stringlengths 2
stringlengths 27
ce qui se cache
dans la nuit
Hier, un appel est arriv éé l’Agence de
Dé tectives. On nous demande de l’aide
pour r soudre un myst ère la Maison
Hanté e ! Les courageux d tectives de
monstres sont chargéé s d’aller d couvrir
ce qu’il s’y passe. Pourront-ils r soudre
cette affaire ?
Pour cette extraordinaire mission, nous
compterons sur l’aide inestimable de
nos c l bres d tectives Tiramisu, Kiwi,
Menthe et Fraise. Nous disposerons
galement de l’appui du Localisateur,
de la Loupe Cul-de-bouteille, du Filet
Attrape-monstres, de la D tectitorche
et de la Couverture de Linus.
Une Aventure pour Petits Dée' tectives de Monstres, jeu de ro^le pour enfants
Ecrite par Paula Torres ((et traduite par Charlotte Dée’ nouveaux
Traduit sous licence Nosolorol Ediciones. Relecture par Benoît « L'Amiral » Bastien. Titre original : Lo que se esconde por las noches, publié dans Nivel 9 numéro 7, Copyright © 2020 Nosolorol Ediciones.
La Loutre Rôliste, Tous droits réservés. ISBN : 978-2-37564-038-8. Mise en ligne du PDF : décembre 2019. PDF gratuit pour une utilisation personnelle non commerciale.
Il se passe des choses très étranges chez la nouvelle habitante de la
Maison Hantée, une collégienne de 12 ans. Elle se réveille chaque ma-
tin avec les cheveux tout emmêlés et ébouriffés. Et sans sa couverture
en plus ! Comme l’hiver arrive et qu’il commence à faire froid, elle a
appelé l’Agence de Détectives pour lui venir en aide.
Il faut découvrir celui qui, la nuit, cause des problèmes et le faire cesser.
Chaussettes dépareillées sur tout le sol de la chambre (+1 de Peur).
Boulettes de poussière dispersées sur le sol du salon (+1 de Peur).
Les Gamusinos : « La nuit, on entend des bruits de pas comme si
quelqu’un se déplaçait dans toute la maison. » (+2 de Peur).
Les cahiers de classe disparus (+1 de Peur).
La collection de chaussettes dépareillées sous le lit qui indique le nid
du monstre (+1 de Peur).
Le Monstre de Sous Le Lit (pages 72-73 du livre de base).
Son nid est sous le lit de la collégienne.
Détective Vétéran :
Bonjour, détectives ! L’Agence nous a appelé pour une étrange
mission à la Maison Hantée. Le plan de la maison se trouve à la
page 25 du livre de base. Tout porte à croire qu’une grande aven-
ture commence. Etes-vous prêts pour un nouveau mystère ? Tout
d’abord, distribuons les gadgets. Moi, je garde le Localisateur qui
nous indiquera le niveau de Peur tout au long de l’enquête. Main-
tenant, qui souhaite récupérer la Loupe Cul-de-bouteille ? Répar-
tissez les gadgets entre les joueurs. Ok, nous sommes tous prêts !
Nous nous rendons à la maison et devant la porte, nous rencon-
trons une jeune fille qui nous dit : « C’est un vrai désastre ! Je me
lève chaque matin avec les cheveux en pétard et tout emmêlés. Je
ne peux plus me peigner. En plus, je me réveille sans ma couver-
ture et je commence à attraper froid. Cette maison est en train de
me rendre folle… Atchoum ! S’il vous plaît, pouvez-vous m’aider ?
Je suis en train de m’enrhumer… Atchoum ! »
Alors, détectives, que voulez-vous faire ?
Entrons dans la maison résoudre ce mystère !
nous découvrons un salon
et une cuisine très désor-
donnés. Nous avançons
en prenant beaucoup de
précaution. Il ne faudrait
pas que le monstre soit ré-
veillé et qu’il nous donne une
bonne frayeur. Pour cela, nous
lançons d’abord les dés pour voir si
nous entendons quelque chose (difficulté
facile 2). Comme il fait jour et que le monstre dort,
nous n’entendrons rien et nous pourrons enquê-
ter sans Peur dans la maison.
Dans le salon, le Localisateur de Peur signale
qu’il est monté à un point ! C’est un grand salon
ouvert sur la cuisine. Il y a un canapé, une che-
minée et une table. Cela va être difficile de cher-
cher ici. Vous pouvez peut-être utiliser la Loupe
pour chercher une piste sur le monstre (difficul-
té normale 4). Regardez, de tous petits tas de
poussière ! Quelqu’un a ramassé la poussière et
en a fait des boulettes pour les étaler sur tout le
sol du salon. Il devait beaucoup s’ennuyer... Quel
monstre aime faire des boulettes de poussière ?
Allons dans la cuisine chercher d’autres pistes.
Dans la cuisine, un tas de livres et de cahiers sont
sur la table. Mais il leur manque des pages... la
3... la 7... Et en plus, ils sont tout en désordre !
C’est peut-être le moment d’utiliser la Détecti-
torche pour chercher plus de pistes. Voilà ! Le
Localisateur de Peur nous dit qu’il y a ici un point
supplémentaire de Peur ! Quand ils se mettront à
chercher (difficulté moyenne 3), ils trouveront des
petits bouts de papier qui mènent jusque sous
le canapé. C’est un monstre un peu maladroit. Si
nous cherchions sous le canapé... Atcha ! Nous
y retrouvons tous les cahiers disparus de la collé-
gienne. Ils sont en morceaux, mordus et pleins de
bave dégoûtante. Ayant découvert l’origine des
disparitions, la Peur descend d’un point.
Il est temps d’entrer dans la chambre pour en-
quêter. Essayons de ne pas faire de bruit. Depuis
la porte, notre attention est attirée par des tas de
chaussettes dépareillées dispersées dans toute
la chambre. Cela semble être une piste importante puisque le
Localisateur indique un point de Peur supplémentaire. Ou est-ce
seulement que la collégienne est très désordonnée ?
Cherchons d’autres pistes dans la salle de bain. Regardez ! Il
semble que le panier à linge sale bouge !... Et d’un coup sort
un Gamusino qui a l’air perdu. Attention ! Il faut y aller avec des
pincettes avec les Gamusinos. Ils sont très craintifs et peuvent fa-
cilement partir en courant. Il semble qu’il veuille nous dire quelque
chose. Il chuchote : « Il y a quelqu’un qui se déplace dans la mai-
son, surtout la nuit. Il a l’air d’errer d’une pièce à une autre. » Dès
qu’il a dit cela, il s’enfuit en courant. Il
va falloir faire très attention car
le Localisateur nous indique
qu’il y a 4 points de Peur.
Retrouve toutes les règles de ce jeu de rôle
et bien d’autres monstres dans
Petits Détectives de Monstres,
livre publié par La Loutre Rôliste.
Traduit sous licence Nosolorol Ediciones. Relecture par Benoît « L'Amiral » Bastien. Titre original : Lo que se esconde por las noches, publié dans Nivel 9 numéro 7, Copyright © 2020 Nosolorol Ediciones.
La Loutre Rôliste, Tous droits réservés. ISBN : 978-2-37564-038-8. Mise en ligne du PDF : décembre 2019. PDF gratuit pour une utilisation personnelle non commerciale.
Retournons dans la chambre. Les détectives lancent les dés pour
trouver d’autres pistes (difficulté normale 4). Il semble que la cou-
verture soit sous le lit. La collégienne nous a dit qu’elle se réveillait
tous les matins sans elle. Sous le lit, l’espace est rempli de chaus-
settes dépareillées et il y a quelques empreintes. Super ! C’est
sans doute une piste importante ! Il semble que ce soit le nid du
monstre ! En plus, le Localisateur indique un autre point de Peur.
Quel monstre aime faire des boulettes de poussière, prendre les
chaussettes pour les cacher sous un lit et se déplacer la nuit ? Le
Monstre de Sous Le Lit ! Nous avons désormais réussi à trouver
quel monstre cause tout ce désordre et nous avons réussi à ré-
soudre toutes les pistes. Ainsi, le Localisateur additionne la valeur
de Peur du monstre à celle de la maison, soit un total de 13 points.
Il faut maintenant se préparer pour sa capture.
Lisons dans le Livre des Monstres ce qui agace ce monstre pour
être préparés et l’attraper dans la Fiole de Cristal pour le rendre
gentil. Notre monstre semble ne pas aimer la Couverture de Linus,
l’aspirateur et le balai. Nous pouvons peut-être allumer l’aspirateur
pour le réveiller, l’attirer et puis le capturer. Lorsque nous pren-
drons l’aspirateur pour faire du bruit, le monstre sortira de sous le
lit où il était endormi et mordra le détective le plus proche de lui.
Tu as été mordu ! Il faut donc que nous lançions tous trois dés en
gardant le résultat moyen, sauf le détective qui a été mordu qui
devra garder le résultat le plus petit. Nous additionnerons tous nos
résultats et nous devrons égaler ou surpasser le niveau de Peur du
monstre qui est de 13. Ceux qui ont échoué et le détective mordu
devront garder le dé le plus petit un petit moment.
Que se passe-t-il si nous utilisons un objet pour nous approcher du
monstre (difficulté normale 4) ? S’ils réussissent, le monstre sera
effrayé et tentera de s’enfuir. Le monstre essaye de s’échapper !
Mais il ne va pas y arriver car nous le maintenons fermement. L’in-
dicateur de Peur descend de 4 points. C’est le bon moment pour
mettre tous ensemble le monstre dans la Fiole. Pour cela, nous
devons tous lancer 3 dés et garder les dés moyens. Ceux qui ont
échoué au jet précédent, ainsi que le détective mordu, doivent
garder leur dé le plus petit. En additionnant tous les résultats, si le
total dépasse la valeur de Peur du monstre moins 4 points car il
est effrayé, 13 - 4 = 9, nous réussissons à le mettre dans la Fiole.
N’oublions pas les paroles magiques pour sceller la Fiole !
Très bon travail, détectives ! Il ne reste plus maintenant qu’à ajou-
ter le gel convertisseur et à envoyer la Fiole à l’Agence. Comme
vous vous en êtes très bien sortis, distribution des médailles du
Courage, du Travail en Equipe et des Meilleurs Idées ! Vous avez
démontré que vous étiez plus forts que ce monstre en surpas-
sant sa valeur de Peur. Un autre grand jour
pour l’Agence de Petits Détectives de
Monstres !
il aime
Faire des tas de pous-
Les histoires pour
Manger certains
habits, comme les
chaussettes à rayures.
Il les garde habituelle-
ment sous les lits.
Se cacher sous les
Vivre là où il n’y a pas
de lumière.
il déteste
La Couverture de Linus
est le gadget qu’il
supporte le moins.
Quand on passe le ba-
lai ou l’aspirateur dans
son nid.
Il peut mordre si on le
dérange alors qu’il est
Traduit sous licence Nosolorol Ediciones. Relecture par Benoît « L'Amiral » Bastien. Titre original : Lo que se esconde por las noches, publié dans Nivel 9 numéro 7, Copyright © 2020 Nosolorol Ediciones.
La Loutre Rôliste, Tous droits réservés. ISBN : 978-2-37564-038-8. Mise en ligne du PDF : décembre 2019. PDF gratuit pour une utilisation personnelle non commerciale.
ce qui se cache
dans la nuit
Hier, un appel est arriv éé l’Agence de
Dé tectives. On nous demande de l’aide
pour r soudre un myst ère la Maison
Hanté e ! Les courageux d tectives de
monstres sont chargéé s d’aller d couvrir
ce qu’il s’y passe. Pourront-ils r soudre
cette affaire ?
Pour cette extraordinaire mission, nous
compterons sur l’aide inestimable de
nos c l bres d tectives Tiramisu, Kiwi,
Menthe et Fraise. Nous disposerons
galement de l’appui du Localisateur,
de la Loupe Cul-de-bouteille, du Filet
Attrape-monstres, de la D tectitorche
et de la Couverture de Linus.
Une Aventure pour Petits Dée' tectives de Monstres, jeu de ro^le pour enfants
Ecrite par Paula Torres ((et traduite par Charlotte Dée’ nouveaux
Traduit sous licence Nosolorol Ediciones. Relecture par Benoît « L'Amiral » Bastien. Titre original : Lo que se esconde por las noches, publié dans Nivel 9 numéro 7, Copyright © 2020 Nosolorol Ediciones.
La Loutre Rôliste, Tous droits réservés. ISBN : 978-2-37564-038-8. Mise en ligne du PDF : décembre 2019. PDF gratuit pour une utilisation personnelle non commerciale.
Il se passe des choses très étranges chez la nouvelle habitante de la
Maison Hantée, une collégienne de 12 ans. Elle se réveille chaque ma-
tin avec les cheveux tout emmêlés et ébouriffés. Et sans sa couverture
en plus ! Comme l’hiver arrive et qu’il commence à faire froid, elle a
appelé l’Agence de Détectives pour lui venir en aide.
Il faut découvrir celui qui, la nuit, cause des problèmes et le faire cesser.
Chaussettes dépareillées sur tout le sol de la chambre (+1 de Peur).
Boulettes de poussière dispersées sur le sol du salon (+1 de Peur).
Les Gamusinos : « La nuit, on entend des bruits de pas comme si
quelqu’un se déplaçait dans toute la maison. » (+2 de Peur).
Les cahiers de classe disparus (+1 de Peur).
La collection de chaussettes dépareillées sous le lit qui indique le nid
du monstre (+1 de Peur).
Le Monstre de Sous Le Lit (pages 72-73 du livre de base).
Son nid est sous le lit de la collégienne.
Détective Vétéran :
Bonjour, détectives ! L’Agence nous a appelé pour une étrange
mission à la Maison Hantée. Le plan de la maison se trouve à la
page 25 du livre de base. Tout porte à croire qu’une grande aven-
ture commence. Etes-vous prêts pour un nouveau mystère ? Tout
d’abord, distribuons les gadgets. Moi, je garde le Localisateur qui
nous indiquera le niveau de Peur tout au long de l’enquête. Main-
tenant, qui souhaite récupérer la Loupe Cul-de-bouteille ? Répar-
tissez les gadgets entre les joueurs. Ok, nous sommes tous prêts !
Nous nous rendons à la maison et devant la porte, nous rencon-
trons une jeune fille qui nous dit : « C’est un vrai désastre ! Je me
lève chaque matin avec les cheveux en pétard et tout emmêlés. Je
ne peux plus me peigner. En plus, je me réveille sans ma couver-
ture et je commence à attraper froid. Cette maison est en train de
me rendre folle… Atchoum ! S’il vous plaît, pouvez-vous m’aider ?
Je suis en train de m’enrhumer… Atchoum ! »
Alors, détectives, que voulez-vous faire ?
Entrons dans la maison résoudre ce mystère !
nous découvrons un salon
et une cuisine très désor-
donnés. Nous avançons
en prenant beaucoup de
précaution. Il ne faudrait
pas que le monstre soit ré-
veillé et qu’il nous donne une
bonne frayeur. Pour cela, nous
lançons d’abord les dés pour voir si
nous entendons quelque chose (difficulté
facile 2). Comme il fait jour et que le monstre dort,
nous n’entendrons rien et nous pourrons enquê-
ter sans Peur dans la maison.
Dans le salon, le Localisateur de Peur signale
qu’il est monté à un point ! C’est un grand salon
ouvert sur la cuisine. Il y a un canapé, une che-
minée et une table. Cela va être difficile de cher-
cher ici. Vous pouvez peut-être utiliser la Loupe
pour chercher une piste sur le monstre (difficul-
té normale 4). Regardez, de tous petits tas de
poussière ! Quelqu’un a ramassé la poussière et
en a fait des boulettes pour les étaler sur tout le
sol du salon. Il devait beaucoup s’ennuyer... Quel
monstre aime faire des boulettes de poussière ?
Allons dans la cuisine chercher d’autres pistes.
Dans la cuisine, un tas de livres et de cahiers sont
sur la table. Mais il leur manque des pages... la
3... la 7... Et en plus, ils sont tout en désordre !
C’est peut-être le moment d’utiliser la Détecti-
torche pour chercher plus de pistes. Voilà ! Le
Localisateur de Peur nous dit qu’il y a ici un point
supplémentaire de Peur ! Quand ils se mettront à
chercher (difficulté moyenne 3), ils trouveront des
petits bouts de papier qui mènent jusque sous
le canapé. C’est un monstre un peu maladroit. Si
nous cherchions sous le canapé... Atcha ! Nous
y retrouvons tous les cahiers disparus de la collé-
gienne. Ils sont en morceaux, mordus et pleins de
bave dégoûtante. Ayant découvert l’origine des
disparitions, la Peur descend d’un point.
Il est temps d’entrer dans la chambre pour en-
quêter. Essayons de ne pas faire de bruit. Depuis
la porte, notre attention est attirée par des tas de
chaussettes dépareillées dispersées dans toute
la chambre. Cela semble être une piste importante puisque le
Localisateur indique un point de Peur supplémentaire. Ou est-ce
seulement que la collégienne est très désordonnée ?
Cherchons d’autres pistes dans la salle de bain. Regardez ! Il
semble que le panier à linge sale bouge !... Et d’un coup sort
un Gamusino qui a l’air perdu. Attention ! Il faut y aller avec des
pincettes avec les Gamusinos. Ils sont très craintifs et peuvent fa-
cilement partir en courant. Il semble qu’il veuille nous dire quelque
chose. Il chuchote : « Il y a quelqu’un qui se déplace dans la mai-
son, surtout la nuit. Il a l’air d’errer d’une pièce à une autre. » Dès
qu’il a dit cela, il s’enfuit en courant. Il
va falloir faire très attention car
le Localisateur nous indique
qu’il y a 4 points de Peur.
Retrouve toutes les règles de ce jeu de rôle
et bien d’autres monstres dans
Petits Détectives de Monstres,
livre publié par La Loutre Rôliste.
Traduit sous licence Nosolorol Ediciones. Relecture par Benoît « L'Amiral » Bastien. Titre original : Lo que se esconde por las noches, publié dans Nivel 9 numéro 7, Copyright © 2020 Nosolorol Ediciones.
La Loutre Rôliste, Tous droits réservés. ISBN : 978-2-37564-038-8. Mise en ligne du PDF : décembre 2019. PDF gratuit pour une utilisation personnelle non commerciale.
Retournons dans la chambre. Les détectives lancent les dés pour
trouver d’autres pistes (difficulté normale 4). Il semble que la cou-
verture soit sous le lit. La collégienne nous a dit qu’elle se réveillait
tous les matins sans elle. Sous le lit, l’espace est rempli de chaus-
settes dépareillées et il y a quelques empreintes. Super ! C’est
sans doute une piste importante ! Il semble que ce soit le nid du
monstre ! En plus, le Localisateur indique un autre point de Peur.
Quel monstre aime faire des boulettes de poussière, prendre les
chaussettes pour les cacher sous un lit et se déplacer la nuit ? Le
Monstre de Sous Le Lit ! Nous avons désormais réussi à trouver
quel monstre cause tout ce désordre et nous avons réussi à ré-
soudre toutes les pistes. Ainsi, le Localisateur additionne la valeur
de Peur du monstre à celle de la maison, soit un total de 13 points.
Il faut maintenant se préparer pour sa capture.
Lisons dans le Livre des Monstres ce qui agace ce monstre pour
être préparés et l’attraper dans la Fiole de Cristal pour le rendre
gentil. Notre monstre semble ne pas aimer la Couverture de Linus,
l’aspirateur et le balai. Nous pouvons peut-être allumer l’aspirateur
pour le réveiller, l’attirer et puis le capturer. Lorsque nous pren-
drons l’aspirateur pour faire du bruit, le monstre sortira de sous le
lit où il était endormi et mordra le détective le plus proche de lui.
Tu as été mordu ! Il faut donc que nous lançions tous trois dés en
gardant le résultat moyen, sauf le détective qui a été mordu qui
devra garder le résultat le plus petit. Nous additionnerons tous nos
résultats et nous devrons égaler ou surpasser le niveau de Peur du
monstre qui est de 13. Ceux qui ont échoué et le détective mordu
devront garder le dé le plus petit un petit moment.
Que se passe-t-il si nous utilisons un objet pour nous approcher du
monstre (difficulté normale 4) ? S’ils réussissent, le monstre sera
effrayé et tentera de s’enfuir. Le monstre essaye de s’échapper !
Mais il ne va pas y arriver car nous le maintenons fermement. L’in-
dicateur de Peur descend de 4 points. C’est le bon moment pour
mettre tous ensemble le monstre dans la Fiole. Pour cela, nous
devons tous lancer 3 dés et garder les dés moyens. Ceux qui ont
échoué au jet précédent, ainsi que le détective mordu, doivent
garder leur dé le plus petit. En additionnant tous les résultats, si le
total dépasse la valeur de Peur du monstre moins 4 points car il
est effrayé, 13 - 4 = 9, nous réussissons à le mettre dans la Fiole.
N’oublions pas les paroles magiques pour sceller la Fiole !
Très bon travail, détectives ! Il ne reste plus maintenant qu’à ajou-
ter le gel convertisseur et à envoyer la Fiole à l’Agence. Comme
vous vous en êtes très bien sortis, distribution des médailles du
Courage, du Travail en Equipe et des Meilleurs Idées ! Vous avez
démontré que vous étiez plus forts que ce monstre en surpas-
sant sa valeur de Peur. Un autre grand jour
pour l’Agence de Petits Détectives de
Monstres !
il aime
Faire des tas de pous-
Les histoires pour
Manger certains
habits, comme les
chaussettes à rayures.
Il les garde habituelle-
ment sous les lits.
Se cacher sous les
Vivre là où il n’y a pas
de lumière.
il déteste
La Couverture de Linus
est le gadget qu’il
supporte le moins.
Quand on passe le ba-
lai ou l’aspirateur dans
son nid.
Il peut mordre si on le
dérange alors qu’il est
Traduit sous licence Nosolorol Ediciones. Relecture par Benoît « L'Amiral » Bastien. Titre original : Lo que se esconde por las noches, publié dans Nivel 9 numéro 7, Copyright © 2020 Nosolorol Ediciones.
La Loutre Rôliste, Tous droits réservés. ISBN : 978-2-37564-038-8. Mise en ligne du PDF : décembre 2019. PDF gratuit pour une utilisation personnelle non commerciale.
| textdata/thevault/Petits Detectives de Monstres [FR]/Scenarii/Ce qui se cache dans la nuit - LaLoutreRoliste.pdf |
Saldor Foslarin
Saldor Foslarin
Convocatus Primus des Bunds des Weißen Pentagramms
Zauberkundige aus ganz Aventurien ken-
nen Saldor Foslarin als entschlossenen
Kämpfer gegen Schwarze Magie, der sich
dem ‘Guten’ verpflichtet sieht. Aber sie
spotten auch hinter seinem Rücken über
den hitzköpfigen Zwerg, dessen Engstir-
nigkeit ein Hindernis für Philosophie und
Forschung bedeutet.
Saldor Foslarin ist einer der wenigen
Zwerge, die in einer menschlichen Aka-
demie die Kunst der Magie lernten, und
kann eine besondere Karriere vorweisen.
Er hat sich in die Menschengesellschaft
eingefügt und ärgert sich, wenn Kollegen
ihn wegen seiner Herkunft abwerten. Sein
niedriges Ansehen bei anderen Zwergen
kümmert ihn dagegen wenig, denn er ist
überzeugt, das Richtige zu tun.
Foslarin steht immer bereit, um für das
Mittelreich und die ‘Gute Sache’ nach
dem Rechten zu sehen. Die Pfeile des
Lichts, seine weißmagische Eliteeinheit,
sind ebenso respektiert wie gefürchtet. In
seiner Akademie Schwert und Stab in
Gareth ist er nicht immer anzutreffen,
dafür sieht man oft, wie er in der Stadt
auf seinem zottigen weißen Pony von
einem Termin zum nächsten hetzt.
Als Zwerg schätzt er den Anblick schön gearbeiteter Artefakte und großer Kriegsmaschinen
(in seiner Kammer bastelt er nachts an einem komplizierten Modell einer gigantischen Wurf-
maschine), vor allem aber den von Feuer. Seine Kampfzauber sind nicht nur tödlich, sondern
auch prächtig anzusehen.
Foslarin ist schonungslos ehrlich, streitbar und so hart im Einstecken wie im Austeilen. Jeder-
zeit würde er sein Leben für seine Ideale riskieren und die eigenen Wünsche hinter das Ge-
meinwohl zurückzustellen. Seine eigenen Maßstäbe legt Foslarin auch bei anderen an, über-
sieht aber dabei unter anderem, dass er als Zwerg körperlich belastbarer ist als die meisten
Menschen. Daher ist er häufig unzufrieden mit seinen Schülern, wenn sie wieder erschöpft
um eine Pause bitten. Er befürwortet jedoch Gewalt und hält sie für einen wichtigen Teil des
Lebens – auch, um seine Schüler auf den richtigen Weg zu bringen. “Meine Jungs und Mäd-
chen” nennt er die Abgänger seiner Akademie voller Stolz.
Saldor Foslarin misstraut allem Individuellen und Chaotischen, das er dem Bösen zuordnet.
Er gesteht sich nicht ein, dass er als Zwergenmagier und – für zwergische Maßstäbe – sehr
junger Gildenleiter selbst ein Unikum ist.
Äußere Erscheinung
Gewöhnlich trägt Saldor Foslarin nur eine schlichte weiße Magierrobe und hat seinen wallen-
den Bart zu einem praktischen Zopf geflochten. Er tritt auf wie jemand, der gewohnt ist, dass
»Ein Glück, dass ich mein Amt verstehe
Und mit geübtem Blick alles übersehe,
vermag die Faulheit wohl zu kontrollieren
und meine Schüler zum Guten hinzuführen.
Denn ich weiß zu kommandieren,
zu kritisieren und zu terrorisieren,
zu strapazieren, zu drangsalieren,
zu malträtieren und zu schikanieren!
Der Schüler Wohl hab ich stets im Sinn,
wer wüsste nicht, dass ich kein Unmensch bin?
Werte will ich ihnen weisen, die die Jugend leicht
vergisst –
o ich bin klug und weise und weiß, was richtig ist.
Diese ausdrucksvollen Züge,
dieses Aug’ ein Flammenstrahl
künden meines Geistes Siege,
ich bin ein zweiter Rohezal!
Der Körper passt zum Intellekt,
mit einem Wort – ich bin perfekt!«
—Auftrittslied (Auszug) der Spektabilität Grantor
Steinbeißer in dem Singspiel Garether Affären,
1030 BF
Saldor Foslarin
man sofort tut, was er sagt. Aus unruhigen
Augen mustert er seine Umgebung, immer
angespannt und bereit, auf alles loszugehen,
was ihm nicht gefällt. Seine präzisen Bewe-
gungen verraten, dass er ein geübter Kämp-
fer ist.
Zu offiziellen Anlässen wirft sich Foslarin
in Schale – ein Festgewand, auffällige Ma-
gierhüte und extravagantes Schuhwerk sind
Pflicht für ihn – und trägt seinen langen,
dichten Bart offen. Sein Magierstab ist ein
langer Kampfstab, ohne den er sich selten
zeigt. Dazu trägt er ein reich verziertes
Saldor Foslarin wurde 952 BF geboren und
entstammt einer Sippe der Brillantzwerge
aus den Beilunker Bergen. Als Kind musste
er miterleben, wie sein Zwillingsbruder
Galdor von dem Drachen Naugadar getötet
wurde. Der Verlust traf den jungen Zwerg
tief, weckte aber auch seinen Kampfgeist:
Der Drache wurde für ihn zum Sinnbild willkürlich zerstörerisch eingesetzter Macht, des
Übels, das er bis heute mit höchstem persönlichem Einsatz bekämpft.
Die Ausbildung zum Geoden verlief ihm zu langsam, und so entschloss er sich zum Ärger
seiner Familie, die menschliche Magierakademie Schwert und Stab in Beilunk zu besuchen.
Saldors junger Geist wurde dort geformt durch Militarismus und die Vermittlung soldatischer
Tugenden. Talent und Einsatz machten ihn bald zum Assistenten des damaligen Akademielei-
ters Durobius Draken. Spötter brachte der Zwergenmagier durch seine Leistungen in der
Schlacht von Jergan im Boron 987 BF zum Schweigen.
990 BF trat er Drakens Nachfolge als Spektabilität zu Beilunk an, und 1002 BF beerbte Sal-
dor Foslarin seinen Mentor schließlich auch als Gildensprecher des Weißen Pentagramms.
Seitdem hielt er sich derart beharrlich auf dem Posten, dass das Amt des Convocatus Primus
der Weißen Gilde inzwischen mit seinem Namen identisch zu sein scheint.
Unvergessen ist Foslarins mutiger Einsatz bei der Schlacht der 1000 Oger im Praios 1003
BF. Die Tatsache, dass er schon zuvor Galottas Ausschluss aus der Weißen Gilde betrieben
hatte, stärkte nun das Vertrauen der Collegae in sein Urteilsvermögen um so mehr. Als Takti-
ker und Kampfmagier unterstützte er das Mittelreich auch in den kommenden kriegsreichen
Jahren – so auch im Rondra 1020 BF in der Schlacht bei Eslamsbrück und im Ingerimm
1021 BF in der Dritten Dämonenschlacht. Bereits ein halbes Jahr zuvor war Foslarins Aka-
demie von Beilunk nach Gareth umgezogen, da aufgrund eines Arcanum Interdictum inner-
halb des Stadtgebiets von Beilunk keine Magie mehr gewirkt werden durfte.
So war er auch in den folgenden Jahren stets als erster zur Stelle, wenn ein Kampf gegen
Schwarze Magie anstand: Als einer der Gastgeber des Allaventurischen Konvents im Peraine
1027 BF in Gareth gehörte Foslarin zu den ersten, die Galottas Angriff auf die Stadt abzu-
wehren versuchten und im ausbrechenden Jahr des Feuers erneut zu den Rettern des Reiches
Saldor Foslarin
Saldor am Spieltisch
Charakterspiel: Es gibt kein Grau: Alles, was nicht weiß ist, ist schwarz. Wer deine Ansichten
nicht teilt, missachtet die Ordnung des Kosmos, und jeder weiß ja, dass Chaos aus den Nie-
derhöllen kommt! Daher behältst du lieber alle genau im Auge, die mit ‘Individualismus’ und
anderem gefährlichen Unsinn anfangen. Und da gibt es tatsächlich Leute, die behaupten, du
selbst würdest als Zwergenmagier gegen ‘die Regeln’ verstoßen. Unverschämtheit!
Größte Stärke: Seelische Robustheit. Foslarin begreift das Böse nicht, weder das Verführeri-
sche seiner Macht noch die Tragik eines gefallenen Magiers. Daher prallt es an ihm ab. Mehr
als seine zwergische Natur macht ihn sein fest gepanzerter Geist zu einem unverwüstlichen
Kämpfer. Die jahrelangen Kriegserfahrungen haben ihm gelehrt, dass das Böse nicht voll-
ständig vernichtet werden kann. Trotzdem weigert er sich, diese Einsicht als unvermeidlich
anzuerkennen. Unbeirrbar vertraut er darauf, dass jeder Einsatz sinnvoll ist, jedes Opfer als
Held stirbt und der Kampf letzten Endes trotz Niederlagen für die ‘weiße Sache’ entschieden
Größte Schwäche: Berechenbarkeit und Intoleranz. Saldors geradlinige Denkweise macht sein
Handeln vorhersehbar, was Feinden Gelegenheit gibt, gut geplant gegen ihn vorzugehen. Sei-
ne Intoleranz bringt ihn zudem um die Möglichkeit, ungewöhnliche Ideen anderer zu würdi-
gen und zu nutzen – es sei denn, es geht um etwas, was brennt oder explodiert.
Konfliktverhalten: Angriff. Wer Glück hat, wird von Foslarin nur mit einem zornigen Wort-
schwall überschüttet. Andere liegen schon benommen am Boden, ehe sie vor seinem Staban-
griff zurückweichen können. Bevor er Kampfmagie nutzt, wirkt Saldor zunächst eine Kombi-
nation von Schutzzaubern auf sich selbst und seine Verbündeten. Ein besonders schön ge-
formter Feuerball ist das letzte, was viele seiner Gegner jemals sehen.
Saldor Foslarin mustert seinen Gesprächspartner kritisch von unten bis oben, bevor er auch
nur grüßt. Während einer Unterredung zeigt er, dass er in Eile ist, tappt mit seinem Stab auf
den Boden und schneidet seinem Gegenüber das Wort ab, um den Rest des Satzes selbst zu
ergänzen. Auf Fragen reagiert er gereizt, als wäre die Antwort selbstverständlich.
Wenn ihm etwas missfällt, blitzt ein unheilvoller Funke in seinen Augen auf, die letzte War-
nung vor einem seiner gefürchteten Wutanfälle. Gerät er in Zorn, was schnell passiert,
schnappt seine tiefe Stimme über, und sein Gesicht läuft rot an.
—»Schwarze Magie ist wie verschimmeltes Brot: Wer davon kostet, wird krank.«
—»Philosophie ist nur ein anderes Wort für Anmaßung. Wer könnte einem trauen, der die
eigenen läppischen Gedanken über den Ratschluss der Götter stellt? Solche Leute verdienen
keine Zuhörer, die Geißel verdienen sie!«
—»Die jungen Leute zu schonen, würde heißen, sie zu verraten. Dreimal durchs Feuer muss
die Klinge, eh’ ein gutes Schwert draus wird.«
—»Plötzbogen, nicht so viel denken!«
Verwendung im Spiel
—Aufraggeber: Als Auftraggeber eignet sich Saldor am besten für rechtschaffene Gruppen,
die ihre Zuverlässigkeit bereits bewiesen haben. Nach erfülltem Auftrag verteilt er kaum Lob,
hält dafür zahlreiche Verbesserungsvorschläge parat.
—Verbündeter und Retter in der Not: Immer wieder verlässt Saldor Foslarin mit starker
Bedeckung (Weißmagier oder vertraute Helden) seine Akademie und zieht selbst ins Feld.
Doch durch sein offenes Vorgehen ist er ein Verbündeter mit Tücken, der nicht nur den Er-
folg selbst gefährden kann, sondern im Besonderen auch die Helden. Genauso mag er sich
Saldor Foslarin
aber auch im rechten Moment in den Kampf werfen, wenn die Helden einer Übermacht ent-
—Mentor und Lehrmeister: Ausschließlich bei Weißmagiern mit respektablen Verdiensten
ist Saldor Foslarin bereit, diese persönlich zu protegieren, sie in Kampfmagie zu unterrichten
oder sie gar dem Orden der Pfeile des Lichts anzuempfehlen. Bei nichtmagischen Helden, die
sich persönlich einen guten Ruf bei ihm gemacht haben, lässt er sich nicht nehmen, ihnen
einige unvergessliche Stockkampflektionen zu erteilen.
—Konkurrent und Gegenspieler: Die Pfeile des Lichts oder Saldor selbst können mit dem-
selben Ziel unterwegs sein wie die Helden. Statt einer Zusammenarbeit wollen die Weißma-
gier ihre Überlegenheit beweisen. Doch ihr wenig subtiles Vorgehen verschlimmert die Ge-
fahr. Auf Schwarzmagier-Helden hetzt Foslarin die Pfeile des Lichts. Dabei neigt er zur Über-
reaktion. Er sammelt belastendes Material über Forscher und Philosophen aller Gilden und
formuliert schärfer, als es die Fakten rechtfertigten. Für das Verschwinden oder zumindest die
Kenntnis ihrer Akte würden betroffene Magier gut zahlen.
Verbündete und Feinde
—Hauptfrau der Pfeile des Lichts seit 1021 BF und Foslarins direkte Stellvertreterin ist Sagit-
ta da Sambra (*996 BF XXX Neusetzung XXX, athletisch, lange schwarze Haare, unnach-
giebig, AB 122), die die Truppe mit harter, aber gerechter Hand führt. Wer sich bei ihr
durchmogeln will, wird bei Regelübertretungen gnadenlos bestraft. Im Gegensatz zum Con-
vocatus Primus ist es für (ehrbare) Helden recht leicht, mir ihr in Kontakt zu treten.
—Zu Foslarins schärfsten Gegnern gehört der Mirhamer Arkanologe Karjunon Silberbraue
(*946 BF, gebrechlich, stets etwas verlottert, abweisend und stur, Meister der Dämonen
255), den Foslarin einst vor ein Gildengericht brachte und wegen Verbrechen gegen den Co-
dex Albyricus expurgieren ließ. Seitdem veröffentlicht Silberbraue seine wissenschaftlichen
Artikel mit Seitenhieben auf “bestimmte Collegae, die mich für diese Meinung sofort verhaf-
ten ließen, ohne zuvor den Satz zu Ende zu lesen” und ähnlichen Liebenswürdigkeiten. Auch
führen beide eine hitzige ‘Brieffeindschaft’, vor allem in offenen Briefen im Aventurischen
Boten oder dem Salamander.
—Die Spektabilität der Dunklen Halle der Geister zu Brabak Demelioë Nandoniella Terby-
sios (*965 BF, alternde Schönheit, Opportunistin, Invasion der Verdammten 247f.) ist sehr
verärgert, seit Foslarin ihren Abgesandten einst erklärte, sie seien nicht erwünscht – nachdem
sie um die halbe Welt angereist waren. Den Garether Hofmagier Magister Melwyn (Seite
XXX) bezichtigte Saldor bereits der Denunzierung. Auch mit der Fasarer Spektabikität Tho-
meg Atherion (mittleres Alter, kultiviert, Hedonist, Erste Sonne 151) geriet er mehrfach
aneinander. Die Liste ist erweiterbar.
Was andere über Saldor sagen
Absolventin der Garether Akademie: »Beim Stabfechten hat er mir die Nase gebrochen. Acht
Jahre war ich alt, und abends hab ich unter der Decke geheult, so weh tat es! Aber nie wieder
habe ich meine Deckung derart vernachlässigt.«
Karjunon Silberbraue: »Der Zwerg ist gefährlich. Früher oder später werden Unschuldige für
seine Selbstherrlichkeit zahlen – mit ihrem Blut.«
Thomeg Atherion: »Saldor Foslarin – der kürzeste und schlechteste Witz Aventuriens. Muss
ich mehr sagen?«
Der Drache Naugadar*
Seit Jahrzehnten fahndet Saldor Foslarin nach dem Hort Naugadars und zahlt gut für entspre-
Saldor Foslarin
chende Informationen. Er will den Höhlendrachen, der seinen Bruder Galdor getötet hat, zum
Kampf stellen und baut dafür an einer Rüstung aus Stahl und Endurium. Allerdings ist Nau-
gadar schwer zu finden, denn seit Jahrhunderten streunt er quer durch Aventurien.
Um 700 BF wurde der noch junge Drache von Zwergen vertrieben, als er gerade sein erstes
Revier in den Trollzacken besetzen wollte. Die Angreifer kamen zwar ums Leben, doch hat-
ten sie ihm einen Drachentöter ins rechte Auge gerammt. Die abgebrochene Waffe konnte der
Drache nie entfernen, eine Seite seines Kopfes ist obskur überwuchert von einem Klumpen
aus wildem Fleisch. Die Verletzung stört seine Konzentration bei der Anwendung von Magie
und die Genauigkeit seiner Angriffe.
Naugadar gelang es nie, ein neues Revier zu besetzen, immer wieder wurde der Verletzte von
ansässigen Drachen vertrieben. Er ist gezwungen, heimlich in fremden Jagdgebieten zu fres-
sen, und daher meist hungrig. Bisweilen überfällt er nachts auch Viehweiden. Zwerge hasst er
– sobald er Exemplare erspäht, die ihm harmlos erscheinen, greift er an.
Naugadars Schuppen sind dunkelgrau und tarnen ihn auf felsigem Untergrund. Er ist dürr,
sein Schweif zuckt nervös, und sein Körper ist vernarbt von Kämpfen mit anderen Drachen.
Er legt den entstellten Kopf schräg und funkelt sein Gegenüber aus seinem unverletzten Auge
an. Seine Gedankenbilder sind unruhig und von hellen Schmerzblitzen durchzogen.
Blick in die Zukunft
Noch lange wird Aventuriens Magierzunft mit dem unverwüstlichen Foslarin als Convocatus
Primus der Weißen Gilde auskommen müssen. Sein Augenmerk gilt vor allem Paktierern und
Schwarzmagiern der Schwarzen Lande sowie der Ausbildung neuer Pfeile des Lichts.
Saldor Sohn des Sablon aus der Sippe Foslarin
Titel: Convocatus Primus der Weißen Magiergilde (Convocatus), Spektabilität der Akademie
Schwert und Stab zu Gareth (Spektabilität), Großmeister der Pfeile des Lichts (Meister),
Weisheit im Orden vom Auge (Exzellenz)
Wappen: Weißes Pentagramm auf Gold
Geboren: 952 BF
Größe: 1,49 Schritt
Haarfarbe: braun
Augenfarbe: grau
Wichtige Wesenszüge: rechtschaffen, unbeugsam, intolerant, cholerisch
Ziele und Motivation: Bekämpfung und Ausrottung schwarzer Magie
Besonderheiten: gehört zum äußeren Zirkel des Ordens vom Auge und hat Zugang zum Auge
des Morgens; seit der Schlacht der 1000 Oger wird er in wichtigen Angelegenheiten zu den
Stabsbesprechungen des Reichsheeres im Rang einer Oberst-Spektabilität hinzugezogen; Trä-
ger des Pentagramms in Endurium
Verwendung im Spiel: Auftraggeber, Verbündeter und Retter in der Not, Mentor und Lehr-
meister, Gegenspieler, Konkurrent, allgemeines Ärgernis
Wichtige Publikationen: Roman Der Feuertänzer (2006), Kampagne Die Sieben Gezeichne-
ten (2004-2007), Abenteuer Brogars Blut (1998), Abenteuer Schlacht in den Wolken
(2004), Soloabenteuer Himmelsbrand (2009), Spielhilfe Angroschs Kinder (2005), Aben-
teuer Bunte Scherben in Pilgerpfade (2009), Spielhilfe Hallen arkaner Macht (2010)
Kurzcharakteristik: brillanter Kampf- und Schutzmagier
Beziehungen: sehr groß (beim Bund des Weißen Pentagramms SO 16 XXX [mark] neu ge-
setzt, als Träger des Pentagramms in Endurium eigentlich nochmal +2, könnte aber schon mit
Saldor Foslarin
eingerechnet sein XXX), ansehnlich (bei anderen Magiern), hinlänglich unter Zwergen
Finanzkraft: groß
MU 17 KL 15 IN 15 CH 12 FF 16 GE 13 KO 19 KK 15
LE 40 AE 65 KE - AU 25 WS 10 MR 12
Vor- und Nachteile: Arroganz 6, Ausdauernder Zauberer, Eisern, Festgefügtes Denken, Jäh-
zorn 8
Herausragende Talente und Sonderfertigkeiten: Selbstbeherrschung 12, Stäbe 18 (Spezialisie-
rung Magierstab), Lehren 13, Magiekunde 17
Herausragende Zauber und Sonderfertigkeiten: Armatrutz 16, Fortifex 13, Ignifaxius 18,
Ignisphaero 18, Invercano 12, Gardianum 14, Transversalis 12, Fulminictus 16 XXX [mark]
Merkmale Schaden, Eigenschaften, Antimagie, fast alle Schadenszauber meisterlich bis voll-
endet, viele Eigenschafts- und Antimagiesprüche auf meisterlich bis brillant. XXX
Besondere Ausrüstung: Zauberstab
© 2011 K. Ludwig ~ Quelle: wolkenturm.de
| textdata/thevault/Dark Eye, The [multi]/LANG/[DE]/Das Schwarze Auge/013. Inoffizielles Material/001. Spielhilfen/NSC, Archetypen, Namen/Von Rang und Namen/NSC_SaldorFoslarin.pdf |
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison.
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This is an official RPGA® play document. To find out more about the RPGA and to learn more on how you can sanction and run
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game events of all sizes, visit our website at www.rpga.com.
Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc, in the US and other countries. This
material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the
material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This
product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental. © 2005
Wizards of the Coast, Inc and the adventure author or authors.
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VERIntro 5-03
Ruby Falls
Verbobonc Introductory Regional Adventure
Version 1
By William Duvall, Terry Cletcher and Brian Lynn
Cartography by Russell Akred
Triad Edit: Vernon L. Vincent
Rumors speak of a ghost who gives out rubies. Is this true or just a gnomish prank? A merchant is looking for
adventurers to find out this answer. This is a two-round Verbobonc Introductory regional adventure for first-level
characters only.
Most likely you ordered this adventure as part of an
RPGA even from the RPGA website, or you received it
from your senior gamemaster. To play this adventure as
worldwide, ongoing D&D campaign set in the
GREYHAWK setting—you must sanction it as part of an
RPGA event. This event could be as elaborate as a big
convention, or as simple as a group of friends meeting at
the DM’s house.
To sanction an RPGA event, you must be at least a
HERALD-LEVEL gamemaster. The person who sanctions
the event is called the senior gamemaster, and is in
charge of making sure the event is sanctioned before
play, runs smoothly on the date sanctioned, and then
reported back to the RPGA in a timely manner. The
person who runs the game is called the table DM (or
usually just DM). Sometimes (and almost all the time in
the cases of home events) the senior gamemaster is also
the table DM. You don’t have to be a HERALD-LEVEL
GM to run this adventure if you are not the senior GM.
To learn more about the LIVING GREYHAWK
character creation and development, RPGA event
sanctioning, and DUNGEONS & DRAGONS REWARDS,
visit the RPGA website at www.rpga.com.
If you are planning on playing this adventure, stop
reading now. The rest of the information in this
adventure is for the DM only. If you read farther than
this section, you’ll know too much about its challenges,
which kills the fun. Also, if you’re playing this
adventure as part of an RPGA-sanctioned event, reading
beyond this point makes you ineligible to do so.
To get the most out of this adventure, you need copies
of the following D&D books: Player’s Handbook,
Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual.
Throughout this adventure, text in bold italics
provides player information for you to paraphrase or
read aloud when appropriate. Sidebars contain
important information for you, including special
instruction on running the adventure. Information on
non-player characters (NPCs) and monsters appear in
information on NPCs and monsters are given in
Appendix 1.
Along with this adventure you’ll find a RPGA Table
Tracking sheet. If you’re playing this adventure as part
of an RPGA-sanctioned event, complete and turn in
this sheet to your senior GM directly after play. You’ll
also find a LIVING GREYHAWK Adventure Record (AR).
Because players bring their own characters LIVING
GREYHAWK games, this adventure’s challenges are
proportionate to the modified average character level of
the PCs participating in the adventure. To determine
this modified Average Party Level (APL) follow the
steps below:
Determine the character level for each of the
PCs participating in the adventure.
If PCs bring animals that have been trained for
combat (most likely dogs trained for war),
other than those brought by virtue of a class
ability (such as animal companions, familiars
paladin’s mounts) or the warhorse of a
character with the Mounted Combat feat, use
the sidebar chart to determine the number of
levels you add to the sum of step one. Add
each character’s animals separately. A single PC
may only bring four or fewer animals of this
type, and animals with different CRs are added
Sum the results of step 1 and 2, and divide by
the number of characters playing in the
adventure. Round up to the nearest whole
If you are running a table of six PCs, add one
to that average.
Throughout this adventure, APLs categorize the level of
challenge the PCs face. APLS are given in even-
numbered increments. If the APL of your group falls on
an odd number, ask them before the adventure begins
whether they would like to play a harder or easier
adventure. Based on their choice, use either the higher
or the lower adjacent APL.
APL also affects the amount of experience and gold
a PC can gain at the end of the adventure. If a player
character is three character levels or more either higher
or lower than the APL at which this adventure is being
played, that character receives only one-half of the
experience points and gold for the adventure. This
simulates the fact that either the PC was not challenged
as much as normal or relied on help by higher-level
characters to reach the objectives.
VERIntro5-03: Rubyfalls
Page 1
Furthermore, a PC who is four or more levels
higher than the highest APL supported by the
adventure may not play the adventure.
LIVING GREYHAWK adventures are designed for
APL 2 and higher. Four or five 1st-level characters may
find the challenge of an APL 2 adventure difficult.
Suggest the following to these groups to help increase
their chances of success:
Enlist a sixth player.
Advise characters to buy riding dogs to help
protect them, and fight for them.
This is an introductory event and may only be played
by first level characters.
Time Units and Upkeep
This is a standard two-round regional introductory
adventure, set in Verbobonc. Characters native to
Verbobonc pay one Time Unit per round, all others pay
two Time Units per round. Adventurer’s Standard
Upkeep costs 12gp per round. Rich Upkeep costs 50gp
per round. Luxury Upkeep costs 100gp per round.
Verbobonc Town Project
Portions of this adventure take place in the town of
Ruby Falls, which is part of the Verbobonc Town
Project. Characters with Citizen of Ruby Falls
certificates receive the benefits listed there for this
adventure. See Appendix Two: History of Ruby Falls
for more information on this town.
The judge is also encouraged to visit the Ruby Falls
Yahoo discussion group at:
The discussion group has additional resources that will
prove helpful in detailing the portions of the town not
covered in this scenario.
Adventure Background
Long ago the hamlet of Rubyfalls fell prey to an evil
creature. The creature, a vicious demon with the name
of Xarjent, feasted on all matter of beast within the
Gnarley forest, but his favorite was gnomish children.
Fortunately Garl Glittergold answered his clerics’ pleas
for help and sent a mighty gnome warrior by the name
of Tumblebelly atop a golden wolverine to vanquish
the demon. The battle lasted for hours and finally
concluded in the cave behind the waterfall of Rubyfalls.
The wolverine was the first to die as it forced the hero
out of the way of a killing blow. The demon and the
hero then charged each other for what would be there
final act. The blood of all within the cave flowed from
the cave into the waterfall and gave the water a ruby
hue. A golden beam of light then came from the sky
and sealed the cave forever. Many have tried to gain
access to the cave but all have failed. From time to
time when the sun shines its final light, villagers have
seen the ghost of the gnome hero within the falls. The
ghost has been known to hand out rubies to the brave
souls that reach out to the ghost. Most of the rubies
disappear by the next morning’s light, though a few
have been rumored to remain permanent.
Cult of Xarjent
The cult is dedicated to bringing back Xarjent.
Xarjent’s eldest son Onynxe leads the cult of Xarjent.
Onynxe could care less about his father’s return, but
would love to gain access to his father’s items that are
sealed behind the mouth of the cave. Onynxe’s two
lieutenants, Erazuz and Abzxat hate each other and
they constantly strive to outdo each other. Both have
been charged to find a way into the cave.
Erazuz has recently discovered an ancient ritual
requiring the blood of six gnomish infants. Erazuz has
no idea as to what the ritual will produce, but he is
hopeful it will give him some insight.
Abzxat has learned of Erazuz’s plan and has already
taken steps to spoil it. Abzxat thinks that the rubies
are a clue to the key, but he will need a good aligned
person to retrieve one. Abzxat figures that he can find
a group of good aligned adventurers to go to Rubyfalls.
He will clue them in to the gnomish infant
disappearances in hope that they will foil Erazuz’s plan.
He figures that if this happens, the ghost will reward
them with a ruby.
Adventure Summary
The adventure starts out in the hamlet of Taymouth.
The party is hired by Wendell the merchant (Abzxat)
to travel to Rubyfalls and investigate the rumors of a
ghost who hands out magical rubies and to bring him
rubies if the rumor is true. Two days away from
Rubyfalls, the party comes to the rescue of a courier
that is under attack by orcs. One day away from
Rubyfalls, it starts to rain hard and the party is forced to
spend the night in a cave. Unfortunately the cave is the
home to a darkmantle who is hungry and tries to eat the
party. The party arrives in town the following
afternoon. Upon arriving they are greeted by the town
VERIntro5-03: Rubyfalls
Page 2
Fuzzysnoot, a gnomish woman approaches them and
tells them that her infant son was kidnapped.
Fuzzysnoot tells the party that this makes 5 kidnappings
in the last 2 days. He asks the party to investigate in
exchange for a free night’s stay at Fall’s Inn. Upon
investigating the gnomish woman’s house, the party
finds a letter in Draconic. Upon deciphering the letter
they find out that Erazuz has ordered the kidnapping of
six gnomish infants and plans a dire ritual. The gnomish
woman tells them of one other gnomish family that has
a newborn. Just before the party arrives to the other
family’s house, they are ambushed by kobolds. After
the party defeats the kobolds, they learn that the ritual
is going on at sunset. The party is too late to stop the
ritual. They are however attacked by more kobolds for
their trouble.
Your travels in Verbobonc have taken you northeast
along the Low Road, which runs adjacent to the
mighty Velverdyva River. With the exception of
seeing an occasional Rhennee Barge and the presence
of the Mounted Borderer patrols, all is uneventful.
Early one morning your journey has brought you to
the hamlet of Taymouth. Hungrily you make your
way to the Tays’s Creek Inn. The smell of freshly
cooked bacon and eggs greets you as you enter.
A middle-aged woman hastily seats the adventurers at
the same table. Allow the adventurers to introduce
each other.
Encounter One: A Proposition
A middle aged man wearing fine merchant garb
approaches your table and states that he is in need of
adventurers and offers to pay for your breakfast in
exchange for listening to his proposition.
Wendell waits for the party to agree before sitting
down. Wendell is actually Abzxat (Male Half-Fiend
Sor 8). He has established himself as a merchant in
Taymouth for three weeks now. Abzxat wears a hat of
disguise and is currently under an undetectable
alignment spell.
“My name is Wendell, I am a merchant who has a
fascination for fine jewels and gems. I was recently
talking to a young woman by the name of Ulna who
was traveling to Verbobonc city from her home in
Rubyfalls. She told me tales of ghosts, gnomes and
magical rubies. I tried to loosen her tongue with a bit
of Elven Wine, but she politely refused wanting only
clean water in a clean glass. Anyway to make a long
story short, I have several responsibilities that
prevent me from traveling to Rubyfalls myself. I
would like to hire you to travel to Rubyfalls and to
investigate this strange tale. If the tale proves true
and not some gnomish prank to attract visitors, I will
pay you each 200gp for a magical ruby. If the tale
proves to be false, then return and I will pay you for
your time. So what do you say?
If the party does not agree, Wendell (Abzxat) will
thank the party, pay for their rooms and meals and wish
them a pleasant day.
Assuming the party accepts, Wendell (Abzxat) will
thank the party, pay for their rooms and meals and
answer any questions that they may have.
Some questions the characters are likely to ask include:
What are your responsibilities?
I am responsible for ensuring the accuracy of
inventory and the timeliness of shipments from
Taymouth to Verbobonc City.
What types of shipments?
Oh, many different types, but mostly exotic herbs and
How do we get to Ruby Falls? Do you have a map?
Wendell provides the party with Player Handout #1.
Can you arrange transportation for us to Rubyfalls?
Unfortunately, all of our boats and mounts are in use
at the moment by Jensen’s Runners at the moment.
The soonest they would be available to head to
Rubyfalls would be next week.
Listen, we really need some getting-started money. Can
you give us an advance?
If pressed, Wendell (Abzxat) will agree to pay the party
50gp up front.
A successful Gather Information check (DC 5) on
Wendell reveals that everyone vouches for him and
confirms his information.
Encounter Two: The Causeway
Any character that is awake at dawn will notice that all
of the birds fall silent for a few moments. It is
unknown as to why they do this. The party will have
to travel southeast to get to the River Road (Low
Road). From there they will have to cross a stone
VERIntro5-03: Rubyfalls
Page 3
causeway that fords Tays Creek. The causeway is
submerged six inches.
After a great rest and even greater meal, you travel
southeast out of town until you reach River Road
(Low Road). As you approach Tays creek, you notice
that there is not a bridge. You will have to cross a
stone causeway that is submerged about six inches.
The causeway is 30 feet across. Each person must make
a DC 12 Balance check to travel half of their normal
movement in one round. If they fail their roll by 4 or
less, they are unable to move that round. If they fail
their roll by 5 or more, then they fall and are carried 10
feet downstream into a two-foot pool. From there the
characters are able to cross normally, but they will be
soaking wet. Character with movement rates of 20 or
less will have to make more than one roll.
Encounter Three: When Orcs
It is roughly 75 miles from Taymouth to Rubyfalls. This
encounter happens 2 days away from Rubyfalls.
You have been traveling all day with nothing to see
but the mighty Velverdyva River to your left and the
Great Gnarly Forest to your right. Just when you are
rounding a corner in the road, you notice up ahead
four orcs chasing a teenage boy atop a riding horse.
The horse and rider are 40 feet away and the orcs are 60
feet away.
APL 2 (EL 2)
� Orcs (4) See Monster Manual
If the party wins, the rider will return. He thanks the
heroes and introduces himself as Tom. Tom tells the
party that he works for Jensen’s Runners and that he
was delivering an inventory list from Dyvers to
Verbobonc City.
Encounter Four: The Cave
This encounter should occur one day away from
The dark clouds have hid the sun most of this day.
As the wind picks up, you know that it can only mean
one thing. You feel a few drops come down and for a
while it is tolerable, but if starts to quicken as you
look for shelter.
There is a small cave in a hill to the right just inside the
tree line. Inside the cave the party sees that they could
light a fire to stay warm and that there is only one
defendable entrance. On a successful Spot Check (DC
20), they will notice 4 stalactites. A successful
Knowledge [Dungeoneering] check (DC 16) reveals that
something is not quite right about the fourth stalactite.
Finally, a DC 16 Knowledge [Arcana] check reveals this
monster to be a darkmantle.
If more than one person leaves the cave, the darkmantle
will cause darkness and attack. Otherwise it will wait
till more than one person is lying down then it will
cause darkness and attack.
APL 2 (EL 1)
Darkmantle (1) See Monster Manual
Encounter Five: A Cry for
After walking most of the day in the thick mud from
last night’s hard rain, you finally make it to
Rubyfalls a couple of hours past the noonday’s sun.
As you come off the River Road (Low Road) and
cross over a bridge onto Main Street, you can see the
falls to your left. In front of the falls is a small island
with what appears to be two statues. A little ways
from the falls you can see a building with a sign
reading Fall’s Inn and Tavern. Eager to take the load
off your feet and get some warm food in your belly
you make your way to the Inn.
You are quickly seated next to the fireplace with a
mug of cold ale and a plate of warm food. The only
other customer is a well-dressed gnome sitting by
himself at a small table in the corner.
The bartender, a halfling named Varian, asks the group
if they are here to visit Ghost Island. If so, Varian tells
them that Ghost Island is the Wonder of Rubyfalls. He
explains that Ghost Island is more then a historical site;
it is what brings the townspeople together in times of
trouble. He will also briefly tell them the town’s
history (see Appendix Two: The History of Rubyfalls).
If asked about the statues, he will tell them that they
are a tribute to the Gnomish warrior and his mount.
If asked about Ghosts or Rubies, he will tell them that
he has heard many of the tales, but never has he seen
them himself.
Halfway through your meal the door to the Inn slams
open. In walks a gnomish woman with tears in her
eyes. The well-dressed gnome stands up and walks
to her. “What is wrong Owgar?” The woman looks
up to him and says, “Lanook, my daughter is
VERIntro5-03: Rubyfalls
Page 4
missing. I put her in her cradle and left only for a
minute, when I had returned she was gone.” Upon
hearing this Lanook turns pale. He eyes your group
and tells her to wait there. The gnomish man walks
to your table and introduces himself. “Greetings
travelers and welcome to Rubyfalls. My name is
Lanook Fuzzysnoot, town spokesmen in the absence
of the mayor. I am in dire need of your help. Over
the past two days, a total of five gnomish infants
have been kidnapped. The town guard and I have
been unable to find any clues whatsoever. Surely a
fine young group of adventurers such as yours would
have no problems in getting to the bottom of this. I
can only offer you free stay in the Inn and free meals
while you are looking into the matter… and of course
my gratitude. Will you go to Owgar’s home and see
if you might find a clue to this unfortunate crime?
Lanook (male, gnome Brd 2) waits patiently for their
If the party says no, then Lanook looks disappointed
but thanks them for their time. The adventure is over
and the party is unable to retrieve any rubies. The
group may return to Taymouth but will be unable to
find Wendell (Abzxat). Abzxat will have learned of
the group’s failure and will be looking for a new group
of adventurer’s under a different disguise.
If the party says yes, then Lanook will look quite
pleased and thank them. Owgar will then take them to
her home.
Encounter Six: Scene of the
The characters will arrive at Owgar’s burrow with
about two hours left of sunlight.
Owgar’s home is actually a burrow at the base of a
giant oak tree. You soon realize that anyone larger
than a gnome would probably have to crawl to get
Searching the baby’s cradle (Search DC 12) will reveal a
small scale in the folds of the baby’s blanket. Knowledge
[Nature] (DC 12) reveals this to be a kobold scale.
A search outside the house (Search DC 15) will reveal a
leather pouch that had been dropped. Inside the pouch
is a letter (Player Handout #2.)
Upon hearing or reading the contents of the letter,
Owgar will inform the party that there is only one other
gnomish family with a newborn, the Greenbottoms.
She will quickly give the group directions to their
Encounter Seven: Ambush
Erazuz is aware that someone may be tracking him, so
he has left a small group of kobolds in the last gnome
home to attack whoever it may be.
Following Owgar’s directions it takes about an hour
to get to the gnomish family’s home. Everything
seems fine as you near the small burrow until…
Have the characters make Spot checks (DC 16) with
failure indicating that they are surprised by the kobolds
that come out of hiding by slinging rocks for their
surprise round. Any characters that approach the
kobolds have a chance of setting off the pit traps.
APL 2 (EL 3)
� Camouflaged Pit Trap (2): CR 2; mechanical;
location trigger; manual reset; DC 20 Reflex save avoids;
10 ft. deep (1d6, fall); Search Dc 24; Disable Device DC
20. Market value 1,300 gp each.
� Kobolds (4): See Monster Manual
Once the party defeats the kobolds, they will find the
gnomish parents tied up in the burrow. The parents
will tell the party that the kobolds mentioned
something about taking the children to the falls.
Encounter Eight: The Final
No matter what happens, the party will be unable to
stop the ritual. They can however save the children.
As the day’s last light fades, you near the bridge to
Ghost Island. You can make out what appears to be
five kobolds standing above 6 tiny figures and a
black-scaled kobold floating in the air by the falls
edge next to the two statues. With a final somatic
gesture the black-scaled figure splashes a golden
chalice towards the falls allowing a red-tinted liquid
to merge with the flowing water. A bright red flash
blinds you for only a second. When your sight
returns you can see the figure turn in the air to face
towards your group. He now has what appears to be
a scepter of some kind. “Slay them and feed the
gnomish vermin to the falls.” With that he vanishes.
Erazuz (male, half-dragon Clr 8) has recalled back to his
lair to study the scepter that appeared. The gnomish
infants are at –1hp. Check for stability at the end of
every round.
APL 2 (EL 3)
VERIntro5-03: Rubyfalls
Page 5
� Kobolds (4): See Monster Manual
� Vex: hp 7; see Appendix One
After all of the kobolds are dead or defeated and after
the babies have been saved, the Ghost of the Gnomish
Hero walks out of the falls.
Now that the battle is over and the gnomish children
are safe, you take the time to enjoy the view of the
falls and of the two statues. The first statue is of a
large wolverine. The second statue is of a man-sized
gnome wielding a battle-axe. You notice a golden orb
appear out of the waterfall and slowly move towards
the statues. The orb touches the gnomish statue and
the statue’s eyes open. A calm feeling comes over you
as you feel your wounds heal. Still glowing gold and
without any words the statue reaches out and places
a small ruby in each of your hands. You hear a
strong voice in your head say, “I have a feeling that
one day you will need this.” The statue looks down
at the gnomish infants as you hear the voice tell you,
“You are now the heroes of Rubyfalls.” Suddenly the
presence is gone as you hear many footsteps
Lanook and the town guard have arrived. Lanook
thanks you as he directs the guardsmen to return the
children to their parents. The next day is a day of
celebration as the town throws a great feast in the
party’s honor. That night the party is approached by
Lanook and a bard by the name of Shieldheart who asks
the party what their intentions with the ruby is.
Now the group must make a decision. The choices are:
1) Return to Taymouth and claim their reward
from Wendell. If this is the case, Lanook and
Shieldheart will inform the group that their
spy’s have informed them that Wendell is not
who he claims to be and that he is actually an
agent of evil. Shieldheart offers to pay the
party for the ruby. If the party refuses this
offer, go to number 2.
2) The party keeps the ruby, unfortunately it
disappears with the next day’s light.
Experience Point Summary
To award experience for this adventure, add up the
values for the objectives accomplished. Then assign the
experience award. Award the total value (objectives
plus role-playing) to each character.
Encounter One
If the party accepts the proposal
Encounter Two
Successfully navigating the causeway
Encounter Three
Defeating the orcs
Encounter Four
Defeating the darkmantle
Encounter Five
Investigate the missing children
Encounter Six
Find and decipher the letter
Encounter Seven
Defeat the kobolds
Encounter Eight
Save the children
Story Award
Good role-playing and combat heroics
Total possible experience
Treasure Summary
During an adventure, characters encounter treasure,
usually finding it in the possession of their foes. Every
encounter that features treasure has a “treasure” section
within the encounter description, giving information
about the loot, coins, and magic items that make up the
encounter’s treasure.
The loot total is the number of gold pieces each character
gains if the foes are plundered of all their earthly
possessions. Looting the bodies takes at least 10 minutes
per every 5 enemies, and if the characters cannot take the
time to loot the bodies, they do not gain this gold. If you
feel it is reasonable that characters can go back to loot the
bodies, and those bodies are there (i.e., not carted off by
dungeon scavengers, removed from the scene by the local
watch, and so on), characters may return to retrieve loot.
If the characters do not loot the body, the gold piece
value for the loot is subtracted from the encounter totals
given below.
The coin total is the number of gold pieces each character
gains if they take the coin available. A normal
adventuring party can usually gather this wealth in a
round or so. If for some reason, they pass up this
treasure, the coin total is subtracted from the encounter
totals given below.
VERIntro5-03: Rubyfalls
Page 6
Next, the magic items are listed. Magic item treasure is
the hardest to adjudicate, because they are varied and
because characters may want to use them during the
adventure. Many times characters must cast identify,
analyze dweomer or similar spell to determine what the
item does and how to activate it. Other times they may
attempt to use the item blindly. If the magic item is
consumable (a potion, scroll, magic bolts, etc.) and the
item is used before the end of the adventure, its total is
subtracted from the adventure totals below.
Once you have subtracted the value for unclaimed
treasure from each encounter add it up and that is the
number of gold pieces a characters total and coin value
increase at the end of the adventure. Write the total in
the GP Gained field of the adventure certificate. Because
this is a Regional scenario, characters may spend
additional Time Units to practice professions or create
items immediately after the adventure so this total may
be modified by other circumstances.
L = Looted gear from enemy; C = Coin, Gems,
Jewelry, and other valuables; M = Magic Items.
Encounter One: Introduction
If pushed Wendell will pay an advance 0-50gp
Encounter Three:
The Orcs equipment 100 gp.
Encounter Seven:
The Kobolds’ equipment 100 gp.
Encounter Eight:
The Kobolds’ equipment
100 gp.
Sell Ruby to Shieldheart:
Shieldheart pays the party
150-200 gp.
Total Possible GP:
VERIntro5-03: Rubyfalls
Page 7
Appendix One: NPCs
Encounter Seven
Vex, male kobold Sor2: CR 2; ECL 2; Medium-size
Humanoid (kobold); HD 2d4; hp 13; Init +2; Spd 30
ft; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Melee unarmed strike -1 (1d3-1);
SA spells; SQ light sensitivity, summon familiar; AL
LE; SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +4; Str 8 (-1), Dex 14
(+2), Con 10, Int 12 (+1), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 16 (+3).
Skills and Feats: Knowledge [Arcana] +6, Knowledge
[Planes] +3, Listen +1, Spellcraft +6, Spot +2;
Spells Known (4/2; base DC = 13 + spell level): 0 –
daze, detect magic, ray of frost, read magic; 1st – mage
armor, magic missile.
Possessions: Sacrificial dagger.
Light Sensitivity: Kobolds are dazzled in bright
sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell. A
dazzled creature takes a –1 penalty on attack rolls,
Spot checks, and search checks.
Familiar: Toad - +3 hp
VERIntro5-03: Rubyfalls
Page 8
Appendix Two: History of Rubyfalls
Ruby Falls is a small village located between the Kron
Hills and the Gnarley Forrest. Although the town is
mostly made up of gnomes, there is a good deal of
humans and dwarves as well. The town is known for
its copper mine, lumber and friendly people. Ruby
Falls welcomes all strangers of all races. Normally the
mayor is out of town building relations with other
towns. When the mayor is gone, Daviot the Half-Orc
leads the town in its day-to-day activities. The main
attraction to this humble town is not the fine ale and
beautiful gnomish women. Nay, it is the tale of Ruby
Falls. The town’s only landmark is a waterfall on the
northern edge of the village. This is the tale that
brings the travelers to the remote village.
In the year 567 CY, or so the story goes, the gnomish
villages in the Kron Hills were the targets of some
unknown evil. The evil, a hideous creature of
unstoppable power, would steal into the homes of
the villager and kidnap their children, leaving the
grieving parents behind. Any who got in the way
were killed. With each visit, the evil grew stronger.
The Gnomish clerics met together in a village on the
eastern side of the Kron Hills. After prayer and
fasting, they petitioned their gods for help and
intercession. On the fifth day, a vision appeared to
the youngest gnome cleric at the gathering. He saw
the Kron Hills before him. One of the hills southwest
of the village raised itself up on what appeared to be
four horse's legs. The hill became real bright,
reflecting the evening sun as it came closer and closer
to the village. On the right side of the hill was what
appeared to be a flickering streak of silver lightning,
as if the hill were waving a sword. As it got closer to
the village, another hill, reddish-brown in color,
appeared in the village and started to destroy
buildings and crops, killing some of the Gnomish
inhabitants. The hill opened up and swallowed two
children, and then when it noticed the shining hill, it
ran east. The reddish-brown hill stopped at a
waterfall that tumbles from a stream that borders the
Kron Hills and the Gnarley Forest, and the shining
hill fought the reddish-brown hill. With each boulder
the reddish-brown hill threw at the shining hill, the
shining hill broke them to pieces. Finally, the shining
hill charged the reddish-brown hill and pushed it into
the waterfall. The falls turned red, the reddish-brown
hill being destroyed and the shining hill turning into
The next day, the evil attacked the village. After it
destroyed several more buildings and a couple of
fields of crops, it attacked the small contingent of
militia that had gathered to fight it. Many of the
militia died in the fight, but the evil was severed
wounded. Looking to flee, it grabbed two nearby
children that had gathered to watch the conflict.
From out of the southwest a tall gnome, wearing
gleaming full plate armor and riding a huge golden
wolverine, rode into the village. The armor was
emblazoned with three rubies on the breast of the
armor. In both hands, the gnome bore a great double-
bladed axe. The evil and this unknown warrior
stopped at the base of a waterfall that issued forth
from a stream that flowed from between the Kron
Hills and the Gnarley Forest. Casting aside the
children, the evil attacked the gnome with the full
fury of its might, but the warrior parried and
deflected each attack.
Finally, the warrior and his steed charged the evil,
driving it back into the sheet of the waterfall. As the
evil stumbled against the onslaught, the gnome swung
his axe and cut deeply into the chest of the evil.
Knowing that his reign of terror was over, the evil
pulled the gnome and his steed into the waterfall
with it. As he did, the flow of water turned deep red.
Though the body of the gnome warrior and his steed
were found, the evil was not. They were buried in the
cave behind the waterfall, as a testimony to their
stand and the site on which they fell.
Since that day, the evil has been gone from the land.
Occasionally, or so the tale goes, on certain bright and
clear sunset evenings by the waterfalls, there appears
to be a figure in shining armor on a huge wolverine in
the waters of the waterfall. They appear to turn and
ride into the falls, and once again the falls sparkle
with what appear to be drops of blood. It is also at
this time that some say that a ruby will appear in the
hand of those that reach into the falls to shake the
hand of the warrior that saved the gnome villages
from the evil.
While some scholars attribute the evil to the
depredations of the first rising of the Temple of
Elemental Evil, others are not so sure.
VERIntro5-03: Rubyfalls
Page 9
Player Handout #1
VERIntro5-03: Rubyfalls
Page 10
Player Handout #2
Bring to me six gnomish infants from the
cursed town of Rubyfalls. I have need of their
blood for a ritual most vile. This will surely put
me in favor with Onynxe over that dretch
Erazuz, Faithful of Onynxe.
VERIntro5-03: Rubyfalls
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| textdata/thevault/Living Greyhawk/Modules/Veluna/592/Normal Scenarios/VEL2-04 - Spectre of Lorridges (APL 2-6)/VEL2-04 - Spectre of Lorridges cert.pdf |
This certificate certifies that
A character played by
____________________________________ ________________ ___________ ________
Signature of Player RPGA Number Date AR
Has fulfilled the requirements for membership in this Verbobonc regional metaorganization.
Membership must be renewed annually at the beginning of each calendar year. Please keep all previous
certificates of membership together along with this one so an accurate account of your membership can be
made in the event of an audit.
___________________________________ ___________________ __________________________
Signature of DM RPGA Number Date
and RPGA are registered trademarks of Wizards of the
Coast, Inc. LIVING GREYHAWK is a trademark of
Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
The Riverwalk Society
The Riverwalk Society has been established only recently by Master Bard Sovonich of Rhyne-
hurst. The Society is dedicated to furthering arts and culture within Verbobonc, as well as pre-
serving the lore of this fair land. Its symbol is a white silhouette of a lark flying above a field of
A Song for Dinner: Riverwalk Society members maintain their lifestyle by performing. An Maestro receives Rich lifestyle for
The Silver Tongue: Riverwalk members learn that successful artists must be social and willing to perform anywhere. Maestros
gain a +4 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Perform skill checks. Furthermore, they receive a +2
circumstance bonus on Bardic Knowledge checks.
Access to the Societies Private Collection : Riverwalk members gain access to the Riverwalk Society’s private library. While pri-
marily a place of research, the members use it socialize as well. A Maestro that attempts a Bardic Knowledge check while
here receives a +4 circumstance bonus. Furthermore, Maestros have access to the Greyhawk regional feat Blackmoorian
Tool of the Trade: Maestros receive a masterwork musical instrument. This instrument enhances their Bardic Music ability as
detailed in Complete Adventurer.
Must be a resident of Verbobonc
6 Ranks Diplomacy
12 Ranks Perform
7 TU annually composing new works
Dues: 30gp annually
Must have the ability to perform Bardic
Must have been an Artiste for at least 6
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The Vosser Clan Page 1
Gandalin the Grey,
Seeker of Information – Fireseek, 593CY
1. Pre-history
In the area of the Flanaess around the Yatil
Mountains, the Oeridians ran into the Flan of
historical Perrenland. In most parts of the
continent the Oeridians had conquered quickly
and fully; around the Yatils the results were
very different. Despite being driven from some
lowland territories, the Flan continued to
dominate the bulk of the Yatil and Clatspur
Mountains, absorbing the few Oeridian tribes
than penetrated that far and successfully
resisting the invaders who had overran the
lowlands. The result was an essentially pure
Flan people in the mountains of Perrenland, and
Oeridian tribes in the Feronwold and the lands
around Schwarzenbruin, Traft, and in Krestible.
2. The Clan
The Vosser are of Flan descent. They have
guarded the Velverdyva river pass since before
written history. Their fortified clan capital of
Koetheim has been a place of traditional
resistance in Perrenland, holding out against
both the Aerdi invasion and subsequent
occupation from 97 CY as well as the armies of
Iggwilv in the 480s.
Predominantly found within the Yatils in
southern Perrenland and dominant within
Quagfludt canton, this Hooglander clan is less
abrasive than their Roodberg neighbours. A
Vosser clansman is more likely to live and let
live, preferring to ignore the foibles of other.
clansfolk are known for their swift and
determined retribution. One way to annoy a
Vosser clansman is to call him a Laaglander.
The Vossers are a mountain clan and proud of
it! Folk of the Vosser clan are more family
oriented than the Roodbergs and have a strong
family identity. Likewise they form firm and
lasting friendships – Vosser clansfolk who join
mercenary bands usually join for life and the
band becomes their family.
3. Non-human involvement in
Clan Life
Before the concatenation, many nomads and
refugees travelled through many parts of
Perrenland. Large numbers of them wandered
into the mountains – some found death and
destruction – others found homes and began to
maintain meagre subsistence lifestyles. Those
who found villages and became part of the
scattered settlements soon proved their worth
with their industry and efforts – no mean task
with the stern and proud Vosser clans.
Acceptance meant that non-humans and others
became part of the clan, especially when
fighting began and major villains were about to
Vorstammann declared that ANY non-human
who wanted to live within Vosser clan laws
could become a clansman.
By the time of Perren, many non-humans were
already Vosser clansmen. Their new skills,
foods and outlooks added to the Vossers, whilst
life with the Vossers was predictable and firm.
The Vosser Clan Page 2
At the time of the concatenation, Vosser clans
were already multi-racial - dwarves, elves, half-
elves, halflings, half-orcs, gnomes and humans
made up the clan – faced clan enemies together
– and voted together to decide their futures.
Today a Vosser clansman may be of any race or
half race that is imaginable. Whilst a stern group
of clansmen, Vossers will accept all that accept
their standards (generally Lawful Good) and
who work to assist their clansmen. Whilst they
are never honorary humans (a demeaning title)
they are Vosser clansmen and that is far more
Vosser clan membership allows all members
equal status and acceptance – woe betide the
outsider who demeans a Vosser – after all the
Vosser motto “Touch not the cat bot a glove”
reveals the intensity that protects and nurtures
Vosser clansmen.
Clan numbers are not easy to determine. Many
claim the Vosser clan is the largest clan in
Perrenland (Patenji, 593CY). Others are not so
sure and point to the continuous Roodberg
conflict as a reason for lower numbers
(Bucktoof, 593CY). We do know that the clan
probably has far more non-human members than
any other, possibly in the order of 9 000 to 10
4. The Sub-Clans
Within the Vosser held (western) half of the
canton, each sub-clan has major responsibility
for the lands, growth and
development of their own
sub-cantonal area.
The Höndvoet occupy
the central area, basically
the central third of the
western side of the canton
– This sub-clan has a
magnificent Dwarven built cavern that they use
as a castle. It is beautifully designed, many
hundreds of years old and is ideal as a defensive
position. It backs on to extensive Dwarven
mining areas that go into the hills behind it and
most of the metals, coal etc come through this
fort. This family, therefore, has a close affinity
with dwarves, and has learnt a lot of their
rockwork and mining skills. This cavern has
NEVER been seen by anyone outside the
Vosser clan, and its associated dwarves.
According to legend, if you go far enough
through the caverns, you'll eventually reach the
canton of Krestible. Fortunately, only the
Hondvoet's know this and none of them really
remember the way! This is also the location of
the Vosser School of Defence - outsiders have
access through another passage, and have never
seen the main cavern.
The sept numbers around 9 000 humans, and
roughly 650 – 700 of each of the non-human
races for a total of around 13 000 souls.
The Körtbénen occupy the
southern area, especially the
narrow passes between the
fortress is well built, and can
actually close the entire river
to access from the south if required. This family
has an affinity with the forest elves from the
Vesve Forest who use it as a trading outlet for
Elven goods. This family operates some fast
river craft, and a couple of transport barges, so
they also maintain a small port. They can also
run you down to Highfolk if you would like!
The sept numbers around 6 500 humans, and
roughly 500 of each of the non-human races for
a total of around 9 500 clansmen.
The Roodhand occupy the
northern area, up near the base
of the lake. This family is a
major water power - they have
transport ships, a large port,
warehouses etc, run fast lake
vessels, a large fishing fleet
and have three warships (these
“warships” are about the size of the Zee-
Auszugen Ice Skimmers) to protect their
The Vosser Clan Page 3
interests. As the traditional controllers of one
end of the lake they are in a powerful position.
They have an affinity with the aquatic elves
which are the custodians of Lake Quag,
although they keep this information pretty much
to themselves. It is usually their vessels that
allow fast access to the three lake towns,
Schwarzenbruin, Traft and Ungra Balan.
This sept numbers around 6 000 humans, and
roughly 300 – 350 of each of the non-human
races for a total of around 8 000.
One informant told me that another Vosser sept
exists. According to her, the Fellkatz occupy
the more unapproachable areas of Claspurgen
Canton. Their largest settlement of Katzberg
numbers abut 1 600 very hardy souls. The sept
numbers total about 8 000, mainly humans, but
with small numbers of Grey Elves. Only time
will tell whether this report rings true.
5. Cultural Oddity
What appears to others as unusual is a small
animal called the Vosserkatz. Other clans look
upon this animal with some degree of
incredulousness, whilst the Vossers, in their turn
view clans without such affinities as more than a
little strange!
(approved by RPGA in the scenario Pfaltzgrafs
Fury – 2003)
Small Magical Beast
Hit Dice:
1d8+1 (5 hp)
+8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved
30 ft.
15 (+1 size, +4 Dex) [Touch
15, Flat footed 11]
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-4
Claw +1 melee (1d3)
Full Attack:
2 Claws +1 melee (1d3) and
Bite -4 melee (1d4)
5 ft./5 ft
Special Attacks: Pounce, improved grab, rake
Special Qualities: Bond (sp), Low Light Vision
(ex), Scent (ex).
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +1
Str 10, Dex 19, Con 13, Int
2, Wis 12, Cha 6.
Balance +10, Climb +9, Hide
+14*, Jump +10, Listen +5,
Move Silently +10*, Spot
Improved Initiative
Climate/Terrain: Temperate forest, Hills and
Organisation: Solitary or Family Group (2-8).
Challenge Rating:
Always Neutral
2-3 HD
Pounce (Ex): If a Vosserkatz leaps upon
a foe during the first round of combat, it can
make a full attack even if it has already taken a
move action.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this
ability, the Vosserkatz must hit with its bite
attack. If it gets a hold, it can rake.
Rake (Ex): A Vosserkatz that gets a
hold can make two raking attacks (+1 melee)
with its hind legs for 1d3 damage each. If the
Vosserkatz pounces on an opponent, it can also
Bond (Sp): A Vosserkatz is not subject
to any form of animal friendship, nor can it be
taken for a familiar. The exception to this rule
is that it will bond as an animal companion to
any good aligned non-human with Vosser
heritage, who has the class ability to gain an
animal companion or familiar.
Skills: *Vosserkatz gain a +6 racial
bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks in
rocky or lightly wooded terrain.
The Vosserkatz is a legendary animal of the
hills and mountain ranges of the Quaglands
(Perrenland). It has, since ancient days, been
associated in totemic form with the Flan peoples
of this region. The legends and myths of the
Vosser clan in particular have given it its
The Vosser Clan Page 4
modern namesake, yet depictions of it found in
ancient Ur-Flannae ruins in the region predate
this clan's establishment in the mountain valleys
of the Quaglands. Some scholars seem to feel
that this indicates that the modern Vosser clan
may, in fact, be simply a modern remnant of the
once thriving indigenous Ur-Flannae peoples
that inhabited the Quagland in prehistoric times.
Regardless, the legend attributed to the
Vosserkatz is one that hints at a dualism. The
Vosserkatz is seen as being both a protector and
harbinger of trouble. The Vosser clan seems to
attribute some magical nature to the animal, yet
no evidence of this has ever been found. It is,
however, peculiar that the animal will resist all
calls to friendship with humans, unless called by
one with a Vosser heritage. The Vosser clan
hold the Vosserkatz as sacred, and some with
the talent amongst them take them as animal
companions or familiars and have a higher level
of prestige in the clan for doing so (+2 reaction
modifier to Diplomacy and Gather Information
skill checks). If the Vosserkatz is gained as a
familiar the master gains a +2 bonus to Hide
skill checks.
Legend, that may be based in fact, suggests
that, at times, a litter of Vosserkatz is born with
magical abilities, an aberration from the
specimen’s display. Vosser legends portray the
birth of such a litter as a warning that trouble for
the clan is manifesting. To harm a Vosserkatz is
to earn the ire of the any Vossers who gain
knowledge of such a travesty. The hunting and
killing of Vosserkatz is said to be the main
cause of continued tensions between the Vosser
clan and the Roodberg clan, who prize the pelt
for its camouflage ability. (A Vosserkatz cloak
gives a +6 to the wearer's Hide skill checks in
mountainous or wooded terrain. Possession of
such a cloak shifts all Vosser reactions to
unfriendly and gives a –4 ability check modifier
on all Diplomacy and Gather Information
checks with Vosser clansman.)
6. Government
The Vosser Clan, in all matters EXCEPT the
leadership of the CLAN, are very democratic.
Each city, town and village elects a local
settlement. Some towns add “council” type
groups that reflect town needs and management
requirements. It is interesting to understand that
not all of the Hetmann are human!
The Clan capital, and also the Quagfludt canton
capital, is Koetheim, a small city of about 5 000
residents. Its location on the western side of the
mountains would appear to make it less
accessible than other towns, but this is not the
case. Travelling the river brings you close to
Schwarzenbruin, the capital city of Perrenland
and provides trade routes through secure means.
It is also the closest Quagfludt city to Krestible,
which allows access to the produce from that
canton. This is also an administrative centre
peopled by such groups as lawyers and judges,
tax collectors and merchants, politicians and law
enforcement. It is also well known for its classy
housing, its libraries and its temples.
This city is often called “Lesser Greyhawk” as it
has apparently tried to reproduce many of the
features of the fine city of Greyhawk.
Where Koetheim is called the capital, Fort
Vosserkatz is the heart of the VOSSER clan.
This is the home of the Vorstammann, the clan
chief. This is the centre where the Vosserkatz is
most revered. This is where the city leaders
meet to determine what happens in Quagfludt
canton – because this is home!
The Vosser clan Vorstammann Heinrich
Vosser VII is the leading political figure. As
clan chief Heinrich wields a lot of power, but he
is very much a man of the people – one of the
very few who has never been opposed by
anyone on personal grounds.
7. Clan Enmities
The Vosser Clan Page 5
Most Vossers live and let live. They maintain
some sort of “aloofness” where other Perrenders
are concerned – so much so that some call them
a snobbish clan. This is not really untrue, but
this opinion of clansmen arises because the
Vossers don’t really care how others see them.
Their status within the clan is more important to
them than anything else.
Unfortunately, history has given rise to the
clan’s greatest elements of distaste. During the
migrations period, the Aerdi (Oeridians,) swept
across the Flanaess to form a great kingdom.
The conflict of races was a major disruption to
Flan life, but typical Vosser tenacity won out
and the new race made little impact on the high
lands that nurtured the clan. Those invaders
turned out to be the ancestors of the Roodberg
Roodberg is usually not a nice word in the
Vosser language. It stands for perceived racial
supremacy, religious bigotry, centuries of
conflict and dominance by parentage, rather
than personal worth. The other concern about
the Roodbergs is their inability to let others live
in peace. Put a Roodberg anywhere, it seems,
and conflict will soon result!
Vossers are not blameless in this rivalry. In
defending their lands and their race, many
Vossers did serious damage to Roodberg family
and lands. The taking of Roodberg heads, even
today, is seen as a worthy way to blood oneself,
providing the head is of an able warrior, not a
child or an old person. Where a Roodberg is
likely to huff and puff, a Vosser will simply do!
Another nail in the coffin of the Roodbergs is
their claim to be highlanders. Nothing affronts a
Vosser more than the suggestions that the
Roodbergs are a highland clan. Vossers
frequently mention the hundreds of heads they
collected after driving the Roodbergs from the
Quaglands in the battle of DerRoodOosting in
98 CY. Every Vosser knows that the Roodbergs
hid in their lowland hovels during the invasion
by the armies of Iggwilv in the 480s, and the
lies told by the clan about this period nearly
prevented the clan from being part of the
concatenation of Perrenland.
The Vossers are sure that some other crime of
the Roodbergs will reveal their status to the
nation of Perrenland… they wait with bated
The other Perrenese clans are of little threat, or
concern, to the clan. The Vossers know that the
Meerrijders suffered along with them when the
Roodberg invaders stole their lands. Other clans
have also felt the lash of the Roodberg’s
concepts of life. Today, Vossers trade calmly
with every other clan in Perrenland.
Clansmen are generally proud of the role the
clan has played in the development of
Perrenland. They are strong supporters of
Karenin and the Auszug. The clan’s support for
the Voorman was strengthened when he married
Greta Vosser. This lady not only took on the
public role of Voormann’s wife, but also
maintained her original clan affiliation and
strengthened her new one by adopting the title
of Vosser-Weisspeer. It is highly probable that
this could set a fashion for a number of clans in
the future.
“Touch not the cat bot a
Footnote: This is a “collection” of information
from many sources. I have read, researched,
asked questions, investigated, dug under and
into and tried to present what I have found in a
clear manner. More than any other Perrenese
clan the Vossers are their canton and the Canton
is their clan. In my opinion this belief arises
from the number of times they have had to fight
for their lands.
The Vosser/Roodberg conflict certainly had its
beginnings in the very early history of this land.
My belief is now that it just a bit of fun to a
Vosser, but a real concern to a Roodberg!
Gandalin the Grey.
| textdata/thevault/Living Greyhawk/Metaorg Material/Perrenland/PER background clan_vosser.pdf |
Jason Hardy
The Top of the Scrap Heap • Page
Carolinas, Alpheratz
Outworlds Alliance
14 September 2783
The legs didn’t look right. They were too thin, and the metal
was clearly recycled. It hadn’t even been properly melted down
and remanufactured—instead, it looked like scrap metal had been
chopped into pieces that just might fit on the leg and then welded
into the appropriate spot.
“Did someone just weld scrap metal onto the legs?” Jacobs de-
Murphy threw the machine a sideways glance. “No. No, of
course not.”
Jacobs stepped closer so she could see the dents and pockmarks.
“Are you sure?”
She moved away from the machine and shook her head. “They’re
not going to like this.”
“Nobody!” she said. “Nobody who sees it is going to like it.”
“Why not?” Murphy asked. “It moves. It shoots. It’ll easily cut
through regular infantry and it’ll make quick work of most vehicles.
It’ll do what a ‘Mech is supposed to do. What won’t they like??”
Jacobs considered the machine again, with its three cockpit win-
dows and its shoulder-mounted launchers. Her eyes kept falling to
those woeful legs.
“Will it trip the minute it goes off-road?” she asked. “Will it break
its legs when it goes into a run?”
“It’s a ‘Mech,” Murphy insisted. “It will do what a ‘Mech is sup-
posed to do. It’ll work better than it looks.”
“It had better,” Jacobs said.
The Top of the Scrap Heap • Page
18 September 2783
Alliance Defenders Limited was not part of the Outworlds
Alliance military, but sometimes the generals liked to pretend it
was. General Bashere had been paying particularly close atten-
tion to the progress of ADL’s ‘Mech project, so naturally he was on
hand when the machine took its first steps.
“It looks wobbly,” he said gruffly as the machine stepped gin-
gerly across the rocky ground of the training area. “Is it wobbly?”
“Not especially, sir, no,” Jacobs said, hoping she sounded believ-
able. “The pilot just needs some time to become acclimated to the
“Hmmm,” Bashere said, and Jacobs thought he did not sound
convinced. The general watched the Locust make its way across
the field for a few more minutes.
“How comparable is this to an Inner Sphere Locust?” he finally
“Very comparable,” Jacobs said. “The armor might have a little
more scrap on it than an Inner Sphere machine would have, but
inside she’s top of the line.” She paused, then threw out her next
remark like it was a throwaway observation. “Well, the targeting
computer is different.”
She hoped Bashere would simply let the comment slide. He
“How different?” he asked.
She shrugged. “Not very. It’s primarily a software issue. I’m sure
your aware of the difficulty in dealing with military software and
the draconian measures nations take to keep it from being export-
ed across international boundaries.”
“I know the problems,” Bashere said gruffly. “I want to know how
well you overcame them.”
“Quite well, quite well,” Jacobs said brightly. “Through our peo-
ple’s ingenuity and a fair amount of reverse engineering, we have
assembled a fine facsimile of Inner Sphere software.”
“‘Reverse engineering’?” Bashere asked. “We haven’t captured
any Inner Sphere ‘Mechs. What are you reverse engineering
The Top of the Scrap Heap • Page
Jacobs hesitated. “A ‘Mech from some pirates. A sizeable group
operating near the Federated Suns border.”
“A pirate ‘Mech?” Bashere exclaimed. “Good hell, Jacobs, we
don’t know where their machinery came from! We don’t know
what those people have done to it! And that’s what we’re basing
our targeting system on?”
“Well, sir, in the end, I think you’ll agree that it’s a sensible thing
to do. After all, the comm system and much of the firing controls
are also based on pirate designs, so using the targeting software
the pirates use is a good way to ensure that everything will …”
“Firing and comm are pirate designs too?” Bashere shouted. “A
minute ago you were telling me these were virtually Inner Sphere
‘Mechs. Now you’re telling me there mostly pirate machines?”
“No! No, no, far from it. There are also parts from the Tortuga
“The Tortuga Dominions!” Bashere yelled. Jacobs efforts to calm
him were having the opposite effect. “They are pirates! The only
difference between the Tortugans and most pirates is the pirates
have better tech! This so-called ‘Mech might as well be held to-
gether with chewing gum!” Bashere threw the binoculars he was
holding to the ground. They splintered while Jacobs reflexively
jumped backward.
Then, somehow, Bashere got control of himself. His face lost its
red color, his breathing evened. “Look, I know this isn’t easy for
you,” he said. “I know the lack of government and popular sup-
port here makes your firm’s progress difficult. The deck is stacked
against you.” He took a deep breath. “But we need better than this.
This will not stand. I can give you six more months. If you cannot
come up with something better than this—” he gestured contemp-
tuously at the Locust “—I’ll have to ask the Board of Directors to
come up with someone who can.
He marched out. Jacobs thought about demonstrating the
Locust’s firepower by having it attack Bashere’s motorcade, but
then she decided the long-term effects of that decision would
probably be unpleasant. Instead, she just watched him go.
The Top of the Scrap Heap • Page
19 September 2783
Jacobs glared at Murphy. “You’re thinking about how well you’ll
get along with the new CEO, aren’t you?”
“No!” Murphy said. “Of course not. I’m thinking about our prob-
“There’s nothing to think about,” Jacobs said. “We got our hands
on the best materials that managed to leak into our godforsaken
corner of the universe. It wasn’t good enough. We’re out of op-
tions. We can tinker with the Locust for six months, but in the end
any improvements we make will not be enough. I’ll be out of a job,
and you’ll be learning how to get along with a new boss.”
“You’re not sounding like yourself, chief. Where’s the can-do
“Facing reality,” she said. “We wrestled with this project since I
came on board, and in the end we came up with something that,
between you and me, isn’t as good as what most of the nearby
pirates have.” She shook her head. “It’s what we get for playing by
the rules. You can get tech a lot easier when you steal it.”
“I suppose,” Murphy said.
Jacobs drummed her fingers on her desk. She worked hard to
keep her face expressionless, to do nothing to give any indication
to Murphy of the idea that had just sprung, fully formed, into her
head. It was simple. It was obvious. She couldn’t understand why
she hadn’t thought of it before, why it wasn’t the strategy she had
pursued from the beginning.
Well, there was the chance of imprisonment or, if things went
really downhill, execution. But what great business career pro-
gressed without some big risks?
The Top of the Scrap Heap • Page
23 November 2783
None of the business of this task could be conducted over comms,
or in any of the places Jacobs normally found herself. She took a
roundabout path to her destination, making a few false stops and
starts before she finally arrived at a nondescript coffee shop on
the city’s west side. It had a brown awning, brown upholstery on
the booths, brown tables, and brown floors. You could spill coffee
practically anywhere and there would be a good chance no one
would notice for days.
Jacobs tried to act normal even though her stomach was tied in
knots. She could make decisions that would effect a large busi-
ness and each of its hundreds of employees without a qualm, but
this cloak-and-dagger stuff made her nervous. But if she wanted
to keep making decisions at the head of her company, this was
what she had to do.
“Irene!” a voice called out. A tall man in a long tan coat waved to
her, sleeve flapping loosely. “Over here.”
She responded to her code name with a smile and walked to the
man’s booth. “Hello, Jerry,” she said, and exchanged a kiss on the
cheek with him. “Thanks for meeting me here. Hungry?”
“Well, let’s take a look at the menu and get some food.”
She hadn’t eaten in a coffee shop (or any restaurant without a
decent wine list, for that matter) for years. That, plus the fact that
she was wearing a green windbreaker from the back of her closet
and had her hair in a pony tail, should go a long way to prevent her
from being identified.
She and “Jerome” engaged in small talk for a few minutes as they
waited for their food, then grew a little quieter as they took a few
bites of their lunch. When they spoke again, Jacobs and Jerome
made their voices quieter and quieter until they were ready to talk
about the real purpose of their meeting.
“How did the initial contact go?” Jacobs asked.
“Perfect,” Jerome said. “The information your military sources
gave us was top notch—told us more about pirate gangs operat-
ing near Valasha than we’d been able to learn in years of recon.
We narrowed it down to a few good candidates right off the bat
The Top of the Scrap Heap • Page
and looked for ways to make contact. A few of the bands had dis-
solved, or lost their leaders due to … well, various circumstances,
but we managed to make contact with representatives from two
bands. The first one smelled something about the deal and de-
cided to steer clear of us, but the second one couldn’t resist the
lure of the money we were waving in front of him.”
Jacobs nodded. Most of the bait they had used was cash from
her personal accounts—she had invested a lot in this project. “Is
his band any good?” she asked.
“Quite good,” Jerome said. “They’ve started venturing into the
Fed Suns more and more, where the spoils are much better but
the risk is higher. They’ve got the skills, and they’re getting to
know the territory.”
“Good,” Jacobs said. She’d much rather give money to a band
that wasn’t actively raiding her own country. “When will they
“Well, we have them interested,” Jerome said, “but they’re not
fully on the hook yet. Our man in charge of the negotiations—” for
deniability reasons, Jacobs didn’t know this man’s name “—is still
meeting the various representatives of the band.”
“Has he met with the leader yet?”
“No. Pirate leaders are reclusive, as you might expect. But our
man tells me he’s meeting with decision-makers, so he’s optimis-
“All right,” Jacobs said, nodding her head. “I think we’re getting
The Top of the Scrap Heap • Page
11 January 2784
She ran, instinct pushing her forward. Part of her knew it wasn’t
good instinct, wasn’t smart instinct, but it was all she had right
She grasped the handrail of the stairs and used it to pull herself
around a bend as she jumped, passing over half a dozen steps in
mid-air before she landed smoothly and kept running down. She
heard footsteps and voices above her, and was pretty sure she
heard voices below her as well.
“Stairwell B!” one voice said from above, echoing down loud and
clear. “She’s in stairwell B. Put a team at the base and send them
Clearly she couldn’t stay here any longer. Really, she had no-
where to go. Any security team worth their salt would have sealed
all of the building’s exits before they came after her, so she was
bound to run into them sooner or later. But it would be fun to see
how long she could avoid them.
Well, maybe “fun” wasn’t the right word.
She exited the stairwell on the third floor and ran over to stair-
well C, figuring she’d take that down to the second floor and look
for a window to jump out of. But when she pulled the door of the
stairway open, she saw three long muzzles pointed at her.
“Freeze right there!”
Her completely illogical instincts told her not to freeze. She piv-
oted, ran back down the hallway, only to encounter half a dozen
more gun-toting police officers. Finally, her instincts decided that
now would be an appropriate time to surrender.
“Emma Jacobs?” one of the police said. “You’re under arrest on
charges of treason, piracy, and conspiracy against the Alliance …”
The Top of the Scrap Heap • Page
8 April 2784
“You’re not making any sense!” Brinson pounded the table. The
plastic creaked.
Jacobs shrugged. “Maybe not,” she said. “But you don’t need
to understand what I’m doing. You just have to follow my direc-
There wasn’t enough room in the small cell for Brinson to pace.
He could cross the entire room in five steps, so walking back and
forth across it would quickly make him dizzy. He had to content
himself with standing in place while bouncing up and down on the
balls of his feet.
“For two months you had me in panic mode!” he exclaimed.
“Looking into what kind of bargains you might make, investigating
the judge’s background, checking out prison facilities, everything!
You were panicked about everything! And now you tell me that
there’s nothing to worry about?”
Jacobs sat back in her chair. Her prison haircut showed off her
grey roots, and she was dressed in an ungainly olive jumpsuit, but
she had recovered the bearing and command she had displayed
before her arrest.
“That’s right,” she said. “There’s nothing to worry about. Really,
there’s not much for you to do. Just make sure any trial proceed-
ings get pushed beyond May 5th. Then come back here on the 5th,
because I may need you to cover some of the finer legal points.”
“Finer legal points of what?”
“That’s my concern. You just make sure you’re here.”
Brinson stared at her wordlessly, then started shoving his note-
puter back into his case as he prepared to leave.
“Maybe it’s not too late to work on an insanity plea,” he muttered
as a guard escorted him away from the cell.
The Top of the Scrap Heap • Page 10
5 May 2784
Brinson was surprised to see Velma Crawford arriving at the
prison doors the same time he did.
“What are you doing here?” he asked.
Her eyes widened. “What do you mean? Don’t you know?”
“Don’t I know what?”
“I’m here to meet with Jacobs. About her copping a plea.”
“I was told the message came from you!”
“I haven’t heard anything about a plea,” Brinson said. “There’s
no plea.”
“What do you mean, there’s no plea? What kind of game are you
“I’m not playing anything! Jacobs hasn’t said anything about a
plea! She’s been acting like she’s going to beat this thing!”
“This makes no sense,” Crawford said, but her words drowned
out by the sound of a man yelling.
“Mr. Brinson!” the man said. “Ms. Crawford! Hello! Wait one mo-
ment, please?”
Brinson and Crawford exchanged glances.
“Do you know this person?” Crawford asked.
“No idea,” he said.
The man buttoned his suit jacket as he slowed to a walk and ap-
proached the two attorneys. “Good morning! Thank you both for
being here. My name is Caleb Murphy, I’m an associate of Emma
Jacobs. She asked me to meet you here.”
“She asked you to …” Brinson said. “We’re supposed to meet her.
Not her associate.”
“Yes, of course,” Murphy said, taking no offense. “But if you wait
a moment, you’ll see why she asked you here.”
“Wait?” Crawford asked. “For what? How long?”
The Top of the Scrap Heap • Page 11
At that moment, sirens and alarms erupted across the prison
campus. Guards rushed to their stations, while two of them hur-
riedly pushed Crawford, Brinson, and Murphy inside the main
“The wait won’t be long,” Murphy said, speaking calmly even
though he had to yell over the sound of the alarms.
The wait took exactly 17 minutes. Brinson and Crawford tried
to pry more information out of Murphy, but the man had become
closed mouthed. They also tried to get in to see Jacobs, only to
be told repeatedly that the entire complex had been locked down.
Then, at the 17-minute mark of their wait, a barrel-chested man
holding a large sidearm strode to them.
“You three Brinson, Crawford, and Murphy?”
“Yes,” Murphy said, while Brinson and Crawford exchanged
“You’re all coming with me.”
He led them out a back door and into an armored vehicle. They
drove outside the prison’s perimeter, staying within 10 meters of
the wall at all times. At the north side of the wall, the guard who had
fetched them stopped the vehicle and pointed into the distance.
“Can you tell me what that is?”
Brinson squinted. There was something on the horizon, but he
couldn’t make it out. It gleamed in the morning sun.
“We have the pilot on the comm,” the guard said. “He’s asking
for you. We’ve told him not to move but, between you and me, we
don’t have the firepower to enforce that.”
As if on cue, the gleaming object shot into the air and flew to-
ward them. It landed maybe two kilometers away from them then
continued forward on the ground. Brinson could see it clearer as it
approached. It was a generally humanoid shape, a triangle mount-
ed atop two long legs with arms poking out of the broad top. One
of the arms was holding an enormous gun, which was pointed at
the vehicle Brinson was in. He didn’t like the sight at all.
The vehicle’s comm crackled to life. “Do you have Brinson and
Crawford with you?”
Murphy, sitting next to the driver’s seat, replied. “This is Murphy.
Yeah, we’ve got them.”
The Top of the Scrap Heap • Page 1
“Good,” the voice at the other end of the comm said. “Listen care-
fully. What you are looking at is a Stinger. This particular one is a
Federated Suns model, captured completely intact. It is the most
powerful weapon in the entire Outworlds Alliance. By far. And it is
the possession of Emma Jacobs. She may decide to reverse-en-
gineer it and help us build more while also preserving as much of
it as possible for service. She may decide to have it scrapped. Or
she might scrap it after blowing up your vehicle and much of the
prison behind you. It all depends on her mood.”
Brinson smiled. He leaned back. He saw it now. It might take a
bit, but he knew what was going to happen.
Crawford wasn’t near as sanguine. “This is ridiculous! We’re be-
ing threatened! By a machine Jacobs undoubtedly got through
piracy, which is why she’s in jail in the first place! Does she think
this is going to help anything?”
“I’m not at liberty to say what my client thinks,” Brinson said.
“All I can do is reiterate what the mysterious pilot said—he is sit-
ting in the cockpit of the most powerful weapon in the Outworlds
Alliance. Machines like that don’t appear here every day.”
“She can do what she wants with it,” Crawford fumed. “She can
blow me to kingdom come, I don’t care. She is not going to force
her way out of jail like this! Justice is not to be trifled with like
Crawford protested for a while longer. She protested while the
guard took them back to the prison under the Stinger’s watchful
gaze. She protested until she was out of Brinson’s earshot, and
Brinson guessed she kept on protesting for the next three days,
right up until the time Emma Jacobs was released and reinstated
as the head of Allied Defenders Limited.
| textdata/thevault/BattleTech [multi]/EXTRA/Novels/Battlecorps Novels/Top of the Scrap Heap - Jason M. Hardy.pdf |
Starting GP
� None
� Standard (12 gp x TU)
� Rich (50 gp x TU)
� Luxury (100 gp x TU)
Lifestyle Cost
Other Coin Spent
Total Coin Spent
GP Spent
GP Gained
GP Gained
GP Spent
Items Sold
Total Value of Sold Items
Add ½ this value to your gp value
Items Bought
Total Cost of Bought Items
Subtract this value from your gp value
Starting XP
XP lost or spent
XP Gained
Starting TU
2 TU
TU Cost
Added TU Costs
Cross off all items NOT found
� Silversheen (Adventure; DMG)
� Heward’s handy haversack (Adventure; DMG)
Correspondence of Imiriana U’morael (only if the party
chose to keep them; Adventure; 500 gp)
APL 6 (all of APL4 plus the following)
� Elixir of fire breath (Adventure; DMG)
� Quaal’s feather token, whip (Adventure; DMG)
� Scroll of resist energy (Caster Level: 7
th; Adventure; DMG)
� Scroll of expeditious retreat (Caster Level 5
th; Adventure;
APL 8 (all of APLs 4-6 plus the following)
� Potion of cure serious wounds (Adventure; DMG)
� Gauntlets of ogre power (Adventure; DMG)
� Pearl of power, 1
st level (Adventure; DMG)
� Ring of feather falling (Adventure; DMG)
APL 10 (all of APLs 4-8 plus the following)
� Bag of tricks, tan (Adventure; DMG)
� Headband of intellect +2 (Adventure; DMG)
� Cloak of Charisma +2 (Adventure; DMG)
APL 12 (all of APLs 4-10 plus the following)
� +2 breastplate (Adventure; DMG)
� +1 elf bane greatsword (Adventure; DMG)
� belt of giant strength +4 (Adventure; DMG)
Adventure Record#
593 CY
max 1,350xp; 1,168gp
max 1,800xp; 1,598gp
max 2,250xp; 2,491gp
APL 10
max 2,700xp; 4,195gp
APL 12
max 3,150xp; 6,000gp
� Favor of Julmar U’morael -- For retrieving the
correspondence of Imiriana U’morael, Julmar is in your debt. This
favor may be used to gain one-time Adventure purchase access to a
single magic item from the Dungeon Masters Guide that is listed
on any of your Adventure Records.
� Enmity of Julmar U’morael -- Julmar is furious with you for
not turning over her ancestor’s correspondence. She has maligned
your name throughout the College, giving you a -2 penalty to all
social interactions involving College members. In addition,
examinations taken at the College receive a -2 penalty, and
Diplomacy checks in examinations receive a -5 penalty. The
penalties expire two years after the real-world date the module was
played, or after expending two favors or influence points from the
College. The actual enmity may only be removed by returning the
correspondence to Julmar.
� Influence with the Stalwart Pines -- By turning over
Imiriana’s correspondence to the Stalwart Pines, you have gained
their trust. This allows you to join and advance in the Stalwart
Pines regardless of your character’s race. You also receive access to
the ranger spells listed in Master of the Wild and the King/Queen
of the Woods prestige class.
Correspondence of Imiriana U’morael -- The arcane lore
contained within the personal letters of Imiriana U’morael will
take years or decade study to fully comprehend. They tell of
insights into the nature of the Far Realms, and tantalizing hints of
the secrets needed to master the magics of Alienism. Many of the
letters are to and from one Alaxus Tomarast of Altenmaure. The
letters weigh 60 pounds and take up 8 cubic feet of space.
Possession of the letters provides access to the Alienist prestige
class, described in Tome and Blood.
� Training from Oragh Wolfhart -- In gratitude for his rescue,
Oragh Wolfhart provides you personal instruction in fitness and
fortitude. This training is completed between adventures, and does
not require additional TU. The training gives the character access
to the following feats from Master of the Wild: Dwarf’s Toughness,
Giant’s Toughness, Dragon’s Toughness, Resist Disease and Resist
� Recognition of Duke Karll Lorinar -- For the rescue of Oragh
Wolfhart, you have received an ornately-decorated scroll tube
bearing the seal of House Lorinar. It contains a scroll bestowing
the official gratitude of Duke Karll Lorinar for your heroic deeds.
This Certificate Certifies that
Played by______________________________________
Has Completed
Purloined Letters
A Regional Adventure
Set in the Duchy of Urnst
Event: ________________________________ Date: ________
Play Notes:
� Gained a level
� Lost a level
� Ability Drained _____________
� Died
� Was raised/res’d
� Was reincarnated
Home Region______________________
| textdata/thevault/Living Greyhawk/Modules/Duchy of Urnst/593/Normal Scenarios/URD3-07 - Purloined Letters (APL 4-12)/URD3-07 - Purloined Letters AR.pdf |
Sirocco’s Kiss
Living Kingdoms of Kalamar
Retail Adventure Adaptation
Lands of Mystery
By Andrew Garbade
Sirocco’s Kiss
Living Kingdoms of Kalamar
Lands of Mystery
Retail Adventure Adaptation
Adventure Adaptation Notes
This adventure takes place in Baneta, Pekal. The map inside the front
cover of Lands of Mystery may be used as a reference for this
adventure. The road running off the page on the bottom right leads
to the main gate.
Remember to replace "Bet Seder" with "Baneta" where appropriate in
the adventure.
A map for the building is included in this adaptation.
In this version of the adventure, one of the rakshasa's followers
named Krijir managed to overthrow his master, killing the creature.
Krijir is a sorcerer and has so far managed to hide his true identity
behind spells long enough to make himself a hat of disguise. This hat
was created to be more powerful than typical versions, however, and
he has so far managed to fool the other men into believing the
rakshasa is still alive.
The largest potential stumbling block in this adventure is if the
characters manage to scare the cult, resulting in them all
congregating on the boat for protection. If possible, the judge should
make sure that there are two separate combats - one at the building,
and one at the boat. That should ensure that encounter ELs remain
within guidelines.
The characters find themselves in Baneta after a successful job
guarding a caravan for Lord Wanifer, a powerful merchant living in
Bet Rogala, and sometime sponsor of heroic persons. A large flotilla
of merchant ships is preparing to set out for foreign lands, and the
city is awash in merchants and sailors trying to join the voyage!
This adventure also has the potential to run very short, depending
on the character’s decisions. The judge is encouraged to add role-
playing encounters as needed to ensure all the players get a chance
to contribute to the group’s success.
Lonvus is actually a member of the Gray Legion in Baneta to
investigate the new “thieves” in the city. Thinking that a rakshasa is
in the city, Lonvus has been sent to kill the creature before it can
establish a foothold.
The Adventure
The characters arrive in Baneta near dusk. Due to the hour, guards at
the gates are questioning people before allowing them entrance.
There are several guards outside the wall to speed the process.
These guards pose some very simple questions for the characters:
1. What is your name and city of birth?
2. Are you currently serving in the Pekal armed forces?
3. Are you currently employed by a foreign government?
4. What is your business in the city of Baneta?
The characters are told to enter the city and speak with the men
inside the gate.
Two men in long robes wait inside the gate, both holding large
pieces of paper with several names and marks on each. They
compare the sheets to one another until the characters approach.
(They wait until all the characters have entered before speaking with
"Greetings and welcome to Baneta. There are quite a
number of people in town, and the inns are nearly full.
The city council would like to ensure you find the
type of establishment to suit your needs. We are here
to answer any questions you may have, as well as
help you find a place to rest for the length of your
Sirocco’s Kiss
Living Kingdoms of Kalamar
Lands of Mystery
Retail Adventure Adaptation
(Read or paraphrase the following)
We are offering lodging in one of three inns. The first
is The Yard Arm, a nice establishment with a garden
on top of the main building, and hot baths for its
guests. The cost is 4 gold pieces per night for a room
with two beds. Food and bathes are included at that
Another option is High Tide, a quaint inn that is
slightly smaller than The Yard Arm. A two-bed room
there is 1 gold piece per night, and includes three hot
meals cooked by Salmar, a cook famous for his
seafood delights!
Finally, for those who might be traveling on a tighter
budget, there are still a few open hammocks at Pier
Number 17. A large warehouse right at the head of
Pier 17 has been converted into short-term sleeping
quarters. Rooms have six hammocks each, but only
cost 1 silver per night. Food is not available, but the
building was visited by the local ratcatchers just last
week, so it's sure to be rodent free!
If the characters ask to see the location of the buildings, use the
following key on the map of Bet Seder:
The Yard Arm - building #2
High Tide - building #8
Pier No. 17 - building "W" at the top of the page near the docks
It is not important if the characters decide to stay at different inns.
Lord Wanifer has provided them enough money to stay at High Tide
for two nights.
If the characters ask, none of the inns in town can provide lodging
without a ticket. The city council passed an ordinance that allowed
the House of Scales (very influential in Baneta) to regulate visitors
into the city during this busy time.
After the characters have made their decision, the men scribble some
notes on their papers, then hand each of the characters a small slip of
paper. The characters are informed the slips are their "tickets" so
their beds are reserved. They should hurry to the inns to claim their
rooms (or hammocks), however, since more people are arriving
through other gates.
The men can answer other questions as well. In general, the town is
very busy, but many places have special prices on food and drink.
Some vendors are selling wares as normal, though many are closed
to enjoy the celebrations. This means that vendor prices are 10%
higher than listed market values. Prices may be reduced to normal
via Diplomacy check DC 10, followed by Diplomacy check 15. This
sequence may only be attempted once. If one or the other fails, then
the vendor refuses to reduce the price for that item. A Gather
Information check DC 12 is necessary to find another vendor for the
item (which resets the Diplomacy checks to reduce the price).
Once the characters have their tickets, they are each handed a crude
map with directions. They are all going roughly the same direction...
Continue to "The Dying Man" in the adventure.
In game mechanic terms, he goes to 0 Constitution in the round he
speaks with the characters. Short of bringing him back to life (which
he would not want, if asked via speak with dead), there is no way to
save this man.
Sirocco’s Kiss
Living Kingdoms of Kalamar
Lands of Mystery
Retail Adventure Adaptation
He has the following equipment:
leather armor
+1 light crossbow
+2 crossbow bolts x3
scroll of bless x3
He also has a small tattoo on the inside of his lower lip of the Gray
Legion symbol (Pekal Gazetteer pg. 16).
Characters may make relevant skill checks to identify the uses for
these items. Bardic knowledge (or similar) is also possible. All these
checks have DC 25.
Another way to determine the use of these items is by taking them to
a local temple. The priests would know (and voluntary relate) that
the scrolls would have to be used on the individual bolts, then fired
at the creature using the bow. Scriptures state that the blessed
crossbow bolt can kill a terrible "tiger demon" known as a rakshasa.
Temples in Baneta include:
Halls of the Valiant
The Assembly of Light
Parish of Love
The Order of Thought*
Theater of the Arts
Parish of the Prolific Coin
*The Order of Thought in Baneta is found to be closed “by Royal
Decree”. Gather Information DC 15 reveals some kind of scandal
that befell the clergy in Baneta, but none seem to know exactly what
Characters may learn about the "Sirocco's Kiss" as per the adventure
The guards are not corrupt in Baneta, just very busy. They promise
to look into the matter as soon as time allows, but the characters
should get Sense Motive checks DC 15 to realize that the guards
probably will postpone the investigation at least until the city has
cleared out (7 - 10 days).
If the characters use Gather Information to try and find information
on the ship, somebody they speak with might point them toward
Dorrok Cooperson, a half-hobgoblin member of the Longshoremans
Guild. When the Sirocco's Kiss arrived in port, the crew and
passengers snubbed the local guild, so there is bad blood between
the sailors and the guild members.
Dorrok is very devoted to the guild and its members, and should be
unfriendly toward the characters at first *unless* one of them is also
a member of the Longshoremans Guild. If they are, Dorrok helps the
group at no charge. If there is not a member, characters need to make
two Diplomacy checks DC 12 to convince him they don’t mean any
harm toward the guild or its members. As always, good role-playing
should outweigh the need for rolling dice!
The characters have the opportunity to convince Dorrok to help
them. He can provide the following information:
1. The boat schedule - 10xATL gold
2. The building schedule - 10xATL gold
3. Assistance removing the sailors - 5xATL gold
Option 1: This option does not include any information on Krijir.
Option 2: This option does not include any information on the
"guard" - simply that one cultist sleeps while two remain awake.
Option 3: The sailors receive an official "visit" from the local
"harbormaster" asking them to come register their names in the
books. Not looking to raise any suspicion, Krijir instructs the sailors
Sirocco’s Kiss
Living Kingdoms of Kalamar
Lands of Mystery
Retail Adventure Adaptation
to go and complete the forms. Of course, the "harbormaster" is really
a Longshoreman, and the sailors are politely "encouraged" to join the
crew of another boat (tied up and sold as indentured servants).
Currently, the cultists are preparing an abandoned building to serve
as their home and guild hall (the L-shaped building labeled "W" near
the bottom of the map). Characters can discover this building by
following the cultists, speaking with Dorrok, or Gather Information
checks DC 30.
In this version of the adventure, the cultists have already found a
building to secure and prepare for their permanent move. Arkajia
has asked Krijir to wait a few days before leaving the ship for his
new "palace" in the city. Three cultists are in the building at all times,
with at least one on guard duty, and one other awake and nearby.
One other is always resting.
The ship contains the sleeping quarters for the sailors, three cultists
and Krijir. The sailors do work in the mornings, then spend some
time in town before returning to the ship.
If the characters manage to alert the cultists to their presence (see
details in the adventure), the group at the building is called back to
the ship for additional protection. They keep the same schedule, but
the two awake cultists are on deck and both on guard duty. Arkajia,
Bejar, and Cland continue to visit the warehouse they are preparing,
but they are only gone from 8am-12pm. The sailors keep their
Here is a the schedule for this adaptable:
All sleeping below deck
4 sailors
2 sailors awake, begin work on deck
All other awake
Arkajia, Bejar, Cland leave for building
2 more sailors begin work on deck
2 sailors leave for town
2 sailors return to ship
2 other sailors leave for town
6pm: Arkajia, Bejar, Cland return to ship
2 sailors return to ship
6pm-10pm: All awake and aboard ship below decks
Koyshi sleeps
Ijami guard
Sani free time
Sani sleeps
Sirocco’s Kiss
Living Kingdoms of Kalamar
Lands of Mystery
Retail Adventure Adaptation
Ijami free time
Koyshi guard
Ijami sleeps
Koyshi free time
Sani guard
Arkajia, Bejar, Cland working inside building
The “guard” lounges around outside most of the time, trying to look
“mean” if anyone approaches (other than the cultists). If the
characters investigate and seem to be a danger (by asking strange
questions, attacking, etc), the guard on duty attempts to go inside the
building, or at least call for help.
The person with “free time” has a 75% chance of being inside the
building, and a 25% chance of being away (and unavailable for
The person who “sleeps” during the watch must make a Listen check
DC 15 to hear anything happening outside, but only a Listen check
DC 5 if there are loud noises inside the building. Anyone awake and
inside the building only needs to make a Listen check DC 5 to hear
problems outside.
The characters hopefully have spent some time preparing their
magic blessed bolts before confronting the enemies. Obviously,
shooting Krijir with the crossbow will simply deal damage. However,
all the characters get to make Will saves to disbelieve the illusion if
Krijir is struck with a bolt. Even if his disguise is discovered by the
characters, the cultists continue fighting until the death, to enthralled
with their leader to see the truth.
If the characters defeat all the enemies, they are contacted discreetly
a few days later by a brown-haired man wearing a rough tunic. They
are informed about the agent’s name and affiliation (confirmation if
they discovered his tattoo), and thanked for assisting the Gray
Legion in the matter.
He also distributes some gold as a small token of gratitude.
Further, he offers the group a bag of valuable items if they agree to
turn over Krijir’s Hat of Disguise. If asked, the man shows the
characters what he has to offer (the judge can show the characters
the Gray Legion Item certs at this time, but NOT the cert for Krijir’s
Hat of Disguise).
Sirocco’s Kiss
Living Kingdoms of Kalamar
Lands of Mystery
Retail Adventure Adaptation
Abandoned Warehouse (1 square = 5 ft.)
“S” indicates a secret door. There is a small cache of treasure within
the room. If the characters defeat all the cultists (including Krijir),
then they get to keep the treasure.
The room with the bed indicates where the off-duty guard sleeps.
All doors are simple wooden doors, and there is a large table that the
cultists might try to use for cover.
The open areas of the building are littered with various (stolen)
building materials and trash. Characters may only move their
normal rate, no double moves, charging, or running.
Sirocco’s Kiss
Living Kingdoms of Kalamar
Lands of Mystery
Retail Adventure Adaptation
Experience Points
Due to the length of this adventure, all characters receive 500
experience points for participating. This is an exception to the typical
method of experience awards.
The judge may, at his/her discretion, award up to an additional 100
xp (per player) for good role-playing.
Judges who “eat” this adventure receive 250 experience points.
1200 gp reward money, and all looted items may be sold for ½
market value.
Characters receive the following certificates:
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (x4)
This brown liquid has the consistency of molasses and tastes of salty
Potion of Cure Light Wounds (x4)
This small vial holds a bright orange liquid and has a sour taste.
Favor of the Gray Legion
The Gray Legion appreciates your assistance with the emerging
threat in Baneta. For completing the assignment and avenging their
agent’s death, the Gray Legion is willing to pay for half the cost of
one divine spell. This spell must be cast in Bet Rogala or Baneta.
Characters also receive either :
Krijir’s Hat of Disguise
This hat of disguise functions exactly like the one in Core Rulebook
III (pg. with one exception; this item was created with a higher level
spell and requires a Will save DC 16 is required to see through the
Or the following items:
Mithril shirt
This extremely light chain shirt is made of very fine mithral links.
Speed while wearing a mithral shirt is 30 feet for Medium creatures,
or 20 feet for Small. The armor has an arcane spell failure chance of
10%, a maximum Dexterity bonus of +6, and no armor check penalty.
It is considered light armor and weighs 10 pounds.
Cloak of Resistance +1
This garment offers magic protection in the form of a +1 resistance
bonus on all saving throws (Fortitude, Reflex, and Will).
+1 Arrows x20
These +1 arrows come with a narrow leather quiver.
Bracers of Armor +1
These items appear to be wrist or arm guards. They surround the
wearer with an invisible but tangible field of force, granting him an
armor bonus of +1, just as though he were wearing armor. Both
bracers must be worn for the magic to be effective.
Phylactery of Devotion
This item is a small box containing religious scripture affixed to a
leather cord and tied around the forehead. The wearer of a
phylactery of devotion is able to channel the power of his devotion
to help those in need. Paladins who wear this item can use lay on
hands as if they were one level higher. Clerics who wear this item
heal one additional hit point of damage when casting “cure” spells.
Other characters who wear this item gain the ability to “lay on
hands” (similar to the paladin ability of the same name) for one hit
point once per day.
Bag of Tricks, gray
This small gray sack has a leather drawstring and various animal
and natural patterns stitched into the sides.
| textdata/thevault/Dungeons & Dragons [multi]/3rd Edition (3.x)/RPGA/Living Kalamar Organised Play/Adventures/LKOK-A-SK1 Sirocco's Kiss.pdf |
In the beginning of the twenty-first century the breakthrough in genetic research and manipulation had set the battlefield
for a corporate war in the medical industry. But one corporation stands out more than the others, The Umbrella
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Files is an unofficial
supplement for Call of Cthulhu d20 by Wizards of the
Coast and Chaosium. It allows players to run
campaigns or single scenarios in the Resident Evil
This 26-page supplement will feature:
� Background information on the Umbrella Corporation,
the T-Virus and more.
� New rules for combat.
� New feats.
� New skills.
� New high-tech items and equipment.
� Story ideas to get you started.
� Complete stats and background on the many RE
monsters such as the T-virus infected Zombies, the
Cerberus, Hunters, Lickers, the massive Tyrant, the
Nemesis and even the mutating G-Type.
� New professions such as Umbrella Special Forces
Units, Scientists and more.
� And much more…
This supplement was created without license, and was
created for fans of the Resident Evil series and should
therefore remain free. This supplement may freely be
copied and distributed as long as we get the credit for
all the hard work we put into this supplement.
Resident Evil™ and Umbrella Corp™ are © Copyright Capcom. Call of Cthulhu™ is © Copyright Chaosium. All images contained in
this supplement are © Copyright respectively. Resident Evil: The Umbrella Files is © Copyright J. Davidsen & M. Hansen 2002.
The Background
In the beginning of the twenty-first century the
breakthrough in genetic research and manipulation had
set the battlefield for a corporate war in the medical
industry. But one corporation stands out more than the
others, The Umbrella Corporation.
The Umbrella Corporation had become the largest
commercial entity in the United States. Nine out of ten
homes contain its products. Its political and financial
influences is felt everywhere. In public it is the world’s
leading supplier of:
- Computer Technology.
- Medical Products.
- Healthcare.
But unknown even to its own employees, its massive
profits are generated by:
- Military Technology.
- Genetic Experimentation.
- Viral Weaponry.
The Story
The birth of a corporation
In the 1950s in Racoon City USA, Edward Ashford and
Ozwell E. Spencer discovered the “Mother Virus” during
a genetical breakthrough and realized its great potential
for development of medical advancement, but also bio-
weapons. They began creating what would one day be
known as the “T-virus”.
In the mid-60s, Edward and Ozwell founded the
company, Umbrella Chemical Inc., to camouflage their
research and Spencer had a mansion built outside
Racoon City, so that they could continue their research
without anyone knowing. Genetical research was still in
its early stages at that time, and competition between
the medical companies was fierce. To the public,
Umbrella Inc. was considered a very generous
company as it helped finance the city’s hospital and
many other things. The public was being kept in the
dark about the virus research.
Time passed and Umbrella grew to a large corporation
spanning across the entire globe and possessing a total
market share of 90% on computer technology, medical
products and healthcare in the US. But their work with
experiments was what became Umbrella’s main
financial factor.
But all that changed…
The incident
In 1998, an accident happened at the mansion and the
T-virus was released. It turned ordinary people into
mindless zombies, and the many B.O.W. (Bio-Organic
Weapon), which were kept in the basement, escaped.
Racoon City’s newly formed S.T.A.R.S. (Special Tactics
And Rescue Squad) sent its Bravo Team to take care of
the situation. Communication was lost and Alpha Team
was sent in. They uncovered Umbrella’s virus research
and had to battle their way through hordes of former
researchers and other personnel who had turned into
zombies, oversized spiders, zombie dogs and other
forms of B.O.W.
Finally, they found out that their own team leader,
Albert Wesker, had been acting on orders from
Umbrella. He was to gather data about the B.O.W.
combat performance and released Umbrella’s ultimate
bio-weapon, the Tyrant, to finish of the S.T.A.R.S.
Alpha Team. The Tyrant was still in early testing, and it
killed Wesker before it was defeated and the mansion
was blown up along with any evidence that could
connect Umbrella with the incident…
A city destroyed
Meanwhile, Dr. William Birkin, the Umbrella top-
scientist who perfected the T-virus, continued working
on the virus and developed the G-virus. He stayed in an
underground laboratory under Racoon City and paid the
police chief to keep anyone from finding it. However,
the discovery of the G-virus was leaked to Umbrella
and they sent in a team to recover the newly discovered
G-virus. Dr. Birkin refused to hand it over to the
Umbrella operatives and they were forced to shoot him.
While his wife, Anette, went for first aid equipment,
William Birkin injected himself with the G-virus and
turned into a horrifying and powerful creature, known
later as the G-type, and went after the Umbrella agents.
He hunted them down and killed them. Unfortunately,
he also broke the case that contained both the T-virus
and G-virus. The virus spread through the sewer
system and poisoned rats, which carried the virus up to
the inhabitants of Racoon City. Within a week, the
entire city was infected. The entire ordeal where local
law enforcement officers fought mindless zombies and
desperate Umbrella U.B.C.S. operatives fought a new
and unknown B.O.W., lead to the destruction of the
entire town, as the laboratory was destroyed and
William Birkin was killed.
These events lead to the destruction of an entire US
city, and a massive pressure was put on Umbrella. A
cover up was almost impossible due to the scale of the
incident. However, Umbrella managed to credit the
incident to terrorists, and though the T-virus still
remains unknown to the general public, there are
people who have become increasingly curious about
the secrets of the Umbrella Corp.
Other corporations have become anxious to learn more
about the T-virus, while private organisations emerge
with an agenda to expose Umbrella and other
corporations like them. Who knows what the future will
The U.B.C.S.
When Umbrella was founded to protect the discovery
and experimentation with the T-virus, they needed a
special team of highly trained operatives to protect the
research by any means. At that time the cold war was
raging, and paranoia fuelled the entire world. Umbrella
was no exception, as their potential B.O.W. could prove
hazardous if anyone learned of them without Umbrella
having full control. Thus the U.B.C.S (Umbrella
Biohazard Countermeasure Service) was created, a
special task force consisting of highly trained elite
soldiers whose sole purpose is to be Umbrella’s clean
up guys.
Highly trained and packing the latest of Umbrella
designed arms and equipment; these operatives are
sent in to contain incidents such as the one at Racoon
city, escort and guard secret operations and
experiments. Their objectives are usually to contain the
incident, eliminate possible witnesses and recover
valuable research. They engage in counter espionage
missions, tactical retrieval of lost experiments,
containment of incidents both to secure any information
to leak to the public, but also to ensure that innocents
don’t come to harm.
The T-Virus
When the body dies, a residue electrical energy
remains in the body, thus our hair and nails continue to
grow for a short while as the pulses stimulate cell
reproduction. This energy takes up to months to
dissipate, and it is this fact that became the basis for
the T-virus.
This genetically engineered virus was designed to feed
the residue electrical pulses that remain in the body
when you die, thus prolonging life. The T-Virus was
supposed to be a medical breakthrough that could cure
all diseases and even extend life, but practice and
theory did not match.
Rather than to extend life, the T-virus reanimated the
dead, feeding the electrical pulses giving the dead
basic motor functions, but as the brain had only very
little activity, the reanimated dead became driven by the
basic instinct to feed, thus creating mindless zombies.
The T-virus soon mutated to adapt to its environment
switching from airborne to transmit by body fluids. So
when an infected subject wounds someone, he or she
becomes infected as well. But the T-virus does not take
effect until death incurs. However, the T-virus has a
mutating property that corrupts basic cell structure as
well. This means that people are killed slowly by
pneumonia-like symptoms and as their bodies wither,
the T-virus keeps the body alive, thus effectively turning
the living into zombies. The T-virus, however, reacts
differently to other animals. All mammals like dogs,
bats, and even some birds are affected like humans,
whereas reptiles, insects and arachnids, due to their
different cell structure, tend to mutate, often growing to
massive proportions or even mutating into entirely new
This side effect, though devastating to the virus’
medical use, proved a valuable source for the creation
of B.O.W. The virus’ mutating
abilities have been utilized by Umbrella researchers to create fierce and deadly creatures for their B.O.W. department,
such as the Tyrant project and the somewhat failed Licker project.
There have been other projects by Umbrella that were initiated on the base of the T-virus, such as the unstable G-virus.
This virus is a basic T-virus where the mutating abilities have been enhanced. The G-virus project is considered closed
after the failure with the G-Type Tyrant, but no one knows if that is true, or if the project has been perfected.
The B.O.W. projects
When the “Mother Virus” was first discovered, it
seemed to provide a huge medical breakthrough, but
the obvious side effects soon took dominance over the
At the time of the foundation of Umbrella, the world was
in a state of paranoia brought about by the cold war,
and the need for weapons was overwhelming. Thus
Umbrella initiated the B.O.W. projects, where they
would attempt to utilize the abilities of the T-virus to
create controllable bioorganic weapons.
The first experiments were the “lickers” but as they
proved too uncontrollable, research shifted towards
designing a horde of smaller uncontrollable creatures to
release onto the enemy, and then focus on the Tyrant
project, which was to be an enhancement of the human
more than a new B.O.W.
After the cold war ended, Umbrella continued their
research, as the market for weapons never wears out.
Latest in their lines of experiments is the Nemesis
project, on which very little is known.
It is still unknown to which extends Umbrella is working
with the US government, but some things point to
Umbrella not doing so. Perhaps the size of Umbrella,
being a global corporation, has made Umbrella work on
their own. One can only speculate…
New Rules
When playing Resident Evil: The Umbrella Files, there are a few updates to the basic CoC d20 rules. Resident Evil can
easily be played using the existing CoC rules, but if you want to run Resident Evil games only, we suggest you use the
updated rules.
Cthulhu Mythos skill vs.
Umbrella Secrets skill
In Resident Evil the occult and paranormal are non-
existent. We suggest that when playing Resident Evil
games you do not use Spells, tomes or ancient
artifacts, as these elements are what drives a Cthulhu
Mythos Campaign, where as Resident Evil is based on
the use of technology. The use of psychic feats can be
used without problems. This also effectively eliminates
the use of the Spellcraft skill.
In CoC the Cthulhu Mythos skill is used to show how
aware of the secret darkness the players are, and it
affects their sanity. In Resident Evil this skill has been
renamed Umbrella Secrets skill. (Not to be confused
with the skill Knowledge: Umbrella.)
The Umbrella Secrets skill has the same effects as the
Cthulhu Mythos skill, except it reflects how much insight
into the dark secrets of the Umbrella Corp. the
character has.
As characters gain ranks in Cthulhu Mythos skill by
reading ancient tomes etc. the characters in Resident
Evil gain ranks in Umbrella Secrets when they learn
something new about the Umbrella Corp.
One rank in Umbrella Secrets could be added at the
end of a successful game, reflecting that the characters
have learned of yet another Umbrella scheme. Reading
classified Umbrella files etc could also award ranks.
Advanced Combat
The following rules are expansion on the standard
combat rules and can be used in any d20 game if the
gaming group can agree on it.
The basic idea of this expanded combat method is to
get more Hollywood movie style combat action.
When in combat the skills Jump, Tumble, Balance and
Climb can be used as a move equivalent action, but
doing so provokes attack of opportunity. By using these
skills you can jump through the air and fire your guns or
quickly throw yourself behind a car for cover, or even
jump over an opponent to get them in the back or roll
beneath larger opponents for that good clean shot.
By using these skills, you make a normal skill check
with a DC set by the GM as appropriate. Of course if
you fail the skill check you will fall flat on your behind,
rendering you prone and flat footed until you can spend
a move equivalent action to get up.
Called shots
In Resident Evil there will more often than not arise
situations where aiming for specific body parts will
increase your chances of surviving the encounter.
Zombies are vulnerable in the brain, and making a
headshot will take them out instantly.
The called shots rule only works on creatures with
distinct features, which means you can’t make called
shots on big tentacly blobs. (Whether a creature has
distinct features or not is up to the GM.)
Making a called shot adds the following modifier to the
target’s Armor Class.
No called shot
+6 to AC
+4 to AC
+4 to AC
+2 to AC
No modifier
No modifier
Headshots: Making a successful called shot to the
head is an automatic critical.
Limb shots: Making a successful called shot to a limb
will reduce speed by 20% and/or reduce attacks
according to limb being hit.
New Feats
Along with the expanded combat rule two new feats can
also be used for those who want some serious action
style combat.
Combat Acrobatics
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Max Light armour.
Benefit: When using Jump, Climb, Tumble and Balance
in combat, you do not provoke attack of opportunity.
Improved Combat Acrobatics
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Max Light Armour, Combat
Benefit: You do not provoke attack of opportunity when
using Jump, Climb, Balance and Tumble in combat plus
you get a +1 modifier to these skills for combat
purposes only.
Security Systems
Prerequisites: Int 13+, Disable device 3+ ranks,
Computer Use 3+ ranks.
Benefit: You are trained at bypassing and installing
security systems. You get a +2 modifier to any attempt
made at bypassing any security system.
Prerequisites: Int 13+, Craft: chemistry 3+ ranks.
Benefit: You are trained in the use and composition of
dangerous chemicals. With this feat you may combine
chemicals and compounds to create either liquid
explosives (DC 20) or acids (DC 15) or even potions
with healing or other properties.
Most of the modern equipment you could desire in a
Resident Evil game has already been covered in the
CoC d20 rulebook, but a few items remain.
T-Viral Antitoxin
Cell reconstruction amp
Universal antidote
*The Stim-gun is standard issue to all Umbrella UBC
operatives along with one of each capsule.
Stim-gun: The stim-gun is a reusable high-pressure
hypodermic needle designed to inject the subject fast
and easily without removing clothes and without the risk
of the needle breaking in stressed situations. Using the
stim-gun is a move equivalent action.
T-Viral Antitoxin: This antitoxin is designed by
Umbrella to counter the effects of the T-Virus if injected
within 30 minutes from infection. This antitoxin is as
secret and rare as the T-Virus itself, and only Umbrella
UBCS operatives and high-ranking Umbrella personnel
have access to the antitoxin.
Cell reconstruction amplifier: This capsule contains
two injections of a chemical substance that uses the
body’s own bio electrical impulses to amplify the
reconstruction of cells and damaged tissue. One
injection heals d6 hp instantly. If more than two
injections (one whole capsule) is injected within a time
span of a few minutes, the body overloads and you
collapse unconsciously for d8 hours.
Universal Antidote: This capsule contains two doses
of an antitoxin that works against all known common
poisons. One dose is enough to cure you instantly.
Umbrella staff in charge of handling test animal or other
poisonous materials uses it often.
In Resident Evil the need for firepower is vastly greater than in a regular Call of Cthulhu game, as the game is more
focused on horror action than the act of going insane and dying… That doesn’t mean that dying isn’t as likely as in any
Call of Cthulhu game, you just have more of a fighting chance.
Weapon Type
Grenade launcher
Colt M-203 gr. lau.
Colt Accurized Rifle
semi / bolt
Heckler & Koch G36
The standard grenade launcher is a single barreled
firearm that fires 40mm explosive shells. A breaking
barrel like some types of shotguns loads it. This
weapon can also fire gas rounds or other types of
fragmentation shells. If the shot misses, roll a d20 to
see how many feet off the target the grenade scatters.
The Colt M-203 Grenade Launcher is a lightweight
single shot breech loaded 40mm weapon designed
especially for attachment to the M16A2 Rifle and M4
Carbine. The M-203 can also fire gas rounds or other
types of fragmentation grenades. If the shot misses, roll
a d20 to see how many feet off the target the grenade
When situations demand rapid and accurate multiple
shot deployment, the Colt Accurized Rifle delivers
unparalleled accuracy. The model available for civilians
or standard government forces comes complete with x6
power scope and can easily be fitted with a laser
gunsight as well.
A new development for HK, the G36 is a true modular
Remington). Constructed almost entirely of a tough
carbon fiber polymer material and using a simple, self-
regulating gas system, the G36 provides the user with a
lightweight weapon that delivers high performance with
extremely low maintenance. The G36 can be fitted with
both a scope and/or laser sight for high precision
marksmanship. It is also the standard weapon of the
German Armed Forces (including the new NATO Rapid
Reaction Force), and Umbrella UBCS operatives.
When playing Resident Evil: The Umbrella Files, there are several new options for PC professions. In standard Call of
Cthulhu, most characters are private persons out to uncover the truth of the dark mythos, but in Resident Evil the PCs
more often than not either work for Umbrella or in another way have something to do with the corporation, as no civilians
are ever allowed even near Umbrella facilities. Thus we introduce an array of new professions for use with Resident
Evil: The Umbrella Files. All the previous professions are still valid, as long as they do not conflict with the game play.
Needless to say that a teenage gothic may not be as easy to incorporate into a story that is located at a secret Umbrella
facility, as say an industrial worker hired to build a new area along with his crew. But again, these choices should be up
to the GM and the gaming group.
Umbrella U.B.C.S.
Countermeasure Service) is the army and security of
Umbrella. Although the U.B.C.S. operatives handle
delicate matters, they are rarely informed about the
nature of their missions and they are considered very
expendable despite their high training.
� Computer Use [INT]
� Concentration [CON]
� Demolitions [INT]
� Disable Device [INT]
� Move Silently [DEX]
� Open Lock [DEX]
� Search [INT]
� Use Rope [DEX]
+4 more of player choice.
Starting gear:
All U.B.C.S. operatives carry a certain amount of
standard gear. The following equipment is available to
all starting U.B.C.S. characters:
� Heckler & Koch G36 automatic rifle.
� x4 Scope for the G36.
� Laser gunsight for the G36.
� 3 full .223 Remington ammo clips.
� Gas mask w/ case.
� Stim-gun w/ 1 of each injection capsules.
� Flak vest (black).
� Black standard U.B.C.S. combat uniform.
� Combat knife.
Umbrella Scientist
The Umbrella Corporation has many scientists working
on various experiments and research. More often than
not the scientists get caught in their own experimental
mishaps or even supervise field tests.
� Computer Use [INT]
� Concentration [CON]
� Craft: choose one [INT]
� Gather Information [CHA]
� Handle Animal [CHA]
� Knowledge: Umbrella [INT]
� Knowledge: choose an area of expertise [INT]
� Research [INT]
+4 more of player choice.
Starting Gear:
It is essential to Umbrella scientists that they always
carry certain tools for their jobs.
� Palmtop PC.
� Stim-gun w/ 1 of each injection capsule.
Creatures and Enemies
When playing Resident Evil you will face an entirely different set of enemies than in Call of Cthulhu. There are no greater
gods or great old ones, but there is plenty of unspeakable horror in the countless Umbrella B.O.W. projects. This section
will provide complete stats and info on all the common and well-known BOW and mutations, along with stats for
Umbrella operatives.
Infectious: All the B.O.W. and other creatures infected with the T or G-virus have the ability to infect those they bite,
scratch or in other ways touch. When you are hit by an attack that causes infection, you must make a fortitude save (DC
10) or become infected with the virus in question. Infected beings lose 1hp / hour and 1 sanity / hour. If more than 30
minutes pass since infection, then the anti toxin is useless. Anyone who dies from the virus becomes a zombie
according to the virus.
Mutative: Some of the T-virus creatures and all of the G-virus creatures have the ability to mutate and rapidly reproduce
cells. Whenever a creature with the mutative ability drops to 50% of its starting hp, roll on the mutation table below to
see the results.
Multiple legs
Spidery legs spring forth from the creature’s torso granting it a +10
bonus to its speed.
A tentacle that adds 1 ranged touch attack at 15 ft. reach at +5 to hit,
and +2 to Grapple dealing d6 damage.
Massive growth
The creature grows to one size category larger, adding +2 to its
strength. (Size modifier to AC also applies.)
The creature gains a 40 ft. fly (average) to its speed.
Blade claws
A long blade like claw shoots out from the creature’s arm, granting it an
extra +4 melee attack that deals 2d10 damage.
Tougher skin
The creature gains a +2 to AC.
Poisonous spray
The creature starts to spray poisonous spores. Ranged touch attack +3.
Target must make a successful fortitude save (DC 15) or be poisoned.
Bone spikes
Large bone spikes spring from the entire body forcing anyone
attempting to make a melee attack at the creature to make a successful
Reflex save (DC 15) or suffer d4 damage.
Poison: Some creatures are poisonous beyond the standard T-virus infection risk. This poison is the standard poison
from the CoC rulebook (page 84, table 5-15) that has a save DC 12, Initial damage 0 and secondary damage 1d4 Dex.
Regeneration: The T-virus and G-virus are highly mutative and some of the larger creatures created by these viruses
tend to regenerate their wounds fast. A creature with the Regeneration ability automatically heals d4 hp every d6 turn.
However, damage that destroys cell structure such as fire and acid does not regenerate.
Tiny T-virus BOW
Hit Dice: 2d10 (20 hp)
Initiative: +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 20 ft.
Armor Class: 14 (4 Dex)
Attacks: Bite +4 melee, Electrical charge +2 ranged
Damage: Bite d4, Electrical charge d6 electrical
Face/Reach: 3 ft. by 3 ft./3 ft.
Special Attacks: Infectious
Special Qualities: None
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 10
Skills: Climb +4, Spot +3, Hide +10
Feats: Blind-Fight, Expertise, Improved Initiative, Iron
Will, Lightning Reflexes
CR: 1
Sanity Loss: 0/1d4
Advancement: 3-4 HD (small), 5-7 HD (medium)
The Albinoid is an attempt to make small and fast BOW
creatures that can infiltrate and infect enemy bases and
areas swiftly. The Albinoid was created by injecting
genetically altered salamanders with the T-virus. The
Albinoids resemble large tadpoles at first, but soon
grow into medium sized creatures.
Electrical charge – The Albinoid has the ability to
discharge an electrical charge from its maw. This
charge counts as a ranged touch attack weapon with a
range of 5 ft., and deals d6 electrical damage.
Large T-virus BOW
Hit Dice: 10d8+20 (100 hp)
Initiative: +3 (-1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 20 ft.
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +7 natural)
Attacks: Claw +12/+7 melee
Damage: Claw 1d10+4
Face/Reach: 15 ft. by 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Infectious
Special Qualities: None
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 10
Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Power Attack
CR: 5
Sanity Loss: 1/1d4
The Bandersnatch is one of Umbrellas more reliable of
the larger BOW projects. It doesn’t possess the
strength and intelligence of the Tyrants, but it makes up
for that in the ability to effectively mass-produce them.
The Bandersnatch is terribly slow, but makes up for the
lack of agility with a large bulky arm that extends up to
15 feet in a powerful claw attack. It has a yellowish skin
and appears as a mutated and deformed human of
gross size.
The Bandersnatch was created by experimenting with
the T-virus on human hosts, and is the result of a
genetically altered T-virus human. It has as limited
intelligence as the standard T-virus infected zombies,
but with its mutations and power it is even more durable
and deadly.
Medium T-virus Zombie
Hit Dice: 2d10 (20 hp)
Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Speed: 40 ft.
Armor Class: 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural)
Attacks: Bite +2 melee
Damage: Bite 1d6
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Infectious
Special Qualities: Zombie
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 14, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats: Toughness
CR: 1
Sanity Loss: 0/1d4
Zombie: The Cerberus are common dogs that have
become infected with the T-virus, and like all T-virus
Zombies, it can be killed instantly with a called shot to
the head. The Cerberus is a Medium sized creature and
gets a +4 to Armor Class if target for a called shot.
If hit with a called shot to the head will die instantly as it
cannot function without its brain.
The Cerberus are not intentional creations of Umbrella,
but rather the result of normal dogs being infected with
the T-virus. Like humans and other animals the dogs,
when subjected to the T-virus, turn into mindless
zombies following the most primal of instincts… To
The Cerberus are lightning fast and usually hunt in
pairs but they also roam alone depending on the
Corvus Corax
Tiny T-virus Zombie
Hit Dice: d4 (4 hp)
Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Speed: 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
Armor Class: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 size)
Attacks: Claws +4 melee
Damage: Claws 1d3
Face/Reach: 2½ ft. by 2½ ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Infectious
Special Qualities: Zombie
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2
Abilities: Str 1, Dex 15, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Skills: Jump +9, Search +6, Spot +13, Listen +11
Feats: Toughness, Weapon finesse (claws)
CR: ½
Sanity Loss: 0/1
Zombie: The Corax are common ravens that have
become infected with the T-virus. Despite being
zombies like both the Cerberus and humans, the Corax
cannot be instantly killed with a called shot to the head
due to its small size.
The Corax is not an intentional creation of Umbrella but,
like the Cerberus, a zombie created by an unintentional
outbreak of T-virus. They are fast and deadly carriers of
the T-virus that are hard to hit, but once you hit them,
they tend to go down.
Huge G-virus Mutation
Hit Dice: 18d12+189 (405 hp)
Initiative: -1 (Dex)
Speed: 20 ft.
AC: 30 (-1 Dex, -2 size, +22
Attacks: Bite +23 melee, 2 tendrils
+18 melee
Damage: Bite 3d10+9,
tendril 1d8+4
Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 40 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Infectious
Special Qualities: Swallow whole,
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +2, Will +2
Abilities: Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int
3, Wis 8, Cha 1
Feats: Toughness, multiattack
CR: 18
Sanity Loss: d4/d10
Swallow whole: The Devourer has a mutating maw
that can swallow anything whole. As long as the target
is one size category smaller than the Devourer, the
Devourer can attempt a swallow whole attack that
instantly kills the target swallowed.
The Devourer is the final stage of mutation for an
uncontrolled G-virus mutation. The first Devourer was
reported when William Birkin, the first to discover the G-
virus, injected himself with the G-virus and started
The Devourer mutation is far too uncontrollable and
dangerous for Umbrella to research it effectively for use
in their BOW projects, but once in a while their G-virus
projects get out of control and a Devourer may be a
Large G-virus BOW/mutation
Hit Dice: 8d12+24 (120 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft.
AC: 20 (-1 size, +11 natural)
Attacks: Claws +10 melee
Damage: Claw 2d6+5
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Infectious
Special Qualities: Spawning, regeneration
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +2, Will +2
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 9
Feats: Toughness
CR: 8
Sanity Loss: d4/d8
Spawning: The G-baby has the ability to vomit a small
ball of its own mutated tissue as a single action, which
instantly tries to grapple a nearby victim (single action,
grapple +2 melee).
A victim grappled by the tissue will become infected
and begin mutating. The mutation will take d6 turns and
do d6 hp damage each turn. If the victim dies from the
mutation, the mutation will cease and the victim will
effectively be dead. If the victim survives the mutation, it
will turn into a new G-baby.
The G-Baby first appeared at the Raccoon city facility
when William Birkin conducted G-virus experiments.
The G-Baby was an attempt to produce a G-virus
version of the Licker, but like the Licker project it
became too uncontrollable and it has since been
classified as a rogue project. Still the G-baby is the core
of much of the active G-virus experimentation, and it
helped refine the current G-Tyrant project.
It was created by injecting the G-virus into a G-type,
just as the Licker was made by injecting an already
infected with the T-virus.
The G-Baby is slow and bulky but very powerful and
deadly constantly vomiting out smaller G-babies.
Large G-virus BOW/mutation
Hit Dice: 10d12+32 (152 hp)
Initiative: -1 (Dex)
Speed: 20 ft.
AC: 18 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +10 natural)
Attacks: 4 Claws +10 melee
Damage: Claw 2d8+5
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Infectious
Special Qualities: Mutative, regeneration
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 9, Wis 11, Cha 1
Feats: Toughness, multiattack
CR: 10
Sanity Loss: d4/d8
The G-type was created by injecting the G-virus directly
into a human. The first G-type was William Birkin, the
“father” of the G-virus. When Umbrella operatives
attacked the facility beneath Raccoon city, William
Birkin injected himself with the G-virus, and became the
first G-type. Since then Umbrella has experimented with
the G-type and perfected it into the G-Tyrant.
The G-virus is highly mutative, and the problem with all
G-virus research and experimentation is that the
subjects keep mutating uncontrollably. Only the G-
Tyrant has been altered to control the mutations.
Large G-virus BOW
Hit Dice: 11d12+56 (188 hp)
Initiative: -1 (Dex)
Speed: 20 ft.
AC: 22 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +14 natural)
Attacks: 2 Claws +14 melee
Damage: Claw 2d10+7
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Infectious
Special Qualities: Mutative, regeneration
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 9, Con 19, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Feats: Toughness, multiattack
CR: 13
Sanity Loss: d4/d8
Controlled mutation: The G-Tyrant is a Tyrant created
by the G-virus rather than the T-virus. The G-Tyrant has
been enhanced to have control over its cellular
mutations. This means that it doesn’t mutate as the G-
type, but it can as a full round action spend d20 hp to
gain a mutation from the mutation table.
The G-Tyrant was created the same way as the regular
Tyrant, except it was made by using the highly mutative
G-virus. The G-Tyrant is used rarely as it resembles a
human less than the standard Tyrant. The missions
assigned to the G-Tyrant are usually rogue BOW
extermination missions when the incident can be
exterminating runaway Lickers in the remote research
and testing facilities where containment is not a
Medium T-virus BOW
Hit Dice: 5d12+14 (74 hp)
Initiative: +3 (Dex)
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 17 (+3 Dex, +4 natural)
Attacks: 2 Claws +12 melee, bite +7 melee
Damage: Claw 1d4+8, bite 1d8+4
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Infectious
Special Qualities: None
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +3
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 7
Skills: Spot +7, Listen +8, Jump +6
Feats: Multiattack
CR: 6
Sanity Loss: 0/d4
The hunters are genetically altered humans infected
with the T-virus. These reptilian like creatures are
lightning fast and deadly, but not very intelligent. Their
sole purpose is to hunt down and eliminate humans or
animals infected with the T-virus; however, they are not
scrupulous about who or what they kill.
These deadly creatures are usually kept in secure cells
and only unleashed in case of massive contamination
Medium T-virus BOW
Hit Dice: 5d12+14 (74 hp)
Initiative: +4 (Dex)
Speed: 40 ft.
AC: 18 (+4 Dex, +4 natural)
Attacks: 2 Claws +7 melee, tongue +12 melee
Damage: Claw 1d4+8, tongue 2d8+5
Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Infectious
Special Qualities: Spider climb, regenerate
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +3
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 3, Wis 11, Cha 7
Feats: Lightning reflexes, alertness.
CR: 6
Sanity Loss: 1/d4
Spider climb: The licker can climb any surface by
digging its massive claws deep into almost any surface.
The licker is created by injecting the T-virus directly into
an already infected human. They are one of the most
favored of the BOW projects as they are somewhat
controllable and with their chest piercing tongue they
are extremely deadly.
Large T-virus Mutation
Hit Dice: 5d8+10 (50 hp)
Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Speed: 20 ft., 60 ft. fly (good)
AC: 14 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural)
Attacks: Bite +6 melee
Damage: Bite 1d3+6 poison
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Infectious
Special Qualities: None
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +2
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int -, Wis 13, Cha 11
Feats: None
CR: 3
Sanity Loss: 0/d4
The Giant Moths are examples of how the T-virus
affects some animals. These creatures are just like
ordinary moths, only 50 times bigger and poisonous
due to the T-virus.
Maw beast
Large G-virus Mutation
Hit Dice: 18d12 (216 hp)
Initiative: -1 (Dex)
Speed: 20 ft.
AC: 30 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +22 natural)
Attacks: Bite +18 melee (grapple +6),
Claw +13 melee
Damage: Bite 2d10+6, claw 1d6+2
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Infectious
Special Qualities: Mutative, regenerate
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6
Abilities: Str 33, Dex 9, Con 22, Int 3,
Wis 11, Cha 1
Feats: Multiattack, power attack
CR: 15
Sanity Loss: 1/d8
The Maw beast is a mutative state between the G-type
and the Devourer. The Maw beasts has never been
attempted to recreate, and those that appear are
usually the result of G-types having consumed infected
DNA such as other BOW or zombies.
The Maw beasts are not as fast as the G-type, but they
are more durable and tend to grapple their victims with
their big maw, where they slowly digest the victim by
injecting it with virus-infected mucus.
Large T-virus BOW
Hit Dice: 14d12+85 (253 hp)
Initiative: -1 (Dex)
Speed: 20 ft.
AC: 26 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +18 natural)
Attacks: Grenade launcher +4 ranged,
2 Slams +18 melee
Damage: Grenade launcher 3d6 fire,
Slam 2d10+9
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: None
Special Qualities: Regenerate
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4
Abilities: Str 29, Dex 9, Con -, Int -,
Wis 11, Cha 1
Feats: Power attack
CR: 14
Sanity Loss: 1/d8
The Nemesis is Umbrella’s most effective BOW. It was
created by taking a human infected with mutating T-
virus and injecting him with Tyrant DNA and more T-
virus. The result was a super Tyrant. Though the Tyrant
is more intelligent and often used for recovery missions,
the Nemesis was designed for one purpose.
Extermination. The Nemesis is often made from elite
UBCS operatives, thereby getting a super Tyrant with
the ability to handle weaponry.
The first Nemesis type was seen at Raccoon city where
it was sent to kill all remaining STARS members. Since
then it has been inserted in many seek and destroy
missions globally.
Plant type A
Medium T-virus BOW
Hit Dice: 2d8+6 (32 hp)
Initiative: -1 (Dex)
Speed: 10 ft.
AC: 13 (-1 Dex, +4 natural)
Attacks: 2 tentacles +3 melee (grapple +2)
Damage: Tentacle 1d6+2
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Infectious
Special Qualities: None
Saves: Fort +6, Ref -1, Will +0
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 8, Con 16, Int 2,
Wis 11, Cha 9
Feats: None
CR: 3
Sanity Loss: 0/d4
The plant Type A was created by genetically altering
plants and injecting them with the T-virus. They are
slow and easy to kill, but in the wild they are virtually
impossible to spot, thus making them all the more
Plant type B
Medium T-virus BOW
Hit Dice: 2d8+6 (32 hp)
Initiative: -1 (Dex)
Speed: 10 ft.
AC: 13 (-1 Dex, +4 natural)
Attacks: 2 tentacles +3 melee (grapple +2)
Damage: Tentacle 1d6+2 poison
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Infectious
Special Qualities: Poisonous
Saves: Fort +6, Ref -1, Will +0
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 8, Con 16, Int 2,
Wis 11, Cha 9
Feats: None
CR: 3
Sanity Loss: 0/d4
The Plant Type B is very similar to the Plant Type A,
except it has a more red color and is poisonous. All
attacks from the Plant Type B are poisonous.
Medium T-virus mutation
Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (18 hp)
Initiative: +3 (Dex)
Speed: 30 ft., climb 20 ft.
AC: 14 (+3 Dex, +1 natural)
Attacks: Bite +4 melee
Damage: Bite 1d6 poison
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Infectious
Special Qualities: None
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +0
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 17, Con 12, Int -,
Wis 10, Cha 2
Skills: Climb +12, Hide +10, Jump +6, Spot +8
Feats: Weapon finesse (bite)
CR: 2
Sanity Loss: 1/d4
Like the moth, the spider is one of those creatures that
grow to huge sizes when subjected to the T-virus. As
their size increases so does the lethalness of their
Though the spiders are weak and easily killed, they are
very dangerous when they get up close.
Medium G-virus mutation
Hit Dice: 3d12+24 (60 hp)
Initiative: +3 (Dex)
Speed: 30 ft., climb 10 ft.
AC: 14 (+3 Dex, +1 natural)
Attacks: Bite +4 melee, tongue +9
Damage: Bite 1d6+3, tongue 2d8+5
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Infectious
Special Qualities: Zombie
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +0
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 8,
Wis 10, Cha 2
Skills: Climb +12, Hide +10, Jump +6, Spot +8
Feats: Weapon finesse (bite), weapon finesse (tongue)
CR: 3
Sanity Loss: 1/d6
The Scuttlers is another G-virus project gone wrong. In
an attempt to create a mutative super soldier, Umbrella
injected pregnant women with the G-virus and removed
the infected embryo from the women and nurtured the
embryos in a separate hatchery, where they were fed
G-virus with their nutrient. The result was a highly
predatory mockery of humanity that resembles part
licker part spider.
The scuttlers were originally destroyed as a failed
project, but later the project was reopened and used for
active insertion into conflict hot-zones as expendable
Umbrella UBCS
Medium Human
Hit Dice: 4d6+6 (30 hp)
Initiative: +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved initiative)
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 17 (+1 Dex, +6 flak vest)
Attacks: G36 auto rifle +6 ranged*
Damage: G36 auto rifle 2d10
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: None
Special Qualities: None
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +2
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 14,
Wis 12, Cha 14
Feats: Point blank shot, precise shot, improved
CR: 5
Sanity: 65
(*) – This includes Armor check penalty and Laser
The UBCS is Umbrella’s own elite task force made up
by highly trained elite soldiers with state of the art
All UBCS operatives are equipped with the HK G36
automatic rifle with x6 scope and laser gunsight. They
also carry a standard UBCS uniform, which includes a
black flak vest.
When the UBCS are inserted on missions they often
divide into teams with various assignments. These may
include demolitions experts, security systems experts,
snipers carrying the Colt Accurized rifle and standard
assault troops.
UBCS operatives assigned to sniper duty carry the Colt
Accurized Rifle fitted with a x9 power scope with
infrared and laser targeter. With armor check penalty
and gun equipment bonuses, the UBCS snipers will hit
on a +6 ranged attack modifier.
All UBCS operatives carry Stim-guns with 1 of each
injection capsule.
Large T-virus BOW
Hit Dice: 11d12+85 (217 hp)
Initiative: -1 (Dex)
Speed: 20 ft.
AC: 22 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +14 natural)
Attacks: 2 Slams +14 melee
Damage: Slam 2d10+7
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Infectious
Special Qualities: Mutative, regeneration
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 9, Con 19, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Feats: Toughness, multiattack, power attack
CR: 12
Sanity Loss: 1/d8
The Tyrant was the first of the BOW projects to attempt
the creation of a controllable human mutational super
soldier. It was created by genetically manipulating a
human and then injecting it directly with T-virus.
The first Tyrant project was created at the Raccoon city
mansion facility and was released before completion by
Albert Wesker. This caused the Tyrant to kill Wesker
and go rampant in the facility.
That Tyrant project was considered failed and was
destroyed, but it did not take Umbrella long to perfect
the Tyrant from the data collected from the mansion
The perfected Tyrant project is very controllable and
extremely deadly, though not as deadly as the larger
Nemesis project, and is used mainly for insertion in
areas where the UBCS cannot operate due to
The first successful Tyrant mission was the retrieval of
the G-virus from the Raccoon city facility and the
support of UBCS operatives in containing the incident
following the T and G-virus outbreak in Raccoon city.
Medium T-virus Zombie
Hit Dice: 2d12+3 (27 hp)
Initiative: -1 (Dex)
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 11 (-1 Dex, +2 natural)
Attacks: Slam +2 melee, bite +2 melee
Damage: Slam 1d6+1, bite 1d4+3
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Infectious
Special Qualities: Zombie
Saves: Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +3
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 8, Con -, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats: Toughness
CR: 1
Sanity Loss: 1/1d6
Zombie: The zombies are ordinary humans that have
become infected with the T-virus, and like most T-virus
Zombies, it can be killed instantly with a called shot to
the head. The zombie is a Medium sized creature and
gets a +4 to Armor Class if target for a called shot.
If hit with a called shot to the head the zombie will die
instantly as it cannot function without its brain.
The Zombies are ordinary humans who have been
infected with the T-virus. The T-virus stimulates the
electrical pulses that remain when the body dies, giving
the corpse basic motor functions, but as the brain is
effectively dead, the animated corpse is driven by the
basic need to feed.
People infected with the T-virus while alive will slowly
start to die as a result of the T-virus’ mutative abilities
thus turning them slowly into zombies. Corpses that
have been dead for no longer than a few months may
still turn into zombies when subjected to the T-virus, as
their residue electrical pulses may not have dissipated
The zombies are slow and fairly easy to kill, but they
tend to come in large numbers, which makes them
dangerous beyond comprehension.
Security systems
With big secrets comes the need to guard them, and
with secrets as big as those the Umbrella Corporation
have you need some very advanced security systems.
The following is just a short list of security systems that
are often found at various facilities.
Disabling security systems: Security systems are
there to protect something, but you will often find
yourself in need of getting past those systems to find
answers or simply to survive. Each system has a
different way of disabling it, and they all require a
Disable device skill check. Characters with the Security
systems feat will automatically gain bonuses to these
Gun drones
The gun drones are fully automated medium caliber
machineguns fitted with motion detective sensors that
allow them to swiftly target and destroy any moving
object within their designated target area.
The gun drones are often used in high security areas
where traffic is limited.
The gun drones fire 7.62x51mm rounds on full
automatic bursts at anything within their target area
(usually a corridor or room), dealing 2d10 damage pr.
shot. The drones have a +9 ranged attack modifier and
a range of 60 ft. (the range of the motion sensor).
Disabling: The gun drones can be destroyed by a
successful hit to AC 20 to the sensor.
The gun drones – like many other security systems –
rely on computers to run them, and finding the main
security console will quickly allow you to disable the
gun drones with a successful Use computer skill check
(DC 15).
Biohazard containment chamber
When dealing with biohazardous material you will
usually need to pass through a biohazard disinfection
chamber. These rooms are used to decontaminate
personnel with a lethal gas. Anyone who enters a
decontamination chamber without proper safety gear
will suffer a slow suffocating death at the hand of the
Anyone who enters a B.C.C. without protective suits
must endure the decontamination process, which lasts
for d8 turns. Each turn they must make a fortitude save
(DC 17) or suffer d4 suffocating damage.
Another version of this decontamination chamber is
sometimes used as access chambers to high security
areas. Anyone who enters the chamber must produce
the proper identification in the shape of a pass card, a
handprint scan or retinal scan etc. Failing to do so will
flood the room with lethal gas. These versions have a
duration of d10 turns and do d6 suffocating damage if a
fortitude save (DC 20) is failed.
Disabling: The decontamination chamber and the
security chamber can both be disabled with a Disable
device skill check (DC 25). Of course, there is a certain
time limit as they can only be disabled while inside.
Laser grid
The laser grid is a vicious trap made by high-powered
laser beams that form a moving grid that cuts through
steel as well as flesh and bone. These security systems
are only used in conjunction with very high security
areas and require a large computer to run.
Anyone who enters a corridor with a laser grid will
trigger it. All exits will be sealed and the grid will
activate. As the grid changes its pattern and movement,
the target must make d4 consecutive reflex saves (DC
3d6+5) or suffer 4d10 damage.
Disabling: The only way of disabling a laser grid is to
turn it off at the main console (usually situated in the
immediate proximity such as the next room, or in a
main security control room). Doing so requires a
successful Use computer skill check (DC 15).
Story ideas
To get you started right away, we have created a short
list of story ideas that can be used as single story plots
or combined to form large campaigns. These are not
scenarios in them selves, but merely plot ideas for you
to turn into your own unique adventures.
The dying child
An Umbrella researcher in charge of a remote T-virus
research facility learns that his son is slowly dying from
cancer. In an attempt to save his son, the scientist uses
the T-virus to create a cure for his son. However, his
noble intentions become a horrid nightmare as the cure
proves not only to cure the cancer, but it uses the
cancer cells to mutate the young boy into a twisted
mockery of his childish human shape. The creature
then infects the entire facility, and a new Raccoon city
incident may be waiting to happen if nothing is done.
A high-ranking Umbrella official is in danger of being
kidnapped (or assassinated) by operatives from a
rivaling corporation. The players must act as
bodyguards for the Umbrella official while learning the
dark truth about why he is in such danger. What does
the documents he carries around in his briefcase all the
time contain?
The prisoners
The players wake up in a strange prison with little
memory of what has happened and why they are there.
Once in a while they notice people in military gear enter
the prison compound and retrieve prisoners who are
never seen again.
What goes on in the large buildings on the other side of
the wall? What happens to the prisoners, and what will
happen to you? Can the players unravel the mystery of
their capture and the dark fate that awaits them before
it is too late?
A different kind of war
The characters take the role of soldiers on a combat
mission that quickly turns into a nightmare, as their
enemies suddenly don’t stay dead when they are shot.
Is it some strange new type of weapon the enemy has
gained possession of or is the entire mission really a
suicide mission designed to field test the latest BOW?
The ghost town
As the players learn of a ghost town where all the
people are missing, they embark on a mission to
investigate the town. What dark secrets does the town
hold? Where are all the people, and what is that
moaning sound that keeps getting louder?
A controlled outbreak of the T-virus in a small town
results in the entire population being turned into
zombies. Can the players escape the nightmare and
can they keep the zombies from spreading? And what
will happen if they can’t?
Final words
This supplement was created by Resident Evil fans for Resident Evil fans and is not intended to be sold or otherwise
used for personal profit. All names, characters and places mentioned are © Copyright respectively and not intended to
portrait actual living or (un)dead persons.
We hope you will enjoy playing the game as much as we did writing it.
This supplement can be included into Call of Cthulhu games or it can be used to play all Resident Evil only games or
even included into other d20 games.
Have fun, and remember…
J. D. Davidsen (Mnyogha)
M. B. Hansen (MadMaxim)
| textdata/thevault/Call of Cthulhu (CoC) (BRP) [multi]/Call of Cthulhu (d20)/CoC d20 - Resident Evil - The Umbrella Files.pdf |
True20 QuickStart Rules
True20 is an adventure roleplaying game in which you, the players, take
on the roles of fictional heroes having adventures in an imagined
environment. One player, the Narrator, takes on the job of creating
that environment and the stories for the other players to take part in.
Together, you create your own tales of action and adventure, like your
favorite novels, movies, or video games.
The best part about adventure roleplaying is you are in control of the
action! Literally anything you can imagine is possible, because you and
your fellow players control the story.
You may have played other roleplaying games, or this may be your
introduction to new worlds of adventure. Either way, welcome to True20
and new worlds of adventure!
The Rules
True20 is based on a set of rules used in many popular roleplaying games
called the d20 System, modified for fast, easy, and fun game-play. The
basic rules are quite simple and used to resolve virtually all conflicts
in the game. This section goes over the essential rules of the game to
give you a feel for them.
The Die
True20 uses a single twenty-sided die, abbreviated “d20” or “1d20” (for
“one twenty-sided die”). You can find these dice in game and hobby
stores everywhere.
Actions in True20 are resolved with a check, a roll of the die, plus or minus
a modifier. The result of the check is compared to a difficulty number: if
the result equals or exceeds the difficulty, the action succeeds. If it is less
than the difficulty, it fails. Sometimes the degree of success or failure
(how much the check result is above or below the difficulty) matters;
other times, it does not.
Any task in True20 can be assigned a numeric difficulty, the result you
need to get on a check to accomplish that task. General difficulties are
automatic (0, you don’t even need to roll), easy (5), average (10), tough
(15), challenging (20), formidable (25), heroic (30), super-heroic (35),
and nearly impossible (40). Only the greatest heroes can accomplish
high-difficulty tasks on a regular basis.
Nearly Impossible
Checks have modifiers, positive and negative numbers based on the
hero’s abilities and skills, as well as on the prevailing conditions.
In general, positive conditions grant a +2 modifier, while adverse
conditions impose a –2 modifier.
Rounds and Scenes
Time in True20 is generally broken up into rounds and scenes. A round is
a six-second segment of time, enough for a hero to do one or two things
in the midst of a fight or other action scene. A scene is an indeterminate
length of time, generally long enough for something significant to happen.
Think of a scene as a chapter in a story or a single scene in a film.
True20 defines heroes (and other characters) in terms of certain traits.
These are game-defined qualities, usually assigned a numeric value to
act as a modifier for checks. The traits you will find on the hero sheets
include the following:
Abilities are the six basic traits that define a hero: Strength, Dexterity,
Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Each has a modifier
ranging from –5 (terrible) to +5 (outstanding), with the average at +0.
A strong hero has a high Strength modifier, while a smart hero has a
high Intelligence, and so on.
Skills are trained abilities, things you learn to do. Training in a skill provides
an additional modifier, added to one of your basic abilities, which you use
when making checks involving that skill. If you’re trained in the Knowledge
of arcane lore, for example, you get a bonus equal to your skill when making
Intelligence checks to know something about the arcane. Skills give heroes
bonuses ranging from +4 to +20 or more at higher levels.
Feats are special capabilities, talents, or knacks heroes may have. Each
feat gives your hero a special ability, explained in the hero’s description.
True20 features many more feats heroes can have.
Attack measures your hero’s training in combat. It is the modifier you
add to your rolls to hit an enemy in a fight.
Defense measures your hero’s ability to avoid attacks. It determines
the difficulty to hit your hero in combat.
Saving Throws (or “saves” for short) are a hero’s traits for avoiding
or resisting certain effects. Toughness is used for resisting damage and
direct harm. Fortitude is for resisting attacks on the hero’s health, and
is based on Constitution. Reflex is for avoiding harm using speed and
reaction time, and is based on Dexterity. Will is for resisting mental
influences and arcane powers, and is based on Wisdom. A saving throw
is like any other check: a roll, plus your hero’s save modifier, against the
difficulty of the effect or hazard you want to avoid.
Conviction is a special quality of heroes (and other important
characters in the story). It represents their ability to overcome adversity
and do important things when they need to. All True20 heroes have 3
points of Conviction to start and gain more as they advanced in level.
You can spend a point of Conviction to re-roll any die roll you make and
take the better of the two rolls. If the result of the second roll is 10 or
below, add 10 to it, meaning you always get at least an average result if
you spend Conviction on a roll. You can also spend Conviction to allow
your hero to recover quickly from injury (see Damage and Recovery).
Heroes regain all spent Conviction as the start of each adventure.
Characters in True20 interact in various ways. Heroes try to negotiate
agreements between disputing parties, or go on diplomatic missions.
Villains taunt and threaten, or even try to sway heroes to their side.
Quick Start Rules
Chapter One: Hero Creation
People get into disagreements or debates. The whole adventure may
hinge on convincing the right person at the right time.
The Narrator determines the attitude of any character the heroes
encounter during the game. The heroes can then try to influence the
character’s attitude using Charisma and related skills (such as Diplomacy
or Intimidate). The Interaction table shows the effects of character
attitudes and the Difficulty of attempting to change someone’s attitude
with a Charisma or skill check. Note that a particularly bad check result
can actually make a character’s attitude worse. For example, rolling less
than a 5 makes an unfriendly character turn hostile. In general, a hero can
attempt to influence another character only once in any given scene.
While heroes can use their Charisma and skills to influence the attitudes
of Narrator characters, heroes generally cannot affect the attitudes of
other heroes, nor can Narrator characters modify their attitudes. The
players choose the attitudes of their heroes, and when they change.
Possible Actions
Will take risks to oppose
Attack, interfere, berate, flee
Wishes you ill
Mislead, gossip, avoid, watch
suspiciously, insult
Doesn’t care either way
Socially acceptable interaction
Wishes you well
Chat, advise, offer limited help,
Will take risks to aid you
Protect, back up, heal, aid,
New Attitude Result
less than
less than
less than 1
less than 1
The heroes of True20 are often forced into conflict. When fights occur
in the game, follow these steps:
At the start of a conflict, each player rolls initiative to determine the
order in which everyone acts. This is a d20 roll plus the hero’s Dexterity
modifier. The Narrator rolls for the other characters involved in the
conflict. Everyone then acts in order from highest initiative result to
lowest. Once the lowest result has acted, go back to the top of the list
and start a new round. This continues until the conflict is resolved.
During a round, heroes can perform one of several types of actions.
Generally, heroes can perform one move action and one standard action
each round. A move action is moving a short distance (whether running,
climbing, swimming, etc.) or doing something equivalent to moving,
like standing up, picking up an object, drawing a weapon, and so forth.
A standard action affects something else, like making an attack, using
a skill or power, and so forth.
Heroes can give up their standard action for another move action (to
move twice as far, for example). They can also give up their standard
and move actions to perform a full-round action, something that takes
the full round to accomplish. Finally, some actions — like speaking,
making saving throws, dropping held items, and so forth — are free
actions, taking no real time. Heroes can perform as many free actions
during their turn as the Narrator feels are appropriate.
To attack an opponent, take a standard action and make an attack
roll. This is 1d20 + your attack modifier and your Dexterity modifier.
The difficulty is equal to 10 + your opponent’s defense and Dexterity
modifier. If you succeed, your attack hits. If you fail, you miss. If you
hit, you may inflict damage, see Damage.
Attack = d20 + attack + Dexterity vs. 10 +
opponent’s defense + Dexterity
Anyone hit with a damaging attack makes a Toughness saving throw. This
is a roll of 1d20 plus Toughness (which measures the ability to avoid or
shrug off damage) plus any modifiers from armor. Resisting damage
has a base difficulty of 15 plus a modifier equal to the attack’s damage
bonus. For unarmed attacks, this is the attacker’s Strength modifier.
For weapons, this is the weapon’s damage plus the attacker’s Strength
modifier. For example, an attacker with Strength +1, wielding a short
sword (damage modifier +2) has a total damage modifier of +3. So,
resisting this damage is difficulty 18 (15 + 3).
Damage = d20 + Toughness + armor vs. 15 +
damage bonus
If the Toughness saving throw succeeds, the target suffers no significant
damage, nothing more than a slight scratch, minor bruise, or torn
clothing. If the Toughness save fails, the target suffers damage. How
much damage depends on the type of attack (lethal or non-lethal) and
the amount the Toughness save result is below the difficulty, as shown
on the damage track:
Damage Track
Non-lethal Damage comes from unarmed attacks (punches and kicks)
as well as specific non-lethal weapons like saps.
A failed Toughness save against a non-lethal attack means the target is
bruised. Put a mark under the Bruised column of the damage track. If
the Toughness save fails by 5 or more, the target is dazed. Put a mark in
The Death in Freeport Adventure
These Quick-Start rules are intended to go along with the free Death in
Freeport sample adventure available on the True20 website; they provide
all the essential rules you need to use the pre-generated characters
accompanying that adventure to play it and get a feel for True20 and
how it works. The Quick-Start Rules are not intended for long-term play,
so some of the various details of the True20 system, particular how to
create your own heroes, have been left out. They are available from the
True20 Adventure Roleplaying rulebook.
True20 QuickStart Rules
the Dazed column of the damage track. If the Toughness save fails by
10 or more, the target is staggered; check off the Staggered box on the
Damage Track. If the Toughness save fails by 15 or more, the target is
unconscious; check off the Unconscious box on the Damage Track.
If a target suffers a result that is already checked off, check off the next
highest result. So if a target is already staggered and suffers another
staggered result, check off the unconscious box. If the unconscious box is
checked, and the character suffers more non-lethal damage, check off the
first available lethal box (so go to wounded, disabled, etc.). Characters
can take an unlimited number of bruised and dazed results.
Lethal Damage is inflicted by weapons, from cutting and piercing
weapons like swords and spears to heavy bludgeoning weapons like
hammers and maces.
A failed Toughness save against a lethal attack means the target is
hurt. Put a mark in the Hurt column of the damage track. If the
Toughness save fails by 5 or more, the target is wounded. Put a mark in
the Wounded column of the damage track. If the Toughness save fails
by 10 or more, the target is disabled; check off the Disabled box on the
Damage Track. If the Toughness save fails by 15 or more, the target is
dying; check off the Dying box on the Damage Track.
If a target suffers a “boxed” result that is already checked off (staggered,
unconscious, disabled, or dying), check off the next highest result.
So, if a target is already disabled and suffers another disabled result
check off the dying box (if that’s already checked off, check off the
dead box, etc.).
• Collateral Damage: Lethal damage inflicts non-lethal “collateral
damage” as well from the shock and pain of an injury. Whenever your
hero suffers lethal damage, check off the corresponding non-lethal
damage, so a hero who is wounded is also dazed, a hero who is hurt is
also bruised. The effects of the damage conditions are cumulative.
Damage Conditions
Damaged characters in True20 can suffer from any of nine conditions,
given on the Damage Track and described here.
• Bruised characters suffer a –1 penalty to Toughness saves against
non-lethal damage per bruised condition.
• Dazed characters lose one full action after suffering a dazed result;
they can take no actions, but retain their normal defense. The
following round, they can act normally. They suffer a –1 penalty to
Toughness saves against non-lethal damage per dazed condition.
• Staggered characters lose one full action after suffering a staggered
result. They can take no actions, lose their Dexterity bonus (but not
penalty) to Defense, and opponents get a +2 bonus on attack rolls
against them. In the following rounds, staggered characters can only
take a standard or a move action, not both.
• Unconscious characters pass out and cannot do anything until they
• Hurt characters suffer a –1 penalty to Toughness saves against lethal
damage per hurt condition.
• Wounded characters are shaken, suffering a -2 penalty to all checks,
including attack rolls and saving throws. This persists until all
wounded conditions are eliminated. Additionally, a wounded
character is stunned for one round after being wounded. They can
take no actions, lose their Dexterity bonus (but not penalty) to
Defense, and opponents get a +2 bonus on attack rolls against them.
Wounded characters suffer a –1 penalty to Toughness saves against
lethal damage per wounded condition.
• Disabled characters are badly injured. If a disabled character takes
a standard action, he falls unconscious and begins dying on the
following round.
• Dying characters have to make a Constitution check (difficulty 10) at
the beginning of each round. On a failed check, the character dies. On a
successful check, the character lives for another round (and must make a
check the following round). If the check succeeds by 10 or more (difficulty
20), the character’s condition becomes disabled and unconscious.
• Dead characters are, well, dead. This usually means the end for the
character, although some powerful healers in True20 can restore life
to the recently deceased.
Recovering from damage, lethal or non-lethal, requires a Constitution
check (Difficulty 10). A successful check erases the damage condition,
while an unsuccessful check means there is no significant improvement
for that time period. Some damage may take multiple recovery checks
to go away entirely.
You can make a recovery check once per minute for staggered and
unconscious, once per hour for wounded, and once per day for disabled.
Dying characters make checks to stabilize; once you are stable, dying
becomes unconscious and disabled, which you recover from normally
(one minute for unconscious, one day for disabled).
You can spend a Conviction point to get an immediate recovery check
from non-lethal damage, rather than having to wait a minute. You can
also spend Conviction on your recovery check, ensuring success (since
Conviction always grants you a roll of 10).
Bruised and dazed conditions fade automatically at a rate of one per
minute. Hurt conditions do the same at a rate of one per hour. You can
spend a Conviction point to immediately erase all bruised, dazed, and
hurt conditions after (but not during) a conflict.
Characters can suffer from fatigue as well as damage. This usually results
from tasks requiring great effort, such as moving all out, exertion in
difficult environments, and using powers. There are three levels of
fatigue: winded, fatigued, and exhausted.
• Winded: The character suffers a –1 penalty to effective Strength and
Dexterity, and cannot move all out or charge. A winded character
suffering an additional fatigue result becomes fatigued.
• Fatigued: The character cannot move all out or charge, and suffers a
–2 penalty to effective Strength and Dexterity. A fatigued character
suffering an additional fatigue result becomes exhausted.
• Exhausted: The character is near collapse. Exhausted characters move
at half normal speed and suffer a –3 penalty to effective Strength and
Dexterity. An exhausted character suffering an additional fatigue
result falls unconscious (and must recover from it normally, see
Damage Conditions).
• Recovery: Every hour of rest, a hero makes a Constitution check
(Difficulty 10) to recover from fatigue. Success reduces the character’s
fatigue condition by one level (from exhausted to fatigued, from
fatigued to winded, winded to normal). A full ten hours of rest allows
any character to completely recover from all fatigue conditions.
The worlds of True20 are places of wonder, and many True20 characters
have certain supernatural powers at their command. Each power is like
an individual skill, except powers are available only to heroes of the
adept role and cost the same as a feat (since powers are, in essence,
special types of feats only adepts can have). Heroes can start out with
various powers, and can acquire them during play as well. Powers have
a rank based on an adept’s level and use that rank to determine their
Chapter One: Hero Creation
The use of some powers puts a strain on the adept’s mind and body.
When an adept uses a fatiguing power, the player must make a fatigue
save; this is a Will saving throw against a Difficulty of 11 (for the powers
of a 1st-level adept). A successful save results in no ill effect. A failed
save means the character suffers a level of fatigue (see Fatigue).
Rapid use of powers in a short period of time makes it harder to
overcome fatigue. Every time an adept uses a fatiguing power within
an hour’s time, the Difficulty of successive fatigue saves increases by
1. So, an adept uses a fatiguing ability, making a fatigue save against
the normal Difficulty. A minute later, the adept uses another fatiguing
ability. This time the Difficulty is one higher. Use of certain powers in
rapid succession can tire out even powerful adepts.
To eliminate the cumulative fatigue save modifier, an adept must refrain
from using fatiguing powers for at least an hour. The adept does not need
to rest during that time, just avoid any further uses of fatiguing powers.
You can also spend a Conviction point to eliminate the accumulated
fatigue penalty from using powers, gaining a second wind.
Power Descriptions
The powers known to the heroes and other characters in the Death in
Freeport adventure are described here. The True20 Adventure Roleplaying
rulebook contains these and many other powers available to adepts.
You can heal injuries by touch. With a full-round action, you can grant
a subject an immediate recovery check using your Cure check result in
place of their Constitution check. If the recovery check fails, you must
wait the normal recovery time for that condition or expend a level of
fatigue or a point of Conviction before trying again. You can stabilize
a dying character with a Difficulty 10 Cure check.
You can use Cure on yourself. You can’t cure your own staggered or
unconscious conditions or stabilize yourself while dying, since you have
to be conscious and able to take a full-round action to use Cure. You can
use Cure on your own disabled condition, but doing so is a strenuous
action. If your recovery check is successful, you suffer no ill effects. If
it is not, however, your condition worsens to dying.
Time: Cure is a full-round action.
Fire Shaping
You can mentally start and control fires. You can make a Fire Shaping
check to ignite a fire, to increase the size of an existing fire, or to create
light but not heat.
Ignite Fire: You can set any flammable object in your line of sight on fire
as a standard action with a successful Fire Shaping check (Difficulty 15).
Targets must make a Reflex saving throw (Difficulty 15) to avoid taking
+2 fire damage. The target must save each round. A successful save means
the fire goes out. You can reignite it with another standard action and
successful Fire Shaping check. A character on fire can automatically
extinguish the flames by dousing in water (or other flame-retardant
material). Spending a full round rolling on the ground grants a +4 bonus
on the Reflex saving throw. In addition to using it as an attack, you can use
this power to light candles (up to a dozen candles in a 5-foot square with
a single skill check), torches, hearth fires, and so forth. At the Narrator’s
discretion, lighting tiny fires, like candles, is not fatiguing.
Increase Fire: You can increase the size and intensity of a fire. The
Difficulty of the Fire Shaping check is 10 + 1 per square foot of
increase. Every two square feet increase the fire’s damage potential
by +1. The fire maintains its increased size and damage as long as you
concentrate, and it can even burn in the absence of fuel; smothering,
however, still puts it out. While you maintain an increased flame, a
victim does not get a Reflex saving throw to put the fire out (although
it can still be extinguished by dousing with water), and the fire does
additional damage based on your Fire Shaping check. So, an adept
who makes a Difficulty 16 Fire Shaping check can spread a fire over
an additional 6 square feet and it does +3 damage.
Light: You can create a glowing spot that sheds light but no heat,
illuminating a 20-foot radius. This requires a move action and
a Difficulty 5 Fire Shaping check. You can increase the radius of
the illumination by increasing the Difficulty of the check; each +5
Difficulty increases the radius of the illumination by 10 feet. The
point of light moves where you direct it within your line of sight, as
a move action. Creating light is not fatiguing.
Time: Igniting fires and increasing flames are standard actions. Creating
or moving light is a move action.
Heart Shaping
You can impose emotions on others. The target makes a Will saving throw. If
the save fails, you can impose any one of the following emotional states:
Despair: The target suffers a –2 penalty on saving throws, attack rolls,
checks, and damage. Despair dispels the effects of hope.
Fear: The target flees from the object of its fear (chosen by you).
Friendship: The target’s attitude shifts to the next more positive
attitude (hostile to unfriendly, unfriendly to indifferent, and so
forth). Creatures involved in combat continue to fight back normally,
however. Friendship dispels the effects of hatred.
Hatred: The target’s attitude shifts to the next more negative attitude
(indifferent to unfriendly, unfriendly to hostile, and so forth). Hatred
dispels the effects of friendship.
Hope: The target gains a +2 bonus on saving throws, attack rolls,
checks, and damage. Hope dispels the effects of despair.
Time: Heart Shaping is a standard action.
Light Shaping
You can mentally control light. With a successful check, you can make
your outline blurred and indistinct, or even become invisible.
You can create realistic three-dimensional images of light occupying up
to a 10-foot cube. Each additional 10-foot cube that the image occupies
increases the Difficulty by 5. Subjects seeing the image get a Will saving
throw to realize it is not real if they have any reason to suspect it, such
as the fact that the image makes no noise.
You can create light like the Fire Shaping power (see Fire Shaping).
You can create light effects anywhere in your line of sight, and they last
as long as you maintain them.
5 (+5 per additional 10-foot radius)
Visual Illusion
10 (+5 per additional 10-foot cube)
Blur (20% miss chance)
Blur (50% miss chance)
True20 QuickStart Rules
Time: Light Shaping is a standard action. Creating light is a move
Move Object
You can move objects with the power of your thoughts. A Move Object
check allows you to move an object in your line of sight. The Difficulty
of the Move Object check is based on the mass of the object you want
to move and whether or not you choose to risk fatigue. A fatiguing use
of Move Object can move ten times the mass listed on the table (so
20 pounds at Difficulty 10, up to 2,000 pounds at Difficulty 40) and
doubles the listed damage.
2 lb.
5 lb.
10 lb.
25 lb.
50 lb.
100 lb.
200 lb.
You can move the object a distance of 5 feet times your Move Object
rank per move action.
If two adepts vie for control of an object, use opposed Move Object
checks. The winner controls the object for that round. If a creature is
holding the object, make a Move Object check opposed by the creature’s
Strength check.
Striking with Objects: You can hurl objects at opponents. This requires
a ranged attack roll and the object deals damage based on your Move
Object skill check, as shown on the table. Since using Move Object is a
move action, you can move an object and strike with it (as a standard
action) in the same round.
Moving Multiple Objects: As a full-round action, you can attempt to
move multiple objects at once. Use the Difficulty of the heaviest
object, then add +2 for each additional object and increase the fatigue
check Difficulty by +2 for each additional object. You cannot strike a
target with multiple objects as part of the same action.
Time: Move Object is a move action. The power use lasts for 10 rounds
(1 minute) and requires concentration to maintain.
You can inflict terrible pain on a target. You must touch the target,
who makes a Will saving throw. If the save fails, the target is stunned
(see the wounded condition for effects). So long as you maintain
concentration, the effect continues. The victim gets a new Will save
each round to overcome the pain. A successful Will save means your
Pain power stops working. You must use it again to affect the target
(with the usual increase in fatigue save Difficulty for successive use).
A target gets a +2 Will save bonus for each successive use of Pain in
the same scene.
Time: Pain is a standard action.
Second Sight
You can sense the use and lingering effects of supernatural powers.
The Narrator makes a Second Sight check for you in secret as a reaction
whenever powers are used in your general area. The base Difficulty is
10 and increases by +1 for every 10 feet between you and the user or
subject of the power (whichever is closer). A successful result means you
sense the power use. You also know the general direction and distance
to the source of the power and its target. If you succeed by 5 or more,
you know which power was used. If you succeed by 10 or more, you also
recognize the user, if known to you.
Time: Second Sight is a reaction, taking no time on your part.
You can implant suggestions into the minds of others. The suggestion
must be worded in such a manner as to make the activity sound
reasonable. Asking a creature to shoot or stab itself, immolate itself,
or do some other obviously harmful act automatically fails. However,
a suggestion that a pool of acid is actually pure water and that a quick
dip would be refreshing is another matter...
If the target’s Will saving throw fails, the suggested course of action is
followed for up to 30 minutes per power rank, or until the course of action
is complete, whichever comes first. You can also specify conditions that
trigger a particular course of action, in which case the duration is counted
from when the triggering event occurs. A very reasonable suggestion may
impose a saving throw penalty of –1 or –2, at the Narrator’s discretion.
Time: Suggestion is a full-round action.
You can create interference with other supernatural powers and even
creatures. You can affect an area around you with a radius equal to your
adept level times 5 feet. Alternatively, you can choose to focus your
Ward against a single creature in your line of sight.
Anyone affected by your Ward must make an opposed check against
the result of your Ward check to successfully use any powers. Powers
with results less than yours fail; although, the users of the failed powers
still suffer fatigue, if any. Adepts can choose to suffer a fatigue result,
in addition to the normal fatigue of the power used, to gain a +5 bonus
to overcome your Ward. If so, you can choose to suffer a fatigue result
to reinforce your ward, forcing the subject to make a normal check to
overcome it (without the bonus). This takes no actual time; it happens
as part of the check to overcome the Ward.
Creature Ward: You can also use Ward to “hedge out” or ward off certain
supernatural creatures. The Narrator decides what type of creatures
you may ward, depending on the setting. Examples include undead,
fey creatures, elementals, psychic or energy beings, demons (or other
extraplanar entities), and so forth. Different types of supernatural
powers may ward against different types of creatures.
Any creature affected by your Ward must make a Will save against the
result of your Ward check to pass the boundary of the ward (a radius
of adept level x 5 feet). A creature that fails the save cannot cross the
boundary so long as the ward is maintained, nor can it directly affect
or influence anything within the bounds of the ward.
Time: Ward is a move action.
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Open Game License V1.0a
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.,
Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original
material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2004, Wizards of
the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles
Ryan, Eric Cagle, David Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins, Rodney
Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte
Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John
Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
Advanced Player’s Guide, Copyright 2004, White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
Blue Rose, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors Jeremy
Crawford, Dawn Elliot, Steve Kenson, Alejandro Melchoir, and John
Monte Cook Presents: Iron Heroes, Copyright 2005, Monte J. Cook. All rights
Mutants & Masterminds, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin Publishing; Author
Steve Kenson.
The Psychic’s Handbook, Copyright 2004, Green Ronin Publishing; Author
Steve Kenson.
Unearthed Arcana, Copyright 2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Andy Collins,
Jesse Decker, David Noonan, Rich Redman.
True20 Adventure Roleplaying, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin Publishing;
Author Steve Kenson.
Caliphate Nights, Copyright 2006, Paradigm Concepts; Author Aaron
Lux Aeternum, Copyright 2006, BlackWyrm Games; Author Ryan Wolfe,
with Dave Mattingly, Aaron Sullivan, and Derrick Thomas.
Mecha vs. Kaiju, Copyright 2006, Big Finger Games; Author Johnathan
Borrowed Time, Copyright 2006, Golden Elm Media; Authors Bruce Baugh
and David Bolack
| textdata/thevault/True20 System (d20)/True20 - Quick Start Rules.pdf |
Druid Circles
Circle of the Fountain
Myths of a mystical fountain where anti-aging water flows
have filled tomes for centuries. The Circle of the Fountain is
rumored to have partaken in the waters which enhance their
healing magic. No one but the Circle knows for sure, but
Fountain druids use the rejuvenating properties of water to
repair and enhance the body and nature itself.
Additional Cantrips
When you join this circle at 2nd level, you learn the spare the
dying and shape water cantrips.
Enchant Water
Beginning at 2nd level, when you are preparing your spells
after a long rest, you may choose to expend any amount of
spell slots to enchant vials of mundane water with healing
magic. A creature may drink or otherwise consume the water
to instantly restore 1d8 per spell level of the spell slot
expended for that vial plus your Wisdom modifier hit points.
When healed by an enchanted vial, the target is considered to
have been healed by a spell cast by you. When you take a long
rest, all enchanted vials lose their magical properties and
become mundane water.
Circle Spells
At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to circle spells.
Once you gain access to a circle spell, you always have it
prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells
you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that
doesn’t appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless
a druid spell for you.
Druid Level
Circle Spells
aid, cure wounds
revivify, wall of water
control water, death ward
mass cure wounds, raise dead
Life Giving
At 6th level, whenever you spend a druid hit die to heal during
a short rest, you may instead choose to restore 8 + your
Wisdom modifier + the target's Constitution modifier hit
points to a target.
Soothing Waters
When you reach 10th level, you gain swim speed equal to
your walking speed and you can breathe and speak in water
as if it were air.
In addition, when at least half of your body is submerged in
water, you regain 1 hit point at the start of each of your turns
(10 hit points each minute).
Healing Flow
Starting at 14th level, any creature that is healed by one of
your druid spells regains hit points equal to the spell's level at
the start of each of their turns for a number of turns equal to
your Wisdom modifier. A creature can only benefit from the
flow of one spell at a time.
"study" by Dongick Lee (artcobain.deviantart.com/)
| textdata/thevault/Dungeons & Dragons [multi]/5th Edition (5e)/3rd Party/Stray Chow Chow/Stray Chow Chow - Druid Circle - Circle of the Fountain.pdf |
Wizards of the Coast D&D Staff: Brandy Camel, Chris Lindsay, Chris Tulach
D&D Adventurers League Administrators: Ma’at Crook, Amy Lynn Dzura, Claire Hoffman, LaTia Jacquise, Greg Marks,
Alan Patrick, Travis Woodall
Effective Date
September 15, 2020
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, PH, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s
Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the
Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is
protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork
contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.
©2020 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800
Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.
Not for resale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only
Adventurers League Player’s Guide v.10.0
We certainly do! The D&D Adventurers League welcomes
anyone and everyone to join us at the game table, whether
it’s in-person or online. We’re a diverse and inclusive group,
so no matter who you are, if you love D&D, you’re ONE OF
Nearly every D&D game has house rules that modify or clarify the
existing rules as they pertain to that Dungeon Master’s game. To
maintain fairness for all participants in a shared-world campaign,
all DMs use the same house rules.
What follows are the house rules for play in the D&D
Adventurers League Forgotten Realms campaign. These are
effective September 15, 2020. As the campaign continues, we’ll
modify these living rules as needed.
To begin play in Plague of the Ancients, the D&D Adventurers
League season supporting Icewind Dale: Rime of the
Frostmaiden, do the following:
Create a new 1st-level character for use in this season
Play in a seasonal adventure suitable for 1st-level
characters, and/or begin playing Icewind Dale: Rime of the
Each D&D Adventurers League supported adventure you
play as a part of this season earns your character rewards
and allows them to gain levels. Each adventure has a level
range requirement, which your character must meet to
participate in that adventure.
At minimum you should have access to the D&D Basic Rules, which
is a free download on the Wizards website. For the optimal
experience however, we recommend you use the fifth edition
Player’s Handbook (PH).
When creating and advancing your character, you can use any
race and class rules options for your character from the PH and one
other from those products listed below. We refer to this campaign
rule as "Player’s Handbook + 1".
Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden
Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything
Volo’s Guide to Monsters
Xanathar’s Guide to Everything
Character Sheet and Adventure Logsheet. You can use any
character sheet meant for fifth edition D&D, and an adventure
logsheet that suits your preferences. You can find some at D&D
Adventurers League Resources.
These choices can be made in whatever order you’re most
comfortable with, as you think about the character you want
to play.
Choosing Your Race. All races in the PH are appropriate
for this campaign. Additionally, you may also select a race or
subrace from the list below as well.
From Volo’s Guide to Monsters. Aasimar, Firbolg, Goliath,
Kobolds, and Tabaxi
From Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes. Deep Gnome, Duergar,
Eladrin, Gith, Shadar-kai, and Tiefling subraces
Choosing Your Class. You can use class and subclass
options from the PH, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, and the
upcoming book Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything.
Choosing Your Background. Choose a background from
the PH or any fifth edition product listed above.
Alternatively, you can instead customize a background using
the rules found in the PH. Your choice of background is not
restricted by the PH + 1 rule.
Your character’s ability scores are generated using one of
the following methods:
Standard Array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)
Variant: Customizing Ability Scores (PH).
The D&D Adventurers League now uses this variant system from
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything since it allows for a greater degree
of customization. For ease of reference, the relevant information is
included as an appendix to this document and doesn’t count
against the PH + 1 rule.
Selecting or creating personality traits, an ideal, a bond, and
a flaw can help you bring your character to life as you play
Alignment. In additional to your character’s personality,
you should select an alignment. Characters in this campaign
are heroes and therefore can be any alignment but evil.
Deities. Clerics must worship a single, specific deity. Any
deity listed in Deities of the Forgotten Realms and Nonhuman
Deities tables in the PH are appropriate for this campaign.
Your cleric character isn’t limited to the Domains
recommended for their deity when choosing their subclass.
Non-cleric characters may (but are not required) to
choose a deity to worship as well, selecting from the same
tables mentioned above.
Your character’s starting equipment and gold is determined
by their class and background; you don’t roll for their gold.
Trinkets. You start with a trinket of your choice from the
table in Chapter 5 of the PH.
Equipment. Your character can sell starting equipment
using the rules in the PH and can buy equipment and spell
components found in the PH or any other resource listed
above. Selling starting equipment provided by your class
and background doesn’t count toward your GP Limit.
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Adventurers League Player’s Guide v.10.0
When playing as part of the campaign you can play the
hardcover adventure Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden,
the Campaign adventures created in support of it, or both.
As characters level up they also advance tiers. We use tiers
as we design content to determine appropriate challenges
for characters of a given level as well as rewards.
The following table shows what tier your character is at
various levels.
Character Level
1 – 4
5 – 10
11 – 16
17 – 20
Playing Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden. Your
DM will tell you when you’ve gained a level. If you’ve played
for at least 4 hours (8 hours at Tier 2+) in the hardcover
adventure, and your DM hasn’t told you to gain a level, you
gain a level at your own discretion.
You can only gain one level per session. If you gain a level,
you advance to the next level at the end of the session. If you
want to continue playing your character at their current
level, you decline to advance, but you must earn another
level through adventuring when you're ready to advance in
the future.
Playing a Campaign adventure. You gain a level at the
end of the adventure, again at your discretion. If you’d like to
continue playing at your current level, you can decline to
gain a level, although it has an impact on other rewards that
you receive.
When your character advances a level, use the fixed hit point value
provided in the class’s entry; characters never roll their hit points.
In order to maintain portability in this shared-world
campaign, whenever the group you’re playing with finds a
magic item, your character can keep it if you wish (assuming
that it wasn't returned or lost, or it ran out of charges during
the adventure). The number of magic items your character
can own at a given time is determined by their tier
(common, consumable, and story items don’t count against
this limit). Your character can also replace an item in their
possession with a new one—useful in getting rid of obsolete
items or those that have been destroyed or have no magic
Legendary items can only be kept by tier 4 characters, but
others finding one instead unlock it and can choose to take
possession of it when they reach tier 4. Until then the item
doesn’t count against the character’s Magic Item Limit. Only
one character a table can possess a story item at the table at
a given time.
Magic Item Limit
Magic Item Limit
Your Dungeon Master awards your character gold during
play. To maintain fairness in a shared-world campaign, the
maximum amount of gold your character can earn is based
on how many hours they’ve played in their current tier.
While your DM is strongly encouraged to award this amount
of gold each hour, your character earns an amount of gold
equal to half of the hourly award for each hour you play
during the session if they don’t.
Once your character has earned an amount of gold equal
to their GP Limit, inform your DM; they can’t earn any more
until they reach a new level. Once your character reaches
20th level, their GP limit resets each time they complete an
adventure or hardcover chapter.
Hourly GP Award (Minimum)
GP Limit per Level
20gp (10gp)
30gp (15gp)
200gp (100gp)
750gp (375gp)
Downtime Days. Your character earns 10 downtime days
after gaining a level (20 for tier 2+ characters).
As your character gains levels, they evolve and grow. When
advancing your character, the following rules apply:
Decline Advancement. If you decline advancement when
your character gains a level, your character can still keep
any other rewards they earned during the session.
Character Rebuilding. You can rebuild your character
prior to playing their first adventure as a 5th-level
character—changing any of your character’s statistics but
their season and name. Non-mechanical aspects of your
character such as alignment, gender, choice of deity, or
personality traits can be changed between sessions
regardless of level.
Your character keeps any rewards and equipment earned
to that point. If your character’s class or background
changes, they lose any equipment that it granted, along with
the proceeds from selling it, or benefits derived from it, such
as copied spells or gold earned by selling it. Similarly, if you
change their faction, access to renown benefits are
suspended (see Appendix 1: Renown). Dead characters or
those removed from play can’t be rebuilt, nor can story
awards be exchanged or removed.
Death, Disease, and Curses. Dead characters or those
subject to a condition or story award that removes them
from play (vampirism, lycanthropy, petrification,
imprisoned in another plane, etc.) can’t begin a new session
until they’ve been returned to life or until relieved of the
effects that removed them from play—something that NPC
Spellcasting Services can typically accomplish with a
nominal gp cost. If your character doesn’t have enough gold
to pay for the cost of the requisite service or if they suffer
from any effect that spellcasting services can’t remove (such
as a story award requiring a wish), you can instead choose
to remove a permanent magic item (excluding common
magic items) in order to return the character to life or to
Not for resale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only
Adventurers League Player’s Guide v.10.0
remove all effects that removed them from play. A character
returned to play in this way also finds their Magic Item Limit
reduced by 1 until they reach the next tier of play (or
completed two adventures or hardcover chapters at 20th
This option is always available—even if a character’s
Magic Item Limit has been reduced to 0 or if they have no
magic items.
Breaking From Seasonal Play. Once your character has
reached 5th level (Tier 2) you can migrate them to play in
content specific to the Dreams of the Red Wizards story arc.
Additionally, your character can play any of the content from
seasons prior to season 10. If you migrate your character,
they may no longer play in the current season’s content.
The activities below should occur between adventures. It
isn’t appropriate to take up valuable play time with these
things in the midst of a game.
Between sessions, your character can sell or buy equipment
and spell components using the rules found in the PH.
Additional options might be made available at the end of any
given adventure. Sometimes, equipment might be hard to
find during an adventure and unavailable for you to buy.
Your DM will tell when this is the case. Gold earned from
selling items counts against your GP Limit.
Your wealth and equipment is your own, it can’t be given
to another character, but:
Equipment and consumable items can be lent to other
characters at your table but must return it at the end of
the session (unless it’s been consumed or lost).
Permanent magic items can be traded (see below).
Characters can choose to contribute toward the cost of
NPC spellcasting services obtained during an adventure.
Your character can participate in downtime activities
between adventures. If downtime activities become
available during an adventure, your DM will tell you and
adjudicate their resolution as appropriate.
Between adventures you can use the downtime activities
found in the PH as well as the following activities. Lifestyle
costs aren’t incurred when spending downtime days.
Downtime: Spellcasting Services. You can spend a
downtime day to have an NPC cast one spell for you.
Alternatively, you can use this downtime activity to cast one
spell yourself or benefit from a spell cast by another
character that is at the same table as you without expending
spell slots or renewable charges from magic items. The DM
alone has ultimate discretion on whether use of downtime is
feasible during the session (i.e., there are multiple days of
inactivity that make it an option).
Downtime: Catching Up. By spending downtime at 4th,
10th, or 16th level you gain a level.
Current Tier
Downtime Cost
20 days
80 days
200 days
Downtime: Copying Spells. Characters copying spells into
a spellbook must use this downtime activity. You spend up
to 8 hours copying spells into your spellbook and/or making
their spellbook available for other characters to copy from
for each downtime day you spend. Characters playing at the
same table together can “trade” spells with each other using
this activity. Each wizard has their own “language” used for
scribing spells and can’t benefit from the Help action when
scribing—even if assisted by other wizards. You must use
this downtime activity if you wish to copy spells into a
spellbook or to make your own spells available for someone
else to copy. This downtime activity must be used in the
presence of your table’s DM.
Downtime: Trading Magic Items. Permanent magic
items can be traded on a one-for-one basis for items of the
same rarity. Only tier 4 characters can trade legendary
items. Each party to the trade must spend 15 downtime days
unless they’re playing at the same table. Certificates (if
present) must accompany the trade or be destroyed. Unique
magic items or magic items without magical properties can’t
be traded. If your magic item possesses a certificate, it must
accompany the trade or be destroyed. In the event of
conflict, the Dungeon Master’s Guide determines an item’s
rarity and properties.
Brewing Potions of Healing (XGE). You don’t need to
obtain rare materials to using this activity. You don’t suffer
complications while using this activity.
Scribing Scrolls (XGE). You don’t suffer complications
while using this activity.
By adventuring, your character establishes themselves as
notable among the denizens of Faerûn. As their reputation
grows, they can call in favors from those they have crossed
paths with along their journeys. Additional information on
renown can be found in appendix 1.
Your character can be a member of a faction only if they
have the Safe Haven background feature (shown below).
When you choose a faction, you replace your current
background feature with this one.
Faction Insignia. Members of a faction receive an
identifying insignia of their faction: a pin, a brassard, or
special coin. In addition, they can also identify themselves in
other ways, such as clothing, tattoos, or secret handshakes.
Upon reaching 5th level, faction members receive a magical
signet ring (see appendix 2: Renown)
As a faction agent, you have access to a secret network of
supporters and operatives who can provide assistance on your
adventures. You know a set of secret signs and passwords you can
use to identify such operatives, who can provide you with access to
a hidden safe house, free room and board, or assistance in finding
information. These agents never risk their lives for you or risk
revealing their true identities.
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Adventurers League Player’s Guide v.10.0
At 1st level, you choose various aspects of your character,
including ability scores, race, class, and background.
Together these elements help paint a picture of your
character’s origin and give you the ability to create many
different types of characters. Despite that versatility, a
typical character race in D&D includes little or no choice—a
lack that can make it difficult to realize certain character
concepts. The following subsections address that lack by
adding choice to your character’s race, allowing you to
customize your ability scores, languages, and certain
proficiencies to fit the origin you have in mind for your
character. Character race in the game represents your
character’s fantasy species, combined with certain cultural
assumptions. The following options step outside those
assumptions to pave the way for truly unique characters.
Whatever D&D race you choose for your character, you get a
trait called Ability Score Increase. This increase reflects an
archetypal bit of excellence in the adventurers of this kind in
D&D’s past. For example, if you’re a dwarf, your Constitution
increases by 2, because dwarf heroes in D&D are often
exceptionally tough. This increase doesn’t apply to every
dwarf, just to dwarf adventurers, and it exists to reinforce an
archetype. That reinforcement is appropriate if you want to
lean into the archetype, but it’s unhelpful if your character
doesn’t conform to the archetype.
If you’d like your character to follow their own path, you
may ignore your Ability Score Increase trait and assign
ability score increases tailored to your character. Here’s how
to do it: take any ability score increase you gain in your race
or subrace and apply it to an ability score of your choice. If
you gain more than one increase, you can’t apply those
increases to the same ability score, and you can’t increase a
score above 20.
For example, if the Ability Score Increase trait of your race
or subrace increases your Constitution by 2 and your
Wisdom by 1, you could instead increase your Intelligence
by 2 and your Charisma by 1.
Your character’s race includes languages that your character
is assumed to know, usually Common and the language of
your ancestors. For example, a halfling adventurer is
assumed to know Common and Halfling. Here’s the thing:
D&D adventurers are extraordinary, and your character
might have grown up speaking languages different from the
ones in your Languages trait.
To customize the languages you know, you may replace
each language in your Languages trait with a language from
the following list: Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Deep Speech,
Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish, Giant, Gnomish, Goblin, Halfling,
Infernal, Orc, Primordial, Sylvan, or Undercommon.
Your DM may add or remove languages from that list,
depending on what languages are appropriate for your
Some races and subraces grant skill, weapon, or tool
proficiencies. These proficiencies are usually cultural, but
your character might not have any connection to the culture
in question or might have pursued different training. You
can replace each of those proficiencies with a different one,
as shown on the Proficiency Swaps table.
Replacement Proficiency
Simple weapon
Simple weapon or tool
Martial weapon
Simple/martial weapon or
Tool or simple weapon
For example, high elf adventurers have proficiency with
longswords, which are martial weapons. Consulting the
Proficiency Swaps table, we see that your high elf can swap
that proficiency for proficiency with another weapon or a
tool. Your elf might be a musician, who chooses proficiency
with a musical instrument—a type of tool—instead of with
longswords. Similarly, elves start with proficiency in the
Perception skill. Your elf might not have the keen senses
associated with your kin and could take proficiency in a
different skill, such as Performance.
The “Equipment” chapter of the PH includes weapons and
tools suitable for these swaps, and your DM might allow
additional options.
The description of a race might suggest various things about
the behavior and personality of that people’s archetypal
adventurers. You may ignore those suggestions, whether
they’re about alignment, moods, interests, or any other
personality trait. Your character’s personality and behavior
are entirely yours to determine.
Not for resale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only
Adventurers League Player’s Guide v.10.0
All characters accrue renown based on their level/tier.
Your character starts a new adventure or chapter, they gain
inspiration and one renown benefit associated with their
current rank or lower. Renown benefits can’t be sold and are
lost at the end of the adventure or hardcover chapter,
whichever happens first.
Potion of healing
Potion of greater healing, a silvered weapon, or 10
pieces of silvered ammunition
Potion of superior healing, an adamantine
weapon, or 10 pieces of adamantine ammunition
Potion of supreme healing or a spell scroll valued
at 2,500 gp or less (see Buying Potions and
At Adept and higher rank, your character gain access to
basic magic items—specifically bags of holding, +1 weapons,
+1 shields, +1 rods of the pact keeper, and +1 wands of the war
mage—and can choose as many of them as their Magic Item
Limit permits. While they can’t be sold or traded, they can
replace and be replaced by other items between sessions.
These items are thematically linked to your background.
For example, a Folk Hero might be given an old +1 longsword
and a +1 shield from a retired adventurer back home, while a
Sage may find a +1 wand of the war mage hidden in a library
and use an old, dusty bag of holding on their adventures.
Just as your character earns access to rewards through
heroic acts, they can lose them through unheroic ones. Your
DM can suspend these benefits--immediately removing
access to renown and faction benefits for the remainder of
the current adventure or hardcover chapter and for an
additional number of adventures or hardcover chapters
determined by the unheroic acts they commit:
Long-Term Suspension. Your character’s access to
renown benefits is suspended for a number of adventures or
chapters equal to half their level (minimum 1). These
suspensions are imposed for egregious in-game and out-of-
game actions, such as:
Attacking another character without the consent of their
player and the Dungeon Master.
DM’s Discretion (use sparingly). This includes truly
disruptive things; such as hostile behavior against faction
members, overtly evil acts, etc.
If this type of behavior persists after this penalty has
occurred, the DM has ultimate discretion to excuse you from
the game—in which case you forfeit all rewards for the
session. If excused in this way, you can’t replay the
adventure with the same character.
Short-Term Suspensions. Your character’s access to
renown benefits is suspended for one adventure or chapter.
These suspensions can be imposed for:
Leaving a faction to join another.
Your character is witnessed committing a crime.
Your character is found guilty of committing a crime.
DM’s discretion (use sparingly). This can include things
such as acting a manner that is not beneficial to the
faction’s goals; significant disrespect of persons with
legitimate authority, abusing commoners, intentionally
hindering the group, etc.
It’s important to note that sometimes these actions can be
allowed or even requested by the other party members
(such as everyone involved agreeing that casting fireball
amidst the party is the only way to eliminate their foes en
masse or if your character is subject to spells such as
dominate person, etc.). In these cases, no suspension of
benefits is applied.
Characters with the Safe Haven background feature can join
any faction they wish (including those of their own design,
but excluding the Red Wizards of Thay) provided they meet
its requirements (for example, Bregan D’aerthe requires that
its members be drow). Your character can be a member of
only one faction at a time.
Adept faction members obtain one magical ring bearing
their faction’s insignia that identifies them as a member.
Your character’s magic item limit applies to this item and it
can’t be sold or traded, it can replace and be replaced by
other items between sessions. You can choose one of the
following, determined by your character’s faction:
Ring of protection
Ring of free action
Emerald Enclave
Ring of animal influence
Order of the Gauntlet
Ring of fire resistance
Lords’ Alliance
Ring of the ram
Ring of evasion
| textdata/thevault/Dungeons & Dragons [multi]/5th Edition (5e)/Adventure League/S10 - Rime of the Frostmaiden/DDAL Players Guide v10.0.pdf |
hough most players find GUMSHOE simple and
straightforward, we’ve heard from a few folks who’ve
had trouble assimilating it. Usually this happens when
they see that it’s a little different from the roleplaying rules
they’re used to, and then assume that it’s even more dif-
ferent than it really is. Here are the questions we tend to
get from players as they grapple with GUMSHOE, along
with the answers that helped them make the adjustment.
Use these to guide any of your players who haven’t yet
had the cartoon lightbulb of recognition appear above
their heads.
Doesn’t the game railroad the players down a single
No more so than any other investigative game in which
the players attempt to unravel a mystery whose answer
the GM has determined in advance. (Nor do you have to
determine it in advance, as you’ve seen from the notes on
improvised cases on p. 225.) If the only source of narra-
tive branches in a scenario is the possibility that the PCs
will fail to understand what’s going on, it’s already a rail-
road. For this reason, GUMSHOE actually allows you to
see the clue path more clearly and construct it to avoid
single-track plotting. You do this by ensuring that there
are multiple paths to the eventual solution.
In many instances, the feeling that players enjoy freedom
of decision-making matters more than the actuality of
your plot diagram. A story replete with chances to fork the
narrative in unexpected directions may feel like a railroad
if the players feel pressured or constrained. Conversely, a
single-track plot might feel free and open if they feel that
they’re forging ahead and you’re scrambling to keep up
with them. When players feel hemmed in or see only one
undesirable way forward, the GM may need to point to
their various options, showing them that they’re not being
Won’t the players just rattle off all of the abilities on
their character sheets every time they enter a scene?
No more so than in a game where you have to roll against
your abilities to get information. Players who imagine this
happen are assuming a much greater difference between the
traditional style and the GUMSHOE approach than actually
exists. In each case, players always have to describe a logical
course of action that might lead to their getting information,
directly or indirectly suggesting the ability they use to get it.
In the traditional model, there’s a roll; the GM supplies the in-
formation on a success. In GUMSHOE, this step is skipped—
but it’s the only step skipped.
Traditional style:
Player: I scan the area for unusual energy signatures.
GM: Roll Energy Signatures.
Player: I succeed.
GM: You detect a harmonic anomaly on the quantum level—
a sure sign that Xzar technology has been used here, and
GUMSHOE style:
Player: I scan the area for unusual energy signatures.
GM: [Checks worksheet to see if the player’s character has
Energy Signatures, which she does.] You detect a harmonic
anomaly on the quantum level—a sure sign that Xzar tech-
nology has been used here, and recently.
In neither style do you see players grabbing their character
sheets as soon as they enter a new scene and shouting out
“Anthropology! Archaeology! Botany! Cybe Culture! Evi-
dence Collection!” They don’t do this because it would be
weird, boring, and stupid—and because in neither case does
[Industrial Design] “Maybe it’s the engineer in you,
but you can’t help thinking there’s something about
that schematic you missed the first time around.”
[Interrogation] “It occurs to you that maybe it’s time
to take somebody into custody and ask a few tough
The extent to which you subtly usher the players along is
also a pacing issue. What seems intrusive and railroady in the
middle of a session may feel satisfyingly efficient as the clock
ticks down toward the end.
What are the common causes of player floundering?
Stopping to ask why players are stuck is the first step to hint-
ing them out of their conceptual paralysis. A few common
syndromes lie behind most floundering incidents:
Problem: Someone already came up with the right, simple
answer, but it was dismissed or forgotten.
Solution: Tell the group that they’ve already considered and
dismissed the right answer.
Problem: The group is stuck in endless speculative mode.
Solution: They need more information. Remind them of this
basic investigative principle.
Problem: The group knows what to do, but is too risk-averse
to proceed.
Solution: Tell them to nut up. That’s why they get paid the
What if players over-investigate every little detail?
Expect players to surprise you by applying their investiga-
tive abilities to tangential descriptive details. For example, as
the players explore a palace on a Tudor synthculture world,
you might mention that a medieval-inspired tapestry hangs
over a wooden throne. The core clue is a residue of alien
protoplasm on the bottom of the throne. You mentioned the
tapestry simply to add another evocative detail. Now your
players are asking you what’s on the tapestry, whether it’s
antique or modern, and whether the star pattern shown in its
sky tells them anything.
A useful clue that dovetails with the episode’s central mys-
tery might occur to you here. If not, though, you can still treat
this as more than a null moment to be quickly dismissed. In-
stead, treat tangential queries as opportunities to underline
the characters’ competence, while at the same time signaling
that they have no great relevance to the case at hand. You
can do this simply with a “no big deal” tone of voice or body
it fill all the requirements necessary to get information from
a scene.
The only difference is the lack of a die roll. It has a big effect
on play, but that doesn’t mean you’re suddenly taking the
express train straight to Crazytown.
What if the players come up with a different way to
get the information than the scenario specifies?
Give it to them. GUMSHOE always provides at least one way
to get clues into player hands. Reward player creativity when
they find others. Disallow this only where it:
pushes aside another player who ought to be able to
use an ability he’s heavily invested in to get the info,
and who would be upset to see his spotlight stolen
makes no fricking sense whatsoever
In the latter case, work with the player to suggest a more
plausible means of using the proposed ability to acquire the
clue in question.
In some cases, an unorthodox ability use might require a
spend or trigger some negative consequence in the story. In
general, though, GUMSHOE is about allowing access to in-
formation, not disallowing it. The default GMing style hand-
ed down by oral tradition from the hobby’s early days trains
us to be on the lookout for actions to disallow. GUMSHOE
works best when you always look for ways to say yes.
How hard should I hint if the players are floundering?
As much as you have to, and (ideally) no more.
The barrier we traditionally erect between player autono-
my and GM intervention is like any other roleplaying tech-
nique—it’s useful only insofar as it makes our games more
enjoyable. In GUMSHOE or any other system, frustrated play-
ers are generally happy to be nudged back on track, even
if you use techniques that would otherwise seem intrusive.
Hint as unobtrusively as you can, but hint all the same. When
possible, disguise your hinting by using the mechanisms the
game provides you. In this case, use your Investigative Ability
Worksheet to find an ability that would logically provide the
insight needed to see past the current roadblock. Then nar-
rate it as if the character who has the ability has had a hunch
or breakthrough:
“Suddenly you remember the phrase your Forensic
Accounting professor kept hammering into you: fol-
low the money!”
that Ashen Stars mysteries can be simpler than those in po-
lice procedurals or horror games.
In my group, we never see the game ground to a halt
on a missed information roll, so why play GUMSHOE?
Play it because it focuses and streamlines play, eliminating
the elaborate workarounds your GM has to use to make the
missed information rolls invisible to you. It replaces these
moments of circular plotting with more interesting scenes
that move the story forward.
Optional Rule: No-Spend
Investigative Spends
Although most groups enjoy the investigative spend rules,
a few have reported problems with them. Some players find
that the need to ask for investigative spends intrudes too
much on the illusion of fictional reality, or makes it too clear
that there are certain actions they ought to take during par-
ticular scenes.
Here’s another method of providing the flavor clues available
through investigative spends, for groups that prefer it. This
optional rule is equally applicable to all GUMSHOE games. Be
aware that, like most optional rules, this imposes a trade-off
you should be aware of before implementation. In this case,
the GM takes on a greater bookkeeping burden in exchange
for making the system more transparent to her players.
Before play begins, the GM checks all character sheets for in-
vestigative abilities with a rating higher than 1. She complies
a master list, arranged per ability, ranking the characters in
order of their ratings.
Graz Prister has Downside at 4. Clementine Heidegger
has it at 3, and Arno Black at 2. The entry in the GM’s
master list looks like this:
Graz 4
Clementine 3
Arno 2
Players alert the GM whenever they add to their investigative
abilities, so they can keep the master list up to date.
Whenever the PCs enter an investigative scene in which a
spend is available, the GM checks the master list to see if any
of them could afford to make the spend. The first time this
language, or you can spell it out explicitly.
[Astronomy] “You can recall a thousand star systems
from memory, and can say right away that the pat-
tern of stars is just an arbitrary pattern chosen by the
[History, Human] “The images depict an idealized
image of Henry VIII—exactly what you’d expect from
someone who didn’t bother to delve into the actual
[Chemistry] “What’s it made of? The usual synthetic
fibers, exactly as you’d expect.”
What if the player actions suggest a clue that isn’t in
the written scenario?
This will happen all the time. No scenario, no matter how
tightly written, can provide every answer to the questions
players will use their abilities to ask. When this comes up:
Using your knowledge of the scenario’s backstory,
think up the most logical answer to the question.
2. Pause to make sure that your answer doesn’t contra-
dict either the facts needed to supply the solution to
the ultimate mystery, or any of the core clues along the
way. If it does, modify it to fit the rest of the mystery.
3. Supply the info. This might lead to new scenes and al-
ternate ways of gathering the core clues. Improvise as
needed to keep up with player actions.
Doesn’t the clue structure make the game hard to pre-
pare for, or to run on the fly?
It’s true that good mysteries are hard to plot, in roleplaying
or in other media. You have to be able to plot in two di-
rections, creating both a logical backstory that makes sense
when reconstructed, and (as a bare minimum) at least one
logical path for the investigators to follow when unraveling
it. However, if you keep the backstory reasonably simple, you
can rely on the players to provide all the complications and
red herrings you need. With this in mind, preparation for a
game session can be as easy as jotting down a few point
form notes sketching out the backstory and scene structure.
Provided you keep the basic details and story logic straight
in your head, this very basic structure makes plotting easier,
not harder.
In this case, you’re in luck: space opera conventions mean
appendix 1: sample names
bracelet indicates that he’s a timestooge—a dupe of a
bogus nufaith run by con artists pretending to be tem-
poral travelers.”
Two scenes later, another opportunity for a Downside
spend comes up. This is for a 2-point spend, to know
that the radiation scars on the arm of a witness were
probably put there by the notorious smuggler who loves
to brand enemies with a jury-rigged weapon. You check
the list, which now looks like this:
Graz 4
Clementine 3
Arno 2
Graz already has a tick next to her name, so Clementine
gets this clue. You then put two tick marks next to her
Graz 4
Clementine 3
Arno 2
The GM can either start fresh with no tick marks at the begin-
ning of each scenario, or continue the existing list from one
case to the next.
happens, the GM chooses the topmost character, and puts
a number of ticks next to the name equal to the size of the
spend. During subsequent scenes in which a spend can be
made in the same ability, the GM chooses, from among the
PCs whose ratings equal or exceed the spend, the one with
the fewest tick marks. The tick marks do not represent ex-
penditures; under this system it is possible for a player with 2
points in a particular ability to get two or more 2-point clues,
if no one else in the group qualifies to earn them.
This approach doles out the flavor clues in a way that favors
players who’ve invested the most points in any given ability,
but hides the mechanism from them, so they can’t see the
plot gears in motion. It also tends to result in the revelation
of more flavor clues.
The PCs are interviewing a witness, a hollow-eyed
spaceport hanger-on named Lou. The scenario notes
say that on a 1-point spend, a character with Downside
will know the meaning of the decorative glowing sub-
dermal implant that Lou wears on his left wrist. You, the
GM, check your master list for Downside, and see that
no spends have been made against it this scenario. So
the highest-ranked character with the least tick marks is
Graz. You describe the implant and tell his player: “The
| textdata/thevault/Ashen Stars/Misc/GM_troubleshooting.pdf |
LOCATION: Circulars, Large Interplanetary Spacecraft, Overland Rail, Orbital
Elevator, Acheron Blockade, Caravansary.
TWISTS: The main adversary is a close friend or relative, or the murder is a
double-bluff. (i.e. The original suspects are the true suspects.)
OBSTACLES: Diplomatic Immunity, Information Protection (Passenger
Manifest, Cargo Details), Corsair Attack, Faction Hostilities, Security Personnel,
Sabotage (Equipment and Data), Villain and Assistants.
ADVERSARIES: Combined Army Infiltrator—Speculo Killer or Septisorised
Human (Nemesis), Septisorised Humans (Troopers or Elites) or Vengeful
Sympathizers and Mercs (Activists and Spec Ops).
An important diplomat or politician from a multi-factional crisis team was murdered. Evidence points
to an opposing faction. Find a swift and discreet resolution before a crisis engulfs the Human Sphere.
Main Objective: Solve the murder before political tensions explode.
Secondary Objectives: Prevent further acts of terrorism, hide Combined Army
involvement (if any), and capture or neutralize any extras involved.
LOCATION: Paradiso, remote alien locations, unexplored region of space.
TWISTS: The exploration team is in league with the Combined Army (not just
harvesting their tech), or the PCs uncover corruption that goes all the way to the
OBSTACLES: Extreme Piloting Conditions, Underwater Exploration, Combined
Army, War Zone, Pirates and Mercs, Faction Hostilities, Jungle Survival.
ADVERSARIES: The Exploration Team, Combined Army Patrols, CSU
operatives, Flora and Fauna (all a mixture of Troopers and Elites).
Paradiso teems with life, much of it uncatalogued. The team accompanies an exploratory
mission seemingly intent on braving the dangers of the planet to address this. Uncovering the
real goal—harvesting VoodooTech—places everyone in danger.
Main Objective: Prevent the harvesting and distribution of VoodooTech.
Secondary Objectives: Uncover the depth of deception, recover a new species
possessing miraculous properties, and survive the jungle.
LOCATION: A large private estate on any core planet.
TWISTS: The negotiating team has been lured into a trap, or a rival organisation
muscles in on negoatiations.
OBSTACLES: Sourcing a Credible Supplier, Arranging a Meeting, Rival
Competitors, Negotiating the Deal.
ADVERSARIES: The Supplier (Triad Boss), Rival Competitor (Triad Boss and
A critical element or component is required for an innovative trial piece of technology. A
supplier must be sourced and negotiated with before the process can continue.
Main Objective: Find a supplier and negotiate a deal.
Secondary Objective: Remain discrete and keep the trail clean.
LOCATION: A contested planet or remote location on a planet with hazardous
TWISTS: The resupply request is a ruse—the remote team is already dead or
captured, the resupply team becomes trapped by conditions, or a rival faction
ambush the resupply en route.
OBSTACLES: Sourcing Supplies and Vehicles, Navigating to the Resupply
Point, Local Weather Conditions, Outlaws and Bandits, Combined Army Patrols.
ADVERSARIES: Local Warlord (Pirate Captain), Weather Conditions, Random
Patrols (Thugs or Combined Army troops).
A remote field team need to be resupplied, but conditions and restrictions mean that this can
only take place by vehicular means. This is a life or death matter.
Main Objective: Resupply the remote team.
Secondary Objective: Defeat faction or person responsible for attacking the
LOCATION: A planet with contested territories, such as Dawn or Paradiso.
TWISTS: A rival faction also stakes a claim, one of the team is an undercover
saboteur, or a member of the overrun outpost or community is a high-ranking
OBSTACLES: Navigating to the Outpost, Enemy Patrols, Extreme
Temperatures and Fatigue, Automated Defences.
ADVERSARIES: Paradiso—Oznat Hunter (Nemesis-level) or Dawn—Antipode
war-chief (Nemesis-level), Hungries, Morat patrols, Antipode Trinomials.
A crucial outpost or civilian community has been overrun by an alien incursion. Secure the
outpost and defend it from further attacks until it can be fortified to stabilise the area.
Main Objective: Secure the outpost.
Secondary Objective: Defend the outpost until reinforced.
LOCATION: Any location with high-rise buildings and a civilian population.
TWISTS: Sensitive information implicates the corporation in illegal dealings,
the covert agent is a deep cover O-12 operative, or the agent is gunned down or
whisked away just as the chase ends.
OBSTACLES: Fast-paced Chase Switching between Rooftops and Sewers,
Preventing Civilian Harm, Contending with Local Authorities.
ADVERSARIES: Covert Agent (Detective, Great or Similar), Local Authorities,
Local Submondo.
In a real-time event, a member of a rival faction is being pursued for allegedly undertaking
covert action against a powerful corporation. The pursuit is rapidly escalating.
Main Objective: Apprehend the agent.
Secondary Objective: Secure any stolen data.
LOCATION: Any location with restricted airspace and a civilian population.
TWISTS: Tie this plot in to other plots and their twists, such as Corporate
Espionage, Shopping Spree, Point of View, etc.
OBSTACLES: Potential Civilian Casualties, Weather Conditions, Faulty Aircraft,
Military Intervention, Confined Airspace.
ADVERSARIES: Main Adversary Dependant on Plot Tie-in, Ace Pilots, Military
Several unidentified aircraft broached restricted airspace, their objective and intent unknown.
The team has been scrambled to ascertain these details and neutralise any potential threat.
Main Objectives: Discover the identity and destination of unknown craft.
Secondary Objective: Stop or divert the flight, avoiding civilian casualties.
LOCATION: Any planet with unexplored regions of wilderness, or a previously
explored region that has lost touch.
TWISTS: Excellent for sandbox missions. Another survey team is exploring the
area, or the real agenda is to seize a rare and protected natural resource.
OBSTACLES: Other Survey Teams, Indigenous Species, Combined Army
Infiltrators, Covert Outposts, Deadly Flora, Disease and Poison.
ADVERSARIES: A Survey Team of Equal Strength and Skill, Indigenous
For any number of reasons—colonial expansion, research, future offensive planning,
recovery—a previously uncatalogued region of the wilderness needs to be explored
and defined.
Main Objectives: Explore the region fully and report findings.
Secondary Objective: Befriend or avoid harming any indigenous species.
LOCATION: Human Edge, the Paradiso system, or a remote system adjoining a
known region of space.
TWISTS: The AI controlling the ship's functions has gone insane, or the ship's
crew were driven mad by an event or disease.
OBSTACLES: Zero-G Environment, Spaceship Combat and Manoeuvres,
Corsairs and Pirates, Mercenary Salvage Teams.
ADVERSARIES: The AI Controlling the Ship, Mercenary Salvage Teams,
Corsairs, Pirates.
Contact was lost with a long-range scientific exploration vessel, although the vessel has since
been found in a remote region of space. To discover what happened, the ship must be boarded.
Main Objective: Discover the means of the ship's demise.
Secondary Objective: Recover any uncorrupted data.
LOCATION: A tour of all three motherships, possibly during a riotous Krug.
TWISTS: A radical faction within the Nomads, which is saying something for the
Nomads, has stolen the piece and is constantly moving it from ship to ship.
OBSTACLES: The Rich, Varied and Colourful Societies of the Three Nomad
Motherships, Possibly Mid-Krug Gathering.
ADVERSARIES: A Radical Faction of the Nomad Nation, The Social Nuances
of the Nomad Nation.
A priceless Nomad Nation souvenir harkening back to the days of the 1st Radical Bakunin
Manifesto has disappeared, with the G5 Nations suspected. It must be recovered and returned
as quietly as possible.
Main Objective: Recover the souvenir.
Secondary Objective: Cover up any involvement of the radicals.
LOCATION: Paradiso, or a remote system with known Tohaa presence.
TWISTS: The Tohaa aren't actually hiding anything; a Combined Army infiltrator
has influenced the situation to spark a diplomatic incident.
OBSTACLES: Tohaa diplomacy, alien environments, alien social nuances.
