{ "en": "Amida-kyo (Amida Sutra)", "ja": "阿弥陀経" }
{ "en": "Ichimai-kishomon (One Page Document)", "ja": "一枚起請文(いちまいきしょうもん)" }
{ "en": "Isshi-koshosoku (Reply to a Disciple)", "ja": "一紙小消息(いっしこしょうそく)" }
{ "en": "Jodo Shu official song", "ja": "浄土宗宗歌" }
{ "en": "There is no village where the moon light does not reach; it exists in one's mind.", "ja": "「月影の いたらぬ里は なけれども 眺むる人の 心にぞすむ」" }
{ "en": "This song originated from a song of Gatsurin-ji Temple, No. 18 of the 25 Sacred Sites of Honen.", "ja": "この宗歌は法然二十五霊場、十八番月輪寺の詠歌からとったものである。" }
{ "en": "Head temple", "ja": "総本山" }
{ "en": "Chinzei-ha", "ja": "鎮西派" }
{ "en": "Kachozan Chion-in", "ja": "華頂山知恩院" }
{ "en": "Seizan-ha", "ja": "西山派" }
{ "en": "Higashiyama Zenrin-ji Temple (Kyoto city) (Eikando) (Zenrinji-ha)", "ja": "東山禅林寺(京都市)(永観堂)(禅林寺派)" }
{ "en": "Ao Komyo-ji Temple (Nagaoka city) (Seizan Jodo Shu)", "ja": "粟生光明寺(長岡京市)(西山浄土宗)" }
{ "en": "Kyogoku Seigan-ji Temple (Fukakusa-ha)", "ja": "京極誓願寺(深草派)" }
{ "en": "Chinzei Seven Daihonzan (head temples)", "ja": "鎮西七大本山" }
{ "en": "San'enzan Zojo-ji Temple (Tokyo)", "ja": "三縁山増上寺(東京都)" }
{ "en": "http//", "ja": "http//" }
{ "en": "Shiunzan Konkaikomyo-ji Temple (Kyoto city)", "ja": "紫雲山金戒光明寺(京都市)" }
{ "en": "http//", "ja": "http//" }
{ "en": "Tenshozan Komyo-ji Temple (Kamakura city)", "ja": "天照山光明寺(鎌倉市)(鎌倉市)" }
{ "en": "http//", "ja": "http//" }
{ "en": "Hyakumanben Chion-ji Temple (Kyoto city)", "ja": "百万遍知恩寺(京都市)" }
{ "en": "http//", "ja": "http//" }
{ "en": "Seijozan Zendo-ji Temple (Fukuoka city)", "ja": "井上山善導寺(福岡市)" }
{ "en": "http//", "ja": "http//" }
{ "en": "Zenko-ji Daihongan (Nagano city)", "ja": "善光寺大本願(長野市)" }
{ "en": "http//", "ja": "http//" }
{ "en": "Zenko-ji Temple (Nagoya city)", "ja": "善光寺(長野市)" }
{ "en": "http//", "ja": "http//" }
{ "en": "Shojoke-in (Kyoto city)", "ja": "清浄華院(京都市)" }
{ "en": "http//", "ja": "http//" }
{ "en": "Bukkyo University (Kyoto city)", "ja": "佛教大学(京都)" }
{ "en": "Tokai Gakuen University (Nagoya city, Miyoshi cho) - Part of Tokai Gakuen/Tokai Junior & Senior High School", "ja": "東海学園大学(名古屋市・三好町)-学校法人東海学園/東海中学校・高等学校を母体とする" }
{ "en": "Shiba Junior & Senior High School: former Jodo Shu Tokyo branch school", "ja": "芝中学校・高等学校(東京都)-旧浄土宗学東京支校" }
{ "en": "Tokai Junior & Senior High School (Nagoya city): former Jodo Shu Aichi branch school", "ja": "東海中学校・高等学校(名古屋市)-旧浄土宗学愛知支校" }
{ "en": "Tokai gakuen High School (Nagoya city): a sister school of Tokai Junior & Senior High School", "ja": "東海学園高等学校(名古屋市)-東海中学校・高等学校姉妹校" }
{ "en": "Higashiyama High School (Kyoto city): former Jodo Shu Kyoto branch school", "ja": "東山高等学校(京都市)-旧浄土宗学京都支校" }
{ "en": "Uenomiya Junior & Senior High School (Osaka city): former Jodo Shu Osaka branch school", "ja": "上宮中学校・高等学校(大阪市)-旧浄土宗学大阪支校" }
{ "en": "Uenomiya Taishi Junior & Senior High School (Taishi cho, Osaka prefecture): Jodo Shu Osaka Branch School", "ja": "上宮太子中学校・高等学校(太子町(大阪府))-旧浄土宗学大阪支校" }
{ "en": "Chinzei High School (Kumamoto city): former Jodo Shu Kyusyu branch school", "ja": "鎮西高等学校(熊本市)-旧浄土宗学九州支校" }
{ "en": "The Shingon sect is a Buddhist sect of Japan that was founded by Kukai (Kobo Daishi) in the early ninth century.", "ja": "真言宗(しんごんしゅう)は、空海(弘法大師)によって9世紀初頭に開かれた、日本の仏教の宗派。" }
