stringlengths 2
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int64 0
of the Fortunes of Barbara Plynlimmon is laid in Wales. | 0 |
Smaller than the Arizona Cardinal but with a larger bill. | 0 |
Full Law Library style 35. | 0 |
Wolsey rose to be Chancellor to the King and Archbishop of York. | 0 |
Riders Scarphs to the Floor Riders from the Keelson to the Orlop Beams. | 0 |
Buck Bradford, the feller that robbed the mail and run away.
follows the legal creed of its ruler, just as it follows his religion.
“Many things I know, not good to tell; whence they call me Azzageddi.
Nothing could be more romantic than the spot they chose.
“He went down and found the other chap had stolen the berths!
She believed Elizabeth to be a usurper and a heretic.
adjoining room, where the cedar panelling only acted as a partition.
and camped a little above a large village of twenty-one houses.
In one sense there is no science of applied mathematics.
persons and institutions participating in the microfilm project.
Sidney looked at her in surprise, and then laughed.
retained at Army Headquarters as personal aide to Kornilov.
three persons the numerous varieties of plainness.
maid and I lost our way in trying to find the village of Waldheim.
and arrived at the Baldwin mansion shortly after eight o'clock.
getting to spend lots of money for little, no-account things.
He had the good fortune to come home in the final triumph.
(7) For the political views of Autocles, see Curtius, H. | 0 |
“Let me write to Aunty Rose,” said Hannah Cameron briskly. | 0 |
should like to see this country a century from now. | 0 |
their wishes that laws were framed to fine, imprison, or destroy them. | 0 |
at his country house when he heard of the arrest of his friend. | 0 |
quick-tempered man who had thrown him out of the window. | 0 |
it the gaunt branches of a tall tree traced themselves starkly. | 0 |
lately been to Stockholm, where he had sold a picture. | 0 |
beautifully described by the ancient prophet Moses. | 0 |
exclamations of pleasure uttered by each of the cousins in turn. | 0 |
His wit appears to have been as ready as it was pungent. | 0 |
Sheffield Scientific School, in a non-technical course. | 0 |
feel as lonely and neglected as he at that moment. | 0 |
white man, and also that he has had trouble of his own since. | 0 |
and hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had said. | 0 |
often the patient became a martyr to clavus in its severest forms. | 0 |
to the house where the women were mourning his father. | 0 |
young man, if, indeed, she saw reason for such emotion. | 0 |
Then are you kidnapping me, and holding me for a ransom?
family--almost, one might say, in the position of a son.
We must get along with what we have," replied Ned. | 0 |
“She will come, then, presently,” said Lady Peveril with indifference. | 0 |
and mysterious frenzy, woke me up in a bewildered wonder. | 0 |
right after his bath, for then he feels so energetic. | 0 |
You know better than I how you should act; but, I repeat, take care.
away he is born again that is his third birth (Aitareya, II. | 0 |
way, he put his courage into all his paws and plunged into the stream. | 0 |
And above all he is deeply imbued with his own dignity. | 0 |
add the Jewish law to the royal library at Alexandria. | 0 |
at the rope that was fastened to a cleat in the bow of the dinky. | 0 |
of her hair and brought out the exceeding purity of her Greek outlines. | 0 |
threatened with persecution in Turkey, =5=, 156. | 0 |
the Coles' house they were burning a huge bonfire of dead leaves. | 0 |
how to be made good by artisans, | 55 | 181 | ...
love-pledge, so will I burn this book of souvenirs.
than the other girls, and I didn’t know Aunt Truth objected to Mrs.
Nineteenth Century, when Victoria was Queen of Great Britain.
demeanour towards Denbigh and O'Hara underwent a marked change.
the boats were towed up by ropes close to the town.
still form magnificent ornaments of the Eternal City.
obviously pleased with himself, and, therefore, with the world.
always, and they are not bound to do any more now.
title of 'Un Roman d'Amour' (Calmann Lévy, publisher).
attempts to oppose Christ will be through Gog and Magog.
With an Additional Chapter by MARIE HANSEN-TAYLOR.
rebel rear at Chickamauga Station, and again near Graysville.
his wife, a peer's daughter, the most beautiful woman in society.
was trifling; and absurdly foreign from our subject.