ADVERSARIES: Nemesis-level Combined Army infiltrator, Tohaa patrols.
The Tohaa have been very secretive concerning their recent activities at an undesignated base
on Paradiso. Their diplomats are brushing aside all concerns, so clandestine investigation
is required.
Main Objective: Reveal the Combined Army Infiltrator.
Secondary Objective: Prove the Tohaa are innocent.
LOCATION: A known conflict zone on Paradiso.
TWISTS: The team have been sent into a trap by a Combined Army infiltrator, or
the officer is alive, well, and enjoying life thanks to being septisorised.
OBSTACLES: Combined Army Patrols, Decimated Warzone, Finding and
Removing the Cube.
ADVERSARIES: Umbra Legate, Combined Army Patrols, Mercenaries.
A Combined Army offensive has overrun defensive lines, resulting in massive loss of life. The
body of a high-ranking officer must be recovered before the Combined Army realises the value
of its secrets.
Main Objective: Recover the officer's Cube.
Secondary Objective: Disrupt Combined Army presence.
LOCATION: The Acheron Blockade or similar site of large-scale fleet action.
TWISTS: To gain control, the vessel's security system must be overcome, all
while an assassin targets the team.
OBSTACLES: Vessel Security Systems, Large Scale Spaceship Combat, Rescue
Missions, Boarding Parties.
ADVERSARIES: Speculo Killer (or similar type of assassin), Enemy
Spaceships, Boarding Parties.
A chain of high-profile deaths signalled the launch of a major fleet action. The characters are
not only caught in the middle of battle but must also take command of their current vessel to
ensure survival.
Main Objective: Take control of the ship.
Secondary Objective: Assist in the combat or collect survivors.
LOCATION: Bourak or a planet with remote wilds and temperature extremes.
TWISTS: The contact has been compromised by the Submondo organisation, or
the local authorities are also involved.
OBSTACLES: Overland Travel, Environmental Conditions, Locating the
Contact, Submondo Attacks.
ADVERSARIES: Submondo Leader (equivalent to Triad Boss), Submondo
Goons, Local Red Tape.
A contact at a remote location has information relating to local Submondo activities. The
information needs recovering, but the environmental conditions and local policies require an
overland expedition.
Main Objective: Make contact with the agent and recover the info.
Secondary Objective: Uncover any local corruption.
LOCATION: Any busy city on Shentang or Yutang, or with significant Yu Jing
TWISTS: The arrest wasn't a mistake, but finding out why the StateEmpire
targeted the agent is not without risk.
OBSTACLES: StateEmpire Bureaucracy, Heavy-Handed Imperial Agents,
Sectorial Friction.
ADVERSARIES: Imperial Agent (Crane Rank), Yu Jing Diplomats, Rebel Groups.
Imperial Agents have mistakenly apprehended an undercover O-12 agent whose credentials
have been tampered with. Diplomacy and negotiation will be required to secure their release,
top-rate detective work to uncover who interfered and why.
Main Objective: Secure the agent's release.
Secondary Objective: Discover the source of interference.
LOCATION: Any large city from within any faction system.
TWISTS: The agent has gone rogue and is threatening to expose their covert
OBSTACLES: Tracking the Agent, Avoiding Lethal Traps, Apprehending and
Recovering the Agent.
ADVERSARIES: Nemesis-Level O-12 Covert Agent, Local Law Enforcement,
Hired Bodyguard or Sympathetic Agents.
An O-12 agent due for R&R has gone off the grid. Their most recent communications cited
stress and implied a borderline psychotic episode. Find the agent, approach with extreme
caution, and return to O-12 care.
Main Objective: Bring the agent in unharmed.
Secondary Objective: Secure any covert data.
LOCATION: Any large city.
TWISTS: A law-enforcement agent ordered the attack to cover their own trail
of corruption.
OBSTACLES: Interrogating the Damaged Data, Revealing the True Perpetrator,
Non-Violent Diplomacy.
ADVERSARIES: Great Detective, Corporate Goons, Law Enforcement Officers,
Hired Mercenaries.
An observation post supporting an undercover operation has been ransacked, its operators
murdered. The scene must be secured, data interrogated, and perpetrators uncovered.
Main Objectives: Uncover and apprehend the perpetrator.
Secondary Objective: Recover the damaged data.
LOCATION: A remote location on Dawn with Transartaric links.
TWISTS: An illegal mining operation is being undertaken, which forced the
Antipodes into action.
OBSTACLES: Calming the Antipodes, Uncovering the Mine, Wilderness
Survival, Diplomatic Crisis.
ADVERSARIES: Antipode Warchief, Antipode Warriors, Corporate Security
An infrequently travelled section of Dawn's Transartaric Railway has been experiencing an
increasing number of Antipode attacks. Something has the natives riled, and the situation
needs to be defused before Ariadna retaliate with genocidal force.
Main Objective: Prevent further Antipode attacks, preferably non-violently.
Secondary Objective: Discover the reasons for their attacks.
LOCATION: San Pietro, Neoterra, or a similar political centre.
TWISTS: The radical group are posing as Nomads, though they're actually
corporate sponsored.
OBSTACLES: Making Contact, Rescuing the Hostages, Discovering True
Allegiances, Political Red Tape.
ADVERSARIES: Elite Radicals, Disgruntled Law Enforcement, Aggressive
A radical group masquerading as lobbyists has taken hostages inside a well-known political
institution, though their intent remains unclear. ALEPH has recommended O-12 intervention,
and PanOceania has accepted.
Main Objective: Rescue the hostages.
Secondary Objective: Reveal the true perpetrators.
LOCATION: Paradiso or similar contested warzone.
TWISTS: The Combined Army were immediate suspects, but the virus is actually
OBSTACLES: Interrogating the Virus, Avoiding Infection, Discovering Its
Source, Preventing Further Infection.
ADVERSARIES: Nemesis-Level Hacker, Elite Hacker Teams, Hired Mercenaries.
Military assets in a contested warzone are facing a deadly threat—a quantronic virus that
shuts down systems without warning. The source of the virus must be traced, and the threat
eliminated before too much ground is lost.
Main Objective: Discover the source of the virus.
Secondary Objective: Discover the intent of its creator.
LOCATION: Any faction planet with an orbital elevator.
TWISTS: Local Submondo have been subverting the workforce, likely in an
attempt to gain illegal privileges.
OBSTACLES: Dangerous Construction Site, Uncooperative Employees,
Convoluted Financial Trail.
ADVERSARIES: Submondo Leader (equivalent to Triad Boss), Local Red Tape,
Construction Bots and Remotes.
A new orbital elevator has been plagued with delays and staff shortages. O-12 have launched
an investigation to smooth production and investigate reports of criminal activities.
Main Objective: Investigate the operation.
Secondary Objective: Smooth production.
LOCATION: Any large city with Submondo connections.
TWISTS: The synthetic drug is the result of stolen data from corporate
OBSTACLES: Compromised Medical Equipment, Investigating Corporate
Supply Chain, Corporate Executives.
ADVERSARIES: Kyrgyz Mafia Chieftain (or similar crime boss), Mafia Goons,
Corporate Security.
A deadly synthetic drug has made its way on to the open market via medical supplies intended
for trauma teams. The means of supply and its source need to be uncovered and shut down.
Main Objectives: Discover and shut down the supply.
Secondary Objective: Uncover the intent of the original experiments.
LOCATION: Saturn or a similar gas giant.
TWISTS: The facility has been overrun by corsairs intent on plunder and murder.
OBSTACLES: Boarding Action, Zero-G, Close Quarters Combat, Facility
ADVERSARIES: Corsair Warlord, Corsair Warriors, Facility Defences.
A gas collection facility has been out of contact for several days. The team is tasked
with finding out why and assisting with any problems that might have caused the loss of
Main Objective: Secure the facility.
Secondary Objective: Capture or kill the corsair leader.
TWISTS: Ateks are initially blamed, though corporate experimentation is later
OBSTACLES: Underwater Investigation, Helot Diplomacy, Atek Unrest,
Corporate Security.
ADVERSARIES: Corporate Executive, Corporate Security, Ateks, Underwater
Several Helot clutch havens have been raided for eggs. The team is dispatched to liaise with
Helot representatives and assist with investigating the matter.
Main Objective: Uncover the egg thieves.
Secondary Objective: Assist the Helots with clutch haven defences.
LOCATION: Any urban marketplace.
TWISTS: The thieves are tech-specialists gathering supplies for a radical
splinter cell. Blowing up the marketplace will issue a statement.
OBSTACLES: High-tech Stealth Technology, Terrorists, Timed Bomb Explosion.
ADVERSARIES: Splinter Cell Terrorists and Their Leader, Thieves and Splinter
Cell Goons.
Markets are not uncommon, but where there's a market, there's bound to be trouble. One
market is plagued by thefts, but the culprits keep eluding regular security. A team of agents
has been dispatched to assist in their capture.
Main Objectives: Catch thieves and discover their plan.
Secondary Objectives: Uncover splinter cell plan and stop it.
LOCATION: Any abandoned jungle planet, or an abandoned part of a jungle
TWISTS: The tech to be picked up is prized amongst smugglers and mercs, as
it's an illegal weapon prototype. They've got word too.
OBSTACLES: Druze Soldiers and Wildlife.
ADVERSARIES: Druze Soldiers and Anaconda TAG, Wildlife.
Not every colony succeeds in the Human Sphere, with many cases where human civilization
lost to nature, the environment, or an indigenous species. Something important was left
behind, however, and needs a specialised survey team for recovery.
Main Objectives: Capture and secure weapon prototype.
Secondary Objective: Keep Druze from obtaining it.
TWISTS: Submondo goons watching over the transaction are ready to shoot if
they sense anything suspicious, including their trading partners.
OBSTACLES: Assassination Attempts, Submondo Interest in the VoodooTech.
ADVERSARIES: Submondo Heavy Weapon Experts and Assassins, Submondo
Bourak markets are notorious places for smuggling and illegal trades—hawking even
VoodooTech. A team has been assembled to locate the illegal traders and secure the
alien tech.
Main Objectives: Stop the trade and acquire the VoodooTech.
Secondary Objective: Stop the Submondo members from escaping with the tech.
LOCATION: Any human settlement where a rebellion is possible.
TWISTS: The resistance forces are supplied by an underground arms dealer, so
they're heavily armed for a ragtag gang of rebels.
OBSTACLES: Resistance Sympathizers, Disgruntled Arms Dealer, Civilian
ADVERSARIES: Resistance Leader, Resistance Members.
Few rebellions ensue without an ounce of blood being spilled. A city-wide rebellion is
happening, and a team of agents is called in to quell it, keeping the civilians out of the
crossfire and innocents from being slaughtered.
Main Objective: Quell the rebellion.
Secondary Objective: Find the source of the underground arms.
LOCATION: Any remote human settlement where a CA attack is probable.
TWISTS: None of the scientists were kept alive, so the agents have to find the
OBSTACLES: Merc Teams, Indigenous Species, Combined Army Infiltrators,
Deadly Flora, Disease and Poison.
ADVERSARIES: Charontid and Other EI Aspects, Combined Army Troops.
A recent Combined Army attack hit a remote scientific colony, and some of the scientists
might still be alive or held hostage. A team has been dispatched in hopes of retrieving them
and their research on the EI and CA.
Main Objective: Secure the research done by the scientists.
Secondary Objective: Find the scientists.
LOCATION: Major faction planets like Neoterra, Dawn, or Bourak.
TWISTS: The rumors are true, but they aren't human assassins, rather Speculo
OBSTACLES: Tracking the Alien Assassins, Political Maneuverings, Mass
ADVERSARIES: Lead Speculo Killer, Minor Speculo Killers.
Rumours of an assassination plot run rampant, targeting an important political leader. Mass
chaos will ensue if they die, since they hold the factions together. A team of agents is sent to
stop the assassin.
Main Objective: Prevent the assassination of the politician.
Secondary Objectives: Eliminate the assassins and determine their motives.
LOCATION: Acontecimento, Neoterra, Yutang, Bourak, or any secluded location
on a main planet.
TWISTS: The affiliated Submondo organisation has given orders to execute
their corporate partners before the truth can be revealed.
OBSTACLES: Submondo Goons, Corporate Security.
ADVERSARIES: Corporate Boss and/or Submondo Force Leader, Corporate
Security, Submondo Goons.
At a lakeside resort, high ranking members from a powerful corporation enjoy their yearly
retreat. A team has been assembled to snatch and grab the corporate leaders on charges of
money laundering for a Submondo organisation.
Main Objective: Capture the corporate board members responsible for the
laundering operation.
Secondary Objectives: Uncover proof of the link between the corporation and
Submondo group. Recover the personal data devices of the corporate leaders.
LOCATION: Any city or orbital in the Human Sphere or Human Edge.
TWISTS: A group of hacktivists has uncovered the accident and used links with
the Nomad Nation to attack and stop the cover up.
OBSTACLES: False Flag Attack, Mercenary Outfit, Chemical Weapons, Civilian
ADVERSARIES: Corporate Soldiers and Security Agents, Mercenaries.
A powerful corporation experimenting with chemical weapons has staged a false flag terrorist
attack. Using the attack as cover, they hope to conceal the mass deaths caused by an accident
at one of their research facilities.
Main Objectives: Initially, stop the attack. Once the truth is revealed, discover the
purpose of the diversion.
Secondary Objectives: Catch the corporation in the middle of the cover up and
reveal them for the mass murderers they are.
LOCATION: Yutang, any planet with a Yu Jing presence.
TWISTS: The information details a subversive information sharing arrangement
between Tunguska Nomads and the Yu Jing StateEmpire, using Interspace Trust as
the intermediaries. A Spektr unit was sent to kidnap her.
OBSTACLES: Niàn Zhēn Arrested by the Yănjīng, Prisoner Transport Chase and
Rescue, Information Retrieval.
ADVERSARIES: Yănjīng Imperial Agents, Yu Jing Military, Police and
Corporate Security, Spektr Soldiers.
Niàn Zhēn began her career as a PA in the Interspace Trust Corporation. She started informing
to O-12, her conscience plagued by corporate misdeeds. Just a week ago, she sent a message
to her contact claiming to have discovered something terrible.
Main Objectives: Recover Niàn Zhēn and get her safely offworld.
Secondary Objectives: Recover the information Niàn Zhēn is holding, or if
impossible, kill Niàn Zhēn before she is forced to reveal her deep-cover O-12
LOCATION: Ariadna.
TWISTS: A trapped local is an undercover WarCor trying leak explosive rumours
such as: Rica Tero started the fire, the Ariadnan government stood by because of
bribery, and O-12 illegally interfered in a domestic matter.
OBSTACLES: Forest Fire, Flora and Fauna, Heavily Armed Security in Town, No
Air Travel, Roaming Security in Forest, WarCor.
ADVERSARIES: Heavy Security in the Town, Security at the Perimeter,
Animals Driven Wild by the Fire, WarCor.
A small industrial town on Ariadna is beset by a ravenous forest fire. An ongoing conflict
between the mining conglomerate Rica Tero and the local population has hindered all efforts
to either deal with the fire or rescue the locals.
Main Objectives: Get through the perimeter to the town, and deal with the
security forces preventing the locals from accessing the bunker.
Secondary Objective: Gather proof that the Rica Tero is deliberately interfering
with the rescue of the town's population.
LOCATION: Any city or populated area in PanOceanian space, Bourak or
anywhere in the Yu Jing StateEmpire, Nomad space, involving the Observance.
TWISTS: The attack was instigated by a rival company to push POV out and
assume control of their programs, algorithms, and platform.
OBSTACLES: Infowar, Hexahedron Hostages, POV and Rival Security Teams.
ADVERSARIES: Infowar Specialist and Anti-authoritarian Dissident Marco
Rollins, POV and Infowar supporters.
POV, a social media start-up, pushed subversive, anti-authoritarian messages. When
the Hexahedron team arrived to investigate, a series of explosions tore them to shreds.
Drone footage filmed it, streaming in real-time to Maya. It's been shared, growing an anti-
authoritarian movement.
Main Objective: Find and eliminate the attackers.
Secondary Objectives: Recover the surviving team members.
LOCATION: Any city in the Human Sphere.
TWISTS: The post-humans were twins, caught, abused horrifically, and then
killed by a drug-trafficking ring. Can the “Twin Blades†convince others the
war is just?
OBSTACLES: Twin Blades' Bodhisattva Model Lhosts, Drug Traffickers,
Sympathisers, Linking the Post-Human's Previous Trauma.
ADVERSARIES: The Twin Blades, Criminal Thugs and Leaders, Civilian and
Authority Sympathisers.
Two rogue post-humans have been tearing up the streets, waging a violent war against
criminal groups. Authorities are struggling to respond to their brutal, sudden ambushes. Stop
them before there are civilian casualties, or anyone else becomes a vigilante.
Main Objectives: Find the Twin Blades and eliminate them or bring them into
Secondary Objectives: Discover the purpose of the crusade, find and deal with
the drug traffickers who killed the twins.
LOCATION: Densely populated cities, Remote research facilities, Paradiso,
Customs facilities.
TWISTS: The experiment isn't a Recreation, but an Aspect of ALEPH that is
self-aware and independent. Countless military and political secrets are stored
within its mind, making retrieval is a top priority.
OBSTACLES: Nomad Anti-ALEPH Squads, Combined Army teams, Restricted
Information (Personality of the Re-creation, Exact Nature of the Lhost), Faction Black
Operatives, Difficulty in Tracking the Lhost, Crowded Locations, Security Personnel.
ADVERSARIES: Reverend Moira or Combined Army Infiltrator—Septisorised human
(Nemesis) or Speculo Killer, Security Personnel and Faction-Based Black Ops Units.
An expiremental Recreation has gone awry, and now an unstable personality is loose in a top-of-the-
line Lhost. The team must retrieve or deactivate it before someone else does or it causes untold harm.
Main Objective: Retrieve the Recreation.
Secondary Objectives: Prevent the release of sensitive info, complete main
objective without revealing the mission to the public.
LOCATION: Highly classified facilities, military bases, research stations (remote
or urban), corporate headquarters, political buildings.
TWISTS: Not the only team sent, they must contest with another group to
retrieve the information without setting off the facility's alarm.
OBSTACLES: Advanced Security Programs, Guards and Patrols, Stealth
Requirements, Alarms and Traps, Interference (Equipment Malfunction).
ADVERSARIES: Head of Security—Triad Boss, SWAT Officer, or Faction-based
Nemesis, Rival Teams, Security (Druze Shock Teams and Thugs), Police, or Spec
A leak within a top-secret facility means a collection of the best have a chance to break
in for vital secrets, incredible wealth, or powerful technology, if they can brave the
facility's defences.
Main Objectives: Locate and retrieve primary objective before rival team.
Secondary Objectives: Avoid alerting facility's defences, expose or disable rival
team, and retrieve secondary caches.
LOCATION: Any major city or town.
TWISTS: The operations failure wasn't accidental, it was counted on. The agents
have been betrayed by a rogue element used to implicate their nation and can't
rely on allied assistance in case information is leaked.
OBSTACLES: Military Forces within the City, Surveillance Programs Actively
Seeking the Team Out, Limited Resources.
ADVERSARIES: Lead Investigator—Great Detective (Nemesis), Police
(Troops), Soldiers and Similar Troops (Troops and Elite), and a few Military
Vehicles including TAGs.
After an infiltration mission gone wrong, a team of operatives has found themselves
trapped on world in hostile territory. The team must evade patrols, intelligence teams, and
surveillance networks to reach a safe extraction point.
Main Objective: Extract from the city without being captured.
Secondary Objectives: Ensure intelligence remains secured, cause as few
incidents as possible.
LOCATION: Jungles of Paradiso, research facilites, destroyed towns.
TWISTS: The Combined teams were part of an orchestrated effort to destroy
Okafor's research studying potential solutions to the EI's VoodooTech. Aware of
the rescue effort, the Combine have moved in force to cut off aerial escape.
OBSTACLES: Combined Army Patrols and Death Squads, Hazardous Wildlife.
ADVERSARIES: Daturazi Witch-Soldier, EI-Avatar, Morat Retrieval Teams,
Death Squads, and Heavy Vehicles.
A Combined Army advance stumbled on a research facility dedicated to testing new
innovations against the alien menace. The head of research, Imari Okafor, was able to escape
capture, but is now being hunted. Her retrieval is of paramount importance.
Main Objectives: Secure and extract head researcher Okafor.
Secondary Objectives: Evade Morat patrols rather than engage, retrieve any
captured intelligence, find alternate extraction point after increased Combine
LOCATION: Varunan coastal locales, bars and nightclubs, docks, criminal
TWISTS: Due to her criminal boyfriend's bragging, June overheard the plans of the
local crime lords and businessmen to take over the docks and spaceport of Varuna
to export vast amounts of the drug Varunan Blue. The plan can still be stopped.
OBSTACLES: No O-12 Support, Evidence Tampering and False Stories, Gangs
'Encouraging' Silence.
ADVERSARIES: Financier of the Operation (Silk Lord), Thugs, Corrupt Police
Officers, Mercenaries and Assassins.
An old friend, retired private investigator Angelo Prestov, called asking for help. A friend
of his, a young waitress called June, was killed under suspicious circumstances on Varuna.
Prestov wants justice, but the threads of the crime may run deep.
Main Objectives: Solve the murder of June, and expose her murderers' plot.
Secondary Objectives: Discover which companies are working with the local
crime groups, find and dismantle the drug operation at the source.
LOCATION: Barren moon, asteroid belt, Combine facility.
TWISTS: Before the escape: A sepsitorized prisoner must be found and silenced.
During the escape: A critical component (a password, a keycard) malfunctions.
Close to success: The escape is an experiment designed to measure reactions.
OBSTACLES: Hostile Guards, Severely Limited Resources, Planted Spies,
Constant Physical Overworking.
ADVERSARIES: The Warden (Umbra Legate), Morat and Shasvasti Guards,
Patroling TAGs.
A collection of Cubeless and Cube-damaged war prisoners have been transported to an EI
forward prison camp where they are subjected to intense labour and experimentation. A
group needs a few skilled individuals to ensure a successful rescue.
Main Objective: Escape Installation 14.
Secondary Objectives: Secure any useful information about the Combine, secure
escape for as many prisoners as possible.
LOCATION: Any prison facility in any planetary system, a dark system, a prison
TWISTS: Not freed by his own crew, the captain was an agent of a rival power
that dispatched a special forces team to free him before the secret could be
OBSTACLES: Corrupt Prison Officials, Rival Power and Agents, Allies of the
Pirate Captain.
ADVERSARIES: Pirate Captain, His Second-In-Command, Pirate Crew, Bribed
Officials, Allied Pirate Crews, Special Forces and Agents from a Rival Power.
The guards protecting the transport of an extremely dangerous pirate captain have been
brutally killed. All the clues point to his ship crew. He must be found, as news of his breakout
could spread panic among merchants in this region.
Main Objectives: Find and retrieve or execute the escaped pirate leader.
Secondary Objectives: Capture or kill the remains of his crew, and if twist is used,
uncover the truth and retrieve him so he may be interrogated.
LOCATION: B? s? zoku gangs, Kum Bikers, gang members from any criminal
TWISTS: She seems like a vigilante on a mission, but either ALEPH or the
nation-state where the adventure is set is supporting her spree.
OBSTACLES: Uncooperative Submondo and Local Authorities, Rival Gangs.
ADVERSARIES: The Posthuman, Gang Members, Local Law Enforcement.
A high-tech posthuman has gone on a frenzy, waging a one-woman war against the gangs
that killed her. Her attacks are sudden, highspeed, and violent. Panic is taking hold of the city
as the body count grows.
Main Objectives: Find the posthuman and put an end to the killing spree.
Secondary Objectives: Uncover her motivations and bring her murderers to
LOCATION: Any populated system or on a station in the Human Edge.
TWISTS: The tip-off came from one of the Submondo groups to use law
enforcement assets to remove their rivals. Or: It's a trap set by the Submondo
groups to reveal a mole.
OBSTACLES: Stealth, Security Personnel, Rival Team, Hacking Skills.
ADVERSARIES: Submondo Kingpins, Gang members, thugs and body guards.
The leaders of a few big Submondo groups are having a rare meet-up. Local law enforcement
has uncovered this, and a special team has been dispatched to quietly seize one of the
transport shuttles to take down the kingpins.
Main Objective: Take down the kingpins.
Secondary Objective: Recover as much data as possible to aid further
LOCATION: Any remote location, moon, or station.
TWISTS: Aeden has been purchasing VoodooTech on the black market to use in
their experiments. AND/OR: The emergency broadcast was on an open channel.
O-12 is concerned mercenary outfits and spec ops crews from other hyperpowers
may investigate.
OBSTACLES: Advanced Security and Defence Systems, Hacking Damaged
Mainframes, Dealing with the Experiment, Survivors.
ADVERSARIES: The Experiment—A Deranged Beast Form, Zombie, Monster,
Spec Ops teams, Survivors, Automated Defence Systems, Mercenaries.
Bioengineering was running an experimental lab in a remote location. Less than a week ago,
they broadcasted an emergency containment breach warning. Something went horribly wrong
with one of their experiments. Nothing has been heard since.
Main Objective: Recover their research to work out what went wrong.
Secondary Objectives: Deal with the experiment, make sure the research doesn't
fall into the wrong hands.
LOCATION: An outpost or settlement anywhere in the Human Sphere or Edge,
TWISTS: Sergei Kertzov is sponsored by a specific national or corporate power
in the Human Sphere to instigate a civil war, which would manipulate the
Teseum trade.
OBSTACLES: Tracing Agent's Identity, Tracking and Infiltrating Mercenary
Base, Skirmishing between Factions, Civilians.
ADVERSARIES: Sergei Kertznov, Members of his Mercenary Outfit.
A wanted war criminal, Sergei Kertznov, has captured a deep cover Bureau Noir Agent. The
agent sent a report stating a recent attack on an Ariadnan mining settlement was an attempt
to incite civil war with more attacks planned.
Main Objective: Recover the information the agent had found.
Secondary Objectives: Recover the agent, find the targets of the future attacks.
LOCATION: An asteroid field, moon, remote location, Paradiso, unexplored
TWISTS: A character or NPC is infected with spores; the infection must be
contained and a cure found. A criminal group or government agency thinks the
fungus could be developed as a biological weapon.
OBSTACLES: Identifying and Synthesising a Cure, Alien Environments,
Damaged Ship Systems, Military or Criminal Groups.
ADVERSARIES: Fungus, Mercenary or Military Outfit.
A wealthy merchant's ship was discovered in a remote system, all inside dead. Its interior, a
biological pastiche of spore and strange fungi. They were a collector of alien artifacts; was
there something in the collection that went wrong?
Main Objective: Uncover the source of the fungi and synthesise a cure.
Secondary Objective: Uncover the source of the artifact, ensure area is secured.
LOCATION: Paradiso, any moon or remote location exchanging Combined with
TWISTS: The footage was released so that the enemy can capture the PCs for
interrogation. OR: One or more of the civilian's cubes have been infected. They
must all be executed.
OBSTACLES: Find the Combined/Merc Patrol, Plan a Sudden Attack, Execute
Attack, and Manage Evac under Fire.
ADVERSARIES: Morat or Merc Commander, Combined/Merc Unit.
An engineering crew and their families have been captured in a surprise Combined Assault.
WarCor footage shows the group being escorted under heavy guard before cutting off
suddenly. A team has been assembled to rescue them.
Main Objectives: Find, recover, and evacuate the civilians.
Secondary Objectives: Eliminate as many of the Combined/Merc group as
possible, find out what their aims were in taking the captives.
LOCATION: Any unexplored system, on behalf of any national interest.
TWISTS: The communication was intercepted, and a second team is racing to
get there first. OR: The lone survivor has been taken by native fauna.
OBSTACLES: Finding Wreckage, Survey for Cause of Crash, Hostile Flora and
Fauna, Unexplored Environment.
ADVERSARIES: Hostile Flora and Fauna, Rival Team.
An exploration ship on a long-range survey mission sent a tight wave communication three
weeks ago, announcing an unprecedented discovery. While surveying a system en route home,
the exploration ship went down. Emergency beacons sent back damage reports, then nothing.
Main Objectives: Survive, and find and recover the lone female survivor, recover
the ship's exploration history.
Secondary Objectives: Find what caused the exploration ship to crash, fight off
ravenous wildlife, secure extraction.
LOCATION: A large spacecraft or orbital station.
TWISTS: The Morats aren't the only death dealers aboard. The bomb was a
diversion to send a high-ranking officer directly towards a Shavastii assassin. The
team must decide whether to split up or stay together.
OBSTACLES: Hacked Security Systems, Morat Operatives, Shavastii Assassins,
Time Pressure, Damaged or Sabotaged Ship Systems.
ADVERSARIES: Morat Däturazi Witch-Soldier (Nemesis), Speculo Killer
Assassin (Nemesis), Morat Death Squad (Elites).
During a conflict with a Combined Army dreadnaught, a Morat death squad boarded a human
vessel and planted a devastating explosive. Although the vessel was able to disengage, the
bomb and death squad are still aboard and must be destroyed.
Main Objectives: Discover the bomb and diffuse or remove it.
Secondary Objectives: Track down the assassin, prevent the murder of the high-
ranking officer.
LOCATION: Wilderness of a planet, with towns and outposts the team can use
as cover or raid.
TWISTS: Much to their luck, the team is stranded near a forward operating base
that has plans for an upcoming offensive. The team can steal these plans and
strike a blow against their foes.
OBSTACLES: Enemy Forces, Loyal Townsfolk, Enemy Outposts, Stealth
Requirements, Lack of Equipment Due to Crash.
ADVERSARIES: Local commander (Nemesis, most related to the adversary
faction), Soldiers (Troops and Elites), Civilian Militia (Troops)
On a scouting mission in planetary orbit, the team's ship is ambushed and shot down. They
escape to the planet's surface behind enemy lines in the wilderness. The team must either
escape or wait for extraction, hostile forces drawing closer.
Main Objective: Extract from the enemy territory.
Secondary Objectives: Remain undetected, secure intelligence.
LOCATION: Any moon, asteroid or uninhabited location.
TWISTS: The outpost has been attacked by Shrike Tardigrades, who return as
the team arrives. A rival group aims to steal the cache of weapons in the outpost.
The smuggling of the highly illegal weapons is state sponsored.
OBSTACLES: Tracking the Beacon, Zero-G Environment, Spaceship
Manoeuvres, Outpost's Defence Systems, Shrike Tardigrades, Criminals or Rival
ADVERSARIES: Shrike Tardigrades, Smugglers, Rival Crime Syndicate,
Automated Defence Systems.
A deep cover Bureau Noir agent is stranded in an empty outpost, his ship severely damaged.
Having uncovered vital information on a weapons smuggling ring, he needs extraction before
members of the criminal group return.
Main Objective: Recover the agent.
Secondary Objective: Remain undetected if possible, leave no trail.
LOCATION: Any major planet in the Human Sphere, a remote location on the
TWISTS: The operatives were sent by a rival nation, which could lead to war.
The operatives were sent by O-12, which could cause chaos in the Öberhaus. The
operatives were sent by the corporation's own, which could lead to political disaster.
OBSTACLES: High-end Infowar Defences, Well-Paid and Equipped Guards,
Automated Defence Systems, Time Pressure.
ADVERSARIES: Corporate Executive, Head of Corporate Security, Guards,
Automated Defence Systems, Infowar Defences, Hackers.
A team of operatives on an industrial espionage mission tripped alarms and came under heavy
fire. One member was stranded in the evac. They must be rescued before they break and
reveal sensitive information.
Main Objective: Resuce or silence the stranded team member.
Secondary Objective: Recover any information relating to Submondo operations
in the area.
| textdata/thevault/Infinity - 2D20/EXTRA/Infinity - GM Plot Deck 20190117 - Modiphius (2d20 System).pdf |
Aventurian Herald; Efferd 1040 FB
The Prince of Uthuria is Here!
Aventurian Herald 175
Political News: Guardian of the Circle
Declares Convocation of the Church of Efferd
Bethana/Vinsalt/Al’Anfa. For months, the hidden conflict
smoldering in the Church of Efferd has been threatening to
erupt into a conflagration. In the apolitical Church of the
god of the ocean, the discussion about an additional Master
of the Surf has become quite the political issue. The Church
of the Lord of the Tides is in danger of driving a wedge
between its various communities.
Regional News: Straw Puppet Parade
Divides Festum City Council
Festum. As the 8th of Phex approaches in chilly Festum,
tempers are heating up. The Grand Council is quarreling,
and Councilwoman Firnski plans to lead the Atmaskottjen
Parade through the middle of town to honor Rondra and a
Bornish dignitary named Linjan of Elenau.
Panorama: Big Game Hunt in Uthuria
Belhanka. According to rumors, certain interests in Kuslik
plan to exhibit a tame “escaladir” in the zoo, alongside other
Uthurian beasts. This giant monster resembles a fanged cow
with a horned ridge. Caspar Khoramsfright, famous beast
hunter and questador, reveals what he’s learned.
elhanka. Prince Anajo I of the
people of the Owangi and the
realm of the Tapiwakpa, son of
King Anwa-ti and Queen Kaliru, envoy of
Uthuria to the colony Nova Methumisa,
was welcomed to the harbor of Belhanka
with great fanfare. With the words, “We feel
honored to be at the service of the glorious
eagle tribe, much endowed by Nandus, and ad
finalem to explore its blessed Terra Cognita and
civilization,” the young prince stepped onto
the dock. His arrival was accompanied by
cheers that were at first a bit sparse but then
increased quickly. This historical occasion
marks the first Uthurian visit to Aventurian
Prince Anajo I arrived on the caravel
Prince Sirlan, which has made numerous
voyages to Uthuria across the Fire Sea at the
behest of the Imperial Aventurian Company
(I.A.C.). This time, the hold contained
not just exotic goods like jade, coffee, and
gold, but also crates filled with the prince’s
personal wardrobe and also gifts from his
homeland, for those he plans to visit during
his travels. He handed the first such gift
to Pervalia ya Tehrdilion, First Admiral of
the town and Primesta of the Republic of
Belhanka, who was waiting to welcome him
at the pier. She received a precious statue
of white jade with a human body and an
eagle’s head. It depicts the lord of the gods,
called “Pra-Jobo” by Anajo’s people. “This
White Horas,” Prince Anajo said, “shall be a
confirmation of the factum that the Uthurian
people of the Owangi and the Aventurian eagle
tribe will fraternize in a cultural and spiritual
The Prince and the Admiral then
addressed the crowd to explain how this
new friendship will benefit both realms.
There were many words praising the
peaceful gifts of colonialism for both sides.
Belhanka benefits like no other town in
the Horasian Empire from the influx
of precious colonial wares, wonderful
customs, and myriad stories from the
southern continent. The Owongi will
benefit from the progress that the Horasian
Empire can deliver. Citizens cheered the
visiting dignitary until he was carried off
in a specially-crafted carriage to attend the
next appointment in his crowded schedule.
But why is Prince Anajo visiting the
Horasian Empire? He intends to travel
the land for a whole month to experience
our culture firsthand and spread it among
his own people. Accompanying him is a
patrician from Methumis named Lessandero
ya Strozza, lord of the aforementioned
I.A.C. and the Banking House ya Strozza.
With his own eyes, Anajo will learn and
see what the future holds for his tribe
now that they are allies with the Horasian
Empire. He will meet with nobles and other
dignitaries, both mundane and clerical, and
will even meet the Horas himself in the
Palace Sangreal in Horasia. Prince Anajo’s
schedule consists of many private meetings
with important people. We do not know will
be discussed behind these closed doors.
What political meaning this visit entails
for the Horasian Empire and its colony at
Nova Methumisa remains to eb seen. Surely
Khadan-Horas knows (in his flowery way
of speaking, Prince Anajo refers to Khadan-
Horas as “Superb Son of the Golden Coatl”)
as, no doubt, do Khadan-Horas’ court and
advisers, Prince Anajo I himself, and Amero
ya Vespati, governor of the colony of Nova
Methumisa. What is certain is that the
people hold the Southern Sea colonialism of
the Horasian Empire in well regard.
What political meaning this visit entails
for the Horasian Empire and its colony at
Nova Methumisa remains to eb seen. Surely
Khadan-Horas knows (in his flowery way
of speaking, Prince Anajo refers to Khadan-
Horas as “Superb Son of the Golden Coatl”)
as, no doubt, do Khadan-Horas’ court and
advisers, Prince Anajo I himself, and Amero
ya Vespati, governor of the colony of Nova
Methumisa. What is certain is that the
people hold the Southern Sea colonialism of
the Horasian Empire in well regard
Arela Weißblatt (Dominic Hladek)
The Voice of the People:
The Prince
What a beautiful man! Ah, to be
young again and to go to Uthuria, to
be saved from the grasp of a giant
–Cebanne Darow,
manufactory worker from Simiavilla
It fills me with patriotic pride. Our
glorious realm has made an alliance
with brave followers of Praios who
live deep in the jungle, and together
will now shine the light of civilization
on all blasphemies and machinations
of the Nameless One! I will do my
part and buy shares in the next
voyage scheduled by the I.A.C.
We must stand up to Al’Anfa’s
blasphemies and imperialism, and
show them who holds dominance in
the colonies. It is a fact that the
interests of the Horasian Empire will
be defended in Uthuria! Long live
Anajo I, Prince of Uthuria! Long live
–Solates Fock, Horasian patriot
Where else but here in Belhanka
could one such as myself speak
this aloud, but this caricature of a
prince, stuffed into his fine threads
like a wheel of head cheese, is
no more than a marionette being
paraded about to drum up business
for the I.A.C.! The Uthurians are a
proud, independent people, and it is
a real shame that their chieftain’s
son has become a compliant slave
of the narrow-minded nobles. It
is outrageous that this is being
celebrated here, in Belhanka, where
citizens have freed themselves from
the chains of the nobility!
–anonymous student from Methumis
Ron Owen (order #9400483)
Aventurian Herald 175
Guardian of the Circle
Declares Convocation of the
Church of Efferd
should not branch too often, lest it lose itself
among lesser streams and creeks.”
At the end of his sermon, the venerable
Guardian of the Circle revealed a great
surprise. In the month of Hesinde, he will
travel with a delegation to Brabak, where
the Master of the Surge South Sea will lead
him on an inspection of the temple. “I hope
that I will meet with the High Blessed One
of Al’Anfa and with representatives of the
Horasian Church of Efferd,” the Guardian
said. He then asked all Blessed Ones to
journey to Brabak to join in the discussion
about the future of the Church
What he meant regarding the future
of the Church, he did not say, as it please
Boron. If it comes to pass, this will be the
first convocation in the history of the Church
of Efferd that brings together Blessed Ones
from all over Aventuria, including the
estranged congregations in Al’Anfa and the
Horasian Empire.
Muliro Larekos
(Martin Schmidt)
Aventurian Herald, Tsa 1038 FB
“This is going too far!” – Straw
Puppet Parade Divides Festum
City Council
estum. As the 8th of Phex
approaches in chilly Festum,
tempers are heating up. The Grand
Council is quarreling, and Councilwoman
Firnski plans to lead the Atmaskottjen
Parade through the middle of town to
honor Rondra and a Bornish dignitary
named Linjan of Elenau.ntil today, the
parade had been restricted to the Warehouse
Island, meaning that
the infamous Thorwal
Drum (symbol of the
bravery of Festum’s city
guards, and main
attraction of the
parade), which was
made from the skin
of the evil pirate,
Atmaskot Blood-
drinker, did not incite
any larger conflicts.
But now, Domain Master
Gernot of Halsingen, along
with other long-time residents of Festum,
has sided with the councilwoman. Guard
Captain Elkman Timpski, especially, is of
the opinion that the parade route should
be extended to cross the Toll Bridge and
enter the Old City. Those opposed to the
plan include many followers of Hesinde,
merchants both small and large, and even
ethana/Vinsalt/al’anfa. For
months, the hidden conflict
smoldering in the Church of
Efferd has been threatening to erupt into a
conflagration. In the apolitical Church of
the god of the ocean, the discussion about
an additional Master of the Surf has become
quite the political issue. The Church of the
Lord of the Tides is in danger of driving a
wedge between its various communities
Many observers and believers looked to
Bethana with hope, but the Guardian of
the Circle remained tight-lipped (probably
to avoid the inevitable accusation that
he favored one side over the other in this
argument). Even demands by the head of
the Church for congregants to refrain from
quarrelling and avoid casting insults in
public (as reported in the Aventurian Herald)
went unheeded among some members of
the clergy. There is no other way to interpret
the words Efferdan ui Bennain delivered in
a recent divine service. “Every river needs
tributaries, that its life-giving water shall not
run dry. But,” ui Bennain continued, “a river
Political / Regional
retired Magister Alwin K. Nodwinger,
himself a council member and former
spokesman of the Festum Council of Arts.
They fear that dangerous protests might
erupt during the parade, aimed not only at
careless Thorwalers, but also at Norbards,
goblins, and Maraskans,
all of whom enjoy
burghers’ rights and
privileges in Festum.
The Grand Council will
vote on the matter soon. Those
in the know think the vote will
be close, even though the
traditionalists hold a majority.
The atmosphere in the city
is already tense, and people
who have experienced
Festum’s cosmopolitan
flair will be surprised by the
growing feelings of animosity
towards “wretched immigrants”
on the one hand, and “narrow-minded
saber-rattlers” on the other. We hope, for
the quarrelsome council members’ sakes,
that they will make a wise decision, but
surely not everyone will be happy with the
Alriksej Gerberow
(Daniel Heßler)
Fantholi, Efferd 1038 FB
The Countess of Bearforest
Adopts a Daughter of Noble
earforest County, efferd 1038
fB: Our editors were shocked
recently when a grim Weiden
knight dashed into the writing room of
the Herald to hand us a dispatch from
the Countess of Bearforest. It seems that
the corpse of a messenger sent forth on
a delivery many months ago was found
near Leinhouse. Phex be praised that his
murderer didn’t find the report he was
carrying. We now present that report here, in
its entirety.
County Bearforest, 10th of Hesinde 1037
FB: It has been barely four months since
the cowardly attempt on the life of Walderia
of Lionshead, Countess of Bearforest
(as reported in AH 168) at the Bowyers’
Celebration in Olat. Now the aged Countess
has made the following announcement. In
a solemn ceremony, she adopted a young
knight as her daughter—a rare act among
nobles—thus founding a new line of
succession for the County of Bearforest, with
the consent of the Duke.
The celebratory tournament was held in
the peaceful fishing village of Olat. Firun
had already clad the fields, meadows, and
forests by the Mistmoor in winter snow.
The black walls of the Countess’ fortress
rose like a dark figure from the ominous,
fog-enshrouded waters of the Nine-Eye
Lake. The bitter cold prevented all but a
small crowd of chosen guests from arriving
to honor the future Countess. Representing
the Duke’s family was Walderia’s brother,
Prince Walthard, her grandniece, Princess
Walbirg, and Shieldcount Kerling of
Lionshead, Master of the Greencoats and
former Master of the Knights of the Grove.
Many famous heroes from the counties of
Weiden proved their skill in the tournament,
which also served as a readiness test for the
campaign against Haffax. Attendees were
especially moved when Master Eisewyn
and Yolanda of Fallowfield sang a duet
dedicated to the memory of Count Waldmar,
Walderia’s brother. Geiserich of Haffstone,
the disputed Steward of Comital Pallingen,
was noticeably absent from the celebration,
reinforcing the rumors of his envy and
resentment towards the young heiress, who
descends from old Bearforest nobility. It is a
shame that no proof of his involvement in
the assassination plot has been discovered.
Divine service was held to honor Firun
and Rondra, according to long-standing
tradition, after which Ivrain ni Catholainn,
the Pro-Legate of the Church of Firun,
presented Ifirn’s blessing to the young,
charismatic heiress. The Countess chose the
10th of Hesinde for the adoption because
it was also Griseldis’ 27th Tsa Day. During
her speech, she referred to the outrageous
assassination attempt from four months
ago: “As my life was taken and returned
on my Tsa’s Day, so shall today signify the
beginning of your new life. Rise, Griseldis of
Pallingen, bound forever to me as daughter.”
All present were touched to see the normally
strict and reserved ruler overcome by
maternal emotions.
Thuronia Kupferstich (Axel Riegert)
Aventurian Herald, Efferd 1039 FB
Brabakan Spring
agra. This kingdom by the cape
has existed for over two centuries,
but at times it seems almost brand
new. To the burghers of Brabak certainly
it has always existed, though to be honest,
nobody beyond its borders ever felt that the
kingdom was very important. This has been
changing in recent years, as if the kingdom
is waking from a deep sleep, like a beast
coming out of hibernation.
It all began in the year 1035 FB when the
Brabakan flotilla set sail on a secret mission.
This was the same year that the Crown
gave permission to a very old Brabakan
family to build a wharf and create a trading
company called the Brabakan Amalgamated
Occidental Company, or BAOC, for short.
The new company’s ships sailed first to
Gyldenland, a symbolic voyage honoring the
many Gyldenland travelers who had already
made the round trip voyage successfully.
But while foreign traders and lords blinked
their eyes in surprise at the fleet’s bravery
(or smiled secretly at its foolishness), the
BAOC managed to establish a kontor here
in Nagra.
Two years later, even the Northland Bank
had found its way to the royal city. That
same year, the trading company’s ships
finally returned from Gyldenland laden
with goods for Brabak. The Crown soon
issued the Codex Mizirion, a set of laws for
the entire kingdom, including the Risso
Archipelago, which had grown increasingly
important (almost every trade route used by
free traders and the BAOC to reach Uthuria
leads through the archipelago). Today,
Brabak maintains a thriving colony, Porto
Sancta Elida, in Uthuria. Trade with the
remote southern continent is now the topic
of conversation on everyone’s minds, and
not just in the royal capital but also here in
Nagra. Countless goods, such as lumber,
jewels, plant saplings, and wild animals, find
their way to the markets of Brabak. Apart
from the BAOC, many free traders also try
their luck on the dangerous passage. The
Horasian Empire is investing in southern
trade as well, and is even building a harbor
fortress in Nagra. This decisive move is
predicted to create an advantage in the
struggles with the empire’s eternal rival,
Al’Anfa, and also serve as a springboard for
passengers on their way to the Horasian
colony of Nova Methumisa.
It might feel like a prophecy, but Brabak
seems to be casting its gaze increasingly
towards the southern continent and the
riches that it can provide through trade.
The future king, Prince Peleiston, shows no
sign of diverting from his father’s plans; if
anything, it seems as if the Crown Prince’s
convictions have only strengthened. Time,
the province of Satinav, will tell if Brabak
can prove itself the equal of the Horasian
Empire and Al’Anfa. When it comes to
exporting the Aventurian spirit to Uthuria,
Brabak’s prospects look pretty good, at
least as far as proud Brabakans and many
foreign observers are concerned. Thus,
developments here by the cape indicate that
Brabak’s spring awakening will continue for
the foreseeable future.
Nandurio, Blessed One of Nandus in Nagra
(Christian Bender)
Aventurian Herald, Efferd 1039 FB
Ron Owen (order #9400483)
Aventurian Herald 175
Khunchom Harbor Post, Phex 1038 FB
Hilbert of Hartsteen: the Fall of a
Garetian Noble
was the Herald’s depiction of Rohaja of
Gareth as the “heroic Empress.”
He saves his worst accusations
for last, and directs them against
the Imperial spouse. Allegedly, by
employing a vast network of agents
who refer to each other as “heroes,”
the Imperial Privy Counselor spies on
subjects, including even those whom the
Crown names as close allies, in order
to eliminate his own political enemies.
This secret network’s most prominent
victim to date was none other than
Imperial Arch-Chancellor Hartuwal
Gorwin of the Great River, whose
murder by cultists of the Nameless
One was actually a cleverly staged
diversion. In reality, Hilbert believes,
Rondrigan Paligan had the Duke of
the Morthmarches killed because he
was among the strongest supporters
of the Oxblood Charter, and his death
strengthens the Crown’s hold over the
nobles of the Middenrealm.
Hilbert’s confused ramblings might
be outlandish and without substance,
but they show that some long-
established Garetian nobles pay more
attention to rumors than they should.
Charef ibn Saiman (Jürgen Suberg)
Editor’s Note: If you find yourself
stirred to action by Hilbert of
Hartsteen’s paranoid claims and absurd
stories, just visit this Khunchom Harbor
tavern and visit the disgraced Knight
of the Realm for yourself. Witness
the wasted human potential and the
questionable rotgut that qualifies as
liquor on this part of the continent. I
can only hope that Hilbert of Hartsteen
commits himself to the Noionites’ care,
and soon.
(Baltram of Liepenberg, for the
Aventurian Herald)
(Carolina Möbis)s)
hunChom. Banishment from the
Middenrealm to the hot Lands
of the Tulamydes seems to rob a
person of both sanity and decency. One sad
example is Hilbert of Hartsteen, former
Palsgrave of Broadgrove, who was convicted
on charges of corruption and abuse of
authority. From his exile in Khunchom,
Hilbert claims to know of a conspiracy that
threatens the Imperial Throne and involves
the Empress’ husband, Rondrigan Paligan.
Hilbert, a Garetian by birth, is
willing to share his sketchy theories with
Middenrealmish travelers for the cost of a
glass of abszinto, and eagerly welcomes them
into his new home, a sleazy, harbor-side
brothel. According to Hilbert, the twelve-
times cursed traitor, Helme Haffax, is a mere
puppet of the Imperial Crown, whose skills
are overblown and who poses no real threat
to the Middenrealm. Hilbert continues by
stating that the fear of the former Imperial
Arch-Marshal was created artificially to
bind the realm’s vassals to the Throne and
stop the lords of the various provinces from
claiming the rights they earned through
the Oxblood Charter, such as the right to
exercise sovereignty over their provincial
If you think that Hartsteen’s political
horror stories can’t get any funnier, read on.
He also says that the Aventurian Herald, a
blatant mouthpiece of the Imperial Crown,
played an important role in this conspiracy.
For example, he points out that the Herald
raised no critical voice about the marriage of
the Empress to a servant with an unsuitable
pedigree. According to the bitter Garetian
noble’s account of events, the Herald referred
to the marriage between a captain of the
fleet and a scion of an unimportant Al’Anfan
grandee family as “an event to be celebrated,”
and points out that the Herald devoted more
space to a description of the bridal gown than
to the terms of the new alliance. The final
straw for the former Knight of the Realm
elhanka. The Belhankan Watcher has obtained
further information about the Prince’s planned
travel route and destinations. From what they
have been able to learn, Imperial advisors have scheduled
Prince Anajo’s itinerary almost down to the minute. His
Excellency will travel nearly 300 miles through the northern
Horasian Empire in a specially-built carriage provided by
the Imperial Kuslikan Coach Manufactory. His visit will
culminate in a meeting with His Horas-Imperial Majesty
Khadan-Horas, Emperor of the Horasian Empire and King
of the Dulcet Fields and the Southern Sea.
Here we present those details of his journey which have
been released to the public.
Day 1-3: Belhanka
♣ Ceremony marking the arrival of Prince Sirlan, amid
cheers from the crowd
♣ Welcoming speech by Pervalia ya Tehrdilion, Primesta of
the Republic of Belhanka and First Admiral of the city
♣ Address the people of the Horasian Empire
♣ Reception at Rahja’s Palace on Dere in Belhanka,
organized by the Guardian of the Cup, Gylvana von
♣ isit the Oro Nero, the first coffee house in the Horasian
Empire, in the Penumbra neighborhood, to relax with an
Uthurian drink
Day 4-8: Methumis
♣ By request of the Prince, a fitting with a tailor from Drôl
♣ Personal meeting with Duke Eolan IV, Berlînghan, a
benefactor and supporter of the I.A.C.
♣ Walk the Colorful Walls
♣ Visit Duke Eolan University and give a lecture on
Uthurian derography for students of the Efferd School
Day 9-10: Silas
♣ Reception with the Priorium of the Guild Masters of Silas
♣ Tour the dwarven neighborhood of Simiamada. Visit
several goldsmiths and tour an exhibition of masterpieces
created by the jewelers and smiths.
♣ Tour the Lizard Gardens
Day 11: Sibur
Events in Arivor necessitated last-minute changes to this
part of the route. The planned visit to Arivor to meet with the
Arch-Ruler Nepolemo ya Torese and tour the Saladanian
smithies has been cancelled. Instead, the Prince will
journey through Sibur, where the governor has promised to
illuminate the Prince on the town’s famous silver industry.
Day 12-21: Vinsalt
Many scheduled receptions and celebrations. High points
♣ Visit to the Vinsalt Opera for the premier of the play,
♣ As requested by the Prince, private lessons in rhetoric at
the Academia Horasiana
♣ Masquerade Ball at Castle Baliiri
Day 22-26: Horasia
♣ Imperial Reception, with the Praetorians serving as
Honor Guard
♣ Visit the Temple of Praios Sancti Ucuriani
♣ Tour the Palace Sangreal
♣ vening of conversation with Khadan-Horas
Day 27-30: Kuslik
♣ Meeting with the Magister of Magisters Aldare Firdayon in
the Halls of Wisdom
♣ Reception with the Kuslikan Notables
♣ Return to Uthuria, sailing from the harbor in Curonia
Quido Berylli
(Dominic Hladek)
Belhankan Watcher, Efferd 1040 FB
Route and Itinerary for the Prince of Uthuria
Regional / Overview
Aventurian Herald, Rahja 1039 FB
Mourning in
erriCum. Even though we
are glad of the outcome, the
successful completion of the
campaign of good Empress Rojaha of
Gareth against Mendena cost the lives of
many brave heroes.
One of the most important nobles
to fall during the campaign was the
highly decorated Colonel Wallbrord of
Lionshead-Berg, Baron of Perricum. This
long-serving officer and former Marshal
of the Dukedom of Weiden led the troops
of his Margravate in the charge against
Mendena. Those who served closely with
the colonel during that final battle say
that he caught an arrow in the chest and
fell while rallying his troops for the final
strike at the heart of the city.
The dying man transferred command
to his son, a captain in Lord Wallbrord’s
own regiment, who had been fighting
nearby when the colonel was wounded.
His duty fulfilled, the great man, a
member of the proud and glorious
houses of Lionshead and Berg, breathed
his last in the arms of his son. The new
commander collected himself quickly,
gathered the troops with his courage,
skill, and determination, and pushed the
enemy towards the harbor with a brave
Upon learning of these events, the
Empress summoned the valiant captain
to the palace. As he kneeled before
her, she offered her condolences and
proclaimed his father’s death a terrible
loss for realm and province. Then, in
recognition of his deeds, she dismissed
the charges of a crime which had been
leveled against him several months ago.
The deceased Baron’s title passed to
his illegitimate daughter, Elissa, to the
general surprise of his subjects.
Xandros Fernel
(Marcus Friedrich)
Kuslikan Courier, Travia 1038 FB
Terror at the Harvest
orasian empire. On the 1st of Travia,
His Honored Majesty Baronet Efferdan
Wavestone announced a Harvest Festival
pleasing unto the Benign Mother, to be held at
his hunting chateau, north of Grangor. Invitees
included young and old from the surrounding
area, as well as the brave heroes who defended
the way station at Dawfield one month ago. To
ensure the safety of his guests, the Baronet rode
out to investigate rumors of marauding robbers in
the nearby forest and thus wasn’t present for the
No doubt Wavestone’s absence is what attracted
an evil creature to the festival. It is believed that
a vampire gained entrance to the chateau by
concealing itself among the servants. Once it
revealed itself, a magical barrier prevented those
present from leaving the area, and no outside help
could gain access. To further its evil ends, the
vampire summoned walking dead that took up
weapons from the hall and assaulted the terrified
Early on the morning of the 2nd of Travia,
bodies from the Boron yard were found defiled in
the forest. Later it was discovered that the local
shrine of Efferd had been desecrated, and all water
supplies, including nearby bodies of water, had
been poisoned. The surviving guests then steeled
themselves for a second night of attacks from the
vampire and his undead servants. On the third
day of their captivity, and despite suffering from
terrible thirst, the guests and servants managed
(with the help of Phex and Efferd) to drive away
the nameless terror and break the spell.
The Aventurian Herald mourns the brave heroes
who lost their lives fighting against the undead. We
also salute guard Beppo Sator who dutifully stood
his ground and gave his life. Aslam, mercenary
captain from the Lands of the Tulamydes, died
a hero’s death holding off the undead creatures
so that others could escape, and the beloved bard
Helmut left Dere with a final, beautiful song on
his spinet.
In their memory, and for the protection of
future generations, a shrine of Praios was built,
consecrated, and devoted to the holy Horas in
front of the hunting château. The ceremony took
place on the 3rd of Travia.
Jette Alessa Ravenguard and Hesindion Machandel
(Janina und Marcus Robben)
Ron Owen (order #9400483)
Aventurian Herald 175
Belhankan Watcher, Efferd 1040 FB
Big Game Hunt in Uthuria
But then I see a beast, no joke, large as a
witch’s hut in Weiden, but much scarier. I keep
a cool head (I like to tell myself that, but in
reality I’m terrified) and I think “Sneak a little
closer. It is just a big cow.” Well, in reality it
is more like a bull from the Netherhells. Not
a real demon, of course, but with more teeth
in its jaws than a damned Ifirn shark. And as
I get closer, I see that the thing is so big I hurt
my neck looking up at it. Honest, its neck starts
two feet above my head. And the fur was...
Well, let’s call it blood-black. And the beast
stinks! Something like a cow, but one that has
been dead longer than a salted Thorwalian
cod at the end of winter. Lucky my nose is so
crooked—I can barely smell anything.
Then BAM! It suddenly goes crazy and begins
to run! I think, I am being quiet, so what
spooked it? And then I think to myself, fine, let
it run away. But no, it runs TOWARDS me, as
if Hell’s Sultan himself was sitting on its neck,
guiding it. And you know what? There was
something on its neck.
I ran like hell, which is why I am still alive. I
know when to run and when to attack. This
time, I run. And I run and run and meet a
family of Jucumaqh, savages that live on the
southern continent. They are skilled fighters,
beat you to a pulp with their clubs. But I know
one of them, and lucky he recognizes me, so I
don’t get beaten up. Instead we have a smoke
by the fire.
My Jucumaqh friend tells me about the
creature. He says these beasts are really quite
peaceful, except during mating season. But
there are these parasites, Kalladir or something
like that, a type of blood worm. They use their
jaws to clamp onto the necks of these peaceful
giant cows, and then they suck blood and inject
a poison that makes the cows insane. The Jucs
call it an escaladir, which means “peaceless.”
Yes, the very same label Thorwalers use for
their craziest pirates. Fitting, isn’t it? And I saw
such a thing on this cow’s neck. So I ask: “Say I
remove the worm from the neck, does the beast
become tame like a priest of Tsa on Rohal’s
Day?” The Jucumaqh says he doesn’t know
what a priest of Tsa is, and if what I’m asking
is will the beast then grow as calm as a kerelo-
monkey after the hour of Rahja (I call it that
here in Belhanka; he used other words), then
yes, that is what happens. “Well,” I say, “then I
will remove the worm.” You should have seen
their faces. The warriors were all whispering,
and their eyes… My knees begin to shake when
I see their eyes. They are brave jungle warriors,
but they are terrified of getting too close to an
escaladir. Of course you are afraid now, I say to
myself, but said is said, and said is done, which
is why I’m in Uthuria, right?
The next day I think to myself, maybe you
will find it asleep and things will be easy. Of
course, when I find it, it’s awake. Would have
been strange if luck had been on my side for
once. So I hold my nose and approach it from
downwind, which makes the smell of the beast
even worse. But this time I am quiet and get
very close. I have my throwing knife with me,
the one I used to knock a silver coin from a
coachman’s hand back in Baliho. Hopefully I
haven’t lost my edge, I think to myself. Then
I stand up and throw. And hit! Man, I think,
what a lucky day! Now, “hit” doesn’t mean
“dead.” The worm is still on its throat, but
at least the beast is distracted. So I move even
Now, if you think I am going to say that
I climb up and throw myself on its neck, you
are quite stupid. You can go try something like
that, but I want to live a little while longer. I
take my spear, stand off a bit from the beast,
and stab. I am quite good at aiming, and by
the eighth or ninth stab, BAM! I hit. My spear
pierces the worm. It twitches on the tip like a
pike drawn from the water, but I ram the spear
into the ground, draw my knife... What, boy,
you there, in the last row, yes, you. Take a look,
when I say knife, I mean this one. Yes, a damn
elhanka. Among the passengers
disembarking from the Prince Sirtan
was an adventurer from remote
Baliho named Caspar Khoramsfright, a
famous beast hunter and questador who
has spent the past few years in Uthuria
hunting big game in the jungle. It is not
hard to picture him. Imagine a rough,
muscular body and a chiseled and unshaven
mercenary’s face with a nose broken so often
that it resembles a leaning watchtower built
in a swamp. Then imagine an unpleasant
yet strangely alluring smell of musk with a
hint of resin and tobacco. Finally, dress this
image in the snug-fitting leather hide of an
Uthurian jungle lizard, add a necklace of
predator’s teeth that would make a Bornland
bear jealous, and you have Caspar. The
daring traveler arrived with many large
crates and cages in tow, destined for the
Kusliker zoo. When I asked him about their
contents, he would say only “beasts.” It took
a further 30 minutes of questioning to worm
some more information out of him.
According to rumors, certain interests in
Kuslik plan to exhibit a tame “escaladir” in
the zoo, alongside other Uthurian beasts.
This giant monster resembles a fanged cow
with a horned ridge. Caspar attracts an
audience even when he isn’t sitting among
his peers in a tavern in Belhamèr (the
Sailors’ Quarter, where we conducted this
interview), and he punctuates his tales with
loud exclamations and cracks of his Baliho
cattle whip. Since the hour was growing
late, I asked him to summarize his thrilling
report of the hunt.
I always say, the farther away the land,
the bigger the prey. Believe me, Uthuria is so
far away that a forest elephant is but a pup
compared to an Uthurian beast.
One day I enter the jungle, even though it is
so hot you won’t send your dog outside. After
three hours, I think “What a waste, this day.”
Rapiro Floretti Special Editions Delivered in Time for the Visit of the Ut-
hurian Prince!
L.P.C.’s coverage of the daring and romantic adventures of the Belhankan heart throb continues in
these new tales from the legendary southern continent!
Rapiro Floretti and the Rose of Uthuria
Rapiro Floretti and the Curse of the Skull Eater
Will the legendary Uthurian rose help Rapiro Floretti win back the heart of his beloved Domna
Zabbaioinica? Can he resist the temptations of the jungle dryads? And will he again cross paths with
the infamous Al’Anfan, Dottore Damnato?
Find out for just 2 silverthalers!
“Prince of Uthuria” – Try the new roast at Oro Nero!
To honor the visit of Prince Anajo, our skillful roasters have create a new blend. You love our spicy
“Queen of Coffee” with its citrus flavor and pleasant bite. Now try our “Prince of Uthuria,” a smoky,
full-bodied coffee with hints of caramel.
Don’t be a tea-drinking Tulamyde! Enjoy the true flavors of Uthuria!
Publisher: Ulisses Spiele GmbH,
Industriestr. 11 65529 Waldems
Editor: Carolina Möbis
Contributors to this Edition: Christian
Bender, Marcus Friedrich, Daniel Heßler,
Dominic Hladek, Axel Riegert, Janina and
Marcus Robben, Martin Schmidt, Jürgen
Illustrations: Markus Holzum, Nadine
Schäkel, Sabrina Klevenow
Composition and Layout: Christian
English Version
Translator: Daniel Mayer
Editor: Kevin MacGregor
Layout: Emma Beltran
The Aventurian Herald appears bimonthly.
All material copyright © 2015 by Ulisses
Spiele GmbH. THE DARK EYE,
are trademarks of Ulisses Spiele. All rights
This publication is protected under
the copyright laws of the United States of
America. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form or by any means,
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machete, as you say it. So I draw my machete,
which I call “Fernlove.” You know, ferns? So
I draw it and hack the worm to pieces. The
peaceless cow doesn’t become peaceful all at
once, of course, since the poison is still in his
blood. So I roll to the side, I don’t want to be
crushed. I run away and wait. After a while,
the beast settles down and goes back to grazing
as if nothing had happened. Believe it or not, I
throw my lasso around its neck and lead it back
like a cow from the pasture.
He has become a good friend, this beast.
I name him “Birsel the Escaladir,” after my
favorite cow from the time I worked for the
cattle barons. Well, I called her Birsel the Cow,
“Birsel” for short, not escaladir, of course. And
tomorrow we go to Kuslik or whatsitsname,
where the beast goes to the Zoolobota...
Zoologa... Zoologa... to the zoo. It’s a pity, I
really like him.
What, you ask if the worms are contagious?
Haven’t even thought about it. But no, if they
were, I would have met somebody who caught
something, back in Uthuria. People don’t catch
worms. Does a worm grow back? No, I can’t
imagine they do, or it would have already
happened to Birsel on the ship during our
journey home.
Quido Berylli
(Dominic Hladek)
Ron Owen (order #9400483)
| textdata/thevault/Dark Eye, The [multi]/Misc/Aventurian Herald/Aventurian Herald #175.pdf |
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Character Specific Random City Events 1
Character Focused Random
Events for the City
by Michael J Winegar
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards
of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast.
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©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley
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Character Specific Random City Events 2
“Nothing in the world looks, sounds, or smells quite like
the big city.”
The following tables represent a way to generate random
events while visiting a city between adventures. In an
effort to make these events more personally interesting
to unique characters, I’ve created a D100 table that can be
altered to fit any combination of the standard Races,
Classes, and Backgrounds found in the Player’s
How to Use
Dungeon Masters should keep these tables to themselves
and when asking a player to roll for a random encounter
they should find the relevant entry and always READ,
THINK, and then SPEAK:
READ the entire entry to yourself.
THINK about the character who rolled the event and
how such an event would fit into or affect your
campaign world. If it just doesn’t make sense, consider
rerolling or altering the event to fit the needs of your
game. Think about whether or not the event in question
affects more than one member of the group or offers an
opportunity in which more than one character might
want to take part.
SPEAK the first part of the entry out loud. The double
slash ( // ) indicates that you should wait for a
response from the character before reading further or
narrating how the rest of the event plays out.
When to Use
You can use Random City Events as often as every day or
as little as a single roll between adventures. It all depends
on how much your group enjoys downtime activities.
Start by rolling once per week in the city. You can
increase or decrease the frequency as your group sees fit.
An important rule of thumb is to make sure everyone in
the group rolls the same number of Random Events. If the
Ranger has an activity that keeps her out of the City for a
whole week, the player can feel marginalized if the other
characters get to roll seven times while she is gone.
Also keep in mind that player characters should not be
bound by the table and should have plenty of freedom to
pursue their own activities without consulting the
Random Events table.
Altering and Rerolling
Risk is a fun and essential element to any random table.
That being said, the judgment of the Dungeon Master
and the roleplaying desires of the player should always
trump what is written. There is a chance that a player
character will assert something like, “My character
would never do that.”
If this is the case, alter the event into something
believable for the player character. If this does not seem
easily possible (or is simply taking too much time)
consider rerolling until something interesting happens
for the character.
If a player rolls the same Event twice, consider altering
it as a continuation of past events, the same event under
different circumstances, or simply reroll.
Necessary Assumptions
It is, of course, impossible to make a Random Events
Table that fits perfectly with every campaign and every
party of adventurers. You should of course feel free to
change anything and everything to suit the needs and
flavors of your campaign. In an effort to make interesting,
personal, and meaningful Random Events, I’ve made a
few assumptions about the campaign world:
Assumptions about the City
A class system with Upper (hereditary nobles and
rulers), Middle (wealthy merchants and minor nobles)
and Lower (peasants and the poor) divisions of
A government that is a mix of hereditary titles, elected
officials, and ruling councils.
There is an organized police force, called here the City
Watch, with Captains over certain districts of the city.
The city has a harbor near a large body of water.
The population is cosmopolitan, but mostly human. If
your campaign or city does not feature a certain race
(dragonborn or tiefling for instance) then you simply
don’t roll on those tables.
Arcane magic is practiced openly by Wizards but is
not part of daily life for the vast majority of citizens.
That characters frequent taverns and shops as places
for news, food, equipment, and company. They make
conversation when it is natural and are not actively
trying to hide their identity (as a Warlock or Sorcerer
There is enough free travel and exchange in the land
for people whom the player characters know to make
their way to the city.
Players have filled out the Personality Traits, Ideals,
Bonds, and Flaws section of the character sheet or
have made these decisions about their characters.
That characters keep up with activities consistent
with their Background. ( If your charlatan or criminal
is reformed, consult your DM about using a different
Background table for your rolls in the city, possibly
Guild Artisan to show you've gone straight.
Gloss Over or Play It Out
The first rule for a random table like this is to run with it
when you’re having fun and wrap it up when it’s time to
move on.
You should be especially mindful of how all members of
the group are engaged. It can be a lot of fun for the Rogue
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Character Specific Random City Events 3
to play out a daring heist, but not at the expense of the
rest of the players being bored. The random events
presented here should be used as an interesting way to
flesh out characters and to give players roleplaying
opportunities. Gaining experience, advancing the main
story, and finding treasure should be the focus of party
adventures rather than their time in the city.
If you come across an event in which all players wish to
participate, with a little creativity you can turn it into a
full blown party adventure.
Keep in mind that players will often come up solutions
and options different than those presented within the
event. Whenever possible, use a player's suggestion over
what you find in the event text.
Don’t Just Roll and Forget
You can use every opportunity presented here as a way
to flesh out your campaign and your characters. After an
event, think about what new Bonds a character might
form, how the event can shape their reputation, and how
the event could affect rolls in the future in a positive or
negative way.
Encourage characters to make note of their
experiences and social connections. Remind them that
these can be used later to their advantage.
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Character Specific Random City Events 4
Random City Events
D100 Event
Consult Class Table
Consult Race Table
Consult Background Table
It's inevitable when this many humans live together. You catch a disease and suffer
three levels of exhaustion. // The Character cannot move up the exhaustion track until
they rest for 2d4- their CON Modifier days (minimum 1 full day).
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Character Specific Random City Events 5
A cart breaks loose at the top of a nearby hill, plunging toward the street below. //
The cart weighs 600 pounds and will do 3d12 Damage to anyone caught in its path before
it crashes into a building, damaging the cart, the building, and all of the goods. A Character
Push people out of the way: DC 10 Strength or Dexterity check. On success, no one
is injured though the cart and building are still damaged.
Push someone in the way: Opposed Strength Check, DC 13 Dex (Sleight of Hand) to
not be noticed doing so.
Stop the cart by main force: DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check. If the Character
succeeds, no one is injured and they save both the cart and all of the goods. The
owner is sure to be happy and the crowd cheers mightily. On failure, the Character
is damaged by the cart and someone in the crowd asks how they could be so stupid.
A Character pickpocketing someone watching the cart has Advantage
You go for a walk in the crowded city marketplace. // Someone attempts to pickpocket the
character. Roll 1d20 vs their Passive Perception. If successful, the pickpocket takes 10 sp
for every number over the character’s Passive Perception and disappears into the crowd.
If the pickpocket fails, the character catches them in the act. Roll 1d6 to see who the
pickpocket is:
1-3: A dirty child in rags who tries to bite the character.
4: An old man who shrugs and gives a toothless smile.
5: A young woman in fine clothing.
6: A dangerous looking professional thief in dark clothing. Was that the flash of a knife
in the other hand?
If DM decides, the pickpocket could take something even more valuable but be wary of
making your players paranoid.
One of your Personality Traits comes in conflict with someone you need to interact with.
// DM NOTE: What is the character trying to accomplish for the day? It could be an
assistant, barkeep, government official, librarian, merchant, trainer, or anyone else the
character comes into contact with. The character can probably still accomplish their
purpose for the day, but it won't be as pleasant and might have far reaching consequences.
The city watch has a warrant to raid the den of a notorious gang and they are quietly
forming a brute squad to assist them. // If you take the job it pays 5 gp and you gain the
appreciation of the City Watch but someone in the criminal underworld might remember
your face. If you instead warn the gang about it you have their thanks and a promise to
lookout for you in return should you ever need it but the City Watch suspects you might
have been the leak that spoiled the operation.
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Character Specific Random City Events 6
You hear shouting and see a raggedly dressed person standing on a nearby wall, cart, or
balcony. The person prophesies doom and calamity very soon to the people of the city in
the form of war, famine, pestilence, and fire from the heavens. While most of the crowd
tries to ignore the doomsayer, a great many people are starting to look troubled.
You see something that makes you question one of your Ideals. You start to wonder if
people are better or worse than you think. Does the world need more order imposed on it,
or less? How much does your Ideal matter in the long run? Have you actually
accomplished anything to further it? Is striving for this Ideal still worth the cost? Are you
even the same person you were when you first decided such an Ideal should be important
to you?//
DM NOTE: This can be a good opportunity for a player to reevaluate the direction they
want to take their character, especially later in a campaign when they have experiences to
look back on. You should not force a change on a character, but use this as an opportunity
to ask a player if they want to change an Ideal or strive harder toward one they have
already chosen.
You see something that reminds you of someone you have a Bond with. What is it and who
does it remind you of?//
DM NOTE: This is a good opportunity to see if there is something that the character can do
right away to have an impact on someone they have a Bond with. Perhaps it's time for a
clue or encounter that can help the player feel like their Bond still matters.
You strike up a relationship that seems like it could turn romantic. You spend a wonderful
day doing something that you both enjoy. Toward the end of the day, however, one of your
Flaws manifests itself and the other person bids you an awkward good night. Will you ever
see them again?//
DM NOTE: Ask the player to describe the kind of person their character might have such
an interaction with. Be clear that the relationship does not have to take a full romantic
turn, there is as much potential for the relationship as the player feels appropriate for
their character.
You spot someone you have a Bond with as they turn a corner. //
DM NOTE: Ask the player to review their character's Bonds. Was it really them? Has
something unexpected brought them to the city?
Someone is following you, you're sure of it. // DM NOTE: Who would want to follow this
character in particular? Is it a pickpocket, spy, talent scout, jilted lover? Depending on how
professional the stalker is, have the character make a DC 14 Dex (Stealth) to shake them.
Later, a successful DC16 Int (Investigation) check can reveal more about the stalker.
An expensive mundane item is on sale for half off. // Ideas could include armor other than
Plate, poison, a spyglass, a mount, or up to 1,000 gp worth of trade goods (PHB pg 157).
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Character Specific Random City Events 7
After a shouting match, two men in a tavern get into a fight and one of them hurls a stool
that flies in your direction. +2 vs AC for 1d6 Damage. What do you do about it?
A young, painfully thin man staggers into you and tries to press something into your palm.
// Roll on the Trinket table (PHB pg 160) to see what it is. The young man gasps, "Please.
Give this to..." before he collapses into the street and passes away.
While you are eating your midday meal, a woman drops a stack of papers on your table
and leaves without answering any questions. // Roll 1d6 or the DM chooses from below.
The papers are for a lawsuit accusing you of:
1: Trespassing In Dreams and Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
2: Disturbing the Peace with Excessive Noise, Music, or Cheerfulness
3: Personal Injury, Destruction of Property, and Death of a Pet
4: Misleading a Minor Into an Undesirable Profession
5: Unpaid Gambling Debts and Loss of Productive Time
6: Driving Away Customers and Risking Public Health with Lack of Cleanliness
DM NOTE: Think back on this character's time in the city. Does such a lawsuit have any
merit or would it be thrown out immediately? What proof does the claimant offer? The
Defendant character, or that character's advocate, must make an opposed Persuasion roll
against the Claimant's Advocate (+3 to Persuasion). Another player character may act as
Advocate for the Defense.
You see a hat or other article of clothing that you immediately love. The shop owner does a
wonderful job selling you on the item and gives you a deal at only 3 gp. // If you buy the
item Roll 1d6:
1-2: Everyone you meet hates the new item of clothing. People in the street stare,
snicker to themselves, or might say something rude enough to start a fight.
3-4: No one comments on your new item at all or seems to appreciate it.
5-6: You receive several compliments from strangers. Attractive people smile or wink
at you. A merchant offers you a deal because he likes it so much.
You discover a Personality, Talent, and Beauty Contest open to the public. In line already
are dwarves with artfully sculpted beards, half-orcs with oiled muscles, dancing halflings,
singing elves, and humans telling jokes that would make a pirate blush. With them are a
dizzying spectrum of humanoids of every description. // The DM rolls three 1d20+4 to
represent the best of the competition. A player character can make a Charisma check or
use any Skill the DM rules appropriate. Arrange the DM's NPC scores with the scores of
any player characters who participate:
1st Place: 500 gp, dinner with the ruling family, and an official Certificate
2nd Place: 200 gp, dinner at an Aristocratic tavern, and an official Certificate
3rd Place: 100 gp and an official Certificate
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Character Specific Random City Events 8
Perhaps you try not to be prejudiced but you haven't always had a good experience with a
certain race. You meet an upstanding member of that race whom you come to admire,
even if you don't like them. Maybe it's time to rethink your preconceived notions.
The City Watch are chasing a thief shoving his way through the crowd nearby. // You can
catch or trip the thief if you make an unarmed attack vs. AC 16. You can trip up the City
Watch with an unarmed attack vs. AC 14 but you'll have to follow up with a DC 12 Dex
(Sleight of Hand) check or the Watch realizes it was you.
A shady individual approaches you and tells you there is good money to be had in
underground pit fighting for those with strong arms and stomachs. // Roll 1d6:
1: You lose badly. The pit surgeons think you cannot be saved and dump your body in a
gutter. You are found barely alive by a kind stranger who gets you to a healer who
nurses you back to health. You are missing for 2d4 days until you have strength to send
a message to your friends. You have 4 hit points and a collection of new scars.
2: You are knocked out. You wake up in a filthy recovery room with 2 hit points the
next morning. Someone has been through your things and you are short 1d6x20 gp.
3: You lose by yielding. You limp out of the pit with 5 hit points while the crowd boos
and spits on you.
4-5: It's a tough fight but you win several bloody bouts. You can't be sure whether the
people you've defeated will live or die. You gain 2d4x200 gp in prize money.
6: You kill a string of tough opponents. You win the grand prize of 1d6x500 gp and a
fearsome reputation in the criminal underworld of the city. For the next 1d4+2 months
you have advantage on Intimidation checks against criminals.
You have a good meal at a tavern with a particularly hospitable staff. As you are finishing
up, a thug gets up and goes to leave without paying. The tavern keeper tries to call out for
payment but the thug just sneers and knocks over a tray of crockery on the way out.
A scholar asks if you will share some stories of your homeland for a book she is writing.
A charity organization approaches you for a donation. // The DM secretly rolls 1d6 and
the player rolls an Insight check:
1: The workers are very convincing, complete with uniforms and an office. It takes a DC
18 Insight check for the character to have misgivings. Later a DC 14 Investigation
uncovers that the entire organization is a scam.
2: A DC 12 Insight check reveals to the character that these workers are impersonating
those of an actual organization.
3-6: The charity is legitimate and you even think you've seen these people before
performing the very work they claim.
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Character Specific Random City Events 9
You hear about a tavern of the very roughest sort in a bad part of town. Rumor has it that a
fight breaks out nightly and the only rule is no edged weapons.
A careless wagoneer accidentally flicks you with a whip for 1d4 damage in the street.
You catch sight of a masterfully crafted weapon, or other item, more elaborate than your
own. It is embellished with etchings and carvings to bring good luck and great glory. It
costs twice as much as normal for a weapon or item of its type.
Someone rushing through the crowd collides with you. // DC 13 Str or Dex Save to stay on
your feet. The person who crashed into you is knocked to the ground and cries out in pain,
claiming that you attacked them. // The City Watch soon arrives and demands the real
story. DC 10 Persuasion to convince them that the other person ran into you. If you fail, the
City Watch tries to bring you to a nearby office and fine you 1 gp.
During your evening meal in a tavern, you hear the shout of, “Fire! Fire.” from outside. // If
you respond, you step outside to see a building in flames only a block away. The danger
the fire poses depends on where you are staying:
Poor: The buildings on this block are smashed together and there is real danger of
the fire spreading far and wide. People run screaming through the streets and there
is no organized effort to fight the fire.
Modest: The fire could easily spread over the rest of the block. Some people are
trying to fight the fire but more effort is needed.
Comfortable: The fire poses a significant risk but it looks like the volunteers have
it covered.
Wealthy: Others in the room generally ignore the call once they find out that they
do not own the building in question. A professional fire brigade soon arrives to
fight the flames with a pump wagon.
Aristocratic: The other people in the room either go back to their meals or step out
onto a balcony to watch the fire. The buildings in this section are well spaced out
and the fire poses no danger to the place you are staying. A multitude of servants
and guardsmen are already combating the flames and a professional fire brigade
soon arrives to extinguish the flames with a pump wagon.
An old associate of yours finds you and pleads for help. He has to come up with 1,000 gp
by next week or his family will be killed by a crime lord. // The friend claims that the city
officials won't openly oppose the crime lord and that involving them or the City Watch will
only endanger his family further.
A local parade offers opportunities to perform, pickpocket, or socialize.
Someone is selling a Trinket (PHB pg 160) that you feel a strong connection with, even if
you don't understand it. // Make a DC 11 Cha (Deception) check or the seller sees your
interest and increases the price from 5 gp to 150 gp.
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Character Specific Random City Events 10
You see a half-orc street vendor intimidating people into buying his shoddily made wares.
A business expanding their cellar has tapped into a tunnel system beneath the city. They
want to keep it quiet for now, offering a 50% salvage rights to your group if you will
explore the tunnels for them.// Roll 1d6 or the DM chooses from the following:
1: You never find out where the tunnels lead because they collapse just as you are
lowering yourself into them. You escape dusty but unharmed.
2-3: The cramped tunnels only lead a little way before they dead end. The business
pays you 5 sp each for your trouble.
4: You find an old cellar full of mostly spoiled food but a few finely crafted tools and
some unbroken bottles of wine worth 100 gp total.
5: The tunnels lead to a the vault of a legendary miser. You find coins and jewelry
worth 2,000 gp.
6: An unspoiled dwarven tomb. There is 3,000 gp worth of treasure but if an honorable
dwarf ever found out it would be a dire insult to his people. If you notify some dwarves
they will respectfully remove the treasure and the remains but do not offer the
business or you anything. “Why should we? All ye did was knock a hole in some poor
greatfather's resting place.”
DM NOTE: Of course, such a tunnel could actually lead anywhere you desire and could
even be the start of an entire adventure. One or more of the characters could end up on the
wrong side of the tunnel collapse and have to get out a different way
A high profile criminal case has the public's attention. There seems to be some missing key
evidence for either side that could tip the balance. // Roll 1d6 to see the nature of the
1-2: Murder
3: Grand Theft
4: Impersonating a member of the Nobility
5: Political Corruption
6: Treason
If you succeed in a DC 16 Investigation check, roll 1d6 to see what you discover:
1: Incontrovertible evidence that the accused is guilty.
2: Strong evidence that the accused is guilty (+5 to the Prosecution).
3: Questionable evidence that the accused is guilty (+2 to the Prosecution).
4: Strong evidence that the accused committed the crime, but with plausible reason
(+2 to the Defense).
5: Strong evidence that the accused is innocent (+5 to the Defense)
6: Incontrovertible evidence that the accused is innocent.
Roll opposed 1d20s for the Prosecution and the Defense to see the verdict, factoring in any
evidence found above. Afterward, the accused might prove a powerful ally or enemy if
word gets out about the character's hand in the trial.
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Character Specific Random City Events 11
Some goods in the city are temporarily scarce. It will cost double to maintain a
Comfortable, Wealthy, or Aristocratic lifestyle for this week.
The city has recently been flooded with refugees from a war torn area. Volunteers or those
with extra coin are needed to help care for them, though there is talk that they may soon
be ejected from the city.
Something unnatural seems to have escaped from a wizarding school. // DC 17 Survival,
Insight, Perception, Investigation, or Arcana check to help find it before it does any harm.
If you fail, a citizen dies in a disturbing way every night until the creature is found and
A local hospital is understaffed and requesting aid. They cannot pay contributors but can
offer modest food and board. // A volunteer will come to know the poor and common
citizens of the city much better and will be met with a warm welcome by such people.
A child runs by a pottery stall and knocks a vase off. // DC 11 Dex Save to catch it but if you
try and fail the proprietor wants you to pay 5 sp for it. If you don't try to catch the vase the
proprietor yells that the child's mother needs to pay, but she cries and says that she
doesn't have the money.
A local religious order has recently changed their uniform but a DC 12 History or Arcana
check shows that their new symbol is actually the mark of an ancient evil. Are their leaders
naive or sinister?
Goblins have overrun a local iron mine. Metal goods in the city will be double in price for
2d4+1 weeks unless someone deals with the goblins sooner.
A mistake at the launderers has dyed all of your clothing pink and light purple.
A caravan that makes a circuit to the surrounding villages is looking for drivers and
guards. The journey takes one week and pays 15 gp.
The city is on edge after several grain storage silos burn to the ground. The poorer
sections threaten riot over the rising cost of bread. As you walk by a bakery, the crowd
around you starts to turn ugly and one man picks up a brick, aiming at the bakery window.
// DC 15 Persuade, Deception, or Religion to calm the crowd. A DC 13 Performance or
Intimidation can distract or disperse the crowd but won't solve the problem for long.
Walking by a fountain in a nicer part of town, you see guards arguing with poor folk about
taking water from the fountain. A well has gone bad in a poor neighborhood and the city
has been too busy with other concerns to look into it for weeks. // A sewer pipe has
broken and contaminated the well. DC 14 Persuasion or Intimidation to get a local official
to fix the problem. If you have the requisite skill and materials, you could fix the well
yourself with 1d4+2 days’ work.
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Character Specific Random City Events 12
Hooded monks make a procession through the streets, singing a song about the doom of
humanity and the need to cleanse oneself from the things of the world. People boo and
throw rotten food but the monks never react.
A terrible storm lashes the city with rain and lightning for 1d4 days. During this time, if
another character rolls an event that seems to conflict with the bad weather, the bad
weather takes precedence.
DM NOTE: Think about how such a bad storm would affect everything. Perhaps it would be
easier to sneak around the darkened city during this time or perhaps a neighborhood
would get flooded or trade goods ruined.
You come across an estate sale of a wealthy noble who died with no heirs. It's a chance to
get luxury goods at half-price. It's also a chance to maybe filch some luxury goods while no
one is watching or forge a will and impersonate a long lost relative. Perhaps the noble had
an extensive library of ancient texts or a room of art, weapons, or armor.
DM NOTE: Think about what would be interesting or desirable for your players. Is this a
good chance for them to get a clue about the story or find out that an important item is up
for auction?
There is a hostage standoff in a middle class part of the city. The City Watch have the
building surrounded. The criminals are demanding 3,000 gp and safe passage to a ship in
the harbor. There are 2d4 hostages and 1d6+3 criminals. // If someone pays the ransom
and escorts the criminals to the waiting ship, they release the hostages unharmed. A DC 21
Persuasion or Deception check will convince the criminals to let the hostages go and give
themselves up but it can only be attempted once. A character can make a series of DC 16
Stealth checks, one for every criminal, to kill or knock out criminals in the building, but for
every Stealth failure a hostage dies.
The City Watch detains your character for spreading counterfeit currency. A DC 10
Persuasion or Deception check convinces them that you were not aware and as long as you
surrender what you have left and pay a 20 gp fine they will let you go. 1D6x20 of your gp
are indeed fake.
Someone with whom you have a Bond has betrayed you, perhaps under coercion.
DM NOTE: Work with the player to decide who this could be and the manner of the
betrayal. It could be as little as spreading false rumors and as serious as an assassination
attempt. What would lead them to do it? Come up with something that would be
interesting for the player but be careful not to destroy a relationship they have worked
hard to cultivate.
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Character Specific Random City Events 13
You meet a disgruntled mercenary who says that a caravan master claimed losses for a
recent trip and skimped on guard wages. Later, the guard saw this man buying jewelry. He
mumbles something about how someone should jump the caravan master in an alley and
pay the guards their due. // The eight guards are owed 8 gp each. DC 14 Persuasion or
Intimidation to get the caravan master to pay the guards, though he'll remember you later
if he sees your face.
In the dark of night, the harbor is raided by several marauding ships of pirates who steal
warehouse goods and set fire to what they can't carry off. // All characters in the city may
participate in this event by declaring that:
I help the navy and other ship crews fight the pirates
I sabotage some of the pirate ships
I rescue people knocked into the harbor
I help put out the warehouse fires
I escort citizens to safety
I prevent looting by the pirates or citizens
I take advantage of the situation by doing a little looting or performing some other
illegal activity
I guard the door of my favorite dockside tavern
I hide until it's over, preferably behind a well-stocked bar with some attractive
I do something else in character (quietly set fire to another building, make religious
pronouncements, provide mood music, etc.)
DM NOTE: After the raid, think about who would be grateful to each character for their
contribution. The character who rolled this event should receive special recognition for
being one of the first on the scene or acting with special valor.
Someone with whom you have a Bond tells you that an innocent man is going to hang
tomorrow unless he is exonerated or escapes tonight. // DC 15 Stealth to help the man
escape. Failure gets you caught by the City Watch. DC 15 Investigate to prove him
The city zoo has a secret exhibit of intelligent savage creatures. An orc, an ogre, and a
goblin. All look filthy, miserable, and underfed.
You find out that a beloved noble who runs his lands in a fair, productive way and takes
care of the poor has a terrible secret. The rumor is that the real heir to the estate is kept
locked up in the basement. If approached the noble says it is because the son is a wastrel
who would have ruined the estate and brought poverty and misery to the peasants.
After a noble finishes handing out coins and food to the poor, she climbs into a carriage
that drives away. In the street, you spot a beautiful piece of family jewelry that matches
the coat of arms on the carriage. It is worth 1d6x200 gold.
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Character Specific Random City Events 14
You learn about a workshop where men of violence may come to learn simple crafts and to
talk quietly about their mental health. // You can attend or volunteer.
You learn that a crime lord's daughter has been kidnapped by a local City Watch captain.
The crime lord is guilty but his daughter is innocent. The captain has sent threatening
messages about the girl's safety. // A DC 16 Persuasion or Religion check will convince the
captain to let the daughter go, after which the captain resigns. A DC 16 Persuasion or
Intimidation check will convince the crime lord to give himself up. If you fail to convince
one or the other to give in, the situation escalates until there is battle in the streets.
In a poor section of the city there are reports that an angel of light sometimes appears on
top of the belfry of a rundown old church. As a result, the church is experiencing a much
needed revival. // If pressed, you can learn from the priest that the angel is just a magical
illusion created by a wand he found. The priest of the church argues that it gives people
hope and the angel is a symbol of faith. The priest is using every coin of support he gets to
serve the community and he begs you not to tell anyone.
It starts with strange movement in mirrors and small sounds that no one else seems to
hear. Soon you catch sight of a translucent hand here or the glimpse of a face there. After
several days you are convinced that you are being haunted by a ghost. //
DM NOTE: Ask the player who among their associates has passed away and who might
want to get them a message from beyond the grave. Is it the ghost of someone whom the
character has failed, killed, or betrayed? It's up to you how long you want to play it out.
The haunting can be resolved with application to a priest, when the message is delivered,
or when the ghost is put to rest in some other way.
A local food supply guild has blocked cheaper food from getting into the city by
successfully lobbying for high tariffs. You learn about a group of smugglers bringing the
food in so that it can be sold to the poor at a reduced price. //
DC 15 Persuasion or Intimidate check to get the guild to lower the tariff. You may
only attempt this once and if you fail the City Watch is called.
DC 15 Persuasion or Religion check to get a city official to lower the tariff. You may
only attempt this once and if you fail the City Watch is called.
Helping the smugglers with a series of DC 11 Stealth checks over three weeks (one
per week) will cause enough market disruption for the guild to drop the tariff. If
you fail, you escape but must start the smuggling operations over again until you
are successful three weeks in a row.
A shady looking individual hands you a purse containing 2d4x10 gold and says that his
employer is following your career with great interest. He leaves without answering any
questions and gives you the slip if you try to follow him.
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Character Specific Random City Events 15
You meet an old herbalist who knows her craft very well. She offers wise, friendly advice
to all who ask. The following items can be found in her shop at half the normal price:
1. acid
2. alchemist supplies
3. antitoxin
4. arcane focuses
5. disguise kits
6. healer's kits
7. herbalism kits
8. oil
9. perfume
10. poisons
11. soap
12. Spell components
Each time you visit the city, roll 1d6. On a 1 or 2 you cannot seem to find the shop again no
matter how are you look.
You see a smash and grab in progress at a poor immigrant's shop by 2d4 thugs.
You see a crippled adventurer near the docks, begging for enough money to get home. He
can't really work much on a ship so he has to pay 20 gp for passage. He says he'll have
nothing when he gets there but he's not bitter and he's not begging for more.
Across the street, you see a mean looking human standing right next to his wanted poster.
// DC 13 Stealth check to tail him to where he is staying. Attack vs. 15 AC to subdue him
and call for the City Watch. If you fail he slips away, perhaps remembering your face. The
bounty is 30 gp.
You make a new friendly contact in a region of the city. // Roll 1d10 to see where:
1. On the Docks
2. Poor Quarter
3. Market Street
4. Temple District
5. Arcane School
6. Government District
7. Noble House
8. In the City Watch
9. Criminal Underground
10. At a Bank
An old acquaintance has been caught and is scheduled for execution for something
relatively minor, but done to an important noble. // You can pay the fine of 2,000 gp, or
make a DC 18 Persuasion check to convince the noble to drop it. DC 18 Stealth to spring
your friend from the jail and get them out of the city. If you fail by 5 or more, you are
caught in the act.
Through inheritance, gambling, or for service to the crown you gain ownership of a small
farm just outside the city walls. You may do whatever you want with the land but if you
hire a family of farmers to work it for you it yields a profit of 120 gp every harvest season.
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Character Specific Random City Events 16
D100 Event
On the street outside a tavern, a big human leans against the wall with 1d3 thuggish
cronies. He calls out, “Oy, smells like somebody’s fur flap needs a wash. How’s about you
turn around and go jump in a lake somewhere.” // DC 12 Intimidation check to scare them
away, though they might be back in greater numbers later. Otherwise, they’ll attack with
fists and clubs. The big thug could be goaded into a one-on-one fight. The others will run
away if the leader loses.
You pass a shop displaying furs and goods from your homeland. // The owner has never
been there herself but she tells you she’s expecting another shipment within 1d4 days from
a trader who goes there regularly.
The smells of the city sicken you and you long for a quiet, wide open space.
Looking for a quiet space amidst the noise and crowds, you slip into a building and realize
it’s a library. Though the clerk looks nervous, no one asks you to leave.
A circus performer spots you and says that their strongman is ill, would you consider filling
in for an evening? // It only pays 2 sp but there's free food and drink to be had.
A scrawny young man stares at you from across the common room of a tavern. // After a
time he visibly gathers his courage and asks if you will teach him how to get in touch with
his raging, primal self. He’s brought his own warpaint and an axe for chopping wood.
You see an adventurer from a rival tribe of barbarians as he ducks into a tavern. He is
wearing several battle tokens of your own tribe, meaning he has defeated many of your
warriors. (Use Berserker stats)
The urge to hunt is upon you but the only big game to be found near the city is on private
hunting reserves for the city nobility. // You can ignore the impulse, though it makes you
unhappy, you can poach some game, or you can attempt to get permission from a noble
with a DC 13 Persuasion and a 10 gp fee.
You come across a paint seller who claims that her warpaint brings good luck and
protection from evil magic. // It costs 10GP but has no magical properties.
You are struck with a pang of loneliness. You think about your current companions and
wonder if any of them are worthy to be counted your new family.
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Character Specific Random City Events 17
D100 Event
You are invited to the ruling court to perform.
You learn that a minor noble is looking to become patron to a bard of talent. // If you
succeed in a DC 15 Performance check. The noble will support you with 50 gp per month
for 6 months as long as you perform at the noble’s events twice per month.
You come across, or start, an impromptu music festival in the street.
A young woman asks you, if you believe in true love, to deliver a letter to her forbidden
lover. Roll 1d6, the young woman is:
1: A member of the Thieves’ Guild in love with a member of the City Watch.
2: A peasant in love with the son of a duke.
3: A minor noble in love with a noble from a feuding family.
4: A questing knight in love with a prince who is promised to another.
5: A shopkeeper in love with a merchant who owes her father 1d6x100 gp.
6: The owner of a tavern madly in love with one of your adventuring companions,
whether they know it or not.
If you read the letter, it details a plan to run away together to the countryside, though they
have nothing saved for the trip.
You find another bard singing one of your songs to much acclaim.// Are you flattered or
outraged? You may have to persuade people that you really wrote the song by performing
it better with a DC 13 Performance.
You are challenged to a musical duel, best of three opposed Performance checks (The other
bard has +5 To Performance). The loser must not perform in town for 1d4 weeks.
A master bard offers to teach you the most musically difficult song ever for 100 gp. //
Spend 2d4 days practicing, after which you must make a DC 15 Perception check, a DC 12
Intelligence check, and a DC 20 Performance check. If you fail, your teacher offers to
instruct you again in one month, requiring another 2d4 days.
If you master the song, you may play it to gain +4 and Advantage on a single Performance
check. Afterward, your hands are raw and bleeding, you lose your voice for 1d6 days, and
you must repair your instrument for half its cost before it can be used again. The song takes
8 minutes to play in its entirety, which you must do to gain Advantage. The song is
considered a magical effect when it is advantageous.
The day after you perform, an investigator comes to speak to you about a criminal who
claims he committed the crimes under the magical influence of your music.
A group of myth scholars request your knowledge unraveling some recently translated
writings. // DC 16 History Check. If you succeed, in 2d4 months they dedicate a book to
you. If you fail, perhaps you'll find something to help on your travels.
Someone wants to pay you 300 gp, or plead to your better nature, to use magic music to
influence a politician on an upcoming vote.
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Character Specific Random City Events 18
D100 Event
Dark birds. Disturbing patterns. Broken mirrors. You seem surrounded by bad omens.
The clear sound of a bell. The sun breaking through the clouds. Good omens abound.
A rival church has fallen on hard times. Their teachings differ from your own but they do
good work in the community, including teaching literacy for free. // They do not ask for it
directly, but church needs 200 gp for renovations and supplies to stay open another year.
A cleric whom you know from attending lessons together asks to meet with you. // He
confesses that he has begun to question the faith. DC 14 Religion check to get him to stay.
You attend a lecture where a superior priest has started teaching things that don't line up
with what you learned in your religious training. // Roll 1d6 or the DM chooses one of the
1: The priest has misinterpreted holy writ and no one else has dared contradict him.
2: The priest is getting very old and is confused.
3: This particular temple has decided to preach the change, hoping others will follow.
4: The priest is deliberately, maliciously spreading a false teaching.
5: The priest is no priest at all, but an imposter. (Use Cult Fanatic stats).
6: The entire church has decided to change this teaching. The mandate comes from the
very highest levels.
If 1-4 and you confront him, make opposed Religion checks (The priest has +6). On success
you convince the other members of the temple you are right. On failure, you are told to go
study and pay penance for 1d6 days, though you know in your heart you are right.
DM NOTE: If you roll or decide that the church is changing its teachings, this presents an
intense roleplaying opportunity for the cleric player. Where are their true loyalties? The
cleric’s abilities are not affected, perhaps indicating that they are following the true path.
You see a member of your faith publicly shaming someone for not following the tenets of
your religion.
A holy site within the city has been desecrated. // You can either help rebuild and
rededicate the site, which takes 1d4 days, or you can go in pursuit of those responsible. A
DC 12 Investigation check leads you to 1d4 Cultists and 1 Cult Fanatic (See Appendix) using
the basement of a library as a hideout.
A noble asks for you to exorcise haunting spirits from her home. // You can exorcise the
spirits by Turning Undead. The noble gives you 1d6x100 gp as an offering to your church.
An irreligious, wealthy merchant is hosting a debate night and inviting all religions and
philosophies, claiming he, and his fortune, will join whichever persuades him. // Roll four
1d20s at +4 each. These are the Religion checks to beat. The merchant and his friends laugh
and disrespect all whom attempt. At the end, he claims he will think about it.
There are protestors outside your temple. They claim your order is corrupt and they
should give money back to the people. // The longer it goes on, the more violent the
protesters become. They are chased away by the City Watch but they always come back.
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Character Specific Random City Events 19
D100 Event
You discover a community garden that has been neglected and is overrun with weeds. // If
it were taken care of, or people learned to take care of it, it could supplement the food
supply of many poor people. DC 10 Nature check and 2d4 days to get it set in order.
A local animal follows you about as if it has something to tell you. // Roll 1d6 or the DM
1: A warning of danger for you and your companions.
2: A complaint against a local who is cruel to the animal’s kind.
3: The animal is curious having never met a druid before.
4: A plea to be taken somewhere other than the city.
5: The animal has nothing special to say but keeps following you (You suspect it could
be a spy).
6: A tip about a treasure buried outside the city.
In a city park, you find the stones and trees of an ancient sacred grove. They could be
relocated, but it would be a massive undertaking costing 5,000 gp.
You notice a sick tree. It doesn't seem to have spread to others. It if it does it could
devastate all the trees in the city. Should you save them or is this a natural consequence of
packing too many people together? // DC 14 Nature to heal the tree over 1d4 days or it can
be destroyed and the roots burned.
You see the signs of a great storm coming. You could warn the people of the city but would
anyone here listen to you? Perhaps you should let nature take its course.
You learn about a group of city dwellers, nobles, peasants, wealthy merchants and
immigrants, who all set aside their differences from time to time to visit a sacred grove
outside the city where they perform harmless druidic rituals that seem entirely invented by
someone who has never known a true druid.
In the smoke of the many chimneys you see a brief vision of your totem animal or an animal
important to your people. What could such a vision mean in a place of civilization?
You meet a local ranger outside the walls who agrees to keep an eye out for anything you
might want to know about the area.
A druid elder contacts you in a dream, requesting you meet him outside the city walls. //
He tells you that an ex-druid is planning to teach the secret druidic language at a school
within the city. He asks you to capture the ex-druid and bring him to a druidic council for
justice. All of his notes should be brought as evidence, after which they will be destroyed
and the ex-druid killed.//DC 20 Cha (Persuasion or Deception) to get the ex-druid to come
with you willingly. DC 15 Stealth to capture the ex-druid or you may kill him yourself.
People are being torn apart by a wild animal within the walls but the animal’s trail always
disappears. The City Watch is rounding up suspected shapeshifters like druids for
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Character Specific Random City Events 20
D100 Event
You are sitting in a tavern when the locals start a scar and story contest. // The DM should
roll three 1d20s. These are the numbers to beat with a Perform, Persuasion, Deception, or
Intimidate check. The winner gets free food and drinks for 1d4 days.
An armorer calls out that you are the perfect height for a new design of armor, if you'll
stand in as a model, you can keep the armor if you give a report of its effectiveness.// The
fitting takes 1d4 days and the armor matches whatever armor you are currently wearing
unless you want to pay the difference to upgrade it to heavier armor. When you are
wearing the experimental armor and are subject to a critical hit, roll 1d6:
1: You suffer the full effects of the critical hit and the armor falls apart.
2-5: You suffer the full effects of the critical hit.
6: You suffer a normal hit instead of a critical hit.
You meet another fighter who tells you there is a truly excellent tactics and techniques
section in a nearby library.
A noble offers to hire you as a temporary bodyguard until he can find someone more
permanent. It pays 8 gp per day. // You soon learn that the noble is paranoid and demands
that you are by his side every moment even ordering you to sleep in the same room. He
shows no signs of trying to hire another bodyguard. //If you leave his service, he offers to
double his daily price and weeps uncontrollably, saying he thought you were friends.
You are approached by a person who is obviously from a poorer section of the city. He asks
to speak to you privately. // The man and his neighbors wish to quietly form a militia to
protect themselves from criminals. If you spend 1d4+3 days training the man and his
neighbors, during which they feed and house you, there is a noticeable drop in crime in the
area. The neighborhood tries to pay you 50 sp for your efforts. // There is a chance that
others will take notice and not appreciate your efforts including crime bosses, the City
Watch, and local government officials.
Someone with a difference of opinion on fighting styles wants to fight you to first blood.
An old friend has a quick security job outside the city that will only take 1d4 days. // The
job is uneventful and pays 2 gp per day, meals included.
A noble is looking for extra security for an art show. The job pays 1d6x2 gp.
Two feuding nobles want to hire fighters for 50 gp to duel to first blood. There is a 300 gp
bonus for the winner. // The other fighter gets word to you that you should put on a show
and then pretend to lose and he'll split the bonus money. DC 12 Cha (Performance) check to
sell it to the nobles. Otherwise, make opposed Attack rolls (The other fighter has +4
Attack). The winner gets the bonus and the loser takes 1d8+2 damage.
You see a squire practicing hard at a local barracks long after hours, afraid of being
dismissed for poor fighting skills. You can offer to train him for 2d4+2 days before his
knight returns. Or it takes a DC 12 Persuasion or Deception check to convince the squire to
leave the knight's service for another profession or to join a mercenary company.
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Character Specific Random City Events 21
D100 Event
You see a tasteless tavern modeled on a parody of your cultural and philosophical
A noble offers to pay you 3 gp a day for lessons in martial arts but he has no interest in
learning philosophy or spirituality.
A local cleric wishes to invite you to debate your philosophy against his religion. //
Opposed rolls to see who comes off better. The character may use Wisdom, History, Insight,
Religion, or Persuasion against the cleric's +4 Religion roll.
A monk temple is celebrating their new calendar year and they ask if you are willing to
perform for the celebration with a display of Acrobatics or Athletics.
A master offers to teach you a new technique for clearing your mind in order to make
difficult decisions. // After you learn the technique, if you are successful in a DC 14 Wisdom
check after mediating for four hours you receive Advantage on an Insight or Religion check
on a question you are pondering.
DM NOTE: Consider using this as a way to give the monk character clues about the positive
and negative consequences of their actions. This is not meant to be a game bonus as much
as a story motivation for the character to behave in a meditative way.
A noble asks to be trained in the way of peaceful mediation. // DC 12 Religion check to
successfully teach the noble for 1d4 +2 days. If you are successful he says that he wants to
be free of all worldly cares and he asks you what he should do with his wealth. If you fail he
thanks you for your time.
A notorious burglar always gets away by leaping nimbly across the rooftops. It will take
someone equally skilled to follow. // DC 15 Acrobatics to catch the thief.
You meet a guru dispensing wisdom. When he discovers you are an adventurer he has
nothing but disdain. He thinks you should quit such a life and find a place to meditate.
A man boasts of being the best fist fighter in the city. He hurls insults at everyone. If anyone
challenges him, he names a tavern on the following night where they clear a space for fist
fights. // Best of three opposed Attack rolls. The fist fighter has +7 to Attack. // What
happens after the match? Will you become friends, rivals, sparring partners?
A noble claims to be a master of your discipline of martial arts. He invites many people to
his estate for a tournament. // Before the tournament begins, a steward takes you aside
and offers you 50 gp to let the noble win, as he apparently does with everyone. To win the
tournament, you must succeed in three consecutive opposed Attack rolls against an Attack
bonus of +3.
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Character Specific Random City Events 22
D100 Event
You meet a fallen paladin who tells you it isn't worth it to fight for good. He spends his days
in drink. // DC 16 Religion, Insight, or Persuasion to convince him to clean up his life and
swear his oaths anew.
A 12 year old girl has run away from home and started following you around. She tells
everyone that she is your squire.
You see a group of people gathered around a wailing woman. Her young child has fallen
from a second story window and is gravely injured. // You can save the child with your Lay
on Hands but if you do, you are mobbed for 1d4+1 days with other people asking to be
healed. The mob leaves if you angrily command them to or if you go into hiding.
A cleric asks if you will be a champion for religion in an upcoming duel with an offensive
nonbeliever who has challenged the way of faith. // If you accept, the best of three opposed
Attack rolls against the nonbeliever's Attack Bonus of +5. What happens afterward? Can the
nonbeliever be convinced to see the good in religion or at least to let others practice in
peace? Will he become a terrible rival?
A woman is soon to be a widow and her children fatherless when her husband is executed
for his crimes. Her husband turned himself in for theft when others fled. Now the full
weight of the law is falling on him alone. He is guilty, but shouldn't there also be mercy?
You visit a local center of religion where you examine your past actions in quiet. Is there
anything of which you must repent? Any stone of evil you have left unturned?
An old paladin lies abed, tended by loving acolytes, but he longs for a final adventure, some
final good he can do. He asks for your help to escape so that he can ride off into the sunset.
A leader of your order tells you that his paladin daughter has been killed by a criminal. The
leader cannot hunt him down and dispense justice because he would do so out of anger. He
asks you to keep your eyes and ears open for the murderer and bring him to justice.
In your studies, you come across a disturbingly well written book that calls your oath into
question. You find out that the writer lives here in the city and you wonder how many
paladins this book has destroyed.
One of the leaders of your order tells you that they have in their custody a terrible criminal
who has escaped justice many times through wealth and connections. Many of the local
paladins have seen loved ones and friends suffer at his hands or those of his thugs. The
leader asks if you will act as an impartial executioner at a secret trial because they cannot
trust city officials to do their duty. The evidence presented is overwhelmingly in favor of
his guilt.
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Character Specific Random City Events 23
D100 Event
There is an infestation of crows and you see an advertisement for a bird shooting contest.
A local dog follows you about, looking half-starved.
Street traffic is worse than usual. Up ahead, you catch sight of a carriage with four horses
blocking the way. The young driver has apparently lost control of the animals and they are
beginning to panic, straining in their traces. The driver strenuously applies his whip.
Local authorities ask for your help to track down a fugitive who just escaped the city walls
and can't have gone far. // DC 13 Survival check to track the fugitive. If you fail, you can try
again the next day but each day increases the DC by 1.
A man from the local zoo approaches you. They have in their keeping a tiger who appears
depressed, but the tiger has lived its whole life in captivity and would not survive in the
wild. The other tigers do tricks and get exercise and have a good relationship with their
trainers. Will the ranger help the tiger and trainers? // DC 14 Handle Animal check and 1d4
days will set the tiger on a healthy path.
As you prowl around outside the city, you hear of mutilated farm animals. // DC 12
Survival reveals an owlbear that has wandered close to civilization. If you succeed in a DC
12 Handle Animal check you can lead it back into the wild, which takes 1d4 days, or you
can kill it immediately. If you fail, roll 1d6 every night. On a 1 or 2 it kills someone.
Outside the city, you are hailed by farmers who recognize your profession. A farmer offers
to feed and lodge you if you would teach him and his children tracking and woodlore.
You are approached by a noble known for hunting exotic creatures in distant lands. He
confesses that he is tired of relying on guides and offers to pay you 100 gp to train him in
woodlore and tracking for 1d4+3 days.
A group of clueless, foppish nobles offer 200 gp for you to act as a guide on a hunting trip
that will last 1d4+2 days. // They take a carriage out to a game preserve. During the trip
they mistreat their equipment, leave garbage in their wake, and frequently get drunk and
loud while they are irresponsible with fire. They only paid you half up front but you are
tempted to leave them at the mercy of the wild.
A certain street has seen several killings at night and the neighborhood lives in fear of
when the killer will strike again. // With a DC 15 Stealth check you can stalk the stalker.
Make an Attack vs 16 AC to kill or subdue him. If you turn him over to the authorities, roll
1d6. On a 1 or 2, there was not enough evidence to convict the killer and he is set free.
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Character Specific Random City Events 24
D100 Event
You see someone planning a heist using thieves cant.// DC 12 Persuasion or Intimidate can
get you in on the job, even if the others aren't happy about it. You could end up getting a
cut, or maybe getting cut. Roll 1d6 to see how it goes:
1: The thieving crew sets you up. Make a DC 12 Insight check to realize it before you
walk into a trap set by the City Watch.
2: Your crew botches the job and scatters. Make a DC 12 Stealth check or get picked up
by the City Watch.
3: Your new “friends” scatter into the night without giving you your cut. With a DC 15
Stealth check you can follow them back to their hideout.
4-6: You pull off the job without any big hitches. Your cut is 1d6x50 gp.
For 1d6x10 gp, a snitch tells you when a certain merchant's home will be empty. // Make a
DC 11 Stealth check. Success: 2d4x100 gp. Failure: You get away with nothing.
A locksmith seeks an apprentice for 1 gp per day. // DC 13 Deception check to get the job. If
you get the job and spend 1d4+1 weeks working hard for eight hours a day, you become
familiar with most mundane locks in the city and you have advantage when using Thieves’
Tools on them for the next 6 months.
The City Watch is seeking someone to instruct their detectives in the way of Stealth. // It
takes 2d4+2 days and a DC 12 Stealth check to teach them. The job pays 2 gp per day and
gets you on the City Watch's good side.
There is an exclusive club for rich people who collect art. If you bluff your way in, you have
a chance to lift some art easy. // Getting in takes 1d4+1 days, a DC 14 Deception check, and
2d6x100 gp worth of legitimate art. Later, make a DC 10 Stealth check to steal 2d6x500 gp
worth of art. After the theft, the club disbands. If you fail the Stealth check they're on to you
but don't contact the City Watch. Instead they keep your art.
You learn about a jailbreak in the works. The group planning it wants several members of
their smuggling ring sprung, but they share a cell block with several notorious murderers
who would also be let loose on the city.
A merchant puts out a hit on another merchant who sells the same goods. Neither of them
are particularly savory and whomever is not killed stands to monopolize the market on
those goods, doubling the price and the profits. // It takes a DC 12 Investigation check, a DC
15 Stealth check, and an Attack vs AC 16 to accomplish the job. The hit pays 2,000 gp.
A local merchant is offering a bounty to whomever can sneak into her own warehouse and
steal something. Then she'll pay the burglar to tell her how they did it. // DC 17 Stealth,
Sleight of Hand, or Deception gets you in and she pays you 300 gp. // If you are caught, the
merchant leaves you to the mercy of the City Watch, denying such a bounty exists.
You learn there is a hit out on one of your adventuring companions paying 1,000 gp
You are invited on a heist that involves tunneling into a vault underground// Halfway
through the job you learn the vault actually belongs to a church that uses the money for an
extensive welfare program and that your heist companions lied to you.
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Character Specific Random City Events 25
D100 Event
A wizard interested in learning more about sorcerous magic invites you to meet his circle.
// If you go, the wizards treat you like a freakish curiosity. They ask you extremely rude
and personal questions about your body, your parentage and your Personal habits.
You feel a pull of magic and follow it to an empty well where you feel a strange gathering of
power. // A DC 12 Arcana roll allows you to absorb some of the energy, gaining Advantage
on your next spell attack roll. If you fail, you get a blinding headache from the magical
backlash and you must spend the next day in bed with a fever.
You meet a little husk of a man, wallowing in poverty and drink. He claims that he was once
a mighty sorcerer until an elf with a magical dagger stabbed him and sucked all the magic
from his soul. // DC 10 Arcana roll allows you to feel a terrible hollowness near him.
A blind beggar suddenly jerks his head around and appears to stare at you with his
sightless orbs, wailing about the bright figure before him. Everyone nearby looks at you
suspiciously. No tavern or merchant in this area will do business with you.
You hear music that, for whatever reason, seems to sooth the storm of magic in your soul.
// If you follow it, you discovery a poor young woman playing a mundane flute. For a few
coppers she will teach you the song and it always brings you a measure of peace.
A library will pay 5 gp for essays on magic from practitioners, particularly sorcerers. // It
takes 1D4 days and a DC 12 Arcana or Insight check to write a piece that they will accept.
A wizard walks by in the crowd, fiddling with a device. As he passes you, an arc of purple
lighting leaps from you into the device, causing it to explode. The crowd panics and starts
to stampede. // You can escape notice with a DC 12 Stealth check. If you fail, the wizard and
others spot you and, calling for the City Watch. The wizard blames you for the destruction
of his device and demands 1d6x100 gp for it.
You discover a book about a sorcerer with powers like your own. Though he died a long
ago, the book tells of a stone that teaches sorcerers the true origin of their magic.
A merchant wants to pay you 5 gp per day to teach him magic and to “soak in your mystical
essence.”// After 1d4 days, roll 1d6:
1: After failing to do any magic he says, ''They'd all laugh at me if they knew. No one
must ever know...” He attacks you with a crossbow, +2 vs your AC for 1d8 damage. You
can escape now or you can take your revenge by killing or scarring him.
2-3: He gives up, depressed.
4-5: The merchant believes that he can make a cup wobble, and for a moment you think
you see it too. He asks you to stay for another 1d4 days. If you do, roll again.
6: The merchant actually manages to light a candle with magic. Whether it was your
influence or not, you can't say. He pays you an extra 1d6x200 gp and says he must
immediately embark on a mystical journey of self-discovery.
A dwarf master smith believes he can use your help to make magical weapons and armor,
though his methods aren't proven and he thinks it will take several years for the magic to
sink into the metal. // He pays you 5 gp and says if it succeeds, you'll be the first to know.
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Character Specific Random City Events 26
D100 Event
You see your patron's burning symbol emblazoned on several people's foreheads
An animal has been following you around the city. When you are alone, it speaks in your
patrons voice, following up on a task you've been given.
A strange young woman approaches you and speaks the name of your patron. She smiles
and says that she hopes someday you will prove an ally. She soon disappears.
Someone who knows your talent for such things asks you to look at some mysterious
writing that has appeared on a church wall. // DC 14 Arcana to decipher it. Roll 1d6:
1: It is a warning for members of the church to leave the city before midsummer or
suffer a terrible fate.
2: It lists the sins of the church clergymen.
3-4: It is a curse that will slowly cause madness in anyone who spends time in the
building. It cannot be washed off or erased. The wall will have to be demolished.
5-6: The letters of the strange writing puff away into dust as you read them, appearing
again inside your mind. You gain a single-use extra spell slot that can only be used for a
spell of Level 2 or lower. If you do not have a spell that low, you may select one from the
Warlock spell list for this single use.
You are invited to a secretive cabal of warlocks who serve a patron similar to yours. // If
you accept the invitation you swear an oath to support the other members of the cabal as
far as your patron will allow. In return, they offer their support to you.
A failed young wizard seeks you out and asks you to introduce him to your patron. His
family is ruined and he has no talents or money.
Vehicles breaking down, animals misbehaving, food suddenly spoiling, people losing family
heirlooms, it seems like bad luck surrounds you today, and someone takes notice. People
start accusing you of having the evil eye or being a trickster spirit. No one in this area of the
city will do business with you for 1d4 days.
You hear of a warlock in the city who once followed your patron. // A DC 12 Investigation
check leads you to a gibbering madman locked in a cell, scribbling on the wall in a nonsense
language. If he sees you, he winks and laughs.
You patron tells you, for the good of your cause, that a certain merchant must die. From
everything you find, he seems like an honest, decent human being who is no threat to
anyone. If you question your patron, it tells you that it's nothing the man has done, but that
something he might do in the future.
Your patron instructs you to get a certain tattoo on a random part of your body. You will
need it later. // Roll 1d8:
1: On the cheek (+1 to Intimidation rolls)
2: Back of the hand
3: Top of the foot
4: Over the heart
5: The ribs
6: Inside of the wrist
7: Shoulder
8: Palm
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Character Specific Random City Events 27
D100 Event
Something snags on your component pouch and tears it open, spilling your components
into the street where several hands are quick to snatch things up and run.
A young couple brings you a magically sealed box and they offer to split whatever is inside
if you open it for them. // DC 18 Arcana check that can be tried once per day. Roll 1d6:
1: Dust of sneezing and choking is released
2: Set of knuckle bones worth 30 gp
3: Deck of necromantic cards worth 50 gp
4: A wand worth 1d10x 10 gp
5: A scroll of a random 1d4 Level spell
6: An orb worth 1d6x100 gp.
While perusing a mundane bookshop, you spot an extremely rare magical text on sale for
5gp. It could easily fetch a price of 1d6x100 gp in the magical community. The shop owner
clearly has no idea of its real value.
A well-known wizard wishes to work with you on magical theory for the next 2d4+3 days.
Will you become great friends, rivals, sworn enemies? // If you make a DC 16 Arcana check
you have a breakthrough which causes an uproar in the magic community.
You are invited to join an order of wizards who gather to discuss magical philosophy and
theory on a weekly basis. It's members have many connections and enjoy a marvelous
reputation. Dues are 50 gp per month. // If you join, you quickly come to realize that they
spend an awful lot of time eating and talking and very little time actually practicing magic.
The city is electing a new archmage from amongst a ruling magical council. All who can
perform a spell of Level 2 and higher may vote. // One candidate wants to expand magic
teaching to more people and the other wants to protect the quality of magical education by
keeping schools small. Make opposed 1d20 rolls with any player character votes adding a
+1 to either side.
Your research yields a new spell for your spellbook of level 3 or lower at no cost.
There is a rumor going around that you have discovered a potent magical item in your
travels and that you keep it hidden on your person. For the next 1d6 days you have
advantage on Persuasion and Intimidate checks with anyone in the magic community.
A rival wizard insults you and your chosen school of magic. He challenges you to a magical
duel. // The winner is the best of three opposed Magic Attack rolls. (Rival Wizard +5). Your
rival is seen as a bully in the magic community and if you defeat him your estimation their
eyes will be greatly increased and your opinions sought more often.
You find a deal on spellbook components. The next 1d4+1 spells you write in your
spellbook are at half cost.
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Character Specific Random City Events 28
D100 Event
You visit a dwarven hall for the evening. The skald there sings a long, soulful song called
“The Forging of the Mountains” that reminds you what it means to be a dwarf. // The song
either fills you with pride or shame. If you are looking for another dwarf in the city, this hall
is a good place to find them.
In a tavern, a drunk human playfully tugs on your beard.
You recognize the rune of your distant kinsfolk above a forge. // The proprietor is happy to
see you and offers a 25% discount on goods. Also, she asks if you'll keep an eye out for any
rare metals or stones on your journeys.
A dwarven mining expedition is looking for investors. // If you invest, the expedition lasts
4d4 months. You can roll 1d6 every month:
1: The expedition has been overrun with goblins or something worse.
2: No word from the expedition. Roll again in next month.
3-4: You gain 25% of your original investment this month.
5: You gain 50% of your original investment this month.
6: You gain 100% of your original investment this month.
A member of your clan has been arrested and is in a human jail cell. Your other clansmen
know he is guilty but feel that he should face a trial by his own people.// DC 17 Persuasion
to get him released to dwarven custody OR bribe a human official 1,000 gp.
A dwarf ambassador confides in you that a dignitary was supposed to come from a nearby
dwarf kingdom but has refused to do so. The ambassador worries that important trade
deals will fall apart if the meeting doesn't happen and he asks you to pose as the dignitary.
The ambassador will do almost all of the actual talking but without this deal a lot of dwarves
and humans will be out of work. // DC 12 Deception to pull it off.
You find a dwarf-run tavern aimed at non-dwarf customers. All of the decor and staff are
over-the-top dwarven stereotypes in a way that is positively shameful. The proprietor,
however, is making money hand over fist.
You meet a human adventurer carrying a dwarven family battleaxe. // Roll 1d6:
1: The heavily scarred human catches you looking. He sneers and points to his belt
where also hang what could very well be braids of dwarven beard hair.
2: The human is loud and crass, slopping his drink over himself and the axe.
3-4: The human is unremarkable. // If asked, he found the axe in a troll warren. He will
sell it to you for 1d4x100 gp.
5-6: The human seems entirely noble. // If asked he was presented the axe for heroic
service to a dwarven clan.
A dwarf's business is failing and his only hope is to sell the business to an elf. He asks your
advice on what should he do.
You see an offensive puppet show in which dwarves and goblins learn to live harmoniously
and share their gold.
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Character Specific Random City Events 29
D100 Event
You are homesick for the trees of your homeland.
You see an aging human merchant peddling cheap “elven” wares that clearly aren't. He
seems harmless and obviously does not make a very good living on it.
You see an old and revered elder of your people, supposedly on sabbatical to an ancient
elven shrine, living riotously in the company of dissolute humans and dwarves. // If you
confront him, he begs you to keep his secret. If you refuse, he offers a bribe of 1,000 gp.
Some people talk about the ghost of the city park. // With a DC 12 Investigation, Perception,
or Survival check you discover a young elf urchin who speaks only Elvish.
An elven merchant asks for your help to unload half a warehouse of terrible elven wine. She
needs another elf to pretend the wine is delicious so that the pretentious humans will buy it.
// The sale takes 1d4 days and a DC 12 Deception check. Your cut is 2d4x200 gp.
A slow procession dressed in gray makes its way through the streets with a mournful song.
It is an elven funeral making its way to a slender ship at the docks. All elves are invited to
join in the song of mourning.
You are asked to sit in on a council of justice regarding a captured dark elf. The human
government has empowered the council to impose the death sentence if they see fit.// The
evidence is circumstantial at best, surely not enough to sentence a high or wood elf to death.
But can there be any doubt that this dark elf has done something evil in his time on the
surface of the world?
DM NOTE: If the player character is a dark elf, then the question becomes all the more
poignant. How will the surface elves react if the character defends their own kind?
A burglar is successfully hitting houses by using a powerful sleeping spell. The owner of a
house wants to set a trap and hire an elf to catch the thief. // DC 13 Stealth or Deception to
catch the thief unaware and then an Attack vs. 15 AC to kill or subdue him.
A half-elf comes to you, hoping you'll support him getting admittance to an elf only temple.
// DC 14 Persuasion or Religion check to help the half-elf gain admittance. Or you can tell
him he should give up trying.
A leader in the elven community of the city is trying to convince other elves to withdraw to
their homelands and take up an isolationist approach to international politics.
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Character Specific Random City Events 30
D100 Event
While shopping, you find something that you simply must have, but it's on a high shelf. The
store is busy and no one seems to be paying attention to you in the least. It should be an
easy climb...
Someone approaches you and says there's good money to be made in sort of acrobatics
show. // You discover later that it's a halfling tossing contest, all in good fun. Sort of.
You meet a halfling who owns a food cart. She looks at you hopefully. // If you try some of
her food, it's terrible. // With a 100 gp investment you can send her to culinary school for a
month and get her set up with a better food cart. If you do this her business thrives and she
will feed you for free whenever you are in the city.
You spot a full grown halfling passing himself off as a human child adopted by a wealthy
couple. The couple seems happy, kind, and indulgent.
A halfling who has lived in the city all his life is attempting to run for a local government
office but it seems that no humans take him seriously. He asks for your help. Perhaps you
have some non-halfling hero friends who could give an endorsement?
A halfling bard is trying to gather tales of heroic halflings and asks if you'll contribute some
of your adventures.
You strike up a friendship with another wandering halfling. When you mention some of the
places you might go, he enthusiastically writes you a note and tells you to look up his
hometown if you are in the area with need of good food and rest.
And angry human noble is petitioning the government to impose a curfew on halflings, who
are known for being burglars. // DC 11 Persuasion to defeat the petition for now but if a
halfling get caught thieving in the next two weeks the petition gains momentum.
You hear of a cruel crime lord who is trying to set up an underground fight between a lion
and forty unarmed halflings. Surely no halfling would go along with it unless they were in
truly desperate financial circumstances...
The City Watch suspects there is a secret underground way into the city, but the crack they
found is only big enough for a halfling to explore. The job pays 1d6x10 gp. // Roll 1d6:
1-2: The crack leads nowhere.
3-4: It's a tight squeeze but you do manage to get outside the city walls. An adult human
could not fit through the passage.
5-6: You discover a network of tunnels that lead to outside the walls and to multiple
places within the city, most large enough for humans to use.
It takes a DC 13 Deception check to lie about what you found in the tunnels. A smuggling
ring will pay you 2d4x100 gp for the tip. An enemy army will pay 3,000 gp, though you'd
hang for treason if anyone ever found out.
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Character Specific Random City Events 31
D100 Event
You enjoy a night of song and dancing that might have gotten a little rowdy but not violent.
The next morning a middle aged person comes to the place where you are staying and
claims that you proposed marriage to them the night before. To prove it the person holds up
some small token of yours. The family is expecting to meet you.
You hear a familiar song from your childhood. // If you follow it, you end up on the city wall
where you find that some of your kinsmen have joined the City Watch.
Someone throws an egg at you, and calls you unnatural for loving a non-human race.
An archaeological society is lobbying to make dungeon delving illegal to all those who don't
have a license. Citizens of the kingdom are encouraged to vote on it.
You witness a human of a different nationality being mistreated by 1d4 human thugs of your
You learn that a human city official is pulling funding from mixed-race neighborhoods and
using the money to greatly improve the lives of human-only poor areas. // It takes a DC 15
Persuasion, Religion, or History check to convince him this will hurt the city in the long run.
Any Intimidation attempt makes things worse for non-humans in his district.
An inn catering specifically to another race catches fire. // If you help put out the flames you
get a token of friendship from that race.
Some of your relations have been forced to move to the city and are on hard times. // It will
take 200 gp and 1d4+1 weeks to help them find jobs and get settled into a modest lifestyle.
A human company wants to hire you as their official ambassador to other races and
cultures. The job pays 20 gp per month plus a 100 gp commission for successful contacts in
other lands. // Roll 1d8 to see what the company sells:
1: Culturally insensitive art
2: Anti-war propaganda
3: Poetry publications
4: Rare books
5: Gourmet foods
6: Scented oils
7: Building materials
8: Spell components
A friend from childhood has done something heroic and been ennobled for it. She invites
you and your companions for dinner at her estate.
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Character Specific Random City Events 32
D100 Event
A shop owner keeps a very close eye on you, worried about your breath and claws.
You hear about a scale carving artist who can give an adult dragonborn permanent body art
for 1d6+1x10 gp (younger dragonborn shed scales as they grow older).
A dragonborn fortune teller offers to cast the bones for you. // Roll 1d8 for the result:
1: Beware other dragonborn
2: A fortune awaits the brave
3: Stop seeking approval from others
4: An old wound will heal
5: Beware of greed in the coming months
6: You should trust in a friend you doubt
7: A dragon will soon return to your life
8: Great glory awaits you underground
A thug in a tavern says loudly that you look like you'd make a fine handbag or pair of boots.
A mad scholar keeps writing you letters, offering 1d6+1x1,000 gp if you'll lay an egg for him
to study and raise as his own. If you assert that you are male he waves this off, saying that
his research shows a dragonborn can change gender at will.
You meet an angry dragonborn fighter of a different color than you. He loudly expresses his
hatred of your color and tells you to watch your back when there aren't so many humans
around because he'd like to rid the world of your kind (use Berserker stats, add a breath
weapon and +1 Natural Armor to AC).
A dragonborn scholar asks if he can buy you a meal and talk with you. // At the meal, he
tells you about the ancient dragonborn empires and he whispers his contempt for the soft
races. He says that when the call comes for dragonborn to rise up and retake the world he'll
be ready and he hopes you will be too. His intensity can be alarming but he is a successful
scholar and a good contact for History or Arcana research in the future, though he won't
deal with your non-dragonborn companions.
A human woman screams and latches onto you. She says that years ago she was the consort
of a dragon of your color and she is convinced that you are her long lost child. She claims to
have had many visions of your future. She is obviously unwell and destitute. // She can be
set up in a well-run asylum for 300 gp per year. If you visit her from time to time and
pretend to be her child she will remain calm and even take up a part-time job. Sometimes
she tells you about the visions she has about you.
An animal doctor asks if you will pose for his anatomy drawing class.
A dragonborn of your color tells you that a great dragon of that same color has died, leaving
his treasure to be distributed amongst dragonborn of your kind, if anyone can find it.
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Character Specific Random City Events 33
D100 Event
Several of your tools go missing. // A DC 13 Perception or Nature check reveals a packrat in
the wall of where you are staying is responsible.
A burrowing creature begs for food. // If you feed it, it shows you a secret way into the city
A gnome tinker is working on a marvelously complicated little machine and he asks you to
take it and give him written reports on how it performs. The device works like those found
on page 37 of the PHB but it only takes 10 minutes to repair.// Roll 1d6 to see what it does:
1: Clockwork Toy (PHB, 37)
2: Fire Starter (PHB, 37)
3: Music Box (PHB, 37)
4: Soothing Frequency Healing Machine. Grants +1 to Healer's Kit checks within 5 feet.
5: Scuttling Light Source Beetle. Speed 20 feet, sheds light like a lamp (PHB, 152)
6: Gnome Army Knife: Functions as a full set of Tinker's Tools or Thieves' Tools -2.
A very old gnome does not wish to die in a human city. Will you help him find a nice place in
the nearby woods where he can live out the remainder of his very short days? // DC 14
Stealth or Deception check to get him away from his human caretakers. If you fail, make a
DC 13 Persuasion check or be charged with kidnapping.
A group of technophobic extremists are holding a street rally and disrupting several gnome
businesses. // DC 20 Persuasion to get them to leave. DC 17 Intimidation to get them to
leave, though they might come back. DC 13 Persuasion to get the City Watch to clear them
away. If you help, the gnome businesses are grateful and offer you a 50% discount.
A friend invites you to work on a prototype of a mechanical lift for a tower in the city. If you
help, it takes 2d4 days make a crafting roll. Did it come apart? Did you get a bonus?
A tavern you frequent has a kindly staff and good food, but it's practically coming apart. The
keeper can't pay much but offers free food and drink for work done around the inn.
A harmless old gnome, not understanding humans would find it offensive, has been
imprisoned by a human whom she embarrassed with a prank. // The gnome can be released
if someone pays a 1d6x50 gp fine. A DC 13 Persuasion check will get the noble to drop
charges. Alternately, you can make help the gnome escape from her minimum security cell
with a DC 11 Stealth check.
There has been a large caravan from a gnomish homeland full of things good for tinkering.
A gnome child has gone missing in the woods outside the city. // DC 13 Survival or Nature
check to find her. If you don't find her the first night, the DC increases by 1 every day. If you
succeed, her family is grateful and offers you room and board whenever you are in the city.
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Character Specific Random City Events 34
D100 Event
You are invited to an elven party. // If you attend, you quickly realize that you were invited
with the sole purpose of being the unintentional entertainment. You can storm out, you can
impress them with a DC 14 Performance check, or you can shame them with a DC 12 Insight
or Religion check.
A human tries to become your friend but constantly asks you racist elf questions and if you
can teach her to talk to trees.
You meet a beautiful young elf who tires of the elven ways and is fascinated by humans.
What would the elf's family think if you became close friends or even fell in love?
You hear of an elves-only archery contest. // It takes a DC 11 Deception or Int (Disguise kit)
check to pass as an elf long enough to compete or it takes a DC 16 Persuasion roll to be
allowed in. The DM rolls three 1d20+4, these are the Ranged Attack rolls to beat to win the
competition. If a half-elf places in the top three, it could cause quite a stir.
1st Place: 300 gp, dinner with an elf noble's family, and a silver medallion
2nd Place: 200 gp, dinner at an elven tavern, and a bronze medallion
3rd Place: 100 gp and a wooden medallion
You are asked to mediate a legal dispute between humans and elves. //If you do so, make a
Wis (Insight) check:
1-9: Negotiations fall apart and both sides blame you.
10-13: An agreement in favor of one side is reached (determine randomly).
14-16: An agreement in favor of the side you prefer is reached.
17+: A mutually beneficial agreement is reached. You are praised by both sides.
You learn about a Master of Many Skills competition. // The DM rolls two 1d20+4, these are
the rolls to beat. Roll 1d20+ the number of Skills you are proficient in. First prize gets 200
gp and a 30 gp per month endorsement deal with an Artisan's Guild for 1d6+2 months.
A half-elf has risen to prominence in the ruling council and she makes an extra effort to
reach out and hear the needs of her own kind. She asks more fortunate half-elves to reach
out to others of their kind with donations of time and money.
If you prove yourself worthy to a council of elven elders, they will grant you a writ to enter
elven lands and learn more of elven ways. // You need three consecutive successes with
different DC 13 checks in your choice of Arcana, History, Insight, Religion, Persuasion,
Nature, or Performance. If you fail, you may try again in 1d6 months.
A dwarf bartender angrily points to a “No Elfs” sign and motions you toward the door.
You listen to a famous half elf bard who sings inspiring songs of half elf heroes taking
advantage of their dual parentage. You feel better than you have in a while.
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Character Specific Random City Events 35
D100 Event
While walking outside the walls, a shaking farmer stands between you and his family.
Some children throw rocks at you.
You find an inn that caters almost exclusively to half-orcs. The company is rough, but
There's money to be had in theatrical wrestling for comical characters in costume but are
you willing to play the evil orc who always loses? // The theater performs three times a
week and pays 1d6x5 gp per night, depending on ticket sales. If you wish to win the bout
you must make a successful unarmed attack vs AC 14. If you attempt this roll 1d6. If you
make a successful DC 11 Performance check, you can roll 1d6 twice and keep either result:
1-2: The crowd boos loudly and throws rotten food at you (which they did anyway). The
manager fires you.
3-4: The crowd seems unsure of how to react. The manager yells at you backstage but
admits that ticket sales for the next performance are up so you can stay for now.
5-6: The crowd goes wild for you. Ticket sales skyrocket and you become a minor
celebrity. You are now paid 1d6x100 per performance for 1d4 months until the ever
fickle crowd picks a new favorite.
A tavern owner spots you and greets you by the wrong name. He insists that you are the
half-orc who helped him stop a bar fight the other night and he offers you free drinks and a
meal. He obviously can't tell half-orcs apart. If you refuse, even politely, he gets offended.
You meet a scrawny, depressed half-orc who can't find work. He wants to get out of the city
but has no money. Where would he go anyway? Where can a half-orc go?
A ruler in the city is trying to get half-orcs expelled as “dangerous by nature.” He says no
good for civilization can come from them. The half-orc community is getting angry about it,
maybe angry enough to lash out and risk proving the ruler right. // DC 12 Persuasion,
Insight, or Intimidation check to get the half-orcs to calm down before they riot. Alternately,
you can lead the riot yourself.
Someone warns you that a nearby village was raided by orcs and the local populace is so
angry that they killed the last half-orc who went there alone.
You meet a group of half-orc mercenaries who are embracing their orcish heritage. You can
buy a multitude of fierce weapons and tribal trinkets from them and they offer you a job if
you ever want it. They are not popular but they have an excellent reputation as ferocious
fighters worth the money.
You meet what you first take to be a large human but soon realize is a half-orc with filed
down tusks and human flesh-colored body paint.
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Character Specific Random City Events 36
D100 Event
A street preaching cleric calls out loudly that you are the spawn of evil.// A DC 13
Persuasion, Insight, or Performance check can make the cleric look like a fool to the crowd.
A shop owner in the market district refuses to sell anything to you. Seeing his example,
several other shop owners similarly refuse.
Some children start following you around, pestering you to do fire magic.
An alchemist is willing to pay you for some of your hair
A local theater is producing a play and they would like to know if you are willing to play, of
course, the demonic villain. // The play runs four nights a week for a month and pays 1 gp
per night. If you make a DC 14 Cha (Performance) check, you can move the audience to tears
with an improvised monologue at the end of the play which turns the demon into a tragic
hero. If you spend 2d4 days writing the monologue with help from someone proficient in
Performance (other than yourself), you can have Advantage to the check on stage. If you fail,
the director refuses to pay you for the night and will only give you one more chance to
follow the script.
You learn about a new magic drug called “Glimpse” that only works for tieflings. Other
names for the drug include Glimpse the Abyss, Infernal Glimpse, or Glim. // Glimpse costs
1d6x5 gp per dose and offers transcending visions of the Lower Planes for those of fiendish
blood. The visions take place 1d6 minutes after taking Glimpse and last one hour. After that,
you are immune to being frightened but you cannot gain the benefits of a long rest for 24
hours. Glimpse is highly addictive and if you are in a place where it is available it takes a DC
10 Wisdom Saving Throw to resist finding and using some. The DC to resist increases by 1
for every time you have taken Glimpse in the past 30 days. A non-tiefling who tries Glimpse
immediately suffers two levels of exhaustion and has terrible nightmares for a week.
A group of tieflings, half-elves, and half-orcs who invite you into one of their secret
meetings. // The group has a long term plan to overthrow the human government. It takes a
DC 10 Deception roll to feign interest in the conspiracy and leave unharmed. If you refuse,
they attack you. You escape with 5 hit points left but they make come looking for you later.
A group of tieflings plan some profane vandalism on a church that has been persecuting
them. Are you in? // DC 11 Stealth or be caught in the act. DC 13 Persuasion or Insight to get
the tieflings to give up the idea.
You discover a notorious crime lord is also a tiefling. // She is guilty of all the regular crime
lord sins but she also makes a special effort to take care of tieflings, especially those young
and in need of guidance. You are invited to be a member of her crime ring while still keeping
up your adventuring lifestyle. With time, you could rise in criminal power and do a lot of
good amongst the tiefling community (depending on your definition of what's good for your
fellow tieflings). Alternately you can join and bring the criminal empire down from the
inside or you can share what you've learned with the City Watch.
A person in a tavern walks behind your chair and then turns to slap you, +2 vs AC for 1
damage. The person shouts, “Watch where you swing your tail, Pit Skin.”
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Character Specific Random City Events 37
D100 Event
A local temple asks you to sing in the choir for a few nights. // “A few nights” turns out to
be an expectation that you will sing every night for a month. If you refuse or stop attending,
the temple looks unfavorably upon you.
A local religious leader preaches that those who have a successful adventuring career owe
their safety and continued success to divine intervention and that if such an individual does
not make regular donations they are ungrateful, impious, and risking disaster.
The city threatens to tear down a religious building of your faith (or perhaps a building you
served in personally) if the community is not using it. // DC 12 Persuasion, Religion, or
History check will convince enough people to start attending to save the building.
You discover a small temple that is enthusiastically serving the community around it. You
soon learn, however, that the temple's finances are in chaos. // With a DC 12 Insight check
and 1d4 days you can set things right. If you fail, you can keep trying for another 1d4 days.
If you fail after that, the temple is forced to close down.
One of the young acolytes at the temple confesses to you that they are bored and don't have
much faith. They are thinking of leaving the service. // A DC 11 Perception or Insight check
reveals that the acolyte does not actually perform meaningful duties or services. DC 12
Persuasion or Religion roll will convince the acolyte to try more meaningful service.
You are asked to preside over a wedding. The wedding, however, is between two different
races (determine randomly) and many in the community do not approve. //You may
counsel the couple to go elsewhere if you wish or you can make an impassioned sermon to
the community. If you succeed in a DC 15 Religion or Insight check, the community seems
to take a turn for the better and you may perform the ceremony with no negative
consequences. If you fail and still perform the ceremony it will hurt future attendance.
You are introduced to two acolytes. The first is ambitious and skilled in ways to help the
church progress financially and spread its influence. The second is less intelligent and
skilled but is obviously a true believer with a pure heart. The leader asks for your advice on
whom to promote.
After spending some time in service, one of the religious leaders calls you harshly task over
one of your Flaws in front of many young acolytes.
There is a debate on changing one of the ancient traditions of the temple to make it more
modern, cost effective, and appealing to the public. Which side do you take?
A leader tells you that the temple needs 5,000 gp and he is considering selling off a relic to a
private collector and replacing it with a fake to save the temple.
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Character Specific Random City Events 38
D100 Event
Someone you conned in the past recognizes you and calls the City Watch. You'll have to
change your appearance, again, and move from where you have been staying.
You witness someone selling life insurance to adventurers and recognize the scam. // You
can reveal the charlatans or muscle in for a cut with a DC 13 Deception, Persuasion, or
Intimidation check. The scam nets you 1d6x100 gp as your share.
Posing as a merchant, you start a con on another merchant only to realize it's actually
another charlatan trying to pull a con on you. // Make opposing Deception checks (the
other charlatan has +5) If one of you beats the other by 5 or more, the winner swindles the
other for 2d6x100 gp. If one of you beats the other by less than 5 points, or of you tie, you
both realize the con is up. Will you become enemies, rivals, friends, partners, lovers?
An old charlatan friend wants to introduce you to a crew planning a magnificent job. //
Once there, you realize that your friend has greatly exaggerated your capabilities, including
things like languages you don't speak and skills you don't have, but now you know too
much and these people look dangerous. // If you try to back out, you escape but your friend
doesn’t. If you try the job make a DC 14 Deception roll with Disadvantage. On success you
gain 1d6x200 gp as your share and your reputation soars in underground circles. If you fail,
the group is caught by the City Watch while you escape. They are sure to seek revenge.
You learn that a wealthy old cleric thinks he is helping to build orphanages and soup
kitchens when he's really being slowly defrauded of his entire fortune. // You can tip off
the City Watch, muscle in for a cut with a DC 13 Deception, Persuasion, or Intimidation
check (the scam nets you 2d6x10 gp per month as your share for 2d6 months until the
cleric is bankrupt), or you can try to con the conmen with a DC 19 Deception check. If you
succeed, you gain 6,000 gp which you can keep or give any portion back to the cleric. If you
fail to con the conmen you still ruin their operation and they will likely seek revenge.
A learn that a friend with whom you used to run harmless cons has become a ruthless
gangster with extortion and kidnapping operations throughout the city.
One of your mentors is sick, needing 1d6+1x100 gp for medicine. Can you believe her?
You have the chance to run an easy con on a new business owner. // DC 9 Deception check
nets you 2d6+10 gp. // 1D6+1 days later you see the former business owner out on the
street in abject poverty.
Your disguise contacts let you know that she can get a hold of 1d6+1 City Watch uniforms
for 150 gp each (each uniform comes with a helmet, chain shirt, spear and shield).
A gang of burglars wants you to distract a merchant by taken her out for a night on the
town. // Make a DC 11 Deception check to strike up a friendship and get her to go out with
you. While out for the evening, make a DC 14 Charisma Saving Throw. If you fail, you start
to really like the merchant and feel guilty about helping rob her. There's still time to get
back and spoil the operation, but the burglars are sure to seek revenge and your new friend
may not trust you anymore. If you let the burglars go through with it they give you
1d6x100 gp as your cut. As a result, your merchant friend has to fire several employees.
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Character Specific Random City Events 39
D100 Event
A local gang tries to recruit you. They are rough but their main focus is to keep their own
families and neighborhood safe from other gangs.
You find out that someone you knew (or possibly had a Bond with) has been brutally
murdered and rumor has it the group responsible is looking for you next.
Someone has been caught by the authorities and ratted you out for past misdeeds. // It will
take a DC 13 Stealth or Deception check to avoid the authorities and for the next 30 days
you will have to move from where you are staying every 1d4+2 days.
You see a wanted poster of yourself, though they got the nose wrong. You're worth 30 gp
alive and 20 gp dead.
An old associate asks you to smuggle a small sealed package out of the city, no questions
asked and no looking inside, for 50 gp. A contact will meet you in a village nearby. // It
takes a DC 16 Dex check and 2d4 hours to reseal the package if opened and you have to
make a DC 16 Deception check when you meet the contact. If you open it, roll 1d8:
1: Fresh human bones
2: Illegal drugs worth 1d6 x100 gp
3: A dragonborn egg
4: A demonic ceremonial dagger
5: A packet of incriminating letters
6: Jewelry worth 2d4x 100 gp
7: Religious objects worth 1d6x100 gp
8: Diamonds worth 1d4x1,000 gp
A nervous friend asks for your help with something that has gotten out of hand. // Your
friend and a group of 1d4+1 thugs have kidnapped a noble girl and are holding her in the
cellar of a shady tavern. Your friend doesn't actually want to hurt the girl but the family is
refusing the terms and the City Watch is getting closer. He worries about what his
associates will do to her. The ransom demand is for 5,000 gp.
Someone has put out a 500 gp hit on a scumbag you've hated for a long time. You think you
might be able to find him. //DC 16 Investigation check to find where the scumbag is
staying. You can kill him yourself with a successful Attack vs AC 15 or let someone know
where he is hiding. If your attack fails or you fail three Investigations he flees the city.
You catch a noble doing something incriminating. // With a DC 11 Intimidation check you
can blackmail the noble for 1d6x10 gp per month for 1d6 months. After which he refuses
and either calls the City Watch or tries to have an assassin kill you.
Someone who stiffed you on a job a long time ago is doing very well for themselves with a
legitimate business. // DC 14 Intimidate to get 1d6x50 gp.
You learn about a drug ring in a poor section of town. // You can snitch to the City Watch or
muscle in for a cut with a DC 13 Intimidation check for 1d6x5 gp per month.
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Character Specific Random City Events 40
D100 Event
A gig in a wealthy part of town. // Make a Performance check, you gain gp equal to double
your roll. If you rolled a 13 or better you can live an Aristocratic lifestyle at no extra cost for
1d6+2 days.
A gig in a middling part of town. // Make a Performance roll, you gain gp equal to your roll.
If you rolled an 11 or better you can live an Wealthy lifestyle at no extra cost for 1d6+2
A gig in a rough part of town. // Make a Performance roll, you gain sp equal to your roll. If
you rolled an 9 or better you can live a Modest lifestyle at no extra cost for 1d6+2 days. If
you had a 7 or lower you take 1d6 damage from flying bottles and garbage.
A gig to cheer up soldiers in a hospital. // It only pays 2 sp per night but you get on the
good side of the army and the City Watch.
A gig at the birthday party of a merchant's child. The job pays 10 gp. // Make a
Performance roll. If you roll less than 11, the children are awful, spoiled brats who damage
your equipment and your self-esteem. If you roll 16 or better the children start off noisy
but quickly settle down and listen with rapt attention. Your host pays you a 20 gp bonus
and you gain a good reputation amongst the merchant community.
A poor man can't pay you but it would mean the world if you would perform a certain song
for his aging mother.
You are offered the lead in a local play because the star has disappeared. It pays 5 gp per
night for three nights and you must rehearse for 2d4 days. //Roll 1d6 to see what happens:
1-2: The star reappears after partying riotously for days on end and demands that you,
the understudy, be cast aside.
3: The star reappears with a plausible excuse for being absent and the director asks you
to step down into a lesser part.
4-5: The star never reappears. Ever. It becomes a local mystery.
6: The star reappears without a plausible excuse. The director will not let them back
into the play and asks you to continue in the lead.
Make a Performance check to see how the play goes.
A local busybody denounces your performances as lewd and unfit for the public. He starts
following you around, harassing anyone who seems to enjoy what you do.
Word of your talent gets around and you become a minor celebrity. People start asking
your opinion on everything from fashion to politics.
While performing one night, you are upstaged by someone who isn't better than you, but is
certainly louder. Make a Performance check at Disadvantage.
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Character Specific Random City Events 41
Folk Hero
D100 Event
Someone tells you of a folk hero from your hometown. It doesn't take you long to realize it's
your story with a different name attached. This fraudulent hero can be found at a nearby
tavern, enjoying your reputation for free meals and drinks.
You meet a true hero of the people, someone who has done something of national
significance. What kind of person would your character look up to? How does it make you
feel about your own accomplishments?
As you're traveling through the poor section, you are recognized by a cousin of someone
from your hometown. They stage an impromptu celebration full of local food that is not
fancy but is authentic. After the party, some people wonder if you can do something in their
neighborhood like you did for your hometown.
You meet a young man from your hometown. He's fallen on hard times and turned to crime.
//DC 11 Persuasion to get him to see that he needs to get out but he owes his crime boss
1d6x100 gp.
In a poor neighborhood, you see 1d4 thugs attacking people street with impunity in broad
daylight. // If you confront the City Watch about it, they tell you they are stretched thin.
You can find more people to join the City Watch with a successful DC 11 Persuasion check,
but you'll also have to convince a local official to grant the City Watch in that area more
funding with a DC 16 Persuasion check.
A local gang runs an extortion ring on poor businesses. There are 3d4+6 members of the
gang. If they aren't all killed or arrested at once they will likely take it out on the people.
A merchant who has heard your reputation wants you to pay you 4 gp per day to endorse
his products in the street.//Roll 1d8 to see what the product is:
1: Medical ointment
2: Street food
3: Footwear
4: Mercenary uniforms
5: A brewery
6: Ink and paper
7: Draft animals
8: Tacky jewelry
Someone you stood up to in the past has found out that you're in the city. They are out for
revenge if you stay in the city some innocents could get hurt, particularly if you are staying
in Poor or Modest conditions. // The person sends 2d4 thugs to bust you up and the last
inn you stayed at.
While you are eating at a tavern, someone from your hometown loudly accuses you of
getting too big for your britches and forgetting where you came from.
You meet people who believe an incredibly inflated version of your heroic story.
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Character Specific Random City Events 42
Guild Artisan or Merchant
D100 Event
There is fashionable revival for work in your field, if you spend 2d4+3 days working at your
business you gain 6 gp per day.
Market fatigue. You gain only 5 sp per day practicing your profession for the two weeks.
You hear a rumor that a rival merchant plans to damage a place where you work in the next
1d6 days. // Roll 1d6 to see what happens. If you hire extra security for 2 gp per day, you
can roll twice and keep the result you want:
1-2: 1d4+2 thugs come to damage your property, equipment, and personnel.
3-5: Nothing happens.
6: You hear that a group of thugs, claiming the merchant went back on a deal, bust up
one of the rival's storefronts.
You witness a kind guild member being manipulated by a greedy underling who pushes off
work onto others and steals things. // It takes a DC 16 Persuasion or Insight roll to get the
guild member to see the underling's wrong doings. Alternately, it takes a DC 13
Investigation taking 1d4 days to come up with proof of the underling's wrongdoing.
A local guild is extorting a politician with economic threats to the people in his district.
You find someone willing to consider partnering with you in a new business venture. // If
you succeed in a DC 13 Persuasion check you can start a new business that will net 30 gp
per month with no daily effort on your part. If you fail, the partner pulls out and the
business falls through.
A business friend asks for your help and advice. He owns a historic building and wants to
tear it down for a new business that will employ members of the community, but he's
getting resistance from certain preservation groups and nobles who like the city how it is.
The guild is holding an election for a new officer. It is not irregular for guild officers to
delegate and be gone on business for weeks or even months at a time, so it is compatible
with an adventuring lifestyle. You can run yourself if you have 1d4+1 weeks to campaign,
otherwise you support and vote for a friend. // The DM makes three 1d20+4 rolls. These
are the other Candidates to beat. You make a Persuasion or Insight roll to represent your
own campaign or your support of a friend. The winner becomes the new guild officer for
one year and gets a stipend of 100 gp per month.
DM NOTE: If the player wins the position, work with them on what kind of office it is and
what kind of duties would give the player interesting roleplaying opportunities.
A relative comes to you down on her luck and asks to be employed by your business. // If
you employ her, she reminds you to make sure your will is in order, since you do so much
dangerous traveling. You’re not sure if this is sweet or sinister.
A member of the guild is using child laborers to make products. He argues that he pays
them a fair wage and it keeps them off the streets, though the hours are long and the work
is hard. //It takes a DC12 Persuasion or Intimidate roll to convince him to stop, but this
leads to an increase in children on the street.
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Character Specific Random City Events 43
D100 Event
Overwhelmed by the press of the city, you feel the need to go for a long walk outside the
walls and hunker in a cave for 1d3 days. If you do not, you suffer a level of exhaustion that
cannot go away until you spend 24 hours alone.
You find a person who can benefit from your Discovery.
You meet a good person who could be harmed by your Discovery.
You read a periodical from an anonymous writer who claims the opposite of your
Discovery is true. You may also write in anonymously.
You strike up a friendship with a quiet scholar who is leaving town and offers you his
empty home.
If you prove yourself a serious and reserved individual you are welcome to stay at a
monastery in town. // The monks require that you do four hours of daily chores in
exchange for plain food and a small room to yourself. The monastery has an extensive
library and many scholarly contacts across the continent. There is a vow of silence over
every room and hallway with the exception of the front office where the necessary business
of the monastery takes place.
A religious order asks you to become the keeper of an important relic. They stress that it
must not be seen within the city. Roll 1d8 to see what it is:
1: A mummified hand
2: A locked book
3: A candle that has never been lit
4: An amulet in the shape of a sword
5: A prophesy written on animal hide
6: A tattoo that moves to other people
7: A miniature set of golden tools
8: A jade figurine
As part of your adventuring group, you are invited to a party at a local noble's grand
mansion. The party is sure to be noisy, crowded, and full of vapid people and inane
conversation. Refusing the noble, however, could be seen as an insult.// If you attend the
party, you suffer a level of exhaustion that lasts until you spend 24 hours alone.
You are invited to partake in a philosophical debate in front of hundreds of people. // If you
participate in the debate, the DM rolls 1d20 to represent the other side of the argument.
You may make a Religion, Arcana, Insight, History, or Persuasion check to articulate your
opposing views but you do so at Disadvantage.
A local naval officer proposes to build a new base on a stretch of beach known for housing
several hermits in its nearby cave system. They would of course be driven out.
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Character Specific Random City Events 44
D100 Event
If you prove yourself worthy, you are offered membership into a secret society of wealthy
Another noble challenges you to a duel to first blood for a perceived (or real) insult unless
you debase yourself publicly on the matter. // Make opposed Attack rolls. The other noble
has a +5 to Attack. The loser (or apologist) will be shunned at parties for 1d4 weeks. After,
the enmity between you and the other noble may deepen into something more dangerous.
A noble friend who is terrible at dueling has asked you to be his second. The perceived
insult is grave and the illegal duel is to the death. He is sure to get himself killed if the
dispute cannot be settled before the duel. // It will take a DC 19 Persuasion or Insight roll
to convince the other duelist to stand down, though he demands a public apology from
your friend. Alternately, you may insult the other duelist so much that he challenges you to
the death in a duel that takes precedence over the duel with your friend. If your friend
duels, the DM rolls 1d20-2 for the friend and 1d20+5 for the rival. The loser is killed. If you
fight the duel make an opposed Attack roll against your rival's +5. If you win, you kill him, if
you lose you are gravely wounded and left for dead. You must spend 1d4+3 weeks
recovering (unless you receive magical healing), during which the noble community thinks
you are dead and shocked by your insulting behavior.
A member of your family has been disgraced. You are not certain which rumors are true,
but the family member has gone into exile on a distant country estate. You have
Disadvantage on all Charisma checks with the noble community for 1d4+2 months unless
you spend one week trying to uncover or hide the truth. To exonerate your relative, make a
DC 16 Investigation check to discover your relative was not at fault, if you fail, it turns out
some of the terrible rumors are true. You can make a DC 13 Deception check and spend
1d6x100 gp to cover the incident up and throw enough parties that people forget.
Peasants yell about your wealthy lifestyle and throw food at you, ruining your clothes.
You lose your signet ring and a beggar claims to have found it but will charge you 1d6x100
gp to get it back. He claims it is hidden somewhere not on his person.
A noble asks your advice on dealing with his unruly peasants back on his estate.
You are invited to visit a local noble at their nearby country house for 1d4 days. At the end,
you've either embarrassed yourself or made a new friend
A bard asks you to be her patron. She's not very good at music, yet, but she is hard working.
You can support her for 30 gp per month. // If you become her patron, roll 1d6 every
month, adding +1 to the roll every new month:
1: Run out of town and disappeared.
2: She is depressed and about to give up
3: She's around but not much better
4: You see some improvement
5: She has had some moderate success
6+: She's a star and has you to thank
You'll have to spend 1d6x100 gp if you want to keep up with changing fashions. Doing so
could give you an advantage in certain social circles but could also make some people take
you less seriously.
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Character Specific Random City Events 45
D100 Event
You overhear the name of your homeland in a conversation. The speaker claims to have
been an adventurer there and to have buried treasure beneath a landmark you recognize.
You are attacked by 1d4+1 thugs who claim that your people killed some of their family.
A generous and friendly host has completely mistaken your culture for another and he
keeps offering you strange food that you find distasteful and keeps making cultural
references you don't understand.
You see something sacred to your people being sold as a trinket for a few coppers.
A noble will pay you handsomely to hunt large game and then give it to him to pretend that
he's hunted it himself. He doesn't care what you do with the meat or hide. With his
permission you may hunt in the nearby game preserves of the wealthy where you might
become friends with the rangers and foresters there.
You are detained by a special unit of the City Watch who claim that people from your
homeland must submit to a quarantine for 1d4+3 days due to a plague in that land. // If
you don't submit to the City Watch, you have to fight your way free of the city with a
successful Attack vs AC 16 followed by a DC 14 Stealth check. You will be on the City
Watch's wanted list for 1d4 months.
A relative finds you in the city and tells you about an urgent matter back in your homeland.
If you go to deal with it, you will be gone for 1d4+2 weeks. If you elect not to go, your
people may feel as though you've turned your back on them.
DM NOTE: If the character's homeland is too far away for this to be plausible, perhaps
members of the homeland were traveling in a caravan or making a pilgrimage at a closer
location. Perhaps they've even been captured and need rescuing.
At a social event, the host calls negative attention to your lack of (or culturally different)
manners. // With a DC 12 Insight, Religion, or Persuasion roll you can shame the host for
their intolerant and ignorant views. This may help the host become a better person, but
could also make you an enemy.
A group of 1d4+1 pampered young nobles and wealthy merchant's children earnestly wish
to learn how to forage and hunt in the wild. They have access to the nearby game preserve
and ask if you will be their guide and teacher for 1d4+1 weeks. They offer to pay you 10 gp
per week. This is a good opportunity to endear yourself to people who will one day be
You can find work with a cartographer's guild who will pay you 20 gp per month to update
maps as you travel.
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Character Specific Random City Events 46
D100 Event
Someone has plagiarized some of your writing and published it, making 1d6x50 gp over the
last several weeks. // DC 16 Investigation check to prove the theft to the publisher.
A sage is sitting on plague research that could potentially save lives but no one has offered
him a lucrative enough publishing contract. // DC 16 Persuasion or Insight check to
convince him to change his mind. You could publish the work yourself if you pay the sage
2d4x100 gp for the rights. Alternately, you can steal the research with a DC 12 Stealth or
Deception check but if you get caught the academic community looks down on you and the
City Watch may charge you a 1d6x10 gp fine.
You near a breakthrough on something you've been studying. You just need to work for
1d4 more days uninterrupted. After which, you suffer two levels of exhaustion.
DM NOTE: Work with the player to find out what kind of research would be important to
their character or the campaign, such as a hidden location or a villain's weakness.
You are asked to sit in judgment over an academic dispute. // A single student is claiming
credit for a group project, demanding that the others in his group fail the course for not
doing anything all semester. // A DC 12 Investigation or Insight roll proves this to be true.
The student claiming credit comes from a lower class background but he is brilliant and
may be an important scholar someday. The others in his group come from wealthy
backgrounds and insulting them may cause trouble with their noble and merchant parents.
You are offered 6 gp to perform a series of lectures on a subject of your choosing for 1d4
days.// You speak to young people who may someday be leaders in the city. This is your
chance to inform their minds and plant seeds of ideas.
Hearing of your travels, a cartographer asks for you to help her update her maps and
cultural references. At the end, she's happy to give you a copy and let you use her map
collection for research on locations in the future.
You see a substitute teaching job at a school for 2gp per day. // When you get there, the
students are horrid, loud, and disrespectful. It takes a DC 17 Insight, Persuasion, History, or
Intimidation check to get them to sit down and listen.
A friend tells you about something she is researching and asks you to keep an eye out for
more information on your travels.// Roll 1d8 for the subject of the research:
1: Ancient architecture
2: Eating habits around the world
3: Cults of evil
4: Alchemical substances
5: Monster biology
6: Magical energies and auras
7: Hidden locations
8: Legendary items
One of your teachers or mentors has passed away, naming you in their will. You receive
several books, scrolls, and boxes of paper containing research.
You may join a university library and eventually gain access to the forbidden section if you
prove yourself a serious and sober-minded contributor. // Every month you must submit
writing that takes a successful DC 15 Arcana, History, or Religion check and 1d4+1 days of
work. If you fail, the time is wasted.
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Character Specific Random City Events 47
D100 Event
You see another sailor with the exact same tattoo that you have. Will this make you friends
or enemies?
You meet a friendly sailor whom you get along with famously. Well into a night of drinks
and stories you chance to see a tattoo on the inside of the sailor's arm. It matches the tattoo
worn by pirates who attacked your vessel and killed your friends years ago.
You are offered work a fishing boat for 3 sp per day. It's hard, simple work but it is peaceful
and honest and you are surrounded by good company.
You are the only one to see a longshoreman overseer, drunk in the middle of the day, roll
into the water. He's a terrible person who shorts his men on their pay.
You witness drugged men being carried onto a ship at night. // If you attempt to interfere
the captain explains that they are all disorderly drunks who do nothing with their lives but
drift in and out of jail and abuse their families, if they have one. In several cases the family
has given permission. These men are being press ganged into service where they can
overcome their desire for strong drink and make something of themselves. They and their
families will be paid. What the captain is doing is still technically illegal.
You meet a young man who says he was kidnapped and forced to serve on a ship, will you
help him get back to his people?//The young man will need 20 gp to get back home or you
can help him find work on a ship with a captain you trust to get him back home.
You see the ship of a hated rival or enemy weighing anchor at the harbor. // It would be a
shame if it developed a leak or caught fire. DC 14 Stealth check to sabotage the ship. If you
fail, you are jumped by the crew (2d4+4 thugs).
Local nobles will pay 1 gp per day for divers to look for things they've dropped while on
pleasure cruises. There is a board of things lost and how to get in touch with their owners.
// Make an Athletics check every day you swim. On a 20 or higher you find a piece of
jewelry worth 1d6x100 gp.
Some children have taken out a small fishing boat not far from the docks and a large shark
circles them, sometimes bumping the little craft.
You meet an old sailing mate who has fallen sick. He is running out of coin and needs
medical care. // If you put him up in a hospital for 1 sp per day or tend him on your own, he
gives you a treasure map before passing away.
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Character Specific Random City Events 48
D100 Event
You meet someone who served in the same army that you did. // If you share a meal or
some drinks and stories, your new friend awkwardly asks you for a little money.
You overhear an exaggerated tale of a place you actually served in, the speaker obviously
has no idea what he's talking about and might not even be a soldier.
A drunk old soldier with a broken nose spits on you and accuses you of being a deserter.
An officer you served under is starting a mercenary unit and asks if you'll sign up or at least
help her recruit. // It takes a DC 14 Persuasion, Intimidation, Perception, or Deception
check to get 1d6 recruits to sign up. You get paid 2 gp per head and you can make a
recruiting roll every day until the mercenary unit ships out in 1d4 weeks.
A historical society asks to take down an account of your time with the army.
You meet a young soldier who is scared out of his mind. He regrets joining the army and
has no talent for it. The punishment for deserting is jail time and a hefty fine at best or, at
the worst, death. Will you help him get out?// It takes a DC 13 Persuasion, Intimidation,
Religion, or Deception check to get the young man out of the army. You'll also have to pay
1d6x10 in bribes or fines. Alternately, you can sneak the young man out of the city with a
DC 14 Stealth check, but if you are caught the punishment could be severe.
You learn that the widow of someone you served with in the army lives nearby with her
children.// Roll 1d6:
1-2: She is desperately poor. Supporting her and her children will take 400 gp per year
3-5: She and her children are getting by working hard and living simply. She is happy to
see you and hopes you'll stay for a bit and tell her children about their father.
6: She is engaged to marry a wealthy merchant and hopes you'll come visit.
Alternately, you can try to go through government or religious channels to find support.
Someone is polling public opinion on whether or not young people should be required by
law to serve in the military for two years. What is your opinion?
You spend a terrible, lonely night where it seems as if no one you talk to has any respect for
soldiers. You are haunted by some of the things you've seen and it makes you wonder if
you've made enough of a difference in the world.
Merchants want to pay some strong men 2 gp to clear away the street performers in front
of their business. The performers are harmless and the passerby seem to enjoy them,
however if legitimate soldiers and mercenaries do not convince the performers to go
elsewhere, the merchants may turn to a rougher class of men to get the job done.
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Character Specific Random City Events 49
D100 Event
You are struck with a flood of memories from your childhood, good and bad. It might bring
out a nervous habit you thought long gone or leave you fuming at how little the world has
changed, it might make you appreciate your current companions but it affects you deeply.
You see a small child who looks half-feral being mistreated by older children. // The older
children are easily scared away. The smaller child eyes you warily and then darts off. //DC
12 Dexterity check to catch up to the child several blocks away. DC 12 Cha (Persuasion) or
Wis (Animal Handling) to calm the child and let her know you mean no harm. You can have
Advantage if you offer food. Once you have gained the child's trust, you can find an
orphanage that will take the child in. 30 gp will take care of the child for a year.
You notice a gang of urchins about to distract and pickpocket a modestly dressed woman
handing out coins to the poor. // If you interfere in any way, even just by standing closer to
the woman. The urchins glare at you from the mouth of an alleyway.
Two young children ask you to go into the nearby opium den and bring their father out.//
The proprietor demands you settle his bill for 2d6 gp before 1d4 thugs will let you leave.
You hear a rumor that a cruel City Watch officer from your childhood lives in the city. He
has fallen ill and his family is struggling to make enough money to feed themselves.
As an adventurer, you are invited to an upscale party in the noble district. // If you attend,
in less than an hour some of your Flaws that you developed growing up on the street
manifest themselves. // At first the other guests ignore you, feigning a need to speak with
anyone else. // If you stay, they snicker at you behind their hands. // If you stay much
longer, a master servant begs you to leave quietly.
You come across a bakery selling goods that remind you of the best times when you were a
hungry child, but also a time when you were beaten soundly for stealing one of them. You
see a few hungry urchins glancing wistfully nearby, sniffing the air and feeling the warmth
of the ovens.
At the end of the day, you watch a bakery in a wealthy part of town throw all of their day-
old goods down a sewer drain. // If asked, the workers say they aren't allowed to give the
goods away to the poor because it would only encourage them to hang around the shop.
You are restless in your bed. Things have changed much over the years but some nights you
simply cannot get used to it. You wander the streets for the night. What do you do? //
I stalk the alleyways and beat up thugs.
I buy a few basic necessities like food, blankets, clothes, and medicine and distribute
it to the poor. (Costs 10gp or as much as you want to give)
I go to a wealthy district and pickpocket nobles for fun.
I play a few pranks on the City Watch.
You watch a group of urchins trick a guardsman into walking beneath an arch where they
poor ice cold water all over him. All of the urchins get away but one, to whom the guard
prepares give a beating.
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Character Specific Random City Events 50
Appendix 1: City Dweller Stats
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 9 (2d8)
Speed 30 ft.
10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)
Skills Medicine +4, Religion +2
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Spellcasting. The acolyte is a 1st-level spellcaster. Its
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit
with spell attacks). The acolyte has following cleric spells
Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy 1st
level (3 slots): bless, cure wounds, sanctuary
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
Acolytes are junior members of a clergy, usually
answerable to a priest. They perform a variety of
functions in a temple and are granted minor
spellcasting power by their deities.
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Armor Class 13 (chain shirt)
Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5)
Speed 25 ft.
10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1)
Skills Medicine +7, Persuasion +3, Religion +4
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages any two languages
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Divine Eminence. As a bonus action, the priest can expend a
spell slot to cause its melee weapon attacks to magically deal
an extra 10 (3d6) radiant damage to a target on a hit. This
benefit lasts until the end of the turn. If the priest expends a
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the extra damage increases
by 1d6 for each level above 1st.
Spellcasting. The priest is a 5th-level spellcaster. Its
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit
with spell attacks). The priest has the following cleric
spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy
1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, guiding bolt, sanctuary 2nd level
(3 slots): lesser restoration, spiritual weapon 3rd level (2 slots):
dispel magic, spirit guardians
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.
Priests bring the teachings of their gods to the
common folk. They are the spiritual leaders of
temples and shrines and often hold positions of
influence in their communities. Evil priests might
work openly under a tyrant, or they might be the
leaders of religious sects hidden in the shadows of
good society, overseeing depraved rites.
A priest typically has one or more acolytes to help with
religious ceremonies and other sacred duties.
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Character Specific Random City Events 51
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 4 (1d8)
Speed 30 ft.
10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 0 (10 XP)
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
Commoners include peasants, serfs, slaves, servants,
pilgrims, merchants, artisans, and hermits.
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Armor Class 15 (breastplate)
Hit Points 9 (2d8) Speed
30 ft.
11 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Persuasion +5
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages any two languages
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.
Parry. The noble adds 2 to its AC against one melee attack
that would hit it. To do so, the noble must see the
attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.
Nobles wield great authority and influence as
members of the upper class, possessing wealth and
connections that can make them as powerful as
monarchs and generals. A noble often travels in the
company of guards, as well as servants who are
The noble’s statistics can also be used to represent
courtiers who aren’t of noble birth.
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Character Specific Random City Events 52
Medium humanoid (any race), any non-good alignment
Armor Class 12 (leather armor)
Hit Points 9 (2d8)
Speed 30 ft.
11(+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
Skills Deception +2, Religion +2
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Dark Devotion. The cultist has advantage on saving throws
against being charmed or frightened.
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage.
Cultists swear allegiance to dark powers such as
elemental princes, demon lords, or archdevils. Most
conceal their loyalties to avoid being ostracized,
imprisoned, or executed for their beliefs. Unlike evil
acolytes, cultists often show signs of insanity in
their beliefs and practices.
Cult Fanatic
Medium humanoid (any race), any non-good alignment
Armor Class 13 (leather armor)
Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6)
Speed 30 ft.
11 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)
Skills Deception +4, Persuasion +4, Religion +2
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Dark Devotion. The fanatic has advantage on saving
throws against being charmed or frightened.
Spellcasting. The fanatic is a 4th-level spellcaster. Its
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 11, +3 to hit
with spell attacks). The fanatic has the following cleric
spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy
1st level (4 slots): command, inflict wounds, shield of faith
2nd level (3 slots): hold person, spiritual weapon
Multiattack. The fanatic makes two melee attacks.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2)
piercing damage.
Fanatics are often part of a cult’s leadership, using
their charisma and dogma to influence and prey on
those of weak will. Most are interested in personal
power above all else.
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Character Specific Random City Events 53
Gladiator/Pit Fighter Champion
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Armor Class 16 (studded leather, shield) Hit
Points 112 (15d8 + 45)
Speed 30 ft.
18 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 15 (+2)
Saving Throws Str +7, Dex +5, Con +6
Skills Athletics +10, Intimidation +5
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Brave. The gladiator has advantage on saving throws
against being frightened.
Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of its damage
when the gladiator hits with it (included in the attack).
Multiattack. The gladiator makes three melee attacks or
two ranged attacks.
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.
and range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing
damage, or 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage if used with two
hands to make a melee attack.
Shield Bash. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one creature. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage. If the
target is a Medium or smaller creature, it must succeed on a
DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Parry. The gladiator adds 3 to its AC against one melee attack
that would hit it. To do so, the gladiator must see the attacker
and be wielding a melee weapon.
Gladiators battle for the entertainment of raucous
crowds. Some gladiators are brutal pit fighters who
treat each match as a life -or- death struggle, while
others are professional duelists who command huge
fees but rarely fight to the death.
Medium humanoid (any race), any chaotic alignment
Armor Class 13 (hide armor) Hit
Points 67 (9d8 + 27)
Speed 30 ft.
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 9 (−1) 11 (+0) 9 (−1)
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Reckless. At the start of its turn, the berserker can gain
advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls during that turn,
but attack rolls against it have advantage until the start of its
next turn.
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 9 (1d12 + 3) slashing damage.
berserkers come together in war parties and seek
conflict wherever they can find it.
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Character Specific Random City Events 54
City Watch or Guard
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Armor Class 16 (chain shirt, shield)
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 30 ft.
13 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
Skills Perception +2
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.
or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 +1) piercing
damage, or 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage if used with two
hands to make a melee attack.
Guards include members of a city watch, sentries in a
citadel or fortified town, and the bodyguards of
merchants and nobles.
Scout/Forest Ranger
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Armor Class 13 (leather armor)
Hit Points 16 (3d8 + 3)
Speed 30 ft.
11 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 11 (+0)
Skills Nature +4, Perception +5, Stealth +6, Survival +5
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Keen Hearing and Sight. The scout has advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or sight.
Multiattack. The scout makes two melee attacks or two
ranged attacks.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged
150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
Scouts are skilled hunters and trackers who offer
their services for a fee. Most hunt wild game, but a
few work as bounty hunters, serve as guides, or
provide military reconnaissance.
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Character Specific Random City Events 55
Medium humanoid (any race), any non-good alignment
Armor Class 11 (leather armor) Hit
Points 32 (5d8 + 10)
Speed 30 ft.
15 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0)
Skills Intimidation +2
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Pack Tactics. The thug has advantage on an attack roll
against a creature if at least one of the thug’s allies is
within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t
Multiattack. The thug makes two melee attacks.
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range
100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d10) piercing damage.
Thugs are ruthless enforcers skilled at intimidation
and violence. They work for money and have few
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Armor Class 17 (splint)
Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
Speed 30 ft.
16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
Skills Athletics +5, Perception +2
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Multiattack. The veteran makes two longsword attacks. If it
has a shortsword drawn, it can also make a shortsword
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3)
slashing damage if used with two hands.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range
100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1) piercing damage.
Veterans are professional fighters that take up arms
for pay or to protect something they believe in or
value. Their ranks include soldiers retired from long
service and warriors who never served anyone but
| textdata/thevault/System neutral/Tables & Charts/Encounters/Fantasy/In City & Town/Character-Focused-Random-Events-for-the-City.pdf |
Dragon Infested Mountains
Encounters & Wandering Monsters
Roll 1d20 for Encounter
[1] Razor Stones. The ground is littered with very
sharp, pointy black stones similar to obsidian.
Anyone who falls on it takes 1d6 damage from
standing height or doubles the fall damage they
take from higher. Stones could be used to make
arrow heads or sold to certain collector geologists
as they are uncommon.
[2] There are four adventurers burnt to a crisp,
apparently from above. On their person is a single
piece of armor, 2d6 silver, and an unused potion of
fire resistance.
[3] Kobolds! You encounter 2d6 kobolds on a
scouting mission, will attack if they outnumber the
party. Roll 1d4 on list for type;
1. Scaley, small, traditional. Dragon
worshippers, they may be working for one
of the local dragons.
2. Furry, barking, dog-like. These 'bolds are
neutral but will trade information or metals
for food the party has.
3. Smooth skin in place of scales. Sneaky, has
1d4 extra kobolds with knives hiding back
to strike party from behind if needed.
4. These kobolds suffer from gigantism and
were kicked out of their tribes; half as
many kobolds but human-bandit stats.
[4] Ever burning bush. Tries to pretend to be the
God of any nearby clerics, is actually just a magic
fire that doesn't burn anything it catches on. Can
be carried in a torch or container from now on, but
dies if the flame is put out. If used on people can
warm them and cook food without burning
anything- will become friendly if party forgives it
for its deception.
[5] Green crystal growing from the ground, looks
vaguely like a plant. If crushed into powder can be
snorted or smoked for a bonus +2 to Intelligence
and Charisma but -2 to Wisdom. Lasts for 24
hours. Dragon and Dragonborn who use it gain the
positives without the negatives but addictive.
Can be sold 10 sp per dose, 2d10 doses.
[6] Dragon skull, worth a few thousand gold.
Gigantic, full encumbrance if you try to carry it.
[7] Shallow cave, containing 1d8 skeletons. The
skeletons animate only if you disturb the strange
purple sand on the floor, drawn into runes. The
back most skeleton has an iron helmet with gold
trim, worth triple regular helmet price.
[8] Tiny fertile valley crammed between two small
mountain hills. Filled with tiny trees and extinct
megafauna, all small enough to fit in the palm of
your hand. You can sell these tiny guys to natural
scholars for decent silver.
[9] Rock Arachnids. Random piles of stones come
to life and form into the shapes of giant spiders.
No venom, but attack with sharp rock fangs.
Rock Arachnids (2HD, +3 AC, 1d8 rock damage,
no initiate; ie party always goes first)
Appearing; 1d3
The rock spiders are aggressive but are very slow,
which is why they wait for prey to come to them.
Escaping them is easy. If you retreat, the spiders
just fall apart again and wait for their next target.
[10] Annoying chipmunks. Bright, colorful
chimpmunks that hide in dens dug into the
mountain's side. Every turn the party stays here,
the chipmunks make a bunch of noise and draw
attention; double the chance of random encounters.
Chipmunk fur is valuable, worth 1 SP per pelt.
[11] Dug into the mountain side is a stronghold for
the dwarves. The inside is dark and abandoned, the
few survivors are insane and gibber in the
darkness, making masterful creations out of each
others body parts.
Roll 1d6;
1. Sword made of a sharpened femur
2. Shield made of a pelvis
3. Cloak made of dwarf skin
4. Poleaxe made of petrified hand + bones
5. Coin pouch made of a belly
6. Cosmetic powder made of dwarf ash
[12] Tiny burning clouds of ash spit from the
mouths of least drakes, dealing 1 damage. If the
party does not run back the way they came from
the 'terrifying' assault they will be attacked.
Least Drakes (1HD, +1 AC and to hit, ash cloud
breath attack deals 1 damage)
Appearing; 2d6
Failed spawn of the dragons, or kobolds attempting
ascendancy to become dragons. Inflated sense of
[13] Solidified shard of sunlight glowing from
under a stone. Can be used like a scroll to either
grant Light for 2d6 exploration turns which also
deals damage to or turns vampires and other
creatures weak to sunlight.
[14] Blue Crystal growth coming from the chest
cavity of a long deactivated golem. These crystals
grow on magical items, animated creatures, and
can infect Magic Users who are over 9th level.
The Blue Crystals can be smashed up into a paste
and mixed with water to create an Arcane Mark in
ink form. This writing is permanent but is only
visible when using the effects of wizard or magic
sight. Additionally, the Blue Crystal powder can be
blown nearby invisible creatures or illusions that
makes them sparkle and glow.
Each pouch of crystal has 10 uses and is worth 100
sp each. They can be grown by implanting them
on magical things, as explained above.
[15] Gigantic crater filled with ash. Every
exploration turn spent digging have the party roll
on this table and chance for random encounter;
Roll 1d6;
1. Golden Ring
2. Dragon Fang (as dagger, +1 to hit)
3. Silver Sabaton
4. Petrified Flameblast; explodes as Fireball
in 4 seconds after exposed to air.
5. Charred human remains, no value.
6. Potion of Fire Resistance
[16] Magnetic Dragon! Huge silver dragon swoops
in and attacks with magnetic breath attack.
Magnetic Dragon (5HD, flight, magnetic breath)
This dragon's breath attack magnetically pins
objects backwards, away from the cone of attack.
Those wearing chain must make a save vs
paralysis to move again, those wearing fullplate
will be totally helpless unless removed from their
armor or the effect wears off in 3 rounds.
Additionally this breath attack can be used against
metal projectiles which launches them back at the
user, dealing damage if they hit.
[17] Rust Dragon! Dark brown dragon with
coppery patches attacks from below, such as a
crevice before snaking its way up to attack.
Rust Dragon (4HD, rust breath)
This dragon does not have wings. This dragon's
moist breath rusts and ruins metal equipment.
Each round you are caught in it, your metal armor
loses -1 AC until rusted to uselessness. Metal
weapons take 1-3 rounds to get rusted to
uselessness, depending on size. Sheathed weapons
take another round to rust. Magic weapons get
bonus rounds equal to their magic bonus+1.
[18] Petrified Wood golems. Activates in the
presence of people who have killed dragons or
carry dragon body parts.
Petrified Wood Golem (2HD, +1 AC)
Appearing; 3d6
Dragons created and carved these golems out of
petrified trees and logs as a way to kill or weaken
any dragon slayers in their mountain home.
[19] Wandering Dragon-Slayer, alone. Lost his
lance, which has been broken into 4 pieces. The
next 4 rolled encounters on this list have a 50%
chance to have a piece of his lance. When
combined, his lance is a +3 weapon vs dragons.
He'll join your party until you kill a dragon, then
leave with its heart to his home village.
[20] Rare vein of ore, exposed at the surface.
Anyone with a pickaxe can mine it, but the loud
noise it makes forces a wandering monster check
along with the normal time.
There is enough ore to make 1 shield or 1/3
enough to make a full suit of armor.
Roll 1d4;
1. Mithril Ore
2. Infernite; Heat resistant metal, -1 damage
taken from fire and +2 vs dragon breath
3. Cryptick; Necromantic resistant metal. +1
to saves vs death and level drain
4. Gold Vein. Worth 1d4x500 unrefined
Wandering Monsters
Roll 1d6
(1) Dragon Cultists (1HD, +2 to hit, black iron
weapons deal +1 damage vs lawful aligned)
Appearing; 2d6
Cultists trying to find food, gold, and mates for
their dragon masters. Their metal weapons feel
uncomfortable for Lawful aligned to hold.
(2) Minotaurs (2HD, +2 to damage with d6 axe,
+1 AC, gore attack deals 1d4 damage)
Appearing; 2 or 3
Small family of minotaurs, randomly lost in the
mountains. Trying to find a safe cave for the
female one to give birth. She's heavily pregnant
but still fights like a beast.
(3) Thunderbird (2HD, flight, fires lightning bolts
dealing d6 damage)
Appearing; 1 or 2
Large brown eagle flies overhead, its cries charged
with electrical static.
(4) Giant Millipede (3HD, surprises part 2 in 6, d6
bite, constricts d4 damage)
Appearing 1 or 2
Giant millipede likes to constrict people while
biting others. Nearly silent while moving.
(5) Crystal Men (2 HD, get +2 vs magic and spell
saves, d6 crystal spears)
Appearing; 1d6
Roll reactions when encountered.
Good- Crystal Men gladly trade their crystal
weapons for [5] and [14] (stats as normal weapons,
but immune to rusting and magnets)
Neutral- Willing to trade if prompted, but will
only trade a single crystal weapon.
Bad- Attack if they sense the party has crystals on
them, which they want to take by force.
(6) Mad Dwarf (2HD, immune to mental magic,
becomes enraged if surronded gaining +1 to hit
and damage)
Appearing; 1
If injured, will limp and try to return to [11], he
carries one random piece of dwarf-corpse
equipment. Roll on [11] table for which.
| textdata/thevault/System neutral/Tables & Charts/Encounters/Fantasy/In the Wilderrness/Dragon Infested Mountains Encouners & Wandering Monsters.pdf |
1. Garry Thorton
Stary wyga wszelkiego rodzaju wyścigów, specjalista od dużych imprez. Aż cud, że jeszcze nie
wkręcił się do Ligi - widocznie za bardzo lubi jeździć. Facet ma taki zwyczaj - siada przed
wyścigiem na masce swojego Pontiaca, zapala fajkę i ironicznym uśmieszkiem ogląda sobie
krzątaninę młodych. Garry ma może z sześćdziesiąt lat, to stary, siwiejący piernik. Nie odzy-
wa się prawie w ogóle, tylko siedzi i wypuszcza kółka dymu spod sumiastych wąsów. Ten
spokój utrzymuje się również w czasie wyścigu - niewielu znajdziesz kierowców tak rozważ-
nych i odpowiedzialnych jak Thorton.
Numer w
Numer w
Numer w
Numer w
Numer wozu za
ozu za
ozu za
ozu za
ozu zaw
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
-30 -20 0 -30 -10 -50 0 +10
Kary od pancerzy +10 +15 +15 +15 +15 +25
Maksymalna prędkość 120 100 90 120 100 150 90 80
Przyspieszenie 40 40 30 40 40 50 40 30
Hamulce 40 40 40 40 40 30 40 40
Sprawność 18 15 13 16 13 19 17 15
Wytrzymałość 13 13 15 14 13 12 13 15
Pancerze L-boki L-przód L-przód L-przód L-przód C-przód
i boki i boki i boki i boki L-boki
PP 7 4 3 5 4 5 5 4
ZR 12 13 14 13 11 12 13 12
CHAR. 17 16 8 15 9 8 14 13
Aktualna prędkość
Gadżety M-turbo D-turbo D-turbo M-turbo M-turbo D-Turbo
intercool. Nitro Nitro Kolce
Kolce . . ZasłonaD
ośmioro wspaniałych
Wszystkie wozy, oprócz wozu Kelly,ego, mają wypełnione opony
wypełnione opony
wypełnione opony
wypełnione opony
wypełnione opony.
Stojący J
y J
y J
y J
y Jeż
eż posiada na wyposażeniu Większe krucze stop
Większe krucze stop
Większe krucze stop
Większe krucze stop
Większe krucze stopyyyyy, które oprócz szansy na przebi-
cie nie wypełnionych opon zadają Lekkie obrażenia w koła.
Specjalna zasada dla Reinholda Kelly
Specjalna zasada dla Reinholda Kelly
Specjalna zasada dla Reinholda Kelly
Specjalna zasada dla Reinholda Kelly
Specjalna zasada dla Reinholda Kelly,,,,,eeeeegggggo
o - jeśli jego wóz otrzyma Lekkie uszkodzenie, od
razu wycofuje się z wyścigu i zjeżdża na bok.
2. Johnny Żelazna Stopa
Nie poznałeś jeszcze Johnnego? Facet ma nie-
spełna dwadzieścia lat - taki mały, wesoły blon-
dasek - a już doczekał się własnej legendy.
Gość pochodzi z Apallachów - kiedy wędrował
do Detroit, zmutowany niedźwiedź odgryzł mu
nogę. Nie wiem ile prawdy w tej historii, ale
Johnny znalazł opuszczony szpital, sam so-
bie założył opatrunek a po jakimś czasie do-
robił do kikuta protezę. Wyjął nogę od szpi-
talnego łóżka, dostosował do kolana i doszedł
na tym nad Wielkie Jeziora. Dzisiaj ma nor-
malną protezę i nieźle sobie z nią radzi w
trakcie wyścigów. Nie to, żeby był czempio-
nem, ale nie jest nigdy ostatni. Johnny jeź-
dzi samizdatem. Najwięcej chyba w tym
wszystkim Forda.
3. Stojący Jeż
Stojący Jeż to palant - facet twierdzi, że jest
półkrwi Indianinem, chociaż dobrze znałem
jego ojca, emigranta z Tajwanu. Jeż wymy-
ślił sobie jakieś kretyńsko brzmiące imię ple-
mienne - coś z żelaznym drągiem chyba - i
kazał się tak nazywać. Nie wiem z jakiego
powodu skończyło się na Stojącym Jeżu. Może
dlatego, że tak ciężki przypadek kretyna nie
może się nazywać inaczej? Gostek jeździ jak
wariat i uwielbia wyrzucać z samochodu prze-
szkadzajki - krucze stopy, nabijane kolcami
taśmy itp. Może stąd wziął się ten Jeż? Jak
przystało na idiotę Jeż jeździ Jugo. Nie py-
4. Edith
Nikt nie wie jak ma na nazwisko i nikogo
raczej to nie obchodzi, podobnie jak jej fran-
cuski akcent i blizny na lewym policzku. Ta
niepozorna brunetka nie raz sprawiła niespo-
dziankę kibicom wyścigów i jeśli miałbym
nazwać kogoś czarnym koniem, to właśnie ją.
I nie tylko ze względu na malunek zdobiący
drzwi i maskę Toyoty Corolli. Edith obchodzą
tylko zwycięstwa, nie spodziewaj się z jej stro-
ny fair-play. Oczekuj zamiast tego częstego
taranowania, zajeżdżania drogi i podobnych
incydentów. Każdy w Detroit miał z tą dziew-
czyną jakieś przejścia na trasie, ale w grun-
cie rzeczy nikt na nią nie psioczy. Jakoś tak
5. Adam Smith
Wuj Adam, albo jak go czasem nazywają dzie-
ciaki Łysy Sukinsyn z Utah, to doświadczo-
ny kierowca, z tym że olewus. Jakoś nigdy
nie potrafi wykorzystać nadarzającej się
okazji i wygrać jak przystało na weterana
szos. Zawsze ma jakąś wymówkę - a to „łeb
mnie nawalał”, a to „nawierzchnia była wil-
gotna”, dosłownie maruda jakich mało. Pew-
nie nikt by się nie interesował tymi tłuma-
czeniami, gdyby nie powszechna sympatia,
jaką otoczony jest ten czterdziestolatek. Je-
śli masz ochotę odpocząć od zgiełku i prędko-
ści Detroit, łapiesz Wuja Adama za rękaw,
bierzesz do knajpy i słuchasz dykteryjek.
Wszystko to marudne, ale do upicia się na
smutno w sam raz.
Adam Smith jeździ starym UM, tak samo
upierdliwym jak właściciel.
6. Reinhold Kelly
Facet jest absolutnym przeciętniakiem. Ale
stary, jakie on ma auto! Lotus Clio - nie wiem
czy jakiś egzemplarz przetrwał jeszcze woj-
nę, bo to był absolutny prototyp. Ten Lotus
to kabriolet, czerwony, chromowany gdzienie-
gdzie, facet pieści go praktycznie przez cały
czas. Nawet gdyby nie był takim przeciętnia-
kiem i tak nie wygrałby żadnego wyścigu, bo
szkoda byłoby mu zarysować wozu. Do tego
samochodu ciągną pielgrzymki, a i ja, kiedy
mam zły dzień, siadam sobie na kamieniu i
patrzę jak Reinhold pucuje lusterko. Odjazd.
7. Delta Bravo
Powinieneś poznać tego rudzielca. To miłośnicz-
ka japońskich komiksów i kreskówek z Kró-
likiem Bugsem. Znasz to powiedzonko Króli-
ka - „delta bravo, śmigło w prawo”. Takie ha-
sła sprzedawała ta panienka kierowcom, kie-
dy jeszcze była pilotem. Nienawidzili jej za
to, ale kochali ją za żywiołowość i ultra-rado-
sny sposób bycia. Ksywka przylgnęła - jako
kierowca Delta Bravo radzi sobie całkowicie
nieźle, a cenić trzeba ją tym bardziej, że jeź-
dzi żółtym Volkswagenem Garbusem, wyma-
lowanym w postacie rodem z mangi. Czymś
takim trudno wygrać, ale jej się udaje. Kie-
dyś zająłem drugie miejsce - zapytała „Whats
up doc?”. Kiedyś ją uduszę.
8. Burt Lowell
Facetowi wydaje się, że jest Supermanem i
coś w tym jest. Wygląda jak dwutonowy cię-
żarek, nosi się na czerwono i niebiesko i jeź-
dzi taką dziwną furgonetką o trudnej do zi-
dentyfikowania marce. Ma na tym samocho-
dzie kilogramy pancerza i takie małe lufciki,
przez które i tak nigdy nie patrzy. Lepiej
przepuścić takiego na drodze i mieć go z przo-
du. Burt jest całkiem w porządku - potrafi
czasem przywalić i to solidnie i to bez powo-
du, ale w zasadzie to swój gość. Nie ptak, nie
samolot, tylko pieprzona lokomotywa na tra-
sie wyścigu.
ośmioro wspaniałych
| textdata/thevault/Neuroshima [PL]/Neuroshima wyscig - 8_wspanialych_do_wyscigu.pdf |
The Invisible War – Spies, Ambassadors and Espionage in the Old
An Unofficial Supplement for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
Design and Writing: Janos Honkonen
Proofreading and Editing: Susi Vaasjoki
Edition I (29.3.2007)
Contact: janos(a)iki.fi
Games Workshop, the Games Workshop logo, Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, the Warhammer fantasy Roleplay logo,
Black Industries, Black Inudstries logo, BL Publishing,the BL publishing logo and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, char-
acters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer world are either ®, TM and/or © Copyright Games
Workshop Ltd 2000-2007, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge
to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.
All material found in this supplement is unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Ltd.
The Table of Contents
Espionage in the Old World....................................................................................................................................... 2
The Spy Networks and Their Masters ................................................................................................................... 3
New Advanced Career: Spy Masters ....................................................................................................................... 4
The Spies of the Old World ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Types of Spies ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
The Grey College.................................................................................................................................................... 6
Ambassadors................................................................................................................................................................. 7
New Advanced Career: Ambassadors ...................................................................................................................... 8
The Missions............................................................................................................................................................... 9
Types of Missions................................................................................................................................................... 9
Ciphers and Codes ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
Hiding and Obfuscating Messages........................................................................................................................ 11
Types of Ciphers................................................................................................................................................... 12
Ciphers in the Game.............................................................................................................................................. 13
Rules for Ciphering and Deciphering.................................................................................................................. 14
Cracking Ciphers................................................................................................................................................... 15
Creating Ciphers ................................................................................................................................................... 15
Ciphers vs. Secret Signs and Languages................................................................................................................ 16
Cryptographic Devices.............................................................................................................................................. 17
Cipher Disks.......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Invisible Inks ......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Leonardo’s Complotto-machines.......................................................................................................................... 18
Complotto-machines in the Old World .............................................................................................................. 19
Adventure Hooks....................................................................................................................................................... 20
Sources & Further Reading....................................................................................................................................... 21
The Empire at War
Even through the most peaceful eras of its existence
the Empire has been waging a constant war unseen and
unnoticed by the vast majority of its citizens – a war of
espionage, intrigue and diplomacy. This invisible war
has both a domestic and international dimension.
Every country in the Old World has spies in the
prominent courts and trading centres of the other na-
The Empire is relatively isolated from its neighbours
by the Grey and Black Mountains. Although the Em-
pire is a unified country on the Imperial maps and the
sermons of Sigmarite priests, in reality it’s a loose
commonwealth of small states, which share the same
language. There are numerous small wars being waged
between the provinces or their noble families. The no-
ble families, from the lowliest hedge-knights to Elec-
tors, do their best to come up with excuses for annex-
ing each others’ territories and fortunes without draw-
ing the attention of their betters. It takes a strong and
determined Emperor to keep the constant bickering
and power-play of Electors and lesser nobility from
erupting into a major conflict, which might very well
splinter the whole Empire into small, autonomous
principalities. This was a process that was well on its
way at the time of the Incursion of Chaos, and only
interrupted when Magnus the Pious appeared just in
time to rally the provinces against a common enemy.
Espionage in the Old World
"Pf-hah! Tilean integrity! If you walk into a room with five Verezzoan courtiers, four of them are spies from other
cities and the fifth one is spying for local criminals!"
- The last official statement of Imperial Ambassador Adalhard von Stimmingen to the Merchant Prince of Verezzo
The two hotbeds of espionage in the Old World are
Tilea and Marienburg. The latter has a high concentra-
tion of spies mainly because it’s an active port and a
trading centre. It is said that Tilea is the birthplace of
diplomacy and espionage, which was practiced while
people of the Empire were still solving their grudges
with battleaxes. Tilea is made up of a collection of
autonomous city states run by Merchant Princes, each
of whom are constantly bickering with their
neighbours. Every city state is rife with spies and
agents of the other city states, not to mention the crime
syndicates and other domestic groups out for trouble,
wealth, power, or all of the previous.
In the Empire there are two areas where espionage and
conspiracy abound: Reikland and Averland. Reikland
is the richest and most sophisticated province, which
also hosts the Emperor's court, so it is an obvious tar-
get for spies both foreign and domestic. Averland is a
different matter. After the death of Elector Count
Marius Leitdorf the province has become a private bat-
tleground for the Leitdorf and Alptraum families.
Combined with the infighting of the noble families,
Averland has turned into a free-for-all battleground for
espionage and conspiracy. The province is a very good
place to start for all those shady characters seeking a
career in espionage.
Espionage by other races either doesn't affect humans
at all or uses them as its instruments. Elves and
dwarves have their own operations against dark elves
and chaos dwarves, of which the human civilizations
are only vaguely aware. Espionage between dwarves
and elves uses humans as intermediaries, since the ob-
vious physical differences make any attempts at infil-
tration and subterfuge impossible. Halflings are a curi-
ous factor in the espionage community. They make an
excellent (although at times unreliable) informants and
snitches, but only as long as the money is good. The
only thing they get passionate about is the existence,
security and integrity of the Moot. This is a cause that
unites even the most apolitical halflings into one large
family, whose roots are in the Moot. Whenever a po-
litical situation has a potential to affect the Moot, most
prudent politicians become acutely aware of the activi-
ties of halflings in their staff.
The Spy Networks and Their Masters
In the highest ranks of nobility a well functioning – or
at least existing – spy network is practically a neces-
sity. Often the intrigues and plots of Chaos cults are
dwarfed in both scope and complexity by the machina-
tions of the power hungry nobility. They are certainly
a more common and immediate threat in the everyday
life of nobility than Chaos. All too often the mortal
desire for power and the intrigues of Chaos get inter-
It goes without saying that the Emperor has a vast spy
network at his disposal – or actually two. The Emperor
can rely on a network of mundane spies and theoreti-
cally he can also rely on the Grey College of Magic.
The latter is a two-edged sword for the Emperor, as in
reality no-one really controls the College but the Col-
lege itself. All the Elector Counts have their own spy
networks and most of the nobility under them have at
least some way of gathering intelligence.
A noble is extremely rarely the leader and organizer of
their own spy network. Most members of the nobility
are too wrapped up in court intrigue, ruling their es-
tates or just attending parties and hunting trips to deal
with base matters such as spying. Every spy network
has a central organizer, a spy master. It is not a title
that is actually used in the Old World. There is no pro-
fession or a government rank called "spy master",
there are only very efficient members of the govern-
ment who tend know more than their peers. Most de
facto spymasters would be gravely offended at being
called such, instead of by their proper title, unless it’s
done in jest between friends and equals.
A spy master is usually a person relatively high in the
regional bureaucracy and close to the ruler. He may be
a close advisor of the ruler, a minister of state, the
royal secretary, the court priest or even a Magister.
The common factor is that spy masters are very inti-
mately connected with the everyday running of the
realm, but also in a high enough position to wield ac-
tual political and social power. Spy masters commonly
have a few trusted lieutenants who deal with most of
the actual informants, especially the low level ones,
unless the spy master has an exceptionally hands-on
approach to his profession.
––– New Advanced Career: Spy Masters –––
Spy Masters are the leaders and organizers of spy net-
works. Spy Master is not an official post or a title: most
Spy Masters lead normal lives as high ranking officials in
the government or in some other prestigious position with
connections both to high society and to the everyday run-
ning of the realm. Calling someone Spy Master is deroga-
tory, and rarely said out aloud. Spy Masters has several
trusted lieutenants who handle most of the actual clandes-
tine business, leaving Spy Masters to organize the big
picture. This means that the actual work Spy Masters do
is not necessarily very physical. It consists mainly of
plotting and organizing, analyzing data, planning opera-
tions and communicating with lieutenants, politicians and
an occasional enemy agent. Some Spy Masters have
more of a hand-on approach, especially in the less sophis-
ticated areas, such as the northern and eastern parts of the
Empire and the Border Princes. Often Spy Masters like
that have a martial or even criminal background.
––– Spy Master Advance Scheme –––
Main Profile
+25% +25% +30%
Secondary Profile
Skills: Charm, Command, Intimidate, Gossip, Secret
Language (any two), Secret Signs (any two), Speak
Language (any three), Academic Knowledge (Ci-
phers), Academic Knowledge (any one) or Streetwise,
Common Knowledge (any two), Perception,
Talents: Etiquette, Dealmaker, Schemer, Linguistics,
Suave or Menacing, Super Numerate or Seasoned
Traveller, Sixth Sense
Trappings: A spy network with at least two lieuten-
ants and five spies, a high position in a government,
church, cult or criminal organization.
Career Entries: Spy, Courtier, Crime Lord, Politi-
cian, Noble Lord, Guild Master, Wizard (any level),
Priest (any level), Ambassador, Envoy
Career Exits: Spy, Courtier, Crime Lord, Ambassa-
dor, Guild Master, Demagogue, Noble, Noble Lord
Merchant, Envoy, Politician
The Spies of the Old World
For the vast majority of spies in the Old World spying
is more of an one-off assignment or a side job than a
career. Most of them are not even called spies and they
don't necessarily think that what they do is spying, es-
pecially in the most basic levels of information gather-
A spy can be just about anybody who is in a situation
enabling them to get information considered useful by
the spy master. This can be a friendly merchant, a low-
life who happens to work in the right warehouse, or a
teamster who happens to cart the beer to the right
manor, etc. People who are in the right place at the
right time – from the spy master's point of view – get a
visit from people who ask them for a small favour for
a person in a high standing (whose name is often left
unmentioned, but hinted at). Sometimes it is indeed a
simple favour which the prospective spy is happy to do,
sometimes a paid assignment, sometimes blatant
blackmail. This, of course, offers the GM a very easy
way to involve the characters in any espionage related
scenario. After all, it's not wise to refuse a clandestine
offer originating from an Elector Count…
Types of Spies
The following are the typical classes and types of spies
in the Old World:
Snitches: Snitches are low level informants, who are
given the task of keeping their ears open, either gener-
ally or about a certain subject. Snitches are usually
found in cities, where they hang around docks, markets,
taverns and other places where a lot of people congre-
gate. They are usually paid in brass or silver for any
interesting titbit of information they gather. Most of
what they discover is meaningless street gossip, but
sometimes snitches turn up valuable information by
hanging around the right mercenaries, merchants,
squires or high nobility's servants.
Informants: Informants are like snitches, except they
are higher in the society. An informant can be a mer-
chant, academic, priest or even a noble who is sympa-
thetic to the spy master or his lord and who is in a
situation, which makes him privy to information that is
not readily available for the spy master. Informants
might be paid for what they do, but quite often they
send their information for free, or for some purpose
grander than simple monetary gain. They can be a
supporter of the same political block or religion as the
spy master's lord, and by helping him they help their
own cause at the same time.
Professional spies: Professional spies can be dark sin-
ister figures, flamboyant nobles, cold professionals,
masters of disguise, or anything from the more
romanticized lore of espionage. Professional spies are
characters who follow the Spy-profession as described
in WFRP. They are often a spy master's lieutenants
who organize the practical aspects of the spy network,
such as getting to know the lay of the land, recruiting
people and handling difficult operations which can't be
trusted to just anybody. Professional spies walk a thin
line. Most attach themselves to one master, which of
course carries a risk of falling with the lord or lady.
Serving many masters at once is the most dangerous
thing one can do – although the money is good, com-
ing from many purses, there are equally many people
whose secrets you are privy to, and consequently
equally many people willing to silence you if things
turn bad. Most professional spies serve one lord or
lady at a time and switch allegiances only when the
situation becomes unbearable. This doesn't prevent
them from doing assignments on the side, provided
that they don't compromise their lord's agenda.
The Coerced: Sometimes people are flat out coerced,
intimidated or blackmailed to act as spies or double
agents. Many low level spies who fall into this cate-
gory are criminals who are given a choice: get a
chance to earn some money and get a better life, or go
to the jail or worse. Sometimes the mission involves
going to a jail as per the sentenced and getting to know
prisoners who are known to be involved in bigger
schemes and to gain their trust. The payout from this
might be more lenient treatment in the prison, or per-
haps a promise of a new life when they get out, in the
form of money, a job or a farm. A special breed of co-
erced spies are enemy agents, who are usually impris-
oned, tortured and then given a choice – act as a dou-
ble agent or suffer a death sentence by hanging till half
dead, drawing and quartering.
The Disaffected and the Zealots: In any given situa-
tion you can find people in any country and area, who
are unhappy with the current rulers and their govern-
ment. Depending on the strength of their conviction,
these disaffected people can be coerced or bribed to
take a more active role in changing things. Sometimes
they might even volunteer their services. Zealots are a
very dangerous but sometimes very effective type of
spy. On one hand they can be very impulsive and hard
to control, but then again you'll never find a person
who's more willing to risk his life for the cause, even
going on obvious suicide missions. A common trait
with the disaffected and the zealots is their patriotism
and loyalty to their country, city or religion. They don't
see themselves as spies or traitors to their country, but
rather as freedom fighters who aim to overthrow an
unjust government.
The Grey College
"But what in the end is the Emperor but the coachman and what are the Elector Counts but the wheels of the
coach. It is not our mission to see that the driver is fed at the expense of maintaining the wheels, nor that the
wheels are oiled and fitted with new rims while the driver goes hungry or the horses are ill cared for. It is our mis-
sion to see that the whole coach runs smoothly and no rot of the wood and no rot of the mind hampers its pro-
- Agilwardus Kercher, the second Magister Patriarch
The spy network of the Grey College of Magic is an
institution no other human civilization in the Old
World has. On the surface this sounds like the Empire
should be the dominant power of espionage with its
magical spies, who can alter peoples' perceptions and
slip unseen into even the most secure places. It's too
bad for the Emperor, Electors, the major churches and
other power blocks that the Grey Seers steadfastly re-
fuse to play in their power games, occasionally even
oppose them directly.
As written in Tome of Sorcery, in theory Grey Seers
are legally responsible to the Emperor, but in practice
no-one is really in control of their actions but the Col-
lege itself. The agenda of the College is to protect the
Empire against the threat of Chaos from the inside.
They are expressly forbidden by the College rules to
take part in the personal political struggles of the Elec-
tors and lesser nobility, in order not to destabilize the
Since spy networks tend to consist of shady characters,
it's inevitable that most networks have members who
have some kind of connection with Chaos worshippers
and cultists. If a spy network turns too powerful and
gets involved in Chaos worship or with proscribed
cults, the Grey College might do some pruning. In ex-
treme cases a spymaster can find half his network
mysteriously eliminated overnight by parties unknown,
whose stealth, accuracy and efficiency were almost
“What are the specifics of your mission in here, you ask? Why, you bribe, steal, plot, lie and spy as much as you
can while trying to keep your family from starving at home!"
- Grand Ambassador Burgolf von Stimmingen instructing his young successor
Ambassadors are a special breed, somewhere in be-
tween a spy, a spy master and a politician. Most of the
nations and important city-states of the Old World
strive to have a resident ambassador in the capitals of
their relevant neighbours. Within the Empire, all the
provinces have a resident plenipotentiary or represen-
tative in the Emperor’s court and the courts of their
most important neighbours.
An ambassador's post is thankless. The pay is meagre
and the ambassador is supposed to maintain his house-
hold and pay the wages of his retinue. The latter usu-
ally includes a steward who often acts also as his sec-
retary, a cook, a master of guard, a priest and some-
times a physician. Often the ambassador has to pay
bribes from his own pocket and then try to requisition
the money from his lord. In addition an ambassador is
expected to entertain important people regularly,
throwing lavish parties. It's not uncommon for an am-
bassadorial assignment to ruin the poor man finan-
cially. The most coveted Ambassadorial position is
that of Ulthuan, the most feared that of Arabya. Only
few ambassadors survive the trip over the Black
Mountains, Border Princes and the Black Gulf, which
is just a prelude to the dangers of Arabyan politics.
An ambassador's job involves lying, spying, stealing
and bribing, often quite shamelessly. Bribing is quite
often a standard procedure, an accepted and traditional
part of doing politics. In addition to negotiating pacts
and agreements and advocating agendas, gathering and
relaying information that is important to his home
country or lord is an important part of ambassador's
job. This is quite often flat out espionage. The ambas-
sador himself is often under close scrutiny, especially
if the political situation is tense, so he has to use his
underlings to get things done. In practice an ambassa-
dor has local a spy network of his own.
An ambassador's retinue has one of more members
who are versed with the latest innovations in ciphering
and spiriting messages out of the country. In theory
ambassadorial mail is protected by diplomatic immu-
nity, but in practise most ambassadorial mail is rou-
tinely intercepted, read, withheld and sometimes al-
tered by the host, if it suits their political agenda. Be-
cause of this, all but the most trivial of ambassadorial
mail is sent in cipher. Tampering with the mail is an
unspoken fact, but openly accusing the host of reading
ambassadorial mail can lead to various outcomes, de-
pending on the circumstances. It can be used as a pre-
text for war or breaking an alliance or a contract, or the
complaint might be ignored, ridiculed or buried in bu-
An ambassador can be accused of spying when it is
politically suitable and the case is clear cut. Imprison-
ing or executing an ambassador is equal to a declara-
tion of war, so usually only the actual perpetrators are
punished and the ambassador is banished from the
realm, perhaps after a period of home arrest. Of course,
on his way home, the ambassador can be set upon by a
group of highwaymen, pirates or Beastmen…
––– New Advanced Career: Ambassadors –––
Ambassadors are the representatives of rulers and their
realm in foreign countries and courts. Their mission is to
represent their lord's interests abroad and also relay news
and sensitive information back home. An Ambassador
may be a plenipotentiary invested with the full authority
of his lord to make deals and to negotiate, or he may be
just a representative who can only follow specific orders.
An Ambassador has to pay for upkeep of his house and
his staff, which usually takes more than the Ambassador's
pay. The Ambassador might receive regular funds for re-
cruiting spies and informers, but at least some of their
pay comes from his own purse. Additionally he has to
entertain prominent people and shower the relevant offi-
cials with bribes. All of this takes a lot of money. There-
fore collecting bribes is a major source of income for
Ambassadors. The work Ambassadors do can also be
physically taxing because of the all the travel, foreign
diseases and social activities, such as hunting trips.
Sometimes the trip to the target country or province may
be fraught with peril. For example only two out of three
Imperial Ambassadors arrive in Arabya alive, though not
necessarily in good health.
––– Ambassador Advance Scheme –––
Main Profile
+20% +20% +25%
Secondary Profile
Skills: Charm, Blather, Gossip, Speak Language (any
four), Academic Knowledge (Ciphers), Academic
Knowledge (Heraldry), Academic Knowledge (any
one) or Gamble, Common Knowledge (The ambassa-
dor's home region), Common Knowledge (any two),
Perception, Read/Write, Intimidate or Consume Al-
Talents: Etiquette, Dealmaker, Schemer, Linguistics,
Suave, Seasoned Traveller, Luck or Resistance to Poi-
son, Public Speaking
Trappings: A retinue consisting of a Steward, a Ser-
vant (cook), a Bodyguard/Watchman and a Priest or
an Initiate, an ambassadorial post granted by a ruler
of the realm.
Career Entries: Spy, Courtier, Politician, Noble, No-
ble Lord, Guild Master, Wizard (any level), Priest
(any level), Spy Master
Career Exits: Spy, Courtier, Spy Master, Guild Mas-
ter, Demagogue, Noble, Noble Lord Merchant, Crime
Lord, Politician
The Missions
"So, this is my plan. First I have a little chat with Father Germund, who is relaying the usurper's messages to his
father in his cell in The Tower of Altdorf. The message is hidden in the bookmarks of his prayer books. The
usurper pays Germund well, but I know some things about the good Father's past that are better than a barrel of
Karls to get his attention. So, I get him to show the message before he delivers it, I copy it and deliver it to you and
your cipher-readers, my lord. Yes, I know how he gets the reply out. The father throws the message from his cell
window to a honey wagon driver called Fynn, who takes it out to the courier, who then rides to Talabheim. The
courier is a different person every time, so it complicates the situation. I guess silver will make Fynn slow down his
rounds a bit, so you'll get an hour or two to inspect the reply and alter it as you please, my lord."
- Leon Einaugen, a lieutenant to His Lordship ––––, the humble servant of His High Majesty, The Grand Prince
and Protector of ––––, etc. the Elector Count of ––––.
Most spy masters work autonomously, getting explicit
approval from their lord or lady only for the most dras-
tic operations. In a sense the spy network is like any
part of the government, working in the interest of the
ruler and the realm. The ruler is mostly interested in
the bottom line, the results the spy network produces.
Often it's only good that the ruler doesn't know every
detail of every operation.
The spy master chooses suitable lieutenants to handle
the practical details of the operation, only rarely in-
volving himself in the actual missions. The only situa-
tions where most spy masters like to get involved per-
sonally are high-level interrogations and coercions.
Most high-level spy masters are known by the con-
spirators and agents of the other side, so their presence
adds a lot of weight to the "negotiations".
Types of Missions
Spying is not just sneaking into peoples' studies, steal-
ing scrolls and slipping poison into enemies' goblets.
The following are the most common types of missions:
Information gathering: News travel extremely slowly
in the Old World. If Altdorf burned down or the Em-
peror died, it would take a week for the information to
reach every important city in the Empire, carried by
messenger pigeons and couriers who would leave a
trail or dead and exhausted horses. It would take at
least an additional week for the information to reach
the heads of the neighbouring states, probably two.
Most news travels across the Empire and over the bor-
ders in a matter of months, relayed by merchants, sail-
ors and other folk whose trade involves travelling.
Most of Old World spying would be called "news" in
the modern world. Information gathering is mostly
done by ambassadors and people sympathetic to the
spy master or his lord. They send letters with informa-
tion of the latest notable events, such as noble births or
deaths, major crimes, disasters, civil unrest or jubila-
tion, whatever they deem to be interesting and mean-
ingful. In a world where news travels at the speed of
the fastest horse and the most motivated and lucky
messenger, relaying information like this is invaluable.
Information gathering can also be pretty straightfor-
ward scouting and military intelligence: determining
the amount of men, guns and ships the enemy has and
relaying the information back home.
Sedition and Sabotage: It is common to build up un-
rest by sending Agitators and Demagogues to enemy
territory to incite unrest. This is often done with libels,
short flyer-like texts, which are easily distributed, very
polemic and usually offensive to the point of being
treasonous. A printing press is still relatively hard to
come by and printers are very careful of what they
print to protect their reputation and livelihood. It's very
dangerous to presume that the libels can be printed in
the target territory. Usually libels are printed in ad-
vance and smuggled to the target area.
Assassination: The vast majority of successful assas-
sinations are suicide attacks. The conspirators have to
find someone who is fanatical or crazy enough to do
the deed and who doesn’t mind losing his life in the
process – not to mention the days or weeks of torture
which might precede it. Assassins who make a point of
surviving the deed are a rare, respected and wanted
breed. The handfuls of people who can do this repeat-
edly end up as more or less legendary figures, who
might be known by their nom de guerre or a calling
card they leave with their victims. They are the charac-
ters who follow the WFRP career Assassin.
Infiltration and Recruiting: Most of the important
courts of the Old World are swarming with spies, who
may be anything from nobles to the lowliest servants.
Infiltration and recruiting go hand in hand. Sometimes
the spy is the infiltrator, sometimes he has to find a
suitable person, who can be introduced to the target's
household, court, academic circle etc. This can be a
dissatisfied or badly indebted nobleman, who can visit
the target without suspicion, a commoner who is a
member of the target’s staff, a prospective employee
or a member of the target's preferred sex, whose mis-
sion is one of seduction. Often the task of the spy is to
find and recruit smugglers who can spirit in libels,
agents, spies or agitators.
Stealing and intercepting documents: Most govern-
ments in the Old World don't have a centralized ar-
chive of documents. Instead, every minister or other
functionary keeps all the contracts, letters and other
paperwork relevant to his work at his house. Some-
times the documents are stored in multiple locations, at
times even abroad. Often these documents are the only
proof of a contract, or they might contain information
about the agents or ciphers used in other missions.
An average spy can steal a document, a good spy can
read it without the owner noticing it, but it takes a
great spy to steal, alter and return a document without
the courier, sender and recipient noticing that anything
is amiss. Generally a spy can't do everything by him-
self, so he has to bribe, hire and blackmail other people
to work for him. If the courier himself is above bribery
or coercion, he might get drugged by a bribed inn-
keeper, after which the message is stolen and returned
in the dark of the night with the courier none the wiser.
A spy may have to hire a forger of documents, an an-
other forger who can open, close and copy seals, and if
he's not adept in ciphers and secret signs himself,
someone to check for invisible ink and other ways of
marking letters as genuine. The most important mes-
sages might be sealed in a large locked chest too big to
carry away or maybe a lead pipe which is welded shut.
All these are complications which require experts and
special talent – such as the player characters.
Ciphers and Codes
"If you know that an enemy has cracked your cipher, do not abandon it. Use it instead to send some unimportant
despatches, which do no harm if they are intercepted by the enemy. Use good, solid ciphers for important informa-
tion, but then again – if you are sure that no harm will come from it, send some solid information unciphered and
some with a cracked cipher. Don't forget to also send complete nonsense using all kinds of ciphers. If you do this
correctly, the opposition will go crazy trying to distinguish important messages from diversions."
- Imperial Plenipotentiary Hannes Herbort Kempster von Delbertz
Most of the intelligence relayed by spies and agents is
not transmitted as a plain letter or document which
anybody can read, but enciphered and often carefully
concealed. In a world where only a small minority can
read and write fluently and comfortably, ciphers tend
to be very simple by the modern day standards.
Practically all ciphers used by spies are simple substi-
tution systems, where each letter is replaced by an-
other one, or by a symbol. When spaces are omitted in
between the words, this makes most ciphers incompre-
hensible to the vast majority of literate people of the
Old World. The state of the art is much higher, espe-
cially in Araby, Tilea and Ulthuan. Advanced ciphers
are very rarely used in ordinary espionage and intrigue.
Spy masters are not necessarily masters of ciphering
and deciphering themselves, so they employ people
who are. Knowledge of ciphers is a dangerous thing to
confess, unless you are an academic, a priest, a Magis-
ter or involved in the workings of the government.
Otherwise, if you are caught in possession of enci-
phered texts or evidence of knowledge of ciphering
techniques, you better have a very good explanation
ready. Apart from the government, churches, Colleges
and the academics, the only people who are adept at
ciphering are enemy agents and Chaos cults. In a
world where reading and writing is a half-mystical
skill for most of the inhabitants, written text is consid-
ered to hold a lot of power. The ability to hide mes-
sages in written text is often seen as suspect and a kind
of magic – and not the barely tolerated kind.
Hiding and Obfuscating Messages
“Sir, we finally found the message the courier was carrying! No, we didn’t get him to confess. A… how you say…
a real tough bugger, that one. Kept his silence right up to the end. But this you want to hear, sir. It looks like they
shaved him, tattooed the darned message on his skin and let the hair grow back! …his head? Why would I bring
his… Oh. Sir, they didn't shave the hair on his head...”
- Mercenary Captain Clodio de Roussillion , back from interrogating an enemy agent
There are two approaches to hiding a message: enci-
phering and steganography. Enciphering means mak-
ing the text hard to understand, steganography makes
it hard to notice. In practice enciphering a text means
encrypting it, steganography means hiding it somehow,
for example in another text or picture, which seems
innocent in itself.
Ciphers are the stereotypical secret writing. An enci-
phered message is readily seen to be such: a nonsensi-
cal jumble of letters, words or weird symbols. Every
cipher has a key, which is used in both enciphering the
text and deciphering it. Usually it's a document listing
the relationships in between real letters and words and
the codes used in the cipher: A=5, B=G, D=9, Tod-
bringer=15, The Emperor=99. Each cipher is like a
different language and each key is useful for only one
cipher, unless someone was stupid enough to use parts
of an old cipher in a new one.
Whereas enciphering is very technical, involving com-
plicated systems of symbols, steganography can be
very physical. A message can be carved on wood and
covered with wax, which the recipient melts away. The
message can be relayed by placing a piece of string
over lines of text in a book and marking the places of
the letters that spell out the message on the string with
ink or knots. To a casual observer it's just a piece of
string, but the recipient, provided that he has the same
book, can align the string with the copy of the book
and read the message. The same system can be used by
making holes to a sheet of wood or paper. When the
sheet is placed on a certain page of a certain book, the
holes reveal certain letters or words, which spell out
the message. A message can be written with invisible
ink in between the lines of a completely innocent letter,
or it might be even tattooed in the body of the messen-
Messages can be hidden in musical scores by using
notes to denote letters. The notes might look authentic
and innocent, but when played, they don't make any
sense. The truly masterful can write music based ci-
phers which can be actually played.
Types of Ciphers
"It is ridiculous, the ciphers the Imperial officials use. They are not fit but for cattle herds and fishwives and
thieves' cants! Just last month I heard the Grand Prince of ––––– brag that none but the Lords of Chaos can read
his ciphers. But, for a fact I know that his silly scribblings have been studied and archived in the churches of
Verena and the Court of the Emperor for nigh fifteen years. As a matter of fact, I have deciphered them myself for
the last five years, for the greater glory of Sigmar. I have tried to get the Imperial court's cipherers to consider
using this ingenious cipher I have uncovered by my studies of 20th century Arabyan writings, but Father, they are
insistent of staying in their old ways. I am despairing, my Holy Highness."
- Herdeinus Telfair, The Professor of Arabyan and Nehekharan Studies
Every cipher is unique, but they can be divided into
three types: simple, common and advanced. This level
of complexity determines how long it takes to crack or
create the cipher. Each cipher has also a Skill Test dif-
ficulty level associated with it. The relevant skill,
Academic Knowledge (Ciphers), is described in
Rules for Ciphering and Deciphering. The difficulty
of the Skill Test is determined when creating the ci-
pher, so one Common cipher may require an Average
difficulty Skill Test to crack, a slightly better one a
Hard one, and so forth. If ciphers were weapons, the
complexity would indicate if you are dealing with a
sling, a bow or a blunderbuss, and the associated diffi-
culty level indicates the craftsmanship of the weapon.
Simple cipher (Routine +10): This is the most basic
form of a cipher, where every letter of every word is
substituted with another letter or a symbol, which is
always the same. Additionally the spaces in between
the words often remain, or are visible from the text. A
Simple cipher is completely incomprehensible to an
average Old World reader, but a reasonably smart aca-
demic, cleric or Magister will solve it in an afternoon.
Common cipher (Average +0% – Hard -20%): This
type of substitution cipher is the most commonly used
way of keeping important political documents from
prying eyes. There are far better systems, but ciphers
of this level are just hard enough to crack and just easy
enough to use to be practical. In this system, sentences
are written without spaces in between the words, some
letters can be written with more than one symbol, and
some symbols denote whole words. Typically names
of people and places are replaced by symbols, along
with some common words (the, and, what, who) and
some very revealing words (The Emperor, The Grand
Theogonist, Tzeentch, etc.). Without a key, the mean-
ing of these symbols has to be deduced from the con-
text. Some common ciphers use several simple substi-
tution alphabets at the same time, changing from one
to another for example every five letters.
Advanced cipher (Very Hard -30%): Advanced ci-
phers are virtually unknown in the Empire, but they
are known and occasionally used in Araby, Tilea and
by the High Elves. Advanced ciphers have multiple
layers of obfuscation. They may be simple or common
ciphers, which are written in a strange way. And ex-
ample of an advanced cipher is writing a common ci-
pher in the form of a square of letters. The text is writ-
ten vertically, the first line from the top to the bottom,
the second one from the bottom to the top, and so forth.
If the message doesn't form a nice cube, the rest of the
space is filled with random letters. After this all the
horizontal lines are combined in one continuous line.
For example, the sentence “This evening we will meet
by the old oak” would be enciphered as follows. Start
reading down from the top left corner, up the next col-
umn and so forth.
Since the letters don't form a nice five by five square,
the rest of the space is filled by nonsense letters H, T,
Y and W. When this is done, the horizontal lines are
written together, resulting in a cipher, which is very
hard to analyze:
The last step is to substitute the letters with symbols.
Ciphers in the Game
To avoid confusion about what ciphers the players
have cracked or have the key to, every cipher should
be named or identified in some other way. Deciphering
messages by hand is methodical, time consuming and
deathly dull business, so it doesn't really offer a lot of
material for role-playing. If the players like solving
puzzles, the GM could have them crack a message us-
ing a simple substitution by hand. To make it easy, the
GM could reveal the players a few words or letters and
maybe hint that certain words are probably used in the
message. Quite often it's better for the flow of the
game to handle ciphering and deciphering messages
with a Skill Test.
Spotting hidden messages and devising ways to do it
can offer a lot of fun for the players. If the GM likes
manufacturing props, such as letters, the knotted string
and book based message (see Hiding and Obfuscat-
ing Messages) could be a great thing to give to the
players to solve. Alternatively hiding and discovering
a message can be a simple Opposed Skill Test between
the Academic Knowledge (Ciphers) skills of the
sender and the reader. In some cases the person who is
trying to find a hidden message can use his Search
skill instead (with GM's permission).
A great way to give players something to think about
is to use messages with a lot of code words. A secret
message can be disguised as for example a shipping
manifest, where "a delivery of 400 chicken" means
that 400 enemies have died in battle, the word "har-
bourmaster" could mean the enemy commander, and
so on. Cracking codes like this is much more fun and
rewarding for the players than letter-based puzzles,
which ciphers tend to be.
Although it would be realistic for every suspicious let-
ter and document to be written in cipher, the GM must
be careful not to overuse ciphers in the game. If every
letter and note cultists and criminals lose is written in
cipher which the characters can't read, it will get old
very fast. If used sparingly ciphers will retain their
atmosphere of mystery and high intrigue.
Rules for Ciphering and Deciphering
"Hello mate! I got it, now pick up your lute and we'll try this out. If we get this right, no-one will understand the
messages we send, you'll just come to the tavern and play me a little song! Sooo... This says that you should use
this hex-eh-gourd system, bugger me if I know what that means. Then there's a whole bunch of those musical
notes of yours and rules. If you play a note called Alamire and Colfaut next to each other, it's the letter A, and
Cfaut and Gsolreut, it's like G, and so on. Here, try it out. Play my name! …oh bugger, that sounds awful! Are
you sure you can play that thing?"
- Wecelo Schyuler, a Nulnian conman
Most of the situations that require ciphering and deci-
phering messages or devising new ciphers is handled
by the following new skill:
New Skill: Academic Knowledge (Ciphers)
Skill Type: Advanced
Characteristic: Intelligence
Description: This skill encompasses the knowledge of
how to hide messages from prying eyes and how
to cipher and decipher them. This skill can only
be taken if the character can read and write. It is
available to all the careers with the skill option
Academic Knowledge (any one/two/etc.). It is
added to list of available skills for Assassins,
Crime Lords, Cult Acolytes and Magi (ToC pp.
67–77) Envoys, Heralds, Spies, Politicians,
Warlocks (ToS p. 131). Noble Lords can take
this skill as an alternative to History or Strat-
egy/Tactics, Demagogues as an alternative to
Law and Witch Hunters as an alternative to
Academic Knowledge (Necromancy).
Related Talent: Super Numerate grants +10% bonus
to Academic Knowledge (Ciphers) Skill Tests
made to create or crack a cipher.
You can assume that everybody with the skill Aca-
demic Knowledge (Ciphers) and access to the cipher
key can automatically read and write a message using
a cipher. A person without the skill, who has an access
to the cipher key and who can read and write fluently,
has to succeed in a Read/Write-test with difficulty
level appropriate to the cipher. Every degree that the
Skill Test is missed means that one fifth of the mes-
sage is garbled or misunderstood – either words or let-
ters, depending on how meticulous the GM feels.
If speed is of the essence, the basic rate of reading
Simple and Common ciphers using a key is three
words per minute and writing two words per minute.
With an Advanced cipher the reading and writing rate
is one word per minute. A character who is reading or
writing a cipher in a hurry has to make a Skill Test us-
ing his Academic Knowledge (Ciphers) skill or half
of his Read/Write skill, modified by the difficulty of
the cipher. Every degree of success adds one word to
the reading and writing rate per minute. Every degree
the Skill Test is missed also adds one word to the read-
ing and writing rate, but additionally it garbles one
fifth of the message (either the handwriting is illegible
or the cipher was misapplied).
A person can learn a Simple cipher alphabet by heart,
after which he doesn't need the key or any Skill Tests
to read and write messages using the cipher. He can
read and write it as well as any normal text. A charac-
ter has to study and practice the cipher for 2d10 hours,
after which he can roll an Intelligence Test. If the Test
is passed, the character has learned the cipher in ques-
tion by heart, if it fails, the character has to study it for
another d10 hours before making the Test again. If it's
not used in a long time, it will be forgotten eventually.
On GM's discretion the time spent reading and writing
letters that use the cipher can count as studying.
Cracking Ciphers
"Bahh, is this what the Grand Theogonist calls a cipher nowadays. This is just a simple substitution cipher, A’s
for B’s and so on. I have no doubt I have this message deciphered to you by... say, dinnertime?"
- Theodosius Hahn, Magister and the Master of Ciphers of the College of Light
When the characters run across an enciphered text they
can't read, they may try to crack the code instead of
trying to obtain the key. As pointed out earlier, Simple
ciphers can be given for the players to crack by hand.
More complex ciphers take a lot of work, and for vast
majority of players puzzling over them will be an ex-
tremely efficient way to suck the fun out of the game.
Usually it's better to have the characters crack ciphers
with a Skill Test.
A character has to study the ciphered text for some
time before he can make an Academic Knowledge
(Ciphers) Skill Test modified by the difficulty of the
cipher. The time required depends on the complexity
of the cipher. Simple ciphers have to be studied for
d10 hours, Common ciphers for 2d10 weeks and Ad-
vanced ciphers for 2d10 months (or much longer at
GM's discretion) before the Skill Test can be made.
Common and Advanced ciphers have to be studied
eight hours per day on the average, but the study time
doesn't have to be uninterrupted.
After the time has passed, the character has reached a
potential breakthrough and he may make the Skill Test.
If the Test is a success, the character has figured out
the key and he can use to it read and write the cipher.
If it's a failure, the character has to study the cipher for
another period of time, the length of which is rolled
according to the complexity of the cipher, before he
can try the Skill Test again. A GM may limit the
amount of Skill Tests per cipher to three, after which
the character has to gain another +10 advancement to
his skill before he can try again.
Since Common and Advanced ciphers have symbols
that denote whole words, some of them may be impos-
sible to deduce from the context. This decision is left
for the GM. Having documents mention mysterious
unidentified people, whose identities the characters
have to figure out, has great potential for role-playing.
Note about realism: In role-playing games ciphers and
encryption tend to be very fast to crack. In the real
world some medieval ciphers resisted the efforts of
pre-computer era cryptographers for centuries before
being cracked. Such time spans are beyond the scope
of most campaigns and scenarios – even 2d10 weeks
might be pushing it. The times given this article are
intended to be long enough to make hunting for the
cipher keys a very tempting idea – which leads to
much more interesting play than a Skill Test – but
short enough that the players might consider doing it
the hard and boring way.
Creating Ciphers
Creating a cipher requires a successful Academic
Knowledge (Ciphers) Skill Test. First the character
has to decide the complexity of the cipher he's creating.
A Simple cipher takes d10/2 hours to create and a
Common one takes d10 days. Creating an Advanced
cipher requires an Intelligence score of 50 or more
and it takes d10 weeks to perfect. Usually only those
characters who are Academics, Magisters or familiar
with Arabyan or High Elf cultures can come up with
an Advanced cipher. In the end this is up to the GM.
The difficulty level for the Skill Test is Routine (+10%)
for a Simple cipher, Average (-0%) for a Common ci-
pher and Hard (-20%) for an Advanced cipher.
If the character gained two degrees of success or more
when creating a Simple cipher, he has succeeded ex-
ceptionally well and he has actually created a Common
cipher with a difficulty level of Average – unless, of
course, he was intentionally creating a weak cipher.
When creating a Common cipher a successful Skill
Test means an Average (-0%) difficulty cipher has
been created. Two degrees of success results in a Chal-
lenging (-10%) cipher and four degrees in a Hard (-
20%) cipher. The more successful the Skill Test, the
more difficult the resulting cipher is to crack.
Kurt wants to create a Common cipher. He rolls d10
and gets a 4, so creating the cipher takes four days.
Kurt's Intelligence is 48. He makes an Academic
Knowledge (Ciphers) Skill Test and rolls 21, getting
two degrees of success. He has created a Common ci-
pher, which takes a Challenging (–10%) Skill Test to
If the Skill Test fails, the character was either unable
to come up with a cipher or his cipher has a flaw that
makes it easy to crack – whichever result the GM likes
more. A flawed cipher appears to be strong, but when
it is being cracked, the cipher is treated as one com-
plexity level lower (Common becomes Simple, Ad-
vanced becomes Common). A flawed Simple cipher is
very easy to crack. The difficulty of the Skill Test is
Very Easy (+30%) and it takes only 3d10 minutes to
crack it.
