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US Congress | PL 82-31 (H.R.3291) | 42
PUBLIC LAW 31—MAY 16, 1951
[65 STAT.
be made thereafter to an assignee of any moneys due or to become due
under such contract, whether during or after such war or emergency,
shall not be subject to reduction or set-off for any liability of any
nature of the assignor to the United States or any department or
agency thereof which arises independently of such contract, or here-
after for any liability of the assignor on account of (1) renegotiation
under any renegotiation statute or under any statutory renegotiation
article in the contract, (2) fines, (3) penalties (which term does not
include amounts which may be collected or withheld from the assignor
in accordance with or for failure to comply with the terms of the con-
tract) , or (4) taxes, social security contributions, or the withholding
or nonwithholding of taxes or social security contributions, whether
arising from or independently of such contract.
riorri^ts'e^^"* °*
"^xccpt as herein otherwise provided, nothing in this Act, as
amended, shall be deemed to affect or impair rights or obligations
heretofore accrued."
Approved May 15, 1951.
Public Law 31
May 16,1951
^ ^
[H- R- 3291]
To amend subdivision a of section 34 of the Bankruptcy Act, as amended.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assembled^ That subdivision a
iiu^s c^n2(a), ^^ section 34 of the Bankruptcy Act, as amended, is hereby amended
1 (b).'
' b y adding at the end thereof the following additional sentence: "Upon
the expiration of his term, a referee in bankruptcy shall continue to
perform the duties of his office until his successor is appointed and
qualifies provided the filling of the vacancy has been authorized by
the Conference as provided m subdivision b of section 43 of this Act.^
Approved May 16, 1951.
Public Law 32
May 16,1951
IH. R. 3292]
To amend subdivision a of section 55 of the Bankruptcy Act, as amended.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assenribled^ That subdivision
1 u *s c^'s 9
1 (a) ^ ^^ section 55 of the Bankruptcy Act, as amended, is hereby amended
to read as follows:
cr^'ftors™^^**"^ "'
"^- T^^6 court shall cause the first meeting of the creditors of a
bankrupt to be held not less than ten nor more than* thirty days after
the adjudication, at the place or at one of the places designated by the
n u.*s.^^.'§ 6
6 (b) conference pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision b of section 37
of this Act as a place at which court shall be held within the judicial
district in which the proceeding is pending or if that place would be
unreasonably inconvenient as a place of meeting for the parties in
interest, the court shall fix a place for the meeting within said judicial
district which is not unreasonably inconvenient for the parties in
interest. If such meeting should by any mischance not be held within
such time, the court shall fix the date as soon as may be thereafter,
when it shall be held."
Approved May 16, 1951. | An Act to amend subdivision a of section 34 of the Bankruptcy Act, as amended | 1951-05-16T00:00:00 | 2f1b9008ccca71dd80d3da4a6db7b1c9b74c491b66e66b410ceaecff5a8548b9 |
US Congress | PL 82-30 (S.998) | 65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 30—MAY 15, 1951
unit of such property sold, or upon persons en|[:^aged in furnish-
ing services at retail, which is measured by the gross receipts
for furnishing such services, if the amount of such tax is sepa-
rately stated, then to the extent that the amount so stated is paid
by the consumer (otherwise than in connection with this con-
sumer's trade or business) to his vendor such amount shall be
allowed as a deduction in computing the net income of such
consumer as if such amount constituted a tax imposed upon and
paid by such consumer."
SEC. 2. The amendment made by this Act shall apply to taxable
years beginning after December 31, 1950.
Approved May 12, 1951.
Public Law 30
To facilitate the financing of the defense contracts by banks and other financing
institutions, to amend the Assignment of Claims Act of 1940, and for other
May 15, 1951
[S. 998]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assembled^ That section 1 of the
Assignment of Claims Act of 1940, approved October 9,1940 (54 Stat.
1029), is amended by striking out all after clause 3 of the proviso and
inserting in lieu thereof the following:
"4. That in the event of any such assignment, the assignee thereof
shall file written notice of the assignment^ogether with a true copy of
the instrument of assignment with (a) the contracting officer or the
head of his department or agency; (b) the surety or sureties upon the
bond or bonds, if any, in connection with siich contract; and (c) the
disbursing officer, if any, designated in such contract to make payment.
"Notwithstanding any law to the contrary governing the validity
of assignments, any assignment pursuant to the Assignment of Claims
Act of 1940, as amended, shall constitute a valid assignment for all
"In any case in which moneys due or to become due under any con-
tract are or have been assigned pursuant to this section, no liability
of any nature of the assignor to the United States or any department
or agency thereof, whether arising from or independently of such
contract, shall create or impose any liability on the part of the assignee
to make restitution, refund, or repayment to the United States of any
amount heretofore since July 1, 1950, or hereafter received under the
"Any contract of the Department of Defense, the General Services
Administration, the Atomic Energy Commission, or any other depart-
ment or agency of the United States designated by the President,
except any such contract under which full payment has been made,
may, in time of war or national emergency proclaimed by the Presi-
dent (including the national emergency proclaimed December 16,
1950) or by Act or joint resolution of the Congress and until such war
or national emergency has been terminated in such manner, provide
or be amended without consideration to provide that payments to be
made to the assignee of any moneys due or to become due under such
contract shall not be subject to reduction or set-off, and if such pro-
vision or one to the same general effect has been at any time heretofore
or is hereafter included or inserted in any such contract, payments to
Claims Act of 1940,
31 U. S. C. § 203;
Sup. IV, § 203; 41
U. S. C. S 15.
Filing of written
notice by assignee.
Validity of assign-
N o n l i a b i l i t y
ment, etc., contracts.
Set-ofl, etc., of assign-
or's liability to U. S.
SOU. S. C.,Sup. IV,
app., note prec. § 2.
PUBLIC LAW 31—MAY 16, 1951
[65 STAT.
be made thereafter to an assignee of any moneys due or to become due
under such contract, whether during or after such war or emergency,
shall not be subject to reduction or set-off for any liability of any
nature of the assignor to the United States or any department or
agency thereof which arises independently of such contract, or here-
after for any liability of the assignor on account of (1) renegotiation
under any renegotiation statute or under any statutory renegotiation
article in the contract, (2) fines, (3) penalties (which term does not
include amounts which may be collected or withheld from the assignor
in accordance with or for failure to comply with the terms of the con-
tract) , or (4) taxes, social security contributions, or the withholding
or nonwithholding of taxes or social security contributions, whether
arising from or independently of such contract.
riorri^ts'e^^"* °*
"^xccpt as herein otherwise provided, nothing in this Act, as
amended, shall be deemed to affect or impair rights or obligations
heretofore accrued."
Approved May 15, 1951.
Public Law 31
May 16,1951
^ ^
[H- R- 3291]
To amend subdivision a of section 34 of the Bankruptcy Act, as amended.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assembled^ That subdivision a
iiu^s c^n2(a), ^^ section 34 of the Bankruptcy Act, as amended, is hereby amended
1 (b).'
' b y adding at the end thereof the following additional sentence: "Upon
the expiration of his term, a referee in bankruptcy shall continue to
perform the duties of his office until his successor is appointed and
qualifies provided the filling of the vacancy has been authorized by
the Conference as provided m subdivision b of section 43 of this Act.^
Approved May 16, 1951.
Public Law 32
May 16,1951
IH. R. 3292]
To amend subdivision a of section 55 of the Bankruptcy Act, as amended.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assenribled^ That subdivision
1 u *s c^'s 9
1 (a) ^ ^^ section 55 of the Bankruptcy Act, as amended, is hereby amended
to read as follows:
cr^'ftors™^^**"^ "'
"^- T^^6 court shall cause the first meeting of the creditors of a
bankrupt to be held not less than ten nor more than* thirty days after
the adjudication, at the place or at one of the places designated by the
n u.*s.^^.'§ 6
6 (b) conference pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision b of section 37
of this Act as a place at which court shall be held within the judicial
district in which the proceeding is pending or if that place would be
unreasonably inconvenient as a place of meeting for the parties in
interest, the court shall fix a place for the meeting within said judicial
district which is not unreasonably inconvenient for the parties in
interest. If such meeting should by any mischance not be held within
such time, the court shall fix the date as soon as may be thereafter,
when it shall be held."
Approved May 16, 1951. | An Act to facilitate the financing of the defense contracts by banks and other financing institutions, to amend the Assignment of Claims Act of 1940, and for other purposes | 1951-05-15T00:00:00 | 704d9cb8bbb9b4fac7277413dbc02f28ee8dfbb48d46bde5f199ce707da59db2 |
US Congress | PL 82-37 (H.R.3297) | 44
PUBLIC LAW 37—MAY 21, 1951
[65 STAT.
hereby amended by substituting a colon for the period at the end
thereof and adding the following: "'Provided further^ That until
and unless the Veterans' Administration has received from the insured
a request in writing for payment in cash, any dividend accumulations
and unpaid dividends shall be applied in payment of premiums becom-
ing due on insurance subsequent to the date the dividend is payable
after January 1, 1952."
Approved May 18, 1951.
Public Law 37
May 21, 1951
-'^^ ACT
[H- R- 3297]
XQ authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to appoint a
member of the Metropolitan Police Department or a member of the Fire
Department of the District of Columbia as Director of the District Office of
Civil Defense, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
ci?n Defense^^.'c."* United States of America in Congress assembled^ That the Cominis-
sioners of the District of (Columbia are authorized to appoint a mem-
ber of the Metropolitan Police Department or a member of the Fire
Department of the District of Columbia to the position of Director
of the Office of Civil Defense for the District of Columbia with the
pay and salary provided by law for that position chargeable to the
appropriation for the Office of Civil Defense for the District of
Columbia: Provided^ That during the tenure of his appointment such
member so appointed shall be deemed to be a member of such Police
Department or such Fire Department, as the case may be, for all
purj^oses of rank, seniority, allowances, privileges, and benefits,
inchiding retirement and disability benefits under the provisions of
section 2 of the Act approved September 1, 1916 (38 Stat. 718), as
amended, to the same extent as though the appointment had not been
made, and at the termination of such appointment he shall be entitled
to resume his status within the Metropolitan Police Department or
the Fire Department, as the case may be, which shall include any
promotion in rank to which he may have become entitled: Provided
further^ That retirement and disability benefits and salary deductions
shall be based on the salary of the rank or position held in the Metro-
politan Police Department or the Fire Department, as the case may
be, prior to his appointment as Director of the Office of Civil Defense
or the salary of the position or rank he would have attained in the
Metropolitan Police Department or in the Fire Department, had his
appointment as Director of the Office of Civil Defense not been made,
whichever is greater.
Approved May 21, 1951.
Public Law 38
May 22, 1
^ ^
[H. R. 3336]
To suspend certain import taxes on copper.
Be it enxicted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
i u l c ^ s u p IV United States of America in Congress assembled^ That the import
i3425 note. '
tax imposed under section 3425 of the Internal Revenue Code shall
PUBLIC LAW 39-—MAY 25, 1951
not apply with respect to articles (other than co]>per sulfate and
other than composition metal provided for in paragraph 1657 of the
Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, whicii is suitable both in its compo-
sition and shape, without further refining or alloying, for processing
into castings, not including as castings ingots or similar cast forms)
entered for consumption or withdrawn from warehouse for consump-
tion during the period beginning April 1, 1951, and ending with the
close of February 15, 1953, or the termination of the national emer-
gency proclaimed by the President on December 16, 1950, whichever
is earlier: Provided^ That when, for aU}'^ one calendar month during
such period, the average market price of electrolytic copper for that
month, in standard shapes and sizes, delivered Connecticut Valley,
has been below 24 cents per pound, the Tariff Conmiission, within
fifteen days after the conclusion of such calendar month, shall so
advise the President, and the President shall, by proclamation, not
later than twenty daj^s after he has been so advised by the Tariff'
Commission, revoke such suspension of the import tax imposed under
section 3425 of the Internal Revenue Code.
In determining the average market price of electrolytic copper for
each calendar month, the Tariff Commission is hereby authorized and
directed to base its findings upon sources commonly resorted to by
the buyers of copper in the usual channels of conmierce, including,
but not limited to, quotations of the market price for electrolytic
copper, in standard shapes and sizes, delivered Connecticut Valley,
reported by the Engineering and Mining Journal's "Metal and
Mineral Markets".
Approved May 22, 1951.
46 Stat. 676.
19 U. S. C. § 1201,
par. 1657.
SOU. S. C S u p . I V
app., note prec. § 2.
Basis of findings.
Public Law 39
To authorize the Administrator of Veterans' Affjiirs to leconvey to Tuskegee
Institute a tract of land in Macon County, Alabama.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assernhled^ That the Adminis-
trator of Veterans' Affairs is authorized to reconvey by quitclaim deed
to Tuskegee Institute, foimerly known as Tuskegee Normal and
Industrial Institute, without monetary consideration, the following-
described tract of land in Macon County, Alabama :
All of that land owned by the United States of America, and being
a part of the reservation of the Veterans' Administration Hospital,
Tuskegee, Alabama, lying west' of a line running from north to south
through the center of section 23, township 17, range 23, Macon County,
Alabama, containing one hundred acres, more or less, being all of the
lands west of the aforesaid line conveyed to the United States of
America by deed dated February 23, 1922, from the Tuskegee Normal
and Industrial Institute, recorded among the land records of Macon
County, Alabama, in volume 19 of deeds at page 404.
SEC. 2. The conveyance shall contain such additional terms, reser-
vations, restrictions, and conditions as may be determined by the
Administrator of Veteians" Affairs to be necessary to safeguard the
interests of the United States,
Approved ^ a y 25, 1951.
May 25, 1951
[H. R. 2686]
Tuskegrie Institute.
Conveyance. | An Act to authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to appoint a member of the Metropolitan Police Department or a member of the Fire Department of the District of Columbia as Director of the District Office of Civil Defense, and for other purposes | 1951-05-21T00:00:00 | 0d98714f27207ab566f131c12fc73670de65b534cb08606a77f30a174b1d9726 |
US Congress | PL 82-32 (H.R.3292) | 42
PUBLIC LAW 31—MAY 16, 1951
[65 STAT.
be made thereafter to an assignee of any moneys due or to become due
under such contract, whether during or after such war or emergency,
shall not be subject to reduction or set-off for any liability of any
nature of the assignor to the United States or any department or
agency thereof which arises independently of such contract, or here-
after for any liability of the assignor on account of (1) renegotiation
under any renegotiation statute or under any statutory renegotiation
article in the contract, (2) fines, (3) penalties (which term does not
include amounts which may be collected or withheld from the assignor
in accordance with or for failure to comply with the terms of the con-
tract) , or (4) taxes, social security contributions, or the withholding
or nonwithholding of taxes or social security contributions, whether
arising from or independently of such contract.
riorri^ts'e^^"* °*
"^xccpt as herein otherwise provided, nothing in this Act, as
amended, shall be deemed to affect or impair rights or obligations
heretofore accrued."
Approved May 15, 1951.
Public Law 31
May 16,1951
^ ^
[H- R- 3291]
To amend subdivision a of section 34 of the Bankruptcy Act, as amended.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assembled^ That subdivision a
iiu^s c^n2(a), ^^ section 34 of the Bankruptcy Act, as amended, is hereby amended
1 (b).'
' b y adding at the end thereof the following additional sentence: "Upon
the expiration of his term, a referee in bankruptcy shall continue to
perform the duties of his office until his successor is appointed and
qualifies provided the filling of the vacancy has been authorized by
the Conference as provided m subdivision b of section 43 of this Act.^
Approved May 16, 1951.
Public Law 32
May 16,1951
IH. R. 3292]
To amend subdivision a of section 55 of the Bankruptcy Act, as amended.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assenribled^ That subdivision
1 u *s c^'s 9
1 (a) ^ ^^ section 55 of the Bankruptcy Act, as amended, is hereby amended
to read as follows:
cr^'ftors™^^**"^ "'
"^- T^^6 court shall cause the first meeting of the creditors of a
bankrupt to be held not less than ten nor more than* thirty days after
the adjudication, at the place or at one of the places designated by the
n u.*s.^^.'§ 6
6 (b) conference pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision b of section 37
of this Act as a place at which court shall be held within the judicial
district in which the proceeding is pending or if that place would be
unreasonably inconvenient as a place of meeting for the parties in
interest, the court shall fix a place for the meeting within said judicial
district which is not unreasonably inconvenient for the parties in
interest. If such meeting should by any mischance not be held within
such time, the court shall fix the date as soon as may be thereafter,
when it shall be held."
Approved May 16, 1951. | An Act to amend subdivision a of section 55 of the Bankruptcy Act, as amended | 1951-05-16T00:00:00 | 2f1b9008ccca71dd80d3da4a6db7b1c9b74c491b66e66b410ceaecff5a8548b9 |
US Congress | PL 82-29 (H.R.136) | 40
Public Law 27
May 8, 1951
[S. 803]
Postmaster General.
Sale of post route
maps, etc.
PUBLIC LAW 27—MAY 8, 1951
[65 STAT.
To authorize the sale of post route and rural delivery maps, opinions of the
Solicitor, and transcripts of hearings before trial examiners, at rates to be
determined by the Postmaster General.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
^f the
United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Postmaster
General may authorize the sale of—
(1) post route and rural delivery maps;
(2) opinions of the Solicitor for the Post Office Department;
(3) transcripts of hearings before the trial examiners for the
Post Office Department;
at such rates as he determines to be fair and reasonable:
That such shall not be sold at a price that represents more than the
cost thereof.
Approved May 8, 1951.
Public Law 28
4 9
May 11,1951
[S. J. Res. 72]
Armed Forces.
Medical and other'
To provide certain benefits for certain persons who shall have served in the
Armed Forces of the United States on and after June 27, 1950.
Resolved by the Senate a7id House of Representatives
of the United
States of America in Congress assembled. That any person who shall
have served in the active service in the Armed Forces of the United
States on or after June 27, 1950, and prior to such date as shall there-
after be determined by Presidential proclamation or concurrent
resolution of the Congress, shall, subject to other provisions of law and
Veterans Regulations administered by the Veterans' Administration,
be entitled to benefits of medical, hospital, and domiciliary care, burial
benefits, and they and their dependents shall be entitled to compensa-
tion or pension provided by law for persons who served during the
period of World War II.
Approved May 11, 1951.
Public Lav^ 29
May 12,1951
[H. R. 1361
Internal Revenue
Code, amendment.
53 Stat. 12.
26 U. S. C. § 23 (c)
Allowing the consumer of gasoline to deduct, for income-tax purposes, State
taxes on gasoline imposed on the wholesaler and passed on to the consumer.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America m Congress assembled, That section 23 (c)
(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (relating to deduction of retail
sales taxes) is hereby amended to read as follows:
"(3) GASOLINE AND RETAIL SALES TAXES.—In the case of a tax
imposed by any State, Territory, District, or possession of the
United States, or any political subdivision thereof, upon persons
engaged in selling tangible personal property at retail, or upon
persons selling gasoline or other motor vehicle fuels either at
wholesale or retail, which is measured by the gross sales price
or the gross receipts from the sale or which is a stated sum per
65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 30—MAY 15, 1951
unit of such property sold, or upon persons en|[:^aged in furnish-
ing services at retail, which is measured by the gross receipts
for furnishing such services, if the amount of such tax is sepa-
rately stated, then to the extent that the amount so stated is paid
by the consumer (otherwise than in connection with this con-
sumer's trade or business) to his vendor such amount shall be
allowed as a deduction in computing the net income of such
consumer as if such amount constituted a tax imposed upon and
paid by such consumer."
SEC. 2. The amendment made by this Act shall apply to taxable
years beginning after December 31, 1950.
Approved May 12, 1951.
Public Law 30
To facilitate the financing of the defense contracts by banks and other financing
institutions, to amend the Assignment of Claims Act of 1940, and for other
May 15, 1951
[S. 998]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assembled^ That section 1 of the
Assignment of Claims Act of 1940, approved October 9,1940 (54 Stat.
1029), is amended by striking out all after clause 3 of the proviso and
inserting in lieu thereof the following:
"4. That in the event of any such assignment, the assignee thereof
shall file written notice of the assignment^ogether with a true copy of
the instrument of assignment with (a) the contracting officer or the
head of his department or agency; (b) the surety or sureties upon the
bond or bonds, if any, in connection with siich contract; and (c) the
disbursing officer, if any, designated in such contract to make payment.
"Notwithstanding any law to the contrary governing the validity
of assignments, any assignment pursuant to the Assignment of Claims
Act of 1940, as amended, shall constitute a valid assignment for all
"In any case in which moneys due or to become due under any con-
tract are or have been assigned pursuant to this section, no liability
of any nature of the assignor to the United States or any department
or agency thereof, whether arising from or independently of such
contract, shall create or impose any liability on the part of the assignee
to make restitution, refund, or repayment to the United States of any
amount heretofore since July 1, 1950, or hereafter received under the
"Any contract of the Department of Defense, the General Services
Administration, the Atomic Energy Commission, or any other depart-
ment or agency of the United States designated by the President,
except any such contract under which full payment has been made,
may, in time of war or national emergency proclaimed by the Presi-
dent (including the national emergency proclaimed December 16,
1950) or by Act or joint resolution of the Congress and until such war
or national emergency has been terminated in such manner, provide
or be amended without consideration to provide that payments to be
made to the assignee of any moneys due or to become due under such
contract shall not be subject to reduction or set-off, and if such pro-
vision or one to the same general effect has been at any time heretofore
or is hereafter included or inserted in any such contract, payments to
Claims Act of 1940,
31 U. S. C. § 203;
Sup. IV, § 203; 41
U. S. C. S 15.
Filing of written
notice by assignee.
Validity of assign-
N o n l i a b i l i t y
ment, etc., contracts.
Set-ofl, etc., of assign-
or's liability to U. S.
SOU. S. C.,Sup. IV,
app., note prec. § 2. | An Act allowing the consumer of gasoline to deduct, for income-tax purposes, State taxes on gasoline imposed on the wholesaler and passed on to the consumer | 1951-05-12T00:00:00 | cbf122d71ede37f49af5d9cdfb2fa82cc7ad7928a344ce002d5ae46e4e116e4f |
US Congress | PL 82-33 (H.J.Res.197) | 65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 36—MAY 18, 1951
Public Law 33
To provide for continuation of authority for regulation of exjwrts.
Resolved hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United
States of America in Congress assembled^ That section 12 of the Export
Control Act of 1949 is hereby amended by striking out "lof^i"' "-->
inserting in lien thereof "1953",
Approved May 16, 1951.
•1951'' and
May 16, 1951
[H. J. Res. 197]
63 Stat. 9.
50 U. S. C , Sup. IV,
app. § 2032.
Public Law 34
To amend section 10 of Public Law 378, Eighty-first Congress.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of Arfierica in Congress assembled^ That subsection (b)
of section 10 of the Act entitled "An Act to amend certain provisions
of the Internal Revenue Code", approved October 25, 1949 (Public
Law 378), is hereby amended (1) by striking out "within one year
from such date" and inserting in lieu thereof "at any time prior to
January 1, 1952", and (2) by striking out "within one year from the
date of the enactment of this Act" and inserting in lieu thereof "prior
to January 1, 1952".
Approved May 17, 1951.
May 17, 1961
[H. R. 2654]
Internal Revenue
Code, amendment.
63 Stat. 897.
26U. S. C.Sup. IV,
§ 939 note.
Public Law 35
To amend section 153 (b) of the Internal Revenue Code.
May 17, 1951
[H. R. 3196]
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assemhled^ That, effective with
respect to taxable years beginning after December 31,1949, section 153
(b) of the Internal Revenue Code (relating to special returns required
from trusts claiming charitable, etc., deductions under section 162 (a)
of such code) is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the
"This subsection shall not apply in the case of a taxable year if all
the net income for such year, determined under the applicable princi-
ples of the law of trusts, is required to be distributed currently to the
Approved May 17, 1951.
Internal Revenue
Code, amendment.
Stat. 960.
153 (b).
Stat. 66;
26 U. S. C. §162 (a);
Sup. IV, §162 (a).
Public Law 36
To provide that on and after January 1, 1952, dividends on national seiTice
life insurance shall be applied in payment of premiums unless the insured
has requested payment of dividends in cash.
May 18, 1951
[H. R. 321]
National Service
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the Jglo/a'mendment.'''°^
United States of America in Congress assembled^ That section 602 (f)
of the National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940, as amended, is § 802(f).
' "^' '
PUBLIC LAW 37—MAY 21, 1951
[65 STAT.
hereby amended by substituting a colon for the period at the end
thereof and adding the following: "'Provided further^ That until
and unless the Veterans' Administration has received from the insured
a request in writing for payment in cash, any dividend accumulations
and unpaid dividends shall be applied in payment of premiums becom-
ing due on insurance subsequent to the date the dividend is payable
after January 1, 1952."
Approved May 18, 1951.
Public Law 37
May 21, 1951
-'^^ ACT
[H- R- 3297]
XQ authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to appoint a
member of the Metropolitan Police Department or a member of the Fire
Department of the District of Columbia as Director of the District Office of
Civil Defense, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
ci?n Defense^^.'c."* United States of America in Congress assembled^ That the Cominis-
sioners of the District of (Columbia are authorized to appoint a mem-
ber of the Metropolitan Police Department or a member of the Fire
Department of the District of Columbia to the position of Director
of the Office of Civil Defense for the District of Columbia with the
pay and salary provided by law for that position chargeable to the
appropriation for the Office of Civil Defense for the District of
Columbia: Provided^ That during the tenure of his appointment such
member so appointed shall be deemed to be a member of such Police
Department or such Fire Department, as the case may be, for all
purj^oses of rank, seniority, allowances, privileges, and benefits,
inchiding retirement and disability benefits under the provisions of
section 2 of the Act approved September 1, 1916 (38 Stat. 718), as
amended, to the same extent as though the appointment had not been
made, and at the termination of such appointment he shall be entitled
to resume his status within the Metropolitan Police Department or
the Fire Department, as the case may be, which shall include any
promotion in rank to which he may have become entitled: Provided
further^ That retirement and disability benefits and salary deductions
shall be based on the salary of the rank or position held in the Metro-
politan Police Department or the Fire Department, as the case may
be, prior to his appointment as Director of the Office of Civil Defense
or the salary of the position or rank he would have attained in the
Metropolitan Police Department or in the Fire Department, had his
appointment as Director of the Office of Civil Defense not been made,
whichever is greater.
