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Mende la anak babi borneo ni. Kalau tak sebab "ketuanan melayu" yang ko benci tu dah lama pribumi borneo punya tanah kene cilok ngan chinese tokan
Lol sebab tu la kau perasan ketuanan melayu tu direct dekat kau, sebab kau rasa kau lagi dekat dgn billionaire cina daripada melayu. Korang ni perasan lebih
Yeah sure the good guy british sure freed the enslaved and gave independence to their colonies out of goodwill. It's the british subjects who fought for independence, it's not the colonized malays in kampungs under ketuanan melayu or anything.
You’ve mistaken a matter of fact for racism. Racist? I think those ketuanan Melayu-Islam peeps do it better. Anyway, why do we use English? Why not Malay?
"I think british gave independence to malaya so colonialism ended without any decolonization or decolonialization and because i am a british subject and identify with colonialism, i have this irrational fear of people saying ketuanan melayu"
Wrong again, and you would know this if you were older. When ketuanan Melayu became a popular Umno call in the 2000s, would you believe it was the non-Malays who said the term should apply only to the royalty. But the ketuanan bros said "no that's kedaulatan Melayu"
Isu psal 'ketuanan melayu' tiba hot sbb ada seglintr uni stdents tiba2 menggila slps dngr yg 'malay prioritised' exists (also they failed sejarah). Takda bangsa yang dipijak kat sini. Just some uni students trying to blame on ketuanan' melayu' for their uni application rejection
Ketuanan Melayu isn't an anti-colonial slogan, and if it was then you wouldn't be saying it today. While Malay nationalism has anti-colonial origins, and "Malaya for Malays" was largely a response to the aftermath of Japanese Occupation...
Ketuanan Melayu isn’t racist. Ketuanan Melayu is Ketuanan Melayu. Raja-raja Melayu ada dari dalam kalangan bangsa pendatang ke?
Not to generalize but I notice most of the hate and bully comments are from typical supremacist Malays Malaysians other than his own race. If the athletes are bangsa Melayu, the cyber bullying wouldn't be that 'worse'. Typical ketuanan Melayu, expect Non-Malays to protect your
We do have Chinese and Indian newspaper and Chinese local television stations and radio stations and wexare free to learn and speech Chinese publicly. The so called ketuanan is just used by certain politicians to garner votes. There is no written law anou ketuanan melayu
Lawak urban malays sembang melayu ada siege mentality when they can't even handle hearing ketuanan melayu or pendatang sambil uphold constitution written by their masters.
Malaysia has restructured the entire Malaysian political system to conform to the ideology of Ketuanan Melayu (Malay Supremacy), so neither the Chinese nor the Tamils have a deserving political presence and their media presence is minimal.
people really asking how KETUANAN MELAYU is racism?!!!!!!! Ohhh….
Anarchist tapi support ketuanan melayu is a whole new breed. Anarchists for one, should hate authority and hierarchy. Plus, there are african american that support white supremacy. Candace Owens. Similarly there are non-malays that support Malay supremacy. Penjilat
How ketuanan melayu is racisme?
Si bodoh ni kata benci ketuanan melayu tapi hari hari dok tweet pasal ketuanan melayu. Ni bukan benci tapi gila.
Totally ignorant.. Please baca buku sejarah. Jauh beza ketuanan melayu dan zionis
Sejak bila ketuanan melayu tu racism?
zionis xde raja & sultan. ko paham ke maksud "ketuanan melayu"? siapa yg memakai gelar "tuanku". klau ko paham dia la Tuan kpd bangsa & tanah melayu. klau ko mempertikai "ketuanan melayu" bermakna ko nk menjatuhkan sultan & raja.
