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Multiple meeting participants told ABC News that they still hope the president strongly considers their policy requests. | abc-news | 0 | f2573612-b0b1-4bb6-ae66-5d672d7eb51a |
Then take off that nut and replace it with the larger nut, give it a few more taps from the hammer, and the nail should glide all the way through. | new-york-magazine | 0 | 5be744f9-5950-49fa-ae5d-8a5aea092f8b |
FatCamera/E+ via Getty Images November 6, 2023 Higher education can be elusive for asylum-seekers and immigrants Migrants to the US say they need a map to help them navigate the world of higher education. | the-conversation | 0 | 383c98e3-eb83-4100-8c7b-258a418dbfa3 |
Apart from the US embargo regime, the southern African country has been subject to EU-targeted sanctions for more than two decades, which were imposed under the late former President Robert Mugabe in response to concerns about political violence and human rights violations. | rt | 0 | 3b301939-3875-4166-9138-bc6f5ec55e3c |
Protest organizers vowed to keep speaking out in support of Gaza. | the-american-spectator | 0 | 90941c67-7380-40ac-aade-ad7822100ba4 |
Gray and patients like her are living proof of gene-editing power. | the-atlantic | 0 | 441a23c9-a485-4a38-ad91-350b2c0b0efb |
On Friday, hours after the evacuation leaflets began to land, Hussam Abu Safiya, a doctor in Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza, was still treating a stream of patients wounded by airstrikes. | npr | 0 | 0c023e32-274a-43ca-bd37-d865a69d0a44 |
House lawmakers believe some of the questionable funds ended up in President Biden‘s bank account. | washington-times | 1 | 76f6de1a-ef70-4605-a215-2e10be085355 |
Other EU nations, such as Germany, have similar problems with the disease, the health minister said. | rt | 0 | db18e498-76a6-4f81-bc38-a59029eb652e |
At the same time, Kennedy has endeared himself to many Republican voters over one of the most divisive issues in recent memory, the question of vaccines - specifically, mandatory vaccination for the Covid-19 virus. | rt | 1 | 5b3f8699-9525-48c9-afa8-d7ac81527eda |
The benighted state is close to the bottom in almost every social metric. | daily-kos | 1 | 56f04c03-3d27-497a-babe-f14978056338 |
It was the kind of self-mythologizing Biden has built a career on. | the-gateway-pundit | 1 | e65005bc-1d99-4648-9859-7f93a76b57ee |
A contributor for The American Spectator, Grace Reilly is a senior at Grove City College, where she is a marketing fellow at the Institute for Faith and Freedom. | the-american-spectator | 0 | aa6a575f-0efd-4bf2-a070-8c4210f6b417 |
Supporters of the wave of climate lawsuits have compared them to cases against big tobacco in the 1990s that resulted in settlements of more than $200bn against cigarette companies. | alternet | 0 | b26e2b9c-a85d-456f-9d34-318f1fb1aa92 |
Despite many countries’ chilly welcome to Syrian migrants, some still believe in the EU’s importance as a moral exemplar for a world trapped in the zero-sum calculus of the Westphalian state. | the-economist | 1 | eb45e488-1c87-490f-ba92-e942fd6c9510 |
A right is an indefeasible personal claim against the whole world. | newsmax | 0 | e346dfa3-ec7b-41c3-9169-e986e37f0b73 |
Lear, who was honored with a place in the Television Academy’s Hall of Fame, a lifetime achievement award from the Producers Guild of America and multiple awards from the Writers Guild of America, was the recipient of the National Medal of Arts in 1999 and feted at the Kennedy Center Honors in 2017. | variety | 0 | 39513219-65fd-4a35-ba22-0cc8f4ca0407 |
OPINION: The great composer Wagner’s work was once described as a cannon smothered in flowers. | washington-times | 1 | 21d800f9-a520-4eb5-9c5f-012cf32d37bc |
And perhaps most importantly, it involves reexamining our role in the world, our priorities as a nation, and the values we cherish and wish to uphold. | the-federalist | 0 | ca01a688-d103-4c38-a3c6-4fcf959e3561 |
So at that point in time, they can do something about it. | newsbusters | 0 | 9df847b1-55ab-4c72-acb0-fee7033051e0 |