Approved May 21, 1951.
Public Law 38
May 22, 1
^ ^
[H. R. 3336]
To suspend certain import taxes on copper.
Be it enxicted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
i u l c ^ s u p IV United States of America in Congress assembled^ That the import
i3425 note. '
tax imposed under section 3425 of the Internal Revenue Code shall | Joint resolution to provide for continuation of authority for regulation of exports | 1951-05-16T00:00:00 | 80111217be971ef0c68af2f290920a716482fba2179a1987ee76b0143ba38cdc |
US Congress | PL 82-27 (S.803) | 40
Public Law 27
May 8, 1951
[S. 803]
Postmaster General.
Sale of post route
maps, etc.
PUBLIC LAW 27—MAY 8, 1951
[65 STAT.
To authorize the sale of post route and rural delivery maps, opinions of the
Solicitor, and transcripts of hearings before trial examiners, at rates to be
determined by the Postmaster General.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
^f the
United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Postmaster
General may authorize the sale of—
(1) post route and rural delivery maps;
(2) opinions of the Solicitor for the Post Office Department;
(3) transcripts of hearings before the trial examiners for the
Post Office Department;
at such rates as he determines to be fair and reasonable:
That such shall not be sold at a price that represents more than the
cost thereof.
Approved May 8, 1951.
Public Law 28
4 9
May 11,1951
[S. J. Res. 72]
Armed Forces.
Medical and other'
To provide certain benefits for certain persons who shall have served in the
Armed Forces of the United States on and after June 27, 1950.
Resolved by the Senate a7id House of Representatives
of the United
States of America in Congress assembled. That any person who shall
have served in the active service in the Armed Forces of the United
States on or after June 27, 1950, and prior to such date as shall there-
after be determined by Presidential proclamation or concurrent
resolution of the Congress, shall, subject to other provisions of law and
Veterans Regulations administered by the Veterans' Administration,
be entitled to benefits of medical, hospital, and domiciliary care, burial
benefits, and they and their dependents shall be entitled to compensa-
tion or pension provided by law for persons who served during the
period of World War II.
Approved May 11, 1951.
Public Lav^ 29
May 12,1951
[H. R. 1361
Internal Revenue
Code, amendment.
53 Stat. 12.
26 U. S. C. § 23 (c)
Allowing the consumer of gasoline to deduct, for income-tax purposes, State
taxes on gasoline imposed on the wholesaler and passed on to the consumer.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America m Congress assembled, That section 23 (c)
(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (relating to deduction of retail
sales taxes) is hereby amended to read as follows:
"(3) GASOLINE AND RETAIL SALES TAXES.—In the case of a tax
imposed by any State, Territory, District, or possession of the
United States, or any political subdivision thereof, upon persons
engaged in selling tangible personal property at retail, or upon
persons selling gasoline or other motor vehicle fuels either at
wholesale or retail, which is measured by the gross sales price
or the gross receipts from the sale or which is a stated sum per | An Act to authorize the sale of post route and rural delivery maps, opinions of the solicitor, and transcripts of hearings before trial examiners, at rates to be determined by the Postmaster General | 1951-05-08T00:00:00 | b061fec483e2de214e5e57bfd43b02e699420fe4490531f76bcac7da21175d83 |
US Congress | PL 82-28 (S.J.Res.72) | 40
Public Law 27
May 8, 1951
[S. 803]
Postmaster General.
Sale of post route
maps, etc.
PUBLIC LAW 27—MAY 8, 1951
[65 STAT.
To authorize the sale of post route and rural delivery maps, opinions of the
Solicitor, and transcripts of hearings before trial examiners, at rates to be
determined by the Postmaster General.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
^f the
United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Postmaster
General may authorize the sale of—
(1) post route and rural delivery maps;
(2) opinions of the Solicitor for the Post Office Department;
(3) transcripts of hearings before the trial examiners for the
Post Office Department;
at such rates as he determines to be fair and reasonable:
That such shall not be sold at a price that represents more than the
cost thereof.
Approved May 8, 1951.
Public Law 28
4 9
May 11,1951
[S. J. Res. 72]
Armed Forces.
Medical and other'
To provide certain benefits for certain persons who shall have served in the
Armed Forces of the United States on and after June 27, 1950.
Resolved by the Senate a7id House of Representatives
of the United
States of America in Congress assembled. That any person who shall
have served in the active service in the Armed Forces of the United
States on or after June 27, 1950, and prior to such date as shall there-
after be determined by Presidential proclamation or concurrent
resolution of the Congress, shall, subject to other provisions of law and
Veterans Regulations administered by the Veterans' Administration,
be entitled to benefits of medical, hospital, and domiciliary care, burial
benefits, and they and their dependents shall be entitled to compensa-
tion or pension provided by law for persons who served during the
period of World War II.
Approved May 11, 1951.
Public Lav^ 29
May 12,1951
[H. R. 1361
Internal Revenue
Code, amendment.
53 Stat. 12.
26 U. S. C. § 23 (c)
Allowing the consumer of gasoline to deduct, for income-tax purposes, State
taxes on gasoline imposed on the wholesaler and passed on to the consumer.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America m Congress assembled, That section 23 (c)
(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (relating to deduction of retail
sales taxes) is hereby amended to read as follows:
"(3) GASOLINE AND RETAIL SALES TAXES.—In the case of a tax
imposed by any State, Territory, District, or possession of the
United States, or any political subdivision thereof, upon persons
engaged in selling tangible personal property at retail, or upon
persons selling gasoline or other motor vehicle fuels either at
wholesale or retail, which is measured by the gross sales price
or the gross receipts from the sale or which is a stated sum per | Joint resolution to provide certain benefits for certain persons who shall have served in the Armed Forces of the United States on and after June 27, 1950 | 1951-05-11T00:00:00 | b061fec483e2de214e5e57bfd43b02e699420fe4490531f76bcac7da21175d83 |
US Congress | PL 82-26 (S.271) | 65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 26—MAY 7, 1951
Commissioners of the District of Columbia is authorized to advance
the standard time applicable to the District one hour for the period
commencing not earlier than the last Sunday of April 1951 and ending
not later than the last Sunday of September 1951. Any such time
established by the Commissioners under the authority of this Act
shall, during the period of the year for which it is applicable, be
the standard time for the District of Columbia.
Approved April 25, 1951.
April 28,1951
(H.J. Res. 223]
Charters of vessels.
E xtension to citizens
of P. I.
Public Law 25
To give the Department of Commerce the authority to extend certain charters
of vessels to citizens of the Republic of the Philippines, and for other pui-poses.
Resolved hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United
States of America in Congress assembled^ That, notwithstanding any
other provisions of existing law, the Secretary of Commerce shall have
the authority to extend and continue the present charters of vessels to
citizens of the Republic of the Philippines, which charters were made
and entered into under the terms of section 306 (a) of the Act of April
30, 1946 (Public Law 370, Seventy-ninth Congress). Such charters
may be extended for such periods of time and under such terms and § i786 (a);' siip. iv,"
conditions as the Secretary may, from time to time, determine to be * ^^^ "
required in the interest of the economy of the Philippines, but any such
charter shall contain a provision requiring that the vessel shall be
operated only in the interisland commerce in the Philippines. No such
vessel shall be continued under charter beyond the completion of the
first voyage terminating after April 30,1952.
Approved April 28, 1951.
Public Law 26
May 7,1951
[S. 271]
To authorize the transfer to the Vermont Agricultural College of certain lands
in Addison County, Vermont, for agricultural purposes.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assembled^ That the Secretary tuS'i^iiege.^^"''"^"
of Agriculture is authorized and directed to transfer and convey to
the Vermont Agricultural College, a State-owned corporation, upon
acceptance by said agricultural college, without cost, the real property
comprising nine hundred forty-two and forty-two one-hundredths
acres, more or less, of the United States Morgan Horse Farm located
in Addison County, town of Weybridge, Vermont, and such of the
personal property of this station as may be agreed upon, in writing,
by the Secretary of Agriculture and the dean of the Vermont Agri-
cultural College.
Such real and personal property and research
records shall be transferred upon the express condition that they
shall be used by the Vermont Agricultural College for the benefit of
agriculture for such period as may be agreed upon by the Secretary
and the said college at the time of transfer.
The authority herein contained shall expire on June 30,1951, unless, thorlty!*
prior to such expiration date, the dean of the Vermont Agricultural
College shall have notified the Secretary of Agriculture of the accept-
ance of the lands and other property of the station under the terms
of this Act.
Approved May 7, 1951.
Expiration of au- | An Act to authorize the transfer to the Vermont Agricultural College of certain lands in Addison County, Vt., for agricultural purposes | 1951-05-07T00:00:00 | 6ee5790ad12287fb007450bc01e770b61232bc9b3acf11d1804365e84b2cf94b |
US Congress | PL 82-24 (H.R.2612) | 38
PUBLIC LAW 24—APR. 25, 1951
[65 STAT.
premium shall be waived under this section for any period prior to
the date of application therefor: Provided^ That if the term of any
five-year level premium term insurance on which premiums have
been waived under this section expires while the insured is in active
service, such term shall be automatically renewed for an additional
five-year period and the premiums due at the then attained age shall
be waived as provided above: Provided further^ That the election by
an insured of the premium waiver benefits of this section shall thereby
render his contract of insurance nonparticipating during the period
mrat^oVbeneflK^^^" such premium waiver is in effect: Provided further^ That whenever
benefits under such insurance become payable because of the maturity
of such policy of insurance while the insured is in active service or
within one hundred and twenty days thereafter, liability for payment
of sucli benefits shall be borne by the United States in an amount
which, when added to any reserve of the policy at the time of maturity,
> '
will equal the then value of such benefits under such policy.
life contingencies are involved in the calculation of the value of such
benefits, the calculation of such liability or liabilities shall be based
upon such mortality table or tables as the Administrator may pre-
scribe with interest at the rate of 214 per centum per annum as to
insurance issued under sections 620 and 621, at the rate of 3 per centum
per annum as to other national service life insurance, and 3^/2 per
centum per annum as to United States Government life insurance.
Transfer o
f funds.
fpi-^g Administrator is authorized and directed to transfer from time
to time from the national service life insurance appropriation to the
National Service Life Insurance Fund and from the military and
naval insurance appropriation to the United States Government Life
Insurance Fund such sums as may be necessary to carry out the pro-
visions of this section."
SEC. 11. The first sentence of section 602 (m) (2) of the National
Service Life Insurance Act of 1940, as amended, is hereby amended to
read as follows:
"(2) In any case in which the insured provided for the payment of
premiums on his insurance by authorizing in writing the deduction of
premiums from his service pay, such insurance shall be deemed not to
have lapsed or not to have been forfeited because of desertion under
54 Stat. 1013.
section 612, so long as he remained in active service prior to the date
0 Stat• Si* ^^^'
^^ enactment of the Insurance Act of 1946, notwithstanding the fact
38U.s.c.i80inote; that deduction of premiums was discontinued because—
Sup. IV, §802.
u ^^^ |.jjg insured was discharged to accept a commission; or
" ( B ) the insured was absent without leave, if restored to active
duty: or
"(C) the insured was sentenced by court martial, if he was
restored to active duty, required to engage in combat, or killed in
rig^tT'^^*"*'""" °'
SEC. 12. Nothing contained in part I or part I I of this Act shall be
construed to cancel or restrict any rights under insurance contracts
issued on or prior to the date of this enactment.
Short title.
SEC. 13. This part may be cited as the "Insurance Act of 1951".
Approved April 25, 1951.
Public Law 24
[H- R- 2612]
IJIQ authorize the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia to establish
daylight saving time in the District.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
time?D.*c.*****^'°'' United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Board of
65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 26—MAY 7, 1951
Commissioners of the District of Columbia is authorized to advance
the standard time applicable to the District one hour for the period
commencing not earlier than the last Sunday of April 1951 and ending
not later than the last Sunday of September 1951. Any such time
established by the Commissioners under the authority of this Act
shall, during the period of the year for which it is applicable, be
the standard time for the District of Columbia.
Approved April 25, 1951.
April 28,1951
(H.J. Res. 223]
Charters of vessels.
E xtension to citizens
of P. I.
Public Law 25
To give the Department of Commerce the authority to extend certain charters
of vessels to citizens of the Republic of the Philippines, and for other pui-poses.
Resolved hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United
States of America in Congress assembled^ That, notwithstanding any
other provisions of existing law, the Secretary of Commerce shall have
the authority to extend and continue the present charters of vessels to
citizens of the Republic of the Philippines, which charters were made
and entered into under the terms of section 306 (a) of the Act of April
30, 1946 (Public Law 370, Seventy-ninth Congress). Such charters
may be extended for such periods of time and under such terms and § i786 (a);' siip. iv,"
conditions as the Secretary may, from time to time, determine to be * ^^^ "
required in the interest of the economy of the Philippines, but any such
charter shall contain a provision requiring that the vessel shall be
operated only in the interisland commerce in the Philippines. No such
vessel shall be continued under charter beyond the completion of the
first voyage terminating after April 30,1952.
Approved April 28, 1951.
Public Law 26
May 7,1951
[S. 271]
To authorize the transfer to the Vermont Agricultural College of certain lands
in Addison County, Vermont, for agricultural purposes.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assembled^ That the Secretary tuS'i^iiege.^^"''"^"
of Agriculture is authorized and directed to transfer and convey to
the Vermont Agricultural College, a State-owned corporation, upon
acceptance by said agricultural college, without cost, the real property
comprising nine hundred forty-two and forty-two one-hundredths
acres, more or less, of the United States Morgan Horse Farm located
in Addison County, town of Weybridge, Vermont, and such of the
personal property of this station as may be agreed upon, in writing,
by the Secretary of Agriculture and the dean of the Vermont Agri-
cultural College.
Such real and personal property and research
records shall be transferred upon the express condition that they
shall be used by the Vermont Agricultural College for the benefit of
agriculture for such period as may be agreed upon by the Secretary
and the said college at the time of transfer.
The authority herein contained shall expire on June 30,1951, unless, thorlty!*
prior to such expiration date, the dean of the Vermont Agricultural
College shall have notified the Secretary of Agriculture of the accept-
ance of the lands and other property of the station under the terms
of this Act.
Approved May 7, 1951.
Expiration of au- | An Act to authorize the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia to establish daylight saving time in the District | 1951-04-25T00:00:00 | 4406b80a9635116526e1511b07e014ce95d2b164abfc80b2ea7548f354a36d6d |
US Congress | PL 82-21 (S.82) | 32
PUBLIC LAW 19—APR. 18, 1951
[65 STAT.
report of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America shall be
])riiited each year, with accompanying illustrations, as a separate
House document of the session of the Congress to which such report
may be submitted.
Approved April 16, 1951.
Public Law 19
April 18, 1951
[H. R. 3040]
To authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to convey certain lands in Ogden,
Utah, to the Ogden Chamber of Commerce.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and Hovse of Representatives
of the
Ogden, Utah.
United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary
of Agriculture be authorized and directed to convey by quitclaim deed
to the Ogden Chamber of Commerce, Ogden, Utah, all rights, titles,
and interests of the United States in and to lots 1 to 48, inclusive, in
block 7, Fairmount Park Annex Addition to Ogden City, Weber
County, State of Utah.
Approved April 18, 1951.
Public Law 20
A •. OA 1Q.,
Apnl 24, 1951
[S. 379]
To authorize relief of authorized certifying officers of terminated war agencies
in liquidation by the Department of Labor.
Be it enacted hy the Senxite and House of Representatives
of the
Certifying officers oi United States of America in Congress assemhled, That the Comptroller
^_rminate war agen- Qgj^gj,g^j Q£ ^j^^ United States is authorized and directed to allow credit
Credit in accounts. ^^^ ^.j^^ accounts of authorized certifying officers of terminated war
agencies, in process of liquidation by the Department of Labor at
the time of the enactment of this Act, for the amounts of suspensions
and disallowances, which have been, or may be, raised by the General
Accounting Office on account of payments made in accordance with
vouchers certified by such certifying officers: Provided,
That the
Secretary of Labor or his authorized representative shall certify that
the Department of Labor has no evidence of fraud or collusion on the
part of the certifying officers in connection with the payments.
Approved April 24, 1951.
Public Law 21
April 25 1951
[S. 82]
To provide reimbursement of expenses incurred in connection with the burial of
those who served in the military forces of the Commonwealth of the Philippines
while such forces were in the Armed Forces of the United States pursuant to
the military order of the President of the United States, dated July 26, 1941.
Be it enacted l>y the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
Burial expenses o
f United States of America in Congress assembled^ That the Adminis-
certain war veterans, trator of Veterans' Affairs is authorized to furnish a flag to drape the
casket and to pay a sum not exceeding 150 Philippine pesos for the
burial and funeral expenses and transportation of the body (including
preparation of the body) of any person who served in the organized
military forces of the Commonwealth of the Philippines while such
forces were in the service of the Armed Forces of the United States
65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 23—APR. 25, 1951
3 3
pursuant to tJie military order of the President of the United States,
dated July 26, 1941, including among such military forces organized
guerrilla forces under commanders appointed, designated, or subse-
quently recognized by the Commander in Chief, Southwest Pacific
Area, or other competent authority in the Army of the United States,
and who dies, or has died, after separation from such service under
conditions other than dishonorable. Payments under this Act shall
be subject to the applicable provisions of Veterans Regulation Num-
bered 9 (a), as amended, except that in case any such person has died
^u*s ^^notefoil
heretofore, the time for filing claim for reimbursement of such }739. " ' •
expenses shall be extended until tw^o years after the date of this
Approved April 25, 1951,
Public Law 22
^prii 25,1951
Making an emergency appropriation for tne fiscal year 1951, and for other —[H. j . Res. 238]
Resolved hy the Senate and House of Representatwes
of the United
States of America in Congress assembled^ That there are hereby
appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro-
priated, for an additional amount for "Expenses of Defense Produc-
tion", $10,000,000: Provided^ That expenditures from this appropria-
tion shall be charged to the applicable appropriation whenever the
Third Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1951, is enacted into law.
Approved April 25, 1951.
Public Law 23
To authorize the payment by the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs of a gratu-
[IL_5iiL _.
itous indemnity to survivors of members of the Armed Forces who die in
active service, and for other purposes.
Be it eixacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of Anfierica in Congress assembled^
SEC. 1. This part may be cited as the "Servicemen's Indemnity Act
of 1951".
SEC. 2, Except as hereinafter provided, on and after June 27, 1950, an^"*""^*'" '"^"'•'
any person in the active service of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine
Corps, Coast Guard, or the Reserve components thereof, including the
National Guard when called or ordered to active duty or active train-
ing duty for fourteen days or more; cadets and midshipmen at the
United States Military, Naval, and Coast Guard Academies; com-
missioned officers of the Public Health Service w^hile entitled to full
military benefits as provided in section 212 (a) of tho Act of July 1,
1944 (58 Stat. 689), as amended (42 U. S. C. 213); and commissioned
officers of the Coast and Geodetic Survey while assigned to duty
during a period of war or an emergency as proclaimed by the Presi-
dent or the Congress on projects for the Army, Navy, or Air Force
in areas outside the continental United States or in Alaska or in
coastal areas of the United States determined by the Department of | An Act to provide reimbursement of expenses incurred in connection with the burial of those who served in the military forces of the Commonwealth of the Philippines while such forces were in the Armed Forces of the United States pursuant to the military o | 1951-04-25T00:00:00 | fbd05388e0322bc030f50a0e63e1500213c3a381a834fd9486a03146e9e7429c |
US Congress | PL 82-20 (S.379) | 32
PUBLIC LAW 19—APR. 18, 1951
[65 STAT.
report of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America shall be
])riiited each year, with accompanying illustrations, as a separate
House document of the session of the Congress to which such report
may be submitted.
Approved April 16, 1951.
Public Law 19
April 18, 1951
[H. R. 3040]
To authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to convey certain lands in Ogden,
Utah, to the Ogden Chamber of Commerce.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and Hovse of Representatives
of the
Ogden, Utah.
United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary
of Agriculture be authorized and directed to convey by quitclaim deed
to the Ogden Chamber of Commerce, Ogden, Utah, all rights, titles,
and interests of the United States in and to lots 1 to 48, inclusive, in
block 7, Fairmount Park Annex Addition to Ogden City, Weber
County, State of Utah.
Approved April 18, 1951.
Public Law 20
A •. OA 1Q.,
Apnl 24, 1951
[S. 379]
To authorize relief of authorized certifying officers of terminated war agencies
in liquidation by the Department of Labor.
Be it enacted hy the Senxite and House of Representatives
of the
Certifying officers oi United States of America in Congress assemhled, That the Comptroller
^_rminate war agen- Qgj^gj,g^j Q£ ^j^^ United States is authorized and directed to allow credit
Credit in accounts. ^^^ ^.j^^ accounts of authorized certifying officers of terminated war
agencies, in process of liquidation by the Department of Labor at
the time of the enactment of this Act, for the amounts of suspensions
and disallowances, which have been, or may be, raised by the General
Accounting Office on account of payments made in accordance with
vouchers certified by such certifying officers: Provided,
That the
Secretary of Labor or his authorized representative shall certify that
the Department of Labor has no evidence of fraud or collusion on the
part of the certifying officers in connection with the payments.
Approved April 24, 1951.
Public Law 21
April 25 1951
[S. 82]
To provide reimbursement of expenses incurred in connection with the burial of
those who served in the military forces of the Commonwealth of the Philippines
while such forces were in the Armed Forces of the United States pursuant to
the military order of the President of the United States, dated July 26, 1941.
Be it enacted l>y the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
Burial expenses o
f United States of America in Congress assembled^ That the Adminis-
certain war veterans, trator of Veterans' Affairs is authorized to furnish a flag to drape the
casket and to pay a sum not exceeding 150 Philippine pesos for the
burial and funeral expenses and transportation of the body (including
preparation of the body) of any person who served in the organized
military forces of the Commonwealth of the Philippines while such
forces were in the service of the Armed Forces of the United States
65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 23—APR. 25, 1951
3 3
pursuant to tJie military order of the President of the United States,
dated July 26, 1941, including among such military forces organized
guerrilla forces under commanders appointed, designated, or subse-
quently recognized by the Commander in Chief, Southwest Pacific
Area, or other competent authority in the Army of the United States,
and who dies, or has died, after separation from such service under
conditions other than dishonorable. Payments under this Act shall
be subject to the applicable provisions of Veterans Regulation Num-
bered 9 (a), as amended, except that in case any such person has died
^u*s ^^notefoil
heretofore, the time for filing claim for reimbursement of such }739. " ' •
expenses shall be extended until tw^o years after the date of this
Approved April 25, 1951,
Public Law 22
^prii 25,1951
Making an emergency appropriation for tne fiscal year 1951, and for other —[H. j . Res. 238]
Resolved hy the Senate and House of Representatwes
of the United
States of America in Congress assembled^ That there are hereby
appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro-
priated, for an additional amount for "Expenses of Defense Produc-
tion", $10,000,000: Provided^ That expenditures from this appropria-
tion shall be charged to the applicable appropriation whenever the
Third Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1951, is enacted into law.
Approved April 25, 1951.
Public Law 23
To authorize the payment by the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs of a gratu-
[IL_5iiL _.
itous indemnity to survivors of members of the Armed Forces who die in
active service, and for other purposes.
Be it eixacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of Anfierica in Congress assembled^
SEC. 1. This part may be cited as the "Servicemen's Indemnity Act
of 1951".
SEC. 2, Except as hereinafter provided, on and after June 27, 1950, an^"*""^*'" '"^"'•'
any person in the active service of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine
Corps, Coast Guard, or the Reserve components thereof, including the
National Guard when called or ordered to active duty or active train-
ing duty for fourteen days or more; cadets and midshipmen at the
United States Military, Naval, and Coast Guard Academies; com-
missioned officers of the Public Health Service w^hile entitled to full
military benefits as provided in section 212 (a) of tho Act of July 1,
1944 (58 Stat. 689), as amended (42 U. S. C. 213); and commissioned
officers of the Coast and Geodetic Survey while assigned to duty
during a period of war or an emergency as proclaimed by the Presi-
dent or the Congress on projects for the Army, Navy, or Air Force
in areas outside the continental United States or in Alaska or in
coastal areas of the United States determined by the Department of | An Act to authorize relief of authorized certifying officers of terminated war agencies in liquidation by the Department of Labor | 1951-04-24T00:00:00 | fbd05388e0322bc030f50a0e63e1500213c3a381a834fd9486a03146e9e7429c |
US Congress | PL 82-25 (H.J.Res.223) | 65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 26—MAY 7, 1951
Commissioners of the District of Columbia is authorized to advance
the standard time applicable to the District one hour for the period
commencing not earlier than the last Sunday of April 1951 and ending
not later than the last Sunday of September 1951. Any such time
established by the Commissioners under the authority of this Act
shall, during the period of the year for which it is applicable, be
the standard time for the District of Columbia.
Approved April 25, 1951.
April 28,1951
(H.J. Res. 223]
Charters of vessels.
E xtension to citizens
of P. I.
Public Law 25
To give the Department of Commerce the authority to extend certain charters
of vessels to citizens of the Republic of the Philippines, and for other pui-poses.
Resolved hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United
States of America in Congress assembled^ That, notwithstanding any
other provisions of existing law, the Secretary of Commerce shall have
the authority to extend and continue the present charters of vessels to
citizens of the Republic of the Philippines, which charters were made
and entered into under the terms of section 306 (a) of the Act of April
30, 1946 (Public Law 370, Seventy-ninth Congress). Such charters
may be extended for such periods of time and under such terms and § i786 (a);' siip. iv,"
conditions as the Secretary may, from time to time, determine to be * ^^^ "
required in the interest of the economy of the Philippines, but any such
charter shall contain a provision requiring that the vessel shall be
operated only in the interisland commerce in the Philippines. No such
vessel shall be continued under charter beyond the completion of the
first voyage terminating after April 30,1952.
Approved April 28, 1951.
Public Law 26
May 7,1951
[S. 271]
To authorize the transfer to the Vermont Agricultural College of certain lands
in Addison County, Vermont, for agricultural purposes.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assembled^ That the Secretary tuS'i^iiege.^^"''"^"
of Agriculture is authorized and directed to transfer and convey to
the Vermont Agricultural College, a State-owned corporation, upon
acceptance by said agricultural college, without cost, the real property
comprising nine hundred forty-two and forty-two one-hundredths
acres, more or less, of the United States Morgan Horse Farm located
in Addison County, town of Weybridge, Vermont, and such of the
personal property of this station as may be agreed upon, in writing,
by the Secretary of Agriculture and the dean of the Vermont Agri-
cultural College.
