Questions of Style: Literary By Michel Hockx Reviewed by Edward M. Gunn MCLC Resource Center Publication (Copyright November 2004) Michel Hockx Questions of Style: Literary Societies and Literary Journals in Modern China, 1911-1937. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2003. ISBN: 90 04 12915 4 (hardcover). The concept of style that Hockx pursues in this study of Republican-era literature is a set of features involving not only language but also lifestyle, style of organization of literary activity and production, and style of publication (13). This method of research opens up a broader vision of literary activity and production to systematic study than has existed. Graduate students for decades have been sent into the stacks of libraries to acquaint themselves with journals and their appearance and content, but perhaps
never with the rigor and scope that Hockx has brought to this task of making journals the text of study, rather than the context. His survey of literary organizations and their journals reveals that, as much as Shanghai played a key role in national distribution of journals, it was not the hub of literary societies themselves nor the writing of their members, which were spread across the nation. The “horizontal reading” method across issues of specific journals—not necessarily in bed—calls attention to the role of journals in shaping a unity of or at least strongly suggestive links among the material submitted by various individuals. An examination of abusive criticism demonstrates
[ "criticism", "abusive", "strongly", "played" ]
Last month I was traveling in northeastern Thailand for work with a couple of my Thai colleagues. The food in the Northeast is truly spectacular. Meals are worthy of special consideration up there, and I’ve had some of my most memorable meals in Thailand in the most unassuming places in that region. One trip we had an unforgettable smoky, crisp chicken from a roadside vendor that grilled the chicken over old oil barrels. On
my last trip, we had the unfortunate luck to have booked a return flight at 1pm. This meant lunch at the airport. (A universal truth – airport food is dicey.) When we sat down in the airport restaurant, without hesitation my colleague ordered us each a plate of Chicken with Holy Basil with rice and a fried egg on top. There was nothing particularly unique
[ "hesitation", "truth", "luck", "unfortunate" ]
I know you have seen this already, but we should have some dicussion about it. You know that right wing politics in France is tied to the older form of Mass is. Now Italy? The story is from CWN. If you don’t subscribe to CWN, you ought to: Italian political party petitions for Latin Mass Rome, Dec. 13, 2006 ( – Italy’s National Alliance party is leading a petition drive among Catholics in the Liguria region, asking the bishops there to allow at least one Sunday Mass each week celebrated in the Tridentine rite. The National Alliance, concerned about the steady influx of immigrants from South America and Eastern Europe into Liguria, argues that the use of the 1962 Missal would be an effective way to help integrate the new residents into the region’s traditional culture. Formed by an alliance of the Italian Social
Movement with members of the defunct Christian Democrat party, the center-right National Alliance has moved sharply away from its historical connection with Benito Mussolini’s fascist movement, and
[ "fascist" ]
Oh come on, like you haven’t ever imagined your favorite celebrities secretly getting together and living happily ever after. It’s totally not weird that Amelia and I imagined an alternate reality where Kate Winslet and her “Titanic” costar Leo DiCaprio finally get together. Is it? Okay, maybe it is. But when we found out that Leo was the guy who gave Kate away during her recent wedding to a guy named Ned Rocknroll
(sorry, still not over it), it seemed like an oddly fated moment… Julie: Kate Winslet, you’re 37 and you don’t want your parents to know you got married? That is WEIRD. Amelia: Haha well, I don’t know that they didn’t want them to know, it seems like they just decided to elope. I just think it’s weird that Leo
[ "haha", "weird", "want", "like" ]
Corporate Communication and Project Management Services Empressive Consulting provides expert corporate and technical writing, project management and business analysis services, including: How is Empressive different? With a strong foundation in
Plain English, linguistics, critical thinking, user experience, and project management, we deliver communication products that work. Your documents and products are tailored to respectfully communicate with and engage your
[ "engage", "respectfully", "critical" ]
Disable ads with reddit gold. and many more extra features! Girl Driver Teaches a Lesson by scientologist2in Roadcam [–]despou 0 points1 point2 points 1 month ago Girl: Guess what I'm up to.. From mercedes: fucking cunt! Girl: Heard that? Man Forgets His Sunglasses by coffeetablesexin Roadcam [–]despou 16 points17 points18 points 2 months ago* It was all part of the plan. He hated those glasses. But he did not knew why. He could not explain it. He even couldn't tell about his feelings to his best friend. And finally. There was an opportunity to get rid of those glasses. And he did. He felt no guilt, nothing. Cold as stone he threw those glasses on the ground. Even his friend did not
see that. Friend himself went to get rid of something shameful too. But we will never know of what. All we know, that we know, glass-less man! We know! Never forget
[ "friend", "shameful", "forget" ]
Best Dog Park - 2008 Rave about our wonderful dog beaches at Huntington Beach and Belmont Shore, and we'll certainly join you. Trouble is, a beach is a beach, which means typical beach hassles—for you, that means gunking yourself up with SPF-50, dealing with overcrowded
parking lots, and rolling your eyes at tourists who think sporting cheap T-shirts that say, "I'VE BEEN TO THE REAL OC" is somehow stylin'. And when your mutt is with you, that means sandy fur and regurgitated seaweed (bad, Rufus—that was not a toy!) disgusting up your car on the drive home. This is why we love the
[ "disgusting", "love" ]
Media Player Classic AVI integer overflow |mediaplayerclassic-avi-overflow (36584)||High Risk| Media Player Classic is vulnerable to an integer overflow. By persuading a victim to open a specially-crafted AVI file, a remote attacker could overflow a buffer and execute arbitrary code on the system with the privileges of the victim. Note: This vulnerability also affects StormPlayer, CD-Storm (MYMPC) and other products based on Media Player Classic. No remedy available as of May 1, 2013. - CD-Storm (MYMPC) Web site: CD-Storm (MYMPC). (Web site is
in Chinese) - StormPlayer Web site: StormPlayer. (Web site is in Chinese) - Vulnhunt Web site: Advisory CAL-20070912-1: Multiple vendor produce handling AVI file vulnerabilities. - BID-25650: Media Player Classic Malformed AVI Header Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities - CVE-2007-4940: Multiple integer overflows in Media Player Classic (MPC) and earlier, as used standalone and in mympc (aka CD-
[ "vulnerabilities" ]
Online Investing Hacks, Part 2 Pages: 1, 2 Download Financial Statements Download financial statements to study financial ratios without tedious manual data entry. To puzzle out how a company has performed in the past and where it might be heading, financial ratios can't be beat. The problem has always been data entry. Evaluating trends in financial measures requires at least three years of values, but who wants to manually transcribe three years of income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements into a spreadsheet? Sure, financial data providers offer data files of financial information—with a price tag attached [Hack #20]. And, you can always use
Excel web queries to grab data from web pages [Hack #7]. However, EdgarScan ( provides the key information from financial statements, extracted from the filings that the company submits to the SEC, already stored in Excel spreadsheets that you can download at no charge. The Global Technology Centre at Price Waterhouse Coopers developed EdgarScan, and it's a mother lode of data for investors who dig
[ "no", "excel" ]
Democrats have been saying that for years, but now Newt Gingrich, of all people, has changed the conversation. As the AP put it, “The firebrand former House speaker broke with what has become a reflexive Republican hard line on immigration, calling for ‘humane’ treatment for otherwise law-abiding illegal immigrants who have been in the United States for decades, establishing deep family and community ties. Gingrich suggested they should be provided a pathway to legal residency but not citizenship. Republicans, he said, should see illegal immigrants through the prism of another issue near and dear to the GOP faithful: family values.” Is Newt
right, or are other Republicans correct to take a hard line on immigration issues? Will the GOP position cause Hispanics to refuse to vote for Republican candidates — and thus doom them in many elections? Should the GOP say the same thing, but in a nicer way? If you have a comment on this or any
[ "nicer", "refuse", "doom", "hard" ]
THE RACE: Polls Show Presidential Race Tightening With about five months to go, the presidential race is tightening, polls show, with voters nearly evenly divided between President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, his likely Republican challenger. Obama and Romney are locked in a dead heat over handling the economy, the top concern of voters, a new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows. They are tied at 47 percent. Overall, 49 percent said they back Obama for re-election and 46 percent preferred Romney, a statistically insignificant difference. Other recent national polls show a similarly close margin. Earlier polls generally showed the former Massachusetts governor holding a slight lead over Obama on economic issues and Obama slightly ahead overall. But the tightening follows an aggressive attack on Romney’s business credentials by the Obama campaign, including ads painting him as a job-destroying corporate raider at Bain Capital, the private-equity firm he co-founded. Romney called the attacks "character assassination." But Obama defended the tactic on Monday as legitimate and suggested Romney’s background
was a poor qualification for the White House since being president involves more than "maximizing profits." An NBC-Wall Street Journal poll, meanwhile, suggested that Obama’s endorsement of gay marriage two weeks ago was a political wash, with 17 percent saying it makes them more likely to vote for him and 20 percent saying it makes them more likely to vote for Romney, who opposes gay marriage. Sixty two percent said it makes no difference in their vote. With U.S. unemployment still hovering above
[ "no", "poor", "endorsement", "unemployment" ]
January 7, 2013 Ravens' Ray Lewis has his last dance By Ken Fidlin, QMI Agency Ray Lewis has always been a guy who could make an entrance. For
17 years he has been coming out of the tunnel at M&T Bank Stadium, eyes wide and blazing, the embodiment of football emotion. It never fails to incite the football fans of Baltimore. And one last time Sunday, Lewis came out of the tunnel, the last man to appear in the pre-game introductions, doing his patented dance. Every
[ "fails" ]
Bob’s Red Mill Flaxseed and Flaxseed Meal Bob’s Red Mill Flaxseed Meal is freshly milled to preserve the natural oils and nutrients. Ground flaxseeds have a nutty taste and are a noted health-giving digestive aid. They are also high in fiber and are powerful natural cholesterol controllers. In a two tablespoon serving size (13 grams) the fiber content is 1
gram of Soluble Fiber and 3 grams of Insoluble Fiber. Ground Flaxseeds are a good source of Omega 3 Fatty Acids. A two tablespoon serving contains 2400 mg of Omega 3. Keep refrigerated for freshness. Bob’s Red Mill Flaxseeds and Flaxseed Meal are a healthy addition to almost any meal—sprinkle on salads, add to a smoothie or hot cereal, give baked goods added nutrition. Flaxseed meal also makes a great egg
[ "great", "good", "healthy" ]
In my last post I talked about the concept of moral dissonance, relating to our ability to accept the idea of the death penalty, specifically using our assassination of Bin Laden as the center of that discussion. I wasn’t sure if “moral dissonance” was even a concept in use. I’ve googled it a bit, and found that (as you would expect) it is a phrase that’s used. Here’s an article on Wikipedia discussing cognitive dissonance, and tying it to the idea of moral dissonance. We all find ourselves faced with decisions we need to make, or positions we need to support or condemn. Sometimes the decisions we make or the positions we support are at odds
with our core moral compass. In those cases, we can either recognize, accept, and live with the moral dissonance, or we can justify our decision in some way – building a case that makes it an acceptable exception to our moral compass.
