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1 |
{"question": "Antara berikut, manakah contoh proses yang melibatkan kadar tindak balas yang tinggi?\nWhich of the following is an example of the process involving a rate of reaction?", "A": "Pengoksidaan buah epal\nOxidation of an apple", "B": "Pengaratan besi\nRusting of an iron", "C": "Pembakaran bahan api\nBurning of fuel", "D": "Pereputan bangkai rusa\nDecomposition of a dear", "answer": "C"}
2 |
{"question": "Antara berikut yang manakah mempunyai kadar tindak balas paling tinggi bagi pertambahan isi padu gas terhadap masa?\nWhich of the following has the highest rate of reaction for the increment of gas volume\nagaisnt time?", "A": "1 cm\u00b3/s", "B": "0.1 cm\u00b3/s", "C": "0.001 cm\u00b3/s", "D": "0.0001 cm\u00b3/s", "answer": "A"}
3 |
{"question": "Apabila magnesium bertindak balas dengan asid hidroklorik, gas hidrogen dibebaskan. 45\ncm\u00b3 gas hidrogen dibebaskan dalam masa dua minit. Berapakah kadar tindak balas\npurata?\nWhen magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid, hydrogen gas is released. 45 cm\u00b3 gas is\nreleased in two minutes. What is the rate of reaction?", "A": "0.145 cm\u00b3s\u207b\u00b9", "B": "0.350 cm\u00b3s\u207b\u00b9", "C": "0.375 cm\u00b3s\u207b\u00b9", "D": "0.180 cm\u00b3s\u207b\u00b9", "answer": "C"}
4 |
{"question": "Graf di bawah menunjukkan isipadu gas hidrogen melawan masa dalam satu kadar tindak\nbalas.\nThe following graph shows the volume of hydrogen gas against time in a rate of reaction.\n\nApakah kadar tindak balas purata dalam 1 minit pertama?\nWhat is the average rate of reaction in the first minute?\n\nDiberi formula:\nGiven the formula:\n\nKadar tindak balas purata = Jumlah isi padu gas hidrogen (cm3) / Masa tindak balas (s)\nAverage rate of reaction = The total volume of hydrogen (cm3) / Time (s)", "A": "0.789 cm\u00b3/s", "B": "0.667 cm\u00b3/s", "C": "0.983 cm\u00b3/s", "D": "0.192 cm\u00b3/s", "answer": "B"}
5 |
{"question": "Faktor manakah yang tidak mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas?\nWhich factor does not affect the rate of reaction?", "A": "Isipadu bahan tindak balas\nVolume of reactant", "B": "Kepekatan bahan tindak balas\nConcentration of reactant", "C": "Suhu bahan tindak balas\nTemperature of reactant", "D": "Saiz pepejal bahan tindak balas\nSize of solid reactant", "answer": "A"}
6 |
{"question": "Graf di bawah menunjukkan graf tindak balas endotermik.\nThe following graph shows an endothermic reaction.\n\nApakah yang dapat disimpulkan daripada graf ini?\nWhat can be concluded from the graph?", "A": "Kehadiran mangkin meningkatkan kadar tindak balas.\nThe presence of a catalyst increases the rate of reaction.", "B": "Kehadiran mangkin menggunakan tenaga yang lebih tinggi untuk bertindak balas.\nThe presence of a catalyst uses a higher energy to react.", "C": "Kehadiran mangkin menghasilkan produk yang lebih banyak.\nThe presence of a catalyst produces more products.", "D": "Kehadiran mangkin melambatkan proses ini.\nThe presence of a catalyst slows down the process.", "answer": "A"}
7 |
{"question": "Gambar di bawah menunjukkan periuk tekanan yang digunakan untuk melembutkan\ndaging dalam masa yang singkat.\nThe following picture shows a pressure cooker used to soften the meat in a short amount\nof time.\n\n\nAntara berikut, yang manakah benar tentang situasi di atas?\nWhich of the following is correct about the situation above?", "A": "Daging lebih cepat masak kerana kehadiran mangkin.\nMeat cooked faster because of the presence of a catalyst.", "B": "Daging lebih cepat masak kerana tekanan yang tinggi.\nMeat cooked faster because of the high pressure.", "C": "Daging lebih cepat masak kerana saiznya yang kecil.\nMeat cooked faster because of its small size.", "D": "Daging lebih cepat masak kerana kepekatannya yang tinggi.\nMeat cooked faster because of its high concentration.", "answer": "B"}
8 |
{"question": "Mengapakah serbuk zink lebih cepat bertindak balas berbanding ketulan zink yang besar?\nWhy does zinc powder react more quickly as compared to big pieces of zinc?", "A": "Serbuk zink mempunyai lebih luas permukaan yang terdedah kepada udara daripada\nketulan zink.\nZinc powder has a bigger surface area that is exposed to air as compared to the\npieces of zinc.", "B": "Serbuk zink lebih ringan berbanding dengan ketulan zink.\nZinc powder is lighter as compared to pieces of zinc.", "C": "Serbuk zink lebih kering berbanding ketulan zink.\nZinc powder is drier than pieces of zinc.", "D": "Serbuk zink menerima haba dengan lebih cepat berbanding dengan ketulan zink.\nZinc powder receives heat more quickly as compared to pieces of zinc.", "answer": "A"}
9 |
{"question": "Pernyataan di bawah merujuk kepada aplikasi konsep kadar tindak balas.\nThe following statement refers to the application of the rate of reaction.\n\nDalam proses ini, campuran gas nitrogen dan gas hidrogen dalam nisbah isipadu 1:3 pada suhu\n450 darjah Celcius hingga 550 darjah Celcius.\nIn this process, the mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen gas are in the ratio of 1:3 at the\ntemperature 450 degree Celsius until 550 Celsius.\n\nPernyataan di atas adalah berkenaan\u2026\nThe statement above is about\u2026", "A": "Proses Pembekuan\nFreezing Process", "B": "Proses Haber\nHaber Process", "C": "Proses Sentuh\nContact Process", "D": "Proses Peleburan\nMelting Process", "answer": "B"}
10 |
{"question": "Apakah hasil akhir bagi proses ini?\nWhat is the final product for this process?", "A": "Gas nitrogen\nNitrogen gas", "B": "Cecair ammonia\nLiquid ammonia", "C": "Gas ammonia\nAmmonia gas", "D": "Air\nWater", "answer": "B"}
@@ -18,7 +15,6 @@
18 |
{"question": "Tumbuhan yang ditanam Sarah mengalami masalah berikut:\nThe plant planted by Sarah has the following problems:\n\n\uf0b7 Pertumbuhan terbantut\nStunted growth\n\uf0b7 Daun kecil\nSmall leaves\n\uf0b7 Daun kekuningan\nYellow leaves\n\nNutrien manakah yang kekurangan pada tumbuhan ini?\nThese nutrient lacks which nutrient?", "A": "Nitrogen\nNitrogen", "B": "Magnesium\nMagnesium", "C": "Fosforus\nPhosphorus", "D": "Kalsium\nCalcium", "answer": "A"}
19 |
{"question": "Qayyum mendapati pokok duriannya menghasilkan buah yang lambat masak. Nutrien\nmanakah yang perlu ditambah pada baja untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini?\nQayyum finds out that his durian tree is slow to produce fruit. Which nutrient needs to be\nadded to the fertiliser to solve this issue?", "A": "Kalsium\nCalcium", "B": "Magnesium\nMagnesium", "C": "Kalium\nKalium", "D": "Fosforus\nPhosphorus", "answer": "D"}
20 |
{"question": "Kitar Nitrogen adalah proses yang penting untuk...\nNitrogen cycle is an important process to ensure\u2026", "A": "Meningkatkan kesuburan tanah\nIncreases the soil fertility", "B": "Menjimatkan masa petani\nSaves the farmer\u2019s time", "C": "Mengurangkan pencemaran udara\nReduce air pollution", "D": "Menambah kandungan nitrogen di udara\nIncrease the nitrogen content in the air", "answer": "A"}
21 |
{"question": "Gambar menunjukkan satu nodus akar yang mengandungi bakteria pengikat nitrogen\nyang dapat menukarkan nitrogen kepada nitrat.\nThe picture below shows a root nodule that contains nitrogen fixing bacteria that can\nconvert nitrogen into nitrate.\n\nAntara berikut, yang manakah tanaman yang mengandungi nodus akar tersebut?\nWhich of the following is the plant that has the root nodules?", "A": "Pokok tomato\nTomato tree", "B": "Pokok kekacang\nNut tree", "C": "Pokok belimbing\nStarfruit tree", "D": "Pokok terung\nEggplant tree", "answer": "B"}
22 |
{"question": "Pernyataan di bawah adalah berkenaan Kitar Nitrogen.\nThe following statement is on the Nitrogen Cycle.\n\nNitrat ditukar menjadi nitrogen.\nNitrate is converted into nitrogen.\n\nAntara berikut, yang manakah bakteria yang terlibat di dalam proses di atas?\nWhich of the following is the bacteria involved in the above process?", "A": "Bakteria Pendenitritan\nDenitrification bacteria", "B": "Bakteria Penitritan\nNitrification bacteria", "C": "Bakteria Pereputan\nDecomposition bacteria", "D": "Bakteria Pengikat nitrogen\nNitrogen-fixing bacteria", "answer": "A"}
23 |
{"question": "Antara berikut yang manakah BUKAN kepentingan teknologi pengeluaran makanan?\nWhich of the following is NOT the importance of food production technology?", "A": "Meningkatkan kualiti makanan\nIncrease the food quality", "B": "Mengurangkan persaingan\nDecrease competition", "C": "Menghasilkan baka yang bermutu\nProduce good breeds", "D": "Meningkatkan kuantiti makanan\nIncrease the quality of food", "answer": "B"}
