### Human: And finding Gangā in this plight, Bhagīratha became again engaged in high austerities. And thereupon Siva, O descendant of Raghu, was exceedingly gratified; and cast Gangā off in the direction of the Bindu lake. And as she was let off, seven streams branched out from her.. ### Assistant: तामपश्यत् पुनस्तत्र तपः परममास्थितः। स तेन तोषितश्चासीदत्यन्तं रघुनन्दन॥ विससर्ज ततो गङ्गां हरो बिन्दुसरः प्रति। तस्यां विसृज्यमानायां सप्त स्रोतांसि जज्ञिरे॥.
### Human: And the three streams of the excellent Gangā of auspicious waters took an easterly direction; while the Sucakşu, the Sītā, and that mighty river the Sindhu flowed on the auspicious west.. ### Assistant: ह्लादिनी पावनी चैव नलिनी च तथैव च। तिस्रः प्राची दिशं जग्मुर्गङ्गाः शिवजलाः शुभाः॥ सुचक्षुश्चैव सीता च सिन्धुश्चैव महानदी। तिस्रश्चैता दिशं जग्मुः प्रतीची तु दिशं शुभाः॥.
### Human: And the seventh followed Bhagiratha's car. And that royal saint, the exceedingly puissant Bhagiratha, mounted on a superb car, went before; and Gariga followed him. And she descended from the welkin upon Sankara's head, thence alighting upon the earth.. ### Assistant: सप्तमी चान्वगात् तासां भगीरथरथं तदा। भगीरथोऽपि राजर्षिदिव्यं स्यन्दनमास्थितः॥ प्रायादग्रे महातेजा गङ्गा तं चाप्यनुव्रजत्। गगनाच्छंकरशिरस्ततो धरणिमागता ॥.
### Human: And there her waters flowed with thundering sounds. And earth looked beautiful with swarms of fallen and falling fishes, and tortoises, and porpoises.. ### Assistant: असर्पत जलं तत्र तीव्रशब्दपुरस्कृतम्। मत्स्यकच्छपसबैश्च शिंशुमारगणैस्तथा॥ पतद्भिः पतितैश्चैव व्यरोचत वसुंधरा।.
### Human: Then celestials and saints and Gandharvas and Yakşas and Siddhas mounted on excellent elephants and horses and cars resembling cities, looked on Gangă descending upon earth.. ### Assistant: ततो देवर्षिगन्धर्वा यक्षसिद्धगणास्तथा॥ व्यलोकयन्त ते तत्र गगनाद् गां गतां तदा। विमानैर्नगराकारैर्हयैर्गजवरैस्तदा॥.
### Human: And the celestials stationed on cars were struck with surprise; and all creatures marvelled at the excellent descent of Gangā.. ### Assistant: पारिपल्वगताश्चापि देवतास्तत्र विष्ठिताः। तदद्भुतमिमं लोके गङ्गावतरमुत्तमम्॥ दिदृक्षवो देवगणाः समीयुरमितौजसः।.
### Human: And eager to witness the spectacle, celestial hosts of immeasurable energy thither and the effulgence of their ornaments, the firmament free from clouds, shone as if with an hundred suns.. ### Assistant: सम्पतद्भिः सुरगणैस्तेषां चाभरणौजसा॥ शतादित्यमिवाभाति गगनं गततोयदम्।.
### Human: And the sky was graced with fast-fleeting porpoises and serpents and fishes resembling playing lightning; and the welkin scattered with pale foam-flakes by thousands, appeared as if it was scattered with autumnal clouds swarming with cranes.. ### Assistant: शिंशुमारोरगगणैर्मीनैरपि च चञ्चलैः॥ विषुद्भिरिव विक्षिप्तैराकाशमभवत् तदा। पाण्डुरैः सलिलोत्पीडैः कीर्यमाणैः सहस्रधा ॥ शारदाधैरिवाकीर्णं गगनं हंससंप्लवैः।.
### Human: And the river proceeded sometimes rapidly, and sometimes awry, and sometimes in volumes and sometimes sloping, and sometimes ascending and sometimes languidly; and sometimes water clashed with water.. ### Assistant: क्वचिद् द्रुततरं याति कुटिलं क्वचिदायतम्॥ विनतं क्वचिदुद्भूतं क्वचिद् याति शनैः शनैः। सलिलेनैव सलिलं क्वचिदभ्याहतं पुनः॥.
### Human: Sometimes ascending an upland, it descended it no a dell. And the pellucid and pure water first descending upon Śankara's head, and thence on to the earth, appeared exceedingly beautiful.. ### Assistant: मुहूरूज़पथं गत्वा पपात वसुधां पुनः। तच्छंकरशिरोभ्रष्टं भ्रष्टं भूमितले पुनः॥ व्यरोचत तदा तोयं निर्मलं गतकल्मषम्।.
### Human: And there the saints and the Gandharvas, as well as the inhabitants of the earth, touched the sacred water flowing from Bhava's body.. ### Assistant: तत्रर्षिगणगन्धर्वा वसुधातलवासिनः॥ भवाङ्गपतितं तोयं पवित्रमिति पस्पृशुः ।.