[ "acceptable" ]
Did you know that the word "Nemo" in Latin means... AS A KID YOUR REACTION WHEN YOUR PARENTS PULLED UP... Please Read This → The Royal wedding was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute tumblrbot asked: WHERE WOULD YOU MOST LIKE TO VISIT ON YOUR PLANET? when people say they're going to have a snack. littlebitlovely23: whatsyournamebro: them: me: beyond accurate Pics From The Weekend :) How to finish that last minute assignment carlitostaxx: moonligght: Reblogging for future reference. Hahahaha. fucking GENIUS!! Acefaced reblogged me When I see "explain" on a test... Now, this is a story all about how my life got... When your nails are wet and you accidentally touch... That one person that you just wanna... lovemcqueen: blas
ianbri: imsofreknahmazing: cannot breathe lmfaooooooooooooooooooo OMG! LMFAO lmfaooo im dead! Hearing bad rappers rap on a good beat. briana-redd-marie: sincerely
[ "bad", "good", "sincerely" ]
Don Diego is the master shaman of Sachavacay, he fully embodies the ancient healing traditions of the Amazonian curanderos (traditional healers). He is a man dedicated to uncovering the most profound truths that this life has to offer, which has propelled him on a life-long path of learning. At a young age, he was readily identified as a pure-hearted vessel into which the age-old wisdoms of the Amazon were transmitted, and he spent his formative years apprenticing to elder shamans throughout the region. A diligent student of the Amazonian master plants, Don Diego has internalized the lessons of his masters, wisdom poorly understood in other cultures, that the plants themselves are the purest teachers. Most of what he has learned has been revealed to him in moments of solitude and deep introspection due a mixture of Divine grace and relentless dedication to his path. His body, mind and spirit
have become a repository of the magnificent knowledge gleaned directly from a vast pharmacopoeia of plant medicines, and he has learned how to apply this knowledge to spiritual evolution.
[ "magnificent" ]
"...(My) take on the whole issue of open standards versus open source? I would say this: If it doesn't have an open-source reference implementation, the term "standard" is an abuse of the language. That's still a very strong position by today's standards. But it won't be in three to five years. If it doesn't have an open-source implementation, how do you know what the standard means?" Eric Raymond, Co-Founder of the Open Source Initiative In this article we provide some insights into the relationship between non-code based open assets, open development processes, and open standards. The insights are based on a case study of the OpenAccess (OA) Project of the Silicon Integration Initiative. The unique relationship between the OA standard's openness, evolution
and adoption is an example of how open processes could be used to enable design tool interoperability, innovation, and cooperation. Open Access API Standard It is widely accepted that the lack of interoperability between Electronic Design Automation (EDA) design tools is a major limitation for the cost-effective design and manufacturing of silicon integrated circuits. The
[ "accepted", "lack", "limitation" ]
AUBURN - As head coach Gene Chizik looked back Sunday at last Saturday's 31-28 overtime victory over Louisiana-Monroe and ahead to next Saturday's game against No. 2 LSU, he said many of the issues that trouble the Tigers are of their own making. Mike Blakely was not benched because of fumble/Robin Conn photo The fourth quarter has not been kind to Auburn's football team this season. In going 1-2, he Tigers have been outscored 31-3 in the final quarter. That's four touchdowns and a field goal to one field goal. Chizik acknowledged those numbers must change
. "The nature of some of these offenses is we have been on the field defensively more than we want to be," Chizik said. "Some of it is our own doing. We had three possessions yesterday, three added possessions we had for our defense had to be out there. That
[ "offenses", "defense", "defensively", "want" ]
- Development & Aid - Economy & Trade - Human Rights - Global Governance - Civil Society Thursday, June 20, 2013 - Before the latest outbreak of protests and unrest among Mapuche Indians in the southern Chilean region of Araucanía, IPS visited the village of Temucuicui, whose residents have complained for years about judicial persecution and police brutality in response to their claims to their ancestral land. On their
own territory, they shared what keeps them going, their sorrows and their hopes. “It hurts to see my land surrounded by carabineros (militarised police). Why should I be watched over, controlled, kept prisoner in my own territory?”
[ "shared", "hurts", "prisoner", "sorrows" ]
Why must you turn Ashley Greene working the VMA into a personality contest and throw Kristen's name into it? It just causes more hatred towards Kristen from those who are jealous of her acting talents and of her being with Rob. I don't understand you sometimes because you complain about Summit not giving robsten
enough security, yet you provoke these nutty fans by making Kristen look bad. Could you have wrote this article without using Kristen name in it at all? Be responsible with your words, don't turn into Perez. Leave Stew alone she has
[ "responsible", "leave", "provoke", "alone" ]
Butterflies - The Tribe Of The Coppers ( Originally Published 1917 ) The members of this tribe are well characterized by their name, for most of them show on the upper wing surface tones of coppery brown, more or less marked around the margin with darker shades. On the under side
of the tarsi there are numerous spines in irregular clusters. In the chrysalis there are curious hair-like projections on the skin, which are short and shaped like tiny toadstools or mushrooms. While some of the Coppers are very abundant, the majority are rather rare. Only a few species are sufficiently widely distributed to require description here. Feniseca tarquinius In many orders
[ "curious", "like" ]
Munck, Adelheid and David, Charles N. Cell proliferation and differentiation kinetics during spermatogenesis in Hydra carnea. In: Development Genes and Evolution, Vol. 194, No. 5: pp.
247-256 Spermatogenesis inHydra carnea was investigated. The cell proliferation and differentiation kinetics of intermediates in the spermatogenesis pathway were determined, using quantitative determinations of cell abundance, pulse and continuous labelling with3H-thymidine and nuclear DNA measurements. Testes develop in the ectoderm of male hydra as a result of interstitial cell proliferation. Gonial stem cells and proliferating spermatogonia have cell cycles of 28 h and 22 h, respectively. Stem cells undergo
[ "determinations" ]
As a home brewer, I’m fascinated by the fermentation. And Olympia appears to have a respectably large home brew culture, supporting two beer- and wine-making supply shops (Rocky Top on the Westside, and Healthcrafts on the East). And, well, Olympia as a town has a long-standing beermaking history on a commercial scale, what with Olympia Brewing Company‘s long shadow. But I’ve often wondered why, with the exception of the upwardly mobile Fish, Olympia doesn’t really have much in the way of small scale beer manufacturers. I’m starting to suspect the reason is our local brewers are, well, interested in fermenting other things. So perhaps trying to capture alcohol as the primary goal of fermentation is no longer so obvious, at least not to my fellow
Olympians. Perhaps the reason why there are so few brewpubs and taprooms in the South Sound is the friends of fungus and yeast have developed a taste for bitters other than
[ "friends", "bitters" ]
AIG and its recklessly greedy and stupid executives are ample proof that modern American capitalism is not an impartial economic system based on rewards for performance, with no guarantees and safety nets for risk takers.
