"link": "https://www.thepresidency.gov.za/cabinet-statements/sitatimende-semhlangano-wekhabhinethi-wangalesibili%2C-mhla-ti-8-indlovulenkhulu-2023",
"statement": "Sitatimende Semhlangano WeKhabhinethi WangaLesibili, Mhla Ti-8 Indlovulenkhulu 2023A.  Tindzaba Letibalulekile Talelive1.  Siteleka Sematekisi Semkhandlu Wematekisi Wavelonkhe WaseNingizimu Afrika (i-SANTACO) SaseNshonalanga Kapa1.1.  Ikhabhinethi yatisiwe mayelana nekungaboni ngeliso linye  emkhatsini we-SANTACO yaseNshonalanga Kapa kanye neLidolobhakati laseKapa, lesekufike ekutseni kube nesiteleka lesinebudlova lobungumnyama longasi ngesizatfu sekuboshwa kwematekisi Lidolobhakati laseKapa.1.2.  Ikhabhinethi iyabugceka kakhulu nebuyaluyalu eKapa futsi icela i-SANTACO kutsi icinisekise kutsi imibhikisho yayo inekuthula futsi ayiphatamisi emalungelo alabanye. Mayelana naloku, sicaphele kutsi kubete tigameko tebudlova kulamahora lange-48 landlulile. Nanoma kunjalo, emalungu eMbutfo Wemaphoyisa aseNingizimu Afrika kanye naleminye imibutfo yekucinisekisa kutfotjelwa kwemitsetfo iyalelwe kutsi icinisekise kutsi simo sebudlova siyalawulwa kute kutsi bahlali bakwati kuhamba ngalokuphephile uma baya esikolweni, emsebentini kanye nasemisebentini yabo yemalanga onkhe.1.3.  Ikhabhinethi ibikelwe futsi ngeLidolobhakati laseKapa kutsi lihlisibeta timo tekusebenta kwematekisi letingcubutana neMtsetfo Wavelonkhe Wetethrafikhi Yemgwaco, wanga-1996 (Umtsetfo we-93 wanga-1996) kanye neMtsetfo Wavelonkhe Wetekutfutsa Letihamba Emhlabatsini, wanga-2009 (Umtsetfo we-5 wanga-2009), lolawulako emacala etethrafikhi netinhlawulo letihambisana naloko, kufaka ekhatsi kuboshwa kwematekisi.  Ikhabhinethi iyale Indvuna Yetekutfutsa, Mk. Sindisiwe Chikunga, kutsi acinisekise kutsi nanoma ngukuphi kusebenta kwematekisi lokungcubutana nemitsetfo yaseRiphabhlikhi iyasuswa.2.  Kulwa nekumbiwa kwetimbiwa ngalokungekho emtsetfweni2.1.  Ikhabhinethi ikwemukele kukhishwa kweluphiko lwemaphoyisa lolukhetsekile,  lolwesekelwa ngumbutfo wetemphi, eRiverlea, eGoli, kute lubukane nekumbiwa kwetimbiwa etimayini ngalokungekho emtsetfweni kulendzawo.2.2.  Kwengeta, Ikhabhinethi ibonge kakhulu ngekuboshwa kwebasolwa labangetulu kwalaba-194 mayelana netento tekumba timbiwa etimayini ngalokungekho emtsetfweni futsi betekucinisekisa kutfotjelwa kwemitsetfo kutsi balwe babucedze lobugebengu kanye nalobunye bugebengu lobumatima lobukhona kulelive.2.3.  Litiko Letetimbiwa Nemandla (i-DMRE) litibophelele kuvala yonkhe imigodzi levulekile lengasasebenti kanye nemigodzi yetimayini e-Riverlea ekupheleni kwenyanga yeNyoni 2023, ngaleso sikhatsi isaphotfula tinhlelo tekuvala leminye imigodzi levulekile lengasebenti kanye nemigodzi yetimayini kulo lonkhe lelive.3.  Simo setekuvikeleka eNiger3.1.  Ikhabhinethi iyawubona umtselela wesimo setekuvikeleka lesinawo eNiger ekuhambeni ngetindiza emkhatsini weNingizimu Afrika/i-Afrika lengaseNingizimu kanye neNshonalanga Yurophu, lokunemiphumela lemibi emabhizinisini nakubantfu kanye nasembonini yetindiza letsi isacala kusimama ngemuva kwekukhahlabeteka kakhulu kwetindiza  lokwabangelwa lubhubhane lweSifo seligciwane i-Corona sanga-2019 (i-COVID-19).3.2.  Ikhabhinethi ikugcizelele kugceka kwahulumende kuketulwa kwembuso waseNiger kanye nemyalo wekubuyiselwa kwelutinto lwentsandvo yelinyenti esimeni lesifanele lesetayelekile ngekushesha, iphindze futsi yaphawula nangesinyatselo semtamo wekubuyisela lutinto esimeni lesifanele ngaphasi kweMmango Wetemnotfo Wemave LaseNshonalanga Afrika.4.  Ingcungcutsela YeRussia ne-Afrika4.1.  Mengameli Cyril Ramaphosa bekangulomunye  webaholi base-Afrika labebahlanganyele kuleNgcungcutsela yeRussia ne-Afrika, lebeyibanjelwe eSt Petersburg eNhlanganweni YaseRussia mhla tinge-27 namhla tinge-28 Kholwane 2023. Lengcungcutsela yemukele Luhlelo Lwekusebenta Lwenkhundla Yebudlelwane LweRussia ne-Afrika lolugcile ekuciniseni kubambisana emikhakheni yetepolitiki kanye netekuphepha, temnotfo, temisebenti yekwenta buntfu/kulunga kulabanye, kanye netinshisekelo tekuzuza nekuphumelela ngalokufananako.4.2.  Ngaseceleni kwalengcungcutsela, Tinhloko teMave naHulumende labayincenye yaloMtamo Wetekuthula Wase-Afrika mayelana nekungcubutana lokukhona emkhatsini weRussia ne-Ukraine tabamba tingcoco tekulandzelela naMengameli Vladimir Putin mayelana netinyatselo tekucocisana tekwakha kutetsemba letitawenta kutsi kube netimo tekuvumelana lekucociswene ngato tekucedza imphi.4.3.    Mengameli Ramaphosa naPutin nabo babambe umhlangano wemave lamabili bacoca ngematfuba ekukhulisa tekuhwebelana emkhatsini walamave omabili, kanye nekutsi leNhlangano yeRussia ikhulise lutjalomali eNingizimu Afrika.5.  Kulungela Kusingatsa  Ingcungcutsela Ye-BRICS5.1.  Ikhabhinethi icinisekisiwe kutsi tonkhe tinhlelo setime ngemumo mayelana nekulungela kusingatsa Ingcungcutsela ye-BRICS ye-15 letawubanjelwa eGoli kusukela mhla tinge-22 kuya kumhla tinge-24 Ingci 2023.5.2.  Umhlangano wekugcina weTindvuna te-BRICS - Umhlangano weTindvuna Tetekulima te-BRICS – uyachubeka kungunyalo, kantsi Imihlangano yeTindvuna Temave Emhlaba, Tekuvikeleka, Tekuhwebelana, Tetimboni, Tetemfundvo, Tesayensi, Tebasebenti, Tetekuchumana, Tetemphilo, kanye neNkhundla Yetekutfutfukiswa Kwemadolobha  setiyiphotfulile imibiko yato yeBaholi Balengcungcutsela.5.3.   Tinhlelo te-BRICS Tekusita temikhakha leyehlukene kantsi nemimango nayo ifakwe ekhatsi.5.4.  Letingcoco tinike bohulumende, tinhlangano, bochwepheshe kanye netifundziswa letivela emaveni e-BRICS litfuba lekucocisana ngetindzaba letinelisasasa bubili letitawenta kutsi kukhonwe kutsatsa tincumo letibhadlile kuleNgcungcutsela ye-BRICS.6.  Lubuyeketo Lweluhlelo Lwekutfutfukisa Lwavelonkhe (i-NDP) Leminyaka Lelishumi6.1.  Ikhabhinethi ikwemukele Kubuyeketwa Kwe-NDP Kweminyaka Lelishumi  yiKhomishana Yavelonkhe Yekuhlela levete kutsi umnotfo useloku uhleleke ngendlela lengatifezi tidzingo tabo bonkhe bantfu baseNingizimu Afrika, lokusizatfu lesikhulu lesenta kutsi kube nekhula kwemazinga ebuphuya nekungalingani.6.2.  Hulumende sewutibophelele ekuhleleni kabusha nasekuguculeni umnotfo kute kutsi ufeze timfuno tabo bonkhe bantfu baseNingizimu Afrika.7.  Emandla Agezi7.1.  Mhla tinge-25 Kholwane kube ngumgubho weMnyaka Wekucala kusukela Mengameli Ramaphosa amemetela Luhlelo Lwekusebenta Lwetemandla Agezi.7.2.  Ikhabhinethi iyemukele inchubekelembili leseyentiwe kute kube ngunyalo manje yekufezekisa Luhlelo Lwekusebenta Lwetemandla Agezi, loluchubeka njalo nekwenta kancono mayelana neKutfolakala Kwagezi kanye nekwenta kancono etigabeni nekucishwa kwagezi njalo-nje.8.  Tekuvakasha8.1.  Ikhabhinethi kuyayitfokotisa kutsi tibalobalo teTekuvakasha tangeNhlaba 2023 tikhombisa kutsi umkhakha wetfu wetekuvakasha uyalulama kancane kancane emiphumeleni ledzabukisako yelubhubhane lwe-COVID-19. Tibalobalo tangeNhlaba 2023 letivela esikhungweni seTelubalobalo SaseNingizimu Afrika (i-Stats SA) tikhombisa kutsi umtsamo walabafikako, labahambako nebahambi labendlulako tikhulile kubahlali baseNingizimu Afrika kanye nakubahambi bakulamanye emave emkhatsini weNhlaba 2022 neNhlaba 2023.9.  Temnotfo9.1.  Ikhabhinethi yamukele umbiko we-Stats SA wekwehla kwemandla emali yebatsengi kusuka kumaphesenti la-6.3 ngeNkhwekhweti kuya kumaphesenti la-5.4 ngeNhlaba 2023, lokukwehla lokukhulu kakhulu kusukela ngeNkhwekhweti 2020. Lokwehla kukhombisa kusimama kwemnotfo wetfu, lokuphindze kwakhutsatwa sincumo seLibhangesilulu laseNingizimu Afrika sekushiya silinganiso semalimboleko ku-8.25%.10.  Umtsetfosivivinyo Wetelulwimi Lwetimphawu LwaseNingizimu Afrika (i-SASL)10.1.  Ikhabhinethi ikwemukele kusayinwa lokusandza kwentiwa kweMtsetfosivivinyo wete-SASL kutsi ube ngumtsetfo lokwentiwe nguMengameli Ramaphosa, lokwente i-SASL kutsi ibe lulwimi lwe-12 lwetilwimi taseNingizimu Afrika letisemtsetfweni. Loku kutawukhutsata emalungelo ebasebentisi be-SASL baseNingizimu Afrika labalinganiselwa kulaba-600 000.B.  Tincumo teKhabhinethi1.  Ikhalenda lekhishwe ngembi kwesikhatsi yelushicilelo lwekota lwetibalobalo tetebugebengu lwemnyakatimali wanga-2023/241.1.  Ikhabhinethi ikuvumile kukhishwa ngembi kwesikhatsi kwekhalenda yetibalobalo tetebugebengu kutsi kushicilelwe lushicilelo lwemnyakatimali wanga-2023/24. Letibalobalo tetebugebengu tekota yekucala neyesibili titawukhishwa ngeNgci nangeLweti 2023, netekota yesitsatfu neyesine tikhishwe ngeNdlovulencane kanye nangeNkhwekhweti 2024 ngekulandzelana. Lokukhishwa njalo-nje kwetibalobalo tetebugebengu kubalulekile ekugadzeni noma-ke kulandzelela tindlelakwenteka tetebugebengu kanye nekutsatfwa kwetincumo mayelana nekulwa nebugebengu.2.  Inchubomgomo Yekufakwa Kutetimali2.1.  Ikhabhinethi iyivumile Inchubomgomo Yekufakwa Kutetimali kutsi ifezekiswe. Lenchubomgomo iyincenye yetingucuko tahulumende temitsetfo yemkhakha wetetimali futsi ihambisana nemodeli ye-Twin Peaks yeMgcinimafa Wavelonkhe.2.2.  Inchubomgomo, emkhatsini walokunye, ihlose kucinisekisa kutiphatsa lokuncono kwetimakethe kanye nekuphatfwa kwemakhasimende emkhakheni wetetimali. Inhloso yaloku kucinisekisa kutsi tikhungo tetetimali tichuba ibhizinisi ngetindlela letivuna emakhasimende, tivimbele tinchubo letibukela phasi sitfunti setimakethe tetimali, futsi takhe kutetsemba eluhlelweni lwetetimali.2.3.  Kufezekiswa kwalenchubomgomo kutawucinisekisa kutsi lelive licinisa tinchubo talo tetemnotfo kute kwesekelwe kukhula kwetemnotfo kanye nekukhutsata kufinyelela tinsita tetetimali kanye nekufakwa kwetimali kwato tonkhe takhamiti. Kukuvuma kutsi nanoma-nje emazinga ekufinyelela atfutfukile kuma-akhawunti, loku akukaveli emikhicitweni nakutinsita tetfu letinyenti.2.4.  Lenchubomgomo iyatfolakala kuwebhusayithi yeMgcinimafa Avelonkhe:www.treasury.gov.zaC.  Imitsetfosivivinyo1.  Umtsetfosivivinyo Wekuchibela Teluphiko Lwavelonkhe Lwetekushushisa (i-NPA) wanga-20231.1.  Ikhabhinethi ikuvumile kwetfulwa ePhalamende kweMtsetfosivivinyo Wekuchibela luhlaka lwe-NPA lwanga-2023. Lomtsetfosivivinyo uchibela Umtsetfo we-NPA, wanga-1998 (Umtsetfo we-32 wanga-1998) kute kutsi kusungulwe Luphiko Lwetekuphenya lube sikhungo salomphelo ngekhatsi ku- NPA kanye nekucinisa emandla ayo ekuphenya.2.  Umtsetfosivivinyo Wekuchibela Kulawulwa Kwetekuntjontja Luchumano kanye Nekwenta kutsi kube neKutfolakala Kwelwatiso Loluphatselene Netekuchumana2.1.  Ikhabhinethi igunyate kwetfulwa ePhalamende kweluhlaka lweMtsetfosivivinyo Wekuchibela, lochibiyela Kulawulwa Kwetekuchumana kanye Nekwenta kutsi kube neLwatiso loluphatselene neLwatiso Lwetekuchumana (i-RICA), wanga-2002 (Umtsetfo we-70 wanga-2002).2.2.  Letichibelo tentelwe ikakhulukati kutsi tente kube netivikelo letenele tekuvikela lilungelo lekuba nemfihlo, njengoba kugcizelelwa emalungelo ekufinyelela tinkantolo, inkhululeko yekukhuluma kwebetindzaba kanye nelilungelomusa ngekuhambisana nesehlulelo seNkantolo yeteMtsetfosisekelo  sanga-2021 lesatfola kutsi i-RICA yanga-2002 ayihambisani nemtsetfosisekelo.D.  Kubekwa EtikhundleniKutawuhlolwa ticu tabo bonkhe lababekwe etikhundleni kubuye futsi kucinisekiswe kuvumeleka lokufanelekile.1.  Mnu. Percy Sechemane njengeSikhulu Lesikhulu se-Trans-Caledon Tunnel Authority.2.  Mk. Thathakahle Nonkqubela Jordan-Dyani njengeMcondzisi-Jikelele (i-DG) yeLitiko Letekuchumana Netheknoloji Yetedijithali.3.  Mnu. Duncan Pieterse njenge-DG kuTemafa Avelonkhe.4.  Mk. Qinisile Precious Delwa njengeLisekela leMcondzisi-Jikelele (i-DDG): Kutfutfukiswa kweMabhizinisi Ahulumende Netemabhizinisi Etikweni Letekutfutfukiswa Kwemabhizinisi Lamancane (i-DSBD).5.  