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  1. train.csv +6 -6
  2. validation.csv +23 -24
train.csv CHANGED
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- "AWS will use commercially reasonable efforts to make Multi-AZ Domains on CloudSearch available with a Monthly Uptime Percentage of at least 99.9% during any monthly billing cycle (the ""Service Commitment"")",0,OBLIGATION
  "Service Credits will not entitle you to any refund or other payment from AWS.",0,OBLIGATION
  "Service Credits may not be transferred or applied to any other account.",0,OBLIGATION
  "To receive a Service Credit, you will need to submit a claim by opening a case in the AWS Support Center. To be eligible, the credit request must be received by us by the end of the second billing cycle after which the incident occurred and must include.",0,OBLIGATION
@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@
  "You must be in compliance with the Agreement in order to be eligible for a Service Credit.",0,OBLIGATION
  "If we determine that a Service Credit is owed to you, we will apply the Service Credit to your Applicable Monthly Service Fees.",0,OBLIGATION
  "In the event that more than one Service Level for a particular Service is not met because of the same Incident, you must choose only one Service Level under which to make a claim based on the Incident.",0,OBLIGATION
- "You may not unilaterally offset your Applicable Monthly Service Fees for any performance or availability issues.",0,OBLIGATION
  "Additional Terms: You will be eligible for a Service Credit for Duet Enterprise Online only when you are eligible for a Service Credit for the SharePoint Online Plan 2 User SLs that you have purchased as a prerequisite for your Duet Enterprise Online User SLs.",0,OBLIGATION
  "Additional Terms: When submitting a claim, you must ensure that complete monitoring data is maintained within the Monitoring Storage Account and is made available to Microsoft.",0,OBLIGATION
  "Customer must select a set of agents from the measurement system’s list of standard agents that are generally available and represent at least five geographically diverse locations in major worldwide metropolitan areas (excluding PR of China).",0,OBLIGATION
  "If any one of these individual Service Levels is not met, you may submit a claim for a Service Credit.",0,OBLIGATION
- "If one Incident causes us to fail more than one SLA metric for Exchange Online or EOP, you may only make one Service Credit claim for that incident per Service.",0,OBLIGATION
  "If this results in the prevention of an infection, you won’t be eligible for a Service Credit under the Virus Detection and Blocking Service Level.",0,OBLIGATION
  "In accordance with reasonable practices, Oracle provides secured computing facilities for both office locations and production Cloud infrastructure.",0,OBLIGATION
  "You are solely responsible for any such post provisioning configuration, data backups, and execution of disaster recovery activities.",0,OBLIGATION
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
  "A customer may apply the Service Credits only to its future payments for the Service that is the basis for the Service Credit.",0,OBLIGATION
  "Service Credits will not entitle Customer to any refund or other payment from VMware and cannot be applied towards other VMware products or service offerings.",0,OBLIGATION
  "Service Credits may not be transferred or applied to any other account.",0,OBLIGATION
- " During a billing month, VMware will make reasonable efforts to ensure that the Service Offering component listed below is available as per the specified ""Availability Commitment"" in the table below.",0,OBLIGATION
  "You will not be eligible to receive an SLA Credit if: (a) you are delinquent on any payments for the Service Offering.",0,OBLIGATION
  "Upon request, VMware will provide you, within 45 days after a confirmed SLA Event, a copy of the Availability report that VMware makes generally available to customers.",0,OBLIGATION
  "To request an SLA Credit, you must file a support request at within thirty (30) days after the suspected SLA Event.",0,OBLIGATION
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
  "We will apply any Service Credits only against future Alexa for Business payments otherwise due from you.",1,RIGHT
  "At our discretion, we may issue the Service Credits to the credit card you used to pay for the billing cycle in which the unavailability occurred.",1,RIGHT
  "Then you may be eligible for a credit towards a portion of your monthly service fees.",1,RIGHT
- "For example, if you purchased both Exchange Online and SharePoint Online (not as part of a suite), and during the term of the subscription an Incident caused Downtime for both Services, then you could be eligible for two separate Service Credits (one for each Service), by submitting two claims under this SLA.",1,RIGHT
  "For these Services, any Service Credit that you may be eligible for will be credited in the form of service time (i.e., days) as opposed to service fees, and any references to “Applicable Monthly Service Fees” is deleted and replaced by “Applicable Monthly Period.”",1,RIGHT
  "With respect to Exchange Online and EOP licensed as a standalone Service or via ECAL suite, or Exchange Enterprise CAL with Services, you may be eligible for Service Credits if we do not meet the Service Level described below for: (1) Virus Detection and Blocking, (2) Spam Effectiveness, or (3) False Positive",1,RIGHT
