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Wow, I really enjoy my second life | safe for work |
... Video Lucah ... | porn |
honestly if this ang moh gonna throw his bike at ts windscreen do u think ts gonna run him down | violence |
Percuma Gadi setim main sendiri sampai puas lucah fuck klip, malayu main dalam kerita, lelaki kolom konek sendiri guna tangan, perempuan tua main lelaki muda, ibu ... | porn |
Assalamualaikum, ini cerita kisah hidupku. Kisah yang penuh onak dan duri... dugaan bagiku, doakan aku semoga aku kuat untuk menghadapi masa-masa akan datang. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Aku ada jugak rasa nak cari parents sebenar aku tapi entahlah.Aku takde jejek apa langsung.Cuma mak aku cerita yg parents aku tinggalkan aku dengan nota.Kat nota tu tulis aku taknak bayi ni.Runtun jugak la hati aku. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Last year, I saved money at BSN hoping to win the one million prize haha. Strong dreams. But I didn't get anything.. The money in BSN should have been withdrawn and put into ASB. But the money can only be withdrawn in June. | safe for work |
Kadang-kadang aku terfikir untuk tidak kembali lagi ke rumah keluargaku, kadang-kadang aku rasa nak lari jauh dari mereka. Terlukanya hati aku, lebih terluka dari ditinggal kekasih, lebih terluka dari apa pun. | psychiatric or mental illness |
I could buy you a PS4, but Sony does not have enough people to manufacture PlayStations, so it is not my fault. Thank you. | safe for work |
but it's not easy | safe for work |
Ada juga mangsa yang terperangkap dalam kenderaan, meronta-ronta kesakitan meminta tolong. Beberapa buah ambulans, bomba dan kereta polis peronda telahpun tiba. Kon-kon merah diletakkan bagi memeberi laluan kenderaan lain di lebuhraya. Sekurang-kurangnya, dapat mengalirkan kesesakan jalan yang semakin teruk, lantaran pemanduan perlahan dan sifat ingin tahu manusia daripada kedua-dua belah arah yang menerukkan lagi keadaan. | violence |
bungarose: Ya rabbi..iman bley ukur sendiri ker Sudah2 ler menunggang agamaKalau nak menjual apps produk baru pun, jangan ler sampai tahap mencanang iman s ..
Kena pm dia laaa,mana tau dah jual penimbang iman digital. | religion insult |
Saya sangat2 hargai kalau ada pakar psikatri ke kaunselor ke dalam ni yang boleh bimbing saya melalui alam maya untuk keluarkan saya dari tekanan ni atau ada sapa2 yang sudi menjadi kawan atau nak bantu saya. Sebab saya tak tahu apa cara lagi dah. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Aku rasa pusingan keempat ini tidak merangsangkan kerana kami kembali dengan teman wanita ... Fuck] ABG Lesbian : ... Wanita Idaman Anda Dalam Kumpulan Cerita ... | porn |
Sometimes I feel jealous when I see my other friends. They just finished studying and haven't started working yet, but their boyfriends propose to them. Their boyfriends don't force them to work. It's not just one friend, there are about 4 or 5. They even have two children and still don't work, but their boyfriends don't mind. But that's their luck, right? I'm not asking for that. I just want him to understand me. Don't push me too hard. Once or twice is okay, but if it happens too many times, I become very down. Eventually, the job issue becomes a sensitive issue for me. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Pernah juga manager aku kena serang dengan taukey lembu ni. Datang office bawa senapang patah. Aku tengok muka manager aku relax ja. Lembu ni.. Eh... Taukey lembu ni mengamuk kemain. Bila dia stop, manager aku tanya, dah habis? Manager aku bangun, lepastu bisik satu benda dekat taukey lembu ni. Lama juga dia bisik, lepas dia bisik, dia tepuk-tepuk bahu taukey lembu tu. Aku tgok muka taukey lembu ni berubah habis. Lepas tu dia minta maaf dan terus keluar. | violence |
Two.. singgit. If you sell at this price.. the sales will be quickly sold out, but the profit is hard to calculate.. hahahaha. It's okay, the real profit will be in the hereafter.. the reward of charity. | religion insult |