Mk. Mosa Keneilwe Makhele njenge-DDG: Kutenchubomgomo yeMkhakha neKucwaninga e-DSBD.6.  Mnu. Xolisa Makaya njenga-DDG: Tekubusa Kwemave Emhlaba ne-Ajenda Yetelivekati kuLitiko Letebudlelwane Bemave Emhlaba Nekubambisana.7.  Mk. Rosinah Nghaka Dumalisile  njenga-DDG: Tekurenta Lokukhonekako neTindlu Tekuhlala kuLitiko Letekuhlaliswa Kwebantfu.8.  Mnu. Thabo Kekana njenga-DDG: Tinhlelo Nemiklamo e-DMRE.9.  Ibhodi Yebacondzisi Yesikhungo Savelonkhe Sekulahlwa Kwekungcola Ngekuyishisa Ngesikhiphamisebe Leyingoti:(a)   Mk. Lemao Dorah Modise (Sihlalo);(b)   Dkt. Stella Barnard (Sekelasihlalo);(c)   Mk. Gratitude Ramphaka;(d)   Dkt. Kgaugelo Chiloane (uyaphindvwa kubekwa esikhundleni); kanye(e)   na-Adv Derick Block.10.  Emalunga Ebhodi Yavelonkhe Yebacondzisi Besilawuli Senuzi:(i)   Mnu. Protas Phili – Sihlalo (uyaphindvwa kubekwa esikhundleni);(ii)   Mk. Pinkie Deneo Peta (uyaphindvwa kubekwa esikhundleni);(iii)   Mnu. Paul Heeger;(iv)   Mk. Nolubabalo Zolisa Zwakala;(v)   Dkt. Pathmanathan Naidoo;(vi)   Dkt. Nandi Malumbazo;(vii)   Mk. Theodorah Bahlekazi; kanye(viii)   neMnu. Happy Khambule.11. Ibhodi Yebacondzisi be-Inkomati-Usuthu Catchmen Management Agency:(i)   Mk. Linda Carol Zulu (Sihlalo);(ii)   Adv Geraldine Khoza (Sekelasihlalo);(iii)  Mk. Shivon Wiggins;(iv)   Mnu. Sam Mthembu;(v)   Mnu. Mokgobi Andrew Ramushu;(vi)   Mnu. Steven Matome Mathetsa; kanye(vii)   naMk. Salome Chiloane-Nwabueze.12. Bacondzisi Bebhodi Ye-Ejensi Yahulumende Yetelwatiso Netebucwepheshe:(i)   Mnu. Kiruben Pillay (Sihlalo);(ii)   Mk. Lerato Petlele (Lisekelasihlalo);(iii)  Mk. Khathu Sibanda;(iv)  Dkt. Lucienne Abraham;(vi)  Mnu. Luvuyo Keyise;(vii)   Mnu. Mandla Martin Mnisi;(viii)   Mk. Renisha Naidoo;(ix)  Mk. Nolitha Pietersen; kanye(x)   naMk. Laura Mseme.E.  Umkhosi Wanyalo1.  Inyanga yaBomake1.1.  INingizimu Afrika igubha umkhosi wekukhumbula Inyanga Yabomake ngeNgci ngaphasi kwengcikitsi letsi: “Kusheshisa ematfuba etenhlalakahle yetemnotfo kute kuhlonyiswe bomake” kuhlonipha bomake labangetulu kwala-20 000 labashuca bacondza e-Union Buildings nga-1956 bayobhikishela imitsetfo yahulumende welubandlululo lobewucindzetela bantfu labamnyama kutsi bahambe baphatse emapasi yonkhe indzawo lapho baya khona.1.2.  Ikhabhinethi imema bantfu baseNingizimu Afrika kutsi basebentise lenyanga bahloniphe bomake labalwela inkhululeko yetfu baphindze futsi badlala indzima ekwakheni ummango loweseka kufukulwa kwabomake futsi locinisekisa kuphepha kwabomake nebantfwana.F.  Imilayeto1.  KuhalalisaIkhabhinethi yendlulisela kuhalalisa kwayo netilokotfo letinhle ku:- Ecenjini lelibhola letandla i-Netball Spar Proteas, ngekuphumelela kufika ezingeni lesitfupha eNdzebeni Yemhlaba Yelibhola Letandla. Ikhabhinethi icele bonkhe bantfu baseNingizimu Afrika kutsi basebentise letikhatsi tekuhlangana njengelitfuba kutsi bafinyelele kulabanye bantfu bakubo baseNingizimu Afrika kute bakhe lubumbano nekuvana emmangweni futsi bakhutsate kwakhiwa kwesive lapho khona wonkhe umuntfu ativa akhululekile.- I-Banyana Banyana, ngekucopha umlandvo ngekufika ezingeni lemacembu la-16 lekugcina leNdzebe Yemhlaba Yabomake Ye-FIFA Yanga-2023. Imisebenti yabo lemangalisako emkhakheni wetemidlalo ifake sive inshisekelo yaphindze futsi yandizisa umjeka wetfu waphakamela etulu kakhulu.- Solwati Thuli Madonsela, loyo bekanguMvikeli Wesive esikhatsini lesengcile, ngekukhetfwa abe ngulelinye lilunga  leBhodi Yamhlabuhlangene Yekweluleka Ngekwesayensi yeseLuleko Lesitimele mayelana neTimphumelelo Kutesayensi Netebuchwepheshe.- Tatjana Schoenmaker, ngekuphumelela emdlalweni wekubhukusha lobitwa ngekutsi pheceleti i-breaststroke ye-200m awine indodo yegolide kanye nesiliva ku-100m breaststroke ku-World Aquatics Championships eFukuoka, eJapan.2.    KudvudvutaIkhabhinethi ivakalise emavi ekulilela nekudvudvuta imindeni nebangani:- ba-Imam Achmad Cassiem (78), lowake waba siboshwa saseRobben Island, lobekalilunga le-Pan Africanist Congress nelilunga lelasungula umbutfo i-Qibla Movement, lobekasigayigayi seMsiphalato wekulwa nelubandlululo.- balabo baantfu labashone ngesikhatsi sesiteleka sematekisi eKapa.Imibuto: Mk. Nomonde Mnukwa – Libambela Lalokhulumela HulumendeMakhalekhikhini: 083 501 7485 "
"TshiVenda": {
"link": "https://www.thepresidency.gov.za/cabinet-statements/tshitatamende-tsha-mu%E1%B9%B1angano-wa-khabinethe-wa-%E1%B8%BCavhuvhili-%E1%B8%BD-8-%E1%B9%B0hangule-2023",
"statement": "Tshitatamende tsha Muṱangano wa Khabinethe wa Ḽavhuvhili ḽa 8 Ṱhangule 2023A.  Mafhungo a Zwino kha Shango1.  Tshiṱereke tsha thekhisi tsha vha Khoro ya zwa Thekhisi ya Lushaka ya Afrika Tshipembe (SANTACO) ngei Kapa Vhukovhela1.1.  Khabinethe yo ḓivhadzwa nga ha u bvelaphanḓa ha u ganzhila ha nyambedzano vhukati ha vha SANTACO ya Kapa Vhukovhela na vha Masipala wa Ḓorobo ya Kapa, zwe zwa vhanga tshiṱereke tshi si tsha vhuḓi nga vhanga ḽa u dzhiwa ha thekhisi lu re mulayoni nga vha Masipala wa Ḓorobo ya Kapa.1.2.  Khabinethe yo sasaladza zwiito zwa dzikhakhathi na zwa u sa tevhedza mulayo ngei Ḓoroboni ya Kapa ya dovha hafhu ya ita khuwelelo kha vha SANTACO ya uri vha vhone uri tshiṱereke tshavho tshi khou itwa nga nḓila ya mulalo nahone tshi songo khakhisa pfhanelo dza vhaṅwe vhathu. Ro dovha hafhu ra  dzhiela nṱha uri kha heḽi fhungo, a ho ngo vha na zwiwo zwa zwiito zwa dzikhakhathi zwi shushaho kha awara dza 48 dzo fhiraho. Fhedzi, miraḓo ya Tshumelo ya Tshipholisa tsha Afrika Tshipembe na maṅwe mazhendedzi a zwa u kombetshedza u tevhedzwa ha mulayo vho rumelwa u itela u langa tshiimo tsha zwiito zwa dzikhakhathi uri vhadzulapo vha kone u tshimbile vho tsireledzea musi vha tshi ya tshikoloni, mishumoni na kha u ita mishumo yavho ya ḓuvha nga ḓuvha.1.3.  Khabinethe yo dovha ya vhudzwa nga ha uri vha Masipala wa Ḓorobo ya Kapa vho tea maitele a mashumele a thekhisi a si na vhuṱumani na Mulayo wa Vhuendi Dzibadani wa Lushaka wa ṅwaha wa 1996 (Mulayo wa vhu 93 wa 1996) na Mulayo wa Vhuendi ha Shangoni wa Lushaka wa ṅwaha wa 2009 (Mulayo wa vhu 5 wa 2009), ine ya langa u pfhukwa ha milayo ya vhuendi na ndaṱiso dzo teaho, ho katelwa na u dzhia lu re mulayoni zwiendedzi. Khabinethe yo ṋea ndaela Minisṱa wa zwa vhuendi, Mufumakadzi Vho Sindisiwe Tshikunga, uri vha vhone zwauri thekhisi iṅwe na iṅwe ine ya khou shuma lu siho ho milayoni ya shango ḽa Afrika Tshipembe i bvisiwe badani.2.  U lwa na zwiito zwa u gwa migodi zwi siho mulayoni2.1.  Khabinethe yo ṱanganedza u rumelwa ha yunithi yo khetheaho ya tshipholisa, ine ya khou thuswa nga maswole, ngei Riverlea, Johannesburg, uri i thuse u lwa na zwiito zwa u gwa migodi lu siho mulayoni kha vhupo honoho.2.2.  Zwiṅwe hafhu, Khabinethe yo fhululedza u farwa ha vhahumbulelwa vha no paḓa 194 vhane vha khou ṱumanywa na u ita zwiito zwa u eba migodi lu siho mulayoni na u rumelwa ha mazhendedzi a zwa u kombetshedza u tevhedzela mulayo u vhona uri zwiito izwi zwi fhungudzee nga u ṱavhanya khathihi na miṅwe milandu i shushaho shangoni.2.3.  Muhasho wa Zwiko zwa Minerala na Fulufulu (DMRE) wo ḓiimisela u vala milondo yo vuleaho i sa tsha shumiswaho na milindi ya migodi ngei Riveria mafheloni a ṅwedzi wa Khubvumedzi 2023, ngeno u tshi khou dovha wa fhedzisa pulane dza u vala milondo yo vuleaho i sa tsha shumiswaho na milindi ya maini u mona na shango ḽoṱhe.3.  Tshiimo tsha tsireledzo ngei kha shango ḽa Niger3.1.  Khabinethe yo dzhiela nṱha masiandaitwa ane a khou vhangwa nga tshiimo tsha zwa tsireledzo ngei kha shango ḽa Niger na nḓila ine tsha khou kwama vhuendi ha muyani vhukati ha shango ḽa Afrika Tshipembe/ mashango a Tshipembe ha Afrika na a Vhukovhela ha Yuropa, khathihi na mbuelo dzi si dza vhuḓi kha mabindu, vhathu na nḓowetshumo ya zwa vhufhufhi ine yo vha i khou thoma u vhuelela ngonani u bva kha masiandaitwa e a vha o vhangwa nga Dwadze ḽa Khoronavairasi (COVID-19)3.2.  Khabinethe yo khwaṱhisedza uri muvhuso u khou sasaladza zwiito zwa u dzhia muvhuso nga khani ngei kha shango ḽa Niger nahone i khou ita khuwelelo ya mbuedzedzo ya vhudziki ha dimokirasi nga u ṱavhanya, yo dovha hafhu ya dzhiela nṱha maga o thomiwaho a u vhuedzedza vhudziki nga fhasi ha Tshitshavha tsha zwa Ikonomi tsha Mashango a Vhukovhela ha Afrika.4.  Muṱangano wa shango ḽa Russia na mashango a Afrika4.1.  Phresidennde Vho Cyril Ramaphosa vho vha tshipiḓa tsha vharangaphanḓa vha mashango a Afrika vhe vha dzhenela Muṱangano wa Vhuvhili wa shango ḽa Russia na mashango a Afrika, ngei ḓoroboni ya St Petersburg kha shango ḽa Russia u bva nga ḽa 27 u swika ḽa 28 Fulwana. Muṱangano uyu wo ṱanganedza Maga a u Thoma u shuma ha Foramu ya Vhufarisani ya vhukati ha shango ḽa Russia na mashango a Afrika ine yo sedza kha u khwaṱhisa tshumisano kha zwa poḽotiki na tsireledzo, ikonomi, mafhungo a vhuthusavhathu, na madzangalelo a thendelano dzine dza vhuyedza na u bveledzisa.4.2.  Nga nnḓa ha muṱangano, Ṱhoho dza Mashango na  Muvhuso dza Afrika dzine dza vha tshipiḓa tsha Maga a zwa Mulalo kha nndwa ine ya khou bvelela vhukati ha shango ḽa Russia na ḽa Urikane vho dovha hafhu vha vha na nyambedzano na Phresidennde Vho Vladimir Putin nga ha maga e ha ambiwa nga hao a u fhaṱa vhuthihi ane a ḓo sika tshikhala tsha thendelano dza u fhelisa nndwa.4.3.  Phresidennde Vho Ramaphosa na Phresidennde Vho Putin vho vha na muṱangano wa u amba nga ha zwikhala zwa u engedzedza mbambadzo vhukati ha mashango aya mavhili, na u engedza vhubindudzi nga shango ḽa Russia kha shango ḽa Afrika Tshipembe.5.  U lugela u fara Muṱangano wa BRICS5.1.  Khabinethe yo vhudzwa zwa uri Afrika Tshipembe ḽo lugela u fara muṱangano wa vhu 15 wa BRICS ngei ḓoroboni ya Johannesburg u bva nga ḽa 22 u swika ḽa 24 Ṱhangule 2023.5.2.  Muṱangano wa Dziminisṱa wa u fhedzisela - Muṱangano wa Dziminista dza zwa Vhulimi vha BRICS - u kati zwino, ngeno miṱangano ya Dziminisṱa dza Mafhungo a Nnḓa, Tsireledzo, Mbambadzo, Nḓowetshumo, Pfhunzo, Saintsi, Mishumo, Vhudavhidzani, Mutakalo, na Foramu ya zwa vhuḓorobiso vho pendela mivhigo yavho u itela Samithi ya Vharangaphanḓa.5.3.  Ho khunyeledzwavho na mbekanyamushumo dza zwa Vhuṱumani tshitshavhani dza BRICS dza sekhithara na zwitshavha zwo yaho nga u fhambanaho.5.4.  Nyambedzano idzi dzo ṋetshedza mivhuso, madzangano, vhaḓivhi na vhomakone kha zwa akhademi u bva kha mashango a BRICS tshikhala tsha u amba nga ha madzangalelo a muṱanganelano ane a ḓo thusa kha u dzhia tsheo vhe na nḓivho Muṱangano wa BRICS.6.  Tsedzuluso ya Miṅwaha ya Fumi ya Pulane ya Mveledziso ya Lushaka (NDP)6.1.  Khabinethe yo ṱanganedza Tsedzuluso ya Miṅwaha ya Fumi ya NDP nga Khomishini ya Vhupulani ya Lushaka ye ya sumbedza uri tshivhumbeo tsha ikonomi tshi kha ḓivha nga nḓila ine ya kundelwa u ṋetshedza tshumelo dzo teaho kha vhadzulapo vha ḽa Afrika Tshipembe vhoṱhe, zwine zwa vha tshivhangi tshihulwane tsha nyaluwo ya zwiimo zwa vhushai na u sa lingana.6.2.  Muvhuso wo ḓi imisela u dzudzanya na u shandukisa ikonomi tshifhinga tshoṱhe uri i kone u ṋetshedza tshumelo dzo teaho kha vhadzulapo vhoṱhe vha ḽa Afrika Tshipembe.7.  Fulufulu7.1.  Ḓuvha ḽa 25 Fulwana ndi ḓuvha ḽa Anivesari ya u thoma u bva tshe Phresidennde Vho Ramaphosa vha  ḓivhadza nga ha Pulane ya Mashumele ya zwa Fulufulu.7.2.  Khabinethe yo ṱanganedza mvelaphanḓa yo swikelwaho u swika zwino u bva tshe Pulane ya Mashumele ya zwa Fulufulu ya thoma u shuma, nahone yo ḓisa khwiniso ya khonadzeo ya u bveledzwa ha fulufulu kha giridi nga u angaredza (Energy Availability Factor) na khwiniso ya zwiimo zwa zwiito zwa u khaulwa ha muḓagasi nga u sielisana.8.  