  "EOP will notify you and work with you to identify and remove it.",1,RIGHT
@@ -296,6 +296,6 @@
  "The following will be considered an SLA Event for the Service Offering: • A user cannot successfully authenticate and access the user interface of the Service. Offering for more than five (5) consecutive minutes (excluding failures to authenticate or access resulting from an issue on the customer’s network or authentication service, if applicable).",2,NEITHER
  "The total minutes that the Service Offering is Unavailable for a particular SLA Event is measured from the time that VMware validates the SLA Event has occurred, as defined below, until the time that VMware resolves the SLA Event such that the Service Offering is Available to you.",2,NEITHER
  "If two or more SLA Events occur simultaneously, the SLA Event with the longest duration will be used to determine the total minutes Unavailable.",2,NEITHER
- "bugs in code or services for which there is no commercially reasonable known fix (even if there is a known workaround).",2,NEITHER
  "VMware’s monitoring tools, data, and records will be the sole source of information used to track and validate Availability.",2,NEITHER
  "This SLA applies only to a customer’s production environment of the Service, and not to any non-production environment, including, without limitation, testing, staging, evaluation, or proof of concept.",2,NEITHER
+ "AWS will use commercially reasonable efforts to make Multi-AZ Domains on Cloud Search available with a Monthly Uptime Percentage of at least 99.9% during any monthly billing cycle (the ""Service Commitment"")",0,OBLIGATION
  "Service Credits will not entitle you to any refund or other payment from AWS.",0,OBLIGATION
  "Service Credits may not be transferred or applied to any other account.",0,OBLIGATION
  "To receive a Service Credit, you will need to submit a claim by opening a case in the AWS Support Center. To be eligible, the credit request must be received by us by the end of the second billing cycle after which the incident occurred and must include.",0,OBLIGATION
  "You must be in compliance with the Agreement in order to be eligible for a Service Credit.",0,OBLIGATION
  "If we determine that a Service Credit is owed to you, we will apply the Service Credit to your Applicable Monthly Service Fees.",0,OBLIGATION
  "In the event that more than one Service Level for a particular Service is not met because of the same Incident, you must choose only one Service Level under which to make a claim based on the Incident.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "You may not unilaterally offset your Applicable Monthly Service Fees for any performance or availability issues.",0,OBLIGATION
  "Additional Terms: You will be eligible for a Service Credit for Duet Enterprise Online only when you are eligible for a Service Credit for the SharePoint Online Plan 2 User SLs that you have purchased as a prerequisite for your Duet Enterprise Online User SLs.",0,OBLIGATION
  "Additional Terms: When submitting a claim, you must ensure that complete monitoring data is maintained within the Monitoring Storage Account and is made available to Microsoft.",0,OBLIGATION
  "Customer must select a set of agents from the measurement system’s list of standard agents that are generally available and represent at least five geographically diverse locations in major worldwide metropolitan areas (excluding PR of China).",0,OBLIGATION
  "If any one of these individual Service Levels is not met, you may submit a claim for a Service Credit.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "If one Incident causes us to fail more than one SLA metric for Exchange Online or EOP, you may only make one Service Credit claim for that incident per Service.",0,OBLIGATION
  "If this results in the prevention of an infection, you won’t be eligible for a Service Credit under the Virus Detection and Blocking Service Level.",0,OBLIGATION
  "In accordance with reasonable practices, Oracle provides secured computing facilities for both office locations and production Cloud infrastructure.",0,OBLIGATION
  "You are solely responsible for any such post provisioning configuration, data backups, and execution of disaster recovery activities.",0,OBLIGATION
  "A customer may apply the Service Credits only to its future payments for the Service that is the basis for the Service Credit.",0,OBLIGATION
  "Service Credits will not entitle Customer to any refund or other payment from VMware and cannot be applied towards other VMware products or service offerings.",0,OBLIGATION
  "Service Credits may not be transferred or applied to any other account.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "During a billing month, VMware will make reasonable efforts to ensure that the Service Offering component listed below is available as per the specified ""Availability Commitment"" in the table below.",0,OBLIGATION
  "You will not be eligible to receive an SLA Credit if: (a) you are delinquent on any payments for the Service Offering.",0,OBLIGATION
  "Upon request, VMware will provide you, within 45 days after a confirmed SLA Event, a copy of the Availability report that VMware makes generally available to customers.",0,OBLIGATION
  "To request an SLA Credit, you must file a support request at within thirty (30) days after the suspected SLA Event.",0,OBLIGATION