Such real and personal property and research
records shall be transferred upon the express condition that they
shall be used by the Vermont Agricultural College for the benefit of
agriculture for such period as may be agreed upon by the Secretary
and the said college at the time of transfer.
The authority herein contained shall expire on June 30,1951, unless, thorlty!*
prior to such expiration date, the dean of the Vermont Agricultural
College shall have notified the Secretary of Agriculture of the accept-
ance of the lands and other property of the station under the terms
of this Act.
Approved May 7, 1951.
Expiration of au- | Joint resolution to give the Department of Commerce the authority to extend certain charters of vessels to citizens of the Republic of the PhiUppines, and for other purposes | 1951-04-28T00:00:00 | 6ee5790ad12287fb007450bc01e770b61232bc9b3acf11d1804365e84b2cf94b |
US Congress | PL 82-22 (H.J.Res.238) | 65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 23—APR. 25, 1951
3 3
pursuant to tJie military order of the President of the United States,
dated July 26, 1941, including among such military forces organized
guerrilla forces under commanders appointed, designated, or subse-
quently recognized by the Commander in Chief, Southwest Pacific
Area, or other competent authority in the Army of the United States,
and who dies, or has died, after separation from such service under
conditions other than dishonorable. Payments under this Act shall
be subject to the applicable provisions of Veterans Regulation Num-
bered 9 (a), as amended, except that in case any such person has died
^u*s ^^notefoil
heretofore, the time for filing claim for reimbursement of such }739. " ' •
expenses shall be extended until tw^o years after the date of this
Approved April 25, 1951,
Public Law 22
^prii 25,1951
Making an emergency appropriation for tne fiscal year 1951, and for other —[H. j . Res. 238]
Resolved hy the Senate and House of Representatwes
of the United
States of America in Congress assembled^ That there are hereby
appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro-
priated, for an additional amount for "Expenses of Defense Produc-
tion", $10,000,000: Provided^ That expenditures from this appropria-
tion shall be charged to the applicable appropriation whenever the
Third Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1951, is enacted into law.
Approved April 25, 1951.
Public Law 23
To authorize the payment by the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs of a gratu-
[IL_5iiL _.
itous indemnity to survivors of members of the Armed Forces who die in
active service, and for other purposes.
Be it eixacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of Anfierica in Congress assembled^
SEC. 1. This part may be cited as the "Servicemen's Indemnity Act
of 1951".
SEC. 2, Except as hereinafter provided, on and after June 27, 1950, an^"*""^*'" '"^"'•'
any person in the active service of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine
Corps, Coast Guard, or the Reserve components thereof, including the
National Guard when called or ordered to active duty or active train-
ing duty for fourteen days or more; cadets and midshipmen at the
United States Military, Naval, and Coast Guard Academies; com-
missioned officers of the Public Health Service w^hile entitled to full
military benefits as provided in section 212 (a) of tho Act of July 1,
1944 (58 Stat. 689), as amended (42 U. S. C. 213); and commissioned
officers of the Coast and Geodetic Survey while assigned to duty
during a period of war or an emergency as proclaimed by the Presi-
dent or the Congress on projects for the Army, Navy, or Air Force
in areas outside the continental United States or in Alaska or in
coastal areas of the United States determined by the Department of
PUBLIC LAW 23—APR. 25, 1951
[65 STAT.
Reserve personnel
engaged in aerial
Death from disabil-
ity incurred while en
62 Stat. 604.
50U.S. C S u p . I V ,
app. § 451 and note.
P a y m e n t
of in-
Designation of ben-
eficiary, etc.
Payment in install-
Applicability of au-
Defense to be of immediate military hazard, shall be automatically
insured by the United States, without cost to such person, against
death in such service in the principal amount of $10,000: Provided,
That any person called to extended active service for a period exceeding
thirty days shall continue to be so protected for a period of one
hundred and twenty days after separation or release from such active
service: Provided further, That persons in the Reserve components,
including the National Guard, while engaged in aerial flights in Gov-
ernment owned or leased aircraft for any period, with or without
pay, as an incident to their military or naval training, shall be deemed
to be in the active service for the purposes of this Act: And
further, That for the purposes of this part, any person, who, on or
after June 27,1950, was or shall be provisionally accepted and directed
or ordered to report to a place for final acceptance or for entry upon
active duty in the military or naval service and who died or shall die
as the result of disability incurred while en route to such place and
within one hundred and twenty days after the incurrence of such dis-
ability, or any registrant under the Selective Service Act of 1948, as
amended, who on or after June 27, 1950, in response to an order to
report for induction into the Armed Forces and who, after reporting
to a local draft board, died or dies as the result of disability incurred
while en route from such draft board to a designated induction station
and within one hundred and twenty days after the incurrence of such
disability shall be deemed to have died in active service.
SEC, 3. Upon certification by the Secretary of the service depart-
ment concerned of the death of any person deemed to have been auto-
matically insured under this part, the Administrator of Veterans'
Affairs shall cause the idemnity to be paid as provided in section 4
only to the surviving spouse, child or children (including a stepchild,
adopted child, or an illegitimate child if the latter was designated
as beneficiary by the insured), parent (including a stepparent, parent
by adoption, or person who stood in loco parentis to the insured at
any time prior to entry into the active service for a period of not less
than one year), brother, or sister of the insured, including those of
the half-blood and those through adoption. The insured shall have
the right to designate the beneficiary or beneficiaries of the indemnity
within the classes herein provided; to designate the proportion of the
principal amount to be paid to each; and to change the beneficiary or
beneficiaries without the consent thereof but only within the classes
herein provided. If the designated beneficiary or beneficiaries do not
survive the insured, or if none has been designated, the Administrator
shall make payment of the indemnity to the first eligible class of
beneficiaries according to the order set forth above, and in equal shares
if the class is composed of more than one person. Unless designated
otherwise by the insured, the term "parent" shall include only the
mother and father who last bore that relationship to the insured.
Any installments of an indemnity not paid to a beneficiary during
such beneficiary's lifetime shall be paid to the named contingent
beneficiary, if any; otherwise, to the beneficiary or beneficiaries within
the permitted class next entitled to priority: Provided,
That no
payment shall be made to the estate of any deceased person.
SEC. 4. The indemnity shall be payable in equal monthly install-
ments of one hundred and twenty in number with interest at the rate
of 21/4 per centum per annum.
SEC. 5. The automatic indemnity coverage authorized by section 2
shall apply to any person in the active service of the named Armed
Forces who, upon death in such active service, or within one hundred
and twenty days after separation or release from such active service
65 STAT.1
PUBLIC LAW 23—APR. 25, 1951
as prescribed in section 2, is insured against such death under a con-
tract of national service life insurance or United States Government
life insurance, but only with respect to a principal amount of indem-
nity equal to the difference between the amount of insurance in force
at the time of death and $10,000. Any pei-son in active service, who is
insured under a permanent plan of national service life insurance or
United States Government life insurance, may elect to surrender such
contract for its cash value.
In any such case the person, upon applica-
tion in writing made within one hundred and twenty days after
separation from active service, may be granted, without medical
examination, permanent plan insurance on the same plan not in excess
of the amount surrendered for cash, or may reinstate such surrendered
insurance upon payment of the required reserve and the premium for
the current month.
Any person in the active service having United
States Government life insurance or national service life insurance
on the five-year level premium term plan, the term of which expires
while such person is in active service after the date of this enactment,
shall, upon application made within one hundred and twenty days
after separation from service, payment of premiums and evidence of
good health satisfactory to the Administrator, be granted an equiva-
lent amount of insurance on the five-year level premium term plan at
the premium rate for his then attained age. Waiver of premiums
under the National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940, as amended,
shall not be denied in any case of issue or reinstatement of insurance
on a permanent plan under this section in which it is shown to the
satisfaction of the Administi ator that total disability of the applicant
commenced prior to the date of his application.
SEC. 6. The Administrator of Veterans' Affairs is authorized to
promulgate such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the
provisions of this part, as are necessary or appropriate to carry out
its purposes.
SEC. 7. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any
money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as may
be necessary to carry out the provisions of this part, to be known as
the servicemen's indemnity appropriation, for the payment of liabili-
ties under this part.
SEC. 8. Any person guilty of mutiny, treason, spying, or desertion,
or who, because of conscientious objections refuses to perform services
in the land or naval forces of the United States or refuses to wear the
uniform of such force, shall forfeit all rights to an indemnity under
this Act: Provided^ That restoration to active duty after commission
of any such offense shall restore all rights to an indemnity under this
No indemnity shall be payable for death inflicted as a lawful
punishment for crime or for military or naval offense, except when
inflicted by an enemy of the United States.
SEC. 9. The provisions of Public Law Numbered 262, Seventy-
fourth Congress, approved August 12, 1935 (49 Stat. 607), as
amended, titles II and I I I of Public Law Numbered 844, Seventy-
fourth Congress, approved June 29,1936 (49 Stat. 2031), as amended,
and section 15 of Public Law Numbered 2, Seventy-third Congress,
March 20,1933, insofar as they are applicable, shall apply to the pro-
visions of this part: Provided, That assignments of all or any part
of the beneficiary's interest may be made by a beneficiary to any other
person or persons within the permitted class of beneficiaries, as speci-
fied in section 3, if all other persons having contingent rights of equal
or greater priority to those of the assignee join in the assignment:
Provided further, That such assignment shall not affect any payments
made prior to its receipt by the Veterans' Administration.
Surrender of con-
tract, etc.
54 Stat. 1008.
38 U. S. C. § 818;
Sup. IV, § 802 et seg.
Rules and regula-
Appropriation au^
Forfeiture of rights.
48 Stat. 11.
38 U. S. C. §§ 450,
101-104. 619 note, 131-
134,715; Sup. IV, §101.
Assignments of ben-
eficiary's interest.
Ante, p. 34.
PUBLIC LAW 23—APR. 25, 1951
[65 STAT.
54 Stat. 1008.
38 U. S. C. § 818;
Sup. IV, § 802 et seg.
Post, p. 38.
Ante, p. 34.
43 Stat. 607.
38U. S. C.§421and
note; Sup, IV, § 430 et
55 Stat. 759; 56 Stat.
310, 649, 737; 60 Stat.
34 U. S. C. §§ 841a
note, 850a note, 1020
note; Sup. IV, §§ 61,
405a, 850c-850k-2,
1020a-1020m, 1039,
1045a; 10 U. S. C.
§§ 1151, 299a-299e,
304b;Sup.IV, §§299b-
299<i, 304b.
Applications, etc.
SEC. 10. The National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940, as
amended, is hereby amended by adding the following new sections:
"SEC. 619. On and after the date of enactment of the Insurance Act
of 1951, except as otherwise provided in section 12 thereof, section 5
of the Servicemen's Indemnity Act of 1951, and sections 620 and 621
hereof, no National Service life insurance or United States Govern-
ment life insurance shall be granted to any person under the provi-
sions of the National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940, as amended,
or the World War Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended, nor shall any
United States Government life insurance or National Service life
insurance, on which the United States is authorized by law to pay
the premium, be issued or granted to any person under any provision
of law, nor shall the United States pay premiums on insurance issued
prior to this enactment under the provisions of Public Law Numbered
289, Seventy-seventh Congress, November 5, 1941, Public Law Num-
bered 571, Seventy-seventh Congress, June 5, 1942, Public Law Num-
bered 658, Seventy-seventh Congress, July 8, 1942, Public Law
Numbered 698, Seventy-seventh Congress, August 4,1942, Public Law
Numbered 729, Seventy-ninth Congress, August 13, 1946, or any other
law for any period subsequent to the end of the second calendar month
following the date of this enactment: Provided, That the foregoing
shall not be construed to prohibit the granting or issuing of National
Service life insurance or United States Government life insurance
in cases in which acceptable applications accompanied by proper and
valid remittances or authorizations for the payment of premiums
have, on or before the date of approval of this amendatory Act, been
received by the Veterans' Administration, or which have, on or before
said date, been placed in the mails properly directed to the Veterans'
Administration, or been delivered to an authorized representative of
any of the uniformed services.
"SEC. 620. Any person w^ho is released from active service under
other than dishonorable conditions on or after the date of enactment
of the Insurance Act of 1951, and is found by the Administrator to be
suifering from a disability or disabilities for which compensation
would be payable if 10' per centum or more in degree and except for
which such person would be insurable according to the standards
established by the Administrator for qualifying under the good health
provisions of this Act, as amended, shall, upon application in writing
made within one year from the date service connection of such dis-
ability is determined by the Veterans' Administration and payment
of premiums as provided in this Act, as amended, be granted insurance
by the United States against the death of such person occurring while
such insurance is in force: Provided, That insurance granted under
this section shall be issued upon the same terms and conditions as are
contained in the standard policies of national service life insurance
except (1) the premium rates for such insurance shall be based on the
Commissioners 1941 Standard Ordinary Table of Mortality and in-
terest at the rate of 2^4 per centum per annum; (2) all cash, loan,
paid-up, and extended values shall be based upon the Commissioners
1941 Standard Ordinary Table of Mortality and interest at the rate
of 2^4 per centum per annum; (3) all settlements on policies involv-
ing annuities shall be calculated on the basis of The Annuity Table
for 1949, and interest at the rate of 21/4 per centum per annum; (4)
insurance granted under the provisions of this section shall be on a
nonparticipating basis and all premiums and other collections there-
for shall be credited directly to a revolving fund in the Treasury of
the United States, and any payments on such insurance shall be made
65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 23—APR. 25, 1951
directly from such fund.
Appropriations to such fund are hereby
Appropriations au-
Except as herein provided, the provisions of this Act '^°"^*^-
other than those contained in section 621 shall be for application to
such insurance: Provided^ That as to insurance issued under this
section waiver of premiums pursuant to section 602 (n) shall not be ^u*s c"§802(n).
denied on the ground that the service-connected disability became
total prior to the effective date of such insurance. All persons granted
indemnity protection under section 2 of the Servicemen's Indemnity
Act of 1951 shall be deemed to be in the active service for the purpose ^n<«,p.33.
of applying for insurance under this section: Provided^ That as to Time limitation,
persons incurring disability under the conditions stated in the last
proviso of section 2 of the Servicemen's Indemnity Act of 1951, appli-
cation for insurance must be filed within one year after the incurrence
of such disability.
"SEC. 621. (a) Any person entitled to indemnity protection under an^^*'^"^^**^ insur-
section 2 of the Servicemen's Indemnity Act of 1951 who is ordered
into active service for a period exceeding thirty days, shall, upon
application in writing made within one hundred and twenty days
after separation from such active service and payment of premiums
as hereinafter provided, and without medical examination, be granted
insurance by the United States against the death of such person occur-
ring while such insurance is in force. Insurance granted under this
section shall be issued upon the same terms and conditions as are
contained in the standard policies of national service life insurance
on the five-year level premium term plan except (1) all such insur-
ance may be rene'wed for successive five-year term periods at the
attained ages, but may not be exchanged for or converted to insur-
ance on any other plan; (2) the premium rates for such insurance
shall be based on the Commissioners 1941 Standard Ordinary Table
of Mortality and interest at the rate of 2^4 per centum per annum;
(3) all settlements on policies involving annuities shall be calculated
on the basis of The Annuity Table for 1949, and interest at the rate of
21/4 per centum per annum; (4) insurance issued hereunder shall be
on a nonparticipating basis and all premiums and other collections
therefor shall be credited to a revolving fund in the Treasury of the
United States and the payments on such term insurance shall be made
directly from such fund.
Appropriations to such fund are hereby
Appropriations au-
"(b) The Administrator is authorized to invest in, and the Secre- cou'nT^orrevoTvilig
tary of the Treasury is authorized to sell and retire, special interest- fund,
bearing obligations of the United States for the account of the revolv-
ing fund with a maturity date as may be agreed upon by the Adminis-
trator and Secretary: Provided^ That the rate of interest on such
obligations shall be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury at a rate
not exceeding the average interest rate on all marketable obligations
of the United States Treasury outstanding as of the end of the month
preceding the date of issue of this special obligation.
"SEC. 622. After the date of enactment of this section, any person
waiver o
f premi-
while in active service for a continuous period in excess of thirty days
who is insured under national service life insurance or United States
Government life insurance shall be entitled, upon written application,
to a waiver of all j)remiums on five-year level premium term insur-
ance and that portion of any permanent insurance premiums rep-
resenting the cost of the pure insurance risk, as determined by the
Administrator, becoming due after the first day of the second calendar
month following the date of enactment of this section, or the first day
of the second calendar month following entry into active service,
whichever is the later date, and during the remainder of such con-
tinuous active service and 120 days thereafter: Provided^ That no
PUBLIC LAW 24—APR. 25, 1951
[65 STAT.
premium shall be waived under this section for any period prior to
the date of application therefor: Provided^ That if the term of any
five-year level premium term insurance on which premiums have
been waived under this section expires while the insured is in active
service, such term shall be automatically renewed for an additional
five-year period and the premiums due at the then attained age shall
be waived as provided above: Provided further^ That the election by
an insured of the premium waiver benefits of this section shall thereby
render his contract of insurance nonparticipating during the period
mrat^oVbeneflK^^^" such premium waiver is in effect: Provided further^ That whenever
benefits under such insurance become payable because of the maturity
of such policy of insurance while the insured is in active service or
within one hundred and twenty days thereafter, liability for payment
of sucli benefits shall be borne by the United States in an amount
which, when added to any reserve of the policy at the time of maturity,
> '
will equal the then value of such benefits under such policy.
life contingencies are involved in the calculation of the value of such
benefits, the calculation of such liability or liabilities shall be based
upon such mortality table or tables as the Administrator may pre-
scribe with interest at the rate of 214 per centum per annum as to
insurance issued under sections 620 and 621, at the rate of 3 per centum
per annum as to other national service life insurance, and 3^/2 per
centum per annum as to United States Government life insurance.
Transfer o
f funds.
fpi-^g Administrator is authorized and directed to transfer from time
to time from the national service life insurance appropriation to the
National Service Life Insurance Fund and from the military and
naval insurance appropriation to the United States Government Life
Insurance Fund such sums as may be necessary to carry out the pro-
visions of this section."
SEC. 11. The first sentence of section 602 (m) (2) of the National
Service Life Insurance Act of 1940, as amended, is hereby amended to
read as follows:
"(2) In any case in which the insured provided for the payment of
premiums on his insurance by authorizing in writing the deduction of
premiums from his service pay, such insurance shall be deemed not to
have lapsed or not to have been forfeited because of desertion under
54 Stat. 1013.
section 612, so long as he remained in active service prior to the date
0 Stat• Si* ^^^'
^^ enactment of the Insurance Act of 1946, notwithstanding the fact
38U.s.c.i80inote; that deduction of premiums was discontinued because—
Sup. IV, §802.
u ^^^ |.jjg insured was discharged to accept a commission; or
" ( B ) the insured was absent without leave, if restored to active
duty: or
"(C) the insured was sentenced by court martial, if he was
restored to active duty, required to engage in combat, or killed in
rig^tT'^^*"*'""" °'
SEC. 12. Nothing contained in part I or part I I of this Act shall be
construed to cancel or restrict any rights under insurance contracts
issued on or prior to the date of this enactment.
Short title.
SEC. 13. This part may be cited as the "Insurance Act of 1951".
Approved April 25, 1951.
Public Law 24
[H- R- 2612]
IJIQ authorize the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia to establish
daylight saving time in the District.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
time?D.*c.*****^'°'' United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Board of | Joint resolution making an emergency appropriation for the fiscal year 1951, and for other purposes | 1951-04-25T00:00:00 | 5f7bc3f438f656fe6250f1dcebd54d643d6416874c022e73e625228be6cb2ee5 |
US Congress | PL 82-13 (H.R.1498) | 65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 13—MAR. 27, 1951
obligation, which matures not more than ten years from the date
of maturity of sucli series E bond,
the increase in redemption value (to the extent not previously includi-
ble in gross income) in excess of the amount paid for such series E
bond shall be includible in gross income in the taxable year in which
the obligation is finally redeemed or in the taxable year of final
maturity, whichever is earlier.
Tlie provisions of this subsection shall
not apply to a corporation, and shall not apply in the case of any
taxable year for which the taxpayer's net income is computed upon
the basis of the accrual method of accounting or for which an election
made by the taxpayer under subsection (b) is applicable."
Approved March 26, 1951.
Public Law 13
^^ ^ ^ ,„,,
Miirch 27, 1951
To provide compensation for duty voluntarily performed on their days off by
[H. R. 1
officers and members of the Metropolitan Police force, the United States Park
Police force, and the White House Police force.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assembled. That the first section
Metropolitan, u. s.
of the Act entitled "An Act to provide a five-day week for officers Hous^'poHceforeei.'^
and members of the Metropolitan Police force, the United States
Five-day week.
Park Police force, and the White House police force", approved
August 15,1950, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following
w stat. 447.
new subsection:
"(e) For each day a vacancy exists in the personnel strength for
which funds are appropriated by applicable appropriation acts current
in any fiscal year in any particular rank of the Metropolitan Police
force, the United States Park Police force, or the White House Police
force, the major and superintendent of police, the Secretary of the
Interior, and the Chief of the Secret Service Division may permit an
officer or member of their respective forces of such rank voluntarily to
perform duty on any day off granted under this Act. Each such
officer or member shall be entitled to receive, in addition tx> his
annual basic salary, compensation at the basic daily rate (one three-
hundred-and-sixtieth of his annual basic salary) for each day of
duty voluntarily performed under this subsection, such additional
compensation to be paid from current appropriations. Any officer
or member so volunteering to perform duty on a day off shall be
entitled to all rights, benefits, and privileges, and shall be subject
to all obligations and duties, to which he is entitled or to which he
is subject on any regular workday.
Additional compensation paid
under this subsection shall not be considered as salary for the purpose
of computing retirement compensation or relief payments under
section 12 of the Act entitled 'An Act making appropriations to
provide for the expenses of the government of the District of
Columbia for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred
and seventeen, and for other purposes', approved September 1, 1916, 39 stat. 718.
as amended, nor shall such additional compensation be subject to e
f S^.^" *
^ ^ ^^''
deduction as provided in section 5 of the Act entitled 'An Act to fix D.C*CX§§ 4
the salaries of officers and members of the Metropolitan Police force 4-504.
and the Fire Department of the District of Columbia', approved
July 1, 1930, as amended."
SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect on the first Sunday following the Effective date.
date of its enactment.
Approved March 27, 1951. | An Act to provide compensation for duty voluntarily performed on their days off by officers and members of the Metropolitan Police force, the United States Park Police force, and the White House Police force | 1951-03-27T00:00:00 | 166c04ad11ed6428db3f5bca7b797faf0d0fdb8ded9fc79d94b595a990239708 |
US Congress | PL 82-17 (H.R.2615) | 65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 17—APR. 12, 1951
persons entitled to file claims under the provisions of this Act admin-
istered by the Commission of their rights under such provisions, and
to assist them in the preparation and filing of their claims."
Approved April 5, 1951.
Public Law 17
April 12, 1951
To amend the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended.
[H. R. 2
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of Amterica in Congress assembled, That section 358
of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, is amended
^^r^^'^i- ^ . ,o.„
to read as follows:
sup. iv, § i
8 (c),
1. Subsection (c) is amended to read as follows:
"(c) (1) The national acreage allotment for 1951, less the acreage
ime^acreage aiiot-
to be allotted to new farms under subsection (f) of this section, shall mraits.
be apportioned among the States on the basis of the larger of the
following for each State: (a) The acreage allotted to the State as
its share of the 1950 national acreage allotment of two million one
hundred thousand acres, or (b) the State's share of two million one
hundred thousand acres apportioned to States on the basis of the
average acreage harvested for nuts in each State in the five years
1945-1949: Provided, That any allotment so determined for any State
which is less than the 1951 State allotment announced by the Secretary
prior to the enactment of this Act shall be increased to such announced
allotment and the acreage required for such increases shall be in addi-
tion to the 1951 national acreage allotment and shall be considered in
determining State acreage allotments in future years. For any year
subsequent to 1951, the national acreage allotment for that year, less
the acreage to be allotted to new farms under subsection (f) of this
section, shall be apportioned among the States on the basis of their
share of the national acreage allotment for the most recent year in
which such apportionment was made.
"(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if the Secretary
of Agriculture determines, on the basis of the average yield per acre
of peanuts by types during the preceding five years, adjusted for trends
in yields and abnormal conditions of production affecting yields in
such five years, that the supply of any type or types of peanuts for any
marketing year, beginning with the 1951-1952 marketing year, will
be insufficient to meet the estimated demand for cleaning and shelling
purposes at prices at which the Commodity Credit Corporation may
sell for such purposes peanuts owned or controlled by it, the State
allotments for those States producing such type or types of peanuts
shall be increased to the extent determined by the Secretary to be
required to meet such demand but the allotment for any State may
not be increased under this provision above the 1947 harvested acreage
of peanuts for such State. The total increase so determined shall be
apportioned among such States for distribution among farms produc-
ing peanuts of such type or types on the basis of the average acreage
of peanuts of such type or types in the tliree years immediately pre-
ceding the year for which the allotments are being determined. The
additional acreage so required shall be in addition to the national
acreage allotment, the production from such acreage shall be in addi-
tion to the national marketing quota, and the increase in acreage
allotted under this provision shall not be considered in establishing
future State, county, or farm acreage allotments."
2. Subsection (d) is amended by changing the second sentence
to read as follows:
PUBLIC LAW 17—APR. 12, 1951
[65 STAT.
Farm acreage allot-
County acreage al-
Ante, p. 29.
Ante, p. 29.
"New" farms.
to other farms.
Allotments for dis-
placed farm owners.
"(d) The state acreage allotment for 1952 and any subsequent
year shall be apportioned among farms on which peanuts were pro-
duced in any one of the three calendar years immediately preceding
the year for which such apportionment is made, on the basis of the
following: Past acreage of peanuts, taking into consideration the
acreage allotments previously established for the farm; abnormal
conditions affecting acreage; land, labor, and equipment available
for the production of peanuts; crop-rotation practices; and soil and
other physical factors affecting the production of peanuts."