### Human: And those that had fallen from the sky to the earth in consequence of some curse of other, having bathed there, and thereby having their sins washed an removed by that sanctifying water, again ascended the sky and entered the celestial regions.. ### Assistant: शापात् प्रपतिता ये च गगनाद् वसुधातलम्॥ कृत्वा तत्राभिषेकं ते बभूवुर्गतकल्मषाः। धूतपापाः पुनस्तेन तोयेनाथ शुभान्विताः॥ पुनराकाशमाविश्य स्वाँल्लोकान् प्रतिपेदिरे।.
### Human: And through the agency of that shining water, all beings, feeling delight, rejoiced, and having bathed in Gangā, became cleansed from sin.. ### Assistant: मुमुदे मुदितो लोकस्तेन तोयेन भास्वता॥ कृताभिषेको गङ्गायां बभूव गतकल्मषः।.
### Human: And stationed on an excellent car that mighty king, the royal saint Bhagiratha, went first, and Gangā went at his back.. ### Assistant: भगीरथो हि राजर्षिर्दिव्यं स्यन्दनमास्थितः॥ प्रायादग्रे महाराजस्तं गङ्गा पृष्ठतोऽन्वगात्।.
### Human: The gods, and the saints, and the Daityas, and the Dānavas, and the Rākşasas, and the foremost of Gandharvas and Yaksas, and the Kinnaras, and the mighty Uragas, and the Serpents, and the Apsaras, O Rāma, and the acquatic animals in a body following Bhagirahta's car, with glad hearts went in the wake of Gangā.. ### Assistant: देवाः सर्षिगणाः सर्वे दैत्यदानवराक्षसाः॥ गन्धर्वयक्षप्रवराः सकिंनरमहोरगाः। सर्पाश्चाप्सरसो राम भगीरथरथानुगाः॥ गङ्गामन्वगमन् प्रीताः सर्वे जलचराश्च ये।.
### Human: Whither soever king Bhagiratha went, the famous Gangā, foremost of streams, capable of destroying all sins, went.. ### Assistant: यतो भगीरथो राजा ततो गङ्गा यशस्विनी॥ जगाम सरितां श्रेष्ठा सर्वपापप्रणाशिनी।.
### Human: And Gangā flooded the sacrificial ground of the high-souled Jahnu of wonderful deeds, as he was performing a sacrifice.. ### Assistant: ततो हि यजमानस्य जोरद्भुतकर्मणः॥ गङ्गा सम्प्लावयामास यज्ञवाटं महात्मनः।.
### Human: Thereat, O Rāghava, reading her insolence, Jahnu, waxing wroth, drank up all her wonderful waters. Thereupon, the deities, and the Gandharvas, and the saints, struck with amazement fell to worshipping that foremost of men, the high-souled Jahnu.. ### Assistant: तस्यावलेपनं ज्ञात्वा क्रुद्धो जह्वश्च राघव॥ अपिबत् तु जलं सर्वं गङ्गायाः परमाद्भुतम्। ततो देवाः सगन्धर्वा ऋषयश्च सुविस्मिताः॥ पूजयन्ति महात्मानं जहुँ पुरुषसत्तमम्।.
### Human: And that highly energetic lord, being propitiated, let Ganga off through his ears. Therefore it is that Gangā goes by the name of Jahnu's daughter.. ### Assistant: गङ्गां चापि नयन्ति स्म दुहितृत्वे महात्मनः॥ ततस्तुष्टो महातेजाः श्रोत्राभ्यामसृजत् प्रभुः। तस्माज्जह्वसुता गङ्गा प्रोच्यते जाह्नवीति च॥.
### Human: Then Gargā again began to follow Bhagīratha's car. And having reached the ocean, that foremost of streams, with the object of accomplishing that work, entered into the subterranean regions.. ### Assistant: जगाम च पुनर्गङ्गा भगीरथरथानुगा। सागरं चापि सम्प्राप्ता सा सरित्प्रवरा तदा॥ रसातलमुपागच्छत् सिद्ध्यर्थं तस्य कर्मणः।.
### Human: Having carefully brought Gargā, that royal saint, Bhagīratha, beheld his grand-fathers deprived of senses, and reduced to ashes.. ### Assistant: भगीरथोऽपि राजर्षिर्गङ्गामादाय यत्नतः॥ पितामहान् भस्मकृतानपश्यद् गतचेतनः।.
### Human: The excellent waters of Gangā overflowed that heap of ashes; and thereupon, O best of the Raghus, they their sins purged; attained heaven.. ### Assistant: अथ तद्भस्मनां राशिं गङ्गासलिलमुत्तमम्। प्लावयत् पूतपाप्मानः स्वर्गं प्राप्ता रघुत्तम॥.
### Human: Then having arrived at the Ocean, the king wending in Ganga's wake, entered underneath the Earth, at that spot where those (sons of Sagara) had been reduced to ashes. And, O Rāma, on the ashes being washed by the waters of Gangā, Brahmā, the lord of all creatures thus spoke to the monarch.. ### Assistant: स गत्वा सागरं राजा गङ्गयानुगतस्तदा। प्रविवेश तलं भूमेर्यत्र ते भस्मसात्कृता॥ भस्मन्यथाप्लुते राम गङ्गायाः सलिलेन वै। सर्वलोकप्रभुर्ब्रह्मा राजानमिदमब्रवीत्॥.