Engkau membesar sampai jadi bodo camni pon ntah berapa banyak dah hak org melayu kau telan sbb dasar ketuanan melayu tu. Takyahlah sembang bab konon serupa zionism lepas kau sendiri pon membesar smpai jadi benak atas dasar ketuanan melayu jugak
Ketuanan melayu bukanlah bererti melayu itu lebih baik drp bangsa lain atau bangsa lain boleh dipijak-pijak org Melayu. Ketuanan melayu hanya supaya nasib org Melayu tak jadi macam Red Indian di Amerika, atau aborigines di Australia. Ada tanah, tapi hilang tergadai & dirampas
Kau tak bersusah payah memerdekan kan negara ni, tak tumpah darah, tak melawan penjajah, tak keluar kan sedikit pn duit utk kemerdekaan. Jasa org melayu mempertahan kan negara dulu terus cop zionis? Kalau takde ketuanan melayu, munkin lg jahanam negara ni mempunyai bangsar spy ko
Nah. Ketuanan Melayu adalah benteng dari perangai Zionisma bukan bumiputera di semenanjung.
Betul tu bro. Pukimak Ketuanan Melayu & pukimak Tanah Melayu.
The influence of Malaysian Malay ethnonationalists is penetrating so far that Indonesian Malay (and Acehnese and Minang) ethnonationalists want similar Ketuanan Melayu policies to be applied here to suppress other ethnic groups and religions (which are fellow indigenous)
Ramai ja bukan melayu mempertahankan ketuanan melayu. Mesti kau takleh process kan
Dude, dah memang konsep "ketuanan melayu" dan "tuan tanah" tu takde dalam Perlembagaan, dan memang kau sendiri yang salah faham pasal Perlembagaan. Itu memang palatao la nama dia apa lagi?
Bila masa dia cakap nak abolish bumi privelege? Apa yang nak abolish ni? Ketuanan Melayu bukan "bumi privelege". Kau tunjuk la kat mana dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan atau Rukun Negara ada sebut pasal Ketuanan Melayu?
Konon Ketuanan Melayu zionist la? Waklu. Kalau melayu buat ketuanan melayu kat negara arab ke korea sana lainla.
Mamat2 cam ni takleh nak process yg aku ni org Melayu, benci kpd Ketuanan Melayu
Marah ketuanan ke? Marah sebab kau tak dapat hak Bumiputera? Tapi riding on "ketuanan Melayu"?? .. mmg dasar pendatang
What's the difference between PAS peeps and the other Type B Malays like DUMNO, including Sheik Anwar n his ilk, who refuse to abandon KMI Ketuanan Melayu Islam ?? Stop The Hypocrisy!! Racist policies remain alive n well.Tell the truth,It Will Set Free.
mereka keba doktrin dengan ketuanan Melayu sebab pengaruh Soekarno ganyang merekaAkhirnya kalau ada org yg tidak setuju dengan mereka auto cap org indo/ org indo yg pura ii jadi malaysiananeh tapi nyata
I don't hate Malays. Just Ketuanan Melayu ideology and Meleis supremacists. I want no part of it. Don't talk to me about being indigenous while YOU people treat our Orang Asli brothers and sisters like second-class citizens.
Why pussyfoot around??! Call for dismantling of ALL racist fascist racial quotas! Insist on Meritocracy! Kick out the Ketuanan Melayu Islam farce n stop the bullshit before the country is ruined beyond redemption!!!
You may be confusing him with someone else. addresses racism and colourism within the Chinese community of Malaysia and elsewhere quite regularly, including towards Malays and Indians. It's the reason he's been accused of being a ketuanan Melayu apologist
Orang India dan PB lainnya suka jelekkan negara negara Asia Tenggara tapi sokong penjajahan Indonesia di West Papua, Myanmar terrorist Junta, ketuanan Melayu di Malaysia, Marcos di Philippines, sampai menjilat jilat monarchy Thailand lebih dari rakyat Thailand sendiri.
are you aware that I'm a counter-revolutionary because I don't blame the Malays for the state our country is in, and I am willing to call out not only Ketuanan Melayu, but also the excesses of minority race ultras?
And malaysian constitution are literally wtitten by a white man. Not based on ketuanan melayu. Affirmative action economic policies are not privilege. You are like a man who's whining because women were allowed to go into universities through quotas.
3. No shit the concept of self determination and independence emerged in the colonial era, in response to colonialism. Palestians won't need to say from river to the sea if there's no israel, the malay won't have to say ketuanan melayu if there's no colonialism
2. Ketuanan melayu is what drove the natives into pressuring the malay facade into the direction of independence. The british subjects at that time didn't want british to leave, just like the malay facade didn't want the british to leave.