3. Add new subsections (e), (f), (g), and (h) as follows:
"(e) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, the
Secretary may, if the State committee recommends such action and
the Secretary determines that such action will facilitate the effective
administration of the provisions of the Act, provide for the appor-
tionment of the State acreage allotment for 1952 and any subsequent
year among the counties in the State on the basis of the past acreage
of peanuts harvested for nuts (excluding acreage in excess of farm
allotments) in the county during the five years immediately preceding
the year in which such apportionment is made, with such adjust-
ments as are deemed necessary for abnormal conditions affecting
acreage, for trends in acreage, and for additional allotments for types
of peanuts in short supply under the provisions of subsection (c).
The county acreage allotment shall be apportioned among farms on
the basis of the factors set forth in subsection (d) of this section.
"(f) Not more than one per centum of the national acreage allot-
ment shall be apportioned among farms on which peanuts are to be
produced during the calendar year for which the allotment is made
but on which peanuts were not produced during any one of the past
three years, on the basis of the following: Past peanut-producing
experience by the producers; land, labor, and equipment available
for the production of peanuts; crop-rotation practices; and soil and
other physieal factors affecting the production of peanuts.
"(g) Any part of the acreage allotted to individual farms under
the provisions of this section on which peanuts will not be produced
and which is voluntarily surrendered to the county committee shall
be deducted from the allotments to such farms and may be reappor-
tioned by the county committee to other farms in the same county
receiving allotments, in amounts determined by the county committee
to be fair and reasonable on the basis of land, labor, and equipment
available for the production of peanuts, crop-rotation practices, and
soil and other physical factors affecting the production of peanuts.
Any transfer of allotments under this provision shall not operate
to reduce the allotment for any subsequent year for the farm from
which acreage is transferred, except as the farm becomes ineligible
for an allotment by failure to produce peanuts during a three-year
period, and any such transfer shall not operate to increase the allot-
ment for any subsequent year for the farm to which the acreage is
transferred: Provided,
That, notwithstanding any other provisions
of this Act, any part of any farm acreage allotment may be perma-
nently released in writing to the county committee by the owner and
operator of the farm, and reapportioned as provided herein.
" (h) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the allot-
ment determined or which would have been determined for any
land which is removed from agricultural production in 1950 or any
subsequent year for any purpose because of acquisition by any Fed-
eral, State, or other agency having a right of eminent domain shall
be placed in a pool and shall be available for use in providing equita-
ble allotments for farms ow^ned or acquired by owners displaced
65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 18—APR. 16, 1951
because of acquisition of their farms by such agencies. Upon appli-
cation to the county committee, within five years from the date of
such acquisition of the farm, any owner so displaced shall be entitled
to have an allotment for any other farm owned or acquired by him
equal to an allotment which would have been determined for such
other farm plus the allotment which would have been determined
for the farm so acquired: Provided^ That such allotment shall not
exceed 50 per centum of the acreage of cropland on the farm.
"The provisions of this section shall not be applicable if (a) there is
any marketing quota penalty due with respect to the marketing of
peanuts from the farm acquired by the Federal, State, or other agency
or by the owner of the farm; (b) any peanuts produced on such farm
have not been accounted for as required by the Secretary; or (c) the
allotment next established for the farm acquired by the Federal, State,
or other agency would have been reduced because of false or improper
identification of peanuts produced on or marketed from such farm."
SEO. 2. Section 359 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938,
as amended, is amended as follows:
1. Subsection (a) is amended by adding at the end thereof a new
sentence as follows: "Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
title, no refund of any penalty shall be made because of peanuts kept
on the farm for seed or for home consumption."
2. Subsection (g) is amended by (1) adding after "1947" in the
first sentence the words "or 1948, if no peanuts were harvested on the § i359'(g').
farm in 1947", (2) striking out after the word "That," where it first
appears in the proviso, the following words: "for the 1950 crop", and
(3) by inserting the following new sentences after the fifth sentence:
"As an alternative to designated agencies paying the prevailing dil
value for such excess peanuts of any type in insufficient supply and
the subsequent distribution of sales proceeds therefrom in accordance
with the foregoing provisions of this subsection, the Secretary may
also authorize peanut buyers approved pursuant to regulations of the
Secretary to purchase such peanuts from producers at prices not less
than those at which such peanuts may be sold for cleaning and shelling
by the Commodity Credit Corporation.
In the event of such author-
ization by the Secretary, producers shall have the option of either
delivering such peanuts to designated agencies or selling such peanuts
to approved peanut buyers, and such sales to approved buyers shall
have the same effect, with respect to avoidance of the marketing
penalty and classification of producers as cooperators, as deliveries
to designated agencies."
SEC. 3. The first sentence of section 363 of the Agricultural Adjust-
ment Act of 1938, as amended, is amended to read as follows: "Any Sup.'i'vr'§§l363 note;
farmer who is dissatisfied with his farm marketing quota may, within
fifteen days-after mailing to him of notice as provided in section 362,
have such quota reviewed by a local review committee composed of
three farmers from the same or nearby counties appointed by the
Approved April 12, 1951.
55 Stat. 90.
7 U. S. C , Sup. IV„
§ 135S.
64 Stat. 42.
7 U. S. C , Sup. IV,
Excess peanuts.
52 Stat. 63, 62.
7 U. S. C. § 1363;
Public Law 18
To authorize the printing: of tl)e annual reports of tlie Girl Scouts of the United
States of America as separate House document.s.
April 16, 1961
[H. B. 3020]
Be it enacted hy the SenMe and Home of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assembled^ That the annual
76100 O - 52 (PT. I) - 5
Qirl Scouts.
Report. | An Act to amend the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended | 1951-04-12T00:00:00 | e185f94596c2d7a21ab86a7917d656df9d49d4f44096814694fd37f5dc45cc88 |
US Congress | PL 82-15 (S.683) | 2 8
PUBLIC LAW 14—MAR. 28, 1951
[65 STAT.
Public L a w 14
March 28,1951
^ ^
[H. R. 2339]
To clarify the immigration status of certain aliens.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Attorney
General is hereby authorized and directed to provide by regulations
that the terms "members of" and "affiliated with" where used in the
4o^tat 1
. ^ ^
^ ^(j^ Qf October 16,1918, as amended, shall include only membership or
Sup. IV. s 1
7 (a). ' affiliation which is or was voluntary, and shall not include membership
or affiliation which is or was solely (a) when under sixteen years of age,
(b) by operation of law, or (c) for purposes of obtaining employment,
food rations, or other essentials of living, and where necessary for such
SEC. 2. The Attorney General is authorized in his discretion to
record the entry of any alien to have been for permanent residence
in any case where the alien heretofore, when applying for admission
for permanent residence, was temporarily admitted pursuant to the
^^ Stat. 8
; 4
1 Stat, jij^th proviso of scctiou 3 of the Immigration Act of February 5,1917,
8U.S.C. §§136,137. as amended, and whose inadmissibility for permanent residence was
determined to be solely by reason of membership or affiliation (other
than membership or affiliation related to communism) under subsec-
tion 2 of section 1 of the Act of October 16,1918, as amended.
Approved March 28, 1951.
Public Law^ 15
March 29 1951
[S. 6
Authorizing vessels of Canadian registry to transport iron ore between United
States ports on the Great Lakes during 1951.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
Transponatkfn^' o
f United States of America in Congress assembled, That, by reason of
iron ore.
emergency conditions in transportation on the Great Lakes, notwith-
standing the provisions of section 27 of the Act of June 5, 1920 (41
Stat. 999), as amended by Act of April 11, 1935 (49 Stat. 154), and
^ Fv §"883no\e^' ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^"^ h ^^^^ (^^ ^*^*' ^ ^ ) . ' ^^ the provisious of any other
'^^' '
Act, or regulation, vessels of Canadian registry shall be permitted
to transport iron ore between United States ports on the Great Lakes
until December 31, 1951, or until such earlier time as the Congress
by concurrent resolution or the President by proclamation may
Approved March 29, 1951.
Public Law^ 16
April 6,1951
[S. J. Res. 40]
To extend the time for the filing of certain claims under the War Claims Act
of 1948.
Resolved hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United
States of America in Congress assembled, That section 2 (c) of the
2 stet.^1241^. ^^
^ a r Claims Act of 1948, as amended, is amended as of March 1,1951,
IV, app. § 2ooi"(a)."^ by striking out the last sentence thereof and inserting in lieu of such
sentence the following: "The limit of time within which claims may
be filed with the Commission shall in no event be later than March 31,
1952. The Commission shall take immediate action to advise all
65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 17—APR. 12, 1951
persons entitled to file claims under the provisions of this Act admin-
istered by the Commission of their rights under such provisions, and
to assist them in the preparation and filing of their claims."
Approved April 5, 1951.
Public Law 17
April 12, 1951
To amend the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended.
[H. R. 2
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of Amterica in Congress assembled, That section 358
of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, is amended
^^r^^'^i- ^ . ,o.„
to read as follows:
sup. iv, § i
8 (c),
1. Subsection (c) is amended to read as follows:
"(c) (1) The national acreage allotment for 1951, less the acreage
ime^acreage aiiot-
to be allotted to new farms under subsection (f) of this section, shall mraits.
be apportioned among the States on the basis of the larger of the
following for each State: (a) The acreage allotted to the State as
its share of the 1950 national acreage allotment of two million one
hundred thousand acres, or (b) the State's share of two million one
hundred thousand acres apportioned to States on the basis of the
average acreage harvested for nuts in each State in the five years
1945-1949: Provided, That any allotment so determined for any State
which is less than the 1951 State allotment announced by the Secretary
prior to the enactment of this Act shall be increased to such announced
allotment and the acreage required for such increases shall be in addi-
tion to the 1951 national acreage allotment and shall be considered in
determining State acreage allotments in future years. For any year
subsequent to 1951, the national acreage allotment for that year, less
the acreage to be allotted to new farms under subsection (f) of this
section, shall be apportioned among the States on the basis of their
share of the national acreage allotment for the most recent year in
which such apportionment was made.
"(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if the Secretary
of Agriculture determines, on the basis of the average yield per acre
of peanuts by types during the preceding five years, adjusted for trends
in yields and abnormal conditions of production affecting yields in
such five years, that the supply of any type or types of peanuts for any
marketing year, beginning with the 1951-1952 marketing year, will
be insufficient to meet the estimated demand for cleaning and shelling
purposes at prices at which the Commodity Credit Corporation may
sell for such purposes peanuts owned or controlled by it, the State
allotments for those States producing such type or types of peanuts
shall be increased to the extent determined by the Secretary to be
required to meet such demand but the allotment for any State may
not be increased under this provision above the 1947 harvested acreage
of peanuts for such State. The total increase so determined shall be
apportioned among such States for distribution among farms produc-
ing peanuts of such type or types on the basis of the average acreage
of peanuts of such type or types in the tliree years immediately pre-
ceding the year for which the allotments are being determined. The
additional acreage so required shall be in addition to the national
acreage allotment, the production from such acreage shall be in addi-
tion to the national marketing quota, and the increase in acreage
allotted under this provision shall not be considered in establishing
future State, county, or farm acreage allotments."
2. Subsection (d) is amended by changing the second sentence
to read as follows: | An Act authorizing vessels of Canadian registry to transport iron ore between United States ports on the Great Lakes during 1951 | 1951-03-29T00:00:00 | 2e0e4ea57aeb34c4713ece9d702e2da60f813928e2de71596dbaa4290474180b |
US Congress | PL 82-16 (S.J.Res.40) | 2 8
PUBLIC LAW 14—MAR. 28, 1951
[65 STAT.
Public L a w 14
March 28,1951
^ ^
[H. R. 2339]
To clarify the immigration status of certain aliens.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Attorney
General is hereby authorized and directed to provide by regulations
that the terms "members of" and "affiliated with" where used in the
4o^tat 1
. ^ ^
^ ^(j^ Qf October 16,1918, as amended, shall include only membership or
Sup. IV. s 1
7 (a). ' affiliation which is or was voluntary, and shall not include membership
or affiliation which is or was solely (a) when under sixteen years of age,
(b) by operation of law, or (c) for purposes of obtaining employment,
food rations, or other essentials of living, and where necessary for such
SEC. 2. The Attorney General is authorized in his discretion to
record the entry of any alien to have been for permanent residence
in any case where the alien heretofore, when applying for admission
for permanent residence, was temporarily admitted pursuant to the
^^ Stat. 8
; 4
1 Stat, jij^th proviso of scctiou 3 of the Immigration Act of February 5,1917,
8U.S.C. §§136,137. as amended, and whose inadmissibility for permanent residence was
determined to be solely by reason of membership or affiliation (other
than membership or affiliation related to communism) under subsec-
tion 2 of section 1 of the Act of October 16,1918, as amended.
Approved March 28, 1951.
Public Law^ 15
March 29 1951
[S. 6
Authorizing vessels of Canadian registry to transport iron ore between United
States ports on the Great Lakes during 1951.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
Transponatkfn^' o
f United States of America in Congress assembled, That, by reason of
iron ore.
emergency conditions in transportation on the Great Lakes, notwith-
standing the provisions of section 27 of the Act of June 5, 1920 (41
Stat. 999), as amended by Act of April 11, 1935 (49 Stat. 154), and
^ Fv §"883no\e^' ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^"^ h ^^^^ (^^ ^*^*' ^ ^ ) . ' ^^ the provisious of any other
'^^' '
Act, or regulation, vessels of Canadian registry shall be permitted
to transport iron ore between United States ports on the Great Lakes
until December 31, 1951, or until such earlier time as the Congress
by concurrent resolution or the President by proclamation may
Approved March 29, 1951.
Public Law^ 16
April 6,1951
[S. J. Res. 40]
To extend the time for the filing of certain claims under the War Claims Act
of 1948.
Resolved hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United
States of America in Congress assembled, That section 2 (c) of the
2 stet.^1241^. ^^
^ a r Claims Act of 1948, as amended, is amended as of March 1,1951,
IV, app. § 2ooi"(a)."^ by striking out the last sentence thereof and inserting in lieu of such
sentence the following: "The limit of time within which claims may
be filed with the Commission shall in no event be later than March 31,
1952. The Commission shall take immediate action to advise all
65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 17—APR. 12, 1951
persons entitled to file claims under the provisions of this Act admin-
istered by the Commission of their rights under such provisions, and
to assist them in the preparation and filing of their claims."
Approved April 5, 1951.
Public Law 17
April 12, 1951
To amend the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended.
[H. R. 2
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of Amterica in Congress assembled, That section 358
of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, is amended
^^r^^'^i- ^ . ,o.„
to read as follows:
sup. iv, § i
8 (c),
1. Subsection (c) is amended to read as follows:
"(c) (1) The national acreage allotment for 1951, less the acreage
ime^acreage aiiot-
to be allotted to new farms under subsection (f) of this section, shall mraits.
be apportioned among the States on the basis of the larger of the
following for each State: (a) The acreage allotted to the State as
its share of the 1950 national acreage allotment of two million one
hundred thousand acres, or (b) the State's share of two million one
hundred thousand acres apportioned to States on the basis of the
average acreage harvested for nuts in each State in the five years
1945-1949: Provided, That any allotment so determined for any State
which is less than the 1951 State allotment announced by the Secretary
prior to the enactment of this Act shall be increased to such announced
allotment and the acreage required for such increases shall be in addi-
tion to the 1951 national acreage allotment and shall be considered in
determining State acreage allotments in future years. For any year
subsequent to 1951, the national acreage allotment for that year, less
the acreage to be allotted to new farms under subsection (f) of this
section, shall be apportioned among the States on the basis of their
share of the national acreage allotment for the most recent year in
which such apportionment was made.
"(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if the Secretary
of Agriculture determines, on the basis of the average yield per acre
of peanuts by types during the preceding five years, adjusted for trends
in yields and abnormal conditions of production affecting yields in
such five years, that the supply of any type or types of peanuts for any
marketing year, beginning with the 1951-1952 marketing year, will
be insufficient to meet the estimated demand for cleaning and shelling
purposes at prices at which the Commodity Credit Corporation may
sell for such purposes peanuts owned or controlled by it, the State
allotments for those States producing such type or types of peanuts
shall be increased to the extent determined by the Secretary to be
required to meet such demand but the allotment for any State may
not be increased under this provision above the 1947 harvested acreage
of peanuts for such State. The total increase so determined shall be
apportioned among such States for distribution among farms produc-
ing peanuts of such type or types on the basis of the average acreage
of peanuts of such type or types in the tliree years immediately pre-
ceding the year for which the allotments are being determined. The
additional acreage so required shall be in addition to the national
acreage allotment, the production from such acreage shall be in addi-
tion to the national marketing quota, and the increase in acreage
allotted under this provision shall not be considered in establishing
future State, county, or farm acreage allotments."
2. Subsection (d) is amended by changing the second sentence
to read as follows: | Joint resolution to extend the time for the filing of certain claims under the War Claims Act of 1948 | 1951-04-05T00:00:00 | 2e0e4ea57aeb34c4713ece9d702e2da60f813928e2de71596dbaa4290474180b |
US Congress | PL 82-12 (H.R.2268) | 26
PUBLIC LAW 11—MAR. 24, 1951
[65 STAT.
March 24, 1951
[H. J. Res. 207]
Public Law 11
Making additional appropriations for the District of Columbia for the fiscal year
1951, and for other purposes.
Resolved hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United
prkit^n'**D^^ c *^i96i' ^^^^^ ^f -^.TTierica in Congress assembted, That there is hereby appro-
priated, out of an^ money in the Treasury to the credit of the general
fund of the District of (jolumbia not otherwise appropriated, for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1951, the following sum:
For an additional amount for "Office of Administrator of Rent
Control", $21,250: Provided, That the limitation of $34,000 for pay-
ment of terminal leave only, in the appropriation of $113,100 for
64 Stat. 1045.
necessary expenses for "Office of Administrator of Rent Control",
contained in the Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1951 (Public Law
843, 81st Congress), is hereby repealed.
Approved March 24, 1951.
March 26, 1951
[H. R. 2268]
Law 12
To authorize the payment of interest on series E savings honds retained after
maturity, and for other purposes.
49 Stat. 21.
53 Stat. 24.
26U. S. G.
56 Stat. 697.
26 U. S. C.
40 Stat. 606.
31 U. 8. C. § 774 (2)
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
savings United States of America
in Congress assembled, That subsection
(b) of section 22 of the Second Liberty Bond Act (31 U. S. C. 757c
(b)) is amended by inserting " (1)" after " (b)" and adding the follow-
ing new paragraph:
"(2) The Secretary of the Treasury, with the approval of the
President, is authorized to provide by regulation that owners of series
E savings bonds thereafter maturing may, at their option, retain the
matured bonds and earn interest upon the maturity values thereof for
not more than ten years at rates consistent with the provisions of
paragraph (1)."
SEC. 2. Effective with respect to taxable years ending after the date
of the enactment of this Act, section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code
is amended—
(1) by inserting after "stated intervals" in the first sentence
of subsection (b) the following: "or owning an obligation
described in paragraph (2) of subsection (d)";
(2) by inserting after "acquisition" in the last sentence of
subsection (b) the following: "(or, in the case of an obligation
described in paragraph (2) of subsection (d), the date of acqui-
sition of the series E bond involved)"; and
(3) by adding at the end of such section the following new
taxpayer who—
"(1) holds a series E United States savings bond at the date
of maturity, and
"(2) pursuant to regulations prescribed under the Second
Liberty Bond Act retains his investment in the maturity value
of such series E bond in an obligation, other than a current income
I 42
42 (b).
65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 13—MAR. 27, 1951
obligation, which matures not more than ten years from the date
of maturity of sucli series E bond,
the increase in redemption value (to the extent not previously includi-
ble in gross income) in excess of the amount paid for such series E
bond shall be includible in gross income in the taxable year in which
the obligation is finally redeemed or in the taxable year of final
maturity, whichever is earlier.
Tlie provisions of this subsection shall
not apply to a corporation, and shall not apply in the case of any
taxable year for which the taxpayer's net income is computed upon
the basis of the accrual method of accounting or for which an election
made by the taxpayer under subsection (b) is applicable."
Approved March 26, 1951.
Public Law 13
^^ ^ ^ ,„,,
Miirch 27, 1951
To provide compensation for duty voluntarily performed on their days off by
[H. R. 1
officers and members of the Metropolitan Police force, the United States Park
Police force, and the White House Police force.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assembled. That the first section
Metropolitan, u. s.
of the Act entitled "An Act to provide a five-day week for officers Hous^'poHceforeei.'^
and members of the Metropolitan Police force, the United States
Five-day week.
Park Police force, and the White House police force", approved
August 15,1950, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following
w stat. 447.
new subsection:
"(e) For each day a vacancy exists in the personnel strength for
which funds are appropriated by applicable appropriation acts current
in any fiscal year in any particular rank of the Metropolitan Police
force, the United States Park Police force, or the White House Police
force, the major and superintendent of police, the Secretary of the
Interior, and the Chief of the Secret Service Division may permit an
officer or member of their respective forces of such rank voluntarily to
perform duty on any day off granted under this Act. Each such
officer or member shall be entitled to receive, in addition tx> his
annual basic salary, compensation at the basic daily rate (one three-
hundred-and-sixtieth of his annual basic salary) for each day of
duty voluntarily performed under this subsection, such additional
compensation to be paid from current appropriations. Any officer
or member so volunteering to perform duty on a day off shall be
entitled to all rights, benefits, and privileges, and shall be subject
to all obligations and duties, to which he is entitled or to which he
is subject on any regular workday.
Additional compensation paid
under this subsection shall not be considered as salary for the purpose
of computing retirement compensation or relief payments under
section 12 of the Act entitled 'An Act making appropriations to
provide for the expenses of the government of the District of
Columbia for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred
and seventeen, and for other purposes', approved September 1, 1916, 39 stat. 718.
as amended, nor shall such additional compensation be subject to e
f S^.^" *
^ ^ ^^''
deduction as provided in section 5 of the Act entitled 'An Act to fix D.C*CX§§ 4
the salaries of officers and members of the Metropolitan Police force 4-504.
and the Fire Department of the District of Columbia', approved
July 1, 1930, as amended."
SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect on the first Sunday following the Effective date.
date of its enactment.
Approved March 27, 1951. | An Act to authorize the payment of interest on series E savings bonds retained after maturity, and for other purposes | 1951-03-26T00:00:00 | 26e4ab4dbd320e2db91c479f53794abe1050f117db7311dd670d8aff7b45b355 |
US Congress | PL 82-14 (H.R.2339) | 2 8
PUBLIC LAW 14—MAR. 28, 1951
[65 STAT.
Public L a w 14
March 28,1951
^ ^
[H. R. 2339]
To clarify the immigration status of certain aliens.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Attorney
General is hereby authorized and directed to provide by regulations
that the terms "members of" and "affiliated with" where used in the
4o^tat 1
. ^ ^
^ ^(j^ Qf October 16,1918, as amended, shall include only membership or
Sup. IV. s 1
7 (a). ' affiliation which is or was voluntary, and shall not include membership
or affiliation which is or was solely (a) when under sixteen years of age,
(b) by operation of law, or (c) for purposes of obtaining employment,
food rations, or other essentials of living, and where necessary for such
SEC. 2. The Attorney General is authorized in his discretion to
record the entry of any alien to have been for permanent residence
in any case where the alien heretofore, when applying for admission
for permanent residence, was temporarily admitted pursuant to the
^^ Stat. 8
; 4
1 Stat, jij^th proviso of scctiou 3 of the Immigration Act of February 5,1917,
8U.S.C. §§136,137. as amended, and whose inadmissibility for permanent residence was
determined to be solely by reason of membership or affiliation (other
than membership or affiliation related to communism) under subsec-
tion 2 of section 1 of the Act of October 16,1918, as amended.
Approved March 28, 1951.
Public Law^ 15
March 29 1951
[S. 6
Authorizing vessels of Canadian registry to transport iron ore between United
States ports on the Great Lakes during 1951.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
Transponatkfn^' o
f United States of America in Congress assembled, That, by reason of
iron ore.
emergency conditions in transportation on the Great Lakes, notwith-
standing the provisions of section 27 of the Act of June 5, 1920 (41
Stat. 999), as amended by Act of April 11, 1935 (49 Stat. 154), and
^ Fv §"883no\e^' ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^"^ h ^^^^ (^^ ^*^*' ^ ^ ) . ' ^^ the provisious of any other
'^^' '
Act, or regulation, vessels of Canadian registry shall be permitted
to transport iron ore between United States ports on the Great Lakes
until December 31, 1951, or until such earlier time as the Congress
by concurrent resolution or the President by proclamation may
Approved March 29, 1951.
Public Law^ 16
April 6,1951
[S. J. Res. 40]
To extend the time for the filing of certain claims under the War Claims Act
of 1948.
Resolved hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United
States of America in Congress assembled, That section 2 (c) of the
2 stet.^1241^. ^^
^ a r Claims Act of 1948, as amended, is amended as of March 1,1951,
IV, app. § 2ooi"(a)."^ by striking out the last sentence thereof and inserting in lieu of such
sentence the following: "The limit of time within which claims may
be filed with the Commission shall in no event be later than March 31,
1952. The Commission shall take immediate action to advise all | An Act to clarify the immigration status of certain aliens | 1951-03-28T00:00:00 | 1d029f7ee4da05426a2277dfc693110eab0e5be2e47dcba31d291efae60501ce |
US Congress | PL 82-18 (H.R.3020) | 65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 18—APR. 16, 1951
because of acquisition of their farms by such agencies. Upon appli-
cation to the county committee, within five years from the date of
such acquisition of the farm, any owner so displaced shall be entitled
to have an allotment for any other farm owned or acquired by him
equal to an allotment which would have been determined for such
other farm plus the allotment which would have been determined
for the farm so acquired: Provided^ That such allotment shall not
exceed 50 per centum of the acreage of cropland on the farm.
"The provisions of this section shall not be applicable if (a) there is
any marketing quota penalty due with respect to the marketing of
peanuts from the farm acquired by the Federal, State, or other agency
or by the owner of the farm; (b) any peanuts produced on such farm
have not been accounted for as required by the Secretary; or (c) the
allotment next established for the farm acquired by the Federal, State,
or other agency would have been reduced because of false or improper
identification of peanuts produced on or marketed from such farm."