Winners take all; losers surrender everything. That was the story we have all been told, but it has been proven time and time again during the Global Economic Crisis that this is a myth. If anything, the reverse is the case. AIG is a textbook study in how communism has infected the boardroom suites of corporate America, with
[ "infected", "crisis", "winners", "losers" ]
I am an experienced c++/ java programmer and after looking over Unreal Script i think i can handle it.... still i hope the goals i have set for my first mod are not too ambitious. first of all i want my mod to ask for directory where my customized level is stored (therefore i can load any of the levels my team has created) i also want to choose where i spawn my bot(s) i would also at some point like to code it so that every bots path is preset before the game/simulation
is ever started i want everything to be set before the game (or in my case, simulation) starts.. do i need to do any native coding for this, or can it all be resolved using Unreal Script
[ "resolved", "want" ]
Many individuals use social media to adopt an alter ego for personal or professional reasons—or just to be an ass. In some cases it is planned and calculated, and in others the platform simply emphasizes or exaggerates the individual’s personality. Be it your social media personality or an alter ego, we each have one. This list could easily be created with social-scientific personality names such as lurker, moderator, or curator. But I’ve chosen to title them by their celebrity equivalents to personify the corresponding social media engagement traits. Consider it a game: How many of the people you engage with online can you match with each personality? 1. The Hilton (Paris) Carefully selects which conversation to join by assessing how their social status (or Klout score) will be elevated. Status seeking is their reason for being, and they appear only when it’s in their personal interest. 2. The Beck (Glenn) Compelled to share their opinions about others’ content and state
those opinions as “fact” and inherently right. Many times this person is a writer, author, or similar creative type who focuses on what he or she sees as the essence or meaning of the content, regardless of the audience. 3. The Jones (Star) Confrontational by nature, a critic who challenges every thought for the sake
[ "confrontational", "creative", "challenges", "critic" ]
MSG: Tasty! (2011) Jazz recordings cannot punch listeners in the nosewell, not literally. But when a recording hits as hard as MSG's Tasty!, it certainly feels like it. Saxophonist Rudresh Mahanthappa, a Guggenheim Fellow and distinguished Player, has been applying his punchy style, first in projects with pianist Vijay Iyer, but lately in creative endeavors such as Apex, with saxophonist Bunky Green and pianist Jason Moran, in duo with saxophonist Steve Lehman, and with his South Asian-influenced work in Indo-Pak Coalition and The Dakshina Ensemble. Here, he teams up with Paris-based Indo-Dutch drummer Chander Sardjoe, and Irish bassist Ronan Guilfoyle. All three players are well-versed in the music of South India, but this session comes more from Brooklyn than it does Bangalore. The playing is gritty, raw and confrontational, with Mahanthappa's music best described as equal parts Jackie McLean and Steve Coleman; Blue Note hard bop of the 1960s infused with an M-BASE dynamic. Recorded in 2006 by this trio, a year after
forming, the players exhibit a chemistry normally attributable to much longer association. The compositionsfive by Mahanthappa, and three from Guilfoyleall require the players to turn on a dime, shifting rhythms and patterns quickly. Guilfoyle's acoustic bass looms large throughout, but he hovers over "Installation," poking and propelling both Mahanthappa and Sardjoe before taking a solo of his own. Manathappa is spot on with the time changes here and on the other tricky tracks, like the very slick swing of "Traditional" or
[ "tricky", "looms", "like" ]
Natalie Redding is the fiber artist behind the Namaste Farms line of luxury fibers. On her farm in Temucula, CA, she has: - Champion Wensleydale Longwools - Gotlands and Bluefaced Leicesters - Racka Sheep - Old English Babydoll Southdowns - Angora and Pygora goats As if running a farm with 85 to 100 animals isn't keeping her busy enough, Natalie hand spins and hand dyes all of the yarns with only a few others to help, so each hank is incredibly special and unique. (And if you are curious about the process of creating and handling fine fibers, spinning, etc., check out her YouTube videos!) When she approached me to design something with her yarns, I just had to say yes! Plus, she developed
a special color, called "Babe" just for me! "Babe" features a gorgeous blend of pinks and mango tones with hints of turquoise. And it's the perfect backdrop for the Hello Kitty Charms that are
[ "perfect", "gorgeous", "charms", "special" ]
Bankruptcy Judge: WR Grace Must Pay $250 million for Asbestos Contamination Get a free asbestos case review when you complete the form below. A federal bankruptcy judge has approved an agreement for W.R. Grace to reimburse the federal government $250 million for the investigation and cleanup of asbestos contamination in Libby, Montana, according to the Washington Post on June
2, 2008. The agreement settles a bankruptcy claim brought by the government to recover money for the past and future clean up of contaminated schools, homes and businesses. The contamination has been blamed for sickening hundreds of people, some of whom have died. Sadly, such situations are all too familiar to the attorneys in the Weitz & Lux
[ "clean", "sickening", "blamed", "agreement" ]
An Ol' Broad's Ramblings Archive for 29 January 2012 Once in a while politics take a break, and that was the case Sunday as rivals and partisans set down their talking points and instead offered prayers and well wishes to Rick Santorum’s 3-year-old daughter, Bella, who was hospitalized Saturday. There is nothing more important than God, family, and country! Sending prayers for little Bella and the Santorums! May she continue to recover, and be home with the family who love her! Oakland police said they arrested about 300 people Saturday as protesters spent a portion of the day trying to get into a vacant convention center, and later broke into City Hall and tried to occupy a YMCA. Police spokesman Jeff Thomason said most of the arrests came around 8 p.m. local time, when police took many protesters into custody as they marched through the
city’s downtown, with some entering a YMCA building. At about the same time police were taking people into custody near the YMCA, about 100 police officers surrounded City Hall, while others swept the inside of the building looking for protesters who had broken into the building, then ran out of the building
[ "protesters", "broken" ]
Saturday, 01 December 2012 04:01 WASHINGTON: The International Monetary Fund renewed a $73 billion standby credit line for Mexico on Friday, with the aim of giving the country a backstop amid global financial turbulence. The new two-year "flexible credit line" is mainly precautionary, the IMF said as it renewed the facility for the third time since 2009. "Since the global crisis, Mexico's economic growth has been resilient, supported by both external and domestic demand," said IMF deputy managing director David Lipton. "However, important risks to the global economic outlook remain, particularly from still unsettled international financial markets." "A successor
FCL arrangement with the Fund, which the (Mexican) authorities again intend to treat as precautionary, will continue to support the authorities' overall macroeconomic
[ "support", "treat" ]
Think all-inclusive vacations if you want a no-hassle, relaxing getaway. Whether you want a luxury, thrifty, family-friendly or kid-free all-inclusive vacation, these resorts won't leave you hungry, thirsty or bored. For the spontaneous (or procrastinating) traveler, Orbitz is serving up
the hottest deals on last-minute vacations. Skip town this weekend with last minute travel deals in cities like New York City, Chicago and San Francisco. Sunshine. Cool breezes. Zero itinerary days. With beach vacations it's all about reaching
[ "cool", "reaching", "like" ]
June 27, 2009 Poly? Never Heard of it! I was in line the other day when I struck up a conversation with the woman next to me. We were talking about books and our jobs, and I mentioned that I have reviewed a couple of books for this blog. She immediately started asking what the blog was about, so I told her. “What’s that?” she asked. Is Polyamory the name of an author? Is it a fiction or non-fiction topic. The woman in front
of me in line was trying really hard to cover up her giggling from the moment that the conversation started. As it turns out, she was keeping an eye out for her husband’s girlfriend, who was on the way
[ "giggling", "hard" ]
- In the past, terminal programs running in Konsole had no idea about the color scheme being used, although some tried to guess based on the value of the TERM environment variable. I found out that the rxvt terminal sets a COLORFGBG variable which is recognised by Vim and others. The upshot of this is that when a color scheme with a dark background is used by Konsole, Vim will automatically pick appropriate colors for syntax highlighting. The same is true for a light background. Thanks to Robert Scott for bringing the problem to my attention. - I added a handy "hidden" feature to the color schemes. Per-session random colors. This is commonly used for the background color in a color scheme so that you can tell different sessions apart at a glance - especially when you are working with thumbnails of the terminal. KDE 3 had a random hue feature, but it was random per Konsole process, which is not so useful. I say this feature is hidden because the option is not yet exposed in the GUI and requires manually editing the.colorscheme files. Adding this feature to the UI without cluttering what is currently a nice
