alicayaba so cuuute hey i miss you na it not the same not seeing you girl everyday
tombot oh dear that mean i won t be driven away to do something more productive
headache pleeeease go away
i have been on prozac wellbutrin for a few month and other depression medication for over a year now i wa told from the beginning i need to go to therapy but wa just too exhausted to pick up the phone and try to find one i ve slowly started getting my energy and motivation back and gave my first session scheduled this month i want to hear other people s experience did you start with medication or therapy first i have heard people say start with therapy but in my case i would have never even made an appointment without the medicine to pull me out of my depression i m hoping therapy help me with coping mechanism and help me get back on track after being depressed for so many year
un xnut if only i didn t work an evening night job
i m apparently a horrible failure of a partner and lover i m awful and terrible i should just go kill myself everyone would be better off if i wa dead i m terrible for the hurt i cause because i ve been hurt i m hideous for not knowing how to love when my whole life ha been nothing but trauma i m worthless and no man will ever love me i deserve to be told to kill myself and i deserved my abuse i deserved my rape and my miscarriage and to be cheated on i deserved it all i m terrible im a failure of a daughter a sister a friend an almost wife and almost mother i have no worth im unlovable
0 wa a rough year for me even on new year s eve i woke up headbutting a brickwall in bed a lot of thing happen to me and around me in a short amount of time that i developed chronic anxiety i study mechanical engineering for a math project among other projecta i had to make a youtube channel i wa sick for week with bronchitis and i had to skip class for my health i had a severe spasm on my back and the morning am before my final exam i wa woken up to be informed that my older sibling wa in icu due to gangster attacking him on thing i forgot to mention is that the engineering course that i m doing wa fazing out so if i fail too many time i have to start everythin all over again on the new curriculum after my exam i wa burned out and my body couldn t relax and i went to a massage parlour to treat the spasm it wa a painful experience and with a woman first time touching me like that week later my body wa just slowly going into shock that i would be paralysed and my sibling had to carry me when i wa at home i probably had a panic attack a well anyway i wa 0 when that happened i m cm and weigh kg my psychiatrist prescribed me 0mg of clobazam in total for morning afternoon and evening and i realised my sex drive wa diminished i wasn t to happy about that so a long time probably month after i started i tried to taper my dose but i did it too quickly got withdrawal symptom and wa put on indoblok for the withdrawal the nightmare wa a blast after a while week i think i could stop on the indoblok and just run on the mg of clobazam and my libido returned a bit but not a before also a a side note a struggle to gain weight so i went to get help with that but i stopped doing that a it got expensive heaviest i ve been on the diet plan wa kg by eating diet alone anyway i started seeing a psychologist that my psychiatrist recommended to me to help figure out how mild my higher functioning autism is but he mainly helped me with my anxiety and ocd we mainly talk now and i did speak with them with topic that made me blush and embarrassed then 0 0 happened i got sick in 0 badly luckily not icu badly on a side note prior the massive shock i went in i wa quite comfortable speaking in front of 0 people and making an as out of myself so long story short i currently weigh 9 kg i m cm in length cm for the win and i m now i m doing my internship to gain my qualification which is the last step i spoke with my psychiatrist that after online powerpoint presentation i want to try to reduce my dose to 0mg a i developed a go with the flow and if it happens it happens type of attitude also i m on other medication so i would like to reduce cost i asked my psychiatrist if it s a good idea to stop seeing my psychologist a we only talk about my problem my psychiatrist told me to still go a it help me vent my frustration i m not gon na lie it help and it s fun for me but i notice after i gained mass from covid my libido slightly increased a well also i went on my first date in my entire life the date had a lot more anxiety than i have mine wa non existent the reason why i want to stop my clobazam treatment is i think i have a significant improvement with my anxiety even my ocd ha improved i have a lot le to worry about regarding failing my engineering course a i m almost done i want to save more money i grew up here in south africa and a lot of terrible thing don t faze me anymore sometimes i find it quite funny i really want to see if it wa the clobazam that tanked my libido and i would like to gain it back please so what do you think after week with the presentation that s coming up i m gon na see how my anxiety is had some physical chest pressure but that wa due to issue at work which i had to resolve myself and after that i m gon na slowly reduce my clobazam to 0mg also did any of you who were on clobazam had an impact on your libido i wa impotent when i first started at 0mg but it s manageble at mg after the weight gain some slight improvement
