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### Human: Whether an act be cruel or otherwise, slightly or highly sinful, it should for protecting the subjects, be performed by a ruler.. ### Assistant: नृशंसमनृशंसं वा प्रजारक्षणकारणात्। पातकं वा सदोषं वा कर्तव्यं रक्षता सदा॥. |
### Human: Of those engaged in the onerous task of government, even this is the eternal rule of conduct. Do you, O Kākutstha, slay this impious one; for she know no righteousness!. ### Assistant: राज्यभारनियुक्तनामेष धर्मः सनातनः। अध` जहि काकुत्स्थ धर्मो ह्यस्यां न विद्यते॥. |
### Human: We hear, O king, that in days of yore, ſakra slew Virocana's daughter, Mantharā, who had intended to destroy the earth.. ### Assistant: श्रूयते हि पुरा शक्रो विरोचनसुतां नृप। पृथिवीं हन्तुमिच्छन्ती मन्थरामभ्यसूदयत्॥. |
### Human: And formerly, O Rama, Visnu destroyed Kāvya's mother, the devoted wife of Bhrgu, who had set her heart upon annihilating the world, deprived of sleep (through fear of her.). ### Assistant: विष्णुना च पुरा राम भृगुपत्नी पतिव्रता। अनिन्द्रं लोकमिच्छन्ती काव्यमाता निषूदिता ॥. |
### Human: By these as well as innumerable princesforemost of men have wicked women been slain. Therefore, O king, renouncing antipathy, do you, by my command, slay this one!. ### Assistant: एतैश्चान्यैश्च बहुभी राजपुत्रैर्महात्मभिः। अधर्मसहिता नार्यो हताः पुरुषसत्तमैः। तस्मादेनां घृणां त्यक्त्वा जहि मच्छासनानृप॥. |
### Human: Having passed that night, the illustrious Viśvāmitra, smiling complacently, sweetly spoke to Rāghava, saying,. ### Assistant: अथ तां रजनीमुष्य विश्वामित्रो महायशाः। प्रहस्य राघवं वाक्यमुवाच मधुरस्वरम्॥. |
### Human: Pleased am I with you. Good betide you, O highly famous prince! With supreme pleasure, do I confer upon you all the weapons.. ### Assistant: परितुष्टोऽस्मि भद्रं ते राजपुत्र महायशः। प्रीत्या परमया युक्तो ददाम्यस्त्राणि सर्वशः॥. |
### Human: By means of which subduing such antagonists as celestials and Asuras backed on carth by Gandharvas and Uragas, you will in battle be crowned with victory.. ### Assistant: देवासुरगणान् वापि सगन्धर्वोरगान् भुवि। यैरमित्रान् प्रसह्याजौ वशीकृत्य जयिष्यसि ॥. |
### Human: All those celestial weapons, good betide you, I will confer upon you. And I will confer upon you, O Rāghava, the celestial and mighty Dandacakra,* and Dharmacakra, and also Kalacakra. And, ) foremost of men, I will confer upon you the fierce Vişnucakra, and Indracakra. *Cakra means discus. These enumerations specify different kinds of the discus.. ### Assistant: तानि दिव्यानि भद्रं ते ददाम्यस्त्राणि सर्वशः। दण्डचक्रं महद् दिव्यं तव दास्यामि राघव॥ धर्मचक्रं ततो वीर कालचक्रं तथैव च। विष्णुचक्रं तथात्युग्रमैन्द्रं चक्रं तथैव च॥. |
### Human: The Vajra, and Siva's Sūlavara, and the weapon Brahmasiras, and Aisika, O mightyarmed descendant of Raghu! And, O tiger among men, I will, O king's,son, bestow upon you the matchless Brahma weapon, and, O Kākutstha, the two excellent maces, the flaming Modaki and Sikhari. And, O Rāma, I will confer upon you Dharmapasa,* and Kalapāsa, and the excellent Varuņapāśa. * Pasa means noose. ### Assistant: वज्रमस्त्रं नरश्रेष्ठ शैवं शूलवरं तथा। अस्त्रं ब्रह्मशिरश्चैव ऐषीकमपि राघव॥ ददामि ते महाबाहो ब्राह्ममस्त्रमनुत्तमम्। गदे द्वे चैव काकुत्स्थ मोदकीशिखरी शुभे॥ प्रदीप्ते नरशार्दूल प्रयच्छामि नृपात्मज । धर्मपाशमहं राम कालपाशं तथैव च ॥ वारुणं पाशमस्त्रं च ददाम्यहमनुत्तमम्।. |
### Human: O descendant of Raghu, I will bestow upon you the two Asanis, Suska and Ardra, and the Pināka weapon, and the Nārāyaṇa, and the Āgneya weapon called Sikhara, and the Vāyavya, called Prathama.. ### Assistant: अशनी द्वे प्रयच्छामि शुष्कार्दै रघुनन्दन॥ ददामि चास्त्रं पैनाकमस्त्रं नारायणं तथा। आग्नेयमस्त्रं दयितं शिखरं नाम नामतः ॥ वायव्यं प्रथमं नाम ददामि तव चानघ।. |
### Human: O sinless one! And, O Rāghava, I will confer are upon you the weapon called Hayasiras, and the Krauñca weapon, and, O Kākutstha, a couple of darts.. ### Assistant: अस्त्रं हयशिरो नाम क्रौञ्चमस्त्रं तथैव च॥ शक्तिद्वयं च काकुत्स्थ ददामि तव राघव।. |
### Human: And I will confer upon you Kankala, and the dreadful Musala, and Kapāla, and Kinkiņi-all those that intended for slaughtering Rākşasas.. ### Assistant: कङ्कालं मुसलं घोरं कापालमथ किङ्किणीम्॥ वधार्थं रक्षसा यानि ददाम्येतानि सर्वशः।. |
### Human: And, O mighty-armed one, O son of the best of men, I will confer upon you the mighty weapon Vidyadhara, and that excellent scimitar named Nandana, and the favourite Gandharva weapon, Mohana, and Prasvapana, Pasamana, and Saumya,. ### Assistant: वैद्याधरं महास्त्रं च नन्दनं नाम नामतः॥ असिरत्नं महाबाहो ददामि नृपरात्मज। गान्धर्वमस्त्रं दयितं मोहनं नाम नामतः॥ प्रस्वापनं प्रशमनं दद्मि सौम्यं च राघव।. |
### Human: O Rāghava! And, O tiger among men, do you accept Varsana, and Sosana, and Santapana, and Vilāpana, and Mādana hard to repress, beloved of Kandarpa, and that favourite Gandharva weapon, Mānava, and the favourite Piśāca weapon, O highly famous prince.. ### Assistant: वर्षणं शोषणं चैव संतापनविलापने॥ मादनं चैव दुर्धर्षं कन्दर्पदयितं तथा। गान्धर्वमस्त्रं दयितं मानवं नाम नामतः॥ पैशाचमस्त्रं दयितं मोहनं नाम नामतः। प्रतीच्छ नरशार्दूल राजपुत्र महायशः॥. |
### Human: You, O mighty-armed Rāma, speedily accept the Tamasa, O tiger among men, and the exceedingly powerful Saumana, and the irrepressible Saſvarta and Mausala, O son of the king, and the Satya weapon, and the supreme Māyāmaya, and the Saura. Tejaprabha, capable of depriving foes of energy, and the Soma, and the ſisira, and the Tvāştra, and the terrible Daruna belonging to Bhaga, and Silesu, and Manava.. ### Assistant: तामसं नरशार्दूल सौमनं च महाबलम्। संवर्तं चैव दुर्धर्षं मौसलं च नृपात्मज ॥ सत्यमस्त्रं महाबाहो तथा मायामयं परम्। सौरं तेज:प्रभं नाम परतेजोऽपकर्षणम्॥ सोमास्त्रं शिशिरं नाम त्वाष्ट्रमस्त्रं सुदारुणम्। दारुणं च भगस्यापि शीलेषुमथ मानवम्॥. |
### Human: O long-armed king's son, Rama! receive instantly all powerful, highly exalted forms that can be modified at will.. ### Assistant: एतान् राम महाबाहो कामरूपान् महाबलान्। गृहाण परमोदारान् क्षिप्रमेव नृपात्मज ॥. |
### Human: Then with his face turned towards the east, that foremost of ascetics having purified himself, gladly conferred the mantras upon Rāma.. ### Assistant: स्थितस्तु प्राङ्मुखो भूत्वा शुचिर्मुनिवरस्तदा । ददौ रामाय सुप्रीतो मन्त्रग्राममनुत्तमम्॥. |
### Human: And the Vipra also bestowed upon Rāghava those weapons, of which even the celestials are incapable of holding all.. ### Assistant: सर्वसंग्रहणं येषां दैवतैरति दुर्लभम्। तान्यस्त्राणि तदा विप्रो राघवाय न्यवेदयत्॥. |
### Human: As that intelligent ascetic, Viśvāmitra, recited mantras, all those invaluable weapons appeared before that descendant of Raghu. And with clasped hands, they well-pleased, addressed Rama,-These, O highly generous one, are your servants, O Rāghava. And whatever you wish, good betide you, shall by all means be accomplished by us.. ### Assistant: जपतस्तु मुनेस्तस्य विश्वामित्रस्य धीमतः। उपतस्थुमहार्हाणि सर्वाण्यस्त्राणि राघवम्॥ ऊचुश्च मुदिता रामं सर्वे प्राञ्जलयस्तदा। इमे च परमोदार किंकरास्तव राघव ॥ यद्यदिच्छसि भद्रं ते तत्सर्वं करवाम वै।. |
### Human: Thus addressed by those highly powerful weapons, Kākutstha Rama, with a delighted soul, accepting them, touched them with his hand, and said, Do you appear before me as I remember you!. ### Assistant: ततो रामः प्रसन्नात्मा तैरित्युक्तो महाबलैः॥ प्रतिगृह्य च काकुत्स्थः समालभ्य च पाणिना। मानसा मे भविष्यध्वमिति तान्यभ्यचोदयत्॥. |
### Human: Then the exceedingly energetic Rāma, well pleased, paying reverence to the mighty ascetic, Viśvāmitra, prepared to set out. pleased, paying reverence to the mighty ascetic, Viśvāmitra, prepared to set out.. ### Assistant: ततः प्रीतमना रामो विश्वामित्रं महामुनिम्। अभिवाद्य महातेजा गमनायोपचक्रमे ॥. |
### Human: Hearing those words of Rāma of measureless prowess, who had asked the question, the highly energetic Viśvāmitra answered, saying,. ### Assistant: अथ तस्याप्रमेयस्य वचनं परिपृच्छतः। विश्वामित्रो महातेजा व्याख्यातुमुपचक्रमे॥. |
### Human: Here, O mighty-armed Rama, Visnu of mighty asceticism worshipped of all the deities, for years upon years, and hundreds of Yugas, dwelt for carrying on his austerities and Yoga. This, O Rāma, was formerly the hermitage of the high-souled Vāmana.. ### Assistant: इह राम महाबाहो विष्णुर्देवनमस्कृतः। वर्षाणि सुबहूनीह तथा युगशतानि च॥ तपश्चरणयोगार्थमुवास सुमहातपाः। एष पूर्वाश्रमो राम वामनस्य महात्मनः॥. |
### Human: And this famed as Siddhāśrama, in consequence of that one of potent asceticism having attained fruition there. And it came to pass that at this time Virocana's son, king Välī; having vanquished the celestials with Indra and the Maruts, established that dominion of his, famous in the three worlds.. ### Assistant: सिद्धाश्रम इति ख्यातः सिद्धो ह्यत्र महातपाः। एतस्मिन्नेव काले तु राजा वैरोचनिबंलिः॥ निर्जित्य दैवतगणान् सेन्द्रान् सहमरुद्गणान्। कारयामास तद्राज्यं त्रिषु लोकेषु विश्रुतः॥. |
### Human: And that mighty chief of the Asuras celebrated a sacrifice. And as Vāli was performing that sacrifice, the deities with Agni at their head, coming to Vişnu himself at this asylum, addressed him saying,. ### Assistant: यज्ञं चकार सुमहानसुरेन्द्रो महाबलः। बलेस्तु यजमानस्य देवाः साग्निपुरोगमाः। समागम्य स्वयं चैव विष्णुमूचुरिहाश्रमे॥. |
### Human: Virocana's son, Vali, O Visnu, is celebrating a sacrifice. Do you, before the ceremony is finished, accomplish your own end.. ### Assistant: बलिर्वैरोचनिर्विष्णो यजते यज्ञमुत्तमम्। असमाप्तव्रते तस्मिन् स्वकार्यमभिपद्यताम्॥. |
### Human: He duly confer upon such as repair to him from various quarters all those things that they ask for. And do yourself.. ### Assistant: ये चैनमभिवर्तन्ते याचितार इतस्ततः। यच्च यत्र यथावच्च सर्वे तेभ्यः प्रयच्छति॥. |
### Human: O Visnu, aided by your power of illusion, assuming a Dwarf form, accomplish the welfare of the gods.. ### Assistant: स त्वं सुरहितार्थाय मायायोगमुपाश्रितः। वामनत्वं गतो विष्णो कुरु कल्याणमुत्तमम्॥. |
### Human: In the meantime, O Rāma, the worshipful Kaśyapa resembling fire in splendour, and flaming in energy, having in company with, and with the assistance of, the divine Aditi, O Rāma, accomplished his vow, began to hymn the destroyer of Madhu ready to confer boons.. ### Assistant: एतस्मिन्नन्तरे राम कश्यपोऽग्निसमप्रभः। अदित्या सहितो राम दीप्यमान इवौजसा॥ देवीसहायो भगवान् दिव्यं वर्षसहस्रकम्। व्रतं समाप्य वरदं तुष्टाव मधुसूदनम्॥. |
### Human: By means of warm austerities, will I behold you composed of penances, a mass of mortifications, and endowed with a form and a soul of austerities. And in your person, O lord, will I behold this entire universe. And in You without beginning, and incapable of being pointed out, do I take refuge! Thereupon exceedingly pleased, Hari spoke to Kasyapa, with his sins purged off, saying, Do you mention the boon! Good betide you. Methinks you deserve a boon.. ### Assistant: तपोमयं तपोराशिं तपोमूर्तिं तपात्मकम्। तपसा त्वां सुतप्तेन पश्यामि पुरुषोत्तमम्॥ शरीरे तव पश्यामि जगत् सर्वमिदं प्रभो। त्वमनादिरनिर्देश्यस्त्वामहं शरणं गतः॥ तमुवाच हरिः प्रीत: कश्यपं गतकल्मषम्। वरं वरय भद्रं ते वरार्होऽसि मतो मम॥. |
### Human: Hearing these words of his, Marici's son, Kaśyapa, said, Aditi, the gods, and I myself, crave of you this, and, O bestower of boons, it behove you well pleased to confer on us this boon, O you of excellent vows! Do you, o sinless one, become born as my son in Aditi.. ### Assistant: तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं तस्य मारीचः कश्यपोऽब्रवीत्। अदित्या देवतानां च मम चैवानुयाचितम्॥ वरं वरद सुप्रीतो दातुमर्हसि सुव्रत। पुत्रत्वं गच्छ भगवन्नदित्या मम चानघ ॥. |
### Human: O adorable deity! Do you become the younger brother of Sakra, O destroyer of Asuras. It behove you to help the celestials afflicted with grief.. ### Assistant: भ्राता भव यवीयांस्त्वं शक्रस्यासुरसूदन। शोकार्तानां तु देवानां साहाय्यं कर्तुमर्हसि ॥. |
### Human: And this place through your grace will attain the name of Siddhasrama. The work, O lord of the celestials, has been accomplished.. ### Assistant: अयं सिद्धाश्रमो नाम प्रसादात् ते भविष्यति। सिद्धे कर्मणि देवेश उत्तिष्ठ भगवनितः॥. |
### Human: Do you now, O you of the six attributes, ascend from hence! And accordingly Vişnu of mighty energy took his birth in Aditi. And assuming the form of a dwarf, he presented himself before Virocana's son.. ### Assistant: अथ विष्णुर्महातेजा अदित्यां समजायत। वामनं रूपमास्थाय वैरोचनिमुपागमत्॥. |
### Human: And then asking for as much earth as could be covered by three footsteps, that one ever engaged in the welfare of all creatures; with the object of compassing the good of all, stood occupying the worlds. And having by his power restrained Bali, that one of exceeding energy, again conferred the three worlds upon the mighty Indra, and made them subject to his control.. ### Assistant: त्रीन् पदानथ भिक्षित्वा प्रतिगृह्य च मेदिनीम्। आक्रम्य लोकाँल्लोकार्थी सर्वलोकहिते रतः॥ महेन्द्राय पुनः प्रादानियम्य बलिमोजसा। त्रैलोक्यं स महातेजाश्चक्रे शक्रवशं पुनः॥. |
### Human: Formerly he used to dwell in this asylum capable of removing fatigue. And hermitage is infested by Raksasas disturbing rites. And, O most puissant of men, here you should slay those ones of wicked ways.. ### Assistant: तेनैव पूर्वमाक्रान्त आश्रमः श्रमनाशनः। मयापि भक्त्या तस्यैव वामनस्योपभुज्यते॥ एनमाश्रममायान्ति राक्षसा विघ्नकारिणः। अत्र ते पुरुषव्याघ्र हन्तव्या दुष्टचारिणः॥. |
### Human: To-day, O Rama, will I repair to this supremely excellent Siddhāśrama. And this asylum, child, is as much your as mine.. ### Assistant: अद्य गच्छामहे राम सिद्धाश्रममनुत्तमम्। तदाश्रमपदं तात तवाप्येतद् यथा मम॥. |
### Human: Saying this, taking Rāma and Lakşmaņa, the mighty ascetic, experiencing exceeding delight, entered that asylum, and appeared graceful, like the Moon emerged from mist in conjunction with the Punarvasu stars.. ### Assistant: इत्युक्त्वा परमप्रीतो गृह्य रामं सलक्ष्मणम्। प्रविशन्नाश्रमपदं व्यरोचत महामुनिः शशीव गतनीहारः पुनर्वसुसमन्वितः॥. |
### Human: And beholding Viśvāmitra, the ascetics inhabiting Siddhāśrama, suddenly rising in joy, worshipped that intelligent one, and extended to the princes the rites of hospitality.. ### Assistant: तं दृष्ट्वा मुनयः सर्वे सिद्धाश्रमनिवासिनः। उत्पत्योत्पत्य सहसा विश्वामित्रमपूजयन्॥ यथाहँ चक्रिरे पूजां विश्वामित्राय धीमते। तथैव राजपुत्राभ्यामकुर्वन्नतिथिक्रियाम्॥. |
### Human: And then having reposed for a while, those unreproved princes, the descendants of Raghu, with clasped hands, addressed that foremost of ascetics.. ### Assistant: मुहूर्तमथ विश्रान्तौ राजपुत्रावरिंदमौ। प्राञ्जली मुनिशार्दूलमूचतू रघुनन्दनौ ॥. |
### Human: Be you even to-day initiated to the ceremony. Good betide you, O best of ascetics! Let this Siddhāśrama verily attain fruition, and let your words be verified!. ### Assistant: अद्यैव दीक्षां प्रविश भद्रं ते मुनिपुंगव। सिद्धाश्रमोऽयं सिद्धः स्यात् सत्यमस्तु वचस्तव॥. |
### Human: Thus addressed, that mighty saint of exceeding energy, observing vows, and with his senses under restraint, caused himself to be initiated into the ceremony. And like to the Kumāras, (Skanda and Visakha) Rāma and Laksmana, having passed the night pleasantly, rose in the morning, and having finished their morning worship, and with purity and selfrestraint recited the prime mantras, paid their obeisance to the sacrificial fire and the sacrificer, Viśvāmitra, who was seated.. ### Assistant: एवमुक्तो महातेजा विश्वामित्रो महानृषिः। प्रविवेश तदा दीक्षां नियतो नियतेन्द्रियः॥ कुमारावपि तां रात्रिमुषित्वा सुसमाहितौ। प्रभातकाले चोत्थाय पूर्वां संध्यामुपास्य च॥ प्रशुची परमं जाप्यं समाप्य नियमेन च। हुताग्निहोत्रमासीनं विश्वामित्रमवन्दताम्॥. |
### Human: Then those princes, repressors of foes, cognizant of place, and time, and words, thus spoke to Kuśika's son agreeably to time and place, saying,. ### Assistant: अथ तौ देशकालज्ञौ राजपुत्रावरिंदमौ। देशे काले च वाक्यज्ञावब्रूतां कौशिकं वचः॥. |
### Human: O adorable one, do you tell us as to the time when we should oppose those rangers of the night! Let not that hour pass away!. ### Assistant: भगवञ्छोतुमिच्छावो यस्मिन् काले निशाचरौ। संरक्षणीयौ तौ ब्रूहि नातिवर्तेत तत्क्षणम्॥. |
### Human: Upon the two Kākutsthas' saying this, and finding them prompt for the encounter, those ascetics well-pleased, fell to extolling the sons of the king.. ### Assistant: एवं ब्रुवाणौ काकुत्स्थौ त्वरमाणौ युयुत्सया। सर्वे ते मुनयः प्रीताः प्रशशंसुर्नृपात्मजौ॥. |
### Human: For six nights from to-day, you should protects us. This ascetic has been initiated into the sacrifice, and must, therefore, observe taciturnity.. ### Assistant: अद्यप्रभृति षड्रात्रं रक्षतां राघवौ युवाम्। दीक्षां गतो ह्येष मुनिौनित्वं च गमिष्यति॥. |
### Human: Hearing these words of theirs, those illustrious princes, renouncing sleep, began to guard the hermitage day and night; and those heroic and mighty archers protected that best of ascetics and subduer of enemies.. ### Assistant: तौ तु तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा राजपुत्रौ यशस्विनौ। अनिद्रं षडहोरात्रं तपोवनमरक्षताम्॥ उपासांचक्रतुर्वीरौ यत्तौ परमधन्विनौ। ररक्षतुर्मुनिवरं विश्वामित्रमरिंदमौ॥. |
### Human: When time had thus gone by and the sixth day had arrived, Rāma said to Sumitrā's son. Being well equipped, be you vigilant!. ### Assistant: अथ काले गते तस्मिन् षष्ठेऽहनि तदागते। सौमित्रिमब्रवीद् रामो यत्तो भव समाहितः॥. |
### Human: When Räma, manifesting emotion, and being eager for encounter, had said this, the priests and spiritual guides lit up the altar. And along with Viśvāmitra and the family priests, they lit up the altar furnished with Kusa, and Kasa, and ladles, and faggots, and flowers.. ### Assistant: रामस्यैवं ब्रुवाणस्य त्वरितस्य युयुत्सया। प्रजज्वाल ततो वेदिः सोपाध्यायपुरोहिता॥ सदर्भचमसनुक्का ससमित्कुसुमोच्चया। विश्वामित्रेण सहिता वेदिर्जज्वाल सर्विजा॥. |
### Human: And as reciting mantras, they were about to duly engage in that sacrifice, there arose a mighty and dreadful uproar in the sky.. ### Assistant: मन्त्रवच्च यथान्यायं यज्ञोऽसौ सम्प्रवर्तते। आकाशे च महाञ्छब्दः प्रादुरासीद् भयानकः॥. |
### Human: And as in the rains, masses of clouds appear enveloping the firmament, the Rākşasas, displaying illusions in that wise, began to rush onward. And Mārīca and Subāhu together with their followers coming in dreadful forms, began to shower down blood upon the altar.. ### Assistant: आवार्य गगनं मेघो यथा प्रावृषि दृश्यते। तथा मायां विकुर्वाणौ राक्षसावभ्यधावताम्॥ मारीचश्च सुबाहुश्च तयोरनुचरास्तथा। आगम्य भीमसंकाशा रुधिरौघानवासृजन्॥. |
### Human: And on seeing the altar deluged with gore, Rāma suddenly rushed forward, and behold them in the sky. And suddenly seeing them rushing in amain, the lotus-eyed Rāma fixing his gaze at Laksmana, said.. ### Assistant: तां तेन रुधिरौघेण वेदिं वीक्ष्य समुक्षिताम्। सहसाभिद्रुतो रामस्तानपश्यत् ततो दिवि॥ तावापतन्तौ सहसा दृष्ट्वा राजीवलोचनः। लक्ष्मणं त्वभिसम्प्रेक्ष्य रामो वचनमब्रवीत्॥. |
### Human: Behold O Lakşmana, by means of a Mānava weapon, I shall, without doubt, drive away the wicked; flesh-eating Raksasas, even as the wind drive away clouds before it. Surely I cannot bring myself to slay such as these.. ### Assistant: पश्य लक्ष्मण दुर्वृत्तान् राक्षसान् पिशिताशनान्। मानवास्त्रसमाधूताननिलेन यथा घनान्॥ करिष्यामि न संदेहो नोत्सहे हन्तुमीदृशान्।. |
### Human: Saying this, that descendant of Raghu, Rāma, in vehemence fixing on his bow an exceedingly mighty and gloriously-dazzling Mānava weapon, discharged it in great wrath at Mārīca's chest.. ### Assistant: इत्युक्त्वा वचनं रामश्चापं संधाय वेगवान्॥ मानवं परमोदारमस्त्रं परमभास्वरम्। वक्षेप परमवुद्धो मारीचोरसि राघवः॥. |
### Human: And wounded by that foremost of Mānava weapons, Mārīca carried off a sheer hundred Yojanas, dropped in the midst of the ocean.. ### Assistant: स तेन परमास्त्रेण मानवेन समाहतः। सम्पूर्ण योजनशतं क्षिप्तः सागरसम्प्लवे॥. |
### Human: And finding Mārica senseless, and whirling, and afflicted by the might of the weapon, and overcome, Rama addressed Laksmana, saying.. ### Assistant: विचेतनं विघूर्णन्तं शीतेषुबलपीडितम्। निरस्तं दृश्य मारीचं रामो लक्ष्मणमब्रवीत्॥. |
### Human: Behold, O Laksmana, this Manava weapon first used by Manu, depriving him of his senses has carried him off, and yet has not taken his life!. ### Assistant: पश्य लक्ष्मण शीतेषु मानवं मनुसंहितम्। मोहयित्वा नयत्येनं न च प्राणैर्वियुज्यते॥. |
### Human: But these shameless, wicked, and blooddrinking Raksasas, delighting in wrong-doing, these disturbers of sacrifices, will I slaughter.. ### Assistant: इमानपि वधिष्यामि निघृणान् दुष्टचारिणः। राक्षसान् पापकर्मस्थान् यज्ञघ्नान् रुधिराशनान्॥. |
### Human: Having said this, anon showing to Lakşmaņa his lightness of hand, Raghu's descendant took out a mighty Āgneya weapon, and discharged it at the breast of Subāhu. Thereat being pierced with that shaft, he fell down upon the ground. Then taking a Vāyavya weapon, the illustrious and exceedingly generous Rāghava, bringing delight to those ascetics, slew the rest.. ### Assistant: इत्युक्त्वा लक्ष्मणं चाशु लाघवं दर्शयन्निव। विगृह्य सुमहच्चास्त्रमाग्नेयं रघुनन्दनः॥ सुबाहूरसि चिक्षेप स विद्धः प्रापतद् भूवि। शेषान् वायव्यमादाय निजघान महायशाः। राघवः परमोदारो मुनीनां मुदमावहन्॥. |
### Human: Having destroyed all those Rākşasas disturbing sacrifices, Raghu's descendant was honoured by the saints, even as Indra in day of yore, after having vanquished the Asuras.. ### Assistant: स हत्वा राक्षसान् सर्वान् यज्ञघ्नान् रघुनन्दनः। ऋषिभिः पूजितस्तत्र यथेन्द्रो विजये पुरा॥. |
### Human: When the sacrifice had been completed, the mighty ascetic Viśvāmitra, beholding all sides cleared of Rākṣasas, spoke to Käkutstha, saying,. ### Assistant: अथ यज्ञे समाप्ते तु विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः। निरीतिका दिशो दृष्ट्वा काकुत्स्थमिदमब्रवीत्॥. |
### Human: O mighty-armed one, I have obtained my desire; and you have executed your preceptor's mandate. And, O illustrious hero, you have truly made this a Siddhāśrama. Having thus extolled Rāma, he took Rāma and Lakşmaņa, to perform his evening devotions.. ### Assistant: कृतार्थोऽस्मि महाबाहो कृतं गुरुवचस्त्वया। सिद्धाश्रममिदं सत्यं कृतं वीर महायशः। स हि रामं प्रशस्यैवं ताभ्यां संध्यामुपागमत्॥. |
### Human: Once upon a time there was a mighty son of Brahmā, of high austerities, named Kusa. And he was cognizant of duty, and ever engaged in observing vows and honouring good men.. ### Assistant: ब्रह्मयोनिर्महानासीत् कुशो नाम महातपाः। अक्लिष्टव्रतधर्मज्ञः सज्जनप्रतिपूजकः॥. |
### Human: That high-souled one beget on Vaidarbha, sprung from a respectable line and endowed with all noble qualities, four sons like to himself, and possessed of extraordinary prowess-Kuśămba, and Kušanābha, and Asūrtarajas, and Vasu, resplendent and breathing exhaustless spirits. And with the desire of enhancing Kșetrya merit, Kuśa said to his truthful and virtuous sons"You sons! do you engage in the task of governing, and thereby acquire immense merit.'. ### Assistant: स महात्मा कुलीनायां युक्तायां सुमहाबलान्। वैदां जनयामास चतुरः सदृशान् सुतान्॥ कुशाम्बं कुशनाभं च असूर्तरजसं वसुम्। दीप्तियुक्तान् महोत्साहान् क्षत्रधर्मचिकीर्षया॥ तानुवाच कुशः पुत्रान् धर्मिष्ठान् सत्यवादिनः। क्रियतां पालनं पुत्रा धर्मं प्राप्स्यथ पुष्कलम्॥. |
### Human: Hearing Kuśa's words, those four foremost of men and best of sons addressed themselves to founding seats for their government. And the highly energetic Kuśāmba founded the city of Kausambi; and the righteous Kusanabha, the metropolis of Mahodaya; and the magnanimous Asūrtarajas, Dharmāraṇya; and king Vasu, Girivraja, best of capitals.. ### Assistant: कुशाम्बस्तु महातेजाः कुशस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा चत्वारो लोकसत्तमाः। निवेशं चक्रिरे सर्वे पुराणां नृवरास्तदा ॥ कौशाम्बीमकरोत् पुरीम्। कुशनाभस्तु धर्मात्मा पुरं चक्रे महोदयम्॥ असूर्तरजसो नाम धर्मारण्यं महामतिः। चक्रे पुरवरं राजा वसुनाम गिरिव्रजम्॥. |
### Human: This city (otherwise) called Vasumatī belongs to the high-souled Vasu. And the river known by the name of Sumāgadhi flows through the Māgadhas. And in the midst of the five foremost of hills, it looks like a garland.. ### Assistant: एषा वसुमती नाम वसोस्तस्य महात्मनः। एते शैलवराः पञ्च प्रकाशन्ते समन्ततः॥ सुमागधी नदी रम्या मागधान् विश्रुता ययौ। पञ्चानां शैलमुख्यानां मध्ये मालेव शोभते॥. |
### Human: And this Mägadhi, O Råma, belongs to the high-souled Vasu, taking, O Rāma, an easterly course, and flowing through fertile fields furnished with corn.. ### Assistant: सैषा हि मागधी राम वसोस्तस्य महात्मनः। पूर्वाभिचरिता राम सुक्षेत्रा सस्यमालिनी॥. |
### Human: O descendant of Raghu, the Rājarși Kusanābha beget an hundred godly daughters on Ghrtaci.. ### Assistant: कुशनाभस्तु राजर्षिः राजर्षिः कन्याशतमनुत्तमम्। जनयामास धर्मात्मा घृताच्यां रघुनन्दन॥. |
### Human: And it came to pass that they endowed with youth, beautiful and like to the lighting in the rainy season, decked in excellent ornaments, coming to their garden were merrily singing and dancing and playing on musical instruments, O Rāghava! And as they perfect in every limb, and unparalleled on earth in beauty, and endowed with all qualities, and furnished with youth and grace, were in the garden, like to stars embossed among clouds, that life of all (the air, beheld them and said.)12-13-14-15. ### Assistant: तास्तु यौवनशालिन्यो रूपवत्यः स्वलंकृताः। उद्यानभूमिमागम्य प्रावृषीव शतदाः॥ गायन्त्यो नृत्यमानाश्च वादयन्त्यस्तु राघव। आमोदं परमं जग्मुर्वराभरणभूषिताः॥ अथ ताश्चारुसर्वाङ्गयो रूपेणाप्रतिमा भुवि। उद्यानभूमिमागम्य तारा इव धनान्तरे॥ ताः सर्वा गुणसम्पन्ना रूपयौवनसंयुताः। दृष्ट्वा सर्वात्मको वायुरिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥. |
### Human: I seek for you: do you become my wives. Do you renounce this human guise, and attain long lives.. ### Assistant: अहं वः कामये सर्वा भार्या मम भविष्यथ । मानुषस्त्यज्यतां भावो दीर्घमायुरवाप्स्यथ ॥. |
### Human: Youth verily is unstable, specially with the human beings: do you attaining unfading youth, become immortal!. ### Assistant: चलं हि यौवनं नित्यं मानुषेषु विशेषतः। अक्षयं यौवनं प्राप्ता अमर्यश्च भविष्यथ ॥. |
### Human: Hearing this speech of the Air of ever fresh energy, the damsels ridiculing it, said.. ### Assistant: तस्य तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा वायोरक्लिष्टकर्मणः। अपहास्य ततो वाक्यं कन्याशतमथाब्रवीत्॥. |
### Human: You range the hearts of all creatures, O foremost of celestials, and we also know your influence. Wherefore, then, do you dishonour us?. ### Assistant: अन्तश्चरसि भूतानां सर्वेषां सुरसत्तम। प्रभावज्ञाश्च ते सर्वाः किमर्थमवमन्यसे ॥. |
### Human: O foremost of celestials, we are the daughters of Kušanābha O divine one. And god as you are, we can dislodge you from your place; but we refrain from doing so, lest thereby we lose our ascetic merit.. ### Assistant: कुशनाभसुता देव समस्ताः सुरसत्तम। स्थानाच्च्यावयितुं देवं रक्षामस्तु तपो वयम्॥. |
### Human: May, O foolish one, that time never come, when disregarding our truthful sire, we following our inclination, shall resort to self choice.. ### Assistant: मा भूत्स कालो दुर्मेधः पितरं सत्यवादिनम्। अवमन्य स्वधर्मेण स्वयं वरमुपास्महे ॥. |
### Human: Our father verily is our lord an prime god. Of him even shall we become the wives to whom our father give us away.. ### Assistant: पिता हि प्रभुरस्माकं दैवतं परमं च सः। यस्य नो दास्यति पिता स नो भर्ता भविष्यति॥. |
### Human: At these words of theirs, that lord and adorable one, the Air, exceedingly enraged, then entered into their bodies, and brake all their limbs. Their bodies being thus broken by Air, those damsels, exceedingly agitated and overwhelmed with shame, with tears in their eyes entered the residence of the king.. ### Assistant: तासां तु वचनं श्रुत्वा हरिः परमकोपनः। प्रविश्य सर्वगात्राणि बभञ्ज भगवान् प्रभुः॥ ताः कन्या वायुना भग्ना विविशुनृपतेर्गृहम्। प्रविश्य च सुसम्भ्रान्ताः सलज्जाः सास्रलोचनाः॥. |
### Human: And finding his supremely beautiful and favourite daughters with their limbs broken, and woebegone, the king bewildered, spoke.. ### Assistant: स च ता दयिता भग्नाः कन्या परमशोभनाः। दृष्ट्वा दीनास्तदा राजा सम्भ्रान्त इदमब्रवीत्॥. |
### Human: You daughters, what is this? Who is it that thus disregards virtue? By whom have you all come by this crooked form? And why demonstrating your grief, do you not answer me?' Having said this, the king heaved a deep sigh and became eager to hear all about it.. ### Assistant: किमिदं कथ्यतां पुत्र्यः को धर्ममवमन्यते। कुब्जाः केन कृताः सर्वाश्चेष्टन्त्यो नाभिभाषथ।। एवं राजा विनिःश्वस्य समाधि संदधे ततः॥. |
### Human: And, O Raghava, when Brahmadatta was married, that sonless one, (Kušanābha), with the intention of obtaining male offspring, took in hand a son-conferring sacrifice.. ### Assistant: कृतोद्वाहे गते तस्मिन् ब्रह्मदत्ते च राघव। अपुत्रः पुत्रलाभाय पौत्रीमिष्टिमकल्पयत्॥. |
### Human: And when the sacrifice had commenced, that son of Brahmā, the exceedingly noble Kusa, spoke to king Kusanābha, saying,. ### Assistant: इष्टयां तु वर्तमानायां कुशनाभं महीपतिम्। उवाच परमोदारैः कुशो ब्रह्मसुतस्तदा॥. |
### Human: O son, there will be born to you a virtuous son like to thyself: you will obtain even Gādhi, and through him enduring fame in this world.. ### Assistant: पुत्रस्ते सदृशः पुत्र भविष्यति सुधार्मिकः। गाधि प्राप्स्यसि तेन त्वं कीर्तिं लोके च शाश्वतीम्॥. |
### Human: Having said this to king Kusanabha, Kusa, O