Vhuendealamashango8.1.  Khabinethe i khou takadzwa nga mabalomabalo dza Vhuendelamashango dza ṅwedzi wa Fulwi 2023 dzine dzi khou sumbedza uri sekhithara yashu ya Vhuendelamashango i khou khwinifhadzea nga zwiṱuku zwiṱuku kha masiandaitwa a Dwadze ḽa COVID-19. Mbalombalo dza ṅwedzi wa Fulwi 2023 dzo ṋetshedzwaho nga vha Mbalombalo dza Afrika Tshipembe (StatsSA) dzi sumbedza uri tshivhalo tsha u dzhena, u bva na tsha vhaendelamashango vho no khou dala tsho engedzedzea vhukatini ha ṅwedzi wa Fulwi 2022 na ṅwedzi wa Fulwi 2023.9.  Ikonomi9.1.  Khabinethe yo ṱanganedza muvhigo wa vha Mbalombalo dza Afrika Tshipembe wa u tsela fhasi ha phimo ya tshanduko ya mitengo u bva kha phesenthe dza 6.3 nga ṅwedzi wa Shundunthule u ya kha phesenthe dza 5.4 nga ṅwedzi wa Fulwi, hune ho vha u tsela fhasi hu hulwanesa u bva nga ṅwedzi wa Shundunthule 2020. U tsela fhasi uhu hu khou sumbedza u tila ha ikonomi yashu, zwe zwa vhangwa nga tsheo ye ya dzhiwa nga Bannga ya Vhukati ya Afrika Tshipembe ya u litsha nyingapfhuma i kha phesenthe ya 8.25 .10.  Mulayotibe wa Luambo lwa Tswayo dza Zwanḓa lwa Afrika Tshipembe (SASL)10.1.  Khabinethe yo ṱanganedza tsaino ye ya itwa zwenezwo ya Mulayotibe wa SASL nga Phresidennde Vho Ramaphosa. Hezwi zwi ita uri SASL lu vhe luambo lwa tshiofisi lwa vhu 12 kha shango ḽa Afrika Tshipembe. Hezwi zwi ḓo ṱuṱuwedza u ṱhonifha pfhanelo dza vhashumisi vha SASL vha no lingana 600 000 kha ḽa Afrika Tshipembe.B.  Tsheo dza Khabinethe1.  U bviswa ha u ranga ha khaḽenda u itela khanḓiso ya Mbalombalo dza kotara dza zwa vhugevhenga dza ṅwaha wa muvhalelano wa 2023/241.1.  Khabinethe yo ṱanganedza u ranga u bviswa ha khaḽenda u itela khanḓiso ya Mbalombalo dza kotara dza zwa vhugevhenga kha ṅwaha wa muvhalelano wa 2023/24. Mbalombalo dza zwa vhugevhenga dza kotara ya u thoma na ya vhuvhili, dzi ḓo bvisiwa nga ṅwedzi wa Ṱhangule na ṅwedzi wa Lara 2023 ngeno nga ṅwedzi wa Luhuhi na ṅwedzi wa Shundunthule 2024 hu tshi ḓo bvisiwa dza kotara ya vhuraru na ya vhuṋa. U dzulela u bvisa mbalombalo dza zwiito zwa vhugevhenga ndi zwa ndeme kha vhulavhelesi ha zwiito zwa vhugevhenga khathihi na u dzhia tsheo dza khwine kha mushumo wa u lwa na zwiito zwa vhugevhenga.2.  Mbekanyamaitele Nyangaredzi ya zwa Masheleni2.1.  Khabinethe yo tendelela uri Mbekanyamaitele Nyangaredzi ya zwa Masheleni i thome u shuma. Mbekanyamaitele iyi ndi tshipiḓa tsha nḓila dza muvhuso dza u shandukisa milayo ya sekhithara ya zwa masheleni dzo ḓi sendekaho nga modele wa Twin Peaks wa muhashu wa Vhufaragwama ha Lushaka.2.2.  Mbekanyamaitele iyi khathihi na dziṅwevho, yo sedza uri hu vhe na vhuḓifari ha vhuḓi mimaragani na uri sekhithara ya zwa masheleni i fare khasiṱama zwavhuḓi. Ndivho ndi ya vhona uri zwiimiswa zwa masheleni zwi ite vhubindudzi nga nḓila ine ya fara khasiṱama zwavhuḓi, u thivhela maitele a u sa ṱhonifha tshirunzi tsha zwa mimaraga ya zwa masheleni khathihi na u fhaṱa fulufhelo kha sisṱeme ya zwa masheleni.2.3.  U thoma u shuma ha mbekanyamaitele iyi zwi ḓo thusa kha u khwaṱhisa sisṱeme dza shango dza zwa masheleni u itela u tikedza nyaluwo ya ikonomi na u ṱuṱuwedza u swikelelea ha tshumelo dza zwa masheleni khathihi na u katela vhadzulapo vhoṱhe kha zwa masheleni. Zwo vhonala uri tshiimo tsha u swikelela akhaunthu dza tshumiso dza ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe tsho khwinisea, fhedzi a zwi ngo tou ralo kha zwiṅwe zwibveledzwa na dziṅwe tshumela dza zwa masheleni nnzhi.2.4.  Mbekanyamushumo iyi i wanala kha webusaithi ya Vhufaragwama ha Lushaka:www.treasury.gov.zaC.  Milayotibe1.  Mulayotibe wo khwiniswaho wa Maanḓalanga a zwa Vhatshutshisi ha Lushaka (NPA) wa ṅwaha wa  20231.1.    Khabinethe yo ṱanganedza u rumelwa ha  mvetamveto ya Mulayotibe wa NPA ya ṅwaha wa 2023 ngei Phalamenndeni. Mulayotibe uyu u khwinisa Mulayo wa NPA, wa ṅwaha wa 1998 (Mulayo wa vhu 32 wa 1998) u itela u ṋetshedza tshikhala tsha u thomiwa ha Khethekanyo ya Ṱhoḓisiso sa tshiimiswa tsha tshoṱhe kha NPA na u dovha hafhu u khwaṱhisa maanḓa atsho a zwa ṱhoḓisiso.2.  Mulayotibe wo Khwiniswaho wa Ndangulo ya u Thithisa Vhudavhidzani na Nḓisedzo ya Mafhungo a re na vhuṱumani na zwa Vhudavhidzani2.1.  Khabinethe yo ṱanganedza u rumelwa ha mvetamveto ya Mulayotibe wo Khwiniswaho ngei Phalamanndeni une wa khwinisa mulayo wa Ndangulo ya Vhudavhidzani na Nḓisedzo ya Mafhungo a re na vhushaka na Vhudavhidzani (RICA), wa ṅwaha wa 2002 (Mulayo wa vhu 70 wa 2002).2.2.  Khwiniso nga u tou angaredza dzi ṋetshedza tsireledzo yo linganaho u itela u tsireledza pfhanelo ya tshidzumbe ine ya tikedzwa nga pfhanelo dza u swikelela khothe, mbofholowo ya u amba ya vhoramafhungo na pfhanelo ya zwa mulayo u ya nga khaṱhululo ya Khothe ya Ndayotewa ya ṅwaha wa 2021 ye ya wana uri mulayo wa RICA wo pfhuka mbetshelwa dza ndayotewa.D.  U tholwaU tholwa hoṱhe hu ḓo khunyeledzwa nga murahu ha u senguluswa ha ndalukano khathihi na u ṱanzwiwa madzina ho teaho.1.   Vho Percy Sechemane sa Mulanguli Muhulwane wa Maanḓalanga a Thaneḽe ya Trans-Caledon.2.  Mufumakadzi Vho Thathakahle Nonkqubela Jordan-Dyani sa Mulangi Muhulu (DG) kha  Muhasho wa Vhudavhidzani na Thekhinoḽodzhi dza Didzhithaḽa.3.  Vho Duncan Pieterse sa DG wa Vhufaragwama ha Lushaka.4.  Mufumakadzi Vho Qinisile Precious Delwa sa Muthusa Mulangi Muhulu (DDG): Mveledziso ya Mabindu na Vhubindudzi kha Muhasho wa Mveledziso ya Mabindu Maṱuku (DSBD) kha Muhasho wa Mveledziso ya Mabindu Maṱuku.5.  Mufumakadzi Vho Mosa Keneilwe Makhele sa DDG: Mbekanyamaitele na Ṱhoḓisiso zwa Sekhithara kha DSBD.6.  Vho Xolisa Mabhongo sa DDG: Mavhusele a Ḽifhasi na Adzhenda ya Dzhango kha Muhasho wa Vhushaka ha Dzitshaka na Tshumisano.7.  Mufumakadzi Vho Rosinah Nghaka Dumalisile sa DDG: Rennde dzi no Swikelelea na Nnḓu dza zwa Matshilisano kha Muhasho wa Vhudzulo ha Vhathu.8.  Vho Thabo Kekana sa DDG: Mbekanyamushumo na Thandela kha DMRE.9.  Bodo ya Vhalangi ya Tsiimiswa tsha u Laṱa Malaṱwa Radioekthivithi ya Lushaka:(a)  Mufumakadzi Vho Lemao Dorah Modise (Mudzulatshidulo);(b)  Dokotela Vho Wolsey Barnard (Muthusamudzulatshidulo);(c)  Mufumakadzi Vho Gratitude Ramphaka;(d)  Dokotela Vho Kgaugelo Chiloane (vha khou tou dovha u tholwa hafhu); na(e)  Muambeli Vho Derick Block10.  Bodo ya Vhalangi Vhulanguli ha Nyukiḽia ya Lushaka:(i)   Vho Protas Phili – Mudzulatshidulo (vha khou tou dovha u tholwa hafhu);(ii)   Mufumakadzi VhoPinkie Deneo Peta (vha khou tou dovha u tholwa hafhu);(iii)   Vho Paul Heeger;(iv)   Mufumakadzi Vho Nolubabalo Zolisa Zwakala;(v)   Dokotela Vho  Pathmanathan Naidoo;(vi)   Dokotela Vho Nandi Malumbazo;(vii)   Mufumakadzi Vho Theodorah Bahlekazi; na(viii)   Vho Happy Khambule.11. Bodo ya Vhalangi vha Zhendedzi ḽa Vhulanguli ha u Kuvhanganya maḓi ya Inkomati-Usuthu(i)  Mufumakadzi Vho Linda Carol Zulu (Mudzulatshidulo);(ii)   Muambeli Vho Geraldine Khoza (Muthusamudzulatshidulo);(iii)  Mufumakadzi Vho Shivon Wiggins;(iv)   Vho Sam Mthembu;(v)   Vho  Mokgobi Andrew Ramushu;(vi)   Vho  Steven Matome Mathetsa; na(vii)   Mufumakadzi Vho Salome Chiloane-Nwabueze.12. Bodo ya Vhalangi vha Zhendedzi ḽa Mafhungo a Thekhinoḽodzhi ya Shango:(i)  Vho Kiruben Pillay (Mudzulatshodulo);(ii)  Mufumakadzi Vho Lerato Petlele (Muthusamudzulatshidulo);(iii)  Mufumakadzi Vho Khathu Sibanda;(iv)  Dokotela Vho Lucienne Abraham;(vi)  Vho Luvuyo Keyise;(vii)   Vho Mandla Martin Mnisi;(viii)  Vho Renisha Naidoo;(ix)  Mufumakadzi Vho Nolitha Pietersen; na(x)   Mufumakadzi Vho Laura Mseme.E.  Vhuṱambo vhune ha khou bvelela1.  Ṅwedzi wa Vhafumakadzi1.1.  Afrika Tshipembe ḽi khou elelwa Ṅwedzi wa Vhafumakadzi nga ṅwedzi wa Ṱhangule nga fhasi ha thero ine ya ri: “U engedza zwikhala zwa matshilisano na ikonomi u itela u maanḓafhadza  vhafumakadzi” sa nḓila ya u ṱhonifha mazhakanḓila a Vhafumakadzi vha fhiraho 20 000 vhe vha livha ngei Union Buildings nga ṅwaha wa 1956 vha tshi khou gwalabela uri hu fheliswe milayo ya u kandeledza ya dzibasa ya muvhuso wa tshiṱalula.1.2.  Khabinethe i khou ita khuwelelo kha vhathu vha ḽa Afrika Tshipembe uri vha songo shumisa ṅwedzi uyu u ṱhonifha vhafumakadzi vhe vha lwela mbofholowo fhedzi, vha tea u dovha hafhu vha shela mulenzhe kha u fhaṱa tshitshavha tshine tsha tikedza u maanḓafhadzwa ha vhafumakadzi na u khwaṱhisedza tsireledzo ya vhafumakadzi na vhana.F.  Milaedza1.  U fhululedzaKhabinethe yo rumela maipfhi a u fhululedza na u tamela mashudu kha:- Thimu ya Netiboḽo ya Spar Proteas, kha u kona u swika kha vhuimo ha nṱha ha rathi kha Mitambo ya Tshiphuga tsha Netiboḽo ya Ḽifhasi. Khabinethe yo i ita khuwelelo kha vhathu vhoṱhe vha ḽa Afrika Tshipembe ya uri vha shumise vhuthihi vhu no nga u vhu sa tshikhala tsha u swikelela kha vhaṅwe vhathu vha ḽa Afrika Tshipembe na u fhaṱa mbumbano i no ṱuṱuluwedza vhuthihi tshitshavhani u itela uri muthu muṅwe na muṅwe a pfhe o ṱanganedzea.- Thimu ya Banyana Banyana, kha u ita ḓivhazwakale nga u swika kha luṱa lwa thimu dza 16 kha Mitambo ya Tshiphuga tsha Bola ya Milenzhe ya Vhafumakadzi ya Ḽifhasi ya dzangano ḽa FIFA ya ṅwaha wa 2023. Gundo ḽavho luvhanḓeni ḽo takadza lushaka ḽa dovha ḽa ita uri  fuḽaha ya shango i fhefheḓiselwe na nṱha.- Phrof Thuli Madonsela, Mutsireledzi wa Tshitshavha wa kale kha u tholwa havho nga Bodo ya Tsivhudzo dza zwa Saintsi ya Dzangano ḽa Vhuthihi ha Dzitshaka u itela uri vha ṋee Ngeletshedzo ya Vhuḓilangi kha Zwitumbulwa zwa Saintsi na Thekhinolodzhi.- Vho Tatjana Schoenmaker, Kha u wina mendele wa musuku kha 200m na wa siḽivhere kha 100m kha mbambe dza u bambela nga u i sa zwanṋa phanḓa (breaststroke) kha Mbambe dza Maḓini dza Ḽifhasi (World Aquatics Championships) dze dza farelwa ngei ḓoroboni ya Fukuoka, Japan.2.  NdilisoKhabinethe yo livhisa maipfhi a ndiliso kha miṱa na khonani dza:- Vho Imam Achmad Cassiem (78), Mufariwa wa kale wa dzhele ya Robben Island, muraḓo wa Pan Africanist Congress na muraḓo mutumbuli wa Dzangano ḽa Qibla, vha dovha vha vha ḽizhakanḓila kha Ndwa ya u lwela mbofholowo kha muvhuso wa tshiṱalula.- Vhathu vho lovhaho nga tshifhinga tsha tshiṱereke tsha thekhisi fhaḽa Ḓoroboni ya Kapa.Mbudziso: Mufumakadzi Vho Nomonde Mnukwa – Muambeli wa Muvhuso vho tou FarelahoLuṱingothendeleki: 083 653 7485 "
"Xitsonga": {
"link": "https://www.thepresidency.gov.za/cabinet-statements/xitatimente-ekanhlengeletano-ya-khabinete-ya-ravumbirhi%2C-8-mhawuri-2023",