izzy artest miss you too it s been too long come back
bed work in am
i wa supposed to stab myself in the heart in the desert in joshua tree in november 0 i thought i wa ready i decided not to because i realized i d probably have to stab myself more than one time and i knew i couldn t mentally handle that i felt depressed enough to stab myself but not psychotic enough to keep going especially after physical shock also part of me wanted to see if i could fix thing and it wa like i went on a mission with myself to see if life wa worth it if my life is worth living the answer is no it s definitely no i want out i want off this fucking ride i wish thing were different but they aren t i even went to the fucking hospital voluntarily for help since my last post here absolute hellhole i don t even have word for you about what happened darkest week of my life people are sick i m so much worse i can t explain what s happened it s not like gunnhild from viking but i m at the marina and someone abandoned their bonfire left it all for me i tried to give an older woman passing by the last of my cash cause she wa picking up recyclables she refused and wa sweet she said to not sit here at night she wa concerned that i m young and there s crazy people out here no offense but i m the crazy person ma am sweet lady i had asked god for a sign i got a fucking sign i told god or the universe or whatever that to commit suicide i needed to be pushed and i got just that tenfold i m proud of myself for pushing a hard a i did for lasting this long i don t need to prove to other people i fought i know i did and i can rest better knowing i kept that promise to myself i wish i had seen more of the world and visited more city but i ve had my fill of humanity i can t do it anymore i hate the way people treat each other how much bullshit is always involved i m tired worn out no amount of sleep or rest touch this kind of tired hell is hell i hope my next life is gentler i hope the tide are kinder i hope i receive love i never have to defend myself from i give myself peace now because i can not find it here my life is obligated to no one amp nothing else im truly sorry signing off from one depressed person to whoever read this what happened to me mattered finally good luck asshole
oh no kutner s dead watching house
flashgetem i don t know what this mean but i think it mean depression kill you there i sha like the reply a e take sound
because he s so sick of me saying it and not actually doing it hahahaha yeah no one care i hate my fcking life i have bpd avpd and c ptsd everyday is miserable i hate it here i want out can someone who is planning too please chat me i wan na talk about way to go
if thing don t get better for me by the end of 0 i m going to cash out my saving write a will and use of my saving to go on a world trip alone after which i will kill myself in a quiet place by the sea or something the saving i m leaving for my little brother because who know how expensive college will be by the time he s i m almost and a neet i have no friend no so extreme depression and social anxiety i don t find joy in hobby i am too anxious to go outdoors social medium trigger me i have no skill and haven t worked since 0 0 my family is poor and having me living in the house just drain their saving i consider myself low maintenance but food and electricity is just so goddamn expensive these day i also have ton of allergy and dyshidrotic eczema on my finger and during my flare ups i can t do any chore and any contact with water cause itch and spread now at springtime it meant i m rendered basically incapable of doing anything it s gon na last for month and i feel useless it s an autoimmune disease and there s no cure nothing help no diet prescribed cream nothing it s been like this all my life fall is the only season where it s the mildest
vamsi share kanisam ee cinemaki ayina maa depression gang arustaremo chudaali movie experience chedadobtaaru
my peace quiet amp stress freeness is bout to come to an end
lolzitsmel paranormal wa pretty good tonight
how do i get past this i don t have panic attack i m diagnosed with bpd and never considered anxiety to be it own issue just a component of my bpd but i think my anxiety independent of bpd need it own attention i m scared to seek help i m scared a therapist who specializes in anxiety will stigmatize me for having bpd and tell me that s just your bpd i m anxious my bos won t give me time off work for therapy i m anxious i ll need anxiety med and it ll impair my function
mueller g wusste ich vorher brauchst nur in unser b ro schauen die haben ne riesen angst vor covid lager interessiert da keine sau ihr longcovid ist ihre depression und angstst rung sonst gar nichts
polaroidskyline that sound fair horrible i wa going to repeat myself but i guess the text i just sent you would do it better whee
there r different level of depression and clinical depression is something that you absolutely can t get out of you need a medic you need to see a doctor you need to medicate for it you need a therapy there r thing you need to do in order to get out it or else you won t
iamdepr 9 have you talked to anyone about how you feel mentalhealth depression
