stringlengths 23
| label_name
stringlengths 6
| label
int64 0
protected function fixupImportedAttributes($modelName, X2Model &$model) {
if ($modelName === 'Contacts' || $modelName === 'X2Leads')
$this->fixupImportedContactName ($model);
if ($modelName === 'Actions' && isset($model->associationType))
if ($model->hasAttribute('visibility')) {
// Nobody every remembers to set visibility... set it for them
if(empty($model->visibility) && ($model->visibility !== 0 && $model->visibility !== "0")
|| $model->visibility == 'Public') {
$model->visibility = 1;
} elseif($model->visibility == 'Private')
$model->visibility = 0;
// If date fields were provided, do not create new values for them
if (!empty($model->createDate) || !empty($model->lastUpdated) ||
!empty($model->lastActivity)) {
$now = time();
if (empty($model->createDate))
$model->createDate = $now;
if (empty($model->lastUpdated))
$model->lastUpdated = $now;
if ($model->hasAttribute('lastActivity') && empty($model->lastActivity))
$model->lastActivity = $now;
if($_SESSION['leadRouting'] == 1){
$assignee = $this->getNextAssignee();
if($assignee == "Anyone")
$assignee = "";
$model->assignedTo = $assignee;
// Loop through our override and set the manual data
foreach($_SESSION['override'] as $attr => $val){
$model->$attr = $val;
} | CWE-20 | 0 |
function import() {
$pullable_modules = expModules::listInstalledControllers($this->baseclassname);
$modules = new expPaginator(array(
'records' => $pullable_modules,
'controller' => $this->loc->mod,
'action' => $this->params['action'],
'order' => isset($this->params['order']) ? $this->params['order'] : 'section',
'dir' => isset($this->params['dir']) ? $this->params['dir'] : '',
'page' => (isset($this->params['page']) ? $this->params['page'] : 1),
'columns' => array(
gt('Title') => 'title',
gt('Page') => 'section'
'modules' => $modules,
| CWE-74 | 1 |
public static function returnChildrenAsJSON() {
global $db;
//$nav = section::levelTemplate(intval($_REQUEST['id'], 0));
$id = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['id']) : 0;
$nav = $db->selectObjects('section', 'parent=' . $id, 'rank');
//FIXME $manage_all is moot w/ cascading perms now?
$manage_all = false;
if (expPermissions::check('manage', expCore::makeLocation('navigation', '', $id))) {
$manage_all = true;
//FIXME recode to use foreach $key=>$value
$navcount = count($nav);
for ($i = 0; $i < $navcount; $i++) {
if ($manage_all || expPermissions::check('manage', expCore::makeLocation('navigation', '', $nav[$i]->id))) {
$nav[$i]->manage = 1;
$view = true;
} else {
$nav[$i]->manage = 0;
$view = $nav[$i]->public ? true : expPermissions::check('view', expCore::makeLocation('navigation', '', $nav[$i]->id));
$nav[$i]->link = expCore::makeLink(array('section' => $nav[$i]->id), '', $nav[$i]->sef_name);
if (!$view) unset($nav[$i]);
$nav= array_values($nav);
// $nav[$navcount - 1]->last = true;
if (count($nav)) $nav[count($nav) - 1]->last = true;
// echo expJavascript::ajaxReply(201, '', $nav);
$ar = new expAjaxReply(201, '', $nav);
| CWE-74 | 1 |
function XMLRPCtest($string) {
$string = processInputData($string, ARG_STRING);
return array('status' => 'success',
'message' => 'RPC call worked successfully',
'string' => $string);
} | CWE-20 | 0 |
static function description() { return gt("Places navigation links/menus on the page."); }
| CWE-74 | 1 |
static function author() {
return "Dave Leffler";
| CWE-74 | 1 |
public function formatItem( Article $article, $pageText = null ) {
$item = '';
if ( $pageText !== null ) {
//Include parsed/processed wiki markup content after each item before the closing tag.
$item .= $pageText;
$item = $this->getItemStart() . $item . $this->getItemEnd();
$item = $this->replaceTagParameters( $item, $article );
return $item;
} | CWE-400 | 2 |
public static function getHelpVersion($version_id) {
global $db;
return $db->selectValue('help_version', 'version', 'id="'.$version_id.'"');
} | CWE-74 | 1 |
function lockTable($table,$lockType="WRITE") {
$sql = "LOCK TABLES `" . $this->prefix . "$table` $lockType";
$res = mysqli_query($this->connection, $sql);
return $res;
} | CWE-74 | 1 |
$module_views[$key]['name'] = gt($value['name']);
// look for a config form for this module's current view
// $controller->loc->mod = expModules::getControllerClassName($controller->loc->mod);
//check to see if hcview was passed along, indicating a hard-coded module
// if (!empty($controller->params['hcview'])) {
// $viewname = $controller->params['hcview'];
// } else {
// $viewname = $db->selectValue('container', 'view', "internal='".serialize($controller->loc)."'");
// }
// $viewconfig = $viewname.'.config';
// foreach ($modpaths as $path) {
// if (file_exists($path.'/'.$viewconfig)) {
// $fileparts = explode('_', $viewname);
// if ($fileparts[0]=='show'||$fileparts[0]=='showall') array_shift($fileparts);
// $module_views[$viewname]['name'] = ucwords(implode(' ', $fileparts)).' '.gt('View Configuration');
// $module_views[$viewname]['file'] =$path.'/'.$viewconfig;
// }
// }
// sort the views highest to lowest by filename
// we are reverse sorting now so our array merge
// will overwrite property..we will run array_reverse
// when we're finished to get them back in the right order
if (!empty($moduleconfig)) $common_views = array_merge($common_views, $moduleconfig);
$views = array_merge($common_views, $module_views);
$views = array_reverse($views);
return $views;
} | CWE-74 | 1 |
$result = $search->getSearchResults($item->query, false, true);
if(empty($result) && !in_array($item->query, $badSearchArr)) {
$badSearchArr[] = $item->query;
$badSearch[$ctr2]['query'] = $item->query;
$badSearch[$ctr2]['count'] = $db->countObjects("search_queries", "query='{$item->query}'");
//Check if the user choose from the dropdown
if(!empty($user_default)) {
if($user_default == $anonymous) {
$u_id = 0;
} else {
$u_id = $user_default;
$where .= "user_id = {$u_id}";
//Get all the search query records
$records = $db->selectObjects('search_queries', $where);
for ($i = 0, $iMax = count($records); $i < $iMax; $i++) {
if(!empty($records[$i]->user_id)) {
$u = user::getUserById($records[$i]->user_id);
$records[$i]->user = $u->firstname . ' ' . $u->lastname;
$page = new expPaginator(array(
'records' => $records,
'limit'=>(isset($this->config['limit']) && $this->config['limit'] != '') ? 10 : $this->config['limit'],
'order'=>empty($this->config['order']) ? 'timestamp' : $this->config['order'],
'page'=>(isset($this->params['page']) ? $this->params['page'] : 1),
$uname['id'] = implode($uname['id'],',');
$uname['name'] = implode($uname['name'],',');
'user_default' => $user_default,
'badSearch' => $badSearch
} | CWE-74 | 1 |
static function validUTF($string) {
if(!mb_check_encoding($string, 'UTF-8') OR !($string === mb_convert_encoding(mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-32', 'UTF-8' ), 'UTF-8', 'UTF-32'))) {
return false;
return true;
} | CWE-74 | 1 |
public function testEncrypt($string, $key, $expected) {
$this->string(\Toolbox::encrypt($string, $key))->isIdenticalTo($expected);
} | CWE-327 | 3 |
public function onKernelResponse(ResponseEvent $event)
if (!$event->isMainRequest()) {
$request = $event->getRequest();
if (!$request->hasSession() || !$request->attributes->get('_security_firewall_run', false)) {
if ($this->dispatcher) {
$this->dispatcher->removeListener(KernelEvents::RESPONSE, [$this, 'onKernelResponse']);