tidy dialog will require some careful thought. - There was much tweaking in response to feedback from other hackers at Akademy. Cheers for the feedback :) Wednesday, July 11, 2007 Quick updates and Akademy thanks First
[ "thanks", "careful", "cheers" ]
Oldies but Goldies 5: User Generated Content with an Example! Today’s links were a response to the fact that people run out of things to do in WoW that occurred alongside the time when Star Trek Online’s Foundry mission creation system was hitting its stride. I asked about the ability to do the same in WoW and was faced with the typical nay-sayers who think nothing
will work in WoW that worked in other places. With them were the positive, encouraging commentators, for whom I provided an example. Here they are. Stubborn (an in Cozumel, I think
[ "wow", "stubborn", "encouraging" ]
Exact match. Not showing close matches. '[EE] Electronics in clear resin' This is simply beautiful. I'm inspired to make something and cover it with resin. Probably a nice bright LED clock or something visual like that. Should look really nice Good job. He was lucky with the
curing temperature. Not because of destroying components but because the expansion can cause 'silvering' where the resin lifts off. I'd perhaps have gone for 0.5% catalyst (which also gives the bubbles more time to escape) > This is simply beautiful. I'm inspired
[ "inspired", "destroying" ]
Spider Bite or The Red Spot: In other versions, a young girl is asleep while a spider crawls across her face and rests on her cheek for a few moments. The next morning, she asks her mother about the red spot on her cheek and the mother responds, "It looks like a spider bite. It will go away, just don't scratch it." As time passes, the spot grows into a small boil. She confronts her mother again and complains that it is getting larger and that it's sore. The mother replies, "That happens sometimes, it's coming to a head." More days pass and the girl complains that it hurts and is unsightly. Finally concerned that it might be infected, the mother agrees to take her
to a doctor, but he is not available until the next day. In order to soothe herself that evening, the girl takes a bath. As she soaks, the boil to bursts and releases a swarm of baby spiders
[ "soothe" ]
We are committed to ensuring that this website is accessible to everyone, regardless of technology or ability. We are committed to achieving and maintaining the Web Accessibility Initiative’s AA standard of accessibility. If you are unable to use a mouse, you can use the following Access Keys to open our top level menus: - H: Home - A: About menu - V: Advice
for menu - F: Find an advice agency - D: Downloads - C: Contact Us In the Mortgage Debt Advice section of this website, the following Access Keys
[ "debt" ]
Nathan's parable-David confesses his sin. (1-14) The birth of Solomon. (15-25) David's severity to the Ammonites. (26-31) Verses 1-14 God will not suffer his people to lie still in sin. By this parable Nathan drew from David a sentence against himself. Great need there is of prudence in giving reproofs. In his application, he was faithful. He says in plain terms, Thou art the man. God shows how much he hates sin, even in his own people; and wherever he finds it, he will not let it go unpunished. David says not a word to excuse himself or make light of his sin, but freely owns it. When David said, I have sinned, and Nathan perceived that he was a true penitent, he assured him his
sin was forgiven. Thou shalt not die: that is, not die eternally, nor be for ever put away from God, as thou wouldest have been, if thou hadst not put away the sin. Though thou shalt all thy days be chastened of the
[ "die", "sin" ]
London, Apr 19 (ANI): Julia Roberts won the Oscar for playing her, but for Erin Brokovich, the movie based on her life and name was
more of a curse than a blessing. The movie portrayed her real-life fight against water contamination in the tiny town of Hinkley, California. Brokovich has revealed
[ "fight", "curse" ]
Here are a few I've gotten: For toys and cool games and stickers: Board stiff! Great play mats. Jewelry: Disco medusa! Unique jewelry for cyclists: Tireless Hearts: Great and unique gifts, especially for any
bike loving friends! One of a kind, hand stitched charms upcycled from inner tubes and bicycle parts. Reusable bags: (on vacay but check out her sold items!) I will always buy Etsy if I plan right and give myself enough time, so now is a perfect time to
[ "charms", "loving", "perfect" ]
Gloucester, MA (PRWEB) February 26, 2013 Representatives of Computer Review today announced that the level of news in the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Sector of the global knowledge economy has gone off the charts. Computer Review provides original source material on topics ranging from 3-D satellite payloads to web-crawling robots. Imagine a service that cuts out 95% of the noise in the AI and robotics sector and gives subscribers precisely the information they want. This is news because Computer Review is the comprehensive one-stop resource of the global knowledge economy. Subscribers tune-in to the artificial intelligence and robotics sector to generate sales leads in aeronautics, track favorite companies in telecommunications and promote the cause of wearable technology in the marketplace. With Computer Review's online database, subscribers discover the barely touched legal studies of Artificial Intelligence or debate the growing concern about "group think" in social media. Computer Review points subscribers to blogs about robots and the law, our assisting machines and the ethics of security technology. The artificial intelligence and robotics sector is a combination of many industries and interests bursting with news, opinions and information. Computer Review's information indexing is
rock solid. Subscribers can find knowledge at their fingertips -- original source material. The highly technical and specialized nature of artificial intelligence and what sources say is an utter lack of communication between the fields makes an intelligent global knowledge source all the more valuable. When companies within the US don't communicate
[ "intelligence", "lack", "original", "intelligent" ]
The Justice Department announced today that it has asked a federal court in Detroit to permanently bar Calvin Carter and brothers Raheen Stroud and Laron Stroud, who do business as E-File Tax Pros LLC and Tax King, from preparing federal tax returns.
The civil injunction suit alleges that Carter and the Stroud brothers falsify customers’ income on their tax returns, frequently by fabricating business income and expenses, in order to claim the maximum earned income tax credit (EITC) for them. The EITC is a refundable credit available to certain low-income people. The maximum credit in 2010 was $5,666. Due to the method used to calculate the EITC, people with higher annual incomes may be entitled to a larger credit. Some tax prepar
[ "credit", "entitled", "certain", "falsify" ]
IT'S NEARLY Christmas and the end of the year is coming. It's been a busy year for the information technology industry so we thought it would be a real treat for you if we rounded it all up in one neat article. So, we've trawled through hundreds of stories month by month to pick out the top headline making stories and most exciting events of the year so you don't have to. These early winter months, the first of the year, can be cold and bleak. Thanks then to Apple, which eased us in gently with an alarm clock bug that gave people some extra time in bed, China for warming us up by considering a ban on Skype, and Microsoft, which managed to delete a lot of emails belonging to its Hotmail users. Also, and perhaps because there was fighting talk in the air, Google attacked the H.264 web video standard. Which was interesting, but perhaps not as significant as what was going on elsewhere. February is a mercifully short month, and in it we learned that a security researcher had apparently infiltrated the Anonymous hacking group, and then
watched as Anonymous hacked him and the company he worked for. Anonymous carried on making a name for itself as it worked in support of the Arab Spring after Egypt shut down online communications. Elsewhere law firms ACS:Law and Mediacat gave up their flimsy shakedowns against alleged illegal file
[ "shakedowns", "hacked", "illegal", "support" ]
Cranking it up Sound Politics reports that another King County councilmember has joined Reagan Dunn in calling on Dean Logan to step down. Here's the letter Steve Hammond sent to Mr. Logan: I regret to inform you that last week’s revelations concerning the discovery of first 87 and now possibly 93 uncounted absentee ballots has, on top of the failure to yet provide a full accounting of unverified ballots processed through Accuvote machines, eroded my confidence in your ability to successfully perform the duties of your office. Furthermore, I believe that the series of ballot handling errors, combined with the highly questionable decision to permit post election “curing” of ballot signatures, has erodedconfidence among the public in your ability to effectively manage King County elections.Attn: Ron Sims... I believe it would best serve King County’s citizens if you would consider stepping down as
Director of Records and Elections in time for us to find a successor this summer. Metropolitan King County Council, District 9 Can you read wall writing?