vanessafungamw we need to educate ourselves that it s ok to stay single if there s no right person available marriage already ha enough financial stress then on top of that you do it with the wrong person ndiye ma depression nama bp aya muvi kwati
i m 0 and have never even been on a date with a girl before everything ha just gone wrong growing up there were so many time where thing almost changed almost got in a group of people i wanted to be with almost would no longer have been alone but every time something at the last second happens and i lose it forever sometimes my fault but usually not i ve stopped getting my hope up for anything i know it will always just never work out it s like i m destined to just always be like this i had a few friend in high school no one i could ever connect with though i didn t care though maybe i could meet new people through them but for some reason anytime anything interesting would happen with them it wa when i wa gone anytime i am with them same usual boring shit i m not there something crazy happens i started going to college recently i really wa hoping doing this i would meet people make friend but even doing thing like going to event and regularly attending class just nothing i love talking to and meeting people but i just never get placed in the right place at the right time and the moment i get close i fuck up again or something else happens i downloaded some dating apps just to try to meet people i know i wouldn t have much success a a short medium attractive guy i would maybe get a match a week if i wa lucky and we d send a couple message but nothing more last week i finally got someone s contact info and we set up plan to go on a date i wasn t particularly interested in this girl but wa just exited to finally go on a date i had a class for the time we planned but that didn t matter i can miss it thing were finally going well and then last night i suddenly remembered nothing is ever supposed to go well i always get so close so this morning i check my phone she had blocked me i didn t even feel anything it s just how everything go for me i thought i m not angry at her or anything she probably just decided last minute she didn t want to go i m tired i m done trying i m killing myself next week maybe if i keep putting myself out there i ll actually meet someone but it s an endless cycle my depression make it so hard to do that which just cause me to get more depressed what is supposed to break this cycle i ve tried medication no effect therapy i ve tried may therapist and they ve all told me the same bull shit i ve already heard i don t really want to die it would be nice for thing to work out for once but with the cycle i m in nothing will ever change and i don t see a way of breaking it if thing will just be like this forever why bother continuing sorry for this absolute wall of text if you actually read this cool i guess i just needed to write all my thought out gon na go to sleep now bye tl dr god fucking hate me
carli chick i can t get photo x
ednaiscool is up again yay but all my video are gone
chrisdjmoyles i m not excited a i live in wale
hi all i m f i ve had very bad anxiety disorder since 0 0 when my uncle passed away the following year i started taking medication and while it help it s not a cure all both my parent passed under different circumstance in october and it s wrecked my emotion i try to do the best i can but sometimes it s just a mess i m out of town right now and i feel so outside of my comfort zone i know i m safe but my stomach is in knot and sorry tmi i haven t left the bathroom much doe anyone have any advice is there anything i can do to calm myself or center myself thank you in advance
please just end it please ive tried od ing ive tried slitting my wrist i cant do it right just someone tell me the fastest and least painful way
bon j ai de nouveau tait au m decin hier mon arr t est prolong jusque fin avril et j ai un psy a voir pour parler de ma d pression
hey im year old and ive recently been diagnosed with severe anxiety after ive been struggling with it my entire life i take my med when i need them only which might be bad and i also started therapy n it been helpful anyways ive been struggling with death anxiety for a while every once in a while ill somehow convince myself that it my last day week on earth n that i need to say goodbye to everyone n that this will be the last time im doing this or that etc it so bad to the point where i cant really get out of bed for day bc im scared of death whenever i have plan i keep thinking about all the bad thing that can happen to me so i cancel im scared of flying or driving or anything that can put me in danger tmw im going on a hiking trip n im terrified that it gon na go badly doe anyone have advice on how to deal with this bc i dont want it to stop me from living my life ive been struggling with it ever since i wa a child and i need it to get le intense asap ty
just woke up an already have written some e mail i ve to go early at university today a i have to teach at 0 am