24 |
{"question": "Antara berikut yang manakah BUKAN cara meningkatkan kualiti dan kuantiti\npengeluaran makanan negara?\nWhich of the following is NOT the way to increase the quantity and quality of the\ncountry\u2019s food production quantity?", "A": "Penggunaan teknologi moden\nThe use of modern technology", "B": "Pengurusan tanah yang cekap\nEfficient soil management", "C": "Penggunaan baja berlebihan\nExcessive use of fertiliser", "D": "Penyelidikan dan pembangunan\nResearch and development", "answer": "C"}
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92 |
{"question": "Apakah kelebihan alat pemadam api jenis serbuk kering\nWhat are the advantages of dry powder type fire extinguisher?", "A": "Boleh memadam semua jenis kebakaran\nCan extinguish all types of fires", "B": "Hanya memadam kebakaran yang disebabkan oleh elektrik\nOnly extinguish fires caused by electricity", "C": "Hanya memadam kebakaran yang disebabkan oleh pepejal\nOnly extinguish fires caused by solids", "D": "Boleh memadam kebakaran jenis cecair\nCan extinguish liquid type fires", "answer": "A"}
93 |
{"question": "Berdasarkan pernyataan diatas, siapakah tokoh yang dimaksudkan?\nBased on his statement above, who is the figure in question?", "A": "Ptolemy", "B": "Copernicus", "C": "Kepler", "D": "Galileo Galilei", "answer": "B"}
94 |
{"question": "Siapakah tokoh yang melakar model suria di atas?\nWho is the figure who drew the solar model above?", "A": "Ptolemy", "B": "Copernicus", "C": "Kepler", "D": "Galileo Galilei", "answer": "A"}
95 |
{"question": "Berdasarkan gambar tokoh tersebut, apakah ciri yang terdapat dalam model suria beliau?\nBased on the picture of the figure, what features are found in his solar model?", "A": "Bumi dalam keadaan pegun\nThe Earth is stationary", "B": "Matahari pada titik focus sepunya\nThe sun at a common focal point", "C": "Matahari pada pusat sistem Suria\nThe Sun at the centre of the Solar system", "D": "Planet lain mengorbit mengelilingi Bumi dalam orbit yang membulat\nOther planets orbit the Earth in a circular orbit", "answer": "B"}
96 |
{"question": "Apakah persamaan model Sistem Suria yang dibina oleh Copernicus dan Kepler?\nWhat are the similarities between the model of the Solar System built by Copernicus and Kepler?", "A": "Bumi berpusat pada sistem Suria\nEarth at the centre of the Solar system", "B": "Bumi dalam keadaan pegun\nThe Earth is stationary", "C": "Bumi berputar pada paksinya\nThe earth rotates on its axis", "D": "Kedua-dua model adalah model heliosentrik\nBoth models are heliocentric models", "answer": "D"}
97 |
{"question": "Apakah satelit pertama yang dilancarkan ke angkasa lepas?\nWhat was the first satellite launched into space?", "A": "USSR Vostok-1", "B": "US Apollo 1", "C": "USSR Sputnik", "D": "US Pioneer 10", "answer": "C"}
98 |
{"question": "Siapakah manusia pertama yang berada di orbit?\nWho was the first human to be in orbit?", "A": "Yuri Gagarin", "B": "Neil Armstrong", "C": "Valentina Gagarina", "D": "Yelena Yurievna", "answer": "A"}
99 |
{"question": "Gambar di atas menunjukkan Discovery dihantar ke angkasa lepas oleh Hape. Apakah Discovery?\nThe picture above shows Discovery being sent into space by Hape. What is Discovery?", "A": "Sebuah roket untuk ke angkasa lepas\nA rocket to go into space", "B": "Sebuah kapal angkasa untuk menghantar satelit\nA spaceship to send satellites", "C": "Sebuah kapal angkasa ulang-alik.\nA back-to-back spaceship", "D": "Roket yang besar dan mampu untuk mengorbit Bumi.\nA big rocket that can orbit around Earth", "answer": "C"}
100 |
{"question": "Apakah alat teknologi pertama digunakan dalam penerokaan angkasa lepas?\nWhat is the first technology that was used in space exploration?", "A": "Satelit\nSatellites", "B": "Roket\nRockets", "C": "Sekstan\nSextan", "D": "Teleskop\nTelescope", "answer": "D"}
101 |
{"question": "Apakah fungsi alat di atas dalam penerokaan angkasa lepas?\nWhat is the function of the above device in space exploration?", "A": "Mengukur altitude bintang\nMeasure the star\u2019s altitude", "B": "Mengesan gelombang radio dari angkasa lepas\nDetect radio waves from space", "C": "Mengumpul maklumat dan menghantar balik ke Bumi\nCollect information and send it back to Earth", "D": "Merekod dan mengumpul maklumat dari jarak jauh\nRecords and collect data from far distance", "answer": "A"}
102 |
{"question": "Pada tahun 2000, Malaysia telah melancarkan mikrosatelit Negara yang pertama iaitu ______________.\nIn 2000, Malaysia launched its first national microsatellite, ______________.", "A": "MEASAT 1", "B": "MEASAT 2", "C": "TiungSAT-1", "D": "US Pioneer 10", "answer": "C"}
103 |
{"question": "Apakah peranan yang dimainkan oleh Agensi Remote Sensing Malaysia (MACRES)?\nWhat is the role played by the Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency (MACRES)?", "A": "Bertanggungjawab terhadap semua projek penderiaan jarak jauh di Malaysia\nResponsible for all remote sensing projects in Malaysia", "B": "Menerima dan mengesan data yang diterima dari satelit Negara\nReceive and track data received from National satellites", "C": "Mengesan lokasi seperti sumber mineral, susutan jisim dan susutan darat\nDetect locations such as mineral resources, mass depletion and land depletion", "D": "Mengesan pencerobohan kapal, pesawat udara dan kenderaan musuh\nDetect the intrusion of enemy ships, aircraft and vehicles", "answer": "A"}
104 |
{"question": "Apakah teknologi yang digunakan untuk mengambil gambar aerial?\nWhat technology is used to take aerial images?", "A": "Prob angkasa\nSpace probe", "B": "Satelit\nSatellite", "C": "Penderiaan jauh\nRemote sensing", "D": "Roket\nRocket", "answer": "C"}
105 |
{"question": "Apakah satelit yang mengumpul data nyalaan suria?\nWhat satellite that collects solar flare data?", "A": "Hubble", "B": "Atlas V", "C": "Long March 2F", "D": "GOES-16", "answer": "D"}
106 |
{"question": "2. Fotosfera dalam atmosfera Matahari terdiri daripada granul yang kelihatan berbutir. Apakah pengertian granul?\nThe photosphere in the Sun's atmosphere is made up of granules that appear granular. What is the meaning of granules?", "A": "Letusan yang berbentuk lajur dan kerap berlaku berdekatan dengan tompok hitam Matahari\nEruptions that are column-shaped and occur frequently near the black spots of the Sun.", "B": "Bahagian atas zon perolakan bagi plasma yang sangat panas\nThe top of the convection zone for very hot plasma", "C": "Gelungan yang besar atau lajur melengkung yang terdiri daripada gas\nA large loop or curved column consisting of gas", "D": "Kawasan gelap yang kelihatan pada permukaan Matahari\nDark areas visible on the surface of the Sun.", "answer": "B"}
107 |
{"question": "3. Terdapat pelbagai fenomena yang berlaku di permukaan Matahari. Gambar berikut adalah salah satu fenomena yang berlaku di permukaan Matahari. Apakah fenomena tersebut?\nThere are various phenomena that occur on the surface of the Sun. The following picture is one of the phenomena that occur on the surface of the Sun. What is the phenomenon?", "A": "Angin suria\nSolar wind", "B": "Semarak suria\nSunny sun", "C": "Lentingan jisim korona\nThe mass of the crown", "D": "Nyalaan suria\nSolar lighting", "answer": "C"}
108 |
{"question": "4. Bagaimanakah magnetosfera Bumi terbentuk?\nHow is the Earth's magnetosphere formed?", "A": "Letusan jirim korona yang membawa medan magnet yang tinggi sehingga mencapai medan magnet Bumi\nThe eruption of corona matter that carries a high magnetic field that reaches the Earth's magnetic field", "B": "Letusan dari Matahari dan membentuk angin suria lalu berinteraksi dengan tarikan graviti Bumi\nEruption from the Sun and form the solar wind then interact with the gravitational pull of the Earth", "C": "Medan magnet yang menyelaputi Bumi hasil daripada tarikan graviti\nThe magnetic field that envelops the Earth as a result of gravitational pull", "D": "Interaksi antara medan magnet yang dibawa oleh angin suria dengan medan magnet Bumi\nThe interaction between the magnetic field carried by the solar wind and the Earth's magnetic field", "answer": "D"}
109 |
{"question": "6. Apakah yang mempengaruhi bentuk magnetosfera?\nWhat influences the shape of the magnetosphere?", "A": "Tekanan dari angin suria terhadap atmosfera Bumi\nPressure from the solar wind at Earth's atmosphere", "B": "Bilangan dan tenaga dalam zarah yang dibawa oleh angin suria berubah-ubah\nThe quantity and energy in solar wind\u2019s particles that always changing", "C": "Sinaran ultraviolet yang menembusi atmosfera\nUltraviolet radiation that penetrates the atmosphere", "D": "Letusan dari Matahari dan membentuk angin suria lalu berinteraksi dengan tarikan graviti Bumi\nEruption from the Sun and form the solar wind then interact with the gravitational pull of the Earth", "answer": "B"}