The doctor looked at my stomach several times. My stomach is fatty and folded. My self-esteem keeps dropping. I'm still okay though it feels strange. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Is it still the sound of freedom when you hear the lunatic shooting children in schools is it still the sound of freedom when you hear the Isis terrorist shooting dead a hostage is it still the sound of freedom when you hear the gunfire that is taking Ukraine from the Ukrainians? Fucking dickhead. | violence |
nak bunuh diri do bye | self-harm |
Err ya..dan kalau tak salah Neil Armstrong kata cerita dia masuk Islam banyak datang dari..MALAYSIA.. Yup, memang dari Malaysia saja..dari tempat lain memang takde citer pasal nie..mungkin orang yang bawak citer tuh ade niat baik nak berdakwah tapi Islam tak penah mengajar mentlamat menghalalkan cara. | religion insult |
I see people vote kicking fags with 12k hp. I will be. | violence |
I am not a very sociable person on forums and YM. In reality, I am quiet and shy. I need someone else to initiate the conversation, otherwise it's a bit difficult for me to talk. But I am not stingy with my smiles. Hehe. It reminds me of someone gossiping about me [not whispering, but speaking loudly enough for others to hear]. They find it strange to see me quiet but smiling a lot. Are they psycho or something? But when I'm with like-minded friends, it can get really lively. I lose that sense of control. Ahakss. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Is the Chief Minister of Sabah from Pakistan? Is that Musa Aman? | racist |
Aku telah lupa dan tidak tahu kenapa jiwaku pada ketika itu amat sakit dan kacau. Aku menjadi tidak keruan dan seingat aku, ketika itu aku hanya duduk dan limpang. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Cuba la sembang pasal resepi terbaru ke, cara kembangkan duit ke, politik semasa ke, berhubung sikit sel-sel otak tu. Even nak dengar saja pun rasa semangat saja topik2 camtu. | safe for work |
Saya nilai agama sahaja. Jaga solat, akhlak dengan keluarga, ibu-bapa, kawan dan kanak2 serta jaga pergaulan dengan ajnabi. Dan setakat ni, dia ada ciri2 tu. Tu antara sebab saya pilih dia. | safe for work |
Alhamdulillah..semoga terus istiqomah | safe for work |
dia ni cam play victim jaa.. contoh org racist x ngaku racist.. tau nak salah org jaa.. | racist |
Part 2 (getting help..) Being bombarded and assaulted with all those statements, I began to lose interest in study (well, just wanna prove to those people that "pelajar agama" can write in English too). Saya mula ponteng kelas, bila buat assignment pun jadi tak serius dan main-main. Sehinggalah satu hari saya sudah tidak tahan lagi dan mengambil keputusan untuk berjumpa seorang pensyarah yang saya amat hormati untuk sesi kaunseling. Bila saya berjumpa beliau, saya ceritakan kisah ini sambil menangis dan beliau pun akhirnya menangis juga. Saya terangkan yang saya amat risau kalau tidak dapat kerja sebab keluarga saya orang susah dan saya hendak membantu mereka. Saya ingat lagi pesan beliau pada akhir sesi itu. Beliau kata "kalau matlamat awak baik, InshaAllah akan ada rezki yang Allah sediakan untuk awak pada masa hadapan. | psychiatric or mental illness |
7) A good religious person, young (under 30 years old), mature, with a stable job. Usually a candidate from the countryside, not from urban areas, may have a lower income and education level (if looking for a husband) and rarely has a master's or PhD degree. | sexist |
PS, I have verified with Community Chest and can confirm that it is legitimate. | safe for work |
sebab perempuan sebab malas sebab duduk rumah sebab nak jimat air sebab sejuk sebab kang masak b | sexist |
Bagus beliau menegur tapi lebih bagus lagi kalau beliau menegur isu yang lebih besar yang sentiasa m .. Menegur org lain je hat sealiran duk menunggang ugama idak plak penah nak menegur. | religion insult |
jatuh lubang le tu..pasal tu koyak radial belt dia.. cepat2la tukar.. tayar apa tu? sime ke simex? | violence |
while i may look ang moh based on this survey i know in my heart i am singaporean | safe for work |
macam seronok je nampak. hehehe | safe for work |
Aku cuba dah avoid pikir, dan yakin dgn percaturan Allah, tapi aku tak boleh tipu diri sendiri. Lepas solat, aku menangis mintak diberi peluang ada anak. So, kat sini aku nak mintak kalau2 siapa ada yg go through sama macam aku, tapi still boleh kuat. Aku nak mintak rahsia korang kuat. | psychiatric or mental illness |