SEO. 2. Section 359 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938,
as amended, is amended as follows:
1. Subsection (a) is amended by adding at the end thereof a new
sentence as follows: "Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
title, no refund of any penalty shall be made because of peanuts kept
on the farm for seed or for home consumption."
2. Subsection (g) is amended by (1) adding after "1947" in the
first sentence the words "or 1948, if no peanuts were harvested on the § i359'(g').
farm in 1947", (2) striking out after the word "That," where it first
appears in the proviso, the following words: "for the 1950 crop", and
(3) by inserting the following new sentences after the fifth sentence:
"As an alternative to designated agencies paying the prevailing dil
value for such excess peanuts of any type in insufficient supply and
the subsequent distribution of sales proceeds therefrom in accordance
with the foregoing provisions of this subsection, the Secretary may
also authorize peanut buyers approved pursuant to regulations of the
Secretary to purchase such peanuts from producers at prices not less
than those at which such peanuts may be sold for cleaning and shelling
by the Commodity Credit Corporation.
In the event of such author-
ization by the Secretary, producers shall have the option of either
delivering such peanuts to designated agencies or selling such peanuts
to approved peanut buyers, and such sales to approved buyers shall
have the same effect, with respect to avoidance of the marketing
penalty and classification of producers as cooperators, as deliveries
to designated agencies."
SEC. 3. The first sentence of section 363 of the Agricultural Adjust-
ment Act of 1938, as amended, is amended to read as follows: "Any Sup.'i'vr'§§l363 note;
farmer who is dissatisfied with his farm marketing quota may, within
fifteen days-after mailing to him of notice as provided in section 362,
have such quota reviewed by a local review committee composed of
three farmers from the same or nearby counties appointed by the
Approved April 12, 1951.
55 Stat. 90.
7 U. S. C , Sup. IV„
§ 135S.
64 Stat. 42.
7 U. S. C , Sup. IV,
Excess peanuts.
52 Stat. 63, 62.
7 U. S. C. § 1363;
Public Law 18
To authorize the printing: of tl)e annual reports of tlie Girl Scouts of the United
States of America as separate House document.s.
April 16, 1961
[H. B. 3020]
Be it enacted hy the SenMe and Home of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assembled^ That the annual
76100 O - 52 (PT. I) - 5
Qirl Scouts.
PUBLIC LAW 19—APR. 18, 1951
[65 STAT.
report of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America shall be
])riiited each year, with accompanying illustrations, as a separate
House document of the session of the Congress to which such report
may be submitted.
Approved April 16, 1951.
Public Law 19
April 18, 1951
[H. R. 3040]
To authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to convey certain lands in Ogden,
Utah, to the Ogden Chamber of Commerce.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and Hovse of Representatives
of the
Ogden, Utah.
United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary
of Agriculture be authorized and directed to convey by quitclaim deed
to the Ogden Chamber of Commerce, Ogden, Utah, all rights, titles,
and interests of the United States in and to lots 1 to 48, inclusive, in
block 7, Fairmount Park Annex Addition to Ogden City, Weber
County, State of Utah.
Approved April 18, 1951.
Public Law 20
A •. OA 1Q.,
Apnl 24, 1951
[S. 379]
To authorize relief of authorized certifying officers of terminated war agencies
in liquidation by the Department of Labor.
Be it enacted hy the Senxite and House of Representatives
of the
Certifying officers oi United States of America in Congress assemhled, That the Comptroller
^_rminate war agen- Qgj^gj,g^j Q£ ^j^^ United States is authorized and directed to allow credit
Credit in accounts. ^^^ ^.j^^ accounts of authorized certifying officers of terminated war
agencies, in process of liquidation by the Department of Labor at
the time of the enactment of this Act, for the amounts of suspensions
and disallowances, which have been, or may be, raised by the General
Accounting Office on account of payments made in accordance with
vouchers certified by such certifying officers: Provided,
That the
Secretary of Labor or his authorized representative shall certify that
the Department of Labor has no evidence of fraud or collusion on the
part of the certifying officers in connection with the payments.
Approved April 24, 1951.
Public Law 21
April 25 1951
[S. 82]
To provide reimbursement of expenses incurred in connection with the burial of
those who served in the military forces of the Commonwealth of the Philippines
while such forces were in the Armed Forces of the United States pursuant to
the military order of the President of the United States, dated July 26, 1941.
Be it enacted l>y the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
Burial expenses o
f United States of America in Congress assembled^ That the Adminis-
certain war veterans, trator of Veterans' Affairs is authorized to furnish a flag to drape the
casket and to pay a sum not exceeding 150 Philippine pesos for the
burial and funeral expenses and transportation of the body (including
preparation of the body) of any person who served in the organized
military forces of the Commonwealth of the Philippines while such
forces were in the service of the Armed Forces of the United States | An Act to authorize the printing of the annual reports of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America as separate House documents | 1951-04-16T00:00:00 | 1a20df98613b09e394ec9ed6b4a3d401fbb8b5dfc97db3c4f5b605fecea39ffa |
US Congress | PL 82-11 (H.J.Res.207) | 26
PUBLIC LAW 11—MAR. 24, 1951
[65 STAT.
March 24, 1951
[H. J. Res. 207]
Public Law 11
Making additional appropriations for the District of Columbia for the fiscal year
1951, and for other purposes.
Resolved hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United
prkit^n'**D^^ c *^i96i' ^^^^^ ^f -^.TTierica in Congress assembted, That there is hereby appro-
priated, out of an^ money in the Treasury to the credit of the general
fund of the District of (jolumbia not otherwise appropriated, for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1951, the following sum:
For an additional amount for "Office of Administrator of Rent
Control", $21,250: Provided, That the limitation of $34,000 for pay-
ment of terminal leave only, in the appropriation of $113,100 for
64 Stat. 1045.
necessary expenses for "Office of Administrator of Rent Control",
contained in the Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1951 (Public Law
843, 81st Congress), is hereby repealed.
Approved March 24, 1951.
March 26, 1951
[H. R. 2268]
Law 12
To authorize the payment of interest on series E savings honds retained after
maturity, and for other purposes.
49 Stat. 21.
53 Stat. 24.
26U. S. G.
56 Stat. 697.
26 U. S. C.
40 Stat. 606.
31 U. 8. C. § 774 (2)
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
savings United States of America
in Congress assembled, That subsection
(b) of section 22 of the Second Liberty Bond Act (31 U. S. C. 757c
(b)) is amended by inserting " (1)" after " (b)" and adding the follow-
ing new paragraph:
"(2) The Secretary of the Treasury, with the approval of the
President, is authorized to provide by regulation that owners of series
E savings bonds thereafter maturing may, at their option, retain the
matured bonds and earn interest upon the maturity values thereof for
not more than ten years at rates consistent with the provisions of
paragraph (1)."
SEC. 2. Effective with respect to taxable years ending after the date
of the enactment of this Act, section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code
is amended—
(1) by inserting after "stated intervals" in the first sentence
of subsection (b) the following: "or owning an obligation
described in paragraph (2) of subsection (d)";
(2) by inserting after "acquisition" in the last sentence of
subsection (b) the following: "(or, in the case of an obligation
described in paragraph (2) of subsection (d), the date of acqui-
sition of the series E bond involved)"; and
(3) by adding at the end of such section the following new
taxpayer who—
"(1) holds a series E United States savings bond at the date
of maturity, and
"(2) pursuant to regulations prescribed under the Second
Liberty Bond Act retains his investment in the maturity value
of such series E bond in an obligation, other than a current income
I 42
42 (b).
65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 13—MAR. 27, 1951
obligation, which matures not more than ten years from the date
of maturity of sucli series E bond,
the increase in redemption value (to the extent not previously includi-
ble in gross income) in excess of the amount paid for such series E
bond shall be includible in gross income in the taxable year in which
the obligation is finally redeemed or in the taxable year of final
maturity, whichever is earlier.
Tlie provisions of this subsection shall
not apply to a corporation, and shall not apply in the case of any
taxable year for which the taxpayer's net income is computed upon
the basis of the accrual method of accounting or for which an election
made by the taxpayer under subsection (b) is applicable."
Approved March 26, 1951.
Public Law 13
^^ ^ ^ ,„,,
Miirch 27, 1951
To provide compensation for duty voluntarily performed on their days off by
[H. R. 1
officers and members of the Metropolitan Police force, the United States Park
Police force, and the White House Police force.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assembled. That the first section
Metropolitan, u. s.
of the Act entitled "An Act to provide a five-day week for officers Hous^'poHceforeei.'^
and members of the Metropolitan Police force, the United States
Five-day week.
Park Police force, and the White House police force", approved
August 15,1950, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following
w stat. 447.
new subsection:
"(e) For each day a vacancy exists in the personnel strength for
which funds are appropriated by applicable appropriation acts current
in any fiscal year in any particular rank of the Metropolitan Police
force, the United States Park Police force, or the White House Police
force, the major and superintendent of police, the Secretary of the
Interior, and the Chief of the Secret Service Division may permit an
officer or member of their respective forces of such rank voluntarily to
perform duty on any day off granted under this Act. Each such
officer or member shall be entitled to receive, in addition tx> his
annual basic salary, compensation at the basic daily rate (one three-
hundred-and-sixtieth of his annual basic salary) for each day of
duty voluntarily performed under this subsection, such additional
compensation to be paid from current appropriations. Any officer
or member so volunteering to perform duty on a day off shall be
entitled to all rights, benefits, and privileges, and shall be subject
to all obligations and duties, to which he is entitled or to which he
is subject on any regular workday.
Additional compensation paid
under this subsection shall not be considered as salary for the purpose
of computing retirement compensation or relief payments under
section 12 of the Act entitled 'An Act making appropriations to
provide for the expenses of the government of the District of
Columbia for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred
and seventeen, and for other purposes', approved September 1, 1916, 39 stat. 718.
as amended, nor shall such additional compensation be subject to e
f S^.^" *
^ ^ ^^''
deduction as provided in section 5 of the Act entitled 'An Act to fix D.C*CX§§ 4
the salaries of officers and members of the Metropolitan Police force 4-504.
and the Fire Department of the District of Columbia', approved
July 1, 1930, as amended."
SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect on the first Sunday following the Effective date.
date of its enactment.
Approved March 27, 1951. | Joint resolution making additional appropriations for the District of Columbia for the fiscal year 1951, and for other purposes | 1951-03-24T00:00:00 | 26e4ab4dbd320e2db91c479f53794abe1050f117db7311dd670d8aff7b45b355 |
US Congress | PL 82-9 (H.R.1724) | 65
PUBLIC LAW 9—MAR. 23, 1951
Special and select committees: For an additional amount for
expenses of special and select committees, $150,000,
Approved March 19, 1951.
Public Law 8
To continue for a temporary period the provisions of tiie Housin}? and Rent Act
of 1947, as amended.
Resolved hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United
States of America, in Congress assemhled, That section 204 (f) of
the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, as amended, is amended to read
as follows:
"(f) The provisions of this title shall cease to be in effect at the
close of June 30, 1951, or upon the date of a proclamation by the
President or upon the date specified in a concurrent resolution by
the two Houses of the Congress, declaring that the further contin-
uance of the authority granted by this title is not necessary because
of the existence of an emergency, whichever date is the earlier; except
that as to rights or liabilities incurred prior to such termination date,
the provisions of this title and regulations, orders, and requirements
thereunder shall be treated as still remaining in force for the purpose
of sustaining any proper suit or action with respect to any such right
or liability.'
Approved March 23, 1951.
March 23,1961
[S. J. Res. 39]
61 Stat. 199.
50 U.S. C , Sup. IV
app. § 1894 (f).
Public Law 9
To provide for the renegotiation of contracts, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
nited States of America in Congress assen "
be cited as the "Renegotiation Act of 1951".
March 23, 1961
[H. R. 1724]
United States of^merica
in Congress assembled^ That this Act may ofm°^^°"^"°° ^^^
It is hereby recognized and declared that the Congress has made
available for the execution of the national defense program extensive
funds, by appropriation and otherwise, for the procurement of prop-
erty, processes, and services, and the construction of facilities necessary
for the national defense; that sound execution of the national defense
program requires the elimination of excessive profits from contracts
made with the United States, and from related subcontracts, in the
course of said program; and that the considered policy of the Congress,
in the interests of the national defense and the general welfare of the
Nation, requires that such excessive profits be eliminated as provided
in this title.
(a) I N GENERAL.—The provisions of this title shall be applicable
(1) to all contracts with the Departments specifically named in section
103 (a), and related subcontracts, to the extent of the amounts received
PUBLIC LAW 9—MAR. 23, 1951
[65 STAT.
or accrued by a contractor or subcontractor on or after the first day
of January 1951, whether such contracts or subcontracts were made
on, before, or after such first day, and (2) to all contracts with the
Departments designated by the President under section 103 (a), and
related subcontracts, to the extent of the amounts i^eceived or accrued
by a contractor or subcontractor on or after the first day of the first
month beginning after the date of such designation, whether such
contracts or subcontracts were made on, before, or after such first day;
but the provisions of this title shall not be applicable to receipts or
accruals attributable to performance, under contracts or subcontracts,
after December 31, 1953.
(b) PERFORMANCE PRIOR TO JULY 1, 1950.—Notwithstanding the
provisions of subsection (a), the provisions of this title shall not
apply to contracts with the Departments, or related subcontracts, to
the extent of the amounts received or accrued by a contractor or sub-
contractor on or after the 1st day of January 1951, which are
attributable to performance, under such contracts or subcontracts,
prior to July 1, 1950. This subsection shall have no application in
the case of contracts, or related subcontracts, which, but for subsection
(c), would be subject to the Renegotiation Act of 1948.
(c) RENEGOTIATION AcT OF 1948.—The Renegotiation Act of 1948
50u!U'a!sup. IV, shall not be applicable to any contract or subcontract to the extent
app. § 1
3 a).
f ^}jg amounts received or accrued by a contractor or subcontractor
on or after the 1st day of January 1951, whether such contract or
subcontract was made on, before, or after such first day. In the case
of a fiscal year beginning in 1950 and ending in 1951, if a contractor
or subcontractor has receipts or accruals prior to January 1,1951, from
contracts or subcontracts subject to the Renegotiation Act of 1948,
and also has receipts or accruals after December 31, 1950, to which
the provisions of this title are applicable, the provisions of this title
shall, notwithstanding subsection (a), apply to such receipts and
accruals prior to January 1, 1951, if the Board and such contractor
or subcontractor agree to such application of this title; and in the case
50u**s'^!sup IV ^^ ^^^^•'^ ^^ agreement the provisions of the Renegotiation Act of 1948
app. §
3 (1^
' shall not apply to any of the receipts or accruals for such fiscal year,
ing any agreement to the contrary, the profit-limitation provisions
4 u. s. c. j§ 4
- of the Act of March 27, 1934 (48 Stat. 503, 505), as amended and
supplemented, and of section 505 (b) of the Merchant Marine Act,
49 Stat. 1998.
1936, as amended and supplemented (46 U. S. C. 1155 (b)), shall not
apply, in the case of such Act of March 27, 1934, to any contract or
subcontract if any of the receipts or accruals therefrom are subject to
6 u^*s.^^a" § 1
; ^^is title, and, in the case of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, to any
Sup. iv,''§ nil a seq. coutract or subcontract entered into after December 31, 1950, if any
of the receipts or accruals therefrom are subject to this title.
For the purposes of this title—
(a) DEPARTMENT.—The term "Department" means the Department
of Defense, the Department of the Army, the Department of the
Navy, the Department of the Air Force, the Department of Com-
merce, the General Services Administration, the Atomic Energ;^'
Commission, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, the Catial
Zone Government, the Panama Canal Company, the Housing and
Home Finance Agency, and such other agencies of the Government
exercising functions having a direct and immediate connection with
the national defense as the President shall designate.
65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 9—MAR. 23, 1951
(b) SBCRETART.—The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of
Defense, the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of the Navy, the
Secretary of the Air Force, the Secretary of Commerce, the Admin-
istrator of General Services, the Atomic Energy Commission, the
Board of Directors of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, the
Governor of the Canal Zone, the president of the Panama Canal
Company, the Housing and Home Finance Administrator, and the
head of any other agency of the Government which the President
shall designate pursuant to subsection (a) of this section.
(c) BOARD.—^The term "Board" means the Renegotiation Board
created by section lOT (a) of this Act.
•^"*'' ''• ^^•
(d) RENEGOTIATE AND RENEGOTIATION.—The terms "renegotiate"
and "renegotiation" include a determination by agreement or order
under this title of the amount of any excessive profits.
(e) EXCESSIVE PROFITS.—The term "excessive profits" means the
portion of the profits derived from contracts with the Departments
and subcontracts which is determined in accordance with this title to
be excessive.
In determining excessive profits favorable recognition
must be given to the efficiency of the contractor or subcontractor, with
particular regard to attainment of quantity and quality production,
reduction of costs, and economy in the use of materials, facilities, and
manpower; and in addition, there shall be taken into consideration
the following factors:
(1) Reasonableness of costs and profits, with particular regard
to volume of production, normal earnings, and comparison of
war and peacetime products;
(2) The net worth, with particular regard to the amount and
source of public and private capital employed;
(3) Extent of risk assumed, including the risk incident to
reasonable pricing policies;
(4) Nature and extent of contribution to the defense effort,
including inventive and developmental contribution and coopera-
tion with the Government and other contactors in supplying
technical assistance;
(5) Character of business, including source and nature of
materials, complexity of manufacturing technique, character and
extent of subcontracting, and rate of turn-over;
(6) Such other factors the consideration of which the public
interest and fair and equitable dealing may require, which factors
shall be published in tne regulations of the Board from time to
time as adopted.
SUBCONTRACTS.—The term "profits derived from contracts with the
Departments and subcontrects" means the excess of the amount
received or accrued under such contracts and subcontracts over the
costs paid or incurred with respect thereto and determined to be
allocable thereto.
All items estimated to be allowed as deductions and
exclusions under chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code (excluding
taxes measured by income) shall, to the extent allocable to such con- sup. iv, isetseq.
tracts and subcontracts, be allowed as items of cost, except that no
amount shall be allowed as an item of cost by reason of the application
of a carry-over or carry-back.
Notwithstanding any other provision
of this section, there shall be allowed as an item of cost in any fiscal
year, subject to regulations of the Board, an amount equal to the
excess, if any, of costs (computed without the application of this
sentence) paid or incurred in the preceding fiscal year with respect to
receipts or accruals subject to the provisions of this title over the
PUBLIC LAW 9—MAR. 23, 1951
[65 STAT.
amount of receipts or accruals subject to the provisions of this title
which were received or accrued in such preceding fiscal year, but only
to the extent that such excess did not result from gross inefficiency of
the contractor or subcontractor. For the purposes of the preceding
sentence, the term "preceding fiscal year" does not include any fiscal
year ending prior to January 1, 1951. Costs shall be determined in
accordance with the method of accounting regularly employed by the
contractor or subcontractor in keeping his records, but, if no such
method of accounting has been employed, or if the method so employed
does not, in the opinion of the Board, or, upon redetermination, in
the opinion of The Tax Court of the United States, properlj reflect
such costs, such costs shall be determined in accordance with such
method as in the opinion of the Board, or, upon redetermination, in
the opinion of The Tax Court of the United States, does properly reflect
such costs. In determining the amount of excessive profits to be elim-
inated, proper adjustment shall be made on account of the taxes meas-
ured by income, other than Federal taxes, which are attributable to the
portion of the profits which are not excessive.
(g) SUBCONTRACT.—^The term "subcontract" means—
(1) any purchase order or agreement (including purchase
orders or agreements antedating the related prime contract or
higher tier subcontract) to perform all or any part of the work,
or to make or furnish any materials, required for the performance
of any other contract or subcontract, but such term does not
include any purchase order or agreement to furnish ofiice supplies;
(2) any contract or arrangement covering the right to use any
patented or secret method, formula, or device for the perform-
ance of a contract or subcontract; and
(3) any contract or arrangement (other than a contract or
arrangement between two contracting parties, one of whom is
found by the Board to be a bona fide executive officer, partner,
or full-time employee of the other contracting party) under
(A) any amount payable is contingent upon the procure-
ment of a contract or contracts with a Department or of a
subcontract or subcontracts; or
(B) any amount payable is determined with reference to
the amount of a contract or contracts with a Department or
of a subcontract or subcontracts; or
(C) any part of the services performed or to be performed
consists of the soliciting, attempting to procure, or procur-
ing a contract or contracts with a Department or a subcon-
tract or subcontracts.
Nothing in this subsection shall be construed (i) to affect in any way
the validity or construction of provisions in any contract with a
Department or any subcontract, heretofore at any time or hereafter
made, prohibiting the payment of contingent fees or commissions; or
(ii) to restrict in any way the authority of the Board to determine
the nature or amount of selling expense under subcontracts as defined
in this subsection, as a proper element of the contract price or as a
reimbursable item of cost, under a contract with a Department or a
3 Stat. 4. j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ .
(h) FISCAL YEAR.—The term "fiscal year" means the taxable year
Sup.iv,§3rf»«?*"•' of the contractor or subcontractor under chapter 1 of the Internal
3 8tat^469. ^ ^
^ Revenue Code, except that where any readjustment of interests occurs
(a) (2).'
in a partnership as defined in section 3797 (a) (2) of such code, the
65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 9—MAR. 23, 1951
fiscal year of the partnership or partnerships involved in such read-
justment shall be determined in accordance with regulations prescribed
by the Board.
"received or accrued" and "paid or incurred" shall be construed accord-
ing to the method of accounting employed by the contractor or sub-
contractor in keeping his records, but if no such method of accounting
has been employed, or if the method so employed does not, in the
opinion of the Board, or, upon redetermination, in the opinion of The
Tax Court of the United States, properly reflect his receipts or accruals
or payments or obligations, such receipts or accruals or such payments
or obligations shall be determined in accordance with such method
as in the opinion of the Board, or, upon redetermination, in the opinion
of The Tax Court of the United States, does properly reflect such
receipts or accruals or such payments or obligations.
(j) PERSON.—The term "person" shall include an individual, firm,
corporation, association, partnership, and any organized group of
persons whether or not incorporated.
(k) MATERIALS.—The term "materials" shall include raw materials,
articles, commodities, parts, assemblies, products, machinery, equip-
ment, supplies, components, technical data, processes, and other per-
sonal property.
(1) AGENCY OF THE GOVERNMENT.—The term "agency of the Govern-
ment" means any part of the executive branch of the Government or
any independent establishment of the Government or part thereof,
including any department (whether or not a Department as defined in
subsection (a) of this section), any corporation wholly or partiv owned
by the United States which is an instrumentality of the United States,
or any board, bureau, division, service, office, officer, employee, author-
ity, administration, or other establishment of the Government Avhich
is not a part of the legislative or judicial branches.
Subject to section 106 (a) the Secretary of each Department specif- Post, p. 17.
ically named in section 103 (a) shall insert in each contract made by
such Department thirty days or more after the date of the enactment
of this Act, and the Secretary of each Department designated by the
President under section 103 (a) shall insert in each contract made
by such Department thirty days or more after the date of such
designation, a provision under which the contractor agrees—
(1) to the elimination of excessive profits through renego-
tiation ;
(2) that there may be withheld by the United States from
amounts otherwise due the contractor, or that he will repay to the
United States, if paid to him, any excessive profits;
(3) that he will insert in each subcontract described in section
103 (g) a provision under which the subcontractor agrees—
(A) to the elimination of excessive profits
(B) that there may be withheld by the contractor for the
United States from amounts otherwise due to the subcon-
tractor, or that the subcontractor will repay to the United
States, if paid to him, any excessive profits;
(C) that the contractor shall be relieved of all liability to
the subcontractor on account of any amount so withheld, or
so repaid by the subcontractor to the United States;
(D) that he will insert in each subcontract described in
Ante, p. 10.
PUBLIC LAW 9~MAR. 23, 1951
Ante, p. 10.
Post, p. 13.
contractor, etc.
Post, p. 21.
section 103 (g) provisions ^rresponding to those of sub-
(A), (B), and (C), and to those of this
(4) that there may be withheld by the United States from
amounts otherwise due the contractor, or that he will repay to the
United States, as the Secretary may direct, any amounts which
under section 105 (b) (1) (C) the contractor is directed to with-
hold from a subcontractor and which are actually unpaid at the
time the contractor receives such direction.
The obligations assumed by the contractor or subcontractor under
paragraph (1) or (3) (A), as the case may be, agreeing to the
elimination of excessive profits through renegotiation shall be binding
on him only if the contract or subcontract, as the case may be, is subject
to this title. A provision inserted in a contract or subcontract, which
recites in substance that the contract or subcontract shall be deemed
to contain all the provisions required by this section shall be sufficient
compliance with this section. Whether or not the provisions specified
in this section are inserted in a contract with a Department or sub-
contract, to which this title is applicable, such contract or subcontract,
as the case may be, shall be considered as having been made subject to
this title in the same manner and to the same extent as if such provisions
had been inserted.
(a) PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE BOARD.—Renegotiation proceedings
shall be commenced by the mailing of notice to that effect, in such
form as may be prescribed by regulation, by registered mail to the
contractor or subcontractor. The Board shall endeavor to make an
agreement with the contractor or subcontractor with respect to the
elimination of excessive profits received or accrued, and with respect
to such other matters relating thereto as the Board deems advisable.
Any such agreement, if made, may, with the consent of the contractor
or subcontractor, also include provisions with respect to the elimination
of excessive profits likely to be received or accrued.
