File size: 10,610 Bytes
62030e0 81e7fbf 62030e0 81e7fbf 62030e0 81e7fbf 62030e0 81e7fbf 62030e0 81e7fbf 62030e0 81e7fbf 62030e0 81e7fbf 62030e0 81e7fbf 62030e0 81e7fbf 62030e0 81e7fbf |
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""" Load and Store Functions for the Dataset"""
# System Imports
import os, sys
from os.path import join, realpath
import json
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from lxml import etree
# Third Party Imports
import cv2
__author__ = "Johannes Bayer"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2022-2023, DFKI"
__license__ = "CC"
__version__ = "0.0.1"
__email__ = "[email protected]"
__status__ = "Prototype"
def load_classes() -> dict:
"""Returns the List of Classes as Encoding Map"""
with open("classes.json") as classes_file:
return json.loads(
def load_classes_ports() -> dict:
"""Reads Symbol Library from File"""
with open("classes_ports.json") as json_file:
return json.loads(
def load_properties() -> dict:
"""Loads the Properties RegEx File"""
with open("properties.json") as json_file:
return json.loads(
def _sample_info_from_path(path: str) -> tuple:
"""Extracts Sample Metadata from File Path"""
drafter, _, file_name = os.path.normpath(path).split(os.sep)[-3:]
circuit, drawing, picture = file_name.split("_")
picture, suffix = picture.split(".")
return drafter.split("_")[1], int(circuit[1:]), int(drawing[1:]), int(picture[1:]), suffix
def sample_name(sample: dict) -> str:
"""Returns the Name of a Sample"""
return f"C{sample['circuit']}_D{sample['drawing']}_P{sample['picture']}"
def file_name(sample: dict) -> str:
"""return the Raw Image File Name of a Sample"""
return f"{sample_name(sample)}.{sample['format']}"
def read_pascal_voc(path: str) -> dict:
"""Reads the Content of a Pascal VOC Annotation File"""
root = ET.parse(path).getroot()
circuit, drawing, picture = root.find("filename").text.split("_")
drafter = int(os.path.normpath(path).split(os.sep)[-3].split("_")[1])
return {"drafter": drafter,
"circuit": int(circuit[1:]),
"drawing": int(drawing[1:]),
"picture": int(picture.split(".")[0][1:]),
"format": picture.split(".")[-1],
"width": int(root.find("size/width").text),
"height": int(int(root.find("size/height").text)),
"bboxes": [{"class": annotation.find("name").text,
"xmin": int(annotation.find("bndbox/xmin").text),
"xmax": int(annotation.find("bndbox/xmax").text),
"ymin": int(annotation.find("bndbox/ymin").text),
"ymax": int(annotation.find("bndbox/ymax").text),
"rotation": int(annotation.find("bndbox/rotation").text) if annotation.find("bndbox/rotation") is not None else None,
"text": annotation.find("text").text if annotation.find("text") is not None else None}
for annotation in root.findall('object')],
"polygons": [], "points": []}
def write_pascal_voc(sample: dict) -> None:
"""Writes a Sample's Content to an Pascal VOC Annotation File"""
root = etree.Element("annotation")
etree.SubElement(root, "folder").text = "images"
etree.SubElement(root, "filename").text = file_name(sample)
etree.SubElement(root, "path").text = join(".", f"drafter_{sample['drafter']}", "images", file_name(sample))
src = etree.SubElement(root, "source")
etree.SubElement(src, "database").text = "CGHD"
size = etree.SubElement(root, "size")
etree.SubElement(size, "width").text = str(sample["width"])
etree.SubElement(size, "height").text = str(sample["height"])
etree.SubElement(size, "depth").text = "3"
etree.SubElement(root, "segmented").text = "0"
for bbox in sample["bboxes"]:
xml_obj = etree.SubElement(root, "object")
etree.SubElement(xml_obj, "name").text = bbox["class"]
etree.SubElement(xml_obj, "pose").text = "Unspecified"
etree.SubElement(xml_obj, "truncated").text = "0"
etree.SubElement(xml_obj, "difficult").text = "0"
xml_bbox = etree.SubElement(xml_obj, "bndbox")
for elem in ["xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax"]:
etree.SubElement(xml_bbox, elem).text = str(bbox[elem])
if bbox["rotation"] is not None:
etree.SubElement(xml_bbox, "rotation").text = str(bbox["rotation"])
if bbox["text"]:
etree.SubElement(xml_obj, "text").text = bbox["text"]
etree.indent(root, space="\t")
etree.ElementTree(root).write(join(".", f"drafter_{sample['drafter']}", "annotations",
def read_labelme(path: str) -> dict:
"""Reads and Returns Geometric Objects from a LabelME JSON File"""
with open(path) as json_file:
json_data = json.load(json_file)
drafter, circuit, drawing, picture, _ = _sample_info_from_path(path)