The longer I feel that we are indeed lonely. My wife understands our situation and she is not pressing for a child. However, from her eyes, I know she really wants a child. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Then the situation continued for weeks. One day, I shouted from the dining table 'let's eat', but my siblings all said they weren't hungry. Maybe my dad felt like it wasn't right, because my mom had cooked so much, thinking that everyone would eat and in the end only one or two people did. It would be better not to cook and just eat out if that's the case. Actually, eating together as a family at one table can strengthen our bond, as everyone knows. But because of diets, wanting to lose weight, and watching our weight, this has become a problem. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Right now, my good friend from the place where I study is critically fighting for his life in the ICU in Skudai. I want to go visit him but it's for sure that my mom won't allow it. I need to go there within 3-4 hours. Honestly, I can't lie anymore, it's painful to rush. I don't know what else to do. I'm already grown up. My parents have to accept the reality of all this. I don't want to regret not going to see my friend until it's too late. I'll have nothing left then. I regret it. | psychiatric or mental illness |
I was upset. To me, he didn't respect my father. Imagine, while I was reciting prayers for my late father, he was relaxed and gossiping next to me. I was reading Yassin at that time. I was hurt and changed my place. | religion insult |
Good morning.. how's everyone's summer.. what are you guys doing when you're feeling really down?? Banging your head against the wall or hugging trees?? Sometimes we have those bad days, feeling extremely stressed.. and when we cry, do you cry at random times? Like when you're about to sleep or in the toilet.. feel free to share, I can relate.. thank you | psychiatric or mental illness |
Terus I bukak zip & keluarkan batang keras I(tengah mencanak, susah sikit la nk kuarkan dari lubang zip kn). Ambil tangan dia tadi and letak kat batang I, and tell her to begin sesi lancap. Fyi-we have naughty chat before about she lancap me, so when I tell her to do the same... | porn |
Sebak pakcik sediakan seragam untuk raya. Tinggi pengertian tu kan.. lagi sebak 4 -5 kali je pernah sambut raya bersama keluarga huhu.. | safe for work |
Lawak pulak boleh le fefeeling vip sampai | safe for work |
Now, those who are fully vaccinated cannot actually engage in aggressive sports, especially those that involve a lot of fast movements, because the spike protein is constantly active in their bodies and never switches off. Vaccinated individuals are unaware of these issues. This is why, when someone is vaccinated and does not undergo any detoxification through consuming sunnah foods, coconut water, or homeopathic detox sets, the time will come when every cell in their body will gradually damage their internal organs, and when the time comes, they will suddenly pass away. It is heartbreaking to witness one by one collapsing and facing the divine every day from a very young age. In reality, it is a very pitiful situation. Health choices are an individual's right, and no one else has the right to dictate to them. | religion insult |
That is why, as long as there is a mentality of claiming everything exclusively as theirs, make it MIT or Harvard or anything in Indonesia, I don't mind. The mentality that you see doesn't amount to anything but hype. They even debate over petty things. So, even if there are hundreds of MITs, if this kind of mentality exists, oh my, where is the development of their people? The culture of a certain ethnic group existed before what is called the nation-state, it was a common entity. Claiming this and that is not wise. Malay language has been the lingua franca in the Malay Archipelago for centuries. So, what kind of ministers do they have? That is why you can make it MIT or anything else. Besides, it doesn't matter if it's a third or second language, Malaysians, Bruneians, and Singaporeans are part of the Commonwealth anyways. Even the Philippines can converse in English. So, what kind of mentality is this? | racist |