110 |
{"question": "7. Apakah fenomena yang berlaku di permukaan Matahari di mana gas bercas banyak meletus daripada Matahari.\nWhat phenomenon occurred on the surface of the Sun where charged gases always explode on the Sun?", "A": "Angin suria\nSolar wind", "B": "Tompok Matahari\nSun\u2019s spot", "C": "Semarak suria\nSunny sun", "D": "Kitaran suria\nSolar cycle", "answer": "C"}
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114 |
{"question": "3. Apakah perkaitan antara peningkatan lentingan jisim korona dengan bilangan tompok Matahari?\nWhat is the relationship between the increase of the crown's mass and the number of Sun\u2019s spots?", "A": "Apabila lentingan jisim korona bertambah, bilangan tompok Matahari akan berkurangan\nWhen the crown\u2019s mass increased, the number of Sun\u2019s spot will reduce", "B": "Apabila tompok Matahari bertambah, lentingan jisim korona akan berkurangan\nWhen the number of Sun\u2019s spot increased, the crown\u2019s mass will decrease", "C": "Apabila bilangan tompok Matahari bertambah, lentingan jisim Matahari akan dipertingkatkan\nWhen the Sun's spot increased, the crown\u2019s mass will greatly increase", "D": "Apabila bilangan tompok Matahari bertambah, lentingan jisim Matahari akan berkurangan\nWhen the Sun's spot increased, the crown\u2019s mass will greatly reduce", "answer": "C"}
115 |
{"question": "4. Apakah kegunaan data angkasa lepas?\nWhat is the use of outer space data?", "A": "Meramal bila berlakunya lentingan jisim korona di Matahari\nPredict when will the crown\u2019s mass occurred at the Sun", "B": "Menentukan sebab berlakunya magnetosfera Bumi\nDetermine the cause of Earth's magnetosphere", "C": "Memudahkan ramalan cuaca di Bumi\nMake weather forecast more convenient", "D": "Menentukan sebab berlakunya angina suria di permukaan Matahari\nDetermine the cause of solar lighting on the surface of the Sun", "answer": "A"}
116 |
{"question": "6. Antara berikut, yang manakah fenomena yang berlaku di permukaan Matahari?\nBased on the following, which phenomenon occurred on the Sun's surface?", "A": "Angin suria\nSolar flare", "B": "Ribut geomagnet\nGeomagnetic storm", "C": "Ribut pancaran suria\nSolar emission storm", "D": "Prominen\nProminen", "answer": "D"}
117 |
{"question": "7. Gambar di atas menunjukkan satu fenomena yang terjadi apabila bintang ini berada sebaris dengan Bulan dan Bumi. Antara berikut, yang manakah bukan fenomena yang berlaku pada permukaan bintang tersebut?\nThe picture above shows a phenomenon occurring when this star is in a straight line with the Moon and the Earth. Which of the following is not a phenomenon that occurred on the surface of this star?", "A": "Aurora\nAurora", "B": "Angin suria\nSolar wind", "C": "Prominen\nProminences", "D": "Lentingan jisim korona\nCoronal mass ejection", "answer": "A"}
118 |
{"question": "9. Berdasarkan gambar di atas, yang manakah jawaban berikut menerangkan prominen?\nBased on the above picture, which answer describes prominences?", "A": "Kawasan gelap yang kelihatan pada permukaan Matahari\nDark spot on the surface of the Sun", "B": "Mencapai tahap kecerahan maksimumnya dalam masa beberapa saat atau beberapa minit\nReach its peak bright maximum in a few seconds or minutes", "C": "Letusan zarah gas yang bermagnet\nExplosion of magnetic particles", "D": "Mencapai ketinggian beratus-ratus ribu kilometer dan mungkin kekal selama beberapa hari atau beberapa bulan\nReach a height of hundred thousand kilometres and may lasting in days or months", "answer": "D"}
119 |
{"question": "10. Apakah medan yang melindungi Bumi daripada kesan buruk yang disebabkan oleh zarah yang berbahaya daripada Matahari atau jasad lain dalam Alam Semesta?\nWhat is the field that protects Earth from bad impact from the dangerous Sun\u2019s particles or other outer space organisms?", "A": "Ribut geomagnet\nGeomagnetic storm", "B": "Magnetosfera Bumi\nEarth's magnetosphere", "C": "Angin suria\nSolar wind", "D": "Garisan medan magnet\nMagnetic field lines", "answer": "B"}
120 |
{"question": "Siapakah tokoh yang berjaya menemukan keradioaktifan?\nWho is the person who managed to find radioactivity?", "A": "Pierre Curie", "B": "Marie Curie", "C": "Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen", "D": "Antoine Henri Becquerel", "answer": "D"}
121 |
{"question": "Siapakah tokoh pertama yang menemukan sinar-X?\nWho was the first person to discover X-rays?", "A": "Pierre Curie", "B": "Marie Curie", "C": "Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen", "D": "Antoine Henri Becquerel", "answer": "C"}
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162 |
{"question": "Apakah kepentingan menderma darah?\nWhat is the significance of blood donating?", "A": "Badan individu tersebut akan menjadi lebih bertenaga dan dapat berfungsi dengan lebih baik.\nThe individual's body will become more energetic and be able to function better.", "B": "Badan individu tersebut akan menjadi lebih lemah dan gagal berfungsi dengan lebih baik.\nThe individual's body will become weaker and fail to function better.", "C": "Individu tersebut akan mengalami simptom-simptom seperti pening, mata kabur dan hamper pitam\nThe individual will experience symptoms such as dizziness, blurred vision and almost fainting", "D": "Metabolisme individu tersebut akan menjadi lebih tinggi.\nThe individual's metabolism will be higher.", "answer": "A"}
163 |
{"question": "Apakah proses yang dimaksudkan di atas?\nWhat is the process referred to above?\n\nSuatu proses kehilangan air dalam bentuk wap air dari permukaan daun ke udara secara penyejatan.\nA process of water loss in the form of water vapour from the leaf surface to the air by evaporation.", "A": "Pemejalwapan\nSublimation", "B": "Pengewapan\nEvaporation", "C": "Tranpirasi\nTranspiration", "D": "Kondensasi\nCondensation", "answer": "C"}
164 |
{"question": "Bahagian tumbuhan manakah yang banyak kehilangan air semasa proses transpirasi berlaku?\nWhich part of the plant loses the most water during the transpiration process?", "A": "Pucuk\nShoots", "B": "Batang\nTrunk", "C": "Daun\nLeaves", "D": "Akar\nRoots", "answer": "C"}
165 |
{"question": "Gambar di bawah menunjukkan keratan rentas daun. Apakah X?\nThe picture below shows a cross section of leaves. What is X?", "A": "Kutikel\nCuticle", "B": "Stoma\nStoma", "C": "Floem\nFloem", "D": "Xilem\nXilem", "answer": "D"}
166 |
{"question": "Selain kehilangan air daripada tumbuhan semasa proses transpirasi, air juga hilang melalui pelembakan atau gutasi. Apakah maksud pelembakan atau gutasi?\nIn addition to the loss of water from plants during the transpiration process, water is also lost through drainage or gut. What is the meaning of weakening or guttation?", "A": "Proses kehilangan air daripada tumbuhan dalam bentuk cecair melalui hidatod yang sentiasa terbuka di pinggir daun\nThe process of losing water from plants in liquid form through hydathodes that are always open at the edges of leaves", "B": "Proses kehilangan air dalam bentuk wap air dari permukaan daun ke udara\nThe process of losing water in the form of water vapor from the leaf surface to the air", "C": "Proses fotosintesis yang berlaku semasa liang stoma terbuka\nThe process of photosynthesis that occurs during open stoma pores", "D": "Proses kondensasi wap air di atmosfera kepada\nThe process of condensation of water vapour in the atmosphere to water", "answer": "A"}
167 |
{"question": "Apakah persamaan antara sistem peredaran darah dalam haiwan dengan system pengangkutan dalam tumbuhan?\nWhat is the similarity between the blood transportation system in animals and transportation system in plants?", "A": "Kedua-duanya wujud dalam organisma yang kompleks\nBoth exist in complex organisms", "B": "Kedua-duanya mempunyai salur darah\nBoth have blood capillaries", "C": "Saluran darah bersambung menjadi satu salur yang berterusan\nBlood capillaries are combined into one continuous capillary", "D": "Keduanya mengangkut air dan nutrient\nBoth carries water and nutrient", "answer": "A"}
168 |
{"question": "Apakah bentuk struktur dalam sistem pengangkutan tumbuhan?\nWhat is the structure of a plant's transportation system?", "A": "Sistem bertiup seperti jantung\nWhiffle system such as heart", "B": "Sistem bersalur tanpa injap dan pam\nVessel system without valve and pump", "C": "Sistem saluran yang berterusan\nContinuous vessels system", "D": "Mempunyai tiga jenis salur\nHave three types of vessels", "answer": "B"}