### Human: O most puissant of men, the sixty thousand sons of the high-souled Sagara have been delivered and they have ascended heaven like to celestials themselves.. ### Assistant: तारिता नरशार्दूल दिवं याताश्च देववत्। षष्ठिः पुत्रसहस्राणि सगरस्य महात्मनः॥.
### Human: O lord of earth, as long as the waters of the ocean shall endure in the world. Sagara's sons shall reside in heaven like to celestials.. ### Assistant: सागरस्य जलं लोके यावत्स्थास्यति पार्थिव। सगरस्यात्मजाः सर्वे दिवि स्थास्यन्ति देववत्॥.
### Human: This Gangā shall become your eldest daughter; and she shall attain celebrity among all, being called after your name.. ### Assistant: इयं च दुहिता ज्येष्ठा तव गङ्गा भविष्यति। त्वत्कृतेन च नाम्नाथ लोके स्थास्यति विश्रुता॥.
### Human: And Gangā is called both Tripathagã and Bhăgirathi. And she is know as Tripathagā, is consequence of her proceeding in three directions.. ### Assistant: गङ्गा त्रिपथगा नाम दिव्या भागीरथीति च। त्रीन् पथो भावयन्तीति तस्मात् त्रिपथगा स्मृता ॥.
### Human: Do you now, O lord of men, her offer oblations of water to your grand-sires, and thereby, O king, make good your promise.. ### Assistant: पितामहानां सर्वेषां त्वमत्र मनुजाधिप। कुरुष्व सलिलं राजन् प्रतिज्ञामपवर्जय॥.
### Human: O king, that foremost of righteous ones, your ancestor of exceeding renown, had failed to attain his desire.. ### Assistant: पूर्वकेण हि ते राजंस्तेनातियशसा तदा। धर्मिणां प्रवरेणाथ नैष प्राप्तो मनोरथः॥.
### Human: O child Ansumat likewise unparalleled in the worlds in energy, had failed in realising his cherished promise of bringing down Gangā.. ### Assistant: तथैवांशुमता वत्स लोकेऽप्रतिमतेजसा। गङ्गा प्रार्थयता नेतुं प्रतिज्ञा नापवर्जिता॥ राजर्षिणा गुणवता महर्षिसमतेजसा। मत्तुल्यतपसा चैव क्षत्रधर्मस्थितेन च ॥.
### Human: Then again that royal saint, crowned with qualities; of austerities like to mine, ever abiding by his Ksatriya duties, even Dilipa's self, your exceedingly puissant sire.. ### Assistant: दिलीपेन महाभाग तव पित्रातितेजसा। पुनर्न शकिता नेतुं गङ्गां प्रार्थयतानघ॥.
### Human: O eminently righteous one, had failed in bringing down Gangā according to his cherished resolve, O sinless one. And now, O foremost of men, that promise having been fulfilled by you, you shall attain signal glory in the world by the common consent of all.. ### Assistant: सा त्वया समतिक्रान्ता प्रतिज्ञा पुरुषर्षभ। प्राप्तोऽसि परमं लोके यशः परमसम्मतम्॥.
### Human: And, O vanquisher of your foes, having brought about Ganga's dissension, you shall from this act of your also attain the regions of Brahma.. ### Assistant: तच्च गङ्गावतरणं त्वया कृतमरिंदम। अनेन च भवान् प्राप्तो धर्मस्यायतनं महत्॥.
### Human: Do you, O best of me, lave thyself in these waters worthy of the pious, O prime of men, and thereby become purified, and attain sanctity.. ### Assistant: प्लावयस्व त्वमात्मानं नरोत्तम सदोचिते। सलिले पुरुषश्रेष्ठ शुचिः पुण्यफलो भव॥.
### Human: Do you perform the watery rites of your grand-sires. May luck be your, I shall now repair to my own regions: do you depart, O king.. ### Assistant: पितामहानां सर्वेषां कुरुष्व सलिलक्रियाम्। स्वस्ति तेऽस्तु गमिष्यामि स्वं लोकं गम्यतां नृप॥.
### Human: Having said this, the illustrious lord of the celestials the Grand-sire of all creatures, went to the celestial regions.. ### Assistant: इत्येवमुक्त्वा देवेश सर्वलोकपितामहः। यथागतं तथागच्छद् देवलोकं महायशाः॥.
### Human: The royal saint king Bhagiratha also of high fame having performed his ablutions and purified himself, and duly and in proper order offered oblations of water to the sons of Sagara, entered his capital. And attaining exceeding prosperity, that foremost of men ruled his kingdom.. ### Assistant: भगीरथस्तु राजर्षिः कृत्वा सलिलमुत्तमम्। यथाक्रमं यथान्यायं सागराणां महायशाः॥ कृतोदकः शुची राजा स्वपुरं प्रविवेश ह। समृद्धार्थो नरश्रेष्ठ स्वराज्यं प्रशशास ह॥.
### Human: O descendant of Raghu, having him as their sovereign, the people rejoiced greatly; and with their griefs removed and prosperity secured, they lived in peace of mind.. ### Assistant: प्रमुमोद च लोकस्तं नृपमासाद्य राघव। नष्टशोकः समृद्धार्थो बभूव विगतज्वरः॥.
