged and seeded onto glass 12‐well slides at 3 × 10^4^ cells/well. After 24 h the calcium concentration was raised to 2 mM and the cultures maintained for 7 days, before treatment with ITE or a vehicle control. After 16 h, slides were fixed in methanol:acetone (1:1) for 30 s, air dried and rabbit anti‐AHR affinity‐purified polyclonal antibody was applied overnight at 4°C (1:500 dilution; Enzo Life Sciences, BML‐SA210). Unbound primary antibody was removed by washing in PBS and secondary antibody (Alexa‐594, Molecular Probes) was applied for 1 h at ambient temperature. Slides were washed in PBS, with 0.1 μg/mL Hoechst 33258 added to the penultimate wash, before mounting in antifade mountant and visualization by epifluorescence on a BX60 microscope (Olympus). Analysis was performed on images collected at a fixed exposure using TissueQuest Software (Tissue Gnostics).
2.3. Western blotting {#mc22784-sec-0006}
Twenty micrograms of whole cell protein lysate was loaded into each gel track for electrotransfer to PVDF membranes with the full method provided in Supplementary Methods. The test antibodies used were anti‐AHR (1:2000, rabbit, Enzo Life Sciences, BML‐SA210), anti‐CYP1A1 (1:4000, rabbit, generous gift from Prof. F. Peter Guengerich, Vanderbilt University), anti‐POR (1:10 000, rabbit "CH60" a kind gift from Prof. Roland Wolf and Dr Colin Henderson, Dundee University).[28](#mc22784-bib-0028){ref-type="ref"} Homogeneous loading and transfer were evaluated using a β‐actin antibody (Sigma, Clone AC15, Mouse, 1:10 000 dilution). Detection of CYP1A1 and GAPDH protein was performed exactly as described.[29](#mc22784-bib-0029){ref-type="ref"} Densitometry was performed in all cases using Image Studio Lite Ver 5.0 software (LI‐COR). Cropped Western blots are shown in the main figures with full blots provided as Supplementary Figures S1 and S2.
2.4. Reverse transcribed‐quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT‐qPCR) {#mc22784-sec-0007}
Method and primers are provided in Supplementary Materials.
2.5. Ethoxyresorufin O‐deethylation (EROD) activity assays {#mc22784-sec-0008}
EROD activity assays, used as a measure for CYP1 enzyme activity, were performed as described in detail elsewhere[30](#mc22784-bib-0030){ref-type="ref"} with minor modifications to convert the assay for black‐walled collagen‐coated glass coverslip‐bottomed 96‐well plates (BD Biosciences). Briefly, NHU/RT4/RT112/T24/SCaBER cells seeded at 6 × 10^4^/well were induced with ITE for predetermined times before washing in HEPES‐buffered saline (HBS; 138 mM NaCl, 5 mM KCl, 0.3 mM KH~2~PO~4~, 4 mM NaHCO~3~, 0.3 mM NaHPO~4~, 1 mM MgCl~2~, 2 mM CaCl~2~, and 10 mM HEPES pH 7.4) and treatment with 5 μM ethoxyresorufin (Cambridge Bioscience) in HBS. CYP1 enzyme activity was specifically inhibited by inclusion of TMS in the ethoxyresorufin/HBS. Plates were incubated for 75 min at 37°C; fluorescence was detected with 544 nm excitation and 590 nm emission filters using a POLARstar optima plate reader (BMG Labetch, housed in the Bioscience Technology Facility at York), and EROD activities were calculated using a (19‐625 nM) resorufin standard curve (*R* ^2^ = 0.996), which was corrected for cellular auto‐fluorescence. Following fluorescence measurement, plates were washed twice in phosphate‐buffered saline (PBS) and cells lysed in RIPA buffer (25 mM Hepes pH 7.4, 125 mM NaCl, 10 mM NaF, 10 mM sodium orthovanadate, 10 mM sodium pyrophosphate, 0.2% (w/v) SDS, 0.5% (w/v) sodium deoxycholate acid, 1% (w/v) Triton X--100, 1 mg/mL aprotinin, 10 mg/mL leupeptin, and 100 mg/mL phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride) for a bicinchoninic acid (BCA) protein assay used for normalization (Fisher).
2.6. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of BaP metabolites {#mc22784-sec-0009}
Culture medium from confluent 10 cm dishes of NHU cells was collected on ice, centrifuged at 4°C for 5 min at 300*g* and stored at −80°C until analysis. Per sample, 1 mL of medium was extracted twice with 1 mL of ethyl acetate. Extracts were evaporated and taken up in 30 μL methanol, of which 20 μL aliquots were injected on HPLC. HPLC analysis was performed using a HPLC Agilent 1100 System (Agilent Technologies) with a SunFireTM C18 reverse phase column (250 × 4.6 mm, 5 μm; Waters). The conditions used for the chromatographic separation of BaP metabolites were as follows: mobile phase (A) 50% acetonitrile in water (v/v), mobile phase and (B) 85% acetonitrile in water (v/v). The separation started with an isocratic elution of 1.4% of mobile phase B. Then a linear gradient to 98.5% of mobile phase B in 34.5 min was followed by isocratic elution for 6 min, a linear gradient from 98.5% to 1.4% of mobile phase B in 3 min, followed by an isocratic elution for 1.5 min. Total run time was 45 min at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. The metabolites were analyzed by fluorescence detection (excitation wavelength 381 nm, emission wavelength 431 nm). The two BaP metabolites analyzed, (±)‐*trans*‐7,8‐dihydroxy‐7,8‐dihydrobenzo\[*a*\]pyrene (BaP‐*t*‐7,8‐dihydrodiol) and (±)‐*r*‐7,*t*‐8,*t*‐9,*c*‐10‐tetrahydroxy‐7,8,9,10‐tetrahydrobenzo\[*a*\]pyrene (BaP‐tetrol‐I‐1), were identified using authentic standards which were synthesized as described.[29](#mc22784-bib-0029){ref-type="ref"}
2.7. ^32^p‐postlabeling of BaP‐DNA adducts {#mc22784-sec-0010}
Following collection of the medium, cultures were washed twice in cold D‐PBS (Gibco), scraped in 1 mL PBS, centrifuged at 800*g* for 5 min at 4°C and dry cell pellets were stored at −80°C until analysis. DNA was isolated from BaP‐treated cells using a standard phenol/chloroform extraction method. BaP‐DNA adduct formation was determined using the nuclease P1 digestion enrichment version of thin‐layer chromatography (TLC) and ^32^P‐postlabeling assay was carried out as described.[31](#mc22784-bib-0031){ref-type="ref"} Briefly, DNA samples (4 µg) were digested with micrococcal nuclease (288 mU; Sigma) and calf spleen phosphodiesterase (1.2 mU; MP Biomedical) and then enriched and labeled. Solvent conditions for the resolution of ^32^P‐labeled adducts on polyethyleneimine‐cellulose TLC were as described.[31](#mc22784-bib-0031){ref-type="ref"} Subsequently, TLC sheets were scanned using a Packard Instant Imager (Dowers Grove, IL) and DNA adducts (RAL, relative adduct labeling) were quantified from the adduct counts per minute (cpm), the specific activity of \[γ‐^32^P\]ATP (HP601PE; Hartmann Analytic) and the amount of DNA (pmol of DNA‐P) used. Results were expressed as DNA adducts per 10^8^ normal nucleotides. An external BPDE‐DNA standard[32](#mc22784-bib-0032){ref-type="ref"} was employed for identification of adducts in experimental samples.
2.8. Immunoperoxidase labeling {#mc22784-sec-0011}
For immunolabeling of POR (1:4000, Mouse Clone F10, Santa Cruz, sc‐25270) and GATA3 (1:800, Rabbit antibody D13C9, Cell Signalling), heat‐mediated antigen retrieval was used (boiling for 10 min in 10 mM citric acid buffer \[pH 6\]); and labeling was performed using the Impress polymer detection kit according to the manufacturer\'s instructions (VectorLabs). All sections were counterstained with Mayer\'s haematoxylin, dehydrated and mounted in DPX (CellPath).
Cytokeratin 5/6 (KRT5/6; 1:50, M7237, Dako) labeling was performed on the Leica Bond 3 platform using Epitope Retrieval Solution 2 (AR9640; Leica Biosystems) for 30 minutes, a primary antibody application of 15 minutes, the Bond Polymer Refine Detection Kit (DS9800; Leica Biosystems) and Bond DAB enhancer (AR9432; Leica Biosystems) for 5 min.
Slides were imaged using an AxioScan.Z1 slide scanner (Zeiss). Labeling intensities were quantified using Histoquest software (v3.5, Tissue Gnostics) whereby regions containing \>90% tumor cells were manually identified. For KRT5/6 quantification, the percentage area of tumor tissue labeled above the threshold intensity (of 50 arbitrary units) was calculated. An automated algorithm identified nuclei and cytoplasm based on the haematoxylin counterstain in order to perform the following analyses. Contaminating lymphocytes were removed from the analysis by gating out cells with a nuclear size smaller than 30 μm^2^. For GATA3 labeling, mean nuclear DAB intensity was quantified and a defined threshold (of labeling intensity 14; arbitrary units) was used to generate a labeling index of percentage positive nuclei within each tumor. For POR labeling, identified nuclei were used to support recognition of the surrounding cell body and cytoplasmic DAB intensity was quantified. The basal/luminal classification of the tumors based on GATA3 and KRT5/6 labeling was performed by reproducing the Logistic regression (LRA) and support vector machine (SVM) cut‐off lines derived previously by Dadhania et al.[33](#mc22784-bib-0033){ref-type="ref"}
2.9. Statistical analysis {#mc22784-sec-0012}
Data were assessed for statistical significance using InStat 3 or Prism 6 software (Graphpad). On all graphs statistical significance is represented as follows; \**P *\< 0.05, \*\**P *\< 0.01, and \*\*\**P *\< 0.001.
3. RESULTS {#mc22784-sec-0013}
3.1. AHR in urothelial differentiation {#mc22784-sec-0014}
AHR protein was detected in similar abundance in both undifferentiated and differentiated NHU cell cultures (Figure [1](#mc22784-fig-0001){ref-type="fig"}A). AHR protein was observed to be widely distributed throughout the cell in differentiated NHU cells treated with a vehicle control; however, following exposure to 1 μM ITE for 16 h, AHR was significantly more abundant in the nucleus (Figures [1](#mc22784-fig-0001){ref-type="fig"}B and [1](#mc22784-fig-0001){ref-type="fig"}C).
AHR expression in epidermis has been attributed to a role in differentiation.[2](#mc22784-bib-0002){ref-type="ref"} *Ahr*‐knockout mice showed no perturbation of urothelial morphology or in the expression or distribution of proteins involved in urinary barrier function (including Claudin 5 and Uroplakin 3a, Supplementary Figure S3 and Supplementary Methods). Furthermore, trans‐epithelial electrical resistance monitored as a measure of barrier‐function in differentiated NHU cell cultures showed no significant change in response to ITE exposure throughout differentiation (mean resistance of 5007 vs 4978 Ω . cm^2^ for vehicle control and 1 μM ITE treatment, respectively; Student\'s *t*‐test *P* = 0.96, *n* = 6 cultures; Supplementary Figure S1 and Supplementary Methods).
3.2. Induction of CYP1A1 and CYP1B1 transcripts by AHR {#mc22784-sec-0015}
The effect of the endogenous AHR ligand "ITE" on *CYP1* gene expression was studied in NHU cell lines from six independent donors. Significant (*P* ≤ 0.001) induction of *CYP1A1* and *CYP1B1* transcripts was observed in response to ITE in both undifferentiated (30 and 49‐fold, respectively) and differentiated (23 and 19‐fold, respectively) cultures compared to their respective vehicle controls (Figure [1](#mc22784-fig-0001){ref-type="fig"}D). Differentiated NHU cells showed preferential upregulation of *CYP1A1* transcript, while undifferentiated cells induced *CYP1B1* to a greater extent (Supplementary Figure S4). Differentiation of NHU cells itself induced a smaller increase in *CYP1A1* and *CYP1B1* transcript expression (4.1 and 1.5‐fold, respectively; Figure [1](#mc22784-fig-0001){ref-type="fig"}D). No expression of *CYP1A2* transcript was detected in NHU cells (data not shown).
3.3. Induction of EROD activity in NHU cells by AHR {#mc22784-sec-0016}
Basal EROD activity was barely detectable in NHU cells and was not inducible in undifferentiated NHU cells (Figure [2](#mc22784-fig-0002){ref-type="fig"}). EROD activity was rapidly induced in differentiated NHU cells by 1 μM ITE, with effects apparent by 8 h and a peak of activity at 16 h (mean 55‐fold increase, Figure [2](#mc22784-fig-0002){ref-type="fig"}). After 16 h (without replenishment of ITE), EROD activity in differentiated NHU cells began returning to baseline (Figure [2](#mc22784-fig-0002){ref-type="fig"}).
3.4. Inhibition of EROD activity by TMS {#mc22784-sec-0017}
EROD can be performed by all CYP1 family members with varying degrees of efficiency.[34](#mc22784-bib-0034){ref-type="ref"} As no *CYP1A2* transcript expression was observed in the urothelium, this enzyme was ruled out. Following a 16 h treatment with 1 μM ITE, induced CYP1 enzyme activity was inhibited by TMS in differentiated NHU cells from three donors with a mean IC~50~ of 6.9 μM (Figure [3](#mc22784-fig-0003){ref-type="fig"}A). To further characterize the inhibition of EROD‐activity by TMS, a Ki was derived from differentiated NHU cells following a 16 h treatment with 1 μM ITE. A Michaelis fit Lineweaver‐Burk plot demonstrated a mixed‐type inhibition where TMS had greater affinity for the free enzyme(s) than for the enzyme/substrate complex (Figure [3](#mc22784-fig-0003){ref-type="fig"}B). The mean estimated Ki for TMS against differentiated NHU cell CYP1 enzymes was 0.39 μM (±0.07) using quadratic analysis or 0.26 μM by identifying the X axis intersect of the Km/Vmax trendline (Figure [3](#mc22784-fig-0003){ref-type="fig"}C).
3.5. CYP1A1 and POR Western blotting before and after BaP exposure {#mc22784-sec-0018}
NHU cells from three independent donors were lysed for whole‐cell Western blots to determine CYP1A1 and POR expression. Induction of CYP1A1 protein by 16 h pre‐treatment ±1 μM ITE confirmed RT‐qPCR data suggesting expression was low for control cells and significantly induced by ITE in both undifferentiated and differentiated states, but to a significantly greater extent in differentiated NHU cell cultures (Figure [4](#mc22784-fig-0004){ref-type="fig"}).
RT‐qPCR showed BaP exposure did not induce *CYP1* transcripts in undifferentiated NHU cells but did significantly in differentiated cultures (Supplementary Figure S5A). This result was confirmed for CYP1A1 at the protein level, where BaP exposure did not induce CYP1A1 expression in undifferentiated NHU cells, but did significantly in the differentiated cultures (Figure [4](#mc22784-fig-0004){ref-type="fig"}). No specific antibody could be found to support CYP1B1 detection.
Western blotting for POR established that abundance was not affected by ITE, TMS, or BaP exposure; but was elevated by differentiation of NHU cells (mean 2.1‐fold; Figure [4](#mc22784-fig-0004){ref-type="fig"}). RT‐qPCR of *POR* transcript confirmed differentiation of NHU cells from three donors increased *POR* transcript expression on average by 2.9‐fold; however, 1 μM ITE treatment had no significant effect on *POR* mRNA expression (Supplementary Figure S5B).
3.6. BaP metabolism {#mc22784-sec-0019}
Cell lines established from three independent donors were monitored before (EROD, Figure [5](#mc22784-fig-0005){ref-type="fig"}A) and after BaP treatment (HPLC and ^32^P‐postlabeling, Figure [5](#mc22784-fig-0005){ref-type="fig"}B‐D). Monitoring EROD‐activity prior to BaP exposure confirmed significant induction of CYP1‐function in all three independent cell lines (mean 42‐fold) and showed that TMS provided significant inhibition of enzyme function in differentiated NHU cells (mean 14% of ITE‐induced activity, Figure [5](#mc22784-fig-0005){ref-type="fig"}A).
To establish whether urothelial CYP1 was capable of activating the known carcinogen BaP, cultures were exposed for 6 h and metabolites were measured in the culture medium by HPLC (Supplementary Figure S6). First, CYP1A1 oxidizes BaP to an epoxide (ie, BaP‐7,8‐epoxide), which is then converted to BaP‐7,8‐dihydrodiol by EPHX1. Further bioactivation by CYP1A1 leads to the reactive species, BaP‐7,8‐dihydrodiol‐9,10‐epoxide (BPDE) and BaP‐tetrol‐I‐1 is formed by spontaneous hydrolysis of BPDE. Peaks, referenced to standards, were observed and quantified for BaP‐7,8‐dihydrodiol (Figure [5](#mc22784-fig-0005){ref-type="fig"}B) and BaP‐tetrol‐I‐1 (Figure [5](#mc22784-fig-0005){ref-type="fig"}C). The formation of BaP metabolites mirrored the trends observed for EROD‐activity (Figure [5](#mc22784-fig-0005){ref-type="fig"}A); with metabolism greatest in differentiated NHU cell cultures, inducible by pre‐treatment with ITE (2.7 and 4.1‐fold for dihydrodiol and tetrol, respectively) and inhibited by TMS (to 46% and 35% for dihydrodiol and tetrol, respectively; Figures [5](#mc22784-fig-0005){ref-type="fig"}B and [5](#mc22784-fig-0005){ref-type="fig"}C).
The presence of BaP‐tetrol‐I‐1 in the medium of NHU cell cultures (Figure [5](#mc22784-fig-0005){ref-type="fig"}C) suggested that BPDE might also be forming the pre‐mutagenic DNA adducts (ie, 10‐(deoxyguanosin‐*N* ^2^‐yl)--7,8,9‐trihydroxy‐7,8,9,10‐tetrahydrobenzo\[*a*\]pyrene; "dG‐*N* ^2^‐BPDE" that have previously been observed in vitro and in vivo.[14](#mc22784-bib-0014){ref-type="ref"} Indeed the formation of dG‐*N* ^2^‐BPDE adducts was confirmed by ^32^P‐postlabeling (Supplementary Figure S7). No DNA adducts were detected in control (untreated) samples. Pre‐treatment of differentiated NHU cells with 1 μM ITE significantly increased BaP‐DNA adduct levels compared to controls (3.7‐fold) and 12 μM TMS significantly reduced this (to 21% of induced levels; Figure [5](#mc22784-fig-0005){ref-type="fig"}D). While the changes were not statistically significant, dG‐*N* ^2^‐BPDE adducts were formed in undifferentiated NHU cell cultures and adduct levels were both increased by ITE pre‐treatment and inhibited by TMS (Figure [5](#mc22784-fig-0005){ref-type="fig"}D). The correlation between EROD‐activity and BaP‐DNA adduct levels in the same three cell lines had an *R* ^2^ = 0.757 (Supplementary Figure S8).
3.7. Xenobiotic metabolism in bladder cancer {#mc22784-sec-0020}
Immunoperoxidase labeling of MIBC showed significant (*P *\< 0.05) reduction in mean POR expression when compared to normal non‐neoplastic bladder urothelium (Figure [6](#mc22784-fig-0006){ref-type="fig"} A). A sub‐group of MIBC (11.9% of tumors) was noted to over‐express POR, as compared to the normal bladders (open circles in Figure [6](#mc22784-fig-0006){ref-type="fig"}A). Both *CYP1A1* and *POR* transcript expression was significantly higher in luminal MIBC as compared with basal MIBC in The Cancer Genome Atlas cohort (Supplementary Figure S9). MIBCs were stratified into luminal and basal subgroups based on the GATA3 and cytokeratin 5/6 (KRT5/6) histology classifier first described by Dadhania et al[33](#mc22784-bib-0033){ref-type="ref"} that separates the two subtypes with 91% accuracy. The basal group had significantly less POR expression (*P *\< 0.05, Mann‐Whitney Test) and the luminal group contained all the POR over‐expressing tumors identified previously (16.6% of luminal tumors; Figures [6](#mc22784-fig-0006){ref-type="fig"}B and [6](#mc22784-fig-0006){ref-type="fig"}C). The basal (Supplementary Figure S10) POR^lo^ bladder cancer cell lines T24 and SCaBER were used as in vitro models of POR suppression in MIBC (Figures [6](#mc22784-fig-0006){ref-type="fig"}A and [6](#mc22784-fig-0006){ref-type="fig"}C) and showed no/low inducible CYP1 enzyme activity, respectively (Figure [6](#mc22784-fig-0006){ref-type="fig"}D) despite *CYP1A1* and *CYP1B1* transcripts being ITE‐inducible (Supplementary Figure S11). As a model of the POR over‐expressing tumors (Figures [6](#mc22784-fig-0006){ref-type="fig"}A and [6](#mc22784-fig-0006){ref-type="fig"}C), the well‐differentiated/luminal (Supplementary Figure S10) RT4 and RT112 bladder cancer cell lines showed 1 μM ITE‐inducible EROD‐activity (Figure [6](#mc22784-fig-0006){ref-type="fig"}D). Mean peak EROD activity at 16 h was 60.0, 89.3, and 83.3 nM resorufin/min/mg for differentiated NHU, RT4 and RT112 cells, respectively (Figure [6](#mc22784-fig-0006){ref-type="fig"}D).
{ref-type="ref"}, reproducing the logistic regression analysis (LRA) and support vector machine (SVM) cut‐off lines derived in that study. All POR over‐expressing tumors (red circles) were classified as the more differentiated luminal type of MIBC. (C) Micrographs illustrating the POR immunoperoxidase labeling of normal bladder, MIBC, and cancer cell line (RT4, RT112, T24, and SCaBER) organ culture samples described in panel A. Scale bar represents 50 μm and applies to all images. (D) T24 and SCaBER cells generated peak EROD‐activity of 1.6 and 19.5 nM resorufin/min/mg, respectively following ITE exposure. By contrast, 1 μM ITE‐induced a peak EROD‐activity of 89.3 and 83.1 nM resorufin/min/mg in the POR over‐expressing RT4 and RT112 cell lines, respectively. RT4 and RT112 EROD was significantly higher than the mean of 60.0 nM resorufin/min/mg observed for differentiated NHU cells (*n* = 8 donors; each data point is the mean of six replicate cultures per donor)](MC-57-606-g006){#mc22784-fig-0006}
4. DISCUSSION {#mc22784-sec-0021}
This study provides experimental and clinical evidence that CYP‐activity by normal urothelium is reliant on the differentiation‐dependent expression of POR, thereby defining the CYP‐capacity of different neoplastic programmes. POR abundance has been shown to influence CYP2B6‐mediated bioactivation of cyclophosphamide in patients[13](#mc22784-bib-0013){ref-type="ref"} and total CYP‐mediated metabolism in mice,[14](#mc22784-bib-0014){ref-type="ref"} and combined with this study suggests POR can be used as a biomarker of total CYP‐capacity in tissues. MIBC showed an overall suppression of POR; this was exemplified by the basal‐type T24 and SCaBER cell lines, which showed no EROD‐activity even though *CYP1* transcripts were inducible (Supplementary Figure S11), suggesting an overall loss of functional CYP‐activity in basal MIBC. By contrast, a subset of MIBC was identified that over‐expressed POR relative to normal bladder urothelium. In our series, this subgroup defined 16.6% of the luminal tumors. Using RT4 and RT112 cells as representative luminal POR over‐expressing bladder cancer cell lines, it was confirmed that these cells showed greater induced peak metabolic activity than achieved by differentiated NHU cells. These observations are important in associating functional, drug‐metabolizing activity to histologically‐defined tumor sub‐groups. Several CYP1‐activated therapies are in development to target epithelial tumors[35](#mc22784-bib-0035){ref-type="ref"}, [36](#mc22784-bib-0036){ref-type="ref"}, [37](#mc22784-bib-0037){ref-type="ref"} and POR is thought to be critical to the activation of some hypoxia‐activated prodrugs,[38](#mc22784-bib-0038){ref-type="ref"} offering potential for future trials targeting the POR^hi^ group of MIBC patients we report here.
The evidence presented here for CYP1A1 function in human urothelium and its role in BaP metabolism builds on earlier work showing BaP metabolism by organ cultures of human bladder tissue.[39](#mc22784-bib-0039){ref-type="ref"}, [40](#mc22784-bib-0040){ref-type="ref"} These earlier studies demonstrated that the tissue had capacity to metabolize BaP, but without confirming the cell type responsible due to the heterogeneous nature of the cell types present. In particular, it was noted that the bladder was the most active BaP metabolizer of all the human explant tissues tested at that point.[40](#mc22784-bib-0040){ref-type="ref"}
Our study has shown *CYP1A1* and *CYP1B1* transcript expression by human urothelium and confirmed CYP1A1 protein, although no suitable antibody could be found for CYP1B1. Studies of purified enzymes show that CYP1A1 is more efficient at EROD (12‐fold) and BaP hydroxylation (2‐7‐fold) than CYP1B1.[34](#mc22784-bib-0034){ref-type="ref"}, [41](#mc22784-bib-0041){ref-type="ref"} Based on the greater induction of transcript in NHU cells and the greater efficiency of CYP1A1 to perform the reactions studied here, we believe that CYP1A1 is the critical enzyme in urothelial activation of BaP.
The potential for activation of pro‐carcinogens by human urothelium observed in this study provides a local mechanism for SNPs previously linked to bladder cancer (*CYP1A1*, *CYP1B1*, and *ARNT* [5](#mc22784-bib-0005){ref-type="ref"}, [6](#mc22784-bib-0006){ref-type="ref"} and, more recently, *POR*).[16](#mc22784-bib-0016){ref-type="ref"} Despite strong evidence for the association of smoking and occupational BaP exposure with bladder cancer and the support in this study for urothelial activation of PAHs, the smoking‐associated mutational signature seen in lung cancer has not been observed in bladder cancer.[7](#mc22784-bib-0007){ref-type="ref"}, [42](#mc22784-bib-0042){ref-type="ref"} This may be due to the tissue‐specific nature of extra‐hepatic CYP activity (reviewed in Ref. [1](#mc22784-bib-0001){ref-type="ref"}) and the role of other CYPs that might metabolize BaP[11](#mc22784-bib-0011){ref-type="ref"} in human urothelium. This conclusion is supported by the efficacy of TMS inhibition which reduced EROD activity to 14%, BaP‐7,8‐dihydrodiol formation only to 46%, BaP‐tetrol formation to 35%, and BaP‐DNA adduct formation to 21% relative to ITE‐induced cells; suggesting that other enzymes not inhibited by TMS may play a role in BaP metabolism by the urothelium.
Natural AHR ligands, such as the tryptophan metabolites indigo and indirubin (which are structurally similar to ITE), have been detected in urine from healthy patients[43](#mc22784-bib-0043){ref-type="ref"} making them potential drivers of urothelial CYP1 activity. It is therefore theoretically possible that the coincidence of endogenous AHR ligands with urinary pro‐carcinogens in the bladder might contribute to accelerated carcinogenesis in some patients
No evidence was found to support a role for AHR in urothelial cytodifferentiation, which is known to be primarily driven by peroxisome proliferator‐activated receptor γ (PPARγ).[44](#mc22784-bib-0044){ref-type="ref"} By contrast, adipocyte differentiation is also mediated by PPARγ and during that process AHR expression is lost[45](#mc22784-bib-0045){ref-type="ref"} suggesting a functional maintenance of AHR by differentiated urothelium.
To what extent urothelial (rather than hepatic) metabolism generates the mutagens that drive cancer initiation remains to be established in future studies. However, the temptation to resort to in vivo studies is flawed by the poor homology between human CYP1A1 protein and the rat/mouse/pig orthologs in the BaP interacting region (80.6%, 80.9%, and 82.5%, respectively; Supplementary Figure S12). In particular, Asn‐222 of *CYP1A1* has evolved as a negatively charged aspartic acid in rats, mice, and pigs. Asn‐222 lies centrally in the five‐residue disruption of helix F that is unique to CYP1A1 and appears to modulate substrate movement, binding, and orientation.[46](#mc22784-bib-0046){ref-type="ref"} In addition, Asn‐222 is thought to be within 5Å of BaP when bound by CYP1A1 and involved in an extensive hydrogen bonding network that stabilizes the binding pocket.[46](#mc22784-bib-0046){ref-type="ref"} Taken together with the differences in rodent urinary tract physiology, with short duration of urinary storage, differences in urothelial cell cycle regulation and a low threshold for cancer initiation,[47](#mc22784-bib-0047){ref-type="ref"} this limits the validity of extrapolating rodent in vivo studies to humans. In this study, a more direct human line of evidence was pursued from 2D cultures of normal and malignant urothelium, via organoids to primary MIBC, offering an alternative route to the in vitro‐in vivo paradigm.
5. CONCLUSION {#mc22784-sec-0022}
It has been thought for decades that the metabolism of pro‐carcinogens occurred in the liver and that bladder cancer was caused by the hydrolysis of conjugated metabolites in the urine or by enzymatic deconjugation in the urothelium. This study demonstrates the capacity of functionally‐differentiated normal human urothelium to activate the pro‐carcinogen BaP locally to active intermediates capable of forming DNA adducts (ie, dG‐*N* ^2^‐BPDE). The relative contributions of hepatic and urothelial metabolism to carcinogen activation should be re‐evaluated to better understand their relative roles in bladder cancer initiation. Furthermore, the association between differentiation and xenobiotic metabolism is maintained in a sub‐group of POR‐overexpressing luminal MIBC of predicted high metabolic potential, suggesting these patients as candidates for prodrug therapies.
AUTHORS\' CONTRIBUTION {#mc22784-sec-0024}
SB, VA, PR, DP, and JS were involved in the conception and design of the study. SB, VA, RI, WO, and MJ acquired the data. All authors were involved in drafting and approving the final manuscript.
Supporting information
Additional Supporting Information may be found online in the supporting information tab for this article.
**Figure S1**. Full western blots for Figure 4A&B.
**Figure S2**. Full western blots for Figure 4A&C.
**Figure S3**. Representative images of immunoperoxidase labelling for AHR and the urothelial barrier proteins, claudin 5 and uroplakin 3a.
**Figure S4**. Differential regulation of *CYP1A1* and *CYP1B1* transcripts by AHR stimulation of NHU cells in different states.
**Figure S5**. (A) RT‐qPCR demonstrated that 6 h 2 μM BaP exposure did not induce CYP1A1 or CYP1B1 transcripts in undifferentiated NHU cells but did significantly in differentiated cultures (p\<0.01 and p\<0.05 for CYP1A1 and CYP1B1, respectively; ANOVA with Tukey‐Kramer post‐tests).
**Figure S6**. Representative HPLC chromatograms of the BaP metabolites observed in medium samples exposed to NHU cells.
**Figure S7**. Autoradiographic profiles of DNA adducts, measured by ^32^P‐postlabelling, in undifferentiated and differentiated of NHU cells treated with BaP.
**Figure S8**. Linear regression analysis of EROD activity (Figure 5A) and dG‐N2‐BPDE adducts (Figure 5D) showing an R2 of 0.757.
**Figure S9**. CYP1A1 and POR transcript expression quantified from RNA sequencing data of the The Cancer Genome Atlas consortium and separated into basal and luminal subtypes based on the gene classifier reported by Choi et al. (55).
**Figure S10**. Heatmap of "UBC‐40" bladder cancer cell line gene array data (54) for the relative expression of Choi et al. (55) gene classifiers by RT4, RT112, T24 and SCaBER cells.
**Figure S11**. RT‐qPCR demonstrated that 24 h 1 μM ITE exposure induced CYP1A1 and CYP1B1 transcript in both RT4 and T24 cells.
**Figure S12**. Clustal Omega alignment of Ensembl protein sequences for the BaP interacting region of CYP1A1 in human (amino acids 115‐496 \[49\]; ENST00000379727.7), CL57BL6 mouse (ENSMUST00000216433.1), rat (ENSRNOT00000026473.4) and pig (ENSSSCT00000002135.3).
Click here for additional data file.
**Table S1**. Clinical characteristics and histological assessment of MIBC specimens included in the study.
Click here for additional data file.