"statement": "Xitatimente ekaNhlengeletano ya Khabinete ya Ravumbirhi, 8 Mhawuri 2023A.  Mhaka eka Mbango1.  Xitereko xa mathekisi xa le Kapa-Vupeladyambu xa Khansele ya Mathekisi ya Tiko ya Afrika-Dzonga (SANTACO)1.1.  Khabinete yi hlamuseriwile eka nkwetlembetano exikarhi ka SANTACO ya le Kapa-Vupeladyambu na Dorobakulu ra Kapa lowu hundzukeke xitereko xa madzolonga hikwalaho ka ku tekeriwa swibazana swa mathekisi hi Dorobakulu ra Kapa.1.2.  Khabinete yi sola madzolonga na hasahasa eKapa naswona yi komberile SANTACO ku tiyisisa leswaku goza ra yona ro kombisa ku vilela ri endliwa hi ku rhula naswona ri nga kavanyeti timfanelo ta van'wana. Eka leswi, hi lemukile leswaku a ku vangi na timhangu ta madzolonga eka 48 wa tiawara leti nga hundza. Hambiswiritano, swirho swa Vukorhokeri bya Maphorisa bya Afrika Dzonga na tiejensi ta nawu tin'wana ti lerisiwile ku tiyisisa leswaku xiyimo xa madzolonga xa lawuleka ku pfumelela vaaki ku fambafamba ko hlayiseka ku ya eswikolweni, emitirhweni na migingiriko ya vona ya siku na siku ya ntolovelo.1.3.  Khabinete yi tlhele yi hlamuseriwa ekansindziso wa swipimelo swa matirhelo ya mathekisi swa Dorobakulu ra Kapa leswi hambanaka na Nawu wa Nkhuluko wa Mimovha wa le Magondzweni wa Tiko, 1996 (Nawu wa 93 wa 1996) na Nawu wa Vutleketli wa Misava wa Tiko, 2009 (Nawu wa 5 wa 2009), lowu lawulaka milandzu ya nkhuluko wa mimovha na mixupulo leyi tirhaka, ku katsa na ku tekela mimovha. Khabinete yi lerisile Holobye wa Vutleketli, Manana Sindisiwe Chikunga, ku tiyisisa leswaku swipimelo swa matirhelo ya mathekisi leswi swi kanetanaka na milawu ya Rhiphabuliki swi susiwa.2.  Nyimpi ehenhla ka cela migodi swi nga ri enawini2.1.  Khabinete yi amukele ku rhumeriwa ka yuniti ya maphorisa yo hlawuleka, leyi seketeriwaka hi masocha, eRiverlea, Joni, ku tirhana na cela migodi swi nga ri enawini endhawini leyi.2.2.  Hi ku engetela, Khabinete yi hoyozele ku khomiwa ka kutlula 194 wa vaehleketeleriwa hikwalaho ka migingiriko yo cela migodi swi nga ri enawini naswona yi lerisile tiejensi ta nawu ku yimisa leswi hi ku hatlisa na vugevenga byo tika byin'wana etikweni.2.3.  Ndzawulo ya Switirhisiwa swa Swicelwa na Eneji (DMRE) yi tibohile ku pfala mihocho yo pfuleka leyi nga tirhisiwiki hinkwayo na mabakwa ya migodi eRiverlea hi ku hela ka Ndzati 2023, loko ku hetisisiwa ka makungu yo pfala mihocho yo pfuleka leyi nga tirhisiwiki hinkwayo na mabakwa ya migodi etikweni hinkwaro.3.  Xiyimo xa vuhlayiseki eNiger3.1.  Khabinete yi lemukile ntshikilelo wa xiyimo xa vuhlayisekivuhlayiseki eNiger xi nga na wona eka ku tekiwa ka tendzo hi le moyeni exikarhi ka Afrika Dzonga/Dzonga wa Afrika na Yuropa Vupeladyambu, ku ri na switandzhaku swo biha eka mabindzu na vanhu ku fana na mabindzu ya le moyeni laya ha ku sungulaka ku hlakarhela eka mihlaselo yo onhetela ya ntungu wa Vuvabyi bya sitsongwatsongwana xa Khorona bya  2019 (COVID-19).3.2.  Khabinete yi tshikelele ku sola ka mfumo ka ku vutliwa ka mfumo eNiger naswona yi kombela ku vuyiseriwa ka xihatla ka mfumo wa xidemokirasi, naswona yi tlhele yi lemuka pfhumba ro vuyisela ntolovelo ehansi ka Muganga wa Ikhonomi wa Matiko ya Afrika Vupeladyambu.4.  Nhlengeletano ya matiko ya Russia-Afrika4.1.  Phuresidente Cyril Ramaphosa a ri un’wana wa varhangeri va le Afrika lava va yeke eka Nhlengeletano ya matiko ya Russia-Afrika ya Vumbirhi, eSt Petersburg eka Nhlangano wa Russia hi 27 na 28 Mawuwana 2023. Nhlengeletano ya matiko leyi yi amukele Kungu ra Matirhelo ra Foramu ya Xinakulobye ya Russia-Afrika leyi kongomisaka eka ku tiyisiwa ka ntirhisano wa swiyenge swa tipolitiki na vuhlayiseki, ikhonomi, timhaka ta mpfuno wa vanhu, na mitsakelo yo vuyerisa matlhelo hinkwawo na ku humelela.4.2.  Ehandle ka nhlengeletano ya matiko leyi, Varhangeri va Afrika va Tiko na Mfumo lava va nga xiphemu xa Pfhumba ra ku Rhula eAfrika eka nkwetlembetano exikarhi ka Russia na Ukraine va khome minkanerisano yo landzelerisa na Phuresidente Vladimir Putin eka magoza ya ku akiwa ka ntshembo lama kaneriweke eka nkarhi lowu nga hundza lama ma nga ta tumbuluxa swipimelo swa xitshunxo lexi kanerisaniweke ku herisa nyimpi.4.3.  Vaphuresidente Ramaphosa na Putin va tlhele va khoma nhlengeletano ya matiko mambirhi kutani va kanela swivandlanene swa ku engetela mabindzu exikarhi ka matiko lamambirhi na ku va Nhlangano wa Russia wu engetela vuvekisi eAfrika-Dzonga.5.  Ku Lulamela eka ku Rhurhela Nhlengeletano ya matiko ya BRICS5.1.  Khabinete yi tivisiwile leswaku swilo hinkwaswo swi tshamisekile eka ku lulamela Afrika-Dzonga ku rhurhela Nhlengeletano ya matiko ya BRICS ya vu15 eJoni ku suka 22 kufika 24 Mhawuri 2023.5.2.  Yo hetelela ya tinhlengeletano ta Vaholobye va BRICS – Nhlengeletano ya Vaholobye va Vurimi va BRICS – eka nkarhi wa sweswi yi le ku endlekeni, loko Tinhlengeletano ta Vaholobye va Timhaka ta Matiko Mambe, Vusirheleri, Mabindzu, Dyondzo, Sayense, Vatirhi, Vuhlanganisi, Rihanyo, na Foramu ya Nhluvukiso wa Madoroba ti fikise emakumu swiviko swa tona swa Nhlengeletano ya matiko ya Varhangeri.5.3.  Minongoloko yo Fikelela vanhu ya BRICS eka swiyenge swo hambanahambana na vaakatiko na yona yi fikile emakumu.5.4.  Minkanerisano leyi yi nyikile mifumo, mihlangano, vativinkulu na swidyondzeki ku suka eka matiko ya BRICS xivandlanene xa ku kanela swiphiqo swa ntsakelo wa matlhelo hinkwawo lowu nga endla leswaku ku tekiwa swiboho ku ri na vutivi hi nkarhi wa Nhlengeletano ya matiko ya BRICS.6.  Nkambisiso wa Khume ra Malembe wa Kungu ra Nhluvukiso ra Tiko (NDP)6.1.  Khabinete yi amukele Nkambisiso wa Khume ra Malembe ra NDP hi Khomixini ya Nkunguhato ya Tiko leyi kombiseke leswaku ikhonomi yi tshame ya ha ri na xivumbeko hi mukhuva lowu nga tirheliki ku tsakela ka vanhu va Afrika Dzonga hinkwavo, leswi nga xivangelokulu xa swiyimo leswi tlakukaka swa vusweti na mpfumaleko wa ndzingano.6.2.  Mfumo wu tshama wa ha tibohile ku aka hi vuntshwa na ku cinca ikhonomi ku tirhela ku tsakela ka vanhu va Afrika Dzonga hinkwavo.7.  Eneji7.1.  25 Mawuwana yi fungha ku Tlangela ko Sungula kusukela loko Phuresidente Ramaphosa a tivise Kungu ra Matirhelo ra Eneji.7.2.  Khabinete yi amukele ndzima leyi khatsiweke kuta fika sweswi ku tirhisa Kungu ra Matirhelo ra Eneji, leri ri yaka emahlweni ri tsarisa ku antswisiwa eka Xiphemu xa Vukona bya Eneji na ku ntswisa eka swiyenge swa ku tirhisiwa ka gezi hi ku siyerisana.8.  Vupfhumba8.1.  Khabinete yi tsakisiwa hi ku va tinhlayonhlayo ta Vupfhumba ta Khotavuxika ti komba leswaku xiyebge xa vupfhumba xi le ku hlakarheleni hi switsongotsongo ku suka eka switandzhaku swo onhetela swa ntungu wa COVID-19. Tinhlayonhlayo ta Khotavuxika 2023 ku suka eka Tinhlayonhlayo ta Afrika Dzonga (Stats SA) ti komba leswaku mpimo wo fika, ku suka na vatekatendzo yi tlakukile hikambirhi eka vatshami va le Afrika Dzonga na vatekatendzo va le matikweni mambe exikarhi ka Khotavuxika 2022 na Khotavuxika 2023.9.  Ikhonomi9.1.  Khabinete yi amukele xiviko xa Stats SA xa ku ya ehansi ka tinhlayo ta vatirhisi ku suka eka 6.3 wa tiphesente hi Mudyaxihi ku fika eka 5.4 wa tiphesente hi Khotavuxika 2023, leti nga ku yeni ehansi lokukulu ku sukela Mudyaxihi 2020. Ku ya ehansi loku ku komba ku tiyiseleka ka ikhonomi ya hina, loku tiyisiweke ku ya emahlweni hi xiboho xa Bangikulu ya Afrika Dzonga ku tshika ntswalo wu nga cincangi eka 8.25 wa tiphesente.10.  Nawumbisi wa Ririmi ra Swikoweto rs Afrika Dzonga (SASL)10.1.  Khabinete yi amukele ku sayiniwa ka sweswi ku va nawu Nawumbisi wa SASL hi Phuresidente Ramaphosa, leswi endleke SASL ku va ririmi ra ximfumo ra vu12 eAfrika Dzonga. Leswi swi ta kondletela timfanelo ta kwalomu ka 600 000 wa vatirhisi va SASL eAfrika Dzonga.B.  Swiboho swa Khabinete1.  Khalendara leyi rhangaka yi humesiwa ku va yi kandziyisiwa eka tinhlayonhlayo ta vugevenga ta kotara na kotara eka lembeximali ra 2023/241.1.  Khabinete yi pasise khalendara leyi rhangaka yi humesiwa ku va yi kandziyisiwa eka tinhlayonhlayo ta vugevenga ta kotara na kotara eka lembeximali ra 2023/24. Tinhlayonhlayo ta vugevenga ti ta humesiwa hi Mhawuri na Hukuri 2023 eka kotara ya n'we na mbirhi, na Nyenyanyana na Mudyaxihi 2024 eka kotara ya nharhu na kotara ya mune hi ku landzelelana. Ku humesiwa ko vuyelela ka tinhlayonhlayo ta vugevenga i ka nkoka eka ku veka tihlo eka mitolovelo ya vugevenga na ku tekiwa ka swiboho swo antswa eka lwisaneni na vugevenga.2.  Pholisi ya ku Katsiwa ka Timali2.1.  Khabinete yi pasise Pholisi ya ku Katsiwa ka Timali leswaku yi simekiwa. Pholisi yi vumba xiphemu xa mipfuxeto ya mfumo ya swinawana swa xiyenge xa timali naswona hi ku fambisana na mojulu wa Twin Peaks wa Timali taTiko.2.2.  Exikarhi ka swin'wana, pholisi leyi yi na xikongomelo xa ku tiyisisa leswaku ku va na matikhomelo ya timakete yo antswa ya tikhasimende eka xiyenge xa timali. Xikongomelo i ku tiyisisa leswaku mihlangano ya timali yi endla mabindzu hi tindlela leti nga tinene eka tikhasimende, ku sivela maendlelo lama ma tekelaka ehansi vukahle bya timakete ta timali, na ku aka ntshembo eka sisitimi ya timali.2.3.  Ku simekiwa ka pholisi swi ta tiyisisa leswaku tiko ri tiyisa tisisitimi ta yona ta timali ku seketela ku kula ka ikhonomi na ku kondletela mfikelelo wa vukorhokeri bya timali na ku katsiwa ka timali eka vaakatiko hinkwawo. I ku tekeriwa enhlokweni ka leswaku loko mpimo wo fikelela wu  antswile eka tiakhawunti ta nxaviselano, leswi a swi kombisiwangi eka swikumiwa na vukorhokeri swa timali swin'wana swo tala.2.4.  Pholisi leyi ya kumeka eka webusayiti ya Timali ta Tiko:www.treasury.gov.zaC.  Milawumbisi1.  Nawumbisi wo Cinciwa ka Vulawuri bya Vuchuchisi (NPA) bya Tiko wa 20231.1.  Khabinete yi pasise xiringanyeto xo yisiwa ka mpfapfarhuto wa Nawumbisi wa NPA 2023 ePalamente. Nawumbisi lowu wu cinca Nawu wa NPA, 1998 (Nawu wa 32 wa 1998) ku lulamisela ku tumbuluxiwa ka Xiyengetsongo xo Lavisisa tanihi vandla ra nkarhi hinkwawo endzeni ka NPA na ku tlhela wu tiyisa matimba yo lavisisa.2.  Nawumbisi wo cinciwa ka Xinawana xo Kavanyeta Vuhlanganisi na ku Nyikiwa ka Vuxokoxoko lebyi fambelanaka na Vuhlanganisi2.1.  Khabinete yi pasise xiringanyeto xo yisiwa ka mpfapfarhuto wa Nawumbisi wo Cinciwa ePalamende, lowu hundzuluxaka Nawu wa ku Lawuriwa ka Vuhlanganisi na ku Nyikiwa ka Vuxokoxoko lebyi fambelanaka na Vuhlanganisi.2.2.  Ku cinciwa ku nyika ngopfungopfu vusirheleri byo ringanela byo sirhelela mfanelo ya xihundla, tanihilaha yi tiyisiweke hakona hi timfanelo to fikelela tikhoto, ntshunxeko wo vulavula wa swihangalasamahungu na vuhlayiseki wa ku tshunxeka eka ku vulavula eka swa vuhangalasi bya mahungu na nkateko wa xinawu hi ku landza vuavanyisi bya Khoto ya Vumbiwa bya 2021 lebyi byi simekeke RICA ya 2002 a byi fambisani na Vumbiwa.D.  Ku thoriwaKu thoriwa hinkwako ku fanele ku landzelela vutiyisisi bya tidyondzo na ku pasisiwa loku faneleke.1.   Tat. Percy Sechemane tanihi Muofisirinkulu wa Vurhangerikulu wa Vulawuri bya Thanele ya Trans -Caledon.2.  Man. Thathakahle Nonkqubela Jordan-Dyani tanihi Mulawuri-Jenerali (DG) eka Ndzawulo ya Vuhlanganisi na Tithekinoloji ta Xidijitali.3.  Tat. Duncan Pieterse tanihi DG eka Timali ta Tiko.4.  Man. Qinisile Precious Delwa tanihi Xandla xa DG (DDG): Nhluvukiso wa Mabindzu na Van'wamabindzu eka Ndzawulo ya Nhluvukiso wa Mabindzu Lamatsongo (DSBD).5.  Man. Mosa Keneilwe Makhele tanihi DDG: Pholisi ya Siyenge  na Ndzavisiso eka DSBD.6.  Tat. Xolisa Mabhongo tanihi DDG: Mafumelo yo Angarhela na Ajenda ya Matikokulu eka Ndzawulo ya Vuxaka bya Matiko ya Misava na Ntirhisano.7.  Tat. Rosinah Nghaka Dumalisile tanihi DDG: Tindlu to Rhentiwa to Fikeleleka na Tindlu ta Vanhu eka Ndzawulo ya Vutshamo bya Vanhu.8.  Tat. Thabo Kekana tanihi DDG: Minongoloko na Tiphurojeke eka DMRE.9.  Bodo ya Valawuri na Vandla ra Heriso wa Thyaka ra ku Humesiwa ka Eneji ya Nyutliliya ya Tiko:(a)   Man. Lemao Dorah Modise (Mutshamaxitulu);(b)   Dok. Wolsey Barnard (Xandla xa Mutshamaxitulu);(c)   Man. Gratitude Ramphaka;(d)   Dok. Kgaugelo Chiloane (ku thoriwa hi vuntshwa); na(e)   Gqweta Derick Block.10.  