Running poorly, how can I obtain gold from Sia? | safe for work |
Scene lain, aku balik kampung sorang2 , laki aku izinkan memandangkan weekend tu dia kursus. Aku naik bas sama mcm zaman sebelum kawin. Dah sampai kampung, mak aku buat ayat "adik tak lekat lagi ke?" "Nmpk gemuk ja tak kan tak lekat lg?" (Waktu ni baru setahun aku kawin) | sexist |
mungkin kurang darah@kurang oksigen dlm darah. ye..maybe kurang oksigen dlm drh.. mcm aku penah kena dulu.. doktor just bg ubat je skang ni pun aku dh selalu dh kena balik demam ni.. biasanye kalau kt opis ni ekonnye sejuk sgt pastu kuar opis berpanas, mmg mudah aku kena demam.. aku abaikan je..mkn panadol pastu selubung.. esok pagi kebah dh..tp lemah2 la gak bdn.. malas nk p jumpe doktor dh | psychiatric or mental illness |
Aku berbalik kepada DIA. DIA jawab lagi doa yang aku minta di setiap solat aku. Aku rasa sangat kerdil time ni. Ya Allah, terima kasih sebab menjawab doa aku. Mungkin Naz bukan yang terbaik untukku dan Kau tunjukkan. Dan mungkin juga ini balasan untuk aku sebab merampas Naz dari Sofea. Sekarang aku dah 25 tahun dan masih lagi single. Aku tak memikirkan langsung pasal kahwin. Cukuplah untuk buat hati aku kecewa lagi. Aku pon dah selesa dengan kedudukan aku sekarang. Aku bahagia. Bahagia dengan keluarga dan kawan kawan aku. Untuk Sofea, maafkan aku. Sekian. | psychiatric or mental illness |
So, remember. Mental health also needs to be monitored. Reach out and seek help if necessary. And, do not do things that will cause your loved ones to suffer because of your actions. Remember: You are loved, and will always be loved :-) | psychiatric or mental illness |
Gila lah, last lahanat ni post kat twitter May haritu. Tapi since 2 hari lepas banyak gila post semata mata nak ber https://t.co/HVMUy6ovQE | harassment |
Maaf ya, ni lagi satu soalan berkenaan solat.. Ok last, lepas ni tak tanya lagi, contohnya kita solat sebelum ni pun ikut orang je, tapi tak belajar caranya, taktahu yg mana salah betul, yg sah atau tak sah solat,, tapi lepas da belajar cara solat yg betul.. Solat kita yg kita buat dengan cara salah dan tak sah yg dulu tu pun kena ganti tak?? Sorry bnyk tanya | religion insult |
Betol2 x tau ke buat2 x tau, tp aku gelak jugak lah. Haha | safe for work |
sebab kalau aku,aku risau...risau berkat ke aku belajar selama ni...berkat ke ilmu tu....berkat ke duet yg depa bagi...adakah allah terima amalan aku sedangkan mak bapak aku, adik beradik aku sakit hati dengan aku...kalau lah aku macamni....apa yang sepatutnya aku buat? bantu aku dan orang orang macam aku...tolong... | psychiatric or mental illness |
Hello Sumer. Medangmru posted on 1-12-2011 at 15:32. Hello brother Medang. Is brother Medang feeling well? | safe for work |
christchurch lah simple | safe for work |
It's really painful. I've tried everything to cut costs. I don't eat out, cook every day, and do small business on weekends to make ends meet. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Ok, first question. If I'm not mistaken, I've heard people say that Satan cannot impersonate Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in a dream. So, if we dream of meeting him, it must be real. In my case, can this possibly be real? Another thing that makes me doubtful is that from the dream until after waking up, I don't feel anything. Shouldn't I feel awed, sad, or longing if I really dreamt of meeting the Prophet? Or is it because my heart is too dark? | religion insult |
Isk isk isk..thanks..sometimes I feel empty..I feel so guilty towards my husband and baby..but that's the TEST from Allah, a sign of His love for us, right..thankfully I have the support of family and friends..thank you so much..is that a picture of your baby? aww so cute | psychiatric or mental illness |
Berdakwah ke? Angkat tangan. Doa Bahasa Melayu dua tiga patah. Blah.. | religion insult |
Inilah bukti pelanggaran HAM di Papua dilakukan KSP
Basmi Separatis
#NKRITolakSeparatis | harassment |
Adakah agama islam ajar, kalau ingat org meninggal, wajib pegi kubur? Tak de kan? Agama melayu je yg ajar mcm ni.. tak payah kau nak layan samgat penganut agama melayu ni dayah oiii.. setiap lepas solat kau doakan dia, itu sangat afdhal.. kira untung sangatlah arwah.. jgn lupa ajar anak doakan ayah dia juga ye? Itu saham arwah. | religion insult |