### Human: Thus, O Rama, have I defailed to you the history of Gangā. Auspiciousness may you obtain! Good betide you, the evening draw nigh.. ### Assistant: एष ते राम गङ्गाया विस्तरोऽभिहितो मया। स्वस्ति प्राप्नुहि भद्रं ते संध्याकालोऽतिवर्तते॥.
### Human: He that recite this story conferring prosperity, fame, long life, and heaven to Vipras, Kșatriyas, and other, attain the good graces of his ancestors and the celestials.. ### Assistant: धन्यं यशस्यमायुष्यं पुत्र्यं स्वय॑मथापि च। यः श्रावयति विप्रेषु क्षत्रियेष्वितरेषु च॥ प्रीयन्ते पितरस्तस्य प्रायन्ते दैवतानि च। इदमाख्यानमायुष्यं गङ्गावतरणं शुभम्॥.
### Human: O Kākutstha, he that listen to the sacred history of Ganga's descent, conferring length of days, attain all his desires, and all his sins are destroyed, and his life and fame increase.. ### Assistant: यः शृणोति च काकुत्स्थ सर्वान् कामानवाप्नुयात्। सर्वे पापाः प्रणश्यन्ति आयुः कीर्तिश्च वर्धते ॥.
### Human: On those sons of her being slain, Diti afflicted with great grief, thus addressed her husband, Marici's son, Kasyapa.. ### Assistant: हतेषु तेषु पुत्रेषु दितिः परमदुःखिता। मारीचं कश्यपं नाम भारमिदमब्रवीत्।।१।.
### Human: O adorable one, your high-souled sons have slain mine. I now wish for a son, who, obtained through long austerities, will be able to slay Sakra.. ### Assistant: हतपुत्रास्मि भगवंस्तव पुत्रैर्महाबलैः। शक्रहन्तारमिच्छामि पुत्रं दीर्घतपोर्जितम्॥.
### Human: I will engage in austerities: it behoves you to grant me such an embryo, such a slayer of Sakra it behoves you to promise me.. ### Assistant: साहं तपश्चरिष्यामि गर्भ मे दातुमर्हसि। ईश्वरं शक्रहन्तारं त्वमनुज्ञातुमर्हसि॥.
### Human: Hearing those words of hers, Marici's son, Kaśyapa of exceeding energy answered the deeply aggrieved Diti, saying.. ### Assistant: तस्यास्तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा मारीचः कश्यपस्तदा। प्रत्युवाच महातेजा दितिं परमदुःखिताम्॥.
### Human: Be it so. Good betide you, do you become pure, O ascetic. If you remain pure, when a full thousand years shall be complete, you will give birth to a son who will slay ſakra in battle.. ### Assistant: एवं भवतु भद्रं ते शुचिर्भव तपोधने। जनयिष्यसि पुत्रं त्वं शक्रहन्तारमाहवे॥ पूर्णे वर्षसहस्रं तु शुचिर्यदि भविष्यसि। पुत्रं त्रैलोक्यहन्तारं मत्तस्त्वं जनयिष्यसि॥.
### Human: And through me, you will give birth to a son that will destroy the three worlds. Having said this, that highly energetic one rubbed her person with his palm. And having rubbed her, he said, 'Luck!' and then went away to carry on austerities.. ### Assistant: एवमुक्त्वा महातेजाः पाणिना सम्ममार्ज ताम्। तामालभ्य ततः स्वस्ति इत्युक्त्वा तपसे ययौ॥.
### Human: When he had gone, Diti, O foremost of men, becoming exceedingly delighted, went to, Kuśaplava and began to practise rigid mortifications.. ### Assistant: गते तस्मिन् नरश्रेष्ठ दितिः परमहर्षिता। कुशप्लवं समासाद्य तपस्तेपे सुदारुणम्॥.
### Human: O foremost of men, as she was practising austerities, the thousand-eyed deity most dutifully ministered to her.. ### Assistant: तपस्तस्यां हि कुर्वत्यां परिचर्या चकार ह। सहस्राक्षो नरश्रेष्ठ परया गुणसम्पदा।९।।.
### Human: The thousand-eyed one provided for her fire, and Kusa, and faggots, and water, and fruits, and roots, and other things that she wanted.. ### Assistant: अग्निं कुशान् काष्ठमपः फलं मूलं तथैव च। न्यवेदयत् सहस्राक्षो यच्चान्यदपि काङ्क्षितम्॥.
### Human: And at all times, Sakra served Diti by rubbing her person, and removing her fatigue.. ### Assistant: गात्रसंवाहनैश्चैव श्रमापनयनैस्तथा। शक्रः सर्वेषु कालेषु दितिं परिचचार ह॥.
### Human: When ten years only were wanting to complete the thousand years, Diti, O descendant of Raghu, being exceedingly delighted, thus spoke to the thousand-eyed one.. ### Assistant: पूर्णे वर्षसहस्रे सा दशोने रघुनन्दन। दितिः परमसंहृष्टा सहस्राक्षमथाब्रवीत्॥.