Bodo ya Valawuri ya Mulawuri wa Nyutliliya Tiko:(i)   Tat. Protas Phili – Mutshamaxitulu (ku thoriwa hi vuntshwa);(ii)   Man. Pinkie Deneo Peta (ku thoriwa hi vuntshwa);(iii)   Tat. Paul Heeger;(iv)   Man. Nolubabalo Zolisa Zwakala;(v)   Dok. Pathmanathan Naidoo;(vi)   Dok. Nandi Malumbazo;(vii)   Man. Theodorah Bahlekazi; na(viii)   Tat. Happy Khambule.11. Bodo ya Valawuri ya Ejensi ya Malawulelo ya Vuhlengeletelo bya Inkomati-Usuthu:(i)   Man. Linda Carol Zulu (Mutshamaxituluu);(ii)   Gqweta Geraldine Khoza (Xandla xa Mutshamaxitulu);(iii)  Man. Shivon Wiggins;(iv)   Tat. Sam Mthembu;(v)   Tat. Mokgobi Andrew Ramushu;(vi)   Tat. Steven Matome Mathetsa; na(vii)   Man. Salome Chiloane-Nwabueze.12. Bodo ya Valawuri ya Ejensi ya Thekinoloji ya Vuxokoxoko bya Tiko:(i)   Tat. Kiruben Pillay (Mutshamaxitulu);(ii)   Man. Lerato Petlele (Xandla xa Mutshamaxitulu);(iii)  Man. Khathu Sibanda;(iv)  Dok. Lucienne Abraham;(vi)  Tat. Luvuyo Keyise;(vii)   Tat. Mandla Martin Mnisi;(viii)  Man. Renisha Naidoo;(ix)  Man. Nolitha Pietersen; na(x)   Man. Laura Mseme.E.  Mahungu ya Sweswi1.  N'hweti ya Vavasati1.1.  Afrika Dzonga yi le ku tsundzukeni ka N'hweti ya Vamanana hi Mhawuri ehansi ka nkongomelo: “Ku hatlisisa swivandla swa ikhoni ya vaaki ku nyika matimba eka vamanana” ku xixima ku tlula 20 000 wa vamanana lava va yeke eUnion Buildings hi 1956 ku kombisa ku vilela ehenhla ka milawu ya mapasi yo tshikelela ya mfumo wa mafumelo ya xihlawuhlawu.1.2.  Khabinete yi kombela vanhu va Afrika Dzonga ku tirhisa n'hweti leyi ku nga ri ntsena ku xiximi vamanana lava va lweleke tshunxeko wa hina, kambe na ku tlhela hi nghenisa xandla ku aka tiko leri seketelaka ku nyikiwa matimba eka vamanana na ku va leri ri seketelaka vuhlayiseki bya vamanana na vana.F.  Mahungu1.  VuhoyozeriKhabinete yi hundzisa ku hoyozela ka yona na ku navelela leswinene eka:- Netball Spar Proteas, eka ku va yi fikelerile xiyimo xa vutsevu xa le henhla eka Khapi ya Misava ya Bolo ya mavoko. Khabinete yi kombele vanhu va Afrika Dzonga hinkwavo ku tirhisa mikarhi leyo vumba vun'we tanihi xivandlanene xa ku fikelela Maafrika Dzonga kulorhi ku vumba ntirhisano wa vanhu na ku kondletela ku vumba tiko erixakeni laha munhu un'wana na un'wana a titwaka a amukelekile.- Banyana Banyana, eka ku endliwa ka matimu hi ku hundzela eka rhenge ra vu 16 ro hetelela ra Khapi ya Misava ya Vamanana ya FIFA ya 2023. Ku fikelela loku nga khorwisiki erivaleni ra mitlangu ku hlohlotele tiko naswona ku endle leswaku tiko ri tinyungubyisa.- Phurof Thuli Madonsela, khale ka Musirheleri wa Vaaki, eka ku va a thoriwile eka Bodo yo Tsundzuxa ya Xisayense ya Vun'we bya Tinxaka eka Switsundzuxo leswi Tiyimelaka eka Miboxeketo eka Sayense na Thekinoloji.- Tatjana Schoenmaker, eka ku kuma sagwati ra nsuku eka vuhlamberi bya 200m na silivhere eka vuhlamberi bya 1000m Vunghwazi bya le Matini bya Misava eFukuoka, Japan.2.  MichaveleloKhabinete yi hundzise michavelelo ya yona eka ndyangu na vanghana va:- Imam Achmad Cassiem (78), khale ka mubohiwa wa le Robben Island, xirho xa Pan Africanist Congress na xirho xo sungula x xa Qibla Movement, loyi a ri mulweri wa khale wa Nyimpi ehenhla ka Mafumelo ya xihlawuhlawu.- Vanhu lava va lahlekeriweke hi vutomi bya vona eka xitereko xa mathekisi ya swibazana eKapa.Swivutiso: Man. Nomonde Mnukwa – Muvulavuleri wo Khomela wa MfumoSelifoni: 083 653 7485 "
"Statement 1559": {
"English(source)": {
"link": "https://www.thepresidency.gov.za/cabinet-statements/statement-cabinet-meeting-13-september-2023",
"statement": "Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 13 September 2023A. Issues in the environment1. G20 Summit1.1. Cabinet congratulated Prime Minister Modi and India for hosting a successful G20 Summit and the admission of the African Union (AU) as a full member of the G20.1.2. South Africa under the leadership of His Excellency, President Cyril Ramaphosa advocated for the admission of the AU as a full member of the G20 including during the 2022 G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia.1.3. The AU’s participation as a full member will strengthen the voice of the global South in general and Africa, in particular on global economic governance.1.4. South Africa also used the summit to advocate for an enhanced and expanded Global Partnership for Sustainable Development to meet climate change commitments.1.5. The G20 leaders committed, amongst others to:(a) Accelerate strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth.(b) Accelerate the full and effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.(c) Pursue low-GHG/low-carbon emissions, climate-resilient and environmentally sustainable development pathways by championing an integrated and inclusive approach.(d) Improve access to medical countermeasures, facilitate more supplies and production capacities in developing countries to prepare better for future health emergencies.(e) Scale up financing from all sources for accelerating progress on SDGs.(f) Accelerate efforts and enhance resources towards achieving the Paris Agreement, including its temperature goal.(g) Pursue reforms for better, bigger and more effective Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) to address global challenges to maximise developmental impact.(h) Close gender gaps and promote the full, equal, effective and meaningful participation of women in the economy as decision-makers.(i) Better integrate the perspectives of developing countries, including LDCs, LLDCs, and SIDS, into future G20 agenda and strengthen the voice of developing countries in global decision making.1.6. On the margins of the G20 Summit, South Africa participated in the EU-African Leaders’ meeting that deliberated on food security, grain and fertiliser supply and the reform of the global financial architecture.2. The African Climate Summit2.1. Cabinet congratulated President Ruto of Kenya for successfully hosting Africa’s first ever climate summit. The Summit showcased Africa’s significant renewable energy resources and the opportunities presented for the continent’s sustainable growth and development.2.2. The Summit Declaration called for new, sustainable non-debt financial sources to finance Just Energy Transitions and build climate resilience in a manner that create jobs and fight poverty.2.3. On the sidelines of the Summit, South Africa participated in the African Green Hydrogen Alliance (AGHA) forum and took over the chairship of the Forum.3. Electricity3.1. Cabinet was updated on the current planned maintenance programme that is being implemented by Eskom to ensure the sustainability of Eskom’s plant. The concerted implementation of the planned fleet maintenance programme has resulted in increased stages of load shedding in recent days.3.2. The implementation of stage 6 load shedding in the last week was a regress from the trends that prevailed in the previous weeks of lower stages of load shedding.3.3. Cabinet was assured that the current implementation of increased stages of load shedding is a short-term phase as Eskom prepares for more sustained and lessened stages of load shedding in the not-so-distant future.3.4. The Minister in the Presidency for Electricity, Dr Kgosientsho Ramokgopa will continue to update the nation on the progress being made to address the current electricity challenges and the steps being taken to ultimately end load shedding.4. Economy, Investments and Trade4.1. Gross Domestic Product4.1.1. Cabinet is pleased with the resilience of the South African economy as shown by South Africa’s gross domestic product (GDP) second quarter data as released by StatsSA. This is despite the prevailing difficult global economic conditions and the persistence of the electricity situation in the country. The StatsSA has reported an increase of GDP by 0,6% in the second quarter of 2023. The manufacturing industry increased by 2,2% in the second quarter, contributing 0,3 of a percentage point to GDP growth. The continued improvements in manufacturing data indicates improvements in the production capacity which in turn contributes to an increase in total manufacturing employment.4.1.2. The petroleum, chemical products, rubber and plastic products division made the largest contribution to the increase in the second quarter. The basic iron and steel, non-ferrous metal products, metal products and machinery division also made a significant contribution to the growth in this industry. The finance, real estate and business services industry increased by 0,7% in the second quarter, contributing 0,2 of a percentage point to GDP growth. The agriculture, forestry and fishing industry increased by 4,2% in the second quarter, contributing 0,1 of a percentage point to GDP growth. The personal services industry increased by 0,7% in the second quarter, contributing 0,1 of a percentage point to GDP growth.4.2. Implementation of the Poultry Sector Master PlanCabinet welcomed 750 jobs created at the Rainbow Chickens facility in Hammarsdale, which points to the success of the implementation of the Poultry Masterplan. During 2017, the Rainbow Chickens had retrenched more than 1000 workers and closed the operations. After adoption of the masterplan, government implemented a variety of measures to safeguard the local poultry industry including placing anti-dumping duties on poultry imported from producers in 5 countries. This, together with increased investment and measures to transform the industry and bring more black-owned firms into the market, has seen real successes. Rainbow chickens has since re-opened and invested R220m Overall employment within the poultry industry has been reported to have increased by 2780 jobs; and more than R2 billion in fresh investment has been implemented.4.3. R5 billion investment pledges by auto component manufacturersCabinet welcomed approximately R5 billion investment pledges by auto component manufacturers made at the NAACAM Show recently. These pledges, by companies operating in South Africa, shows the confidence of the industry in the SA market and the opportunities to localise production of components, providing auto assemblers with a more resilient supply base. Shortly after the announcement, the Minister of Trade, industry and Competition officially opened the Benteler Plant Extension in the E Cape, producing components for local car assemblers. The expansion of production is estimated to replace imports worth [R1 billion] and the workforce grew to 743 workers.5. Stellantis Investment in South Africa5.1. Cabinet welcomed the confirmation by Stellantis of its intention to develop a greenfield manufacturing facility in Coega, South Africa. The greenfield manufacturing project is planned to be completed by the end of 2025. The first launch planned for early 2026 is for a 1 T pick-up truck with volumes expected to reach up to 50,000 annually including for export, in line with the industry masterplan, known as the Automotive Production Development Program (APDP).5.2. Direct employment to support the first capacity step is expected at 1000 jobs. Stellantis will be massively investing in over 500 000 hours in training and skills to develop and support the local teams to the level of global standards. We are targeting a localization rate over 30%.6. Largest smart skills centre opens6.1. The lChemical Industries Education and Training Authority launched a  SMART Skills Centre in Babanango in KwaZulu-Natal, which will provide tech-enabled learning programmes in the province. This project is part of government’s plans to revolutionise digital skills development and it will be expanded to all provinces.6.2. In addition, Cabinet welcomed the launch of the National Plan for Post School Education and Training that is aimed at aligning skills development to the demands of the workplace and thus help address South Africa’s skills mismatch.7. Infrastructure7.1. Water and Sanitation: Section 63 intervention in Emfuleni Local Municipality7.1.1. Cabinet received an update on the progress with the Section 63 intervention in Emfuleni Local Municipality.7.1.2. Cabinet was informed of the causes of waste-water problems in Emfuleni and the interventions being implemented to address the problems in the short, medium and long term.7.1.3. Cabinet was briefed on the progress made by Rand Water to address sewage spillages through repairing collapsed or burst sewerage pipes and unblocking blockages in sewage pipelines.7.1.4. In addition, Cabinet was also briefed on the progress with the refurbishment and/ or upgrade of sewage pump stations and replacement of major pipelines that had collapsed or were experiencing frequent pipe-bursts. This included mechanical and electrical repairs to the wastewater treatment plants in the municipality.7.1.5. In the long-term, the work will involve the upgrade of capacity of three major wastewater treatment works namely, the Leeuwkuil, Sebokeng and Rietspruit Wastewater Treatment Works.7.1.6. Together with the Department of Water and Sanitation and Rand Water, GCIS will organise a site inspection at Emfuleni.7.2. N4/Montrose/Schoemanskloof Interchange7.2.1. Cabinet welcomed the opening of the upgraded N4/Montrose/Schoemanskloof Interchange in Mpumalanga, which forms part of the Maputo Corridor Development initiative.  