@@ -271,18 +260,13 @@
271 |
{"question": "Yang manakah antara berikut merupakan fungsi utama lapisan ozon di atmosfera?\nWhich of the following is the main function of the ozone layer in the atmosphere?", "A": "Melindungi Bumi dari meteor.\nTo protect the earth from the meteor.", "B": "Melindungi Bumi dari sinar ultraungu.\nTo protect the earth from the ultraviolet rays.", "C": "Memastikan suhu bumi tidak terlalu panas.\nTo ensure the temperature of the earth does not get too hot.", "D": "Sebagai pemantul gelombang radio.\nAs the radio wave reflector.", "answer": "B"}
272 |
{"question": "Pembakaran meteorit berlaku di lapisan\u2026\nThe burning of meteorites happens at which layer?", "A": "Eksosfera\nExosphere", "B": "Termosfera\nThermosphere", "C": "Mesosfera\nMesosphere", "D": "Stratosfera\nStratosphere", "answer": "C"}
273 |
{"question": "Pernyataan berikut adalah tentang sejenis batuan.\nThe following statement is about a type of rock.\nBatuan ini terbentuk daripada mampatan bahan enapan yang dibawa sungai, glasier atau\nangin.\nThis rock is formed by compression of deposited materials carried by the rivers, glaciers\nand wind.\nPernyataan tersebut adalah mengenai batuan\u2026\nThe following statement is about the rock type\u2026", "A": "Igneus\nIgneous", "B": "Sedimen\nSediments", "C": "Metamorfik\nMetamorphic", "D": "Hakisan\nErosion", "answer": "B"}
274 |
{"question": "Gambar di bawah menunjukkan variasi sejenis batuan.\nThe following picture shows a variation of rocks.\nJenis-jenis batuan igneus di atas terhasil daripada proses...\nThe different types of igneous rock are formed from the process\u2026", "A": "Mampatan bahan-bahan enapan yang dibawa oleh sungai.\nCompression of deposited materials carried by the river.", "B": "Penyejukan dan pembekuan magma yang mengalir keluar dari lapisan mantel.\nCooling and freezing of magma that flows out of the mantle.", "C": "Hakisan dibawah tekanan dan haba yang tinggi.\nErosion under a high pressure and temperature.", "D": "Lapisan berongga dan mengandungi fosil yang terenap.\nHollow layers that contain deposited fossils.", "answer": "B"}
275 |
{"question": "Metamorfik merupakan sejenis batuan\u2026\nMetamorphic is the type of rock\u2026", "A": "Yang terhasil daripada mampatan bahan enapan.\nThat is formed from the compression of deposited materials.", "B": "Yang terbentuk apabila batuan sedimen terdedah kepada tekanan dan suhu yang\ntinggi.\nThat is formed when the sediments are exposed to very high pressure and\ntemperature.", "C": "Yang terbentuk apabila magma menyejuk.\nThat is formed when the magma cools down.", "D": "Yang mengandungi pelbagai bahan mineral.\nThat contains various minerals.", "answer": "B"}
276 |
{"question": "Terbentuk apabila terdedah kepada suhu dan tekanan yang sangat tinggi.\nFormed when exposed to very high temperature and pressure.\nBerikut adalah pernyataan mengenai batuan?\nWhich of the following is true about the rock type?", "A": "Igneus\nIgneous", "B": "Sedimen\nSediments", "C": "Metamorfik\nMetamorphic", "D": "Stones\nBatuan", "answer": "C"}
277 |
{"question": "Proses eksogen berlaku di\u2026\nExogenic process happens on\u2026", "A": "Darat\nLand", "B": "Laut\nSea", "C": "Bumi\nEarth", "D": "Udara\nAir", "answer": "C"}
278 |
{"question": "Antara berikut, yang manakah contoh proses endogen?\nWhich of the following is an example of an endogenic process?", "A": "Luluhawa\nWeathering", "B": "Plat tektonik\nPlate tectonics", "C": "Pengenapan\nSedimentation", "D": "Susutan jisim\nMass depletion", "answer": "B"}
279 |
{"question": "Antara berikut, yang manakah fenomena yang ditunjukkan dalam gambar di bawah?\nWhich of the following is the phenomenon shown in the picture?", "A": "Pemanasan global\nGlobal warming", "B": "Gunung berapi\n\nVolcano eruption", "C": "Tsunami\nTsunami", "D": "Gempa bumi\nEarthquake", "answer": "B"}
280 |
{"question": "Antara fenomena geobencana berikut, yang manakah terhasil akibat gempa bumi di dasar\nlaut?\nWhich of the following geohazard phenomena is caused by the earthquake that happens on\nthe seabed?", "A": "Pemanasan global\nGlobal warming", "B": "Gunung berapi\nVolcano eruption", "C": "Tsunami\nTsunami", "D": "Gempa bumi\nEarthquake", "answer": "C"}
281 |
{"question": "Di manakah hujan asid biasanya berlaku?\nWhere does acid rain usually happen?", "A": "Kawasan hutan hujan\nRainforest area", "B": "Kawasan perindustrian\nIndustrial area", "C": "Kawasan kampung\nVillage area", "D": "Kawasan gunung\nMountainous area", "answer": "B"}
282 |
{"question": "Gambar di bawah menunjukkan satu alat yang digunakan untuk mengesan fenomena\ngeobencana\u2026\nThe figure below shows a tool that is used to detect the geohazard phenomenon\u2026", "A": "Pemanasan global\nGlobal warming", "B": "Gunung berapi\nVolcano eruption", "C": "Tsunami\nTsunami", "D": "Gempa bumi\nEarthquake", "answer": "D"}
283 |
{"question": "Antara berikut, yang manakah bukan kesan fenomena geobencana?\nWhich of the following is not the effect of geohazard phenomena?", "A": "Tanah bertambah subur.\nThe soil becomes fertile.", "B": "Kehilangan nyawa.\nLoss of lives.", "C": "Penyakit.\nDiseases.", "D": "Kerosakan harta benda.\nDestruction of property.", "answer": "A"}
284 |
{"question": "Antara berikut, yang manakah merupakan bidang kajian untuk usia bumi?\nWhich of the following is the research area for the age of earth?", "A": "Arkitek\nArchitecture", "B": "Falsafah\nPhilosophy", "C": "Arkeologi\nArcheology", "D": "Geografi\nGeography", "answer": "C"}
285 |
{"question": "Gambar di bawah menunjukkan contoh fosil.\nThe picture below shows an example of a fossil.\nAntara berikut, yang manakah bukan merupakan kepentingan fosil?\nWhich of the following is not the importance of fossils?", "A": "Memberikan maklumat tentang spesies yang telah pupus dari bumi.\nProvide the information on the extinct species from the earth.", "B": "Memberikan petanda masa depan kepada manusia.\nProvide the clues for what will happen in the future to mankind.", "C": "Memberikan maklumat tentang asal usul manusia.\nProvide information on the origin of mankind.", "D": "Memberikan maklumat tentang cara spesies haiwan dan tumbuhan berubah\nmerentas tahun.\nProvide the information on the way the animal and plant species change across the\nyears.", "answer": "B"}
286 |
{"question": "Apakah unsur yang digunakan untuk mengkaji usia artifak purba?\nWhat is the element used to investigate the age of an ancient artifact?", "A": "Karbon-14\nCarbon-14", "B": "Karbon-4\nCarbon-4", "C": "Karbon-20\nCarbon-20", "D": "Karbon-41\nCarbon-41", "answer": "A"}
287 |
{"question": "Antara berikut, yang manakah merupakan organisma yang wujud paling awal di bumi?\nWhich of the following is the earliest existing organism on the earth?", "A": "Bakteria\nBacteria", "B": "Rumpai laut\nSeaweed", "C": "Ikan\nFish", "D": "Serangga\nInsects", "answer": "A"}
288 |
{"question": "Antara berikut, yang manakah merupakan organisma yang wujud paling lewat di bumi?\nWhich of the following is the latest existing organism on the earth?", "A": "Protozoa\nProtozoa", "B": "Rumpai laut\nSeaweed", "C": "Dinosaur\nDinosaur", "D": "Tumbuhan berbunga\nFlowering plants", "answer": "D"}
@@ -290,12 +274,10 @@
290 |
{"question": "Terma di bawah adalah berkaitan usia bumi.\nThe terms below are related to the earth\u2019s age.\n\u25cf\nPaleozoik\nPaleozoic\n\u25cf\nMesozoik\nMesozoic\n\u25cf\nSenozoik\nSenozoic\nTerma di atas merujuk kepada\u2026\nThe terms above refer to\u2026", "A": "Asal usul\nOrigin", "B": "Tempoh\nPeriod", "C": "Era\nEra", "D": "Benda hidup\nThe living things", "answer": "C"}
291 |
{"question": "Antara berikut, yang manakah BUKAN contoh mineral logam?\nWhich of the following is NOT an example of metal minerals?", "A": "Bijih besi\nIron ore", "B": "Bijih timah\nTin ore", "C": "Emas\nGold", "D": "Arang batu\nCoal", "answer": "D"}
292 |
{"question": "Dihasilkan oleh air panas terutamanya air yang dipanaskan oleh haba daripada\nbahagian dalam Bumi. Tenaga boleh digunakan untuk menjana tenaga elektrik.\nProduced by the hot water that is heated up from the core of the earth. The energy\nproduced can be used to generate electricity.\nPernyataan di atas merujuk kepada\u2026\nThe statement above refers to\u2026", "A": "Hidraulik\nHydraulic", "B": "Hidroterma\nHydrotherm", "C": "Hidroelektrik\nHydroelectric", "D": "Hidrokarbon\nHydrocarbon", "answer": "B"}
293 |