Twenty young people from around the world are now utilizing the first round of funding to embark on diverse projects ranging from eliminating carbon emissions from the atmosphere to mitigating the spread of wildfires. | cbs-news | 0 | 5bd1daad-3cb8-44d5-b4c3-65b05b34fe3b |
They also note that too many parents don’t ask enough questions when looking at their children’s grades or seek out their teachers for guidance. | hotair | 0 | 73be6e5c-f697-4c65-8cd0-12e7eb019b6e |
He’s also leveled attacks at others who have spilled on his plotting, or on military-related matters (such as when General Mark Milley shared that he had to assure Chinese officials there was no sneak attack planned). | occupy-democrats | 1 | 39cf91aa-32a2-422e-b5bb-84871efc13a7 |
Keep in mind that Johnson has vowed that he’s now done with short-term spending bills and that the House and Senate will still need to hash out differences between their respective versions of the full-year spending bills. | fiscal-times | 0 | ff6cfa53-ec11-4180-b990-3f08df80f0d8 |
He has pleaded not guilty to four criminal indictments, including federal cases tied to attempts to overturn the 2020 election results and the removal and mishandling of classified government documents when he left office in January 2021. | alternet | 0 | 594b4995-079f-4ed3-a3e7-db12e9d74395 |
It is unclear why the pop star, 42, decided to include her father, 71, in the carousel, as she did not caption the post. | new-york-post | 0 | 51b36e4c-c9c6-435c-949b-ddf92f452a7b |
Methamphetamine and cocaine played a role in just over 51 percent and 46 percent of the deaths, respectively. | washington-free-beacon | 0 | c7dbec20-a9f9-430f-a0e4-8759f0eb3d79 |
Would you want to live in your bunker if that was all there was? | esquire | 1 | 89d78638-2937-419a-b51d-a93e964f811a |
More data, less stigmatization Finding those patients could prove difficult, however, as the experts say yet another reason we don’t know more about the people who chew and spit is that most of them tend to hide the habit very well. | vox | 0 | 31380d6d-56c8-4641-b9b7-99d4f7823293 |
It follows that the atmosphere of totalitarianism is deadly to any kind of prose writer, though a poet, at any rate a lyric poet, might possibly find it breathable. | the-atlantic | 1 | 735a9ffa-9855-46a4-9746-f97a5b676bfd |
BIDEN ADMINISTRATION PLANS TO BUY 2.7M OIL BARRELS TO REFILL EMERGENCY STOCKPILE Gasoline demand last week lagged the 10-year seasonal average by 2.5%. | fox-news | 0 | 3f02743b-ba55-4467-ba83-590ee324a5d7 |
He had twenty home runs barely a month into the season, a ridiculous pace. | esquire | 0 | c055d024-3431-434f-8b50-287195297537 |
Pine carries the movie with his gravitas, descending into pompousness and villainy. | christian-science-monitor | 1 | 882f6de0-cdc8-48af-8674-721675a12900 |
The Court appears unwilling to attack entrenched parts of the American welfare state. | vox | 1 | 8b272e3d-88f1-4206-9c99-b4160a9f2ddb |
The answer is Hamas by deploying in populated areas, hiding in Mosques, schools, and hospitals, digging tunnels under city blocks of apartments and shops. | american-thinker | 1 | d6e4089f-a0f7-4196-bd26-0c4984a7ebf2 |
And while it might seem too late after you're charged to do anything about it, sometimes the fees are refundable. | fox-business | 0 | 9ceb0126-715d-4101-b38b-39060f04fc12 |
Above the stalls are extremely graphic sex acts and then there is graffiti. | wired | 1 | e76aa894-3800-4969-8f89-0d6803e9367c |
All that has been achieved by prolonging this war is the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives, the loss of tens of thousands of limbs, the devastation of infrastructure and of the environment, and the shattering of global peace and stability. | infowars | 1 | 0cc31fd1-059d-49b9-8cbd-cbac7a263e6d |
We must lead, and do it in a way that keeps our young men and women off the battlefield. | washington-blade | 1 | 06b5b026-4451-4aab-85b0-19f5e665391c |