The renovations will reduce travel time for road freight transport and will ensure increased safety for all road users.7.2.2. This project created over 350 jobs and provided subcontracting opportunities for several local companies in line with our commitment to uplift and skill local communities.7.3. KwaMashu – Durban Passenger Rail Corridor7.4. Cabinet welcomed the re-opening of the KwaMashu – Durban Station passenger rail corridor, which also introduced the new, safe and clean blue trains on the corridor. 13 Cooperatives will clean and take of the trains and train stations. The number of train passengers is registering phenomenal increases as trains continue to offer most affordable means of transport.8. Fight against crime and corruption8.1. Operation Bring Back8.1.1. Cabinet commended the ramping up of Operation Bring Back to identify and recover illegally occupied state buildings. As part of this initiative, the national government is providing support to municipalities to ensure the enforcement of by-laws to eradicate hijacking of buildings, their effective management and utilization, and ability to account for the utilisation of government’s immovable assets.8.2. Integrated fight against crime8.2.1. Cabinet welcomed the recent successes by the country’s law enforcement agencies in the war against crime.8.2.2. In the first quarter of 2023, the Hawks arrested 611 suspects, and seized various items including precious metals and diamonds, endangered species, vehicles, cash, firearms, ammunition, counterfeit goods, explosives and electronic devices worth R6 112 768 985.8.2.3. In addition, law enforcement arrested nine (9) Zama-Zama kingpins and were granted preservation orders against their assets that include luxury vehicles such as Lamborghini etc, precious metals and cash to the value of R34 million.8.2. Cabinet commends law enforcement agencies on their fight to dismantle crime syndicates. The successful actions in dealing with heavily armed gang linked to a series of cash in transit heists in Limpopo is commendable. Cabinet reiterates that law enforcement should leave no stone unturned in dealing with those who seek to undermine South Africa’s national security and the laws of the Republic.8.3. Cabinet welcomed the arrest of nine (9) Northern Cape Department of Health officials for PPE corruption. The suspects are accused of fraud, corruption, money laundering and contravening the Public Finance Management Act.9. Government’s position on the National Health Insurance9.1. Cabinet has collectively reiterated its firm commitment for the implementation of the National Health Insurance as way of ensuring that all South Africans have access to quality healthcare. The commitment to NHI is premised on the fact that both public and private health sectors are not sustainable. The current parallel and fragmented systems must be integrated into a national system so that all resources are accessible to all people. The implementation of the NHI is premised on the implementation of a comprehensive approach to accelerating infrastructure improvement in the public sector. This is not something that should be contemplated separately from the reforms in the NHI Bill.9.2. Focussing narrowly on the intended reforms of private financing of healthcare has detracted from the Bill's intended reforms of public and private provision of services. It is in reforming the service platform that space will be created for decongesting public facilities. When the NHI Fund is able to purchase services from both public and private providers, we will begin to see the pressure lifted from highly pressured public facilities.  The intentional distortion that the passage of the Bill will reform everything overnight is mischievous at best. The transitional provisions are clear that the implementation will take time and that the reforms will be implemented in phases.10. Government’s position on the Fiscal Constraints10.1. Cabinet appreciates the current fiscal constraints which are not unique to South Africa but has resulted in in-her budget shortfall. Cabinet has iterated that measures to address the budget shortfall must not impact negatively on service delivery.10.2. The Minister of Finance will shortly issue Guidelines clarifying the unintended misunderstanding arising from the Cost Containment Letter issued on 31 August 2023. In addition, as part of the in-year performance review of progress in implementation priorities agreed to with Ministers, the President and Deputy President will meet with individual Ministers to ensure that fiscal management does not derail the agreed to priorities.B. Cabinet decisions1. Policy on Prevention and Treatment for Substance Use Disorders.1.1. Cabinet approved the Gazetting of the Policy on Prevention and Treatment for Substance Use Disorders, which aims to tackle the country’s substance abuse levels.1.2. The policy will supplement other substance abuse interventions such as the National Drug Master Plan that was first implemented between 2013 and 2017. It will address gaps that have been identified in the Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act.1.3. The policy proposes community-based prevention programs that can be effective in helping to address major challenges arising from substance abuse.1.4. The policy will be published on the Department of Social Development website www. dsd.gov.za.2. Implementation of the Tourism Equity Fund2.1. Cabinet was updated on the settlement reached on the implementation of the Tourism Equity Fund (TEF) as a result of the court case brought by Afriforum and Solidarity.2.2. Cabinet was updated on the actions taken to implement the settlement agreement and the changes to the TEF effected on the basis of the settlement agreement.2.3. Accordingly, the TEF will be implemented in line with existing Tourism Sector Code targets of minimum 30% black ownership instead of the 51% originally proposed TEF targets.2.4. Cabinet supported the implementation of the TEF.C. Bills1. Draft Public Service Commission (PSC) Bill1.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the Public Service Commission Bill to Parliament, which amends the PSC Act, no. 46 of 1997.1.2. The amendments will enable the PSC to operate as an independent and impartial constitutional body with the view to improve its effectiveness and efficiency within the public service.1.3. The Bill also extends the mandate of the PSC to municipalities and public entities and provides a legislative framework for the PSC’s oversight role in the implementation of the National Framework on the Professionalization of the Public Sector.2. Draft Aquaculture Development Bill2.1. Cabinet approved the publication of the draft Aquaculture Development Bill for public comment. The purpose of the Bill is to:promote the development of a responsible Aquaculture sector for meaningful contribution to food security and economic development for the country;support greater participation of small businesses, especially those owned by women and youth; andpromote the transformation of the aquaculture sector.3. Draft National State Enterprises Bill3.1. Cabinet approved the publication of the draft National State Enterprises Bill for public comment.3.2. The draft Bill proposes:3.2.1. the consolidation of State’s shareholdings in strategic state-owned enterprises3.2.2. The establishment of the State’s Asset Management SOC Ltd as a holding company for state shareholding of strategic SOEs, with the State as a sole shareholder4. The Repeal of the South African Airways Bill4.1. Cabinet approved the publication of The The Repeal of the South African Airways Bill for public comment.4.2. The Repeal of the SAA Act is aimed to give effect to the changes of government no longer being a majority stakeholder of the SAA.4.3. The repeal of the SAA Act does not change the continued corporate existence of the company under Companies Act; and4.4. The rights attached to government shares in SAA will be exercised by the designated shareholder representative on behalf of the State.D.  AppointmentsAll appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and relevant clearance.1. Appointment of Board Members of Vaal Central Water Board1.1. Mr Makhosini Solomon Msibi (Chairperson);1.2. Mr Lungile Right Bomela (Deputy Chairperson);1.3. Mr Luvuyo Xola Ntoyi;1.4. Ms Elizabeth Cornelia Rockman;1.5. Ms Ntikila Sandlana1.6. Mr Andrew Modisaotsile Rantho;1.7. Mr Desmond Solomon Ezekiel Fransman;1.8. Ms Matshego Gail Mercy Jele;1.9. Ms Boipelo Felicity Nakedi;1.10. Ms Tshepiso Doreen Segoe-Backward; and1.11. Mr Thabo Moses Manyoni2. Appointment of Board Members of Umngeni – Uthukela Water Board2.1. Adv Vusi Khuzwayo (Chairperson)2.2. Ms Nothando Nonkululeko Mkhize2.3. Ms Senamile Masango2.4. Ms Sylvia Thandazile Mhlongo2.5. Ms Hlengiwe Mvubu2.6. Mr Khanyisani Stanley Shandu2.7. Mr Lavandran Nanda Gopaul2.8. Mr Sibusiso Wycliff Mkhize2.9. Mr Kwazikwenkosi Innocent Mshengu;2.10. Ms Diana Gloria Hoorzuk;2.11. Mr Cornish James Timothy; and2.12. Mr Sipho Maxwell Mtolo3. Appointment of Board Members of Overberg Water Board3.1. Mr Razeen Benjamin (re-appointment and Chairperson);3.2. Ms Siphiwe Doris Mayinga (re-appointment and Deputy Chairperson);3.3. Mr David Lefutso (re-appointment);3.4. Dr Nandipha Daphne Siwahla-Madiba (re-appointment);3.5. Prof Gregory Jerome Davids (re-appointment);3.6. Ms Monica Auphry Malunga3.7. Ms Nalini Singh-Maharaj3.8. Dr Thavamoney Kelly3.9. Mr Bongani Evidence Mnisi3.10. Mr Louis Oudsthoorn, and3.11. Mr Dirk van Papendorp4. Appointment of Non-Executive members to the board of the National Meteorology Institute of South Africa for a period of five years4.1. Dr Precious Gugulethu Motshwene;4.2. Prof Andrew Cedric Buffler;4.3. Prof Lorna Benita Holtman;4.4. Ms Senamile Masango;4.5. Ms Sarah Natalia Prins;4.6. Dr James Tshilongo;4.7. Dr