{"question": "Gambar di bawah menunjukkan contoh aktiviti manusia.\nThe following picture shows an example of human activity.\nAntara berikut, yang manakah BUKAN merupakan kesan buruk daripada aktiviti tersebut?\nWhich of the following is NOT the bad effect from the stated activity?", "A": "Pencemaran air\nWater pollution", "B": "Pencemaran udara\nAir pollution", "C": "Pemanasan global\nGlobal warming", "D": "Banjir kilat\nFlash flood", "answer": "D"}
294 |
{"question": "Antara berikut, yang manakah merupakan aplikasi cermin cekung dalam kehidupan seharian?\nWhich of the following is the application of concave mirrors in daily life?", "A": "Cermin yang digunakan doktor gigi\nThe mirror used by dentists", "B": "Cermin di pasar raya\nThe mirror in supermarkets", "C": "Cermin di tepi jalan raya\nThe mirror on a roadside", "D": "Cermin kaleidoskop\nKaleidoscope mirror", "answer": "A"}
295 |
{"question": "Antara berikut, yang manakah BUKAN merupakan sifat cahaya?\nWhich of the following is NOT a characteristic of light?", "A": "Cahaya bergerak lurus.\nLight travels in a straight line.", "B": "Cahaya dapat menembusi objek legap.\nLight can penetrate through a solid object.", "C": "Cahaya boleh dibiaskan.\nLight can be refracted.", "D": "Cahaya boleh dipantulkan.\nLight can be reflected.", "answer": "B"}
296 |
{"question": "Pernyataan di bawah adalah berkaitan hukum cahaya.\nThe following statement is about a law regarding light.\n\u25cf\nSudut tuju, sinar pantulan dan garis normal semuanya berada pada satah yang\nsama.\nThe incident angle, the refracted ray and the normal line are all on the same plane.\n\u25cf\nSudut tuju ialah sama dengan sudut pantulan.\nThe incident angle is equal to the reflected angle.\nAntara berikut, apakah nama hukum berkaitan cahaya tersebut?\nWhich of the following is the name of the law regarding light mentioned above?", "A": "Hukum pembiasan.\nLaw of refraction.", "B": "Hukum pantulan.\nLaw of reflection.", "C": "Hukum penembusan.\nLaw of penetration.", "D": "Hukum optik.\nLaw of optics.", "answer": "B"}
297 |
{"question": "Alatan optik manakah yang TIDAK menggunakan konsep pantulan cahaya?\nWhich optical instrument does NOT use the concept of light reflection?", "A": "Kaleidoskop\nCaleidoscope", "B": "Periskop\nPeriscope", "C": "Mikroskop\nMicroscope", "D": "Cermin\nMirror", "answer": "C"}
298 |
{"question": "Gambar di bawah menunjukkan sehelai jaket keselamatan.\nThe following picture shows a safety vest.\nKonsep cahaya apakah yang digunakan oleh jaket keselamatan ini?\nWhat light concept is used by this safety vest?", "A": "Pantulan cahaya\nReflection of light", "B": "Pembiasan cahaya\nRefraction of light", "C": "Penyebaran cahaya\nDispersion of light", "D": "Penyerakan cahaya\nScattering of light", "answer": "A"}
299 |
{"question": "Antara berikut, yang manakah situasi yang menerangkan fenomena pembiasan cahaya?\nWhich of the following is the situation that explains the phenomena of light refraction?", "A": "Imej terbentuk di cermin.\nThe image formed on a mirror.", "B": "Pensil kelihatan bengkok di dalam gelas berisi air.\nA pencil looks bent in a glass full of water.", "C": "Pembentukan pelangi.\nThe formation of a rainbow.", "D": "Kejadian matahari terbit dan terbenam.\nThe sunrise and sunset.", "answer": "B"}
300 |
{"question": "Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah menerangkan tentang pembentukan pelangi dengan betul?\nWhich of the following explains the formation of the rainbow correctly.", "A": "Pembentukan pelangi disebabkan pantulan cahaya di langit.\nThe formation of a rainbow is caused by the reflection of light in the sky.", "B": "Pembentukan pelangi disebabkan oleh pembiasan dan penyebaran cahaya di langit.\nThe formation of a rainbow is caused by refraction and dispersion of light in the sky.", "C": "Pembentukan pelangi disebabkan oleh penyerakan cahaya di langit.\nThe formation of a rainbow is caused by scattering of light in the sky.", "D": "Pembentukan pelangi disebabkan oleh campuran warna di langit.\nThe formation of a rainbow is caused by a mixture of colors in the sky.", "answer": "B"}
301 |
{"question": "Antara berikut, terangkan mengapa sinar cahaya putih dipecahkan menjadi komponen warna berbeza apabila melalui prisma?\nWhich of the following explains why the light ray is broken into different color components when passing through prism.", "A": "Komponen warna mempunyai kelajuan yang berbeza apabila melalui medium prisma.\nColor components have different speeds when passing through a prism medium.", "B": "Komponen warna tersebar disebabkan ketumpatan yang berbeza.\nColor components spread because of the different densities.", "C": "Komponen warna terserak disebabkan pantulan cahaya yang berbeza.\nColor components scatter because of the different reflection of light.", "D": "Komponen warna mempunyai suhu yang berbeza.\nColor components have different temperatures.", "answer": "A"}
1 |
{"question": "Antara berikut, manakah contoh proses yang melibatkan kadar tindak balas yang tinggi?\nWhich of the following is an example of the process involving a rate of reaction?", "A": "Pengoksidaan buah epal\nOxidation of an apple", "B": "Pengaratan besi\nRusting of an iron", "C": "Pembakaran bahan api\nBurning of fuel", "D": "Pereputan bangkai rusa\nDecomposition of a dear", "answer": "C"}
2 |
{"question": "Antara berikut yang manakah mempunyai kadar tindak balas paling tinggi bagi pertambahan isi padu gas terhadap masa?\nWhich of the following has the highest rate of reaction for the increment of gas volume\nagaisnt time?", "A": "1 cm\u00b3/s", "B": "0.1 cm\u00b3/s", "C": "0.001 cm\u00b3/s", "D": "0.0001 cm\u00b3/s", "answer": "A"}
3 |
{"question": "Apabila magnesium bertindak balas dengan asid hidroklorik, gas hidrogen dibebaskan. 45\ncm\u00b3 gas hidrogen dibebaskan dalam masa dua minit. Berapakah kadar tindak balas\npurata?\nWhen magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid, hydrogen gas is released. 45 cm\u00b3 gas is\nreleased in two minutes. What is the rate of reaction?", "A": "0.145 cm\u00b3s\u207b\u00b9", "B": "0.350 cm\u00b3s\u207b\u00b9", "C": "0.375 cm\u00b3s\u207b\u00b9", "D": "0.180 cm\u00b3s\u207b\u00b9", "answer": "C"}
4 |
{"question": "Faktor manakah yang tidak mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas?\nWhich factor does not affect the rate of reaction?", "A": "Isipadu bahan tindak balas\nVolume of reactant", "B": "Kepekatan bahan tindak balas\nConcentration of reactant", "C": "Suhu bahan tindak balas\nTemperature of reactant", "D": "Saiz pepejal bahan tindak balas\nSize of solid reactant", "answer": "A"}
5 |
{"question": "Mengapakah serbuk zink lebih cepat bertindak balas berbanding ketulan zink yang besar?\nWhy does zinc powder react more quickly as compared to big pieces of zinc?", "A": "Serbuk zink mempunyai lebih luas permukaan yang terdedah kepada udara daripada\nketulan zink.\nZinc powder has a bigger surface area that is exposed to air as compared to the\npieces of zinc.", "B": "Serbuk zink lebih ringan berbanding dengan ketulan zink.\nZinc powder is lighter as compared to pieces of zinc.", "C": "Serbuk zink lebih kering berbanding ketulan zink.\nZinc powder is drier than pieces of zinc.", "D": "Serbuk zink menerima haba dengan lebih cepat berbanding dengan ketulan zink.\nZinc powder receives heat more quickly as compared to pieces of zinc.", "answer": "A"}
6 |
{"question": "Pernyataan di bawah merujuk kepada aplikasi konsep kadar tindak balas.\nThe following statement refers to the application of the rate of reaction.\n\nDalam proses ini, campuran gas nitrogen dan gas hidrogen dalam nisbah isipadu 1:3 pada suhu\n450 darjah Celcius hingga 550 darjah Celcius.\nIn this process, the mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen gas are in the ratio of 1:3 at the\ntemperature 450 degree Celsius until 550 Celsius.\n\nPernyataan di atas adalah berkenaan\u2026\nThe statement above is about\u2026", "A": "Proses Pembekuan\nFreezing Process", "B": "Proses Haber\nHaber Process", "C": "Proses Sentuh\nContact Process", "D": "Proses Peleburan\nMelting Process", "answer": "B"}
7 |
{"question": "Apakah hasil akhir bagi proses ini?\nWhat is the final product for this process?", "A": "Gas nitrogen\nNitrogen gas", "B": "Cecair ammonia\nLiquid ammonia", "C": "Gas ammonia\nAmmonia gas", "D": "Air\nWater", "answer": "B"}
15 |