$this->registered = false;
$session = $request->getSession();
$sessionId = $session->getId();
$usageIndexValue = $session instanceof Session ? $usageIndexReference = &$session->getUsageIndex() : null;
$token = $this->tokenStorage->getToken();
if (null === $token || $this->trustResolver->isAnonymous($token)) {
if ($request->hasPreviousSession()) {
} else {
$session->set($this->sessionKey, serialize($token));
if (null !== $this->logger) {
$this->logger->debug('Stored the security token in the session.', ['key' => $this->sessionKey]);
if ($this->sessionTrackerEnabler && $session->getId() === $sessionId) {
$usageIndexReference = $usageIndexValue;
} | CWE-287 | 4 |
private function _categoriesminmax( $option ) {
if ( is_numeric( $option[0] ) ) {
$this->addWhere( intval( $option[0] ) . ' <= (SELECT count(*) FROM ' . $this->tableNames['categorylinks'] . ' WHERE ' . $this->tableNames['categorylinks'] . '.cl_from=page_id)' );
if ( is_numeric( $option[1] ) ) {
$this->addWhere( intval( $option[1] ) . ' >= (SELECT count(*) FROM ' . $this->tableNames['categorylinks'] . ' WHERE ' . $this->tableNames['categorylinks'] . '.cl_from=page_id)' );
} | CWE-400 | 2 |
public static function parseAndTrimImport($str, $isHTML = false) { //�Death from above�? �
//echo "1<br>"; eDebug($str);
// global $db;
$str = str_replace("�", "’", $str);
$str = str_replace("�", "‘", $str);
$str = str_replace("�", "®", $str);
$str = str_replace("�", "-", $str);
$str = str_replace("�", "—", $str);
$str = str_replace("�", "”", $str);
$str = str_replace("�", "“", $str);
$str = str_replace("\r\n", " ", $str);
$str = str_replace("\,", ",", $str);
$str = str_replace('""', '"', $str); //do this no matter case someone added a quote in a non HTML field
if (!$isHTML) {
//if HTML, then leave the single quotes alone, otheriwse replace w/ special Char
$str = str_replace('"', """, $str);
$str = str_replace("�", "¼", $str);
$str = str_replace("�", "½", $str);
$str = str_replace("�", "¾", $str);
//$str = htmlspecialchars($str);
//$str = utf8_encode($str);
// if (DB_ENGINE=='mysqli') {
// $str = @mysqli_real_escape_string($db->connection,trim(str_replace("�", "™", $str)));
// } elseif(DB_ENGINE=='mysql') {
// $str = @mysql_real_escape_string(trim(str_replace("�", "™", $str)),$db->connection);
// } else {
// $str = trim(str_replace("�", "™", $str));
// }
$str = @expString::escape(trim(str_replace("�", "™", $str)));
//echo "2<br>"; eDebug($str,die);
return $str;
} | CWE-74 | 1 |
public function testUserCredentials($email, $password, $server, $port, $security) {
$phpMail = new PHPMailer(true);
$phpMail->SMTPAuth = true;
$phpMail->Username = $email;
$phpMail->Password = $password;
$phpMail->Host = $server;
$phpMail->Port = $port;
$phpMail->SMTPSecure = $security;
try {
$validCredentials = $phpMail->SmtpConnect();
} catch(phpmailerException $error) {
$validCredentials = false;
return $validCredentials;
} | CWE-20 | 0 |
protected function markCompleted($endStatus, ServiceResponse $serviceResponse, $gatewayMessage)
parent::markCompleted($endStatus, $serviceResponse, $gatewayMessage);
$this->createMessage(Message\VoidedResponse::class, $gatewayMessage);
ErrorHandling::safeExtend($this->payment, 'onVoid', $serviceResponse);
} | CWE-436 | 5 |
public function delete_version() {
if (empty($this->params['id'])) {
flash('error', gt('The version you are trying to delete could not be found'));
// get the version
$version = new help_version($this->params['id']);
if (empty($version->id)) {
flash('error', gt('The version you are trying to delete could not be found'));
// if we have errors than lets get outta here!
if (!expQueue::isQueueEmpty('error')) expHistory::back();
// delete the version
flash('message', gt('Deleted version').' '.$version->version.' '.gt('and all documents in that version.'));
} | CWE-74 | 1 |
private function __pullEvent($eventId, &$successes, &$fails, $eventModel, $server, $user, $jobId)
$event = $eventModel->downloadEventFromServer(
if (!empty($event)) {
if ($this->__checkIfEventIsBlockedBeforePull($event)) {
return false;
$event = $this->__updatePulledEventBeforeInsert($event, $server, $user);
if (!$this->__checkIfEventSaveAble($event)) {
$fails[$eventId] = __('Empty event detected.');
} else {
$this->__checkIfPulledEventExistsAndAddOrUpdate($event, $eventId, $successes, $fails, $eventModel, $server, $user, $jobId);
} else {
// error
$fails[$eventId] = __('failed downloading the event') . ': ' . json_encode($event);
return true;
} | CWE-269 | 6 |
function showByModel() {
global $order, $template, $db;
expHistory::set('viewable', $this->params);
$product = new product();
$model = $product->find("first", 'model="' . $this->params['model'] . '"');
$product_type = new $model->product_type($model->id);
$tpl = $product_type->getForm('show');
if (!empty($tpl)) $template = new controllertemplate($this, $tpl);
$this->grabConfig(); // grab the global config
'config' => $this->config,
'product' => $product_type,
'last_category' => $order->lastcat
} | CWE-20 | 0 |
function edit_externalalias() {
$section = isset($this->params['id']) ? $this->section->find($this->params['id']) : new section($this->params);
if ($section->parent == -1) {
} // doesn't work for standalone pages
if (empty($section->id)) {
$section->public = 1;
if (!isset($section->parent)) {
// This is another precaution. The parent attribute
// should ALWAYS be set by the caller.
//FJD - if that's the case, then we should die.
//$section->parent = 0;
'section' => $section,
'glyphs' => self::get_glyphs(),
| CWE-74 | 1 |
private function checkResponse ($string) {
if (substr($string, 0, 3) !== '+OK') {
$this->error = array(
'error' => "Server reported an error: $string",
'errno' => 0,
'errstr' => ''
if ($this->do_debug >= 1) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} | CWE-20 | 0 |
public function approve_toggle() {
if (empty($this->params['id'])) return;
/* The global constants can be overriden by passing appropriate params */
//sure wish I could do this once in the constructor. sadly $this->params[] isn't set yet
// $require_login = empty($this->params['require_login']) ? COMMENTS_REQUIRE_LOGIN : $this->params['require_login'];
// $require_approval = empty($this->params['require_approval']) ? COMMENTS_REQUIRE_APPROVAL : $this->params['require_approval'];
// $require_notification = empty($this->params['require_notification']) ? COMMENTS_REQUIRE_NOTIFICATION : $this->params['require_notification'];
// $notification_email = empty($this->params['notification_email']) ? COMMENTS_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL : $this->params['notification_email'];
$comment = new expComment($this->params['id']);
$comment->approved = $comment->approved == 1 ? 0 : 1;
if ($comment->approved) {
} | CWE-74 | 1 |
$section = new section(intval($page));
if ($section) {
// self::deleteLevel($section->id);
| CWE-74 | 1 |
private function _minrevisions( $option ) {
$this->addWhere( "((SELECT count(rev_aux2.revactor_page) FROM {$this->tableNames['revision_actor_temp']} AS rev_aux2 WHERE rev_aux2.revactor_page = {$this->tableNames['page']}.page_id) >= {$option})" );
} | CWE-400 | 2 |
private function getFullOutput( $totalResults = false, $skipHeaderFooter = true ) {
if ( !$skipHeaderFooter ) {
$header = '';
$footer = '';
//Only override header and footers if specified.