### Human: O best of those endowed with prowess, of me engaged in austerities, ten years only remain (to complete the period.) And after that time, good betide you, you will behold your brother.. ### Assistant: तपश्चरन्त्या वर्षाणि दश वीर्यवतां वर। अवशिष्टानि भद्रं ते भ्रातरं द्रक्ष्यसे ततः॥.
### Human: I will, O son, bind him to you in affection, whom I had besought for to compass your destruction, so that, the fever of your heart removed, you will with him enjoy the victory of the three worlds.. ### Assistant: यमहं त्वत्कृते पुत्र तमाधास्ये जयोत्सुकम्। त्रैलोक्यविजयं पुत्र सह भोक्ष्यसि विज्वरः॥.
### Human: On your high-souled sire having been besought by me, he, O foremost of celestials, granted me the boon that after a thousand years, I shall obtain a son.. ### Assistant: याचितेन सुरश्रेष्ठ पित्रा तव महात्मना। वरो वर्षसहस्रान्ते मम दत्तः सुतं प्रति॥.
### Human: And it came to pass that having said this, the sun being in his meridian, the worshipful Diti with her feet placed at that part of the bed which should contain her head, was overpowered by sleep.. ### Assistant: इत्युक्त्वा च दितिस्तत्र प्राप्ते मध्यं दिनेश्वरे। निद्रयापहृता देवी पादौ कृत्वाथ शीर्षतः॥.
### Human: And thereupon seeing her resting her feet at the place where she should place her head, and consequently unclean, Śakra was exceedingly delighted, and smiled.. ### Assistant: दृष्ट्वा तामशुचिं शक्रः पादयोः कृतमूर्धजाम्। शिरः स्थाने कृतौ पादौ जहास च मुमोद च॥.
### Human: O Rāma, Purandara entered into her womb, and that highly self-controlled one served the embryo in seven parts.. ### Assistant: तस्याः शरीरविवरं प्रविवेश पुरंदरः। गर्भ च सप्तधा राम चिच्छेद परमात्मवान्॥.
### Human: And the embryo being pierced by the thunderbold of an hundred knots, cried at the top of its voice, and thereat Diti awoke.. ### Assistant: भिद्यमानस्ततो गर्भो वज्रेण शतपर्वणा। रुरोद सुस्वरं राम ततो दितिरबुध्यत॥.
### Human: 'Do not cry, do not cry,' exclaimed Sakra: and even while it was crying, the mighty-minded Vāsava continued piercing it.. ### Assistant: मा रुदो मा रुदश्चेति गर्भं शक्रोऽभ्यभाषत। विभेद च महातेजा रुदन्तमपि वासवः॥.
### Human: 'Do not slay it; do not slay it' said Diti. Thereupon, in consideration of the honour of his mother, Sakra went out.. ### Assistant: न हन्तव्यं न हन्तव्यमित्येवं दितिरब्रवीत्। निष्पपात ततः शक्रो मातुर्वचनगौरवात्॥.
### Human: Then he with clasped palms accosted Diti, saying, 'O worshipful one, you did sleep with they feet placed where your head should have lain, and hast therefore become impure. And finding this opportunity, I severed in seven pieces that would-be slayer of mine in battle. Do you, O worshipful one, excuse me.'. ### Assistant: प्राञ्जलिर्वज्रसहितो दितिं शक्रोऽभ्यभाषत। अशुचेर्देवि सुप्तासि पादयोः कृतमूर्धजा॥ तदन्तरमहं लब्ध्वा शक्रहन्तारमाहवे। अभिन्दं सप्तधा देवि तन्मे त्वं क्षन्तुमर्हसि ॥.
### Human: Having met together they enquired after each other's welfare. And then Sumati spoke to the mighty ascetic, saying.. ### Assistant: पृष्ट्वा तु कुशलं तत्र परस्परसमागमे। कथान्ते सुमतिर्वाक्यं व्याजहार महामुनिम्॥.
### Human: Good betide you, boasting the prowess of celestials of elephantine or leonine gait, heroic, resembling tigers or bulls, possessed of come expansive eyes like lotus-patals, bearing scimitars and bows and quivers, like to the Aśvins in grace, endowed with youth, like to celestials fancy-led, descended from ethereal regions to the earth beneath, whose sons; O ascetic, are these boys, and what for have they come hither, and why also is it that they journey of foot?. ### Assistant: इमौ कुमारौ भद्रं ते देवतुल्यपराक्रमौ। गजसिंहगती वीरौ शार्दूलवृषभोपमौ॥ पद्मपत्रविशालाक्षौ खङ्गतूणधनुर्धरौ। अश्विनाविव रूपेण समुपस्थितयौवनौ॥ यदृच्छयेव गां प्राप्तौ देवलोकादिवामरौ। कथं पद्भयामिह प्राप्तौ किमर्थं कस्य वा मुने॥.
### Human: And adorning all directions, like to the Sun or Moon adorning the firmament, and resembling each other. in personal proportions, and expressions, and gestures, and equipped with excellent weapons, and war-like, how have these paragons of men, into this impracticable way? I Wish to hear all this related truly.. ### Assistant: भूषयन्ताविमं देशं चन्द्रसूर्याविवाम्बरम्। परस्परेण सदृशौ प्रमाणेङ्गितचेष्टितैः॥ किमर्थं च नरश्रेष्ठौ सम्प्राप्तौ दुर्गमे पथि। वरायुधधरौ वीरौ श्रोतुमिच्छामि तत्त्वतः॥.