{"question": "Tumbuhan yang ditanam Sarah mengalami masalah berikut:\nThe plant planted by Sarah has the following problems:\n\n\uf0b7 Pertumbuhan terbantut\nStunted growth\n\uf0b7 Daun kecil\nSmall leaves\n\uf0b7 Daun kekuningan\nYellow leaves\n\nNutrien manakah yang kekurangan pada tumbuhan ini?\nThese nutrient lacks which nutrient?", "A": "Nitrogen\nNitrogen", "B": "Magnesium\nMagnesium", "C": "Fosforus\nPhosphorus", "D": "Kalsium\nCalcium", "answer": "A"}
16 |
{"question": "Qayyum mendapati pokok duriannya menghasilkan buah yang lambat masak. Nutrien\nmanakah yang perlu ditambah pada baja untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini?\nQayyum finds out that his durian tree is slow to produce fruit. Which nutrient needs to be\nadded to the fertiliser to solve this issue?", "A": "Kalsium\nCalcium", "B": "Magnesium\nMagnesium", "C": "Kalium\nKalium", "D": "Fosforus\nPhosphorus", "answer": "D"}
17 |
{"question": "Kitar Nitrogen adalah proses yang penting untuk...\nNitrogen cycle is an important process to ensure\u2026", "A": "Meningkatkan kesuburan tanah\nIncreases the soil fertility", "B": "Menjimatkan masa petani\nSaves the farmer\u2019s time", "C": "Mengurangkan pencemaran udara\nReduce air pollution", "D": "Menambah kandungan nitrogen di udara\nIncrease the nitrogen content in the air", "answer": "A"}
18 |
{"question": "Pernyataan di bawah adalah berkenaan Kitar Nitrogen.\nThe following statement is on the Nitrogen Cycle.\n\nNitrat ditukar menjadi nitrogen.\nNitrate is converted into nitrogen.\n\nAntara berikut, yang manakah bakteria yang terlibat di dalam proses di atas?\nWhich of the following is the bacteria involved in the above process?", "A": "Bakteria Pendenitritan\nDenitrification bacteria", "B": "Bakteria Penitritan\nNitrification bacteria", "C": "Bakteria Pereputan\nDecomposition bacteria", "D": "Bakteria Pengikat nitrogen\nNitrogen-fixing bacteria", "answer": "A"}
19 |
{"question": "Antara berikut yang manakah BUKAN kepentingan teknologi pengeluaran makanan?\nWhich of the following is NOT the importance of food production technology?", "A": "Meningkatkan kualiti makanan\nIncrease the food quality", "B": "Mengurangkan persaingan\nDecrease competition", "C": "Menghasilkan baka yang bermutu\nProduce good breeds", "D": "Meningkatkan kuantiti makanan\nIncrease the quality of food", "answer": "B"}
20 |
{"question": "Antara berikut yang manakah BUKAN cara meningkatkan kualiti dan kuantiti\npengeluaran makanan negara?\nWhich of the following is NOT the way to increase the quantity and quality of the\ncountry\u2019s food production quantity?", "A": "Penggunaan teknologi moden\nThe use of modern technology", "B": "Pengurusan tanah yang cekap\nEfficient soil management", "C": "Penggunaan baja berlebihan\nExcessive use of fertiliser", "D": "Penyelidikan dan pembangunan\nResearch and development", "answer": "C"}
88 |
{"question": "Apakah kelebihan alat pemadam api jenis serbuk kering\nWhat are the advantages of dry powder type fire extinguisher?", "A": "Boleh memadam semua jenis kebakaran\nCan extinguish all types of fires", "B": "Hanya memadam kebakaran yang disebabkan oleh elektrik\nOnly extinguish fires caused by electricity", "C": "Hanya memadam kebakaran yang disebabkan oleh pepejal\nOnly extinguish fires caused by solids", "D": "Boleh memadam kebakaran jenis cecair\nCan extinguish liquid type fires", "answer": "A"}
89 |
{"question": "Berdasarkan pernyataan diatas, siapakah tokoh yang dimaksudkan?\nBased on his statement above, who is the figure in question?", "A": "Ptolemy", "B": "Copernicus", "C": "Kepler", "D": "Galileo Galilei", "answer": "B"}
90 |
{"question": "Siapakah tokoh yang melakar model suria di atas?\nWho is the figure who drew the solar model above?", "A": "Ptolemy", "B": "Copernicus", "C": "Kepler", "D": "Galileo Galilei", "answer": "A"}
91 |
{"question": "Apakah persamaan model Sistem Suria yang dibina oleh Copernicus dan Kepler?\nWhat are the similarities between the model of the Solar System built by Copernicus and Kepler?", "A": "Bumi berpusat pada sistem Suria\nEarth at the centre of the Solar system", "B": "Bumi dalam keadaan pegun\nThe Earth is stationary", "C": "Bumi berputar pada paksinya\nThe earth rotates on its axis", "D": "Kedua-dua model adalah model heliosentrik\nBoth models are heliocentric models", "answer": "D"}
92 |
{"question": "Apakah satelit pertama yang dilancarkan ke angkasa lepas?\nWhat was the first satellite launched into space?", "A": "USSR Vostok-1", "B": "US Apollo 1", "C": "USSR Sputnik", "D": "US Pioneer 10", "answer": "C"}
93 |
{"question": "Siapakah manusia pertama yang berada di orbit?\nWho was the first human to be in orbit?", "A": "Yuri Gagarin", "B": "Neil Armstrong", "C": "Valentina Gagarina", "D": "Yelena Yurievna", "answer": "A"}
94 |
{"question": "Apakah alat teknologi pertama digunakan dalam penerokaan angkasa lepas?\nWhat is the first technology that was used in space exploration?", "A": "Satelit\nSatellites", "B": "Roket\nRockets", "C": "Sekstan\nSextan", "D": "Teleskop\nTelescope", "answer": "D"}
95 |
{"question": "Apakah fungsi alat di atas dalam penerokaan angkasa lepas?\nWhat is the function of the above device in space exploration?", "A": "Mengukur altitude bintang\nMeasure the star\u2019s altitude", "B": "Mengesan gelombang radio dari angkasa lepas\nDetect radio waves from space", "C": "Mengumpul maklumat dan menghantar balik ke Bumi\nCollect information and send it back to Earth", "D": "Merekod dan mengumpul maklumat dari jarak jauh\nRecords and collect data from far distance", "answer": "A"}
96 |
{"question": "Pada tahun 2000, Malaysia telah melancarkan mikrosatelit Negara yang pertama iaitu ______________.\nIn 2000, Malaysia launched its first national microsatellite, ______________.", "A": "MEASAT 1", "B": "MEASAT 2", "C": "TiungSAT-1", "D": "US Pioneer 10", "answer": "C"}
97 |
{"question": "Apakah peranan yang dimainkan oleh Agensi Remote Sensing Malaysia (MACRES)?\nWhat is the role played by the Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency (MACRES)?", "A": "Bertanggungjawab terhadap semua projek penderiaan jarak jauh di Malaysia\nResponsible for all remote sensing projects in Malaysia", "B": "Menerima dan mengesan data yang diterima dari satelit Negara\nReceive and track data received from National satellites", "C": "Mengesan lokasi seperti sumber mineral, susutan jisim dan susutan darat\nDetect locations such as mineral resources, mass depletion and land depletion", "D": "Mengesan pencerobohan kapal, pesawat udara dan kenderaan musuh\nDetect the intrusion of enemy ships, aircraft and vehicles", "answer": "A"}
98 |
{"question": "Apakah satelit yang mengumpul data nyalaan suria?\nWhat satellite that collects solar flare data?", "A": "Hubble", "B": "Atlas V", "C": "Long March 2F", "D": "GOES-16", "answer": "D"}
99 |
{"question": "2. Fotosfera dalam atmosfera Matahari terdiri daripada granul yang kelihatan berbutir. Apakah pengertian granul?\nThe photosphere in the Sun's atmosphere is made up of granules that appear granular. What is the meaning of granules?", "A": "Letusan yang berbentuk lajur dan kerap berlaku berdekatan dengan tompok hitam Matahari\nEruptions that are column-shaped and occur frequently near the black spots of the Sun.", "B": "Bahagian atas zon perolakan bagi plasma yang sangat panas\nThe top of the convection zone for very hot plasma", "C": "Gelungan yang besar atau lajur melengkung yang terdiri daripada gas\nA large loop or curved column consisting of gas", "D": "Kawasan gelap yang kelihatan pada permukaan Matahari\nDark areas visible on the surface of the Sun.", "answer": "B"}
100 |
{"question": "4. Bagaimanakah magnetosfera Bumi terbentuk?\nHow is the Earth's magnetosphere formed?", "A": "Letusan jirim korona yang membawa medan magnet yang tinggi sehingga mencapai medan magnet Bumi\nThe eruption of corona matter that carries a high magnetic field that reaches the Earth's magnetic field", "B": "Letusan dari Matahari dan membentuk angin suria lalu berinteraksi dengan tarikan graviti Bumi\nEruption from the Sun and form the solar wind then interact with the gravitational pull of the Earth", "C": "Medan magnet yang menyelaputi Bumi hasil daripada tarikan graviti\nThe magnetic field that envelops the Earth as a result of gravitational pull", "D": "Interaksi antara medan magnet yang dibawa oleh angin suria dengan medan magnet Bumi\nThe interaction between the magnetic field carried by the solar wind and the Earth's magnetic field", "answer": "D"}
101 |