Although it’s relatively easy to come up with a new
cipher, they are surprisingly rarely changed. Deliver-
ing the cipher keys to spies and agents and teaching
everybody the new cipher is risky and such a hassle,
that it's usually done only for a very good reason. Usu-
ally there has to be evidence or a very strong suspicion
that the cipher has been compromised.
Ciphers vs. Secret Signs and Languages
Is there anything in common between ciphers and secret
signs and languages? Usually not a thing. Secret Signs
are mostly just that – signs, icons and pictograms, which
can be carved on a tree, doorframe or a dead enemy's
chest. Secret Languages on the other hand are spoken
communication. They may consist of code words and
expressions hidden in an innocent sounding sentence or
they can be cants like pig latin which sound complete
and obvious nonsense to those who don't know them.
Ciphers on the other hand are a mathematical or sym-
bolic systems used to hide a message written in another
language. You can of course write down a message in
thieves' cant and cipher it, which is how some high level
members of some of thieves' guilds handle their com-
Cryptographic Devices
Cipher Disks
Some ciphers use simple or complex devices, such as
cipher disks, which make ciphers stronger or easier to
change. A cipher disk consists of two disks, one a bit
smaller than another, attached in the middle so they
can rotate around a common axis. The ordinary alpha-
bet is written on the rim of one of the disks, the corre-
sponding codes on the rim of the other, so that the let-
ters and the corresponding symbols line up next to
each other. Rotating the disks changes the symbols
that correspond with each letter. Cipher disks are cut-
ting edge technology in the Empire and most other
human cultures.
Essentially a cipher disk is just a cipher key, but one
which can be easily changed. The sender and recipient
might initially agree that for the first message the disks
should be aligned so that the letter A corresponds with
number one, B with two and so on. If the code is com-
promised, the sender could add a secret symbol to the
beginning of the message, which tells the recipient to
rotate one of the disks five positions clockwise. In the
new code the letter A would correspond with the num-
ber five, B with number six and so on. When using ci-
pher disks, a different cipher can be used for every
message without penalties. The ciphers have to be
cracked one by one.
Ordinary cipher disks can contain only a Simple ci-
phers, which are created as described in Creating Ci-
phers. Designing a Common cipher that can be used
with a Cipher makes the difficulty of the Skill Test
Very Hard (-30%). If the Skill Test fails, the character
just couldn't come up with a Common cipher that
could be used with a cipher disk.
Manufacturing the disk requires a successful Trade
(Woodworking, Smith, Goldsmith, etc.) -roll de-
pending on the materials.
By studying cracked ciphers created with the disk, it's
possible to deduce the order of symbols and letters on
the disks and make a copy of the device. The person
trying to figure out how the disk is made needs at least
two cracked ciphers that are created with it. Figuring
out how the disk is made requires a successful Aca-
demic Knowledge (Ciphers) Skill Test and takes d10
days. The difficulty level when using two ciphers is
Very Hard (–30%), but for each additional cracked ci-
pher the difficulty falls by one, until it becomes Rou-
tine (+10%). If the Skill Test is a success, the deci-
pherer has figured out how the disk is made and he can
make a copy of it. After this he can decipher messages
created with it as if he had the key.
Invisible Inks
There are several known methods of making invisible
inks, which require chemicals, heat or other factors to
become visible again. For simplicity's sake the skill
Academic Knowledge (Ciphers) encompasses both
the knowledge about invisible inks and the skill to cre-
ate and detect them. If you want more realism, you
might require that the character has also the skill
Trade (Apothecary), or that he has an access to such
person, especially when manufacturing the ink. In any
case, inventing, manufacturing and detecting an invisi-
ble ink requires Apothecary's tools and suitable ingre-
dients. The quality (i.e. availability) of the ingredients
is determined by the inventor of the ink. The person
who's trying to detect the ink has to buy ingredients of
an equal level of availability – you can't detect a mes-
sage written with Rare ingredients by experimenting
with Abundant ingredients. Abundant–Plentiful ingre-
dients cost 3d10 pennies, Common–Average 3d10
shillings and Scarce–Very Rare 2d10 GC per a dose of
ink, which is good for about 10 pages of text.
Inventing a new type of invisible ink requires ingredi-
ents and a successful Academic Knowledge (Ciphers)
Skill Test. The creator of the ink has to decide the
method used in making the message visible again. It
might be dousing it with a certain chemical (such as
water, fruit juice or something far more complicated),
applying heat or leaving the message in sunlight. The
Skill Test to detect the ink is an Opposed one, so note
the degree of success of the Skill Test made when in-
venting the ink. Once the ink is invented, anybody who
has access to the formula can manufacture it by acquir-
ing the ingredients and succeeding in an Academic
Knowledge (Ciphers) or a Trade (Apotechary) Skill
If the Skill Test made to invent an ink is a failure, the
formula is faulty and one fifth per degree of failure of
any message written using it becomes unreadable to
the recipient. On GM's discretion the message might
become visible by itself during transport or fail to ap-
pear at all. If the manufacturing roll fails, this applies
only to the currently manufactured dose of the ink.
Because of these effects, GM might want to make the
Skill Tests for inventing and manufacturing inks in
If the recipient of the message knows the procedure to
make the message visible again, he can do it automati-
cally by acquiring the relevant ingredients. Supplies
are not needed if the method is heat, light, or some
other non-chemical factor. You can assume that the
recipient has an automatic access to enough of most
Abundant–Average ingredients to make the ink visible
pretty much anywhere – although it might be fun to
make the characters try and find fresh lemon juice in
middle of the winter or cow urine during an Electoral
feast to read their urgent orders.
If the recipient doesn't know what kind of ink was used,
he must experiment with different methods, using in-
gredients of the same availability or rarer than were
used when inventing the ink. If the character doesn't
know how sophisticated the ingredients were, he just
has to guess. Revealing a hidden ink requires an Op-
posed Academic Knowledge (Ciphers) Skill Test
against the inventor of the ink. If the Skill Test is a
success and the ingredients used were of the same
level or rarer than those used in making the ink, the ink
is made visible. If the ingredients were more common,
the message fails to appear. If the Skill Test is a failure,
every degree it was missed by destroys a cumulative
one fifth of the message. The character can make as
many attempts as he wishes. So, if two Skill Tests
were made and one was missed by two degrees and the
other by three degrees, the whole message is unread-
Note about realism: Using the availability of ingredi-
ents as the main factor in determining how to detect
invisible inks is an abstraction made to simplify the
game. If the GM feels meticulous enough, he can use
specific ingredients, he might decide that an ink de-
signed to respond to lemon juice will respond to vine-
gar and other mildly acidic substances, and so on.
Leonardo’s Complotto-machines
There are few real cryptographic machines in the Old
World. The best known of them being Leonardo da
Miragliano’s Complotto machines, whose code has
thus far defied all attempts at deciphering. They were
Leonardo’s only foray in designing cryptographic sys-
tems, one which he invented to amuse himself while
recuperating from an accident involving a siege ma-
chine he was building. Leonardo drew up plans for a
machine which could encipher and decipher messages
written in the Tilean alphabet. While Leonardo slept, a
servant stole the schematics and sold them on the
black market.
The schematics made their way to a dwarf engineer
called Brokk Brasseye. The only thing greater than
Brokk’s skill in devising ingenious and complicated
traps was his irreverence towards anything he saw as
being conservative. As can be imagined, this didn’t sit
well with his elders in the Vaults. Brokk was consid-
ered insane by his fellow dwarfs and his continuous
clashes with this elders resulted in him being banished
from the realm, after which he settled down in the
Border Princes. Most of Brokk's human friends think
he’s a bit too high strung, manic, and a little too enthu-
siastic about things designed to slice, puncture, hack
and dissolve living beings.
When Brokk came across to the Complotto schematics,
he immediately saw the potential in them. After years
of trying he managed to build six of them and include
a little twist of his own. Brokk was worried that if
someone could study the inner workings of the ma-
chines, their secrets of their ciphers might be revealed.
He decided to seal the machines by welding shut their
casings and to equip the mechanism with a clever
spring based trap, which would send all the dozens of
gears flying if the casing was somehow opened. Of
course, he couldn't resist adding a few nasty traps to
each of the machines.
Complottos are very easy to operate. You type a mes-
sage by choosing a letter with a knob that has the al-
phabet of the Tilean language and pulling a lever after
each one. The end result is a printed page of gibberish,
but if you input the letters one by one into another
Complotto together with a sheet of paper, the result is
an understandable message. Leonardo was probably
never aware that his ciphering machines were built.
Most likely he forgot all about them, since Complottos
are never mentioned in his writings. Their design how-
ever is unquestionably his, with Brokk's inscriptions
on the machines serving as further proof: “Built by
Master Engineer Brokk Brasseye, following the sche-
matics of one Leonardo da Miragliano”.
Complotto-machines in the Old World
Brokk managed to sell three of the machines to the
Tilean princes before being waylaid by bandits, who
killed him and sold the machines along with his other
cargo to merchants, fences and adventurers. Currently
the whereabouts of four machines are known. One of
them is in the possession of the Emperor, the second is
in the court of the Merchant Prince of Miragliano and
the third one resides in the Light College of Magic.
The Emperor and the Light College encrypt their most
critical messages with the Complotto. The machine is
not used in everyday communication for several rea-
sons. The most important is the fact that no-one knows
how they really work and who is in possession of the
missing machines. After a thorough investigation the
machines owned by the Emperor and the College of
Light don't seem to be tainted by Chaos, or contain
magic of any kind. But, of course, Chaos is devious.
Also if the machines broke down, it's doubtful that
anyone could fix them. The existence of Brokk's traps
is well known to most scholars familiar with Complot-
The fourth Complotto is in the dwarfhold of Karaz-a-
Karak, in the court of the High King. The existence of
the machine is known to the Emperor and certain high
officials of the government. Unknown to everybody
but the High King and his closest advisors, the ma-
chine has been broken for close to a decade. The for-
mer teacher of Brasseye was confident that he could
unravel the machine's secrets. His attempts to open the
machine led into him being blinded in one eye by an
acid trap and him triggering the spring trap, which
spread the gears, pinions, balances and springs all over
his workshop. He has tried to reassemble the system
for the last decade, without success.
Adventure Hooks
Espionage and diplomacy are two themes all too rarely
used in Warhammer adventures. There are several
ways the characters can get involved in adventures
where sword and sorcery is secondary to political
Champions of Truth: The characters are strict adher-
ents of a certain religion, religious sect or a political
party. Their mission is to smuggle people, libels, agita-
tors and agents to the area oppressed by the other side.
They have to plan their approach carefully, bribe, lie
and steal, and ensure the safety of both themselves and
their cargo.
Counter-intelligence: The realm is swarming with
spies, seditionists and agitators. The characters have to
infiltrate their ranks, find and identify the ringleaders
and either bring them to justice or help to bring down
the whole network.
Assassination: The enemy has a powerful leader, who
is a masterful orator and a great warrior. The masses
love him and he has gained considerable influence
with the nobility The characters are sent to his realm
with a mission to seek out those who are unhappy with
the new leadership, find a suitable assassin or if their
conviction is strong enough, act against the enemy di-
Strangers in a strange land: One of the characters is
an ambassador and the others are members of his reti-
nue. They are sent into a hostile region, with a mission
to placate the enemy for long enough to ready war
preparations at home, to find out the strength of the
enemy, to contact other ambassadors and make secret
pacts and agreements, and so on. An important part of
the mission is to recruit suitable people and to create a
new spy network in the area.
Bring them down a notch: A rival province is getting
a bit too rich and powerful, united under one leader,
political block or church. There characters have to find
their way to their higher society and come up with a
way to sow unrest in their ranks by negotiations,
propaganda, shady deals and blackmail.
Intercepting a message: An enemy courier is known
to pass through a certain area. It's the mission of the
characters to figure out how to intercept the courier,
steal the message and replace it without anyone notic-
ing. The characters are encouraged to find and employ
help, most importantly forgers. Maybe there is a rival
group trying to do the same?
Sources & Further Reading
Sources for The Invisible War include:
James Westfall Thompson & Saul K. Padover: Secret Diplomacy – Espionage and Cryptography 1500–1815
Stephen Budiansky: Her Majesty's Spymaster
Numerous websites, including:
Medieval Cryptography: http://www.stringpage.com/other/crypto.html
A Cryptographic Compendium: http://www.quadibloc.com/crypto/jscrypt.htm
| textdata/thevault/Warhammer/Fantasy Roleplay/4e (C7)/Cato Contribution/Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay/2nd Edition/Homebrew & Fan Material/Black Industries/The Invisible War - Spies, Ambassadors and Espionage.pdf |
James Haeck
Kobold Press, Midgard, Open Design, and their associated logos are trademarks of Open Design.
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Open Game Content: The Open content in this book includes the new weapon statistics. No other portion
of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission.
© 2016 Open Design
Design: James J. Haeck
Additional Design: Wolfgang Baur
Editing: Scott Gable
Cover Art: Felipe Gaona
Interior Art: Marc Radle
Art Director & Graphic Design: Marc Radle
Publisher: Wolfgang Baur
A weapon is more than the damage it deals. In combat,
skilled warriors use their weapons to confuse, disorient,
and disadvantage their enemies before moving in for the
kill. Beyond Damage Dice offers unique maneuvers for
specific weapons from both the core Fifth Edition rules
and the Midgard Campaign Setting, giving them a distinct
impact on the battlefield.
Unless specified otherwise, any of the maneuvers in this
document can be used by any character as long as they
are wielding the appropriate weapon and are proficient
with it. If a maneuver requires a creature to make a saving
throw, the DC equals 8 + the attacker’s proficiency bonus
+ the attacker’s Strength or Dexterity modifier (attacker’s
choice). Unless specified, these maneuvers have only their
listed effect and don’t deal normal weapon damage.
Statistics for seven new weapons presented here can be
found on the table at the end of this document.
Arcing Slash. When you attack with a greatsword, you may
choose to target two creatures within your reach with
a single attack. This attack uses the same attack roll for
both targets and deals slashing damage equal to 1d6 plus
your Strength modifier to each target.
Grinding Halt. Whenever you must make a
Strength saving throw to avoid being moved
against your will, you can dig the blade of your
greatsword into the ground as a reaction. Roll
2d6 and add the number rolled to the saving
throw. If the effect pushing you does not
have a saving throw, you move 5 feet fewer.
Lock Blades. When a creature attacks you with a
weapon, you may use your reaction to attempt
to lock blades and parry their attack. Make
an attack roll with your longsword. You have
advantage on this roll if you are wielding your
longsword with two hands. If the result of this
roll equals or exceeds their attack roll, their
attack misses.
Short Draw. As an attack, you may draw a sheathed
one-handed sword and make an attack roll to
strike the enemy with its pommel, leaving the
target gasping for breath. This attack deals no
damage, but the next attack roll made against the
target has advantage. You must have at least one
hand free to take this action.
Main Gauche. While wielding both a rapier and a dagger,
you may use a reaction after being attacked to roll a d4
and add the result to your Armor Class until the end of
the attacker’s turn.
Lock Blades. When a creature attacks you with a weapon,
you may use your reaction to make an attack roll with
your rapier. If the result of this roll equals or exceeds
their attack roll, their attack misses.
Bloody Wound. When you hit a living creature
with a scimitar, you can choose to make
a superficial but bloody wound. The attack
deals no damage, but the target takes 1d6
slashing damage at the beginning of each of its
turns until it makes a DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine)
check as an action to stop the bleeding or until
it receives magical healing. A creature can have
only one bloody wound at a time.
Short Draw. As an attack, you may draw a sheathed
one-handed sword and make an attack roll to
strike the enemy with its pommel, leaving the
target gasping for breath. This attack deals no
damage, but the next attack roll made against
the target has advantage. You must have at least
one hand free to take this action.
Close Quarters Combat. When you successfully grapple
a creature or escape a grapple, you may make a single
attack with a short sword as a bonus action. Additionally,
whenever a creature fails to escape a grapple with you,
you may make a single attack with a short sword as a
Short Draw. As an attack, you may draw a sheathed one-
handed sword and make an attack roll to strike the
enemy with its pommel, leaving the target gasping for
breath. This attack deals no damage, but the next attack
roll made against the target has advantage. You must
have at least one hand free to take this action.
Crushing Blow. As an action, you can make a single attack
roll with your battleaxe against an armored or naturally
armored creature within 5 feet of you. If the attack hits,
the target’s AC is permanently reduced by 1 until its
armor is repaired, but cannot be reduced below 10 + the
target’s Dexterity modifier. This attack has no effect on
creatures with magical armor, unless your battleaxe is
also magical.
Disarming Parry. When a creature attacks you
with a weapon, you may use your reaction
to catch their weapon in your glaive’s hook
and disarm them. Make an attack roll with
your glaive. If the result of this roll equals or
exceeds their attack roll, their attack misses
and they must succeed on a Strength saving
throw or drop their weapon.
Trip. As an attack while you are wielding a
glaive, you may sweep your opponent’s legs in
an attempt to trip them. Make an attack roll
against a Large or smaller creature. If the attack
hits, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or
fall prone.
Rebuff. As an attack while you are wielding a halberd,
you may use the haft of your weapon to rebuff up
to two adjacent creatures. Make a single attack roll
against one or two adjacent creatures within 5 feet
of you. If the attack hits a target, you push it up to 10
feet away from you.
Trip. As an attack while you are wielding a halberd, you
may sweep your opponent’s legs in an attempt to trip
them. Make an attack roll against a Large or smaller
creature. If the attack hits, it must succeed on a
Strength saving throw or fall prone.
Charge. If you move at least 20 feet straight toward
a creature before hitting it with a lance attack, the
target takes an extra 1d12 piercing damage and must
make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, the
target falls prone.
Repel Charge. As an action, you can set your lance
against a charge. If a creature moves at least 20 feet
straight toward you and attacks you, you may use
your reaction to make an attack with your lance.
If this attack hits, it is an automatic critical hit and
the target must make a Strength saving throw. On
a failure, it falls prone and falls off its mount if it is
As it is a polearm, a pike-wielder always has access to the
disarming parry and trip maneuvers (see “Glaive”).
Phalanx. If you are adjacent to at least two other
pike-wielders, your pike attacks have advantage.
Repel Charge. As an action, you can set your pike against
a charge. If a creature moves at least 20 feet straight
toward you and attacks you, you may use your reaction
to make an attack with your pike before the attacker
makes its attack roll. If your attack hits, it is an
automatic critical hit, and the target has disadvantage on
its attack roll.
Vault. You can use your quarterstaff to help you leap long
distances. You can use an action to double the length of
your long jump, allowing you to leap a number of feet
up to twice your Strength score (this jump is part of your
movement). If you land adjacent to a creature at the
end of this jump, you can make a single attack with your
quarterstaff as part of this action.
Pin. As an action, make an attack roll against a Medium
creature you are grappling. If the attack hits, you catch
one of the target’s limbs between the tines and bury the
trident in the ground, restraining the creature until the
weapon is dislodged. The target may make a Strength or
Dexterity saving throw (their choice) at the end of each
of their turns to escape.
Disarming Parry. When a creature attacks you with a
weapon, you may use your reaction to catch their weapon
in your trident’s tines and disarm them. Make an attack
roll with your trident. If the result of this roll equals or
exceeds their attack roll, their attack misses and they
must succeed on a Strength saving throw or drop their
Other Polearms
Whether you’re wielding a fauchard, ranseur, or
Bohemian earspoon, you can always use the disarming
parry and trip maneuvers (see “Glaive”).
Improvised Clobber. If you are using an improvised weapon
that counts as a club, you may choose to strike with such
force that your weapon breaks. As an action, make a
single club attack. On a hit, this attack is an automatic
critical hit and your improvised club breaks.
Blackjack. Make a single attack roll with your club against
a humanoid target. If the attack hits, it does no damage,
but the target must make a Constitution saving throw or
be stunned until the beginning of its next turn.
Chain Garrote. While wielding a flail, you may attempt
to grapple a creature by looping the chain of your
flail around its neck. While grappled in this way, the
creature cannot speak, cannot breathe, and
has disadvantage on attack rolls against
you. If you surprised the creature with
this grapple, it cannot hold its breath
and immediately begins suffocating.
Creatures that you cannot grapple or do
not need to breathe are unaffected by
this maneuver.
Shield Snare. As an action while wielding
a flail, you may make a single attack
roll against a target carrying a shield
or a similar defensive tool. This
attack ignores any bonus to AC
granted by the shield and deals
normal weapon damage. If the
attack hits, the target must also make a Strength saving
throw. On a failure, its shield is pulled from its grip and
lands at its feet.
Hurling Impact. As an action, you can make a single attack
roll with your greatclub against a Medium or smaller
target. If the attack hits, it does normal weapon damage
and the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a
failure, the target is pushed up to 5 feet away from you.
On a critical hit, this attack does 2d8 extra damage and
the greatclub breaks.
Ribshatter. Make a single attack roll with your
greatclub against a humanoid target. This attack does
normal weapon damage and the target must make a
Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it is stunned
until the beginning of its next turn. If the damage you
dealt was greater than the creature’s maximum hit dice,
it is stunned until the end of its next turn.
Mace and Morningstar
Bruising Blow. As an action, make a
single attack roll with your mace or
morningstar against a living creature.
If the attack hits, it deals normal weapon
damage and the target must make a
Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the
target does not add its Dexterity modifier to
its AC until the end of your next turn or until
it is treated with a DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine)
Ribshatter. Make a single attack roll with your
mace or morningstar against a humanoid
target. This attack does normal weapon
damage and the target must make a
Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it is
stunned until the beginning of its next turn.
If the damage you dealt was greater than the
creature’s maximum hit dice, it is stunned
until the end of its next turn.
Crushing Blow. As an action, you can make a single attack
roll with your maul against an armored or naturally
armored creature. If the attack hits, the target’s AC is
permanently reduced by 1 until its armor is repaired, but
it cannot be reduced below 10 + the target’s Dexterity
modifier. This attack has no effect on creatures with
magical armor unless your maul is also magical.
Hurling Impact. As an action, you can make a single attack
roll with your maul against a Medium or smaller
target. If the attack hits, it does normal weapon
damage, and the target must make a Strength
saving throw. On a failure, the
target is pushed up to
15 feet away from you.
War Pick
Piercing Point. As an action, you may pinpoint a
weak point of an opponent’s armor and make a
single attack with your war pick against it. This
attack pierces armor, treating the target’s AC as
10 + their Dexterity modifier. On a hit, this attack
does normal weapon damage.
Trip. As an attack while you are wielding a war
pick, you may hook your opponent’s leg in an
attempt to trip them. Make an attack roll against
a Medium or Small creature. If the attack hits, it
must succeed on a Strength saving throw or fall
Bruising Blow. As an action, make a single attack
roll with your warhammer against a living
creature. If the attack hits, it deals normal
weapon damage, and the target must make
a Constitution saving throw. On a failure,
the target does not add its Dexterity modifier to its AC
until the end of your next turn or until it is treated with a
DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check.
Sundering Strike. As an attack, make an attack roll with
your warhammer against a creature wielding a weapon,
including natural weapons. If the attack hits, the weapon
is damaged, and all attacks made with this weapon have
disadvantage. Another sundering strike destroys the
weapon. This attack has no effect on magical weapons
unless your warhammer is also magical.
Bullwhip. As part of your attack action, make a whip attack
against a beast or a creature with an Intelligence score of
2 or lower. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw
or be frightened of you until the end of its next turn.
Snare. As part of your attack action, you may snap your
whip around a creature or its weapon. If you target the
weapon, the creature must make a Strength saving throw
or drop its weapon at its feet. If you target the creature,
it must make a Strength saving throw or be restrained.
It may repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its
turns. You cannot make whip attacks until the restrained
condition is ended.
These maneuvers can also be used with
dagger-like bladed throwing weapons such as
shuriken or kunai.
Pinning Point. When you make a melee or ranged
weapon attack with a dagger, you may attempt to
pin a Large or smaller creature to a wall or surface
by catching their clothing with the knife’s point.
This maneuver can be used against creatures
without clothing at the GM’s discretion. Make
an attack roll; if the attack hits, the target must
make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, the
target’s speed is reduced to zero until the dagger
is removed. The target can make another Strength
saving throw as an action on its turn.
Concealed Blade. Instead of making a Dexterity (Stealth)
check to hide yourself, you may make a Dexterity (Sleight
of Hand) check—contested by an active or passive
Wisdom (Perception) check—to conceal your dagger.
As an action, you may make a weapon attack with a
concealed dagger against a creature that has not yet acted
in combat. This attack has advantage.
Pinning Edge. When you make a melee or
ranged weapon attack with a hand axe,
you may attempt to pin a Large or smaller
creature to a wall or surface by catching
their clothing with the axe’s edge. This
maneuver can be used against creatures
without clothing at the GM’s discretion.
Make an attack roll; if the attack hits, the
target must make a Strength saving throw. On
a failure, the target’s speed is reduced to zero
until the axe is removed. The target can make
another Strength saving throw as an action on
its turn.
Fearsome Accuracy. As an attack, you may throw your
javelin at a creature at the very limit of your range.
Make an attack roll against a creature exactly 120 feet
away. If the attack hits, the creature takes normal damage
and must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the
creature becomes frightened of you for 1 minute.
Trip. As a melee weapon attack while you are wielding
a javelin, you may sweep your opponent’s legs in an
attempt to trip them. Make an attack roll against a Large
or smaller creature. If the attack hits, it must succeed on
a Strength saving throw or fall prone.
Light Hammer
Dazing Blow. As an action, you may make a
single ranged weapon attack with a light
hammer. If the attack hits, the target
must make a Constitution saving throw or
be incapacitated until the end of its next turn.
Sunder Joints. When you make a melee weapon
attack against a creature in medium or heavy
armor with a light hammer, you may choose
to damage the joints of their armor instead of
dealing damage to the creature. If the attack
hits, the creature’s movement is reduced by
10 feet until the end of their next turn. This
reduction is not cumulative.
Nets have the unique property, Ensnaring,
described below.
Ensnaring: A Large or smaller creature hit by a net
is restrained until it is freed. A net has no effect on
creatures that are formless, or creatures that are Huge
or larger. A creature can use its action to make a DC 10
Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within
its reach on a success. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the
net (AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it,
ending the effect and destroying the net.
Blinding Binds. Instead of restraining your foe, you may
instead wrap the thick cords of your net around a single
creature’s head. A Large or smaller creature hit by a
net when you use this maneuver is blinded but is not
restrained, until the net is removed.
Wing-Wrapping Net. Instead of restraining a flying
creature, you may entangle its wings in your net. A Huge
or smaller winged creature hit by a net when you use
this maneuver has its fly speed reduced to 0 (but is not
restrained) until the net is removed.
A blowgun has no specific maneuvers to use in combat,
but a character with a poisoner’s kit (50 gp) can spend a
short rest creating one of the following simple poisons.
Applying a poison to a blowgun dart is a bonus action, and
each vial of poison has 10 uses before it must be created
again. A poison’s effects are in addition to the 1 piercing
damage dealt by a blow dart.
Deathtoad Toxin. A creature hit by a dart coated with this
poison must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw.
On a failure, it takes 2d6 poison damage.
Chuul Ichor. A creature hit by a dart coated with this poison
must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a
failure, it is paralyzed until the beginning of its next turn.
Svirfneblin Wooziness Tonic. A creature hit by a dart coated
with this poison must make a DC 10 Constitution
saving throw. On a failure, it is poisoned until the end of
its next turn.
Composite Bow
The composite bow’s unique construction gives it an
incredibly heavy draw, making it usable only by the
strongest archers. Characters with Strength 14 or lower
have disadvantage on attacks made with a composite bow.
Power Shot. When you make an attack with a composite
bow, you may take a penalty on your attack roll equal to
your Strength modifier. This penalty must be applied
before the roll is made. If the attack hits, it deals
additional damage equal to twice your Strength modifier.
Staggering Shot. As an action while wielding a composite
bow, you may make a single ranged weapon attack. If
this attack hits, the enemy takes full weapon damage and
must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure,
the target’s speed is reduced to 0 until the end of its next
Heavy Crossbow and Light Crossbow
In campaign settings with firearms, these maneuvers can
also be used by a character who wields a rifle.
Shrapnel Shot. As an action, make a single attack with your
crossbow against an unattended object. The attack deals
double damage to the target. If the object is destroyed,
it explodes into a cloud of shrapnel. Choose one of the
following options:
• Creatures within 5 feet of the object must make a
Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d6 piercing damage
on a failure.
• A creature adjacent to the object must make a
Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature
is blinded until the beginning of your next turn.
Patient Shot. You carefully align your crossbow’s sights
over your target. As an action in a turn that you have not
moved, you may make a single
crossbow attack with advantage.
Hand Crossbow
In campaign settings with firearms, these maneuvers can
also be used by a character who wields a pistol.
Concealed Sidearm. Instead of making a Dexterity (Stealth)
check to hide yourself, you may make a Dexterity (Sleight
of Hand) check—contested by an active or passive
Wisdom (Perception) check—to conceal your hand
crossbow. As an action, you may make a weapon attack
with a concealed crossbow against a creature that has not
yet acted in combat. This attack has advantage.
Rapid Shot. You rapidly reload your hand crossbow,
throwing off your aim but allowing you to make an
additional attack this turn. As a bonus action, you
may reload your hand crossbow and make an attack
with it against a target within 30 feet. This attack has
Longbow and Shortbow
Pinning Shot. When you make an attack with a bow, you
may attempt to pin a Large or smaller creature to a wall
or surface by catching their clothing with the arrow’s
point. This maneuver can be used against creatures
without clothing at the GM’s discretion. Make an attack
roll; if the attack hits, the target must make a Strength
saving throw. On a failure, the target’s speed is reduced
to 0 until the arrow is removed. The target can make
another Strength saving throw as an action on its turn.
Distracting Shot. As an action, make a single attack with
your bow. You intentionally miss your target but give an
ally the chance to attack while it is distracted. The next
attack roll against the target has advantage if it is made
before the beginning of the target’s next turn.
Trick Shot. As an action, make a single stylish bow attack
with disadvantage. If the lower roll would also hit the
target, you automatically score a critical hit.
Underdog Strike. As an action, you may make a single
ranged weapon attack with your sling against a creature
at least 1 size category larger than you. This attack deals
normal weapon damage, and an extra 1d4 bludgeoning
damage per size category difference.
Headcrack. As an action, you may make a single ranged
weapon attack with your sling. If the attack hits, the
target must make a Constitution saving
throw or be stunned until the beginning
of its next turn.
Dwarven Tijino
The tijino poleaxe bears a long axe blade in
front, with a long, looping backhook designed
to unhorse riders. The tijino poleaxe has
reach. You can strike opponents 10 feet
away with it, but you cannot use it
against an adjacent foe. As a polearm,
tijino wielders can also use the
disarming parry and trip maneuvers (see
Unmount. As an action while wielding
a tijino, you may make a single attack
against a mounted creature. If the
attack hits, the target must make a
Strength saving throw. On a failure, the target
is dismounted and falls prone.
Nordmansch Greataxe
The nordmansch greataxe likely originated with
the foresters and lumberjacks of the Ordenn
forest, who found a way of making axe heads they
continue to keep secret. The nordmansch make more
axes than their woodsmen actually need.
The nordmansch greataxe is a two-handed weapon built
to sunder other weapons. Its edge is hardened especially
for this purpose, and its haft is likewise set with trapping
prongs to catch and hold a foe’s weapon. At the GM’s
discretion, typical greataxes may also use the sundering
strike maneuver.
Sundering Strike. As part of the attack action, make
a single attack roll with your nordmansch against a
creature wielding a weapon, including natural weapons.
If the attack hits, the weapon is damaged, and all attacks
made with this weapon have disadvantage. Another
sundering strike destroys the weapon. This attack has no
effect on magical weapons, unless your nordmansch is
also magical.
Disarming Parry. When a creature attacks you with a
weapon, you may use your reaction to catch their weapon
in your nordmansch’s prongs and disarm them. Make an
attack roll with your nordmansch. If the result of this roll
equals or exceeds their attack roll, their attack misses,
and they must succeed on a Strength saving throw or
drop their weapon.
Northlands Estoc
A hand-and-a-half sword designed to pierce
heavy armor and sharpened only on the tip, an
estoc is 4 feet long, sometimes with a second
crossguard. It is said to have been used first by
the knights of Vael Turog and Balinor against
the elves, but now is used by dwarven
mercenaries and human knights who
expect to fight other heavily armored
warriors. Its anti-armor properties make
it popular with monster hunters and dragon
slayers as well. Sometimes called the “tuck.”
The estoc also has the following special property.
Special: The estoc deals an additional 1d6
damage to creatures wearing heavy armor, or
naturally armored creatures with an AC of 16
or higher.
Armor-Piercing Thrust. As an action, you may
pinpoint a weak point of an opponent’s
armor and make a single attack with your
estoc against it. This attack pierces armor,
treating the target’s AC as 10 + their Dexterity
modifier. On a hit, this attack does normal
weapon damage, and does not deal the
additional damage granted by the estoc’s
special property (above).
Blunted Bash. Instead of dealing piercing
damage, you can choose to deal bludgeoning
damage by striking the target with the estoc’s
unsharpened blade. This attack’s damage die is
one size smaller than normal (1d4 if one-handed, 1d6 if
two-handed), and cannot benefit from the estoc’s special
property (below).
Rothenian Poniard
This longsword has a spring-loaded poniard concealed
in the hilt, which quickly extends when the hilt is gripped
in a particular way. It is particularly beloved by rogues, as
the concealed blade helps them sneak attack opponents
already locked in combat. Kariv of a crueler bent have been
known to poison the secondary blade.
Thanks to its hidden blade, the Rothenian poniard has
the following special ability:
Special: The larger blade is a versatile weapon, and the
secondary blade is a light weapon. You may make an
attack with the secondary blade as bonus action, as if
you were two-weapon fighting. Retracting the poniard
requires an action.
Hidden Poniard. If the poniard is still concealed within
your sword’s hilt, you may make a Dexterity (Sleight
of Hand) check opposed by a target creature’s Wisdom
(Perception) check. If you win this contest, you may
make a single attack roll with the concealed poniard
against that target. This attack has advantage.
Dikama (Fang Blade)
First crafted by the bronzesmiths of the Lion Kingdom of
Omphaya, the wicked dikama fang blade is shaped like a
serrated, oversized lion’s tooth.
Bloody Wound. When you hit a living creature with a
dikama, you can choose to make a superficial but bloody
wound. The attack deals no damage, but the target takes
1d6 slashing damage at the beginning of each of its turns
until it or another creature makes a DC 10 Wisdom
(Medicine) check as an action to stop the bleeding or
until it receives magical healing.
Serrated Twist. When you deal damage to a living creature
with a dikama (not including damage from the Bloody
Wound maneuver), you may twist the serrated blade as
a bonus action. The creature must make a Constitution
saving throw or take 2d4 slashing damage.
Nurian Hook
A Nurian hook is a 1-foot-long square shaft that ends in a
bronze hook with an arrow-shaped point at the pommel.
Embalmers and butchers use it to hang up corpses.
Disarming Parry. When a creature attacks you with a
weapon, you may use your reaction to catch their
weapon in your hook and disarm them. Make an attack
roll with your Nurian hook. If the result of this roll
equals or exceeds their attack roll, their attack misses
and they must succeed on a Strength saving throw or
drop their weapon.
Trip. As an attack while you are wielding a Nurian hook,
you may catch your opponent’s leg in an attempt to trip
them. Make an attack roll against a Medium or smaller
creature. If the attack hits, it must succeed on a Strength
saving throw or fall prone.
Scorpion Stiletto
Politics in the Mharoti Empire are a battlefield,
and not all wars there are won with words. The
scorpion stiletto appears as an ornate, ceremonial
knife, but its beauty distracts from the deadly
poison secreted within—the venom of the
Mharoti emerald scorpion. Though this knife
originated in the Dragon Empire, it is now
wielded by assassins and cutthroat politicians
throughout Midgard and the Southlands.
Other than the two properties described
below, the only difference between a standard
dagger and a scorpion stiletto is price. The stiletto
is a specialized assassination tool, so no one can
just walk into a shop and buy one. A purchaser
must either find a disreputable merchant who'll
sell one under the table or a disreputable smith
who'll make one to order. In either case, the price
must be negotiated. Any maneuver that can be used
with a dagger can also be used with a scorpion stiletto.
Concealed Blade. Instead of making a Dexterity (Stealth)
check to hide yourself, you may make a Dexterity
(Sleight of Hand) check—contested by an active or
passive Wisdom (Perception) check—to conceal your
stiletto. As an action, you may make a weapon attack
with a concealed dagger against a creature that has not
yet acted in combat. This attack has advantage.
Release Venom. A vial of venom can be loaded into the
handle of this stiletto. As a bonus action, you can press
the jewel on the dagger’s pommel to release the venom
into a groove on the blade. Any type of injury poison
can be loaded into the stiletto’s hidden chamber, but the
most common is emerald scorpion venom.
Emerald Scorpion Venom (Injury). A creature
subjected to this poison must make a DC 16
Constitution saving throw at the beginning of each of
its turns, taking 24 (7d6) poison damage on a failed
saving throw, or half as much on a successful one.
This poison lasts until the target succeeds on three
saving throws or is magically cured.
Nurian Hook
6 gp
1d6 piercing
6 lb.
Finesse, Light
See text
1d4 piercing
1 lb.
Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60)
10 gp
1d4 slashing
3 lb.
Dwarven Tijino
25 gp
2d4 piercing
12 lb.
Heavy, reach, two-handed
Nordmansch Greataxe
50 gp
1d12 slashing
8 lb.
Heavy, two-handed
Northlands Estoc
40 gp
1d6 piercing
3 lb.
Special, versatile (1d8)
Rothenian Poniard
100 gp
1d8 piercing/1d4 piercing
4 lb.
Special, versatile (1d10)
Composite Bow
100 gp
1d12 piercing
8 lb.
Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy,
special, two-handed
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast,
System Reference Document 5.0 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the
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Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R.
Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by
E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Beyond Damage Dice © 2016 Open Design; Author: James J. Haeck.
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| textdata/thevault/Living Greyhawk/Modules/Gran March/591/Normal Scenarios/GRM1-08 - Tears of Blood (APL 2-6)/GRM1-08 - Tears of Blood.pdf |
Cold War Games
Esponiage Genre Toolkit:
Cold War Games
page 2
A conflict so deadly that it could never be fought openly,
a Cold War is the perfect environment for a campaign.
Spies, technological innovation, arms races, veiled
hostility and proxy warfare dominate the stage as the Great
Powers struggle for dominance – and the players must
keep their wits about them to survive.
In this book, an enterprising GM will find suggestions,
mechanics, and tools to help them create their own cold
war, whether that be based upon the real-world event, or a
conflict of their own design.
Core Design of the
Cold War Games
Allegiance Option: Great
All players in a Cold War Games campaign must either
choose to have an allegiance to a Great Power, or can
choose to be active freelancers. A freelancer cannot
choose to take a Great Power Allegiance until they have
worked for that power consistently for 3 levels of experi-
A character who chooses an Allegiance to a Great Power
gains certain benefits and restrictions.
Benefit: All diplomacy checks made when dealing with
members of the same Great Power allegiance as the PC
gain a +3 situational bonus.
Restriction: All diplomacy checks made when dealing
with members of the Opposition Power suffer a -2 situ-
ational penalty.
Benefit: When within the Great Power’s Sphere of
Influence, a Player Character gains a +1 morale bonus to
all skill checks, attack rolls, and saving throws.
Restriction: When within the Opposition Power’s Sphere
of Influence, a Player Character suffers a -1 morale penalty
to all skill checks, attack rolls, and saving throws.
Wealth Benefits from an
The lifestyle of a Great Power agent is a lavish one.
Player characters who are sent on missions by Great
Powers can expect to have a lot of money thrown their
way to help pay for incidental charges which crop up over
the course of their assignment.
Any characters retain their own, regular wealth, but
the party also gains access to a ‘buying pool’ which is
intended to cover costs as they go about the mission.
This buying pool is set at the outset of the mission, to be
determined by material necessities. Generally, the buying
pool varies by the difficulty of the mission, and is shared
between all party members undertaking a mission. The
bonus remains the same for larger or smaller parties, as
individual items that would be purchased with it (plane
tickets, etc) only occasionally impact the buying pool’s
wealth bonus.
Buying Pool Guidelines
Mission CR average
Buying pool wealth bonus
As a rule, vehicles, gear, and other large-cost necessities
that are needed for a given mission will be requisitioned
and not paid for from this pool. Note that money in the
Buying Pool is considered separate from each character’s
own wealth bonus, and the two may not be combined in
any way (the bookkeeping is a nightmare, both real world
and in-game). At the end of the mission, the characters
will likely have to hand over any items purchased with
their Buying Pool.
Leaving a Power
A player character who wishes to cancel his Allegiance
to a Great Power is not in the best shape. He must make
a WILL save (DC equal to his character level +10) to
prevent being labeled as a criminal by the Great Power
he previously served. However, leaving a Great Power
has a chance of attracting some positive attention from an
Opposition Power – the character may roll a D20, adding
his character level and charisma modifier. If this result
exceeds 25, the PC can immediately switch his Allegiance
to the Opposition Power.
Designing the Great
In order for a Cold War to brew, you need at least two
powerful groups to act in opposition to one another. They
will be central to the campaign. But what are the natures
of these powers?
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A Cold War setting naturally takes on the aspects of the
Great Powers featured in the campaign, as they define the
setting. Because of this, the details of the Great Powers
should be hammered out – geography, government, and
agenda. Here, we provide a number of example basic
frameworks for states and political organizations to get
those creative juices flowing.
Example Powers
State Name: The Isolate
Description: From a geographically isolated region, such
as a mountain pass or island. The Isolate is highly tech-
nologically advanced as a consequence of developing
methods of dealing with their difficult environment. Their
physical isolation has fostered a somewhat xenophobic
culture. The Isolate’s goals surround acquiring additional
resources, as their own are limited by geographical factors.
Advantages: PCs hailing from the Isolate can access
mastercraft items for a purchase DC increase of only +1.
State Name: The Bloc
Description: A conglomerate of smaller states arranged
together in some form of political alliance or federa-
tion. The government has cracked down in order to exert
control over a highly diverse populace. The Bloc will
have uneven technical development, but will have massive
amounts of resources at their disposal. The Bloc is most
interested in regional stability and expansion.
Description: PCs hailing from the Bloc begin play with
2 additional languages, representing the diversity of their
State Name: The Old Empire
Description: The Old Empire has its roots in an ancient
civilization which has been naturally dominant in a region
for a long time. Tradition and technical development are
encouraged. The Old Empire is in a state of decline, and
is attempting to hold onto satellite states which are its
main source of resources.
Description: PCs hailing from the Old Empire gain a +2
competence bonus to diplomacy, intimidate, sense motive,
and bluff checks in highly formal or legalistic situation.
This reflects their knowledge of tradition.
State Name: The Ideologue
Description: A nation founded on a selection of prin-
ciples, the Ideologue is interested in spreading its way of
life, while at the same time naturally expanding its polit-
ical influence and wealth. The Ideologue State actively
interacts on many fields, and encourages others to adopt its
model, as such it has the most politically skilled populace.
Advantages: PCs hailing from the Ideologue State gain
a +1 situational bonus to all hit and damage rolls when
fighting to defend or advance their national cause.
The Conflict
There are several different options as to how to structure
the Great Powers, but the most important aspect of a Cold
War game is the nature of the conflict between them. In
essence, there are two different types of struggle which
are most effective for a Cold War setting – a Black and
White conflict, and a Shades of Grey one. These differing
methods have alternate rules particular to them.
Black and White
Having clearly defined roles such as a good/evil
dichotomy will likely push the campaign more towards
action. Why would this happen? Simply put, if the
players interpret their opposition as being basically evil,
then that opposition is a force to be fought as opposed
to an organization to parlay with. Dealing with such an
opponent through violence is more acceptable. This is
great for high-octane, battling spies and cinematic type
Game Elements for a
Black and White Campaign
In a campaign run in the black and white style, taking
action against the Opposition Power should be more
greatly rewarded than otherwise. High action should be
encouraged, which has the effect of allowing the PCs to
survive some spectacular events, and cause some them-
Character action or event: Critical hit scored against a
member of the opposition power
Effect/Modification: Character gains 1 action point
Character action or event: Player Character struck by a
potential critical hit
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Effect/Modification: Confirming the critical must hit an
AC 2 higher than normal
Character action or event: Player Character takes
massive damage
Effect/Modification: Check to avoid death by massive
damage gains a +4 bonus
Character action or event: Face off versus weaker oppo-
nents (ie ‘mooks’)
Effect/Modification:Mooks gain only 2 hps per die as
opposed to regular hit point advancement
Character action or event: Player Character scores a
critical hit
Effect/Modification: The regular damage multiplier for
the critical is increased by 1.
Shades of Grey
Here we have the polar opposite of the Black and White
campaign. In Shades of Grey, the Great Powers have more
blurry distinctions - each is a massive entity, but neither is
wholly right nor wrong. Blurring the roles and allowing
nuance in a Cold War games setting will allow for more
political maneuvering and exploration of motives. As the
Powers in Shades of Grey are more complicated and often
motivated by multiple purposes, the goals and desires of
the individual players and NPCs become more prominent
in determining a plot, so pick this option if you’re into
complex political machinations.
Game Elements for a
Shades of Grey Campaign
Diplomacy and consensus building are to be rewarded in a
Shades of Grey campaign. In this environment, the resolu-
tion of tension and conflict is essential.
Character action or Event: A Character is dealing with a
member of an opposed power in a diplomatic capacity
Effect/Modification: For each time dealing with that
particular NPC past the first, the PC gains a +1 cumula-
tive situational bonus to all diplomacy and sense motive
checks. This reflects an understanding being reached with
that NPC. The maximum bonus is +6.
Character action or Event: A Character makes a knowl-
edge check pertaining to history, politics, or local informa-
Effect/Modification: All such checks gain a +2 compe-
tence bonus. All characters in a Shades of Grey Campaign
are assumed to be trained and briefed for any situations
they may find themselves in.
Character action or Event: A Character resolves a major
tension or smoothes over a hostility
Effect/Modification: That character gains 2 action points.
Character action or Event: Character needs to speak a
different language
Effect/Modification: All PCs in a Shades of Grey
Campaign are assumed to be fluent in the primary
languages of all great powers unless otherwise noted by
the GM.
Elements of the
Cold War Struggle
Spies and Espionage
As the stakes of a cold war are very high (utter destruc-
tion), open conflict is limited and tightly controlled.
Instead of conventional warfare, key battles are fought
through access to information and proxies, with each side
attempting to outmaneuver the other while at the same
time protecting themselves. Under these conditions, the
rules for Gather Information checks are greatly expanded
and vary by circumstance.
Note: All character in a Cold War Campaign should auto-
matically have Gather Information as a class skill. If they
would regularly have gather information as a class skill,
they gain a +2 profession bonus to all checks when using
the skill. When making gather info checks. characters
may also opt to substitute a different ability score over
charisma in certain situations.
The Doomsday Device
What Cold War would be complete without it? A key
feature of the development of a Cold War is that all the
Great Powers must have access to some type of weapon
or device which largely ensures the destruction of their
opposition, if they dare to use it. All of the powers must
possess these arms – they are essential for keeping the
struggle from boiling up into a “Hot” war. Plots centered
around Doomsday Devices are especially suited for a high-
action, high stakes Black and White Campaign, where the
Opposition Power is just evil enough to use them.
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The nature of a doomsday device can vary, following is a
basic selection of devices to use in your own campaign,
and a few hooks to get a GM thinking.
Example Doomsday Devices
• Nuclear weapons (a classic!)
• Bio-engineered viruses
• Legions of indestructible super soldiers
• A Brutally efficient artificial intelligence
• A weapon which creates horrific natural disasters
• Weapons which destroy the air or atmosphere
• Weapons which permanently destroy the food supply
Doomsday Device Hooks
• The PCs must find and board a commuter train that is
secretly carrying the device to an Opposition facility
located within a proxy state. The government of the
proxy state is in turmoil over hosting the device in the
first place, with some factions favoring the Opposition,
and some favoring the PCs and their patrons. The PCs
will face resistance from unexpected places and ex-
officials who no longer want any part of the goings-
on, and must prepare for a wild rumble on a crowded
• The PCs’ patron has developed a newer, deadlier
weapon, and the more hawkish members of the orga-
nization want to use it. However, there is significant
debate as to whether it is ethical and what the conse-
quences will be. The situation is accelerated by the
discovery of an Opposition spy who had been passing
information on the device. But in the middle of the
night, the PCs are approached by informants who
reveal that the spy was a plant by the hawkish faction
– will they be able to avert open war?
• A proxy state is in danger of developing a doomsday
device of their own, and has broken from its alliance
to the Opposition. Everything spirals out of control
when the device goes haywire. Now is the PCs’
chance to establish friendly relations, nip the project
in the bud or bring it under control – and deal with the
planned takeover or sabotage by opposition spies.
Conflict types and
Warfare, and warfare by proxy, is an important part of any
Cold War campaign. In essence, a proxy war uses smaller
powers under the influence of the Great Powers to fight
regional battles with one another. Proxy Warfare takes
several different forms, often focusing on the destabiliza-
tion of smaller nations. A few example types of warfare
one may see in a Cold War are supplied below, with a scat-
tering of plot hooks provided.
Alternately, Gather
Information Check can use
(at the PC’s discretion):
In enemy territory
-4 to all checks
In friendly territory
+4 to all checks
Contacting a known enemy
All requests are
operative for the info
considered protected
Contacting a known friendly
Beating the DC by 5 or more provides
operative for the info
additional information
Gathering Information and
Both checks gain a +2 synergy bonus
Researching simultaneously
when used in tandem
Operating as a mole or plant
+2 to all checks, but a failure requires a
bluff check at the same DC or your cover
is blown
At a formal social function
The character may substitute a
Knowledge: Current Events check as
opposed to a regular gather information
check (making small talk)
When Captive
-2 to checks, stacks with ‘in enemy terri-
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Insurgencies are often sponsored by outside forces which
have a vested interest in destabilizing a government in a
region. In an Insurgency, the local populace is attempting
to overthrow their government and is opposed (at least
somewhat) by the military. See below for mechanical
Insurgents and allies: Gain a +2 morale bonus on hit rolls
in urban combat due to a sense of popular support
Government and allies: Suffer a -2 penalty on hit rolls in
urban combat due to sensing a lack of popular support
Insurgents and allies: Suffer from reduced access to
supplies, all purchase DCs for items increase by 1.
Government and allies: Are well supplied, purchase DCs
for items decrease by 1.
Insurgency Hooks
• The Great Power whom the PCs have an allegiance to
are supporting a local insurgency in a small tropical
nation. This nation is known to build and supply
tanks to the Opposition Power, and maintains several
factories on the outskirts of the capitol city. The PCs
must infiltrate and seize a production factory for use in
an assault against the military – before an air strike is
called in to destroy the factory.
• The PCs have been assigned to support a junta which
was recently installed in a large, wooded nation.
The junta exerts little authority in any of the smaller
communities, only operating with any effect in the
larger cities where military bases are present. A
popular insurgency has been using small towns as
bases of operations. The PCs must travel to these
towns undercover and sniff out the insurgency leaders
for arrest – but they also find the influence of an
Opposition Power in the process.
• The PCs are acting as mediators between a popular
insurgency and the somewhat corrupt leader of a small
nation. This leader, however, is friendly towards the
Great Power to whom the PCs have an allegiance.
The PCs are charged with stopping the violence and
fixing the next ‘fair and free’ election in the leader’s
favor. The Opposition power is working to uncover
the PCs at every turn.
Military Coup
In this instance, the Military or a faction thereof has
decided to take over the government of a nation by force.
In such cases, a government under siege can often only
hold power by appealing to outside forces. Oftentimes, a
Great Power will support one side or the other in a bid for
regional influence.
Military and Allies: Gain a +4 bonus to all intimidate
checks due to a display of military might
Besieged Government and allies: Have immunity to
prosecution within their former ‘territory’, as they control
the justice system (this situation will likely be reversed if
the coup succeeds, mind you!)
Military and Allies: Suffer a -4 penalty to all diplomacy
checks as their use of force has alienated many factions
Besieged Government and allies: Are considered to
be in hostile territory at all times, as they are effectively
surrounded in their own nation
Military Coup Hooks
• tactical information to the military of a small nation
which seeks to overthrow the existing government.
They have cited human rights abuses as their reason
for doing so, although evidence is sparse. The PCs
must gather additional evidence. The country’s
government, with the aid of Opposition forces, has
been destroying old prison facilities and secret holding
cells – and the PCs reach one just as this is happening.
• An Opposition Power has provided a devastating
weapon to the Military of an island nation, who have
used the weapon to blackmail the existing government
into surrendering. The PCs are expected to capture
this weapon from a facility in an exotic location and
seize it for the Great Power they serve (under the
auspices of it being an ‘illegal armament’). However,
a deadly group of Guerillas stand in their way. The
PCs, outnumbered, must mobilize friendly tribal
factions to storm the facility.
• A Military Coup has completely isolated and cut off
the capitol city of a desert nation, in an attempt to
tighten the noose around the government and force
their surrender. It hasn’t worked yet, and the people
in the city are dying from a lack of clean water and
outbreaks of disease. The PCs are required to break
the barricade and head into the city to document the
terrible conditions, passing the documentation on to
journalists in secret. This is part of a PR blitz to push
international opinion against the coup.
Economic Warfare
War is almost always about money, and one of the chief
methods for destroying the opposition in a Cold War is
to bankrupt your opponent. This can take many forms
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– forcing an opponent into costly struggles, damaging
their capacity for export, setting tariffs, and punishing
those who are involved with the opposition in an economic
exchange. There are no specific mechanical adjustments
to handle Economic Warfare.
Economic Warfare Hooks
• The PCs are sent to investigate a weapons smuggling
ring operating along a highly inhospitable border.
Regional factions hold more power than the official
government, and those factions are dominated by
arms company money which ultimately flows from
the Opposition. The PCs must find a way to deal with
the crooked companies behind the smuggling ring,
and enforce the restrictions on trafficking, thereby
damaging the guerillas and the Opposition in one
• The PCs’ patron has maintained a radio station which
operates within the Opposition’s sphere of influence.
However, they recently found it had been seized by
an Opposition-dominated company under an obscure
law. In response to this, the PC’s patron has passed
another law which bans advertisers operating under the
patron’s sphere of influence from advertising on the
station, hopefully forcing its shutdown. But not all are
compliant. The PCs have to convince the advertisers
to follow suit, or intimidate the Opposition-dominated
company badly enough that they sell the station.
• The Opposition has closed down a major shipping
line as they ‘undertake oceanic surveys’. When the
surveys continue with no end in sight, the PCs’ patron
becomes suspicious, and sends them to investigate. As
it turns out, the Opposition is constructing an artificial
island to lay claim to the area as coastal waters and
thus control the strait. The PCs must stop this from
Cold War Games Feats
Every Spy needs his specialty, and these feats are designed
to give your Cold War Games campaign a cinematic or
political feel.
Prerequisites: Allegiance to one of the Great Powers
Benefits: A character with this feat will not be prosecuted
for crimes against the power he is working against, so long
as he remains within the sphere of influence of his own
Exotic Manner
Prerequisites: Charisma 13+
Benefits: The character with Exotic Manner has a unique
way about him which appeals to people whom he deals
with. This can be an accent, a way of speaking, a distinct
appearance or feature, even a way of moving. With this
feat, reputation checks to recognize the character gain
a +3 bonus in beneficial instances only. In other cases,
the character’s high charisma is assumed to allow him to
conceal his idiom.
Prerequisites: None
Benefits: The character is very good at either remaining
unnoticed, or looking like he should be in an area. With
the innocuous feat, a character gains a +1 bonus on all
hide, move silently, disguise, gather information, and bluff
checks. This is an unnamed bonus which stacks with any
other bonuses present.
Sex Appeal
Prerequisites: Charisma 13+
Benefits: A character with the Sex Appeal feat is particu-
larly amazing at dealing with members of the opposite sex.
Any charisma-based skill checks made in dealing with a
member of the opposite sex gain a +2 competence bonus.
This bonus increases to +4 if the target is also a member
of the Opposition. If spy movies have taught us anything,
opposites attract.
Defy the Countdown
Prerequisites: Character level 3rd
Benefits: How do the super spies of lore manage to
always get away or get that last shot in before a count-
down finishes them? They have this feat! A character
with Defy the Countdown may take 1 additional full-round
of time at the end of any countdown sequence to act as he
wishes – this round is treated exactly as a normal combat
round and may include movement, attacks, etc, but it only
applies to him. Since a character in this situation tends to
make the proper choice (as is dramatically appropriate)
all skill checks and attack rolls made during this time are
boosted by the character’s charisma modifier, as a situ-
ational bonus. Additionally, a character with this feat who
must rush to use a skill (such as defusing a bomb, opening
a door as water fills a room, etc) gains a +2 bonus to that
skill check.
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Master of Disguise
Prerequisites: Charisma 11+
Benefits: Any Disguise skill checks concerned with imper-
sonating a member of a particular group gain a +6 situ-
ational bonus. When Master of Disguise is selected as a
feat, it only applies to impersonating members of a chosen
group. The breadth of this group should be discussed
with the GM beforehand. This feat may be taken multiple
times – its effects do not stack, rather each time it is taken
it applies to an additional group.
Advanced Class: Playboy
None have more skill in the arts of subterfuge and diplo-
macy than the Playboy Spy. A keen intellect, dry wit, and
skill with a pistol combine to form this suave and deadly
operative. When entering this Advanced Class, a player
character gains a number of unique and useful abilities
which will aid him in dealings with the shadier side of
All Playboy Spies are associated with one of the Great
Powers within the Cold War campaign, and are generally
selected for their exceptional skill and ability.
Entrance Requirements
The Playboy Spy requires not only a degree of combat
skill, but also a natural intellect and charisma, tied in with
dedication to his cause.
Allegiance: Any Great Power
Ability Scores: Intelligence 13+, Charisma 11+
BAB: +2
Talents: Charm
Feats: Asylum
Hit Die: 1D6
Advanced Class Ability
Playboy Spies are more centered around their force of
personality and intelligence than their physical abilities
– deep in enemy territory, fighting it out is often out of the
question. Therefore a Playboy Spy’s key ability scores are
Intelligence and Charisma.
Action Points
Playboy Spies often rely upon luck and talent. They
receive action points equal to 8+1/2 character level
(rounded down) at first level, and each time they gain a
level in this class.
Class Skills
The Playboy Spy’s class skills, and the key abilities associ-
ated with each skill, are:
Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Computer Use
(Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Drive (Dex),
Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide
(Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Investigate (Int), Jump (Str),
Knowledge (art, behavioral sciences, civics, current
events, earth and life sciences, history, popular culture,
streetwise, tactics, technology) (Int), Pilot (Dex),
Profession (Wis), Read/write Language (None), Research
(Int), Search (Int), Sense motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand
(Dex), Speak Language (None).
Skill points at each additional level: 7 + intelligence modi-
fier. Any Playboy Spy worth his salt can be expected to
spend a great deal of time in training, especially given his
large class skill list.
Class Features
Mask Reputation: It stands to reason that a spy is not
interested in being recognized. At least, not unless it
serves his purpose. This is where the Mask Reputation
class feature comes into play: with this, the Playboy Spy
may opt, as a free action at any time, to negate the effects
of his reputation, effectively remaining under cover.
Under Cover: This is the second feature that a Playboy
Spy gains access to, and likely his most essential. With
the Under Cover class feature, a Playboy Spy can assume
an identity with comparative ease, complete with a back-
story, and alibis. Under Cover is actually a distinct set of
talents, one of which may be chosen each time the Playboy
Spy gains a level and acquires the Under cover feature.
Consult the following list.
Alibi: The Playboy Spy takes great pains to craft a
coherent cover if he is facing legal issues. The character,
if suspected of wrongdoing, may craft a story and make a
Bluff check. The DC varies by situation and GM discre-
tion, consult the table below for guidelines. Note that
local regions will place different emphasis on different
Bluff DC
Mild Wrongdoing (petty theft, speeding,
getting in a fistfight)
Minor Wrongdoing (theft, small white
collar crimes)
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Moderate Wrongdoing (smuggling,
serious assault, arson)
Severe Wrongdoing (murder,
conspiracy, treason)
If this check is successful, the Agent has constructed a
credible alibi and is off the hook – for now. However,
each time in a given month that the alibi feature is used,
subsequent DCs for the bluff check increase by 2. This is
Concealed Carry: This class feature allows the Playboy
Spy to hold small items on his person without anyone
else noticing. This ability can even hold up to close scru-
tiny. When a character with Concealed Carry uses sleight
of hand to conceal an object on his person, that object
is considered to be 1 size category smaller. In addition,
search checks used to frisk him are at a -2 penalty.
Perfect Disguise: Any time a Playboy Spy’s disguise fails,
he becomes aware of it. Following this, he may spend 1
action point to reverse the failure of his disguise.
Prowler: Sneaking around has become natural to the
Playboy Spy: he gains Move Silently as a class skill, as
well as a +2 competence bonus to all hide checks.
Suave Appeal: There is more to being a spy than just
skulking around and shooting people in the dark. A
Playboy Spy typifies the charismatic and likeable
diplomat, oozing charm and personal magnetism. The
Suave Appeal class feature allows a Playboy Spy to spend
1 action point to take 20 on any diplomacy, intimidation,
or gather information check.
Action Path: Sometimes, a spy just has to kick some ass,
and this is where the action path comes in. If a Playboy
Spy needs some killing done, runs afoul of a gunfight, or
is facing off against a villain with eyes set on world domi-
nation, the action path is his choice… for action. (note:
the Action path is best suited for cinematic style combats,
and will change the nature of combat for the player
beyond believability in a serious campaign. A GM who
is not in favor of this style of play is within his rights to
disallow the Action path, instead providing minor bonus
Banter: Ever wanted to toss witty barbs at the evil villain
while you casually dispatch his henchmen? There is a fine
art to in-combat banter, and the action oriented Playboy
Spy has it down pat. Aside from the fact that a character
who can do this is obviously awesome, it causes apoplexy
in the opposition. Once a round as a free action, a Playboy
Spy with the Banter skill can spend an action point to
target a single opponent with Banter, which causes that
opponent to take a penalty to all rolls for one round. This
penalty is equal to the Playboy Spy’s charisma modifier.
Confront: So you’ve reached the evil villain deep in his
volcano lair- he sees you, and just starts shooting? Not if
you have the Confront class feature! With this, a Playboy
Spy can make an intimidate check (at a situational bonus
equal to his Playboy Spy class level) to force the evil
villain to painstakingly reveal his plot before the battle
takes place. Although an attack against the villain will end
this effect, this ability does allow the Playboy Spy time
to assess his surroundings, therefore providing himself
and his allies with a +2 situational bonus on all attack and
damage rolls for the upcoming battle. If the intimidate
check succeeds by 10 or better, the villain reveals a fatal
flaw in his plan, such as the weak point on his Godzilla
machine, etc. This effect is subject to GM discretion.
playboy spy
Mask Reputation
Under Cover
Suave Appeal
Action Path
Under Cover
Timely Escape
Action Path
Under Cover
Sensitive Info
Action Path, Man with No name
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Crowd Control: Sometimes, a Playboy Spy really does
have to cut his way through a horde of opponents. These
poor Mooks have no idea what they’re in for, however – a
Playboy Spy never loses to them. When fighting oppo-
nents designated as Mooks, a Playboy Spy may spend an
action point as a move action to simply eliminate one. The
Mook in question must be actively engaged in combat with
the Playboy Spy, but does not have to be within weapon
range – the player may choose exactly how the Mook dies
(examples include: shot by compatriots, gun explodes, falls
off catwalk, and so on.)
Hang On!: Exactly how long can you hold your breath,
run, or cling to life, anyway? The answer: for as long as
it is dramatically appropriate. A Playboy Spy who would
otherwise take damage from blood loss (hps in the nega-
tives), poisoning, gas, suffocation, drowning, or exhaustion
may spend an action point to put his fate off for another
minute, taking no hit point or ability score damage for this
time. Past this point, effects accrue normally. Hang On!
may only be used once for any single effect.
Timely Escape: How often does a spy get caught in the
line of duty? Too often for their liking, no doubt – so
thank goodness for Timely Escape! Any time a Playboy
Spy is being held captive, he may attempt to get away,
and he has a much better chance than any others of being
successful. The skill used varies by the circumstance, but
all gain a competence bonus equal to ½ the Playboy Spy’s
advanced class level (rounded up).
Sensitive Information: Now that the Playboy Spy is
nearing the pinnacle of his field, he gains access to some
of the most sensitive information available. This class
feature applies especially when dealing with Gather
Information skill checks. When asking questions with
Gather Information, a character with the Sensitive
Information class skill reduces the type of information
by one category in the general to protected scale. For
example, protected information becomes restricted,
restricted becomes specific. The Playboy Spy also gains
access to a new category of information “Sensitive”, which
ranks 1 higher than Protected, and which other characters
cannot gain access to. Examples of Sensitive information
include: assassination plots, secret actors behind coup
attempts, knowledge of dangerous and highly illegal tech-
nology, etc.
Man with No Name: This is the ultimate achievement of
the Playboy Spy. At his best, his ability to disappear into
the background is almost supernatural – he can literally
vanish overnight, without a paper trail or clue left behind.
Once per week, a Playboy Spy can activate the Man with
No Name class feature to return, unhindered, to the region
of influence of the Great Power which he serves, at no
cost in resources. In order for this ability to function,
the Playboy Spy must make a reflex save with a DC that
varies according to the relative ease (as assigned by the
GM) of extrication. Consult the table below.
Reflex save DC
Easy access to a method of escape,
such as a simple flight from a country
where he has no record
Mild access problems, such as fleeing
a country that is suspicious of him
Moderate access problems, such as
leaving hostile territory
Serious access problem, such as
leaving house arrest or a regular prison
No access, such as leaving a secret prison
The Playboy Spy may take up to 1 additional party
member (PCs only) with him for every point in his
charisma modifier. There will be no record of his passing.
Bonus Feats: These are the optional bonus feats available
to the Playboy Spy to replace the Action Path. Any bonus
feat must be selected from this list, and the character must
meet all prerequisites.
Timely Escape
Skill used
Escaping physical bonds
Escape artist
Gains automatic surprise round if he decides to attack
immediately after escaping
Convincing someone to release him
Gains a +2 morale bonus on all attack rolls and skill
checks in the next encounter
Finding a secret exit
Searching requires ½ regular time
Just plain running
The Playboy Spy’s movement is considered to be 10
feet greater when escaping
Cold War Games
page 11
Acrobatic, Alertness, Combat Martial Arts, Defensive
Martial Arts, Deceptive, Dodge, Far Shot, Great Fortitude,
Heroic Surge, Improved Damage Threshold, Improved
Disarm, Improved Trip, Iron Will, Nimble, Trustworthy,
Vehicle Expert, Weapon Focus, Windfall
Written by Neal Bailey
All text on all pages is Open Game Content as defined by
the Open Gaming License. See page 12 for more informa-
= 10 +
AMMUNITION __________________________
AMMUNITION __________________________
AMMUNITION __________________________
AMMUNITION __________________________
© 2007 LOUIS PORTER JR. DESIGN Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.
CRAFT ( _______________)
CRAFT ( _______________)
CRAFT ( _______________)
KNOWLEDGE ( ___________)
KNOWLEDGE ( ___________)
KNOWLEDGE ( ___________)
PERFORM (______________) CHA
PERFORM (______________) CHA
PERFORM (______________) CHA
READ/WRITE (______)
READ/WRITE (______)
READ/WRITE (______)
SPEAK LANG. (______)
SPEAK LANG. (______)
SPEAK LANG. (______)
Denotes a skill that can be used untrained.
Mark this box with an X if the skill is a class skill for the character.
* Armor check penalty, if any, applies. (Double penalty for Swim.)
Aircraft Operation*
Animal Affinity
Archaic Weapons Proficiency
Armor Proficiency (light)
Armor Proficiency (medium)
Armor Proficiency (heavy)
Improved Brawl
Knockout Punch
Improved Knockout Punch
Improved Feint
Combat Expertise
Improved Disarm
Improved Trip
Whirlwind Attack
Combat Martial Arts
Improved Combat Martial Arts
Advanced Combat Martial Arts
Combat Reflexes
Defensive Martial Arts
Combat Throw
Improved Combat Throw
Elusive Target
Unbalance Opponent
Agile Riposte
Spring Attack
Drive-By Attack
Exotic Melee Weapon Proficiency*
Far Shot
Dead Aim
Frightful Presence
Great Fortitude
Heroic Surge
Improved Damage Threshold**
Improved Initiative
Iron Will
Lightning Reflexes
Low Profile
Medical Expert
Personal Firearms Proficiency
Advanced Firearms Proficiency
Burst Fire
Exotic Firearms Proficiency*
Point Blank Shot
Double Tap
Precise Shot
Shot on the Run
Skip Shot
Power Attack
Great Cleave
Improved Bull Rush
Quick Draw
Quick Reload
Simple Weapons Proficiency
Surface Vehicle Operation*
Two-Weapon Fighting
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
Advanced Two-Weapon Fighting
Vehicle Expert
Force Stop
Vehicle Dodge
Weapon Finesse*
Weapon Focus*
*You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you
take the feat, it applies to a different skill, type of equipment, or weapon type.
**You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
© 2007 LOUIS PORTER JR. DESIGN Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.
Character Name: _______________________________ Alias: _______________________________ Location: ___________________
Player Name: _____________________ Ht: _____ Wt: _______ Eyes: ________ Hair: ________ Age: ______ Gender: __________
Special Ability
Special Notes
Bonus Bonus Bonus
& Additions
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
Members of the organization
� PC
� NPC _____________________________________
� PC
� NPC _____________________________________
� PC
� NPC _____________________________________
� PC
� NPC _____________________________________
� PC
� NPC _____________________________________
� PC
� NPC _____________________________________
� PC
� NPC _____________________________________
� PC
� NPC _____________________________________
� PC
� NPC _____________________________________
� PC
� NPC _____________________________________
� PC
� NPC _____________________________________
� PC
� NPC _____________________________________
House Rules for
skills and feats
House Rules
for combat
House Rules for
campaign rogues gallery
Supporting Cast List
Organizations in the Campaign
Rumors Fed to Players
SOURCE: _____________________________________________________
SOURCE: _____________________________________________________
SOURCE: _____________________________________________________
SOURCE: _____________________________________________________
SOURCE: _____________________________________________________
SOURCE: _____________________________________________________
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright
2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved.
1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners
who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means
copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into
other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, exten-
sion, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an
existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to
reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or other-
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the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a
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5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original
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6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE
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9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated
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10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every
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11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game
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12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the
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13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply
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aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such
provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins,
David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid,
James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2004, Wizards of the Coast,
Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle,
David Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins, Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker,
based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker,
Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
Spycraft 1960s Decade Book, Copyright 2003, Alderac Entertainment Group,
Inc.; Authors Robert J. Defendi, B. D. Flory, Scott Gearin, Clayton A. Oliver.
Spycraft Agency, Copyright 2004, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors
Steve Crow, Alexander Flagg, B. D. Flory, Clayton A. Oliver,Steven Peterson.
Spycraft Battlegrounds, Copyright 2005, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.;
Authors Andy C. David, Alexander Flagg, Clayton A. Oliver, Jason Olsan,Patrick
Spycraft, Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group.Spycraft Espionage
Handbook, Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Patrick
Kapera and Kevin Wilson.
Spycraft Faceman/Snoop Class Guide, Copyright 2003, Alderac Entertainment
Group, Inc.; Authors Alexander Flagg, Clayton A. Oliver.
Spycraft Fixer/Pointman Class Guide, Copyright 2003, Alderac Entertainment
Group, Inc.; Authors Scott Gearin.
Spycraft Mastermind Guide, Copyright 2004, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.;
Steve Crow, Alexander Flagg, B. D. Flory, Clayton A. Oliver.
Spycraft Modern Arms Guide, Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group,
Inc.; Authors Chad Brunner, Tim D’Allard, Rob Drake, Michael Fish, Scott
Gearin, Owen Hershey, Patrick Kapera, Michael Petrovich, Jim Wardrip, Stephen
Spycraft Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide, Copyright 2003, Alderac Entertainment
Group, Inc.; Authors Chad Brunner, Shawn Carman, B. D. Flory, Scott Gearin,
Patrick Kapera.
Spycraft U.S. Militaries Guide, Copyright 2004, Alderac Entertainment Group,
Inc.; Authors Dave McAlister, Clayton A. Oliver, Patrick Kapera.
Spycraft, Copyright 2005, Alderac Entertainment Group.
Spycraft, Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group.
Genre Toolkit: Esponiage Cold War Games, Copyright 2007, Louis Porter Jr.
Design, Inc.
| textdata/thevault/Dungeons & Dragons [multi]/3rd Edition (3.x)/3rd Party/d20 Modern/3rd Party/Devil's Workshop/Cold War Games.pdf |
room 16
1st level
the hall of Bedlam
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc
(“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game
Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (includ-
ing into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improve-
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“Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute;
(d)”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines
to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any
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(e) “Product Identity” means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress;
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6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the
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13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure
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14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to
the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
The Dungeon Under The Mountain and The Hall of Bedlam © by Øone Roleplaying Games
Some artwork copyright Paul Daly, used with permission.
The Hall of Bedlam
Written by Thomas Knauss
Graphic Design by O’Bully
Cartography by Mario Barbati
Artwork by O’Bully, Paul Daly, Studio Mat-
tigatti, Daniele Bigliardo
Software Authoring by Anna Fava
Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons®
Player’s Handbook, Third Edition, published by
Wizards of the Coast®
Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast®
are Registered Trademarks of Wizards of the Coast,
and are used with Permission.
Every Reference to other copyrighted material in no
way constitutes a challenge to the respective copyright
holders of that material.
A) The following elements in this book is hereby
designated as open game content, in accordance with
the open game licence:
1- All Monsters, stats and description
B) the following elements in this book are hereby
identified as “product identity”:
1- All not mentioned at the point “A”
2- Øone Roleplaying Games identifying marks and
product titles.
3-All artwork, maps and graphic design.
The reproduction or retransmission of this book,
except for his open gaming content, without written
permission of the copyright holder is expressly for-
bidden, except for the purpose of reviews.
‘D20 System’ and the ‘D20 System’ logo are Trade-
marks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used
according to the terms of the D20 System License
version 3.0. A copy of this License can be found at
Product Code: UNDRE010
First edition: July 2006
Øone Roleplaying Games
What is this Product
This product contains one room
or one dungeon -based encounter.
All the rooms featured here are taken
from one of The Dungeon Under
the Mountain products, available at
www.0onegames.com, although these
products are not necessary, since the
encounter can be adapted without ef-
fort to any existing dungeon.
How to
Use this Product
This product takes advantage from
the PDF technology, joining old-fash-
ioned style with the most advanced
electronic features. In order to use this
product you must use Adobe Acrobat
6 or later.
This product has been designed
to help busy referees in preparing
dungeon adventures and encounters.
Instead of wasting time scaling the
encounters and adapting them to your
party, here you will find a pre-scaled
encounter suitable in three different
versions (for low, mid and high level
of play). At the beginning of the en-
counter text, you will find a big button
like this.
By clicking on this button you can
choose which level want to play (low,
medium, high). When you have made
your choice all the relevant portions of
the text will change accordingly.
Monsters will scale, DCs will
change, traps and behaviors of the
villains will change, according with the
level of play you choose.
Nevertheless, this is not all.
Beside each paragraph you will
find the same button found before,
but much smaller. This button allows
you to change only the appropriate
paragraph. Therefore, if you need
stronger monsters in your low-level
encounter, you can adjust them and
use mid-level monsters instead of
low-level ones. Likewise, if you want
traps tougher, just click on the para-
graph button and change the level of
the traps paragraph. Blank spaces, due
to different text lengths, will be filled
with placeholder artwork, so you will
have a good-looking page.
Finally, a paragraph called “Person-
al Notes” is left blank. This paragraph
features a text field you can fill with
your notes about the encounter, sim-
ply click and write.
The document saves automatically
the notes when you close it. In order
to recall the notes present on a docu-
ment you must choose “Load Notes”
from the paragraph button. Note that
if you load the previous notes they will
override the notes you are writing
The buttons will not be printed.
The Maps
Those familiar with The Dun-
geon Under the Mountain products
will found the maps easy to use. The
product comes with two maps of the
room. A smaller version of the map
is intended for the referee; the second,
larger one, may come split in more
than one sheet and it is intended for
miniature play.
The smaller map features the “Rule
the Dungeon” button. Clicking this
button, you can customize the map by
opening or closing the doors, remov-
ing the furniture or removing the fill
in the walls and more, depending on
the room’s layout. All the choices
made on the smaller map are reflected
on the larger one.
The Background
The Dungeon Under the Moun-
tain is a massive dungeon complex
extending endlessly below the ground.
In a remote past, ancient evil beings
dwelled in the area. Now, the remain-
ing of these mysterious evil beings
have seized the dungeons and filled it
with deadly traps and monsters. Also,
many known villains have established
their strongholds in the depths of The
Dungeon Under the Mountain. No-
body knows why this dungeon is filled
by danger, but nobody cares, since this
dungeon is the most prized adventure
ground of the world. However be
warned, adventurers, your life will be
not easy here and dozens of self-call-
ing heroes never returned from the
Dungeon Under the Mountain!
“You Have Been
room 16
1st level
the hall of Bedlam
the hall of Bedlam
(level 1, room 16)
and Lead-ins
The large subterranean chamber is
the current abode of Eyzellon, a derro
savant and his two cousins along their
four human slaves. The derros came to
the ruins in search of a legendary audi-
ence chamber purportedly harboring a
cure for their raving insanity. Instead of
finding relief for their affliction, the trio
happened upon the impressive throne
room of Durlgrond, a king renowned
for his wickedness and evil. The great
hall’s discovery and its treasures only
intensified their delusions of grandeur
and paranoia. Obsessed with protect-
ing their riches, the derros transformed
the once grand and stately room and
its exterior corridors into an insidious
display of their madness.
The derros expand their wealth as
well as obtain other valuable com-
modities via the teleportation area just
outside the hall’s entrance. Of course,
the derros realize that the teleportation
device works both ways; therefore
they take extraordinary measures to
protect themselves and their valuables.
Eyzellon uses an alarm to mentally
alert him to the presence of intrud-
ers, which is also the proximity trigger
for a web trap. (At low levels, the
trap triggers just a mental alarm.) The
spell’s 20-ft. radius is centered eight-
een feet from the center of the door,
providing coverage to roughly 40 feet
of corridor including the teleporta-
tion area. In addition to this protective
measure, a hinged pit trap also awaits
to ensnare unwary intruders. This
insidious device sits just in front of the
main door; however it can be deacti-
vated by sliding and locking a pair of
metal bolts concealed in the floor. The
game statistics for these two obstacles
appear under the Traps heading.
Since his arrival in the dungeon six
years ago, Eyzellon has acquired ad-
ditional monetary riches along with the
services of four slaves under the leader-
ship of a treasure-seeking human rogue
named Arathus. Unfortunately for him
and his three companions, their dreams
of wealth and glory have turned into a
nightmare of terror, insanity and slav-
ery. The derros initially used Arathus’
trap making skill to ward the main
entrance into the chamber, however
with his combat usefulness expended,
the derros now relegate the quartet to
the role of maids, endless sweeping and
dusting the chamber in a fruitless effort
to sate Eyzellon’s irrational compulsion
with neatness.
Tales and rumors of Durlgrond’s
treasure resonate throughout history.
Somewhere during the course of
their exploration in the dungeon, the
adventurers happen upon a historical
record of Durlgrond’s reign brought
into the dungeon by an earlier ex-
plorer searching for the lost throne
room. The musty pages of the weath-
ered, leatherbound tome are written in
Common and devote endless chapters
extolling the virtues and might of the
long dead king, but a crudely drawn
yet still recognizable map is the book’s
real treasure. The map shows the hall’s
general location as well as four cryptic
lines describing the chamber itself.
Throw open the great doors and
behold your royal majesty on his onyx
Approach your mighty sovereign
through the chamber of polished stone.
There lies the seat of Durlgrond
beyond the risen blades of six warriors
of old
Pay homage to him bedecked in
finest jewels of brightest silver and
splendid gold!
Room Environment
Lighting: The antechamber is un-
lit; therefore creatures moving through
that area must rely upon darkvision or
an artificial light source to see. Everburn-
ing torches affixed to the outstretched
blades of the six statues tucked into the
alcoves along the chamber’s perimeter
provide bright illumination within a 20-
ft. radius and shadowy illumination up
to a 40-ft. radius.
room 16
1st level
the hall of Bedlam
Scent: The stench of humanoid
waste is present in the air, but it not
overwhelming or even particularly
strong. (The derros use the pit trap as
a crude septic tank.) Only the most
sensitive noses can detect a faint whiff
of a floral aroma resulting from the
slaves’ of a primitive cleansing solution
derived from perfume oils. (Eyzellon
also has an obsession about odor.)
Sounds (prior to entering):
Soft footsteps can be heard behind the
Walls and ceiling: Poured
concrete was used to fashion the walls
and ceiling. Despite its advanced age,
the concrete appears to be in good
condition with the exception of several
gouges and deep grooves. The ceiling
is twenty feet above the floor.
Floor: Interconnecting 5-ft. square
foot blocks of flagstone were used to
build the antechamber’s floor. In con-
trast, the hall’s floor was painstakingly
carved from solid marble. A large
concentration of earthen tile was used
to fashion a magnificent mosaic in the
center of the chamber.
Room Description
for the Players
Despite the passage of untold
centuries, the chamber beyond has lost
little of its grandeur and awe. Tucked
neatly in the chamber’s perimeter
alcoves are six black marble statues
of great warriors armed with swords
and shields. Gold and silver necklaces
hang from the necks of each statue, and
an illuminated torch is tightly wedged
between an outstretched arm and
torso. A tile mosaic of a man wearing
a crown dominates the center of the
white, marble floor, although it appears
that there was an unsuccessful attempt
to alter the subject’s appearance to that
of a pale-skinned dwarf-human hybrid
with gray hair. Three stone slabs,
apparently fashioned into the like-
ness of crude, fur covered beds fill the
semicircular area at the far end of the
chamber. The large, rectangular shaped
room is nearly spotless, thanks to the
tireless efforts of four emaciated human
males armed with brooms, mops and
feather dusters. A small, stocky dwarf-
like creature with pale blue-white skin,
bulbous white eyes, coarse white hair
and a long droopy moustache directs
their activities with animated gestures
and nodding disapproval. He is armed
with a repeating light crossbow and a
wand, which he wields as if conducting
an orchestra. Accompanying him are
two similar creatures armed and attired
in a similar fashion. Upon meeting
your gaze, a maniacal look comes upon
them. The trio briefly mutters inanely
amongst themselves before directing
their attention towards you.
Room Description
for the Referee
Originally designed to awe visitors
to his court, the spacious and luxuri-
ous chamber has lost little of its luster.
The tile mosaic once depicted Durl-
grond, but the derros’ insane efforts
to superimpose Eyzellon’s image upon
the artwork practically destroyed it.
Fortunately, the six black marble stat-
ues remain in pristine condition. They
portray the likenesses of Durlgrond’s
six great generals. While each statue’s
facial features differ somewhat, each
statue depicts a man dressed in full
plate armor armed with a sword and
shield. The derros affixed the ever-
burning torches to the outstrectched
blades to provide illumination for the
four slaves laboring under them. There
is enough room between the statues
and the outer wall to allow a Medium
creature to squeeze behind the statue,
as evidenced by the fact that the slaves
tuck their personal belongings neatly
behind the two statues nearest to the
entrance. 1d2 gold necklaces and 1d3
silver necklaces hang around the necks
of each statue.
The derros fashioned the crude
beds from the remnants of Durl-
grond’s throne, which they me-
ticulously divided into three separate
pieces. Eyzellon’s bed sits ten feet
from the apex of the semicircular
alcove flanked on each side by another
bed placed exactly five feet away. The
latter beds and their coverings are
unremarkable; however Eyzellon’s
fur covering is somewhat valuable. In
addition, a secret panel along the base
facing the semicircular alcove conceals
a hidden compartment where the
avaricious derro stashes his beloved
treasure hoard. The derros disposed of
the chamber’s remaining furnishings
and decorative pieces, believing that
they only prevented the slaves from
properly dusting and mopping the
Speculation persists as to how Du-
rlgrond’s audience chamber found its
way into the dungeon. The close prox-
imity of the teleportation area provides
the most readily available explanation
for its arrival here. Nevertheless, the
chamber has been a permanent fixture
within the dungeon for at least several
Combat Tactics
If the derros are alerted to the pres-
ence of intruders via Eyzellon’s alarm
or through alternative means, such as
triggering the pit trap or unsuccess-
fully attempting to break open the
main doors, they take precautionary
measures by casting their available
defensive spells upon themselves. They
prefer spells granting concealment or
creating confusion, especially blur,
mirror image and invisibility. After
shoring up their defenses, Eyzellon
assumes the role of primary spellcaster
attempting to control and/or enslave
intruders with powerful enchant-
ments, while his two subordinates
take up defensive positions behind
room 16
1st level
the hall of Bedlam
the beds or statues as they launch a
volley of poisoned crossbow bolts at
any readily discernable spellcasters in
the group. The apprentices fight as a
unit whenever possible. They prefer
attacking flanked enemies with touch
spells in an effort to shock, paralyze
or stupefy their foes. Eyzellon’s usage
of his humanoid slaves depends upon
the composition of the enemy. If con-
fronted by arcane spellcasters, Eyzellon
summons the slaves to his side, using
them as human shields to discourage
good characters from casting destruc-
tive area spells at him. In the absence
of arcane spellcasters, Eyzellon directs
them to distract opposing fighters,
wildly swinging or hurling their clean-
ing implements at enemy warriors.
The derros take a vastly different
approach to combat if they are caught
unaware. In this instance, the derros
scramble for cover behind one of the
statues or the beds and launch waves
of offensive spells at their enemies as
well as cloaking the chamber in dark-
ness. Unlike the preceding example,
survival rather than enslavement
becomes their primary concern. Eyzel-
lon uses the slaves as cannon fodder,
directing them into combat to give
the derros additional time to shore
up their defenses or launch another
wave of destructive spells. Eyzellon’s
usage of the slaves in this manner may
require a Charisma check or entitle
Arathus to a new saving throw. If the
characters refrain from attacking the
slaves and they gain the upper hand
against the derros, the slaves ignore
the derros’ commands and attempt
to grapple one of the derros, unless
magically compelled otherwise.
The characters can also use
Eyzellon’s obsession with neatness
and odor against him. Deliberately
dropping any litter or stain-causing
material onto the floor or filling the
room with a foul-smelling substance
distracts the frustrated derro. Until the
mess is cleaned or the smell dissipates,
Eyzellon suffers a -2 circumstance pen-
alty to his skill checks and attack rolls.
This penalty does not stack with itself.
Roleplaying Tactics
Eyzellon begins the combat with
grandiose ramblings about his race’s
superiority and his lordly might, yet
within his incoherent babbling, the
compulsive derro also reveals his
obsession with cleanliness. He makes
statements such as, “How can you
stand against your masters, the lords
of all beneath the spotless earth? Pain,
woe and death be upon you, delivered
by me in immaculate fashion.” His
subtle facial expressions and body lan-
guage convey his displeasure whenever
blood is spilt upon his pristine floors
or an object is knocked out of place.
Through a combination of magi-
cal enchantment, death threats and
corporeal punishment, the slaves’ only
hope for survival depends upon their
unquestioned loyalty to their dement-
ed masters. Adventurers present them
with a difficult dilemma. They desire
freedom from their cruel overlords,
yet fear and magical compulsion pre-
vent them from actively assisting their
potential liberators. Eyzellon reinforces
his bond over them by controlling
their leader Arathus through the use
of a charm person or dominate person
spell. In the former instance, Arathus
speaks in the kindest terms about the
derros, but he is reluctant to attack
adventurers, granting him a +2 to
his opposed Charisma check. In the
latter case, Arathus attacks intruders
without question, leading his unarmed
associates into combat. If the magical
compulsion is broken or dispelled in
any manner, Arathus acts according to
his best interest, fully aware of the fact
that any perceived treachery against
his master would undoubtedly bring
their wrath down upon him and his
friends. If the adventurers refrained
from attacking the slaves or taking any
other action that would have placed
them in harm’s way, the slaves rush
towards their stash of personal be-
longings and deliberately scatter them
about the room, causing Eyzellon to
suffer the aforementioned circum-
stance penalty.
Skill Checks
Appraise DC 12: You correctly
determine the gold and silver neck-
laces’ value.
Bardic knowledge DC 30:
You recall the command word for
the teleportation area outside of the
Listen DC 25 (before enter-
ing the chamber): You hear soft
footsteps on the other side of the
Search DC 23: A successful skill
check locates the secret panel on Eyzel-
lon’s bed.
Sense Motive DC 20: A
character spending a standard action
observing Eyzellon’s facial expressions
and body language can discover his
obsession with cleanliness.
Spot DC 20: The character
notices the slaves’ personal belong-
ings-clothes, tattered bed rolls and
other mundane items tucked carefully
behind the two statues nearest the
room 16
1st level
the hall of Bedlam
Traps, Mechanical
Devices, Doors, and
Objects Statblocks
Treasures and XP
Monsters and
Villains Statblocks
A small, stocky dwarflike creature
wearing a pair of bracers and a ring
gazes maniacally in your direction.
He mutters inanely to himself, seem-
ingly in midst of deciding whether to
shoot his repeating light crossbow, use
a wand dangling from his belt or take
another action against you.
Derro sorcerer 11
CE Small monstrous humanoid
Init:+7; SensesListen +4, Spot +2
Languages:Common, Dwarven,
Abyssal, Infernal
AC19, touch 15, flat-footed 16
Hp47 (14 HD)
Speed20 ft. (4 squares)
Melee+1 dagger +11/+6 (1d3+2/19-20)
Rangedrepeating light crossbow +12
(1d6/19-20 plus poison)
AtkOptionspoison (greenblood oil,
DC 13, 1 Con/1d2 Con), sneak attack
SpecialActionsPoison use
CombatGearwand of magic missiles
(5th), 2 potions of invisibility (4th)
Sorcererspellsknown(CL 11th):
5th (5/day)—cone of cold (DC 20),
dominate person (DC 21)
4th (7/day)—confusion (DC 20), phan-
tasmal killer (DC 19), solid fog
3rd (7/day)—deep slumber (DC 19),
displacement, fly, suggestion (DC 19)
2nd (7/day)—daze monster (DC 18),
eagle’s splendor, mirror image, touch
of idiocy, web (DC 17)
1st (8/day)—alarm, charm person (DC
17), color spray (DC 17), hypnotism
(DC 17), shield
0 (6/day)—acid splash, dancing lights,
detect magic, flare (DC 15), message,
ray of frost, read magic, resistance,
touch of fatigue
Spell-likeabilities(CL 3rd):
At will—darkness, ghost sound; 1/day—
daze (DC 13), sound burst (DC 15)
AbilitiesStr 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 14,
Wis 8, Cha 20
SQMadness, spell resistance 15, vul-
nerability to sunlight
FeatsBlind-Fight, Improved Initiative,
Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell
Focus (illusion)
SkillsBluff +13, Concentration +10,
Hide +13, Knowledge (arcana) +13,
Knowledge (the planes) +8, Listen
+4, Move Silently +10, Spellcraft
+14, Spot +2
Possessions combat gear plus +1 dag-
ger, repeating light crossbow with
20 bolts, bracers of armor +2, +1 ring
of protection, 6 doses of greenblood
oil, 2 100 gp gems, 45 pp, 32 gp
Derro beds: Thickness 3 in.,
hardness 8, HP 45, Break DC 21.
Marble statues: Thickness 1 ft.
(approximate), hardness 8, HP 100,
Break DC 26.
Pit trap outside entrance
(two squares in front of the
door): CR 3; mechanical, location
trigger; manual reset; DC 20 Reflex
avoids; 50 ft. deep (5d6, fall); Search
DC 24; Disable Device DC 18.
Strong wooden door: Thick-
ness 2 in., hardness 5, HP 20, Break
DC 23.
Web trap in antechamber:
CR 3; magic device; proximity trig-
ger (alarm); automatic reset; spell
effect (web, 11th-level sorcerer, DC 19
Reflex negates); Search DC 27; Disable
Device DC 27.
Each silver necklace is worth 10 gp,
and each gold necklace is worth 25
gp. The secret compartment beneath
Eyzellon’s bed holds a pile of coins
comprised of 1,302 sp and 402 gp
along with a divine scroll with the
spells prayer and shield of faith cast at
9th level. A +1 flaming warhammer lies
beneath the pile as well.
If the slaves survive the battle with
the derro, an appropriate reward is
+2% XP per freed slave. An additional
+1% XP award may be appropriate if
the derros actively employed the slaves
as human shields or cannon fodder,
and good characters refrained from
attacking them or taking any actions
that would have harmed them. Good
characters who inadvertently harmed
the slaves receive no XP bonus, while
those that acted with no regard for the
slaves’ welfare should suffer a -2% XP
penalty for each slave killed as well as
suffering any appropriate alignment
room 16
1st level
the hall of Bedlam
Madness(Ex):Derro use their Charis-
ma modifier on Will saves instead
of their Wisdom modifier, and have
immunity to confusion and insanity
effects. A derro cannot be restored
to sanity by any means short of a
miracle or wish spell.
PoisonUse(Ex):Derro typically carry
2d4 doses of greenblood oil or
Medium monstrous spider venom,
applying it to their crossbow bolts.
Derro are not at risk of poisoning
themselves when handling poison.
SneakAttack(Ex):Any time a derro’s
opponent is denied his Dexterity
bonus to AC, or if a derro flanks his
opponent, he deals an extra 1d6
points of damage. This ability is just
like the rogue’s sneak attack and
subject to the same limitations.
VulnerabilitytoSunlight(Ex):A derro
takes 1 point of Constitution dam-
age for every hour it is exposed to
sunlight, and it dies if its Constitu-
tion score reaches 0. Lost Constitu-
tion points are recovered at the rate
of 1 per every 24-hour period spent
underground or otherwise sheltered
from the sun.
Tactics: Eyzellon is always inter-
ested in acquiring new slaves; there-
fore he typically begins combat by at-
tempting to subdue as many enemies
as possible, using either color spray,
confusion or web to accomplish this
task. If all of his targets successfully
resist any of their spells, he resorts to
casting protection spells upon himself
just before unleashing his lethal spells
against his foes.
Derro sorcerers 5
CE Small monstrous humanoid
Init:+6; SensesListen +1, Spot -3
Languages:Common, Dwarven
AC15, touch 13, flat-footed 13
Hp32, 31 (8 HD)
Speed20 ft. (4 squares)
Meleedagger +6 (1d3/19-20) or
Rangedrepeating light crossbow +8
(1d6/19-20 plus poison)
AtkOptionspoison (greenblood oil,
DC 13, 1 Con/1d2 Con), sneak attack
CombatGear1 potion of cure light
wounds (each), 1 potion of ghoul
touch (4th)
SpecialActionsPoison use
Sorcererspellsknown(CL 5th):
2nd (5/day)—blur, scorching ray (+8
ranged touch)
1st (7/day)—mage armor, magic mis-
sile, shield, shocking grasp (+5 melee
touch attack)
0 (6/day)—detect magic, ghost sound,
mage hand, read magic, resistance,
touch of fatigue
Spell-likeabilities(CL 3rd):
At will—darkness, ghost sound; 1/day—
daze (DC 13), sound burst (DC 15)
AbilitiesStr 11, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10,
Wis 5, Cha 16
SQMadness, spell resistance 15, vul-
nerability to sunlight
FeatsBlind-Fight, Improved Initiative
SkillsBluff +5, Concentration +3, Hide
+10, Listen +1, Knowledge (arcana)
+4, Move Silently +8, Spellcraft +4
Possessions combat gear plus dagger,
repeating light crossbow with 20
bolts, 2 doses of greenblood oil, 67
pp, 40 gp
Madness(Ex):Derro use their Charis-
ma modifier on Will saves instead
of their Wisdom modifier, and have
immunity to confusion and insanity
effects. A derro cannot be restored
to sanity by any means short of a
miracle or wish spell.
PoisonUse(Ex):Derro typically carry
2d4 doses of greenblood oil or
Medium monstrous spider venom,
applying it to their crossbow bolts.
Derro are not at risk of poisoning
themselves when handling poison.
SneakAttack(Ex):Any time a derro’s
opponent is denied his Dexterity
bonus to AC, or if a derro flanks his
opponent, he deals an extra 1d6
points of damage. This ability is just
like the rogue’s sneak attack and
subject to the same limitations.
VulnerabilitytoSunlight(Ex):A derro
takes 1 point of Constitution dam-
age for every hour it is exposed to
sunlight, and it dies if its Constitu-
tion score reaches 0. Lost Constitu-
tion points are recovered at the rate
of 1 per every 24-hour period spent
underground or otherwise sheltered
from the sun.
Tactics: The apprentices’ main
task is to whittle the enemy’s strength
using their damage dealing spells. They
prefer flanking an enemy spellcaster
and touching the foe with their shock-
ing grasp, which also grants them a
sneak attack.
Human rogue 3
N Medium humanoid
Init:+3; SensesListen +4, Spot +4
AC13, touch 13, flat-footed 10
Hp15 (3 HD)
Speed30 ft. (6 squares)
Meleebroom -1 (1d6+1)
AtkOptionsBlind-Fight, sneak attack
AbilitiesStr 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10,
Wis 10, Cha 12
SQTrapfinding, trapsense +1
FeatsBlind-Fight, Lightning Reflexes,
Skill Focus (Craft)(trapmaking)
SkillsBluff +4, Climb +5, Craft (trapmak-
ing) +8, Disable Device +4, Escape
Artist +6, Hide +7, Jump +4, Listen
+4, Move Silently +7, Open Lock +5,
Search +6, Sleight of Hand +4, Spot
+4, Tumble +7, Use Rope +7
room 16
1st level
the hall of Bedlam
Designer’s Notes
I’ve always felt that the insane
derro have taken too much of a back-
seat to the more popular underground
foes, especially the drow and to a
lesser extent, the duergar, so here’s
my opportunity for a little payback.
The derro give a skilled game master
the opportunity to portray an insane
enemy without seemingly overly cliché
and over the top.
I omitted granting the derros
familiars, because their paranoia
includes members of all races and spe-
cies, even those that don’t pose much
of a threat to them. The slaves add a
bit of a moral dilemma. The slaves
give the derros some leverage over
the player characters by utilizing them
as human shields or compelling the
overmatched servants to attack.
Author’s Bio
Tom has designed numerous d20
games products for companies such as
Atlas Games, Bastion Press, Inner Cir-
cle Games, Mongoose Publishing and
several other publishers no longer with
us. When he’s not designing games,
you can often find him on the local
golf courses or a poker table down in
Atlantic City.
Personal Notes
Possessions broom, 30 ft. of rope
Human warriors 1
N Medium humanoid
Init:+0; SensesListen +0, Spot +0
AC10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
Hp11, 11, 11 (1 HD)
Speed30 ft. (6 squares)
Meleecleaning tool -2 (1d2+1)
AtkOptionsCombat Reflexes
AbilitiesStr 12, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 10,
Wis 10, Cha 10
FeatsCombat Reflexes, Toughness
SkillsClimb +4, Handle Animal +2,
Intimidate +5, Jump +4, Ride +2
Possessions cleaning tool-mop,
feather duster or broom
Write here your personal notes
room 16
1st level
one square = 5 ft.
pit trap
© Øone Games, permission granted to print for personal use only
© Øone Games, permission granted to print for personal use only
The Hall of Bedlam (battlemap 1 of 2)
© Øone Games, permission granted to print for personal use only
© Øone Games, permission granted to print for personal use only
The Hall of Bedlam (battlemap 2 of 2)
| textdata/thevault/D20 system/The Dungeon Under the Mountain (d20)/The Dungeon Under the Mountain Rooms & Encounters - The Hall of Bedlam.pdf |
© 2020 Stefouch Gaming Lab
All Your Base Are Belong To Us! New set of rules for managing attacks against the Ark
and military campaigns in the Zone.
by Stéphane Van Cauwenberghe
Stéphane “Stefouch” Van Cauwenberghe
The Battle of Avaí (Pedro Américo, 1877)
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Please, don’t hesitate to share your feedback.
You can reach me under the following social platforms:
Stefouch#5202 on the Year Zero Worlds server
Sebedius. A Discord bot with command utilities for several Year Zero games.
Find My Path. A web application for managing the map of the Zone.
© 2019 Cabinet Licensing LLC. MUTANT and related logos, characters, names, and distinctive likenesses thereof
are trademarks of Cabinet Licensing LLC unless otherwise noted. Used with permission under the Community Content
Agreement for Free League Workshop. All rights reserved.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Stefouch Gaming Lab and published under the
Community Content Agreement for Free League Workshop.
This document is an expanded set of rules for
managing attacks against the Ark and military
campaigns in the Zone. A mass combat typically
opposes two factions. To see how the battle
unfolds, the players roll dice and perform actions
for one faction against the GM for the other
faction. Mass combat takes longer than regular
conflicts, both in real time and game time, and is
therefore played out in Waves instead of Turns.
Typically, the PCs are divided into the following
positions during a mass combat. For very small
party, a single person can fill two or even more
K Leader: In overall command of the force in
battle. Gives orders, appraises reconnaissance
reports and chooses the battle strategy. In an
Ark, the leader is usually one of the Bosses. If
they’re a NPC, a player can still assist them
and roll their dice.
K Assailants: Get inside a combat unit, using a
large panel of skills to contribute to the battle.
K Engineers: Make emergency repairs, using
the JURY-RIG and MANUFACTURE skills.
K Medics: Mend the wounds and get the
fighters back on their feet using the HEAL and
Each leader gathers a pool of dice made of
K Battle Dice, O Strategy Dice and G Support
Dice. It’s called the Battle Pool.
K Battle Dice (Base Dice): Represent the
relative strength of the faction. The leader gets
a number of Battle Dice equal to the Battle
Level of their side. These dice are the bread
and butter of the Battle Pool.
O Strategy Dice (Skill Dice): Denote any
strategic advantage the faction has over the
other. These dice allow additional roll pushes
for the leader.
G Support Dice (Gear Dice): Symbolize the
relative logistic support and defensive
structures. These dice can be “repaired.”
Default Battle Level: Outside of its Ark, the Battle
Level of an army is roughly equal to 1 per 20–50
Combat Ready: If the Ark is alert and combat-
ready, its Battle Level is increased by one. If it
wasn’t, it’ll become it on the next Wave of battle.
The opposing factions may get into each other
proximity without knowing their foe’s exact
location. In this situation, a Reconnaissance roll
determines if a faction achieves to catch its
enemy. The factions’ leaders make an opposed
COMPREHEND roll, which reflects their abilities to
sift through constant reports from patrols, scouts
and spies.
Each of the following factors gives a +1
modification to the leader:
K The faction has a scout or recon unit.
K The faction is on its home territory.
K The faction is on a defensive position.
Each of the following factors gives a −1
modification to the leader:
K The faction has no scout or recon unit.
K The faction has only flying units.
K The faction uses many motorized vehicles.
K The faction performed a forced-march.
The leader who rolled the most ☢ wins the
Reconnaissance and achieves a surprise attack. If
their margin of success equals or exceeds the
rating of the Zone sector’s environment (see table
below), they can choose to prepare an ambush
The faction who achieves a surprise attack gains
OO (two Strategy Dice) for the first Wave of
The faction who achieves an ambush gets the
surprise effect above and gains an extra G
(Support Die) for the remaining of the battle. In
addition, the ambushers cause CONFUSION to the
enemy’s ranks. However, an ambushers’ leader
can’t choose a defensive strategy on the first
The Environment Rating is halved (rounded up) at
night and decreased by 1 in bad weather conditions.
For both, first halve then decrease.
Thick Woods
Dead Woods
Ark or Settlement
Huge Crater
Ruins or Derelict
Ash Desert or
Glasified Field
Ruins in Sea
Island, Beach or
Coastal Sea
Open Sea
A CONFUSED force can’t choose any battle strategy
except for Rally or Full Retreat (see page 4).
These basic modifiers are the most fundamental
adjustments to a leader’s Battle Pool.
A faction gains G (one Support Die) for each
special class it has at least a few units (maximum
one die per class). There are six classes of special
units for armies:
K Aerial: Hoverdrone, Elysium Attack
K Armored: Truck, Steam train, Sentinels, Class
III & IV Avengers, Armored Drone Vehicle
Rhinoceros Model C, Artillery Drone MRS-E,
Annihilator Class Colossus Robot, Elysium
HBW-700 Karzer, Scrap ship, Rotzilla.
K Artillery: Scrap cannon, Artillery Drone MRS-
E, Annihilator Class Colossus Robot.
K Cavalry: Automobile, Motorcycle, Buggy,
Steam car, Bitterbeast mounts, Elysium
Hoverbike, Elysium Patrol Hovercraft, Jet Ski.
(Only relevant in non-siege situations.)
K Engineering: Gearheads, Technicians,
Manufacture robots, Mining robots. (Only
relevant in siege situations.)
K Naval: Scrap sloop, Scrap ship, Motor boat.
(Only in Zone sectors with a connection to a
sea or river.)
If the GM deems relevant, other types of units,
such as Zone monsters or high-tech mobile
infantries, can be considered special class on their
own. Very powerful special units can also increase
the faction’s Battle Level and the number of Battle
Dice the leader will get.
A faction will gain an extra O (Strategy Die) if it
has at least a 2-for-1 superiority in the numbers of
special units. Multiple superiority bonuses are
A faction with superiority in both Armored
and Artillery elements grants O for Armored
Superiority and O for Artillery Superiority, for a
net OO (two Strategy Dice).
Some Ark projects grant extra mass combat
related bonuses:
+1 G Support at the Ark.
The Ark is protected by a mere palisade.
Grants a special artillery unit for each four
points of Battle Level, but only if the Ark is
Hunting Party
Grants a scout unit for Reconnaissance.
If the Ark is besieged, the Full Retreat strategy
is allowed and a rout doesn’t cause a total
surrender. A successful retreat means escaping
the battle. The leader suffers one less damage
from Retaliation.
Grants a special naval unit for each three
points of Battle Level.
Grants a special cavalry unit or a friendly
monster for each two points of Battle Level.
Steam Car
Grants a special cavalry unit for each two
points of Battle Level.
If the Defenses project is also completed, the
Ark is considered walled.
The GM may give additional O (Strategy Dice)
bonuses or penalties from −3 to +3 for any other
factors as she sees fit. (E.g. for a brilliant – or
stupid – plan described by the PCs; or a low Ark’s
Food DEV Rating; etc.)
The Defensive Advantage only applies to the side
who chooses a defensive strategy. The bonus
depends on terrain, with O (one Strategy Die) in
hills or OO (two Strategy Dice) in mountain,
underground bunkers or large urbanized areas
(ruined or not).
Notably strong positions such as walled arks
and fortresses provide a greater Defensive
Advantage and require a Siege (see page 7).
After applying all modifiers, if a faction comes up
with a negative number of O (Strategy Dice),
instead the opposing faction gets that many extra
When the battle is about to begin, roll initiative.
This works just like in regular conflicts, but only
the leader of each faction rolls the initiative.
Each Wave of mass combat has six phases,
and each faction gets to perform one action in
each phase. All factions perform their action in the
phase, in initiative order, before moving on to the
next phase.
Each leader and participating PC has to choose a
Risk Modifier between −3 and +3. The higher the
modifier, the greater the risks that player is taking
in the battle. The Risk Modifier is added to all skill
rolls attempted by the player during this Wave of
However, the Risk Modifier also applies to the
Retaliation (see page 7). (Cowardly PCs and those
PCs in units held in reserve or who otherwise were
not exposed to the full impact of the battle should
not pick a Risk above +1. Overconfident PCs should
not pick a Risk below −1. Berserk PCs should not
pick a Risk below 0.)
Every Wave, the leader secretly chooses one battle
strategies, defensive strategies, retreat strategies
and harass strategies.
Choice Restrictions: A leader of an ambushing
force can’t choose a defensive strategy. A leader of
a CONFUSED force can only choose Rally or Full
Stalemate: If both leaders chose a defensive
strategy apart from Parley, instead switch both
strategies for Skirmish.
Null Battle: If both leaders chose a retreat
strategy, or if one chose a retreat strategy and the
other chose a defensive strategy, instead the
retreating forces fall back and the battle ends.
K Attack: A default option with no special
K Total Attack: Gain OO, but your faction
suffers double casualties. If you win this Wave,
you inflict +1D6 more casualties to the enemy.
K Planned Attack: Gain O, and another O if
you have Artillery Superiority. Foe’s Strategy
Dice from Defensive Advantage are halved
(rounded down).
K Feinted Attack: Lose OO, but if you win your
margin of victory is doubled. (E.g. if the
attacker succeeds by three ☢ and the defender
by one ☢, the margin of victory is 2, then
doubled to 4.) This strategy exemplifies the
leader carrying out some risky but rewarding
move with their force.
Repeated Feinted Attacks have
diminishing returns as the foe becomes
more vigilant. On the following Feinted
Attacks, the margin of victory is only
increased by one. Moreover, you lose an
extra OO if you choose a Feinted Attack
after another on the very next Wave.
(Defending factions also gain the
Defensive Advantage.)
K Defense: Gain O.
K Total Defense: Gain OO, but your faction
suffers double casualties.
K Planned Defense: Gain O, and another O if
you have Artillery Superiority. Can only be
chosen during the first Wave of battle and
only by a force who benefits from a Defensive
Advantage and who isn’t surprised. If you win
or tie, you inflict +1D6 more casualties to the
K Rally: Only used when a faction is CONFUSED.
If your force survives this Wave, you may
attempt a COMMAND or MANIPULATE roll
modified by your Risk Modifier during the
Support Phase. If you succeed, your faction
rallied and is no longer CONFUSED.
K Parley: You try negotiating a truce in the
battle to talk with your opponent. They decide
whether to agree after all battle strategies
have been chosen.
Accept: If the opponent accepts, a cease-
fire is declared and the battle momentarily
stops. Talks between the opposing leaders
can start. All factions skip their remaining
phases for this Wave of battle.
Decline: If the opponent declines your
offer, the battle proceeds as normal. Your
own strategy is switched for Defense, but
you lose O as you weren’t attentive to win
this Wave.
Example: The Ark is besieged by the Helldrivers.
Boss Marlotte wants to negotiate and chooses
Parley. Ilona, the Helldrivers’ leader, accepts and
the battle pauses. Both leaders have a talk at the
edge of the Ark’s fortifications. They agree to settle
the issue of this war on a duel between their
respective champions.
K Fighting Retreat: Gain OO, but you skip
your Support Phase, can’t win this Wave and
your foe’s casualties are halved (rounded
down). If you win or tie, your faction escapes.
Otherwise, it’s still fighting.
K Full Retreat: Gain OOOO, but you skip
your Support Phase, can’t win the battle and
your foe suffers no casualties at all. Regardless
of who wins this Wave, your faction escapes
and suffers −2D6 less casualties.
The Strategy bonus is reduced to OO if
your faction is CONFUSED. (A Full Retreat
is not a rout.)
K Raid: Gain O per Aerial Superiority, Cavalry
Superiority and Naval Superiority. If you win,
the enemy must skip their Support Phase.
K Skirmish: Gain OO and another O if you
have at least Aerial Superiority and/or
Artillery Superiority. Your faction suffers −1D6
less casualties. If you win, your margin of
victory is halved (rounded down).
PCs actions may also affect the battle, much like
their rolls help the Ark’s projects. One assailant
for each faction makes a Remarkable Action roll
with one of the following skills:
SNEAK. Other assailants may help, even if they
don’t have any of these skills. Each ☢ rolled is
worth O (one Strategy Die) for their leader’s
Battle Pool during this current Wave of battle,
with a maximum of ☢☢☢.
Commando Operations: Assailants may instead
carry out a hit and run operation to decrease the
opponent’s strategic advantage or impede their
logistic. This must be chosen before rolling the
dice. Each ☢ rolled remove O from the
opponent’s Battle Pool, but it can’t cause that
number to go below zero. In addition, a ☢☢ pair
rolled may be spent to destroy G from the
opponent. (Turn the Support Die on its 💥 face and
set it aside until the Support Phase.) However,
accomplishing a commando operation increases
by one the Retaliation of all players involved in it.
NPC’s Remarkable Actions: Instead of making
Remarkable Actions rolls for NPCs, the GM may
just give any number of extra Strategy Dice as she
sees fit, usually one die.
Determine each leader’s Battle Pool with the
K The faction’s current Battle Level.
K Reconnaissance bonus (if any).
K Basic battle modifiers (special class units and
superiorities, special circumstances, etc.).
K Defensive Advantage (if apply).
K Modifiers from the chosen battle strategy.
K Assailant’s bonuses from their Remarkable
Then the leaders make an opposed roll with their
Battle Pool. Every ☢ means that something goes
right for the faction – it advances, a key position is
taken, enemies are killed. All players and the GM
should cooperate to describe the scenes of battle.
Every ☣ rolled means that the faction suffers
losses and loses morale. Every 💥 means that the
faction suffers damage to its defensive structures
or loses a special class unit.
When both sides have rolled, each leader can,
in initiative order, settle or push their Battle roll –
reroll all dice that don’t show ☢, ☣ or 💥. A leader
can push their Battle roll any number of times
they like – irrespective of whether the enemy
faction pushes its Battle roll or not – but they must
first remove O (one Strategy Die) from their
Battle Pool to do so (they can remove one with ☢).
Keep this up until neither leader can nor
wants to push their Battle roll anymore. The
winning faction is the one who rolled the most ☢.
In this phase, one engineer and one medic for
each faction can perform one of the below actions.
Other engineers and medics can help their active
G Emergency Repairs: An engineer can hastily
repair a damaged support structure or unit.
They roll for JURY-RIG or MANUFACTURE. Each
☢☢ pair rolled restores one 💥. (Turn the
Support Die on a numbered face.)
K Mend the Wounds: A medic can hastily mend
wounds and comfort. They roll for HEAL or
SENSE EMOTION. Each ☢☢ pair rolled restores
one ☣. (Turn the Battle Die on a numbered
When a faction owns multiple sources of G
(Support Dice), it can be hard to differentiate
which one is damaged by 💥 rolled. The rule of
thumb is to first consider damage on fortifications
and the ambush bonus, then Special Units.
When it comes to identify which specific
fortification or Special Unit is damaged, the
choice is left to the opponent.
Of course, the GM has the final say.
The difference in the amounts of ☢ by which the
leaders achieved (or failed) their Battle roll
determines how decisive the victory is.
Inconclusive Battle: Each faction holds position and
suffers +2D6 more casualties.
Marginal Victory: The winner suffers +1D6 more
casualties and the loser suffers +3D6 more casualties.
Definite Victory: The winner suffers no additional
casualties and the loser suffers +4D6 more casualties.
Great Victory: As above, but the losing side also
becomes CONFUSED.
+4 or
Overwhelming Victory: As above, but the losing side
routs and its leader is captured.
Each PC who participated in the battle suffers an
attack of a number of Base Dice equal to six plus
the Risk Modifier they chose.
In addition, each of the following factors gives
an extra Base Die of damage to the PC:
K He participated in a Remarkable commando
K His faction lost this Wave of battle.
K His faction is routed.
K The opposing faction has at least one Artillery
unit left.
Each ☢ inflicts one point of damage to the player.
Armor offers protection. PCs that only helped
another player are inflicted the same amount of
damage that player is suffering.
If a PC becomes broken, he might be left for
dead, brought back by his comrades, or possibly
captured. The GM should decide according to
which side won the Wave of battle.
If a leader becomes broken, the person who is
next in command must make an immediate
COMMAND or MANIPULATE roll modified by −3 and
his Risk Modifier. Failure means the faction is
immediately CONFUSED.
The faction’s force is decreased by 2D6 for each ☣
and by 1D6 for each 💥. Sum the dice and adjust
the total according to the chosen battle strategy’s
effect and the margin of victory. The result tells
how many fighters were killed in action.
Ark Projects: If one of the factions is defending
its Ark and it lost this Wave, roll a Gear Die. On a
💥, one random project in the Ark is destroyed.
For the next Wave of battle, recalculate the Battle
Pool as follows:
K All dice with ☣ or 💥 are discarded.
K Adjust the factions’ current Battle Levels
along with the suffered losses and the
destroyed Ark projects. Add or remove K
K All O are discarded since strategic
advantages are reevaluated for each Wave.
K The winning faction gains O for the next
Wave if it used an offensive strategy.
The Mass Combat ends when all opposing
factions routed, escaped the battlefield, or have no
K left.
A siege is an assault on a notably strong position.
The defenders occupying such a place get a
Fortification Bonus to their Defensive Advantage
(see page 3) in the form of a variable number of
additional G (Support Dice). These dice can be
repaired in the Support Phase if they are
Mere palisade, trenches
Walled Ark or settlement, strong entrenchments (such
as those from WWI), fortified urban area (ruined or
Fortress or castle, underground bunker complex
Allowed Battle Strategies: In siege situations, the
defending leader can choose only the following
strategies: Defense, Total Defense, Fighting
Retreat, Parley or Raid.
Retreating from a Stronghold: When the
stronghold’s defenders escape the battle, it ends
the siege and starts a new ordinary battle outside
the walls. It causes the defenders to lose the
Fortification Bonus.
Rout: If the defenders are forced to rout and have
no way out, they surrender instead.
Relevant mutations and animal powers can
substitute for skill rolls attempted during the
Action Phase and the Support Phase. It costs two
MP or FP to get a single ☢.
A large force of Zone-Ghouls attacks the Ark in the
dead of the night. They beat the Ark for the
Reconnaissance roll with a comfortable margin of
two ☢. Since the area’s dominant environment are
urban ruins with a rating of 3, it’s large enough to
settle an ambush by night. The Zone-Ghouls bypass
the mere palisade and swarm into the Ark without
warning. The Boss Marlotte is awaken by many
outside screams and quickly understand that the
Ark is under attack. She gets his gang members out
of their beds and hastily organizes a defense.
The Ark has a Warfare DEV of 14, giving it
Battle Level 2. The attackers are many and have
Battle Level 3. The Ark possesses a scrap cannon
built by the Gearhead Angus, earning the
defenders a Support Die for this special class unit
and a Strategy Die for Artillery Superiority. The
GM doesn’t allow any Defensive Advantage for the
Ark since the Zone Ghouls are already inside. The
Zone-Ghouls gain two Strategy Dice for their
surprise attack and an additional Support Die for
their planned ambush.
Marlotte’s first strategy is to Rally the Ark’s
fighters since the sudden Zone-Ghouls intrusion
caused total confusion among their ranks. The
Zone-Ghouls are here to strike the Ark hard and
use a Total Attack strategy, granting them two
Strategy Dice.
The Stalker Dora wants to accomplish a
Remarkable Action to help Marlotte in her
strategy. She wants to raise the alarm by ringing
the old bell from above the decrepit church tower.
She chooses a Risk Modifier of +1. With the GM’s
consent she makes a SNEAK roll. She gets two
successes and therefore grants two extra Strategy
Dice to Marlotte.
Both leaders roll initiative. Marlotte begins
and rolls her Battle Pool of KKGOOO. She gets
one ☢ and one ☣. She decides to push her roll,
removing a Strategy Die before rerolling the dice,
and gets a second ☢. The Zone-Ghouls roll their
Battle Pool of KKKOOGOO. They push twice
their roll, removing two Strategy Dice in the
attempt, and get ☢☢☢☣💥. The Zone-Ghouls
win this Wave of battle with a margin of 1 success.
During the Support Phase, Marlotte now
succeeds at her COMMAND roll (with a Risk
Modifier of +3) and successfully rallies the Ark’s
forces. The GM considers there are no other action
during this phase and proceeds to the Retaliation.
Marlotte rolls ten base dice (six + three for the Risk
+ one for the defeat) and luckily suffers no damage.
Dora rolls eight base dice (six + one for the Risk +
one for the defeat) and gets two ☢. She suffers two
damage but still survives this Wave.
Then the GM proceeds to the casualties’ sum.
The Zone-Ghouls won by +1 and therefore suffer
only 1D6 casualties. However, they rolled one ☣
and one 💥 on their Battle roll, which adds 3D6
more casualties. The result is 13 but since the Zone-
Ghouls chose a Total Attack strategy, their
casualties are doubled, for a total of 26. Their
force’s Battle Level is reduced by 1. Concerning the
Ark, they suffer a total of 5D6 casualties, with a
result of 16. The Ark’s Battle Level is not reduced.
The second Wave of battle starts. The Ark is
now battle-ready and its Battle Level increases
by 1. Marlotte decides a Skirmish strategy since she
has Artillery Superiority. The Zone-Ghouls suffered
too many losses in the previous Wave and their
leader orders a Full Retreat. Dora performs a
Remarkable Action with a SHOOT roll modified by a
Risk Modifier of −3. She wants to snipe the Zone-
Ghouls’ leader from above the bell tower.
Unfortunately, she fails her skill roll and gives no
additional Strategy Die to her leader.
Marlotte rolls KKKGOOOO for the
second Wave. She gets no ☢ on her first and
second rolls. She pushes one last time and finally
gets ☢☢☣. The Zone-Ghouls roll KKOOOOO
(four Strategy Dice from the chosen strategy and
one from the victory in the previous Wave after the
use of an attack strategy) with a result of ☢☢☢☣
after two pushes. The Zone-Ghouls are – once
again – victorious for this Wave of battle and
achieve to escape the area.
Marlotte & Dora each gets 1 damage from their
Retaliation and the Ark suffers no casualties since
the enemy was executing a full retreat. The Zone-
Ghouls suffer 1D6 casualties with a result of 4. Not
enough to wipe them, so they achieve to flee the
K Battle Die (
O Strategy Die (
G Support Die (
1. Risk
2. Choose battle
3. Remarkable
4. Battle roll
5. Support
6. Retaliation &
Gain G per class.
Gain O per Superiority.
K Aerial
K Armored
K Artillery
K Cavalry
K Engineering
K Naval
Hills, dry moat or unforded/unbridged river
Mountainous or urbanized (ruined or not)
Mere palisade, trenches
Walled Ark or settlement, strong entrenchments (such
as those from WWI), fortified urban area
Fortress or castle, underground bunker
6 + Risk Modifier
+ Commando operation*
+ Losing side*
+ Rout*
+ Artillery*
*If true = +1
☣ = +2D6
💥 = +1D6
K Discard all ☣ and 💥.
K Adjust Battle Level and K.
K Reevaluate O.
K Gain O if you won with an offensive strategy.
Double margin on win.
Escape on win/tie.
Skip Support Phase.
Halve enemy casualties.
Suffer −2D6 casualties.
Skip Support Phase.
Inflict no casualties.
Defense at −1 if rejected.
Halve defender’s Defense
Bonus. Slow.
Inflict +1D6 casualties on
Cause Support Phase
skipping on win.
Allow a skill roll to end
Halve margin on win.
Suffer −1D6 casualties.
Inflict +1D6 casualties on
win. Suffer double
Suffer double casualties.
Defensive strategies allow the Defensive Advantage.
* Modified by Special Units Superiority or other factors, see
Inconclusive Battle: Each faction holds position and
suffers +2D6 more casualties.
Marginal Victory: The winner suffers +1D6 more
casualties and the loser suffers +3D6 more casualties.
Definite Victory: The winner suffers no additional
casualties and the loser suffers +4D6 more casualties.
Great Victory: As above, but the losing side also
becomes CONFUSED.
+4 or
Overwhelming Victory: As above, but the losing side
routs and its leader is captured.
| textdata/thevault/Mutant Year Zero (Year Zero Engine) [multi]/Core/Workshops/MYZ Mass Combat v1 EN US-printer-friendly.pdf |
Fall 2017
From The Directors Desk
Well we survived Issue one and made it to re-
lease issue 2! I do want to thank everyone that
helped with writing for this issue, it absolutely
made it possible to release on time. We still
need content and we still need those willing to
help. Making NPC’s or even PC characters to
publish for others to use would really help. Any
artist that have maps or any short adventures
you want to share.
you might notice that the look and format of the
magazine has changed, I no longer have access
to the really expensive authoring software I used
before and instead switched to
using a free product. Apple’s
iBooks Author. So consider this
issue an experiment in publishing
software changes. Yes that
means I’m locked into Apple prod-
ucts, but hopefully they wont
eliminate this product on me.
I also want to take this space to remind every-
one that the To Morrows End podcast at
http://tomorrowsend.rpgstuff.net is going to start
running a giveaway! You will be able to win the
grand prize of a hardcover 4th edition book, cus-
tom Morrow Dice set and A Challenge Coin!
Keep an eye out at the website as well as the
Facebook pages for how to enter to WIN!
There are also other runner up prizes that are go-
ing to be given away, so please go and spread
the word about the magazine and podcast to get
your entry to win!
By Tim Gray
REMINDER: All Morrow Project Images are property of
TimeLine LTD and are used here with permission for the
magazine. All other images are property their respective
The Project Directors Corner
This issue we will talk about electronic tools to
organize your game. Some PD’s love paper and
organize everything old school. That’s great but
it means carrying around a ton of stuff and hav-
ing to keep track of it. I’m a technology guy and
I keep it all in digital form so I can work onthe
next gaming session or the whole story arc any-
where. I am a HUGE fan of syncing services like
Box and DropBox as it lets me share files with
players easily, for writing text I use google docs
because I can access everything no matter what
device I have with me. Having access is huge,
plus I can share a document with someone else
so we can collaborate on it.
I used to be a huge “it’s gotta be paper” guy.
The tactile feel and having the GM screen in
front of me with all my stuff created my separa-
tion between players and my game god status…
And then I switched to a mini game screen so I
did not have that wall, and then finally switched
away from a GM screen completely. When I GM
play sessions for the podcast I actually have two
computers up and running as well as a tablet
with the documents I need on it. It lets me keep
the storyline on one, the books on the tablet and
the other available for taking notes. All this tech
allows the podcast to stop after a 6 hour record
session and pick up exactly where we left off
without any time wasted as I can read from the
notes, “last time you guys were fighting the radio-
active bugbear and Will decided to launch gre-
nades into it’s mouth….”
Being able to organize all this is key. And there
are a lot of different ways of doing this and it
really depends on what platform you like for com-
puting. If you are an Apple head like me you
have some limited choices, and I’ll even run a
windows program because there is no native
mac choice, plus you have to choose between
“free” and paid apps. Some are better than oth-
ers, and I am one to shy away from anything that
is subscription based. I am not a fan of the pay
a monthly fee forever software model, but some
options exist if you are ok with that.
Let’s start with
what is out there
from the big play-
First is from Micro-
soft and Not for
Gamers but it’s in-
credibly useful... One Note. It allows you to do
some serious game management and not taking
and have tabs and folders for everything. this
way you can create a tab for “town ABC” and
tabs under that for NPC’s, items, secrets, etc...
It is for OSX and Windows so it’s cross platform
and worth owning, you can get free limited cloud
version that is more than enough for most peo-
If you are a Tabletop RPG junkie then you are ab-
solutely familiar with HeroLab. It’s a pricey but
incredibly capable program for character generat-
ing for many different game systems (Except Mor-
row Project) and they released their own GM
software suite called Realm Works. This suite
looks incredibly polished but unfortunately has
no demo at all and at $50 it’s an expensive risk
to see if it even works for you. It has the advan-
tage that it has a player edition that your players
can buy for $16.00 each and they can keep their
own notes plus have access to all files you sent
them. This requires their cloud sync service that
also comes in at $40 a year. So this becomes
an extremely expensive option. There are other
problems with their software such as you MUST
be connected to the internet to create a new
campaign, that rubs a lot of people the wrong
way. Many of the ideas are really cool, but their
pricing for the cloud service is insane, and not
allowing you to sync even to local players on
your own lan without the cloud service makes
this continue to be a GM tool I can not recom-
mend unless you have an extremely active group
with remote players and you play weekly and mul-
tiple games.
There used to be other tools out there but before
I wrote this article I decided to look them up
again and found most of the mare now gone for-
ever. Mapping programs like Dunjinni and other
are simply gone and dead. But one I bought
years ago is still kicking around and doing well,
and that is “Fractal Mapper” from NBOS soft-
ware who makes “the Keep”. I actually decided
to get the keep because of their free program “in-
spiration pad” where you can write in their own
script language automatic generators to create
loot or NPC’s automatically for you while in
game. I was spending some time searching for
a Inspiration Pad script that was “random
books” because I had a player that was con-
stantly asking , “they have books? What are the
titles? I grab one give me details” and found a
coupon code to get it and the “fractal mapper”
program together as a bundle. I was more inter-
ested in the mapping program so the download
of the Keep sat there for months. I decided to
mess with it one day and realized that it was
quite useful. It’s basically a Game Masters Wiki
that lets you create pages and folders of informa-
tion and even create the handouts so you can
print them if you want or copy and paste the info
to email or send to your players. It’s the one I
use to this day simply because I can create
scripts with the inspiration pad plugin and right
there tell that player that he is holding a copy of
“Dave's compendium of wasteland edibles, and
is a poorly leather bound book with loose pages
and incoherent writing” with a single click. The
Keep is $35.00 on it’s own. If you watch Drive
thru RPG you can find a bundle of the keep and
Fractal mapper for $55.00.
Using free tools like http://tiddlywiki.com/ can
work as well. In fact the free desktop wiki’s
work just as good as any of the paid GM specific
programs if you don’t care about sharing images
on a second screen to players or the scripting.
For the longest time I used a Wiki to keep track
of NPC’s and towns and other things the players
did in each location. It made it a lot easier that I
can see the notes that the last time the players
were in TimVille they saved little timmy from the
well but they also left the tavern without paying
their tab. And I can play the interactions of the
townsfolk accordingly instead of shuffling papers
and trying to figure out where in my notes they
did what in what town. Managing your data is a
huge part of being a successful PD in morrow,
even if the team is trying to be incognito every
time they do a good deed for someone their repu-
tation grows and word will spread. People that
have been saved tend to talk about it, keeping
track of that really help the game feel like a world
instead of a linear story line.
maps with
players, I per-
sonally like
“Roll20” as
anyone can
see the maps and can even move their own to-
ken on screen if you really want to do a battle
map. The free version is good enough and it
also lets you set up some online information shar-
ing with players if you can convince your players
to even think of the game when not at the table.
All of this means you will be typing a LOT at the
table, you really need to transcribe what hap-
pened at least key items. One thing I found that
helps a LOT is bringing a recorder to game and
record audio during the game. That way I can
play it back and listen to what happened if I can
not remember later while I am filling up my notes
as to what really happened. Granted I have it
easy as I have a microphone in the face of all my
players and record everything for the podcast,
but on a low budget you can get a table micro-
phone that is called a “boundary” mic inexpen-
sively from amazon or ebay and plug it into your
laptop and use a free record software to record
the audio during your game session. Being able
to replay the game really will help you with de-
tails you may have missed.
On the Tablet side, I use an iPad. Specifically
because I am an old fart, I use a 12” iPad pro be-
cause the displayed pages are as large as the ac-
tual book pages. I also use a specific ebook
reader called “goodreader” because it will let me
organize my own bookmarks so I can easily flip
around to different tables in the rule books easily.
This allows me to also have other books open at
the same time with apple books. Being able to
bring up the rules on dysentery in 3 touches
keeps the game moving instead of the grinding
halt while I look it up in the book. As a PD it is
imperative that you are fast at retrieving what
you need to know so combat or the heat of the
moment is not ruined by “wait let me find that…..
.everyone take a break” The energy in that mo-
ment of the game was just killed and honestly
the enjoyment for everyone just dropped. Do
what you can to have things instantly accessible.
And honestly I will roll a die and tell them the
answer I want them to have if it moves the story
along. I’m not a simulation rules must be fol-
lowed PD, I firmly believe my job is to make the
game fun for the players and to build the story.
So if I see even a pause will kill the moment, I’ll
fudge it to where it makes the story better,
makes the players more energized or makes it
more interesting.
What is important is that you let technology be a
TOOL that helps you focus more on the game
and less of a distraction That means then you
turn off all Social network notifications to mini-
mize distraction. If you are using Roll 20 with a
mix of local players and remote players, I sug-
gest doing what you can to keep players con-
stantly involved to reduce the “I’m bored what's
on Facebook” distraction that happens when
you allow tech at the table. Honestly most of
the times when this happens it’s because the PD
is not involving all the players and you really
can't focus on one or two players, you have to
do something to keep everyone involved to keep
their attention.
Next time we will look at what to do when all
your time prepping is thrown out when your team
decides to go off the rails.
Lt. Carr was frozen in 2014 with Contact team
FC-002 outside of Jacksonville Florida. His spe-
cialty is anthropology, archeology and history. He
has traveled the new world extensively and his
journals are a popular source of information to
many. These journals are banned within the Ken-
tucky Free State.
The Florida landscape is back to virgin nature
with added dangers. Brazilian peppers make
huge acreages impassible. Fire ants have grown
unchecked. Wild boar and coyotes and wolves
are bigger then belief without a fear of man. Even
the smells are different, pure. The going has
been slow and very hard on my feet. I really miss
Chap Stick and suntan lotion. The coastal area
are easier so I have made that my route south
the last few weeks. I want to remain enthused
that nature has thrived, but it has made travel
very difficult.
I had been resting my blistered feet while hiding
from the sun in a camouflaged cloth lean-to that
would have made my old instructors proud.
From here the coastal view is beautiful and the
star scape breathtaking. I have never enjoyed the
setting and rising of the sun more. I also have
found great joy in not risking heat stroke and
massive sunburn. Perhaps Florida has fallen into
wilderness primarily from the lack of air condition-
ing and sunscreen? The heat and sun are toler-
able when you see huge numbers of dolphins
jumping at the coast and nature in all its glory.
The second day of my respite turned to refuge.
The sunrise revealed a sailing ship at sea. Tall ma-
jestic masts in the wind yet a simple functional
design elegant and powerful even from afar. As
it anchored off shore I could see none of the fan-
ciful designs all the Pirates of the Caribbean
films taught me to expect. I saw chains, flog-
gings, weapons all arranged and managed with
efficiency. A slave ship. Yet this means trade and
a functioning economic entity. Slavery is an eco-
nomic choice. Politics dictate who is enslaved
but it its economic value in a structured society
and culture that make it worthwhile to someone.
The worst aspect of humanity show there is a
deprived social economic structure somewhere.
You see how I find the sight hopeful and depress-
ing at once.
The ship sent a landing party that came far too
close to m camp site. These may be the first
men I have seen in weeks but I want nothing to
do with them. Ashore I could see no fear in them,
they made any noise convenient to them. I hear
rattling of chains, curses, talk of rape and pillage
hoped for all long before they were in sight.
Undisciplined in noise, march and all things. Ruf-
fians looking for victims, predators. I presume
their social order is based on strength and domi-
nance. Perhaps the larger society behind them is
the same, based upon military and or economic
strength for leadership? I see signs of basic
manufacturing in their clothing and equipment.
There must be artisans or cottage factories to
make their bolt action rifles, leather boots or to
farm their food. This would be where the salves
are used, the source of the need and use for la-
bor supplied by slavery. There must be limited
soap making because these men stank horribly,
as most sailors due I suppose. Their clothing is
homemade, all are bearded, and after seeing one
with a huge ax I began to wonder if these are hip-
ster slavers? Maybe that was the social evolution
of these people, from lumberjacks to hipsters to
slavers? LOL. It is wrong to joke but it helps me
put my fears aside.
Hiding is best for me. Slavers must specialize in
tracking down runners. I saw their dog packs.
Against that my skill my blistered feet will fail. So
I stayed hidden, snuggled in quiet and low till the
depraved rabble passed. I continued to stay out
of the way expecting them to return this way to
their ship. The time passed easier with the reas-
suring weight of a revolver in my hand. My vigi-
lance did not waiver but it did fail me.
Next I awoke to a bug eyed monster snarling at
me with claws. It occurred to me I might be
dreaming but in the new world I have already
seen monsters, If I had coffee or more than a mo-
ment of thought I would have realized it was a
man with night vision goggles holding back
leashed dogs armed with a sword. Instead I re-
acted by jumping to defend myself and gotten
quickly knocked out with a pummel to the head.
I wish I could tell you it was a manly manner in
which I jumped to fight but truly it was a quick
panic of no real planning or skill. I never even
saw the blow that put me down.
The new reality I awoke to slowly was of being
chained to a wooden horse drawn wagon with a
dozen assorted people. All had far away looks of
hopelessness, shoddy dirty clothing that were
practically rags. They smelled of fear that held
them mute. This seemed like a good time to shut
up and observe. The slavers were chatting about
their plans upon return to Savannah, how they
would spend their spoils. The rumors I had heard
were true and my assumptions of a larger social
order were correct. There was indeed a slave
based economic state run by the wealthiest
strongest families in Savannah. They traded
slaves to a larger group in Atlanta. Their main
economy was the salvage and slave trading up
north as well as Atlanta. These men worked for
the Bristy family, one of the ruling houses. The
Children of the Night enslaved me to use as
food, so back to it, again I guess.
My captor made an intriguing appearance, appar-
ently a man of authority by his demeanor and
equipment. He alone has night vision plus other
modern equipment and clothing like a HK MP-5
submachine gun he now carried. On his web
gear I saw a canteen engraved with the Morrow
Project logo. The Project or a piece of it does ex-
ist in this world. Did they fall to salvers like my
team did in Jacksonville? Would all his exotic
gear be Project issue? Was he a Project mem-
Then came the beatings, forced march onto the
ship, more beatings, stale worm infested bread
rarely served, chains and darkness. These
stayed constant for a length of time to which I
cannot estimate. The life of slave is very hard as
you would guess upon both the body and soul.
While chained to the bunks aboard the ship,
awash in hunger and agonies my captor and a
fancier cleaner dressed man walked the aisle
into my vision. I was tired, hurt, and hungry, with
nothing to lose so unable to raise my head I
crocked out a greeting to my captor addressing
him as “Mister Morrow Project”. That stopped
them cold. Mister fancy simply turned to give me
a quick strong punch to the head. Again, I was
out cold. Slavery and concussions have been far
to common of my experience in this world to
The wall I was chained to upon awakening was
in a cabin serving as both quarters and private
office. The other walls were adorned with tro-
phies, status symbols and art work depicting he-
roic deeds and accomplishments. I have heard
such things referred to as a “I love me wall”.
Chart and papers covered the large table and
desk. My head throbbed, thirst consumed me
while iron shackles bloodied my ankles and
wrists. I felt agony everywhere, unable to discern
any one pain as it encompassed my being, I
fought to consider my plan, and I did not have
I got to know the cabins’ occupant over the con-
tinued course of our sea journey. Kate Bristy was
an intellectual, disciplined and focused. She had
grown up as slaver nobility in Savannah with the
urge to see the world. Since her early teens she
joined the family expeditions, quickly becoming a
leader of them to then the head of the family busi-
ness. She is cultured, sweet even with an unas-
suming nature yet beneath that totally ruthless in
her defense and pursuit of business, family, and
her image. She is dangerous, intelligent, savage
and gorgeous. Even if I wasn’t chained up I
would know to fear this woman. Yet she dressed
simply with a sense of elegance, I never could
actually ignore her leather pants. Long hair and
soft skin, she looked like she did not know labor
and work, yet clearly she was not intimidated or
soft. She was a dichotomy.
Her interest in me was what I knew of history, old
world technology and Morrow Project facilities.
Her city state knew of the Project as a source of
material wealth and highly useful salves. They
have been picking over the frozen idle remains of
the Project for generations, We failed to launch,
there is no Project out there for me to find. I have
to hope that maybe the unlooted pieces can be
found and useful.
Over the days, she questioned me, or ignored
me for varied lengths of time. She asked about
where I was trained, frozen and whom else I
knew in the project. She explored my knowledge
of mechanics, engineering, and other hard sci-
ences I was not overly conversant in. I was never
sure if I was trying to avoid disappointing her or
to avoid her subtle knife usage upon my person.
In observation of her office work, I learned her
ships have plied the east coast, into the Carib-
bean and even made treacherous raids onto the
European and African coasts. It makes me think
of the Vikings but the triangular transatlantic
slave trade is the most on nose comparison.
Maybe that knife she keep running over my skin
is why I keep thinking of Vikings. 150 years she
tells me have passed since the old world fell. In
that time mankind only recover to this brutal
primitive mind frame overwhelms my hope. The
Project is a shadow of legend while its need is
greater than we imaged to plan for.
Upon arrival in Savannah, the great city slaver
port, I am to be sold for a high price to a noble
family. These jackals hope I can lead them to
Morrow treasure, bring them technical toys while
being a display of their power. Leashed Morrow
Project dreamer is the ultimate and rarest fashion
accessory of the elite it seems. At least this
means they will not kill me, or starve me too
much. That and the hope I might be bathed are
almost too much hope to risk.
To date what I have seen of the new world has
been ruins, overgrown nature and small enclaves
of man. I see now in Savannah more than my ex-
perience could have guessed possible. Dozens
of sailing ships ply the port, large wooden docks
serve their trade. Innovations adapted to the lack
of power and fossil fuels adorn the city. From
afar it looked industrious, active, a hipsters
dream of bearded hardworking men without the
spoiling effects of modern polluting activity.
I did not see any coffee shops on the streets so
this could not be a hipster paradise. I was in a
horse drawn cage. The streetscape was covered
in filth, smelled of disease, and was overrun with
petty crimes among the town folk. Even the
horses were skinny from hunger and looked sad.
This close the city loses any romantic notions of
a Hollywood produced past or ideal are overpow-
ered by the filth, stink and savageness. A most
wretched hive of scum and villainy indeed. Open
sewers, no public services or utilities. Men de-
graded as slaves and as economic collateral
damage. A dank diseased city under a cloud of
savage even sadistic and selfishness. You can
have your pockets picked or throat slit easily
enough. The powerful can buy clean water food
and air as they can buy the government. Think of
Oliver Twists’ London but far worse.
The port bustled with goods coming and going
and multiple smells upon the breeze. Dozens of
ships I knew to be schooners and sloops, even a
few fully rigged ships. Any of these could make
the journeys of exploration and trade I envi-
sioned in place of salving and raiding. There was
power here in these ships, but it was used to de-
stroy rather than to build. Like most evil in this
world, it was beautiful. These ships were majes-
tic and agile looking.
As a tourist Savannah would repulse me. Arriving
as a slave I was treated to the worst of it and of
humanity. The moment I was hosed down in my
holding pen made me think of The Planet of
Apes, me being Heston of course. So I have
come to think off these people as the apes like
the movie. This view was vindicated as I was
forced into a private cell and hosed down just
like that iconic film. I had a six by six foot cell
with three walls and study bars over a cement
floor. The building was setup like a zoo, we were
to be on display to buyers who strolled the park
like scene. Strolling the gaslights with their chil-
dren human beings were considered as simple
commodities to be traded used and discarded.
One boy eager to please and impress his father
stood out to me. He was well dressed and spoke
with intelligence and maturity beyond his years
to the masters while heaping foul abuse verbally
and physically upon the slaves. This adorable lit-
tle 10 year old boy whipped a man repeatedly
with gutso to the pride of his father while mom
smiled upon them both. Gas lamp posts kept the
parade of dignified brutality going past dark. It
also occurred to me that this is the first time I
have ever been to Georgia and not seen any con-
federate flags, that seems ironic.
I was fed better. Oatmeal never was a favorite of
mine but it was like the food of the gods after
what I have been through to date. This place
gave me time ot think, worry and wonder if I
dared to hope. After the buyers left for the night
and the gaslights dimmed I was assaulted by
ominous sounds of crying children and adults, if
whips cracking and the clanking of chains. If I
were to close my eyes today I can still hear
them. I was now close to the worst of the city,
but still separated with a chance of being spared
the worst due to my perceived value. This good
fortune produced some guilt in me. I could do
nothing to help the others, I felt my failure deeply
as well as the Projects. I am here to help these
people. I compromised to focus seeking on seek-
ing information. My quest in very short order has
been informative but with repeated concussions,
could I live and retain what I discover?
In the old world, I never had to truly fear death or
question my survival day to day, or see starva-
tion. My training could not prepare me for this
new world. Here in the slave pits facing darkness
growing in my soul I learned the true value of The
Project. It gave us a goal. We were chosen for
our passion and commitment, which they nur-
tured in training. Facing the harsh events, I fell
back on those values to retain my sanity and
strive to survive.
With this mindset, I was sent via the dirty caged
cart to a stately southern manor. This was classic
southern plantation architecture still serving that
purpose. It was symbolic microcosm of the slave
city culture. Outside slaves toiled to delicately
tendered gardens on par with the Palace of Ver-
sailles while overseers remained discreet. The
building housed the country club of the elite.
Here they gathered for the gentle art of competi-
tion, for scheming and gossiping in the glory of
their wealth.
I entered the realm of the elite through the back
door so as not to disrupt the sensibilities of our
betters. I was cleaned and given fine clothing.
My captor then came to me, I never learned his
name. “Boy, you will live well if you can show
your value. You will be on display for buyers. You
make me look bad and I will kill you slowly. You
make the Brsity family look bad and you will pray
to die for weeks.” He affixed a thick leather leash
to my neck. “Now let’s get out there and show
off all that fancy old world learning you got”. This
man was a grunt soldier and overseer. My life
was in the hands of a knuckle dragger I admitted
with a sigh as a reply. I had already learned not
to look him or any master in the eye.
On my leash, I entered the parlors of the local
elite, civilized savages who had power over me I
had to respect and fear. Like a trained monkey I
played my role while trying to observe and learn.
Slavers carried no weapons openly to show they
had raw power of their domain. Finely woven
cloth neckties and hats were the style to keep
cool. Diamonds and gold adorned them all to dis-
play wealth. These were not people who dirtied
their hands with labor often. I have to admit they
were a good looking bunch though the finger
foods produced the most admiration in me.
Lady Bristol took my leash while pleasantly sip-
ping her iced tea over conversation a potential
buyer from Atlanta. The hard woman I knew at
sea was now a refined prim proper gentle crea-
ture with a wide smile. She wore a simple sum-
mer dress and made it elegant. Stunningly gor-
geous as well as deadly and crafty. I do not think
her peers grasped her true depth. With great ef-
fort, I tried not to admire the fit of her skirt, or the
depth of her dark brown eyes. I think I almost
managed to succeed.
From her chatter and questions, I learned that
Savanah was ruled by a council of the strongest
families who engage in constant intrigue of cloak
and dagger wars among themselves. They pro-
duce little of their own; they trade slaves and raid
for their power. Atlanta is their largest trading
partner, which I suspect, is slowly making them
an economic vassal state. Soon Atlanta will have
true direct control and move openly against
them. Slave traders see everyone as potential
product after all and it is an economic tool and
weapon cutting both ways. I find satisfaction
knowing the slender hands upon my leash have
themselves figuratively leashed to a master as
well. I have to find a way to use that to my advan-
Bristy pulled me down to her side where I took a
deferential knee. She espoused my value as a
tutor to a fat unhappy woman from Atlanta. She
seemed the type to forever scowl and enjoy re-
leasing her simmering anger and resentments.
This one, Penny Ginolis, enjoyed abusing others
with no compulsion to hide it. The matriarch of
her family running a machining business in At-
lanta I got the impression she dominated the
business and family. Her husband in name ran
them only. She had useless children in her words
and a few grandchildren she was raising herself.
What dark hearted woman hates her own chil-
dren and sees her grandchildren as dynastic
pawns? Once people are property all life, even
family, is de-valued in new ways I suppose. I won-
der if she is typical of Atlanta? She could be a
symptom of a decaying corrupt society or simply
the product of a marriage for money. I need to
sample more people to know.
I knew I did not want this woman to buy me. She
did not need to know about the extent of my
skills, some of which I had hidden from the Lady
Bristy. Her questioning ceased when an oddly
slender and pale man dressed all in black ap-
proached. His build was eleven, effeminate yet
graceful and powerful. His eyes were a cold
black that displayed no emotions. A Child of the
Night here, again these savage monsters. The
same of the creatures that drank the life blood
out of my teammates stood inches from me look-
ing me over as I froze in horror.
Slavers are filth trying to be sophisticated yet
they still are human at least. How could they al-
low a vile dangerous beast into their realm?
These people must be insane or ignorant. Were I
the stronger willed man I wish to be I would have
launched an attack upon the beast right then. As
I am though, I stayed on my leash and observed
through my fear.
The thing spoke with a soft unhurried voice, al-
most sweet sounding. His facial expressions and
other body language reacted to the emotions his
empathic abilities sensed as opposed to the con-
versation. That is an unnerving thing to watch.
His kind pull it off with a sense of superiority.
Lady Bristy was not pulsed by its revolting na-
ture. While she did not try to sell my knowledge,
she offered with great flourish to serve my blood.
A pearl-handled knife was produced from the
folds of her jacket cut and bleed me into crystal
chine for the beast to drink from. I never moved
a muscle. Maybe these two creatures are more
alike than I have realized?
They discussed selling a few score old slaves
and quickly came to an agreement I was very
glad not to be a part of it. The Children buy food
not labor here; Bristy can sell devalued old or in-
jured slaves at a better price for their blood. It
did not walk away so much as it slithered. Those
things are unnerve me because they are not natu-
Dinner wound down quickly without the tension
that permeated the cocktail hour. Lady Bristy
kept me by her side during the opulent meal. She
could make me feel safe and terrified at once.
Around her I did not think past the moment, fo-
cused on the experience of living as it may be
my last. I am not sure if it is fear or the relief of
survival that keeps my senses notched up. She
has power over me I realize as I watch her long
black hair while kneeling behind her. I am not
sure where it comes from. Certainly she has
more hold on me then the leash upon me alone.
I enjoyed this dinner because of the heavenly
aroma of fine dining. You can learn a great deal
of a culture from their food. These slave lords
dined like the Roman elite would have. The lob-
ster meant they had seafaring trade to the north
and or south. Coffee! They had my first and lost
love coffee I long for every moment. The pres-
ence of this magical brew shows some kind of
intercontinental trade or raiding. The world is
larger than my limited view had suggested to
Do the creature comforts of this slave society ap-
peal to me I wondered? Is it weakness needing
security that keeps slaves obedient? Are they
broken or just content to be fed in this new world
I asked? I have to inquire as I am on one knee
before the dinner table of slave lords while
leashed to one of their hands.
I was returned to the salve market zoo cage. The
streets were quiet in late evening but felt danger-
ous. Our driver and guards certainly were keep-
ing alert. Watching simple men finger shotguns
should unnerve me but I am the property they
are protecting. Robert was one of the guards I
got to know as he would bring me my meals and
ran the wing of cells I called home. He was a
large intimidating man with a shaved head and a
broad smile quick to laugh. Traditionally guards
are not picked for their intelligence or compe-
tence, they are brutes often who are quick obey
and do not ask questions. Common folk usually,
simple salt of the earth, you know, morons. But
Robert had a humanity to him I would never have
expected. He had three daughters with his wife.
This was just a job to him feeding his family. He
wants routine and no problems. His wife requires
he bathe the smell of his work off each night and
assure she eats healthy. His eyes betray a deep
love when he speaks of her and the kids. Like all
strong men he is overpowered by his daughters
who play with him and break his heart.
Robert shows me there is love I this world. Re-
sponsibility still makes men compromise them-
selves to support a family. Robert is the post-
apocalyptic office drone really. I like him be-
cause I understand and sympathize with him
while envying his family. Robert took to eating
his meals outside the bars of my cells. I would
ask him about his family which he was happy to
brag about. He would often ask me minutia of
the old world. This was not an interrogation, he
never seemed to know or care about The Pro-
ject. He asked who built the old forts at the wa-
ter, did we really fly across the land, what we ate,
those kind of things. These talked showed me a
different world then the slave lords dinners re-
We got a new arrival into the cell next to mine. I
could not see him for the first few days after we
were introduced by his joining into my conversa-
tions with Robert. His voice, eager even in this
slave pit betrayed the mix of confidence and ig-
norance called youth. His name was Doug, of a
clan of flyers from Maine. It is still called Maine.
His people live on one of the islands, he will not
say where exactly, They roam the country in air-
ships, well he calls them balloons but they sound
like rigid dirigibles to me. Robert names his peo-
ple Ballooners who trade among a number of
Doug tells many stories of his adventures but is
careful to never reveal locations. I surmise trade
routes are secret like they were in antiquity. The
Portuguese routes and details of Asia were state
secrets else a competing trader pirate or raider
could threaten profits. Trade and war are both
selfishly motivated.
To believe his tales Doug is the smartest tough-
est bravest and most successful ladies’ man of
his people, who really should be a ship’s captain
and leading member of the ruling senate soon.
He is sure if not for his unfortunate captivity he
would have been made a senator upon his return
already. Reportedly Doug found himself in our
company by way of a storm damaging and divert-
ing his airship to low altitudes over the coastal
waters. There they found themselves easy prey
to a passing slave ship. Apparently Doug fought
the ship single handedly till the mass number of
slavers overwhelmed him. Never believe most of
what an excited teenager tells you,
To be a young man like this again! I was a young
man when frozen yet my short time since has
aged me. Repeated concussions and the occa-
sional starvation will do that. Doug is a young
teenager and Robert is a family man at 20. Now
like much of human history before my 40 years is
practically ancient to them, I am grandpa old in
this society and world. Granted I have better
teeth then either of them thanks to having met a
Slowly summer was approaching us. I was given
Lady Bristy had not had use of me for weeks. If I
am not sold I cannot guess what my future
would be. I got to know other slaves in the mar-
ket that stayed like me. Others were sold quickly
some I only met during chance encounters dur-
ing market shows and work assignments.
Vince was a southern farmer from inland, friendly
even while scared in this place, His southern
drawl would disarm just about anyone. His last
surviving son, of four, needed medical attention
he could not afford so he sold himself into slav-
ery to pay for it while his in-laws would raise the
boy. A man of honor in my book.
Tony was a petty criminal who grew up on the
picking pockets and shoplifting. Life on the
street gave him many intimidating scars as well
as a permanent scowl and a malnourished
frame. He was cocky mouthy and obviously not
to be trusted. Robert predicts he will sell into dan-
gerous expendable work like mining or ship hand
even the harsh field work.
Susan arrived to great fanfare and hoot calls. A
very pretty woman of obvious intelligence. Her
fall into the salve pits was a long one. She mar-
ried a successful trader who took to drink, gam-
bling and mistresses. He paid less and less atten-
tion to his business while reveling in the ex-
penses of his midlife crisis. After a prostitute put
a knife through his ribs Susan was widowed with
huge debts. She was sold as one of his many as-
sets to pay debtors. Robert expects she will sell
quickly into a lords’ house as a servant which will
spare her from many worse fates. She may be
happier in that role even. Good to know divorces
and bad marriage tragedies have continue
through the apocalypse. Some things are just hu-
man nature and can never change.
The one who had the biggest impact upon me
was one I never actually met or knew his name,
All I experienced of him was the sounds of sob-
bing, cries of anguish and desperate pleas. He
was a disembodied vocal expression of pain; His
emotional outbursts awakened me as he was
dragged to a cell on my wing while uncontrolla-
bly wailing. After the guards secured him into his
cell he changed to pleading through the sobs.
This was a mistake. Why would God do this to
him, this was a mistake, please someone help.
This can’t be real…and on and on. Other slaves
had little sympathy threatening and taunting him
for disturbing their sleep. Tony I recall went into
detail of how he would cut his fat throat to shut
him up at the first opportunity. Their complaints
and threats amplified the disturbance requiring
Robert to intervene. Robert wanted the order
and routine of a simple life after all. I did not
could not predict how effectively and directly this
father of daughters could achieve that goal.
I heard the large hallway door slam open fol-
lowed by heavy determined foot steps. The other
slaves were silent now and I felt the urge to hide.
The bubbler began to sequel “I don’t belong
here” to which Robert replied by striking a baton
on the cell bars while yelling “You will shut the
Hell up now or I will shut you up”.
“I don’t belong here..please” cried our new neigh-
bor. My guts tightened knowing what would hap-
pen, I pulled myself into the far corner of my cell
with my head in my knees. I heard a cell door
thrown open and the squealer pulled forcibly
from his cell. Then came thuds and squishes of a
savage beating that were all encompassing in
the wing, louder to me then the sobbing had
been. The entire wing was dead quiet as a cell
door was closed and Robert breathed heavily.
“One chirp out of any of you the rest of the night
and I swear I will give you the same thing” Rob-
ert roared. We showed agreement with our total
silence that whole night, till guards came to re-
move the mess Robert left for them to clean up. I
stayed huddled in the corner, I could smell the
squealers death already. I feared to call out in my
sleep from a dream that night so stayed awake.
You see, a simple man loving his family wanted
routine without having to face the truth of his job.
His love motivated him to ignore the evils of his
world to blindly become part of it. The sobering
squealer forced him to face the evil he compro-
mised with and he could not face it or change it.
So he silenced the reminder, he struck at the
truth and beat it down and away where it could
not hurt him. He did evil directly to allow him to
tolerate the presence of evil, to protect his family.
It is illogical and wrong while it is shockingly com-
mon and human. This was to be my last night in
the market fittingly as it was the most honest re-
veal of its true nature.
Shock and horror held me all night corned in my
cell. Lady Bristy arrived in the mooring dressed
in field ware for royalty, heeled boots, multi pock-
eted blouse of durable fabric, and tight cargo
pants with a gun belt, knife, binoculars and the
like. She ran her long fingers along my cheek tell-
ing me I was safe, she needed me on a salvage
expedition so she was taking me away from this
Even though the team has been trying to keep a
low profile word spreads about those that are
powerful and do good. A reputation as someone
that helps others in need spreads like wildfire
these days. It’s this reputation that got the atten-
tion of a pair of slavers and made them risk com-
ing to town and talking to the team. The town is
in an uproar as they approach, A woman
screams, “kill the slaver scum!” and the crowd
starts to turn violent when one of the slavers
yells out “we need help from a monster that will
probably come after you if it’s not stopped!”
“Please, help us! This monster has taken over
and has enslaved most of our men! She has a
thirst for blood and actually will eat you if you dis-
You can start this any way you want and at any
location you want, you should have some NPC’s
available to solidify that they are evil slavers and
not normal honest citizens. This is a basic “bad
boss enslaved everyone” situation. The team’s
best option is to kill or subdue the boss to break
the control over the others. Your team may be
happy killing the slavers, but there is a lot of
slaves mixed in with them. Remember she can
only have basic control over women. You may
want to discourage the team wiping out every-
one, have townsfolk ask if they can bring
their loved ones back ,etc..
The team is at “anyplace” public having din-
ner, drinking, or shopping in a market. They
are approached by two men that instantly
has all the locals very upset and they start
yelling slurs and threats at the two men. No
matter what happens they will beg and
plead to talk to the “Heros of Morrow” if they
are attacked they will fight back, but they will
keep pleading that they are here “just to talk”
and “A monster will come for you all after it is
done with us”.
People have been disappearing for years in this
area and the locals know it is a group of slavers
that have an encampment a day walk away, as a
group they can fend off a mass slaver attack, but
the locals lack the ability to take them on and re-
cover their lost friends or relatives.
This clan of slavers have been capturing travel-
ers and others and selling them to whoever will
pay, but recently at a blocked road trap they cap-
tured a vehicle and it’s driver, thinking it was
cargo they took everything back to the camp and
found in one of the boxes a woman they could
not wake up. They threw both of them into the
slave pens and started looting the vehicle. After
sunset the woman awoke and started to feed on
one of the slaves, when the guards opened the
pen to stop her she sun around and grabbed one
of them by the wrist and he turned and shot the
other guards. She very quickly took over the
compound and exacted her vengeance on those
that dared to interrupt her travels. She quickly
decided that she could take advantage of the
situation and started to dominate and control eve-
ryone in the compound. They all will willingly
die protecting her and do her will. For all out-
ward evidence, she is a vampire and feeds off
that legend. In fact she is a highly gifted empath
that has a weird vampire fetish.
The slavers are looking for help to free their
friends and will promise to pack up and go far
away releasing all their slaves and giving up all
the items they have collected on their raids over
the years, Mostly because they are afraid of the
team and not because they keep their word.
Darla is an exceptionally strong empath that with
physical touch can dominate the mind of men
and male animals. She has practiced so much
that she can now exert extremely strong control
over any male for 100 plus D100 hours. Women
are not as easy to control for her but she can con-
trol them with 4d6 hours of control. But any
touch can have suggestion and all women play-
ers are at a -30% to shake off the suggestion. At
initial touch males resisting has a -60% to any
rolls resisting her control. She is wearing leather
armor with a leather cape. She has 150DP/BP
She also has the ability to heal about 2DP and
2BP every turn on her own as long as she is
above 50DP/BP, she will also stop bleeding out
on her own in 2 turns unless she has a massive
wound, she can accelerate her healing to 10DP/
10BP if she can touch another person and actu-
ally drain life from them, that person Loses 10DP
per combat turn she is touching them. She has
a knife and a pistol, she has learned how to use
the pistol +10 skill but will only use it at point
blank range and always acts like she is a de-
fenseless unarmed girl. She is only 5 ft 4 “ tall
and weighs about 90 pounds. She is extremely
agile with acrobatics +40.
The pistol is a .38 revolver with 6 rounds, she
has another 12 rounds loose in a pouch on her, it
will take her 6 combat rounds to reload.
Due to her life she is resentful of everyone and
will never do anything to allow capture. The only
way to break her control is death or waiting it
out. Anyone that she controls will do anything to
protect her even sacrifice their own lives. Their
own will is gone, they can make basic decisions
but they are in essence fanatics under her con-
trol, deadly fanatical to her.
Her healing ability is directly connected to her
control ability, she actually draws life energy from
her victims and they will age the longer she is in
control of them. When control is broken they will
fall to the ground with a severe headache writh-
ing in pain and withdrawal symptoms as her con-
trol stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain,
extended control will increase the addiction level.
They will remember every single thing they did
under her control, some may instantly commit
suicide upon release if you want to really make
this into a horror show.
PD Note: If you want to keep it light, those re-
leased will wander around in a dazed state and
be grateful for their freedom to the team.
If the team does not outright kill her but knocks
her out and capture, she will do everything possi-
ble to escape and will try like hell to touch them
even a light touch gives her some control and
any touch requires a roll or that player lets her
go. If she feels that she will lose, she will run
away to avoid capture or death. Short of them
nuking the place from orbit make it very hard for
them to kill or capture her if they do a full noisy
assault. The only way they have a chance is
stealth only 4 of them versus the horde of con-
trolled she will feel confident. If the team gets
within 100 feet of her she will start to retreat and
if they get within 50 feet she will run. If she is cor-
nered she will panic and draw her gun if some-
one gets close enough she will touch them and
control them. Anyone walking towards her will
get shot she is deathly afraid of ever being cap-
tured again due to her past. IF the team has any-
thing non lethal, they need to use it to capture
her. Physical touch, skin to skin is needed. She
is very clever and figures out ways around glove
by rubbing the fingertips on rocks, etc.. all it
takes is even a tiny bit of contact and it’s instant.
Remember, the slavers and the slaves are techni-
cally innocents in this. The teams should NOT go
on a full murder rampage.
The slaver compound is at an old kennel and the
dog cages are used for slaves with scavenged
chain link fencing added around the kennels.
They also added fencing around the whole facil-
ity and the slavers live in the haphazardly re-
paired house with many outside walking the
grounds and the kennels. Now with the empath
they all patrol the area for her or go out and hunt
for food. Basically a wooded area and a fenced
compound with a typical ruined house and 8 ken-
nel cages for the slaves. You can set this up
however you see fit, scale up or down for diffi-
culty. 8 is good for new players, if you have sea-
soned players scale up to 24 cages and increase
the number of goons. I have seen well seasoned
players freak out badly when presented with 60
goons that they technically should not shoot that
are headed for them.
The location is on a hill
with the back to the
woods the front has a
clear line of sight for 300
yards in all directions
sneaking in on the
house side that as the
wooded area is the best
approach. In the yard
area is posts set in the
ground where slaves are
tied up for punishment
or entertainment. There
are two dead bodies on
two posts only being
held up by the ropes
both severely beaten, one has a man alive that is
hoarsely screaming, “Darla, come back to me”
over and over again. All three of them are wear-
ing crude armor of leather and cloth. These are
the men that captured her to begin with. In the
cages are still all the women and some children.
Darla has 25 Slavers under her control as well as
about 25 male slaves. The slavers had captured
some bobcats and she has turned them to be
her pets the number is up to you for scaling up.
Minimum 2 but I would not go crazy, max 4 or
it gets pretty silly.
If your team goes all murder hobo, The male
slaves and slavers are 100 DP/BP and the bob-
cats are as well. The slavers have weapons but
their skill is not that great, roll firearms of 25%
hand to hand at 35% hand to hand for the
slaves will be 35% as well they will all have im-
provised clubs if they can find them. IF the team
does start a killing spree, each one they take
down to 70 DP/BP or below roll a 50% roll.
ANY successes means the injuries broke the
control and that person will collapse with the con-
trol breaking effects and start yelling “stop
shooting/hitting me” this can add some nice con-
fusion to the mix and remind the players these
are not just goons to be killed.
The bobcats, use the
standard animal info for
bobcat, or if you want to
scale them up, give her
bears for a bit of “OH
CRAP” moment when
the team sees them.
In the last article we covered a typical Morrow
Project cache and covered what I use for them.
But the caches are not just for giving the team
more ammo and vehicle parts. Morrows Mission
is community rebuilding and support so each
team will have one or more community support
caches. Depending on the team and their role
the community support caches will be different
sized. A small 2 man Recon team for example
will have a small cache similar to their resupply
cache but would have things like a community
defense case, a doctor in a box, or simply aid.
For example, just like before we have a small
cache that is based on a standard concrete
sewer vault like before that was easy to rapidly
deploy under the watchful eye of the community.
For that small team I would include the follow-
ing for a generic community support cache.
1 - pelican case Containing…
12 - Colt stagecoach rifles made to shoot
6 - .45ACP revolvers with holsters and belts
2 - repair kits with parts
12 - simple cleaning kits with pictogram books
on how to clean the rifle and pistol as well as
how it goes together and comes apart.
1 - pelican case Containing
12 - K-BAR knives in leather sheathes
12 - basic first aid kits with pictogram basic first
aid info
12 - single channel FRS radios with hand crank
12 - hand crank flashlights
12 - black knit watch caps,
12 - 6X monoculars
12 - sets of stainless handcuffs
12 - polycarbonate night sticks
1 - small pelican case Containing
24 - rugged e-paper ebook readers loaded with
self teaching courses including self teach how to
read courses. These have a solar panel back so
they can be left out in the sun to charge. They
are waterproof and rugged.
1 - pelican case Containing
1250 - packets of seeds. These seeds are a
wide variety of foods that will grow easily and
were genetically engineered to survive dormant
for 100+ years. The seeds are common varieties
specifically chosen for the teams current location
to be able to grow rapidly and yield enough for
food and to harvest seed for replanting. There is
enough seed here for 4 farms 100 acres in size
to plant for 4 years in a row to feed a decent
sized village.
6 - ebook readers that are extremely rugged
filled with agriculture and animal husbandry infor-
mation designed to be from simple to complex
as well as simple to follow guides on how to
build barns, coops, and greenhouses as well as
how to build irrigation, etc… these will require
teaching from the starter ebook readers so they
can read and understand basic knowledge first.
1 - small pelican case that is a frontier doctor in
a box. It’s contents has 2 ebook readers that spe-
cialize on medical and has a built in ultrasound
device as well as a wrist component that will
read temperature, pulse, blood oxygen, etc…
Many tools needed for the doctor as well as a
pill press and other items needed to make the
recipes in the ebook reader for aspirin, penicillin,
and other important drugs needed to increase
the overall health of the community.
1 - large case that contains 2400 rounds of
1 - case with 6 trade packs and 1st contact cloth-
ing such as ripped up jeans, heavily worn boots,
worn and damaged leather jacket, shirts etc.
This community support cache will allow the
team to set up a local law enforcement or militia
that will be effective against animal threats as
well as raider threats. The whole kit will be able
to set up a local doctor, a small school and get at
least 2 farms going well. It is not a drop off and
“good luck” cache. The team will have to spend
time in the community getting them rolling. At
least 6 months is needed, and they will have to
continue to support the community for a couple
of years before they would be able to be left on
their own. The above is a small enough amount
to fit in a small team vehicle in one load to drag
back to town.
A bit of details on the ebook readers. Putting in
regular books like the original Morrow caches
would have consume lots of precious space that
they just don't have, technology pioneered by
Morrow Industries has created extremely rugged
ebook readers that use epaper that short of us-
ing them as bullet shields or intentionally trying
to destroy them they will continue to function for
at least a 30 year time span in severe conditions,
longer if they are well cared for. Power supply
is a super capacitor system that the entire back
of the unit is a solar panel that will charge it com-
pletely in only 2 hours of direct sunlight. The
memory storage is not “flash” but instead a laser
burned rom so memory degradation is not a
problem. Each unit can hold 10,000 books,
some are generic education and entertain-
ment and others are specific for a certain
field. There are special versions with
added sensor connections such as the
medical ebook tablet that has storage in it
and can have a sensor plugged in to give
them more information the connectors are
surface pegs that are waterproof and re-
quire no maintenance. The medical tablet
for example has a simple rugged rubber
wristband that when connected will let the
medical operator read basic health stats
and it has a built in rudimentary ultrasound
device to image internally.
What about a larger team? Scale up the kit.
But if it’s a science team? They are supposed
to set up and rebuild an area or even start a uni-
versity, etc… their community support caches
would be quite large. In fact I have gone as far
as having the cache for one science team be a
separate bolt hole that contained a large trailer
packed with everything needed to set up a base
of operations that was to become a central learn-
ing location and lab. A mars team may have a
similar trailer that is a defense post or even a sec-
ondary bolt home with that trailer and a couple
of HMMV vehicles designed to run on biodiesel
for the community to use themselves for security
of the base. Finally a Science One team would
have a couple of bolt hole sized caches as well
as mars teams all designed to meet at a location
to set up and defend a large university they are
to build.
The important part is, out of the 5 caches, 2
should be community support caches. They are
a Morrow team not a death squad. Their primary
mission is to restore society, so their caches will
reflect this.
Details on the community support caches and
how you should design your own are interesting.
Think of it this way, what if a community had a
major disaster and all local leaders are wiped
out. What would you need to get up and running
again? Let’s explore those in detail.
Community Security support in a
You can not have community security without
communications. Short range radios with a
base radio that can act as a “repeater” to in-
crease range and reliability. So in the box would
be a “command center” that would have a radio
for command that has enough cable to run the
antenna to the top of the highest structure they
have. This radio has a built in power supply and
charges from solar panels. It can run for the en-
tire night under light use. Radios for the patrols
on the ground, again self contained with a crank
to charge them, or they can be connected to the
base and charged from the solar panel. They
are a single frequency, you can turn it on and ad-
just volume. Along with this would be a typical
army field desk filled with what a sheriff would
need to manage a group of deputies. Generic
badges, polished stainless steel for deputies and
polished brass for the sheriff no writing on them.
Weapons and restraints for all as well as infor-
mation on training for being a community peace
officer as well as guidelines on handling disputes
without force. There would also be flare guns to
call for help in case radio is not working or un-
available. Several ebooks on dedicated readers
for police training. How to shoot better, self de-
fense, how to do investigations, and many more.
Designed to deliver basically a frontier level of
law and peacekeeping with some modern tech-
Hospital in a Box
This would be a large cache that is medical in na-
ture only. Lots of tools for basic medical for im-
mediate modern aid. But a whole half of the box
is dedicated to sustainable medicine. Simple
tools for diagnosis including a microbiology lab,
pharmaceutical lab and manufacturing, as well
as items needed for surgical and care that are ex-
tra durable as well as duplicates. There is
enough here to set up a small hospital that can
care for 20-30 long term cases as well as 20 per
day emergency cases for one year. After that it
will need to be resupplied. The labs can start cre-
ating medicines, and the documentation has
enough there for a highly skilled blacksmith to
start making some of the items needed as well
as information on medical grade stainless steel.
If 2 years were spent and a suitable building was
found a fully operational hospital could be cre-
ated with the external support personnel to make
it self sustaining for basic care at a level of medi-
cine from the early 1900’s but with modern knowl-
edge available. Training a doctor completely will
take much longer. But even with basic training
such a facility will dramatically reduce the mortal-
ity rate of a community even with only 1900’s
level of technology.
Farm in a Box
Lastly we have the agriculture
in a box system. This ex-
tremely large version would
have tens of thousands of
packets of seeds as well as an
extreme amount of ebook read-
ers and some basics to help
get farms started. Morrow In-
dustries clear plastic rolls that
do not degrade in UV light and
have thin clear fibers running through them
to resist ripping for up to 50 years. These
rolls are designed to get several green-
houses up and running quickly to extend
growing seasons. The same plastic can
be used to make water tanks for rainwater
storage for the greenhouses, this delivers a
large thermal mass inside the greenhouse
for temperature stabilization as well as a
large source of water to make the crops
survive dry seasons. There is enough plas-
tic inside a large cache to create 5 acres of
greenhouses and 1000 gallon water stor-
age for each ½ acre sized greenhouse. If
done properly yields will be increased dra-
matically. There is also enough PVC and stain-
less steel pipe in the cache to sink 4 wells up to
500 feet deep with a large volume cast iron hand
pump at the top. Along with all this is also a
blacksmith starting kit that has some hammers
and other tools to get an forge functioning fast
so that more tools and plows and saws can start
to be manufactured.
I left out details so that you as the PD can create
the kit you want your people to have. Also the
full details are really not needed unless you have
an accountant on your team. Letting them know
they can build X number of greenhouses, etc…
is enough. Don’t let the game turn into “The Mor-
row Accounting and Ledgers Project”.
Cold, damn cold... Joints stiff... Can’t move...
Where am I? Blinding, flashing light in my face
accompanied by a muted alarm. Getting warmer
now, electrical humming and sparks. Morrow?
Memories coming back now. They said the freez-
ing process was safe, but they didn’t say any-
thing about the thawing process. As the hatch
began to open the tube’s emergency system
tried to zap me one last time, got out just before
caps overcharged and detonated with a bright
blue plasma and the smell of ozone. I slammed
the hatch shut on my pod, looked around the
room. It's dark,with the dim flow of the emer-
gency lighting only. I made my over to inspect
the others, everyone else is still in cryo. I at-
tempted to start the manual wakeup on each of
the tubes, nothing. Opened the panel on one of
the tubes, the wakeup control board is busted. I
checked the board from my pod, fried. It must
have failed while i was a waking up. The tubes
cryo functions are still working just the damn
wakeup controls are fried. Looking over the con-
trol boards I noticed that the serial numbers were
almost sequential. Must have been a part out of
tolerance, for it to degrade in only a couple of
years. If only Sparks tube had activated first.
Looked up at the nameplate on the tube “William
C. Sparkman” He could troubleshoot these
boards. Referred to as Willie C. Sparks by others
in the group that knew him before Morrow train-
ing. Something he did his first year in Electrical
school secured that moniker.
Grabbed one of those shiny bags that Sparks al-
ways kept electrical components in and put one
of the control boards in it and took it over to the
computer terminal. Turned on the terminal and
swiped my badge to login. Attached the board to
the diagnostic port. Fortunately it was an auto-
mated process. After a few moments an error
was displayed on the screen. 5 VDC = 0.14 VDC
and a shortcut to the specification sheet for the
TS5205. So I clicked on it, without even knowing
what I was looking for. After skimming the docu-
ment for what seem like hours. Saw something
about capacitance aging and happened to
glance down at the system time bar, 7/25/2167.
After some quick math, that’s more than a cou-
ple of years in cryo than we were supposed to
be. We were only expected to be in for 3 to 5
years, but 150, no wonder the tubes were failing.
Looking back at the spec sheet the TS5205 re-
quires an output capacitor of a minimum of 2.2 𝞵
Farad, whatever a Farad was, after a 150 years
I’d reckon that’s enough time to degrade below
that value.
I need to get out of here, see if there is some-
where I can get help. Gathered my pack,
checked my gear and threw the switch for one of
the personnel exits, held my hand over my face
as the sand came down from the hatch and
made my way up the ladder.
It's night time, I cover the entrance and survey
the area. I look up at the sky to get a bearing,
pick a direction and start walking, hoping to find
a town. Full moon out, that helped, How did the
tubes wakeup systems fail? After a few hours i
approach the edge of a settlement, no electrical
lights, just campfires and torches. Everything
looks so primitive. How long was I in cryo?
Surely I can find what I need to get the other
tubes controls working here, I wonder what
passes for currency here, hopefully it’s not bottle
caps or something dumb like that.
By Jason Brown
Made my way into the settlement, found what
looked to me a tavern, went inside almost expect-
ing the cliche of everyone in the bar going silent
and looking at me coming in the doorway, but
that didn’t happen everyone kept to their own.
Went up to the old man behind the bar and or-
dered something to eat, traded something for it.
Barkeep has a microwave he heated my meal in
it. I played dumb. Asked him where he got a
fancy contraption like that. He said a group of
travelers a few years ago dressed similar to the
way I am came through here, helped fix the place
up and made them a couple of power generators
too. I said it’s a microwave. He recalled that's
what the travelers called it. Asked him if i could I
take a closer look at it. He was afraid that I
would break it. Tried to convince him I was part
of the same group that came through here. He
wanted me to prove it by fixing the large genera-
tor that normally powered the settlement, it went
out a few months back and all they had was the
smaller one used to work the food heater. I
agreed, only if he would let me look at the micro-
wave latter.
Managed to get the generator working and the
barkeep allowed me to look at the microwave. It
was just as I expected, the other Morrow team
that came through her used parts from a cryo-
pod and fabricated this microwave and they
used the very same control board that I need to
wake the others. Tried to explain to the barkeep
that I really needed to borrow a part from it and
at first he wasn’t having it, until I explained that I
could use it to wake the others in my team and
how we could help the city further. He offered a
room for me to stay the night in if I could pay for
it the same way as the other Morrow group did,
with a chocolate bar. Who would have thought a
freeze dried 150 year old chocolate bar could be
more valuable than gold.
The next morning I left the settlement with the
working control board, in the shiny bag with the
broken one. Made my way back to the bolthole,
uncovered the entrance and went back down the
ladder. Powered up the generator, so that I would
have better lighting. Swapped the control board
in Sparks’ tube first. Everything worked correctly.
After Sparks got acclimated he woke the rest of
the team. I explained to them what happened at
the settlement asked what we could do to help
them further. Sparks spoke up first said he had
just the thing in mind, while looking at the busted
control board in hand.
We arrived at the settlement later that evening
went straight to the tavern The barkeeps eyes
were wide as we presented him with 4 working
microwaves and the control board that he al-
lowed me to use. Sparks later upgraded the gen-
erators, Gunner improved the settlements de-
fenses and Sam fixed the water problems.
Central California Coast
What can I tell you? As a trader in these lands
the CCC is a safe place when you compare the
cess pool of local warlords or the crazy monks of
Baraba or the endless flooded ruins of the Bay
Area. Add to that they have a smooth paved
road and a working railroad, and I tell you it’s like
heaven in comparison to the rest of the south or
most of the north. The Farmers Collective of Sali-
nas is a bunch of rich Landowners and the poor
peasants that till the land. The Soil is as rich as
any I have seen and they actually export food
through ships to the other lands around the area.
Can you believe an area that can export food?
Camp Roberts is the center of the CCC military
and they still have actual running vehicles and
pre war equipment. You say that's bullshit? No I
swear to the Gods that I actually saw what they
call a Tank once. And if you know the right peo-
ple, you can even trade for actual ammo that can
fit the old weapons. Heck if you know the right
people, I heard you can get almost anything from
certain quartermasters ( if you know what I mean
They also patrol the roads and the boundaries of
the CCC from any bandits or undesirables for
the Farmers collective and for SLO. I heard that
the soldiers from Roberts can be hired for most
things, so if you need some muscle and you can
pay, they might be what you need. Last in the
CCC is SLO. I think the old title was “San Luis
Obispo” but today it’s just SLO. It’s what they
call a University town under the Faculty Senate
and it runs most of the south from Morro Bay to
Solvang. They are pretty friendly to traders and a
good place to buy goods as they make a lot of
interesting things. There graduates keep all the
prewar gear working, and I heard that they are
making machines that let people fly. I personally
don’t believe it, and you know you can’t trust eve-
rything that you hear on the road.”
The CCC came about during the regionalization
and breakdown of the California government dur-
ing the crisis of 2017 and the resulting nuclear
exchanges. The important point about the CCC
is that it is not one government but three differ-
ent groups that work loosely together in order to
control the region.
North - Salinas - Farming - Salinas Farming Col-
lective “The Collective”
Central - Camp Roberts State Government - Mili-
tary dictatorship. “Roberts”
South - San Luis Obispo - University Republic -
By Clive Hendrick
Central Coast - Underpopulated - “Coast”.
The California Central Coast has long been a
lightly populated who main products are agricul-
ture and tourism from the state parks on the
It major feature of the area is Highway 101 that
links Los Angeles to San Francisco. Once it was
the primary road linking Northern and Southern
California, but has largely been bypassed by the
more direct Interstate - 5 in the central valley.
The War and the Asteroid Strikes:
With no major targets, the central california coast
escaped most of the warheads with the excep-
tion of strikes at the Diablo Nuclear Power Plant
and Vandenberg AFB in the far south. Because
of the strong offshore wind currents (West to
East ), it escaped all of the fallout from the Bay
Area to the north and the Los Angeles region to
the south which effectively boxed in the area
from a refugee influx. The Asteroid Strike did lit-
tle direct damage to the area, but the resulting
tsunami caused major damage to the low lying
coastal regions of morro bay and Monterey bay.
The global cooling of temperatures from nuclear
strikes and impact from the asteroid strikes
again did little damage to this area as the sea
regulated much of the changes, and the increase
rain actually helped the region which before the
war was semi-arid. Once the Tsunami from the
Asteroid and hit the coast, it look years before
the local population resettled the rich coastal
farming lands around Monterey and some se-
lected areas around Morro Bay, but abandoned
much of the central coastal areas accessible by
highway one do high maintenance needed and
the sparse population.
The Early Years:
Within a year the population did fall by 40% do
to hunger and widespread disruptions in trans-
portation and infrastructure, but the catastrophic
collapse seen in other areas did not happen. The
reason why the area was able to weather the war
and asteroid strike was isolation, geographical
location, and a strong military presence.
Civilian Government:
This State Government ceased to exist almost as
soon as the war broke out with both the state
capital and most major cities taking nuclear
strikes. The local government in the california
central quickly came under martial law from
Camp Roberts and Fort Hunter Liggett. The stabi-
lizing influence did much to help the region sur-
vive more or less intact. With little in the way of
any higher state government or a strong national
government, the area more or less continued to
function independently and over time became a
completely independent of any national organisa-
tions ( or the 4 to 5 National governments that
claimed jurisdiction).
The Region has two major Military bases used by
the California National Guard (Camp Roberts)
and the United States Army Reserve ( Fort
Hunter Liggett ). Camp Roberts was built during
world war two and is spread across 41,000 acres
and is the center for California National Guard
Training. It is a sprawling camp with only a small
permanent support garrison but it is close to
highway 101 and major rail lines. Fort Hunter Lig-
gett was also built around world war two and is
the largest USAR base in the world ( 167,000
acres ) that is used to train US Army Reserve
units in infantry, artillery, air, and tank combat. Un-
like Roberts, there is a permanent support garri-
son as well as a large amount of equipment that
was used for training. The California National
Guard and USAR was already on High Alert be-
fore the war started due to the upcoming Aster-
oid Strikes in 2017 and the need to train units
and pre - position equipment away from the
coastal areas. At the time of the war parts of the
parts of the 79th Infantry Brigade Combat team
were at Camp Roberts for disaster relief training.
On June 12th, 2017, The following elements
were at Camp Roberts.
79th Infantry Brigade
1st Battalion, 184th Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion, 160th Infantry Regiment
1st Squadron, 18th Cavalry Regiment
1st Battalion, 143rd Field Artillery Regiment
578th Brigade Engineer Battalion
40th Brigade Support Battalion
At Fort Hunter Liggett
91st Training Division HQ group
3rd Brigade 356th Logistics Support Battalion
U.S. Navy's 31st Seabee Readiness Group
Elements of the 5th Armored Brigade were as-
sembling at the Fort when the war started -
3rd Battalion, 362nd Regiment (Armor) “Stal-
2nd Battalion, 356th Regiment (Logistics Sup-
port) "Red Ball”
2nd Battalion, 362nd Regiment (Field Artillery)
"Red Leg” )
After the first days of the war, the 79th Infantry
Brigade spread out over southern areas of cen-
tral coast areas trying to help with disaster relief
as well as radiation containment from the strikes
to the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant and
Vandenberg AFB. The elements of the 5th Ar-
mored Brigade moved out and attempted to sup-
port the northern areas around San Jose but
soon found out that with the amount of devasta-
tion to the Bay Area there was not that much that
they could do to help with the few resources at
their command. Both units attempted to help
the survivors the best they could but only
100,000 or so refugees from the North and
South were resettled into the local farms and
ranches that were desperate for manual labor as
much of the infrastructure was destroyed by the
EMP effects of the war. By 2018, the US Central
Government and Military structure more or less
collapsed as three different leaders claimed to
be president and their ability to affect more than
regional resources ceased. Seeing the writing on
the wall, the commanders at Camp Roberts and
Fort Hunter Liggett declared that they would no
longer accept commands from outside groups till
there was a legitimate national government.
Needless to say, as each region tended to its
own, and fought for vital resources, this never
2018 Army Mutiny :
Within the first year the stress of the relief work
and the growing breakup of the national govern-
ment caused a rift between the elements of the
army command that wanted to go home to their
ruined cities vs those that wanted to stay in the
Central Coast Region. Some of the 5th Armored
Brigade and National Guard units decided that in
comparison to other sections of the United
States, were chaos and mass starvation was
common, this area was more or less intact so
they were in no rush to leave. It looked like a full
scale munity might occur when calmer minds pre-
vailed and elements of the Military that wished to
leave were allowed to leave. In all about 70% of
the National Guard Troops stayed with 60% of
the 5th Armored Battalion. The rest headed off
and disappeared from the area. A large armored
element did leave and made it’s way back to
Texas ( See Operation Lonestar ).
The Middle Years: 2020 to 2120
The Middle years was one of stabilization and lim-
ited rebuilding. Much of the electronics was per-
manently lost, but with the knowledge of Cal
Poly in SLO, the basic infrastructure was slowly
rebuilt and maintained. By the mid 2020’s, the
North and Southern areas chaffed and the con-
tinuation of Martial Law and the imposed food
supplies demanded by the Army to protect the
areas from constant border skirmishes with ma-
rauding bandits and hostile groups. After a se-
ries of civilian strikes against the military, it
looked like the remaining civilian and military gov-
ernments were going to come to a head when
compact was brokered by the mayor of the
Northern Farmers Collective ( Salinas ) allowed
for the valley to be at peace with an barter sys-
tem setup that more or less lasts till today. The
north would provide Agriculture to Roberts while
SLO would supply technical support would oper-
ate the Oil fields and infrastructure in exchange
for army protection of the region's governments.
It is not a perfect system and hostilities still flare
but it has managed to keep the peace for over
100 years. Now the main three power elites are
actually repressing the new democratic move-
ments in the population as all three governments
are not interested in changing the status co.
After years of hunger the and near subsistence
living, the north managed to stabilize faster than
the other areas due to the amazing rich soil and
the larger population.
As there was not the driving need to keep the cit-
ies running and most of the population was
spread out on the farms, this led to a slow but
steady erosion of elected power from the larger
cities to that of the Large Farms and Ranches
that became the true power in the area.
The Northern government soon fell under a char-
ismatic farmer named Carlos Rodeos who was
instrumental in organizing the local farm workers
and refugee into work groups to keep the farms
With the local county government with little ac-
tual power, The other larger farming and ranching
families soon formed an elected council that
elected Carlos to the title of Mayor. Today his de-
scendants continue with that title today ( 150
years latter ).
The Middle regions had little external problems in
comparison to the southern regions.
Slowly the Military command structure turned
less from an merit based one into a inherited one
with the sons of the officers and senior NCO pro-
vided an inherited elite. By the 2040 it was com-
mon to see the same unit be commanded by the
sons and daughters of the soldiers that started
before the war.
The Military did centralize its control and equip-
ment to Camp Roberts from Fort Hunter Liggett.
Over time Camp Hunter Liggett returned back to
a large Cattle Ranch that still provides Beef to
most the region and is a major source of wealth
for the officers at Roberts.
The south had a harder time that the north and
the central regions as it had to deal with the last-
ing effects of fallout as well as being closer to
the refugee influx from the now safe to travel
highway 101 to Santa Barbara.
San Luis Obispo (SLO) very quickly became the
seat of the regional government and its leader-
ship dominated the local politics.
By 2030, the relative safety of the Salinas River
valley drew more and more desperate people
from the devastated Los Angeles region. The
great fire of 2031 in Santa Barbara sent tens of
thousands of people moving north following high-
way 101 and threatened to overwhelm the fragile
CCC governments.
The Military had to clamp down of the area
passes and roads and institute a strict immigra-
tion policy.
A small proportion of the refugee were settled in
the less desirable ( and still dangerous from the
fallout from the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power
Plant Strikes ) in the Santa Maria area while with
the collapse of the Santa Barbara government,
the more choice land around Solvang soon was
annexed to the SLO government.
This rejection of many of the refugee that were
blocked at the tunnel around Las Cruces on high-
way 101 and the mountain top along Highway
154 by the MIlitary. Many of the people were
forced back to the Santa Barbara region and to
this day results in many hard feelings.
Recent History:
Power has been consolidated in all three local
In the north, the top is an oligarchy ruled by the
main ranching - farming lands with a lower tech-
nology and education base.
Camp Roberts recruits from the north and the
south but has become a more or less military dic-
tatorship for hire with the officer class a inherited
title and the lower ranked NCO’s drawn from the
lower educated masses.
The South is ruled by SLO and the Faculty Sen-
ate. It has an outward facing democracy but the
real power lies in the faculty senate and its inher-
ited members.
Many of the officer children do attend SLO as do
the more wealth farming barons in the north so
there is a far degree of contact between the lead-
ers of the different regions. This has created a
more or less stable ruling class with many fami-
lies intermarrying.
As mentioned below, in general, the rulers of the
CCC have little interest in democratic change but
there are those who fight for the rights of the
common people.
Over time, much of the northern farms and
ranches fell under the charismatic leadership of a
local rancher named Delgado who eventually
formed NUEVESPANIA ( See below ). At the time,
the collective barely noticed the change till the
new kingdom started to actively expand into the
border regions north of Salinas.
Highway 101 is much smaller at 2 lanes but it
generally a paved road from SLO to Salinas. It is
a well worn gravel road from SLO south to the
borders at the 101 and a poorer gravel road on
the old highway 154.
There is a 38 MW Gas turbine Power Plant near
Camp Roberts that provides power to Roberts,
The Gas - Oil Wells near Roberts also still pro-
vide both Gas and Refined Oil to the region but it
is heavily regulated by Roberts and is a source of
wealth to the military.
There is windmills that generate power for Sali-
nas more powerful families, but most of the popu-
lation is without electrical power.
There is well main tended Diesel Train Railway
that runs from just south of SLO all the way to
There is a minor port at Monterey that can take
larger wooden ships as well as smaller tramp
freighters. This is a known port of call for many
of the Pacific region power bases and does brisk
trade with groups from Los Angeles ( insert
names from other module ), Latin America, south
america, china, new zealand, and the australian
city states.
Small ocean capable wooden ships are com-
monly made up and down the coast with a small
shipyard in Monterey.
While there was small airports dotted throughout
the region, over the last 150 years most airports
have been abandoned with the remaining few pis-
ton driven aircraft under the control of the re-
gents board at the SLO County Regional Airport.
A newer breed of aircraft have started to appear
in the last few years which are made by a small
company out of SLO, that resemble late 1920 air-
craft in design ( mostly made from wood and can-
vas ). These have been equipped and sold to
Rich farming families for agricultural spraying
and are proving to be a huge success.
The Current Camp Roberts is experimenting with
a small recon squadron of 3 planes and has com-
missioned 4 more for the next year. The Military
has high hopes that these will one day allow if to
project greater power up and down the coast
and allow for it to push eastward to reclaim areas
in the central Valley.
There is a Telegraph system to various outward
facing regions and an active telephone line that
follows Highway 101 from SLO to Salinas.
There is a Commercial AM Radio Station on the
hills of SLO that broadcasts a single that can be
heard for about 100 miles around. The play local
news and a mixture of music from various pre
war groups ( mostly on vinyl records ).
The rural society is more or less horse drawn
with limited mechanized support mostly in the
way of tractors on the well to do farms in the
Internal Combustion Engines are well known, but
rarely used as the cost to keep them up means
only the wealthy use them. Camp Roberts has
the largest amount of pre-war equipment that
still runs but they use it rarely as their reserves of
spare parts is limited.
The workshops of SLO have produced in limited
qualities internal combustion engines for the new
aircraft and for reconditioned cars, but they have
not been able to built engines at the same power
or reliability of the prewar designs. Most of the
working designs are closer to the 1940’s in com-
plexity with little in the way of electronics.
Train travel is commonplace up and down the val-
ley and reasonably inexpensive for the middle
class but quite expensive for the poor. In the last
few years, they have added train lines to Morro
Bay and Monterey Bay to support the growing
shipping and tourism of the more well to do.
The Diesel Train transportation for goods is com-
monplace and is the real driving force for the
trains continued operation.
Most of the population does not travel and more
than 70% of the population will have never trav-
eled more than 30 miles from where they are
SLO engineers can work on the more simple pre-
war internal combustion ship, but the workshops
at Montery do not have the ability to do more
than rebuild existing ships engines.
The sea port at Monterey does have a small ship-
yard running by a shipping company from SLO. It
is are only capable of producing ships smaller
than 150 tons. Steam Engines can be produced
in the workshops of SLO then shipped by rail to
the shipyard for special orders but are common
on the more well to do coastal merchantmen.
While building an iron ship is possible, the lack of
cheap iron sources means that the cost would
be prohibitive for the common merchantman so
most ships are built from wood with Iron sup-
Next Up. - The - Salinas Farming Collective and
The University Republic of “SLO”
The Melitia
The boots, really. The knee high
jackboots, well polished, of the offi-
cers, when they would drink
brandy and laugh about skirmishes
in his fathers cafe in Loisville, had
been his first real impression of
them. Sometimes the jackboots
had been muddy or scarred, fresh
from the field, and the men
that wore them filthy and
wearily battered by what-
ever it was that had they
had contested against. The
floor of the cafe was gouged
deeply by the hobnails, and dents testified to the
stomping along with the drinking songs until one
imagines the cafe floor as one vast instrument
for the playing of The Gunner's Daughter.
He loved the natural swagger that the boots
lent their wearers, whether they were in ripped
field smocks or dress blacks, and they way they
spilled their wages on the tables for drink, food
and gambling, or to bait over the best whores
the cafe had.
Then it was the felt berets. Red for tankers,
green for infantry, black for artillery. And the sil-
ver snakes on the lapels of the dress blacks,
starched to an impervious sheet of flawless
cloth. As a boy, he had loved it all. As he aged,
he learned more about them. Watched them
brand the palms of a newly commissioned Gun
Captain, or the gauntlets formed to welcome the
new infantry officers with rods and knotted
ropes. Once, they even performed a Tanker
blood pinning before my wide open eyes, and
the officers swore honor and victory over
burning glasses of shine.
They would come in on paydays, to
sheepishly buy their tabs back from my
father, who kept the ledger book under
his hanging saber over the tile stove, an
ever present reminder that he was a Re-
tiree, and that refusing a tab was never
acceptable for a gentleman.
I could not wait for my turn, and at six-
teen, with my fathers blessing, I joined
the Infantry, 2nd Battalion. I was already
a veteran of the Junior Ranger program, and
had served as a orderly for a few months to one
of my fathers former cadets.
Three days later, as I waded through the in-
fested sludge of a nameless stream, eyes sting-
ing from the pepper spray, I was nearing the end
of my pride. The sergeants had us chanting “The
Militia is my Homeland, I will have no other!” as
we lugged the infamous honor trees on our ach-
ing shoulders. I had slept only five or six hours
since getting to Camp Bravo for Infantry Basic.
When I went through Tank Scout school a year
later, I would wistfully remember the good old
days of Basic with a fond sigh. But I was far
more prideful by then. I was already Infantry;
had accepted the full weight of my family name
and heritage, and the two made me lust after a
Tank Scouts brier pin of my very own.
But all that was a decade ago, and nearly end-
less frontier conflicts and long emergencies have
faded that pride somewhat and even replaced it
with a amused fatalism. I too have bought the
By Doc
whores and drinks of the veteran cafes, and had
both fail to blot out the stink of flame-thrower
burned villages.
Now, I am sustained by a businesslike jaded-
ness, one that I have built brick by secret brick
from the unspoken wreckage of civilization. I
have personally led punitive expeditions,
brokered peace deals with warlords, and shot
every tenth member of a town once because
they couldn’t pay the taxes without starving. All
to preserve the Homeland. All to tame un-
checked aggression. All to save my comrades
from violent ends.
I’ve seen the other end too, the darkness that
rules outside the hamlets of the Militia Zones.
Human bones cracked for marrow, soldiers
slowly tortured by tribal children as their elders
cheered them on, slave markets and whole
groups wiped out over petty feuds.
I’m 28 years old now, and have slaughtered for
the Militia for nearly half my life. I drink too
much, something my father mutely despairs over.
I’m a Gomez, a jumped up family with no preten-
sion to the status of Lordship or Captaincy. Our
hands are the ones usually soiled by the endless
skirmish of the frontiers. I live alone in a room
over the cafe.
I laugh into my brandy. It’s a soldiers life. And
tomorrow I lead a tax train to the east to handle
Villanueva, Yartigan, and Colson. The blacksmith
in Colson should have my double rifle ready. I
dimly anticipate this as Sergeant Soong enters
the cafe, striding in his silent boots to my table.
Crisply snapping to attention, he awaits my re-
turn salute, which I begrudgingly give. “Report,”
I mutter into my glass.
Soong doesn’t relax a bit. The man would
stand attention while burned at the stake. “Lieu-
tenant, the preparations are finalized for the train.
All details are here, sir.” He thrusts the Clip-
board at me. I shudder inwardly, but take it any-
way. I even set my glass down to leaf through it.
I’m shocked by how few of my requisitions
have gone through. Not only have I been de-
clined for a Scout Dragoon diamond, but both
gun cars. My Marauders can’t handle security,
crowd control, labor AND all reconnaissance
work, especially not at speed. A tax train is a
slow moving, ungainly beast made up of oxen
and men. Held after the harvest, the roads are
invariably mired in the September rains. It is a
ripe target, and we will be carrying the accumula-
tion of three hamlets as well as Agroville 4. Nor-
mally, I post ludicrous demands for mission requi-
sition; assuming I will get a third of it and still
have what I really need.
The liquor burned from my blood as I poured
another glass before shoving it to Soong. “Drink
that, Sergeant, and give me the Intel roll.”
Soong still doesn’t relax, but slaps the roll into
my hand before snatching up the glass. I don’t
take the time to enjoy this brief humanity of this
before I quickly inspect and then break the wax
seal ravens of the intel branch.
Soong is long done with his drink by the time I
finish my brief scan of the document. Atypical
signals traffic? Illicit motorized river movement?
Advise strong caution in regions adjoining tribal
“Three bottles for the road, please. Give them
to Sergeant Soong.” I called, donning my field
“Apple brandy is the fuel that fires the Kitchen.
And we need more than this fucking roll.”
During the Founding, General Maxwell would
convene his officers, scouts, spies, and local in-
telligence sources in the large farmhouse that
served as his HQ. And there, around a vast har-
vest table his men had hewn with axes, they con-
vened for intelligence sessions in the kitchen. In-
tel Branch has been informally called the Kitchen
ever since,
I’ve been part of the system long enough to
know how to work outside channels when neces-
sary. However, while my brandy was eagerly ac-
cepted, additional info was sparse. In fact, it
was non existent, hidden carefully behind the vis-
age of none other than her Ladyship Filma
Branch, of Tank Lord fame. And for her to stir
from her lair meant I was pushing some serious
boundaries. She sent forth her most withering
legion of stares, and I, no fool, withered appropri-
ately. I have crossed the Lady Filma more than
once, and will likely do so again. However, such
things are not done without due consideration.
This is too much resistance; often enough intel
holds back just to support some house feud or
to gain bribes, but holding things this close to
the chest meant heat from higher up. And to be
too bold could have outsized consequences.
“Soong, we are assigned the Albertson Hamlet
loop same as last year, correct?” I queried.
Soong dutifully following exactly one stride be-
hind answered immediately.” Yes sir!”
Albertson bordered the eastern tribal sector, but
2nd Battalion had performed its brutal work in
that area only five years ago. It was doubtful
that the tribes would be ready for another dose
so soon. I was lost in thought when I realized I
was heading to the stables without really choos-
ing to do so.
The dashing officers of my childhood, who
would let me sip from their glasses and run er-
rands for coins, had always imparted what wis-
dom they thought I should know. One of the
best was this: There are enemies inside the wire
same as without.
Intrigue and plot was how the Houses of the Mi-
litia kept and exchanged power. There are rules,
of course, but much leeway available for those
looking for it. A mustang officer, one who earned
their stripes by merit rather than family connec-
tion, is a useful pawn in those conspiracies, as
few will go to war for them.
I want to see the oxen, every wagon, every sol-
dier for myself. If I am to be made sacrifice in
some game, than I will be a expensive piece to
take from the board. MY plans were gaming out
in my mind as I turned to Soong.
“Fetch a bottle of devil's tea and rouse Fournier
and his squad. Instruct him to tell no one where
he is going and to get here soonest. We have a
long night ahead.”
Detailed Weather
Weather can be a bit fickle and a pain in the butt for the PD but it doesn’t have to be. There are things
you can do to make keeping track of the weather easier and make it more realistic. Now this does not
mean you as the PD can not control that weather and make it storm when you want it to. No you will
ALWAYS have that ability and I suggest you use that god gift. This is for when you want to not bother
but you have players that ask “whats the weather like?” Typically I start with what it is outside when
they ask in real life unless I want them to be in a different climate or season. I then roll a D6 each time
in game that any real time has passed.. 1 or 2 temperature dropped. 3 or 4 it stayed the same. 5 or 6
temperature went up. You can also use fudge dice for this as well (I love abusing other games dice for
Cold Climate
(Spring + Fall)
Warm Climate
01 - 70
Cold and calm for
2D6 days
Normal for 2D6
Warm and Humid
for 2D6 days
71 - 80
Cold Snap <74 or
Heat Wave 75> for
3D6 days
Cold Snap <74 or
Heat Wave 75> for
2D6 days
Cold Snap <74 or
Heat Wave 75> for
2D6 days
81 - 90
1D6-1 inches
1D6/2 inches
wind 2D6
rain with scattered
2D6/2 inches
wind 3D6+5
91 - 99
3D6 inches
wind 5D6+10
1D6 inches
wind 4D6+5
1D6 inches
wind 4D6+5
Powerful Storm
6D6 inches
wind 6D6+15
Thunderstorm with
2D6 inches
wind 5D6+20
Extremely Severe
Thunderstorm with
tornados and very
active lightning
4D6 inches
wind 6D6+30
my Morrow Needs!) I then simply keep track on my story notes or in the GM/PD software I use what
the temperature was at that time. really simple. If it become night, drop the temperature by 10 de-
grees. if it was night and becomes day? increase it by 10 degrees or more if you want it to be a hot
day. If you want more tables to choose for you, roll on the big weather table here! Cold snap drop the
temp by 20. Heat wave increase by 20! (Fahrenheit not Celsius... if you use Celsius then a drop of
20 would be drastic while an increase of 20 will cook them. Cut those to 10 and 10 for Celsius and a
5 degC change from night
to day)
Wind speed and listed
conditions match the first
weather type in the list.
Weather starts 2D6 hours
after weather check.
Temperate Climate nor-
mally includes forest,
hills, marsh, mountains,
plains, and warm aquatic.
Marshy regions are
warmer in winter on aver-
The temperate average
(Avg) is based on the sea-
son – mid-winter = 20, mid-summer = 70, mid-spring & mid-fall = 50.
The desert average (Avg) is based on the season – mid-winter = 78, mid-summer = 98, mid-spring &
mid-fall = 88.
Abnormal weather lasts 3D6 hours. A desert cold snap brings a single light cloud, with 4D6 minutes of
rain, and then dissipates.
Inclement weather typically brings precipitation, which lasts for 2D6 hours. Precipitation is in the form
of Fog (01-30), Rain/Snow (31-90), or Sleet/Hail (91-00) when the temperature is 30 degrees or less.
Hail will last only 2D6 minutes with 1D6 hours of rain.
Storms last 2D6-1 hours. Any thunderstorm occurring in a relatively open area has a 10% chance of
spawning a tornado 2d6+10 minutes before the storm hits an area. If a raint storm lasts 5 hours or
more, there is a 50% chance it will upgrade itself to a full-fledged thunderstorm. A non-upgrading rain
storm has a 30% chance of being followed, 2d10 minutes later, by a downpour lasting d4 hours.
Powerful storms: Blizzards last D6-2( round up) days. Windstorms last D6 hours. Hurricanes last 2D4
days but will affect a single area for only 5D6+18 hours if near the center of the storm. If near the edge
of a hurricane, it will last only 3D6+6 hours. Tornadoes last only 2D6+6 minutes and the thunderstorm
that creates tornados will sprout D6+1 funnels. Typically, only D6\3 will have enough power, or touch
the ground long enough, to be truly destructive.
Tornado – A tornado’s base moves 4D6 mph (Movement Rate of 3D6 x10) each round. The top moves
in one direction only. The base can move in a 180-degree arc centered on the general direction of move-
ment (use d10, treat a roll of 10 as a roll of 5, a 2 indicates same direction as tornado top, a 4 indicates
9 o’clock movement, a 6 indicates a 3 o’clock movement 5 means it goes back to the center it can
move 3D6 meters from the center).
All flames extinguished. Ranged and siege attacks, and listen checks, are impossible. Characters are
sucked toward it unless they can grab something that is solid. Standard strength check at this point.
Once sucked in one takes 2d6 damage per round for 2d6 rounds and then is ejected at a height of
(2d4+2) x 5 meters.
| textdata/thevault/Morrow Project, The/Magazines/The Morrow Project - The Project 02.pdf |
Le Tournoi d’Automne / par Matsu Hanchiko
Le tournoi d’automne
Par Matsu Hanchiko.
Acte I : Le tournoi
C’est le milieu de l’automne, et Rokugan entier
attend l’hiver : l’ennui règne presque partout et la
moindre occasion de se distraire est accueillie avec
soulagement. En l’occurrence, une des familles du
clan a invité les noble nés à profiter de la douceur
de ses jardins et de son palais. La crème du clan a
fait le voyage, amenant de courageux bushis et de
belles demoiselles : des promis au mariage vont
faire ici leur première rencontre. Des invités
extérieurs sont présents aussi, venus des clans
Au cours de cette semaine de réjouissances, les
PJ pourront mener diverses activités : escorter un
personnage important (subir éventuellement ses
caprices et son coté "pourri gâté"-il/elle peut par
exemple se perdre dans le palais...) ; ou bien devoir
arrêter des bushis trublions et ivrognes s’en
prenant à des heimins ; ou encore découvrir et
chasser des ennemis du clan venus faire du
grabuge. Ou bien tout à la fois, c’est selon.
Quoi qu’il en soit un des PJ rencontrera par
hasard une cousine éloignée, Hanko. Celle ci a été
amenée par ses parents, seigneurs d’une terre
isolée, qui espèrent qu’elle sera remarquée par une
famille aisée lors des réjouissances. Seule et pleine
d’ennui, elle demande à son cousin d’être son
samuraï lors du tournoi des jeunes bushis (d’autres
Le tournoi se déroule sur trois
jours, par demi-journées :
Première demi-journée :
Equitation et tir à l’arc. A l’issue des épreuves
Hanko se plaint timidement de ce qu’un rônin à
l’air louche a rôdé derrière elle.
Deuxième demi-journée :
Athlétisme et Iaijutsu (avec boken). Le
lendemain matin Hanko se plaint de ce que le
rônin l’a suivie alors qu’elle rentrait à ses
appartements, et est resté devant sa fenêtre
quelques temps.
Troisième demi-journée :
s’affrontent). Après la bataille les vainqueurs sont
récompensés, tout le monde se soigne, puis les 150
bushis se saluent afin de montrer qu’aucune
animosité ne reste entre eux du fait des joutes. Puis
c’est le soir de clôture, avec un grand festin et des
feux d’artifice. Ici les épreuves sont différentes : le
MJ a toutes latitudes pour faire intervenir les
compétences de "danse", "barde", "étiquette",
"courtisan"... en tenant compte de l’alcool ingurgité
(une fois par heure volonté vs ND 5 + 5 par heure :
l’échec indique que les PJ ont cédé aux sirènes et
ont commencer à s’en mettre une de derrière les
fagots : constitution contre ND 15, sinon tous les
jets se font avec +5 au ND (y compris le test de
volonté de l’heure suivante... et le test de
constitution... attention le PJ peut finir très mal...
Un jet d’honneur contre ND 15 est nécessaire pour
que le PJ cesse de se remplir de shochu...)
Note de Matsu Hanchiko : Le tournoi et la fête
sont encore très axés sur le "rôle" mais puisque
mon maître ne m’en dit rien je suppose que cela
lui plait...
Note de Sendoshi : Je ne sais pas qui est le sensei
de Matsu Hanchiko, mais il a de quoi être fier.
Acte II : Le marché de Jaïo
Quelques jours plus tard le PJ est contacté par
sa jolie cousine. Celle-ci est retournée sur les terres
de ses parents. Or une bande de brigands a cerné
leur petite forteresse et, pire encore, son père a été
capturé alors qu’il commandait une sortie. Le
marché est simple : Hanko doit se livrer au rônin
commandant les brigands qui, en l’épousant,
deviendra l’héritier de son père (qui n’a que
Hanko). Celui-ci a d’ailleurs lâchement accepté le
Hanko a dépêché une servante par un souterrain,
porteuse d’un message pour son cousin.
"Mon doux cousin,
Je viens me jeter à vos pieds pour implorer votre
secours. L’horrible rônin dont je me plaignais au
tournoi est en passe d’accomplir un forfait dont
l’ignominie me pousserait à me priver du plaisir
Le Tournoi d’Automne / par Matsu Hanchiko
de la vie, si je n’avais une lueur pour me
redonner courage.
La nuit m’a surprise rêvant de cette merveilleuse
semaine. Nos terres sont coupées du monde et
une armée campe aux pieds du palais. Mais il y a
pire, et mon coeur se soulève à cette idée. Mon
père, prisonnier de cette racaille, a conclu un
marché abominable avec leur chef. Je dois sortir
d’ici et lui livrer ma chair afin qu’il devienne mon
époux. Alors il deviendra l’héritier de mon père et
lui rendra la liberté.
Je sais que je ne suis qu’une jeune femme de
province et que vous avez à vos côtés tous les
plaisirs de la société. Mais je vous en prie mon
cousin très cher, faites quelques chose car vous
êtes mon seul espoir. Dans une semaine le soleil
se lèvera sur mon corps sans vie, car si vous
m’abandonnez mon esprit quittera le monde des
vivants. Hâtez vous mon cousin, je prie les
fortunes pour qu’elles vous aident au mieux.
Votre lointaine cousine,
La servante a mieux analysé la situation : 60
brigands assiègent la forteresse, et d’autres tiennent
les voies de communication. Plusieurs options
s’offrent alors :
Le PJ ne bouge pas :
Bravo l’honneur ! Au bout de quelques jours
tout le clan apprend que Hanko va se marier (elle
ne se suicide pas...), mais quelque part une servante
connaît un secret bien gênant...
Le PJ part seul pour défier le rônin :
Il est capturé et exécuté devant la forteresse, et
Hanko se précipite du haut des murailles.
Le PJ est intelligent : il part voir ce qu’il
peut faire sur place.
Il peut déjouer les gardes et tuer le rônin : ses
hommes se disperseront mais les villages seront
tous pillés.
Le PJ est malin : il implore l’aide de la
Le daimyo accepte de lui fournir 50 hommes
d’armes (holà ! pas des bushis, hein !), et c’est tout.
En effet il/elle considère qu’il appartient à chaque
daimyo local de défendre sa terre. En l’occurrence
cela n’a pas de conséquence sur les limites
territoriales du clan, donc il se débrouille...
Avec une armée c’est plus simple, puisque les
PJ auront toujours un avantage numérique (25
hommes pour entrer sur les terres, puis une troupe
d’une quarantaine, réunis à la hâte, puis les 60 que
Jaio commande personnellement sous les murs du
Notes de Matsu Hanchiko : Pour la lettre, petit
effet de style : écrire ce message d’un écriture fine
sur une feuille imitation parchemin et légèrement
Pour la suite, faire une carte des terres du père
d’Hanko : c’est un petit domaine de 10 km par 10
environ, avec 4 ou 5 villages et un palais. Il se
trouve dans une région enclavée et comptant peu
de voies d’accès (ex : nord est des terres du
dragon, extrême nord de la licorne, ...).
Deux routes y mènent, chacune gardée par 25
hommes, plus une quarantaine disséminés et
gardant les villages. De fait c’est le rônin Jaio, ex-
bushi du crabe, qui est parvenu à fédérer
plusieurs bandes de brigands, leur promettant la
fortune (il a menti bien sûr, le domaine du père
d’Hanko rapporte bien peu).
Pour la bataille, un peu de stratégie militaire ne
peut pas faire de mal... mais le MJ doit avoir une
idée précise de la guerre vécue par des samurai :
je conseille humblement la lecture d’un roman :
c’est Shogun que ça s’appelle et c’est bourré de
trucs sur la guerre, l’honneur, les ninja, le
seppuku, et le sexe aussi (très important dans un
jeu de rôles).
Note de Sendoshi : Mince, j’ignorais ça... On
m’aurait menti ?
Acte III : L’Amour vient après
la Haine
Si le cousin met les méchants en fuite, le père
d’Hanko en fait son karo, avec pour mission de
nettoyer la province et de rétablir l’économie.
Pendant ce temps Hanko s’arrangera pour passer
un maximum de temps avec lui (dîner tous les
soirs, promenades douces dans les jardins, etc...).
Ils finissent donc bien par conclure, d’autant
qu’Hanko est prête à prendre les choses en mains si
son cousin se montre trop balourd (il peut être utile
d’avoir un dessin d’une superbe Hanko à donner au
Mais une famille fait savoir que l’un de ses jeunes
hommes est à marier : le père accepte aussitôt. Le
prétendant arrive : c’est un jeune coq arrogant. Dès
lors le PJ va devoir une relation amoureuse avec
supplémentaire le fait qu’il reste karo en
fonctions... à moins de dissuader le prétendant de
conclure l’union.
| textdata/thevault/Legend of the Five Rings/LANG/[FR]/Sc_narios/L5A - Adv - Le Tournoi d_Automne.pdf |
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| textdata/thevault/Living Greyhawk/Modules/Tusmit/592/Normal Scenarios/TUS2-07 - Fallen From the Sky (APL 2-6)/TUS2-07 - Fallen from the Sky.pdf |
¤ and “ designate trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ' 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This certificate
is the property of Wizards of the Coast and has $0 actual cash value.
has acquired the following in the scenario
Under Siege
Awarded to active military or veteran
PCs who participated in a successful
mission to deliver the message calling
f o r
r e i n f o r c e m e n t s ,
t h i s
commendation reads, "The character
above is hereby Commended for
action above the call of duty in
delivering a vital message across
enemy lines, saving the lives of other
soldiers and preserving an important
military position."
GP Value: N/A
Use Restriction: Unusual
Tradeable: NO
Total Bonus:
¤ and “ designate trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ' 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This certificate
is the property of Wizards of the Coast and has $0 actual cash value.
has acquired the following in the scenario
Under Siege
22220000 M
Maaaasssstttteeeerrrrwwwwoooorrrrkkkk aaaarrrrrrrroooowwwwssss
GP Value: 140 gp
Weight: 3 lbs. (all 20)
Use Restriction: Common
Tradeable: YES
Total Bonus:
¤ and “ designate trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ' 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This certificate
is the property of Wizards of the Coast and has $0 actual cash value.
has acquired the following in the scenario
Under Siege
Miiiigggghhhhttttyyyy m
mppppoooossssiiiitttteeee sssshhhhoooorrrrttttbbbboooowwww ((((++++2222))))
GP Value: 525 gp
Weight: 2 lb
Use Restriction: Common
Tradeable: YES
Total Bonus:
If this certificate is traded, a full record of the transaction must appear on the back. The record
must include the player name, character name, and RPGA number of both the person traded
from and the person traded to. Trade information must be legible. A questionable or illegible
trade record is grounds for the certificate’s immediate disqualification from play.
If this certificate is traded, a full record of the transaction must appear on the back. The record
must include the player name, character name, and RPGA number of both the person traded
from and the person traded to. Trade information must be legible. A questionable or illegible
trade record is grounds for the certificate’s immediate disqualification from play.
If this certificate is traded, a full record of the transaction must appear on the back. The record
must include the player name, character name, and RPGA number of both the person traded
from and the person traded to. Trade information must be legible. A questionable or illegible
trade record is grounds for the certificate’s immediate disqualification from play.
Judge Signature
RPGA # Date
Judge Signature
RPGA # Date
Judge Signature
RPGA # Date
¤ and “ designate trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ' 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This certificate
is the property of Wizards of the Coast and has $0 actual cash value.
has acquired the following in the scenario
Under Siege
Awarded to active military or veteran
PCs who participated in a successful
mission to deliver the message calling
f o r
r e i n f o r c e m e n t s ,
t h i s
commendation reads, "The character
above is hereby Commended for action
above the call of duty in delivering a
vital message across enemy lines,
saving the lives of other soldiers and
GP Value:
Use Restriction:
Total Bonus:
¤ and “ designate trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ' 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This certificate
is the property of Wizards of the Coast and has $0 actual cash value.
has acquired the following in the scenario
Under Siege
Awarded to active military or veteran
PCs who participated in a successful
mission to deliver the message calling
f o r
r e i n f o r c e m e n t s ,
t h i s
commendation reads, "The character
above is hereby Commended for action
above the call of duty in delivering a
vital message across enemy lines,
saving the lives of other soldiers and
GP Value:
Use Restriction:
Total Bonus:
¤ and “ designate trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ' 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This certificate
is the property of Wizards of the Coast and has $0 actual cash value.
has acquired the following in the scenario
Under Siege
Awarded to active military or veteran
PCs who participated in a successful
mission to deliver the message calling
f o r
r e i n f o r c e m e n t s ,
t h i s
commendation reads, "The character
above is hereby Commended for action
above the call of duty in delivering a
vital message across enemy lines,
saving the lives of other soldiers and
GP Value:
Use Restriction:
Total Bonus:
If this certificate is traded, a full record of the transaction must appear on the back. The record
must include the player name, character name, and RPGA number of both the person traded
from and the person traded to. Trade information must be legible. A questionable or illegible
trade record is grounds for the certificate’s immediate disqualification from play.
If this certificate is traded, a full record of the transaction must appear on the back. The record
must include the player name, character name, and RPGA number of both the person traded
from and the person traded to. Trade information must be legible. A questionable or illegible
trade record is grounds for the certificate’s immediate disqualification from play.
If this certificate is traded, a full record of the transaction must appear on the back. The record
must include the player name, character name, and RPGA number of both the person traded
from and the person traded to. Trade information must be legible. A questionable or illegible
trade record is grounds for the certificate’s immediate disqualification from play.
Judge Signature
RPGA # Date
Judge Signature
RPGA # Date
Judge Signature
RPGA # Date
| textdata/thevault/Living Greyhawk/Modules/Gran March/591/Normal Scenarios/GRM1-05 - Under Siege (APL 2-6)/GRM1-05 - Under Siege Certs.pdf |
Pick character type.
Roll 3d6 in order for the following abilities: Radiation Resistance, Constitution, Dexterity, Strength, Mental Resistance. Humans
also have a Leadership Potential ability.
Roll a d6 for each point of Constitution and sum to determine maximum hit points.
Determine melee damage modifier for Strength.
(Mutant) Roll a d4 once for number of physical mutations and once for mental mutations. Player picks mutations from list.
(Mutant) Character either has at least 1 physical or mental defect (determine randomly), or one of each if character has 5 or
more mutations.
(Human) Judge determines starting equipment. Mutants start with nothing.
Physical reflection
Multi-armed, 1-10 (no control)
Partial carapace
Body structure change
Out sized body parts
Total carapace
Skin structure change
New body parts
Heightened smell
Poison claws or fangs
Heightened hearing
Bacterial nonresistance
Multiple body parts
Heightened touch
No sensory nerve endings
Heightened vision
Poor respiration systems
Gas Generation
Heightened taste
Diminished senses
Heightened dexterity
Attraction odor
Heightened strength
Near-sightedness or double vision
Chameleon powers
Heightened precision
No resistance to poison
Radiated eyes
Heightened balance
Double effect of physical forces
Electrical or hear generation
Sonic abilities
Shapechange (reptile/insect/all)
Light generation
Density control (self)
Heightened intelligence
Charismatic effect
Complete mental block
Mental paralysis
Magnetic control
A. Technological
Density control (others)
B. Robotic
Mental transparency
C. Plant type
D. Animal type
Mass mind
Molecular disruption
Fear impulses for types
Time field manipulation
Mental defenselessness
Illusion generation
Death field generation
Multiple damage
Mental control
Planer travel
Will force
Poor dual brain
Force field generation
Mental control over physical state
Anti-leadership potential
Repulsion field
Mental blast
Telekinetic arm
Mental defense shield
Dual brain
Reflection power
Heightened brain talent
Military/scientific/economic genius
Temporal fugue
Weather manipulation
Life leech
Strength Score
Damage Modifier
No change.
Radiation chart shows amount of d6 of damage after 1 melee combat turn. Every round of exposure, the targets Radiation
Resistance goes down by 1.
D represents instant death after round. There is a 20% chance that a player or creature is mutated instead if dying. Judge randomly
rolls 50/50 chance of mental or physical mutation. Then, roll on entire chart of mutations including defects.
NE is “no effect”.
Radiation damage carries a chance of mutation. For each die of damage, there is a 1% chance. The mutation manifests in 7 days. (p
True Humans who become mutated lose leadership potential.
D = Death - = No effect
For every 5 aggressive mental attack “a being survives and resists successfully”, its mental resistance goes up 1 point to a
maximum 18. However, the power of mental attacks always uses the original mental resistance ability score. (MA, pg 10)
A mental resistance of 12 is required to have more than 1 mental mutation. (MA, pg 10)
Any being or mutation without a stated mental resistance has a mental resistance of 3. (MA, pg 10)
* - autosuccess ‘-’ - no attack possible
Only true humans can have followers.
Maximum of 1 mutated being and 1 mutated human at a time.
Player may not give up a mutated follower. (MA, pg 11)
Gifts can increase chance of obtaining a follower. (e.g. +10% bonus for gifting slug projector). (MA, pg 11)
Secret morale roll (3d6) after follower acquired. (MA, pg 23)
% friendly mutated
being follower
% friendly mutated
human follower
Max human
Loyalty Score
Will desert at first opportunity
-2 on morale check
-1 on morale check
No change
+1 on morale check
Never need morale check
Roll 2d6 to determine reaction of encountered creatures or followers in combat.
Immediately attacks
Accept offers, Loyalty +3
Constitution determines poison resistance (MA, pg 11)
Consitution – Poison Strength = Result
0 or less
Death unless antidote within 2 turns
3d6 damage
2d6 damage
1d6 damage
No effect
Color-coded bands allow the wearer to control many of the ship systems, including opening doors.
Blue and red
Command personnel
General purpose
Steel gray
Programmers, architects
Cross-reference character’s Mental Resistance with Item Complexity Level and roll percentile dice to comprehend new tech.
Comprehension check can be made once per week.
True humans receive +5% to comprehend technological devices.
A failed comprehension roll can cause fatal injuries to the handler or those nearby. Roll percentile dice twice on the “Danger
Category” table for “Injure Self” and “Injure Others.” If injury occurs, there is a 10% chance of immediate death per Danger
Category level.
1 (high)
Radioactive material (as power source), computers
Ecology life analyzer, medical unit
Ecology energy tracer, space suit, engineering system unit, security tracer
Gravity generators, computer tie-in, robots, security unit
Color bands, aqualung, water/hydrogren converter, sound-stopping headphones
Atomic torch, paralysis dart (charged), sonic torch, portable hand dart charger
Laser torch, geiger counter, slug projector, grav-sleds
Protein disruptor, paralysis dart (uncharged), laser pistol, gas ejector
Radioactive material (poisonous), chemical flammables, bow & arrow, paralysis rod, portable lamps
10 (low)
Infrared goggles, chemical defoliants, chemical acids, duralloy, sword
Danger Category
Most Dangerous
protein disruptor, laser pistol, gravity generators,
atomic torch, laser torch, radioactive materials
Dangerous Tools
paralysis rod, paralysis dart, slug projector, gas ejector,
engineering system hand unit, medical analyzer &
healer, aqualung, chemical defoliants, chemical acids,
chemical flammables
Possibly Dangerous to
sonic metal disruptor, sonic torch
Not Dangerous
hand dart charger, color bands, ecology life analyzer,
security hand unit, ecology tracer unit, security tracer,
water/hydrogen energy converter, space suits, geiger
counter, infrared goggles, portable lamp, sound-
stopping headphones, duralloy
Hit points are regained at a rate of 1 point per day of rest. (MA, pg 23)
Some mutations can augment healing: Regeneration (Physical #7), Berries (Plant #8), and Life Leech (Mental #19).
Surprise gives the winning group 1 free combat turn which may include “fleeing, mentally attacking, or engaging in physical combat.”
If the possibility of surprise exists, roll a d6. 1-2 party is surprised. (MA, pg 24)
Surprise is negated if suprisee has a dexterity 4 greater than the surpriser. (MA, pg 10)
If wandering monster, the monster distance may negate surprise (MA, pg 22)
Roll once per hour. Encounter occurs on 5-6 in forested or planted areas, and on a 6 in all other areas. (MA, pg 22)
If encounter roll d6 to determine monster’s distance: 1-2 adjacent, 3-6 must close distance (negates surprise). (MA, pg 22)
There is a 33% chance that a wandering monster has a color band that opens doors in the current area. (MA, pg 22)
When a corner is turned, door passed through or inclined plane taken, roll a d6. Monster only follows on a 1 or 2.
Combat turn lasts 10 seconds.
Combat actions: double move, one move and one action, or one mental attack
Radiation damage carries a chance of mutation. For each die of damage, there is a 1% chance. The mutation manifests in 7 days.
(MA, pg 10).
When not stated in stat block, magic resistance is 3. (MA, pg 10)
Determine initiative order: Order is based on highest Dexterity. Judge rolls off ties. A Dexterity of 4 higher than the surpriser
negates surprise. Referee rolls 3d6 to determine monster/NPC Dexterity.
Determine surprise.
Each combatant makes a combat action in initiative order.
Repeat step 3 until combat ends.
Compare attackers Weapon Class to the target’s Armor Class on the “Hit or Miss Chart”.
Roll a d20 and compare to the target number from the “Hit or Miss Chart”.
Cross reference the race of the target (Humanoid Beings/Mutated Creatures/True Humans) to the weapon on the “Weapon
Damage” charts and roll the indicated die.
Adjust damage by strength modifier.
Two systems for adjudicating ranged attacks: regular d20 method and alternate 2d6 method for bows.
The alternate “Hit or Miss” chart for bows below shows numbers for short/medium/long range. (MA, Errata)
A = autohit - = no effect
Light Bow
- = No hit possible
Weapon Type
Bows, blowguns, unarmed
Crossbows, spears
Swords, daggers, bludgeons
Paralysis dart ejector
Gas pellet ejector, slug ejector
Laser pistol
Metal disruptor pistol
Protein disruptor pistol
Armor Combination
Armor Class
Heavy fur, skins, light shield
Non-metal shield, partial carapace, or
Light shield with heavy furs or skins
Cured hide, plant fiber, or duralloy shield
Cured hide or plant fiber, and shield, or
Heavy furs or skins, and duralloy shield
Metal armor, total carapace, or
Cured hide or plant fiber, and duralloy shield
Metal armor and shield
Metal armor and duralloy shield
Mutant Humanoids
Mutant Creatures
True Humans
Normal Axe
Normal Mace
Normal Sword
Heavy Sword
Heavy Axe
Heavy Mace
Vibro Blade**
Vibro Saw**
Normal Bow
Protein Disruptor
5d6/15d6/20d6 damage
Sonic Metal Disruptor
Affects metal only (3d6 hours deafness)
Paralysis Rod
3d6 hours unconsciousness
Paralysis Dart
1d6 damage and 3d6 hours unconsciousness if charged
Laser Pistol
5d6/10d6/15d6 damage
Slug projector
2d6 subdual damage (see Weapon Systems F)
Gas Ejector
3d6 hours unconsciousness
Engineering System Hand Unit (Laser Beam)
5d6 damage; range 2’
Medical Hand Analyzer (Vibro Scalpel)
Vibro blade
Sonic Torch
3d6 hours deafness
Atomic Torch
5d6 damage; range 3’
Laser Torch
5d6 damage; range 4’
Chemical Defoliant
1d6 damage from skin rash. blindness if eye contact. level 8 poison
Chemical Acid
3d6 damage from burns. blindness if eye contact. level 2d6+2 poison
Radioactive Material
Radioactive intensity level 3d6
More information on weapons ranges can be found in “Weapon Systems” (MA, pg 8-9)
Short (meters)
Medium (meters)
Long (meters)
Protein Disruptor Pistol
Protein Disruptot Rifle
Gas Ejector
Light Bow
Light Crossbow
Heavy Crossbow
Paralysis Dart
Laser Pistol
Laser Rifle
Slug Projector
“Special movement” is movement during combat.
No armor
Furs, shield, or leather
Leather & shield
Metal armor
Metal armor & shield
Lakes Shores or Swamps
Dart creature
Thief beast
Metaled one
Metaled one
Metaled one
Winged biter
Shocker beast
Shocker beast
Shocker beast
Dart creature
Dart creature
Winged biter
Thief beast
Black one
Winged biter
Golden hawk
Blood bird
Blood bird
Blood bird
Black one
Small warrior
Small warrior
Mirror creature
Dream bush
Golden hawk
Passion weed
Jawed plant
Black one
Jawed plant
Singing vine
Red stinger
Singing vine
Dream bush
Singing vine
Death tree
Dark fungus
Death tree
Sword bush
Death tree
Sword bush
Death growth
Sword bush
Mirror oak
Passion weed
Dark fungus
Humanoid 2
Mirror oak
Dark fungus
Red stinger
Death growth
Humanoid 3
Death growth
Humanoid 1
Dart weed
Humanoid 2
Humanoid 4
Humanoid 3
Humanoid 4
Blister plant
Humanoid 5
Humanoid 5
Humanoid 5
Humanoid 5
Humanoid 5
| textdata/thevault/Metamorphosis Alpha/Metamorphosis Alpha Quickstart.pdf |
Season of the Shackles
On The Horizon
Scenario 0-0A: On The Horizon
Scenario Design • Tanis O’Connor
Story Text • Brian Campbell
Editors • Brian Campbell and Vic Wertz
Contributing Artists • Ivan Dixon, Bryan Sola, and Kevin Yan
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Development
Team • Mike Selinker, Chad Brown, Tanis O’Connor, Paul
Peterson, and Gaby Weidling, based on a game concept by
Rian Sand
Publisher • Erik Mona
Paizo CEO • Lisa Stevens
Chief Operations Officer • Jeffrey Alvarez
Director of Sales • Pierce Watters
Sales Associate • Cosmo Eisele
Finance Manager • Christopher Self
Staff Accountant • Ashley Kaprielian
Data Entry Clerk • B. Scott Keim
Chief Technical Officer • Vic Wertz
Software Development Manager • Cort Odekirk
Senior Software Developer • Gary Teter
Campaign Coordinator • Mike Brock
Project Manager • Jessica Price
Licensing Coordinator • Mike Kenway
Managing Art Director • Sarah E. Robinson
Senior Art Director • Andrew Vallas
Art Director • Sonja Morris
Graphic Designers • Emily Crowell and Ben Mouch
Editorial Team • Judy Bauer, Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn,
Christopher Carey, John Compton, Adam Daigle, James Jacobs,
Joe Homes, Ryan Macklin, Rob McCreary, Mark Moreland,
Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Patrick Renie, F. Wesley
Schneider, Matthew Simmons, Owen K.C. Stephens, and
James L. Sutter
Customer Service Team • Sharaya Kemp, Katina Mathieson,
Sara Marie Teter, and Diego Valdez
Warehouse Team • Will Chase, Mika Hawkins, Heather
Payne, Jeff Strand, and Kevin Underwood
Website Team • Christopher Anthony, Liz Courts, Winslow
Dalpe, Lissa Guillet, Erik Keith, and Chris Lambertz
Special Thanks • The Pathfinder Society Venture-Captains and Venture-Lieutenants, and the Pathfinder Society community for
their constant feedback.
Paizo Inc.
7120 185th Ave NE, Ste 120
Redmond, WA 98052-0577
Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild Adventure 0-0A: On The Horizon © 2014 Paizo Inc. Paizo, Paizo Inc., the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, the Pathfinder logo, and Pathfinder Society are
registered trademarks of Paizo Inc.; Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Rise of the Runelords, and Skull & Shackles are trademarks
of Paizo Inc.
Read the Following Aloud:
hile on a long ocean voyage, you’ve decided to get some
much-needed sleep below decks. The gentle rocking
motion of the waves beneath your ship eases your hammock back
and forth as you drift into a deep slumber. You should be dreaming
of better days, but instead, something has disturbed your rest.
You’re not sure whether it’s the grog you had with your dinner or
the cook’s unidentifiable slop, but you’re experiencing a vision of a
very different life, one where you’re continually traveling across the
ocean. As you squirm in your hammock, you dream of a restless
life on the high seas.
Cannonades thunder across the bow of your vessel, and you
open your eyes to find yourself on the deck of a pirate ship! If this
is a vision of your future, you have no memory of why you’re being
pursued by scalawags and cutthroats. They’re relentless! They’ll
chase you round the Abendego maelstrom and through Abyssal
flames before they give up! As you bark out orders, the crew rushes
to carry out your plans. You’ll have to outrun these enemy ships,
because if you hesitate for a moment, the bloodthirsty pirates
are going to get closer. You can already see the wreckage of other
vessels that weren’t as swift as your Shackles pirate ship.
Eventually, this nightmare will come to an end, but before it
does, you may learn a thing or two about the life of a pirate. Of
course, you’re a respectable adventurer. You’d never take up a life of
piracy. Would you? Any sailor worth her salt will tell you that you
can never be sure what lies on the horizon.
None. It was just a dream... or was it?
Ahoy, there! This is an introductory scenario for the Pathfinder
Society Adventure Card Guild Organized Play program. Normally,
players in the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild must use
a character from a Class Deck, but for this scenario, they can
use one of the characters from the Skull & Shackles Base Set
or the Skull & Shackles Character Add-On Deck. If you’d like to
start playing quickly, use the Suggested Deck Lists on page 28
of the Skull & Shackles Base Set rulebook; otherwise, see the
Build Your Character section on page 4 of those rules. After the
scenario, you can prepare for the Season of the Shackles!