The authors would like to thank Dr Andrew Leach (University of York) for his help with the EROD assays. The authors would also like to acknowledge the critical support of urology colleagues for providing tissue samples. Research at the University of York was supported by the Wellcome Trust (092430/Z/10/Z and partly C2D2:105624), the Royal Society (JP101086) and the Astellas European Foundation Grant 2010. JS and SCB are funded by York Against Cancer. Work at King\'s College London was supported by Cancer Research UK (Grant C313/A14329), Wellcome Trust (Grants 101126/Z/13/Z and 101126/B/13/Z), Natural Environment Research Council (Grant NE/L006782/1) and in part by the National Institute for Health Research Health Protection Research Unit (NIHR HPRU) in Health Impact of Environmental Hazards at King\'s College London in partnership with Public Health England (PHE). Work of members of Charles University was supported by GACR (Grant 17‐12816S). The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR, the Department of Health or PHE.
| PubMed Central |
The Four Painters: A Video Work Created with Deep Learning - noradaiko
I produced something similar to this shortly after the release of
Basically, you create a video, dump the video's frames with ffmpeg, run each
frame through the RNN, and stitch them back together. It took me several hours
to produce just ten seconds of video. Unfortunately, unless you have a Titan X
GPU the max size of each image is quite small (certainly less than 1080p),
which may be why the frames in this video are split into four quadrants.
Nice result! About 5 years ago, I did the same technique of frame
dump->process->join but with a custom algorithm instead of a NN for the
process stage. A more manual effort to tweak the filter, but it was fun and
came out nice.
I got a new GPU recently and have been doing mostly text RNN these days, but
it's fun to look back on this occasionally:
Something about the current deep learning hype reminds me of fractals and
cellular automata back in the day.
They're all very important and useful scientific advances that can be used to
produce visuals that seem to automatically create something strikingly
natural. This seems to make people kind of overreach about exactly how much of
nature can be represented by this one method alone.
The world is probably not a fractal, the universe is probably not a cellular
automaton, and the mind is probably not a "deep learning system" either (of
the specific type currently implied by the term).
Deep learning shines when there is a lot of data and computation power. A lot
of important problems don't have that much data and there are much better
algorithms right now for those problems [1]. Deep learning is definitely
faddish though it has its uses.
The trouble with neural networks is that they're just good enough to keep us
from continuing to question our assumptions about human intelligence.
A thousand years ago, even Ptolemy's geocentric model was good enough. After
all, it offered an effective means for simulating and predicting planet
movement and solar eclipses. But it was complex. It took men of "great
learning" to understand the solar system according to Ptolemy's model
--something that most current grade schoolers understand intuitively.
In all likelihood, concepts like string theory and neural networks are
comparable traps for us today. This is not a pleasant thought. So we're not
motivated to search for better alternatives until the current model evidences
an insurmountable flaw.
I'm not saying that string theory or the neural network approach is wrong.
Obviously it's not. Just remember that Ptolemy's model wasn't wrong either, at
least with regard to the moon.
> Just remember that Ptolemy's model wasn't wrong either, at least with regard
> to the moon.
Yes, it was, even with regard to the moon. Though, since the Earth-Moon
barycenter is within the Earth, it may have managed to be _tolerably wrong_
with regard to the Earth-Moon system. But, still wrong.
I am making jellyfish, lily pads, whales and flowers via Fractal Flame
software. All expressionistic and/or impressionistic. [samples:
[https://twitter.com/SCAQTony/media](https://twitter.com/SCAQTony/media) ]
However, there is something about digital that degrades the art by allowing it
to be massed produced. One print is equal to another and therefore it almost
becomes trash. Example: Imagine an original Mickey Mouse drawing versus a
rendering of Woody and Buzz from Toy Story?
As a fractal artist myself as well, I've been ranting about this to myself
lately. I've been thinking that the problem is inherent to algorithmic art in
particular; I guess I can actually see some worth in renderings of e.g. Pixar
characters, but maybe that's because I have kids who appreciate them, or
because I've browsed Pixar art books.
What I've noticed is that in order to make fractal art that typical art
gallery-types find worth their time, you have to take on a kind of Simon
Cowell role and inject your own intuition or library of culturally-attuned
sensation memories into the creation phase, turning it into more of an
audition phase. "This one just sucks...this one is OK...this one needs a
little tweak and it'd look great, kind of like a rainy summer day." In order
to make your product useful to other humans, you have to typologize, sometimes
really brutally, and especially moreso since your computer can just keep
pumping this stuff out.
If you go the other way and shun the story, shun the critique, and say
"typology is for the closed-minded," you can end up in scientism, completely
free of such hyperbolic typology but lacking a compelling presentation of a
set of convergences. Lacking a story, lacking any depth with which humans
really identify.
No matter how much machinery goes into computing scientific results, the
results are still somewhere along a normal curve, and unfortunately that's not
super useful to humans. But psychologically we find extreme typologies very
useful. As a group, we'd rather say "ooh, a sports car" or "oh wow, dripping
ice cream!" than "oh, it's a blob that could be any number of things."
At its most vain, the typology-free approach can end up as a sort of
pornography, an obsession with process to the exclusion of context, and to the
deep satisfaction of barely anybody.
That's why I really get frustrated with fractal art or generative art. After a
point I have to put on my designer hat, and I might as well have painted the
thing from scratch anyway. Or I might as well have used the software more like
an artist would use Alchemy, as a sort of imagination cue.
I am going straight to the public - I am also going to diversify (Catwoman
panting in the works). Going to rent a gallery, have a party, get photos of
people staring at a few giant Chromaluxe prints on aluminum and then set up a
site. The art will feature anchoring pricing: 60'x80" limited edition
Chromaluxe prints for $4,000 or a 24x36" lithograph for $35. Hoping I sell
10-posters a month of each. I wish you well.
Hey, I really appreciate you sharing that. Those seem like great ideas to me.
Best of luck to you as you get that into motion!
Would be more interesting to apply this photo transformation given, as an
input, not only the painting the artist produced but also a photograph of the
thing the artist was trying to represent. Otherwise all you are doing is
recreating the artist's visual tools, not the way the artist translates what
they see into the visual palette.
But then, if you tell the algorithm that _The Scream_ is just a painting of a
man on a bridge... you're not going to get a very good result.
Does anyone have any idea the style of painting that he was actually doing?
(In the first one)
It looks like colored paper covered with black pigment, then then black was
scraped away to make the lines.
| HackerNews |
Transient neurologic and ocular manifestations in primary thrombocythemia.
We report the presenting neurologic and visual symptoms in 17 patients with primary thrombocythemia. Poorly localizing symptoms occurred in 14 patients: transient unsteadiness in 13, dysarthria in eight, and scintillating scotomata in four. Nine patients had focal symptoms: transient monocular blindness in two patients, transient mono- or hemiparesis in six, and both of these in one patient. The attacks all had a sudden onset, occurred sequentially rather than simultaneously, lasted for a few seconds to several minutes, and were usually associated with a dull or pulsatile headache. A causal platelet-mediated arterial thrombosis was evident in 15 patients. There were no recurrences of thrombotic or ischemic events during long-term treatment of 12 patients with aspirin and during cytostatic reduction of platelet count to normal in seven patients. We conclude that low-dose aspirin and reduction of platelet count to normal are effective, but coumarin is ineffective, in the treatment and prevention of arterial thrombosis in thrombocythemia. | PubMed Abstracts |
Ducks' Penner hopes return revives his production
Ducks' Penner hopes return revives his productionDustin Penner is back with the Anaheim Ducks, and potentially back on a line with old pals Ryan Getzlaf and Corey Perry in a move that could revitalize his career.
ANAHEIM -- The transition back to Anaheim was seemingly seamless for Dustin Penner.
He already lived in Newport Beach, and he obviously was familiar with the Ducks, from some of the players to the traveling secretary and others in the organization.
There was just one hiccup, though, and it concerned whether Penner will be in charge of the music in the locker room.
"That's the only thing I'm kind of worried about, because I don't want to come in too strong with that, so I'm going to slowly, subconsciously sneak it in," Penner said.
Penner prefers house music, that thumping rave-style beat he personally chose for pregame warmups at Staples Center during his time with the Los Angeles Kings. That won't go over too well with Anaheim captain Ryan Getzlaf, who digs country.
"He knows what I like," joked Getzlaf, who is giving musical control to Penner. "He's got to adjust."
The Ducks would like the reuniting of Penner with Getzlaf and Corey Perry to go the same way: Just let the music play and perhaps the dance partners will remember their steps.
Since Penner left after he hoisted the Stanley Cup with Anaheim in 2007, the Ducks have tried to fill that left-wing spot with Bobby Ryan. While it produced one of the best lines in the NHL at times, the trio didn't nearly play well often enough under former coach Randy Carlyle and even Bruce Boudreau, who sporadically put the three together last season.
But Boudreau declared that Penner will be given a look with Getzlaf and Perry, at least at the start, and it's a big storyline in training camp.
"I don't think that line, for six years, has had that permanent left winger that you'd love to put in there since Dustin went," Boudreau said. "It would be really cool if he could take that position and run with it. But time will tell. If he can't, he can't. But we're going to give him every opportunity to do it."
Penner, Getzlaf and Perry skated together Thursday for the first time since 2007. Fans easily conjured memories of the then up-and-coming trio. Back then, all three were embarking on their NHL careers. Penner scored 29 goals, Getzlaf had 25 and Perry added 17 during the 2006-07 season.
"Unfortunately we can't call ourselves the Kid Line anymore," Penner said. "It was a lot of fun to be out there with those guys again. Déjà vu. I keep noticing things like that over and over again, just from the guys, the atmosphere … even looking at pictures of eight, nine years ago and the guys that were here. It's pretty interesting as you get older to look back and see how far you've come."
All three are big, power forwards who thrive on a stubborn, bullish puck-possession game that doesn't necessarily fill the highlight package.
"If you look at the way we've played the past couple of years, with Bobby, it was a down-low cycle game," Perry said. "I don't know if you saw too many goals off the rush. You might see the odd one, but a lot of them came from going to the net hard and crashing the net. Dustin -- with him on the line, he's going to be doing to be the same thing. It's going to be good. We're going to be fighting over who's going to be in front of the net more."
The dynamic has changed since Penner left. Getzlaf is the captain and he's coming off a bounce-back season in which he reasserted himself as a potential MVP candidate. Perry won the Hart Trophy with a 50-goal season in 2011.
Penner? While he was a clutch postseason performer for the Kings first championship in 2012, his inconsistent career manifested itself with 11 healthy scratches by coach Darryl Sutter last season. Kings general manager Dean Lombardi couldn't justify re-signing Penner over other integral pieces in the summer.
"I think that [Penner] knows that he's – I don't want to say on his last legs – but he's well aware of the fact that things have kind of been going downhill since he left here."
-- Ducks forward Ryan Getzlaf
Anaheim was the most logical fit and the Ducks signed Penner to a low-risk, one-year deal for $2 million on July 16. Getzlaf is a good friend of Penner and stated what most are thinking.
"I think that [Penner] knows that he's – I don't want to say on his last legs – but he's well aware of the fact that things have kind of been going downhill since he left here," Getzlaf said. "I think that him being here and coming back, the people he knows, the familiar territory, he's really looking to rejuvenate his career and add on another five, six years at the end of it here."
Penner maintains confidence that he can get back to the player that scored 32 goals for the Edmonton Oilers. He's a proven Stanley Cup Playoff performer, and he's won almost everywhere he's been in the NHL. It's not a stretch that some of that would rub off on his teammates.
"You hope it does, and hopefully I can use what I've done in the past to help the team as a whole, whether it's a level of confidence –being able to win on different teams," Penner said. "Even my experience in Edmonton – the pressure that I felt as an offer-sheet player."
Penner, listed at 245 pounds, said he did more yoga this offseason to maintain flexibility. He is presumably in a better place mentally as well. At one point during the 2011-12 season Kings teammate Jarret Stoll had Penner live with him while he went through a divorce.
For now there is a honeymoon feel to Penner's return to Anaheim. Upon signing with Anaheim, Penner wanted to reclaim his old No. 17 Ducks jersey.
"My mom led the way on that charge," he said. "She didn't want to change the number on the jersey she had at home."
Can Penner come home again? He doesn't think he's far off from that 32-goal season that seems like numerous doghouse visits and several healthy scratches ago.
"The thought that makes me think that is the same thought that got me to the NHL in the first place: just believing in myself," he said.
He's only 17 but he can see the ice so well and he moves the puck and goes to the open ice all the time, so I just think he's a player that is ready to play in the NHL. I'm really looking forward to coaching someone like this.
— U.S. National Junior Team coach Ron Wilson on Auston Matthews, the projected No. 1 pick of the 2016 NHL Draft | Pile-CC |
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Maria Butina, who has admitted to working as a Russian agent to infiltrate an influential gun rights group and make inroads with U.S. conservative activists and Republicans, will be sentenced on April 26, U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan said on Thursday.
FILE PHOTO: Maria Butina appears in a police booking photograph released by the Alexandria Sheriff's Office in Alexandria, Virginia, U.S. August 18, 2018. Alexandria Sheriff's Office/Handout via REUTERS/File Photo
Butina, a former graduate student at American University who publicly advocated for gun rights, pleaded guilty in December to one count of conspiring to act as a foreign agent for Russia. She has remained in custody since her arrest in July 2018.
The 30-year-old native of Siberia wore a green jail jump suit during the brief hearing in Washington, but said nothing.
Chutkan said during the hearing that sentencing memos from prosecutors and Butina’s defense team will be due a week before the sentencing date. Prosecutors and defense lawyers approached the bench for a discussion with the judge, but the subject of those talks was not made public.
Butina has admitted to conspiring with a Russian official and two Americans from 2015 until her arrest to infiltrate the National Rifle Association and create unofficial lines of communication to try to make Washington’s policy toward Moscow more friendly. The NRA is closely aligned with U.S. conservatives and Republican politicians including President Donald Trump.
Chutkan in February had delayed the sentencing at the request of prosecutors, who said Butina was cooperating in their ongoing investigation. Butina’s attorney, Robert Driscoll, said at the time his client was ready for sentencing.
Russia in December accused the United States of forcing Butina to falsely confess to what it described as the “absolutely ridiculous charges” of her being a Russian agent.
Court records have pointed to the involvement of several others with Butina’s actions including Paul Erickson, a conservative political activist with deep Republican ties who was romantically linked to her. Erickson is referred to as “Person 1” court records, which stated that he helped advise her on which American politicians to target for meetings.
Erickson’s attorney William Hurd declined to comment.
Federal prosecutors in South Dakota have charged Erickson with 11 counts of wire fraud and money laundering unrelated to the case against Butina. Erickson’s indictment appeared to make references to her when it said he made a payment of $8,000 to an “M.B.” in June 2015 and another payment of $1,000 to “M.B.” in March 2017, as well as more than $20,000 to American University in June 2017.
Alexander Torshin, who was a deputy governor of Russia’s central bank, has been identified as the Russian official involved in Butina’s case.
The charges against Butina were not part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s now-concluded investigation into Russia’s role in the 2016 U.S. election. | OpenWebText2 |
Sensitivity index
The sensitivity index or d′ (pronounced 'dee-prime') is a statistic used in signal detection theory. It provides the separation between the means of the signal and the noise distributions, compared against the standard deviation of the signal or noise distribution. For normally distributed signal and noise with mean and standard deviations μS and σS, and μN and σN, respectively, d′ is defined as:
d′ assumes that the standard deviations for signal and noise are equal. d′ can be estimated from the observed hit rate and false-alarm rate, as follows:
d′ = Z(hit rate) − Z(false alarm rate),
where function Z(p), p ∈ [0,1], is the inverse of the cumulative distribution function of the Gaussian distribution.
d′ can be related to the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, or AUC, via
d′ is a dimensionless statistic. A higher d′ indicates that the signal can be more readily detected.
See also
Receiver operating characteristic (ROC)
Summary statistics
Effect size
External links
Interactive signal detection theory tutorial including calculation of d′.
Category:Detection theory
Category:Signal processing
Category:Summary statistics | Wikipedia (en) |
USB Type-C and power delivery 101 – Ports and connections - neverminder
Sow now I have devices of all of these varieties:
\- Mini-USB (stupid bike lights ...)
\- normal Micro-USB (battery packs, smartwatch, flashlight)
\- Qualcomm™ Quick© Charge® 2.0 that heats up and drains its batteries if
plugged into a non-QC charger (phone)
\- Qualcomm™ Quick© Charge® 3.0 that refuses to charge in a QC 2.0 charger but
will charge in a non-QC charger (battery pack)
\- low-voltage USB-C that my high-voltage USB-C adapter refuses to charge
(another phone)
\- high-voltage USB-C that won't accept low voltage USB-C (laptop)
Travelling has officially become a bag full of AC adapters and wire mess
I miss the barrel connectors of the old days. They came in far fewer varieties
than these silly USB connectors. And the USB connectors break if you smack the
cable by accident. The other day I had a USB-C socket that got snapped right
off the PCB because the protruding cable bumped into something. Who designed
these things?! Connectors being torqued off PCBs was nearly unheard-of 15
years ago.
In my opinion some kind of standard is better than no standard. Now is an
unavoidable transitional period and if all goes well within a few years most
of portable devices will charge through USB Type-C by default. I don't agree
with Qualcomm's approach, but it's always like that when some major standard
is emerging - big players will at least try to pull some proprietary crap.
I am an early adopter of USB Type-C charging and I've selected my devices with
that in mind, so for me it works flawlessly. I have a laptop Chromebook Pixel
LS (2015) and a phone Nexus 6P. I can charge the phone with laptop's charger
(it has variable voltage) and vice versa. The only difference obviously is
that laptop charges considerably slower with phone charger, but I can plug it
from either side, which for laptop users is very convenient. When was the last
time you could do that with a barrel connector?
> if all goes well within a few years most of portable devices will charge
> through USB Type-C by default
I feel like I've heard this one before. If history repeats itself in a few
years there will be a new standard that does something better and 30% of
manufacturers will switch to that.
Power delivery is great, but the terrible error in USB Type C has come in
their adoption of the IETF's dictum that one should be liberal in what one
accepts and strict in what one generates.
What this means is that the consumer has no idea if their cable will "work".
If you plug a slow cable between two Type-C devices that support thunderbolt,
data will still flow, perhaps at USB 2 speeds. Power may only trickle through
a cable between a powerful power supply and a laptop that needs it (A good
outcome, in that it reduces fire, but still...). That video device may never
connect even though it's plugged in. Etc
They should have put some shape or color or other coding requirement on the
cable overmoulds and outlets. At least in the old days you could mostly tell
visually and geometrically if you had the right data cable.
SBU1, SBU2... _le sigh_.
Such a disappointment that despite USB-IF continuing to make their specs (and
then some) openly accessible to the public, VESA has placed anything relevant
to modern DisplayPort behind a $10k/annum corporate paywall, then proceeds to
rub salt in the wound by teasing non-members with less than a handful for
purchase[1], e.g. $350 for the latest DSC.
[1] [https://www.vesa.org/store/](https://www.vesa.org/store/)
Can you elaborate on what you mean?
| HackerNews |
DENVER (BUSINESS WIRE), March 11, 2016 – Independent mobile analytics firm RootMetrics® has just released a new RootScore® Report showing Sprint continues to have the fastest network in Denver, with a #1 ranking in network speed and data performance, and a tie for #1 in overall network performance.
This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160311005110/en/
This is Sprint’s second consecutive outright win for network speed in Denver. It is Sprint’s first outright win in data performance – previously Sprint shared the first place data performance award with Verizon.
“We’re proud to have our network once again be ranked as the fastest with the best data performance. We’ll keep investing to further improve performance and we’re committed to giving the Mile High City an exceptional wireless experience. With 50% off the competition, there’s never been a better time to join Sprint.”
Greg Post, President, Mountain Southwest Region
Fastest Network in Denver
This is the tenth time RootMetrics has tested Denver, with the last test occurring in August 2015. RootMetrics drove a total of 1,428 miles and conducted 20,419 tests in Denver. During testing RootMetrics was able to experience Sprint’s carrier aggregation technology on the 2.5GHz spectrum band. This feature of Sprint’s super-fast LTE Plus Network creates a wider lane that allows more network traffic to travel at higher rates, enabling Sprint to provide Denver customers with even faster data speeds.
In addition to deploying some of the most advanced technologies in wireless, Sprint has relentlessly focused on expanding and fine-tuning the network in Denver. Network performance has continued to improve with the addition of new cell sites, increased coverage and capacity, and systematic optimization of each cell site to maximize performance. Sprint is currently upgrading its indoor wireless system at Denver International Airport.
Denver, Switch to Sprint and Save 50%
In addition to offering the fastest network in Denver, consumers switching to Sprint can take advantage of the biggest wireless offer in U.S. history – 50 percent off the price of most Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile rate plans.1 Customers who switch get 50 percent off most current rate plan prices from their current carrier. And, Sprint will pay switching fees up to $650 per line.2
About RootMetrics
RootMetrics, an independent mobile analytics firm that offers insights into the consumer mobile experience, tests the networks of all four major wireless carriers in the U.S. twice per year. The company provides objective, unbiased assessments of performance across a broad range of consumer-oriented mobile activities including data usage, calling, and texting. Network reliability measures a customer’s ability to establish and keep a data connection, make and retain a call, and send and receive texts.
Rankings based on RootMetrics Denver (February 2016) RootScore Report for mobile performance as tested on best available plans and devices on 4 mobile networks across all available network types. The RootMetrics award is not an endorsement of Sprint. Your results may vary. See www.rootmetrics.com for details.
About Sprint
Sprint (NYSE: S) is a communications services company that creates more and better ways to connect its customers to the things they care about most. Sprint served more than 58.4 million connections as of December 31, 2015 and is widely recognized for developing, engineering and deploying innovative technologies, including the first wireless 4G service from a national carrier in the United States; leading no-contract brands including Virgin Mobile USA, Boost Mobile, and Assurance Wireless; instant national and international push-to-talk capabilities; and a global Tier 1 Internet backbone. Sprint has been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) North America for the past five years. You can learn more and visit Sprint at www.sprint.com or www.facebook.com/sprint and www.twitter.com/sprint.
1Discount applies to base monthly service plan and access charges only. Discount does not apply to certain charges such as taxes, surcharges, roaming, premium content, add-ons, and apps. New plan features may not be an exact match. Discount offer limited to regular rates on consumer plans as of 3/31/16 for: Verizon’s shared data rate plans as of 3/31/16 for 1GB, 3GB, 6GB, 12GB, 18GB, 20GB, 25GB, 30GB, 40GB and 50GB; T-Mobile’s Simple Choice rate plan prices as of 3/31/16 for 2GB, 6GB and 10GB; and AT&T’s shared data rate plans as of 3/31/16 for 300MB, 2GB, 5GB, 15GB, 20GB, 25GB, 30GB, 40GB and 50GB. Discount does not include competitor promotional or sale prices. Plans exclude unlimited music and video streaming, data carryover, and cloud options that other carrier plans may offer. Offer/coverage not available everywhere or for discounted phones. Subject to new-line, $36 activation fee, credit, valid port-in. Customer must choose from same porting carrier rate card.
2Requires valid port-in, submission of previous bill, current phone turn in and online registration. Via American Express Reward Card.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160311005110/en/ | OpenWebText2 |
News The Expansion Draft Cometh: Defenders Edition by Alex Schieferdecker on 16 November 2016
This week and the next, we’ll be taking a look at who Minnesota might take in the upcoming MLS Expansion Draft. The Loons will get five selections of players left unprotected by the other twenty teams in the league. Atlanta will also get five selections, and they have the first pick.
To start this series, we’ll be looking into the defensive options. Prior to this series, four 55.1 writers made lists of the players on every team that we’d protect if we were that team. Looking at our selections in aggregate should give a good sense of which players are likely to be available.
Likely Unprotected:
Listed below, in team alphabetical order, are the defenders who were not protected by any of our writers. Bolded players�are on my list of targets:
Michael Harrington (CHI), Eric Gehrig (CHI),�Tyson Wahl (CLB), Corey Ashe (CLB), Joseph Greenspan (COL), Bobby Burling (COL), Dennis Castillo (COL), Kofi Opare (DCU), Chris Korb (DCU), Luke Mishu (DCU), Aubrey David (DCU), Maynor Figueroa (FCD), Jalil Anibaba (HOU), Agus (HOU), Kevin Garcia (HOU), Abdoulie Mansally (HOU), Leonardo (LAG), Daniel Steres (LAG), Amadou Dia (MTL), Donny Toia (MTL), �Kyle Fisher (MTL), Jordan McCrary (NER), Je-Vaughn Watson (NER), Darrius Barnes (NER), Donnie Smith (NER), Ethan White (NYC), Maxime Chanot (NYC), Connor Brandt (NYC), Ronald Zubar (NY), Chris Duvall (NY), Justin Bilyeu (NY), Aur�lien Collin (NY), Karl Ouimette (NY), Kevin Alston (ORL), David Mateos (ORL), Taylor Washington (PHL), Ken Tribbett (PHL), Ray Gaddis (PHL), Jermaine Taylor (POR), Gbenga Arokoyo (POR), Nat Borchers (POR), Amobi Okugo (POR), Taylor Peay (POR), Chris Klute (POR), Demar Phillips (RSL), Chris Schuler (RSL), Jordan Stewart (SJ), Andr�s Imperiale (SJ), Dylan Remick (SEA), Tony Alfaro (SEA), Oniel Fisher (SEA), Jimmy Ockford (SEA), Damion Lowe (SEA), Chance Myers (SKC), Ever Alvarado (SKC), Nick Hagglund (TFC), Diego Martinez (NYC), Eriq Zavaleta (TFC), Josh Williams (TFC), Mark Bloom (TFC), Cole Seiler (VAN), David Edgar (VAN), Marcel De Jong (VAN), Brett Levis (VAN)
Listed below, in team alphabetical order, are the defenders who were protected by�not all of our writers. Bolded players�are on my list of targets:
Waylon Francis (CLB), Nicolai N�ss (CLB), Gaston Sauro (CLB),�Marc Burch (COL), Sean St. Ledger (COL), Sean Franklin (DC), Zach Loyd (FCD), DeMarcus Beasley (HOU), David Horst (HOU), Sheanon Williams (HOU), Ashley Cole (LAG), Dave Romney (LAG), Hassoun Camara (MTL), Victor Cabrera (MTL), Jason Hernandez (NYC), R. J. Allen (NYC), Andoni Iraola (NYC), Connor Lade (NY), Kemar Lawrence (NY), Luke Boden (ORL), Brek Shea (ORL), Vytautas Andriu�kevi?ius (POR), Steven Taylor (POR), J�mison Olave (RSL), Aaron Maund (RSL), V�ctor Bern�rdez (SJ), Clarence Goodson (SJ), Tyrone Mears (SEA), Ike Opara (SKC), Kevin Ellis (SKC), Nuno Andr� Coelho (SKC), Seth Sinovic (SKC), Kendall Waston (VAN), Sam Adekugbe (VAN)
As friend of the site Bruce McGuire will tell you (if you give him the chance), expansion teams in MLS need to get the defense right. It’s much, much harder than it looks. In 2015, NYCFC and Orlando ranked in the bottom four teams in the league in goals allowed. In 2016, both teams�still�ranked in the bottom four teams in the league in goals allowed. Just ask Toronto fans about how an expansion club can get the defense wrong (and keep getting it wrong) for years and years.
It’s for that reason that I’m a huge proponent of Minnesota using the expansion draft to draft defenders. Maybe not with all five picks, but how about with three? It won’t thrill the home faithful, but we’ll all appreciate an iron skillet-free backline come March. The expansion draft is the best possible time to stock up on proven MLS talent in a critical and often overlooked position.
Here’s who I’m targeting:
Nick Hagglund (TFC, USA, 24)
Hagglund had a poor 2015 season, but has been excellent for Toronto this year. However, all of our writers left the American unprotected. The problem for the Reds is how much talent they have. As good as Hagglund has been, defenders Drew Moor and Steven Beitashour are more likely to be ruled out, and TFC may leave it up to Atlanta and Minnesota to decide whether to scoop Hagglund or his defensive partner Eriq Zavaleta. I like Zavaleta too, but I prefer Hagglund. �Although only 6’1”, he is among the league’s most dominant defenders in the air and a decent distributor on the ground. He’s also only 24, which means he’s at the league minimum, and could be a building block for the Loons for years to come.
Ike Opara (SKC, USA, 27)
Kevin Ellis (SKC, USA, 25)
Nuno Andr� Coelho�(SKC, Portugal,�30)
Every writer left at least one of these three Sporting Kansas City defenders available, but each were also protected by at least one other writer. The Sporks struggled to find playing time for these three�and�Matt Besler this year, and so it makes sense that at least one of this impressive group will make their way into the expansion draft. Of the three, I think Opara is the best defender, but he’s also a serious injury risk. This past year was his first healthy season in a long time. Ellis, a KC native and former homegrown player, is the cheapest, youngest, and maybe the worst of the group, though he’d still be a good selection. Coelho is reasonably expensive, at $275,000, and 30 years old. But he showed himself to be a good player this year�and�brings global experience. I’d be happy to have any of these three�head north�to Minnesota.
Waylon Francis (CLB, Costa Rica, 26)
Nicolai N�ss (CLB, Norway, 23)
Gaston Sauro (CLB, Argentina, 26)
Quite similar to the situation in Kansas City, Columbus have three enticing defenders and are not likely to protect them all. The problem with the Crew’s offerings is logistical, all three possible options are internationals, at least two of the three are expensive, and the whole unit played poorly this year. Francis was recognized as among the league’s better fullbacks not too long ago, but his star has been eclipsed a bit after the Crew’s dreadful year. He makes $200,000. N�ss is a smaller center back who likely comes cheaper and is young. He was the first choice for The Massive after he was signed midseason. Sauro is an imposing Argentine, and he has the best pedigree of the bunch.�But he spent much of the past year injured, and he earns an incredible $585,000. It’s a bit difficult to say exactly how the deep and talented Crew will react after their inexplicably poor year. But the Loons are bound to get a shot at some good defensive options from this club.
Ray Gaddis (PHL, USA, 26)
There may not be a player in MLS who went from essential to expendable so quickly as right back Ray Gaddis did this past year for the Union. The literal face of the franchise (he appeared on the Union-specific cover of FIFA 15), Gaddis signed a new contract last offseason, and was promptly beaten for his spot by the excellent rookie Keegan Rosenberry, who went on to play every minute of the 2016 season. That means that Gaddis is likely to be available in the draft, and that he’s still likely to be the player who played 110 games for Philly from 2012 to 2015. Gaddis makes $150,000 and doesn’t take up an international spot. He’d be a shrewd addition. (I like Connor Lade, a similar type of player, as well).
Clarence Goodson�(SJ, USA, 34)
Jason Hernandez�(NYCFC, Puerto Rico, 33)
Maynor Figueroa�(FCD, Honduras,�33)
These three veterans all were left unprotected by several writers. While their ages are eye-catching, each�may still have something left and could be valuable mentors for the Loons’ fledgling defense. Goodson is the biggest risk. The occasional US international played just two games this year thanks to�a serious injury (herniated disk). He also makes $315,000. If the Loons could get someone of his experience and leadership for a cheaper sum, it could be a good investment. Hernandez has been NYCFC’s best defender, which isn’t saying a lot. But the MLS veteran is a seasoned competitor who never quits, and earns a reasonable $200,000. He was picked by the Pigeons in the last expansion draft, funny enough. Finally, Figueroa didn’t exactly cover himself in glory in the MLS Cup Playoffs, but the Premier League veteran was solid for Dallas all year. He earns just $115,000, which is startlingly low.
There will be no shortage of experienced defenders available.�Aur�lien Collin (NY) is perpetually moving teams, but he’s a good (albeit expensive) defender. There’s also stalwarts like Bobby Burling (COL), Zach Loyd (FCD), and Corey Ashe (CLB), as well as decent mid-career guys like�Kofi Opare (DCU), and Aaron Maund (RSL). These are options who I’d be pleased to see on the team, but I don’t prefer them over the other likely choices.
Mock Draft:
After selecting protected players, all of our participating writers made lists of who they’d take in the draft. Comparing my list to those of other writers and considering the rules of the draft (a team can only lose one player), here’s how my mock draft came out:
Ryan Meara (GK, RBNY) Nick Hagglund (CB, TFC) Oalex Anderson (FW, SEA) Ike Opara (CB, SKC) Ray Gaddis (RB, PHL)
Tomorrow,�we’ll look at the options in goal!