{"question": "6. Apakah yang mempengaruhi bentuk magnetosfera?\nWhat influences the shape of the magnetosphere?", "A": "Tekanan dari angin suria terhadap atmosfera Bumi\nPressure from the solar wind at Earth's atmosphere", "B": "Bilangan dan tenaga dalam zarah yang dibawa oleh angin suria berubah-ubah\nThe quantity and energy in solar wind\u2019s particles that always changing", "C": "Sinaran ultraviolet yang menembusi atmosfera\nUltraviolet radiation that penetrates the atmosphere", "D": "Letusan dari Matahari dan membentuk angin suria lalu berinteraksi dengan tarikan graviti Bumi\nEruption from the Sun and form the solar wind then interact with the gravitational pull of the Earth", "answer": "B"}
102 |
{"question": "7. Apakah fenomena yang berlaku di permukaan Matahari di mana gas bercas banyak meletus daripada Matahari.\nWhat phenomenon occurred on the surface of the Sun where charged gases always explode on the Sun?", "A": "Angin suria\nSolar wind", "B": "Tompok Matahari\nSun\u2019s spot", "C": "Semarak suria\nSunny sun", "D": "Kitaran suria\nSolar cycle", "answer": "C"}
106 |
{"question": "3. Apakah perkaitan antara peningkatan lentingan jisim korona dengan bilangan tompok Matahari?\nWhat is the relationship between the increase of the crown's mass and the number of Sun\u2019s spots?", "A": "Apabila lentingan jisim korona bertambah, bilangan tompok Matahari akan berkurangan\nWhen the crown\u2019s mass increased, the number of Sun\u2019s spot will reduce", "B": "Apabila tompok Matahari bertambah, lentingan jisim korona akan berkurangan\nWhen the number of Sun\u2019s spot increased, the crown\u2019s mass will decrease", "C": "Apabila bilangan tompok Matahari bertambah, lentingan jisim Matahari akan dipertingkatkan\nWhen the Sun's spot increased, the crown\u2019s mass will greatly increase", "D": "Apabila bilangan tompok Matahari bertambah, lentingan jisim Matahari akan berkurangan\nWhen the Sun's spot increased, the crown\u2019s mass will greatly reduce", "answer": "C"}
107 |
{"question": "4. Apakah kegunaan data angkasa lepas?\nWhat is the use of outer space data?", "A": "Meramal bila berlakunya lentingan jisim korona di Matahari\nPredict when will the crown\u2019s mass occurred at the Sun", "B": "Menentukan sebab berlakunya magnetosfera Bumi\nDetermine the cause of Earth's magnetosphere", "C": "Memudahkan ramalan cuaca di Bumi\nMake weather forecast more convenient", "D": "Menentukan sebab berlakunya angina suria di permukaan Matahari\nDetermine the cause of solar lighting on the surface of the Sun", "answer": "A"}
108 |
{"question": "6. Antara berikut, yang manakah fenomena yang berlaku di permukaan Matahari?\nBased on the following, which phenomenon occurred on the Sun's surface?", "A": "Angin suria\nSolar flare", "B": "Ribut geomagnet\nGeomagnetic storm", "C": "Ribut pancaran suria\nSolar emission storm", "D": "Prominen\nProminen", "answer": "D"}
109 |
{"question": "10. Apakah medan yang melindungi Bumi daripada kesan buruk yang disebabkan oleh zarah yang berbahaya daripada Matahari atau jasad lain dalam Alam Semesta?\nWhat is the field that protects Earth from bad impact from the dangerous Sun\u2019s particles or other outer space organisms?", "A": "Ribut geomagnet\nGeomagnetic storm", "B": "Magnetosfera Bumi\nEarth's magnetosphere", "C": "Angin suria\nSolar wind", "D": "Garisan medan magnet\nMagnetic field lines", "answer": "B"}
110 |
{"question": "Siapakah tokoh yang berjaya menemukan keradioaktifan?\nWho is the person who managed to find radioactivity?", "A": "Pierre Curie", "B": "Marie Curie", "C": "Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen", "D": "Antoine Henri Becquerel", "answer": "D"}
111 |
{"question": "Siapakah tokoh pertama yang menemukan sinar-X?\nWho was the first person to discover X-rays?", "A": "Pierre Curie", "B": "Marie Curie", "C": "Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen", "D": "Antoine Henri Becquerel", "answer": "C"}
152 |
{"question": "Apakah kepentingan menderma darah?\nWhat is the significance of blood donating?", "A": "Badan individu tersebut akan menjadi lebih bertenaga dan dapat berfungsi dengan lebih baik.\nThe individual's body will become more energetic and be able to function better.", "B": "Badan individu tersebut akan menjadi lebih lemah dan gagal berfungsi dengan lebih baik.\nThe individual's body will become weaker and fail to function better.", "C": "Individu tersebut akan mengalami simptom-simptom seperti pening, mata kabur dan hamper pitam\nThe individual will experience symptoms such as dizziness, blurred vision and almost fainting", "D": "Metabolisme individu tersebut akan menjadi lebih tinggi.\nThe individual's metabolism will be higher.", "answer": "A"}
153 |
{"question": "Apakah proses yang dimaksudkan di atas?\nWhat is the process referred to above?\n\nSuatu proses kehilangan air dalam bentuk wap air dari permukaan daun ke udara secara penyejatan.\nA process of water loss in the form of water vapour from the leaf surface to the air by evaporation.", "A": "Pemejalwapan\nSublimation", "B": "Pengewapan\nEvaporation", "C": "Tranpirasi\nTranspiration", "D": "Kondensasi\nCondensation", "answer": "C"}
154 |
{"question": "Bahagian tumbuhan manakah yang banyak kehilangan air semasa proses transpirasi berlaku?\nWhich part of the plant loses the most water during the transpiration process?", "A": "Pucuk\nShoots", "B": "Batang\nTrunk", "C": "Daun\nLeaves", "D": "Akar\nRoots", "answer": "C"}
155 |
{"question": "Selain kehilangan air daripada tumbuhan semasa proses transpirasi, air juga hilang melalui pelembakan atau gutasi. Apakah maksud pelembakan atau gutasi?\nIn addition to the loss of water from plants during the transpiration process, water is also lost through drainage or gut. What is the meaning of weakening or guttation?", "A": "Proses kehilangan air daripada tumbuhan dalam bentuk cecair melalui hidatod yang sentiasa terbuka di pinggir daun\nThe process of losing water from plants in liquid form through hydathodes that are always open at the edges of leaves", "B": "Proses kehilangan air dalam bentuk wap air dari permukaan daun ke udara\nThe process of losing water in the form of water vapor from the leaf surface to the air", "C": "Proses fotosintesis yang berlaku semasa liang stoma terbuka\nThe process of photosynthesis that occurs during open stoma pores", "D": "Proses kondensasi wap air di atmosfera kepada\nThe process of condensation of water vapour in the atmosphere to water", "answer": "A"}
156 |
{"question": "Apakah persamaan antara sistem peredaran darah dalam haiwan dengan system pengangkutan dalam tumbuhan?\nWhat is the similarity between the blood transportation system in animals and transportation system in plants?", "A": "Kedua-duanya wujud dalam organisma yang kompleks\nBoth exist in complex organisms", "B": "Kedua-duanya mempunyai salur darah\nBoth have blood capillaries", "C": "Saluran darah bersambung menjadi satu salur yang berterusan\nBlood capillaries are combined into one continuous capillary", "D": "Keduanya mengangkut air dan nutrient\nBoth carries water and nutrient", "answer": "A"}
157 |
{"question": "Apakah bentuk struktur dalam sistem pengangkutan tumbuhan?\nWhat is the structure of a plant's transportation system?", "A": "Sistem bertiup seperti jantung\nWhiffle system such as heart", "B": "Sistem bersalur tanpa injap dan pam\nVessel system without valve and pump", "C": "Sistem saluran yang berterusan\nContinuous vessels system", "D": "Mempunyai tiga jenis salur\nHave three types of vessels", "answer": "B"}
260 |
{"question": "Yang manakah antara berikut merupakan fungsi utama lapisan ozon di atmosfera?\nWhich of the following is the main function of the ozone layer in the atmosphere?", "A": "Melindungi Bumi dari meteor.\nTo protect the earth from the meteor.", "B": "Melindungi Bumi dari sinar ultraungu.\nTo protect the earth from the ultraviolet rays.", "C": "Memastikan suhu bumi tidak terlalu panas.\nTo ensure the temperature of the earth does not get too hot.", "D": "Sebagai pemantul gelombang radio.\nAs the radio wave reflector.", "answer": "B"}
261 |
{"question": "Pembakaran meteorit berlaku di lapisan\u2026\nThe burning of meteorites happens at which layer?", "A": "Eksosfera\nExosphere", "B": "Termosfera\nThermosphere", "C": "Mesosfera\nMesosphere", "D": "Stratosfera\nStratosphere", "answer": "C"}
262 |
{"question": "Pernyataan berikut adalah tentang sejenis batuan.\nThe following statement is about a type of rock.\nBatuan ini terbentuk daripada mampatan bahan enapan yang dibawa sungai, glasier atau\nangin.\nThis rock is formed by compression of deposited materials carried by the rivers, glaciers\nand wind.\nPernyataan tersebut adalah mengenai batuan\u2026\nThe following statement is about the rock type\u2026", "A": "Igneus\nIgneous", "B": "Sedimen\nSediments", "C": "Metamorfik\nMetamorphic", "D": "Hakisan\nErosion", "answer": "B"}