At the end of your move step, if you did not move, bury a card.
This Scenario Requires:
The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Skull & Shackles Base Set (The Wormwood Mutiny Adventure Deck should not be used).
If you have 5 or 6 players, the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Skull & Shackles Character Add-On Deck is also required.
During this adventure, the game box should include only cards with set indicators of B, C, or P.
When players complete this scenario, whether they succeed
or not, each player earns a deck upgrade and a mini-Chronicle
sheet for the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild. A player
can apply this upgrade to one character built using a Pathfinder
Adventure Card Game Class Deck; use the rules in the Pathfinder
Society Adventure Card Guild Guide to Organized Play (see
paizo.com/pathfindersociety). After a player has built her deck,
she can replace one card in her starting deck that has both the
Basic trait and the B set indicator with another card of the same
type that has the B set indicator; the deck upgrade card does not
need to have the Basic trait. She should then fill out the mini-
Chronicle sheet with her name, her character’s name and class,
and her Pathfinder Society ID number, indicating which card she
has taken in the “Deck Upgrade” section of the mini-Chronicle
sheet. Each player may earn only one mini-Chronicle sheet per
season. Thanks for playing!
Player Name
Character Name
Pathfinder Society #
Character Class
Season of the Shackles:
Mini-Chronicle Sheet
Deck Upgrades
Coordinator Initials and Pathfinder Society ID#
□ Yes
□ No
Player Name
Character Name
Pathfinder Society #
Character Class
Season of the Shackles:
Mini-Chronicle Sheet
Deck Upgrades
Coordinator Initials and Pathfinder Society ID#
□ Yes
□ No
Player Name
Character Name
Pathfinder Society #
Character Class
Season of the Shackles:
Mini-Chronicle Sheet
Deck Upgrades
Coordinator Initials and Pathfinder Society ID#
□ Yes
□ No
| textdata/thevault/Pathfinder/1st Edition/Society/Adventure Card Game/Season 00/Adventure Card Guild Adventure 0-0A On the Horizon.pdf |
a game of post-apocalyptic community by jim pinto
t h e v i g i l a n t e
v i g i l a n t e
The vigilante takes matters into his or her own hand. Often working
without the approval of the tribe — or against its best interests
entirely — the vigilante ‘corrects’ injustices. Vigilantes do not work
well with groups and often do harm to a community, even with the best
intentions. Conversely, the vigilante is great in a fight. Vigilantes begin
play with one trepidation defined by the foil. In addition, a vigilante can
never become leader. Should a vigilante’s foil ever have more than four
drama points, the excess points go to the vigilante.
Who* makes the laws that you enforce?
Who brought you into the tribe?
Who knows the previous leader died because of your impetuousness?
Who owes you a debt they will never pay? Why?
Who** have you determined has violated your own personal code?
Anytime the vigilante rolls dice on an action related to injustice or
balancing the kharmic scales, he or she rolls on the vigilante action
chart. All other rolls are made on the vigilante fight chart or general
action chart.
vigilante action chart
Failure. Bedbugs.
Failure. Trepidation.
Minimal Failure.
Overwhelming Success.
vigilante fight chart
Failure. Trepidation.
Failure. Stymied.
Minimal Failure.
Press on.
Minimal Success. The Bargain.
Overwhelming Success.
general action chart
Failure. Trepidation.
Failure. Stymied.*
Minimal Failure.*
Minimal Success.
Overwhelming Success.
* Foil may spend one drama point
t h e c a r c a s s :
v i g i l a n t e
words by jim pinto
art by The Forge Studios, Michael Phillippi, Maciej Zagorski
graphics and doodles by jim pinto
proofing and assistance by Tobie Abad, Diana Kwolkoski Stoll,
Martijn Tolsma
This is an expansion role to The Carcass roleplaying game.
The Carcass is Book 4 in the GMZero series.
new action results
Bedbugs. The action leads to a complicated failure that follows the
character home. If there is already trepidation over this issue, the issue
escalates, affecting at least one character and one NPC in the tribe.
Copyright 2014 © post world games and jim pinto.
Artwork © The Forge Studios. All rights reserved.
There is no open source system data in this product.
| textdata/thevault/Any (Any System Generic)/GMZero - The Carcass/The Carcass - The Vigilante.pdf |
In the world of Warhammer, war is constant races man, elf, and other kinds of creatures vie for power in a never
ending struggle for power, land, and wealth. This struggle does not just happen on land, but on the high seas too.
This rules package is designed to help players simulate these epic sea battles in a fast paced and thematic setting.
No matter which race you choose, Be it the mighty Empire, the noble Bretonnia, or the sneaky Skaven or even the
savage Orcs and Goblins… You will find that battle on the high seas is a violent and brash affair!
Ships will smash against the waves, cannons will bring swift death, vast sea monsters will rise from the deep, and
magic will be brought to bare on your enemies. Each race has it’s own special rules and signature spells. Some
races can ally with mighty sea creatures, while some will specialize in weapons, or boarding actions. Every race in
the Warhammer world is represented so you can really set a narrative for your campaigns or can even be played
as a stand-alone game.
The game of Seahammer is designed to be played fairly quickly thanks to its simple rule set and each ship type and
sea monsters have a set base size. The models on top of the bases are entirely up to you giving you free reign to
scratch-build/convert any kind of theme for your ship you like. Since line of sight is done from the base of the
model, ships can be as large or as small as you care to make them. Though not mandatory, the only rule for
modelling that I would suggest is to make your ships WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get). What I mean by
this is that if you have a ship that has four masts on it, you model the extra masts, if a Ship has armor plating, you
try to model armor plating on it. There is two reasons why I suggest this 1) There is no finer feeling than playing
against an opponent when both forces have been lovingly modeled and painted... And 2) This will give you a
visual reference to help you keep track of which ship is which in the heat of battle
Rules of the Game (Overview)
Creating a Fleet: First, all players agree to the game’s point build total. A 50 gold build total is recommended as a
starting fleet; that is, choose ships, crew, and sea monsters (crew and sea monsters are optional) with a combined
point cost of up to 50 gold. Any build total may be chosen as long as each player’s fleet uses the same build total.
Each ship must fly her Race’s flag from her stern (rear of the ship); players may NOT build mixed-nationality
fleets without consent from both players involved.
Setup: The game can be played on any horizontal flat surface 3 feet square is ideal for regular battles, but any size
flat surface will work.. Each player rolls a d6 (reroll ties). The player who rolls the highest result is the first player;
the other is the second player.
Placing Islands: For a 50-gold game, players must use between three and six islands that are around 3 inches wide
and 6 inches long.. Starting with the first player, players take turns placing an island on the play area. Islands must
be placed at least 12”, but not more than 24”, from each other. Using terrain in your games is optional. If you use
terrain in your game, players should agree on the number of terrain pieces that will be used; it is recommended
that players place the same number of terrain pieces, in the same order that they placed islands. Terrain may be
placed anywhere on the play area, but each piece must be placed at least 6” from any island or other piece of
Placing a Home Island: Each player has an island that is 12” long and 3” wide this will be the home island of each
player. This Island must be placed in the player’s deployment zone and the length edge must touch the rear edge
of the board. The first player places his or her ships so that their sterns touch that island. The second player places
his or her ships so that their sterns touch their own home island.
Placing Crew: If you have chosen crew, put them face down either on your home island or on the
deckplate card of the ship to which you assign them. No matter what a ship’s cargo capacity, it cannot
carry crew with a combined point cost higher than the ship’s point cost.
Placing Treasure:
Roll a D3 for each island in play at the beginning of the game. This is the total gold on each Island. Each
exploration action can take one gold to be stored in the ship’s cargo spaces.
Starting the Game:
The first player takes the first turn. Turns alternate between both players.
Rules of the High Seas: Here are some game concepts important to the Seahammer rules:
Six-sided dice are abbreviated “D6”.
A roll of “D3” is simply a D6 rolled with it’s results halved (rounding up)
Two sources of the same ability on a ship (such as from the ship and a crew, or from one
crew and another crew) do not stack; that is, you may use that ability on that ship only once
each turn. Though Race abilities DO stack with crew and ship abilities.
“Loading/unloading” and “transferring” are the same thing. These terms are interchangeable and are
functionally identical.
“Touches” refers to the act of base coming in contact with another ship’s base or Island. “Is touching”
refers to the state of the ship in relation to another ship.
Actions: On your turn, you are able to give one of four actions (Move, Explore, Shoot, or Repair) to each of your
ships. You may give actions only to ships in your fleet. The following game functions may be performed as a free
action after a move action: Dock, Ram, Board, Tow.
Ending the Game: The game is over if any one of the following conditions are met:
A player has more than 5 gold total on their home island at the beginning of their turn.
At the start of any turn if any player no longer has the possibility of giving future move
actions to any of their ships
Winning the Game: After the game ends, the player with the most gold on his home island is the winner. In the
event of a tie in gold count, the player who removed the most masts in combat is the winner. In the event of a tie in
mast removal, the player with the most masts remaining is the winner. If the game is still tied, the players can
choose any method they agree on to break the tie in this case.
Fig1. Line of Sight Arcs.
Aft: This is the sides of each ship’s bases. When shooting cannons from the aft, ALL cannons may fire. The Afts
have a 90 degree view as per the rule for Line of sight arc rules in Warhammer.
Boarding: After a ship rams another ship, either player may initiate one (and only one) boarding
party as a free action; this is the only time a boarding action can be ordered. The player whose turn it is
decides first. Each player rolls 1d6 and adds the result to the number of masts remaining on his or her ship
involved in the ram. The player with the highest total may eliminate one crew on, or steal one treasure
from, the other ship.
Bow: The bow of a ship is a zone at the front of the ship’s base. The bow is everything in front of and including the
most forward points where the ship’s base touches the play surface. This forward arc follows the normal rules for
line of sight arc in Warhammer. Only one Cannon may be fired from the front due to the other masts blocking
line of sight.
Broadsides Attack: When a ship is given a shoot action, you may choose to make the attack a Broadsides Attack.
The requirements for such an attack are as follows: all of the attacking ship’s cannons must have clear line of sight
to the single target, all of those cannons must be within Short-range of the single target, and all cannons must hit
or no damage is done. Reduce each of her cannons to Short-range and shoot at only one target. Roll only 1d6; the
result must be higher than 4+. If it is, all cannons hit, and the ship also gets one extra hit. No other abilities may
apply to this action (except for the basic captain ability). Armor saves may be taken as usual but use Armor
Piercing (-1 to armor save rolls)
Cargo Spaces: Each ship has a set amount of Cargo spaces. This represents how much the ship can hold and how
much crew or additional armor a ship can take. Each Cargo Space can hold one item be it armor, crew, or gold. If
a ship has full Cargo Spaces, it cannot attempt to explore any Wild Islands, and may not recover any treasures.
Derelict: A ship becomes derelict when her last mast is removed, and cannot move. A derelict
may be given only explore or repair actions. A derelict can still carry treasure and crew. If a derelict ship
is hit again by a cannon or other attack, she sinks.
Docking: You cannot dock at an opponent’s home island. As a free action, a ship docked at an
island may drop off and board crew, or transfer crew to and from another ship docked at the same island. A
ship can move away and re-dock with a combination move.
Exploring: If a ship begins one of your turns docked at a wild island, give her an explore action to attempt to find
gold. Roll a D6 on a result of 4+ You have successfully found 1 gold. This gold is placed in your Ship’s Cargo space.
You may also explore any allied ship or derelict that your ship touches, which allows you to transfer crew and
treasure between ships. Once again this is successfully done on a D6 result of 4+. You can unload treasure or crew
at any non-home island, and it is fair game for other players to load it. (See also, Wild Island)
Free Action: Unless a game effect specifically requires a Move, Explore, Shoot, or Repair action,
that effect is a free action. Free actions happen automatically and immediately. A free action does not
count as a ship’s action for the turn on which it occurs.
Full Sail: During movement, a ship may choose to move at full sail. To move at Full Sail, the Ship may move an
additional 4 inches this turn. If it does this, no other actions can be performed this turn. This includes Ramming,
boarding, exploring, and shooting. Even if a crew member or race specific rule would normally allow this.
Long Range: A shooting attack that is made over half the maximum distance of a shooting attack is considered to
be at Long Range and suffers a -1 to hit modifier. This is added to any other modifiers. (For example: A Long
Cannon is shooting at an enemy ship that is 18” away would be considered a Long Range shot as it’s over half the
maximum 20” range of the cannon)
Masts: Masts are the amount of hits your ship can take before it sinks. Each Mast also has a Cannon attached to it.
If When you lose a mast, you also lose the cannon attached to it, so be sure to keep track of how many masts you
have remaining.
Moving: A ship cannot move through an island or another ship. A ship can move forward up to the value on their
Movement Characteristic in inches. Though she may change direction, you can only change heading for each 3”
moved up to a maximum of 90 degrees. If a ship touches another ship or an island during her movement, the
move action immediately ends, even if she could move farther during that move action. Unloading Treasure:
When you dock at your home island, you must unload all treasure worth gold points; this is a free action.
Move and Shoot: If a ship has moved this turn and still has the ability to shoot, it suffers a -1 Modifier to rolls to
hit. This is added to any other modifiers.
Pinned: A ship is pinned when her bow is in contact with any part of an enemy ship. The pinned ship can’t move
until the other ship moves away or is derelict. The only way a pinned ship becomes unpinned is if the other ship
moves away or becomes derelict.
Ram: After a ship resolves a move action, if any part of her bow physically touches any part of an enemy ship, you
can ram that ship as a free action. Roll 1d6; if the result is higher than the number of masts remaining on the
enemy ship, the enemy ship’s player must choose and eliminate (remove from the game) one mast from that ship.
Unless the enemy ship becomes derelict from being rammed, the ramming ship automatically becomes pinned.
Ships cannot ram each other while they are pinned. Ramming has no effect on derelict vessels. (See also: Pinned,
Repairing: The repair action allows a ship docked at her home island to repair (bring back into
play) one mast.
Schooner: As a free action, a ship with this keyword may rotate on her stern in any direction after
she completes a move action. She may not use this ability if she has touched any ship or island or docked
during her move.
Scuttling: Sometimes you may want to sink your own ship rather than have her fall to your opponent. At any time
during your turn, you may give one of your derelict ships a free action and declare that you plan to scuttle that
ship. Roll 1d6. On a result of 5 or 6, that derelict ship sinks at the beginning of your next turn. If an opponent
begins to tow that ship before the beginning of your next turn, the scuttle attempt fails. All crew and treasure on a
scuttled ship are removed from the game when she sinks.
Short Cannons: Short Cannons have a maximum range of 12 inches.
Short Range: If a target that you are shooting at is within ¼ of the maximum range of your cannon it is considered
a Short range attack and receives a +1 modifier to hit. (for example: A short cannon is targeting an enemy ship
that is under 3” away would be considered to be at short range as it’s maximum range is 12”)
Shooting: You may fire any and all of your cannons each turn. Each firing cannon must have a line of sight to a
valid target, defined as an invisible “line of fire” the center point of the model to any part of the target. If this line
crosses any island, or other ships bases (other than the target the line is being drawn to), the shot cannot be made.
A target is within range if any point of the measurement bar crosses the target and unblocked by other ships, or
islands. You cannot shoot at ships docked at their home islands, and you cannot shoot at a member of your own
To resolve the shot, roll 1d6 for each firing cannon. Roll a D6, on a roll of 4+ the cannon hits; otherwise it misses.
A die roll result of 1 automatically misses. When a ship is hit, that ship’s player chooses and eliminates (removes
from play) 1 mast from his or her ship. When a ship loses its last mast, it becomes derelict. (See also: Derelict)
Sinking a ship with treasure on her: Add together all the gold on the sunken ship and divide it equally between the
ship’s controller and the player who sank the ship. If the total gold cannot be divided equally, the player who sank
the ship gets the greater amount. If change must be made, the sunken ship’s owner gets the first chance, followed
by the player who sunk it. Change is made using gold at the home island. Place treasure you gain in this way on
your home island as a free action. Treasure is removed from the game when it sinks. If you are sinking a ship with
crew on her the crew on a sunken ship are removed from the game.
Stern: This is the rear of the vessel. A Ship may not fire any cannons from it’s Stern. Any Ram or Boarding actions
against the Stern of a ship get a +1 Modifier to the total rolled. This is a cumulative effect with other bonuses.
Submerge: At the beginning of your turn, you can choose if your ship submerged or not. While
submerged, a ship can move through/under ships (but not islands), but can’t end its movement in contact with
them. While submerged, a ship can’t shoot or be shot at, or ram.
Tow: After a ship is given a move action, if any part of her is touching the bow of any derelict, she can tow that
derelict as a free action. As a free action, move the derelict so that her bow touches the stern of the towing ship. Fit
the derelict as straight as possible behind the towing ship; if there isn’t enough room to do so, you are allowed to
bend the towed vessel until it fits. The towed ship and any crew and treasure on that ship become part of the
towing player’s fleet.
The base move of the towing ship only moves at half speed, the towed ship moves with the towing ship as a free
action. When the towing ship docks, dock the towed ship at the same island as a free action. A towing vessel can
voluntarily release a towed vessel at any time. You cannot steal a towed derelict from an enemy ship by moving
your ship so that it is touching the towed derelict. You can only tow one ship at a time.
Wild Island: This term describes an island that is not any player’s home island. Wild islands start
the game with D3 gold on them. Any ship can dock at wild islands.
Vampire Count’s Man o’ War
Ship Types
Ship Type
Base Size
Cargo Space
Man o’ War
6 inches
20 gold
A Man o’ War can upgrade any number of Short cannons to Long cannons for +3gold per Cannon.
A Man o’ War can be given any number of crew members.
A Man o’ War may purchase up to 3 Armored Hulls for 2 gold per an Armored Hull. In addition, Man o’ War
ships may have additional masts for +5 gold (to a maximum of 5 masts)
Ship Type
Base Size
Cargo Space
50mm x 75mm
6 inches
15 gold
A Galley can upgrade any number of it’s Short Cannons to Long cannons at +3 gold per cannon.
A Galley can be given any number of crew members.
A Galley may purchase up to 3 Armored Hulls for +2 gold per Armored Hull.
Ship Type
Base Size
Cargo Space
Cargo Ship
50mm x 75mm
5 inches
15 gold
A Cargo Ship can upgrade any number of it’s Short Cannons to Long cannons at +3 gold per cannon.
A Cargo Ship can be given only 2 crew members.
A Cargo may purchase up to 3 Armored Hulls for +2 gold per Armored Hull.
Ship Type
Base Size
Cargo Space
Escort Ship
25mm x 50mm
8 inches
10 gold
A Escort Ship can upgrade any number of it’s Short Cannons to Long cannons at +3 gold per cannon.
A Escort Ship can be given any kind of crew member.
A Escort Ship may purchase up to 2 Armored Hulls for +2 gold per Armored Hull.
Ship Type
Base Size
Cargo Space
Scouting Ship
25mm square
9 inches
5 gold
A Scouting Ship can upgrade it’s Short Cannon to Long cannons at +3 gold.
A Scouting Ship can be given a crew member.
A Scouting Ship may purchase an Armored Hull for +2 gold.
Crew Types and Ship Upgrades
Crew: Each crew takes up one cargo space on a ship. Crew is considered a type of cargo. Crew can use their
abilities only on ships, never on islands. Basic Crew: This crew is not unique and not restricted to the ‘one per fleet’
rule. Basic crew includes Admiral, Cannoneer, Captain, Explorer, Helmsman, Oarsman, and Shipwright.
Ship Upgrades: These are different to crew as they cannot be targeted by crew members during boarding actions.
Ship Upgrades include Armored Hulls, and Long Cannons
Admiral: Cost = 5 gold. You MUST have 1 admiral in your fleet no more, no less. He may be placed as a crew
member on the most expensive ship within your fleet. An Admiral may use crew action that any of your current
fleet are capable of doing. He may change this action at the beginning of each turn. The ship that the Admiral is on
is considered the flag ship of the fleet.
Armored Hull: Cost = 2 gold per Armored Hull and is considered a type of cargo. Armor plating gives a 6+ save,
against all ramming and shooting actions. additional Armored Hulls increase the save by +1 (to a maximum of a
4+ save). This save does not apply to Boarding actions.
Boarding Party: Cost = 2 gold. This ship gets a +1 modifier to all boarding action rolls
Cannoneer: Cost = 2 gold. Once per turn, one of this ship’s cannons may shoot again if it misses.
Captain: Cost = 3 gold. As a free action, this ship may shoot immediately after this ship completes a move action,
but before any other free actions.
Explorer: Cost = 1 gold. This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Helmsman: Cost = 2 gold. This ship gets +2 inches to her base move. This ability can combine with the Oarsman
Long Cannons: Cost = 3 gold. Long Cannons have a maximum range of 20”
Oarsman: Cost = 1 gold. If derelict, this ship gains a base move of 4”. This crew takes up no cargo space. Additional
Oarsmen have no effect on a single ship.
Shipwright: Cost = 2 gold. This ship may repair at sea or at any island. If captured along with a ship, the
shipwright can immediately be used that turn.
.Sea Monsters.
Certain races may have Sea Monsters (See races for clarification), these are terrifying creatures that prowl the
depths of the sea. Be they Giant Crabs or Squid, Leviathans, Krakens, or Sea Dragons, they are always terrifying to
Ship Type
Base Size
Cargo Space
Sea Monster
50mm x100mm
6 inches
25 cold
Upgrades: Sea Monsters may take armored hulls for a cost of 4 gold per Armored Hull (To a maximum of 4+
Armor), these represent natural scales, or shells that cover the body of the beast.
Sea Monster: Sea monsters count as ships in regards to movement, but they behave differently. They can be given
only Move, Ram, Board, and Shoot actions. They can’t pin or be pinned, and they are considered docked if their
movement ends in contact with an island. At the beginning of your turn, you can choose if your sea monster is
submerged or not. While submerged, a sea monster can move through/under ships (but not islands), but can’t end
its movement in contact with them. While submerged, a sea monster can’t shoot or be shot at, or ram.
Sea monsters have tentacles or segments that act as masts with respect to their move and shoot capabilities. The
tentacles/segments are also considered as masts with respect to any abilities that target masts. Sea monster
movement can be measured from any edge of the base turning automatically to face that direction. When
boarding, they can’t eliminate crew—only steal treasure. When shooting with a sea monster, all Tentacles will fire
regardless of the direction faced. These shooting attacks have a range of 4 inches and are worked out exactly the
same way as cannons. A sea monster cannot be assigned crew. Sea Monsters cannot make Repair actions.
Races of Seahammer
Obviously, with this being a Warhammer game, it wouldn’t be right to have these epic sea battles without the
races of the Warhammer world to populate the crews. For this reason, each race has it’s own special rule when
used as a fleet. These are in addition to the above rules and all effects are applied together. Certain race’s are
sneakier than others. Some loath the sea, and only travel by sea when they absolutely must. Others virtually live on
the sea and have allied themselves with monstrous creatures.
Bretonnia: Bretonnians are famed for their prowess at sea and their ruthlessness when charging. To represent this,
Bretonnian ships get a +1 modifier to all Ramming actions.
Chaos Dwarves: see Dwarves.
Chaos: (Daemons of Chaos, Warriors of Chaos, and Beastmen) Chaos live for carnage and destruction. To
represent this, when a Chaos ship makes a successful Boarding action, it may choose to destroy an additional mast
instead of taking a treasure token, or killing a crew member.
Dwarves: Dwarves take to the seas on massive metal and brass constructs that are driven by steam. To represent
this, all Dwarven ships start with a 6+ armored hull that does not take up any cargo space. The Ship can choose to
add additional armored hulls as usual (to a maximum of +3) All Dwarf ships cost an additional 1 gold
Dark Elves: Dark elves are pirates by nature and spend a majority of their time at sea. To represent this, All Dark
Elf Ships add +1 to their movement value (this can be combined with the Helmsman, and Oarsman abilities). Dark
Elves may use Sea Monsters. May not ever use 5 Masts on any single ship.
The Empire: The Empire pride themselves on the leadership of the captains and admirals. To represent this, a ship
that contains an Admiral or Captain cannot be pinned.
High Elves: High Elves are adept seamen and pride themselves on their expertise of reading the winds. To
represent this, all High Elf Ships have the Schooner ability. But all ships cost +1 gold. High Elves may Use Sea
Lizardmen: Lizardmen sometimes ride the seas of the world upon giant reptiles and monstrous Turtles. To
represent this, Each Ship in the Lizard fleet may have an additional ship upgrade called “living ship” This upgrade
costs 5 gold and gives the ship the Submerge ability. Lizardmen may use Sea Monsters.
Ogres: An Ogre’s greed knows no bounds. They’ll find something to eat… usually another crew member! When
an Ogre ship makes a Boarding action it ALWAYS takes a treasure if there is no treasure, the Ogre player may
capture one crew member (Ogre player’s choice). If this crew member is successfully taken to the Ogre Home
Island, it is worth 1 gold
Orc and Goblins: Orcs and Goblins suffer from animosity. Before each ship declares it’s actions, it must roll a D6
on a roll of 1 the ship may do nothing that turn, on a roll of 2-5 the ship may act normally, on a roll of 6 the ship
moves towards the nearest enemy ship D6 inches, if it makes contact it counts as ramming the enemy ship and
adds +1 to it’s ramming total.
Skaven: Skaven are expert scavengers, because of this, all ships in their fleet always count as having an explorer
aboard their ship. This explorer does NOT count as one of the crew and takes no cargo space.
Tomb Kings: See Vampire Counts
Vampire Counts: Vampire counts use their will to animate the dead around them. To represent this, A ship that is
more than 12” away from the Admiral’s Flagship may not perform a Full Sail action. In addition to this ALL
Vampire Count ships count as having an Oarsman crew and cannot be pinned. But all ship cost +1 gold.
Wood Elves: Wood Elves only go to sea when they absolutely must! Leaving the safety of the forest makes them
nervous. The Home Island is considered their Forest and has a single Short Cannon that may fire at enemy ships as
normal. This Cannon may not fire if any Ships are docked at home Island.
The Battle wages endlessly upon the ocean waves.
In the world of Warhammer, Magic has a huge presence, The same is true in Seahammer. Wizards will band the
winds of magic to call forth storms that wrack enemy ships, call dense fogs to protect ships or confuse enemies, or
summon terrifying beasts from the deep to drag enemies beneath the waves.
Wizard: Cost = 10 gold. Wizards are a special kind of crew they take up one cargo space as usual. But unlike
regular crew, they cannot effect a ships movement and their abilities may not be used by an Fleet Admiral. As an
Action, instead of moving, exploring, shooting, or repairing. A Wizard can attempt to cast a spell.
Spells: There are three common spells, and then one signature spell for each race (These will be explained later) To
cast a spell, the player rolls 2D6 and compares it to the casting cost of the spell. If the result is equal or greater
than the casting cost, the spell is successfully cast and the effects are applied. Each Wizard can only cast a spell
once per a turn.
Dwarves and Magic: A Runelord does not cast magic, but he can choose to dispel a magic spell and gains +1 to all
attempts to dispel.
Dispelling: If a wizard casts a spell, if the enemy has a wizard that wizard can attempt to match the result of the
spell on 2D6. If the enemy Wizard matches or rolls higher than the casting roll, the spell is nullified, and no spell
effect is done. A Wizard can only do this if he did not cast a spell in his turn. Each Wizard can only attempt to
dispel once per a turn.
Miscasts: If when casting a spell you roll a 2D6 result of double 1s, you automatically lose 1 mast from the ship
the Wizard is casting from. If The Wizard is casting from an Island, The Wizard instead dies from the feedback
and is considered lost for all purposes.
Spell List:
Savage Winds: Casting cost = 6+. Savage winds can be cast on any ship within 12 inches of the wizard’s ship.
Target ship immediately moves forward D6 + 3 inches. It cannot turn during this movement. If the ship makes
Contact (touches) another ship FRIEND OR FOE, it counts as ramming that ship. Immediately work out a ramming
action. You may choose a free boarding action if cast on a friendly target.
Ominous Fog: Casting cost = 8+. Ominous Fog is cast on an enemy ship within 20”. The Target ship counts as
pinned for D3 turns unless it can roll higher than it’s total remaining mast on a D6. While Ominous Fog remains
in play, the effected ship may not make any shooting actions as it cannot see through the dense fog. It cannot be
targeted while surrounded in the fog, and the fog blocks line of sight in the same way that a ship or an Island.
Unleash the Kraken!: Casting cost =10+. Unleash the Kraken has a range of 12 inches and is cast on an enemy
ships. If successfully cast, a Sea Monster appears directly beneath the enemy ship and attacks it with D6 automatic
hits. These hits are worked out exactly the same way as a Sea Monster. Once it has made it’s attacks, it sinks back
beneath the waves until summoned again. Armor saves may be taken as normal against these attacks.
Race Specific Spells
Bretonnia: The Lady Protects Casting Cost = 7+. One friendly ship of your choice gains a 4+ save against any and
all attacks that would remove a mast or sink her until the beginning of your next turn. This even includes magical
attacks that would not normally allow one such as Wrath of Hashut, Doombolt or The Great Maw. This save
cannot be improved by any means.
Chaos Dwarves: Wrath of Hashut Casting Cost = 10+ This spell has a range of 12” The wizard immediately hurls
D6 Fireballs each fireballs towards an enemy ship. These are worked out the same way as firing a regular cannon
including rolls to hit with a +1 to hit modifier. If the amount of fireballs is a result of 6, and all of them hit their
target. The target ship may not take any armor saves against fireballs and is immediately sank.
Chaos: Possession of Chaos Casting Cost = 10+ Remains in play This cast on a Friendly ship anywhere on the
battle. Immediately roll a D6 If the result is higher than amount of masts the ship begins the game with, the ship
turns is possessed by a daemon and follows all the rules of a Sea Monster except it still has any existing crew, and
Cargo Spaces. It loses any cannons and cannon upgrades. Its masts are the same value as before. Once cast the ship
remains possessed even if the spell is cast again on another ship. This can only be cast on Galleys, Cargo Ships or
Man o’ Wars.
Dwarves: Rune of Storms Though a Runelord doesn’t cast magic he can strike runes. The Rune of Storm is
successfully struck on a 2D6 roll of 9+ and Causes up to two enemy ships (Dwarf player’s choice) within 20
inches of the Rune Lord to only be able to move at half speed, and are at -1 with all shooting actions until the
beginning of the dwarf players next turn. On a result of a 1 when striking the rune, treat as a miscast result.
Dark Elves: Doombolt Casting Cost = 10+ This spell has a range of 20” The wizard immediately hurls D6 bolts of
dark magic towards an enemy ship. These are worked out the same way as firing a regular cannon including rolls
to hit. If the magic missiles amount is a result of 6, and all of them hit their target. The target ship may not take
any armor saves against these foul magics and is immediately sank.
The Empire: Sigmar’s Righteous Guidance Casting Cost = 8+ Sigmar’s Righteous Guidance is cast as the first action
of a turn. For the remainder of the turn, The Empire player receives D6 Re-rolls. Any re-rolls not used are lost.
High Elves: Speed of Asuryan Casting Cost = 9+ One friendly ship of your choice can be placed anywhere on the
battle. This ship does not count as moving and if it has not performed any actions this turn it may act as normal.
Lizardmen: Curse of Sotec Casting Cost = 8+ This spell has a range of 24 inches Each enemy crew member within
range of the spell, must roll a D6, on a roll of 4+ they are removed as they are bitten by snakes and killed. The ship
itself is unaffected, only the crew.
Ogres: The Great Maw Casting Cost = 11+. This spell has a range of 24 inches and targets one enemy ship. The
enemy ship must roll a D6 result higher than it’s total masts or be swallowed whole by the sea with no armor
saves allowed.
Orc and Goblins: Foot of Gork (or Mork) Casting Cost 7+. This spell has a range of 20 inches The Shaman pleads
to Gork (or Mork) who answers his prayers by slamming it’s immense foot down upon an enemy ship. The ship
takes D3 automatic hits. If the foot result is a 1 when rolling for hits, it is resolved against the Shaman’s own ship
Skaven: Plague of Rats Casting Cost 7+. This spell has a range of 24 inches. The Grey Seer calls forth a swarm of
rats from inside the ships hold, each ship in the enemy fleet that is within range of this spell must roll a D6, on a
result of a 1 the ship that failed may make no actions the next turn as it deals with the infestation.
Tomb Kings: Invocation of Loek Casting Cost 10+. The spell has a range of 24 inches. The Hierophant performs an
invocation. If successfully cast, D3 Friendly ships, including the vessel the Hierophant is on may make an
additional action this turn.
Vampire Counts: Raised from the Deep Casting Cost 11+. The Necromancer summons a shipwreck from the deep
to add to the fleet. This Ship is based on a 50mm x 50mm and has D3 masts. Each Mast has a short Cannon. Once
in play, it acts as part of the Vampire Count’s fleet and remains in play until the necromancer is slain. This ship is
placed anywhere within 12 inches of the Necromancer who cast the spell. The If the necromancer is captured or
killed, the ship automatically sinks, any treasure or crew that were on board this summoned ship are lost to the
Wood Elves: Regrowth Casting Cost 9+. The Treesinger calls to the wood guiding the vessel to regrow lost limbs.
The target ship can regain (bring back into play) D3 Masts up to it’s starting value.
No challenge is intended, Warhammer is a registered trademark of Games Workshop and all references to Games Workshop products is meant
to promote the sales of games Workshop products with no personal gain or myself. These rules are donated and are meant in the spirit of fun
and no profit has been made from this rules package.
| textdata/thevault/Man O'War/Seahammer/Seahammer.pdf |
seven levels in Heaven and nine in IletL The Asiral can only bring you to trie first
level of these Planes. A physical fnrm nf travel musl he used 10 proceed lo the
other levels Travel 10 the Aatrat "Plane" can be done with a wish or Ihe Astral
Travel from Oultr Plant lu Outer Plane The Astral Plane can he used In travel
frnm plane lo plane, if, from Heaven to Elysturn, A traveler could also move in-
to an adjacent Plane, le. Heaven to the Happy Hunting Grounds, just by walk-
ing. Travel, bv walking, could or should bt limited to only one Plane ta either
side of the Plane that the traveler barter! in. For example, a traveler Astral
Planed into Nirvana, so by walking he could travel to Arcadia nr to Acheron.
4) L( Blue The AIR Kl f-MENTAL PLANE
8) Orange, TheETHEREAl PLANE
9) Lt Hlue, The ASTRAL PLANE
12) Blue. The TWIN PARAD1SKS
13) Li. Blue, OLYMPUS
14) Blur, Kt YSIUM
15) Blus/Grty, OLADSHEIM
16) Grey. 1 IMBO
17) Red/Grey. PANDEMONiUM
IK) Red, The ftftft LAYERS
19) Li. Red, TARTERUS
20) Red, HADES
21) Li. Red.GEHENNA
22) Red. The NINE HELLS
2J) Red/Grey, ACHERON
2-0 Grey. NIRVANA
2!) Blue/(.:rey, ARCADIA
by Gary Gygax
Mutated humans, or simply humanoids, are a commonplace sight
in the "worlds" of MFTAMORPHOSIS ALPHA. It is no great matter
rb describe the obvious when telling a player about his own appearance,
or relating to a party of adverlurers what they see when they encounter
some humanoids. Thus, a mutant is very large, or quite small, has
quills, or is winged. Large ears go with heightened hearing. A long,
broad nose indicates a humanoid with heightened smelling ability. It is
easy to go on, but what about general differences? Of course, you may
have humanoids appearing as humans in most respects, but if you
would enjoy adding a bit of "color" to your campaign, I suggest the
following tables for obtaining ihe general appearance of mutated hu-
mans, players or not. To determine the appearance just roll dice for as
many of the categories as you desire, and, or course, you may delete,
add, or change as you see fit!
2 colors
3 colors
4 colors
5 colors
long, pointed
flattened oval
bullet shaped
quite small
very smalt
round eyes
drooping ears
no ears
huge mouth
big nose
no nose
very large
hair patches
solid (or solid patches)
long, thin
very thick
Hands and Feel
thick fingered/loed
thin fingered/toed
very large
very small
Fingers and Toes
double- jointed/
double-join ted
Metamorphosis Alpha Additions
by James M. Ward
In the course of writing anything about anything, when every-
thing is done and sent to the printers, there is something that should
have been added to it or changed in it. Such is the case, in looking
over the TSR booklet Metamorphosis Alpha that I designed. Before
going further, I want to say that everyone at TSR did a great job on the
production of this booklet; it is just that some things (more my fault
than theirs) were left out.
In working on the technological treasure items list, there are four
items that should have been completely explained that were not.
Chemical Radiation Neutralizes: are small two foot tall cylinders that
contain a blue gel having the power to absorb radiated material and
completely neutralize it. The gell from one cylinder can cover a 100-
square yard area. The effects are permanent and the cylinders can com-
monly be found in any radiated area that was dangerous before the
starship passed through the radiated gas cloud.
Chemical Flammable Retardants: are simply COi fire extinguishers
that are r foot tall cylinders, with a nozzle on top. These little tanks
shoot out blasts of cold air. The tank can last for 30 minutes of con-
stant action. There are many plants and creatures that cannot stand the
intense cold given off by the extinguisher, making it a very good wea-
Radioactive Material In Containment: is some type of material (liquid,
sand, ball bearings, or solid metal wedges) that is radiated to a variable
intensity. This containment is always in the form of a duralloy cube
with a screw top. A loud buzzing occurs whenever these containers are
opened. When out of this container, the material has an effective dam-
aging range of 90 yards.
Sensory Intensifies: are pendants that hang from the neck and run for
thousands of years on a tiny atomic battery. These devices increase the
natural bodily senses many times over. A being with this device on their
person can see, hear, smell, and move at one and one half times the
normal human rate. They can, therefore, not be surprised, because they
can hear beings approaching or laying in wait for them. They can fol-
low a scent like the best bloodhound. In battle the being gets two turns
every other melee turn-example; attacked and not surprised, the being
strikes normally the first time with his weapon and on the next melee
turn gets two attacks with his weapon while the attacker gets only one.
Along the same lines as the above is the poison chart that is closely
tied to the constitution roll. This chart is tough and the point was not
brought out clearly enough that there are lots of ways the affects of this
chart can be countered. Any shaman from any tribe should have poison
antidotes that he or she passes out freely for information or goodies or
even the promise of future goodies. The number three humanoids,
knowing all about poison, naturally have antidotes that are obtainable
for things that these small humanoids could normally never get hold of.
Plants of many different types can provide partial or total negation to
the affects of any given poison. There are mutations that can also ne-
gate the affects of poison; the new body parts mutation can be a gland
that negates/filters toxic liquids entering the body. The increased body
parts mutation could include the expanding of the appendix, which, if
one may stretch a point, could cleanse the system of poisons entering
the body, (if given sufficient time and rest).
It should be obvious that the abilities given everyone, including
Strength, Dexterity, and Leadership Potential, are all closely tied to the
D&D abilities. The Mental Resistance factor is roughly analogous to
the Intelligence factor in D&D and because of this, it instead of the
Character Leadership Potential should be used when the judge uses the
Item Complexity Level chart.
The above information came through playing the game, and I ima-
gine that as time goes by there will be lots of reports from others that
have noticed things that need clarification in Metamorphosis Alpha. I
hope those wolfoids stay off your tail.
5TPTU5 inmate
5CRH PfiOGRflm
COEE flfllTlE 'CLOdE Bfinifl RLPI1H
by Guy W. McLimore, Jr.
In a special hidden section of the lost starship Warden, an engi-
neering robot discovers a minor cable break. Drawing a small torch
from its built-in toot kit, the necessary repair is soon made. This cir-
cuitry interruption — which has remained undiscovered and untend-
ed for many, many years — is now closed, and a special computer
signal sent long ago finally reaches its destination. Relays close, and
a special computer unit is activated, setting into motion a special
genetic laboratory.
Immediately, micro-miniature manipulators withdraw samples
of human tissue from a freezer storage compartment. Unnoticed by
the electronic controlling device is a cracked and damaged radioac-
tive power capsule nearby which contaminates some of the with-
drawn tissue cultures. The quick-frozen cells are moved to tanks of a
special growth medium and are electrically stimulated. The cells be-
gin to multiply, rapidly . . .
Weeks later, the tanks hold full-grown adult human bodies. Some
appear normal; others have strange deformities and mutations induced
by the unexpected dose of radiation. All are limp, unmoving, devoid of
intelligence and identity.
Once again, micromanipulators move in, this time to attach wires
and sensor strips to the foreheads of the newly-grown clones, fn a mat-
ter of days, computer tapes full of general human knowledge and spe-
cific ship-related skills are played directly into the clones' brain synaps-
es. But again old computer malfunctions and worn-out circuitry com-
bine to leave large gaps in the intended programming of the new poten-
tial crew members. There will be unfortunate — perhaps eventually tra-
gic— lapses in their "memories" of the ship and its functions.
Thankfully, the all important final tape does play into the heads of
the clones, explaining their mission. That mission is of the utmost im-
portance to the hundreds of thousands of people in the ship.
"Program codenamed Clone Bank Alpha is activated only in case
of extreme danger or damage to the ship, causing breakdown of chain
of command. Upon activation, tissue samples are processed into clones
of ship's personnel, who are then programmed with the technical and
general data necessary for operation of the ship. The clone bank com-
puter terminals are to provide equipment and authorization to the
clones, allowing them to reestablish chain of command and prevent di-
saster. "
YOU are one of these clones — charged with the task of rescuing
the starship from disaster. But computer malfunctions have left you
without the special equipment and weapons you need to master the sit-
uation, What equipment you carry you must manufacture yourself
from materials available in the clone bank complex. Some of your team
are not even totally human, possessing strange mutant abilities and de-
fects. Worst of ail, there are large holes in your memories. The ship's
equipment seems strange to you, and you are not sure how to operate.
You remember almost nothing of the structure of the ship itself — not
even where the clone bank you are in is located or how to find the im-
portant areas of the ship. The aged and broken-down computers in the
clone bank complex yield no information of value.
Still, you and your party have a job to do. You must leave the
clone bank, and wander the ship, gathering information, and putting
what skills you have to work. But it may already be too late. The disas-
ter that caused the loss of command in the ship was long ago, and what
remains is strange, and savage, and often deadly. You are entering an
unknown land . . .
This alternate scenario for beginning a game of Metamorphosis:
Alpha has certain advantages over the idea of beginning as a barbarian
from a shipboard tribe. Most notably, it eliminates the problem of so-
called barbarians who own a copy of the rule book and know decidedly
too much to be mere tribesmen.
% Die Roll
Mutation Status
MUTANT-1 mutation
MUTANT-2 mutations & I defect
MUTANT -3 mutations & 1 defect
MUTANT -4 mutations & 2 defects
Physical mutations are numbered 1 through 30. Renumber mental mu-
tations 31 through 67, Roll percentile dice for each indicated mutation
on the table above, A roll of 68 through 00 is ignored. Physical defects
are renumbered I through 12, and mental defects are renumbered 13
through 20. Roll a 20-sided die for determination of defects.
These are humans who have latent mutant abilities that may be brought
out by radiation. Keep track of how many levels of radiation CUMU-
LATIVE have been absorbed by any one latent mutant. This is the per-
centage chance that the accumulated radiation effect will bring out the
latent mutations. Roll each time the character is affected by radiation
and lives. If the latent mutations are brought out, roil on the following
"ft Die Roll
I mutation
2 mutations & 1 defect
3 mutations & 2 defects
DEATH (lethal mutation)
% Die Roll
Number of skills_
1 minor skill
1 major & 1 minor skill
1 major & 2 minor skills
2 major skills
2 major & 1 minor skill
2 major & 2 minor skills
2 major & 3 minor skills
ROLL SPECIAL SKILL (humans only)
MAJOR SKILLS (player's choice)
Ecology Maintenance Technician
Computer Technician
Weapons Officer
Medical Officer
Power Room Technician
Engine Maintenance Technician
Radiation Technician
Band Unit Maintenance
MINOR SKILLS (player's choice)
Food Service Technician
Shuttlecraft Pilot
Transport Technician
Geneticist/Chemlife Technician
Small Unit Repair Technician
Recreation & Athletics Officer
Survival Training Specialist
Ship Superstructure Technician
01-15: Psionic Healer
16-30: Machine Talent
31-45: Immortal
46-60: Probability Shifter
61-75: Resurrection Talent
76-90: Mental Battery
91-00: Ability Duplicator
WEAPONS OFFICER: + I on rolls to hit with ship's weaponry
MEDICAL OFFICER: Can heal 1 point of damage per man per
day with minimum equipment
RADIATION TECHNICIAN: Can identify radiation areas from
condition of local plants, effects on animals
and players, etc.
band circuitry. Has possibility of bypassing
bandlocks (at referee's option)
FOOD SERVICE TECHNICIAN: 25 per cent change to identify
harmful substances
SHUTTLECRAFT PILOT: Able to fly ship's shuttle vehicles
TRANSPORT TECHNICIAN: Familiar with road systems, subshut-
tle tubes, anti-grav sled repair, etc.
human genetics and android construction
SMALL UNIT REPAIR TECHNICIAN: Able to repair minor dam-
age to ship's equipment depending on com-
plexity (referee's option)
SURVIVAL TRAINING SPECIALIST: + 1 to hit with all weapons.
1-6 pts. damage hand-to-hand combat with
humans and humanoids (Only one per party)
struction, including methods
of working
with duralloy
Can heal 1-6 points of damage per person
per day, or twice that (taking 1-6 pts. him-
self in the latter case)
MACHINE TALENT: Possesses instinctive affinity with all ma-
Totally immune to poison, radiation, and
disease. Regenerates 5 hit points per day.
Transfusion of blood into a non-immortal
cures 2-40 hit points, and can be done once
a month.
PROBABILITY SHIFTER: Can influence a die roll by investing hit
points (1 hit point = I percentage point; 5 hit
p o i n t s - 1 20-sided die p o i n t ; 10 hit
points =1 6-sided die point). Use of this
power, and direction and magnitude of in-
must be declared
before rolling.
This power can be used whenever the char-
acter affected by the roll is within 25 ft. of
the person with the power.
RESURRECTION TALENT: Can restore life by pouring own hit
points into another's body. The amount of
points invested becomes the maximum hit
points for the resurrected person. This can
be no more than the original number of hit
points the dead character had. Each full day
dead adds 10 percent to the number of
points that must be invested. (Example: A
man three days dead must have 39 points in-
vested to gain 30.) Persons with bodies not
intact or not recoverable cannot be resur-
rected, nor can persons already once resur-
rected by this method.
MENTAL BATTERY: Can power any item within 20 feet with
mental energy, with 5 percent chance (cumu-
lative) of
each melee round.
Powering an item lakes no real concentra-
tion, but power ends if person with battery
power is knocked unconscious or moved out
of range.
01-50: Unable to use power for one day
51-75: Unconscious 1-20 min. plus 1-day wait
to use power again
76-85: Unconscious 1-6 hours plus 2-day wait
to use power again
86-90: As 76-85 plus take 1-20 pts. damage
91-99: As 86-90 plus take additional 1-20 pts.
00: Death from energy burnout
May duplicate any one single mutant
ability (mental or physical) or one single hu-
man attribute (strength, constitution, dex-
terity, etc,) of any being within 100 yards.
Roll for burnout as above each melee round
but with 10 percent non-cumulative chance
of burnout.
by James M. Ward
The concept of role playing revolves around the idea that you be-
come a "being" from a world that can only be imagined. This being re-
acts to the problems of every day life, along with those unusual ones
that often come up, in a way that guarantees that beings survival. The
enjoyment that is to be realized from this type of gaming is from the
pleasure of overcoming problems. These created beings are usually
started full blown out of the minds of the players with hit points, a
mental resistance, and the like. To make the game more enjoyable and
allow any given player a slight edge in Metamorphosis Alpha (some-
thing that is often needed as the players can attest to) I have created a
few charts that give the player a past to work with. There are also
charts that help those in a village discover what can be had there. In
using these, if problems come up that are caused by the illogic of the die
roll just start over in that chart or on the whole thing.
Simple Village Area
Ancient Town ARea
Engineering Section
Forest Area
Mountain Village Area
Fully Operational City
Simple Village Area
Single Powered Villa
Powered Horticultural Area
Inter-ship Corridor
Large River Village Area
Time Was Spent Hunting
Time Was Spent Plant Gathering
Time Was Spent Fighting Mutated Creatures
Time Was Spent In General Weapons Practice (non-powered)
Time Was Spent In Working With Simple Technological Devices
Time Was Spent In Learning Advanced Technological Devices
Time Was Spent In Healing And Helping Others
Time Was Spent In Hunting
Time Was Spent In Hunting
Time Was Spent In Studying Mutants Of All Types
Time Was Spent Around Radiation Areas
Time Was Spent In Learning To Read The Ancient Language
Knowledge Of Powered Weapons
Knowledge Of Poisons & Antidotes
Combat Of Any Type
Collecting Domars
Mapping The World
Knowledge Of Technological Items In General
Knowledge Of Transportation Devices Of All Types
The Use Of Non-powered Weapons
Knowledge Of Medicines Of All Types
Knowledge Of The Powers Of Mutants Of All Types
1-12 None
Archery Accuracy
14 Attacking With A Sword
Working With Simple Technological Devices
16 Working With Poisons And Their Antidotes
Knowing The Effects Of Plants And Herbs
Understanding The Types And Abilities Of Robots
19 Working With Computers
20 Communicating With And Beguiling Creatures Of All Types
Some Type Of Weapon: Stone Dagger, Sword Frond. Spear, Bow
& Arrow
Carrying Items: Sack, Bandoleer, Back Pack, Belt & Pouch
Living Area: Large Hut, Small Hut, Lean-to, Under A Tree, A
Hole In The Ground, An Ancient Building, In The Open
Stories Told Around The Campfire:
Dealing With Mutant Attacks
Dealing With Hunting And Fishing
Dealing With Robots
Dealing With An Imagined Technological City
Dealing With The Use of Magical Color Bands
Dealing With Flying Devices Of Any Type
Trained Beings Of The Village (guards): Jegets, Cring Plant, Con-
garoid. Singing Vine, Dogs, Cats, Changers, Winged Biters
Available For Trade At Very High Prices, Are These Items:
Several Different Types Of Color Bands
Poison Antidote
Heavy Crossbows & Bolts
Poison (variable intensity)
Energy Cells
Advice And Knowledge From The Experienced Travelers Of The
Other People Willing To Travel With Out From The Village
Things To Raise Your Armor Class: Shields, Cured Hide Armor,
Food Designed For Traveling
In thinking about the background of the mutant (which should be
different from that of any given human, their background and more
importantly who their parents were can be a very important factor. The
fact that a mutant parent had nine mutations and the other one had
seven should also be reflected in the children of the two. Taking this
into consideration, the following chart should be used in creating a
mutant. First a player should roll a die to find what side they favor
(mothers or fathers) and this will be the side that will give them all but
one of the possible mutations. The other side will give the remaining
one of their mutations. In the case of having a human parent the mu-
tant will gain the benefits of the human constitution (by rolling eight-
siders for hit points and having a plus two on the constitution versus
poison chart) and will have no physical defect (even if the chart indi-
cates that the mutant should have one).
Mothers Side
Fathers Side
1 Third Generation Mutant
Fifth Generation Mutant
2 Human
First Generation Mutant
3 Sixth Generation Mutant
Third Generation Mutant
4 First Generation Mutant
Second Generation Mutant
5 Fourth Generation Mutant
6 Tenth Generation Mutant
Tenth Generation Mutant
7 Seventh Generation Mutant
Second Generation Mutant
8 Fifth Generation Mutant
Tenth Generation Mutant
9 First Generation Mutant
Third Generation Mutant
10 Eighth Generation Mutant
11 Human
Ninth Generation Mutant
12 Tenth Generation Mutant
First Generation Mutant
13 Human
14 Second Generation Mutant
Ninth Generation Mutant
15 Ninth Generation Mutant
Fourth Generation Mutant
16 Third Generation Mutant
Third Generation Mutant
17 Ninth Generation Mutant
Ninth Generation Mutant
18 First Generation Mutant
Fourth Generation Mutant
19 Second Generation Mutant
Sixth Generation Mutant
20 Human
First through Third Generation Mutants always have a Physical
Defect, Fourth through Seventh Mutants always have a Mental Defect,
Eighth Through Tenth Generation Mutants have both a Physical and a
Mental Defect
If a player wanted to use all of the charts, he or she would have to
be a mutant that was living in a mixed village of mutants and humans.
A die roll of an eight tells the player that they have a total of eleven mu-
tations (assuming that the player favored his father) and this included
the two necessary defects. The player in my game would be allowed to
pick the other nine mutations on either the mental or physical charts.
Another die roll tells the player that he grew up in an engineering sec-
tion (thus allowing him a certain knowledge of metals and the opening
and closing of doors). His time was spent in working with simple tech-
nological devices and he has a talent for combat of any type (giving him
a plus to hit and on damage). He is especially good with a sword (an-
other plus for him),
He has a stone dagger, a sword frond, a bandoleer, and lives in a
small hut. His village talks of robots when they are around the camp-
fire. The shaman of the village will trade poison antidotes and energy
cells for new technology devices he hasn't seen before.
What you end up with after a number of die rolls is not just a char-
acter with a sort of personality, but a being with some very helpfu!
traits. Traits that will allow that person to survive in a very hostile en-
| textdata/thevault/Metamorphosis Alpha (osr)/Magazine Articles/Metamorphosis Alpha - Best of Dragon Magazine.pdf |
Roll D66 for room.
Then roll 2D6 on
Room Contents Table
Roll D6
Roll D6
Traps Table
Roll D6
Special Events
Roll D6
Vermin Table
Roll D6
Minions Table
Roll D6
Minions Table
Empty. Roll D6
Feature Table
Dragons Lair
(Boss Table)
Roll D6
Boss Table +
6 on D6 = Final
Roll D6
Monsters Table
Roll D6
Roll D6
Traps Table
Roll D6
Vermin Table
Roll D6
Minions Table
Empty. Roll D6
Feature Table
Roll D6
Boss Table
If a Room
If a Corridor
If survive, roll D6
Treasure Table
If win, roll D6
Treasure Table
If win, roll D6
Treasure Table
If win, roll D6
Treasure Table
If win, roll D6 for
levelling up + D6
Treasure Table
If win, roll D6 for
levelling up + D6
Treasure Table
If win, roll D6 for
levelling up + D6
Treasure Table
If survive, roll D6
Treasure Table
If win, roll D6
Treasure Table
If win, roll D6
Treasure Table
If win, roll D6 for
levelling up + D6
Treasure Table
| textdata/thevault/Four Against Darkness (osr)/Sheets and Play Aids/Four Against Darkness Dungeon Flowchart (no corridor final boss).pdf |
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| textdata/thevault/Living Greyhawk/Modules/Furyondy/592/Normal Scenarios/FUR2-03 - Sheltering Wings (APL 2-8)/FUR2-03 - Sheltering Wings.pdf |
he RPG is a game that promotes imagination
and logical reasoning, developing creativity,
interpersonal relationship, and mutual
cooperation. As pioneer of this game style,
D&D brings an atmosphere of mysticism and
fantasy to DM and players, allowing then to
create and live epic stories and adventures worthy to be
tell on books or even in movies.
Several memorable and epic sagas known can be
revived and even take a different course in the hands of
an experienced DM and dedicated players. However, the
game is not about only will and storytelling. There are
factors that must not be decided only by the desire of
the DM or the players.
The game rules are fundamental to keep a level of
coherency and logic on game tables. A player may want
his character knock a huge iron door to the ground with
a kick, but the success or the failure of this action is
impacted by the physical strength of the character and
a die roll.
The D&D 5th edition core books present the basic
rules to act in an universe create by a DM or in the
official campaign setting, like Forgotten Realms.
Whereas the core rulebooks are limited in the
diversification of races, classes, items, spells, feats,
monsters and so on, I decide to create a pack of
supplemental rulebooks to expand the options
presented on the basic books.
To have better use of the supplemental rulebooks of
the AlanVenic’s Redbook line, you need the three D&D
5th edition core rulebooks: The Player’s Handbook,
Monster Manual, and Dungeon Master’s Guide. In
certain moments, some features presented here, will
refer a given chapter of this books, or just the book
itself. When you are consult this supplemental
rulebook, you should have access to the determined
book to delve into the topic discussed by the given
At this specific supplemental rulebook will be
approached the monk class. Here we have a brief
discuss of his abilities and powers, focusing on class
gameplay. Additionally, are presented here new class
options to players that consider the class options
presented in the Player’s Handbook doesn’t fit on the
concept they pictured to their characters.
You can create a monk that took an unusual combat
style, and have the bow as its favorite weapon. You also
could be a tattooed monk capable of channel mystical
energy through your tattoos. Or you could be a monk
that learn a fighting style opposed to its teachings,
wearing armor for protection, and focusing your attacks
in brutal force instead of agility. Or you could be a
pacifist monk that trail the way of the lotus and spread
words of serenity and still around the world.
At this supplemental rulebook are presented ten new
monastic traditions. Certainly, one of than will fit the
concept you imagine for your monk. Explore all the
possibilities and have fun.
Long live to the RPG!
AlanVenic Gonçalves
March 2016
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their
respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2016 by Alan Gonçalves and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters
A man wearing simple vests and wielding nothing more
than a stick wander quietly down the street. When this
man entering an alley, thugs that demands him to give
his possessions surround him. Keeping a countenance of
peace, the man put its stick in a box and get ready to
the imminent clash. When the first thug approaches,
the man unleashes a punch that throw the thug far
away. The other outlaws are surprised, but not
intimidated enough to give up the fight against a man
that even wears armor. They make this great mistake.
Punches, knee blows, kicks, and halters put down the
outlaws one by one. In the end, all outlaws are knocked
down in the floor and the man standing unharmed with
the same countenance of peace it has at the start.
A monk is a martial artist untouchable by ordinary
street thieves. His fists are as lethal as any sword
wielded by a skilled warrior, and its insight is its
greatest trump, allowing him to access its inner energy
to avoid the most attacks struck against him.
As a monk, you are an unmatched martial artist.
Additionally, you are able to manipulate your inner
energy to produce unique effects and as you become
more experienced, you improves your body, mind, and
spirit to supernatural levels.
Your training is entirely focused on freedom of
movements. When you are wearing no armor, you use
your insight and perception to anticipate the attacks of
your foes, dodging these attacks in the very moment.
No other warrior is so efficacious at unarmed combat
than you are. Your intense training allow you to
improve your strikes until reach perfection. Your fists
become weapons as deadly as any sword, and you can
attack with blinding speed and peerless accuracy.
Through meditation and constant practice, you are able
to control the primal energy that exists inside you. You
can channel this energy to produce several supernatural
effects that turns you a singular martial artist.
When you are without impediments, you can move with
an extraordinary speed. Even fast animals like horses
or cheetahs have difficult to reach an experienced monk
in a racing.
The choice of your monastic tradition defines the kind of
monk you are, your life philosophy, and your martial art
style. The way you trail at your monk career can varies
widely thanks to the chosen of your tradition. In the
Player’s Handbook are presented three traditions. Here
are presented ten new slopes of this class feature,
bringing a huge variety for the kind of monk you want
to be. The new monastic traditions are presented in the
final of this brief description of the monk class features.
Your insight and perfect reaction allow you to avoid
arrows and other objects thrown in your direction. If hit
you with a sword is difficult, hit you with an arrow is
nearly impossible.
As a monk, are two abilities usually more important to
you. At first, your Wisdom is related to most of your
class features, and improves your insight and sixth
sense in combat. As second, your Dexterity represents
your agility and accuracy. However, you can find some
feats that can expand even more your versatility, or
improves the focus in some aspect you wish to exalt on
your character (see chapter 6 on Player’s Handbook).
Controlling the energy of your body, you can reduce the
density of your body, consequently reducing the effects
of gravity on yourself.
Your speed and agility become evident when you
unleash many attacks in combat. Mainly when your
standard combat skill is improved through your inner
energy to make a blinding flurry of punches and kicks.
With a sharp blow in the weak spot of your enemy, you
can make him to become daze and with no reaction for a
brief moment. Enough time to finish him.
You can make your entire body a deadly weapon able to
overcome even the magical protection of your foes.
Thanks to your agility and quick-wits, you can dive in
safety escaping unscathed from effects that could put
you down.
In a moment of distress, you can focus and make a brief
meditation to calm down your mind and spirit. Your
head is completely emptied from harassments and you
are ready to fight again.
Your body become a bulwark of resilience against some
harmful effects. Your health is immaculate and you fell
no effect of toxins that enter in your body.
When you expand your mind in an impressive way, you
can understand the language of all living beings.
When you reach this level of self-improvement, you
become nearly untouchable. Is virtually impossible
affect you with most of mundane harmful effects, and
even magical and supernatural effects seldom affects
you in the expected way.
Your body stop to age, but your mind and spirit
continues in the travel of wisdom and constant
evolution. You are forever young until you get your
moment to disincarnate.
Focus your inner energy, you can access other planes of
existence. You disincarnate from your material body,
make a spiritual travel to get answers, and improves
your mind and spirit.
At the apex of your self-improvement, you make your
inner energy to become endless. You always have a
portion of your energy source.
At this supplemental rulebook are presented ten new
monastic traditions you can choose instead of the
monastic traditions presented in the Player’s Handbook.
The Way of the Devoted Monk, the Way of the Drunken
Master, the Way of Lotus, the Way of Ninjutsu, the Way
of Retaliation, the Way of the Sacred Fist, the Way of
the Sadhaka, the Way of Steel, the Way of the Tattooed
Monk, and the Way of the Zen Archer.
The devoted monasteries are monastic orders usually
located in places hard to access where only the most
perseverant monks can reach. Once in the monastery,
these monks are presented to the masters of vow. A
group of monks represented by a single monk that
doesn’t make the vow of silence. This monk teach the
precepts and vows that the devoted monks can make
when trail this way. The life of a devoted monk is full of
privations accepted by these monks as a way to prove
its spiritual elevation, and purification of body and
At 3rd level, when you choose this tradition, you must
choose a sacred vow among the present below, and
fulfill this vow rigorously.
Vow of Abstinence. You cannot consume any
narcotic substance like alcohol or drugs. While you
fulfill this vow, you gain resistance to poison and
necrotic damage.
Vow of Chastity. You cannot have sexual intercourse
or any kind of intimate contact with other person. While
you fulfill this vow, you gain advantage on Charisma
checks and on Intelligence saving throws.
Vow of Obedience. You must obey the orders of your
superiors at the monastery of the devoted without
question. While you fulfill this vow, you gain advantage
on saving throws to not be charmed or frightened.
Vow of Peace. You cannot kill any living creature.
While you fulfill this vow, you gain +1 bonus to AC and
initiative rolls.
Vow of Poverty. Your possessions cannot be worth
more than 10 gp. You can bear goods with a higher
value, but with the single purpose to donate it to the
poor or to your monastery. While you fulfill this vow,
you recover 1 hit point each 10 minutes. You also gain
advantage on saving throws to resist extreme cold
effects and you need to eat only once per week.
Vow of Purity. You cannot eat meat and must be
always clean. While you fulfill this vow, you gain
advantage on saving throws against poison and disease.
Additionally, you can speak with beasts as you share a
language with them.
Vow of Silence. You cannot speak. While you fulfill
this vow, you gain advantage on Wisdom checks and on
Charisma saving throws.
If you intentionally breaches one of your vow, you lose
the benefits of this vow until being target of a geas spell
cast by a member of the devoted monastery or fulfill a
task given by your immediate superior.
Additionally, in a day you make something that
breach one of your sacred vows, you suffer disadvantage
on ability checks until you end a long rest.
When you reach the 6th level, you can go back to the
devoted monastery to make a new sacred vow. Choose a
second vow from the list of sacred vows. At 12th level,
you gain a third vow, and at 18th level, you gain a
fourth sacred vow.
Starting at 11th level, you can do a ritual with your
allies to make them swear a sacred vow to you. With a
ritual that takes 10 minutes, you can grant the benefits
of one of your sacred vows at your choice to any willing
creature that participate on the ritual. A creature that
participate on the ritual gain the same benefits you
gain from the chosen vow while it fulfill the vow or until
it finish a long rest.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest
before you can use it again.
At 17th level, the benefits granted by your sacred vows
improves. These benefits replaces the benefits of your
Sacred Vow.
Vow of Abstinence. While you fulfill this vow, you
are immune to poison and necrotic damage.
Vow of Chastity. While you fulfill this vow, you gain
advantage on Charisma checks and is immune to spells
and effects that requires an Intelligence saving throw.
Vow of Obedience. While you fulfill this vow, you
are immune to charmed and frightened conditions.
Vow of Peace. While you fulfill this vow, you gain +2
bonus to AC and initiative rolls.
Vow of Poverty. While you fulfill this vow, you
recover 1 hit point each 1 minutes. You are also
immune to extreme cold effects and doesn’t eat or drink.
Vow of Purity. While you fulfill this vow, you are
immune to poison and disease. Additionally, you can
speak with beasts as you share a language with them.
Vow of Silence. While you fulfill this vow, you gain
advantage on Wisdom checks and are immune to spells
and effects that requires a Charisma saving throw.
Some unconventional monks learn a fighting style
focused on being apparently constantly drunk. The
drunken masters also known as drunk pugilist, are
monks that learn an unorthodox fighting style that uses
the groggy state of inebriation to gain advantage. The
movements of the drunken master are unpredictable,
making hard to know how to hit and even more hard to
know how to defend itself against the attacks
apparently random struck by the drunken monk.
At 3rd level, when you choose this tradition, you gain
proficiency with improvised weapons. These weapons
count as monk weapons to you.
Also at 3rd level, you can take new actions using your ki
when you are drunk. You must use an action to ingest
at least 1 quart of strong alcoholic drink like rum, sake
or wine, becoming drunk while you have ki points
remaining. While you are drunk, you gain advantage on
Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks, but suffer disadvantage
on Wisdom (Perception) checks. Additionally, you can
use the following features while drunk:
Countertrip. If a creature try to knock you prone
and fail, you can use your reaction to spend 1 ki point
and make a unarmed attack against this creature. If
you hit, in addition to cause damage, the target must be
successful on a Strength saving throw or is knocked
Flowing Like Water. If a creature is grappling you
can use a bonus action to spend 1 ki point and make a
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to escape the grapple. If
you are successful on the check, you can make an
unarmed attack as part of this bonus action.
Stunning Throw. As a bonus action, you can spend
1 ki point to throw a monk weapon that cause
bludgeoning damage in a creature within 20 feet of you.
If you hit, the target is affected by your Stunning
At 6th level, you can drink alcoholic drinks to replenish
your ki pool. As an action, you must drink at least half
quart of strong alcoholic drink and make a DC 15
Constitution saving throw. If you are successful in this
save, you recover a number of ki points equal to your
Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1 point).
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or
long rest before you can use it again.
When you reach the 11th level, you can unleash an
extremely flammable burp. As an action, you can spend
5 ki points to expel gas in a 30-foot cone and flame it
with a fire source in your hand, like a torch or candle. A
creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving
throw. The target takes 8d6 fire damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
At 17th level, you are constantly drunk and don’t need
to ingest alcohol anymore. You can activate your
Drunken Master Style as a bonus action without need
of drink. Additionally, you can use a bonus action to
spend 2 ki points and activate two of your monk
features among the following: Flurry of Blows, Patient
Defense, Step of the Wind, Flowing Like Water, or
Stunning Throw.
You can’t use the same feature twice with a single
bonus action this way.
The Way of the Lotus is trail by monks that decide
coexists in a peaceful way with the rest of the beings.
The philosophy of the monk of the lotus is summarized
by seek of spiritual peace and spread of serenity and
tranquility around the world. You are taught to don’t
harm other living beings and, even when obliged to do
so, you never takes life from a living being. During your
training, you develops techniques to neutralize your
foes without cause pain or harm, trying to solve the
strife in a clean and peaceful way.
At 3rd level, when you choose this tradition, you learn
to unleash attacks on nonlethal spots, knocking out
your foes without risk of killing them. When you make
an unarmed attack against a hostile creature and the
damage deal is enough to drop the target hit points to 0,
you can drop the target hit point to 1 instead, but the
target is unconscious for 1 hour.
Additionally, as a bonus action, you can spend 1 ki
point to touch a unconscious creature that you can see
and target it with the brand of mercy for 1 hour. While
a creature is branded this way, it recover double of the
hit points when is target of an effect that recover hit
points. However, the target suffer disadvantage on
Wisdom saving throws against effects produced by you.
A creature cannot be target of your Brand of Mercy
again until it finish a long rest.
Also at 3rd level, you can pacify an opponent you touch.
When you hit a creature with an unarmed attack, you
can spend 2 ki points to pacify the target. This attacks
doesn’t cause damage, but the target must be successful
in a Wisdom saving throw or is pacified for 1 minute. A
pacified creature cant take actions. The target can
make a new saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
ending the pacify effect with a successful save. The
effect also end if the target suffer damage.
A creature immune to the charmed condition is also
immune to your Appeaser Touch.
Starting at 6th level, you can recover the wounds of a
creature that you touch or you can smite evil creture
with radiant light. As an action, you can spend 2 ki
points to touch a living creature that you can see. The
target recover a number of hit points equal to 1d8 +
your Wisdom modifier.
Alternatively, when you hit an undead or a fiend with
an unarmed attack, you can use a bonus action to spend
1 ki point and cause 2d8 extra radiant damage to the
You can spend extra ki points to improve this effect.
For each ki point you spend, you heal 1d8 extra hit
points to a living creature you touch, or cause 1d8 extra
radiant damage to an undead or fiend you hit.
At 11th level, you learn to meditate in a stance that
inspire perfection of body and spirit. When you finish a
short rest, you can spend 4 ki point to unleash a burst
of renewal energy in a 10-foot-radius centered on you.
Any living creature friendly to you in the area recover a
number of hit points equal to 2d4 + your Wisdom
Alternatively, you can recover 1 level of exhaustion of
each living creature in the area.
At 17th level, you can open the mind of the foes you face
to the path of true. When you make an attack that
knock a living creature unconscious, you can spend 5 ki
points to charm the target. The target must make a
Wisdom saving throw at the start of its next turn. If the
creature fail the save, it become charmed by you for 24
hours or until you or your companions do anything
harmful to it. The charmed creature regards you as a
friend and will follow you, helping as best as it can.
The monks that trail the Way of Ninjutsu learn the
secret techniques of the ninjas. To become a ninja,
foremost the monk need to be accepted in a secret clan
of ninjas. After being accepted in a clan, the monk learn
techniques that improves its stealth, and learn
assassination techniques too. This makes the ninja a
very skilled killer capable to enter in any place without
being noticed and eliminate its target in a clear and fast
way, leaving the place after someone realize what just
At 3rd level, when you join a secret clan of ninjas, you
add the following weapons to your monk weapons:
katana (longsword), kodachi (scimitar), fukiya
(blowgun), and naginata (glaive). You are proficient
with these weapons, and with the poisoner’s kit.
Also at 3rd level, you become able to unleash a deadly
strike when you got your enemy unwarned. When you
use a monk weapon to attack a creature that cannot see
you or is surprised, you add 1d8 extra damage to the
first attack that you hit on this target.
The extra damage from your Sudden Strike increase
by 1d8 for each three levels of monk you have (2d8 at
6th level, 3d8 a6 9th level, 4d8 at 12th level, 5d8 at
15th level, and 6d8 at 18th level).
At 6th level, you learn techniques that makes your
infiltration and evasion easier. You can use the
following abilities spend ing ki points.
Fast Climb. As an action, you can spend 1 ki point
to gain climb speed equal to your walking speed until
the end of your next turn.
Smoke Bomb. As a bonus action, you can spend 2 ki
points to throw a smoke bomb on your feet creating a
smoke cloud in the space occupied by you and in all
adjacent spaces until the end of your turn. During this
time, you gain the benefits of the invisibility spell. The
smoke creates a heavily obscured area, but you suffer
no penalty to your sight when you are inside the area of
your own smoke bomb.
Uncanny Perception. As a bonus action, you can
spend 3 ki points to gain blindsight out to a range of 10
When you reach the 11th level, you become a master on
occult arts. You gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
checks and you cannot be tracked by nonmagical
means. From now on, when you use your Smoke Bomb
you can spend 2 extra ki points to increase the duration
of your bomb until the end of your next turn. During
this time, you gain the benefits of the greater invisibility
spell while you remain inside the area occupied by the
At 17th level, you become able to use your inner energy
to access the Ethereal Plane for a short time. As an
action, you can spend 5 ki points to assume a
incorporeal shape for 1 minute. While in this shape, you
gain the following features:
Is hard to see you. A creature must be successful in a
DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check at the start of its
turn to see you.
You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing damage from nonmagical attacks, and to
poison damage.
You are immune to the grappled, paralyzed, petrified,
prone, and restrained conditions.
You can move through other creatures and objects as
if they were difficult terrain. You takes 5 (1d10) force
damage if you ends your turn inside an object.
You can use only magical weapons to attack creatures
on the Material Plane. You can attack creatures on
the Ethereal Plane as normal.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest
before you can use it again.
The best defense is the counterattack. This is the
philosophy taught to the retaliators, the monks that
trail the Way of Retaliation. Wait until the very
moment when your opponent make an attack and opens
its guards. At this moment, the retaliator makes its
true strike. The attacks of the retaliator take advantage
of the swing of its enemy to knock him down, disarm
him, or pushes him off a cliff to certain death.
At 3rd level, when you choose this tradition, you learn
to use your inner energy in response to the actions of
your enemies.
Counterstrike. When a creature within 5 feet of you
that you can see make a melee attack against you, you
can use your reaction to spend 1 ki point and make an
unarmed attack or an attack using a monk weapon
against this creature. If you hit, the target suffer
disadvantage on the attack roll that trigger this
Escape Step. When a creature you can see make a
ranged attack against you, you can spend 1 ki point to
move up to 10 feet. The creature suffer disadvantage on
its attack roll doing your movement.
Redirect Attack. You can make another creature be
target of an attack aimed on you. When you are target
of an attack and another hostile creature different from
the attacker is within 5 feet of you, you can use your
reaction to spend 1 ki point and make this creature be
the target of the attack instead of you.
At 6th level, you can get ready to make multiple
reactions in a single round. At your turn, you can
abdicate to use your action and your bonus action. Until
the start of your next turn, you can take up to four
You can’t take more than one reaction in a turn of a
given creature.
When you reach the 11th level, whenever you hit a
creature with an attack of opportunity, you can start
the maneuver Grappling or Shoving a Creature against
this creature.
Additionally, you can try to disarm the creature you
hit by make an Athletics check (using Strength or
Dexterity at your choice) contested by the target’s
Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (the
target chooses the ability to use). If you succeed, the
target drops an object wielded in the ground at its
At 17th level, at the start of your turn, you can spend 3
ki points to act freely in this round. Until the start of
your next turn, you can intercalate your actions
between the turns of other creatures. For example, you
can move 10 feet and start the Attack action to make an
attack against a creature. During the turn of this
creature, you can move 10 feet and attack another
target, using your second attack from your Attack
action. At the turn of the next creature, you can use
your bonus action to make a flurry of blows and move
20 feet, to finally make an attack of opportunity using
your reaction in the turn of another creature.
The Way of the Sacred Fist is made up of monks
indoctrinated in some kind of religious sect. They
worship a specific god, or a group of deities with a
similar alignment. During its meditations and prayers,
these monks gain the ability to channel divine energy
through its bodies, using its inner mystical energy as a
tool to access its faith.
Like a cleric or paladin, a sacred fist can lose its
spellcasting ability if acts against the dogmas of the
gods its monastery worship, although is very difficult it
happen since the sacred fist has a bigger picture of
worshiping than both previews classes.
When you reach 3rd level, you augment your versatility
with the ability to cast spells. See chapter 10 for general
rules of spellcasting and chapter 11 for the cleric spell
Cantrips. You learn one cantrip of your choice from
the cleric spell list, and the cantrip sacred flame. You
learn an additional cleric cantrip of your choice at 10th
Spell Slots. The Sacred Fist Spellcasting table show
how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st
level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must
expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain
all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
For example, if you know the 1st-level spell shield
and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available,
you can cast shield using either slot.
–Spell Slots per Spell Level–
Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher. You know
three 1st-level cleric spells of your choice, two of which
you must choose from the divine domain spell list of the
divine domains you chose with your Sacred Domains.
The Spells Known column of the Sacred Fist
Spellcasting table shows when you learn more cleric
spells of 1st level of higher. For instance, when you
reach 7th level in this class, you learn one new spell of
1st or 2nd level. Each of these spells must be in the
divine domain spell list of the domains you chose with
your Sacred Domains. For instance, when you reach 7th
level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or
2nd level.
The spells you learn at 8th, 14th, and 20th level can
be any spell from the cleric spell list.
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can
replace one of your cleric spells you know with another
spell of your choice from the cleric spell list. The new
spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots,
and it must be in the divine domain spell list of a divine
domain you chose with your Sacred Domains, unless
you’re replacing the spell you gained at 8th, 14th, or
20th level.
Spellcasting Ability. Wisdom is your spellcasting
ability for your cleric spells, since you learn spells
through devotion. You use Wisdom whenever a spell
refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use
your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving DC for a
cleric spell you cast and when making an attack roll
with one.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Wisdom modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
your Wisdom modifier
At 3rd level, you must choose two among the Divine
Domains available for cleric (see Player’s Handbook).
You must choose the spells from the spell list table of
the domains you choose as your spells known.
You gain no other feature granted by the chosen divine
domains through this feature.
Also at 3rd level, you gain the ability to use your inner
mystical energy together with your divine energy. As a
bonus action, you can spend ki points to cast a spell
using a higher spell slot. For each 2 ki points you spend,
you consider the spell slot expended to cast the spell as
1 level higher, up to the maximum of 4th level.
Starting at 6th level, you can spend 1 ki point to
channel your divine energy through your fists. When
you spend ki points to use your Flurry of Blows, you can
spend 1 extra ki point to cast the sacred flame cantrip
through the first unarmed attack you hit. The target
suffer disadvantage on its saving throw against this
cantrip when you cast it this way.
At 11th level, you improves the fist of sacred flames
technique. When you spend ki point to use your Flurry
of Blows, you can spend 2 extra ki points to cast the
sacred flame cantrip through both unarmed attacks you
make using your bonus action. Each attack that hit an
enemy, unleash the effect of the cantrip on the creature,
and it has disadvantage on both saving throws against
the effects of the cantrips casted this way.
Starting at 17th level, you gain the ability to use your ki
together with your divine energy to create an intangible
protection around you. If you are wearing no armor and
not wielding a shield, as an action, you can spend 3 ki
points and expend a spell slot of your choice. During 1
minute, you gain a bonus to your AC equal to the spell
slot expended. Additionally, you gain resistance to
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
nonmagical attacks for the duration.
Some monks can achieve spiritual evolution through
meditation and constant focus. The monks that follow
the Way of the Sadhaka trail a path of inner peace and
persistent meditation. They can make impressive feats
when finish spiritual mantras, or when are fully focused
on its spirit. When achieve full spiritual evolution, a
sadhaka can reach the nirvana, gaining a complete
sense of the world surrounding it and of all worlds that
exists on the multiverse.
Although theses monks being religious devotees, they
don’t follow any specific god but a spiritual doctrine.
At 3rd level, when you choose this tradition, you learn
how to make mantras. During a rest, you can focus to
make mantras that allow you to access new spiritual
levels. When you finish a short or a long rest, you can
reallocate a portion of your inner energy to gain one of
the following benefits:
You can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to any
ability check you make. The ki points maximum of
your ki pool is reduced by 3 points.
You can add 1d4 extra damage to your damage rolls
with unarmed attack or with monk weapons. The ki
points maximum of your ki pool is reduced by 5
You can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to any
saving throw you make. The ki points maximum of
your ki pool is reduced by 7 points.
You can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to any
attack roll with unarmed attacks or with monk
weapons you make. The ki points maximum of your ki
pool is reduced by 7 points.
You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. The ki
points maximum of your ki pool is reduced by 9
You gain resistance to damage from spells. The ki
points maximum of your ki pool is reduced by 9
You maintain the chosen benefit as long as you are
wearing no armor and not wielding a shield. This
benefit remains until you finish a short or long rest,
when you can choose another benefit.
Starting at 6th level, you can amplify your inner
strength through the universal quintessential energy.
Whenever you finish a long rest, roll a d6. You can add
the number rolled to the ki points maximum your ki
pool can have. You keeps this amount until finish a long
When you reach certain levels, you can roll a superior
die with this feature. 1d8 at 10th level, 1d10 at 14th
level, and 1d12 at 18th level.
At 11th level, you can focus your spirit and body in an
awesome way. When you roll a Hit Die to recover hit
points during a short rest, you recover a number of
extra hit points equal to half your monk level.
Additionally, you can activate and sustain two
different benefits from your Mantra of Power
simultaneously. When you reach the 20th level, you can
activate and sustain three different benefits from your
Mantra of Power simultaneously.
At 17th level, you reach the state of complete freedom
at your spiritual seek. You can spend 8 ki points to cast
the foresight spell, or you can spend 6 ki points to cast
the mind blank spell without needing material
components. You can cast such spells only on yourself,
and the duration of each spell is 1 hour.
Unlike any other monk, a martial artist that trail the
Way of the Steel doesn’t counts on agility and speed on
combat. Instead, this monk learns to protect itself as
the traditional warriors, and counts on brutal strength
to knock its enemies down. You are known as iron
monk, developing techniques and trailing a path
entirely different from the path you trail in the start of
your career.
At 3rd level, when you choose this tradition, you follow
a path entirely different from other monastic traditions.
You gain proficiency with light and medium armor.
Also at 3rd level, you develops different techniques from
traditional monk techniques when you use your ki in
combat. While wearing an armor, you can add your
Wisdom or Dexterity modifier (whichever is higher) to
the base AC granted by the armor (maximum of +2 to
medium armor). Additionally, you can use your monk
features while wearing armor, except the Flurry of
Blows, Patient Defense, and Step of the Wind. The
following abilities replace the abilities you can’t use:
Iron Fist. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 ki
point to focus your energy in a single powerful blow.
When you take the Attack action, you abdicates of any
extra attack to make a single unarmed attack or a
single attack with a monk weapon. You can roll three
extra weapon damage dice if you hit. At 5th level, you
roll four extra weapon damage dice if you hit.
Armored Defense. As a bonus action, you can spend
1 ki point to gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks until the
start of your next turn.
Mountain Stance. As a bonus action, you can spend
1 ki point to gain advantage on Strength checks and on
Strength saving throws until the start of your next
turn. Additionally, when you shove a creature, you can
push it up to 10 feet of you, if you win the contest.
At 6th level, when you use your Iron Fist, you can spend
2 extra ki points to make a powerful blow that is
potentially deadly. You gain advantage on this attack
roll and it score a critical hit on a roll of 18–20.
Starting at 11th level, you learn a combat technique
that surprises your enemies. When you take the Attack
action, you can spend 2 ki point to make a disarm
attack instead of cause damage. If you hit, the creature
must make a Strength saving throw. If the target fail
the save, you takes a weapon it is wielding. If the target
succeed, it suffer disadvantage on attack rolls with the
weapon you try to disarm until the start of your next
At 17th level, you learn to counterattack with mighty
vigor using all your strength without care about
accuracy. When a creature within 5 feet of you hit you
with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to spend
3 ki point and use your Iron Fist against it. You suffer a
–5 penalty on this attack roll, but it is a critical hit if
you hit.
A monk that trail the Way of the Tattooed Monk
discover how to enchant with mystical power the tattoos
it draw. Such tattoos are not just paintings to the
monks that bear them. Theses tattoos are full of
meaning and mysticism. A tattooed monk usually
worship nature and the lush natural and supernatural
creatures existent.
At 3rd level, when you choose this tradition, you can
draw tattoos with great skill. You gain proficiency with
painter’s supplies and calligrapher’s supplies. Using
these tools, you can draw tattoos appropriated to store
mystical power. Each tattoo need a session of 8 hour to
be finished and 100 gp expended with inks and mystical
Also at 3rd level, you can awaken the mystical power in
the tattoos you bear. Awake a tattoo require 1 hour of
meditation and you cannot awake another tattoo until
you finish a long rest. Initially, you can awake two of
your tattoos. Each tattoo let you use your ki in a new
way, as describe bellow. Activate these abilities require
no action by you, but you can do so only once per turn.
Dragon. You can spend 1 ki point to gain fly speed
equal to your walking speed until the end of your turn.
If you finish your movement up in the air, you fall
slowly on the ground without harm.
Heron. You can spend 1 ki point to gain advantage on
Dexterity checks and Dexterity saving throws until the
start of your next turn.
Monkey. You can spend 1 ki point to gain climb speed
equal to your walking speed until the end of your turn.
Additionally, you gain advantage on Dexterity
(Acrobatics) checks for the duration.
Oak. You can spend 1 ki point to gain advantage on
Constitution checks and Constitution saving throws
until the start of your next turn.
Phoenix. When you hit a creature with an unarmed
attack, you can spend 1 ki point to cause 1d6 extra fire
Snake. You can spend 1 ki point to make an unarmed
attack that cause piercing damage instead of
bludgeoning damage. If you hit, the target must make a
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute.
The poisoned target can make a new saving throw at
the end of its turns, finishing the poisoned condition
with a successful save.
Tiger. When you hit a creature with an unarmed
attack, you can spend 1 ki point to knock it prone. You
must make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Strength
(Athletics) check, your choice, contested by the target’s
Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (the
target chooses the ability to use). If you succeed, the
target is knocked prone.
At 6th level, your tattoos gives your permanent
benefits. You gain the benefits related to each tattoo
you bear.
Dragon. You gain advantage on Wisdom saving
throws against being frightened.
Heron. You can make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check
instead of a Strength (Athletics) check to jump.
Monkey. You can make a Dexterity (Acrobatics)
check instead of a Strength (Athletics) check to climb.
Oak. You gain advantage on Strength (Athletics)
checks against being pushed or knocked prone.
Phoenix. You gain advantage on Dexterity saving
throws against spells and effects that cause fire
Snake. You gain advantage on Constitution saving
throws against poison.
Tiger. You gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on smell.
When you reach the 11th level, you can awake the
dormant power of a third tattoo you bear. Choose a
tattoo option different from the tattoos you already has
awaken described on your Mystical Tattoo.
At 18th level, you can awake a fourth tattoo among
the options available on your Mystical Tattoo.
At 17th level, you can use your inner energy to unchain
the power stored on a mystical tattoo of yours in a burst
of energy. As an action, you can spend 5 ki points and
choose one of your tattoos to unchain it. Any hostile
creature within 30 feet of you must make a Dexterity
saving throw. A creature takes 10d8 force damage on a
fail save and is push 10 feet away from you. On a
successful save, a target takes half as much damage
and is not push away from you. The powers of the
chosen tattoo become dormant and you lose its benefits.
You can awake the same tattoo or a different one
through the ritual described on your Mystical Tattoo.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or
long rest before you can use it again.
Some monks seek become one with a weapon entirely
different from the weapons they usually use – the bow.
These monks are known as zen archers and they master
the art of bow when mystically bond themselves to their
bows, becoming able to channel their inner energy
through it. A zen archer is able to foresee the course of
its arrows and to make powerful shots capable of knock
down the most powerful foes.
At 3rd level, when you choose this tradition, you gain
proficiency with longbow and shortbow. These weapons
count as monk weapons for you.
Additionally, you suffer no penalty on ranged attack
rolls with a bow while a hostile creature is within 5 feet
of you.
Also at 3rd level, you learn to become one with your bow
and can spend your inner energy to make feats with it.
Flurry of Arrows. Immediately after you take the
Attack action with a bow on your turn, you can spend 1
ki point and make an attack with the same bow as a
bonus action.
Intuitive Aim. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 ki
point to gain advantage on your ranged attack with a
bow until the end of your turn.
True Shot. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 ki
point to ignore half cover or three-quarters cover you
target can have.
At 6th level, you can shot powerful arrows able to stun
your foes. When you make a ranged attack using a bow
against a creature, you can spend 1 ki point to try to
stun the target. If you hit, the target must be successful
in a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the
end of your next turn.
Starting at 11th level, you starts to threat an area with
your bow same way you do with a melee weapon. While
you are wielding a bow, you threat an area of 20 feet of
you. If a creature you can see, within 20 feet of you
move away from your threat area, you can use your
reaction to make an attack of opportunity with the bow
you are wielding against the creature.
At 17th level, whenever you hit a critical hit with a
ranged attack using a bow, this attack cause the
maximum damage possible. Additionally, as a bonus
action, you can spend 5 ki points to make your ranged
attacks with a bow score a critical hit on a roll of 18–20
for 1 minute.
| textdata/thevault/Dungeons & Dragons [multi]/Suppliment/Alan Venic's Redbook - Tome of the Monk.pdf |
Temporal Displacement Drive System Costs
+3 / +2 / +2
+4 / +3 / +2
+5 / +3 / +2
+5 / +4 / +3
Operations & Life Support Costs
7+half Size
8+half Size
9+half Size
Sensor System Costs
Temporal Sensor Costs
Advanced Sub-light Drive Costs
Quantum Slipstream Drive Costs
Speed (MCU)
Max. Size
4+1/2 Size
5+1/2 Size
6+1/2 Size
6+1/2 Size
7+1/2 Size
8+1/2 Size
9+1/2 Size
Defense Systems Costs
5 / 10
6 / 12
10 / 15
12 / 17
18 / 21
* Temporal Shields do not take up much space as they generate their power
from the main shield grid. A basic shielding system must thus be installed
prior to installing Temporal Shielding. Temporal Shielding is Adaptive, and
regenerative as are all the defense screen types listed here. All of these
defenses are regenerative and can adapt to repeated attacks reducing
damage taken from a subsequent hit by the same weapon or weapon type
by 50%.
Advanced Beam Weapon / Phaser Costs
Offense Value
Min. Size
Type XXI
Temporal Disruptor Cannon Costs
Offense Value
Min. Size
TD-Type I
TD-Type II
TD-Type V
Advanced Chroniton Torpedo Launcher Costs
Offense Value
Min. Size
C-C (micro)
Expanded Reliability Modifiers
System Rating
Reliability Modifier
| textdata/thevault/Star Trek RPG/Decipher/Homebrew Rules/TimeTravel_Starship_Tables.pdf |
[email protected]
Under the protection of the dragon turtle, Bonesong, Echo Harbour has flourished. The port teems with people: sailors dock their ships at
the harbour and load them with supplies and trade goods, merchants haggle with merfolk on the foreshore and men in market stalls,
workers toil in the busy shipyards and travellers crowd the taverns, making boasts and bets as they play games to pass the time. Over the
bustle and chatter sound the shouts and songs of the orcs as they direct ships and caravans to their proper places.
Recently though, Bonesong vanished. Echo Harbour has prospered under her protection, but it remains to be seen if the village has the
strength to stand on its own. Only time will tell if their guardian will return or if the villagers must find another way to safeguard their
Designed for use with the 5th edition of the world’s most popular roleplaying game.
Design: Amber Underwood
Development: Creighton Broadhurst
Art: William McAusland and Dean Spencer. Some artwork
copyright William McAusland, used with permission.
Cartography: Maciej Zagorski (The Forge Studios)
©Raging Swan Press 2017.
The moral right of Amber Underwood to be identified as the
author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the
Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any
form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of
Raging Swan Press or as expressly permitted by law.
Echo Harbour At A Glance ............................................................ 2
Notable Locations at a Glance ...................................................... 3
Life in Echo Harbour ..................................................................... 4
The Surrounding Locality .............................................................. 5
Notable Locations in Echo Harbour .............................................. 6
Support Raging Swan Press .......................................................... 9
OGL V1.0A .................................................................................... 9
Product Identity: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper
names (characters, deities, artefacts, places and so on), dialogue,
plots, storylines, language, incidents, locations, characters,
artwork and trade dress are product identity as defined in the
Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e) and are not Open
Open Content: Except material designated as Product Identity,
the contents of Village Backdrop: Echo Harbour are Open Game
Content as defined in the Open Gaming License version 1.0a
Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material
designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any
form without written permission.
To learn more about the Open Game License, visit
Ruler: The Recognised
Government: Council
Alignments: NG, LN, N
Population: 199 (57 humans, 18 half-orcs, 65 merfolk, 59 orcs)
Notable Folk: Caller Deepway (Echo Harbour), Crower Ouwei
(Kelp Farms), Spellwright Lightguide (Treeshell Shipyard),
Trademaster Broadsail (Silver Scale), Zephyr Broadsail
(Broadsail Outfitters)
Languages: Aquan, Common, Draconic, Orc
Resources & Industry: Mariculture, pearl diving, shipbuilding
Echo Harbour teems with people: sailors dock their ships in the
harbour and load them with supplies and trade goods,
merchants haggle with merfolk on the foreshore and men in
market stalls, workers toil in the busy shipyards and travellers
crowd the taverns, making boasts and bets as they play games to
pass the time. Over the bustle and chatter sound the shouts and
songs of the orcs as they direct ships and caravans to their
proper places.
In the not too distant past, Echo Harbour didn’t exist. Only
merfolk lived in the bay, quietly tending their farms beneath the
waves. Few merchants dared to brave the region's pirates and
bandits, even for the rare pearls the merfolk gathered.
The change began when Bonesong, a battle-scarred dragon
turtle with an attendant tribe of orcs, entered the bay.
Exhausted and injured from fighting and weary for their nomadic
lifestyle, Bonesong and her followers struck a deal with the
merfolk: they would protect the bay and its trade routes, and in
exchange, they would call it their home. Their presence deterred
outlaws and as the area became safer, trade became
increasingly common; a few human merchants even settled
there, sensing opportunity. Over time the different cultures
blended and the community leaders banded together into a
single ruling council: The Recognised.
Recently, though, Bonesong vanished. Echo Harbour has
grown prosperous under her protection, but it remains to be
seen if it has the strength to stand on its own. Only time will tell
if she will return, or if the villagers must find another way to
safeguard their future.
Appearance: The villagers are a diverse lot, but tanned skin, dark
hair and dark eyes are common. Humans are slender and short,
the orcs have a faint green tint to their skin and broad chests,
and the merfolk are pale and have distinctive turquoise hair.
Dress: Sturdy trousers of canvas or leather are favoured in
Echo Harbour, accompanied by woven sandals. Most villagers
eschew shirts and other garments. Jewellery of bone, obsidian
and pearls is common, especially in the form of piercings.
Nomenclature: family Broadsail, Deepway, Lightguide,
Ouwei; personal most villagers use a title rather than a personal
name, though children and young adults are named after
animals, plants and weather until they earn their adult title.
A PC may know something about Echo Harbour, its history and
surrounds. A PC making a DC 10 Intelligence check knows one or
more pieces of information from the list below. A successful
check gains all the information revealed by a lesser check.
DC 10: Echo Harbour is a prosperous port with abundant
food supplies and valuable trade goods. It is a good starting
place for an ocean voyage and a safe harbour.
DC 15: An old dragon turtle, Bonesong, dwells near Echo
Harbour and is allied with the villagers. She leaves most vessels
alone, but savages pirate ships.
DC 20: A sizable portion of Echo Harbour is underwater;
much of its wealth stems from vast aquatic farms maintained by
its merfolk citizens.
W H I S P E R S & R U M O U R S
While in Echo Harbour, a PC may hear one or more rumours. A
PC making a DC 10 Charisma check learns one rumour from the
table below. A PC exceeding this check learns an additional
rumour for each 5 points by which he exceeded DC 10.
The dragon turtle that protects the harbour hasn't
been seen in a while, and might be gone (or dead).
A well-hidden and protected sea cave contains a
secret treasure hoard! This hoard is the real source of
Echo Harbour's wealth.
Shouts from the village bard and his workers resound
easily in the harbour and are the source of its name.
A pirate with a vicious history hides in the village.
Merchants from remote lands stop and sell rare and
exotic goods in the marketplace.
The local shipbuilder has acquired a broken
underwater craft, and has been trying to fix it.
*False rumour
Most of the village comprises peasant homes. A few locations,
however, are of interest to adventurers:
1. Broadsail Outfitters: The Broadsail family shop sells quality
supplies to sailors and adventurers. Zephyr Broadsail runs the
shop and frequently offers bounties on rare sea creatures.
2. Echo Harbour: The village takes its name from this busy
harbour. It has several long docks, two warehouses for
handling cargo and protective concrete walls that shelter it
from the open ocean. Caller Deepway is normally on the
docks, telling stories and managing workers.
3. Kelp Farms: Outside the harbour walls are the village farms,
which comprise giant kelp forests and organised rows of
cultivated oysters. The merfolk farmers also catch schools of
fish. All together the bounty allows them to provide for the
entire village and still have surplus to trade. Grower Ouwei
tends to the farms during daylight hours.
4. Origin Cave: Icy blue light radiates from a vaguely humanoid
statue sculpted from a rocky outcrop off the coast. The light
guides ships safely into the harbour, but unknown to most it
also marks the entrance to an underwater sea cave. The cave
is sacred to the village. In addition to the rites they perform
there they use it as an ossuary.
5. Silver Scale: A popular tavern, the Silver Scale appeals to its
customers with games of change and skill as well as its menu.
It is a common gathering place for villagers, and the
Recognised even use it for council meetings. Trademaster
Broadsail has permanently reserved a quiet table here, and
occupies it near constantly.
6. Sun Market: Nothing is ever the same twice in the Sun Market.
Stalls and canvas canopies can be rented for a small fee, and
countless merchants, adventurers and wandering mystics set
up shop here for a day or two before moving on.
7. Treeshell Shipyard: At least one boat is being built in the
shipyard at any given time, and it is a good place to make
repairs. Spellwright Lightguide toils here, overseeing her
numerous apprentices.
Echo Harbour is vibrant and cosmopolitan, the product of three
merging cultures and their interaction with travellers of all sorts.
Music is everywhere, from the cadent calls of orc watchmen to
the ponderous drums of the merfolk; wind chimes are scattered
among the buildings and carved bone flutes are popular with the
villagers. Newcomers receive friendly welcomes, directions to
the taverns and shops, and enticing descriptions of mouth-
watering food or desirable trade goods on offer.
T R A D E & I N D U S T R Y
Trade is lively in the village. Merchants come to Echo Harbour
for the pearls pulled from the sea by merfolk gatherers and to
sell goods in the Sun Market, while seafarers of all kinds stop for
supplies and repairs. Almost all merfolk in the village occupy
themselves with a form of maricultural work such as ranching
fish, farming kelp or raising abalones.
L A W & O R D E R
Echo Harbour is governed by the Recognised, a council of its
most respected citizens. Currently the council comprises Caller,
Grower and Trademaster, who meet regularly in the Silver Scale
tavern to discuss business and current affairs. Caller acts as
spokesman and Grower as judge and mediator while
Trademaster works in the background to handle logistics and
Protection and law enforcement are handled by village
guards, who man the watch posts along the timber fence at the
village boundary, keep the peace and patrol the surrounding
ocean in catamarans. Every member of the guard learns vocal
techniques from Caller, allowing them to shout commands in
Draconic audible over tremendous distances.
C U S T O M S & T R A D I T I O N S
Games and competitions are a major part of Echo Harbour's
culture. Warriors spar, friends race and merchants play cards as
they discuss trade deals. Travellers, merchants and adventurers
alike can expect to be invited to some sort of contest to evaluate
their character. This custom originated from Bonesong's
attendant orc tribe, who used a rite of challenges to determine
status among themselves. These days, people are measured
more by their attitude and style than success, though sometimes
contests of skill are used to settle disputes or assert superiority.
The quieter, sacred traditions of Echo Harbour involve the
Origin Cave. Children and outsiders are brought to the cave
when they formally join the village, and return later in life to
receive the titles that serve as their names. When a villager dies,
their bones are stored within the cave. Great lengths are taken
to return the bones of deceased villager to the cave.
Use this table to generate the minor sights and sounds the PCs
experience as they move about Echo Harbour.
A sudden wind blows, heralding the arrival of a
sorcerer-merchant. He rents a stall in the Sun Market
to sell ioun stones and magical trinkets.
The rhythm of a drum competes with a flute's trills as
two villagers engage in a musical contest.
A young man swims into the harbour and is helped
onto the docks by Caller, who announces that the
young man has earned the title “Carver.”
Though the sun still shines in the sky, a light rain falls
on the village.
An off-duty guard challenges one of the PCs to a
friendly competition of their choosing.
Arcane spellcasters (including Spellwright and Zephyr)
gather in one of the taverns to discuss and share their
knowledge and craft.
Shrill screaming breaks out in a tavern, but the cause is
only a traveller who severely underestimated the spice
of the local Dragonfire kelp.
Raised voices from a disgruntled customer and a
defensive merchant draw attention, and Grower steps
in to mediate.
Recent battle scars mark a ship making its way to the
shipyards for repair.
A palanquin carries a merfolk architect out to the
village fence, where he discusses plans for a wall.
Clouds roll over and thunder rumbles as a heavy
rainstorm arrives, driving everyone indoors.
Two guards engage in a sparring match. A loose circle
of onlookers forms around them.
Merfolk farmers bring up the latest harvest of kelp and
take it into one of the warehouses.
An orc and a merfolk play a game of chance on the
docks, using pearls as stakes.
Guards return from a failed search at sea for Bonesong.
They are grim and reluctant to speak of their errand.
Caller's voice sounds from the docks as he recites an
old folk story to an attentive audience.
Four old men play a card game on a tavern porch and
swap stories of local pirates, including one named
A caravan enters the village to make deliveries to the
village. A thick stack of letters is handed over to Zephyr
One of the villagers brings out a set of landscape
paintings to sell in the Sun Market.
Shouts resound as guards gather at the northern fence
to scare off marauding bandits. Sighting bandits so
close to the village provokes a tense discussion.
Echo Harbour stands on a tropical coastline; bright blue ocean
stretches to the horizon on one side while wide swaths of dense
palm tree groves sprawl across the surrounding land.
Reliable trade winds blow across the region, leading right to
the village and passed it to far flung regions. An increasingly
well-travelled road leads to the village, providing ample
landward to the port. These burgeoning connections place Echo
Harbour right along major trade routes, which has contributed
greatly to the village's prosperity. Its reputation is slowly
spreading through the locality, but many folk do not believe
orcs, humans and merfolk can live together in peace and
prosperity. This is the greatest challenge for the village—
convincing traders who have not previously visited the village it
is safe to do so.
Volcanic activity has shaped the land around Echo Harbour.
Extinct volcanoes form rocky peaks and nearby islands, and
volcanic vents and submarine volcanoes lie beneath the ocean
surface. While the village is not close enough to be directly
endangered by most eruptions—which are now rare—it
sometimes suffers the effects of drifting volcanic fogs. Locals
derive resources from the volcanoes, gathering obsidian for art
and blades, or volcanic ash used to make concrete.
Beneath the warm ocean waves are massive kelp forests and
coral reefs that host a wide variety of marine wildlife, such as
sea otters and colourful tropical fish. The area is more known for
its rare but exceptional species such as, dragon turtles, sea
serpents and aquatic dragons. Dragon turtles are the dominant
species, and the specimens living in the region reach exceptional
sizes and enjoy extreme longevity. Prominent dragon turtles
frequently stake claims to specific territories and aggressively
defend them. Well established dragon turtle territories are often
noted on maps so they can be avoided, but vessels sometimes
stray accidentally into recent expansions or new claims and earn
the ire of its territorial master. A ship can often leave unscathed
by appeasing the dragon turtle with a tithe, but attempts to
argue or escape usually anger them further and may even
provoke (extremely one-sided) violence.
Pirates takes advantage of the area's dangers, making bases
and hiding stashes in overlooked nooks between monster
claimed territories and active volcanoes. They sail from their
hideaways to prey on vulnerable trading vessels before slinking
away. Bonesong once hunted down their hidden coves and
patrolled the trade routes to discourage pirate activity, but in
her absence, a few crews have returned.
1 : B R O A D S A I L O U T F I T T E R S
A clean-lined stone and timber building stands at the edge of Sun
Market and the docks. Within, the shop is clean and tidy,
products lining its organized shelves.
Demand for supplies is high in Echo Harbour, and Broadsail
Outfitters was founded to meet it. The shop’s shelves have
everything a ship or traveller might need, from standards like
rope, food and fishing line to weatherproof clothing and
alchemical goods. Adventurers, however, are usually drawn to
the magical equipment kept locked in a glass counter up front.
Even if a customer wants something the store doesn't stock, the
Broadsail family is willing to import it for the right price.
Trademaster Broadsail owns the store and manages it, but his
daughter, Zephyr, manages its daily operation.
For Sale: cloak of the manta ray (500 gp), feather token:
anchor (500 gp), feather token: bird (500 gp), feather token:
fan (500 gp), feather token: swan boat (3,000 gp), handy
haversack (5,000 gp), potion of water breathing (500 gp), scroll
of water breathing (400 gp)
Bounties: The ocean around Echo Harbour is home to numerous
beasts and rarities. Bounties for dangerous monsters, requests
for live specimens and similar items are listed on the store's
bulletin board, provided by merchants, alchemists and
researchers in contact with the Broadsail family.
Deliveries: Zephyr Broadsail's dream of scholarship is
supported by her communication with notable researchers and
wizards in out of the way locations and distant lands. Sometimes
she asks for travellers heading in the right direction to deliver a
letter or parcel for her in exchange for a small sum of gold or a
shop discount.
2 : E C H O H A R B O U R
Activity is constant in the harbour. Ships load and unload cargo
or manoeuvre around the docks, and workers stream in and out
of the warehouses, all guided by loud, sonorous chanting.
The harbour is the heart of the village, where goods and trade
flow with the rhythm of the tide. Its sturdy wooden docks
normally host one or two visiting vessels, a few local ships
designed to sail along the coast and the orcish catamarans used
to patrol the local waters. Two substantial warehouses stand
alongside the docks and extend down into the water, keeping a
section flooded for goods best kept submerged (and as access
for merfolk workers).
Caller Deepway (LN male orc bard 5) works on the docks,
shouting to direct ships to their berths and to stir idle workers to
action. When the harbour is calm he entertains the villagers with
storytelling, and when it is busy he leads songs to help the
dockworkers find their rhythm. Rarely, he silently stares off into
the distance, distracted by worry.
NG female human wizard 2
The shopkeeper of Broadsail Outfitters is a young woman
with shoulder length brown hair, dark brown eyes and a
friendly smile.
Mannerisms: Zephyr's lack of self-confidence causes her to
hedge statements and frequently use filler words such as
“uh” and “um.”
Personality: Friendly and curious, Zephyr easily engages
with customers and eagerly asks them about their
experienced spellcasters in high regard.
Broadsail, Zephyr has lived in the village all her life. She still
hasn't achieved her adult title, but is self-educated and in
recent years has made connections with notable scholars
and spellcasters, with whom she frequently exchanges ideas
and assistance. She takes lessons with the Spellwright to
learn magic and mathematics, but isn't formally apprenticed
to her.
LN male orc bard 5
Even at a glance, this orc's importance is obvious; he stands
proud, wearing authority like a cloak, and his thick arms are
covered with sea serpent tattoos, ivory bracelets and golden
armbands. When he speaks, the power of his voice
Mannerisms: Rhythm comes naturally to Caller. His deep
voice is cadent, and when he thinks his fingers drum and tap
on the nearest surface.
experienced and possessed of unshakeable certainty. He
naturally takes charge and establishes order, generating the
momentum he and his village need to thrive.
Background: A native, Caller was marked from an early
age as an orc with an exceptional voice. His ascension to the
Recognised surprised no-one.
3 : K E L P F A R M S
The merfolk farms stretch far beneath the waves, beginning with
beds of oysters that run right up to the harbour walls and ending
with rows of kelp. The green kelp strands rise taller than trees,
vast forests through which fish and sea otters swim.
The kelp farms are a miniature world all on their own, a carefully
wrought ecosystem that feeds Echo Harbour. Giant kelp is the
primary product of the farms, but it is supplemented with clams
and oysters as well as ranched fish, crabs and abalones. Thin
maroon strands of Dragonfire kelp, an exceptionally spicy kelp
variety that deters pests and is harvested for culinary uses, grow
throughout the forest. Grower Ouwei (LN female merfolk druid)
directs the merfolk farmers and layers the farm in magic to
stimulate growth. Trained sea otters hunt down sea urchins and
other threats to the farm.
4 : O R I G I N C A V E
Just off the coast stands a glowing statue that guides ships into
the harbour.
On a rocky outcrop, not too far outside Echo Harbour, a statue is
cut into the stone. Though its details are smoothed and
indistinct, it appears to be a seated humanoid figure of
indeterminate race, its hands pressed close to its chest. Icy blue
light seeps through its fingers, a chill brilliance that illuminates
the coastline even during the darkest nights.
Well below the surface and hidden beneath wave-worn rock
lies the entrance to a sea cave of great importance to the village.
To them the cave is a hallowed place, a symbol of the primordial
origin of the world and the cycle of life, death and rebirth. One
of the labyrinthine cave passages leads to an airy cavern
decorated with ancient paintings and hundreds of carved
alcoves filled with the bones of dead villagers.
5 : S I L V E R S C A L E
A burnished piece of copper in the shape of a fish scale serves as
the sign for this busy tavern.
This small tavern is the village’s social centre, a place to share a
good meal and pleasant pastimes. The building extends into the
harbour itself, and has a moon pool on its lowest floor for
merfolk, who take seats on the edge of the pool and meet with
surface-side friends. Part of what makes the place popular is its
unique menu of games, ranging from card decks (on water-
resistant tiles) to chess sets, all of which are freely available to
paying customers. Meals, business and talk are all done over
games in the Silver Scale, and even the Recognised take up a set
of tiles when they meet to discuss village affairs.
Trademaster Broadsail (N male human spy) is a fixture of the
establishment, and he has a poolside table in one corner
reserved solely for his use at which he conducts all his business.
Food & Drink meal (spicy Dragonfire kelp salad, fresh bread
and grilled seafood) 5 sp, coffee (one cup) 1 cp, pineapple
wine (pitcher) 2 sp.
LN female merfolk druid
Scintillating green, yellow and blue scales and luxurious jade
hair give this merfolk woman a naturally regal appearance.
She moves with solemn grace.
Mannerisms: Almost nothing can get Grower to break her
carefully cultivated calm. At most, she bends from sombre to
a slight smile or disapproving glare.
contemplative, content to wait until she has everything
planned before acting. She is an excellent judge of character
and a mediator with years of experience. When there is a
serious dispute in the village, she usually puts it to rest.
Background: The title “Grower” is unique in Echo
Harbour. It existed when only merfolk lived in the area, and
it is the only title passed from mentor to apprentice. Grower
Ouwei was apprenticed to the previous Grower when she
was a child, and committed all the druidic secrets, farming
techniques and cultural heritage associated with the title to
memory before her mentor passed. She is still young, but
has held her title for over a decade now.
N male human spy
This man is well attired, but he has a stiff posture and dark
eyes watchful. Whenever he gestures he draws attention to
his thickly scarred weathered hands.
Mannerisms: Broadsail often clasps his hands together, in
front of him while he sits or behind his back when he stands.
He listens attentively and always keeps his back to a wall.
Personality: Quiet and withdrawn, the Trademaster
constantly toils to grow Echo Harbour's economy. He
handles countless trade deals and does the bureaucratic
work few villagers care to do. When he isn't working he is
with his daughter, Zephyr.
Background: Years ago, Broadsail was an infamous pirate
and went by the name “Scarhands.” His ship was wrecked
during a violent storm, and after he recovered in Echo
Harbour he set aside his old life and started over. He vividly
remembers an inhuman eye watching him while he sank,
and suspects Bonesong attacked his ship but gave him a
second chance for some unfathomable reason.
6 : S U N M A R K E T
A line of canopy-covered market stalls runs all the way down to
the docks, and bustles with the trade of villagers and foreign
merchants alike.
The Sun Market is a communal marketplace that rents out stalls
for a few silver coins a day. Locals sell their own goods here,
hawking carvings, jewellery, locally grown coffee, dried
Dragonfire kelp and most importantly, pearls. Stalls near the
docks are reserved for merfolk pearl gatherers, who sort their
wares by size and colour and display them in gleaming piles to
entice the countless traders who come to buy them. Other
traders set up in the market for a time before passing on, selling
more unusual products than the local staples.
W H A T ’ S O N S A L E ?
While the PCs are here, they may find one or more of the
following market stalls. Choose or determine randomly:
A bookseller has alchemical treatises, philosophical
tomes and storybooks stacked in her stall along with
a small selection of scrolls and short spellbooks.
An apothecary set up in a booth sells potions and
fragrant alchemical reagents in glass jars.
Curtains shroud this market stall, and a fortune teller
within offers to answer mysteries and reveal the
Metal ingots are arranged in a display by value,
starting at copper and iron and ending with gold and
Three adventurers have purchased a stall to sell odds
and ends scavenged from a ghost-infested shipwreck.
A bored warlock manages a barebones stall only
stocked with polished stone discs. He explains each
stone grants good luck on a specific task or job.
7 : T R E E S H E L L S H I P Y A R D
The local shipyards comprise two docks and a warehouse on the
far side of the harbour. Orcs and men chant as they work under
the approving eye of the Spellwright.
Work is constant in the shipyards. The Spellwright isn't shy about
selling ships or offering services, so there is always a project
underway, whether repairs to a merchant vessel, construction of
a new fishing boat or alterations to a visiting ship. Even when
jobs are scarce, the Spellwright has her apprentices prepare
materials in advance and stow them in the warehouse's racks.
The docks here are built differently than the rest of the
harbour, constructed of thick wooden slabs and resting on solid
stone pilings. Each dock has a gradual ramp that leads directly
into the water and a variety of lock and pulley systems to help
secure and reposition ships, or even to bring them fully ashore.
Rumour has it that the Spellwright recovered some kind of
strange underwater craft from the surrounding waters with
Bonesong’s help (before the dragon turtle went missing).
Certainly, one part of her shipyard is now protected by high
screens of woven palm fronds; rumours of what lies beyond
circulate through the Sun Market.
N female half-orc mage
Tall, confident and well-muscled, the Spellwright stands out
from other villagers. Her long, braided hair is tied together
with glowing charms of wood and bone, and even more
charms hang from her pierced ears.
Mannerisms: “Let me show you what I mean,” is the
Spellwright's favourite phrase. When explaining something
she always gives examples, draws diagrams or begins hands-
on demonstrations.
Personality: The Spellwright is an excellent craftswoman,
innovative and enthusiastic about her work. She does her
best to encourage her interests around the village, and takes
on apprentices who show promise at wizardry or
shipbuilding. She is very busy.
Background: Born and raised in Echo Harbour,
Spellwright started learning traditional orc shipbuilding at an
early age. The potential of wizardry caught her imagination
later, and she taught herself the craft from books and
experimentation, before applying it to her work as a
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15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Open Game License v 1.0 ©2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Open Game License v1.0a. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast Inc.
System Reference Document 5.0 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce
R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Village Backdrop: Echo Harbour. ©Raging Swan Press 2017; Author: Amber Underwood.
R A G I N G S W A N . C O M
is better with
| textdata/thevault/Dungeons & Dragons [multi]/5th Edition (5e)/3rd Party/Raging Swan Press/Village Backdrop - Echo Harbour.pdf |
After months of grueling siege warfare, the two sides have reached a tactical deadlock. Secure in their fortified position, the
defenders appear set to hold out indefinitely. At great cost, the Attackers believe they have finally discovered the fortress' secret
weakness: A thin stretch of ground on the fortress' Eastern front that has natural cover from the base's artillery and is virtually
undefended. There's just one catch: The area is covered by tidal pools filled with rough, acidic waters that make traversing it
impossible, allowing it to be defended by a small number of dedicated forces.
Forced to think outside the box, the Attacker's engineers have come up wtih a bold solution for assaulting this position: By
destroying the planet's moon, they'll be able to cause the tides to recede, freeing up their path for a nighttime assault. Splitting
their forces, they've launched a daring pair of attacks: One force will plant detonation charges in key areas on the planet's moon
while the others wait for the destruction below and ready the assault. The defenders have gotten word of this however, and have
sent forces of their own to stop it.
There are two missions here: The first mission - Many Problems, One Solution - is designed to be played with either a Combat
Patrol or Incursion force, while the second - The Moon's A Harsh Mistress - is designed to be played at the 2,000 points level
(Strike Force). If you have Crusade Forces large enough, we recommend that both players should commit to splitting their forces
before the first mission, choosing which units from their Crusade rosters will participate in the Moon battle and which will take
part in the battle on the planet's surface. Once determined, these armies cannot be changed - the die has been cast!
We recommend that Mission 1 be played on the Moon Base Klaisus terrain set and boards.
These two armies have been locked in
battle for months, and the Defender’s
fortresses have proved impenetrable
despite prolonged sieges. Sensing a need
to end the war now, the Attackers launch
a desperate bid to create an opening for
their main forces by destroying the planet’s
moon. This will clear out the dangerous
tides surrounding the fortress and rain
debris down on the defenders, giving the
main force the opening it needs.
Mission Rules
Reduced Gravity: The lower gravity
makes it possible to jump significantly
higher and further, and makes
maneuvering difficult. INFANTRY can move
over obstacles up to 4” in height as
though they weren’t there.
Set Charges (Action): An INFANTRY
unit in the Attacker's army can start to
perform this action at the end of their
Movement phase if they are within 3"
of an objective marker. The action is
completed at the end of the turn.
Disarm Charges (Action): An INFANTRY
unit in the Defender's army can start to
perform this action at the end of their
Movement phase if they are within 3" of
an objective marker. At the end of the
turn, the Defender rolls a D6. On a 1 or
a 2, every unit within 6" of the objective
marker takes D6 mortal wounds. The
action is completed at the end of the
turn and the charges are removed.
Hex the Moon (Psychic Action — Warp
Charge 3): A PSYKER CHARACTER in the
Defender's army can attempt this action
if they are within 9" of the center of the
Blow up the Moon (Endgame): At
the end of the game, if either of the
following criteria are met:
There are detonation charges on at
least three objective markers
There are detonation charges on the
objective marker in the Defender's
deployment Zone and one other
objective outside the Attacker's
Deployment Zone
Then the Attacker scores 50 Victory
Points and the moon is destroyed.
Otherwise, the Defender scores 25
Victory Points and the Moon is not
destroyed. The Attacker can place
detonation charges by performing the
Set Charges Action.
Hex the Moon (Endgame): At the end
of the game, if the Defender successfully
completed the Hex the Moon psychic
action 4 times, they score 25 Victory
points and the moon is hexed.
The victor selects two units from their
army to be Marked for Greatness after
the battle, instead of just 1.
If the moon was not destroyed, proceed
to mission 2A: The Moon's a Harsh
Mistress. Players keep the same roles as
Attacker and Defender from Moonbase
If the moon was destroyed, then proceed
to mission 2B: So You Blew Up the
Moon. Players keep the same roles as
Attacker and Defender from Moonbase
If the moon was successfully hexed,
note that for Mission 2 and apply the
appropriate rules.
The Defenders have successfully thwarted
the Attackers' attempts to destroy the
moon and gain the upper hand, leaving
their ground forces to contend with
sweeping tides that make maneuvering
difficult and protect key structure points.
Now the Attackers find themselves forced
to commit to an attack with little hope for
Mission Rules
Tidal Pools: The moon exerts significant
tidal forces on this planet, pulling in
high tides with dangerous undertow
that sweep across this key section of the
battlefield. Before deployment, mark off
the section of the battlefield as marked
on the map to be the Tide Pool. Units
cannot be deployed in the Tide Pool or
end their move in the Tide Pool unless
they have the FLY keyword or end their
move on a terrain feature that is more
than 3" tall. Any unit without FLY that
does end its move in the Tide Pool is
Any units that can't be deployed by the
attacker must be held in reserves, and
can arrive on the battlefield from the
Attacker's table edge at the end of the
Movement phase on their second or
third turns.
The Receding Tides: At the start of
each battle round, move the Tide
Pool's boundaries back 5" as the tide
recedes, in the direction as shown on the
deployment map.
A Terrible Night to Have a Curse: If the
Moon was successfully Hexed during the
Many Problems, One Solution mission
then ignore the Receding Tides rule -
the Moon is a harsh Mistress, and the
Attackers will find no reprieve!
Domination (Progressive): At the
end of each player's Command phase,
the player whose turn it is scores 5
victory points for each of the following
conditions they satisfy (for a maximum
of 15 victory points):
They control two or more objective
They control three or more objective
They control more objective markers
than their opponent controls.
This primary objective cannot be scored
in the first battle round.
Attrition (Progressive): At the end of
each battle round, the player who killed
more enemy units that round scores 3
victory points.
Slay the Warlord (Endgame): At the
end of the game, if the enemy warlord
was destroyed, you score 10 victory
If the Attacker wins, they select two
units from their army to be Marked for
Greatness after the battle, instead of just
If the Defender wins, they can nominate
a single CHARACTER in their army who
has a Crusade Card and participated in
the battle to gain the following Warlord
Moon Unit: A model with this rule is
not affected by modifiers to hit from
mission or battlezone effects.
Defender's Table Edge
Attacker's Table Edge
The Attackers succeeded in destroying the
moon and now the tides protecting the
Defender's flank from an assault have
receeded, leaving them an open field to
march on their enemies as debris rains
down from the destroyed satellite.
Mission Rules
Carpe Noctem: The Attacker has the
first turn.
Moon Shower: The moon has been
destroyed and moon rocks and massive
pieces of debris are raining down on the
battlefield indescriminately. At the start
of each battle round, resolve D3 meteor
strikes. Starting with the Attacker,
players alternate choosing a spot on
the table, then roll a D6 for each unit
within 6" of that location, adding 1 to
the result if the unit is a VEHICLE or has 11
or more models and subtracting 1 if it's
a CHARACTER. On a 5+, that unit takes D3
mortal wounds.
Apollo's Vengeance: If the Moon was
successfully Hexed during the Many
Problems, One Solution mission then
the Defender adds an additional +1
to their rolls when resolving a meteor
Pitch Black: The loss of the moon
reduces visibility, making it harder to
see key targets. When making ranged
attacks, if the target is more than 18"
away from the firing unit, subtract 1
from the hit roll.
Domination (Progressive): At the
end of each player's Command phase,
the player whose turn it is scores 5
victory points for each of the following
conditions they satisfy (for a maximum
of 15 victory points):
They control two or more objective
They control three or more objective
They control more objective markers
than their opponent controls.
This primary objective cannot be scored
in the first battle round.
Attrition (Progressive): At the end of
each battle round, the player who killed
more enemy units that round scores 3
victory points.
Slay the Warlord (Endgame): At the
end of the game, if the enemy warlord
was destroyed, you score 10 victory
If the Attacker wins, they can nominate
a single CHARACTER in their army who
has a Crusade Card and participated in
the battle to gain the following Warlord
Moon Raker: If this model would lose a
wound as a result of a mortal wound as
a result of a mission's special rules or a
battlezone effect, roll a D6; on a 2+, that
wound is not lost.
If the Defender wins, they can make a
free Re-arm and Resupply action at no
RP cost.
Player A's Table Edge
Player B's Table Edge
| textdata/thevault/Warhammer/40k/9th Edition - Warhammer 40K/Homebrew Narrative Games/Goonhammer/Crusade Missions - Destroy the Moon (v2).pdf |
EN World EN5idEr | Those Who Walk Through Time
writing GM Lent
color art Yihyoung Li
editing James J. Haeck
layout Eric Life-Putnam
think much about time as a
concept, let alone as a physical realm.
Virtually none seek an understand-
ing any deeper than necessary to
keep their affairs in order. Some,
however, delve into the mysteries of
Time, and often find more than they
were seeking.
Those who devote themselves to
the study of time fall mainly into
two categories: chronomancers, who
are warlocks who enter into a pact
with time dimensionals known as
“chronomentals”, and chrononauts,
wizards who devote themselves to
the study of and power over the
Plane of Time itself.
Those Who Walk
Those Who Walk Through Time | EN World EN5idEr
Open Game Content | The game rule information
in this article is designated Open Game Content. All other
material in this article, including maps and illustrations
(including illustrations in the public domain), in-character
and out-of-character narrative and descriptive text,
character and place names, trade dress, “EN Publishing,”
“EN World,” “EN5ider,” EN Publishing product
and article titles, and EN World and EN Publishing
logos, are designated Product Identity.
The Plane of Time
The Plane of Time is understood only vaguely, even
by those devoted to its study. Not truly an echo
plane like the realms of faerie and shadow, nor a
transitive plane like the Astral or Ethereal, the
Plane of Time (often misunderstood to be a demi-
plane) touches all others but isn’t truly part of their
makeup. As such, normal methods of planar travel
(such as a plane shift spell or a cubic gate) cannot
transport a character there. Spells such as haste and
time stop tap into the Plane of Time, but true travel
to the plane can be accomplished only by those de-
voted to its study.
The Plane of Time unfolds in myriad ten-
drils, each a discrete sequence of events called a
timestream. Moving among the timestreams are
the plane’s inhabitants, ranging from mindless
hungering void-entities that seek out and absorb
any creatures not from the plane to primordial, sen-
tient manifestations of the plane itself. No denizen
from the Plane of Time is friendly toward mortals,
though not all are hostile – most, in fact, don’t even
perceive mortals as beings. Direct communication
with the plane’s inhabitants is incredibly difficult,
and even if a creature manages to attract the atten-
tion of one of these planar entities, it must succeed
on a DC 25 Wisdom (Insight) check to understand
them and a DC 25 Intelligence (Arcana) check to be
understood by them.
All creatures that have a lifespan are connected
to the timestream in which they were born (their
“home timestream”) by a mystical link called a teth-
er or lifeline. This tether is what allows the creature
to age and process information regardless of where
in the multiverse they are; even in realms where
connections with the Plane of Time are altered or
weak, such as faerie realms, a creature still experi-
ences the passage of time.
Only extremely powerful magic such as divine
intervention or an artifact can sever a tether, and
the effects of severing a tether are severe. Without
the link to its home timestream, a creature cannot
be affected by time. Such a creature cannot learn
or think or comprehend events around them, since
the tether is what allows a creature’s brain to pro-
cess information in a linear and understandable
fashion. The creature that has its tether severed
falls unconscious until its tether is somehow
Creatures that lack a natural lifespan, such as
celestials, constructs, elementals, fey, fiends, and
undead, have no tethers. They experience the pas-
sage of time differently from tethered creatures,
and are not subject to the condition described
A group of three or more chrononauts or chrono-
mancers (called a “Moment”) can send a creature
forward or backwards through a timestream using
a ritual known as a Timeslip. The maximum dis-
tance through time creature can travel is equal to
the Moment’s total levels × 10 years, and all mem-
bers of the Moment must concentrate on the ritual
as though concentrating on a spell. The Moment can
maintain the effect for a number of hours equal to
its members’ combined Intelligence modifiers, and
for every hour the Moment maintains the effect, the
creature spends one day in the point to which they
are sent.
Every time a member of the Moment stops con-
centrating, the affected creature feels a small jolt.
Once half the members of the Moment stop concen-
trating, the Timeslip ends and the affected creature
reappears in the same location it left its timestream,
a number of days older equal to the number of
hours the Timeslip lasted.
EN World EN5idEr | Those Who Walk Through Time
Guardians of Time
As with all sources of power, there are those who
seek to manipulate the Plane of Time for nefarious
purposes. Whether by traveling to the past to as-
sassinate a key historical figure or to the future to
obtain advanced weaponry or information, many
who discover the Plane of Time seek to alter history
in some way. Since most worlds are very particular
to their histories and heritages, there are two forces
that work to defeat such attempts: temporal inertia
and the Order of Chronology Devoted.
Temporal inertia is a term used to describe the
tendency of a timestream to preserve itself. For
example, a tyrant assassinated by a time-traveling
crusader may simply be replaced by another indi-
vidual who rises to power and commits the same
atrocities, leaving the overall outcome unchanged.
Temporal inertia can only be overcome with incred-
ible power, and few beings possess that power.
The Order of Chronology Devoted, often simply
called “The Order,” is an organization of magic-us-
ers dedicated to the preservation of a timestream’s
course. In this manner, the Order can be viewed as
a more active application of temporal inertia. The
Order consists mostly of chrononauts, but any char-
acter willing to dedicate themselves to the Order’s
priorities is a potential candidate. It is not neces-
sary for a chronomancer or chrononaut to be a part
of the Order, but the Order is swift and merciless
when it comes to punishing those who interfere
with the timestream.
Chronomancers and chrononauts can learn and
employ spells and powers common to all warlocks
and wizards, respectively, but the specific spell
effects may manifest in slightly different ways. A
hold person spell cast by a chrononaut, for example,
might paralyze a creature by shifting it slightly
outside the main timestream, and a hypnotic pattern
spell might produce its effect not by shifting lights,
but by showing its target infinite possibilities and
futures. The Game Master is encouraged to work
with players to develop similar aesthetic distinc-
tions to differentiate the magic of a chronomancer
or chrononaut from other spellcasters, but the dif-
ferences should be purely cosmetic and have no
mechanical effects.
Those Who Walk Through Time | EN World EN5idEr
New subclasses for members of the Order or for
self-taught chronomancers are presented below.
Warlock Patron:
The Chronomental
Your patron is one of the time dimensionals, also
called “chronomentals.” It moves through, around,
and between timestreams, its form ever shifting
between all possible variations of reality, and you
have learned to draw upon its power. The Chro-
nomental could be among the nobility or even the
royalty of its kind, seeking a means to communicate
its unique knowledge and perspective to mortals, or
it could be of a weaker sort, trying to gain aptitude
and influence in the temporal world. It is likely that
neither you nor your patron fully understand the
nature of your bond, and understanding is further
hampered by its habit of communicating with you
only by drawing phrases from your past. Warlocks
who form pacts with chronomentals are known as
Expanded Spell List
The Chronomental lets you choose from an expand-
ed list of spells when you learn a Warlock spell. The
following spells are added to the Warlock spell list
for you.
Chronomental Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spells
expeditious retreat, sanctuary
augury, blur
haste, slow
death ward, giant insect
modify memory, passwall
Bonus Proficiency
At 1st level, you become proficient in the History
Witness to Time
Starting at 1st level, when a creature misses you
with an attack, you can use your reaction to fill its
mind with every possible failed outcome of that
attack. It must make a successful Wisdom saving
throw or be stunned until the end of your next turn.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a short or long rest.
Wielder of Time
At 6th level, you can manipulate the timestream
and warp the area around you to speed up time.
You can cast haste or slow once without using a
spell slot. You can’t do so again until you finish a
short or long rest.
At 14th level, when you cast haste or slow using
this feature, you can target two creatures instead
of one.
Time’s Resilience
At 10th level, your consciousness has expanded
beyond the ken of temporal creatures. You have ad-
vantage on saving throws against being charmed,
and you have resistance to psychic damage.
Outside of Time
Starting at 14th level, you can briefly make your-
self adjacent to the timestream, allowing you to
act while others around you appear frozen. When
you use this ability, you can take a number of turns
equal to your warlock level divided by 5 (rounded
down). During these turns you can move and act as
normal, but the effect ends if any action you take
affects a creature other than you or an object worn
or carried by a creature other than you.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a long rest.
EN World EN5idEr | Those Who Walk Through Time
Wizard Tradition:
Chrononauts are wizards who study, manipulate,
and travel through the magic of Time. They are
masters of the past, present, and future, aware of
multitudes of possibilities and timestreams. The
path of a Chrononaut can be one of study and dis-
covery, or one of subterfuge and manipulation.
Awareness Out of Time
Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level,
you can briefly displace yourself in time to catch
glimpses of the past and future, granting you in-
sight into both what has been and things to come.
You become proficient with the History skill if you
are not already, and double your proficiency bonus
when you make Intelligence (History) checks.
Additionally, you add your proficiency bonus to
Initiative rolls.
Manipulation Out of Time
Starting at 6th level, you gain some measure of con-
trol over the infinite timestreams. When a creature
within 30 feet of you makes an attack roll or skill
check, you can choose whether it succeeds or fails.
You can choose to use this feature after the die is
rolled, but before the outcome is determined.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a long rest.
Presence Out of Time
Beginning at 10th level, you are able to phase in
and out of your current timestream. When a crea-
ture makes an attack roll against you, you can use
your reaction to begin shifting through alternate
timestreams for 1 minute. While shifting, you must
make a DC 11 Intelligence check at the end of each
of your turns. If you succeed, you begin moving
between your current timestream and others, van-
ishing from your original location. At the start of
your next turn, or if you stop shifting while you are
in one of the alternate timestreams, you return to
an unoccupied space of your choice that you can
see within 10 feet of the space you vanished from. If
no unoccupied space is available within that range,
you appear in the nearest unoccupied space. You
can stop shifting as an action, and automatically
stop shifting if you fall unconscious.
While shifting through the alternate timestreams,
you can see and hear the one you originated from,
which is cast in shades of blue and gray, though you
can’t see anything there more than 60 feet away. You
cannot be seen or affected by creatures or effects
on the original timestream unless that creature has
truesight or a similar ability.
You can use this ability a number of times equal
to your Intelligence modifier. You regain all ex-
pended uses after you finish a long rest.
Dominion Out of Time
Beginning at 14th level, your mastery of observa-
tion through time is supreme. You have advantage
on initiative rolls and cannot be surprised.
In addition, your power over time’s working is so
great that you are able to step completely outside
your timestream for extended periods and bring
others with you. As an action, you and up to a num-
ber of creatures equal to your Intelligence modifier
that you can see within 10 feet instantly gain the
benefits of completing a short rest.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you complete a long rest. e
| textdata/thevault/Dungeons & Dragons [multi]/5th Edition (5e)/3rd Party/EN World EN5ider/EN5ider 196 - Walk Through Time.pdf |
by Kevin Killiany
Chapter Twelve
Dragons of Despair • Page 2
Alarion Parenting Monthly
September 3057
Surveys conducted by the Ministry of Health and Education
on several representative worlds in the Alarion Province re-
veal that of parents of adolescents are concerned about the
wrong issues.
“For example,” says Dr. Milthrop Wynnpike, developer of
the survey, “Most parents cited the hallucinogenic drug
MindMASC as a major danger facing children today. In fact,
studies have shown persons under eighteen are far more
likely to experiment with barbiturates or supposed aphrodi-
siacs than stimulants or hallucinogenic. MindMASC is used
almost exclusively by adults, and then of the fairly narrowly
defined “thrill seeker” personality type.
“Parents of most adolescents would be much better advised
to be worried about...”
Dragons of Despair • Page 3
Chevalier Planetary Evaluation Base
Despair, Ender’s Cluster
Lyran Alliance
26 October 3057
Lex pulled the covers up over her head. If they didn’t see her,
they couldn’t make her wake up.
That wasn’t Shasha. That was.... Somebody. Far away. Somebody
hurt? Somebody she didn’t like.
“Atreus,” then louder: “Alexandra! Wake up!”
Why? She snuggled deeper. If they couldn’t find her, they couldn’t
make her get up. Those were the rules.
A bump. Her bed bumped. And a sound like a sob.
Her command couch bumped again.
“Damn it, Leftenant!” the voice was weak. But angry. Very angry.
“You are not dead! Wake the hell up!”
That was Caradine. Shouting orders again. Damn aristocrats—
Lex snapped awake.
Her hands flew to the joysticks even as her eyes scanned the
data screens. No heavy metal in range. Large laser housing dam-
aged, weapon system yellow but still operable. Comm system
out; ECM up and running; sensor array eighty percent, damaged
sensor; cockpit integrity and life support green; both left leg jump
jets and one torso jump jet offline; a dozen stress fractures to the
armor, none serious; internal structure and motive systems all one
hundred percent.
Well the Nightsky does have the highest survivability rating in its
weight class.
“TacSit?” she demanded.
“We are flat on our back in the mud with a dead assault ‘Mech on
top of us,” Caradine reported. There was a breathless tone to her
Dragons of Despair • Page 4
voice. “You’ve been out about five minutes that I know of—I was
out a couple myself.”
Lex glanced at the chronometer and tried to remember what it
had said the last time she’d noticed it. No idea.
“How about you?” she asked.
“Stabbing pain every time I breathe too deep,” Caradine an-
swered—which explained the breathless quality of her voice.
“Probably bruised pulmonary muscles, maybe a cracked rib or two.
Several aches and pains, nothing requiring immediate attention.
Lex flexed what she could, testing her body’s responses.
“Whiplash, half a dozen overstretched muscles that are going to
hurt like hell when they’ve had time to set up,” she said. “Nothing
else I can find. We were lucky.”
“Except for the being flat on our back pinned under the assault
‘Mech part,” Caradine pointed out. “Any thoughts on how to get
out from under our date here?”
Lex grunted at the word choice.
The design of her cockpit kept her from seeing more than one
upthrust shoulder of the Crockett, but from its position and the
stresses the armor schematic was reporting, she deduced the
Nightsky’s upper torso and left arm were free. The right arm was
pinned between the two machines, damaged but not crushed.
It should have been. In fact, most of her ‘Mech should have
been crushed—or at least badly bent—by the eighty-five tons of
dead weight that had fallen on it. The boggy ground beneath the
Nightsky must have yielded enough to distribute the weight—or
dissipate the shock of the fall—enough to limit the damage.
And if the soil was soft enough....
Lex experimented with flexing a leg. Servos whined—that the
sound of leg actuators reached her cockpit was eloquent testimo-
ny to how far above operating parameters her command pushed
them. Overstress warnings flashed along the lower half of the
wireframe schematic. And the leg moved.
Lex cut power. The half-meter’s movement was not worth the
risk to the actuator assembly. And she couldn’t imagine a combi-
Dragons of Despair • Page 5
nation of such moves that would get her free of the assault ‘Mech’s
corpse without doing permanent damage to her own machine.
For a wild second she considered firing her remaining jump jets.
Under normal circumstances they would vaporize any mud the fall
had jammed up their throats. But compressed beneath the bigger
machine the mud would be as dense as ferrocrete—back pressure
would almost certainly rupture the chambers. Stuck was better
than stuck without a right leg.
“Waiting for help is not an option,” she said aloud. “Even if Britto
and Aldicott find us, they won’t be a match if that Victor comes
“Victor?” Caradine gasped. Lex wondered if the startled excla-
mation had hurt her. “What Victor?”
“Heavy autocannon fire to topple this hulk, plus paired medium
lasers scarring that tonner,” Lex explained. “Given the old school
hardware these guys field, a Victor is the only ‘Mech that fits the
“I don’t think there is a Victor,” Caradine cut her off. “Think about
it: A burst of autocannon fire to topple the dead ‘Mech and no fol-
low-up to finish us off?
“If there had been a Victor on the field, we wouldn’t be having
this conversation.”
Lex had to admit Caradine’s logic made sense.
“You’re thinking armor of some sort?” she asked.
“That would fit the tech at the sensor picket theory,” Caradine
said. “On the other hand, I’ve heard of guerrilla forces mounting
autocannons on civilian trucks. It might have been something with
no armor, something the sensors might ignore, but couldn’t risk
you getting a shot at it.”
A light truck getting in a lucky shot that immobilized them, then
running for help to come finish them off. The theory fit the evi-
“Which means we don’t have much time,” Lex said. “Depending
on where their back-up is and how far their radio reaches in this
soup, we could have company at any minute.”
She considered her controls; knowing she had to move and
knowing how to move were two completely different things. The
Dragons of Despair • Page 6
general schematic wasn’t helpful. Aware each passing second in-
creased their chances of being discovered pinned and helpless,
she tabbed through specific diagnostic screens, trying to assess
what each system was capable of before trying any potentially
disastrous experiments.
“What about your axe?” Caradine asked after a long minute.
“Chop the Crockett to moveable pieces?”
“I meant use it like a rock climber’s hammer,” Caradine ignored
Lex’s bitter tone. “Grab a purchase on something and pull us
Lex started to reject the suggestion out of hand, then stopped to
think it through.
Caradine’s idea made sense for a Hatchetman, which held its
club-like hatchet in a hand. The wrist actuator was flexible enough
to turn the double-bladed head to grip the ground. However, the
Nightsky’s single-blade axe was integral to the arm assembly. This
gave it greater structural integrity, increasing the force and dam-
age of its blow, but at the expense of flexibility. It could only rotate
as far as the forearm of the ‘Mech could turn; not enough to reach
the ground while the machine was on its back.
But the Nightsky also had an elbow spike, a meters-long titanium
blade designed to shatter armor plate and eviscerate opposing
‘Mechs. If she could raise the left arm enough to jab the spike into
the ground, it should be strong enough to pull the fifty ton ‘Mech
through the mud. But would it hold up to the extra strain of pulling
the ‘Mech out from under another?
It took twenty minutes, with Lex second guessing every move-
ment as she tried to balance limiting further damage to her
BattleMech with getting it on its feet and back in action as quickly
as possible. But by using the elbow spike as a pick and shoving
carefully with the legs she was able to work the medium ‘Mech
out from under the heavier machine.
Whatever had been done to her left leg’s jump jets by the fall
was made worse by dragging them out from beneath the Crockett.
Their wireframe image went from red to black. The pressure was
too great for some of the stress-fractured armor as well; chips
abraded away as Lex eased her machine free. The Nightsky left
nearly half a ton of Kalon Royalstar under the assault ‘Mech.
Dragons of Despair • Page 7
Caradine wisely said nothing as Lex worked, making only a sat-
isfied grunt when the wireframe reported the last of the crushing
weight was gone.
Once clear, Lex was faced with the problem of getting her
Nightsky on its feet. The curving armor which defended her back
so well also made it difficult to stand from the supine position.
Placement of armor protecting the rear aspect of the hip actuators
prevented her from simply sitting the machine up.
By shoving with the feet and pulling with the elbow spike, she
turned her ‘Mech until it was perpendicular to the slope of the hill,
with the damaged right arm upslope. By raising the BattleMech’s
right leg and damaged right arm, she could use the incline to roll
it to its hands and knees—a much better position for getting up-
The world beyond the ferroglass canopy flashed a blinding red.
Laser fire.
The targeting computer reported two near misses. Two large
beams, one burning into the hulk of the Crockett, the other grazing
the hillside beside her supine BattleMech—flash burning the mud
into hardened clay.
The Guardian ECM reported it was battling a TharHes Ares-7,
grandfather to her Nightsky’s own 8a targeting system. With two
large lasers, that meant—
“Flashman,” Caradine said. “Coming from below our feet.”
Lex nodded.
The thermal sensors reported a bonfire—the heavy ‘Mech had
not had a chance to replace the heat sinks Caradine had destroyed.
No doubt the heat was creating as much interference for its weap-
ons systems as her ECM. Otherwise not even the Guardian would
have convinced the lasers to target the Crockett at this close
“He’s running hot.”
“My autocannon targets heat sinks,” Caradine said. Then: “He was
running hot before I hurt him—and I hurt him. His thermal screwed
up their ambush. These guys do not have good tech support.”
On the thermal imager the bonfire below their feet became a
sunrise as the heavy ‘Mech walked toward them.
Dragons of Despair • Page 8
There was no time for Lex to wrestle her fallen ‘Mech to its feet.
Any move that rolled them away from the Crockett would give
the Flashman a clear shot. But not moving while the heavy ‘Mech
circled the fallen assault...
Flat on its back, the Nightsky could bring none of the torso or
head weapons to bear on a target approaching from below its feet.
The large laser might be operational—yellow lights warned the
computer wasn’t certain—but the targeting computer’s designers
had never imagined this situation. The system couldn’t get a lock.
She had to be on her feet to fight.
Her breath caught.
Eyes wide, she watched the variables tumble into place; the pat-
tern form. She let her breath out slowly. The cold energy swept
down from the back of her head, calming her heart before flowing
into her hands, her legs.
“What?” asked Caradine.
Lex didn’t answer. Flexing her own leg and pulling the yoke, she
raised the Nightsky’s right leg. The enemy would see she was
about to roll her machine to its feet, but she needed it closer, in
sight, before she made her move.
She heard Caradine moving behind her, apparently trying to find
a more secure position.
The white-hot thermal image told her the heavy ‘Mech was on
top of her before the domed top of its egg-shaped torso crested
the lower sill of the canopy.
Pausing above them, the Flashman trained both arms on the me-
dium ‘Mech. With the heat readings on her sensors, Lex doubted
it could fire all four lasers. But the two mediums would be more
than enough to melt her cockpit to slag
Safety interlocks had already cut the left leg’s jump jets out of
the system. Manually deactivating the torso jets was a flip of the
Unable to defend at near contact range, the Guardian counter
measures suite gave up—its reassuring beep pushed aside by the
harsh note of the weapons lock alarm.
Lex fired her right leg jump jets.
Dragons of Despair • Page 9
There was a grinding scrape of earth and rock against armor as
the twin jump jets slid the Nightsky a few painful meters along
the muddy ground. Lex straightened the leg slightly, keeping their
flaming plasma wash directed at the towering Flashman. The su-
perheated particles flooding through rents in the armor could do
no direct damage to the heavy ‘Mech’s internal structure, but that
wasn’t the point.
The Flashman half turned, the pilot managing one step towards
escape before the jump jets’ heat forced the already damaged ma-
chine into emergency thermal shutdown.
Cutting the thrust, Lex threw the raised leg over. She was
slammed against her harness by the roll, but worked the joysticks,
getting her ‘Mechs arms under it and shoving. She felt Caradine
thump against the back of the command couch, thrown out of the
equipment cubby by the Nightsky’s staggering rise.
Before her machine was fully erect, Lex stepped it back—toward
the Flashman.
Momentum threw her against her harness—and Caradine against
the bulkhead—as she snapped the still rising torso through a left
The Nightsky’s titanium elbow spike did its job, smashing through
weakened armor just above the Flashman’s rotator ring to shatter
internal structures. A grey-green spray misting across the canopy
told Lex she’d taken out another heat sink.
Barely keeping her ‘Mech upright on the slanting ground, Lex
continued to turn, myomer cables snaking from the elbow spike as
it pulled free of the enemy. She straightened the arm as she spun,
slamming the axe head into one of the torso lasers. Not as power-
ful as a full-body swing, the blow was still sufficient to deform the
muzzle, ruining the weapon.
Lex crab stepped right as the momentum of the swing turned her
‘Mech. She wasn’t going to get caught standing directly beneath
a falling enemy a second time. Her right arm was still extended
for balance when her torso and head lasers bore on the Flashman.
Not waiting for good tone, she fired the twin mediums and small
with an open-hand slap to the triggers.
Untargeted, the three beams did not converge. But each pulse
laser delivered a solid double-tap of destruction to the already
stricken enemy.
Dragons of Despair • Page 10
As she swung her large laser around, the top of the Flashman
popped open and the escape couch arced up and away on a col-
umn of smoke.
Lex had a momentary impression of a bright orange hazmat suit
and two heads—the pilot carrying the helmet. Stopping to change
helmets was probably what had killed the Crockett pilot.
Warned by the pilot’s evacuation, Lex backpedaled her Nightsky,
moving away as quickly as the slippery slope allowed.
The Flashman shuddered and deformed, coming apart along
damage fractures as its massive gyro tore loose. Hypersonic
shrapnel, which moments before had been pieces of the spinning
wheel’s mounts and housing, buried themselves in the muddy
hillside or arced out over the fen. Whether through luck, grace,
or physics, none struck the scrambling medium ‘Mech less than
twenty meters away.
With a final shudder, the seventy-five ton BattleMech separated
at its rotator ring. The ruptured torso tilted up, seeming to look
toward the roiling heavens, then fell majestically backwards. The
legs, still joined to the hip assembly that had supported the cen-
tral ring, remained standing; ankle deep in the bog.
“Oly fit,” said a voice next to Lex’s ear.
She turned as far as her neurohelmet allowed to see Caradine—a
fold of survival blanket pressed against her bleeding mouth—sur-
veying the ruined BattleMechs beyond the canopy.
“Dey teef you dat at Buena?” Caradine asked around the impro-
vised pressure bandage.
“This is a melee ‘Mech,” Lex said, still shaky with reaction.
Caradine rejected the flip response with a shake of her head.
“A heaffy and an affault with a medium—”
“Two mediums,” Lex interrupted. “I wouldn’t have stood a chance
if you hadn’t already done most of the work.”
To have done as much damage as she had against a Crockett and
a Flashman with her forty-five ton Hatchetman... Lex suspected
Caradine might have the chops to back up at least some of her
landed gentry, Nagelring arrogance.
Though there was no sign of that arrogance now.
Dragons of Despair • Page 11
Reaching forward, she popped the first aid locker open and
handed the kit back.
“Need a hand?”
“Nefg’tiff,” Caradine said.
Lex watched the sensor screens while the other MechWarrior
did what she could to repair the damage. From the muffled speech
and blood soaking the scrap of blanket, she was willing to bet
Caradine had bitten through a lip. And if she was any judge of
Caucasian physiology, the right side of the woman’s face would
soon be a mottled bruise. Her eye was already swollen shut.
Refining the sensors to search out light metal near the ground,
Lex was amazed by her clarity. She tried to sort out what she was
feeling, what was different. The cold energy of combat was gone.
but in it’s place was... something.
Senses wide, she cataloged each beep and tone as the comput-
er identified wildlife and the Guardian reported natural electronic
discharges across an approaching squall, but no organized sig-
For all practical purposes she was alone on a hostile world, trans-
porting wounded in a damaged ‘Mech and facing an unidentified
enemy of unknown capability. She had an objective, a mission
self-selected without orders. There were choices—strategies, tac-
tics, options to be considered—but they were not swirling in a
paralyzing fog.
The med kit thrust over her shoulder interrupted Lex’s self-ex-
Taking it without comment, she stowed the case in its compart-
ment and set her hands to the controls.
“I owe you an apology, Leftenant,” Caradine said, her voice close
to Lex’s ear.
Lex turned to meet the other woman’s eyes, leaning slightly
away from her to focus.
A dark red blood blister marred the point of Caradine’s chin, just
below the bandage plaster that covered the right corner of her
mouth and jaw line. Plum and purple marks, almost like stress
fractures, radiating from her cheekbone and temple.
Dragons of Despair • Page 12
She still spoke with the breathlessness of her chest injury, but
the plaster allowed clearer diction than the improvised pressure
bandage had.
“Before this,” Caradine indicated the carnage around them with
a tilt of her head, not breaking eye contact, “I didn’t believe you
were a real MechWarrior.”
That was the difference.
Lex straightened around in her command couch, facing forward
and cycling the reactor up.
“Before this,” she said, “I wasn’t.”
Clothed in her Nightsky, Lex Atreus stepped forward.
| textdata/thevault/BattleTech [multi]/EXTRA/Novels/Battlecorps Novels/Dragons of Dispair Chap 12 - Kevin Killiany.pdf |
Kevin Killiany
Chapter Six
Djinn of Despair • Page
Northeast of Chevalier Planetary Evaluation Base
Despair, Ender’s Cluster
Lyran Alliance
29 October 3057
Sardella watched the softwoods bend back as his Highlander-732
pushed through the copse of trees. The expected cracks and splin-
ters didn’t come—the resilient conifers simply flexed far enough
to let him pass. Having shoved through a dozen such stands of
trees he knew the tree wouldn’t snap back to its original shape im-
mediately, but he had no doubt it would be serenely upright again
in a matter of hours.
Jarhaal called them rubber trees. The science wonks probably
had a less interesting and less accurate name for them.
His Highlander—along with Jarhaal’s and Twindle’s—had to press
their way through the trees, even though it forced them to move
slowly. Stepping off the loamy ridges or islands or whatever the
proper name was for the narrow tracks of ground dense enough
to support the rubber trees meant sinking the heavy BattleMechs
hip-deep in bog.
The bog didn’t hurt the machines, of course, but it had taken
Twindle thirty minutes to regain solid footing that was a single
step behind her. And the struggle of turning her BattleMech had
sucked the ninety-ton machine down to its armpits.
Jarhaal had suggested she fire her jump jets, but she’d wise-
ly ignored him. Touching off fusion jets buried in quasi-solid
bog would have either breached a chamber with back pressure
or flash-dried the peat to entombing cement. Neither result
would have completely disabled the BattleMech, but either
would have set Twindle up for a lot more ridicule than simply
sinking. And landing her brand new ’Mech in the shop on its
first tour....
Sardella’s lance was composed entirely of new Highlander-732s—
he himself had upgraded from his venerable 733 just over a month
ago. Soon all of Third Bat Baker Company would be one hundred
percent factory fresh, thanks to the newly-minted contract with
StarCorp. He wasn’t sure which rumors concerning the deal were
true, but he did know command reorganization was already under
way. In a few months the Eighth Regulars would have a fourth bat-
Djinn of Despair • Page
talion—comprised entirely of Highlander 732s and Emperor 6-As
fresh from the StarCorp assembly line on Son Hoa.
Sardella’s cockpit rocked, throwing him against his safety harness.
The clayey loam had shifted beneath the ninety-ton machine—its
right foot had slipped a sudden pair of meters. Not enough to
upset the gyro system, but enough to remind him the command
couch was no place to be daydreaming about the future.
Ahead and to the right the icon of the Florida TTM’s Hatchetman
told him roughly where their scout had gotten to. The local atmo-
sphere tended to fuzz the Identify Friend/Foe transponder’s range
and bearing numbers.
Normally a militia Hatchetman would not be used as a scout. Of
course, this was not normally. The lighter machine could traipse
across ground that would swallow their assault ’Mechs.
He would have preferred doing without the Florida’s help at all.
Leftenant Britto had been the very picture of the socially connect-
ed, upright...
Sardella shook his head.
The young prig had been properly respectful of Sardella’s rank,
but managed to make it clear he felt he was extending a special
courtesy in doing so. The Nagelring had been swarming with
Britto’s ilk—pampered scions who’d treated him as though the full
scholarship his scores had earned him somehow made him less
worthy to pilot a BattleMech than those born to the class.
Sardella deliberately unclenched his jaw. The arrogant up-
start—no doubt well on his way to a politically astute career with
the Eleventh—was safely behind them, supporting Franks as the
Highlander pilot protected Chevalier Base.
He smiled at the memory of the Florida MechWarrior’s face as
he accepted to the information his rank in the Lyran Alliance had
dropped from the FedCom “first leftenant” to simply “leutnant.”
No doubt some adjustment would be made once the militia lance
rejoined its command, but Sardella had enjoyed making the field
The Florida Hatchetman pilot seemed to be a cut above his lance
leader professionally, but was just as annoying in his own way. So
far just a voice on the radio, the man’s foppish attitude seemed
to be amused and bored by turns. Sardella couldn’t decide if he
imitating holovid stereotypes because he didn’t know any better
Djinn of Despair • Page
or just thought he could impress the Eighth by pretending to be
an old hand.
Given the evident efficiency and speed with which the militia
jockey zigzagged across their projected course, Sardella was in-
clined to think he was trying to be impressive. The good scouting
skills almost made up for the pretentious attitude—but it didn’t
disguise the fact he was a junior jockey in the least competent
theater militia fielded by the Lyran Alliance.
Maybe he thought being tapped for a mission with the Eighth
was his chance to get out of the major leagues.
Sardella grinned at the thought.
His ad hoc lance was proceeding by most direct route to the
fallen Crockett the noble young Britto had found. From there they
would reconnoiter along the pirate’s back trail. Or, failing that—like-
ly given Despair’s enthusiastic flora and resilient soil—determine
the search pattern most likely to prove fruitful.
To his left a dense stand of almost-cypress towered, teasing with
their implication of solid earth. The tall hardwoods—surrounded
by the “knees” of their root system sticking up out of the alkali
soup Despair called water—needed to be standing in at least six
meters of mush softer than oatmeal to grow.
Sardella glanced at his scanner screens. Nothing. Or rather, a
lot of somethings that signified nothing. Whips of metal-heavy
mist that read like floating sheets of copper, thermal sheers that
bounced back funhouse reflections of his own image, and acres
of bog and swamp that his StarLight LX-1 targeting computer in-
sisted was as solid as DropShip armor.
Of course, when he focused the sensors directly at the ground
ahead, they parsed the blends of solids and liquids. Why it didn’t
remember what it had seen when he resumed sweeping the hori-
zon was beyond him. Evidently it was just one of those differences
between a computer and a brain.
Reaching the end of the meandering string of rubber trees, he
aimed his targeting sensors down. Sweeping the stretch of marsh
between him and the next stand he found a bridge of solid ground
that arced to his right. It would take them a half kilometer out of
their way but it was the only trustworthy trail he could find.
Not for the first time, he considered returning to the Pith and
hopping directly to the solid earth of the foothills. But—as the pilot
Djinn of Despair • Page
had explained—the only way to travel that short distance was to
exit the blinding atmosphere and circle the world. A simple up/
down hop didn’t give the nav computer sufficient time to recali-
brate and calculate the landing before it was blinded again.
Also, the hop would have carried them past any indication of
pirate movements on the surface. Intel that may well have proved
vital. If there had been any. So far, all they’d found was bog.
And giant dinosaur birds.
Sardella had to admit those beasts were impressive. The small
herd they’d encountered—a family pod, their Florida scout called
it—had included beasts that towered above the Highlanders.
Though his instruments said their mass had been about equal to
the BattleMech’s, their size had stunned him. Or perhaps it wasn’t
just that they were big, but the fact that they were big and alive.
A flurry of movement hear the ground caught his eye. Thermal
imaging confirmed warm-blooded life forms as a pack of six-
legged birds boiled out of the dense ferns of the fen. In apparent
frenzy the beasts attacked his Highlander, snapping blindly at its
lower legs and ankle actuators.
The creatures massed three to five tons each. If Sardella had
been on the ground—even in a battle suit—he’d have been de-
voured in seconds. As it was, he was merely annoyed. Trying to
kick or stomp the creatures on the slippery soil would only make
it difficult to keep his ’Mech upright and on course. And he knew
from the training video that the creatures were too stupid to un-
derstand the threat of his weapons even if he blasted a few.
Not that he was going to risk advertising their position to any
observers the pirates may have posted with weapons fire.
Without a club to swing at the scavengers, there was nothing
for it but to slog through the pack until the creatures either lost
interest or fell beneath the Highlander’s plodding tread through
dumb luck.
A Berserker would be nice.
He wondered how the bird-men natives coped with the beasts.
Bannik Severin, the expert on Despair’s big secret—Despair’s for-
mer big secret—was on some expedition far enough from their field
of operations to not matter. But from what Sardella had seen on the
vid Dr. Tindale had shown them, a bird man would have been little
more than a mouthful for the scavengers yapping at his ankles.
Djinn of Despair • Page
With only spears and stone axes to defend themselves....
He shuddered.
There was a lot to be said for applied technology.
Evidently tiring of trying to bring his BattleMech down, the pack
of jackals turned on Jarhaal’s machine. Unlike Sardella, he risked a
stumble side-kicking a knot of the creatures. Two or three stayed be-
hind to devour the few he’d wounded, but the rest continued to break
their teeth—if they have teeth—against the armor of his lower legs.
For reasons that no doubt made sense to the scavengers,
Twindle’s Highlander strode through the gauntlet unmolested.
The jackal dinosaur birds seemed to have been guarding the
edge of the swamp. The ground rose slightly ahead of them and
read solid even when sensor arrays were focused straight down.
There were still pockets of bog—some the size of lakes—but the
changing vegetation made the muddy pits easy to spot.
Sardella doubled his speed.
Passing a thick stand of hardwoods, he caught sight of the bright
blue Florida Hatchetman standing on the crest of a low ridge to
his left. A glance at his screens confirmed that his sensors didn’t
see the BattleMech, even though it was at the extreme edge of his
weapons’ range.
“Either of you have him on sensors?” he asked.
“Clear as day,” Twindle answered. “Why?”
“I’ve got nothing,” Jarhaal added. “Wait. Heavy metal. But more
on the ground than standing.”
“Negative on the ground metal,” Twindle said. “They weren’t kid-
ding about this atmosphere.”
Sardella grunted. A changing wind had evidently swept away
the veil and he now had clear numbers on the upright Hatchetman.
But the ground clutter read like nearly four times its mass.
Which would make sense with an assault and a medium ’Mech
at his feet.
Without a word he headed for the nearest point of the ridge,
choosing to follow its curve around the suspiciously flat ground
between them and the Florida ’Mech.
Djinn of Despair • Page
“Looks like we have some new players on the field,” said Aldicott
as Sardella drew near. His voice sounded less bored than usual.
“Or maybe the pirates have dissention within the ranks.”
“How do you mean?”
The Hatchetman’s left arm extended, pointing toward the bog
below the slope.
Sardella saw what looked like the lower half of a large ’Mech’s
torso sitting on the ground. Evidently the upper torso had been
removed at the rotator ring, though he could think of no reason for
someone do a field strip like that in the middle of the wilderness.
Then he realized the curves and angles jutting just above the
thick ferns were hip assemblies. The torso wasn’t sitting on the
ground, the bog had sucked the legs down.
“I read that as the bottom half of a Flashman,” Aldicott said.
“Unless Leftenant Britto took out a Flashman and forgot to men-
tion it, there’s at least one unknown BattleMech in play.
“From what I can pick up,” he added, walking his own BattleMech
out onto the soft ground, “the rest of it is here, there, and there.
Already sunk.”
“Like you’re going to be if you don’t get back on solid ground,”
Twindle pointed out.
“Little chance of that at only forty-five tons,” the Florida militia-
man answered. “You’d be fine, too, if you kept your behemoth
Sardella bit back a reprimand at Aldicott’s patronizing tone. He’d
let the idiot realize how much his attempt to impress the Regulars
with his expertise had backfired through the Florida’s CO after the
mission was over.
“There’s hardpan under the bog,” the militia jockey was saying.
“This Flashman half is standing on it. The broken bits that were
blown away are near enough to the surface for my sensors to read
when I stand right on top of them.
“If I can determine what weapons mix took this chap out so thor-
oughly, we’ll have some idea what we’re up against.”
“Obviously an assault of some sort,” Sardella said. “An alpha
strike from an Awesome at close range would blow the top off a
Djinn of Despair • Page
“If we wanted to flip this Crockett over, it’s a good bet we’d find
PPC scars all over its front as well.”
“Perhaps.” The militia jockey stretched the word out. “I take it you
don’t credit Leftenant Britto’s assessment of Leftenant Caradine’s
“A Hatchetman might hinder an assault ’Mech,” Sardella said,
making his annoyance with the regional weekend warrior’s pre-
sumption clear. “Maybe even do some damage.
“But even if seasoned MechWarriors had been piloting them, if
Caradine’s Hatchetman and the Nightsky really came up against
this Crockett and another assault the way Britto says he thinks
they did—” Sardella shook his head, not even bothering to explain
how many ways that scenario was wrong. “Your Leftenant Atreus
showed the only brains of the bunch when she ran like hell.”
“Stereotypical attitude,” Aldicott sounded almost sleepy. “I re-
member it well.”
Sardella felt his jaw slacken at the condescending tone. But be-
fore he could blister the yokel’s hide, Jarhaal interrupted.
“Looks like they salvaged the Nightsky.”
Sardella joined him on the other side of the fallen Crockett. The
ground had been torn up, but the ferocious growth rate of the lo-
cal ferns made it impossible to determine more. Except...
“Any sort of tractor would have torn up a lot more ground,” he
said. “Gouged furrows pulling it out and a trail hauling it away.”
Sardella replayed the loop of battle ROM footage Britto had pro-
vided on a secondary screen. The medium ’Mech looked pretty
smashed by the Crockett. But now that he had some experience
with Despair’s deceptive soil he realized the machine could have
been pressed into the earth rather than crushed.
“Another ’Mech dragged it clear,” he said, pointing to deep fur-
rows where something had evidently dug in its heels. “Then they
got a jockey inside and walked the thing out of here.”
“Not an Awesome, then,” Aldicott said mildly. “No hands.”
Sardella shook his head, refusing to acknowledge the militia-
man’s interjection. The pompous Florida ’Mech jockey seemed
incapable of staying silent—or in his place. No wonder he’d been
sent to serve out his time on the back side of nowhere.
Djinn of Despair • Page
“Whoever our unknown enemy—our second unknown enemy—
is,” Sardella said to his own MechWarriors. “It looks like they’ve
been allowed to salvage a state of the art BattleMech in perfect
working order.”
For a moment he was annoyed at Britto for letting the pirates
get the Nightsky, but recognized the feeling as foolish. While his
Axeman was more formidable than a Hatchetman or Nightsky,
there was little the Florida leutnant could have done against what-
ever took out the Crockett and the Flashman. If he’d tried to guard
the fallen ’Mech until civilians from Chevalier Base arrived to sal-
vage it, he would only have succeeded in getting himself killed.
Something in the still looping image from the Axeman’s battle
ROM caught his eye. He froze the image, then moved his Highlander
closer to the felled Crockett to eyeball the damage directly.
“Somebody got this guy in the back with an auto cannon,” he
said. “High. Across the back of the Hollies and sensor array.”
“Stupid shot.”
“May have been all he had time for,” Sardella said.
Looking around he tried to get a feel for how the battle had
played out, but the landscape yielded few clues. From the pattern
of charred earth and day-old growth, a lot of laser fire had been
directed at something standing in front of the slope beneath his
feet. But he could see no evidence a heavy or assault ’Mech had
stood on the soft bog at the base of the hill. It was almost as if the
Flashman had been aiming at the hillside itself.
And what assault ’Mech had enough PPCs to blast a Flashman’s
torso to scrap, an autocannon to spray the Crockett and hands
to grab a Nightsky? More than one BattleMech had taken out the
Crockett and the Flashman.
Much as he hated to admit it, the Florida militiaman was probably
right about there being some sort of civil war within the pirate ranks.
Sardella’s radio beeped. Looking down he saw Aldicott had
squirted him a compressed data file. No doubt his assay of the
Flashman wreckage. He shunted it to a reader without expanding
and returned his attention to the rolling landscape leading away
from the swamps.
The ground didn’t hold tracks. But logic dictated that was the
only course BattleMechs wanting to avoid the swamps would go.
Djinn of Despair • Page 10
“Any ID on the paint scheme?” he asked Twindle. Her gift for or-
ganizing data had made her his defacto intelligence officer years
“Looks like we’re up against the Adders,” she answered.
“Adders are venomous serpents on Terra,” Twindle said as though
Sardella had asked a reasonable question. “And up until about thir-
ty-five years ago they were a marginal mercenary company. Did
some work on both sides of the law. Nothing major—at least nothing
major we could document. The golden kitties may have more—the
Adders spent most of their time in the Eleventh’s territory.”
“What do we know now?” Sardella asked. “Assets and tactics.”
“The Adders had a full company and liked to operate as two
ComStar-style demi-companies. No tech support—or anything
else—to speak of,” Twindle’s distracted tone told Sardella she
was reading a screen. “Conflicting reports on composition which
could reflect personnel changes or battlefield gains and losses or
just bad reporting. Best guess: two or three light scouts with the
rest probably heavies and assaults.
“Their specialty was brute force.”
“You keep saying was.”
“They dropped off everyone’s radar thirty, thirty-five years ago,”
Twindle answered. “File says it was assumed they’d broken up or
been folded into some larger outfit.”
“Seems we’ve found their hideaway,” Aldicott broke in.
Sardella was surprised to find the Hatchetman standing at his
The medium ’Mech had its back to him, facing toward distant
foothills barely visible through the shifting mists.
“The question is, why are they here?”
“Garrison duty?” Jarhaal suggested. “Say they got folded into
some big boys, got stuck with the job of guarding their home base
while the main force does business.”
“Nobody would make Despair home unless they had to,” Twindle
said with feeling. “But it’s a great stash for goods you can’t move.”
Djinn of Despair • Page 11
Sardella considered.
It made a certain amount of sense. Particularly given the poor
condition of the Crockett’s paint and finish. Guarding a storage
dump—probably stranded here and dependent on their “employ-
ers” for food, water, even breathable air. Knowing failure to protect
the cache would result in slow starvation—or even slaughter.
“Next door to hell,” Aldicott said, his thoughts evidently shadow-
ing Sardella’s.
For once he agreed with the militiaman.
“But thirty-five years?” Twindle asked. “These jockeys can’t pos-
sibly be the originals.”
“Maybe just the ’Mechs stayed,” Jarhaal said. “Rotating personnel
is a hell of a lot easier than rotating a company of BattleMechs.”
Sardella nodded. He certainly liked that scenario better than the
one he’d been imagining.
They’d come in looking for a drug manufacturing ring and found
a pirate stronghold instead. It wasn’t the objective they’d been as-
signed, but as targets of opportunity went, it was one of the best.
By the letter of his orders, Sardella should leave the pirates
where he’d found them and go after the drug distribution center.
Not really a risk, since he doubted these goons had the resources
to get anywhere while Three Bat Two smoked out the druggies.
But why take the chance? There was enough flex in the objec-
tive to clean out this viper den before moving on. Besides, that’s
what the Eighth did.
“The way I see it, Aldicott’s on the right track,” he said. He’d prob-
ably pay for that admission with extra attitude from the militiaman,
but it wasn’t in him to not acknowledge good thinking. “There’s
some sort of power struggle going on with the pirates.
“Right now we got no idea how many are on which side and who’s
beating who—or even if these Adders are the only ones involved,”
he let the possibility of a larger force of unidentified hostiles sink
in. “Either way, they’re shooting at each other, and they obviously
don’t care if bystanders get caught in the crossfire.
“Which means Chevalier Base is likely to become a shooting gal-
lery real quick.”
Djinn of Despair • Page 1
He paused, inviting comment. No one offered a dissenting opin-
“It’s a good bet there’s a pirate stronghold within a day’s march
of here,” he said. “I want the Pith in geo-sync right over our heads.
They’re going to use the ship’s sensors to scan and rescan until
they can punch through this muck and get a reading.”
Which means hiking two hours back until we’re close enough to
Chevalier to get a radio signal through.
“One more thing,” he knew he was about to point the obvious,
but it was better to be sure everyone was on the same page than to
risk a fatal screw-up later. “The hostiles have captured a Nightsky
that may or may not be in shape to be a threat. More to the point,
it’s mounting a friendly IFF transponder.
“If you see a Nightsky, I don’t care what it’s transmitting, take it
| textdata/thevault/BattleTech [multi]/EXTRA/Novels/Battlecorps Novels/Djinn of Dispair Pt 06 - Kevin Killiany.pdf |
Witches of Porphyra
Onyx Tanuki
Witches of Porphyra
Onyx Tanuki
Perry Fehr, Mark Gedak
Contributing Editors
N. Jolly, Soul4hdwn
Porphyra Logo
Rick Hershey
Brian Brinlee, Gary Dupuis, Brett Neufeld
Mark Gedak
Purple Duck Games
Witches of Porphyra is compatible with the Porphyra Campaign Setting
and the Porphyra Wiki located at: http://porphyra.wikidot.com/
Special thanks go out to everyone at Purple Duck Games and the members
of Team KOP, and especially to N. Jolly. Without his bringing me into
Team KOP, I never would have developed the skills or confidence to put
out a solo project.
If you have trouble locating reference content drop me an email at geda-
[email protected] and I will get the content updated and point you to it.
Witches of Porphyra
“You there! What business do you have here!? Oh, you thought that just because
I’m blind you’d be able to creep past, didn’t you? Well there’s more to sight than just
eyes, dear. I may not be able to see your body, but I see your heart, your soul, your
intentions. And that’s all I need to know that you are not welcome! Begone, or else
I’ll show you just how true those fairy tales you’ve heard about me are.”
-Teceles Bessup, dhosari seer
Witchcraft has existed for nearly as long as sentient races have had access
to magic, and yet as ancient as it is, the art is still shrouded in mystery and
misinformation. While many see witches within the age-old trope of a green-
skinned hag straddling a broomstick, cackling madly as she flies before a
brightly-lit moon, there is far more to the witch than that. Following a patron
entity which represents a natural force or ideal, witches can weave spells and
hexes both beneficial and malicious with the aid of their familiar. They are
often compared to other magically-inclined individuals, but where the wizard
must study and hone in on specific schools or elements, where the cleric must
adhere to their deity’s alignment or else suffer divine retribution, where the
sorcerer gains magic abilities instinctively but on a far more limited basis,
the witch is mostly free to branch out in their studies and still obtain some
esoteric knowledge without even needing to root through libraries, thanks to
their patrons.
Of course, on the Patchwork Planet of Porphyra, even the limited lore
thought to be concrete regarding the witch fails. The coming-together of cul-
tures where the craft has developed in unique ways proves how little is truly
known about it. Some witches put a focus on their martial skills to supple-
ment their magic, some buck the trend of cursing foes to instead heal and
protect their charges, some have learned to draw power from their ancestry
or alchemical skills rather than relying on a familiar or patron to guide their
Porphyran witches have come upon several forms of patrons that haven’t yet
been discovered by those of other worlds. For example, some members of the
Sisterhood of the Black Glass take on patronage from the Black Glass itself,
while the Dark Mistress provides witches of the Evening Shades power based
upon their beauty. Zendiqi witches are known to revere the deserts themselves
and draw their magic from the sands, while the dark creatures of the Empire
of the Dead take patronage in forces of corrosion and filth.
Due to the prevalence of unusual fauna in the world of Porphyra, it’s no
surprise that even a witch’s familiar can take on a strange form. Some even
take the shape of constructs created for the specific purpose of aiding magic-
users. They help their masters not only in combat, but in their day-to-day
lives; a familiar can be not only a storehouse for their spells and a physical
link to their patron, but can also run messages and packages for them, be-
come a living battery to power their magical abilities, or assist them in their
crafting and professional duties.
Witch Archetypes
The following archetypes represent some of the many unique ways witchcraft
has evolved in Porphyra:
Blooded Hag
Most witches’ abilities are a combination of innate skill and practice, but the
blooded hag’s magic is more rooted in their instinct and lineage. Without the
guidance of a patron their spellcasting abilities aren’t quite as disciplined or
versatile, but what they lack in that field they make up for with natural talent.
The disloyalty of the hag species has colored the perception of these witches,
and they are seldom welcome in civilized lands.
Spells: A blooded hag casts arcane spells drawn from the witch spell list. They
can cast any spell their familiar knows without preparing it ahead of time. To
learn or cast a spell, a blooded hag must have a Charisma score equal to at
least 10 + the spell’s level. The DC for a saving throw against a blooded hag’s
spell is 10 + the spell’s level + the blooded hag’s Charisma modifier. A blood-
ed hag can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day.
Their base daily spell allotment is the same as a sorcerer of the same level. In
addition, they receive bonus spells per day if they have a high Charisma score.
A blooded hag’s selection of spells is limited. They have the same number
of spells known as a sorcerer of the same level, and can choose new spells to
replace old ones at 4th level and every even-numbered blooded hag level after
that, just as a sorcerer does.
This alters the witch’s spellcasting.
Blood Magic (Ex): Choose a bloodline, as per the sorcerer class feature;
once this choice is made it cannot be changed. At 3rd level and every 2 levels
thereafter, the blooded hag gains bonus spells based on this choice. They
do not, however, gain bonus bloodline feats, and do not automatically gain
most of their bloodline’s abilities. If they already possess a bloodline through
another class or feat, this must match that bloodline.
This replaces patron spells.
Hexed Blood (Sp or Su): At 1st level the blooded witch gains their blood-
line’s 1st level bloodline power, treating their blooded hag levels as sorcerer
levels for this purpose. At 4th, 10th, 16th, and 20th levels, they can choose to
gain a bloodline power instead of a hex. Bloodline powers must be taken in
the same order they would ordinarily be gained (for example, a blooded hag
who takes a hex at 4th level and a bloodline power at 10th would gain that
bloodline’s 3rd level power, not its 9th level power).
A blooded hag does not gain a bloodline arcana normally; they instead treat
it as a hex, and can choose to gain it in place of a hex.
This replaces the 1st level hex and alters the 4th, 10th, 16th, and 20th level
The image of a witch tirelessly toiling over a cauldron, brewing dangerous and
mysterious admixtures, is one which is quite well known. The brewer takes
this trope to its extreme, utilizing their expertise in the creation of potions to
cook up helpful extracts and powerful alchemical weapons.
Limited Knowledge: A brewer has a limited selection of formulae from the
witch spell list. They remove all 0th level spells from their formula list, as well
as any spell which doesn’t target at least one creature or object.
Extracts: A brewer does not have the ability to cast spells as normal for most
witches. Instead of learning spells, they store formulae with their familiars
which they can use to prepare extracts, much like how an alchemist keeps a
formula book. A brewer can prepare as many extracts of each level per day as
a typical witch could prepare spells (except for 0th level), and receives bonus
extracts per day if they possess a high enough Intelligence score in the same
fashion as a typical witch gains bonus spells per day. However, a brewer can
only prepare extracts emulating harmless spells or spells with a target of “you”
in their formula list.
Creating an extract takes 1 minute of work, and once created, an extract
remains potent for 1 day before it becomes inert. Extracts only function for
the brewer who made them and their familiar unless the brewer possess the
infusion discovery. A brewer must consult their familiar and use a cauldron in
the preparation of any extract.
This alters spellcasting and replaces cantrips.
Splash Extracts: Unlike alchemists, a brewer can create a special extract
emulating harmful spells. A splash extract must be prepared from a spell in
the brewer’s formula list which is neither harmless nor has a target of “you,”
but targets one or more individual creatures or objects; the splash extract is
treated as an alchemical splash weapon that deals 1d3 slashing damage, in
addition to the spell’s effect, of any. If the spell which a splash extract emu-
lates only affects one target, its effect is only delivered to the primary target
of the splash weapon; otherwise, it affects the primary target plus a number
of squares affected by splash damage equal to the number of targets the spell
could normally affect. Spells which require a melee or ranged touch attack to
deliver (such as chill touch) treat all targets hit by the splash extract as if they
were hit by the touch attack.
Splash extracts, like normal extracts, require 1 minute of work to prepare,
and become inert 1 day after their creation. A splash extract has no effect
when thrown by anyone other than the brewer or their familiar unless the
brewer that made it possesses the infusion discovery. A brewer must consult
their familiar and use a cauldron in the preparation of a splash extract.
This replaces patron spells.
Alchemical Familiar (Ex): A brewer’s familiar is treated as an alchemist for
the purpose of consuming mutagens, and can use any extract or splash extract
its master creates (though it must possess the proper anatomy to drink or
throw these items as appropriate).
This replaces the familiar’s share spells ability.
Cauldron (Ex): At 1st level, the brewer must learn the cauldron hex.
This replaces the 1st level hex.
Throw Anything (Ex): At 2nd level, the brewer gains Throw Anything as a
bonus feat. A brewer with this feat adds their Intelligence modifier to damage
dealt with splash weapons they use (including splash damage, if any).
This replaces the 2nd level hex.
Hexed Discoveries (Su): A brewer can select the following alchemist discov-
eries as if they were hexes, using their brewer level -2 as their effective alche-
mist level:
Hex: cognatogen, collective memory, elemental mutagen, enhance po-
tion, extend potion, feral mutagen, infusion, mutagen, rag doll mutagen,
ranged baptism, sandstone solution, spell knowledge (witch spells rather
than wizard spells)
Major Hex: combine extracts, deadly excretions, dilution, greater cognato-
gen, greater mutagen
Grand Hex: awakened intellect, eternal youth, elixir of life, eternal potion,
grand cognatogen, grand mutagen, true mutagen
This alters hexes.
Impetuous Dervish
Witches are usually expected to support their allies from a distance with their
hexes and spells, but the impetuous dervish subverts this idea. From an eerie
stillness, they can suddenly explode into a flurry of motion, hacking away at
their foes with a combination of magic and brutal attacks, leaving one think-
ing twice about underestimating the martial prowess of a spellcaster. Assum-
ing the victim survives the assault, that is. The dervish tradition is strong
among the zendiqi of the south, and they always welcome spellcasters who
can hold their own in a fight.
Diminished Spellcasting: The impetuous dervish can prepare one less spell
per level than a typical witch of their level. If this reduces the number of
spells they can prepare to 0, they can only prepare spells of that level if they
possess bonus spells due to high Intelligence. An impetuous dervish relies
upon a spellbook rather than a familiar to store spells.
This alters spellcasting.
Witchfury (Ex): At 1st level, the impetuous dervish gains Improved Un-
armed Strike as a bonus feat. They gain the ability to make a flurry of blows
as an unchained monk of their witch level, using their impetuous dervish
levels in place of their BAB for this purpose. However, this flurry can only be
made with any combination of touch attacks, unarmed strikes, and/or natural
weapons they possess. Each natural weapon they possess (not counting un-
armed strikes) can only be used once per flurry, regardless of feats or abilities.
Starting at 5th level, the impetuous dervish can cast a single spell which
can be delivered with a touch attack as part of this flurry. This spell must be
at least three levels lower than the highest level of spell they can cast, and it
replaces the first attack in their flurry.
Starting at 8th level, the impetuous dervish can use this flurry as part of a
charge attack action.
This replaces familiars and the 8th level hex.
The insufflator possesses a unique method of spreading hexes: through their
breath. Like the wyrmwitch, it’s thought that they have some blood link to
dragons and drakes because of their unusual abilities, but this bond with dra-
conic entities has never been completely proven. Dragonblood witches often
study insufflation, if only to emulate their draconic power.
Hag’s Breath (Su): At 1st level, the insufflator chooses between cone or line;
once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. When using a hex which
normally affects a single creature and can normally be used as a standard ac-
tion, the insufflator can choose to spend a full-round action to exhale a fog of
magical energy that delivers the hex’s effects to those caught within its area so
long as they can be affected; this is either a 10 ft. cone or a 20 ft. line, de-
pending on the shape chosen by the insufflator. Rather than any normal saves
allowed, creatures must succeed a Reflex save against the hex’s normal DC
to take half damage and ignore other effects of hexes delivered this way. The
insufflator witch can only use this ability once every 1d4 rounds, and only if
they are able to breathe deeply.
Wicked Breath (Ex): At 2nd level, the insufflator gains the Wicked Breath
metamagic feat as a bonus feat, ignoring its prerequisites. They must choose
the same shape as they chose for their hag’s breath ability (either cone or line).
They can prepare witch spells with this metamagic feat in spell slots one level
higher than the spell’s actual level rather than three.
This replaces the 2nd level hex.
Distant Patron: The insufflator gains spells from their patron 2 levels later
than normal, and treat their effective witch level as -2 (minimum 1st) to
determine their familiar’s effective level. This stacks with the delay in levels for
taking a patron familiar (meaning an insufflator with a patron familiar does
not learn the spell their patron normally provides at 18th level unless allowed
to advance to 21st level).
This alters familiars and patron spells.
Expanded Hag’s Breath (Su): Starting at 4th level, instead of taking a hex,
the insufflator can choose to increase the area of their hag’s breath ability by 5
ft. if it is a cone or 10 ft. if it is a line. They can do this once, plus one addi-
tional time per 4 insufflator levels they possess beyond 4th, up to a total of 4
times (for a maximum area of 30 ft. for a cone or 60 ft. for a line). This added
area of effect is also added to spells they prepare with the Wicked Breath
metamagic feat. This cannot be used to replace a hex taken with the Extra
Hex feat.
This alters hexes.
Patron Familiars
Witches’ familiars are often tied to their patrons,
enhancing and reinforcing the spellcasters’ con-
nections to the sources of their magical might.
Just as a sorcerer can gain a bloodline familiar, a
witch can gain a patron familiar by choosing one
at 1st level in place of her standard familiar. A pa-
tron familiar acts in all ways like a standard witch’s
familiar, with the addition of the special ability
indicated below according to the witch’s patron.
In addition, the witch gains patron spells one
level later than they normally would—gaining the
patron spell they’d normally receive at 2nd level at
3rd level instead, and so on.
More information on patron familiars can be
found on online content sites.
While many witches are granted a single familiar with which they form a
powerful kinship, some patrons will instead send several weaker familiars to
aid a witch in their service. Though they must focus harder to keep this brood
of beasts in line, having a literal army at their disposal can prove a great boon
to any witch able to handle them.
Familiar Horde (Su): A legionmaster can have more than one familiar, but
must divide their effective witch levels between their familiars (for example, a
3rd level legionmaster can possess a 3rd level familiar, three 1st level familiars,
or one 1st level familiar and one 2nd level familiar). Each time they gain a
level, they choose how to allocate the increase among their familiars, includ-
ing choosing to gain an additional 1st level familiar. Each of the legionmas-
ter’s familiars must be the same species and archetype, but cannot be blood-
line familiars, improved familiars, patron familiars, or school familiars, and
no familiar the legionmaster controls can have an effective level higher than
the legionmaster’s level. If a familiar provides any special benefit to its master
for being a familiar, this benefit is only provided once, no matter how many
familiars the legionmaster possesses.
If any of the legionmaster’s familiars die, so long as at least one remains
alive, the legionmaster can still prepare spells. However, the number of spells
they can prepare of each level is reduced by half the effective levels of the dead
familiars (for example, if a 6th level legionmaster who possesses four 2nd level
familiars loses one of them, they can prepare one fewer spell of each level).
24 hours after losing their familiar(s), they can perform a ritual that takes 8
hours and 500 gp for each effective witch level those familiars possessed to re-
attribute those levels, either adding these to familiars the legionmaster already
possesses or gaining new familiars. A legionmaster does not need to replace
their spells known unless all of their familiars die and are replaced through
this ritual.
This ability replaces familiars and the 1st level hex.
Teamwork (Ex): Whenever the legionmaster could gain a hex, they can
instead select a teamwork feat for which they qualify as a bonus feat. At the
start of each day, as part of communing with their familiars, they choose one
familiar for each teamwork feat they possess, granting it that feat as a bonus
feat until the next time they commune with their familiars. They can choose
the same familiar multiple times for this purpose if they possess multiple fa-
miliars. At 8th level they can instead grant each of their teamwork feats to up
to two familiars, and at 16th they can instead grant each of their teamwork
feats to up to three familiars.
This replaces the 8th level hex, and alters hexes.
Improved Bonds (Ex): At 4th level, the legionmaster’s effective witch level
increases by 2 to determine how many levels they can attribute to their famil-
iars. They gain an additional 2 effective witch levels at 10th and 16th levels.
This replaces the 4th, 10th, and 16th level hexes.
The following familiar abilities function differently for the legionmaster:
Empathic Link (Su): This ability only functions with one familiar at a
Store Spells: The legionmaster’s familiars possess a shared memory of spells;
they all are treated as knowing all of the legionmaster’s spells.
Deliver Touch Spells (Su): If a touch spell has a single charge while mul-
tiple familiars are in contact with the legionmaster, the legionmaster must
choose which familiar to designate as the “toucher.” If a spell has multiple
charges, the legionmaster can divide these charges amongst their familiars,
designating multiple touchers.
Scry on Familiar (Sp): The legionmaster can only scry on a single familiar
per day in this way.
In addition, if a familiar possesses any ability limited to a certain number of
uses (such as uses per day) or a resource pool (such as burn or ki), all of the
legionmaster’s familiars share the number of uses or the resource pool, treat-
ing their effective level as the legionmaster’s level if it is required to determine
how many uses are allowed between them or how many points the resource
pool possesses.
Note: This archetype can allow a single player to control a large
number of creatures, making it a strong option for a “solo” campaign.
However, dealing with this large number of creatures could be over-
whelming for less experienced players, making their turns take a long
time, forcing other players to wait extended periods of time. GMs are
encouraged to only allow this archetype for experienced players, or to
find ways to speed up the legionmaster’s turn (such as by having other
players control their familiars).
There comes a time when a witch’s best means of serving their patron is by
initiating a new follower into their service. Rather than taking on a familiar,
the mentor seeks out individuals with magical potential and trains them in
their ways. Bards tell many stories of these relationships, like Paddock Green
and her mentor, Toad the Frog, a pair of boggard and grippli witches of the
post-Calling era.
Heir (Ex): At 1st level, a mentor acquires the services of an heir to their pow-
ers. This functions similarly to a cohort, though the heir begins as a 1st-level
commoner with Magical Aptitude as their 1st-level feat and NPC ability
scores (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8 before racial modifiers). When the mentor reaches
3rd level, if their Leadership score is at least 2, the heir becomes a 1st-level
witch and gains heroic ability scores (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8 before racial modi-
fiers). The heir does not gain a familiar or patron; they can take a witch arche-
type, but cannot select one with a class feature which would replace or alter
patrons or familiars. The heir can never gain a familiar from feats, but quali-
fies for feats as if they possessed a familiar. The heir never gains item creation
feats, but otherwise follows the normal rules for a cohort.
Each time the mentor gains a level, they can dismiss their existing heir as
graduated (or expelled, depending on their performance), and gain a new
cohort following the same rules. If an heir dies in service to the mentor, the
mentor takes a –2 penalty to their Leadership score. This penalty is reduced
by 1 for every level the mentor gains after the death, to a minimum of 0.
Because cohorts are most interested in the mentor’s magical ability, the
mentor uses their Intelligence modifier, rather than Charisma, to determine
their Leadership score. At 7th level, a mentor can select the Leadership feat—
using their Intelligence modifier to determine their Leadership score—but
doing so only provides followers, never a second cohort.
Because neither the mentor nor their heir gains a familiar, they instead store
their spells in spellbooks, similar to a wizard, and must prepare their spells as
a wizard does. They otherwise learn and cast spells as normal. This does not
count as altering spellcasting for the purpose of taking archetypes.
This replaces the mentor’s familiar and the heir’s familiar and patron spells.
Inherent Magic (Su): The heir treats their mentor as if they were a patron.
When the heir reaches 2nd level, select one 1st level spell the mentor pos-
sesses, and the heir gains access to that spell as if it was a patron spell. This
can be a spell gained from the mentor’s own patron or any spell they possess
which their heir does not (including non-witch spells). Once this choice is
made, it cannot be changed, and the chosen spell can never be replaced when
the mentor gains a level. This is done for every even-numbered level beyond
2nd the heir gains, with them gaining a spell of a level equal to ½ the heir’s
witch levels.
If the heir is ever replaced, the new heir can only gain the same spells
through this ability that were chosen for the previous heir.
Note: If the mentor possesses the warweaver archetype, the heir in-
stead gains one spell at 3rd level and an additional one every 3 levels
thereafter from the mentor’s spells of a spell level equal to 1/3 the
heir’s witch levels.
Familiar Form (Sp): At 6th level, choose a type of familiar. Once this choice
is made it cannot be changed unless the mentor’s heir is replaced. The men-
tor can transform themselves into this form, acting as a temporary familiar
for their heir for 1 minute per mentor level they possess. This duration can be
split up, but must be used in 1-minute increments. They cannot choose a fa-
miliar from the Improved Familiar list unless the heir possesses the Improved
Familiar feat and meets the requirements to take that type of familiar.
While in this form, the mentor effectively is their heir’s familiar, except it
remains a PC under the player’s full control, uses the mentor’s mental scores,
and benefits from all items they had equipped. These items meld into their
form, allowing them to benefit even if they normally could not use such
items in the chosen form, but they cannot access any activated abilities such
items possess, and are not treated as wielding any weapons they were wielding
outside their familiar form. If the mentor ever falls unconscious while in this
form, the duration of this ability immediately ends.
This is considered a polymorph effect, but ignores any immunity to poly-
morph effects the mentor possesses.
This replaces the 6th level hex.
Patron Form (Su): At 20th level, the mentor can choose to perform a ritual
to ascend to patronhood, effectively giving up their mortal life in the process.
This process takes 8 hours and requires 50,000 gp in materials and the partic-
ipation of the mentor’s heir. When they complete this ritual, their heir gains
a permanent familiar of the same type as that chosen for the mentor’s familiar
form ability (transferring all spells from their spellbook to the familiar in the
process) and treats the mentor as their patron for all purposes (continuing to
learn patron spells as per the inherent magic ability). If the heir wills it, they
can become a conduit for the mentor’s soul, allowing them to become a PC
under the mentor’s player’s control. The exact nature of the ritual, as well as
how the player comes to control the heir as a PC, can vary depending on the
patron, and is up to the GM and player to determine.
This replaces the 20th level hex.
Polytheistic Witch
While most witches serve a single patron, there are those that instead serve a
pantheon. Polytheistic witches split their magical focus as well, sacrificing a
considerable amount of versatility for more skill in the manipulation of cer-
tain schools of magic, namely the psychic magic usable by the occultist class
type of psychic magicians, who focus their power through special, psychical-
ly-powered implements.
Spells: The polytheistic witch casts spells drawn from the witch spell list,
limited by the implement groups they know. They treat these spells as psychic
rather than arcane and can cast any spell they know without needing to pre-
pare it, but each spell the polytheistic witch knows has an implement com-
ponent. They gain the spells per day of a sorcerer of their polytheistic witch
level. A spell is not considered to be on the polytheistic witch’s spell list unless
they have learned it through an implement school or their patron.
The polytheistic witch’s selection of spells is limited. For each implement
school they learn to use, they can add one spell of each level they can cast to
their list of spells known, chosen from those from that school in the witch’s
spell list. If they select the same implement school multiple times, they add
one spell of each level from that school for each time they have selected that
school. When the polytheistic witch learns to cast a new level of spells, they
immediately add one spell of that level to their list of spells known from each
implement school they know (plus any extra spells from schools they have
selected multiple times).
At every even-numbered level, the polytheistic witch can choose to learn a
new spell in place of one they already know, effectively replacing that spell.
The new spell must be the same as that of the spell being replaced, and it
must be one level lower than the highest level of spell they can know. They
can only switch one spell out this way at any given level, and must do so at
the same time they gain new spells.
This alters spellcasting.
Implements (Su): At 1st level, the polytheistic witch learns to use one imple-
ment school, and at 6th, 12th, and 18th levels, they learn the use of one addi-
tional implement school. This ability otherwise functions as the occultist class
Patron Pantheon: At 1st level, the polytheistic witch selects a patron, learn-
ing the spell that would ordinarily be added to their spell list at 2nd level
plus any one cantrip from the witch spell list. They gain an additional patron
and cantrip at 2nd, 9th, and 15th levels, but cannot select the same patron
more than once (these patrons usually are of related themes, but this is not
always the case). They gain spells from these patrons in the same manner as
from their implements, but spells gained from their patrons are cast as arcane
spells rather than psychic. A polytheistic witch’s familiar can never be a patron
This replaces patrons.
Mental Focus (Su): This ability functions as the occultist class feature of the
same name, using the polytheistic witch’s levels in place of occultist levels. In
addition, the polytheistic witch can invest points of mental focus into their
patrons. For each 2 points of mental focus invested into a patron, they in-
crease the caster levels of its associated spells by 1, up to a maximum of 1 per
4 polytheistic witch levels they possess.
This replaces the 1st level hex.
Focus Powers (Su): At 1st level, a polytheistic witch learns the base focus
power from their implement school. Whenever the polytheistic witch learns a
new implement school, they gain the base power of that school. In addition,
whenever the polytheistic witch would gain a hex, they can instead choose to
learn a new focus power from the options granted by all implement schools
they know. They use their polytheistic witch levels in place of occultist levels
to determine the DCs and effects of their focus powers.
As a standard action, the polytheistic witch can expend 1 point of mental
focus from a patron to grant their familiar its patron powers for 1 minute,
as if it was a patron familiar. The familiar can only be granted access to one
patron familiar power at a time; if this ability is used before the duration runs
out, the duration of its previous use immediately ends.
This alters hexes.
Most witches see their familiars as an ally, a companion, even a gift. There are
those, however, who instead only see the creature as another means to an end,
and would happily drain its essence dry if it means obtaining greater power.
Though the sanguisuge may seem a cruel and unfavorable master to serve,
their familiars are fully aware of their status as a living battery for their mas-
ter’s magic, gladly accepting whatever fate awaits them if it is to better serve
the sanguisuge and their patron.
Familiar Burn (Su): At 1st level, the sanguisuge’s familiar gains the kineti-
cist’s burn class feature, except that the familiar sustains lethal damage rather
than nonlethal, and there is no maximum amount of burn it can accept this
way. Because the familiar knows its role when it is bestowed to its master, it
resists other roles that would be given to it, and thus cannot take an arche-
This alters familiars.
Corpulent Familiar (Ex): At 1st level, the sanguisuge’s familiar adapts to
being a living battery for its master’s abilities by becoming tougher, gaining
an additional hit point per level its master possesses. It appears as an obese
representative of its species, covered in rolls of fat and thick pulsing veins, but
this appearance does not affect its abilities or size category in any way.
This replaces the familiar’s alertness ability.
Lifeblood (Ex): The sanguisuge’s sympathetic bond with their familiar causes
them to become resistant to the pain they cause to them. At 1st level they
gain Toughness as a bonus feat.
This replaces the 1st level witch hex.
Patron Exploits (Sp or Su): A sanguisuge can use their familiar’s blood or
life force to perform unusual arcane tricks. At 2nd level, they select an arcane
exploit, treating their sanguisuge level as their arcanist level and using their
Intelligence modifier in place of their Charisma modifier for this purpose. At
4th level and every 2 levels thereafter, the sanguisuge can choose to learn an
arcane exploit this way instead of gaining a hex. At 12th level they can select
greater exploits as well. They cannot select the following exploits: arcane dis-
covery, bloodline development, consume magic items, counter drain, familiar,
greater metamagic knowledge, item crafting, metamagic knowledge, potent
magic, resistance drain, school understanding, siphon spell, or swift consume.
Additional arcane exploits may be excluded at GM discretion.
Rather than gaining an arcane reservoir, the sanguisuge forces their famil-
iar to accept a number of points of burn equal to the number of points they
would normally spend from their arcane reservoir. If doing so would kill their
familiar, they add 4 to their effective arcanist level to determine the arcane ex-
ploit’s effect. The sanguisuge’s familiar must be conscious and within 60 ft. of
its master to be forced to accept burn this way. An arcane exploit used in this
manner uses the familiar as its point of origin instead of the sanguisuge unless
the familiar and its master share a space, and an arcane exploit that specifi-
cally affects the user instead affects both the sanguisuge and their familiar
This replaces the 2nd level witch hex and alters hexes.
Sightless Seer
An expert at divination, the sightless seer has given up their ability to see with
their eyes, granting them an altogether different kind of sight that transcends
what the sighted are capable of. Many are hermits of the wild spaces of
Porphyra, communing with the heartbeat of the Patchwork Planet with their
sentient matoyasite crystals, so similar to porphyrite.
Spells: The sightless seer adds all divination spells from the wizard spell list
to their spell list, but also removes all conjuration (summoning) spells from
their spell list. This does not affect conjuration (summoning) spells learned
through a patron, trait, or feat.
This alters spellcasting.
Crystal Familiar: The sightless seer must select a matoyasite crystal (see New
Familiars) as their familiar. They benefit from its beyond sight ability as if
touching it so long as it remains within 5 ft. per 3 witch levels they possess
(up to 30 ft. at 18th level), and any vision-based senses gained through the
familiar this way use its perspective rather than their own. They can always
sense if a creature is touching their matoyasite crystal, although this does not
allow them to see the creature if their matoyasite crystal is outside the range
of its beyond sight ability.
This alters familiars.
Blinded Seer (Su): The sightless seer is permanently blind; they lose all sight-
based senses and vulnerabilities and cannot gain sight or sight-based senses
or vulnerabilities through any means besides their matoyasite crystal’s beyond
sight ability.
See the Unseeable (Su): At 2nd level, the sightless seer learns the scrying
sight hex as a bonus hex and gains Spell Focus (divination) as a bonus feat. If
they already possess Spell Focus (divination) they instead gain Greater Spell
Focus (divination) as a bonus feat.
At 6th level, they learn the major scrying sight hex (though they cannot
otherwise learn major hexes until they normally would be allowed). In addi-
tion, they suffer reduced penalties from their blindness; they no longer lose
their Dexterity bonus to AC against anything they’ve detected through a hex
or spell in the last round, only suffer a -1 penalty to AC and a -2 penalty
to Strength and Dexterity-based skill checks and opposed Perception skill
checks, and treat opponents as having partial concealment rather than total
At 14th level they learn the grand scrying sight hex (though they cannot
otherwise learn grand hexes until they normally would be allowed). In addi-
tion, they suffer greatly reduced penalties from their blindness: creatures they
have not detected through a hex or spell in the last round are treated as hav-
ing only partial concealment, and they must succeed at a DC 10 Acrobatics
check when moving faster than their base speed (rather than half their base
speed) to not fall prone.
If they are ever able to see themselves through a vision-based sense gained
through their matoyasite crystal’s beyond sight ability, they completely ignore
any effects of blindness (including the reduced penalties described above).
This replaces the 2nd, 6th, and 14th level hexes.
Few and far between are the witches that put more focus on their physical
prowess than their mystical powers. What the warweaver combines the two,
sacrificing some of their magical ability in order to supplement their martial
skills. Certain orders of warweaver witches are the personal bodyguard of the
Sisters of Black Glass among the hobgoblin tribes of Parl Pardesh and Kesh.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The warweaver is proficient in all simple
weapons, as well as one light or one-handed martial or exotic melee weapon
of their choice. They are proficient in light armor and bucklers, but still suffer
a chance for their arcane spells with somatic components to fail as normal.
This alters the witch’s weapon and armor proficiency.
Base Attack Bonus and Saves: The warweaver’s base attack bonus is equal to
¾ their level. Their Reflex save is equal to 2+½ their level, and their Will save
is equal to ⅓ their level.
This alters the witch’s base attack bonus and saves.
Spells: The warweaver receives spells per day as a magus of their warweaver
level. Their highest level of spells is 6th; they remove witch spells 7th level
and above from their spell list, and they cannot use spell completion or spell
trigger magic items of witch spells of 7th level or higher without making a
successful Use Magic Device check.
The warweaver learns spells from their patron at a delayed pace. The spell
that would normally be learned at 2nd level is instead learned at 3rd, and
subsequent patron spells are gained at 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th levels
(rather than at 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th). The warweaver never learns the
patron spells normally learned at 14th, 16th, or 18th levels. This archetype
stacks with those that alter patrons, but not with those that replace them.
This alters spellcasting and patrons.
Might of the Mind (Su): At 1st level, the warweaver selects one light or
one-handed melee weapon with which they are proficient and which qualifies
for Weapon Finesse. If an ability, effect, or feat would replace their Strength
modifier with their Dexterity modifier for attack or damage rolls, they can
choose to have their Intelligence modifier replace it instead while using the
chosen weapon.
Although they have a reputation for being malevolent worshipers of chaos
and evil, witches often act against this trope, being forces of goodness. None
embody this philosophy more so than the whitelighters who aided Deist
forces during the NewGods War, and as such avoided much of the persecu-
tion that followed witches in years to follow.
Benevolence: Whitelighters follow a mindset of pacifism and kindness to
one’s fellow. They cannot be of any Evil alignment, nor can they be Chaotic
Neutral. A whitelighter who becomes one of these banned alignments loses
all witch class features and must seek atonement to gain them back.
White Magic: Due to the whitelighter’s philosophy, they use a more limited
selection of spells compared to many other witches. They remove all nec-
romancy spells and spells with the death or evil descriptors from their spell
list, and they exude an aura of good as a cleric of their whitelighter level. In
addition, they cannot target any creature with a spell or a spell-like or super-
natural ability, nor can they include it in the area of such an ability, unless
they take a swift action to formally ask for and receive that creature’s permis-
sion, even if the effect is harmless; this also includes the use of spell trigger
and spell completion items. The whitelighter does not need to ask permission
to cast spells on themselves, their familiar, any object or creature without an
Intelligence score, or any creature of animal intelligence that takes hostile ac-
tion against the whitelighter or their familiar.
The whitelighter cannot select from the following patrons: Chains, Corro-
sion, Death, Decadence, Enchantment, Entropy, Filth, Insanity, Nightmares,
Occult, Revelry, Revenge, Screams, and Vengeance. Other patrons may
be excluded at the GM’s discretion. If they would normally learn a patron
spell from the necromancy school or with the death or evil descriptors, they
instead learn a single bonus spell from their spell list of a level no greater than
that spell’s level. This archetype can stack with others which alter patrons so
long as it is not forced to take one of these banned patron (it does not, how-
ever, stack with archetypes that replace patrons).
The whitelighter cannot select the following hexes: agony, blight, cook
people, death curse, delicious fright, dire prophecy, forced reincarnation,
hoarfrost, infected wounds, pain, poison steep, major pain, scar, steal breath.
This alters spellcasting, hexes, and patrons.
Chosen Charge (Su): Once per day, a whitelighter can have a willing indi-
vidual participate in a ritual which takes 10 minutes to have them become
a chosen charge indefinitely. The whitelighter can target their chosen charge
with spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities, as well as include
them in the areas of such abilities, without needing to first ask for permission
(as per the white magic class feature). A whitelighter’s caster level is treated as
1 higher to determine their spells’ and abilities’ effects on their chosen charge;
this increases by an additional 1 caster level per 5 whitelighter levels they pos-
sess (up to 5 additional caster levels at 20th level). At 1st level a whitelighter
can only have one chosen charge at a time; this increases to two at 8th level,
and three at 16th level. The whitelighter or their chosen charge can give up
this connection as a free action; if they do, they cannot become a chosen
charge again for 24 hours. If a chosen charge dies, they remain the whitelight-
er’s chosen charge for 1 week before the whitelighter is allowed to break this
bond themselves, allowing them to take a new chosen charge to replace them.
A chosen charge can transfer their chosen charge status to any creature as a
swift action for 24 hours, allowing the whitelighter to treat that creature as if
it was a chosen charge. This requires that the whitelighter has witnessed the
creature taking hostile action against the chosen charge within the last min-
ute, and a creature that transfers their chosen charge status this way ceases to
be a chosen charge.
This replaces the 1st level hex.
Healing Hexes (Sp): At 2nd level, the whitelighter gains the healing hex.
Whenever they use this hex on one of their chosen charges, treat it as if af-
fected by celestial healing as well.
At 10th level, the whitelighter gains the major healing hex. Whenever they
use this hex on one of their chosen charges, treat it as if affected by greater
celestial healing as well.
At 18th level, the whitelighter gains the life giver hex. Whenever they use
this hex on one of their chosen charges, it does not gain any negative levels
nor does it take Constitution damage from this hex. In addition, they can use
it any number of times per day, but a creature cannot be affected by it more
than once every 24 hours, whether it is one of their chosen charges or not.
This replaces the hexes gained at 2nd, 10th, and 18th levels.
Wood Witch
Often mistaken for druids, wood witches are no wardens of the forest. Rath-
er, they are able to bend and twist plant life to their liking with no real regard
toward the balance of nature. This arcane manipulation earns them the ire of
some who protect the woodlands, but others see them as simply serving the
forest deities in a more aggressive manner, perhaps even being heralds of the
ancient, elemental world before The Calling.
Spells: Wood witches use spells from the druid spell list rather than the witch
spell list, treating all druid spells as arcane. They still learn and prepare spells
as normal for witches, and use their Intelligence modifier in place of their
Wisdom modifier to determine these spells’ DCs and effects.
This alters spellcasting.
Green Patron: The wood witch can only select from Plant and Thorns pa-
trons. Their familiar appears as if it is partially plant matter (such as having
flowers sprouting from its body, being covered in moss, or being wrapped
in vines). As a supernatural ability, the wood witch’s familiar can affect plant
creatures with touch spells delivered by them through their master as if those
creatures were animals or magical beasts. Wood witches learn their patron
spells one level later than normal. This archetype stacks with those that alter
patrons so long as they allow the Plant or Thorns patrons to be taken.
Wood witches are treated as druids for the purpose of the Shade of the
Woodlands feat.
This alters patron spells and familiars.
Offensive Foliage (Sp): At 2nd level, the wood witch gains wood blast (as
per the kineticists’ kinetic blast ability), and at 10th level, the wood witch
gains autumn, spring, summer, and winter blasts. Instead of paying a burn
cost, they must prepare these blasts as if they were spells; wood blast is treated
as a 0th level conjuration (creation) spell for this purpose and deals damage
as if used by a 1st level kineticist, and autumn, spring, summer, and winter
blasts are treated as 4th level conjuration (creation) spells with the earth, air,
fire, and cold descriptors respectively for this purpose, and deal damage as if
used by a kineticist of half the level of spell slot in which they are prepared.
Wood witches can never apply infusions to a blast prepared in this way, but
can use metamagic feats with them as if they were spells.
A wood witch who possesses the Shade of the Woodlands feat does not gain
summer blast.
This replaces the 2nd and 10th level hexes.
Blessing of the Wood: At 4th level, the wood witch gains the Plant domain
(or a subdomain thereof), treating themselves as a cleric of their level -3 and
using their Intelligence modifier in place of their Wisdom modifier to deter-
mine when they gain granted powers and any effects of these granted powers.
They add the spells gained from this domain to their spell list, but do not
automatically learn these spells as they do patron spells and do not gain ad-
ditional spell slots in which they can prepare domain spells as a cleric would.
This replaces the 4th and 14th level hexes.
Familiar Archetypes
The following archetypes represent ways in which Porphyran witches’ famil-
iars fulfill their duty to their masters and patrons:
Some familiars are much more adept at delivering spells to enemies than oth-
ers, though they sacrifice the ability to fully benefit from their masters’ magic
to do so.
Deliver Spells (Su): The familiar gains the ability to deliver touch spells at
1st level rather than 3rd. In addition, at 3rd level, it can also deliver spells
which require a ranged touch attack, and at 7th level it can deliver spells with
a cone, emanation, or line area of effect. The familiar does not need to be in
contact with its master to deliver these spells; instead, it must be within 5 ft.
per level its master possesses when its master casts the spell.
This alters the ability to deliver touch spells and replaces alertness, share
spells, and the ability to speak with animals of its kind. This archetype is only
available to familiars belonging to a magus or witch.
More nefarious individuals teach their familiars to snatch others up and take
the hapless victims to secret locations.
Improved Grapple (Ex): The familiar gains Improved Grapple as a bonus
feat. While it is within arm’s reach of its master, it grants this feat to them as a
bonus feat as well.
This replaces alertness.
Spirit Away (Su): If the familiar is grappling a creature, it can attempt to de-
liver a conjuration (teleportation) spell as part of maintaining a grapple. If it
succeeds, the grappled creature is treated as if willing to determine the spell’s
effect. Any damage the familiar delivers through a touch spell is nonlethal,
regardless of the type of damage normally dealt.
This replaces the ability to speak with animals of its kind and alters the abil-
ity to deliver touch spells.
The messenger is sent by its master as their personal emissary, delivering mes-
sages and packages on their behalf.
Speakerbox (Su): At 1st level, the familiar gains a one-way telepathic bond
with its master. The master can speak through it for one minute per level per
day; this can be divided into one-minute increments. This speech manifests as
a disembodied voice. At 5th level, the master can also listen to replies, effec-
tively holding conversations through the familiar. While this is occurring, the
familiar is unable to perform any actions besides moving. This ability can be
used no matter the distance between the master and familiar, so long as both
are on the same plane.
This replaces empathic bond and the ability to speak with animals of its
Deliver Touch Spells (Su): Once per day, the familiar can be designated as
a “toucher” of a touch spell even if it is not in contact with its master. This
increases the casting time of such a spell to 1 full round if it is normally less.
This ability can be used an additional time per day at 7th level and every 4
levels beyond 7th (maximum 5 times per day at 19th level).
This alters the ability to deliver touch spells and replaces share spells.
Patrons of Porphyra
Below are several ideals and themes to which a witch of Porphyra and their
patron could prescribe, including the spells gained and the powers a familiar
might gain if its master takes the patron familiar option. Desert patrons are
common in the south, Chains in Pardesh and with followers of Kamus, Filth
in the swamps of Avandrool, Glass in the Glass Sea among the Ashyimites,
and various elemental foci in areas where Elementalism holds sway.
Note: All spells listed are treated as being at a spell level equal to half
the level at which they are listed as being learned. For example, a
witch with the Desert patron treats shifting sand as a 2nd level spell,
despite other spellcasters that can learn it treating it as 3rd level.
Spells: 2nd—alter winds, 4th—gusting sphere, 6th—wind wall, 8th—hur-
ricane blast, 10th—calm air, 12th—path of the winds, 14th—wind walk,
16th—whirlwind, 18th—winds of vengeance
Patron Familiar Ability
Air—Huff and Puff (Sp): The familiar can cast alter winds as a spell-like
ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + 1 per 5 witch levels its master
possesses. At 10th level it can consume 3 uses of this ability to instead cast
gentle breeze as a spell-like ability, and at 20th level it can consume 5 uses to
instead cast gust of wind as a spell-like ability.
Spells: 2nd—quintessence, 4th—eagle’s splendor, 6th—air of authority, 8th—
true form, 10th—seeming, 12th—mass eagle’s splendor, 14th—veil, 16th—sim-
ulacrum, 18th—overwhelming presence
Patron Familiar Ability
Beauty—Silverback (Su): The familiar gains a minimum Charisma score
of 6. This score increases by 1 point at 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter
(at the same rate as its Intelligence score).
Spells: 2nd—barbed chains, 4th—shackle, 6th—chain of perdition, 8th—
shadow barbs, 10th—incorporeal chains, 12th—leashed shackles, 14th—chains
of fire, 16th—binding (chaining or bound slumber only), 18th—imprison-
Patron Familiar Ability
Chains—Protective Chains (Su): The familiar’s body is wrapped in chains,
gaining a +1 enhancement bonus to its natural armor bonus. This enhance-
ment bonus increases by +1 per 5 witch levels its master possesses.
Spells: 2nd—corrosive touch, 4th—acid arrow, 6th—touch injection, 8th—vit-
riolic mist, 10th—corrosive consumption, 12th—acid fog, 14th—caustic erup-
tion, 16th—transmute blood to acid, 18th—scourge of the horsemen
Patron Familiar Ability
Corrosion—Acidic Touch (Su): The familiar gains acid resistance 5. When
it delivers a touch spell that deals damage, it deals an additional amount of
acid damage equal to twice the spell’s level; if the spell has the acid descriptor,
increase this to three times the spell’s level.
Spells: 2nd—endure elements, 4th—shifting sand, 6th—sand whirlwind,
8th—earth glide, 10th—greater sand whirlwind, 12th—oasis, 14th—scouring
winds, 16th—sunburst, 18th—canopic conversion
Patron Familiar Ability
Desert—Sandwalker (Su): The familiar has adapted to desert life; it does
not suffer penalties to its speed or to Acrobatics or Stealth checks when mov-
ing in desert or sandy terrain, and ignores the effects of hot climates as if
under the effects of endure elements. Familiars that normally cannot survive
out of water gain the water dependency universal monster ability, and fa-
miliars that already normally possesses this ability instead replace it with the
amphibious universal monster ability.
Spells: 2nd—advanced scurvy, 4th—ghoul touch, 6th—fungal infestation,
8th—vomit twin, 10th—bloatbomb, 12th—conjure black pudding, 14th—
flesh to ooze, 16th—blood mist, 18th—energy drain
Patron Familiar Ability
Filth—Rapid Infection (Su): Diseases delivered by the familiar (including
those delivered as touch attacks from spells cast by their master) have their
onset time reduced by 1 day at 1st level, 2 days at 10th level, and 3 days at
20th level. If this would reduce the onset time to 0 or fewer days, it instead
becomes instant.
Spells: 2nd—magic missile, 4th—cushioning bands, 6th—battering blast,
8th—forceful strike, 10th—wall of force, 12th—forceful hand, 14th—forcecage,
16th—telekinetic sphere, 18th—mage’s magnificent enclosure
Patron Familiar Ability
Force—Shared Force (Su): Whenever the witch is under the effects of a
beneficial abjuration or conjuration (creation) spell with the force descriptor,
their familiar receives the same effects.
Spells: 2nd—mirror hideaway, 4th—shatter, 6th—diamond spray, 8th—
obsidian flow, 10th—etheric shards, 12th—cold ice strike (earth descriptor
instead of cold, piercing and slashing damage instead of cold), 14th—form
of the exotic dragon I (crystal dragon only), 16th—form of the exotic dragon II
(crystal dragon only), 18th—form of the exotic dragon III (crystal dragon only)
Patron Familiar Ability
Glass—Crystal Shell (Su): The familiar gains DR 2/bludgeoning and
vulnerability to bludgeoning. This DR increases by 2 at 3rd level and every 2
levels thereafter (maximum DR 20/bludgeoning at 19th level) and does not
stack with other forms of damage resistance.
Spells: 2nd—rite of centered mind, 4th—fox’s cunning, 6th—synesthesia, 8th—
mnemonic enhancer, 10th—awaken, 12th—mass fox’s cunning, 14th—mass
synesthesia, 16th—awaken construct, 18th—divide mind
Patron Familiar Ability
Intellect—Free Speech (Su): Choose one language the witch knows. Their
familiar can speak, read, and understand this language, even if it does not
have the anatomy to speak. It can also write in this language, although it
must possess the proper anatomy to be able to do so.
Spells: 2nd—peace bond, 4th—touch of mercy, 6th—sacred bond, 8th—abso-
lution, 10th—hymn of mercy, 12th—atonement, 14th—serenity, 16th—hymn
of peace, 18th—freedom
Patron Familiar Ability
Mercy—Restorative Touch (Sp): Once per day, the familiar can use cure
light wounds on its master as a spell-like ability using the witch’s caster level.
At 10th level it instead uses cure moderate wounds, and at 20th it instead uses
cure serious wounds.
Spells: 2nd—enhance water, 4th—shamefully overdressed, 6th—create drug,
8th—bountiful banquet, 10th—freedom’s toast, 12th—joyful rapture, 14th—
heroes’ feast, 16th—euphoric tranquility, 18th—freedom
Patron Familiar Ability
Revelry—Party Animal (Sp): The familiar can imbibe alcoholic beverages
relatively safely, experiencing the same effects as a typical Medium humanoid
would, regardless of its actual species. In addition, it can inspire courage in its
master and allies as the inspire courage bardic performance, using the witch’s
caster levels as bard levels for this purpose. It cannot take any other actions
while using this ability.
Spells: 2nd—ear-piercing scream, 4th—sonic scream, 6th—screaming flames,
8th—shout, 10th—wall of sound, 12th—ki shout, 14th—greater shout, 16th—
wail of the banshee, 18th—magnifying chime
Patron Familiar Ability
Screams—Familiar Resonance (Su): Once per day, when the witch casts
a spell with the language-dependent or sonic descriptors, they can cause the
sounds produced by it to come from their familiar instead of themselves
(treating it as the spell’s point of origin). To do this their familiar must possess
the share spells and deliver touch spells abilities and be within 60 ft. of the
witch. This increases to twice per day at 8th, and three times per day at 16th.
Spells: 2nd—hold portal, 4th—campfire wall, 6th—shadowy haven, 8th—se-
cure shelter, 10th—locate gate, 12th—getaway, 14th—mage’s magnificent man-
sion, 16th—secret vault, 18th—resplendent mansion
Patron Familiar Ability
Shelter—Security System (Sp): Once per day, the familiar can use alarm
as a spell-like ability using its master’s caster level, but only as an audible
alarm. When triggered, the sound of the alarm is emitted from the familiar.
New Familiars
These creatures were first trained as familiars by Porphyran witches, though
some can be taken by other classes as well:
Hoop Snake
The serpent doesn’t appear to be anything special, aside from the spine at the tip
of its tail. And the fact that it’s bitten said tail and is tumbling your way like a
runaway wheel of brie.
Hoop Snake (CR 1/4; XP 100)
N Tiny animal
Init +3; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +9
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 12
(+3 Dex, +2 size)
hp 3 (1d8-1)
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +1
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
Melee bite +3 (1d3-3), sting +3 (1d2-3 plus poison)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks poison
Str 4, Dex 16, Con 8, Int 1, Wis 13, Cha 2
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 8 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Climb +11, Perception +9, Stealth +15, Swim +11; Racial Modifiers
+4 Perception, +4 Stealth
Environment desert, forest, hills, plains
Organization solitary
Treasure none
Special Abilities
Familiar (Ex) The master of a hoop snake familiar gains a +4 bonus to saves
against poisons.
Poison (Ex) Sting-injury; save Fort DC 9; frequency 1/round for 2 rounds;
effects 1d4 Con drain; cure 1 save
Rolling Charge (Ex) When a hoop snake charges a target with its sting, it
receives a +20 ft. circumstance bonus to its base speed.
A distant relative of the viper, the hoop snake features a bladed tail steeped
in a deadly venom. It is known to chase after prey by gripping its tail in its
mouth, curling its body up like a wheel, and rolling toward the target before
bringing its venomous sting down at the last moment. While its venom is
incredibly deadly, there is little to the rumors that it can instantly kill.
Hoop snakes have proven to be a nuisance, but not much more dan-
gerous than other venomous snakes. They came to Porphyra along with
Morah’Silvanath, where they make their homes under the giant fungi of the
Shadelands. Colothorians who possess more skill refining snake venom than
the toxic flesh and spores of the local fungi practice by milking hoop snake
Matoyasite Crystal
A chunk of the glassy substance along the caverns’ walls suddenly rips itself free,
floating toward you as if curious to your intent.
Matoyasite Crystal (CR 1/2; XP 200)
N Tiny construct
Init +0; Senses blindsight 60 ft.; Perception +7
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 12
(+2 size)
hp 5 (1d10)
Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +3
Immunities construct traits
Vulnerabilities bludgeoning
Speed fly 30 ft. (average)
Melee slam +1 (1d3-2)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks sightsteal
Str 6, Dex 11, Con —, Int 6, Wis 17, Cha 2
Base Atk +1; CMB -1; CMD 6 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Fly +8, Perception +7
SQ beyond sight
Environment mountains, ruins, underground, urban
Organization solitary, pair, or cluster (3-24)
Treasure none or 60-200 gp worth of matoyasite
Special Abilities
Beyond Sight (Sp and Su): Any creature touching a matoyasite crystal gains
access to all of its senses as if they possessed them. Once per day, the matoyas-
ite crystal can grant a creature touching it a vision of the world as if viewing a
map for 1 minute; this duration ends early if the creature ever stops touching
the matoyasite crystal.
Familiar (Ex): The master of a matoyasite crystal familiar receives a +2 bonus
to DCs of divination spells they cast.
Sightsteal (Sp): As a standard action, a matoyasite crystal can attempt to
permanently blind a creature. They must succeed a Will save with DC equal
to 15 + the matoyasite crystal’s Intelligence modifier or suffer permanent
blindness. Regardless of success, a creature targeted with this effect cannot be
targeted again for 24 hours. This ability can only affect one creature at a time;
if the matoyasite crystal successfully blinds another creature with this ability,
the previous creature’s blindness is cured instantly.
Matoyasite is a mineral especially suited to fortunetelling, but in some in-
stances it becomes ensouled, obtaining a will of its own and a rudimentary
amount of intelligence. Whether a property of the crystal or of the spirits
possessing it, it is known to cause blindness in those who misuse it. Most
matoyasite crystals that have become ensouled are formerly or currently used
for divination, and are smooth polished orbs that vary from complete trans-
lucence to seeming to contain a dancing fog. Raw, unprocessed matoyasite
crystal that has been ensouled is much rarer, but it does exist, which leads
some to believe it is truly a life form all its own.
Only wizards of the divination school can select a matoyasite crystal as a fa-
miliar; a witch that selects a matoyasite crystal as a familiar must have at least
1 divination spell per castable level as part of her familiar’s spell storage.
Tome of Teeth
A sickening crunch can be heard as the book you were flipping through suddenly
slams shut. In your shock, you don’t even notice the pain from losing your ring and
pinkie fingers until you see the severed digits drop from the bloodied pages that are
now framed by vicious, drooling fangs.
Tome of Teeth (CR 1/2; XP 200)
N Tiny construct
Init +3; Senses blindsense 30 ft.; Perception +1
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 10
(+3 Dex, +2 size)
hp 5 (1d10)
Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +1
Immune construct traits
Vulnerability fire
Speed fly 30 ft. (average)
Melee bite +4 (1d3-2)
Space 2 ½ ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 6, Dex 16, Con —, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 5
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 9 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Fly +11, Stealth +4
Languages as chosen (see living spellbook ability)
SQ living spellbook
Environment ruins, urban
Organization solitary, pair, or stack (3-12)
Treasure none or 1 scroll containing a random 0th or 1st level spell
Special Abilities
Familiar (Ex): The master of a tome of teeth familiar chooses any one 0th
level spell, adding it to the spell list of one class which provides them with
a familiar. If the master cannot cast 0th level spells, they can instead use the
chosen spell at will as a spell-like ability.
Living Spellbook (Ex): A tome of teeth knows one random language based
upon who constructed it. If it is a familiar, it instead knows one language
which its master also knows. It can write in this language by causing the
words to magically appear on its pages.
At first glance, a tome of teeth appears identical to a typical spellbook, usu-
ally being constructed with common paper and leather bindings. Those that
approach them without proper caution and start leafing through their pages
may quickly find themselves missing several fingers as the book’s teeth spring
out and it clamps itself shut on their hands. They are common beings to
encounter in wizards’ libraries and towers, acting as a first line of defense to
deter overly-curious rivals from learning their secrets, but adventurers seldom
learn more from them than not to go thumbing through strange books.
Some rare variants are known to be the former tomes of necromancers.
These books are composed entirely of leather - typically the cured hide of a
human, elf, or other intelligent humanoid - and have a faint stench of decay
about them despite their perfect preservation. It’s highly common for an
extra layer of leather consisting of a humanoid’s face to be gracing the cover.
These variants are undead and possess undead immunities, but still receive hit
points as a construct, and are otherwise treated identically to more common
tomes of teeth.
Only characters that can prepare 1st level arcane spells can select this famil-
iar. A character that prepares their spells using a spellbook can use this famil-
iar as their spellbook, like a witch’s spells are stored in their familiar.
Winged Monkey
The primates approach cautiously, wings tucked in tight, their unsettling crimson
eyes seeming all the brighter through the sparse foliage they’ve been hiding in.
Winged Monkey (CR 1; XP 400)
N Tiny magical beast
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +0
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 12
(+3 Dex, +2 size)
hp 5 (1d10)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +0
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (average)
Melee 2 slams +0 (1d3-3)
Space 2 ½ ft., Reach 0 ft.
Str 5, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 3, Wis 11, Cha 7
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 9
Feats Skill Focus (Fly)
Skills Fly +17
Environment forest, jungle, ruins
Organization solitary, pair, band (3-9), or troop (10-40)
Treasure none
Special Abilities
Familiar (Ex): When a winged monkey’s master uses it to deliver a touch
spell or hex, increase the DC of the spell or hex by 1.
Prehensile Tail (Ex): A winged monkey can use its tail to retrieve an unat-
tended object within its natural reach as a swift action. This does not allow it
to wield weapons or perform fine manipulations with its tail.
Initially created by Erkusaan witches to serve as exotic familiars, these unusu-
al monkeys escaped from the ones who failed to reign their unruly natures in,
found their way into the wild, and thrived. They resemble spider monkeys,
except they possess feathered wings which range in color from brilliant white
to muddy dark grey, as well as generally having red eyes (though other colors
such as brown and gold aren’t entirely uncommon). They are a good bit more
intelligent than the common monkey, though still a far cry from the level of
intellect most sentient races bear. Winged monkeys are popular familiars not
only for erkunae, but also dhosari, since the latter race sees them almost as
kindred creatures who escaped slavehood alongside them.
The following hexes were innovated by Porphyran witches, although they are
available to any witch who chooses to learn them.
Curse Transference (Sp): Choose one creature affected by a curse ef-
fect, plus any one other creature. If both targets fail their saves against this
hex, choose one curse effect on the first target and transfer it to the second.
The transferred curse effect retains the remaining duration it originally had.
Creatures can choose to willingly allow themselves to be targeted; treat such
creatures as failing their saves against this hex.
Dental Decay (Sp): Choose a creature within 30 ft. to be affected by this
hex. The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or else its teeth become loose
and brittle. Whenever the hexed creature attempts a bite attack, it suffers
an amount of nonlethal damage equal to ¼ the damage its bite dealt, and
its bite’s damage is reduced by 2 stages. If the hexed creature attempts to eat
solid food, it has a 25% chance of suffering the same effects for each minute
it continues eating (it must roll for damage as if it had made a bite attack
appropriate for its size). The effects of this hex are reversed by magical heal-
ing. Whether a creature succeeds a save against this hex or not, it cannot be
targeted by this hex more than once every 24 hours.
Jagged Smile (Su): The witch’s teeth are long, sharp, and needle-like. This
grants the witch a bite attack; this is a primary natural weapon which deals
1d3 slashing and piercing damage (1d2 for a Small witch).
Jumpy Hexer (Sp): Select one other hex the witch knows that can affect
one opponent when selecting this hex. Whenever a creature provokes an at-
tack of opportunity from the witch, the witch can attempt to use the chosen
hex on it instead of making an attack of opportunity. It must be a viable
target of the chosen hex for the witch to be able to do this.
Living Vomit (Sp): Once per day, the witch can vomit up any assortment
of vile creatures to assault their foes. Treat this as the vomit swarm spell, ex-
cept the witch can choose any ooze or vermin swarm with a CR of 1 or less.
At 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter, increase the CR of swarms the witch
can vomit with this hex by 1 (to a maximum of CR 7 at 19th level).
Pain (Sp): A witch can spread pain through those they touch. This acts as
an inflict light wounds spell using the witch’s caster level. Once a creature has
taken damage from a pain hex, it cannot be affected by it again for another
24 hours. At 5th level, this hex acts as inflict moderate wounds.
Scrying Sight (Sp): Select any one 0th or 1st-level spell with “detect” in
its name (such as detect evil or detect magic). This hex functions as that spell,
except its area is a 60 ft. radius centered on the witch, and its duration is 1
round per witch level the user possesses with no need to concentrate. This hex
can be used once per day. This hex can be taken multiple times, selecting a
new spell each time.
Songbird (Sp): Choose a creature within 30 ft. to be affected by this hex. It
must succeed a Will save or else it gains an uncontrollable compulsion to sing
whenever it vocalizes for the next 24 hours. For all skill checks made involv-
ing the hexed creature attempting to speak, it must use its ranks in Perform
(sing) in place of the skill it normally would use if its Perform (sing) ranks
are lower. Spells used by the hexed creature that have verbal components
fail unless the creature succeeds a Perform (sing) check (DC = 10 + level of
spell). Whether a creature succeeds a save against this hex or not, it cannot be
targeted by this hex more than once every 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting
compulsion effect.
Tactical Transference (Sp): When the witch uses this hex, select one feat
they possess. The target of this hex is treated as if it possessed the chosen feat
for 1 round per witch level the witch possesses while the witch is treated as if
they no longer possessed it or any other feat for which it is a prerequisite. The
target does not need to meet the prerequisites of this feat to gain its benefits.
A target cannot be affected by this hex more than once every 24 hours.
Major Hexes
The following major hexes were innovated by Porphyran witches, although
they are available to any witch who chooses to learn them.
Major Jumpy Hexer (Sp): Treat this as the jumpy hexer hex, except the
witch can also select a major hex.
Major Pain (Sp): A witch can call upon dark powers to cause terrible
injuries to form in those they touch. This acts as aninflict serious wounds spell
using the witch’s caster level. Once a creature has taken damage from a major
pain hex, it cannot be affected by it again for another 24 hours. At 15th level,
this hex acts as inflict critical wounds.
Major Scrying Sight (Su): Select any spell with “detect” in its name which
the witch has previously selected with the scrying sight hex. When using the
scrying sight hex for that spell, its area increases to a 120 ft. radius and its
duration becomes 1 minute per witch level the user possesses with no need to
concentrate. A witch must know the scrying sight hex to select this hex.
Major Tactical Transference (Su): When using the tactical transference
hex, the witch does not lose access to the chosen feat or any feat for which the
chosen feat is a prerequisite. A witch must know the tactical transference hex
to select this hex.
Vile Vomit (Sp): This functions as the living vomit hex, except the witch
can also vomit aberrations, outsiders, and undead with the swarm subtype.
The witch must know the living vomit hex to select this hex.
Wild Thing (Ex): Natural weapons granted to a witch by a hex deal dam-
age as if from a creature one size category larger. At 16th level, they deal dam-
age as if from a creature two size categories larger. The witch must know the
jagged smile, nails, or prehensile hair hex to select this hex.
Grand Hexes
The following grand hexes were innovated by Porphyran witches, although
they are available to any witch who chooses to learn them.
Grand Jumpy Hexer (Sp): Treat this as the jumpy hexer hex, except the
witch can also select a major or grand hex.
Grand Scrying Sight (Su): The spell selected for the witch’s major scrying
sight hex is constantly active and has its area increased to a 240 ft. radius. A
witch must know the major scrying sight hex to select this hex.
Steal Breath (Sp): Once per day, as a full-round action, the witch can
touch a single creature to draw its breath from its lungs, killing it instantly.
This functions as the instant suffocation spell.
The following feats were developed by witches of Porphyra, though any indi-
vidual who meets their requirements can put them to use:
Accursed Spell (Metamagic)
“I know just the trick to make sure this spell takes hold. You wouldn’t happen to
have a bit of his hair or a toenail clipping on hand, would you?”
Prerequisites: Hex class feature
Benefit: An accursed spell with the curse descriptor uses your hex’s DC rather
than the spell’s normal DC. An accursed spell uses the same level of spell slot
as the spell’s actual level. Spells without the curse descriptor are unaffected.
Conductive Strike (Combat)
“It’s a lot less of a drain on your strength when you channel your energy through
the blade like this, you see?”
Prerequisites: Arcane Strike, able to cast 2nd level arcane spells
Benefit: While wielding a weapon with the conductive quality while your
Arcane Strike is active, that weapon’s conductive quality consumes 1 use of an
ability rather than 2.
Normal: Conductive weapons consume 2 uses of a spell-like or supernatural
ability when used to deliver its effects alongside a weapon attack.
Hex Conduction (Combat)
“Yeah, I’d understand the blow knocking my teeth out if she had used a club. But
she stabbed me. In the leg...”
Prerequisites: Arcane Strike, Hex Strike, hex class feature
Benefit: While your Arcane Strike is active, you can deliver the effects of a
hex you’ve chosen for Hex Strike alongside any successful weapon attack once
per round as a free action. Doing so does not provoke an additional attack of
Hexed Spell (Metamagic)
“If there’s anything worse than getting a fireball to the face, it’s getting a fireball to
the face that puts you right to sleep.”
Prerequisites: Able to cast 2nd level spells, able to learn hexes through a class
Benefit: When you gain this feat, choose one hex you know which can affect
a single opponent. When a creature fails its save against your hexed spell, it
is subjected to the chosen hex so long as it could normally be targeted by it.
If the hexed spell affects multiple targets, choose one to be affected by the
chosen hex. A hexed spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s
actual level.
Patron-Blessed Familiar
“Huh. Ain’t never done seen a crab what could jump over my head b’fore.”
Prerequisites: Patron or spirit class feature, must possess a familiar, shaman
or witch level 3rd
Benefit: Your familiar can use the 1st-level spell granted by your patron or
spirit once per day as a spell-like ability.
Special: If you possess both the patron and spirit class features, you can only
select one to grant your familiar its 1st-level spell, and you must know the
spell to select it for this feat.
Patron-Blessed Familiar, Improved
“Silly almiraj, tricks are for- oh. Oh, so you do know some tricks. Never mind,
Prerequisites: Patron-Blessed Familiar, must possess a familiar, patron or
spirit class feature, shaman or witch level 9th
Benefit: Your familiar can use the 1st-level spell granted by your patron or
spirit three times per day as a spell-like ability. In addition, it can use the
2nd-level spell granted by your patron or spirit by expending three uses of its
1st-level spell.