$_headerType = $this->getHeaderFooterType( 'header', $totalResults );
if ( $_headerType !== false ) {
$header = $this->parameters->getParameter( $_headerType );
$_footerType = $this->getHeaderFooterType( 'footer', $totalResults );
if ( $_footerType !== false ) {
$footer = $this->parameters->getParameter( $_footerType );
$this->setHeader( $header );
$this->setFooter( $footer );
if ( !$totalResults && !strlen( $this->getHeader() ) && !strlen( $this->getFooter() ) ) {
$this->logger->addMessage( \DynamicPageListHooks::WARN_NORESULTS );
$messages = $this->logger->getMessages( false );
return ( count( $messages ) ? implode( "<br/>\n", $messages ) : null ) . $this->getHeader() . $this->getOutput() . $this->getFooter();
} | CWE-400 | 2 |
$ds = self::connectToServer($replicate["host"], $replicate["port"],
Toolbox::decrypt($ldap_method['rootdn_passwd'], GLPIKEY),
$ldap_method['use_tls'], $ldap_method['deref_option']);
// Test with login and password of the user
if (!$ds
&& !empty($login)) {
$ds = self::connectToServer($replicate["host"], $replicate["port"], $login,
$password, $ldap_method['use_tls'],
if ($ds) {
return $ds;
} | CWE-327 | 3 |
function invalidTestController($port) {
$host = php_uname('n');
$filename = __DIR__.'/request-doesnotexist.dat';
$file = fopen($filename, 'rb');
$req_dat = fread($file, filesize($filename));
// Repeat the data three times, to make it invalid. This particular bytestream
// (and ones like it -- repeat 3 times!) in particular used to tickle a
// use-after-free in the FastCGI support.
$req_dat = $req_dat . $req_dat . $req_dat;
$sock = fsockopen($host, $port);
fwrite($sock, $req_dat);
// Should still be able to recover and respond to a request over the port on a
// new TCP connection.
echo request($host, $port, 'hello.php');
echo "\n";
} | CWE-668 | 7 |
public static function getTemplateHierarchyFlat($parent, $depth = 1) {
global $db;
$arr = array();
$kids = $db->selectObjects('section_template', 'parent=' . $parent, 'rank');
// $kids = expSorter::sort(array('array'=>$kids,'sortby'=>'rank', 'order'=>'ASC'));
for ($i = 0, $iMax = count($kids); $i < $iMax; $i++) {
$page = $kids[$i];
$page->depth = $depth;
$page->first = ($i == 0 ? 1 : 0);
$page->last = ($i == count($kids) - 1 ? 1 : 0);
$arr[] = $page;
$arr = array_merge($arr, self::getTemplateHierarchyFlat($page->id, $depth + 1));
return $arr;
| CWE-74 | 1 |
function format_install_param( $value )
$value = str_replace( array( "'", "\$" ), array( "\'", "\\$" ), $value );
return preg_replace( "#([\\\\]*)(\\\\\\\')#", "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'", $value );
} | CWE-20 | 0 |
public function admin_delete($id = null)
if (!$this->request->is('post') && !$this->request->is('delete')) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Action not allowed, post or delete request expected.'));
if (!$this->_isAdmin()) {
throw new Exception('Administrators only.');
$this->User->id = $id;
$conditions = array('' => $id);
if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) {
$conditions['org_id'] = $this->Auth->user('org_id');
$user = $this->User->find('first', array(
'conditions' => $conditions,
'recursive' => -1
if (empty($user)) {
throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid user'));
$fieldsDescrStr = 'User (' . $id . '): ' . $user['User']['email'];
if ($this->User->delete($id)) {
$this->__extralog("delete", $fieldsDescrStr, '');
if ($this->_isRest()) {
return $this->RestResponse->saveSuccessResponse('User', 'admin_delete', $id, $this->response->type(), 'User deleted.');
} else {
$this->Flash->success(__('User deleted'));
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
$this->Flash->error(__('User was not deleted'));
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
} | CWE-269 | 6 |
public function buildControl() {
$control = new colorcontrol();
if (!empty($this->params['value'])) $control->value = $this->params['value'];
if ($this->params['value'][0] != '#') $this->params['value'] = '#' . $this->params['value'];
$control->default = $this->params['value'];
if (!empty($this->params['hide'])) $control->hide = $this->params['hide'];
if (isset($this->params['flip'])) $control->flip = $this->params['flip'];
$this->params['name'] = !empty($this->params['name']) ? $this->params['name'] : '';
$control->name = $this->params['name'];
$this->params['id'] = !empty($this->params['id']) ? $this->params['id'] : '';
$control->id = isset($this->params['id']) && $this->params['id'] != "" ? $this->params['id'] : "";
//echo $control->id;
if (empty($control->id)) $control->id = $this->params['name'];
if (empty($control->name)) $control->name = $this->params['id'];
// attempt to translate the label
if (!empty($this->params['label'])) {
$this->params['label'] = gt($this->params['label']);
} else {
$this->params['label'] = null;
echo $control->toHTML($this->params['label'], $this->params['name']);
// $ar = new expAjaxReply(200, gt('The control was created'), json_encode(array('data'=>$code)));
// $ar->send();
| CWE-74 | 1 |
public function manage_versions() {
expHistory::set('manageable', $this->params);
$hv = new help_version();
$current_version = $hv->find('first', 'is_current=1');
$sql = 'SELECT hv.*, COUNT(h.title) AS num_docs FROM '.DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'_help h ';
$sql .= 'RIGHT JOIN '.DB_TABLE_PREFIX.'_help_version hv ON GROUP BY hv.version';
$page = new expPaginator(array(
'order' => (isset($this->params['order']) ? $this->params['order'] : 'version'),
'dir' => (isset($this->params['dir']) ? $this->params['dir'] : 'DESC'),
'page'=>(isset($this->params['page']) ? $this->params['page'] : 1),
gt('# of Docs')=>'num_docs'
} | CWE-74 | 1 |
function twig_array_filter(Environment $env, $array, $arrow)
if (!twig_test_iterable($array)) {
throw new RuntimeError(sprintf('The "filter" filter expects an array or "Traversable", got "%s".', \is_object($array) ? \get_class($array) : \gettype($array)));
if (!$arrow instanceof Closure && $env->hasExtension('\Twig\Extension\SandboxExtension') && $env->getExtension('\Twig\Extension\SandboxExtension')->isSandboxed()) {
throw new RuntimeError('The callable passed to "filter" filter must be a Closure in sandbox mode.');
if (\is_array($array)) {
return array_filter($array, $arrow, \ARRAY_FILTER_USE_BOTH);
// the IteratorIterator wrapping is needed as some internal PHP classes are \Traversable but do not implement \Iterator
return new \CallbackFilterIterator(new \IteratorIterator($array), $arrow);
} | CWE-74 | 1 |
private function _lastrevisionbefore( $option ) {