The involvement of UAE leaders has sparked concerns in the UK over editorial independence at the publications should the deal go through. | new-york-post | 0 | b0179e22-0897-4e4b-95d7-3128fca72dfd |
The debates around what we should give up to live in a less environmentally destructive way will become only more volatile as global warming gets worse. | the-economist | 1 | 3c4eaf84-cfba-44f7-81c4-e55b5a51d492 |
Advertisement Unless the committee doesn’t see the Noles’ ACC as a power conference at all. | slate | 1 | 97fd19e0-49d1-4b82-8890-fe545c4579db |
He also has a flag outside of his congressional offices whose symbol has been adopted by a Christian sect called the New Apostolic Reformation, which calls for Christians to take control of all aspects of society. | truthout | 1 | 8eee12e8-22bf-49f4-8e82-47590b702049 |
Even more one-sided politically, the American Federation of Teachers spent $86,914,628 on state and national politics between 2000 and 2020, and 99.9% of it went to Democrats. | american-greatness | 1 | bf7e7080-fb94-4d00-819b-2009ee0d10df |
And on summit day, from the south call to the summit, people are driving themselves really hard. | wired | 0 | b7b4c49f-fd08-4bbc-abad-9d76e5a17964 |
My parents always had us wait until it was almost Christmas to do these Christmas things. | national-catholic-register | 0 | 0252fab4-7d38-4689-9e1d-a9b6b1a3d5ed |
Forget that the precise reason it was trending was that politicians and the media kept talking about it. | townhall | 1 | 82526727-ea4f-4afb-a311-dada830b3a5d |
That's not to claim Trump is a political genius - or even a person of average intelligence. | alternet | 1 | e78c4015-e84a-44b0-a0ff-6864d84f476b |
Many others had warrants for drug crimes and gun possession by a felon. | nbc-news | 0 | cb437f3f-31f3-4161-b272-473bc11e05a5 |
Nikki Battiste: What was the moment like when you were able to see each other again after that? | cbs-news | 0 | a5d9151a-5655-4edc-800e-50b206f855c2 |
Well, for starters, it doesn’t seem to bother modern Christians that secular humanism removes God from human affairs, as do atheists. | american-thinker | 1 | bc7dd07a-0a70-488a-b826-f4a04490f65b |
People in prosperous countries are often unaware that the garbage they throw out every day often gets shipped around the world to become somebody else’s problem . | alternet | 0 | 32c0d1a9-dbc6-4088-859e-15e5fd7feceb |
On the same day that the IGR Conference held its special session, the UMC Florida Conference held a special session in which delegates voted 557-36 to approve the disaffiliation of 74 churches. | the-christian-post | 0 | d8655da2-d193-43b9-8fce-11eaa575cd90 |
So, in addition to the large-scale killing of civilians, some at least of which must have been ordered, some of which may have been uncontrolled people who came in after the Hamas fighters and slaughtered people or took away captives. | the-intercept | 1 | da9ba5c0-8989-44b9-96e5-2df1d4025125 |
So if you step back-because the stance of new wave, new variant, new vaccine, it’s pretty familiar-are we right to think it is becoming flu-like, and how should we think about that? | the-atlantic | 0 | 691bc56b-13ce-45af-8661-e22ed6028f24 |
For our democracy to prosper, we can’t forget that faith and morality are intertwined. | newsmax | 1 | 4c7c329d-d296-4086-94bc-c019fc7f0090 |
According to data from US Customs and Border Protection, there has been a drastic increase in illegal activity being committed by illegal aliens since 2021. | the-gateway-pundit | 1 | f99469eb-bae6-49ad-901c-f2d88bfb4ce9 |
To celebrate freedom and democracy while forgetting America’s origins in a slavery economy is patriotism à la carte. | the-atlantic | 1 | 4f6160a1-93fc-4674-9c53-e9a7d9288fc5 |
To prepare for his role, Favreau trained with Korean American chef Roy Choi, whose gourmet Korean-Mexican taco truck Kogi launched him into the culinary spotlight. | the-independent | 0 | bf3b804a-b5a9-4fed-8baf-050c0e11b272 |
Menendez is a criminal in the ordinary sense of the term, whereas Trump is an enemy of a political regime. | american-greatness | 1 | 90ac830d-227e-4094-b4e3-73ec0c760717 |