“For all my assumption of coolness, I was frightened half out of my wits.
verdure, to convert it into a land of oriental fruitfulness.
called the one Pete Lackwire" and the other "Poly Busher. | 0 |
Macwheeble, this would outlast a Russian winter; give me leave. | 0 |
first, Ali following with not so much confidence behind me. | 0 |
Three were Turks, but the fourth wore the gray-green of a German officer. | 0 |
a faint flush on his cheek; there was a steady look about his mouth. | 0 |
all awaited with palpitating hearts the signal for action. | 0 |
objects cooler than the air, especially at night. | 0 |
But the evils of the English Protestant system did not stop here. | 0 |
No, your sacred mission is simply to forget that you are wealthy. | 0 |
she said: "Yes, something will have happened to Miss Ashbury. | 0 |
figures looked down upon me in disdainful silence. | 0 |
day the hunter became ill and his son had the work to do. | 0 |
southward down the bay to the Staten Island Hills. | 0 |
the head is to collect sounds and reflect them into the meatus. | 0 |
Jewish version of the “more ancient” religions of Aryan races. | 0 |
asked her--why, I'd _make_ him take care of her, of course. | 0 |
sometimes when you see the sun dogs in the sky--this man did the same. | 0 |
Possibly people might object if it were proposed to destroy St. | 0 |
wicket: whereas formerly they only broke on a sticky wicket. | 0 |
something in it for her too that drove her, as he might feel, before it. | 0 |
varieties of rhubarb here, but none were as handsome as this. | 0 |
chill in the air after dark, and we had all drawn close to the blaze. | 0 |
in his turn, had been won by the big, generous nature of the man. | 0 |
lacing meekly and humbly as he winked at the grinning punchers. | 0 |
clear majority of usage could be found in the same text. | 0 |
branch, and from thence sprung into the next tree. | 0 |
certainly a light--but whether on the road he could not tell. | 0 |
disposed to treat him with as much confidence as before. | 0 |
That's right, said Grant, "and right below it was '1/4 m. | 0 |
these houses have become a part of the national life. | 0 |
winter-houses, summer-houses, and houses of ivory. | 0 |
to have the trunk and large valise at the hotel before night. | 0 |
term, beginning on the 2d and ending on the 25th day of November. | 0 |
was arrived at on either topic until the 8th-10th of October. | 0 |
The emergency gave the aged and decrepid man new strength. | 0 |
difficulty he was induced to depart from this preposterous ambition. | 0 |
Plants cannot be attacked by diseases unless infection is permitted. | 0 |
the slough of old age every time I get to seventeen. | 0 |
“The crazy fool is still up there,” Hall spoke up. | 0 |
which carried the contents down into one of the principal channels. | 0 |
main room was wide, that is between 35 and 40 feet. | 0 |
A large bed of wallflowers breathed out a delicate sweetness. | 0 |
money is therefore, unexplained, except upon the supposition that S. | 0 |
measures for, devised by Pfefferkorn, =4=, 425-6. | 0 |
air almost of gaiety, which the count was not slow to observe. | 0 |
as far as they went, were a good substitute for bread. | 0 |
has occupied the minds of men more or less from the earliest ages. | 0 |
The value of the completed products was 5 billions, 642 millions. | 0 |
difficult for him to realise what manner of man he was. | 0 |
not lacking in courage and a sense of the justice of his cause. | 0 |
view has currency elsewhere than in the writings of German authors. | 0 |
in the next township, and Jeanie died of a broken heart. | 0 |
and waiting for day light, the wind shifted so suddenly to N. | 0 |
cheap labor was bound to come when the way was made easy. | 0 |
This is all strange, unfamiliar country to Désirée. | 0 |
cavalry commander and Philip, son of Jacimus, as general. | 0 |
All that day and the next Lucian kept away from the vicarage. | 0 |
and worship the promised one who shall be born King of Israel. | 0 |
looking at her and wondering how far her thought could follow. | 0 |
until the hollow of it over the hatchway was full of water. | 0 |
to insist so strongly on the fact that she had been a governess. | 0 |
names of the choice ones, and such as are to be had from my friend Mr. | 0 |
be loved and maintained as the _firmest bulwark of religion_. | 0 |
imperfect state than his oratorical dialogues or orations. | 0 |
drumming roar became audible, she added, in excitement: “Land sakes! | 0 |
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