263 |
{"question": "Metamorfik merupakan sejenis batuan\u2026\nMetamorphic is the type of rock\u2026", "A": "Yang terhasil daripada mampatan bahan enapan.\nThat is formed from the compression of deposited materials.", "B": "Yang terbentuk apabila batuan sedimen terdedah kepada tekanan dan suhu yang\ntinggi.\nThat is formed when the sediments are exposed to very high pressure and\ntemperature.", "C": "Yang terbentuk apabila magma menyejuk.\nThat is formed when the magma cools down.", "D": "Yang mengandungi pelbagai bahan mineral.\nThat contains various minerals.", "answer": "B"}
264 |
{"question": "Terbentuk apabila terdedah kepada suhu dan tekanan yang sangat tinggi.\nFormed when exposed to very high temperature and pressure.\nBerikut adalah pernyataan mengenai batuan?\nWhich of the following is true about the rock type?", "A": "Igneus\nIgneous", "B": "Sedimen\nSediments", "C": "Metamorfik\nMetamorphic", "D": "Stones\nBatuan", "answer": "C"}
265 |
{"question": "Proses eksogen berlaku di\u2026\nExogenic process happens on\u2026", "A": "Darat\nLand", "B": "Laut\nSea", "C": "Bumi\nEarth", "D": "Udara\nAir", "answer": "C"}
266 |
{"question": "Antara berikut, yang manakah contoh proses endogen?\nWhich of the following is an example of an endogenic process?", "A": "Luluhawa\nWeathering", "B": "Plat tektonik\nPlate tectonics", "C": "Pengenapan\nSedimentation", "D": "Susutan jisim\nMass depletion", "answer": "B"}
267 |
{"question": "Antara fenomena geobencana berikut, yang manakah terhasil akibat gempa bumi di dasar\nlaut?\nWhich of the following geohazard phenomena is caused by the earthquake that happens on\nthe seabed?", "A": "Pemanasan global\nGlobal warming", "B": "Gunung berapi\nVolcano eruption", "C": "Tsunami\nTsunami", "D": "Gempa bumi\nEarthquake", "answer": "C"}
268 |
{"question": "Di manakah hujan asid biasanya berlaku?\nWhere does acid rain usually happen?", "A": "Kawasan hutan hujan\nRainforest area", "B": "Kawasan perindustrian\nIndustrial area", "C": "Kawasan kampung\nVillage area", "D": "Kawasan gunung\nMountainous area", "answer": "B"}
269 |
{"question": "Antara berikut, yang manakah bukan kesan fenomena geobencana?\nWhich of the following is not the effect of geohazard phenomena?", "A": "Tanah bertambah subur.\nThe soil becomes fertile.", "B": "Kehilangan nyawa.\nLoss of lives.", "C": "Penyakit.\nDiseases.", "D": "Kerosakan harta benda.\nDestruction of property.", "answer": "A"}
270 |
{"question": "Apakah unsur yang digunakan untuk mengkaji usia artifak purba?\nWhat is the element used to investigate the age of an ancient artifact?", "A": "Karbon-14\nCarbon-14", "B": "Karbon-4\nCarbon-4", "C": "Karbon-20\nCarbon-20", "D": "Karbon-41\nCarbon-41", "answer": "A"}
271 |
{"question": "Antara berikut, yang manakah merupakan organisma yang wujud paling awal di bumi?\nWhich of the following is the earliest existing organism on the earth?", "A": "Bakteria\nBacteria", "B": "Rumpai laut\nSeaweed", "C": "Ikan\nFish", "D": "Serangga\nInsects", "answer": "A"}
272 |
{"question": "Antara berikut, yang manakah merupakan organisma yang wujud paling lewat di bumi?\nWhich of the following is the latest existing organism on the earth?", "A": "Protozoa\nProtozoa", "B": "Rumpai laut\nSeaweed", "C": "Dinosaur\nDinosaur", "D": "Tumbuhan berbunga\nFlowering plants", "answer": "D"}
274 |
{"question": "Terma di bawah adalah berkaitan usia bumi.\nThe terms below are related to the earth\u2019s age.\n\u25cf\nPaleozoik\nPaleozoic\n\u25cf\nMesozoik\nMesozoic\n\u25cf\nSenozoik\nSenozoic\nTerma di atas merujuk kepada\u2026\nThe terms above refer to\u2026", "A": "Asal usul\nOrigin", "B": "Tempoh\nPeriod", "C": "Era\nEra", "D": "Benda hidup\nThe living things", "answer": "C"}
275 |
{"question": "Antara berikut, yang manakah BUKAN contoh mineral logam?\nWhich of the following is NOT an example of metal minerals?", "A": "Bijih besi\nIron ore", "B": "Bijih timah\nTin ore", "C": "Emas\nGold", "D": "Arang batu\nCoal", "answer": "D"}
276 |
{"question": "Dihasilkan oleh air panas terutamanya air yang dipanaskan oleh haba daripada\nbahagian dalam Bumi. Tenaga boleh digunakan untuk menjana tenaga elektrik.\nProduced by the hot water that is heated up from the core of the earth. The energy\nproduced can be used to generate electricity.\nPernyataan di atas merujuk kepada\u2026\nThe statement above refers to\u2026", "A": "Hidraulik\nHydraulic", "B": "Hidroterma\nHydrotherm", "C": "Hidroelektrik\nHydroelectric", "D": "Hidrokarbon\nHydrocarbon", "answer": "B"}
277 |
{"question": "Antara berikut, yang manakah merupakan aplikasi cermin cekung dalam kehidupan seharian?\nWhich of the following is the application of concave mirrors in daily life?", "A": "Cermin yang digunakan doktor gigi\nThe mirror used by dentists", "B": "Cermin di pasar raya\nThe mirror in supermarkets", "C": "Cermin di tepi jalan raya\nThe mirror on a roadside", "D": "Cermin kaleidoskop\nKaleidoscope mirror", "answer": "A"}
278 |
{"question": "Antara berikut, yang manakah BUKAN merupakan sifat cahaya?\nWhich of the following is NOT a characteristic of light?", "A": "Cahaya bergerak lurus.\nLight travels in a straight line.", "B": "Cahaya dapat menembusi objek legap.\nLight can penetrate through a solid object.", "C": "Cahaya boleh dibiaskan.\nLight can be refracted.", "D": "Cahaya boleh dipantulkan.\nLight can be reflected.", "answer": "B"}
279 |
{"question": "Pernyataan di bawah adalah berkaitan hukum cahaya.\nThe following statement is about a law regarding light.\n\u25cf\nSudut tuju, sinar pantulan dan garis normal semuanya berada pada satah yang\nsama.\nThe incident angle, the refracted ray and the normal line are all on the same plane.\n\u25cf\nSudut tuju ialah sama dengan sudut pantulan.\nThe incident angle is equal to the reflected angle.\nAntara berikut, apakah nama hukum berkaitan cahaya tersebut?\nWhich of the following is the name of the law regarding light mentioned above?", "A": "Hukum pembiasan.\nLaw of refraction.", "B": "Hukum pantulan.\nLaw of reflection.", "C": "Hukum penembusan.\nLaw of penetration.", "D": "Hukum optik.\nLaw of optics.", "answer": "B"}
280 |
{"question": "Alatan optik manakah yang TIDAK menggunakan konsep pantulan cahaya?\nWhich optical instrument does NOT use the concept of light reflection?", "A": "Kaleidoskop\nCaleidoscope", "B": "Periskop\nPeriscope", "C": "Mikroskop\nMicroscope", "D": "Cermin\nMirror", "answer": "C"}
281 |
{"question": "Antara berikut, yang manakah situasi yang menerangkan fenomena pembiasan cahaya?\nWhich of the following is the situation that explains the phenomena of light refraction?", "A": "Imej terbentuk di cermin.\nThe image formed on a mirror.", "B": "Pensil kelihatan bengkok di dalam gelas berisi air.\nA pencil looks bent in a glass full of water.", "C": "Pembentukan pelangi.\nThe formation of a rainbow.", "D": "Kejadian matahari terbit dan terbenam.\nThe sunrise and sunset.", "answer": "B"}
282 |
{"question": "Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah menerangkan tentang pembentukan pelangi dengan betul?\nWhich of the following explains the formation of the rainbow correctly.", "A": "Pembentukan pelangi disebabkan pantulan cahaya di langit.\nThe formation of a rainbow is caused by the reflection of light in the sky.", "B": "Pembentukan pelangi disebabkan oleh pembiasan dan penyebaran cahaya di langit.\nThe formation of a rainbow is caused by refraction and dispersion of light in the sky.", "C": "Pembentukan pelangi disebabkan oleh penyerakan cahaya di langit.\nThe formation of a rainbow is caused by scattering of light in the sky.", "D": "Pembentukan pelangi disebabkan oleh campuran warna di langit.\nThe formation of a rainbow is caused by a mixture of colors in the sky.", "answer": "B"}
283 |
{"question": "Antara berikut, terangkan mengapa sinar cahaya putih dipecahkan menjadi komponen warna berbeza apabila melalui prisma?\nWhich of the following explains why the light ray is broken into different color components when passing through prism.", "A": "Komponen warna mempunyai kelajuan yang berbeza apabila melalui medium prisma.\nColor components have different speeds when passing through a prism medium.", "B": "Komponen warna tersebar disebabkan ketumpatan yang berbeza.\nColor components spread because of the different densities.", "C": "Komponen warna terserak disebabkan pantulan cahaya yang berbeza.\nColor components scatter because of the different reflection of light.", "D": "Komponen warna mempunyai suhu yang berbeza.\nColor components have different temperatures.", "answer": "A"}