  "We will apply any Service Credits only against future Alexa for Business payments otherwise due from you.",1,RIGHT
  "At our discretion, we may issue the Service Credits to the credit card you used to pay for the billing cycle in which the unavailability occurred.",1,RIGHT
  "Then you may be eligible for a credit towards a portion of your monthly service fees.",1,RIGHT
+ "For example, if you purchased both Exchange Online and Share Point Online (not as part of a suite), and during the term of the subscription an Incident caused Downtime for both Services, then you could be eligible for two separate Service Credits (one for each Service), by submitting two claims under this SLA.",1,RIGHT
  "For these Services, any Service Credit that you may be eligible for will be credited in the form of service time (i.e., days) as opposed to service fees, and any references to “Applicable Monthly Service Fees” is deleted and replaced by “Applicable Monthly Period.”",1,RIGHT
  "With respect to Exchange Online and EOP licensed as a standalone Service or via ECAL suite, or Exchange Enterprise CAL with Services, you may be eligible for Service Credits if we do not meet the Service Level described below for: (1) Virus Detection and Blocking, (2) Spam Effectiveness, or (3) False Positive",1,RIGHT
  "EOP will notify you and work with you to identify and remove it.",1,RIGHT
  "The following will be considered an SLA Event for the Service Offering: • A user cannot successfully authenticate and access the user interface of the Service. Offering for more than five (5) consecutive minutes (excluding failures to authenticate or access resulting from an issue on the customer’s network or authentication service, if applicable).",2,NEITHER
  "The total minutes that the Service Offering is Unavailable for a particular SLA Event is measured from the time that VMware validates the SLA Event has occurred, as defined below, until the time that VMware resolves the SLA Event such that the Service Offering is Available to you.",2,NEITHER
  "If two or more SLA Events occur simultaneously, the SLA Event with the longest duration will be used to determine the total minutes Unavailable.",2,NEITHER
+ "bugs in code or services for which there is no commercially reasonable known fix (even if there is a known work around).",2,NEITHER
  "VMware’s monitoring tools, data, and records will be the sole source of information used to track and validate Availability.",2,NEITHER
  "This SLA applies only to a customer’s production environment of the Service, and not to any non-production environment, including, without limitation, testing, staging, evaluation, or proof of concept.",2,NEITHER
validation.csv CHANGED
@@ -98,8 +98,7 @@
  "You cannot use the voucher to purchase other services of Tencent Cloud, nor should you give the voucher to a third party for consideration or for free.",0,OBLIGATION
  "Tencent Cloud will verify and ascertain your application upon receipt of such application.",0,OBLIGATION
  "You should apply for such compensation no later than sixty (60) calendar days following the expiry of the applicable Service Month in which the Service Availability fails to meet the standard.",0,OBLIGATION
- "The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that, for any losses incurred by you during the course of using the Service due to any breach by Tencent Cloud, the aggregate amount of compensation payable by Tencent Cloud shall under no circumstance exceed the total service fees you have paid for the relevant Service which is not performed.",0,OBLIGATION
- "The amount of credit available per month is subject to a cap as described below.",1,RIGHT
  "As the Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy for such failure, Customer will receive a credit equal to one day’s worth of the total recurring monthly fees paid by Customer to NTTA for the applicable calendar month for NTTA Remote Data Replication Service.",1,RIGHT
  "The process to present the Snapshot to the remote servers at the secondary data center will start within 1 hour of the Customer contacting NTTA’s CEC requesting that the Snapshot be presented.",1,RIGHT
  "As the Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy for such failure, Customer will receive a credit equal to one day’s worth of the total recurring monthly fees paid by Customer to NTTA for the applicable calendar month for NTTA Remote Data Replication Service.",1,RIGHT
@@ -182,20 +181,20 @@
  "Tencent Cloud has the right to amend the terms of this Agreement as appropriate or necessary in light of changes in due course.",1,RIGHT
  "If you disagree with such revisions made by Tencent Cloud to this Agreement, you have the right to cease using the Service, by continuing to use the Service, you shall be deemed to have accepted the Agreement as amended.",1,RIGHT
  "Verizon reserves the right to perform maintenance outside of Scheduled Maintenance during an emergency situation.",1,RIGHT
- "For each cumulative hour orfraction thereof of PowerUnavailability for bothA&Bcircuits, Customer may request a credit for one day of monthly recurring charges fortheData CenterInternetBandwidth and Space affected by the outage as contracted forin CustomersData Center Colocation/Internet Colocation agreement.",1,RIGHT
- "If Verizon fails to meet theNetwork Latency Service Level in a calendar month forNorthAmerican and Transatlantic, Customer may request a credit forthat month",1,RIGHT