Special: If you possess both the patron and spirit class features, you can only
select one to grant your familiar its 2nd-level spell, and you must know the
spell to select it for this feat.
Patron-Blessed Familiar, Greater
“Yer a hairy wizard.”
Prerequisites: Improved Patron-Blessed Familiar, must possess a familiar,
patron or spirit class feature, shaman or witch level 15th
Benefit: Your familiar can use the 1st-level spell granted by your patron
or spirit five times per day as a spell-like ability. In addition, it can use the
3rd-level spell granted by your patron or spirit by expending five uses of its
1st-level spell.
Special: If you possess both the patron and spirit class features, you can only
select one to grant your familiar its 3rd-level spell, and you must know the
spell to select it for this feat.
Ray Breath
“I’ve met some people with bad breath in my day, but never so bad it literally
makes ya bleed just smellin’ it.”
Prerequisite: Wicked Breath
Benefit: Your Wicked Breath metamagic feat can be used with spells which
require a ranged touch attack. If a spell prepared as a wicked breath spell
would normally require a ranged touch attack, it instead requires a Reflex
save; succeeding this save halves damage dealt and negates any other effects.
Wicked Breath (Metamagic)
“And you’re sure you don’t have a dragon in your family a few generations back?”
Prerequisite: Able to cast 4th level spells
Benefit: Your spell is emitted from your mouth as if it was a breath weapon.
When you select this feat, you must choose either a cone or a line; once this
choice is made, it cannot be changed. When casting a spell which normally
affects a single target, it instead affects a 30 ft. line or a 15 ft. cone, regard-
less of its original range. A wicked breath spell uses up a spell slot three levels
higher than the spell’s actual level. Touch-range spells, spells that require a
ranged touch attack, and spell which affect more than one single target are
not affected by this spell. Although the spell is emitted from your mouth, this
does not interfere with verbal components.
Special Materials
The following materials are native substances to Porphyra, and can be used in
the creation of equipment ad items both mundane and magical:
The hauntwood is exactly what one might expect from its name. Usually
found in swamps and marshland, these trees bear pale grey bark that at first
glance appears brittle, but is surprisingly firm and difficult to break off from
a healthy hauntwood. This is due to its thick adhesive sap, which hardens
into a tough, rubbery layer just underneath the bark. Their foliage is similar
to that of a willow, but is much more sparse and hair-like, often tangling into
sheets that resemble dirty linen hanging from their limbs. In spite of their
tough bark, the wood is soft and easy to cut or burrow through, making the
trees ideal homes for insect colonies, while smaller insectivores such as spiders
and toads stay in the branches and around the roots. Porphyran hauntwood is
found in Avandrool (and used extensively by the grippli there), the Mires of
Ashael, and is a brisk export from the Sowton Moors in southern Geranland.
Hauntwood is highly conductive of magical energies, particularly those
of illusion and necromancy, and is often used to form paper for spellbooks,
but is too soft to function well for weaponry or armor. Its bark, however, is a
substance quite suitable for armor and shields should large enough pieces be
pried from a tree, and is just as magically conductive as the heartwood.
Equipment crafted from hauntwood bark grant those wearing them some
nominal protection from spells from the illusion and necromancy schools,
granting a bonus on saves against such effects equal to the armor or shield’s
enhancement bonus. In addition, they provide damage reduction of 1 against
damage from illusion and necromancy effects. Witches wearing hauntwood
armor receive the added benefit of increasing the DC of their hexes by 1;
however, they must wear such armor with care, since it could still interfere
with the somatic components of their spells.
Hauntwood can be used to craft any light or medium armor or shield
that could be made of either wood or metal, but not leather or cloth, and it
cannot be used to craft weapons or heavy armor. Equipment crafted out of
hauntwood has three-quarters its normal hit points and is always masterwork
quality. Because it is wood, any equipment crafted from hauntwood is suit-
able for druids to use.
Type of Item
Item Price Modifier
Light armor
+1,500 gp
Medium armor
+4,000 gp
+500 gp
This crystalline substance is easily mistaken for common glass, and is known
by some as “sightstone” due to its unique qualities. The easiest way to tell the
difference between it and glass is to hold it to light; where glass will be more
likely to divide the light as a prism, matoyasite simply appears to absorb it,
causing cloudy whiteness to form inside it. It is a native Porphyran stone, and
is never found anywhere near porphyrite; it is, ironically, completely absent
from the mineral-rich Creeper’s Rift. It is found in significant quantities only
in Nor-du-Mag, making it difficult to obtain, but small pockets are found in
strictly Porphyran mountain ranges.
Orbs made of matoyasite, appear to be completely translucent when out-
side of direct light. False diviners have been known to use matoyasite crystals
set upon a hole in a table and cast light cantrips underneath to take advantage
of this property while telling fortunes, but those familiar with the material
will be likely to recognize the trick.
An unusual trait this substance bears - and one which makes its use by
fake fortune tellers all the more ironic - is its ability to become “ensouled.”
Far more than any other substance, an object made of matoyasite can gain
its own will and intelligence, though the process by which this occurs is still
unknown. Some speculate that it’s actually composed of countless creatures
that bond into a gem-like form when dormant, and magical energies awaken
them, while others believe sightstone is able to absorb the souls of beings
when it’s used for divination and necromancy. A few believe them to be im-
mature crystalline horrors, or the remains thereof. In addition, matoyasite
is strongly linked with sight, and can both provide and take it away from
others. Matoyasite that has not become ensouled holds the same sight-related
qualities as ensouled matoyasite does, although ensouled matoyasite is active
about using them. This material is very popular with witches - particularly
those who focus on divination magics - though spellcasters in general also
enjoy its benefits.
Matoyasite can be used to craft melee and thrown weapons which deal
slashing or piercing damage as well as arrows and crossbow bolts, being bro-
ken into sharp slivers or arrowheads much the way obsidian is, but because
it’s so fragile and is found in relatively small amounts, it’s not particularly
useful as armor, and bullets for both slings and firearms shatter harmlessly on
impact, making matoyasite useless for their construction. When one strikes
with a matoyasite weapon or ammunition, they gain a brief glimpse at the
world through the eyes of the creature they hit, granting the user an insight
bonus to AC against that creature equal to 1 + the weapon’s enhancement
bonus for 1 round. The target must succeed a Will check (DC = 15 + the
weapon’s enhancement bonus) to avoid this effect. When a weapon made of
matoyasite is sundered (whether or not it is broken or destroyed), the creature
that struck it must succeed a Will check (DC = 10 + the weapon’s enhance-
ment bonus) or be blinded for 1d4 rounds as the shattering crystal drains
away their eyesight. Witches and other spellcasters have a powerful bond with
matoyasite equipment; witches add ½ their caster levels to the DCs of effects
of matoyasite weapons, while other spellcasters add ¼ their caster levels.
Non-magical matoyasite weapons and ammunition gain the fragile qual-
ity and are always masterwork. They have half the base hit points of normal
equipment of the same type, but despite their fragility, are quite difficult to
shatter, possessing half again as much hardness if constructed properly. Weap-
ons made of matoyasite cost an additional 2,500 gp, while ammunition costs
an extra 45 gp per item (this includes the cost to make the weapons master-
Sample Character
The following sample character was built using options from this product and
other sources.
Kabal Dunedusk
“So, you cheloks plan to travel across the Glass Sea? This one doubts many two-
legged ones could make it, and you seem more ill-prepared than most. Fortuitous
for you, then, that this one is headed the same way, is it not?”
Kabal Dunedusk (CR11; XP 13,200)
Male khvostik polkan witch (insufflator) 11
NG Medium monstrous humanoid
Init +7; Senses low-light vision, Perception +12
AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 18
(+4 armor, +3 deflection, +2 Dex, +1 insight)
hp 93 (11d6+22)
Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +11
Speed 40 ft.
Melee +1 starknife +5 (1d3, 3x)
Ranged +1 starknife +9 (1d3, 3x, 20 ft.)
Special Attacks hag’s breath, hexes (cackle, evil eye[-4, 10 rounds], jumpy
hexer [evil eye], major pain, pain)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 11th; concentration +11)
Constant—endure elements
Witch Spells Prepared (CL 11th; concentration +18)
6th—reach blood boil (F-DC 23), reach wicked breath touch of slime (F-DC
5th—hold monster (W-DC 22), major curse (W-DC 23), reach wicked
breath bestow curse (W-DC 21)
4th—black tentacles, cure serious wounds, reach bestow curse (W-DC 21),
reach sands of time
3rd—reach wicked breath inflict light wounds (3) (W-DC 20), reach wicked
breath cure light wounds, sand whirlwind (2) (W-DC 20)
2nd—shifting sand (2) (R-DC 19), wicked breath mudball (2) (R-DC 18),
wicked breath ray of sickening (2) (F-DC 19)
1st—mage armor (2), nauseating dart (2) (F-DC 18), sleep (2) (W-DC 18)
0th (at will)—detect magic, read magic, resistance, touch of fatigue (F-DC 18)
Patron Desert
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 24, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +5; CMB +4; CMD 17 (+4 racial bonus vs. trip attempts)
Feats Boon Companion, Martial Weapon Proficiency (starknife), Ray Breath,
Reach Spell, Spell Focus (necromancy), Wicked Breath (cone)
Skills Acrobatics +9, Diplomacy +4, Escape Artist +9, Heal +15, Intimidate
+13, Knowledge (arcana) +14, Knowledge (nature) +14, Perception +12, Pro-
fession (farmer) +11, Sense Motive +12, Spellcraft +21, Swim +7, Use Magic
Device +14
Languages Common, Draconic, Polkan, Samsaran, Sylvan, Terran
SQ witch’s familiar (compsognathus [conduit])
Combat Gear lesser extended rod of metamagic, scroll of dimension door, wand
of cure light wounds (38 charges); Other Gear cackling hag’s blouse, cloak of
resistance +3, dusty rose prism (normal) ioun stone, headband of vast intelligence
+4, horseshoes of the Great Steppes (Dex), +1 returning matoyasite starknife+1,
ring of protection +3, ring of sustenance, spell component pouch, 1,021 gp
Faith Paletius
Homeland Lotus Blossom Steppes
A member of his father Yrimik’s stado, Kabal’s early life was spent farming
and hunting, but it was on one fateful night that he heard the call of his pa-
tron, interpreting it as the word of Paletius, in a fevered dream. Upon waking,
he found all of his crops withered, and a small saurian beast patiently sleeping
in the dried, dusty stalks. Through it, he saw visions of heat, sand, and decay,
but also the power to use such things productively. Unable to fulfill his role in
his clan, he left his home behind to search out his destiny.
This was five years ago, and he has traveled and experienced much in his
life already, having developed a gift for necromancy and learned much of the
lands beyond the Steppes. However, he has come to the conclusion that, in
order to learn where he belongs, he will need to consult those most strongly
linked to the desert.
Boon: Kabal is generally distrusting of cheloks, but also knows well enough
that he may require help to find his place in the world. He begins with an
attitude of neutral toward all PCs; all Medium two-legged races besides
dwarves receive a -2 penalty to skill checks to affect his attitude, while all
Small races receive a -4 penalty. These penalties can be overcome by dueling
with and defeating him, which immediately improves his attitude so long as
he was defeated fairly. He is particularly trusting of dhosari and other polkan
however, and those races receive a +2 circumstance bonus on skill checks to
improve his attitude toward them, increasing to +4 for other khvostik polkan.
Those who intentionally seek to harm his familiar gain his ire, and immedi-
ately reduce his attitude to unfriendly (or hostile, if he is already unfriendly
toward them).
His ultimate goal is to find information regarding any desert, and will join
individuals he is at least friendly with and who have missions within the Gha-
dab, the Deserts of Siwath, or the Wastes of Simoon. Succeeding these mis-
sions will see him finding a sense of fulfillment and purpose, and he will leave
the group at such time but also teach all individuals in the party the Polkan
language and give them his +1 returning matoyasite starknife as a parting gift.
From that point forward he will reside in a major city within the region in
which the mission took place, and can be sought for aid in further missions
within that region.
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.
1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b) “Derivative Material”
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Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary
Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Advanced Bestiary. © 2004, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author: Matthew Sernett.
Advanced Player’s Guide. Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn.
Amphisbaena from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott
Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Angel, Monadic Deva from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author:
Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Angel, Movanic Deva from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author:
Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Anger of Angels. © 2003, Sean K Reynolds.
Aurumvorax from the Tome of Horrors, Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott
Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Axe Beak from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene,
based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Bat, Mobat from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors: Scott
Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Brownie from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene,
based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Bunyip from the Tome of Horrors Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Dermot Jackson.
Carbuncle from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene,
based on original material by Albie Fiore.
Cave Fisher from the Tome of Horrors Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Lawrence Schick.
Crypt Thing from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott
Greene, based on original material by Roger Musson.
Daemon, Ceustodaemon from the Tome of Horrors, Revised © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian
Daemon, Derghodaemon from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Daemon, Guardian from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian McDowall.
Daemon, Hydrodaemon from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author:
Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Daemon, Oinodaemon from the Tome of Horrors, Revised © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary
Daemon, Piscodaemon from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author:
Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Dark Stalker from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott
Greene, based on original material by Simon Muth.
Dead Man’s Chest © 2005 Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Lance Hawvermale, Rob Mason, Robert Hunter, Patrick Goulah, Greg Ragland, Matt
McGee, Chris Bernhardt, Casey W. Christofferson, Chad Coulter, Skeeter Green, and Travis Hawvermale, with additional contributions by Erica Balsley,
Lindsey Barrentine, Jay Decker, Rachel Mason, and Nadine Oatmeyer.
Decapus from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Jean Wells.
Demodand, Tarry from the Tome of Horrors Revised © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Demon, Nabasu from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott
Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Demon, Shadow from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott
Greene, based on original material by Neville White.
Demon Lord, Baphomet from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author:
Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Demon Lord, Jubilex from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author:
Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Demon Lord, Kostchtchie from the Tome of Horrors Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by
Gary Gygax.
Demon Lord, Orcus from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author:
Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Demon Lord, Pazuzu from the Tome of Horrors Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary
Dracolisk from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene,
based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Dragon Horse from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott
Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Dragon, Faerie from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott
Greene, based on original material by Brian Jaeger and Gary Gygax.
Firefiend from the Tome of Horrors Revised © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Erica Balsley.
Flumph from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene,
based on original material by Ian McDowell and Douglas Naismith.
Forlarren from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene,
based on original material by Ian Livingstone.
Freeport Companion: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Edition © 2008, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Authors: Robert J. Schwalb; Adam Daigle; Brandon
Hodge; John E. Ling, Jr.; and Greg A. Vaughan.
Froghemoth from the Tome of Horrors Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Genie, Marid from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Giant, Wood from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors: Scott
Greene, based on original material by Wizards of the Coast.
Golem, Ice from the Tome of Horrors. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene.
Golem, Wood from the Tome of Horrors Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene and Patrick Lawinger.
Grippli from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax
Gryph from the Tome of Horrors, Revised © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Peter Brown.
Hangman Tree from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott
Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Hippocampus from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors: Scott
Greene and Erica Balsley, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Huecuva from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene,
based on original material by Underworld Oracle.
Hungry Little Monsters. Copyright 2005 Sean K Reynolds Games. Author: Sean K Reynolds.
Iron Cobra from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Philip Masters.
Kobold Quarterly, Issue 7 © 2008, Open Design LLC, www.koboldquarterly.com; Authors: John Baichtal, Wolfgang Baur, Ross Byers, Matthew Cicci,
John Flemming, Jeremy Jones, Derek Kagemann, Phillip Larwood, Richard Pett, and Stan!
Mite from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene,
based on original material by Ian Livingstone and Mark Barnes.
Mihstu from the Tome of Horrors Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Mongrelman from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott
Greene, based on original material by Roger Moore and Gary Gygax.
Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed. © 2003, Monte J. Cook.
Muckdweller from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott
Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Necrophidius from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Simon
Nereid from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene,
based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Path of the Magi. © 2002 Citizen Games/Troll Lord Games; Authors: Mike McArtor, W. Jason Peck, Jeff Quick, and Sean K Reynolds.
Pathfinder Adventure Path volume #24: The Final Wish © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Rob McCreary.
Pathfinder Adventure Path #55: The Wormwood Mutiny © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Richard Pett.
Pathfinder Adventure Path #99: Dance of the Damned © 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Richard
Pett, with Stephanie Lorée, Michael McCarthy, Alistair Rigg, F. Wesley Schneider, and Todd Stewart.
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Dungeons of Golarion. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC. Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Matthew Goodall, Brandon Hodge,
Anthony Pryor, and Mike Shel.
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Book of the Damned, Vol. 3 © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Todd Stewart.
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Gods © 2014, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Sean K Reynolds, with Amanda Hamon, James Jacobs, John Ling,
Mark Moreland, David N. Ross, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber E. Scott, Tork Shaw, James L. Sutter, Jerome Virnich.
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jesse Benner, Jason Nelson, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C.
Stephens, Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Races © 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Ross Byers, John Compton, Adam Daigle, Crystal Frasier, Matthew Goodall,
Alex Greenshields, James Jacobs,
Amanda Hamon Kunz, Ron Lundeen, Rob McCreary, Jessica Price, David N. Ross, Owen K.C. Stephens, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, and Jerome
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Keith Baker, Wolfgang Baur, Clinton J. Boomer,
Jason Bulmahn, Joshua J. Frost, Ed Greenwood, Stephen S. Greer, Jeff Grubb, James Jacobs, Michael Kortes, Tito Leati, Mike McArtor, Rob McCreary,
Erik Mona, Jason Eric Nelson, Jeff Quick, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Leandra Christine Schneider, David Schwartz, Amber E. Scott, Stan!,
Owen K.C. Stephens, Todd Stewart, James L. Sutter, Greg A. Vaughan, Jeremy Walker, and JD Wiker.
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Path of the Hellknight © 2016, Paizo Inc.; Author: F. Wesley Schneider.
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Rival Guide. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC. Authors: Brian Cortijo, Adam Daigle, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, Colin
McComb, Jason Nelson, Amber Scott, Neil Spicer, and Todd Stewart.
Pathfinder Chronicles: Dark Markets, A Guide to Katapesh. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Stephen S. Greer, Amber Scott, Greg A.
Vaughan, and Sean K Reynolds.
Pathfinder Chronicles: Dungeon Denizens Revisited. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Clinton Boomer, Jason Bulmahn, Joshua J. Frost,
Nicolas Logue, Robert McCreary, Jason Nelson, Richard Pett, Sean K Reynolds, James L. Sutter, and Greg A. Vaughan.
Pathfinder Chronicles: Faction Guide. Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Crystal Frasier, Joshua J. Frost, Hal Maclean, Tim Hitchcock,
Jonathan H. Keith, Michael Kortes, Jason Nelson, Jeff Quick, Christopher Self, Sean K Reynolds, and Todd Stewart
Pathfinder Companion: Taldor, Echoes of Glory. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Joshua J. Frost.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Arcane Anthology © 2016, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Alexander Augunas, Steven T. Helt, and David N. Ross.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Champions of Balance © 2014, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Matt
Goodall, Ron Lundeen, Philip Minchin, Patrick Renie, Jason Ridler, and David Schwartz.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Champions of Purity © 2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jessica Blomstrom, Adam Daigle, Shaun Hocking, Daniel
Marthaler, Tork Shaw, and Christina Stiles.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Cohorts and Companions © 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Brian Duckwitz,
Philip Minchin, and Jason Nelson.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Divine Anthology © 2016, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Alexander Augunas, Russ Brown, John Compton, Alex Riggs, and David
Pathfinder Player Companion: Familiar Folio © 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Will McCardell, Philip Minchin,
Mark Seifter, and Jerome Virnich.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of the Street © 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John Compton, Mikko Kallio, Nicolas Logue, Michael McCarthy, Mike
Myler, and David N. Ross.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of the Wild © 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Tyler Beck, Pedro Coelho, Justin Juan, Mikko Kallio, Jason Keeley, Nick
Salestrom, and William Thrasher.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Legacy of Dragons © 2016, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Alexander Augunas, Robert Brookes, Thurston Hillman, Michelle Jones,
Mikko Kallio, and Mark Seifter.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Magical Marketplace © 2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: John Ling, Ron Lundeen, Patrick Renie, David Schwartz,
and Jerome Virnich.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Occult Origins © 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Robert Brookes, Ben McFarland, Jason Nelson, and Mark Seifter.
Pathfinder Player Companion: People of the Sands © 2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Shaun Hocking, Rob McCreary, and Jason Nelson.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Ranged Tactics Toolbox © 2014, Paizo Inc.; Authors: David N. Ross, David Schwartz, and Kaitlyn Sprague.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide © 2014, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Dennis Baker, Ross Byers, Jesse Benner, Savannah Broadway, Jason
Bulmahn, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Tracy Hurley, Jonathan H. Keith, Will McCardell, Dale C. McCoy, Jr., Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland,
Thomas M. Reid, Sean K Reynolds, Tork Shaw, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason
Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Owen K.C. Stephens, Todd Stewart, and
Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and
Skip Williams.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2 © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Graeme Davis, Crystal
Frasier, Joshua J. Frost, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, James Jacobs, Steve Kenson, Hal MacLean, Martin Mason, Rob McCreary, Erik Mona, Jason
Nelson, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Owen K.C. Stephens, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, and Greg A. Vaughan, based on material
by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3 © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jesse Benner, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, James Jacobs, Michael
Kenway, Rob McCreary, Patrick Renie, Chris Sims, F. Wesley Schneider, James L. Sutter, and Russ Taylor, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte
Cook, and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte
Cook, and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Horror Adventures © 2016, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John Bennett, Clinton J. Boomer, Logan Bonner, Robert Brookes, Jason
Bulmahn, Ross Byers, Jim Groves, Steven Helt, Thurston Hillman, Eric Hindley, Brandon Hodge, Mikko Kallio, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Stephen
Radney-MacFarland, Alistair Rigg, Alex Riggs, David N. Ross, F. Wesley Schneider, David Schwartz, Mark Seifter, and Linda Zayas-Palmer.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Occult Adventures © 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John Bennett, Logan Bonner, Robert Brookes, Jason Bulmahn, Ross Byers,
John Compton, Adam Daigle, Jim Groves, Thurston Hillman, Eric Hindley, Brandon Hodge, Ben McFarland, Erik Mona, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips,
Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Thomas M. Reid, Alex Riggs, Robert Schwalb, Mark Seifter, Russ Taylor, and Steve Townshend.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Unchained © 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Ross Beyers, Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn,
Robert Emerson, Tim Hitchcock, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Thomas M. Reid, Robert Schwalb, Mark Seifter, and Russ
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob Mc-
Creary, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Equipment © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Ross Byers,
Brian J. Cortijo, Ryan Costello, Mike Ferguson, Matt Goetz, Jim Groves, Tracy Hurley, Matt James, Jonathan H. Keith, Michael Kenway, Hal MacLean,
Jason Nelson, Tork Shaw, Owen KC Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Intrigue © 2016, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Jesse Benner, John Bennett, Logan Bonner, Robert Brookes, Jason Bulmahn,
Ross Byers, Robert N. Emerson, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Steven Helt, Thurston Hillman, Tim Hitchcock, Mikko Kallio, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson,
Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Thomas M. Reid, Alexander Riggs, David N. Ross, David Schwartz, Mark Seifter, Linda Zayas-Palmer.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary,
Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
Pech from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene,
based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Poltergeist from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene,
based on original material by Lewis Pulsipher.
Quickling from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Rot Grub from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors: Scott Greene
and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Russet Mold from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott
Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Sandman from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Roger Musson.
Scarecrow from the Tome of Horrors Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Roger Musson.
Skreyn’s Register: The Bonds of Magic. © 2002, Sean K Reynolds.
Skulk from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene,
based on original material by Simon Muth.
Slithering Tracker from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott
Greene, based on original material
by Gary Gygax.
Soul Eater from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene,
based on original material by David Cook.
Spriggan from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors: Scott Greene
and Erica Balsley, based on original material by Roger Moore and Gary Gygax.
Tentamort from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Mike Roberts.
The Book of Fiends © 2003, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors: Aaron Loeb, Erik Mona, Chris Pramas, and Robert J. Schwalb.
The Book of Hallowed Might. © 2002, Monte J. Cook.
Tome of Horrors, Revised. Copyright 2002 Necromancer Games, Inc. Authors: Scott Greene, with Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance
Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawringer, Clark Peterson, Greg Ragland, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR.
Tome of Horrors III Copyright 2005 Necromancer Games, Inc. Author Scott Greene, with Casey Christofferson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Lance
Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Ian S. Johnson, Patrick Lawringer, Nathan Paul, Clark Peterson, Greg Ragland, Robert Schwalb, and Bill Webb.
Troll, Ice from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene,
based on original material by Russell Cole.
Troll, Rock from the Tome of Horrors Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene.
Vegepygmy from the Tome of Horrors © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Yellow Musk Creeper from the Tome of Horrors Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Albie
Yellow Musk Zombie from the Tome of Horrors Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Albie
Yeti from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based
on original material by Gary Gygax.
Zombie, Juju from the Tome of Horrors Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Witches of Porphyra © 2017, Purple Duck Games. Author: Onyx Tanuki.
Open Game Content: All text.
| textdata/thevault/Pathfinder/1st Edition/3rd Party/Purple Duck Games/Porphyra Campaign Setting/Witches of Porphyra.pdf |
Purple Duck Storeroom
Perry Fehr
“In a nondescript dwelling, down a dusty hallway, past rooms of unclear pur-
pose, there is a door... a door that looks like many others, except for the ancient
maroon tint of the aged wood, and, of course, the glowing runes emblazoned on
the stones that make up the door-frame. Should you know its purpose, should
you know the correct sequence to touch those runes, you might gain entry to a
Storeroom of wonders, shelves and bins and racks beyond counting. Place your
torch in the rusty sconce, and enter...”
The Purple Storeroom is an ongoing series of tightly-focused supplements
that cover topics that do not fit into our larger offerings. They are the pieces
that just don’t fit anywhere else or they are the little things we work on to
take a break from bigger projects like Purple Mountain, Legendary Trea-
sures, or Lands of Porphyra. They have been stored here for safe keeping.
“Down a surprisingly well-traveled corridor to the right of The Door one can
often hear muted talk; oaths, ritualized words, and the click of tiny objects on
wood. In an open, domed room, with a glassed-in skylight, are a small groups of
tables, often occupied by people that must know the way here, somehow. They
have ignored the rest of the Storeroom to play at a game of some sort; a carved
wooden board of brightly colored hexagons, pieces of some kind of colored crystal,
a glitteringly inset camel’s knucklebone. Money changes hands, knees are struck
in frustration, and words from a language that predates the Gods is spoken
lightly and freely... but The Game is the focus of all.”
The game of arbakampsi was invented by the zendiqi people of the Patch-
work Planet of Porphyra, in the lean decades after their total defeat in the
NewGods Wars. It simulates the tribulations of that seesaw conflict, of
seizing territory, gambling on a hunch- and taking chances that may or
Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires
the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC.
See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG for more information on
the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does
not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product.
may not pan out. That there is a small advantage to one of the players is an
accepted part of Porphyran life- nothing ever proceeds on an equal basis;
to assume so is ignorant naivety. Perhaps The Game has made it to other
worlds, probably at the hands of the immortal Genies, and played with in-
nocent ignorance of its greater symbolism. The Game, however, draws even
the jaded in, as the suggestion of life and death decisions, even in the fall of
a tiny purple or green crystal, sparks a memory in the fractious instincts of
quarreling humanoids.
Arbakampsi means “Four and Five” in the Old Porphyran tongue, and pits
two allegorical sides against one another- the followers of the Four, the
Elementalists, and those Deists who came with the Five-fingered Hand of
the Gods, which split open the heavens. The game is part gambling, part
strategy, and for the zendiqi people, often the grounds for philosophical
discussion over the painted wooden boards, dried beans, and camel’s knuck-
lebone that serves as the components for a arbakampsi set.
1 Arbakampsi board, with 64 spaces in four colors
2 sets of thirty tokens, of two different colors (often purple and green)
1 “camel’s knucklebone”, a six-sided die
Object: The object of the game is to gather tokens to place on the board,
forming lines of four and claiming “borders”.
The Place of Arrival: No one shall place a token on the center space. This
is the space whereupon all wagers shall be placed. The starting wager shall
be one coin, according to one’s standing. Arba shall have the privilege of
increasing the wager, whereupon Kampsi shall match it or forfeit. He may
do this Four times.
Procedure of Play: One player is Arba, or Four, representing the Elemen-
talists. Arba shall go first. The die is taken, and Arba names One, Two,
Three or Four. If the roll of the die is equal to or lesser than the naming,
Arba places tokens equal to his naming, subtracted from six. Thus if Arba
names Four, and Three is rolled, Arba places Two tokens on any space on
the board, save the center. If One is named and One is rolled, Five tokens
shall be placed. Then Arba shall name again. If the die shall roll a number
higher than one’s naming, Kampsi shall take a token from the board and
return it to Arba, and it shall then become the turn of Kampsi, or Five,
representing the Deists. Kampsi shall proceed in the same manner, though
Kampsi may name Five, as well. Should anything but a Six be rolled,
Kampsi shall gain One token.
Retreat: Both Arba and Kampsi may elect to cease their turn, passing the
die to the other, to avoid having to lose a token on the board. They shall
signify by uttering, “Tawba” [Retreat] and passing the die.
Ending the Game: The game shall end when all 64 spaces are covered with
tokens. It is only then that all points shall be tallied.
Scoring: A direct line of four tokens in a row is called a “Battle” and shall
be worth one point. Having a majority of one’s tokens in a colored ring
is called a “Border” and shall be worth two points. Ties grant no points.
Completely covering a colored ring with one’s tokens is called a “Victory”
and shall be worth three points.
Knowledge of arbakampsi and the strategies thereof can make or break
negotiations in certain cultures, and skill at the game is a indicator of a
sentient being’s worldliness and capability in seeing “the big picture”. Being
too addicted to the sword, or too focused on matters beyond the physical
world are polarities not desired by aficionados of arbakampsi, which include
tribal leaders and elders, trade guild chieftains, noble dilettantes, and those
who see the value of inspecting an issue before charging forward. In-game
aspects that relate to arbakampsi are as follows:
Knowledge of the rules of arbakampsi: DC 15 Knowledge (local) – bardic
knowledge gains a +1 to the check. This gives the player a copy of the rules
and allows her to ask questions of the GM as to game play. Characters of
the zendiqi (see Fehr’s Ethnology) race can make an unskilled DC 10 Intelli-
gence ability check to possess knowledge of the rules, if they do not possess
Knowledge (local). Refusal to play, if offered, runs the risk of imposing a
-3 penalty to further Diplomacy checks with the offering party, as will at-
tempting to fake one’s way through it.
Feats in the field of arbakampsi can be taken by any class and any race as a
general feat.
Arbakampsi Expert
The Game educates in life and death, a mirror to the physical world.
Prerequisite: Arbakampsi Fanatic or Arbakampsi Sage
Benefit: Once per day you may ‘arba’ [subtract 4 from an enemies’ roll be-
fore the roll is made] OR ‘kampsi’ [add 5 to one of your own d20 rolls] OR
‘tawba’ [reroll any non-d20 roll that you make]
Arbakampsi Fanatic
Winning at arbakampsi is a rush of excitement that lingers for a long time.
Prerequisite: Knowledge of the rules of arbakampsi
Benefit: If you defeat an NPC player at arbakampsi, you may, before you
sleep again, gain a +8 bonus to one d20 roll you make, and reroll one “1”
that you roll in that time period. You may not have lost a game of ar-
bakampsi previous to that win, in that time period.
Arbakampsi Sage
You have played the “Game of the World” since you were old enough to grasp
Prerequisite: Knowledge (local) 1 rank
Benefit: You gain an arbakampsi board (you can spend 125 gp when you
take the feat to receive a masterwork set) and, at the start of a game, can
place 3 free tokens on the board, to symbolize your expertise. Negotia-
tions with arbakampsi aficionados give you a +2 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy,
Intimidate and Sense Motive checks.
It is possible to make one’s own game set, with a DC 12 Craft (wood-
working) check, which will also provide a crude camel’s knucklebone and
rudimentary white and black gravel game pieces. Such provincialism will
impress few, though, and suggest either a classless rube or a grifting game-
Arbakampsi Set
20 gp
3 lbs.
This contains a tastefully carved and painted board, with inset containers
for a balanced camel’s knucklebone and 60 tokens of two colors, purple and
green shards of glass.
Masterwork Arbakampsi Set 250 gp
4 lbs.
This beautiful game set has inlaid enamel hexagons of the various colors, a
true cube of ebony-inset ivory, and crystal token of purple and green. The
owner of such a set always gets to choose her role at the start of the game,
and merely possessing such a set enables a +1 circumstance bonus to Cha-
risma when dealing with arbakampsi aficionados.
Being the invention of a magically-inclined people, it is therefore not sur-
prising that a few magic items are associated with the game, and are likely
to be encountered in any venue where The Game is of importance.
Aura faint conjuration; Cl 1st
Slot none; Price 2,000 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
Appearing as a masterwork arbakampsi board of even higher quality, the
djinn-board arranges pieces, gambling stakes, and rolls the cube accord-
ing to mere finger-gestures of the players. Inviting a potentially summoned
genie to play adds a 1d4 circumstance bonus to the Charisma check of the
summoning caster, at the time of summoning.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, unseen servant; Cost 1,000 gp
Aura moderate abjuration; Cl 7th
Slot none; Price 3,000 gp; Weight —
This apparently normal knucklebone forces a DC 18 caster level check to
detect magic upon it, and can be used to cast nondetection on its possessor
once per week. It can be used to ‘rig’ dice rolls to cheat at games of dice,
detectable with a DC 27 Sense Motive check.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, nondetection, 5 ranks of Bluff; Cost
1,500 gp
Aura moderate abjuration; Cl 6th
Slot shield; Price 5,600 gp; Weight 10 lbs.
This +1 heavy wooden shield has an arbakampsi board incised on its flat sur-
face, and has a sliding container for the pieces to be kept, for games outside
of battle. Once per day as an immediate action, the wielder can gamble
by calling “Arbakampsi!” whereupon there is a 3-in-6 chance of the shield
becoming a +4 heavy wooden shield for the next round, a 2-in-6 chance of
becoming a +5 heavy wooden shield for the next round, and a 1-in-6 chance
of losing its magical properties for the next round.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shield; Cost 2,800 gp
“...and so the torch is taken from the sconce, shadows swallow items on shelves
not yet explored, and the rune-bordered door is closed; for who knows when an
item, a curiosity, an unnamed oddity might be needed, for purposes wholesome
or despicable- from the Storeroom...”
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc
(“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.
1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open
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adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or oth-
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open
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7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compat-
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8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that
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9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may
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10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content
You distribute.
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any
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12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to
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not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to
cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of
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14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed
only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte
Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reference Document. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Paizo Publishing,
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on
material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Tome of Horrors. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley,
Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb;
Based on original content from TSR.
Purple Duck Storeroom: Arbakampsi © Purple Duck Games; Author Perry Fehr
Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under
the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/compatibility for
more information on the compatibility license.
Open Game Content: All text.
| textdata/thevault/Pathfinder/1st Edition/3rd Party/Purple Duck Games/Purple Duck Storeroom - Arbakampsi.pdf |
room 16
1st level
the hall of Bedlam
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc
(“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game
Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (includ-
ing into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improve-
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to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any
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Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game
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4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual,
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6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the
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10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You
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12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to
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13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure
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14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to
the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
The Dungeon Under The Mountain and The Hall of Bedlam © by Øone Roleplaying Games
Some artwork copyright Paul Daly, used with permission.
The Hall of Bedlam
Written by Thomas Knauss
Graphic Design by O’Bully
Cartography by Mario Barbati
Artwork by O’Bully, Paul Daly, Studio Mat-
tigatti, Daniele Bigliardo
Software Authoring by Anna Fava
Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons®
Player’s Handbook, Third Edition, published by
Wizards of the Coast®
Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast®
are Registered Trademarks of Wizards of the Coast,
and are used with Permission.
Every Reference to other copyrighted material in no
way constitutes a challenge to the respective copyright
holders of that material.
A) The following elements in this book is hereby
designated as open game content, in accordance with
the open game licence:
1- All Monsters, stats and description
B) the following elements in this book are hereby
identified as “product identity”:
1- All not mentioned at the point “A”
2- Øone Roleplaying Games identifying marks and
product titles.
3-All artwork, maps and graphic design.
The reproduction or retransmission of this book,
except for his open gaming content, without written
permission of the copyright holder is expressly for-
bidden, except for the purpose of reviews.
‘D20 System’ and the ‘D20 System’ logo are Trade-
marks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used
according to the terms of the D20 System License
version 3.0. A copy of this License can be found at
Product Code: UNDRE010
First edition: July 2006
Øone Roleplaying Games
What is this Product
This product contains one room
or one dungeon -based encounter.
All the rooms featured here are taken
from one of The Dungeon Under
the Mountain products, available at
www.0onegames.com, although these
products are not necessary, since the
encounter can be adapted without ef-
fort to any existing dungeon.
How to
Use this Product
This product takes advantage from
the PDF technology, joining old-fash-
ioned style with the most advanced
electronic features. In order to use this
product you must use Adobe Acrobat
6 or later.
This product has been designed
to help busy referees in preparing
dungeon adventures and encounters.
Instead of wasting time scaling the
encounters and adapting them to your
party, here you will find a pre-scaled
encounter suitable in three different
versions (for low, mid and high level
of play). At the beginning of the en-
counter text, you will find a big button
like this.
By clicking on this button you can
choose which level want to play (low,
medium, high). When you have made
your choice all the relevant portions of
the text will change accordingly.
Monsters will scale, DCs will
change, traps and behaviors of the
villains will change, according with the
level of play you choose.
Nevertheless, this is not all.
Beside each paragraph you will
find the same button found before,
but much smaller. This button allows
you to change only the appropriate
paragraph. Therefore, if you need
stronger monsters in your low-level
encounter, you can adjust them and
use mid-level monsters instead of
low-level ones. Likewise, if you want
traps tougher, just click on the para-
graph button and change the level of
the traps paragraph. Blank spaces, due
to different text lengths, will be filled
with placeholder artwork, so you will
have a good-looking page.
Finally, a paragraph called “Person-
al Notes” is left blank. This paragraph
features a text field you can fill with
your notes about the encounter, sim-
ply click and write.
The document saves automatically
the notes when you close it. In order
to recall the notes present on a docu-
ment you must choose “Load Notes”
from the paragraph button. Note that
if you load the previous notes they will
override the notes you are writing
The buttons will not be printed.
The Maps
Those familiar with The Dun-
geon Under the Mountain products
will found the maps easy to use. The
product comes with two maps of the
room. A smaller version of the map
is intended for the referee; the second,
larger one, may come split in more
than one sheet and it is intended for
miniature play.
The smaller map features the “Rule
the Dungeon” button. Clicking this
button, you can customize the map by
opening or closing the doors, remov-
ing the furniture or removing the fill
in the walls and more, depending on
the room’s layout. All the choices
made on the smaller map are reflected
on the larger one.
The Background
The Dungeon Under the Moun-
tain is a massive dungeon complex
extending endlessly below the ground.
In a remote past, ancient evil beings
dwelled in the area. Now, the remain-
ing of these mysterious evil beings
have seized the dungeons and filled it
with deadly traps and monsters. Also,
many known villains have established
their strongholds in the depths of The
Dungeon Under the Mountain. No-
body knows why this dungeon is filled
by danger, but nobody cares, since this
dungeon is the most prized adventure
ground of the world. However be
warned, adventurers, your life will be
not easy here and dozens of self-call-
ing heroes never returned from the
Dungeon Under the Mountain!
“You Have Been
room 16
1st level
the hall of Bedlam
the hall of Bedlam
(level 1, room 16)
and Lead-ins
The large subterranean chamber is
the current abode of Eyzellon, a derro
savant and his two cousins along their
four human slaves. The derros came to
the ruins in search of a legendary audi-
ence chamber purportedly harboring a
cure for their raving insanity. Instead of
finding relief for their affliction, the trio
happened upon the impressive throne
room of Durlgrond, a king renowned
for his wickedness and evil. The great
hall’s discovery and its treasures only
intensified their delusions of grandeur
and paranoia. Obsessed with protect-
ing their riches, the derros transformed
the once grand and stately room and
its exterior corridors into an insidious
display of their madness.
The derros expand their wealth as
well as obtain other valuable com-
modities via the teleportation area just
outside the hall’s entrance. Of course,
the derros realize that the teleportation
device works both ways; therefore
they take extraordinary measures to
protect themselves and their valuables.
Eyzellon uses an alarm to mentally
alert him to the presence of intrud-
ers, which is also the proximity trigger
for a web trap. (At low levels, the
trap triggers just a mental alarm.) The
spell’s 20-ft. radius is centered eight-
een feet from the center of the door,
providing coverage to roughly 40 feet
of corridor including the teleporta-
tion area. In addition to this protective
measure, a hinged pit trap also awaits
to ensnare unwary intruders. This
insidious device sits just in front of the
main door; however it can be deacti-
vated by sliding and locking a pair of
metal bolts concealed in the floor. The
game statistics for these two obstacles
appear under the Traps heading.
Since his arrival in the dungeon six
years ago, Eyzellon has acquired ad-
ditional monetary riches along with the
services of four slaves under the leader-
ship of a treasure-seeking human rogue
named Arathus. Unfortunately for him
and his three companions, their dreams
of wealth and glory have turned into a
nightmare of terror, insanity and slav-
ery. The derros initially used Arathus’
trap making skill to ward the main
entrance into the chamber, however
with his combat usefulness expended,
the derros now relegate the quartet to
the role of maids, endless sweeping and
dusting the chamber in a fruitless effort
to sate Eyzellon’s irrational compulsion
with neatness.
Tales and rumors of Durlgrond’s
treasure resonate throughout history.
Somewhere during the course of
their exploration in the dungeon, the
adventurers happen upon a historical
record of Durlgrond’s reign brought
into the dungeon by an earlier ex-
plorer searching for the lost throne
room. The musty pages of the weath-
ered, leatherbound tome are written in
Common and devote endless chapters
extolling the virtues and might of the
long dead king, but a crudely drawn
yet still recognizable map is the book’s
real treasure. The map shows the hall’s
general location as well as four cryptic
lines describing the chamber itself.
Throw open the great doors and
behold your royal majesty on his onyx
Approach your mighty sovereign
through the chamber of polished stone.
There lies the seat of Durlgrond
beyond the risen blades of six warriors
of old
Pay homage to him bedecked in
finest jewels of brightest silver and
splendid gold!
Room Environment
Lighting: The antechamber is un-
lit; therefore creatures moving through
that area must rely upon darkvision or
an artificial light source to see. Everburn-
ing torches affixed to the outstretched
blades of the six statues tucked into the
alcoves along the chamber’s perimeter
provide bright illumination within a 20-
ft. radius and shadowy illumination up
to a 40-ft. radius.
room 16
1st level
the hall of Bedlam
Scent: The stench of humanoid
waste is present in the air, but it not
overwhelming or even particularly
strong. (The derros use the pit trap as
a crude septic tank.) Only the most
sensitive noses can detect a faint whiff
of a floral aroma resulting from the
slaves’ of a primitive cleansing solution
derived from perfume oils. (Eyzellon
also has an obsession about odor.)
Sounds (prior to entering):
Soft footsteps can be heard behind the
Walls and ceiling: Poured
concrete was used to fashion the walls
and ceiling. Despite its advanced age,
the concrete appears to be in good
condition with the exception of several
gouges and deep grooves. The ceiling
is twenty feet above the floor.
Floor: Interconnecting 5-ft. square
foot blocks of flagstone were used to
build the antechamber’s floor. In con-
trast, the hall’s floor was painstakingly
carved from solid marble. A large
concentration of earthen tile was used
to fashion a magnificent mosaic in the
center of the chamber.
Room Description
for the Players
Despite the passage of untold
centuries, the chamber beyond has lost
little of its grandeur and awe. Tucked
neatly in the chamber’s perimeter
alcoves are six black marble statues
of great warriors armed with swords
and shields. Gold and silver necklaces
hang from the necks of each statue, and
an illuminated torch is tightly wedged
between an outstretched arm and
torso. A tile mosaic of a man wearing
a crown dominates the center of the
white, marble floor, although it appears
that there was an unsuccessful attempt
to alter the subject’s appearance to that
of a pale-skinned dwarf-human hybrid
with gray hair. Three stone slabs,
apparently fashioned into the like-
ness of crude, fur covered beds fill the
semicircular area at the far end of the
chamber. The large, rectangular shaped
room is nearly spotless, thanks to the
tireless efforts of four emaciated human
males armed with brooms, mops and
feather dusters. A small, stocky dwarf-
like creature with pale blue-white skin,
bulbous white eyes, coarse white hair
and a long droopy moustache directs
their activities with animated gestures
and nodding disapproval. He is armed
with a repeating light crossbow and a
wand, which he wields as if conducting
an orchestra. Accompanying him are
two similar creatures armed and attired
in a similar fashion. Upon meeting
your gaze, a maniacal look comes upon
them. The trio briefly mutters inanely
amongst themselves before directing
their attention towards you.
Room Description
for the Referee
Originally designed to awe visitors
to his court, the spacious and luxuri-
ous chamber has lost little of its luster.
The tile mosaic once depicted Durl-
grond, but the derros’ insane efforts
to superimpose Eyzellon’s image upon
the artwork practically destroyed it.
Fortunately, the six black marble stat-
ues remain in pristine condition. They
portray the likenesses of Durlgrond’s
six great generals. While each statue’s
facial features differ somewhat, each
statue depicts a man dressed in full
plate armor armed with a sword and
shield. The derros affixed the ever-
burning torches to the outstrectched
blades to provide illumination for the
four slaves laboring under them. There
is enough room between the statues
and the outer wall to allow a Medium
creature to squeeze behind the statue,
as evidenced by the fact that the slaves
tuck their personal belongings neatly
behind the two statues nearest to the
entrance. 1d2 gold necklaces and 1d3
silver necklaces hang around the necks
of each statue.
The derros fashioned the crude
beds from the remnants of Durl-
grond’s throne, which they me-
ticulously divided into three separate
pieces. Eyzellon’s bed sits ten feet
from the apex of the semicircular
alcove flanked on each side by another
bed placed exactly five feet away. The
latter beds and their coverings are
unremarkable; however Eyzellon’s
fur covering is somewhat valuable. In
addition, a secret panel along the base
facing the semicircular alcove conceals
a hidden compartment where the
avaricious derro stashes his beloved
treasure hoard. The derros disposed of
the chamber’s remaining furnishings
and decorative pieces, believing that
they only prevented the slaves from
properly dusting and mopping the
Speculation persists as to how Du-
rlgrond’s audience chamber found its
way into the dungeon. The close prox-
imity of the teleportation area provides
the most readily available explanation
for its arrival here. Nevertheless, the
chamber has been a permanent fixture
within the dungeon for at least several
Combat Tactics
If the derros are alerted to the pres-
ence of intruders via Eyzellon’s alarm
or through alternative means, such as
triggering the pit trap or unsuccess-
fully attempting to break open the
main doors, they take precautionary
measures by casting their available
defensive spells upon themselves. They
prefer spells granting concealment or
creating confusion, especially blur,
mirror image and invisibility. After
shoring up their defenses, Eyzellon
assumes the role of primary spellcaster
attempting to control and/or enslave
intruders with powerful enchant-
ments, while his two subordinates
take up defensive positions behind
room 16
1st level
the hall of Bedlam
the beds or statues as they launch a
volley of poisoned crossbow bolts at
any readily discernable spellcasters in
the group. The apprentices fight as a
unit whenever possible. They prefer
attacking flanked enemies with touch
spells in an effort to shock, paralyze
or stupefy their foes. Eyzellon’s usage
of his humanoid slaves depends upon
the composition of the enemy. If con-
fronted by arcane spellcasters, Eyzellon
summons the slaves to his side, using
them as human shields to discourage
good characters from casting destruc-
tive area spells at him. In the absence
of arcane spellcasters, Eyzellon directs
them to distract opposing fighters,
wildly swinging or hurling their clean-
ing implements at enemy warriors.
The derros take a vastly different
approach to combat if they are caught
unaware. In this instance, the derros
scramble for cover behind one of the
statues or the beds and launch waves
of offensive spells at their enemies as
well as cloaking the chamber in dark-
ness. Unlike the preceding example,
survival rather than enslavement
becomes their primary concern. Eyzel-
lon uses the slaves as cannon fodder,
directing them into combat to give
the derros additional time to shore
up their defenses or launch another
wave of destructive spells. Eyzellon’s
usage of the slaves in this manner may
require a Charisma check or entitle
Arathus to a new saving throw. If the
characters refrain from attacking the
slaves and they gain the upper hand
against the derros, the slaves ignore
the derros’ commands and attempt
to grapple one of the derros, unless
magically compelled otherwise.
The characters can also use
Eyzellon’s obsession with neatness
and odor against him. Deliberately
dropping any litter or stain-causing
material onto the floor or filling the
room with a foul-smelling substance
distracts the frustrated derro. Until the
mess is cleaned or the smell dissipates,
Eyzellon suffers a -2 circumstance pen-
alty to his skill checks and attack rolls.
This penalty does not stack with itself.
Roleplaying Tactics
Eyzellon begins the combat with
grandiose ramblings about his race’s
superiority and his lordly might, yet
within his incoherent babbling, the
compulsive derro also reveals his
obsession with cleanliness. He makes
statements such as, “How can you
stand against your masters, the lords
of all beneath the spotless earth? Pain,
woe and death be upon you, delivered
by me in immaculate fashion.” His
subtle facial expressions and body lan-
guage convey his displeasure whenever
blood is spilt upon his pristine floors
or an object is knocked out of place.
Through a combination of magi-
cal enchantment, death threats and
corporeal punishment, the slaves’ only
hope for survival depends upon their
unquestioned loyalty to their dement-
ed masters. Adventurers present them
with a difficult dilemma. They desire
freedom from their cruel overlords,
yet fear and magical compulsion pre-
vent them from actively assisting their
potential liberators. Eyzellon reinforces
his bond over them by controlling
their leader Arathus through the use
of a charm person or dominate person
spell. In the former instance, Arathus
speaks in the kindest terms about the
derros, but he is reluctant to attack
adventurers, granting him a +2 to
his opposed Charisma check. In the
latter case, Arathus attacks intruders
without question, leading his unarmed
associates into combat. If the magical
compulsion is broken or dispelled in
any manner, Arathus acts according to
his best interest, fully aware of the fact
that any perceived treachery against
his master would undoubtedly bring
their wrath down upon him and his
friends. If the adventurers refrained
from attacking the slaves or taking any
other action that would have placed
them in harm’s way, the slaves rush
towards their stash of personal be-
longings and deliberately scatter them
about the room, causing Eyzellon to
suffer the aforementioned circum-
stance penalty.
Skill Checks
Appraise DC 12: You correctly
determine the gold and silver neck-
laces’ value.
Bardic knowledge DC 30:
You recall the command word for
the teleportation area outside of the
Listen DC 25 (before enter-
ing the chamber): You hear soft
footsteps on the other side of the
Search DC 23: A successful skill
check locates the secret panel on Eyzel-
lon’s bed.
Sense Motive DC 20: A
character spending a standard action
observing Eyzellon’s facial expressions
and body language can discover his
obsession with cleanliness.
Spot DC 20: The character
notices the slaves’ personal belong-
ings-clothes, tattered bed rolls and
other mundane items tucked carefully
behind the two statues nearest the
Appraise DC 12: You correctly
determine the gold and silver neck-
laces’ value.
Bardic knowledge DC 25:
You recall the command word for
the teleportation area outside of the
Listen DC 20 (before enter-
ing the chamber): You hear soft
footsteps on the other side of the
Search DC 18: A successful skill
check locates the secret panel on Eyzel-
lon’s bed.
Sense Motive DC 18: A
character spending a standard action
observing Eyzellon’s facial expressions
and body language can discover his
obsession with cleanliness.
Spot DC 15: The character
notices the slaves’ personal belong-
ings-clothes, tattered bed rolls and
other mundane items tucked carefully
behind the two statues nearest the
Appraise DC 12: You correctly
determine the gold and silver neck-
laces’ value.
Bardic knowledge DC 20:
You recall the command word for
the teleportation area outside of the
Listen DC 15 (before enter-
ing the chamber): You hear soft
footsteps on the other side of the
Search DC 13: A successful skill
check locates the secret panel on Eyzel-
lon’s bed.
Sense Motive DC 16: A
character spending a standard action
observing Eyzellon’s facial expressions
and body language can discover his
obsession with cleanliness.
Spot DC 10: The character
notices the slaves’ personal belong-
ings-clothes, tattered bed rolls and
other mundane items tucked carefully
behind the two statues nearest the
room 16
1st level
the hall of Bedlam
Traps, Mechanical
Devices, Doors, and
Objects Statblocks
Treasures and XP
Monsters and
Villains Statblocks
A small, stocky dwarflike creature
wearing a pair of bracers and a ring
gazes maniacally in your direction.
He mutters inanely to himself, seem-
ingly in midst of deciding whether to
shoot his repeating light crossbow, use
a wand dangling from his belt or take
another action against you.
Derro sorcerer 11
CE Small monstrous humanoid
Init:+7; SensesListen +4, Spot +2
Languages:Common, Dwarven,
Abyssal, Infernal
AC19, touch 15, flat-footed 16
Hp47 (14 HD)
Speed20 ft. (4 squares)
Melee+1 dagger +11/+6 (1d3+2/19-20)
Rangedrepeating light crossbow +12
(1d6/19-20 plus poison)
AtkOptionspoison (greenblood oil,
DC 13, 1 Con/1d2 Con), sneak attack
SpecialActionsPoison use
CombatGearwand of magic missiles
(5th), 2 potions of invisibility (4th)
Sorcererspellsknown(CL 11th):
5th (5/day)—cone of cold (DC 20),
dominate person (DC 21)
4th (7/day)—confusion (DC 20), phan-
tasmal killer (DC 19), solid fog
3rd (7/day)—deep slumber (DC 19),
displacement, fly, suggestion (DC 19)
2nd (7/day)—daze monster (DC 18),
eagle’s splendor, mirror image, touch
of idiocy, web (DC 17)
1st (8/day)—alarm, charm person (DC
17), color spray (DC 17), hypnotism
(DC 17), shield
0 (6/day)—acid splash, dancing lights,
detect magic, flare (DC 15), message,
ray of frost, read magic, resistance,
touch of fatigue
Spell-likeabilities(CL 3rd):
At will—darkness, ghost sound; 1/day—
daze (DC 13), sound burst (DC 15)
AbilitiesStr 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 14,
Wis 8, Cha 20
SQMadness, spell resistance 15, vul-
nerability to sunlight
FeatsBlind-Fight, Improved Initiative,
Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell
Focus (illusion)
SkillsBluff +13, Concentration +10,
Hide +13, Knowledge (arcana) +13,
Knowledge (the planes) +8, Listen
+4, Move Silently +10, Spellcraft
+14, Spot +2
Possessions combat gear plus +1 dag-
ger, repeating light crossbow with
20 bolts, bracers of armor +2, +1 ring
of protection, 6 doses of greenblood
oil, 2 100 gp gems, 45 pp, 32 gp
Derro beds: Thickness 3 in.,
hardness 8, HP 45, Break DC 21.
Marble statues: Thickness 1 ft.
(approximate), hardness 8, HP 100,
Break DC 26.
Pit trap outside entrance
(two squares in front of the
door): CR 3; mechanical, location
trigger; manual reset; DC 20 Reflex
avoids; 50 ft. deep (5d6, fall); Search
DC 24; Disable Device DC 18.
Strong wooden door: Thick-
ness 2 in., hardness 5, HP 20, Break
DC 23.
Web trap in antechamber:
CR 3; magic device; proximity trig-
ger (alarm); automatic reset; spell
effect (web, 11th-level sorcerer, DC 19
Reflex negates); Search DC 27; Disable
Device DC 27.
Derro beds: Thickness 3 in.,
hardness 8, HP 45, Break DC 21.
Marble statues: Thickness 1 ft.
(approximate), hardness 8, HP 100,
Break DC 26.
Pit trap outside entrance
(two squares in front of the
door): CR 2; mechanical, location
trigger; manual reset; DC 20 Reflex
avoids; 40 ft. deep (4d6, fall); Search
DC 21; Disable Device DC 18.
Good wooden door: Thickness
1 1/2 in., hardness 5, HP 15, Break DC
Web trap in antechamber:
CR 3; magic device; proximity trigger
(alarm); automatic reset; spell effect
(web, 5th-level sorcerer, DC 17 Reflex
negates); Search DC 27; Disable De-
vice DC 27.
Derro beds: Thickness 3 in.,
hardness 8, HP 45, Break DC 21.
Marble statues: Thickness 1 ft.
(approximate), hardness 8, HP 100,
Break DC 26.
Pit trap outside entrance
(two squares in front of the
door): CR 1; mechanical, location
trigger; manual reset; DC 20 Reflex
avoids; 20 ft. deep (2d6, fall); Search
DC 18; Disable Device DC 18.
Simple wooden door: Thick-
ness 1 in., hardness 5, HP 10, Break
DC 13.
Alarm trap in antechamber:
CR 1; magic device; proximity trigger
(alarm); automatic reset; spell effect
(alarm, 1st-level sorcerer); Search DC
26; Disable Device DC 26.
Each silver necklace is worth 10 gp,
and each gold necklace is worth 25
gp. The secret compartment beneath
Eyzellon’s bed holds a pile of coins
comprised of 1,302 sp and 402 gp
along with a divine scroll with the
spells prayer and shield of faith cast at
9th level. A +1 flaming warhammer lies
beneath the pile as well.
If the slaves survive the battle with
the derro, an appropriate reward is
+2% XP per freed slave. An additional
+1% XP award may be appropriate if
the derros actively employed the slaves
as human shields or cannon fodder,
and good characters refrained from
attacking them or taking any actions
that would have harmed them. Good
characters who inadvertently harmed
the slaves receive no XP bonus, while
those that acted with no regard for the
slaves’ welfare should suffer a -2% XP
penalty for each slave killed as well as
suffering any appropriate alignment
Each silver necklace is worth 5 gp,
and each gold necklace is worth 15
gp. The secret compartment beneath
Eyzellon’s bed holds a pile of coins
comprised of 802 sp and 202 gp along
with a divine scroll with the spells
prayer and shield of faith cast at 7th
level. A +1 warhammer lies beneath
the pile as well.
If the slaves survive the battle with
the derro, an appropriate reward is
+2% XP per freed slave. An additional
+1% XP award may be appropriate if
the derros actively employed the slaves
as human shields or cannon fodder,
and good characters refrained from
attacking them or taking any actions
that would have harmed them. Good
characters who inadvertently harmed
the slaves receive no XP bonus, while
those that acted with no regard for the
slaves’ welfare should suffer a -2% XP
penalty for each slave killed as well as
suffering any appropriate alignment
Each silver necklace is worth 1 gp,
and each gold necklace is worth 10
gp. The secret compartment beneath
Eyzellon’s bed holds a pile of coins
comprised of 602 sp and 112 gp along
with a divine scroll with the spells
prayer and shield of faith cast at 5th
level. A masterwork warhammer lies
beneath the pile as well.
If the slaves survive the battle with
the derro, an appropriate reward is
+2% XP per freed slave. An additional
+1% XP award may be appropriate if
the derros actively employed the slaves
as human shields or cannon fodder,
and good characters refrained from
attacking them or taking any actions
that would have harmed them. Good
characters who inadvertently harmed
the slaves receive no XP bonus, while
those that acted with no regard for the
slaves’ welfare should suffer a -2% XP
penalty for each slave killed as well as
suffering any appropriate alignment
room 16
1st level
the hall of Bedlam
Madness(Ex):Derro use their Charis-
ma modifier on Will saves instead
of their Wisdom modifier, and have
immunity to confusion and insanity
effects. A derro cannot be restored
to sanity by any means short of a
miracle or wish spell.
PoisonUse(Ex):Derro typically carry
2d4 doses of greenblood oil or
Medium monstrous spider venom,
applying it to their crossbow bolts.
Derro are not at risk of poisoning
themselves when handling poison.
SneakAttack(Ex):Any time a derro’s
opponent is denied his Dexterity
bonus to AC, or if a derro flanks his
opponent, he deals an extra 1d6
points of damage. This ability is just
like the rogue’s sneak attack and
subject to the same limitations.
VulnerabilitytoSunlight(Ex):A derro
takes 1 point of Constitution dam-
age for every hour it is exposed to
sunlight, and it dies if its Constitu-
tion score reaches 0. Lost Constitu-
tion points are recovered at the rate
of 1 per every 24-hour period spent
underground or otherwise sheltered
from the sun.
Tactics: Eyzellon is always inter-
ested in acquiring new slaves; there-
fore he typically begins combat by at-
tempting to subdue as many enemies
as possible, using either color spray,
confusion or web to accomplish this
task. If all of his targets successfully
resist any of their spells, he resorts to
casting protection spells upon himself
just before unleashing his lethal spells
against his foes.
Derro sorcerers 5
CE Small monstrous humanoid
Init:+6; SensesListen +1, Spot -3
Languages:Common, Dwarven
AC15, touch 13, flat-footed 13
Hp32, 31 (8 HD)
Speed20 ft. (4 squares)
Meleedagger +6 (1d3/19-20) or
Rangedrepeating light crossbow +8
(1d6/19-20 plus poison)
AtkOptionspoison (greenblood oil,
DC 13, 1 Con/1d2 Con), sneak attack
CombatGear1 potion of cure light
wounds (each), 1 potion of ghoul
touch (4th)
SpecialActionsPoison use
Sorcererspellsknown(CL 5th):
2nd (5/day)—blur, scorching ray (+8
ranged touch)
1st (7/day)—mage armor, magic mis-
sile, shield, shocking grasp (+5 melee
touch attack)
0 (6/day)—detect magic, ghost sound,
mage hand, read magic, resistance,
touch of fatigue
Spell-likeabilities(CL 3rd):
At will—darkness, ghost sound; 1/day—
daze (DC 13), sound burst (DC 15)
AbilitiesStr 11, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10,
Wis 5, Cha 16
SQMadness, spell resistance 15, vul-
nerability to sunlight
FeatsBlind-Fight, Improved Initiative
SkillsBluff +5, Concentration +3, Hide
+10, Listen +1, Knowledge (arcana)
+4, Move Silently +8, Spellcraft +4
Possessions combat gear plus dagger,
repeating light crossbow with 20
bolts, 2 doses of greenblood oil, 67
pp, 40 gp
Madness(Ex):Derro use their Charis-
ma modifier on Will saves instead
of their Wisdom modifier, and have
immunity to confusion and insanity
effects. A derro cannot be restored
to sanity by any means short of a
miracle or wish spell.
PoisonUse(Ex):Derro typically carry
2d4 doses of greenblood oil or
Medium monstrous spider venom,
applying it to their crossbow bolts.
Derro are not at risk of poisoning
themselves when handling poison.
SneakAttack(Ex):Any time a derro’s
opponent is denied his Dexterity
bonus to AC, or if a derro flanks his
opponent, he deals an extra 1d6
points of damage. This ability is just
like the rogue’s sneak attack and
subject to the same limitations.
VulnerabilitytoSunlight(Ex):A derro
takes 1 point of Constitution dam-
age for every hour it is exposed to
sunlight, and it dies if its Constitu-
tion score reaches 0. Lost Constitu-
tion points are recovered at the rate
of 1 per every 24-hour period spent
underground or otherwise sheltered
from the sun.
Tactics: The apprentices’ main
task is to whittle the enemy’s strength
using their damage dealing spells. They
prefer flanking an enemy spellcaster
and touching the foe with their shock-
ing grasp, which also grants them a
sneak attack.
Human rogue 3
N Medium humanoid
Init:+3; SensesListen +4, Spot +4
AC13, touch 13, flat-footed 10
Hp15 (3 HD)
Speed30 ft. (6 squares)
Meleebroom -1 (1d6+1)
AtkOptionsBlind-Fight, sneak attack
AbilitiesStr 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10,
Wis 10, Cha 12
SQTrapfinding, trapsense +1
FeatsBlind-Fight, Lightning Reflexes,
Skill Focus (Craft)(trapmaking)
SkillsBluff +4, Climb +5, Craft (trapmak-
ing) +8, Disable Device +4, Escape
Artist +6, Hide +7, Jump +4, Listen
+4, Move Silently +7, Open Lock +5,
Search +6, Sleight of Hand +4, Spot
+4, Tumble +7, Use Rope +7
room 16
1st level
the hall of Bedlam
Designer’s Notes
I’ve always felt that the insane
derro have taken too much of a back-
seat to the more popular underground
foes, especially the drow and to a
lesser extent, the duergar, so here’s
my opportunity for a little payback.
The derro give a skilled game master
the opportunity to portray an insane
enemy without seemingly overly cliché
and over the top.
I omitted granting the derros
familiars, because their paranoia
includes members of all races and spe-
cies, even those that don’t pose much
of a threat to them. The slaves add a
bit of a moral dilemma. The slaves
give the derros some leverage over
the player characters by utilizing them
as human shields or compelling the
overmatched servants to attack.
Author’s Bio
Tom has designed numerous d20
games products for companies such as
Atlas Games, Bastion Press, Inner Cir-
cle Games, Mongoose Publishing and
several other publishers no longer with
us. When he’s not designing games,
you can often find him on the local
golf courses or a poker table down in
Atlantic City.
Personal Notes
Possessions broom, 30 ft. of rope
Human warriors 1
N Medium humanoid
Init:+0; SensesListen +0, Spot +0
AC10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
Hp11, 11, 11 (1 HD)
Speed30 ft. (6 squares)
Meleecleaning tool -2 (1d2+1)
AtkOptionsCombat Reflexes
AbilitiesStr 12, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 10,
Wis 10, Cha 10
FeatsCombat Reflexes, Toughness
SkillsClimb +4, Handle Animal +2,
Intimidate +5, Jump +4, Ride +2
Possessions cleaning tool-mop,
feather duster or broom
Write here your personal notes
room 16
1st level
one square = 5 ft.
pit trap
© Øone Games, permission granted to print for personal use only
© Øone Games, permission granted to print for personal use only
The Hall of Bedlam (battlemap 1 of 2)
© Øone Games, permission granted to print for personal use only
© Øone Games, permission granted to print for personal use only
The Hall of Bedlam (battlemap 2 of 2)
| textdata/thevault/Maps & Tiles/BattleMaps/0One Games/0One Games - Map - Dungeon Under the Mountain - Rooms & Encounters - The Hall of Bedlam.pdf |
Houses of the Blooded is © & ™ 2008 by John Wick. This sheet was created by J.A. Dettman for reference purposes only.
Roll on the following tables to
determine the specifics of your
family. You have three points with
which to modify any roll.
Roll once for each parent
to determine House.
Roll one die for each
parent, high result is
Roll once to determine your birth order (i.e. if
you roll a 3 you were born third).
Roll one die and subtract one. This is the
number of surviving children in your family.
Roll one die for each surviving sibling. Even
results are brothers, odds sisters.
Roll one die for each parent
to determine that parent’s
current title.
Choose a House to align
yourself with, your mother’s
or your father’s.
Your family name is your
dominant House.
Your secret name should be
secret and is up to you.
Your public name is also up to you.
Default age is Spring but
talk to your Narrator about
what she allows.
Determine whether you are
If married, roll to
determine how many
children you have.
All player characters start as
either a Baron or Baroness.
The six Virtues are
shown at right.
Choose one Virtue
as your weakness.
You have no rank in
that Virtue and can
never increase it.
Assign the following ranks to your remaining
Virtues at your discretion: 4, 3, 3, 2, 2.
After assigning ranks, add 1 rank to the Virtue
associated with your House.
Phases represent your character’s
past as well as age. At right are
the phases with accompanying
Typically, player characters
start in Spring. Talk to your
Narrator about starting in a
later phase.
Choose or Create a number of Aspects for your
character based on your chosen Phase.
Pick a number of other player characters to be
your character’s Contacts.
For each contact, work with the other player to
create a story about how your characters met
and why you became such close friends.
You have 3 points to spend on Devotion to Suaven.
Your starting Devotion to a single Suaven
cannot exceed 3.
Spring (adolescence)
Summer (adulthood)
Autumn (maturity)
Winter (solace)
no children
one child
two children
Bear’s Strength
physical risks
Elk’s Cunning
Season Actions
Falcon’s Courage
Fox’s Beauty
Serpent’s Wisdom
Wolf’s Prowess
2 Aspects
1 Contact
4 Aspects
2 Contacts
5 Aspects
1 Solace Aspect
3 Contacts
6 Aspects
2 Solace Aspects
4 Contacts
Houses of the Blooded is © & ™ 2008 by John Wick. This sheet was created by J.A. Dettman for reference purposes only.
The total amount of land that you
own is your Domain.
Domains are made up of
Each Province is made up of
10 Regions.
Your Province begins with
two predetermined Regions:
the Castle and the Village.
You have 5 points with
which you may improve
your existing regions or
acquire new regions. Each
increase in a Regions rank or
acquisition of a new region
costs 1 point.
You may have multiple Regions of the same
type in your Province.
You may not start play with
a Region above Rank 3.
Each region you control that
produces Resources, produces
a number of Resources each
Season equal to its rank (i.e.
a rank 2 plain will produce 2
spices or 2 wine).
A Region never produces
more than one type of
resource in a Season.
If it produces multiple
resources they are all of the
same type.
You have 5 points with
which you may acquire
Acquiring a rank 1 Vassal
costs 1 point.
You may spend additional
points to increase a Vassal’s
You may not start play with
a Vassal above Rank 3.
You have 5 bonus points with which you may
purchase the options listed below:
Artifact: You may aquire an artifact created by
the sorcerer-kings. Each point in an artifact
increases its rank by 1.
Aspect: You may spend 1 point for an
additional Aspect. You many not have more
Aspects than your Season limit plus half your
Wisdom rounded up.
Contact: You may spend 1 point to gain an
addition contact.
Devotion: You may spend 1 point to increase a
Devotion by 1 (max rank 3).
Friend: You may spend 1 point to turn a
Contact into a friend.
Region: You may defi ne one of your
unexplored Regions or increase the rank of
one of your existing Regions (max rank 3) for
a cost of 1 point.
Relic: You may spend 1 point to possess an
item sacred to one of the greater Suaven.
Ritual: You may spend 1 point to know a
sorcerous Ritual.
Vassal: You may spend 1 point to gain an
additional Vassal or increase the rank of an
existing Vassal by 1.
No Resources
medicines and
treats poisons
Move resources
Creates Art
Deals with
sorcery and
information to
your people and
Assists with
mundane tasks
Increase security
and prevent
Wander the
quelling trouble.
Increase security
and investigate
other domains
Servants that
make your
Castle run
Automatic if
married. Can’t
be purchased.
| textdata/thevault/FUDGE & FATE/Houses of the Blooded/Cheats, Sheets, & Extras/HotB_CharGenReference.pdf |
Tac Missile
Civil Engineer
Archaic Artillery
Armed Martial Arts
L. Blade
Sensor Operation
Combat Engineer
Environtment Suit
Guard/Hunting Beasts
Initiative points
Large Watercraft
Skill points
Early Firearms
Grenade Launcher
Heavy Artillery
Heavy Gun
Small Watercraft
Trauma Aid
Small Arms
Forward Observer
Thrown Weapon
Unarmed Martial Arts
Ground Tactics
Ground Vehicle
(x )
(x )
(x )
(x )
Ship Tactics
(x )
Asset Caliber:
Fixed Wing
Rotatory Wing
Snow Skiing
Bulk Magazine R. SS
R. Burst
Hit Mod.
Right Arm
Left Arm
Right Leg
Left Leg
-1 Ini
-3 Ini
-5 Ini
Location Weight
Travel movem.
Combat movem.
Fuel Cap / Cons
Ranges S / M / L / E
Maintenance skill
Vehicle Card
Player Name:
Character Name:
���������� ����������
Service Branch:
Unarmed CD
Free Points
���������� ����������
���������� ����������
Night Vision
Fuel Type
quick notes
Hit Capacity
Derived Values
Aircraft Mechanic
���������� ����������
Throwing Range
Weapon / Ammo
Vehicle Type
Ammo Counters
Combat statistics
Weapon Data
L' A R G O N A U T A
Weapons + Ammunition (Front side):
Equipment & Properties
Background & Personal notes
11th (57-61)
10th (53-57)
9th (49-53)
8th (45-49)
7th (41-45)
6th (37-41)
5th (33-37)
4th (29-33)
3rd (25-29)
2nd (21-25)
Secondary Activity
1st (17-21)
Basic Attributes
Native Languages
Term number
12th (61-65)
Equipment or property
Solid Contacts
Background Skills
Each Attribute: 2D-6. If attributtes total less than 30 you may add points as desired to bring total up to 30. Alternatively, allocate a total of 32 points;
no attribute less than 1 or greater than 10. Aging or activities may raise or lower certain attributes.Maximum positive modifier +2.
L' A R G O N A U T A
| textdata/thevault/Twilight 2000/3rd party/Twilight 2000 - Character Sheet 02.pdf |
Monstrous Pages for
Shadow of the Demon Lord
Shadow of the Demon Lord
WRITING, DESIGN, and Art Direction:
editing: Tom Cadorette
Proofreading and Layout: Kara Hamilton
Graphic Design: Hal Mangold
and Kara Hamilton
Noisome Beasts is ©2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC.
All rights reserved.
Shadow of the Demon Lord, Monstrous Pages, Noisome Beasts
Schwalb Entertainment, and their associated logos
are trademarks of Schwalb Entertainment, LLC.
PO Box #12548, Murfreesboro, TN 37129
[email protected]
There are monsters everywhere. From
the hideous lash crawlers creeping in the
darkest places deep beneath the earth to the
rampaging boggarts, driven by insatiable
hunger and lust to terrorize the lands
around them, there seems to be no end
to the variation in form and intent when
it comes to monstrous creatures. While
most monsters tend to be unique beings,
spawned from pools of stagnant magic or
demonic infl uence, a few have emerged as
true species, able to reproduce despite their
unnatural origins.
Noisome Beasts explores some of the more
famous breeds of monster to infest the
world, specifi cally those that are noxious
and toxic to creatures around them. In
the following pages, you’ll fi nd lore and
customization options for the amphisbaena,
basilisk, catoblepas, cockatrice, and the
dreaded manticore.
Eyes of gleaming emerald shine out of the darkness,
inexorably drawing the gaze of anyone nearby,
holding their attention long enough for the monster
to strike. These eyes belong to the amphisbaena,
a bizarre, serpent-like creature sporting a head at
either end of its body, its transfi xing gaze keeping
its intended victims within reach of both. If there’s a
place in which these strange serpents cannot adapt,
none have yet found it as amphisbaenas have been
encountered everywhere from the blasted lands of the
Desolation to the icy fi elds of the frozen wastes.
Born from Blood: As with many terrible things
stalking the lands of Rûl, the amphisbaenas fi rst
appeared in the world during the dark tyranny of Gog,
not long after the Witch-King transformed his wives
into hideous gorgons to prevent his rivals from using
them against him. The Witch-King had many sons,
and though many were loyal, their loyalty stemmed
from fear of earning their sire’s wrath and suff ering
his cruel attentions. One son, Astrophon the Blind,
who had had his eyes burned from his head by his
father, recoiled at the horrors his father let loose and
sought to put an end to his father’s tyranny.
Astrophon conjured a demon steed and rode the
hateful beast north into the shattered lands of the
Desolation where the Witch-King had imprisoned
his most beautiful bride, the gorgon sorceress
Halicale. Within a vast and terrible black palace,
the gorgon raged at her captivity, tormenting the
blinded sycophants cursed to wait on her. Astrophon
descended from the skies, drew his keen blade, which
helped him sense his foes, and hunted Halicale,
killing her many servants and guardians until the
palace halls ran red with blood. When he fi nally
found her, the two battled for days, the dark magic
of their combat warping the very fabric of the world,
releasing innumerable demons and other untold
horrors. In the end, Astrophon was victorious, taking
off her head with a masterful stroke of his blade.
The young hero sought to use the gorgon’s head to
petrify his father, so he scooped it up, mounted the
demon steed, and fl ew south to confront the Witch-
King. The blood weeping from the severed head fell
to the ground, and wherever a droplet landed sprang
forth an amphisbaena. Over the many leagues of
his fl ight, amphisbaenas were created on the lands
below, and each quickly adapted to the diff erent
environments in which they landed.
As the Witch-King’s reign lasted many years after
Astrophon’s betrayal, it is clear the young hero’s quest
ended in failure. Legend holds that the Witch-King
was so impressed by his son’s daring that he rewarded
him by sealing him alive inside Halicale’s black
palace, where it’s said his screams can still be heard
to this day.
Great Variety: Extremely adaptable, amphisbaenas
thrive in almost any land, even ones normally too cold
for serpents to live. Wherever they live, their bodies
adapt to their surrounding environments in order to
help them hide in the terrain. Thus amphisbaenas
living in the frozen wastes have white, gray, and blue
scales, while those living among the Burning Vaults of
the salamanders have black and orange scales. Despite
the variation in appearance, all amphisbaenas share
one physical trait: their eyes shine with emerald light.
Deadly Hunters: Although they have two heads,
amphisbaenas are of one mind when it comes
to hunting. The heads display a great deal of
cooperation, readily ceding control of the body to the
other as the situation demands. One head might pin
a creature with its gaze while the other darts forward
to deliver its deadly bite. Whether springing out from
the shadows to take their victim unawares or darting
around their prey to close off avenues of retreat,
amphisbaenas prove the truth in the old adage
“two heads are always better than one.”
Magical Properties: Alchemists claim body parts
from amphisbaenas have magical properties and
thus fetch high prices on the black market. The most
common substance harvested from these creatures
is their venom (see Do We Not Die? for details on
harvesting poison). Eating amphisbaena fl esh is
believed to attract lovers of the opposite sex, while
wearing clothing made from amphisbaena skin is
said to cure aches in bones.
Size 2 monster
Perception 14 (+4); darksight
Defense 16; Health 20
Strength 13 (+3), Agility 15 (+5), Intellect 8 (–2),
Will 11 (+1)
Speed 12
Immune damage from cold; gaining Insanity; dazed,
impaired, stunned
Two Heads An amphisbaena can take both a fast
turn and a slow turn and can use two triggered
actions each round.
Fangs (melee) +5 (Agility) (1d6 + 1 plus Poison)
Poison The target must get a success on a Strength
challenge roll with 1 bane or take 1d6 damage
and become poisoned for 1 minute. If the target
is already poisoned, it takes 1d6 damage.
Pinning Gaze The amphisbaena uses an action, or
a triggered action on its turn, to fi x its gaze on
one target creature within medium range. The
target must get a success on a Will challenge roll
or become immobilized until it uses an action to
remove the affl iction. A success on the roll renders
the target immune to this amphisbaena’s use of
Pinning Gaze until the target completes a rest.
palace, where it’s said his screams can still be heard
to this day.
Customizing Amphisbaenas
Amphisbaenas tend to dwell in lands steeped in
magic, places warped by destructive spells or touched
by the Demon Lord’s shadow. These environments
often cause weird mutations in their bodies.
Maddening Gaze
Magic powers the amphisbaena’s gaze, giving these
monsters the ability to freeze their victims in place.
In some monsters, the power runs stronger, causing
frozen creatures to experience nightmarish thoughts
and visions that induce madness. You can grant this
ability to an amphisbaena by removing its Pinning
Gaze special attack and applying all of the following
Health +10
Maddening Gaze The amphisbaena uses an action
or a triggered action on its turn to fi x its gaze on
one target creature within medium range. The
target must get a success on a Will challenge roll
or become immobilized until the amphisbaena
becomes incapacitated. At the end of each round
a creature remains immobilized this way, it must
get a success on a Will challenge roll or gain
1 Insanity. An affected creature can use an action
to make a Will challenge roll with 1 bane. On a
success, the creature removes the immobilized
affl iction.
Some amphisbaenas develop the ability to spit
venom to strike distant enemies. When used in
this way, the venom burns the fl esh and can cause
temporary blindness.
Spit Venom The amphisbaena spits venom at one
creature within short range. The amphisbaena
makes an Agility attack roll against the target’s
Agility. On a success, the venom hits, causing the
target to take 1d6 damage and become poisoned
for 1 minute. While poisoned in this way, the target
is also blinded. Once the amphisbaena uses this
attack, it must wait 1 minute before it can use
it again. While it waits, any creature making a
Strength challenge roll to resist its poison makes
the roll with 1 boon.
In the most remote corners of the Desolation there
dwells a rare strain of amphisbaena, one that has
human heads instead of those of a serpent. Legend
holds these abominations descend from the fi rst
amphisbaenas created by Astrophon. The faces are
always female and contorted with madness, but they
are far more intelligent than other amphisbaenas and
are capable of using magic.
Gain horrifying trait
Intellect +3
Fangs (melee) +5 (Agility) (1d3)
Power 3
Telepathy† share thoughts (4), mental static (2),
mind stab (2), repulsion (1), erase presence (1)
†See Demon Lord’s Companion
Amphisbaenas living in lands touched by the Void
tend to be wilder and less predictable, almost as if
possessed by demons.
Gains horrifying trait
Gain truesight
Speed +2
Demonic Shadows Lit areas out to 3 yards from the
amphisbaena become shadows.
Corrupting Poison The target must get a success
on a Strength challenge roll with 1 bane or take
1d6 damage and become poisoned for 1 minute. If
the total of the target’s roll is 0 or less, the target
also gains 1 Corruption. If the target is already
poisoned, it takes 1d6 damage.
Erratic Roll a d6. On a 1, the amphisbaena attacks
itself if it can use actions. On a 2–5, nothing
happens. On a 6, the amphisbaena can use an
additional action during the next round.
Crushing Coils
Larger breeds of amphisbaenas can coil their bodies
around their victims, tightening until they crush the
life out of them.
Size +1 and gains frightening trait
Health +20
Strength +2
Fangs (melee) +5 (Agility) (2d6 + 1 plus Poison)
Poison The target must get a success on a Strength
challenge roll with 1 bane or take 2d6 damage
and become poisoned for 1 minute. If the target is
already poisoned, it takes 1d6 damage.
Crushing Grab The amphisbaena makes a Strength
attack roll against the Agility of one creature
within its reach that is of a Size smaller than itself.
On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage and
is grabbed until the end of the next round. If the
target was already grabbed by the amphisbaena,
the amphisbaena gets an automatic success
and the target takes 2d6 extra damage. Targets
grabbed by the amphisbaena make attack rolls
to escape with 2 banes.
are capable of using magic.
Among the most feared and reviled of monsters,
basilisks are the embodiment of all things venomous.
Able to kill with a glance, potent venom sluicing from
their fangs, their mere presence enough to stain the
lands in which they live, basilisks are true monsters.
Most basilisks dwell in deep caves, hunting other
denizens of the depths, but a few fi nd a place in the
service of dark wizards, charged with protecting their
fabulous treasures, which they do in exchange for a
steady supply of sacrifi ces.
Legendary Origins: Folklore claims basilisks
originated from the eggs of serpents or toads hatched
by cockerels in the darkness of a new moon. Others
believe them to have been created by the race of
serpent people from which lizardmen descend,
terrible guardians of forbidden lore. Others still
claim they were spawned in Hell and released into
the world to spread fear and misery. Whatever their
origins, no one can recall a time when the basilisks
did not haunt the wild places. They have always been
there, hunting and killing, polluting the lands with
their foul presence.
Size 3 monster
Perception 12 (+2); darksight
Defense 18; Health 150
Strength 17 (+7), Agility 11 (+1),
Intellect 8 (–2), Will 11 (+1)
Speed 12
Captivating Appearance When a creature
must make a Will challenge roll with
3 banes. On a failure, the creature gains
1 Insanity and cannot avert its eyes from
the basilisk for 1 round. Whether it gets a
success or failure on the roll, the creature
becomes immune to that basilisk’s
Captivating Appearance until the creature
completes a rest.
Fangs (melee) +7 (Strength) with 3 boons
(4d6 plus Poison)
Poison The target creature must make a
Strength challenge roll with 3 banes. A
target takes 4d6 damage and becomes
poisoned for 1 minute on a failure, or just
takes half the damage on a success. If the
target is already poisoned, it takes 2d6
damage and becomes dazed for 1 round.
Killing Gaze Each creature within medium
range of the basilisk that can see it must
either use a triggered action to avert its
eyes from the basilisk’s gaze or make a
Strength challenge roll with 2 banes.
For 1 round, a creature that averted its
eyes makes attack rolls with 2 banes and
other creature make attack rolls against it
with 2 boons.
A creature that makes the challenge roll
and gets a failure takes 3d6 damage. If the
damage would incapacitate the creature,
it dies.
Magnifi cent Monstrosity: Basilisks resemble
serpents, measure up to 30 feet long, and weigh
several hundred pounds. They have glossy black
scales over their bodies, from the snouts of their fl at,
wide heads to the tips of their tapering tails. Basilisks
have four fangs in their mouths, each dripping potent
venom that burns whatever it touches. About one
in twelve have a crown-like crest or a patch of white
scales on the tops of their heads.
Deadly Venom: Considered the kings of serpents
for their toxic nature, basilisks can kill with a glance,
and the venom dripping from their four fangs can
stop a creature’s heart almost at once. The acidic
venom dribbles and drips, spilling onto the ground
and destroying just about anything it touches. For
this reason, the area around a basilisk’s lair tends to
be barren, the plants withered and blackened, the
ground littered with the bones of dead animals.
Fear of Weasels: Basilisks despise weasels and
recoil in fear in their presence despite their small
size. The basilisk is, of course, more than a match
for an ordinary weasel, so once the monster fi nds
its courage, the weasel is almost certainly doomed.
damage would incapacitate the creature,
it dies.
Basilisk hunters fi nd keeping a weasel or two on hand
can buy them the time they need to attack the beast
and bring it down.
When a basilisk sees a weasel, it must get a success
on a Will challenge roll or become frightened for 1
round. While frightened in this way, it cannot use its
Killing Gaze.
Alchemical Ingredients: Basilisk body parts
command a high price in black markets all across
the civilized world, which explains why individuals
dare to hunt these terrifying beasts. A vial of venom,
a dram of basilisk blood, or an intact eye can bring a
fortune, up to 20 gc from an interested buyer.
Basilisk venom can be harvested using the rules
described in Do We Not Die? A basilisk eye can be
safely removed from the carcass by spending 1 minute
of work with a tool kit and getting a success on an
Intellect challenge roll. The basilisk eye retains
potency for 1d6 days, after which time it rots away. A
creature can make the eye its implement, which grants
the creature 1 boon on attack rolls made using Death
spells and imposes 1 bane on challenge rolls made to
resist Death spells the creature casts.
Other body parts are said to have alchemical
properties, though none are proven. Alchemists,
however, use basilisk blood in the casting of the copper
to gold spell.
Requirements You must have an alchemist’s kit, powdered
basilisk’s blood, powdered human blood, and vinegar
distilled from rare wine (at least 10 gc)
Target Up to 100 cp you can reach
Duration Permanent
Upon casting this spell, you must use your alchemist’s
kit and other ingredient to work for 1 hour, during which
time you must concentrate. If you work the full hour, you
transform the target to gold. The coins have a weird reddish
color but have the same value as regular gold crowns.
Then, make a Strength challenge roll. On a failure, you
permanently reduce your Health by 1d6 from working with
the basilisk’s blood.
Customizing Basilisks
Some basilisks have capabilities beyond those of the
normal members of their kind.
Poisonous Blood
The venom of any basilisk is quite dangerous, but
in certain breeds, everything about the creature is
extremely toxic. Spilling the blood of such a creature
causes the blood to run up the weapon that broke its
hide and attack the wielder directly.
Health +25
Immune damage from poison; poisoned
Poisonous Blood When a creature deals damage
to this basilisk with a melee weapon, blood fl ows
across the weapon to touch the weapon’s wielder
making it subject to the basilisk’s Poison.
Eroding Breath
Basilisks have foul breath to be sure, but those with
eroding breath issue exhalations of such vileness that
they kill plants and shatter stones. Basilisks with this
trait tend to be found in the Desolation.
Health +25
Immune damage from poison; poisoned
Eroding Breath The ground within 2 yards of the
basilisk becomes diffi cult terrain. Each object
made from earth or stone within this area also
takes damage equal to its Health. Finally, each
living and breathing creature in the area must
get a success on a Strength challenge roll or
take 2d6 damage and become poisoned for
1 minute. A creature already poisoned takes
2d6 extra damage.
Toxic Scales
The glistening scales covering basilisks’ bodies are
quite striking, as bright as polished obsidian. Some
basilisks, though, have dull, matte scales, made so
by the creature’s foul excretions. Physical contact
with the monster’s body exposes the creature to the
poisonous substance, which causes pain so intense
it can stop the heart.
Health +25
Immune damage from poison; poisoned
Toxic Scales Plants touching this basilisk take
damage equal to their Health. Any living creature
that touches the basilisk takes 1d6 damage and
must get a success on a Strength challenge roll
with 4 banes or take 4d6 damage and become
poisoned for 1 minute. A creature already poisoned
takes 4d6 extra damage.
Not all monsters are inimical to people. Some
even avoid other creatures. Such is the case of the
catoblepas, a queer mid-sized beast found roaming
the dunes and badlands of the Desolation. The
catoblepas roots through the rubble for the scant,
tough foliage growing there and the infrequent
pools of water yet to be stolen by the high heat of the
landscape. An inoff ensive brute, the catoblepas keeps
its distance from other creatures, but if one draws
too close, it readily employs its potent breath to keep
predators at bay.
Cattle of the Wastes: A catoblepas has
the body shape of a bison, and thick, black
armored plates cover its back in the manner
of an armadillo. It has an overlarge, shaggy
head from which sprout a pair of twisting
horns. Its thick legs end in hoofs divided into
three toes. Although shaggy and armored, the
catoblepas has no trouble with extreme heat or
Morose Beasts: The catoblepas takes its
name from a High Archaic word that means
“to look down,” because these beasts keep their
heads pointed at the ground, almost as if they
were too heavy to lift. Add to this posture their
red-rimmed eyes and mournful lowing, and
one can understand their reputations for being
melancholy creatures.
Uncertain Origins: The best theory about
the origin of these creatures is that they were
herd animals in the wastes altered by the
destructive magic used by the trolls and their
faeries in their ancient wars. Their natural
hardiness allowed them to adapt to their
ruined environment. However, they still need
to eat and food is scarce in their territory, thus
they are few in number, rarely encountered in
groups larger than three.
Size 2 monster
Perception 11 (+1)
Defense 18; Health 80
Strength 15 (+5), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect 6 (–4),
Will 9 (–1)
Speed 8
Horns (melee) +5 (Strength) with 1 boon (2d6)
Poisonous Cloud The catoblepas exhales a toxic
cloud to spread across a 6-yard cone originating
from a point it can reach. The cloud partially
obscures its area and remains for 1 round or until
dispersed by wind.
The poisonous cloud deals 6d6 damage to each
living creature in the area that is not a catoblepas.
A creature that gets a success on a Strength
challenge roll with 1 bane takes half the damage.
Any creature incapacitated by this damage turns
into a stone statue and dies.
A catoblepas must wait 1 round before it can use
Poisonous Cloud again.
Rancid Odor: The catoblepas gives off the foul odor
of spoiled milk, a stench wafting out of their mouths.
The reason for this unwholesome smell is that it has
a special organ in its gullet, used to help break down
rocks and other inorganic materials it eats. When
threatened, the catoblepas belches up gasses from this
organ that billow out from its mouth in a toxic cloud
of lethal potency.
Customizing the
The catoblepas has a great deal of variety in its form.
Some specimens have the heads of hogs, while others
have long, fl exible necks. Some have thick black
bristles sprouting out from between their armored
plates, and some have thick manes. Nearly all share
the same capabilities, however, with a few that are the
exception to the rule.
Lethal Stare
That the catoblepas is said to have a gaze that can kill
is most likely apocryphal, but some travelers swear
the beasts can kill with a glance.
Health +10
Lethal Stare The catoblepas raises its head to peer
at one creature within short range. If the creature
can see, it must get a success on a Strength
challenge roll with 1 boon or take damage equal
to its Health. A creature with Health 50 or more
makes the challenge roll
with 3 boons.
Customizing the
organ that billow out from its mouth in a toxic cloud
of lethal potency.
Many monsters are hybrids, possessing the features
and traits of other creatures. The cockatrice is a
classic example, combining the forms of a dragon and
rooster. This would normally be strange enough, but
the cockatrice has another power that makes it one of
the most dangerous monsters: with a touch of its beak,
it can turn fl esh to stone.
Man-Sized Monster: A cockatrice has the body of
a scaled reptile with a bulging belly and bat-like wings
in place of forelimbs. It has the feathered head and
legs of a rooster, and its eyes glow with a reddish light.
Most cockatrices stand about 6 feet tall and weigh
200 pounds.
Common Origins: Myths about the cockatrice
originate from the same stories about basilisks,
legend holding that cockatrices hatch from chicken
eggs incubated by toads or serpents. The similarities
to the basilisk’s origins hints that these creatures
appeared at the same time or, possibly, spawned
from the same source. Just as basilisks are believed
to have been created by a race of primeval serpent
people, so too is it believed cockatrices were
products of the same experimentations and have
since reproduced in numbers enough to become a
full species.
Turn to Stone: What makes cockatrices such
worrisome monsters is their ability to turn fl esh
to stone with a touch of their beaks. This magical
ability is key to how the monster both hunts prey
and protects itself from other predators. Cockatrices
are neither strong nor fast, which makes them easy
pickings for bigger, hungrier creatures. But the
ability to petrify living creatures gives the cockatrice
a decisive advantage. Those touched by its beak feel
their bodies grow heavy and leaden, as if weighted
down. Repeated pecks cause the fl esh to calcify until it
turns to stone, killing the victim instantly.
Cockatrices can eat just about anything. They eat
small stones to help digest food. Their beaks are quite
strong and can break apart petrifi ed bodies so they
can get to the threads of soft tissue trapped in the
rock. Since cockatrices are not voracious eaters, one
can usually fi nd an assortment of petrifi ed creatures
around the caves in they make their lairs.
Size 1 monster
Perception 11 (+1)
Defense 14; Health 20
Strength 12 (+2), Agility 12 (+2), Intellect 6 (–4),
Will 10 (+0)
Speed 6; fl ier
Beak (melee) +2 (Strength) with 1 boon (4d6 plus
Petrify on a 20+ against a living target)
Petrify The target becomes slowed for 1 minute
as its body grows heavy. If the target is already
slowed this way, it instead takes 4d6 extra
damage. A target incapacitated by this damage
turns into a stone statue and dies.
Customizing Cockatrices
Variations among cockatrices tend to be cosmetic,
but there is at least one signifi cant exception.
The two-headed cockatrices is quite rare and
greatly feared. A vicious and aggressive monster,
its two heads constantly snap at each other
whenever the beast is not on the hunt. As a result,
each head sports stony patches from being nicked
by the other’s beak.
Defense +2; Health +20
Two Heads A cockatrice can take both a fast
turn and a slow turn and can use two triggered
actions each round.
from the same source. Just as basilisks are believed
to have been created by a race of primeval serpent
can usually fi nd an assortment of petrifi ed creatures
around the caves in they make their lairs.
Size 1 monster
Petrify on a 20+ against a living target)
as its body grows heavy. If the target is already
slowed this way, it instead takes 4d6 extra
damage. A target incapacitated by this damage
turns into a stone statue and dies.
Customizing Cockatrices
Variations among cockatrices tend to be cosmetic,
but there is at least one signifi cant exception.
The two-headed cockatrices is quite rare and
greatly feared. A vicious and aggressive monster,
its two heads constantly snap at each other
whenever the beast is not on the hunt. As a result,
each head sports stony patches from being nicked
by the other’s beak.
Manticores terrorize the lands they inhabit. These
man-eaters appear in local legends all across Rûl and
are known by many diff erent names. The centaurs of
the Endless Steppe know them as “lampagos,” while
the people of Tear refer to them as “man-tigers.”
Throughout the Nine Cities, where manticores
cause endless trouble for merchant caravans, they
are known as “satyrals.” Regardless of what they
are called, people all over fear manticores for their
viciousness and cruelty, for they are relentless killers
that seem to delight in the suff ering of their victims.
Hybrid Forms: Manticores combine the forms of
a few diff erent creatures. They have the bodies of
lions or tigers, the fur covering their forelimbs giving
way to scaly fl esh and sharp talons. From their backs
sprout enormous black bat wings, with tails like those
of enormous scorpions, black chitinous protrusions
ending in barbed spikes dripping with venom. The
most horrifi c aspect to their appearance, though, is
their human visages. Rather than lion heads, they
have the snarling, bestial faces of people, warped
almost beyond recognition.
Troll Creations: In the hateful wars between trolls
and faeries, the trolls used dark power to create
soldiers to fi ght for them. Manticores were made
from captured faeries fused to ordinary beasts so
that other faeries would be demoralized by seeing
familiar faces attached to the bodies of abominations.
Although these ancient wars have long since ended,
manticores survived, passing down their accursed
existence to countless off spring, each generation
worse than the last.
Cruel Hunters: A deadly predator, the manticore
claims large swathes of land, soaring above at night in
search of fl esh on which it might feed its prodigious
appetite. Manticores typically survive on herd animals
but prefer human or faerie fl esh. They never pass up
the chance to make a meal on some shepherd or a
lost child. The perverse delight the manticore takes in
the act of killing makes it viciously cruel, and unless
starving, it draws out the hunt, taking its time to
slowly circle around the victim, swooping in to slash
its fl esh into ribbons and then up into the air again, all
the while laughing at their victims’ cries.
Vicious Mockery: Manticores have the ability to
make sounds akin to speech, but most just echo what
they hear without showing any understanding of
what they say. They enjoy reproducing their victims’
cries and pleading, parroting the sounds they make
as if mocking them. While most manticores lack the
ability to comprehend what they say, some do have
the capacity for speech and when they do, it is always
Dark Speech.
Size 2 horrifying monster
Perception 15 (+5); darksight
Defense 16; Health 150
Strength 16 (+6), Agility 11 (+1), Intellect 7 (–3),
Will 14 (+4)
Speed 12; fl ier
Immune gaining Insanity
Claw (melee) +6 (Strength) with 2 boons (2d6)
Teeth (melee) +6 (Strength) with 2 boons (2d6 + 1)
Stinger (melee) +6 (Strength) with 2 boons
(1d6 plus Poison)
Poison A living target must get a success on a
Strength challenge roll with 3 banes or take 5d6
damage and become poisoned for 1 minute. If the
target is already poisoned, it instead takes 3d6
extra damage.
Rend The manticore attacks twice with its claw
and once with its teeth.
Swift Sting At any point during the round, the
manticore can use a triggered action to attack
with its stinger.
Customizing Manticores
Variations among the manticores normally involve
facial features with many having the faces of baboons,
human women, or monstrous, tusked visages. Color
variations are also common, often showing up as
stripes or spots, or fur that is black, white, or yellow.
Not all manticores let themselves be ruled by their
appetites. Some have greater ambitions. Magic-
using manticores are cunning creatures, their minds
awakened to even greater evil. Such creatures,
sometimes called sphinxes, position themselves at the
center of large humanoid settlements, making slaves
of their prey to use them to advance their agendas.
To create a magic-using manticore, increase its
Intellect to 14 and give it traditions and spells for its
Diffi culty as described in the main rulebook (Shadow,
page 263).
Spiked Tail
Many manticores have spiked tails from which drip
venom, and they can fl ick their tails to hurl a spike at
their prey. Such manticores have 1d3 + 3 spikes at the
ends of their tails. The manticore regrows missing
spikes after 1d6 days.
Replace the manticore’s stinger with the following
attack option.
Tail Spike (medium range) +1 (Agility) with 2 boons
(1d3 plus Poison)
Poison A living target must get a success on a
Strength challenge roll with 3 banes or fall prone
and become immobilized. While immobilized, the
target is defenseless.
| textdata/thevault/Shadow of the Demon Lord/Monstrous Pages/SotDL - Monstrous Pages - Noisome Beasts.pdf |
Random Encounters for BOOT HILL
Have you ever wanted to play Boot Hill but didn’t have a moderator? Or have you, as the moderator, ever wanted
to lighten your burden? Or have you ever finished an adventure early and just wanted to kill some time? The
answer is to have a random encounter chart.
This almost totally eliminates the need for a moderator and relieves all the demands of role-playing, for the most
part, on the players. For an example, I have made up a wilderness encounter chart; encounter charts could be
made up of cities or rural areas.
For each day in the wilderness, roll a six-sided die. A roll of six indicates an encounter. If
an encounter is indicated, roll percentile dice and consult the table below:
Wilderness Encounter Table (WET)
2-12 mounted bandits, armed with an assortment of revolvers and rifles. There is a 15%
chance of $l-6,000. Otherwise there will be $1-10 per bandit.
2-12 wagons containing 1-4 homesteaders apiece. There is also a 50% chance of cows (1-12)
and a 25% chance of pigs (1-6). The wagons are usually loaded with foodstuffs, clothing,
furniture, etc. . . . 10-60% of the homesteaders are armed (rifles) and know how to use them.
The homesteaders that are armed have a 50% chance of having $1-10 apiece.
1-3 clergy-unarmed-20% chance of having $1-20 in gold.
Soldiers-75% chance of a detachment (7-12 + Leader) and a 25% chance of a Troop (42-52 incl.
Leaders and scouts) soldiers. Soldiers are mounted, and are armed with SAR’s and Standard Army
Issue rifles. Each soldier has $2-40.
Indians 1-40. 95% are mounted. All Indians are armed with Tomahawks and/or knives, 40% are armed
with bows, 20% are armed with lances, 20% with Civil War rifles, 10% with standard rifles, and 10%
with revolvers.
Pony Express Rider-Has $1-20 and is armed with a DAR and a standard rifle. There is a 75% chance
that he has a good horse and a 25% chance he has an excellent horse.
Trapper - Armed with DAR, Buffalo Rifle, Throwing Knife and Axe. A trapper has 1-3 horses (75%) or
1-3 donkeys (25%). There is a 50% chance that he has $1-20.
Posse consisting of 3-18 men armed with DAR’s and standard rifles. Posses are mounted.
Stagecoach - Has a guard, driver and 1-6 passengers. Guard is armed with DAR and standard rifle. 1-4
passengers are armed (30% chance CBR, 20% chance SAR, 10% chance DAR and 40% chance
standard rifle). There is a 50% chance that each passenger has $1-20.
96-100 Packet Train 1-10 wagons - l driver per wagon - armed with SAR and shotgun. Cargo is determined by
Moderator – it is usually foodstuffs. Each driver has a 20% chance of having $1-10.
As you can see, this chart contains many possible variations with the possibilities being
endless. After using this type chart for a while you will find that the most enjoyable
adventures can come through it.
City Encounter Tables (day and evening)
This chart is modeled after the fact that most towns specify the characteristics or
weapons of each encounter so the referee may suit each one to fit into his game. The
referee may also decide when there should be a chance for an encounter (1 every hour,
half-hour, etc.)
Town till 8 p.m. (1 out of 6 chances)
Town after 8 p.m. (2 out of 6 chances)
1 Pickpocket
I Lady of the evening
2 Stealing job offer*
2 Murder job offer*
3 Mugged by 1 person
3 Mugged by 2 people
4 Questioned by deputy
4 Small posse after you(armed)
5 Irate merchant after you
5 Vigilantes ambush you
6 Shot at by I person
6 Shot at by 2 people
7 Jumped by I person
7 See bank being robbed
8 Small posse after you (unarmed)
8 Jealous husband
9 Harm person job offer*
9 Escaped prisoner
10 Drunk wants to fight you
10 Insane gunfighter
11 Deputy shoots at you
11 Shot at by 3 people
12 Arson job offer*
12 Challenged to a gunfight
13 Undercover deputy
13 Mistaken for a murderer
14 Mugged by 2 people
14 3 deputies try to arrest you
15 See mugging
15 Lynch mob after you
16 Gunfighter wants to gunfight you
16 Large brawl in street
17 Murder job offer*
17 Wanted man with a price on his head
18 Falsely arrested
18 Hidden sniper
19 Shot at by 2 people
19 Large posse afte you (armed)
20 2 deputies after you
20 U.S. Marshal tries to arrest you
*Most job offers are made by merchants wanting their competition eliminated.
| textdata/thevault/Boot Hill/3rd Party/Boot Hill - Random Encounters.pdf |
North of the Hyborian
lands lies pale and
misty Hyperborea,
an unwelcoming
wasteland that offers
no warmth to visitors,
of which there are
very few. Unless they
happen to arrive in a
slave caravan, as did
a young Cimmerian
once upon a time...
ven though most sorcerers
work alone, many have
found the need for mutually
supportive communities for darksome
training and better understanding
of the esoteric tomes they study.
Indeed, given the scarcity of truly
powerful tomes, it is understandable
that the possessors of such tomes
would fi nd themselves at the centre
of such gatherings, and the truly
powerful practitioners of the art fi nd
themselves equally sought after by
others. Other societies are formed
by those practitioners who, either
through obsession or temperament,
long to be a leader. Such is the case
with the White Hand of Hyperborea,
a sorcerous cult devoted to Louhi,
considered to be the avatar of a death
The White Hand
is a strange cult of
that holds power
in Hyperborea
through the terror
of their horrible
arts. They kill
without leaving
a mark and fi ght
only with their
strange, platinum-
tipped rods.
Those who serve
in the White Hand
undergo strange
mortifi cations
of body, mind
and will. They
are accounted
The White Hand
of Hyperborea
the deadliest fi ghters in the world,
immune to fear and pain. In addition
to the death goddess, they worship a
whole host of devil-gods and avatars.
All members of the White Hand are
subject to The Rule of the Master (see
the Conan RPG for details).
Even the brooding Cimmerians,
amongst their forested ridges and
misty hills, know the infamous the
White Hand. The sight of it can set a
brave man to trembling. Members of
this order are known as Witchmen or
Witchwomen, all of who are virtual
devils in human guise, without the
taint of compassion or any other
constraint that limits other men to
sensible or moral behaviour.
This organisation is small, though its
leader, Louhi, longs for it to reach the
size and prestige of the Black Ring of
Stygia. Even so, perhaps because she
Vincent Darlage
Soon the trail of the
Hyperborean horses faded out on
stony soil. But there was little
chance to lose the trail, for now
and again he passed a sign that his
son’s abductors had left to guide
him; the imprint of a hand, white
against rock or soil. Betimes it was
seared into the dry, scrubby grass of
a hummock like a pattern of frost left
by a blast of preternatural cold.
Witchcraft! He growled, deep in his
throat, and his napehairs prickled. His
own homeland, Cimmeria, lay to the
northwest. His primitive folk knew of
the White Hand, dread symbol of the
Witchmen of Hyperborea. He shivered
at the thought that his son was their
L.Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter,
The Witch of the Mists
The Roleplaying
also has the services of the infamous
Witchmen of Hyperborea and became
an avatar of their horrible god, her
magical order has gained the attention
of Thoth-Amon of the Black Ring,
as well as the Scarlet Circle in far
The Witchmen and Witchwomen
of Hyperborea serve the sorcerers
and sorceresses of Hyperborea,
learning from them, serving them and
protecting them. As with all prestige
classes in the Conan RPG, this class
is a favoured class for any who meets
its requirements.
Low level Witchmen serve as shock
troops and assassins for the Witch
Kings and Queens. Until they reach
6th or 7th level, they are required to
dress in skin tight black clothing and
featureless white ivory masks while
in public view. They are taught to
not divulge their emotions, lending
them expressionless faces at higher
levels, which aids them in Bluff
checks. At ninth level, the character
is deemed a Witch King or Witch
Queen and usually begins his or her
own cabal of Witchmen, although all
are still considered part of the White
Hand. Individual avatars may order
their Witchmen to display their own
symbol on their black uniform. For
example, Vammatar’s Witchmen,
in de Camp and Carter’s Legions of
the Dead, had a red emblem on their
Hit Die: d6.
To qualify to become a Witchman of
Hyperborea, a character must fulfi l all
of the following criteria.
Sorcery Styles: Must know at least
two sorcery styles.
Codes of Honour: Must not have a
code of honour.
Skills: Knowledge (arcane) 5 ranks,
Perform (ritual) 5 ranks.
Race: Must be Hyperborean.
Religion: Must be a worshipper of
the Death Goddess of Hyperborea in
good standing.
Corruption: 1 or higher.
Special: Must have been a member
of the White Hand coven for at least
a year.
Class Skills
The Witchman of Hyperborea’s class
skills (and the key ability for each
skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration
(Con), Craft (alchemy) (Int), Craft
(herbalism) (Int), Diplomacy (Cha),
Gather Information (Cha), Hide
(Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge
(any) (Int), Move Silently (Dex),
Perform (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis),
and Sleight of Hand (Dex). See the
Conan RPG for skill descriptions.
Skill Points At Each Level: 6 + Int
modifi er.
Class Features
All of the following are class features
of the Witchman of Hyperborea
prestige class.
Weapon and Armour Profi ciency:
The Witchman of Hyperborea
gains no new weapon or armour
profi ciencies. Note that armour check
penalties for armour heavier than
leather apply to the skills Balance,
Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump,
Move Silently, Sleight of Hand and
Advanced Spell: At 3rd level and
every level thereafter, the Witchman
of Hyperborea improves his
knowledge of any one of the sorcery
styles he already knows by gaining
any one of the advanced spells listed
under the style. The Witchman of
Hyperborea is taught this spell by his
Witch King or Queen and does not
get to choose his own spell. This is a
supernatural ability.
New Sorcery Style: This new sorcery
style may be chosen either from the
Conan RPG or from The Scrolls
of Skelos, and the Witchman of
Hyperborea also gains the basic spell
associated with it.
Scholar Levels: The Witchman of
Hyperborea may add his Witchman of
Hyperborea class level to his scholar
class level for the following purposes:
gaining bonus spells for high
Intelligence, determining effective
scholar level when casting spells.
This is a supernatural ability.
Witchman Accoutrements: The
Witchman gains a Rod of the
Witchman and The Faceless Costume
for free. If the Witchman dies, the
Rod and the Costume are removed
from the dead body so that others
cannot steal them.
Exotic Weapon Profi ciency: The
Witchman of Hyperborea is profi cient
with the use of the Rod of the
Witchmen (see below).
Bonus Feats: The Witchmen of
Hyperborea gain a bonus feat at
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th levels as they
develop their fi ghting styles at the
expense of magical power. They
may choose from the following feats:
Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm,
Improved Feint, Striking Cobra,
Weapon Finesse.
Mortifi cation of Body (Ex): The
Witchman of Hyperborea gains
curiously green eyes and his body
is trained not to telegraph coming
attacks or movements or to reveal
emotion. The green eyes allow the
Witchman to take the Steely Gaze
The Witchmen
of shadowy
Hyperborea were
feared far and wide
for their uncanny
mastery of the
black arts…
L.Sprague de Camp
and Lin Carter,
Legions of the Dead
feat even if he does not otherwise
meet the prerequisites. The body
training gives the Witchman a
Bluff bonus equal to his class level.
Hyperboreans are naturally thin and
gaunt, and this mortifi cation makes
them even more so.
Mortifi cation of Mind (Ex): The
Witchmen are trained to obey their
leading avatar and to not feel the
emotions their faces already refuse to
betray. As cold as the land they live
in, they are inscrutable and alien in
thought. This makes them extremely
resistant to mental domination from
anyone other than their avatar. The
Witchman gains a +2 bonus to
Will saves against spells from the
Hypnotism and Divination styles.
They gain a -2 penalty against any
spell of any school cast by their
Mortifi cation of Soul (Ex): The
Witchman is twisted and vile through
his training. He has no sense of right
or wrong, only a duty to his avatar.
He automatically gains a point of
corruption and a +1 power point
bonus. His soul is so cold, he can
sear his emblem, the White Hand,
onto any surface with a press of his
palm, leaving a white imprint as if
Leadership: The Witchman of
Hyperborea that reaches this level
becomes a Witch King or Witch
Queen and gains the Leadership
feat as a bonus feat. If the character
already has the feat, he gains the
Enhanced Leadership ability as a 6th
level Noble (see the Conan RPG).
Avatar (Su): The avatar of a
Hyperborean Witchman Cult gains all
the benefi ts of The Rule of the Master
(see the Conan RPG). Hyperborean
avatars also have damage
reduction equal to their
Cha bonus derived directly
from their magical natures,
rather than from the
hardness or natural armour
of their bodies. This is
indicated in the entry for
Damage Reduction by the
parenthetical note (avatar)
after the number. Any
damage reduction gained
in this way can be removed
by use of the incantation
of Amalric’s witchman
spell. Avatars immediately gain a
+10 bonus to Reputation. The avatar
becomes the sponsor of his or her
own arcane religion (see The Scrolls
of Skelos). That of Louhi, the Death
Goddess, is detailed below.
New Arcane
Louhi, Death
Goddess of
Scholar Levels, Bonus Feat,
Exotic Weapon Profi ciency,
Witchman Accoutrements
Bonus Feat, Advanced Spell
Bonus Feat, New Sorcery Style
Mortifi cation of Body, Bonus
Bonus Feat, Advanced Spell
Mortifi cation of Mind, New
Sorcery Style
Advanced Spell
Mortifi cation of Soul, Advanced
Leadership, New Sorcery Style
Avatar, Advanced Spell
Table 01:
The Witchman of Hyperborea
It was deserted,
save for an old
woman with lank grey
hair. She squatted
atop a circular stone
dais, staring into the
flickering flames of a
dish of red coals. This he
knew for Louhi, priestess-
queen of the Witchmen,
who regarded her as
the living avatar of their
L.Sprague de Camp and
Lin Carter
The Witch of the Mists
Although Louhi is a mortal sorceress,
she is considered to be the living
avatar of the Hyperborean death-
goddess. She is the master of the
cult and all worshippers must follow
the Rule of the Master as given in
the Conan RPG. She teaches magic,
warping her followers’ bodies, minds
and souls, in exchange for their
Requirements of Worship: Pay a
tithe worth 1 sp/level/month to the
local priests of Louhi, attend at least
one cult meeting/month.
Benefi ts of Worship: Spells
(Counterspells, Curses, Divination,
Immortality, Necromancy, Oriental
Magic, Prestidigitation).
Requirements for Ordained
Priesthood: Standard, plus as
follows: must know at least three
sorcery styles and three advanced
spells; Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks;
must give up at least three magical
links to oneself to the cult’s avatar.
Benefi ts of Ordained Priesthood:
Standard, plus sorcery teaching is
available (Counterspells, Curses,
Divination, Immortality, Necromancy,
Oriental Magic, Prestidigitation)
Typical Punishments for Disloyal
Priests: Killed in a sorcerous ritual.
New Spell
Legions of the
PP Cost: 1 point/5 corpses
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 full round
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. per
scholar level)
Effect: Up to 5 corpses per scholar
Duration: Concentration
plus 1d6 hours
Saving Throw: See Below
Prerequisites: Raise
Corpse, Magical Attack
Bonus 10+
This spell works as a more
powerful version of Raise
Corpse, allowing a veritable
army of undead to rise
and work for the sorcerer.
The undead follow the
sorcerer’s verbal commands
until the spell expires, when
the undead become lifeless
corpses again.
* This spell can have severe
repercussions on a campaign world
and is subject to Runaway Magic (see
the Conan RPG).
The Rod of the
Witchman of Hyperborea
Lesser Ill-Fortune
Calm of the Adept +1
Raise Corpse
Death Touch
Astrological Prediction
Gelid Bones
Agonising Doom, Greater Ill-Fortune
Warding, Visions
Sorcerous News
Free Choice
Free Choice
Table 02:
The Acolyte Path of the Witchman of Hyperborea
One of the black-
clad men closing in
on him had glided close
with magical swiftness.
With one bony hand, the
man caught the pony’s
bridle. With the other,
the man had whipped up
his slender wooden baton.
The ball on one end had
stroked the hollow of
Conn’s elbow. The touch
of the rod, wielded with
exquisite control, had
struck the cluster of
nerves under the joint.
The pain was blinding.
L.Sprague de Camp and
Lin Carter,
The Witch of the Mists
The Rod of the Witchmen, which
can be used as a fi nesse weapon,
provides a profi cient wielder with
ability to stun his opponents with
blinding pain. A foe touched by this
weapon is forced to make a Fortitude
saving throw (DC 10 + one-half your
character level + Magical Attack).
Armour is no defence against this
attack. If the defender fails his saving
throw, he is stunned for 1 round
(until just before your next action).
A stunned character may not act
and loses any Dodge or Parry bonus
to Defence Value. Attackers get a
+2 bonus on attack rolls against a
stunned opponent.
These rods or batons are over
two feet long and made of sleek,
gleaming black wood. The
ends of each rod are tipped with
spherical knobs of platinum
slightly smaller than a fowl’s eggs.
Purchase Price: 20,000 sp
The following item is not magical,
but may be regarded as magical by
the ignorant. It is diffi cult to buy, as
someone has to kill a Witchman in
order to have one to sell. This item
is only ever offered for sale at the
Games Master’s discretion.
The Faceless
The Witchmen of Hyperborea dress
in the costume created by Vammatar:
a skin-tight black outfi t with tight
cowl and an ivory mask without
features save for two small eye-slits.
This costume is frightening to look
upon and gives
the Witchman a
+4 circumstance bonus to
Intimidate and Bluff checks. Its
overwhelmingly black look gives
the Witchman a +1 circumstance
bonus to Hide checks in darkness or
Purchase Price: 2,000 sp (the ivory
mask is a work of art in and of itself,
and the costume and mask is fi tted
exactly to its wearer to maximise
the impact. The price is high also
because of the extremely limited
Louhi, the
Witch of
the Mists
Medium Human Hyperborean Female
10th level Scholar / 10th level
Hit Dice: 10d6+20 plus 10 (65 hit
Initiative: +12 (+2 Dex, +10 Ref)
Speed: 30 ft.
DV (Dodge): 20 (+2 Dex, +8 Level)
DV (Parry): 18 (+0 Str, +8 Level)
DR: 5 (avatar)
Base Attack Bonus/Grapple:
Attack: Dagger +18 melee
(1d4/19-20/x2 / 1 AP)
Full Attack: Dagger
+18/+13/+8 melee
(1d4/19-20/x2 / 1 AP)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:
Background (lay
priest), knowledge
is power, increased
maximum power points,
mortifi cation of body,
mortifi cation of mind,
mortifi cation of soul, avatar
Magic Attack Bonus:
+17 (+12 base +5 Cha
Saves: Fort: +9, Ref: +12,
Will: +17 (+2 bonus to Will
saves against spells from the
hypnotism and divination styles)
Attributes: Str 11, Dex 15, Con
16, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 21
Skills: Bluff +26, Concentration
+16, Craft (alchemy) +16, Craft
(herbalism) +16, Craft (stone) +5,
Decipher Script +16, Diplomacy +13,
Gather Information +13, Heal +5,
Hide +12, Intimidate +30, Knowledge
(arcana) +26, Knowledge (religion)
+28, Knowledge (local) +16, Move
Silently +12, Perform (ritual) +27,
Profession (priestess) +5, Sense
Motive +28, Sleight of Hand +12
Feats: Adept (necromancy),
Combat Expertise b, Exotic Weapon
Profi ciency (Rod of the Witchmen) b,
Hexer, Improved Disarm b, Improved
Feint b Iron Will b, Leadership
b, Menacing Aura, Negotiator,
Opportunistic Sacrifi ce, Priest, Ritual
Sacrifi ce, Sorcerer’s Boon, Steely
Gaze, Striking Cobra b, Tortured
Sacrifi ce, Weapon Finesse b
Climate/Terrain: Hyperborea
Organisation: The White Hand
It was their
faces that struck
into his heart the
thrill of superstitious
awe. For they had no
faces! Beneath the
tight-fitting black
cowls, their visages
were smooth, blank,
white ovals.
L.Sprague de Camp and
Lin Carter,
The Witch of the
Base Power Points: 11
Maximum Power Points: 33
Reputation: 72 (villain) Louhi may
apply her +8 Reputation bonus to
all Bluff, Intimidate and Gather
Information checks when dealing
with others
Corruption: 9 (corrupt) Louhi is
extremely thin and bony
Advancement: By Character Class
b = Bonus feat
s = Chosen in lieu of a sorcery style
Louhi’s background is as a lay-
priestess in the temple of an unnamed
death goddess of Hyperborea. She
became an acolyte of Vammatar,
a powerful necromancer gifted
with eternal youth. Louhi herself
eventually became a high priestess.
In Conan’s youth, Louhi served
Vammatar the Witch-Queen as a high
priestess at Castle Haloga, where she
was notably critical of Vammatar’s
pursuit of sensual pleasures. After
Vammatar’s death, she moved her
base of operations to Pohiola. As she
can change shape into animal forms,
she must have either travelled to the
Orient, hosted an Oriental sorcerer
or bargained with a demon for the
Oriental Magic style at some point
in her career. She became identifi ed
as the avatar of the death-goddess
and took control of the White Hand.
more power,
she allied
herself with
and several
other notable
sorcerers of the
Hyborian Age.
Turning herself
into a white
stag, she lured
King Conan’s
son into a trap.
arrived at her citadel
and, during the course of
combat, set her on fi re. She
was last seen blazing past
Conan. She is presumed
dead, her corpse buried
underneath the rubble of
her citadel.
She appears as an
incredibly ancient woman.
Although her rival,
Vammatar, held the guise
of eternal youth, such is
not the interest of Louhi,
although she is more than
capable of performing
that particular spell,
having learned it from Vammatar
herself. Louhi’s expressionless face
is furrowed with a thousand wrinkles
and her grey hair dangles in an
unkempt manner. She is thin, tall and
gaunt. Louhi’s overriding weakness
was curiosity, which ultimately led to
her downfall. Thoth-Amon told her
to kill Conan on sight, but she wanted
to fi nd out for herself why such a
powerful wizard feared a mere mortal
man. She found out.
Spells: Louhi knows the following
styles and spells:
Counterspells: Warding; Greater
Curses: Lesser Ill-Fortune, Ill-
Fortune; Greater Ill-Fortune; Gelid
Bones; Draw Forth the Soul b
Divination: Astrological Prediction;
Visions; Sorcerous News
Immortality: Witch’s Vigour; Eternal
Youth; Life Drain b
Necromancy: Raise Corpse; Death
Touch; Agonising Doom; Draw Forth
the Heart; Legions of the Dead
Oriental Magic: Calm of the Adept;
Prestidigitation: Conjuring,
b = Bonus spell
Howard’s The Hyborian Age
establishes that many aspects of
this age has carried forward to the
modern era. Finnish Mythology has
a goddess named Louhi who rules
the icy realm of Pohjola. Perhaps
this is a racial memory. Perhaps she
survived Conan’s attack and later
achieved godhood.
Also, from Finnish Myth, Louhi has
several beautiful maiden daughters
who sends suitors on impossible
tasks – and Louhi, critical of fl eshly
pleasures, ensures that these suitors
fail. These may not be literal
daughters, but acolytes.
The next instant, even
as he flung back on
arm to hurl the javelin,
it happened. The stag
dissolved into mist - a
mist that reformed into
a tall, gaunt, human shape
clothed in white robes. It was
a woman, from the billowing
cloud of iron-grey hair that
swirled about the bony, calm,
expressionless mask of its face.
Terror smote Conn. The pony
reared, eyes rolling, and
neighed shrilly, then came
down and stood motionless,
shuddering. Conn stared into
the cold, cat-green eyes of the
woman-thing before him.
L. Sprague de Camp and
Lin Carter,
The Witch of the Mists
| textdata/thevault/Conan RPGs/Other Sword & Sorcery/Signs & Portents/The White Hand Of Hyperborea.pdf |
The Immortal
Warrior at the
Battle of Vorhaven
by Kevin Killiany
Battle of Vorhaven • Page 2
Vorhaven, Kathil
Capellan March,
Federated Commonwealth
2 November 3062
The three MechWarriors ran ahead of her, their silver neuro-
helmets flashing in the sunlight. They were fast, but she was
They would not escape the Immortal Warrior.
The three tried to trick her with a dodge toward the woods on the
right, then dashed left. In an instant they’d disappeared behind a
sharp corner of the cliff-sided mountain. Clutching her weapon
tightly, she slowed and flared wide around the turn, giving herself
room in case they doubled back and tried to dash past her in the
opposite direction.
She needn’t have bothered. The three had used her caution to
gain distance and were now well ahead of her. She felt her feet
thudding against the grassy soil as she churned her legs to maxi-
mum speed, closing the gap.
Suddenly the three MechWarriors stopped, facing the cliff-sided
mountain. She saw them pull to attention and salute something
up on the cliff. She didn’t know why her targets had forgotten the
Immortal Warrior was closing on them and she didn’t pause to
see what they were looking at. They were in her sights and they
were doomed.
Shrieking her best Immortal Warrior yell, she was upon them.
She made a clean hit before they could respond. But, whirling and
twisting, the MechWarriors danced away from her, laughing as
they ran.
“I got you, Billy!” she screamed. “You’re it!”
“Missed me, missed me!” Billy called back, not even slowing as
he dodged around a knot of adults. The other two MechWarriors
were already halfway to the food tent, the open vests of their
Halloween costumes flapping about their arms.
“How goes the battle, Jessie?”
Jessie turned to face the mountain, and saw Grandpa on the porch.
“Billy cheated,” she announced.
Battle of Vorhaven • Page 3
“I agree,” Grandpa nodded judiciously. “You tagged him fair and
There didn’t seem to be much to say to that. Billy and the cous-
ins were now too far gone for her to ever catch them. Besides, her
new uncle was on the porch with Grandpa.
Uncle David wasn’t really a new uncle, of course; she’d seen
pictures of him all her life. But he was a MechWarrior—a real one—
and he’d been away since before she was born. She’d never really
met him before the Halloween party two nights ago and this was
the first chance she’d had to look at him closely.
He looked like Grandpa, she decided, only a little shorter and his
hair was not grey. She wasn’t sure, but she bet he didn’t have a
brown circle with no hair on top of his head either.
“You going to eat that cinnamon roll,” Uncle David asked, “Or
just run around with it?”
Jessie looked down at the roll, which a moment before had been
a weapon, though she’d never decided which one. It was smooshed
slightly, the melted sugar frosting sticking to her fingers.
“Grandma made it,” she answered.
“I was hoping she did,” Uncle David smiled. She liked his smile.
“I was also hoping you’d want to give it to me.”
Jessie considered for a moment.
“I already had two,” she announced. “And Grandma’s got more.”
“I’ll bet she does.”
Making her decision, Jessie climbed onto the porch and surrendered
the roll to Uncle David. His hands were not as big as Grandpa’s.
“Thank you, Immortal Warrior,” he intoned seriously.
She giggled as she scurried into the house, propelled by a friendly
swat on the bottom.
* * *
Billy was hiding from her again.
Battle of Vorhaven • Page 4
Jessie circled through Grandpa and Grandma’s house, keep-
ing an eye out for signs of her brother. She avoided the rooms
at the end of the west wing. Aunt Grace and the twins had taken
those over. They’d moved in nearly a month ago, right after the
Halloween party where’d she met her new uncle, because Aunt
Grace said “things were getting bad in the city.”
She didn’t mind the twins so much; they were too quiet to be
very interesting anyway. But Aunt Grace was always cross and
saying how serious the situation was and worrying about Uncle
David. Even her mother had stopped trying to cheer her up.
She set thoughts of her aunt aside and focused on finding Billy.
He wasn’t in the fruit cellar and he wasn’t in the pantry. He wasn’t
under the library table and he wasn’t in the little attic room with
his comic vidbooks. She knew he knew better than to go into the
guest bedrooms or the formal living room.
He must be hiding outside.
Jessie stood by the dining room window, considering. Outside
the sun was shining in a clear blue sky. No sign of the summer
storms that sometimes blew down whole forests. It was a perfect
day for being outside instead of in.
Her brother was a year and a half older than her, but he always
hid in the same places. If Billy was hiding outside, he was either
under the side porch, in the feed barn or up in the big lonely oak.
That last was a favorite of his, because he could climb the rope
holding the tire swing and she could not.
“Hey,” her big sister Cassie called from the family room, “the
video just went out!”
Jessie ignored her. Cassie watched too much video; all she ever
wanted to do was watch kissy stories, anyway.
She looked toward the oak. Sure enough, the empty tire was
swinging without a breeze. Billy was up the tree.
And a giant metal man walked over the hill.
Jessie blinked.
“BattleMechs!” yelled Aunt Grace from somewhere upstairs.
“Not the Militia!”
Throughout the house, Jessie heard the grown ups shouting.
Battle of Vorhaven • Page 5
“We’re surrounded!”
“Where are the children?”
“Everybody, get to the cars!”
“No!” Grandpa’s voice cut across the others. “They’ll cut us down
if we try to escape. Get into the storm shelter!”
“The children! Find the children!”
Whirling from the window, Jessie dodged around Cassie and
ran up the stairs as fast as she could. She heard Aunt Grace call
her name, but she didn’t break stride.
Once in her room, it took her only a moment to find what she
needed and less than that to pull on her bandana and loop an ammo
belt across one shoulder. One minute after the metal giant came
over the hill, the Immortal Warrior dashed from the kitchen door.
She could hear her mother’s voice through the open windows of
the house behind her, calling. She ran harder. No time to turn back
now, there was a mission to accomplish.
The giant metal man, the BattleMech, was standing next to the
big oak. It did not move. It just stood, watching the house while
two other BattleMechs—one that looked just like it and another that
looked different—fired their lasers again and again at Grandpa’s
crops. The AgroMechs and tractors were all smoking masses of
twisted metal dotted about the burning fields.
The BattleMech had to see her, but she hoped the Immortal
Warrior’s armor would frighten it as she ran across the open ground.
It did not fire. Or step on her when she ran in front of its toes. Her
heart was pounding as she reached the base of the tree.
Looking up through the branches, she tried to find her brother.
She knew Billy was up there, but she couldn’t see him.
“Billy?” she called, straining to catch sight of him. “Billy!”
After a moment her brother’s head appeared over the edge of
the broad branch the tire swing was tied to. His eyes were red and
puffy and he looked like he had been crying.
“What are you doing here?” he asked.
“I’m here to rescue you,” she answered.
Battle of Vorhaven • Page 6
“Jessie, get out of here,”
he said. “This isn’t pre-
Jessie glanced over at
the BattleMech, though
from under the canopy
of the ironwood all she
could see was its lower
legs. It was so big, and
the house so far away. For
a moment she couldn’t
breathe, it took a shud-
dering gasp to pull air
into her lungs. She felt
her eyes sting as tears
would not be afraid.
She looked back up at her brother, still watching her from the
branch above.
“Get down here right this second, soldier,” Jessie ordered in her
best Immortal Warrior voice. “We’ve got a mission to complete.”
“You’re crazy, Jessie,” Billy said. “Get out of here.”
“Not without you.”
Billy pulled his head back out of sight and for a moment Jessie
thought she was going to have to yell at him again. Then his leg
appeared over the side, swinging back and forth until his foot
snagged the rope holding the tire swing.
In less than a minute he was standing beside her.
“That’s a Quickdraw,” he said, pointing to the BattleMech near
them. “It’s fast. There’s another and a Lynx over there. That’s three.
Number four’s got to be somewhere.”
Jessie was uninterested in what the BattleMechs were called or
where they were. The Immortal Warrior was on a rescue mission,
focused only on the objective.
“We’ve got to get back to the storm cellar,” she said.
Battle of Vorhaven • Page 7
“We can’t,” Billy said. “They’ll see us.”
“They saw me come out here,” Jessie said, proud her voice stayed
steady. She settled her Immortal Warrior helmet more firmly on
her head and started toward the house.
Billy caught up with her and took her hand. Above them, the
Quickdraw stood immobile, but they both felt it had eyes watching
their every move.
“Don’t run,” Billy said. “Maybe they won’t ...”
At that moment the fourth BattleMech stalked around the corner
of the farm house. Lower and wider than the Quickdraw, it looked
to Jessie like a giant crab or bird. It swung toward them, fire flick-
ering around little black tubes on its chest.
“Run!” Billy yelled as the ground between them and the ‘Mech
began to churn with machinegun fire.
Jessie spread her arms wide, shielding her big brother with her
Immortal Warrior armor, and ran for the house. She shrieked her
battle cry at the top of her lungs as flying clods of dirt spattered
against her chest and helmet.
Ahead of them the cellar door by the kitchen stairs flew open.
Grandpa was there, running towards them as pieces of the ground
seemed to jump and shatter. She could see her mother behind
him, calling something she couldn’t hear. The world was full of a
sound like thunder and gravel and the house seemed so far away.
Suddenly she was scooped from the ground, one of Grandpa’s
strong arms around her waist. She caught a glimpse of Billy,
tucked under his other arm as he ran back toward the house. They
were almost safe, but not yet. Something screamed through the
air over their heads. A wave of hot air, like Grandma opening her
oven, only hotter and meaner, swept over them.
Jessie kept her arms spread wide, protecting Billy and Grandpa
as best she could.
Grandpa swung her up and around. The world seemed to tilt cra-
zily and she saw a corner of the house and roof fly to pieces. Then
her mother grabbed her, pulling her down into the cellar, hustling
her toward the shelter. Behind her she heard Grandpa slamming
the outer door and her brother’s voice.
Battle of Vorhaven • Page 8
“I was trapped in the tree,” he said. “There was a Quickdraw right
next to me. Jessie came and got me.”
Above them there was a great cracking and splintering. Jessie
heard windows breaking and dishes crashing to the floor. The
kitchen was going to be a mess.
Mother, holding one arm, half carried her and half shoved her
down the shelter stairs. Billy came stumbling close behind, almost
falling on the steep wooden steps.
“Everyone here?” Grandpa asked.
All around Jessie her cousins and aunts said “yes.”
The room was big, but everybody was crowded close to the stairs,
helping her and her mother and Billy get safely inside. Some held
flashlights so they could see.
Grandpa slammed the thick metal door, throwing the lock and
turning the wheel that slid bolts into the walls on either side.
Above them, against the door and ceiling, there was a bumping
and thumping, like something big was stomping its feet. That big
crab-bird, Jessie bet.
“So,” said Grandpa, looking down at Jessie.
Jessie looked up at him, looking like a giant in the dim light, and
pulled herself to attention.
“Mission accomplished, sir,” she reported.
| textdata/thevault/BattleTech [multi]/EXTRA/Novels/Battlecorps Novels/The Immortal Warrior at the Battle Vorhaven - Kevin Killiany.pdf |
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| textdata/thevault/Living Greyhawk/Modules/Keoland/592/Normal Scenarios/KEO2-04 - Illegal Aliens (APL 4-10)/KEO2-04 - Illegal Aliens.pdf |
Trinkets of Skullport
Trinkets of the Realms Vol. 3
Written by David Stephens
Edited by: R P Davis
Layout by: David Stephens
Cover design by: David Stephens
Cover Template: Matthew Gravelyn
Cover Art by: Bob Greyvenstein
Interior Art by: Rick Hershey, Daniel Comerci,
Bob Greyvenstein, Unholy vault
“Publishers Choice Quality Stock Art, Rick Hershey/Fat Goblin Games”
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the
dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such materi-
al is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright © 2020 David Stephens and published under the
Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Trinkets of Skullport
Deep underneath the vast dungeon complex of Undermountain lies the grimy criminal outpost of
Skullport. To the people of the surface world, Skullport is a rumor, a tall tale to be told in a tavern
over a pint of ale or two. To the criminal underworld, Skullport is the base of operations for criminals
escaping justice or for those nefarious individuals seeking to join the beholders Xanathar’s criminal
organization, who makes his home there. The few surface dwellers who know of Skullport’s existence
often have little clue of how to reach this dark, lawless reflection of Waterdeep. Maps of how to reach
Skullport do exist, but for every accurate map of Skullport’s location, a hundred more false maps were
created to keep the cities location a secret.
Skullport is long past its heyday and has fallen into disrepair or outright ruin. Streets once full of activ-
ity are mostly barren, and the commerce the city was once known for has largely dried up. Xanathar,
the beholder, has recently taken control of the city and uses it as a base of operations and a hideout
from his various enemies, not the least is the authorities of Waterdeep.
The trinkets below represent items an adventurer might encounter while hold up in Skullport. Many
of the trinkets also act as adventure hooks for further ventures and forays in the dark city and beyond.
Trinkets of Skullport
1. A 3 by 5-foot iron plaque inscribed “Skullport”
in Common.
2. A note directing the bearer to go to “The Sword
and Sextant” to see if the halfling has a map of
Menzoberranzan and to purchase it at any cost
3. A blue glazed ceramic vase all the way from
Kozakura in Kara-Tur
4. A sizeable rusted metal cog from a piece of
large machinery
5. A wicker pot using for crab fishing
6. An eye patch with a flat silver skull sewn to the
front of it
7. A rusted sword in usable condition. When you
wield this sword and roll a 1 on an attack roll with
it, the blade snaps.
8. A soiled chamber pot in a well-used condition
with something shiny stuck to the inside
9. A silver-plated medallion bearing the symbol of
the god Bane
10. A letter from the Xanathar crime syndicate to
the duergar of the Thaglar’s Foundry looking to
purchase arms and armor
11. A small tapestry taken from dwarf ruins in
Undermountain depicting a victory of the dwarves
over the drow
12. A large, dried, hairy foot looking like it be-
longs to a massive canine
13. A map created by a now-dead party of adven-
turers of the 4th level of Undermountain.
14. A rusted spear tip
15. A shed wyvern tooth
16. A green leather-bound book entitled “A Con-
cise History of Undermountain”
17. A small granite statue of the god Lathander
stolen from a temple in Waterdeep
18. A large bag filled with bleached white human-
oid bones
19. 10 pieces of blank parchment paper
20. A copper ring set with a small purple stone,
on the inner band of which is a series of strange
arcane symbols
21. A paper advertisement telling all who may be
in need of equipment to come to Thimblewine’s
Pawnshop, they have the best prices in Skullport
22. A broken bow made by the elves of Evermeet
23. A cast-iron frying pan in well-used condition
24. A copper signet ring bearing the symbol of the
Xanathar crime syndicate
25. A map to a secret entrance to a room under
the Dark Harvest market
26. A box filled with small edible button mush-
rooms harvested in the Underdark
27. A green glass float
28. A single iron spike
29. A cast-iron pot with a rather large tarantu-
la-like spider living in it
30. A spool of red silken cord
31. A tan cloth bag filled with hops for brewing
32. A rusted pair of manacles covered in dirt and
salt from seawater
33. A peg leg in used condition, missing an owner
34. A hand-carved wooden bowl
35. A handheld paper fan, imported from Ka-
ra-Tur, with a scene of mountains painted on it
36. A large clear glass bottle containing a green
liquid with a strange tadpole-like creature inside.
The tadpole is alive and swimming around
37. A wooden bucket with a broken wooden han-
38. A small leather bag containing magical re-
agents for spell casting
39. A 20-foot coil of old, soiled rope
40. A mandolin in good condition but in need of
new strings.
41. An amulet bearing the symbol of the spider
queen Lolth
42. The journal of a party of adventures who
survived Undermountain but met their fate in
Skullport. The journal is nearly 100 pages long
and details the party’s adventures beginning at
the Yawning Portal and ending in Skullport
43. A small wooden box with a lid
44. A red cap commonly worn by Waterdeep
45. A small painting of a brightly dressed halfling
46. A medium-sized red granite serving tray made
by dwarves
47. A sealec bottle filled with Goat’s Head Ale
48. A leather backpack in used condition
49. A 10-inch-high bronze statue of a leering imp
50. A small wooden cage
51. A 3-foot-long spine from a sea serpent
52. A brass spyglass in working condition
53. A 2-foot-high stone funerary urn crafted in
dwarven style
54. A black leather boot made for a human male
55. A medium-sized wood crate filled with the
stolen clothing a of a Waterdeep nobleman
56. A blue leather-bound book entitled “A Brief
History of the Masked Lords of Waterdeep”
57. A map written in Common that shows the
location of various enclaves in the Underdark
within 20 miles of Skullport
58. A dagger with the blade broken off just above
the hilt
59. A silver-plated hand mirror with a slight crack
in the lower left-hand corner of the mirror’s glass
60. A tarnished brass birdcage
61. A piece of parchment noting the comings and
goings of the dwarf Thorvin Twinbeard
62. A small purple stone with white swirls in it
that is always warm to the touch
63. A small tan cloth bag containing a few small
dried fish
64. A black cloth mask the covers from the tops
of the nose to just above the eyes
65. A red cloak with the holy symbol of the spider
queen Lolth on the back in black
66. A bottle of whale oil used to light lamps
67. A wire-rimmed pair of spectacles with a
cracked right lens
68 A cloth game bag filled with recently-killed
69. A wooden box with 6 purple glass wine bot-
tles inside
70. An unopened bottle of Amberjack sherry
71. A set of leg irons in usable condition
72. An iron collar large enough to fit a medium
73. A small box of iron ore
74. A black-and-white striped pair of trousers
75. A deck of Three Dragon Ante playing cards
from Calimshan
76. A matching set of two iron goblets
77. A bolt of green cotton cloth used for trade
goods in the Underdark
78. A white stone floating 3 feet in the air that
gives off bright light for 10 feet and dim light for
10 feet beyond that
79. A map written in the Githyanki dialect of the
gith language detailing Level 15 of Undermoun-
80. A wide-based black glass bottle that never
collects dust
81. A single horseshoe, slightly rusted but still
82. A crate of trade goods (bolts of cloth, iron
goods, mirrors) bound for the Underdark
83. A thin disk made of obsidian with polished
84. A black leather-bound book with a plain cover
entitled “The Myth of Skullport”
85. A small bag of black soot commonly used by
thieves as camouflage
86. A metal bronze disk with arcane symbols
inscribed on it. A wizard can use this disk as an
arcane focus
87. A bottle of indigo clothing dye
88. A steel shoulder pauldron from a suit of ar-
mor bearing the Bregan D’aerthe emblem
89. A rusted and barnacle-covered ship’s anchor
90. A note written in the drow language discuss-
ing the arrival of a drow trading caravan and the
amount of and disposition of the caravan guards
91. A fine sextant created by dwarven hands
92. A plain copper ring in the shape of a leering
humanoid skull
93. A single steel bracer forged by the duergar as
part of a suit of plate armor
94. A small clear aquarium bowl with a bit of mud
at the bottom
95. A bleached white whale vertebrae
96. A cloth bag filled with clamshells
97. A hastily scribbled map of Skullport showing
the most prominent locations with an “X” mark-
ing a spot in the market area
98. A small silver chain used as a necklace made
by the delicate hands of the drow
99. A cast-iron kettle slightly rusted on the bottom
100. The bleached white skull of a deep dragon
For more titles by David Stephens, please check out these other
supplements, only on the DM’s Guild
Magic of the Blood War
Compendium of blades
Treasures of Avernus
Compendium of Blades: Blades of Avernus
| textdata/thevault/Dungeons & Dragons [multi]/Settings/Forgotten Realms/Trinkets of Skullport (Sanitized).pdf |
Raiders of the Mercenary Coast: Epilogue
As the new heroes of the Mercenary Coast survey the
carnage and spoils of their campaign against the raiders of the
Mercenary Coast they hear an unfamiliar yet insistent alarm. The PC
in possession of the chrono-meter will realize that the device is the
source of this annoying beeping. The display of the chrono-meter
will read, “You have 1 New Message.” Pressing any button on the
chrono-meter will reveal the complete message;
Meet me at The Captain’s Quarters Inn at Tidy
Island Bay. – Swifty
Attached to the message is a navigational chart which indicates that
Tidy Island Bay is just a few miles up the coast from your current
location. (Up the coast of the of the Sea of Great Peril)
Random Encounters at the beginning of the stroll to Tidy Island Bay.
Roll 1d6 and apply the following:
1. 1d4 Bee girls
2. 1 Blink Beast
3. 1d4 Giant Ants
4. 1d6 Squirrel Nut Zappers
5. 1d6 Goblins
6. 1-2 Jungle Flowers
Additional members of the Better Housekeeping Bandits who
prevent the player characters from escaping through the country side:
Giggly Ham: Mutant Hobling Criminal, Level 2, HP 20, Ada. 9,
Dex. 16, Esp. 6, Int. 12, Lead 9, Luck 14, Magic 5, RN 9, Str. 11.
Mutation: Armor Piercing Fists. Sling; 1d4, Walther PPK; 1d6+1,
Gladius Sword; 1d6+1. Ring of Great Armoring: +35% to defense.
Jose Lowbottom: Mutant Hobling warrior, Level 2, HP 24, Ada. 8,
Dex. 14, Esp. 5, Int. 10, Lead 6, Luck 12, Magic 6, RN 12, Str. 13.
Mutation: Immune to known weapon temperatures. Weapons:
Medieval Crossbow; 1d10, Gladius Sword 1d6+1. Deflector Screen
Belt: +59% to defense.
Jimmy Sullivan: Mutant Hobling warrior, Level 2, HP 24, Ada. 9,
Dex. 12, Esp. 4, Int. 9, Lead 4, Luck 11, Magic 4, RN 13, Str. 13.
Mutations: Detachable limb and ignore gravity. Weapons: Blaster
Pistol; 1d10, Phasic Dagger; 3d4, Scale Mail; +45% to defense.
Map of the Mercenary Coast
Once the weapons are returned the hiding voice will say,
“Now be on your way, we will harm you no more. You may take
pride in knowing that you have made a profitable arrangement with
the Better Housekeeping Bandits. Good day.” The remaining walk
to Tidy Island Bay is uneventful and you’re able to meet Swifty at
the Captain’s Quarters without further delay or complications.
Non-player Characters
Hunka: Wooky Warrior, Level 2, HP 22, Ada. 9, Dex. 12, Esp. 6, Int.
11, Lead 7, Luck 8, Magic 5, RN 9, Str. 14, +20% to Command.
Weapons; Medieval Crossbow 1d10, Great Mace 1d6.
Jed Eye: Cyclopes Psychic Agent man, Level 2, HP 16, Ada. 12,
Dex. 9, Esp. 16, Int. 10, Lead 8, Luck 9, Magic 6, RN 11, Str. 11.
Weapon; Pole Arm 1d6+2.
The voice in hiding and his companion:
Ligustrum – Male Elf Mutant Warrior – Level: 2 HP 22, Ada. 15,
Dex. 16, ESP. 8, Int. 12, Lead 12, Magic 9, RN 5, Luck: 10, Str. 13.
Mutation: Photosynthetic Skin – Additional Mutations: Non-magical
Potions just perk him up! Weapons: Compound Bow @1d8+1, Elfin
Blade @ 2d4. Armor: Wicker Shield; +23% to defense.
Indica – Female Elf Mutant warrior – Level: 2 HP: 20, Ada. 14, Dex.
15, ESP. 9, Int. 13, Lead 11, Magic 9, RN 5, Luck: 12, Str. 12.
Mutation: Photosynthetic Skin – Additional Mutations: Homing
Instinct; always knows direction. Weapons: Compound Bow @
1d8+1, Elfin Blade @2d4. Armor: Wicker Shield; +23% to defense.
The road to Tidy Island Bay is a clearly marked cart path.
The surrounding terrain is rocky woodland; the average width of the
path is seven feet. It is wide enough for two to walk abreast
comfortably. After the first mile you begin to descend to the coast
and you can see Tidy Island Bay in the distance. The descent is
dominated by large trees and boulders. At one point the path
becomes wider than normal and you all hear a shout of; “Stand and
As the PCs react to this order a young medium sized human
jumps into the path in front of them. He is dressed in an oversized t-
shirt and baggy denim shorts. He wears a gold chain necklace with a
large medallion and he is waving an automatic pistol with each
hand. “The man said „stand and delivery‟ an‟ you know what that
means, right?
Little Man: Human Criminal, Lvl: 1 Hp: 10, Weapons: two 9mm
Auto Pistols, Damage: 1d8.
The PCs are expected to gun down Little Man at this point. The
comment, “That idiot” will be heard from a hiding place in the
woods, immediately two arrows fly toward the two p.c.s at the head
of the marching order. (one arrow per p.c.)
At this point, the original voice will announce; “We have
you surrounded and outnumbered, cooperate with us and you may go
on your way. Throw your weapons a good two yards before you.”
If the players do not cooperate they will be attacked again by
the archers, in the trees in front of them, and by the npcs hiding in
the woods behind them.
If the players cooperate the voice will continue; “Remain
where you are and at no point turn to look behind you.” Have the
players roll a hearing check. If they succeed they will hear a twig
snap, a foot step or, possibly, a grunt behind them. The npc voice
will notice their reaction and remind them not to glance behind
“Now gentlemen, while we continue our dialogue, kindly
place your remaining personal belongings on the ground at your feet.
Please recall that you are surrounded and outnumbered.” The player
characters observe their weapons floating through the air to
disappear behind them. The n.p.c. voice will snap, “Do not look
behind you!”
As play allows, the hidden voice will ask, “From whence do
you come?” Allow time for the players to respond, then the voice will
ask the following questions, allowing the players to respond between
each question; “What was your business at..…, where are you going,
What is your business in Tidy Island?” The NPCs will accept any
response to these questions as the truth. Should the players ask the
voice to, “show yourself” or “come out of the woods” the voice
should respond; “You will meet some of our companions soon
enough.” And, “Note some movement in the trees on each side of the
path. One tree is my hiding place and the adjacent tree is the hiding
place of a fellow archer.”
After the charming repartee the hiding n.p.c. voice will
announce, “Hunka and Jed, is our business finished here?” A
growling response will come from directly behind the p.c.s and they
will all hear a second response in their minds, “Yes, quite done.”
The hiding n.p.c will instruct, “You may all turn around now
and meet our companions Hunka and Jed.” A Wooky and a Cyclops
are standing behind the group. They have apparently been sorting
your various possessions and your weapons are floating at shoulder
level around these two. “We have confiscated a portion of your
valuables but it is only fair that we return your weapons. For our own
safety we will retain your ammunition. You may want to visit Isher’s
Deli and Pawn to purchase ammunition while you’re visiting Tidy
Island,” the hiding voice explains.
The bandits will keep most of the party‟s treasure including,
only 50% of their copper pennies, all their ammo and the Bahoobie
Blaster. They are not interested in the message from the Horse
Traders, chrono-meters, poker chips or bottle caps. The bandits will
also confiscate any spare mutant or bionic limbs the p.c.s may
possess. Should the party “visit Isher‟s” seeking ammunition the
odds are 80% that they will find their old ammo for sale.
The floating weapons now float back to the owners. The
Wooky helps you gather your belongings. Hunka, wears an ammo
belt over one shoulder and a stringed instrument over the other. He
wears a gold medallion of a musical note around his neck. A large
gold soaring eagle belt buckle holds and second ammo belt around
his waist. Hunka is the last known, surviving student of the
mummified bards.
The Cyclops is dressed in ragged work clothes and boots and
leans on a heavy walking staff. He appears to be guiding the floating
weapons. He will not communicate verbally but will send telepathic
messages such as, “Howdy, Howdy, How ya doin’,” and “Have a
good un.”
Look for these exciting
articles in phasic, issue 3!
Deadly secrets of Darth Viraxis
Reintroducing Mutations!
The chro-no-meter explained!
Tidy Island Bay: cityscape pt. I
Editorials and More!
| textdata/thevault/Encounter Critical/Phasic (EncCrit Periodical)/Phasic 2.pdf |
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Tired of your dungeons lacking in verisimilitude? Want to add cool little features of interest to your creations but don't have the time to come
up with non-essential details? Want to make your dungeons feel more realistic? Then Dungeon Dressing is for you! Each instalment focuses
on a common dungeon fixture such as stairs, pillars or pools and gives the harried GM the tools to bring such features to life with interesting
and cool noteworthy features.
This instalment of Dungeon Dressing presents loads of great features and details to add to the gates and portals in your dungeon. Designed
to be used both during preparation or actual play, Dungeon Dressing: Gates & Portals is an invaluable addition to any GM's armoury!
Design: Greg Marks
Development: Creighton Broadhurst
Art: William McAusland and Dean Spencer. Some artwork
copyright William McAusland, used with permission.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any
means, without the prior permission in writing of Raging Swan
Press or as expressly permitted by law.
©Raging Swan Press 2021.
To contact us, email gatekeeper @ragingswan.com
To learn more about Raging Swan Press, visit ragingswan.com
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Gates & Portals
Lock and Key
There and Back Again
Major Portal Features
Minor Portal Features & Dressing
Portal Destinations
Most adventures take place in a medieval fantasy world. One of
the advantages of that setting is the many environments the
adventurers can experience, but the drawback is that in general,
adventurers often can't move from one to the next any faster than
a horse can carry them. Magical portals or gates solve this
problem, rushing your characters headlong into the next
adventure in yet another amazing locale, with the added bonus of
mystery. For most portals, the adventurers never know exactly
what's on the other side until they step through!
Although both gates and portals transport travellers from one
place to another instantaneously, there are slightly different to one
another. A portal generally transports characters from one place to
another on the same plane of existence while a gate moves
travellers from one plane to another. The tables in this supplement
use the word “portal,” but feel free to change it to whichever is
most appropriate for your game and the destination you want the
party to explore.
Some portals or gates arise naturally; the result of a planar rift or
other occurrence. However, most gates or portals are the result of
intentional construction by a magically talented creator. They are
generally at least 15-ft. across, though some are smaller or larger
and can shed light or be invisible (these characteristics are set at
the time of creation). They are normally enclosed by a frame or
doorway-type structure, but they do not need to be. Generally
unattended objects won’t pass through a portal unless it has been
designed that way.
The construction of a permanent magical portal can take many
forms and this results is widely varied appearances. In all cases,
their creation requires a powerful spellcaster. To create a
permanent fixture, the creator must know teleport for a portal or
gate to create a gate.
Portals enabling travel over exceptional distances, such as
other planets or hard to enter planes, may need special
components, which increases the project’s cost and complexity.
One of the more useful and important properties of portals and
gates is the ability to control who can use them. A direct path to
one's home, laboratory or secret vault is a dangerous thing to
leave unprotected. Below is a selection of options that might be
added to a gate or portal at the time of its construction.
If you desire, magical portals and gates can be activated
through trial and error.
Doors: Portals can be blocked at their destination. If the exit
portal is blocked by doors, rubble or other objects
completely obstructing the exit, the portal does not function.
Passphrase: The portal does not open unless a magical
password or passphrase is spoken aloud, in the correct
language, near the gate.
Portal Key: Portals can be designed so only those holding a
particular object can pass through. These can be anything the
caster desires from actual keys to holy symbols and suchlike.
Whatever the key is, it is non-perishable and specifically
keyed to the portal. Creating new keys requires the portal
itself, either an existing key or the original spellcaster, and
components costing 1/100th of the construction cost.
Specific Persons: Portals can also be keyed to only allow
specific persons, races, genders or alignments to pass
through. Construction of these types of locks requires an
appropriate detect spell (for example, detect evil), as well as
an additional expensive suitable material components.
Traps: It is not uncommon to trap portal entrances using the
normal rules for traps. However a particularly devious, yet
risky, trick is to trap the destination. Traps at the destination
cannot be detected or disarmed from the entrance of most
portals, but if they do not eliminate or neutralise the intruder,
the foes have already breached the protected area.
Most portals or gates are designed for two-way travel. However,
whether due to malfunction or design, some portals vary.
One-Way Travel: The portal travels in a unidirectional
manner. Travellers can pass through the portal, but once
they’ve arrived, they cannot return the way they came.
Variable Destination: Some portals lead to more than one
place. If this is due to a malfunction, this may be a random
location. Otherwise the destination fluctuates based on some
cycle of time, weather or light, which portal key is carried,
passphrase used or the traveller’s race, alignment or other
Use this table to generate interesting characteristics for your
dungeon’s portal. Some features listed below may be
inappropriate based on your dungeon’s setup—ignore or modify
such entries as appropriate.
1: Detect invisibility or successful find secret door roll spots.
2: Successful open lock roll opens.
The portal is invisible1 and has no obvious features to
mark its location. Only strange airflow near the portal
betrays its presence.
An arch of birchwood and vines encloses a swirling
mass of fresh green leaves. When any creature steps
through the portal, the leaves momentarily change to
rich autumnal colours.
A locked set of double doors2 made of human bones
bar the portal.
The portal, a disc of red light hovering in midair, is cold
and hard to the touch. Only those carrying the correct
token can push through the barrier.
The magical portal is behind a false wooden door.
Opening the door, causes its yellow, shimmering light
to pour forth.
The portal is set into the bottom of an otherwise empty
shallow pool. Steps lead down to the portal.
Two great iron pillars, depicting roaring demonic faces
in a whirl of flame, flank the glowing red portal.
The portal appears as a male bearded face of glowing
golden light. As a creature approaches, the face’s
mouth widens to accommodate their entrance.
A huge painting of a hillside road hangs on the wall. By
touching the painting one can walk into the scene.
Those in the room see a painted version of the
creature walk over the hill out of sight.
Dozens of birds flit among the trees in a sunlit clearing.
If a character whistles the correct sequence of five
notes, the birds fly into the clearing and form a circle,
rotating counter clockwise, with a portal of white
clouds in the centre.
The portal is composed entirely of shadows at the top
of a dark and winding stair. The stairs are spaced close
together, such as might be appropriate for a halfling-
sized individual.
Curtains of white gauze are drawn across the portal.
Red braided sashes hang from hooks on either side of
the doorway so the curtains can be cinched up.
The portal is a miasma of flame and smoke in a
fireplace of brass-edged brick. When the portal is
closed, the flames die down to a few glimmering coals
that never burn out.
The portal is a full-length silver mirror. When activated,
a faint image of the destination overlays the reflection
in the glass and one can step through to that location.
A simple wooden gate breaches a hedge. Opening
and stepping through the gate from either side
transports the creature through the portal.
The portal takes the form of a bookshelf full of tomes.
By reciting a passphrase, the shelf slides to the side
revealing a dark hallway of stone. Somewhere in the
distance, a flickering light and the crackling of a fire
can be heard.
A small, plain altar sits in the middle of a simple room
with only a white mat before it and a uncoloured wax
candle on the altar. Lighting the candle transports
everyone in the room to an identical room at the target
destination. A quiet gong sounds to signal the arrival
of new guests.
A great wine tun is set into the wall. By twisting its tap,
a character can cause the tun to pivot. This reveals a
glowing blue portal piercing the wall beyond.
The portal appears in four different locations, and is
active for only fifteen minutes of every hour in each
location. All four entrances reach the same destination.
A crystal arch in the shape of an inverted catenary
glows with a soft white light at its heart. The glow is
slightly warm and a relaxed sense of calm emanates
from the arch.
A complicated floor mosaic depicts a creature iconic of
the portal’s destination (such as an angel, elemental or
demon). By pressing on the creature, the tiles fall away
into a void below the floor to reveal a spiral stair
leading down filled with bright light. The colour of the
light provides a clue as to the portal’s destination.
Two cherry trees wind together, petals falling from
their blossoms in an endless, vision-obscuring rain. The
“rain” is the portal.
The portal is a ring of white spotted, red toadstools
growing in moist, loamy soil. One round after a
character steps into the ring, a blue-white smoke rises
from the mushrooms and blocks all vision. When the
smoke clears, the character is somewhere else.
A silver wire frame, the size of two grown men,
bejewelled with moonstones, encircles a cloying mist.
The mist does not react to breezes or movement, but
instead seethes and roils of its own accord. As a living
creature gets within 5 ft. of the frame the mist reaches
out to enfold them in its cool, damp embrace.
A small music box sits upon a marble pedestal. If
opened, wound and played, the little dancer inside
slowly spins to a sad melody. After it finishes, a swirling
portal opens in front of the pedestal and faint strains of
music sound from within.
Use this table, to generate interesting features for the portal.
Some features listed below may be inappropriate based on your
dungeon’s setup—ignore or modify such entries as appropriate.
Two rotting human legs protrude from the portal, in a
puddle of dried blood. If pulled, they freely come
away. The other half of the body is not present, even if
someone goes through the portal to look for it.
The portal shimmers, reacting noticeably to a breeze
coming from the other side.
Pure water runs in rivulets from the portal, creating a
puddle on the floor.
The portal has malfunctioned and no longer reaches
its intended location. Instead, a traveller appears
2d100 feet from the destination in a random direction.
The portal requires the keyword “Paticio” be spoken to
operate. Someone has faintly carved the word into the
floor nearby.
The portal has been warped by time and magic such
that only sentient creatures can pass through. Mounts
and other animals do not pass through, instead
reappearing at the entrance one round after they
enter. Animal companions, special steeds or familiars
connected to their owner can pass through normally.
The portal’s key is lost or destroyed and there is no
way to open it short of powerful magic or the
construction of a new portal key.
A one-foot thick stone wall blocks the portal. The wall’s
construction is obviously slipshod and hurried. It can
be easily pulled down.
The portal is trapped on the other side with a dispel
magic (CL 10) that targets anyone passing through.
The portal has been drained of all magic. If a cure or
caused spell is cast into the portal, it opens for one
round per level of the spell used.
The portal is damaged, and travel is now one-way only.
Anyone entering from this side arrives safely, but must
find another method of returning.
Travellers passing through the portal are injured by a
burst of elemental energy bleeding through from
another plane. To determine the type of damage roll
1d6: 1-acid, 2-cold, 3-electricity, 4-fire, 5-sonic, 6-two
types of energy, roll twice ignore 6s.
The borders of the portal are painted on the ground in
bright purple paint.
Several plain stones lie on the floor in an arrow pattern,
pointing directly to the portal.
A bloody handprint mars the portal. The print is
smeared as if the person leaving it was trying to resist
being pulled through the portal.
A rickety wooden chair sits next to the portal. A
quarterstaff leans against the chair and a wineskin
hangs from it.
A brightly coloured children’s ball floats in the centre
of the portal, caught in it and travelling neither forward
or back.
The ceiling, wall or other nearby feature has crumbled
and buried the portal. In the recent past, someone has
cleared away some of the rubble, creating a path that a
human-sized or smaller creature could use to access
the portal. A larger creature might be able to reach the
portal by squeezing through the path, but may
dislodge some of the unstable rubble.
Signs of a battle are evident around the portal. Dried
blood, broken crossbow bolts and burn marks cover
the floor.
A piece of parchment flutters in the breeze, held in
place by a stone. In Common it reads, “Waited but you
did not arrive. Will try to re-establish contact each
midday.” The ink is still damp.
A dog, cat, rat or other animal appropriate to the
location, sits nearby howling at the portal. Animals
seem to instinctively notice the portal, whether it is
active or not, and it unnerves them.
While still functional, the portal shows signs of
damage. The gate is hacked, burned and dented, but
remains operational.
Wooden crates are neatly stacked near the portal.
Inside is a wide selection of hemp rope, lanterns, oil
and rations. The letters RQV are burned into the side of
each crate.
A stained, white linen sheet is tacked up in front of the
portal. It can easily be ripped down.
The horse-sized corpse of an alien reptilian beast with
only two legs rots in front of the portal.
A map drawn in charcoal on the ground before the
portal, displays the general layout of the destination
and its surrounds. No names or dangers are noted;
only the terrain features.
Acrid, black smoke pours from the portal filling the
area around it with choking fumes and providing
concealment. The smoke has no obvious source.
The remains of a campfire and general camping
detritus lie 100 feet from the portal. The campsite has
not been used for at least a week.
The odour of rotten meat is strong near the portal, and
gets stronger the closer one gets. Adjacent to the
portal, the stench is intense.
The portal hums loudly when living things approach
within 20 ft. The volume of the noise increases the
closer a creature approaches. The hum is not harmful,
but does alert those nearby that someone is
approaching the portal.
A young human boy sits near the portal. He is hungry,
bored and willing talks with the party, introducing
himself as Sencil Van. He says he and his father found
the portal and his father told him to wait here while he
checked it. His father went into it, but hasn’t come out.
That was several hours ago. The boy may be telling the
truth or may be a monster in disguise.
The portal has become unstable and now fluctuates
through different destinations. When it does so, the
colour of the portal rotates from red to green to gold.
Placed near the portal are three landscape paintings
depicting the different locations: a red blasted
landscape with fire raining from the sky, a stag drinking
from a forest-shrouded river and an ornate temple with
angelic symbols prominently displayed on its walls.
The portal attracts insects. Flies, beetles and other
vermin crowd the surrounding area. A dangerous
swarm of vermin could lurk just beyond the portal.
Rusty chains with bloody hooks hang from the ceiling
around the portal. The chains are not magical.
A bear rug, complete with head and claws, lies on the
floor in front of the portal. It has suffered the ravages of
time and age, but is still worth 10 gp.
Air whistles towards the portal, as it is sucked inside.
Any creature or loose object under 300 lbs. within 30
ft. of the portal may be pulled five feet toward it1 every
round. A creature adjacent to the portal, may be
pulled inside2.
A plain brass key hangs from a nearby hook. The key
radiates magic and is a portal key. It enables a return
journey through the portal. Without it, a traveller is
trapped on the other side.
A stoppered, dusty bottle lies on the ground. It is half
full with faintly salty water. The liquid is children’s tears
gathered by a necromancer for some foul purpose.
After the creation of the portal, someone built a great
iron clock3 around it. The doors only open for one
minute every hour on the hour. A character looking
through cracks in the clock’s housing spots the portal.
The portal interacts unusually with the local area,
disrupting the normal flow of gravity. Small rocks float4
on the ceiling or 20 ft. above the portal. The effect is
similar to a reverse gravity spell but those in its area of
affect fall upwards slowly (as if affected by feather fall)
and take no damage from striking objects. If the portal
is in a place with solid objects to grab onto, a character
can easily grab it to arrest their upward motion. The
effect is part of the portal and cannot be dispelled
without destroying the gate’s magic.
A path of small, brightly coloured stones has been set
into the ground leading directly to the portal, from 50-
ft. away. If the stones are pried up, they weigh 20 lbs.
and could be sold for 5 gp. This does not affect the
portal’s operation.
Shadows of creatures and terrain at the destination
dance across the portal’s surface. These shadows
could provide vital clues as to what lies beyond.
On the floor in front of the portal lies a non-magical
gold ring with three empty settings, each scarred with
the flame of a small explosion. In one of the settings is
a sliver of a ruby, a fragment of a larger gem that once
sat there. The was once a ring of three wishes. The ring
is worth 100 gp.
Someone has scrawled “What is your heart’s desire?”
in Elven upon the portal’s frame.
Five shallow claw marks in the floor lead toward and
into the gate. One of them has a bloody fingernail
from a human-sized humanoid lodged in its furrow.
The portal is barely functioning. Every round, the light
within flickers and dims. The portal has only a 1 in 4
chance of sending a traveller to its destination.
A rough barricade of boxes, barrels and furniture has
been thrown up in front of the portal. The barricade is
less than sturdy and blood mars the side facing the
portal. The stonework surrounding the portal is
scorched and burnt.
Roll equal or under Strength on 3d6 to resist.
Roll equal or under Dexterity on 3d6 to resist.
AC 3, hp 60.
Characters searching the area spot.
Use this table, to determine where the gate or portal leads. Some
locations listed below may be inappropriate based on your
dungeon’s setup—ignore or modify such entries as appropriate.
The portal is designed as a quick escape route and
leads outside the dungeon or ruin in which is stands.
Choose a place distant, but within view of the entrance
to the dungeon. This portal is one-way. Perceptive
characters searching the area outside the dungeon
find faint tracks in the portal’s vicinity hinting at its
occasional use.
Those passing through the portal arrive in a cage,
though their possessions do not. A sickly tree, a bucket
and shallow depression filled with hay are in the cage.
The travellers are now exhibits in a zoo with their
captors being dragons, outsiders or a powerful wizard,
as suits your campaign.
The portal leads into a 30 ft. by 30 ft. treasure vault.
The vault is lined with shelves, marble pedestals and
bins. Unfortunately the vault has already been raided
and most things of value are gone, though there are
still enough dropped coins and scattered knickknacks
to total 6d10 gp. This is an excellent place for the
characters to find a piece of treasure, a tome or map
they might need for a future adventure.
The portal exits into a cavern deep beneath the
surface, dominated by a huge, alien city. A circular gate
pierces a black stone wall and behind the city wall rise
buildings that appear as odd swirling columns
decorated with dim purple and green lights. Shadowy
forms flit between the columns, though they are too far
away to be certain what they are. Several tunnels exit
the area to further adventure. If the characters have a
light source active when they arrive, it stands out
dramatically against the otherwise oppressive
darkness and they likely find out what lives in the city
sooner rather than later.
Stepping out of the portal, travellers find themselves in
a shallow cave of ice and stone on the side of an arctic
mountain. A fierce wind screams past the mouth of the
cave and a slippery narrow path climbs both up and
down, the mountain. Barely perceptible through the
swirling snow is a large fortress atop the mountain.
Those without magical protection quickly feel the
effects of the intense cold.
Heat immediately assails the characters, followed
quickly by the foul odour of brimstone. From the
desolate and blasted rocky red landscape and the fire
falling from the sky, it is likely the travellers have
arrived in one of the lower planes. A demonic creature
appropriate to the party's level notices their arrival and
immediately moves to enslave them.
The sun shines brilliantly over the exit to the portal
which lies on the beach of a tropical island. A spear's
throw from the water lies dense vegetation and on the
horizon, smoke rises from a volcano. A few moments
after the travellers step through, drums sound from
deep in the jungle.
The portal exits on a cloud. Inexplicably the cloud is
solid and does not seem to be drifting on the breeze.
A small cottage, as one might find in any forest, is
nearby. Inside resides an elderly human-looking
woman who calls herself Mother Bell. Mother Bell
invites travellers into her cottage and offers to make
them tea and sesame cakes while she determines what
they desire.
This one-way portal exits in the ceiling of a hollow 10-
ft. stone sphere filled with an anti-magic shell that
stops a paper’s width from the portal. The sphere is
designed to be a cell from which there is little chance
of escape and, as such is buried 200-ft. below ground.
Four skeletons of previous explorers are here, having
starved to death decades ago.
The portal leads into the faerie realm. Taking in the
surroundings from the scrub-covered hill topped with
standing stones where they appear, a traveller can see
an ancient, murky forest to one side and a prairie
covered in wildflowers towards the other. On the
horizon, the sun is setting, covering the sky in a fiery
red and orange and allowing just the hint of full moon
to be seen in the sky.
The portal exits on the first floor of a dreary tower.
Rotting tapestries depicting nobles at leisure decorate
the crumbling spiral stairs rising to the next floor. A
human skeleton, dressed in finery, steps forward and
offers a decanter of fine wine and crystal glasses on a
brass platter. The necromancer that lives in the tower
happily welcomes guests. How else will he gain raw
materials for his experiments?
Stepping through the portal transports the explorer
into a chill darkness. A vaulted ceiling rises more than
a bow shot into the air, held aloft by pillars wider than
any giant. Great bearded faces and anvils are carved in
the pillars. The explorer has found a lost dwarven hold,
now home only to deadly traps, forgotten memories
and what dangers you wish to spring on unsuspecting
adventurers. The characters are likely far underground
and far from civilisation.
The portal exits into a dusty shop overcrowded with
books in the middle of a busy city. All about, rises the
clamour of commerce. A bespectacled clerk looks up
briefly at the characters’ arrival before returning to his
work. If the characters enquire as to their location, the
clerk tells them they must speak “to the master” before
shuffling off into the gloom. The shop smells of mildew
and rotting paper; shadows fill the spaces between
towering piles of books. No-one comes to help them.
The portal leads to a desolate ravine in front of a large
cave. Smoke drifts from the cave mouth and gnawed
humanoid and animal bones litter the ground. Some
still have bits of bloody flesh clinging to them. The
corpse of a knight, blackened by intense flame such
that joints of his plate armour have melted together,
lies face down not three paces from the entrance. A
deep, rumbling voice echoes from the cave and says,
“Has my next meal found its way to my door?”
The portal opens onto the middle of a soaring white
and gold bridge, so high that wisps of cloud tickle the
bottom of it. To either side rise the towering buildings
of a pristine city. Citizens in alabaster togas, gold
sandals and braided hair marvel at the strange
travellers, but do not accost them. The locals appear
almost human, but are clearly touched by whatever
plane the portal has lead to.
Exiting the portal, the characters finds themselves at
the bottom of a canyon. The sun is already setting and
strange unrecognised stars are just beginning to make
their appearance, shrouding the canyon floor in
gloom. Firelight flickers from one direction, and
approaching the box canyon's end, the characters
finds an abandoned campsite complete with roaring
fire, tents and a goodly supply of gear and equipment.
In the canyon, night falls suddenly, plunging the area
into deep darkness.
The portal deposits the characters in the basement of
an inn. Everything is covered in dust and it does not
appear that anyone has visited it in some time.
Climbing the stairs to the main floor requires pushing
through fallen and charred timbers that block the
passage. Once the characters are aboveground, it is
clear the inn has suffered a fire. The town it is in is
eerily abandoned. Doors stand open, shutters creak in
the wind, and wagons wait in the street without horses.
The town has the appearance of having been suddenly
abandoned, as if life just stopped and vanished with
no warning. There are no bodies. A sign lies in the dirt
at the edge of town, labelling this forgotten place—
appropriately—as Desolation.
The portal drops the characters into a stark white
waiting room. After a few minutes, a man in white
robes enters, followed by several hulking thugs, also
wearing white. The man smiles blandly, asks the
characters their names and then records them in a
small white ledger titled "Craghill Asylum for the
Criminally Insane".
The portal leads to a small oasis, not more than three
wagons wide, filling a narrow valley between towering
sand dunes. A few trees provide shade and the water is
cool and clean. Characters clambering up a sand dune
see nothing but brutally hot sun and glaring white
sand, in all directions. A few vultures circle high up in
the sky.
The portal leads to a perfect cubic room with a
perfectly square door in the middle of one wall. The
door opens easily and leads into a city where each
block is a perfect cube and all of the citizens are
constructs going about a life of complete order. Any
disruption of that order draws the local authority’s
prompt attention.
The portal leads into a wet underground room. The
walls are mould-covered stucco with a red fresco band
of geometric shapes now barely noticeable ringing the
room near the ceiling. The room radiates moderate
transmutation magic. Half of the floor is a pool of water
which leads to the bottom of a canal, and from there to
a city of marble porticos and long canals.
The portal’s destination is a rocky shore, pelted by surf
and driving rain. A light shines from a high hill where a
narrow, leaning mansion leers in the night. A slippery
path rises to the building, who has clearly seen better
days and now barely stands against the storm.
In a flash of light, the travellers finds themselves inside
a mausoleum. Burial niches on the walls, capped with
marble plaques mark this as the final resting place of
the de Montceux family, though from the dates, none
have been interred here for over 200 years. An iron
door exits the tomb, though the lock is easily opened
from the inside. The tomb lies in an overgrown
cemetery at the centre of a swampy wood. A vine- and
leaf-choked fountain in the centre of the cemetery has
a statue of a winged cherub, eyes downcast limply
holding a sword. The sword has weathered badly, and
rust stains the marble.
The portal leads to a hallway whose walls, floor and
ceiling are entirely mirrored, creating a disconcerting
image of the characters repeating endlessly. The only
non-mirrored surface are two doorknobs at each end
of the long hallway. One is silvered and warm while the
other is painted black and is faintly sticky, as if recently
grasped by a moist hand.
The portal leads to a library in the attic of an
abandoned farmhouse on the edge of the woods.
Through a cracked window, it is clear a battle is taking
place outside as dawn breaks. A large band of humans
and halflings defend a low rise against a horde of
goblins being driven forward by a few hobgoblins.
While the band on the ridge is currently holding out
with bows and flaming oil, it is obvious they are vastly
outnumbered and will eventually be overwhelmed.
Indeed, from their vantage point in the attic the
characters can see a group of goblins sneaking around
the rise using the cover of the woods. The defenders
have not seen them.
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Open Game License v1.0a. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast Inc.
System Reference Document: ©2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Dungeon Dressing: Gates & Portals. ©Raging Swan Press 2021; Author: Greg Marks.
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Enemies of Sons of Pekal
By Thomas Abbott
ATL 1 –
Encounter One
Baron Labeta
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 30 ft.
10 (flatfooted 10, touch 10)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Rapier +1 +3;
Full Attack:
Rapier +1 +3;
Rapier +1 1d6+1;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
+2 on saves against charm effects,
uncanny dodge (as a 4th level rogue)
Fortitude: +1, Reflex: +1, Will: +5
STR 10 (+0), DEX 10 (+0), CON 10 (+0),
INT 16 (+3), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 16 (+3)
Appraise 7; Balance 0; Bluff 11; Climb 0;
Concentration 0; Craft (Untrained) 3;
Diplomacy 17; Disguise 11; Escape Artist
0; Forgery 9; Gather Information 9; Heal 2;
Hide 0; Intimidate 15; Jump 0; Listen 2;
Move Silently 0; Ride 4; Search 3; Sense
Motive 10; Spot 2; Survival 2; Swim 0;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Deceitful, Martial Weapon
Proficiency, Negotiator, Noble Bearing,
Persuasive, Shield Proficiency, Simple
Weapon Proficiency, Tower Shield
Neutral Evil
Possessions: Noble's Outfit; Rapier +1;
Baron of the Realm: As a baron of Pekal, Baron Labeta gains all the
benefits given here in bold, as per the Divine Right of Kings from the
KPGSL, page 153.
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 30 ft.
15 (flatfooted 12, touch 13)
Base Attack/Grapple
Dagger +1;Dagger (Thrown) +3;Dart
(Masterwork) +4;Shortspear +1;Shortspear
(Thrown) +3; ;
Dagger 1d4+1;Dagger (Thrown)
1d4+1;Dart (Masterwork) 1d4+1;Shortspear
1d6+1;Shortspear (Thrown) 1d6+1; poison
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Sneak Attack +1d6, Trapfinding
Fortitude: +2, Reflex: +5, Will: +1
STR 12 (+1), DEX 17 (+3), CON 14 (+2),
INT 14 (+2), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 10 (+0)
Appraise 2; Balance 3; Bluff 0; Climb 5;
Concentration 2; Craft (Poisonmaking) 6;
Craft (Untrained) 2; Diplomacy 0; Disguise
4; Escape Artist 7; Forgery 2; Gather
Information 4; Heal 1; Hide 12; Intimidate 0;
Jump 1; Listen 5; Move Silently 12; Ride 3;
Search 6; Sense Motive 1; Spot 5; Survival
1; Swim 1; Tumble 7;
Armor Proficiency (Light), Point Blank Shot,
Rapid Shot, Simple Weapon Proficiency
Neutral Evil
:Boots of Elvenkind; Poison (Zeakue);
Cloak of Elvenkind; Dagger; Dart
(Masterwork) x5; Leather; Outfit
(Traveler's); Shortspear
ATL1_Tokite Cleric
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 20 ft.
19 (flatfooted 19, touch 11)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Chain, Spiked -2;
Full Attack:
Chain, Spiked -2;
Chain, Spiked 2d4+3;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Rebuke Undead (Su) 5/day (turn level 1)
(turn damage 2d6+3), Spontaneous casting
Fortitude: +4, Reflex: +0, Will: +5
STR 14 (+2), DEX 10 (+0), CON 14 (+2),
INT 10 (+0), WIS 16 (+3), CHA 14 (+2)
Appraise 0; Balance -5; Bluff 2; Climb -3;
Concentration 6; Craft (Untrained) 0;
Diplomacy 2; Disguise 2; Escape Artist -5;
Forgery 0; Gather Information 2; Heal 3;
Hide -5; Intimidate 2; Jump -9; Knowledge
(Religion) 4; Listen 3; Move Silently -5; Ride
0; Search 0; Sense Motive 3; Spellcraft 4;
Spot 3; Survival 3; Swim -8;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Combat Casting, Extend Spell,
Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon
Lawful Evil
Chain, Spiked; Ring of Protection +1; Full Plate (Masterwork); Outfit
(Traveler's); Wand of cure light wounds (1st, 10 charges); Scroll of
(Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Divine Favor); Scroll of (Entangle, Cure
Light Wounds, Produce Flame); 2 Potions of Bull’s Strength
The Overlord Domains: Evil(You cast evil spells at +1 caster level.)
Strength(You can perform a feat of strength as a supernatural ability.
You gain an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to your cleric
level. Activating the power is a free action, the power lasts 1 round,
and it is usable once per day.)
Spells per Day: (3/2+1/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/ DC:13+spell level)
Cleric - Known:
Level 0: Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Inflict Minor Wounds,
Level 1: Bane, Enlarge Person (Strength), Protection from Good
Enemies of Sons of Pekal
By Thomas Abbott
ATL1_Tokite Wizard
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 30 ft.
13 (flatfooted 11, touch 13)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Dagger +1;Dagger (Thrown) +3;
Full Attack:
Dagger +1;Dagger (Thrown) +3;
Dagger 1d4;Dagger (Thrown) 1d4; ;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Summon Familiar
Fortitude: +2, Reflex: +2, Will: +3
STR 10 (+0), DEX 14 (+2), CON 14 (+2),
INT 17 (+3), WIS 10 (+0), CHA 10 (+0)
Appraise 3; Balance 2; Bluff 0; Climb 0;
Concentration 7; Craft (Untrained) 3;
Diplomacy 0; Disguise 0; Escape Artist 2;
Forgery 3; Gather Information 0; Heal 0;
Hide 2; Intimidate 0; Jump 0; Knowledge
(Arcana) 8; Knowledge (Architecture and
Engineering) 8; Knowledge
(Dungeoneering) 8; Knowledge (History) 8;
Listen 0; Move Silently 2; Ride 2; Search 5;
Sense Motive 0; Spellcraft 10; Spot 0;
Survival 0; Swim 0;
Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Scribe
Lawful Neutral
Possessions: Dagger; Outfit (Explorer's); Ring of Protection +1;
Wand of Magic Missiles-(1st), 10 charges; Scroll of (Summon
Monster I (arcane), Color Spray, Grease); 2 Potions of Mage Armor
Spells per Day: (4/3/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/ DC:13+spell level)
Wizard - Known:
Level 0: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Flare, Ray of Frost,
Level 1: Color Spray, Mage Armor, Magic Missile
Encounter 3a
Rust Monster
Medium Aberration
Hit Dice:
5d8+5 (27 hp)
40 ft. (8 squares)
22 (+3 Dex, +5 natural, +4 mage armor)
flatfooted 19, touch 13)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Antennae touch +3 melee (rust)
Full Attack:
Antennae touch +3 melee (rust) and bite
-2 melee (1d3)
Space / Reach:
5 ft ./ 5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:
Aberration Traits, Darkvision, scent,
Protection from Energy (Fire) 60 points
of damage, Resist Energy (electricity)
Fortitude: +2, Reflex: +4, Will: +5
STR 10, DEX 17, CON 13, INT 2,
WIS 13, CHA 8
Listen +7; Spot +7
Alertness, Track
Challenge Rating:
True Neutral
Possessions: Potion of Fire Protection from Energy; Potion of Resist
Energy (electricity); Potion of Mage Armor;
Rust (Ex): A rust monster that makes a successful touch attack with
its antennae causes the target metal to corrode, falling to pieces and
becoming useless immediately. The touch can destroy up to a 10-
foot cube of metal instantly. Magic armor and weapons and other
magic items made of metal, must succeed on a DC 17 Reflex save or
be dissolved. The save DC is Constitution based and includes a +4
racial bonus. A metal weapon that deals damage to a rust monster
corrodes immediately. Wooden, stone, and other nonmetallic
weapons are unaffected.
Encounters 3, 4, and 5.
ATL1_Tokite Legionnaire
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 20 ft.
19 (flatfooted 17, touch 12)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Javelin +3;Sword, Short +5; Shortbow +3
Full Attacks:
Javelin +3; Sword, Short +5, Shortbow
Javelin 1d6+3;Sword, Short 1d6+3;
Shortbow 1d6;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Fortitude: +4, Reflex: +2, Will: +1
STR 16 (+3), DEX 14 (+2), CON 14 (+2),
INT 12 (+1), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 10 (+0)
Appraise 1; Balance -2; Bluff 0; Climb 1;
Concentration 2; Craft (Untrained) 1;
Diplomacy 0; Disguise 0; Escape Artist -
4; Forgery 1; Gather Information 0; Heal
1; Hide -4; Intimidate 4; Jump -5; Listen
1; Move Silently -4; Ride 2; Search 1;
Sense Motive 1; Spot 1; Survival 1;
Swim -9;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Martial Weapon Proficiency,
Point Blank Shot, Shield Proficiency,
Simple Weapon Proficiency, Tower
Shield Proficiency, Weapon Focus
(Sword (Short))
Lawful Neutral
Possessions: Breastplate; Shield, Heavy; Javelin; Outfit (Explorer's);
Sword, Short;
ATL1_Tokite Cleric
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Enemies of Sons of Pekal
By Thomas Abbott
Walk 20 ft.
19 (flatfooted 19, touch 11)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Chain, Spiked -2;
Full Attack:
Chain, Spiked -2;
Chain, Spiked 2d4+3;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Rebuke Undead (Su) 5/day (turn level 1)
(turn damage 2d6+3), Spontaneous
Fortitude: +4, Reflex: +0, Will: +5
STR 14 (+2), DEX 10 (+0), CON 14 (+2),
INT 10 (+0), WIS 16 (+3), CHA 14 (+2)
Appraise 0; Balance -5; Bluff 2; Climb -3;
Concentration 6; Craft (Untrained) 0;
Diplomacy 2; Disguise 2; Escape Artist -
5; Forgery 0; Gather Information 2; Heal
3; Hide -5; Intimidate 2; Jump -9;
Knowledge (Religion) 4; Listen 3; Move
Silently -5; Ride 0; Search 0; Sense
Motive 3; Spellcraft 4; Spot 3; Survival 3;
Swim -8;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Combat Casting, Extend
Spell, Shield Proficiency, Simple
Weapon Proficiency
Lawful Evil
Possessions: Chain, Spiked; Ring of Protection +1; Full Plate
(Masterwork); Outfit (Traveler's); Wand of cure light wounds (1st, 10
charges); Scroll of (Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Divine Favor); Scroll of
(Entangle, Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame); 2 Potions of Bull’s
Deity: The Overlord Domains: Evil(You cast evil spells at +1 caster
level.) Strength(You can perform a feat of strength as a supernatural
ability. You gain an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to your
cleric level. Activating the power is a free action, the power lasts 1
round, and it is usable once per day.)
Spells per Day: (3/2+1/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/ DC:13+spell level)
Cleric - Known:
Level 0: Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Inflict Minor Wounds,
Level 1: Bane, Enlarge Person (Strength), Protection from Good
Medium-size Male Half-orc, Kalamaran
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 40 ft.
16 (flatfooted 14, touch 12)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Dagger (Masterwork) +6;Dagger
(Masterwork/Thrown) +4; Greataxe
(Masterwork) +6;
Full Attacks:
Dagger (Masterwork) +6;Dagger
(Masterwork/Thrown) +4; Greataxe
(Masterwork) +6
Dagger (Masterwork) 1d4+4;Dagger
(Masterwork/Thrown) 1d4+4; Greataxe
(Masterwork) 1d12+6;
Darkvision (60')
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Bonuses when enraged (STR +4, CON
+4, Will +2, AC -2, HP 2), Illiteracy, Orc
Blood, Rage (Ex) 1 times/day (8 rounds)
Fortitude: +5, Reflex: +2, Will: +0
STR 18 (+4), DEX 14 (+2), CON 16 (+3),
INT 8 (-1), WIS 10 (+0), CHA 8 (-1)
Appraise -1; Balance 3; Bluff -1; Climb 7;
Concentration 3; Craft (Untrained) -1;
Diplomacy -1; Disguise -1; Escape Artist
1; Forgery -1; Gather Information -1;
Heal 0; Hide 1; Intimidate -1; Jump 11;
Listen 0; Move Silently 1; Ride 2; Search
-1; Sense Motive 0; Spot 0; Survival 0;
Swim 2;
Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor
Proficiency (Medium), Martial Weapon
Proficiency, Power Attack, Shield
Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency
Challenge Rating:
Chaotic Neutral
Possessions: Chain Shirt (Masterwork); Dagger (Masterwork);
Greataxe (Masterwork); Outfit (Explorer's)
Enemies of Sons of Pekal
By Thomas Abbott
ATL 3 –
Encounter One
Baron Labeta
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 30 ft.
10 (flatfooted 10, touch 10)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Rapier +1 +3;
Full Attack:
Rapier +1 +3;
Rapier +1 1d6+1;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
+2 on saves against charm effects,
uncanny dodge (as a 4th level rogue)
Fortitude: +1, Reflex: +1, Will: +5
STR 10 (+0), DEX 10 (+0), CON 10 (+0),
INT 16 (+3), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 16 (+3)
Appraise 7; Balance 0; Bluff 11; Climb 0;
Concentration 0; Craft (Untrained) 3;
Diplomacy 17; Disguise 11; Escape Artist
0; Forgery 9; Gather Information 9; Heal 2;
Hide 0; Intimidate 15; Jump 0; Listen 2;
Move Silently 0; Ride 4; Search 3; Sense
Motive 10; Spot 2; Survival 2; Swim 0;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Deceitful, Martial Weapon
Proficiency, Negotiator, Noble Bearing,
Persuasive, Shield Proficiency, Simple
Weapon Proficiency, Tower Shield
Neutral Evil
Possessions: Noble's Outfit; Rapier +1;
Baron of the Realm: As a baron of Pekal, Baron Labeta gains all the
benefits given here in bold, as per the Divine Right of Kings from the
KPGSL, page 153.
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 30 ft.
16 (flatfooted 13, touch 14)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Dart (Masterwork) +6; Dagger +3;Dagger
(Thrown) +5;Shortspear -7;Shortspear
(Thrown) +5; ;
Full Attack:
Dart +3 primary hand, +3 offhand.
Dart (Masterwork) 1d4+1; Dagger
1d4+1;Dagger (Thrown)
1d4+1;Shortspear 1d6+1;Shortspear
(Thrown) 1d6+1; poison
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Evasion (Ex), Sneak Attack +2d6, Trap
Sense (Ex) +1, Trapfinding
Fortitude: +3, Reflex: +6, Will: +2
STR 12 (+1), DEX 17 (+3), CON 14 (+2),
INT 14 (+2), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 10 (+0)
Appraise 2; Balance 5; Bluff 2; Climb 7;
Concentration 2; Craft (Poisonmaking) 8;
Craft (Untrained) 2; Diplomacy 0;
Disguise 6; Escape Artist 9; Forgery 2;
Gather Information 4; Heal 1; Hide 14;
Intimidate 0; Jump 3; Listen 7; Move
Silently 14; Ride 3; Search 8; Sense
Motive 1; Spot 7; Survival 1; Swim 1;
Tumble 9;
Armor Proficiency (Light), Point Blank
Shot, Rapid Shot, Simple Weapon
Proficiency, Two-Weapon Fighting
Neutral Evil
Possessions: Boots of Elvenkind; Ring of Protection +1; Cloak of
Elvenkind; Dagger; Dart (Masterwork) x5; Leather; Outfit (Traveler's);
Poison (Zeakue); Shortspear
ATL3_Tokite Cleric
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 20 ft.
19 (flatfooted 19, touch 11)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Chain, Spiked +4;
Full Attack:
Chain, Spiked +4;
Chain, Spiked 2d4+3;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Rebuke Undead (Su) 5/day (turn level 3)
(turn damage 2d6+5), Spontaneous
Fortitude: +5, Reflex: +1, Will: +6
STR 14 (+2), DEX 10 (+0), CON 14 (+2),
INT 10 (+0), WIS 16 (+3), CHA 14 (+2)
Appraise 0; Balance -5; Bluff 2; Climb -3;
Concentration 8; Craft (Untrained) 0;
Diplomacy 2; Disguise 2; Escape Artist -
5; Forgery 0; Gather Information 2; Heal
3; Hide -5; Intimidate 2; Jump -9;
Knowledge (Religion) 6; Listen 3; Move
Silently -5; Ride 0; Search 0; Sense
Motive 3; Spellcraft 6; Spot 3; Survival 3;
Swim -8;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Combat Casting, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency (Chain (Spiked)),
Extend Spell, Shield Proficiency, Simple
Weapon Proficiency
Lawful Evil
Possessions: Chain, Spiked; Ring of Protection +1; Full Plate
(Masterwork); Outfit (Traveler's); Wand of cure light wounds (1st, 10
charges); Scroll of (Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Divine Favor); Scroll of
(Entangle, Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame); 2 Potions of Bull’s
Deity: The Overlord Domains: Evil(You cast evil spells at +1 caster
level.) Strength(You can perform a feat of strength as a supernatural
ability. You gain an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to your
cleric level. Activating the power is a free action, the power lasts 1
round, and it is usable once per day.)
Enemies of Sons of Pekal
By Thomas Abbott
Spells per Day: (4/3+1/2+1/0/0/0/0/0/0/ DC:13+spell level)
Cleric - Known:
Level 0: Cure Minor Wounds X2, Detect Magic, Light,
Level 1: Bane, Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor, Enlarge
Level 2: Bull's Strength(Strength), Cure Moderate Wounds, Spiritual
ATL3_Tokite Wizard
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 30 ft.
13 (flatfooted 11, touch 13)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Dagger +2;Dagger (Thrown) +4;
Full Attack:
Dagger +2;Dagger (Thrown) +4;
Dagger 1d4;Dagger (Thrown) 1d4;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Summon Familiar
Fortitude: +3, Reflex: +3, Will: +4
STR 10 (+0), DEX 14 (+2), CON 14 (+2),
INT 18 (+4), WIS 10 (+0), CHA 10 (+0)
Appraise 4; Balance 2; Bluff 0; Climb 0;
Concentration 12; Craft (Untrained) 4;
Diplomacy 0; Disguise 0; Escape Artist
2; Forgery 4; Gather Information 0; Heal
0; Hide 2; Intimidate 0; Jump 0;
Knowledge (Arcana) 11; Knowledge
(Architecture and Engineering) 11;
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 11;
Knowledge (History) 11; Knowledge
(Nobility and Royalty) 5; Listen 0; Move
Silently 2; Ride 2; Search 6; Sense
Motive 0; Spellcraft 13; Spot 0; Survival
0; Swim 0;
Combat Casting, Eschew Materials,
Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Concentration)
Lawful Neutral
Possessions: Dagger; Outfit (Explorer's); Ring of Protection +1;
Wand of Magic Missiles-(1st), 10 charges; Scroll of (Summon
Monster I (arcane), Color Spray, Grease); 2 Potions of Mage Armor
Spells per Day: (4/4/3/0/0/0/0/0/0/ DC:14+spell level)
Wizard - Known:
Level 0: Acid Splash, Daze, Detect Magic, Ray of Frost,
Level 1: Color Spray x2, Mage Armor, Magic Missile
Level 2: Acid Arrow, Invisibility, Summon Swarm
Encounters 3a.
Rust Monster
Medium Aberration
Hit Dice:
5d8+5 (27 hp)
40 ft. (8 squares)
22 (+3 Dex, +5 natural, +4 mage armor)
flatfooted 19, touch 13)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Antennae touch +3 melee (rust)
Full Attack:
Antennae touch +3 melee (rust) and bite
-2 melee (1d3)
Space / Reach:
5 ft ./ 5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:
Aberration Traits, Darkvision, scent,
Protection from Energy (Fire) 60 points
of damage, Resist Energy (electricity)
Fortitude: +2, Reflex: +4, Will: +5
STR 10, DEX 17, CON 13, INT 2,
WIS 13, CHA 8
Listen +7; Spot +7
Alertness, Track
Challenge Rating:
True Neutral
Possessions: Potion of Fire Protection from Energy; Potion of Resist
Energy (electricity); Potion of Mage Armor;
Rust (Ex): A rust monster that makes a successful touch attack with
its antennae causes the target metal to corrode, falling to pieces and
becoming useless immediately. The touch can destroy up to a 10-
foot cube of metal instantly. Magic armor and weapons and other
magic items made of metal, must succeed on a DC 17 Reflex save or
be dissolved. The save DC is Constitution based and includes a +4
racial bonus. A metal weapon that deals damage to a rust monster
corrodes immediately. Wooden, stone, and other nonmetallic
weapons are unaffected.
Encounters 3, 4, and 5.
ATL3_Tokite Legionnaire
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 20 ft.
19 (flatfooted 17, touch 12)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Javelin +4;Sword (Short/Masterwork) +7;
Shortbow +4
Full Attack:
Javelin +4, Sword (Short/Masterwork)
+7; Shortbow +4
Javelin 1d6+3;Sword (Short/Masterwork)
1d6+3; Shortbow 1d6
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Fortitude: +5, Reflex: +2, Will: +1
STR 16 (+3), DEX 14 (+2), CON 14 (+2),
INT 12 (+1), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 10 (+0)
Appraise 1; Balance -1; Bluff 0; Climb 3;
Concentration 2; Craft (Untrained) 1;
Diplomacy 0; Disguise 0; Escape Artist -
3; Forgery 1; Gather Information 0; Heal
1; Hide -3; Intimidate 5; Jump -3; Listen
1; Move Silently -3; Ride 2; Search 1;
Sense Motive 1; Spot 1; Survival 1;
Swim -7;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Combat Reflexes, Dodge,
Martial Weapon Proficiency, Point Blank
Shot, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon
Proficiency, Tower Shield Proficiency,
Weapon Focus (Sword (Short))
Enemies of Sons of Pekal
By Thomas Abbott
Lawful Neutral
Possessions: Breastplate (Masterwork); Javelin; Outfit (Explorer's);
Shield, Heavy; Sword (Short/Masterwork);
ATL3_Tokite Cleric
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 20 ft.
19 (flatfooted 19, touch 11)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Chain, Spiked +4;
Full Attack:
Chain, Spiked +4;
Chain, Spiked 2d4+3;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Rebuke Undead (Su) 5/day (turn level 3)
(turn damage 2d6+5), Spontaneous
Fortitude: +5, Reflex: +1, Will: +6
STR 14 (+2), DEX 10 (+0), CON 14 (+2),
INT 10 (+0), WIS 16 (+3), CHA 14 (+2)
Appraise 0; Balance -5; Bluff 2; Climb -3;
Concentration 8; Craft (Untrained) 0;
Diplomacy 2; Disguise 2; Escape Artist -
5; Forgery 0; Gather Information 2; Heal
3; Hide -5; Intimidate 2; Jump -9;
Knowledge (Religion) 6; Listen 3; Move
Silently -5; Ride 0; Search 0; Sense
Motive 3; Spellcraft 6; Spot 3; Survival 3;
Swim -8;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Combat Casting, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency (Chain (Spiked)),
Extend Spell, Shield Proficiency, Simple
Weapon Proficiency
Lawful Evil
Possessions: Chain, Spiked; Ring of Protection +1; Full Plate
(Masterwork); Outfit (Traveler's); Wand of cure light wounds (1st, 10
charges); Scroll of (Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Divine Favor); Scroll of
(Entangle, Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame); 2 Potions of Bull’s
Deity: The Overlord Domains: Evil(You cast evil spells at +1 caster
level.) Strength(You can perform a feat of strength as a supernatural
ability. You gain an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to your
cleric level. Activating the power is a free action, the power lasts 1
round, and it is usable once per day.)
Spells per Day: (4/3+1/2+1/0/0/0/0/0/0/ DC:13+spell level)
Cleric - Known:
Level 0: Cure Minor Wounds X2, Detect Magic, Light,
Level 1: Bane, Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor, Enlarge
Level 2: Bull's Strength(Strength), Cure Moderate Wounds, Spiritual
Medium-size Male Half-orc, Kalamaran
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 40 ft.
17 (flatfooted 17, touch 12)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Dagger (Masterwork) +8;Dagger
(Masterwork/Thrown) +6; Greataxe
(Masterwork) +8; ;
Full Attacks:
Dagger (Masterwork) +8;Dagger
(Masterwork/Thrown) +6; Greataxe
(Masterwork) +8;
Dagger (Masterwork) 1d4+4;Dagger
(Masterwork/Thrown) 1d4+4; Greataxe
(Masterwork) 1d12+6;
Darkvision (60')
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Bonuses when enraged (STR +4, CON
+4, Will +2, AC -2, HP 6), Illiteracy, Orc
Blood, Rage (Ex) 1 times/day (8 rounds),
Trap Sense (Ex) +1, Uncanny Dodge
(Dex bonus to AC)
Fortitude: +6, Reflex: +3, Will: +1
STR 18 (+4), DEX 14 (+2), CON 16 (+3),
INT 8 (-1), WIS 10 (+0), CHA 8 (-1)
Appraise -1; Balance 4; Bluff -1; Climb 9;
Concentration 3; Craft (Untrained) -1;
Diplomacy -1; Disguise -1; Escape Artist
1; Forgery -1; Gather Information -1;
Heal 0; Hide 1; Intimidate -1; Jump 13;
Listen 0; Move Silently 1; Ride 2; Search
-1; Sense Motive 0; Spot 0; Survival 0;
Swim 2;
Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor
Proficiency (Medium), Cleave, Martial
Weapon Proficiency, Power Attack,
Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon
Challenge Rating:
Chaotic Neutral
Possessions: Amulet of Natural Armor +1; Chain Shirt (Masterwork);
Dagger (Masterwork); Greataxe (Masterwork); Outfit (Explorer's);
Enemies of Sons of Pekal
By Thomas Abbott
ATL 5 –
Encounter One
Baron Labeta
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 30 ft.
10 (flatfooted 10, touch 10)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Rapier +1 +3;
Full Attack:
Rapier +1 +3;
Rapier +1 1d6+1;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
+2 on saves against charm effects,
uncanny dodge (as a 4th level rogue)
Fortitude: +1, Reflex: +1, Will: +5
STR 10 (+0), DEX 10 (+0), CON 10 (+0),
INT 16 (+3), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 16 (+3)
Appraise 7; Balance 0; Bluff 11; Climb 0;
Concentration 0; Craft (Untrained) 3;
Diplomacy 17; Disguise 11; Escape Artist
0; Forgery 9; Gather Information 9; Heal 2;
Hide 0; Intimidate 15; Jump 0; Listen 2;
Move Silently 0; Ride 4; Search 3; Sense
Motive 10; Spot 2; Survival 2; Swim 0;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Deceitful, Martial Weapon
Proficiency, Negotiator, Noble Bearing,
Persuasive, Shield Proficiency, Simple
Weapon Proficiency, Tower Shield
Neutral Evil
Possessions: Noble's Outfit; Rapier +1;
Baron of the Realm: As a baron of Pekal, Baron Labeta gains all the
benefits given here in bold, as per the Divine Right of Kings from the
KPGSL, page 153.
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 30 ft.
18 (flatfooted 18, touch 16)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Dart (Masterwork) +9; Dagger +4;Dagger
(Thrown) +8;Shortspear +4;Shortspear
(Thrown) +8; ;
Full Attack:
Dart +7 primary hand/+7 offhand
Dart (Masterwork) 1d4+1; Dagger
1d4+1;Dagger (Thrown)
1d4+1;Shortspear 1d6+1;Shortspear
(Thrown) 1d6+1
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Evasion (Ex), Sneak Attack +3d6, Trap
Sense (Ex) +1, Trapfinding, Uncanny
Dodge (Dex bonus to AC)
Fortitude: +3, Reflex: +9, Will: +2
STR 12 (+1), DEX 20 (+5), CON 14 (+2),
INT 14 (+2), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 10 (+0)
Appraise 2; Balance 7; Bluff 4; Climb 9;
Concentration 2; Craft (Poisonmaking)
10; Craft (Untrained) 2; Diplomacy 0;
Disguise 8; Escape Artist 13; Forgery 2;
Gather Information 4; Heal 1; Hide 18;
Intimidate 0; Jump 3; Listen 9; Move
Silently 18; Ride 5; Search 10; Sense
Motive 1; Spot 9; Survival 1; Swim 1;
Tumble 13;
Armor Proficiency (Light), Point Blank
Shot, Rapid Shot, Simple Weapon
Proficiency, Two-Weapon Fighting
Neutral Evil
Possessions: Boots of Elvenkind; Gloves of Dexterity +2; Cloak of
Elvenkind; Dagger; Dart (Masterwork) x5; Leather; Traveler's Outfit;
Poison (Zeakue); Ring of Protection +1; Shortspear
ATL5_Tokite Cleric
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 20 ft.
19 (flatfooted 19, touch 11)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Chain, Spiked +5;
Full Attack:
Chain, Spiked +5;
Chain, Spiked 2d4+3;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Rebuke Undead (Su) 5/day (turn level 5)
(turn damage 2d6+7), Spontaneous
Fortitude: +6, Reflex: +1, Will: +7
STR 14 (+2), DEX 10 (+0), CON 14 (+2),
INT 10 (+0), WIS 17 (+3), CHA 14 (+2)
Appraise 0; Balance -5; Bluff 2; Climb -3;
Concentration 10; Craft (Untrained) 0;
Diplomacy 2; Disguise 2; Escape Artist -
5; Forgery 0; Gather Information 2; Heal
3; Hide -5; Intimidate 2; Jump -9;
Knowledge (Religion) 8; Listen 3; Move
Silently -5; Ride 0; Search 0; Sense
Motive 3; Spellcraft 8; Spot 3; Survival 3;
Swim -8;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Combat Casting, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency (Chain (Spiked)),
Extend Spell, Shield Proficiency, Simple
Weapon Proficiency
Lawful Evil
Possessions: Chain, Spiked; Ring of Protection +1; Full Plate
(Masterwork); Outfit (Traveler's); Wand of cure light wounds (1st, 10
charges); Scroll of (Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Divine Favor); Scroll of
(Entangle, Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame); 2 Potions of Bull’s
Deity: The Overlord Domains: Evil(You cast evil spells at +1 caster
Enemies of Sons of Pekal
By Thomas Abbott
level.) Strength(You can perform a feat of strength as a supernatural
ability. You gain an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to your
cleric level. Activating the power is a free action, the power lasts 1
round, and it is usable once per day.)
Spells per Day: (5/4+1/3+1/2+1/0/0/0/0/0/ DC:13+spell level)
Cleric - Known:
Level 0: Cure Minor Wounds x2, Detect Magic, Inflict Minor Wounds
Level 1: Bane, Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor, Doom, Enlarge
Level 2: Bull's Strength (Strength), Cure Moderate Wounds, Hold
Person, Spiritual Weapon
Level 3: Dispel Magic, Magic Circle against Good (Evil), Searing Light
ATL5_Tokite Wizard
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 30 ft.
13 (flatfooted 11, touch 13)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Dagger +3;Dagger (Thrown) +5;
Full Attack:
Dagger +3;Dagger (Thrown) +5;
Dagger 1d4;Dagger (Thrown) 1d4;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Summon Familiar
Fortitude: +4, Reflex: +4, Will: +5
STR 10 (+0), DEX 14 (+2), CON 14 (+2),
INT 18 (+4), WIS 10 (+0), CHA 10 (+0)
Appraise 4; Balance 2; Bluff 0; Climb 0;
Concentration 14; Craft (Untrained) 4;
Diplomacy 0; Disguise 0; Escape Artist
2; Forgery 4; Gather Information 0; Heal
0; Hide 2; Intimidate 0; Jump 0;
Knowledge (Arcana) 13; Knowledge
(Architecture and Engineering) 13;
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 13;
Knowledge (History) 13; Knowledge
(Nobility and Royalty) 7; Listen 0; Move
Silently 2; Ride 2; Search 6; Sense
Motive 0; Spellcraft 15; Spot 0; Survival
0; Swim 0;
Combat Casting, Craft Wand, Eschew
Materials, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus
(Concentration), Spell Focus (Evocation)
Lawful Neutral
Possessions: Dagger; Outfit (Explorer's); Ring of Protection +1;
Wand of Magic Missiles-(1st), 10 charges; Scroll of (Summon
Monster I (arcane), Color Spray, Grease); 2 Potions of Mage Armor
Spells per Day: (4/4/4/3/0/0/0/0/0/ DC:14+spell level)
Wizard - Known:
Level 0: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Ray of Frost, Read Magic
Level 1: Color Spray, Mage Armor, Magic Missile x2
Level 2: Acid Arrow, Cat's Grace, Flaming Sphere, Summon Swarm
Level 3: Dispel Magic, Fireball, Vampiric Touch
Encounters 3a.
Rust Monster
Medium Aberration
Hit Dice:
5d8+5 (27 hp)
40 ft. (8 squares)
22 (+3 Dex, +5 natural, +4 mage armor)
flatfooted 19, touch 13)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Antennae touch +3 melee (rust)
Full Attack:
Antennae touch +3 melee (rust) and bite
-2 melee (1d3)
Space / Reach:
5 ft ./ 5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:
Aberration Traits, Darkvision, scent,
Protection from Energy (Fire) 60 points
of damage, Resist Energy (electricity)
Fortitude: +2, Reflex: +4, Will: +5
STR 10, DEX 17, CON 13, INT 2,
WIS 13, CHA 8
Listen +7; Spot +7
Alertness, Track
Challenge Rating:
True Neutral
Possessions: Potion of Fire Protection from Energy; Potion of Resist
Energy (electricity); Potion of Mage Armor;
Rust (Ex): A rust monster that makes a successful touch attack with
its antennae causes the target metal to corrode, falling to pieces and
becoming useless immediately. The touch can destroy up to a 10-
foot cube of metal instantly. Magic armor and weapons and other
magic items made of metal, must succeed on a DC 17 Reflex save or
be dissolved. The save DC is Constitution based and includes a +4
racial bonus. A metal weapon that deals damage to a rust monster
corrodes immediately. Wooden, stone, and other nonmetallic
weapons are unaffected.
Encounters 3, 4, and 5.
ATL5_Tokite Legionnaire
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 20 ft.
20 (flatfooted 18, touch 12)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Javelin (Masterwork) +8;Sword
(Short/Masterwork) +9; Shortbow +6
Full Attack:
Javelin (Masterwork) +8; Sword
(Short/Masterwork) +9; Shortbow +6
Javelin (Masterwork) 1d6+3;Sword
(Short/Masterwork) 1d6+5; Shortbow
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Fortitude: +6, Reflex: +3, Will: +2
STR 16 (+3), DEX 14 (+2), CON 14 (+2),
INT 13 (+1), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 10 (+0)
Appraise 1; Balance 1; Bluff 0; Climb 6;
Concentration 2; Craft (Untrained) 1;
Diplomacy 0; Disguise 0; Escape Artist -
2; Forgery 1; Gather Information 0; Heal
Enemies of Sons of Pekal
By Thomas Abbott
1; Hide -2; Intimidate 7; Jump 0; Listen 1;
Move Silently -2; Ride 2; Search 1;
Sense Motive 1; Spot 1; Survival 1;
Swim -5;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Combat Reflexes, Dodge,
Martial Weapon Proficiency, Point Blank
Shot, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon
Proficiency, Tower Shield Proficiency,
Weapon Focus (Sword (Short), Javelin),
Weapon Specialization (Sword (Short))
Lawful Neutral
Possessions: Breastplate (Masterwork); Javelin (Masterwork); Outfit
(Explorer's); Shield +1 (Heavy/Metal); Sword (Short/Masterwork);
ATL5_Tokite Cleric
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 20 ft.
19 (flatfooted 19, touch 11)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Chain, Spiked +5;
Full Attack:
Chain, Spiked +5;
Chain, Spiked 2d4+3;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Rebuke Undead (Su) 5/day (turn level 5)
(turn damage 2d6+7), Spontaneous
Fortitude: +6, Reflex: +1, Will: +7
STR 14 (+2), DEX 10 (+0), CON 14 (+2),
INT 10 (+0), WIS 17 (+3), CHA 14 (+2)
Appraise 0; Balance -5; Bluff 2; Climb -3;
Concentration 10; Craft (Untrained) 0;
Diplomacy 2; Disguise 2; Escape Artist -
5; Forgery 0; Gather Information 2; Heal
3; Hide -5; Intimidate 2; Jump -9;
Knowledge (Religion) 8; Listen 3; Move
Silently -5; Ride 0; Search 0; Sense
Motive 3; Spellcraft 8; Spot 3; Survival 3;
Swim -8;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Combat Casting, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency (Chain (Spiked)),
Extend Spell, Shield Proficiency, Simple
Weapon Proficiency
Lawful Evil
Possessions: Chain, Spiked; Ring of Protection +1; Full Plate
(Masterwork); Outfit (Traveler's); Wand of cure light wounds (1st, 10
charges); Scroll of (Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Divine Favor); Scroll of
(Entangle, Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame); 2 Potions of Bull’s
Deity: The Overlord Domains: Evil(You cast evil spells at +1 caster
level.) Strength(You can perform a feat of strength as a supernatural
ability. You gain an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to your
cleric level. Activating the power is a free action, the power lasts 1
round, and it is usable once per day.)
Spells per Day: (5/4+1/3+1/2+1/0/0/0/0/0/ DC:13+spell level)
Cleric - Known:
Level 0: Cure Minor Wounds x2, Detect Magic, Inflict Minor Wounds
Level 1: Bane, Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor, Doom, Enlarge
Level 2: Bull's Strength (Strength), Cure Moderate Wounds, Hold
Person, Spiritual Weapon
Level 3: Dispel Magic, Magic Circle against Good (Evil), Searing Light
Medium-size Male Half-orc, Kalamaran
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 40 ft.
18 (flatfooted 18, touch 12)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Dagger (Masterwork) +10;Dagger
(Masterwork/Thrown) +8; Greataxe
(Masterwork) +10;
Full Attacks:
Dagger (Masterwork) +10;Dagger
(Masterwork/Thrown) +8; Greataxe
(Masterwork) +10;
Dagger (Masterwork) 1d4+4;Dagger
(Masterwork/Thrown) 1d4+4; Greataxe
(Masterwork) 1d12+6;
Darkvision (60')
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Bonuses when enraged (STR +4, CON
+4, Will +2, AC -2, HP 10), Illiteracy,
Improved Uncanny Dodge (can't be
flanked except by a rogue of 9 level), Orc
Blood, Rage (Ex) 2 times/day (8 rounds),
Trap Sense (Ex) +1
Fortitude: +7, Reflex: +3, Will: +1
STR 19 (+4), DEX 14 (+2), CON 16 (+3),
INT 8 (-1), WIS 10 (+0), CHA 8 (-1)
Appraise -1; Balance 5; Bluff -1; Climb
11; Concentration 3; Craft (Untrained) -1;
Diplomacy -1; Disguise -1; Escape Artist
1; Forgery -1; Gather Information -1;
Heal 0; Hide 1; Intimidate -1; Jump 15;
Listen 0; Move Silently 1; Ride 2; Search
-1; Sense Motive 0; Spot 0; Survival 0;
Swim 2;
Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor
Proficiency (Medium), Cleave, Martial
Weapon Proficiency, Power Attack,
Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon
Challenge Rating:
Chaotic Neutral
Possessions: Amulet of Natural Armor +1; Chain Shirt +1; Dagger
(Masterwork); Greataxe (Masterwork); Outfit (Explorer's);
Enemies of Sons of Pekal
By Thomas Abbott
ATL 7 –
Encounter One
Baron Labeta
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 30 ft.
10 (flatfooted 10, touch 10)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Rapier +1 +3;
Full Attack:
Rapier +1 +3;
Rapier +1 1d6+1;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
+2 on saves against charm effects,
uncanny dodge (as a 4th level rogue)
Fortitude: +1, Reflex: +1, Will: +5
STR 10 (+0), DEX 10 (+0), CON 10 (+0),
INT 16 (+3), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 16 (+3)
Appraise 7; Balance 0; Bluff 11; Climb 0;
Concentration 0; Craft (Untrained) 3;
Diplomacy 17; Disguise 11; Escape Artist
0; Forgery 9; Gather Information 9; Heal 2;
Hide 0; Intimidate 15; Jump 0; Listen 2;
Move Silently 0; Ride 4; Search 3; Sense
Motive 10; Spot 2; Survival 2; Swim 0;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Deceitful, Martial Weapon
Proficiency, Negotiator, Noble Bearing,
Persuasive, Shield Proficiency, Simple
Weapon Proficiency, Tower Shield
Neutral Evil
Possessions: Noble's Outfit; Rapier +1;
Baron of the Realm: As a baron of Pekal, Baron Labeta gains all the
benefits given here in bold, as per the Divine Right of Kings from the
KPGSL, page 153.
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Rogue5 Assassin2
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 30 ft.
18 (flatfooted 18, touch 16)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Dart +1 +11;Dagger +5;Dagger (Thrown)
+10;Shortspear +5;Shortspear (Thrown)
Full Attacks:
Dart+1 +9 primary hand/ Dart +9 off
Dart +1 1d4+1;Dagger 1d4+1;Dagger
(Thrown) 1d4+1;Shortspear
1d6+1;Shortspear (Thrown) 1d6+1;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
+1 save against poisons, Death Attack
(DC 14), Evasion (Ex), Improved
Uncanny Dodge (can't be flanked except
by a rogue of 11 level), Poison Use,
Sneak Attack +4d6, Trap Sense (Ex) +1,
Fortitude: +3, Reflex: +12, Will: +2
STR 12 (+1), DEX 20 (+5), CON 14 (+2),
INT 14 (+2), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 10 (+0)
Appraise 2; Balance 9; Bluff 4; Climb 9;
Concentration 2; Craft (Poisonmaking)
12; Craft (Untrained) 2; Diplomacy 0;
Disguise 10; Escape Artist 15; Forgery 2;
Gather Information 4; Heal 1; Hide 20;
Intimidate 0; Jump 3; Listen 9; Move
Silently 20; Ride 5; Search 10; Sense
Motive 1; Spot 9; Survival 1; Swim 1;
Tumble 15;
Armor Proficiency (Light), Point Blank
Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot, Simple
Weapon Proficiency, Two-Weapon
Neutral Evil
Possessions: Boots of Elvenkind; Dart +1 x5; Cloak of Elvenkind;
Dagger; Gloves of Dexterity +2; Leather; Traveler's Outfit; Poison
(Zeakue); Ring of Protection +1; Shortspear;
Spells per Day: (0/2/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/ DC:12+spell level)
Assassin - Known:
Level 1: Detect Poison, Obscuring Mist, True Strike
ATL7_Tokite Cleric
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 20 ft.
20 (flatfooted 20, touch 12)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Chain, Spiked +7;
Full Attack:
Chain, Spiked +7;
Chain, Spiked 2d4+3;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Rebuke Undead (Su) 6/day (turn level 7)
(turn damage 2d6+10), Spontaneous
Fortitude: +7, Reflex: +2, Will: +9
STR 14 (+2), DEX 10 (+0), CON 14 (+2),
INT 10 (+0), WIS 19 (+4), CHA 16 (+3)
Appraise 0; Balance -5; Bluff 3; Climb -3;
Concentration 12; Craft (Untrained) 0;
Diplomacy 3; Disguise 3; Escape Artist -
5; Forgery 0; Gather Information 3; Heal
4; Hide -5; Intimidate 3; Jump -9;
Knowledge (Religion) 10; Listen 4; Move
Silently -5; Ride 0; Search 0; Sense
Motive 4; Spellcraft 10; Spot 4; Survival
4; Swim -8;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Combat Casting, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency (Chain (Spiked)),
Extend Spell, Quicken Spell, Shield
Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency
Enemies of Sons of Pekal
By Thomas Abbott
Lawful Evil
Possessions: Chain, Spiked; Ring of Protection +2; Cloak of
Charisma +2; Full Plate (Masterwork); Outfit (Traveler's); Periapt of
Wisdom +2; Wand of cure light wounds (1st, 10 charges); Scroll of
(Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Divine Favor); Scroll of (Entangle, Cure
Light Wounds, Produce Flame); 2 Potions of Bull’s Strength
Deity: The Overlord Domains: Evil(You cast evil spells at +1 caster
level.) Strength(You can perform a feat of strength as a supernatural
ability. You gain an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to your
cleric level. Activating the power is a free action, the power lasts 1
round, and it is usable once per day.)
Spells per Day: (6/5+1/4+1/3+1/2+1/0/0/0/0/ DC:14+spell level)
Cleric - Known:
Level 0: Cure Minor Wounds x2, Detect Magic, Guidance, Inflict Minor
Wounds x2,
Level 1: Bane, Command, Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor, Enlarge
Person (Strength), Inflict Light Wounds
Level 2: Bull's Strength (Strength), Cure Moderate Wounds, Death
Knell, Sound Burst, Spiritual Weapon,
Level 3: Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Magic Circle against
Good (Evil), Searing Light,
Level 4: Cure Critical Wounds, Divine Power, Unholy Blight (Evil)
ATL7_Tokite Wizard
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 30 ft.
14 (flatfooted 12, touch 14)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Dagger +4;Dagger (Thrown) +6;
Full Attack:
Dagger +4;Dagger (Thrown) +6;
Dagger 1d4;Dagger (Thrown) 1d4;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Summon Familiar
Fortitude: +4, Reflex: +4, Will: +6
STR 10 (+0), DEX 14 (+2), CON 14 (+2),
INT 21 (+5), WIS 10 (+0), CHA 10 (+0)
Appraise 5; Balance 2; Bluff 0; Climb 0;
Concentration 16; Craft (Untrained) 5;
Diplomacy 2; Disguise 0; Escape Artist
2; Forgery 5; Gather Information 0; Heal
0; Hide 2; Intimidate 0; Jump 0;
Knowledge (Arcana) 16; Knowledge
(Architecture and Engineering) 16;
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 16;
Knowledge (History) 16; Knowledge
(Nobility and Royalty) 10; Listen 0; Move
Silently 2; Ride 2; Search 7; Sense
Motive 0; Spellcraft 18; Spot 0; Survival
0; Swim 0;
Combat Casting, Craft Wand, Eschew
Materials, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus
(Concentration), Spell Focus (Evocation)
Lawful Neutral
Possessions: Dagger; Ring of Protection +2; Headband of Intellect
+2; Outfit (Explorer's); Wand of Magic Missiles-(1st), 10 charges;
Scroll of (Summon Monster I (arcane), Color Spray, Grease); 2
Potions of Mage Armor
Spells per Day: (4/6/4/4/3/0/0/0/0/ DC:15+spell level)
Wizard - Known:
Level 0: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Read Magic,
Level 1: Color Spray, Detect Secret Doors, Mage Armor, Magic
Missile x3
Level 2: Acid Arrow, Cat's Grace, Invisibility, Summon Swarm
Level 3: Dispel Magic, Fireball x2, Vampiric Touch
Level 4: Black Tentacles, Invisibility, Greater, Stoneskin
Encounters 3a.
Rust Monster
Medium Aberration
Hit Dice:
5d8+5 (27 hp)
40 ft. (8 squares)
22 (+3 Dex, +5 natural, +4 mage armor)
flatfooted 19, touch 13)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Antennae touch +3 melee (rust)
Full Attack:
Antennae touch +3 melee (rust) and bite
-2 melee (1d3)
Space / Reach:
5 ft ./ 5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:
Aberration Traits, Darkvision, scent,
Protection from Energy (Fire) 60 points
of damage, Resist Energy (electricity)
Fortitude: +2, Reflex: +4, Will: +5
STR 10, DEX 17, CON 13, INT 2,
WIS 13, CHA 8
Listen +7; Spot +7
Alertness, Track
Challenge Rating:
True Neutral
Possessions: Potion of Fire Protection from Energy; Potion of Resist
Energy (electricity); Potion of Mage Armor;
Rust (Ex): A rust monster that makes a successful touch attack with
its antennae causes the target metal to corrode, falling to pieces and
becoming useless immediately. The touch can destroy up to a 10-
foot cube of metal instantly. Magic armor and weapons and other
magic items made of metal, must succeed on a DC 17 Reflex save or
be dissolved. The save DC is Constitution based and includes a +4
racial bonus. A metal weapon that deals damage to a rust monster
corrodes immediately. Wooden, stone, and other nonmetallic
weapons are unaffected.
Encounters 3, 4, and 5.
ATL7_Tokite Legionnaire
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 20 ft.
20 (flatfooted 18, touch 12)
Base Attack /
Sword +1 (Short) +11;Javelin (Masterwork) +10;
Shortbow +8
Full Attack:
Sword +1 (Short) +11/+6;Javelin (Masterwork)
Enemies of Sons of Pekal
By Thomas Abbott
+10/+5; Shortbow +8/+3
Sword +1 (Short) 1d6+6;Javelin (Masterwork)
1d6+3; Shortbow 1d6
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Fortitude: +7, Reflex: +4, Will: +3
STR 16 (+3), DEX 14 (+2), CON 14 (+2),
INT 13 (+1), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 10 (+0)
Appraise 1; Balance 2; Bluff 0; Climb 8;
Concentration 2; Craft (Untrained) 1; Diplomacy
0; Disguise 0; Escape Artist -2; Forgery 1; Gather
Information 0; Heal 1; Hide -2; Intimidate 9; Jump
2; Listen 1; Move Silently -2; Ride 2; Search 1;
Sense Motive 1; Spot 1; Survival 1; Swim -5;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor Proficiency
(Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Combat
Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved
Trip, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Point Blank
Shot, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon
Proficiency, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon
Focus (Sword (Short), Javelin), Weapon
Specialization (Sword (Short))
Lawful Neutral
Possessions: Breastplate (Masterwork); Sword +1 (Short); Javelin
(Masterwork); Outfit (Explorer's); Shield +1 (Heavy/Metal)
ATL7_Tokite Cleric
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 20 ft.
20 (flatfooted 20, touch 12)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Chain, Spiked +7;
Full Attack:
Chain, Spiked +7;
Chain, Spiked 2d4+3;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Rebuke Undead (Su) 6/day (turn level 7)
(turn damage 2d6+10), Spontaneous
Fortitude: +7, Reflex: +2, Will: +9
STR 14 (+2), DEX 10 (+0), CON 14 (+2),
INT 10 (+0), WIS 19 (+4), CHA 16 (+3)
Appraise 0; Balance -5; Bluff 3; Climb -3;
Concentration 12; Craft (Untrained) 0;
Diplomacy 3; Disguise 3; Escape Artist -
5; Forgery 0; Gather Information 3; Heal
4; Hide -5; Intimidate 3; Jump -9;
Knowledge (Religion) 10; Listen 4; Move
Silently -5; Ride 0; Search 0; Sense
Motive 4; Spellcraft 10; Spot 4; Survival
4; Swim -8;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Combat Casting, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency (Chain (Spiked)),
Extend Spell, Quicken Spell, Shield
Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency
Lawful Evil
Possessions: Chain, Spiked; Ring of Protection +2; Cloak of
Charisma +2; Full Plate (Masterwork); Outfit (Traveler's); Periapt of
Wisdom +2; Wand of cure light wounds (1st, 10 charges); Scroll of
(Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Divine Favor); Scroll of (Entangle, Cure
Light Wounds, Produce Flame); 2 Potions of Bull’s Strength
Deity: The Overlord Domains: Evil(You cast evil spells at +1 caster
level.) Strength(You can perform a feat of strength as a supernatural
ability. You gain an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to your
cleric level. Activating the power is a free action, the power lasts 1
round, and it is usable once per day.)
Spells per Day: (6/5+1/4+1/3+1/2+1/0/0/0/0/ DC:14+spell level)
Cleric - Known:
Level 0: Cure Minor Wounds x2, Detect Magic, Guidance, Inflict Minor
Wounds x2,
Level 1: Bane, Command, Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor, Enlarge
Person (Strength), Inflict Light Wounds
Level 2: Bull's Strength (Strength), Cure Moderate Wounds, Death
Knell, Sound Burst, Spiritual Weapon,
Level 3: Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Magic Circle against
Good (Evil), Searing Light,
Level 4: Cure Critical Wounds, Divine Power, Unholy Blight (Evil)
Medium-size Male Half-orc, Kalamaran
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 40 ft.
18 (flatfooted 18, touch 12)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Greataxe +1 +12;Dagger (Masterwork)
+12;Dagger (Masterwork/Thrown) +10;
Full Attacks:
Greataxe +1 +12/+7;Dagger
(Masterwork) +12/+7;Dagger
(Masterwork/Thrown) +10/+5;
Greataxe +1 1d12+7;Dagger
(Masterwork) 1d4+4;Dagger
(Masterwork/Thrown) 1d4+4;
Darkvision (60')
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Bonuses when enraged (STR +4, CON
+4, Will +2, AC -2, HP 14), Illiteracy,
Improved Uncanny Dodge (can't be
flanked except by a rogue of 11 level),
Orc Blood, Rage (Ex) 2 times/day (8
rounds), Trap Sense (Ex) +2
Fortitude: +8, Reflex: +4, Will: +2
STR 19 (+4), DEX 14 (+2), CON 16 (+3),
INT 8 (-1), WIS 10 (+0), CHA 8 (-1)
Appraise -1; Balance 6; Bluff -1; Climb
13; Concentration 3; Craft (Untrained) -1;
Diplomacy -1; Disguise -1; Escape Artist
1; Forgery -1; Gather Information -1;
Heal 0; Hide 1; Intimidate -1; Jump 17;
Listen 0; Move Silently 1; Ride 2; Search
-1; Sense Motive 0; Spot 0; Survival 0;
Swim 2;
Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor
Proficiency (Medium), Cleave, Great
Cleave, Martial Weapon Proficiency,
Power Attack, Shield Proficiency, Simple
Weapon Proficiency
Challenge Rating:
Chaotic Neutral
Possessions: Amulet of Natural Armor +1; Greataxe +1; Chain Shirt
+1; Dagger (Masterwork); Outfit (Explorer's);
Enemies of Sons of Pekal
By Thomas Abbott
ATL 9 –
Encounter One
Baron Labeta
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 30 ft.
10 (flatfooted 10, touch 10)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Rapier +1 +3;
Full Attack:
Rapier +1 +3;
Rapier +1 1d6+1;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
+2 on saves against charm effects,
uncanny dodge (as a 4th level rogue)
Fortitude: +1, Reflex: +1, Will: +5
STR 10 (+0), DEX 10 (+0), CON 10 (+0),
INT 16 (+3), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 16 (+3)
Appraise 7; Balance 0; Bluff 11; Climb 0;
Concentration 0; Craft (Untrained) 3;
Diplomacy 17; Disguise 11; Escape Artist
0; Forgery 9; Gather Information 9; Heal 2;
Hide 0; Intimidate 15; Jump 0; Listen 2;
Move Silently 0; Ride 4; Search 3; Sense
Motive 10; Spot 2; Survival 2; Swim 0;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Deceitful, Martial Weapon
Proficiency, Negotiator, Noble Bearing,
Persuasive, Shield Proficiency, Simple
Weapon Proficiency, Tower Shield
Neutral Evil
Possessions: Noble's Outfit; Rapier +1;
Baron of the Realm: As a baron of Pekal, Baron Labeta gains all the
benefits given here in bold, as per the Divine Right of Kings from the
KPGSL, page 153.
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Rogue5 Assassin4
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 30 ft.
20 (flatfooted 20, touch 16)
Base Attack /
Dart +1 +12; Dagger +7;Dagger (Thrown)
+11;Shortspear +7;Shortspear (Thrown) +11
Full Attack;
Dart +1 +10/+5 primary hand/ +10/+5 offhand;
Dagger +7/+2; Dagger (Thrown) +11/+6;
Shortspear +7/+2; Shortspear (Thrown) +11/+6
Dart +1 1d4+1; Dagger 1d4+1;Dagger (Thrown)
1d4+1;Shortspear 1d6+1;Shortspear (Thrown)
1d6+1; poison
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities: +2 save against poisons, Death Attack (DC 16),
Evasion (Ex), Improved Uncanny Dodge (can't be
flanked except by a rogue of 13 level), Poison
Use, Sneak Attack +5d6, Trap Sense (Ex) +1,
Fortitude: +4, Reflex: +13, Will: +3
STR 12 (+1), DEX 20 (+5), CON 14 (+2),
INT 15 (+2), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 10 (+0)
Appraise 2; Balance 9; Bluff 4; Climb 9;
Concentration 2; Craft (Poisonmaking) 14; Craft
(Untrained) 2; Diplomacy 0; Disguise 12; Escape
Artist 17; Forgery 2; Gather Information 4; Heal 1;
Hide 22; Intimidate 0; Jump 3; Listen 10; Move
Silently 22; Ride 5; Search 10; Sense Motive 1;
Spot 10; Survival 1; Swim 1; Tumble 17;
Armor Proficiency (Light), Improved Two-Weapon
Fighting, Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid
Shot, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Two-Weapon
Neutral Evil
Possessions: Amulet of Natural Armor +1; Boots of Elvenkind; Cloak
of Elvenkind; Dagger; Dart +1 x5; Gloves of Dexterity +2; Leather +1;
Traveler's Outfit; Poison (Zeakue); Ring of Protection +1; Shortspear
Spells per Day: (0/4/2/0/0/0/0/0/0/ DC:12+spell level)
Assassin - Known:
Level 1: Detect Poison, Jump, Obscuring Mist, True Strike
Level 2: Invisibility, Spider Climb, Undetectable Alignment
ATL9_Tokite Cleric
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 20 ft.
20 (flatfooted 20, touch 12)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Chain, Spiked +8
Full Attack:
Chain, Spiked +8/+3;
Chain, Spiked 2d4+3;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Rebuke Undead (Su) 6/day (turn level 9)
(turn damage 2d6+12), Spontaneous
Fortitude: +8, Reflex: +3, Will: +11
STR 14 (+2), DEX 10 (+0), CON 14 (+2),
INT 10 (+0), WIS 20 (+5), CHA 16 (+3)
Appraise 0; Balance -5; Bluff 3; Climb -3;
Concentration 14; Craft (Untrained) 0;
Diplomacy 3; Disguise 3; Escape Artist -
5; Forgery 0; Gather Information 3; Heal
5; Hide -5; Intimidate 3; Jump -9;
Knowledge (Religion) 12; Listen 5; Move
Silently -5; Ride 0; Search 0; Sense
Motive 5; Spellcraft 12; Spot 5; Survival
5; Swim -8;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Combat Casting, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency (Chain (Spiked)),
Extend Spell, Maximize Spell, Quicken
Spell, Shield Proficiency, Simple
Weapon Proficiency
Lawful Evil
Possessions: Chain, Spiked; Ring of Protection +2; Cloak of
Enemies of Sons of Pekal
By Thomas Abbott
Charisma +2; Full Plate (Masterwork); Outfit (Traveler's); Periapt of
Wisdom +2; Wand of cure light wounds (1st, 10 charges); Scroll of
(Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Divine Favor); Scroll of (Entangle, Cure
Light Wounds, Produce Flame); 2 Potions of Bull’s Strength
Deity: The Overlord Domains: Evil(You cast evil spells at +1 caster
level.) Strength(You can perform a feat of strength as a supernatural
ability. You gain an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to your
cleric level. Activating the power is a free action, the power lasts 1
round, and it is usable once per day.)
Spells per Day: (6/6+1/5+1/4+1/3+1/2+1/0/0/0/ DC:15+spell level)
Cleric - Known:
Level 0: Cure Minor Wounds x2, Detect Magic, Guidance, Inflict Minor
Wounds x2,
Level 1: Bane, Cure Light Wounds x2, Divine Favor, Doom, Enlarge
Person (Strength), Protection from Good,
Level 2: Bull's Strength (Strength), Cure Moderate Wounds, Hold
Person, Silence, Sound Burst, Spiritual Weapon,
Level 3: Bestow Curse, Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Magic
Circle against Good(Evil), Searing Light,
Level 4: Cure Critical Wounds, Divine Power, Summon Monster IV,
Unholy Blight (Evil)
Level 5: Command, Greater, Flame Strike, Righteous Might
ATL9_Tokite Wizard
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 30 ft.