$this->addTable( 'revision_actor_temp', 'rev' );
$this->addSelect( [ 'rev.revactor_rev', 'rev.revactor_timestamp' ] );
// tell the query optimizer not to look at rows that the following subquery will filter out anyway
$this->tableNames['page'] . '.page_id = rev.revactor_page',
'rev.revactor_timestamp < ' . $this->convertTimestamp( $option )
$this->tableNames['page'] . '.page_id = rev.revactor_page',
'rev.revactor_timestamp = (SELECT MAX(rev_aux_bef.revactor_timestamp) FROM ' . $this->tableNames['revision_actor_temp'] . ' AS rev_aux_bef WHERE rev_aux_bef.revactor_page=rev.revactor_page AND rev_aux_bef.revactor_timestamp < ' . $this->convertTimestamp( $option ) . ')'
} | CWE-400 | 2 |
public function store(CreateAppointmentCalendarRequest $request)
$client_id = null;
$user = User::where('external_id', $request->user)->first();
if ($request->client_external_id) {
$client_id = Client::where('external_id', $request->client_external_id)->first()->id;
if (!$client_id) {
return response(__("Client not found"), 422);
$request_type = null;
$request_id = null;
if ($request->source_type && $request->source_external_id) {
$request_type = $request->source_type;
$entry = $request_type::whereExternalId($request->source_external_id);
$request_id = $entry->id;
if (!$user) {
return response(__("User not found"), 422);
$startTime = str_replace(["am", "pm", ' '], "", $request->start_time) . ':00';
$endTime = str_replace(["am", "pm", ' '], "", $request->end_time) . ':00';
$appointment = Appointment::create([
'external_id' => Uuid::uuid4()->toString(),
'source_type' => $request_type,
'source_id' => $request_id,
'client_id' => $client_id,
'title' => $request->title,
'start_at' => Carbon::parse($request->start_date . " " . $startTime),
'end_at' => Carbon::parse($request->end_date . " " . $endTime),
'user_id' => $user->id,
'color' => $request->color
$appointment->user_external_id = $user->external_id;
$appointment->start_at = $appointment->start_at;
return response($appointment);
} | CWE-862 | 8 |
static function convertXMLFeedSafeChar($str) {
$str = str_replace("<br>","",$str);
$str = str_replace("</br>","",$str);
$str = str_replace("<br/>","",$str);
$str = str_replace("<br />","",$str);
$str = str_replace(""",'"',$str);
$str = str_replace("'","'",$str);
$str = str_replace("’","'",$str);
$str = str_replace("‘","'",$str);
$str = str_replace("®","",$str);
$str = str_replace("�","-", $str);
$str = str_replace("�","-", $str);
$str = str_replace("�", '"', $str);
$str = str_replace("”",'"', $str);
$str = str_replace("�", '"', $str);
$str = str_replace("“",'"', $str);
$str = str_replace("\r\n"," ",$str);
$str = str_replace("�"," 1/4",$str);
$str = str_replace("¼"," 1/4", $str);
$str = str_replace("�"," 1/2",$str);
$str = str_replace("½"," 1/2",$str);
$str = str_replace("�"," 3/4",$str);
$str = str_replace("¾"," 3/4",$str);
$str = str_replace("�", "(TM)", $str);
$str = str_replace("™","(TM)", $str);
$str = str_replace("®","(R)", $str);
$str = str_replace("�","(R)",$str);
$str = str_replace("&","&",$str);
$str = str_replace(">",">",$str);
return trim($str);
} | CWE-74 | 1 |
private static function _aesEncrypt($data, $secret)
if (!is_string($data)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Input parameter "$data" must be a string.');
if (!function_exists("openssl_encrypt")) {
throw new \SimpleSAML_Error_Exception('The openssl PHP module is not loaded.');
$raw = defined('OPENSSL_RAW_DATA') ? OPENSSL_RAW_DATA : true;
$key = openssl_digest($secret, 'sha256');
$method = 'AES-256-CBC';
$ivSize = 16;
$iv = substr($key, 0, $ivSize);
return $iv.openssl_encrypt($data, $method, $key, $raw, $iv);
} | CWE-326 | 9 |
public function disable()
$project = $this->getProject();
$swimlane_id = $this->request->getIntegerParam('swimlane_id');
if ($this->swimlaneModel->disable($project['id'], $swimlane_id)) {
$this->flash->success(t('Swimlane updated successfully.'));
} else {
$this->flash->failure(t('Unable to update this swimlane.'));
$this->response->redirect($this->helper->url->to('SwimlaneController', 'index', array('project_id' => $project['id'])));
} | CWE-200 | 10 |
public function logout()
if ($this->Session->check('Auth.User')) {
$user = $this->User->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array(
'' => $this->Auth->user('id')
'recursive' => -1
$user['User']['action'] = 'logout';
$this->User->save($user['User'], true, array('id'));
} | CWE-269 | 6 |
function remove() {
global $db;
$section = $db->selectObject('section', 'id=' . $this->params['id']);
if ($section) {
$db->decrement('section', 'rank', 1, 'rank > ' . $section->rank . ' AND parent=' . $section->parent);
$section->parent = -1;
$db->updateObject($section, 'section');
} else {
| CWE-74 | 1 |
public function downloadfile() {
if (empty($this->params['fileid'])) {
flash('error', gt('There was an error while trying to download your file. No File Specified.'));
$fd = new filedownload($this->params['fileid']);
if (empty($this->params['filenum'])) $this->params['filenum'] = 0;
if (empty($fd->expFile['downloadable'][$this->params['filenum']]->id)) {
flash('error', gt('There was an error while trying to download your file. The file you were looking for could not be found.'));
// this will set the id to the id of the actual file..makes the download go right.
$this->params['id'] = $fd->expFile['downloadable'][$this->params['filenum']]->id;
} | CWE-74 | 1 |
$db->updateObject($value, 'section');
$db->updateObject($moveSec, 'section');
//handle re-ranking of previous parent
$oldSiblings = $db->selectObjects("section", "parent=" . $oldParent . " AND rank>" . $oldRank . " ORDER BY rank");
$rerank = 1;
foreach ($oldSiblings as $value) {
if ($value->id != $moveSec->id) {
$value->rank = $rerank;
$db->updateObject($value, 'section');
if ($oldParent != $moveSec->parent) {
//we need to re-rank the children of the parent that the moving section has just left
$childOfLastMove = $db->selectObjects("section", "parent=" . $oldParent . " ORDER BY rank");
for ($i = 0, $iMax = count($childOfLastMove); $i < $iMax; $i++) {
$childOfLastMove[$i]->rank = $i;
$db->updateObject($childOfLastMove[$i], 'section');
| CWE-74 | 1 |
public static function canView($section) {
global $db;
if ($section == null) {
return false;
if ($section->public == 0) {
// Not a public section. Check permissions.
return expPermissions::check('view', expCore::makeLocation('navigation', '', $section->id));
} else { // Is public. check parents.
if ($section->parent <= 0) {
// Out of parents, and since we are still checking, we haven't hit a private section.