- "Verizon offers both aNetwork PacketDelivery SLAbetween Verizon-designated inter-regional transit backbone routers (HubRouters) inNorthAmerica and Transatlantic.",1,RIGHT
  "If Verizon fails to meet the Network Packet Delivery Service Level in any given month, the Customer can request a credit for that month.",1,RIGHT
  "If Verizon is unable to meet the Jitter Service Level for North America in a given month, the Customer may request a credit for that month.",1,RIGHT
- "Verizon reserves the right to perform maintenance outside of Scheduled Maintenance during an emergency situation.",1,RIGHT
- "If there is a cumulative hour of Data Center Internet Bandwidth Unavailability or a fraction thereof in any given month, the Customer can request a credit for one day of Data Center Internet Bandwidth monthly recurring charges as agreed upon in the Customer's Data Center Colocation/Internet Colocation agreement.",1,RIGHT
- "The OutageReporting SLAis applicable only to service provided in the contiguousUnited States and is applicable only if a Customer sets up his IP addresses for monitoring through",1,RIGHT
- "If Verizon fails to meet the OutageReporting Service Level, Customer may request a credit for one day of the Monthly recurring charges forthe affectedData CenterInternetBandwidth andData Center Colocation/Internet Colocation space only.",1,RIGHT
  "In case Verizon fails to restore data from tape to the customer's primary storage space in the same condition as backed up, the customer can claim a service credit equal to a percentage of the monthly recurring backup charges, as indicated in the table below.",1,RIGHT
- "If Verizon does not meet the Denial of Service Response SLA in any given month, the customer can request a credit for one day's charge of the Data Center Internet Bandwidth service linked with the customer's Data Center Colocation/Internet Colocation agreement.",1,RIGHT
  "Verizon will use trouble tickets and other appropriate Verizon records to determine, in its sole judgment, SLA compliance.",1,RIGHT
  "Maintenance Events. From time to time, Linode may perform repairs, replacements, upgrades, updates, patches, fixes, or other maintenance which may delay, disrupt, suspend, or otherwise affect a Covered Service (each a “Maintenance Event”).",1,RIGHT
- "Linode will use reasonable efforts to attempt to minimize the impact of Maintenance Events, but shall have sole discretion in determining the need for, and scope of, any Maintenance Event.",1,RIGHT
  "Service Credits. Subject to the Terms of Service and this SLA, the Account Holder may request a pro-rata credit for any affected monthly billing period in which we are unable to satisfy the Uptime Guarantee (collectively “Service Credits”).",1,RIGHT
  "From time to time, Linode may perform repairs, replacements, upgrades, updates, patches, fixes, or other maintenance which may delay, disrupt, suspend, or otherwise affect a Covered Service (each a “Maintenance Event”).",1,RIGHT
  "Linode will make reasonable efforts to reduce the impact of Maintenance Events, but it is solely at their discretion to determine the necessity and extent of any Maintenance Event.",1,RIGHT
@@ -237,26 +236,26 @@
  "The Service Credit shall not be used or applied to set-off the fees for the other Alibaba Cloud services, unless otherwise stated to you in writing by us from time to time.",2,NEITHER
  "In the event of any inconsistency between yours and our system records relating to your claim, unless the discrepancy is caused by any material error or malfunction of our system, our system record shall at all times prevail and be the final and conclusive reference for calculating the Service Credits to be provided to you.",2,NEITHER
  "Your continued use of the service after the publication of the amended SLA shall be deemed as your acceptance of the amended SLA.",2,NEITHER
- "For Customer’s claims related to Service deficiencies, interruptions, or failures, Customer’s exclusive remedies are limited to those remedies set forth in this SLA. Capitalized terms not defined in this SLA are defined in the Agreement.",2,NEITHER
  "Four hours in the event of a Service interruption due to an electronic component failure 3.2 Eight hours if the trouble is caused by a cable/fiber failure.",2,NEITHER
  "CenturyLink will determine in its sole discretion what records and data will be the basis for all SLA calculations and determinations.",2,NEITHER
  "In the event of a conflict between the terms of this SLA and the RSS or Agreement, the terms of this SLA will control, unless the conflict in the Agreement is specifically called out by the parties in the Agreement as intentionally differing from this SLA.",2,NEITHER
- "Interruptions resulting from a failure of a carrier other than CenturyLink providing local access or an off-net Service, or special configurations of the standard Service that have been mutually agreed to by CenturyLink and Customer, provided, however, CenturyLink may provide a separate service level agreement to Customer for those special configurations.",2,NEITHER
- "DigitalOcean provides Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for several of its products, including Droplets, Volumes Block Storage, and Kubernetes Control Plane. SLAs display our commitment to deliver a high level of availability for customers. This article defines our agreements for each product for which we have an SLA.",2,NEITHER