{ "en": "It is also called the Shingon Darani sect, Mandala sect or Himitsu sect.", "ja": "真言陀羅尼宗(しんごんだらにしゅう)、曼荼羅宗(まんだらしゅう)、秘密宗(ひみつしゅう)とも称する。" }
{ "en": "It is based on Mikkyo, or esoteric Buddhism, which Kukai learned from Eka (Keika), at Shoryu-ji Temple (Qinglongsi Temple) in Choan, (Changan) (Xian City) during the Tang dynasty.", "ja": "空海が中国(唐時代)の長安に渡り、青龍寺(西安市)で恵果から学んだ密教を基盤としている。" }
{ "en": "Meanwhile, the Tendai sect in Japan, which was founded by Saicho at about the same time, learned the Hoke-kyo Sutra, Mikkyo, commandment and Zen simultaneously.", "ja": "同時期に最澄によって開かれた日本の天台宗が法華経学、密教、戒律、禅を兼修するのに対し、" }
{ "en": "In his works 'Himitsu Mandala Jujushinron' and 'Hizohoyaku,' Kukai expressed appreciation for another Buddhist sect, Dharma, which was at that time established to some extent, and built that thinking into a rating system of 1 to 10 by placing the Shingon sect above the Dharma.", "ja": "空海は著作「秘密曼荼羅十住心論」(ひみつまんだらじゅうじゅうしんろん)、「秘蔵宝鑰」(ひぞうほうやく)で、空海が執筆していた当時に伝来していた仏教各派の教学に一応の評価を与えつつ、真言宗を最上位に置くことによって十段階の思想体系の中に組み込んだ。" }
{ "en": "Finally, he preached that Mikkyo (Shingon Mikkyo) was superior to esoteric Buddhism and that the thinking and sutras of esoteric Buddhism were included to Shingon Mikkyo.", "ja": "最終的には顕教と比べて、密教(真言密教)の優位性、顕教の思想・経典も真言密教に摂包されることを説いた。" }
{ "en": "While Tendai Mikkyo is called 'Daimitsu,' Shingon Mikkyo is called 'Tomitsu.'", "ja": "天台密教を「台密」と称するのに対し、真言密教を「東密」と称する。" }
{ "en": "Mikkyo, of the Shingon sect, was called 'Tomitsu' because it was centered on the To-ji Temple (Kyoogokoku-ji Temple).", "ja": "真言宗の密教は東寺を基盤としたので「東密」と呼ばれた。" }
{ "en": "The founding of the sect", "ja": "開宗" }
{ "en": "Kukai founded Koyasan Kongobu-ji Temple in 816 as a dojo for Zen training, and established a sect having the Kyoogokoku-ji Temple (To-ji Temple), which was given by the Imperial Court in 823, as a fundamental dojo of the Shingon sect.", "ja": "空海は、816年(弘仁7年)に高野山金剛峯寺を修禅の道場として開創し、弘仁14年(823年)に勅賜された教王護国寺(東寺)を真言宗の根本道場として宗団を確立した。" }
{ "en": "Before Kukai fell into deep meditation, he asked his disciples to take charge of the temples in which he had worked as a chief priest.", "ja": "空海は入定に際して、住持していた寺院を弟子に付嘱した。" }
{ "en": "To-ji Temple was put in charge by Jitsue, Kongobu-ji Temple by Shinzen, Jingo-ji Temple by Shinzei, Ansho-ji Temple (Kyoto City) by Eun, Ninna-ji Temple was founded by Kanpyo Hoo (an abdicated emperor who had joined a Buddhist order); (寛平法皇) (Emperor Uda) by Shobo, Enjo-ji Temple by Yakushin and so on.", "ja": "東寺は実慧、金剛峯寺は真然、神護寺は真済、安祥寺(京都市)を恵運、寛平法皇(宇多天皇)が開基した仁和寺、醍醐寺は聖宝、円成寺は益信などがあった。" }
{ "en": "These temples were permitted to be state-sanctioned schools of monks (Nenbundosha) (年分度者), and therefore tended to be independent.", "ja": "これらの寺院に年分度者(ねんぶんどしゃ)(国家公認の僧侶の養成)を許可され、それぞれの寺院が独立した傾向を持っていった。" }
{ "en": "Kangen became Toji-Choja (the chief abbot of To-ji Temple) and at the same time Kongobu-ji Temple's head priest, and established the Honmatsu system in which To-ji Temple was the head temple and Kongobu-ji Temple was the sub-temple.", "ja": "観賢が東寺長者・金剛峯寺座主を兼ね、東寺を本寺とし、金剛峯寺を末寺とする本末制度を確立した。" }
{ "en": "Toji-Choja came to control the Shingon sect.", "ja": "東寺長者が真言宗を統括することになった。" }