And that systemic change (which produced a new thesis) will in turn, eventually, be challenged by the proletariat (working class) which will violently overthrow capitalism. | american-thinker | 1 | f531c9c3-ecf6-41be-839f-22456600f07e |
According to one survey, 87% of employees want to work from home at least one day per week. | newsmax | 0 | 9d2eb2f2-c532-4873-bc84-4a1cc81e94a4 |
But while appearing in public in blackface may have been considered harmless fun back when the film was released - and when Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and former Virginia Gov. | newsmax | 1 | 490537ef-c535-4afc-8408-8f46af024c7a |
Israel has the manpower and technology to wipe out everyone, but it’ll take time. | townhall | 1 | b0f5768c-df3b-41e9-832a-52975f03ba06 |
If you’re not quite sure how to use up the skins of your potatoes and carrots, cutting them up and roasting in olive oil with plenty of salt and pepper makes delicious vegetable chips, the perfect snack to accompany an afternoon full of Christmas movies and toy building. | the-independent | 0 | 40638bc7-9d06-4ab1-88ce-fdc1752aa8ac |
While Trump has been known to go on unhinged rants, both in speeches and on his Truth Social, it doesn’t mean his threats can just simply be brushed off as, well, unhinged rants. | poynter | 1 | 3dd6cec3-55da-454c-b148-f4f5749b67e3 |
On April 8, she was famously photographed rolling a luggage dolly loaded with boxes of files out of her apartment building. | the-nation | 0 | f0d44c2e-c9ae-4e11-9613-2467eb9aafe6 |
And they want their way or the highway, but their highway is over a cliff for themselves and all the Republicans that follow them." | alternet | 1 | 768d407c-c0b5-406c-9cf6-8970cfe64a38 |
These televangelist, they were unaccountable, there's a different structure for this. | christianity-today | 1 | 44486c98-489b-4131-b934-63030d9173df |
14) How can members of the public be informed and get involved in the decisions you make about data? | the-conversation | 0 | b8947286-e0e6-4844-9d20-b926da4e9fa5 |
Police said the suspects were interviewed and all three confessed to the murder. | nbc-news | 0 | a44e864e-fb20-4b98-8233-38c06c50d304 |
In 1934, the modernist titan Arnold Schoenberg took refuge in L.A.; Korngold, Stravinsky, Eisler, and Rachmaninoff followed. | the-new-yorker | 0 | 1ba61380-d571-423c-acde-411c0c2d75fe |
That’s not to say that Levin is advocating Republicans use the same sort of dirty tactics that the Left uses, but he is honest enough to explain the major difference between the two parties. | american-greatness | 1 | 1c0a75a9-d69c-4691-b385-e4eda2a08add |
Gretchen Whitmer signed an executive directive Tuesday forcing the state government's entire fleet of vehicles, both light-duty and heavy-duty, to transition to zero-emission. | wnd | 0 | 3e361010-b2c1-4f02-8923-064604b96c58 |
Their only job is to provide the inspiration you need to be more purely and courageously you. | new-york-magazine | 1 | 9ef8206f-0586-4e55-8758-5570ab4b9e95 |
This dangerous plan would ravage more of the landscape with fracking while sealing our fate of increasing megafires, more preventable heat deaths, a shrinking Colorado River, and runaway wildlife extinctions." | alternet | 1 | 3c3aaa0f-3ec2-40b2-856a-0d3b30e71170 |
Then you go back to Herzl’s diary, and in fact, he is thinking about spiriting the population across the frontier. | current-affairs | 1 | cd0f1bee-572f-4c80-b4d7-caf6b2b1826b |
That participation is literal during the selection process for the word of the year: Since 2022, OED has asked the public to narrow down a provided shortlist of words of the year to four finalists, before editors make the ultimate call. | the-atlantic | 0 | 4ab3cba0-ec08-4beb-ad41-8e9b6ed5b5ed |
We also believe that it is important to help community-based organizations where neighbors are helping neighbors." | alternet | 0 | f3836d55-b7be-4500-a92d-d7089627e54d |
We still carry the wounds from Vietnam, LBJ’s Great Society, and the jurisprudence implanted by his victory. | townhall | 1 | ee6866d5-1d3e-4a7b-9d62-65d2abde1ad1 |