  "These SLAs are the policies governing the use of the DigitalOcean services and they apply separately to each account using the services.",2,NEITHER
  "See the Credit Request and Payment Procedures section for information about how to request service credits for SLA violations.",2,NEITHER
  "The SLA applies only to the control plane with HA enabled. It does not apply to the worker nodes (which are covered by the Droplets SLA and any of the following).",2,NEITHER
- "Issues caused by situations outside the control of DigitalOcean Kubernetes, such as large-scale internet outages, datacenter outages and natural disasters.",2,NEITHER
  "The DigitalOcean Marketplace also provides an SLA for vendor support responses.",2,NEITHER
- "For more information about how DigitalOcean takes steps to secure your data, see our Trust platform’s FAQ.",2,NEITHER
- "Service Credit: Credit in terms of $USD issued to the associated DigitalOcean account.",2,NEITHER
  "The following service levels are applied to some of the functions provided in FUJITSU Cloud Service for OSS.",2,NEITHER
  "If the service becomes unavailable due to any of the following incidents, those unavailable hours will not be counted for these service levels.",2,NEITHER
  "False SLA breaches reported as a result of outages or errors of any Joyent measurement system, customer’s acts or omissions (or acts or omissions of others engaged or authorized by customer), including, without limitation, custom scripting or coding (e.g., CGI, Perl, HTML, ASP, Ruby, PHP, Python etc), any negligence, willful misconduct, or use of the Services in breach of Joyent’s Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy.",2,NEITHER
  "Note: Credits are not refundable and can be used only towards future billing charges.",2,NEITHER
  "OVHcloud’s monitoring tools, data and records will be the sole source of information used to track and validate Availability.",2,NEITHER
  "Service Credits will be issued to the person or entity that OVHcloud invoices for the applicable instance of the OVHcloud Service, as a separate credit memo that can be applied towards a future invoice for that OVHcloud Service instance.",2,NEITHER
- "If Your Service Term for the OVHcloud Service expires or is terminated prior to the issuance of a Service Credit, the Service Credit will become void as of the date of the expiration or termination.",2,NEITHER
  "In no event will the amount of Service Credits issued for all incidents within a given month exceed 100% of the monthly invoiced amount for the OVHcloud Services.",2,NEITHER
  "A. A class of OVHcloud Services will be considered ""Unavailable"" or in state of ""Unavailability"" when a class of OVHcloud Services has no external connectivity.",2,NEITHER
  "B. The following (each an ""Unavailability Exclusion"") will be excluded from any time-based calculations related to a class of OVHcloud Service being Unavailable",2,NEITHER
@@ -286,17 +285,17 @@
  "By clicking “Agree”/ “Next”, or by purchasing or using the Service, or by otherwise accepting this Agreement, whether express or implied, you are deemed to have read, and agreed to be bound by this Agreement.",2,NEITHER
  "The Cloud Connect Network (CCN) Service refers to multi-point interconnection services provided by Tencent Cloud connecting cloud VPC, VPC and local data centers.",2,NEITHER
  "You may access the entire network resources through a single point connect by adding VPC and direct gateway instance to CCN, thus easily establishing a simple, intelligent, secure and flexible hybrid cloud and worldwide Internet",2,NEITHER
- "For details, please refer to the Service you purchase and the Service provided by Tencent Cloud.",2,NEITHER
  "If, due to any reason attributable to Tencent Cloud, all your attempts to establish communication between two regions or in a single region through designated CCN within one (1) minute fail (i.e., within one (1) minute and between such two regions or in such single region, the packet loss rate of the communications through the CCN of all instances associated with the CCN is 100%, the details of which is subject to the monitoring data of Tencent Cloud),",2,NEITHER
  "Service Downtime within a Service Month between two regions or in a single region refers to the accumulated duration of Service Unavailability calculated in minutes between such two regions or in such single region within such month.",2,NEITHER
  "Service Month(s) refer to the calendar month(s) in which you use the Service after you subscribe to the Service.",2,NEITHER
- "The Service Availability is calculated on an instance basis between designated regions or in a single region as follows: Service Availability = [ (total time calculated in minutes within a Service period - Service Downtime calculated in minutes / total time of a Service period calculated in minutes] × 100%.",2,NEITHER
  "The Monthly Service Fee in the above table refers to the relevant Monthly Service Fee charged for the relevant CCN instance between two regions or in a single region, and shall exclude any fee charged in the following circumstances.",2,NEITHER
- "Any Monthly Service Fee charged for such CCN instance between other regions or in another region where the Service Availability Standard is met. For example, if a CCN instance fails to meet the Service Availability Standard between Shanghai and Beijing in May, but meets the Service Availability Standard between Shanghai and Guangzhou, the amount of voucher to be compensated shall be the fees charged.",2,NEITHER