suffix = json_data['imagePath'].split(".")[-1]
return {'img_path': json_data['imagePath'].replace("\\", "/"), 'drafter': drafter, 'circuit': circuit,
'drawing': drawing, 'picture': picture, 'format': suffix,
'height': json_data['imageHeight'], 'width': json_data['imageWidth'], 'bboxes': [],
'polygons': [{'class': shape['label'],
'bbox': {'xmin': min(point[0] for point in shape['points']),
'ymin': min(point[1] for point in shape['points']),
'xmax': max(point[0] for point in shape['points']),
'ymax': max(point[1] for point in shape['points'])},
'points': shape['points'],
'rotation': shape.get('rotation', None),
'text': shape.get('text', None),
'group': shape.get('group_id', None)}
for shape in json_data['shapes']
if shape['shape_type'] == "polygon"],
'points': [{'class': shape['label'], 'points': shape['points'][0],
'group': shape['group_id'] if 'group_id' in shape else None}
for shape in json_data['shapes']
if shape['shape_type'] == "point"]}
def write_labelme(geo_data: dict, path: str = None) -> None:
"""Writes Geometric Objects to a LabelMe JSON File"""
if not path:
path = join(f"drafter_{geo_data['drafter']}", "instances",
with open(path, 'w') as json_file:
json.dump({'version': '5.2.0',
'flags': {},
'shapes': [{'line_color': None, 'fill_color': None,'label': polygon['class'],
'points': polygon['points'],
'group_id': polygon.get('group', None),
'description': polygon.get('description', None),
**({'rotation': polygon['rotation']} if polygon.get('rotation', None) else {}),
**({'text': polygon['text']} if polygon.get('text', None) else {}),
'shape_type': 'polygon', 'flags': {}}
for polygon in geo_data['polygons']] +
[{'label': point['class'], 'points': [[point['points'][0], point['points'][1]]],
'group_id': point['group'], 'shape_type': 'point', 'flags': {}}
for point in geo_data['points']],
'imagePath': geo_data['img_path'],
'imageData': None,
'imageHeight': geo_data['height'],
'imageWidth': geo_data['width'],
'lineColor': [0, 255, 0, 128],
'fillColor': [255, 0, 0, 128]},
json_file, indent=2)
def read_dataset(drafter: int = None, circuit: int = None, segmentation=False, folder: str = None) -> list:
"""Reads all BB Annotation Files from Folder Structure
This Method can be invoked from Anywhere, can be restricted to a specified drafter
and can be use for both BB and Polygon Annotations. Alternative annotation sub-folder
can be specified to read processed ground truth."""
db_root = os.sep.join(realpath(__file__).split(os.sep)[:-1])
return sorted([(read_labelme if segmentation else read_pascal_voc)(join(root, file_name))
for root, _, files in os.walk(db_root)
for file_name in files
if (folder if folder else ("instances" if segmentation else "annotations")) in root and
(not circuit or f"C{circuit}_" in file_name) and
(not drafter or f"drafter_{drafter}{os.sep}" in root)],
key=lambda sample: sample["circuit"]*100+sample["drawing"]*10+sample["picture"])
def write_dataset(db: list, segmentation=False) -> None:
"""Writes a Dataset"""
for sample in db:
(write_labelme if segmentation else write_pascal_voc)(sample)
def read_images(**kwargs) -> list:
"""Loads Images and BB Annotations and returns them as as List of Pairs"""
db_root = os.sep.join(realpath(__file__).split(os.sep)[:-1])
return [(cv2.imread(join(db_root, f"drafter_{sample['drafter']}", "images", file_name(sample))), sample)
for sample in read_dataset(**kwargs)]
def read_snippets(**kwargs):
"""Loads Image Snippets and BBoxes and returns them as List of Pairs"""
snippets = []
for img, annotations in read_images(**kwargs):
for bbox in annotations['bboxes']:
snippets += [(img[bbox['ymin']:bbox['ymax'], bbox['xmin']:bbox['xmax']], bbox, sample_name(annotations))]
return snippets
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""Sample Loader Usage, Dumps All Text Snippets of (Selectable or All) Drafter to Test Folder"""
args = {'drafter': int(sys.argv[1])} if len(sys.argv) == 2 else {}
for snippet, bbox, sample in read_snippets(**args):
if bbox['class'] == "text" and bbox.get("text", ""):
if bbox['rotation'] == 90:
snippet = cv2.rotate(snippet, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE)
if bbox['rotation'] == 270:
snippet = cv2.rotate(snippet, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE)
cv2.imwrite(join("test", f"{bbox['text']}___{sample}_{bbox['ymin']}_{bbox['ymax']}_{bbox['xmin']}_{bbox['xmax']}.png"), snippet)