[ "successor" ]
History buffs are welcome to visit the Pender Island Museum, located in a heritage cottage at waterfront Roesland, a pretty corner of the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve on North Pender. It's open on weekends. Or get a one-stop history lesson weekdays at the Pender Islands Community Hall. The three "Bear Mother" welcoming poles by carver Victor Reece at its entrance salute the island's First Nations legacy. And inside this warm, wooden concert
space is a set of murals that document the fast pace of change as settlers arrived, cleared the land, raised sheep and set about creating modern Pender. The Coast Salish have fished the rich waters of the Salish Sea for millennia. The shell middens at Beaumont Park are proof of the island's use on a seasonal basis. Artifacts found during archeological digs in the 1970s at the Pender Canal date back more than 5,000 years. The Salish called the P
[ "rich", "cleared", "creating" ]
Item Code: HC79 Water Color Painting On Paper 12.0" x 8.5" Price: $305.00 Shipping Free - 4 to 6 days Along with his demons Mahishasura inflicted innumerable atrocities on gods and their devotees. To protect them even Gods-Trio fought against these demons but they could not face Mahishasura and fled away from battlefield. He even captured Heaven and ousted all gods from there. After several centuries had passed, all gods approached Mahavishnu to redeem them from Mahishasura. Now Mahavishnu disclosed all about the boon of Mahishasura and that the demon could only be eliminated by a female power. He suggested that if gods created with their power and glory a woman warrior and endowed her with all their might and weapons, she would assassinate the demon. Before Mahavishnu had finished, there issued forth from Brahma's face a female figure with dazzling effulgence. The figure radiated from her person beams of light, which were
partly cool and partly warm. Vishnu and Shiva looked at her in amazement. But, meanwhile, similar figures, embodying the specific powers and qualities of Vishnu, Shiva, Indra, Kubera, Varuna and all other gods, emanated from them. The next moment all these figures merged into a single form of a woman endowed with celestial beauty. She had eighteen arms. The gods supplied her with jewels, ornaments and gorgeous clothes and all their weapons and other attributes. This miniature renders the event most effectively. There stand around the emerging figure various gods, Bra
[ "cool", "gorgeous", "weapons" ]
Sahara Force India has announced that it has entered into a'multi-year agreement' with Speedy Services to become an official team supplier. Speedy is the leading provider of equipment and support services to various industries including infrastructure, industrial, construction and events. The relationship will give Sahara Force India access to the latest range of innovative, lean, safe and sustainable equipment to help with maintenance projects at the team's Silverstone “It's an exciting time for Sahara Force India as we continue to invest in our facilities and infrastructure over the coming years,” Otmar Szafnauer, Chief Operating Officer at Sahara Force India, said. “The agreement with Speedy is very timely and will assist with general maintenance of our factory resources. We welcome Speedy to the team and look forward to working with them for many years to come.” Speedy branding will be visible
across the team's marketing materials and website, with branding on the race cars and pit crew lollipop for the British Grand Prix at Silverstone. "We are delighted to have formed a partnership
[ "grand", "delighted" ]
The Worst: #1, 'Wrath of the Titans' This feeble followup to 2010's godawful Clash of the Titans sucketh the mighty big one. Perseus (Sam Worthington), the bastard son of a human mother and the god Zeus (Liam Neeson) has run off to a quiet fishing village to raise his son Helius (John Bell) away from the Z-man's infernal rumbling. Crap 3D and crappier FX – a middling Minotaur, Cyclops triple
ts, four-armed Makhai warriors and a flying Pegasus whose wings look ready to fall off – keep the the incompetence coming with incontinent glee. If you
[ "incompetence", "ready" ]
▼ 2011 (26) ▼ June (1) Work-sharing is not a solution to the unemployment... ► May (2) Who owns Sweden: Nine million Swedish citizens or... Ethnic Diversity and the Size of Government ► April (6) Does the United States have a Revenue problem or a... The rich in Europe are poor. Open borders
and the Welfare State Doing the math: President Obama's plan to tax the... Red State Rising David Brooks and Malcolm Gadwall wrong about I.Q,... ► March (4) The "Mystery" of Child Poverty in Sweden. On the Swedish voucher system The Economic Performance of Europe and the United... The intellectual meltdown of libertarianism in Swe... ►
[ "intellectual", "poverty", "wrong", "libertarianism" ]
"Thou Art My Last Love": The Courtship and Remarriage of a Rural Texas Couple in 1892 MARILYN FERRIS MOTZ* Dear Miss I hope you will pardon me for the liberty I have taken in writing you this short letter I thought that I would have an opertunity of meeting you again before leaving Shepherd and haveing a talk with you. The subject of which I wish to talk to you about is a very serious one and one that is to be well considdered and that the subject of matrimony... WITH THESE WORDS DAVID FAIN SUGGESTED TO JESSIE BLEDSOE, a woman he barely knew, that they consider marrying one The courtship letters of Jessie Bledsoe and David Fain express the expectations
and reservations a mature woman and man held as they considered entering into their second and third marriages, respec- tively, in 1892. Jessie was an itinerant dressmaker who lived temporar- ily with her clients while she sewed and fitted
[ "mature" ]
By Dancho Danchev Over the past several quarters, we’ve witnessed the rise of the so called Police Ransomware also known as Reveton. From fully working host lock down tactics, to localization in multiple languages and impersonation of multiple international law enforcement agencies, its authors proved that they have the means and the motivation to continue developing the practice, while earning tens of thousands of fraudulently obtained funds. What’s driving the growth of Police Ransomware? What’s the current state of this market segment? Just how easy is it to start distributing Police Ransomware and earn fraudulently obtained funds in between? In this post, I’ll profile a recently advertised DIY (do-it-yourself) managed voucher-based Police Ransomware service exclusively targeting European users, and for the first
time ever, offer an inside peek into its command and control interface in order to showcase the degree of automation applied by the cybercriminals behind it. Sample underground forum advertisement of the managed DIY Police Ransomware service: According to the advertisement, the actual malicious executable is both x32 and x64 compatible, successfully blocking system keys and other attempts to kill the malicious application. The cybercriminals behind the managed service have already managed to localize their templates in the languages of 13 prospective European countries such as Switzerland, Greece, France, Sweden, Netherlands, Italy, Poland, Belgium, Portugal, Finland,
[ "kill", "successfully", "blocking" ]
Originally Posted by rivethead We'll see what Bones has to say when he faces a drop in production after years of weight cuts. Yes. Bones, like many people, don't understand that. So can the very
concept of you and bones seem to be illustrating. Wrong! All TRT users in MMA are obviously scum-sucking cheating roiders.
[ "cheating" ]
Yesterday I went to the dermatologist who suggested I try a glycolic peel. It was way too strong and now my face is swollen and covered with red burn marks. I have an event this week and I`m freaking out. What should I put on my skin to prevent
it from peeling, and how can I cover up the red spots? Chemical peels are generally risky and should be performed very carefully, as they may produce adverse reactions on certain types of skin. Dr. Verallo-Rowell, dermatologist and creator of VMV Hypoallergenics, shares her three
[ "adverse", "shares", "certain", "risky" ]
Office of University Communications From Martha Mitchell’s Encyclopedia Brunoniana: Marston Boat House Marston Boat House was dedicated on October 7, 1967. The former plant of the Saltesea Packing Company
at the foot of Gano Street just south of the Washington Bridge was purchased by the University in 1966 with funds given by Hunter S. Marston ’08. After being remodelled, the boat house, Brown’s first adequate facility for the operation of a competitive
[ "competitive", "adequate" ]
Eden selected dried garbanzo beans, aka chick peas, California and Arizona family organically grown in mineral rich, vital soil. The quintessential salad and hummus bean. Very common in Middle Eastern and Indian cuisine. Great in chilled gazpacho. Mild sweet flavor, rich in healthy fiber, folate B9, and manganese, and a good source of protein, iron, thiamin B1
, and magnesium. Superb in soups, stews, curry, and for making falafel. Packaged in boxes of recycled and recyclable paperboard, one of the most environmentally friendly
[ "superb", "friendly" ]
University of Missouri Organic Research Organic No-till/Cover Crop Field Day As part of the USDA certified organic research grant, the University of Missouri will be hosting two different field days showcasing their organic research which is taking place at the Bradford Research Center and the Littrell Farm near Mexico, MO. The Littrell Farm Organic Field Day will be held sometime during the last two weeks of May. The Bradford Research Center Organic Field Day will be held August 1st from 1-6 pm. More information will be forthcoming. Topics and tours include Organic
no-till, Winter cover crop tour, Trap cropping with cucurbits, Summer cover crop tour, Vegetable tour, Equipment, Organic Marketing, Interpreting your soil test, Soil carbon testing and the tasting of the organic harvests! For questions e-mail email@example
[ "trap" ]
Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by OswegoTitan41, Mar 2, 2007. Ok let's evaluate.. Not very encouraging is it? I like harper and fowler. Gage is almost a waste of time. We have mised out on some FA RBs most notably TJ duckett. I'm trying to not be a complainer but we have replaced our 2 top receivers from last year with justin gage! And our top Rb last year with nobody! There are a number of holes but you can't forget we have guys on the roster who are ready to step up (B. Jones, White, Long/Mahelona) Duckett has totally underachieved so far. Why would we want this guy? I guess you could ask the same about Gage No point in complaining now. There's not much left on the market now. Let's hope Fish and MR are right about what we've got. The RB situation is