  "If there is any dispute over the calculation of the Service Availability for a Service Month, both parties agree that the back-end record of Tencent Cloud will prevail.",2,NEITHER
- "If you fail to make any application within such period, or make the application after such period, or make the application by any means other than that agreed herein, it shall be deemed that you have voluntarily waived your right to apply for such compensation and any other rights you may have against",2,NEITHER
  "If the Service is unavailable due to any of the following reasons, the corresponding Service Downtime shall not be counted towards Service Unavailability, and is not eligible for compensation by Tencent Cloud, and Tencent Cloud will not be held liable to you.",2,NEITHER
  "4.1 any system maintenance with prior notice by Tencent Cloud to a client, including system cutover, maintenance, upgrade and failure simulation test.",2,NEITHER
- "You may review the most updated version of relevant Agreement terms on the official website of Tencent Cloud.",2,NEITHER
  "As an ancillary agreement to the Tencent Cloud Service Agreement, this Agreement is of the same legal effect as the Tencent Cloud Service Agreement.",2,NEITHER
- "Each month'sNetwork performance statistics relating to theNetwork Jitter SLAs forNorthAmerica will be posted to the following location:",2,NEITHER
  "You cannot use the voucher to purchase other services of Tencent Cloud, nor should you give the voucher to a third party for consideration or for free.",0,OBLIGATION
  "Tencent Cloud will verify and ascertain your application upon receipt of such application.",0,OBLIGATION
  "You should apply for such compensation no later than sixty (60) calendar days following the expiry of the applicable Service Month in which the Service Availability fails to meet the standard.",0,OBLIGATION
+ "To open a trouble ticket for Denial of Service, Customer must call Verizon at 1-800-900-0241 and state: I think I am under a Denial of Service Attack",0,OBLIGATION
  "As the Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy for such failure, Customer will receive a credit equal to one day’s worth of the total recurring monthly fees paid by Customer to NTTA for the applicable calendar month for NTTA Remote Data Replication Service.",1,RIGHT
  "The process to present the Snapshot to the remote servers at the secondary data center will start within 1 hour of the Customer contacting NTTA’s CEC requesting that the Snapshot be presented.",1,RIGHT
  "As the Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy for such failure, Customer will receive a credit equal to one day’s worth of the total recurring monthly fees paid by Customer to NTTA for the applicable calendar month for NTTA Remote Data Replication Service.",1,RIGHT
  "Tencent Cloud has the right to amend the terms of this Agreement as appropriate or necessary in light of changes in due course.",1,RIGHT
  "If you disagree with such revisions made by Tencent Cloud to this Agreement, you have the right to cease using the Service, by continuing to use the Service, you shall be deemed to have accepted the Agreement as amended.",1,RIGHT
  "Verizon reserves the right to perform maintenance outside of Scheduled Maintenance during an emergency situation.",1,RIGHT
+ "For each cumulative hour or fraction there of Power Unavailability for both A&B circuits, Customer may request a credit for one day of monthly recurring charges for the Data Center Internet Band width and Space affected by the outage as contracted for in Customers Data Center Colocation/Internet Colocation agreement.",1,RIGHT
+ "If Verizon fails to meet the Network Latency Service Level in a calendar month for North American and Transatlantic, Customer may request a credit forthat month",1,RIGHT
+ "Verizon offers both a Network Packet Delivery SLA between Verizon-designated inter-regional transit backbone routers (Hub Routers) in North America and Transatlantic.",1,RIGHT
  "If Verizon fails to meet the Network Packet Delivery Service Level in any given month, the Customer can request a credit for that month.",1,RIGHT
  "If Verizon is unable to meet the Jitter Service Level for North America in a given month, the Customer may request a credit for that month.",1,RIGHT
+ "Verizon reserves the right to perform maintenance outside of Scheduled Maintenance during an emergency situation.",1,RIGHT
+ "If there is a cumulative hour of Data Center Internet Bandwidth Unavailability or a fraction thereof in any given month, the Customer can request a credit for one day of Data Center Internet Band width monthly recurring charges as agreed upon in the Customer's Data Center Colocation/Internet Colocation agreement.",1,RIGHT
+ "The Outage Reporting SLA is applicable only to service provided in the contiguous United States and is applicable only if a Customer sets up his IP addresses for monitoring through",1,RIGHT
+ "If Verizon fails to meet the Outage Reporting Service Level, Customer may request a credit for one day of the Monthly recurring charges for the affected Data Center Internet Band width and Data Center Colocation/Internet Colocation space only.",1,RIGHT