Tags: Expansion Draft | OpenWebText2 |
FEUR is an acronym for the art I teach. It's a private joke. I was showing a few variations of a move to a student each one increasing the level of violence. On the last variation I said if you really want to fuk them up do this.....The student said every thing you teach fuks people up.
I said well that's why we are here to learn "Fuk Em up Ryu." If anyone thought this was dance class you should leave now! This isn't zen class or the cultural exchange society we are here to learn to hurt people!
The next day one of my students presented me with this logo on a T shirt.
The nick name kind of stuck. My name wouldn't work when I was registering for the forum so I used the nickname for the training group.
Last edited by Feur on Sun Apr 28, 2013 4:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Well I grew up in the UK where guns are basically illegal, as a child I played with toy guns, shot all my friends .graduated to reading cowboy books and detective novels, I even made model second world war planes and painted them. Now, in my old neighbourhood there are lots of shootings done by youngsters who have been taught politically correctness to Nth degree, and have never been allowed to play with toy guns or do war games.why do you think that is? As to the ownership of firearms, I look at the people who tell me I can't have them, they are basically politicians.and who are they? I don't elect them to Rule over me like some God king!!. they are really flawed human beings who do drugs,have affairs are obese and sometimes even worse.why should they have the right to dictate to anyone?.............look at Obama and Hilary laughing and gloating about the murder of Bin Laden, and yet they don't want people to be armed ?Politics is show business for ugly people.........why should they govern every aspect of our lives?...here is something that I read somewhere. Instead of Government substitute the words " A ginger headed man".......so you have "A Ginger headed man wants to increase your taxes so you can pay money to keep his children"......or " A ginger headed man doesn't want you to own a gun or in anyway protect yourself"..............kinda makes you think of government in a different way doesn't it
1) for your freedom 2) the fight to preserve your assets 3) the fight with your values . (Even if the response was justified we are raised to believe the response is evil so we get looped into this moral rethink of the event over and over)
Hey mate that's the just for fun part most are talking about when they do martial arts, the two primary drives that derives from the self interest/survival instinct...... to do things with others or against others, martial arts caters too them both nicely, some may not admit they like the fighting or dominance games, but its all part of the human psyche
Well, I can understand that people are different in so many ways, and that a few would take a 'combative' martial art for reasons other than self defense, such as Justin, the exception and not the rule by any means. Fine.
But one thing now becomes somewhat puzzling.
Justin, you wrote
Karate, for me, is about a few things, but the self-defense aspect was always a small side-benefit. It's entertaining to think about, but especially having read more about Self Defense Realities, it's not something I would even include in a list of reasons I do it at this point.
I understand that, Justin…. But, given your 'disinterest' for the self defense component of a combative martial art, such as Uechi-Ryu, and self defense realities ….if I understand correctly.
Then what is your reason for following and getting involved in discussions on a self defense reality forum?
Are you here for constructive reasons, for serving a useful purpose_ or for some other reason?
its a crime problem period , its just lazy thinking to blame the gun , if the guns werent there and or could be removed. youd have a valid point of view , but your only targeting law abiding citizens if you make weapons illegal.
I would be happy to continue this discussion with you, but this seems to be as touchy an issue as abortion so I suggest we continue in private messaging or perhaps in the 'Tough Issues' forum.
I’ve been asked several times since the Boston Marathon Bombing about how to manage risk in a large crowd environment.
One answer is simple:
Unless you are absolutely required to be in attendance, AVOID large crowded environments.
Of course when there are times when you have limited choice and must venture into that environment, then use good habits of “situational awareness” and adopt a “bias towards action.”
Large groups of people will always attract a certain amount of risk.
Never underestimate the volatility of people in large groups.
Any significant event, even a “perceived” event, can result in a stampede.
People are injured and die every year during Black Friday Sales events when they become victims of a frenzied mob.
A fire, an explosion, an active shooter can all create a mob mentality that takes on a life of its own.
The KEY to surviving any event in a crowded venue will depend almost entirely on your ability to control personal panic, to assess the situation, and to take immediate action. If you panic, you drastically increase your odds of injury or death.
Here are a few strategies that will decrease your risk…
How To Be Safe In A Crowd
◦Maintain your awareness. Keep your eyes up, off the smart phone, and scan your environment. This is can be challenging due to the large volume of people. But try actively scanning. Look for “out of baseline” behaviors. People moving upstream, against the flow, for example, are out of baseline. People moving faster or slower than the baseline, or whose gestures or furtiveness do not match the event.
I have a friend that works in a department store in theft prevention. In a glance, he can spot someone about to shoplift. Their behaviors are out of baseline. A shoplifter will always stand right next to the shelf before he pockets the item, whereas a normal shopper stands back to be able to see the contents of the shelves. Out of baseline.
◦Identify specific threats or threatening behavior. Look for menacing behavior or people who by their looks cause you to feel uncomfortable. Trust your gut. There may be a valid reason why they make you feel uncomfortable. If you are in proximity, move away.
As always, look for “orphans:” bags or packages without owners. Alert security if you see them, but do not stand next to them waiting for security to arrive.
◦Identify exits. Whenever I enter a room, or area, one of the first things I do is scan for exits. Are there emergency exits? Are they alarmed? Are they locked? What about windows? Can they be opened? Is there a heavy object like a chair I can throw through the window?
◦Look for exits on the opposite side of the room from the entrance or at right angles to the entrance. Most people will bypass emergency exits in close proximity to them to go back to the entrance they came in through. This behavior has led to many deaths in ballroom and concert fires. People who are panicking seek the familiar.
◦Identify cover. Cover refers to safety from fire. A brick wall may stop bullets, but sheetrock walls will not. Solid furniture may seem solid, but even a two inch thick oak table will not stop a 9mm round. You must find something substantial if shooting starts. The engine block and front axle of a car for example may provide enough cover for one person. The car door, not so much. Inside a building, there is generally not much cover. Better to head for the exit.
◦When an event occurs, grab your family members and head for the exit. Pick up and carry children. Have your family members, (spouse, others with you) grab a hold of your belt. Move assertively towards the PRE-SELECTED exit.
Move with the crowd “downstream” but also in a diagonal direction, until can reach a wall inside, or if outside, the edge of the crowd, where you can better control your movement.
Do not be afraid to damage or destroy the fixtures or the building itself to get out, such as breaking open windows or kicking open doors, or breaking locks Timidity will not be helpful. Your primary concern must be your family.
Once they are safe, you can decide whether or not to render aid to others.
◦Carry essential gear. Essential gear for an outside event: Water bottle. First aid kit that includes a tourniquet. Knife. Multi-tool. Sun glasses that also provide eye protection. Indoor essential gear, add a small pocket flashlight which will penetrate smoke and haze, ( a cell phone light will not penetrate smoke and haze.)
It is impossible to anticipate every event.
However, most events will precipitate the need to MOVE. MOVEMENT to SAFETY will generally always be your highest priority.
If the event is localized to your immediate vicinity, then safety generally lies elsewhere.
The most important trait here is a BIAS TOWARDS ACTION. Take action to improve your crowd situation.
Well, I can understand that people are different in so many ways, and that a few would take a 'combative' martial art for reasons other than self defense, such as Justin, the exception and not the rule by any means. Fine.
I would wager that most people studying something called a martial art have a balance of "for the fun of it" and "for self-defense" I don't think it's an either-or kind of thing. I'd also bet that fewer more people are interested in martial arts as sport than as self defense. But that's all conjecture.
Then what is your reason for following and getting involved in discussions on a self defense reality forum?
I enjoy thinking about hypothetical scenarios, and I enjoy discussion of various kinds. Self defense realities are interesting to think about. There's also a lot of stuff posted here that isn't just about self-defense. I also like posting helpful links on occasion.
I would wager that most people studying something called a martial art have a balance of "for the fun of it" and "for self-defense" I don't think it's an either-or kind of thing. I'd also bet that fewer more people are interested in martial arts as sport than as self defense. But that's all conjecture.
I agree totally, there are many benefits to the study of martial arts including the socializing and having fun process that is different for every one of us. I would not have continued to practice it otherwise.
I enjoy thinking about hypothetical scenarios, and I enjoy discussion of various kinds. Self defense realities are interesting to think about. There's also a lot of stuff posted here that isn't just about self-defense. I also like posting helpful links on occasion.
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Existe alguma maneira de autoajustar o site para celulares?
estou fazendo um mini-projeto onde no PC o mesmo não apresenta problemas na visualização da página. Mas quando testo no celular a coisa muda um pouco de figura, vejam o print dos dois testes por favor:
No primeiro a parte do painel fica ocupando o footer, o meu código é basicamente este:
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-body">
Conteúdo aqui.
Já no segundo o site fica todo deformado, a ponto de certos objetos desaparecerem da página. Existe algum ajuste ou script que posso usar para contornar esse problema? Obrigado desde já.
Existe sim, você pode inclusive utilizar algum framework exemplo: Bootstrap.
Vou deixar um exemplo abaixo caso você não queira utilizar nenhum framework e fazer tudo na 'mão' :
/* Small devices ( @screen-sm-min Phones (<768px) ) */
@media (min-width: 368px) {
/* Small devices (@screen-sm-min tablets, 768px and up) */
@media (min-width: 768px) {
/* Medium devices ( @screen-md-min desktops, 992px and up) */
@media (min-width: 992px) {
/* Large devices ( @screen-lg-min large desktops, 1200px and up) */
@media (min-width: 1200px) {
Agora dentro de cada @media você pode alterar seus containers, elementos, etc... de acordo com a resolução.
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Setting Datacontext
Okay, I'm going to try and explain my excercise now..
This is my PageOverzicht.xaml, and this code works. It gives me a dropdown with the colors of the flowers in (blue, orange, white, ...). Now the datacontext is hardcoded to find the flowers with white color.
Goal: set datacontext via code behind, so that the next step can be to use selectionchanged property to select flowers with the selected color.
So now I need to set datacontext first so that it is not hardcoded to white..
Listbox consists out of xml nodes, names of plants that have the color white, using the Page_Loaded method from PageOverzicht.
<Page x:Class="Planten_BIS.PageOverzicht"
d:DesignHeight="450" d:DesignWidth="800"
<XmlDataProvider x:Key="CatalogDataSource" XPath="catalog" Source="data/catalogus.xml"></XmlDataProvider>
<DataTemplate x:Key="listItemTemplate">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Name="ImageName" Visibility="Collapsed" Text="{Binding XPath=botanical, StringFormat=images/{0}.jpg}" />
<Border BorderBrush="white" BorderThickness="2" CornerRadius="10" Background="{StaticResource AchtergrondKleur}">
<Rectangle Width="100" Height="100" RadiusX="10" RadiusY="10">
<ImageBrush ImageSource="{Binding Text, ElementName=ImageName}" />
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Margin="10" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<ListBoxItem Content="{Binding XPath=common}"/>
<ListBoxItem Content="{Binding XPath=price}"/>
<ListBox Name="ListboxFlowers" Background="Transparent" Foreground="white" DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource CatalogDataSource}, XPath=color[@name\=\'White\']/plant}" ItemsSource="{Binding}" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource listItemTemplate}"></ListBox>
little part from xml where data comes from:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO8859-1" ?>
<color name="White">
<common>Jacob's Ladder</common>
<botanical>Polemonium caeruleum i</botanical>
<description>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</description>
Mainwindow with frame to PageOverzicht:
<Window x:Class="Planten_BIS.MainWindow"
Title="Plant Catalog" Height="600" Width="800">
<Style x:Key="buttonStyle" TargetType="Button">
<Setter Property="Background" Value="{StaticResource ToolBarKleur}" />
<Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="{StaticResource RandKleur}" />
<Setter Property="Foreground" Value="{StaticResource LetterKleur}" />
<Setter Property="Height" Value="30" />
<Setter Property="Margin" Value="6" />
<Style x:Key="comboStyle" TargetType="ComboBox">
<Setter Property="Background" Value="{StaticResource ToolBarKleur}" />
<Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="{StaticResource RandKleur}" />
<Setter Property="Foreground" Value="{StaticResource LetterKleur}" />
<Setter Property="Width" Value="100" />
<Setter Property="Height" Value="30" />
<Setter Property="Margin" Value="6" />
<XmlDataProvider x:Key="CatalogDataSource" XPath="catalog" Source="data/catalogus.xml"></XmlDataProvider>
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="cvsColors" Source="{StaticResource CatalogDataSource}">
<scm:SortDescription PropertyName="color" />
<DataTemplate x:Key="comboItemTemplate">
<Label Content="{Binding XPath=@name}"/>
<DockPanel LastChildFill="True">
<ToolBar Background="{StaticResource ToolBarKleur}" DockPanel.Dock="Top">
<Button Style="{StaticResource buttonStyle}" Content="Backward"></Button>
<Button Style="{StaticResource buttonStyle}" Content="Forward"></Button>
<ComboBox Style="{StaticResource comboStyle}" SelectedIndex="0" ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource CatalogDataSource}, XPath=color}" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource comboItemTemplate}"></ComboBox>
<Frame Source="PageOverzicht.xaml" Name="frame" NavigationUIVisibility="Hidden">
<ImageBrush ImageSource="assets/background.jpg" Stretch="UniformToFill"/>
The data source handling should be moved to a control which is the common parent of the ComboBox and the Frame, in this case I chose the MainWindow.
You should add the required DependecyProperty definitions to the MainWindow which can be used for data binding for the ComboBox.ItemsSource, ComboBox.SelectedItem and the Frame.DataContext.
For the XML handling I replaced the XMLDataProvider with an XElement data source which allows LINQ To XML in order to comfortably filter or traverse the XML object tree in C#.
Now the ComboBox binds to a collection of XElement items representing XML color nodes. The selected ComboBox item is a single XML color element. The descendant plant nodes of color are used to set the Frame.DataContext, which is inherited to the Page.DataContext. The ListBox in the Page now binds its ItemsSource directly to the DataContext which is the MainWindow.PlantsOfSelectedColor property. Alternatively, e.g. if you need to set the Page.DataContext to something different, you can let the Binding traverse the visual tree to find the MainWindow.PlantsOfSelectedColor using RelativeSource FindAncestor for the Binding.RelativeSource of ListBox.ItemsSource.
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public static readonly DependencyProperty PlantColorNodesProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
new PropertyMetadata(default(IEnumerable<XElement>)));
public IEnumerable<XElement> PlantColorNodes
get => (IEnumerable<XElement>) GetValue(MainWindow.PlantColorNodesProperty);
set => SetValue(MainWindow.PlantColorNodesProperty, value);
public static readonly DependencyProperty SelectedPlantColorNodeProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
new PropertyMetadata(default(XElement), OnSelectedPlantColorNodeChanged));
public XElement SelectedPlantColorNode
get => (XElement) GetValue(MainWindow.SelectedPlantColorNodeProperty);
set => SetValue(MainWindow.SelectedPlantColorNodeProperty, value);
public static readonly DependencyProperty PlantsOfSelectedColorProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
new PropertyMetadata(default(IEnumerable<XElement>)));
public IEnumerable<XElement> PlantsOfSelectedColor
get => (IEnumerable<XElement>) GetValue(MainWindow.PlantsOfSelectedColorProperty);
set => SetValue(MainWindow.PlantsOfSelectedColorProperty, value);
public MainWindow()
// Open XML an collect all 'color' nodes
this.PlantColorNodes = XElement.Load("data/catalogus.xml").Elements("color");
private static void OnSelectedPlantColorNodeChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var colorNode = e.NewValue as XElement;
// Get the 'plant' child nodes of the selected 'color' node
(d as MainWindow).PlantsOfSelectedColor = colorNode.Elements();
<DockPanel LastChildFill="True">
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=MainWindow}, Path=PlantColorNodes}"
SelectedItem="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=MainWindow}, Path=SelectedPlantColorNode}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Attribute[name].Value}" />
<Frame DatContext="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=MainWindow}, Path=PlantsOfSelectedColor}"
Source="PageOverzicht.xaml" />
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding}">
<DataTemplate >
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Element[botanical].Value}" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Element[common].Value}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Element[price].Value}"/>
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G/S has long experience in the data collection and high speed scanning market, providing a wealth of industry experience for manufacturing, warehouse, and logistics, as well as a variety of fields where mobile workforce productivity is of premium importance to customer success.
Want to see our solutions in action? In our case study: Mobile Inspection Services Drive Efficiency and Uptime we look at how moving away from paper based inspection processes can drive not only efficient internal processes, but can also lead directly to improved cashflows at the same time. Utilizing Intermec By Honeywell CN3 rugged handheld computers and custom ziplines and harnesses, a true mobile inspection automation solution was deployed. Faster access to inspection data leads to less unplanned downtime, while also enjoying increased accuracy from your users and employees.
Want to learn more about our experience in the field Intermec by Honeywell high speed scanning solutions? Check out our recent case study, where we look at the logistical benefits gained from these products, as well as our approach to support and service. | Pile-CC |
Liane Hentscher/FOX on NBC. That's a long time for a television show. So long, that actor Rainn Wilson was initially averse to acting in another TV series.
He told the following anecdote at the AOL Build Speaker Series on Jan. 20:
"I was finishing up 'The Office' in the final week, and my agent called, and they were like, 'we want you do read this script,' and I was like, 'okay,' and they said it was a TV pilot, and I was like, 'you're fired.'"
He was joking about firing his agents, but he wasn't kidding about how much it was going to take for him to do another television series.
So what ultimately convinced him?
A good script, a rich character, and a seat at the producer's table made it an enticing choice for Wilson.
"The part was insane," he said. "...Interesting and complex and difficult, and I was like, I have to play this role."
A great script and a rich character made "Backstrom" a television show worth doing. Frank Ockenfels/FOX
The series is based on Swedish author and criminologist Leif G.W. Persson's books about a nasty, boorish detective, Evert Bäckström (changed to Everett Backstrom for the American television series). The books are incredibly successful in Scandinavia.
Wilson was initially approached to do the series not long after "The Office" bowed in 2013. At that time, the series was set to air on CBS. However, after the network passed on the series, it eventually landed at FOX.
Ultimately, Wilson got a "nice year off," as he puts, it before filming the 13 episodes.
It also doesn't hurt that this time around, he's not just a featured player. He's the titular character and also a producer on the show, with showrunner Hart Hansen, Persson, and Persson's Scandinavian literary agent, Niclas Salomonsson, acting as executive producers.
"I [wanted] to have a place at the table ... a lot of the time as an actor, you're left out," he said.
"Backstrom" premieres on Fox Thurs., Jan 22 at 9 p.m. | OpenWebText2 |
Best approach to additive collection mapping with Orika?
Is it possible to define an additive mapping strategy for collections with Orika?
I am currently using a mixture of Orika and a custom implementation - however its not an approach that will scale very well.
Yes, actually in Orika, you can define any merge strategy for collection all you have to do is to register a custom mapper between two collections
please take a look at this unit test .
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However, for Caroline Smith, a twenty-five-year-old musician from Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, and her band (originally named Caroline Smith and The Good Night Sleeps), tickets were sold out to their November 14th show at Ed’s No Name Bar, where they enthusiastically debuted the new music on their new album, Half About Being a Woman.
Her band has gone through some changes since their last appearance in Winona last spring, dropping “The Good Night Sleeps” off of the band name and changing up their musical genre. Initially an indie folk/rock/pop band, Caroline Smith’s new sound is R&B. Winona has been a faithful following of Smith, who has performed at Winona’s spring music festival, Midwest Music Fest, as well as other annual appearances at Ed’s No Name Bar and the Winona Arts Center.
During a Meet the Artist Event held on Winona State University Campus, fans were able to meet Caroline Smith and her band mates Jesse Schuster and Arlen Peiffer to ask them questions about their band, their change in their music and their experience in the music industry. The band said several factors initiated the change in band and sound. Smith said of the new sound, “[I wanted to do] Something I would like, something I would listen to.” Smith said she has been very influenced by early 90’s R & B, including artists like TLC, Erykah Badu, Layren Hill, Jill Scott, Beyonce, and D’Angelo.
When asked about the message of the new album, Smith softly and eloquently replied, “Something happens when you’re a woman and you turn twenty-five… You don’t worry about [things like] how thick your hair is anymore– you begin to embrace yourself.” Half About Being a Woman has a more “honest,” “personal” and “empowering” message, according to fans. Smith herself says the album does feel more “honest” and it “sort of reflects the advice I give to my girlfriends.”
She also says that the message was unintended, however, and just wanted to make an album “to make people feel good.” That night, Caroline Smith delivered an entertaining, talented and super-soulful performance at Ed’s No Name Bar, to an energetic and engaged crowd.
When asked how music improves our world, Smith said that through her personal experience as a female artist, she is often testing boundaries by simply being a woman. Smith said she has faced adversity in being a female artist.
“A woman as a leader is questioned,” she said, recalling how at some shows, the sound and light tech guy comes up to shake hands with the male members of the band first, indicating their belief that the guys are in control. She says things like this push her to be “more assertive,” which is important for any emerging front-woman artist looking for respect and acknowledgment.
She says she is “fascinated by feminism,” and has inspired fans to find empowerment in her female message. Smith says she was stopped while shopping when a fan come up to her telling her she has “helped her get through a tough break-up.” That “Walking on Strong” (a track on the new album) became an empowerment anthem for her.
Smith’s advice to local artists and bands that want to improve the world is to work together and have good communication. She says it is important to allow each other to do individual projects for growth, happiness and fulfillment. In fact, several of her band mates are in other bands. She heavily emphasizes the fact that artists shouldn’t “have rivalries” which can hinder relationships and the art. Instead, she advocates a sense of community and communication, where everyone can speak, experiment and create in a healthy and productive way.
Despite the new changes, Smith and her band have, like many other bands, encountered artistic differences in producing the new album. The band talked about how they often rewrote, rerecorded, introduced and cut songs from the new album. Smith was asked about how they resolve inter conflicts in the band, “If you don’t like an idea, don’t just say no, propose what you’d like instead.” This is good advice not just for artists, but anyone in a community who need to collaborate to get something done; this wisdom allows everyone to have their opinion and vision heard, considered and included.
Music has an ability to move us and improve our lives. Half About Being a Woman, in my opinion, is empowering, soulful and honest. One of the most lively and fun songs on the album is “Magazine.”. “The song,” Smith said, “is about squashing social norms of being a woman” and explains that woman are expected to look a certain way and do domestic things in order to attract and keep a man. She shakes her head and smiles, “The video”, on the other hand, “shows happy women smashing these societal norms.” The video shows women of different sizes, shapes and colors dancing in their underwear, eating unapologetically and ripping apart a bed and smashing a guitar.
I really enjoy when an artist can use their art and their vision to promote societal change, which improves our world. Even if it is unintended, Smith sends a message to women to love and embrace themselves. She wants women to “Walk off Strong,” which is a title of one of the songs on her new album, which you can buy on her website or on iTunes.
In order to grow, change often occurs. Through this new album and musical direction, Smith proves that change can be good, and one must follow their heart and be true to themselves when creating art and following passions. Smith has been committed to promoting positivity, and wants to help others by taking time to talk with fans about the path to success. Her commitment to her fans, her music and her art inspires others, and we can use this inspiration can help us improve our world. | Pile-CC |
From: Joshua Reich <[email protected]>
To: Shamir Karkal <[email protected]>; Jerry Neumann <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009, 3:43:08 PM GMT+2
Subject: lets start a retail bank
What would it take to start a really boring, simple bank?
As I see it, a bank provides basic functionality:
1. A place to hold my money so I don’t need an oversized wallet or mattress
2. Electronic payment & transfer interfaces
3. Ability to lend my cash to others in exchange for a risk adjusted return
4. The opposite of 3 = borrowing.
Atop of this banks go to great lengths to optimize revenue. They invent products with fictitious boundaries so that they may extract the maximum revenue from each consumer. And to do so they make it very difficult for the consumer to rationally evaluate these products by hiding information. My bank knows more about my financial behavior than I do, yet it makes it very difficult for me to rationally choose banking products. The interface that they provide for viewing my home loan transactions, for example, is terribly obtuse. It would take a herculean effort on the part of the average consumer to compare the pros and cons of two competing loan types given the information barrier that is artificially maintained between the bank and the consumer.
Why not simply build a bank that provides the infrastructure to perform the 4 basic functions listed above? But instead of earning money by hiding information from the consumer — adopt an open information policy. The role of the bank simply becomes a gatekeeper for your money. Products are no longer offered directly by the bank. Instead the bank provides you with the ability to perform the basic financial transactions PLUS have complete and open access to your data. This data is then shared, in a privacy compliant fashion, with 3rd party financial products that are available to the consumer in a marketplace. If I want to get a home loan, I go to the bank operated market for home loans, and the bank uses all the data it has available about me to help me best evaluate competing loan offerings. By not implementing the loans, the bank is no longer conflicted, and takes the role of financial assistant rather than duplicitor.
To put the same idea another way, think of eBay. eBay provides an electronic marketplace for goods and it provides a basic infrastructure for buying and selling goods. I want a ‘bank’ that provides the infrastrcture for basic retail financial transactions and using the information it knows about my transaction history, it assists me when I need to choose from competing financial products that are offerred in the bank operated marketplace.
Once this is done, the bank can cut through all the crap. I don’t need 6 different bits of plastic in my wallet to access my money. These cards reflect artificial distinctions atop of the concept of ‘let josh use his money.’ I don’t need a chequing, savings and home loan account. These are artifical abstrasctions of the ‘hold my money for me’ concept. Make banking simpler. Remove the conflict of interest that motivates banks to obscure information from consumers. The bank should be my agent, working with me to make better financial decisions.
How would one build this?
Joshua Reich
123 456 7890
simplicity . depth . scalability | OpenWebText2 |
periods converted to underscores
Fellow coders, i have a function in a codeigniter controller that accepts a couple of parameters one of them being an email address. it is called liked this:
domain/path/mycontroller/myfunc/[email protected]/anotherparam
what the controller is receiving is: email@gmail_com
i have allowed periods and '@' in my CI config:
$config['permitted_uri_chars'] = 'a-z 0-9~%.:_\-@';
and my .htaccess is the following:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /myapp/
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|images|css|js|robots\.txt|favicon\.ico)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /myapp/index.php?/$1 [L]
Any thoughts on how i can solve this problem?
Found a related post on the CI forum from 2008:
Looks like some people were having the exact same problem, and tweaking the $config['uri_protocol'] in config.php was the solution.
| This item determines which server global should be used to retrieve the
| URI string. The default setting of "AUTO" works for most servers.
| If your links do not seem to work, try one of the other delicious flavors:
| 'AUTO' Default - auto detects
$config['uri_protocol'] = "QUERY_STRING";
At least one person reported that the QUERY_STRING value fixed their problem. If this doesn't work, try one of the other delicious flavors settings.
Hope this gets you on the right path to a solution.
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Column Space of a matrix contained in Null Space of other matrix
So I have $CS(A)$ is the subset of $NS(B)$. How do I show that $(AB)^2$ is zero matrix. $A$ and $ B$ are $n$ by $n$ matrices.
Consider any vector $x.$ Then $ABx\in \rm{CS}(A).$ Since $\rm{CS}(A)\subset \rm{NS}(B)$ we have that $BABx=0.$ So
$$(AB)^2x=ABABx=A0=0.$$ Since $x$ is arbitrary we conclude that $(AB)^2=0.$
| StackExchange |
Former MCC Inmate: There’s ‘No Way’ Jeffrey Epstein Killed Himself - michalu
_My youngest son was forced to leave this country because of this Solozzo
_All right. I have to make arrangements to bring him back here safely,
cleared of all these false charges._
_But I 'm a superstitious man. And if some unlucky accident should befall
him, if he should get shot in the head by a police officer. Or if he should
hang himself in his jail cell. Or if he's struck by a bolt of lightning. Then
I'm going to blame some of the people in this room. And that I do not
| HackerNews |
how to include blade file in Laravel 5.2
I am developing Laravel application and I need add comment form to My each task file regarding to each project.
this is comments/form.blade.php
<form class="form-vertical" role="form" method="post" action="{{ route('projects.comments.create', $project->id) }}">
<div class="form-group{{ $errors->has('comments') ? ' has-error' : '' }}">
<textarea name="comments" class="form-control" style="width:80%;" id="comment" rows="5" cols="5"></textarea>
@if ($errors->has('comments'))
<span class="help-block">{{ $errors->first('comments') }}</span>
<div class="form-group">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-info">Add Comment</button>
<input type="hidden" name="_token" value="{{ csrf_token() }}">
I am going to include this form file to show.blade.php file in tasks folder in view file.
this is show.blade.php
<h2>{{ $tasks->project->project_name }}</h2>
public function postNewComment(Request $request, $id, Comment $comment)
$this->validate($request, [
'comments' => 'required|min:5',
$comment->comments = $request->input('comments');
$comment->project_id = $id;
$comment->user_id = Auth::user()->id;
return redirect()->back()->with('info', 'Comment posted successfully');
Route::post('projects/{projects}/comments', [
'uses' => 'CommentsController@postNewComment',
'as' => 'projects.comments.create',
'middleware' => ['auth']
but finally got this error massage
Undefined variable: project (View: C:\Users\Nalaka\Desktop\acxian\resources\views\comments\form.blade.php)
how can fix this problem?
You have not defined $project anywhere but you have $tasks from which you are getting project name already in show.blade.php so if you have project id also there in $tasks->project data then you can use this variable in view change form tag in comments/form.blade.php as below:
<form class="form-vertical" role="form" method="post" action="{{ route('projects.comments.create', $tasks->project->id) }}">
| StackExchange |
Ramsey turned onto some side streets before slamming into an oak tree, according to Gainesville.com.
The deputy lost Ramsey, but eventually found her in the truck parked behind a mobile home, according to a Marion County Sheriff's report cited by Gainesville.com.
Deputies contacted the truck's owner, Ramsey's boyfriend, who said he hadn't been driving it. When Ramsey was questioned, she told deputies she didn't stop because she wanted to show up at his house with the topless surprise.
Ramsey was arrested on a charged of fleeing and eluding law enforcement. She was released from the Marion County Jail on $5,000 bond. | Pile-CC |
Congenital cardiac disease and contemporary dental care of the pediatric patient: a cardiologist's point of view.
Good dental health makes common sense--even more so in patients with underlying cardiac abnormalities. Today, the practising dentist may be confronted by an ever-increasing cohort of patients who have survived complicated repairs of congenital cardiac abnormalities. A basic knowledge of such conditions is useful, primarily to gain an understanding of the physiological abnormalities that may be adversely influenced by dental manipulation. This article reviews some of the important points that practising dentists should know about patients with congenital cardiac disease. | PubMed Abstracts |
SwipePad is a gesture-based app switcher that lets users open a selection of apps without exiting the one they're in beforehand. The latest update isn't a large one, but it's bound to make using the launcher slightly less annoying. Now users have the option to select apps that should disable SwipePad's functionality while they are running. The recently updated version of Carbon, with its new slide-out view, is an example of one such app that could benefit from this option.
What's new:
Conditional Switches>Blacklist: choose apps in which you want SwipePad disabled
Improvements for Android 4.4
Keep in mind, SwipePad is not a home screen replacement. Your home button will still open your launcher of choice, even with this additional one installed. After all, this app isn't interested in redesigning your home screen - it wants to reduce how often you even have to see it. A link is available below for anyone who has yet to check it out firsthand.
Born and raised in the rural South, Bertel knows what it's like to live without 4G LTE - or 3G, for that matter. The only things he likes sweeter than his tea are his gadgets, and while few objects burn more than a metal phone on a summer day, he prefers them that way anyway.
http://www.androidpolice.com/ Artem Russakovskii
Swipepad is the only app switching/starting app that survived on my phone, and I've tried many. In fact, I now can't use a phone without it.
Btw, my personal preference is swiping from the bottom right corner. Then it almost never gets in the way of anything and is easy to reach with one hand on a large device. The new Blacklist support is good, but you wouldn't even need it with a corner zone.
If you have not tried Swipepad, do it. Do it nao.
Dan Wilczynski
LMT and Switchr lasted about a week each for me. But hey I'll give it a shot!
Have you tried Swapps? Personally I prefer it over Swipepad.
http://www.androidpolice.com/ Artem Russakovskii
I have in the past, but I much prefer Swipepad. First of all, it only needs a single motion - then just let go to start the app. It also shows more apps at a glance (with MoreSpace, I have the grid set to 5x6 on my Note 3) and uses the screen more efficiently.