feeling embarrassed about taking time off from work for grief depression i just recently lost a loved one about week ago and although the grief shock and mourning ha subsided i m now dealing with some depressive symptom that are making it a bit challenging to perform at work i tried to go back after only a week and i didn t do so well so my manager advised i take the rest of this week off to deal with thing and then come back next week i work in mental health so i have a very understanding workplace but i just feel so embarrassed about this a i m a graduate in a new job concerned people are talking about me worried about all that i m missing out on whilst taking this time off worried that it look bad on my behalf i m just feeling very ashamed atm even though it s not my fault i explained to my manager what i m going through e g depression lowered capacity to function and i feel embarrassed even about that just being so vulnerable feel very odd if anyone ha any similar story please let me know
flowersophy i slept so much when i wa a little girl i just started to not sleep a well when i turned 0
blip fm is down i m going back to normal tweeting for a while
working my life away
my comp is so screwed up
well that s where all the traumatic shit happened so yeah i dwell on it like i haven t had to hear other people bitch about their childhood and then watch them be shitty adult so sorry i can t move on from year of neglect go fuck yourself
hi i wa wondering if anyone ha this happen to them i have have had depression for decade i have good day and bad day no period that last for week or month like i did when i first started having symptom 0 year ago thank god it is mostly occasional bad bout most often i just have a dull low depression that i can dell with using moving muscle using cognitive dispute today i had one of the rare event that i used to get often i wake up early have a cup or two of coffee yet i feel really exhausted i slept fine the night before i end up having breakfast but that exhausted feeling becomes overwhelming and i go back to bet by 9am the entire day consists of me sleeping having lucid bat shit crazy bizarre dream the dream are not nightmare in fact they are rather creative but the local and situation are like the came from somebody imagination in a distant galaxy they would make really interesting sci fi fantasy i also dream about being lonely i have no family few friend one thing i remember wa this gut wrenching sadness about a girl i dated over 0 year ago thought she wa the one but it fell apart after about 0 to hour i get up have something to eat i feel hung over an d it is like a storm passed through my brain spent it s energy and now calm ha returned i wa wondering if anyone else had had similar experience like this it would be concerning if it wa a frequent occurrence which it once wa in the early day of depression again that wa decade ago thanks in advance for any observation or comment peace
making plan jotting them down laugh emoji response my friend don t know my sentence end in an unspoken if by then i m still alive tightness in the chest with each breath eating and hating myself not eating and hating myself just hating myself a i hold back tear steadily typing despite intrusive thought of suicide what is the cleanest way to go the least intrusive a way to contain the mess a way so what s left can do some good scenario play in my mind some may notice a few will cry no one break everyone move on my life is pointless pointless pointless i am useless useless useless if i keep smiling and laughing and eating and talking no one will see me shaking no one will see my tear no one will see my bruise or hear my unspoken word if by then i m still alive thanks for reading my crappy writing if you made it this far i wrote this tonight because my brain wouldn t shut up i ve had all these thought on and off for a while now i feel like these thought are becoming more and more frequent and intrusive i reached out to my primary care physician asking about a psychiatrist and i wa told to find one myself since it wasn t clear i needed a referral then i tried a couple of time to find one online and couldn t find one in my area i wa willing to talk to so i gave up if i m at work and interacting i m mostly ok i think i only had really fucked up thought once or twice but if i m alone at night my brain go haywire and this stuff pop in i need to stay busy to keep it out but i m too lazy to stay busy enough to keep it out anyway i m not a danger to myself right now i don t have the mean to play out the scenario in my head and i haven t tried to get them i don t want anyone i know to read this but i need to share it somewhere so i can only post it here
stevediamond i know they have trouble but i never heard a thing i had many recommendation from mrtweet
i wa at the peak of my depression during lockdown level yoh
ashleyskyy but i wanted a margarita too
theekween thelmasherbs make people forget unpleasant event such a depression anxiety loss of a loved one heart break and any traumatic event
feel lonely feel alone feel restless angry annoyed jealous just like everything s a let down have no friend no significant other family is somewhat sad and broken no job no confidence i m just here living every f cking day over and over again some people from my family can be cold not understanding i hate depending on them for stuff and hoping to get help when they don t even want to i want to be independent and i m sick of it already can t talk to some of these people about serious topic or about truth because they don t want to hear it or won t listen nothing make me feel happy and all i ever hear is all i do is drink or go out and yeah i do cause this shit is sad and it s only time that it s not and i wan na meet people and idk it s just hard i m tired of sitting there in my feeling