{ "en": "After a defeat in the conflict of Honmatsu, Kongobu-ji Temple was damaged in a fire due to lightning and lost its halls.", "ja": "金剛峯寺は、この本末争いに負けた後、落雷により伽藍・諸堂を焼失した。" }
{ "en": "Koyasan fell into decline and abandonment due to the tyranny of provincial officers and other reasons.", "ja": "また国司による押妨などにより、高野山は衰微し、無人の状態になるまでに至った。" }
{ "en": "This situation continued until the mid-Heian period, but Koyasan began to make a recovery after FUJIWARA no Michinaga climbed it (making a pilgrimage to a shrine on the mountain), and he was later followed by the Imperial Family, the Sekkan-ke (the families which produced regents), and court nobles.", "ja": "この状態が平安時代中期まで続くが、藤原道長が高野山に登山(山上の寺社に参詣すること)したことにより復興が進み、皇族・摂関家・公家が高野山への登山が続いた。" }
{ "en": "Subsequently, it gained financial stability partly due to economic assistance by the Imperial Family, Sekkann-ke regent family, court nobles and so on.", "ja": "その後、皇族・摂関家・公家などによる経済的な支援もあり、財政においても安定した。" }
{ "en": "Kakuban and Koyasan", "ja": "覚鑁(かくばん)と高野山" }
{ "en": "It split into sects because it valued shishisosho, a succession from a teacher to a disciple.", "ja": "師資相承を重視するために分派していった。" }
{ "en": "This split was caused by the difference of Jiso (事相), a way to implement Shingon Mikkyo (e.g., a manner of ascetic training).", "ja": "事相(真言密教を実践するための作法。修法の作法など)の違いによる分派であった。" }
{ "en": "Dharma itself had been completed by Kukai so that there was no dispute within the sect until the mid-Heian period.", "ja": "教学(教義)そのものは、空海により大成されていたため、平安時代半ばまで、宗内での論争はあまりなかった。" }
{ "en": "However, at the end of the eleventh century Kakuban (Kogyo Daishi) began to preach the thought of Himitsu Nenbutsu at Koyasan.", "ja": "しかし、11世紀末、覚鑁(興教大師)が高野山で秘密念仏思想を提唱した。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, Kakuban built Daidenpo-in and revitalized Daidenpo-e in order to promote Shingon Dharma.", "ja": "また、覚鑁は、大伝法院を創建、教学の振興のために大伝法会の復興を行った。" }
{ "en": "He tried to achieve the independence of Koyasan from To-ji Temple's control, whereby he abolished the custom whereby Toji-Choja became the head priest of Kongobu-ji Temple at the same time and was ordained to be Kongobu-ji Temple's head priest; however, his effort failed due to the objection of the Kongobu-ji side (Hon-ji side).", "ja": "東寺の支配から高野山の独立を図り、東寺長者が金剛峯寺の座主を兼職する慣例を廃止し、金剛峯寺座主に任ぜられたが、金剛峯寺方(本寺方)の反発を受け失敗した。" }
{ "en": "Subsequently, he resigned as head priest and retired at Mt. Negoro (Wakayama Prefecture).", "ja": "その後、座主を辞して根来山(和歌山県)に隠棲した。" }
{ "en": "After this incident, the Kongobu-ji side (Hon-ji side, 本寺方) continued to fight against Daidenpo-in (inside, 院方), and this continued for a long time.", "ja": "これより、金剛峯寺方(本寺方)と大伝法院(院方)の長く確執が続いた。" }
{ "en": "The two sides split into the Kogi (Kogi Shingon sect) and Shingi (Shingi Shingon sect).", "ja": "両派は、古義(古義真言宗)・新義(新義真言宗)に分かれていった。" }
{ "en": "In 1290 Raiyu relocated Daidenpo-in to Mt. Negoro and established the base of the Shingi Shingon sect's Dharma by Kajihosshinsetsu (加持法身説) (Shingi) of Dainichinyorai.", "ja": "1290年(正応3年)に頼瑜が大伝法院を根来山に移し、大日如来の加持法身説(新義)を唱えて、新義真言宗の教義の基礎を確立した。" }