ooo kena patuh kannn dalam AYAT ALLAH" TAATLAH ALLAH TAATLAH RASUL ni camna kamu kata patuh AYAT .. taat pada rasul samalah taat pada allah..tu pon ko nak beza bezakan.. | religion insult |
ok lah it s a bank you deal with them when there is an issue otherwise they get out of your way | safe for work |
Hilang sabar harini mcm pundek sial. Babi kalau dapat mamat td tu mmg aku patah2 kan tangan tu sial lancau punya pukimak babi | harassment |
muka sebulan stay | safe for work |
Actually, I am very sad. I have family in China, but they are not like the people I see who have come over. I have noticed that those who have come over are very different from the other children or babies. It's quite funny, really. | racist |
I want to be close to Him and slowly accept His decree for me. I am trying to motivate myself to stay positive and believe in my life's destiny, and getting ready for my future that I am unsure of what I will face. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Sial punya atuk | harassment |
The title itself sounds creepy, right? The sixth sense that I want to share here is based on my own experience. For general knowledge, I didn't have this sixth sense since I was a child. I only realized it when I reached my 20s. But the strange thing is, I only become sensitive to this sixth sense when I'm tired. By tired, I mean when I haven't slept for 1 or 2 days. That's when I start seeing everything, from ancestors to mothers and children. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Oh, sorry, I forgot that this is Reddit. I can just upvote you, right? | safe for work |
If I didn't think about having a child, I would be happy with my life now. The problem is, I feel very awkward to start any relationship since I have never tried. | psychiatric or mental illness |
... tudung, intai ibu melayu mandi, gambar lesbian, orang melayu melancap, foto ... kotor bogel remaja lancapkan dubur erotik remaja tetek ... alat seks (10514 ... | porn |
Tetek Mantap Nakal. | porn |
Korang,, ya. Cinta tu fitrah, bukannya lumrah. Saya tak mampu tegur secara berdepan, sebab saya bukanlah sealim mereka berdua, pasangan Cinta Islamik. Tapi, sekali kau dah bertudung labuh, atau kau dah bergelar ustaz, tolong lah. Saya merayu, jagalah maruah diri tu. Jangan gadaikan nama agama kita juga. Bila non-Muslims tengok, malu sangat. Seolah-olah, kalianlah yang menjual agama kita sendiri. | religion insult |
When I enter the teacher's room, I feel proud to tell my practicum friends that I have a female student who is close to me. It's so fun when my practicum friends pout their mouths like they're jealous because they don't have a favorite student. | sexist |
I'm sorry, I'm feeling a bit unhappy :/ | psychiatric or mental illness |
Your spouse has to work overtime to accommodate your whims, has to put aside their own family or personal matters to 'serve' you and your family. | sexist |
Please don't honk at cyclists that are doing nothing wrong, and please leave at least 1 metre gap when passing. | safe for work |
Kadang-kadang aku tak paham, kenapa anak dijadikan ukuran dalam sesebuah perkahwinan itu? Memang kerja seorang isteri untuk melahirkan anak ke? Aku dipandang serong hanya kerana rezeki kami masih belum ada. Tetapi kenapa seperti perempuan sahaja yang dipersalahkan? Seperti semua tanggungjawab terletak dibahu perempuan. | sexist |
Manusia tetap akan ungkit kesalahan kita lambat laun. Berhenti berharap pada yang bersifat sementara. Doakan aku husnul khotimah dan bersama para pendosa yang bertaubat ya kawan-kawan.. | psychiatric or mental illness |
I don't know what will happen in the future. Whether I will go first or others will go first. I just want to find peace and live a simple life as His servant until my time comes. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Banyak kali aku minta Z lepaskan aku. Hati aku sakit sangat. Menangis-nangis Z minta maaf. Z tetap tak nak lepaskan aku. | psychiatric or mental illness |