### Human: Having heard his words, Viśvāmitra faithfully related all about it. Hearing Viśvāmitra's words, the king was extremely surprised; and having those sons of Daśaratha as his all-worthy guests, received with becoming respect those highly powerful ones deserving of hospitality.. ### Assistant: तस्य तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा यथावृत्तं न्यवेदयत्। विश्वामित्रवचः श्रुत्वा राजा परमविस्मितः॥ अतिथी परमं प्राप्तौ पुत्रौ दशरथस्य तौ। पूजयामास विधिवत् सत्काराही महाबलौ॥.
### Human: Meeting with such splendid reception from Sumati, those descendants of Raghu spent there a night, and the next day set out for Mithila.. ### Assistant: ततः परमसत्कारं सुमतेः प्राप्य राघवौ। उष्य तत्र निशामेकां जग्मतुर्मिथिलां ततः।।।।.
### Human: Beholding Janaka's beauteous city, the ascetics exclaiming, 'Excellent' fell to admiring Mithila.. ### Assistant: तां दृष्ट्वा मुनयः सर्वे जनकस्य पुरीं शुभाम्। साधु साध्विति शंसन्तो मिथिला समपूजयन्॥.
### Human: And in a grove at Mithilā, Rāghava saw an ancient, lonely, and romantic asylum, and asked that foremost of ascetics, saying.. ### Assistant: मिथिलोपवने तत्र आश्रमं दृश्य राघवः। पुराणं निर्जनं रम्यं पप्रच्छ मुनिपुङ्गवम्॥.
### Human: What is this that look like an asylum, though without any ascetics? I wish to hear, O worshipful one, to whom this asylum belonged in time past.. ### Assistant: इदमाश्रमसंकाशं किं न्विदं मुनिवर्जितम्। श्रोतुमिच्छामि भगवन् कस्यायं पूर्व आश्रमः॥.
### Human: Hearing this speech addressed by Raghu's descendant that one versed in speech, the highly energetic and mighty saint, Viśvāmitra, answered.. ### Assistant: तच्छ्रुत्वा राघवेणोक्तं वाक्यं वाक्यविशारदः। प्रत्युवाच महातेजा विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः॥.
### Human: Ah! Do you listen. I will tell you through the wrath of what high-souled one this hermitage came to he cursed.. ### Assistant: हन्त ते कथयिष्यामि शृणु तत्त्वेन राघव। यस्यैतदाश्रमपदं शप्तं कोपान्महात्मनः॥.
### Human: O foremost of men, this excellent asylum honoured by the celestials themselves, formerly belonged to the high-souled Gautama.. ### Assistant: गौतमस्य नरश्रेष्ठ पूर्वमासीन्महात्मनः आश्रमो दिव्यसंकाशः सुरैरपि सुपूजितः॥.
### Human: Here, O illustrious prince, in days of yore Gautama in company with Ahalyā carried on austerities for a long series of years.. ### Assistant: स चात्र तप आतष्ठिदहल्यासहितः पुरा। वर्षपूगान्यनेकानि राजपुत्र महायशः॥.
### Human: And perceiving occasion Saci's lord, the thousand-eyed deity assuming the form of that ascetic thus addressed Ahalyā.. ### Assistant: तस्यान्तरं विदित्वा च सहस्राक्षः शचीपतिः। मुनिवेषधरो भूत्वा अहल्यामिदमब्रवीत्॥.
### Human: O exceedingly beautiful one, those bent upon sport, do not stay for the menstrual season. And, O graceful one, I desire to enjoy your company (on the instant).. ### Assistant: ऋतुकालं प्रतीक्षन्ते नार्थिनः सुसमाहिते। संगम त्वहमिच्छामि त्वया सह सुमध्यमे॥.
### Human: Thereupon, out of curiosity, that one of perverse understanding consented to the proposals of the chief of the celestials.. ### Assistant: मुनिवेषं सहस्राक्षं विज्ञाय रघुनन्दन। मतिं चकार दुर्मेधा देवराजकुतूहलात्॥.
### Human: Then, having attained her object, she spoke to that foremost of the celestials, saying, 'O best of the immortals, I have obtained my desire, do you speedily go from this place, O lord. Do you, O lord of the celestials, from a sense of respectability preserve yourself and me also.'. ### Assistant: अथाब्रवीत् सुरश्रेष्ठं कृतार्थेनान्तरात्मना। कृतार्थास्मि सुरश्रेष्ठ गच्छ शीघ्रमितः प्रभो॥ आत्मानं मां च देवेश सर्वथा रक्ष गौतमात्।.
### Human: Indra too said to Ahalyā, 'O you of shapely hips, pleased am I. Now I repair to my own place.'. ### Assistant: इन्द्रस्तु प्रहसन् वाक्यमहल्यामिदमब्रवीत्॥ सुश्रोणि परितुष्टोऽस्मि गमिष्यामि यथागतम्।.
### Human: Having known her thus, Indra, O Rama, exceedingly apprehensive of Gautama, then hurriedly sallied out of the thatched cottage.. ### Assistant: एवं संगम्य तु तदा निश्चक्रामोटजात् ततः॥ स सम्भ्रमात् त्वरन् राम शङ्कितो गौतमं प्रति।.