Rāma, entering the welkin, went to the eternal regions of Brahmā.. ### Assistant: एवमुक्त्वा कुशो राम कुशनाभं महीपतिम्। जगामाकाशमाविश्य ब्रह्मलोकं सनातनम् ॥. |
### Human: Then after sometime, an eminently virtuous son, named Gadhi, was born to the intelligent Kusanabha.. ### Assistant: कस्यचित् त्वथ कालस्य कुशनाभस्य धीमतः। जज्ञे परमधर्मिष्ठो गाधिरित्येव नामतः॥. |
### Human: O Kākutstha, even that highly pious Gadhi is my sire. And, O descendant of Raghu, I, called Kausika, am sprung from Kusa's line.. ### Assistant: स पिता मम काकुत्स्थ गाधिः परमधार्मिकः। कुशवंशप्रसूतोऽस्मि कौशिको रघुनन्दन॥. |
### Human: O Rāghava, I had a sister of noble vows born before me. And her name was Satyavatī; and she was bestowed upon Rcīkā.. ### Assistant: पूर्वजा भगिनी चापि मम राघव सुव्रता। नाम्ना सत्यवती नाम ऋचीके प्रतिपादिता।७।।. |
### Human: And following her lord, she ascended heaven in her own proper person. And my highly generous sister, Kausikī, has finally assumed the form of a mighty river.. ### Assistant: सशरीरा गता स्वर्ग भर्तारमनुवर्तिनी। कौशिका परमोदारा प्रवृत्ता च महानदी॥. |
### Human: And in order to compass the welfare of all creatures, my sister is now a noble and charming river of sacred waters, issuing from the Himavat mountains.. ### Assistant: दिव्या पुण्योदका रम्या हिमवन्तमुपाश्रिता। लोकस्य हितकार्यार्थं प्रवृत्ता भगिनी मम॥. |
### Human: And thenceforth, out of affection for my sister, Kausiki, I ever dwell happily in the vicinity of the Himavat, O Raghava.. ### Assistant: ततोऽहं हिमवत्पार्वे वसामि नियतः सुखम्। भगिन्यां स्नेहसंयुक्तः कौशिक्यां रघुनन्दन ॥. |
### Human: And that virtuous Kausiki, Satyavati, as well established in religion as truth, and chaste, and eminently pious, is now the foremost of streams.. ### Assistant: सा तु सत्यवती पुण्या सत्ये धर्मे प्रतिष्ठिता। पतिव्रता महाभागा कौशिकी सरितां वरा॥. |
### Human: And, O Rama, it is only for the purpose of completing my sacrifice that leaving her behind, I have come to Siddhāśrama. And now by virtue of your energy, have I attained fruition.. ### Assistant: अहं हि नियमाद् राम हित्वा तां समुपागतः। सिद्धाश्रममनुप्राप्तः सिद्धोऽस्मि तव तेजसा ॥. |
### Human: Now, O Rāma, I have narrated to you the circumstances connected with the history of my line and myself, as also of this place, O mightyarmed one, which you had asked me to relate.. ### Assistant: एषा राम ममोत्पत्तिः स्वस्य वंशस्य कीर्तिता। देशस्य हि महाबाहो यन्मां त्वं परिपृच्छसि॥. |
### Human: But, O Kākutstha, while I was speaking, half the night has been spent. Do you now sleep, good betide you, so that you may not feel any difficulty while on the journey.. ### Assistant: गतोऽर्धरात्रः काकुत्स्थ कथाः कथयतो मम। निद्रामभ्येहि भद्रं ते मा भूद् विघ्नोऽध्वनीह नः॥. |
### Human: The trees stand motionless, and the beasts and birds are silent, and, O descendant of Raghu, all sides have become enveloped in nocturnal gloom.. ### Assistant: निष्पन्दास्तरवः सर्वे निलीना मृगपक्षिणः। नैशेन तमसा व्याप्ता दिशश्च रघुनन्दन॥. |
### Human: The noon of night is gradually passing away; and the firmament thick-studded with stars resembling eyes, is illumined up with their light.. ### Assistant: शनैर्विसृज्यते संध्या नभो नेरिवावृतम्। नक्षत्रतारागहनं ज्योतिर्भिरवभासते॥. |
### Human: And that dispeller of darkness, the mildbeaming moon is rising, gladdening the hearts of all creatures with his splendour.. ### Assistant: उत्तिष्ठते च शीतांशुः शशी लोकतमोनुदः। ह्लादयन् प्राणिनां लोके मनांसि प्रभया स्वया॥. |
### Human: And night-ranging being terrible carnivorous Yaksas and Rākşasas—walk here and there,. ### Assistant: नैशानि सर्वभूतानि प्रचरन्ति ततस्ततः। यक्षराक्षससङ्घाश्च रौद्राश्च पिशिताशनाः॥. |
### Human: Having said this the mighty ascetic of exceeding energy paused. And those ascetics honouring him, said, Excellent! Excellent!. ### Assistant: एवमुक्त्वा महातेजा विरराम महामुनिः। साधुसाध्वति ते सर्वे मुनयो ह्मभ्यपूजयन्॥. |
### Human: This line belonging to the Kuśikas is exalted and devoted to virtue. And those foremost of men sprung in the Kuśa race are high-souled and like to Brahmarsis.. ### Assistant: कुशिकानामयं वंशो महान् धर्मपरः सदा। ब्रह्मोपमा महात्मानः कुशवंश्या नरोत्तमाः॥. |