a gamble. They'll look brilliant if White steps up and produces, but we're screwed if he can't handle the role. I'm sure we're going to sign someone as a backup, but the options are dwindling... The players we lost are being overrated to a puzzling extent on this
[ "sure", "screwed", "brilliant", "lost" ]
Heavy-handed police forces moved in on several black neighborhoods with armored vehicles, helicopters, and riot vans. At least 200 Africans have been arrested. Meanwhile, the rebellions have spread to at least five neighborhoods and into the city of Birmingham. African youth marching through Woolwich were videotaped chanting the slogan, "Fight Back!" We support the right of the African community to fight back against the injustice and oppression imposed on their communities by the British white power government. The Uhuru Solidarity Movement is in unconditional solidarity with the African population of Britain who are courageously resisting the oppression and colonial domination of their communities. The USM is an organization of white allies of black liberation who work under the leadership of the African People's Socialist
Party to organize in material solidarity with the struggle for African liberation and self-determination. We recognize that African people are colonized inside of the UK by the colonial white power State just as they are colonized inside of the US and throughout the world. APSP Chairman Omali Yeshitela explains that
[ "struggle", "party", "solidarity" ]
This documentary celebrates the vibrant culture and tenacious struggle of the Canadian Gypsy and introduces a new generation of Roma who claim their roots with pride. They call themselves by their rightful name, the Roma. Almost 80,000
call Canada home. Meet Julia Lovell, a passionate defender of Roma human rights, whose father is slowly gaining the confidence to reveal his heritage; and Karen Gray Boothroyd, a flamenco dancer just beginning to reclaim her Gypsy roots. From the playlist : Canada’s
[ "gaining", "confidence", "passionate", "defender" ]
Video highlights: Big Foot Chiefs fall short in overtime of championship game MADISON The Big Foot Chiefs slowly climbed their way back into the WIAA Division 4 championship game Thursday evening against Somerset, but couldn't quite make it over the top, losing 35-33 in overtime. The Chiefs, playing in its third WIAA state title game in the past five seasons, went up 6-0 early, but fell behind to Somerset's grinding, time-consuming offense. Somerset built a 27-20 fourth quarter lead, but Big Foot, which moved the ball easily behind Mason Dixon when it had possession, tied the game at 27-27 on a short Carter
Hehr run with a little more than 5 minutes left. Somerset then moved the ball within field goal distance and a chance to win the game with seconds to go when the Chiefs' Gus Wedig crashed the line and blocked the kick, sending the game into overtime. Big Foot deferred, Somerset scored and converted the two-point play
[ "play", "blocked", "chance", "win" ]
97% of Terminal Cancer Patients Previously Had This Dental Procedure...Submitted by Bob-45 on Wed, 02/22/2012 - 04:36 Posted By Dr. Mercola | February 18 2012 | Do you have a chronic degenerative disease? If so, have you been told, "It's all in
your head?" Well, that might not be that far from the truth… the root cause of your illness may be in your mouth. There is a common dental procedure that nearly
[ "illness" ]
Managing Change in Regionally-based Organisations – understanding the need for individual and organisational unlearning Becker, Karen L. (2003) Managing Change in Regionally-based Organisations – understanding the need for individual and organisational unlearning. In
Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management, 2-5 December, Fremantle, Australia. This paper examines three issues. Firstly, do those driving change understand the reasons for change and their role within this change? Secondly, is individual ability and readiness to learn and unlearn given sufficient consideration when implementing organisational change? Finally, do regionally-based organisations present additional challenges when implementing change and expecting individual learning, development and unlearning? Whilst there has been a great deal of research done on organisational change, and on adult learning, there is a need to draw
[ "ability", "challenges", "readiness", "great" ]
Author Moscovici's Book Voyage at Pitchipoi In 1942, Jean Claude Moscovici is a 6 years old Jew boy who lives in the country together with his sister, mother and father, who is a doctor. One day, his family is arrested and separated simply because they were Jews. Happ
ily, their mother manages to escape and flees into the night, thinking that her children are safe. First, they are given to the neighbors, but then they are let to a prison and finally at
[ "prison", "flees", "escape" ]
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — The 12 astronauts circling the Earth received a blessing from Pope Benedict XVI on Saturday in the first ever papal call to space. The pope addressed the crews of the linked space shuttle Endeavour and International Space Station from the Vatican. Two Italians are among the space fliers: Roberto Vittori and Paolo Nespoli. Seated before a television set tuned to NASA’s live broadcast from orbit, Benedict said he admired the astronauts’ courage, discipline and commitment. The pontiff said he hopes shuttle commander Mark Kelly’s wife continues to improve. Kelly’s wife, U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, underwent a skull implant on Wednesday, four months
after being shot in the head in Tucson, Ariz., during a political event. Kelly, who was raised Catholic, thanked him for his kind words. Benedict also expressed concern for Nespoli, whose mother died in northern Italy at the beginning of May while he was serving on the space station. “How have you been living through this time of pain on the International Space
[ "thanked", "kind", "died", "pain" ]
The new production playing at Seattle Opera features invocations of Wotan, a warrior-maiden seeking vengeance, and an entire civilization facing its demise. But it's not a sneak preview of Götterdämmerung from next year’s Ring that the company is presenting. Rather Seattle Opera has brought Verdi
’s Attila to the stage. As the Verdi bicentennial year 2013 approaches (an anniversary the composer happens to share with Wagner), we’re likely to see more reassessments of the less-familiar operas from his “galley years”: the frantically busy decade early in his career when Verdi churned out something like a half of his entire oeuvre for the stage. Several of these not only helped establish his fame but — like Attila, with its scenario of
[ "fame", "frantically", "share", "like" ]
Elvis Presley impersonators (often kindly referred to as “tribute” acts) always kind of give me the creeps. It’s the pompadour, the 1970s White Le
athers, the exaggerated sneer and clumsy caricaturing that have always made them seem strange, I guess. If you’ve ever had to sit with an Elvis fan and squirm through one of these “living wakes” with a polite smile on your face you know exactly what I
[ "smile", "exaggerated", "fan" ]
At seven and a half, Ben has now aged out of the familiar, comfortable, low-maintenance options for summer camp he's enjoyed since preschool. So this year, like most other working parents in our area, I researched the hundreds of different nearby day camps, read parent recommendations online, compiled - I kid you not - a spreadsheet of options by week, sent in my forms and crossed my fingers that we'd be okay. Ben is an in-between kind of kid when it comes to summer camps. In the past, we haven't enrolled him in summer school through his special education program or camps designed specifically for kids with special needs. But we can't simply drop him off at a local rec center and expect things to go well. We're starting our summer with a couple weeks at
a nearby outdoor science camp with rave reviews and a reputation for a quirk-friendly environment. As the first day approached, I tried to prepare Ben, to let him know what to expect. He was nonplussed. "I know, I know..." he told me, exasperated, using his latest tactic to end conversations. He happily got in
[ "happily" ]
According to the Telegraph, The Church of Satan was founded in San Francisco in 1966 by its high priest, Anton Szandor LaVey, author of The Satanic Bible. Adherents live by the Nine Satanic Statements, which include "Satan represents vengeance, instead of turning the other cheek", "Satan represents all of the so-called
sins, as they lead to physical, mental or emotional gratification", and "Satan represents indulgence, instead of abstinence"... Satanists are encouraged to perform rituals in worship
[ "worship", "emotional", "encouraged" ]
Building an Iconic Sound: Squarepusher - Words: Patric Fallon If there's one thing that will probably never vacate the world of electronic music, it's the scores of imitators ready at a moment's notice to ape the latest forward-thinking
concept and blow it out and water it down until it becomes a limp, played-out, unfunny punchline. Frankly, we're sick of 'em. Which is why, for this music technology edition, we've decided to assemble a few of electronic music's
[ "sick" ]
Macclesfield’s Arnaud Mendy Scored An Incredible Goal (Video) Real Madrid’s Karim Benzema Megged The Malaga Keeper (Video) After defeating Malaga by a narrow 3-2 score in the first leg of their Round of 16 Copa del Rey match-up, Real Madrid found themselves nervously clinging to a 0-0 draw just over 70 minutes into their second leg yesterday. But as nervous as the Real Madrid players and fans may have been at that point, they obviously weren’t as nervous as Malaga goalkeeper Willy Caballero, whose unease must have caused his hands to sweat through his gloves, resulting in his inability prevent Karim Benzema from nut-megging him in the 72nd minute. Real Madrid would hold on for the 1-0 victory (4-2 aggregate), as they advance to the next round of the tournament, where they will face Barcelona. The quarter-finals sure does seem early for an El Classico match-up, but who’s complaining
? As for Willy, the saddest part of all is that he had just finished making a number of incredible saves before allowing this back-breaking softie to squeak through his
[ "number", "saddest" ]
Department of Health and Human Services Indian Health Service Tribal Self-Governance Program Planning Cooperative Agreement Announcement Type: New Funding Announcement Number: HHS-2009-IHS-TSGP-0001 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 93.444 Key Dates: Application Deadline Date: June 22, 2009 Review Date: July 6-7, 2009 Anticipated Start Date: August 3, 2009 I. Funding Opportunity Description The purpose of the Planning Cooperative Agreement is to provide resources to Tribes interested in participating in the Tribal Self-Governance Program (TSGP), as authorized by Public Law (Pub. L.) 106-260, the Tribal Self-Governance Amendments of 2000, Title V of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, Pub. L. 93-638, as amended (Title