### Human: Just at this time, Indra saw that mighty ascetic Gautama entering, that foremost of anchorets, incapable of being repressed by the deities and the Dānavas, and equipped with ascetic energy, having based in the waters of holy spots, and flaming like fire, carrying faggots and Kuća grass.. ### Assistant: गौतमं स ददर्शाथ प्रविशन्तं महामुनिम्॥ देवदानवदुर्धर्षं तपोबलसमन्वितम्। तीर्थोदकपरिक्लिनं दीप्यमानमिवानलम्॥ गृहीतसमिधं तत्र सकुशं मुनिपुङ्गवम्।.
### Human: And seeing him, the countenance of the lord of the celestials turned pale. And seeing the wicked thousand-eyed deity in the guise of an ascetic, the well-behaved anchorite fired with rage said.. ### Assistant: दृष्ट्वा सुरपतिस्त्रस्तो विषण्णवदनोऽभवत्॥ अथ दृष्ट्वा सहस्राक्षं मुनिवेषधरं मुनिः। दुर्वृत्तं वृत्तसम्पन्नो रोषाद् वचनमब्रवीत्॥.
### Human: 'And since, O you of wicked understanding, assuming my form, you have done this foul. deed, you shall lose your scrotum.'. ### Assistant: मम रूपं समास्थाय कृतवानसि दुर्मते। अकर्तव्यमिदं यस्माद् विफलस्त्वं भविष्यसि ॥.
### Human: And soon as the high-souled Gautama had said this in ire, the scrotum of the thousand-eyed one dropped to the earth.. ### Assistant: गौतमेनैवमुक्तस्य सुरोषेण महात्मना। पेततुर्वृषणौ भूमौ सहस्राक्षस्य तत्क्षणात्॥.
### Human: And having seen Sakra in this plight, he cursed his wife also, 'These weary thousand years you shall pass, feeding upon air, without food, engaged in asceticism in the dust, and you shall remain in this hermitage unseen of any. And when the irrepressible son of Dasaratha, Rāma, shall come to this deep wood, you shall be cleansed of your sin. And, O wicked one, ministering to him the rites of hospitality with a mind free from ignorance and covetousness, you shall in your own form with joy regain my side.'. ### Assistant: तथा शप्त्वा च वै शक्रं भार्यामपि च शप्तवान्। इह वर्षसहस्राणि बहूनि निवसिष्यसि॥ वातभक्षा निराहारा तप्यन्ती भस्मशायिनी। अदृश्या सर्वभूतानामाश्रमेऽस्मिन् वसिष्यसि ॥ यदा त्वेतद् वनं घोरं रामो दशरथात्मजः। आगमिष्यति दुर्धर्षस्तदा पूता भविष्यसि॥ तस्यातिथ्येन दुर्वृत्ते लोभमोहविवर्जिता। मत्सकाशं मुदा युक्ता स्वं वपुर्धारयिष्यसि॥.
### Human: Having said this the highly energetic Gautama of rigid austerities, forsaking this hermitage, began to carry on penances on the romantic summit of the Himavat, inhabited by Siddhas and Caranas.. ### Assistant: एवमुक्त्वा महातेजा गौतमो दुष्टचारिणीम्। इममाश्रममुत्सृज्य सिद्धचारणसेविते। हिमवच्छिखरे रम्ये तपस्तेपे महातपाः॥.
### Human: Then proceeding north-east Rāma is company with Sumitrā's son, placing Viśvāmitra at their head, appeared before the sacrificial ground.. ### Assistant: ततः प्रागुत्तरां गत्वा रामः सौमित्रिणा सह। विश्वामित्रं पुरस्कृत्य यज्ञवाटमुपागमत्॥.
### Human: And Rāma and Lakşmaņa said to that puissant ascetic, Great is the pomp and splendour of the high-souled Janaka's sacrifice. And, o pious one, many thousand of Brāhmaṇas inhabiting various regions, and well-read in the Vedas (have come to this sacrifice);2-3. ### Assistant: रामस्तु मुनिशार्दूलमुवाच सहलक्ष्मणः। साध्वी यज्ञसमृद्धिर्हि जनकस्य महात्मनः॥ बहूनीह सहस्राणि नानादेवनिवासिनाम्। ब्राह्मणानां महाभाग वेदाध्ययनशालिनाम्॥.
### Human: And the abodes of ascetics are thronged with hundreds of cars. Do you, O Brahmana, arrange for some place were we may put up.. ### Assistant: ऋषिवाटाश्च दृश्यन्ते शकटीशतसंकुलाः। देशो विधीयतां ब्रह्मन् यत्र वत्स्यामहे वयम्॥.
### Human: Hearing Rāma's words, the mighty ascetic Viśvāmitra selected for their abode a wellwatered spot free from bustle and tumult.. ### Assistant: रामस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः। निवासमकरोद् देशे विविक्ते सलिलान्विते॥.