Zionism and Ketuanan Melayu are two sides of the same ethnocoin: 1. Both promote land claims and privileges based on a racial birthright 2. Both point fingers at 'pendatang' (Palestinians are treated as 'Pendatang' from the Arab world). 3. Both originated in the colonial era.
Aku kalau orang cina mengajuk type-m aku malas nak kisah. Sebab aku tak faham kenapa orang melayu ni nak kena racist. Pastu bila orang racist kat kau, kutuk agama. Kau marah. Tapi hormat orang pun malas. Ketuanan melayu my ass.
Malaysia with its racial supremacism ? (Ketuanan melayu) not sure it is attractive
*customers complain barang mahal* si bangang yang racist and suka guna agama and ketuanan melayu: NI MESTI CHINESE MAIN SENTIMENT. JANGAN MUDAH PERCAYA. kepala hotak. kau yang letak harga macam sial. salah sendiri, dia tunding jari kat orang lain. racist bodoh. moga lingkup.
Org yang suka ketuanan melayu ni sama je mcm puak zionis. Dua dua acah mcm diorg “special” sangat dan rasis.
Cilisos published this article in March, the conclusion notes the need to acknowledge and take action to tackle racism; but this thread puts the blame solely on the British, as if Ketuanan Melayu and the quota system were planted by the British.
Masa sukan je la x kira Melayu/Cina/India. Tapi bila bab politik, ada 1 geng tu akan claim orang Melayu (dan Islam) terancam. Pertahankan ketuanan Melayu. Padahal itula cara dia nk kudakan org Melayu. Bila ada yg kena kutip, haram dia nk ambik tahu.
kenyataannya meleis dijajah bangla sama cina. tanpa cina dan tanpa ketuanan melayu, meleis cuma jd babu cina dg bangla disitu meleis dg bodoh berpisah tiada kahkah anyway :
The quoted tweet is a dumb take. "Full rights" shouldn't be conditional. And every rakyat already have full rights anyway regardless of race anyway. The "Ketuanan Melayu/Islam" types don't know our own Federal Constitution and derive their nonsense purely from out of their asses.
Melayu marhaen kena sedar, konsep Ketuanan Melayu tu tak terpakai kepada Melayu marhaen, Melayu kebanyakan, Melayu buruh-petani-nelayan, Melayu berkolar biru, Melayu B40, M40.Ketuanan Melayu itu hanya terpakai kepada Melayu bangsawan "kasta Brahmin".
Then why the f are you here? Terpaling nuance enlightened tapi samakan ketuanan melayu dengan white supremacy. Org macam kau ni percaya reverse racism exist bodoh.
ketuanan melayu is for certain melayu only. we're the poor melayu, we're not part of the tuan
Y'all ketuanan Melayu literally jerk off to lines drawn by white people. Tell me who's sucking on "western values" now? Nationalism and your ketuanan has always been a white people's idea. Please, spare me the bullshit
But did it stop all of you from discriminating local Chinese? No. Does the orang asal rep finally stopped you ketuanan Melayu from genociding their culture into "they are also Malay"? No.
Ngl, when I first heard of Ketuanan Melayu, I first understood it as the words itself supposedly mean in context of older nationalism - that the Malays are THE people of this part of the planet and thus other peoples who came here should at least appreciate the culture of that -
Aku ni bukan la rasis, tapi bila keluar budak2 yg masih persoalkan perlembagaan malaysia ni. Cuma dengar apa politician cakap je. Sejarah tak nak baca kenapa Ketuanan Melayu tu diterapkan dalam perlembangaan. Sebab ko hanya menunjukkan kebododohan diri ko bro.
you are an officially is an idiot. Baca balik sejarah dan kenapa ketuanan melayu diwujudkan. Kenapa orang melayu bersetuju untuk MEMBENARKAN CINA DAN INDIA mendapat warganegara dan tinggal di Tanah Melayu selepas merdekan. GO READ YOUR HISTORY. Not read what politician tell u
Imagine: it's 2024 and there are some people still defending racial superiority. What is Ketuanan Melayu? The notion that the Malays are superior to other races in M'sia. I've also attacked East Asians who think they're racially superior to Southeast Asians. They're also fools.