If the Board
does not make an agreement with respect to the elimination of exces-
sive profits received or accrued, it shall issue and enter an order
determining the amount, if any, of such excessive profits, and forth-
with give notice thereof by registered mail to the contractor or sub-
contractor. In the absence of the filing of a petition with The Tax
Court of the United States under the provisions of and within the
time limit prescribed in section 108, such order shall be final and
conclusive and shall not be subject to review or redetermination by
any court or other agency. The Board shall exercise its powers with
respect to the aggregate of the amounts received or accrued during
the fiscal year (or such other period as may be fixed by mutual agree-
ment) by a contractor or subcontractor under contracts with the
Departments and subcontracts, and not separately with respect to
amounts received or accrued under separate contracts with the Depart-
ments or subcontracts, except that the Board may exercise such powers
separately with respect to amounts received or accrued by the con-
tractor or subcontractor under any one or more separate contracts with
the Departments or subcontracts at the request of the contractor or
subcontractor. By agreement with any contractor or subcontractor,
and pursuant to regulations promulgated by it, the Board may in its
discretion conduct renegotiation on a consolidated basis in order prop-
erly to reflect excessive profits of two or more related contractors or
Renegotiation shall be conducted on a consolidated
65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 9—MAR. 23, 1951
basis with a parent and its subsidiary corporations which constitute
an affiliated group under section 141 (d) of the Internal Revenue Code
^u^^g'a; sup.iv,
if all of the corporations included in such affiliated group request §i4i(d)."
renegotiation on such basis and consent to such regulations as the
Board shall prescribe with respect to (1) the determination and elimi-
nation of excessive profits of such affiliated group, and (2) the determi-
nation of the amount of the excessive profits of such affiliated group
allocable, for the purposes of section 3806 of the Internal Revenue
Code, to each corporation included in such affiliated group. When-
26u.^s.c. §
ever the Board makes a determination with respect to the amount of
excessive profits, and such determination is made by order, it shall, at
the request of the contractor or subcontractor, as the case may be,
prepare and furnish such contractor or subcontractor with a statement
of such determination, of the facts used as a basis therefojr, and of its
reasons for such determination. Such statement shall not be used in
The Tax Court of the United States as proof of the facts or conclusions
stated therein.
(1) I N GENERAL.—^Upon the making of an agreement, or the
entry of an order, under subsection (a) of this section by the
Board, or the entry of an order under section 108 by The Tax
Court of the United States, determining excessive profits, the
Board shall forthwith authorize and direct the Secretaries or
any of them to eliminate such excessive profits—
(A) by reductions in the amounts otherwise payable to
the contractor under contracts with the Departments, or by
other revision of their terms;
(B) by withholding from amounts otherwise due to the
contractor any amount of such excessive profits;
(C) by directing any person having a contract with any
agency of the Grovernment, or any subcontractor thereunder,
to withhold for the account of the United States from any
amounts otherwise due from such person or such subcon-
tractor to a contractor, or subcontractor, having excessive
profits to be eliminated, and every such person or subcon-
tractor receiving such direction shall withhold and pay over
to the United States the amounts so required to be withheld;
(D) by recovery from the contractor or subcontractor, or
from any person or subcontractor directed under subpara-
graph (C) to withhold for the account of the United States,
through pay^ment, repayment, credit, or suit any amount of
such excessive profits realized by the contractor or subcon-
tractor or directed under subparagraph (C) to be withheld
for the account of the United States; or
(E) by any combination of these methods, as is deemed
(2) INTEREST.—^Interest at the rate of 4 per centum per annum
shall accrue and be paid on the amount of such excessive profits
from the thirtieth day after the date of the order of the Board
or from the date fixed for repayment by the agreement with the
contractor or subcontractor to the date of repayment, and on
amounts required to be withheld by any person or subcontractor
for the account of the United States pursuant to paragraph (1)
(C), from the dat« payment is demanded by the Secretaries or
any of them to the date of payment. When The Tax Court of the
Post, p 2
United States, under section 108, redetermines the amount of
PUBLIC LAW 9—MAR. 23, 1951
[65 STAT.
excessive profits received or accrued by a contractor or subcon-
tractor, interest at the rate of 4 per centum per annum shall
accrue and be paid by such contractor or subcontractor as follows:
(A) When the amount of excessive profits determined by
the Tax Court is greater than the amount determijied by the
Board, interest shall accrue and be paid on the amount
determined by the Board from the thirtieth day aftei* the
date of the order of the Board to the date of repayment and,
in addition thereto, interest shall accrue and be paid on the
additional amount determined by the Tax Court from the
date of its order determining such excessive profits to the
date of repayment.
(B) When the amount of excessive profits determined by
the Tax Court is equal to the amount determined by the
Board, interest shall accrue and be paid on such amount from
the thirtieth day after the date of the order of the Board
to the date of repayment.
(C) When the amount of excessive profits determined by
the Tax Court is less than the amount determined by the
Board, interest shall accrue and be paid on such lesser amount
from the thirtieth day after the date of the order of the
Board to the date of repayment, except that no interest shall
accrue or be payable on such lesser amount if such lesser
amount is not in excess of an amount which the contractor
or subcontractor tendered in payment prior to the issuance
of the order of the Board.
Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph, no interest
shall accrue after three years from the date of filing a petition
^°'^' P
- ^
with the Tax Court pursuant to section 108 of this title in any
case in which there has not been a final determination by the Tax
Court with respect to such petition within such three-year period.
(3) Surrs FOR RECOVERY.—^Actions on behalf of the United
States may be brought in the appropriate courts of the United
States to recover, (A) from the contractor or subcontractor, any
amount of such excessive profits and accrued interest not withheld
or eliminated by some other method under this subsection, and
(B) from any person or subcontractor who has been directed
under paragraph (1) (C) of this subsection to withhold for the
account of the United States, the amounts required to be withheld
under such paragraph, together with accrued interest thereon,
(4) SURETIES.—The, surety under a contract or subcontract
shall not be liable for the repayment of any excessive profits
(5) ASSIGNEES.—Nothing herein contained shall be construed
(A) to authorize any Department or agency of the Government,
except to the extent provided in the Assignment of Claims Act of
1 ^u^^s^^c' § 2
1940, as now or hereafter amended, to withhold from any assignee
Sup. IV, §203; 4
1 u.s!
referred, to in said Act, any moneys due or to become due, or to
recover any moneys paid, to such assignee under any contract with
any Department or agency where such moneys have been assigned
pursuant to such Act, or (B) to authorize any Department or
agency of the Government to direct the withholding pursuant
to this Act, or to recover pursuant to this Act, from any bank,
trust company or other financing institution (including any
Federal lending agency) which is an assignee under any subcon-
tract, any moneys due or to become due or paid to any such
assignee under such subcontract.
C. § 15.
U. S. C.§3806.
65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 9—MAR. 23, 1951
1 5
(6) INDEMNIFICATION.—^Each person is hereby indemnified bj^
the United States against all claims on account of amounts with-
held by such person pursuant to this subsection from a contractor
or sul>contractor and paid over to the United States.
(7) TREATMENT OF RECOVERIES.—All money recovered by way
of repayment or suit under this subsection shall be covered into
the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts.
Upon the withholding
of any amount of excessive profits or the crediting of any amount
of excessive profits against amounts otherwise due a contractor
from appropriations from the Treasury, the Secretary shall
certify the amount thereof to the Treasury and the appropria-
tions of his Department shall be reduced by an amount equal to
the amount so withheld or credited.
The amount of such reduc-
tions shall be transferred to the surplus fund of the Treasury.
(8) CREDIT FOR TAXES PAID.—In eliminating excessive profits, the
Secretary shall allow the contractor or subcontractor credit for
Federal income and excess profits taxes as provided in section 3806
^ ^^l' ^-^
of the Internal Revenue Code.
PERIODS OF LIMITATIONS.—No proceeding to determine the
amount of excessive profits for any fiscal year shall be commenced
more than one year after the statement required under subsection
(e) (1) of this section is filed with the Board with respect to such year,
and, ii such proceeding is not commenced prior to the expiration of
one year following the date upon which such statement is so filed, all
liabilities of the contractor or subcontractor for excessive profits
received or accrued during such fiscal year shall thereupon be dis-
If an agreement or order determining the amount of exces-
sive profits is not made within two years following the commencement
of the renegotiation proceeding, then upon the expiration of such two
years all liabilities of the contractor or subcontractor for excessive
profits with respect to which such proceeding was commenced shall
thereupon be discharged, except that (1) if an order is made within
such two years pursuant to a delegation of authority under subsection
(d) of section 107, such two-year limitation shall not apply to review
^°^^' P- ^•
of such order by the Board, and (2) such two-year period may be
extended by mutual agreement.
poses of this title the Board may make final or other agreements with
a contractor or subcontractor for the elimination of excessive profits
and for the discharge of any liability for excessive profits under this
Such agreements may contain such terms and conditions as the
Board deems advisable. Any such agreement shall be conclusive
according to its terms; and, except upon a showing of fraud or mal-
feasance or a willful misrepresentation of a material fact, (1) such
agreement shall not for the purposes of this title be reopened as to the
matters agreed upon, and shall not be modified by any officer, employee,
or agent of the United States, and (2) such agreement and any deter-
mination made in accordance therewith shall not be annulled, modified,
set aside, or disregarded in any suit, action, or proceeding.
standing any other provision of this title, however, the Board shall
have the power, pursuant to regulations promulgated by it, to modify
any agreement or order for the purpose of extending the time for
payment of sums due under such agreement or order.
who holds contracts or subcontracts, to which the provisions of
76100 O - 52 (PT. I) - 4
PUBLIC LAW 9—MAR. 23, 1951
[65 STAT.
this title are applicable, shall, in such form and detail as the
Board may by regulations prescribe, file with the Board, on or
before the first day of the fourth calendar month following the
close of his fiscal year, a financial statement setting forth such
information as the Board may by regulations prescribe as neces-
sary to carry out this title. In addition to the statement required
under the preceding sentence, every such person shall, at such
time or times and in such form and detail as the Board may by
regulations prescribe, furnish the Board any information, records,
or data which are determined by the Board to be necessary to
carry out this title. Any person who willfully fails or refuses
to furnish any statement, information, records, or data required
of him under this subsection, or who knowingly furnishes any
such statement, information, records, or data containing informa-
tion which is false or misleading in any material respect, shall,
upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than
$10,000 or imprisonment for not more than one year, or both.
(2) AUDIT OF BOOKS AND RECORDS.—For the purpose of this title,
the Board shall have the right to audit the books and records of
any contractor or subcontractor subject to this title. In the
interest of economy and the avoidance of duplication of inspection
and audit, the services of the Bureau of Internal Revenue shall,
upon request of the Board and the approval of the Secretary of
the Treasury, be made available to the extent determined by the
Secretary of the Treasury for the purpose of making examina-
tions and audits under this title.
(1) I N GENERAL.—^If the aggregate of the amounts received or
accrued during a fiscal year (and on or after the applicable effec-
tive date specified in section 102 (a)) by a contractor or subcon-
tractor, and all persons under control of or controlling or under
common control with the contractor or subcontractor, under con-
tracts with the Departments and subcontracts described in section
Ante, p. 10.
103 (g) (1) and (2), is not more than $250,000, the receipts or
accruals from such contracts and subcontracts shall not, for such
fiscal year, be renegotiated under this title. If the aggregate of
such amounts received or accrued during the fiscal year under
such contracts and subcontracts is more than $250,000, no deter-
mination of excessive profits to be eliminated for such year with
respect to such contracts and subcontracts shall be in an amount
greater than the amount by which such aggregate exceeds $250,000.
Ante,T>. 10.
aggregate of the amounts received or accrued during a fiscal year
(and on or after the applicable effective date specified in section
102 (a)) by a subcontractor, and all persons under control of or
controlling or under common control with the subcontractor, under
subcontracts described in section 103 (g) (3) is not more than
$25,000, the receipts or accruals from such subcontracts shall not,
for such fiscal year, be renegotiated under this title. If the aggre-
gate of such amounts received or accrued during the fiscal year
under such subcontracts is more than $25,000, no determination
of excessive profits to be eliminated for such year with respect to
such subcontracts shall be in an amount greater than the amount
by which such aggregate exceeds $25,000.
(3) COMPUTATION.—In computing the aggregate of the amounts
received or accrued during any fiscal year for the purposes of
PUBLIC LAW 9—MAR. 23, 1951
Ante, p. 8.
paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection, there shall be eliminated
all amounts received or accrued by a contractor or subcontractor
from all persons under control of or controlling or under common
control with the contractor or subcontractor and all amounts
received or accrued by each such person from such contractor or
subcontractor and from each other such person.
If the fiscal year
is a fractional part of twelve months, the $250,000 amount and the
$25,000 amount shall be reduced to the same fractional part
thereof for the purposes of paragraphs (1) and (2). In the case
of a fiscal year beginning in 1950 and ending in 1951, the $250,000
amount and the $25,000 amount shall be reduced to an amount
which bears the same ratio to $250,000 or $25,000, as the case may
be, as the number of days in such fiscal year after December 31,
1950, bears to 365, but this sentence shall have no application if
the contractor or subcontractor has made an a^eement with the
Board pursuant to section 102 (c) for the application of the pro-
visions of this title to receipts or accruals prior to January 1,1951,
during such fiscal year.
(a) MANDATORY EXEMPTIONS.—The provisions of this title shall not
apply to—
(1) any contract by a Department with any Territory, posses-
sion, or State, or any agency or political subdivision thereof, or
with any foreign government or any agency thereof; or
(2) any contract or subcontract for an agricultural commodity
in its raw or natural state, or if the commodity is not customarily
sold or has not an established market in its raw or natural state,
in the first form or state, beyond the raw or natural state, in which
it is customarily sold or in which it has an established market.
The term "agricultural commodity" as used herein shall include
but shall not oe limited to—
(A) commodities resulting from the cultivation of the
soil such as grains of all kinds, fruits, nuts, vegetables, hay,
straw, cotton, tobacco, sugarcane, and sugar beets;
(B) natural resins, saps, and gums of trees;
(C) animals, such as cattle, hogs, poultry, and sheep, fish
and other marine life, and the produce of live animals, such
as wool, eggs, milk and cream; or
(3) any contract or subcontract for the product of a mine, oil
or gas well, or other mineral or natural deposit, or timber, which
has not been processed, refined, or treated beyond the first form or
state suitable for industrial use; or
(4) any contract or subcontract with a common carrier for trans-
portation, or with a public utility for gas, electric energy, water,
communications, or transportation, when made in either case at
rates not in excess of published rates or charges filed with, fixed,
approved, or regulated by a public regulatory body. State, Fed-
eral, or localj or at rates not in excess of unregulated rates of such
a public utility which are substantially as favorable to users and
consumers as are regulated rates. In the case of the furnishing
or sale of transportation by common carrier by water, this para- sup. iv, i^osetseq.
graph shall apply only to such furnishing or sale which is subject
to the jurisdiction of the Interstate Commerce Commission under
Part I I I of the Interstate Commerce Act or subject to the jurisdic-
tion of the Federal Maritime Board under the Intercoastal Ship-
ping Act, 1933; or
Agricultural com-
54 Stat. 929.
49 U. 8. C. S 901;
47 Stat. 1426.
46 U. S. C. § 848.
PUBLIC LAW 9—MAR. 23, 1951
[65 STAT.
(5) any contract or subcontract with an organization exempt
from taxation under section 101 (6) of the Internal Revenue
^j3 Stat. 33; 6
4 Stat.
Codc, but ouly if the income from such contract or subcontract
6 u. s. c. Sup. IV,
is not includible under section 422 of such code in computing the
§j 101 (6), 422.
unrelated business net income of such organization; or
(6) any contract which the Board determines does not have a
direct and immediate connection with the national defense.
Board shall prescribe regulations designating those classes and
types of contracts which shall be exempt under this paragraph;
and the Board shall, in accordance with regulations prescribed
by it, exempt any individual contract not falling within any such
class or type if it determines that such contract does not have a
direct and immediate connection with the national defense.
'^•^'' P
- 2
withstanding section 108 of this title, regulations prescribed by
the Board under this paragraph, and any determination of the
Board that a contract is or is not exempt under this paragraph,
shall not be reviewed or redetermined by the Tax Court or by
any other court or agency; or
(7) any subcontract directly or indirectly under a contract
or subcontract to which this title does not apply by reason of this
(b) COST ALLOWANCE.—^In the case of a contractor or subcontractor
who produces or acquires the product of a mine, oil or gas well, or
other mineral or natural deposit, or timber, and processes, refines, or
treats such a product to and beyond the first form or state suitable
for industrial use, or who produces or acquires an agricultural product
and processes, refines, or treats such a product to and beyond the first
form or state in which it is customarily sold or in which it has an
established market, the Board shall prescribe such regulations as may
be necessary to give such contractor or subcontractor a cost allowance
substantially equivalent to the amount which would have been realized
by such contractor or subcontractor if he had sold such product at
such first form or state.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of
this title, there shall be excluded from, consideration in determining
whether or not a contractor or subcontractor has received or accrued
excessive profits that portion of the profits, derived from receipts and
accruals subject to the provisions of this title, attributable to the
"Exoessinventory." increment in value of the excess inventory.
For the purposes of this
subsection the term "excess inventory" means inventory of products,
hereinbefore described in this subsection, acquired by the contractor
or subcontractor in the form or at the state in which contracts for such
products on hand or on contract would be exempted from this title
by subsection (a) (2) or (3) of this section, which is in excess of
the inventory reasonably necessary to fulfill existing contracts or
orders. That portion of the profits, derived from receipts and
accruals subject to the provisions of this title, attributable to the
increment in value of the excess inventory, and the method of exclud-
ing such portion of profits from consideration in determining whether
or not the contractor or subcontractor has received or accrued exces-
sive profits, shall be determined in accordance with regulations pre-
scribed by the Board.
(1) I N GENERAL.—^The provisions of this title shall not apply
to receipts or accruals (other than rents) from subcontracts for
new durable productive equipment, except to that part of such
65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 9--MAR. 23, 1951
receipts or accruals which bears the same ratio to the total of such
receipts or accruals as five years bears to the average useful life
of such equipment as set forth in Bulletin F of the Bureau of
Internal Revenue (1942 edition) or, if an average useful life is
not so set forth, then as estimated by the Board.
(2) DEFINITIONS.—^For the purpose of this subsection—
(A) the term "durable productive equipment" means
machinery, tools, or other equipment which does not become
a part of an end product acquired by any agency of the
Government under a contract with a department, or of an
article incorporated therein, and which has an average useful
life of more than five years; and
(B) the term "subcontracts for new durable productive
equipment" does not include subcontracts where the purchaser
of such durable productive equipment has acquired such
equipment for the account of the Government, but includes
pool orders and siiriilar commitments placed in the first
instance by a Department or other agency of the Government
when title to the equipment is transferred on delivery thereof
or within one year thereafter to a contractor or subcontractor.
(d) PERMISSIVE EXEMPTIONS.—The Board is authorized, in its dis-
cretion, to exempt from some or all of the provisions of this title—
(1) any contract or subcontract to be performed outside of the
territorial limits of the continental United States or in Alaska;
(2) any contracts or subcontracts under which, in the opinion
of the Board, the profits can be determined with reasonable
certainty when the contract price is established, such as certain
classes of (A) agreements for personal services or for the purchase
of real property, perishable goods, or commodities the minimum
price for the sale of which has been fixed by a public regulatory
body, (B) leases and license agreements, and (C) agreements
where the period of performance under such contract or sub-
contract will not be in excess of thirty days.
(3) any contract or subcontract or performance thereunder
during a specified period or periods if, in the opinion of the Board,
the provisions of the contract are otherwise adequate to prevent
excessive profits;
(4) any contract or subcontract the renegotiation of which
would jeopardize secrecy required in the public interest;
(5) any subcontract or group of subcontracts not otherwise
exempt from the provisions of this section, if, in the opinion of the
Board, it is not administratively feasible in the case of such
subcontract or in the case of such group of subcontracts to deter-
mine and segregate the profits attributable to such subcontract or
group of subcontracts from the profits attributable to activities
not subject to renegotiation.
The Board may so exempt contracts and subcontracts both individually
and by general classes or types.
(a) CREATION OF BOARD.—There is hereby created, as an inde-
pendent establishment in the executive branch of the Government, a
Renegotiation Board to be composed of five members to be appointed
b^^ the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.
The Secretaries of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force, respec-
tively, subject to the approval of the Secretary of Defense, and the
Administrator of General Services shall each recommend to the Presi-
dent, for his consideration, one person from civilian life to serve as a
member of the Board. The President shall, at the time of appoint-
ment, designate one member to serve as Chairman.
The Chairman
2 0
PUBLIC LAW 9—MAR. 23, 1951
[65 STAT.
shall receive compensation at the rate of $17,500 per annum, and the
other members shall receive compensation at the rate of $15,000 per
annum. No member shall actively engage in any business, vocation,
or employment other than as a member of the Board. The Board
shall have a seal which shall be judicially noticed.
(b) PLACES OF MEETINGS AND QUORUM.—The principal office of the
Board shall be in the District of Columbia, but it or any division
thereof may meet and exercise its powers at any other place. The
Board may establish such number of offices as it deems necessary to
expedite the work of the Board. Three members of the Board shall
constitute a quorum, and any power, function, or duty of the Board
may be exercised or performed by a majority of the members present
if the members present constitute at least a quorum.
(c) PERSONNEL.—The Board is authorized, subject to the Classifi-
es stat. 9
cation Act of 1949 (but without regard to the civil-service laws and
§fo7inote." "^' ' regulations), to employ and fix the compensation of such officers and
employees as it deems necessary to assist it in carrying out its duties
under this title. The Board may, with t"he consent of the head of the
agency of the Government concerned, utilize the services of any officers
or employees of the United States, and reimburse such agency for the
services so utilized. Officers or employees whose services are so utilized
shall not receive additional compensation for such services, but shall
be allowed and paid necessary travel expenses and a per diem in lieu
of subsistence in accordance with the Standardized Government Travel
Regulations while away from their homes or official station on duties
of the Board.
(d) DELEGATION OF POWERS.—The Board may delegate in whole or
in part any function, power, or duty (other than its power to pro-
mulgate regulations and rules and other than its power to grant per-
missive exemptions under section 106 (d)) to any agency of the Gov-
ernment, including any such agency established by the Board, and may
authorize the successive redelegation, within limits specified by it, of
any such function, power, or duty to any agency of the Government,
including any such agency established by the Board. But no function,
power, or duty shall be delegated or redelegated to any person pur-
suant to this subsection or subsection (f) unless the Board has
determined that such person (other than the Secretary of a Depart-
ment) is responsible directly to the Board or to the person making such
delegation or redelegation and is not engaged on behalf of any Depart-
ment in the making of contracts for the procurement of supplies or
services, or in the supervision of such activity; and any delegation or
redelegation of any function, power, or duty pursuant to this sub-
section or subsection (f) shall be revoked by the person making such
delegation or redelegation (or by the Board if made by it) if the
Board shall at any time thereafter determine that the person (other
than the Secretary of a Department) to whom has been delegated or
redele^ted such function, power, or duty is not responsible directly
to the Board or to the person making such delegation or redelegation
or is engaged on behalf of any Department in the making of contracts
for the procurement of supplies or services, or in the supervision of
such activity.
Board may from time to time divide the Board into divisions of one
or more members, assign the members of the Board thereto, and in
case of a division of more than one member, designate the chief
thereof. The Board may also, by regulations or otherwise, determine
the character of cases to be conducted initially by the Board through
an officer or officers of, or utilized by, the Board, the character of cases
to be conducted initially by the various agencies of the Government
Ante, p. 19.
65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 9—MAR. 23, 1951
ATUe, p. 12.
authorized to exercise powers of the Board pursuant to subsection (d)
of this section, the character of cases to be conducted initially by the
various divisions of the Board, and the character of cases to be con-
ducted initially by the Board itself.
The Board may review any
determination in any case not initially conducted by it, on its own
motion or, in its discretion, at the request of any contractor or sub-
contractor aggrieved thereby. Unless the Board upon its own motion
initiates a review of such determination within ninety days from the
date of such determination, or at the request of the contractor or sub-
contractor made within ninety days from the date of such determina-
tion initiates a review of such determination within ninety days from
the date of such request, such determination shall be deemed the
determination of the Board. If such determination was made by an
order with respect to which notice thereof was given by registered mail
pursuant to section 105 (a), the Board shall give notice by registered
mail to the contractor or subcontractor of its decision not to review
the case. If the Board reviews any determination in any case not
initially conducted by it and does not make an agreement with the
contractor or subcontractor with respect to the elimination of excessive
profits, it shall issue and enter an order under section 105 (a) determin-
ing the amount, if any, of excessive profits, and forthwith give notice
thereof by registered mail to the contractor or subcontractor.
amount of excessive profits so determined upon review may be less
than, equal to, or greater than, that determined by the agency of the
Government whose action is so reviewed.
Board is hereby authorized and directed to accept and perform such
renegotiation powers, duties, and functions as may be delegated to it
under any other law requiring or permitting renegotiation, and the
Board is further authorized to redelegate any such power, duty, or
function to any agency of the Government and to authorize successive
redelegations thereof, within limits specified by the Board.
standing any other provision of law, the Secretary of Defense is secretary^of Defense"^
hereby authorized to delegate to the Board, in whole or in part, the
powers, functions, and duties conferred upon him by any other
renegotiation law.
SEC. 1
Any contractor or subcontractor aggrieved by an order of the Board
determining the amount of excessive profits received or accrued by such
contractor or subcontractor may—
(a) if the case was conducted initially by the Board itself—
within ninety days (not counting Sunday or a legal holiday in the
District of Columbia as the last day) after the mailing under
section 105 (a) of the notice of such order, or
(b) if the case was not conducted initially by the Board itself—
within ninety days (not counting Sunday or a legal holiday in the
District of Columbia as the last day) after the mailing under
section 107 (e) of the notice of the decision of the Board not to
review the case or the notice of the order of the Board determining
the amount of excessive profits,
file a petition with The Tax Court of the United States for a redeter-
mination thereof.
Upon such filing such court shall have exclusive
jurisdiction, by order, to finally determine the amount, if any, of such
excessive profits received or accrued by the contractor or subcontractor,
and such determination shall not be reviewed or redetermined by any
court or agency.
The court may determine as the amount of excessive
profits an amount either less than, equal to, or greater than that
determined by the Board.
A proceeding before the Tax Court to
finally determine the amount, if any, of excessive profits shall not
Ante, p. 12.
PUBLIC LAW 9—MAR. 23, 1951
[65 STAT.
be treated as a proceeding to review the determination of the Board,
but shall be treated as a proceeding de novo. For the purposes of this
section the court shall have the same powers and duties, insofar as
applicable in respect of the contractor, the subcontractor, the Board,
and the Secretary, and in respect of the attendance of witnesses and
the production of papers, notice of hearings, hearings before divisions,
review by the Tax Court of decisions of divisions, stenographic
reporting, and reports of proceedings, as such court has under sections
1110, 1111, 1113, 1114, 1115 (a), 1116, 1117 (a), 1118, 1120, and 1121
3 st^t. i|)-i^. ^
^ QJ ^j^g Internal Revenue Code in the case of a proceeding to redeter-
sVm^^^^' ^"^' ^^' ^W© a deficiency.