return true;
} else {
$s = $db->selectObject('section', 'id=' . $section->parent);
return self::canView($s);
| CWE-74 | 1 |
function captureAuthorization() {
$order = new order($this->params['id']);
//$billing = new billing();
//eDebug($billing, true);
//$billing->calculator = new $calcname($order->billingmethod[0]->billingcalculator_id);
$calc = $order->billingmethod[0]->billingcalculator->calculator;
$calc->config = $order->billingmethod[0]->billingcalculator->config;
//$calc = new $calc-
if (!method_exists($calc, 'delayed_capture')) {
flash('error', gt('The Billing Calculator does not support delayed capture'));
$result = $calc->delayed_capture($order->billingmethod[0], $this->params['capture_amt'], $order);
if (empty($result->errorCode)) {
flash('message', gt('The authorized payment was successfully captured'));
} else {
flash('error', gt('An error was encountered while capturing the authorized payment.') . '<br /><br />' . $result->message);
} | CWE-74 | 1 |
public function bind($dn = null, $password = null)
/* Fetch current bind credentials. */
if (empty($dn)) {
$dn = $this->_config['binddn'];
if (empty($password)) {
$password = $this->_config['bindpw'];
/* Connect first, if we haven't so far. This will also bind
* us to the server. */
if (!$this->_link) {
/* Store old credentials so we can revert them later, then
* overwrite config with new bind credentials. */
$olddn = $this->_config['binddn'];
$oldpw = $this->_config['bindpw'];
/* Overwrite bind credentials in config so
* _connect() knows about them. */
$this->_config['binddn'] = $dn;
$this->_config['bindpw'] = $password;
/* Try to connect with provided credentials. */
$msg = $this->_connect();
/* Reset to previous config. */
$this->_config['binddn'] = $olddn;
$this->_config['bindpw'] = $oldpw;
/* Do the requested bind as we are asked to bind manually. */
if (empty($dn)) {
/* Anonymous bind. */
$msg = @ldap_bind($this->_link);
} else {
/* Privileged bind. */
$msg = @ldap_bind($this->_link, $dn, $password);
if (!$msg) {
throw new Horde_Ldap_Exception('Bind failed: ' . @ldap_error($this->_link),
} | CWE-287 | 4 |
$emails[$u->email] = trim(user::getUserAttribution($u->id));
| CWE-74 | 1 |
private function runCallback() {
foreach ($this->records as &$record) {
if (isset($record->ref_type)) {
$refType = $record->ref_type;
if (class_exists($record->ref_type)) {
$type = new $refType();
$classinfo = new ReflectionClass($type);
if ($classinfo->hasMethod('paginationCallback')) {
$item = new $type($record->original_id);
} | CWE-74 | 1 |
function BadAuthDigestTestController($serverPort) {
$args = array('Authorization' => 'Digest "username="admin", ' .
'realm="Restricted area", nonce="564a12f5c065e", ' .
'uri="/test_auth_digest.php", cnonce="MjIyMTg2", nc=00000001, ' .
'qop="auth", response="6dfbea52fbf13016476c1879e6436004", ' .
var_dump(request(php_uname('n'), $serverPort, "test_auth_digest.php",
[], [], $args));
} | CWE-668 | 7 |
function update_option_master() {
global $db;
$id = empty($this->params['id']) ? null : $this->params['id'];
$opt = new option_master($id);
$oldtitle = $opt->title;
// if the title of the master changed we should update the option groups that are already using it.
if ($oldtitle != $opt->title) {
}$db->sql('UPDATE '.$db->prefix.'option SET title="'.$opt->title.'" WHERE option_master_id='.$opt->id);
} | CWE-74 | 1 |
public function settings_save() {
if (!AuthUser::isLoggedIn()) {
} else if (!AuthUser::hasPermission('admin_edit')) {
Flash::set('error', __('You do not have permission to access the requested page!'));
if (!isset($_POST['settings'])) {
Flash::set('error', 'File Manager - ' . __('form was not posted.'));
} else {
$settings = $_POST['settings'];
if ($settings['umask'] == 0)
$settings['umask'] = 0;
elseif (!preg_match('/^0?[0-7]{3}$/', $settings['umask']))
$settings['umask'] = 0;
if (strlen($settings['umask']) === 3)
$settings['umask'] = '0' . $settings['umask'];
elseif (strlen($settings['umask']) !== 4 && $settings['umask'] != 0)
$settings['umask'] = 0;
if (!preg_match('/^0?[0-7]{3}$/', $settings['dirmode']))
$settings['dirmode'] = '0755';
if (strlen($settings['dirmode']) === 3)
$settings['dirmode'] = '0' . $settings['dirmode'];
if (!preg_match('/^0?[0-7]{3}$/', $settings['filemode']))
$settings['filemode'] = '0755';
if (strlen($settings['filemode']) === 3)
$settings['filemode'] = '0' . $settings['filemode'];
if (Plugin::setAllSettings($settings, 'file_manager'))
Flash::setNow('success', 'File Manager - ' . __('plugin settings saved.'));
Flash::setNow('error', 'File Manager - ' . __('plugin settings not saved!'));
$this->display('file_manager/views/settings', array('settings' => $settings));
} | CWE-20 | 0 |
public function save($check_notify = false)
if (isset($_POST['email_recipients']) && is_array($_POST['email_recipients'])) {
$this->email_recipients = base64_encode(serialize($_POST['email_recipients']));
return parent::save($check_notify);
} | CWE-863 | 11 |
function searchByModelForm() {
// get the search terms
$terms = $this->params['search_string'];
$sql = "model like '%" . $terms . "%'";
$limit = !empty($this->config['limit']) ? $this->config['limit'] : 10;
$page = new expPaginator(array(
'model' => 'product',
'where' => $sql,
'limit' => !empty($this->config['pagination_default']) ? $this->config['pagination_default'] : $limit,
'order' => 'title',
'dir' => 'DESC',
'page' => (isset($this->params['page']) ? $this->params['page'] : 1),
'controller' => $this->params['controller'],
'action' => $this->params['action'],
'columns' => array(
gt('Model #') => 'model',
gt('Product Name') => 'title',
gt('Price') => 'base_price'
'page' => $page,
'terms' => $terms
} | CWE-20 | 0 |
protected function renderImageByImagick($code)
$backColor = $this->transparent ? new \ImagickPixel('transparent') : new \ImagickPixel('#' . str_pad(dechex($this->backColor), 6, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT));
$foreColor = new \ImagickPixel('#' . str_pad(dechex($this->foreColor), 6, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT));
$image = new \Imagick();
$image->newImage($this->width, $this->height, $backColor);
$draw = new \ImagickDraw();
$fontMetrics = $image->queryFontMetrics($draw, $code);
$length = strlen($code);
$w = (int) $fontMetrics['textWidth'] - 8 + $this->offset * ($length - 1);
$h = (int) $fontMetrics['textHeight'] - 8;
$scale = min(($this->width - $this->padding * 2) / $w, ($this->height - $this->padding * 2) / $h);
$x = 10;
$y = round($this->height * 27 / 40);
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
$draw = new \ImagickDraw();
$draw->setFontSize((int) (mt_rand(26, 32) * $scale * 0.8));
$image->annotateImage($draw, $x, $y, mt_rand(-10, 10), $code[$i]);
$fontMetrics = $image->queryFontMetrics($draw, $code[$i]);
$x += (int) $fontMetrics['textWidth'] + $this->offset;
return $image->getImageBlob();
} | CWE-330 | 12 |
public function Update() {
// Update "main" ticket
$upd_stmt = Database::prepare('
`priority` = :priority,
`lastchange` = :lastchange,
`status` = :status,
`lastreplier` = :lastreplier
WHERE `id` = :tid'
$upd_data = array(
'priority' => $this->Get('priority'),
'lastchange' => $this->Get('lastchange'),
'status' => $this->Get('status'),
'lastreplier' => $this->Get('lastreplier'),
'tid' => $this->tid
Database::pexecute($upd_stmt, $upd_data);
return true;
} | CWE-732 | 13 |
public function __construct( \DPL\Parameters $parameters, \Parser $parser ) {