i m m turning in december and i can t help but feel like my time is quickly running out i ve never been so emotionally distant from my family a i ve had this year and it feel like i m a disappointment to everyone who ha actually cared about me at some point i actually had a sort of future ahead of me but it blew up in my fucking face when i had decided to write a joke essay to the high school i wanted to go to after my mom wouldn t even allow me to go if i wa even accepted the worst part is she doesn t even admit to doing that i don t know what to do anymore i ve always had the feeling of wanting to blow my fucking brain out but i ve never felt it a strong a this why is it that when it come to mental issue for men we are throughly ignored why are you upset why are you depressed you don t have a reason to be depressed you should talk to someone but who is actually listening i m sorry for anyone who actually read this but i ve been in such a terrible mindset the past odd hour i really just need guidance it feel awful to think that inevitably all my family will be gone and i ll be the only one to fend for myself in just a handful of year and somehow in any social circumstance i always end up being the butt end of the joke i don t want to keep doing this for 0 0 something year someone please talk me out of this state if it s even possible to those who read this entire thing i hope you re in a better state than i am
happy birthday jaime loveyou lt officially screwed right now midterm quiz project and 00 page book shoot me please
look like the nobel peace prize is simply a popularity contest http tinyurl com cffz h
my adult child with depression is very challenging to deal with i realize that she ha depression but she refuse to get a job amp expects u to pay for her living expense in an apartment when we bring it up she cut u off i feel bad because i know doing new thing can be difficult especially for someone with depression and anxiety but i can not afford to pay for my daughter s apartment and my apartment she is finished with school in august with a college degree i offered for her to move into my apartment but she won t now she isn t talking to me because of asking her to get a job but i m still paying for everything because i dont know what else to do
amandaenglund sorry to hear about your loss there have been many this year so far
sorry for the next tweet
and i m running out of time to decide i couldn t give a shit le about my major about internship about anything i don t know how to fix myself and i can t bring myself to try anything anymore if i manage to survive past the next few year which seems to be getting exponentially difficult i m going to have fucked over my career or myself now i have no good option
about to go looking for shoe for my brother looking forward to torquay in april not a sunny a yesterday here
need s help with this anxiety crap
good morning dear community i m safe and sound thank you for checking up on me and supporting me depression stage took week i guess i m moving to acceptance it s been a month since the beginning of war they said we d fall in day but we re still standing
mizzzidc i know this will spiral me back to depression of all thing to spiral one back to depression you chose this ya just mental is your shoe that precious you own mother fah mehn gtfoh
she wa my only hope the only person i thought loved me she only love me a a brother her ex which i m friend with showed me a message of him asking her what if i had a crush on her august 0 in january we kissed and everything then after a couple of day our love stopped i keep telling her that i love her and care for her and she doesn t say it back i m alone alone forever i have a knife next to me i m scared to do it tho i m scared of death but wan na die
mileycyrus http twitpic com y 0 i want a sofie she s helllza cute
one of my biggest fear is trying everything possible to turn my life around from grade to career career to myself then still come out being the same or still having the same hallow feeling i wan na take this next year to change my life around for the best i wan na look back and be happy with my life and what i ve accomplished i ve learned throughout the year that i really do want to be alive i just don t want to be me i wish i could change myself and who i am and where i came from but i can t so i would like to better myself do something to make myself proud i just don t want to waste even more time trying to fix myself then still be unhappy this fear probably came from my dad he s a ex heroin addict yet in his 0 he went from a crackhead to owning his own auto repair shop ha a beautiful yr old and amazing wife yet he still the most cold hearted asshole he still cant get more then a couple hr of sleep he s drunk every night he rarely speaks a word to me so from heroin addict to a shop owner yet still unhappy still suicidal still fighting after doing so fucking much is that really all there is to life constantly fighting to be happy without ever truly feeling it you may hide it or distract for awhile but it always come back and harder everytime till one day
hero just isn t doing it for me this season