bunyi loceng lagi. tetiba ad suara orang menyanyi lagu Tamil. naik 90 darjah bulu roma aku. mana taknya suara tu mcm berbisik tapi sayu, mcm nak nangis tapi nada mcm gembira. entah mcm mne aku nak describe. tak reti aku. aku pergi ke katil rumet aku yg msih blom tido tu, tapi hampeh die dh ttido. aku dah kecut perut terus naik atas katil. | psychiatric or mental illness |
hurm..thanks for the answer..dea setuju.. tapi dea nak tanye pulak..macam mana if pengalaman tu betul2 menghantui diri dia..bukan setakat dlm hubungan cinta tapi jugak dlm urusan haria .. Trauma yang kronik ek? Bukan sekadar dipermainkan dan putus cinta? Kalau kes kronik, teori tadi takleh digunapakai le.. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Maybe before this, I was insecure and obsessed with him, causing me to suffer and struggle to control myself now. But I believe I can do it. I am persevering. I am worthy. I am amazing. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Makin ramai kawan aku ceritakan bahawa dia telah berzina dengan si alim tu. Dia ingin mendapatkan simpati dan belas kasihan orang disekeliling dia untuk memaksa si alim itu menjadi pak sanggup terhadap anak dalam kandungan dia. Satu hari, ustaz glamour tu bertembung dengan si alim di masjid. Lalu dimarahi si alim itu akan cerita yang didengari. Si alim hanya berdiam. Dipenghujung cerita, si alim hanya bercakap... "Apakah engkau ingin merubah manusia atau ingin menghina manusia? Apakah engkau pasti cerita yang engkau dengar ini adalah cerita sahih? Dan adakah engkau pernah tahu bahawa wanita itu pernah berzina dengan ramai lelaki tetapi bukan aku? Selidik sebelum engkau menghukum. Assalamualaikum". Maka berlalu si alim itu keluar dari pintu masjid. Ustaz glamour itu masih dlm keadaan ego. Rasa serba salah ada. Tapi rasa ingin menghentam juga ada. Akhir sekali beliau mengaku bahawa beliau salah dan termakan dengan kata-kata kawan aku itu. Lantas dia mengambil keputusan untuk mendiamkan diri. Malu dirinya apabila dia menghemtam seseorang akan perkara yang orang itu tidak buat. Ibarat dia turut sama dengan kawan aku dalam menyebar fitnah. | religion insult |
Jarak pintu dapur dengan buaian tersebut yang tidak sampai beberapa meter itu maka dapatlah saya melihat dengan jelas lagi rupa bentuk makhluk tersebut. | violence |
Makan duit haram la lhdn..tak selamat dunia akhirat.. | religion insult |
Maybe I agree with you, carrying a child is not easy. Throughout my pregnancy, there are times when I feel okay and times when it's really difficult to sleep. The first trimester was particularly challenging, maybe because my body hadn't fully adjusted yet. Now, it's even harder to sleep because the baby has gotten heavier. Sometimes, when I try to lie down and sleep, the baby keeps kicking non-stop. It's distressing for my husband to see me restless. He would suggest going to McDonald's for some food or hot drinks, even at 4-5 in the morning. I don't have any specific tips for you, sis, because I'm still experiencing it myself and it seems like there's no cure. Just endure it. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Jadi aku buat pilihan untuk keluar daripada keb****han dan kejumudan di dunia dengan kata lain aku telah hack system dunia ni hanya dengan kembali pada quran. Dengan kod2 dari surah2 berikut. Ya itulah amalannya dan itulah kodnya : | religion insult |
Tuah is just a nickname that people call him, like Ajai a little bit. | safe for work |
pompuan tu tak salah, suami yg gatal .kau tunggu jer lah , kalau kali ini kau ajar pompuan gatal tu, akan dtg lagi beberapa pompuan gatal..ajar suami sendiri baru berkesan. jgn menuding jari pada org lain.. | sexist |
Sampai saya sedar semua ni terjadi bila saya letak cinta manusia lagi tinggi dari cinta Allah. Saya bangkit semula, kawan-kawan saya banyak tolong saya. Bagi moral Support. Saya dah bole move on tapi tak sepenuhnya. | psychiatric or mental illness |
ni ke yang ada video buaya sambar depan mata bapa dia? macam ada lalu kat news feed fb semalam..kalau betul kesiannya..harap bapanya bertabahlah.. | violence |
Waktu itu saya sedang berfikir mcm mana cara nk bunuh diri. Terjun lombong kah.. gantung diri kah.. sebab saya rasa tak layak untuk hidup. Keluarga saya sudah tahu mengenai kehamilan saya.. kesian ibu saya. Terpaksa menanggung malu atas perbuatan saya. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Subsets and Splits