parent::__construct( $parameters, $parser );
$this->textSeparator = $parameters->getParameter( 'inlinetext' );
$listSeparators = $parameters->getParameter( 'listseparators' );
if ( isset( $listSeparators[0] ) ) {
$this->listStart = $listSeparators[0];
if ( isset( $listSeparators[1] ) ) {
$this->itemStart = $listSeparators[1];
if ( isset( $listSeparators[2] ) ) {
$this->itemEnd = $listSeparators[2];
if ( isset( $listSeparators[3] ) ) {
$this->listEnd = $listSeparators[3];
} | CWE-400 | 2 |
public function validate($value, $isUserFormat = false)
if (empty($value)) {
if (\is_string($value)) {
$value = \App\Json::decode($value);
if (!\is_array($value)) {
throw new \App\Exceptions\Security('ERR_ILLEGAL_FIELD_VALUE||' . $this->getFieldModel()->getFieldName() . '||' . $this->getFieldModel()->getModuleName() . '||' . $value, 406);
$currencies = \App\Fields\Currency::getAll(true);
foreach ($value['currencies'] ?? [] as $id => $currency) {
if (!isset($currencies[$id])) {
throw new \App\Exceptions\Security('ERR_ILLEGAL_FIELD_VALUE||' . $this->getFieldModel()->getFieldName() . '||' . $this->getFieldModel()->getModuleName() . '||' . $id, 406);
$price = $currency['price'];
if ($isUserFormat) {
$price = App\Fields\Double::formatToDb($price);
if (!is_numeric($price)) {
throw new \App\Exceptions\Security('ERR_ILLEGAL_FIELD_VALUE||' . $this->getFieldModel()->getFieldName() . '||' . $this->getFieldModel()->getModuleName() . '||' . $price, 406);
} | CWE-20 | 0 |
private function resolveTrustedProxy()
if (!$trustedProxies = Request::getTrustedProxies()) {
return '';
$firstTrustedProxy = reset($trustedProxies);
return false !== ($i = strpos($firstTrustedProxy, '/')) ? substr($firstTrustedProxy, 0, $i) : $firstTrustedProxy;
} | CWE-20 | 0 |
$this->run('rm', $item, '-r');
return $this;
} | CWE-77 | 14 |
foreach ( $option as $_option ) {
//Parameter functions return true or false. The full parameter data will be passed into the Query object later.
if ( $this->parameters->$parameter( $_option ) === false ) {
//Do not build this into the output just yet. It will be collected at the end.
$this->logger->addMessage( \DynamicPageListHooks::WARN_WRONGPARAM, $parameter, $_option );
} | CWE-400 | 2 |
public function save() {
$data = $_POST['file'];
// security (remove all ..)
$data['name'] = str_replace('..', '', $data['name']);
$file = FILES_DIR . DS . $data['name'];
// CSRF checks
if (isset($_POST['csrf_token'])) {
$csrf_token = $_POST['csrf_token'];
if (!SecureToken::validateToken($csrf_token, BASE_URL.'plugin/file_manager/save/'.$data['name'])) {
Flash::set('error', __('Invalid CSRF token found!'));
else {
Flash::set('error', __('No CSRF token found!'));
if (file_exists($file)) {
if (file_put_contents($file, $data['content']) !== false) {
Flash::set('success', __('File has been saved with success!'));
} else {
Flash::set('error', __('File is not writable! File has not been saved!'));
} else {
if (file_put_contents($file, $data['content'])) {
Flash::set('success', __('File :name has been created with success!', array(':name' => $data['name'])));
} else {
Flash::set('error', __('Directory is not writable! File has not been saved!'));
// save and quit or save and continue editing ?
if (isset($_POST['commit'])) {
redirect(get_url('plugin/file_manager/browse/' . substr($data['name'], 0, strrpos($data['name'], '/'))));
} else {
redirect(get_url('plugin/file_manager/view/' . $data['name'] . (endsWith($data['name'], URL_SUFFIX) ? '?has_url_suffix=1' : '')));
} | CWE-20 | 0 |
public function newModel() {
return new APIModel('testuser','5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',rtrim(TEST_BASE_URL,'/'));
} | CWE-20 | 0 |
function manage() {
global $db;
expHistory::set('manageable', $this->params);
// $classes = array();
$dir = BASE."framework/modules/ecommerce/billingcalculators";
if (is_readable($dir)) {
$dh = opendir($dir);
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if (is_file("$dir/$file") && substr("$dir/$file", -4) == ".php") {
$classname = substr($file, 0, -4);
$id = $db->selectValue('billingcalculator', 'id', 'calculator_name="'.$classname.'"');
if (empty($id)) {
// $calobj = null;
$calcobj = new $classname();
if ($calcobj->isSelectable() == true) {
$obj = new billingcalculator(array(
// 'user_title'=>$calcobj->title,
$bcalc = new billingcalculator();
$calculators = $bcalc->find('all');
} | CWE-74 | 1 |
public function view() {
$params = func_get_args();
$content = '';
$filename = urldecode(join('/', $params));
// Sanitize filename for securtiy
// We don't allow backlinks
if (strpos($filename, '..') !== false) {
if (Plugin::isEnabled('statistics_api')) {
$user = null;
if (AuthUser::isLoggedIn())
$user = AuthUser::getUserName();
$event = array('event_type' => 'hack_attempt', // simple event type identifier
'description' => __('A possible hack attempt was detected.'), // translatable description
'ipaddress' => $ip,
'username' => $user);
Observer::notify('stats_file_manager_hack_attempt', $event);
$filename = str_replace('..', '', $filename);
// Clean up nicely
$filename = str_replace('//', '', $filename);
// We don't allow leading slashes
$filename = preg_replace('/^\//', '', $filename);
// Check if file had URL_SUFFIX - if so, append it to filename
$filename .= (isset($_GET['has_url_suffix']) && $_GET['has_url_suffix']==='1') ? URL_SUFFIX : '';
$file = FILES_DIR . '/' . $filename;
if (!$this->_isImage($file) && file_exists($file)) {
$content = file_get_contents($file);
$this->display('file_manager/views/view', array(
'csrf_token' => SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL.'plugin/file_manager/save/'.$filename),
'is_image' => $this->_isImage($file),
'filename' => $filename,
'content' => $content
} | CWE-20 | 0 |
$value = str_replace($originalName, $cleanedName, $value);
$result = hash_equals(GeneralUtility::hmac(serialize($fieldChangeFunctions)), $this->parameters['fieldChangeFuncHash']);
return $result;
} | CWE-327 | 3 |
$this->subtaskTimeTrackingModel->logEndTime($subtaskId, $this->userSession->getId());
} | CWE-200 | 10 |
protected function sort(&$rowsKey, $sortColumn) {
$sortMethod = $this->getTableSortMethod();
if ($sortColumn < 0) {
switch ($sortMethod) {
case 'natural':
// Reverse natsort()
uasort($rowsKey, function($first, $second) {
return strnatcmp($second, $first);
case 'standard':
} else {
switch ($sortMethod) {
case 'natural':
case 'standard':
} | CWE-400 | 2 |
$this->run('mv', $from, $to);
return $this;
} | CWE-77 | 14 |
public function __construct() {
global $wgRequest;
$this->DB = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA, 'dpl' );
$this->parameters = new Parameters();
$this->logger = new Logger( $this->parameters->getData( 'debug' )['default'] );
$this->tableNames = Query::getTableNames();
$this->wgRequest = $wgRequest;
} | CWE-400 | 2 |
public function downloadfile() {
if (empty($this->params['fileid'])) {
flash('error', gt('There was an error while trying to download your file. No File Specified.'));
$fd = new filedownload($this->params['fileid']);
if (empty($this->params['filenum'])) $this->params['filenum'] = 0;
if (empty($fd->expFile['downloadable'][$this->params['filenum']]->id)) {
flash('error', gt('There was an error while trying to download your file. The file you were looking for could not be found.'));
// this will set the id to the id of the actual file..makes the download go right.