my wife f wa doing great losing weight by walking and dieting but she expressed sn interest in working out in a gym so i bought her a gym membership for christmas a higher package that includes tanning and massage besides just the work out equipment she go night a week now after work i do kid duty in the evening after work and then just sit at home by myself if i ever try and make time for myself it is interrupted by work or home life i love my family to death would do anything for them but i have burning the candle at both end and never see any relief in sight it never stop someone always need something someone always want to bitch about something it just doesn t stop never i just want something for myself to go golfing uninterrupted to get a haircut without my phone buzzing my only release is yoga at night when the kid are in bed i know i should do it in the morning but i am just exhausted and can t i work 0 hour a week make sure all the bill are paid pick up the house every evening make dinner to time a week do homework with the kid every nigh do the dish do all the yard work and house upkeep i m just done i m spent and i feel like i can t take a second off or i will let someone down or be deemed selfish doe anyone else feel this way
not having clothes is sending me into a state of depression that ion like
had a blast at the getty villa but hate that she s had a sore throat all day it s just getting worse too
while i wait for my school counselor to give me an update on the whole online school therapy thing i wa convinced to check out a confidential free and text based crisis hotline it s apparently designed for teen like me who have noone in their life that they could talk to now for me personally my experience wa subpar i don t want to disrespect the volunteer work there but after the successful attempt one in the morning and one just hour earlier i felt like i wa just a number on a waiting list the system constantly kicked me out of the conversation and the one time i actually had a decent conversation it felt like they were trying to cast me aside a quick a possible a soon a i mentioned that music help me organize my thought at time they told me to just listen to music and the conversation closed immediately after maybe i m stupid or maybe it s just my anxiety and paranoia but they seemed annoyed i guess it would help to say what i wa expecting i wa thinking it would be a deep dive into why i feel the way i do but it wa more just a short session of giving me a metaphorical ice pack and sending me home with an old stale lollipop if i didn t feel worthless enough already then well a for the nd successful attempt it wa even shorter they asked me how i wa feeling they asked a question to confirm what i said i answered and then the very next message wa telling me that i must ve stepped away and that the conversation had been closed the automated reply also hit me with a stinger saying you matter it doesn t feel like it it doesn t help that i had to reply stop over and over because i kept getting auto reply from the bot needle to say i have le faith that online school therapy will even put a dent in how i feel tldr seeking help a many advise when situation like these crop up hasn t worked this time around and my already weak ability to see a good future for myself ha withered away a bit more
im hungryyyy need more sushi
omg house what did i ever do to you
i really wish i wa 00 better so i could be 00 awesome at work
this post covid depression is making me go through it
i hate so much of my life i love being at school with my friend but i have to come home every fucking day i have to wake up to these fucking asshole everyday my older brother is fucking insane on good day he is simply the most annoying little shit that won t shut the fuck up and stop talking to me on bad day he just argues and scream and throw thing and take out his anger out on whoever is closest mostly me bc we share a room my perants are nice but my dad transphobic and i want to tell him that i want to transition but i m afraid he wont see me the same or love me my younger sister is the only thing keeping me here i love her she s so understanding and sweet i don t want to hurt her by dying but i can t stand living anymore
need uuuuuuuuuuuuuu http plurk com p n0vpg
recently i ve been barely sleeping and eating to the point where i m sometimes embarrassed to go in public because i look like i have two black eye i also have zero energy and frequent tremor in my arm bleh depression suck
tldr fck this i m out i can t fcking do this i m tired of myself why do i feel like this i would ask for help but it s not worth it at this point i give up i should be at the happiest point in my life i have more friend than ever before that love me i ve been out of a really toxic abusive friendship for month now i don t know i m tired i m done all my grade are good but rapidly slipping i worry everyone i m around my entire family think i m suicidal and they re fcking right although they just think it because of my shitty humour they keep telling me to drop they only hear the half of it my friend are the one who are extremely worried even though i think it might be bc of my joke too i m not sure if this is a rant or a cry for help because i have a beam in my room thats perfect for a noose and a letter and i ve spent since december finding a date that won t f up anyone s bday or special event early april it wa gon na be early this month but my friend ha invited me to a convention and tbh that s the only reason i m here i didn t want to mess it up for them because they seemed really exited and i really love them and although i ve come to term with leaving them i know it ll take them a while i m not sure why i m writing this help advice idk i just feel like i m at the point of no return