While yes, it only requires a single motion, that can also be seen as a downside. Atleast to me, I often mix certain logo's and I end up letting go over the wrong app. This doesn't happen with Swapps. Also with Swapps I feel like you have alot more customization. You can choose to only see the icons, what size the bar is etc. You also have latest apps, you also have an option to show all the apps installed on the device. So it's almost like a side-launcher.
I think with all the customization that Swapps have, it's honestly the better choice for most people. However that's just my point of view.
http://www.androidpolice.com/ Artem Russakovskii
See, I'm used to pulling out all apps I use to my homescreens and relying on muscle memory to know where all of them are, so Swipepad is a natural extension of that. Also, it does have an add-on called DynamicPads which can do some of the things you mentioned, but I haven't used it.
To each their own, of course.
Certainly, I'm not trying to persuade you ;)
Just a question though, has stability issues been resolved? I haven't used SwipePad in well over a year and for the months that I did use it, the SwipePad "active area" failed alot. As in it just stopped working and didn't show the pad whatsoever. I needed to restart the app to fix this. Does this problem still exist?
http://www.androidpolice.com/ Artem Russakovskii
Never had this happen even once (at least on the Note 3 which has a lot of RAM).
Ah well, when I used SwipePad I believe it was on my Sensation XL :p
Greetings from a fellow Note 3 owner.
Darrel Dent
Unfortunately I'm having the problem right now on my Note 3, which is how I found this thread. It's REALLY a PITA because my home button has never worked well, but it didn't matter. I've restarted the phone, but no luck. The next step is to uninstall and reinstall the app, which also means recreating my pads. This is the second time it's quit on me, but the first time I haven't been able to get it going again. I'm so annoyed at this point that I'm looking at other apps to replace it.
George Bradford
I've used swipe pad for a couple of years now. The only time I've had a problem with the active area failing is if I have disabled Indicator icon in notifications under the look and feel menu in Swipepad settings. This setting is enabled by default do not disable it .
Agree 100%. This was the one of the first 5 apps I installed on my 2011 Inspire 4g. MoreSpace addon is a god send.
http://www.androidpolice.com/ Artem Russakovskii
MoreSpace and WidgetPad, and you're all set.
Widgetpad with the usual " This widget is deprecated" error is a PITA. I stopped using that addon as I flash Roms often and restore using TBu. Many users on Play store have same issue.
My name is….
I was feeling like that untill i installed Action Launcher.
http://www.androidpolice.com/ Artem Russakovskii
Does Action Launcher let you launch apps from a any app or just the launcher?
My name is….
It has a feature that it lets you open quickpage (swipepad euivalent) AND quickdrawer from any app.
Personally i never used that specific option, but launching shortcuts/folders/widgets from quickpage at my home screen made swipepad redundant.
Plus, you can launch widgets by swiping on an app icon (and folders)
Please excuse my poor English
Been using it ever since it came out. The fact that it works flawlessly on low end devices such as my i9000 without becoming a memory hog, makes me feel its one of the best apps on Android. Multitasking has never been a breeze without Swipepad. | Pile-CC |
Satterley Property Group
Satterley Property Group is an Australian privately owned real estate land development company based in Perth. It develops residential estates in Western Australia and Victoria.
The company is based in Perth, Western Australia. The company was founded by Nigel Satterley in 1980. Satterley began his career working for James McCusker, the founder of Town and Country Building Society, which led him to found Statesman Homes. This led to the current Satterley Property Group which is a major land developer in Western Australia and Victoria.
See also
Baldivis, Western Australia
Butler, Western Australia
Clarkson, Western Australia
Hocking, Western Australia
Jindalee, Western Australia
Iluka, Western Australia
Ridgewood, Western Australia
External links
Satterley Property Group official website
Category:Real estate companies of Australia
Category:Companies based in Perth, Western Australia | Wikipedia (en) |
VICTORVILLE-(VVNG.com): “I would die and kill for Allah” yelled 57-year-old, Mohamed Ahmed Elrawi as he chased his terrified neighbor with a sword during a dispute. Just before 5:10 p.m. on Monday, December 7th deputies from the Victorville Station responded to a subject that was brandishing a weapon on the 14000 block of La Paz Drive.
Due to the nature of the investigation, a search warrant was obtained for the search of Ellrawi’s home. During the execution of a search warrant detectives located a Koran along with several other undisclosed items leading investigators to believe Elrawi may be a radicalized Muslim. “Sheriff’s Intelligence Division was notified of the investigation. Deputies began surveillance and at a little after midnight, Elrawi returned to his apartment and was quickly taken into custody without incident,” said Sgt. Dave Burgess.
There were no injuries reported as a result of this incident. Elrawi’s past church has attempted to debunk the radicalization accusations, saying that mental illness was the cause of the incident. Elrawi was booked into the High Desert Detention Center in Adelanto for attempted murder and criminal threats. He is being held in lieu of $500,000 bail. Elrawi is scheduled for an arraignment hearing at the Victorville Superior court on Thursday, December 17th.
Anyone with any information is urged to contact Detective M. Mason or Sergeant Dave Burgess at the Victorville Police Department reference report # 171514867 at 760-241-2911. Callers wishing to remain anonymous can call the We-Tip Hotline at 1-800-78-CRIME (27463) or you may leave information on the We-Tip website at www.wetip.com. | OpenWebText2 |
The new Afghan strategy announced by U.S. President Donald Trump, which attacked Pakistan for providing safe havens to terrorists and offered India a greater role in Afghanistan, has put Islamabad in a tight spot. The political and military leaderships, usually divided on every governing issue, have come on “one page” to strongly condemn Mr. Trump’s remarks. Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi called for a joint session of Parliament to discuss the issue. He also chaired a National Security Committee meeting, which rejected President Trump’s Afghan strategy, and stated that Indian policies were inimical to peace in the region.
In the words of Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif, the Americans are scapegoating Pakistan for their failure in Afghanistan. Opposition politicians also joined the government in slamming the U.S. Imran Khan, leader of the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf, asked the country to learn from its past mistakes. “This should teach Pak once and for all a valuable lesson: never to fight others wars for the lure of dollars. Our economy suffered over $100 billion in losses. In addition, there were intangible costs on our society. Time for Pakistan to say: Never again,” he tweeted.
Pakistan fought two wars for the U.S. in Afghanistan, both under military regimes. In the 1980s, during General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq’s rule, the military went into covert operations in Afghanistan, along with the CIA, to fight the Soviet Red Army. Later, after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the U.S., the Pakistani military joined the war against the Taliban and al-Qaeda, when General Pervez Musharraf was the ruler. In return, the U.S. flooded Pakistan with billions of dollars in aid.
Jihadist links
Pakistan’s policy towards Afghanistan and India has historically been dominated by the military. After the Soviet troops withdrew from Afghanistan in 1989, the U.S. lost interest in the country. But not Pakistan. Former military chief General Aslam Beg and former Inter-Service Intelligence chief Hameed Gul came up with a plan to make Afghanistan its proxy through jihadist organisations.
The objective was to secure the western border from Indian influence. Though Gen. Musharraf later joined the American-led war against the Taliban, the security establishment did not entirely sever ties with militants as Pakistan’s foreign policy doctrine of retaining influence in Afghanistan through militancy never changed. Past American Presidents overlooked this double game and maintained a working relationship with the military. But the Trump administration appears to be getting tougher, raising questions over the future of the alliance itself.
“I don’t think this is the end of the road, but certainly both countries need to make sure that how the trust deficit can be reduced,” said Amir Rana, director of the Pakistan Institute of Peace Studies. “The U.S. needs to give assurance to Pakistan that it will act against terrorist groups in Afghanistan who plan and attack inside Pakistan, while Pakistan also needs to allay the U.S. concerns that it will act against the groups on its soil.”
The Americans know that to put pressure on Pakistan, all they need to do is to take a pro-India line. A senior government official told The Hindu that the greater role the Trump administration is offering India in South Asia could prompt Pakistan to rethink its decades-old policy. Yet, Pakistan is left with no choice but to continue to fight the war in Afghanistan, said the official. “If the U.S. is angry, Pakistan has got a new master and financier — China.” | OpenWebText2 |
1. Field of the Invention
This invention relates to a process for the preparation in high yield of a polybutadiene having at least 70% cis-1,4 and in many cases more than 95% cis-1,4 microstructure. More specifically this process involves the polymerization of 1,3-butadiene in the presence of a novel catalyst composition.
2. Related Prior Art
U.S. Pat. No. 3,778,424 discloses the preparation of 1,2-polybutadiene which is syndiotactic in character and uses for the polymerization of 1,3-butadiene a catalyst composition comprising (a) a soluble cobalt compound, (b) an AlR.sub.3 compound in which R is a hydrocarbon radical of 1-6 carbon atoms, and (c) CS.sub.2. The soluble cobalt compound is defined as including, among various other compounds, (1) a cobalt salt of an organic carboxylic acid of at least 6 carbon atoms, such as cobalt octoate and cobalt naphthenate and (2) a complex of a cobalt halide, such as CoCl.sub.2, with "a tertiary amine, e.g. pyridine, triethylamine, tributylamine and dimethylaniline, . . . ; and an N,N-dialkylamide, e.g., N,N-dimethyl formamide, N,N-dimethyl acetamide and N,N-diethyl formamide." The products described are highly syndiotactic-1,2. | USPTO Backgrounds |
Xdebug can't connect back to Docker host
I've just setup Docker on my machine & have an Nginx/PHP7 (FPM)/MySQL setup all working fine, but having installed Xdebug on the PHP container I can't get it to connect back to PHPStorm on my host machine.
Here's my PHP Xdebug config…
When browsing, with the Xdebug enable cookie set for the container, there's no prompt for a connection. If I browse a locally hosted site, there is, so I know PHPStorm's listening correctly.
On the local machine, I can telnet to port 9000…
$ telnet 9000
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
telnet> quit
Connection closed.
… however I cannot from either the boot2docker VM, or the container. When I try it just sits there doing nothing. Both the VM and the container can, however, ping the host machine just fine.
I've tried disabling my Mac's firewall, but still no joy.
I'm not quite sure how to disable the firewall on the boot2docker VM.
Any insight into why this won't work would be greatly welcomed. Thanks in advance.
Xdebug recommended config inside Container:
zend_extension = xdebug.so
xdebug.remote_enable = 1
xdebug.remote_connect_back = 0
xdebug.remote_host = docker.for.mac.localhost
xdebug.remote_port = 9000
xdebug.remote_handler = dbgp
xdebug.remote_mode = req
xdebug.remote_autostart = 1
xdebug.idekey = PHPSTORM
Since Docker-17.06, you can access services hosted on Mac inside Container, via the static host name: docker.for.mac.localhost
The Mac has a changing IP address (or none if you have no network access). From 17.06 onwards our recommendation is to connect to the special Mac-only DNS name docker.for.mac.localhost which resolves to the internal IP address used by the host.
see https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/networking/#i-cannot-ping-my-containers
| StackExchange |
The customers started this project as a replacement / repair but after evaluating their old deck it was determined that complete replacement was needed. The back of their yard has a serene setting with natural stone steps which we needed to maintain. The rail had to be harmonious with the setting and house. The railing needed to be minimal as to not impede view, so the TimberTech Evolutions Rail Builder Style was the perfect solution. We created an oasis for them complete with 3 zones: Lower level seating area close to their garden, a napping / relaxing area equipped with hammocks and a main entertainment area.
Inspiration on Instagram
It's more than a deck. It's a better way to be. Building with TimberTech means the most technologically-advanced materials and the most design options for a more enjoyable, longer-lasting outdoor space.
Ⓒ 2019 AZEK Building Products. All Rights Reserved. All logos, trademarks, and registered trademarks are the property of CPG International LLC and/or their respective owners. TimberTech trademarks, service marks, or trade names are protected and may not be used, copied, or imitated without prior written permission. See our Legal Disclaimer page for all legal notices. | Pile-CC |
Hydrotreating of petroleum feedstocks to remove heteroatoms, particularly sulfur, is critical to modem refiners in order to meet ever more demanding environmental regulations. A major source of air pollution worldwide is the exhaust from hundreds of millions of motor vehicles due to fuel combustion. Fuels containing sulfur produce sulfur dioxide and other pollutants leading to a host of environmental concerns, such as smog and related health issues, acid rain leading to deforestation, water pollution, as well as other environmental problems. To help reduce or eliminate these environmental problems, the sulfur content of fuels has been, and will continue to be, restricted to increasingly smaller concentrations.
Hydrodesulfurization is one of the fundamental hydrotreating processes of the refining and petrochemical industries. The removal of feed sulfur by conversion to hydrogen sulfide is typically achieved by reaction with hydrogen over non-noble metal sulfides, especially those of Co/Mo and Ni/Mo, at fairly severe temperatures and pressures to meet product quality specifications, or to supply a desulfurized stream to a subsequent sulfur sensitive process.
Some naphtha fractions contain olefins, such as, for example, cracked naphthas or coker naphthas, which typically contain over about 20 wt. % olefins. At least a portion of the olefins are hydrogenated to saturated hydrocarbons during the hydrodesulfurization operation. Since the olefins are high octane components, for some motor fuel use, it is desirable to retain the olefins rather than to convert them to saturated compounds. Conventional fresh hydrodesulfurization catalyst have both hydrogenation and desulfurization activity. Hydrodesulfurization of cracked naphthas using conventional naphtha desulfurization catalysts under conventional startup procedures and under conditions required for sulfur removal, produces a significant loss of olefins through hydrogenation. This results in a lower grade fuel product which needs more refining, such as isomerization, blending, or other refining, to produce higher octane fuel, adding significantly to production expenses.
Selective hydrodesulfurization to remove sulfur while minimizing hydrogenation of olefins and octane reduction by various techniques, such as selective catalysts, have been described. For example, U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,132,632 and 4,140,626 disclose selective desulfurizaton of cracked naphthas by using specific catalysts having particular amounts of Group VI and VIII metals on magnesia support. U.S. Pat. No. 4,149,965 discloses a process for starting-up naphtha hydrodesulfurizaton using partially deactivated hydrotreating catalyst under relatively low pressure of less than 200 psig. The catalyst is partially deactivated using a substantially non-metals containing hydrocarbonaceous oil for a time ranging from about 10 hrs to about 20 days. U.S. Pat. No. 2,983,669 discloses a processes for treating petroleum having a high sulfur content using fractionation and hydrodesulfurization. It is suggested in this '669 patent that the hydrodesulfurization catalyst be one that does not readily promote hydrogenation, such as a partially spent catalyst.
Hydrodesulfurization catalysts age, losing activity during use by collecting deposits of carbonaceous material and/or impurities, such as metals, from the treated feedstock. Eventually, with increased deposition, the catalyst is no longer able to provide effective hydrodesulfurization. The deactivated catalyst may be regenerated and reused, but is generally less effective than fresh catalyst by requiring higher temperature to give the desired activity and becoming deactivated more quickly than fresh catalyst. Although hydrodesulfurization catalysts can usually be repetitively regenerated, they eventually become irreversibly deactivated, or spent, essentially losing their intended hydrodesulfurization utility.
It is known to hydrodesulftirize an olefinic naphtha by adding a nitrogen compound to the feed in order to deactivate the catalyst for the hydrodesulftirization reaction. See U.S. Pat. No. 2,913,405.
It is also known to hydrotreat a straight run fuel oil at a pressure not greater than 150 psig and at a temperature from 400.degree. to 500.degree. F. in the presence of a catalyst that had been employed in a prior hydrotreating process operated at a higher pressure than the pressure of the fuel oil hydrotreating step until the catalyst had been substantially permanently deactivated for the purpose of said high pressure process, as shown in U.S. Pat. No. 3,870,626.
Spent hydrodesulfurization catalysts have been used in hydrodesulfurization. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 3,876,532 discloses a process for hydrodesulfurizing middle distillate, virgin oils using spent hydrotreating catalysts under extremely mild conditions to reduce acid and mercaptan content, to remove sulfur below 0.2 wt. %, or 2,000 ppm. U.S. Pat. No. 4,414,102 discloses the use of spent hydrodesulfurization catalyst to transform nitrogen- or oxygen-containing compounds to sulfur-containing compounds followed by mild hydrodesulfurization treatment. Also, U.S. Pat. No. 5,286,373 discloses a process for selectively hydrodesulfurizing naphtha by contacting the naphtha, which contains olefins and thiohydrocarbons, with hydrogen under vigorous hydrodesulfurization conditions in the presence of essentially deactivated hydrodesulfurization catalyst which selectively produces hydrogen sulfide and desulfurized hydrocarbons and resulting in a relatively high olefin content.
Although some of the above processes have met with commercial success, there still remains a need in the art for improved activation process for cat naphtha desulfurization catalysts that do not require the use of an additional deactivation step. | USPTO Backgrounds |
The present invention relates to silos in general, and, in particular, to unloading chutes designed to fit within the access chute of a silo so that silage may be unloaded from the silo down through the unloading chute without fouling the access chute. | USPTO Backgrounds |
Each weekday I post entertainment-related updates about things you want to know, should know and may feel like sharing with everyone you know. E-mail me at [email protected]. All times are ET.
Friday, Sept. 30:
Together again: Alias' Michael Vartan will guest star on an upcoming episode of Kitchen Confidential, according to this press release. The show's star, of course, is Bradley Cooper, who played Will on Alias for two seasons. Confidential airs Mondays at 8:30 p.m., right after another funny series you're not watching but should: Arrested Development. Posted 3:08 p.m.
Uh-oh, Steve-O: It may be awhile before Steve-O is invited back to Comedy Central. The former Jackass was so drunk during his appearance on Too Late with Adam Carolla, security had to escort him from the set. During his brief appearance, Steve-O cursed, spit, tackled Carolla, broke a glass table and cut his leg. You can watch the drama unfold by going to this page and clicking on "sloshed Steve-O." Posted 1:44 p.m.
No joke: We haven't seen the last of American Idol's Constantine Maroulis. The former contestant tells People that he's signed a deal to star in a sitcom for ABC. He also talks about meeting Quentin Tarantino, who apparently rooted for him to win. "(He) kept saying I was going to be a big star. He was like, 'You sucked in the last song, but that's OK. You sang it great the night you went home.'" Posted 12:19 p.m.
Lunchtime listening: A couple readers have pointed out new music offerings online. First up is Veronica Mars radio, where you can hear the show's new soundtrack. (Thanks to Michele A. for the tip.)
Hip reader Zac H. informed me that Nickelback's new album is available on VH1.com. "I personally can't stand them but kind of dig their new song, Photograph," he said.
And me? I'm still listening to that new Fiona Apple CD, which is still streaming on MySpace. Posted 11:57 a.m.
More twists and turns: If you're like me, you were 40 minutes into The O.C. before you realized Alias' season premiere was on at the same time. Here's an Alias recap, which you should obviously ignore if you were smart enough to record it. As for The O.C., Hip reader Joel D. sent me a link to this fun interview with creator Josh Schwartz. He starts out talking about sports but eventually reveals some dirt about the show. Posted 10:46 a.m.
Backstage Development: Charlize Theron made her Arrested Development debut Monday; she's slated to appear in five episodes this season. Here's a clip of Theron talking about her character in several handy formats: Windows (High) | Windows (Low) | Real (High) | Real (Low)Posted 10:28 a.m.
By Chris Pizzello, AP
J. Clothes: Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony made a public appearance last night at the debut of J. Lo's fall clothing line. The fashion show took place at a fundraiser hosted by Sharon Stone.
Sweeping the nation: I've received tons of e-mail about this hilarious trailer for The Shining, which makes the 1980 horror flick look like a heartwarming comedy. Today, the New York Times ran a story about its creator, a 25-year-old film editor's assistant named Robert Ryang. He's already been contacted by several people, including a vice president of a major Hollywood studio. (Note: If that trailer link doesn't work for you, try this one or this one. Thousands of people are probably trying to view it at the same time you are.) Posted 9:58 a.m.
Opening Doors: Mary Werbelow dated Jim Morrison for three years, but she's never spoken about their relationship —until now. "People don't really know Jim," she tells the St. Petersburg Times. "They don't really have a clue." She goes on to describe how they met and why the relationship ended. Morrison described their breakup in The Doors' The End.
In other Doors news, Morrison's sunglasses are on eBay until Oct. 2. Current bid: $4,295. Posted 9:44 a.m.
Hitched: The Food Network's Rachael Ray married her longtime boyfriend in Italy last weekend. I bet the reception was delicious — and cost-effective. Posted 9:32 a.m.
Critical condition: While Bernie Mac may have recovered from double pneumonia, his show is still ailing in the ratings. The season premiere of The Bernie Mac Show received little attention last Friday and is the lowest-rated live-action series from last season that was renewed, reports the Los Angeles Times. Mac's remaining positive, though: "I feel great, and the show is as good as it's ever been," he said. "This is my baby. This show is a survivor." Another new episode airs tonight at 8 p.m. ET. Posted 9:29 a.m.
Bushisms: After a 12-year break, singer Kate Bush is finally back on the scene. Her new single went on iTunes this week, and her new album, Aerial, hits stores in November. "I don't really know why it took so long, other than she took a break, had her child and was getting on with life," a record-company spokesman said in this story. Fans are also trying to decipher the hidden message on Bush's record cover, which depicts a "visual representation of spoken, or sung words over music." Early guesses include "Elvis is alive" and "We paint penguins pink." Posted 9:16 a.m.
Thursday, Sept. 29:
Off the carpet: E! and Star Jones have parted ways. According to reports, the Emmys were Star's last hurrah; while E! says it opted not to renew her contract, Jones says she was the one who left. Either way, who cares? Let's just enjoy this moment and hope Kathy Griffin won't be filling her place at the Golden Globes. Posted 2:46 p.m.
Stealing Jewel's thunder: Amber Tamblyn is no longer filming a TV series, but she's staying busy with movies and her poetry. "It's like slam poetry, which is intense," she say of her work. "It's got a certain cadence to it." Go here to read the introduction from her new book of poems, Free Stallion. Four of Tamblyn's poems have also been posted online. Posted 2:34 p.m.
The Americano way: Go on, admit it. Not only did you secretly watch Dawson's Creek, you've kind of missed Pacey since the series went off the air. In the new movie Americano, actor Joshua Jackson stars as a college grad seeking adventure in Europe. The film co-stars Dennis Hopper and Undeclared's Timm Sharp, and it looks far more interesting than Jackson's previous project, Cursed. Thanks to Hip reader Ashley B. for the tip. Posted 12:56 p.m.
Truly outrageous: After watching this sparkly video, my day became a little brighter. I must have a gem sweater! Posted 12:37 p.m.
Off track: Here's a preview of the Jennifer Aniston-Clive Owen thriller, Derailed. Six weeks after that hits theaters in November, we'll see Aniston in a romantic comedy, Rumor Has It. A few weeks after that, her Break Up arrives. And so on. It's only a matter of time before she breaks Jude Law's record for the most mediocre movies per year. Posted 11:15 a.m.
By Paul Hawthorne, Getty Images
Rock-star pose: Juliette Lewis showed up at Spin magazine's 20th anniversary party last night in New York. Also there: rapper Darryl "DMC" McDaniels, members of Death Cab for Cutie and DJs Andrew Andrew.
O.A.R. 4 U: Thanks to Hip reader Cory S. for pointing out that O.A.R.'s new album is now streaming for free at mtvU.com. It hits stores Tuesday. Posted 10:59 a.m.
Keep the hits coming: Here's something to make you feel really old: This year, the Beastie Boys celebrate their 24th anniversary. While the band doesn't have anything new coming out, another greatest hits compilation is set to drop Nov. 8. Solid Gold Hits incorporates some tunes from the group's last album, To the 5 Boroughs, but it's mainly a retread of 1999's superior double-disc set, The Sounds of Science. If you want more Beastie for your buck, I suggest you choose the latter. Posted 10:57 a.m.
Don't tease us: "Things are about to get really fun," Zach Braff wrote in his blog the other day after more than a two-month lapse between posts. All Braff would say is that he's "working on a big juicy video" and ZachBraff.com is under construction. What is going on inside that Grammy-winning head of his? Posted 10:49 a.m.
Plane wrong: Some flight attendants are fuming at the way Jodie Foster's new film, Flightplan, depicts their profession. Why? Well, it has to do with the way the movie ends — so if you haven't seen the film and plan to, you might not want to read this story. Posted 10:42 a.m.
Crafts for sale: If I had more cash in my pocket, I would definitely bid on an ottoman made by Joan Jett. Other items in this HGTV charity auction include crafts by Jeffrey Tambor, Amy Sedaris, Susan Sarandon and Elizabeth Berkley. For more celebrity crafts, watch Todd Oldham's Handmade Modern, which airs every night at 8 p.m. ET on HGTV. Posted 10:36 a.m.
Today in romance rumors: This gossipy report about Renee Zellweger "being comforted" by singer/songwriter Damien Rice is a total yawnfest compared to this juicy rumor that the Ashton-Demi wedding was just an elaborate Punk'd prank. Speaking of the sudden nuptials, Entertainment Tonight is reporting that Soleil Moon Frye was also in attendance. Who knew Ashton and Punky Brewster were so close? (Update: Several of you have pointed out that Kutcher's producing partner, Jason Goldberg, is married to Frye. Aha!) Posted 10:23 a.m. Updated 12:35 p.m.
Chat alert: If you're a Firefly/Serenity fan, you may want to participate in today's chat with actor David Krumholtz at 2 p.m. ET. Aside from a bit part in Serenity, he co-stars in the CBS series Numb3rs and has several indie flicks on his resume, including Slums of Beverly Hills and Sidewalks of New York. Posted 9:14 a.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 28:
New Danger: It's been awhile since we've heard from alt-rockers Harvey Danger, who had a big hit in 1998 with Flagpole Sitta. Now the band is back with a new CD — and you can download the whole thing for free. "Why are we doing this?" the band wrote on its website. "The short answer is simply that we want a lot of people to hear the record." Posted 4:42 p.m.
Two things you can count on in autumn: 1. The start of a new TV season.
2. The start of a new Woody Allen movie. As Allen prepares next year's release, watch a trailer for his flick that opens in December, Match Point. It stars Jonathan Rhys-Meyers as a tennis pro who falls for Scarlett Johansson. (The preview is in English with French subtitles.) Posted 4:22 p.m.
This is not a movie: Angelina Jolie attended a Congressional briefing about HIV/AIDS in Washington today. Earlier this week, gossip watchers reported she and Brad Pitt were spotted at a Safeway. How thrilling.
Quote of the day: When asked about last year's infamous "nipple slip," Tara Reid told magazine FHM, "People act like it was the worst crime in the world. ... You would think my boob had popped out and shot Gandhi!" Let's hope that's the first and last time "boob" and "Gandhi" are used in the same sentence. Posted 2:57 p.m.
Not to worry: "I banged up my ribs, but other than that, I'm fine," singer D'Angelo says of the Sept. 19 car accident that sent him to a Richmond, Va., hospital. His attorney added that D'Angelo "is anxious to finish the recording of his soul masterpiece that the world has patiently awaited." No word on when that masterpiece is due to drop, but it can't happen soon enough; D'Angelo's last record, Voodoo, came out five years ago. Posted 2:33 p.m.
Back from chatting: Thanks to everyone who participated in today's chat, which included questions about the Emmys, Nip/Tuck and running naked in the rain. While I was away, several of you sent me links to Time's interview with Joss Whedon and author Neil Gaiman. Here's a longer Gaiman interview and our review of his new novel, Anansi Boys. Posted 2:21 p.m.
Whale of a movie: Since writer/director Noah Baumbach is in the news this week for marrying Jennifer Jason Leigh), I figured it's a fine time to give you a heads-up on his new movie, The Squid and the Whale.
Baumbach is best known for writing and directing 1995 indie Kicking and Screaming and co-writing Wes Anderson's The Life Aquatic. In Squid, which opens Oct. 5, Jeff Daniels and Laura Linney play a divorced couple trying to raise their two sons. (The flick is partly based on Baumbach's childhood.) The soundtrack includes tunes by Lou Reed, Loudon Wainwright III, the Feelies and the Cars, and it hits stores Oct. 18. Posted 12:11 p.m.
DMI/Mark Von Holden
Pack of Cuties: No, Sarah Silverman (bottom right) hasn't joined Death Cab for Cutie. But she did share a bill with the band at last night's Nokia Unwired show in New York. The concert will air on MTV and MTV2 in December.
Whoops: Jennifer Garner accidentally revealed the sex of her baby on The Tonight Show last night. "You can just start to feel really pregnant," she began saying. "Like you are the hugest person on the face of the planet. ... And then I felt just bigger and bigger like she ..." After the slipup, Garner put her hands over her mouth and the audience cheered. Posted 11:24 a.m.
Bruce news: Here's something you may want to add to your holiday wish list: A 30th anniversary edition of Bruce Springsteen's Born to Run will hit stores Nov. 15. The three-disc set includes a DVD of a 1975 Springsteen concert in London, a Making of Born to Run DVD and the remastered album. Posted 10:46 a.m.
Conan the great: It might take you all morning to get through this seven-page interview with Conan O'Brien, but it'll be worth the effort. If only I had a time machine, I could fast-forward to 2008 and find out whether Jon Stewart really will take over Dave Letterman's job around the same time Conan's Tonight Show gig starts. Oh, the rivalry! Posted 10:12 a.m.
Today's Candy: Speaking of Firefly, I wrote about Serenity in this week's Pop Candy column. Both the movie and the audience were better than I expected. Chat with me about it (and anything else) today at 1 p.m. ET. Posted 9:54 a.m.
Alien life forms: I'm sure this list of the top 50 sci-fi series will start some arguments among fans. Topics for discussion: Should Lost really rank higher than Firefly? And what about The Prisoner? Posted 9:51 a.m.
White Wednesday: I have a feeling I'll be writing even more than usual today — I've already come across several not-to-miss links, like this one to a webcast of last night's White Stripes concert in Columbia, Md. You can also hear opening sets by The Shins and M. Ward in their entirety. My ears couldn't be happier. Posted 9:44 a.m.
Tuesday, Sept. 27:
That'll give you a cramp: Speaking of Harry Potter, one 15-year-old fan couldn't afford to buy the new book ... so she borrowed a friend's copy and wrote down the 600-page story by hand. Her five-notebook edition of Half-Blood Prince now sits on her bookshelf with the rest of her collection. Posted 3:52 p.m.
Transit titles: Whenever I take the subway, I notice what books people are reading; in D.C., The Kite Runner and Agatha Christie novels never seem to go out of style. This New Yorker piece uncovers what books commuters leave on the subway, from Harry Potter to Marilyn Manson's Long Hard Road Out of Hell. New York City Transit's Lost Property Unit also recovers Bibles by the boxes. Posted 3:12 p.m.
Papa Bice: Bo Bice is a father. According to People, Bice's wife gave birth to baby Aiden on Saturday. And he might not be the only kid in his class named Aiden: A story in Monday's USA TODAY listed it (and anything ending in the "aden" sound) as one of today's most popular monikers. Posted 2:29 p.m.
The secret's out: Spider-Man's Kirsten Dunst recently let it slip that Thomas Haden Church and Topher Grace will play villains Venom and Sandman in the next Spidey movie. "Maybe I wasn't supposed to say that," she said, after confirming what several fan sites had already suspected. Too late. Posted 11:42 a.m.
New to the force: Forest Whitaker should be an excellent addition to The Shield when its new season starts in January. His character "will present the biggest danger to Vic (Mackey, played by Michael Chiklis) and his team in the history of the series so far," series creator Shawn Ryan said in this story. Posted 10:40 a.m.
By Stephen Shugerma, Getty Images
His future's so bright: Al Pacino stepped out for last night's premiere of Two for the Money in Beverly Hills. Also there: Rene Russo, Matthew McConaughey, Jeremy Piven and blast from the past Richard Grieco.
Catch up with Chris: If you missed last week's premiere of Everybody Hates Chris, don't fret: You can now watch it on your lunch break. Head to Google Video to see the series' entire first episode. Posted 10:21 a.m.
Twelve Confessions: This list of songs on Madonna's record doesn't mean much to me, but I figured I'd pass it along anyway. I'm still on the fence about the retro cover art for Confessions on a Dancefloor, which features a red-haired Madge bent over backwards. Posted 10:15 a.m.