$this->params['id'] = $fd->expFile['downloadable'][$this->params['filenum']]->id;
} | CWE-74 | 1 |
public function browse() {
$params = func_get_args();
$this->path = join('/', $params);
// make sure there's a / at the end
if (substr($this->path, -1, 1) != '/')
$this->path .= '/';
// we dont allow back link
if (strpos($this->path, '..') !== false) {
if (Plugin::isEnabled('statistics_api')) {
$user = null;
if (AuthUser::isLoggedIn())
$user = AuthUser::getUserName();
$event = array('event_type' => 'hack_attempt', // simple event type identifier
'description' => __('A possible hack attempt was detected.'), // translatable description
'ipaddress' => $ip,
'username' => $user);
Observer::notify('stats_file_manager_hack_attempt', $event);
$this->path = str_replace('..', '', $this->path);
// clean up nicely
$this->path = str_replace('//', '', $this->path);
// we dont allow leading slashes
$this->path = preg_replace('/^\//', '', $this->path);
$this->fullpath = FILES_DIR . '/' . $this->path;
// clean up nicely
$this->fullpath = preg_replace('/\/\//', '/', $this->fullpath);
$this->display('file_manager/views/index', array(
'dir' => $this->path,
//'files' => $this->_getListFiles()
'files' => $this->_listFiles()
} | CWE-20 | 0 |
public function actionGetItems(){
$sql = 'SELECT id, name as value FROM x2_products WHERE name LIKE :qterm ORDER BY name ASC';
$command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql);
$qterm = $_GET['term'].'%';
$command->bindParam(":qterm", $qterm, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$result = $command->queryAll();
echo CJSON::encode($result); exit;
} | CWE-20 | 0 |
function update_vendor() {
$vendor = new vendor();
} | CWE-74 | 1 |
public function renderAttribute ($name) {
switch ($name) {
case 'name':
echo $this->relatedModel->getLink (/*array (
'class' => 'quick-read-link',
'data-id' => $this->relatedModel->id,
'data-class' => get_class ($this->relatedModel),
'data-name' => CHtml::encode ($this->relatedModel->name),
case 'relatedModelName':
echo $this->getRelatedModelName ();
case 'assignedTo':
echo $this->relatedModel->renderAttribute ('assignedTo');
case 'label':
echo $this->getLabel ();
case 'createDate':
echo X2Html::dynamicDate ($this->relatedModel->createDate);
} | CWE-20 | 0 |
echo '</pre>';
} | CWE-20 | 0 |
public function show()
$task = $this->getTask();
$subtask = $this->getSubtask();
$this->response->html($this->template->render('subtask_restriction/show', array(
'status_list' => array(
SubtaskModel::STATUS_TODO => t('Todo'),
SubtaskModel::STATUS_DONE => t('Done'),
'subtask_inprogress' => $this->subtaskStatusModel->getSubtaskInProgress($this->userSession->getId()),
'subtask' => $subtask,
'task' => $task,
} | CWE-200 | 10 |
public function Connect($host, $port = 0, $tval = 30) {
// set the error val to null so there is no confusion
$this->error = null;
// make sure we are __not__ connected
if($this->connected()) {
// already connected, generate error
$this->error = array("error" => "Already connected to a server");
return false;
if(empty($port)) {
$port = $this->SMTP_PORT;
// connect to the smtp server
$this->smtp_conn = @fsockopen($host, // the host of the server
$port, // the port to use
$errno, // error number if any
$errstr, // error message if any
$tval); // give up after ? secs
// verify we connected properly
if(empty($this->smtp_conn)) {
$this->error = array("error" => "Failed to connect to server",
"errno" => $errno,
"errstr" => $errstr);
if($this->do_debug >= 1) {
$this->edebug("SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] . ": $errstr ($errno)" . $this->CRLF . '<br />');
return false;
// SMTP server can take longer to respond, give longer timeout for first read
// Windows does not have support for this timeout function
if(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != "WIN") {
$max = ini_get('max_execution_time');
if ($max != 0 && $tval > $max) { // don't bother if unlimited
stream_set_timeout($this->smtp_conn, $tval, 0);
// get any announcement
$announce = $this->get_lines();
if($this->do_debug >= 2) {
$this->edebug("SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $announce . $this->CRLF . '<br />');
return true;
} | CWE-20 | 0 |
function edit_freeform() {
$section = isset($this->params['id']) ? $this->section->find($this->params['id']) : new section($this->params);
if ($section->parent == -1) {
} // doesn't work for standalone pages
if (empty($section->id)) {
$section->public = 1;
if (!isset($section->parent)) {
// This is another precaution. The parent attribute
// should ALWAYS be set by the caller.
//FJD - if that's the case, then we should die.
//$section->parent = 0;
'section' => $section,
'glyphs' => self::get_glyphs(),
| CWE-74 | 1 |
public function confirm()
$task = $this->getTask();
$subtask = $this->getSubtask();
$this->response->html($this->template->render('subtask/remove', array(
'subtask' => $subtask,
'task' => $task,
} | CWE-200 | 10 |
function addDiscountToCart() {
// global $user, $order;
global $order;
//lookup discount to see if it's real and valid, and not already in our cart
//this will change once we allow more than one coupon code
$discount = new discounts();
$discount = $discount->getCouponByName($this->params['coupon_code']);
if (empty($discount)) {
flash('error', gt("This discount code you entered does not exist."));
//redirect_to(array('controller'=>'cart', 'action'=>'checkout'));
//check to see if it's in our cart already
if ($this->isDiscountInCart($discount->id)) {
flash('error', gt("This discount code is already in your cart."));
//redirect_to(array('controller'=>'cart', 'action'=>'checkout'));
//this should really be reworked, as it shoudn't redirect directly and not return
$validateDiscountMessage = $discount->validateDiscount();
if ($validateDiscountMessage == "") {
//if all good, add to cart, otherwise it will have redirected
$od = new order_discounts();
$od->orders_id = $order->id;
$od->discounts_id = $discount->id;
$od->coupon_code = $discount->coupon_code;
$od->title = $discount->title;
$od->body = $discount->body;
// set this to just the discount applied via this coupon?? if so, when though? $od->discount_total = ??;
flash('message', gt("The discount code has been applied to your cart."));
} else {
flash('error', $validateDiscountMessage);
//redirect_to(array('controller'=>'cart', 'action'=>'checkout'));
} | CWE-20 | 0 |
function edit_vendor() {
$vendor = new vendor();
if(isset($this->params['id'])) {
$vendor = $vendor->find('first', 'id =' .$this->params['id']);
} | CWE-74 | 1 |
function getTypes($subtype="both") {
$types = array("users" => array(),
"resources" => array());
if($subtype == "users" || $subtype == "both") {
$query = "SELECT id, name FROM userprivtype";
$qh = doQuery($query, 365);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
if($row["name"] == "block" || $row["name"] == "cascade")
$types["users"][$row["id"]] = $row["name"];
if($subtype == "resources" || $subtype == "both") {
$query = "SELECT id, name FROM resourcetype";
$qh = doQuery($query, 366);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
if($row["name"] == "block" || $row["name"] == "cascade")
$types["resources"][$row["id"]] = $row["name"];
return $types;
} | CWE-20 | 0 |
public function delete() {
global $db, $history;
/* The global constants can be overriden by passing appropriate params */
//sure wish I could do this once in the constructor. sadly $this->params[] isn't set yet
$require_login = empty($this->params['require_login']) ? SIMPLENOTE_REQUIRE_LOGIN : $this->params['require_login'];
$require_approval = empty($this->params['require_approval']) ? SIMPLENOTE_REQUIRE_APPROVAL : $this->params['require_approval'];
$require_notification = empty($this->params['require_notification']) ? SIMPLENOTE_REQUIRE_NOTIFICATION : $this->params['require_notification'];
$notification_email = empty($this->params['notification_email']) ? SIMPLENOTE_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL : $this->params['notification_email'];
if (empty($this->params['id'])) {
flash('error', gt('Missing id for the comment you would like to delete'));
$lastUrl = expHistory::getLast('editable');
// delete the note
$simplenote = new expSimpleNote($this->params['id']);
$rows = $simplenote->delete();
// delete the assocication too
$db->delete($simplenote->attachable_table, 'expsimplenote_id='.$this->params['id']);
// send the user back where they came from.