i hate window movie maker sony vega come back i cant download it anymore my brother banned me from downloading
my brain just doesn t work i almost feel retarded with this costant foggy brain feeling that i have my head is completely foggy i can t even do simple task properly such a making the bed drive ecc i need to read a sentence multiple time before getting it now everytime i try to do these thing my brain just can t concentrate on the step to do them and i end up feeling even more depressed how is this possible my executive function is fully impaired at this point i ve been dealing with this shit since two year at least and i m just a shadow of what i used to be
depression is cause by oneself thru one greed for those thing that are bad for one health that one can t manage firstly you have to understand that you are the cause of ur depress state and you have let go of ur big ego to come out of that situation by taking to people
ha been sick and her back is veryyy bad watching american history x wan na watch american beauty though buy it meeee
vinpocetine for depression symptom amp mood disorder relief http t co zapfkyxdg9 http t co hqhozyg u
katestar oh yes extremely fun when whoever you talk to actually doesn t want to talk to you i m so lonely
i would like to know if anyone ha experienced the same thing a me or at least close to it and how ha he coped or even solved it to get you up to speed last summer i had to go meet my long distance girlfriend and thats when it all started a week prior to her coming to see me i wa gagging when eating and generally feeling sick because i wa afraid worried of meeting her which wa not normal of me but it happend during that period i did not think any of it a i thought it would stop happening after i meet her and leave again but it stayed i have it when i am going to school and when i eat from the time i leave my house and reach the school i gag all the way but when i step my foot there it stop when i eat after i finish i will start gagging and fight with my self not to puke january of this year came and i had almost removed it from my daily life maybe because i got used to the thing i wa doing so they did not give me anxiety but when i have to do something out of the ordinary it get me for example when i went to a car meet week ago the day where the car meet wa hosted i wa feeling a bit sick and right before i left my house i puked out of anxiety i dont know how to remove it completely from my life all i want it to just live freely with out having to worry if my gagging anxiety will kick in if someone can help me or give me a tip i would gladly appreciate it
hi i hope you re alright erm i dont have anyone to talk to about my problem so that is what mainly lead me here i have been experiencing a very confusing and frustrating situation the past year well technically year i m 0 yr old so through hundred of small bit of information and realisation from family member teacher friend colleague and self reflection i have realised that i have some sort of mental disability my parent and family have tried to hide it from me my whole life but since about year old i have always known i wa different to other people but i just assumed it wa my personality i have suffered from anxiety my whole life and severe anxiety and depression since year old which no one know about not even my parent i have always wondered to myself why i wa so different to other people but i guess i never really thought that deep into it untill recently i went through an awful lot at the age i wa suicidal i used to self harm bad ptsd i d say i went crazy i wa just lost and confused so i guess you could say i experienced a life time in year so i defintely learnt alot and i came out a completley changed person for the best not worst which i am only seeing now i learnt to appreciate life family friend mental health and relationship while you have them i have always struggled to make friend i have been bullied on and off in school and i struggle to keep my existing friendship i struggle to talk to people i also had to go to speech therapy session and haven hand writing session outside of school everyone say im quiet which i am but i wish i wasn t i have so much i want to say and express i just really struggle doing it so so i dont get embarrassed i tend not to talk too much the past year i have realised that i have some sort of mental disability which ha been quite alot for me to take on especially on my own through alot of small thing like when my college teacher refused to tick the box on a form which stated i had no learning difficulty for 9 month staright well dom how about this let leave the box unticked for now and if at a later date you decide to open up about it we will tick it making feel like a fucking mental patient so i told my cousin about this and his response wa wait your parent haven t told you so i left his house immeditetly started driving home and broke down cry i eventually got the gut to ask my parent but their answer wa we got you tested when you were a kid but the doctor said it wa unconclusive then i told my friend about all of this and they all agreed that they think i have a disability s like aspergers autism adhd ocd which shocked me even