{ "en": "Negoro-ji Temple, founded at Mt. Negoro (including Daidenpo-in) was in its ascendancy but was burned down by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI in 1585.", "ja": "根来山は大伝法院を含めて根来寺となり隆盛を極めたが、1585年(天正13年)豊臣秀吉により、焼き討ちにされ灰燼に帰した。" }
{ "en": "Consequently, Senyo went into Hase-dera Temple in 1588, which came to be the grand head temple of the Shingon sect Buzan-ha.", "ja": "そのため、1588年(天正16年)に専誉が長谷寺に入り、後に真言宗豊山派の総本山となった。" }
{ "en": "In 1601 Genyu rebuilt Chishakuin Temple (which had relocated to the precincts of Neogro-ji Temple) at Shichijo, in Kyoto, doing so with Ieyasu TOKUGAWA's support, and later it became the grand head temple of the Shingon sect Chisan-ha.", "ja": "1601年(慶長6年)に徳川家康の保護を受けて、玄宥(げんゆう)が根来寺にあった智積院を京都・七条に再建し、後に真言宗智山派の総本山となった。" }
{ "en": "During the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan) To-ji Temple's priests such as Goho and Kenpo completed Tojifujimonkyogaku (東寺不二門教学) and taught Honchikajisetsu (本地加持説) (Kogi) of Dainichinyorai.", "ja": "南北朝時代(日本)に東寺の僧、杲宝(ごうほう)・賢宝(げんぼう)らにより東寺不二門教学を大成させて、大日如来の本地加持説(古義)を説いた。" }
{ "en": "During the Edo period, the Edo bakufu carried out a new control measure over religions, against Buddhist sects.", "ja": "江戸時代に入ると、江戸幕府は仏教界に対して新たな宗教統制を講じた。" }
{ "en": "Counter to the Shingon sect, Hatto acts against To-ji Temple, Daigo-ji Temple and Koyasan Gakuryogata, as well as Hatto act against Kanto Shingon sect Kogi (関東真言宗古義法度) were put into effect in 1604.", "ja": "真言宗には1604年(慶長14年)に東寺・醍醐寺・高野山学侶方・関東真言宗古義法度などの法度が出された。" }
{ "en": "As a result of these acts, the Shingon sect was placed under bakufu's (government) observation.", "ja": "これにより、幕府の監視下に置かれることになった。" }
{ "en": "After the Meiji Restoration, the Meiji government promoted the separation of Buddhism and Shintoism.", "ja": "明治維新以降、明治政府は神仏分離を推進した。" }
{ "en": "This resulted in the exclusion of Buddhism.", "ja": "それに伴い、廃仏棄釈が起った。" }
{ "en": "The temples of the Shingon sect suffered great damage without regard to their status as head temples or sub-temples.", "ja": "真言宗の寺院は本山・末寺にかかわらず大きな打撃を受けた。" }
{ "en": "Regarding financial matters, the Meiji government forced them to return their wealth.", "ja": "経済的には、政府の命令で、寺領の返納を要求して、強制的に返納させた。" }
{ "en": "There was a case of confiscation involved.", "ja": "没収もあった。" }
{ "en": "Privileges were abolished, and the title of Chokugansho, the temple in which emperors prayed, and Monzeki--the temple where the Imperial Prince lived--were prohibited.", "ja": "特権も廃され、勅願所・門跡の称号の禁止された。" }
{ "en": "Consequently, many temples began to experience difficulties in their management, so that they were forced to become defunct.", "ja": "これにより、多くの寺院の経営が立ち行かなくなり、廃寺に追い込まれた。" }
{ "en": "Some monks left the priesthood and returned to secular life.", "ja": "僧籍を離れて、還俗する僧侶も現れた。" }
{ "en": "There is a strong admiration for Kukai, the founder of the sect (Kobo Daishi).", "ja": "宗祖・空海(弘法大師)への敬慕が厚い。" }
{ "en": "In the tenth century Nyujoshinko, the faith in which Kukai had fallen into deep meditation, was created at Koyasan.", "ja": "10世紀には高野山で空海の入定信仰が起った。" }
{ "en": "One of the characteristics of the Shingon sects is the preaching of faith in Kobo-daishi (faith in Daishi).", "ja": "弘法大師信仰(大師信仰)を説いているのが真言宗の各派にいえる特徴の一つでもある。" }