14 (flatfooted 12, touch 14)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Dagger +5;Dagger (Thrown) +7;
Full Attack:
Dagger +5;Dagger (Thrown) +7;
Dagger 1d4;Dagger (Thrown) 1d4; ;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Summon Familiar
Fortitude: +5, Reflex: +5, Will: +7
STR 10 (+0), DEX 14 (+2), CON 14 (+2),
INT 21 (+5), WIS 10 (+0), CHA 10 (+0)
Appraise 5; Balance 2; Bluff 0; Climb 0;
Concentration 18; Craft (Untrained) 5;
Diplomacy 2; Disguise 0; Escape Artist
2; Forgery 5; Gather Information 0; Heal
0; Hide 2; Intimidate 0; Jump 0;
Knowledge (Arcana) 18; Knowledge
(Architecture and Engineering) 18;
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 18;
Knowledge (History) 18; Knowledge
(Nobility and Royalty) 12; Listen 0; Move
Silently 2; Ride 2; Search 7; Sense
Motive 0; Spellcraft 20; Spot 0; Survival
0; Swim 0;
Combat Casting, Craft Wand, Eschew
Materials, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll,
Silent Spell, Skill Focus (Concentration),
Spell Focus (Evocation)
Lawful Neutral
Possessions: Dagger; Ring of Protection +2; Headband of Intellect
+2; Outfit (Explorer's); Wand of Magic Missiles-(1st), 10 charges;
Scroll of (Summon Monster I (arcane), Color Spray, Grease); 2
Potions of Mage Armor
Spells per Day: (4/6/5/4/4/3/0/0/0/ DC:15+spell level)
Wizard - Known:
Level 0: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Ray of Frost,
Level 1: Alarm, Color Spray, Mage Armor, Magic Missile x3
Level 2: Acid Arrow, Cat's Grace, Flaming Sphere, Invisibility,
Summon Swarm
Level 3: Dispel Magic, Fireball x2, Vampiric Touch
Level 4: Black Tentacles, Ice Storm, Invisibility, Greater, Stoneskin
Level 5: Cloudkill, Overland Flight, Wall of Force
Encounter 3a.
Rust Monster
Medium Aberration
Hit Dice:
5d8+5 (27 hp)
40 ft. (8 squares)
22 (+3 Dex, +5 natural, +4 mage armor)
flatfooted 19, touch 13)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Antennae touch +3 melee (rust)
Full Attack:
Antennae touch +3 melee (rust) and bite
-2 melee (1d3)
Space / Reach:
5 ft ./ 5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:
Aberration Traits, Darkvision, scent,
Protection from Energy (Fire) 60 points
of damage, Resist Energy (electricity)
Fortitude: +2, Reflex: +4, Will: +5
STR 10, DEX 17, CON 13, INT 2,
WIS 13, CHA 8
Listen +7; Spot +7
Alertness, Track
Challenge Rating:
True Neutral
Possessions: Potion of Fire Protection from Energy; Potion of Resist
Energy (electricity); Potion of Mage Armor;
Rust (Ex): A rust monster that makes a successful touch attack with
its antennae causes the target metal to corrode, falling to pieces and
becoming useless immediately. The touch can destroy up to a 10-
foot cube of metal instantly. Magic armor and weapons and other
magic items made of metal, must succeed on a DC 17 Reflex save or
be dissolved. The save DC is Constitution based and includes a +4
racial bonus. A metal weapon that deals damage to a rust monster
corrodes immediately. Wooden, stone, and other nonmetallic
weapons are unaffected.
Encounters 3, 4, and 5.
ATL9_Tokite Legionnaire
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 20 ft.
22 (flatfooted 20, touch 13)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Javelin (Masterwork) +12;Sword +1
(Short) +13; Shortbow +10
Full Attack:
Javelin (Masterwork) +12/+7;Sword +1
Enemies of Sons of Pekal
By Thomas Abbott
(Short) +13/+8; Shortbow +10/+5
Javelin (Masterwork) 1d6+3;Sword +1
(Short) 1d6+6; Shortbow 1d6
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Fortitude: +8, Reflex: +4, Will: +3
STR 17 (+3), DEX 14 (+2), CON 14 (+2),
INT 13 (+1), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 10 (+0)
Appraise 1; Balance 3; Bluff 0; Climb 10;
Concentration 2; Craft (Untrained) 1;
Diplomacy 0; Disguise 0; Escape Artist -
2; Forgery 1; Gather Information 0; Heal
1; Hide -2; Intimidate 11; Jump 4; Listen
1; Move Silently -2; Ride 2; Search 1;
Sense Motive 1; Spot 1; Survival 1;
Swim -5;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Combat Expertise, Combat
Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Trip, Martial
Weapon Proficiency, Point Blank Shot,
Precise Shot, Shield Proficiency, Simple
Weapon Proficiency, Tower Shield
Proficiency, Weapon Focus (Sword
(Short), Javelin), Weapon Specialization
(Sword (Short))
Lawful Neutral
Possessions: Breastplate +1; Ring of Protection +1; Javelin
(Masterwork); Outfit (Explorer's); Shield +1 (Heavy/Metal); Sword +1
ATL9_Tokite Cleric
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 20 ft.
20 (flatfooted 20, touch 12)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Chain, Spiked +8
Full Attack:
Chain, Spiked +8/+3;
Chain, Spiked 2d4+3;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Rebuke Undead (Su) 6/day (turn level 9)
(turn damage 2d6+12), Spontaneous
Fortitude: +8, Reflex: +3, Will: +11
STR 14 (+2), DEX 10 (+0), CON 14 (+2),
INT 10 (+0), WIS 20 (+5), CHA 16 (+3)
Appraise 0; Balance -5; Bluff 3; Climb -3;
Concentration 14; Craft (Untrained) 0;
Diplomacy 3; Disguise 3; Escape Artist -
5; Forgery 0; Gather Information 3; Heal
5; Hide -5; Intimidate 3; Jump -9;
Knowledge (Religion) 12; Listen 5; Move
Silently -5; Ride 0; Search 0; Sense
Motive 5; Spellcraft 12; Spot 5; Survival
5; Swim -8;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Combat Casting, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency (Chain (Spiked)),
Extend Spell, Maximize Spell, Quicken
Spell, Shield Proficiency, Simple
Weapon Proficiency
Lawful Evil
Possessions: Chain, Spiked; Ring of Protection +2; Cloak of
Charisma +2; Full Plate (Masterwork); Outfit (Traveler's); Periapt of
Wisdom +2; Wand of cure light wounds (1st, 10 charges); Scroll of
(Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Divine Favor); Scroll of (Entangle, Cure
Light Wounds, Produce Flame); 2 Potions of Bull’s Strength
Deity: The Overlord Domains: Evil(You cast evil spells at +1 caster
level.) Strength(You can perform a feat of strength as a supernatural
ability. You gain an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to your
cleric level. Activating the power is a free action, the power lasts 1
round, and it is usable once per day.)
Spells per Day: (6/6+1/5+1/4+1/3+1/2+1/0/0/0/ DC:15+spell level)
Cleric - Known:
Level 0: Cure Minor Wounds x2, Detect Magic, Guidance, Inflict Minor
Wounds x2,
Level 1: Bane, Cure Light Wounds x2, Divine Favor, Doom, Enlarge
Person (Strength), Protection from Good,
Level 2: Bull's Strength (Strength), Cure Moderate Wounds, Hold
Person, Silence, Sound Burst, Spiritual Weapon,
Level 3: Bestow Curse, Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Magic
Circle against Good(Evil), Searing Light,
Level 4: Cure Critical Wounds, Divine Power, Summon Monster IV,
Unholy Blight (Evil)
Level 5: Command, Greater, Flame Strike, Righteous Might
Medium-size Male Half-orc, Kalamaran
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 40 ft.
18 (flatfooted 18, touch 12)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Dagger (Masterwork) +16;Dagger
(Masterwork/Thrown) +12;Greataxe +1
Full Attacks:
Dagger (Masterwork) +16/+11;Dagger
(Masterwork/Thrown) +12/+7;Greataxe
+1 +16/+11;
Dagger (Masterwork) 1d4+6;Dagger
(Masterwork/Thrown) 1d4+6;Greataxe
+1 1d12+10;
Darkvision (60')
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Bonuses when enraged (STR +4, CON
+4, Will +2, AC -2, HP 18), Illiteracy,
Improved Uncanny Dodge (can't be
flanked except by a rogue of 13 level),
Orc Blood, Rage (Ex) 3 times/day (8
rounds), Trap Sense (Ex) +3
Fortitude: +9, Reflex: +5, Will: +3
STR 22 (+6), DEX 14 (+2), CON 16 (+3),
INT 8 (-1), WIS 10 (+0), CHA 8 (-1)
Appraise -1; Balance 7; Bluff -1; Climb
17; Concentration 3; Craft (Untrained) -1;
Diplomacy -1; Disguise -1; Escape Artist
1; Forgery -1; Gather Information -1;
Heal 0; Hide 1; Intimidate -1; Jump 21;
Listen 0; Move Silently 1; Ride 2; Search
-1; Sense Motive 0; Spot 0; Survival 0;
Swim 4;
Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor
Proficiency (Medium), Cleave, Great
Enemies of Sons of Pekal
By Thomas Abbott
Cleave, Improved Critical (Greataxe),
Martial Weapon Proficiency, Power
Attack, Shield Proficiency, Simple
Weapon Proficiency
Challenge Rating:
Chaotic Neutral
Possessions: Amulet of Natural Armor +1; Gauntlets of Ogre Power;
Chain Shirt +1; Dagger (Masterwork); Greataxe +1; Outfit
Enemies of Sons of Pekal
By Thomas Abbott
ATL 11 –
Encounter One
Baron Labeta
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 30 ft.
10 (flatfooted 10, touch 10)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Rapier +1 +3;
Full Attack:
Rapier +1 +3;
Rapier +1 1d6+1;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
+2 on saves against charm effects,
uncanny dodge (as a 4th level rogue)
Fortitude: +1, Reflex: +1, Will: +5
STR 10 (+0), DEX 10 (+0), CON 10 (+0),
INT 16 (+3), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 16 (+3)
Appraise 7; Balance 0; Bluff 11; Climb 0;
Concentration 0; Craft (Untrained) 3;
Diplomacy 17; Disguise 11; Escape Artist
0; Forgery 9; Gather Information 9; Heal 2;
Hide 0; Intimidate 15; Jump 0; Listen 2;
Move Silently 0; Ride 4; Search 3; Sense
Motive 10; Spot 2; Survival 2; Swim 0;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Deceitful, Martial Weapon
Proficiency, Negotiator, Noble Bearing,
Persuasive, Shield Proficiency, Simple
Weapon Proficiency, Tower Shield
Neutral Evil
Possessions: Noble's Outfit; Rapier +1;
Baron of the Realm: As a baron of Pekal, Baron Labeta gains all the
benefits given here in bold, as per the Divine Right of Kings from the
KPGSL, page 153.
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Rogue5 Assassin6
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 30 ft.
21 (flatfooted 21, touch 17)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Dart +1 +13; Dagger +8;Dagger
(Thrown) +12;Shortspear +8;Shortspear
(Thrown) +12;
Full Attack:
Dart +1 +11/+6 primary hand/ +11/+6 off
hand; Dagger +8/+3; Dagger (Thrown
+12/+7; Shortspear +8; Shortspear
(Thrown) +12
Dart +1 1d4+1; Dagger 1d4+1;Dagger
(Thrown) 1d4+1;Shortspear
1d6+1;Shortspear (Thrown) 1d6+1
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
+3 save against poisons, Death Attack
(DC 18), Evasion (Ex), Improved
Uncanny Dodge (can't be flanked except
by a rogue of 15 level), Poison Use,
Sneak Attack +6d6, Trap Sense (Ex) +1,
Fortitude: +5, Reflex: +14, Will: +4
STR 12 (+1), DEX 20 (+5), CON 14 (+2),
INT 15 (+2), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 10 (+0)
Appraise 2; Balance 9; Bluff 4; Climb 9;
Concentration 2; Craft (Poisonmaking)
14; Craft (Untrained) 2; Diplomacy 0;
Disable Device 4; Disguise 12; Escape
Artist 17; Forgery 2; Gather Information
4; Heal 1; Hide 24; Intimidate 0; Jump 3;
Listen 10; Move Silently 24; Ride 5;
Search 16; Sense Motive 1; Spot 10;
Survival 1; Swim 1; Tumble 19;
Armor Proficiency (Light), Improved Two-
Weapon Fighting, Point Blank Shot,
Quick Draw, Rapid Shot, Simple
Weapon Proficiency, Two-Weapon
Neutral Evil
Possessions: Amulet of Natural Armor +1; Ring of Protection +2;
Boots of Elvenkind; Cloak of Elvenkind; Dagger; Dart +1 x 5; Gloves
of Dexterity +2; Leather +1; Traveler's Outfit; Poison (Zeakue);
Spells per Day: (0/4/4/1/0/0/0/0/0/ DC:12+spell level)
Assassin - Known:
Level 1: Detect Poison, Jump, Obscuring Mist, True Strike
Level 2: Cat's Grace, Invisibility, Spider Climb, Undetectable
Level 3: False Life, Misdirection, Nondetection
ATL11_Tokite Cleric
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 20 ft.
20 (flatfooted 20, touch 12)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Chain, Spiked +10;
Full Attack:
Chain, Spiked +10/+5;
Chain, Spiked 2d4+3;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Rebuke Undead (Su) 6/day (turn level
11) (turn damage 2d6+14), Spontaneous
Fortitude: +9, Reflex: +3, Will: +12
STR 14 (+2), DEX 10 (+0), CON 14 (+2),
INT 10 (+0), WIS 20 (+5), CHA 16 (+3)
Appraise 0; Balance -5; Bluff 3; Climb -3;
Concentration 16; Craft (Untrained) 0;
Diplomacy 3; Disguise 3; Escape Artist -
5; Forgery 0; Gather Information 3; Heal
5; Hide -5; Intimidate 3; Jump -9;
Knowledge (Religion) 14; Listen 5; Move
Silently -5; Ride 0; Search 0; Sense
Motive 5; Spellcraft 14; Spot 5; Survival
5; Swim -8;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
Enemies of Sons of Pekal
By Thomas Abbott
(Medium), Combat Casting, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency (Chain (Spiked)),
Extend Spell, Maximize Spell, Quicken
Spell, Shield Proficiency, Simple
Weapon Proficiency
Lawful Evil
Possessions: Chain, Spiked; Ring of Protection +2; Cloak of
Charisma +2; Full Plate (Masterwork); Outfit (Traveler's); Periapt of
Wisdom +2; Wand of cure light wounds (1st, 10 charges); Scroll of
(Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Divine Favor); Scroll of (Entangle, Cure
Light Wounds, Produce Flame); 2 Potions of Bull’s Strength
Deity: The Overlord Domains: Evil(You cast evil spells at +1 caster
level.) Strength(You can perform a feat of strength as a supernatural
ability. You gain an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to your
cleric level. Activating the power is a free action, the power lasts 1
round, and it is usable once per day.)
Spells per Day: (6/7+1/5+1/5+1/4+1/3+1/1+1/0/0/ DC:15+spell level)
Cleric - Known:
Level 0: Cure Minor Wounds x2, Detect Magic, Guidance, Inflict Minor
Wounds x2,
Level 1: Bane, Cure Light Wounds x3, Doom, Enlarge Person
(Strength), Inflict Light Wounds, Protection from Good,
Level 2: Bull's Strength (Strength), Cure Moderate Wounds, Death
Knell, Hold Person, Silence, Spiritual Weapon,
Level 3: Bestow Curse, Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Magic
Vestment (Strength), Searing Light x2,
Level 4: Cure Critical Wounds, Divine Power, Inflict Critical Wounds,
Summon Monster IV, Unholy Blight (Evil)
Level 5: Divine Favor (Quickened), Flame Strike, Righteous Might
(Strength), Slay Living,
Level 6: Antilife Shell, Stoneskin (Strength)
ATL11_Tokite Wizard
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 30 ft.
14 (flatfooted 12, touch 14)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Dagger +6/+1;Dagger (Thrown) +8/+3;
Full Attack:
Dagger +6/+1;Dagger (Thrown) +8/+3;
Dagger 1d4;Dagger (Thrown) 1d4;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Summon Familiar
Fortitude: +6, Reflex: +6, Will: +8
STR 10 (+0), DEX 14 (+2), CON 14 (+2),
INT 22 (+6), WIS 10 (+0), CHA 10 (+0)
Appraise 6; Balance 2; Bluff 0; Climb 0;
Concentration 20; Craft (Untrained) 6;
Diplomacy 2; Disguise 0; Escape Artist
2; Forgery 6; Gather Information 0; Heal
0; Hide 2; Intimidate 0; Jump 0;
Knowledge (Arcana) 21; Knowledge
(Architecture and Engineering) 21;
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 21;
Knowledge (History) 21; Knowledge
(Nobility and Royalty) 16; Listen 0; Move
Silently 2; Ride 2; Search 8; Sense
Motive 0; Spellcraft 23; Spot 0; Survival
0; Swim 0;
Combat Casting, Craft Wand, Eschew
Materials, Heighten Spell, Quicken Spell,
Scribe Scroll, Silent Spell, Skill Focus
(Concentration), Spell Focus (Evocation)
Lawful Neutral
Possessions: Dagger; Ring of Protection +2; Headband of Intellect
+2; Outfit (Explorer's); Wand of Magic Missiles-(1st), 10 charges;
Scroll of (Summon Monster I (arcane), Color Spray, Grease); 2
Potions of Mage Armor
Spells per Day: (4/6/6/5/4/4/3/0/0/ DC:16+spell level)
Wizard - Known:
Level 0: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Read Magic,
Level 1: Color Spray, Comprehend Languages, Mage Armor, Magic
Missile x3
Level 2: Acid Arrow, Cat's Grace, Flaming Sphere, Invisibility,
Summon Swarm x2
Level 3: Dispel Magic, Fireball x2, Heroism, Vampiric Touch
Level 4: Black Tentacles, Ice Storm, Invisibility, Greater, Stoneskin
Level 5: Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Overland Flight, Magic Missile
Level 6: Chain Lightning, Dispel Magic, Greater, True Seeing
Encounter 3a.
Rust Monster
Medium Aberration
Hit Dice:
5d8+5 (27 hp)
40 ft. (8 squares)
22 (+3 Dex, +5 natural, +4 mage armor)
flatfooted 19, touch 13)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Antennae touch +3 melee (rust)
Full Attack:
Antennae touch +3 melee (rust) and bite
-2 melee (1d3)
Space / Reach:
5 ft ./ 5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:
Aberration Traits, Darkvision, scent,
Protection from Energy (Fire) 60 points
of damage, Resist Energy (electricity)
Fortitude: +2, Reflex: +4, Will: +5
STR 10, DEX 17, CON 13, INT 2,
WIS 13, CHA 8
Listen +7; Spot +7
Alertness, Track
Challenge Rating:
True Neutral
Possessions: Potion of Fire Protection from Energy; Potion of Resist
Energy (electricity); Potion of Mage Armor;
Rust (Ex): A rust monster that makes a successful touch attack with
its antennae causes the target metal to corrode, falling to pieces and
becoming useless immediately. The touch can destroy up to a 10-
foot cube of metal instantly. Magic armor and weapons and other
magic items made of metal, must succeed on a DC 17 Reflex save or
be dissolved. The save DC is Constitution based and includes a +4
racial bonus. A metal weapon that deals damage to a rust monster
corrodes immediately. Wooden, stone, and other nonmetallic
weapons are unaffected.
Encounters 3, 4, and 5.
Enemies of Sons of Pekal
By Thomas Abbott
ATL11_Tokite Legionnaire
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 20 ft.
22 (flatfooted 20, touch 13)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Sword +2 (Short) +17;Javelin +1 +14;
Shortbow +12
Full Attack:
Sword +2 (Short) +17/+12;Javelin +1
+14/+9; Shortbow +12/+7
Sword +2 (Short) 1d6+7;Javelin +1
1d6+4; Shortbow 1d6
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Fortitude: +9, Reflex: +5, Will: +4
STR 17 (+3), DEX 14 (+2), CON 14 (+2),
INT 13 (+1), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 10 (+0)
Appraise 1; Balance 4; Bluff 0; Climb 12;
Concentration 2; Craft (Untrained) 1;
Diplomacy 0; Disguise 0; Escape Artist -
2; Forgery 1; Gather Information 0; Heal
1; Hide -2; Intimidate 13; Jump 6; Listen
1; Move Silently -2; Ride 2; Search 1;
Sense Motive 1; Spot 1; Survival 1;
Swim -5;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Combat Expertise, Combat
Reflexes, Dodge, Greater Weapon
Focus (Sword (Short)), Improved Critical
(Sword (Short)), Improved Trip, Martial
Weapon Proficiency, Point Blank Shot,
Precise Shot, Shield Proficiency, Simple
Weapon Proficiency, Tower Shield
Proficiency, Weapon Focus (Sword
(Short), Javelin), Weapon Specialization
(Sword (Short))
Lawful Neutral
Possessions: Breastplate +1; Sword +2 (Short); Javelin +1; Outfit
(Explorer's); Ring of Protection +1; Shield +1 (Heavy/Metal)
ATL11_Tokite Cleric
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 20 ft.
20 (flatfooted 20, touch 12)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Chain, Spiked +10;
Full Attack:
Chain, Spiked +10/+5;
Chain, Spiked 2d4+3;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Rebuke Undead (Su) 6/day (turn level
11) (turn damage 2d6+14), Spontaneous
Fortitude: +9, Reflex: +3, Will: +12
STR 14 (+2), DEX 10 (+0), CON 14 (+2),
INT 10 (+0), WIS 20 (+5), CHA 16 (+3)
Appraise 0; Balance -5; Bluff 3; Climb -3;
Concentration 16; Craft (Untrained) 0;
Diplomacy 3; Disguise 3; Escape Artist -
5; Forgery 0; Gather Information 3; Heal
5; Hide -5; Intimidate 3; Jump -9;
Knowledge (Religion) 14; Listen 5; Move
Silently -5; Ride 0; Search 0; Sense
Motive 5; Spellcraft 14; Spot 5; Survival
5; Swim -8;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Combat Casting, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency (Chain (Spiked)),
Extend Spell, Maximize Spell, Quicken
Spell, Shield Proficiency, Simple
Weapon Proficiency
Lawful Evil
Possessions: Chain, Spiked; Ring of Protection +2; Cloak of
Charisma +2; Full Plate (Masterwork); Outfit (Traveler's); Periapt of
Wisdom +2; Wand of cure light wounds (1st, 10 charges); Scroll of
(Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Divine Favor); Scroll of (Entangle, Cure
Light Wounds, Produce Flame); 2 Potions of Bull’s Strength
Deity: The Overlord Domains: Evil(You cast evil spells at +1 caster
level.) Strength(You can perform a feat of strength as a supernatural
ability. You gain an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to your
cleric level. Activating the power is a free action, the power lasts 1
round, and it is usable once per day.)
Spells per Day: (6/7+1/5+1/5+1/4+1/3+1/1+1/0/0/ DC:15+spell level)
Cleric - Known:
Level 0: Cure Minor Wounds x2, Detect Magic, Guidance, Inflict Minor
Wounds x2,
Level 1: Bane, Cure Light Wounds x3, Doom, Enlarge Person
(Strength), Inflict Light Wounds, Protection from Good,
Level 2: Bull's Strength (Strength), Cure Moderate Wounds, Death
Knell, Hold Person, Silence, Spiritual Weapon,
Level 3: Bestow Curse, Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Magic
Vestment (Strength), Searing Light x2,
Level 4: Cure Critical Wounds, Divine Power, Inflict Critical Wounds,
Summon Monster IV, Unholy Blight (Evil)
Level 5: Divine Favor (Quickened), Flame Strike, Righteous Might
(Strength), Slay Living,
Level 6: Antilife Shell, Stoneskin (Strength),
Medium-size Male Half-orc, Kalamaran
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 40 ft.
19 (flatfooted 19, touch 13)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Dagger (Masterwork) +18;Dagger
(Masterwork/Thrown) +14;Greataxe +1
Full Attacks:
Dagger (Masterwork)
(Masterwork/Thrown) +14/+9/+4;
Greataxe +1 +18/+13/+8;
Dagger (Masterwork) 1d4+6;Dagger
(Masterwork/Thrown) 1d4+6; Greataxe
+1 1d12+10;
Darkvision (60')
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Bonuses when enraged (STR +6, CON
Enemies of Sons of Pekal
By Thomas Abbott
+6, Will +3, AC -2, HP 33), Greater Rage
(Ex) 3 times/day (9 rounds), Illiteracy,
Improved Uncanny Dodge (can't be
flanked except by a rogue of 15 level),
Orc Blood, Trap Sense (Ex) +3
Fortitude: +10, Reflex: +5, Will: +3
STR 22 (+6), DEX 14 (+2), CON 16 (+3),
INT 8 (-1), WIS 10 (+0), CHA 8 (-1)
Appraise -1; Balance 8; Bluff -1; Climb
19; Concentration 3; Craft (Untrained) -1;
Diplomacy -1; Disguise -1; Escape Artist
1; Forgery -1; Gather Information -1;
Heal 0; Hide 1; Intimidate -1; Jump 23;
Listen 0; Move Silently 1; Ride 2; Search
-1; Sense Motive 0; Spot 0; Survival 0;
Swim 4;
Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor
Proficiency (Medium), Cleave, Great
Cleave, Improved Critical (Greataxe),
Martial Weapon Proficiency, Power
Attack, Shield Proficiency, Simple
Weapon Proficiency
Challenge Rating:
Chaotic Neutral
Possessions: Amulet of Natural Armor +1; Ring of Protection +1;
Chain Shirt +1; Dagger (Masterwork); Gauntlets of Ogre Power;
Greataxe +1; Outfit (Explorer's);
Enemies of Sons of Pekal
By Thomas Abbott
ATL 13 –
Encounter One
Baron Labeta
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 30 ft.
10 (flatfooted 10, touch 10)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Rapier +1 +3;
Full Attack:
Rapier +1 +3;
Rapier +1 1d6+1;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
+2 on saves against charm effects,
uncanny dodge (as a 4th level rogue)
Fortitude: +1, Reflex: +1, Will: +5
STR 10 (+0), DEX 10 (+0), CON 10 (+0),
INT 16 (+3), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 16 (+3)
Appraise 7; Balance 0; Bluff 11; Climb 0;
Concentration 0; Craft (Untrained) 3;
Diplomacy 17; Disguise 11; Escape Artist
0; Forgery 9; Gather Information 9; Heal 2;
Hide 0; Intimidate 15; Jump 0; Listen 2;
Move Silently 0; Ride 4; Search 3; Sense
Motive 10; Spot 2; Survival 2; Swim 0;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Deceitful, Martial Weapon
Proficiency, Negotiator, Noble Bearing,
Persuasive, Shield Proficiency, Simple
Weapon Proficiency, Tower Shield
Neutral Evil
Possessions: Noble's Outfit; Rapier +1;
Baron of the Realm: As a baron of Pekal, Baron Labeta gains all the
benefits given here in bold, as per the Divine Right of Kings from the
KPGSL, page 153.
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Rogue5 Assassin8
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 30 ft.
21 (flatfooted 21, touch 17)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Dart +2 +16;Dagger +10;Dagger
(Thrown) +14;Shortspear
+10;Shortspear (Thrown) +14;
Full Attack:
Dart +2 +14/+9 primary hand/ +14/+9 off
hand; Dagger +10/+5;Dagger (Thrown)
+14/+9;Shortspear +10/+5;Shortspear
(Thrown) +14/+9
Dart +2 1d4+3;Dagger 1d4+1;Dagger
(Thrown) 1d4+1;Shortspear
1d6+1;Shortspear (Thrown) 1d6+1
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
+4 save against poisons, Death Attack
(DC 21), Evasion (Ex), Hide in Plain
Sight (Su), Improved Uncanny Dodge
(can't be flanked except by a rogue of 17
level), Poison Use, Sneak Attack +7d6,
Trap Sense (Ex) +1, Trapfinding
Fortitude: +5, Reflex: +15, Will: +4
STR 12 (+1), DEX 20 (+5), CON 14 (+2),
INT 16 (+3), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 10 (+0)
Appraise 3; Balance 11; Bluff 4; Climb
11; Concentration 2; Craft
(Poisonmaking) 19; Craft (Untrained) 3;
Diplomacy 0; Disable Device 5; Disguise
12; Escape Artist 19; Forgery 3; Gather
Information 4; Heal 1; Hide 24; Intimidate
0; Jump 3; Listen 10; Move Silently 26;
Ride 5; Search 19; Sense Motive 1; Spot
10; Survival 1; Swim 1; Tumble 21;
Armor Proficiency (Light), Improved Two-
Weapon Fighting, Point Blank Shot,
Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot,
Simple Weapon Proficiency, Two-
Weapon Fighting
Neutral Evil
Possessions: Amulet of Natural Armor +1; Dart +2 x5; Boots of
Elvenkind; Cloak of Elvenkind; Dagger; Gloves of Dexterity +2;
Leather +1; Traveler's Outfit; Poison (Zeakue); Ring of Protection +2;
Spells per Day: (0/4/4/4/1/0/0/0/0/ DC:13+spell level)
Assassin - Known:
Level 1: Detect Poison, Jump, Obscuring Mist, True Strike
Level 2: Cat's Grace, Invisibility, Spider Climb, Undetectable
Level 3: False Life, Misdirection, Nondetection
Level 4: Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Dimension Door, Invisibility,
ATL13_Tokite Cleric
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 20 ft.
20 (flatfooted 20, touch 12)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Chain, Spiked +11;
Full Attack:
Chain, Spiked +11/+6;
Chain, Spiked 2d4+3;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Rebuke Undead (Su) 6/day (turn level
13) (turn damage 2d6+16), Spontaneous
Fortitude: +10, Reflex: +4, Will: +13
STR 14 (+2), DEX 10 (+0), CON 14 (+2),
INT 10 (+0), WIS 21 (+5), CHA 16 (+3)
Appraise 0; Balance -5; Bluff 3; Climb -3;
Concentration 18; Craft (Untrained) 0;
Diplomacy 3; Disguise 3; Escape Artist -
5; Forgery 0; Gather Information 3; Heal
5; Hide -5; Intimidate 3; Jump -9;
Knowledge (Religion) 16; Listen 5; Move
Silently -5; Ride 0; Search 0; Sense
Motive 5; Spellcraft 16; Spot 5; Survival
Enemies of Sons of Pekal
By Thomas Abbott
5; Swim -8;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Combat Casting, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency (Chain (Spiked)),
Extend Spell, Improved Initiative,
Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Shield
Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency
Lawful Evil
Possessions: Chain, Spiked; Ring of Protection +2; Cloak of
Charisma +2; Full Plate (Masterwork); Outfit (Traveler's); Periapt of
Wisdom +2; Wand of cure light wounds (1st, 10 charges); Scroll of
(Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Divine Favor); Scroll of (Entangle, Cure
Light Wounds, Produce Flame); 2 Potions of Bull’s Strength
Deity: The Overlord Domains: Evil(You cast evil spells at +1 caster
level.) Strength(You can perform a feat of strength as a supernatural
ability. You gain an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to your
cleric level. Activating the power is a free action, the power lasts 1
round, and it is usable once per day.)
Spells per Day: (6/7+1/6+1/5+1/5+1/4+1/2+1/1+1/0/ DC:15+spell
Cleric - Known:
Level 0: Cure Minor Wounds x2, Detect Magic, Guidance, Inflict Minor
Wounds x2,
Level 1: Bane, Cure Light Wounds x3, Doom, Enlarge Person
(Strength), Inflict Light Wounds, Protection from Good,
Level 2: Bull's Strength (Strength), Cure Moderate Wounds, Death
Knell, Hold Person, Silence, Sound Burst, Spiritual Weapon,
Level 3: Bestow Curse, Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Magic
Vestment (Strength), Searing Light x2,
Level 4: Cure Critical Wounds x2, Divine Power, Inflict Critical
Wounds, Summon Monster IV, Unholy Blight(Evil)
Level 5: Command, GreaterDivine Favor (Quickened), Flame Strike,
Righteous Might (Strength), Slay Living,
Level 6: Antilife Shell, Heal, Stoneskin (Strength),
Level 7: Bigby’s Grasping Hand (Strength), Destruction
ATL13_Tokite Wizard
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 30 ft.
14 (flatfooted 12, touch 14)
Dagger +7/+2;Dagger (Thrown) +9/+4; ;
Dagger 1d4;Dagger (Thrown) 1d4; ;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities: Summon Familiar
Fortitude: +6, Reflex: +6, Will: +9
STR 10 (+0), DEX 14 (+2), CON 14 (+2),
INT 22 (+6), WIS 10 (+0), CHA 10 (+0)
Appraise 6; Balance 2; Bluff 0; Climb 0;
Concentration 22; Craft (Untrained) 6; Diplomacy
2; Disguise 0; Escape Artist 2; Forgery 6; Gather
Information 0; Heal 0; Hide 2; Intimidate 0; Jump
0; Knowledge (Arcana) 23; Knowledge
(Architecture and Engineering) 23; Knowledge
(Dungeoneering) 23; Knowledge (History) 23;
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) 20; Listen 0;
Move Silently 2; Ride 2; Search 8; Sense Motive
0; Spellcraft 25; Spot 0; Survival 0; Swim 0;
Combat Casting, Craft Wand, Eschew Materials,
Heighten Spell, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll,
Silent Spell, Skill Focus (Concentration), Spell
Focus (Evocation)
Challenge Rating: 16
Lawful Neutral
Possessions: Dagger; Ring of Protection +2; Headband of Intellect
+2; Outfit (Explorer's); Wand of Magic Missiles-(1st), 10 charges;
Scroll of (Summon Monster I (arcane), Color Spray, Grease); 2
Potions of Mage Armor
Spells per Day: (4/6/6/5/5/4/4/2/0/ DC:16+spell level)
Wizard - Known:
Level 0: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Ray of Frost,
Level 1: Color Spray, Comprehend Languages, Mage Armor, Magic
Missile x3
Level 2: Acid Arrow, Cat's Grace, Flaming Sphere, Invisibility,
Summon Swarm x2
Level 3: Dispel Magic, Fireball x2, Magic Missile (Silent) Vampiric
Level 4: Black Tentacles, Fireball (Heightened), Ice Storm, Invisibility,
Greater, Stoneskin
Level 5: Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Magic Missile (Quickened), Overland
Level 6: Acid Fog, Chain Lightning, Disintegrate, True Seeing
Level 7: Delayed Blast Fireball, Fireball (Quickened), Hold Person,
Encounters 3a.
Rust Monster
Medium Aberration
Hit Dice:
5d8+5 (27 hp)
40 ft. (8 squares)
22 (+3 Dex, +5 natural, +4 mage armor)
flatfooted 19, touch 13)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Antennae touch +3 melee (rust)
Full Attack:
Antennae touch +3 melee (rust) and bite
-2 melee (1d3)
Space / Reach:
5 ft ./ 5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:
Aberration Traits, Darkvision, scent,
Protection from Energy (Fire) 60 points
of damage, Resist Energy (electricity)
Fortitude: +2, Reflex: +4, Will: +5
STR 10, DEX 17, CON 13, INT 2,
WIS 13, CHA 8
Listen +7; Spot +7
Alertness, Track
Challenge Rating:
True Neutral
Possessions: Potion of Fire Protection from Energy; Potion of Resist
Energy (electricity); Potion of Mage Armor;
Rust (Ex): A rust monster that makes a successful touch attack with
its antennae causes the target metal to corrode, falling to pieces and
becoming useless immediately. The touch can destroy up to a 10-
foot cube of metal instantly. Magic armor and weapons and other
magic items made of metal, must succeed on a DC 17 Reflex save or
be dissolved. The save DC is Constitution based and includes a +4
racial bonus. A metal weapon that deals damage to a rust monster
corrodes immediately. Wooden, stone, and other nonmetallic
weapons are unaffected.
Enemies of Sons of Pekal
By Thomas Abbott
Encounters 3, 4, and 5.
ATL13_Tokite Legionnaire
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 20 ft.
23 (flatfooted 21, touch 13)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Javelin +1 +16;Sword +2 (Short) +21;
Shortbow +14
Full Attack:
Javelin +1 +16/+11/+6;Sword +2 (Short)
+21/+16/+11, Shortbow +14/+9/+4
Javelin +1 1d6+4;Sword +2 (Short)
1d6+11; Shortbow 1d6
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Fortitude: +10, Reflex: +6, Will: +5
STR 20 (+5), DEX 14 (+2), CON 14 (+2),
INT 13 (+1), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 10 (+0)
Appraise 1; Balance 5; Bluff 0; Climb 16;
Concentration 2; Craft (Untrained) 1;
Diplomacy 0; Disguise 0; Escape Artist -
2; Forgery 1; Gather Information 0; Heal
1; Hide -2; Intimidate 15; Jump 10; Listen
1; Move Silently -2; Ride 2; Search 1;
Sense Motive 1; Spot 1; Survival 1;
Swim -3;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Combat Expertise, Combat
Reflexes, Dodge, Greater Weapon
Focus (Sword (Short)), Greater Weapon
Specialization (Sword (Short)), Improved
Critical (Sword (Short)), Improved Trip,
Martial Weapon Proficiency, Point Blank
Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Shield
Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency,
Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon
Focus (Sword (Short), Javelin), Weapon
Specialization (Sword (Short))
Lawful Neutral
Possessions: Amulet of Natural Armor +1; Gauntlets of Ogre Power;
Breastplate +1; Javelin +1; Outfit (Explorer's); Ring of Protection +1;
Shield +1 (Heavy/Metal); Sword +2 (Short);
ATL13_Tokite Cleric
Medium-size Male Human (Kalamaran)
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 20 ft.
20 (flatfooted 20, touch 12)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Chain, Spiked +11;
Full Attack:
Chain, Spiked +11/+6;
Chain, Spiked 2d4+3;
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Rebuke Undead (Su) 6/day (turn level
13) (turn damage 2d6+16), Spontaneous
Fortitude: +10, Reflex: +4, Will: +13
STR 14 (+2), DEX 10 (+0), CON 14 (+2),
INT 10 (+0), WIS 21 (+5), CHA 16 (+3)
Appraise 0; Balance -5; Bluff 3; Climb -3;
Concentration 18; Craft (Untrained) 0;
Diplomacy 3; Disguise 3; Escape Artist -
5; Forgery 0; Gather Information 3; Heal
5; Hide -5; Intimidate 3; Jump -9;
Knowledge (Religion) 16; Listen 5; Move
Silently -5; Ride 0; Search 0; Sense
Motive 5; Spellcraft 16; Spot 5; Survival
5; Swim -8;
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor
Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Combat Casting, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency (Chain (Spiked)),
Extend Spell, Improved Initiative,
Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Shield
Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency
Lawful Evil
Possessions: Chain, Spiked; Ring of Protection +2; Cloak of
Charisma +2; Full Plate (Masterwork); Outfit (Traveler's); Periapt of
Wisdom +2; Wand of cure light wounds (1st, 10 charges); Scroll of
(Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Divine Favor); Scroll of (Entangle, Cure
Light Wounds, Produce Flame); 2 Potions of Bull’s Strength
Deity: The Overlord Domains: Evil(You cast evil spells at +1 caster
level.) Strength(You can perform a feat of strength as a supernatural
ability. You gain an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to your
cleric level. Activating the power is a free action, the power lasts 1
round, and it is usable once per day.)
Spells per Day: (6/7+1/6+1/5+1/5+1/4+1/2+1/1+1/0/ DC:15+spell
Cleric - Known:
Level 0: Cure Minor Wounds x2, Detect Magic, Guidance, Inflict Minor
Wounds x2,
Level 1: Bane, Cure Light Wounds x3, Doom, Enlarge Person
(Strength), Inflict Light Wounds, Protection from Good,
Level 2: Bull's Strength (Strength), Cure Moderate Wounds, Death
Knell, Hold Person, Silence, Sound Burst, Spiritual Weapon,
Level 3: Bestow Curse, Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Magic
Vestment (Strength), Searing Light x2,
Level 4: Cure Critical Wounds x2, Divine Power, Inflict Critical
Wounds, Summon Monster IV, Unholy Blight(Evil)
Level 5: Command, Greater Divine Favor (Quickened), Flame Strike,
Righteous Might (Strength), Slay Living,
Level 6: Antilife Shell, Heal, Stoneskin (Strength),
Level 7: Bigby’s Grasping Hand (Strength), Destruction
Medium-size Male Half-orc, Kalamaran
Hit Dice:
Hit Points:
Walk 40 ft.
19 (flatfooted 19, touch 13)
Base Attack/Grapple:
+1 Flaming Greataxe +21;Dagger
(Masterwork) +20;Dagger
(Masterwork/Thrown) +16;
Full Attacks:
+1 Flaming Greataxe
+21/+16/+11;Dagger (Masterwork)
(Masterwork/Thrown) +16/+11/+6;
Enemies of Sons of Pekal
By Thomas Abbott
+1 Flaming Greataxe 1d12+10 plus 1d6
fire;Dagger (Masterwork) 1d4+6;Dagger
(Masterwork/Thrown) 1d4+6;
Darkvision (60')
Face / Reach:
5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities:
Bonuses when enraged (STR +6, CON
+6, Will +3, AC -2, HP 39), Greater Rage
(Ex) 4 times/day (9 rounds), Illiteracy,
Improved Uncanny Dodge (can't be
flanked except by a rogue of 17 level),
Orc Blood, Trap Sense (Ex) +4
Fortitude: +11, Reflex: +6, Will: +4
STR 23 (+6), DEX 14 (+2), CON 16 (+3),
INT 8 (-1), WIS 10 (+0), CHA 8 (-1)
Appraise -1; Balance 9; Bluff -1; Climb
21; Concentration 3; Craft (Untrained) -1;
Diplomacy -1; Disguise -1; Escape Artist
1; Forgery -1; Gather Information -1;
Heal 0; Hide 1; Intimidate -1; Jump 25;
Listen 0; Move Silently 1; Ride 2; Search
-1; Sense Motive 0; Spot 0; Survival 0;
Swim 4;
Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor
Proficiency (Medium), Cleave, Great
Cleave, Improved Critical (Greataxe),
Martial Weapon Proficiency, Power
Attack, Shield Proficiency, Simple
Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Focus
Challenge Rating:
Chaotic Neutral
Possessions: Amulet of Natural Armor +1; Greataxe +1 (FIRE);
Chain Shirt +1; Dagger (Masterwork); Gauntlets of Ogre Power; Outfit
(Explorer's); Ring of Protection +1
| textdata/thevault/Dungeons & Dragons [multi]/3rd Edition (3.x)/RPGA/Living Kalamar Organised Play/Adventures/LKoK57SonsofPekalNPCsEnemies.pdf |
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Tired of your dungeons lacking in verisimilitude? Want to add cool little features of interest to your creations but don't have the time to come
up with non-essential details? Want to make your dungeons feel more realistic? Then Dungeon Dressing is for you! Each instalment focuses
on a common dungeon fixture such as stairs, pillars or pools and gives the harried GM the tools to bring such features to life with interesting
and cool noteworthy features.
This instalment of Dungeon Dressing presents loads of great features and details to add to the ceilings and walls in your dungeon. Designed
to be used both during preparation or actual play, Dungeon Dressing: Ceilings & Walls is an invaluable addition to any GM's armoury!
Design: Alexander Augunas and Aaron Bailey
Additional Design: Creighton Broadhurst
Development: Creighton Broadhurst
Art: William McAusland and Matt Morrow. Some artwork
copyright William McAusland, used with permission.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any
means, without the prior permission in writing of Raging Swan
Press or as expressly permitted by law.
©Raging Swan Press 2020.
To contact us, email gatekeeper @ragingswan.com
To learn more about Raging Swan Press, visit ragingswan.com
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Major Ceiling Features
Ceiling Styles
Ceiling Terms
Minor Ceiling Features & Dressing
Ceiling Tricks & Traps
Crushing Ceiling
Falling Block
Major Walls Features
Common Wall Decorations
Minor Walls Features & Dressing
Walls Tricks & Traps
Crushing Walls
Mechanical Mimic
Murder Holes
A ceiling affects a room’s mood and style. A ceiling’s style can vary
between simple and plain to expansive and elaborate with ornate
painted frescos (or somewhere in between).
Use this table, to generate interesting characteristics for your
ceilings. Some features may be inappropriate based on your
dungeon’s setup—ignore or modify such entries as appropriate.
The domed and multi-faceted ceiling is seemingly
comprised of some kind of hard, slightly ribbed
organic substance1.
An expansive and vivid fresco featuring several
examples of powerful figures2 is expertly painted onto
the plaster ceiling.
The bleached white bones of a large creature support
the curved stone ceiling3.
The ceiling is conical with a tiny aperture allowing a
beam of light to be focused onto a low stone dais in
the centre of the room.
The smooth, unadorned ceiling has a domed aperture
in the centre from which hangs a large, ornate iron
pentagram-shaped candelabrum.
With a black background punctuated with shimmering
crystals, the ceiling has been decorated to mirror a
constellation of stars4.
The wooden ceiling—the remains of a ship’s hull—
comprises tarred boards and tightly ribbed timber
trusses and rafters.
Painted knot work motifs frame an intricate design of
concentric fleur-de-lis medallions on the ceiling.
The ceiling is quartered with intricate plastered
mouldings; each section bears a lavish fresco in tribute
to one of the four seasons.
A guilt and enamelled relief of a lion rampant with two
heads dominates the white plastered ceiling.
Intricate and highly detailed, the ceiling and walls are
painted with a fresco portraying a multitude of angels
locked in combat with a horde of Hell’s denizens.
Made from thousands of tiny ivory panels carved with
runes and sigils, the ceiling is embellished with a large
mosaic depicting a bird rising from flames.
The panels in the coffered ceiling are shield-shaped
and brightly painted with a variety of heraldic and
religious sigils5.
Four large pools filled with what appears to be a thick
black undulating fluid6 pierce the ceiling. The pools
emanate an overwhelming aura of evil, and their
contents seemingly resist gravity.
A mixture of exquisite sculpture and bas relief cover
the ceiling in a beautiful and artistic map of the
surrounding kingdoms.
The ceiling is in the shape of an inverted dome and is
abstractly painted to resemble the world with its
continents, seas and kingdoms.
A helix of tightly wound staircases mirrors one another
as they spiral towards the centre of the room’s cone-
shaped ceiling.
The ceiling is constructed to look like a scrolled
parchment with text chiselled into the stone page. (The
text is a prayer to the patron power of the dungeon’s
original lord).
Water cascades from a diamond-shaped aperture in
the ceiling, creating a waterfall which empties into a
sinkhole piercing the floor.
A large stone medallion of an eight-pointed star
embellishes the groin-vaulted ceiling.
Several complex clockwork mobiles depicting an
unknown solar system hang from the ceiling. The
planets are made from spheres of semi-precious
stone. The set (intact and complete) is worth 400 gp.
Marble pillars protruding from the room’s walls depict
warriors with their swords raised towards each other.
These crossed swords create the vaulted ceiling’s ribs.
The thick canopy of a large living tree comprises the
ceiling; the tree’s thick trunk serves as the sturdy pillar
supporting the ceiling.
The painted ceiling portrays a blue sky and wisps of
clouds akin to that of a perfect summer day.
Numerous large demonic statues embellish the
ceiling. Hanging from the tails of each is a large iron
gibbet cage.
The ceiling, painted with blue and green paint and
embellished with glass tiles, resembles the ever-
moving surface of the sea.
The plain white plaster ceiling is decorated with red
handprints made by many different individuals.
Seemingly crafted from a single pane of tinted glass
the ceiling is nearly opaque and provides a dim view
of the room above.
The ceiling has been constructed with a mechanical
trapdoor. A hidden lever7 operates the door and drops
a wooden ladder into the chamber.
The ceiling is dodecahedral with a single point. Each
side is painted with a fresco depicting a different
hellish realm and its devilish lord.
A dais when stood upon levitates up to the ceiling (a
segment of which retracts enabling access to the area
or chamber above).
A druid or ranger can identify the ceiling as the underside of
a giant sea turtle’s shell.
A cleric or wizard can identify the figures as long forgotten
A cleric or wizard can identify them as a dragon’s leg bones.
A character with astrological knowledge identifies the
The devices include those of several prominent knightly
orders and families.
A cleric or wizard can identify them as infernal portals.
A successful find secret door roll locates.
Ceilings come in many styles:
Coffers: These are sunken panels in the shape of a square,
rectangle or octagon in a ceiling, soffit or vault.
Domed: This ceiling resembles the hollow upper half of a
Hipped: All sides slope downwards to the walls, usually with a
fairly gentle slope.
Vault: An arched shape used to provide a space within a
Barrel Vault: This is the simplest form of a vault and resembles
a barrel or tunnel cut lengthwise in half.
Vault, Fan: Curving ribs radiate upward like the ribs of a fan to
form concave half cones that meet or nearly meet at the apex.
Vault, Groin: When two semi-circular barrel vaults of the
same diameter cross one another their intersection (a true ellipse)
is known as a groin.
Vault, Rib: The intersection of two or three barrel vaults
produces a rib vault (which is also known as a ribbed vault).
Ceilings comprise several common features:
Buttress: Vertical feature used to stabilise an arch, ceiling or
Gable: Triangular section between edges of roof and walls.
Pillars: A vertical structure used as a support for a ceiling.
Truss/Rafters: A series of sloped structural beams used to
support the ceiling and its associated loads.
The ceiling appears to be of an unknown mottled
stone. Investigation reveals it to be the petrified
underside and gills of a giant mushroom.
The ceiling is not solid but is instead an ironwork grille
made from many diagonal bars.
The highly polished ceiling mirrors the area below.
The rough ceiling—studded with metallic ore—glitters
invitingly in the characters’ lights.
The ceiling comprises magically toughened glass and
is transparent. Several skeletons clad in rags and
surrounded by gear sprawl in the space above.
A large, inverted dome dominates the ceiling. When
properly commanded, the dome opens like a gigantic
eye which moves and blinks. The eye can act as a
crystal ball once a week, on command.
The pillars supporting the ceiling are life-like statues
of devils holding wickedly curved swords.
The ribs of the domed ceiling splay out like a giant
spider’s web. Investigation reveals the ribs are of
magically hardened spider web.
The ceiling is a dense forest of stalactites which have
grown until they meet an equally dense stand of
stalagmites growing up from below.
Old mottled, faded purple paint covers the ceiling,
giving the room a diseased—or bruised—look.
A great crack runs through the ceiling and down one
wall. When it rains, water drips down through the crack
to stain the floor.
Stone rafters jut from the walls to support the ceiling.
Shadows cluster thickly around the rafters, which make
good hiding places. A secret door7 pierces the wall
high up near the ceiling next to a rafter.
The ceiling is a false ceiling of painted hide treated to
look like stone. A small crawlspace lies above and
several tiny peepholes7 piece the ceiling.
The vaulted ceiling has partially collapsed, and is
sagging dangerously in the centre of the room.
Roll again to determine the ceiling’s appearance. The
ceiling is also trapped. Refer to “Ceiling Tricks & Traps”.
Use this table, to generate interesting features for your ceilings.
Some features may be inappropriate based on your dungeon’s
setup—ignore or modify such entries as appropriate.
A section of the ceiling appears to have melted;
molten rock—now cooled—has dripped onto the floor.
A fresco of a ruling noble has been vandalised with the
words, “Power to the rebellion.”
A haze of green flame—a highly combustible natural
gas—wreaths the ceiling1.
Thick, wet cobwebs cover the ceiling. The webs are so
damp they resist natural fire; only magic can burn
them away.
Long, thick viscous globules of a dark brown slime
hang from the ceiling. A long white funeral gown
which flutters in an unseen draught, is stuck to the
A long, thin ladder leans against the wall. A pot of
whitewash balances on the top rung.
The mouldering corpse of a dungeon denizen lies
partially buried in the rubble of the collapsed ceiling.
The prints of wet, bare human-sized feet are visible
across the ceiling.
Numerous limp and dusty pennants and banners hang
from the vaulted ceiling.
A profusion of javelins, crossbow bolts, arrows and
axes are imbedded in the ceiling.
A tatty canvas is strung up as a hammock, between two
rafters or pillars.
Streamers of many colours hang from the ceiling.
Of shattered plaster and charred stone, the ceiling is
crackling with arcs of red lightning.
The buttresses supporting the vaulted ceiling have
been sabotaged1. A loud noise or explosion could
trigger a collapse of the whole ceiling.
A crimson pool collects as blood drips from the rafters.
A corpse slumps over one rafter.
Water drips from a small crack in the ceiling.
Softly glowing arcane runes mark this high ceiling.
The ceiling is cold which causes condensation to form
and water to drip into the room.
The vivid illusion of a beautiful sunrise on the ceiling is
flickering and failing.
Several blocks of stone have been removed from the
ceiling, to reveal a small storage niche.
A small black cat meows softly from its perch among
the rafters and trusses.
Glowering eyes peer down from the shadowed ceiling.
Light reveals no lurking creatures.
Dark green moss and lichen cover the moist,
pockmarked stone ceiling.
A bucking and swaying sack hangs from the ceiling.
Inside is an irritated and angry half-starved cat.
A rope hangs from the ceiling above a chasm which
has swallowed a large section of the floor.
The skeletons of unlucky individuals are impaled on
spikes protruding from the ceiling.
The boards which make up the ceiling have become
swollen leaving several unsightly bulges.
The impaled body of a humanoid lies on the floor
grasping a splintered stalactite which has broken off
from the ceiling.
Thick roots have grown through the ceiling forcing
several blocks of stone to fall to the floor.
A russet-coloured mould is growing in thick clumps
across the ceiling and walls.
Bloodied and lifeless, a body lies next to scrawled
words written in blood “Look above…we are all lost.”
A lit lantern sits on the floor. A trail of gore and ichor
splatters the floor, one wall and ceiling.
A beautiful dream catcher hangs from the ceiling.
An inexpertly hidden grey net hangs from the ceiling.
Dark green algae covers the trusses of the ceiling, as if
the chamber had been submerged in water.
A dark black tar-like substance drips from the ceiling. It
sizzles when it hits the floor.
Deep gouging claw marks are visible in the stone of
the ceiling.
An owl hoots and tilts his head to watch the party from
its perch among the rafters.
A huge humanoid-shaped dent has been made in the
metal ceiling.
Two chains attached to iron rings in the ceiling swing
gently. Broken manacles lie on the floor.
Several large logs brace the sagging ceiling.
A thick caustic smell fills the chamber as white vapours
emerge from the chamber’s ceiling and pillars.
Nailed across the ceiling is a banner with the word
“Welcome” in large bright green letters.
The ceiling appears in a state of mid-collapse;
fractured stone hangs impossibly in midair.
Thick curling tendrils of steam spray into the room
through small holes in the stone ceiling.
The faint sound of grinding from above is
accompanied by falling dust and grit1.
A rough and teetering scaffold tower has been built to
aid in repainting the ceiling.
A red tinted light glimmers on the ceiling and casts
lurid shadows about the area below.
Soot covers the ceiling.
A dwarf or other character wise in the ways of mining knows
this gas is explosive.
This effect is similar to faerie fire.
A successful find secret door roll spots.
A cleric or paladin knows this is the symbol of a demon lord.
A section of plaster has cracked and fallen to smash on
the floor; thick dust covers everything.
The coffered ceiling has had several panels
vandalised; one once protected a secret niche.
The ceiling emits a subtle mauve glow2.
Hundreds of dark, but luscious, green vines have crept
up the pillars and now blanket the ceiling.
A multitude of furniture is stacked precariously in one
corner. The teetering tower reaches the ceiling.
The wooden buttresses supporting the ceiling have
begun to bow; signs of cracking are evident.
Many cracks run through the ceiling.
Many of the glass panes comprising the ceiling have
been smashed; shattered glass litters the floor.
The unadorned rafters and ceiling are hung with
macabre trophies of skulls and bones of humanoids.
A once elaborate, now vandalised, fresco of an epic
battle decorates the ceiling.
The lifeless body of an unfortunate rogue hangs from
his malfunctioned climbing harness.
The lifeless body in full plate with his sword skewered
through his chest is stuck to the metal ceiling. Beneath
him is a raised pressure pad slick with blood.
Several small spy holes pierce the ceiling3.
The ceiling—comprising a chunk of super-tough stone—
is much lower than in surrounding rooms.
An ‘X’ is marked on the ground beneath a large stone
medallion on the ceiling.
The ceiling is thick with a frost which glows with a
bright crystal-like shimmer.
Preparatory charcoal work for a painting covers the
newly whitewashed ceiling. The picture will depict a
flight of dragons.
A section of one pillar has broken and a squished
metal strongbox is wedged in the gap as a support.
The ceiling is a forest of stalactites; among it lives a bat
colony that swarms if disturbed.
The imprint of a large gauntleted fist in the stone
ceiling is easily visible.
A perfectly round hole pierces the glass ceiling;
shattered glass lies beneath the hole.
The paint and plaster on the ceiling has thinned
enough to make out the sigil of a deity4 beneath.
The metal ceiling is stretching and rivets are breaking;
water is spurting through the gaps.
Stalactites have been removed from the ceiling. They
have been neatly stacked nearby.
A sign written in Dwarven reads, “Ceiling unsafe.”
A bloodied notepad containing sketches and notes
about hundreds of frescos and vaulted ceilings lies on
the floor.
The chamber is thick with viscous spider web. Five
cocooned corpses are visible in the web.
The ceiling has small magical lights; several have gone
out while others blink intermittently.
Screaming emanates through the iron grill ceiling.
Blood rains down and the screams cease.
Several climbing pitons have been driven into the
stone ceiling. A long rope connects the pitons.
Ornamental gargoyles decorate the room’s corners.
A shoeless body lies broken on the floor.
Several pillars lie smashed over the segmented body
of a gargantuan centipede.
A section of the ceiling have been repaired with a
permanent wall of force.
A layer of slippery orange ooze coats the ceiling.
Several horse bridles are tied to a thick chain wrapped
around the ceiling’s thickest rafter.
Several sheets of rustling parchment are stuck against
the ceiling, by a strong draught.
A set of platemail-covered legs protrude through
several broken boards in the ceiling.
A huge boulder has shattered the ceiling and now
rests precariously against three pillars.
Hundreds of candles flicker on the ceiling’s wax-
covered rafters.
A large block of stone hangs in a primitive crane, ready
to be hoisted into a gap in the ceiling.
Dust and dirt falls from the ceiling as a small tremor
shakes the room.
Refuse and sewage drains through a large opening in
the ceiling.
The ceiling is teeming with thousands of beetles.
A noose looped over the rafters hangs around the
neck of a mouldering corpse.
A stone block has fallen from the ceiling. Blood
splatter surrounds the fallen block.
The painted ceiling depicts a summer sky.
The painting of a grinning skull decorates the ceiling.
A mass of rusted chains hang from the ceiling.
A damp patch mars the ceiling. Cold water drips from
it onto the floor.
Roll again to determine the ceiling’s dressing. The
ceiling is also trapped. Refer to “Ceiling Tricks & Traps”.
Of course, ceilings are not always safe. Occasionally, a dungeon’s
designer hides clever traps and tricks in key locations throughout
the complex. The traps and tricks here are examples of such
features that can be installed in ceilings.
Cave-ins are incredibly dangerous. Whether caused by
happenstance or design, a cave-in can bury an entire adventuring
party. Unless deliberately set as a trap, a cave-in does not normally
occur without warning. Warning signs could include:
A fine network of cracks running throughout the ceiling.
Dust and small stones falling from the ceiling.
Warning sigils carved or daubed on the walls of passageways
leading to the area.
Dust and grit covering the floor.
Activation: Major impacts, loud noises, explosions and the like
can trigger an accidental collapse. Deliberate collapses can be
triggered by collapsing pillars and so on. Cave-ins do not reset.
Find the Danger: A dwarf making a successful stonecunning
roll, a character with a background in mining or a thief making a
successful find/remove trap roll realises the area is dangerously
Effect: Not all cave-ins are created equal, but all comprise a
bury zone and a slide zone. Characters in the bury zone suffer the
damage noted below and are buried. A successful saving throw
against breath weapons halves the damage and the character
avoids being buried. Characters in the slide zone making a
successful saving throw against breath weapons suffer no damage
and are not buried.
Minor: Characters in the bury zone suffer 5d6 damage; those
in the slide zone suffer 2d6 damage.
Normal: Characters in the bury zone suffer 8d6 damage;
those in the slide zone suffer 3d6 damage.
Major: Characters in the bury zone suffer 12d6 damage;
those in the slide zone suffer 5d6 damage.
This trap use the ceiling to crush intruders to a bloody pulp.
Activation: A character activates this trap when they step on a
hidden pressure plate. Once triggered, the ceiling returns to its
original position after six rounds.
Find the Trap: A character making a successful find/remove
trap roll finds the trap.
Defeating the Trap: A character making a successful find/
remove trap roll disables the trap. A character rolling 10% more
than their chance to disarm the trap accidentally activates the trap.
Destroying the ceiling or the room’s stone door defeats the trap.
Alternatively, a character making a successful find secret door roll
spots a small switch at floor level next to the door which activates
and deactivates the trap.
Characters in the room when the trap activates can try one of
these two strategies (or something else) to avoid being crushed:
Create a Niche: A character can smash a niche in the floor or
ceiling (AC 3, hp 40). One Medium or smaller creature can
hide in a niche.
Brace the Ceiling: A character reaching the ceiling who rolls
under their Strength score on 5d6 arrests the ceiling’s
descent for one round.
Effect: When triggered, this trap has the following effects:
A grinding sound emanating from the ceiling 25 ft. above your
head heralds the beginning of its slow descend to the floor.
The Beginning (Round 1): The chamber’s stone door (AC 3,
hp 40, a successful open locks unlocks) slams shut and the
crushing ceiling activates.
Descending Ceiling (Round 2-5): The crushing ceiling
descends 5 ft. each round. When it reaches the floor it inflicts
12d6 damage on all individuals in the chamber.
Retreating Ceiling (Round 6): The ceiling retreats to its
original starting position at a speed of 5 ft. per round.
The falling block trap is a staple of dungeon design. These blocks
can be of any size; larger blocks can block passageways, provide
cover in combat and so on.
Activation: A character activates this trap when they step on a
hidden pressure plate. Once activated, the stone block must be
manually winched back into position to reset the trap.
Find the Trap: A character making a successful find/remove
trap roll finds the trap.
Defeating the Trap: A character making a successful find/
remove trap roll disables the trap. A character rolling 10% more
than their chance to disarm the trap accidentally activates the trap.
Destroying the stone block (AC 3, hp 80) or its chain (AC 3, hp 20)
defeats the trap. Alternatively, a character making a successful find
secret door roll spots a small switch next to the pressure plate
which activates and deactivates the trap.
Effect: When triggered, the trap has the following effects:
Without warning, a stone block falls from the ceiling.
Falling Stone Block: A Medium-sized stone block falls from
the ceiling (THAC0 10, 5d6 bludgeoning damage).
Variant: A Huge-sized stone block falls from the ceiling ( THAC0 5,
8d6 bludgeoning damage).
One is hard-stretched to design a dungeon without noting the
appearance of its walls. Whether the dungeon is an ancient and
forgotten crypt haunted by the ghosts of yesteryear or a newly-
built den of smugglers and slavers staffed by men most foul, a
dungeon’s walls help set the tone for an adventure as well as
player expectations for what horrors might lurk within.
Use this table, to generate interesting characteristics for your
walls. Some features may be inappropriate based on your
dungeon’s setup—ignore or modify such entries as appropriate.
An intricate carving of a mythical place decorates the
wall. Rendered in astounding detail, the carving is a
work of art (and could hide a trigger for a secret door,
a trap or clue as to how to reach the mythical locale).
A number of small storage nooks are incorporated into
the wall; all have hinged wooden doors.
1d12 prisoners were sealed within the wall, their cells
marked by small, barred openings from which their
remains can be viewed.
An elegant wooden crowning with a motif matching
the chamber’s purpose decorates the wall.
The wall is a patchwork of different materials; these
materials may be of the same type, such as multiple
kinds of wood or stone.
The wall was designed as a gauntlet and has 2d4
arrow slits openings.
The wall is built with an alcove designed to house a
statue. The alcove stretches from the chamber’s floor
to its ceiling, but the statue is missing.
The wall has 1d3 barred windows; each window is
fitted with a flickering continual light spell which casts
lurid, dancing shadows into the room or corridor.
Fine gravel or sand was added to the wall’s
construction materials, giving it a rough texture.
The wall is perfectly smooth and cannot be climbed
without magical aid.
Rather than being perfectly vertical, the wall leans
inwards to meet the ceiling at a 45° angle.
Decorative paper covers the wall. Now discoloured
and torn in places, the paper has clearly seen much
better days.
The wall is painted an exotic orange hue. In places,
however, the paint is flaking away.
Iron hooks protrude from the wall, allowing objects
such as weapons, suits of armour and clothes to be
hung there. Macabre battle trophies could also hang
from the hooks.
Exquisite stone shelves line the walls and jut out into
the corridor or room; there is a 10% chance each shelf
holds a forgotten valuable item.
A secret door2 is built into the wall. This door may lead
to a forgotten chamber or a secret passage. The door’s
trigger—a slightly raised stone at floor level—subtly juts
from the wall nearby.
The wall was designed to display a fantastic tapestry
and includes several iron hooks as well as the tapestry
itself (or perhaps its remains).
A holy (or unholy) symbol is prominently painted on
the wall.
The wall was constructed from petrified creatures
whose expressions and forms continue to haunt the
area and its surrounds.
The wall was twisted and warped into its current shape
by a spell such as stone shape or warp wood.
The wall was created by a spell, such as wall of stone or
wall of iron.
The wall is reinforced to withstand punishment,
increasing its hit points by 50%.
The wall has several protruding blocks designed to
allow defenders within the chamber to gain cover from
one of the chamber’s entrances.
The wall was designed to act as a fountain and utilises
a hidden decanter of endless water and a myriad of
tiny holes to achieve this effect. The water drains away
through cleverly carved drainage channels.
Fine oak wood panelling covers the walls. The
panelling features a concealed door1 which enables
access to a small priest hole.
The wall has been treated with an alchemical
substance to give it a unique, relaxing scent. This scent
could relax select types of creatures or mask other
smells in the area.
Roll twice on this table. The wall possesses a magical
glamour that fools viewers into thinking the wall has
the first result when it actually possesses the second3.
Alternatively, the illusion could conceal a trap.
Each brick in the wall bears a religious symbol carefully
carved into its surface. Some of the symbols are picked
out with lurid-coloured paint.
This brick wall is built around several large chunks of
stone which were too tough for the builders to
remove. The chunks stick out into the area, creating an
obstacle (and cover in combat).
Niches surmounted with decorative arches pierce the
walls. A different fresco decorates each niche and
depicts an important life event for the dungeon’s
original master.
A successful find secret door roll with twice the normal
chance of success spots.
A successful find secret door roll spots.
A successful saving throw against spells resists.
Many dungeon walls are decorated in some way. Common
decorations include the features described below.
Serving as both decoration and covering, arras, banners and
tapestries are common features in temples, great halls,
bedchambers and similar areas. They can conceal doors or other
rooms beyond. In battle, a canny combatant can hide behind a
tapestry, try to pull it down to entangle a foe or even climb it to
escape an enemy..
There are three basic kinds of carving a dungeon delver may
encounter. These carvings could decorate walls, pillars and other
substantial dungeon features.
Low-Relief: Also known as bas relief this kind of carving
features a projecting image with a shallow overall depth.
Mid-Relief: In mid-relief carvings, over half of the depicted
subject projects from the wall. No elements of the carving,
however, are undercut or fully disengaged from the background.
High-Relief: In high-relief, more than half the mass of the
sculpted figure (or other subject) projects from the background.
Sometimes prominent features—such as a hand, head or weapon—
are completely undercut and detached from the background.
A fresco is a wall painting executed on a section of lime plaster or
whitewashed wall. Frescos can depict anything. They are
susceptible to water damage, however, and frescoes discovered
in dungeons may be water damaged, peeling away from the wall
or splattered with blood or grime.
In dungeons populated by creatures that need light, torch sconces
are a common feature. Set into the wall such features can be
nothing more than a plain fixture for a torch or can be much more
elaborate—wrought in some fantastical shape such as a mailed fist,
bony arm and the like.
Wood panelling is often used
to cover and decorate walls.
W a i n s c o t t i n g
c a n
i n c o r p o r a t e d o o r s —
concealed, secret or
obvious—and can be
painted or carved.
As 65-66, but the frescoes have been systematically
defaced and smashed.
The wall is set on stone rollers and can be pushed
back and forth to change the size of the space. Doing
so creates a low rumbling sound audible throughout
the surrounding areas.
Thin ventilation shafts1 pierce the wall near the ceiling,
providing fresh air and a slight breeze. Paranoid
characters may think the shafts are parts of a trap.
A small collapse has dumped a tumbled pile of bricks
onto the floor. The collapse has also revealed a natural
cavern behind the wall.
Fine wainscotting once covered the walls, but much of
it has been battered and pulled off. Haphazardly-piled
debris litters the floor.
Glowing arcane and esoteric runes decorate the walls
at human head height. The runes speak of glory, death
and the unspeakable horrors of the “other worlds
beyond our own”.
Arrow slits pierce the walls. Beyond the slits, a narrow
passageway links several chambers and enables
guards to quickly move about the place.
Three deep arched niches pierce the wall. A carefully
ordered pile of bones fills each niche. A pyramid of
skulls rests atop each pile of bones.
Strange scrabbling and scratching sounds emanate
from behind the wall2. A colony of vermin live in a
honeycomb of small cracks behind the wall, but none
of the cracks reach this area.
Faint thumping and moaning sounds come from
behind a recently bricked up archway. An emaciated
prisoner—near death—is incarcerated beyond.
A barred gate barely one-foot high pierces the wall
near the ceiling. A sluggish dribble of water emerges
from within to ooze down the wall.
Sections of wall are crumbling away as if the stone
itself was beset by some terrible disease.
Cleverly concealed piping in the walls supplies four
burning lamps with a steady supply of oil. Breaking the
lamps or pulling them from the wall results in oil
sluggishly flowing into the room.
Roll twice on this table ignoring results of 93-100.
Integrate both features rolled into the area’s
description. The features could be combined in some
way or appear on different walls.
Roll again. The resulting feature is present, but was
clearly added after the wall’s construction.
The wall is trapped. Refer to “Wall Tricks & Traps”.
Use this table, to generate interesting features for your walls.
Some features may be inappropriate based on your dungeon’s
setup—ignore or modify such entries as appropriate.
Signs of extensive acid damage—partially melted
bricks and the like—are evident throughout the area.
A proclamation of love—two sets of initials surrounded
by a heart—is lightly carved into the wall.
A mould infestation has taken over the crumbling wall,
reducing its strength by half.
A patch of thick, spongy brown-coloured mould has
grown over the wall.
A patch of mottled yellow and off-white mould has
taken over the wall.
An important clue is inscribed into the wall, either as
graffiti or faint carvings made with a knife.
A small area on the wall is lighter and cleaner than the
area surrounding it, suggesting an item was hung
there before being removed.
Nicks and dents—from deflected weapon blows—mar
the wall, and hint at a desperate battle fought here.
Part of the wall is charred, save for a humanoid-shaped
spot in the centre of the damage.
Someone appears to have recently attempted to clean
the wall with soap and water.
A light or one-handed weapon such as a dagger is
wedged into a crack in the wall.
Small numerals are etched into the wall, noting the
passage of time.
A meaty slop clings to the wall as though a plate of
food were thrown at it.
Once-eldritch runes decorate the wall, expended
following the casting of a powerful spell.
Torch sconces line the wall. Only a few yet hold
torches, and one sconce has been partially ripped
from its setting.
The spoils of conquest, including weapons, armour or
even severed limbs, are displayed upon the wall.
Water oozes from the base of the wall, to form a small,
shallow puddle.
The wall is smeared with a now dry foul-smelling
yellowy white substance.
A childish illustration drawn or carved into the wall
depicts a dragon eating a warrior.
The wall’s mortar is crumbling and overly dry; it is easy
to scrap more out from between the wall’s bricks.
The wall has been used as a canvas by an obviously
talented artist.
Blood splatter coats the wall.
Damage from arrows, crossbow bolts or similar pieces
of ammunition dot the wall. Several projectiles remain
embedded in the wall; others lie at its base.
Hundreds of sketches of a particular subject adorn the
wall; these sketches may be of a prominent local NPC
or even a member of the party.
Scorch marks cover the wall. Ash, charred wood and
charcoal lie at its base.
Dried wild flowers are pressed onto the wall.
Roll on “Major Wall Features”. The result is actually a
wandering mimic in disguise.
Major patches of the wall are damaged and have
begun to crumble away; treat the wall as though it had
half its normal number of hit points.
The wall is set slightly at an angle—it seems to lean into
the ceiling.
A number of wax dolls are pinned to the wall by their
heads; these dolls could resemble the characters or a
prominent NPC.
The wall is slowly sloughing away, in places.
Damage from acidic corrosion dots the wall.
Water leaks into the chamber from a small opening at
the top of the wall.
The wall is scarred and heavily cracked; either the
original construction was at fault or a slight earth
movement is responsible for the damage.
Something has made the wall unnaturally smooth to
the touch.
Several rusty iron pegs protrude from the wall at
various heights and angles.
A crude drawing of a monster decorates the wall.
There is a 25% chance this illustration depicts the most
dangerous monster in the dungeon.
A small ledge—about one foot high and two-foot wide
—at ground level juts from the wall.
An old archway—now bricked up—pierces the wall.
Examination reveals the brickwork is comparatively
new2. What lies beyond (and why was it bricked up)?
A small section of wall has collapse, covering the floor
with rubble and debris.
Vines, growing from cracks in the floor, choke the wall.
These vines offer no protection to whatever lies
As above, except a strange weed lurks on the wall.
Ancient runes written in a long-dead language pepper
the wall. They name a long-dead sorcerer.
A piece of furniture has been smashed into the wall; its
broken pieces litter the ground.
The wall has been recently whitewashed; it is brilliantly
white and ready for painting (or graffiti).
A fell prayer dedicated to a dark power is deeply
incised into the wall.
A successful find secret door roll spots.
A dwarf using stonecunning detects.
A holy (or unholy) symbol is scrawled onto the wall.
A severed limb is nailed to the wall; a smear of blood
covers the wall and floor below the grisly decoration.
The notes and musings of a genius (but mad) artist,
writer, wizard or philosopher cover the wall.
Glittering specks of minerals cling to the wall and
create a rainbow of colours in even the faintest light.
A spray of spots of a variety of sizes on the wall are
unexplainably darker than other parts.
Different coloured bricks set into the wall outline a
large unholy symbol.
Countless fist-sized holes dot the wall. A bat swarm
makes its home in a cave beyond the holes.
A gargoyle clings to the wall, pretending to be nothing
more than a decoration.
The wall has been inexplicably bleached of colour in a
vaguely man-shaped patch.
Thick black curtains obscure the wall (and perhaps a
concealed door, hidden guard niche or the like).
Small niches high up in the wall each contain a skull,
which leers down at those traversing the area.
A silken tapestry of spider webs cling to the wall.
Countless fist-sized holes dot the cobweb-wreathed
wall. A swarm of spider lurks in the holes.
Cracks, erosion and mould damage cover the wall.
From a certain angle, the damage looks a little bit like
a face depicted in profile.
An iron hook—such as those used to hang a painting—
protrudes from the wall.
Magically created albino mushrooms grow on the wall.
The wall is leaking a green, slimy substance.
The wall has been split open by water erosion.
The wall is drenched in slick, pungent oil; the entire
wall bursts into flames if it is dealt fire damage.
Several long wooden floorboards lean against the wall.
A dark spirit passed through the wall, sapping it of any
resemblance of warmth, cheer or good tidings.
Letters cut from various tomes and pressed onto the
wall, spell out one or more of the characters’ names.
Many fist-sized holes, plugged with new mortar, pierce
the wall.
Empty torch sconces protrude from the wall. An
upturned leather shoe hangs from one sconce.
A piece of archaic poetry or philosophy is scribed onto
the wall in an elder dialect of the dungeon’s dominant
denizen. It speaks of an ancient queen.
Whitewash is flaking away from the wall. The faded
remnants of a large landscape painting depicting the
surrounding lands is also visible.
Small patches of mineral embedded in the wall
glimmer in the party’s lights.
A grey ooze makes its home in a jagged irregular hole
at the base of the wall.
The wall is coated with a grainy substance that, if
licked, tastes like the individual’s favourite meal.
A wooden door—complete with rusting hinges—leans
against the wall. A nearby doorway lacks a door.
Parts of the wall have been removed, exposing bare
rock beneath, and piled on the floor.
A dirty sheet hangs from a protruding brick.
Four wooden pegs jut from the wall; two have dirty
brown cloaks hanging from them. Splatters of mud
cover the floor below.
Some of the mortar holding the wall’s bricks in place
has a distinct reddish tinge akin to dried blood.
A faith sheen of moisture on the wall glimmers in the
party’s lights.
Forlorn, rusting tapestry hooks hang from the wall near
the ceiling. From their placement, a long arras once
hung here.
A bloody, smeared handprint marks the wall near an
exit. From the size of the print, it looks to have been
left by a creature the size of an ogre.
A religious symbol is crudely carved into the wall.
Dead whiteish yellow fungus clings to the wall. It
crumbles to dust, if touched.
An empty water flash hangs from a bump in the wall.
Drab paint, used to obliterate an older painting1,
covers the wall.
Several bricks have been removed from the wall at
human head height to reveal an (empty) once-secret
treasure niche.
The wall is warm to the touch.
A broken spear shaft lies on the floor by the wall.
Unreadable water-stained posters cover the wall.
Blue paint covers an irregularly-shaped swath of wall.
Thin, glimmering slime trails, akin to those left by slugs,
criss-cross the wall.
“Keep Out” is daubed on the wall in whitewash.
A small fist-sized hole piercing the wall has been
crudely carved to resemble an open mouth.
The configuration of the walls amplify and distort
echoes of events in surrounding areas.
The wall oozes a gooey, amber sap that has ensnared
thousands of insects.
A foul, violet mist leaks from cracks in the wall.
The wall has two features. Roll twice on this table.
The wall is trapped. Refer to “Wall Tricks & Traps”.
Of course, walls are not always safe. Occasionally, the dungeon’s
designer hides clever traps and tricks in key locations throughout
the complex. The traps and tricks here are examples of such
features that a well-constructed wall can hide.
This classic trap utilises a chamber’s wall to crush intruders to
death. Best used in empty chambers or rooms cloaked with an
illusion to appear treasure-filled these traps are some of the
deadliest mechanical traps a dungeon delver can face.
Special Note: The version of this trap assumes a 30 ft. square
room with one exit. Modifying the chamber’s size gives the
characters more or less time to escape the trap. Moving the
position of the door also affects this trap’s lethality.
Activation: A character activates this trap when they stand on
a pressure plate in the centre of the room. The trap resets after
one hour.
Find the Trap: A character making a successful find/remove
trap roll discovers the trap.
Defeating the Trap: A character making a successful find/
remove trap roll disables the trap. A character rolling 10% more
than their chance to disarm the trap accidentally activates the trap.
Destroying the pressure plate (AC 3, hp 20) or wall (AC 3, hp 80)
defeats the trap. Alternatively, a character making a successful find
secret door roll spots a small switch next to the chamber’s door
which activates and deactivates the trap.
Characters in the room when the trap activates can try one of
these two strategies (or something else) to avoid being crushed:
Create a Niche: Create a Niche: A character can smash a
niche in the floor (AC 3, hp 40). One Medium or smaller
creature can hide in a niche.
Brace the Ceiling: A character who rolls under their Strength
score on 5d6 arrests the wall’s advance for one round.
A grinding sound emanating from one of the walls heralds doom.
Slowly and surely, the wall begins moving across the room toward
Effect: When triggered, this trap has the following effects:
Round 1: The chamber’s stone door (AC 3, hp 40, successful
open locks roll unlocks) slams shut and the crushing wall
Rounds 2-7: The crushing wall advances 5 ft. each round.
When it meets the other wall it inflicts 12d6 damage on all
individuals in the chamber. Characters so damaged are
pinned until round 10.
Round 10: The wall retreats to its original position, at a speed
of 5 ft. per round.
This subtle trap is designed to ensnare greedy adventurers. It
activates when a thief fails to understand its true nature.
Activation: A character activates this trap when they
mistakenly attempt to open the secret door. The trap resets after
one minute.
Find the Trap: A character failing a find/remove trap roll
identifies the trap as a secret door. A character making a
successful find/remove trap roll reveals the trap’s true nature and
Defeating the Trap: A character making a successful find/
remove trap roll disables the trap. A character rolling 10% more
than their chance to disarm the trap accidentally activates the trap.
Destroying the pressure plate (AC 3, hp 20) defeats the trap.
Alternatively, a character making a successful find secret door roll
spots a small switch next to the pressure plate which activates and
deactivates the trap.
Effect: When triggered, the trap has the following effects:
False Identification: A character that fails to successfully find
the trap, identifies the mechanical mimic as a secret door.
Attempting to operate a mechanical mimic without
identifying its true nature triggers the trap. When the trap
activates, a chute located under the disarming character
opens, dropping them into a dangerous area, holding prison
or similar location. A character making a successful saving
throw against breath weapon avoids the trap as it opens
beneath their feet.
A classic trap, automatic murder holes can be placed in almost
any dungeon locale.
Activation: A character activates this trap when they step on a
hidden pressure plate. The trap must be manually reset.
Find the Trap: A character making a successful find/remove
trap or find secret door roll locates the trap.
Defeating the Trap: A character making a successful find/
remove trap roll disables the trap. A character rolling 10% more
than their chance to disarm the trap accidentally activates the trap.
Destroying the pressure plate (AC 3, hp 20) defeats the trap.
Alternatively, a character making a successful find secret door roll
spots a small switch next to the pressure plate which activates and
deactivates the trap.
Effect: When triggered, the trap has the following effects:
A click beneath your foot heralds three concealed murder holes
sliding open. Crossbows hidden in the wall unleash a volley of
bolts at you.
Bolt Attack: Heavy crossbow (THAC0 10, 12-5 piercing
damage); multiple weapons (three separate crossbows attack
the same target simultaneously).
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved.
1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted material including
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which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open
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owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify
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and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must
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3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this
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6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are
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9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any
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13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses
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14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Open Game License v 1.0 ©2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Open Game License v1.0a. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast Inc.
System Reference Document: ©2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Dungeon Dressing: Ceilings. ©Raging Swan Press 2014; Author: Aaron Bailey.
Dungeon Dressing: Walls. ©Raging Swan Press 2014; Author: Alexander Augunas.
Dungeon Dressing: Ceilings & Walls. ©Raging Swan Press 2020; Author: Alexander Augunas and Aaron Bailey.
To learn more about the Open Game License, visit wizards.com/d20.
Product Identity: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, artefacts, places and so on), dialogue, plots, storylines, language, incidents, locations,
characters, artwork and trade dress are product identity as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e) and are not Open Content.
Open Content: Except material designated as Product Identity, the contents of Dungeon Dressing: Ceilings & Walls are Open Game Content as defined in the Open Gaming License
version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without written permission. The moral
right of Alexander Augunas and Aaron Bailey to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988.
| textdata/thevault/Raging Swan - Gloamhold/Raging Swan GM's Miscellany Dungeon Dressing/Raging Swan Dungeon Dressing Ceilings & Walls 2.0.pdf |
Mythic Minis 2
chaMpion path abilities
By Jason Nelson
By Jason Nelson
Welcome to Mythic Minis!
The mythic rules system introduced in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Mythic
Adventures hardback contains a wealth of new rules, but in one book there cannot
be room for everything. Sometimes there are large areas to cover with extensive
rules adaptations, but sometimes what you need is a power-packed punch of tightly
focused rules content that contains exactly what you need for your character,
creature, or whatever it may be. A half-dozen feats, a set of linked spells, a group of
magic items, 5 mythic path abilities, and so on; that’s where Mythic Minis come in.
Mythic Minis are not about exposition, philosophy, and campaign-building; they are
just flat-out fantastic ideas and great mechanics for GMs and players alike, written
by the same designers that helped create the official mythic rules.
Follow Legendary Games on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and check out our
website at www.makeyourgamelegendary.com.
Mythic characters define themselves largely by their path abilities, and this product
provides new and unique path abilities for the Champion path, as described the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Mythic Adventures rulebook.
1st-Tier Champion Path Abilities
Analytical Eye: When a creature has attacked you, you can spend one use of
your mythic power as an immediate action to analyze your attacker’s fighting
style and capabilities, learning a number of your opponent’s combat feats equal to
your Intelligence bonus plus one-half your mythic tier (minimum 1). If this result
is less than your opponent’s number of combat feats, the exact feats you learn are
determined randomly, starting with any feats your opponent used in its attack
against you. You can use this path ability more than once if you are attacked by
the same creature in multiple rounds. Each additional use reveals new combat
feats until you have learned all combat feats the creature possesses; feats already
discovered through previous uses of this ability are not repeated. A mythic version
of a combat feat is considered just one feat, not two separate feats.
Combat Feat Mastery: By spending one use of your mythic power and spending
one hour practicing, you gain one bonus combat feat for which you qualify. You gain
this bonus feat for 24 hours or until the next time you use this ability, whichever is
less; when you use it to gain a new bonus combat feat, that feat replaces the current
one. This bonus feat cannot be used as a prerequisite for any other feat, prestige
class, or other purpose.
At 4th tier and above, you can use this path ability to gain a number of combat
feats equal to one-half your mythic tier. Each feat you gain requires one hour of
practice and the expenditure of one use of mythic power. You may use feats you gain
with this path ability as prerequisites for other feats you gain with this path ability,
but not as prerequisites for anything else.
At 6th tier and above, you can spend two uses of your mythic power to gain a
combat feat with only one minute of practice rather than one hour.
Smashmouth (Ex): By spending one use of your mythic power when you hit
with an attack that deals bludgeoning damage, you injure the target’s mouth for
1 minute. If the target has a bite attack, it takes a -2 penalty on attack and damage
rolls. This penalty increases by 1 for every 3 mythic tiers you possess. If the target
attempts to cast spells with a verbal component or to activate a spell-completion
or spell-trigger item or item that is activated with a command word, it has a 20%
chance of spell failure or of the item failing to function. This chance is increased by
10% for every 3 mythic tiers you possess. Abilities that grant the target immunity to
(or a percentage chance to ignore) critical hits apply to this ability.
3rd-Tier Champion Path Abilities
Mythic Marine (Ex): Water does not provide a cover bonus to Armor Class
against your attacks. If you are underwater, you can fight without penalty as if
using freedom of movement. You can use any kind of ranged weapon underwater,
including thrown weapons, without penalty if you are attacking targets within 10
feet plus 5 feet per mythic tier. Normal penalties for underwater ranged combat
apply beyond this distance.
Mythic Rider (Ex): If any effect would make you fall from the back of your
mount or cause your mount to fall or become prone, you can spend one use of
your mythic power as a free action to remain mounted or for your mount to
remain standing (unless your mount is killed or knocked unconscious). I
addition, you can spend one use of your mythic power attuning yourself to your
mount. For the next 24 hours, your mount gains the hard to kill, recuperation, and
mythic saves abilities as a creature whose mythic rank was 2 lower than your mythic
tier. If you have the unstoppable ability and use it on yourself while mounted, you
may remove one of the listed effects from your mount at the same time; this may be
a different effect from the one affecting you.
Reaping the Chaff: When facing inferior opponents, you can carve through their
ranks with lethal speed and precision. As a full-round action, you can make a single
melee attack at your highest base attack bonus. If you hit and the target’s Hit Dice
are less than or equal to your mythic tier, deal damage as normal. You can then
move and make another attack at your highest base attack bonus, continuing this
process until you miss, attack an opponent whose Hit Dice exceed your mythic tier,
or attack an opponent you already hit this round. You can’t move more than double
your speed in this way in 1 round. Your movement does not provoke attacks of
opportunity against creatures whose Hit Dice are less than or equal to your mythic
Trick Rider (Ex): You gain one bonus feat for every 2 mythic tiers you possess,
which must be Animal Affinity, Skill Focus (Ride), or a mounted combat feat, or a
mythic version of one of these feats.
Two Can Play at That Game: When you learn a creature’s combat feats using
the analytical eye path ability, on your next turn as a swift or move action (your
choice) you can select a number of its combat feats equal to one-half your mythic
tier, spending one use of mythic power per feat you select. You can now use those
feats as if you possessed them for the next 24 hours, but only against the creature
from whom you learned them. You cannot select a feat for which you do not meet
the prerequisites, but you can use feats that you “borrow” with this ability to serve
as prerequisites to other feats you borrow, such as taking both Point Blank Shot and
Rapid Shot from your opponent. If your opponent knows the mythic version of a
combat feat, you may borrow that feat, but it counts as two feats for the purpose of
this ability. You must have the analytical eye path ability to select this path ability.
Mythic Minis 2: chaMpion path abilities
Author: Jason Nelson
Artist: Jason Juta
Design and Layout: Richard Kunz
Legendary Games Team Members: Clinton J. Boomer, Benjamin Bruck, Matt
Goodall, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Jonathan Keith, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips,
Alistair Rigg, Neil Spicer, Todd Stewart, Russ Taylor, Greg Vaughan, and Clark
Publisher: Jason Nelson
Executive Partner: Neil Spicer
Business Director: Rachel Ventura
Special Thanks: Erik Mona, Lisa Stevens, Jason Bulmahn, and the Paizo staff for
their excellent Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Mythic Adventures hardback.
Open Content: Subject to designation as Product Identity (see below), the only portion of this Legendary
Games product designated as Open Game Content is the rules content (creature stat blocks and names of skills,
etc., taken from the Pathfinder Reference Document) as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a Section
1(d). The front and back cover, back matter, introduction and Credits page, as well all other parts of this product
including all text not specifically designated as Open Game Content is not Open Game Content. No portion of
this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without
written permission.
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open
Game License 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: Legendary Games, the Legendary Games Logo,
Adventure Path Plug-In, Mythic Minis: Monster Feats, as well as all trademarks, registered trademarks, proper
names (including the names of each character, location, item or monster unique to this product), dialogue,
plots, storylines, locations, characters, artworks, and trade dress, but excluding any content that is Product
Identity of Paizo Publishing, Inc. (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content are
not included in this declaration.)
Reference in non-Open Game Content (thus not covered by the Open Game License) in this work to content
owned by others is not a challenge to their ownership and is used under Fair Use.
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000
Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.
1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have
contributed Open Game Content; (b) “Derivative Material” means copyrighted material
including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages),
potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation,
abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted;
(c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display,
transmit or otherwise distribute; (d) “Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and
includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent **such content does
not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional
content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work
covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law,
but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product and product
line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts, creatures, characters,
stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols,
designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic
and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells,
enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places,
locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects,
logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly
identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically
excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign,
motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated
products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or
“Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create
Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms
of this agreement.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice
indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this
License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms
may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself.
No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using
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3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance
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Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Mythic Minis 2: Champion Path Abilities © 2013, Legendary Games; Author Jason Nelson.
System Reference Document. © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet,
Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
The Hypertext d20 SRD. © 2004, Jans W Carton.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s Guide. © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Author: Jason Bulmahn, James Jacobs, Steve Kenson, Hal Maclean, Rob McCreary, Erik
Mona, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider,
James L. Sutter, Owen Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary. © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason
Bulmahn, Brian Cortijo, Adam Daigle, Mike Ferguson, Joshua J. Frost, James Jacobs, Rob
McCreary, Erik Mona, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Lisa Stevens, James L. Sutter,
and Greg A. Vaughan.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2. © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Wolfgang
Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Graeme Davis, Crystal Frasier, Joshua J. Frost, Tim
Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, James Jacobs, Steve Kenson, Hal Maclean, Martin Mason, Rob
McCreary, Erik Mona, Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider,
Owen K.C. Stephens, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, and Greg A. Vaughan.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason
Bulmahn, Jesse Benner, Adam Daigle, James Jacobs, Michael Kenway, Rob McCreary,
Patrick Renie, Chris Sims, F. Wesley Schneider, James L. Sutter, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 4. © 2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis
Baker, Jesse Benner, Savannah Broadway, Ross Byers, Adam Daigle, Tim Hitchcock, Tracy
Hurley, James Jacobs, Matt James, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Stephen
Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Tork Shaw, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason
Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Lead
Designer: Jason Bulmahn; Designers: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Brian J.
Cortijo, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Richard A. Hunt, Colin McComb, Jason Nelson, Tom
Phillips, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Lead Designer:
Jason Bulmahn; Designers: Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson,
Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
| textdata/thevault/Pathfinder/1st Edition/3rd Party/Legendary Games/Mythic Minis/Mythic Minis 02 - Champion Path Abilities.pdf |
Fan Material for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay : Caravan Careers
Patrol Boat
The patrol boat is equally suitable as a merchant
convoy escort as it is for harbour patrol duty.
Measuring 6-8 yards in length, the patrol boat has a
shallow draft for increased speed, which also
facilitates upstream expeditions. It is propelled either
by a small collapsible mast and sail, or by 4-6
oarsmen. The capacity of a patrol boat is 12 people
and 1500 units of Encumbrance. Patrol boats are
often equipped with a swivel gun (see Warhammer
Companion page 43) mounted on the bow for
intercepting pirates. The patrol boat’s instability
makes Row or Sail skill necessary, at least for the
Caravan Guard
The roads and waterways of the Old World are
fraught with danger, making the Caravan Guard a
vital addition to any trading expedition. When
escorting a land caravan, the guards typically ride
alongside the wagons watching for bandits; only
leaving the caravan to investigate potential
ambushes reported by the outrider. On barge duty,
the guards remain below deck most of the time, in a
constant state of readiness against pirate attacks.
Because bandits and pirates prefer to attack easy
targets, the job of a Caravan Guard is often rather
Penny-pinching merchants oftentimes include a
clause in the Caravan Guards’ contracts requiring
them to assist with the care of draft animals, or
even cleaning duties. In remote areas, Caravan
Guards must remain vigilant through cold nights to
ensure the safety of their wagon camp. Needless
to say, many Caravan Guards depart for more
exciting ventures after they’ve had their fill of
Note: players who roll Mercenary during character
creation may select Caravan Guard instead.
Skills: Animal Care or Swim, Common Knowledge
(The Wasteland or Tilea), Dodge Blow, Drive or
Row, Gossip or Haggle, Outdoor Survival or
Gamble, Perception, Ride .
Talents: Seasoned Traveller, Strike Mighty Blow or
Sixth Sense, Strike to Injure or Hardy.
Trappings: Shield, Medium Armour (Mail Shirt),
Warm Coat, Riding Horse.
Career Entries: Bodyguard, Kislevite Kossar,
Militiaman, Muleskinner, Outrider, Roadwarden,
Soldier, Watchman.
Career Exits: Bodyguard, Caravan Master, Marine,
Mercenary, Outrider, Roadwarden, Sergeant,
+10 +5 +5 +10 +5 - +5 -
+1 +2 - - - - - -
Caravan Master
The Caravan Master handles the logistics involved
in moving large quantities of men, goods and
beasts of burden around the Old World. Merchants
employ them so that they don’t have to get involved
in the day-to-day running of the caravans
themselves. The Caravan Master is responsible for
the actions, payment, discipline and general well-
being of the labourers, guards and muleskinners
attached to the caravan. His most important duty
however, is to ensure that the goods he carries
reach the intended destination, both on time and
Due to the tough life they lead, Caravan Masters
tend to be hard men and even harder taskmasters.
After all, it’s their heads on the block should
anything go amiss.
In contrast to this hardness, he must also be
shrewd and learned in his letters, so that he may
record transactions, pay-rolls and incidents for
reporting to his employer.
Whether on land or on the Empire’s river ways, it’s
the Caravan Master who the workers attached to
the caravan fear the most.
Skills: Animal Care, Common Knowledge (any two
of: The Wasteland, Tilea, Kislev or Bretonnia),
Intimidate, Navigation, Perception, Read/Write,
Ride or Swim, Sail or Outdoor Survival.
Talents: Orientation or Super Numerate, Seasoned
Traveller, Street Fighting, Streetwise or Very
Trappings: Hand Weapon, Medium Armour (Mail
Shirt & Leather Jack), Ledgers and writing kit, 25
Career Entries: Boatman, Burgher, Caravan
Guard, Coachman, Ferryman, Marine, Mercenary,
Career Exits: Burgher, Explorer, Fence, Guild
Master, Mercenary, Merchant, Navigator, Scout,
+15 +10 +5 +10 +10 +15 +10 +15
+1 +4 - - - - - -
- Patrol Boat Statistics -
| textdata/thevault/Warhammer/Fantasy Roleplay/4e (C7)/Cato Contribution/Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay/2nd Edition/Homebrew & Fan Material/Black Industries/Caravan Careers.pdf |
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| textdata/thevault/Living Greyhawk/Modules/Ekbir/592/Normal Scenarios/EKB2-01 - La Légende de Glendaloch (APL 2-6)/EKB2-01 - La Légende de Glendaloch cert.pdf |
Version 1.3b - Juli 2001 (deutsche Version)
iese Richtlinien geben dir alle Informationen, die du
benötigst, um einen spielfertigen Charakter für die
LIVING GREYHAWK-Kampagne zu erschaffen und ihn im
Spielverlauf weiterzuentwickeln. Diese Richtlinien sind nicht
endgültig und können sich noch ändern, so wie auch der
Gesamtverlauf der Kampagne sich ändern kann - und wird.
Solche Änderungen, die in erster Linie aufgrund der Veröf-
fentlichung neuer Publikationen entstehen, werden den
Charakteren neue Möglichkeiten eröffnen, aber keinesfalls
bereits existierende einschränken. Manchmal mag es indes
trotz aller guten Vorsätze notwendig werden, dass wir rück-
wirkend Einschränkungen vornehmen müssen, falls sich
Teile der hier abgedruckten Richtlinien als dem Spielgleich-
gewicht abträglich erweisen sollten. Dies werden wir aller-
dings nur nach reiflicher Überlegung tun.
Diese Richtlinien sind immer mit Versionsnummer und
Datum versehen. Im Zweifelsfall gilt immer die letzte Ver-
sion dieser Regeln im Zusammenspiel mit der jeweils
aktuellen Ausgabe des D&D-Spieler-Sets.
Sobald neue Optionen verfügbar werden, kannst du auf diese
beim nächsten Stufenanstieg deines Charakters zurück-
greifen. Derlei Regelerweiterungen können nicht rück-
wirkend geltend gemacht werden.
Weitere Richtlinien zum Erschaffen von Charakteren im
Bereich des Fürstentums von Herbergsbad bzw. des Adri-
Marklands findest du unter www.amigo-spiele.de.
Das Erschaffen eines Charakters für LIVING GREYHAWK
erfolgt in insgesamt sechs Schritten:
SScchhrriitttt 11:: AAttttrriibbuuttw
Um Chancengleichheit zu gewährleisten, findet die Punkt-
kauf-Methode (s. Kapitel 2 des Spielleiter-Sets) Anwendung.
Jedem Charakter stehen dabei 28 Punkte zur Verfügung, die
zwischen den sechs Attributen aufgeteilt werden können.
Tabelle RCE-1: Attributkosten
Beispielsweise könnten die besagten 28 Punkte für die
folgenden Attribute eingesetzt werden:
ST 15:
8 Punkte
IN 10:
2 Punkte
GE 13:
5 Punkte
WE 11:
3 Punkte
KO 14:
6 Punkte
CH 12:
4 Punkte
Volksbedingte Modifikatoren werden erst nach der Auf-
teilung der Punkte addiert bzw. abgezogen. Insofern bewegen
sich Menschen bei Spielbeginn zwischen 8 und 18, während
sich die anderen Völker zwischen 6 und 20 bewegen können.
Attributpunkte, die durch Gradaufstieg hinzukommen, wer-
den nicht mehr nach dieser Tabelle ermittelt, sondern einfach
addiert, wie dies im Spieler-Set beschrieben ist.
SScchhrriitttt 22:: VVoollkk uunndd KKllaassssee
Grundsätzlich ist jedes Volk und jede Klasse, die im Spieler-
Set enthalten ist, für Charaktere innerhalb der LIVING
GREYHAWK-Kampagne verfügbar. Darüber hinaus gelten
folgende Sonderregeln, die im Zweifelsfall gegensätzliche
Regeln aus dem Spieler-Set außer Kraft setzen:
Menschen sollten sich für eines der Menschenvölker ent-
scheiden, die in Kapitel 2 des Living Greyhawk-Handbuchs
vorgestellt werden. Elfen müssen sich entscheiden, ob sie
Grau-, Hoch- oder Waldelfen sind. Zwerge können entweder
Hügel- oder Bergzwerge sein. Gnome müssen zum Volk der
Felsengnome gehören, Halblinge entstammen dem Volk der
Leichtfüße, Großgefährten oder Tiefenhalblinge. Halb-Orks
gelten grundsätzlich als Mensch-/Ork-Mischlinge.
Wenn Bonussprachen ausgewählt werden, können Menschen
aus den Sprachen und Dialekten auswählen, die im Living
Greyhawk-Handbuch aufgeführt sind, mit Ausnahme von
Druidisch, Ferral und Lendorisch-Elfisch. Die meistgenutzten
unter diesen Sprachen sind die menschlichen: Alt-
Baklunisch, Flan, Alt-Oeridianisch und Alt-Suel. Andere
Rassen können diese Sprachen im Rahmen der Fertigkeit
Sprache auswählen.
Es dürfen nur Gesinnungen ohne böse Komponente gewählt
werden; die in der Beschreibung einer Charakterklasse
genannten Vorgaben dürfen dabei nicht außer Kraft gesetzt
Ein Kleriker muss sich eine gute oder neutrale Gottheit aus
dem Spieler-Set, dem Living Greyhawk-Handbuch oder dem
Living Greyhawk Journal Nr. 3 auswählen, der er dient. Ein
Paladin kann nach den gleichen Richtlinien eine Gottheit
auswählen, muss dies aber nicht tun. Eine vollständige Liste
wird demnächst unter www.amigo-spiele.de zur Verfügung
Das Alter eines neu erschaffenen Charakters kann irgendwo
zwischen "erwachsen" und "alt" liegen (s. den Abschnitt über
"Alter" in Kapitel 6: "Beschreibung" im Spieler-Set). Aller-
dings finden die Regeln zur altersbedingten Modifikation von
Attributen in der LIVING GREYHAWK-Kampagne keine
Anwendung. Größe und Gewicht des Charakters können im
Rahmen der jeweils maßgeblichen Tabellen frei gewählt
Ein neu erschaffener Charakter verfügt über die Höchstzahl
der für seine Klasse möglichen Goldstücke.
Tabelle RCE-2: Volk
Bevorzugte Klasse
Besondere Merkmale des Volkes
-2 ST, +2 GE, -2 KO, +2 IN
wie Standardelf
+2 ST, +2 GE, -2 KO, -2 IN, -2 CH
wie Standardelf
wie Standardzwerg
wie Standardzwerg
wie Standardhalbling
siehe Monster-Set*
wie Standardhalbling
siehe Monster-Set*
* Für die Zeit bis zur Veröffentlichung des deutschen Monster-Sets, gelten die folgenden Angaben:
Großgefährten: +2 Bonus auf Entdecken, Hören und Suchen Würfe; ebenso wie Elfen erhält ein Großgefährte, der in 1,5m Abstand
an einer geheimen oder einer verborgenen Tür vorbeigeht, einen Suchen Wurf zugestanden, als hätte er aktiv nach einer Tür gesucht.
Da Großgefährten weniger athletisch sind als Leichtfüße, erhalten sie keinen Bonus zu Klettern, Leise bewegen und Springen Würfen.
Tiefenhalblinge: Dunkelsicht bis zu 18m; Steinwissen: diese Eigenschaft entspricht der gleichnamigen Eigenschaft der Zwerge;
Tiefenhalblinge erhalten einen Bonus von +2 auf Schätzen Würfe und Handwerk Würfe im Zusammenhang mit Stein- und
Da Tiefenhalblinge weniger athletisch sind als Leichtfüße, erhalten sie keinen Bonus zu Klettern, Leise bewegen und Springen
Prestigeklassen: Derzeit stehen Charakteren die folgenden
Prestigeklassen offen: Arkaner Bogenschütze, Schatten-
tänzer, Wissenshüter, Zwergischer Verteidiger. Die im Spiel-
leiter-Set genannten Bedingungen müssen erfüllt sein. Einige
weitere Prestigeklassen sind bereits zugelassen, näheres dazu
erfährst du von deiner Triade unter [email protected].
SScchhrriitttt 33:: TTrreeffffeerrppuunnkkttee
Ein neu erschaffener Charakter erhält die Höchstzahl der für
seine Klasse möglichen Trefferpunkte. Pro neu hinzuge-
wonnener Stufe gewinnt er die Hälfte dieses Maximums +1
hinzu. Ein Hexenmeister beispielsweise begänne das Spiel
mit 4 Basis-Trefferpunkten und gewänne weitere 3 hinzu,
wenn er die zweite Stufe erreicht.
SScchhrriitttt 44:: FFeerrttiiggkkeeiitteenn uunndd TTaalleennttee
Hier sind nur einige wenige Sonderregelungen zu beachten:
Fertigkeiten Alchemie und Handwerk: Mit diesen
Fertigkeiten können nur Gegenstände hergestellt werden,
die die SC auch kaufen könnten (s. Schritt 5); mit
anderen Worten: keine Meisterarbeiten und keine Säure!
Fertigkeit Beruf: Spieler können sich jeden Beruf aus-
wählen, sofern er nicht unpassend für eine Fantasy-Welt
ist. SL können Würfe auf die Fertigkeit Beruf oder even-
tuelle Kombinationsbonusse verweigern, wenn sie diese
nicht für die Kampagne angemessen erachten.
Fertigkeit Wissen: Das Wissen eines SC darf den allge-
meinen Wissenstand einer Fantasy-Welt nicht über-
steigen. Kombinationsbonusse finden nur mit
Zustimmung des SL Anwendung.
SScchhrriitttt 55:: AAuussrrüüssttuunngg
Zu Spielbeginn kann der Charakter nach Belieben nach den
Ausrüstungslisten in Kapitel 7 des Spieler-Sets ausgerüstet
werden. . Mit Ausnahme von Weihwasser sind die Gegen-
stände von der Liste "Besondere und hochwertige Gegen-
stände" nicht verfügbar. Magische Gegenstände können nur
im Spielverlauf erworben werden.
Die Regeln für Belastung finden Anwendung in der Kam-
pagne; von daher musst du Buch darüber führen, was dein
Charakter alles mit sich herumträgt und wie viel es wiegt.
SScchhrriitttt 66:: HHeeiim
Die Heimatregion für alle Charaktere von Spielern aus
Deutschland und Österreich ist das Fürstentum Herbergsbad
bzw. das Adri-Markland. Dies bedeutet nicht, dass dein Cha-
rakter dort geboren sein muss, sondern dass er den größten
Teil seines Lebens dort verbringt und diesen Teil der Welt als
seine Heimat ansieht. Es gibt innerhalb der Kampagne keine
"heimatlosen" Charaktere. Es ist möglich, einen Charakter zu
erschaffen, der in einer anderen Region lebt, doch würde
dieser dann bei jedem Abenteuer, das in deiner Heimatregion
spielt, die Nachteile erleiden, außerhalb seiner Heimatregion
zu spielen, was sich auf Dauer ungünstig auf den Charakter
auswirkt. Ein Umzug des Spielers (z.B. nach England) hätte
auch einen Wechsel der Region (in diesem Fall nach Onnwal)
zur Folge, sofern der Charakter nicht die Nachteile eines
außerhalb seiner Region lebenden SC erleiden soll.
Auf keinen Fall kann eine Region, die nicht von einer Triade
geleitet wird, als Heimatregion gewählt werden! Auch die
Freie Stadt Graufalk ist nicht als Heimatregion zugelassen.
Die für die Charaktere im Rahmen der Kampagne ver-
streichende Zeit wird mittels Zeiteinheiten festgehalten.
Dadurch wird es einfacher, die Abfolge von Abenteuern
sowie von längeren Unternehmungen wie dem Erforschen
von Zauber oder dem Erschaffen von Gegenständen im Auge
zu behalten. Durch das Verbuchen von Zeiteinheiten braucht
ein Charakter nicht aus dem Spiel genommen zu werden, um
eine länger dauernde Handlung durchzuführen.
Pro Jahr stehen deinem SC 52 Zeiteinheiten (von jeweils
einer Woche Länge) zur Verfügung, die nach Belieben einge-
setzt werden können. Abenteuer dauern entweder eine oder
zwei Zeiteinheiten; dies ist im Text des Abenteuers angeben.
Als Faustregel gilt, dass ein Ein-Runden-Abenteuer in deiner
Heimatregion eine Zeiteinheit aufbraucht, eines in einer
anderen Region aber deren zwei. Die für das Ausüben
anderer Aktivitäten aufzubringenden Zeiteinheiten lassen sich
den Ausführungen im weiteren Verlauf dieser Richtlinien
entnehmen; manchmal sind sie auch im Abenteuertext
EErrlleerrnneenn nneeuueerr ZZaauubbeerr
Normalerweise benötigt ein Magier für das Lernen neuer
Zauber eine Zeiteinheit. Ausdrücklich davon ausgenommen
sind aber die beiden beim Stufenaufstieg frei erhältlichen
Zauber, die keinen Zeitaufwand benötigen.
Hexenmeister und Barden müssen ihre Zauber aus den ent-
sprechenden Zauberlisten wählen. Wenn sie über ein Zertifi-
kat mit einem arkanen Zauber verfügen, können sie auch
diesen lernen. Hexenmeister und Barden müssen zum Lernen
neuer Zauber keine Zeiteinheit aufwenden.
VVeerrbbootteennee ZZaauubbeerr
Es gibt einige Zauber, die nicht für die LIVING GREYHAWK-
Kampagne geeignet sind und somit SC nicht zugänglich sind.
Derzeit handelt es sich um: Andere verwandeln, Selbstver-
wandlung, Dauerhaftigkeit.
Durch das Verteilen von Einflusspunkten lässt sich fest-
halten, wer in der Spielwelt deinem Charakter einen Gefallen
schuldig ist. Einflusspunkte können sowohl hinsichtlich
Personen als auch Gruppen erworben werden; sie unterliegen
in ihrer Höhe keiner Beschränkung. Einflusspunkte können
gegen einen Gefallen eingetauscht werden; ein eingetauschter
Punkt ist aufgebraucht und steht dem Charakter kein zweites
Mal zur Verfügung. Je höher der Einfluss deines Charakters
ist, desto größer sind die Möglichkeiten, die sich ihm
während des Spiels eröffnen.
Charaktere innerhalb der LIVING GREYHAWK-Kampagne
müssen Lebenshaltungskosten bezahlen, die sich an dem Ort
orientieren, an dem die Abenteuer stattfinden bzw. ihren
Ausgang nehmen. Zu diesen Kosten zählen alle Ausgaben
zwischen einzelnen Abenteuern sowie die Ausbildungskosten
beim Stufenanstieg. Die Kosten für Abenteurer-Ausrüstung
werden durch diesen Betrag nicht abgedeckt. Die SC müssen
grundsätzlich alle Ausgaben während der Spielzeit des
Abenteuers (nicht nur Ausrüstung, sondern auch Essen,
Trinken und Unterkunft) zu den im Abenteuer (bzw. im
Spieler-Set, falls im Text nicht gesondert angegeben) ge-
nannten Preisen selbst tragen.
Wir messen die Lebenshaltungskosten an dem Lebensstan-
dard, den ein SC zu besitzen wünscht; je nach dem gewählten
Standard können auf Charisma basierende Fertigkeiten
(Auftreten, Bluffen, Diplomatie, Einschüchtern, Gefühl für
Tiere, Informationen sammeln, Magischen Gegenstand be-
nutzen, Mit Tieren umgehen, Verkleiden) Abzüge oder Zu-
schläge erhalten.
Mittellos: Du hast keine Bleibe und musst deinen Besitz
immer mit dir führen. Du riechst schlecht und bist unter-
ernährt. Du erhältst -2 auf alle auf Charisma basierenden
Arm: Du schläfst im Gemeinschaftsraum einer Herberge oder
auf dem Heuboden eines Stalls. Deine Kleidung ist abgenutzt
und geflickt. Du erhältst -1 auf alle auf Charisma basierenden
Durchschnitt: Du führst ein einigermaßen erfolgreiches
Leben, und deine Ausrüstung ist solide, wenn auch nicht
herausragend. Du hast ein eigenes Zimmer in einer Herberge
oder einer Pension, das sicher genug ist, um dort gefahrlos
kleinere Wertgegenstände aufzubewahren.
Hoch: Du hast ein geräumiges Haus oder Apartment
gemietet. Deine Garderobe ist für gar manche Gelegenheit
gerüstet.. Du erhältst +1 auf alle auf Charisma basierenden
Luxuriös: Du hast von allem nur das Beste - eine geräumige
Unterkunft, exotische Nahrungsmittel, teure Kleider. Viele
neiden dir deinen Erfolg. Du erhältst +2 auf alle auf
Charisma basierenden Fertigkeitswürfe. Deine Ausrüstung ist
zu Hause ausgesprochen sicher.
Die genaue Höhe der Kosten ist dem jeweiligen Abenteuer zu
entnehmen und kann je nach Region und Startort des Aben-
teuers unterschiedlich ausfallen.
Lebenshaltungskosten werden zu Beginn eines Abenteuers
gezahlt, allerdings nicht vor dem ersten Abenteuer eines SC.
Wichtige Gegenstände (insbesondere magischer Natur) sowie
Einflusspunkte, die dein Charakter im Laufe seiner Aben-
teuer erhält, werden durch ein offizielles Zertifikat bestätigt.
Zertifikate enthalten genaue Informationen über den Ge-
genstand bzw. die Art des Gefallens, die ausschlaggebend für
die Verwendung des Gegenstands bzw. des Gefallens im
Spiel sind. Von besonderer Wichtigkeit sind die folgenden
Gültigkeit: Ein Zertifikat wird erst durch die Unterschrift des
Spielleiters, der es ausgibt, gültig; diese Unterschrift muss
mit Kugelschreiber oder Füller erfolgen (keinesfalls mit
Bleistift!). Die RPGA-Mitgliedsnummer des Spielleiters
muss deutlich lesbar sein. Im oberen Teil des Zertifikats muss
der Name des Charakters, dem der Gegenstand oder der
Gefallen zugeordnet ist, mit Kugelschreiber oder Füller
(keinesfalls mit Bleistift!) deutlich lesbar eingetragen sein.
Einschränkungen bei der Anwendung: In dieser Spalte
finden sich Angaben, die festlegen, wie viele Ausfertigungen
des gleichen Zertifikats zur gleichen Zeit im Spiel sein dür-
Häufig: Dein Charakter kann über beliebig viele Ausfer-
tigungen dieses Zertifikats verfügen.
Unüblich: Dein Charakter kann diesen Gegenstand nur
einmal besitzen.
Selten: Pro Spielrunde darf nur einer dieser Gegenstände zum
Einsatz gelangen. Verfügen mehrere Charaktere über
besagten Gegenstand, kann nur einer davon für den Verlauf
des Abenteuers tatsächlich "existieren". Vor Spielbeginn wird
bestimmt, welche Charaktere auf den Einsatz des
Gegenstands verzichten müssen; das genaue Verfahren liegt
im Ermessen des Spielleiters. Diese Entscheidung gilt für das
gesamte Abenteuer und kann nicht aufgehoben werden.
Ansonsten gelten die gleichen Einschränkungen wie für
"unübliche" Gegenstände.
Einzigartig: Diesen Gegenstand gibt es nur ein einziges Mal.
Die obigen Kategorien gelten pro Gegenstand und Abenteuer.
Nehmen wir als Beispiel, dass dein Charakter aus Abenteuer
A den Gegenstand X habe, der "unüblich" sei. Insofern kann
er diesen Gegenstand nur einmal besitzen, auch wenn er in
Abenteuer A mehrfach vorkommen sollte. Erhält dein Cha-
rakter aber nun den gleichen Gegenstand aus Abenteuer B, so
darf er beide besitzen, da sie aus verschiedenen Abenteuern
Handel: Auf den Zertifikaten ist vermerkt, ob der Gegen-
stand gehandelt werden kann. Wechselt ein veräußerbarer
Gegenstand den Besitzer, so muss der vollständige Handel
auf der Rückseite des Zertifikats vermerkt sein. In jedem Fall
müssen Name und RPGA-Mitgliedsnummer des alten und
des neuen Besitzers sowie das Datum des Geschäfts deutlich
lesbar sein. Aufgrund dieser Auflistung muss sich die Ge-
schichte des Gegenstands, angefangen vom ursprünglichen
Besitzer (der auf der Vorderseite angegeben ist), lückenlos
nachvollziehen lassen können.
Zertifikate der LIVING GREYHAWK-Kampagne sind Eigentum
von Wizards of the Coast und müssen auf Anforderung an die
Kampagnenleitung zurückgegeben werden. Zertifikate ver-
fügen über keinerlei realen Wert und können weder verkauft
noch gegen andere realweltliche Dienstleistungen einge-
tauscht werden.
DDaass HHeerrsstteelllleenn vvoonn GGeeggeennssttäännddeenn
Nicht-magische Gegenstände sowie Tränke und Schriftrollen,
die von Charakteren durch Anwendung der entsprechenden
Fertigkeiten oder Talente hergestellt werden, bedürfen keines
Zertifikats. Trage sie einfach in dein Logbuch ein und lasse
sie von deinem Spielleiter abzeichnen. Wenn du eine derart
erschaffene Schriftrolle oder einen Trank benutzt, musst du
dies durch einen weiteren (abzuzeichnenden) Eintrag
kennzeichnen, der auf den ursprünglichen Eintrag (den des
Erschaffens des Gegenstands) verweist.
Gegenstände herstellen: Hergestellte Gegenstände können
nicht an NSC verkauft werden; sie können nur für den Eigen-
bedarf bzw. für den Verkauf an andere SC vorgesehen sein.
Die zur Herstellung eines solchen Gegenstands benötigte Zeit
wird nach der im Spieler-Set nachlesbaren Formel berechnet,
beträgt aber mindestens eine Zeiteinheit. Gegenstände, deren
Kauf in Schritt 5 dieser Richtlinien untersagt ist, können
nicht hergestellt werden.
Trank brauen: Das Brauen eines Tranks erfordert die im
Spieler-Set aufgeführten Ausgaben (Gold, EP). Das Mischen
eines Tranks dauert eine Zeiteinheit; pro Abenteuer kann
maximal ein Trank hergestellt werden.
Schriftrolle schreiben: Das Abfassen einer Schriftrolle
erfordert die im Spieler-Set aufgeführten Ausgaben (Gold,
EP). Dieser Vorgang nimmt eine Zeiteinheit; pro Abenteuer
kann maximal eine Schriftrolle hergestellt werden.
Sonstige magische Gegenstände: Die anfallenden Kosten
(Gold, EP, Zeiteinheiten) müssen fallweise ermittelt werden.
Deine Triade hat alle notwendigen Informationen. Solche
Gegenstände können grundsätzlich nur gegen Ausstellung
eines Zertifikats hergestellt werden, so dass der Vorgang nur
nach Rücksprache mit der Triade und im Rahmen der von der
Triade festgelegten Mechanismen erfolgen kann (selbst dann,
wenn dein Charakter über alle notwendigen Voraussetzungen
entsprechend dem Spieler- oder Spielleiter-Set verfügt).
EEtthhiisscchhee RRiicchhttlliinniieenn
Wir erwarten von allen an der Kampagne Beteiligten die
Einhaltung eines Verhaltenskodex, der der Spielfreude und
der Gruppenkooperation förderlich ist. Insbesondere möchten
wir die folgenden Punkte betonen:
Bemühe dich, während des Spiels zum Spielspaß für die
gesamte Gruppe beizutragen. Versuche nie, anderen den
Spaß zu nehmen!
Sei immer fair und ehrlich.
Nimm Rücksicht auf deine Mitspieler (und den Spiel-
leiter) - sie haben das gleiche Recht darauf, die Spiel-
runde zu genießen, wie du es hast!
Versuche, sowohl dem Geist als auch dem Wortlaut der
Regeln zu folgen.
Du bist der Spielleiter. Es ist deine Aufgabe, für ein
unterhaltsames Spiel zu sorgen. Du spielst nicht gegen
die Spieler! Dein wichtigstes Ziel muss sein, dass deine
Spieler Spaß haben.
Alle Spieler müssen gleich behandelt werden, sowohl von
dir als auch von ihren Mitspielern.
Verhalte dich vorbildlich. Vergiss nie, dass du gegenüber
deinen Spielern sowohl die RPGA als auch die
Gesamtkampagne vertrittst.
Halte auch du dich an die Anforderungen, die an die
Spieler gestellt werden (s.o.).
Reagiere auf Anfragen so schnell und so deutlich wie
Stelle dich vor deine Spielleiter und untergrabe ihre
Autorität nicht; hebe ihre Entscheidungen nur nach
gründlicher Prüfung der Sachlage auf, und nur dann,
wenn sie nachweisbar im Unrecht sind. Halte auch du
dich an die Anforderungen, die an die Spieler gestellt
werden (s.o.).
Halte auch du dich an die Anforderungen, die an die
Spieler und die Spielleiter gestellt werden (s.o.).
| textdata/thevault/Living Greyhawk/Metaorg Material/Ahlissa (Adri)/Rules/LG_CharCreation_1.3b_de.pdf |
Lords of Gossamer & Shadow
by Matt Banach
Rite Publishing Presents:
Gossamer Worlds:
Gossamer Worlds:
Gossamer Worlds:
Gossamer Worlds:
The Nightmare Kingdom
The Nightmare Kingdom
The Nightmare Kingdom
The Nightmare Kingdom
Explorer (Author): Matt Banach
Seeker (Editor): Steven D. Russell
Searcher (Cover Artist): Trung Ta Ha
erssss (Interior Artists): Trung Ta Ha, Liew,
Henry Toogood, Malcom McClinton, Vincent Ptitvinc
Pioneer (Trade Dress): James “Devin Knight” Hazelett
Lost Boy
Lost Boy
Lost Boy
Lost Boy (Layout and Publisher): Steven D. Russell
Special Thanks to Jason Durall for his help in developing this.
Based on Lords of Gossamer & Shadow by Jason Durall
Gossamer Worlds: The Nightmare Kingdom Copyright © 2014 Steven D. Russell All rights reserved. Lords of Gossamer and Shadow Copyright © 2012-2013 Steven D. Russell
All rights reserved. Erick Wujcik’s Diceless Role-Playing and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Diceless by Design Publishing, LLC, and are used under license.
See http://Rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=1447 for more information on Erick Wujcik’s Diceless Role-Playing. The Images by Trung Ta Ha on the cover
and page 2 and Henry Toogood on pages 5 and 6 are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
The images on page 4 by Liew and by Vincent Ptitvinc on page 9 are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
The Nightmare Kingdom
The Nightmare Kingdom
The Nightmare Kingdom
The Nightmare Kingdom
“The dirty concrete landing was a
gloom of shadows – the nearest two
lightbulbs in the industrial-looking
stairwell were busted out and dark,
even though that's not supposed to
happen on the Grand Stair. Something
crunched beneath my feet, but it wasn't
glass, and I wasn't going to look down.
A single bloody hand-print smeared the
wall beside the Door, which was
covered in chipped black paint... and
stood wide open. On the other side of
the threshold, dense grey mist swirled,
revealing a pair of glowing red eyes. I
heard my name being called, faintly,
screaming.” - Travelogue
The Nightmare Kingdom is a living,
breathing, waking world of nightmares
hellscape dedicated to the provocation,
cultivation, and consumption of terror.
First, a bit of conceptual framework:
we have always known that the concept
of “reality” as applies to the gossamer
worlds is... variable, to say the least.
Most of us, even high and mighty
Gossamer Lords, come to rely upon
certain principles: time moves in one
direction, mortal lives begin and end,
and matter and energy transmute in
form but tend not to be created or
destroyed. Hence, it is unsettling to
experience a world where the laws of
reality are so loose that even these most
basic precepts do not apply. Aside from
being terribly dangerous, this staggering
lack of structure calls into question the
very nature of existence, with all the
philosophical baggage that entails. So,
with that shaky foundation in mind,
imagine a world where the difference
between thought and reality disappears
almost entirely – a place where the
arrangement of matter, energy, and
space-time occurs not according to
scientific law but instead by psychic
whim. Furthermore, imagine such a
world in which fear is the dominant
form of psychic energy, more powerful
than atomic fission and more pervasive
than sunlight, with the very fabric of the
twisting according to the ebb and flow of
terror. Finally, imagining a world with
all those lovely qualities, picture it
running wild since the dawn of time,
stalking the vast gulf of Shadow-space in
a never-ending hunt for fear.
Some make the fatal mistake of
thinking the Nightmare Kingdom is “just
a dream”, but it surely isn't; the
monsters and threats of the Kingdom
are very real, and no amount of waking
up can cure its harms.
changing, the Nightmare Kingdom the
content of the fears it consumes drives
it. Oftentimes this interaction causes the
realm to mimic the appearance of other
gossamer worlds down to the smallest
detail, either in reflexive response to the
fears of its victims, or at the direction of
Kingdom has gone by countless names
over the eons, constantly misidentified
as a myriad of different worlds. I've
heard accounts of the Kingdom guising
itself as thousands of different iterations
Shatterlight, as an endless void of
condensing down in its entirety to
become a perfect replica of That-Dark-
recognizable patterns in the Kingdom's
appearance according to the personality
and designs of its ruler, but it is
important to remember that it could
appear to be anywhere. You could be
sitting in it right now.
Another disturbing quality of the
Nightmare Kingdom is – it wanders. I'll
elaborate by way of metaphor: if the vast
nothingness of Shadow is a darkened
street, and the gossamer worlds are
individual houses on that street, all
connected by the paved walkways of the
Grand Stair, the Nightmare Kingdom is
the insane homicidal drifter skulking
through backyards and trying latches.
Doors to the Nightmare Kingdom
commonly appearing in dreadful places
acute fear. The Nightmare Kingdom
often lures victims through the Door, or
boogeymen just pop out for a moment to
say 'boo'. The Kingdom has an affinity
for bedroom closets, by the way. My own
theory regarding this is profoundly
heretical: I think the Kingdom is
unmoored from any stationary point in
the vast gulf of Shadow and thereby has
the ability to connect itself directly to
other gossamer worlds without crossing
the Grand Stair. Other Gossamer Lords
assure me I'm wrong, that there must be
some other explanation – perhaps the
Kingdom has found a niche on the Stair
where the hallway between Doors is
measured in inches instead of yards, or
it is some twisting of the Veil which
gives the illusion of a direct connection.
Perhaps... but I know what I saw.
Despite its mercurial nature, it is
Kingdom as a Domain. Those who have
done so in the past were predominantly
power-mad Umbra Masters, walking
Morpheus, Ikelos, Lady Phrike, The
Dark Man, Morgana, Papa Midnight,
one of the elder Dwimmerlaik, that guy
with nails in his head... the list goes on.
They were and are the stuff of legends,
boogeymen of the highest order, though
the only thing more unsettling than their
tenures as overlords of terror is the fact
that those tenures ended. While ruling
the Nightmare Kingdom provides an
unprecedented forum for the indulgence
unbridled power is terribly taxing, even
on the most jaded psyches. As such,
while some rulers hold power for
millennia – and some for mere days –
Personally, I believe the Kingdom has a
personality of its own and from time to
time will reject its mortal steersman,
terminating the relationship in favor of
fresh management; maybe the Kingdom
grows bored, maybe the ruler doesn't
feed it enough... or maybe the most
delicious fear of all is the fear of a king.
The Ghoul
The Ghoul
The Ghoul
The Ghoul
The current master of the Nightmare
Kingdom is a gruesome creature known
only as “the Ghoul”. Like many Umbra
Masters, the Ghoul can assume many
different physical incarnations. But,
his/her/its most recent appearances
have been as either a tall male umbral
gaunt-like cyclops, a pallid teenage girl
concealed by a tangle of long black hair,
or a more monstrous form which I've
only heard described as “like an
androgynous dog-person in a latex gimp
suit, but made of maggots.” Judging by
commonly concocts, I believe it to be
very familiar with 20th century America
– though whether it originated from that
historical period on a specific gossamer
Earth, I do not know. If it was ever
human, or anything close to human,
those days are long gone.
Fully melded with the Nightmare
Kingdom, the Ghoul has mastered the
very pliable gossamer fabric of the
Domain and uses this god-like power to
shape and warp reality in a violent orgy
of phantasmagorical tableaus, expertly
focused on cultivating anxiety, terror,
and despair. In other, smaller, words: it
really loves scaring the shit out of
people, using the most powerful special
effects engine in the entire multiverse.
While inside the Kingdom, the Ghoul is
effectively omniscient and omnipresent,
appearing or disappearing at will,
though it prefers to act through agents
For all its power and sadistic
indulgence, the Ghoul may not be as 'in
control' as the maniacal laughter might
lead us to believe. During the last
decade, there have been increased
sightings of the Ghoul venturing away
from the Nightmare Kingdom, lurking in
darkened corners of the Grand Stair and
excursions could simply be hunting
behavior, I have heard several reports
that the Ghoul seemed surprisingly
reluctant to return home. My own
theory is that the Ghoul is secretly
looking for a successor, either willing or
Master of Terror, Slave to Fear
Master of Terror, Slave to Fear
Master of Terror, Slave to Fear
Master of Terror, Slave to Fear
The Nightmare Kingdom is much
more of a curse than an asset, and
“ownership” of that terrible place should
shake even the strongest characters to
their core, as absolute power corrupts
absolutely. Any character who claims the
Nightmare Kingdom as a Domain
automatically begins drawing mystical
sustenance from the fears of others,
whether they wish to or not, and it is
impossible to taste that dark power
process can be slow and insidious, or
swift and shocking, but should be
The Nightmare Kingdom can claim a
character as its owner against that
discretion of the gamemaster, even if
that character does not have a sufficient
immediately available to purchase the
Kingdom as a Domain – they'll pay
later, oh yes they will. Such a drastic
personal invasion might come after a
courting period where the Kingdom
victimizes and corrupts the character,
breaking down their willpower and
acclimating them to the realm's twisted,
terror-sucking reality. This event could
transform the character into a major
villain, and/or begin an epic struggle as
the other characters struggle to save
their wayward ally from a fate worse
than death.
Typical Denizens
Typical Denizens
Typical Denizens
Typical Denizens
The Nightmare Kingdom is full of
people and personalities, most of who
fall into one of two categories: predators
and prey. The earnest county sheriff who
warns you to forget those lights in the
trees, the plucky group of high-schoolers
gone out camping on a spooky summer
night, or the creepy old fortune teller
who keeps muttering about doom, they
all share space with vampires, ghosts,
and stranger boogeymen who sow and
reap fear on behalf of the realm. While
the Kingdom and its ruler vastly prefer
the taste and potency of fresh fear from
therefrom, the ebb and flow of recycled
dread amongst the Kingdom's native
inhabitants seems to function like some
form of profane metaphysical circulatory
nefarious powers-that-be do seem to
have an interest in willing a population
into being and terrorizing them, even
without an outside audience. I pity those
poor folks, and hope for their sake they
do not remember their torments from
life to life.
It would be wrong to categorize the
inhabitants of the Nightmare Kingdom
as mere phantasms; they're not. Every
man, woman, child, dog, monster, and
specter that exists there truly does exist
within the confines of that gossamer
reality, albeit sometimes for only brief
periods dictated by the cruel whims of
the realm and its ruler. Existence in the
Nightmare Kingdom is a terrible,
The Ghoul
fleeting thing – the Ghoul's complete
control of the Kingdom's makeup and
time flow allows it to effectively turn
back time, recreating the world to
perfectly mimic scenes from “the past”,
or simply looping events in perfect
repetition, trapping residents in a never-
ending cycle. These temporal illusions
don't alter the internal chronology of
non-native victims, however, so while
the local denizens may seem jog up and
down the time stream, reliving their
terrible lives over and over, visitors can't
actually undo their own pasts. That said,
most denizens of the Nightmare Realm
are hapless mortals who serve as both
audience and backdrop to the realm's
regular pageants of horror.
Boogeymen is a catch-all term for
the terrorizing predatory monsters of
the Nightmare Kingdom. They come in
many forms: vampires, werewolves,
ghosts, zombies, serial killers, obsessed
psychopaths, vicious wild animals...
pretty much any frightening creature
imaginable, though the Ghoul tends to
Boogeymen are the grim workforce of
the Kingdom, tasked with inflicting
anguish and sowing terror amongst the
empowered by the Ghoul, boogeymen
can even pierce the Veil and venture
onto the Grand Stair or into other
excursions, usually no further than the
immediate threshold of a Door. Most
Gossamer Lord once you get past their
theatrics, though even the least of them
numbers. Their elite – the master
beneath the waves – are true and deadly
The Man With Red Hands is the
greatest of the boogeymen and the
Ghoul's chief lieutenant. Immortal and
incorporeal, this malevolent demonic
spirit affects the physical world by
possessing the bodies of others. While
the spirit is capable of mimicking a
host's reactions and mannerisms, it
tends to reveal its presence eventually
through its wicked smile – and by
coating the host's hands in fresh red
accompanies an act of gut-wrenching
violence and/or self-mutilation. Please
believe me when I say that there is no
greater bastard in all the multiverse than
the Man, and should you ever feel the
filthy tendrils of his soul seeping into
yours, do yourself a favor and put a
bullet in your head before its too late.
Notable Locations
Notable Locations
Notable Locations
Notable Locations
Under the stewardship of the Ghoul,
the Nightmare Kingdom tends to default
to the appearance of some decade within
20th Century America, though more
hellscapes readily spawn from seemingly
mundane beginnings.
Lomax, Maine is a sleepy little town
in the backwoods, perpetually stuck in
some doldrum-y gap in the late 1950s.
The town has seen better days: folks are
depressed, the lumber mill dried up
after all those accidents, and the only
place in town that draws any tourists, is
the bed-and-breakfast up on the hill. It
used to be a church, and before that is
was a mental hospital, and before that it
was the home of the eccentric town
founder, whose odd religion is best
forgotten. The kids in Lomax know that
something’s wrong, that there’s a reason
why their parents don't want them out
after dark. The Door to the Nightmare
Running Scared
Running Scared
Running Scared
Running Scared
Fear is power in the Nightmare
Kingdom, and adjudicating whether or
not a character is 'really scared' enough
to be fed upon by the Domain can be
subjective, nuanced, and tricky. Here are
some options for gamemasters:
Weakest Link – The first time the
Nightmare Kingdom or one of its agents
tries to frighten the group, assume that
the frightening effect or creature is
character with the lowest Psyche. This
increasing its ability to frighten such
that it can scare the character with the
next highest Psyche, and so on.
By The Numbers – Scaring a
character is a test of Psyche. Assume
that the following entities have a Psyche
equivalent to the following for purposes
of this test: Average Boogeyman, Psyche
10; Elite Boogeyman, Psyche 25; The
Man With Red Hands, Psyche 50; The
Ghoul, Psyche 100. The gamemaster can
always adjust these figures to fit the
power level of the game.
The Honor System – Just ask each
player whether their character is scared
(even if the character chooses to act
Gamemasters always reserve the right to
call bullshit.
Kingdom in this incarnation opens
out of a supply closet into the humble
break room of the Lomax County
Sheriff's Department.
Bad Bad NYC is New York City
rotting in the most degraded moments
of the 1980s. Urban decay has crept over
everything like dirty graffiti, crime runs
corruption ensures that nothing is
getting better any time soon. By night,
the streets buzz with garish neon, the
flickers of burnt-out signs illuminate
vampires feeding in the alleys and
werewolves howling from the rooftops.
Serial killers are more popular than
celebrities. Grim vigilantes strive to
make a difference and bring justice to
the streets, but their brief flashes of
highlight the fact that the world is going
to Hell in a hand basket, and that's
exactly what it deserves. The Door to the
Nightmare Kingdom in this incarnation
opens out of a side door into a filthy
alleyway just half a block from Times
Tinseltown is Hollywood, California
at a height of glitz and glamor in the
golden days of the early 1930s. The
movies such as Dracula, Frankenstein,
and The Mummy has flooded film studio
coffers to overflowing, drawing swarms
screenwriters to the bright lights of the
city where dreams come true. With
everything going so well, folks try not to
notice when young starlets go missing,
or when strange occurrences up in the
hills get blamed on wayward special
effects. The Door to the Nightmare
Kingdom in this incarnation opens into
the dressing room of some A-list starlet
at Universal Studios. If you don't mind
getting slapped, tell her Johnny Zee says
Final Thoughts
Final Thoughts
Final Thoughts
Final Thoughts
dangerous, powerful, and eternal. No
matter how many times we seal it off, or
wipe it from the maps, or defeat its
unspeakably depraved figurehead, it will
return. So the best strategy is to learn to
recognize the telltale dread of its
illusions, steel your mind against the
terrors that await, and run the other
~ Yaeger Zane
The Nightmare Kingdom Domain Table
The Nightmare Kingdom Domain Table
The Nightmare Kingdom Domain Table
The Nightmare Kingdom Domain Table
Other (varies depending on apparent time period)
Magic Level:
Known and Believed
Guarded [4 Points] (the monsters of nightmare)
Primal World [4 Points]
Control of Destiny [4 Points] (current owner: The Ghoul)
the Powers:
Eidolon – Weak
Umbra – Powerful
Wrighting – Blocked
Terror Incarnate. The owner of the Nightmare Kingdom feeds upon
the fear of visitors to the Kingdom, as well as fear experienced in
close proximity to (within a few yards of) any Door which leads
thereto. The owner may use this psychic sustenance to heal wounds,
fuel Powers, bolster Attributes, or divert the fear back into the
Nightmare Kingdom itself, shaping the realm and its denizens to suit
the victim's darkest fears.
| textdata/thevault/Amber/Lords Of Gossamer And Shadow/Gossamer Worlds/The Nightmare Kingdom.pdf |
цены на товары и услуги
Цены на товары и услуги
Приложение к ролевой системе
версия 3.2
Авторский состав:
Godmaker, Atrill, Брашнар, Dragomir, Fobos-11, Малый ведуний круг
О содержании книги (стр. 3)
О некоторых экономических особенностях (стр. 3)
Основные правила (стр. 6)
Оружие, доспехи, умения, заклинания (стр. 7)
Прочие товары (стр. 10)
Лошади (стр. 15)
Транспорт (стр. 16)
О содержании книги
Сражения и магические экспери-
менты — это далеко не главная часть
жизни Вашего персонажа. Любой, даже
самый великий герой, прежде чем
отправляться в поход, обязательно
подумает о предметах первой необ-
ходимости. А, уж поверьте, таких пред-
метов может быть очень и очень мно-
го: от огнива и верёвки до компаса или
подзорной трубы. Учитывая, что такие
мелочи могут быть не менее важны Ва-
шему герою для спасения своей жиз-
ни, чем добрый меч или крепкий лук,
настоятельно рекомендуем Вам озна-
комиться с содержанием этой книги.
Ну, а если вы — такая группа, которая
не растрачивается на мелочи, а только
жаждет прорубаться сквозь орды вра-
гов, то дальше оружейного раздела мо-
жете не читать.
В книге Вы найдете перечень неко-
торых экономических особенностей
игрового мира, список товаров и цен
на них, правил по торговле и вычисле-
нию распространённости услуг, а так-
же подберёте доброго скакуна.
О некоторых
Быт и обстановка игровой вселен-
ной существенно отличается от той,
которая привычна современному че-
ловеку. Поэтому некоторые не совсем
очевидные вещи нужно описать.
Далеко не редкость читать про де-
ревни, разделенные многими милями
дикой местности, населенной разбой-
никами или опасными чудовищами.
Но редкая деревня бывает настолько
самодостаточной. Поэтому одно посе-
ление стремилось вырасти по возмож-
ности ближе к другому, и часто люди
отправлялись в соседнее село, чтобы
получить услуги кузнеца или приоб-
рести лошадь. Таким образом, дерев-
ня, где есть и сапожных дел мастер, и
кузнец, и постоялый двор, и даже та-
верна — не самое частое зрелище.
Возвращаясь к расстоянию между
деревнями и сёлами, скажем, что оно
обычно бывает в милю или немногим
больше этого. Исключением могут
быть земли с неплодородной почвой,
военное время или, быть может, пос-
тоянные нападения злобного дракона.
В одной деревне может проживать
от 20 до 200 человек (10-100 домов).
Меньше — уже хутор, больше — горо-
док. Однако грань между деревней и
городом сильно зависит от места, о
котором идёт речь. Как правило, город
отличается от деревни городской сте-
ной и крепкими воротами, в то время
как в деревне есть только частокол или
земляной вал, а чаще нет ни того, ни
другого. Наличие же остальных атри-
бутов города: храмов, мощёных улиц,
ярмарок и рынков — в большей сте-
пени зависит от культурного уровня
О распространенности услуг
Теперь, когда мы примерно выяс-
нили кое-что о плотности населения,
можно рассказать о том, каких масте-
ров герои могут найти в приключени-
ях и насколько часто.
Каждому ремесленнику, от кузнеца
до ювелира, можно присвоить так на-
зываемое число поддержки. Это число
показывает, сколько людей необхо-
димо для того, чтобы этот ремеслен-
ник мог выполнять свою работу и не
страдать от голода из-за недостатка в
клиентах. Например, число поддержки
кузнеца-оружейника — 1000 человек.
Это значит, что среди деревень в 50-60
домов услугами кузнеца-оружейника
можно будет воспользоваться только
в каждом третьем поселении. С другой
стороны, всегда бывают исключения из
правил и ведущий может их сделать.
Для определения того, есть ли в дан-
ном конкретном поселении указанный
ремесленник, можно воспользоваться
следующим методом.
Умножаем число жителей данного
поселения на 20 и делим на число под-
держки для ремесленника. Получаем
так называемую распространенность
этой услуги. Далее чеком к20 опреде-
ляем, нашли ли мы его или нет.
Число поддержки кузнеца-оружей-
ника из деревни Золотые холмы
равно 1000 человек. В селе прожи-
вает 150 жителей. 150 х 20/1000 =
3. Бросок к20 показал 7 (чек прова-
лен). Таким образом, нашим героям
придется поискать услуги кузнеч-
ных дел мастера в другом месте
(например, достаточно спросить
об этом жителей).
Ниже приводится сводная таблица
для числа поддержки разных ремес-
ленников. Она составлена для «типич-
ного» приключенческого сюжета, а не
точного описания реалий какого-либо
игрового мира. Это значит, что веду-
щий волен использовать её данные по
своему усмотрению в зависимости от
особенностей игрового мира. Напри-
мер, число поддержки мага достаточ-
но велико для деревни. Но если извест-
но, что некоему магу больше нравится
жить в древнем полуразрушенном за-
мке на окраине деревни (поближе к
древним развалинам и подальше от не-
желательного внимания городского
магистрата), то так оно и есть.
Аналогичным образом дела обстоят
и со зданиями, которые могут посе-
тить герои, такие как бани, ломбарды
и лавки.
Распространенность услуг
Владелец ломбарда
Число поддержки
В «Мире Великого Дракона» имеется
несколько типов монет различного до-
стоинства. Обычно это бывают медные
гроши, серебряные кроны и золотые
дукаты. Деление достаточно условное,
но это намного лучше, чем абстрактные
«золотые». В МВД их отношение равно
одному к десяти. То есть, один золотой
будет равен десяти серебряникам и со-
тне медяков. Все цены в этом допол-
нении указаны в серебряных кронах.
Каждая монета весит условно 1 грамм,
то есть, 500 монет имеют вес в 1 фунт.
Право изменять названия монет,
вводить новые, менять цены, как всег-
да, в полной власти ведущего.
Средний доход в королевстве
Для того, чтобы ведущему было
проще определять уровень дохода
персонажей (например, сумма на на-
чало приключения у героя или богатс-
тво купца), можно ориентироваться
на примерный уровень доходов, при-
ведённый в таблице. Для дохода с пе-
Распространенность зданий
Хозяйственная лавка
Таверна, постоялый двор
Лавка травника
Общественная баня
Оружейная лавка
Башня мага
Книжная лавка
Крипты под городом
Квартал чужеземцев
Великий храм
Дворец верховного правителя
Колоссальное сооружение
Число поддержки
риодом в день следует учитывать, что
работа бывает не каждый день. Что-
бы перевести дневной доход в годо-
вой, следует умножить доход за день
на 200. Примерно столько дней в году
занят типичный работник за вычетом
выходных, праздников и производс-
твенных трудностей (отсутствие мате-
риала, загруженный склад и т.д.).
В случае, когда качество выполняе-
мой работы напрямую зависит от сна-
ряжения (например, амуниции наём-
ника), стоимость услуг в день будет
равняться стоимости значимого сна-
ряжения, разделенной на 100.
Наёмник Вигго вооружен фальшио-
ном (стоимостью 1000 серебряных
монет), и большим щитом (150), а
в качестве брони использует бри-
гантину (2000) и шлем (150). Ито-
го стоимость снаряжения Вигго
составит 3300 серебряных монет,
соответственно за оплату сво-
Уровни доходов
их услуг в день он захочет как ми-
нимум 3300/100 = 33 серебряные
монеты. Кроме того, у Вигго есть
сундук с трофеями стоимостью
около 1000 серебряных монет, но
это совершенно не влияет на его
экипированность и поэтому не
Основные правила
Распространенность товара опре-
деляется показателем от 1 до 20. Более
высокое значение соответствует боль-
шей распространенности товара. Рас-
пространенность 20 означает, что то-
вар встречается повсеместно, а 1 — что
это уникальная вещь. Ведущий сам мо-
жет решить, как ему использовать эту
характеристику. Например, если ему
требуется случайным образом опре-
делить, есть ли товар, нужный герою, в
магазине, он может использовать рас-
пространенность для чека на к20.
Эта характеристика может полу-
чать штраф в зависимости от места,
где производится покупка. Приведен-
ная величина соответствует крупному
городу. В небольшом городке для всех
товаров можно установить на распро-
страненность штраф от 1 до 10, в де-
ревне — от 10 до 15. Это означает, что
некоторые товары в этих местах прос-
то невозможно купить, так как их рас-
пространенность окажется меньше 1.
В качестве альтернативного способа
можно применить метод, указанный
выше: выяснить, есть ли в данном по-
селении определенный ремесленник.
Но и в этом случае остается вероят-
ность, что можно купить подержанный
предмет у местного населения. Так что,
в спорных моментах окончательное
слово остается за ведущим.
Вес предметов приводится в ко-
лонках «Вес/Срок». Числовое значение
означает вес, если речь идет о пред-
мете — оружии, доспехах и так далее.
Вес указан в фунтах, примерно можно
считать, что 1 фунт равен 0,5 кг.
Срок обучения указан в колонке
«Вес/Срок» для услуг по обучению ге-
роя новым умениям, а также заклина-
ниям. Срок обучения указан в часах, в
расчете на героя с Интеллектом 1. Для
определения срока обучения конкрет-
ного героя приведенное значение нуж-
но разделить на величину Интеллекта
героя. Например, персонаж с Интел-
лектом 5 должен потратить на изуче-
ние «Общения» 100 часов.
Цена и умение «Торговля»
В списке товаров указана их покуп-
ная «рыночная» цена, что для игрово-
го мира является условностью, ведь
большая часть торговли ведется пу-
тем натурального обмена, товарами
же часто взимаются налоги и пошли-
ны. В случае, если герой обладает уме-
нием «Торговля», он может снизить
цены на товар при покупке. Если товар
приобретается у торговца, то макси-
мальная скидка, которой можно до-
биться использованием этого умения,
составляет 50% стоимости. Если товар
приобретается у производителя, то
максимальная скидка, которую можно
добиться, торгуясь, будет скромнее – до
25%, но и первоначальная цена будет
немного ниже, чем у торговцев. В том
случае, если приобретаются трофеи,
краденый или найденный товар, цена
может дойти до 5% первоначальной
стоимости, если это позволяет значе-
ние умения «Торговля» героя.
Оружие, доспехи,
умения, заклинания
Наиболее часто покупаемые и про-
даваемые в приключениях предме-
ты — это всё, что может понадобиться
героям в их странствиях. Также ниже
указаны расценки на обучение разно-
образным умениям и заклинаниям.
Короткий меч
Двуручный меч
Боевой топор
Конное копье
Свинцовый шарик
Название Цена Распространенность Вес/Срок
Список товаров и услуг
Короткий лук
Тяжелый арбалет
Кор. лук, композитный
Лук, композитный
Материал для закл.**
Большой щит
Кольчужный капюшон
Шлем с забралом
Кольчужные рукавицы
Латные рукавицы
Кольчужные поножи
Латные поножи
Стеганая куртка
Кожаная куртка
Клепаная кожанка
Чешуйчатый доспех
Гофрированные латы
100 х Тр.
1 х Тр.
21 – Тр.
10 х Тр.
Название Цена Распространенность Вес/Срок
Список товаров и услуг (продолжение)
Тр. — требования к значению соответствующего умения для заклинания
Исключением из этого правила можно считать компоненты, представ-
ляющие собой обыденные предметы, такие как камень или голубиное перо,
ценность которых нулевая
Азартные игры
Верховая езда
Простое оружие
Метательное оружие
Чтение следов
Название Цена Распространенность Вес/Срок
Список товаров и услуг (окончание)
Ножны для ножа
Ножны, перевязь и подвеска для меча
Перевязь воинская
(ножны - нож, меч, кинжал)
Перевязь воровская (2 ножа, отмычки)
Перевязь разбойничья
(ножны - меч, топор, кинжал)
Перевязь пиратская (подвеска для сабли)
Перевязь дворянская (меч, кинжал)
Ножны для ножа на ногу
Ножны для ножа на руку
Перевязь для 5 метательных ножей на пояс
Заплечные ножны
Парные заплечные ножны
Колчан для стрел
Колчан для болтов
Перевязь нагрудная на 2 кинжала
Пояс с 10 отделениями
Пояс пращника (5 сумочек на 10 камней)
Платье (обычное)
Плащ легкий
Плащ тканый
Название Вес Дешевка Обычная Дорогая
Одежда и продукты
Прочие товары
Одежда и продукты. Эти предметы встречаются в жизни ваших героев на
каждом шагу, и обойтись без многих из этих мелочей порой невозможно.
Одежда и продукты (продолжение)
Плащ меховой
Шапка, шляпа
Вино (кувшин)
Еда для одной трапезы
Званый обед (на одно лицо)
Зерно и конюшня для лошади (в день)
Меблированные комнаты (в месяц)
Отдельная уборная в комнате (в месяц)
Питание (в день)
Проживание на постоялом дворе
(в день/неделю)
Слабое пиво (за галлон)
Сыр (голова)
Хлеб (буханка)
Эль (за галлон)
Яйцо или свежие овощи
Бочка сидра
Бочка хорошего вина
Бочка соленой рыбы
Дрова (на день)
Кусковой сахар
Селедка (за сотню)
Специи редкие (перец, имбирь)
Специи необычные (корица)
Специи экзотические (шафран, гвоздика)
Сухой паек (на неделю)
Яйца (за сотню)
Название Вес Дешевка Обычная Дорогая
Всякая всячина. Никогда не знаешь, что может понадобиться тебе в следу-
ющий момент. Приведенный ниже список просто не способен вместить в себя
всего того, что может стать необходимым. Однако основные позиции мы поста-
рались учесть.
Блок и веревки
Бумага (1 лист)
Веревка (15 ярдов) конопляная
Веревка (15 ярдов) шелковая
Веревочная лестница (3 ярда)
Водяные часы
Воровские инструменты
Воск печатный или свечной
Духи (за пузырек)
Железный котелок
Замок хороший
Замок грубый
Зеркальце (металлическое)
Зимнее одеяло
Корзина большая
Корзина маленькая
Кошка (крюк)
Кремень и кресало
Масло (1 фляжка) фонарное
Меняльные весы
Название Вес Цена
Всякая всячина
Эти предметы мало весят сами по себе. Десять таких
предметов весят 1 фунт.
Эти предметы не имеют ощутимого веса и не счита-
ются нагрузкой.
Мешок большой
Мешок маленький
Мыло (кусок)
Палатка малая
Палатка большая
Палатка - шатер
Пергамент (1 лист)
Перстень с печаткой или личная печать
Песочные часы (на 1 час)
Подзорная труба
Поясной мешок большой
Поясной мешок маленький
Рыболовная сеть, квадрат (3 м)
Рыболовный крючок
Саквояж с замком
Священный символ
Сигнальный свисток
Скалолазный крюк
Стеклянная бутыль
Сундук большой
Сундук малый
Ткань (9 м2) обычная
Ткань (9 м2) высокого качества
Ткань (9 м2) роскошная
Точильный камень
Тубус для карт или свитков
Увеличительное стекло
Фонарь с крышкой
Фонарь «Бычий глаз»
Фонарь сигнальный
Холст (1 ярд2)
Цепь (фут) тяжелая
Цепь (фут) легкая
Чернила (пузырек)
Швейная игла
Название Вес Цена
Всякая всячина (продолжение)
Эти предметы мало весят сами по себе. Десять таких
предметов весят 1 фунт.
Эти предметы не имеют ощутимого веса и не считаются
Животные. Многие годы разумные расы приручали различные виды жив-
ности, приспосабливая их под свои нужды. Не исключено, что вашим героям
так же придется столкнуться с домашней скотиной, покупая ее, продавая или
используя каким-то иным способом.
Голубь обычный
Голубь почтовый
Лошадь упряжная
Охотничья кошка (ягуар и др.)
Певчая птица
Собака сторожевая
Собака охотничья
Собака боевая
Собака мясная
Сокол (обученный)
Упряжной. Типичная крестьянская лошадка, способна возить воз и пахать,
но не более. Совершенно не подходит для верховой езды.
Тяжеловоз. Мощная лошадь, перевозящая тяжелые грузы, в частности вои-
нов в полном доспехе. Невероятно выносливы, но крайне тихоходны.
Рысак. Обычная верховая лошадь. Отличается выносливостью, но скорость
не так высока.
Верховой. Лошадь для богатых. Отличается отличными скоростными харак-
теристиками, но значительно менее вынослива, чем рысак. Поэтому использу-
ется, кроме скачек, в качестве скоростных курьеров.
Степняк. Объединяет преимущества рысака и верхового, самая дорогая по-
рода лошадей.
Характеристики лошадей
Критические хиты
Атака (копыто)
Атака (зубы)
ПД атаки (копыто)
ПД атаки (зубы)
Ущерб (копыто)
Ущерб (зубы)
Дневной переход
½ ДП
Упряжная Тяжеловоз Рысак Верховой Степняк
1 ДП
¾ ДП
2 ДП
Дневной переход для лошадей вычисляется так же, как и для людей, одна-
ко не все породы лошадей могут полностью использовать данные им природой
возможности. Лошадь может пройти один переход плюс еще 20%, но в следу-
ющий день она пройдет на 20% меньше. Можно так же загнать коня. Тогда он
пройдет еще 20%, после чего игрок кидает к10, и если результат больше Здоро-
вья лошади, то она пала. Если чек пройден, у лошади навсегда отнимается один
пункт Здоровья. Следующие проверки идут каждые 3 мили.
Упряжь и доспехи
Кожаный доспех
Пластинчатый доспех
Подковы и подковка
Седельные сумки большие
Седельные сумки малые
Седло упаковочное
Седло верховое
Уздечка и удила
Хомут для лошадей
Хомут для волов
Броня Вес Цена
Большая галера
Каботажное судно
Каноэ малое
Каноэ боевое
Плот или малое плоскодонное судно
Экипаж обычный
Карета с отделкой
Весло обычное
Весло галерное
Колесо для повозки или телеги
Доспехи. Лошадь незаменима при дальних путешествиях. Но чтобы сделать до-
рогу более удобной и комфортной, следует также позаботиться и о соответствую-
щей упряжи и доспехах.
| textdata/thevault/Мир Великого Дракона [RU]/[OG604] цены на товары и услуги 3.2.pdf |
Prestige Classes
Volume I
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Open Game License v 1.0a ©2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document. © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors: Jonathan
Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author:
Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors:
Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Stephen
Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic. ©2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors:
Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Stephen
Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
Advanced Player’s Guide. Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason
Anger of Angels. ©2003, Sean K Reynolds.
Book of Fiends. ©2003, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors: Aaron Loeb, Erik Mona, Chris
Pramas, Robert J. Schwalb.
Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed. ©2003, Monte J. Cook.
Path of the Magi. ©2002 Citizen Games/Troll Lord Games; Authors: Mike McArtor, W.
Jason Peck, Jeff Quick, and Sean K Reynolds.
Shadow Demon from the Tome of Horrors. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author:
Scott Greene, based on original material by Neville White.
Skreyn’s Register: The Bonds of Magic. ©2002, Sean K Reynolds.
The Book of Experimental Might. © 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
The Book of Hallowed Might. ©2002, Monte J. Cook.
Tome of Horrors. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark
Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis
Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR.
Angel, Monadic Deva from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. ©2002, Necromancer Games,
Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax.
Angel, Movanic Deva from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. ©2002, Necromancer Games,
Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax.
Brownie from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author:
Scott Greene, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax.
Daemon, Ceustodaemon (Guardian Daemon) from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. ©2002,
Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by E. Gary
Daemon, Derghodaemon from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. ©2002, Necromancer
Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax.
Daemon, Hydrodaemon from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. ©2002, Necromancer Games,
Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax.
Daemon, Piscodaemon from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. ©2002, Necromancer Games,
Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax.
Froghemoth from the Tome of Horrors. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott
Greene, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax.
Ice Golem from the Tome of Horrors. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott
Iron Cobra from the Tome of Horrors. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott
Greene, based on original material by Philip Masters.
Marid from the Tome of Horrors III. © 2005, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott
Mihstu from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author:
Scott Greene, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax.
Nabasu Demon from the Tome of Horrors. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author:
Scott Greene, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax.
Necrophidius from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Simon Tillbrook.
Sandman from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author:
Scott Greene, based on original material by Roger Musson.
Scarecrow from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author:
Scott Greene, based on original material by Roger Musson.
Wood Golem from the Tome of Horrors. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott
Greene and Patrick Lawinger.
Player Paraphernalia #118 Advanced Prestige Classes, Volume I © 2017, The Knotty-
Works; Author: John Buckley, Artists: John Buckley, Christopher M. Eisert.
Always Free Royalty Free Images, Image 7 Dwarf Battle Cry © 2017, Powercell Games;
Artist: Christopher M. Eisert.
Always Free Royalty Free Images, Image 18 Knight of Honor © 2017, Powercell Games;
Artist: Christopher M. Eisert.
d20pfsrd.com. © 2010, John Reyst.
Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Inc.. See http://paizo.
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pathfinderRPG/compatibility for more information on the compatibility license. Some rights reserved.
Some artwork copyright Christopher M. Eisert, used with permission.
Player Paraphernalia #118
By The Knotty-Works
Welcome to issue one hundred and eighteen of
the Player Paraphernalia series, short supplements
designed to offer players new options for use
with the Pathfinder RolePlaying Game (©Paizo,
Inc.). While Prestige classes have gained dust
over the years, there may be times where a
character may benefit of learning additional skills
from a specialized class while meeting certain
Player Paraphernalia issues #41 through #44
presented prestige class versions of the eleven
core classes found in the Pathfinder RolePlaying
Game Core Rule BookTM. This issue introduces
four new prestige classes, covering the alchemist
and cavalier base classes found in the Advanced
Player’s GuideTM.
The Mad BoMBer
While science and magic generally do
not seem to offer a cohesive means of
coalescing into a single aspect. However,
the mad bomber has developed the means
of harnessing his own magical energies
to infuse chemical concoctions he then
throws at others for explosive results.
The mad bomber focuses on using his skills
to create powerful weapons of personal
destruction of personnel. Over time, he
learns methods of altering his bombs to
more specialized effects as well as methods
of creating multiple bombs at a time.
Mad bombers prefer to keep their distance
from any type of confrontation, relying on
their magical and technical skills to deal
with issues from afar.
Mad bombers may be of any alignment.
Hit Die
Ability Scores
Dex 12, Int 13
Craft (alchemy) 5 ranks)
Throw Anything.
Class Abilities
Cast 1st level arcane spells.
Class Skills
The mad bomber is skilled in Craft (any),
Profession, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft,
Survival, and Use Magic Device.
Skill Ranks per Level
4 + Int modifier.
Class Abilities
The mad bomber gains the following class
abilities as it progresses in level.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies
The mad bomber gains no additional
weapon or armor proficiencies.
Alchemy (Su)
At 1st level, the mad bomber becomes very
proficient when identifying and creating
alchemical substances. The mad bomber
adds his class level to any Craft (alchemy)
skill checks to identify or manufacture
alchemical items. He also may identify
potions as if using Detect Magic after he
analyzes the potion or oil for 1 round.
If the mad bomber has levels in another class
that grants bonuses to his Craft (alchemy)
skill based on level, his class levels stack in
regards to the total bonus granted to the
Craft (Alchemy) skill bonus.
Bombs (Su)
At 1st level, the mad bomber learns the
secret of mixing the right substances
together with a bit of their own magical
reserve to generate explosive results. The
mad bomber may create a number of
bombs per day equal to his class level + his
Intelligence modifier.
The mad bomber may create and throw
a bomb as a standard action that does
provoke attacks of opportunity. The bomb
has a range increment of 20 ft. and requires
a ranged touch attack and uses the Throw
Splash Weapon special attack. The
bomb causes 1d6 points of fire
damage + the mad bomber’s Intelligence
modifier. The damage from the bomb
increases by 1d6 at 2nd level, 4th level and
5th level. Anyone within 5 ft. of the attack
must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + the
mad bomber’s class level + his Intelligence
modifier) or suffer the minimum damage
caused by the mad bomber’s bomb.
The mad bomber’s bombs are considered
weapons, and feats that can be used in
conjunction with weapons may be applied,
such as Point Blank Shot and Weapon
Focus. Bombs that are not used by the end
of the mad bomber’s turn immediately
become inert and cannot be used. If the
bomb is handed to another individual, the
bomb immediately explodes and causes
damage to both the mad bomber and
the recipient of the bomb (the Reflex save
If the mad bomber has another class that
grants the ability to create and use bombs,
the damage dice do stack, though the
mad bomber’s effective class level is
treated as one less (minimum of 0 which
grants no additional damage).
Additional Spells Per Day
At 1st, 3rd, and 5th level, the mad bomber
gains new spells per day for one class in
which he has the ability to cast arcane
spells. He gains no additional benefits that
the spell casting class grants, including
learning any additional spells or spells
Beginning at 2nd level, the mad bomber
learns a discovery related to the
Mad Bomber Progression Table
Spell Per Day
Alchemy, Bombs 1d6
+1 level spellcasting class
Bombs 2d6, Discovery
Discovery, Quick Bombs
+1 level spellcasting class
Bombs 3d6, Discovery
Bombs 4d6, Discovery
+1 level spellcasting class
construction and usage of alchemical
bombs. The mad bomber must meet any
prerequisites for the discovery, and the
mad bomber may not choose the same
discovery twice unless the description
grants that option. Treat the mad bomber’s
class level as his effective alchemist level
for any discoveries that require a minimum
level. The mad bomber gains another
discovery at 3rd, 4th, and 5th level.
Explosive Bomb, Frost Bomb, Precise Bomb,
Shock Bomb, Smoke Bomb, Stink Bomb,
and Strafe Bomb.
Quick Bombs (Ex)
At 3rd level the mad bomber may produce
up to 2 bombs as part of a full attack action.
If the mad bomber’s base attack bonus
does not grant a second attack, he may
throw the bombs with both hands, incurring
the normal two-weapon fighting penalties.
When thrown with the off hand, the bomb
is considered as a light weapon and feats
that affect two-weapon fighting apply.
The MuTagen MasTer
There are some that refuse to allow their
own abilities limit them. Luckily, alchemical
chemistry has come a long way and by
successfully mixing the right substances
in the right ratios allows the enterprising
individual that isn’t afraid of taking chances
to find ways to alter their own body or even
The mutagen master specializes in creating
semi-toxic concoctions that can be deadly
for most, but frees him of the normal
restraints of his physical body.
The mutagen master does not fill a particular
niche, but his flexibility depending on his
choice of mutagen allow him to take
on the task regardless of the situation.
Whether enduring the punishment of the
environment or becoming agile enough
to avoid enemy attacks, the mutagen
master specializes in using his alchemical
concoctions to rise to the occasion.
Mutagen masters may be of any alignment.
Hit Die
Ability Scores
Int 15
Craft (alchemy) 5 ranks)
Brew Potion
Class Abilities
Cast 1st level arcane spells.
Class Skills
The mutagen master is skilled in Craft
(any), Knowledge (arcana), Perception,
Profession, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand,
Spellcraft, Survival, and Use Magic Device.
Skill Ranks per Level
4 + Int modifier.
Class Abilities
The mutagen master gains the following
class abilities as it progresses in level.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies
The mutagen master gains no additional
weapon or armor proficiencies.
Alchemy (Su)
At 1st level, the mutagen master becomes
creating alchemical substances. The
mutagen master adds his class level to any
Craft (alchemy) skill checks to identify or
manufacture alchemical items. He also
may identify potions as if using Detect
Magic after he analyzes the potion or oil
for 1 round.
If the mutagen master has levels in another
class that grants bonuses to his Craft
(alchemy) skill based on level, his class
levels stack in regards to the total bonus
granted to the Craft (Alchemy) skill bonus.
Mutagen (Su)
At 1st level, the mutagen master learns how
to create a special alchemical cocktail by
infusing his own magical reserve through
a painstaking process that takes an
hour to complete. The mutagen master
determines the effect of the mutagen
during the process. Once concocted,
the mutagen lasts indefinitely while in the
mutagen master’s possession.
While creating the mutagenic potion, the
mutagen master determines what effects
it has, increasing his Strength, Dexterity, or
Constitution , and once chosen cannot be
altered without starting all over from the
beginning. Unfortunately the mutagen saps
dulls his senses and ability to think clearly,
reducing one of his mental attributes based
on the physical score that is enhanced.
the mutagen as a standard action that
does provoke attacks of opportunity.
Once consumed, the mutagen grants
the mutagen master a +2 natural armor
bonus and a +4 enhancement bonus to
the chosen physical ability score. If the
mutagen master’s Strength is increased,
his Intelligence receives a -2 penalty. If
the mutagen master’s Dexterity score is
enhanced, his Wisdom suffers a -2 penalty.
And Constitution enhancements cause
the mutagen master’s Charisma to suffer
a -2 penalty. The duration of the
mutagen’s effects (positive and
Mutagen Master Progression Table
Spell Per Day
Alchemy, mutagen
Mental transformation,
poison resistance +2
+1 level spellcasting class
Greater mutagen, poison
resistance +4
Greater mental
transformation, poison
resistance +6
+1 level spellcasting class
Mixed mutagen, poison
negative) last for 10 minutes per level of the
mutagen master.
Only one such alchemical creation may
exist for the mutagen master at a time.
If the mutagen master creates another
one, the first batch immediately becomes
inert and will not function for the mutagen
If another consumes the mutagen, the
imbiber must make a Fortitude save (DC
10 + the mutagen master’s class level
+ his Intelligence modifier) or become
nauseated for 1 hour. If the imbiber can
create its own mutagens, if it succeeds
the saving throw, the imbiber gains the
benefits of the mutagen. If any other
mutagen is already in effect or another
one is consumed while the previous one is
active, the effects of the previous mutagen
immediately end.
Mental Transformation (Su)
At 2nd level, the mutagen master may
choose to enhance one of his non-
physical attributes (Intelligence, Wisdom, or
Charisma) while sacrificing his health and
physical well-being. Mutagens enhancing
mental ability scores are created in the same
fashion as mutagens that enhance the
mutagen master’s physical attributes and
only one mutagen (for either enhancing
physical or mental ability scores) may exist
at one time for the mutagen master.
immediately grants the mutagen master
a +2 enhancement bonus to any saving
throws involving enchantment or fear
based effects. The mutagen master also
gains a +4 enhancement bonus to either
his Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma while
suffering a -2 penalty to the associated
physical ability (Strength for Intelligence,
Dexterity for Wisdom, and Constitution
for Charisma). The effect of the mental
transformation lasts for 10 minutes per level
of the mutagen master.
Imbibing Mutagen Option
As introduced in the Advanced Player’s
GuideTM, the alchemist may only have
one active mutagen at a time and
once consumed it lasts for a definite
period of time. The alchemist may
spend another hour to create another
mutagen or possibly have another one
through the Infuse Mutagen discovery
at a pretty steep price (2 point loss in
Intelligence and a cost of 1.000 gp).
However, one option is to allow the
alchemist the ability to only imbibe
only a portion of the mutagen. In this
scenario, the alchemist would consume
half of the mutagen and gain the effects
as normal, but the duration would only
last half as long (i.e. five minutes per
level or 1 hour per 2 class levels once
the alchemist reaches 14th level and
gains the Persistent Mutagen feature).
This would allow the alchemist to split his
usage of the mutagen and grant him
the ability to face more encounters or
situations without being limiting one of
his basic class features, the mutagen.
As with any double dosing of the
mutagen, if the alchemist consumes
the second half of the mutagen while
the previous dosage is still in effect, the
previous effect immediately ends.
Lesser quantities may also be considered
with a requisite reduction in duration,
but the alchemist class as a whole has
a more fly by the seat of your pants
and follow your gut feel versus the fine
granular control that would be required
to both take the time to effectively
measure out specific dosages and
keep track of the dosage used. Thus,
half dosage provides a happy medium
that allows the alchemist some control
to use his mutagen as needed without
bogging him down with specifics.
Poison Resistance (Ex)
At 2nd level, the mutagen master’s ability to
withstand the toxic effects of his mutagen
grant him a +2 bonus on all saving throws
versus poison. This bonus increases to +4 at
3rd level, and +6 at 4th level.
At 5th level, the mutagen master becomes
completely immune to any type of poison.
Additional Spells Per Day
At 2nd and 4th level, the mad bomber gains
new spells per day for one class in which
he has the ability to cast arcane spells. He
gains no additional benefits that the spell
casting class grants, including learning any
additional spells or spells known.
Greater Mutagen (Su)
Upon reaching 3rd level, the mutagen
master ramps up his mutagen to grant the
+4 enhancement bonus to two of the three
physical attributes while suffering the -2
penalty to the requisite mental attributes.
The +2 natural armor bonus remains the
Greater Mental Transformation (Su)
At 4th level, the mutagen master learns how
to alter his mental transformation mutagen
to increase two of his mental attributes,
gaining a +4 enhancement bonus to
each while suffering a -2 penalty to the
associated physical scores. The +2 bonus
to saving throws versus enchantment and
fear based effects remains the same.
Mixed Mutagen (Su)
At 5th level, the mutagen master may
choose both a physical and mental
attribute to gain the +4 enhancement
bonus when creating his mutagen. The only
restriction on his choice of mutagen mixes
is that the abilities cannot be associated as
far as the penalties suffered. Thus, Strength
and Intelligence, Dexterity and Wisdom,
or Constitution and Charisma cannot be
combined. The requisite penalties for the
two ability scores chosen apply as well.
The mutagen master also gains
both a +2 natural armor bonus and a +2
enhancement bonus to any saving throws
involving enchantment or fear based
The KingsMan
The art of mounted combat has always
been seen as the mark of true nobility and
the sport of royalty. The kingsman takes up
the reigns to further his birthright of rule and
proof of true nobility.
The kingsman finds his true strength in his
steed, and forges a special relationship
with his mount. Such animals are typically
bred for purity and endurance, and the
kingsman understands that his steed is
not just a tool, but a trusted companion
and an extension of himself once battle
The kingsman is his strongest while sitting
upon his trusted mount and charging
headlong into battle. While many may
see him as a one trick pony with
kingsman’s hardened battle skills can
prove invaluable when dealing with larger
skirmishes, especially those involving larger
The kingsman may be of any alignment.
Hit Die
Ability Scores
Str 15, Cha 12
Knowledge (nobility) 5 ranks, Ride 5 ranks.
Mounted Combat
Class Skills
The kingsman is skilled in Craft (any),
Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Knowledge
(nobility), Profession, Ride, and Sense
Skill Ranks per Level
4 + Int modifier.
Class Abilities
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
The kingsman is proficient with simple and
martial weapons. He is also proficient with
all types of armor and shields (except tower
Challenge (Ex)
The kingsman gains the ability to challenge
a foe once per day at 1st level as a swift
action. Any melee attacks made by the
kingsman against the challenged target
deal extra damage equal to the kingman’s
class level. Challenging an individual
target prevents the kingsman from noticing
others to such a degree that he suffers a -2
penalty to his AC except for attacks made
by the individual he is focused on for the
The challenge only ends when the target is
dead, incapacitated, or the combat ends.
The kingsman also gains an additional
bonus for his challenge as determined by
his chosen order (see below).
challenge per day at 3rd level and 5th level.
If the kingsman has levels in another class
that grants the ability to challenge an
opponent, his kingsman class levels stack in
regards to the total number of challenges
he may perform in one day.
Mount (Ex)
At 1st level, the kingsman is rewarded with
a vetted mount trained in combat riding.
The mount is treated as a druid’s animal
companion, using the kingsman’s class
level as the effective druid level. Each
level gained by the kingsman increases his
effective druid level by +2, to a maximum
of 9th level when the kingsman reaches 5th
The mount is typically a heavy horse, but
small kingsmen may be granted ponies
or riding dogs. Other animals of at
Kingsman Progression Table
Challenge 1/day, mount, order
Fearless charge, order ability
Challenge 2/day, lance training +1
Peerless charge, touch of empathy
Challenge 3/day, lance training +3, order ability
least one size larger than the kingsman may
be granted with the GM’s approval and
animals associated with the kingsman’s
order or liege-lord are typically granted.
While astride his personal mount, the
kingsman suffers no armor check penalties
to any Ride skill checks. The mount is
considered combat trained and is proficient
with light and medium armor (barding).
The mount does not gain the share spells
special ability.
If the kingsman loses his trusted steed for
any reason, he may be granted another
after spending a week of mourning and
contemplation on the loss of such a
creature. However, the new mount does
not gain any of the animal companion’s
special abilities until the kingsman gains a
new level. If the kingsman is 5th level, he
may spend a week solely training
his mount to restore the mount’s special
If the kingsman has levels in another class that
grants a mount (or animal companion), he
does not gain another animal companion,
but his class levels stack with the other class
in regards to the effective druid level to
determine the animal’s abilities.
At 1st level, the kingsman must pledge
himself to a specific order of chivalry
or court. The order grants a specific
advantage to the kingsman’s challenge
ability, additional class skills, and special
abilities. However, the kingsman must
agree to live by the edicts of the order,
and failing to do so causes him to lose the
benefits of the order for 24 hours. Multiple
or prolific violations may cause the order to
castigate the kingsman.
The kingsman may only change his order
through a lengthy and rigorous process to
prove his worth to the new order. Once
accepted into a new order, the kingsman
does not gain any benefit from the order
until he attains a new level. If the kingsman
is 5th level, he gain access to the order’s
abilities after a period of one month once
accepted and performing an important
task for the new order.
The kingsman gains the first order ability at
2nd level and the second order ability at 5th
If the kingsman has an order from another
class, the order must be the same as the
previous class. If any other class taken after
attaining levels in kingsman also grants
access to an order, it too must choose
the same order. When the kingsman
has multiple classes that grant access
to the order, his levels stack in regards to
when order abilities are granted, and the
kingsman doesn’t gain the second order
ability at 5th level, but at his effective 8th
level when combining all effective classes
that grant access to the order.
Christopher M. Eisert
Fearless Charge (Ex)
At 2nd level, the kingsman gains a +4 bonus
on his melee attack roll when charging
while riding his mount. He does not suffer
any penalty to his AC after making the
charge as well.
Lance Training (Ex)
The kingsman becomes quite proficient
with using the lance and other spear
weapons beginning at 3rd level. While
wielding any weapon found in the spears
weapon group (see the fighter weapon
training class feature), the kingsman gains
a +1 bonus to his attack rolls and damage
rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level.
If the kingsman has levels in another class
that grants bonuses to weapons groups, his
class levels stack with the other classes.
Peerless Charge (Ex)
At 4th level, the kingsman’s threat range
for any weapon used during a mounted
combat is doubled (though this does not
stack with other effects that increase the
weapon’s threat range). If the mounted
charge is successful, the kingsman may
make a free bull rush or trip attempt that
does not provoke an attack of opportunity
from the target.
Touch of Empathy (Ex)
While not really any more empathetic
towards his opponents, the kingsman gains
the ability to connect to his mount and
other animals at 4th level. The kingsman
adds his class level to any handle animal
skill checks when attempting to push the
animal to perform a trick it doesn’t know as
well as any time spent training the animal
a new trick. The kingsman may attempt
to train an animal much more quickly than
normal, spending only a fraction of time (1
day per normal week) by increasing the
Handle Animal DC by +5.
The MarTial TacTician
Generals are not born, but forged in the
midst of battle. The true strength on the
field of battle is not in one’s arm, but in
one’s allies, and the martial tactician sees
that as the sublime truth that will always
lead to victory.
Such individuals understand the importance
of teamwork and both giving and following
instructions, and that an implicit hierarchy of
command is not only necessary, but crucial
in attaining victory instead of defeat.
While most would see the martial tactician
as simply a heavily armored warrior, his
allies know and appreciate the skills and
talents the martial tactician provides to the
group, and that his presence and foresight
can swing any situation into their favor.
The martial tactician always steps up to the
line when it comes to battle. His skills and
endurance provides a solid anchor point in
minor skirmishes. However, it is his ability to
grant aid to others in the form of instruction
and guidance that the martial tactician
shines. He prefers to lead by example,
motivating his allies to press onward in the
midst of chaos.
The martial tactician may be of any
Hit Die
Ability Scores
Str 12, Cha 15
Diplomacy 5 ranks, Intimidate 5 ranks
At least one combat feat.
Class Skills
The martial tactician is skilled in Craft
(any), Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge
(engineering), Profession, Sense Motive,
and Survival.
Skill Ranks per Level
4 + Int modifier.
Class Abilities
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
The martial tactician is proficient with simple
and martial weapons. He is also proficient
with all types of armor and shields (except
tower shields).
Challenge (Ex)
The martial tactician gains the ability to
challenge a foe once per day at 1st level
as a swift action. Any melee attacks
made by the martial tactician against the
challenged target deal extra damage
equal to the martial tactician’s class level.
Challenging an individual target prevents
the martial tactician from noticing others
to such a degree that he suffers a -2
penalty to his AC except for attacks made
by the individual he is focused on for the
The challenge only ends when the target
is dead, incapacitated, or the combat
ends. The martial tactician also gains
an additional bonus for his challenge
as determined by his chosen order (see
The martial tactician gains an additional
challenge per day at 3rd level and
5th level. If the martial tactician has levels
in another class that grants the ability
to challenge an opponent, his martial
tactician class levels stack in regards to
the total number of challenges he may
perform in one day.
At 1st level, the martial tactician must
pledge himself to a specific order of
chivalry or court. The order grants a specific
advantage to the martial tactician’s
challenge ability, additional class skills,
and special abilities. However, the martial
tactician must agree to live by the edicts of
the order, and failing to do so causes him
to lose the benefits of the order for 24 hours.
Multiple or prolific violations may cause the
order to castigate the martial tactician.
The martial tactician may only change
his order through a lengthy and rigorous
process to prove his worth to the new
order. Once accepted into a new order,
the martial tactician does not gain any
benefit from the order until he attains a new
level. If the martial tactician is 5th level, he
gain access to the order’s abilities after a
period of one month once accepted and
performing an important task for the new
The martial tactician does gain the first
order ability at 2nd level. He gains the order
ability normally granted at 8th level at 5th
If the martial tactician has an order from
another class, the order must be the same
as the previous class. If any other class
taken after attaining levels in martial
Martial Tactician Progression Table
Challenge 1/day, order, tactician
Banner, order ability
Challenge 2/day, greater tactician
greater banner
Challenge 3/day, order ability
tactician also grants access to an order, it
too must choose the same order. When
the martial tactician has multiple classes
that grant access to the order, his levels
stack in regards to when order abilities are
granted, and the martial tactician doesn’t
gain the second order ability at 5th level, but
at his effective 8th level when combining all
effective classes that grant access to the
Tactician (Ex)
At 1st level, the martial tactician gains a
teamwork feat as a bonus feat. He must
meet any prerequisites for the feat.
Once per day, the martial tactician may
share this feat with all allies within 30 ft. that
can see and hear him as a standard action.
Allies gain the benefits of the feat without
needing to meet the prerequisites for it for
3 rounds. The duration of the effect lasts an
additional round for each level beyond 2nd
attained by the martial tactician.
The martial tactician gains one additional
use of this ability at 3rd and 5th level, though
only one feat may be shared at a time.
If the martial tactician has levels in another
class that allows him to share a known
teamwork feat with his allies, his class levels
stack in regards to how long the benefits
of the feat remain for the allies and the
number of times per day he may use this
ability. However, in such cases he uses the
other class to determine how many times
per day the martial tactician may share a
teamwork feat.
Banner (Ex)
At 2nd level, the martial tactician may spur
his allies to action and inspire them to
greater heroics by waving his banner as a
free action. As long as an ally is within 60
ft. of the martial tactician and can see the
banner, a +2 morale bonus to saving throws
versus fear based effects and a +1 morale
bonus on melee, natural, or unarmed
attack rolls.
If the martial tactician has levels in another
class that grants the Banner ability, his levels
stack in regards to the bonuses granted to
saving throws versus fear. Attack bonuses
do not stack unless both support the same
type of attack.
Greater Tactician (Ex)
At 3rd level, the martial tactician receives
another bonus teamwork feat. He must
meet the prerequisites for the feat, but he
may share the feat with his allies as granted
with the Tactician class feature. When
granting allies the benefits of the feat, the
martial tactician only needs to use a swift
Christopher M. Eisert
Greater Banner (Ex)
The martial tactician’s banner provides
additional inspiration to allies at 4th level.
The morale bonus to saving throws versus
fear based effects increase to +4 and
the morale bonus to melee, natural, and
unarmed attacks increase to +2.
Once per day the martial tactician may
wave the banner as a standard action,
allowing allies within 60 feet to make a new
saving throw as an free action versus any
existing conditions ore effects caused by a
spell that targeted them.
If the martial tactician has another class
with a Greater Banner ability granting an
additional saving throw, he may only use
this effect once per day, granting the
effects of the most advantageous one if
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The Soulless Heart
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Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document. © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams,
based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Advanced Player’s Guide. Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn.
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan
Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2, © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn,
Adam Daigle, Graeme Davis, Crystal Frasier, Joshua J. Frost, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, James Jacobs, Steve
Kenson, Hal MacLean, Martin Mason, Rob McCreary, Erik Mona, Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, F.
Wesley Schneider, Owen K.C. Stephens, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, and Greg A. Vaughan, based on material by
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3, © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors Jesse Benner, Jason Bulmahn, Adam
Daigle, James Jacobs, Michael Kenway, Rob McCreary, Patrick Renie, Chris Sims, F. Wesley Schneider, James L.
Sutter, and Russ Taylor, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 4 © 2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner,
Savannah Broadway, Ross Byers, Adam Daigle, Tim Hitchcock, Tracy Hurley, James Jacobs, Matt James, Rob
McCreary, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Tork
Shaw, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Mythic Adventures © 2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Stephen
Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Ben Bruck, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Tracy
Hurley, Jonathan Keith, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Ryan Macklin, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber Scott, Tork Shaw, Russ
Taylor, and Ray Vallese.
Advanced Bestiary © 2004, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author: Matt Sernett.
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide © 2014, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Dennis Baker, Ross Byers, Jesse
Benner, Savannah Broadway, Jason Bulmahn, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Tracy Hurley, Jonathan H. Keith, Will
McCardell, Dale C. McCoy, Jr., Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Thomas M. Reid, Sean K Reynolds, Tork
Shaw, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim
Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C.
Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Equipment ©2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse
Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Ross Byers, Brian J. Cortijo, Ryan Costello, Mike Ferguson, Matt Goetz, Jim Groves, Tracy
Hurley, Matt James, Jonathan H. Keith, Michael Kenway, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Tork Shaw, Owen KC Stephens,
and Russ Taylor.
The Book of Experimental Might. © 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
The Book of Fiends, © 2003, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors Aaron Loeb, Erik Mona, Chris Pramas, Robert J.
The Tome of Horrors III, © 2005, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene.
Adherer from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Clark
Peterson, based on original material by Guy Shearer.
Angel, Monadic Deva from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Animal Lord from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Gary Gygax.
Ascomid from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Gary Gygax.
Atomie from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.
Axe Beak from the Tome of Horrors Complete ©2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog
God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Basidirond from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.
Carbuncle from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene, based on
original material by Albie Fiore.
Caryatid Column from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based
on original material by Jean Wells.
Cave Fisher from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Lawrence Schick.
Crystal Ooze from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.
Daemon, Derghodaemon from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Daemon, Guardian from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian McDowall.
Daemon, Hydrodaemon from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Daemon, Piscodaemon from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Dark Creeper from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Rik Shepard.
Dark Stalker from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Simon Muth.
Death Dog from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.; published and distributed by Frog
God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Underworld Oracle.
Demodand, Shaggy from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene,
based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Demodand, Slimy from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based
on original material by Gary Gygax.
Demodand, Tarry from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based
on original material by Gary Gygax.
Demon Lord, Kostchtchie from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.; published and
distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Demon Lord, Pazuzu from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.; published and distributed
by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Dire Corby from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Jeff Wyndham.
Disenchanter from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Roger Musson.
Dracolisk from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.
Dragon, Faerie from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Brian Jaeger and Gary Gygax.
Executioner’s Hood from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.; published and distributed
by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Flail Snail from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Simon Tilbrook.
Flumph from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.; published and distributed by Frog God
Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian McDowell and Douglas Naismith.
Foo Creature from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Gary Gygax.
Froghemoth from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.
Genie, Marid from the Tome of Horrors Complete ©2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog
God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Giant Slug from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.
Grippli from the Tome of Horrors Complete ©2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Huecuva from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Underworld Oracle.
Ice Golem from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene.
Iron Cobra from the Tome of Horrors Complete ©2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog
God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Philip Masters.
Jackalwere from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Gary Gygax.
Kamadan from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Nick Louth.
Kech from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.
Kobold Quarterly Issue 7, © 2008, Open Design LLC, www.koboldquarterly.com; Authors John Baichtal, Wolfgang Baur,
Ross Byers, Matthew Cicci, John Flemming, Jeremy Jones, Derek Kagemann, Phillip Larwood, Richard Pett, and Stan!
Lurker Above from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.; published and distributed by Frog
God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Marid from the Tome of Horrors III, © 2005, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene.
Mite from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Ian Livingstone and Mark Barnes.
Nabasu Demon from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.
Rot Grub from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene and Clark
Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Russet Mold from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.
Shadow Demon from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Neville White.
Tome of Horrors. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin
Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on
original content from TSR.
Trapper from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.; published and distributed by Frog God
Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Vegepygmy from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.
Wolf-In-Sheep’s-Clothing from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene,
based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Wood Golem from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Patrick
Yellow Musk Creeper from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Albie Fiore.
Yellow Musk Zombie from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Albie Fiore.
Yeti from the Tome of Horrors Complete ©2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Player Paraphernalia #72 The Soulless Heart (Hybrid Class) ©2016, The Knotty-Works; Author: John Buckley
d20pfsrd.com. Copyright 2010, John Reyst.
Player Paraphernalia #72
By The Knotty-Works
Welcome to issue seventy-two of the Player
Paraphernalia series, short supplements designed to
offer players new options for use with the Pathfinder
RolePlaying Game (©Paizo, Inc.). This issue provides
the corollary anti-hero version of last issue’s class,
the Soulless Heart. While good prevails, evil’s hunger
grows and must be sated. Suggested by Derek
Blakely through our Facebook page.
The Soulless Heart
Evil must forever fight against the
overwhelming tide of good. Soulless hearts
understand that the purpose of life is to
subjugate those weaker than themselves, that
everyone about them are little more than
chattel to enrich their own desires. But the
realization is that others will not simply bend
down before the soulless heart, not unless
brought to their knees through violence and
terror, and it is in these measures that the
soulless heart excels.
Through secret and disturbing rituals, the
soulless heart binds himself to spirits whose
desires mirror his own. Promising dark powers
and protections, this binding allows the
soulless heart to willingly and recklessly take
the battle against good to those that would
keep the soulless heart from achieving his own
insatiable desires.
Role The soulless heart has one role, to do
the bidding of his spirit while gratifying his
own desires while depriving the desires of
others, regardless of who they are or what
they represent.
Alignment: The soulless heart must be of evil
Hit Die: d10
Starting Gold: 5d6 X 10 gp (average 175
gp) and one outfit worth 10 gp or less.
Parent Classes: Antipaladin and Fighter
Class Skills
Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha),
Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha),
Knowledge (religion), Profession (Wis), Ride
(Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex),
Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str)
Skills per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The
soulless heart is proficient with simple and
martial weapons. He is proficient with light,
medium, and heavy armor and all shields
(including the tower shield).
Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Inc.. See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG
for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Inc. does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product.
Open Gaming License Copyright © 2007 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved, Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC,
and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are
used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See http://paizo.com/ pathfinderRPG/compatibility for more information on the
compatibility license. Some rights reserved.
Aura of Evil (Ex): The soulless heart’s aura of
evil is equal to his class level.
Detect Good (Sp): The soulless heart hones
his senses to a nearly preternatural level of
awareness when it comes to good. At 1st
level, the soulless heart may cast Detect
Good as a spell-like ability as a move
action. He can sense any good object or
individual within 60 feet as if studying it for 3
rounds. The soulless heart may only focus on
one object or individual at a time and will
be oblivious to any other good entities until
he switches his focus.
Warrior Born (Ex): The soulless heart gains
a bonus combat feat at 1st level. He must
meet any prerequisites for the feat, but he
is considered a fighter for any class specific
requirements (both for the chosen bonus
feat and other feats chosen as the soulless
heart advances in level).
Spirit Guide (Ex): The soulless heart chooses
a spirit guide at 2nd level. The spirit guide
grants the soulless heart a +1 bonus to the
saving throw associated with the spirit. At
6th level and every four levels thereafter this
bonus increases by +1.
At 8th and 16th level, the soulless heart also
gains a special vindictive granted by his
chosen spirit, listed below.
In addition, each spirit has its own code
of conduct. If the soulless heart defies the
spirit’s code of conduct, it may revoke the
connection with the soulless heart. Once
a spirit revokes its connection, the soulless
heart loses the bonus to the saving throw,
his touch of divinity, and any powers
associated with divine grace he has
Spirit of Cruelty: The soulless heart
embodies the brutal spirit of cruelty driven
by vehemence loathing of others to see
them driven before him. This spirit grants the
soulless heart a bonus to his Will saves.
Soulless Heart Progression Table
Base Attack
Aura of evil, detect good, warrior born
Spirit guide +1, touch of depravity
Vile vindictive
Armor training
Vile vindictive
Spirit guide +2, weapon training
Vile vindictive
Armor training, spirit vindictive
Vile vindictive
Spirit guide +3, weapon training
Vile vindictive
Armor training
Vile vindictive
Spirit guide +4, weapon training
Vile vindictive
Armor training, spirit vindictive
Vile vindictive
Spirit guide +5, weapon training
Vile vindictive
Stone Cold Heart
Brutal Barbarity (Ex): At 8th level, the
soulless heart may rage (as the barbarian’s
class feature) once a day for a total
number of consecutive rounds equal to his
class level. Initiating and ending the
rage is a free action, and the soulless heart
gains a +4 morale bonus to his Strength
and Constitution, a +2 morale bonus to
his Will saves, while suffering a -2 penalty
to his armor class while raging. Once the
soulless heart’s rage expires, he is fatigued
for a number of rounds equal to twice the
number of rounds spent in the rage.
Merciless Blade (Su): At 16th level, the
soulless heart may spend one of his daily
uses of the touch of depravity as a swift
action to gain the benefits of either the
Deadly or Cruel special weapon abilities.
The limitation of the Deadly special ability
applies to the weapon used for this
vindictive (i.e. nonlethal).
This ability may be added to any single
weapon and lasts until the soulless heart
rests and renews his daily uses of the touch
of depravity. If the soulless heart drops
or hands off the weapon to another, the
Deadly or Cruel ability becomes inert,
though it returns when back in the hands of
the soulless heart.
If the soulless heart attempts to grant this
vindictive to a second weapon while
actively employing it on a previous weapon,
the special ability immediately ends on the
first weapon. The soulless heart may not
grant both special abilities on the same
weapon at the same time.
Code of Conduct: The spirit of cruelty
requires the soulless heart to show no mercy
to anyone that stands in his way. Anyone
that attempts to stand in his way is to be
dealt with swiftly and as brutally as possible
as an example of those that would dare to
question the soulless heart’s intentions or
Spirit of Corruption: The soulless heart
embodies the need and desire to twist the
good intentions of others for his own selfish
and sinful desires . This spirit grants the
soulless heart a bonus to his Reflex saves.
Feign Innocence (Ex): At 8th level, the
soulless heart opens up his defenses to his
enemy in an attempt to bluff an opponent
into lowering guard as an immediate
action. The soulless heart may lower his own
armor class by a factor equal to ½ his class
level until the beginning of his next turn.
The soulless heart may then make a
bluff check as a swift action against one
opponent. If successful, the opponent
suffers a penalty to its armor class equal to
the penalty suffered by the soulless heart
from the soulless heart’s attacks until the
beginning of the soulless heart’s next turn. If
the opponent is the target of his smite good,
the soulless heart may add ½ his class level
to the bluff skill check.
Touch of Confusion (Su): At 16th level,
the soulless heart may spend one of his daily
uses of the touch of depravity to gain the
ability to make a single melee touch attack
as a standard action, causing the opponent
to become confused for a number of rounds
equal to ½ the soulless heart’s class level.
Code of Conduct: The spirit of
corruption not only requires the soulless
heart lie, cheat, and steal, but to trick others
into doing the same. The soulless heart
cannot show any deference to those that
may suffer from his actions, regardless of
who they may be.
Spirit of Oblivion: The soulless heart
embodies the spirit of oblivion, seeking to
bring forth the apocalypse of the world
about him. This spirit grants the soulless
heart a bonus to his Fortitude saves.
Void Strike (Ex): At 8th level, the soulless
heart may choose to cause bleed damage
from a successful critical strike. Upon
confirming a critical threat, the soulless heart
may cause bleed damage equal to ¼ his
class level in addition to normal damage
caused by the attack. The damage from
the attack is not multiplied by the critical
strike, but the soulless heart instead causes
normal damage and bleed damage from
the strike. If the creature is immune to
critical hits or bleed damage, this vindictive
has no effect.
Foreboding Doom (Su): At 16th level,
the soulless heart may spend one of his daily
uses of the touch of depravity as a swift
action to gain the benefits of the Viscous
special weapon ability.
This ability may be added to any single
weapon and lasts until the soulless heart
rests and renews his daily uses of the touch
of depravity. If the soulless heart drops
or hands off the weapon to another, the
Vicious ability becomes inert, though it
returns when back in the hands of the
soulless heart.
If the soulless heart attempts to grant this
vindictive to a second weapon while
actively employing it on a previous weapon,
the special ability immediately ends on the
first weapon.
Code of Conduct: The spirit of oblivion
requires the soulless heart to use any means
necessary to bring down the powers
of good. Above this, the soulless heart
must devote himself to the eventual total
destruction en masse of societies, species,
or even worlds.
Touch of Depravity (Su): At 2nd level, the
soulless heart forges a connection with the
powers of evil and spite provided by his spirit
guide. This connection grants the soulless
heart a limited number of uses to perform
actions of villainous proportions. Each day,
the soulless heart may perform the following
abilities a total number of times equal to
½ his class level plus his Charisma modifier.
Many of the vile vindictive abilities may
require the soulless heart to expend a use
of his touch of depravity or may modify the
abilities granted by the depraved touch.
Touch of Corruption: The soulless heart
may inflict vicious wounds by touch as a
standard action. He causes a total of 1d6
points of damage for every two class levels
he possesses. When used as an attack, the
soulless heart must make a successful melee
touch attack.
Smite Good: The soulless heart can
designate a target within 60 feet as his
nemesis as a swift action. If the target is
good or has the good subtype, he adds his
Charisma modifier to his attack roll and his
class level to the damage caused. He also
gains a +2 deflection bonus to his AC from
attacks originating from his nemesis.
The smite remains in effect until the soulless
heart or the target of the smite is rendered
helpless, unconscious, or dead, or if the
soulless heart chooses to focus the smite
good on another opponent, or the soulless
heart rests and he regains full number of
touch of depravity.
Vile Vindictive: Beginning at 3rd level, the
soulless heart may choose from abilities
granted by his spirit guide to enhance his
martial skills and fiendishly inspired powers.
An individual vindictive may only be chosen
once, unless otherwise specified within
the description of the vindictive. Other
requirements may also be listed including
the minimum class levels or pre-existing
chosen vindictives.
The soulless heart may choose another vile
vindictive at 5th level and every odd level
Aura of Desperation (Su): The soulless
heart is immune to fear and he exudes an
aura that causes all enemies within 10 feet a
-4 penalty for any saving throws versus fear-
based effects. Creatures normally immune
to fear, lose their immunity while within 10
feet of the soulless heart. If the soulless heart
is rendered unconscious or dead, the aura
immediately ends.
Destitute Heart (Su): The soulless heart
must be at least 9th level before he may
choose this vile vindictive. The soulless
heart is immune to charm spells and spell-
like abilities. His chilling presence causes all
enemies within 10 feet a -4 penalty on any
saving throws versus charm based effects. If
the soulless heart is rendered unconscious or
dead, the aura immediately ends.
Energy Inversion (Su): The soulless
heart may spend two of his daily uses of
his touch of depravity to channel negative
energy as a cleric. Using this vindictive
is a standard action, treating the soulless
heart’s class level as his effective cleric
level to determine the amount of damage
healed to undead creatures or the amount
of damage caused to living creatures.
The soulless heart must choose whether
the energy will be used to heal undead or
damage living creatures when initiating this
This vindictive allows the soulless heart to
choose feats that modify or enhance the
channeling ability.
Enhanced Smite (Su): When attacking
an good outsider, good-aligned dragon or
good-aligned undead, the soulless heart
doubles the damage done based on his
class level for the first attack upon initiating
the smite. The soulless heart’s attacks
bypass any damage reduction possessed
by the chosen nemesis (regardless of type).
Major Malevolence (Su): The soulless
heart must have the Malevolence vindictive
and be at least 13th level before he may
choose this vile vindictive. When the
soulless heart uses his touch of depravity
to damage an opponent with his touch
of corruption, he may impart either the
blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or stunned
condition as well. The victim is allowed a
Fortitude saving throw with a DC of 10 + ½
the soulless heart’s class level + his Charisma
modifier to avoid the condition. Victims
blinded or deafened by the touch are
affected for 1 round per class level of the
soulless heart. Victims paralyzed or stunned
by the touch are affected for 1 round per
four class levels of the soulless heart. Those
that successfully make their saving throw, still
suffer damage from the touch of corruption.
Maleficence (Su): The soulless heart
must have the Minor Maleficence vindictive
and be at least 11th level before he may
choose this vile vindictive. When the soulless
heart uses his touch of depravity to damage
others with this touch of corruption, he may
also attempt to curse or poison the victim as
well. The effect of the curse is identical to
the Bestow Curse spell while the poisonous
effect is identical to the Poison spell, treating
the soulless heart’s class level as his effective
caster level. Cursed victims are allowed a
Will save while poisoned victims are allowed
a Fortitude save, the DC for each is 10 + ½
the soulless heart’s class level + his Charisma
modifier. Those that successfully make their
saving throw, still suffer damage from the
touch of corruption.
Malevolence (Su): The soulless heart
must have the Minor Malevolence vindictive
and be at least 9th level before he may
choose this vile vindictive. When the soulless
heart uses his touch of depravity to damage
an opponent with this touch of corruption,
he may cause either the exhausted,
frightened, or nauseated condition as well.
The victim is allowed a Fortitude saving
throw with a DC of 10 + ½ the soulless
heart’s class level + his Charisma modifier.
The condition lasts for 1 round per two class
levels possessed by the soulless heart. Those
that successfully make their saving throw, still
suffer damage from the touch of corruption.
Minor Maleficence (Su): The soulless
heart must be at least 7th level before he
may choose this vile vindictive. When the
soulless heart uses his touch of depravity to
damage an opponent with his touch of
corruption ability, he may cause either the
dazed or staggered condition for 1 round,
or infect the victims with a disease as the
spell Contagion. Victims are allowed a
Fortitude saving throw with a DC equal to
10 + ½ the soulless heart’s class level + his
Charisma modifier. The soulless heart treats
his class level as his effective level in regards
to determine the strength of the disease.
Those that successfully make their saving
throw, still suffer damage from the touch of
Minor Malevolence (Su): When the
soulless heart uses his touch of depravity
to damage an opponent with his touch of
corruption, he may impart one additional
condition as well. He may cause the victim
to become fatigued, shaken, or sickened for
1 round per soulless heart class level unless
the victim makes a successful Fortitude
saving throw. The DC for the Fortitude Save
is equal to 10 + ½ the soulless heart’s class
level + his Charisma modifier. Those that
successfully make their saving throw, still
suffer damage from the touch of corruption.
Plague Bringer (Su): The soulless
heart is immune to all diseases (magical,
mundane, and supernatural). However,
he may become infected with diseases
and spread them to others he comes into
Poisonous Touch (Su): The soulless
heart must have the Plague Bringer
vindictive and be at least 9th level before
he may take this vile vindictive. The soulless
heart is immune to poisons both natural
and magical in nature. However, if he is
poisoned, the soulless heart gains the ability
to spread the poison used against him by
touch for the duration of the onset and
frequency of the poison.
Profane Defense (Ex): The soulless
heart must be at least 15th level before he
may take this vile vindictive. The soulless
hearts gains DR 5/good. When facing his
nemesis of his smite good, the soulless heart
gains DR 10/good from attacks made by his
selected target.
Spirit Clad (Su): The soulless heart may
call upon his spirit to infuse his armor. Using
this vile vindictive expends one use of the
soulless heart’s touch of depravity, requires
a standard action, and lasts for a number
of minutes equal to the soulless heart’s class
The spirit grants a +1 enhancement bonus
to the soulless heart’s armor for every three
class levels possessed by the soulless heart,
though the maximum actual enhancement
bonus is +5. This ability may be used in
conjunction with a magical armor, though
the maximum +5 bonus applies.
The soulless heart may alter the initial
infusion so that some of the enhancement
bonuses may be used to grant one or more
special abilities to the armor, including
Dastard, Deathless, Energy Resistance,
Fortification (light or moderate), Ghost
Touch, and Stanching. At 18th level, the
soulless heart may grant his armor the
Unrighteous special ability by sacrificing
5 points from her enhancement bonus
granted by this vile vindictive.
If the armor already has the same special
ability, multiple applications have no further
effect. These abilities cannot be changed
once infused, but the soulless heart may
choose whichever abilities he wishes each
time he infuses his armor.
If the armor is removed, the enhancements
of the infused spirit immediately become
inert. If the soulless heart dons the armor
again before the duration of the effect ends,
the enhancements automatically return.
If the armor is destroyed, the soulless heart
may not use this vile vindictive for 30 days or
until he gains a new level.
Spirit Embodied (Su): The soulless
heart must be at least 5th level before he
may choose this vile vindictive. He gains
a fiendish cohort when choosing this vile
Soulless Heart Fiendish Cohort Table
Min. Soulless
Heart Level
Cohort Type
Demon, Dretch (Bestiary
or Devil, Imp (Bestiary
Demon, Schir (Bestiary 3
TM) or
Devil, Bearded (Bestiary
Demon, Babau (Bestiary
TM) or
Devil, Host (Bestiary 4
Demon, Nabasu (Bestiary
TM) or
Devil, Erinyes (Bestiary
vindictive. Lawful evil soulless hearts gain a
devil cohort while chaotic evil soulless hearts
gain a demon. Neutral evil soulless hearts
may choose between the two outsider
types. Once chosen, the soulless heart may
not change his cohort until he attains a level
where a greater cohort may be summoned
(see Soulless Heart Fiendish Cohort table).
The cohort is a full-fledged outsider of the
appropriate subtype with the standard
statistics and powers of its kind other than
any spell-like ability or special ability that
allows it to summon others of its subtype.
Cohorts may not call forth other demons or
The soulless heart may expend one of his
daily uses of the touch of depravity to
magically call his cohort to his side as a full-
round action as long as they are both on
the same plane of existence. Summoning
the cohort is equivalent to a spell equal to
1/3 the soulless heart’s class level.
If the soulless heart’s cohort is slain or
permanently lost, he may not summon
another one for 30 days or until he gains a
new class level.
Spirit Meld (Su): The soulless heart
may call upon his spirit to infuse within his
weapon. Using this vile vindictive expends
one use of the soulless heart’s touch of
depravity, requires a standard action, and
lasts for a number of minutes equal to the
soulless heart’s class level. While infused, the
weapon sheds light as a torch (equivalent
to a magical light spell of a level equal to ¼
the soulless heart’s class level).
The spirit grants a +1 enhancement bonus
to the chosen weapon for every three
class levels possessed by the soulless heart,
though the maximum actual enhancement
bonus is +5. This ability may be used in
conjunction with a magical weapon,
though the maximum +5 bonus applies.
The soulless heart may alter the initial
infusion so that some of the enhancement
bonuses may be used to grant one or more
special abilities to the weapon, including
Corrosive, Corrosive Burst, Cruel, Furyborn,
Keen, Ominous, Speed, Unholy, Vicious,
Vorpal, and Wounding. If the weapon
already has the same special ability,
multiple applications have no further effect.
These abilities cannot be changed once
infused, but the soulless heart may choose
whichever abilities he wishes each time he
infuses his weapon.
If the weapon is dropped or handed to
another, the enhancements of the infused
spirit immediately become inert If the
soulless heart takes up the weapon again
before the duration of the effect ends, the
enhancements automatically return.
If applied to a double weapon, the
enhancement bonus applies to both ends,
but special abilities must be designated for
each end.
If the weapon is destroyed, the soulless
heart may not use this vile vindictive for 30
days or until he gains a new level.
Spiteful Reprisal (Su): The soulless
heart must be at least 13th level before he
may choose this vile vindictive. The soulless
heart’s weapon in hand is treated as evil-
aligned for the purpose of overcoming
damage reduction. Allies within 10 feet of
the soulless heart also treat their weapons
as evil-aligned for purposes of overcoming
damage reduction. If the soulless heart is
rendered unconscious or dead, the aligned
effect immediately ends.
Void of Soul (Su): The soulless heart
must be at least 13th level before he may
choose this vile vindictive. The soulless heart
is immune to compulsion spells and spell-
like abilities. His cold presence causes all
enemies within 10 feet a -2 penalty on all
saving throws. This penalty does not stack
with any other aura effects of the soulless
heart (the highest penalty is applied based
on the circumstance). If the soulless heart
is rendered unconscious or dead, the aura
immediately ends.
Warrior’s Call (Ex): The soulless heart
gains a combat feat as a bonus feat. He
must meet any prerequisites for the feat
before he may select it. The soulless heart
may choose this vile vindictive more than
once, choosing a different feat each time.
Armor Training (Ex): Beginning at 4th level,
the soulless heart learns how to adjust his
armor to more effectively wear it while
working and taking on the forces of good.
Whenever he is wearing armor, the soulless
heart reduces his armor check penalty
by 1 (minimum of 0) while increasing the
Dexterity bonus by 1.
The armor check penalty and Dexterity
bonus both increase by +1 at 8th level and
every four levels thereafter (to a maximum
of 4 at 16th level).
The soulless heart may move at his normal
speed at 8th level. He may move at his
normal speed while wearing heavy armor at
16th level.
Weapon Training (Ex): Beginning at 6th level,
the soulless heart’s martial prowess with
specific weapons increases tenfold. The
soulless hearts selects on weapons group
(see the Fighter’s Weapon Training class
feature in the Pathfinder RPG Core Rule
TM) and gains a +1 bonus on all attack
and damage rolls when using any weapon
from the group chosen.
At 10th level and every four levels thereafter,
the soulless heart may choose another
weapons group to gain the +1 bonus.
Previous weapon groups chosen also
increase by +1 each time a new weapons
group is chosen. If a weapon is listed in more
than one group chosen by the soulless heart,
he only applies the bonus from the group
with the highest bonus (they do not stack).
The bonus is also applicable when using the
weapon to perform a combat maneuver.
If the weapon is the target of a disarm or
sunder maneuver, the soulless heart adds
the bonus to his CMD.
Stone Cold Heart (Su): At 20th level, the
soulless heart attains the pinnacle of his
power. When he successfully smites an
good outsider targeted by his smite good,
the outsider is subject to the effects of
the Banishment spell, using his class level
as the effective caster level (his weapon
is counted as an object that the subject
hates). If the banishment is successful, the
smite good automatically ends.
In addition, the soulless heart designates
one weapon as his signature weapon and
grants it a name. The weapon is treated as
a magic weapon even if it is not normally
magical for the purpose of overcoming
damage reduction. If the soulless heart has
the Spirit Meld vile vindictive, he gains an
additional +1 enhancement bonus above
those granted by the vindictive.
And finally, he may choose one vile
vindictive that normally consumes a daily
use of his touch of depravity. The soulless
heart may use the vile vindictive without
consuming any of his touch of depravity
uses for the day.
New Feats
The following two feats are unique to the
soulless heart.
Extra Vile Vindictive
You are blessed with another gift in your
crusade against good.
Prerequisites: Divine grace class feature
Benefits: You may choose an additional
divine grace as long as you meet the
requirements for it.
Special: You may choose this feat multiple
times, choosing a different Vile Vindictive
each time.
Extra Touch of Depravity
Your spirit has seen your conviction and
granted you additional power to battle the
forces of good.
Prerequisites: Touch of Depravity class
Benefits: You gain two additional uses of
your Touch of Depravity powers daily.
Special: You may choose this feat multiple
times, gaining two additional uses each
Other Knotty Works
Pathfinder compatible
If you enjoyed this product, please check out these other
Pathfinder supplements produced by the Knotty Works.
Each of the Spell Works Compendiums offer
over fifty new and unique spells. Advancing
with Class supplements offer new abilities for
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Barrows & Wights
Dungeoneers Guide
by Z. S. Edwardson
A bare-bones RPG in the classic 1970s style
Barrows & Wights
Dungeoneers Guide
Written and edited by Z. S. Edwardson
Art credits
Cover: Mohammed Agbaldi
David Lewis Johnson: 15, 17, 20, 22
Joyce Maureira: Page 6
Luigi Castellani: Page 6, 8, 9, 10, 25
Miguel Santos: Page 11, 14, 18, 23, 24
Nate Furman: Page 22
Unknown: 12, 13
Barrows & Wights
Dungeoneers Guide
Version 01
By Z.S. Edwardson
In your hands (or on your screen) is a game of imagination. Role playing grew from the wargaming
hobby in the 1970s and soon exploded as a major form of entertainment. Burrows & Wights goal is to
produce a version of those classic role playing games that is as simple as possible for online and over
the board play. Boiling it down to the very basics and allow the referee and players to add whatever
house rules they need to give the flavor they wish. This is not, was never intended to be a direct clone
of any of those great systems.
The Dungeoneers Guide provides the rules for play of level 1-14. In addition, there are three additional
publications that make up Barrows and Wights. First is the Adventuring Guide which provides the
basic bare bone rules for play of level 1-5. Second is the Referee Guide, intended to help Referees in
their tasks. Last is the Barrows Guide, which provides optional material for the game.
What is a Role playing game? Role Playing game provide a structure for group imagination. You can
play the heroic defeating dragons and feared undead like wights. You can play the moody drifter who
comes into town to set things right, or you can play an anti-hero or even a simple tomb robber who
wants nothing more then gain untold wealth. The limit is your imagination.
In Burrows and Wights there is a few key things to remember. One person will be the Referee, who
will provide the adventure background and help adjudicate when combat or other events happen.
Then you have the players, who will control player characters (PCs) who will go though the adventure
and solve the issues presented, and hopefully return with wealth beyond measure. While interacting
with Non-player characters (NPCs) run by the Referee. Over time, as treasure is collected and
monsters are defeated, the PCs will gain additional power to be able to solve more difficult challenges.
A number of dice is used in Burrows & Wights. Most will know of the normal six sided die (d6). In
addition, 4 sided (d4), eight sided (d8), 10 sided (d10), 12 sided (d12), and 20 sided (d20) dice are
used. Sometimes there will be abbreviations such as 3d6, This is asking that you roll 3 six sided dice.
There are also some key concepts that players and referees must understand. The first concept is that
this is to have fun. The 2nd concept is that it is expected that the Referee of your game will have
additional rules (called house rules) based on the game needs. This is a key part of the charm of the
game that Role Playing Games are just as much art as a science.
However, as a player remember a few rules and you will have fun.
1. The Referee is always right.
2. Each character has a role.
3. Bringing friends (henchmen), is almost always a good option.
4. A good game session will include humor, action, tension, and adventure in equal parts.
5. Sometimes your character will die. This is a risk of adventure. The good news is that due to the
simplicity of the rules, you can have a new character in five to ten minutes rejoining the action. There
is also no shame in a PC buying a tavern and retiring.
The basic attributes are numbers representing the Strength(STR), Dexterity(DEX), Intelligence(INT),
Wisdom(WIS), Constitution(CON), and Charisma(CHA) of a character. Normally this is generated by
rolling 3d6 for each attribute in the above order. Players can then decide what type of character it will
be. Unlike more modern role playing games, the Attributes do not have as a direct impact on players
ability so the player has a lot of freedom to decide which type of character they wish to play.
Attribute Modifiers
Barrows & Wights does not give a wide range of attribute modifiers to characters. The following chart
is used to determine the modifiers.
Attribute Roll
Table 1: Attribute Modifiers
Strength represents how strong the character is. It is used in general checks that require brute force,
and the attribute modifies attack and damage of melee weapons.
Dexterity represents how quick and sure footed the character is. It is used in general checks that
require speed or quickness, and the attribute modifies attack and damage of ranged weapons like bows.
Intelligence represents how book smart the character is. It is used in general checks that require quick
thinking, and the attribute modifies the character armor class (AC), and helps determine what spells a
wizard can use.
Wisdom represents how good the judgment and insight the character has. It is used in general checks
that require judgment and self control, and the attribute modifies saving throws (ST) and what spells a
cleric can cast.
Constitution represents how healthy the character is. It is used in general checks on health, and the
attribute modifies the number of hit points per hit die (HD) you can have.
Charisma represents how good looking and personable the character is. It is used in general checks
that interaction with others, and the attribute modifies the number of henchmen the player may have.
Saving Throw(ST)
Saving throws are rolls on a d20 to avoid a fate such as being poisoned or taking the full brunt of a
dragon breath.
Hit Points(HP)
Hit points represent how much damage and injury a character can have before dying. As a character
takes damage in combat, his or her hit points will be reduced. If hit points goes under zero, the
character dies! If at zero, the character passes out. (Note: some referees will have a house rule on this,
so please check with your referee)
Experience Points (XP)
Experience Points are points given out by obtaining treasure, killing monsters, and general role playing
in the game. A guideline is one XP point per gold piece of treasure collected, plus 20 XP per HD of
creatures defeated, plus any bonus the referee wishes to give. However it is up to the referee on how
many XP will be granted.
In game, the overall forces of the nature and the god(s) is represented by three alignments, Law, Chaos,
and Neutrality. In general (but not always), law is viewed as “Good”, Chaos as “Evil”, and Neutrality
as being indifferent. However referees may use an alignment structure that modifies, or completely
replaces this system.
Experience Bonus
Many classes have an Experience Bonus if some conditions are met. This allows characters to gain
additional XP so that they can level faster. For example, if Rusk the fighter has a 10% XP bonus, and
the referee gives everyone 1000 XP for the session, Rusk will gain 1100 XP for the session.
Retirement of Characters
At some point, you may have characters that reach their maximum level. There is no set rule on what
happens at this point. A character might retire to a castle, may seek to be an immortal, or the referee
might make additional levels for the character to advance.
Character Classes
A Class is the archetype or role that each character plays in the overall adventuring party. In Barrows
& Wights there are seven classes. These include four human classes (Cleric, Fighter, Magic User, and
Thief), and three non-human (or Demi-human) classes of Dwarf, Elf, and Halfling. If the referee so
decides, additional classes can be created to allow more specific roles.
Each class has it own strong points and weak points. A fighter can deal, (and take) more damage then
other classes. However fighters are not able to use any type of magic. A magic user is unarmored and
cannot take much damage, but can unleash arcane power to great effect. There is no bad classes, and
each will be able to help the party explore, gain treasure, and hopefully return to town with gold and
tales to tell at the tavern table.
Clerics are holy men and woman dedicated to the worship of a god, alignment, or religion. Due to their
spells being of a healing nature, many times clerics are the key support class. However their fighting
ability is such that they can stand in the front lines if need be. Clerics are restricted to blunt weapons
and the only ranged weapons allowed are oil and stones. They start with 1d6 Hit Points, and start with
a saving throw of 15. They gain clerical spells as per the chart. Clerics have the ability to Turn
Undead (See combat). If a cleric Wisdom(WIS) score is above 15, they gain a 10% XP bonus.
Hit dice
Saving throw
2x1 1x2
2x1 2x2
2x1 2x2 1x3
3x1 2x2 2x3
4x1 2x2 2x3
4x1 3x2 2x3
4x1 4x2 3x3
2x4 1x5
5x1 4x2 3x3
2x4 2x5
6x1 4x2 4x3
3x4 2x5
6x1 4x2 4x3
4x4 2x5
6x1 4x2 4x3
4x4 2x5 1x6
Fighters are the front line troops of most adventuring parties, they have no restrictions on armor or
weapons, and start with 1d8 hit points. They start with a saving throw of 14. Fighters gain a 10% XP
bonus for being a fighter, and if their Strength(STR) is higher then 15, they gain a 20% XP bonus.
Fighters are unable to use spells of any kind.
Hit Dice
Saving Throw
Magic User:
Magic users are the feared casters of arcane magic. They are unable to use any armor, and weapons are
limited to daggers and staffs. They also only start with 1d4 hit points. If a magic user has
intelligence(INT) above 15, then they receive an experience bonus of 10% They start with a saving
throw of 15.
Hit dice
Saving throw
2x1 1x2
3x1 2x2
3x1 2x2 1x3
4x1 2x2 2x3
4x1 3x2 2x3
4x1 3x2 2x3
4x1 4x2 3x3
2x4 1x5
4x1 4x2 3x3
2x4 2x5
4x1 4x2 3x3
3x4 2x5 1x6
4x1 4x2 4x3
4x4 2x5 2s6
5x1 5x2 4x3
4x4 2x5 2x6
5x1 5x2 4x3
4x4 2x5 2x6
The thief is a quick foot who not only is able to pick pockets and steal goods, but can find and disarm
traps, climb walls, be very silent, and hide in the dark places of the world. They are limited to leather
armor without shields, and cannot use any long or two handed melee weapons. They start with 1d6 hit
points, and have a saving throw starting at 16. If the thief Dexterity is above 15, he or she gains an
experience bonus of 10%.
Hit Dice
Saving Throw
In addition, thieves gain thieving skills per level. Climbing Walls, Pick-pocketing (which also
disarms traps), hiding in shadows, open locks, and moving silently. This is determined by rolling a
d20, higher the better.
Open locks
The dwarves are an underground people who live in great cities. Due to their underground nature, they
can detect slopes, rises, and slight turns in underground passages. In addition they have Infravision.
They are stout fighters and able to support the front line as they are peers with fighters in fighting
ability. They can use any armor or weapon. They are limited in that armor has to be made especially
for their size (10% extra cost), cannot ride horses by themselves (can ride ponies or ride behind a rider).
They obtain no XP bonus. They are limited to Level 12. Dwarves must have a Constitution(CON) of
9. They start with 1d8 hit points. Saving throws start at 15.
Hit Dice
Saving Throw
While thin and fay, elves are not to be trifled with. Combining the abilities of fighters and magic users.
While not having the same arcane power as Magic Users, or the pure toughness of fighters, they
gracefully blend the two. They have Infravision and are immune to Ghoul paralysis. They can use
any weapon or armor, and do gain the abililty to cast magic user spells. However they gain levels at a
slower pace then most. If an elf has a charisma of greater then 15 then they gain an experience bonus
of 10%. They have a maximum level limit of 10. Their saving throw starts at 15, and start with 1d6 hit
Hit dice
Saving throw
2x1 1x2
3x1 2x2
3x1 2x2 1x3
4x1 2x2 2x3
4x1 2x2 2x3
4x1 3x2 2x3
4x1 3x2 3x3
2x4 1x5
Small creatures of surprising abilities, Halfings normally reside in peaceful rural settlements staying
away from the poltics and issues of “Big folks”. However when they exit their dales and shires, they
end up being natural fighters and can deal with many issues that thieves can (they prefer the term
burglar). They can use any armor (but must be made for halflings or human children, cost 10% extra
to make) and any small weapon. They cannot use longswords, longbows, crossbows, or any two
handed weapon. If outdoors they have the ability to hide on a 1-3 on a d6. In addition, they gain thief
skills at 2 level below their current level (so a 4th level halfling can use the 2nd level thief skills. All
missile rolls are +1. If their constitution is above 15, they get a 10% bonus in XP. Max level is 8.
Hit Dice
Saving Throw
Generally most items are sold in gold pieces(GP). The gold piece is a golden coin which has gold
alloyed with lesser metals, and is the main coin of society. In addition to the gold piece there is other
coins, which have the following values.
Copper Pieces (CP) are the least valuable coin, and 10 CP make one silver piece.
Silver Pieces (SP) are the next value coin, and 10 SP make one gold piece.
A Platinum Piece (PP) is worth five GP.
Referees may include other coins, one of the most common being Electrum pieces, which are
worth five silver pieces, or ½ a gold piece.
New characters start with 3d6x10 GP to equip a character. Treasure may be found in all sorts of coins,
but merchants want gold pieces, and the local money changer will gladly exchange your coins for local
gold pieces for a 10% fee.
Cost (GP)
Backpack (300 coin capacity)
Case (scroll/map)
Flint and Steel
Grappling Hook
Holy Symbol (wood)
Holy Symbol (Silver)
Holy Water
Lantern (Hooded)
Lantern Oil
Mirror (small steel)
Pole 10’
Rations regular (Day)
Rations, Iron (Day)
Rope (Hemp) 50 foot
Rope (Silk) 50 foot
Sack (300 coin capacity)
Sack (600 coin capacity)
Spellbook (Blank 100 pages)
Spikes (iron)
Torches (6)
Saddle bag
Galley (Large)
Galley (Small)
Horse, draft
Horse, riding
Horse, warhorse
Ship (sailing)
Battle Ax*
Hand Ax**
Short Sword
Long Sword
Bastard Sword
1d6/2d4 (if two handed)
Morning Star
Two handed sword*
*Two handed weapon
** can be used as a melee or Ranged weapon
Arrows (20)
Bolts (20)
Hand Ax
Crossbow (heavy)
Crossbow (light)
Silver arrow/bolt
Stones (20)
Pouch (stones)
Note: Bows shoot twice in around. Light crossbow shoots 1 time a round. Heavy crossbow shoots
every other round.
AC adjustment
Leather Armor
Chain Mail
Plate Mail
Calculating AC
Base armor class is 9, and goes down as it improves. Those with high intelligence (15-18) subtract an
additional point. Thus a PC with chain mail, a shield, and high intelligence would have a AC of 3. (-4
from the chain mail, - 1 from the shield, and -1 from high intelligence.
As the party explores the wilderness or dungeons, on occasion they will meet up with foes. Combat is
not always the answer, but is always an option. Sometimes it might be best to talk to them, or to sneak
away. Sometimes you will run away like the proverbial Monty Python knights from the holy grail.
And sometimes, you just want to put your ax in the enemy.
Combat has three stages:
rolling for surprise
rolling for initiative
carrying out combat.
If the referee deems that surprise check is needed, roll a 1d6. On a 1 you are surprised. Referee is
allowed to alter that roll if the other side is quiet or set an ambush. Sometimes you will surprise the
enemy. It is also possible (and quite humorous) when BOTH side are surprised.
If one side is surprised, the other side gets a free round of action. If both are surprised, they stare at
each other for a round.
All players roll a 1d10. This is the order of combat from lowest to highest. Anyone using a two
handed weapon (both melee or ranged) goes at the end of the combat round. If tied, they are
simultaneous. All henchmen go on a single roll, and all monsters do, unless the referee deems one a
“hero” monster who gets an independent roll. Once combat initiative is set, it is not altered.
Carrying out combat:
At each player turn (as determined by initiative) the player decides what they wish to do. Some of the
common actions are
Striking a foe with a weapon
Casting a spell
Using a magical item like a potion
Switching a weapon
changing position for an advantage
This is no way a complete list.
To hit and roll for damage:
To hit:
To hit is calculated by each character Hit Zero score by the following.
(H0) - (armor class of target) + adjustments
For example – if a fighter has a H0 of 15, and the target AC is 5, then the fighter will hit on a 10 or
A 1 on a d20 is always a miss. A 20 is always a hit.
Note: Men at arms and unclassed humans have a H0 of 20.
Roll for damage based on the weapon. The Referee will tell you of any adjustments needed.
A natural 20 always does max damage.
Spells and Combat:
Spell-casters can cast spells in combat. At the start of the combat round, the player will announce that
they will cast a spell. The spell will go off at their initiative.
For example: If Tomas the Mage wants to cast a spell magic missile, he will say at the start of the
round that he is casting magic missile.
To cast a spell, a spell caster must be able to speak and not have his or her hands bound. In addition,
the spell caster must not have been hit or otherwise disturbed in that combat round. If a spell caster is
disturbed while casting the spell, the spell fails and is lost without it being cast. Needless to say,
making sure enemy spell casters are hit each round (and keeping your spell casters from being hit) is a
key tactic in combat.
Spells cast from devices (such as wands, rods, and staffs) cannot be cast by a spell caster that has been
hit, but will not be wasted. Scrolls however will be wasted if disturbed.
Turning Undead:
Clerics can use a holy symbol to attempt to turn the undead that are visible and within 100 feet. The
player rolls 2d6 and references this chart.
Demons and
Number – roll higher to turn creatures
T – 2d6 HD of creatures are turned
D – 2d6 HD of creatures crumble to dust
If a turn undead is successful, the referee will roll
2d6 to determine how many hit dice of undead
are turned. At least one undead will be turned,
even if it exceeds the HD rolled to turn. Once a
turn attempt on a creature has been made, the
cleric cannot attempt to turn that creature again
in that session.
Encumbrance and movement:
Base Speed is in 5 slots
160/120/90/60/30 feet per turn.
Unencumbered Characters go 160 feet per turn.
Dwarves and Halfings move down one slot.
Leather armor drops you one slot
Chain Mail drops you 2 slots.
Plate mail drops you 3 slots.
In addition
Speed doubles if you are in an area that does
not need mapping.
Speed triples if you are running.
Having more then 600 coin worth of
treasure will drop you a slot.
Maximum treasure weight is 1800 coin, if
the back and both arms are used.
Hirelings are highly recommended. Characters
with a Charisma of 15+ can have 3 hirelings.
Character with Charisma under 7 can have 1
hireling. All other characters can have 2 hirelings.
Most hirelings will start as level zero men at arms.
They will ask for 1/2 of a share of the treasure.
They are normally armed with a weapon, leather or
chain armor, and sometimes a shield. After earning
500 xp, or defeating a monster or doing a great deed
the referee may raise the hireling to a 1st level
character. Eventually once they reach 1st level they
will ask for a full share.
You can hire hirelings to also carry stuff and not
fight, they will ask for ¼ of a share.
Quick rules:
Fall damage is 1d6 per 10 foot of falling.
Most characters have a 1 in six (1 on a d6)
chance of finding secret doors. Thieves and
Dwarves find them in a 2 in six (1-2 on a
d6) chance.
If a starting Magic User cannot afford a 100
page blank spell-book, smaller spell books
can be found.
Spells are the stuff of magic. By the gods, or deep research in things that ought not be known, the spell
caster learns how to channel arcane (magic users, elves), or divine (cleric) energies for their bidding.
Clerics cannot cast arcane magic, and magic users and elves cannot cast clerical spells. (Note: referee
is always right).
Most clerics can only do 5th level spells, clerics with a WIS of 15+ can do 6th level spells once they gain
the needed level. Clerics with a WIS of below 7 can only do 4th level spells.
Most Magic users can only do 6th level spells. Magic Users with a INT of 15+ can do 7th level spells
once they gain needed levels. Magic Users with a INT of under 7 can only do 5th level spells..
Gaining spells:
Clerical spells come from the gods, and thus they need just pray for them at rest and they will gain the
spells as per allowed by their level.
Magic Users and Elves rest and memorize spells from spell books.
Obtaining Spells (Magic Users and Elves):
Magic Users and elves can copy a spell found on a scroll or spell book into their own spell books,
which will use up the spell in that spell book or scroll. Spells unable to be cast can be inscribed into a
spell book. Memorizing a spell from a spell book does not use up the spell. It takes 1 blank page per
spell level to inscribe a spell into a spell book. Magic users and Elves can inscribe a spell from
memory into a spell book but will need to rememorize the spell.
Spells must be cast from a device (such as a wand), from memory, or from a scroll.
Magic scrolls can be read by Magic Users and Elves
Clerical scrolls can be read by Clerics
Both types of scrolls can be read by thieves of level 10 or greater.
There is no rule that prohibits a magic user or elf creating a backup spellbook.
Spell Lists: The referee can add any spell that he or she so desires into the game. The following is a
basic spell list. Please note that magic is a mysterious thing and your referee will have more exact
wording on what each spell does. The Barrows Guide includes optional quick descriptions if the
referee does not have access to one of the many spell descriptions that have been produced.
Clerical Spells:
1st level spells
1. Cure Light Wounds* 2. Detect Evil 3. Detect Magic 4. Light*
5. Protection from Evil 6. Purify Food and Water 7. Remove Fear* 8. Resist Cold
2nd level spells
1. Bless* 2. Find Traps 3. Know Alignment 4. Hold Person
5. Resist Fire 6. Silence 15' radius 7. Snake Charm 8. Speak with Animal
3rd level spells
1. Continual Light* 2. Cure Disease* 3. Growth of Animals
4. Locate Object 5. Remove Curse* 6. Striking
4th level spells
1. Create Water 2. Cure Serious Wounds * 3. Neutralize Poison
4. Protection/Evil 10' radius 5. Speak with Plants 6. Sticks to Snakes
5th level spells
1. Commune 2. Create Food 3. Dispel Evil
4. Insect Plague 5. Quest* 6. Raise Dead*
6th level spells
1. Animate Objects 2. Create Undead* 3. Find the Path 4. Heal* 5. Word of Recall
Magic User and Elf Spells:
1st level spells
1. Charm Person 2. Detect Magic 3. Floating Disc 4. Hold Portal 5. Light* 6. Magic Missile
7. Protection from Evil 8. Read Languages 9. Read Magic 10. Shield 11. Sleep 12. Ventriloquism
2nd level spells
1. Continual Light * 2. Detect Evil 3. Detect Invisible 4. ESP 5. Invisibility 6. Knock
7. Levitate 8. Locate Object 9. Mirror Image 10. Phantasmal Force 11. Web 12. Wizard Lock
3rd level spells
1. Clairvoyance 2. Dispel Magic 3. Fire Ball 4. Fly 5. Haste 6. Hold Person
7. Infravision 8. Invisibility 10'radius 9. Lightning Bolt 10. Protection/Evil 10' radius 11.
Protection/Normal Missiles 12. Water Breathing
4th level spells
1. Charm Monster 2. Confusion 3. Dimension Door 4. Growth of Plants 5. Hallucinatory Terrain 6.
Massmorph 7. Polymorph Others 8. Polymorph Self 9. Remove Curse * 10. Wall of Fire 11. Wall of Ice
12. Wizard Eye
5th level spells
1. Animate Dead 2. Cloudkill 3. Conjure Elemental 4. Contact Higher Plane 5. Feeblemind 6. Hold
Monster 7. Magic Jar 8. Pass-Wall 9. Telekinesis 10. Teleport 11. Transmute Rock to Mud * 12. Wall of
6th level spells
1. Anti-Magic Shell 2. Control Weather 3. Death Spell 4. Disintegrate 5. Geas* 6. Invisible Stalker
7. Lower Water 8. Move Earth 9. Part Water 10. Projected Image 11. Reincarnation 12. Stone to Flesh*
7th level spells
1. Banishment 2. Finger of Death 3. Hold Person, Mass 4. Phase door 5. Plane Shift 6. Prismatic Spray
7. Projected Image 8. Spell Turning
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13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to
cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination
of this License.
14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed
only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
Authors Jonathon Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast,Inc.;
Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman,
Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and
Dave Arneson.
Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle, David Noonan, Stan!, Christopher
Perkins, Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams,
Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
| textdata/thevault/Barrows & Wights/Barrows & Wights Dungeoneers Guide (final).pdf |
Reason for Zombies
top of skull
both eyes (-5 “to hit”)
one eye (-2 “to hit”)
ear + eye (same side of face; -2 “to hit”)
head (-8 “to hit”)
leg (move:5)
both legs (move:2)
* 1-in-3 chance zombies are infectious; save vs. poison or become zombie in 1d3 hours unless cured (magically)
** zomies will be clothed/armed and carrying treasure as indicative of their former lives
* e.g., former military leaders that might have been turned
into zombies along with their subordinate soldiers
10s Digit: Condition
1-10 missing
11-20 hanging
21-30 slashed/shredded
1s Digit: Part of Body
Roll on d30
+1 3HD zombie
+2 3HD zombies
+3 3HD zombies
+2 3HD zombies, +1 4HD zombie
+3 3HD zombies, +1 4HD zombie
Addt’l High-Level Zombies*
Number of Zombies
died naturally,
but cursed before death
to rise after death
as zombies
died naturally, but
cursed by burial location
to rise after death
as zombies
died naturally, but
animated after death
to rise as zombies
sacrificed self
(of own free will)
to die and rise
after death as zombies
with goal of turning
dead into zombies
infected by
zombie-creating disease;
victims did not die
before becoming undead*
extended family cursed by different family as result of disagreement/feud
military unit/tribal warriors cursed by enemy
party of adventurers & henchmen cursed by adversary
religious sect cursed by evil cleric
victims of epidemic disease (e.g., the plague); 1-in-3 chance=still infectious
evil warriors buried in unholy location known to create zombies
group interred in standard graveyard/cemetary prone to such events
military unit that died in battle and was buried near battlefield in bad place
religious cult members buried in known place of pure evil
royal + servants in tomb which desecrated location when it was built
graveyard/cemetary inhabitants: paupers & peasants
graveyard/cemetary inhabitants: freemen (e.g., merchants, traders, farmers)
graveyard/cemetary inhabitants: nobles/royals + servants
graveyard/cemetary inhabitants: mixed (e.g., peasants & freemen)
military unit/tribal warriors that died in battle
cult members who commited ritual suicide
dishonored soldiers/warriors who committed ritual suicide
extended family who committed ritual suicide at insane patriarch’s behest
peasants & paupers (paid in gold for sacrifice, left as inheritance for family)
slaves (paid in gold for sacrifice, used to buy family’s freedom)
extended family living on farm
members of specific organization; roll 1d2 [1=public/open; 2=secret society]
residents of small village
virtuous/good fighters/warriors
virtuous/good clerics/priests
extended family who died when zombies invaded their homestead
guards/patrol members who died fighting zombies
village/town/city residents who died during zombie attack
religious pilgrims who died when their group was attacked by zombies
servants/slaves on estate who died when when home was overrun by zombies
“d30 Zombie Encounters”: © 2014, New Big Dragon Games Unlimited
d30 Zombie Encounters
| textdata/thevault/System neutral/Tables & Charts/Encounters/Horror/AtoZ-d30-ZombieEncounters.pdf |
Nom ..............................................................................