  "In case Verizon fails to restore data from tape to the customer's primary storage space in the same condition as backed up, the customer can claim a service credit equal to a percentage of the monthly recurring backup charges, as indicated in the table below.",1,RIGHT
+ "If Verizon does not meet the Denial of Service Response SLA in any given month, the customer can request a credit for one day's charge of the Data Center Internet Band width service linked with the customer's Data Center Colocation/Internet Colocation agreement.",1,RIGHT
  "Verizon will use trouble tickets and other appropriate Verizon records to determine, in its sole judgment, SLA compliance.",1,RIGHT
  "Maintenance Events. From time to time, Linode may perform repairs, replacements, upgrades, updates, patches, fixes, or other maintenance which may delay, disrupt, suspend, or otherwise affect a Covered Service (each a “Maintenance Event”).",1,RIGHT
+ "Linode will use reasonable efforts to attempt to minimize the impact of Maintenance Events, but shall have sole discretion in determining the need for, and scope of, any Maintenance Event.",1,RIGHT
  "Service Credits. Subject to the Terms of Service and this SLA, the Account Holder may request a pro-rata credit for any affected monthly billing period in which we are unable to satisfy the Uptime Guarantee (collectively “Service Credits”).",1,RIGHT
  "From time to time, Linode may perform repairs, replacements, upgrades, updates, patches, fixes, or other maintenance which may delay, disrupt, suspend, or otherwise affect a Covered Service (each a “Maintenance Event”).",1,RIGHT
  "Linode will make reasonable efforts to reduce the impact of Maintenance Events, but it is solely at their discretion to determine the necessity and extent of any Maintenance Event.",1,RIGHT
  "The Service Credit shall not be used or applied to set-off the fees for the other Alibaba Cloud services, unless otherwise stated to you in writing by us from time to time.",2,NEITHER
  "In the event of any inconsistency between yours and our system records relating to your claim, unless the discrepancy is caused by any material error or malfunction of our system, our system record shall at all times prevail and be the final and conclusive reference for calculating the Service Credits to be provided to you.",2,NEITHER
  "Your continued use of the service after the publication of the amended SLA shall be deemed as your acceptance of the amended SLA.",2,NEITHER
+ "For Customer’s claims related to Service deficiencies, interruptions, or failures, Customer’s exclusive remedies are limited to those remedies set forth in this SLA. Capitalized terms not defined in this SLA are defined in the Agreement.",2,NEITHER
  "Four hours in the event of a Service interruption due to an electronic component failure 3.2 Eight hours if the trouble is caused by a cable/fiber failure.",2,NEITHER
  "CenturyLink will determine in its sole discretion what records and data will be the basis for all SLA calculations and determinations.",2,NEITHER
  "In the event of a conflict between the terms of this SLA and the RSS or Agreement, the terms of this SLA will control, unless the conflict in the Agreement is specifically called out by the parties in the Agreement as intentionally differing from this SLA.",2,NEITHER
+ "Interruptions resulting from a failure of a carrier other than Century Link providing local access or an off-net Service, or special configurations of the standard Service that have been mutually agreed to by Century Link and Customer, provided, however, Century Link may provide a separate service level agreement to Customer for those special configurations.",2,NEITHER
+ "Digital Ocean provides Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for several of its products, including Droplets, Volumes Block Storage, and Kubernetes Control Plane. SLAs display our commitment to deliver a high level of availability for customers. This article defines our agreements for each product for which we have an SLA.",2,NEITHER
  "These SLAs are the policies governing the use of the DigitalOcean services and they apply separately to each account using the services.",2,NEITHER
  "See the Credit Request and Payment Procedures section for information about how to request service credits for SLA violations.",2,NEITHER
  "The SLA applies only to the control plane with HA enabled. It does not apply to the worker nodes (which are covered by the Droplets SLA and any of the following).",2,NEITHER
+ "Issues caused by situations outside the control of Digital Ocean Kubernetes, such as large-scale internet outages, datacenter outages and natural disasters.",2,NEITHER
  "The DigitalOcean Marketplace also provides an SLA for vendor support responses.",2,NEITHER
+ "For more information about how Digital Ocean takes steps to secure your data, see our Trust platform’s FAQ.",2,NEITHER
+ "Service Credit: Credit in terms of $USD issued to the associated Digital Ocean account.",2,NEITHER
  "The following service levels are applied to some of the functions provided in FUJITSU Cloud Service for OSS.",2,NEITHER
  "If the service becomes unavailable due to any of the following incidents, those unavailable hours will not be counted for these service levels.",2,NEITHER