more so then i started looking back through my life and alot started to fall together and make sense which wa extremely emotional for me then i found out that my uncle and cousin on my dad side have aspergers and that auntie amp cousin have aspergers and auntie ha dylexia on my mum side my mum and dad definitly have something too but no one will tell me this then made me realise that i am an extreme cocktail of this i have struggled my whole life but assumed it wa just me but the thing is i still dont know what i have and it making go crazy my family are hiding it from me i think i have aspergers but then again it could be adhd dylslexia something else autism i dont fucking know and i have no support off anyone i have no one to talk to and im going insane ive been feeling so lonely for year i really need a councincillor im ashamed and afraid to tell my parent about my depression anxiety and everything because i dont want them to start worrying about me it also alot for me to admit it not that easy for me i dont want my whole family knowing too so everything is locked up inside me then it come out in weekly or monthly burst where i just break down i am writing this at that time what would you recommend i do about this do you have any advice i would really appreciate it i would appreciate talking to anyone who want to share thing too thanks
utdcynical crossydailystar fan got depression watching the bollox
dnwallace i am shuddering and shaking too
how would you feel if you had told someone that you were depressed and then later on they said that to you idk how to feel ab it on one hand i m like ok that s really good that they see me the same way and not like just a depressed person on the other hand i don t feel so good bc it s like they don t acknowledge that part of me i guess what doesn t sit right w me is the fact that they perhaps have some sort of image in their head of what depression look like so when i m not explicitly expressing my depression they forget you have depression idk maybe i m overthinking this but y all lmk your opinion bc i m interested in other povs
i feel like i have no redeeming quality deficient in everything no determination strength ambition intelligence virtue im not even beautiful im ugly a shit and my personality is even uglier i just isolate myself now i can t even be bothered to try making new relationship anymore i ruin all of them with my horrible personality i dont even have to try ive sorta accepted that ill probably die alone it doesnt bother me a much now but the fact that ill have to live with this ugly face body and mind make me physically ill i just feel so fucking useless like the side character whod get killed off in the first two episode haha im literally such a goddamn loser it almost funny
bivancamp aw that suuuucks sorry dear
wont get any rudd money for those in doubt http calculator ato gov au script axos axos asp context amp kb esb xr amp go ok
i miss my ex soo much
atekinzz where in the world are you
when all you can feel is you re failing at everything failure failure failure so you give up and you attempt to end it all and even fail at that how am i supposed to feel then
we play the game of love to avoid depression
but first the other workathlon set of management account one after the other
money isnt suppose to depress you
ugh the struggle with depression and anxiety is real rn not to mention my insomnia is wanting to act up too zzzzzz i hate my brain sometimes
let s not leave anyone alone
femibello mourinho is a victim too pogba wa playing badly and pogba wa a key player for mourinho which led to his sack pogba naming mourinho a a cause of his depression is bad pogba hasn t won any trophy or played consistently since mou left he wa treatedwell with ole but still a mess
kremsersenf away from tubingen and the germ yes away from friend not so much
i just started citalopram this month and my period is late could this be a symptom of starting a ssri
last november i had a week where i wa so scared of death i couldn t sleep eat drink do anything i have a lot of anxiety and this wa just another one of those thing which bother me every so often but a lot more intense at that point maybe day go by i m so scared i decide to get really high to forget about it not a great idea but nothing go bad day later i start to have really really intense muscle twitching it made my anxiety so bad i had to go go a amp e a i couldn t breathe fast forward month later and i m still twitching every 0 second haven t used any drug in that time until the last week or two i ve noticed it make the twitching way worse when high if i m anxious at all but if i m not anxious the twitching is the same a normal so i m pretty sure it is anxiety related have had blood test done for deficiency s and nothing i also had a test done which told me i m producing time the normal amount of adrenaline constantly pretty sure this is the cause i have no idea what to do and how to stop this and it s driving me insane i m trying to get anxiety med but i have no official anxiety diagnosis so i m not sure if i even can i ve got a doctor appointment earliest they could do is in a month and a half could anyone help me on what to do
i m not here to debate y all if my take make you uncomfortable good critical thinking isn t flowery it s why i have clinical depression i m prone to screaming about it into the void
leanne is angry at me