Wynand Louw;4.8. Dr Alufelwi Maxwell Tshavhungwe; and4.9. Ms Babalwa Songongo;5. Appointment of Members to the Patent Examination Board (PEB)5.1. Ms Thandiwe Khumalo (re-appointment);5.2. Mr Paul Sibisi (re-appointment);5.3. Ms Shanaaz Mohamed (re-appointment);5.4. Mr Johnny Fiandeiro (re-appointment);5.5. Dr Magdalena Kleyn; and5.6. Ms C. Mathoto Masetla-Mafa;6. Appointment of the Non-Executive Directors of the Road Accident Fund Board for a period of three years.6.1. Ms Lorrain Francois (re-appointment and Chairperson);6.2. Dr Nomonde Buyiswa Mabuya-Moloete (re-appointment and Deputy Chairperson);6.3. Adv Nontuthuzelo Njeza;6.4. Mr Moses Nyama;6.5. Mr Thulani Samule Tshabalala (re-appointment);6.6. Mr Simphiwe Blose (re-appointmen);6.7. Ms Pamela Bongeka Mathebula;6.8. Mr Duke William Mathebula;6.9. Ms Tinyiko Mhlari;6.10. Dr Pholile Dladla;6.11. Mr Kwena Cuthbert Komape and6.12. Ms Bongiwe B. KhumaloE. Upcoming events1. Heritage Day1.1. This year’s main event for Heritage Day will be held at the Princes Magogo Stadium Kwa-Mashu, in KwaZulu-Natal on 24 September 2023 and Cabinet called on all South Africans to join us as we celebrate our rich heritage.2. UNGA 782.1. South Africa will participate in the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly at the United Nations from 18 to 26 September 2023 under the theme: “Rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity: Accelerating action on the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals towards peace, prosperity, progress and sustainability for all.”3. UNESCO 9th African Engineering week and 7th Africa Engineering conference3.1 South Africa through the Engineering Council of South Africa and the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure will host the UNESCO 9th African Engineering week and 7th Africa Engineering Conference on 25-28 September 2023 in Pretoria4. South Africa’s School Sport IndabaThe Department of Arts, Sports and culture will hold a national school sports indaba in Birchwood Hotel Johannesburg on 14-15 September 2023.5. Border Management Authority launch5.1 The launch of the Border Management Authority 2023 came into effect on 1st April 2023 as an autonomous schedule 3(A) public entity serving as the third law enforcement authority in South Africa will be launched on the 5th of October 2023.6. Africa Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA)6.1 South Africa will host the AGOA forum on the 2nd - 4th November 2023. The forum will discuss trade matters between the United State of America and the eligible African Countries.F. Messages1. CongratulationsCabinet extended its congratulations and well wishes to:1.1. Springboks - for flying the South African flag high and making the country proud by winning their opening match against Scotland at the 2023 Rugby World Cup.1.2. Tariq Moosa and the staff at Chicano Customs who built a custom BMW E9 2800 CS named Nkabi, which beat over 6000 of Europe’s best cars at the Slammed UK show in Birmingham.1.3.  South African Women scientists who have been rewarded for excellence at the 2023 instalment of the South African Women in Science Awards (SAWiSA) that was hosted by the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Dr Blade Nzimande. Cabinet congratulates the following winners:- Distinguished Woman Researchers: Humanities & Social Sciences- Prof. Catherine Ward- Distinguished Young Woman-Researchers: Humanities & Social Sciences- Prof. Anastacia Mamabolo- Distinguished Woman Researchers: Natural & Engineering Sciences- Prof. Janine Barbara Adams- Distinguished Young Woman Researchers: Natural & Engineering Sciences- Prof. Usisipho Feleni- Distinguished- Young Woman: Special Award- Dr Tiisetso Elizabeth Lephoto- Distinguished Woman: Special Award- Dr Patience Thenjiwe Mthunzi-Kufa- DSI Ndoni Mchunu Fellowships: Master’s Awards- Ms Nyeleti Precious Mabaso- Ms Modjadji Rebecca Letsoalo- Ms Gizelle Roque van Niekerk- DSI-Ndoni Mcunu: Doctoral Awards- Ms Munira Hoosain- Ms Aletta Susanna Elizabeth Nortje- Ms Boitumelo Makgabutlane- Ms Thendo Gertie Makhado- Ms Bambesiwe Mbesi May- Ms Carla Dodd- Ms Ramakgahlela Betty Sebati- Ms Lusani Mamushiane2. CondolencesCabinet expressed condolences to the family and friends of:- Kingdom and people of Morocco following the devastating earthquake that claimed thousands of lives and injured scores more.- The government and people of Libya following the devastating floods that claimed thousands of lives- Visionary entrepreneur, philanthropist and the founder of Pick n Pay, Raymond Ackerman (92), who believed in the vision of better South Africa and mentored and inspired countless people throughout his life. He was also an Esteemed Member of the Order of The Baobab.- Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi (95) the Founder and President Emeritus of the Inkatha Freedom Party and South Africa’s first Minister of Home Affairs.- Tireless campaigner of human rights and freedom, Ms Amy Rietstein Thornton (91), who played an instrumental role in the 1956 Treason trial support, as a patron of the UDF and in the return of exiles to South Africa.- Esteemed freedom fighter, activist and former Ambassador Mr Zeph Makgetla (78), who dedicated his life to serve the people of South Africa.- Former Business Day editor Jim Jones, (81), who played a critical role in shaping public discourse during the transition to democracy.Enquiries:Nomonde MnukwaCell: 083 653 7485 "
"Statement 1560": {
"English(source)": {
"link": "https://www.thepresidency.gov.za/cabinet-statements/statement-cabinet-meeting-wednesday%2C-27-september-2023",
"statement": "Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of Wednesday, 27 September 2023A. Issues in the environment1. United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)1.1. Cabinet welcomed the address by President Cyril Ramaphosa at the 78th UNGA held in New York, United States of America from 18 to 26 September 2023.1.2. The President’s widely welcomed address reaffirmed South Africa’s position in championing the interests, and equal and meaningful participation, of the African continent and the Global South in general at the UN and other multilateral forums.1.3. The address also reaffirmed South Africa’s resoluteness in the mobilisation of support for:(a) renewed commitment to multilateralism, based on clear rules and supported by effective institutions.(b) the reform of the UN Security Council (UNSC), to give meaning to the principle of the sovereign equality of nations and to enable the UNSC to respond more effectively to current geopolitical realities.(c) wealthy nations to increase financial support to both implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and achieve their climate-change goals in a comprehensive and integrated manner, including the need to urgently operationalise the Loss and Damage Fund for vulnerable countries hit hard by climate disasters, as agreed at the 27th Session of the Conference of the Parties held in Egypt in November 2022.1.4. President Ramaphosa reaffirmed South Africa’s commitment to continue addressing climate change and positioning the country as a leader in renewable energy, green hydrogen and sustainable industrialisation.1.5. President Ramaphosa also addressed the Advancing Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Summit, in his capacity as the African Union Champion for the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Response.2. South Africa’s bilateral programme on the sidelines of the 78th UNGA2.1. On the sidelines of the 78th UNGA, President Ramaphosa led a government delegation which held several bilateral meetings aimed at strengthening strategic, political, diplomatic and trade relations.2.2. The President met with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky to discuss progress being made on the African Peace Initiative-led confidence-building measures and other developments.2.3. President Ramaphosa also met with:2.3.1. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Türkiye, on strengthening relations between South Africa and Turkey, and briefing each other on the peace initiatives on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.2.3.2. President Bola Tinubu of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, on strengthening relations between South Africa and Nigeria. He also received an update on the Economic Community of West African States-led initiative on the coup in Niger and general efforts to restore democratic rule in the Sahel.2.3.3. President Emmerson Mnangagwa of the Republic of Zimbabwe, on initiatives by the government of Zimbabwe to consolidate the rebuilding of that country after the recent harmonised elections.2.4. President Ramaphosa also participated in the United States (US)-South Africa Trade and Investment Business Roundtable, which included South African and American business leaders. With more than 600 US companies operating from South Africa, this engagement was critical in the ongoing strengthening of relations between South Africa and the US.2.5. During the period, a formal announcement was made that the 20th US-Sub-Saharan Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum, (AGOA Forum) will take place in Johannesburg from 2 to 4 November 2023. The forum will also feature the ‘Made in Africa Exhibition’ that will showcase regional value chains on the continent.2.6. President Ramaphosa also witnessed the announcement of the collaboration between Novo Nordisk and Aspen. The collaboration will see the production of insulin at the Aspen’s facilities in Gqeberha, Eastern Cape. The collaboration aims to supply over 16 million doses of insulin in 2024, which will be up scaled by 2026. This will significantly enhance access to insulin treatment not just in South Africa, but also across the continent.3. Energy3.1. Cabinet welcomed the National Energy Regulator of South Africa’s granting of trading and import/export license applications to the National Transmission Company of South Africa, paving the way for procurement of power from across the region.3.2. The return to service of the Kusile Power Station’s Unit 4 from planned maintenance has brought back 800 megawatts to our power grid. This milestone is central to improving generation capacity for the national grid and addressing the frequency of load-shedding.3.3. Cabinet was further briefed about progress to return Units 1, 2 and 3 of the Kusile Power Station ahead of schedule.3.4. Cabinet welcomed Eskom’s stable rating by Moody’s Investors Service, which will improve the power utility’s credit worthiness and enable it to plan ahead in implementing planned maintenance on its generation fleet.4. Water security4.1. Cabinet was briefed about efforts to address water challenges affecting a number of areas across the country. The Minister of Water and Sanitation, Mr Senzo Mchunu and executive mayors of some of the cities in Gauteng will provide an update on ongoing interventions to stabilise water supply in the province.4.2. Cabinet wishes to remind everyone that South Africa is a water-scarce country. All South Africans and everyone in this country must save and use water sparingly.5. Trade matters5.1. The South Africa-Lesotho Binational Commission (BNC) and Ministerial Cluster Meeting5.1.1. The South Africa-Lesotho BNC and Ministerial Cluster Meeting