Ketuanan Melayu is racial superiority. Racial supremacy is not 'Malay culture'. There are many things to celebrate about Malay culture, but racial supremacy is not Malay culture.
The only people in Malaysia who oppose ketuanan Melayu but support white supremacy are libertarians who love Jordan Lobsterson and whine about LGBT. They're on your side
Dah nama pun MALAY-SIA bangang ko klau xbleh terima sejarah jangan bangkitkan ketuanan melayu..... Klau ko pegi cina ade ke bangsa lain berkuasa dkt sana barua? Fuck you la
until it becomes very hard to discern the diff between the malays and nonmalays, ketuanan melayu will have to stay. that means, every1 speaks malay as their mother tongue, n english as their 2nd language, vern schools abolished, and tv channels air malay or english shows only
betul. apabila perbezaan antara kaum lain dan melayu sgt susah untuk dikenalpasti, maka ketuanan melayu boleh dihapuskan.
It has been a while since "ketuanan melayu" has been introduced to so called "improve" the malays and other bumis social economic status. But they are still not leading the scoreboard between other races. This whole priviledge needs to be re-examine coz it doesnt seem to work.
What makes you think I actually support Ketuanan Melayu, or even the idea that malays are indigenous? Read the tweet carefully.
Ketuanan Melayu yg org Melayu faham tak sama dgn Malay supremacist yg diterjemah dri English. Mmg kalau translate jadi suprrmacist. Tapi ketuanan Melayu tu bukan Malay supremacist. Malay supremacist = Melayu tindas bukan bumiputeraKetuanan Melayu ≠ Malay supremacist
Kesimpulan: 1) White supremacy = BUKAN tanah org putih, tapi menindas hak tuan tanah Amerika dan Afrika. 2) Zionisme = BUKAN tanah org yahudi, tapi menindas hak tuan tanah Palestin 3) Ketuanan Melayu = YA, tanah org Melayu, tapi tak menindas bangsa pendatang(Cina & Hindu)
wkwkwk heboh dgn pertuanan melayu...kasta tu lagi bahaya sampai menidakkan hak kasta bawah x plak kau nk heboh sebab ape sebab kau buta perut selective sgt..ketuanan melayu pon x de lagi aku tngok kaum lain tertindas..kaum lain x leh sekolah...benak ubi kayu..
Ketuanan Melayu = Mengakui pemilikan bangsa Melayu/Bumiputera sebagai tuan tanah asal di Malaysia yg menerima bangsa Cina dri China dan Hindu dari India sebagai rakyat baru Malaysia selepas pengunduran British dri rantau Melayu.
Then you'll see how chaotic the country will go if you eradicate Ketuanan Melayu
You think with this tweet org melayu akan tiba2 setuju abolish so called ketuanan Melayu? Instead you're just pushing people further to the right lol. Kau orang ni memg noob betul la berpolitik lmfaoo..
Yeah2, "from river to the sea" is a genocidal call, "kill the boer" is a racist chant, and of course anti colonial sentiment such as "ketuanan melayu" sure is equivalent to white supremacy.
http://Nahhh.so far belum ada yg terseksa akibat ketuanan melayu.hak semua bangsa pendatang pun elok je terjaga.selagi ada bumi Malaysia,ketuanan melayu akan tetap kekal dan subur.
lets not forget for the past 60+ years all races were allowed to practise their own cultures and religion without mandatory assimilation despite this "Ketuanan Melayu".
Ketuanan Melayu is a toxic ideology that needs to be crushed. Its similar to oth forms of racial supremacy like white supremacy and zionism. If you consider yourself a leftist or progressive, you must speak out against this harmful ideology that will only divide Malaysians.
Gak kebayang klo ada orang Thai ngetroll balik kek "Eh daerah semenanjung Lo yg katanya ketuanan Melayu itu juga awalnya bagian dri kita2 bangsa Syam KLO mau udh dri dulu kita aneksasi lu balik ngentot"
Supremacists suka petik Indonesian Chinese as an example of assimilation but do they realize Indonesia got multiple official religions & literally no such thing as institutionalized hak bumiputra or ketuanan Melayu?