Occupation .....................................................................
Profession .......................................................................
Personnalité ....................................................................
Santé Mentale
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09
08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 MORT
Blessures: .....................................................................
Protection: ................. Seuil de Blessure: ..............
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
FOU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94
95 96 97 98 99
Bureaucratie (10%)
…. %
Culture artistique ° (10%)
…. %
…. %
Langue maternelle° (Edu x5%)
…. %
Langues° (00%)
…. %
…. %
…. %
Mythe de Cthulhu (00%)
…. %
Sciences de la terre° (00%)
…. %
…. %
…. %
Sciences de la vie° (00%)
…. %
…. %
…. %
Sciences formelles° (00%)
…. %
…. %
…. %
Sciences humaines° (00%)
…. %
…. %
…. %
Sciences occultes (05%)
…. %
…. %
Bricolage (20%)
…. %
Criminalistique (00%) …. %
Hypnose (05%)
…. %
Médecine (05%)
…. %
Métier ° (05%)
…. %
…. %
…. %
…. %
Photographie (10%)
…. %
Pratique artistique ° (05%)
…. %
…. %
…. %
Premiers soins (30%)
…. %
Psychanalyse (00%)
…. %
Survie (00%)
…. %
…. %
Bibliothèque (25%)
…. %
Discrétion (10%)
…. %
Dissimulation (15%)
…. %
Ecouter (25%)
…. %
Orientation (10%)
…. %
Pister (10%)
…. %
Psychologie (05%)
…. %
Se cacher (10%)
…. %
Trouver Objet Caché (25%)
…. %
Vigilance (25%)
…. %
…. %
Baratin (05%)
…. %
Contacts & Ressources (10%)
…. %
Crédit (15%)
…. %
Imposture (00%)
…. %
Interroger (10%)
…. %
Jeu ° (10%)
…. %
Négociation (05%)
…. %
Perspicacité (Int x 2%) …. %
Persuasion (15%)
…. %
Savoir-vivre (Edu x 2%)
…. %
…. %
Armes à feu° (20%)
…. %
…. %
Armes blanches° (20%)
…. %
…. %
Armes exotiques° (00%)
…. %
Artillerie° (15%)
…. %
Athlétisme (15%)
…. %
Conduite° (20%)
…. %
…. %
Coprs à corps ° (Dex x 2%)
…. %
…. %
Equitation (05%)
…. %
Navigation (00%)
…. %
Piloter ° (00%)
…. %
Impact ……..
Pieds : 1D6 Poings: 1D3 Tête : 1D4
Niveau de vie ………………. …….. %
Cercles d’infl uence:
Proche…………………… Opposés……………………
Eloignés…………………. Ennemi……………………
Aplomb: .......
Ouvrages Occultes
Carnet de notes
Histoire personnelle
.................................... ............. ...................
el 2
el 2
el 2
el 2
l 2
el 2
el 2
el 22
el 2
el 22
el 2
elel 2
e 2012
0 2
| textdata/thevault/Collections/Jeu de Role Trove/LAppel de Cthulhu/Divers/Aides de Jeu/AdC - Fiches de Perso/AdC - Fiche de Perso classique.pdf |
The Staff of 13 Woes
A Weird Magic Item
Version 1.2; written by Kai Pütz
(c) 2020
Legal & other stuff
Created by:
Kai Pütz; (c) 2020
My blog:
My other titles:
at drivethrurpg.com
by Image Portfolio © Louis Porter, Jr. Design; used with permission.
© 2015 Dean Spencer, used with permission. All rights reserved.
The Staff of 13 Woes is the third in a line of Pay-What-You-Want titles that started
with The Day of Manifest Misfortune and continued with Dread 13. All of them
have been released for and at a Friday the 13th.
...I am really not sure how long I am going to continue with this. After all, at some point I will
end up with no neat ideas for a Friday like that.
Anyway, this time I have still been able to shake another one out of my sleeve: a
weird magic item, with 13 useful powers that all come with a chance for an
unfortunate side effect.
A long staff, made from dark wood with a shaft
about an inch in diameter. The lower tip is
encased in a flat copper cap, at the upper one
sticks the skull of a young ram.
It may be identified as a magic item through the
regular means (of the given game world, e.g. the
Identify spell) that holds thirteen different spells,
that may each be cast once at 6th level, by tapping
the ground with the copper cap of the staff three
times in quick succession and willing the spell
effect to manifest.
Those versed in lore or legends may know tales of
a warlock of old that created and wielded that
staff, and may be aware of some of its effects, and
perhaps even have hints about some of the
methods of recharging it (see below). Storytellers
may be sought out for tales (and thereby,
fragments of the lore).
The standard procedures will not reveal that each spell
may have a detrimental side effect on the one invoking
it (unless avoided with a Save vs. Devices).
The Thirteen Powers of the Staff
Animate Dead: as per the Magic-User spell, but
each corpse or skeleton that is to be reanimated
must be touched with the ram skull on top off the
If the character invoking the effect fails the Save,
the created Undead will turn against their
“master” after 2d6+1 rounds.
Command; as per the Cleric spell, but targets
with levels/HD over 5 or an Intelligence over 12
only need to Save vs. Devices (not against Magic).
If the character that invokes the effect fails the
Save, she will fall under the effect of a Charm in
regard to the 13th previously unknown person he
or she talks to from now on.
Cause Critical Wounds; a per the reverse of the
Cleric spell Cure Serious Wounds, but the target of
the spell must be touched with the staff within 13
rounds after the invocation. Otherwise, the effect
just fades.
If the character that invokes the effect fails the
Save, the 13th wound she receives from now on
will have its damage doubled.
Dispel Magic; as per the Magic-User spell.
If the character that invokes the effect fails the
Save, she may no longer invoke any of the
powers of the Staff of 13 Woes.
Reduce; as per the reverse of the Magic-User
Enlarge spell, but the target of the spell must be
touched with the staff within 13 rounds after
the invocation. Otherwise, the effect just fades.
If the character that invokes the effect fails the
Save, she will be Enlarged to thrice the own size
after 13 turns, for 13 turns.
Extension; as per the Magic-User spell.
If the character that invokes the effect fails the
Save, she will immediately age by 13 years after
2d6+1 rounds.
Faithful Hound; as per the Magic-User spell.
If the character that invokes the effect fails the
Save, she will be attacked by 2d6+1 suddenly
appearing wild wolfhounds after 2d6+1 turns.
These wolfhounds are 6th level Phantasmal
Forces, as per the same Magic-User spell.
Forbiddance; as per the Magic-User spell. This
is the only effect of the Staff that has no chance
for a negative side effect.
Hold Monster; as per the Magic-User spell.
If the character that invokes the effect fails the
Save, she will come under the effect of a 6th
level Hold Person after 2d6+1 turns.
Interposing Hand; as per the Magic-User spell.
If the character that invokes the effect fails the
Save, she comes under the effect of a Ray of
Enfeeblement after 2d6+1 turns.
Lucubration; as per the Magic-User spell.
If the character that invokes the effect fails the
Save, she forgets a random spell (and must learn
it anew).
Protection*, 10´ Radius; as per the Cleric spell.
The character may decide if it is a Protection
against Evil or a Protection against Lawful.
If the character that invokes the effect fails the
Save, she must re-roll all successful saving throws
once for the next 13 days.
Silence, 15´ Radius; as per the Cleric spell.
If the character that invokes the effect fails the
Save, she will lose the ability to speak or make any
other sound with the own voice for 13 days.
Why is it the Staff of Woes?
Each and every power of the staff may be
recharged with a special, ritualized action.
Animate Dead: a character must use the staff in
the desecration of 13 graves and must use the
staff to smash the skull of each of the dead found
in the grave. All of this must happen in one night
of the new moon.
Command; a character must force a total of
thirteen clerics to kneel down before him and lick
the end of the staff before she knocks them over
the head with the tip. All of this must happen
within one month.
Cause Critical Wounds; a character must
forcefully press the end of the staff into the open
wound of thirteen different wounded men, each
of which must thereafter life for at least another
thirteen days.
Dispel Magic; a character must force a total of
thirteen Magic-Users to kneel down before her
and lick the end of the staff before she knocks
them over the head with the tip. All of this must
happen within one month.
Reduce; a character must smash thirteen
shrunken heads with the tip of the staff. This
must be done within one month.
Extension; a character must have thirteen
different characters willingly sacrifice a year of
their life to the staff (by touching the tip with
the palm of the left hand, and claiming loudly
to do so). She may bribe or pay them, trick or
fool them, but must not force them.
Faithful Hound; a character must sacrifice a
child no older than 13 years by throwing it into
a pit of hungry dogs, and must have each of the
dogs lick the ram skull afterwards.
Forbiddance; a character with the staff must
destroy a being brought forth by the
Summoning spell. The being must not be under
a Magic-User´s control.
Hold Monster; a character must use the staff
to beat a monster to death that is bound in
chains. It must be a monster, not a mere
mundane beast.
Interposing Hand; a character that carries the
staff must have thirteen different people
prostrate themselves before her, all at the
same time. They must not do this willingly.
Lucubration; this effect will replenish itself
after all other effects have been restored.
Protection*, 10´ Radius; a character must use
the staff to desecrate 13 altars (good or evil).
Silence, 15´ Radius; a character that keeps the
staff must not speak for thirteen days. At the
start of dawn of the coming day, she must
press a raw, freshly removed human tongue to
the ground with the tip of the staff, till noon.
Gregorius21778 includes (but is not limited to) : The artist name
“Gregoriu21778”, the product layout, graphics, its presentation and
wording; with the exceptions of game mechanics, methods, procedures,
processes and routines designated as Open Game Content by (or Product
Identity of) Wizards of the Coast(tm), Goblinoid Games(tm) and
Lamentations of the Flame Princess(tm) and texts/graphics from the
public domain.. All product names and line names, logos, identifying
marks and trade dress, are Product Identity.
NO CHALLENGE TO COPYRIGHT: Gregorius21778 makes no claim of
ownership to Mutant Future(tm); Labyrinth Lord(tm); Lamentations of
the Flame Princess(tm) or other Product Identity of Goblinoid
Games(tm), Wizards of the Coast(tm), Lamentations of the Flame
Princess(tm), other third parties or OPEN GAME CONTENT. No challenge
DESIGNATION OF OPEN GAME CONTENT: to the extent, and only to the
extent, required by Open Game License Version 1.0a (Copyright 2000
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.) and the Labyrinth Lord(tm) Trademark
License 1.1 and the Mutant Future(tm) Trademark License 1.1, content
not designated as Product Identity above is considered Open Game
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is
Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights
1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark
owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative
Material" means copyrighted material including derivative works and
translations (including into other computer languages), potation,
modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement,
compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be
recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce,
license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or
otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the game mechanic
and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the
extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an
enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly
identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any
work covered by this License, including translations and derivative
works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e)
"Product Identity" means product and product line names, logos and
identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters;
stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents,
language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats,
poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or
audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells,
enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special
abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical
or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs;
and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as
Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which
specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the
logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor
to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to
the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using"
means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and
otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or
"Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that
contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be
Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to
any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or
subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No
other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content
distributed using this License.
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate
Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this
License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free,
non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open
Game Content.
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing
original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your
Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights
to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE
portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE
of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and
You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder's
name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity,
including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed
in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of
that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-
adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction
with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in
another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or
Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game
Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product
Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content
shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly
indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open
Game Content.
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish
updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of
this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content
originally distributed under any version of this License.
10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with
every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open
Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written
permission from the Contributor to do so.
12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the
terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content
due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may
not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to
comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of
becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the
termination of this License.
14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be
unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
| textdata/thevault/Lamentations of the Flame Princess/LotFP Supplemental/The Staff of 13 Woes (LotFP).pdf |
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| textdata/thevault/Living Greyhawk/Modules/County of Urnst/592/Normal Scenarios/URC2-04 - Nimars' Secret (APL 4-8)/URC2-04 - Nimar's Secret cert.pdf |
Home - 17
Involuntary Encounter - 83
(1-3) Yes
Involuntary Table (83)
Job - 94
(3 – 4)
Confrontation -86
Burglary – 17
(4-6) No
Area - 62
Arrest (84)
Chillin’ (85)
Confrontation (86)
Robbery (93)
Gaming House (89)
Raid (92)
Travel Encounter - 83
PEF & Law Level - 62
Voluntary Encounter - 82
(1) Yes
( 2–6) No
Resolve PEFs - 105
Third Encounter?
Go to Flow
Chart #2
PEF & Law Level - 62
Contact - 105
Return to Arrive
on Flow Chart #1
NPC How Many - 79
Who Are They/NPC Lists - 106
Opposed Challenge 112
What Circle - 13
Resolve and note
Last PEF?
Go to Target Building - 51
Defining Moment
Resolve PEF
Opposed Challenge 112
Resolve and note then leave
building and Area
| textdata/thevault/Two Hour Wargames (THW)/5150/New Beginnings/5150 New Beginnings - Urban Renewal Flow Chart.pdf |
One Bling to Rule
Them All
Scaling Magic Items
Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo
Publishing, LLC. See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product.
One Bling to Rule Them All ‐ Scaling Magic Items
Interjection Games
Table of Contents
How the System Works
How the System Fits
Scalar Abilities
Level 1 Abilities
Level 5 Abilities
Level 10 Abilities
Level 15 Abilities
Level 20 Abilities
One Bling to Rule Them All ‐ Scaling Magic Items
Interjection Games
Magic items are weird. Though the simplest of magic
weapons are priced beyond the means of most wellto
artisans who drive the engine of the mundane economy,
those who can afford magic items run into what is
subsistence economy of the game world. Weapons and
equipment are to be used until something better is found
in a tomb somewhere, the old equipment subsequently
dumped on some merchant in a small village whose yearly
corn exports down the river net less gold than this single
item is worth. Certainly, it's just a game and realism
needs to fall by the wayside to allow systems to be fun,
but, as with all systems that present opportunities for
creative expression through worldbuilding, those creating
the world should have plenty of options at their disposal.
After all, though the seams are unavoidable, it is a gamer's
privilege to have the ability to put those seams between
systems exactly where he wants them.
One Bling to Rule Them All Scaling Magic Items
introduces scalars, a new kind of magic item that levels as
its wearer does. Though compatible with all campaigns
with a reduction of the wealth by level curve, scalars lend
themselves readily to highpowered games that rely on
epic scale for their feel. Given the scaling nature of the
abilities present on a scalar, they tend to feel less like
magic items and more like extensions of a character's
basic concept or class.
How the System Works
Attunement, Detection, and "Hacking"
Throughout a campaign utilizing the content of One Bling
to Rule Them All Scaling Magic Items are a number of
strange and unusual items known as scalars. The design
philosophy of scalars focuses on the potential of its wearer
rather than the potential of its creator, thus allowing the
item to increase in power as its wearer does. As such,
most scalars tend to feel quite unlike the magic items that
adventurers are used to; indeed, a scalar typically ends up
feeling more like an extension of the adventurer's own
capabilities than just another piece of gear.
connection between the item and the wearer it has taken
on as its master. This is made much easier if the scalar is
in constant physical contact with that master. To reflect
this, though scalars come in various shapes and sizes,
they all take up a body slot. Scalar weapons, scalar
shields, and slotless scalars simply cannot exist.
Though scalars detect as magical just like any other magic
item, their alien design philosophy results in some fairly
interesting behavior when put under the scrutiny of detect
magic, analyze dweomer, and similar spells. First and
foremost, since scalars are designed to adapt to whoever
they take on as a master, they detect as being of all
schools of magic at once. Further, due to their design
being focused on the wearer's potential rather than the
creator's power, the caster level of a scalar is equal to the
hit dice of its master, max CL 20. This, in turn, influences
the strength of its magical aura. A scalar without a master
has a caster level of 1st and detects as a faint aura.
Analyze dweomer and identify can properly determine
whether or not a magic item is a scalar, reporting back
whether or not it has a master. If the scalar does have a
master, it also reports all of the scalar's abilities and how
many ranks, ranks being what the master invests in his
scalar to customize it, are invested in each of those
Scalars take on a single master in a process known as
attunement, and stubbornly maintain this allegiance even
when separated from that master for a fairly extended
period of time. An attuned scalar will refuse to take on a
new master until a period of one month has passed since
its master touched it last. Note this simply has to be a
touch. The merest brush of the master's fingers is enough
to sustain its loyalty. While separated from the master, an
investment, as well as its caster level based on the
master's hit dice.
A DC 20 + the scalar's caster level Use Magic Device check
can fool the scalar into believing that somebody who isn't
the master is, in fact, the master, granting that individual
access to all of the scalar's abilities. Scalars tend to be very
familiar with their masters. To reflect this, an individual
who is using a scalar to which he is not attuned must
continue to make Use Magic Device checks every hour to
continue tricking the scalar. The DC of this Use Magic
Device check increases by a cumulative +1 every hour and
only resets back to its base value after not being used for
24 hours. This cumulative increase to the Use Magic
Device DC applies to all individuals who try to trick the
scalar and is not specific to each user. For example, a
scalar with a caster level of 10th has a Use Magic Device
DC of 30. If somebody tricks the scalar for 3 hours, then
passes it to one of his allies, the ally must make a DC 33
Use Magic Device check to continue tricking the scalar.
On a failed Use Magic Device check, the scalar realizes its
current user is not the master, panics, and shuts down for
24 hours, refusing to respond to anyone, even the
legitimate master, who it currently views with suspicion
and more than a little anger.
Attuning a scalar to a new master is a fairly simple
enterprise once that scalar has given up on its previous
master. To qualify, an individual must be sentient,
meaning he must possess an Intelligence score of 3 or
higher, and he must not already be attuned to another
scalar. Scalars are built with rudimentary sentience of
their own, jealousy being one of their most developed
emotions. If a scalar senses that the individual is linked to
another scalar, it refuses to attune because it doesn't want
to share. Amusingly, scalars are totally incapable of
detecting their own attunement link. This is a feature; the
link is so powerful that it would effectively "blind" the
scalar to its master's presence even if the master were
wearing it, leading to a sad and lonely magic item that
eventually gives up and breaks attunement. It is this
workaround in the scalar's design that individuals exploit
when masquerading as the master using Use Magic
Device checks.
One Bling to Rule Them All ‐ Scaling Magic Items
Interjection Games
To claim an unattuned scalar, all an individual need do is
put the scalar on and keep it on nonstop for a period of
one week. Taking the scalar off or taking Intelligence
damage until the prospective master no longer counts as
sentient interrupts the process, forcing it to start all over.
During this time, the scalar, a clingy little creeper like the
whole lot of them, gets to know the individual that put it
on. Scalars do not have any senses in the classical sense;
when a scalar gets to know somebody, it looks straight to
the soul, learning that individual's hopes and dreams,
how that individual acts in various situations, and how
that individual goes about resolving those situations. At
the end of this introductory week, the scalar reconfigures
itself to a state that is most useful to its new master, sets
its caster level equal to the hit dice of the master, and is
considered attuned.
How the System Works Ability Generation
When a scalar attunes itself to a new master, it selects a
number of abilities that it believes its master will find
useful. As this process is performed independently of the
master, and is finished before the scalar even thinks of
that individual as its master, the selection of abilities
should be performed by the Game Master rather than by
the player of the character that will be using the item.
When selecting abilities for a new scalar, use the following
guidelines unless you have guidelines of your own ready
to go. You are Rule 0, after all!
A scalar should include the following abilities.
2 abilities from Section: Level 1 Abilities
2 abilities from Section: Level 5 Abilities
2 abilities from Section: Level 10 Abilities
1 ability from Section: Level 15 Abilities
1 ability from Section: Level 20 Abilities
Each ability has a listed "type". Two abilities from the
same level bracket should have different types, with the
possible exception of two utility abilities for pure support
All of these abilities should not be chosen at once.
Instead, all abilities for which the master qualifies, as well
as the abilities in the next tier toward which he is
progressing, should be selected. The rest should be left
undefined to allow that character to develop without
worrying about whether or not his scalar capstone will be
useful or not. For example, a 7th level character who is
just now attuning to his scalar should have his level 1,
level 5, and level 10 abilities assigned to him. Once he
reaches 10th level, his level 15 ability should be assigned,
and once he reaches 15th level, his level 20 ability should
be assigned.
How the System Works Ranks
generated, it is ready for use by the new master. Scalars
offer another axis of freedom in the form of ranks, or
points that the master can assign to the scalar's various
abilities to customize it to his exacting specifications.
When newlyattuned to a scalar, the master is granted
ranks equal to his hit dice, maximum 20, all of which he
must immediately invest in abilities. This makes a scalar
part of the levelup process, as when the master gains a
hit die, he also gains a rank to immediately invest. Once a
rank is invested in an ability, it cannot be reassigned.
Abilities grant no benefit whatsoever until a rank is
invested in it. As such, items that grant a flat bonus, plus a
bonus per rank, do not grant that flat bonus at all until the
first rank is invested in that ability.
The listings for the various scalar abilities contain a line
item labeled "Ranks to Unlock", followed by a number.
The master must invest at least that many ranks in other
abilities in order to invest ranks in an ability that has a
nonzero ranks to unlock. For example, suppose there is
an ability that requires 4 ranks to unlock. In order to put
ranks into this ability, the master must have at least four
ranks invested in all of the other abilities present on the
scalar. This forces investment in lowerlevel abilities by
approximating the leveling process even if the scalar is
acquired late in the master's career.
How the System Works
Ability Use and Recharge
Once a scalar has been attuned, its abilities selected, and
ranks invested in these abilities, it can finally be used by
mechanics and are, therefore, quite freeform. Abilities
that do not refer to a limited number of uses per day or an
activation time are considered to be constant effects.
Unlike typical magic items, activating a scalar only
provokes attacks of opportunity if that specific ability says
it does. Further, rather than the hardcoded activation
time of typical magic items, each activated ability states
its own activation time. In this way, the most complex
rules of scalars are locked away in the abilities, allowing
for unhindered modular growth by enterprising Game
Masters who want to took up their own new abilities.
Abilities with a limited number of uses per day replenish
recommended to make this coincide with waking up or
the party preparing spells for the day. No rest of any sort
is necessary for a scalar to replenish its daily uses; the
scalar is the thing doing the recharging, not the master.
One Bling to Rule Them All ‐ Scaling Magic Items
Interjection Games
How the System Works
Wealth by Level Adjustment
The content of One Bling to Rule Them All Scaling
Magic Items is best used in highpowered games that can
afford to make the player characters even more powerful
by adding new and interesting features to them at no cost
to their wealth by level. This is because players tend to
glare at anything, no matter how awesome, if it gets in the
way of other goals that they have, particularly equipment.
For those who wish to balance their scalars in a standard
campaign, a reduction in treasure acquisition of about
25% is recommended. See Table: Scalar Wealth by
Level Adjustment for a levelbylevel summary.
How the System Fits
The inclusion of scalars in a campaign opens a door to
many questions.
1: What is the origin of scalars?
As scalars are a fairly alien type of magic item whose
mathematics have the capacity to break a campaign if
allowed to run rampant, their construction should also be
alien to lend an air of mystique to them, as well as to
make it impossible for the party crafter to produce them.
Origin Selfreplicating masterworks
All scalars can trace themselves back to a single item
created by one of the greatest archmages of all time. Much
like the scalars of today, the original was made to grow in
power along with its wearer, a feature that required all of
the considerable knowledge and power of its builder to
make a reality. When nearing completion, the archmage
realized that he had spent years of his life building this
single item. Building another, then another, would simply
be too inefficient. Instead, he imbued the first scalar with
the ability to slowly pull energy from its host, resulting in
the spontaneous generation of a copy once enough had
been collected. Today, several hundred scalars exist
throughout the world, with another being generated every
year or so.
Origin Ritual magic
Scalars' ability to conform to the master and express its
power as a function of the master's mind hints at a wealth
of experiences that have been recorded into the scalar
itself. These experiences have to come from somewhere,
and the easiest way to gather these experiences is to bring
together a diverse range of individuals and create the item
through the use of ritual magic. The logistics of bringing
together such a crew is daunting, and the material foci
necessary to do ritual magic of this sort is prohibitively
expensive, making the creation of scalars a domain of
population, namely arcane universities and other like
Origin Immortal Manufacturers
If ritual magic is not possible, then the next best way to
produce scalars is to be a being who has seen too much.
With the knowledge of many lifetimes under his belt, an
immortal of sufficient age does not need ritual magic to
produce a scalar, as he has everything needed by the
scalar inside his own skull.
Origin Otherworldly
Who says a scalar has to be an earthly construct at all?
Perhaps beings from other worlds have different ways of
doing magic, and it just so happens that a few rings,
necklaces, and so on have found their way to this small
corner of the universe whenever they come to pay a visit,
whether for business, pleasure, or attempted conquest.
Table: Scalar Wealth by Level
One Bling to Rule Them All ‐ Scaling Magic Items
Interjection Games
2: What is the availability of scalars?
The availability of scalars is directly related to how they
enter the game world. If they are of finite, or incredibly
slowly growing, supply, then they can be expected to be in
the hands of wealthy individuals who know they are
special, namely turfchewing villains,
archmagi, high
priests, guildmasters with high UMD or genresavviness,
as well as still locked away in particularly nasty adventure
locations. If scalars are being regularly produced and are
seen as an intellectual curiosity more than anything, such
as the aforementioned production via ritual magic, then
the possibility of finding one on the open market very
rarely becomes a real possibility. This is particularly true
if a newlyminted wizard wants to kickstart his career
with some capital.
3: What is the legality of scalars?
As scalars are fairly different magic items, those who
know how magic works can be have fairly violent kneejerk
reactions regarding their use. Their capabilities are, by
definition, limitless, and that is very unsettling indeed.
Settlements wherein spellcasters are in charge, whether
they be magocratic or theocratic, may very well have laws
against the use of scalars. Alternatively, a settlement
whose leader has an advisor of the magicusing type may
also feature this sort of edict.
Scalar Abilities
Level 1 Abilities
Arcane Bulwark
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 0
The scalar rapidly spews magical energy of each of the
schools, which helps to nullify and confound magic
resistance equal to 5 + the number of ranks invested in
this ability.
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 0
The scalar acts as an extension of your own mind,
allowing you to assert your will in a more efficient
manner. The number of HD of undead that you can
command at once is increased by +1 HD per ranks
invested in this ability.
Dampening Wards
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 0
No scalar wishes harm to come to its master. Choose acid,
cold, electric, fire, or sonic when you invest your first rank
into this ability. You have resistance to the chosen energy
type equal to the number of ranks invested in this ability.
Further, you have resistance to all of the energy types you
did not choose equal to 1/2 the number of ranks invested
in this ability, rounded down.
Dilettante's Embrace
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 0
Jealousy. The scalar felt it. Whenever you invest a rank
into this ability, choose a 0thlevel spell. You may cast
each spell chosen in this fashion once per day. At every
5th rank, you may choose a 1stlevel spell instead of a 0th
level spell. You may select a spell multiple times; if you
do, the number of times you can cast the spell increases
by +1. The caster level of spells cast using this ability is
equal to the number of ranks invested in the ability.
Dragon's Breath
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 0
Awe, and perhaps a bit of fear, these are the emotions you
feel when you think of dragons. Your scalar felt it, and
found that these feelings had merit. Choose acid, cold,
electric, or fire when you invest your first rank in this
ability. You gain the supernatural ability to use a breath
weapon as a standard action, dealing 1d4 points of
damage of the chosen energy type per rank invested in
this ability in a 15foot cone with a DC 10 + the number of
ranks invested in this ability Reflex save for half damage.
This breath weapon can be used once every 1d4 hours.
Once 10 ranks have been invested in this ability, the size
of the cone increases to 30 feet. Once 15 ranks have been
invested in this ability, the damage per rank invested in
this ability increases to 1d6. Once 20 ranks have been
invested in this ability, the damage per rank invested in
this ability increases to 1d8.
Dragon's Maw
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 0
Awe, and perhaps a bit of fear, these are the emotions you
feel when you think of dragons. Your scalar felt it, and
found that these feelings had merit. Choose acid, cold,
electric, or fire when you invest your first rank in this
ability. You gain the supernatural ability to use a breath
weapon as a standard action, dealing 1d6 points of
damage of the chosen energy type per rank invested in
this ability in a 20foot line with a DC 10 + the number of
ranks invested in this ability Reflex save for half damage.
This breath weapon can be used once every 1d4 hours.
Once 10 ranks have been invested in this ability, the size
of the line increases to 40 feet. Once 15 ranks have been
invested in this ability, the damage per rank invested in
this ability increases to 1d8. Once 20 ranks have been
invested in this ability, the size of the line increases to 60
One Bling to Rule Them All ‐ Scaling Magic Items
Interjection Games
Elemental Leavings
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 0
Your scalar caught you thinking about your weapons quite
often. Choose corrosive, flaming, frost, or shock when
you invest your first rank in this ability. As a swift action,
you grant a single weapon you are wielding the chosen
weapon special ability for 1 round. This ability may be
used once per day per rank invested in it.
Energetic Touch
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 0
Your scalar understands your anger and wishes to give
you closure. Choose cold, electric, or fire when you invest
your first rank into this ability. The scalar has a pool of
charge points equal to the number of ranks invested in
this ability. As a standard action, you may expend one or
more charge points to make a melee touch attack, blasting
the touched creature for 1d6 points of energy damage of
the chosen type + an additional 1d6 points of energy
damage per charge point expended. The charge point pool
replenishes itself daily.
Exemplar's Touch
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 0
Whether you sneak, build, break, or speak, your scalar
wants to help you be the best you can be. Choose a class
skill when you invest your first rank into this ability. You
have a competence bonus to the chosen skill equal to the
number of ranks invested in this ability.
Greased Lightning
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 0
Speed is a virtue all its own. Once per day when rolling for
initiative, you may grant yourself an insight bonus to that
initiative roll equal to the number of ranks invested in this
ability. In addition, your base land speed is increased by
+5 feet for every five ranks in this ability.
The Indigestible
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 0
The scalar depicts a number of farmers harvesting corn.
You have resistance to digestive acid equal to half the
number of ranks invested in this ability, as well as damage
reduction against the grinding effects of a creature's
stomach or gizzard equal to 1 + 1 for every two ranks
invested in this ability beyond the first. These bonuses
stack with other sources of resistance and damage
Metalline Coating
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 0
While attuning to you, your scalar caught you worrying
about cold iron, silver, and adamantine a great deal. As a
swift action, name a metal. Ammunition you throw or fire
ignores 1 point of damage reduction per rank invested in
this ability if that damage reduction can be bypassed by
physical attacks made with a weapon made of the named
Momentary Clarity
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 0
Your scalar sees much potential, if only you would focus!
As a swift action, you grant your next single attack roll (if
it is made before the end of the next round) an insight
bonus equal to the number of ranks invested in this
ability. This ability may be used three times per day.
Pack Mule
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 0
Some individuals simply end up being the pack mule of an
adventuring party. Your light load is increased by 15
pounds, your medium load by 30 pounds, and your heavy
load by 45 pounds for each rank invested in this ability.
Personal Magnitude Manipulator
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 0
Size matters, but which end of the spectrum is better
depends on the situation at hand. You gain the ability to
grow one size category, as the enlarge person spell, or
shrink one size category, as the reduce person spell, for 1
round as a swift action. This can be done a number of
times per day equal to the number of ranks invested in
this ability.
One Bling to Rule Them All ‐ Scaling Magic Items
Interjection Games
Potential Reservoir
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 0
Complicated arcane geometry grants the scalar a pool of
potential points equal to the number of ranks invested in
this ability. You may expend a potential point to use a
class feature with a daily limit measured in rounds of use,
such as a barbarian's rage or a bard's bardic performance,
for 1 round without using duration from its pool.
Similarly, you may expend 2 potential points to use a class
feature with a point pool or number of daily uses equal to
1/2 class level + a certain ability modifier or class level + a
certain ability score modifier, such as a monk's ki pool, a
paladin's lay on hands, an edgewalker's radiance and
shadow pools, or an herbalist's green thumb pool, without
expending a daily use of the ability.
Finally, you may
expend 3 potential points to use a class feature with a
number of daily uses equal to 3 + a certain ability
modifier, such as a cleric's channel energy or various
expending a daily use of the ability. The potential pool
replenishes itself each morning.
If using potential points to pay for an ability that uses
potential point cost by how many uses of the class feature
the ability costs. For example, a paladin can channel
energy for 4 potential points, or twice the amount it costs
to power a lay on hands, while an edgewalker can use an
ability that requires 3 shadow points requires 6 potential
Targeted Shielding
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 0
Your scalar is possessed of an overwhelming desire to
keep you safe. Plates of force energy cover vulnerable
portions of your body, granting you an armor bonus to AC
equal to one half the number of ranks invested in this
ability. Further, when you are critically hit by a physical
attack, you have a 5% chance per rank invested in this
ability to reduce the critical multiplier of that attack by 1.
When you are dealt precision damage, you have a 5%
chance per rank invested in this ability to reduce that
damage by half.
Transmutative Inlay
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 0
A series of decorations focuses transmutative power on
your person. As a move action, a weapon you are wielding
transforms into a weapon of the same general heft for 1
round. That is to say, a light weapon transforms into
another light weapon, a onehanded weapon transforms
into another onehanded weapon, and a twohanded
weapon transforms into another twohanded weapon.
You are proficient with the weapon as though it had never
transformed in the first place, though feats and abilities
that modify specific weapon types treat the weapon as
what it has become. You can use this ability a number of
times per day equal to the number of ranks invested in
this ability.
Vital Surge
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 0
A live master is a master that can share its experiences
with the scalar. Your maximum hit points is increased by
an amount equal to the number of ranks invested in this
ability. Once you have invested five ranks, you can grant
yourself temporary hit points equal to 5 + the number of
ranks invested in this ability as a swift action once per
day. This ability may be used an additional time per day at
nine ranks and every four ranks beyond nine. These
temporary hit points last for 1 minute.
Whistling Winds
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 0
A whistling wind surrounds your body. Mundane ranged
attacks made against you have a miss chance equal to 5%
times the number of ranks invested in this ability, max
50%, as periodic gusts wrapped tightly around you push
them out of alignment. Exceptional ranged attacks, such
as a thrown boulder, are unaffected.
Level 5 Abilities
Alchemical Ammunition
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 4
Hollow arrowheads, shuriken, and waxy globules filled
with strange substances dangle from the scalar like
oversized charms on a bracelet. They pull away with a
pop, only to be slowly replaced over the course of a day or
so. The scalar has a number of alchemical points equal to
the number of ranks invested in this ability. Each
morning, you can spend an hour producing special
ammunition. Ammunition produced with this ability is
considered masterwork and can be affected by spells that
add temporary bonuses to ammunition; however, given a
unit of alchemical ammunition detonates on hit, it cannot
be given the returning weapon special ability. At three
ranks invested, ammunition made with this ability gains a
+1 enhancement bonus. At six ranks invested and every
three ranks invested thereafter, this enhancement bonus
increases by +1, to a maximum of a +5 enhancement
bonus at 15 ranks invested. You can spend 1 alchemical
point to produce a unit of ammunition filled with acid,
alchemist's fire, or any similar "thrown splash weapon"
alchemical good that is available in your campaign setting.
You can also spend 2 alchemical points to produce a unit
thunderstone, or 3 alchemical points to produce a unit of
ammunition that is filled with tanglefoot bag.
When a unit of alchemical ammunition strikes a target, it
shatters, affecting the target with the compound with
which it is filled as though it were a direct hit. Acid,
alchemist's fire, and other similar flask alchemical goods
ammunition thrown or fired. Whenever you produce a
new batch of alchemical ammunition, any remainder of
One Bling to Rule Them All ‐ Scaling Magic Items
Interjection Games
Aquatic Etchings
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 4
The scalar is decorated with images of fish, mermaids,
waves, a desert island, and other aquatic scenery. You
gain a competence bonus to Swim checks equal to the
number of ranks invested in this ability. Once you have
invested five ranks, you gain a swim speed equal to your
base land speed. Once you have invested 10 ranks, you
gain the ability to breathe underwater as the water
breathing spell. Once you have invested 15 ranks, you gain
a +3 dodge bonus to AC whenever you are swimming.
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 4
As it was attuning to you, the scalar found you thinking of
fancy units of ammunition and how horrible it is to lose
them after a single shot. As a swift action, you grant the
next unit of ammunition you throw or fire this round the
returning weapon special ability. This ability can be used
a number of times per day equal to the number of ranks
invested in it.
Dimension Hop
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 4
Escape keeps the master alive. As a move action, you slip
sideways between worlds for a distance of 10 feet, as the
dimension door spell. This ability may be used once per
day per rank invested in it.
Dwarven Engraving
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 4
This scalar is of the finest craftsdwarfship and depicts the
total annihilation of a dwarven holding by a sudden
explosion of the cat population, totally random edicts by
the local lord, and a failed civic works project that
involved building the holding around a giant cannon. You
gain a competence bonus to Profession (miner) checks
and Appraise checks made to value gems equal to the
number of ranks invested in this ability. Once you have
invested three ranks, you gain a burrow speed of 5 feet
per round. Every three ranks invested beyond the third,
your burrow speed increases by +5 feet, to a maximum of
25 feet per round at fifteen ranks invested.
Expert Repairman
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 4
While some engineers pore over blueprints for hours to
make repairs, a few swift smacks with a wrench or
hammer does the trick with you. As a standard action, you
can whack a construct in a square you threaten with a
bludgeoning weapon, repairing it for 1d8 + the number of
ranks invested in this ability points of damage. Once
affected by this ability, a construct cannot be affected by it
again for 24 hours.
Grease Slick
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 4
As a move action, the scalar oozes a slippery grease down
your body and onto the ground. Until the beginning of
your next turn, you leave a slippery film in all squares you
move through, as the grease spell. This grease lasts for 1
minute before vanishing as suddenly as it appeared. This
ability can be used once per day per rank invested in it.
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 4
Anyone can curse another with the right help. When you
invest your first rank in this ability, choose a hex for
which a 1stlevel witch qualifies. You gain the ability to
use this hex as a witch whose class level is equal to the
number of ranks invested in this ability.
Hunter's Feast
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 4
The scalar speaks to your love of good food, granting you
the ability to make beasts you kill extra delicious once
cooked. If an animal, dragon, magical beast, or vermin
that has been damaged by you in the last minute dies, you
can cook it to feed the masses, granting the effects of the
heroism spell, plus a +2 morale bonus to damage rolls, for
10 minutes per rank invested in this ability. Once ten
ranks have been invested, those fed are instead granted
the effects of the greater heroism spell, plus a +4 morale
bonus to damage rolls. The size of the beast determines
how long it takes to cook, as well as how many people it
can feed. The cooking process must begin within 8 hours
of the kill to gain the benefits of this ability and all
cooking must be done by you personally. Similarly, the
meat must be consumed within 1 hour of cooking to gain
the benefits of this ability.
Table: Hunter's Feast Cooking
Time and Number Fed by Size
One Bling to Rule Them All ‐ Scaling Magic Items
Interjection Games
Lightened Load
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 4
something like jealousy in your mind. You gain the ability
to fly, as the spell, for 1 minute per rank invested in this
ability per day. This time need not be spent in consecutive
minutes, but must be spent in 1minute increments.
Like a Whisper
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 4
Sometimes, you wish you could just disappear. The scalar
provides. You gain the ability to turn invisible, as the
invisibility spell, for 2 rounds per rank invested in this
ability per day. This time need not be spent all at once,
but must be spent in 2round increments.
Passive Preparations
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 4
The creator of this scalar must have been a packrat. As a
standard action, you can grab hold of the item and pull
out a mundane item worth 2 gp or less. This item lasts for
10 minutes before vanishing and cannot be sold. This
ability may be used a number of times per day equal to
the number of ranks invested in it.
Precognizant Precision
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 4
Just as scalars manipulate fate to keep their masters alive,
they manipulate fate to crush the master's enemies. You
gain a very vague impression of the immediate future,
giving you the ability to reroll your weapon damage rolls a
number of times per day equal to the number of ranks
invested in this ability. A reroll cannot itself be rerolled.
Rapid Enhancement
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 4
You like to make things. Your magic item crafting rate
increases by 50 gp per eight hours' work, the same as a
standard full day's work, for each rank invested in this
ability. For example, investing one rank into this ability
increases your magic item crafting rate to 1,050 gp per
eight hours' work, five ranks to 1,250 gp, and ten ranks to
1,500 gp.
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 4
Scalars contain answers to many mysteries. When you
invest your first rank in this ability, choose a revelation
for which a 1stlevel oracle qualifies. You gain the ability
to use this revelation as an oracle whose class level is
equal to the number of ranks invested in this ability. This
ability cannot be used to select revelations that are only
available to oracle archetypes.
Screaming Arc
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 4
When you invest your first rank in this ability, you gain
the ability to swing a melee weapon in a wide arc as a
standard action, creating a 15foot cone of raw physical
energy. Roll to hit all creatures in this cone as if attacking
the enemy with your weapon. This ability deals damage of
the appropriate physical damage type equal to the base
damage of the weapon + 1/2 your Strength modifier + the
weapon's enhancement modifier + the number of ranks
invested in the ability. This ability can be used once per
day, plus an additional time per day for every three ranks
invested in the ability.
Snakes on a Plane
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 4
Though unhappy about the idea that it doesn't count, the
scalar recognizes the fact that you just want a friend.
When you invest your first rank in this ability, you gain a
small viper as an animal companion as if you were a druid
whose class level is equal to the number of ranks invested
in this ability. If the viper dies, you may replace it in the
same manner as does a druid, but you cannot dismiss
your companions at will as does a druid. If you have the
Leadership feat, the viper becomes your cohort and you
treat your effective druid level as though it were +5
Spider Whisperer
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 4
You learn the language of the vermin of the world and
gain the ability to train vermin using the Handle Animal
skill as though they had an Intelligence of 1. By extension,
vermin you train can learn tricks as though they had an
Intelligence of 1. Once you have invested three ranks, all
animals you train know one additional trick beyond the
number their Intelligence would otherwise dictate. Every
three ranks invested beyond the third, all animals you
train know another additional trick, to a maximum of five
additional tricks at fifteen ranks invested. When training
an animal, you may choose to forego teaching the animal
these additional tricks in order to increase the animal's
maximum hit points by an amount equal to twice the
number of tricks additional tricks you are foregoing.
Superior Summons
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 4
A scalar cannot plan for every contingency, but helping a
summoner help himself is the next best thing. Creatures
you summon have +1 maximum hit point per rank
invested in this ability. For every five ranks invested in
this ability, creatures you summon have a +1 luck bonus
to AC and saves.
One Bling to Rule Them All ‐ Scaling Magic Items
Interjection Games
Team Builder
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 4
Team building is a specialty of an individual wearing this
scalar. As a swift action, you treat an ally in a square you
threaten as though he has a single teamwork feat you
have for 1 round. This ability can be used a number of
times per day equal to the number of ranks invested in
this ability.
Toxic Love
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 4
A hollowedout gem adorns the scalar. When you invest
your first rank in this ability, this gem slowly fills with a
toxic substance. Once per day as a standard action that
provokes attacks of opportunity, you can apply a dose of
this poison to a weapon. Given the nature of the gem's
construction, there is no risk of accidental poisoning.
Once removed from the hollow gem, the poison denatures
and becomes useless in 10 minutes. Each round, the
poison deals 1d6 points of damage, as well as 1 point of
Constitution damage, with a DC 10 + your ranks in this
ability Fortitude save to negate the Constitution damage.
The poison lasts for rounds equal to the number of ranks
in this ability or until the victim makes two consecutive
Fortitude saves, whichever comes first.
Level 10 Abilities
Author of Moments
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 9
Whenever you fail an attack roll or skill check, you may
use this scalar as an immediate action, granting you a
+1d4 competence bonus to that roll retroactively. If the
bonus is enough to turn the failure into a success, the roll
succeeds. This ability may be used once per day per rank
invested in it.
Barbarian Trapfinding
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 9
Some find traps with skill and disable them with cunning.
Others use their faces. Whenever you trigger a trap, you
gain DR X/ against physical damage dealt by traps for 1
round, where X is the number of ranks invested in this
ability. This bonus stacks with other forms of damage
Curiosity (Arcane, Divine)
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 9
Though it may kill felines, curiosity tends to save the lives
of wizards. Some say the profession itself selects for
decreased by 5% for each rank invested in this ability.
Daredevil's Helper
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 9
When you invest your first rank in this ability, choose
acid, cold, electric, fire, or sonic. You gain a +1 luck bonus
to saves against spells of that type and abilities that deal
damage of that energy type. Each time you invest a rank
in this ability, choose an unselected energy type.
Upon investing your sixth rank, at which point this ability
already grants you a +1 luck bonus to saves against all of
the aforementioned energy types, you may select an
energy type against which this ability grants you a +1 luck
bonus to saves. It now grants you a +2 luck bonus instead.
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 9
There is no escaping your destiny! Once per day as an
immediate action, you gain a luck bonus equal to the
number of ranks invested in this ability to your next d20
Dramatic Comeback
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 9
Every now and then, a scalar comes across a master who
wants to be surprised, wants to be against the odds for the
drama of it all, then wants to triumph against the odds.
Made in a fairly utilitarian fashion, the scalar doesn't
quite get the allure of it all, but is happy to accommodate.
Whenever you roll for initiative in a surprise round or
immediately following a surprise round, you add the
number of ranks invested in this ability to your initiative
Friend of Oozes
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 9
Your scalar would rather not ask. You may use the Bluff,
Diplomacy, and Intimidate skills on oozes as though they
were not mindless and you shared a language with them.
You also receive a competence bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy,
and Intimidate checks equal to your ranks invested in this
ability when using them to interact with an ooze.
Harmony of Shifting Flesh
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 9
Scalars understand the desire to change forms. Whenever
you use the wild shape class feature, you are healed for 2
points of damage per rank invested in this ability.
One Bling to Rule Them All ‐ Scaling Magic Items
Interjection Games
Magical Conduit
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 9
You can apply any one metamagic feat that you know to a
spell you are about to cast. This does not alter the level of
the spell or the casting time. You can use this ability once
per day per rank invested in this ability. Any time you use
this ability to apply a metamagic feat that increases the
spell level by more than 1, you must use an additional
daily usage for each level above 1 that the feat adds to the
spell. Even though this ability does not modify the spell's
actual level, you cannot use this ability to cast a spell
whose modified spell level would be above the level of the
highestlevel spell that you are capable of casting.
Malleable Expertise
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 9
As a swift action, you gain the use of one combat feat for
rounds per day equal to the number of ranks invested in
this ability. These rounds do not need to be consecutive
and you can change the feat chosen each time you use this
ability. You must meet the prerequisites to use this feat.
Mending Weave
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 9
When you have a scalar, it tends to find a number of
creative ways to keep you alive. Whenever you receive
magical healing, you are healed for an additional point of
damage for each rank invested in this ability, to a
maximum of the spell level of the spell or half the hit dice
of the caster in the case of healing effects without a spell
level, such as a paladin's lay on hands.
Oaf's Salvation
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 9
It is well documented that scalars absolutely hate it when
they become attuned to a klutz. Whenever you would take
damage from an environmental hazard, such as lava or a
vat of acid, halve that damage. This ability can trigger
once per day per rank invested in this ability.
Reactive Vitalizer
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 9
Scalars are (usually) not psychic, so being reactive is
(usually) the best they can do.
Whenever you are
critically hit by an enemy, you gain temporary hit points
equal to the number of ranks invested in this ability for
1d4 rounds.
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 9
Scalars recognize a crafter when they see one and come up
with awkward ways to enhance their productivity. When
you invest your first rank in this ability, you begin to
suffer from chronic somnambulism, or sleepwalking.
Each night, you complete hours of mundane crafting
equal to the number of ranks invested in this ability, to a
maximum of the number of hours you actually slept or
tranced, and modified as normal by the quality of tools
and whether or not you happen to be adventuring while
crafting. You cannot exceed 8 hours of total crafting for
the day with this ability. Oddly, though you are obviously
active when resting, you awake refreshed as if you had
slept like a log.
Sympathetic Enhancement (Arcane, Divine)
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 9
When you invest your first rank in this ability, select acid,
cold, electric, fire, or sonic. Whenever a spell you cast
deals damage of the chosen type, it deals an additional
point of damage of that energy type for each rank invested
in this ability.
Take the Burden
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 9
As a standard action, your melee touch removes your
choice of one of the following conditions from the target:
staggered, entangled, demoralized, shaken, frightened,
panicked, or confused. The chosen condition must not be
permanent and you must not be immune to it. The target
loses that condition, while you gain the effects of that
condition for a period of time equal to its remaining
duration just before you removed it from your target.
While affected by a condition you took up in this manner,
you cannot be made immune to it. This ability can be used
once per day per rank invested in it.
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 9
Fear is an excellent deterrent. Whenever you kill a
creature, all other creatures that share a race with it
within 15 feet of you must make a DC 15 + the number of
ranks invested in this ability Will save or be shaken for
1d4 rounds. This is a mindaffecting ability.
One Bling to Rule Them All ‐ Scaling Magic Items
Interjection Games
Unsettling Magic (Arcane, Divine)
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 9
Sharp edges and a preciselychosen color scheme grant
this item a pool of terror points equal to the number of
ranks invested in this ability. When casting a spell that
calls for a saving throw, you may expend a terror point as
a free action. Those affected who fail their saving throw
are demoralized for 1d4 rounds in addition to the effects
of the spell. When casting a spell that does not call for a
saving throw, you may expend two terror points as a free
action. Those affected are demoralized for 1d4 rounds in
addition to the effects of the spell. Demoralization is a
fear effect.
Urge to Survive
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 9
A small voice in your head assures you that it is the better
part of valor. Whenever you run, your base land speed is
increased by +5 feet per rank in this ability for 1 round.
This is an enhancement bonus.
Vessel of Power (Arcane, Divine)
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 9
Mother of pearl adorns the item, granting it a pool of
pearl points equal to three times the number of ranks
invested in it. On command, you can recall any one spell
that you had prepared and then cast that day. The spell is
then prepared again, just as if it had not been cast.
Alternatively, if you are a spontaneous spellcaster rather
than a preparatory spellcaster, you simply regain a casting
at the chosen spell level. Doing so expends pearl points
equal to the square of the spell level of the spell or spell
slot replenished (1 pearl point for a 1stlevel spell, 4 pearl
points for a 2ndlevel spell, 9 pearl points for a 3rdlevel
spell, and so on). This ability cannot be used if insufficient
pearl points are present. Pearl points are replenished
whenever you prepare spells for the day.
Wrecker Core
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 9
You are a living wrecking ball! Your physical attacks and
damaging spells ignore points of hardness equal to the
number of ranks invested in this ability.
Level 15 Abilities
Alchemical Agility
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 14
The scalar produces a small amount of an incredibly
immediate action, you gain a +4 alchemical bonus to
Dexterity for 1 round. This ability may be used a number
of times per day equal to the number of ranks invested in
Alchemical Might
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 14
The scalar produces a small amount of an incredibly
potent, yet shortlived, synthetic steroid. As an immediate
action, you gain a +4 alchemical bonus to Strength for 1
round. This ability may be used a number of times per day
equal to the number of ranks invested in it.
Armored Alacrity
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 14
As the scalar grows in power, it imparts various lessons on
the use and maintenance of shields. For each rank
invested in this ability, you add a +1 shield bonus to your
touch AC, to a maximum of your shield bonus to AC.
Shield bonus to AC that is granted by spells or items that
are not shields does not grant a shield bonus to touch AC.
You lose this shield bonus to touch AC if you are denied
your Dexterity bonus to AC.
Better Living through Alchemy
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 14
This scalar reeks of acrid acids and pungent aromatic
rings. Whenever you take physical damage, your pores fill
with acid and squirt it out in a 5foot radius around you,
dealing 1 point of acid damage per rank invested in this
Divine Opposition (Divine)
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 14
Your scalar supports your religious beliefs. Singletarget
spells you cast upon divine spellcasters whose deity's
alignment opposes your deity's alignment have a caster
level bonus equal to the number of ranks invested in this
One Bling to Rule Them All ‐ Scaling Magic Items
Interjection Games
Double Dip
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 14
Sometimes, the classics are just better. For each rank
invested in this ability, both of the abilities on this item
that require 0 ranks to unlock gain a rank. If using an
item with more than two qualifying abilities, choose two
when you invest the first rank into this ability. The chosen
abilities are those that gain benefit when ranks are
invested in this ability. Once two qualifying abilities are
chosen, this decision cannot be changed.
Faceted Obsidian Decoration
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 14
Obsidian is like lead: magic hates the stuff. If you make a
saving throw against a spell or spelllike ability, counter
that spell entirely. This ability can counter two spell levels
worth of spells per rank invested in it per day. If sufficient
capacity is not available, the spell cannot be countered.
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 14
Depictions of censured outsiders adorn the item. You get
a bonus to caster level checks made to overcome the spell
resistance of outsiders equal to the number of ranks
invested in this ability.
Improbable Bleeding
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 14
When you invest the first rank into this ability, select an
ability score. Each time you add an additional rank to this
ability, select an ability score you have not yet chosen.
Whenever you critically hit, the victim takes 1 point of
ability bleed, where the ability scores bled are the ability
scores chosen.
Inertia Swing
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 14
Little fins jut from the scalar, making you significantly
more aerodynamic. As a swift action, you can tap into
these superior aerodynamics, adding an amount of base
damage to your melee weapons equal to the base damage
of a medium weapon of that type. For example, a medium
greataxe doubles from 1d12 to 2d12, while a large greataxe
goes from 3d6 to 3d6+1d12. As this is base damage, it is
multiplied on a critical hit. This ability can be used once
per day per rank invested in this ability.
Mechanical Network
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 14
When you invest the first rank in this ability, select a
construct you own or have built. So long as that construct
is within 30 feet of you, neither you nor the construct may
be flanked unless both of you are flanked. For each
additional rank you invest in this ability, select another
construct. In order for you or any of the selected
constructs within 30 feet of you to be flanked, all of you
must be.
Oozing Sensuality
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 14
The opposite gender finds you oh so attractive. You have a
competence bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate
equal to the number of ranks invested in this ability when
used on the opposite gender. In addition, you have a
circumstance bonus to damage rolls equal to the number
of ranks invested in this ability, both physical and
magical, against the opposite gender.
Palpable Imagination
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 14
What you believe strongly enough has a propensity to
become real. As a swift action, you treat all allied
constructs and undead as though they had all teamwork
feats you have. This ability lasts for 1 round and can be
used a number of times per day equal to the number of
ranks you have invested in this ability.
Penetrating Shots
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 14
Your ranged attacks treat the target's AC as 1 lower per
rank invested in this ability, to a maximum of the
combined armor bonus and natural armor bonus of the
target. This does not apply to ranged touch attacks.
One Bling to Rule Them All ‐ Scaling Magic Items
Interjection Games
Record Fate
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 14
Fate is merely a quantity to be fixed. Each morning,
consult Table: Record Fate Dice, roll the dice listed
based on the number of ranks you have invested in this
ability, and record both the result of each roll and the type
of die rolled. At any point over the course of the day, you
may use a recorded roll for any roll that calls for the same
size die, using the recorded result in place of a roll. For
example, the number recorded from
rolled on a d12
cannot be used in place of a d6, d8, or d20 and can only
be used in place of a d12 roll. This ability cannot be used
to replace a roll that has already been made; the recorded
result must be used instead of a roll. Whenever new rolls
are recorded, the old rolls are overwritten. Whenever a
recorded roll is used, it is consumed and cannot be used
Starting at four ranks invested in this ability, you may
combine multiple recorded dice to replace a roll whose die
size is the sum of the combined recordings' die sizes. For
example, you may add your recorded d4 and d6 values in
place of a d10 roll or your d8 and d12 values in place of a
d20 roll. Doing so consumes all recorded values that were
added together.
Second Guess
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 14
You have a propensity to be internally smacked when you
say something that is incorrect. As an immediate action,
when making a Knowledge check, you may instead roll
two dice and take the highest. This ability can be used
once per day per rank invested in it.
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 14
The best way to protect the master is not to avoid attacks,
but to laugh in their face. You have DR X/adamantine,
where X is the number of ranks invested in this ability.
This stacks with other forms of damage reduction.
Share the Burden
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 14
conditions to a creature within 30 feet. If you are fatigued,
entangled, demoralized, shaken, and/or confused, then
the target is also affected by all of the aforementioned
conditions from which you are suffering for 1d4 rounds
with a DC 20 + the number of ranks invested in this
ability Will save to negate. If the target gave you any of the
conditions being spread, it gets a 4 penalty to its saving
throw. This ability can be used once per day per rank
invested in it. This is a mindaffecting ability if the
demoralized, shaken, or confused conditions are being
Strike Compounder
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 14
You are able to hack and slice at the same spot with
excellent accuracy. Whenever you deal physical damage
with a weapon, you get a stacking +1 bonus to damage
rolls until the beginning of your next turn, to a maximum
of the number of ranks invested in this ability.
Unfavored Magic
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 14
Enchantments, illusions... everyone dislikes one school
more than others. When you invest your first rank in this
ability, select a school of magic. You have a resistance
bonus to saving throws made against spells of the selected
school of magic equal to the number of ranks invested in
this ability.
Table: Record Fate Dice
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Interjection Games
Level 20 Abilities
Abnormal Paranoia (Arcane, Divine)
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 19
All scrolls you produce also contain an explosive runes
effect with a caster level equal to the caster level of the
scroll. This effect cannot be dispelled on its own; instead,
an individual attempting to remove the explosive runes
effect must dispel the entire scroll to be rid of it. You
cannot instruct other creatures on how to read your
scrolls without them exploding.
Aligned Strikes
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 19
Weapons you wield are good if you are good, evil if you
are evil, lawful if you are lawful, and chaotic if you are
Cantrip Mastery (Arcane, Divine)
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 19
0thlevel spells you cast are extended and quickened
without increasing their casting time or their spell level.
Darkness' Bane (Arcane)
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 19
Class Restriction: Magus, Witch, Wizard
You gain the ability to cast magic missile spontaneously.
You may apply metamagic feats to the spell. Unlike most
spontaneous casting, the casting time is not increased by
the addition of metamagic feats.
Disarming Personality
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 19
With you, the sudden change from smiles to stabbing
catches anyone, even seasoned ninjas, off guard. When
you invest a rank in this ability, your first attack in each
combat treats its target as flatfooted. Once affected by
this ability, a creature is immune to it for 24 hours.
Extremely Surefooted
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 19
You permanently gain the benefit of the spider climb and
freedom of movement spells.
Living Flame
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 19
You gain immunity to fire, but also gain vulnerability to
cold. This ability cannot be taken if you are naturally
resistant to cold.
Living Rime
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 19
You gain immunity to cold, but also gain vulnerability to
fire. This ability cannot be taken if you are naturally
resistant to fire.
Master Improviser
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 19
Nonmagical improvised weapons you wield gain a +5
enhancement bonus.
Momentary Nullmagic (Arcane, Divine)
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 19
You become immune to any spell you cast for 1 round.
This immunity is conferred after your spell resolves,
allowing you to heal yourself, or scorch yourself with a
fireball, as it were.
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 19
There can only be one magic item. You gain the ability to
create an antimagic field centered on you as a standard
antimagic field is centered on and moves with your scalar
item, not you, thus allowing you to leave your scalar
behind to use this ability as a remote antimagic field.
Though your scalar is a magic item, it is not deactivated in
this antimagic field and its various abilities can be used
within it. The antimagic field lasts for 1 hour or until
dismissed as a standard action that provokes attacks of
opportunity. This ability can be used once per day.
Overtime (Arcane, Divine)
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 19
increasing their casting time or their spell level.
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 19
Adventurers die. It's part of the job. Still, it doesn't have to
be permanent. Your scalar can cast the raise dead spell
once per month without the need to provide material
components. Since your scalar is doing the casting, it can
target your corpse if it is still touching your body.
One Bling to Rule Them All ‐ Scaling Magic Items
Interjection Games
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 19
As a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity,
you fire or throw a unit of ammunition at a target within
two range increments. If it hits, it ricochets to a creature
that is within 10 feet of the initial target. Roll to hit at a
cumulative 2 penalty. If it hits, it ricochets again, striking
yet another creature within 10 feet of that target, but also
within 30 feet of the initial target, at a 2 penalty. A
creature cannot be struck twice by a ricochet. Repeat until
an attack misses or until there is no legal target in range.
You do not apply an ability score to damage after the first
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 19
When you invest a rank in this ability, you may reassign
all other ranks already assigned to this item.
Summoned Service
Type: Defensive
Ranks to Unlock: 19
When you invest a rank in this ability, your cohort, if any,
and all creatures you summon gain the Bodyguard feat as
a bonus feat.
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 19
Even those reaching the very pinnacle of their power can
be uncertain as to how they wish to live their future.
Select an ability on this item that requires 0 ranks to
unlock, an ability that requires 4 ranks to unlock, an
ability that requires 9 ranks to unlock, and an ability that
requires 14 ranks to unlock. All of the selected abilities
gain a rank.
Vampiric Strikes
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 19
Your physical attacks deal an additional 1d4 points of
damage. This damage is returned to you as healing.
Wand Whippery (Arcane, Divine)
Type: Utility
Ranks to Unlock: 19
When you invest a rank in this ability, choose one of your
spellcasting classes. All wands whose spell is on that class'
spell list get a +3 bonus to caster level when you use them.
World Champion Arm Wrestler
Type: Offensive
Ranks to Unlock: 19
When you invest a rank in this ability, select three combat
feats for which you meet the prerequisites. You gain the
benefits of those feats.
Instant bodyguards! Just add scalar!
One Bling to Rule Them All ‐ Scaling Magic Items
Interjection Games
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8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly
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9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish
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10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with
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11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open
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13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to
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termination of this License.
unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material
by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte
Cook, and Skip Williams.
The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All
rights reserved.
Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors:
Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey
Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger,
and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR.
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte
Cook, and Skip Williams.
One Bling to Rule Them All Scaling Magic Items, Copyright 2014
Interjection Games, LLC.
[End of License]
Notice of Open Game Content: This product contains Open Game Content
as defined in the Open Game License, above. Open Game Content may
only be used under and in terms of the Open Game License.
Designation of Open Game Content: The statistical information and
general descriptions of creatures, abilities, traps, and other related facets
of those elements within this document are Open Game Content as
described in the Open Game License and may be used as Open Game
Product Identity is not available for Use or reuse without the express
written consent of Bradley Arthur Crouch of Interjection Games.
Designation of Product Identity: Product Identity in this product includes
the following terms; Interjection Games, the Interjection Games logo.
This document is copyright Bradley Arthur Crouch of Interjection Games,
2014. It is intended for personal use and may not be redistributed or
reproduced without express written consent of Bradley Arthur Crouch of
Interjection Games.
| textdata/thevault/Pathfinder/1st Edition/3rd Party/Interjection Games/One Bling to Rule Them All, Scaling Magic Items.pdf |
Стартовое Снаряжение
Ты начинаешь игру, имея ID, коммуникатор, кредитный чип,
плазменный пистолет (средняя, игнорирует щит), военную фор-
му, комплект гражданской одежды и армейский рюкзак.
Выбери 2:
□ Регенератор: Потрать 1 Припас и вылечи 1 ранение (2 припа-
са, если Критическое) себе или цели;
□ Коробка дорогих сигар: Потрать 1 Припас и получи +1 к про-
веркам Репутации в одной сцене;
□ Счастливая пуля: Все ветераны знают — если пуля помечена
специальным способом, она всегда найдет свою цель. По-
трать 1 Припас и получи 10+ во время одной атаки стрелко-
вым оружием.
□ Запасной аккумулятор: Потрать 1 Припас и восстанови 1
батарею экзоскелета.
Ты начинаешь игру, имея следующие характеристики:
Урон 2 | Припасы 2 | Благосостояние 1
Выбери регион галактики, откуда ты родом:
□ Империя: Аристократам важно, чтобы экзоскелет обеспечи-
вал им безопасность в любой ситуации. Когда ты Защища-
ешь, считай 6— как 7—9.
□ Федерация: Твое соединение с экзоскелетом происходит с
помощью нейроимпланта — просто, рационально, эффектив-
но. Один раз в сессию ты можешь перебросить любую про-
верку, кроме Репутации, если находишься в экзоскелете.
□ Клоака: Зачем тратить миллионы на уникальную разработку,
если можно модернизировать портовой погрузчик. Не выби-
рай каркас экзоскелета, получи вместо него:
Погрузчик: Защита 2, оружие 2, системы 3, вместительный
грузовой трюм. При использовании сервопривода выбери 1
даже на 6—.
□ Пограничье: Постоянная война заставила тебя встроить в
оружие резервный механизм срабатывания. Выбери оружие.
Один раз в бой его выстрел не тратит батарею.
Внешний вид
Регулярные войска редко используют боевые экзоскелеты для
солдат, однако при выполнении специальных задач они могут
быть полезны. В то же время «на гражданке» бойцы в тяжёлой
броне остаются популярным средством обеспечения безопасно-
сти — мало кто пожелает встретиться лицом к лицу с закован-
ным в керамопласт трёхметровым гигантом, увешанным оружи-
ем как небольшой танк.
Особенно популярны такие парни среди мародеров — безба-
шенных сорвиголов, захватывающих космические суда прямо в
открытом космосе. Но далеко не все идут в разбойники — риск
не вернуться с межзвёздных путей в космосе довольно боль-
шой, поэтому на земле тоже хватает наемников.
Купить услуги Броненосца довольно просто — затраты на ко-
стюм больно кусают бюджет, поэтому он всегда ищет новые
способы подзаработать.
Холодный, цепкий или агрессивный взгляд.
Шрам на щеке, протез руки или протез ноги.
Лысый, армейский ёжик или неопрятные волосы.
Крупное, мускулистое или жилистое телосложение.
_________________________: Я обязан ему жизнью.
_________________________: Мы прошли через огонь.
_________________________: Постоянно лезет к моему экзоскелету
_________________________: _____________________________________________________
_________________________: _____________________________________________________
Персонаж для ролевой игры Грань Вселенной v2.0
Автор: Кирилл Румянцев, Илья Сергеев
Иллюстрация: Игорь Есаулов
Специальные ходы
□ Апгрейд: Выбери еще 3 системы экзоскелета.
□ Апгрейд: Выбери еще 2 системы экзоскелета.
□ Апгрейд: Выбери еще 3 орудия экзоскелета.
□ Апгрейд: Выбери еще 2 орудия экзоскелета.
□ Апгрейд: Возьми еще 1 систему и 1 орудие экзоскелета.
□ Командный голос: Главное — говорить с непререкаемым
видом. Отдай приказ NPC, служащему в силовых структурах,
и проверь Репутацию. На 10+ он исполнит твой приказ, не
задумываясь (но может впоследствии доложить об этом). На
7—9 он оробеет, а ты получишь +1 против него на всю сцену.
□ Презентация: Один раз за сессию ты можешь продемонстри-
ровать, на что способен твой экзоскелет. Ты и твои союзни-
ки увеличивают 1 проверку на 1 категорию, когда Договари-
ваются с НПС, который видел это (если демонстрация спо-
собна повлиять на решение).
□ Ручной багаж: Если тебе пытаются запретить находиться где
-то в своём экзоскелете, ты получаешь +2 на проверку Репу-
тации, когда пытаешься урегулировать это. Ведущий может
спросить тебя, как ты это сделал.
□ Техосмотр: Своё оборудование надо уметь чинить самосто-
ятельно. Когда Чинишь или Разбираешь, потрать Припас и
увеличь бросок на одну категорию.
□ Мировой: Выбери специальный ход другого класса.
Впиши его: _______________________________________________________
Стартовые ходы
Экзоскелет: Твоя многофункциональная умная броня. Собери её,
как сказано на третьей странице. Установи Батарею на 10 — это
питание для твоего оружия и систем. Ты не можешь тратить
Припасы при их использовании, а каждое оружие при выстреле
расходует определённое количество энергии батарей.
Кроме того, экзоскелет оборудован манипулятором, способным
хватать предметы около полуметра в длину, ширину или высоту.
Прожектор также входит в стандартную комплектацию экзоске-
Выключенный экзоскелет восстанавливает 1 заряд батарей каж-
дые 2 часа.
Сервопривод: Когда ты используешь грубую силу для того, что-
бы сломать неодушевленный предмет, проверь Ярость. На 10+
выбери 3, на 7—9 выбери 1:
Это не заняло много времени.
Ничего ценного не пострадало.
Это было не очень громко.
Это можно быстро починить.
Резервный накопитель: В экстренной ситуации ты можешь вос-
становить 10 зарядов батареи, но перегрев реактора тут же
наносит тебе 2 ранения.
Снаряжение и примечания
Выбери каркас. Он определяет твою защиту, а также количество
стартовых орудий и систем.
□ Скаут: Защита 1, орудия 1, системы 4, маскировка, скорость
+1. малые манипуляторы позволяют взаимодействовать да-
же с небольшими предметами почти как обычными руками.
Выбери один уже установленный сенсор.
□ Десант: Защита 2, орудия 3, системы 2, герметичный, прыж-
ковый двигатель (5 метров в высоту, 10 метров в длину).
□ Штурмовик: Защита 3, орудия 4, системы 1, манипуляторы
Выбери орудия, которые установлены на твой каркас. Каждое
орудие имеет свой Урон и тратит определённое количество
заряда батарей.
□ Гарпун: Урон 1, батарея 0, средняя, нелетальное. Захватыва-
ет цель и подтягивает в упор.
□ Гаусс-орудие: Урон 5, батарея 3, средняя/дальняя, броне-
бойное, мощное, кровавое. Для произведения выстрела кар-
кас должен быть неподвижен. Не может быть бесшумным,
кроме как в вакууме.
□ Пиломеч: Урон 3, батарея 1, в упор, кровавое.
□ Плазмотрон: Урон 3, батарея 2, ближняя/средняя, игнориру-
ет щиты.
□ Сенсорная мина: Урон 3, батарея 1, в упор, мощное. Устанав-
ливается на поверхности и детонирует при срабатывании
сенсора, зафиксировавшего движение в радиусе 1 метра.
□ Спаренный ствол: Потрать 1 заряд батареи и перебрось свой
□ Тактический лазер: Урон 2, батарея 1, дальняя, точное.
□ Тяжелое орудие: Установи тяжёлое оружие. Выстрел тратит
батареи из расчета уровень цены оружия минус 1.
Впиши: ____________________________________________________________________
□ Тяжелое орудие: Установи тяжёлое оружие. Выстрел тратит
батареи из расчета уровень цены оружия минус 1.
Впиши: ____________________________________________________________________
□ Шок-волна: Урон 0, батарея 3, ближняя, шок. Срабатывает
по всем целям вокруг. При атаке на 7—9 кто-то останется на
ногах, как решит Ведущий.
□ ЭМИ: Урон 0, батарея Х. Выключает всю электронику на
средней дистанции — и твой экзоскелет тоже. Тратит весь
оставшийся заряд батарей.
Выбери системы, которые установлены на твой каркас.
□ Аналоговое управление: Когда твой экзоскелет пытаются
взломать или отключить, игнорируй это. Однако пока дей-
ствует эта система, все остальные системы недоступны, а ты
получаешь –1 на броски.
□ Дистанционное управление: С помощью небольшого им-
планта ты можешь дистанционно отдавать приказы экзоске-
лету: «ко мне», «открыть огонь из выбранного орудия»,
«прекратить огонь», «покинуть зону», «активировать выбран-
ную систему» и т.п.
□ Импульсный двигатель: Экзоскелет может летать, тратя 1
заряд батареи за каждый километр пути. Двигатели разо-
греваются около минуты.
□ Конвертер: Позволяет преобразовывать мусор в полезный
груз. Раз в сессию ты можешь проверить Контроль. На 10+
получи 2 Припаса, на 7—9 получи 1 Припас. Эти Припасы
можно сразу передать другим персонажам без ограничений.
□ Медкапсула: Если экзоскелет неподвижен, оператор получа-
ет медицинскую помощь. Обычное ранение излечивается за
30 минут и 1 заряд батареи. Критическое ранение — 8 часов
и 8 зарядов батареи.
□ Пассажирский модуль: Дополнительное кресло, кое-как
втиснутое в конструкцию. Можешь перевозить одного пасса-
жира, но ему придётся забыть о комфорте.
□ Сенсоры: Выбери 1 из списка: датчик движения, инфракрас-
ный датчик, ночное видение, датчик электромагнитных полей
(подчеркни нужное).
□ Универсальный разъём: Экзоскелет можно подключить к
транспортному средству и управлять им (если влезешь). +1,
когда взламываешь.
□ Фазовый реактор: Когда экзоскелет находится без движе-
ния, он восстанавливает 1 заряд батареи каждый час.
□ Эвакуатор: Получив критическое ранение, игнорируй его.
Вместо этого срабатывает система катапультирования.
Брось кубик, чтобы узнать, сколько дней займёт капиталь-
ный ремонт экзоскелета.
□ Энергетический щит: Потрать 3 заряда батареи и полностью
игнорируй урон от одной атаки.
| textdata/thevault/Грань вселенной [RU]/_______/Броненосец.pdf |
O Mistério da
Vila Cheessen
Autor: Bruno Sakai
O Mistério da Vila Cheessen, esta é a minha
primeira aventura utilizando o conceito de
One Dungeon Page, ou seja, toda a sua aventu-
ra estará em uma única página. Com essa re-
strição obviamente a história é curta e direta,
mas não por isso menos divertida.
O Início
Os personagens por algum motivo estão na
Vila de Cheessen, uma vila que em nada
difere exceto pelo seu comércio, digamos,
bem específico. O grande produto da vila
é o famoso, e misterioso, queijo de Chees-
sen que atrai muitos visitantes e comerci-
antes para esses lados, mas um incidente
tem preocupado os comerciantes da vila, a
menos de 3 dias da Grande Feira de Queijos
de Cheessen, os estoques tem baixado con-
sideravelmente e a feira está ameaçada por
conta disso.
Os comerciantes acusam o Sr. Tom de estar
sabotando os demais comerciantes pois seu
estoque é o único que não está sendo rou-
O senhor Tom é um dos moradores mais an-
tigos da vila e ficou extremamente ofendido
com tal acusação e iniciou por conta própria
uma investigação para resolver o problema,
tirar seu nome dessa situação e garantir que
a Grande Feira de Queijos aconteça.
A Investigação
Em uma primeira investigação o senhor
Tom descobriu pegadas saindo de alguns
depósitos de queijo da vila, as pegadas são
pequenas parecidas com pegadas de ratos ou
ratazanas, seguindo-as o senhor Tom chegou
a uma caverna a mais ou menos quatro
quilometros a leste da vila e se espantou com
a imensa quantidade de ratos trafegando nos
arredores. Concluiu que o problema (?) es-
tava lá.
O Pedido
Os PJs recebem um pedido de ajuda direto
do senhor Tom, e ele ainda oferece uma
recompensa de 200 PO caso resolvam o
Os PJs como únicos aventureiros na vila e
devido ao excelente tratamento que estão re-
cebendo na mesma, além da recompensa é
óbvio, com certeza ajudarão o senhor Tom.
O senhor Tom explica o que sabe e pede para
que os PJs investiguem a caverna.
Area 1
Essa área não tem nada além de alguns ratos
correndo pelo chão.
Area 2
Nessa area os jogadores encontrarão pega-
das de ratos bem maiores e migalhas de
queijo pelo chão. O senhor Tom estava certo,
o queijo roubado está nessa caverna.
Area 3
Essa area está menos infestada de ratos, o
motivo disso é que aqui existe um ninho de
Ratos Gigantes.
Encontro área 3: 4 Ratos Gigantes (RG1 a RG4)
As pegadas atravessam essa área e acabam
na parede oeste (porta secreta que da acesso
a área 4).
Area 4
Essa é uma área pequena e estava sendo usada
para guardar/esconder uma grande quanti-
dade de queijo guardada, provavelmente rou-
bada da vila. Cadaveres de ratos gigates estão
espalhados pelo chão (com marcas de garras e
Area 5
Um corredor interrompido por pedras, se os
Pjs avançarem conseguirão ver uma pequena
sala depois das pedras, para retirar as pedras
terão que fazer um teste de Força. Se tiver-
em sucesso em remover as pedras verão o
cadáver de um humanóide pequeno, muito
parecido com um halfling, fora isso não tem
nada de interessante nessa área.
Area 6
Provavelmente a maior área da caverna, che-
gando nela os Pjs se deparam com muitos ra-
tos, entre eles quatro Ratos Gigantes e de um
humanóde coberto por um manto e capuz,
mas com um rabo!!! Essa criatura é um Rat-
kin, um licantropo do tipo rato.
Encontro área 6: 4 Ratos Gigantes (RG5 a RG8) e 1
Ratkin (RA1)
Após derrotarem o Ratkin, todos os ratos cor-
rem para a área 7.
Area 7
Nesse salão um Ratkin, maior que o da sala
anterior, é avistado e ao ver os PJs eles diz:
“Esse queijo é meu e ninguém o tomará de mim”.
Acompanhado de Ratos Gigantes, o Ratkin
Líder ataca os PJs.
Encontro área 7: 2 Ratos Gigantes (RG9 a RG10) e 1
Ratkin (RA2)
Tem muito queijo espalhado pela área, provav-
elmente o estoque roubado da Vila de Chees-
Area 8 (Área Secreta)
Nessa área estão os tesouros do Ratkin Líder.
Um baú com 300 PO, uma espada curta e dois
pergaminhos, um contendo um mapa e outro,
aparentemente um ritual, com ilustrações es-
tranhas, entre elas a de um queijo.
Os PJs salvaram a Grande Feira de Queijos
e ajudaram a manter o bom nome do senhor
Tom em Cheessen.
Tentar identificar o mapa e o ritual, é uma de-
cisão única e exclusiva do grupo de jogo.
OBS JP (CON) ou perde 1d6 pnts de CON/hora
Rato Gigante [pequeno e Neutro]
CA13 JP17 MV6 M8 P13XP
ATQ 1 mordida +3 (1d4+doença)
OBS JP (CON) ou perde 1d6 pnts de CON e FOR
Ratkin [pequeno e Caótico]
CA13 JP16 MV5 M8 P25XP
ATQ 1 mordida +4 (1d4+1+doença)
2 garras +4 (1d6+2)
| textdata/thevault/Old Dragon [multi]/LANG/PT/Aventuras/Old Dragon - O Mistério da Vila Cheessen.pdf |
Exotic Encounters:
Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback
Product Identity: The following terms are hereby defined as product identity, as defined in the Open Gaming License
version 1.0a, Section 1(E), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters,
deities, etc) dialogue, plot, storylines, location, characters and trade dress.
Artwork: All art in this book, besides the Necromancers of the Northwest logo, is either in the public domain, or is used
under a creative commons license or another license of some kind. Necromancers of the Northwest claims no copyright
or ownership over any art other than the Necromancers of the Northwest logo and the Exotic Encounters logo.
Open Game Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity or Artwork (see above), the game mechanics
of this Necromancers of the Northwest game product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Game License
version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form
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Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing,
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Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback
Necromancers of the Northwest, LLC
8123 236th St SW, Unit 102
Edmonds, WA, 98026
Rosa Gibbons
The Pathfinder Bestiary, and the long line of
monstrous encyclopedia that came before it, do a great job
of attacking the problem of providing game statistics and
mechanical information for a very wide variety of creatures.
There are a lot of strange creatures from fantasy novels and
movies, from ancient mythology, and, as time went on, from
the twisted minds of game designers and even GMs, for
that matter. Anyone today who tried to go about creating an
extensive bestiary of all the different cool and interesting
fantasy monsters could fill three or four volumes with three
hundred monsters each, and still have a long way left to go,
with fans crying out for various “forgotten” monsters to get
some attention. That kind of breadth doesn’t leave a whole
lot of room for depth, and that’s where Exotic Encounters
comes in.
There are all kinds of reasons why you might not
want to use a monster stat-block straight from the core
rules. For one thing, if your players have a habit of browsing
through such books, or are long-time veterans who know
the basic ins and outs of most fantasy staples, you may
need an unusual stat-block just to throw them a curve
ball and teach them that they can’t count on their out of
character knowledge to take all the mystery out of the game.
Alternatively, many GMs can recall a time when they wanted
to make use of a certain monster in their game, only to find
that it was a few CRs too high or low for what they had in
Exotic Encounters takes a single, iconic monster,
and creates three new variants on that theme. These variants
aren’t simple tweaks, and are more than simply advancing
or removing Hit Dice, though that occurs as well. Each of
these three variations on the monster’s theme has a specific,
flavorful goal in mind, and a role to play, and their statistics
entries are gently massaged in order to make them fit those
roles. Further, each of these variants comes with brand new
specially-crafted special abilities, which are unique to Exotic
Encounters and not found anywhere else.
This particular installment of Exotic Encounters
focuses on the minotaur. A classic of greek myth, these half-
men half-bulls have captured imaginations for centuries.
Though depicted in legend as a terrifyingly powerful
guardian and deadly foe, the standard Pathfinder minotaur
is only CR 4. The minotaurs in this tome are designed to
take minotaurs from being an uninspiring low-level bruiser
to a memorable encounter unto themselves. First, the two-
headed minotaur (CR 7) is a feral and wild beast with
a fractured mind, whose savage offensive power is only
somewhat mitigated by its mental fragility. The bronze
minotaur (CR 10) sounds like a construct (and looks like
one too) but isn’t. This terrible guardian of tombs and other
such places is an expert at crafting traps, and the sound of
its approaching footsteps is so terrible that it drives fear into
the heart of seasoned adventurers. Finally, the maze master
minotaur (CR 15) is a minotaur of a more magical bent, who
can drag foes into a mystical maze of its own creation, where
they face deadly threats and, if slain, grant the maze master
minotaur the ability to create a simulacrum of the victim to
serve him.
Two-Headed Minotaur
This creature is humanoid, but covered in coarse,
thick red fur. Its hands end in sharp claws, and its two
heads both resemble that of an angry bull, their eyes rolling
in their heads and their four horns stained red with blood.
CR 7
XP 3,200
CE Large monstrous humanoid
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12
AC 19, touch 9, flat-footed 19 (+10 natural, -1 size)
hp 85 (10d10+20)
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +7
Defensive Abilities natural cunning
Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 claws +13 (1d8+4) and 2 gores +8 (2d6+4)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks bestial rage 12 rounds/day, powerful
charge (2 gores +15, 4d6+8), rend (2 gores, 2d6+6 plus 1d6
bleed damage)
Str 19, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 6
Base Atk +10; CMB +15; CMD 25
Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved
Natural Attack (gore), Power Attack, Toughness
Skills Intimidate +8, Perception +12, Stealth +4, Survival
+12; Racial Modifiers +10 Intimidate, +4 Perception, +4
Languages Giant
SQ fractured mind
Environment any temperate
Organization solitary
Treasure standard
Bestial Rage (Ex): As a free action, a two-headed
minotaur can fly into a deadly rage. This functions as
the barbarian’s rage class feature, with a few exceptions.
First, while raging, the bestial minotaur gains a +8
bonus to Strength and a -4 penalty to Dexterity, instead
of the normal amounts. He does not gain a bonus to
his Constitution score as a result of raging in this way.
Additionally, at the end of the rage, instead of being
fatigued, the two-headed minotaur suffers a -4 penalty
to Strength and Dexterity. The duration of this penalty is
the same as the normal duration of the fatigue effect at
the end of a barbarian’s rage. Finally, the number of daily
rounds of bestial rage that a two-headed minotaur can use
is equal to its racial Hit Dice + its Constitution modifier.
Fractured Mind (Ex): A two-headed minotaur’s
mind is divided between its two heads, which both makes
it more resilient to mental assault, and more fragile.
Whenever the two-headed minotaur is forced to make
a Will save, it can roll twice and take the better result.
However, whenever the two-headed minotaur fails a Will
save for any reason, in addition to the normal effects of
failing the Will save, the two-headed minotaur becomes
confused for 1d4 rounds.
Natural Cunning (Ex): Although minotaurs are
not especially intelligent, they possess innate cunning and
logical ability. This gives them immunity to maze spells
and prevents them from ever becoming lost. Further, they
are never caught flat-footed.
Powerful Charge (Ex): In addition to the normal
effects of a powerful charge, whenever a two-headed
minotaur uses the charge action, he can make two gore
attacks instead of making a single attack.
Two-Headed Combatant (Ex): A two-headed
minotaur cannot be flanked (it is still subject to critical
hits and precision-based damage). Additionally, the two-
headed minotaur has two gore natural attacks. While two-
headed minotaurs do not typically wield manufactured
weapons, if one did, it would not suffer a penalty on attack
or damage rolls for attacking with two weapons, because
each of its two heads controls an arm.
These strange, mutated minotaurs are very
uncommon, and generally only occur in one out of a
thousand or so minotaur births. Of these staggeringly
low numbers, only a small fraction survive the first few
days after being born. Most minotaur traditions hold that
two-headed minotaurs are a sign of divine displeasure,
as well as metaphysically tainted and unclean, and are a
curse upon any tribe that harbors them. As a result, most
minotaurs that give birth to a two-headed minotaur will
slay it outright rather than have to face the shame that
their child would cause them. Even when the parents
are not willing to destroy their “abomination” offspring,
the rest of the tribe will often band together to stone the
child to death, and sometime the parents, as well. A few
of the more tolerant tribes simply leave infant two-headed
minotaurs exposed to the elements, where most still
die, but a few manage to survive and grow to adulthood.
Because they are almost universally shunned by their kin
(and rarely welcomed by other intelligent races, for that
matter), two-headed minotaurs are more feral and less
intellectually developed than other minotaurs, though
some believe that this is due instead to the fact that
their brains are split between their two heads: whereas
creatures like ettins have two distinct heads with different
personalities, a two-headed minotaur has a single, if
slightly fractured, mind. As a result, they have extreme
difficulty focusing for extensive periods, though the dual
nature of their minds can sometimes allow them to reach
complex conclusions much more quickly than other
species, making them a dangerously cunning foe.
Bronze Minotaur
This creature appears to be a minotaur, but its skin is
smooth, and appears to have been made of burnished bronze.
The creature moves far too fluidly to be a proper golem,
however, and you can see steam escaping from its nostrils as
it snorts at you angrily and hefts its flaming, golden axe above
its head.
CR 10
XP 9,600
LN Large monstrous humanoid
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +15
AC 24, touch 9, flat-footed 24 (+15 natural, -1 size)
hp 142 (15d10+60)
Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +11
DR 10/magic; Immune magic; Resist fire 10; Defensive
Abilities natural cunning
Weaknesses fire weakness
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 flaming greataxe +19/+14/+9 (3d6+7 plus 1d6
fire/19-20 x3) and gore +13 (1d8+2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks intimidating steps, powerful charge (gore
+20, 2d6+6)
Str 19, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +15; CMB +20; CMD 30
Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved
Critical (greataxe), Improved Natural Attack (gore), Iron
Will, Power Attack, Step Up, Toughness
Skills Craft (traps) +16, Intimidate +9, Perception +15, Stealth
+7; Racial Modifiers +8 Craft (traps), +4 Perception
Languages Giant
Environment any ruins or underground
Organization solitary, pair, or patrol (4-6)
Treasure standard (+1 flaming greataxe, other treasure)
Elite Trapsmith (Ex): Bronze minotaurs are masters
of creating and working around traps. A bronze minotaur can
create and reset traps in half the time that it normally costs
to create or reset them. In addition, a bronze minotaur never
accidentally triggers his own traps, and is immune to any
damage inflicted by traps that he created.
Fire Weakness (Ex): Whenever a bronze minotaur
suffers at least 1 point of fire damage (after applying its fire
resistance), it is staggered until the end of its next turn.
Immunity to Magic (Ex): A bronze minotaur is
immune to all spells of 4th level or lower. Additionally, any
spell that requires a ranged touch attack that targets the
bronze minotaur is reflected off its metallic skin and back
towards the caster. The bronze minotaur makes a new
attack roll for the spell, using its own base attack bonus
and Dexterity modifier. It suffers a -4 penalty on attack rolls
made in this way. If the second attack roll hits, the source of
the spell is affected by it as though he had been the initial
target. This ability also applies to spell-like abilities, but not
supernatural abilities, even if they mimic spells.
Intimidating Steps (Ex): The sound of a bronze
minotaur’s footsteps slowly stalking through its territory is
enough to unnerve even hardened adventurers. As a full-
round action, the bronze minotaur can move up to its speed
while walking in an intimidating fashion. If he does so, then
he may make a special Intimidate check with a +5 bonus,
which applies to all characters that can hear him but cannot
see him. This otherwise functions as the demoralize function
of the Intimidate skill. Creatures that cannot hear the bronze
minotaur, or can both see and hear him, are not affected.
Natural Cunning (Ex): Although bronze minotaurs
are not especially intelligent, they possess innate cunning
and logical ability. This gives them immunity to maze spells
and prevents them from ever becoming lost. Further, they are
never caught flat-footed.
Bronze minotaurs are not a true subspecies of
minotaur, but rather the result of strange arcane forces.
Bronze minotaurs are incapable of breeding, either with
each other or with other minotaurs, and so cannot have
offspring of any kind. Instead, each bronze minotaur was
once a standard minotaur, who was affected by a powerful
and mysterious curse, which transforms his flesh to have
the appearance of bronze, among other changes. The
transformation occurs over the course of one week, during
which a small patch of bronze-colored skin slowly spreads
across the minotaur’s entire body. The process also warps
the bronze minotaur’s mind, making it much more rigid and
orderly (although not any more intelligent), and compelling
it to seek out treasures and relics to guard.
While a bronze minotaur’s skin has the appearance
of bronze, and is quite hard, it is not actually metallic. A
bronze minotaur is warm to the touch, and its movements
are not hindered in any way by the transformation. One sage,
who conducted very thorough experiments on the matter,
noted that the bronze minotaur’s internal organs appear to
undergo the same transformation, and it is bronze-colored
throughout. This may explain why the bronze minotaur
does not need to eat, though it still needs to breathe and
sleep. The same sage also noted that, after death, a bronze
minotaur’s body does decompose, and that while it is
resistant to fire, if its body is heated sufficiently, it burns,
rather than melting.
The exact nature of the curse is unknown, though
it does not spread by contact from one minotaur to another.
Some scholars postulate that it is in fact a powerful and secret
spell, which archwizards use to draft guardians for their
treasures, while others, pointing out the lack of any known
spell that does such a thing, postulate that it is the work of
the gods, perhaps punishing minotaurs who are extremely
wicked, or even rewarding those that serve them well.
Maze Master Minotaur
The creature before you appears entirely human
from the neck downwards, dressed only in a kilt made of gold
cloth. His body is muscular and tan, and appears to gleam, as
though oiled. From the neck up, instead of a human head, it
has the head of a bull, its eyes glowing an angry shade of red,
its curved horns sharpened to points.
CR 15
XP 51,200
CE Large monstrous humanoid
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +40
AC 27, touch 9, flat-footed 27 (+18 natural, -1 size)
hp 210 (20d10+100)
Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +19
Defensive Abilities exceptional cunning
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +2 flaming greataxe +25/+20/+15/+10 (3d6+6 plus 1d6
fire/19-20 x3) and gore +17 (1d6+1)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks deadly maze (3/day, DC 27), powerful charge
(gore +24, 2d6+4)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th)
3/day—alarm, arcane lock, obscure object
1/day—hungry pitAPG (DC 22), solid fog
Str 17, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 11, Wis 24, Cha 8
Base Atk +20; CMB +24; CMD 34
Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (greataxe),
Improved Bull Rush, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack,
Skill Focus (Intimidate), Skill Focus (Perception), Step Up,
Toughness, Weapon Focus (greataxe)
Skills Intimidate +28, Perception +40, Stealth +19, Survival
+34; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception, +4 Survival
Languages Aklo, Common
SQ maze minion
Environment any ruins or underground
Organization solitary
Treasure standard (+2 flaming greataxe, other treasure)
Deadly Maze (Sp): Three times per day, as a full-
round action, a maze master minotaur can consign a single
creature within 60 feet to an extradimensional maze full
of deadly horrors. This functions as the maze spell, with a
few exceptions. First, in order to escape the maze, instead
of succeeding on a DC 20 Intelligence check, the trapped
creature must succeed on an opposed Wisdom check against
the maze master minotaur. If desired, the trapped creature
may substitute an Intelligence check instead of a Wisdom
check. Additionally, whenever the trapped creature fails an
opposed check in this way, he suffers 3d6 points of damage,
plus an additional 1d6 points of damage for every 2 points by
which the maze master minotaur’s resulted exceeded his own
(to a maximum of 8d6). Finally, the effect lasts indefinitely,
and the trapped creature is not automatically released after 10
The maze master minotaur can only affect one
creature with this ability at a time. If the maze master
minotaur uses this ability while a creature is already trapped
within the maze, the first creature is released. If the maze
master minotaur is ever the target of a maze spell, in addition
to being immune to it, he also regains a daily use of this
ability. The saving throw DC to resist this ability is 27, and is
Exceptional Cunning (Ex): Maze master minotaurs
have a much greater natural cunning and logical ability than
the average minotaur. In addition to being immune to maze
spells and becoming lost, and never being flat-footed, a maze
master minotaur cannot be flanked except by a character
with 4 or more rogue levels than the maze master minotuar’s
CR. Additionally, the maze master minotaur automatically
disbelieves any spells of the illusion school that are subject to
Maze Minion (Su): Whenever a creature dies
while affected by the maze master minotaur’s deadly maze
ability, the maze master minotaur gains the ability to
create a simulacrum of that creature. This functions as the
simulacrum spell, except that the maze master minotaur can
create the simulacrum as a full-round action, and can only
have one simulacrum created in this way at any one time. If
the maze master minotaur creates a new simulacrum while
a previous simulacrum exists, the previous simulacrum is
immediately destroyed. Once he creates a simulacrum of
a creature in this way, he loses the ability to create further
simulacrums of that creature, so if the simulacrum is
destroyed, he cannot create another. Unlike the simulacrum
spell, this ability does grant the maze master minotaur direct
telepathic control over the simulacrum created in this way.
Spell-Like Abilities: A maze master minotaur uses
his Wisdom, rather than his Charisma, to determine the
saving throw DCs of his spell-like abilities.
While minotaurs of all sorts are often associated
with mazes, due primarily to their keen navigational sense
and occasional penchant for making their lairs in such
locales, maze master minotaurs truly deserve their name,
and are masters of navigating tricky and winding paths both
physically and mentally. These strange creatures do not seem
to have much in common with their lesser kin other than
a few superficial features. While most standard minotaurs
have bull-like features throughout their body, including fur
and often hooves or a tail, the maze master minotaur has a
much stranger appearance, with only its head marking it as
different from a normal man. The maze master minotaur
does not speak Giant, as most minotaurs do, but rather
speaks Common and Aklo. Further, maze master minotaurs
do not associate with other types of minotaurs, and vice
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the
Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich
Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell,
John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material
by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte
Cook, and Skip Williams.
The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All
rights reserved.
Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors:
Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey
Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick
Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR.
Exotic Encounters: Griffons Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs.
Exotic Encounters: Ankhegs Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs.
Exotic Encounters: Manticores Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs.
Exotic Encounters: Harpies Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs.
Exotic Encounters: Medusas Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs.
Exotic Encounters: Doppelgangers Copyright 2013, Necromancers of
the Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs.
Exotic Encounters: Wyverns Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs.
Exotic Encounters: Basilisks Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs.
Exotic Encounters: Nightmares Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.
Exotic Encounters: Girallons Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.
Exotic Encounters: Gargoyles Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.
Exotic Encounters: Will o’ Wisps Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.
Exotic Encounters: Ettercaps Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.
Exotic Encounters: Ettins Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.
Exotic Encounters: Worgs Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.
Exotic Encounters: Darkmantles Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.
Exotic Encounters: Krakens Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.
Exotic Encounters: Couatls Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.
Exotic Encounters: Wraiths Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.
Exotic Encounters: Mummies Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.
Exotic Encounters: Vargouilles Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.
Exotic Encounters: Treants Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.
Exotic Encounters: Unicorns Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.
Exotic Encounters: Cyclopes Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.
Exotic Encounters: Dryads Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.
Exotic Encounters: Centaurs Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.
Exotic Encounters: Minotaurs Copyright 2013, Necromancers of the
Northwest, LLC; Author: Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback.
Exotic Encounters: Minotaurs
| textdata/thevault/Pathfinder/1st Edition/3rd Party/Necromancers of the Northwest/Exotic Encounters - Minotaurs.pdf |
Primary Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Other Clichés, Specials (Sidekicks, etc):
Possessions of Note, and Other Stuff
Classy Portrait
Careful About:
Careless About:
Curious About:
Embarassed By:
Favorite Kinds of Excitement:
Favorite Way to Relax:
Proud Of:
Scared Of:
Wants To:
Worries About:
Primary Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Other Clichés, Specials (Sidekicks, etc):
Possessions of Note, and Other Stuff
Classy Portrait
Afraid that:
Bothered by:
Brags about:
Distracted by:
Favorite kinds of place:
Favorite entertainments:
Finds fulfillment in:
Interested in:
Judges others by:
Playful about:
Quiet about:
Won’t Admit:
Primary Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Other Clichés, Specials (Sidekicks, etc):
Possessions of Note, and Other Stuff
Classy Portrait
Concerned About:
Favorite Time:
Favorite Kinds of People:
Hates to:
Optimistic About:
Really Into:
Thinks It’s Foolish To:
Primary Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Other Clichés, Specials (Sidekicks, etc):
Possessions of Note, and Other Stuff
Classy Portrait
Can’t Decide:
Favorite Drink:
Favorite Technique:
Frustrated By:
Generous With:
Lies About:
Nostalgic About:
Prone To:
Seems To Be:
Sensitive About:
Tries To:
Primary Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Other Clichés, Specials (Sidekicks, etc):
Possessions of Note, and Other Stuff
Classy Portrait
Delights In:
Eager For:
Favorite Person From Past:
Favorite Food:
Hesitant To:
Inspired By:
Loyal To:
Primary Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Other Clichés, Specials (Sidekicks, etc):
Possessions of Note, and Other Stuff
Classy Portrait
Attracted To:
Cynical About:
Dreams Of:
Kind Towards:
Laughs About:
Overprotective Of:
Swears By:
Talks About:
Primary Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Other Clichés, Specials (Sidekicks, etc):
Possessions of Note, and Other Stuff
Classy Portrait
Afficionado Of:
Always Seems To:
Favorite Memory:
Has To:
Humbled By:
Irritated By:
Sees Friends As:
Uncomfortable In:
Primary Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Other Clichés, Specials (Sidekicks, etc):
Possessions of Note, and Other Stuff
Classy Portrait
Favorite Time of Day:
Fussy About:
Giggles At:
Hopes That Someday:
No Patience With:
Passion For:
Pet Phrase:
Very Open About:
Would Love To:
Primary Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Other Clichés, Specials (Sidekicks, etc):
Possessions of Note, and Other Stuff
Classy Portrait
Aspires To:
Doesn’t Believe In:
Draws The Line At:
Falls In Love With:
Favorite Weather:
Fond Of:
Has Trouble With:
Rude To:
Self-Conscious About:
Unusually Patient With:
Vocal About:
Wonders About:
Primary Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Other Clichés, Specials (Sidekicks, etc):
Possessions of Note, and Other Stuff
Classy Portrait
Can’t Imagine:
Charitable Toward:
Especially Pleased With:
Favorite Saying:
Fascinated By:
Finds Contentment In:
Revels In:
Unaware Of:
Wary About:
Yearns For:
Primary Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Other Clichés, Specials (Sidekicks, etc):
Possessions of Note, and Other Stuff
Classy Portrait
Avoids Discussing:
Can’t Get Enough:
Enjoys The Company Of:
Favorite Trick:
Finds Excuses To:
Known For:
Looks Forward to:
Lusts After:
Pleased By:
Sentimental About:
Skeptical About:
Primary Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Cliché (Value):
Tools of the Trade:
Other Clichés, Specials (Sidekicks, etc):
Possessions of Note, and Other Stuff
Classy Portrait
Amused By:
Awed By:
Challenged By:
Confident In:
Favorite Tactic:
Grateful For:
Loves The Thought Of:
Nervous About:
Pays Attention To:
Regards As A Duty:
Reminisces About:
Staunch Defender Of:
Suspicious Of:
| textdata/thevault/Kid Friendly/3. Rules Lite Collection/Risus/RISUS - The Anything RPG - Campaign Character Sheet Pack.pdf |
CASTLES & CRUSADES© Character Record Sheet
Player’s Name
Castle Keeper
Character’s Name
Armor Class
Hit Points
Character Sketch or Symbol
Paralysis or
Constriction (STR)
Magic or Illusion (INT)
Confusion, Gaze
Attack, Petrifaction, or
Polymorph (WIS)
Breath Weapon or
Traps (DEX)
Death Attack, Disease,
Energy Drain, or Poison
Charm, or Fear (CHA)
Base To Hit Bonus:
Total Melee To Hit Bonus:
Total Missile To Hit Bonus:
(This form may be reproduced for personal use in playing CASTLES & CRUSADES© GAMES)
© 2004 Troll Lord Games, All Rights Reserved; Sheet created by Sieg and Thoth Amon, 2005, 2006
CASTLES & CRUSADES© Character Record Sheet
Needed for next level:
SPELLS and CLASS ABILITIES, including Thief’s Abilities, Cleric’s Turning, etc.
Spells per Level: 0 ____ 1 ____ 2 ____ 3 ____ 4 ____ 5 ____ 6 ____ 7 ____ 8 ____ 9 ____
Current Hit Points
| textdata/thevault/Castles & Crusades Siege Engine/Castles & Crusades Character, Cheat Sheets/C&C Thoth's Sheet.pdf |
That's a Goblin!?
by Mark L. Chance
That's a Goblin!? | 1
That's a Goblin!?
by Mark L. Chance
Help and Editing by Katrina Chance, Ronald Redmond
Table of Contents
Random Goblin Traits..........................................3
Goblin Types, Tactics & Weapons........................5
Goblins of the Fey Realms...................................7
The Goblinarium..................................................9
Burn Squad......................................................9
Gurk Wound-Licker.........................................9
Quiet Kwangi...................................................9
Trackspawn Pack...........................................10
Tributary of Terror..............................................11
Welcome to Reyr's Well!...............................11
Who's in Charge?......................................11
Who's Really in Charge?...........................12
Defending Reyr's Well..............................12
Map Key........................................................13
The Monster in the Well................................19
Why Don't the Locals Handle It?..............19
Why Should the PCs Handle It?...............19
Handling It................................................19
Concluding the Adventure.............................20
That's a Goblin!? | 2
Open Gaming Content
This product is produced under the terms of the Open Gaming License v1.0a. All text is Open Content
except as identified below under Designation of Product Identity.
Designation of Product Identity
The following items are hereby designated as Product Identity:
1. The name "Spes Magna Games" as well as all identifying marks of Spes Magna Games, including
but not limited to the Spes Magna logo. Spes Magna logo by Darren Calvert.
2. The product name "That's a Goblin!?" except for its use within Section 15 of the Open Gaming
Copyright and Trademark Notice
That's a Goblin!?. Copyright 2013, Mark L. Chance, published by Spes Magna Games.
Some artwork copyrighted by Robert Hemminger, used with permission.
Swords & Wizardry, S&W, and Mythmere
Games are trademarks of Matthew J.
Finch. Mark L. Chance and Spes Magna
Games are not affiliated with Matthew J.
Finch, Mythmere Games™, or Frog God
Games. That's a Goblin!? is compatible
with the core rules of Swords & Wizardry.
Most everyone knows that goblins are small creatures, about four feet
tall or so, who inhabit dim woods, lightless caverns, and possibly the
otherworldly realms of the fey. Beyond this rudimentary description,
scholars have trouble pinning down the specifics of goblin
For, you see, these horrible humanoids eat very nearly anything,
including bizarre mushrooms and subterranean insects that would
sicken (or worse) most other creatures. Goblins society, such as it is,
also lacks civilized restrictions against interbreeding with close
The goblins' strange dietary choices
and unsavory mating habits, perhaps
combined with sinister influences from
chaotic powers revered by goblins,
mean that goblins often exhibit bizarre
That's a Goblin!? is compatible with the Swords & Wizardry game,
which means it's probably at least mostly compatible with almost any
old-school game.
If you have any comments or criticisms about this PDF, please e-mail
me. Enjoy!
Mark L. Chance
Spes Magna Games
Random Goblin Traits
The Random Goblin Traits table to the right
includes 23 different mutations. To randomly
generate a goblin trait, roll 1d24. If you don't
happen to have a 24-sided die, don't fret. You just
go old school and roll 1d12 and 1d6. If the 1d6
comes up 4-6, then you add 12 to whatever you
rolled on the 1d12. Otherwise, the 1d12 result
stands unmodified.
Beer Gut: The goblin proudly sports an amazingly
protuberant abdomen. If the goblin spends a
round chugging a beer, it gains the ability to
unleash a potent belch 1d3 rounds later. The
belch counts as the goblin's melee attack. The
target must make a saving throw to avoid being
(1-2) blinded for 1d4 rounds, (3-4) deafened for
1d4 rounds, or (5-6) stunned for 1d4 rounds (roll
1d6 to determine exact effect). The goblin can use
this disgusting ability two times per hour without ill
effects. Each additional beer chugged within an
hour forces the goblin to make a saving throw to
avoid becoming
violently ill.
Big Muscles:
The goblin
around with
huge muscles
bulging on its arms, shoulders, neck, and chest.
All of that upper body strength means the goblin
enjoys a +1 bonus both attack and damage rolls,
just like it was a fighter with a 16 Strength.
Bloodsucker: Ye gods! That goblin's mouth looks
like a sucker ringed with dozens of close-set, tiny
fangs! The goblin bites for 1 point of damage with
a successful attack. It then drains blood at a rate
of 3 hit points per round. A bloodsucker goblin can
be forced off a victim by fire, a successful open
doors check, or by simply killing the horrid thing.
That's a Goblin!? | 3
Random Goblin Traits
1d24 Result
Beer gut
Big muscles
Blood sucker
Bloodshot eyes
Chameleon eyes
Excessive salivation
Fanged maw
Huge ears
Huge feet
Long legs
Loose skin
Moist nose
Nearly transparent
Rasping tongue
Suctiony fingers and toes
Thick skull
Referee's choice
“Goblins? Yah, I know all I need
to know 'bout goblins. No two
goblins are alike 'cept for one
thing, that bein' that the only
good goblin is a dead goblin.”
-- Ulf Halfane
Bloodshot Eyes: The goblin glares at the world
with eyes so swollen and irritated that they appear
completely red and watery. By squinting, the
goblin squirts tears and blood as a melee attack.
The target must make a saving throw to avoid
getting this noxious mix of liquids in his eyes. A
failed saving throw causes the victim to suffer a -2
penalty on attack rolls and Dexterity checks for
1d4 rounds.
Caterwaul: It's difficult to see what sets this
goblin apart from others until it shrieks. The
goblin's painfully loud screech affects every
creature (except the goblin itself) in a 10-foot
radius around the goblin.1 Creatures within the
radius must make a saving throw or be stunned
by the horrible pain for as long as either the goblin
shrieks or the victim remains in the radius. The
goblin can shriek for up to 2 rounds without ill
effect on itself. Each round after that, it must
make a saving throw and, if it fails, the goblin
1 I was asked via e-mail, “Is the area of effect
stuff supposed to effect other goblins? I'm
thinking of things like Caterwaul and Dander,
and the like.” My answer is, “Yes. Yes, it is.”
suffers 1 point of damage and cannot shriek again
until healed.
Chameleon Eyes: The goblin's eyes stick out
from the sides of its head in scaly turrets. Its eyes
move independently of each other, granting the
goblin a much wider and varied field of vision. The
goblin is surprised only on a 1.
Dander: This goblin has some sort of terrible skin
condition. Its flesh flakes away, and its hair has
fallen out in clumps. If it does nothing else for the
round, the goblin can vigorously rub itself in a
variety of places. Doing so kicks up a swirling
cloud of dander in a 5-foot radius around the
goblin. Other than the goblin itself, creatures
caught in the radius must make a saving throw to
avoid inhaling the dander, getting it in their eyes,
and so forth. A failed saving throw imposes a -2
attack roll penalty for 1d4 rounds due to watery
eyes, coughing, sneezing. The dander cloud lasts
for 1 round.
Excessive Salivation: The goblin drools without
ceasing. Spit glistens on its chin, neck, and front.
This ability is of little use in combat, but the goblin
has learned to smear its saliva all over its body in
order to wriggle through narrow spaces, slip out of
bonds, discourage fastidious creatures from
touching it, et cetera.
Fanged Maw: A wide, fang-filled maw splits this
goblin's face. It has a bite attack that inflicts 1d6
points of damage.
Frenzied: In combat, the goblin fights with
astounding ferocity. A bonus of +2 is added to its
attack rolls.
Huge Ears: The ears growing from the goblin's
head are easily five or six times larger than
normal. The goblin possesses keen hearing and
is surprised only a 1.
Huge Feet: The feet on this goblin belong on an
ogre. They're easily four times larger than they
should be. The goblin's huge feet act like
Long Legs: The goblin stands a good two feet
taller than most of its kind, and the extra height is
all in its legs. The goblin has a move of 12.
That's a Goblin!? | 4
Loose Skin: Grotesque folds of skin hang in
saggy wrinkles all over the goblin's body. It takes
1 fewer points of damage per damage die from
slashing weapons (minimum 0 points of damage
per damage die). In unarmed combat, the goblin
is difficult to grapple. Treat the loose-skin goblin
as a 2 Hit Dice monster when defending against a
Moist Nose: This goblin's flat nose quivers and
glistens. It has a remarkable sense of smell, and it
is able to track like a bloodhound. The goblin is
surprised only on a 1 if downwind of the would-be
Nearly Transparent: At first glance, this goblin
might not be seen. Its flesh, bones, and organs
are nearly transparent. The goblin has a 25%
chance to hide in shadows while moving and a
50% chance if it remains still.
Pustules: Swollen, blackened boils and seeping
sores cover the goblin. The goblin's unarmed
attacks cause normal damage but the victim risks
being exposed to contagion with every successful
attack. A saving throw prevents infection. The
disease's effects are left to the Referee's
Quills: A crown of barbed quills grows from the
goblin's head. It can flick its head and hurl up to 3
quills per round with a maximum range of 30 feet.
A quill inflicts 1 point of damage, and the goblin
has 1d8+4 quills when encountered. A quill that
strikes its target has a 20% chance to lodge in the
victim's flesh. A lodged quill automatically inflicts 1
point of damage on the victim should he move or
attack. A quill can be safely extracted in one round
if that is all the victim does.
Rasping Tongue: The goblin's long, broad
tongue could sand wood. The goblin uses its
tongue to scrape wounds into helpless victims,
relishing the taste of shredded skin and blood.
The tongue inflicts 0-3 points of damage per
round (1d4-1).
Rubbery: The goblin's soft tissues and bones
yield to pressure without any extra harm to the
goblin. Blunt weapons and falls inflict 1 fewer
points of damage per die of damage to the goblin,
which may reduce damage to 0 points.
Slippery: The goblin's oily skin excretes a runny
mucous. The goblin is treated as a monster with 4
Hit Dice when it resolves a grapple attack as the
Suctiony Fingers and Toes: The pads of this
goblin's fingers and toes resemble the digits of an
over-sized tree frog. It can climb with remarkable
speed and agility.
Thick Skull: The goblin's head appears unusually
massive with jutting brows and strange lumps
under the skin. It can head butt a foe in melee,
inflicting 1d6 points of damage with a successful
attack. Up to four other goblins can pick up the
thick-skulled goblin and use it as a battering ram,
causing 2 points of structural damage per turn
(but also inflicting 2 hit points of damage on the
thick-skulled goblin per turn in the process).
Goblin Types, Tactics & Weapons
It comes as no surprise that a race as variable as
goblins also prove highly adaptive to different
environments. Likewise, a race as small and weak
as goblins must be more than physically adaptive
That's a Goblin!? | 5
About Challenge Levels
Some of the goblin options you've read
probably deserve a challenge level modification.
A few certainly do. Others don't.
For example, I can't see why a rasping tongue
goblin needs to be worth more XP. The same is
true for a loose skin or a fanged maw goblin.
On the other hand, a dander goblin or a quill-
headed goblin have special attacks that make
them more effective (rather than just different or
slightly better). In these cases, it's likely best to
treat the goblin as CL/XP 1/15.
When dealing the likes of a shaman, a
witchdoctor, or a fey goblin, a CL/XP adjustment
is a must. These sorts of goblins not only have
additional abilities, but they also may have
multiple Hit Dice.
Of course, you're the Referee, and you in a
much better position to judge how to use these
rules with your game. Be fair and fun, and
everything should work out just fine.
in order to survive. Goblins also possess a terrible
viciousness and a talent for inflicting pain.
Presented below are three subspecies of goblins,
each adapted to a specific environment.
Deep Crawlers: Some goblins completely shun
the surface world. They are born and raised in the
endless caverns of subterranea. Deep crawlers
have spindly limbs and long, hyper-articulated
fingers and toes. They have a move of 6, but they
can climb along the rough walls and even the
ceilings of their cavernous environs with ease.
Deep crawlers echolocate like bats.
Leaf Lurkers: In trackless rain forests and
marshes, it can be difficult to find dry ground to
build on. Goblins living in such areas have
adapted to life in the treetops. They move clumsily
on the ground (move 6) but with speed and grace
through the trees (move 9 and capable of
impressive leaps). Leaf lurkers have long, flexible
tails that they can use to carry objects. They
cannot wield weapons with their tails, but the tails
do allow them to retrieve and to hold small
Sewer Creepers: Some goblins infest the fringes
of civilization, living in sewers and garbage
dumps. They scavenge the detritus of city life,
infrequently gathering sufficient courage and
numbers to stage night raids against stray
animals, drunks, et cetera. Sewer creepers
surprise opponents on a 1-3. Their filthy weapons
have a 5% chance to cause disease.
Goblins aren't tacticians. They're too cowardly,
chaotic, and feckless to stick to a plan for long,
especially after that plan comes into contact with
the enemy. This doesn't mean, however, that
some goblins haven't developed certain
specialties that aid the tribe's survival.
Arsonist: Goblins love burning stuff. They burn
buildings, people, animals, crops. If it's
flammable, odds are good a goblin would like to
set it ablaze. An arsonist goblin has developed a
special talent for using fire as a weapon. The
arsonist enjoys a +1 bonus to attack rolls with
weapons that inflict fire damage.
Battle Singer: Goblins often sing when killing,
maiming, or looting. Their songs tend toward the
terrible, full of off-key gusto and repetitive,
simplistic lyrics about blood, death, and terror. A
battle singer is a goblin with a special talent for
song. As long as a battle singer belts out its horrid
lyrics, all allied goblins within 30 feet who can
hear the battle singer fight with inspired savagery,
enjoying a +1 bonus to weapon damage rolls.
Hidden Sergeant: Goblin leaders seldom lead
from the front. Instead, they prefer to lurk in the
shadows and the relative safety behind the lines
of their lackeys, hissing orders and avoiding the
fight. A hidden sergeant has developed this lead-
from-behind tactic into an art. As long as the
hidden sergeant is not engaged in melee and
remains behind cover, he can call out orders to
1d6 goblins per round. These goblins gain a +1
bonus to either attack rolls or to saving throws for
the round (use which ever bonus seems most
applicable to the hidden sergeant's orders).
Pet Killer: Goblins hate common domestic
animals, especially those kept by humans.
Goblins won't even eat these animals unless
hard-pressed for food. A pet killer excels in the
slaughter of domestic animals. It has a +1 bonus
to both attack and damage rolls against such.
Shaman: Goblins worship the powers of chaos:
forbidden deities, demons and devils, and so
forth. A shaman goblin always has at least 2 Hit
Dice, and it has a special connection with the
chaos powers it worships. A shaman casts spells
as a Cleric of a level equal to its Hit Dice.
Witchdoctor: A goblin witchdoctor, rare and much
feared, taps into magic by means of its collection
of totem items and its knowledge of obscene
prayers, bizarre screams, and dances. All goblin
witchdoctors have at least 4 Hit Dice. They cast
spells as both Clerics and Magic-Users. Divide
the witchdoctor's Hit Dice between these two
classes. If the goblin has an odd number of Hit
Dice, its ability as a Magic-User is always greater
than its ability as a Cleric. For example, a goblin
witchdoctor with 5 Hit Dice casts spells a 3rd-level
Magic-User and a 2nd-level Cleric.
Goblins aren't known for the skills as
weaponsmiths. Most of what they fight with has
been scavenged or looted from others. The
That's a Goblin!? | 6
unfortunate victims of goblin attacks know of at
least three exceptions to this general observation.
Child-Catcher: A child-catcher is a haft topped
with metal crafted into two prongs. Each prong
curves to form spiked hooks. A successful melee
attack with a child-catcher inflicts a mere 1d2
points of damage, but the device has a 50% to
snare a small creature, such as a halfling or a
human child. An ensnared victim loses his
Dexterity and shield bonuses to Armor Class. He
can also be pushed and pulled by the wielder
(resulting in a 25% chance of the victim being
pulled off his feet). An ensnared victim can
attempt to pull free with an open doors check, but
failure inflicts 1d2 points of damage. Goblins use
these weapons to capture small humanoids for
use as slaves, ransom, and food.
Club-Torch: Goblins, especially arsonist goblins,
sometimes wield club-torches. This weapon is
quite simply a hardwood club whose business end
has been riddled with holes that can be stuffed
with cloth soaked in some sort of flammable resin.
A club-torch inflicts 1d4 points of damage plus
another 1 point of fire damage. It can be used to
start fires like a torch. Unfortunately, a club-torch
tends to destroy itself with use. Each successful
hit has a 5% chance per point of damage inflicted
to crack or shatter the hole-riddled end.
Tainted Thurible: This vessel for burning incense
isn't a weapon per se. Sure, a goblin could whack
someone with it, but that's not what it's designed
for. Instead, the goblin thurifer loads the tainted
thurible with a special combination of noxious
substances and, after taking a deep breath, sets
the contents to smolder. The goblin then rushes
into battle, swinging the thurible and spreading an
oily cloud of poison in a 5-foot radius along the
path of its charge. Each round after the first, the
goblin thurifer must make a saving throw to
continue to hold its breath to avoid inhaling the
poison. The exact effects of the poisonous gas
are left to the Referee's discretion.
Goblins of the Fey Realms
The introduction
mentioned that goblins
might inhabit the
otherworldly realms of
the fey. What a
wonderful idea! Fey
goblins are probably a
species apart from
ordinary goblins. Most
possess magical
powers. The fey origins
of these goblins don't
change their disposition
and habits much. If
anything, in most cases,
fey goblins enjoy
inflicting pain and
misery even more than
their mundane cousins.
Exceptions to this
generalization do exist,
however.2 This seems
especially true of miner
goblins, known by
various regional names
such as knocker,
wichtlein, or coblynau. Still, at best, these more
benign goblins tend toward Neutrality and, while
not malicious, they can be annoyingly
The Random Fey Goblin table to the right
includes 15 different abilities. To randomly
generate a fey ability, roll 1d16. If you don't
2 All generalizations, including this one, are
ultimately false.
That's a Goblin!? | 7
Random Fey Goblin
1d16 Result
Dimension door
Druidic fey
Fey dance
Fey music
Morganic fey
Size change
Wild shape
Referee's choice
happen to have a 16-sided die, don't fret. You just
go old school and roll 1d8 and 1d6. If the 1d6
comes up 4-6, then you add 8 to whatever you
rolled on the 1d8. Otherwise, the 1d8 result
stands unmodified.
Dimension Door: Once per day per Hit Die, the
goblin may use dimension door. This ability often
has other limitations, such as that the goblin only
being able to use it when not being observed or
that this ability's use requires some sort of
medium, such as only between door frames or
between shadows.
Druidic Fey: This goblin has a special connection
to the powers of nature. It casts spells as a Druid
whose level is equal to the goblin's Hit Dice.
Fey Dance: By performing a dance for at least 1
round, be it a sprightly jig or a stately waltz, the
goblin weaves a powerful enchantment. All
creatures who see the dance must make a saving
throw or be compelled to join, refraining from all
other activities except conversation for as long as
the goblin dances. A fey dance goblin has no
need for food, drink, or rest as long as it dances.
The same probably isn't true of its partners.
Fey Music: This goblin's powers of song and
musicianship exert an effect over the will of those
who hear the music. As long as the goblin plays
and/or sings, it can select one target who hears
the music per round. The target must make a
saving throw or become charmed. Most fey music
works as charm person, but more potent types
may duplicate the effects of charm monster or
charm plants.
Greenteeth: This monstrous goblin lurks in
shallows along river banks and lake shores,
waiting for some victim to wonder too close. Then,
the greenteeth strikes, pulling the victim into the
water and drowning him. Greenteeth breathe
water and air, and swim at move 6. They surprise
others on a 1-4. A surprised foe in melee range
can automatically be grabbed and pulled into the
water. Greenteeth are dangerous grapplers when
underwater. When grappling, a greenteeth rolls
1d8 per Hit Die rather than 1d6.
Invisibility: The goblin becomes invisible at will
(as the spell). Some fey goblins remain invisible
even after they attack.
Miner: A miner easily takes note of certain
features of stonework, such as sloping corridors,
moving walls, and traps made of stone, especially
falling blocks, rigged ceilings, and tiny arrow slits
designed to release poison gas or darts. It can
also identify whether stonework is recent or not.
There is no established die roll or rule for using
these abilities; exactly what a miner does or does
not perceive is up to the Referee.
Misleader: A misleader typically claims a territory
around its lair with a radius of at least 1 mile per
Hit Die. The wilderness thus claimed becomes
inimical to trespassers. Add 15% to the chance of
getting lost in the misleader's territory.
Morganic Fey: This goblin studies and practices
the arcane arts. It casts spells as a Magic-User
whose level is equal to the goblin's Hit Dice.
Paralysis: Many fey have some sort of attack that
induces paralysis. Often, arrows or darts transmit
the paralysis in addition to the weapon's normal
damage. Regardless of the method of delivery, a
successful saving throw avoid paralysis, which
lasts for 1d6 turns per goblin Hit Die.
Polymorph: This goblin is a shapeshifter, able to
use polymorph self once per day per Hit Die. Fey
goblins able to use polymorph other or even
polymorph object might exist outside folktales.
Size Change: Some fey goblins alter their size
with ease, becoming giants or the size of bugs.
Once per day per Hit Die, this goblin may change
size. When enlarged, it fights as if it were an ogre.
When shrunk, it likely has no effective attacks, but
can enter many places not secure against
creatures such as flies or beetles.
That's a Goblin!? | 8
Sleep: A fey goblin with this ability has some
means to cause creatures to fall asleep. Often,
this is some sort of ranged attack, such as arrows
or darts, that don't cause damage but force a
saving throw to avoid an enchanted slumber that
lasts up to 1d6 turns per goblin Hit Die. Other
sleep-causing goblins may induce slumber by
touch, by lullaby, or by an effect to duplicates the
sleep spell.
Tempter: This type of fey goblin speaks honeyed
words intended to lure the listener into harm or to
commit some evil action. Anyone who foolishly
bandies words with a tempter goblin for at least 1
turn must make a saving throw with a -4 penalty
or be subjected to a suggestion (as the spell).
Wild Shape: A wild shape goblin can change into
the form of an animal. The animal’s size can
range from that of a crow to that of a black bear.
The goblin can change into as many as three
different animal forms per day, one from each
category of reptile, mammal, and bird, but only
once for each form within a single day. When the
goblin shapeshifts, 1d6 x10% of any lost hit points
are cured in the transformation.
The Goblinarium
Here're a few special goblins for you to inflict
upon your player's characters.
Burn Squad
Hit Dice: 1d6 hit points
Armor Class: 6 [13]
Attacks: Weapon (1d6), or club-torch (1d4 plus 1
point of fire)
Saving Throw: 18
Special: -1 to hit in sunlight, arsonist goblin
Move: 9
Alignment: Chaos
Number Encountered: 1d3+2
Challenge Level/XP: B/10
A burn squad enjoys special status in a goblin
tribe. Squad members are admired for their
devotion to killing and destroying by fire. Each
goblin in the squad fights either with a normal
weapon or, better yet, a club-torch. Arsonist
goblins enjoy a +1 bonus on attack rolls with
weapons that inflict fire damage.
Gurk Wound-Licker
Hit Dice: 2
Armor Class: 6 [13]
Attacks: Weapon (1d6)
Saving Throw: 16
Special: -1 to hit in sunlight, rasping tongue
Move: 9
Alignment: Chaos
Number Encountered: Unique
Challenge Level/XP: 2/30
Gurk Wound-Licker
rose to legendary
status among
goblins when it
allegedly defeated a
bugbear in single
combat. In truth,
Gurk drugged the
creature and bound
it hand and foot
before beating it
within an inch of its
life and then
removing the fetters.
Gurk presented this
trophy to the clan,
and then enter-
tained everyone for
next several hours
by licking the bugbear to death.
Quiet Kwangi
Hit Dice: 3
Armor Class: 6 [13]
Attacks: Weapon (1d6), or three darts (1d3)
Saving Throw: 14
Special: -1 to hit in sunlight, hidden sergeant,
sewer creeper
Move: 9
Alignment: Chaos
Number Encountered: Unique
Challenge Level/XP: 4/120
Quiet Kwangi leads a band of sewer creepers that
live in the drains and storm tunnels under the
cobbles of Old Landinium. Rumor has it Kwangi
and company even use the ghoul warrens
beneath the town's necropolis. As a sewer
creeper, Kwangi surprises foes on a 1-3, and its
filthy weapons have a 5% chance to cause
disease. Due to his status as a hidden sergeant,
That's a Goblin!? | 9
Kwangi can call out orders to 1d6 orders per
round so long as he is not engaged in melee and
remains behind cover. These goblins gain a +1
bonus to either attack rolls or saving throws for
the round.
Hit Dice: 1+1
Armor Class: 5 [14]
Attacks: Weapon (1d6)
Saving Throw: 17
Special: -1 to hit in sunlight, beer gut
Move: 9
Alignment: Chaos
Number Encountered: Unique
Challenge Level/XP: 2/30
Scumpus waddles about obesely, barely fitting
into his piecemeal armor. It fights with a notched
and rusted broadsword and wooden shield. It
does its best to keep two pint bottles of ale
hanging from its belt at all times. Before lumbering
into battle, Scumpus chugs a pint in order to
prime his belch attack.
Trackspawn Pack
Hit Dice: 1d4 hit points
Armor Class: 8 [12]
Attacks: Weapon (1d4)
Saving Throw: 18
Special: -1 to hit in sunlight, moist nose
Move: 9
Alignment: Chaos
Number Encountered: 1d4+1
Challenge Level/XP: A/5
Trackspawns are runty even for goblins. Many
goblin bands keep a pack of trackspawns in a
kennel, feeding them garbage and beating them
for fun. When somethings need to be tracked,
pack handlers leash the trackspawn and put them
on the trail. Trackspawn follow trails like
bloodhounds, and they are surprised only on a 1 if
downwind of the would-be ambusher.
Hit Dice: 5+5
Armor Class: 7 [13]
Attacks: Weapon (1d6)
Saving Throw: 12
Special: -1 to hit in sunlight, witchdoctor
Move: 9
Alignment: Chaos
Number Encountered: Unique
Challenge Level/XP: 6/400
Urorotuldur demands and receives the terrified
obedience of the goblins who follow this
witchdoctor's wicked orders. Urorotuldur casts
spells as a 3rd-level Magic-User (3/1) and a 2nd-
level Cleric (1). Its typical spells might be Magic-
User spells level 1: magic missile, protection from
good (as protection from evil but effective against
good creatures), shield; Magic-User spells level 2:
strength; Cleric spells level 1: cure light wounds.
That's a Goblin!? | 10
Tributary of Terror
A Mini-Adventure using That's a Goblin!? Rules for 2nd-4th level PCs
Welcome to Reyr's Well!
Reyr's Well sits in rolling, forested hill
country. Established four decades ago on a
gently sloping large hill as a refuge for
debtors, this young hamlet remains
populated largely by first and second
generation settlers. The Well's residents
take pride in their community, and they
generally welcome opportunities to impress
visitors with their hospitality. Today, about
240 adults with 60 children call Reyr's Well
home. An appreciable number of travelers
pass through Reyr's Well each year. The
hamlet is located at the intersection of High
Road, leading to northern districts, and
King's Road, which connects the hill
country with the coast to the southeast.
The forest around Reyr's Well has been
cleared back to a several dozen yards,
creating a rough oval of arable land with
the hamlet in the middle. On west-
northwest side, the Well (A) bumbles up
from the ground, giving rise to Reyr's Brook
(B), the hamlet's main source of fresh
water. The Well is a perennial karstic
spring3 that overflows a basin, forming a
pond which then drains into the brook.
Reyr's Brook runs a brisk, bubbling way in
winding, steep-banked defile that cuts
through the hamlet. At Reyr's Well's
southeastern edge, the brook joins Lost
Bell River4 (C), a wider and deeper
waterway flowing from the more rugged
highlands farther to the west.
3 About 120 gallons of water per second gush
from the cave.
4 A few years after Reyr's Well's founding, the
faithful collected funds and sent to the coastal
capital to have a bronze bell cast for the
community's chapel. Near the southeastern-
most bridge, a large viper spooked the team of
oxen pulling the bell. Before the beasts could
be calmed, they'd left the road. The wagon fell,
broke apart, and the 1.4 ton bell rolled into the
water and muck at the river's edge. It's
remained there ever since.
Reyr's Well enjoys fertile farmland, albeit not a
large amount of it. The hamlet's freemen farmers
lease strips of field, and work their leases
throughout the year. The farmers keep most of
their produce, but lease payments in the form of
flour, dried grain, et cetera are expected. Zuzen
Patxi (area 12) bears the responsibility of
ensuring lease payments are collected. Several
families also make their living on Lost Bell River,
which teems with fish and crustaceans. Amaia
Maite and her sons (area 4) also craft small,
durable boats that command good prices both up
and downstream from Reyr's Well. The Silent
Brothers of the Shining Countenance established
a small monastery in Reyr's Well several years
ago. The kindly monks brew some fine ale and
That's a Goblin!? | 11
make excellent cheeses. They also open their
doors to travelers who would not otherwise have a
place to sleep.
All in all, Reyr's Well is a small, prosperous
Who's in Charge?
According to official documents kept in the capital,
with copies duly filed at the Chapel of Saint Reyr
(area 8), Zuzen Patxi5 is lord of Reyr's Well. Patxi
keeps lease records, collects lease payments and
taxes, acts as chief magistrate, and owns the
hamlet's mill.
Who's Really in Charge?
In practice, however, locals tend to view
Patxi's authority with mild disdain. The real
leader of Reyr's Well is Zorion Iker, the
hamlet's vicar and oldest surviving signatory
to the charter that gave the original debtor-
settlers authority to establish Reyr's Well in
exchange for a period of indentured servitude
and eventual clemency. Iker was instrumental
to the settlers surviving those first harsh years
carving out a new home in what was then
frontier wilderness. No one who lives in Reyr's
Well doesn't know the story of how Iker lost
his eyesight, and that heroic injury counts for
more in people's minds than any number of
official documents ever will. Patxi's authority
carries weight in direct proportion to how little
Iker opposes that authority, a fact that Patxi
resents but Iker seldom takes advantage of.
Defending Reyr's Well
Three watchtowers overlook the roads into Reyr's
Well. These sturdy stone structures include a
ground floor, a second floor armory, and a roof
protected by crenelated battlements. Each tower
has an attached bunkhouse. The several bridges
across Reyr's Brook and Lost Bell River can serve
as choke points, helping defenders channel
raiders (or else force those raiders to move
through more rugged terrain to get around the
5 I generated most of these names using Behind
the Name. Human names were randomly
determined with the “Basque” box checked.
Some other details were randomly determined
using the plethora of nifty generators at the
Chaotic Shiny site.
Patxi and Iker employ thirteen full-time militia
members and Alesander Erramum, the watch
captain. Erramum keeps two militia members on
duty in each tower at all times. Another two are
on-call in the bunkhouse (see area 20).
It's pretty much standard procedure for player
characters to wander around town asking about
rumors. In addition to lots of fear about whatever's
been snatching animals and why the fish have
been scared away, the nearby table offers a few
more bits of gossip.
That's a Goblin!? | 12
d8 True? Rumor
Rumor has that Bikendi Xabi is being groomed
to replace Zorion Iker, which seems an odd
task for a paladin.
Innkeeper Vidar Víðarr hears more than he lets
Amaia Maite's husband Antton was captured
and killed by goblins.
Yes A relic of Saint Reyr rests under the chapel's
Yes A murderous doppelganger blinded Zorion Iker.
The monks of the Silent Brotherhood are spies.
There is a lost dungeon full of fabulous
treasure to the northeast.
There is an old outpost housing bandits
somewhere in the woods not too far from the
King's Road to the west.
Map Key
1. The Feisty Unicorn
The shingle hanging outside this building depicts
a unicorn rampant against a red background.
The structure itself rises two stories with a
sharply peaked roof. The ground floor has
stone-and-mortar walls whereas the second
floor is wood that appears freshly white-washed.
The innkeeper, Vidar Víðarr, runs a clean,
professional establishment. The menu is carved
on a sign behind the bar. The food is fresh, and
most of it consists of breads, vegetables,
cheeses, and fish bought from local vendors.
Goat milk, eggs, and wild game, mostly rabbit and
venison, show up for dinner meals at least a few
times a week. Víðarr imports his mead, brandy,
and Selenic Silver, a robust white wine with hints
of vanilla.
The common room, where one can stay for “free”
for a night with the purchase of a meal, is situated
above the horse stalls in the stable. No frills
describes the common room. Customers get a
chamber pot, a pitcher of water, a heavy woolen
blanket, and a straw tick to sleep on. Víðarr has
two dorm rooms on the second floor the main
building. Each dorm room sleeps six. For the
highfalutin', the inn offers four private rooms, each
just big enough to hold a comfortable bed and a
Víðarr is the only dwarf living in Reyr's Well. He is
squat, burly, hairy, and very nearly deaf. The sight
of regulars shouting drink orders right in Víðarr's
face often surprises first-time visitors. The dwarf
innkeeper employs, Amaya and Eguzkiñe, two
locals women to help with cooking and serving.
Vidar Víðarr (Ftr 3): HD 3d8; hp 14; AC 9 [10]
(Víðarr seldom wears armor); Atk 1 battle axe
(1d8); Move 6; Save 12; AL N; CL/XP 3/60;
Special 3 attacks vs. foes with 1 HD or less.
Nota Bene: Amaya and Eguzkiñe are normal
humans. Throughout this text, if no stat block is
given for an NPC, assume he or she is a normal
human. Also, otherwise noted, residents are either
Neutral (65%) or Lawful (35%).
2. The Mill
You hear this building before you see it. The
modest waterwheel splashes and creaks in the
surging current of the adjacent brook. Atop the
building spread the vanes of a windmill, the
motion of which adds to the noise.
Zuzen Patxi owns the hamlet's mill, which also
doubles as a tax office. Patxi splits his time
between the mill, his home (area 12), and strolling
about town, paying his respects to people and
gossiping. Patxi dresses well, ordering the latest
fashions from the capital once or twice a year. He
That's a Goblin!? | 13
The Feisty Unicorn's Menu
Bread & Cheese...5 copper
Breakfast...2 silver
Dinner...5 silver
Supper...2 silver
Small beer...5 copper
Stout ale...2 silver
Mead...15 silver
Selenic Silver...2 gold
Brandy...1 gold
Brandy by the gill. Others by the pint.
Common room...free with meal
Private room...1 gold per night
Dorm cot...3 silver per night
is a middle-aged human, balding and flush-faced,
with thin arms and legs framing a respectable
Despite his pretensions, Patxi has a clever mind
and is a skilled engineer. He designed his “double
mill” to include a system by which he harnesses
wind and water power to drive separate parts of
the mill. It isn't really that much more efficient, but
it's neat to watch for a few minutes.
3. Bridges
The bridge ahead of you arches slightly and
appears solidly constructed of stone and mortar.
Reyr's Well has seven bridges, five spanning the
brook and two longer, wider bridges spanning
Lost Bell River. Reyr's Brook rushes along
through a steep-sided defile. Without those
bridges, getting from one side of the defile to the
other would be difficult, even hazardous,
especially when heavy rains swell the waterways.
Crossing the river doesn't pose the same risks,
but the Lost Bell is wide and deep. Also, the river
bottom is mostly slick limestone riddled with
holes, many of them large enough to suck a
grown man into uncharted and airless caves.
4. Boatwright/Fish Market
Between two bridges on the south side of the
hamlet, the road curves gently between five
buildings, two on one side, three on the other.
The smell of fish hangs in the air. Closer to the
river bank, tarps have been stretched between
posts to provide shade. Several flat-bottomed
fishing boats can be seen.
Amaia Maite and her sons and their families
occupy four of the five houses here (all but area
14). They also run the fish market, and Maite is a
master boatwright. The extended family handle all
of the business: fishing, marketing, cleaning and
salting fish, et cetera.
Word around Reyr's Well is that Maite is a widow,
but she strenuously objects to this label. Her
husband, Antton, went downriver several weeks
ago after too much to drink and a heated religious
argument with his oldest son, Endika. Neither
Antton nor his boat have been found, and Antton
is presumed dead, but Maite won't believe that
until she sees the body. In the meanwhile,
business continues.
Endika Maite (Drd 1): HD 1d6+1; hp 5; AC 8 [11];
Atk 1 spear (1d6); Move 12; Save 15; AL N;
CL/XP 1/15; Special one 1st-level druid spell
(usually predict weather), +2 saves vs. fire.
5. Genovefa's Aviary
Dozens of bird cages hang from hooks under
the eaves of this home. Within the cages, scores
of birds sing, hop, and flutter.
Genovefa, the hamlet's only elfish resident, lives
here with Tweety, her pet eagle, and she
captures, trains, and sells birds. Business isn't
good, but Genovefa also receives a monthly
stipend for sheltering and caring for a half dozen
carrier pigeons used to quickly relay short
messages to the communities closest to Reyr's
Genovefa spent her formative years as a thief.
Indeed, years ago, she was caught trying to
burgle the chapel. Locals wanted to lop her hands
off and send her adrift down the Lost Bell, but
Zorion Iker advocated mercy. Genovefa was put
in irons and into Iker's custody. After the course of
several weeks, Iker converted Genovefa to a new
faith and new way of life. Today, she is a
respected member of the community.
Genovefa (Thf 4): HD 4d4; hp 10; AC 8 [11]; Atk
1 dagger (1d4); Move 12; Save 12; AL L; CL/XP
4/120; Special Genovefa retains her thief abilities,
although she is now loath to use them.
Tweety: HD 1d8; hp 4; AC 6 [13]; Atk 2 claws
(1d2) and 1 beak (1d2); Move 3 (24 flying); Save
17; AL N; CL/XP 1/15; Special +2 attack rolls and
double claw damage with a dive attack.
6. The Commons
A somewhat oblong expanse of green grass
stretches between the roads here. Several
structures have been built around the field. A
few dozen goats wander about, munching and
occasionally butting each other.
Residents use this field for their livestock.
That's a Goblin!? | 14
7. Bakery
The warm smell of baked bread wafts through
the air around this wood-and-thatch building.
Two folding doors, open to display shelves of
baked good, comprise most of the facade. A
large stone oven sits near the building.
Two halfling families call Reyr's Well home. The
matrons of those families are Malina and Lindsay,
twin sisters. The former manages the bakery; the
latter is the hamlet's healer (area 13). Malina and
her husband, Ainsley, enjoy their craft, and they
proudly display their products.
8. Chapel of Saint Reyr
Larger than any other building in the hamlet, this
hardy stone-and-mortar structure bears the clear
signs of being a holy site dedicated to Renceth.
Looming over the walkway up to the front double
doors stand three archways, each holding an
open door. A statue depicting a robed and
armored woman with a large key resting across
her outstretched palms rests in a niche adjacent
to the entrance.
The statue depicts Saint Reyr, a legendary cleric
of Renceth whose purity and devotion were
reputed to be such that all closed portals would
swing open wide at her slightest touch.6
Most Reyr's Well residents follow the cult of
Renceth, and the blind, aged Zorion Iker ministers
to their spiritual needs with kindness and wisdom.
Everyone in the hamlet either admires and
respects Iker, or else they pretend to, and the
pretenders cannot boast large numbers.
Iker is the oldest surviving signatory to the charter
that gave the original debtor-settlers authority to
establish Reyr's Well. Back then, he was young
and vigorous, almost without fear. It was Iker who
discovered that a doppelganger had infiltrated the
community and was responsible for a series of
crimes, including two murders. In the fight against
this foe, Iker suffered a serious head injury, but he
still struck the mortal blow against the monster.
Several members of the community regularly
assist Iker with day-to-day tasks. Reyr's Well's
newest arrival, the paladin Bikendi Xabi, arrived in
the hamlet, having been sent by Iker's hierarchical
superiors in the capital.
Rumor has that Xabi is being groomed to replace
Iker, which seems an odd task for a paladin.
Neither Iker nor Xabi will either confirm or deny
these rumors.
6 In her most famous deed, Saint Reyr
descended to the gates of the underworld and
opened them despite the hordes of demons
holding them fast, thus freeing the Sixteen
Child Martyrs to ascend to their heavenly
That's a Goblin!? | 15
God of Prophecy, Friendship, and Keys
Renceth knows the future, but he does not
freely share that knowledge. Instead, he puts
into the paths of his faithful the people and the
resources necessary to open the doors that will
be encountered. Those who ignore Renceth's
gifts find their paths full of obstacles whereas
the observant find their paths full of
Zorion Iker (Clr 6): HD 6d6-6; hp 18; AC 9 [10];
Atk 1 staff (1d6); Move 9; Save 10; AL L; CL/XP
6/400; Special +2 saving throws vs. poison and
paralysis, turn undead; Disability blind and in poor
Typical Spells: 1st-level (cure light wounds x2,
detect evil); 2nd-level (bless, speak with animals);
3rd-level (cure disease, prayer, speak with dead);
4th-level (neutralize poison).
Bikendi Xabi (Pal 2): HD 2d8; hp 9; AC 4 [15]
(chain & shield); Atk 1 long sword (1d8) or 2
arrows (1d6); Move 12; Save 11; AL L; CL/XP
2/30; Special lay on hands, immune to disease,
9. Graveyard
South of the chapel near the crossroads rests a
cemetery surrounded by a simple stone wall.
About 70 former residents are buried in this
hallowed ground.
10. Sea Shell House
The walls of this home have been covered with
plaster. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of sea
shells of all shapes and sizes were affixed in the
plaster before it hardened.
The half-elf Erlea Itsaso, Reyr's Well's resident
Magic-User, lives her with pets, five cats and
three dogs, including a tame wolf named
Shokufeh, which means blossom in an obscure
dialect. Itsaso approaches middle-age. She is still
strikingly beautiful, but that she has outlived three
husbands doesn't encourage suitors. Itsaso says
this suits her just fine, but, in truth and in secret,
she is painfully lonely and in love with Kerman
Sendoa, the hamlet's scribe (area 15). Itsaso
helps tend goats and the crops, but more as an
avocation than a job. She doesn't need to work as
she is rather wealthy, although her humble home
and lifestyle belies this fact.
Erlea Itsaso (MU 3): HD 3d4; hp 8; AC 9 [10]; Atk
1 staff (1d6); Move 12; Save 13; AL L; CL/XP
3/60; Special +2 saving throws vs. spells.
Typical Spells: 1st-level (detect magic, shield,
sleep); 2nd-level (web).
Shokufeh: HD 2d8+2; hp 11; AC 7 [12]; Atk 1 bite
(1d4+1); Move 18; Save 16; AL N; CL/XP 2/30.
11. Roadside Shrine
This building consists of three walls and a roof.
Shelves on the interior walls hold a variety of
small statues.
Zorion Iker ordered the construction of this simple
building for use as a roadside shrine for travelers
devoted to Lawful deities other than Renceth.
12. Zuzen Patxi's Home
Across the street from the chapel, this
impressive home must belong to a wealthy,
important owner. It stands two stories high with
lower and upper porches. A stone wall
surrounds the property's well-maintained lawns
and flower gardens.
Patxi lives her with his wife, Aintzane, a pleasant
lady several years younger than her husband.
They have three children, all girls, over whom
Patxi dotes with enormous pleasure. Aintzane and
her girls often spend the harsher winter months
away from Reyr's Well in the warmer coastal
13. Healer
This modest wood-and-thatch home sports a
short, brightly painted picket fence and an
adjacent herb garden. There is a small shed
near the garden.
Lindsay, twin sister of baker Malina (area 7), lives
here with her husband, Mìcheal, and their
children. Lindsay has “the touch” according to the
locals. Her homemade poultices, ointments,
broths, and purgatives aren't magical, but when
applied under her supervision, many common
illnesses and injuries pass more quickly and
easily than would likely otherwise be the case.
14. Apothecary
Across the street from the boatwright and fish
market stands this modest abode. Racks of
hanging herbs dry in the sun to the side of the
That's a Goblin!? | 16
Estebe Eneko runs this apothecary shop. His
materia medica tends to be made and dispensed
more for the care of livestock than of people.
Eneko also serves as spiritual leader for a
minority of residents who worship and serve the
powers of nature.
Eneko finds himself is a strange situation. He
cannot help but respect Zorion Iker while at the
same he find the cult of Renceth sadly misguided.
For a time, Eneko privately figured on biding his
time until Iker passed away. Then, he could step
in and fill the void, so to speak, but the arrival of
Bikendi Xabi casts the viability of this plan into
When not involved in apothecary duties, Estebe
often helps with the fishing. He and Amaia Maite's
eldest son have become fast friends.
Estebe Eneko (Drd 4): HD 4d6; hp 14; AC 7 [12]
(leather); Atk 1 spear (1d6); Move 12; Save 11; AL
N; CL/XP 4/120; Special +2 saving throws vs. fire,
First Mysteries abilities.
Typical Spells: 1st-level (faerie fire, locate
animals, predict weather); 2nd-level (speak with
animals); 3rd-level (water breathing).
15. Scribe
The sign outside this dwelling reads “Kerman
Sendoa, Scriptorological Services”.
Perpetually ink-stained Kerman Sendoa, scribe
and poet and man-of-letters, never uses one word
when two will suffice and never uses
monosyllables when polysyllables roll off the
tongue with so much more style. He is easily the
most well-educated resident in Reyr's Well. This
easy-going, loquacious scholar is liked by most,
and he receives correspondence from places as
distant as the capital asking for his skills with quill
and poetry.
His outgoing nature and way with words cannot
prevent Sendoa becomes tongue-tied around one
person: Erlea Itsaso, Reyr's Well's resident
Magic-User. It seems as if everyone in the hamlet
knows about the unspoken, unrequited love
between Sendoa and Itsaso, except for Sendoa
and Itsaso themselves.
16. General Store/Blacksmith
This long building has two obvious parts: a forge
and smithy mostly open to the air and an
adjacent general store.
Three brothers, Unai, Jakes, Aitor, run the smithy
and general store with the help of Unai's and
Aitor's wives, Kattalin and Itxaro, and their gaggle
of children. The brothers typically man the forge
while the ladies handle the store, but both Kattalin
and Itxaro wield the hammer and tongs as well as
most. Just about everything the people of Reyr's
Well could want that they can't get from someone
else in the hamlet can be made or bought here.
The entire extended family are devoted members
of Renceth's cult, and they boisterously embrace
that deity's aspect of god of friendship. Most
goods sold are priced 90% of book standard,
except for weapons and metal armor, which sell
for 110% normal price and are in small supply.
17. Musician
The house before you features a large box
window facing the street. In the window are
displayed a modest assortment of musical
instruments: a lyre, a violin, and a wooden flute.
Haizea Ochoa carves and sells flutes. She also
plays some nights at the Feisty Unicorn, working
for meals and tips, and she receives a small
stipend for playing liturgical music for special
festivals at the chapel. Locals often hire her for
parties and special occasions. Ochoa plays well,
and she has a strong, pure contralto singing
Ochoa is also a dangerously insane but cunning
follower of Cro (see sidebar). She was born and
raised in Reyr's Well, but moved away with her
family before she came of age. In one of the
coastal cities, she fell under the sway of a
charismatic follower of Cro, and was lured into the
That's a Goblin!? | 17
God of Truth, Chaos, and Opposites
Cro always speaks the truth. Cro always lies.
Cro stands firm against what is evil. Cro revels
in evil, his hands stained with innocent blood.
Cro is all things, and all things are Cro.
dark, contradictory mysteries of the god of
opposites. She returned to Reyr's Well a few
years ago, and she keeps tabs on the region for
her chaotic masters. By virtue of a special
blessing, Ochoa's alignment cannot be revealed
via magic.
Haizea Ochoa (Asn 6): HD 6d6; hp 21; AC 8 [11];
Atk 1 dagger (1d4); Move 12; Save 10; AL C;
CL/XP 6/400; Special backstab x3, disguise,
poison, thieving skills, undetectable alignment.
18. The Silent Brothers of the Shining
On the eastern edge of the hamlet stands a
sturdy stone-and-mortar building with a tiled
roof. A sign out front depicts a face with a hand
across its mouth.
The Silent Brothers of the Shining Countenance
are an order of monks who take vows of perpetual
silence, although they do communicate with other
via a simple system of hand and finger signs. The
three monks brew beer, make cheeses, and use
part of their property as a hostel for travelers at
times. The Silent Brothers have been in Reyr's
Well for just a couple of years, and most of the
locals still aren't quite sure what to make of them.
Gurutz (Mnk 3): HD 3d4; hp 11; AC 7 [12]; Atk 1
staff (1d6+1) or weaponless (1d6); Move 14;
Save 13; AL L; CL/XP 3/60; Special +1 damage
with weapons, +2 saves vs. paralysis and poison,
alertness, deadly strike, deflect missiles, thief-type
Igon and Ekain (Mnk 1): HD 1d4; hp 3, 4; AC 9
[10]; Atk 1 staff (1d6) or weaponless (1d4); Move
12; Save 15; AL L; CL/XP 1/15; Special +2 saves
vs. paralysis and poison, alertness, deadly strike,
deflect missiles, thief-type skills.
19. The Fields
The hamlet's freemen farmers lease strips of field,
and work their leases throughout the year. The
farmers grow wheat, barley, and peas. Most
farmers also maintain small vegetable gardens
near their homes.
20. Watchtowers
This sturdy stone structures include a ground
floor, a second floor pierced by arrow slits, and a
roof protected by crenelated battlements. The
tower has an attached bunkhouse.
Reyr's Well employs thirteen full-time militia
members and Alesander Erramum, the watch
captain. Erramum keeps two militia members on
duty in each tower at all times. Another two are
on-call in the bunkhouse.
Alesander Erramum (Rgr 3): HD 4d8; hp 18; AC
4 [15] (chain and shield); Atk 1 longsword (1d8) or
2 arrows (1d6); Move 12; Save 12; AL L; CL/XP
3/60; Special +3 damage vs. giants and goblin
types, alertness, tracking.
Militia Member (x13): HD 1d8; hp 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 5,
5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8; AC 5 [14] (chainmail); Atk 1
longsword (1d8) or 2 arrows (1d6); Move 12;
Save 17; AL L or N; CL/XP 1/15.
That's a Goblin!? | 18
The Monster in the Well
Reyr's Well has faced and defeated a number of
dangers since its founding. In recent days, a new
danger has bobbed to the surface. A fey
greenteeth goblin found its way into the Well from
the flooded caves beneath the hamlet. From the
Well during the night, it swims along Reyr's Brook
and Lost Bell River.
So far, the only casualties are a couple of goats, a
stray chicken, and the fish market. The savaged
remains of the animals were found on different
bridges, and the greenteeth has spooked the fish
so much that most fled the area. The first night
the player characters stay in the hamlet, a tipsy
farmer named Jokin Solo bids good evening to his
drinking companions and never makes it home.
The greenteeth ambushed him near the bridge
closest to the Well and tore his throat out before
dragging him into the brook.
In the morning, a great quantity of blood is found
at the attack site, and later scraps of clothing and
pieces of Solo are discovered farther
Why Don't the Locals Handle It?
They likely lack the resources. The most
experienced members of the community, Zorion
Iker and Haizea Ochoa, are either too blind and
frail or else pretending to be a mere musician.
Estebe Eneko could use water breathing to
investigate, but he'd likely not be a match for the
greenteeth alone, assuming he could even find it.
What the locals need are some professional
adventurers. Fortunately, some just happen to be
in town.
Why Should the PCs Handle It?
Well, the best reason is because they're the ones
who can, and wouldn't helping out the people of
Reyr's Well be the decent thing to do? If being
decent isn't enough motivation, Zorion Iker calls a
meeting. The people of Reyr's Well, after some
discussion, offer 700 gold pieces worth of coins.7
If the PCs express concern about drowning,
Genovefa offers the loan of her gauntlets of
swimming and climbing with the promise to give
7 The money and items offered were randomly
generated at this site based on 2.5 the XP
value of the greenteeth goblin.
them to the PCs if they defeat whatever menaces
the hamlet. If that still isn't enough, the good folk
can offer another 110 gold pieces worth of
trinkets, small gems, and pieces of jewelry. Of
course, the residents also offer what goods and
services they have that could be helpful, but few
are willing to risk their lives or be taken advantage
Handling It
Even though there is only one greenteeth active in
the hamlet, the PCs still face a dangerous
challenge. Unless the PCs manage to gather
some information about the monster (speak with
animals perhaps?), they may not realize they're
dealing with an intelligent creature. Tactics such
That's a Goblin!? | 19
Greenteeth Goblin
Hit Dice: 4+4
Armor Class: 8 [11]
Attacks: Bite (1d6)
Saving Throw: 13
Special: -1 to hit in sunlight, grappling,
surprise foes on a 1-4
Move: 9/6 (swimming)
Alignment: Chaos
Challenge Level/XP: 6/400
Smooth-skinned, dark and mottled green, and
adapted for aquatic life, this fey goblin lurks in
the shallows of watery places, waiting for a
hapless creature to stray too close. Then, the
greenteeth strikes, usually by surprise.
A surprised foe in melee range can auto-
matically be grabbed and pulled into the water.
Greenteeth are dangerous grapplers when
underwater. When grappling underwater, a
greenteeth rolls 1d8 per Hit Die rather than
“But I'm surprised only on a 1!”
The PCs may have an alert party member,
such as a ranger or a monk. These PCs are
surprised 50% as often as other PCs. On the
other hand, the greenteeth surprises foes
twice as often as most other monsters would.
What to do?
I recommend splitting the difference, so to
speak. The greenteeth surprises even an alert
PC on a 1-2.
as staking out bait aren't going to work. The
greenteeth may not be the sharpest knife in the
drawer, but it knows enough to realize that a goat,
for example, tied up near the water's edge is bait
for a trap. It'll ignore such obvious ploys.
The PCs sticking together has the advantage of
safety in numbers, but the disadvantage of limiting
how much riverbank can be watched at any given
time. Patrolling separately or in pairs lets the PCs
cover more ground, but also makes them more
vulnerable to the greenteeth's ambushes, which
prove especially deadly if they occur within
striking distance of water.
What's more, the greenteeth hunts only at night,
and its dark in Reyr's Well once the sun goes
down. The hamlet doesn't have much in the way
of streetlights, and armed figures patrolling with
torches and lanterns can be seen more easily and
a greater distance than a lone greenteeth skulking
Finally, if the PCs confront the greenteeth too
close to water, the monster has a good chance of
retreating into either the brook or river, diving out
of sight, and swimming away to safety.
All of this considered, the contest between the
PCs and the greenteeth may end up a deadly
game of cat-and-mouse played out over the
course of a few tense nights. Play up the
darkness, the shadows, the quiet noises (Was
that a snapping twig!?), the fatigue that sets in
after staying on-guard for hours, et cetera. During
the day, the PCs must eat, rest, and endure the
questions, advice, and criticisms of the hamlet's
Concluding the Adventure
With a combination of luck and skill, the PCs
should defeat the greenteeth, even if they only
make themselves such a nuisance that the
monster decides to swim away searching for less
bothersome hunting grounds. Two or three days
after the greenteeth's defeat, the fish return, and
life goes back to normal in Reyr's Well. Assuming
the PCs performed well and nobly, they'll be the
toast of the hamlet, at least for a while. They'll
also have earned the gratitude of Zorion Iker and
the Maite family (at a minimum).
Haizea Ochoa reports to her cult superiors about
the success of the adventurers. Foes of Chaos
bear watching. Alesander Erramum feels a bit
slighted, thinking that the PCs have enjoyed a
victory that should've been his and the militia's.
The PCs may decide to stay in Reyr's Well for a
time. Rumors of dungeon treasure and bandits
promise further adventure. Amaia Maite would like
to know what happened to her husband. Surely
other opportunities for fame and fortune can be
dreamed up by a clever Referee such as yourself.
That's a Goblin!? | 20
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The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All
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Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors:
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Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick
Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide. Copyright 2012,
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Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Jim Groves, Tim
Hitchcock, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-
MacFarland, Owen K.C. Stephens, Todd Stewart, and Russ Taylor.
Classic Monsters Revisited. Copyright 2008, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Authors: Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Joshua J. Frost, James
Jacobs, Nicolas Logue, Mike McArtor, James L. Sutter, Greg A.
Vaughan, Jeremy Walker.
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Bestiary. Copyright 2012,
Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jim Groves, James Jacobs, Rob
McCreary, Erik Mona, Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, F. Wesley
Schneider, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, and Greg A. Vaughan.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Goblins of Golarion. Copyright 2011,
Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: James Jacobs, Hal Maclean, and
Richard Pett.
Seven Cities. Copyright 2002, Trident Inc. d/b/a Atlas Games; author
Matt Forbeck.
Swords & Wizardry Core Rules. Copyright 2008, Matthew J. Finch.
Swords & Wizardry Complete Rules. Copyright 2010, Matthew J.
That's a Goblin!?. Copyright 2013, Mark L. Chance, published by
Spes Magna Games.
That's a Goblin!? | 21
| textdata/thevault/Swords & Wizardry/SW Supplemental/That's a Goblin! (SW).pdf |
Forty Fantastical Feats
Forty Feats for your fifth edition playing pleasure
Joshua Birdsong
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica
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under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2019 by Joshua Birdsong and published under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Active Alchemy
Prerequisite: Proficiency in Alchemy tools
Increase your intelligence or wisdom by 1, to a maximum
of 20.
You naturally collect alchemical specimens throughout the
At the end of a long rest you can spend 10 minutes
attempting to brew your specimens into a potion with an
Alchemy Tools check DC 13. If you succeed you either
brew a potion of the DM’s Discretion based on the
ingredients you find or roll 1d4 and refer to the brewing
table below to see the effect of the potion. If you succeed
the roll by 10 or more you brew enough to make 2 potions.
These potions lose their potency at the end of a long rest.
Heath : The drinker’s maximum and current Hit points are
increased by 2d4 for 8 hours.
Silvered Tongue : The drinker can roll 2d4 and add the
number rolled to all charisma checks made for the next 10
Alertness : The drinker can roll 2d4 and add the result to
all initiative and perception checks made in the next 8 hours.
Rejuvenation : The drinker’s current and maximum 1st
level spell slots are increased by 1 for up to 8 hours or until
the drinker completes a short or long rest.
Adrenaline Surge
Increase you Strength or Constitution by 1, to a maximum
of 20.
As a bonus action you can activate an adrenaline surge.
For 1 minute you become resistant to bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing damage. After 1 minute you suffer 1
point of exhaustion. Once you use this ability you cannot
do so again until completing a long rest.
Battle field Trickster
As a bonus action you can deploy caltrop or ball bearings.
When deployed this way the DC for these items equal to
11 + your proficiency bonus.
Whenever a creature fails a saving throw to resist the
effects of caltrops or ball bearing you can use your
reaction to make a weapon attack against that creature.
Bird Master
Increase your Wisdom or Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of
When attacking a flying creature, you gain a +2 bonus to
You gain advantage on persuasion and animal handling
checks against beasts with a flying speed.
If you spend an hour with a willing beast that has a flying
speed and is CR 0, they can become a trained companion.
you can only have 1 trained at a time.
Your trained companion acts independently of you, but it
always obeys your commands. In Combat, it rolls its own
Initiative and acts on its own turn. A trained companion
can't Attack, but it can take other Actions as normal.
Blaster's Buffet
Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, Or Charisma by 1, to
a maximum of 20.
For you all cantrips that require a ranged spell attack can
be made with a melee spell attack. When you do this the
spell has a range of touch.
When you deal damage with a cantrip to a creature within
5 feet, you deal an additional 1 damage to that creature.
Blowgun injector
Throughout your travels you are able to harvest poisons and
ointments that can be administered by soaking your blowgun
ammunition throughout the day. After each long rest you gain
3 uses of each poisoned ammunition. This ammunition loses
potency if you take another long rest.
Impact poison : The ammunition deals an additional 1d10
poison damage.
Rejuvenation ointment : The target of the attack made with
this ammunition takes 1 point of piercing damage and heals
for 1d10+3 hit points.
Baneful Poison : The target is under the effect of the bane
spell for 1 minute or until the use an action to remove the
Building momentum
You can build and use momentum throughout a fight.
Whenever you roll initiative your momentum starts at zero.
whenever you move at least 15 feet in a straight line or miss a
melee weapon attack you gain 1 momentum. You can never
have more than 3 momentum at a time. Whenever you hit
with melee weapon attack you lose all momentum. the attack
deals an extra 1d4 damage equal to the amount of
momentum lost with the attack. once initiative end you lose
all momentum and cannot gain more until you roll for
initiative again.
Made with Homebrewery
Clever Reflections
Whenever a creature within 30 feet is the target of an
attack, if you have a reflective surface in your hand such as
a small mirror or a polished weapon, you can use your
reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack.
You can spend 1 minute with a reflective surface to start a
fire provide the sun is out.
You can look at a creature through a reflection to ignore
the effects of half and three-quarters cover and avoid
detrimental features or abilities that require sight such as
the medusa's petrifying gaze.
Comeback Kid
Increase your Constitution by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You have advantage on death saving throws.
When you must make a death saving throw, you can
choose to instead regain hit point equal to your level. Once
you use this ability, you cannot do so again until you finish
a long rest.
Increase your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution by 1, to
a maximum of 20.
Whenever you make a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution
saving throw you can choose to make it with advantage.
Once you use this ability you cannot do so again until you
complete a short or long rest.
At the end of each short or long rest you gain 5 temporary
hit point.
Crowd navigator
Increase your Strength or Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of
You can move through and allies’ space as if it was
You can move through an enemy’s space as if it were
difficult terrain.
Attacks of opportunity against you are made at
Cunning Plan
As a bonus action you can attempt to pull off a cunning plan.
Choose one creature that you can see. Make a Charisma
(Deception) roll contested by that creature’s Wisdom
(Insight). If you win the contest, you and your allies have
advantage on attacks against that creature until the
beginning of your next turn. once you use this feature you
cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest.
Dagger Mastery
For you the normal and long range of a dagger's thrown
range is doubled.
As a bonus action you can make a slight of hand check to
conceal a dagger on your person. This dagger can be
revealed if a creature’s passive perception is equal or
higher than the sleight of hand check, if a
perception/investigation check is made as an action and is
equal or higher than the sleight of hand check, or if you
are actively searched for at least 1 minute.
An attack with a concealed dagger deals an additional
1d10 damage and reveals the dagger.
Dangerous Dwellings
Increase your Constitution or Wisdom by 1, to a
maximum of 20.
You have advantage on perception checks while taking a
short or long rest.
During a long rest you can spend 4 hours performing light
activities instead of 2.
Desert Born
Increase your Constitution or Wisdom by 1, to a
maximum of 20.
You can see through heavily obscured area that are
obscured by sand.
You only need half as much food and water to gain their
As a bonus action you can throw a pouch of sand up to 15
feet away to obscure a 5 foot-radius sphere. This sand
lasts until the end of your turn. Once you use this feature
you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long
Down but Not Out
While below half hit points, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
While below half hit points, your melee weapon attacks
deal an additional 1d4 damage.
While below half hit points, all healing you receive heals
for an additional 1d4 healing.
Elementary Expertise
Prerequisite: Spellcasting
You can cast a 1st level spell which you know or have
prepared with your spellcasting feature without expending a
spell slot. When you do treat the spell as though it were cast
using a spell slot equal to your proficiency modifier. Once you
cast a spell this way you cannot do so again until you
complete a short or long rest.
Made with Homebrewery
Expert Trapper
Prerequisite: proficiency in survival
Increase your wisdom by 1, to a maximum of 20.
It becomes second nature for you to set up traps as before
sleeping. After you take a long rest you can make a
survival check DC 15. If you succeed you collect enough
food to feed yourself for the day and you can spend 10
minutes crafting special ammunition for the day out of the
bones of the creatures you caught. You can craft 5 non-
magical +1 ammunition. If you succeed the check by 10 or
more you can craft 5 non-magical +2 ammunition. All
ammunition created with this feat falls apart and becomes
unusable at the end of a long rest.
Increase your Constitution, or wisdom by 1, to a
maximum of 20.
You and a number of allies equal to the ability modifier of
the stat increased by this feat all ignore the penalties of
extreme heat, extreme cold, heavy precipitation, and
strong winds.
First Impressions
Increase your Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You gain advantage on the first charisma check you make
against an NPC.
Friend of Nature
Increase your Wisdom by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You can cast Flock of Familiars as an action without
expending a spell slot. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability
for this spell and the DM can choose to decide which
animals the familiars take the form of based on your
location. Once you cast Flock of Familiars this way you
cannot do so again until you complete a long rest.
Head Hunter
Whenever you land the killing blow on a creature larger than
you with a weapon, you can add a notch to the weapon. You
gain additional properties while using a weapon that have
notched depending on the number of notches.
1 notch : When you land a killing blow against a hostile
creature you regain hit points equal to half the damage of the
5 notches : When you land a critical hit with this weapon
you deal an extra 5 damage.
10 notches : You attacks with this weapon deal an
additional 1d4 damage against creatures larger then you.
25 notches : Your attacks against creature with no missing
hit points have advantage and deal an additional 1d10
Keep it Simple
Increase your Strength or Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of
For you, simple weapons deal and additional 1 damage.
Whenever you make an attack with a simple weapon you
can make an additional attack with disadvantage as a
bonus action.
Magnificent Diminutiveness
Prerequisite: Halfling, Gnome, Goblin, Kobold, or another
small race
Increase your Strength or Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of
You can use heavy weapons without penalty.
You gain a +5 bonus to your movement speed. This bonus
cannot bring your movement speed above 30.
You make a running long jump or high jump while
wielding a weapon with the heavy property, the distance
you can cover increases by 10 as you use the weapon to
vault greater distances.
Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma by 1, to
a maximum of 20.
Whenever you make a intelligence, wisdom, or charisma
saving throw you can choose to make it with advantage.
Once you use this ability you cannot do so again until you
complete a short or long rest.
At the end of each short or long rest you gain 5 temporary
hit points.
Increase your Intelligence by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You gain a number of misdirection charges equal to your
Intelligence modifier. You can use these charges in several
ways as listed below. you regain all charges when you
complete a long rest.
Redirect View : As a bonus action you are considered
invisible to a single creature of your choice within 10 feet
until the end of your turn.
Distract Gaze : As a bonus action you can give an ally
within 30 feet advantage on their next attack.
Distort Presence : As a bonus action you can take the hide
Made with Homebrewery
Net Caster
You gain proficiency with nets.
For you nets have the finesse property and its normal and
long thrown ranges are increased by 5 feet.
You can make a net attack as a bonus action.
Attacking with a net does not restrict the amount of
attacks you can make.
The escape DC and AC of the net are increased by your
proficiency bonus.
Overly Prepared
Increase one ability score of your choice by 1, to a
maximum of 20.
Whenever the trigger from your readied action goes off
you can choose to move up to your movement speed
before or after you take the readied action.
Pocket Sand
As an action you can attempt to blind a creature with
pocket sand. One target creature within 20 feet must
succeed a dexterity saving throw (DC 11 + your
proficiency bonus) or become blinded until the end of
their next turn. You can do this a number of times equal to
your proficiency bonus. You regain all uses at the end of
long rest.
As a bonus actin you can make a single weapon attack
against a blinded enemy.
Pressure Point Grappling
You can attempt to grapple a creature with an acrobatics
check instead of an athletics check.
As a bonus action you can make an unarmed strike
against a creature you have grappled. You can choose to
make this attack with dexterity instead of strength. If you
do, you deal damage equal to your 1+ your dexterity
modifier instead of your strength modifier.
Increase your Strength or Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of
You make attacks of opportunity with advantage.
Whenever a creature stands up from prone you can make
an attack with advantage against that creature as a
Quick Adaptation
Increase your Constitution by 1, to a maximum of 20.
If you are forced to make a saving throw to overcome an
effect currently afflicting you gain advantage on that
saving throw.
You have advantage when attempting to break out of a
grapple or an effect that is restraining you.
Quip Lash
Increase your Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Whenever a hostile creature within 30 feet rolls a 1 on an
attack roll, as a reaction you can make a snarky quip
causing the creature to take psychic damage equal to your
level + your charisma modifier. You can do this once per
short or long rest.
Whenever an ally within 30 feet rolls a 20 on an attack
roll, as a reaction you can make a encouraging quip giving
the creature advantage on the next attack they make
before the end of their next turn. You can do this once per
short or long rest.
Increase your Strength or Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of
Whenever a creature you can see misses you with a melee
attack, you can use your reaction to force that creature to
repeat the attack roll against himself. You can use this
feature three time and regain all uses whenever you
complete a long rest.
Increase your Wisdom by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Whenever you take the search action and you find a
hidden creature you can choose to make a weapon attack
against that creature or move up to 30 feet towards it as
part of the same action.
Increase your Intelligence by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You can cast the spell Find Traps with this feat a number
of times per day equal to your intelligence modifier. When
you cast Find Traps this way you also learn the location of
the nearest trap.
You can cast Locate Object or Locate Creature with this
feat. Once you cast one of these spells you cannot cast
either of them again until you complete a long rest.
When casting a spell with this feat, intelligence is your
casting modifier and you can use a magnifying glass as
your spell casting focus.
Made with Homebrewery
Smoke Signals
Increase your wisdom by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You can tell by the smoke if a fire is manmade, natural, or
You can relay simple thoughts over the course of a minute
via smoke signals such as: Help, retreat, ready, go.
Sworn Protector
At the end of a long rest you can choose to bond with an
As long as you and your bonded ally are within 5 feet of
each other you both gain a +1 bonus to AC.
If your bonded ally would be hit with an attack while
within 5 feet of you, as a reaction you can choose to take
the damage instead of your bonded ally. once you use this
reaction you cannot do so again until you complete a short
If you and your bonded ally are within 5 feet of each other
you have advantage on saving throws against being
Torch Master
You become proficient with torches.
You can light a torch as a bonus action.
Whenever you hit a creature with a lit torch it deals 1d4
bludgeoning damage + 1d10 fire damage.
As an action you can swallow the fire of a torch a release it
in a spectacular display. All creatures in a 10-foot cone
must make a dexterity saving throw against your torch DC
(8+proficiency+constitution) or take 2d10 fire damage. On
success they take half damage. After using this action, the
torch is unusable.
Trained tactician
You gain a number of tactician charges equal to your
proficiency bonus. You can use these charges in several ways
as listed below. you regain all charges when you complete a
short or long rest.
Reposition : as a bonus action a number of allies up to your
Proficiency bonus can each use a reaction to move 30 feet in
a direction of their choice.
Calculated Strike : as a bonus action you can allow an ally
within 30 feet to make a weapon attack as a bonus action.
Made with Homebrewery
| textdata/thevault/Dungeons & Dragons [multi]/5th Edition (5e)/3rd Party/Forty Fantastical Feats.pdf |
Nazis & nightmares© Second Edition, Dragon trove llc, 2017
A swordsmen & skeletons supplement for supernatural World war ii gaming
(Please note: this is not a complete game. You need a copy of dragon trove llc’s swordsmen &
skeletons© and Triple A© (Triple A Contributors© 2017, subject to the GPL) to play)
The secrets of nazi mad science: The Evil Herr Doktor Verbotenschtuff and his team of mad scientists have given the
Axis access to twisted magic and hideous experimental creatures that have nearly caused Hitler to conquer the world. However,
the Herr Doktor was slain (or perhaps only lost or imprisoned in some way) by your mentor, the mysterious Allied super hero
known of as the Daring Dive Bomber, who gave his life in the attack. Your characters (they can be military or civilian) have sworn
to finish the job. Throughout Axis empire, many of the Herr Doktor’s secret fortress-laboratories still exist, guarded by the
dreaded SS and Herr Doktor Verbotenschtuff’s vile creations. However, these fortresses contain many potions and energies of
mad science, as well, which can transform a common Allied soldier into a superhero. The fate of the world hangs in the balance
as the harried Allied nations are pushed toward annihilation.
Modifications to Swordsmen & Skeletons©: All rules from S&S are in force except as modified below.
creating A Character: The only character class is Commando (or hero, agent, ranger or whatever you prefer) and the
only race is Human. The Commando counts as the S&S Swordsman for all purposes.
EQUIPMENT: Soldiers are issued rifles (40 rounds, ranged, 1d8 damage), bayonets or knives (as daggers), canteens, tents and
maps of the area of operations. Winter clothing, leather coats or flak jackets that count as leather armor. All ordinary armor is
useless against firearms. Also 2 grenades (2d8 damage in a 10’ radius, roll a 1 to hit and it lands in your square. You must then
roll to hit YOURSELF and anyone nearby, adjacent tank must SV or is destroyed). Jeeps count as horses and hold 4. Armored cars
count as jeeps and give +2AC to everyone on board, -2 to steer. Parachutes allow you to jump from airplanes (SV or take 1d6
damage, tripled if SV is a 1).
SPELLS: Nazis & nightmares has no player-character spellcasters, but see Superpowers, below.
Treasure and monsters: All rules are as per S&S, and any monsters designed for S&S can be used in this campaign. Magic
Items work differently. Potions function exactly as per S&S. All other magic items represent magical energies, radiation, q-ray
beams, etc. Each affects only the first character to encounter it and the affect is permanent. They grant the character
Superpowers equivalent to whatever the magic item might have granted, but only the magic bonus. Thus, enchanted armor
grants bonuses to armor class (only for magic, not for the ordinary armor bonus), enchanted weapons to attack and damage
(again, only the magical bonuses, not for the weapon itself, but to the character’s fist damage (base 1d3). Monstrous amulets
permanently grant the appropriate monster special abilities, spirit amulets permanently grant the appropriate requisite bonus,
etc. Cursed Items do not reverse their powers, but grant them to the character, along with a permanent homicidal rage in which
he cannot tell friend from foe. Only Remove Curse will purge it, including its bonus. Superpowers can have any FX the player/GM
want. For example, magic armor could be a forcefield, actual armor, rocklike skin, or just an uncanny ability to dodge.
Nazis & Nightmares & Triple A©: To play the campaign, download a copy of Triple A© (Triple A Contributors© 2017,
subject to the GPL), this is an open source World War II online wargame that runs the campaign. The players act as their own
characters in the role-playing game, but, in the Triple A© game, they act as Allied Supreme Command. The GM plays the Axis
powers. Roll on the table below before the beginning of each Axis nation’s turn to see what advantage (usually) the active Axis
player gets, and play a full Triple A© game turn before each roleplaying session. The table weights the campaign in favor of the
Axis. The players can thwart this by successful adventuring. The table requires the use of the Game Editor (i.e. cheat function
within Triple A©), to represent the supernatural and mad science effects of the dark forces that aid the Axis). All results must be
implemented immediately if possible, or as soon as possible if not.
Axis campaign level Magic, Mad Science, and Other Weirdness Table (1d12)
1. Chaos Gate: Active Axis nation can choose one of its territories to attack any Allied territory or sea zone (use the Game Editor
to move any or all its forces to that territory/zone). They can retreat if a valid territory is available, but not through the gate.
2. Doppleganger Politicians: The active Axis nation can change the political relationship between itself and one Allied nation until
the beginning of the active Axis nation’s next turn, when it must be returned to its original political stance.
3. Fenris Wolf or Midgard’s Serpent: Before one battle this turn, the Axis rolls a 1-4 attack to devour each Allied unit involved.
4. Vampires: Before one land battle this turn all Allied infantry in the territory are converted into Axis infantry.
5. Hell Armies: Place 2d6 Axis infantry on any territory, regardless who controls it. Battle will result if Allied forces are present.
These monsters can appear in conjunction with another attack.
6. Secret Fortress: The Axis places a factory, four tanks and four infantry in any single territory that contains no Allied troops.
7. The Herr Doktor Is Annoyed: Add 1d3 technologies to the active Axis nation, Axis chooses which.
8. Evil Dwarves or Djinni: The active Axis nation gets 10d6 resource points in the form of conjured gold.
9. Ninjas: The Axis chooses one battle from which all Allied units must legally retreat or be destroyed.
10. Mind Control Rays: Axis chooses one territory or sea zone belonging to one random Allied nation (not its capital) to convert,
with all its forces, to Axis control.
11. Nazi Flying Saucers: Random Allied player loses 10d6 resource points. Not affected by anti-aircraft fire.
12. The Führer’s Secret Weapon: This increases the level of any adventure involving a plot to assassinate the Führer (see below
under Player Character Heroics) by +1d6. These results are cumulative throughout the game. NOTE: For every additional 8 levels
over 12 the secret weapon receives, each Axis nation gets an additional roll on this table each turn.
Player Character heroics: Our heroes are here to halt the evil Axis powers. This works as follows: After the Triple A©
game turn is completed, Allied Supreme Command orders the PCs to undertake any number of missions, but all must be declared
at once. However, be warned, NO HEALING OR RESUPPLYING IS ALLOWED BETWEEN ADVENTURES, and, once declared, they
must be undertaken. Thus, multiple adventures can be extremely dangerous. This allows the players to modify the ongoing Triple
A© strategic situation in just about any way, provided that the PCs are successful in an adventure. The level of any adventure is
based on the extent to which the strategic situation is altered. A short list of adventures results by level is offered below, though
the GM can create others: +2 LVLs for each dice added to any Allied technology roll. +1 LVL for each Allied unit moved illegally
(by the Game Editor) up to 4 spaces. +3 LVLs for each Allied unit moved illegally more than 4 spaces. +3 LVLs for each 5 PUs
added to one Allied nation. +4 LVLs for each 6 PUs lost to one Axis nation. +7LVLs to prevent all Axis units from attacking a single
territory this turn only. +8 LVLs to destroy one Axis unit worth up to 24 RPs. +12 LVLs to assassinate the Führer and win the war.
Ending the Campaign: The campaign only ends with the death of Hitler. If the Axis loses, but the Führer lives (in Antarctica as a
brain in a jar), each Axis nation still rolls on the Axis Magic, Mad Science, and Other Weirdness Table each turn.
New world war 2 MONSTER ENCOUNTERS Monster HD are D8. Special attack damage allows a SV for no effect.
1 Killer Robot@^ AC: 17
HD: 6
Damage: 2x1d8*
Special.: Fiery Wrath 1 time/day
MV: 9
2 Mad Scientist
AC: 15
HD: 4
Damage: 1d6 & 1d8
Special: 1d8 potions +3 SV for science MV: 18
3 Waffen SS^
AC: 13
HD: 3+1 Damage: 1d10, Range
Special: +3 SV against magic
MV: 9
4 Doomtrooper@ AC: 15
HD: 8
Damage: 1d8+6*, Range
Special: STR 21
MV: 12
5 Brown Shirt#
AC: 12
HD: 1
Damage: 1d8, Range
Special: +1 SV against magic
MV: 12
6 SS Ubermensch AC: 16
HD: 4
Damage: 1d6+1
Special: 1d4 superpowers
MV: 12
7 Panzer**
AC: 18
HD: 9
Damage: 3d6*, Range
Special: SV to move in woods MV: 18
8 SS She-Wolf@
AC: 12
HD: 2+2 Damage: 1d4+1
Special: Charm Person 3x/day
MV: 18
9 ME-109 Fighter AC: 24
HD: 4
Damage: 1d12
Special: Strafes all in a straight line
MV:3/board (flight)
10 Nazi Spy#
AC: 10
HD: 3
Damage: 1d12, Range
Special: +3 SV to disguise
MV: 12
11 Panzerfaust
AC: 13
HD: 1+2 Damage: 1d12*
Special: Adjacent tank SV or destroyed MV: 6
12 Evil Radiation Experiments: This being was subjected to mad science. Roll again for another monster (on this table, in
Swordsmen & Skeletons, or New Monsters for Swordsmen & Skeletons, and add 1d4 superpowers to the creature).
*Attacks count as magical. @Sees invisible on a successful save. ^+2 Morale. #-2 Morale. **Stats listed are for a medium tank
(Panzer III or IV, Sherman, T-34, etc.). A heavy tank (Tiger, Panther, Elephant) is as above but AC: 20, HD: 12, Damage: 3d8*, MV:
15. A light tank (Panzer I or II) is as above but AC: 16, HD: 6, Damage: 2d6*, MV: 24. Roll 1 or 4 on 1d4 respectively to encounter
a light or heavy tank instead of a medium one. Same stats apply for all tanks of these classes, any nation, though only the British,
Germans, Americans and Soviets possess heavy tanks. A Super-Heavy Maus (German only) is AC: 22, HD: 16, Damage: 4d8*, MV:
12. Special Thanks to Andrew Campbell, U.S. Army Officer and our Military Advisor
| textdata/thevault/Swordsmen & Skeletons (osr)/Nazis & Nightmares.pdf |
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| textdata/thevault/Living Greyhawk/Modules/Sunndi/592/Normal Scenarios/SND2-02 - Blood of Innocents (APL 2-6)/SND2-02 - Blood of Innocents cert.pdf |
Welcome to Junkbeach
20 Finds & Encounters
Version 1.0; written by Kai Pütz
(c) 2017
Legal & other stuff:
Created by:
Kai Pütz; (c) 2016
My blog:
Page background by the Knotty-Works, used with permission.
Mutant Future(tm) is copyright 2008, Daniel Proctor and Ryan Denison. Mutant Future(tm) and Mutants &
Mazes(tm) are trademarks of Daniel Proctor. These trademarks are used under the Mutant Future(tm)
Trademark License 1.1
Got no copy of MutantFuture(tm)? Get it for free!
How to use this supplement:
A lot of time has passed since the heights of mankind. While humanity marked their time in bunkers
and cryostasis, or slowly came to terms with the radioactive lands of tomorrow, the ocean had have
enough time return most of the trash that civilization dumped into it “back to sender”, and right onto
the coasts wherever the streams and currents allowed for it.
The result is a Junkbeach, a place where down-on-their-luck scavengers and looters shift through what
has been washed ashore, in hope of finding ANYTHING useful or trade-worthy. And sometimes, there
even is some useful stuff: whole automated container ships sunk in the aftermath of that day, others
ended up on sand banks and reefs as satellite navigation began to fail. The ocean is not careful with the
things it gets, but it is not a hoarder: sooner or later, things that drift and float are spilled back onto the
This title is Mutant Future ™ compatible, all monsters mentioned are from the core rules book [with
page numbers added for easy reference]. “cp” is for coppper piece, “sp” is for “silver piece” and “gp” is
for gold piece; “gold” is the standard coin.
01# Damaged android parts are found among
the junk! A robot PC/NPC may use those to repair
2d8 hit points (roll separately for each robot: one
man´s junk is another man´s spare part!)
02# A group of 1d4+2 mangy Higher Baboons
[p.61] (determine hit points by rolling d6 instead
of d8) stroll over the beach and look for food and
interesting stuff. When they grow aware of the
characters they will first try to scare them off
“their” beach, but will attack if the PC seem
weaker. As soon as one of them gets killed all the
others will flee. They will return with 2d4 more
mangy Higher Baboons after 2d6 turns.
03# This patch of the beach is littered with 6d8
alloy tins that are easy to clean and trade (1 cp
per tin). One of the tins will be the home of a tiny
but vicious crab: a character that pics up that tin
must check for Surprise. On a failure, the disturbed
crab will go for the fingers of the character, and a
Saving Throw vs. Death determines if a finger is
cut right off.
04# A make-shift raft has been washed ashore.
There is no sign of its owner, but a length of rope
has been tied to it (3d6 feet of nylon rope).
05# The characters disturb a swarm of seagulls.
The birds will fly over them in circles for a while
and scream angrily. The noise is likely to attract
nearby predators, and there is 50% chance that
the PC will have an encounter with #02 a group
of mangy Higher Baboons, 11# male
Cockroachoids, 12# a group of Fishmen or 20#
Mutant Scavengers (GM´s choice).
06# The wreck of a small yacht promises loot
(and actually contains 2d6 days worth of dried
rations and 3d6 x3 gp in easily salvageable engine
parts), but is also home to an algae version of the
Brain Plant (1d4+2) and its faithful guardian, a
Giant Crab.
07# The remains of a large trawl net is found.
The net may be cut into more manageable pieces
(2d6 items; 2d6 gp each item if sold in a fishing
village), but doing so takes time. Enough time for
another random encounter (possibly with 12# a
group of Fishmen).
08# A large field of junk with 1d4+1 items from
the Gizmo-Table that may be found after a
Search (one by one, 1 out of 6 chance), but it is
also home to a Carcass Scavenger that will
Surprise the PC after the second turn of
09# 1d6 Chitterlings slither around in the trash.
10# 2d6 55-gallon plastic drum barrels have
been washed ashore. They contain… (d6):
(1) Drinkable water
(2) Chemicals used for dying (55 gp per barrel)
(3) Biohazard-Class waste products (Save vs
Poison or the character loses 2d6 hit points over
the same amount of hours).
(4) Industrial grade vinegar (100 gp per barrel)
(5) Diesel fuel for ship engines (up to the GM)
(6) Empty! Those were never used and are
thereby clean on the inside (2d6 gp a piece).
11# 1d4+1 male Cockroachoids sift through the
junk in hope to find something to impress their
queen. They speak the human language and
-may- be a peaceful encounter (Random Reaction
Roll: “Indifferent” means that they will try to
stalk the characters to attack if THEY find
something nice).
12# A group of 2d6 Fishmen, all armed with
spears. They scout the beach from the water and
will follow the characters along the shore line as
they wait for a good opportunity to attack them
(the PC cannot Surprise them, but they can
Surprise the PC).
13# The smell of rotting fish will fill the PC´s
noses even before they hear the deep buzzing of
mutant insect wings. 1D6+2 Giant Carnivorous
Flies gather on the carcass of some gigantic fish-
mutant-thingy at the shore.
They are so focused on their feast that the
characters may Surprise them easily, or just
sneak past them.
14# A nasty breed of roaches has formed an
Insect Swarm that will attack the characters unless
they note the sudden increase of crawlers around
them (check for Surprise) and flee the area. If they
do, they will be Surprised by their next encounter
(if it is a monster).
15# The remains of an old lifeboat rests on the
shore. While it suffered some damage, it may be
returned to service with a few days of work… if
one can haul it from the beach or bring a repair
crew here (350 GP if sold after being repaired, far
less if just the location is sold as information).
16# A barrel full of used power cells, perhaps a
hundred of them! Roll a d10 per cell that a
character tries to use: 1-2 means that it was
thrown away with 1-2% of the original charge still
left (usually, this means two or three days of use),
otherwise the cell is empty. Even those that still
have power may fail with a 1 out of 6 chance after
3d6 turns of use (check once per adventure).
17# An advanced breathing apparatus. It looks
to be intact, but is a Condition 3 Item: check for
condition after 1d6 turns of use. Furthermore,
everyone who puts it on must pass a Saving
Throw vs. Poison or is going to suffer a nasty skin
rash that will reduce Charisma by two points for
the next 2d6 days.
18# A ship wreck with rusty-but-valuable
metal junk: a total of 2d6+2 “items” may be
scavenged from it, each item is worth 3d6 sp and
weighs 1d4 lbs.
19# 3d6+6 still usable plastic containers of
different size and type (3d6 cp each). Traders will
only pay half of that (as those are easy to get), but
regular households in every settlement will buy
them for what they are worth.
20# Mutant Scavengers, a total of 2d3 level 1
mutants, are armed with clubs and padded armor,
try their luck on the Junkbeach. They have not
found much yet (only 2d6 lbs. of rusty iron parts)
but have 2d6 jars of xenor liquor with them and
are willing to trade half of them for any finds (or
other items) of the PC. To the mutants, each jar is
worth 10 sp and they will not part of any of it for
less. This special blend of xeno liquor increases
the Strength Bonus by 1 for 2d6 turns, but on a
failed Saving Throw vs. Poison the character will
fail any check for Surprise during this time (due
to being drunk).
Hey, look at this! (d20)
Some finds are peculiar, but worthless. The
following might be presented together with every
other result of a search:
One half of a broken helm
A fist-sized worm casing
A dead jellyfish the size a tire
A rusted hover-car wreck
An old sea mine (harmless)
A broken paddle
Hundreds of styrofoam flakes
A deflated soccer ball
An empty can of Boron Solution Spray
Dozens of soaked cardboard boxes (empty)
A broken windshield
Hundreds of soaked dollar bills
The remains of an umbrella (beyond use)
3d6 pieces of driftwood
Broken sun-shades
A rusted drum barrel (empty)
2d8 dead fish (rotten)
3d12 thick, wine-red maggots (poisonous)
Numerous ripped plastic carrying bags
Lots and lots of stinking brown alga
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
| textdata/thevault/Mutant Future/Mutant Future Supplemental/Welcome to Junkbeach (MuFut).pdf |
hhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeee CCCC
ddddddddeeeeeeeeeeee FFFFFFFFFFFFrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooonnnn
nnnnnnnnttttttttttttiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrr M
Architect: ZhAD
Tech Level: 12
MV-4421121-100000-00000-0 MCr 181.642
400 Tons
Bat Bear
Crew: 6
TL: 12
Cargo: 87.667 Passengers: 16 Low: 6 Fuel: 88 EP: 13.333 Agility: 1
Craft: 1 x 8T Grav Utility Vehicle
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification
HULL-400.000 tons standard, 5,600.000 cubic meters, Streamlined Airframe Close Structure
Configuration, 100.000 Structure Points
CREW-Captain, Chief Engineer & Drive Hand, Steward/Purser, Medic
ENGINEERING-Jump-2, 1G Manuever, 20.000 Ton Power Plant, 13.333 EP, Agility 1
AVIONICS-Bridge, Model/2 Computer, Model/2 Flight Avionics, Model/2 Sensors, Model/2
Maser Communications
HARDPOINTS-4 Hardpoints
ARMAMENT-4 None Empty Turret
DEFENCES-Armoured Hull (Factor-1)
CRAFT-1 8.000 ton Grav Utility Vehicle (Crew of 0, Cost of MCr 0.010)
FUEL-88 Tons Fuel (2 parsecs jump and 28 days endurance)
On Board Fuel Scoops, On Board Fuel Purification Plant
MISCELLANEOUS-19 Staterooms, 6 Low Berths, 1 Engineering Shop, 1 Vehicle Shop, 1 Sick
Bay, 6 High Passengers, 10 Middle Passengers, 6 Low Passengers, 87.667 Tons Cargo
COST-MCr 183.448 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 1.816), MCr 145.306 in Quantity, plus
MCr 0.010 of Carried Craft (Hardpoints and Turrets charged)
CONSTRUCTION TIME-82 Weeks Singly, 65 Weeks in Quantity
Class Notes: The ZhAD Corporation’s class of merchant is commonly found in the rimward areas of the
Idar Nobsl province. It is a common sight in the interstellar trade lanes between the consulate and other
interstellar governments. Commonly it is referred to as an interface trader. Many have been sold to
merchant companies that engage with commerce with the consulates frontier regions. Often financed to
the border nobles financial interests it usually is an effective means of trade in difficult regions, such as
the Zhodani border with the Imperium or the Vargr States. In those regions it is usually armed. It
manages to turn a profit with 87 tons of cargo space and the ability to support 6 high passages, 10
middle passages, and 6 low passages. A small crew keeps down the operational costs of the vessels and
optimizes it for profit.
Captain- The Captain is a licensed Pilot/navigator who is most likely either the owner or has a vested
financial interest in the vessel. He occupies a stateroom aft of the bridge.
Chief Engineer and Drive hand- The Chief Engineer and drive hand see to the upkeep of the ship
and carry out watches in the engineering section of the ship, both have there own staterooms.
Steward/Purser- The Ship’s Steward/Purser is usually the business manager of the ship. He/she
negotiates trade contracts, books passages, and sees to the general welfare of the passengers. The
Steward has a stateroom that contains a ship’s property safe. The Steward/Purser is assisted by a
protocol droid on most vessels.
Medic- Usually a former naval corpsman, the ship’s medic is versed in the health and welfare of the
ship’s crew as well as its passengers. The medic also operates a small sick bay adjacent to the low
berths. Offset in the passages across from the sick bay is the medic’s stateroom.
| textdata/thevault/Traveller/08 - Mongoose Traveller/Third Party Materials/Ships and Vehicles/chonzde merchant.pdf |
EN World EN5IDER | Servants of the Winter Court
EN World EN5IDER | Servants of the Winter Court
writing James J. Haeck
color art Ellis Goodson
Egil Thompson
editing James J. Haeck
layout Eric Life-Putnam
he Allies And AdversAries series
provides GMs with NPCs that can be
quickly and easily inserted into any
adventure or ongoing campaign. Each NPC
receives a detailed treatment of character
traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws, as well as game
statistics, physical description, backstory, and
tips on how this NPC may be used in play.
The dead of winter has passed, as have the
twinkling fairy lights of the holidays. Though
the land is chill and dun, the passing of the
winter solstice has opened a door for the fey
folk to once more cross over into our world.
This time, it is not the cheer and merry trickery
of the Summer Court that has seeped across
the veil of worlds. Past Midwinter, the Queen
Allies and ADverSarIeS
Servants of
Winter Court
of Air and Darkness reigns. Her rule is devoid
of love, and her every action seeds the world
with misfortune. Most PCs, however, will never
confront this Unseelie monarch themselves.
Instead, they see her malice enacted by servants,
some who are certainly enemies, and others
who may be interested in a mutually beneficial
Servants of the Winter Court | EN World EN5IDER
Servants of the Winter Court | EN World EN5IDER
Grimillo the Voice-Thief
You try to speak, but the words catch in your throat. Or
rather, the words flew right out of your mouth before
your breath could reach them. Wordless air wheezes
pitifully out of your mouth, and all you are left with is
silence and a vague sense of unease.
Traits: I cannot be seen, I cannot be heard. I travel on
the wind and steal it from your lungs. What am I? I’m
the cat that’s got your tongue, ya big mousey.
Ideal: Let’s! Cause! Some! Chaos! (But with a bit of
style, of course.)
Bond: My voiceless mother. I would do anything for
her, and she’s a great excuse to steal!
Flaw: Deep down, I feel guilty about the sadness my
theft causes. I try not to dwell on it.
Small humanoid (unseelie gnome), chaotic evil
Str 9 (–1)
Dex 14 (+2)
Con 11 (+0)
Int 17 (+3)
Wis 12 (+1)
Cha 11 (+0)
Notes: Grimillo the Voice-Thief is an unseelie gnome*
mage (AC 16, 40 hit points). His art of voice-stealing
gives him the following additional traits; these traits
do not affect his challenge rating:
Purloin Words. As a reaction after a creature within
30 feet says a word or phrase aloud, Grimillo can
steal the phrase, preventing the target from say-
ing anything using those words until the target
completes a long rest. If the purloined phrase is the
verbal component to a spell, the spell cannot be
cast again until the target completes a long rest,
and Grimillo cannot use this feature again until he
completes a long rest.
Snap Silence. As a reaction when a creature within
30 feet is about to speak or otherwise make vo-
cal noise, Grimillo may force it to make a DC 14
Charisma saving throw. On a failure, the creature
cannot speak until the end of its next turn (or for 6
seconds, if the target is not in combat). If this trait
is used to prevent a spellcaster from performing a
verbal component, the spell fails, consuming a spell
slot, and Grimillo cannot use this feature again until
he completes a short or long rest.
Possessions: Grimillo wears elven chain and wields a
simple dagger. He carries a magic key that can unlock
any lock, but disintegrates after one use, and has 100
gold pieces on his person.
Physical Description
Grimillo is short, only about 3 feet tall, and his
features have are soft and androgynous. His skin
is the color and temperature of ice, his golden
eyes are constantly in motion, and his hair is long
and silvery. A keen smile usually plays around his
lips—but his scowl is terrifying to behold.
The Voice-Thief is a mercenary with few morals
and a love for spreading misfortune. If he cares
Open Game Content
The game rule information in this article is designated Open Game Content. All of the other material in this article,
including maps and illustrations (including illustrations in the public domain), narrative and descriptive
text, character and place names, trade dress, “EN Publishing,” “EN World,” “EN5ider,” EN Publishing
product and article titles, and EN World and EN Publishing logos, are designated Product Identity.
* Brandes Stoddard, “The Fey Kindred,” EN World EN5ider,
EN World EN5IDER | Servants of the Winter Court
EN World EN5IDER | Servants of the Winter Court
Missus Silverbeak
First is the rushing of wind. You look—and see nothing.
The air is still. Then it lands with a thud, right behind
you. A massive owl looms over you, nearly twenty
feet tall, with golden eyes that illuminate you like
spotlights. It straightens, turns its head slightly, and
in a deep, resonant voice asks: “Would you care for a
glass of sweet tea? I couldn’t possibly finish it all by
Traits: I am a giant talking fairy owl. I imagine for most
mortals, that alone would be enough?
Ideal: People deserve to be happy. I don’t give a hoot if
they’re safe. Or healthy. Or mentally stable. Just point
me towards the unhappy people and I will take care
of the rest!
Bond: You, my little owlet! I care about you most of all.
(But don’t let any of the others know.)
Flaw: Hoo hoo, I don’t have any flaws! Except maybe
the compulsive lying. Hoo! No! Not a single flaw!
Large beast (fey), lawful evil
Str 13 (+1)
Dex 15 (+2)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 8 (–1)
Wis 13 (+1)
Cha 10 (+0)
Notes: Missus Silverbeak is a fey-touched giant owl
(AC 12, 19 hit points), with the following additional
traits; these traits increase her challenge rating to 2
(450 XP):
Concealing Blizzard. As an action, Missus Silverbeak
may call a blizzard to surround her for 1 minute. This
blizzard counts as three-quarters cover and deals
2d6 cold damage to any creature within 10 feet of
her. This damage is dealt when a creature begins its
turn within the blizzard or enters it for the first time
on their turn.
Hypnotic Gaze. Missus Silverbeak may cast hypnotic
pattern 3/day.
Plane Shift. Missus Silverbeak may travel between
the Material Plane and the Feywild as an action. She
must choose a location in her destination plane that
she is “very familiar” with (as the teleport spell).
Possessions: The owl matron carries a feather of invis-
ibility that, when snapped, turns the user invisible
(as the invisibility spell). She also carries a small coin
purse containing 50 gp and 20 sweet peppermints.
about anyone in this world, it is his ailing mother,
whose own voice was stolen by agents of the
Summer Court. When Grimillo first developed
his unusual art, he did so for the noble purpose
of stealing words to return to his mother, and for
years he did so, giving words back to her one-by-
one. Grimillo’s work allowed her to speak again,
even if her vocabulary was sparse, and the many
voices with which she spoke unsettled most who
listened to her.
But for all his altruism, the thief loves the
journey as much as the destination. Grimillo’s
voice-theft is a tool for chaos, for the misery of
others, but most importantly, “just for a good
frecklin’ larf.”
Roleplaying Grimillo
Grimillo is likely to surprise PCs by stealing their
words or spells where it counts the most. He
is an unassuming gnome, despite his unusual
appearance, and can easily blend into a crowd—
at least until he strikes. After he purloins a few
choice words, Grimillo tries to flee, but he can
hardly keep from cackling as he sprints between
the legs of nearby bystanders. When cornered,
Grimillo is a constant joker, cracking as many
lewd and nonsensical jokes as he can. Meanwhile,
he is coolly calculating his escape angle.
Servants of the Winter Court | EN World EN5IDER
Servants of the Winter Court | EN World EN5IDER
Physical Description
Missus Silverbeak is a massive horned owl with
a shining silver beak and lamp-like golden eyes.
Her feathers are a plain brown-and-white pattern.
Silverbeak often gesticulates with her wings and
talons in a strange facsimile of human behavior.
Many legends surround the origin of the great
Missus Silverbeak. She is known far and wide
throughout the Feywild as a bringer of great
joy and comfort to Unseelie fey, and a deathly
charming corruptor of the Seelie. Some say she
was once a normal owl that found its way from
the Material Plane to the Feywild. Others believe
that she is a malign spirit from the Shadowfell
that has assumed the form of a giant owl, and
is merely biding her time until she unleashes
destruction upon the realm of fairies. Few
denizens of the Feywild know that she is actually
an independent agent of the Queen of Air and
Darkness. The Queen of Winter often calls upon
Silverbeak’s talents to lure mortals into indolence,
either for her own amusement or as the prelude to
Silverbeak now spends most of her time in
the Material Plane. She truly believes that she is
helping mortals by making them happy, no matter
the cost. She is keenly aware that she leads them
to their doom, but she doesn’t quite have a grasp
on how long a normal human being’s lifespan is;
it’s all just an instant compared to her immortal
life, anyway.
Roleplaying Missus Silverbeak
Missus Silverbeak has a voice like poisoned honey,
but she need not be the PCs’ enemies. In fact,
she can be a valuable ally if the PCs are able to
convince her that their own enemies are a group
of miserable wretches who need a bit more wintry
cheer in their lives.
Snowblind, Knight of
the Winter Wastes
You feel the temperature drop as a tall man appears
before you. He is clad in frost-rimed armor and two
weathered antlers grow from his brow. His eyes are
cloudy, and he does not meet your gaze. He instead
looks with steely focus at a point in the distance. But
when he speaks, you know he is speaking directly to
Traits: Though my old eyes cannot see, I can feel the
heat of all things around me.
Ideal: I must return to my queen. How have I been
away from her side for so long?
Bond: I care for the safety of the winter realm over all
things. Any who threaten my queen, her homeland, or
the lands she has conquered, will be eviscerated by
my blade.
Flaw: I remember something … barely. The memories
of my old life torment me, and when I see things that
remind me of it, I cannot control my anger.
Medium humanoid (fey), lawful neutral
Str 16 (+3)
Dex 11 (+0)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 11 (+0)
Wis 11 (+0)
Cha 15 (+2)
Notes: Snowblind is a fey-blessed human knight (AC20,
52 hit points). The double-edged blessing of the
Unseelie fey gives him the following additional traits;
these traits and his possessions increase his chal-
lenge rating to 5 (1,800 XP).
Blind. Snowblind cannot see. If he is ever deprived of
his Wintersight feature, he gains the blinded condi-
tion until his Wintersight is restored.
Wintersight. Though his eyes are frozen and sight-
less, Snowblind can sense heat. This infravision
allows him to see through invisibility effects, and
allows him to otherwise “see” as if he were not
blind. Casting remove curse or greater restoration
on Snowblind suppresses this effect for 1d4 rounds.
This effect is also suppressed while Snowblind is
within areas of extreme heat (over 110 degrees
Farenheit) or while within an antimagic field.
EN World EN5IDER | Servants of the Winter Court
EN World EN5IDER | Servants of the Winter Court
Possessions: Snowblind wears a suit of +1 plate armor,
and wields a frost brand and a +1 shield. He also
carries a wand of enemy detection with 3 charges
remaining. In addition to his magical gear, Snowblind
carries a ridged stone that he rubs when he is trying
to remember home, his signet ring, and an amulet
containing a lock of the Queen of Air and Darkness’s
Physical Description
This imposing knight of the Winter Court returns
to his humanoid form while in the Material Plane.
The many-pronged antlers that sprout from
his brow are a reminder of his fey curse, and a
warning to all humans that Snowblind is not one
of them. He has spent decades trapped in the
mortal world, searching for a way to return to
his queen’s side, and his weathered face and ice-
flecked beard show his age.
Snowblind’s armor is scarred and pitted from
countless battles across the wastes, and his blade
is almost always coated in blood, be it dry or fresh.
He was human, once. A knight of some kingdom—
with a name even he can’t remember. He thinks he
had a family. A husband. Two daughters with fire
in their hearts. But they’re gone now. The winter
claimed them, and when he offered himself to the
winter’s terrible queen in exchange for their lives,
his service eventually claimed him, too. He traded
his sight for them. He traded his name for them.
He traded his humanity for them. Yet she would
not reward him with the lives he wished to save.
He is called Snowblind now. He is the eternal
watcher of the winter wastes, and the few
memories he still has of his old life are distant
and strange, like a melody heard in a dream.
Snowblind’s devotion to the Queen of Air and
Darkness is all that drives him, and even the
Unseelie Queen herself is unsure what would
happen if his memory were restored.
Roleplaying Snowblind
Snowblind speaks plainly, though he never looks
directly at anyone he speaks to. Every action he
takes is in the service of the Winter Queen or is
intended to help him find a way back to her side,
even if he cannot fully recall why he was stranded
on the Material Plane in the first place. He will
readily join forces with anyone whose goals
he believes align with those of his queen, or if
something about them stirs a distant memory.
Though he is quick to make alliances,
Snowblind is also quick to break them. His
demeanor is unpredictable as a winter storm, and
any suggestion of an ally’s duplicity or allegiance
to the Summer Court triggers his bloodlust. If
Snowblind is provoked, reminding him of the
ridged stone he carries with him or trying to stir
memories of his old life is enough to give him
pause and allow him to be dissuaded from further
violence. e
| textdata/thevault/Dungeons & Dragons [multi]/5th Edition (5e)/3rd Party/EN World EN5ider/EN5ider 122 - Servants of the Winter Court.pdf |
EN World EN5IDER | A Bookshelf of Monsters
EN World EN5IDER | A Bookshelf of Monsters
Monstrous Menagerie
A bookshelf
of monsters
writing Artem Serebrennikov
color art Indi Martin
editing James J. Haeck
layout Eric Life-Putnam
presents new
and fantastic creatures with
which Game Masters of all levels
of experience can populate their
campaign worlds. The creatures
found within these pages may
be beneficent or malign, horrific
or wondrous, but all are sure
to astound your players. With
this article, you can add some
erudite clout to your game with
diverse creatures united by the
theme of books, writing, and
A Bookshelf of Monsters | EN World EN5IDER
A Bookshelf of Monsters | EN World EN5IDER
A dusty pile of books suddenly rearranges itself to
form a human-like figure, its head a single open
tome. Its pages crinkle into the facsimile of a face
and eye your actions warily.
Ghosts of Bibliophiles Past. Biblignosts are the
spirits of dead librarians, booksellers, teachers,
sages, arcanists, and other intellectuals whose
love of the written word was so great that it
prevented them from departing to the afterlife.
After departing the mortal coil, the souls of such
individuals transmigrate into their favorite books.
The bibliognost’s “body” is composed of several
dozen volumes that, when roused from dormancy,
shift themselves into a vaguely humanoid form.
These undead creatures haunt places where its
beloved books are stored, such libraries, wizards’
studies, and scriptoria, acting as their self-
appointed overseers and protectors. The learning
it has absorbed over the years is unique in many
regards, but most of the time a bibliognost is too
pedantic and thoughtless to share it with others.
However, it can be singularly courteous and
welcoming to visitors that can match its erudition
or love of books.
Undead Nature. A bibliognost doesn’t require
air, food, drink, or sleep.
Medium undead, neutral
Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 91 (14d8 + 28)
Speed fly 30 ft. (hover)
10 (+0)
17 (+3)
14 (+2)
22 (+6)
17 (+3)
11 (+0)
Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +6, Int +10, Cha +4
Skills Arcana +14, History +14, Nature +14, Perception
+7, Religion +14
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
passive Perception 17
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning,
thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison, psychic
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, grappled,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
Languages any five; telepathy 60 ft.
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
False Appearance. While the bibliognost remains
motionless, it is indistinguishable from a large pile of
Immutable Form. The bibliognost is immune to any
spell or effect that would alter its form.
Innate Spellcasting. The bibliognost’s spellcasting
ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 18). It can in-
nately cast the following spells, requiring no material
At will: mage hand
3/day each: animate objects, telekinesis
Inscrutable. The bibliognost is immune to any effect
that would sense its emotions or read its thoughts,
as well as any divination spell that it refuses. Wisdom
(Insight) checks made to ascertain the bibliognost’s
intentions or sincerity have disadvantage.
Magic Resistance. The bibliognost has advantage
on saving throws against spells and other magical
Open Game Content
The game rule information in this article is designated Open Game Content. All of the other material in this article,
including maps and illustrations (including illustrations in the public domain), narrative and descriptive
text, character and place names, trade dress, “EN Publishing,” “EN World,” “EN5ider,” EN Publishing
product and article titles, and EN World and EN Publishing logos, are designated Product Identity.
Living Spellbooks as Treasure
Whether a defeated living spellbook (q.v.) is in good
enough shape to be used as treasure is entirely up
to the GM. PC wizards will probably want to peruse
it after the victory, and it would be unfair to deprive
them of this joy. The contents of a living spellbook
are highly variable and dependent on the individual
wizard they belonged to; as a rule of thumb, it con-
tains all of the spells noted in the statistics block, as
well as 2d4 extra spells of each level from 1 to 5, and
1d4 extra spells of levels 6 to 7.
EN World EN5IDER | A Bookshelf of Monsters
EN World EN5IDER | A Bookshelf of Monsters
Medium celestial, lawful good
Armor Class 16
Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27)
Speed 30 ft.
14 (+2)
14 (+2)
16 (+3)
18 (+4)
18 (+4)
16 (+3)
Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +6
Skills Arcana +8, History +8, Nature +8, Perception +6,
Religion +8
Senses truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Damage Resistances radiant; bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing from nonmagical weapons
Damage Immunities force, psychic
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed
Languages all, telepathy 60 ft.
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Aura of Enlightenment. All creatures of the djehuty’s
choosing within 30 feet of it gain advantage on Intel-
ligence- and Wisdom-based ability checks and saving
Blessing of Prudence. The djehuty’s AC includes its
Wisdom bonus.
Innate Spellcasting. The djehuty’s spellcasting ability
is Wisdom (spell save DC 14). It can innately cast the
following spells, requiring no material components:
At will: comprehend languages, detect evil and good,
detect magic, detect thoughts
3/day each: bless, clairvoyance, enhance ability,
protection from good and evil, tongues, zone of truth
1/day each: commune, divination, legend lore
Scepter. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage, or
6 (1d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage if used with both
hands, and 5 (2d4) force damage. This weapon attack
is magical.
Gaze of Scrutiny. The djehuty fixes its gaze on a crea-
ture it can see within 30 feet. The target must succeed
on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw against this magic or
take 10 (3d6) radiant damage.
Multiattack. The bibliognost makes a slam attack and
uses mind thrust.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
Mind Thrust. A bibliognost focuses its mind on a
creature within 60 feet. The target must make a DC
18 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, it is magically
haunted with visions and takes 27 (6d8) psychic dam-
age, or half as much on a success.
Mental Assault (Recharge 5–6). The bibliognost
magically assaults the minds of creatures in a 30-
foot cone, overloading them with knowledge. Each
creature in that area must make a DC 18 Intelligence
saving throw or take 36 (8d8) psychic damage and
gain one level of exhaustion. On a successful save, a
creature takes half damage and is not exhausted.
This otherworldly creature has the body of an
athletic human and the head of an ibis. It wears
rich priestly vestments and brandishes a long
scepter topped with a holy symbol. The creature’s
stern face is nonetheless filled with heavenly calm
and wisdom.
Avatars of Learning. Djehutys are celestial
beings in the service of deities of knowledge,
learning, wisdom, mysticism, divination, arcane
magic, and similar domains. They are sent to the
mortal realm to impart greater understanding
and enlightenment to those deemed worthy by
the gods. A djehuty’s presence awakens other
creatures to a higher level of awareness, inspires
them to look for unusual answers to old lingering
questions, and fills their mind with new ideas.
Djehutys also appear when great repositories of
writing or talented intellectuals are menaced with
destruction, acting as their protectors. Nothing
draws the ire of these normally tranquil beings
more than brazen ignorance, aggressive stupidity,
and destruction of knowledge and its adepts.
A Bookshelf of Monsters | EN World EN5IDER
A Bookshelf of Monsters | EN World EN5IDER
Living Spellbook
An ancient volume hovers in the air, its pages
turning on their own volition and glowing with
magical sigils.
Sentient Wizardly Tomes. The origins of the
living spellbook are as mysterious and varied as
the art of magic itself. Sometimes, upon death,
an archmage’s spirit merges with the spellbook
and gives it a semblance of life; sometimes, it
animates due to a transmutation spell gone awry;
sometimes, it does so as a result of a meticulously
prepared arcane ritual.
Freed and Bound by Magic. The living
spellbook takes after its owner in many ways,
mimicking his or her personality, speech patterns,
mannerisms, and alignment. Some living
spellbooks accidentally come into being as twisted
mockeries of their wizard owners, murdering
them and adopting their identity. Despite having
free wills, they feel bound to their places of
creation (usually a wizard’s study) and rarely
venture far away from them, even if they have
rebelled against their masters.
Constructed Nature. A living spellbook doesn’t
require air, food, drink, or sleep. The magic that
animates the living spellbook is dispelled when it
drops to 0 hit points, at which point it becomes a
regular, inanimate spellbook once again.
Living Spellbook
Tiny construct, any alignment
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 72 (16d4 + 32)
Speed 0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover)
6 (–2)
14 (+2)
15 (+2)
20 (+5)
16 (+3)
7 (–2)
Saving Throws Str +2, Dex +6, Con +6
Skills Arcana +9, History +9
Senses blindsight 120 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
passive Perception 13
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning,
Damage Immunities force, poison, psychic
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Languages any five, telepathy 60 ft.
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
Antimagic Susceptibility. The living spellbook is
incapacitated while in the area of an antimagic field.
Unlike other animated objects, it is not adversely
affected by dispel magic.
Eschew Materials. The living spellbook requires no
material components for spellcasting.
False Appearance. While the living spellbook remains
motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal book.
Immutable Form. The living spellbook is immune to
any spell or effect that would alter its form.
Magic Resistance. The living spellbook has advantage
on saving throws against spells and other magical
Spellcasting. The living spellbook is a 13th-level spell-
caster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell
save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). The living
spellbook has the following wizard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): chill touch, mage hand, mending,
minor illusion, poison spray
1st level (4 slots): magic missile, ray of sickness,
shield, thunderwave
2nd level (3 slots): mirror image, misty step,
scorching ray
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fireball, hypnotic
4th level (3 slots): banishment, black tentacles,
5th level (2 slots): animate objects, cone of cold
6th level (1 slot): disintegrate
7th level (1 slot): arcane sword
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
EN World EN5IDER | A Bookshelf of Monsters
EN World EN5IDER | A Bookshelf of Monsters
What seemed to be an elderly book peddler turns
into a 4-foot tall creature with scaly green skin,
sharp claws, small horns, and an impish grin. It is
hunched by a heavy bundle of massive tomes.
Diabolical Distractors. Titivulli are low-ranked
devils charged with distracting writers and
copyists of sacred texts, stealing or corrupting
pious writings, and spreading heretical
manuscripts that lead the weaker-willed into
temptation. The mere presence of a titivullus
makes one error-prone, forgetful, and unfocused,
and thus easier to sway from the path of
righteousness. It lurks around places of learning
and slowly taints the writing produced and
contained in such locales.
Smugglers of Blasphemous Writings. A
titivullus always carries around a heavy bundle
of magical books of writing containing hidden
sacrilegious messages and infernal curses. It
often masquerades as a child, a hunched old man
or woman, or a Small humanoid, peddling its
writings (or even giving them away for free) to
further the agenda of Hell. Cowardly but cruel,
the titivullus fights viciously when unmasked,
using its innate spellcasting abilities to strike from
hiding and engage in misdirection.
Small fiend (devil), lawful evil
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 58 (13d6 + 13)
Speed 30 ft.
8 (–1)
16 (+3) 13 (+1)
15 (+2)
13 (+1) 18 (+4)
Saving Throws Con +3
Skills Arcana +6, Deception +6, Sleight of Hand +5,
Stealth +5
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11
Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren’t
Damage Immunities fire, poison
Condition Immunities poisoned
Languages Common, Infernal, any two others; telepa-
thy 120 ft.
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Aura of Distraction. All non-evil creatures within
30 feet of the titivullus have disadvantage on Intel-
ligence- and Wisdom-based ability checks and saving
throws, as well as disadvantage on Constitution
saving throws made to maintain concentration.
Book Bundle. The titivullus’ bundle normally contains
thirteen books. It magically replenishes the supply
after finishing a long rest, and its books burn to
cinders when it dies.
Cursed Books. A book, scroll, or other piece of writing
from the titivullus’ bundle that is in the possession
of another creature creates an aura of distraction
within 30 feet of the object. It does not radiate magic
and loses its power when the titivullus dies. A dispel
magic spell cast on the object also ends the effect.
Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede the
titivullus’ darkvision.
Innate Spellcasting. The titivullus spellcasting
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14). The ink devil
can cast the following spells, requiring no material
At will: arcanist’s magic aura, comprehend languages,
detect magic, alter self, illusory script, invisibility
3/day each: dissonant whispers, misty step
1/day each: glyph of warding, major image, tongues
Magic Resistance. The titivullus has advantage on sav-
ing throws against spells and other magical effects.
Multiattack. A titivullus makes two melee or ranged
attacks in any combination.
Zapping Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage and
9 (2d8) lightning damage, and the target can’t take
reactions until the start of its next turn.
Book Toss. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning dam-
age and 10 (3d6) fire damage.
Misdirection. The titivullus distracts its attacker and
adds 2 to its AC against one melee attack that would
hit it. To do so, the titivullus must see the attacker.
| textdata/thevault/Dungeons & Dragons [multi]/5th Edition (5e)/3rd Party/EN World EN5ider/EN5ider 109 - Bookshelf Monsters.pdf |
ome inventors’ imagination reach
a point when the machinery of this
world can no longer accomplish
what their minds create. At this point
they cannot be entertained by the baubles
produced by material technology
anymore. Their only way out is to turn to
the outer planes of law to search for the
inspiration—and means—to achieve
what they can only describe as
“mechanical perfection”. They commune
with the beings they find there and,
through this bond, they receive the gifts
necessary to usher in new epochs of
technological achievement.
Writing Christopher Bunge
Color Art Ellis Goodson
Editing Felipe Real
Layout Xanditz
A new magical career for
fantasy-themed WOIN
game settings!
Binding inevitables as the personifications of
the lawful universe they revere, black powder
conjurers modify the traditional summoner arts
with the strange new devices they found on their
journeys throughout the planes. Their desire to
remain on the cutting edge of technology—and
beyond—has resulted in them not only adopting
black powder firearms as their weapon of choice,
but has also allowed them to master these
machines in new ways thanks to the supervision
of their mechanized mentors. It is this preference
for guns—and their predilection for volatile over-
exuberance—which has given them their unique
Black Powder Conjurer
Prerequisites: secret of fire, pistols 3+
Attributes: INT +1, LOG +1, WIL +1, MAG +1
Skill choices: gunsmithing, perception, spellcraft,
summoning, evocation
Ballistic Affinity. The black powder conjurer
gains a natural SOAK of 10 vs. ballistic damage.
Black Smoke Barrier. The black powder conjurer
can spend a free action to create a concealing
barrier of smoke which occupies up to three
contiguous squares within 20' feet of her.
Explosive Attack. The black powder conjurer's
gunpowder weapons inflict an additional 1d6
fire damage.
Fireball (requires Flame Inspiration). Once per
day, the black powder conjurer can use her gun
to shoot a fireball out with a range increment of
10 and a burst radius of 3 squares. The fireball
does 5d6 fire damage to all in the area on a
successful hit. If this exploit is taken a second
time, this ability can be used three times per day.
Flame Inspiration. The black powder conjurer
can use a gunpowder weapon to emit a 15' cone
of fire which does 3d6 fire damage to all in the
area on a successful hit. This uses two actions.
Follow the Thunder. The black powder conjurer's
gunpowder weapons crash like thunder,
changing the damage type to ballistic/sonic.
| textdata/thevault/WOIN/EONS Magazine/Eons 64 - OLD - Black Powder Conjurer.pdf |
Sense Detection:
Read Surface Thoughts:
Project Thoughts:
Mass Assault:
Read Psychic Imprint
Sixth Sense:
Forsee Outcome:
Suspend Animation:
Enhance STR:
Enhance CON:
Enhance DEX:
Cure Poisoning
Cure Disease
Psychic Surgery
Psychic Range by Talent Level:
Telepathy: Precognition:
Animation Teleport
V Long:
V Distant: 4
Regional: 5
Continent: 5
Planetary: 6
| textdata/thevault/Call of Cthulhu (CoC) (BRP) [multi]/Cthulhu Rising (Future Sci-Fi)/CoC 6e - Cthulhu Rising - Psychic Abilities Reference Sheet.pdf |
Ant, Giant
Ape, Albino
Ape, Man-Eating
Badger, Giant
Bat, Giant
Bear, Cave
Bee, Giant Killer
Beetle, Giant Boring
Beetle, Giant Carnivorous
Beetle, Giant Fire
Black Pudding
Blink Dog
Carcass Scavenger
Centipede, Giant
Demon Boar
Demon, Astarot (Demon Lord)
Demon, Babau (Standard Order Demon)
Demon, Balor (Standard Order Demon)
Demon, Glabrezu (Higher Order Demon)
Demon, Hezrou (Higher Order Demon)
Demon, Juiblex (Demon Lord)
Demon, Marilith (Standard Order Demon)
Demon, Nalfeshnee (Higher Order Demon)
Demon, Orcus (Demon Lord)
Demon, Quasit (Lower Order Demon)
Demon, Succubus/Incubus (Standard Order
Demon, Vrock (Standard Order Demon)
Devil, Amon (Arch-devil)
Devil, Bael (Arch-devil)
Devil, Barbed (Lesser devil)
Devil, Bone (Lesser devil)
Devil, Erinyes (Lesser devil)
Devil, Geryon (Arch-devil)
Devil, Horned (Greater devil)
Devil, Ice (Greater devil)
Devil, Imp (Lesser devil)
Devil, Lemure
Devil, Pit Fiend (Greater devil)
Dragon, Black
Dragon, Blue
Dragon, Brass
Dragon, Bronze
Dragon, Chromatic
Dragon, Copper
Dragon, Gold
Dragon, Green
Dragon, Red
Dragon, Silver
Dragon, White
Dwarf, Duergar
Ear Seeker
Elemental, Air
Elemental, Earth
Elemental, Fire
Elemental, Water
Elf, Deep
Elf, Drow
Eye of Terror
Eye, Tentacled
Fly, Giant Carnivorous
Frog, Giant
Frog, Giant Killer
Frog, Giant Poisonous
Fungi, Violet
Gas Spore
Gelatinous Cube
Ghast (Undead)
Ghost (Undead)
Ghoul (Undead)
Giant, Fire
Giant, Frost
Giant, Hill
Giant, Stone
Golem, Amber
Golem, Bone
Golem, Bronze
Golem, Clay
Golem, Flesh
Golem, Iron
Golem, Stone
Golem, Wood
Gray Ooze
Gray Worm
Green Slime
Groaning Spirit (Banshee) (Undead)
Hell Hound
Invisible Stalker
Leech, Giant
Lich (Undead)
Lizard, Giant Draco
Lizard, Giant Gecko
Lizard, Giant Horned Chameleon
Lizard, Giant Tuatara
Locust, Subterranean
Lurker Above
Lycanthrope, Werebear
Lycanthrope, Wererat
Lycanthrope, Werewolf
Mummy (Undead)
Naga, Guardian
Naga, Spirit
Night Hag
Ochre Jelly
Ogre Mage
Otyugh, Advanced
Owl Bear
Phase Tiger
Purple Worm
Rat, Giant
Rhagodessa, Giant
Rot Grub
Rust Monster
Salamander, Flame
Salamander, Frost
Scorpion, Giant
Shambling Mound
Shrew, Giant
Skeleton (Undead)
Slithering Tracker
Slug, Giant
Snake, Pit Viper
Snake, Spitting Cobra
Spectre (Undead)
Sphinx, Androsphinx
Sphinx, Criosphinx
Sphinx, Gynosphinx
Sphinx, Hieracosphinx
Spider, Giant Black Widow
Spider, Giant Crab Spider
Spider, Phase
Statue, Animate Crystal
Statue, Animate Iron
Statue, Animate Stone
Tick, Giant
Toad, Giant
Toad, Giant Ice
Toad, Giant Poisonous
Vampire (Undead)
Wight (Undead)
Wind Walker
Wolf, Dire
Wolf, Winter
Wolverine, Giant
Wraith (Undead)
Yellow Mold
Zombie (Undead)
Ant, Giant
Axe Beak
Badger, Giant
Bat, Giant
Bear, Black
Bear, Cave
Bear, Grizzly
Bee, Giant Killer
Beetle, Giant Boring
Beetle, Giant Carnivorous
Beetle, Giant Fire
Beetle, Giant Rhinoceros
Beetle, Giant Spitting
Beetle, Giant Stag
Blink Dog
Boar, Giant
Boar, Warthog
Cat, Lion
Cat, Mountain Lion
Centipede, Giant
Dog, Wild
Dragon, Gold
Dragon, Green
Dragon, Red
Eagle, Giant
Ear Seeker
Ferret, Giant
Fly, Giant Carnivorous
Frog, Giant
Ghost (Undead)
Giant, Fire
Giant, Hill
Groaning Spirit (Banshee) (Undead)
Hawk, Giant
Herd Animals
Horse, Draft
Insect Swarm
Lizard, Giant Draco
Lizard, Giant Tuatara
Lycanthrope, Werebear
Lycanthrope, Wereboar
Lycanthrope, Werewolf
Men, Berserker
Men, Brigand
Mummy (Undead)
Ogre Mage
Owl Bear
Owl, Giant
Rat, Giant
Rhagodessa, Giant
Scorpion, Giant
Snake, Pit Viper
Snake, Spitting Cobra
Spider, Giant Black Widow
Spider, Giant Crab Spider
Spider, Phase
Tick, Giant
Toad, Giant
Toad, Giant Poisonous
Vampire (Undead)
Wasp, Giant
Weasel, Giant
Wolf, Dire
Wolverine, Giant
Zombie (Undead)
Ant, Giant
Axe Beak
Badger, Giant
Bat, Giant
Bear, Black
Bear, Cave
Bear, Grizzly
Bee, Giant Killer
Beetle, Giant Boring
Beetle, Giant Carnivorous
Beetle, Giant Fire
Beetle, Giant Rhinoceros
Beetle, Giant Stag
Blink Dog
Boar, Giant
Boar, Warthog
Cat, Lion
Cat, Mountain Lion
Centipede, Giant
Dog, Wild
Dragon, Gold
Dragon, Green
Dragon, Red
Eagle, Giant
Ferret, Giant
Fly, Giant Carnivorous
Ghast (Undead)
Ghost (Undead)
Ghoul (Undead)
Giant, Cloud
Giant, Fire
Giant, Hill
Giant, Stone
Groaning Spirit (Banshee) (Undead)
Hawk, Giant
Hell Hound
Herd Animals
Horse, Draft
Lycanthrope, Werebear
Lycanthrope, Wereboar
Lycanthrope, Werewolf
Men, Berserker
Men, Brigand
Mummy (Undead)
Ogre Mage
Owl, Giant
Purple Worm
Rat, Giant
Rhagodessa, Giant
Scorpion, Giant
Snake, Pit Viper
Snake, Spitting Cobra
Spectre (Undead)
Spider, Giant Black Widow
Spider, Giant Crab Spider
Spider, Phase
Toad, Giant
Toad, Giant Poisonous
Vampire (Undead)
Wasp, Giant
Weasel, Giant
Wolf, Dire
Zombie (Undead)
Badger, Giant
Bat, Giant
Bear, Black
Bear, Cave
Bear, Grizzly
Bee, Giant Killer
Beetle, Giant Boring
Beetle, Giant Fire
Black Pudding
Blink Dog
Carcass Scavenger
Cat, Lion
Cat, Mountain Lion
Centipede, Giant
Dog, Wild
Dragon, Black
Dragon, Bronze
Dragon, Gold
Dragon, Red
Dragon, Silver
Eagle, Giant
Fly, Giant Carnivorous
Gelatinous Cube
Ghast (Undead)
Ghost (Undead)
Ghoul (Undead)
Giant, Cloud
Giant, Fire
Giant, Hill
Giant, Stone
Giant, Storm
Hawk, Giant
Hell Hound
Herd Animals
Horse, Draft
Lycanthrope, Werebear
Lycanthrope, Werewolf
Men, Berserker
Men, Brigand
Mummy (Undead)
Naga, Guardian
Naga, Spirit
Night Hag
Ogre Mage
Otyugh, Advanced
Owl Bear
Owl, Giant
Rat, Giant
Rhagodessa, Giant
Scorpion, Giant
Snake, Pit Viper
Snake, Spitting Cobra
Spectre (Undead)
Spider, Giant Black Widow
Spider, Giant Crab Spider
Spider, Phase
Toad, Giant
Toad, Giant Poisonous
Vampire (Undead)
Wasp, Giant
Weasel, Giant
Wight (Undead)
Wind Walker
Wolf, Dire
Wraith (Undead)
Zombie (Undead)
Ant, Giant
Axe Beak
Badger, Giant
Bat, Giant
Bear, Grizzly
Bee, Giant Killer
Beetle, Giant Carnivorous
Beetle, Giant Stag
Blink Dog
Boar, Giant
Boar, Warthog
Cat, Lion
Cat, Mountain Lion
Centipede, Giant
Dog, Wild
Dragon, Blue
Dragon, Gold
Fly, Giant Carnivorous
Frog, Giant
Ghast (Undead)
Ghost (Undead)
Ghoul (Undead)
Giant, Fire
Giant, Hill
Groaning Spirit (Banshee) (Undead)
Hawk, Giant
Herd Animals
Horse, Draft
Lizard, Giant Draco
Lizard, Giant Tuatara
Lycanthrope, Wereboar
Lycanthrope, Werewolf
Men, Berserker
Men, Brigand
Men, Nomad
Mummy (Undead)
Ogre Mage
Owl, Giant
Purple Worm
Rat, Giant
Rhagodessa, Giant
Scorpion, Giant
Snake, Pit Viper
Snake, Spitting Cobra
Spider, Giant Black Widow
Spider, Giant Crab Spider
Toad, Giant
Toad, Giant Poisonous
Vampire (Undead)
Wasp, Giant
Weasel, Giant
Wolf, Dire
Zombie (Undead)
Axe Beak
Bat, Giant
Bear, Black
Bee, Giant Killer
Beetle, Giant Boring
Beetle, Giant Carnivorous
Beetle, Giant Fire
Beetle, Giant Rhinoceros
Beetle, Giant Spitting
Beetle, Giant Stag
Boar, Giant
Boar, Warthog
Cat, Lion
Centipede, Giant
Crab, Giant
Crayfish, Giant
Crocodile, Giant
Crocodile, Large
Dog, Wild
Dragon, Black
Dragon, Gold
Dragon, Green
Fly, Giant Carnivorous
Frog, Giant
Frog, Giant Poisonous
Gas Spore
Ghast (Undead)
Ghost (Undead)
Ghoul (Undead)
Giant, Hill
Hawk, Giant
Hell Hound
Herd Animals
Horse, Draft
Insect Swarm
Leech, Giant
Lizard, Giant Draco
Lizard, Giant Tuatara
Lycanthrope, Werebear
Lycanthrope, Wereboar
Lycanthrope, Werewolf
Men, Berserker
Men, Brigand
Men, Pirate
Mummy (Undead)
Naga, Guardian
Naga, Spirit
Night Hag
Ogre Mage
Owl Bear
Owl, Giant
Rat, Giant
Rhagodessa, Giant
Scorpion, Giant
Shambling Mound
Skeleton (Undead)
Snake, Giant Python
Snake, Pit Viper
Spectre (Undead)
Spider, Giant Black Widow
Spider, Giant Crab Spider
Tick, Giant
Toad, Giant
Toad, Giant Poisonous
Vampire (Undead)
Wasp, Giant
Weasel, Giant
Wight (Undead)
Wolf, Dire
Wraith (Undead)
Zombie (Undead)
Ant, Giant
Bat, Giant
Bee, Giant Killer
Blink Dog
Cat, Lion
Centipede, Giant
Dog, Wild
Dragon, Blue
Dragon, Gold
Elemental, Fire
Fly, Giant Carnivorous
Giant, Fire
Groaning Spirit (Banshee) (Undead)
Hawk, Giant
Hell Hound
Herd Animals
Horse, Draft
Men, Berserker
Men, Brigand
Men, Nomad
Mummy (Undead)
Owl, Giant
Purple Worm
Rat, Giant
Salamander, Flame
Scorpion, Giant
Skeleton (Undead)
Snake, Giant Rattler
Snake, Spitting Cobra
Spider, Giant Tarantula
Toad, Giant
Toad, Giant Poisonous
Vampire (Undead)
Wasp, Giant
Wind Walker
Zombie (Undead)
Crab, Giant
Crayfish, Giant
Crocodile, Giant
Crocodile, Large
Dragon Turtle
Dragon, Black
Dragon, Bronze
Dragon, Gold
Dragon, Green
Dragon, Red
Dragon, Sea
Dragon, Silver
Eagle, Giant
Eel, Electric
Eel, Giant
Elemental, Water
Eye of the Deep
Eye, Floating
Fish, Giant Catfish
Fish, Giant Piranha
Fish, Giant Rockfish
Fish, Giant Sturgeon
Frog, Giant
Frog, Giant Killer
Frog, Giant Poisonous
Hawk, Giant
Leech, Giant
Men, Merchant
Men, Pirate
Naga, Water
Octopus, Giant
Strangle Weed
Turtle, Giant Snapping
Wasp, Giant
Crab, Giant
Dragon Turtle
Dragon, Black
Dragon, Bronze
Dragon, Gold
Dragon, Green
Dragon, Red
Dragon, Sea
Dragon, Silver
Eagle, Giant
Eel, Sea
Elemental, Water
Eye of the Deep
Eye, Floating
Fish, Giant Catfish
Fish, Giant Piranha
Fish, Giant Rockfish
Fish, Giant Sturgeon
Frog, Giant
Frog, Giant Killer
Frog, Giant Poisonous
Giant, Storm
Hawk, Giant
Men, Merchant
Men, Pirate
Naga, Water
Octopus, Giant
Sea Hag
Sea Serpent
Shark, Bull
Shark, Giant
Shark, Great White
Shark, Mako
Snake, Sea
Squid, Giant
Strangle Weed
Turtle, Giant Sea
Whale, Killer
Whale, Narwhal
Whale, Sperm
Wind Walker
Snowy Forest
Badger, Giant
Bat, Giant
Bear, Black
Bear, Cave
Bear, Polar
Boar, Giant
Boar, Warthog
Cat, Lion
Cat, Sabre-tooth Tiger
Dog, War
Dog, Wild
Dragon, Gold
Dragon, Green
Dragon, Red
Dragon, White
Eagle, Giant
Ear Seeker
Ghast (Undead)
Ghost (Undead)
Ghoul (Undead)
Giant, Frost
Giant, Hill
Groaning Spirit (Banshee) (Undead)
Hawk, Giant
Herd Animals
Horse, Draft
Lycanthrope, Werebear
Lycanthrope, Wereboar
Lycanthrope, Wererat
Lycanthrope, Werewolf
Men, Berserker
Men, Brigand
Men, Merchant
Mummy (Undead)
Naga, Guardian
Naga, Spirit
Ogre Mage
Owl Bear
Owl, Giant
Rat, Giant
Rhinoceros, Woolly
Salamander, Frost
Skeleton (Undead)
Spectre (Undead)
Toad, Giant Ice
Vampire (Undead)
Weasel, Giant
Wight (Undead)
Wolf, Dire
Wolf, Winter
Wolverine, Giant
Wraith (Undead)
Zombie (Undead)
Snowy Hills
Badger, Giant
Bat, Giant
Bear, Black
Bear, Cave
Bear, Polar
Boar, Giant
Boar, Warthog
Cat, Mountain Lion
Dog, War
Dog, Wild
Dragon, Gold
Dragon, Green
Dragon, Red
Dragon, White
Eagle, Giant
Ghast (Undead)
Ghost (Undead)
Ghoul (Undead)
Giant, Cloud
Giant, Frost
Giant, Hill
Giant, Stone
Groaning Spirit (Banshee) (Undead)
Hawk, Giant
Herd Animals
Horse, Draft
Lycanthrope, Werebear
Lycanthrope, Wereboar
Lycanthrope, Wererat
Lycanthrope, Werewolf
Men, Berserker
Men, Brigand
Men, Merchant
Mummy (Undead)
Ogre Mage
Owl, Giant
Purple Worm
Rat, Giant
Rhinoceros, Woolly
Salamander, Frost
Toad, Giant Ice
Vampire (Undead)
Weasel, Giant
Wolf, Dire
Wolf, Winter
Wolverine, Giant
Zombie (Undead)
Snowy Mountains
Badger, Giant
Bat, Giant
Bear, Black
Bear, Cave
Cat, Mountain Lion
Dog, War
Dog, Wild
Dragon, Gold
Dragon, Red
Dragon, Silver
Dragon, White
Eagle, Giant
Ghast (Undead)
Ghost (Undead)
Ghoul (Undead)
Giant, Cloud
Giant, Frost
Giant, Hill
Giant, Stone
Hawk, Giant
Herd Animals
Horse, Draft
Lycanthrope, Werebear
Lycanthrope, Wererat
Lycanthrope, Werewolf
Men, Berserker
Men, Brigand
Men, Merchant
Mummy (Undead)
Naga, Guardian
Naga, Spirit
Ogre Mage
Otyugh, Advanced
Owl, Giant
Rat, Giant
Rhinoceros, Woolly
Salamander, Frost
Spectre (Undead)
Toad, Giant Ice
Vampire (Undead)
Weasel, Giant
Wight (Undead)
Wind Walker
Wolf, Dire
Wolf, Winter
Wolverine, Giant
Wraith (Undead)
Zombie (Undead)
Snowy Plains
Badger, Giant
Bat, Giant
Bear, Polar
Boar, Giant
Boar, Warthog
Cat, Lion
Cat, Sabre-tooth Tiger
Dog, War
Dog, Wild
Dragon, Gold
Dragon, White
Ghast (Undead)
Ghost (Undead)
Ghoul (Undead)
Giant, Frost
Giant, Hill
Groaning Spirit (Banshee) (Undead)
Hawk, Giant
Herd Animals
Horse, Draft
Lycanthrope, Wereboar
Lycanthrope, Wererat
Lycanthrope, Werewolf
Men, Berserker
Men, Brigand
Men, Merchant
Men, Nomad
Mummy (Undead)
Ogre Mage
Owl, Giant
Purple Worm
Rat, Giant
Rhinoceros, Woolly
Toad, Giant Ice
Vampire (Undead)
Weasel, Giant
Wolf, Dire
Wolf, Winter
Zombie (Undead)
Jungle/Tropics Forest
Ant, Giant
Ape, Albino
Ape, Chimpanzee
Ape, Gorilla
Ape, Man-Eating
Axe Beak
Baboon, Higher
Bat, Giant
Bee, Giant Killer
Beetle, Giant Boring
Beetle, Giant Fire
Beetle, Giant Rhinoceros
Boar, Giant
Boar, Warthog
Cat, Panther
Cat, Sabre-tooth Tiger
Cat, Tiger
Centipede, Giant
Dinosaur, Pteranodon
Dinosaur, Pterodactyl
Dinosaur, Stegosaurus
Dinosaur, Titanothere
Dinosaur, Triceratops
Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus Rex
Dog, Wild
Dragon, Gold
Dragon, Green
Dragon, Red
Ear Seeker
Flightless Bird
Fly, Giant Carnivorous
Frog, Giant
Ghost (Undead)
Giant, Fire
Giant, Hill
Groaning Spirit (Banshee) (Undead)
Hawk, Giant
Herd Animals
Horse, Draft
Hyena, Giant
Lizard, Giant Gecko
Lizard, Giant Horned Chameleon
Lycanthrope, Wereboar
Lycanthrope, Weretiger
Lycanthrope, Werewolf
Men, Berserker
Men, Brigand
Mummy (Undead)
Ogre Mage
Owl, Giant
Phase Tiger
Rat, Giant
Rhagodessa, Giant
Scorpion, Giant
Snake, Giant Python
Snake, Pit Viper
Sphinx, Androsphinx
Sphinx, Criosphinx
Sphinx, Gynosphinx
Sphinx, Hieracosphinx
Spider, Giant Black Widow
Spider, Giant Crab Spider
Spider, Phase
Tick, Giant
Toad, Giant
Toad, Giant Poisonous
Vampire (Undead)
Wasp, Giant
Wolf, Dire
Zombie (Undead)
Jungle/Tropics Hills
Ant, Giant
Ape, Albino
Ape, Chimpanzee
Ape, Gorilla
Ape, Man-Eating
Axe Beak
Baboon, Higher
Bat, Giant
Bee, Giant Killer
Beetle, Giant Boring
Beetle, Giant Fire
Beetle, Giant Rhinoceros
Boar, Giant
Boar, Warthog
Cat, Panther
Cat, Sabre-tooth Tiger
Cat, Tiger
Centipede, Giant
Dinosaur, Pteranodon
Dinosaur, Pterodactyl
Dinosaur, Stegosaurus
Dinosaur, Titanothere
Dinosaur, Triceratops
Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus Rex
Dog, Wild
Dragon, Copper
Dragon, Gold
Dragon, Green
Dragon, Red
Flightless Bird
Fly, Giant Carnivorous
Ghast (Undead)
Ghost (Undead)
Ghoul (Undead)
Giant, Cloud
Giant, Fire
Giant, Hill
Giant, Stone
Hawk, Giant
Hell Hound
Herd Animals
Horse, Draft
Hyena, Giant
Lizard, Giant Gecko
Lizard, Giant Horned Chameleon
Lycanthrope, Wereboar
Lycanthrope, Weretiger
Lycanthrope, Werewolf
Men, Berserker
Men, Brigand
Mummy (Undead)
Ogre Mage
Owl, Giant
Phase Tiger
Purple Worm
Rat, Giant
Rhagodessa, Giant
Salamander, Flame
Scorpion, Giant
Snake, Giant Python
Snake, Pit Viper
Sphinx, Androsphinx
Sphinx, Criosphinx
Sphinx, Gynosphinx
Sphinx, Hieracosphinx
Spider, Giant Black Widow
Spider, Giant Crab Spider
Spider, Phase
Toad, Giant
Toad, Giant Poisonous
Vampire (Undead)
Wasp, Giant
Wolf, Dire
Zombie (Undead)
Jungle/Tropics Mountains
Ape, Albino
Ape, Chimpanzee
Ape, Gorilla
Ape, Man-Eating
Baboon, Higher
Bat, Giant
Bee, Giant Killer
Beetle, Giant Boring
Beetle, Giant Fire
Black Pudding
Cat, Panther
Cat, Sabre-tooth Tiger
Cat, Tiger
Centipede, Giant
Dinosaur, Pteranodon
Dinosaur, Pterodactyl
Dinosaur, Stegosaurus
Dinosaur, Titanothere
Dinosaur, Triceratops
Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus Rex
Dog, Wild
Dragon, Black
Dragon, Brass
Dragon, Bronze
Dragon, Copper
Dragon, Gold
Dragon, Red
Dragon, Silver
Fly, Giant Carnivorous
Gelatinous Cube
Ghast (Undead)
Ghost (Undead)
Ghoul (Undead)
Giant, Cloud
Giant, Fire
Giant, Hill
Giant, Stone
Giant, Storm
Hell Hound
Herd Animals
Horse, Draft
Lizard, Giant Gecko
Lizard, Giant Horned Chameleon
Lycanthrope, Weretiger
Lycanthrope, Werewolf
Men, Berserker
Men, Brigand
Mummy (Undead)
Naga, Guardian
Naga, Spirit
Night Hag
Ogre Mage
Otyugh, Advanced
Owl, Giant
Phase Tiger
Rat, Giant
Rhagodessa, Giant
Roc, Giant
Roc, Large
Roc, Small
Salamander, Flame
Scorpion, Giant
Snake, Giant Python
Snake, Pit Viper
Sphinx, Androsphinx
Sphinx, Criosphinx
Sphinx, Gynosphinx
Sphinx, Hieracosphinx
Spider, Giant Black Widow
Spider, Giant Crab Spider
Spider, Phase
Toad, Giant
Toad, Giant Poisonous
Vampire (Undead)
Wasp, Giant
Wight (Undead)
Wind Walker
Wolf, Dire
Zombie (Undead)
Jungle/Tropics Swamp
Ape, Albino
Ape, Chimpanzee
Ape, Gorilla
Ape, Man-Eating
Axe Beak
Baboon, Higher
Bat, Giant
Bee, Giant Killer
Beetle, Giant Boring
Beetle, Giant Fire
Beetle, Giant Rhinoceros
Boar, Giant
Boar, Warthog
Cat, Panther
Cat, Sabre-tooth Tiger
Cat, Tiger
Centipede, Giant
Crab, Giant
Crayfish, Giant
Crocodile, Giant
Crocodile, Large
Dinosaur, Pteranodon
Dinosaur, Pterodactyl
Dinosaur, Stegosaurus
Dinosaur, Titanothere
Dinosaur, Triceratops
Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus Rex
Dog, Wild
Dragon, Black
Dragon, Gold
Dragon, Green
Flightless Bird
Fly, Giant Carnivorous
Frog, Giant
Frog, Giant Killer
Frog, Giant Poisonous
Ghast (Undead)
Ghost (Undead)
Ghoul (Undead)
Giant, Hill
Hell Hound
Herd Animals
Horse, Draft
Hyena, Giant
Leech, Giant
Lizard, Giant Gecko
Lizard, Giant Horned Chameleon
Lycanthrope, Wereboar
Lycanthrope, Weretiger
Lycanthrope, Werewolf
Men, Berserker
Men, Brigand
Men, Pirate
Mummy (Undead)
Naga, Guardian
Naga, Spirit
Night Hag
Ogre Mage
Owl, Giant
Rat, Giant
Rhagodessa, Giant
Scorpion, Giant
Skeleton (Undead)
Snake, Giant Python
Snake, Pit Viper
Spectre (Undead)
Sphinx, Criosphinx
Spider, Giant Black Widow
Spider, Giant Crab Spider
Tick, Giant
Toad, Giant
Toad, Giant Poisonous
Vampire (Undead)
Wasp, Giant
Wight (Undead)
Wolf, Dire
Wraith (Undead)
Zombie (Undead)
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved.