Banned in the U.S.A.: While at the library yesterday, I was reminded that it's Banned Books Week. Celebrate by reading Maya Angelou's I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Robert Cormier's The Chocolate War or another frequently challenged title. Last year I wrote a column on the subject. Posted 10:09 a.m.
Brit's blurry baby: Here are a couple cruddy paparazzi photos of Britney Spears and her new baby. Do with them what you please. Posted 10:03 a.m.
Now hear this: Fiona Apple's new album, Extraordinary Machine, is now streaming for free on MySpace.com. When you're done, head over to NME.com to hear Franz Ferdinand's record, which doesn't hit stores until Oct. 4. (Thanks to Hip reader Chris H. for the Franz tip.) Posted 9:59 a.m.
Monday, Sept. 26:
Rock Star swag: You still have some time to bid on autographed guitar picks, clothing and other items in this Rock Star charity auction. Sheet music signed by winner J.D. Fortune is already going for more than $500. Posted 4:59 p.m.
Even Cheaper: First of all, was there really big demand for a sequel to Cheaper by the Dozen? Secondly, was it really necessary for someone to outdo Cheaper and make a movie about two parents with 18 kids? Posted 2:10 p.m.
Save yourself: Now, I'm not saying my spouse should enroll in this service. But perhaps there are some forgetful fellows there who could use some help ...Posted 1:32 p.m.
Oprah's seal of approval: After choosing a string of classic titles, Oprah's Book Club is going contemporary again. The talk-show host's current choice: A Million Little Pieces by James Frey. Go here to read an essay by Frey about the memoir. Posted 12:25 p.m.
Will work for food: Alex Kapranos isn't only the lead singer of Franz Ferdinand. He's also ... a food critic? Kapranos, a former chef, is now a regular food columnist for London's Guardian newspaper. His first topic: stinky wine. Posted 11:55 a.m.
Beach bums: Watching MTV's Laguna Beach gives me hives — it's like I'm reliving every horrible moment from high school, and I half-expect the bratty cast members to jump out of the TV and mock my outfit. For some reason, teen viewers are loving this reality series, though. In this story, Newsweek tries to figure out why. Posted 9:52 a.m.
They're back: It's been four years since Maxwell's last album and nine years since The Fugees' last release. Now comes word both artists are working on records, due in early 2006. It's about time. Posted 8:30 a.m.
Models get wired: If you like the Survivor blog (see below), you may want to check out another online reality offering: America's Next Top Model's talk show, which only airs on the Web. A new episode airs live each Thursday at 2 p.m. ET, but previous installments are archived on the site. Posted 12:15 a.m.
By Albert Ferreira-Startraks, AP
Tooting his own horn: Director and clarinet player Woody Allen posed with musician David Byrne backstage at Saturday's Parting the Waters benefit concert in New York. Also there: Elvis Costello and Mary-Louise Parker.
Streep struts: Here's an early image of Meryl Streep as a high-powered fashion magazine editor in The Devil Wears Prada. I wonder if it will include a scene with PETA protestors throwing pies in her face ... Posted 12:11 a.m.
Nonstop reality: Oh dear — the folks at CBS have given former Survivor castaways a blog. The new season is barely underway, but they already have loads to say. Posted 12:03 a.m.
Sunday, Sept. 25:
Just Cos: High-quality toilet paper, occasional lattes and Neutrogena soap are all part of Bill Cosby's tour rider, posted on TheSmokingGun.com. When on tour, the comedian also likes to stay in a "Presidential Suite quality" hotel room and have a dozen bottles of Evian on hand. Pass it on. Posted 11:56 p.m.
Comics report: I hope everyone had a lovely weekend — I'm doing some other work-related stuff tonight, so I figured I'd blog a little while the laptop is hot. Yesterday I went to SPX and had a fantastic time meeting cartoonists, buying comics and seeing familiar faces. Once I get around to reading the books I bought, I'll post reviews here. Assorted highlights:
- I met American Splendor's Harvey Pekar, who was there promoting his Splendor collections and The Quitter (illustrated by Dean Haspiel), which hits stores in November. Pekar also told me he's working on a book about Macedonia. I love Pekar's autobiographical work, but I'm particularly excited to see what happens when he takes himself out of the scene. In person, he was incredibly gracious and friendly and not at all the way Paul Giamatti portrayed him in the movie!
- You know I'm a fool for Jeffrey Brown— I got him to sign my copy of his new mini-comic, These Things, These Things. The title comes from a song by Andrew Bird, and the book mentions several of Bird's albums. Go here to listen to Bird's latest release, The Mysterious Production of Eggs, in its entirety.
- Finally, a big highlight of my trip was running into Zack Smith, a comics fan, Hip Clicks reader and fellow blogger. Smith is also a huge Arrested Development fan, and during his trips to comics conventions, he asks cartoonists to draw characters from the show. Pages from Smith's sketchbook, Bluth Spirit, have been posted online. Artists include Jeffrey Brown and James Kochalka, who drew a splendid Tobias. Posted 11:50 p.m. | Pile-CC |
The immunization and vaccine crisis in developing countries.
Health care research has shown that immunization can play a crucial role in fighting infectious diseases. A global effort was launched to decrease the incidence of infectious disease worldwide through immunization. This paper highlights many of the problems which have contributed to an immunization crisis, in which developing countries are not receiving the benefits of vaccines due to slow vaccine delivery systems; the increasing cost of vaccines; and vaccine and immunization program deficiencies. Consequences of the crisis, solutions, and the role of health care professionals in supporting immunization programs are presented. | PubMed Abstracts |
Stanley Sadie
Stanley John Sadie (; 30 October 1930 – 21 March 2005) was an influential and prolific British musicologist, music critic, and editor. He was editor of the sixth edition of the Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (1980), which was published as the first edition of The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians.
Born in Wembley, Sadie was educated at St Paul's School, London, and studied music privately for three years with Bernard Stevens. At Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge he read music under Thurston Dart. Sadie earned Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music degrees in 1953, a Master of Arts degree in 1957, and a PhD in 1958. His doctoral dissertation was on mid-eighteenth-century British chamber music. After Cambridge, he taught at Trinity College of Music, London (1957–1965).
Sadie then turned to music journalism, becoming music critic for The Times (1964–1981), and contributing reviews to the Financial Times after 1981, when he had to leave his position and The Times because of his commitments to the Grove and other scholarly work. He was editor of The Musical Times from 1967 until 1987.
From 1970 Sadie was editor of what was planned to be the sixth edition of the Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (1980). Sadie oversaw major changes to the dictionary, which grew from nine volumes to twenty, and was published as The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (New Grove), and is now referred to as the first edition under that name. He was also an important force behind the second edition of New Grove (2001), which grew further to 29 volumes. Sadie also oversaw a major expansion of the Grove franchise, editing the one-volume Grove Concise Dictionary of Music (1988), and several spinoff dictionaries, such as the New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments (three volumes, 1984), the New Grove Dictionary of American Music, (with H. Wiley Hitchcock, four volumes, 1986), and The New Grove Dictionary of Opera (four volumes, 1992). He also edited composer biographies based on the entries in Grove.
Outside his work on the Grove dictionaries, Sadie edited the Man and Music volumes accompanying a television series (1989–1993). He was also an accomplished bassoonist.
Sadie died at his home in Cossington, Somerset, 21 March 2005, of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Motor Neurone disease), which had been diagnosed only a few weeks earlier.
Sadie married twice. His first wife, Adèle Sadie (née Bloom; 1931–1978) – whom he married in 1953 in London, and with whom he had two sons and a daughter – died in 1978. Sadie married Julie Anne Sadie, PhD (née Vertrees; born 1948), also a musicologist, in 1978. They had a son and a daughter.
In 1982, Sadie was appointed CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire). He received an honorary Doctor of Letters from the University of Leicester in 1982, and was elected honorary fellow of the Royal College of Music in 1994 and Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. In 2005, Sadie became a Handel Prize laureate.
Professional affiliations
American Musicological Society, corresponding member, 1996
Royal Musical Association, president 1989–1984
The Critics' Circle
International Musicological Society, president 1992–1997
External links and resources
Stanley Sadie Archive Project, Cambridge University Library
External links
The Grove dictionary online
The Times obituary
Obituary by Alison Latham, The Guardian, 24 March 2005
Interview with Stanley Sadie, 29 October 1992
Category:1930 births
Category:2005 deaths
Category:People educated at St Paul's School, London
Category:Alumni of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge
Category:British musicologists
Category:Mozart scholarship
Category:Commanders of the Order of the British Empire
Category:Deaths from motor neuron disease
Category:International Musicological Society
Category:The Times people
Category:Opera critics
Category:English biographers
Category:English male non-fiction writers
Category:20th-century English writers
Category:21st-century English writers
Category:Academics of Trinity College of Music
Category:Financial Times people
Category:English music critics
Category:Classical music critics
Category:20th-century biographers
Category:Handel Prize winners
Category:20th-century musicologists | Wikipedia (en) |
Andreas Antonopoulos: Bitcoin's Name Sucks, I’d Rename it to ‘TrustNet’
Bitcoin expert Andreas Antonopoulos recently spoke at Barcelona’s FabLab with his “thoughts on the future of money,” as his speech was aptly titled. Interestingly, the author of “Mastering Bitcoin,” admitted that he dislikes the name Bitcoin and would rename it if he got the chance.
Also read: Estonia’s Supreme Court Decision Criticized as Anti-Bitcoin
Bitcoin’s Name ‘Just Sucks’
Speaking in front of Barcelona’s Bitcoin community on March 24, Antonopoulos admitted that the name of the world’s first “network-centric” currency is “terrible” and unappealing to the general public.
“I really like the idea of network-centric money,” he said. “In fact, in my opinion, the word ‘Bitcoin’ is a terrible name. It just sucks.”
Bitcoin’s public image has of course suffered due to negative headlines in the press, resulting in many people associating it with cyber crime and the black market. But is Antonopoulos making a valid point in that the name is also a problem? Since it not only sounds like something a computer geek would come up with, but also doesn’t capture the true essence of this groundbreaking technology.
“If you’re a designer, think about it for a second,” he continued. “’Bits,’ which either means small or it means the person who just said that is a geek. None of which is appealing to the general population; and ‘coin’ — a physical token of money used to describe the least physical form of money we’ve ever designed.”
It’s certainly true that upon hearing the word “Bitcoin,” your first thoughts are not about decentralized, peer-to-peer commerce, the “first ever neutrality-exhibiting financial network,” as Antonopoulos himself puts it, or including billions of unbanked people in the global economy. So what name would a talented marketing team come up with if they got a chance to rename Bitcoin? Antonopoulos shared his choice with the audience:
If I could rename it, I’d rename it ‘TrustNet’ because that’s what Bitcoin is. It’s a network that allows you to replace trust and institutions, trust in hierarchies, with trust on the network. The network acting as a massively diffuse arbiter of truth, resolving any disagreements about transactions and security in a way where no one has control.
Indeed, something that better captures the functionality of the technology could gain more traction with the general public. Though ever since the name “Bitcoin” was coined by its mysterious creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, in 2008, there have been hundreds of other cryptocurrencies appearing in its wake all attempting to build on its success. Cryptocurrencies such as NXT, Dash (rebranded from Darkcoin), Stellar, and Monero are just some of the few examples of companies and communities going their own way as far as names are concerned.
But Bitcoin has all but become a household name already, for better or for worse. It is undoubtedly the most recognizable cryptocurrency today, and chances are it will stick around for years to come. Meanwhile, thousands, if not millions of new cryptocurrencies will emerge in the future under more marketable names, offering something new and even better than the originator. But by that time, the name “Bitcoin” will probably be perceived a whole lot differently than it does today.
You can watch the full talk below:
Would you rename ‘Bitcoin’? What would you rename it to? Let us know in the comments sections below!
Images courtesy of Exmo.com, bitcoinbarcelona.cat | OpenWebText2 |
PI3K-p110-alpha-subtype signalling mediates survival, proliferation and neurogenesis of cortical progenitor cells via activation of mTORC2.
Development of the cerebral cortex is controlled by growth factors among which transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) have a central role. The TGFβ- and IGF1-pathways cross-talk and share signalling molecules, but in the central nervous system putative points of intersection remain unknown. We studied the biological effects and down-stream molecules of TGFβ and IGF1 in cells derived from the mouse cerebral cortex at two developmental time points, E13.5 and E16.5. IGF1 induces PI3K, AKT and the mammalian target of rapamycin complexes (mTORC1/mTORC2) primarily in E13.5-derived cells, resulting in proliferation, survival and neuronal differentiation, but has small impact on E16.5-derived cells. TGFβ has little effect at E13.5. It does not activate the PI3K- and mTOR-signalling network directly, but requires its activity to mediate neuronal differentiation specifically at E16.5. Our data indicate a central role of mTORC2 in survival, proliferation as well as neuronal differentiation of E16.5-derived cortical cells. mTORC2 promotes these cellular processes and is under control of PI3K-p110-alpha signalling. PI3K-p110-beta signalling activates mTORC2 in E16.5-derived cells but it does not influence cell survival, proliferation and differentiation. This finding indicates that different mTORC2 subtypes may be implicated in cortical development and that these subtypes are under control of different PI3K isoforms. Within developing cortical cells TGFβ- and IGF-signalling activities are timely separated. TGFβ dominates in E16.5-derived cells and drives neuronal differentiation. IGF influences survival, proliferation and neuronal differentiation in E13.5-derived cells. mTORC2-signalling in E16.5-derived cells influences survival, proliferation and differentiation, activated through PI3K-p110-alpha. PI3K-p110-beta-signalling activates a different mTORC2. Both PI3K/mTORC2-signalling pathways are required but not directly activated in TGFβ-mediated neuronal differentiation. | PubMed Abstracts |
Quickly kill processes containing word
$ ps aux | grep ruby
user 1565 3.7 0.1 4307464 17696 s000 S+ 7:31AM 0:00.61 /Users/user/.rbenv/versions/2.3.1/bin/ruby bin/rails c
user 1579 0.0 0.0 4268020 788 s001 S+ 7:31AM 0:00.00 grep ruby
user 1489 0.0 0.0 0 0 ?? Z 7:29AM 0:00.00 (ruby)
How do I quickly kill all these processes?
What I tried:
kill -9 `ps aux | grep ruby`
My environment:
$ bash --version
GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin18)
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
$ uname -a
Darwin MacBook-Pro.local 18.0.0 Darwin Kernel Version 18.0.0: Wed Aug 22 20:13:40 PDT 2018; root:xnu-4903.201.2~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
As Haxiel commented, my recommendation would be to use pkill:
pkill -9 ruby
| StackExchange |
“A number of lefties are softening their criticism and some are even announcing their support for Bernie Sanders. Yet: Those who have watched Sanders for years – e.g., anti-war activists from Vermont – know better than to trust Bernie “Chavez is [a] dead, communist dictator” Sanders. When push comes to shove, he will side with imperialist power – e.g., voting against the invasion of Iraq but voting to fund the occupation.” –Phil Rockstroh (2/27/19)
“One keeps looking for the moral clarity of Gene McCarthy, Wayne Morse or Mike Gravel from Bernie Sanders on issues of war and peace. Yet what we are offered is mush and drivel. One might be tempted to blame it on his age. But like Reagan, he knows exactly what he is saying and why.” –Jeffrey St. Clair (2/23/19)
The Democratic Party has an undeserved reputation for being anti-war. The last time the party ran an anti-war candidate for president was George McGovern in 1972. The 1980’s was the last decade when it was typical of candidates to pledge “defense” cuts or nuclear arms reductions. Dennis Kucinich has been the only exception to that rule this century. In fact, the most successful anti-war candidate of the last twenty years was a Republican: Ron Paul, who made a notable splash in both 2008 and 2012.
Though he is not a member of the political party that writer Paul Street regularly refers to as the “dismal, dollar-drenched Dems,” Vermont’s Senator Bernie Sanders is once more seeking its presidential nomination and has signed the requisite “loyalty oath.” Sanders is often considered anti-war, but this is wishful thinking. His decades-long record in office demonstrates otherwise.
It’s telling that Sanders has been more likely to cast a vote that could be deemed anti-war when a Republican is president. That betrays an allegiance more to partisanship than principle. Given this pattern, one can rightly wonder if he would have pushed his resolution against US support of Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen if Hillary had been elected. (Also note that the resolution would not end the US’s role even if Trump does not veto it, as he is expected to do.)
(Props: I must acknowledge that the biggest source for this piece was Counterpunch editor Jeffrey St. Clair’s 2016 book, “Bernie & the Sandernistas: Field Notes from a Failed Revolution,” which I quote frequently. Page numbers in brackets refer to that volume.)
Sanders’ vote against the Iraq war authorization in 2002, like Obama’s (and unlike Hillary’s) is held up as some real anti-war cred, but as St. Clair writes:
“More problematic for the Senator in Birkenstock’s is the little-known fact that Bernie Sanders himself voted twice in support of regime change in Iraq. In 1998 Sanders voted in favor of the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998, which said: ‘It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime.’ “Later that same year, Sanders also backed a resolution that stated: ‘Congress reaffirms that it should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime.’ These measures gave congressional backing for the CIA’s covert plan to overthrow the Hussein regime in Baghdad, as well as the tightening of an economic sanctions regime that may have killed as many as 500,000 Iraqi children. The resolution also gave the green light to Operation Desert Fox, a four-day long bombing campaign striking 100 targets throughout Iraq. The operation featured more than 300 bombing sorties and 350 ground-launched Tomahawk cruise missiles, several targeting Saddam Hussein himself” [pp. 37-38].
St. Clair adds: “Recall that over the 8 years of Clinton Time, Iraq was bombed an average of once every four days.”
The Bosnian War was the largest armed conflict in Europe since the end of World War II and caused over 100,000 deaths. The involvement of the USA and NATO in the war was a matter of controversy. Certainly, there was an anti-war stance to take, but Bernie didn’t rise to the occasion. As St. Clair writes,
“[Sanders] voted in favor of the war on Serbia: once, twice… and on April 28, 1999, he did it again. This was the astounding 213-213 tie vote, which meant that the House of Representatives repudiated the war on Serbia launched by Clinton in violation of Article One of the US Constitution., which reserves war-making powers to Congress. So if the ‘socialist progressive’ ‘anti-war’ Sanders had voted in line with the anti-war sentiments he has forged a career upon, the result would have been a straight majority for the coalition of Republicans and radical Democrats” [p. 2].
Sanders voted for the 2001 Authorization for Unilateral Military Force Against Terrorists (AUMF), which, in St. Clair’s words, “pretty much allowed Bush to wage war wherever he wanted” [p. 37].
Not at all an anti-war vote, and one that had – and continues to have – far-reaching consequences.
On few other subjects of foreign policy are people in the USA more misled – including most liberals, and including Bernie – than on Venezuela. Most people here seem to think it’s some kind of authoritarian regime (while ignoring that the US is, to use Jimmy Carter’s words, an “oligarchy with unlimited political bribery”). Wrote St. Clair in 2015:
“In the wake of Jeremy Corbyn’s smashing victory as the new leader of Britain’s Labour Party, Hillary’s super-PAC, Correct the Record, tarred Sanders as a Corbyn-like renegade who had cozied up to untouchable figures like Hugo Chavez. “About a decade ago, Sanders was part of a delegation that negotiated a sensible deal to bring low-cost heating oil from Venezuela to poor families in the northeastern United States. But instead of defending his honorable role in this ex parte negotiation, Sanders wilted. In a fundraising email to his legions of Sandernistas, Bernie fumed at being ‘linked to a dead Communist dictator.’ “Of course, Hugo Chavez represented everything that Bernie Sanders claims to be. Chavez is an independent socialist whose immense popularity in his own country led to his Bolivarian Party winning 18 straight hotly-contested elections since 1996, not to mention surviving several coup attempts backed by the CIA and the editorial board of the New York Times, plots that elicited not a squeak of dissent from Bernie the Red” [p. 21].
Hugo Chávez was very popular in Venezuela for good reasons. As Gabriel Hetland wrote in “The Truth about Chávez,” Chávez’s policies “led to vast improvements in access to health care, education, housing, and pensions. Poverty in Venezuela was cut in half between 2003 and 2008, with extreme poverty falling by 72%. …By 2012 Venezuela was the most equitable country in Latin America.”
Bernie’s recent remarks about Venezuela were hardly a strong statement against US meddling. Rather, after mischaracterizing the nation’s governance, economy and actions towards dissent, all Bernie could tepidly condemn was “a long history of inappropriatelyintervening in Latin American countries” [my emphasis] as if there is way of “appropriately” intervening. No, this is not an anti-war sentiment.
Ajamu Baraka put it well when he said:
“There will be no peace as long as we allow the mythology to persist that the U.S. is a benevolent nation committed to human rights and democracy. This is [the] basis of arrogance that allows the U.S. to trample on international law & invade and destroy nations and peoples.”
The common fallacy Baraka describes here is one that Bernie seems to subscribe to, as well as many of his supporters. This idea has no place in an anti-war platform. As long as it is embraced or accepted, the true nature of the U.S. cannot be seen clearly, which is imperialism.
The Cold War between the US and the USSR ended thirty years ago, but was revived against the Russian Federation by Hillary and the Democrats during the 2016 presidential race. This dangerous development has pushed the world closer to nuclear conflict, an unimaginably terrifying prospect. It has also resulted in a new McCarthyism that, with the enthusiastic help of big tech giants like Facebook, Google and Twitter, has led to the marginalization of leftist alternative media and activism online.
Sanders has been totally on board. He has consistently supported sanctions against Russia (notwithstanding one particular vote against them, which he cast because of the bill’s stance on Iran). He voted for the 2014 $1 billion package to support the anti-Russian, neo-Nazi forces in Ukraine, another provocative move. He has also professed confidence in the Russia/Trump/collusion conspiracy theories, the pursuit of which has only ratcheted up tensions more, and served to distract the populace from reasons to oppose Trump that are not at all difficult to prove.
The F-35 fighter jet program is notoriously expensive and the plane itself infamously buggy. With a price tag of $1.5 trillion, and a development process that started in 2001, it is considered one of the single most profligate Pentagon projects ever (see Scientific American, the Atlantic and yes, Fox). Even war-monger John McCain called it an “incredible waste of the taxpayers’ dollars.” Yet Bernie has been a staunch supporter since the beginning. Says St. Clair says of the Senator’s enthusiasm:
“He’s a Cold War Liberal lost in a post-Cold War world. [He] clings to his death-dealing supersonic relics, most fervently to the F-35 Lightning II fighter jet. As Andrew Cockburn reported in Harper’s, Sanders and his Vermont colleague Patrick Leahy waged a fierce bureaucratic fight to bring the jet to the Burlington Air Base as the premier weapon of the Green Mountain Boys, the 158th Fighter Wing of the Vermont Air National Guard. At $191 million per aircraft, the F-35 represents a technological wish-fulfillment for the defense lobby. Larded with the latest high-tech thanatic gizmos, the porcine and unstable Stealth fighter will prowl cloud-free skies (too dainty to fly in rain) on an endless quest to confront an enemy that no longer exists, and perhaps never did” [p. 22].
Activist Carl Gibson put Bernie on the spot about this topic in person, and Bernie said: “for better or worse, that is the plane of record right now, and it is not gonna be discarded. That’s the reality.” But that wasn’t a good answer to Gibson, who wrote:
“So, while Bernie Sanders is saying we should cut military spending to fund free college for everyone, his defense of the F-35 means that despite everything else, Sanders is still just a politician. Sooner or later, the F-35 will eventually be replaced by something even more expensive, while the F-35 joins the thousands of other unused fighter jets in the boneyard. But rather than lying to people and saying the program is already a done deal and that there’s nothing he can do, Sanders could stand by his principles and introduce an amendment in the next National Defense Authorization Act to strip the F-35 program of its funding. That remaining $700 billion could make college tuition-free for everyone for at least a decade.”
According to opensecrets.org, in the 2016 race, Sanders took $366,458 from the Defense Industry, only 8% less than Trump and about 1/3 as much as Hillary accepted. Given that even peacenik Jill Stein is down for $26,395 in this category, one might wonder how it is defined, but that’s just too much to be called anti-war.
“This is the bottom-line, if you support imperialist politicians, no matter what ‘freebies’ they are promising, you support murder. We cannot, or should not, have ‘nice things’ here in [this] country when we are bombing so many more. Something has to give, and it has to be imperialism.” – Cindy Sheehan
First, there are ethical considerations. That is, the idea that war is intrinsically wrong on moral grounds, and that conflicts should be settled by other means that are non-violent (with exceptions for legitimate self-defense). Pacifism has been preached and practiced by religious and secular people alike during the entire history of the US. Certainly, it has been more or less popular during different periods – and seems to be suffering a nadir at the moment, at least as a visible and vocal cultural force – but it has never completely withered. Such people and organizations operate as a vital conscience for the nation. From this standpoint, Sanders is flatly unacceptable.
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron. –Eisenhower
Secondly, there is the financial reality that war-making is bleeding the US dry. Every dollar for bomb-building is money that cannot be spent on projects that actually keep people safe, housed, fed, healthy and productive for the common good. Think of the bridges falling down, the homeless on the streets, the children who need free school lunches, the prohibitive cost of “healthcare” and the amount of creativity and labor sucked up by industries that are destructive (resource extraction, defense, big ag), soul crushing (the service industry, advertising, tech) or unnecessary (the FIRE sector: finance, insurance and real estate). This is a profoundly sick society indeed. In his speech announcing his entry into the 2020 race, Sanders called for cuts to military spending that have been described as “deep” but have not been quantified so far. Given the contradictions in his record, Peace activists Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies rightly ask: “’Which Bernie would we see in the White House?’ Would it be the one who has the clarity and courage to vote ‘No’ on 84% of military spending bills in the Senate, or the one who supports military boondoggles like the F-35…?”
St. Clair, again:
“It is one of the great failures of the Sanders campaign that he didn’t try to puncture some of the comforting illusions about American foreign policy. As cruelly as we treat our own citizens, Americans like to believe, in fact must believe, that our country remains a force of light and goodness in the most troubled precincts of the world. We are reluctant warriors, heroes for humanity. Sanders had a rare chance to expose America’s savage imprint on the world to his followers. With more than 800 military bases sprawling across the globe, the American military machine keeps the unruly living under a constant state of nuclear terror, each transgression against the imperial order disciplined and punished by SEAL team assassins, cruise missiles and drone strikes out of the clear blue skies” [pp. 2-3].
Last, but not least, is the stark reality of the planet’s dire environmental condition. Pollution is poisoning virtually all living things and climate change is threatening the existence of a large percentage. This has been the legacy of agriculture and industrialization. To address this challenging situation, we need global cooperation. But such teamwork is impossible while the USA is such a bellicose bully. A tremendous amount of the world’s energy, resources and time go into fending off or paying off the USA and its resource-extracting corporate overlords. This current state of affairs must end and be replaced with a real camaraderie in spirit and in labor. (And by the way, the Pentagon is also the world’s largest institutional polluter.)
So, given the existential crisis that humanity is facing at this moment in history, to demand that the president of the USA be dedicated to a real anti-war platform is not a “purity test.” It is an entirely practical matter. Nothing less will do than a drastic reduction in “defense” spending and a complete turn-around of US foreign policy.
I’m not naive. I realize that no such candidate would be allowed to run on either major party ticket, and that third parties don’t have a chance. So, it is not into candidates or elections that we should put our efforts, but movements. An anti-war movement of sufficient size and energy could successfully guide the actions of whomever lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
So let us put our hopes not in heroes but ourselves. | OpenWebText2 |
ided by 20?
What is the remainder when 65734 is divided by 21897?
Calculate the remainder when 4441 is divided by 389.
Calculate the remainder when 13881 is divided by 419.
Calculate the remainder when 7230 is divided by 7205.
Calculate the remainder when 52531 is divided by 5835.
Calculate the remainder when 51033 is divided by 2428.
What is the remainder when 6585 is divided by 422?
What is the remainder when 15635 is divided by 4885?
Calculate the remainder when 13438 is divided by 40.
What is the remainder when 23447 is divided by 325?
Calculate the remainder when 9548 is divided by 9527.
What is the remainder when 1963149 is divided by 142?
Calculate the remainder when 4984559 is divided by 560.
What is the remainder when 34549 is divided by 8637?
Calculate the remainder when 2391127 is divided by 1163.
Calculate the remainder when 952299 is divided by 14.
What is the remainder when 2624144 is divided by 19?
What is the remainder when 1322 is divided by 143?
Calculate the remainder when 7039 is divided by 872.
Calculate the remainder when 149548 is divided by 2231.
Calculate the remainder when 9117 is divided by 17.
What is the remainder when 1594 is divided by 283?
Calculate the remainder when 93451 is divided by 5189.
What is the remainder when 116007 is divided by 38636?
What is the remainder when 59348 is divided by 89?
What is the remainder when 3855 is divided by 58?
Calculate the remainder when 3242422 is divided by 51.
Calculate the remainder when 1656776 is divided by 124.
Calculate the remainder when 162249 is divided by 295.
Calculate the remainder when 71044 is divided by 378.
What is the remainder when 100047 is divided by 1021?
What is the remainder when 48974 is divided by 25?
Calculate the remainder when 101021 is divided by 574.
What is the remainder when 115650 is divided by 69?
Calculate the remainder when 17477 is divided by 47.
What is the remainder when 251040 is divided by 27893?
What is the remainder when 53563 is divided by 189?
What is the remainder when 3539 is divided by 413?
Calculate the remainder when 237088 is divided by 14.
Calculate the remainder when 58876 is divided by 19624.
What is the remainder when 2617 is divided by 20?
Calculate the remainder when 24967 is divided by 8285.
Calculate the remainder when 9523 is divided by 4528.
Calculate the remainder when 96891 is divided by 6052.
What is the remainder when 3050 is divided by 15?
Calculate the remainder when 512116 is divided by 46555.
Calculate the remainder when 14149 is divided by 8.
Calculate the remainder when 17738 is divided by 286.
Calculate the remainder when 4876 is divided by 584.
Calculate the remainder when 1536 is divided by 205.
Calculate the remainder when 10409 is divided by 66.
What is the remainder when 14210 is divided by 444?
Calculate the remainder when 19396 is divided by 8.
What is the remainder when 28979 is divided by 13?
Calculate the remainder when 26926 is divided by 2973.
What is the remainder when 403 is divided by 7?
Calculate the remainder when 11747 is divided by 250.
Calculate the remainder when 590962 is divided by 132.
Calculate the remainder when 13055 is divided by 46.
What is the remainder when 2763 is divided by 33?
Calculate the remainder when 26092 is divided by 6520.
Calculate the remainder when 4271949 is divided by 50.
What is the remainder when 361112 is divided by 33?
Calculate the remainder when 6328 is divided by 100.
Calculate the remainder when 3657420 is divided by 669.
What is the remainder when 22595 is divided by 254?
Calculate the remainder when 21384 is divided by 227.
Calculate the remainder when 3271 is divided by 1277.
Calculate the remainder when 162152 is divided by 32421.
What is the remainder when 4948 is divided by 133?
Calculate the remainder when 373 is divided by 200.
Calculate the remainder when 166098 is divided by 100.
What is the remainder when 154686 is divided by 7031?
Calculate the remainder when 288087 is divided by 18.
Calculate the remainder when 113648 is divided by 28379.
Calculate the remainder when 274431 is divided by 343.
Calculate the remainder when 7894 is divided by 2.
Calculate the remainder when 48501 is divided by 98.
What is the remainder when 60738 is divided by 30249?
Calculate the remainder when 33006 is divided by 1222.
What is the remainder when 58334 is divided by 5302?
What is the remainder when 63565 is divided by 58?
What is the remainder when 245640 is divided by 5?
Calculate the remainder when 3312 is divided by 886.
What is the remainder when 2191 is divided by 129?
Calculate the remainder when 156054 is divided by 54.
Calculate the remainder when 40809 is divided by 13603.
What is the remainder when 255 is divided by 246?
What is the remainder when 49407 is divided by 43?
Calculate the remainder when 147704 is divided by 169.
Calculate the remainder when 2720 is divided by 845.
Calculate the remainder when 30376 is divided by 34.
What is the remainder when 19647 is divided by 931?
What is the remainder when 28800 is divided by 241?
What is the remainder when 10480 is divided by 408?
Calculate the remainder when 505262 is divided by 315.
Calculate the remainder when 141180 is divided by 929.