In the case of any witness for the Board, the fees
and mileage, and the expenses of taking any deposition shall be paid
out of appropriations of the Board available for that purpose, and
in the case of any other witnesses shall be paid, subject to rules pre-
scribed by the court, by the party at whose instance the witness
appears or the deposition is taken. The filing of a petition under
this section shall operate to stay the execution of the order of the
Ante. p. 13.
Board under subsection (b) of section 105 if within ten days after
the filing of the petition the petitioner files with the Tax Court a
good and sufficient bond, approved by such court, in such amount as
may be fixed by the court.
Any amount collected by the United
States under an order of the Board in excess of the amount found
to be due under a determination of excessive profits by the Tax Court
shall be refunded to the contractor or subcontractor with interest
thereon at the rate of 4 per centum per annum from the date of
collection by the United States to the date of refund.
The Board may make such rules, regulations, and orders as it deems
necessary or appropriate to carry out the provisions of this title.
No person shall be held liable for damages or penalties for any act
or failure to act resulting directly or indirectly from his compliance
with a rule, regulation, or order issued pursuant to this title, notwith-
standing that any such rule, regulation, or order shall thereafter be
declared by judicial or other competent authority to be invalid.
The functions exercised under this title shall be excluded from the
sup^iv.^iooiTar*'' operation of the Administrative Procedure Act (60 Stat. 237) except
as to the requirements of section 3 thereof.
There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as may
be necessary and appropriate for the carrying out of the provisions and
purposes of this title. Funds made available for the purposes of this
title may be allocated or transferred for any of the purposes of this
title, with the approval of the Bureau of the Budget to any agency of
the Government designated to assist in carrying out this title.
so allocated or transferred shall remain available for such period as
may be specified in the Acts making such funds available.
isu^sc^^sup IV
Nothing in title 18, United States Code, sections 281 and 283, or in
§§28i;283. •'
• ' section 190 of the Revised Statutes (U. S. C , title 5, sec. 99) shall be
deemed to prevent any person by reason of service in a Department
or the Board during the period (or a part thereof) beginning July 1,
1950, and ending December 31, 1963, from acting as counsel, ageiit, or
attorney for prosecuting any claim against the United States: Pro-
vided, That such person shall not prosecute any claim against the
65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 9—MAR. 23, 1951
United States (1) involving any subject matter directly connected
with which such person was so employed, or (2) during the period
such person is engaged in employment in a Department or the Board.
The War Contracts Price Adjustment Board, created by the Renego-
5o^u*.*s^c. app.
ti ation Act, is hereby abolished.
| //gf
^ • ^"P- ^ "^'
(b) TRANSFER OF FUNCTIONS IN GENERAL.—^All powers, functions,
and duties conferred upon the War Contracts Price Adjustment Board
by the Renegotiation Act and not otherwise specifically dealt with in
tnis section are transferred to the Renegotiation Board.
(D) of the Renegotiation Act is amended by inserting at the end
5o^u*.*s^c. app.
thereof the following: "A net renegotiation rebate shall not be repaid § ii^^ (a) (4) (D).
unless a claim therefor has been filed with the Board on or before the
date of its abolition, or unless a claim shall have been filed with the
Administrator of General Services (i) on or before June 30, 1951, or
(ii) within ninety days after the making of an agreement or the entry
of an order under subjection (c) (1) determining the amount of exces-
sive profits, whichever is later. A claim shall be deemed to have been 5 "M (C) (i).
filed when received by the Board or the Administrator, whether or
not accompanied by a statement of the Commissioner of Internal
Revenue showing the amortization deduction allowed for the renego-
tiated year upon the recomputation made pursuant to section 124 (d)
6 u. si c. J
4 (d).
of the Internal Revenue Code."
(d) TRANSFER or CERTAIN FUNCTIONS.—^All powers, functions, and
duties conferred upon the War Contracts Price Adjustment Board by
^ g
^ ^
subsection (a) (4) (D) of the Renegotiation Act, subject to the amend-
50 u.s. b. app.
ment thereof by subsection (c) of this section, are hereby transferred * "^^ ^
^ ^^^ ^^^'
to the Administrator of General Services.
(e) FUNCTIONS AND RECORDS.—Each Secretary of a Department is
authorized and directed to eliminate the excessive profits determined
under all existing renegotiation agreements or orders by the methods
enumerated in siibsection (c) (2) of the Renegotiation Act in respect
so u . s . c . app.
of all renegotiations conducted by his Department pursuant to dele- ^ ^
^ ^''^ ^^^'
gations from the War Contracts Price Adjustment Board. The sev-
eral Departments shall retain custody of the renegotiation case files
covering renegotiations thus conducted for such time as the Secretary
deems necessary for the purposes of this section, and thereafter they
shall be made available to the Renegotiation Board for appropriate
The renegotiation records of the War Contracts Price
Adjustment Board shall become records of the Renegotiation Board
on the effective date of this section.
(f) REFUNDS.—All refunds under subsection (a) (4) (D) of the
ggstat so s
Renegotiation Act (relating to the recomputation of the amortization
sou.s.' 1
deduction), all refunds under the last sentence of subsection (i) (3) W(4)(D),(i)o).
of such Act (relating to excess inventories), and all amounts finally
adjudged or determined to have been erroneously collected by the
United States pursuant to a determination of excessive profits, with
interest thereon in the last mentioned case at a rate not to exceed 4
per centum per annum as may be determined by the Administrator of
General Services or his duly authorized representative computed to
the date of certification to the Treasury Department for payment,
shall be certified by the Administrator of General Services or his duly
authorized representative to the Treasury Department for payment
from such appropriations as may be available therefor:
PUBLIC LAW 9—MAR. 23, 1951
[65 STAT.
That such refunds shall be based solely on the certificate of the Admin-
istrator of General Services or his duly authorized representative.
All policies, procedures, directives, and delegations of authority pre-
scribed or issued (1) by the War Contracts Price Adjustment Board,
8 Stat 9
or (2) by any Secretary or other duly authorized officer of the Govern-§ii9i ment, under the authority of the Renegotiation Act, in effect upon the
(I); Sup. IV, § 1
1 (j). effective date of this section and not inconsistent herewith, shall remain
in full force and effect unless and until superseded, or except as they
may be amended, under the authority of this section or any other
appropriate authority. All functions, powers, and responsibilities
transferred by this section shall be accompanied by the authority to
issue appropriate regulations and procedures, or to modify existing
procedures, in respect of such powers, functions, and responsibilities.
(h) SAVINGS PROVISION.—This section shall not be construed (1) to
prohibit disbursements authorized by the War Contracts Price
Adjustment Board and certijfied pursuant to its authority prior to the
effective date of this section, (2) to affect the validity or finality of any
agreement or order made or issued pursuant to law by the War Con-
tracts Price Adjustment Board or pursuant to delegations of authority
from it, or (3) to prejudice or to abate any action taken or any right
accruing or accrued, or any suit or proceeding had or commenced in
any civil cause; but any court having on its docket a case to which
the War Contracts Price Adjustment Board is a party, on motion or
supplemental petition filed at any time within twelve months after the
effective date of this section, showing a necessity for the survival of
such suit, action, or other proceeding to obtain a determination of the
questions involved, may allow the same to be maintained by or against
the United States.
5ou^f o'app §
1 specifically amended or modified, all provisions of the Renegotiation
; sup.iv, § 1
1 (j). Act shall remain in full force and effect.
(j) DEFINITIONS.—The terms which are defined in the Renegotia-
tion Act shall, when used in this section, have the same meaning as
when used in the Renegotiation Act, except that where a renegotiation
function has been transferred by or pursuant to law the terms "Secre-
tary" or "Secretaries" and "Department" or "Departments" shall be
understood to refer to the successors in function to those officers or
offices specifically named in the Renegotiation Act.
(k) EFFECTIVE DATE OF SECTION.—This section shall take effect sixty
days after the date of the enactment of this Act.
0 u^s.c.!sup.IV,
No proceeding under the Renegotiation Act of 1948 to determine
app. §ii93 (i).
^Jie amovmt of excessive profits for any fiscal year shall be commenced
more than one year after the mandatory statement required by the
regulations issued pursuant to such Act is filed with respect to such
year, or moi'e than six months after the date of the enactment of this
title, whichever is the later, and if such proceeding is not so com-
menced (in the manner provided by the regulations prescribed pur-
suant to such Act), all liabilities of the contractor or subcontractor
under such Act for excessive profits received or accrued during such
fiscal year shall thereupon be discharged. If an agreement or order
determining the amount of excessive profits under such Act is not
made within two years following the commencement of the renegotia-
tion proceeding, then upon the expiration of such two years all lia-
bilities of the contractor or subcontractor for excessive profits with
respect to which such proceeding was commenced shall thereupon be
discharged, except that (1) such two-year period may be extended by
mutual agreement, and (2) if within such two years such an order
65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 10—MAR. 23, 1951
is duly issued pursuant to such Act, such two-year limitation shall not
apply to the review of such order by any renegotiation board duly
authorized to undertake such review.
Section 3806 (a) (1) of the Internal Revenue Code is hereby
26u**s^. 5 a
amended by striking out subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) and *
) (i) (A)- (B). (C).
inserting in lieu thereof the following:
"(A) The term 'renegotiation' includes any transaction
which is a renegotiation within the meaning of the Federal
renegotiation act applicable to such transaction, any modifica-
tion of one or more contracts with the United States or any
agency thereof, and any agreement with the United States
or any agency thereof in respect of one or more such contracts
or subcontracts thereunder.
"(B) The term 'excessive profits' includes any amount
which constitutes excessive profits within the meaning
assigned to such term by the applicable Federal renegotiation
act, any part of the contract price of a contract with the
United States or any agency thereof, any part of the subcon-
tract price of a sul)contract under such a contract, and any
derived from
one or more such contracts
"(C) The term 'subcontract' includes any purchase order
or agreement which is a subcontract within the meaning
assigned to such term by the applicable Federal renegotiation
"(D) The term 'Federal renegotiation act' includes section
403 of the Sixth Supplemental National Defense Appropria-
tion Act (Public 528, 77th Cong., 2d»Sess.), as amended or 5
6 stat. 245; 6
2 stat.
supplemented, the Renegotiation Act of 1948, as amended or ^
0 u. s. c. app.
supplemented, and the Renegotiation Act of 1951, as amended L^lgV^ ^im V
or supplemented."
If any provision of this Act or the application of any provision to
any person or circumstance is held invalid, the validity of the
remainder of the Act and of the application of its provisions to other
persons and circumstances shall not be affected thereby.
Approved March 23, 1951.
Public Law 10
March 23,1951
To amend and extend the provisions of the District of Columbia Emergency
fH. J. Res. 1
Rent Act, as amended.
Resolved hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United
States of America in Congress assernbled^ That section 1 (b) of the
District of Columbia Emergency Rent Act, as amended (D. C. Code,
1940 edition, sec. 45-1601 (b)), is hereby amended by striking out
4 stat. 1
"March 31, 1951" and inserting in lieu thereof "June 30, 1951".
Approved March 23, 1951. | An Act to provide for the renegotiation of contracts, and for other purposes | 1951-03-23T00:00:00 | 6a10d8836d1d5595818ecc9a620cc690a6024b8cfb689871e94056b0e0e25865 |
US Congress | PL 82-7 (H.J.Res.195) | 6
PUBLIC LAW 7—MAR. 19, 1951
64 Stat. 464.
8 U. S. C , Sup. IV,
43 Stat. 162.
43 Stat. 155.
8 U. S. C , Sup. IV,
717, Eighty-first Congress, is hereby amended to read: "Notwithstand-
ing the provisions of section 13 (c) of the Immigration Act of 1924,
as amended (8 U. S. C. 213 (c)), alien spouses or unmarried minor
children of United States citizens serving in, or having an honorable
discharge certificate from the Armed Forces of the United States
during World War I I shall, if otherwise admissible under the immi-
gration laws, be eligible to enter the United States with nonquota
immigration visas issued under the provisions of section 4 (a) of the
Immigration Act of 1924, as amended (8 U. S. C. 204 (a)) : Provided^
That in the cases of such alien spouses of United States citizens serv-
ing in, or having an honorable discharge certificate from the Armed
Forces of the United States during World War II the marriage shall
have occurred befoi*e twelve months after the enactment of this Act,
as hereby amended."
Approved March 19, 1951.
Public Law 7
March 19, 1951
[H. J. Res. 195]
priations, 1951.
64 Stat. 595.
64 Stat. 595.
64 Stat. 598.
Making additional appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year
1951, and for other purposes.
Reiiolved hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United
States of America in Congress assembled^ That there are hereby appro-
priated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated,
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1951,* the following sums:
For payment to Mary A. Chapman, widow of Virgil M. Chapman,
late a Senator from the State of Kentucky, $12,500.
For an additional amount, $16,155.
For an additional amount for "Expenses of Inquiries and Investiga-
tions", including an additional $50,000 for the Committee on Appro-
priations for the' objects specified under this heading in Public Law
759, Eighty-first Congress, $400,000.
For an additional amount for "Miscellaneous items", $200,000.
For an additional amount for "Biographical Congressional Direc-
tory", $5,000.
For payment to Leonor Kretzer Sullivan, widow of John B. Sulli-
van, late a Representative from the State of Missouri, $12,500.
For an additional amount for salaries and expenses, studies and
examinations, and so forth, $35,000.
PUBLIC LAW 9—MAR. 23, 1951
Special and select committees: For an additional amount for
expenses of special and select committees, $150,000,
Approved March 19, 1951.
Public Law 8
To continue for a temporary period the provisions of tiie Housin}? and Rent Act
of 1947, as amended.
Resolved hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United
States of America, in Congress assemhled, That section 204 (f) of
the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, as amended, is amended to read
as follows:
"(f) The provisions of this title shall cease to be in effect at the
close of June 30, 1951, or upon the date of a proclamation by the
President or upon the date specified in a concurrent resolution by
the two Houses of the Congress, declaring that the further contin-
uance of the authority granted by this title is not necessary because
of the existence of an emergency, whichever date is the earlier; except
that as to rights or liabilities incurred prior to such termination date,
the provisions of this title and regulations, orders, and requirements
thereunder shall be treated as still remaining in force for the purpose
of sustaining any proper suit or action with respect to any such right
or liability.'
Approved March 23, 1951.
March 23,1961
[S. J. Res. 39]
61 Stat. 199.
50 U.S. C , Sup. IV
app. § 1894 (f).
Public Law 9
To provide for the renegotiation of contracts, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
nited States of America in Congress assen "
be cited as the "Renegotiation Act of 1951".
March 23, 1961
[H. R. 1724]
United States of^merica
in Congress assembled^ That this Act may ofm°^^°"^"°° ^^^
It is hereby recognized and declared that the Congress has made
available for the execution of the national defense program extensive
funds, by appropriation and otherwise, for the procurement of prop-
erty, processes, and services, and the construction of facilities necessary
for the national defense; that sound execution of the national defense
program requires the elimination of excessive profits from contracts
made with the United States, and from related subcontracts, in the
course of said program; and that the considered policy of the Congress,
in the interests of the national defense and the general welfare of the
Nation, requires that such excessive profits be eliminated as provided
in this title.
(a) I N GENERAL.—The provisions of this title shall be applicable
(1) to all contracts with the Departments specifically named in section
103 (a), and related subcontracts, to the extent of the amounts received | Joint resolution making additional appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year 1951, and for other purposes | 1951-03-19T00:00:00 | 6eb2ed2d14425e21f849c7dc4cdff3d9f3114731db4405fa98927df06bcae5c3 |
US Congress | PL 82-6 (H.R.1090) | 65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 6—MAR. 19, 1951
is authorized to permit the band of the United States Marine Corps
to attend and give concerts at the celebration of the one hundred and
seventy-fifth anniversary of the fortification of Dorchester Heights,
Massachusetts, and the evacuation of Boston, Massachusetts, by the
British, to be held in South Boston, Massachusetts, on March 17, 1951.
SEC. 2. For the purpose of defraying the expenses of such band in
attending and giving concerts at such celebration, there is hereby
authorized to be appropriated a sufficient sum to cover the cost of
transportation and pullman accommodations for the leaders and
members of the Marine Band, and allowance not to exceed $8 per day
each for additional traveling and living expenses while on duty, such
allowance to be in addition to the pay and allowance to which they
would be entitled while serving their permanent station.
Approved March 14, 1951.
Public Law 5
To confer jurisdiction on tlie Court of Claims to liear, determine, and render
judgment upon a certain claim of the Board of County Commissioners of
Sedgwick County, Kansas.
March 19,1951
[H. R. 335]
J u r i s d i c t i o n
Court of Claims.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assembled^ That jurisdiction is
hereby conferred on the Court of Claims to hear, determine, and render K^S.^^*"^ county,
judgment upon, notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the claim
of the Board of County Commissioners of Sedgwick County, Kansas,
against the Government of the United States on account of delinquent
real-estate taxes for the tax years 1944, 1945, 1946, and 1947 assessed
and levied against three tracts of land in sections 11 and 14 of town-
ship 28 south, range 1 east, of the sixth principal meridian, in Sedg-
wick County, Kansas, constituting the aircraft factory and grounds
owned in such years by the Defense Plant Corporation and the Recon-
struction Finance Corporation and leased to the Boeing Airplane
Company and transferred on or about February 25, 1948, by the
Reconstruction Finance Corporation to the United States subject to
unpaid taxes for said four years.
Such court shall determine the
amount of said taxes, and render judgment in favor of said Board of
County Commissioners of Sedgwick County, Kansas, and against the
United States for the amount of any such taxes which such court may
find and adjudge to have been lawfully assessed against such real estate
and remaining due and unpaid: Provided, That nothing herein shall
be construed as authorizing suit or judgment for interest, penalties or
charges on, or in connection with said taxes. The court shall have
such jurisdiction if suit is instituted within sixty days after the date
of enactment of this Act.
Approved March 19, 1951.
Time limitation.
Public Law 6
To extend the period for the admission of alien spouses and minor children of
citizen members of the United States Armed Forces.
Be it enaxited hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of Amei^ca in Congress assembled, That Public Law
Marcn 19, 1951
[H. R. 1090]
PUBLIC LAW 7—MAR. 19, 1951
64 Stat. 464.
8 U. S. C , Sup. IV,
43 Stat. 162.
43 Stat. 155.
8 U. S. C , Sup. IV,
717, Eighty-first Congress, is hereby amended to read: "Notwithstand-
ing the provisions of section 13 (c) of the Immigration Act of 1924,
as amended (8 U. S. C. 213 (c)), alien spouses or unmarried minor
children of United States citizens serving in, or having an honorable
discharge certificate from the Armed Forces of the United States
during World War I I shall, if otherwise admissible under the immi-
gration laws, be eligible to enter the United States with nonquota
immigration visas issued under the provisions of section 4 (a) of the
Immigration Act of 1924, as amended (8 U. S. C. 204 (a)) : Provided^
That in the cases of such alien spouses of United States citizens serv-
ing in, or having an honorable discharge certificate from the Armed
Forces of the United States during World War II the marriage shall
have occurred befoi*e twelve months after the enactment of this Act,
as hereby amended."
Approved March 19, 1951.
Public Law 7
March 19, 1951
[H. J. Res. 195]
priations, 1951.
64 Stat. 595.
64 Stat. 595.
64 Stat. 598.
Making additional appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year
1951, and for other purposes.
Reiiolved hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United
States of America in Congress assembled^ That there are hereby appro-
priated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated,
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1951,* the following sums:
For payment to Mary A. Chapman, widow of Virgil M. Chapman,
late a Senator from the State of Kentucky, $12,500.
For an additional amount, $16,155.
For an additional amount for "Expenses of Inquiries and Investiga-
tions", including an additional $50,000 for the Committee on Appro-
priations for the' objects specified under this heading in Public Law
759, Eighty-first Congress, $400,000.
For an additional amount for "Miscellaneous items", $200,000.
For an additional amount for "Biographical Congressional Direc-
tory", $5,000.
For payment to Leonor Kretzer Sullivan, widow of John B. Sulli-
van, late a Representative from the State of Missouri, $12,500.
For an additional amount for salaries and expenses, studies and
examinations, and so forth, $35,000. | An Act to extend the period for the admission of alien spouses and minor children of citizen members of the United States Armed Forces | 1951-03-19T00:00:00 | 9422f9eba848fcc706fd61fcf968ceffad350bedb4c27768c4e4c36d8311b269 |
US Congress | PL 82-8 (S.J.Res.39) | 65
PUBLIC LAW 9—MAR. 23, 1951
Special and select committees: For an additional amount for
expenses of special and select committees, $150,000,
Approved March 19, 1951.
Public Law 8
To continue for a temporary period the provisions of tiie Housin}? and Rent Act
of 1947, as amended.
Resolved hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United
States of America, in Congress assemhled, That section 204 (f) of
the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, as amended, is amended to read
as follows:
"(f) The provisions of this title shall cease to be in effect at the
close of June 30, 1951, or upon the date of a proclamation by the
President or upon the date specified in a concurrent resolution by
the two Houses of the Congress, declaring that the further contin-
uance of the authority granted by this title is not necessary because
of the existence of an emergency, whichever date is the earlier; except
that as to rights or liabilities incurred prior to such termination date,
the provisions of this title and regulations, orders, and requirements
thereunder shall be treated as still remaining in force for the purpose
of sustaining any proper suit or action with respect to any such right
or liability.'
Approved March 23, 1951.
March 23,1961
[S. J. Res. 39]
61 Stat. 199.
50 U.S. C , Sup. IV
app. § 1894 (f).
Public Law 9
To provide for the renegotiation of contracts, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
nited States of America in Congress assen "
be cited as the "Renegotiation Act of 1951".
March 23, 1961
[H. R. 1724]
United States of^merica
in Congress assembled^ That this Act may ofm°^^°"^"°° ^^^
It is hereby recognized and declared that the Congress has made
available for the execution of the national defense program extensive
funds, by appropriation and otherwise, for the procurement of prop-
erty, processes, and services, and the construction of facilities necessary
for the national defense; that sound execution of the national defense
program requires the elimination of excessive profits from contracts
made with the United States, and from related subcontracts, in the
course of said program; and that the considered policy of the Congress,
in the interests of the national defense and the general welfare of the
Nation, requires that such excessive profits be eliminated as provided
in this title.
(a) I N GENERAL.—The provisions of this title shall be applicable
(1) to all contracts with the Departments specifically named in section
103 (a), and related subcontracts, to the extent of the amounts received | Joint resolution to continue for a temporary period the provisions of the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, as amended | 1951-03-23T00:00:00 | 9fef5eb967ae77f5ec58b50b8f2b7244b16742e7e3e7ee20bcf36dd35d4263e6 |
US Congress | PL 82-4 (H.R.2262) | PUBLIC LAW 3—MAR. 10, 1951
[65 STAT.
March 10,1961
[H. B. 1001]
Naval vessels.
Construction or ac-
Appropriation au-
Disposal restriction.
63 Stat. 714.
22 U. S. C , Sup. IV,
§§ 1571-1604.
34 U. S. C. §§ 491,
Tonnage authoriza-
tions rescinded.
57 Stat. 604; 56 Stat.
655; 55 Stat. 197; 57
Stat. 92.
34U.S. C , Sup. IV,
§§ 4980-12, 498C-9,
498e-4, 498C-10.
Public Law 3
To authorize the construction of modern naval vessels, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President
is hereby authorized to undertake the construction of, or to acquire
and convert, not to exceed five hundred thousand tons of modern naval
vessels in the following categories and subcategories:
(a) Combatant vessels, three hundred and fifteen thousand tons,
divided into:
1. Warships, one hundred thousand tons, including one aircraft
carrier of not to exceed sixty thousand tons.
2. Amphibious warfare vessels and landing craft, one hundred
and seventy-five thousand tons.
3. Mine warfare vessels, twenty-five thousand tons.
4. Patrol vessels, fifteen thousand tons.
(b) Auxiliary vessels, one hundred and seventy-five thousand tons.
(c) Service craft, nine thousand tons.
(d) Experimental types, one thousand tons.
SEC. 2. The President is authorized to convert not to exceed one
million tons of existing naval vessels, from among those vessels on the
Navy List determined to be best fitted for conversion, to modern naval
vessels, of the following categories and subcategories:
(a) Combatant vessels, one million tons, divided into:
1. Warships, nine hundred and ninety thousand tons.
2. Mine warfare vessels, ten thousand tons.
SEC. 3. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any
money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as
may be necessary for the construction, acquisition, or conversion of
the foregoing vessels.
SEC. 4. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Mutual Defense
Assistance Act of 1949, as amended, or the provisions of any other
law, no battleship, carrier, cruiser, destroyer, or submarine of the
United States which has not been stricken from the Navy Register as
provided by section 2 of the Act of August 5, 1882 (22 Stat. 296), as
amended, or any interest of the United States in any such vessel, shall
hereafter be sold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of unless author-
ized hereafter by the Congress.
SEC. 5. The balance of tonnage authorizations remaining in the
following Acts are hereby rescinded:
(a) The Act of December 17, 1943 (Public Law 204, Seventy-
eighth Congress).
(b) The Act of July 9, 1942 (Public Law 665, Seventy-seventh
(c) The Act of May 24,1941 (Public Law 72, Seventy-seventh Con-
gress) as amended by the Act of December 17, 1941 (Public Law 353,
Seventy-seventh Congress).
(d) The Act of May 26, 1943 (Public Law 61, Seventy-eighth
Approved March 10, 1951.
March 14, 1951
[H. R. 2262]
Public Law^ 4
To authorize the attendance of the United States Marine Band at the celebra-
tion of the one hundred and seventy-fifth anniversary of the fortification of
Dorchester Heights, Massachusetts, and the evacuation of Boston, Massa-
chusetts, by the British, to be held in South Boston, Massachusetts, on
March 17, 1951.
u. s. Marine Band. Be it enocted hy trie Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assemhled, That the President
65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 6—MAR. 19, 1951
is authorized to permit the band of the United States Marine Corps
to attend and give concerts at the celebration of the one hundred and
seventy-fifth anniversary of the fortification of Dorchester Heights,
Massachusetts, and the evacuation of Boston, Massachusetts, by the
British, to be held in South Boston, Massachusetts, on March 17, 1951.