{ "en": "The founder of the sect, Kukai (774-835) was born at Byobu-ga-ura Sanuki-no-kuni (讃岐国屏風浦) (current Zentsu-ji City, Kagawa Prefecture); and as a thinker, writer and talented calligrapher from among the Sanpitsu (the three great calligraphers of history), as well as a Buddhist, he had a strong influence on Japanese culture in later years.", "ja": "宗祖・空海(774-835年)は、讃岐国屏風浦(現・香川県善通寺市)の出身で、仏教者であるとともに思想家、著述家、また「三筆」の1人に数えられる能書家として、後の日本文化に多大な影響を与えた人物である。" }
{ "en": "He went to Tang on the ship \"Kentoshi\" in 804, and was given an essential Dharma of Mikkyo from Eka, of Shoryu-ji Temple, in Choan.", "ja": "彼は延暦23年(804年)、遣唐使船に同乗して唐に渡り、長安・青龍寺の恵果から密教の奥義を授かった。" }
{ "en": "He obtained many Buddhist scriptures, Buddhist altar pieces and a Buddhist picture in Tang, and brought them to Japan.", "ja": "また、唐で多くの仏典、仏具、仏画などを得、日本へ請来した。" }
{ "en": "In 816 Kukai obtained the land of Koyasan (Koya-cho, Itogun, Wakayama Prefecture) and founded Kongobu-ji Temple there; later (in 823), the Emperor Saga gave him To-ji Temple, which was a national temple of Heian-kyo, and he made these temples the fundamental dojo of Shingon Mikkyo.", "ja": "弘仁7年(816年)には高野山(和歌山県伊都郡高野町)の地を得て、ここに金剛峯寺を開創、弘仁14年(823年)には、平安京の官寺であった東寺を嵯峨天皇より下賜され、これら両寺を真言密教の根本道場とした。" }
{ "en": "On March 21, 835, he fell into deep meditation at the age of 62 at Koyasan.", "ja": "835年(承和(日本)2年)3月21日に、62才で高野山で入定(にゅうじょう)した。" }
{ "en": "In 921, 86 years after Kukai's demise, the Emperor Daigo awarded him the posthumous title of Kobo Daishi.", "ja": "空海が入定してから86年後の延喜21年(921年)に、弘法大師の諡号が醍醐天皇より贈られた。" }
{ "en": "A legend holds that there were eight forefathers during the time in which Mikkyo occurred in India; this was conveyed to Kukai (Kobo Daishi) through China, and subsequently Kukai established the Shingon sect.", "ja": "密教がインドで起こり、中国を経て、空海(弘法大師)に伝えられ、日本で独立した宗派として真言宗を開くまでに、八祖を経て伝えられたとする伝承がある。" }
{ "en": "This is called Shingon Hasso.", "ja": "これを真言八祖(しんごんはっそ)という。" }
{ "en": "There are two kinds of Hasso--Fuho Hasso (eight forefathers from Dainichinyorai to Kukai) and Denji Hasso (eight forefathers who appeared during the period of history in which the teachings of the Shingon sect had been introduced to Japan)--and Kukai described the origin of Shingon Mikkyo, the biographies of the seven forefathers of Fuho and seven forefathers of Denji (seven forefathers of Fuso and Denji Hasso except Kobo-daishi) and lineage of Fuho in his works 'Himitsu Mandala Kyo Fuho Den (秘密曼荼羅教付法伝)' and 'Shingon Fuho Den (真言付法伝).'", "ja": "付法(ふほう)の八祖と伝持(でんじ)の八祖の二つがあり、空海は著作「秘密曼荼羅教付法伝」・「真言付法伝」で、真言密教の起源と付法の七祖・伝持の七祖(付法・伝持の八祖の内、弘法大師を除く七祖)の伝記や付法の系譜を記している。" }
{ "en": "One of the characteristics of temples of the Shingon sect is that Shingon Hasso (Denji Hasso) are enshrined in the main hall or other places (they are often drawn as pictures).", "ja": "本堂などに真言八祖((伝持の八祖)・絵像で制作されることが多い)を祀られているのが、真言宗の寺院の特徴の一つである。" }
{ "en": "(Some temples do not enshrine them.)", "ja": "(祀られていない寺院もある。)" }
{ "en": "This shows the orthodox lineage of the Shingon sect Dharma.", "ja": "真言宗の法流の正系を示している。" }
{ "en": "It was when Kongosatta heard Dainichinyorai's sermon that the Shingon Dharma's lineage began.", "ja": "教主大日如来の説法を金剛薩埵が聞いて教法が起こり、真言宗の教えが伝わった系譜である。" }