V) (25 U.S.C. § 458aaa-2(e)). There is limited competition under this announcement because the authorizing legislation restricts eligibility to Tribes that meet specific criteria (Refer to Section III.1.A., ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS in this announcement). The TSGP is designed to promote Self-Determination by enabling Tribes to assume control of Indian Health Service (IHS) programs, services, functions, and activities, or portions thereof (PSFAs), through comp
[ "limited", "restricts", "promote" ]
Advisers should be aware of a growing identity theft scams that targets advisers to get to their clients’ money. The scams use email to trick advisers into wiring cash out of their clients’ accounts preying on the fact that e-mail is the go-to
means of communication to correspond with advisers and authorize transactions. Firefox recommends the PDF Plugin for Mac OS X for viewing PDF documents in your browser. We can also show
[ "recommends" ]
This is my (in)activity log. You might like to visit my employer Novell which is an amazing company, and also Dell who in days of yore provided me with a free laptop for Gnome development / conferences. Also if you have the time to read this sort of
stuff you could enlighten yourself by going to Unraveling Wittgenstein's net or if you are feeling objectionable perhaps here. Stuff Michael Meeks is doing - Up early, took H. to school, finally posted
[ "enlighten", "feeling" ]
A large landslide occured on the North Cornwall coast on the afternoon of Friday 23 September. A landslide on this scale is unusual in the South West of England, and the opportunity to witness it extremely rare. The rock slide/fall appears to have developed progressively from the foot of the cliff and taken out a significant section of cliff-top over about 20 seconds. However, tension cracks had been noted in the cliff
-top three days previously by council engineers. Geologically the cliff consists of mudstones and sandstones of the Porthtowan Formation and slates/siltstones of the Mylor Slate Formation, both of Devonian age. These rock materials are weathered and have variable strength. There is a complex interrelationship of regional faulting and local jointing which allows the rock mass to divide into blocks which with time become unstable. The rock material that failed, at least on the evidence of the video,
[ "blocks", "faulting" ]
Come and see how America's past-time and the world's most graceful field sport is played 'Irish Style'! Baseball Ireland, proudly supported by The Gathering Dublin and Fingal Leader Partnership, will be holding the inaugural Peter O'Malley International Invitational Baseball Tournament from July 12-14, 2013 in Corkagh Park, West Dublin. Participating teams are expected from Ireland, continental Europe, and the UK. For more information about how The Fingal Leader Partnership is helping to enhance the quality of life for Irish communities, check out their
website at: Also check out The Gathering Dublin website ( to see other fantastic events taking place in the Nation
[ "fantastic" ]
We're excited to continue our GoGirl Story Series! We're calling all you lovely ladies to share your GoGirl stories with us: times when you needed us, thought of us, or used us. Email your GoGirl Story to [email protected]. We will post a
new story each week. Today Jolly Rogers from Texas shares her GoGirl story: My GoGirl just arrived in the mail this afternoon (right as we were coming home from a camping trip. Bummer!). GoGirl is so easy, I used it right the first time. And my four-year
[ "jolly", "shares" ]
If you travel to Destin Florida from Acadiana over the Summer you are going to travel by at least three outlet malls that I know of. I guess you could say four if you count the one in Gonzales Louisiana but who takes I-10
through New Orleans to get to the beach? Let's assume a man is driving and you are taking the shortest route possible. There is the outlet mall in Gulfport Ms, The one in Foley Alabama and my personal favorite Silver Sands in Destin. So what is the
[ "favorite" ]
Because I’m perpetually spending my last dollar and I want to know exactly where it goes. In which some Dykes on Bikes take on the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Start your engines. Sane people want the new immigration bill to help binational gay couples. People in power insist that will ruin everything for everyone else. What’s a politically savvy queer to do? Cara’s Team Pick: “Women In Punk” offers dozens of hours of your favorite rock stars spliced together real nice on your computer. Wear your best headphones. It’s the ‘Straddliest art show ever! Was the world’s first dyke a snappy dresser, a 1st-century warrior queen, or a tiny antelope? From dough-kneaders to Journos, and beyond. Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! And on this farm he had a *CENSORED* Cara’s Team Pick: Everyone’s favorite Swedish brother-sister electronic duo turns
queer theory into crazy atmospheric semi-dance music. FINALLY. A recent ruling is narrow, but sharp. NYC’s potential first female and gay mayor is a talented politician with a progressive background. But some question whether her policies and positions are really what the LGBT community needs. I know you’ve been wondering what
[ "crazy", "talented" ]
To summarize the reports, Ntrepid is tasked with creating software that allows U.S. personnel to manage up to 10 online personas. These personas would exist within the confines of social media websites like Facebook and Twitter, but would include convincing and comprehensive back-stories. These profiles would not be used domestically by the government, but would focus on international communities and probably interact in different languages like Arabic and Farsi. Government Adoption of Social Media? My initial reaction is to look at the validity of such a report. Granted, Facebook and Twitter have been credited with much of the success in protests and government dissidence in Middle Eastern and African countries. But aside from President Obama choosing YouTube as his favorite platform for addressing American citizens, the U.S. Government seems an unlikely force to take social media seriously. Many top policy makers and people of power fall within the “What’s this Facespace thingy” age range. The U.S. Government seems more likely to see the silliness of the younger generation chatting with their friends and
celebrities making outrageous comments through social media rather than see it emerging as a lightning rod for political unrest. Validity of Report? Most importantly however is the ridiculousness of the ideas within the report. Allowing a single person to control 10 social media aliases? Ask any high school kid that frequents popular Internet forums and they
[ "popular", "outrageous", "ridiculousness", "importantly" ]
I’ve been thinking about mailing lists lately. You’re on somebody’s list, right? You know, you get these jokes, or PowerPoint files filled with amazing or funny photos, or low-res movie clips of European TV
ads. I know it’s trendy to make fun of those e-mailing lists, and often for a good reason; a lot of it’s hopeless junk. The chain-mail ones, the maudlin moving-spiritual tales, the ones full of capital letters and misspellings, the “astonishing photos” that are
[ "fun", "hopeless", "good" ]
Did you mean?Try your search again It began with two friends I knew who had the desire to create a friendly, fun atmosphere while providing the freshest homemade soups, salads, sandwiches and desserts. Deborah and Chef Carol purchased this 1898
home in March 2003, with the intention of renovating it into a lunch restaurant and using the commercial kitchen for catering. Favorite Dish: Healthy, meal for you and your family so you don't have to cook. There usually one, two or three scrumptious selections daily, crafted by Chef Carol. Updated Apr 4, 2011 Address: 24 W Broad St. in Newnan, GA Very good food, you may have to call for reservation on weekends. With nightly live entertainment.
[ "favorite", "good", "scrumptious" ]
Publisher: Harlequin/Harlequin Superromance | Date published: 08/15/2011 he's planning a wedding...not a romance! Keeping up appearances is Yvonne Delisle's forte. But this job is going to test even her Southern belle mettle! It's not challenging enough she only has six weeks to turn a ramshackle carriage house into the hottest society wedding venue in Virginia. It's also located on her ex-husband Aidan's family vineyard. The home-and the man-she yearned for. But Yvonne
's up for the challenge. In the time since things went south with Aidan, she's become the most sought-after wedding planner in the state-popular enough to arrange her former mother-in-law's second wedding.'s becoming suspiciously clear she wasn't hired for
[ "clear", "suspiciously" ]
Monday everyone. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. With less than 10 days to go to Valentine's Day, the countdown to this day of love has begun. In case you are looking for a simple gift to have your kids make try this, I Love You Valentine Photo Frame. Create this quick and easy photo frame for
your favorite Valentine whether two legged or four. All you will need to create this adorable frame are some FolkArt paint colors, along with some Extreme Gl
[ "favorite", "create", "adorable" ]
Our experience and appointments allow us to offer a variety of benefits to you. We can offer access to exclusive Hispanic markets you may not have, the opportunity to transact business you may not be licensed for. USMG can help you: - Generate revenue through new business opportunities with new and existing clients. - Enhance commission opportunities in an efficient and cost effective manner. - Enhance positioning with clients by: Solving more of their problems Offering them more services Making them more aware of their exposures - Increase client retention. Our proven negotiating and problem solving skills enable us to help you
deliver the best value to your clients, and we can assist on the interface to strategize a complex deal. We work respective of your organization and can be an agent on your team as an enhancement,
[ "respective", "value", "best" ]
This item was picked by you in our Be the Buyer Program and will be sold exclusively online at ModCloth! You feel so at home near the ocean, you dream of it every night. You stroll barefoot on the vast beach collecting conch shells, toes touching the foamy tide. The sea breeze whispers over the soft layers of your dress, floating like gulls gliding on a current. The sheer, cascading texture reminds you of the billowing sea, with butterfly sleeves and flowing, lined skirt.