$lastUrl = expHistory::getLast('editable');
if (!empty($this->params['tab']))
$lastUrl .= "#".$this->params['tab'];
} | CWE-74 | 1 |
// Ugly hack to set the money amount
$this->payment->Status = 'Created';
// If not everything was refunded, the payment should still have the "Captured" status
if ($total > 0) {
$endStatus = 'Captured';
parent::markCompleted($endStatus, $serviceResponse, $gatewayMessage);
if ($endStatus === 'Captured') {
$this->createMessage(Message\PartiallyRefundedResponse::class, $gatewayMessage);
} else {
$this->createMessage(Message\RefundedResponse::class, $gatewayMessage);
ErrorHandling::safeExtend($this->payment, 'onRefunded', $serviceResponse);
} | CWE-436 | 5 |
public function urlProvider()
return array(
array('http://till:[email protected]/', $this->getCmd(" --username 'till' --password 'test' ")),
array('', ''),
array('svn://[email protected]', $this->getCmd(" --username 'johndoe' --password '' ")),
} | CWE-77 | 14 |
public function __construct() {
$this->pop_conn = 0;
$this->connected = false;
$this->error = null;
} | CWE-20 | 0 |
protected function getSubtask()
$subtask = $this->subtaskModel->getById($this->request->getIntegerParam('subtask_id'));
if (empty($subtask)) {
throw new PageNotFoundException();
return $subtask;
} | CWE-200 | 10 |
private function _hiddencategories( $option ) {
//@TODO: Unfinished functionality! Never implemented by original author.
} | CWE-400 | 2 |
foreach($image->expTag as $tag) {
if (isset($used_tags[$tag->id])) {
} else {
$exptag = new expTag($tag->id);
$used_tags[$tag->id] = $exptag;
$used_tags[$tag->id]->count = 1;
} | CWE-74 | 1 |
function update_option_master() {
global $db;
$id = empty($this->params['id']) ? null : $this->params['id'];
$opt = new option_master($id);
$oldtitle = $opt->title;
// if the title of the master changed we should update the option groups that are already using it.
if ($oldtitle != $opt->title) {
}$db->sql('UPDATE '.$db->prefix.'option SET title="'.$opt->title.'" WHERE option_master_id='.$opt->id);
} | CWE-74 | 1 |
public function formatItem( Article $article, $pageText = null ) {
$item = $article->mTitle;
if ( $pageText !== null ) {
//Include parsed/processed wiki markup content after each item before the closing tag.
$item .= $pageText;
$item = $this->getItemStart() . $item . $this->itemEnd;
$item = $this->replaceTagParameters( $item, $article );
return $item;
} | CWE-400 | 2 |
public function update() {
//populate the alt tag field if the user didn't
if (empty($this->params['alt'])) $this->params['alt'] = $this->params['title'];
// call expController update to save the image
} | CWE-74 | 1 |
public function showall() {
expHistory::set('viewable', $this->params);
$limit = (isset($this->config['limit']) && $this->config['limit'] != '') ? $this->config['limit'] : 10;
if (!empty($this->params['view']) && ($this->params['view'] == 'showall_accordion' || $this->params['view'] == 'showall_tabbed')) {
$limit = '0';
$order = isset($this->config['order']) ? $this->config['order'] : "rank";
$page = new expPaginator(array(
'categorize'=>empty($this->config['usecategories']) ? false : $this->config['usecategories'],
'uncat'=>!empty($this->config['uncat']) ? $this->config['uncat'] : gt('Not Categorized'),
'groups'=>!isset($this->params['gallery']) ? array() : array($this->params['gallery']),
'grouplimit'=>!empty($this->params['view']) && $this->params['view'] == 'showall_galleries' ? 1 : null,
'page'=>(isset($this->params['page']) ? $this->params['page'] : 1),
} | CWE-74 | 1 |
public function event()
$project = $this->getProject();
$values = $this->request->getValues();
if (empty($values['action_name']) || empty($values['project_id'])) {
return $this->create();
return $this->response->html($this->template->render('action_creation/event', array(
'values' => $values,
'project' => $project,
'available_actions' => $this->actionManager->getAvailableActions(),
'events' => $this->actionManager->getCompatibleEvents($values['action_name']),
} | CWE-200 | 10 |
public function addMessage( $errorId ) {
$args = func_get_args();
$args = array_map( 'htmlspecialchars', $args );
return call_user_func_array( [ $this, 'msg' ], $args );
} | CWE-400 | 2 |
return $wgLang->timeanddate( $article->mDate, true );
return null;
} | CWE-400 | 2 |
public function confirm()
$project = $this->getProject();
$tag_id = $this->request->getIntegerParam('tag_id');
$tag = $this->tagModel->getById($tag_id);
$this->response->html($this->template->render('project_tag/remove', array(
'tag' => $tag,
'project' => $project,
} | CWE-200 | 10 |
function getUserGroupID($name, $affilid=DEFAULT_AFFILID) {
$query = "SELECT id "
. "FROM usergroup "
. "WHERE name = '$name' AND "
. "affiliationid = $affilid";
$qh = doQuery($query, 300);
if($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) {
return $row[0];
$query = "INSERT INTO usergroup "
. "(name, "
. "affiliationid, "
. "custom, "
. "courseroll) "
. "('$name', "
. "$affilid, "
. "0, "
. "0)";
doQuery($query, 301);
$qh = doQuery("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() FROM usergroup", 302);
if(! $row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) {
return $row[0];
} | CWE-20 | 0 |
foreach ($allgroups as $gid) {
$g = group::getGroupById($gid);
expPermissions::grantGroup($g, 'manage', $sloc);
| CWE-74 | 1 |
End of preview. Expand
in Data Studio exists but content is empty.
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