### Human: And hearing of Viśvāmitra's arrival, the best of monarchs without blame, placing the priests Satānanda before him, as well as the high-souled family priests, speedily taking the Arghya, at once went out in humble guise, and offered it to Viśvāmitra according to the ordinance.. ### Assistant: विश्वामित्रमनुप्राप्तं श्रुत्वा नृपवरस्तदा। शतानन्दं पुरस्कृत्य पुरोहितमनिन्दितः॥ ऋत्विजोऽपि महात्मानस्त्वय॑मादाय सत्वरम्। प्रत्युज्जगाम सहसा विनयेन समन्वितः॥ विश्वामित्राय धर्मेण ददौ धर्मपुरस्कृतम्।.
### Human: Having accepted that homage of the highsouled Janaka, the ascetic enquired after the king's welfare, and the uninterrupted performance of his sacrifice. And the king together with his priests, having enquired of the ascetics as to their welfare, cheerfully embraced them all in a proper way.. ### Assistant: प्रतिगृह्य तु तां पूजां जनकस्य महात्मनः॥ पप्रच्छ कुशलं राज्ञो यज्ञस्य च निरामयम्। स तांश्चाथ मुनीन् पृष्ट्वा सोपाध्यायपुरोधसः॥ यथार्हमृषिभिः सर्वैः समागच्छत् प्रहृष्टवत्।.
### Human: Then he with clasped hands, spoke to that foremost of anchorets, saying, O worshipful one, do you along with these eminent ascetics take your seat.. ### Assistant: अथ राजा मुनिश्रेष्ठं कृताञ्जलिरभाषत ॥ आसने भगवानास्तां सहैभिर्मुनिपुङ्गवैः।.
### Human: Hearing Janaka's words, the mighty ascetic sat him down. And the king also, in company with his priests and counsellors sat down around in order of rank.. ### Assistant: जनकस्य वचः श्रुत्वा निषसाद महामुनिः॥ पुरोधा ऋत्विजश्चैव राजा च सहमन्त्रिभिः। आसनेषु यथान्यायनुपविष्टाः समन्ततः॥.
### Human: And then the monarch looking into Viśvāmitra's face, said, To-day by the grace of the gods, has my sacrifice been crowned with success, to-day.. ### Assistant: दृष्ट्वा स नृपतिस्तत्र विश्वामित्रमथाब्रवीत्। अद्य यज्ञसमृद्धिर्मे सफला दैवतैः कृता॥.
### Human: Have I reaped the fruit of my sacrifice by beholding your worshipful self. Blessed and obliged am I whose sacrificial ground, O Brāhmaṇa, has been graced by you along with these ascetics.. ### Assistant: अद्य यज्ञफलं प्राप्तं भगवदर्शनान्मया। धन्योऽस्म्यनुगृहीतोऽस्मि यस्य मे मुनिपुङ्गवः॥.
### Human: Twelve days, O Brahmarși, have been fixed for the period of initiation by the sages. On the expiry of that term, you will, O Kausika, behold the celestials come to the sacrifice for claiming their respective shares.. ### Assistant: यज्ञोपसदनं ब्रह्मन् प्राप्तोऽसि मुनिभिः सह। द्वादशाहं तु ब्रह्मर्षे दीक्षामाहुर्मनीषिणः॥ ततो भागार्थिनो देवान् द्रष्टुमर्हसि कौशिक।.
### Human: Having said this, the king with a cheerful countenance, with folded hands, again intently asked that foremost of ascetics.. ### Assistant: इत्युक्त्वा मुनिशार्दूलं प्रहृष्टवदनस्तदा॥ पुनस्तं परिपप्रच्छ प्राञ्जलिः प्रयतो नृपः।.
### Human: These youths, good betide you, like to celestials in prowess, of the gait of lions or elephants, heroic, and resembling tigers or bulls, of expansive eyes like to lotus-patals, bearing scimitars, quivers and bows, graceful like to the Asvins, endowed with youth, resembling immortals fancy-led from heaven to the earth, whose sons, O ascetic, are they, and what for have they come, and why again have they come afoot? And bearing excellent arms, whose sons, O mighty anchorite, are these heroic ones, who grace this place even as the sun and the moon do the welkin, and resemble each other in bodily proportions, expression, and gestures; wearing side-locks and of warlike mien? This I would hear truly related.. ### Assistant: इमौ कुमारौ भद्रं ते देवतुल्यपराक्रमौ॥ गजतुल्यगती वीरौ शार्दूलवृषभोपमौ। पद्मपत्रविशालाक्षौ खङ्गतूणीधनुर्धरौ। अश्विनाविव रूपेण समुपस्थितयौवनौ॥ यदृच्छयेव गां प्राप्तौ देवलोकादिवामरौ। कथं पद्भयामिह प्राप्तौ किमर्थं कस्य वा मुने॥ वरायुधधरौ वीरौ कस्य पुत्रौ महामुने। भूषयन्ताविमं देशं चन्द्रसूर्याविवाम्बरम्॥ परस्परस्य सदृशौ प्रमाणेङ्गितचेष्टितैः। काकपक्षधरौ वीरौ श्रोतुमिच्छामि तत्त्वतः॥.
### Human: Hearing this speech of the high-souled Janaka, that ascetic of immeasurable soul related all about Dasaratha's sons.. ### Assistant: तस्य तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा जनकस्य महात्मनः। न्यवेदयदमेयात्मा पुत्रौ दशरथस्य तौ॥.