SEC. 2. For the purpose of defraying the expenses of such band in
attending and giving concerts at such celebration, there is hereby
authorized to be appropriated a sufficient sum to cover the cost of
transportation and pullman accommodations for the leaders and
members of the Marine Band, and allowance not to exceed $8 per day
each for additional traveling and living expenses while on duty, such
allowance to be in addition to the pay and allowance to which they
would be entitled while serving their permanent station.
Approved March 14, 1951.
Public Law 5
To confer jurisdiction on tlie Court of Claims to liear, determine, and render
judgment upon a certain claim of the Board of County Commissioners of
Sedgwick County, Kansas.
March 19,1951
[H. R. 335]
J u r i s d i c t i o n
Court of Claims.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assembled^ That jurisdiction is
hereby conferred on the Court of Claims to hear, determine, and render K^S.^^*"^ county,
judgment upon, notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the claim
of the Board of County Commissioners of Sedgwick County, Kansas,
against the Government of the United States on account of delinquent
real-estate taxes for the tax years 1944, 1945, 1946, and 1947 assessed
and levied against three tracts of land in sections 11 and 14 of town-
ship 28 south, range 1 east, of the sixth principal meridian, in Sedg-
wick County, Kansas, constituting the aircraft factory and grounds
owned in such years by the Defense Plant Corporation and the Recon-
struction Finance Corporation and leased to the Boeing Airplane
Company and transferred on or about February 25, 1948, by the
Reconstruction Finance Corporation to the United States subject to
unpaid taxes for said four years.
Such court shall determine the
amount of said taxes, and render judgment in favor of said Board of
County Commissioners of Sedgwick County, Kansas, and against the
United States for the amount of any such taxes which such court may
find and adjudge to have been lawfully assessed against such real estate
and remaining due and unpaid: Provided, That nothing herein shall
be construed as authorizing suit or judgment for interest, penalties or
charges on, or in connection with said taxes. The court shall have
such jurisdiction if suit is instituted within sixty days after the date
of enactment of this Act.
Approved March 19, 1951.
Time limitation.
Public Law 6
To extend the period for the admission of alien spouses and minor children of
citizen members of the United States Armed Forces.
Be it enaxited hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of Amei^ca in Congress assembled, That Public Law
Marcn 19, 1951
[H. R. 1090] | An Act to authorize the attendance of the United States Marine Band at the celebration of the one hundred and seventy-fifth anniversary of the fortification of Dorchester Heights, Mass., and the evacuation of Boston, Mass., by the British, to be held in South Bo | 1951-03-14T00:00:00 | e8634417f5e91fe8c056b8c73cd7b0bd0f9974a2014425985dea4993824eff8c |
US Congress | PL 82-5 (H.R.335) | 65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 6—MAR. 19, 1951
is authorized to permit the band of the United States Marine Corps
to attend and give concerts at the celebration of the one hundred and
seventy-fifth anniversary of the fortification of Dorchester Heights,
Massachusetts, and the evacuation of Boston, Massachusetts, by the
British, to be held in South Boston, Massachusetts, on March 17, 1951.
SEC. 2. For the purpose of defraying the expenses of such band in
attending and giving concerts at such celebration, there is hereby
authorized to be appropriated a sufficient sum to cover the cost of
transportation and pullman accommodations for the leaders and
members of the Marine Band, and allowance not to exceed $8 per day
each for additional traveling and living expenses while on duty, such
allowance to be in addition to the pay and allowance to which they
would be entitled while serving their permanent station.
Approved March 14, 1951.
Public Law 5
To confer jurisdiction on tlie Court of Claims to liear, determine, and render
judgment upon a certain claim of the Board of County Commissioners of
Sedgwick County, Kansas.
March 19,1951
[H. R. 335]
J u r i s d i c t i o n
Court of Claims.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assembled^ That jurisdiction is
hereby conferred on the Court of Claims to hear, determine, and render K^S.^^*"^ county,
judgment upon, notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the claim
of the Board of County Commissioners of Sedgwick County, Kansas,
against the Government of the United States on account of delinquent
real-estate taxes for the tax years 1944, 1945, 1946, and 1947 assessed
and levied against three tracts of land in sections 11 and 14 of town-
ship 28 south, range 1 east, of the sixth principal meridian, in Sedg-
wick County, Kansas, constituting the aircraft factory and grounds
owned in such years by the Defense Plant Corporation and the Recon-
struction Finance Corporation and leased to the Boeing Airplane
Company and transferred on or about February 25, 1948, by the
Reconstruction Finance Corporation to the United States subject to
unpaid taxes for said four years.
Such court shall determine the
amount of said taxes, and render judgment in favor of said Board of
County Commissioners of Sedgwick County, Kansas, and against the
United States for the amount of any such taxes which such court may
find and adjudge to have been lawfully assessed against such real estate
and remaining due and unpaid: Provided, That nothing herein shall
be construed as authorizing suit or judgment for interest, penalties or
charges on, or in connection with said taxes. The court shall have
such jurisdiction if suit is instituted within sixty days after the date
of enactment of this Act.
Approved March 19, 1951.
Time limitation.
Public Law 6
To extend the period for the admission of alien spouses and minor children of
citizen members of the United States Armed Forces.
Be it enaxited hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of Amei^ca in Congress assembled, That Public Law
Marcn 19, 1951
[H. R. 1090]
PUBLIC LAW 7—MAR. 19, 1951
64 Stat. 464.
8 U. S. C , Sup. IV,
43 Stat. 162.
43 Stat. 155.
8 U. S. C , Sup. IV,
717, Eighty-first Congress, is hereby amended to read: "Notwithstand-
ing the provisions of section 13 (c) of the Immigration Act of 1924,
as amended (8 U. S. C. 213 (c)), alien spouses or unmarried minor
children of United States citizens serving in, or having an honorable
discharge certificate from the Armed Forces of the United States
during World War I I shall, if otherwise admissible under the immi-
gration laws, be eligible to enter the United States with nonquota
immigration visas issued under the provisions of section 4 (a) of the
Immigration Act of 1924, as amended (8 U. S. C. 204 (a)) : Provided^
That in the cases of such alien spouses of United States citizens serv-
ing in, or having an honorable discharge certificate from the Armed
Forces of the United States during World War II the marriage shall
have occurred befoi*e twelve months after the enactment of this Act,
as hereby amended."
Approved March 19, 1951.
Public Law 7
March 19, 1951
[H. J. Res. 195]
priations, 1951.
64 Stat. 595.
64 Stat. 595.
64 Stat. 598.
Making additional appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year
1951, and for other purposes.
Reiiolved hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United
States of America in Congress assembled^ That there are hereby appro-
priated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated,
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1951,* the following sums:
For payment to Mary A. Chapman, widow of Virgil M. Chapman,
late a Senator from the State of Kentucky, $12,500.
For an additional amount, $16,155.
For an additional amount for "Expenses of Inquiries and Investiga-
tions", including an additional $50,000 for the Committee on Appro-
priations for the' objects specified under this heading in Public Law
759, Eighty-first Congress, $400,000.
For an additional amount for "Miscellaneous items", $200,000.
For an additional amount for "Biographical Congressional Direc-
tory", $5,000.
For payment to Leonor Kretzer Sullivan, widow of John B. Sulli-
van, late a Representative from the State of Missouri, $12,500.
For an additional amount for salaries and expenses, studies and
examinations, and so forth, $35,000. | An Act to confer jurisdiction on the Court of Claims to hear, determine, and render judgment upon a certain claim of the Board of County Commissioners of Sedgwick County, Kans | 1951-03-19T00:00:00 | 9422f9eba848fcc706fd61fcf968ceffad350bedb4c27768c4e4c36d8311b269 |
US Congress | PL 82-2 (H.J.Res.87) | Public Laws
Begun and held at the City oj Washington on Wednesday, January 3,1951, and adjourned
sine die on Saturday, October 20, 1951.
HARRY S. TRUMAN, President;
BARKLEY, Vice President;
SAM RAYBURN, Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Public Law 1
To extend for two years the existing privilege of free importation of gifts from
members of the Armed Forces of the United States on duty abroad.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assemhled, That section 2 of
the Act of December 5, 1942, entitled "An Act to accord free entry
to bona fide gifts from members of the Armed Forces of the United
States on duty abroad", as amended (U. S. C , 1946 edition, Supp. I l l ,
title 50 App., sec. 847), is hereby amended by striking out "July 1,
1951" and inserting in lieu thereof "July 1, 1953".
Approved February 21, 1951.
February 21,1951
[H. R. 2141]
63 Stat. 612.
50U.S. C , Sup. IV,
app. § 847.
Public Law 2
Amending section 5012 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Uesdlved hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United
States of America in Congress assembled^ That section 5012 of the
Internal Revenue Code (relating to powers of the Joint Committee
on Internal Revenue Taxation to obtain data) is hereby amended
by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection:
"(c) Subsections (a) and (b) shall be applied in accordance with
their provisions without regard to Reorganization Plan Numbered
26 of 1950 or to any other reorganization plan becoming effective on,
before, or after the date of the enactment of this subsection."
Approved February 28, 1951.
February 28,1951
[H. J. Res. 87]
66 Stat. 970.
26 U. 8. C. { 5012. | Joint resolution amending section 5012 of the Internal Revenue Code | 1951-02-28T00:00:00 | 9682984c4540fbb837a23d96a5468b76a4480704d0a3bd9451a1626a44bdd8f9 |
US Congress | PL 82-1 (H.R.2141) | Public Laws
Begun and held at the City oj Washington on Wednesday, January 3,1951, and adjourned
sine die on Saturday, October 20, 1951.
HARRY S. TRUMAN, President;
BARKLEY, Vice President;
SAM RAYBURN, Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Public Law 1
To extend for two years the existing privilege of free importation of gifts from
members of the Armed Forces of the United States on duty abroad.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assemhled, That section 2 of
the Act of December 5, 1942, entitled "An Act to accord free entry
to bona fide gifts from members of the Armed Forces of the United
States on duty abroad", as amended (U. S. C , 1946 edition, Supp. I l l ,
title 50 App., sec. 847), is hereby amended by striking out "July 1,
1951" and inserting in lieu thereof "July 1, 1953".
Approved February 21, 1951.
February 21,1951
[H. R. 2141]
63 Stat. 612.
50U.S. C , Sup. IV,
app. § 847.
Public Law 2
Amending section 5012 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Uesdlved hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United
States of America in Congress assembled^ That section 5012 of the
Internal Revenue Code (relating to powers of the Joint Committee
on Internal Revenue Taxation to obtain data) is hereby amended
by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection:
"(c) Subsections (a) and (b) shall be applied in accordance with
their provisions without regard to Reorganization Plan Numbered
26 of 1950 or to any other reorganization plan becoming effective on,
before, or after the date of the enactment of this subsection."
Approved February 28, 1951.
February 28,1951
[H. J. Res. 87]
66 Stat. 970.
26 U. 8. C. { 5012. | An Act to extend for 2 years the existing privileges of free importation of gifts from members of the Armed Forces of the United States on duty abroad | 1951-02-21T00:00:00 | 9682984c4540fbb837a23d96a5468b76a4480704d0a3bd9451a1626a44bdd8f9 |
US Congress | PL 82-3 (H.R.1001) | PUBLIC LAW 3—MAR. 10, 1951
[65 STAT.
March 10,1961
[H. B. 1001]
Naval vessels.
Construction or ac-
Appropriation au-
Disposal restriction.
63 Stat. 714.
22 U. S. C , Sup. IV,
§§ 1571-1604.
34 U. S. C. §§ 491,
Tonnage authoriza-
tions rescinded.
57 Stat. 604; 56 Stat.
655; 55 Stat. 197; 57
Stat. 92.
34U.S. C , Sup. IV,
§§ 4980-12, 498C-9,
498e-4, 498C-10.
Public Law 3
To authorize the construction of modern naval vessels, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President
is hereby authorized to undertake the construction of, or to acquire
and convert, not to exceed five hundred thousand tons of modern naval
vessels in the following categories and subcategories:
(a) Combatant vessels, three hundred and fifteen thousand tons,
divided into:
1. Warships, one hundred thousand tons, including one aircraft
carrier of not to exceed sixty thousand tons.
2. Amphibious warfare vessels and landing craft, one hundred
and seventy-five thousand tons.
3. Mine warfare vessels, twenty-five thousand tons.
4. Patrol vessels, fifteen thousand tons.
(b) Auxiliary vessels, one hundred and seventy-five thousand tons.
(c) Service craft, nine thousand tons.
(d) Experimental types, one thousand tons.
SEC. 2. The President is authorized to convert not to exceed one
million tons of existing naval vessels, from among those vessels on the
Navy List determined to be best fitted for conversion, to modern naval
vessels, of the following categories and subcategories:
(a) Combatant vessels, one million tons, divided into:
1. Warships, nine hundred and ninety thousand tons.
2. Mine warfare vessels, ten thousand tons.
SEC. 3. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any
money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as
may be necessary for the construction, acquisition, or conversion of
the foregoing vessels.
SEC. 4. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Mutual Defense
Assistance Act of 1949, as amended, or the provisions of any other
law, no battleship, carrier, cruiser, destroyer, or submarine of the
United States which has not been stricken from the Navy Register as
provided by section 2 of the Act of August 5, 1882 (22 Stat. 296), as
amended, or any interest of the United States in any such vessel, shall
hereafter be sold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of unless author-
ized hereafter by the Congress.
SEC. 5. The balance of tonnage authorizations remaining in the
following Acts are hereby rescinded:
(a) The Act of December 17, 1943 (Public Law 204, Seventy-
eighth Congress).
(b) The Act of July 9, 1942 (Public Law 665, Seventy-seventh
(c) The Act of May 24,1941 (Public Law 72, Seventy-seventh Con-
gress) as amended by the Act of December 17, 1941 (Public Law 353,
Seventy-seventh Congress).
(d) The Act of May 26, 1943 (Public Law 61, Seventy-eighth
Approved March 10, 1951.
March 14, 1951
[H. R. 2262]
Public Law^ 4
To authorize the attendance of the United States Marine Band at the celebra-
tion of the one hundred and seventy-fifth anniversary of the fortification of
Dorchester Heights, Massachusetts, and the evacuation of Boston, Massa-
chusetts, by the British, to be held in South Boston, Massachusetts, on
March 17, 1951.
u. s. Marine Band. Be it enocted hy trie Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assemhled, That the President
65 STAT.]
PUBLIC LAW 6—MAR. 19, 1951
is authorized to permit the band of the United States Marine Corps
to attend and give concerts at the celebration of the one hundred and
seventy-fifth anniversary of the fortification of Dorchester Heights,
Massachusetts, and the evacuation of Boston, Massachusetts, by the
British, to be held in South Boston, Massachusetts, on March 17, 1951.
SEC. 2. For the purpose of defraying the expenses of such band in
attending and giving concerts at such celebration, there is hereby
authorized to be appropriated a sufficient sum to cover the cost of
transportation and pullman accommodations for the leaders and
members of the Marine Band, and allowance not to exceed $8 per day
each for additional traveling and living expenses while on duty, such
allowance to be in addition to the pay and allowance to which they
would be entitled while serving their permanent station.
Approved March 14, 1951.
Public Law 5
To confer jurisdiction on tlie Court of Claims to liear, determine, and render
judgment upon a certain claim of the Board of County Commissioners of
Sedgwick County, Kansas.
March 19,1951
[H. R. 335]
J u r i s d i c t i o n
Court of Claims.
Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of America in Congress assembled^ That jurisdiction is
hereby conferred on the Court of Claims to hear, determine, and render K^S.^^*"^ county,
judgment upon, notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the claim
of the Board of County Commissioners of Sedgwick County, Kansas,
against the Government of the United States on account of delinquent
real-estate taxes for the tax years 1944, 1945, 1946, and 1947 assessed
and levied against three tracts of land in sections 11 and 14 of town-
ship 28 south, range 1 east, of the sixth principal meridian, in Sedg-
wick County, Kansas, constituting the aircraft factory and grounds
owned in such years by the Defense Plant Corporation and the Recon-
struction Finance Corporation and leased to the Boeing Airplane
Company and transferred on or about February 25, 1948, by the
Reconstruction Finance Corporation to the United States subject to
unpaid taxes for said four years.
Such court shall determine the
amount of said taxes, and render judgment in favor of said Board of
County Commissioners of Sedgwick County, Kansas, and against the
United States for the amount of any such taxes which such court may
find and adjudge to have been lawfully assessed against such real estate
and remaining due and unpaid: Provided, That nothing herein shall
be construed as authorizing suit or judgment for interest, penalties or
charges on, or in connection with said taxes. The court shall have
such jurisdiction if suit is instituted within sixty days after the date
of enactment of this Act.
Approved March 19, 1951.
Time limitation.
Public Law 6
To extend the period for the admission of alien spouses and minor children of
citizen members of the United States Armed Forces.
Be it enaxited hy the Senate and House of Representatives
of the
United States of Amei^ca in Congress assembled, That Public Law
Marcn 19, 1951
[H. R. 1090] | An Act to authorize the construction of modern naval vessels, and for other purposes | 1951-03-10T00:00:00 | e8634417f5e91fe8c056b8c73cd7b0bd0f9974a2014425985dea4993824eff8c |
US Congress | PL 118-56 (H.R.3865) | null | To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 101 South 8th Street in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, as the "Lieutenant William D. Lebo Post Office Building". | 2024-05-07T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-57 (H.R.3944) | null | To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 120 West Church Street in Mount Vernon, Georgia, as the "Second Lieutenant Patrick Palmer Calhoun Post Office". | 2024-05-07T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-49 (H.R.7888) | null | Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act | 2024-04-20T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-58 (H.R.3947) | null | To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 859 North State Road 21 in Melrose, Florida, as the "Pamela Jane Rock Post Office Building". | 2024-05-07T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-50 (H.R.815) | null | Making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes. | 2024-04-24T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-59 (S.474) | null | Revising Existing Procedures On Reporting via Technology Act | 2024-05-07T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-60 (H.R.8289) | null | Airport and Airway Extension Act of 2024, Part II | 2024-05-10T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-61 (H.R.593) | null | To rename the Department of Veterans Affairs community-based outpatient clinic in Hinesville, Georgia, as the "John Gibson, Dan James, William Sapp, and Frankie Smiley VA Clinic". | 2024-05-13T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-52 (H.R.292) | null | To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 24355 Creekside Road in Santa Clarita, California, as the "William L. Reynolds Post Office Building". | 2024-05-07T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-51 (H.R.4389) | null | Migratory Birds of the Americas Conservation Enhancements Act of 2023 | 2024-04-24T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-62 (H.R.1042) | null | Prohibiting Russian Uranium Imports Act | 2024-05-13T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-63 (H.R.3935) | null | FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 | 2024-05-16T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-53 (H.R.996) | null | To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 3901 MacArthur Blvd., in New Orleans, Louisiana, as the "Dr. Rudy Lombard Post Office". | 2024-05-07T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-45 (S.992) | null | I-27 Numbering Act of 2023 | 2024-03-22T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-54 (H.R.2379) | null | To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 616 East Main Street in St. Charles, Illinois, as the "Veterans of the Vietnam War Memorial Post Office". | 2024-05-07T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-46 (S.1278) | null | A bill to designate the Federal building located at 985 Michigan Avenue in Detroit, Michigan, as the "Rosa Parks Federal Building", and for other purposes. | 2024-03-22T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-55 (H.R.2754) | null | To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 2395 East Del Mar Boulevard in Laredo, Texas, as the "Lance Corporal David Lee Espinoza, Lance Corporal Juan Rodrigo Rodriguez & Sergeant Roberto Arizola Jr. Post Office Building". | 2024-05-07T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-64 (S.546) | null | Recruit and Retain Act | 2024-05-24T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-65 (S.2051) | null | Missing Children's Assistance Reauthorization Act of 2023 | 2024-06-17T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-48 (S.382) | null | Puyallup Tribe of Indians Land Into Trust Confirmation Act of 2023 | 2024-04-19T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-56 (H.R.3865) | null | To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 101 South 8th Street in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, as the "Lieutenant William D. Lebo Post Office Building". | 2024-05-07T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-57 (H.R.3944) | null | To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 120 West Church Street in Mount Vernon, Georgia, as the "Second Lieutenant Patrick Palmer Calhoun Post Office". | 2024-05-07T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-49 (H.R.7888) | null | Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act | 2024-04-20T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-58 (H.R.3947) | null | To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 859 North State Road 21 in Melrose, Florida, as the "Pamela Jane Rock Post Office Building". | 2024-05-07T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-50 (H.R.815) | null | Making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes. | 2024-04-24T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-59 (S.474) | null | Revising Existing Procedures On Reporting via Technology Act | 2024-05-07T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-60 (H.R.8289) | null | Airport and Airway Extension Act of 2024, Part II | 2024-05-10T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-61 (H.R.593) | null | To rename the Department of Veterans Affairs community-based outpatient clinic in Hinesville, Georgia, as the "John Gibson, Dan James, William Sapp, and Frankie Smiley VA Clinic". | 2024-05-13T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-52 (H.R.292) | null | To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 24355 Creekside Road in Santa Clarita, California, as the "William L. Reynolds Post Office Building". | 2024-05-07T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-51 (H.R.4389) | null | Migratory Birds of the Americas Conservation Enhancements Act of 2023 | 2024-04-24T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-62 (H.R.1042) | null | Prohibiting Russian Uranium Imports Act | 2024-05-13T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-63 (H.R.3935) | null | FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 | 2024-05-16T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-53 (H.R.996) | null | To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 3901 MacArthur Blvd., in New Orleans, Louisiana, as the "Dr. Rudy Lombard Post Office". | 2024-05-07T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-45 (S.992) | null | I-27 Numbering Act of 2023 | 2024-03-22T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-54 (H.R.2379) | null | To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 616 East Main Street in St. Charles, Illinois, as the "Veterans of the Vietnam War Memorial Post Office". | 2024-05-07T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-46 (S.1278) | null | A bill to designate the Federal building located at 985 Michigan Avenue in Detroit, Michigan, as the "Rosa Parks Federal Building", and for other purposes. | 2024-03-22T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-55 (H.R.2754) | null | To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 2395 East Del Mar Boulevard in Laredo, Texas, as the "Lance Corporal David Lee Espinoza, Lance Corporal Juan Rodrigo Rodriguez & Sergeant Roberto Arizola Jr. Post Office Building". | 2024-05-07T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-64 (S.546) | null | Recruit and Retain Act | 2024-05-24T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-65 (S.2051) | null | Missing Children's Assistance Reauthorization Act of 2023 | 2024-06-17T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-48 (S.382) | null | Puyallup Tribe of Indians Land Into Trust Confirmation Act of 2023 | 2024-04-19T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-42 (H.R.4366) | null | Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 | 2024-03-09T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-47 (H.R.2882) | null | Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 | 2024-03-23T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 118-4 (H.R.346) | null | NOTAM Improvement Act of 2023 | 2023-06-03T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 117-362 (S.5329) | null | A bill to amend the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act to improve the program, and for other purposes. | 2023-01-05T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 117-352 (S.4411) | null | A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 5302 Galveston Road in Houston, Texas, as the "Vanessa Guillen Post Office Building". | 2023-01-05T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 117-307 (H.R.7638) | null | To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 6000 South Florida Avenue in Lakeland, Florida, as the "U.S. Marine Corporal Ronald R. Payne Jr. Post Office". | 2022-12-27T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 117-295 (H.R.6386) | null | To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 450 West Schaumburg Road in Schaumburg, Illinois, as the "Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan Memorial Post Office Building". | 2022-12-27T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 117-293 (H.R.6221) | null | To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 155 Main Avenue West in Winsted, Minnesota, as the "James A. Rogers Jr. Post Office". | 2022-12-27T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 117-264 (H.R.4373) | null | Further Additional Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act, 2023 | 2022-12-23T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 117-233 (H.R.5481) | null | To name the Department of Veterans Affairs community-based outpatient clinic in Forest City, North Carolina, as the "Master Sergeant Jerry K. Crump VA Clinic". | 2022-12-19T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 117-222 (S.3655) | null | Civil Rights Cold Case Investigations Support Act of 2022 | 2022-12-05T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 117-205 (S.1198) | null | Solid Start Act of 2022 | 2022-10-17T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 117-186 (H.R.468) | null | Expedited Delivery of Airport Infrastructure Act of 2021 | 2022-10-10T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 117-180 (H.R.6833) | null | Continuing Appropriations and Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2023 | 2022-09-30T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 117-175 (H.R.5754) | null | Patient Advocate Tracker Act | 2022-09-16T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 117-164 (H.R.3359) | null | Homicide Victims' Families' Rights Act of 2021 | 2022-08-03T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 117-127 (H.R.6023) | null | Multinational Species Conservation Funds Semipostal Stamp Reauthorization Act of 2021 | 2022-05-16T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 117-114 (H.R.3113) | null | Modernizing Access to Our Public Land Act | 2022-04-29T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 117-109 (H.R.6968) | null | Ending Importation of Russian Oil Act | 2022-04-08T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 117-81 (PDF 2MB) (S.1605) | null | National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 | 2021-12-27T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 116-327 (H.R.1418) | null | Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act of 2020 | 2021-01-13T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 116-295 (H.R.4983) | null | To designate the Department of Veterans Affairs community-based outpatient clinic in Gilbert, Arizona, as the Staff Sergeant Alexander W. Conrad Veterans Affairs Health Care Clinic. | 2021-01-05T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 116-225 (H.J.Res.107) | null | Further Additional Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021 | 2020-12-18T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 116-127 (H.R.6201) | null | Families First Coronavirus Response Act | 2020-03-18T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 116-108 (H.R.2476) | null | Securing American Nonprofit Organizations Against Terrorism Act of 2019 | 2020-01-24T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 116-96 (H.R.2333) | null | Support for Suicide Prevention Coordinators Act | 2019-12-20T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 116-82 (H.R.1526) | null | To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 200 Israel Road Southeast in Tumwater, Washington, as the Eva G. Hewitt Post Office. | 2019-12-12T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 115-424 (S.2961) | null | An act to reauthorize subtitle A of the Victims of Child Abuse Act of 1990 | 2019-01-07T00:00:00 | null |
US Congress | PL 115-395 (S.3170) | null | An act to amend title 18, United States Code, to make certain changes to the reporting requirement of certain service providers regarding child sexual exploitation visual depictions, and for other purposes | 2018-12-21T00:00:00 | null |