With flattering front darts, hidden back zipper, and V-neck collar, this sea foam green frock feels like second skin. Anchor your fashion’s ebb and flow by pairing this dress with a saltwater shawl, sandy wedge sandals, and an octopus ring. While the ocean might be far from home, this dress can take you there
[ "flattering", "like" ]
You can use MP3 Converter to convert any kind of video to MP3. Plus! MP3 Audio Converter LE: is part of a free bonus pack for Windows Media. - Publisher: Microsoft Corporation - Home page: - Last updated: October 7th, 2009 NBFree MP3 to WAV Converter is an easy-to-use tool to convert mp3 files to wav files. Use this mp3 t... - Publisher: NBXAudio Inc. - Last updated: January 25th, 2009 This
application allows you to convert audio files from one into another. You can make it easy to manage WAV to MP3 converting tasks. This is an audio converter that supports a lot of audio formats. - Publisher: AML SOFTWARE - Home page: - Last updated
[ "easy", "supports" ]
As Low As Time left to call today XFINITY from Comcast is not available in all areas. The AnyRoom® Comcast DVR from XFINITY lets you control each TV in your Crystal Beach home. XFINITY Internet packages from Comcast offer download speeds up to 105 Mbps in Crystal Beach. That’s 15 times faster than the U.S. national average of 6.7 Mbps. XFINITY Bundles from Comcast are another great way to save some money each month by paying one provider for all of your telecommunications costs. Join the 72% of other Crystal Beach residents who already bundle their TV, Internet, and/or phone into one bill. As low as As low as As low as Comcast cable gives Crystal Beach, FL
a range of programming packages for any channel lineup or price range, making sure you can choose the TV package that suits your home perfectly. Create your ideal XFINITY® TV package with plenty of all-digital channels, On Demand, and DVR options. The national average is 35 hours of TV per week, but there aren
[ "sure", "ideal", "create" ]
After we left the river, we headed over to Grandma's house where Ryan impressed the children with his diving abilities. We swam, and swam, and sw
am some more. A perfect way to spend a Saturday, if you ask me. Oh, and Miss Audrey LOVED the kiddie pool. She splashed and chew
[ "perfect", "loved", "miss" ]
JOHN BUTLER often uses his music to campaign for peace, protecting the environment and political causes. But he will be fighting at a meeting of creditors next week for the rights of performers, production vendors and backstage staff to be paid money owed to them after the collapse of the Peats Ridge festival. The John Butler Trio is owed $95,579.50 following the collapse of the Peats Ridge Sustainable Arts and Music Festival, according to the liquidator appointed by the company
that ran the axed festival. ''JBT is in the process of trying to recoup unpaid monies along with many other performers and contractors for their performance at Peats Ridge,'' the band's manager, Philip Stevens, said. The band is the second-largest creditor among more than 200 performers, production vendors and suppliers owed $1.27 million by Peats Ridge Pty Ltd, the company that ran the festival, which was held from December 29 to January 1 at Glenworth Valley, north of Sydney. In his report to creditors, the liquidator Andrew Spring, a partner at the insolvency firm
[ "creditor", "axed" ]
Sleeveless Dress (Little Girls & Big Girls) - Item #593887 Eligible delivery addresses, excluding P.O. boxes, are located in the following ZIP codes: - La Jolla, CA: 92014, 92037, 92117, 92121, 92122, 92127, 92129,
92130 Get it sooner! Details & Care - A liquid skirt covered in blooms charms a sleeveless dress. - Partially lined. - Polyester/cotton; hand wash
[ "charms", "care" ]
A Michigan apple grower is featured in a new McDonald’s television ad. Conklin-based Leo Dietrich & Sons, a grower partner for Sparta, Mich.-based Riveridge Produce Marketing Inc., is a McDonald’s supplier, said Lainey Garcia, a McDonald’s spokeswoman. The ad, which was filmed in September, is set in a Dietrich apple orchard and features several generations of the family. The company owns more than 350 acres of apples and 120 acres
of sweet and tart cherries in three Michigan counties. “Leo Dietrich & Sons share our passion for supplying customers the freshest produce,” Garcia said. To see the ad, visit
[ "share", "passion", "sweet" ]
So, does that make it official? Scarlett Johansson and Sean Penn hold hand at White House party (and she wears his jacket) There's been a spate of denials about Scarlett Johansson's relationship with Sean Penn, ever since rumours first surfaced that they were more than just friends. So the Hollywood stars are going to have to come up with an ingenious explanation about these new photos. As they left a politically-charged event in Washington D.C. Scarlett, 26, and Sean, 50, stroll casually through the grounds of the president's home holding hands - the actress wrapped up in his suit jacket. Caught red-handed: Scarlett Johansson and Sean Penn leave the White House in the early hours holding hands Cover up: The actress had Penn's jacket wrapped around her as they left the annual Washington Correspondents dinner The kind of behaviour that bears all the hallmarks of a normal, loving relationship, and not a regular platonic friendship. It's not the first time the couple have been pictured displaying more intimate interaction with one another than a typical pair of friends. In early March they were pictured enjoying a cosy lunch together at a restaurant in Los Angeles. Scarlett had removed her shoes and placed her feet on Penn's lap, while they ate together
at the Versailles restaurany. Later that month it was also reported that they had gone away on a romantic trip to Mexico, where they were again seen displaying unusually affectionate body language. But the denial has been stringent from the start. Look of love?: Scarlett smiles at her rumoured beau as they make their way out of the White House grounds In February a spokesperson
[ "smiles", "romantic", "affectionate" ]
Joined: Dec. 2006 Richard - followed your link... Jesus H Christ - No wonder he's PO'd this week: |STARmeter: Down 39% in popularity this week. See why on IMDbPro.Alternate Names:Joe 'Little Joe' Gallien | Little Joe Gallien | Maybe someone could post this picture of him: Come on Tough Guy, do the little dance of ID impotence you do so well. - Louis
to Joe G 2/10 Gullibility is not a virtue - Quidam on Dembski's belief in the Bible Code Faith Healers & ID 7/08 UD is an
[ "gullibility", "virtue", "faith" ]
Israeli ban on Gunter Grass ´infantile,´ says Salman Rushdie (ISRAEL HAYOM) Israel Hayom Staff 04/10/12) Israel Hayom Articles-Index-Top Author of "The Satanic Verses," who was the subject of an Iranian fatwa, says it´s okay to be disgusted with Grass´ poem calling Israel "threat to world peace," but banning him is wrong • Dershowitz: Yishai´s ban "foolish and self-defeating." Following the publication of Nobel laureate Gunter Grass´s poem "What must be said," Israeli politicians and Jewish leaders lashed out at the German author for saying that Israeli warnings about striking Iran threaten "the already fragile world peace." Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the poem "shameful," while Interior Minister Eli Yishai
on Sunday said Grass would be considered a persona non grata in Israel. By Tuesday, however, a backlash to such reactions appeared to emerge, with Grass´s poem (published last week in German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung) and his freedom of speech being defended not only by German ministers and the German public, but also by the likes of author Salman Rushdie and staunch Israel supporter Professor Alan German Health Minister Daniel Bahr chimed in on the debate over
[ "supporter", "freedom", "likes" ]
Large oak roll top desk and matching chair. In excellent condition-come make offer Small black computer desk in great condition-$25 319-653-6314 leave message or
319-461-0156 Filed under: ClassifiedsKeywords: desks, For Sale Are you concerned that the IRS examined the tax status of Tea Party groups? call: (319) 653-
[ "party" ]
Video: Slam Nuba's Dominique Ashaheed wins 2012 Women of the World Poetry Slam If there's any winner in the Women of the World Poetry Slam, it's Denver, first figuratively and now literally. The international championship, in its fifth year and Denver's first as the host city, kicked off Thursday and held its second preliminary round on Friday before ending with two X chromosomes and one winner Saturday night at the Denver Art Museum. After four days of competition, Denver's own Dominique Ashaheed took home the title. Can we say poetic justice? This is not Ashaheed's first rodeo. The poet already holds another national championship title for her role on Denver's 2011 Slam
Nuba roster. Women of the World, which places Denver in the running to host future and larger slam gigs, is now the city's second concurrent national title. But after maintaining the highest overall rank through both preliminary rounds, it seems the only person who is surprised by Ashaheed's final victory is the poet herself. Two days after her international win, Ashaheed has yet to recover from the final round, in part because she still hasn't adjusted
[ "slam", "surprised" ]
Oh Auntie Seraphic! I think by this point you are quite entitled to shorten your name to 'Auntie Seraph." You are not just angel-like, but a real angel, indeed, a spiritual auntie for us little poppets. Just as I consider St. Therese to be a spiritual mother, I think women on earth who are not in heaven yet are most appropriately termed Spiritual Aunties. I am one of these spiritual nieces who is overwhelmingly relieved to have such good, blunt, and resoundingly true opinions on women and men. I use'resoundingly' because your advice is I think what all good girls know in their heart of hearts, and what is only covered up by double-guessing and daydreaming!! So I have read your blog, erm, religiously, and I'm very grateful that you are writing and making your opinions known! So right now I feel so happy that I have these good principles of waiting and not searching out a guy in
my head and Why That is Proper and Just and all that in my head. And I have come to terms with my own issue where I always always day-dream my way into huge crazy crushes that aren't rooted in reality... le sigh! However, I am a little girl! A weeee babe! That's my consolation in the face of
[ "huge", "crushes", "crazy" ]
The Orange County Register is reporting that the Food Truck Jamboree is coming to the Hyatt Regency Irvine January 27th from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Imagine if Downtown Fullerton had something like this but on a weekend. Maybe add some music and activities for the kids. Unfortunately, many communities do not support food trucks because they compete against brick and mortar restaurants and generally have lower operating overhead. Local government doesn’t like food trucks for a few reasons. Their tax structure is such that they pay their sales tax within the city/county which they’re based and not where the tax was
collected. Some cities have began regulating food trucks in an effort to capture tax revenue and level the playing field for local businesses. The fact that the trucks can drive into a city, sell food for an hour or two, then drive out of the city has caused code enforcement officers to take notice and issue citations for not having a city business permit. Sadly
[ "playing", "sadly" ]
It used to be that many managed service providers—especially those targeting SMBs—were reluctant to present clients with IT service-level agreements (SLAs). These were
contracts issued by corporate behemoths, and the stigma behind them was that they rarely favored the customer—an image that SMB-friendly MSPs didn’t want to create. As the industry has evolved, however, not only do these documents protect MSP
[ "want", "protect", "favored" ]