Calculate the remainder when 1146 is divided by 75.
Calculate the remainder when 8563 is divided by 53.
Calculate the remainder when 44446 is divided by 408.
What is the remainder when 1387 is divided by 459?
Calculate the remainder when 309004 is divided by 545.
What is the remainder when 725087 is divided by 8?
What is the remainder when 5572 is divided by 95?
What is the remainder when 48356 is divided by 199?
Calculate the remainder when 222238 is divided by 54.
What is the remainder when 6015 is divided by 1975?
Calculate the remainder when 150887 is divided by 11604.
What is the remainder when 83718 is divided by 996?
Calculate the remainder when 50457 is divided by 720.
Calculate the remainder when 397387 is divided by 24.
Calculate the remainder when 19373 is divided by 2234.
What is the remainder when 15912 is divided by 40?
What is the remainder when 19666 is divided by 3930?
Calculate the remainder when 38223 is divided by 1158.
What is the remainder when 27617 is divided by 271?
Calculate the remainder when 250 is divided by 81.
What is the remainder when 63082 is divided by 21026?
Calculate the remainder when 3613 is divided by 125.
Calculate the remainder when 3454 is divided by 3429.
What is the remainder when 1622 is divided by 510?
Calculate the remainder when 293205 is divided by 73299.
Calculate the remainder when 563 is divided by 487.
What is the remainder when 28277 is divided by 14120?
Calculate the remainder when 100655 is divided by 847.
Calculate the remainder when 6591 is divided by 1647.
What is the remainder when 182639 is divided by 438?
Calculate the remainder when 3269 is divided by 57.
What is the remainder when 8660 is divided by 769?
Calculate the remainder when 10206 is divided by 218.
Calculate the remainder when 2364 is divided by 142.
Calculate the remainder when 18538 is divided by 156.
What is the remainder when 17731 is divided by 8730?
Calculate the remainder when 90157 is divided by 429.
Calculate the remainder when 164035 is divided by 42.
Calculate the remainder when 2922431 is divided by 9.
Calculate the remainder when 77645 is divided by 429.
Calculate the remainder when 75443 is divided by 205.
Calculate the remainder when 35717 is divided by 184.
What is the remainder when 227236 is divided by 939?
What is the remainder when 124588 is divided by 132?
What is the remainder when 5124 is divided by 111?
Calculate the remainder when 21161 is divided by 2989.
Calculate the remainder when 13374 is divided by 39.
What is the remainder when 10300 is divided by 610 | DM Mathematics |
HARARE, Zimbabwe — An explosion rocked a stadium in Zimbabwe where President Emmerson Mnangagwa was addressing a political rally on Saturday, his spokesman said, adding the head of state was unhurt and taken to safety.
State media described the blast as an assassination attempt. Vice President Constantino Chiwenga and his wife sustained minor injuries, a source close to Mnangagwa told Reuters.
"There has been an incident at Bulawayo (White City Stadium) where the president was addressing a rally. This is now a police issue but the president is safe at Bulawayo State House," spokesman George Charamba told Reuters, adding that the explosion happened in the VIP tent.
Injured people are attended to as they lay on the ground following an explosion at President Emmerson Mnangagwa's rally in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, on Saturday. AP
Mnangagwa had been speaking in Zimbabwe's second-largest city of Bulawayo ahead of next month's election.
Witnesses told The Associated Press that the blast occurred just as Mnangagwa finished addressing the crowd and was leaving the podium.
The president was immediately whisked to a state house in the city to ensure his safety, according to the state-run Zimbabwe Herald.
"Attempt on ED's life," the Herald's headline said, referring to the president by his initials.
Footage posted online showed Mnangagwa waving to the crowd, turning to step off the podium and walking into the open-sided VIP tent, where seconds later the explosion occurred. People ducked and screamed and smoke billowed.
State television immediately cut its broadcast.
Bulawayo has traditionally been an opposition stronghold.
'Multiple Attempts'
Spokesman Charamba told The Herald that investigations were underway, and pointed out that there have been "multiple attempts" on Mnangagwa's life over the years.
The president himself has openly joked about the attempts, including during his campaigning.
Mnangagwa took power in November after his former ally, longtime leader Robert Mugabe, stepped down under military pressure. That dramatic transfer of power began when Mnangagwa was fired as Mugabe's deputy and said he had to immediately flee the country for his life.
The July 30 election will be the first without Mugabe in the southern African nation since independence in 1980.
Mnangagwa has pledged to hold a free and fair election, inviting Western observers for the first time in almost two decades. Past votes have been marked by allegations of violence and fraud, and the United States and others have said a credible vote is key to lifting international sanctions. | OpenWebText2 |
White House Backpedals After Claiming Bergdahl ‘Served With Honor And Distinction’
Deputy national security advisor Tony Blinken struggled to cover for his boss Susan Rice on Tuesday, backtracking from her contention that Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl “served with honor and distinction” in the face of tough questions from NBC reporter Andrea Mitchell.
Mitchell confronted Blinken over Rice’s Sunday claim that Bergdahl “served with honor and distinction” — an assertion almost immediately disproven by scores of Bergdahl’s comrades and official Pentagon reports, which show the soldier abandoned his post and may have been seeking to join the Taliban.
“Why did Susan Rice say he served with honor and distinction?” she asked. “It was clear to the military as soon as he left what had happened, according to his former fellow soldiers?”
“Andrea, as Chairman Dempsey said this morning, we need to give Sgt. Bergdahl an opportunity to tell his story,” Blinken dodged, refusing to address Rice’s claim. “Right now we’re focused on bringing him back to the United States. He hasn’t even spoken to his family yet. There’s a whole transition process that goes on.”
“Keep in mind,” the deputy national security advisor continued, “he just spent five years in captivity in the most horrendous conditions possible. We want to bring him home, we want to reunite him with his family, we want to get him well. And then he’ll have an opportunity to tell us what happened.”
But Mitchell didn’t let up, questioning how the United States can be assured that the five top-level Taliban prisoners released from Gitmo will remain in Qatar and not participate in command and control operations remotely.
Blinken stressed the commitments received from the government of Qatar, adding that “under the previous administration, hundreds of prisoners were released from Guantanamo without any restrictions on their travel or activities.”
“But Tony, with all due respect, these were listed as ‘forever prisoners,'” Mitchell pushed back. “These are guys that were not ever cleared for release because of their high rank.”
“So they’ve been in Guantanamo — they were in Guantanamo — for 13 years,” Blinken replied. “And precisely because we have the assurances that we need from the government of Qatar . . . we felt, and the Secretary of Defense determined, that it was in the national security interest of the United States to get Sgt. Bergdahl back, and that the risk had been sufficiently mitigated.” | Pile-CC |
Dialogs between users in iPhone
How to make similar dialogues between users in iOS as shown in the picture. Should I use just for this ScrollView and Labels or I can using some standart way?
you have to create it. here is a nice tut that creates a chat bubble. take a look at his work and you'll see how it can be done. http://alexbarinov.github.io/UIBubbleTableView/
also here is the link to a github project that could be useful for you. https://github.com/AlexBarinov/UIBubbleTableView
alex has done a great job explaining everything, so this might be what you are looking for.
| StackExchange |
A former US Marine who sees himself as the right-wing equivalent of famed street artist Banksy has been busy plastering Los Angeles with posters supporting the Republican Party and Donald Trump.
The man, who calls himself Sabo, believes he is the only one on the right of the political spectrum doing such street art, and he has made a living out of his political art.
“I’m a right-wing guerilla artist, as far as I’m concerned or as far as I know I’m the only person that does it. On the other side you’ve got Shepard Fairey, Banksy, Robbie Conal and I’m pretty much the only one on my side that does this 24/7.”
The Republican supporter prints his pieces in the format of posters and t-shirts, which he sells by the dozens internationally every week.
READ MORE: Will police arrest Banksy for offering anti-Tory voters a limited edition print?
“I think Trump is as punk rock as punk rock has ever been,” the artist said.
Quite how a 70-year-old billionaire property magnate and reality TV star president is “punk rock” Sabo does not explain. One thing, however, is clear – he loves his president, though he also likes to “party” with those on the left.
READ MORE: Banksy’s Bethlehem hotel offers room with a view of West Bank barrier (PHOTOS)
“If I was to think of the left, I would think they’re great to party with, great to get stoned and high with, drunk with, I love the left. But when it comes to them governing they’re fucking crazy. It’s like they wanna take control of every aspect of your life.”
The artist gained national attention among Republican Party supporters during the US primaries thanks to a poster of Republican Candidate Ted Cruz depicted as convicted gang member covered in tattoos. | OpenWebText2 |
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Have you ever stopped to think how any one of our rescue Cairns feel upon finding their way into the loving arms of Col. Potter? For some it means they have lost their family, their home, but for others it means a little lost Cairn has found their way out of the shelter and for many others it means they are enjoying their first taste of love and comfort in their entire lives. These furkids feel emotions just like we do. They twitch at the touch of a human, get the jitters when being picked up, shiver when being held and tingle all over with happiness.
Imagine four little Cairns finding themselves packed up in a vehicle, being taken out and dumped in an unfamiliar place, being left until vet staff found them the next day. What emotions they all must have felt. Thanks to the vet staff for taking the time to contact Col. Potter to ask for help rather than just euthanizing them, these four little Cairns will soon be enjoying all new happy feelings of freedom!
With great feeling, I present CP's CAN YOU FEEL IT!!
Tingle: Female, cream, estimated 5 years old
Twitch: Female, wheaten, estimated 5 years old
Shivers: Female, wheaten, estimated 8 years old
Jitters: Male, black brindle, estimated 6 years old
With the number of Cairns CP has rescued during the month of September, we are desperately in need of fosters for the CAN YOU FEEL IT Kids along with another group that came in this past weekend. CAN YOU FEEL IT ... it's the need for foster homes to help these furkids on their journey to freedom. If you want to help, please read about fostering on our website and fill out the foster application.
As most young men do, this handsome Cairn boy found a way to "escape" his home, probably while he was chasing some "hot prey" and then couldn't find his way home again. Instead, he luckily ended up with a local rescue group, but had a little too much Cairnitude for them to handle. So, they called for the experts to help keep this boy safe and find him a wonderful new forever home that knows just what it takes to keep these Cairn boys at home without making another "Great Escape".
Oh, the girls are going to swoon when they get a look at Hilts, our new boy in town. He's estimated to be 4 years old and a real heartbreaker!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Col. Potter really didn't have the room for another large group of Cairns -- not the finances, not the support people and certainly not the foster homes -- but after you look at these THIRTEEN little faces, how could you turn them away? They've never known comfort. They've never known good food or clean water. They've lived outside in the elements their entire lives.
The most important Shape of Things to Come for these furkids is going to be a heart. We need people with a heart to step up and foster these Shapes. We need people with a heart to donate and be foster Grandparents to help support the expenses of these Shapes. We thank people with a heart for stepping up yet again to help transport them to their foster homes.
Please open your hearts to the Shape of Things to Come:
Square - M, DOB 4/5/06
Cylinder - M, DOB 6/17/09
Octagon - F, DOB 11/21/08
Sphere - F, DOB 6/2/07
Ellipse - F, DOB 6/2/07
Rectangle - M, DOB 6/18/10
Rhombus - M, DOB 6/18/10
Triangle - M, DOB 6/18/10
Oval - F, DOB 6/18/10
Polygon - F, DOB 6/18/10
Crescent - F, DOB 6/2/07 - Crescent and her two baby girls are already in a foster home
Circle - F, DOB 8/5/10
Cube - F, DOB 8/5/10
Crescent came into CP unable to feed Circle and Cube who were severely malnourished and tiny for their age. They both had open sores and abscesses on their bodies. Had Col. Potter not gotten to these baby Shapes when we did, they more than likely would not be alive today. Circle was the larger of the two babies at 2.2#, but still small for her age. Cube weighed in at 1.4#, or the weight of an approximately 2 week old puppy,not a 6 week old puppy.
Please show these Shapes what a heart looks like. If you would like to be able to foster any of these Shapes, please fill out the application online. If you are able to open your heart one more time to financially aid these Shapes, please consider becoming a Grandparent to one of these Shapes or just making a donation to CP to support the Shape of Things to Come.
Wednesday is the day to be WACKY! Each week we will showcase a terrierific cairn picture with an appropriate caption. If you have a terrierific cairn and would like us to consider YOUR picture and caption for an upcoming "Wacky Wednesday" send it to us at [email protected]! (All photo submissions become the property of CPCRN and may be used for fundraising, promotion and/or outreach purposes. )
A big shout out to Neha and Zander for being the Wacky Wednesday models this week!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
So tonight I get home, let the pups out and soon Lexi and Heather come in but Rusty as usual stays outside. So I peek out and he is sitting under his favorite tree in the corner close to the birdhouse that he is obsessed with. So I take a picture - attached - and you can see the birdhouse in the upper right hand corner. For the past two+ weeks he has watched that birdhouse - barked at it, jumped against the fence at it and generally just made a fuss. I would check the b-house and see evidence of a nest being built with dead stuffy cotten left in the yard so thought he probably saw a bird fly in and out of it.
So when my husband gets home he decides to pull open the house and take the nest/stuffing out and holy cow there is something in there at the bottom under all the stuffy stuff! So he shuts it quick (I think it's a bird) and then he opens it up again - and it's a little squirrel in there making a nest!! It jumps out, scampers up the b-house to the fence and runs away. Of course now T-R (Trusty Rusty) really is frantic - because all this time there really WAS something in that house - he wasn't a crazy Cairn - he was protecting the yard from those dang squirrels that had the nerve to actually set up house right under his nose!!!
So the b-house is now sitting on the ground, stuffy stuff out where it will stay until T-R finds his forever home (not sure when that will be!!!) and he can no longer be tormented by the bold squirrels in my back yard.
I did throw extra wine into the chicken dish I made for dinner. Thought I deserved that even though it's a week night.
Rusty is being fostered in Michigan.You can check him and all of the available cairns on our website by clicking here.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Dogs and cats can develop a wide variety of allergies causing them to lick their feet, scratch incessantly and develop ear infections.
At times scratching can become so severe the pet’s skin will become red and hair will start to fall out. Sores, welts and hotspots can also develop, which may lead to a secondary skin infection.
There are various types of allergies that may affect your pet.
Food Allergies
Dogs or cats with food allergies exhibit the same symptoms as pets with other types of allergies. This includes itchy skin, ear infections and red bumps.
What Causes Food Allergies?
Dogs and cats frequently develop an allergy towards foods they have been fed for an extended period of time. Some common pet food ingredients which are sometimes responsible for allergies include wheat, soy and protein sources, among others.
Food Allergy Verses Food Intolerance
There is a stark difference between food allergies and food intolerances.
A food allergy is when a dog or cat’s immune system reacts negatively towards a specific ingredient. If your pet is suffering from a true allergic reaction, he will develop excessive itching and skin problems.
Food intolerance is when a certain substance does not set well with your dog or cat’s digestive system, resulting in diarrhea or vomiting. No immune response is involved.
Controlling Food Allergies
If your pet has a food allergy, you will need to identify and eliminate the offending food from your pet’s meals.
“To help diagnose the presence of food allergies, you may want to feed a novel protein exclusion type diet for 6-8 weeks,” recommends Dr. Edward Moser, a board certified veterinary nutritionist. “Wellness® Simple Solutions® is an excellent choice.” This formula contains only one protein source and one carbohydrate source, minimizing the number of allergens your dog is exposed to at a given time.
A grain-free diet, such as Wellness® CORE®, can also be helpful in controlling allergies. The Wellness CORE formula is packed with nutrient-rich meat such as de-boned turkey, turkey meal and chicken liver. This diet offers your pet high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals in just the right proportions.
Airborne Allergies Airborne allergies can include:
Dust mites
Controlling Airborne Allergies
Here are a few tips to help reduce the effects of airborne allergies:
Keep your house free from dust and mold.
Invest in an air purifier system.
Vacuum your carpet on a regular basis.
Turn the air conditioner on during warm days.
Keep your pet indoors if you are mowing the lawn, pruning shrubs or raking leaves.
Bathe your dog after walking him through a grassy area. Be sure to use a hypoallergenic shampoo.
If possible, only exercise your pet on the pavement or a gravel road.
Treatment options can include the use of antihistamines to help control itching.
Your veterinarian can also administer a series of allergy shots (immunotherapy) to help your pet build a resistance towards the allergen.
Environmental Allergies
Environmental allergies is when your pet has an allergic reaction to something he comes in contact with such as carpet, bedding, indoor plants, plastics, cleaners or other chemicals.
The most effective way to treating and preventing environmental allergies is to identify the offending substance and prohibit your pet from coming in contact with it.
If you suspect that your dog or cat has environmental allergies, use these precautionary measures:
Feed your pet out of glass or stainless steel bowl. Avoid any type of plastic.
Wash your pet’s bed regularly to remove any allergens that may have contaminated it.
The best way to keep your dog or cat’s allergies to a minimum is to consider all the different types of allergies that could affect them. This includes airborne allergies, food allergies and environmental allergies.
Keep in mind that your pet could suffer from multiple allergies simultaneously. So be alert, and take everything into consideration for the wellbeing of your pet.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Memorial came to me last week via lots of caring volunteers! She had had a spay and an inguinal hernia surgery. This little one had to undergo another surgery. And I feel guilty for not taking her to the vet sooner. She has had trouble peeing more than a dribble at a time. Well, the vet did a dye test and found through the following x-ray, that her little Urethra is blocked due to a huge stone that is taking up almost half of her bladder. So she had to have another surgery to get this monster out so her kidneys won't stay backed up and her little bladder can be utilized again.
Memorial is out of surgery and resting comfortably, well as comfortable as she can after three surgeries in 10 days! She may develop an allergy to vets offices!The stone was bigger than a shooter marble. Think of the marbles you use to shoot the other marbles with when you're playing a game of marbles. Her bladder was pretty thick which the vet said was from the stone banging around in her bladder. She is on IV fluids as he really wants that bladder flushing well. The stone has been there for quite a while. Amazing how you don't notice till they can't pee! I am no longer kicking myself for not taking her in sooner. I thought part of her issue was the spay. And she will be okay, so foster mom is now breathing a sigh of relief! Thanks for the prayers. She sure has had enough! Now it is time to heal and get on with living the life of a dog!
If you would like to make a donation for Memorial or to help Col. Potter continue its work of rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming cairn terriers, please click here.
Note from CP's founder: "little Memorial would give you all kisses if she could. YOU SAVED HER LIFE."
Sunday is full of SWEETS! Each week we will showcase the sweeter side of Cairns. If you have a sweet filled cairn and would like us to consider YOUR picture for an upcoming "Sunday Sweets" send it to us at [email protected]! (All photo submissions become the property of CPCRN and may be used for fundraising, promotion and/or outreach purposes.)
Saturday, September 25, 2010
The Trump International Hotel & Tower in Chicago offers pooches their own bed, gourmet treats, and a water bowl (with bottled water to fill it) while they check out the city views from the floor-to-ceiling windows.
Some lucky dogs not only go on vacation, they also get in-room massages, their own seasonal room service menu, and a welcome gift that they can chew on.A record 65 percent of American families now own a pet, and many are taking them on vacation. Last year, more than 15 million Americans traveled with their pets, and 8.5 million stayed more than three times in a pet-friendly hotel, according to Pet Friendly, Inc. Hotels are responding to these travelers with dog-friendly perks that provide dogs and their owners with winsome extras, like yoga classes and practical necessities, such as clean-up bags.
According to Len Kain, cofounder of DogFriendly.com, a website that helps connect dog owners with the most welcoming properties, hotels are becoming increasingly accepting of dogs of all sizes. These dog-loving accommodations don’t just tolerate dogs, they embrace them with first-class services. “Luxury properties are creating their own high-end brand of products that appeal to both dogs and their hotel concierge can always lead her to a reputable dog-sitter.
In addition to what is now considered standard fare at dog-friendly hotels — dog beds, dog bowls, etc. — certain properties are offering dogs the chance to have the same five-star experiences as their owners.
The Loews Coronado Bay Resort in California gives surfer dudes the chance to share the waves with their dogs during a doggy surfing lesson — a package that also includes doggy board shorts, a surf-and-turf dinner, and a copy of The Dog’s Guide to Surfing.
Mountain-loving dogs will no doubt enjoy the twice-daily hikes available at the Ritz-Carlton, Bachelor Gulch, Colo., especially since they can end their day with an in-room massage and light bath spritz. The Ritz-Carlton also provides an extensive room service menu with three sumptuous choices for dessert — including liver “kisses.”
After a stay in one of these canine-friendly retreats, your dog will be begging for more than leftovers when he gets home. Hope Schultz, who has been hitting the road for the last 12 years with her dog, Max, says that’s exactly what she likes about staying at a W Hotel. “They give you and your dog the same level of respect and are gracious whenever you make a dog-specific request.” Schultz, who is the editor in chief of Webvet.com, says that she and Max also like that they both get a treat on their pillows at night — and the fact that the hotel concierge can always lead her to a reputable dog-sitter.
In addition to what is now considered standard fare at dog-friendly hotels — dog beds, dog bowls, etc. — certain properties are offering dogs the chance to have the same five-star experiences as their owners.
The Loews Coronado Bay Resort in California gives surfer dudes the chance to share the waves with their dogs during a doggy surfing lesson — a package that also includes doggy board shorts, a surf-and-turf dinner, and a copy of The Dog’s Guide to Surfing.
Mountain-loving dogs will no doubt enjoy the twice-daily hikes available at the Ritz-Carlton, Bachelor Gulch, Colo., especially since they can end their day with an in-room massage and light bath spritz. The Ritz-Carlton also provides an extensive room service menu with three sumptuous choices for dessert — including liver “kisses.”
After a stay in one of these canine-friendly retreats, your dog will be begging for more than leftovers when he gets home.
Take a look at this handsome young wheaten boy, Rupper? Isn't he a teddy bear just waiting for a hug? Rupper is 1 1/2 years old, 24 pounds, wheaten, an owner surrender, and just as sweet as can be! He is a typical cairn just wanting to get at the squirrels, chipmunks and anything else of interest! His prey drive and cairn antics were more than his owner anticipated. The realization that he would be better with people who were more cairn experienced brought Rupper to Col. Potter. We are so happy to have this handsome boy! Everyone who has met him has been showered with kisses. He's been to the barber shop and is all spiffed up to make his Col. Potter debut!
Rupper is crate trained and knows the basic commands. Not only is he handsome but he's smart, charming and a good hunter. What's not to love about this big boy?
Friday, September 24, 2010
This time of year there's a bounty of fresh produce. Picture a nice sunny day. You decide to drive out to the country to find some fresh corn at a farmer's stand. Ah - there it is, you can almost taste the sweet corn! As you're paying the farmer you notice a young dog running around the property. Wait - it's a CAIRN! The dog has some missing fur and seems itchy. Being an animal lover you ask the farmer "Is the dog for sale?" Done deal. You head home with fresh corn and a rescued dog. What could be nicer??
Such is the story of Tice, a 2 year old wheaten boy who is now an official Col. Potter kid. The rescuer had an affiliation with a group that could help Tice find his way to Col. Potter. Tice was missing fur due to a flea allergy. His caretakers helped get him on the road to recovery and a new life. Tice is quite the boy at 20 pounds and all muscle. He is very polite knowing how to shake paws! He doesn't know a stranger - human or animal. Although Tice is a young boy and enjoys the antics of a typical teenage cairn, he's a pretty mellow fellow. During his transport he fell asleep in his crate, on his back with all four legs up in the air! Soon he was snoring. Not a care in the world for this happy go lucky kid.
This is the time of year a lot of cairns out on the 'farm' are needing to find refuge in rescue. Not all cairns are as lucky as Tice to have a guardian angel just happen to come along - all because of a craving for fresh corn. For just a little more than the cost of a dozen ears of corn, Tice's life changed forever. All donations, large and small, mean a world of difference in the life of a cairn. It's because of you that a sweet boy like Tice can be a Col. Potter kid.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Does your Cairn gulp down his or her dinner in what seems like seconds? One of our CP volunteers says that even after more than a year, her boy still hasn't figured out that he's being fed regularly and no one will take it away from him. He swallows his food down whole, doesn't chew a thing, plows through it, and many times a short while after, it all comes back up.
In this video, a Col. Potter volunteer uses plates with raised edges which allow the food to spread out making the dog slow down while eating.
Another solution for slowing down a gulper is the Water Lily Drinking system which is pictured below.
You can find these at the CP Mall in the eclectic corner. Thanks for checking out all of the wonderful items in our Mall. You can buy items that you need and support the rescue efforts of Col. Potter at the same time!
As a rule, keep your food to yourself. But as a rare treat, these foods may be OK.Looking for ways to help your dog lose weight? Can’t resist throwing table scraps? You’re not alone.Most people know dogs should never eat things like chocolate, grapes, raisins, onions, and garlic. As a rule, dogs should eat dog food. But there are some “people” foods that are OK to give to dogs.
Foods most dogs can safely eat in moderation include melon, berries, bananas, cooked chicken (with skin and bones removed), peanut butter, and cream cheese. Usually, it’s better to leave out the salt and other seasoning.
Bernadine Cruz, DVM, a veterinarian at Laguna Hills Animal Hospital in Laguna Hills, Calif., often recommends green beans, carrots, or fruit like apples for overweight dogs.“Some people are shocked to hear that it’s OK to give dogs some people food,” Cruz says. “People usually follow exactly the letter of the law -- by not giving any people food. Or they go to the other extreme, where all they give is ‘people’ food. And then there are those clients who only give “people” food as an occasional treat.”
General Guidelines
People and dogs can be emotionally close. But there’s a big difference between what humans and dogs can safely eat.
Human systems are designed to break down and digest complex carbohydrates and plants. Dogs do better when a higher portion of their diet is animal-based. In general, lean meat -- chicken, turkey, fish, and even pork -- is probably fine for dogs, as long as it’s cooked.
“I have some dogs that love those and some pet owners who love to give them,” Weeth says.Other generally safe foods include squash, peas, sweet potatoes, and ice cubes made with diluted chicken or beef broth. One note of warning: Dogs can crack their teeth on ice cubes.
Don't Overdo It
Most veterinarians recommend a high-quality, well-balanced manufactured diet.And for good reason, says Cruz, who is a member of the Iams Pet Wellness Council and is featured on the company’s nutritional consultant web site. “Commercial foods are generally more balanced, more nutritious, and safer for a dog than ever trying to feed home-cooked foods,” Cruz says.Moderation is key. “As long as it’s not more than 10% of the dog’s diet, a little treat here and there is probably going to be OK,” Weeth says.
That’s because commercial diets are designed to provide 100% complete and balanced nutrition. But when more than 10% of your dog’s diet is filled with other foods, you begin to dilute the essential nutrients in the commercial diet.The amount of “people” food you give also should vary based on your pet’s size. After all, “a little bit for a Great Dane is a meal for a Chihuahua,” Cruz says.
If you dramatically increase the amount of fat, you may see diarrhea, or worse, pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas.). If you increase fiber with whole-wheat pasta or a complex grain, such as brown rice or barley, your dog may get constipated, or food may pass through undigested.
No Begging
Table scraps aren’t necessarily bad as long as you avoid fatty, sugary, and salty foods or foods with heavy sauces. About 40% of the dogs in the U.S. are overweight and we know that exacerbates diseases like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes,” Cruz says.But it’s important that your pet realizes it’s a snack and not a regular meal.
Sharing your food with your dog may make for a finicky dog -- for instance, one that holds out for a bit of your steak, rather than its own dog food.If you give table scraps as a treat, Cruz recommends mixing a very small amount into your dog’s regular food and offering it when you’re not eating.
Sickness to Health
Certain “people” foods can help otherwise healthy animals. Like if your dog gets into the garbage and has a bout of diarrhea or vomiting.Cooked chicken breast or cottage cheese mixed with boiled white rice is highly digestible. It can provide nutrition and calories without being hard on the digestive system.A small amount of peanut butter or cream cheese to hide medication also is OK occasionally, Weeth says.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
By now you all know the EIGHTEEN has turned into THIRTY ONE Cairns!!!!
Our littlest one, Cube, needs our support. This precious little baby is 6 weeks old and at intake ONLY weighed 1.4#. This is what a 2 week old Cairn should weigh, not a 6 week old Cairn. Cube, and her sister, Circle were literally starving to death as Crescent, their mama just didn't have the milk for them. In addition, Cube, also known as Sugar Cube because she's so sweet, has a sore on her side almost the size of a penny. Not very big you say until you consider you are talking about a puppy that weighs 1.4#!!! Attached is a picture of that sore on Cube's side. Little Circle had abcesses on her tiny body. How can a puppy only 6 weeks old have already had such a hard life???
Please help not only these THIRTY ONE Cairns but all the others just like Circle and Cube waiting at the gate.
I am THRILLED to announce THANKS TO YOUR HUGE HEARTS AND GENEROSITY ... we have hit the first challenge goal of selling 50 raffle tickets and have added a SECOND Toto Ornament!!! You will now have TWO chances to win an ornament with every raffle ticket you purchase . A BIG AROOOOO from the Cairns!
Col. Potter Cairn Rescue Network has helped EIGHTEEN Cairns find love and freedom in the arms of our rescue in the last week alone. We all know freedom comes at a price, and it's no different for these Cairns.
Also, finding a temporary home with Col. Potter Cairn Rescue Network is Run Toto Run Ornament from the Hallmark Wizard of Oz series. These are totally SOLD OUT in Hallmark Stores.
So, here's your chance to not only WIN the Run Toto Run Ornament, but HELP these Cairns! Raffle Tickets will be available through September 30, 2010.
Raffle tickets are $10 each. There is no limit to how many tickets one person can purchase. You can pay via check or PayPal (instructions below):
TO ORDER TICKETS:To request a raffle ticket send an email to [email protected] Your request for tickets MUST include the following information:
To pay via PayPal you will need to go to your PayPal account and click on SEND MONEY. In the “TO” area type [email protected].
Amy will send you a confirmation for your request, verify your amount, fill out your raffle ticket(s) and they will go in a secure vessel. PAYMENT FOR YOUR TICKETS MUST ARRIVE TO AMY WITHIN 10 DAYS OF THE REQUEST. Tickets will be numbered and you will be sent your number in the confirmation email.
Wednesday is the day to be WACKY! Each week we will showcase a terrierific cairn picture with an appropriate caption. If you have a terrierific cairn and would like us to consider YOUR picture and caption for an upcoming "Wacky Wednesday" send it to us at [email protected]! (All photo submissions become the property of CPCRN and may be used for fundraising, promotion and/or outreach purposes. )
A big shout out to Tootsie for being the Wacky Wednesday model this week!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Remember or Remy as I have been calling her (think 'The Big Easy') has been visiting here in Arlington, Texas until today when we will be flying to Mississippi to take her to her foster mom.
She is a very sweet and scared little girl who had a big secret in her belly. It's no secret anymore and she will be having 5 puppies in a matter of weeks! Here is a little video of this sweet scared girl.
You'll be seeing a lot more of Remember and her puppies over the coming weeks. Thanks for getting to know her a little better and if you would like to make a donation on her behalf, you can click here.
Yesterday morning I took my foster Russo (Rusty) for his first daily walk before I leave for work and as he passed a tree (that last week had some sort of critter close to it so now he and Lexi always slow down by this tree) he grabbed something from the ground which starting squealing. I thought it might be a bird (which he chases out of the back yard) - but no it is a SQUIRREL!! I tried to get him to drop it which he finally does - and as it goes flying in one direction his harness slips off!!! EEEK - the squirrel is twitching (bad sign) and thankfully Rusty (now known in our house as Trusty-Rusty..... NOT) sits there quietly (for him) watching the squirrel die trying to figure out how to get back over there. I grab his collar (thanks goodness these kids come with both) and hold on to him managing to get the harness back on him. But he is good, I get the harness back on, we leave the now dead squirrel and continue on our way so he can do his job!!
He also managed to get into my daughter's back pack and chew on her retainer so I'll be replacing that. But so far he hasn't eaten any shoes or socks though he does love to steal them and play chase - everyone has been warned not to leave shoes on the floor.
So today's project is adjusting this harness again to make it more snug on this big boy. I included a picture of him celebrating after a recent stuffie kill in the back yard!!
Rosso is being fostered in Michigan and you can learn more about him and his adventures at our website.