  "False SLA breaches reported as a result of outages or errors of any Joyent measurement system, customer’s acts or omissions (or acts or omissions of others engaged or authorized by customer), including, without limitation, custom scripting or coding (e.g., CGI, Perl, HTML, ASP, Ruby, PHP, Python etc), any negligence, willful misconduct, or use of the Services in breach of Joyent’s Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy.",2,NEITHER
  "Note: Credits are not refundable and can be used only towards future billing charges.",2,NEITHER
  "OVHcloud’s monitoring tools, data and records will be the sole source of information used to track and validate Availability.",2,NEITHER
  "Service Credits will be issued to the person or entity that OVHcloud invoices for the applicable instance of the OVHcloud Service, as a separate credit memo that can be applied towards a future invoice for that OVHcloud Service instance.",2,NEITHER
+ "If Your Service Term for the OVHcloud Service expires or is terminated prior to the issuance of a Service Credit, the Service Credit will become void as of the date of the expiration or termination.",2,NEITHER
  "In no event will the amount of Service Credits issued for all incidents within a given month exceed 100% of the monthly invoiced amount for the OVHcloud Services.",2,NEITHER
  "A. A class of OVHcloud Services will be considered ""Unavailable"" or in state of ""Unavailability"" when a class of OVHcloud Services has no external connectivity.",2,NEITHER
  "B. The following (each an ""Unavailability Exclusion"") will be excluded from any time-based calculations related to a class of OVHcloud Service being Unavailable",2,NEITHER
  "By clicking “Agree”/ “Next”, or by purchasing or using the Service, or by otherwise accepting this Agreement, whether express or implied, you are deemed to have read, and agreed to be bound by this Agreement.",2,NEITHER
  "The Cloud Connect Network (CCN) Service refers to multi-point interconnection services provided by Tencent Cloud connecting cloud VPC, VPC and local data centers.",2,NEITHER
  "You may access the entire network resources through a single point connect by adding VPC and direct gateway instance to CCN, thus easily establishing a simple, intelligent, secure and flexible hybrid cloud and worldwide Internet",2,NEITHER
+ "For details, please refer to the Service you purchase and the Service provided by Tencent Cloud.",2,NEITHER
  "If, due to any reason attributable to Tencent Cloud, all your attempts to establish communication between two regions or in a single region through designated CCN within one (1) minute fail (i.e., within one (1) minute and between such two regions or in such single region, the packet loss rate of the communications through the CCN of all instances associated with the CCN is 100%, the details of which is subject to the monitoring data of Tencent Cloud),",2,NEITHER
  "Service Downtime within a Service Month between two regions or in a single region refers to the accumulated duration of Service Unavailability calculated in minutes between such two regions or in such single region within such month.",2,NEITHER
  "Service Month(s) refer to the calendar month(s) in which you use the Service after you subscribe to the Service.",2,NEITHER
+ "The Service Availability is calculated on an instance basis between designated regions or in a single region as follows: Service Availability = [ (total time calculated in minutes within a Service period - Service Downtime calculated in minutes / total time of a Service period calculated in minutes] × 100%.",2,NEITHER
  "The Monthly Service Fee in the above table refers to the relevant Monthly Service Fee charged for the relevant CCN instance between two regions or in a single region, and shall exclude any fee charged in the following circumstances.",2,NEITHER
+ "Any Monthly Service Fee charged for such CCN instance between other regions or in another region where the Service Availability Standard is met. For example, if a CCN instance fails to meet the Service Availability Standard between Shanghai and Beijing in May, but meets the Service Availability Standard between Shanghai and Guangzhou, the amount of voucher to be compensated shall be the fees charged.",2,NEITHER
  "If there is any dispute over the calculation of the Service Availability for a Service Month, both parties agree that the back-end record of Tencent Cloud will prevail.",2,NEITHER
+ "If you fail to make any application within such period, or make the application after such period, or make the application by any means other than that agreed herein, it shall be deemed that you have voluntarily waived your right to apply for such compensation and any other rights you may have against",2,NEITHER
  "If the Service is unavailable due to any of the following reasons, the corresponding Service Downtime shall not be counted towards Service Unavailability, and is not eligible for compensation by Tencent Cloud, and Tencent Cloud will not be held liable to you.",2,NEITHER
  "4.1 any system maintenance with prior notice by Tencent Cloud to a client, including system cutover, maintenance, upgrade and failure simulation test.",2,NEITHER
+ "You may review the most updated version of relevant Agreement terms on the official website of Tencent Cloud.",2,NEITHER
  "As an ancillary agreement to the Tencent Cloud Service Agreement, this Agreement is of the same legal effect as the Tencent Cloud Service Agreement.",2,NEITHER
+ "Each month's Network performance statistics relating to the Network Jitter SLAs for North America will be posted to the following location:",2,NEITHER