For some people, gambling can become a problem, so to avoid this, take advantage of the ‘safer gambling tools’ by setting deposit limits, win/loss limits, session time limits, etc. | newsmax | 0 | eca3f771-14a9-4ae1-9a1a-1525d0b9d560 |
It makes no sense we continue to lose innocent lives on campuses, on schools, at shopping markets, move theaters and all type of stuff. | fox-news | 1 | 61a91048-603b-4477-b421-faead913f89c |
Located in Prince George’s County, Maryland, Wave Welcome is about 20 miles south of Washington. | fortune | 0 | b0a46cc5-d5b4-466e-8994-65d7e0fbf02f |
They didn’t stop with rape, they mutilated Israeli women who were still alive, shoved knives in their vaginas, gang-raped women, and then shot them. | hotair | 1 | bcc1c20b-016f-48c9-9af3-9d0b96f82ae5 |
Shouldn’t we put on our own oxygen mask first, before we concern ourselves with helping others? | townhall | 0 | f1d49296-4fba-4714-980b-8cc0f7dbd68d |
So if he's a boxer, you have the gentleman propped up in the corner of a boxing ring. | wired | 1 | 5aa13d0e-cf71-40ef-b522-41740cb74f31 |
Fostering an appreciation for Southeast Asian cuisine amongst a close-knitted community of gourmands, the festival is hosting a series of stellar Four-hand meals at Singapore’s best restaurants. | vogue | 0 | 670ce805-ff3e-4411-aa23-6599f2ebd3f5 |
He must have drunk the Liffey in Guinness over the years, and that was before he got on to the shorts. | the-guardian | 1 | aef1f47f-810e-4db9-82da-94fa842cd662 |
So just go to our website, you can order it off of there or you can send an email to info .org. | christianity-today | 0 | d8168767-4b20-4f89-8310-f5e24ed58cd3 |
If you [dangle it], it’s just so much in the face that it can feel unbalanced. | huffpost | 1 | bb4e51c0-05f8-4647-abdb-0e36796775ae |
In the game, you play as Mike Schmidt, a lowly new night guard tasked with caretaking the beloved Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza in your town. | vox | 0 | e60312d6-7923-44da-a9a9-5a9803ea56ea |
These are subtle patterns that, we’ve now realized, have been systematically embedded into climate discourse by ExxonMobil and other fossil fuel interests. | alternet | 1 | ce947bc2-b804-4e46-9c99-bd836c190db8 |
Earlier this month, they defeated a state Republican-led attempt to raise the threshold for citizen-initiated ballot proposals to 60 percent - which would have included the abortion one in November - in decisive fashion, despite the election being held in sleepy August. | alternet | 1 | 52188449-6a22-4efb-acd0-620b704636e0 |
For example, after Jesus raised Lazarus, the Jewish leaders decided He had to die because of the signs He had performed to reveal God’s glory to them. | the-christian-post | 1 | a4499aea-5767-4282-ae68-5781df920785 |
The most relevant criticism of it in regards to Kissinger himself would be the standard insight from public choice theory: Statesmen and diplomats, like everyone else, are selfish individuals with no special ability to perceive and work toward a national interest separate from their own. | reason | 1 | 53e06ade-34b7-4018-bbc7-f1876d0a9c38 |
1 on The Billboard 200 album popularity chart and raked in more than 10 million worldwide sales in its first six months. | current-affairs | 0 | 62a02b2e-cf02-40b1-8af4-b39e65b33f45 |
Hunt, named in the 2022 Guidepost report, faced accusations of sexually assaulting a woman at a beach condo. | the-christian-post | 0 | 7d5f277d-167f-4ab4-87f9-ec31cd8a4b64 |
They have been taken to the giddy heights of hope by the invention of drugs that for the first time work on the underlying causes of the illness where previous treatment just alleviated symptoms. | the-guardian | 1 | 66164d02-0af7-47c6-b008-3ce5937c1baa |
The plaintiffs also presented evidence from Jones's own cell phone showing in 2018, Infowars was making as much as $800,000 a day. | alternet | 0 | 5b0cf86b-3d3e-489a-8e38-1c5f1770d358 |
BIDEN'S AGE CANNOT BE IGNORED ANY LONGER: VARNEY His voice was weak. | fox-business | 1 | c1c7dd2a-03e3-43b1-a3d0-0a899b8914eb |
Subsets and Splits