I was at work when a call came to my home. My husband got it. On the other end was an Animal Control officer from a nearby county. Did we work Cairn Rescue? She had an older cairn--about 10 years old--that been living outside for the past three years, flea bitten, and was due to be put to sleep (PTS) the next morning. Is there any chance we could help her? She's a sweet dog and let shelter workers do anything to her, great temperament. My husband said he'd let me know so we could contact Col. Potter.
I got home and got the news. I told him if CP took her in, I'd probably be asked to foster and I thought we had decided to just foster one at a time. He said that if CP wanted to save her, she'd have a spot here as long as she needed it. After all, it WAS a matter of life and death.
I started the ball rolling with an urgent email message to CP rescue. As expected I got a rapid response. Since we knew this shelter KNOWS its cairns (we've gotten 2-3 from them before), I was given the go ahead to go look at the dog, and take her as an intake IF CAIRN. I called the AC officer and could hear in her voice just how much this mattered to her.
It's a long drive to the shelter and the whole time all I could think was WHAT THE HECK WAS THIS DOG DOING OUTSIDE FOR THREE YEARS? This last year weather here in Maryland has been crazy. We had record snow and now we've had record heat and during this time a CAIRN was outside...This is just horrific to me.
I got to talk to the officer. Her story was even worse. Apparently they had to cut over an inch off the cairn's claws! With her claws that long, she couldn't climb the steps to the dog house and she walks badly. Well no wonder! So not only was she outside, but outside with no shelter. Grrrrrrr.
The cairn had been due to be PTS yesterday but, since the AC officer came in late, her boss saved the cairn for ONE day to give her a chance to find a rescue. And the officer did. She found us. Col. Potter.
Without further ado, let's welcome SHERRI! Her story is so compelling--she lived one more night, then another--and then was gifted by CP with the rest of her life.
Sherri wasn't alone in that yard - she had a companion, a Pomeranian. I'll bet our Sherri protected her little pal through the 4ft of snow and 100 degree heat. The officer is going back to the home to try to save her next. Let's all pray her buddy has her luck too. (Update--The Pomeranian was saved and sent to Pom rescue!)
Our Animal Control Officer was very thankful that we could be there for both of them (the officer and Sherri). I told her I'd keep her in the loop, letting her know when Sherri finds a home.
I headed home with Sherri in tow. During the drive, I sang to her...
Sherri(Sherri baby)Sherri no more outside at night(Come,come, come in tonight)Sherri baby (Sherri baby)Sherri no more outside at night
(Why don't you come in) To my cairn party(Come in) Where the cuddles are fine(Come in) We'll kiss the night awayI'm gonna make you shine
Sherri baby (Sherri baby)Sherri can you come in tonightCome, come, come in tonight)
If you know a cairn in need, please email as much information as is available to CairnTerrierRescue@ yahoogroups.com (remove space after the @ symbol) . Someone in CP will contact you as soon as possible. | Pile-CC |
Sustainable Development Goals
Last month, representatives at the United Nations Third International Conference on Financing for Development agreed to a number of proposals to fund the upcoming Sustainable Development Goals. Collectively known as the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, these proposals cover a range of financing sources, from domestic tax revenues and official development assistance to private sector financing and philanthropy. The Agenda also included measures to support international trade and capacity building. World leaders now hope that the financing mechanisms laid out in the AAAA will encourage countries to adopt both the SDGs and a climate change accord scheduled for negotiation in Paris this December.
The SDGs are a proposed set of 17 goals that are meant to provide benchmarks for a variety of development issues over the next 15 years. The goals cover poverty, hunger, health, education, gender equality, energy, the environment, and a host of other global challenges. Each goal is accompanied by a number of targets that serve as tangible metrics of a country’s progress towards the SDGs. These new goals are a follow up to the Millennium Development Goals, a 15-year set of eight benchmarks that world leaders agreed to back in 2000. To improve their drafting process for the new goals, the UN organized the largest consultation program in its history that combined government input with surveys of the general public.
The Addis Ababa Action Agenda, a vital part of the new development goal drafting process, is a step towards recognizing the role of international philanthropy and the private sector in supporting global development. The agreement makes several references to the importance of the private sector in economic growth, particularly the role of the financial sector in enabling small businesses. Furthermore, Article 10 of the agreement explicitly lists philanthropies and foundations as vital members of the “global partnerships” that are required to meet the SDGs. This is a substantial improvement over the funding section of the MDGs, which overwhelmingly relied on official development assistance and did not reference to international philanthropy.
However, there is still a lot more that the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the SDGs could do to support philanthropy’s vital role in development. In June, the CGP cohosted the Conference on Policy Coherence for Mobilizing Private Financial Flows for Sustainable Development with the OECD Development Center. The purpose of this conference was to discuss how to best utilize private funding for the SDGs in the lead up to the Third International Conference on Financing for Development. Dr. Carol Adelman, director of the CGP, provided a number of recommendations, summarized below:
Efforts to measure private financial flows and to publicize philanthropic best practices should be increased
Private and philanthropic actors should be included in drafting the SDGs
Innovation should be the primary criteria for creating public-private partnerships as part of the SDG targets for global partnerships
Philanthropy should be recognized as a unique source of development practices rather just an additional funding source for official development goals
Countries should strive to improve their legal environments for investing in both for-profits and not-for-profits
Intergovernmental organizations should facilitate the distribution of private resources to developing countries by evaluating best practices and identifying successful ventures
Though these suggestions were not explicitly included in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, countries looking for ways to finance their SDG efforts should still consider them. Many of these suggestions simply entail engaging with the private and philanthropic sectors, and collecting new data. However, some countries may balk at evaluating their legal environments. A major finding of the CGP’s new Index of Philanthropic Freedom is that laws created to serve the legitimate interests of the state, such as capital controls and illicit financial flows legislation, often hinder philanthropic efforts as well. Examining their legal requirements will require states to evaluate the benefits of combating illicit finance or managing volatile financial flows against the benefits that come from international philanthropy.
As Dr. Adelman noted in her comments, 80% of the developed world’s economic engagement with the developing world comes from the private sector, philanthropy, and remittances. The Addis Ababa Action Agenda is an important first step in acknowledging these essential flows and how they can help meet the SDGs. But the international community needs to go further in developing a more holistic funding plan for the SDGs, and the recommendations made at the Conference on Policy Coherence are an excellent place to start.
The Center for Global Prosperity is focused on educating policy leaders and the general public on the crucial role of the private sector (both non and for profit) as a source of economic growth and prosperity around the world. To accomplish this central mission, the Center produces The Index of Global Philanthropy and Remittances, which identifies the sources and amounts of private giving around the world and The Index of Philanthropic Freedom, which identifies the barriers and incentives to private giving in 64 countries. | Pile-CC |
Does integrating WebRTC one to one audio/video calls affect the performance of web application
After knowing about some great features of WebRTC, I thought of using WebRTC one to one audio/video calls in my web application. The web application is for many organizations/entities of a category who can register and keep recording several records daily for their internal working and about their clients. The clients of these individual organizations/entities also have access to the web application to access their details.
The purpose of using WebRTC is for communication between clients and organizations. Also for daily inquires by new people to these organizations about products and services.
While going through articles on google etc. I found broadcasting or one to many calls requires very high bandwidth to users if we don't make use of Media Server.
So what is the case for one to one calls?
Will it affect the performance of web application or bring any critical situation if several users are making audio/video calls(one to one) to each other simultaneously as a routine?
The number of users will be very large and users will be recording daily several entries as their routine work. But still it is manageable and application will be running smoothly but I am not sure about the new concept WebRTC. Will it require a very high hosting plan? Is using WebRTC for current scenario suitable or advisable?
WebRTC by its nature is Peer-to-Peer. Meaning that the streaming data is handled CLIENT side. All decoding, encoding, ICE candidate gathering/negotiation, and media encrypting/transmitting will happen on the client side and not on server side. So, you will be providing the pages, client side JS, and some data exchange(session negotiation signalling) but all in all, it is not a huge amount of work. It should be easily handled without having to worry about your host machine being over worked.
All that said, here are the only a performance concerns that would POSSIBLY affect your hosting server.
Signalling session startup, negotiations, and tare down. This is very minimal(only some json data at the beginning of a session). This should not be too much of a burden but you should be aware that if 1000 sessions start at the same time, you will have a queue of messages to direct to the needed parties. How you determine the parties, forward the messages, and what work you do server side could all affect performance. If written smartly(how to store sessions, how to forward messages, etc.) should not be a terrible burden.This could easily done with SignalR since you are on ASP.NET or you could use a separate one running Node.js(or the same box, does not matter) if you so desired.
RTP TURN relay if needed. This will probably be through a different server(or the same one as your hosting server if you want). For SOME connections, a TURN server is needed and any production ready WebRTC solution should take this into account. Here is a good open source turn server. Bandwidth usage here could be very high as RTP packets are sent to this server and the forwarded to the peer in the connection.
If you are recording the streams, you may have increased hosting traffic depending on how you implement it. Firefox supports client side recording of the streams but Chrome does not(they say it is in the works currently). You could use existing JS libraries to record the feeds client side and then push them anywhere you want. You could also push all the data through a MediaServer that will mux, demux, and forward the data to be recorded anywhere you like. Janus-Gateway videoroom is a good lightweight example of a mediaserver.
Client side is a different story.
There are higher level concerns in the Javascript. If you use one of the recording JS libraries, this is especially evident as they do canvas captures numerous times a second which are a heavy hit and would degrade the user experience.
CPU utilization by the browser will increase as the quality of the video being streamed increases. This is rather obvious as HD video frames take more CPU power to encode/decode than SD frames.
Client side bandwidth usage can also be an issue. Chrome and Firefox try to modify the bitrate of each video/audio feed dynamically but the video Bitrate can go all the way up to 2 Mbps. You can cap this in Chrome( by adding an attribute in the SDP) but not in Firefox(last I checked) as of yet.
| StackExchange |
The official census figures are considered unreliable and an underestimate of the number of Christians in India. Some efforts toward correcting this by Christian missionaries follows:
According to the Center for the Study of Global Christianity (CSGC), a demographic research center located on the campus of Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, Massachusetts, USA, Christians account for 5% of Indian population in 2015:
Another estimate from CSGC reveal Christians numbering 4.7% of Indians in 2010 and projected to reach 4.9% in 2020:
The same institute estimates that Christians constitute 9.0% of Telugu-speaking people in 2013:
Telugu is the 3rd largest mother tongue of Hindus (67.5 million), and 9.0% of its mother tongue speakers are Christian. — Global Christianity (@CSGC) April 25, 2013
Christian Aid estimated Christians in India as numbering 71 million (5.67%) in 2013.
In the book The future of the Global Church: History, Trends and Possibilities by Patrick Johnstone (2014), the author estimates that India had 64.5 million Christians (6.19%) in 2000 and that India will become the fourth largest Christian country in the world after USA, Brazil and China with a Christian population of 159.3 million in 2050:
According to the same book, the estimate of the number of Protestants in India is 21 million (1.97%) in 2000 while it is set to become 48 million by 2050:
A color-coded map from the book illustrates the percentage distribution of Christians in South Asia today:
Credit: @sighbaboo | OpenWebText2 |
32-way Raspberry Pi cluster - Luyt
PDF with technical details and some nice pics at:
It's not only fast but he pimped it up like a casemodder on a LAN party!
| HackerNews |
be one of the communal magnetizations for adventure and tourism, you will revering,for to the exceptional and diverse rock formations.We have a plethora of peregrinate packages Safari atAnd many places in Egypt.In, the of is your day will turn into anspectacular experience, because There is no symmetric, and shapely wind-carved rock formations in any desert in the world Compared to the desert of Egypt.Fayoum Oasis inis a heaven for nature lovers. It is Cairo’s most popular countryside excursion and is located about an hour-and-a-half South of Greater Metropolitan Cairo atInAt 06:00 in the morning your personal guide and driver will pick you up from your hotel in Cairo for an indelible day tour to Fayoum Oasis where situated about 95 km from Cairo.when arrival in Fayoum you will entertain a vi… | OpenWebText2 |
WASHINGTON, September 13, 2016 — In the lead up to this week’s ‘Our Ocean’ conference hosted by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in Washington D.C., a new World Bank report released today examines how...
Seventy years ago the eight-hour workday was standardised. The reasoning was simple, this way workers would have 8 hours to sleep, 8 hours at work and a further 8 hours of leisure time to spend as they...
WASHINGTON, September 12, 2016 — Belize will strengthen the climate resilience of its energy sector as a result of a US$8 million grant from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) approved today by the...
Apart from being protagonists to big social and technological changes, Latin America’s youth under 30 years old share another important difference to their older counterparts: they have never experienced...
European Union contributes Euro 14 million to Multi-Donor Trust Fund to facilitate access by Central American countries and the DR to insurance facility WASHINGTON, April 15, 2016 - The European Commission...
BELIZE CITY, April 7, 2016 - A new World Bank Group report released today examines key opportunities and constraints to foster sustainable and inclusive growth in the country as the Government launches...
For the vast majority of Latin Americans, the simple fact of having electricity at home or in the office is expected, it is the norm. However, both regionally and globally, there are millions of people...
New milestone for the Caribbean Growth ForumWe, the representatives of the countries engaged in the Caribbean Growth Forum initiative, reaffirm our commitment to shape a new agenda for sustainable and...
How many people around you have a phone in their hands? In Latin America’s cities the mobile is king. From adverts for the next smartphone to the obligatory WhatsApp chat, it’s not unusual today to see...
Even before Hurricane Joaquin’s catastrophic flooding of South Carolina in October, the storm had hit ten islands of The Bahamas with brute force. On Crooked Island, 85 percent of the homes were destroyed....
Latin America isn’t the same as it was at the beginning of the millennium. The commodities boom was the engine behind significant achievements in employment, salaries and poverty levels across the region,...
This week, 60 young entrepreneurs from across the Caribbean will take part in an intensive five-day workshop on the reality of being an entrepreneur, put on by the San Francisco start-up investment fund....
“Our economies may be broken, but the pieces can be put back together in the Caribbean.” That was the rallying call from Prime Minister Kenny Anthony as he launched 3rd Regional Caribbean Growth Forum...
Pigeon Island, SAINT LUCIA, June 16, 2015– A new World Bank report released today at the Third Regional Caribbean Growth Forum, suggests that the rapidly changing environment for Caribbean exports presents...
Wages in Countries without Commodity Booms Stagnated or Fell WASHINGTON, June 3rd, 2015 – The commodity boom of the last decade helped raise wages for the less well off in Latin America and the Caribbean,...
“When we met her, Patricia was such a sickly and small child. I didn’t even know if she would live to see the next week.” remembers Elaine Burke. “To see here today, she [Patricia] couldn’t have done better...
WASHINGTON, March 3, 2015 – Belizeans will strengthen the climate resilience of its Barrier Reef and adopt sustainable alternative livelihoods as a result of a US$5.53 million Adaptation Fund project approved...
For the average traveller, Customs is simply another form to be filled in when arriving in another country. But for a country like Jamaica, where exports of goods and services represent almost a third... | Pile-CC |
Biomechanics during exercise with a novel stairclimber.
The current study aimed to investigate the stair-climbing biomechanics related to the lower extremities when subjects used the novel designed stair-climber, which could provide opportunity for both sagittal and frontal movements. 12 volunteers were required to step while either keeping the trunk static (STATIC) or allowing the trunk to shift with weight bearing (SHIFT). A motion analysis system and the 6-axis force and torque sensor embedded in the pedal were used to collect data. Foot contact forces and joint moments were calculated to represent loading characteristics. The joint angle and corresponding moments at the terminal point of the stance phase were computed to serve as the indicator of safety. Significant differences were found in peak foot contact forces, knee extensor moment, and hip abductor moment. At the end of the stance phase, various directions of moment between conditions were found in the knee and the ankle. The knee valgus angle, hip abductor moment, and knee extensor moment were significantly greater in SHIFT than in STATIC. The various stepping strategies caused differences in joint loading characteristics; therefore, these findings need to be given greater consideration in the design of training protocols. | PubMed Abstracts |
compare datetime values just by date
i wish to compare to datetime values just by date, not by hour. How can i do so ?
I want to remove some values that are outside an interval selected by me :
if (DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Parse(t.Rows[i][1].ToString().Trim()), dateTimePicker1.Value) < 0 || DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Parse(t.Rows[i][1].ToString().Trim()), dateTimePicker2.Value) > 0)
/*remove comand*/
Use the DateTime.Dateproperty for this, since this contains only the date part of the DateTimeobject.
if (DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Parse(t.Rows[i][1].ToString().Trim()).Date,
dateTimePicker1.Value.Date) < 0 || DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Parse(t.Rows[i]1].ToString().Trim()).Date,
dateTimePicker2.Value.Date) > 0)
Be also aware of Utc and Locale issue.
For me it's important to do all compare in Utc !
So do something like
Datetime d1, d2;
d1 = d1.toUniversalTime().Date;
d2 = d2.toUniversalTime().Date;
if(DateTime.Compare(d1, d2))....
DateTime d1, d2';
// following will compare by date and time both
d1 == d2
// following will compare by date only
d1.Date == d2.Date
| StackExchange |
import {mount} from 'enzyme';
import {React, AccountStore, Account, Actions, MailRulesStore} from 'nylas-exports';
import DisabledMailRulesNotification from '../lib/items/disabled-mail-rules-notif';
describe("DisabledMailRulesNotification", function DisabledMailRulesNotifTests() {
beforeEach(() => {
spyOn(AccountStore, 'accounts').andReturn([
new Account({id: 'A', syncState: 'running', emailAddress: '[email protected]'}),
describe("When there is one disabled mail rule", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
spyOn(MailRulesStore, "disabledRules").andReturn([{accountId: 'A'}])
this.notif = mount(<DisabledMailRulesNotification />)
it("displays a notification", () => {
it("allows users to open the preferences", () => {
spyOn(Actions, "switchPreferencesTab")
spyOn(Actions, "openPreferences")
expect(Actions.switchPreferencesTab).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Mail Rules', {accountId: 'A'})
describe("When there are multiple disabled mail rules", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
spyOn(MailRulesStore, "disabledRules").andReturn([{accountId: 'A'},
{accountId: 'A'}])
this.notif = mount(<DisabledMailRulesNotification />)
it("displays a notification", () => {
it("allows users to open the preferences", () => {
spyOn(Actions, "switchPreferencesTab")
spyOn(Actions, "openPreferences")
expect(Actions.switchPreferencesTab).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Mail Rules', {accountId: 'A'})
describe("When there are no disabled mail rules", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
spyOn(MailRulesStore, "disabledRules").andReturn([])
this.notif = mount(<DisabledMailRulesNotification />)
it("does not display a notification", () => {
| Github |
1. Field of the Invention
The invention concerns a flap valve for a trocar system according to the preamble of a patent 1.
2. Description of the Related Art
Trocar systems are being used in minimally invasive surgery to enable entrance to a body cavity, for example, into the visceral cavity. For this procedure, a guide tube (trocar cannula) with a trocar (obturator) inserted therein is passed through the abdominal wall. Subsequently, the trocar is removed and the guide tube remains as an access canal to the visceral cavity. In order to perform surgical procedures in the visceral cavity, it typically is insufflated. To avoid gas leakage from the visceral cavity, a valve is placed at the extracorporeal remaining proximal end of the guide tube, which closes automatically if no instrument is inserted.
To enable the insertion of a delicate instrument and avoid the entanglement of instruments during extraction, flap valves are used that can be manually opened. The flaps on the flap valves include part of a valve that closes, spring-biased, on an aperture, which aligns axially with the guide tube. The flap is pivotally operated against a spring force, perpendicularly to the exocentric pivoting axis of the lead-through opening.
From U.S. Pat. No. 4,654,030 it is known to affix a valve non-rotatingly (torque-proof) upon a pivot axle, and to provide a pivot lever on the end of the axle projecting out from the valve body for the manual actuation of the valve. The manipulation of the flap valve is unfavorable, because the surgeon has to support the trocar system with one hand and use the other hand for pivoting the valve.
In DE 3923243 C2, a flap valve of the previously mentioned type is disclosed. This flap valve is pivoted into the open position with the aid of a sliding rod. The sliding rod is slidable parallel to the axis of the releasable lead-through-opening. To operate the flap, the housing-inner end of the sliding rod engages the flap between the valve part and its pivoting axis. The space needed to operate the slide rod enlarges the radial and axial measurements of the body of the flap valve. Because of spatial reasons the slide rod must be attached very close to the middle axis of the body, so the handling of the slide rod is ergonomically unfavorable.
The object of the invention is to provide a flap valve for a trocar system with a compact configuration that allows an ergonomically favorable handling of the tool.
This task is inventively accomplished by a flap valve having the characteristics of Patent 1.
Preferred embodiments of the invention are set forth in the dependent claims. | USPTO Backgrounds |
Fantastic! ( 5 / 5 ) Stayed in A3, July 2016 |
Submitted : 01.08.2016
Only the village is in the perfect position, accommodation is excellent, so friendly hosts are rarely found, beautiful environment, parking, peace and quiet guaranteed, sea and beach clean as a whistle. We highly recommend !!!
Recommended for : People looking for peace, Families with children, | OpenWebText2 |
Complete coverage of the Angels minor leagues
Fall Ball – Day Two
Dallas McPherson played three innings Friday in his first rehab game of 2007.
“The f***in’ problem is the f***in’ DH!” — An instructor commenting on last night’s headhunting by the Mariners’ Jorge Campillo at Vlad Guerrero.
Although the big leagues are far removed from the Arizona Instructional League, last night’s dustup between the Mariners and Angels was very much a topic of conversation.
Minor league field coordinator Bruce Hines gathered the young players around him to discuss the incident. It’s not my place go into detail, but he made it very clear to them that the Angels’ organizational philosophy is NOT to throw at opposing batters. That comes straight from Mike Scioscia. The best way to retailiate is to win the game. There are other ways, all legal, to retaliate.
One coach who I won’t name expressed his opinion that the designated hitter has led to more headhunting episodes. In the old days — and it’s still played this way in the National League — a pitcher might think twice about throwing at a batter because that pitcher has to bat himself, and might find himself knocked on his butt. If he’s not around, his catcher might suffer the same fate.
Losing cool under pressure manifested itself on September 14, when the Orem Owlz upset the Great Falls White Sox for the Pioneer League title. The Owlz won a 3-2 game in 16 innings at Great Falls. The White Sox had three players ejected from the game, and their manager too.
I asked Zeke Zimmerman, Owlz manager Tom Kotchman’s pitching coach who’s here as an instructor, when was the last time Kotch was ejected from a game. He thinks it was about eight years ago, and believes it’s been that long for one of Kotch’s players to get tossed too.
That says a lot about how smart the management is in this organization. They teach discipline, they teach calm under fire, and most importantly they teach how to pressure the other guy into losing his calm under fire.
I recorded two interviews this afternoon. One was with Jordan Walden, the Owlz’ ace pitcher who was on the mound that night in Great Falls. Jordan is quickly becoming one of the top pitching prospects in the Angels organization. He’s scheduled to pitch tomorrow, so hopefully I can get video and post it on-line after I return home late Saturday night.
The other interview was with Trevor Reckling, an 18-year old lefty out of New Jersey. Trevor attended a small prep school in Newark, but despite the obscurity of his amateur career was drafted by the Angels this year in the eighth round. He had knockout numbers in the Arizona Summer League — a 2.75 ERA in 36 innings, striking out 55 and walking only seven! Trevor seems very excited by the opportunity to soak up so much baseball knowledge from people like Zeke, pitching instructor Kernan Ronan and Tempe Angels pitching coach Brandon Emanuel. As Trevor will tell you in the interview, any meaningful instruction was pretty much non-existent at his high school.
Today’s game was against the Cubs at Fitch Park. The Angels lost 8-4. More importantly, the game marked the return to action of Dallas McPherson. Once destined to replace Troy Glaus at third base for the Angels, Dallas suffered a series of back injuries and underwent increasingly drastic surgeries in an attempt to fix the damage. His last surgery was in January to have a herniated disk removed and a bone spur shaved down.
Dallas started the game at third base and played three innings. In two at-bats, he grounded out and then drilled a ball off the right-field wall. His baserunning was definitely in first gear, although the Cubs’ pitcher forced him to dive back into second on a pickoff play.
I have video of Dallas’ at-bats and will post them this weekend after I return to California. I also shot plenty more footage of the morning instructions. My favorite was Zeke working with the young pitchers on what’s called the strap drill. (Get your minds out of the gutter …) Zeke began by saying that what he was about to explain was passed on to him by Marcel Lachemann, the Angels’ famous pitching coach and manager in the 1990s. So although Lach is long gone from the organization, his pitching philosophies remain, and Zeke is passing it along to a new generation — including Tempe pitching coach Brandon Emanuel, who not too many years ago was a young pitching prospect himself learning from Zeke.
Oh, an update on Hank Conger … He suffered a left hamstring strain in yesterday’s game. The early belief is that he won’t play again in the Instructs, but he was previously scheduled to join Team USA in the Arizona Fall League starting in mid-October so it appears the Angels will shut him down to quiet the hamstring and then let him get his extra work with Team USA.
Tomorrow’s game is at 10 AM. My game plan is to check out of the motel, go work the game, then drive home to Orange County. Since it’ll probably be around 8 PM PDT before I get home, watch the home page at www.futureangels.com for the video updates from Day 2 and Day 3.
The following are trademarks or service marks of Major League Baseball entities and may be used only with permission of Major League Baseball Properties, Inc. or the relevant Major League Baseball entity: Major League, Major League Baseball, MLB, the silhouetted batter logo, World Series, National League, American League, Division Series, League Championship Series, All-Star Game, and the names, nicknames, logos, uniform designs, color combinations, and slogans designating the Major League Baseball clubs and entities, and their respective mascots, events and exhibitions. | Pile-CC |
Check if a Non-ASCII word exists in a string List
I have this list scraped from a web page
scraped = ['24 hour front desk', 'Bar / Lounge', 'Business centre', 'Café']
I want to check whether Cafe exists in the list or not?
I am doing this:
if "Caf" in scraped:
It always prints No
Reason I am writing Caf that from the scraped list, it always comes in non-ascii character Café
How can I perform this check without doing this # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-?
if "Caf" in scraped:
checks if the literal string "Caf" is in the list, which it is not.
To check if "Caf" is in any of the strings in the list, use:
if any("Caf" in s for s in scraped)
To check for non-ascii characters, you can always use unicode escape sequences:
>>> "Caf\xe9" == 'Café'
| StackExchange |
Google Fiber could be coming to Chicago and Los Angeles, where more than 6 million people live, Google announced Tuesday.
The company invited the two cities to get the 1Gbps service, then plans to work with city leaders to collect detailed information on factors that would affect construction, such as topography and city streets.
“While we can’t guarantee that we’ll be able to bring Fiber to Chicago and L.A., this is a big step for these cities and leaders,” said Jill Szuchmacher, director of Google Fiber Expansion, in the blog.
Google Fiber currently serves three metro areas: Kansas City (in both Kansas and Missouri), Austin, Texas, and Provo, Utah. Six more cities are listed by Google as “upcoming” Fiber cities and 11 others are potential cities, including L.A. and Chicago.
Those two cities would be the largest metros for Google Fiber. “Whether it’s filmmaking or entrepreneurship or more abundant bandwidth at home, Chicago and L.A. are the perfect cities to show us what’s possible with gigabit Internet,” Szuchmacher said.
Google’s announcement follows by one day the news from AT&T that it plans to expand GigaPower 1Gbps fiber to 38 more cities for a total of 58 cities. GigaPower was launched in Los Angeles on Monday and had previously been available in Chicago and nearby cities. AT&T’s first city was Austin, Texas, starting about two years ago.
High-speed Internet access to homes and small businesses is considered a key to a city’s economic development. Cities without it will be at a competitive disadvantage, said Jeffrey Kagan, an independent analyst.
acebook is more than doubling the speed of its Wedge open-source network switch, which is good news both for Facebook users and for anyone who may want to build a 100-gigabit switch.
The Wedge sits at the top of a rack of servers to connect them to Facebook’s network. It was announced in June 2014, and thousands are already deployed in the company. Plus, the social network made the design of the Wedge open source so other manufacturers could build switches like it.
However, less than two years later, the 40-Gigabit Ethernet ports in the original Wedge are proving no match for the fast-growing traffic on Facebook’s network. To keep up, the company is now developing a version of the switch with 100-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces. It gave more details in a blog post but hasn’t said when the new switches will be ready.
Much of the traffic in Facebook’s data centers is just among the company’s own switches. But it’s growing along with much more bandwidth-intensive content on the social network, including big video files and virtual-reality content like 360-degree videos that Facebook recently introduced.
“Whenever there is capacity, people will build stuff to consume it,” said Jay Parikh, vice president of global engineering and infrastructure, at the Structure conference in San Francisco on Thursday. Facebook says it has more powerful servers, and more of them, than it did when the first Wedge was introduced. As many as four servers can be hooked up to each port of the Wedge.
The Wedge 100 will have 32 100G ports, the same maximum number as on today’s Wedge but all at the higher speed. Like the current switch, it has a non-blocking design, meaning that it can fully feed all of its ports at the same time if necessary. Thus the total capacity of the Wedge 100 is 3.2Tbps.
Facebook designs its own switches and writes its own software for them because it wants the flexibility to meet its own rapidly developing needs. In addition to the Wedge, earlier this year it introduced the 6-pack, a modular switch for connecting server racks to each other. The 6-pack is based on the Wedge and can have as many as 128 40-gigabit ports. Facebook has also developed its own data-center network design.
What Facebook invents in network hardware, it makes available for others to use. At least one vendor, Accton, already sells a customizable top-of-rack switch based on the 40-gigabit Wedge. The design has been accepted by the Open Compute Project, which Facebook founded in 2011 to share open-source hardware designs. It also plans to share the Wedge 100′s design.
The company uses an internally developed OS, called FBOSS, on its own switches. But it has also joined up with Big Switch Networks to offer an open-source network operating system called Open Network Linux for others to use.
The advent of so-called “white box” networking gear based on open hardware and software could trickle down from giant IT shops like Facebook to provide enterprises with an alternative to traditional systems from companies like Cisco Systems. But Cisco says its overall architecture costs customers less in the long run. | Pile-CC |
[Respiratory and allergic diseases of children : Temporal trends, urban-rural differences, and in association with environmental tobacco smoke exposure].
Ten years after the establishment of health monitoring units (GME) in Bavaria, temporal trends and urban-rural differences in parent-reported respiratory and allergic diseases as well as environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure in preschoolers were analyzed in an explorative manner. Furthermore, associations between diseases and ETS exposure were studied. Parent questionnaires were used as part of the school entrance examination in two cross sectional studies (S1:2004/2005, n 1 = 6350; S2:2012/2013, n 2 = 5052). Temporal trends and urban-rural-differences were tested by X2 tests. Associations between diseases and exposures were studied using multiple logistic regression analysis. The lifetime prevalence of atopic dermatitis declined from S1-S2 from 12.4 to 11.1 %, whereas those for hay fever, asthma, bronchitis and pseudocroup remained stable. In S1 and S2, bronchitis was less often reported in cities. The other diseases showed no urban-rural differences. The prevalence of children's ETS exposure at home declined from S1-S2 from 14.3 to 7.2 % and was generally higher in cities than in rural regions. There was no positive association between diseases and children's ETS exposure at home. In S2 an association was found between asthma and current parental smoking (OR = 1.60; 95 % CI = (1.10-2.32)). The GME provide important data for regional distribution of respiratory and allergic diseases and ETS exposure of preschoolers in Bavaria. The results of the study are important for further development of questionnaires, which will be used in future GME. | PubMed Abstracts |
We’ll always have a soft spot in our hearts for our go-to summer favorites, but these days we’ve been wanting to shake it up a bit. When Mother Nature decides to crank up the heat, we suggest cooling down with a cocktail that’s a bit more unique.
Sorry, margarita, you’ve been replaced.