held from 25 to 28 September 2023 is focussing on economic cooperation, cross-border issues, and the free movement of people, goods and services between the two countries.5.1.2. President Ramaphosa and Prime Minister Samuel Ntsokoane Matekane will co-chair the Inaugural Session of the BNC between South Africa and Lesotho on Thursday, 28 September 2023. The BNC will cover diplomatic relations, defence and security, water, transport, electricity and trade.5.2. Online Intermediation Platform Market Inquiry5.2.1. Cabinet received a report from the Competition Commission on the findings and remedial actions on the Online Intermediation Platform Market Inquiry. Cabinet commended the work of the commission in addressing monopoly concerns in digital intermediation platforms, including ecommerce, online travel agencies, food delivery, app stores, classifieds providers and search engines.5.2.2. Cabinet has directed Ministers of relevant government departments to further engage with the recommendations for improvement, consider the policy implications and undertake necessary policy reforms that will facilitate meaningful participation of South Africans and small, medium and micro enterprises on the growing online business.6. Bird flu6.1. Cabinet noted the current outbreaks of highly pathogenic influenza (HPAI) H5 and H7 in the poultry industry in South Africa. The Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal experienced outbreaks of HPAI H5 while HPAI H7 has been reported in the provinces of Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North West. Control measures to manage the spread of the outbreaks are in place and farmers are encouraged to observe prescribed biosecurity measures.6.2. The outbreaks pose food security risks and trade measures in the form of imports to manage availability of fertile eggs, table eggs and poultry meat may be implemented. The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, South African Health Products Regulatory Authority and the industry are exploring applications for the registration of possible vaccines, with compliance measures relating to safety, efficacy and quality being paramount for registration of such vaccines.7. Integrated fight against crime7.1. Cabinet welcomed the update on the fight against crime, which was also provided to the nation by the Minister of Police, General Bheki Cele, and the National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure.7.2. The multidisciplinary operation on illegal mining and immigration in the Northern Cape led to the arrest of 867 people, many from Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and some South Africans. Cabinet echoed the sentiments of law-enforcement agencies that South Africans who harbour criminals involved in illegal mining activities will face the full might of the law.8. Extreme weather8.1. The country’s extreme weather patterns underscore the impact climate change is having in our lives and the need for sustained action to decarbonise our economy while pursuing sustainable development.8.2. Cabinet is being kept abreast on the devastation caused by severe storms and flooding in the Eastern Cape, Western Cape and Gauteng, with indications that this will likely spread to other provinces.8.3. Cabinet calls on communities to remain on high alert for further extreme weather warnings, which could bring further devastation across the country.8.4. Government continues to support emergency services and disaster management centres for rescue operations and to provide humanitarian support.9. Winnie Mandela Avenue9.1. Cabinet noted the renaming of William Nicol Drive in Sandton to Winnie Mandela Avenue as an important step in rewriting the history of South Africa to reflect the contribution of those who fought for our freedom.9.2. The event coincided with what would have been Winnie Madikizela-Mandela’s 87th birthday on 26 September 2023.B. Cabinet decisions1. Revised Game Meat Strategy for South Africa1.1. Cabinet approved for implementation of the Revised Game Meat Strategy for South Africa, which seeks to formalise and transform the game meat industry.1.2. The strategy aims to strengthen the game meat sector as both a provider of food security and an economic growth sector that can help create jobs.1.3. South Africa is ranked number one on the African continent for game-meat production. The strategy seeks to ensure the creation of 202 666 sustainable jobs in the game meat industry by 2030.1.4. The strategy will be published on the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment’s website: www.dffe.gov.za.2. Tourism Sector Master Plan2.1. Cabinet has approved the alignment of the Tourism Sector Recovery Plan to a new Tourism Master Plan.2.2. An important component of the Master Plan is to mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism sector. It further provides a road map for full recovery of tourism in the country. Whereas the Tourism Sector Recovery Plan was developed to facilitate the recovery of the sector, preserve jobs and protect livelihoods, the Master Plan will take this work to another level and facilitate new opportunities in the sector.2.3. The plan proposes seven intervention strategies to ensure the tourism sector returns to its glory days, and that it becomes the centre of job creation and entrepreneurship.2.4. The tourism industry is a vital contributor to the economy and had supported 725 000 jobs before the COVID-19 pandemic.C. Bills1. South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) Bill of 20231.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the SABC Bill of 2023 to Parliament.1.2. Once passed into law, the Bill will result in the repeal of the current Broadcasting Act, 1999 (Act 4 of 1999). The amendments will strengthen the efficiency of the operations of the public broadcaster.1.3. The Bill further proposes reforms in the SABC’s funding model and the TV-licensing system.2. Draft Water Services Amendment Bill2.1. Cabinet approved the publication of the Water Services Amendment Bill for public comments.2.2. The key aims of the Bill are to strengthen accountability for water services providers and to introduce transparency.2.3. The amendments to the Water Services Act, 1997 (Act 108 of 1997) will ensure that water-service providers deliver high-quality water as part of their licensing conditions.2.4. The amendments will also address weaknesses that have been identified in the water services sector.2.5. The Bill sets minimum standards for the functioning of water services providers, which must be enforced by Water Services authorities.3. Draft National Water Amendment Bill3.1. Cabinet approved the publication of the draft National Water Amendment Bill for public comments. The Bill amends the National Water Act, 1998 (Act 36 of 1998).3.2. These amendments will improve regulations and will ensure that the country’s water resources are well managed, protected and conserved.3.3. The Bill also makes proposals to eliminate the imbalances of the past relating to water allocation, and provides for effective and quicker internal dispute resolution mechanisms.D. AppointmentsAll appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and relevant clearance.1. Mr Kuberndran Moodley as General Manager: Manufacturing and Engineering at the Government Printing Works.2. Mr Sihle Ngubane as General Manager: Operations Management at the Government Printing Works.3. Ms Mmolaeng Mooki as General Manager: Corporate Services at the Government Printing Works.4.  Appointment of non-executive directors to the Board of the South African Special Risk Insurance Association4.1. Ms Deshnie Subbiah; and4.2. Mr Jannie Venter.5. Appointment of non-executive directors to the Board of the Development Bank of Southern Africa5.1. Mr Bongani Nqwabana (reappointment);5.2. Mr Petrus Matji (reappointment);5.3. Ms Pinkie Nqeto (reappointment);5.4. Mr Jonathan Muthige;5.5. Ms Chantal Naidoo;5.6. Ms Disebo Moephuli;5.7. Mr Barry Hore;5.8. Mr Joel Netshitenzhe;5.9. Prof Edgar Pieterse; and5.10. Ms Zodwa Mbele.E. Upcoming Events1. Transport Month1.1. This year’s Transport Month will be commemorated under the theme: “Siyakha - Building better infrastructure to grow South Africa”.1.2. Transport Month 2023 will focus on major investments in transport infrastructure, and a call to action to protect transport infrastructure from theft and vandalism.2. World Teachers’ Day2.1. South Africa will join the rest of the world in commemorating World Teachers’ Day on Thursday, 5 October 2023, under the theme: “The teachers we need for the education we want: The global imperative to reverse the teacher shortage”. The day aims to raise awareness, understanding and appreciation for the vital contribution that teachers make to education and development across the globe.2.2. This day has been declared jointly by the International Labour Organization and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization to celebrate the critical work that our teachers do.F. Messages1.  CongratulationsCabinet extended its congratulations and well-wishes to:General Bheki Cele, the Minister of Police, who received the Great Wall Commemorative Medal from the People’s Republic of China for the South African Police Service’s contribution to the broader law-enforcement cooperation between the two countries.Ms Angie Motshekga, the Minister of Basic Education,  on being selected by the Secretary-General of the UN, Mr Antonio Guterres, to serve on a Global High-Level Panel to advise him on how countries can transform their education systems. The selection of Minister Motshekga into the high-level panel reflects her level of expertise in the field of education and is an expression of confidence on South Africa’s education trajectory.The panel includes representatives from the International Labour Organization, the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s  Teacher Task Force, Global Teacher Unions and three education Ministers. The panel was co-chaired by two former Presidents.Cape Town Film Studios, local actors and stunt performers, for their work on the Netflix series, One Piece, that rocketed to number one worldwide on the online streaming platform.Van Ryn's Distillery, for being awarded the World's Best Brandy trophy for its 12-year-old potstill brandy at the 2023 International Spirits Challenge in London.2.    CondolencesCabinet expressed condolences to the family and friends of:Mr Aziz Goolam Hoosein Pahad (82), the former anti-apartheid activist who was the first South African democratic government Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1994 to 2008.Lieutenant Commander Gillian Elizabeth Hector, Master Warrant Officer William Masela Mathipa, and Warrant Officer Class One Mmokwapa Lucas Mojela, who died in the line of duty while aboard the submarine, SAS Manthatisi, off Kommetjie in the Western Cape.the 22 mineworkers from the Venetia Diamond Mine in Limpopo, who died in a road accident in Musina (Vhembe District).Ms Zoleka Mandela (43), author and activist, and the granddaughter of anti-apartheid heroes Nelson Mandela and Winnie Madikizela-Mandela.Eleven people who lost their lives in the extreme weather conditions that hit several parts of our country in the past week.Enquiries:Ms Nomonde MnukwaActing Government SpokespersonCell: 083 653 7485 "