Tapi bila org yg merasakan kolonialisme itu patut, bila org israel dengar "from the river to the sea" bila org putih boer dengar "kill the boer" bila urban malay chinese indians dengar ketuanan melayu
Untit barua: bila nak election, hilang ketuanan melayu dan Islam kann.. baru korang terasa ada bangsa lain selain bangsa melayu kat Malaysia ni kan!
Komunis tdk akn berkuasa buktiny dah habis di Indo, hanya yg pasti tdk ada ketuanan melayu dan para sultan di malaya tdk dapat keistimewaan. Selain itu, orang Cina Malaysia akan berbahasa melayu/Indo dan karena konflik berlaku di Indo maka akn ada pngurangan ppulasi cina Malaysia
Whether he wins the KKB by-election or not is not relevant anymore. There is no hope of Madanistan ever progressing in the future. There was never any intention to abandon institutionalised racism and the NEP nor rollback DUMNO Ketuanan Melayu Islam agenda BC he is UMNO.
Ketuanan melayu my ass, engko tu cakap melayu pon pelat
Op suggested this as a series & i can picture it but omg i can also picture the discourse ranging fr ‘too many white people’ & ‘not enough white people’ , ketuanan melayu/jaga aib issues cos kerabat involvement, chinese stereotype issues cos gangsters
Kau pula apa? Penganut alam Melayu? Penganut ketuanan Melayu-Islam fasis? Cina laindiamkan diri saja. Mereka tak nak gaduh dan mereka nak jaga periuk nasi mereka. Dalam diam, kemungkinan besar mereka menaruh perasaan yang sama seperti saya. Ini negara Malaysia bukan Malaysaja
tak, sekarang ni sy tny kamu, kenapa kena sokong ketuanan yahudi kalo sokong ketuanan melayu? yg kamu tanya soalan2 tentang melayu ni kenapa?
kenapa kena sokong ketuanan yahudi kalo sokong ketuanan melayu. this is going to be an interesting debate.
Haha macam kaulah. At least: sekurang-kurangnya. Bahasa rojak membarah dalam kalangan manusia yang mengatakan bahawa orang Malaysia harus pandai berbahasa Melayu. Hadeh. Orang Cina, sefasih mana pun mereka, akan dilayani berbeza. Persetan politik ketuanan Melayu-Islam kalian
Speaking national language is just a part of assimilation. Refusing to attempt to learn it makes you ungrateful, rude & dare I say, racist. What you wrote is irrelevant & reveal nothing except that you are a racist. You & Ketuanan Melayu types deserve each other. Well done.
Sama om Perangai orang ketuanan melayu semenanjung sama semua, fasis rasis diskriminasi
Abandon Ketuanan Melayu Islam, delete racist policies,scrap racial quotas,open up civil service, police,armed forces to non Malays,abandon economic policies favouring bumiputras,stop institutionalised racism, accord the same treatment for non bumiputras, scrap bumiputraism..then
Well, maybe. Only if you commit to eradicating Ketuanan Melayu Islam fascist ideology and dismantle all racist n discriminatory policies in economy,commerce,education,public service, polic,armed forces. No more bullshyte second-class non Malay citizens. Delete bumiputraism !
Ketuanan melayu is not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is letting the malays get away with almost everything. Corruption cronyism racism favouritism among the malays what brings the whole nation down.
Daripada bodo macam kau kena kutuk dan rompak terang2an dgn sebangsa kau yg melalak Ketuanan Melayu. Hunus Keris bagai.
Many more of this fake "Malay" that took away benefit from the real original Malay. They claim to be bumi and took all benefit. They are piece and pieces like Tun Kutti tht must not entitle any benefit of ketuanan Melayu at all. Get rid of them all
Oh no kepuanan melayu , eh silap ketuanan melayu you...
Hak istimewa bumiputra pribumi sabah sarawak itu apartheid sama saja seperti ketuanan melayu malaya nazi dan zionis israel
Ahli politik tak lebih, tapi tetap je ade kebijakan apartheid kaum terpaling istimewa bumiputra pribumi sabah sarawak kebih tinggi status nya berbanding kaum lain, perangai ss sama saja ketuanan melayu fasis rasis tertulis dalam perlembagaan apartheid
Pdhl di Malaysia situasinya juga sama, agak ironis mengingat dia fanboy ketuanan melayu.