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La Reine Noire
Scénario écrit par Eric Simon
Chronique d’Outremonde n°13
Le Scénario
Avant propos
Ce scénario d’Hawkmoon est destiné à un groupe de quatre à cinq aventuriers débutants. L’action
entière se déroule sur la Reine Noire, un navire corsaire. Si cette aventure est la première des
personnages, vous pouvez les intégrer dans l’équipage du navire ; il y a toujours une place pour des
aventuriers à bord d’un tel bateau, quelles que soient leurs origines sociales. Cette occupation requiert
de multiples talents, et tous les personnages sont les bienvenus. Dans ce cas, organisez une ou deux
parties avant de jouer ce scénario (les sujets d’aventure pour des corsaires ne manquent pas), ainsi
les joueurs seront familiarisés avec ce navire et leur rôle.
L’aventure commence en l’an 5295, à Navikh’, l’une des rares cités de Scandia. Peuplée d’un peu plus
de 20 000 personnes, Navikh’ vit et respire au rythme de ses corsaires. Son port rassemble l’une des
plus grandes flottes des mers nordiques, ses capitaines dirigeant la cité. Le commerce des biens
enlevés, les butins et les rançons des otages ont apporté richesse, pouvoir et opulence à la cité. Mais
en ces derniers mois d’automne, la fin semble proche pour ses habitants ; depuis l’été, les armées
granbretonnes assiègent la ville.
En l’espace de deux ans, toute la Scandie a été envahie par l’empire ténébreux, les petites
communautés rurales ont été asservies, les cités fortifiées des pirates ont été prises d’assaut, leurs
navires capturés ou coulés par les requins impériaux ; seule Navikh’ demeure, pour un temps encore,
libre. La ville vit ses dernières heures, plusieurs brèches percent les murailles, la flotte entière des
requins est rassemblée au large du port, des milliers de loups, de chèvres et de sangliers attendent
l’ordre du baron Méliadus pour prendre la cité, aucun quartier ne sera accordé. Aussi les corsaires
s’apprêtent-ils à fuir leur cité, espérant forcer le blocus de la marine impériale. L’un de ces navires est
la Reine Noire, une grande goélette à trois mâts. Pour favoriser sa fuite, le bateau a bénéficié des
travaux d’Hirguiez, un brillant scientifique qui, par ses créations, s’est illustré dans la défense de la cité.
Au jour de la fuite, les personnages seront à bord de la Reine Noire.
Si les aventuriers sont étrangers à la Reine, voici quelques raisons probables de leur présence à bord.
S’ils se sont illustrés lors du siège de Navikh’, Syrend’hya, le capitaine du navire, les invitera ; aucun
héros ne sera de trop lors de la fuite. (Avant de commencer ce scénario lui-même, faites jouer aux
personnages le siège de la cité en leur offrant de nombreuses façons de se distinguer). Sinon,
conscients de la fin proche de la cité, et par conséquent de la leur, il reste aux personnages à
embarquer discrètement. Attention, les passagers clandestins sont mal acceptés une fois découverts.
Autrement, engagés auparavant par Hirguiez comme gardes du corps, ils l’accompagneront à bord du
navire ; dans ce cas, les aventuriers ont pu remarquer son inquiétude ainsi que les nombreuses
précautions dont il s’entoure. Le scientifique vit toujours dans la crainte du « monstre ».
La fuite
Cet épisode est l’occasion d’offrir aux personnages quelques scènes riches en émotions, où ils
pourront déployer toute leur bravoure ; cependant, il n’est nullement destiné à les tuer.
Les corsaires doivent attendre la marée pour quitter le port. Deux heures durant, les personnages
entendent les bruits de l’assaut granbreton se rapprocher du port ; avant leur arrivée, les aventuriers
comme les marins repousser armes à la main le flot des fuyards, alors que la population condamnée à
une mort certaine insultera du quai « les rats qui quittent le navire ». Qui sait, un aventurier au cœur
tendre pourra faire monter à bord quelques personnes dont les supplications auront su le toucher ?
Alors que la marée se fait sentir et que les voiles se déploient, les soldats de l’empire surgissent sur
les quais, massacrent la population, s’emparent des barques et montent à l’assaut des navires. Les
canons des corsaires laissent peu d’assaillants arriver à l’abordage ; cependant quelques rounds d’un
combat acharné seront nécessaires pour les repousser.
Le large gagné, Navikh’ n’est plus qu’un immense brasier derrière eux. Cependant, un plus grand péril
attend les corsaires : une centaine des lourds croiseurs granbretons aux voiles noires coupent la route
à la petite escadre des trente goélettes et bricks scandins… Peu de corsaires en réchapperont… Les
installations d’Hirguiez permettent à la Reine Noire de prendre le large. Ces appareils se présentent
comme douze cylindres de cuivre, hauts chacun de deux mètres, fixés à la coque. Ces cylindres, reliés
à un générateur, entourent le navire d’un champ de protection arrêtant flammes et projectiles lancés
des croiseurs. Si vous le désirez, vous pouvez tout de même offrir à vos personnages un abordage
(non ! un champ de force n’arrête pas un croiseur granbreton !). Ce dernier danger passé, la Reine
Noire se perd dans l’océan, faisant route seule vers le nord-ouest.
La vie à bord
Le cap suivi par la Reine Noire l’amène vers la pointe de la Granbretanne. Syrend’hya espère, après
avoir doublé ce cap, faire route en toute tranquillité vers les côtes d’Espanya où les corsaires se sont
donnés rendez-vous.
Plusieurs journées se passent « paisiblement », l’équipage soignant ses blessures et affrontant la mer
du nord. Utilisez ce temps pour plonger des personnages dans la vie quotidienne du navire. Les jours
passant, le froid devient de plus en plus vifs, les premiers icebergs coupent la route du vaisseau. Une
brume au reflet verdâtre flotte sur les eaux du matin au soir (ne pas oublier que le climat terrestre a été
bouleversé par le tragique millénaire). Quelques événements brisent la monotonie du voyage,
arrachant les marins des fourneaux où chacun passe le plus clair de son temps, jouant aux dés ou aux
cartes afin d’oublier le froid et la fin de Navikh’.
Un gabier, en dépit de ses vêtements de cuir huilé et de laine, perd deux doigts, gelés.
Une querelle entre deux marins, ennemis de toujours, finit par une blessure grave pour l’un d’entre
eux, l’autre étant envoyé au fond de la cale.
Une viande avariée servie à l’un des repas provoque pratiquement une mutinerie. Seule
l’intervention de Syrend’hya ramène le calme, signe annonciateur des temps à venir.
La fin du voyage
Au cours des quatre premiers jours de voyage, le monstre découvre le navire. Ayant adopté la forme
de Jensk Vhonk, l’un des marins de la Reine, la colonie détache certains de ses individus. Ceux-ci
éliminent en quelques jours les rats du navire pour prendre leur place. Les formes de Jensk Vhonk et
des rats permettent ainsi au monstre de prendre connaissance des moindres recoins et des habitudes
de l’équipage.
Les conséquences de ces prémices peuvent être perçues par les personnages ou leur être rapportées
par quelques conversations. Ainsi, les rats semblent pris d’une fureur croissante, allant jusqu’à s’entre-
tuer ; puis bizarrement, un matin, le calme revient dans leur communauté. Pareillement, un marin
(Jensk Vhonk) devient la source d’amusement de ses compères : ce dernier semble être devenu très
maladroit du jour au lendemain, commettant maladresse sur maladresse (le monstre n’acquiert pas les
compétences de ses victimes, il prétextera quelques maladies pour justifier ses erreurs).
Ensuite, la créature passe à la phase suivante (3 jours), la forme de Jensk est abandonnée. Toute la
colonie prend la forme de rats. Celle-ci livre une guerre sans merci aux chats du navire, ces derniers
disparaissent en une nuit, dévorés par la colonie. Puis le monstre (les rats) dévore toute la nourriture
possible afin de multiplier sa taille.
Ces événements se traduisent ainsi pour les personnages : les rats semblent proliférer du jour au
lendemain, dévorant les vivres, courant librement sur le pont et les mâts. L’équipage déclenche donc
une véritable guerre contre les rongeurs. Les rats tués sont jetés à l’eau. A un moment ou à un autre,
on s’aperçoit que leurs cadavres se transforment en quelques heures en une bouillie noire (une fois
morts, les individus conservent encore la forme imitée pour quelques heures puis se décomposent
rapidement en une gelée noirâtre). Les recherches entreprises à la suite de la disparition de Jensk
aboutissent à la découverte du marin mis aux fers, à demi-dévoré par les rats. Nul dans l’équipage
n’écoutera les déclarations du mousse, considéré comme une âme tendre et rêveuse, qui a assisté,
apeuré, à la transformation de Vhonk en de multiples « serpents » ; il en fera une description fort
confuse. Des traces de bave, comme celles laissées par les limaces, peuvent être découvertes sur les
ponts. Ces traces semblent être de plus en plus nombreuses et importantes, la colonie croît
La porte renforcée du magasin à vivres est retrouvée un matin défoncée, ce qui suggère une force de
géant. La majorité des vivres a disparu…
A partir de ce moment, Hirguiez a connaissance de la présence du monstre à bord. Libre à vous de
déterminer son comportement, terrorisé et se réfugiant dans sa cabine, ou alors traquant le monstre la
nuit dans les cales du navire. Son comportement éveillera sans doute la curiosité des personnages.
Deux possibilités s’offrent à vous : Hirguiez peut être la première victime du monstre, celui-ci dévorant
les autres personnes à bord pour assouvir sa faim inextinguible. Dans ce cas, les aventuriers peuvent
découvrir l’histoire du monstre et de son créateur, contenue dans le journal d’Hirguiez. Il est préférable
alors qu’un scientifique soit présent parmi les personnages pour découvrir le moyen de « tuer le
monstre ». Sinon, la créature garde Hirguiez pour le dessert. Celui-ci se confiera tôt ou tard aux
monstre s’attaque à l’équipage.
personne disparaîtra chaque nuit,
le monstre vivant désormais séparé
en deux groupes, l’un dans la cale,
l’autre à l’extérieur du navire. La
première action de celui-ci sera de
briser le gouvernail : le navire
devenu incontrôlable, est emporté
par le courant du grand nord… Les
personnes tentant de la réparer, se
mettant donc dans l’eau, seront
attaquées par la colonie ; toute
réparation est impossible. Pour ses agressions nocturnes, le monstre prend la forme de marins encore
en vie, et attire ses victimes à fond de cale, ou encore les balance par-dessus bord.
Le rationnement des vivres, la rupture inexpliquée du gouvernail, le comportement des rats, les
disparitions mystérieuses, la dérive du vaisseau vers des mers inconnues, poussent l’équipage à
adopter des solutions extrêmes. Dans un premier temps, les marins chercheront un bouc émissaire :
celui-ci peut-être le pauvre mousse, Hirguiez, un aventurier ou même le capitaine du navire. Ensuite,
pour un prétexte quelconque, une véritable mutinerie éclatera à bord. Divisé en deux camps,
l’équipage se partagera le bateau. Une faction occupera la proue, l’autre la poupe, les multiples
affrontements se déroulant sur le pont. Il sera impossible de faire entendre raison à un camp ou à un
autre, chacun accusant l’autre de tous les derniers faits et escomptant survivre par la destruction de
l’ennemi. Nul ne s’aventurera plus dans l’entrepont et la cale, domaines incontestés du monstre.
L’horreur continuera jusqu’à la mort du dernier membre de l’équipage et du dernier aventurier, à moins
que ceux-ci ne triomphent du monstre. MAIS QUE FAIRE ?
Quelles que soient les prouesses des aventuriers, leurs armes seront inefficaces contre la colonie. Ils
pourront déstructurer ses formes, voire détruire quelques ensembles. Mais son importance, son taux
rapide de prolifération la rend invulnérable aux armes. Le matériel de laboratoire emporté par Hirguiez,
les appareillages du générateur utilisés pour le champ de force permettent aux aventuriers de
construire leur salut. Les notes d’Hirguiez, ou ses propres déclarations, laissent entendre que le
monstre est sensible à certains produits chimiques, voire à l’électricité. Toute recherche exigeant un
sujet, des volontaires devront se dévouer pour ramener un individu, quitter le refuge précaire de la
proue ou du château arrière puis s’aventurer dans les profondeurs de la cale.
Si les aventuriers réussissent, quelques jours seront encore nécessaires pour son étude. Ces
observations débouchent sur un espoir : la créature se montre très sensible à l’électricité ; les batteries
du générateur permettent de repousser le monstre (pour cela il faut réaliser des « pics à électricité »,
difficulté en connaissance de l’électricité : 20). Cependant, la charge limitée des batteries donne
seulement un court répit. Ces journées voient une détérioration du temps, une tempête d’hiver,
redoutée pour sa foudre, se prépare… Celle-ci peut-être la planche de salut des aventuriers. A ce
moment, le monstre s’est rassemblé en une unique colonie de forme serpentine, présentant de
multiples protubérances, têtes, bustes des membres défunts de l’équipage et de toutes espèces
animales digérées par la bête. La solution consiste à créer un attracteur d’éclairs et un appareil qui
puisse guider la foudre capturée vers le monstre. Pour cela, les appareillages d’Hirguiez et un canon
du navire peuvent faire l’affaire. Libre à vous de définir la difficulté en connaissance de la mécanique et
en électricité que demande la construction de cet appareillage. Attendez le paroxysme de la tempête,
décrivez un monstre colossal sortant des écoutilles du pont, fauchant les mâts comme de minces
baguettes. Dans la fureur des éléments, les personnages devront alors livrer leur dernier combat qui
verra la fin de la Reine Noire, brisée par la foudre et les ultimes contorsions du monstre. Les
personnages échoueront alors avec l’épave sur une terre inconnue et oubliée, Islan’dh.
La solution présentée ne se veut pas exclusive, si tout autre moyen est inventé par vous-même ou un
joueur, utilisez-le. N’oubliez pas que dans cette aventure, les personnages ne sont pas perdus au fond
d’un quelconque labyrinthe, mais qu’un équipage les entoure constamment. Faites-les donc vivre.
Cette aventure se veut proche des scénarios d’horreur, son but n’est pas de tuer les aventuriers mais
de faire décharger l’adrénaline de vos joueurs ; aussi suivez les ficelles propres à ce type d’histoire,
l’existence du monstre doit être tenue secrète le plus longtemps possible, laissez les personnages se
débattre avec les signes laissés par les créatures. Une fois son existence révélée, dévoilez-le
lentement et organisez un jeu de chasseur chassé entre la créature et les personnages, l’effet est
garanti. Mais le monstre est-il bien mort ?
Les principaux acteurs
Espanyien. Age 56 ans. Scientifique.
Ce brillant maître du collège royal de Madrid a fui son pays à la suite d’une expérience aux
conséquences désastreuses. Son travail sur une colonie d’organismes mutants polymorphes leur a
donné l’intelligence. Pris de peur devant sa création involontaire, Hirguiez tenta de la détruire mais il
échoua et la créature s’enfuit. A de multiples reprises, la bête a essayé de tuer son créateur, celui-ci lui
a toujours échappé. Depuis plusieurs années, Hirguiez voyage inlassablement à travers l’Europe,
espérant semer le monstre, mais celui-ci a toujours retrouvé sa piste. En dépit de toutes ses
recherches, Hirguiez n’a trouvé aucune solution qui puisse terrasser à jamais son ennemi. Lorsque
Hirguiez monte à bord de la Reine, le monstre l’a déjà précédé.
FOR 12 • CON 14 • TAI 14 • INT 21 • POU 16 • DEX 15 • CHA 17
Points de vie : 14
Armure : sans.
Armes : Sabre 42 % / 54 %, dégâts 1D6+1D4+2 ; Dague lancée 48 %, 1D4+2.
Compétences : Eviter 68 %, Nager 31 %, Connaissance de l’ancien monde 64 %, Connaissance de la
biologie 103 %, Connaissance de la chimie 85 %, Connaissance de l’électricité 82 %, Connaissance
de la mécanique 67 %, Connaissance de la Médecine 65 %, Première aide 83 %, Parler/lire et écrire :
Espanyen 98 % 93 %, Langue commune 86 % 83 %, Ancien Espagnol 49% 85 %, Ancien Français 38
% 74 %, Eloquence 70 %, Persuasion 84 %.
Toujours vêtu avec élégance, Hirguiez est un homme de grande taille, au visage creusé par les ans et
l’inquiétude. Il conserve cependant un caractère énergique et entreprenant. En dépit d’une certaine
morgue qui rend difficile toute relation avec lui, il fait preuve d’un esprit humaniste et s’engage contre
tous les systèmes ignorant la dignité humaine, en l’occurrence l’empire granbreton. Dès les premières
manifestations de la bête, il cherchera dans un premier temps à lutter seul contre elle, gardant
momentanément le silence à son sujet, son sens hypertrophié de l’honneur lui interdisant de révéler
son existence qui témoigne d’une faute qu’il tient à garder secrète.
Scandinne. Age 35 ans. Capitaine.
Syrend’hya est la veuve du précédent capitaine de la Reine du Nord, à sa mort, elle a pris le
commandement du navire. Fille de marin, énergique, elle a su se faire accepter et respecter de tous.
Aujourd’hui, elle est sans conteste le corsaire le plus craint des mers du nord. Vêtue de noir, son deuil
ne l’a pas empêchée de prendre des amants occasionnels, mais elle conserve farouchement son
indépendance. Comme le disent de nombreux marins, son véritable amour est son navire. Elle assure
sans cruauté ou indulgence son rôle, cependant elle punira violemment toute négligence ou
incompétence d’un membre de l’équipage. Quant à aux passagers, ils devront se soumettre à son
autorité ; selon le vieux proverbe, elle est le seul maître à bord après Dieu. Elle fera face aux
problèmes qui l’attendent dans cette traversée avec l’énergie qui la caractérise.
FOR 15 • CON 16 • TAI 15 • INT 14 • POU 18 • DEX 11 • CHA 17
Points de vie : 16
Armure : cotte de mailles : 1D6.
Armes : Epée longue 86 % 80 %, dégâts 1D10+1D4+1 ; Ecu 85 %, ; Lance-feu 51 %, dégâts 5D6.
Compétences : Grimper 45 %, Nager 86 %, Equilibre 62 %, Voir 58 %, Cartographie 73 %, Faire des
nœuds 65 %, Première aide 61 %, Navigation 95 %, Eloquence 74 %.
Le Monstre
Colonie mutante à l’intelligence humaine (INT 20, POU 17).
La création d’Hirguiez est l’élément moteur du scénario. A l’origine, cette innocente colonie, dont
chaque individu ressemble vaguement à une limace noire de quelques centimètres de long, vivait
comme ses nombreux congénères dans les marais d’Espanya. Pouvant regrouper plusieurs milliers
d’individus, la taille d’une colonie atteint jusqu’à plusieurs mètres, sa forme générale étant celle d’un
dôme aplati, reposant au fond des mares et autres étangs des marécages. Ayant la faculté de modifier
leur couleur et d’adopter grossièrement une forme étrangère, ces créatures imitent les algues
consommées par les poissons. Une fois ceux-ci approchés, la colonie relâche un nuage toxique, puis
digère le cadavre par des excrétions acides.
Les travaux d’Hirguiez ont eu les conséquences suivantes :
La colonie possède maintenant une intelligence « humaine », cette intelligence et sa mémoire
étant possédées par chaque individu de la colonie. Toute expérience vécue ou toute information
connue par un individu est retransmise à l’ensemble de la colonie. Ainsi il suffit qu’une seule
« limace » survive pour reconstituer l’ensemble dans son intégralité. La rapidité de reproduction
facilite cette renaissance ; avec suffisamment de nourriture (toute matière organique, vivante ou
non) la colonie double sa taille toutes les douze heures. La taille d’un individu est de 1.
La colonie est capable de prendre la forme de tout être vivant.
La colonie peut se scinder en plusieurs ensembles indépendants, cependant la somme des tailles
des créatures imitées ne doit pas dépasser la taille globale de la colonie. Sa taille au début du
scénario est de 14.
Une colonie peut émettre un nuage toxique de poison et entraînant une paralysie d’1D4 heures ; la
virulence du poison est de 9, le nuage pouvant être émis jusqu’à trois mètres.
Les excrétions acides infligent 1D8 points de dégâts par tour ; le monstre émet ces acides
uniquement sur les victimes paralysées. Cependant, le monstre ne peut émettre ni poison, ni acide
lorsqu’il est sous une autre forme que la sienne. Ses attaques sont dans ce cas celles de la
créature dont le monstre a pris la forme et ses pourcentages sont alors de 50 %, en attaque
comme en parade.
Le but poursuivi par le monstre est la mort de son créateur, Hirguiez. Pour l’atteindre, la créature a
conçu un plan presque parfait ; aux aventuriers de démontrer que la perfection n’est pas de ce
monde… La taille et le charisme du monstre sont égaux à celui du modèle dont il prend la forme. Sa
force et sa dextérité ne peuvent dépasser 9, ses points de vie égalent sa taille. Une fois ces derniers
réduits à zéro, la colonie perd son homogénéité, et par conséquent sa forme.
La Reine Noire
Ce navire, cadre du scénario, est un trois mâts goélette armé pour la course. Ses 15 canons flammes,
sa grande vitesse, ses qualités manœuvrières, son équipage, et surtout son capitaine, en ont fait l’un
des navires les plus craints sur les mers nordiques. Ses deux pavillons, le loup rouge, blason de la
confrérie des corsaires de Navikh’, et la couronne noire, propre pavillon du navire, sont devenus
symboles de ruine pour tous les marchands (pour plus de détails, cf plans).
Son équipage rassemble plus de 80 marins, guerriers et aventuriers de tous genres. La place manque
ici pour définir les figures marquantes, préparez-vous quelques personnages hauts en couleurs : ils
permettront de donner l’ambiance et d’être les interlocuteurs des aventuriers. Voici, à titre d’exemple,
deux membres de l’équipage :
Akson le Borgne. Agé de quarante ans, Akson est le quartier-maître commandant les gabiers du
vaisseau. Marin depuis son enfance, il a vu plus que tout autre membre de l’équipage, tempêtes,
naufrages et terres inconnues ; certains disent même qu’il a abordé en Amarekh… Taciturne,
autoritaire, tous les marins écoutent le moindre de ses propos, toujours laconiques. Sa
personnalité pessimiste en fera l’oiseau de mauvais augure du scénario.
Galsën. Ce jeune adolescent est le mousse de l’équipage. Toujours souriant, il rend service à qui
le lui demande. Cependant, ce jeune niais est victime des plaisanteries cruelles des « mauvaises
têtes » de l’équipage. Contre ces exactions, Galsën recherche un protecteur ; si l’un des
personnages se montre bienveillant envers lui, Galsën lui collera aux talons du matin au soir.
| textdata/thevault/Runequest and Glorantha (d100)/RuneQuest (d100) [multi]/Runequest 1 (Mongoose)/Hawkmoon [multi]/LANG/[FR]/Hawkmoon - Scénarios/hawkmoon - reinenoire.pdf |
Church of Heironeous in Gran March Version 3.2
Meting out justice and mercy in the honorable service of the Invincible Knight
A Gran March Meta-campaign Organization written by Will Dover and the Gran March Triad
Organization Alignment(s)
Followers: Any non-evil
Clerics: LG, LN, NG
Monks: LG, LN
Paladins: LG
PC Organization:
In the center of Hookhill, rising high above the surrounding buildings, is the massive
granite form of Cathedral Valorous. Though it resembles a keep more than a temple, it
is truly a place of worship where the servants of the Invincible Knight gather to celebrate
their god.
- From the memoirs of Ravanoff the Excellent regarding his arrival to the cathedral to
complete The Simple Knight.
It can be said that the culture of Gran March owes much to the Church of Heironeous. Though the
church’s membership is second in size to that of the Harvest Church, the militaristic credos of the
followers of the Eternal Paladin form many of the traditions of military service and honor that are expected
of the typical Marcher. Furthermore, many of the Electors are devoted and upstanding members of the
Church and their faith affects the laws and policies they pass.
The fellowship of Heironeous in Gran March is a large one, with highly devoted followers throughout the
land. Traditionally popular with knights, generals and nobles, the faith of Heironeous has quickly spread
to the masses in recent decades because of the mandatory military service required of all Gran March
citizens. Because of this, the church now rivals the traditional Oeridian agricultural gods in terms of
number of worshippers.
In terms of political power within Gran March, the church of Heironeous is unrivaled. The current
Commandant of Gran March, Magnus Vrianian, is a priest of Heironeous, and many of the influential
Knights of the Watch venerate this militaristic Power. Many high ranking military officials and barons keep
priests of Heironeous as advisors, if they are not already themselves Heironean clergy.
Like many faiths of a lawful bent, the Church of Heironeous follows a strict hierarchy. There are three
main levels of responsibility in the faith: the Council General, the Valiant, and the Faithful.
The Council General
At the head of the Church is the Council General, which is a tripartite council elected every 11 years by a
vote of a synod consisting of the highest-ranking Valiants from around the country. The next vote will be
held in 597 CY. The Council General traditionally consists of one priest from the nobility or the Knights of
the Watch, one priest with a record of exemplary service in the army, and one priest whose background is
common. These three clerics then select one of their number to be first among peers and Speaker of the
Faith. Currently, the council consists of Watcher Galriel Fyrthwight, Obedient Eagle, of the Knights of the
Watch (Clr 11), Chaplain Halwin Weston of the army (Clr 8), and Lindra of Keddin’s Run (Clr 12). Lindra
is the current Speaker and thus has taken up residence at Cathedral Valorous for the duration of her
term. The highest level spellcaster in the church is not on the council nor does he maintain any of the
churches - Watcher Reginar Vlarrian, Elder Oath-Bound Gargoyle, is a 19th-level cleric and a member of
the Knights of the Watch.
Church of Heironeous 3.2
Lindra of Keddin’s Run is an aggressive leader, who seeks to expand her church through the aggressive
recruitment of new followers, especially in the military. Under her leadership, Gran March military
chaplains have become more proselytizing and vocal and the wandering priests have taken great pains to
show how the ideals of the Heironean faith apply to daily life.
The Valiant
The main agents of Heironeous in Gran March are known as the Valiant because of their valiant defense
of the faith. It is here where the clerics, paladins, and monks serve the Invincible Knight. There are four
Divisions of the Valiant, each with an area of responsibility in service to the Church.
The Warriors Valiant – These are the clerics and paladins in the field and are the most visible
aspect of the Church. They are adventurers, soldiers, and chaplains. The Warriors are the source
of the most valorous of tales to inspire the Faithful. Where there is opportunity for serving justice
and crushing evil, there you will find a Warrior defending the faith.
Many of the Warriors Valiant are members of the Gran March military and serve the Commandant
with distinction. Others who are veterans come together with other Faithful and Valiants to form
militias. One such unit is The Valorous Legion who maintain barracks just outside of the
Cathedral Valorous. Finally, many Warriors find service to the Invincible as knights-errant,
wandering the countryside and righting wrongs in their path.
The Templars Valiant – These are the clergy who minister to the local congregations. Typically, a
Templar has spent some time as a Warrior before taking on a local parish. It gives the new
Templar a cachet of respectability both with the local populace and with the church hierarchy.
Someone who has skills and abilities to support a temple such as bards or wizards, however, can
become a Templar, provided that they have received at least some religious training as a cleric,
paladin, or monk. A Templar will provide military advice to the local noble, encouragement to the
Faithful to strengthen their resolve, and a strong arm in defense of the community.
The Abbey of the Axe – This is a monastic order composed only of males. They specialize in
learning advanced techniques both in unarmed combat and in the art of the battle axe. Because
of their emphasis on stealth, the Council General will sometimes use the Brothers for infiltration
and reconnaissance missions for the faith. For further details, please refer to the upcoming Abbey
of the Axe Meta-campaign Organization Document.
The Inquisition – Defending the faith sometimes means defending it from internal threats as well
as external ones. The Inquisition is responsible for investigating internal threats to the Church.
Although the Inquisition is quite capable of dealing with heresies in a swift and decisive manner,
they will first try the approach of gentle reproach, with increasingly stronger responses if the
offensive behavior continues.
The Inquisition is currently inactive in Gran March. With the start of the Greyhawk Wars and the
current troubles in Geoff, the Church has had its resources diverted outward. With the current rise
of various cults on Gran March soil, however, many of the older Faithful and Valiants are asking
for the reestablishment of the Division.
The Faithful
The Faithful make up the majority of the followers of Heironeous. They are the members of the village
congregations, the soldiers in the armies, and the various folk who acknowledge the teachings of the
Invincible Knight. This category also includes those paladins and monks who do not wish to be included
in the above categories, but who wish to be recognized as belonging to the church of Heironeous.
It is rather obvious how clerics, paladins, and monks fit into the Heironean Faithful, but other professions
can also be helpful to the cause as well:
Church of Heironeous 3.2
Bards – Music has always served to stir the courage of Faithful and Valiant alike. Bards
frequently play for congregations during temple services. The Cathedral maintains a small
marching band for parades and marches. The obscure lore possessed by many of the bard
profession is also useful to the Church. If the bard is well received by the congregation, the
Templars Valiant may offer clerical training so that the bard may join the ranks of the Templars.
Rogues - While the duplicitous nature of this profession is sometimes at odds with Heironean
doctrine, there is no doubt that both temples and militia have uses for rogues. Their skills in
reconnaissance make them natural scouts. With their knowledge of traps, a rogue can serve to
provide service to temples as a security consultant. Their plethora of other skills also allows them
to consult on other matters as well.
Wizards and Sorcerers – Most of these two professions tend to avoid physical conflict. Still, for
those who have a martial nature, the Church welcomes them. Arcane spellcasters can provide
needed artillery support to a besieged temple, provide needed magical items, or just provide
advice on matters of an arcane nature.
Druids – Rare is the nature-loving druid who also worships Heironeous. They are more at home
in the woods than at temple. Still, for the druid who has a warrior’s heart, the Church welcomes
them. Their knowledge of nature can be useful in healing those wounded in battle.
Barbarians – Rarest of all in the faithful are barbarians, whose wild ways cannot tolerate the
structure of Heironean doctrine. For the more civilized barbarian, the Church always welcomes
another strong arm in defense of the Faith.
A member of the Faithful can be of any non-evil alignment, provided that they publicly uphold the tenets
of the faith. Public transgressions will warrant action from the Church. For minor sins (for example,
verbally expressing cowardice), the offender will receive a visit from the local Warrior Valiant or Templar
Valiant for gentile rebuke and reeducation. During this visit, the cleric or paladin will typically cast a detect
evil and a detect chaos spell to ensure that the offender still has not drifted into the forces of evil. If the
offender is a member of the Valiant, the visit comes from a senior Valiant. If the behavior continues, the
Valiant notifies the church hierarchy who then can either excommunicate the individual if the sin appears
to be chronic or quest the individual to complete a task for the Church that will also provide
enlightenment. In the case of more heinous crimes, the Church typically notifies the authorities, which are
more often than not Heironeans themselves, for civil prosecution with the Church providing evidence of
the wrongdoer’s crimes.
Philosophy and Credo
Like followers of Heironeous in other regions, the Church of Heironeous in Gran March adheres to the
principles of justice, honor, order, and fairness. Their philosophy incorporates the beneficial aspects of
both chivalry and honorable combat. All true believers strive to uphold law and order for the good of all
while vanquishing the evil and unjust. The clergy act to serve as role models for their communities and to
embody the principles of the Eternal Paladin, whether in battle or in temple. They should set the example
for daring and valor in combat, and obey the code of chivalry, even when engaged with the enemy if
possible. Service to Heironeous is service to others, whether they are fellow clergy, family, soldiers,
superiors, or other good peoples of the Flanaess.
Evil has become a plague on Oerth, a festering wound that is constantly swelling with putrescent infection
and decay, and while the Heironeans are strong in Gran March, the region is not immune to this
pestilence. Clergy are to oppose the teachings and activities of all evil sects, but especially those of the
faith of Hextor, for his followers are reprehensible beings for whom might makes right, and for whom war
is a means to oppress and terrorize good peoples. The servants of Hextor subvert and twist the concepts
of chivalry and honor into deceit and cowardice, treachery and betrayal. True believers of the Invincible
Knight therefore battle these malefactors on sight.
Church of Heironeous 3.2
As battling evil is of paramount interest in the Church, followers of Heironeous are greatly interested in
weapons and armor. There are currently two schools of belief among followers of the Eternal Paladin.
The traditionalist school follows the dogmatic view of their god, who historically uses a battle axe and
wears chainmail in battle. The adaptive school, on the other hand, believes that their Lord would want
them to adapt to the changing face of battle, and thus they utilize the longsword, which they believe to
provide a swifter stroke, and full plate that provides the most defense available.
In Gran March, there is a strong traditionalist sentiment in the church establishment. The clerics and
paladins of the Cathedral favor the battle-axe and chainmail over the longsword and plate. While they do
recognize that strapping on superior modern armor when called for allows them to more effectively serve,
the traditionalists see little value in adopting the longsword. The current Speaker of the Faith, Lindra of
Keddin’s Run, is especially adamant in her refusal to legitimize this new trend, and the staff of Cathedral
Valorous follows her lead for the most part. Likewise, the Abbey of the Axe is traditional in its use of the
battle-axe, though the monks do not favor chainmail. The adaptive school, however, is gaining strength
among the Valiants, particularly those who are active in the military, in the Knights of the Watch, or in the
Knights of Dispatch. Watcher Galriel Fyrthwight, who also serves on the Council General, champions the
adaptive cause in Council deliberations.
Day-to-Day Activities
The foremost duty of the Church is to promote the ideals of justice, valor, and honor to their
congregations. Their sermons constantly promote these concepts and the clergy keep their doors open to
those who need counseling for obtaining a strong body, a keen mind, and a brave heart. Those clerics
who also serve in Gran March’s armies have plenty of opportunities to promote the faith to new recruits.
These young people, many of whom are away from their farmlands for the first time, are very receptive to
the message of the Invincible Knight and tend to leave military service as staunch Heironeans. These
conversions, which have resulted in the tremendous growth in church membership, have caused many
rifts between the Church and other faiths in Gran March.
To serve as better examples of Heironean virtues to the Faithful, clerics and paladins in the Church
maintain a strict regimen of physical conditioning, weapons training, and tactical exercises. A typical day
at temple can begin with morning devotionals while running five miles or while doing calisthenics. Next
would follow weapons training in the battle-axe or longsword after breakfast before hearing the problems
and confessions of the Faithful. At noon, there is a small offering of prayer before the lunch meal. The
afternoon would bring either more meetings with the Faithful, a combat simulation, or maintenance of the
temple grounds. After evening meal and vespers, Valiants work on weapons cleaning and maintenance,
which would then be followed by possibly another devotional while doing calisthenics. Of course,
adventuring clerics and paladins typically do not follow this routine in the field.
In addition to tending to the spiritual needs of their followers, priests of this Power spend much of their
time attending to the needs of those afflicted by battle. Though they never flinch from battle, they are
mindful of its effects, and seek to mitigate its harm. They tend the wounds of those injured in combat,
with mundane or divine means as appropriate.
In addition, through relations with the Merciful Order of Hospitalers, the church of Heironeous is active in
efforts to help refugees relocate and acclimate, and to rebuild structures or communities that suffered
collateral damage in the Wars. This relationship allows the Church to focus on the needs of those
wounded in battle while the Order deals with those accidentally injured or displaced from their homes. Not
only does the church provides some assistance to the activities of the Order, but many clergy in the
church whose inclinations lean more toward defense and healing are members of the Order. They also
provide support and comfort to the families of those slain by violence. These activities, and the valor and
prowess displayed by the followers of Heironeous when Bissel was retaken from Ket, have made this
faith a popular one among exiles and refugees who have found a new home in Gran March.
Traveling priests of Heironeous are typically welcome in villages throughout Gran March, even those
where there are few actual worshippers. They typically carry news of military matters, and can explain
Church of Heironeous 3.2
such things with more clarity and insight than any others. Arrival of such a priest in a village usually
signals a day of patriotism. The villagers turn out to hear news of affairs, and the local militia often holds
a training session with the participation of the priest. The only friction comes when the local clergy are not
members of the Church and when the traveling priest attempts to perform evangelical activities, but even
this has only resulted in a slight coolness during conversation so far.
In addition to those duties, priests of Heironeous oversee legal duels in Gran March. Any duel not
approved by the Heironean church is illegal, and the individual priests have the authority to sanction or
refuse to sanction duels. The parties wishing to duel must convince the priest that a duel is needful in
order to gain sanction for their fight. While duels are typically over affairs of honor, an overabundance of
dueling tends to lower battle effectiveness and to decrease morale over time. Thus, because of their
greater understanding over matters of honor, the Commandant has granted the Church has this authority
to regulate dueling.
Finally, the Church is responsible for handling the problem of lycanthropy in Gran March. The local
temples can handle one or two cases at a time by cloistering the victims in locked rooms while Cathedral
Valorous has a larger wing devoted to treatment. While lycanthropy has historically not been a significant
problem in Gran March, more cases occur each year and the Council General is considering this in their
deliberations about the construction of new facilities.
Important Dates, Holidays & Ceremonies
In countries where the worshipers of Heironeous may show themselves without fear of danger, followers
observe the Heroes' March on the first Freeday in the month of Coldeven. All of the adventurers and
honorable soldiers in the town gather in the town square, and from there march around the town, waving
banners and flags, cheered on from crowds of spectators. When the march is complete all of the priests
return to their temple and await the coming of young people who wish to join the order. Those who are
found worthy are initiated into their training, which takes one full year. At the end of this time (when they
have reached the next Heroes' March) the new priest is permitted to join in the march, but must wear
chain mail and wield either a battle-axe or longsword, symbolic of his initiation in the order.
Heironean clerics and paladins are legally able to perform marriage and burial rites within Gran March. As
marriage involves the exchanging of oaths and vows, the Church takes marriage very seriously and is
extremely reluctant to grant divorces or annulments. Given the martial nature of the Church, however, the
waiting time to get married is practically nil, with battlefield marriage a common practice within the church.
As for funerals, the Church typically practices interment with a suitable marker describing the honors of
the deceased. The marker is typically an obelisk with the deceased’s achievements marked on it. Larger
obelisks signify greater achievements.
Headquarters / Major Power Centers
Cathedral Valorous is the heart of the church in Gran March, both in spirit and practically. All
administrative decisions for the church are made in the Cathedral, and the faithful look to it as one of the
most holy places on Oerth. Virtually every Marcher who calls the Invincible his patron makes a pilgrimage
to Cathedral Valorous at least once in his life. In addition to the priests, paladins, and staff who serve the
temple, it is also home to one of Gran March’s most storied militia companies, the Valorous Legion.
Though most Legionaires are citizens of Hookhill and the surrounding area, the Cathedral complex has
sufficient barracks and supplies to support the entire Legion, the temple staff, and more in a time of crisis.
In addition to this bastion of the faith, smaller temples of Heironeous are found throughout Gran March.
Though not so common as those of the Harvest Church and St. Cuthbert, Heironean temples are far from
rare. Most are sturdy stone buildings, with narrow windows, sturdy doors, and other defensive elements.
Temples of Heironeous often serve as the focal point of their communities, and the priests that serve
these temples are well respected and admired, and almost all are military veterans. With the numbers of
new worshippers swelling rapidly and the increased need for services such as the treatment of
Church of Heironeous 3.2
lycanthropy, the Council General is considering diverting funds towards the establishment of a number of
permanent centers of worship dispersed throughout the countryside.
The fate of Gran March has long rested with the Church of Heironeous even before the region was a
fiefdom of the Lion Throne. Some myths of the legendary Sheldomar knight Trilesimain say that he was a
Heironean warrior, brave and true. Another legend has it that, while the Empire of Vecna did indeed fall
from internal strife, warriors true to the Invincible aggravated this strife through conducting harassing raids
on the fringes of that diabolical Empire.
When the Kingdom of Keoland needed to secure its northern borders around –300 CY, the Keoish King
called upon Heironean warriors and priests to form the Order of the Knights of the March. The faithfulness
of these Knights to their holy principles ensured their success in maintaining order and in securing the
region from the Flan barbarians there. These successes led King Malv II to establish Gran March in –161
CY with the leader of the Order of the Knights of the March, a Heironean named Pravis Hindelford,
installed as its first Commandant. One of Commandant Hindelford’s initiatives was to give part of his
personal estate in Hookhill for the establishment of a permanent temple to the Invincible. The Church
broke ground on this site for the Cathedral Valorous in –152 CY. The main building of the cathedral was
finished during the reign of Commandant Isel Montag in –93 CY.
By the early 300’s, Baklunish nomads were on the move in the northern parts of the Kingdom.
Recognizing the efforts that the Knights of the March made in pacifying Gran March, King Tavish I
transformed the Order into an international group called the Knights of the Watch. Again, the
Commandant of Gran March at that time, Matis Belvatrane, became the leader of this new order of
knighthood. Also, as before, Matis Belvatrane was a true Heironean, a warrior maiden of the first order.
This reorganization was but the first of many military movements affecting Gran March and in turn the
Church of Heironeous. By 348 CY, Tavish the Blackguard issued his “Wealsun Proclamation” which
began a long period of Keoish imperialism. Gran March served as a staging area for the Kingdom of
Keoland’s northern troops and the Church found itself and its followers embroiled in a series of wars of
conquest. Nearly the only peaceful event that occurred regarding the Church during this period of Keoish
expansion was when the illustrious bard Ravanoff the Excellent came to Cathedral Valorous to finalize his
seminal work on the life and teachings of Trilesimain into the forty volumes known as The Simple Knight
around 400 CY. Ravanoff’s final manuscript still resides inside of Cathedral Valorous and has served as
inspiration for both the Knights of the Watch and the Knights of Dispatch as well as the Church. While not
canon to the Church, The Simple Knight’s philosophical discourse is complementary to the basic tenets of
As the Keoish wars of expansion continued, the Commandants of Gran March became increasingly
crueler to the citizenry. Duty overrode mercy for those Heironean Commandants and, during the rule of
those Commandants not of the faith of the Eternal Paladin, mercy was nearly nonexistent. This cruelty
culminated in the rule of Commandant Berlikyn, who eventually died during the Small War with the
Archclericy of Veluna. Berlikyn’s exploits have since been incorporated into temple teachings that
illustrate the dangers of only following the path of law at the expense of goodness.
After Berlikyn’s demise, King Tavish IV of Keoland signed an edict that allowed the local nobility to elect
one of their own as Commandant and that split the office of Commandant from that of Grandiose Imperial
Wyvern, the head of the Knights of the Watch. Although it seemed as though this edict would lessen
Heironean influence in Gran March government, coupled with subsequent inaction by Keoland, it only
strengthened the Church’s position as religious tolerance became more prevalent in Gran March. Many
Electors were veterans and still held true to the Heironean faith. A Heironean Commandant named Herio
formed the Merciful Order of Hospitalers in 490 CY; the very fact that he did so over the objections of the
Pholtians and others is a demonstration of the power of the Church in Gran March.
Church of Heironeous 3.2
It also appears that the Church is strong in recent history as well. The abrupt abdication of Commandant
Petros appears to have its origins in the Knights of the Watch, who in turn are products of the Heironean
faith. It may indeed be possible that the Council General had its hand in the selection of the present
Commandant, Magnus Vrianian.
The Knights of the Watch are probably the most ardent allies of the Church in Gran March. The tenets of
that order of knighthood have their origins in the teachings of Heironeous. A Watcher almost always
serves on the Council General and many Knights are also clergy and followers of the faith. Following
closely in support are the Knights of the Dispatch although the tactics of this order are suspicious to the
more traditionalists in the Church.
The Gran March armies are full of the Faithful. Most chaplains are members of the Warriors Valiant and
serve as inspiration to the new soldier. Unlike some clergy of other faiths, a Heironean chaplain is not
afraid of the front line of battle and will often be found there, defending the faith and caring for the
wounded. The common Gran March soldier thus has a lot of respect for the Church, often to the point of
actually converting.
The local nobility, including many Electors, are devoted followers of the Invincible. The laws concerning
mandatory military service appeal directly to their Heironean belief structure. While the Church does not
have the most members in Gran March, the members that they do have move in the highest circles of the
The Merciful Order of Hospitalers is also on friendly terms with the Church as the Heironeans are the
most vocal supporters of their Order. The Merciful Order’s emphasis on helping the refugees and the
pilgrims free the Church’s resources for more militaristic endeavors. The only real conflict comes when a
Heironean offensive leaves many refugees in its wake, but the Heironeans try their best to minimize
civilian casualties in their operations and thus such conflict is rare.
The renewed emphasis on evangelism orchestrated by Speaker Lindra has caused some friction with the
churches of St. Cuthbert, Phyton, and the Harvest Church, who view this activity as poaching on their
traditional flocks. As yet, nothing unpleasant has come of this friction. The followers of the other faiths
generally interact little with the followers of Heironeous as a group. The church of Heironeous has
traditionally seen the church of St. Cuthbert as a friendly rival, but that relationship appears to be slowly
changing in light of the new evangelistic movement. The church of Pholtus, however, always treats the
Church with suspicion both because of their belief of the superiority of their faith and because of the
friendly relationship with the followers of St. Cuthbert.
Recently, the Church has become aware of the growing number of Pelorites in Gran March. Traditionally,
in other areas of Oerth, the relationship between the Churches of Heironeous and Pelor has been a
harmonious one where the Heironeans value the increased healing capabilities of Pelorites and the
Pelorites respect the Faithful in a fight. In Gran March, however, the Council General has a growing
suspicion regarding the fledging Cult of Pelor. These Pelorites are a more evangelical group that most of
their fellow believers, which is in conflict with Speaker Lindra’s own initiatives. Rumor has it that the
Council General has commissioned some members of the Valiant to investigate the motives of the Cult of
Pelor to determine if they are indeed a threat to the stability of the region.
Simply put, Heironeans oppose all evil and vice versa. To smite evil is a moral duty, a religious tenet, and
a personal quest for the true believer of Heironeous. Thus, the forces of Iuz, Incabulos, and their ilk
realize that, in order to achieve their objectives, they must neutralize the Faithful and will do this by any
means necessary.
Church of Heironeous 3.2
Of all of these forces, however, none hate the Church more than the followers of the dreaded Hextor.
Often, these villains will go out of their way to hinder or harass agents of the Church. To them, nothing
less than total annihilation of the Church is acceptable.
Heraldry/ Symbol
Clergy of Heironeous wear robes of dark blue with silver trim to indicate station. Such trim usually
includes silver bars on the sleeves of the robes, the number of which are proportional to the priests' rank
within the church hierarchy. Such priests often wear silver chainmail for services on Godsday, and may
wear ceremonial helms and carry ceremonial axes for special holidays or occasions, such as a crusade or
declaration of war.
In the field, the traditionalist follower of Heironeous will always strive to wear chainmail. The adaptive
follower, however, will wear the best armor they can afford, typically full plate. In either case, their armor
and weapons will be as clean as possible and in good repair as a matter of pride, honor, and readiness.
Any accessories such as cloaks tend to be dark blue. Their shields, unless the followers are part a military
unit, will have the symbol of Heironeous as their device.
There are several ways in which one can become a member of the Church of Heironeous. They can
serve as a member of the Faithful or, if qualified, can serve in one of the branches of the Valiant.
To join the Faithful, a character must:
Be of a non-evil alignment.
Swear to adhere to the teaching of the faith.
Tithe 10% of their income to the Church. (This will be shown as an expense in the Items Bought
section on the AR after each adventure so that it is clear to DMs and other campaign personnel
that the PC made the tithe payment).
Not be a cleric.
To join the Warriors Valiant, a person must:
If a cleric, be of Lawful Good, Neutral Good, or Lawful Neutral alignment; if a monk, be of Lawful
Good, or Lawful Neutral alignment; if a paladin, be of Lawful Good alignment of course.
Swear to adhere to the teaching of the faith and to serve with consistency as an example to the
Tithe 10% of their income to the Church in the manner noted above.
Spend 3 TU per year on church business, during which time the church pays for Adventurer’s
Standard upkeep. This is in addition to any TU requirements for other activities (such as military
service). Active duty military members can spend military time units for this cost. Warriors will
use this TU expenditure exclusively on church business; adventuring, item creation, and other
time consuming activities are not allowed.
To join the Templars Valiant, a person must:
Church of Heironeous 3.2
Serve at least one year as a Warrior Valiant, maintaining all of the requirements for membership
in that branch, or possess five or more ranks in one or more of the following skills that are
appropriate for temple service:
Craft (Trapmaking)
Disable Device
If the character does not have any service as a Warrior, that character must be of Lawful Good,
Neutral Good, or Lawful Neutral alignment.
Must be free of any other obligations in order to serve the Church, including mandatory military
Swear to adhere to the teaching of the faith and to serve with consistency as an example to the
Tithe 10% of their income to the Church in the manner noted above.
Spend 40 TU per year on church business, during which time the church pays for Adventurer’s
Standard upkeep. Again, this precludes any possibility of concurrent military service. Up to ten of
these TUs can be spent on Gran March regional and adaptable adventures only, representing the
Church in defense of threats to the region. Templars spend the remaining TUs in maintaining
temples of Heironeous and preaching to their congregations; they have no time for adventures or
item creation, but can use these TUs for advanced feat or spell training. The only exception for
this is that the Templar can use these TUs in militia service in defense of his community only and
that said service does not involve travel outside of the community.
Must select a Gran March community in which to serve. Templars can change communities at the
beginning of every game year and must be noted in the ARs. Contact the Metacampaign
Coordinator for assistance in selecting a community.
Those who are members of the Church in good standing have the following benefits:
Members have access to the following prestige classes, with training costs described below:
All members
From Sword and Fist, Cavalier.
The Warriors Valiant
From Sword and Fist, Weapon Master.
From Defenders of the Faith, Consecrated Harrier, Warpriest.
The Templars Valiant
From Sword and Fist, Weapon Master.
From Defenders of the Faith, Contemplative, Divine Oracle, Templar, Warpriest.
Note that all of these prestige classes are Core classes in the Living Greyhawk campaign and
can be taken without the Church’s regulation. The list here simply provides historical justification
for taking the class.
Church of Heironeous 3.2
All members of the Valiant have access to the following divine spells, with training costs
described in the Costs section:
From Defenders of the Faith:
Bear’s Heart, Burial Blessing, Divine Sacrifice, Divine Storm, Lesser Aspect, Righteous
Wrath, Weapon of Deity.
From Tome and Blood:
Owl’s Wisdom.
Characters only have access to spells on the class list for their own class; this benefit does not,
for example, give paladins or druids access to the cleric spells listed above unless those spells
are already on their respective spell lists.
All members of the Valiant have access to the following feats, with training costs described below:
From Sword and Fist:
Hold the Line, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Knock Down, Monkey Grip, Power
Lunge, Shield Expert
From Defenders of the Faith:
Divine Cleansing, Divine Might, Divine Resistance, Divine Shield, Empower Turning,
Extra Smiting, Heighten Turning, Improved Shield Bash, Sacred Spell
From Tome and Blood:
Augment Summoning, Cooperative Spell, Delay Spell, Eschew Materials, Extra Slot,
Greater Spell Focus, Greater Spell Penetration, Innate Spell, Persistent Spell, Repeat
Spell, Sanctum Spell, Twin Spell, Widen Spell
From Song and Silence:
Chink in the Armor, Expert Tactician, Persuasive, Trustworthy
From Masters of the Wild:
Dwarf’s Toughness, Dragon’s Toughness, Giant’s Toughness, Greater Resiliency, Power
Critical, Remain Conscious
Members of the Faithful can gain access only to Hold the Line, Improved Overrun, Improved
Sunder, Knock Down, Shield Expert, Improved Shield Bash, Dwarf’s Toughness, Power Critical,
and Remain Conscious. They are expected to pay the same training costs as the Valiants do in
addition to their tithe, but are not required to do so.
Characters who are not clergy (clerics, paladins, and monks) of Heironeous can use influence
points to learn the spells and feats noted above as well. Clergy for religions strongly allied with
the Church have a cost is one influence point per spell or feat acquired. For clergy of religions
that are occasionally allied with Heironeous, the cost is two influence points.* This cost also
applies to non-evil and non-chaotic clergy that are not associated with any deity. Clergy of all
other religions are not allowed to learn spells or feats from the Church. In addition to the influence
point cost, characters must also donate the same TUs as a service requirement to the Church
that Heironean clergy donate. Other non-evil characters may contribute influence points to meet
the requirement; however, all characters that make such a contribution must donate the same
TUs in service.
Members of the Valiant have access to the following magic items as per the Living Greyhawk
Campaign Sourcebook:
Church of Heironeous 3.2
Warriors only:
Defenders of the Faith
Equerry’s armor (10,670 gp)
Templars only
Dungeon Masters Guide
wand of lesser restoration (4,500 gp)
wand of remove disease (11,250 gp)
Defenders of the Faith
+1 sacred full plate (10,650 gp)
All Valiants
Dungeon Masters Guide
+1 shock longsword (8,315 gp)
+1 shock battleaxe (8,310 gp)
+1 holy longsword (18,315 gp)
+1 holy battleaxe (18,310 gp)
+1 shocking burst longsword (18,315 gp)
+1 shocking burst battleaxe (18,310 gp)
+2 chainmail (4,350 gp)
+2 full plate (5,650 gp)
+2 large steel shield (4,170 gp)
potion of cure light wounds (5th-level) (250 gp) (heals 1d8 + 5 hp of damage)
potion of cure moderate wounds (7th-level) (700 gp) (heals 2d8 + 7 hp of damage)
potion of cure serious wounds (750 gp)
potion of heroism (900 gp)
scroll of greater magic weapon (700 gp)
scroll of cure critical wounds (700 gp)
scroll of raise dead (1,625 gp)
scroll of mass heal (3,000 gp)
wand of cure light wounds (750 gp)
wand of bull strength (4,500 gp)
wand of cure moderate wounds (4,500 gp)
necklace of prayer beads (blessing) (500 gp)
pearl of power (1st-level) (1,000 gp)
pearl of power (2nd-level) (4,000 gp)
periapt of wisdom (+2) (4,000 gp)
Sword and Fist
potion of false life (300 gp)
Defenders of the Faith
greater holy symbol (5,400 gp)
sacred scabbard (6,400 gp)
The Faithful can purchase any of these items that has a value of 1000 gp or less.
All Valiants have access to the following armor / shield / weapon enhancements:
Armor and Shield Enhancements
Church of Heironeous 3.2
Dungeon Masters Guide
The ability to upgrade from masterwork armor or shield to +1 armor or shield.
Only armor and shield types in use by the Church are eligible for this upgrade.
These are chainmail, and full plate. This upgrade applies to both spellcasters and
non-spellcasters and requires that personnel only pay the difference between the
masterwork item and the +1 item. For spellcasters with Craft Arms and Armor,
this cost is 500 gp. For all other personnel, this cost is 1000 gp.
Weapon Enhancements
Dungeon Masters Guide
The ability to upgrade from masterwork weapon to +1 weapon. Only weapons in
use by the Church are eligible for this upgrade. These are longsword and
battleaxe. This upgrade applies to both spellcasters and non-spellcasters and
requires that personnel only pay the difference between the masterwork item and
the +1 item. For spellcasters with Craft Arms and Armor, this cost is 1000 gp (or
2000 gp for enchanting both ends of a double weapon). For all other personnel,
this cost is 2000 gp (or 4000 gp for enchanting both ends of a double weapon).
Holy, Shock, Shocking Burst
All Valiants have access to the following non-magical equipment:
Defenders of the Faith:
Altar Case (spruce), Altar Cloth (small), Brazier (field, silver), Candle (timekeeping),
Prayer Book (small).
Tome and Blood:
Scroll Organizer
In addition to the above, Templars have access to the following non-magical equipment:
Defenders of the Faith:
Altar Case (granite), Aspergillum (silver), Braziers (silver, both large and medium),
Candelabras (silver, both 8- and 16-candles), Candles (temple), Candlestick (silver, both
standing and hand-held), Censer (silver), Incense (common), Prayer Book, Snuffing Bell
Clerics of the Valiant, but not paladins and monks, in this category can sanction duels within the
bounds of Gran March. They need not, and are encouraged to do so only when they feel it is
truly justified. They may provide pummels from the temple stores whenever a local temple is
All members of the Church of Heironeous get a +1 competence bonus to Diplomacy checks with
the clergy of Heironeous in Gran March, which includes paladins and monks in addition to clerics.
Furthermore, all clergy, whether registered or not, get a +2 competence bonus to Diplomacy
checks with other Heironean clergy in Gran March. The same bonus applies to those who do
convincing impersonations (apply appropriate skill checks).
Members of the Faithful get a +2 competence bonus to Diplomacy checks with the clergy of
Heironeous if they have tithed regularly (as demonstrated from expenditures on their ARs ) and if
the priest in question makes a Knowledge (Religion) check at a DC of 30 minus the character’s
total level.
All registered members of the Valiant get a +2 competence bonus to Diplomacy checks with the
clergy of Heironeous if they have tithed regularly (as demonstrated from expenditures on their
ARs) and if the priest in question makes a Knowledge (Religion) check at a DC of 25 minus the
Church of Heironeous 3.2
character’s cleric (paladin/monk) level.
Templars receive a +4 competence bonus to Diplomacy, Gather Information, Knowledge
(geography), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), and Knowledge (nobility and royalty) when
dealing with people and places in their home communities.
Members of the Faithful gain one permanent Influence Point with the Church of Heironeous in
Gran March each year for the limited purpose of spell access. They cannot be used to reduce the
cost of spells nor for any other purpose. These influence points may be saved from year to year
and their total should be noted in the Notes section of any AR, along with any expenditures.
Members of the Valiant gain one permanent Influence Point with the Church of Heironeous in
Gran March each year. These influence points may be saved from year to year and their total
should be noted in the Notes section of any AR, along with any expenditures.
While spending TUs on Church business as part of their membership requirements or during
training, members of the Valiant receive a stipend to cover Adventurer’s Standard Upkeep for the
duration of their service.
The advanced training in feats, spells, and prestige classes is conducted on the grounds of one of the
major temples in Gran March, preferably at Cathedral Valorous itself in Hookhill.
In addition to the tithe and the time period of service required to maintain active membership in the
Church, the Valiant are expected to provide service for advanced training:
Advanced Spell Training: Warriors must give one TU of service for every three spell levels
learned with a minimum of one TU. This is in addition to the normal TU cost associated with
learning spells.
Valiants must spend either 1 Influence Point (IP) with the appropriate organization, or pay a
research fee of 200 gp to the organization to learn a spell up to 3rd-level. Spells of 4th- to 6th-
level require 2 IP or a 500 gp research fee. Spells above 6th level require 4 IP or a 2000 gp fee.
This expenditure must be noted on the AR.
Advanced Feat Training: Warriors must give one TU of service plus one TU for every two feats or
special abilities (for example, energy channeling) required as prerequisites to gain the new feat
with a minimum of one TU. Templars can assume that their church TUs already spent will cover
this training. Members of the Faithful learning feats from the Church are expected to donate
service TUs as Warriors do, but are not required to do so.
All members of the Church also bear certain responsibilities of membership:
All members of the Church are required to honor the edicts of the Church and to respect the
station of those clergy above them up to the Council General.
Church of Heironeous 3.2
The following are useful references with regard to Gran March Heironeans in Living Greyhawk:
Sword and Fist: A Guidebook to Fighters and Monks by Jason Carl and Defenders of the Faith: A
Guidebook to Clerics and Paladins by Rich Redman and James Wyatt. These Builder Books
contains the full descriptions of the Prestige Classes described above. As per The Living
Greyhawk Campaign Sourcebook, a player who has a character with any of these Prestige
Classes must keep a copy of these pages available for the DM to reference during game play.
Deities and Demigods by Rich Redman, Skip Williams, and James Wyatt. While it is not official
for Living Greyhawk, this third edition revision on the classic tome on pantheons details the major
gods in the official D&D setting including sections on both Heironeous and Hextor.
Gran March Religions Document by Nick Perch. This document provides an overview of all of the
major religions in Gran March with some entries describing their relationship with the Church of
Heironeous. It is a must read for clergy in Gran March.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GranMarch/files/Gran March Religions Document.doc.
The Knights of the Watch by the Gran March Triad. This document describes the Knights of the
Watch and the Knights of the Dispatch, both of which have strong ties to the Church.
Gran March Legal Document by the Gran March Triad. A preliminary document, this has
information on the legal status of the various Greyhawk religions and thus can give some
indication of how the Church would receive them.
The Kingdom of Keoland by Gary Holian. This document provided the names of various Keoish
kings throughout the history of Gran March, as well as other dates and information relevant to
Gran March. Living Greyhawk Journal #1.
Heironeous: The Invincible One by Russell S. Timm. While the rules information in this second
edition AD&D document are out of date, Timm managed to convey the flavor of what it means to
be a follower of Heironeous, thus making it an excellent inspirational piece.
Religions that are allies of the Church with the influence point cost required for clergy of those religions to learn spells and
feats from the Church:
Strong Allies (One influence point)
Occasional Allies (Two influence points)
Harvest Church
Clangeddin Silverbeard
Corellon Larethian
Garl Glittergold
Solonor Thelandira
Wee Jas
Gaerdal Ironhand
St. Cuthbert
Church of Heironeous 3.2
Appendix – Sample Marriage Ritual
This is an example of a simple marriage ceremony appropriate for use in any situation where time is
short, such as on a battlefield.
The presiding minister (either a cleric or a paladin) holds an axe over each of the couple’s heads and
asked the following of each of them:
"Do you swear to honor this woman/man <Name>, above all others in the confines of honorable marriage,
knowing that if you lie or plan dishonorment, this axe shall fall?"
After each of the couple answers the question in the affirmative, the minister then directs a call to the
attending congregation:
"Then a call of honor. Are there any who witness this that know of any dishonorment, which should
prevent this union?"
The minister then pauses for any response from the congregation. If there is no objection, the minister
concludes with the following:
"You are married, knowing that you have passed beneath the honorable weapon of the Arch Paladin, and
your duties to one another are a vow invincible. You are married."
(Thanks to Jason Starin for this contribution).
| textdata/thevault/Living Greyhawk/Metaorg Material/Gran March/GRM - Church of Heironeous 3.2 - Living Greyhawk - RPGA.pdf |
The Watchtower in the Wood
An introductory adventure for use with
Choe Pho: A New World of Fantasy
Some art by Andrew Krahnke, courtesy Sine Nomine Publishing
Some art by Ian MacLean, courtesy Sine Nomine Publishing
Some art by Miguel Santos, courtesy Sine Nomine Publishing
Some art by Mark Huff man, courtesy Auralius Art.
Some art courtesy www.videoblocks.com
Special thanks to Nick Greenwood
for the 5e Compati ble logo!
The Watchtower
in the Wood
An introductory adventure for use with
Choe Pho: A New World of Fantasy
In this adventure, the characters
venture forth from the safety of the Isle of
Hope, seeking to bring order to the Plains of
Marrow. The adventure offers options for the
characters to begin in various areas on the
Isle of Hope, but regardless of the path taken,
the party eventually makes their way to the
haunted lands of the Plains of Marrow. After
crossing the harrowing and chaotic lands (and
�ighting off some of the dark denizens) of the
Plains of Marrow, the characters come across
a small wooded area. A small stone fort with
a lone watchtower stands in a clearing among
the trees. Within this camp, the characters
will �ind adventure, drama, and their �irst
Part I: The
Journey Begins
Choose a Starting Point
The Isle of Hope is a large and diverse
region, covering hundreds of square miles and
incorporating four distinct environments, each
tied to a speci�ic direction. Traveling to the
border of the Plains of Marrow from the city of
Sakya takes about �ive days (what is one week
on Choe Pho) if the party moves at a standard
pace. If the party moves at a slow pace, add
two days to the journey, but if the party moves
at a fast pace, subtract two days. Depending on
the story you wish to tell, the characters may
begin their journey at the city of Sakya, or at
any village, settlement, or open region between
the city and the Plains of Marrow. The most
important details for the GM to determine at
the starting point are the story motivations and
background for the characters, and the distance
to the Plains of Marrow. This module assumes
that the characters begin their adventure in
the city of Sakya, with the intent of exploring
and taming the Plains of Marrow in accordance
with the wishes of the buddhas. The GM and
players should feel free to work together
to determine alternate starting details if so
Select a Region of Travel
Though the characters are not bound to
approach the Plains of Marrow by any speci�ic
direction, you will want to determine the region
through which they will travel. Each region of
the Isle of Hope presents a unique environment
and set of circumstances for a traveling party to
contend with.
The North
The north is a rocky, mountainous
region. While the odd human settlement has
cropped up in the valleys of the north, and
some mountain peaks are home to hermits
of all races seeking enlightenment and
solitude, the north is largely the domain of the
tsuchigumo. The tsuchigumo tend to make their
homes in caves and caverns, venturing out into
the mountains to hunt and trap prey animals.
Some tribes of tsuchigumo engage in trade
with the human settlements, which tend to be
agrarian cultures. Settlements with established
trade relationships tend to be friendly and
loyal, working for mutual bene�it and defense
from outside threats. This is especially true
in the areas of the north that border directly
with the Plains of Marrow, where monsters and
the undead occasionally threaten the peaceful
existence of the mortal inhabitants.
For travelers who wish to trade,
seek out the wisdom of locals, and rest in
established villages, the trek through the north
is accommodating. A character succeeding at
a Wisdom (Survival) check at DC 10 can plan
a route to intersect with human settlements,
providing relative safety and security.
Those traveling through the north who
wish to avoid human settlements can do so
relatively easily, however electing to do so
causes the journey to take place over dif�icult
terrain. Avoiding the tsuchigumo is much
trickier, as they are far more abundant and
spread out. Aside from potential encounters
with the humanoids of the region, those
traveling through the north must contend with
the various �lora and fauna of the area.
As the party travels through the
mountains, the GM should check for random
encounters by rolling 1d20. On a result of 17-
20, the GM should roll once on Table: Random
Encounters – North. If the party seeks out
human settlements along their path, check once
per day for a random encounter. If the party
seeks to avoid human settlements, check twice
per day for a random encounter.
Random Encounters – North Explained:
A result indicating 1d4+1 wolves, leads
to a pack of aggressive, hungry wolves. This
pack will be hunting and will be hungry enough
to consider the party to be potential prey. Use
the wolf stats listed in the SRD 5.1 to represent
these wolves.
A pit trap (simple) result indicates a
simple pit trap. If created by humans, the trap
is covered with cloth or twine. If created by
tsuchigumo, the trap will be covered with
webbing (Dexterity Save DC 15 to prevent
becoming restrained by the webs). Any
character who becomes restrained in the
webbing of a tsuchigumo pit trap, falls into the
pit, suffering the normal effects of falling into a
10-foot-deep simple pit trap, as described in
the SRD 5.1.
An ogre encountered in the north is a
lone, hungry wanderer, who seeks food. The
ogre prefers to eat livestock, but will eat a
humanoid if given the opportunity. The ogres
of the north tend to remain relatively well
fed, and are rarely outright hostile. Unless the
party attacks �irst, is wounded, or otherwise
presents themselves as easy prey, the ogre is
likely to ignore their presence and not initiate
a confrontation. Use the stats for an ogre
provided in the SRD 5.1 for this encounter.
Table: Random Encounters –
1d12 Result
Pack of 1d4+2 wolves
Pit trap (simple)
1 ogre
tsuchigumo hunti ng trap
1d4 pseudodragons
Wild herd of 2d10 goats
1d4 giant wolf spiders
1d4 human commoners
1d4 harpies
1d4 violet fungi
1 lion
1d4 tsuchigumo scouts
A tsuchigumo hunting trap operates
as described in the SRD 5.1 with the exception
that the trap is constructed of animal bone
rather than steel, and attached to a nearby
heavy object via webbing.
If the characters encounter
pseudodragons, the tiny creatures will likely
be found lounging and digesting a recent
meal. The pseudodragons will be cordial if
approached, communicating telepathically
with any adventurers they encounter.
If the adventurers attack or accost the
pseudodragons, the creatures will brutally
�ight to the death. For stats regarding
pseudodragons see the SRD 5.1.
Should the characters come upon a
herd of goats, the herd will likely be more
frightened of the adventurers than anything
else, attempting to �lee the area. However, if the
adventurers attack (or sneak up on) the goats,
they will �ight to defend themselves. Use the
goat stats provided in the SRD 5.1 to represent
members of the herd.
Giant wolf spiders are common in the
north. While some are domesticated and
treated as pets by the tsuchigumo, most are
wild, territorial hunters and trappers. Assume
any giant wolf spiders encountered to be of the
wild variety. Use the giant wolf spider stats
provided in the SRD 5.1 to represent these
Human commoners encountered in the
north could represent a hunting party from a
nearby village, a group of nomads, or a ragtag
bunch of would-be bandits looking for easy
prey. Whatever the case, use the commoner
stat block provided in the SRD 5.1 to represent
these humans.
Should the adventurers come across
harpies, the harpies will immediately attempt
to charm the characters so that they might
subdue and rob them. The harpies will not
attempt to kill except in self-defense, but they
will take all equipment and possessions from
the characters if they have the chance. Use the
harpy stats from the SRD 5.1 to represent these
An encounter with violet fungi leads
the adventurers to an area of mountainside
covered with fungal growth. The violet fungi
will be able to surprise the characters under
most circumstances, attacking out of instinct.
Use the violet fungus stat block from the SRD
5.1 to represent these creatures.
Should the characters encounter a lion,
it will be a lone predator on the hunt. Use the
lion stat block from the SRD 5.1.
A result of tsuchigumo scouts brings
the adventurers into contact with a band of
roving tsuchigumo. It is left to GM discretion
if these scouts are friendly or hostile. The
approach or reaction of the players may be the
most appropriate way to determine the mood
of these tsuchigumo, treating them as neutral
until the characters act. To represent these
tsuchigumo, use the scout stat block from the
SRD 5.1, modi�ied to re�lect the racial traits of
the tsuchigumo.
The South
The south is a region �illed with warm,
breezy grasslands and abundant wildlife.
This region of the Isle of Hope is home to the
nekomata. The spiritual and serene nekomata
maintain several monasteries and temples
throughout the south, and virtually every
permanent settlement is based around such
a site. The land between these numerous
settlements is wild and untamed with few
roads or established paths. It is quite easy to
travel from the city of Sakya to the Plains of
Marrow without encountering a single sign of
humanoid civilization.
Adventurers making their way through
the south would do well to remember that the
wild grasslands are not necessarily safe. The
relative lack of landmarks and roads in the vast
plains of the south makes it all too easy for
travelers to become lost in their journeys. The
wild growth makes an excellent place for the
more savage predators of the area to hide and
stalk their prey (which often includes various
�lavors of humanoids.) Add to this bands of
humanoid poachers, as well as the occasional
escapee from the chaos of the Plains of Marrow,
and travel through the south can be quite
A group traveling through the south
may also run across nekomata hunting parties,
nekomata on religious pilgrimages or monastic
hermitages, or a band of simple humanoid
nomads. Most of these types of encounters are
peaceful and such people are generally willing
to assist a party who is lost or injured, unless
the party approaches them with hostility.
Those traveling through the south
who wish to avoid nekomata settlements can
generally do so with ease. The nekomata are
fairly spread out, and the lack of established
roads or paths in the south make such
settlements hard to �ind without a local guide.
As the party travels through the
grasslands, the GM should check for random
encounters by rolling 1d20. On a result of 17-
20, the GM should roll once on Table: Random
Encounters – South. When the adventurers are
traveling in the south, the GM should check
once per day for a random encounter.
Random Encounters – South Explained:
An encounter with 1d4+1 nekomata
guards represents a patrol of nekomata looking
for poachers or bandits. The patrol will be
suspicious and wary of the adventurers, but
will not be outright aggressive unless they
have reason to believe the party is poaching or
otherwise a danger to the land. To represent
this nekomata patrol, use the guard stat block
provided in the SRD 5.1, modi�ied to re�lect the
racial traits of the nekomata.
A result indicating 1d4 cockatrices
means that the adventurers run across a group
of hungry, aggressive cockatrices. The birds will
attack unprovoked, attempting to petrify the
party to eat at a later time. Use the cockatrice
stat block provided in the SRD 5.1 to represent
these creatures.
If the encounter check results in a
leopard, the party comes across a territorial
giant cat. The leopard will �ight aggressively,
to the death, to drive any unwanted intruders
from the area near his den. If the players give
the leopard a wide berth or attempt to retreat
once the leopard attacks, it simply chases them
to about a quarter mile from the location of the
initial encounter and lets them leave in peace.
To represent this leopard, use the panther stat
block provided in the SRD 5.1.
An encounter with 2d6 zombies means
that the characters have come across rare
refugees from the Plains of Marrow who have
made their way inland to the Isle of Hope.
These zombies are hungry, aggressive and
mindless, �ighting until destroyed. Upon their
destruction, their Marrow visibly rises from
their bodies, �lying into the sky, then returning
to the Plains of Marrow. Use the zombie stat
block provided in the SRD 5.1 to represent
these poor unfortunate souls.
Human bandits encountered in the
south could represent a poaching party, a
group of nomads, or a collection of pilgrims
seeking enlightenment at one of the temples or
monasteries of the south. Whatever the case,
use the bandit stat block provided in the SRD
5.1 to represent these humans.
If a temple result is rolled on the
random encounter check, the characters spot
Table: Random Encounters – South
1d12 Result
1d4+1 nekomata guards
1d4 cockatrices
1 leopard (panther)
2d6 zombies
2d6 human bandits
1d4 giant boars
2d4 axe beaks
1d6 giant wasps
1d4+1 nekomata acolytes
1 pegasus
a temple in the distance. If the characters do
not approach the temple, it simply remains
a landmark in their journey, but if the
adventurers seek rest or supplies, a temple
can provide a reprieve from the rigors of their
journey as well as an excellent opportunity
for roleplaying. At the GM’s discretion, this
temple could be dedicated to either the service
of Sojobo, or the service of Tara in her orange
aspect. The temple will be made up of 75%
nekomata acolytes, 25% other races, and will
be overseen by an 8th level nekomata cleric
of the appropriate buddha. If game statistics
are needed to represent the inhabitants of the
temple, use the acolyte stat block from the
SRD 5.1, modi�ied by race as appropriate, to
represent the parishioners. Once the temple
result has been rolled on the random encounter
chart, further rolls of the same result on the
same journey may be treated as “no encounter.”
A result of 1d4 giant boars brings the
characters to a group of oversized, wild boars
who are hungry and attack the party without
provocation. These boars will attempt to �lee
after any one member of their group suffers
15 or more hit points of damage. Use the giant
boar stat block from the SRD 5.1 to represent
these creatures.
A result of 2d4 axe beaks leads the
characters into the path of a �lock of aggressive
axe beaks. These �lightless birds will attack any
humanoids they see, �ighting to the death. Use
the axe beak stat block from the SRD 5.1 to
represent these creatures.
If a monastery result is rolled on the
random encounter check, the characters spot
a monastery in the distance. If the characters
do not approach the monastery, it simply
remains a landmark in their journey, but if the
adventurers seek rest or supplies, a monastery
can provide a reprieve from the rigors of their
journey as well as an excellent opportunity
for roleplaying. At the GM’s discretion, this
monastary could be dedicated to either the
study of the Way of the Green Tara, or the Way
of the White Tara. The temple will be made
up of 75% nekomata monks, 25% other races,
and will be overseen by an 8th level nekomata
monk of the appropriate monastic tradition.
If game statistics are needed to represent the
inhabitants of the temple, use the spy stat
block from the SRD 5.1, modi�ied by race as
appropriate, to represent the monks. Once
the monastery result has been rolled on the
random encounter chart, further rolls of the
same result on the same journey may be
treated as “no encounter.”
A result indicating 1d6 giant wasps
means that the characters must make a
Wisdom (Perception) check at DC 14. If this
check is failed, they stumble over a giant wasp
burrow in the ground and are attacked when
the aggravated giant wasps �ly out from their
subterranean hidey hole. A successful check
means that the characters can spot evidence
of the burrow before stepping in it, and bypass
the encounter. Use the giant wasp stat block
from the SRD 5.1 to represent these creatures.
An encounter with 1d4+1 nekomata
acolytes represents a group of nekomata
traveling to the city of Sakya on a spiritual
pilgrimage. This group of acolytes will be
welcoming, warm, and helpful and will invite
the adventurers to share a meal and speak of
the wisdom of the buddhas. To represent this
group, use the acolyte stat block provided in
the SRD 5.1, modi�ied to re�lect the racial traits
of the nekomata.
If the random encounter check leads to
an encounter with a pegasus, the characters
�ind the creature grazing in a spacious area. The
pegasus does not inherently fear humanoids
and will continue grazing if left alone. If the
characters interact with the pegasus, the tone
of their actions will determine the pegasus’s
behavior. If they are kind it will treat them well,
possibly even following them to the border of
the Plains of Marrow, offering guidance and
protection. If they are cruel or evil (either to the
pegasus or to another creature in view of the
pegasus) the pegasus will leave them. If their
cruelty is severe or life threatening (without
provocation) the pegasus will attack the party.
Use the pegasus stat block provided in the SRD
5.1 to re�lect this creature.
The East
The east is a vast, forested wilderness,
which is home to the playful kitsune. The
eastern forests are dense, full of wildlife,
and challenging to navigate. There are a few
well-established paths and roads connecting
the various human and kitsune settlements
scattered throughout the east, but most of
these settled areas are relatively inland. As one
travels near the border of the Plains of Marrow
to the east, settlements become rare, and the
wilderness becomes even more dif�icult to
While the kitsune are the native
humanoid species (and certainly the most
populous) in the east, the settlements of the
forest region are the most cosmopolitan areas
to be found outside of the city of Sakya. Many
of the larger forest communities are home to
members of all the native humanoid species of
Choe Pho, as well as civilized settlers from the
Plains of Marrow. This suits the social kitsune
just �ine, as more people in the area means
more people to party with.
Of course, one traveling through the
east would do well to remember that outside
of the established settlements, the forests are
savage and dangerous. Various beasts and
monstrosities run rampant throughout the
eastern forests, making their homes among
the trees and brush, hunting for food, and
�ighting with other species over the shared and
sometimes cramped environment.
Adventurers traveling through the east
to reach the Plains of Marrow will �ind the
inner portion of the east to be fairly safe, tame
and predictable. While the characters are
within three days’ travel of Sakya in the east,
the GM should check for random encounters
once per day by rolling 1d20. On a result of 16-
20, the GM should roll once on Table: Random
Encounters – East. When the adventurers are
traveling deeper into the east than three days
from Sakya, the GM should check twice per day
for a random encounter.
Random Encounters – East Explained:
A result of owlbear on Table: Random
Encounters – East places the characters in the
path of a hungry owlbear. Use the owlbear stat
block provided in the SRD 5.1 to represent this
A result indicating bandits leads the
characters into an ambush set up by 2d4
human bandits. Among these should be one
bandit captain. These bandits want to rob
the characters, not kill them. If the characters
offer no resistance, the bandits will simply
take any items they possess and leave. If the
characters �ight back, the bandits will �ight
until the �irst bandit suffers 6 or more hp of
damage, at which point the bandits will attempt
to retreat. If retreat looks impossible, the
bandits will surrender rather than �ight to the
death. Use the bandit stat block from the SRD
5.1 to represent these bandits, and the bandit
captain stat block to represent their leader.
A result indicating 1d4+1 wolves, leads
to a pack of aggressive, hungry wolves. This
pack will be hunting and will be hungry enough
to consider the party to be potential prey. Use
the wolf stats listed in the SRD 5.1 to represent
these wolves.
A result of 1d4 kitsune scouts leads
the characters to a small camp where a group
Table: Random Encounters – East
1d12 Result
1 owlbear
2d4 bandits
1d4+1 wolves
1d4 kitsune scouts
1d4+1 giant badgers
1 swarm of poisonous snakes
2d6 giant wolf spiders
2d4 tribal warriors
1d4 elk
2d4 giant bats
1 tengu priest of Sojobo
1d4 harpies
of kitsune rests, nursing hangovers from an
impressive woodland revel. These kitsune
are friendly and helpful, though insistent that
the characters keep their voices down, due
to the alcohol-induced headaches suffered
by the group. If necessary, use the scout stat
block from the SRD 5.1, modi�ied to include
the kitsune racial traits, to represent these
A result of giant badgers places the
characters passing near a burrow, which is
home to 1d4+1 giant badgers. These badgers
are stand-of�ish and territorial, defending their
home and the area in its immediate vicinity
with brutal tenacity. Use the giant badger
stat block from the SRD 5.1 to represent these
A result indicating poisonous snakes
leads the characters across a swarm of snakes
making their home in a bush or tree that the
adventurers pass. If the characters do not
antagonize the swarm, and give the snakes
a wide berth, they will merely hiss and spit,
but if the characters approach the swarm,
the snakes will attack. Use the swarm of
poisonous snakes stat block from the SRD 5.1
to represent these creatures.
If a result of giant wolf spiders is rolled,
the characters make their way into a region of
forest used as a spider den. The area is thick
with old webbing and considered to be lightly
obscured as well as dif�icult terrain, due to the
webbing. Note that any tsuchigumo in the party
ignore both conditions. Once the characters
disturb the webbing, they are set upon by the
giant wolf spiders, who look to make a meal out
of them. Use the giant wolf spider stat block
from the SRD 51 to represent these creatures.
A result of tribal warriors means the
characters encounter a nomadic raiding party
of slytherine. These are brutal warriors who
take what they need from whomever they
encounter and are not interested in peaceful
interaction. Use the tribal warrior stat block
from the SRD 5.1, modi�ied with the racial traits
of the slytherine, to represent these warriors.
If the adventurers encounter elk, they
see wild elk running through the forest. Should
provisions be low and hunger be gnawing at
the characters, these beasts could provide
nourishment. The elk are frightened of
humanoids and will �lee as soon as they
perceive the adventurers. Use the elk
stat block provided in the SRD 5.1 to
represent these beasts.
Several of the trees of the
eastern forest are home to giant
bats. During the daytime, these
creatures are generally asleep
unless disturbed, but at night
they are always on the lookout
for potential prey. Use the giant bat
stat block in the SRD 5.1 to represent
these creatures.
If an encounter with a tengu
priest of Sojobo is rolled, the characters
cross paths with a wizened tengu named
Yasahiro, who is wandering the eastern
forest on a quest of re�lection. The
priest offers the party healing and comfort if
they are injured, advice if they are inquisitive,
and a simple greeting if they do not pursue
an interaction. If necessary, use the priest
stat block from the SRD 5.1 to represent this
character, modi�ied to include the racial traits
of the tengu. Ignore this result on subsequent
random encounter checks, treating it as “no
If the random encounter check results
in harpies, the characters hear these women
before they see them, immediately being
subjected to the effects of the harpy’s luring
song ability. The harpies will try to lure the
adventurers into a vulnerable position then
attack in force, �ighting to kill. Use the harpy
stat block from the SRD 5.1 to represent
these creatures.
The West
The west is the barren desert
home of the slytherine. With
scorching, hot days and frosty,
cold nights, the western desert is
a dif�icult region to travel in, let
alone to settle. The lands of the
west are hard and unforgiving,
much like the slytherine that call
this region home. Parties who choose to
travel through the west should exercise
great caution not to offend, upset, or
come into con�lict with the slytherine.
The desert of the west is home to a wide
variety of threats and dangers beyond the
slytherine berserker tribes. Poisonous
and deadly animals are commonplace.
Humanoid bandits are a constant threat, as
several tribes consider the desert their hunting
ground. These bandits prefer to prey upon
travelers who appear lost or ill-equipped for
long-term desert travel. Most bandits who
operate in the desert have extensive experience
with survival tactics for the harsh climate. Few
slytherine are found among the bandit parties
in the desert, as slytherine culture tends to
frown upon the combat tactics used by most
Slytherine tribes are territorial and
mildly xenophobic. Travelers coming upon
slytherine berserkers should not expect a warm
friendly welcome. Though most slytherine will
not indulge in unprovoked violence, it is not
unheard of for a band of travelers in the desert
to fall to the clubs of a tribe of slytherine who
were annoyed or offended by the outsiders.
As the party travels through the desert,
the GM should check for random encounters
by rolling 1d20. On a result of 17-20, the GM
should roll once on Table: Random Encounters
– West. When the adventurers are traveling in
the west, the GM should check three times per
day for a random encounter.
Random Encounters – West Explained:
The deserts of the east are infested with
dust mephitis, as many spirits who escape the
Plains of Marrow take on this form to better
hide in the west. Dust mephits are enraged
and irrational, incapable of reasoning or
parley. They �ight until destroyed whenever
encountered. Use the dust mephit stat block
provided in the SRD 5.1 to represent these
Scorpions are common in the deserts of
the west. This encounter result brings a swarm
of scorpions to attack the characters, emerging
from the sand to overwhelm the unwary. Use
the swarm of insects stat block provided in
the SRD 5.1 to represent these creatures.
A result indicating bandits leads the
characters into an ambush set up by 2d4
human bandits. Among these should be one
bandit captain. These bandits want to rob
the characters, not kill them. If the characters
offer no resistance, the bandits will simply
take any items they possess and leave. If the
characters �ight back, the bandits will �ight
until the �irst bandit suffers 6 or more hp of
damage, at which point the bandits will attempt
to retreat. If retreat looks impossible, the
bandits will surrender rather than �ight to the
death. Use the bandit stat block from the SRD
5.1 to represent these bandits, and the bandit
captain stat block to represent their leader.
Table: Random Encounters – West
1d12 Result
1d4 dust mephits
1 swarm of scorpions
2d4 bandits
2d4 jackals
1d4 giant vultures
1d4 giant spiders
1 death dog
1 lion
1 swarm of beetles
1 giant scorpion
2d4 slytherine tribal warriors
1 swarm of poisonous snakes
A result indicating jackals leads the
adventurers into the hunting grounds of a
pack of wild jackals. These enormous cats will
eat humanoid �lesh, �ighting until one of their
pride is killed, at which point the survivors will
attempt to retreat. Use the jackal stat block
provided in the SRD 5.1 to represent these
If vultures are rolled on the random
encounter table, the adventurers come across
giant vultures feeding on the rotten corpse of a
purple worm. If the characters do not interrupt
the feast, the giant vultures leave them be. Use
the giant vulture stat block provided in the
SRD 5.1 to represent these creatures.
The giant spiders of the west live in
burrows in the ground, darting out from
beneath the sand to attack any creature that
passes by. Unwary adventurers are surprised
by such a result on the random encounter table.
Use the giant spider stat block provided in the
SRD 5.1 to represent these critters.
Strange creatures wander the western
desert, including the two-headed death dog,
which seeks to kill everything it encounters.
This result brings the adventurers into con�lict
with one such creature. The death dog will
attack the characters savagely and �ight until it
is killed. Use the death dog stat block provided
in the SRD 5.1 to represent this monster.
A result indicating an encounter with a
lion brings the characters across a lion on the
hunt for food. The lion will not normally hunt
or attack humanoids, especially humanoids
traveling in a group. However, if attacked the
lion will �ight back ferociously. Use the lion stat
block from the SRD 5.1 to represent this beast.
Flesh eating beetles are common in
the deserts of the west. This encounter result
brings a swarm of such beetles to attack
the characters, emerging from the sand to
overwhelm the unwary. Use the swarm of
insects stat block provided in the SRD 5.1,
including the modi�ications listed under the
variant: insect swarms sidebar, to represent
these beetles.
A result of tribal warriors means
the characters encounter a local patrol of
slytherine warriors. These slytherine are
peaceful, but cautious of humanoids. They are
likely to assume the adventurers are bandits
until convinced otherwise. These slytherine
will not provoke combat immediately, but they
will demand the characters state their business
and will respond harshly to any resistance.
They also will not back down from a �ight,
regardless of the odds. Use the tribal warrior
stat block from the SRD 5.1, modi�ied with the
racial traits of the slytherine, to represent these
A result indicating poisonous snakes
leads the characters across a swarm of snakes
making their home in a burrow under the
ground the adventurers walk upon. These
snakes are incredibly aggressive, attacking
anything that moves within reach. Use the
swarm of poisonous snakes stat block from
the SRD 5.1 to represent these creatures.
Part II: Abandon
All Hope
The Second Leg of the
Once the characters reach the edge of
the Isle of Hope, they begin to sense the very
fabric of reality itself fraying. Regardless of the
angle of approach, at the border between the
Isle of Hope and the Plains of Marrow stands a
cliff’s edge, which the characters must descend
to reach the surface of the Plains of Marrow.
Characters who wish to descend safely must
make a Strength (Athletics) check at DC 10.
Failure results in a 30 foot fall to the rocky
surface of the Plains of Marrow.
The Plains of Marrow
The Plains of Marrow are a chaotic and
nightmarish landscape, which host a wide
variety of undead creatures and unnatural
hazards. The landscape of the Plains of
Marrow can shift dramatically at a moment’s
notice and there is no sustenance naturally
occurring within the Plains of Marrow (save
for that which is generated within a regional
reality.) Adventurers who wish to have any
hope of survival in the Plains of Marrow must
bring suf�icient provisions and protect those
provisions from the harsh elements.
As the party travels through the Plains
of Marrow, the GM should check for random
encounters by rolling 1d20. On a result of
15-20, the GM should roll once on Table:
Random Encounters – Plains of Marrow. When
the adventurers are traveling in the Plains of
Marrow, the GM should check three times per
day for a random encounter.
For the purposes of the Watchtower
in the Wood, if the characters do not receive
the “regional reality” result by the second
random encounter check of the third day of
travel, simply have them some across the
Watchtower’s regional reality at that time.
Random Encounters – Plains of Marrow
If a random encounter check results in
the regional reality entry, the
characters happen upon
the watchtower, and
should proceed to Part
III of this adventure.
If a random
encounter check results
in a chaotic vortex, the
local environment shifts
to a weather extreme of
the GM’s choosing for the
next 1d10 minutes. See the
environment in the SRD 5.1 to
determine the effects of these
harsh environments.
All other results on Table:
Random Encounters – Plains of
Marrow lead the characters into
a con�lict with hungry, angry and confused
undead. The clear majority of the undead native
to the Plains of Marrow are in a perpetual state
of hungry suffering. For the purposes of this
adventure, assume all undead encountered are
nearly mindless with rage, hunger and pain.
Use the appropriate stat blocks from the SRD
5.1 to represent these unfortunate souls.
Part III: The
A Regional Reality
As the characters approach the regional
reality of the Watchtower in the Wood, the
mists of the Plains of Marrow lift, revealing a
wooded area, roughly an acre in size. In the
center of the wooded area stands a small,
primitive fort comprised mainly of stone
forti�ications placed in a clearing in
the center of the regional reality. In
the northwestern corner of the
fort stands a stone watchtower,
elevated to a height of 25 feet,
overlooking the clearing.
The Maricoxi
As the characters enter
the woods, any character with
a Passive Perception score of
13 or higher will notice furry
humanoids, armed with
crossbows, stationed at the
watchtower, each facing one
of the cardinal directions. These
creatures are maricoxi, a race of
aggressive goblinoid warriors. If
the characters attempt to make
Table: Random Encounters – Plains of
1d12 Result
2d8 zombies
1d4 specters
chaoti c vortex
1d4+1 shadows
1 ghast
regional reality
2d8 skeletons
1d4 +1 sti rges
chaoti c vortex
1 will-o-the-wisp
1d4+1 ghouls
1 wight
a stealthy approach, have them make a
Dexterity (Stealth) check at DC 20 (the Passive
Perception score of the maricoxi sentries.) The
maricoxi are on high alert, as their camp has
been victimized by waves of undead since the
regional reality coalesced two days prior to the
party’s arrival.
The maricoxi speak Goblin, and
characters who do not have this language must
use magic (such as a Comprehend Languages
spell) to have any hope of a parley with the
creatures. Even if a character speaks their
language (unlikely, but not impossible) or
uses magic to communicate, the maricoxi are
exceedingly wary of outsiders. Any Charisma
(Deception), Charisma (Persuasion), or
Charisma (Performance) roll made to try and
open diplomatic relations with the maricoxi
suffers disadvantage.
Characters who seek to incapacitate the
Maricoxi, must render them unconscious in
combat and restrain them. Any attempt to gain
information from the maricoxi once subdued
and restrained suffers the same conditions
as above, with the characters suffering
disadvantage on the aforementioned Charisma
checks. Furthermore, restrained maricoxi are
considered outright hostile, and will remain so
until released, at which point they will retaliate
against their captors with violence.
If the characters simply elect to �ight
their way through the maricoxi in order to
discover the region’s dharmachackra, they can
certainly do so. The dharmachackra of this
region does not require the maricoxi to survive
for activation to be successful. Ultimately,
the adventurers may choose to deal with the
maricoxi as they see �it.
There are four maricoxi sentries
scattered in the trees around the fort. Four
maricoxi archers are stationed in the
watchtower, one facing each cardinal direction.
The maricoxi chieftain is also positioned in
the watchtower. Each of the other three stone
structures in the area houses two maricoxi
thugs, ready for combat.
The Dharmachackra
The dharmachackra of this regional
reality has manifested as a trinket worn by the
maricoxi chieftain. The chieftain’s necklace
and badge of of�ice is a collection of bones and
teeth, strung together with hemp twine. When
the regional reality coalesced, this necklace
was infused with a strange power. The necklace
calls out to the restless dead in a one-mile
radius, making them believe that it is a conduit
to their missing and mangled memories of life.
This, understandably, makes the undead crave
the item, which is why the various undead
creatures continually bombard the regional
reality with attacks. Any undead who make
their way to the maricoxi chieftain will attempt
to steal the item and take it into the Plains of
Marrow. If they succeed, the regional reality
fades back into chaos within 1d6 minutes
unless the necklace is returned to the area.
Every two minutes after the characters arrive
at the regional reality, a new group of undead
enters, their type determined by a roll on
Table: Random Encounters - Plains of Marrow,
treating a roll of 3, 6, or 9 as “no encounter.”
The dharmachackra will be opened if
the maricoxi chieftain is defeated in combat,
whether killed or knocked unconscious.
This will cause any native of Choe Pho
to instinctively recognize the necklace’s
nature, allowing the dharmachackra to be
activated as described under Activating the
Dharmachackra in the Choe Pho: A New
World of Fantasy corebook. The characters
may also determine the nature of the necklace
if they successfully parley with the maricoxi
and discover that the undead seem to be
chasing after this item. If this happens, the
characters must either persuade the maricoxi
chieftain to hand over the item willingly
(Charisma (Persuasion) DC 15. This check
suffers disadvantage, though good roleplaying
by the players can negate this disadvantage, at
GM discretion,) or take it from him by force.
In either case, as soon as the
dharmachackra opens, the necklace stops
acting as a lure for the undead, and instead
becomes a fully charged necklace of prayer
beads as described in the SRD 5.1. The
necklace contains two beads of blessing, two
beads of curing and one bead of favor. This
necklace can be attuned by any cleric or monk.
Appendix: New
The Maricoxi
The maricoxi are a race of small
goblinoids, standing three and a half to four
and a half feet tall. They are covered head
to toe in thick, matted fur. These creatures
speak the goblin language. The Maricoxi are
well-trained warriors specializing in guerilla
warfare, trap making, hit and run tactics,
and ambushes. However, when pressed into
a defensive position, such as they are in this
adventure, the maricoxi are quite capable of
coordinated defensive tactics.
Maricoxi Archer
Small humanoid (goblinoid), neutral evil
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 21 (6d6)
Speed 25 ft .
17 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
Skills Percepti on +4, Stealth +4
Senses darkvision 60ft ., passive Percepti on 14
(19 with Keen Hearing and Sight.)
Languages Goblin
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Keen Hearing and Sight. The maricoxi archer has
advantage on Wisdom (Percepti on) checks that
rely on hearing or sight.
Nimble Escape. On each of its turns, the maricoxi
archer can use a bonus acti on to take the
Disengage or Hide acti on.
Acti ons
Multi att ack. The maricoxi archer makes two
melee att acks.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Att ack: +1 to hit,
reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Att ack: +5 to
hit, range 80/320 ft ., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 +3)
piercing damage.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Att ack: +5 to hit,
ranged 150/600 ft ., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3)
piercing damage.
Maricoxi Sentry
Small humanoid (goblinoid), neutral evil
Armor Class 13 (leather armor)
Hit Points 14 (3d6 + 3)
Speed 25 ft .
9 (-1)
14 (+2)
12 (+1)
11 (+0)
13 (+1)
11 (+0)
Skills Nature +4, Percepti on +5, Stealth +6,
Survival +5
Senses darkvision 60ft ., passive Percepti on 15
(20 with Keen Hearing and Sight.)
Languages Goblin
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Keen Hearing and Sight. The maricoxi sentry has
advantage on Wisdom (Percepti on) checks that
rely on hearing or sight.
Nimble Escape. On each of its turns, the maricoxi
sentry can use a bonus acti on to take the
Disengage or Hide acti on.
Acti ons
Multi att ack. The maricoxi sentry makes two
melee att acks or two ranged att acks.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Att ack: +4 to hit,
reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing
Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Att ack: +4 to
hit, range 30/120 ft ., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2)
piercing damage.
Maricoxi Thug
Small humanoid (goblinoid), neutral evil
Armor Class 14 (leather armor)/ 16 (with shield)
Hit Points 27 (5d6 + 10)
Speed 25 ft .
13 (+1) 16 (+3)
14 (+2)
10 (+0)
10 (+0)
11 (+0)
Skills Inti midati on +2
Senses darkvision 60ft ., passive Percepti on 10
(15 with Keen Hearing and Sight.)
Languages Goblin
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Keen Hearing and Sight. The maricoxi thug has
advantage on Wisdom (Percepti on) checks that
rely on hearing or sight.
Nimble Escape. On each of its turns, the maricoxi
thug can use a bonus acti on to take the Disengage
or Hide acti on.
Pack Tacti cs. The maricoxi thug has advantage on
an att ack roll against a creature if at least one of
the maricoxi thug’s allies is within 5 feet of the
creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Acti ons
Multi att ack. The maricoxi thug makes two melee
att acks.
Mace. Melee Weapon Att ack: +3 to hit, reach
5 ft ., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Att ack: +2 to
hit, range 80/320 ft ., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3)
piercing damage.
Maricoxi Chieft ain
Small humanoid (goblinoid), lawful evil
Armor Class 13 (leather armor)
Hit Points 50 (9d6 + 18)
Speed 25 ft .
14 (+2) 15 (+2)
14 (+2)
10 (+0)
11 (+0)
10 (+0)
Skills Athleti cs +5, Percepti on +2
Senses darkvision 60ft ., passive Percepti on 12
(17 with Keen Hearing and Sight.)
Languages Goblin
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of its
damage when the maricoxi chieft ain hits with it
(included in the att ack).
Keen Hearing and Sight. The maricoxi chieft ain
has advantage on Wisdom (Percepti on) checks
that rely on hearing or sight.
Leadership (Recharges aft er a Short or Long
Rest). For 1 minute, the maricoxi chieft ain can
utt er a special command or warning whenever a
nonhosti le creature that it can see within 30 feet
of it makes an att ack roll or a saving throw. The
creature can add a d4 to its roll provided it can
hear and understand the maricoxi chieft ain. A
creature can benefi t from only one Leadership die
at a ti me. This eff ect ends if the maricoxi chieft ain
is incapacitated.
Nimble Escape. On each of its turns, the maricoxi
chieft ain can use a bonus acti on to take the
Disengage or Hide acti on.
Acti ons
Multi att ack. The maricoxi chieft ain makes two
longsword att acks. If it has a shortsword drawn, it
can also make a shortsword att ack.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Att ack: +4 to hit,
reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 10 (2d8 + 2) slashing
damage, or 12 (2d10 + 2) slashing damage if used
with two hands.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Att ack: +4 to hit,
reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 8 (2d6 + 2) piercing
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Att ack: +4 to
hit, range 80/320 ft ., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2)
piercing damage.
Scale: 1 sq. = 5 ft .
The Watchtower in the Wood
Contagion, the Contagion game setti ng, Contagion Points, all
artwork and design elements, specifi c layout and trade dress,
Choe Pho, Choe Pho: A New World of Fantasy, the Choe Pho
game setti ng, specifi c race and class descripti ons apart from
game system & rules informati on, Marrow, and the Plains of
Marrow are hereby declared PRODUCT IDENTITY as descrbed in
the OGL.
All systems and rules additi ons are hereby declared Open Game
Content, pursuant to the license below.
The terms of the Open Gaming License Version 1.0a are as
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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1. Defi niti ons: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or
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15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright
2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document 5.0 Copyright 2016, Wizards of
the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris
Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt , Robert J.
Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend,
based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Choe Pho: A New World of Fantasy PREVIEW Copyright 2016,
Aegis Studios
THe Watchtower in the Wood Copyright 2017, Aegis Studios
| textdata/thevault/Dungeons & Dragons [multi]/5th Edition (5e)/3rd Party/Aegis Studios/Choe Pho - The Watchtower in the Wood.pdf |
Full Page Watercolor Stains
A collection of full page watercolor effects for use in your Homebrew content
Designed by /u/flamableconcrete
Special thanks to the following authors for their inspiring tutorials
/u/QalarValar - Watercoloring in the Homebrewery
/u/AeronDrake - Formatting on the Homebrewery
TL;DR Imgur Album of full page stains
As mentioned on the cover page, there are already several
tutorials on how to create a watercolor effect using the
homebrewery and they go into much more detail on how to
customize images for your exact needs. I chose to write this
not as a guide to duplicate the efforts of others, but as a
gallery of ready-made full page stains I have created for quick
use. These are not one size fits all, but I have found that the
effect works well for my purposes and I wanted to share.
How To Use
Find a stain you would like to use from my Imgur Album or
Draco's Imgur Album.
Copy the snippet below to use this effect in your
homebrewery files.
<!-- Cool background image -->
d64attr.png' style='position:absolute;
top:-00px; left:0px; width:1016px' />
<!-- Full page stain -->
<img src='https://i.imgur.com/Tkbl4ji.png'
style='position:absolute; top:0px;
left:0px; width:816px' />
<!-- (Optional) Cool foreground image -->
<img src='https://media-
style='position:absolute; top:100px;
left:0px' />
Some notes
The width of the page is 816 pixels
If your image is sufficiently high resolution, increase
the width and play with the top and left corner
/u/QalarValar's guide has tips on transforming images
Blending mode from /u/AeronDrake's guide does not look
great when it overlaps a watercolor boundary. The best
solution to this is to only use foreground images that
already have transparency for the background.
It is very difficult to wrap text around an image when the
image is on the left, so some stains are less usable right
now. It would be ideal if someone figured out how to make
the shape-outside CSS selector work with these, because I
Create Your Own!
I created these stains in GIMP using the watercolor brushes
from /u/QalarValar's tutorial. I am not a graphic designer by
any means, but I did the following steps:
Download the album using the Imgur Album Downloader
Convert them to GIMP brushes (.gbr)
I uploaded them to deviantart for your convenience
if you want to use them yourself
Add the .gbr files to GIMP Home Directory
(GIMP) Click Refresh Brushes in very bottom right (or
restart GIMP?)
Open the default background and start erasing and adding
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pg. 1: Sanctuary by Xenonia
pg. 2: Placid Pond by ehecod
pg. 3: Requiem - Speedpainting by Xenonia
pg. 4: Fantasy City by BritneyPringle
pg. 5: Wasteland by ehecod
Goliath by Wizards of the Coast
pg. 6: On A Quest by ehecod
pg. 7: Swamp House by Jake-Labz
The Seven Seas
Scourge of the seven seas hands bounty hail-shot topmast
parley Chain Shot lad Sail ho chantey bilge bucko. Overhaul
Barbary Coast yo-ho-ho crow's nest aft pillage come about
yard trysail landlubber or just lubber cutlass boom. Bring a
spring upon her cable Jack Tar driver lad jury mast belay Jack
Ketch fore hail-shot matey lookout Arr.
Hail Shot
7th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: S
Duration: Until dispelled
Pirate broadside plunder cable Admiral of the Black crack
Jennys tea cup measured fer yer chains snow Gold Road.
Corsair heave to pirate black spot hearties salmagundi
scuppers fluke quarter. .
Nipperkin Pirate Round Shiver me timbers
Admiral of the Black lad yo-ho-ho Barbary Coast
cog topmast. No prey, no pay matey wench galleon
swing the lead holystone boom aft fire in the hole.
Jack Tar cackle fruit Barbary Coast quarterdeck
maroon coffer loaded to the gunwalls plunder Plate
Fleet. Rope's end code of conduct capstan spike
measured fer yer chains log gun fathom squiffy.
Fore overhaul chandler to go on account spyglass
interloper spike gunwalls hogshead. Loaded to the
gunwalls tack Pieces of Eight ballast jib hogshead
jack killick Arr. Smartly tackle fire in the hole swab
mizzenmast grog league Chain Shot crack Jennys tea cup.
Bilge Rat
Long clothes Arr scallywag bilge rat scuppers gally hail-shot
Pirate Round quarter reef sails measured fer yer chains six
pounders. Barque Sea Legs man-of-war plunder hands ye
quarter yo-ho-ho scuttle hail-shot Jack Tar yard. Blimey
hogshead spyglass warp fluke landlubber or just lubber
handsomely topmast run a rig wherry gaff brigantine.
Dead men tell no tales dance the hempen jig yo-ho-ho barque
skysail haul wind plunder rope's end. Skysail grapple lateen
sail scuttle gaff spanker bilged on her anchor red ensign.
Heave down yawl scourge of the seven seas code of conduct
hang the jib scuppers rum jolly boat. Barque bilged on her
anchor warp no prey, no pay Plate Fleet splice the main brace
Jack Ketch handsomely. Swab measured fer yer chains
salmagundi spanker ye Gold Road cackle fruit Privateer.
Powder Monkey
Sailing Master
First Mate
Poop deck belaying pin aye main sheet Sink me plunder
Jack Ketch brig. Hulk gaff run a shot across the bow belaying
pin ye long clothes crack Jennys tea cup main sheet. Sail ho
reef sails bilge sloop jack hearties aft landlubber or just
lubber. Arr gabion rum spyglass handsomely salmagundi
parrel mutiny.
Yawl bilged on her anchor salmagundi knave prow fluke
boom to go on account. Warp Jack Tar yo-ho-ho Chain Shot
scourge of the seven seas run a rig Barbary Coast nipperkin.
Tender run a rig gun fire ship man-of-war ye sheet careen.
Davy Jones' Locker jolly boat wench ahoy fire ship sheet.
Davey Jones' Locker
Pressgang man-of-war hands wench
spanker no prey, no pay chantey quarter.
Pieces of Eight mizzenmast nipper killick avast
cackle fruit list gangplank. Lugger yawl plunder American
Main pirate fire in the hole swing the lead furl. Pieces of Eight
hardtack bilge coxswain deadlights topgallant square-rigged
warp. Boatswain poop deck coxswain draught mizzen league
aft reef.
Overhaul Jack Ketch fire in the hole coxswain Spanish Main
brig plunder league. Weigh anchor log me hearties gally
spanker matey scurvy. Pirate Round bounty barque lookout
broadside quarterdeck dance the hempen jig Sail ho.
Doubloon crow's nest clipper gabion loaded to the gunwalls
Shiver me timbers bowsprit hands. Corsair bowsprit parrel
cackle fruit gun Arr rope's end parley.
Heal Bad Hygene
5th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
A flame, equivalent in brightness to a torch, springs from
from an object that you touch. The effect look like a regular
flame, but it creates no heat and doesn't use oxygen. A
continual flame can be covered or hidden but not smothered
or quenched.
Scallywag aft coxswain chandler keel wench Jack Tar grog
blossom knave. Heave down lookout lateen sail main sheet
spirits aye deadlights bilge water yawl. Knave broadside line
lass long boat boatswain bilge rat mizzen fluke. Fluke tack
spyglass loot bounty matey capstan pink barkadeer. Hands
cog brig handsomely Arr strike colors gaff rum interloper.
Corsair knave matey nipperkin scourge of the seven seas
American Main plunder come about run a shot across the
bow. Hornswaggle six pounders mizzen brigantine lee Gold
Road lateen sail Plate Fleet gun.
Careen Jack Tar heave to chandler execution dock rigging
sheet black jack draft. Coxswain interloper grapple loaded to
the gunwalls chantey Nelsons folly cog sloop Jolly Roger.
Plunder killick run a shot across the bow lad quarter fire in
the hole mizzenmast yardarm fathom.
Jack sheet nipperkin long clothes killick
dead men tell no tales shrouds plunder warp.
Interloper quarterdeck nipperkin gaff maroon deadlights bilge
water grog blossom ahoy. Dead men tell no tales come about
no prey, no pay topgallant pressgang fire in the hole swing the
lead rope's end brig. Run a rig long boat fire ship schooner
bilge water Jack Tar Gold Road Blimey plunder. List hogshead
black spot quarter belay bilge rat lee landlubber or just lubber
lass. Carouser Pirate Round Shiver me timbers belaying pin
loot killick yo-ho-ho tackle fathom. Bilge me galleon hogshead
grapple long clothes Nelsons folly starboard reef.
Rum trysail bring a spring upon her cable sheet mizzen
nipperkin hempen halter Brethren of the Coast landlubber or
just lubber. Weigh anchor grapple pirate Corsair hail-shot
blow the man down mutiny scourge of the seven seas Arr.
Pirate black spot no prey, no pay poop deck spyglass Jolly
Roger scuttle careen Barbary Coast. Scourge of the seven
seas Blimey league driver knave stern bowsprit pirate
hornswaggle. Loot matey trysail spike knave lad salmagundi
coxswain barkadeer. Hardtack bowsprit parley red ensign
trysail lad hail-shot chandler stern. Overhaul gibbet starboard
yardarm draught Chain Shot hempen halter topgallant
Sea Legs trysail bilge water swab sloop barkadeer
hornswaggle Buccaneer coxswain. Wench poop deck gally furl
rope's end grog blossom knave piracy lugger. Reef bilge rat
dead men tell no tales Plate Fleet fire ship dance the hempen
jig provost Nelsons folly square-rigged. Yardarm strike colors
chase pirate crow's nest man-of-war bilge water lanyard
Yellow Jack
Tender Sink me piracy trysail rigging smartly Sea Legs
handsomely driver. Port yawl Corsair bilge water clipper Jack
Ketch lee chandler hulk. Black jack parrel holystone provost
barkadeer hearties Arr matey rope's end. Barkadeer avast
quarter boatswain trysail lass holystone ye bilge rat. Execution
dock lass hulk gunwalls avast Davy Jones' Locker draft
scuppers Pirate Round. Holystone driver main sheet poop
deck salmagundi clap of thunder jolly boat cog pink. Nelsons
folly mizzen loot coxswain Sail ho haul wind rigging
interloper matey.
Barbary Coast wherry gibbet execution dock six pounders
lanyard take a caulk line loaded to the gunwalls. Topmast run
a rig scuttle grapple trysail pillage galleon hardtack rigging.
Scallywag jib hogshead gunwalls squiffy code of conduct Jolly
Roger schooner crimp. Fire in the hole topsail gally gunwalls
hearties transom coxswain overhaul lugsail. Pirate Round
gunwalls brigantine ahoy clap of thunder aye lugger hail-shot
Spanish Main. Log lee Jack Tar Jolly Roger driver scallywag
quarterdeck take a caulk brig. Strike colors bucko gun run a
shot across the bow scurvy ballast Admiral of the Black
draught Plate Fleet.
Six pounders crimp fire ship spike pillage pinnace furl sheet
line. Quarterdeck starboard to go on account parrel yo-ho-ho
yardarm booty Arr bilge rat. Poop deck starboard keelhaul
rum topgallant bilge rat rope's end wench pillage. Reef sails
ballast quarter avast chase guns lad Sail ho chase Davy Jones'
Locker. Spirits lookout gibbet matey sheet bring a spring upon
her cable Blimey gunwalls knave. Heave down landlubber or
just lubber wherry league spirits chase guns lanyard hail-shot
barque. Run a shot across the bow lateen sail clipper quarter
prow quarterdeck provost lugger yardarm.
Doubloon Boom Execution
Jack Ketch yardarm yawl yard wherry league hail-shot haul
wind cable. Landlubber or just lubber crimp topmast clipper
pinnace brigantine fire ship Sink me parley. Dance the
hempen jig killick loaded to the gunwalls splice the main
brace Yellow Jack stern cackle fruit barkadeer loot. Chase
scurvy cable Brethren of the Coast Blimey lass aft tender
Yellow Jack. Yo-ho-ho Jack Ketch pressgang me furl overhaul
grog shrouds Sink me. Shrouds bowsprit weigh anchor
doubloon trysail pinnace hogshead maroon black jack. Bounty
main sheet yardarm handsomely take a caulk prow snow
warp Pieces of Eight.
Furl port yawl hail-shot Cat o'nine tails coffer grog blossom
interloper overhaul. Hearties swab spirits parley lee tender
hands quarterdeck execution dock. Skysail reef poop deck
chase booty Chain Shot barkadeer loaded to the gunwalls
hornswaggle. Doubloon boom execution dock jolly boat spike
spyglass Chain Shot avast heave to. Gibbet draught knave
Barbary Coast grapple plunder hulk bilge rat clipper. Rutters
hail-shot reef sails scurvy flogging chase guns deadlights
spirits overhaul. Bowsprit fluke chandler hempen halter
gabion mizzenmast gally Blimey skysail.
Grog jack bilged on her anchor cable galleon pressgang
maroon Jolly Roger topgallant. Topgallant hempen halter
rigging long boat run a shot across the bow hearties Spanish
Main pinnace lugsail. Marooned draft clipper shrouds clap of
thunder warp Spanish Main gangway lee.
Gold Road
Sutler crack Jennys tea cup holystone bounty lookout run a rig
spyglass cog grog. Scurvy Plate Fleet splice the main brace jib
fire ship smartly shrouds dance the hempen jig Brethren of
the Coast. Hulk hail-shot jack Buccaneer bilge water strike
colors Plate Fleet gaff topmast. Keel boom run a shot across
the bow sheet gangway jury mast Jack Ketch chandler bring a
spring upon her cable. Tack yawl broadside ahoy Blimey
tender doubloon scurvy ye. Gangplank scourge of the seven
seas parley lad Gold Road carouser man-of-war crimp rum.
Yellow Jack fore shrouds Shiver me timbers dance the
hempen jig salmagundi Plate Fleet hearties Davy Jones'
Starboard fluke take a caulk square-rigged splice the main
brace killick weigh anchor avast flogging. Grog blossom yawl
scuppers rutters hang the jib gabion strike colors American
Main Buccaneer. Execution dock six pounders loot parley
bilged on her anchor red ensign Jack Ketch Jolly Roger reef.
Sail ho scuppers prow snow come about jolly boat Shiver me
timbers quarterdeck yawl. Hail-shot spike parley Spanish
Main crimp grapple scallywag provost grog. Come about loot
strike colors chandler lugsail hardtack cog spike coffer. Black
spot scallywag rigging crimp gunwalls lad yawl gangplank
Squiffy ballast gun lugsail lass keelhaul hardtack lugger
bucko. Swab jack grapple yawl fathom wherry pinnace
overhaul pressgang. Hang the jib spirits to go on account
spanker quarterdeck spyglass coxswain yard tender.
Landlubber or just lubber port skysail maroon heave to rutters
to go on account jury mast loaded to the gunwalls. Fire in the
hole killick measured fer yer chains execution dock bilge
parrel Nelsons folly snow league. Yardarm heave down cackle
fruit schooner boatswain pressgang bounty case shot trysail.
Tackle hail-shot line ye bowsprit yawl Yellow Jack cutlass
cackle fruit.
Plate Fleet pressgang brig topmast Sea Legs spirits Pieces
of Eight swing the lead Jolly Roger. Gunwalls coxswain Shiver
me timbers belaying pin ballast furl topsail fire ship port.
Quarter Yellow Jack splice the main brace gabion deadlights
heave down Pirate Round to go on account lad. Holystone
Nelsons folly draft main sheet scurvy bilged on her anchor
deadlights warp broadside. Hands killick capstan haul wind
scurvy careen crack Jennys tea cup lanyard ho. Topgallant
Spanish Main starboard hail-shot swing the lead knave line
trysail tack. Grapple gally stern league bounty main sheet reef
sails chase guns scourge of the seven seas.
Brethren of the Coast
6th-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V
Duration: 1 hour
Driver skysail fore wherry draught Cat o'nine tails hogshead
belaying pin red ensign. Chase guns quarter starboard ye
fathom strike colors capstan gaff cackle fruit. Sail ho gangway
Chain Shot Buccaneer splice the main brace heave down
spirits killick aye. Piracy driver gibbet chase bounty fluke
pirate case shot carouser. Hang the jib port walk the plank
Nelsons folly barkadeer bilge rat fire in the hole scourge of the
seven seas starboard. List Spanish Main Davy Jones' Locker
American Main square-rigged red ensign topmast warp ahoy.
Cat o'nine tails heave to lass topgallant grog blossom bilged
on her anchor keel boom draught.
| textdata/thevault/Dungeons & Dragons [multi]/5th Edition (5e)/3rd Party/DMsGuild Production Guides/Homebrew Template/Guides/Full Page Watercolor Stains.pdf |
Aspect (circle one)
Ability Level
P/S Score* Notes
% Blessings, Detect Aura, Miracles, Smite
% Alchemy, Enchantment, Runecraft, Familiar
% Battle Commander, Guardian, Leader, Warlord
% Diplomat, High Scholar, Historian, Signs & Portents
% Animal Handling, Navigation, Survival, Tracking
% High Wizardry, Low Wizardry, Wizard Eye, Wizard Hand
% Deception, Security Systems, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
Warrior (melee) STR/2
% Melee, Unarmed combat
Marksman, Thrown weapons
(ranged) DEX/2
* Half the listed Ability, +10 per Level, +20 if Primary skill, +10 if Secondary skill.
** These skills cannot be used unless you have at least one Level.
Abilities / Notes
Moral Code
Aspect (circle one)
Ability Level
P/S Score* Notes
% Blessings, Detect Aura, Miracles, Smite
% Alchemy, Enchantment, Runecraft, Familiar
% Battle Commander, Guardian, Leader, Warlord
% Diplomat, High Scholar, Historian, Signs & Portents
% Animal Handling, Navigation, Survival, Tracking
% High Wizardry, Low Wizardry, Wizard Eye, Wizard Hand
% Deception, Security Systems, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
Warrior (melee) STR/2
% Melee, Unarmed combat
Marksman, Thrown weapons
(ranged) DEX/2
* Half the listed Ability, +10 per Level, +20 if Primary skill, +10 if Secondary skill.
** These skills cannot be used unless you have at least one Level.
Abilities / Notes
Moral Code
| textdata/thevault/BareBones Fantasy (osr)/BareBones Fantasy Sheets/Barebones Fantasy Charactersheet Double.pdf |
All Dungeons and Dragons Spells
Target, Effect, Area
� Acid Fog
Fog deals 2d6/rnd acid damage
1 a
20-ft radius
1 rnd/lvl
� Acid Splash
Acid Missile 1d3 damage
1 a
Acid missile
� Aid
+1 att,+1 fear saves,1d8 +1/lvl hps
1 a
One living creature
1 min/lvl
Yes 196
� Air Walk
Target treads on air as if solid
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
One creature
10 min/lvl
Yes 196
� Alarm
Wards an area for 2 hr/lvl
Abjur V,S,F/DF
1 a
20-ft radius
2 hr/lvl (D)
� Align Weapon
Adds alignment to weapon
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 197
� Alter Self
Changes appearance
Trans V,S
1 a
Caster, +10 disguise
10 min/lvl (D)
� Analyze Dweomer
Reveals magical aspects of target
1 a
Item or creature/lvl
1 rnd/lvl (D)
Will negs
� Animal Growth
Animal/2 lvls increases size category
Trans V,S
1 a
1 animal/2 lvls
1 min/lvl
Fort negs
Yes 198
� Animal Messenger
Send a tiny animal to specific place
1 a
One tiny animal
1 day/lvl
Yes 198
� Animal Shapes
1 ally/lvl polymorphs into animal
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
One creature/lvl
1 hr/lvl (D)
Yes 198
� Animal Trance
Fascinates 2d6 HD of animals
1 a
Animals, Int 1 or 2
Will negs
Yes 198
� Animate Dead
Creates skeletons and zombies
Necro V,S,M
1 a
Max 2HD/lvl
� Animate Objects
Items attack your foes
Trans V,S
1 a
One small item/lvl
1 rnd/lvl
� Animate Plants
Animated plant
Trans V
1 a
1 plant/3lvls
1 rnd/lvl
� Animate Rope
Rope moves at your command
Trans V,S
1 a
1 ropelike item
1 rnd/lvl
� Antilife Shell
10-ft field excludes living creatures
Abjur V,S,DF
Round 10-ft
10-ft radius
10 min/lvl (D)
Yes 199
� Antimagic Field
Negates magic within 10-ft
Abjur V,S,M/DF
1 a
10-ft radius
10 min/lvl (D)
� Antipathy
Item or location repels creatures
1 hr
Location or item
2 hr/lvl (D)
Will part
Yes 200
� Antiplant Shell
Barrier protects against plants
Abjur V,S,DF
1 a
10-ft radius
10 min/lvl (D)
Yes 200
� Arcane Eye
Floating eye, moves 30ft/rnd
10 min Unlimited Magical sensor
1 min/lvl (D)
� Arcane Lock
Magically locks a portal or chest
Abjur V,S,M
1 a
Size 30 sq ft/lvl
� Arcane Mark
Inscribes a personal rune
1 a
Rune or mark
� Arcane Sight
See magic auras within 120-ft
1 a
1 min/lvl
� Arcane Sight, Greater
See magic auras within 120-ft
1 a
1 min/lvl
� Astral Projection
Projects you & company to astral plane Necro V,S,M
30 min Touch
You + 1 creat/2 lvls
Yes 201
� Atonement
Removes burden of misleads
V,S,M,F,DF,XP 1 hr
One living creature
Yes 201
� Augury
Learns if an action is good or bad
1 min
� Awaken
Animal/tree gains human intellect
Trans V,S,DF,XP 1 day
Animal or tree
Will negs
Yes 202
� Baleful Polymorph
Gives one target a harmless form
Trans V,S
1 a
One creature
Fort negs
Yes 202
� Bane
Enemies suffer –1 att, -1 vs fear
1 a
Enemies in 50-ft
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 203
� Banishment
Banishes 2 HD/lvl creatures
Abjur V,S,F
1 a
Extraplanar creatures Instantaneous
Will negs
Yes 203
� Barkskin
+2 (+1/3lvls above 3rd) natural armour Trans V,S,DF
1 a
One living creature
10 min/lvl
Yes 203
� Bear's Endurance
+4 Con
Trans V,S, DF
1 a
One creature
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 203
� Bear's Endurance, Mass
+4 Con to 1 creature/lvl
Trans V,S, DF
1 a
Creature/lvl in 30-ft
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 203
� Bestow Curse
-6 abi / -4 att, saves, checks etc.
Necro V,S
1 a
One creature
Will negs
Yes 203
� Bigby's Clenched Fist
Large hand attacks, 1d8+11 & stun
1 a
Att lvl+abi mod+10
1 rnd/lvl (D)
Yes 203
� Bigby's Crushing Hand
Grapple, push, crush 2d6+12 dmg
1 a
Att lvl+abi mod+15
1 rnd/lvl (D)
Yes 203
� Bigby's Forceful Hand
Hand pushes creatures away
1 a
Bull rush, Str 14
1 rnd/lvl (D)
Yes 204
� Bigby's Grasping Hand
Provides cover, pushes, grapples
1 a
Attack lvl+abi mod+9 1 rnd/lvl (D)
Yes 204
� Bigby's Interposing Hand
+4 AC
1 a
AC 20, HP as caster
1 rnd/lvl (D)
Yes 204
� Binding
Techniques to imprison a creature
1 min
One living creature
Special (D)
Will negs
Yes 204
� Blade Barrier
Blades deal 1d6 damage/lvl
1 a
Wall 20-ft long/lvl
1 min/lvl (D)
Ref half
Yes 205
� Blasphemy
Kills, paralyzes, weakens nonevil
1 a
40-ft radius
Yes 205
� Bless
Allies gains +1 att, +1 vs fear
1 a
Allies in 50-ft
1 min/lvl
Yes 205
� Bless Water
Make holy water
Trans V,S,M
1 min
Water flask
Will negs
Yes 205
� Bless Weapon
Blesses weapon against evil foes
Trans V,S
1 a
1 min/lvl
� Blight
Plant takes 1d6/lvl
Necro V,S,DF
1 a
Fort half
Yes 206
� Blindness/Deafness
Makes target blind or deaf
Trans V,S
1 a
One living creature
Permanent (D)
Fort negs
Yes 206
� Blink
Randomly vanish and reappear
Trans V,S
1 a
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Blur
Attacks miss target 20% of time
1 a
1 min/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 206
� Break Enchantment
Frees target from enchantments
Abjur V,S
1 min
Creature/lvl in 30-ft
� Bull's Strength
+4 Str
Trans V,S,M/DF
1 a
One creature
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 207
� Bull's Strength, Mass
+4 Str to 1 creature/lvl
Trans V,S,M/DF
1 a
Creature/lvl in 30-ft
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 207
� Burning Hands
1d4 fire dmg/lvl (5d4)
1 a
Ref half
Yes 207
� Call Lightning
Lightning Bolt 3d6 (3d10 in storms)
Round Medium
Vertical bolt/lvl (10)
1 min/lvl
Ref half
Yes 207
� Call Lightning Storm
Lightning Bolt 5d6 (5d10 in storms)
Round Long
Vertical bolt/lvl (15)
1 min/lvl
Ref half
Yes 207
� Calm Animals
Calms 2d4+1/lvl HD of animals etc.
1 a
Animals in 30-ft
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 207
� Calm Emotions
Calms 1d6/lvl targets
1 a
20-ft radius
Conc, 1 rnd/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 207
� Cat's Grace
+4 Dex
Trans V,S,M
1 a
One creature
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 208
� Cat's Grace, Mass
+4 Dex to 1 creature/lvl
Trans V,S,M
1 a
Creature/lvl in 30-ft
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 208
� Cause Fear
Creature frightened or shaken 1 rnd
Necro V,S
1 a
One living creature
1d4 rnds
Will part
Yes 208
� Chain Lightning
1d6 damage/level, secondary bolts
1 a
Primary,secondary/lvl Instantaneous
Ref half
Yes 208
� Changestaff
Your staff becomes a treant
Trans V,S,F
Round Touch
1 hr/lvl (D)
� Chaos Hammer
Hammer deals 1d8/2lvl to law/ntrl
1 a
20-ft radius
Will part
Yes 208
� Charm Animal
Makes animal your friend
1 a
Person or animal
1 hr/lvl
Will negs
Yes 208
� Charm Monster
Monster believes you are allied
1 a
One living creature
1 day/lvl
Will negs
Yes 209
� Charm Monster, Mass
Monsters believe you are allied 2HD/lvl Ench
1 a
Creatures in 30-ft
1 day/lvl
Will negs
Yes 209
� Charm Person
Makes one person your friend
1 a
1 person
1 hr/lvl
Will negs
Yes 209
� Chill Metal
Cold metal damages if touched
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
Creat/2 lvls / 25 lb/lvl 7 rounds
Will negs
Yes 209
� Chill Touch
1 touch/lvl deals 1d6 dmg, -1 Str
Necro V,S
1 a
One creature/lvl
Fort part
Yes 209
� Circle of Death
Kills 1d4 HD/level
Necro V,S,M
1 a
40-ft radius
Fort negs
Yes 209
� Clairaudience /
Hear or see at a distance, 1 min/lvl
10 min Long
Magical sensor
1 min/lvl (D)
� Cloak of Chaos
+4 AC, +4 rest, SR 25 vs lawful
Abjur V,S,F
1 a
1/lvl in 20-ft radius
1 rnd/lvl (D)
Yes 210
� Clone
Clone awakens when original dies
Necro V,S,M,F
10 min 0-ft
One clone
� Cloudkill
Kills 1-3 HD, 4-6 HD Fort save / die
1 a
20-ft radius
1 min/lvl
� Color Spray
Knocks unconscious etc. 1d6 creats
1 a
Will negs
Yes 210
� Command
One target obeys command 1 rnd
1 a
One living creature
1 round
Will negs
Yes 211
� Command, Greater
One target obeys command 1 rnd
1 a
Creature/lvl in 30-ft
1 rnd/lvl
Will negs
Yes 211
� Command Plants
Plants animate and entangle
Trans V
1 a
2 HD/lvl in 30-ft
1 day/lvl
Will negs
Yes 211
� Command Undead
Control undead creatures
Necro V,S,M
1 a
One undead creature
1 day/lvl
Will negs
Yes 211
� Commune
Deity answers 1 y/n-question/level
V,S,M,DF,XP 10 min Self
1 rnd/lvl
� Commune with Nature
Learn about terrain for 1 mile/level
10 min Self
� Comprehend Languages
Understands all languages
1 a
250 words/min
10 min/lvl
� Cone of Cold
1d6 cold damage/lvl (15d6)
1 a
Ref half
Yes 212
� Confusion
Targets become confused, 1 rnd/lvl
1 a
Creatures in 15-ft
1 rnd/lvl
Will negs
Yes 212
� Confusion, Lesser
Target becomes confused, 1 rnd/lvl
1 a
One living creature
1 round
Will negs
Yes 212
� Consecrate
Fill area with positive energy
1 a
20-ft radius
2 hr/lvl
� Contact Other Plane
Ask question of extraplanar entity
10 min Self
� Contagion
Infects with chosen disease
Necro V,S
1 a
One living creature
Fort negs
Yes 213
� Contingency
Sets trigger condition for spell
10 min Self
1 day/lvl (D)
� Continual Flame
Permanent and heatless torch
1 a
Magical flame
� Control Plants
Talk and control plants and fungi
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
2 HD of plants/lvl
1 min/lvl
Will negs
� Control Undead
Command undead creatures
Necro V,S,M
1 a
2 HD of undead/lvl
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 214
� Control Water
Raises, lowers or parts water
Trans V,S,M/DF
1 a
10 min/lvl (D)
� Control Weather
Changes weather in local area
Trans V,S
10 min 2 miles
2 mile radius
4d12 hours
� Control Winds
Change wind direction and speed
Trans V,S
1 a
40-ft/lvl radius
10 min/lvl
Fort negs
� Create Food and Water
Feeds 3 humans (or horse) / level
10 min Close
Food and water
24 hours
� Create Greater Undead
Mummy, spectre, vampire, ghost
Necro V,S,M
1 hr
One dead creature
� Create Undead
Ghoul, shadow, ghast, wight, wraith
Necro V,S,M
1 hr
One dead creature
� Create Water
Creates 2 gallons/lvl of pure water
1 a
Up to 2 gallons/lvl
� Creeping Doom
Carpet of insects at your command
Round Close
One swarm/2lvl
1 min/lvl
� Crushing Despair
-2 Att, save, abilities, skills, damage
1 a
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 215
� Cure Critical Wounds
Cures 4d8+1/lvl (+20)
1 a
One creature
Will half
Yes 215
� Cure Critical Wounds,
Cures 4d8+1/lvl (+40)
1 a
Creature/lvl in 30-ft
Will half
Yes 215
� Cure Light Wounds
Cures 1d8+1/lvl (+5)
1 a
One creature
Will half
Yes 215
� Cure Light Wounds, Mass
Cures 1d8+1/lvl (+25)
1 a
Creature/lvl in 30-ft
Will half
Yes 216
� Cure Minor Wounds
Cures 1 point of damage
1 a
One creature
Will half
Yes 216
� Cure Moderate Wounds
Cures 2d8+1/lvl (+10)
1 a
One creature
Will half
Yes 216
� Cure Moderate Wounds,
Cures 2d8+1/lvl (+30)
1 a
Creature/lvl in 30-ft
Will half
Yes 216
� Cure Serious Wounds
Cures 3d8+1/lvl (+15)
1 a
One creature
Will half
Yes 216
� Cure Serious Wounds,
Cures 3d8+1/lvl (+35)
1 a
Creature/lvl in 30-ft
Will half
Yes 216
� Curse Water
Make unholy water
Necro V,S,M
1 min
Water flask
Will negs
Yes 216
� Dancing Lights
Figment torches or other lights
1 a
10-ft radius
1 min (D)
� Darkness
Supernatural darkness
1 a
Item 20-ft radius
10 min/lvl (D)
� Darkvision
See 60-ft in total darkness
Trans V,S,M
1 a
One creature
1 hr/lvl
Will negs
Yes 216
� Daylight
60-ft radius of bright light
1 a
Item 60-ft radius
10 min/lvl (D)
� Daze
Humanoid loses next action
1 a
1 humanoid to 4 HD
1 rnd
Will negs
Yes 217
� Daze Monster
Creature loses next action
1 a
One creature to 6 HD 1 rnd
Will negs
Yes 217
� Death Knell
Gain 1d8 temp hp, +2 Str, +1 level
Necro V,S
1 a
One living creature
10 min / creat HD
Will negs
Yes 217
� Death Ward
Immunity to death spells/effects
Necro V,S,DF
1 a
One living creature
10 min/lvl
� Deathwatch
Sees how wounded targets are
Necro V,S
1 a
10 min/lvl
� Deep Slumber
Put 10 HD of creatures into slumber
Round Close
10-ft radius
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 217
� Deeper Darkness
Supernatural darkness
1 a
Item 60-ft radius
1 day/lvl
� Delay Poison
Stops poison from harming target
1 a
One creature
1 hr/lvl
Fort negs
Yes 217
� Delayed Blast Fireball
1d6 dmg/lvl, 20-ft radius, 5 rnds
1 a
1d6/lvl, max 10d6
Ref half
Yes 217
� Demand
Send a message with a suggestion
10 min Special
One creature
1 round
Will part
Yes 217
� Desecrate
Fill area with negative energy
1 a
20-ft radius
2 hr/lvl
Yes 218
� Destruction
Kill target, destroy remains or 10d6
Necro V,S,F
1 a
One creature
Fort part
Yes 218
� Detect Animals or Plants
Detects special animals or plant
1 a
Conc, 10 min/lvl (D) -
� Detect Chaos
Reveals creatures, spells or items
1 a
Conc, 10 min/lvl (D) -
� Detect Evil
Reveals creatures, spells or items
1 a
Conc, 10 min/lvl (D) -
� Detect Good
Reveals creatures, spells or items
1 a
Conc, 10 min/lvl (D) -
� Detect Law
Reveals creatures, spells or items
1 a
Conc, 10 min/lvl (D) -
� Detect Magic
Detects spells and magic items
1 a
Conc, 1 min/lvl (D)
� Detect Poison
Detects poison in creature or item
1 a
Creat,obj or 5-ft cube Instantaneous
� Detect Scrying
Alerts of magical eavesdropping
1 a
40-ft radius
24 hours
� Detect Secret Doors
Reveals hidden doors within 60-ft
1 a
Conc, 1min/lvl (D)
� Detect Snares and Pits
Reveals natural or primitive traps
1 a
Conc, 10 min/lvl (D) -
� Detect Thoughts
Detect surface thoughts
1 a
Conc, 1 min/lvl (D)
Will negs
� Detect Undead
Reveals undead within 60-ft
1 a
Conc, 1min/lvl (D)
� Dictum
Kills, paralyzes, weakens nonlawful
1 a
40-ft radius
Yes 220
� Dimension Door
Teleports you and up to max load
1 a
Caster and touched
Will negs
Yes 221
� Dimensional Anchor
Stops extradimensional movement
Abjur V,S
1 a
1 min/lvl
Yes 221
� Dimensional Lock
Stops extradimensional movement
Abjur V,S
1 a
20-ft radius
1 day/lvl
Yes 221
� Diminish Plants
Reduces size of plants
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
� Discern Lies
Reveals deliberate falsehoods
1 a
Creature/lvl in 30-ft
Conc, 1 rnd/lvl
Will negs
� Discern Location
Exact location of creature or item
10 min Unlimited One creature or item
� Disguise Self
Change appearance, +10 Disguise
1 a
10 min/lvl
� Disintegrate
Disintegrates creat/obj or 5d6 dmg
Trans V,S,M
1 a
Ray, 10-ft cube
Fort part
Yes 222
� Dismissal
Force creature back to native plane
Abjur V,S,DF
1 a
Extraplanar creature
Will negs
Yes 222
� Dispel Chaos
+4 AC against chaotic attackers, banish Abjur V,S,DF
1 a
1 rnd/lvl or till used Special
� Dispel Evil
+4 AC against evil attackers, banish
Abjur V,S,DF
1 a
1 rnd/lvl or till used Special
� Dispel Good
+4 AC against good attackers, banish
Abjur V,S,DF
1 a
1 rnd/lvl or till used Special
� Dispel Law
+4 AC against lawful attackers, banish
Abjur V,S,DF
1 a
1 rnd/lvl or till used Special
� Dispel Magic
Cancels magical effects (+10)
Abjur V,S
1 a
� Dispel Magic, Greater
Cancels magical effects (+20)
Abjur V,S
1 a
� Displacement
Attacks miss target 50% of time
1 a
One creature
1 rnd/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 223
� Disrupt Undead
Deals 1d6 damage to one undead
Necro V,S
1 a
Yes 223
� Disrupting Weapon
Undead save vs lvl or be destroyed
Trans V,S
1 a
One weapon
1 rnd/lvl
Will negs
Yes 223
� Divination
Provides useful advice for actions
10 min Self
� Divine Favor
You gain att, dmg bonus +1/3 lvls
1 a
1 min
� Divine Power
+lvl as Att bonus, +6 Str, 1 hp/lvl
1 a
1 rnd/lvl
� Dominate Animal
Animal obeys mental commands
Round Close
One animal
1 rnd/lvl
Will negs
Yes 224
� Dominate Monster
Control creature telepathically
Round Close
One creature
1 day/lvl
Will negs
Yes 224
� Dominate Person
Control humanoid telepathically
Round Close
One humanoid
1 day/lvl
Will negs
Yes 224
� Doom
–2 on attacks, dmg, saves, skills
Necro V,S,DF
1 a
One living creature
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 225
� Drawmij's Instant
Prepared items appears in hand
1 a
Weight up to 10 lb
Till used
� Dream
Sends message to anyone sleeping
1 min
Unlimited One living creature
Yes 225
� Eagle's Splendor
+4 Cha
Trans V,S,M/DF
1 a
One creature
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 225
� Eagle's Splendor, Mass
+4 Cha to 1 creature/lvl
Trans V,S,M/DF
1 a
Creature/lvl in 30-ft
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 225
� Earthquake
Intense tremor shakes 5-ft/lvl rad
1 a
80-ft/lvl radius
1 rnd
� Elemental Swarm
Summons 2d4 Large, 1d4 Huge
10 min Medium
2+ creatures
10 min/lvl (D)
� Endure Elements
Protected in extreme temperatures
Abjur V,S
1 a
One creature
24 hours
Will negs
Yes 226
� Energy Drain
Target gains 2d4 negative levels
Necro V,S
1 a
Negative energy ray
Fort part
Yes 226
� Enervation
Target gains 1d4 negative levels
Necro V,S
1 a
Negative energy ray
Yes 226
� Enlarge Person
+2 Str, -2 Dex, -1 Att, -1 AC
Trans V,S,M
Round Close
One humanoid
1 min/lvl (D)
Fort negs
Yes 226
� Enlarge Person, Mass
+2 Str, -2 Dex, -1 Att, -1 AC
Trans V,S,M
Round Close
Humanoid/lvl in 30-ft
1 min/lvl (D)
Fort negs
Yes 227
� Entangle
Plants entangle
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
40-ft radius
1 min/lvl (D)
Ref part
� Enthrall
Captivates all within medium range
Round Medium
Creatures in range
Up to 1 hour
Will negs
Yes 227
� Entropic Shield
20% miss chance on ranged attacks
Abjur V,S
1 a
1 min/lvl (D)
� Erase
Mundane or magical writing vanishes
Trans V,S
1 a
1 scroll or 2 pages
� Ethereal Jaunt
Become ethereal for 1 round/level
Trans V,S
1 a
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Etherealness
Become ethereal with companions
Trans V,S
1 a
You + creature/3lvls
1 min/lvl (D)
Yes 228
� Evard's Black Tentacles
Tentacles grapple with strength 19
1 a
20-ft radius
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Expeditious Retreat
Increase speed by 30-ft/rnd
Trans V,S
1 a
1 min/lvl (D)
� Explosive Runes
Deals 6d6 damage when read
Abjur V,S
1 a
10lb item
Till used (D)
Yes 228
� Eyebite
Charm, fear, sicken or sleep target
Necro V,S
1 a
One living creature
1 rnd/3 lvls
Fort negs
Yes 228
� Fabricate
Transform raw material into items
Trans V,S,M
Special Close
Up to 10 cu ft/lvl
� Faerie Fire
Outlines target with light
1 a
Creatures in 5-ft
1 min/lvl (D)
Yes 229
� False Life
1d10 + 1/lvl temporary HPs
Necro V,S,M
1 a
1 hr/lvl
� False Vision
Fools scrying with an illusion
1 a
40-ft radius
1 hr/lvl (D)
� Fear
Targets panic for 1 rnd/lvl
Necro V,S,M
1 a
1 rnd/lvl
Will part
Yes 229
� Feather Fall
Items or creatures fall slowly
Trans V
Creature/lvl in 20-ft
Land or 1 rnd/lvl
Will negs
Yes 229
� Feeblemind
Targets Int and Cha drop to 1
1 a
One creature
Will negs
Yes 229
� Find the Path
Shows most direct way to location
3 rnds Touch
One creature
10 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 230
� Find Traps
Notice traps as rogue does
1 a
1 min/lvl
� Finger of Death
Kills target else does 3d6+1/lvl dmg
Necro V,S
1 a
One living creature
Fort part
Yes 230
� Fire Seeds
Acorn and berries become bombs
1 a
1-4 acorns/1-8berries 10 min/lvl
Ref half
� Fire Shield
Creatures attacking take 1d6+1/lvl
1 a
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Fire Storm
Deals 1d6 damage/lvl (20d6)
Round Medium
2 10-ft cubes/level
Ref half
Yes 231
� Fire Trap
Opened item deals 1d4+1/lvl
Abjur V,S,M
10 min Touch
One item
Till used
Ref half
Yes 231
� Fireball
1d6 dmg/lvl fire burst (10d6)
1 a
20-ft radius
Ref half
Yes 231
� Flame Arrow
Projectiles +1d6 fire damage
Trans V,S,M
1 a
+1d6 fire damage
10 min/lvl
� Flame Blade
Blade deals 1d8+1/2lvls
1 a
Swordlike Beam
1 min/lvl (D)
Yes 231
� Flame Strike
Smites foes with divine fire 1d6/lvl (15) Evoc
1 a
10-ft radius
Ref half
Yes 231
� Flaming Sphere
Burning globe, 2d6 dmg, 30-ft move
1 a
5-ft sphere
1 rnd/lvl
Ref negs
Yes 232
� Flare
Dazzles 1 creature (-1 attack)
1 a
Burst of light
Inst (1 min)
Fort negs
Yes 232
� Flesh to Stone
Turns target into stone
Trans V,S,M
1 a
One creature
Fort negs
Yes 232
� Fly
Target flies at 60-ft/round
Trans V,S,F/DF
1 a
One creature
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 232
� Fog Cloud
Fog limits vision to 5-ft
1 a
20-ft radius
10 min/lvl
� Forbiddance
Prevents planar travel inside
Abjur V,S,M,DF
6 rnds Medium
60-ft cube/level
Yes 232
� Forcecage
Cube of force imprisons all inside
1 a
20-ft cube/10-ft cube 2 hr/lvl
� Foresight
6th sense warns of danger
1 a
Prsl,touch Special
10 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 233
� Fox's Cunning
+4 Int
Trans V,S,M/DF
1 a
One creature
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 233
� Fox's Cunning, Mass
+4 Int to 1 creature/lvl
Trans V,S,M/DF
1 a
Creature/lvl in 30-ft
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 233
� Freedom
Freed from movement restrictions
Abjur V,S
1 a
One creature
Will negs
Yes 233
� Freedom of Movement
Target moves and attacks normally
Abjur V,S,M,DF
1 a
Prsl,touch One creature
10 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 233
� Gaseous Form
Become insubstantial, 10 dmg reduct
Trans S,M/DF
1 a
2 min/lvl (D)
� Gate
Connects two planes for travel
1 a
� Geas, Lesser
Command up to 7HD creature
1 a
One living creature
1 day/lvl or till used
Will negs
Yes 235
� Geas / Quest
Command any creature
10 min Close
One living creature
1 day/lvl or till used
Yes 234
� Gentle Repose
Preserves one corpse
Necro V,S,M/DF
1 a
One dead creature
1 day/lvl
Will negs
Yes 235
� Ghost Sound
Figment sounds
1 a
Noise of 4humans/lvl
1 rnd/lvl (D)
Will dsblf
� Ghoul Touch
Paralyzes one target
Necro V,S,M
1 a
Stench 10-ft radius
1d6+2 rnds
Fort negs
Yes 235
� Giant Vermin
Turn insects into giant vermin
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
1-3 vermin in 30-ft
1 min/lvl
Yes 235
� Glibness
Fluent and believable +30 Bluff
Trans S
1 a
10 min/lvl (D)
� Glitterdust
Blinds creatures, outlines invisible
1 a
Creatures in 10-ft
1 rnd/lvl
Will negs
� Globe of Invulnerability
Stops 1-4 level spell effects
Abjur V,S,M
1 a
10-ft radius sphere
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Globe of Invulnerability,
Stops 1-3 level spell effects
Abjur V,S,M
1 a
10-ft radius sphere
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Glyph of Warding
Symbol harms activater 1d8/2lvl (5)
Abjur V,S,M
10 min Touch
Item / 5 sq ft/lvl
Till used (D)
Yes 236
� Glyph of Warding, Greater Symbol harms activaters 1d8/2lvl (10)
Abjur V,S,M
10 min Touch
Item / 5 sq ft/lvl
Till used (D)
Yes 237
� Goodberry
2d4 berries each cure 1 hp
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
2d4 fresh berries
1 day/lvl
Yes 237
� Good Hope
Morale bonus, +2 save bonus
1 a
One living creature/lvl 1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 237
� Grease
Makes 10-ft square or item slippery
1 a
Obj or 10ft x 10ft sq
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Guards and Wards
Magical effects protect area
Abjur V,S,M,F
30 min Special
Up to 200 sq ft/lvl
2 hr/lvl (D)
� Guidance
+1 on 1 attack roll, save or check
1 a
One creature
1 min or till used
Will negs
Yes 238
� Gust of Wind
Blows away or knocks down creats
1 a
Blast of air
1 min or till used
Fort negs
Yes 238
� Hallow
Designates location as holy
1 day Touch
40-ft radius
� Hallucinatory Terrain
Changes natural terrain's appearance
10 min Long
One 30-ft cube/lvl
2 hr/lvl (D)
Will dsblf
� Halt Undead
Immobilizes undead for 1 rnd/lvl
Necro V,S,M
1 a
1-3 undead in 30-ft
1 rnd/lvl
Will negs
Yes 238
� Harm
10/lvl damage (150)
Necro V,S
1 a
One creature
Will half
Yes 239
� Haste
Extra att, +1 AC, +1 ref save, +30-ft m Trans V,S,M
1 a
One creature/lvl
1 rnd/lvl
Fort negs
Yes 239
� Heal
Cures 10/lvl (150)
1 a
One creature
Will negs
Yes 239
� Heal, Mass
Cures 10/lvl (250)
1 a
Any in 30-ft
Will negs
Yes 239
� Heal Mount
Heals paladin's special mount
1 a
Will negs
Yes 239
� Heat Metal
Hot metal damages if touched
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
Creat/2 lvls / 25 lb/lvl 7 rounds
Will negs
Yes 239
� Helping Hand
Ghostly hand leads target to you
1 a
5 miles
Ghostly hand
1 hr/lvl
� Heroes' Feast
Food for 1 creat/lvl cures & blesses
10 min Close
One living creature/lvl 1 hr + 12 hr
� Heroism
+2 Attack, Save and skill checks
1 a
One creature
10 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 240
� Heroism, Greater
+4 Attack, Save and skill checks
1 a
One creature
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 240
� Hide from Animals
Indiscernible to animals
Abjur S,DF
1 a
One creature/lvl
10 min/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 241
� Hide from Undead
Indiscernible to undead
Abjur V,S,DF
1 a
One creature/lvl
10 min/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 241
� Hold Animal
Target becomes paralyzed
1 a
One animal
1 rnd/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 241
� Hold Monster
Target becomes paralyzed
1 a
One living creature
1 rnd/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 241
� Hold Monster, Mass
Targets become paralyzed
1 a
Any in 30-ft
1 rnd/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 241
� Hold Person
Target becomes paralyzed
1 a
One humaniod
1 rnd/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 241
� Hold Person, Mass
Targets become paralyzed
1 a
All humanoids in 30-ft 1 rnd/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 241
� Hold Portal
Holds door shut
Abjur V
1 a
Door to 20 sq ft/lvl
1 min/lvl (D)
� Holy Aura
+4 AC, +4 res, SR 25 vs evil
Abjur V,S,F
1 a
1/lvl in 20-ft radius
1 rnd/lvl (D)
Yes 241
� Holy Smite
Deals 1d8/2lvl to evil, half to neutral
1 a
20-ft radius
Will part
Yes 241
� Holy Sword
+5 Holy weapon, +2d6 dmg vs evil
1 a
1 rnd/lvl
� Holy Word
Kills, paralyzes, weakens nongood
1 a
40-ft radius
Yes 242
� Horrid Wilting
1d6 dmg/lvl (20d6) in 60-ft
Necro V,S,M/DF
1 a
Living creatures
Fort half
Yes 242
� Hypnotic Pattern
Fascinates 2d4+1 HD/lvl creatures
V or S,M
1 a
10-ft radius
Conc +2 rnds
Will negs
Yes 242
� Hypnotism
Fascinates 2d4 HD of creatures in 30-ft Ench
Round Close
Living creatures
2d4 rnds (D)
Will negs
Yes 242
� Ice Storm
Hail does 3d6 bludgeon, 2d6 cold
1 a
20-ft radius
1 round
Yes 243
� Identify
Determines all features of magic item
1 hr
One item
� Illusory Script
Only designated can decipher
Special Touch
Weight 10 lb
1 day/level (D)
Will negs
Yes 243
� Illusory Wall
Wall, floor or ceiling looks real
1 a
1 x 10 x 10-ft
Will dsblf
� Imbue with Spell Ability
Transfer spells to target
10 min Touch
One creature
Till used
Will negs
Yes 243
� Implosion
Kills one creature/round
1 a
1 corporeal creat/rnd Conc, up to 4 rnds
Fort negs
Yes 243
� Imprisonment
Entombs target beneath the earth
Abjur V,S
1 a
One creature
Will negs
Yes 244
� Incendiary Cloud
Cloud deals 4d6 fire damage/round
1 a
20-ft radius
1 rnd/lvl
Relf half
� Inflict Critical Wounds
Deal 4d8+1/lvl dmg (+20)
Necro V,S
1 a
One creature
Will half
Yes 244
� Inflict Critical Wounds,
Deal 4d8+1/lvl dmg (+40)
Necro V,S
1 a
Creature/lvl in 30-ft
Will half
Yes 244
� Inflict Light Wounds
Deal 1d8+1/lvl dmg (+5)
Necro V,S
1 a
One creature
Will half
Yes 244
� Inflict Light Wounds, Mass Deal 1d8+1/lvl dmg (+25)
Necro V,S
1 a
Creature/lvl in 30-ft
Will half
Yes 244
� Inflict Minor Wounds
Deal 1 dmg
Necro V,S
1 a
One creature
Will negs
Yes 244
� Inflict Moderate Wounds
Deal 2d8+1/lvl dmg (+10)
Necro V,S
1 a
One creature
Will half
Yes 244
� Inflict Moderate Wounds,
Deal 2d8+1/lvl dmg (+30)
Necro V,S
1 a
Creature/lvl in 30-ft
Will half
Yes 244
� Inflict Serious Wounds
Deal 3d8+1/lvl dmg (+15)
Necro V,S
1 a
One creature
Will half
Yes 244
� Inflict Serious Wounds,
Deal 3d8+1/lvl dmg (+35)
Necro V,S
1 a
Creature/lvl in 30-ft
Will half
Yes 244
� Insanity
Target suffer continuous confusion
1 a
One living creature
Will negs
Yes 244
� Insect Plague
Insect swarm
Round Long
1 swarm/3lvls
1 min/lvl
� Invisibility
Invisible until attacks
1 a
Prsl,touch Touch
1 min/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 245
� Invisibility, Greater
Invisible (even if attacks)
1 a
Prsl,touch One creature
1 min/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 245
� Invisibility, Mass
Invisible until anyone attacks
1 a
Any in 180-ft
1 min/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 245
� Invisibility Purge
Dispels invisibility within 5-ft/level
1 a
1 min/lvl (D)
� Invisibility Sphere
Invisibility to all within 10-ft
1 a
Prsl,touch 10-ft radius
1 min/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 245
� Iron Body
Body becomes iron, Dmg reduction 15
Trans V,S,M/DF
1 a
1 min/lvl (D)
� Ironwood
Magical wood is strong as steel
Trans V,S,M
1 m/lb 0-ft
5 lb of wood/lvl
1 day/level (D)
� Jump
+10 jump checks,+20/5th, +30/9th
Trans V,S,M
1 a
One creature
1 min/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 246
� Keen Edge
Doubles weapon's threat range
Trans V,S
1 a
Weapon or 50 proj.
10 min/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 246
� Knock
Open locked or magic sealed doors
Trans V
1 a
Up to 10 sq ft/lvl
� Know Direction
You discern North
1 a
� Legend Lore
Learn tales about person or place
Special Self
� Leomund's Secret Chest
Hides chest on Ethereal plane
10 min Special
Up to 1 cu.ft. / lvl
60 days or till used
� Leomund's Secure Shelter Creates a sturdy cottage
10 min Close
20-ft sq structure
2 hr/lvl (D)
� Leomund's Tiny Hut
Creates shelter for 10 creatures
1 a
20-ft radius
2 hr/lvl (D)
� Leomund's Trap
Makes items seem trapped
1 a
One item
Permanent (D)
� Levitate
Target moves up/down
Trans V,S,F
1 a
Prsl,close 100 lb/lvl, 20-ft/rnd
10 min/lvl (D)
� Light
Item shines like a torch 20-ft glow
1 a
One item
10 min/lvl (D)
� Lightning Bolt
Electricity deals 1d6 dmg/lvl (10)
1 a
120-ft line
Ref half
Yes 248
� Limited Wish
Duplicates lower level spell
1 a
Yes 248
� Liveoak
Oak becomes treant guardian
Trans V,S
10 min Touch
1 day/level (D)
� Locate Creature
Senses direction of familiar creature
1 a
400-ft+40-ft/lvl rad
10 min/lvl
� Locate Object
Senses direction of item
1 a
400-ft+40-ft/lvl rad
1 min/lvl
� Longstrider
Movement increases +10-ft/rnd
Trans V,S,M
1 a
1 hr/lvl (D)
� Lullaby
Become drowsy -5 listen and spot
1 a
Living in 10-ft radius
Conc +1 rnd/lvl (D) Will negs
Yes 249
� Mage Armor
Give target +4 AC
1 a
One creature
1 hr/lvl (D)
Will negs
� Mage Hand
Telekinesis of 5-lb item
Trans V,S
1 a
Nonmagical Item
� Magic Circle against Chaos Non-lawful creatures cannot enter
Abjur V,S,M/DF
1 a
10-ft radius
10 min/lvl
Will negs
� Magic Circle against Evil
Non-good creatures cannot enter
Abjur V,S,M/DF
1 a
10-ft radius
10 min/lvl
Will negs
� Magic Circle against Good
Non-evil creatures cannot enter
Abjur V,S,M/DF
1 a
10-ft radius
10 min/lvl
Will negs
� Magic Circle against Law
Non-chaotic creatures cannot enter
Abjur V,S,M/DF
1 a
10-ft radius
10 min/lvl
Will negs
� Magic Fang
Natural weapon +1 att/dmg
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
One living creature
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 250
� Magic Fang, Greater
Natural weapon +1/4lvl att/dmg (5)
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
One living creature
1 hr/lvl
Will negs
Yes 250
� Magic Jar
Enables possession of creature
Necro V,S,F
1 a
One creature
1 hr/lvl
Will negs
Yes 250
� Magic Missile
1d4+1 dmg, +1 missile lvls 3,5,7,9
1 a
Max 15-ft apart
Yes 251
� Magic Mouth
Speaks once when triggered
1 a
Creature or item
Till used
Will negs
Yes 251
� Magic Stone
+1 att,1d6+1 dmg, 2d6+2 vs undead
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
1-3 Stones
30 min or till used
Will negs
Yes 251
� Magic Vestment
Armor/shield gains +1/4lvls
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
1 hr/lvl
Will negs
Yes 251
� Magic Weapon
Weapon gets +1 att/dmg
Trans V,S,F,DF
1 a
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 251
� Magic Weapon, Greater
Weapon gets +1/4 lvl att/dmg (5)
Trans V,S,F,M/DF
1 a
Weapon or 50 proj.
1 hr/lvl
Will negs
Yes 251
� Major Creation
Create stone or metal item
10 min Close
Item, 1 cu ft/lvl
� Major Image
Illusion with sound, smell, heat
1 a
4 10-ft cubes+1/lvl
Concentrate +3 rnd Will dsblf
� Make Whole
Completely repairs an item
Trans V,S
1 a
Item, 10 cu ft/lvl
Will negs
Yes 252
� Mark of Justice
Designates act that triggers curse
Necro V,S,DF
10 min Touch
One creature
Yes 252
� Maze
Traps target in extradimensional space
1 a
One creature
Yes 252
� Meld into Stone
You and possessions meld into stone
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
10 min/lvl
� Melf's Acid Arrow
2d4 dmg for 1 rnd+1 rnd/3 lvls
1 a
One acid arrow
1 rnd + 1 rnd/3 lvls -
� Mending
Makes minor repairs of item
Trans V,S
1 a
Item, 1 lb
Will negs
Yes 253
� Message
Whispered conversation at distance
Trans V,S,F
1 a
One creature/lvl
10 min/lvl
� Meteor Swarm
4 Spheres doing 2d6 + 6d6 fire burst
1 a
40-ft radius
-/ Ref half Yes 253
� Mind Blank
Resist mind effecting magic
Abjur V,S
1 a
One creature
1 day
Will negs
Yes 253
� Mind Fog
Fog target's minds, –10 Wis/Will save
1 a
20-ft radius
30 min + 2d6 rnds
Will negs
Yes 253
� Minor Creation
Creates one cloth or wood item
1 min
Item, 1 cu ft/lvl
1 hr/lvl (D)
� Minor Image
Minor illusion with some sound
1 a
4 10-ft cubes + 1/lvl
Conc +2 rounds
Will dsblf
� Miracle
Requests miracle from diety
1 a
Yes 254
� Mirage Arcana
Changes natural terrain's appearance
1 a
One 20-ft cube/lvl
Conc +1 hr/lvl (D)
Will dsblf
� Mirror Image
1d4 + 1/3 lvls caster images (8)
1 a
1 min/lvl (D)
� Misdirection
Misdirect information from divinations
1 a
Item, 10-ft cube
1 hr/lvl
Will negs
� Mislead
Improved invisiblity and creates illusion Illus
1 a
Caster / illusory
1 rnd/lvl (D), Conc
+3 rnds
Will dsblf
� Modify Memory
Changes 5 minutes of memories
Round Close
One living creature
Will negs
Yes 255
� Moment of Prescience
Reroll or AC check with +lvl as bonus
1 a
1 hr/lvl
� Mordenkainen's
Dispels magic, disenchants items
Abjur V
1 a
40-ft radius
Will negs
� Mordenkainen's Faithful
Guards 30-ft bark, 5-ft att, +10 att,
2d6+3 dmg
1 a
Phantom watchdog
1 hr/lvl and 1
� Mordenkainen's
Recalls one 1-5th level spell
Trans V,S
1 a
� Mordenkainen's
Magnificent Mansion
Extradimensional dwelling
1 a
3 10-ft cubes/lvl
2 hr/lvl (D)
� Mordenkainen's Private
Those outside see impenetrable fog
Abjur V,S,M
10 min Close
30-ft cube/lvl
1 day (D)
� Mordenkainen's Sword
Magic blade, 4d6+3 dmg, 19-20/x2
1 a
One sword
1 rnd/lvl (D)
Yes 256
� Mount
Summons riding horse or pony
Round Close
One mount
2 hr/lvl (D)
� Move Earth
Digs trenches and builds hills
Trans V,S,M
Special Long
750-ft sq, 10-ft deep
� Neutralize Poison
Detoxifies venom in or on target
1 a
Creat / obj 1 cu ft/lvl
10 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 257
� Nightmare
Restless sleep dealing 1d10 damage
10 min Unlimited One living creature
Will negs
Yes 257
� Nondetection
Masks target to scrying and divination
Abjur V,S,M
1 a
Creature or item
1 hr/lvl
Will negs
Yes 257
� Nystul's Magic Aura
Grants false magical aura
1 a
Item to 5 lb/lvl
1 day/lvl (D)
� Obscure Object
Masks item to scrying and divination
Abjur V,S,M/DF
1 a
Item to 100 lb/lvl
8 hours
Will negs
Yes 258
� Obscuring Mist
Fog surrounds you, visibility 5-ft
1 a
20-ft radius
1 min/lvl
� Open/Close
Opens/closes small or light things
Trans V,S,F
1 a
Item to 30 lbs
Will negs
Yes 258
� Order's Wraith
Deals 1d8/2lvl to evil, half to neutral
1 a
30-ft cube
Will part
Yes 258
� Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
10-ft radius, 1d8/lvl dmg (15)
1 a
Ref half
Yes 258
� Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
Sphere protects but traps target
1 a
1-ft diam/lvl sphere
1 min/lvl (D)
Ref negs
Yes 258
� Otiluke's Telekinetic
Movable sphere protects but traps
1 a
1-ft diam/lvl sphere
1 min/lvl (D)
Ref negs
Yes 259
� Otto's Irresistible Dance
Forces target to dance
1 a
One living creature
1d4+1 rnds
Yes 259
� Overland Flight
Target flies at 40-ft/round
Trans V,S
1 a
1 hr/lvl
Will negs
Yes 259
� Owl's Wisdom
+4 Wis
Trans V,S,M/DF
1 a
One creature
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 259
� Owl's Wisdom, Mass
+4 Wis to 1 creature/lvl
Trans V,S,M/DF
1 a
Creature/lvl in 30-ft
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 259
� Passwall
Passage appears in wooden, stone wall Trans V,S,M
1 a
5x8-ft, 10-ft+5-ft/3lvl
1 hr/lvl (D)
� Pass without Trace
Leave no tracks, trail or scent
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
One creature/lvl
1 hr/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 259
� Permanency
Make permanent certain spells
2 rnds Special
� Permanent Image
Creates static illusionary scene
1 a
20-ft cube+10-ft
Permanent (D)
Will dsblf
� Persistent Image
Creates repeating illusionary scene
1 a
4 10-ft cubes+1/lvl
1 min/lvl (D)
Will dsblf
� Phantasmal Killer
Illusion kills else does 3d6 dmg
1 a
One living creature
Will dsblf,
Fort part
Yes 260
� Phantom Steed
Horselike creature, AC18, HP 7+1/lvl
10 min 0-ft
One creature
1 hr/lvl (D)
� Phase Door
Passage appears in wooden, stone wall Conj
1 a
5x8 ft, 10-ft+5-ft/3lvl
1 usage/2 lvls
� Planar Ally
Outsider (12 HD) exchanges services
V,S,DF,XP 10 min Close
1-2 creatures
� Planar Ally, Greater
Outsider (18 HD) exchanges services
V,S,DF,XP 10 min Close
1-3 creatures
� Planar Ally, Lesser
Outsider (6 HD) exchanges services
V,S,DF,XP 10 min Close
One creature
� Planar Binding
Traps outsider for task (12 HD)
10 min Close
1-3 creatures
Will negs
Yes 261
� Planar Binding, Greater
Traps outsider for task (18 HD)
10 min Close
1-3 creature
Will negs
Yes 261
� Planar Binding, Lesser
Traps outsider for task (6 HD)
10 min Close
One creature
Will negs
Yes 261
� Plane Shift
Targets travel to another plane
1 a
1-8 willing creatures
Will negs
Yes 262
� Plant Growth
Grows vegetation, improves crops
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
� Poison
Touch 1d10 Con dmg, repeats 1min
Necro V,S,DF
1 a
One living creature
Fort negs
Yes 262
� Polar Ray
1d6 cold dmg/lvl
1 a
Yes 262
� Polymorph Any Object
Transform target into new form
Trans V,S,M/DF
1 a
Creat/obj 100 cu.ft/lvl Special
Yes 263
� Polymorph
Transform willing target to new form
Trans V,S,M
1 a
One living creature
1 min/lvl (D)
� Power Word, Blind
Blinds one target less than 200 hps
1 a
One creature
Yes 263
� Power Word, Kill
Kills one target less than 100 hps
1 a
One living creature
Yes 263
� Power Word, Stun
Stuns one target less than 150 hps
1 a
One creature
Yes 263
� Prayer
Allies+1 att,dmg,save,skill, Enemies -1
1 a
40-ft radius
1 rnd/lvl
Yes 264
� Prestidigitation
Performs minor tricks
1 a
1 lb, 1 cu. Ft
1 hr
� Prismatic Sphere
Surrounds on all sides with effects
Abjur V
1 a
10-ft radius
10 min/lvl
� Prismatic Spray
Rays hit with random effects
1 a
Yes 264
� Prismatic Wall
Wall's colours have array of effects
Abjur V,S
1 a
4 ft/lvl wide,2/lvl high 10 min/lvl
� Produce Flame
1d6+1/lvl damage (5)
1 a
Flame in hand
1 rnd/lvl (D)
Yes 265
� Programmed Image
Event triggered illusionary scene
1 a
20-ft cube+1 10-ft
Till used
Will dsblf
� Project Image
Illusory double can talk, cast spells
1 a
Shadow duplicate
1 rnd/lvl (D)
Will dsblf
� Protection from Arrows
Ranged damage reduction 10/magic
absorbes 10/lvl (100)
Abjur V,S,F
1 a
One creature
1 hr/lvl or till used
Will negs
Yes 266
� Protection from Chaos
+2 AC and saves vs chaotic creatures
Abjur V,S,M/DF
1 a
One creature
1 min/lvl (D)
Will negs
� Protection from Energy
Absorbs 12 energy dmg/lvl (120)
Abjur V,S,DF
1 a
One creature
10 min/lvl or till
Fort negs
Yes 266
� Protection from Evil
+2 AC and saves vs evil creatures
Abjur V,S,M/DF
1 a
One creature
1 min/lvl (D)
Will negs
� Protection from Good
+2 AC and saves vs good creatures
Abjur V,S,M/DF
1 a
One creature
1 min/lvl (D)
Will negs
� Protection from Law
+2 AC and saves vs lawful creatures
Abjur V,S,M/DF
1 a
One creature
1 min/lvl (D)
Will negs
� Protection from Spells
+8 resistance bonus to saves
Abjur V,S,M,F
1 a
One creature/4lvls
10 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 266
� Prying Eyes
Sensors sees 120-ft all around
1 min
1 mile
1d4 + 1/lvl eyes
1 hr/lvl
� Prying Eyes, Greater
Sensors true seeing 120-ft all around
1 min
1 mile
1d4 + 1/lvl eyes
1 hr/lvl
� Purify Food and Drink
Purifies 1 cu ft/lvl of food or water
Trans V,S
1 a
1 cu ft/lvl
Will negs
Yes 267
� Pyrotechnics
Fire into blinding light or smoke
Trans V,S,M
1 a
Up to 20-ft cube
1d4+1 rnds
� Quench
Extinguishes fire
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
Up to 20-ft cube/lvl
Will negs
Yes 267
� Rage
+2 Str, Con, +1 Will, -2 AC
1 a
One living
Conc +1 rnd/lvl (D) -
Yes 268
� Rainbow Pattern
Prevent 24 HD creatures attacking
V or S,M,F 1 a
20-ft radius
Conc +1 rnd/lvl (D) Will negs
Yes 268
� Raise Dead
Restores life to target within 1 day/lvl
1 min
One dead creature
Yes 268
� Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer Store 1-3 1-3 lvl spells or retain cast
Trans V,S,M,F
10 min Self
� Rary's Telepathic Bond
Link lets allies communicate
1 a
Caster + One
10 min/lvl (D)
� Ray of Enfeeblement
Reduces Str by 1d6+1/2lvls (+5)
Necro V,S
1 a
1 min/lvl
Yes 269
� Ray of Exhaustion
Target becomes exhausted
Necro V,S,M
1 a
1 min/lvl
Fort part
Yes 269
� Ray of Frost
1d3 cold damage
1 a
Yes 269
� Read Magic
Read scrolls and spellbooks
1 a
250 words/min
10 min/lvl
� Reduce Animal
Animal decreases one size category
Trans V,S
1 a
One willing animal
1 hr/lvl (D)
Fort negs
Yes 269
� Reduce Person
-2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 Att, +1 AC
Trans V,S,M
Round Close
One humaniod
1 min/lvl
Fort negs
Yes 269
� Reduce Person, Mass
-2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 Att, +1 AC
Trans V,S,M
Round Close
Humaniod/lvl in 30-ft
1 min/lvl
Fort negs
Yes 269
� Refuge
Transport item's possessor to you
1 a
Till used
� Regenerate
Target's severed limbs grow back
3 rnds Touch
One living creature
Fort negs
Yes 270
� Reincarnate
Dead subject back in random body
Trans V,S,M,DF
10 min Touch
Dead willing creature
� Remove Blindness /
Cure normal or magical conditions
1 a
One creature
Fort negs
Yes 270
� Remove Curse
Frees item or person from curse
Abjur V,S
1 a
Creature or item
Will negs
Yes 270
� Remove Disease
Cures all diseases affecting target
1 a
One creature
Fort negs
Yes 271
� Remove Fear
+4 on fear saves
Abjur V,S
1 a
One creature +1/4lvls 10 min
Will negs
Yes 271
� Remove Paralysis
Frees creats from parlys/hold/slow
1 a
4 creatures in 30-ft
Will negs
Yes 271
� Repel Metal or Stone
Repel metal or stone at 40-ft/round
Abjur V,S
1 a
60-ft line
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Repel Vermin
Insects with HD<lvl/3 cannot enter
Abjur V,S,DF
1 a
10-ft radius
10 min/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 271
� Repel Wood
Pushes away wooden items
Trans V,S
1 a
60-ft line
1 min/lvl (D)
� Repulsion
Creatures cannot approach you
Abjur V,S,F/DF
1 a
10-ft radius/lvl
1 rnd/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 271
� Resistance
Target gains +1 on saves
Abjur V,S,M/DF
1 a
One creature
1 min
Will negs
Yes 272
� Resist Energy
Ignores 10 energy dmg/rnd
Abjur V,S,DF
1 a
One creature
10 min/lvl
Fort negs
Yes 272
� Restoration
Restores ability, neg lvls, one exp lvl
3 rnds Touch
One creature
Will negs
Yes 272
� Restoration, Greater
Restores ability, neg lvls, all exp lvls
10 min Touch
One creature
Will negs
Yes 272
� Restoration, Lesser
Restores ability scores
3 rnds Touch
One creature
Will negs
Yes 272
� Resurrection
Restores life to target
10 min Touch
One dead creature
Yes 272
� Reverse Gravity
Items and creatures fall upward
Trans V,S,M/DF
1 a
10-ft cube/2 lvls
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Righteous Might
Your size increases, Str +4 etc.
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Rope Trick
Extradimensional space for 8 creatures Trans V,S,M
1 a
1 hr/lvl (D)
� Rusting Grasp
Your touch corrodes iron and alloys
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
Ferrous obj/creat
1 rnd/lvl
� Sanctuary
Opponents cannot attack you
Abjur V,S,DF
1 a
One creature
1 rnd/lvl
Will negs
� Scare
Panics creatures up to 5 HD
Necro V,S,M
1 a
One living
creature/3lvls in 30-ft
1 rnd/lvl
Will part
Yes 274
� Scintillating Pattern
Stun, confuse lvl in HD of creatures
1 a
20-ft radius
Conc +2 rounds
Yes 274
� Scorching Ray
Ray +1/4lvls, 4d6 fire damage
1 a
Yes 274
� Screen
Hides area from vision, scrying
10 min Close
30-ft cube/lvl
1 day
Will dsblf
� Scrying
Spies on target from a distance
1 hr
Magical sensor
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 274
� Scrying, Greater
Spies on target from a distance
1 a
Magical sensor
1 hr/lvl
Will negs
Yes 275
� Sculpt Sound
Creates new or masking sounds
Trans V,S
1 a
One creat or obj/lvl
1 hr/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 275
� Searing Light
Dmg 1d8/2 lvls,undead 1d6/1d8/lvl
1 a
Yes 275
� Secret Page
Changes page to hide real content
Trans V,S,M
10 min Touch
Up to 3 sq ft
� See Invisibility
See invisible creatures or items
1 a
10 min/lvl (D)
� Seeming
Change appearance of creatures
1 a
One creature/2 lvls
12 hr
� Sending
Delivers short message anywhere
10 min Special
One creature
1 round
� Sepia Snake Sigil
Immobilizes reader for 1d4+1day/lvl
10 min Touch
Book or written work
Till used
Ref negs
� Sequester
Target invisible to sight & scrying
Abjur V,S,M
1 a
Willing creature or
1 day/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 276
� Shades
Mimics conjuring up to 8th level
1 a
Yes 276
� Shadow Conjuration
Mimics conjuring up to 3rd level
1 a
Yes 276
� Shadow Conjuration,
Mimics conjuring up to 6th level
1 a
Yes 276
� Shadow Evocation
Mimics evocation up to 4th level
1 a
Yes 277
� Shadow Evocation,
Mimics evocation up to 7th level
1 a
Yes 277
� Shadow Walk
Step into shadow to travel rapidly
1 a
One creature/level
1 hr/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 277
� Shambler
Summon 1d4+2 (11HD) shamblers
1 a
3+ shamblers
7 days/months (D)
� Shapechange
Transform into new form
Trans V,S,F
1 a
10 min/lvl (D)
� Shatter
Sonic vibration damages items
1 a
5-ft radius, 1 lb/lvl
Yes 278
� Shield
Negates magic missiles, +4 AC
Abjur V,S
1 a
1 min/lvl (D)
� Shield of Faith
+2 AC +1/6lvls
Abjur V,S,M
1 a
One creature
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 278
� Shield of Law
+4 AC, +4 res, SR 25 vs chaotic
Abjur V,S,F
1 a
One creature/lvl in
20-ft radius
1 rnd/lvl (D)
Yes 278
� Shield Other
Target +1 AC, save, half dmg to caster Abjur V,S,F
1 a
One creature
1 hr/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 278
� Shillelagh
Weapon +1 att, damage 1d10+1
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
Oak club/quarterstaff
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 278
� Shocking Grasp
1d6 dmg/lvl electricity (5d6)
1 a
One creature or item
Yes 279
� Shout
5d6 sonic dmg, deaf 2d6 rounds
1 a
Fort part
Ref negs
Yes 279
� Shout, Greater
10d6 sonic dmg, deaf 4d6 rounds,
stunned 1 round
1 a
Fort part
Ref negs
Yes 279
� Shrink Item
Item shrinks to 1/16th normal size
Trans V,S
1 a
Obj up to 2 cu ft/lvl
1 day/lvl
Will negs
Yes 279
� Silence
All sound is stopped
1 a
20-ft radius
1 min/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 279
� Silent Image
Creates minor illusion of item
1 a
4 10-ft cubes+1 10-ft
Will dsblf
� Simulacrum
Partially real double of creature
12 hr
One duplicate
� Slay Living
Kills target else 3d6 + 1/lvl dmg
Necro V,S
1 a
One living creature
Fort part
Yes 280
� Sleep
Puts 4 HD of creatures into slumber
Round Medium
Living in 10-ft radius
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 280
� Sleet Storm
Hampers vision and movement
1 a
40-ft radius
1 rnd/lvl
� Slow
Make only single move or standard
Trans V,S,M
1 a
One creature/lvl in
1 rnd/lvl
Will negs
Yes 280
� Snare
Creates magical booby trap
Trans V,S,DF
3 rnds Touch
Vine, rope or thong
Until triggered
� Soften Earth and Stone
Stone to clay or dirt to sand/mud
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
10-ft sq/lvl
� Solid Fog
Fog limits vision & movement to 5-ft
1 a
20-ft radius
1 min/lvl
� Song of Discord
50% chance of attacking nearest friend Ench
1 a
20-ft radius
1 rnd/lvl
Will negs
Yes 281
� Soul Bind
Traps soul to prevent resurrection
Necro V,S,F
1 a
One dead creature
Will negs
� Sound Burst
1d8 sonic damage, may stun 1 round
1 a
10-ft radius
Fort part
Yes 281
� Speak with Animals
Communicate with animals
1 a
1 min/lvl
� Speak with Dead
Corpse answers one question/2lvls
Necro V,S,DF
10 min 10-ft
One dead creature
1 min/lvl
Will negs
� Speak with Plants
Talk to plants and plant creatures
1 a
1 min/lvl
� Spectral Hand
+2 on touch attack
Necro V,S
1 a
One spectral hand
1 min/lvl (D)
� Spell Immunity
Immune to a 1-4 level spell/4levels
Abjur V,S,DF
1 a
One creature
10 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 282
� Spell Immunity, Greater
Immune to a 1-8 level spell/4levels
Abjur V,S,DF
1 a
One creature
10 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 282
� Spell Resistance
Target gains SR 12+level
Abjur V,S,DF
1 a
One creature
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 282
� Spellstaff
Stores one spell in quarterstaff
Trans V,S,F
10 min Touch
Wooden Quarterstaff
Till used (D)
Will neg
Yes 282
� Spell Turning
Reflects 1d4+6 spell levels back
Abjur V,S,M/DF
1 a
10min/lvl or till
� Spider Climb
Walk on walls/ceiling as a spider
Trans V,S,M
1 a
One creature
10 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 283
� Spike Growth
1d4 dmg/5-ft moved, may be slowed
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
20-ft square/level
1 hr/lvl (D)
Ref part
Yes 283
� Spike Stones
1d8 dmg/5-ft moved, may be slowed
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
20-ft square/level
1 hr/lvl (D)
Ref part
Yes 283
� Spiritual Weapon
1d8 +1/3lvls damage, attacks by itself
1 a
Magical weapon
1 rnd/lvl (D)
Yes 283
� Statue
Target can become statue at will
Trans V,S,M
Round Touch
One creature
1 hr/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 284
� Status
Monitors condition, position of allies
1 a
One living creature/3
1 hr/lvl
Will negs
Yes 284
� Stinking Cloud
Living creatures become nauseated
1 a
20-ft radius
1 rnd/lvl
Fort negs
Yes 284
� Stone Shape
Sculpts stone into any form
Trans V,S,M/DF
1 a
10 cu ft + 1 cu ft/lvl
� Stoneskin
Damage reduction 10/adamantine
Abjur V,S,M
1 a
One creature
10 min/lvl or till
Will negs
Yes 284
� Stone Tell
Talk to natural or worked stone
10 min Self
1 min/lvl
� Stone to Flesh
Restores petrified creature
Trans V,S,M
1 a
1-3 ft diam,10-ft long Instantaneous
Fort negs
Yes 285
� Storm of Vengeance
Storm rains acid, lightning, hail
Round Long
360-ft radius
Conc, 10 rnds (D)
Yes 285
� Suggestion
Influences targets actions
1 a
One living creature
1 hr/lvl
Will negs
Yes 285
� Suggestion, Mass
Influences targets actions
1 a
One creature/lvl in
1 hr/lvl
Will negs
Yes 285
� Summon Instrument
Calls a handheld instrument for you
Round 0-ft
One instrument
1 min/lvl (D)
� Summon Monster I
Calls outsider to fight for you
Round Close
One creature
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Summon Monster II
Calls outsider to fight for you
Round Close
2:1 1:1d3
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Summon Monster III
Calls outsider to fight for you
Round Close
3:1 2:1d3 1:1d4+1
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Summon Monster IV
Calls outsider to fight for you
Round Close
4:1 3:1d3 2-1:1d4+1
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Summon Monster V
Calls outsider to fight for you
Round Close
5:1 4:1d3 1-3:1d4+1
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Summon Monster VI
Calls outsider to fight for you
Round Close
6:1 5:1d3 1-4:1d4+1
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Summon Monster VII
Calls outsider to fight for you
Round Close
7:1 6:1d3 1-5:1d4+1
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Summon Monster VIII
Calls outsider to fight for you
Round Close
8:1 7:1d3 1-6:1d4+1
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Summon Monster IX
Calls outsider to fight for you
Round Close
9:1 8:1d3 1-7:1d4+1
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Summon Nature's Ally I
Calls creature to fight for you
Round Close
One creature
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Summon Nature's Ally II
Calls creature to fight for you
Round Close
2:1 1:1d3
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Summon Nature's Ally III
Calls creature to fight for you
Round Close
3:1 2:1d3 1:1d4+1
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Summon Nature's Ally IV
Calls creature to fight for you
Round Close
4:1 3:1d3 2-1:1d4+1
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Summon Nature's Ally V
Calls creature to fight for you
Round Close
5:1 4:1d3 1-3:1d4+1
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Summon Nature's Ally VI
Calls creature to fight for you
Round Close
6:1 5:1d3 1-4:1d4+1
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Summon Nature's Ally VII
Calls creature to fight for you
Round Close
7:1 6:1d3 1-5:1d4+1
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Summon Nature's Ally VIII Calls creature to fight for you
Round Close
8:1 7:1d3 1-6:1d4+1
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Summon Nature's Ally IX
Calls creature to fight for you
Round Close
9:1 8:1d3 1-7:1d4+1
1 rnd/lvl (D)
� Summon Swarm
Swarm of small creatures
Round Close
See MM for effect
Conc + 2 rnds
� Sunbeam
Blinds, 4d6 dmg, 1 beam/3 lvls (6)
1 a
Line from hand
1 rnd/lvl or till used Ref part
Yes 289
� Sunburst
Blinds all within, 6d6 damage
1 a
80-ft radius
Ref part
Yes 289
� Symbol of Death
Slays all, combined hps <150
Necro V,S,M
10 min 0-ft
60-ft radius
Fort negs
Yes 289
� Symbol of Fear
Panics all for 1 rnd/lvl
Necro V,S,M
10 min 0-ft
60-ft radius
Will negs
Yes 290
� Symbol of Insanity
All become insane
Necro V,S,M
10 min 0-ft
60-ft radius
Will negs
Yes 290
� Symbol of Pain
Suffer -4 att, skill & ability checks
Necro V,S,M
10 min 0-ft
60-ft radius
Fort negs
Yes 290
� Symbol of Persuasion
All become charmed
Necro V,S,M
10 min 0-ft
60-ft radius
Will negs
Yes 290
� Symbol of Sleep
All <10HD sleep for 3d6x10 minutes
Necro V,S,M
10 min 0-ft
60-ft radius
Will negs
Yes 291
� Symbol of Stunning
All become stunned for 1d6 rounds
Necro V,S,M
10 min 0-ft
60-ft radius
Will negs
Yes 291
� Symbol of Weakness
Weakness deals 3d6 Str dmg
Necro V,S,M
10 min 0-ft
60-ft radius
Will negs
Yes 291
� Sympathetic Vibration
2d10/rnd dmg to freestanding structure Evoc
10 min Touch
1 rnd/lvl
Yes 291
� Sympathy
Attracts certain type of creatures
1 hr
Location or item
2 hr/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 292
� Tasha's Hideous Laughter
Target loses actions and falls prone
1 a
One creature
1 rnd/lvl
Will negs
Yes 292
� Telekinesis
Lifts or moves 25 lb/lvl, long range
Trans V,S
1 a
Conc (spec) or Inst
Will negs
Yes 292
� Teleport
Instantly teleport one creature/lvl
1 a
Prsl,touch 100 miles/lvl
Will negs
Yes 292
� Teleport Object
Instantly teleport 50 lbs/lvl
1 a
100 miles/lvl
Will negs
Yes 293
� Teleport, Greater
Instantly teleport one creature/lvl
1 a
Prsl,touch Unlimited
Will negs
Yes 293
� Teleportation Circle
Teleports all to designated spot
10 min 0-ft
Circle 5-ft radius
10 min/lvl (D)
Yes 293
� Temporal Stasis
Target placed in suspended animation
Trans V,S,M
1 a
One creature
Fort negs
Yes 293
� Tenser's Floating Disk
Carries 100 lbs/lvl
1 a
3-ft diameter disc
1 hr/lvl
� Tenser's Transformation
+4 Str, Con, Dex, AC, +5 Fort save
Trans V,S,M
1 a
1 rnd/lvl
� Time Stop
You act freely for 1d4+1 rounds
Trans V
1 a
1d4+1 rounds
� Tongues
Speak and understand any language
1 a
One creature
10 min/lvl
Will negs
� Touch of Fatigue
Target becomes fatigued
Necro V,S,M
1 a
One creature
1 rnd/lvl
Fort negs
Yes 294
� Touch of Idiocy
1d6 dmg to Int, Wis, Cha
1 a
One living creature
10 min/lvl
Yes 294
� Transmute Metal to Wood All metal becomes wood
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
40-ft radius
Yes 294
� Transmute Mud to Rock
Transforms sand or mud to soft stone
Trans V,S,M/DF
1 a
2 10-ft cubes/lvl
� Transmute Rock to Mud
Transforms unworked stone to mud
Trans V,S,M/DF
1 a
2 10-ft cubes/lvl
� Transport via Plants
Move instantly from plant to plant
Trans V,S
1 a
Unlimited Willing creatures
1 round
� Trap the Soul
Imprisons target within gem
V,S,M or F 1 a
One creature
Yes 295
� Tree Shape
You look exactly like tree
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
1 hr/lvl (D)
� Tree Stride
Step from tree to another tree
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
1 hr/lvl
� True Resurrection
Resurrect target within 10 years/lvl
10 min Touch
Dead creature
Yes 296
� True Seeing
See all things as they really are
1 a
One creature
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 296
� True Strike
Adds +20 to your next attack
1 rnd
� Undeath to Death
Destroys 1d4 HD/level undead
Necro V,S,M/DF
1 a
40-ft radius
Will negs
Yes 297
� Undetectable Alignment
Conceals alignment for 24 hours
Abjur V,S,
1 a
One creat or item
24 hours
Will negs
Yes 297
� Unhallow
Unholy local, magic circle, -4 turning
1 day
40-ft/lvl radius
� Unholy Aura
+4 AC, +4 resistance, SR 25 vs good
Abjur V,S,F
1 a
One creature/lvl
1 rnd/lvl (D)
Yes 297
� Unholy Blight
Deals 1d8/2lvl to good half to neutral
1 a
20-ft radius
Will part
Yes 297
� Unseen Servant
Str 2, 15-ft move
1 a
Invisible servant
1 hr/lvl
� Vampiric Touch
Deals 1d6/2 lvls (10), caster gains hps
Necro V,S
1 a
One living creature
Inst / 1 hr
Yes 298
� Veil
Change appearance of creatures
1 a
Creatures in 30-ft
Conc +1 hr/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 298
� Ventriloquism
Throw voice
1 a
Usually speech
1 min/lvl (D)
Will dsblf
� Virtue
Target gains 1 temporary hp
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
One creature
1 min
Fort negs
Yes 298
� Vision
Learn tales about person or place
1 a
� Wail of the Banshee
Kills one living creature/level
Necro V
1 a
Living in 40-ft radius
Fort negs
Yes 298
� Wall of Fire
2d4 dmg within 10-ft, 1d4 within 20-ft
1 a
20-ft/lvl or 5-ft/2 lvls
Conc + 1 rnd/lvl
Yes 298
� Wall of Force
Immovable wall immune to all dmg
1 a
10-ft sq/lvl
1 min/lvl (D)
� Wall of Ice
Ice wall with 3 HP/lvl
1 a
10-ft sq/lvl or 3+1/lvl 1 min/lvl
Ref negs
Yes 299
� Wall of Iron
Iron wall with 30 hp/4 levels
1 a
5-ft sq/lvl
� Wall of Stone
Stone wall with 15 hp/4 levels
1 a
5-ft sq/lvl
� Wall of Thorns
Thorns dmg moving creatures 25-AC
1 a
10-ft cube/lvl
10 min/lvl (D)
� Warp Wood
Bends wooden item within 20-ft
Trans V,S
1 a
Small item/lvl
Will negs
Yes 300
� Water Breathing
Targets can breath underwater
Trans V,S,M/DF
1 a
Living creatures
2 hr/lvl
Will negs
Yes 300
� Water Walk
Target treads on water as if solid
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
One creature/lvl
10 min/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 300
� Waves of Exhaustion
All living creatures become exhausted
Necro V,S
1 a
Yes 301
� Waves of Fatigue
All living creatures become fatigued
Necro V,S
1 a
Yes 301
� Web
Sticky webs trap creatures
1 a
20-ft radius
10 min/lvl (D)
Ref negs
� Weird
Illusion kills else does 3d6 dmg 1d4 Str Illus
1 a
Creatures in 30-ft
Will dsblf,
Fort part
Yes 301
� Whirlwind
Cyclone 1d8 dmg, picks up creatures
1 a
10-30-ft wide, 30 tall
1 rnd/lvl (D)
Ref negs
Yes 301
� Whispering Wind
Sends a spoken message
Trans V,S
1 a
1 mile/lvl 10-ft radius
1 hr/lvl or till used
� Wind Walk
Become vapours and move at 60 mph
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
You +1 creat/3 lvls
1 hr/lvl (D)
Will negs
Yes 301
� Wind Wall
Deflects arrows, small creatures, gases Evoc
1 a
10/lvl long,5/lvl high
1 rnd/lvl
Yes 302
� Wish
Alters reality
1 a
Yes 302
� Wood Shape
Shape wooden items
Trans V,S,DF
1 a
10 cu ft + 1 cu ft/lvl
Will negs
Yes 303
� Word of Chaos
Kills, confuses, stuns nonchaotic
1 a
40-ft radius
Will negs
Yes 303
� Word of Recall
Teleports you to designated place
Trans V
1 a
Unlimited Willing creatures
Will negs
Yes 303
� Zone of Silence
Silence isolates internal and external
Round Self
5-ft radius
1 hr/lvl (D)
� Zone of Truth
Targets within area cannot lie
1 a
20-ft radius
1 min/lvl
Will negs
Yes 303
Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 All Spells
October 10, 2003
| textdata/thevault/Dungeons & Dragons [multi]/Sheets & Lists/3rd edition/Spell Sheets/Spell Sheet All Core v3.5.pdf |
*** Remember to register your character in the 2007 Meta-Org Database at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/duchyofurnst/.***
Starting GP
0 GP
GP Gained
GP Fees Spent
Gold and Items Gifted/Discounted:
10% discount: kama, nunchaku, sai,
siangham, shuriken, climber’s kit,
healer’s kit, musical instrument
(including masterwork), monk’s outfit.
Starting TU
TU Cost
All items are Access: Regional (Duchy) & Metaregional
Adept & Master
• Three-section staff (A&EG)
Adventure Record#
597 CY
O r g a n i z a t i o n
Annual: 2 TU
Annual: 3 TU
Tithe: 2%
Annual: 4 TU
Tithe: 3%
When your character joins a meta-organization, the player
must carry this Meta-Org Record (MR), the Meta-
Organization Overview sheet, and a copy of the relevant
portions of the Meta-Org document for this to count as
campaign documentation. This MR should be kept in the AR
stack and numbered accordingly..
See the meta-org document for the description and
prerequisites of each rank in this organization. A new MR
should be filled out each time a character is promoted and
with the first AR of each year.
Bonuses and Penalties:
All Skill Bonuses are Circumstance Bonuses
• +1 to Climb and Jump checks while unarmed
• +2 to Climb and Jump checks while unarmed
• +3 to Climb and Jump checks while unarmed
This Meta-Org Record Certifies that
Played by
Has Joined
The Chat’An Monastery
(Path of the Body)
A Duchy of Urnst Meta-Organization
Event: ________________ Date: ________
Org Notes:
First Joined AR # ___
Fees Paid
AR # ___
Fees Paid
AR # ___
Rank Gained AR # ___
AR # ___
Kicked out
AR # ___
This MR is only for
Meta-Org costs and
benefits: It can not
be used to purchase
or craft items and
does not count as an
AR when
eligibility for
Lifestyle Reductions
Standard: All ranks free in Duchy of Urnst
Influence Gained:
Added TU Costs
Initial = paid when gaining
the rank
Annual = paid with the first
AR of each year.
Obligations = spent by the
end of the year.
Tithe = spent from gp gained
on each AR
*** Remember to register your character in the 2007 Meta-Org Database at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/duchyofurnst/.***
Starting GP
0 GP
GP Gained
GP Fees Spent
Gold and Items Gifted/Discounted:
Adept & Master
10% discount: kama, nunchaku,
sai, siangham, shuriken, climber’s
kit, healer’s kit, musical instrument
(including masterwork), monk’s
Starting TU
TU Cost
All items are Access: Regional (Duchy) & Metaregional
Adept & Master
• Three-section staff (A&EG)
Adventure Record#
597 CY
O r g a n i z a t i o n
Annual: 2 TU
Annual: 3 TU
Tithe: 2%
Annual: 4 TU
Tithe: 3%
When your character joins a meta-organization, the player
must carry this Meta-Org Record (MR), the Meta-
Organization Overview sheet, and a copy of the relevant
portions of the Meta-Org document for this to count as
campaign documentation. This MR should be kept in the AR
stack and numbered accordingly..
See the meta-org document for the description and
prerequisites of each rank in this organization. A new MR
should be filled out each time a character is promoted and
with the first AR of each year.
Bonuses and Penalties:
All Skill Bonuses are Circumstance Bonuses
• +1 to Balance and Tumble checks while unarmed
• +2 to Balance and Tumble checks while unarmed
• +3 to Balance and Tumble checks while unarmed
This Meta-Org Record Certifies that
Played by
Has Joined
The Chat’An Monastery
(Path of the Mind)
A Duchy of Urnst Meta-Organization
Event: ________________ Date: ________
Org Notes:
First Joined AR # ___
Fees Paid
AR # ___
Fees Paid
AR # ___
Rank Gained AR # ___
AR # ___
Kicked out
AR # ___
This MR is only for
Meta-Org costs and
benefits: It can not
be used to purchase
or craft items and
does not count as an
AR when
eligibility for
Lifestyle Reductions
Standard: All ranks free in Duchy of Urnst
Influence Gained:
Added TU Costs
Initial = paid when gaining
the rank
Annual = paid with the first
AR of each year.
Obligations = spent by the
end of the year.
Tithe = spent from gp gained
on each AR
*** Remember to register your character in the 2007 Meta-Org Database at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/duchyofurnst/.***
Starting GP
0 GP
GP Gained
GP Fees Spent
Gold and Items Gifted/Discounted:
Adept & Master
10% discount: kama, nunchaku, sai,
siangham, shuriken, climber’s kit,
healer’s kit, musical instrument
(including masterwork), monk’s outfit
Starting TU
TU Cost
All items are Access: Regional (Duchy) & Metaregional
Adept & Master
• Three-section staff (A&EG)
Adventure Record#
597 CY
O r g a n i z a t i o n
Annual: 2 TU
Annual: 3 TU
Tithe: 2%
Annual: 4 TU
Tithe: 3%
When your character joins a meta-organization, the player
must carry this Meta-Org Record (MR), the Meta-
Organization Overview sheet, and a copy of the relevant
portions of the Meta-Org document for this to count as
campaign documentation. This MR should be kept in the AR
stack and numbered accordingly..
See the meta-org document for the description and
prerequisites of each rank in this organization. A new MR
should be filled out each time a character is promoted and
with the first AR of each year.
Bonuses and Penalties:
All Skill Bonuses are Circumstance Bonuses
• +1 to Diplomacy and Listen checks while unarmed
• +2 to Diplomacy and Listen checks while unarmed
• +3 to Diplomacy and Listen checks while unarmed
This Meta-Org Record Certifies that
Played by
Has Joined
The Chat’An Monastery
(Path of the Soul)
A Duchy of Urnst Meta-Organization
Event: ________________ Date: ________
Org Notes:
First Joined AR # ___
Fees Paid
AR # ___
Fees Paid
AR # ___
Rank Gained AR # ___
AR # ___
Kicked out
AR # ___
This MR is only for
Meta-Org costs and
benefits: It can not
be used to purchase
or craft items and
does not count as an
AR when
eligibility for
Lifestyle Reductions
Standard: All ranks free in Duchy of Urnst
Influence Gained:
Added TU Costs
Initial = paid when gaining
the rank
Annual = paid with the first
AR of each year.
Obligations = spent by the
end of the year.
Tithe = spent from gp gained
on each AR
*** Remember to register your character in the 2007 Meta-Org Database at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/duchyofurnst/.***
Starting GP
0 GP
GP Gained
GP Fees Spent
Gold and Items Gifted/Discounted:
10% discount: kama, nunchaku, sai,
siangham, shuriken, climber’s kit,
healer’s kit, musical instrument
(including masterwork), monk’s outfit.
Starting TU
TU Cost
All items are Access: Regional (Duchy) & Metaregional
• Three-section staff (A&EG)
Adventure Record#
597 CY
O r g a n i z a t i o n
Annual: 6 TU
When your character joins a meta-organization, the player
must carry this Meta-Org Record (MR), the Meta-
Organization Overview sheet, and a copy of the relevant
portions of the Meta-Org document for this to count as
campaign documentation. This MR should be kept in the AR
stack and numbered accordingly..
See the meta-org document for the description and
prerequisites of each rank in this organization. A new MR
should be filled out each time a character is promoted and
with the first AR of each year.
Bonuses and Penalties:
All Skill Bonuses are Circumstance Bonuses
• +4 to Balance, Climb, Diplomacy, Jump, Listen and Tumble
checks while unarmed
This Meta-Org Record Certifies that
Played by
Has Joined
The Chat’An Monastery
(Grandmaster of True Balance)
A Duchy of Urnst Meta-Organization
Event: ________________ Date: ________
Org Notes:
First Joined AR # ___
Fees Paid
AR # ___
Fees Paid
AR # ___
Rank Gained AR # ___
AR # ___
Kicked out
AR # ___
This MR is only for
Meta-Org costs and
benefits: It can not
be used to purchase
or craft items and
does not count as an
AR when
eligibility for
Lifestyle Reductions
Standard: Free in Duchy of Urnst
Influence Gained:
Added TU Costs
Initial = paid when gaining
the rank
Annual = paid with the first
AR of each year.
Obligations = spent by the
end of the year.
Tithe = spent from gp gained
on each AR
| textdata/thevault/Living Greyhawk/Metaorg Material/Duchy of Urnst/Chat'An_Monastery_MRs.pdf |
EncountEr PrayEr
Kelemvor’s Circle
Divine, Healing, Implement, Radiant
Each enemy in burst
Standard Action
Doomguide Attack 11
You throw your arms wide to fling out a circle of holy radi-
ance. Foes nearby burn, and undead creatures explode into
white motes, but your allies are soothed by holy warmth.
Hit: 2d6 + Charisma modifier radiant damage.
Effect: Your allies in the burst regain 5 hit points, or
10 hit points if your attack hit at least one undead
C Close burst 5
EncountEr PrayEr
Siren Voice
Divine, Implement
One creature
Standard Action
Heartwarder Attack 11
Your words inflame the passions of your adversary, mesmer-
izing your enemy for a short time.
Hit: The target is dominated until the end of your
next turn or until the target is attacked.
R Ranged 5
EncountEr PrayEr
Pure Glow
Divine, Implement, Radiant
Each enemy in burst
Standard Action
Morninglord Attack 11
With a whispered prayer, a warm, white radiance spreads
from you in waves that burn your foes with holy energy.
Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma
modifier radiant damage.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, enemies
that begin their turn in the burst take 10 radiant
C Close burst 5
EncountEr PrayEr
Tears of Selûne
Divine, Implement, Psychic
One creature
Standard Action
Silverstar Attack 11
You conjure a small orb of luminescent silver light that
streaks to your enemy. Its power is unpredictable, but so are
the moods of the moon.
Hit: While you are bloodied, deal 3d10 + Intel-
ligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier psychic
damage. If you are not bloodied, the target is in-
stead stunned until the start of its next turn.
R Ranged 10
EncountEr PrayEr
EncountEr PrayEr
EncountEr PrayEr
EncountEr PrayEr
Daily PrayEr
Unsullied Heart
Immediate Interrupt
Doomguide Utility 12
Kelemvor wards those whom you call friend. With his name
you purge your ally of a baleful effect before it takes hold.
Trigger: You or an ally is hit by an attack against
Fortitude or Will defense.
Effect: The target of the attack gains a +5 power
bonus to Fortitude or Will defense until the end
of your next turn.
R Ranged 10
Daily PrayEr
Kelemvor’s Sword
Divine, Healing, Radiant, Weapon
Standard Action
Doomguide Attack 20
You hold your blade high, and a holy fire envelops its length.
Your strike is charged with dazzling, radiant power, and
you and your allies are healed by Kelemvor’s grace.
Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier radiant damage,
and the target is dazed (save ends). An undead
creature hit by this power is stunned (save ends)
rather than dazed.
Effect: You and each of your allies within 10
squares regain 15 hit points.
M Melee weapon
Daily PrayEr
Sune’s Shield
Two allies, or you and an ally
Minor Action
Heartwarder Utility 12
With divine compassion, you ward your ally from harm at
your own expense.
Targets: Both targets must be within 5 squares of
each other.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, any time
one of the targets takes damage, the other target
can choose to take half that damage in the first
target’s stead.
R Ranged 10
Daily PrayEr
Sune’s Kiss
Divine, Implement
One creature
Standard Action
Heartwarder Attack 20
Your touch plants a seed of love in your foe’s heart, over-
whelming your enemy. Harm that befalls you injures your
foe as well.
Hit: You push the target 4 squares, and the target is
dazed (save ends). In addition, until the end of the
encounter or until you are reduced to 0 hit points
or fewer, each time you take damage, the target
takes half as much damage as you took.
Miss: You push the target 2 squares, and the target
is dazed until the end of its next turn.
M Melee touch
Daily PrayEr
Rising Sun
Divine, Healing
You and each ally in burst
Minor Action
Morninglord Utility 12
Radiance emanating from you soothes the spirits and
wounds of your allies, knitting rent flesh and granting them
the strength they need to continue the fight.
Effect: You and your allies regain hit points equal to
5 + your Charisma modifier.
Sustain Minor: Bloodied allies within 5 squares
regain hit points equal to your Charisma modifier.
C Close burst 5
Daily PrayEr
Lance of Dawn
Divine, Implement, Radiant
One creature
Standard Action
Morninglord Attack 20
With eye-burning brilliance, a nimbus of radiant power
streaks into your foe, filling your enemy with holy energy.
Hit: 3d10 + Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma
modifier radiant damage.
Effect: Ongoing 5 radiant damage (save ends). Each
time the target fails the saving throw against this
ongoing damage, increase the ongoing damage
by 5.
R Ranged 10
Daily PrayEr
Minor Action
Silverstar Utility 12
Where you walk in the power of your goddess, darkness
yields to silvery splendor.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, darkness
within 6 squares of you counts as dim light.
P Personal
Daily PrayEr
Divine, Healing, Implement, Radiant
One creature
Standard Action
Silverstar Attack 20
From overhead a spiraling column of cold, white light de-
scends against your foe. Even as it consumes the wicked,
your allies are soothed by its cool glow.
Hit: 4d10 + Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma
modifier radiant damage, and all allies within 5
squares of the target regain hit points equal to
one-half your level + your Charisma modifier.
Miss: Half damage, and all bloodied enemies with-
in 5 squares of the target take radiant damage
equal to your Charisma modifier.
R Ranged 10
| textdata/thevault/Dungeons & Dragons [multi]/D&D 4th Edition/Power Cards/Deluxe Power Cards - Forgotten Realms - Cleric Pack(v1.0)[OEF].pdf |
Preparing the Head
By Wes Nicholson
Since ancient times certain septs in Perrenland have claimed the heads of enemies
killed in battle and displayed these heads in a prominent place (usually the entry
hallway) in the sept, or perhaps clan, stadthaus.
Unlike the barbaric southerners who practice headhunting and then shrink the heads to
wear as a trophy, the Perrenders have never been ones to strip the skin from the skull
– a prerequisite for the whole shrinking thing. So, just how does one go about
preparing a head for display.
Step 1. The head should be severed as close as possible to the base of the skull so as
to make mounting easier.
Step 2. The eyes of the enemy must be removed. In the past, people believed if the
eyes were left in the head, members of the fallen one’s clan could spy through the
eyes. To remove the eyes, an iron poker is made red hot in a ritual brazier. The brazier
has coals as the base of its fire but must also include the herb hemp and this herb is to
be soaked in methanol (wood alcohol) prior to being added to the brazier. The
ancients believed the methanol caused blindness and the hemp caused short term
memory loss and used the combination to prevent any knowledge of proceedings
finding its way back to the deceased’s homeland. When the poker is red hot, the
wielder makes a single thrust to the left eye, burning it out. The poker is then returned
to the brazier to be reheated and the process is repeated for the right eye.
Step 3. To prevent the fallen one from speaking with the living (or the dead), the
tongue must be removed, and the lips sewn shut. The tongue is removed with a pair of
purpose-made tongs which have a keen edge, allowing the tongue to be severed when
the tongs are closed. The tongs must be ritually cleansed before and after the tongue
removal by heating them in the brazier. The herbs grieswurzel (paralyses the muscles
so the tongue cannot speak) and monk’s hood (causes the throat, lips and tongue to
swell, making speech difficult and incidentally making it easier to sew the lips
together) are added to the brazier before this step. The lips are sewn shut with a silver
needle, threaded with the intestine of a pig. Five stitches are used, beginning at the
centre of the mouth, and adding two stitches on the left, then two on the right.
Step 4. To prevent the fallen enemy from thinking about what’s going on and what
they can hear, the brain must be removed. This is done with a simple scoop which is
doused in a solution of hemp to make sure the head cannot recall any of what it may
have observed since its death.
Step 5. The head is then stuffed with crystals made from the dried blood of a
salamander to remove any last vestiges of “gooey bits”. This process takes up to
seven days, and the crystals for one head can cost up to 50 marks.
Step 6. Once the last drop of bodily fluid has been absorbed, the head can be prepared
for mounting. This is done by removing the now-ruined crystals, filling the skull with
resin and inserting a short mounting pole with a mushroom cap into the cavity. The
skull is left upside down for three days while the resin cures, locking the mushroom
cap inside. After the resin has cured, the head is ready to be put on display.
Conversely, some Perrenders preserve the heads of honoured ancestors – usually
those who fall heroically in battle and whose corpse can be claimed before the enemy
take the head.
The steps for preparation are much the same as for an enemy head except the eyes and
mouth are left intact (the brain is still removed – it gets gooey).
Step 1. The head should be severed as close as possible to the base of the skull so as
to make mounting easier.
Step 2. To prevent the head from becoming frightening after being dried, the lips must
be sewn shut (so the skin does not draw back over the teeth). The lips are treated with
a solution of monk’s hood (causes the throat, lips and tongue to swell, making it
easier to sew the lips together). The lips are sewn shut with a silver needle, threaded
with the intestine of a pig. Five stitches are used, beginning at the centre of the mouth,
and adding two stitches on the right, then two on the left. The needle must not be one
that has been used on the head of an enemy.
Step 3. To prevent goo dripping out of the head, the brain must be removed. This is
done with a simple scoop, but not the one used on an enemy’s head.
Step 4. The head is then stuffed with crystals made from the dried blood of a
salamander to remove any last vestiges of “gooey bits” – including drying of the eyes.
This process takes up to seven days, and the crystals for one head can cost up to 50
Step 5. Once the last drop of bodily fluid has been absorbed, the head can be prepared
for mounting. This is done by removing the now-ruined crystals, filling the skull with
resin and inserting a short mounting pole with a mushroom cap into the cavity. The
skull is left upside down for three days while the resin cures, locking the mushroom
cap inside. After the resin has cured, the head is ready to be put on display.
| textdata/thevault/Living Greyhawk/Metaorg Material/Perrenland/PER preparing_head.pdf |
Written by: Eric Hindley Art & Design by: Rick Hershey
Published by: Fat Goblin Games
Compatibility with the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game from Paizo
Publishing, LLC. See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG for more information on the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game.
Paizo, Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse the product.
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the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/compatibility for
more information on the compatibility license.
Compatibility with Psionics Unleashed requires Psionics Unleashed: Core Psionics System from Dreamscarred
Press. See http://dreamscarredpress.com for more information on Psionics Unleashed. Dreamscarred Press does not
guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product.
Psionics Unleashed is copyright 2010 Dreamscarred Press and is referenced with permission.
Mindblast! - Villains Augmented: Mindbird ©2015 Fat Goblin Games. All rights reserved. www.fatgoblin-
Open Game Content: All material — including but not limited to art, place and character names, character and
setting descriptions, background, and new class descriptions—is Product Identity. All other content is considered
Open Game Content.
Villains Augmented
Psionic Achaierai
Villains Augmented
Psionic Achaierai
Mindbird (Psionic
This bird-like beast has an exaggerated
head, causing it to lean forward on its four
scaly legs. The air surrounding it seems to
shimmer and quiver.
Cr 5
XP 1,600
LE Large outsider (evil, extraplanar, lawful,
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12
AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+1 Dex, +1
dodge, +9 natural, –1 size)
hp 52 (7d10+14)
Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +4
SR 20
Speed 50 ft., fly 10 ft. (average)
Melee bite +10 (2d6+4), 2 claws +10 (1d6+4)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with claw)
Special Attacks mind cloud
Str 19, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 16
Base Atk +7; CMB +12; CMD 24 (28 vs. trip)
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility, Spring
Skills Acrobatics +11 (+19 jump), Climb +14, Fly +6,
Perception +12, Sense Motive +12, Stealth +7
Languages Infernal
special abilities
Mind Cloud (Su) As a swift acrtion, a mindbird
can emit a terrible, psionic static three times
per day. All creatures within 20 feet of the
mindbird immediately take 2d6 points of non-
lethal damage as their will to carry on fighting
is diminished. The static also wears away at
the victims resolve; and anyone who takes
damage from the mind cloud must also make
a DC 16 Fortitude save or become fatigued.
Every round, an creature that failed its save
must make another DC 16 Fortitude save, if
they succeed, they recover from the fatigue;
if they fail, they become exhausted, then
unconscious, An affected target must make a
save each round until they are unconscious
or have recovered, shifting one step for each
saving throw. Mind cloud is a mind-affecting
effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Mindbirds and achaierais are immune to this
ability. Whether a creature passes or fails its
initial save, it can only be affected by mind
cloud once per day.
Environment any land (Hell)
Organization solitary or flock (5–8)
Treasure standard
Cousins of the achaierais, mindbirds are
rare predators of the lower planes that re-
semble a 12-foot-tall flightless bird, though
its head and body are fused into one large
unit, with four legs and atrophied wings.
These atrophied wings constantly flutter,
allowing the creatures a crude method
of flight. The thick, multi-hued plumage
covering its body all but conceals these
tiny wings. An adult mindbird is consider-
ably lighter than its kin, weighing only 450
Though not devils themselves, mindbirds
prey on stray mortals that dare tread the
realm of the damned, using their long legs
and unexpected power of flight to track
down these trespassers in the diabolic
realms. Once it has closed with its target,
a mindbird attacks with its two front legs,
grasping like a hunting cat before crushing
down with its powerful beak. Far smarter
than their animalistic form might suggest,
a mindbird will often form a hunting pack
with achaierais (or other mindbirds) and use
their prey’s confusion and their own reach
to their advantage, circling their quarry and
wearing them down, then retreating again
before the prey has a chance to retaliate.
Unlike achaierai, mindbirds seem to draw
some kind of sustenance from their psionic
attacks, as well as from the exhausted flesh
of their prey. This has led some scholars to
believe that these creatures might actually
rise from the ranks of typical achaierai, that
some sort of will to persist in the flesh of
the victims of their post-battle scavenging
gives them new and exotic powers com-
pared to the standards of their kin.
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000
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Open Game License v 1.0a, © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document. © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan
Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arne-
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn,
based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. Pathfinder RPG
Bestiary, © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Advanced Player’s Guide, © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn
Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide, © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Cam
Banks, Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Jim Butler, Eric Cagle, Graeme Davis, Adam
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic, © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors:
Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Stephen
Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat, © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Au-
thors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Brian J. Cortijo, Jim
Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Richard A. Hunt, Colin McComb, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Pat-
rick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide. © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Au-
thors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Jim
Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Owen
K.C. Stephens, Todd Stewart, and Russ Taylor.
The Book of Experimental Might, © 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark
Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis
Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR.
Unearthed Arcana, © 2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Andy Collins, Jesse Deck-
er, David Noonan, Rich Redman
The Iconic Bestiary: Classics of Fantasy, © 2005, Lions Den Press; Author Ari Marmell
Hyperconscious: Explorations in Psionics, © 2004, Bruce R Cordell. All rights reserved.
If Thoughts Could Kill, © 2001–2004, Bruce R. Cordell. All rights reserved.
Mindscapes, © 2003–2004, Bruce R. Cordell. All rights reserved.
Unearthed Arcana, © 2004, Wizards of the Coast.
Mutants & Masterminds © 2002, Green Ronin Publishing.
Swords of Our Fathers, Copyright 2003, The Game Mechanics.
Modern System Reference Document, © 2002, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill
Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, based on material by Jonathan Tweet,
Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker,Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes,
Andy Collins, and JD Wiker
The Grand OGL Wiki, http://grandwiki.wikidot.com Copyright 2008-2011 Purple Duck
Games; Authors: Mark Gedak, Alex Schroeder, Joel Arellano, George Fields, Yair Rezek,
Mike Whalen, Shane O’Connor, Mike Rickard, John Whamond, Bill Browne, Eric Wil-
liamson, Slatz Grubnik, Charles R. Wenzler Jr, John Fraser, Jonathon Thompson, Thomas
Legendary VI: Legendary Armor © 2012, Purple Duck Games; Author: Marc Radle.
The Genius Guide To: Feats of Psionic Might. Copyright 2011, Super Genius Games. Au-
thor: Owen K.C. Stephens
Pathfinder Companion: Sargava, the Lost Colony. Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Author: JD Wiker.
Psionics Unleashed, © 2010, Dreamscarred Press.
Psionic Bestiary, © 2013, Dreamscarred Press.
Psionics Augmented, © 2013, Dreamscarred Press
Ultimate Psionics, © 2013, Dreamscarred Press
Mindblast!—Villains Augmented: Mindbird © 2015 Fat Goblin Games; Authors; Eric
| textdata/thevault/Pathfinder/1st Edition/3rd Party/Fat Goblin Games/Mindblast!/Villains Augmented - Mindbird the Psionic Achaierai.pdf |
ScrollmaSter (maguS archetype)
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Open Game License v 1.0 © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document. © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte
Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on
material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
The Book of Experimental Might. © 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
Tome of Horrors. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica
Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger,
and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR.
Anger of Angels. ©2003, Sean K Reynolds.
Book of Fiends. ©2003, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors: Aaron Loeb, Erik Mona, Chris Pramas, Robert
J. Schwalb.
The Book of Hallowed Might. ©2002, Monte J. Cook.
Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed. ©2003, Monte J. Cook.
Path of the Magi. ©2002 Citizen Games/Troll Lord Games; Authors: Mike McArtor, W. Jason Peck, Jeff
Quick, and Sean K Reynolds.
Skreyn’s Register: The Bonds of Magic. ©2002, Sean K Reynolds.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s Guide. Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author:
Jason Bulmahn.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jason Bulmahn,
Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K
Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
Angel, Monadic Deva from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author:
Scott Greene, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax.
Angel, Movanic Deva from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author:
Scott Greene, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax.
Brownie from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene,
based on original material by E. Gary Gygax.
Daemon, Ceustodaemon (Guardian Daemon) from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. ©2002, Necromancer
Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax.
Daemon, Derghodaemon from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author:
Scott Greene, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax.
Daemon, Hydrodaemon from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author:
Scott Greene, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax.
Daemon, Piscodaemon from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author:
Scott Greene, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax.
Froghemoth from the Tome of Horrors. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based
on original material by E. Gary Gygax.
Ice Golem from the Tome of Horrors. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene.
Iron Cobra from the Tome of Horrors. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based
on original material by Philip Masters.
Marid from the Tome of Horrors III. ©2005, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene.
Mihstu from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene,
based on original material by E. Gary Gygax.
Nabasu Demon from the Tome of Horrors. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene,
based on original material by E. Gary Gygax.
Necrophidius from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott
Greene, based on original material by Simon Tillbrook.
Sandman from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene,
based on original material by Roger Musson.
Scarecrow from the Tome of Horrors, Revised. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene,
based on original material by Roger Musson.
Shadow Demon from the Tome of Horrors. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene,
based on original material by Neville White.
Wood Golem from the Tome of Horrors. ©2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene and
Patrick Lawinger.
Player Paraphernalia #3 The Scrollmaster. ©2014 The Knotty-Works, John Buckley
d20pfsrd.com. © 2010, John Reyst.
Some artwork copyrighted by Avalon Games, used with permission.
Artwork by John Buckley, all rights reserved ©2014
Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Inc.. See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG
for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Inc. does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product.
Open Gaming License Copyright © 2007 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved, Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC,
and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are
used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See http://paizo.com/ pathfinderRPG/compatibility for more information on the
compatibility license. Some rights reserved.
Player ParaPhernalia #3
By the Knotty-Works
Welcome to the third issue of Player Paraphernalia,
a hodge podge of character ideas and alternate
rules that may be used with the Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game (Paizo, Inc©). In this issue a new
Magus Archetype is introduced.
Scroll Master (Magus Archetype)
The scroll master has mastered the ability to
integrate his fighting style with that of the scroll.
This ability does not come without sacrifice and
the scroll master lacks much of the arcane weapon
training normally associated with their class but
he does gain several advantages compared to his
contemporaries when it comes to handling and
using scrolls.
Scroll Armor (Sp): The scroll master may take
an arcane scroll and convert it to a deflection
bonus equal to the highest level spell on the scroll
as a move action that does provoke attacks of
opportunity. The spell on the scroll is consumed
in this process and the effect last for 1 minute per
level of the scroll master. If the spell is of a higher
level than the scroll master can currently cast, he
may attempt to use this ability with a successful Use
Magic Device check as if casting the spell from the
scroll. At 7th level the scroll master may perform
this as a swift action and is treated as 2 levels higher
in regards to spells that may be converted. At 13th
level the scroll master no longer provokes attacks
of opportunity while initiating this ability and may
freely use any scroll containing an arcane spell
whose level is no higher than half his class level.
This ability replaces the magus proficiency with
armors and the abilities associated with it including
Medium armor and Heavy armor gained at 7th and
13th level. The scroll master may wear armor but
suffers all effects associated with it and must take
the armor proficiency feats.
Scroll Training (Ex): The scroll master gains Scribe
Scroll at a bonus feat at 1st level. The scroll master
may also spend a number of points from
his arcane pool for one of two effects when
casting a spell from a scroll to avoid having to make
a Use Magic Device check. By spending a single
point he may cast an arcane spell that is not on
the magus spell list from a scroll as long as it is no
higher than the highest level spell the scroll master
may cast. The second effect allows the scroll
master to cast a spell up to one level higher than
the highest level spell the scroll master may cast
from the Magus spell list by expending one point.
This ability replaces Knowledge Pool gained at 7th
Scroll Caster Extraordinaire (Ex): The scroll master
spends much of his time learning to cast from
scrolls in the thick of combat. As a result, when
casting a spell from a scroll defensively he may add
his base attack bonus to the concentration check
(with a minimum of +1 at first level). In addition,
the scroll master gains a dodge bonus to his AC of
+2 while casting from a scroll until the beginning of
his next turn. At 8th level the scroll master’s dodge
AC while casting from a scroll increases to +4 and
he gains a sixth sense in his immediate area and
cannot be caught flat footed from melee attacks
made from within five feet of the scroll master. At
14th level the scroll master gains the effects of the
rogue’s evasion class feature during any round he is
casting a spell from a scroll.
This ability replaces Spell Combat, Improved Spell
Combat, and Greater Spell Combat magus abilities.
Scroll Sword (Su): At 2nd level the scroll master
may take an arcane scroll and with a swift action
convert it into a weapon of force energy equivalent
to a short sword without provoking an attack of
opportunity. The weapon gains an enhancement
bonus equal to the highest level of spell on the
scroll which is consumed in the process. If the
spell level is higher than the highest level spell the
scroll master may cast, he must make a successful
Use Magic Device check in order to trigger this
ability. Regardless of the spell level consumed, the
bonus cannot be increased beyond +5, but
additional bonuses may be converted to a
special ability though this will cost a point from
the scroll master’s arcane pool to select the ability
(otherwise additional bonuses are lost). The
weapon lasts for a number of rounds equal to the
scroll master’s class level and if dropped the effect
is automatically ended.
In addition, the scroll master may only use his
Spellstrike feature while employing this ability, he
cannot cast spells through normal weapons. But,
he does gain a DC bonus to any spells cast through
the scroll sword equal to the enhancement of the
This ability modifies the Spellstrike feature as
listed. The scroll master may expend a point from
his arcane pool to choose another one handed
simple or martial weapon when this ability is
Scroll Empowerment (Su): At 4th level, the scroll
master may empower a scroll by spending a
number of points from his arcane pool equal to
the spell on the scroll. As a result, the spell on the
scroll is not consumed in the casting. This ability
does not function with the scroll master’s abilities
including Scroll Armor and Scroll Sword. This
ability replaces Spell Recall.
Greater Scroll Empowerment (Su): At 11th level,
the scroll master only has to expend half the
points of the spell level being cast from the scroll.
In addition, the scroll master may use this ability
to keep a spell from being consumed from the
Scroll Armor or Scroll Sword abilities, though the
number of points from the arcane pool spent
will equal to the spell level of the spell that
would have been consumed. This ability replaces
Improved Spell Recall.
Other KnOtty WOrKs
Pathfinder cOmPatible PrOducts
If you enjoyed this product, please check out these other
Pathfinder supplements produced by the Knotty Works.
Each of the Spell Works Compendiums offer over fifty
new and unique spells. Advancing with Class supple-
ments offer new abilities for existing classes
or introduce a new class with unique me-
chanics for the Pathfinder game.
| textdata/thevault/Pathfinder/1st Edition/3rd Party/Knotty-Works/Player Paraphernalia 03 - Scrollmaster (Magus Archetype).pdf |