Tequila-Watermelon Cocktail: Watermelon is everywhere in the summer, and we’re all about using seasonal ingredients whenever we can. This tequila-watermelon creation from chef Bobby Flay is sure to put a festive spin on any backyard barbecue. See recipe
Watermelon Gin Fizz: Make sure to save some of that leftover watermelon, because you’ll definitely be wanting one of these. The season’s favorite snack becomes a refreshing, tangy drink, thanks to gin, ginger ale, and lime juice. See recipe
Strawberry-Lemon Mojitos: In the mood for something girly? (Don’t worry, we’re not here to judge.) With the addition of fresh strawberries and bright lemon, this twist on the classic Cuban cocktail hits all the right notes. See recipe
White Sangria Popsicles: Who says popsicles are just for little kids? Freeze a big batch of white wine sangria for an adult version of the childhood treat. Just sit back, relax, and pretend it’s summer vacation all over again. See recipe
Red, White, and Blueberry: No one knows about battling heat better than the people of the South, so we knew we had to include a cocktail that takes its inspiration from one of the region’s signature drinks. Made with bourbon, simple sugar, and fresh mint, this concoction is a lot like a mint julep. Tart citrus and ripe berries make it especially appealing on a hot afternoon. See recipe
Planning on sipping these hot weather cocktails outdoors? We certainly hope so! Make your imbibing all the easier and invest in zero gravity lounge chairs with cup holders attached.
Photo credit: Some rights reserved by Didriks | OpenWebText2 |
Saban calls Ellison ‘clearly an anti-Semite’ (and not on Wikileaks)
The Israel lobby is battling it out inside the Democratic Party; and the US discourse will never be the same again. Last night at a fancy dinner at the Brookings Institution, toymaker Haim Saban, who is one of the biggest donors to the Democratic Party, smeared Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison, who is in the running to be chair of the Democratic National Committee, as an “anti-Semite” because of his remarks on Israel. Saban said:
I would just like to clarify something about Keith Ellison and him running for head of the DNC….
I think it’s important for this audience to know. First, The fact that Keith Ellison is a Muslim is a non-issue at all. That is not an issue. With that out of the way, if you listen to Keith Ellison today and you see his statements, he’s more of a Zionist than Herzl, Ben-Gurion and Begin combined. I mean, really, it’s amazing, it’s a beautiful thing. If you go back to his positions, his papers, his speeches, the way he has voted– he is clearly an anti-Semite, an anti-Israel individual.
Words matter, and actions matter more. Keith Ellison would be a disaster for the relationship between the Jewish community and the Democratic Party. Now I’ve said what I had to say.
The comment drew “gasps from the crowd,” said Eric Cortellassa of Times of Israel. Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who was on stage, said he agreed with Saban. CNN’s Jake Tapper, Lieberman’s interlocutor, looked gobsmacked. “That wasn’t really a question, but it is the Saban Forum, so–” he quipped, then called on another VIP, Dennis Ross, to ask a question.
Ellison has become controversial to some Jewish groups in recent days because of a comment he made about the power of the Israel lobby in 2010: “United States foreign policy in the Middle East is governed by what is good or bad through a country of seven million people.” He also reportedly made anti-Zionist comments in college and has at times expressed sympathy for Palestinians.
Ellison is gaining support from some centrists in the Democratic Party, including Senator Chuck Schumer and Jeremy Ben-Ami, the head of the liberal Zionist group J Street, who described the campaign against Ellison led by the Anti Defamation League as a “witch hunt.” Meantime, Forward editor Jane Eisner characterized Ellison’s remarks about the lobby in 2010 as “awful.”
So American Jewish groups are squabbling over Ellison/Israel inside the narrowed confines of the Democratic Party, even as the Trump administration-in-waiting indicates that it’s going far right. Josh Marshall of TPM has said the last thing the Democratic Party needs right now is a fight over Israel. But we’ve reached our rendezvous with destiny; the leadership is now so out of step with the Democratic grassroots (as Shibley Telhami said at Brookings yesterday, examining polls) that the Ellison battle, and Saban’s hubris, are inevitable. As Saban says, this is about the American Jewish community’s relationship to the Democratic Party. Yeah, we’re split, Kussa! And I have predicted that Saban will have to go Republican in the end.
Haim Saban was the biggest contributor to Hillary Clinton’s superpac, and consulted often by John Podesta, the Clinton campaign chair during the recent presidential campaign, per a series of embarrassing emails leaked Wikileaks.
Yousef Munayyer echoes the point that Saban paid for the microphone. “Haim Saban paid for everyone’s dinner so he gets the first ‘question’ which he uses to slam Keith Ellison.”
No one dissociated him or herself from Saban’s comments. I asked Tapper why he had nothing to say, and he said via twitter that he asks questions of newsmakers, he doesn’t make comments.
In his interview of Lieberman, Tapper put himself forward as part of American Jewry that is distant from Israel and asked what Israel could do about it. Lieberman offered the usual claptrap about Israel being responsible for Diaspora Jews as well as Israeli Jews, and he wants more “Jewish Zionist education” in the United States because Israel depends on young American Jews. He’s talking about the Jewish Israel lobby.
About Philip Weiss
Posted In:
15 Responses
So sad that the opinions, the heartfelt hand-wringing soul-wrenching of ordinary folks, taken one at a time, are not heard (or given press) whereas those of the billionaires make the world turn over on its axis (or in its grave).
Imagine how nice the world could be if billionaires all donated to good causes rather than to causes they merely imagine (due to living in a hard-walled bubble) to be good.
and it’s such an absurd statement. keith said nothing about “a jew”, saban is one of the dem party’s top funders and his words belie “the Jewish community” — who he does not represent (because they do not speak in one voice) — is his primary concern. so do dems decide their own fate, or is it the funders who run the party?
when hops sees saban that’s what he sees “a jew”. but that is not what i see. i see a billionaire who wants to control one of 2 political parties in the united states. that’s a lot of power. and he doesn’t just “speak his mind” — that is not what i object to. he, like everyone else should speak their mind. it’s what’s on his mind that i question and the power he wields to actualize his priorities. but hops victimizes this powerhouse by claiming his adversaries don’t want to “permit” him to speak because he’s jewish!! how absurd.
there should be laws in place that prevent monstrously large donations to political parties or officials.
HOPHMI- “Thank you for making it clear once again that in your world, a Jew isn’t permitted to speak his mind.”
You have it backwards, Hophmi. I love it when fat-cats engage in straight talk and say things usually only uttered in back rooms behind closed doors. He who pays the piper calls the tune, or at least has veto power. Curiously, some folks don’t seem to understand that as long as Lord Saban and his ilk more or less own the Democratic Party, there is no likelihood of the Democratic Party becoming truly progressive. Bernie’s “revolution” is a fraud. I repeat a previous quote and link in case you missed it.
“In other words, in this article Hayden was describing, in an unusually concrete way, how the state of Israel, through its state officials and their compliant American partners, was effectively managing—exercising veto power over Democratic Party candidates, at the very least—American elections down to the level of State Assembly. In any constituency “attuned to the question of Israel, even in local and state elections,” Hayden knew he “had to be certified ‘kosher,’ not once but over and over again.” (Jim Kavanagh) http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/10/27/tom-haydens-haunting/ – See more at: http://mondoweiss.net/profile/keith/#sthash.WQsRsfd8.dpuf
I guess Ellison has no choice now but to withdraw his nomination. Those 10s of millions of dollars he has given to the Dems are going to be very hard to replace. Too bad the Dems have given up on using grass root volunteers to run their campaigns. These days they rely on hiring workers at $15 per hour for election tasks.
The burden of proof rests with the accuser. Ellis is not an anti-Semite just because Saban says so, or because Saban doesn’t approve of something he wrote or said unless it specifically incited the persecution of Jews for being Jews. I don’t buy the BS that anti-Semitism is whatever Jews say it is, especially if it is criticism of Israeli policy towards Palestinians and other subject peoples.
Even if Ellis were proven to be an anti-Semite (unlikely), how is it that a bigot like Debbie Wasserman Schultz (you know, the lady who publicly bemoaned Jewish intermarriage) was acceptable? Would it be anti-Semitic to suppose it just might have something to do with Haim Saban’s knee jerk Zionism and his money?
The case against Ellison rests on his involvement with the Nation of Islam, which is led by an unrepentant bigot. Ellison has repudiated Louis Farrakhan, and personally, that’s enough for me, but I suspect that most people here wouldn’t extend the same benefit of the doubt if the tables were turned.
Has no one noticed that there is a total contradiction in Saban’s statement? First he says: “…if you listen to Keith Ellison today and you see his statements, he’s more of a Zionist than Herzl, Ben-Gurion and Begin combined.” And right after that he calls him an anti-semite.
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Another day, another video of police brutality.
The family of 17-year-old Marcel Hamer has released a cell-phone clip of a plainclothes New York City police officer hitting the teen while he lies in the gutter pleading one afternoon over the summer. Lawyers for Hamer say their client was suspected of smoking marijuana, but was ultimately just charged with disorderly conduct. “Mister, it was just a cigarette, sir,” says Hamer in the video, right before a partially obscured strike that appears to leave him unconscious.
“Do you wanna get fucked up?” the officer says. “Yeah, get it on film,” he tells the boy’s friends.
Brooklyn Paper reports that the June 4 incident is under investigation by the NYPD’s Internal Affairs Bureau. Hamer’s family says he has suffered from memory loss, dizziness, and headaches ever since.
The video comes the day after equally disturbing footage showing officers swinging at and pistol-whipping an unarmed 16-year-old a few months later in nearby Bed Stuy. “It is pervasive now, throughout the department,” said Hamer’s attorney, William Thompson, a former state Supreme Court judge. “It is indicative of an attitude in the police department that is, ‘Them against us. Let’s do whatever we want.’” | OpenWebText2 |
S-a trecut destul de ușor peste faptul că marți, 14 noiembrie, toți senatorii PSD și ALDE din Comisia de Apărare au lipsit de la ședința în care urma să fie dezbătut proiectul de lege privind achiziția sistemului de rachete Patriot. În absența tuturor parlamentarilor puterii ședința nu a avut cvorum și legea nu a putut fi discutată.
Gravitatea evenimentului vine din faptul că avem de a face cu un boicot organizat și strident al coaliției de guvernământ. Dacă ar fi lipsit unul sau mai mulți parlamentari, puteam vorbi de o întâmplare. Nu ar fi prima oară când absenteismul blochează lucrările unei comisii sau chiar ale Parlamentului. Dar toți parlamentarii a două partide nu lipsesc decât dacă formațiunile sau liderii lor decid să blocheze un proiect.
Și mai relevantă este maniera în care liderii Liviu Dragnea și Călin Popescu Tăriceanu au înțeles să comunice decizia lor de a îngreuna, deocamdată, sau poate chiar a bloca în Parlament o componentă esențială a sistemului de apărare al României. Cei doi puteau opri discuțiile din Comisia de Apărare și dacă ar fi rugat doar câțiva parlamentari să absenteze.
Ar fi fost o tactică la fel de eficientă dar discretă, care nu ar fi născut reacții publice și nu ar fi dat ocazia partidelor de opoziție să ia o atitudine vehementă, așa cum s-a întâmplat. În același timp, resorturile ”întâmplării” ar fi fost pricepute rapid de destinatarii mesajului: guvernul și armata SUA, companiile implicate.
Faptul că au ales calea boicotului arată că au vrut să transmită un mesaj de forță. Că s-a depășit momentul discuțiilor amiabile și că sunt pregătiți de o confruntare deschisă și dură inclusiv cu Statele Unite ale Americii. Au dat cărțile pe față și într-o manieră cât se poate de brutală au transmis că au puterea dar și voința de a bloca achiziția rachetelor Patriot.
De ce fac acest lucru, în condițiile în care guvernul a aprobat deja, săptămâna trecută, proiectul de lege și l-a trimis la Senat, cu solicitarea de a fi dezbătut in procedură de urgență? Nu este tot guvernul coaliției PSD-ALDE? Și de ce s-au răzgândit între timp? Ce s-a întâmplat între 8 și 14 noiembrie? Un singur lucru notabil. Liviu Dragnea a fost inculpat în dosarul ”TelDrum”.
Sunt liderii PSD și ALDE dispuși să arunce în aer cea mai importantă garanție de securitate a României, parteneriatul strategic cu SUA, din cauza problemelor pe care le au cu justiția? Sunt dispuși să vulnerabilizeze țara pentru a supraviețui politic?
Există multe indicii că la ambele întrebări răspunsul ar putea fi afirmativ. Mai grav, planurile lor nu vizează doar relația cu America. Cu asta au început pentru că unul dintre ei se amăgește, în continuare, cu speranța că o intervenție salvatoare ar mai putea veni doar de la Washington.
Chiar dacă, oficial, secretarul de stat american Rex Tillerson a poposit la București, miercuri, doar ”pentru a înnopta” există informații potrivit cărora escala sa a avut exact scopul de a spulbera aceste iluzii.
De aceea, poate, imaginile de la întâlnirea din aeroport dintre Rex Tillerson și Teodor Meleșcanu seamănă izbitor cu cele de la întâlnirea, tot din aeroport, dintre Victor Ponta și William Hague. Se întâmpla pe 17 iulie 2012, cu două săptămâni înaintea referendumului pentru demiterea președintelui Traian Băsescu.
Cum suna comunicatul oficial emis după întâlnirea Hague – Ponta? ”William Hague a apreciat asigurările date de premierul Victor Ponta privind aplicarea deciziilor luate de Curtea Constituţională şi organizarea referendumului din data de 29 iulie în conformitate cu decizia privind Legea Referendumului formulată de Curtea Constituţională.” Vă amintiți ce s-a ales atunci, rapid, de asigurările date de fostul lider al PSD? Praful.
Nu este exclus ca un deznodământ similar să aibă și întâlnirea din aeroport, ediția 2017, dintre Tillerson și Meleșcanu. De ce? Pentru că reacția frontului condus de Liviu Dragnea și Călin Popescu Tăriceanu la punerea sub acuzare a șefului PSD în dosarul ”TelDrum” întrunește toate condițiile pentru a declanșa cea mai gravă criză politică, socială și diplomatică din România, din ultimele decenii. Prin comparație, criza din 2012 a fost o ceartă de cartier.
Să luăm pe rând cele trei planuri pe care se va manifesta conflictul între nucleul dur al coaliției aflate la putere și forțele care i se opun. Dar și detaliile care îi demonstrează potențialul distructiv, de o magnitudine fără precedent.
Dar mai întâi să clarificăm un lucru. De ce ar fi reacția la inculparea lui Liviu Dragnea în acest al treilea dosar declanșatorul crizei? Nu suntem deja în ea, încă de la începutul anului? Ce este nou și mai grav, de fapt?
Nou și foarte relevant este că punerea oficială, pe tapet, a detaliilor penale ale afacerii ”Dragnea-TelDrum” și anuțul OLAF că a sprijinit direct și substanțial investigația DNA, i-a spulberat șefului PSD ultimele speranțe că și-ar putea negocia libertatea. Că președintele Iohannis sau altcineva ar fi dispus să încerce, măcar, să blocheze anchetele care îl vizează în schimbul unor avantaje politice sau economice.
În urmă cu două luni, pe 12 septembrie, Liviu Dragnea a avut poate cea mai dură ieșire publică, la Antena 3, împotriva adversarilor săi: președinte, DNA, servicii de informații.
”Vor da socoteală! Mai e foarte puțin! Fac greșeală după greșeală. Sunt disperați. Vor fi mulți care vor începe să vorbească! Vom auzi foarte mulți! Au început să se pregătească. Sunt sigur că vom auzi foarte multe lucruri. CCR nu mai e în câmpul tactic. Vor fi multe nopți de nesomn pentru unii. Au depăşit linia roșie. Nu stiți cum e mămăliga românească? Odată bubuie. Nu țineți minte ce tare era Ceauşescu? Era Dumnezeu. Doar atât a trebuit.”
În acel moment, am făcut observația că virulența șefului PSD este fără precedent. Cu toate acestea, scriam, ”nu ar fi făcut risipă de amenințări dacă era decis să treacă la treabă fără să mai aștepte ceva. Ce așteaptă? Ce așteaptă din februarie încoace. Ca Iohannis să-l invite să se târguiască. De altfel, nici nu ascunde asta. Este a nu știu câta oară când repetă într-un interviu fraza asta:
”Ar trebui să înceapă de la el (Iohannis – n.m) discuţia. Sunt deschis oricând pentru o astfel de discuție sănătoasă, asumată. Fără patimă, fără interese. Am așteptat și încă mai aștept. Nu e obligatoriu să purtăm această discuție, dar asta nu înseamnă că ceea ce s-a pornit se va opri,” a spus Dragnea. Câtă deschidere! Și mai ales cât de străvezie este amenințarea din final.
De ce insistă Dragnea cu discuția sănătoasă? De ce nu trece direct la atac, ca să îi liniștească odată pentru totdeauna pe președinte și pe aliații săi? Pentru că îi este frică. Dragnea nu știe ce cărți are Iohannis în mână. Nu știe nici ce au procurorii, ce au serviciile, ce au americanii sau germanii, nici ce vor pune pe masă și nici când. Se teme de tăcerea președintelui, de refuzul său încăpățânat de a se târgui cu el. Și tocmai pentru că se teme de o lovitură iminentă a decis să atace el primul.”
În ciuda amenințărilor proferate la Antena 3 și a arsenalului insituțional pe care l-a montat pentru a-și convinge adversarii că stă în puterea lui să îi lase fără prerogative și să le paralizeze capacitatea de reacție, Liviu Dragnea nu dorea altceva decât să-și negocieze pacea.
Știa că nu își permite să subestimeze forța celor care îl vor debarcat și de aceea cursa înarmării în care a intrat în decembrie 2016 nu a avut alt scop decât găsirea unei soluții diplomatice: să obțină libertatea și să împartă puterea cu Klaus Iohannis, printr-un pact de neagresiune similar celui dintre Băsescu și Ponta, la a cărui materializare a contribuit din plin.
După toate aparențele, ieșirea de pe 12 septembrie a lui Liviu Dragnea a fost motivată de spaimă. A aflat că inculparea sa în dosarul TelDrum a intrat în linie dreaptă și că este o chestiune de săptămâni până când va fi oficializată. De aceea a ținut să își etaleze din nou armele, să reafirme că este decis să le folosească și, în final, să facă o nouă ofertă de negociere președintelui.
Dovadă ca așa au stat lucrurile: după ce a văzut că președintele tot nu îl cheamă la discuții a făcut un pas înapoi. Mare! Reacția sa față de propunerea de modificare a legilor a justiției, prin care președintele ar fi rămas doar cu un rol decorativ în procedura de numire a procurorilor șefi, a fost una foarte rezervată.
Evident, a nu se înțelege că în spatele ușilor închise Dragnea nu ar fi fost de acord cu soluția tandemului Tăriceanu-Toader anti-Iohannis. Însă, faptul că a ales să spună public altceva demonstrează clar că a vrut să semnaleze că este în continuare dispus la negocieri cu președintele. Că, la o adică, dacă primește ce vrea, ar putea să nu susțină modificările care îl ating pe șeful statului. O atitudine care l-a iritat pe șeful ALDE, fiind o nouă dovadă că Dragnea s-ar debarasa fără ezitări de el dacă asta ar fi parte din prețul pe care i l-ar cere președintele.
Odată, însă, cu deschiderea dosarului TelDrum, Liviu Dragnea a realizat că nu mai are ce spera. Nu din România, cel puțin. Că jocul său dublu nu mai are niciun sens. De aceea, anunțul făcut luni de DNA echivalează cu alinierea totală și fără rezerve a poziției celor doi lideri ai coaliției de guvernământ.
De abia acum, Dragnea și Tăriceanu joacă în tandem. Iar parteneriatul lor a fost cimentat definitiv de convingerea că niciunul nu mai are nicio portiță de scăpare individuală. Ori înving împreună, ori părăsesc scena politică împreună.
Din această schimbare derivă noutatea esențială: chiar dacă, poate, nu a căutat asta niciodată deliberat, președintele nu mai poate conta pe ezitările sau speranțele deșarte ale liderului PSD pentru a pune frână planurilor lui Tăriceanu dar și ale altor grupări, care doresc în egală măsură subordonarea justiției și scoaterea României din parteneriatele strategice cu Occidentul.
De aceea, este de așteptat ca toate mișcările tactice pregătite pentru atingerea celor două obiective strategice enunțate mai sus să fie declanșate cu și mai mare rapiditate și duritate decât s-a întâmplat până acum. Ceea ce va generea, după cum spuneam la început, efecte politice, sociale și diplomatice dramatice.
Criza politică. Consecințele schimbării legilor justiției conform planului nucleului Toader-Iordache-Nicolae ar crea condițiile pentru ca DNA dar și instanțele să se întoarcă sub controlul politic existent înainte de 2005. Ceea ce va face ca dezbaterile din Parlament pe acest pachet de legi să se desfășoare într-o atmosferă paroxistică.
Tensiunea va fi maximă pentru că aprobarea lor va fi echivalată cu un vot dat pentru un prim pas spre desprinderea României din parteneriatele cu UE și SUA. Având în vedere că opoziția a dat semne, în ultimele zile, că se trezește și că înțelege să profite de criza prin care trec PSD și ALDE, s-ar putea să asistăm la scene pe care nu le-am mai văzut în Parlament din anii 90.
Nu este exclus, însă, să asistăm și la declanșarea unei crize în interiorul PSD. Este limpede că numărul vocilor care îi contestă dreptul lui Liviu Dragnea de a folosi partidul drept scut personal crește. Dar sunt departe de a face masă critică. Este puțin probabil să asistăm la o debarcarea pașnică a liderului, așa cum ar vrea cei ce doresc să-i ia locul, într-o ședință de Comitet Executiv. Iar până la Congres mai e mult.
Dacă există un scenariu realist pentru ca Liviu Dragnea să plece din fruntea PSD el este identic cu cel în care Victor Ponta a fost împins să demisioneze din fruntea Guvernului. Sub presiunea străzii și la imboldul unor colegi la fel de grijulii cu imaginea partidului cum a fost și Liviu Dragnea în noiembrie 2015.
Criza socială. Este greu de crezut că mulți dintre cei ce au ieșit în stradă în februarie vor asista impasibili la acțiunile parlamentarilor. Cel mai probabil, tensiunea din interiorul Palatului Parlamentului va contamina și strada. Ceea ce ar face ca o decizie a liderilor PSD și ALDE de a merge până la capăt cu planurile lor, indiferent de reacția societății civile și a partenerilor externi, să împingă nivelul de nemulțumire peste pragul atins iarna trecută.
Chiar dacă ultimele două proteste nu au atins nivelul maxim al celor din februarie este posibil ca suprapunerea nemulțumirilor deja existente față de ”revoluția fiscală” cu cele generate de compromiterea independenței justiției să formeze un cocktail extrem de periculos. Așa cum, de exemplu, în 2012, nu a existat. A doua încercare de demitere a președintelui Băsescu nu s-a jucat în stradă, ci în instituții.
Criza diplomatică. Aici lucrurile sunt pe cât de clare, pe atât de grave. PSD și ALDE au reușit să îngrijoreze Europa și America în egală măsură. Implicarea OLAF în ancheta ”TelDrum” arată că toate marile puteri continentale urmăresc cu mare atenție încercările liderilor PSD de a scăpa de urmările acțiunilor sale care, potrivit DNA, au creat prejudicii semnificative. Reacția lor va fi cel puțin la fel de fermă precum cea la încercările USL de a răsturna ordinea de drept, din 2012.
Criza în relația cu Statele Unite este și mai serioasă. Washingtonul a fost foarte dur și în 2012. Astăzi are un motiv în plus să reacționeze cu și mai multă fermitate. După boicotul de marți, din Comisia de Apărare, puțini mai cred că Liviu Dragnea și Călin Popescu Tăriceanu nu ar merge atât de departe încât să pună în pericol partneriatul strategic România – SUA.
Și nu pentru că nu ar vrea să cumpere rachete PATRIOT, ci pentru că ar face-o doar dacă ar primi la schimb ceva, în interes personal și în contradicție flagrantă cu interesul național. Este în primul rând în interesul României să fie un stat de drept și să aibă o justiție independentă. Este în interesul nostru ca hoții să ajungă la închisoare.
Și este tot în interesul nostru ca să avem sisteme de apărare moderne și eficiente de apărare. Am fi avut nevoie de ele chiar și dacă Rusia nu și-ar fi etalat cu forță ambițiile neo-imperialiste. Nu vom fi niciodată o țară puternică fără o armată puternică. De aceea, am solicitat Americii să cumpărăm rachete PATRIOT și tot de aceea este aberant refuzul parlamentarilor încolonați la comanda șefilor lor de a mai discuta legiferarea achiziției, la nicio săptămână după ce propriul lor guvern și-a dat acordul.
Nu am avea o armată puternică și fără rachetele PATRIOT? Nu am avea o armată puternică fără sisteme performante de apărare anti-aeriană și anti-rachete! Am fi putut, bineînțeles, să cumpărăm astfel de sisteme și din alte țări. Dar nu ar fi fost o dovadă că nu apreciem la justa lor valoare eforturile și costurile pe care SUA și le asumă pentru apărarea României? Nu asta înseamnă parteneriat, la urma urmei? Ca ambele părți să suporte costurile unui proiect comun, după posibilități?
Și da, apărarea țării este un proiect comun româno-american, pentru că nu ne permitem să fie doar proiectul nostru. Nu își permite nicio țară din vecinătatea europeană a Rusiei, dar noi suntem la o extremă, suntem cei mai puțini capabili. De ce? Din cauza jefuirii sistematice a avuției comune și a incapacității liderilor de a ne transforma într-o economie solidă care să ne permită să ne achităm singuri notele de plată. Fie ele pentru pensii, fie pentru rachete.
Nu știu aceste lucruri liderii PSD și ALDE? Ba da! Și cu toate astea, atitudinea lor față de cetățenii României, față de țările de care ne leagă angajamente oficiale și solide sfidează nu doar logica și morala, ci chiar instinctul de supraviețuire. Dacă ei doresc să se sinucidă politic, îi privește. Dar faptul că încearcă să ne convingă pe toți ceilalți să îi urmăm, depășește orice închipuire. | OpenWebText2 |
Insight into old and new pure shift nuclear magnetic resonance methods for enantiodiscrimination.
Enantiodiscrimination and their quantification using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has always been a subject of great interest. Proton is the nucleus of choice for enantiodiscrimination due to its high sensitivity and ubiquitous presence in nature. Despite its advantages, enantiodiscrimination suffers from extensive signal splitting by the proton-proton scalar couplings, which give complex multiplets that spread over a frequency range of some tens of hertz. These multiplets often overlap, further complicating interpretation of the spectra and quantifications. In the present review, we discuss some of the recent developments in the pure shift 1 H NMR based methods for enantiomer resolution and enantiodiscrimination. We also compare various pure shift methods used for enantiodiscrimination and measurement of enantiomeric excess, considering the fact that conventional 1 H NMR fails to provide any detailed insight. | PubMed Abstracts |
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| Github |
1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to a method of fabricating a silicon on insulator (SOI) wafer and an SOI wafer fabricated by the same, and more particularly, to a method of fabricating a nano SOI wafer with a device region having a nano thickness and a nano SOI wafer fabricated by the same.
2. Description of the Related Art
In a bulk silicon substrate used for a general silicon integrated circuit, since a junction breakdown occurs in a junction isolation under a supply voltage of plus or minus 30 V when proper doping amount and dimension are provided, it is improper to apply a high voltage. In addition, the junction isolation is not effective under a high radioactivity environment due to a transient photocurrent generated in a p-n junction according to gamma rays. Accordingly, a silicon on insulator (SOI) technique where an insulator completely surrounds a device is developed instead of the p-n junction. A circuit fabricated in such an SOI substrate requires a simpler fabricating process and a simpler resultant structure compared to a circuit fabricated in a bulk silicon substrate so that a chip size may be reduced. In addition, a parasitic capacitance is reduced along with the chip size so that the operation speed of the circuit increases.
Such an SOI technique includes a silicon on sapphire (SOS) technique, where a hetero epitaxial silicon layer is grown on a sapphire, a separation by implanted oxygen (SIMOX) technique, where oxygen ions are implanted into a silicon substrate and annealed to form a buried silicon oxide layer, and a bonding SOI technique, where at least one wafer having a dielectric on a surface and the other wafer are bonded.
A well known example using the bonding SOI technique is a smart-cut process which is used for fabricating a unibond wafer. In the smart-cut process, hydrogen ions are implanted into one of the wafers to be bonded, a fine bubble layer is formed, and a wafer is cleaved with respect to the bubble layer by a thermal process. FIG. 1 illustrates processes for fabricating an SOI wafer using a conventional smart-cut process.
Referring to FIG. 1, a base wafer and a bond wafer, that will be bonded in a subsequent process, are prepared in step S10. The base wafer, referred to as a handling wafer, physically supports an SOI wafer. The bond wafer is a wafer, referred to as a device wafer, on which channels of a semiconductor device will be formed.
Thereafter, a thermal oxidization process is performed on the bond wafer formed of mono-crystalline silicon to form an oxide layer, i.e., a silicon oxide layer, on the surface of the bond wafer in step S12. The silicon oxide layer performs as a buried oxide layer (BOX) in the SOI wafer. Here, the silicon oxide layer may be formed to a thickness of about tens to thousands of A when necessary.
Hydrogen ions of high voltage are implanted into the bond wafer in step S14. Here, the acceleration voltage of the hydrogen ions is about 125 KeV, and a hydrogen dose amount is about 6×1016 cm−2. Accordingly, a hydrogen ion implantation unit having a projection range distance (Rp) is formed under the surface of the bond wafer, beneath the silicon oxide layer, to a predetermined depth.
Next, the base wafer and the bond wafer are cleaned to remove contaminants from the surfaces of the wafers and the wafers are horizontally bonded in step S16. Here, the base wafer is horizontally laid and the silicon oxide layer portion of the bond wafer is placed above the base wafer to be parallel with the base wafer. Thereafter, the bond wafer is lowered at a room temperature so that the surfaces of the wafers simultaneously contact each other and bond together. Here, the wafers are bonded by a hydrogen bond under a hydrophillic condition.
Subsequently, the hydrogen ion implantation portion is cleaved by a thermal process performed at a high temperature in step S18. The thermal process is performed under a nitrogen atmosphere at a temperature of about 550° C. for about one hour. Accordingly, bubbles in the hydrogen ion implantation portion are interacted in the thermal process to form a sufficient amount of blisters and the blisters are spread to generate a flake occurrence so that the cleavage occurs. After the cleavage process, the amount of root mean square roughness (rms) value on the surface of the silicon layer remaining on the bond wafer is about 100 to 120 Å and the thickness of the remaining silicon layer is about 9000 Å.
A chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) is performed on the cleaved surface of the silicon layer in step S20. Here, the CMP is performed until the thickness of the device region, on which channels of the semiconductor device will be formed, becomes a desired thickness.
Meanwhile, as it is required for a semiconductor device formed on an SOI wafer to be highly integrated and operated at a high speed, and use a low amount of electric power, the thickness of a device region or a channel region of a semiconductor device in the SOI wafer becomes smaller. In addition, the thickness of a BOX becomes smaller. Accordingly, a thick SOI wafer with a device region or a channel region in the silicon SOI wafer having a thickness to about more than 1000 nm is used for forming MEMS, sensors, photodiodes, or bipolar power devices, and a thin SOI with a device region having a thickness to about 50 to 1000 nm can be used for forming micro displays or partially depleted CMOSs. However, a fully depleted CMOS, a nano CMOS device, or a single-electron device requires a nano SOI wafer with a device region having a thickness of about less than 50 nm.
A method of fabricating a nano SOI wafer by using a conventional smart-cut process has a plurality of disadvantages as follows.
In the conventional method, a hydrogen ion implantation unit of a bond wafer has to be cleaved, a cleaved surface has to be planarized, and a CMP has to be performed on the cleaved surface until a device region has a desired thickness. However, a CMP is a time and money consuming process, and the thickness of a central portion and the thickness of a peripheral portion of a wafer are deviated by the CMP. In addition, the CMP may generate cracks.
Since hydrogen ions are implanted into a bond wafer in a high-energy voltage environment, the projection range distance of the hydrogen ions remarkably increases so that a thick silicon layer having a thickness of about 9000 Å is remained after a subsequent cleavage process. Accordingly, the CMP requires large amounts of time and silicon layer to fabricate a nano SOI wafer with a device region having a thickness of about 50 nm, i.e., 500 Å.
In addition, a conventional horizontal bonding process, in which a bond wafer and a base wafer are bonded, generates defects such as voids on a bonding surface. | USPTO Backgrounds |
Subsets and Splits